HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-20 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. . ,.
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:1 DAILY PILOT s Tllwlday, Ftbr\lary 20, 1'69
Mn. E•rl F•rguson •nd Pol, Hor Tolontocl Pot
From Page I
however, Oasbed word to the newsroom
Wedneadly thal Ille talking dog WU
lnde<d .... 111 Ille frvnl ofllce and wished
words with o repon'<r.
I Dever went to journalism scbooI, but
1 went out front.
There, with Costa Means Mr. end
Mn. Eerl FergUIOO, walled Pal, 0 pup
or German Shepherd parentage with a
definite speech impediment-not a thick
Rhineland accent-but a phenomenal
ability to talk.
"I want my Momma." he pronwnced.
1 wanted to bark at Pal and the Fer·
gusons too.
"People jUJt don't believe It untll they
see and hear it," said Ferguson, a
masonry worker who brought his wife
and l>ye.ar--0ld son Earl Jr., to the Har·
bor Area from Tucsoo, Ariz., two months
His bands may be the tools of his
trade, but Ferguson's lips and throat
are probably watched more than Char·
ley McCarthy and Edgar Bergen's ever
were. when the caramet-coat.ed Everett
Dirksen or the canine world apeab his
piece. "Ven •• , ven .•• t can't even pr°'"
nounce it, let alone ~o it," said Mrs. Ferguson when asked if they are not con-
5tantly accused of creating Pal's speech
·through voice projection, or ventrilo-
The pup, who probabl y has a bigger
vocabulary than most human children
also born jwit two years ago, appar·
ently began to develop his unusual a~il·
Jty while trying to imilate the meowwg
of two bunkmates.
"We got him in a free-to-you news·
paper ad In Tu cson," said Mrs. Fergu·
son, adding that they took home a pair
()( kittem, Prince and Princess, at the
same time, and apparently Pal tbi.nk8
he, too, is a cat.
"The only thing we can figure out is
that be tried to imitate them until he
developed the ability to form other
sounds," said Mrs. Ferguson. "Daddy
n'!lle<d It first and Pal w., talking good
Newpert ~ · ........ lhftti """' .. ._.. ... ....... ,....,. ~ .... Mete '
OllANGa CC».IT l'U•U$Mll'tG COM.-AN'I"
ll:t1'trt N. We•4
Pttil*llt '"" P11blllhtr
J·~• 11:. c ... 1,.,
VKI ,.rtikllnl lflll Gfll.t• .. Mtllf .. I
T~,,.,, K1111il
Tl!,,..,, A, M1r,.hin t
Mtnffl"ll EtilOt
P111l Ni11111
·~·11•1"9 ....... -, .... Mt11: ,., ...,,, •• , .,_,
HfwMrl 9ffdl: Jll I #ftl 01-l eulnlfl
~·-.... ,., m ,.,..., ... _ Hllfltlf\ll!Oll trkl'I; at Siil 1'"91
by the time he wu three moothJ oJd."
A Tucson speciallst who went to vet-
erinaiy school Inst.ad DI journa1fm
school took a look-and. a listen-once
and declared flnnly that be did DOI un-
deratind what was happening, and
furtberm.ore did no( want to know.
"Who do you love?" Mrs. FergusoR
asked Tuesday, holding out the M&M
candy button he associates with per·
"My Momma," ht drawled, quite vts.
lbly moulhlng Ille words.
"Who gives you your bath!" abe added.
"My Momma,'' be repeated, probably
tired DI IUCh Idle chltter.
"We've , written to the MlM people
about him but we haven't heard any-
thing," aa.id Mn. Ferguson as Pal, who
will be interviewed on the Joe Pyne
television show Sunday night, nipped at
bill M&M. a treat aeCond" only to raw
Just like a bum.an child, Pal is learn.
Ing new pbra1e1 -especlally N .. No -
which be obvlooaly .-.tandl and uses
for personal rusons, not perfonnance
for his growln1 public.
Parrots and parakeets ramble, but Pal
gets right to the poinl
"He says 'No No' when he wants to.
not when we want him to," said Mrs. Ferguson, adding that the young dog
also announces verbally when he wants
to go ouU:toors .after the house gets
Enter on the front office switchboard
!cene DAILY PILOT Women's Section
writer Judy Hurst, a mini-skirted blonde
who did go to journalism school and
learned there lhat you don 't end a sen-
tence wllh a preposition and al.so that
dogs don i talk. I
She WM properlr skeptical.
"He's a real glr watcher," said ?i.frs.
Ferguson, as Pal gazed upon Judy, "he
just loves pretty girls. Here, give him
an M&M, and see what he says."
"Wbo do you love?,. Miss Hurst asked,
bending down to the pup who talks like
a man and may somed•Y develop a real
llne for the ladies.
"Rowf, rowf, rowf," he replied en--
thu•hiStlcally, not necesArily barking
up the wrong tree, but at the wrong
limbs, sending Mlu Hunt huaUlng back
to her desk duUes of covering debutantea
and betrothal suppers.
'"I never would have believed/' she
Sooner or later, lhe days cornea when
a reporter figures he's seen everydllng
and might u well tum In hia press cards
and let the )'OW1ptus from Journaltsm
IChool begin unleom!ng their educaUon.
Few expect It so sooner.
Trouble is, I'm three yean too young
to even join the olfice retlttmeot.qving·
bffina-al-30 plan, let alone riep down to wrTte my memoin: and True Detective
Charges Dropped
In Assault Case
• Olar&eo ol U!lult With a deldlJ
weapon have been dropped a1aln1t a
26-year-old Loi Ansel., man ortgtnaDy
•ceased In the beaUng of a woman
In HWlltngton Beacb, polk• reported to-
Ronald James Jappe wu anuted Feb.
l2 on IUIJ)ldon of butln1 Mn. Debro
J,ynn McClean of Loi Angel.,, Police
said today no complaint will bt nted
qalnat J•ppe.
Mn. McCleon suffered !•clll oull and
broll:ea bone• Feb. 10 and bu betn
under inttnalve care at Huntlnlton In.
ttrcommunlty HMpltaJ since that date.
New Russ · Missile Defense Told ' ' ,
~aird Sq.ys SQpie~ 'festjng 'Sophistica.~d' Syswm
8ecrelary Melvin R. Laird said todq
-the · ~Se'flet Union is testing Ii
"•'•k•ted new" miasile defenae 1iatem1 accofd.1.n& to U.S. lnteUige"
ttPoft&. ~
He made lbe statement before Ulll
Serrata Fort11n RelaUom Committ~'
Laird did DOI ampllfy oo hta dtsclosu""
1n1de while dileua:alng the antiballistio.
mtnlle (ABM) question at a 11<arinJ
on the pending nonproliferation t,.ty.
He told the Senat• group : "The Soviei
Union is going ahead with teats DI\'
a IOpbisUcated new ABM aysttm, a~
cording to our lnte~."
. other delenH officlall speculated ~
·-.Beaches Stay
Shut at Least
2 More Weeks
Beachel tn Huntington Beach and
Newport Beach will remain contamlnat~
and under quarantine for at least another
two weeks and probably longer, Riverside
city and Orange County off i cl a I 9
e!llmated today.
The lime mljht be extended il rain
stonna continue, the officials said.
Meanwhile in San Juan Capistrano.
officials Aid the city sewer line which
broke and cauaed the quarantine of
Doheny Park Beach bad beeo repaired
and the beach mfgbt be open to the
public someUme nut week.
Beachea became off limits in late
'January when the nine-day raiostorm
and flood ruptured two major sewer
llnea near the banks of the Santa Ana
River in Riverside.
Riversldo o!ficlal• said this week thal
one line la almost repaired but that
at least two more weeks work remain
on the ltCOOd before the 1ewage flow ... be stopped. -
A U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
official said tbe sewage flow could be
halted at Prado Dam on the county
Une if tbe dam dried up but th~
are about 13,000 acre feet behind the
dam and more water is draining into
it from the current heavy rain.
Orange County Flood Control official~
said they cannot percolate the water
flow underground tD adequately halt the .now or sewage ta the sea.
Carl Nelson, lhe district's. operalion
engineer sald earth and ' dikes could be
gouged out of the .fiver bed to trap
the river flow when it dropped to a
rate of 400 cubic feet per second. The
current flow rate is about 900 cubic
feet per second.
But Nehon cautioned that the dikes
could not be put up for at lea1t three
week.!. He emphulzed lhal the am.aunt
of JeWage lo the water is only about .
2 percent of the now but this is enough
to Cilntamlnate the beaches.
County Director of Environmental
Health Robert Stone said the beach
bacteria cout is still extremely high
and the beaches must remain closed
to swimming, surfing and gathering ot
shell fish.
From Page I
the Information lo their constituents."
The director, telling at length the
reasoM behind lhe lack of notification
on the proposed oore drilling, aald that
by resoJution of We State Legl31ature
in 1959, the State Lands Division has
advised individual legislators about
specific core drUUng projects in each
Jegisl1tor's district.
"We feverishly checked back into our
records when the problem with the
Newport core drilling came up and our
record,, verily that we notified the
legislator! from the area," Hortlg said.
"After that, our notification procedure
Is oomplete, according to the dlredive1
of lhe legislature. However, 11.nct the
legislat'ors are now in session and they
face a mountain of printed material
each day, they probably were too bogged
down to read our notification. We send
these oul routinely all year Jong," he
In a special session Tuesday the New-
port City Council unanimously resolved
to ask for a delay in the start of 1he
e<n-drllltnl ~Ject until a lull bearing
can be achedWed before the commls-
sion, composed of Flournoy, Lt. Gov. Ed
Relnecke and State Finance Director
~spor Weinberger.
Hortll 11ld hi WU "both i)'lllpotheUc
to the amlety over offlhore drilling
at present, but nevertheless I must
underscore the safety record of such
core drillinp, 1lnce they have been
going on regUJarly since 1955 from
Oreaon to the Mufcan border.
FroM Page l
Burbank. 'lbe pllM took olf from
Hawthorne for Ille return ntgbt at 4:30
a.m. 1\telday.
It wu last heard from 11 minutes
later when Ille pllol, Fred JtaU of San
Fernando Valley, rldloed hll filiht pion
to ,.._ii, UO mllel to the oouth.
Col. Helm aald Hall bad flown Ille
(he Soviets are working on devela,Ing ~ter radar devlcel for their system.
1' defe"l!•• mJut1' C<lll!'Plu ~dy bu
been tnltaJl6d UOUlld' Moocoir Ind ten.
lngrad ~d tt 11 viewed as a relaUvely_
prlmitlve line of defense again.st posalble attack by Red Chlna.
Several years ago, lhe Rmalana began
development of an ABM system · know11
u Galosh in the MOICOw area but curtaU.
fJd the program, presumably to develop
$he better radar.
The treaty to prevent the spread or
nuclear weapons calls for immediate
talks on strateitc arms control by tbe
nuclear powers.
1 Lalrd observed that It might be a
year or 11 montha before the partlclpanta
In the aoniroltfenttao truly ICtuJll1
llped ta pod.
Laird said he -to keep hta epllorlS open oa whether the United Staltl lbould
go ahead with lllltalling I "Ulln" Senllnel
antlbaWstlc m1u.lle syaltm. The con-
troveraial ABM propoiaJ Is now being
nvlewed by Ille DlfallO department
Although UIUriq tbe committee Ille
review was obJectJ,e, Lllrd &aid, "I
persooally lean toward golog forward
with auclJ a r!i'i:em." What la unsettled in hit own , be aaJd, ii what type
of proteclfoo the ABM !)'stem ahould
Under que&tlonlng by Sea. Johq
Sh<rman Coopu (R·Ky.), be repeal
hta warnini !hit the RuMfJnl w
"loin( forward wlth deployll)lot ol .
ABM 11t1em 111111 going· ferwanl ...
tuUog" of a IOphlstlcated, new device:
He said ft113sla was "the only ~
tn th• wotfd that hu actually ffriil
an ABM at a mluUe in the atmospbefe.~
That occurred, he said, in 19'2 prior
to the nucleir test ban treaty whidl
ban atmotpherlc testing. •
He added that because of the potentiil
missile threat from both Red ChlM
end Russia, be would be ......, In loll
duUe! to prot.cl the national ~
ti be commftted hfmseH apln!t d'l'lo1!
ment of the SeoUnel ABM ay1tem. .t,.
Hickel Calls Off Sale Navy Blames ·'
Of 27 Ottslwre ·t~es~·· ·, .. s~~,~~--~·
",, : . .. .On Air Filtel.! ~
i'rom Wire Servlee1
WASHINGTON -Secretary of the
Interior Walter J. Hlckel, in hit third
act.ion of. the week aimed at preventing
anotaer "Santa Barbara tragedy/' today
called off the :sale of offshore oil and
£as leases.
The sale of 27 GulfC1laSt tracts that
could have brought the government
rnllUons or dollars, was scheduled for
next Tuesday and was the only sue!\
sale of federal offshore leases imminent.
lilc):el said the sale would be postponed
''until we are positive we have regula·
tions which will prevent pollution such
as the Santa Barbara tragedy."
He referred to the II-day leak of
a Union Oil ·eo. well which spread an
800-square·mlle slick across the Santa
Barbara channel off California before
jt was plugged Feb. 8.
Earlier this week, Hickel issued regula·
lions balding oil co1npanles responsible
for cleanup and damage costs from any
offshore-well pol!Ution and proposed ne\f
and tighter regulations for drilling in
the Santa Barbara channel.
Meantime, a presi,dentl al team of
r;cientists today got 'a cl ose up look
at miles of beaches stained block by
a vast crude oil stick from an offshore
well .
The 14 experts were taken on a morn.
Ing taur of nearby beach areas before
they met to co nsider recommendations
on how the federal government could
help clean up the mess and prevent
future disasters.
More than 230,000 gallons of raw
petroleum was spewed tG the surface
of the Pacific, creating an 800-square
mile slick, before the UnJon Oil Co.
well was sealed Feb. 8.
Since then, seepage of residual oil
from sands beneath the ocean noor at
the rate of about 4,000 gallons daily
has created a second slic k about two
miles long.
'J1le J)lmel assembled bfl'ryldent ms.;'' · ' ; "
00'1. l!Clei!oe ldvlllr Dr.· t.o DQbfldp', ' The death of ao aq111n1ul a !let
W.. ~."1; ... ~olln-bwa~Uio dmoce ~ti, P.,lldlk ~·
Collioal>,Ho Ufd; W, ,. II ,oil~ C)tmebte •lllind DIV'''".;~
not an inve.tlgaUan or Santa Barbara caused by a fauity air filter, the NIYJ.
lncldent." , aaid today.
The purpose of the survey was to Electronic engineer Berry ?i-1. Cannon1
Cilme up with recommendations as to 33, died of apparent cardiac arrest Mono
how future leaks could be prevented day while swimming with a dlvlng buddy and bow the U.S. government Ciluld usi.st in mopping up the cwnnt ooe. from a capsule thsl ~arrled them to
The scienUatl flew over the affected the ocean floor · off this Navy bue .to
area Wednesilay in a Cout Guard plane the Sealab ill babJtal anchoied nearby.
and heard from witneues behind closed A preliminary autopsy failed to iu.
doors. 'Ibelr concluliom were to be presented during tbla afternoon. point exact cause of death of Cannon.
• In a statement today, Sealab head-
. Frem P,.,,e I
one cow lo be found on the huge Saddle
Butte spread. And the cow-tea ranch
was weighted down with $100,000 in
outstanding, dellquent accounts.
Dickey said the four men wer~ charged
with conspiracy, grand theft and violation
of the state's corporate securities law
ufter a long Investigation of a catUe
breeding enterprise lhey allegedly con·
ducted between late 1963 and September,
Dickey clalms the four men defrauded
:129 investors of $344,000 in that period.
Fourteen witnesses testified against the
four in grand jury hearings, ht added.
The DA 's man identified 10 of the
witnesses -all said to be victims of
the alleged fr aud -as Edson Evans,
Robert Nickerson, P..tllan Mazak, Jerry
Alperstein, George Camphell , Fred
Adams, Michael Sulliva1•• Berkeley
Erickson, William S. Hlf'.Uord, Charles
Naslund, Luke Morgan and Emmett
quarters said that in connection with
the death the Navy had determloed that
one of the diving rigs in uae by Stalab
divers was equipped with an 1 empty,
barlyme cani.!t'er. (Baralyme ls a
ti•de name for a rubstance primarily
of barium and calcium hydroxide used
to absorb carbon monoxide}.
The Navy said it was not determined
which rig was used by Cannon or his
"This could e.zplain the tra1ic event,~
the Navy said, "but jt was not con-
clusively established· that thi1 was 'the
. The Navy said final detenmnatloa DI
the cause "must await flndin&:s oC tb,t
board or inveStlgation which is being
convened." No date wu set for the
board to meet.
Memorial services were conducted
Wednesday for Cannon and preparations
made to raise lhe Sealab and tow it
to the mainland on a barge for repair
of leaks in its pressurization system.
al JI. J. Qarrell ~
Only A Few More Days!
Sale Ends F~bruary 28th!
in you r choice of style or fabri~ m•y be purchesad et • most generous seYings . , ,
Truly a rare money-saving opportunity
Over 200 Styles of Sofas
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eight yean." H• -.!bed Ille cMllan INTERIOR DESIGNERS COSTA MESA, CALIF.
pilot., "one of the 1><.i tn the business.• ··~-----:-----------------------M_r.._oz_1_s __ b•_r..o_z_1_• _ __, ., , I
lloniingion Beaeh
.N.Y. Steeke ~ EDITION· • -· •
·-· * . .VQI;, 6%, NO. 44, 3 SECTIONS, 36'PA6ES
, .
VP!,...... . . .
Offsho.re Leases_ ~Halted . .. ·'
Hickel Calls 011 Sale :of .. G·ulf coost Tracts
' . '-.,'I ' t ~ I ' f • t
From Win Smlces
WASHINGTON . -secretary of the
Interior Watter J. l!Jl:ft~ Ill 1111 thin!
action of the week aimed at .J?l'evenling
another "Saqta-Barl>J(a tiaatdf.'' today
called off the sale of olfshore oil aud
gas leases. .
1be sale of 27 GuUcoaat tracts that
could bave brougbl the BOV•niment
milliOllB of dollars, was scheduled for
next Tuesda)r and was the only aucb
sa16' of fe.deral Offab9te I~ imminent.
Hickel said the Ale would be poetpoped
''.until we are posi~ve -,e have. recUJa-
tions which will prevent ' pollution such
as the Santa Barbara tragedy."
Trailer Park
, .
He referred to the II-day leak of
a Union OU Co. :well wbfcb "'"8d on
IOkqliare-nille suet ....,. lbe Santo
Barbira cIWmel off Cillfnio belon
tt Wal piuaed Feb. I. -
Eal:llethll ·week, Hickel Issued regula-a ... -· o11· companles .reapooaible for cleanup'and .... e -. fn>m any
off!bor&:Watl pollution and propooed new
and Ugbler regulaUoqs for drillflls. Jn fhe Santa Barbora cbannel. . .
Melntime~ a presidential team of
ocientfsta today got a clooe ·up look
at miles ol bOaclles llla1ned block • by
a vast uude oG allct.from' an ·ottabore well. ·
T\lO I~ ape111 _. ~lalten oo o _,,.
tnc .-'ol ,neorby beijcb areu before
they met to -:recommendaUons OD how the federal Jic>vmun<nt conld '
help-clean up the ..... and prevm
fu!\Jre ,~ More tflon Sl0,800 gatloos of raw p.trotemii -~ ,P.wed to the aurlace
ol the P~ ·mating on IOO«tuare
mDe atlck; bMore the Union OU Co.
well wU sealed Feb. I.
Since thoo, -· of residual oil from Andi beneath the ocean Door at
the· rote· ol t1"1ut c,OilO, gllllono da1)Jr
bu mated a l!Cond lllct oboul two
mtfeo loo(.
Stlll Contaminated
Tbe ~I aasembled bY Prea1dal Nfs. on'• ·ic!e.c. adviaer Dr. t.ee Dulrilao
wu beaded by tietroleum geolocl!I• Jolin
Ca1hocm. He' lald Wedne!day, •"ilill lt
not.an iDvestigaUon of the S&nta Barbara lncldent ": · · ~
. The purpose of the surveJ.. wu tci
come 11p ·wttb recommendatloim u .ta
bow future leaks could be prevmtfll
and bow the U.S. goyernment could usiil
in mopplng up the current one. '
Tbe ocienllats Dew over tho affected
area Wedneaday Ill a Coast Guard plane
and beard from with...., beblnd. c1oaed
doon. 'l1lelr conclualoos wve 1o be
preaented dui1ng thll altemi>Oll.
Plimpton Says
Foes Win Beaches Closed Sirhan Calm
'Fight' Round AfterSlaying_
AreasonedbutsomeUmes.lmpusipned 2 More Weeks tos ·ANGEJLES <UP.I> _ Strhon e. plea by Robert A. Sutab, spokesman strban was "like the eye Ill the ceniet
for about 3,000 Huntington Beach of a hurricane" moments after Sen.
residents against a trailer park at Robert F: Kennedy was shot ln a crowded
Springdale Street and Hell Avenue, won Beaches In Runungton Beach and line if the dam dried up but (here hotel pantry, said author George
a bJg round· in the fight Wednesday Newport Beach will remain contaminated are about 13,000 acre feet behind the Plimpton.
before the Recreation and Park Com· and under quarantine for at JeUt another dam and more water ·u ~aintq iDto '1Je ~ck me u enonDOU111y com-
mWion. two wetb and i:robably longer, Riverside it from the current heavy ra.tn. ~·•The rest of .m. given-thir llldden
Sutake argued that a park should 1° city and Orange County o f f I c i a I s Orange COwlty Flood Control oftlclala turmoil, were not composed," Plbnptoa
on the 10 acres on the aoutheast comer estimated today. said they cannot percolate the water ~ed for the proaecution W~
of the intersectiGll in in area of homes ·The ·time might be extended if rain fl du ound-itl adeq' uately halt the 4&·~·· trial.for n.urder. · · valued at lrom $30,000 to '40,000. ow un gr T After 8 long presentaUon the com· storms continue. the officials said. flow of sewage to the sea. · 4'Hla rucUon in a hurricane of IOW'ld
missioners agreed to retaiD the location Meanwhile in San Juan Capistrano, Carl Nelion, ·the diStrict.'1 c>peratiOD' and feeling seemed like Uie . eye In the
as a potential part site 00 the muter officials said the city sewer line which engineer said earth and dlku could be center ot a bunicane. He seemed. parg~
Wednosdoy's Vlolenco CIOucls Rigorits MHtlnt
plan, at least until • • a cc e pt ab 1, e broke and caused the qU;UanUne of gouged out of the river bed to trap ed." al~tivea'' were presented. Doheny Part Beach bad been repaired the river flow .whe!t it drop~ to a . Jn · a fortresa-Uke courtroom Wedo
Before an overflow crowd in council and tbe ·beach might be open to the r.at.e of 400 cu)l1c fe;tt per~~ neaday,~Plimptoit used tbose ·worts ·to
chambers of City Hall, Sutate went . publicsomeUmenalweek: . currt.nl _flow rate lS about 900 ·.cu~c : ~tlCI'lf>e ,hJI lmPreuiOn of Strbaiar B. . . .
througJI a detailed oreseo!atloo sbowin( Beacbes became off limits In late feet J>"I' aecond. , Slrhin .. ·oner aboo , • __ _
that the park woU!d be 0 -• com-JJIJ11W"Y when U1e ]{J~ rainstorm But Nelaoo ·cautioned lhal the. ,c11qo . . , , , . Ung .Sen. Robert F.
jllitib!e..use for lbo <.p luil "· · . ...i./11\!!>!1-'~-t . ,,,IOll!Pt.,~ .. , ~-'be '!':l."",4#'~'~!.!~' ~talil~ ~·~ tlon,oo • a lllDblle l\OmC k. , " Jtiii!IF pnr'llie"iiiilk. •llie 'llalill .. Mfa i-~. lfe em,.,.,...~l11 ,.~., , ""'" e '.In o' · JIUlll1-o1 ,tho
. He .....,..,,~,-"!i \llril!e> lliv.a;lll~oo:li<le, . :·· -· · ol ·!l"WOf9 ·In the '""""" ·~· , . A .... 1sador'Hotel
park d~ iO '-aatiiilllite tio• 111 • Jilv,eraldt·ollf"¥• oald.lbia week that 2 ~ _o1theno:.-_l"'1jbll11 .. .. P~ wuooeolthpoe wholllbdued -.
Prepared for Protests acre. parkt ·-tO lldlill>ll In tilt oroa ooe line II a1trioll repilred but that to ~te the ... cbil-' . . . SfduiLi lie ~ liere tn.n the But
for the 10-Mre att.e. 1 at least two more weeb wort remam ~ . Director of . ~. to teaaty •t the ' irtaJ and a bft of.
The matler ,_ ,... :to the Plonnlng oo the second before the -age flow Health ·J!Obert Stone iald ' the beocb the . Kenned)' fl•,... came back for 0 Commlsstooi.wbere !lie~ IH'like-can be 11opped. bacteria · coot Is attn ektremoly high roomenl,u he talked Jn 1 ~
ly to turn down the appllcaUon far . A u .. s. Army Corps of Engineers and ~ti:e beaches must re.plain c10Hd . acCent· and )f'mOliilced the word uw•
BERKELEY (AP) -The University
ol. California faces ••a grave financial
problem" or turning away qualified
.tudents in the next 10 years unless
mcn construction money is provided,
UC President Charles J, Hitch warned
today. Hitch reported to UC regents on Gov.
Reagan's propooed 1969-70 state budget,
wblcb provides $331.6 million for o~a
tkm and pay raises and $82.S million
for new buildings.
1be proposed operations budget will
aDow UC "to meet its critical workload
needs as well as fund a few im-p:-ov~ents and new programs," Hitch
Cub Scout F ete
Slated Next Week
"0Jb Scout's Spirit" is the theme for
the armual Blue and Gold dinner of
C:Ub Pack 317 acheduled for g,30 p.m.,
Wednesday at Lamb SchOQl, HunUngt~n .
The dinner also commemorates the
S9th an'nivUsary of Cub Scouting in
the country. It features a potluck dinner
and guests attending will be the Rev.
Arthur Reece, District Commissioner
Diet Lyddon, Area Commission~r . Jim
Held and Neighborhood Commissioner
A. ctienoweth. 1'1lenl will be an Indian dance sketch
~ Order of• the Arn1W and an award
Ill a plaque to Terry Tutor, Pack 317
leader for two years. .
Further informaUon on the dinner may
be oblallled by calling E. A. Ackley
Ill 91&-1'39.
Pair Face Court
()n Shooting Rap
lrwo Long Beach men charged with
lhootlng at a building in Huntington
Blach Feb. lf were scheduled for tr•
nigmn~nt In West Orange Countr
Municipal Court today.
Merle Timothy Andersoil , 26, and Frank
Olrald Miller, 30, were arrested by Hun-
~ Beach police alter a patrol unit
lllJOlted them speeding atoog Pacific
OdUI lllahway atlegedly shooting a pistol
et 1 a re.fdence on tbt coner· el Paclflc
~ lllglnray and Buell BpulevlJ"d.
Both men are free on $1,200 bail each.
In addition to the firearms charges,
""' -.. .,. .... charged with being -fllpuhlic.
'llo ~ ct lltjuries resulted fr<Jm
tho -... pollce lafd.
However, he also reported that the
governor's budget provides for only 197
of 393 new faculty members requested
by UC.
8 trailer park on the bull ·that the O~ficial iaid the · .ewage fiow ' could be to swiriunin~, surfmg and gather~ of (See SIRHAN, P•ge I)
location is master planned for a · clty lt8lted at Prado Dam on the county sbell fJsh. ·
Hitch's main cOncern was with the construction budget.
Reagan's capital outlay budget for UC
contains only about one hall the money
requested by the university. The state
cotlege system's construction budget also
was cut drastically.
S~te Finance Director Caspar W.
Weinberger said earlier this month that
failure of ·Prop. 3, the 1251twln!on educa-
tion construcUon bciod )issue, I a s t
November sharply reduced e.zpected
money for new buildings, ·
"While the effect on the univUsity
In 198t-70 b not crippling," Hitch uid,
''a one-y~r deferral of man'-'. of the re-
gents' requests for 1969.70 will' be harm-
Author Uris' Bride
Found Dead in Aspen
ASPEN, Colo. (AP) -Author Leon
Uris' bride of six months was found
dead today near the couple's Red Moun-
tain home overlooking lhis Rocky Moun-
tain ski resort, Pitkin County Sheriff
Carroll Whitmire reported.
Whitmire confirmed the body of Mrs.
Uris, who had been reported missing
Wednesday nigh!, was found, but said no
other details would be disclosed until an
investigation had progressed further.
Youth Gets Jail
Term on Pot Rap
A Los Alamitos youth convicted M
charges of possession o! marijuana has
been sentenced to 90 days in jail and
placed .on three years probation in Long
Beacb Superior Court.
Judge Thomas McCarry passed aen-
tence on Kim Evans Travers, 18, of
11102 Mindora SL An ldentical sentence
was passed on Traven• companion
.James Slatton, 18, .of Rossmoor in Los
Angeles Superior Court.
Both youths were arrested last May-
25 at a Long Beach motel. Officers
said they found 275 pounds of marijuana
valued at about $125,000 in ~ motel
Slatton's sentencing wu shifted to Los
An'geles when tbe jUdge handling his
case was transferred to that court from
Long Beach.
Stock Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market
closed sharply lower again today. (See
quotations, Pages 26-2'1).
The Dow Jones industrial average at
1,30 p.m. wu down to 917.%1, off 7.89
for the day and sue fM the week.
300 •Milked~ • ID
Final Steps on C~leanup
From Sunset Flood , Made
"ll's a nice day at the beach," Sunset
BtaOh residents declared today as they
add'ed final touches to cleaning up froin
Tuesday's swirling water and sand.
"There'• no water problem today. It's
beautiful and calm here," said Mrs.
.Ponald Strain, secretary to the Sunset
Beach Chamber of Commerce.
Wednesday, Orange County road crews
and Flood Control District workmen
patched up damaged stree(s between
Warner Avenue and Broadway Street,
where high tides wreaked the lllOllt
Homes were fairly safe, sa id Mrs.
Strain', but altered reports were receiv·
ed of damaged furnJture .
Today there was a Jot of mud and
water in areas she said, but streets
were passable.
sf:veral billlard tables stored at Cal
Stole Billiard Supplies, 17022 7th St.,
were reported]y ruined by flood waters
caused Tuesday by high tides and poun4
ding llUrf. ' Several home owners said their tugs
Fraud ··
and items stored in gar.agel'-were d~
Tuesday's tide reached a high' of 5.7
feet at io a.m., said Vince Moorboiise,
director. of the Huntington Beach Dep~
ment of Harbors and Beaches. ,
. "It wasn't the hlghest tide we've
ever had," said Moorhouse, ."but· ,emn-
bined with an unusual l~foot surf It '
was enough to send the water flowing
over the sand and into the homea· at
Sunset." ·
Possibility of such an occurrence a1aln
is unpredJctable, but Moorhouse indicated
the right combination of atll'f and Ude
could once more '!ehd the ocean swirling
toward Pacllic Coast Hlgbway.
Beach residents, however, are used
to problems, and today they expreu
JitUe intereat in crying over a spilt .
High Speed Ride
Ends m Smas~u,e
Pair Sought -in Cow-less, Cash-less Cattle Ventur~
A high opeed Chau down BeoCh
Boulevard ended early lbia -.Ing wben
a G.,. Grove Wonwi ~lntO the cbafn. llnt .gate •I· Stite " ' GD
the oceab Ii.de of Paclflc Coll& Highway,
Huntfilgtan BeadJ· police repoited: ·
PricWa Ann i,oo,, 14, ,wu, booted 'll roM BARLEY ' Robert Gardner and llCbeduled for ap-outstandlnc, dellq\!¢ accoonle. , fllto , Orange County Jllil 11.-1,45 .o.m.
1111 D41Hr '"" "*" pearancea March 12 on motions for DtcW said 'Che four men were ·charged today on charges of reckleil 4rivirig.
• District attorney'• lnveotlpton •today dlsmlsUI of fraud chugu were Jobn with CGDIPlracy, grand theft and violation She wu unlltjured lr<\hl'lhe · gale ci>~
are·,..111ng tWo ol loilr men who atlegecJ. S. Soner, 50, and Joaeph E. Wttsemwi, of the lllate's corporate oecurtues .. tew lllion, llCC:OC'dfllc to 'polfce -11« •
Dr. Bainbridge
Named Planner
Dr.' Elden Ba!nbrldge hu b<On · .,.
Pointed to replace Fountain V'1Jey ~
nfng Commtsslonei-DaVid McMDlon who
,.rved ot bis last meeting W-J night· · · -• -·
Bainbridge,-1548 Warner Ave., wu
selec:ted unanfmOUlly Tuesday nfP1 1>J
the Fountain Valley City CouncfL-H'
will asaume his post at the March I
meeting of the commisaion.
McMillan 1<8lgned bis poat Iut wett
because be will soon be traveling 1 to
Saudi-Arabia u construction aupervilor
for a private firm.
The new commlsaioner ia a
veterinarian and bas · served on tba
Southern CalHornla Board of Veterinary
Medicine. He will fill McMillan'• unex·
plred poat unUI February of llml.
LSD Cache Seized
GLENDALE (AP) -Police and
narcotics agents have seized what they
tenn one of the largest supp~ . of.
~D · ever confiscated · in · Soutbfim
Caillomla -1,000 teblets offlcen say
would be worth ll0,000 orr the illegal
Oraaf e
"ParUy cl(llldy; tMl.'' Thlt't
the terse verse fn>m a -
man .u be Issues the coastal Rio<
lure for Friday, Nu!! Aid.
INSWE TODA._, ly m1IRd more than 300 Investors ol an 48, of Long Beach, ·both , princlpall In allor o long lnveitllatlDn ol a caWe 1>fllocn Aid 1he; "11!1· lr...U., ·don
egtlmated 1344,000 In a cattle breeding the Sarver and Wttzerman AdYOflllfllc lireedfllf enterprfae they attepc!ly co1> s..cII ~evar~ ot,,~·· Ill -, · Th• mv1ttT11 of wllo 1hot R~
ventur• on an er.goo rancb that proved Agency In that city. • · dactec1·6etween late tllel and s.ptember, , ol 111 mUe. per bour and Wll ~-. ' rion ,.(:rel 1<nli« chi<f Lo1>
to be COW•lta and'Cash-1 Investors were allegedly told that at Itfl. unable to keep, from stiddf!tg ....,.. rintf B<ria llO<I otl. 'l>fpoNd
The four accu.ed, Dick said, at-the eod of ms yura each wauld be J)lctey clalms tha four men if¢:auded P.a<iflc Coat! H1.glnray.tnJMbi'pte. 1 Pf..U.r Nikita KhMhc,,.. ·-
tracted investments f a project !he owner of• benl ol 10 cowa ol bned-. :qt jnv,eotorl .o;f 1M4;000 In ~I~,; ~.;','~!!\~~l\ill~~-fll.>W..Cu ' ~ld-U~S.•;POflt 4. ., ,.
described as lhe Sa Butte Ranch mgage.ltwua"p)'Umld''.:tueot.CJPt -1 F~.1tltnHIMteltiOedql'.WVl9" ·~~ •• ,_~-i ·r.1-~ .. •• a ·:•~· ,.,i;:• '" !. ,
in ~e100 . egedly induced th~r . eration,DeeutY~A~.EVertP,• !fqur.Ji;tll'~,~1be1ffnp.;be.added: .. ~ ·~r h 1 •• ~ '<t>':-· ~,:r.1 • 7.r ~ 1 J ·-=·~_, .. vicUI!" lo ~YJ IGOO jlor a icow; whf~ . ~ lllc/·~flhthol,~~ I ·=~• ,~,~tllJ<!t.1161,o(,1 11it ,,,¥~·· ~,.., ~~., ·· 'i>, , : ." ~;,.,,fl/:='~'. n WU -~teed to"",-!. • ··--c~~hJltP"l!\I{ " . wl -.• n ·'-'' ,to1 ~.f!CtJnls. ol J.'11, •JD: 88.ert. -H --• ""·the " u:st'1ftet"'~"--··~ .... .u._ ... i .'cumulate~'.--.C»'tfeame{G(_ ~ • -, ",. · . to4J ~ ~ • ' : .. ,..1, • '·· •• · 1-w ·. • i1 :::.~~,.... ,.. "' ' . .,.... """"""' .• . tha a1lepd !rollll u Edoon ,I!J¥...,, ,,....,,. . .~v . £'=' ' -by the Orango CoQnty Grond Jary age. • , RDborl NlctenOn, ~~!· ;~!'IY ; iJIO""""~ lll!l (,...,.::_ _..Jlolbil>a . • ..:; =:.....-"': ~~~;~,">;., ~f'm0:1%8:.:tec1~ v~a~t:i:ci::r'111o1-= .;: •=1•~Picill;;r"s.,~ =·~R;::..~~: := :: = ':
Road, lM Alamitos and Qero B. onecowtobefound1oatbl(Jliili"~ 1Etkbeft1 wnnam .&,Hartf9rd.1Qar1M 1,U' , lh4.t ~1tt.;:! '*11 '.~1 · ,,_..,,,... •: =~= ::
Foralund, 52, ol Princeton, Ore. Butte tprtod. Alld the eof'IOll. rancb ,Nobmd, LUke MorlOJI· ad '~, -~ rpr.· ijf.m, . -" Atralped~oreSuperlor<'MutJudge lfU wetpted down wltlt ·~JI ~-.· ·1 ::-~1.>.11 •,,,1 ··~C: ts: ·· · .1.,.. 1 t,'~1.:.·r,-"-"---------· :,,.,,,•t· 1 .. -" ra·J•' ,. • •,· ' ...;:.,.... • ~ • ~\.-,. . ~ ... "~·~· , -~j t I • ·of';,: ...... l -
I '
•• '' • ,.,_,, .,•"i'f"'. _, ' ,"' -~., ... j. ,. -.. ' • ' ···: . .. • .. ',.._ . f
. ..
' '
2 ~LY PILOT H Thurtd11, F......,.'20, lM ,
Valley CofC
I pellies Split
' .. ' ' + • -..: ~ .... . .,.
With City
Any splll between the Fountain Valley
Chamber of Commerce and the city
council was denied today by John
Mangano, chamber legialatlve cba1rtnap.
tiangaoo, who lubed the COUllcll Tutl-
day night for lac~ of communic•tlori,
said this morning his remarks were
not m a d e with the clearance of the
chamber's board of directors.
•·1 only meant them as a member
of the chamber1and as a private cltiun,"
he said.
"In fact, relations b e i ween the
chamber and the council are now better
than ever before," Mangano added •.
However, Mangano sald be standa by
his criticism of the council regarding
mailing notices of public hearings to
property owners and withboklln& copies
of the ten year budget proposal.
Westminster Y
Offers 9 New
Youth Activities
Nine youth activities ofered by' tlie ·
Westminster YMCA will begin Monday.
Six of the activities involve ph.YliCal
fitness progams and will be olfered..
at the Clegg -Stacey School, 6311
Larchwood Drive.
Three creative classes will be held
at the YMCA, IC7'18 Beach Blvd.
Physical fitness programs include:
-Beginning judo for boys and girls
6-17 years old from 8:30 p.m. to 8
p.m. Mondays. Registration ls ~ for,
Y -members and $5.50 for non-members.
-Beginning karate for boys and girls
6-17 years old from 6:30 p.m. to a
p.m. Thursdays. Registration is $4 for
Y·members and $5.50 for non-members.
Creative classes offered at the YMCA
include :
-Beginning guitar lessons for boys
and girls ages 8-17 and young adtilts
18-30 from 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Wednesdays . Registration fee is $4 for
Y·members and $6 for non-members.
-Beginning photography for pers'on11
ages 8-00 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Ttwrsdays. Regbitration I!~ for Y:-mem·
bers and $6 for non-members.
-Model airplane cluses for boys ages
9-14 from 9 a.m. to noon, Satw:tiay1.
Registration is $3 ·.for Y-members and
$0 for non-members,
T ree Pla~tin g Set
For Murdy Park
Three trees will be planted in Murdy
Park in Huntington Beach March 7 to
commemorate the bl-centennial celebra-
tion of California's 200th anniversary,
The Women's Club, Junior Woman's
Club and the city staff are donaUng
the trees at the request of the Orange
County BeautificaUon Committee.
Tbe public ls invited to attend the
2 p.m. ceremonies at the park on Golden
West Street just north of Warner Avenue.
'Dickens Chronicle'
Slated at Library
"A Dickens Chronlcle,'' a film on the
life of the Victorian era writer produced
by CBS News, will be shown at 7:30
p.m. Friday by the Huntington Beach
Public Library Film Forum.
The free, public series features
outstanding films covering a wide variety
of topics. Currently there is a display
of lithographs of Dickens' characters
and a painting of Charles Dickens at
the library, 525 .f.1ain St.
Robel't No Wttcf .
Pr.t'1'"! Ind Pvlllllller
J•ck R. Curl•r V!ct Prwldent 1...:1 GIMi'I ~M~tr
Thom•• Kttvil Edl~r
Tllom11 Ji. Murphi111 Mtnnfnl lidlkll'
A1b1rf w: ltftt Wiiiia"' Rt1d
A1110C;l11'9 Hll!'llin.1t1n Bell~ Edltot City Ed!kll'
H•11tf119'" IHc• Office
lot Ith Strtet
M1ili119 Aclclrf!11: ,,0 . loll 71/0, '2641
-. °'"'" Nt"'""' lletdll 7211 W"t llllt!N lolillWN' • (Dllt ~M: DI Wnt a.y ltrM!
lffUl'lfl Bntl\: 122 F-11 A"'!llllt
OAIL Y P!LQT, will\ wflldl la comblnM th9
New1·P-, il J1Ubl""9d dtllY •XOIPI ~ di~ Ill 1ep1r1hl ..,ltlON flM' l.99111'11 "'di.
Nr-...uorf Br1Qri, C01l1 Miit, Hu1'!1/""°"
9e..;fl 9nd l'OU11ltl11 ¥tlltl', t!Ollt wlftl I
tffloritl "'111on. O•lnN CM" PUbllll\"
ComNlll' Pl'lnllng tlan~ tr. ti 2211 W ...
Bt lb:I• e1v.1,, fkwPOrt I~. .,... QO Wttt l •f ,,,...., C0.!1 Mae.
Ta4a1•111 C1141 '41""1J1
Pro• W• I '" c~ Mt.1 no C9-HW ~litt '42·1671
COllY'ritflt. 1.... Or•n" C-1 "'*IWl"'9 c.,...,,.,. frtO..,.... ,,.,, • ., llMlr11--.
'41'-l•I ""-ttlf' 4lt .0W"l"1'Nl'ltl '*'91n
m.., i. r~ """°""' •DKi.I """""IOI!
. "' -.i"ltM --· ,_., ei.M ..., ... Hkl ti Ii_... MllCfl
11\0 Cetf• Mht. Gllllol'l'll1. klblc,..,.... " g,"1tr "'s -.....,, bf m.11 n.JO "*"""' llllhlfil'Y Mtlnltlln. 11.n fnlllllllfy,
r· '
DAILY l"ILOT Stiff l"IM!t>
Mr1. Earl Ferguton and Pal, Her Talented Pet
Dogs Don ~t Talk
Or Do They? Asks Puzzled Reporter
Of 1M Dell)' l"llllf S'llff
One of the firat things you learn jn
journalism school is to be cynical and
stepttcaJ, because life ls rife with kooks,
while reallty itself is plenty crazy and
enoUgb to keep you busy.
Truth may be stranger than fiction,
but every reporter shouJd Paste on his
iypewrlter the old Une by newapa~rman
H. L. Mencken: '11le on1y ism jwtified
by history Is Jl"'lmiam.
Ctrtain truths neceuarlly stake out
the llmlls of fact, fantasy and nature.
LltUe green men do not fly saucers,
which, after all, are just blobs of glowing
.swamp gas. Under a veneer or urbane
conaervaUsm, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
would really like to Bqaloo with
gangly,starlet RaqueJ Welch. The tough·
est old streetwalker gives anonymously
to the March of Dimes.
Just the other day, however, someone
tried it agaJn: called to say there was a
talking dOg at the Department of Motor
Vehicles bureau in Costa Mesa, but we
dismissed that as due to the full moon.
Shirley Huffman, the readheaded
DAILY PILOT switchboard operator,
however, fiuhed word to the newsroom
Wednesday that the talking dog was
indeed now in the front office and wished
words with a reporter.
I never went to journalism school, but
J "'ent out front.
There, with Costa Mesans Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Ferguson, waited Pal, a pup
of German Shepherd parentage wlth a
definite speech impediment-not a thick
Rhineland accent-but a phenomenal
ability to talk.
"I want my Momma;' he pronounced.
I wanted to bark at Pal and the Fer·
gusom too.
"People just don't believe it until they
see and hear it," said Ferguson, a
masonry worker who brought his wife
and IS.year-old son Earl Jr., to the Har·
bor Area from Tuaon, Arl.z.1 two months
His hands may be the t'ools or his
trade, but Ferguson's lips and throat
are probably watched more than Char-
ley Mt'Carl.by and Edgar Bergen's ever
were, when the caramel-coated Everett
Dirksen or the canine world speaks his
piece. "Ven .•. ven .. , I can't even pro-
nounce it, let alone do it," said Mrs.
Ferguson when asked if they are not con·
Chamber Aides
Attend Meeting
'DaJe L. Dunn, manager of the Hun-
tington Beach Chamber of Commerce
and Bill Black, economic development
director of the Chamber, attended the
1969 conference of the California Associa-
tion of Chamber of Commerce ex-
ecut1yea, wilh Dunn serving on one of
the panels.
Dunn &aid today that lhe four~ay
conCerence at South Lake Tahoe involved
chambtr officials from state and natJonal
levels as well as cities.
He said the objective wa1 to help
make chamber managers more qualified
In the fieldl ol finance, leg!slaUon and
attrtc\IOll ol tourlJt dollm.
The panel to which DuM WIS assigned
dl1CUS5'!d major probl•lllJI loclnl t'>e
chamber movement in ~ present aocle-
ty, according to Dunn.
stantly accmed of creating Pal's speech
through voice projecUon, or ventrilo-
The pup, who probably has a bigger
vocabulary than most human children
also born just two years ago, appar·
ently began to develop his unusual abil·
ity while trying to imitate the meowing
or two b4nkmates.
"We got him in a free-to-you news-
paper ad in Tucson," said Mrs. Fergu-
son, adding that they took home a pal~
of kittens, Prince and Princtss, at the
same time, and apparently Pal thinks
he, too, is a cat.
"The only thing we can figure out is
that he tried to imitate them until he
developed the ability to form other
sound!," said Mrs. F.erguson. "Daddy
noticed ft Cir.It and Pal was talking good
by the time he was three months old."
A Tucson specialist whG went to vet-
erinary school i.n$tead of ~rnalism
school took a look-and a listen-once
and declared firmly that ,he did not un-
derstand what was happening, an4
furthermore did no( 'want to know.
"Who do you love?" Mrs. Ferguson
asked Tuesday, holding out the M&M
candy button he associates with per-
''My MQtnlTla," he dr.a>vled, quite vis·
ibly mouthing the words.
"Who gives you your bath?" she added.
"My Momma,'' he repeated, probably
tired of such Idle cha\ter.
"We've written to tbe M&M people
about him but we haven 't heard ant·
thing," said Mrs. Ferguson as Pal, who
will be interviewed on the Joe PYJ1e
television show Sunday night o nipped 'at
his M&M, a treat second oply to raw fish.
'Just Uke a human child, Pal is learn-
ing new phrases -especially No-No -
which he obviously understands and use.5
for personal reASons, no( performance
for hls growing public.
Parrots and parakeets ramble, but Pal
gets right to the point.
"He says 'No No' when he wants to,
not when we ~ant him to," said Mrs.
Ferguson, adding that the young dog_
also announces verbally when he want5
to go out'doors alter the house gets
Enter on the front office switchboard
scene DAILY PILOT Women's Seetion
writer Judy Hurst, a mini-s kirted blonde
who did go to journalism school and
learned there that you don't end a sen-
tence with a prepositioo and also ;hat
dogs don't talk.
She was properly skeptical.
"He's a real girl watcher," said Mrs.
Ferguson, as Pal gazed upon Judy, "he
just loves pretty girl&. Here, give him
an M&M, and see what he says."
"Who do you love?" Miss Hurst asked,
bending down to the pup who talb lite
a man and may someday develop a real
tine for the ladles.
"Rowf, rowf, rowf," he replied en-
thusiastically, not necessarily barking
up the wrong tree, but at the wrong
limbs, sending MW Hurst hu.,.Uing baclc
to her desk duties of covering debutantet
and betrothal suppers.
"I never would have believed," she
Sooner or IJttr, the days comes whtn
a reporter ri,ures he's seen everythina
and might u well tum In his press cards
and Jet the younpters from Journalism
school begin unlearning their educaUoo.
Few expect lt so soonu.
'Ih:luble ta. I'm three years too young
to even Joln lhe ofllce reUremenHavinl·
be(lnH!.30 plan, let alone mp down lo wrlt.e my memoirs and ~ DetecUve
Swift .r Oil·. Act~o~ Set
, I
··Staie la~ Chief Answer-s .Newrrt. Gripe ,,. ' ... . .... 'h . ..
•1 JOUN VALTEIW °' -.. CNHJ """ attff
SACRAMENTO -The executive direc-
tor of the State Land! Commission today
promiled swift action on Newport
Bticb's -and other agencie&' -
dolnands ,for a hearing and dala,y oo
core..ample drllUng a mile ·offahore.
Hoirever, the4 tyPe of acUon the com-
mission will take Js still undetermined,
Frank J. Hortig said.
Hortlg promised that Newport 's re-
quest would rectiv-e "the full attenlion
of the 'conunluioa." ~
"The ·city wUJ have ample time for
Eader School
To Celebrate
Library Annex
Sunday will be a day of celebration
at the Eader School, 9182: Banning St.,
as clty auQioritlea officially open the
second annex of the Huntington Beach
library system.
Councibnan Donald Shipley a n d
Library Board Chairman .,David
Wickersham will llead ceremonies begin-
ning at 1:30 p.m.
The public will be_ welcomed with
punch, cookies and coffee, and may
browse around the library facilities,
Annex No. 2 is opening with a collection
of 5,000 books with an expected increase
to 10,000 in the next few years.
It will be open for service from noon
to 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday
and from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m. Saturday,
The annex will be closed on Fridays
and Sundays.
Books are di vided evenly bet\li"een an
adult collection ani a junior collection.
Contem1j>orary fiction is the emphasis
In adult readin~ whlle the junior section
is designed for young children.
Sunday's ceremonies will open ""·ilh
a scout color guard led by assistant
senior patrol leaC:er Charles Wisdom.
Otller color guard members include
Pat Matthews, Randy Scofield, and
Richard Kohnow of Boy Scout Troop
557; Mark Ripley and Robert Walsh
of Cub Scout Pack 557; and Kim Pethal
and Laurie Edwards of Girl Scout Troop
White gloved and d~ss uniformed
·Cadettes of Girls Scout Troop 1726 will
serve as junior hostesses.
· Halt of the building is shared with
the department of parks and recreation
·Which makes its facility available to
organized youth groups, PT A and other
a bearing of some sort before "3e drlllmg
by Shell Oil Co. and ill a1soci1tea is
SCbeduled to start off Newport;" be sild.
He said It would be up to State Con-
troller Houston Flournoy, who hhdt the
conunisslon, to determine whether the
protest by N.wport Beach would ncdvo
a fuU bearing before the commll:llon,
"or U I should be appolntad to bear
tbe mattu inllaa!I. and come to Newport
to speak with tbO Clt1 'Council.•'
Meanwhile, Shell • and · • t v e n cOI· laboratlng oll firm> -continued making
planl to link a cor04llllple drilliq liolt
one mile off the Newport Hubor en-
trance within three to four weeks.
Drilling operations aboard the large
CUSS I are now progressing off Ocean--
side, where that bole will eventually
reach 6,000 re.et.
Hortlg uplalned that Orange County
officials and residtnta did not receive
news of commission approval on the
core drilling because the county's ·state
Iegislator1, busy with legialative and
commHtee ltl&ions and rwamped with
printed matter, "probably did not read
the rouUne announcements of ploposed
commission actions and did not relay
the informaUon to their consUtuents. ·~
The dlrector, telling at length the
reasons behind the tact of notification
on the proposed core drilling, said that
by ruolution of lbe State Legislature
' In 1959, the State Lands Division has
advised lndlvidua1 leglslitors about
specific core drilling projeCis in each
legislator'• ·district.
"We feverishly checked back tnto our
records when the problem with lbe
Newport cofe drilling came up and our
records verily that we notified .the
le•lslaton from the area." Hortig &\Id. ,.'Alter that, our notification procedure
is complete, a~diitg to the direcUves
of the Jegi!lature. However; slnee the
leglslat'ors are now in session and the}'.
face a mountain of printed material
each day, they probably were too bogged
down to read our notification. We send
these out roUtinely all year long," he
said. '
lfl a special session Tuesday tbe New-
port City Council unanimowly tesolved
tG ask for a delay in the start oI die
core-drilling project unW a full hearing
can be scheduled before the commis-
sion, composed of Flournoy, Lt. Gov. Ed
Reinecke and State Finance Director
Caspar Weinberger.
Hortig said he was .,both sympathetic
to the anxiety over oCfshore drilling
at present, but nevertheless I must
underscore the safety record of such
core drillings, since they have been
going on regularly since 1955 from
<>regon to the Mexican border.
DAILY l"ILOT PllOi. ltY" TtrTJ CovlUe
Readers (from left) Paul Wa lker, Ronnie and Karen J ones
(Jarrell ~
Only A J!'ew Mor e Days!
al JJ. J.
Sale Ends February 28th!
in your ch oice of style or f•bric mey be purc:h•sed •t • most generous 11vin gs .•.
Tru ly a rare money-savin·g opportunity
Over 200 Styles or Sofas
-Chairs -Love Seats
-Ottomans in your
choice of any Heritage
Decorator fabric. .
' -
allvJng tradition In furolture
0,.. M•, 'l1ltn. & l'rt. Int.
646-0275 646-0276
" I ~
~ I
~ --·~---~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------............................................................................ ..... •
• \ ~:
• s :
~· . .;.:.
• l ~,.ftbruJ 20,"1969' DAILY PILOT ·f&:
48 tw'ONTH
CREDIT ' • •I ' '
250 Cubic inch over~'ad cam..
engine, bucket seets, wide oval
whilt wall tires, back-up lites,.
windshield wishers, head re-
straints (223379L600i'96).
1968. OTO 2 DOOR
2 barrel 350A:~b;~::::~~rbo hydram•· . $ 7 413.
tic t~ans., r1dlo, p~r 1teeri.ng & bra kes, heat· • ,er mt.
er, tinted gJ.ss, white well tires, beck up lites, 1 ,
• windshield washers. (235379133536) With Normal VJ Dowft
SO M[Rl IT COM[S. A Pontiac
, bountffully endowed with red·
orange pGint, blackened grille,
exposed headlights and a spo iler
(yep, • spOiler) running more
thaft tht full width of the rea r
dtck, and lookino tvery tough
inch of it like older brother Billy.
lfERE COM~ THl JUOGt . T~t
for 41 ""'··
Ready For Immediate Delivery!
JUDG£ -Ponti .ic's speci.il version ~-'
of lht car that started it all . A
new name, but also t new gam•
that's bound to discourage th ..
performance-minded competition
400•t:Lib1c,inCh v:a,·4 speed, Nk-#M radio, power
'$fttrlrig. Rallet whe,ls. lZI 1Ql;ttto .Remaini"V Fae·
• I . ' ' $2-995 for many month s to comt . . tory·Warranty (A20.4513l
I . ' , • •· ' .,
. "
' • ·, .. ..1· i.
$125,0000FWETY cHECKED
$295 TO $7000
. . ..
Orange COMllly's finest '8& POllTIAC
Seledloa of Qulity IOllNMll cOll'l
V4. To:~*-· -:t; STATION =· ...... ~ -• tlrnl. ' ••
'1295 WAGONS
Penlilcs '63 ClDI' I AC BonlleYitles & Cillliui t
Chevrolet v.a. ~,...._ ,,.~....,. Ing, -. •
hpllls & Bel Airs ,., =···· ~ :-= --& """""" • ••
'1195 Ford Coallry s.Hres
vw llSls
65's, 66's, · '&1 PLYllUTH
67's, 68's, 4 000«
• cylllllllr. M.11111191k. ........ Net•. (-
tilnttlr '*""· ·~ ......,. -· Mtsl "Willl fldory Air, lll'lfw. Ullt( llt.
S.W495 6 4 9 Pmenger/
Too Milly To Usll
400 -TOP aMft
A~-"="""#!... U.il::' ING ·~ .. *'I ....,._,,.. KA ""· s2595
•a1 PONTllC
LE MAllS S1'1111T
lflct. ... ~. """9 .......... TM. )S.
() ~ / ·91 ",,' ~o . , ~ .,. .. -. --. , cHCP_
' .. -~-.. ·
\I-I. t '=: r .. •...,'--'· "-.., •llllld; r . ll O
s17 95
'&1 CllEYD.LE
V..f ...... le.':.,., ...... --·
'"" filftll .............. fldWy -
"""'· TlT 4'I.
w .. ~1x
v.t. w1-11c.,...., ,....,.. -,..,,. "'41, ,.,.,_ ..... •W wdlll••~•. l*-
NL •11•. '
GUND Piil v..,~.....,.~--· ~-~ ~.1.:w.. ~·::· ...... r~,..., .....
'16 POllTIAC
Y4 .......... lk. , .... "'81•. -1-· Int, w~I "-· tl.-d 91••· l,_,,,. lllw
witll llltdt ~. SVC QP.
Y.f. autwnollC, """' 1i.iftir. ~
ie.. II~ bl'I.... \IWT i. mll9tl. • .. _.._ ,....., _... ..... UKV Pl.
127 95
168 Pontiac. ITO's
'68 Firehirdl
i68 Firebird 35111
,68: Firebi~d'-40811
'68 C1•1lina's
'68 Boiniev11lle's
'68 Ventura'$
MOil. rHl'1
All Pri~d· .. .
Belo;-· Factory
. . ... . .
e OPEN 7 DAYS e e SERVJCE &. . TIRE. lllPT. e '
Mondty thru Stlurdty• 9:00 A.M. trn 9:00 P.M.
,S..,;lty 1:00 A.M. tm 6:0q P,.M.
Mondty 7 A.M• tm 9:00 P:M.
TUt1dty thru Fridly'7:00 •A.t;I. 1;u 6:00 P.M.
S•rvice Oep•rfln'ent .. Clo1•d s.t. end Sun. . . ' .
I '
--------------------'-------------------______________ --J.....;.... .... :....__. ___ ~
.. ;
~:: ••• ....
'I-~ . . · .. ·. •. =· ..... ..:-: ~· . •• :: .. ::
. ·: -: .. . .
. . . . . .
• .
·-" ' ' . ..... . ..::-1->1 •
• • .. • •' • '' •• -• I ' -.:-c.::-;:;--7-...,---;-----,,----------
3 Philco
4~· Executives ,,:;,. -..
,:.: Three executive ap-t: _)olntmtnts have been made ·" •t PbUco-Ford 's Aeronutronic .... 1'11viJlon • .. ~· · '::. : APP+!nted were W 1111 a P.! : :JJostetter to dlrector of ~
:: Yanctd development opua. ::liom; Wilbur W. Hawley il;\
• ·-COn:ctor oC ordnal"IC1! and elee'
~· _iromechanical operation, and ,
·-·llowatd F. Hoesterey to direo-1 THRl!E l!XECUT IVE APPOINTMENTS MADE IY Al!RDNUTRONIC
:·'tor al the marketing office. Wiiiiam Hoatetler Wiibur W. Haw1,y Howard F. Hoeaterey .. -· Hostetler succeeds Dr . ------------------'-'----__:.;.___:.__:.:::;__:.'...__
0 Barold H. Hall, who left the
Sa"" on Taxes -3 I
" company. Former director of
•· -tbe ordnante and elec-
:' · tromec:hanica1 o p e r a t t o n ,
:: Holtet]er joined Aeronutronic
<·· in 1161. • ",. Hawley, forme r chief
·· :enimeer for ordnance
engineering Jn the ordna?K:e
':pd electromechanical opera·
._ "'on, succeeds Hostetler as :. "#fedor of that operation. He
· \ "'has been with Aeronutronic ··' . .,}nee 1959 and has been ln
:: i,a number of engineering and
:· .'.'manufacturing management
, : . .positions in space a n d
• lt.eal)Orui systems.
Charity Begins With IRS
By SYLVIA PORTER Sixth Circuit disagreed wlth
I! you paid all your con-the Treasury and held lhRt
tribut.ions by checks in 1958, the correct value for a ,con-
you will have tittle trouble trlbutlon of property was the
figuring the amount of your price an ulUmate ·coJ11Umcr
contribution deduction. But-would have to pay, not a
what .if you are among the dealer's lower offer.
Hoeste.rey was appointed
. ~director of the marketing of·
-j lce to replace William S.
'Henry who was named dir~,
. · ,10r of marketing ~ P)lllcD-
.. ' "'ord's Electronics ~ wHll
: ~ .«fices in Wa.sh.ington, D.C · ',.
millions who contribute items Th.is decision would justify
of property to charitable, your $500 deduction in the
religious, and other similar above example -but so far,
organizations -items ranging the Treasury refuses to budge.
from a si!t of a Rembrandt So, Jf you take the hlgher
to oW more likely ron· figure and your nturn is ex·
,&ribufions of used clothing, amined , you may be in for
, looks, Ws, etc.? a court light.
U you. contribute this wa y, IF YOU lltAKE a cun-. .. \ ' ..
~· : Stock Purchase
1 take for granted that you tribution in property, expect
know your deduction is the a Treasury examining agent
property's fair market v.!1.lut. to question whatever value
But should I.hat value be what you put on the property
you could get from a used (should your return be picked
property dealer for the ite1n Jor audit) Thus, you might
or the amount a customer try to get a written appraisal
would pay the dealer for it? from a reputable valuation ti.·
. .-
.-Performance Systems, Inc.,
~-formerly Minnie Pe a r l's
:OUcken System, Inc., has or· ltred to buy control of Royal
TO ILLUSTRATE: suppose pert before entering t he
you give to charity an old amount of contribution deduc·
fur coat which cost you Sl,500. lion on your return and k!ep
If you tried to aell it to a tllia lo hack up your claim.
dealer, you mJabt get•$250. Incidentally, the Treasury in
Yet, if you Of aom,one ~, effect pays part of your ap-
wanted to bdy a uied co!t pralsal fee. It rules last year
such as ~ Ip ·ttJ ·present that you can deduct the cost
condition ' from the same of the appraisal along \'l'lt h
dealer, the price might be your other itemized deduc-
.... :·~e System, Inc., of Miami, ·: :a chain of 179 convenience
tood and snack bars In the
· 1SOUtheast, from the Singer
. }fimily, for $12 a share for
.from 550,000 to 750,000 shares
' tJf Royal Castle.
PIMMlll "ltMlnti
., .• -.·.-111 UI S. 111 U HI ~Do· tiolnsf .you a-a bus1·nessman ALLAn IUUUU · you . meaaure )'Ol,lf con· • ...
·" Divertified Pl•nning tiiboUOn of 'the coat as $500 who bu contributed office or Corp. , w $280? Wfillt tbt Treuury', other icrap to a charitable
·Uys that your cliarJtable con-organi&atioo, you can. of
l'tOJ Alf-~•hl ,,.itt-"-b rworth _,_ ,'"~. course, deduct the. value of H111tl-• hMli , "' .,...,._. VIM3 ....., •"'· t 'b .
It--PIM. l"•""'llt M111...-t
""""""'· '""'* -1~ ·1 ~,.. ~· scrap u a con r1 ut1on. 592.5575 146 O"I . :--.~.-,-·~ •~ w• • B ~ f I ~=:;::;::;::;::;::;::;=:;~~·~lt~\1"'~.·~IM.~,~·~~· ~~t..·~·~Ull~· ~:~The~· ut
the 11cas~ ee s lhal ;. ;-" ~ tbele ltema have been valued ' tOo high In the past.
Be warned : examinin g
agents will check the claimc-d
value against the prices paid
~by salvage ~lets in va,riou&
1c:IUe1, u liited la salvap in"
du"'1' trade Jounw~
D' YOU ARE· among the
Fly in • • . Drive in '.
. ' -
• ..
for vacation fun
11 :10
Und 1r t~i(L'W~l~HE"hion of
P.O. 1011: 1017, Palm D111rt, C1iif. f714l 34•·1051
Our New York Mutual Funds Department Manager-Midtown Office
Whatla tho record ofthe Mutualfunds? How well did they perform during lhe
1966 market decline? How did they 19COYar in 1967·1968? Could th .. funds
haYe advanlajjea for the growth minded investor-or 1hould he be cautious ?
To help yau.declde, Goodbody Is holding a twCHeaalon oemlnar dealgned Jo
clelt up questions you may have about lh8M mutual funds. These se11lon1-
p~marily for lnY91tora already famlller with Mutual Funds-will attempt to
r.robe Into areas generally not covered by the usual Investment seminers-
ncfuding the Important.Income and growth oituaUons •
WJ'Mlther your aim ls pos$ible long-term growth of capital or higher income, «a conurvatlve approach, we believe you will find this advanced seminar moet Interesting.
'Ille~ lecture will be held on coneecutlve evenlnga, and at two loco-
-. Proopectua "1lt be dlllrlbuted. •
WED, MAR. 5 & lllURS. MAR. 6
s ,111117:15 p. ...
LOS AMllP Flt omct
IOZ ,,, llllll 9tlwot
MON. MAR. 3 & TUES. MAR. 4
7-.30 .. t:30 p.111.
llEllPORT. IEACll Omc:t
(714) 540-llZl
_,... .. ,_sdmlnl111c11M1Md••• .................... ca. QOObBODY & co. . ..... ,"' ...._.,...., ...... _,c,.,.,, t , ..
• • • . .. . .
1L_ __ -------
• --, ----' ' -;------------~---~-------~----------------.....
• OAll.V I'll.OT ----.
' • • '• --.
' ' . '
' ' ~
r'p111Less POOCH -Well, almost! Snoopy ap-
4-pears in "Re's Your Dog Char}ie, Brown" on Cl\~ ~ nel 2 at 7:30 tonight. Charles M. Schulz's "Peaillits" ,
!: ganf which appears in the DAILY .PILOT-comic t sectiOn daily, romps through the animated obfor ~ cartoon , too.
• ••
..! ' Come Often
{ · NEW YORK '(AP) ;-The awards ~'l'gram of, the
Academy of Professional Sports We<inesday 'J1!~ht
.., NBG kicked ofi the statue-giving season with
Sllliiethlnt 'that looked like an al'l""'\ng innovation:
'Ate s~r J:8l1 .a commer:cial b:etween each cate·
However, after dropping in four during the first
hall hour of the live show, the pace slowed to oniy
[ two during the second half.
I SINCE THERE were but six professional sports r involved the lavish lacing of sponsor messages was ~ only mildly interruptive and annoying. It would be
: a real hardship for viewers if the practice spread ~. to the Oscar or Emmy shows where there are whole-~ sale categories.
~ The professional sports awards held for the
average viewer the same appeal as the movie and l TV awards shows - a chance to &ee the stars in ~ action. It was amusing to note that most of the ac-
" cei>tance ~e¢cl!e1 ol basketball, football and hockey
i stars sounded ex•~ like those of the movie: "1)d ~ TV stars -i they th ed their teams, without~
~ they never would h&ve made it. · . ·
' JOC:K!iV' JOHNNY Longden, accepting ' the
e:: l'achii awlird for absent winner Allliel , en;, drew one of the evening's biggest laughs
~ OD ,be thanked the horses, without whom the
t . eY . coull\ not have made it.
t Each category. bad one show business present-t er and two :oi. thetn· -Raquel Welch and Charlton
; Heston iJJed 'tlre<>ccasion to drop In plugs for their
{ current films, which somehow diminished the cere-
' monies. · · Perry Como was the easy-maMered host. The ~ program started out at a very leisurely pace. At one ! point, Jack Benny and Sam Snead were involved
~ iq a long golf story. In fact it went along so casual-~ fY that Dl06t of the final 20 minutes moved at a
' gallop In order to leave time for the final commer· * and get off the air on time. <"" THE FACT that the show was live made it pret-~ tt uneven, but lt still should. have pointed the way i tq some improvements in the over-Jong and often
1 confused Emmy and Oscar show~. 1 : For one thing, there was-a n1>-nonsense method
) Wied in which the names of the nominees were an. 1 .Ounced followed by very brief film or tape clips
) showing each ln action and then, with no further
,.. ado and fussing with envelopes, announcing the win-! ner.
; ~ Denny McLain of baseball's Detroit Tigers was j eiected. professional Athlete of the Year as well as
" top player in the American League.
l 808 GIBSON of the St Louis C&rdinals won ! t'9 .Natioiial League nod. In football, · it was Joe
: Jqamath of the New York Jets lor the AFL and Earl
; llnn"all of the Baltimore Coils for the NFL; Billy
: !!asper was picked for golf; Wes Unseld of the lialti·
f JIOr• Buil•ls for basketball and Bol>by Hull .oi the ,
; Chicago Blackhaw~ for hockey.
; ,. The winners were elected by their colle~gqes
.. and competitors except for the athlete of the year, ! who was voted by sports writers.
Dennis the MetuU!e
p . ~ v.llYYo l)ON'r
~Ri\)4 r )DOil 11f; ...
Iv Charles M: Schull r:.::.--~.:!!.!!!-!.'!!-~;! I i111~K I'll 60 HOME .\iO
By Harold Le Doux
By Tom K. Ryan
' ' .
' By Al Smith
By Men
=: :..•.:.::.i:i-.: .......
.,,,._ ICI
l:JS. - -.. ""' IC!
uo D no 111 -CCI ("'l 1.., .......
........ ; .. llririlll .... tc> (30)
·-.... -tc> (90) "'' . btl'I Mc:Nllt, Eddlt A1blrt. Adafl'l Keett. t. .. catlel\tn, Ind TIM nw
A!llerical'll &\lift.
Bu~ lvn & Tooy Randoll
.... --tel """ 11r.. ....... (fl.., •6'--TOllY
Randllt, l!urt '-..,.._ Eden.
D I "' tel (30) ·-tel (30)
e -. -<30! """"'°''" Rivlf." A CN"9 doWI tht rtffr ftol'l'I.
lta httdwttm lit tht dlltl ti "" Or1eena. TM cities, l*t)lt ind VJ
of lift 11oni tht banb '" hllh· t:00RaCIJC11 n...., ~
lighted. """ ............ .. llllf'"
fl) N ... • ..... (aom111Y-dram1) '64-J111111 ""*"• GB KP1.M .... (t) Julil Arldrtn, Mihm DDu&1u TM
ltory of • Wlmt ... WOlldlrful
warti1111 1111rN11.
0 l1'l CD l!D-• n Ali -lfWld1 (C) (60) Host 0.1 Jorlll
"'leomts ltlt Smothtrt 8rotMn
tlld Art Cmlt1 to tht ...
m .. .., fos lh tQ (&O):
e:io ...... Elll l.19
a I IBCIAI n ..... 1'111 (C)
(10) Miiiie.i v1riltJ -lhaw f•blr•
ln1 1'11711J1 DIM•, Donlld O'Coflnor.
Art• Jol1111M, lw Rl1ifb 1nl C•
7:30 IJ QI m rmrml ""H1'1 l11t Shtldon. ilil. cliiiiOiniii" tel (30)
SnoopJ, tt11 bumptioul 1*11t. llu B ....... DlfOI (!O)
t111 tt1111r ""' hi ttt1a 1nlmtttc1 11 n.t 1111w (Cf (30) -ro r,.., urtoon sptdil, Snoop(1 Melen M Not To Frm1." p._ C.. lllCI
1ttect af bad m111neni e11m1 lllm Louis Lewlt11 1U11f.
tD bt lll'lt to tilt Otilf HID hPPJ flll-... (30) 1bt 1~-F1rm for 1 T'lf'mhtr COU'*I 111 ........
tnll (R) wood Pll)'houw prnll'lb IClllll obedi~ n I'll-fror1 Athol Fuptd's '1111 Bloof D 9 (J) CE D11l1I INN (C) Knot.• H11 M1rl111th1I mi1w1 1119
(60) '~cint's Brltftt." Wiien I production 1nd lllks willl director ,
f1rmtr utchtl Miii 1tternptfnl to M1rti• M111*'.
blCJW up 1 brld ... Dlnill II ffn.
ptltcH'lld In 1 !Dlllar. Simon Otldand, Ill Diem ....,.
Plter JllOft end Kurt halll ped. aJ ,...,.... ti Tl'MI l'C)
a ""' • -tel (SO)
D lfflCDOI"" """ ... tel lltJO D-tel -" -{JO) "1Ji1 KleptomonU,.c." C.llM C...-) '64-Gins Lollobrllidw.
ub tht n!MIS to blb)'llt with 1 S.11 Connely, _
P• n'IORkeJ thlt tumt out " 11m m ..... (C) (30)
thltvin1 •IJ'I. tl9 Sia_... ,.. (JO)
(dr1rn1) '43 -Humpllrlf Boprt, &I 11111 • ffilllril
lnfrid 8er!nM11, C11udl RtfM. GDTwlll&M 1-l
mr• • c:.-i-(C) (30) m..., _ ("'l ll:GOIJDDllJl!l-tc>
m-••-(30) •--mi U11 Miii • 11 F.. ID Lin Cid (C) ID...,,,......,., _ _.
(rprnedy) '5&-8rilitt• Berda&.
1:00 B QI (I) i IPICIAL I AlldJ' Cr!lftti
-Uotlll( IG (t) (60) Andy llOSts
111 hOIX of corntdy Ind mlllic Ind
1111 u Ills IVeatl Janet Ltllll. Don ll:JD 1J Mwle: -Jiii ,..... f_. Knotts, T111nmM Eml1 ford, Thi , Yount: Sllntl tnd The Emblilll· (mptlry) 48-btllnci IMlll~
mtnt. l• Genii.
D@Cll l!,)T .. I ... -CCI '
U Best bet fQI' lauchs! e MoN: "SI s.... T• w <•
...!.. T.HAT GIRL !tty) '57-Richlrd Bawh•rt. MM
'JI( B1ncrott.
stars MARLQ THOMAS fll !Hl CD l!l"" -tel ~it c0medyl New time! m; ,_ ""1
n im m l!D ""' .., tel (30) •1ni1 S~ect w.. Rabla." Arm 12:00 m 71 ,._. 5'Jiil
M1rl•'1 .Uklnt tlml to' IM 1 lltrlJ ·
PUlt • llUctl' or· milt whllt Mhln1
off for 1 BroNnr lob mt.mew ll:35 O Mn: "'f'• ii • Ill"'"
l'llUltl hi II• flth• beint ODii· (l!IJlfe!Y) '47-fiul KeltJ, Dtfimlt
winced hi hi• 1 di'ead dileut. Lou K9'1y.
M1ri1 Is nipped In tllt 1ntl1 a 111
atttmpts to tmbrlcl 1111 d1prrtln1 i m Act111 T1llftte: "Timt fl lhl 4e11ftrtlr, Ind tf'lt dos nlM off. l'lilt. ~ Wlltn 0Dn 111111 1111 lloty Ind
~ts tt11t It could hnt been "°"'
if th• q ""' ret11d, Lou l'lfflllll· 1:00 DD ha (t')
bin tllll: ttll dor'• mouth ... • C:O..imltt .......... (C}
fotmy. m•"" (C) (30) mr .. ,,. ,_.., iq
llDNU ,,.,.._ {90) '11lkln1 t·ISDM..i.: .._... • .. ...-tr I stnnaer-No $):HI or Splcill • ) t£.-1. ,.._ • --'• Knowledp RtqulNd." Thlt it ttll (dr•rn• _,.11111 .,.,._ W\a',.
flthlr's view ol 1 ""Ind Nit bf Carroll.
hla '°" and 1111 dlurlltw that lftdl
In tr•f'dJ. Tlle l1thw slldll bl l:JO m All.flllftl ltler. ''lotdlrtrl'll'f •
Ind ovt af dil)'df9ll'lll °' tlll SNst .lfi1ln ol Ennis." an• "A a. ... If
du11nt t111 frlq..i: CIOl'lfMtltionl DMHI."
1!:30 m -nr. .. I 1ldll" °"'*'f
'47-thlP .. ullllOl!t. "'ftl .....
1111 , ..... (dral'lll) '51 -llM ....
i:oom,..... <;11111i1> ·n -
A11ct flJI, Wner am..
~008CCI -.. -(l<-trM'lln) 16'·-0llMI Wldl. JIM WDll(C.) .,.._ W <••at
W1ff1e1. '12--lorJ ~ Y• Tllll
~ ......... Tilr(-'91 _,., M .... t:ddlt Miit. 4:118 <C> ...,... • .. ..,.
11:12. '-' ii .. Jiii" (ft1111) 'SJ (ftll'l'M) '17~oct; Hud-. I.MM
Tem Chlp!A. Jllllll "*"1/. Bftlff.
Qvality Ptlntl"f 11111 Dtp1Mtltl1 Sttvl"
W _,. th111 • Ou•rf•t ef 1 C.nlll"'f.
Off·shore · L-eases .Halted
•• .
Hickel 'Calls · OH Sam of Gulf coast Tracts . . .
... _
W•11clrfs. Vlol•tee Clouds Regents ~
• . .
Regents Meejing a UC · ·
Prepared ior Protests
BERKELEY (AP) -The University
of Caillornia faces "a grave financial
problem" of turning: away qualified
' students In the nen 10 ye.an unless
mere coostructlon money ls provided,
UC President Charles J. Hitch warned
today. Hitch reported to UC regents on Gov.
Reagan's proposed 1969-70 state budget,
which providea $331.6 mlllloo for opera·
tionl and pay raises and 1112.I million
for new buildings.
The proposed operations budget will
allow UC "to meet its critical workload
needs as well as fund a few im· . prove~enls and new programs," Hitch
Cub Scout Fete
Slated Next Week
"Cub Scout's Spirit" is the theme for
the annual Blue and Gold dinner of
Cub Pack 317 scheduled for, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday at Lamb School, Huntington
The dinner also commemorates the
39tb anniversary of Cub Scouting in
the country. It featurea a poUuct. dinner
and guesU attending will be the Rev.
Arthur Reece, Distrlct ~ssioner
Dick Lyddon, Area Commissioner . Jlm
Held and Neighborhood CommlssK>11er
A. Chenoweth.
However, he abio reported that the
governor's budget provides tot only 197
of 393 new faculty members requested
by UC.
Bitch's main concern was wlth the
coostruction budget.
Reagan's capital outlay buda:et for UC
contains only about one ball the money
requested by the unJversity. The state
({)liege system's construction budget Wo
was cut drastJcaJ.ly.
State Finance Director Caspar W.
Weinberger said earlier this mor.th that
failure of Prop. 3, the $250 million educa·
lion construction bond issue, I a st
November sharply reduced expected
money for new buildings.
"While the effect on the wllvm.lty
in 196&-70 is not crlpplin& '' Hitch said,
"a one-year deferraf of many of lhe re-
gents' requests for 1969-10 will be' haHn·
Author Uris' Bride
Found Dead in Aspen
ASPEN, Colo. (AP) -Aulbor Leen
Uris' bride cf six: months wis found
dead today near the cou ple'• Red Moun·
tain home overlooking this Rocky Moun-
tain ski resort, Pit.kin County Sheriff
Carroll Whilmlre reported.
Whilmire confinned the body cf Mrs.
Uris, who had been reported miMlng
Wednesday night, was found, but sald no
other det:ails would be dbclosed until an
investigation had progrwed further.
WASHIN(lroN -~ ol the
lnt¢or Walter J. HlCkel, In hll third
actJon of the week aimed at preventing
another "Sant, ~a ti'ageay~' t'odaj
called orr tlla aale 'ol 'olh!Joro oil ' and
gas Ieuu.
The sale of 21 GuHceaat tracts that could have broupt -the 7government.
millions of dollan, · wu ICbeduled for
-Tlleaday ·and ·waa the · only llUch sale of feQeral offshore leaael immJnent.
' Hl~kel lafd the we would be r>011tponed
"until we are posltlv! we have reguta.
tions ·whJch will ~ pollution IUCh
as the Santa Barbara traied.J·"
Trai'ler Park
Foes Win
'Fight' Round
A reuooed but sometimeJ lmposalooed
plea by Robert A. l>Utalti, spokesman
for about S,000 · Huntington Beach
residents against a trailer park at
Springdale Street and Hell A venue, won
a big roupd in the fight Wednesday
before the RecreaUon and Park Com·
Suta.ke argued that a park should 10
on tbe 10 acres on the sout.heut corner
of the intersection· in an area of bomes
valued at from '30.000 to ~.ooo.
After a long pn!leDtation the com-
miaaiooers agreed to retain the klca.Uoa
as a potential part aite on the muter
plan, at leaat until ''accepta·ble
altun4Uves" were,presented.
'9{cire an overflow crowd 1n council
rlym~ ~ 1!a11. .~· -t lbniaa'a . led ~"""'-"" t!i.i Tbe ~~ '""'liJ ·~ I mGre ':!'!'!; !\~11e ~. J!. "'f"'P ~
He oppoeed a')llaa -ted by the
park --~t to sujlltltuto two'~~% act< jaib -Jo ICbciob IA tblo ""'a
for tilt JO.aqe lfto.
The matter !lbw gOe; lo. tlli Planolng
Commlllsiilll wbere the ~ Ire like-
ly to turn down the appllcaUm far
a trailer park on the basis that the
location is master planned for a city
Youth Gets Jail
Term on Pot Rap
A Los Alamitos youth canvicied CD
charges ol possession of marljllllll lw
been sentenced to 90 days in jall and
plmced an thret years probation in Lons
Beach Superior Coort. ·
Judge Thomas McCarry passed sen-
tence on Kim Evans Travers, 18, of
llltll Mindora St. An idelltlcal sentence
was passed an Travers' companion
James Slatton, IS, of Rossmoor in Los
Angele! Superior Court.
Both youths were anested last May
26 at a Long Beach motet Officers
said they found 275 pounds cf marijuana
Yalued at about $1%5,000 in the motel
Slatton's sentencing wu sliitted to Los
Angeles when. the fud1e handllng his
case wa1 transfmed tO ibat court from
Long Beach.
Stock M•rkeU
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market
cl08ed aharply lower again today. (See
quotations, Paget 28-27).
The Dow Jones indUltrial avuage at
1'30 P.lll. WU down to 117.21, oil 7.ft
far Ille ~ and JUI for the week. niere will be an Indian dance Sketch
by Order of the ArrCNI and an award
of a plaque to Terry Tutor, Pact 317
leader for two years.
Further tnformalion on the dinner may
be obtained by calllng E. A. Ackley
at 961-1439.
300 •Milked~ • ID
He memd lo the II-day lealc ol
• Union on eo: wen .wlll¢h ..... an
~ -·-the Santa BartJara cbanDel !JI{ COlllomla be!°"
H WU J>luued Feb. ~ '
Earllli thla ~. Hickel Issued r<gula-
tlonl boldia( oil .,,,.pan1oa mponsible
rar elelmup .... damage CO&ls'from any
olfslJ<n.\rell pollutlan ud propoaed new
and ·~ ......,_ for drtlling in
Ibo Santa Borblra channel.
Meantime, .a presldentlal · team of
ocJentlM 1oc1a..: .. c _, w. up look at mUea ol stained black by
a vul crude oil oUcl: from an.olfah<n
. ·
The 11 ~ .... taken 00 I mon>-1111 tour ol nearby beach ...... belore
thef met to -'"''"tu•endatlons 00 )lqw tba federal ........,..t could
help clean up tJte mw and invent
futuro dlaaWI.
More tblD 230,000 gallons of raw
petrol-WU opewed lo the surface
ol the Pacllle, erutlng an ~· miJei allek, belore the Unloo Oil Co.
well wu lllled J'eb. a.
Since then; .epagt of residual oil
from '·Andi blotath the ocean flOOI' at
the rate ol abool t,OOll 1a1Ions daily
bu a.led I ~ lllct about two
mile1 loag •
Still Coatcml•ated ..
·Beaches Closed
2 More Weeks
Beacht1 in HunUngt.on Beach and
Newport Beach wil.l remain contaminated
and under quarantlne for at leut another
two weeks and probably longer, Riverside
dty and Orange County off i c i a I s
tsUmated today.
The time mlaht be extended ~ rain
storms conUnue, the oillclals said.
Me~while in San Juan Caplatrano,
officials aald the city sewer Une which
broke and caused the quarantine of
Dobeny 'Park Beach had -repaired and the beach mlpt be open to 'the
public 10metlme oen week.
Beicbes became oU limits , in late
JlllW')' wb<o. ~ ~ ~mi .. ~ $ 1:111e~:!
Riv<r !!> Rlvenide. • .
• Rl.vdlide ofDcl•Js said this week \hl,t
6Ut 1Joe la almtiol rei>alnd but thal
at leut ,Aro more weeks wort remain
od Utt teeood before the sewage flow
can be stof!ped.
A U: S. Anny Corp! cf En&inJ!erS
official ·wd the seWage flew c?Culd be
halted 1t Prado Dam ca the county
line If the dam dried up but there
are about 13,000 acre feet behind the
dam and mere water 11• drainl.n& into
it from the current heavy rain.
Orange County Flood Control oU!clats
said they cannot percolate the water
flow underground to adequately halt the
flow pf sewage to the aea.
Car\ NelJOn, the dlitrtct'1 operation
engineer uid earth ud dlkel ,could be
gouged out of ·the river-bed to trap
lhe rlver now wben it dropped to' •
rate ol 400 cublc feet per seCond. Tl)e
current new 'rate ls• abiout mo: eubic
feetl>tt'......i. . ' .
' Bu• Nellon e>utloood ' lllaf the . ~
cWloJ ••bi~~~-"~·""" -ks. He <lllP tlllf.\lllJ!llllOll!
o( -In uie' """'-Ill oalJ ibO\!I
2 "'fC"'l ol the Oow kif' !Illa Ill. """"" to eontamlnale tll6 bescliil
Cowlly Direct.tr . of Ji:nvironmllpl
Heali!i Robert Slone llld the'· beach
bacteria eollt b 11111 Htrtmely hip
and the beaches must' rema!n cloced
to swllnmlnf, surllng and · 1it11er1n, ·of
Shell fish. ·
Final Steps ori Cleanup
From Sunset Flo~ade
"ll'1 a nlce day at the beach," Sunset and ilems stored in gatagU<W.ere dlmag·
Beach residents declared today a.s they ed . '-J
added finaJ touches to cleaning up from Tuesday's tide reached a hi&h of S. 7
Tuesday's swirling water and sand. feet at 10 a.m., said Vince Moorhouse,
"There's no water problem tooay. It's director of the Huntlngton Beach Depart..
beautiful and calm here," said Mrs. ment of'Harbors and Beacbea.
Dooa1d Strain, .secretary to the Swiset "It wasn 't the highest Ude we'Ve Beach Clamber of Commerce, Wednesday, Orange County road crew8 ever had," said Moorhoute, "but com·
and Flood Control District workmen bined with an unusual IO.foot surf it·
patched up damaged streets between was enough to send the water fi9wing
Warner Avenue and Broadway Slreet, over the aand and Into the homes at
where high Udes wreakfli the most Sunset."
havbc. Pmlbillty of such an occurrence again
Homes were falrly safe, said Mrs. is unpredictable, but Moorhouse Indicated
Straln. but scattered reports Were r~fv. the right combination of surf and tide
ed of damaged furnitur e. could cnce mtl1't send the ocean swirling
Tcxtay •there was a let of mud and toward Pacllic Coast Highway.
water In areas she said, but streels Beach res idents, however, are used
were passable. to problems, and today they eipress
Several bllllard tables stored at cat JllUe Interest in crying aver ·a spilt
State Billiard Supplies, 17022 7th St., OCWI.
were .repor\ed.ly ruined by flood water1
caused Tue9d1y by hlp tldes and poun-
ding llUtf.
Several home owners nld their rup
High Speed Ride
Ends in Smashup
1lle panel aaoembled by President Nix-
on's lclence l!fYleet Dr. Lee Dabrido
WU -by petroleum pologill Jolin CalJ!oun. He aid Wedneodsy, '"llU Ill
DOI an lnvelllgatlee ol the Santa Barbara incicJent... ,
'11)e' PurJ>ose of the survey wu to
come 1 up with recommendatlona 11 to
l\Ow future leaks could • be prevented
and bow the U.S. government could ualat
in mopping up the Cl.lfTtat one.
Tbe 8Clentilts Dew over the affected
area Wednesday in a Coast Guard 'plane
and beard from witn .. ses behind clooed
doors. Their conclualons were to be.
pruented . during thl5 afternoon.
Plimpton Says
Sirhan Calm
After Slaying
Sirhan wu "Uke the eye 1n the. center.
cf a hWTicane" moments after Sen.
ltobert F. Kennedy wu shot In a crowded
betel pantry, said author Geo r c e
"He s~ct. me u enormOUBly com·
posed. The rest of us,. &ivtn tb1t IOdden
tunnoil, were not composed," Plimpton
testified for the proaecuUon Wedneaday
at Sirban's trial far u.urder.
0 His reaction 1n a htDTicane of sound
and leellng seemed Ilk• the eye to the
center of a hurricane, He seemed purg ..
In a fortre.&Hike courtroom Wed-
neaday,. Plloipton med -words 14
qeacrlbe hll lm~on .ol . Sirhan B.
Sirhan after · ahootJni' s.n. 1tobert t . ~~~ ... don ....
steam table to a plntry ti tho
AmbassadorliGlel. .•
f'li:mpton wu one of thole who IUbdued ~ H• a.w Ila. lroin file. ·Eaat·
to lellily at thO lrllil and a bit of
the Kennedy flavor came back for a
m<ineut u,, he .tatted in a Bastoofan
accent and prcnoonced the word "AW''
(lee SIJUIAN, P11e I)
Dr. Bainbridge
Named Planner
Dr. Elden Bainbridge has been ap,
pcu.nted to replace Fountain VaileY\PJan-'
ning Comm.Wiooer David McMillan who
served at bl! lut meeUng Wedneld11
night. • ·
Bainbridge, 154& Warner Ave., wai
selected unanimously Tuesday nl1ht by
tbe Fountain Valley City Council. He
will assume hls post at the Marcb I
meeting cf the ccmmlulon.
McMillan realgDed his pOlt Jut weet •
because be will llOOD be traveling to
Saud.J·Arabia as construction supervlaor
for a private firm.
The new cornmluloner I! a
veterinarian and has terved on lbe
Southern California Beard of Veterinary
Medicine. He will UIJ McMlllan'1 UDtx·
plred post wiW February_ of 1970.
LSD Cache Seized
GLENDALE (AP) -Police and
narcotJ.ca agents have seized what they
term one ol the largest aupplles of
LSD · ever confiscated ' In Soatbern·
California -l,000 tablets officen uy
W<IUkl be worth '80,000 on the JDeaal market. ·
Pair Face CQurt
On Shooting 1-{a_p
Pair Sought ..
in Cow-'less, Cash-less Cattle Venture Weatller
.. Partly cloudy: eM2.'' Tbat'a
the terse venre from the weaUJer.
man u be·laua tlla ooutaJ pic-
ture lor Frldl)'. Null Aid,
Two Long Beach mtn cbargeit. "Ith
lhootlna It I building in HunUngtoo
Beach Feb. 14 were scbeduJed for ar·
ralgnment In West Oranie Cowlty
MunlclJ!&) Court teday.
Merte"nmothy Aflderson, 26, and Frank
Gerald Miller, 30, were arrested by HUfl·
tington Buch police after 1 patrol unit
spotted them speeding aJcn1 Pa·cinc
Coast Highway allegedly 5hcoting a piltol
at 1 re1idencc on the corner -of Padnc
Coast Jlighwsy and Beach Bo!J]ovard.
llolb men aie free on $1,a ban each.
la 1ddltlon to tbe fire&rmJ charges,
the -...,.. also charged with being
dtunk In pobllc.
No ~ ar Jnjurle1 mulled from
the aboolJna,. police aid.
BY TllM BAllLEY ol .. ..._ p .... llltfl'
District attoeney'1. lrmatlplon~
are -klnl mt"-,__ -ly milbd more thin aoo 1n-. .an
..,timated IMl.l8ll In a cattle breeding
...-on a ~ ranch tbat proved
to be cow4ea and cub-Im.
The four aCCUled, Dicte.1 Ii.id, at·
tracted investments for a project
described .. the Saddle Butfo Ranch
in Creson and allegedly loduced their
victims lo pay !IOO~IOf I , cow• 1!biP was "guaranteed to "" '.;
On the wanted !bl b&i lnd!Ct>d.
by the Oraa,. Coonty Grand Jury
Wedne1d11 were wuuam s.
Eichelberler. 41, of 12100 MonlAlclto
!toad, Los Alaml!D<I and , Den> B.
Fonlund, SI, oll'rlneeloll, Oro.
Arraigned before Superior Court Jud1•
Tiii mw•tuv •f tollo-1ho1 R.,.
rion ltef'fl 1m>lec chlof Lou.
rmd Bcrla -.... DtJ>ONd
: J>1'mln Nlkilo' Jt.,,.,locf--:
l h1:dld if"8ec-•;,:,,, . ' ' • I
ti' .. • ,"'f.,.._-• 1( I
6.!-l..:....! 'W /l I •• ' 't::: """""" • I ' . ... ............... , .... I ~ • ~-... ~ tt ..... C..., II ~ ....... 11 .,.,......., • -" ·=·-.... '..,.,.., ,.... . ..,. -r.rr~ . £"'
" ................ ..., -I " -N -t M ._._.., • . ....... .. n
. -.. '.·.l. '
• : ,.--------~-~-------
Vatley ·cofC
Denies Split
·t l ...... :
With' City
Any splil between the Fountain Valley
Chamber of Commerce and the city
council was denied tod_, by John
Mangano, chamber legillaUve chalnnan.
Y.ancano, wbo lashed the council Tuu-
day night for lack of communication,
said this morning his remarks were
not m a d e with the clearance of the
chamber's board of directors.
"I only meant the'° as a member
or the chamber and as iJ private citizen,"
he said.
"Io fact, relalions between the
chamber and the council are now better
than ever before," Mangano added.
llowever, Mangano said he stands by
his criUcism of the council regarding
mailing notices of public hearings to
property owners and withbokling copies
of lhe ten year budiet proposal.
Westminster Y
Offers 9 New
Youth Activities
Nine youth activities ofered by the
\Veslminster YMCA will begin Monday.
Sil of the activities involve physical
fitness programs and will be offered
at the Clegg -Stacey School, 6311
Larchwood Drive.
Three creative classes will be btld
at the YMCA, 14771 Beach Blvd.
Physical fitness programs include:
-Beginning judo for boys and girls
6-17 years old from 6:30 p.m. to I
p.m. Mondays. RegtmaUon is $4 for.
Y-members and $5.50 for non-members.
-Beginning karate! for boys and girb
6-17 years old from &:30 p.m. to I
p.m. Thursdays. Registration is $4 for
Y-members and $5.50 for non-member!.
Creative classes offered at the YMCA
include: -Beginning guitar lessons for boys
and girls ages 8-17 and young adul_ta
18-30 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Wedneadays. Registration fee is '4 for
Y-members and S6 for norrmemben.
-Beginning photography for per~
ages 8--30 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thundays. Regl!traUon Is 14 for Y-mem·
hers and '6 for non-members.
-Model airplane cl..,.. for boyi ...,
9-14 from 9 a.m. to noqn, Saturdays.
ReglstraUon ts P for Y.memben and
$S for non-member&.
Tree Planting Set
For Murdy Park
Three trees will be planted in Murdy
Park in Huntington Beach March 7 to
commemorate the bl-centennial celel:l"a-
tion of California's 200th anniversary.
The Women's Club, Junior Woman's
Club and the city staff are donating
the trees at the request or the Orange
County BeauUficaUon Committee.
The public Is invited to aUend the
2 p.m. ceremonlu at the park on Golden
West Strft:t just north of Warner Avenue.
'Dickens Chronicle'
Slated at Library
'"A Dickens Chronicle," a film on the
Jife of the Victorian era writer produced
by CBS News, will be shown at 7:30
p.m. Friday by the Huntington Beach
}1ublic Library Film Forum.
The free, public series features
outstanding Ulms covering a wide variety
of topics. CUrrently there is a dilplay
of lithographs of Dickens' c.haracters
and a painting of Charles Dickens at
the library, 525 Main SI.
R.o°i,.rt N, w.n
P"~ .,_. P11bll"*'
J·.~.. a. c11rl•r VI« PJt1IO..T •nd G9Mt'• MIN,.r
lkorn•1 K•t•il
• l;dl!Dt Th~rn•1 A. Murpkin•
MIMlll!,. Editor
Albtri W. ltt•1 Willi•rn R1•d
APO<llhl Hlll'lllntftln flHl'A
Edll'Clr City Edllor
H1fttlnp11 hoc• Offt ...
109 Slh Str11t
M•ilin9 Addrwu: P.O. lo..: 790, 92~41 -.,,._ H--1 ktOB 2711 Wnl ltfti6e llouleYtr4
Ca116 Mui: UI Wnl hY '""°' l,_ ho<ll: tt7 Feni1t An-
DA.ll.V PILOT. wtlll wtlrtfi ti C*'llblnlid tf'lt N_...,_, • _..llllell dlllY U~ ...,.._ d•r Ill. __.,,,. Mrti.. ttf """"' hldl. N.-t lftdl. CGITI ,..., H~i..t.I
.. tell WMI FOll!llllfl Vtlllty, ,,.,,.. Wlfl'I I
tf't!OIMI edltloft. Or-CINI Plltlli.fti..1
c-nr 11111111.,. J4tnl1 1r1 11 2211 Wut
Btltl!M Blvd., Nftlport .... ~eedl, ll'ld Pl Wnl lf'I •trwt, Cios!I -N,
T ... , .... 11141 '42-4121 .... w ......... c.fl 140.1220
CwlfW ~ .. MJ-1611
C~I, INI, °'"* CO.UT ,..,,,., ....... Ctin!Hnr. Ho -1tor11 .. HlllllT.,...... .illlWlll -ltw « ~ts ....... _, 1111 ~ wf1'MM -1111 Hi 11•1'11 " _.,.,..,, ..,,,. .
~ ti.• "°" ... "9!d 11 N .......... ... Coll• Mttt. (.llllornl•. $W9CfkJtlwt ...
arri.r •t.11> """"""'' llr rn.11 O.JI .._tfl/111 111IUll1Y dtt!IM!IOIM, fl,1J mod!IJ'.
OAIL Y l"ILOT Stoff Pllltt
·· .. SWift ~oil
Sta~ Ltt~ Chief Aruwer1 Newport ·Gripe ~ •c. I j ~ ' ' .
-"-·-· ".umrnlA of .. -...., , .... tftff
SACRAMENTO·-'?'be uecuUve direc-
tor ol the State Landi CommJsslon today
prorn1sed swift act.Ion on Newport
Btadi's -and otber age~ea' -deniand1 for ·a ·bea,.tng_ and delay on
e<ri Nmple dJ11!1ng fmlle oflahoft. lfolr•"''· lhe type ol action the com-mission will take Is still undetermined,
Frank J. Hortlg said.
llorUg promised lhat Newport's re·
qQe'st would receive "the full attentlon
of the· cbmmilllon!'
''The city' wW have ample time lor
·' Eader School .
To : Celebrate
Lib1!Clry Annex
Bundi)" "ill be a day of celebraU11n
at the Eader School, 918Z Banning St.,
aa city authorities officially open the
second &Mex of the HunUngton Beach
library system.
Councilman Donald Shipley a n d
Librar.y Board Chairman D a v i d
Wickersham will head ceremonies begin-
ning at 1:30 p.m.
The public will be welcomed with ..
punch, cookies and coffee, and may
browse around the library faciliUes.
1 hearing of &eme sort before the drilttn&
by Sheil Oil Co. and Ila assocl1l6 Is
scheduled to start off Newport," be said.
lie &&Id It would be up to State Con--
troller HOUiton Flournoy, wbo heada the
commlsa~. to determine wbetller Jbe
prOtut bf Newport Beach would r.celve
I lull bearing bef°"' the --· "or lf I &bou.Jd be appointed to bear
the molter inltUd,·and,-• to Newport
to opell: wllh the City Couacll."
Munwhlle, ShelJ and .. e v en col·
laborattnc of1 firms c«1tlnued mll:JnC plam to link a COl'Haniple dr1111q bole
one mile off the Newport Harbor en-trance within three to loor, .... b.
Drtlllng operatloos oboud the large
CUSS I are Dll'll' .........in. oil Oceln-
alde, w_here that . bole wur eventually
reach 6,000 feet. HorUg uplalned that Orange County
oftlclall and realdents did not receive
nj!wa of commluion approval oo the
core drilling becaue the eounty'a atate
Jeglslatora, 1!usl' wt\b lea!alaOve and
commtti.. .talons llld ... ._.i with
prlnled mailer, "probably dld not read
the routine lllllOIUlcemen~ ol propo.!ed
cornmiulo6 lot!om Ind· dtd not relay
the lolcirmaUO. to their comtltueota."
The dlnctor telling II i.nitb Jhe
....,.... ~ lhe lack ol noilflcallon
on Jbe ptO)IOled core drilling, .1114 that
by resoluti<rt of tbe Stat! Legislature
In J959, the State Lands Division ha.s
advlsed individual legislators about
specific core drilling projects in each
lealslalor's district. f;We feverisbly checked back loto our
l'OCords whtn the problem wllh the
Newport~ drilling came up and our
records verify that we notified the
leglslators from the area," Hortig u id.
uAfter·.that our noWlcaUon procednre
h complete-~ to the direcUves
of the legi.$Jature. However, aince the
Jegi.9laforS are now in session and th~y
face • mountain of printed material
eilch day, they probably were too bogged
down to read our notification. We send
these out routinely all year long," he
aald. In a special session Tuesday the New-
port City Council unanimously resolved
to ask for a delay ln the start of\ ~e
core-drilling project uhtil a full hear1~g
can be sclieduled before the commit,
sion, composed ol. Flournoy. Lt. G~v. E<I
R&necke and State Finance Dll'eclor
Caspar Weinberger. .
Hortig said he wu "both sympat~~tic
to the anxiety over offshore drilling
at present, but nevertheless I must
underscore the safety record of such
core drilllngs, since they have been
going on regularly since 1955 from
Oregon lo the Mexican border.
Mrs. Earl Ferguson i1ncl Pal, Her Talented Pet
Annex No. 2 ii opening with a collecllon
of 5,000 books with an expected increase
to 10,000 in the next few years.
Dogs Don"t Talk
It will be open for service from noon
to g p.m., Monday through Thursday
and from 9 a.m. to & p.m. Saturday.
The annex will be closed on Fridays
and Sundays.
Books are divided evenly between an Or Do They? Asks Puzzled Reporter adult collection ari·I a junior collect.ion.
slan tly accused of creating Pal's speech Contemporary fi ction Is the emphasis
through voice projection, or ventrilo--· lo adult readln'.'.' whHe the junior sec.lion By AllTBlJR R. VINSEL
Of .... Dtltr Plllt Stiff
One of the flrat things you learn in
joumallsm IChool Is to be cynical ind
skeptical, because Ille iJ rife with kooks,
while reality ll!eU Is plenty craiy and
enough to keep you busy.
Truth may be stranger than fiction,
but every reporter should paste on bis
typewriter the old line by newspapennan
H. L. Mencken: The only ism justified
by history is pesslml!m. ·
Certain truthl necessarily stake out
the limits of 'fact, fantasy and nature.
Little green men do not fly saucers,
whlth, alter all, are just blobs of glowing
swamp gas. Under a veneer or urbane
cooservaUmt, Dr. Norman Vlncen( Peale
would really like to Boogaloo wllh
gangly starlet Raquel Welch. 11\e tough-
est old streetwalker gives anonymously
to the March of Dimes.
Ju.st the other day, however, someone
tried U q:ain: called to aay there was a
ialking dog at the Department of Motor
Vehicles bureau in Costa Mesa, but we
dismissed that as due to the full moon.
Shirley Huffman, the readheaded
DAILY PILOT switchboard operator,
however, Dashed word to the newsroom
Wednesday that the talking dog was
indeed now in the front office and wished
words with a repon·er.
I never went to journalism school, but
I went out front.
There, with Costa Mesans ~ir. and
Mrs. Earl Ferguson, waited Pal, a pup
of German Shepherd parentage with a
definite speech impediment-not 1 thick
Rhineland accent-but a phenomenal
ability to talk.
"I want my Momma," he pronounced.
I wanted to bark at Pal and the Fer.
guson.s too.
"People just don't believe it until they
see and hear it," said Ferguson, a
masonry worker who brought his wife
and I>year..old son Earl Jr., to the Har·
bor Area from Tue.son, Ariz., two months
His hands may be the tools of hls
lrade, but Ferguson's lips and throat
are probably watched more than Char-
ley McCarthy and Edgar Bergen's ever
were, when the caramel-coated Evtrelt
Dirksen of the canine world speaks his
piece. "Ven .. , ven .. , 1 can'l even pro-
nounce it, let alone do it," aaid Mrs.
Ferguson when asked if they are n()( con·
Chamber Aides
Attend Meeting
Dale L. Dunn, manager of the Hun·
lingtcn Buclt Chamber of Commerce
aDd BlD Black. economlc development
dlrec:tor ol the Chamber, attended the
11111 conlerence ol lhe Clllfomla Aaoci•·
tlon of Chamber of Commerce n-
~-. wtlh Dllnn •ervlnt oo one o1
the panels.
Dllnn 11ld today that the four-<iay
coafettoce 1t South Lake Tahoe Involved
chamber ofDclal1 from st.ate and national
levels as well 11 cities.
He said the objecUve wu to help
make chamber m1U111ers more quallfie<I
Jn the fleldl of finance, legisl1Uon 1od
1ttracUon ol tow1lt dol1.U1.
Tile panel to which DuM wu u allnfxl
cJ!lcuAed 1111jo< prob1'ms facing !lie
chamber movement ln the present aoc~
ty, acconllng to Dunn.
quism. is designed for ynung children.
Sunday's ceremonies will open \\'ilh
BIG VOCABULARY a scout color guard I~ by assistant
The pup, who probably has a bigger senior patro\ leaCer Charles Wisdom.
vocabulary than most human children Othe r color guard members include
also born just two years ago, appar~ Pat Matthews, Randy Scofield, and
ently began to develop his unusual abil-R1chard Kohnow of Boy Scout Troop
ity while trying to imitate the meowing 557; Mark Ripley and Robert Walsh
of two bunkmates. of CUb Scout Pack 557 ; and Kim Pethal
"We got him In a free-to-you news-and Laurie Edwards of Girl Scout Troop
paper ad in Tucson," ~Id Mrs. Fergu,; 4-4-4.
· son, adding that they took home a patr White gloved and dress uniformed
of kittens, Prince and Princess. at the Cadettes of Girls Scout Troop 1726 will
same time, and apparently :Pal thinq,· serve as junior hostesses. he, too, is a cat. J t•;• "The only thing we can figure out 11 ilalf of the building is shared with
that he tried to imitate them until he the department of parks and recreation
developed the ability to form other whlcll makes its facility available to DAIL v l"ILOT """'N"ET1riy c1.ni. '·'-~ th PTA d Jh GETTING AN ADVANCE LOOK AT LIBRARY AN X sounds/' said Mrs. Ferguson. '.'Daddy orgj(Jlal:U you groups, an o et
noticed I( first and Pal wu talking good
~a~c;tiv;J;Jle;•;· ;;;:::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;R~H~d~e~r~s~(~f~ro~m;;;;l~e~ft:l:P:a:u~l:W;;;;a:lk:•:':' :R:o:":":ie;;;;a:nd;;;;K:•:r:•:n:J:o:":":';;;;:;-by the time he was: three months old."
A Tucson specia1ist who w:ent lo vet-
erinary school instead oL journalism
school took 1 look-and a Us~
and declared firmly that be did not un-
derstand what was happening, and
furthermore dld no( W8nt to know. ,
"Who do you love?" -Mrs. Ferguson
asked Tuesday, holding out the M&¥
candy button he associates with per~
"My MQll\ma," he drawled, qulle vis-
ibly mouthlrig the words.
"Who gives you your bath?" she added.
''My Momma," he repealed, probably
tired o( such idle chatter.
"We've written to the M&M people
about him but we haven 't heard any·
thing," said Mrs. Ferguson as Pal, who
will be interviewed on the Joe Pyrie
television show Sunday night, nipped at
hUr M&M, a treat second only to raw
JU!t like a human child, Pal is learn-
ing new phrases -especially No-No -·
which he obviously understands and uses
for personal reasons, no( performance
for his (rowing public.
. Parrots and parakeets ramble , but Pal
gels right to the point.
''He says ' 'No No' when he wants to,
not when we want him t.o," said Mrs.
Fkguaon, adding that the young dog
also annoul'IC8!5 verbally when he wants
to go outdoors after the house gets
tiresome. Enter on the front office 'Switchbolrd ·
scene DAtLY PILOT Women's Section
writer Judy Hurst, a mini-skirted blonde
who did. go to journalism school and
learned there that you don't end a sen-
tence with a preposiUon and also :hat
dogs don't talk.
She was properly skeptica l.
"He's a real girl watcher," said Mrs.
Ferguson, as Pal gazed upon Judy, "he
just loves pretty glrls. Here. give himi
an M&M, and see what he says."
"Who do you love?" Miss Hurst asked,
bending d°"" to the pup who ta1b like a man and may someday develop a real
line for the lad.le!.
"Rowf, rowl, rowf," he replied en-
thusl1stlcally, not necossarlly barking
up the wrong tree., but 1t the wrong
limbs, sending Mist Hurst husUing blck
to her desk duties of covering debutantes
and betrothal suppers.
"I never would have believed.'' she
said. Sooner or later, the days comes when
a reporter figures be's seen everyihlng
and mll:bt as well turn In his presa cards
and let the youngsters from journalism
school begin unle1ming their education.
Few expect It 10 sooner.
Trouble Is, I'm three ,.an too young
to even Join the office rttJrement-llvlng-
btlinHt-30 plan, let llone Rep don to
write my m!rnoln and True Detective
al J.J. J. (Jarrell~
Only A Few More Days!
Sa'le Ends February 28th!
in your choice of styla ot f1bric m•y ba purch11eci et • most generous sa vings , , ,
Truly a rare money-saving opportunity
Over 200 Styles of Sofas
-Chairs -Love Seats
-Ottomans in your
choice of any Heritage
Decorator fabric. ALSO ••• SUBSTANTIAL SAYINGS
a 1Mng tradition In furniture
• I
6-46-0275 6-46-0276
I 1
• -I .. • " ' l ~ • -' .
_Lago :
VC)C. ~2. NO.
'Fastest Paw' to Lead ·Patriot's, Day Parade
Tbe "fastest paw 1n tbe Weal" will
lteP. out smartly 5aturday In lhe Th~d
AMu.al Patriots' Day Parade ai Frank
Keith and bis doc Poncho (owner of
af~enUoned quick paw), take over
grand marshal duties.
Tbe red, white and blue pomp of
the Patriots' Pllt'ade is only one part
ol lhe tt<lay Laguna Beaeh. Winter
FesUval beginning Friday and continuing
through Sunday, March 2.
More personalities will be joining Keith
and canine, lt'ho star .in. a Walt Disney
WqodtrWI Wockl of Color segment, iD
Pitched Battle
lhe ,.,.,.._ '
They include Jacqueline Hyde, star
ol 1 new J.,,,.. -mm.; ctls !'fowl,
a Bob ·Hope trouw and "radio
sweeO¥art" to, Vietnam f18btlng men,
and Richard Slattery, "Bostop Strana:ler''
Mort ~ • event. are acbeduled
for lhe • W._ .f..Uv•I 1ponaored by
lhe Cha'"""' ol CoQuner<e. Openfnl dly f<'!!iy(l;ol,l'l:idoy Joj:ludo
lhe daJl1 Cralto!n<a'1 Fa , 1t the
F..Uvl.I ol, .\rjs. l!IQIOCllr'flom 10 1.m.
&o 5 p.m., a PbmH;-ruqa allo at the
. ' '
Failval poundt lrGm 19 1.m. lo S
A· vWlon' Jloccption ll1d Tea will
kickoff the alJ:th wtnter · J' e 1 t I v a 1
Chai!>ber of ~-llwn, ieo Part
Ave. from l to 4 p.m. ''l'Mre ·Cinadl&n
C<aaul Gooen1 J. 'Gear~ ll1d
his wife will~ .-ta ol -. ~-eo ;tlQI, Jbe .. brope and wit
ol. lhe Jrilll comedy, "Phtildelphl Here
I Come," will lie pr.-led by lht LquJla
Pllyi,o.iai 1t 8'1t p.m. ·
FeitlvJUes Sat~y involve the 11 a.m.
Po,trlota' Parade, -.. ID aria and --
-crlftl· blPtt by it-of lhe ~
l!oleh Unified School District at lhe
IOlll•ll-groondi from II, 1.m. lo 5 p.m.,
a'l'oUeyb&JI tourD&rne.pl at SL Catberlne's
School at 1 p:m., incl; ·
A blcb1age tour of lhe Festhal ol
~ !IDIOUll Pqwit ol the 1Wten
1eta at the . IOll!val poundt from 2
p..m.. to 4 p.m.1 ~and an Ice Qum
Sodl1 from 10· 1.ii. lo I p.m. ~
by ,lhe.AmertcU Field Senice 11 lhe
Felllval gr<>Unila. •. •
·Sunday, 1 Wine 'l'oltlnc Puty la plan-
ned 1 for Ille HO!O( 1-& lrom I lo .
c·p.m. by,the ·Chamber of Commerce
Masten, a toUr of taauna's Envtron.
mental· Llvtng 1llJIOlllotOC( by the Aaoc.
of . American University Women from
2 to 5 'p.m., a Pancake Breakfast by
s~ Calherlne'•· Sdloo1 Auxiliary at lhe
Elb Club from 7 a.m. to I p.m!, andr
'The Ice er.am Social at lhe F..Uval
Ground& frVm , 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the •
dally PbOn-a-rama and Cra.f\amen's Fair at the Ftotlnt grciuncla. · ThiOup lhe week, hlghllthia an · lhe
Gounpet ·Dinners 1t the Hotel Laguna,
&dree'1 Reslauralll. Old Bnwell, ll1d
lhe Victor Hugo Inn, ll1d cl!lery eprll
houaes throuihout lhe Ari Col1111Y.
"Pbll.adelphll Here-I come" wtll·pily.
dally eicopt for &mdlys, Mondly, and
The next weekend, MarCh 1 and t.
even.ta: on tap are , the USSA Wlltn.
Surfing Division Contest, Catamaran
Racing, t.wn Bowling Tournament, a
Flower Show, and; '.
Laguna Be10h Civic Ballet Prtmlere
cl ."Dreams," an Art Show and AucUon
and lhe Chamber of Commerce
Mermaids "Flea Markel."
Lagun8. · Raps Approval
-. '
Of Offshore Oil Drilling
As :'Sneaky'
Shell Starts . . • . . , . . 2 Measures ... · linage Tarnished? .
Drilling Off Laguna Hippk Attit.ruh whed . Blast Action
t . ~ ' . ' • , .•
By , 'JACI(. CHAPPELL hippies lo a IOll lhan h1lnian mite'.
ot .. sa.1tJ Pl• "'" H ferred to 1tl.1-i...,rw0lut1oo Laguna's "moral image" emerged tat. e re .ID an~., ,
tered, tom · and ga'splng for breath pas$ed 'lpl year by 1 the , City Councll,
Wednelday . night following a. panel to a aeries ·of a:rttclu · wriuen by1'Clty
llpedol to !H Jl'1LY·PILOI'. dlocussion by lhe DemocraUc Peace Club Mauger Jameo D. 0Wlitllon, .llld _. By RICHARD P. NALL
OCEANSIDE _ Shell Oil Co. toda on the city'a attltod8 toward bip~.. . mun1ty boatillty toward 1tbe beanled, . · ot a.-ci.1tJ,l'111t..,.
..__ ' Y The thrtwlded tall: aimed at ..,.,11ng beaded llO\-· ' Tho-iotlky' cririUng of oll 'aplorallon
... ~ olk:qrmected driDIJJI _.ttooa poUUcal 10luUo111 loJlht·alleged problem lb!iter termed lhe aclloo ll1d ...,.. rlgbta In of1J11orO ••• ~ .. --_... In, lhe ..... here lhrtt.mllel oft Camp of bljlple .ppi-. llld hlrrUsmenL muni\y.r-· inµnoraL ' __ , WU n..,._ ~ IW)ne·~despl w.aratnls Plltldpalln( i,;, lht talk_ ,.... Dt ... '_'If y6u def111e ~~"!-· by Laguno ~~ch councllmen WedneldlJ. r.1111c:J111f~~-. ~~:1-~~r-·--~~~&.,::tln ·~~~of mi.iw~~~1 ~:!'°1o-O::bli~.rn:; .:" ..!:. =
"We're danmed -eout l1lia, 1-Im .. commJU..· ·and ACLU • wd. ' . ,._ · · public llelril!ll-
City ..._ '-""' UU.,,. attorney Nondon E. ~ He made aeviral allegalfool of POllte Tiie fapch twin· raoillllOlll -
lie aald lbi cfl;J irll! tih c<ltlrt ac!lfoa Jl'filt lo_.. Reiter IOlif i6e aadJ,_ mistreatment of hippies, fnwllod In • by COUJlcllmen· were part of I nood
llllould Ifie ·~ ~•y" drffunil of a1loUt 40 ,_.. Iba! ldJonl by the minor oftetllOll (hllcj>llWJ>i) ml,Chqed of trouble poured oo lhe oiled wat.n
· , let · : · · · city ol LllUIJI Beach bod role(aled (See IMAGE. Pqe J) by, ·rJarmed cJUea alnce tfie, Santa
.,.... . Barbilra,dlalBtu. . .
•-· Ptp I ()lie resoluUon takeJ the Stele tandl
result In any oil allct wlllleHr 00 lhe '"''Sk. i'"-. Pek-. Commlalon lo test for lla quiet gaolln( . • _ . ~ ~ ~ of oil ezploratioo permila lo Shill OU
city'a beach or in the municipal harbor. . eo·. a,nd, seven,otbe,n.wJthin the AnCtuary
b~-:y ~ ~~~~ :.:!,dr!~~: Ho_ ng· Kong.· Officials Seek +.~! ~epermiol lh: ~~ .. -_
said Lilley. "Somewhere •lone lhe line theu hope to -t favarable reaulta:." pl oration are in contraventfoea of. tbe •' spirit 'llld Intent of lhe act aoi! ol
He sald hll city 1tron1ly 1Upports F f L y • h th~ la" of the state .
Police fought demonstrators Wednesday at UC Berkeley and at 'teaot
25 persons were arrested and one lawman injured. About 20 officers
charged a picket line and were met by_ a Molotov cocktail, roc:U,
. acampilplmplredbyNewportBeacb ate 0 _1i_tJ'I ·_)fl .a . ·ac t. ·er ThereoOiuUoncallafor1taleleglliaUoo lo lrlng about 1 llllP'JISion ol lhe Shell ~~., requiring the State Lands Commlalon
offsbor< drlllln& program, which includea In lhe future lo hold pu_bllc beal!na Netipcrt. · on the matter such u a . c#Y_ 1!~
QuerUOm about lbe fate of 1$ yachters, to headquarters for whatever action may be required by state Jaw to do far "Tbit Nrge they've got out there Including a Laguna Beach sk.IPRfl'. be taken. a matter as simple u weed abatement. botUes (see story page 4.) · !~.~tnili::.~ ·bll~ r~ aboard !hr.. boa la captured by 'Red Red eh!na hu .. far not ldmltted It calla for public bearings In tl>e
' t .• i.. loOU q,." China 'four daya ago art to be .directed capturing the boat. which ·were on a are• of concern in the ame "11 tbat
· The .venel. ,1_ about 3IO feet Jo ... _ to Malnland authorities today. Lunar New Year holiday cruise from the State HJgbway Ccmmlasion mmt
.. ·-& Offlclals in Hong Kong said the queries Hong K9n1 to the PortU1Uete ialand bold bearings on !reeway route adoptlan. the size 'of a football" field. lt's due about Simeon Baldwin, 56, of 1359 Cliff colony of Macao. The other resolution call3 for a public
in N.ewport in three to four weeb. Drive, and the others would be sent American diplomats 1'rmed the seizure hearing on the pecmita already; etanttd Sirhan Cal1n D.escribed
Lilley said Oceanside· officlal1 are to Peking tbrouih rouUne channels. rather alanning, noUni that It occurred and a.ski that tbe .involved companies
espetlally inctn.ted by the failure ol Generally, thi1 is via the Hong Kong Just two days before Pekin< abrupUy . show cause why the geological survey
anyone in state government to notlCy bureau ol the New China News Agency, cancelled U.S. ambauadortal talks the authorlzatJon ahould not be revoked .
the city ln advance of the Shell plans. which relays the official commun!cltlona Chinese inlUated In Warsaw. Diacusalon at the W~ Miiion
The State Lands Comml11locr ·quietly the yachts were boarded by crewmen tndiClted that Lagtma Will be 1 cog
authorized Shell and leVtn uioclate from gunboata which 1n1ercepted them ii} the machinery of ctm:tal cities to
After Shooting of RFK
Sirhan wu "llt:e the eye ln the center.
o( a hurricane" momenta after Sen.
Robert F. Kennedy was shot i.a a crowded
hotel pantry, said author Ge o r I e
"He struck me as enormously rom·
posed. The rest or us, given this sudden
turmoil, were not composed," Plimpton
testified for the prosecuUoo Wednesday
at Sirhan'• trial for n.urder.
"His reaction in a hurricane of sound
and feeling seemed llt:e the eye ln the
center of a hurricane. He seemed pura:·
In a fortreu-llke courtroom We.d-
nptay, PllmW>rt med those words to
deicrlbe hla lmpreuloo of Sirhan &
Sirhan alter llhootlng Sen. Robert F.
Kennedy and being pinned down on a
lleam table In I , pantry of lhe
Paintiiigs Sought
.For VA Hospital
A pt,. lo Laguna Beach uthla f0r
paipUn11 to furnish in art show at
the Veterans AdmJnlstrat.ion Hospital In 11"'1! Beaeh lw come from O.W. Price,
~ce ofCicer of Laguna B e a ch
'AnW.rtcan Lqion Post m. I t
"An ubiblt of pelntinp 'by local ll'llsta ,.,,yi.r be a 1r<1t treat for 1he IDID1
tu veterans and would be a beart.·wum-
lng lblnc foe the lllh~ • Price said.
llle ODe-<111 llhow would be held from
11 a.m. lo t p.m. April 10 In lhe r<crea·
tioo lhelter ol the bcispitaL
Ambassador HoteJ.
Plimpton was Olle of those wbo subdued
Sirhan. He Dew here from the East
to testify at the trial and a bit of
the Kennedy navor came back for a
moment as he talked In a Bostonian
aettnt and pronounced the word "saw"
f!l'JllJ lo begin Ille-.. JIJI. i . p· lanners Delay within lhe 11-mlle territorial 'wa\On fight of!Jhore exploraUon ll1d ... ' Carl Totten, o;'Sblill IJIOkOlllWI, said claimed by Red China ll1d diverted lo ptoltalon.
the l ,CICINoot deep core hole project Gau Chau, ·a f1.sb1ng port. City Manager James D. Wheaton lild
off Oceanlllde (JOllel no'polluUon blllrd. D • • The electronlcally-equlpped y, 1 c b t I aoilpmenla liave been dlatrlbuted among
"If we thought there WU 1ny 111n&er CCISIOn on were lhen low!'d lo a Chlne ... Navy cities ln an 1tl<111pt'J• coalce curtail-
from this opeiailon," be said. "we would base at Whompoa, where tbtl.r exteoalve ment of the oil exptor8tkm ..,...,Ip
(See SIRHAN, Pap 5)
1hut It do"'11Dd ....,, out Immediately. Can A navlptloaal gear wu Olpecled lo be Wheaton aald 1-will be reopood-
Thl• drllllnc ii drlllln& core holes for yonnnex examined by -lor espionage ble for I meetfug nm -t Jn Mootenr
geologjcal purposes only. There's a ·man potenUal. · during a League of ctUes conference
from lhe LaJllh Commlloton on hoard Laguna Beach planning commlulontt. Hong Kong aulhorltlea said l9daY lhey of'ofllcllil lroni couta1 cities In COUDlla
at all Umet and he's aatborizd to shut have held until 1 March 10 study seaslou hope to secure full fads in the stiiure, of San Diego, Oraneei ·Los .AQplll and Struhnts' Art
Di.splayed at
lhe _.., down ll1d blve lhe hole before Wing Pekin& wby lhe 1cllon (See OIL BL.\ST, Ptp I)
capped It .ttit flnt aign el oil." a report concerning the ~blt an-wu taken and when the 15 penona
"That'• JUI fine," nplled Liiiey. "And ,,...,loo ti prop.ny·aJona LlllWll Can-WW llll re~· · • · '
' Ute .,.....: probllilJ ..,..kJ 119 Ume1 yoo Road. ' -~
oat" al 1-. But it's ·that one chance Residents of lhe iurround1ng areas ~w~":...,.11o1tuNewport.• upreued fear Monday night lhlLcJty La, .gunaMai,.,Held
...,...ueo could drive their taia uj>, , * * * They said w•'" COii" ll1d rel•t•d On Narco Cliarg'e· Ari ind ctalt wort by Lacuna Beacll demllldl already were high mough In · •
INdenia ,.m be ... •uhflllt ll1d sa1o Clemente· Joins the elilinly terrllory. A Laguna Beach 11-puled 1w11 5aljlrda.y ud liulldl)' at the Falin! . • The area propoaed for annenUon 11 hla time ·in jall lodly, after • pollce
o1 Arv , -..,. J ~ -1 14kcre parcel located •t lhe norlhem officer who •POiied him lllegal!J' outalde ~ u ...,... -· Drillin p l l ctiy lbnila a quarltt mUe norlll ol Can-a proper , restroom e-eot 'fouiid ' F~~btu'*' will~~ -. . lfl ro es yoo Ams llrtie ll1d elll aloog Laguoa ' be WU calTJ1nC aDrceifd!JoP..' . --p Canylia"Roacf. . ' ~; ' •"i>11'4'1Cltallna . •125 .---·and -· 9jedl .$u Cltmmta Wedneaday added Ila .. The. property ,lnc:¥es-~' . ;;_•JI.. ' "~o(,,0.....ton l\ong wfllll tarce coiledloaAf jeftlry. volcl lo tile gowinC ch«lll ol ~-I SiclOty"j<ll.lt• . . '111 ' ' ~...... ' 'liiicl a' tillC*• :
Studenll,ffom ""'°'tEf •Morro, Ti>p Coul cJUea ... Inc lllte ll1d federal ................ , . '·~· .. " WU tatiil u
of the kid, 'l'biiWt ntmnedllte and leuin( ~"'·~ -...,· .. , ''""= Y,.,. .. 'i· 1"· . ~-~ · · · ' La-llfP-. will be ubiblting lhe Sao!U.,i." '\Ill~-In : '-• 'tuPiif.'Noi-dlm wu 'c:ndllnc r.:::e;;~~Al:ln, A mo 'ilfilittpnioilJ -A tMilt·PitH!U j,~1.~barlpthet'lilJ91o(Pllcenlla .
Art-aafta den>Ollllratlom ..w·be li•en !hit oppoa!Uon .... adopted by ~·so+ , ol· .. , ""· ' eota)>lllb-Ai<auiwti'~·wlliii 11e·m o.lJ'n. ·both '•"" by lht ~~-Clemmie Clly Cm>cll • of I aide 1*'<!! J!<linfllln( '-'"'.;,....'.'Jot.,' ' • • '. . ~· ~~ . l tO the l ~ ... w .. ·•·LT ... lfi7• . ·~ ~ I t' I. : ,;c:~. ls:~,.(-Allio · A teeond ~~edar111edit tdUJ•l'f.\~ • .. ''.f\'• .~t:•·•~.....a..llo'l 1~1 c •. i ;.
t't l p,ria. to 2 P·;·;µtt.~,fnb ~ Stl4I ':!,ot '-'-•-and J 1 ~l":'°~~-.1.: I• ••• ,:l.r,w'~ ,::,;•1i:.1::f:'~"t~T11'. ~.,.-.Jn~~ ).!.:l mlit,t
llld; ' The ICllon ub Ille -ml-tO • • ~. (Ille
Sunday -Laguna Beach lll&h School -the ·-ct ouc'h quota -..rl). ' from .-lo I p.rn. Ind Tbunlon permfta which au..-llil•tll ~ 1'he Dow Jones IDduatrta1 averaie at
lnt<nn«lllto !tom 2:• p.m. fl t :lll lo "loolt ad ·-U 1&n•1 oD WldcF 1,111 p.m. ,. .. ®'a tO tlUf, oft. 7M
p.m. then" pondlJW publlc bearlop. lac the day and 11.71 !Gt tilt•*-·
mi!lter F e&tival
••partty cloudyi IM2." Tlaat'a
the tene verse from lba ~
ture for Frlcfq .. Null, llld-' '
The mvaterv of ""° 1hol Jiu,.
lion iecret 1nvk• chief .Ln-
rend 1 Brria· goc1 Oft. l>tpOHd pr:enUtn~NUCfta l'hrv.ahchn.,.
hc.diCl.fCSee Page 4. -.. --. __ .. --" --. ......... ,.,.
" ~ ;;
< ·1 . .
--· == ........ ., = ~ . ......... --..
-----·-------..... -----------------~-~---...
---·· ' . '--
" , OAILY l'ILOT L ,,..,,., ...... , • "59• .,
: 'Top ·of World~
' .
Road · ~A ppr.<•V:e:d.
Of ttii. 0.11'1' •11a1 Sl•tt
Councllmto made official a paper road
to Llguna'1 Top of the World Wedn•ad•y
night deaplte Oppo!JUon of residents wbo
would like to erue--il.
Unanimous approval was a:iven !he
Allen Charges
State Okays
Other Permits
Fifth District County Supervisor Alton
E. Allen of Laguna Beach says the
Stale Lands Commission has quietly
Jssued more than one permit to oil
firms for e1ploralory drilling off the
Southern California coastline.
Allen identified the firms u Tuaco,
Pennzoil United and America Petrofina.
He said permits have been granted,
but, as yet, no specific drilling altes
have been given the companies by the
Lands Commission.
The permits, he noted, are in addition
to the one already granted to the Shell
Oil Co., which already Is engaged In
test drilling. One of the tell litea grlllf.l!d
Shell lies within state waters off Newpor
Armed with the information about the
additional permits, Allen Wednesday
spurred the county Boazd of Supervisor•
into passing a resolution calllng on tl:te
Lands Commmission to halt all ex
ploratory drilling pending a public hear-
ing on the matter.
The resolution states that bad the
Board of Supervisors been aware of .
the intention to issue a permit to Shell
Oil and others it would have strongly
opposed such 1cUon. ·
The ruoluUon l1ao vtew1 the permit
lo Shell Oil as 1 "prelude to efforts
by the oil industry to remove the protec-
tion provided by the Shell.Qmningham
The act prohibits oil drllllng in lhf:
ocean out to three miles tram the Santa
Ana River lo the M"1can border.
From Page 1
Santa Barl>Ma.
Wheaton noted that' concern in the
South Bay area of Loa Angeles County
Js not very lively and aaJd "a fire
is going to have to be lighted there.''
Referring to future exploraUon lites,
Wheaton said one ls oU Corona del
Mar and another Is just south of San
Clemente. He said the time table for
the exploration is not known.
The city manager said the geological
surveys could only be for one PJ?POIC,
ultimate commercial exploltaUon.
Wheaton said It la vital that the State
Landa Commission and Us staff be made
to understand lhal the granUng of the
pennlt& without public notice wa11 not
in keeping with publlc policy and would
not be condoned.
He said Assemblyman Robert Badbam
and State Senator John Schmitz are
introducing leglslaUon to chan&e the law.
Czech Square Stays
PRAGUE (UPI) -Cucboolovak
authorities today rejected attempta to
rename Red Army Square in Pracue
for Jan Palach, the student who fatally
bumed hlmself in protest a1ainst Soviet
domination .
Oll•ttGE COAST ,V,l.t$111NO COMil'A,H'I'
~·"'' "'· w, •• '"'~'~"" !"llMl""r
alignment prol)05ed to extend Canyon
Acres Drive at 10me tature tlme '°
AllJ Laguna Boulevard.
The future road would 8e a new route
from Top of the World to Laguna Canyon '
Road. However, Edward Gkltfelty, ~
dent of. HUltop Homeowner• Alllocla~on,
told councilmen there wu little aen-
Ument for the new road amq hilltop
He upreued concun about "ho would
pay foe the meanderinl road. City
Manager Jame. D. Wheaton &aid owners
or the property through whldl the road
pasae.s would pay for lt.
There wu no declllon on wbo would
pay for poasible future wldeNq of U·
iJUng Canyon Acru DrJve. lf widea.1q'
became neceaary to lllppol't traffb
Canyon A.era Drive ruidtntl hive
opposed the allgnment fearing It woUld ·
bring both increased traffic to thetr
resldenUal atta and ~ wldenln1 that
would take portions off their lots.
MIY9f Glenn Vedder told the group
that mlJll' paper road., Including lhll
one, were p .. about 10 years qo.
He explained 1pln·thlt the route wu
merely an adjustment of an already
approved allgnnient.
Richard Ensch, 470 Canyon Acres
Drive, dacrlbed hi• ar11 u 11kind t•f
a povefl1 belt" and 1Sted who would
pay. Emch asked why the bucolic at·
J1:101Phere of Laguna Caftyon thould be
•polled. •
Vedder aaid "destruction of the canyon
began when the first house was moved
The mayor recalled allo when Boat
Canyon wu virginal full ol rabbits, quail
and dove and with a stream. "All we
ha" ...-ls 'a lot of blacktop and
a blf abopplnc ~DI.er, n be nld.
Wayne MoOre, 447 Canyon Acre• Dri've,
llkened the action to 11anctloning off-shore
oil drillln.g. But be spoke of formaUon
of a homeowD&I croup and aJd, "it
seems we must lore the battle and
destroy a few houHa in order to win
the war."
Richard .Muaen, owner of property
throagb whldl the llnt Ngment of the
allp.ment will be developed to aenre
new bome1, 1a1d he did not agree with
th' planning commlalon decltlon to
recommend only his portion of the allgn-
Neither did councilmen. They apProved
the entire allpmenl.
From P .. e 1
that the Incidents had all been white-washed.
"The general harusment of hlpplea
won't stop unleJ11 you vote the clowns
out of offict that pass lhls stuff," Reller
Jl!DeJ Ledc!J, llftl Into the lloo'• clan by the Laguna Image Committee, noted
wryly after Relter's caustic address that:
"I understand today that I'm to represent
the forcts of intolerance."
"Well, J..wW have to admit to repruen-
Ung the forcts of expediency," he aakl.
He asked if there were any raUonale
for the council's acUons.
And then, anawered that 1 great
amount of preuure had been placed
on the men for aome kind of "bathe
them, shave them and throw them out
of town" meuure.
"Speaking for the COU11cll, -that pressure ge~_ strong enoo1h, you do
l!iomelhing arid you try to act within
the lln" of the U.S. ComtlluUClll and
irtate conatllutioo.
.. The purpo1e: ol the action to i large
extent was to control Jlfl'IOftl whole '
sense DI civil righta have completely
atrophied," Leddy said.
Leddy llJd that CertlJD tlemtntJ of I
the community had under CODlkleraUon
the h!J'lng of a a:ocn equld whlo11 would
1weep through the city c:racktn1 lon1·
haired b"d' and "diJcouraglag" blpplel
from comina tn town.
Leddy nld people brinl prtUllH when
they believe that the1r bUslneu « tht
town'• image ii beln1 affected 1dvertely
whether or not It really truly li.
041l Y PILOT trlff f'lllM',
Winter FesUva! Queen Chria\y
Mikels wlll be among parUci· .
pants in Third Annual Patriot's
Day Parade set for 11 a.m.
Saturday in downtown Laguna .
Dorcas de Jong
Funeral Held '
Funeral 1ervtcu for Laguna Beach
writer Dorcu Davia de Jona: were held
Wednesday at the chapel of the Sheller
Laguna Beach Mortuary.
Mn. de Jong, a Laguna Beach resident
for 40 yean, died Friday. She wu
Mr•. de Jong of 387 Monterey Drive,
wu a well-known writer of chUdrens
boot• and library patron. She had been
a member of the Frlenda of the Library
and Wal I member Of the l.al\lll& Beach
.Art Association.
She wrote several publl11hed booka in·
cludlng "Maha the Elephant," contained
In the Laguna Llbruy atock. ·
Mr1. de Jong had no 1urviV9rs. Inlet·
ment ii at Pacific View Memorial Park
in Nnport Buch.
Kathryn Knight
Services Held
Services £or Kathryn Trask Knight,
a resident of the Laguna Hills com·
munity, were held today at 11 .,.m.
at St. Catherine's Catholic Church.
Mla Knight, of 890 A Avenue Sevilla
died Saturday in Needles. She was 58.
Sbe had been a resident of the county
for nine yui-s and a Callfornlan for
Mtu ·Knight 11 survived by brother
Walter 0 . Knight of Ohio, and 1iatera
Ethel Adams of Pennsylvania, Mildred
Kelly of Ohio and Jane Ford of Indiana.
'Alice B. Toklas'
Foiled in Pot Plot
ATHENS, Ohlo (UPI) -An Ohio
Universi\y coed was held in lieu of
$8,000 bond today on charges of at·
temptinl to sneak marijuana in a pan
of brownies to an inmate at the county
Jill Audrey Breslau, 18, of West
Newton, Mass., pleaded innocent Wednes·
day to chll'lel of possession of mari-
JUa.n.a and attempting to convey narcotics
Into the Jal!.
J"l L e~rl•y Vil:• Prttldeft ~ Offtff~ Me"ltt"
Tho"''' Ket•il
ThoM•I A. Mw rphine Man~ lfi,..
Growing Games
Aith1rd '· N1~ P•11I Ni1ttll' Lown1 ltKh · AM'111i ...
CllJ l!fllor Dlrf'A!r
i ..... ._. OfflM
122 f,,,,, Av1,
M•ltl•t Ail4••tn P.O. I•• ,, .. 92612 ...........
Cette llMw1 JJI Wl'lt llW' JlrHt
l\leWllO" t11c11: 1111 Wnl l•lfMI• l o..ln11t'
Hu1t1-..i011 .. td'I! .. Jlh llrttl
0 4n. 'I' 'IL01, Wllll .,..,ldl It ... Wirt' thf "''-'°"'" 11 .ubll ...... U~r ••< .. I ...... _, i. -.-~ fW Lltlll'll ... di.
~I kKlll. (•II """"' N\lflliftth<'! ... ., .,... l<ou"''"' \11lir,, ...... wrlll •
ttt!Of\91 "'!loft D•I-Ci>t•I l'ubll•""'' ("""Hilt ll"'lnUtlf 1tlent1 .,. 11 '111 WOii .,... lfw'&. .......,.... ltKlt. .t...i UI wut ,.., lftnt. Cet11 MtN. ,..... ,,,., ., .... "
Qoc: ......... '42'"4J21
t-11111• ,... Of'•llfl C:Nt! JIW~ ~. ,.. -'"''"' •lllioll•lllM&. tfl!Wlel _ ...... -.......,"-_ ..........
Mer tilt ,_..,.. WI"""" i.eKlf( Mf> ll'~ifll OI C#t'l"JtM """"'·
kcd tleN -'-N illl ef H•.._f .. tdl
""' (Ml1 ...w ... (tlllltnle, klMc•""*' "
c.trrl!:r ti.Fl -'lllh'I I" "''It UM -"""' """"" .,.,,...,_.,~ 11.n _....,,,
Council OKs Expanding Recreation
Llflllll Blach recreation wm I""'·
Councllmon W-111 nl"1t took •
flrll bl& llop. Tbl7 ll'!""ved • nport
callin( f0<:
~ ol tbe poaltJon ol lull-thne
recreallon -· -Purlllil ol a Jolnt.j)OW!fl •lfOtment
with the achool dlstrlcl rcr the enlar1ed
-Bud(etinl In the comlni fiscal year
f0< both the ...,.. post and upJndod
~.,.;.,..n actloo calll*f 1 c:onllnu!D(
prwure by elemen!J 0£ the commW>lll'
tor both tnCft recruUaa and m o r e
dlvene reerutlon. It wu a campalp
Jaiue 1 .. 1 coundl electlon.
Durllll pttpat•tJon ol !ht current
budlet IUI JUI', COWlcll llfled to hold
off on a blQer proeram pendJDf cmtioo
and report from a atudy cemmlttee.
It WU formed Jut Jal7.
The report ataw, "Th• need ror an
txpandtd !'flCl'f'lllon prorram II f'Udlly
identifiable i.e., tetn activities, senior
clllleo progr11111, oll-c:am!>UJ c:onUnu!D(
educaUonal opportunltlu, cultural pro-
grama and 1 myriad ol o t h er
"Thue tindJ of thlng1 can be added to the city'• progruo wtlhoot a _..,
change In the facll!Ues that are now
Tbe report recommeodl al.Jo lhat tha
committee remain intact to explain com-
munity objectives to the new recre1Uoa
our1n1 put dlOC1111loas or Laguna'•
recreatlonal future. persons hid mlde ,
the point that more WN netded than
• 1portl program and that a recreaUoa
dlreetor ahould be mort than 1 man
pautni out b•tl and balls.
City lfliiacer Jamu D. Whuton 11 <o pnpare a posltloo delcrtptlon or the
new post for council approval .
The committee con11llted of tehool '
tnateel, Dr. N«man Browne, and
Robert 'lllrner; Mike Hoff, dlnlcl« ol
the Boy1' Club ; and councllmtn J011tp1t ·
O'Sullivan and Roy Holm.
' '
:~,~-, ' ,_ ... ,. By TQM GORMAN .. .. ' . . ~ . . ' •
, ............................................................. .IJ
C.!Jlinl-laland IJ!Jly! Quito lft· ...
perience. Put on your patent tourist
Bharta and 1lip on a lUe jacket. and
I'D take you oo the 25-cent tour.
The mOlt hmu1oua w.:y to a:et over
Is · to Jump on a yacht I landed oo
the upper brldse· OI a 15-foot Italian
beauty named Mary J, She happens
to be namtd for the mother of LBHS
student Rob Kromnan. It belPI to have
Tip number two ia to have aomeone
go over with you. So l invited Rob
to come along with me.
J Insisted that he feel right at home.
After all, ii Wal hll boat. '
TJuinl along with 1IJ WU Doug
Schmitz. He wanted to 11e1pe our 1mall
town environment. Gut11 he didn~t knt>W
that Avalon wu even 1maDer. And in
the winter, you even have I hard time
finding the hard core cltl!.elll. 1be place
wa1 mare deserted than Akatru.
The J"eat ol the gang on board consisted
of Rob'• parents, some of their friend s,
and Captain Pat. Caplain Pat was in
charge of the automatic pilot.
So, we got under way. It's kind' or
fun crulslD( tmougb Newport , Harbor.
Wbtn you're oo the brkfce of a bo1t
the illle ol our~ you OU -..d -l
from lbooe ~tUe renk·rowboat outllll.
All the Utile mlnkllptalna rowtni In
lhe harbor waved to U1 with 1 Dl'l"VOUS
amlle. 'l1l<y '!l"P., ....i to capalu In
our wake. Wt h'9 mtrer.
The trip over wu rather uneventful.
I understand we paped throuJh a fog
bank and a school of sharks. I can't
verify that: I wu asleep in the lower
Crul•inl at ·aj>e\lt IO !mot., we arrived
•l AvJloo Harbo< In Ume for lunch.
Dour, Rob and I dedded to 10 ubore.
Docked In the harbor, we had to hall
a water tut Wow, whit a racket
We were golnc to rent bJta for a
dollar an hour, but· we daclded we-could
aee more by ear. We pooled our money,
and rented a aort ol dune bum lw
'7.liO ID boar. Tbal'I anothir racklL
lloul. drov• flrJI. 'nle Jl"'prletor of
the IMl(V place had bis doubt. about
ren.Un1 to minon:. ND wonder. Doug
pu( tbe car in rever.e, and wt jumped
forward. The guy about had a heart
Finl off, I wlDled to Ill the autograph
of Mr. WrJ&ley, thl 1WD Ni who OWOI
Non-profit Unit Formed
To Build New Library
The clty's third non-profit corporation
was launched Wednesday night to build
a new Lagwia E;~acb Library.
And City Manaier James O. Whiaton
loday was taking the county pulse to
see ho w the financial land lays for
construcUon of the new cowity branch
He was meeLlng with. the county
librarian and aides to "talk round
numbers" on site acquisition and con-
struction of a 7 ,000 lo 8.000 square foot
facility that would be leased back t<J
the county.
City councilmen in multiple action
-Authorized formation of the non-prc-
fit corporaUon to acquire land and build
the facility on Third Street near Mermaid
in exceu of that.
-AutborfJO¢ appralal ol the alto by
Hamlltoo Jona of Nrwport 8'ach for
$3,150. -
sun opei;i ii the quuUon ti .whether
the city will acquire. al.J:, aeveD, ela:ht
or nine lot. oo the euterty J!de of
Thlr~ Street
Acqulaitlon of nine Iota would include
the relll#inder of the block from the
medical · C"1ltt to Mermaid. County
criteria would call for lb" of the lotJ,
about 21,500 1quare feel
City offlclala:, however, have Aid that
acquisition of all the lob would stve
the library room to srow. Thi three
addltional loti would add &bout 10,000
addltional square feet. 'J1ie city mllht
pick up the dUference tn COit. '
-Appointed as directors of the cor·
poratlon, Mrs. Anthony Demetriades, Jon
Baughman and Juneo Leddy. 33,000 , •Face Draft
-Accepted a bond commitment from ~
Boettcher and Comp,111y of .Deiiver for WASHJ:NGTON (AP) -The Pent&gon,
up to '700Jl()O for the project malntalnini hi1h induction tevels this
-Accepttd as corponlion attorney year, .c~ today !Of the drafUng: of
William Camil of Satn1 Fe Sprtnp at 331000 men in April. 'Thi Selective Servlct
a fee of one percent of the first $500,000 System WI I ulced to draft 30M1Q f or
of bonds and one-half percent of bonds ......, ~Army and 2,&oo for the MarlneJ.
a lot ot the bland. We drove up to
h1I e11Ut, but heeitated to go In. I
comproml!ed, and bought a pack of his
We wanted to see some buUa~. but
they ware in 'the most exclusive part
of the Island : the range was sectioned
off by tho,. prlv11" gates like at
Emerald Bay and Monarch Bay. The
machine rejected my press card. We
11ve up. Defeat number two.
So we cru1aed by the 1olf course.
J iueu·il wu that; there were a bwicb
of iuys with the clubs and white balls.
We never did see the greens. I guess
the greenskeeper stopped coming over
when they 1topped the ferry .
·We did aome more driving. We were
afraid to lhlft • gears, so ' we crui!led
about 35 m1Je1 an hour in first gear.
Wow, whit a whine.
Our hour ended pretty fad, and we
drove back to the lot. That guy 1ure
wu relleved to see us. As he looked
over the buggy, we ran toward11 the
boat. We didn't want to wait for any
So that's Catalina. Land of bufialo. awn and k!da running around 1n dune
County Planners
OK. Mortuaries
In R-2 Districts
InabWty of a mortuary to obtain corn-
merclal property In the El Toro area
bu led to a revi&lon of zoning re-
qulremenls for auch eotablishmeols by
the county planning commil!llon.
Commlasloners Issued a staff directive
to Jnclude m0$arie1 In R-2 (group
dwellln1 ). IW (apartmenb) and R~
(JUb~ban reaidential) districts with •
... permit
Brown'• Colonial ?tfortuary tried UOSUC·
eeufully to acquire cotnmerclaJ property
in El Toro. to build a mortuary. ':'hey
appealed to the planner• and supervisors
to allow building in multiple residential
zone1 but were tutned down.
Senior Planner Richard T. Turner said
the only reason mortuaries were not
permitted In any of the n1uIU-re11idential
dlstrtcts b because they are designated
u aolely commercial.
Commissloner1 Implied that a semi·
commercial or aemi·reUa:loua designation
wa1 more logical.
AcUvlUes around a mortuary are com-
paUble with uaes $UCb u churches,
llbrarleJ, hoapital1 and school& whlrh
are allowed ln mulUple residential mnes,
plaMerJ decided.
al JJ. · J. 9arl'ell ~
Only A Few More Days!
Sale Ends February 28th!
tn your choice of 1tyle or f11'ric mey 1'e 19urch111tf et • mosf t•nerous s•Yings • , .
Truly a rare money-saving opportunity
Over 200 styles of Sofas
-Chairs -Love Seats
-Ottomans in your 20<>/o choice of any Herita&e
Decorator fabric. ALSO • , • SUISTANTIAL SAYINClS
a. ltvtq t.radlUop_ In furnllure
M6·0271 146-0276
./ ' .. ,., .. '
Swift , Oil Action Set
• • .
Stat,e· Larids Chief AnsfVers Newport ,Gr:ipe _-
By JOBI! VAL~ ..... ~ .. lllllJllldetermlned, Of .. Dlltr Plllt Sllff; J'rW J; Aid, I
SACRAMENTO -The execuUve dlrec-,llccill Iba! Ntwp0rt'1 ro-
tor ol the Slate Landa CommlssiCIG today q...i ~ "the fllll -!loo
pnimlaed swtft a~ CN>, -NtwpOrl ol lilt _....... •
Boach'a -and other , ageodef' -'"Die. dlJ wlD bin mple time foe
d""8Ddl f9' a buring and delay on I boirtlll ol -Ml befGn.the drllllq
core wnple drllllnc a mile olflbon. bJ' -·Oil Co. ud Ill aaodalel 11
Howe..,, the type ol acllon the, com--to atarl olf. NeWporl," bl Aid. ~ , .. I . * * * ·'tr * * State Sow·~ Say They
.: J
W ete Notified on Oil
Two state legialators whose d!Jtricts
flank the Newport Belch area dilcussed
the nollflclitlott qu..tlon this morning,
but the key man In the issue,
Assemblyman Robert Badbam ( R -
Newport Beach) was unavailable for
State Sen. Jam~ Wbetmore (ft..
Fullertoo) strwed "the tborouglmesa ol
the State . La\}d.t Commission llalf in
noUfying us of peocl.lng' action in our
dlslricl When my job bore aHected
the coast dlrecUy, Ibey alway1 circled
ttemo relatlnf ·to It In red pencil. I'm
sure tbe usemblyman repreaenling
Newport Beach received the noUfica·
Uon," be aid.
A.uem~\ymln Robert H. Burke (R-
Hunun,ton Beacb), wbooe dlstrict'1
soultitnnnoot boondary II the Santa Mil
River, aald that be, too, rectlvtd the
noUllcaUon, but the coco drilling did
' ~ aHect bll dlslrlct.
••1 aee no reuoo for the powen-that·be
to get emolloully ' charged up about
routine· drllJlq that baa beeo 1olog oo
for so .long just becat11e of an Incident
that happened elsewhere," Burke said
today. ,
He said the drllJlq ii deaigned to
"provide valuable and vital informaUoo
on poalble drilling at a later' d1te,
from dry land-based operaUon.s."
La Habra Pilot Sought;
Overdue on Oregon Trip
Search plane! took to the skiea over
Nortllem California today in the bunt
for a i. Habra pilot two daya overdue
on a flight from the PorUand,-Ore.,
area to Fullerton Airport.
Leroy Fudge, 45, ol lllO Hillaodale
Ave., La Habra, is preaumed down
somewhere in the rugged mountain-valley
terrain south of Chico toward Sacra.men·
The Civil Air Patrol wu hampered
Wednesday by blavy cloud! aod driuling
rain, ao only three searcb planes went
up in the . bunt for the Piper Comaacbe
400, owned jointly by two men.
pilot aod Lawrence E. Shepherd, of 1127
Cottonwood DrJve; Brea, bad been parked
at an aJrport in Troutdale, Ore., since
late November. '
· Fudg~ and .bil wife, TbeJm•, Dew
It to ili< PorUand .aru lo< !be .~v
ing bolldaya and r<lumed by commercial
airline due .to bad wtaUier, wJ:Ucb made
• flight Ir the amaller plllle hazardous.
Spokesmen for ~, CAP 8'ld Fudie
new nor1h last Sunday by commercial
carrier, again to 'bring the Comanche
bact 1010 lnd ·mlJ have nm ' into .bad
wea~her again.
Ho aalol' tt -.... to -Coo-
lnlller -"°"'""¥. wbo -the cmnmlwlcw, to ~ wbetbw tbe ~Iii' Nowpml-~ ~
• full hearlq -·u.. -mi ......
"or II L-bl appolntad to .i,at
the molter lmtud, and eome to NtwpOrl
to lpeU with the Qty <'nmclJ."
Meanwhile. SMil and 1 • • e n col-
laoontlnf OU flnna conUnued mlllng
plana to lint a CO<H1111ple drilling bole
-mile di the Newport lllrbor ..,.
tranco ·willllll lbno to four weeks.
Dril!bli ---aboord the W10 cyss I 11't -............ off Ocean-
side, ....... that bola will evenlually
rqch .c;oao feet
· Hortll ezplalned that 0.ange County
Gmclala and realdenll did. not l<ctilve
~ cl. commtulon approval oo tbe
COft• drilling became the -ty~I state
Ieglllaton, busy wlth l~laUve, and
committee l'uiom and awamped wU.b
printed matter, "probably did not rud
the rouUne &IUIOWlCOlll<llls of proposed
commllaloo actions aod did not relay
the information to their constituents."
The director, telling at length the
reuom behind the lack ol. notification
00 the P!<JllORcl .... drilling, aald that
by te'91irttoo ol the State lleglalature
ln 1951, the State Lands Division bu
advised individual legislators about
1pe¢&: "°"' drilling projects in eacb l~laior'a dbtric£ · ' •
"we fevtrlshly checked bact into our
records when the problem wlili lhe
Newport core drilllna: came up.and our
reconb v.rify tl)at we nolllied !be
leglslaton from !be araa," HorUg said.
. "Mter tha4 our notW...Uoo procedure
ls complete; accoidlng to !be dlrectlva
of the legillature.· ·nmver. •Ince the
legi!laton are now in ses!ton. and they
fac.e a mountain of printed' ma~lal
eacb day, they probably "~ too bogged
down to read oUr noUflcation. w., -
these out routinely all year long.~· 'he
In a apeclal ·sea Ion TuesdiY: the. ·~tw·
port City . Collncll unanlmOlllly resolved
to ut for · a delay in the llarl ol !be
core:.truung. projoct until a lull bearln&
oan be ICl>eduled belore the ' commll-
•lon, composed of Flournoy, Lt. Gov. Ed
Reinecke azl\I ·State Finance D-'
Caspar W~er. /
Fudge wu lut heard from Tuesday
afternoon in a radio broadcast to the
Cl:llco Airport, reporting cloudy weather
aloft and never arrived ID FullertOn
at s,ilO p.m., a1 acbeduled.
Hortig said he wu "bOtb l)'mpitbetie
S. • Ga . . ' to . the anxiety ov.r -drllltog even ln ·minu, at pmen4 but · neverthel• I m111t . , O' underacore the aalety ·neord ol. sucll
. . . core drilling>, since they ~~ve been Prostit.'ut. wn Raid going 00 regular1,. s1nce 11&5 1rom The p1&ne owned jointly by the m1as1ng Oregon to U,. -Me11cao boider: ·
"DuriqJ .tbiS p!riod,'• ·tte··added, "af>t
4 State Solons Denied Dismissal, ~.:'.iw~:":!:~·5
Five men and two women accused of a totaf <I 111.i: millioo feet of core holu.i
T k Ai J nk conducting a coonty-wi'de gaming a fl d We've bad many more severe problemr' , a e r U et prostitution ring were denied motions with tanken dumping their bilgu Ind'.
) for dismissal of the charges against them ~hin~~ dumping spoiled catcbea in'
A quartet of Sacramtnto legislators Wednesday In SuperioT Court. He said all the leglslatora are notified: wlll slffp well tonight -and any other night _ because they kno'li the California Judge Robert Gardner quickly threw in advance of the COll5ldentJoo of the
Air National Guard is on duty and they out the pleu .of the seven accused and Lands Commission on core sample,
I f the ,_ ... ,._ "•-' ...... projecll. arenotaong or ride. -\i.-• • ~"¥"u,-i •..,1'ebn.:to~ • ......., 5 In !Jght"fi• the present controversy
Assemblyman' Robert H. Burke (R· lo< Jl!r>'.;trtal.•l!lch defeodanl IJ.free,oo boirevU, be utd, be aod bis auocla~
l!mlUngW! Beacb) aod three coJJeapu ,I,~ ball. . ': 'UJl!<!ad oome milloo Jn !be nolifica·
were invited on a lralnlni m!Jo100 to · ~ of ~ to cm.nit proi' ' •tioo inceduno. Puerto Rico lam week' to ,.. fint"11nd ulliiipa ·aod pmbllng and dlalrtbutiaO A blll 'attemptlnr lo revise the ayatem
how glamorous "the o,u>B-guard duty. ol ~ ~terlal are: -Yvoone of nollflcatlOO of ibe publlc on cornmls-
The elderly c-97 troop tarrier Iumbertd'*. ~ Ki!if;"/tt,: of ~~-·MC1ene .,s u "'• 'lion ~ on offabore drilling is be111g off Its runway as the lnnuikers braced Goeidbt, 21' of 'Los;Ableies· Jes5e De AJ.. , authored by Assemblyman Robert E.
tbem<elVOI in lashed.00..n office cbain, . ba Plac..ii.,, ·II, ol ·A..beim; F·eH.. )l•dl!am. (R·NtwpOrl Beach).
en route to the Caribbean odyssey -Bernardo Dlpn~ 31. Of Orange and
BPOlled ordeal. Dooglii 'Conrad Komwoll, 28, I>One1 ·
A bologna sandwich and a barfbag Francis Gorman, 21 and Larry Bridges,
would be Red Carpet Class, compared 21, all of Garden Grove.
to the nearly 20-hour lfight in the cold, Investigators said the aeven qonckicted
cavernous, four~gine C-97 of World War their operation from an Anaheim· home
II vintage. under the pseudonyms of "Entertainment
It was a heck of a way to run a Unlimited" and "Orange County Busl·
railroad, much Jess a legislative airline nesamen's Club." It wa1 regUte'ecl with
junket. the Orange County Chamber ot Com-
. "Belleve me, it was no junket," said merce under the latter µtJe. they said.
Auemblyman George Mllias (R-Oilroy), 'n>e seven defendants were inttlded by
"in that old C-97, it was a torturous the Orange County Grand Jury followtng
thlng." a three-month prnbe of their acthitles
41They were trying to Impress 1l8 about by officers from seven county jurisdic-
bow horrible their equipment Is," added tlorui, Including Newport Beach.
Lite Santa Clara Valley onion farmer Confiscated in the r&ld on the Anaheim
who paid hia own way to Puerto Rico headquarters were aDegedly obscene
like Burke and the others. films, card lndei:es detailing prostitutes'
1'Tbe briefings were held on a very addresses, cards, dice. poker chips 1 fl d
I n for m a l , bead-to-head, nose-~nose many other gaming implements, tnves-
balb," Burke added. tlgaton said.
300 •Milked!l • ID
Two County Men
Guilty of' Gaming
T1io men accused ol gambling at a
Los Alamllpl rllta~apt have been found ,
guilty by l,&uperior Court jury .
An eight-man, fo'Ur~weman J u r y •
deliberated lea than four houn to return
that verdict qalnat Jooeph Bombola,
34, ol 304:1 Aceca Drive, LOI Alamitos,
aod Elmo F. Scheele, 45, of Anaheim.
Both men were arelled Lut Mayl 2Z
foliOwtng a twOiDontb inve!Ugatioo of
restaurant Judge Howard Cameron
ordered Bonlbola and Scheele to return
ito bia court ·March IO for a probation bNrinc. 1111._.,..
Pair Sought in Cow-less, Cash-less Cauk. Venture
By roM BARLEY Robert Gardner aod acbeduled lor IP.
Of .11111 D9ilr Plllf '!-"' I • ' .~ )llfdl lt Oft moUoni fot
District attorney'• ln9U141ton today dlsmlual ol fl'aod ~ea "'"' John
araaeetlni two ol four_ who alleged-. s. Sarver, IO, and J~jlll E. Wlt.erman,
ly lllllted more than ilOO lnveaton ol an . 41, of i-Bach, both prlnclpala In
uillllated 1344,000 in a caWe breedinl the ~ '™t WltzmnlD AdvertlJlng
vidur. on an Oregoo ranch that pnwad Aaal<J'. Jn lbat·dty.
to Ile cow-I"' aod caslH.,. 1n-.. ... allegedly ~ that at 1iie four 1CCUled, Dickey 5'1d, •~ the end ol al<· yeara eacb would be ~ invesbnents for a project tbe owner ol a herd cil lit cows ol brted-d~bed .. !be Saddle Butta 11-'1 In(.,.. 11.....,". "P)'l'amld" typo"' op-
.. llregon aod allegedly Induced tbelr eratlon, DeoutY District Attomey Everett
vict1mJ to pay llllO for a co• Wblcb Dlot07 l&ld, lo that eacb in•Oll« wu
Wal "guaranteed to be Jl"'snanl·" allo lll1IUted that bis pn>llls would ..,.
C)I the wanted list after being lndlctod cumulate u eacb co• came o1 breedln&
by the Orange Coonty Grand Jury age.
W t d n e a d a y were Wlllianl S. But Dlct07 allqe1 IUblequent 18-
Eidtelberger, 44, ol 11100 Monteclto vesUgaUon dJsclosed that there wu not
Rold, Loa Alamitos and Doro B. one cow to be found on the bug< Saddle
Fonlund, S:. of l'rll!<flon. Ore. Bulle apread. And the cow~.,. ranch
Arraigned before Superior Court Judge wu welgllted down with 1100,000 in
' oiltatandlng, dellquent accowils.
DlcbJ said the four men .,.... chorged
with <Olllplracy, craod theft aod vlolatloe
ol the llate'1 CGtJllW>te aecuriUea la•
after a Jona• Jnv~•tlon of 1 cat lie
breeding enterprlle they allegedly coo-
ducted between late 1M3 aod September,
Dickey cla1ms the four men defrauded
321 Jnvestoii oi 111<,IOO in ihat petlod.
Fourteen wl-tallfled qalnll Iba
four in craod "jury bearinp, be added.
The DA'• man ldentllled 10 of the
w1-.. -aD aald to be vicUllll ol
the alltled fl'lud -aa 'l!:dlon Evana,
Robert Nlctenon, Mlle Muat, Jerry
Alpenteln, G<orie Campbell, F?ed
Aillllll, Michael Sullivan, Berkeley
Erickloa, wuuam s. Hartford, aw1ea
Naslund, ·Luke Morgan Ind Emmett •
• •t-
ThuadlJ, Ftb<ully 20, 1969
J T •
• •
. ~ " '
Young In splrlt, s ecure In simplicity.:. t:Wo dl s tingL•lshed creatlons
from the B.H, Wr&QQe collect[on for spring .•• easily recognized by ' . the elegant look, the Fantastic Feel, and the sophis ticated character"
' ' of each dress. F.eatured, pure linen over-blouse with silk \lnen skirt
and scarf, In plrhento/navy or turquolse/bro.vn, 100.00. Above, !he
dress to aeces~r"lze lnWhlte 1 leather" belt, 96.00. DeSlgner ONS-.
~. ~ ~ \
. •
' '
1 ..
" " .. . •
. '
•' .
' . . . •
• .
• ' . . .
• •
DAil Y l'llOT Th"'41ar, fol>Mty 20, 1969
fCMWllM .,, .. Dlltr , ... ,,. ... ,
The Spruce Goose has a home
for another year. The Long Beach
H a r b o r Commission approved
t4ow•rd Hughes' annual request
for an extension of his $36,~a
year lease for a waterfront pier.
The steel hangar bas housed the
billionaire's 200-ton plywood flying
lioat -built at a cost of $58 mil·
llon -ever since it made its maid-
en and only flight in 1947. • . Nicholas Buff•rd, 24, got his car
back after it was stolen. His
camera was still inside. 1-le had
the film developed and noticed
1oQme strange faces among the
photos. As a result Providence,
R.I. police arrested three juveniles,
hne on a charge of car theft and
iJte others as accessories.
; .
; M11xlne Ch11hir1, Wasblngton
Post columnist, says Defenn S.C..
J'fl•ry Melvin L11lrd boosts bis
Jpirits every morning by tying hls
tie in front of a mirror framed to
Jook like tbe cover of Time maga ..
tine. The bottom of the mirror
'bears the inscription "Man of the
Year." •
' ~rlnce Hlro,
lfront), a o n of
prawn Prince Aki-
fLito and Croton
.frincess Michiko,
'Jiu out a 11ell dur·
·Ina a Gakuahuin
r')chool pl a '!I in
1okyo. Prince Hiro
jl!aYtd the part of
. ~-"cat doctor."
• •·An old soldier faded away in a
~ rooming house, leaving be-
liiod f].4,990.67 and a note willing
it to the U.S. government. Cpl.
Jacob Ramer, 70, Q.S. Army Ret.,
died in hls sleep. Police found $695
, iii Ramer's olive drab fooUockei',
1 <( safe deposit key with invelltbry
1 slip listing bonds valued at $6,350
t and a bank account tabulation
showing $7,945.67. They aiso (ound
1 this note, signed with his rank and
ii Serial number and dated Nov. 15,
1958: "In case of my death I· wish
l to name the U.S. government as
ti my benficiary 100 percent.
E . •
D : A resolution was passed by the
Oklahoma state House and sent to
11 the Senate making ·the collUd liz-
ir: ard, or mountain boomer, the of·
:15.cial state reptile. House mem·
·bers, however, rejected an amend·
( :1nent that would have designated
:lhe lady bug as the official state
)insect. It would have problbited
at. 1 the lizard from eating the ib.sect.
Te I • '
foi • The Royal Air Force has a OOPl-~ ~~ter to process personnel and pay 0 ,records of Britain's airmen1 but .a
·1opokesman In 1Msworth1;.England,
admitted there were. 11111 a few
.kinks to be worked out. One air·
~an received papers wblcb said
.:''Discharged -Prepaitt ''
' Co ' • · mmun1sts
Shaw's .. Attorn~y~
• ·Reject N~WI . . .
Move Di~missal ' , . U.S. Offer
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -oiit. Atty. by a wtto ..... by saying: "The Slele
Jim Garrison today rested hli c,JM reata . ·~
against Clay L. Shaw, chara:ed wJtla " · '!be Lo11Jll1na Suprem~ Court a rew
plotting to kill President Jolin F. ~ mbwles -&or bid refused to delay _
nedy, and the defense lmmed!alely moo-lhe 'lrlll wiioe \I cOasldered Garrboo'.a
ed to have the case dropped and Sl!IY 'appeal o( an "'11'1 rullllg by Hagge:tr
!reed. W-ay, The J..ia. bad r<lusecf to
P.\lllS (UPI) -The Unli.d ·states
1¢ IOJl4Y i return to the 11154 q.nevo
-la wllich ecided the FNocJ>.
~ lfar wOlllci brbJ& an tariJ
peace to VJetnam. The Communist
negotiators· lmmedlately rejected the
Dist. Judge Edward A. HaggerlJ Jr, lldmlt Into evideoc:e a 1917 Iillgerprlnt
recessed the trial until Friday after card llltJn& Shaw'• alias as "Cllf suggesUoo" r
Garrison'& chief prosecutor, . JllJtt Bertrand," and a3id he did not belltve
Alcock, wound up lZ days af teatrmony a police Officer rt~ aJd Shaw &••e
. "Ev9'711dn1 tuJd WU mlaiepiiomted
and 1heJi' reJed«i," U.S. Am~
Henry Cabot Lodge told newsmen aftet
today's f1ftb inconclus.lve V l et n a m ........
Was Beria Shot
B y Nikita?
' NEW YORK (UP!) -Durfnl
a heavy 1esslon of vodka drlnklng,
former Soviet Premier Nikita
Kbrulbcbev • t01d a W e 1 t e r o
dlplomat be shot LavrenU Berl.a,
pqwerful head of Ute Rull6ian 11tCtet
police. .
AulhoMdlior John Fischer made
this dlscJOIRft ·in. an arUcle in
the current luue of fiarper's
magazine of 1ihlcb hei was tdltor-
in-ehief (Of 14 rean:.
Fischer· u.id. tbe diplomat asked
KhniJbche'f bo1', he bad managed
to get rid ol Beria when bis control
of the secret police seemed to
make him ln~&abie.
"He should. hive been," Fischer
quotes Khruabcbev as 111ying. "But
he made one allly mistake. Beria
came into a conference room one
day withoul hla bodyguard. I shot him.". . '
The Kremuri announced Berla's
(leatb· tn. ~ ·The successors of
dictator Jotef Stalin said Beria
· wu arrested, tried by a secret
court and eXecuted for having con-
spired wWl intelligence qenb of
hnqn powera.
him that iol>nn1Uoo himsell.
Shaw la """1ued of conspiring under
the name of "Clay Bertrand" or ''Clem
Bertranc1'1, with Lee Harvey Oswald and
David W. ,erTie . .tn 1963 to kill Kennedy.
AltbO!Jlh ,the charge did not con<;em
the Kennedy assassinaUon itieU In Dallu
Nov. 2 of that year, muc4 of Gatrlson'1
cue was involved in provin& that tbe
Warren Commis!ion WU wronr in con-
cluding OsWald cqmmftted the murder
by hlmsell.
Former Tens Gov. John B. Connally,
who had been 1obtduJed to testify tfot
the proaecuUon ·-but was abruptly
dismissed by Guri&on u "a hoJtlle
wllnesl," waa ~1bpoenaed by the defen11
CoMally, cantaeted in Houston where
he now practices law, said today he
wa.s surprised to be called by the defenat
to tesuty. He uid he had no oplnlon
on Garriaon's theoiy that Kennedy wu
killed by a coosplracy.
"I don't know any of the facts ~t
bl! dfspogal," COnnally said. "We have
repeatedly said our testimony to the
Warren Commission is all we know •
We lried to make complete testimony
then and I don't tnow of anything we
could add to that.
"I really haven't followed the trial
that closely, so I dog't know what Ute
we could be either to the prosecution
or the defense, .. he said.
Connally was riding tn the car with
KeMedy and was: badly wounded when
the president wu killed. He generally
accepts the Warren Commluioo venlaa
of the auusinaUoa. ~
University O.monstr1tor1 Trade Throws With Dellv1ry Man '
Rebel Students Step_ Up
Berkeley Camp~ Riots
• •He bid dllplayed llOlllt lm]llls,ace
earlier at the Communist polftion
repeated over and over.
In tough statements foresbadowlna: a lliirdentng" of !heir altitude the North
Vletiwn..e and Viet · Cong negotiators
said the war will go on unW there
iJ a complete and WlCondJtional pullout
of the Amerie8'1 expediU'1nary foice.
When Lodge asked for a i:etum to
the 1954 Geneva actordl, H an o 1
negotiators Xuan Thuy and the Viet
Cong's Tran Buu Klem -1aid the Amer!·
caru must ptlll out of Vletnam lild l~t lta
IU=~ ~~ ts~th~~ slandJ
be was not completely dllcouraged b1
the· Communist delaying tactics. He 1aid
that in his opinion any settlemenb; would
have to be based on the Geneva agree.
* * *
Marines Kill 105
BERKELEY (AP) -Mllltant! deman-today and Friday. Tn addition, 28 non
ding more minority stud1 .. stopped up studenta were barred 1rom admls!i•n In Hard. Battles violence on the University of California or readmission.
campus Wednesday, attacking police with Letters were sent to .U deans Wed-
roc:u, boWu, frult and stint bombs. nesday nlght, warni ng teachen and other Atop Mountains
The violence -descrlbed by teachers, employes lhey face dismissal for
1trlters and university officials as the p-~•c1·pat1ng In any vlolenct
m" ' SAIGON (UPf) -U. S. Marines I e d wont 1n a month-old attempt to cJ03e Local 1!70 of the American Federation glnl llled the campus -was touched off when of Teachers, wbJcb reprnentl 400 of by three coloaels from Vlr a II: ~ Al ~ County ·•-ui•s deputies 105 North Vietnamese soldiers today In ~ am-a •11e1 the campus' 1,000 teaching assistants, _.,._ "'-t 1 tried to clear the main enttance, Sather joined the student strike Wednesday, a series of savage close qu .... l.Cl vat ea
Gate, of about 500 pickets. 6"'-wi · ket "---f ho atop the wmamed mountaJns dominating They were pelted with debris and were b:,~ n£e a..fu:banees~ 1 ew urs the Communl.rts' A Shau Valley supply
Inquiry Told Pueblo Crew
Planned to Flee on Foot
joined by more deputies and about 100 An A1T local represenUng seven of route from Laos.
highway patrolmen who were oo standby the l,700 faculty members IO far has The Marines Jost nine men tilled and
u • result of Gov. Ronald Reagan's not ---lnvolv-...1. 17 wounded today when they clawed "'state of ntreme emergency" order. ~1 cu th talns •• 100 d The 'I1llrd World lJberation Front _ their way up e moun •u egret
I Enluh11 clashel multed ln' five minor a coalition ol nunor' ~ty _ caJJ-..1 heat and fought the North Vietnamese njuriea, 25 arreltl: and 35 broken win-C\I ho di~ th than end-the'• the ~•e over d !or eata"".~-.... w eu ra er SWT .-... ... dow1, 16 of them In Unl....tty Halt •• ~ ~'" lain --1 th -·· ca~ where the University Board of Regents ment of a Third World College under moun guns. 'in:: ea e ........ 11.111 r ·~ the'ir control with various departments tured two, killing the guncnw1. -among u111;:m Reagan -were to meet today and Friday. in minority studies. Some of the battles were fought within
CORONADO, Calli. (AP) -The crew
of the USS Pueblo bid pfana to ""8pe
from ftl North Korean priJon on foot,
says the shtP'• second-fo-command in
testimony ~ay.
Lt. Edward R. Murphy Jr., execuUve
officer, toJd a cotirt of inquiry Into
the Pueblo's capture and the prison
ct1nduct of Ua crew that the skipper,
Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher, even formed
an escape committee.
The committee. wu com poled of junior
officers, Murphy said, who vetoed all
of the plans "because they dido'& have
a reasonable chance of succeu."
Murphy said there was no actual
escape attempt.
"But we were working on an escape
plan from one prison room that waa
a fairly serious consideration," he said.
Lt. (j.g.) Frederick Schumacher,
operations offlctr, aaid It WU finally
scrubbed "becauJe tbe moMOODB didn't
come that year." '
"We were waJtlng for some kind of
cover," CWO Gene Howard Lacy, 1 · engineering officer, lold the cpurt
Wednesdlf. "The mon900D WU due
shortJy and we were !hlnldng aerloualy
about going In the COYOr from 'jhe lot1
••• and the weather condltlom 'that aet
in •t tbbi time. II
There were other problems, Lacy aid.
"One .... the poolUon ol the )lulldio(
In relation to the mt of .llil!· P.lu~
'Ille compound wu In the mlild!\ of
· a rice paddy and that would ba~ al°'!ed
our eacape down. · .
"We would have had to 1et out ond
University officlall announced the Chancellor Roger Heyns wu ~ted two miles of the Laotian border and
dllmissal ~ one student in the first to report to the rdgenta on nqoUaUonJ it was clear the Marines bad won •
get some distance away belore the IUft dt.clptlnary cue· arising from the C!U:M'tJlt with strike leaders, who rejected .-bis strong toehold in the campaign to win came up. Jt was at least 2$ mUa 1 ml -ntrol of•" --"e long A Shau \;alley to th .. --.. tai-""'--.:.. dllorden. proposal or set.ting up 1 com ttee .. v w.:: oN"'lllU e ne .... ...,. moun '" range. '11e .. .,.. Eleven ttudents were placed on lnterim "to in1Uate, devtlop and review proposall that funnels Communist troops and was flat territory and open country. ll ol lbn' materJel from Laos to the Da N•"" "They told us if we ever •ot out ~penalonl mxl ~ and 49 othen on for a department or co ege e 1c -
of the compound and if the eKorean l~~l!llpWl~';;;"";;f;llCed;;;diac;;;lplln;;;ary;;;hearin;;~g~s-;st~u;dl~es~.';' mmmmmmmliiiimmmArmea;. mmmmmmmm~-people ever got hold of UJ that would •
have been the end of us. And J think •
it very well might. ..
"They keep the personnel pretty keyed
up wilh anU·Amerlcan feeling."
6 Patients Get
Man.'s Organs
NEW VORK (UPI) -The larg.,t
mUll transplant in med1cal history wu
perfonned today when the vital organs
from a llngle donor were transplanted
into .tr patients.
Memorial Hospital for Cancer and
Allied Diseases, said the recipients of
a 57-year-old man's li ver, heart, eyu
and two kidneys were doing weIJ at
Memorial and New York hospitals.
The $7·year-0ld man -neither hospital
would reveal the names of the dono,r
or the recipients -died Wednesday
.,afternoon or an inoperable brain tumor.
Al he neared death, his next of kin
lnfonned Memorial that it might remove a many organs as it coul'd for transplan-
taUon to other patients, giving four peo-
ple the chance to live and two the
\. . -
:sn9w Blankets· Midsection . .
An account ot Newport BaJboo 6ovtnga " .,
oddltlon to yo!ll' --portfollo-and I wiyolb-od_Ccnoldor_$1,000
kept et Newport Be1boo 6ovtnga -.Id_,, IJ\
'"1nod ono yoor, -.Id Ntum to,..., $1it.3l at
.,.. curnnt onnuaJ roto. A --of
the eame emount. 1n1lnt1Jned three )'99"
-.id nltUm $5GAS I yoor or $1111.lJS fw t1Jo
in 7-stnte Mid.welt Area
z-21 ...
V.S • .$••••r11
A lrlt!.r •'-" -*~ fftr
h cwifftl II~ ,_, fM"lnlllllt I
wte. MIMI f/11 -Miii rt lfl "r-tht
'*"'-"'I lt«t!lft .. _,,_"' T1-1t.
l n.w -· ~ tr.n. Arll-..
WYeml111 1"41 ""' Ce!•No 11111 ,...
"""lco. 'tha ··-·~ "' l"4 cwntr11 f'tal111 wlltf't .-"'' t lllfll "· Tr1wk,. "''"'"" .,.,.. l"'°"' ftr I -11111 trff ll'Dm Mllltlft0!1 M1111 Soul~ O.k1!1 re Ari'°"', l<ttw ""-•lco
•1'111 ""' Oltlff\-H,,..._lldle,
Tti. ''°'"' wt\ _1,,_ "'""'"' 1nd I• f>HCltd It c""1 ""' Grul "'-'""·
Afl04ihft 1tomi "' "" -.ii.rittc c .. ot
ilf_,., -..... ""' ~J'Ott "" Horl"Htf t..-H .... Vttt ""' .wtfl-.,;f. ,..._ l:ntl•ftd to tt•ttr~ VI,.
T-,11eret•ra _ , ...............
Albu._,._ 0 11 ,11
Alldll!fllN <10 st M
Allan!• '5 )I
l•k..,.slleld n • .n
IU$mtrdt t2 If .t2
llolH (} "
1!1°'1(111 I 1J .U ot2
CtllcffO 1J JS
Cl11el-t1 U tJ
ClllYll!i.nd J2 " ~~ " n 0.. Mell'tel lO JJ
Donro11 • n
Eu.-1 51 d
Fort Worltl JU It .ff
FrnfNI 4f 4! .15
....... 16 I MOOlll!ullr ti JI
HOvll'Ot> $1 '1
K._ CltY .U ~ u.~. ,, .. kl
l.. """"' J4 " .M Mi.mt .. _,. U M
MllWwt.M Sol 24
Ml~ ts J Ntw er.a,_ Sot a #I
Nlw Yllfl: '4 H .N
0.11191'111 J2 "' bm11M )I tl .. ,
f'l'll\adf~ * JI .1$
'""coeflbr J>t •I ,It
f'ltl"-9JI 2S 11
PorfMrill » J7
lt•.i.1 City • tt ·'' It~ llvtf SS .. M ·-. " .... S.c•tlMl'llo 11 oM :.ti
SI. Lou!t U '°
St llMt S"I d .ti
!ol>tt l flca City Jt 11
$1n Dlftt SI ... A
kn l"r1l'l(I-n • ~. Mrtlafl .. •1 ...
SN1t1' " )f ...... _ :n ,,
T'l'ltnM1 •• u W•lhlfll"( '1 st .IH
.. coillloat. I tlloo -of lnlngl -
Ntum only $«>.IJO • yoor ll'·keiit ., a bonk. A
"good" atock -.Id Ntum...., lee9. A atoclt
oelllng ot $S0 1 e1-and poylll(l a cl\1daud
o1$2.401o 00!-.. 111:-. buy, Ytt 1111
~Ide $1,000 ~ .... 11 .. tbatlbx:k would
pay you only $48 •• ualy.
lmfftm.it COINelkn ..,..,. it. Tltl bl of -Ing. bnJod portfok Ferllwo'•-
ln tho homely Mrnlng tt.111 Ian'-..-
.., put ·e1 yo1r ._."' o... ...._.er ....
• NlllMI'; r.w t: .....
Mlklt• ...... addlllanto'°"'pwwa•...._._
"""' pcwtfollo. °""' -~ tit ....... e.a-$Miga_,.
,..\Qllll~ . -·-_..._
SB\411 u.. .....,_, a...ia.oo ....... ,._
..... JMm.s.IO c... ...... ~ .. ..... c.... __ --........ lllb:wllO.. ......... Dallrw P.A.. PALMll\ 0--. ftll .. lliR
N»D •OWQU)llR. ........
·~ .... -------.------~ ....... ------
' 1
I f •
Newpo~ Darho TedaY._'• ••• \ \
--VOL:. 62, NO. 44,
.Drill Barge ill Ocep:nside
'W c're in Same Boot With Newport,?.'taments Aide
s,.d.J 1o .. DAILY PILOT
<X;~SIDE -· ~ •OU Co. today
began olkonneclod drlllliif operaUons
in'tbe ocean here· th!'et miles off Camp
Pendleton 'l,larlne ea .. despite W8mtngs '
from the cttr ol Ocetnldde.
"We're damned mid, about thb," aald .
City M~er P'ranli Lllley.
lk said tile citT 1Jlll take court action
should ~ "1eo~':I 1urvey" drilll111
resl)}C In any oU lllct whatever on the
Regents . Face
GOP Protests
' cily'a belCh or In the munlclpal harbor.
"Tiley call it 1oo!Oli<al teat drllltng,
but we know what tbey'rt ping alter,"
said lJlley. "Somewhere along the line
theu hope'° aet fayorable resulta."
He sald his criy 11ronify supporu
a campaign inspired.bf. N~~ ~
to bring 1bout.a . ....,...ioa Of the Shell
In Freewttff Patla
offabore '1r!lllng procrom, which hlcludta
Newport. -
"That ball• they've 1ot out there
(tho ·cuaa,1h II lremendOllJ," II' noted.
"It's, atilGI lhree ..U.. out, boll ii allll•
loots bup.~
Tbe veael is about 300 feet long -
the abe GI a football Deld. It'• due
In Newport hi 'three to lour weea.
Lllley' aid Oceanside offlcla!J are
es~ lnctnsed by the failure GI
Irvine Sells ·11
anyone·'ln atate _..i lo llOlllr.
the city in advance ol tile Shell pllllL
Tbe State Lands Comml-qaloll1.
autborlled Shell Ind ....,. 1~
flrllll to bqin the teltl on Ju:s. .
Carl Totten, a Sbell spotioinu, aid
tbe 11000-foot deep core hCile ~
olf OceUslde.,.... no pollutldn -.i.
"If we though! there ns 1DJ ~
from lbJs operation," be llkl,..,,. woiild
.(See SflEIJ, P• J)
* * *' Hickel Halts
Offshore Oil
' .
Over Marcuse · :i;.: · ···~ ·: Leaae Rights'
:<i Homes to S" ta·· ·fe ,_WU.-BERKELEY (AP) -Unlvmlly of WASIDNGTON --.J of ·tile
Callfomil re1enls met today acroBB the In~or Walter J. lllckel, Jn his third
1 street from the troubled Berkeley cam· action of the week aimed at preventlnc By JEROME F. COWNS Included, to the at.ate beca1111 of the another "Santa Barbara trqedy," today
pus and prepared fw protests from Of llM °''" l"li.t tt.ff high , cost of holding on to ·them. There ealled olf .the Ale of oUahrre oil and
legislators u wtll as students. The Irvine Company has sold to the were hlgh maintenance e1pemes, Jou gas leases.
ThreeRepublicanJegisletorsannounced state 11 homes lying In the path of or Income and la1es," Aid the Irvine The sale of 27 Gulfcout tradl that
their opposition Wednesday to the one-the dlsputed portJon of the Pacific Coast spokesman. Q>ukl have brouaht the govunmati
••• of phi! Freeway route In Newport Beach, it As a result ·of ' lhe transacUon, tbe mllliona: ol doll.an, wu scbeduled for year rehlrUl6 · osophy Prof. Herbert was teamed today. state is now landlord of these properties : next Tuesday And was the only IUCb
Marcu.se on the San Diego campus. Rlght~-way agent!: ror the CaWornia 108 Kings Place and 100, 411, 421, 803, sale of CeOeral offshore leases i.mmlnent.
Ma.reuse, 71, ii the author of books Division of IDghWays said the reddences 701, 811, 911, 1$11, '1821 and 1721 Kings Hickel &aid tbeaale woukl be postponed
popular among 1cime student activists. along Kinp Road west of the Upper Road. -: ' "uMil 1we 8re ·politlve we'have ..... 11 ....
"Or. Marcuse \a been l!suhlg a call Bay were purchased 'ln response to a The cOmpany, sources· said, 'tnlilany 1titJn1 wblcb wUl J>revent"'~~
: • .,.,,,...._.. to to studehta ,, AuembJym · 11hardship'1 plea from the company. had wumed ownership of the propertit1 as the S&nta Barbara trqedy."
LAWMAN ·RUNS DOWN BERKELEY .DEMON~RATOR arms ••• . · an Tile P'*11leo ,..,. reporle41y sold in the hopa ol r..tevelopment, J>O!ldinl .. He .~em4 .to the ll~y .teat .t Wodnosd y' ..... , __ Cleuil R...._ta u-..1 -· • JohnStullolLendllllldmSlcram-' for lboot !300000. re·routlJ\l,Ql'lhei,e.,.ay. "'l a Ui!1"\ Oii Co well wblCb l(>rOld ID
-------".:....'..;•_;_.,...._. ____ •_..;.,...;....· ._•, _.,...,.'-' __ • ..,...;.,.·_· --~ to, . . . . . · An Irvine on'iclal uphiln~;·'We~ The , lt\'hl• ~eanln iri.s "ke<!' • ~ .. n!De ·.uCI< am,. the lloiila
Policeman {laims·,.Sirhan
' ~ .
'Terrified' After .Arres·t
LOS ANGELES CUP!) - A patrolman
who led Sirhan B. Sirhan from the
Ambassador botel shortly after the
shooUng of Sen. Robert F. Kenn~y
laid today the suspect was terrified
Navy Says Death
Of Aquanaut Due
To Faulty Filter
The death ol an aquanaut 600 feet
beneath the surlace of the Pacific Ocean
off San Clemente Island may have been
caused by a faulty air filler, the Navy
uld today.
· Electronic engineer Bem M. Cannon,
3S died of an.,!:.:. .. ~ cardiac arrest Mon·
d;y while sWilnming with a dl\·ing buddy
from a capsule that carried them to
the ocean floor off this Navy base to
ibe Seal ab III ha bi lat anchored nearby.
A preliminary autopsy failed to pin-
point exact cause of death of Canndn.
1n a statemeot today, Sealab bead·
qulrters sald tbal In connecllon With
tbe death the Navy had delern\4led that
one of 'tlie diving rip in use by Sealab
diyers was equipped with an empty
tilrlyme canisier. (Baralyme is a
trade name for a substance primarily
of barium and calcium hydroxide med
to absorb carbon monoxide). ~
The Navy said it was not determined
which rig was used by Cannon or his
companion .
but calmed down quickly once he cot
in the police car.
Officer Travis White said that he
believed that Sirhan was sober: at the
time. The defense has contended be
was intoxicated.
White said ~ shone a flashlight into
Sirban's eyes and that the pupils con-
tracted rapidly as they. do in any norinal
person.not under the inftaence of drugs
or alcohol.
He said Sirhaq ~wed none or the
other dgn.s. of lntoxlcaUon and that he
was satisfied that be was sober.
Trial was late ~Una under Way 'today
because of a lengthy coolereuce in the
chambers of Superior Court Judge
Herbert V. Walker.
It was reported the defense made
another motion ·fat a mlstrlal based
on an article which appeared in today's
Los Angeles Time! regarding the
possibility of Sirhan changing hiJ plea
to guilty. Walker was said to have over-
ruled the moUon.
In testimony Wedne3day auq. Geor1e
Plimpton, a close friend of the ~nnedy
famlly.,desaibed Sirhan as "enormowily
compoeed" after the shooting.
Plimpton was one of those who subdued
Sirhan. He flew here from the East
to tesUry at the I.rial and a bit of
the Kennedy flavor came back for a
moment as he talked in a Bostonian
accent and pronounced the word "saw"
(See SIRHAN, Page S)
-~.E. ll!dlard Darnel ol a hardship cue ....,._ Ihm -.. •bell!U'slvtnc up 'tbo ~ toHho llalblrOJ.-J'oll California be&n
Sa. Die ... ~ •-J·-~-·-no otl!er ~s." atate iodtcou .. the company <:Ollllden tt wu plu111ed Feb. I. .
• -----:-~----' Tllo · ·1\14 boupl •Uio boniff · the citv' t'.., "-"' 14 reroute ll>lol Ev~~ !liq.I t....i Nf1a. fl !t """'~ \llP1~1Mf'F1' ~~,iw. yem. lnril 111e1r PGl'lkh111 · rr-;, • ~~· • on · tjl_~a ,.,....,'" lo ro,.;,ta' ~;lle1'111 ... JIU , ~ ownen, "'"'bad tbe •aamt;.. 11;~. 1~lefe1'•tllepurdllM fcr~qoi....,.,_._..,
of San ,_ .i.c ifie' ~to -• =I~ TIOO)' ....., Ill on ll:Yloo doa no! jeopuU!ze'tbo )ialltloa ef Ibo, .~~well· jolluUOa ml ~-
8":" ._ " • -' JIOu.,et .. oa lht -w aide of J(lnp Tho city'• j>osltlon, riialnlllaed I« 8liill Bu'liinlJlkl,.t • \ I
--~ ..... ~· 1u~••• • .._ · • cltJ:·ol Newporl BeOch:" -• ' ~, ~ ~ for ii
de<: . ttlllrt lllan:aM er--· Road, -lootinl Wflt C...t 11Jgliwa1, aever1l yem, ls ~ it ablolull GP-iiloilme, a firaldenllal team of
Marmae has· Kid, "'l1le Ruulam con-are all marted tor demoUUoo for position lo the adopted routtnt wed ldefttlite toda1 IOt' a dale up Joot
sider me in .,..1 ol IV•D Street. Tbele freeway purposes, although the road of the Upper Bay. The lll(nment roUlhlY at· mil• ol beac6es ltalned bJ1ct 'bJ
milst •be aomethlng 1oo4 about me if itself will . remain~ Properties on tbe p"'°allels. lbe highway. · a .vast crude oU slick from ID albbare
I'm equally condemned by both sidei:." inlud 'llde rl. the road are to be un-The freeway route east of .the bay, wen.
In their two.day rqeeUng aL UC bead· ·touched, according to present 1late thtqh Corona del "1'.ar, Is acceptable Thi! 14 experts were taken on a mom-
quarters, rqenta plan to consider cbang· f~way plans. to lhe. city. Agreementa: lo that effect (See mCKEL, Pq"t I)
Ing their monthly meeting schedule which We decided to sell the homes, lob were signed last year.
had rotated to each of the nine campuses. '1:l 1::f *
Last month. UC Pruident Charles J. T M cm·
Hll<:b 1dmiltad one reason for the pro-Attorn'ny, Choti" nnr to' Get WO ore es. posed change waa student turmoil disrup. I llCI I '1C/ ·
Ung regents' meeling1 on the campuses. J • p :i!'
AJtunativa 1nc1uc1e mecling only 11 OID .rotest
the Berkelq beaclquartOrl. m .. tlng •l p xc::,ld.=:u moolh .. aoatlnulng , Top co · · · 'Activist' Rnle c:.:i~..,::~~~~;:~
unanlmoualy demanded that Sbtl1 OH
Services Friday
For Mrs. Dodge
Private funeral services are sclieduled
Friday for Isabel Beatty Dodge, 79, a
socially prominent Newport Beach m ·
ident who died Wednesday at Hoag
Memorial Hospital following a brief
Illness. .
A founder ol the Hunle11 Chapter of
Hoag Memorill HOIPitat. 11ie Wll a
member ol tile Ebel! Club of Newport
Beach lnd.-.d been a<:Uve hi Repub-
lican politics.
Survivors Include ber bU!blnd, John,
ol the !amtlf borne; Ill ~Ide Drive ;
a daughter, Mrs. Allan Dawson of New-
port Beach; a sl.ster, Mn. Earnest Clark
of La Jolla; a brother, Harold J. Beatty
of Coallll8•, Ind three grandchil~n.
The family ..._,. lhtl th"'e who
wiah may mate a memorial contrlbu·
tion. to the Hwten Chapter, Hoag Me-
morial H01Pltal.
Of lllt Deltr '"'' ll•ff WASHINGTON -Newport Beach at-
torney Murray Chotiner ls expected to
become the Republican National Com·
mittee•s "No. t activist," Senator Hugh
Scott (R·Pa.·) said today .
It was uncertain whether Scott's "No.
1 activist" description of Chotiner's Im-
pending role meant the Jong-lime political
aMOCiate of President NiJ:on would be
named chairman ol the national com-
mittee. But tt aeerited ulillkely.
Cbotiner, alrtady installed in an office
at the GOP committee headquarters
here. commented:
''I'd be less than candid U I did
not say that I know there have been
conversations on the subject."
Scott, a former national chairman
himself, aaid he npects Chotlner will
help iupervlse committee activities dur·
Ing the period before Chainnan Ray
Bll!1's reslgn'atlon becomes effective In
Chotiner said he understood then had
Co. 's core hole project off Ne'lfllOl1 ...
been ari ell:change of · letters between be suspended pending state bearbJp.
Nixon and Bli.sl regarding an appointee The joint action followed adoption of
to serve in a transSUon capacity until a similar re90lution by the Newport
Bliss steps down. City Council at an emergency seAJon
ChoUner wu asked whethtr -if he Tuesday.
ls ~a ed to the post -it would be San Clemente and Laguna councilmen
onl UI a new chairman· i1I cbOsen also deClared that advance notice of
qr it would be pemwtenl "It all state Lands CommJllion oil matters
coul be either," he said. aq-ecUnJ the Shell-Cunningham Aet'1
He said, whatever the role, he .' had . "sanctlzary" should be glven to eoutaJ
never beard it referred to before u communiUes.
"No. 1 activist". The two councils joined Newport la
Scott aald he believed the new Insisting that no offshore drlWng -el·
chairman would be one of these three: • plofa tory or otberwlle-ever be permlt-
Rep. Rosen c; B. Morton of MMyland; led 1lOl!i Orall8• County coaotllne. ·
Rep. Donald Rum!feld, of IlllnoiJ; or •
ex-f o o t b a 11 coach Charles "Bud"
\liilklnson, now a White House special
fdllstanl. Best bet appean to be Morton, who
told reportmi: }\e Is "consklerlng ac-
cepting lhe job."
NEW YORK (AP) -The -IDllkel
clORd abarply lower again today. (See
quotations, Pages ZS..27).
The Dow Jones lndustital aYerttl at
I :30 p.m. was down to 117.21, off 7.•
for the day and :U.74 for the '!et:ll:.
.. This could explain the tragic event,.,
the Navy said, "but it was not con.
elusively established that this was tho
The Navy Wd final determination of
the cause .. mud await findings ol the
board ol lnvesttiaUm wbicb ls being
convened." No date wu aet for the
board to meet.
Dog.s Don~t raik•Very .Well
Nemortal oenioel .wuo conducted
Wab<Olday far Cannon Ind ~· made to rabe the Stalab ml low II
to \be main1and on a barge for repair
of leaks in ft!I pressurlzaUon system.
U;S . Flight Ignores
East Gern1an Protest
BERLIN (UPI ) -The U.S. Air Force
tod" Ignored a Communist protest and nfft West German President Heinrich
Luibke to We.st Berlin, demoostralillJ
Ille'. Western rilh\ <i ~ accell· to
the city.
'l'he East German Foreign Mlnlsby
bad called the · Loebke flill>l a "provocaticm" and • "mlluse oL the
... routa ,ef .the G<rmu DemocraUc
1 ' /
,, ..
"Partly c:bidJ; ..._ tt n.·1
the tale v~ tram Ole, weather-
:! : i;.:; N~ :::-1 plo>
The m~sttrt1 ot· who 1hot R.,..
1lon 1ecre' ·•'"'* thUf Lao-
reiitl Btrla goes on. Dfpostd
, pnmltr Nikita D""h<htv IOI" ..
' hi dlil ii. s .. 'l'dil• 4. . ' . .. ,......,_ : ::::,._ ... .,.. c..tr ,. =·= , .. : -·-............. -, ...... ,, . -. -. ......... --.. '
l '
H T-. F•bruiry 20, 1969
I J< \-
Mystery Object
Whatever It is, it was stuck in the lawn Wednesday morning and
examinaUon by finders, Mr. and Mrs: Robert C. Fisher, of 1817
Viola Place, Costa Mesa, proved nothing. PoliCe say blade-like item
with rivet boles looks like piece tom from bl! commercial fan. "We
thought the LitUe Green Men were coming,' baffled Fishers said,
but police discount theory ·jt fell fro111 any kind of aircraft.
Clubs Honored for Par -t
In Youth Jobs Program
Various service cluM 1 and qenclea
have been honored with cllaUons for
contributing to the Harbor A re ~
Coordinating CouncD's youth~empJ-,meof
1ervice progri:un.
Pruident George· A. Tu cker made U:e
awarda: at a recent luncheon at the
Costa Mesa Go~ and Country Club, feUnc
tlJe first groups to help the growing
They have contributed vol u n tee!
assistance and a total of $500 toward
the aMual budget of $3,SOO needed to
keep the year.around service functioning.
Organized initially ~s a summer-only
aid "'lo youngsters sef!king incom~ of·
ficlabi quickly realized State Department
From Page l
cf Emplcyment .... llted ~-pro-
gram 11bould not be limited to three
The backbonfi of youth eq»ployment
service wouJd have to come from
elsew hm, however, during the other
montlu of the year and work began
to find &0urces.
The Boys Club of the Harbor Atta
has donated office •rce, bUt the unmet
$3.500 budget mu11 pay a dlrector'a
salary and cover telephone costs and
paperwork expense11.
Volunteer11 will help staff the youth
employment service, and p o t e n t i a l
employers of ambitious youngsters can
be contaded through ca' n v a IS sin &
coordinating council member agencies.
The first of the groups to be recognized
for their efforta art:
-~ Clob of Newport.Bo-
-Newport P.n....I Apaey.
--Cttta Mesi-Newport Harbor Uons
--CotLa Meta OpUmlat Nooa Club,
-Altru11 Club of Ner.port Beacb.
-Junior EbelJ Club of Newport Beach.
-Aaslsiance League of Newport Beach,
Jwrlor Au.dllary.
SdU .C•t•••I•.,_ .,
Beaches.· :c ·Iosed . ' . ' .
) ·2 . 1More~. :wee·ks~:
, ! Ii. . .. ~
Beacbea In Huntington Beach and
J\twporl Beach will rt.main contaminated
and under quaranUne for at leut another.
two weekl and probably longu, Riveraiclt
dty 111\t or..,P County o fl I cl a I•
The tlri1e mliht·M ertended il rain storms continue; the.11Lficials said.
Meanwhile in Saa Juan Capistrano,
ofDclals aa1d Ute city &ewer line which
broke and caUISed . the quarantine of
Doheny Part Beach had bee!> r.painld
and the beach might he open to tile
public IKlmetl{ne next Wttk.
Beacbe• became of( limits in late_
January when the Dine-day rafn1torm
and flood roptund two major aewer
Schmitz, Badha~
Urge Hearings
On Oil Measures
' SACRAMENTO -Two Orange C3n
legislators W~ay propoaed me . '.
es that would' compel the State
Cornntisslon to conduct public hearings
when considering any matter that would
aftect state oll lancrtuarlea.
State SenatOr Jdhn G. Schmitz (Ro
Tustin) and Assemblyman Robert E.
Badham (R-Newport Beach} isald they
would carry the bills through the Senate
and AJaemNy. .
The joint ' mealiires arise I r o m
i!lsclOIUl'es that the 'Lands Commission
last Jan. 2 had approved geological
survey drilllna: by , .the Shell Oil Co.
and other firmJ along the California
coastline wlthotJt prior notification to
coastal agencies.
The permita include drilling projects
off Newport Beach, San 0 no fr ·?,
Oceanskle and other communities whose
waters are en~mpassed by the oil
sanctuary created by the Shell-Cun·
ningham Act.
From Pagel
Ing tour of nearby beach arua befori
they met to consider recommendatlolli
on how the federal gov~ent could.
help clean up the me"' and prevent
fu.ture disasters. . !-(i
More than 230,000 gallons of r'{'lr
petroleum waa spewed to the surface
of the Pacific, creaUng an BOl)..square
mile islick, before the Union Oil Co.
well was isealed Feb. I.
Since then, eeepage of residual oil
from sands beneath the ocean noor at
the rate of about 4,000 gallons dally
has created 1 second sll~ about two
miles long.
The panel assembled by President Nix·
on'a science adviser Dr. Lee Oubrid&e
wu beaded by petroleuin itologlst John
Calhoun. He said Wedne5day; "This ii
not an investigation of the Santa Barbara
The purpose ,of the survey was ~
come up wttb recommendations u to
how futW'e leaks could be preventid
and how the U.S. government could assist
in mopping, Up the current one.
The scleritlsts flew over the affected
area Wednesday in a Cout Guard plane
and heard from witnesses behind closed
doors. Their conclusions were to be
presented durina: thh1 afternoon.
lines near the banks of tbe Santa Ana
River ill Rlveraide.
Rlveralde llfOelala uld this -k !bat
..,. line 11 almOlt. repaired but !bat
at least two more ~weekl work remain
on the second before the sewage fiow
can be stopped. ·
A U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
ofrtciaJ said the sewage flow cou1d be
halted at Prado Dam on the county
line u. the_dam dried up but tbere
""' •bolll 13.000 •ci:e feet beblod the dam and more water la dnJning Jnto
it from t.be current heavy rain.
Orange County Flood Control lllfielals
sald they cannot percolate the water
flow underground to adequately halt tbe
flow of aewage to tbe sea.
Clrl Nelson, the diitrict's operation
ensineer aid earth and dikes could be
gouged out of .the river bed to trap
the river flow when It dropped to a
rate of 400 cubic feet per second. Tbe
current flow rate is about 900 cublo
ofeet per !Second.
But Nelson cautioned that the dikes
could not be put up for at least three
weeks. He emphasized that the amount
o( sewage in the water is only a.bout
2 percent of the flow but this is enough
to conta.m.lnate the beaches.
County Director of Environmental
Health Robert Stone said the beach
bacteria cout is istill extremely high
and the beaches JllU!t remain · cloeed
to swimming, surfing and gathering of
Bheil fish.
Cham.her to Hold
Sunrise Sessions
.The first in a monthly series of sun--
rise bull sessions for members of the
Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce
will be held at the Balboa Bay Club at
7:30 a.m.
Chamber men1b:::rs and guests are
welcome at the inforn1al breakfast ses-
sion where discussions on pressing
issues in the area are expected, said
chamber president Richard Stevens.
Friday·s agenda probably \\·ill In·
elude talks on the Orange County Air·
port issue, the possiblf: dissolution of the
.Orange County Harbor District and -free-
way matters.
Each member will be allowed five
minutes for dlscussion unde r the format
of the meeting.
33,000 Face Draft
wAslltNbroN (AP!--The 're-ni
maJntalning high induction levels UUs
year. called today for the drafting of
33,000 men in April. The Selective Service
System wa s asked to draft 30,500 lo r
the Army and 2,500 for the Marines.
DAILY PILOT ll11f PPltlf
R~CHING FQR HOAG - Trio of Hoag Memorial Hospital offic-
ials study a.rtht's rendering of proposed '13 million addition to
hoispital. From left are Albert Auer, chairman of fund-raising cam·
paign; A. V. Jorgensen, president of hospital board of dlrectors, and
William H1$on, hospital administrator.
Nwport Planners Get
Say in H~ag Expansion
U Newport Beach Plinnlng . Com-
mWloners concur tonight, the starting
gun will have IOUDded for Hoi, Memorlal
Hospltal'11 latgelt. ezpam,ion ·JrOIJ'lDl.
Hospital officials have applied for a
condJUonal tl!e permit for the proposed
$13 million eJPfMlon project destined
to result in an .ll·story hospital tower
doubling the hospital's bed capacity.
The permit is set for public hearing
before the commis.sion tonight -the
last item before adjournment.
Community leaders, totaling more than
JOO, met at a kickoff luncheon at the
hospital WedneSday, where they heard
detailed plans for the fund raising and
buildint of the tower.
Groundbreaking ceremonies on the site
of the tower will be he.Id within a
few days if the commission approves
the permit tonight, hospital officials said.
The fund ·raislng campaign for the ad-
dition will be the hospital's most
energeUc yet, with a goal ~ $l million
through community contributions; St
million from existing funds in the
facility ·s budget, a~d SB niillion sought,
through low: · -
ThUs far, the hospital's expansion pro-
jects have never had t'l be financed
through loans, although loti r.s fr.r each
one were applied for .
Hospital presldent A. V I n c e nt
Jorgensen told the Hoag supporters,
••Each .ilme we have had an expansion
project' fund campaign, the community.
hu generously donated the full amount
needed, placing Hoag in a unique position
of having no outstanding debts."
Boys Club Opens
During Holiday
Busy members or the Boys Club of
the Harbor Area will be kept away
from hatchets and cherry trees Friday,
as the two branches open for the
:Washington's Birthda'y ·holiday .
Boys are to be out of school In
observance of the f0W1ding father's Feb.
22 birth, so the clubs will be open
from JO a.m. to 5 p.m., according to
Executive Director Lou Yantorn.
The "22nd of the month -of March
that is -also figures prominently in
a current Boys Club program, Yantorn
said tOday.
Members earning all or part of ·tlieir
fees to go tp Camp Cedar Lake this
summer havt just begun selling P-Nut-
tles canjy door-to-door and will continue
most of next month.
al JJ. J. (Jarrell~
Only A Few More Days!
Sal.e Ends February 28th!
in your choic1 Of 1tyl• or fabric m•y b• purch111cl at a most 9•nerous savings • , ,
shut it down and move out Immediately.
Tltis drilling Is drilling core holea for
geological purposes only. There's a man
from the Lands Commission on board
:il all tlmts and he's authoriid to 11h:1t
1he operation down and have the hole
capped al the flrst sign of oil." From Page J. Truly a rare money-saving opportun ity
"That's just fine," replied Lilley. "And
the system rrobably works m times
out of 1,000. But it's that one chance
that scares us.
"We're in the 11ame boat as Newport .. ,
O~ANGE co11st· ruiL1SH!NG COM"•NV
"•'•tt N, Wtt4
"rnld!-.W ...,. P\Olllllll'<"'
l'~t"'I\. K11vil Eeit.<
l~tlfttl A. Mwr•~i~t
M11"1t1n1 Elltv J•••"'' F. c.u; ... , P1wl Nin•"
1'1•wM•I Inell .... 1,•tl1I ....
(•1Y E•i'9< Ol•Kll.!
thWJett h.c.lri Offk1
llll W11I l1lbo1 lowl111rd
M1ll11t A44r1u1 P.O. lei 1175, t l&•l
..... °""" c ... q MtM: :uo Wnl ''"' ,,, ... , l ttur>I a-ti: 2H F""'' ,,,...".,..
H\lf\liflt•oo> .. ~"; 30t ~I~ Sl<•f!
OlllLV "ILOT, '"'"' •~idl II t-bl-'~' H*•O """"· II. 1111bll-ltltv P•C'f'PI 1.9,.. tt.. lfl -•••If ,_,Uo••t 19• L.,..... INC"-1'1-• lt#Cll. (<Kit 111'\ov, M~lll-1 ...
9'Kll .... Fl\lf\ll •ft V1lloy, ...... Wllft I ,.,_, .,.,,_, Or-t COUI P\ltll1'.~lllt
c-•"~ ... "'u"' •+•"'' ••• •' ,,,, w11t 81lbQ• 11•'1111., ...... PO<'I ll•1r11, •nf J»
WCI! lof ilrr,1, (1W1 INM
T...,.. .. C 71 •t 6•1·4121
Q•1tin.4 .t.Mttillat 642°1611
c_.lfM, ,..,... 0t1...,. <•••• ..,.,.....,.
(_ •• , Ht ""'"" ........ .~ .... ,,,,lefl .. '"'°'"' .... 11... .. ''"''1,-1111 fltftl" ..... br 1--..r.• •'-' \flf'C.lll ........ ....... _ ot ~ ... t•"''·
Sf<-.La -,... ....... "'-' ... •"f C.C.f .. MfM. Ctl~. ~r'9!'-" ""
t.1r .... 51.?l -1111?1 In' -11 11.M ~I
ltlllillrf .. llNlllM. 11.1' -IN•.
through voice projection, or ventrilo-
The pup, who probably has • bl1ger
vocabulary than mMt human children
also born just two years ago, appair-
ently began to develop hls unusual abil·
ity while trying to imitate the meowing
or two bunkmates.
"We got bim in 1 free-to-you news--
paper ad in Tucson," said Mrs. Fergu-
son, adding that they took home • pair
of kittens. Prince and Princess, at the
same time, and apparently Pal thinks
he. too,.iJ 1 cat.
"The only thing we can figure out is
that he tried to imitate them until he
developed the abWty to form other
sounds," isaid Mrs. Ferguson. "l>addy
noUced !(·first and Pal was talking ROOd.
by the Ume he was three montbl ciid.''
A Tucoon opecial~t who went to vet·
erinary adlool tnmad cf jcornlllsm
school tool: a look-mt a listel>-<>nce
and declared firmly !bat he did not un-
derltlnd what WU ha_,illl, ud
furthermore did no( wanf lo know.
"Who do you lcJVt?" Mn. F-wtd 'l\1"'111. holdlnl oot the M&M
cand7 button he uaoclates with ~
"My Momma." ht drawled, qui~ vis·
ibly mouthing lhe wordl.
"Who gives you your bath?" she 1ddtd. "Alf lllomma." he r.peattd, probably
tlffit of such idle chatter.
"We've written to the M&M people
about him but we haven't heard any-
thing/' llld Mrs. Fereuson u Pal, who
will be interviewed on the Joe Pyne
television 1how Sunday night, nipped 1t
his M&M, a lrtat •econd only to raw
Just Hke a human chlld, Pal ii learn-
ing .,,. phrases -especlaU, N .. No -
which he obvloosly understands and uses
for Personal reasons, not performance
for hill growing public.
Parrots .Jnd parakeets ramble, but P~
gel! right to the point.
~·He-say1 'No No' when he wants lDt
not when we want him to," said Mrs.
Ferguson, adding that the young dog
also announces verbally when he wants
to · go ouidooh after the house gets
tiresome. ·
Enter on the front office switchboard
scene DAILY PILOT Women's Section writer Judy Hurst. a mini-skirted blonde
who did go to journalism school and
learned there that you don't end a sen-
tence with a prepetlitlon and also ~hat
dogs don 'I ta)k. .
She ·wll properly skeptical.
"He"s 1 real girl w1tcher," said ~frs.
Ferguson, a.s Pal gazed upon Judy, "he
just loves pretty girls. Here, give him
an M&M, and 1tt what he uys."
"Wbo do you love?" Miss Hunt asked, bendlnr down to the pup who talD lie
a man and may someday devtlop a rut
llhe for the ladies.
"Rowf, rowf, rowf," he replied fft-
th~lastlcally, not ~arily barking.
up the wron1 tree, but •t the wrona
limbs. sending Mw Hunt bustling bact
to htr desk duties of covering debUtantei arid betrothal suppers. ·
"I never would have btlleftd," sht
Sooner or later, the d1yg comes when
1 reporter ngures he'a attn everythtnc
and might u well turn ln bis press cards
and let the youngsten from joumallml
school begin unlearning their education.
Few tz}>eet It so sooner.
Trouble ii, l'm thrte years too )'OUllC
to even Join the ottict rtlittment-savlftl-
herlnw!..io plan. l•t tlone mp down fo
wrTte m7 memoln and True Detective •ries.
, Over 200 Styles of Sofas
-Chairs -Love Seats
-Ottomans in your
choice of any Heritage
Decorator fabric.
a living tradlllon In furniture
Mf>.0275 646.0176
l;osia Mesa
" .
Jailed Teens 1 ·Work
at 'Saving'· .~Cell ·Ma~~~
. .,.
Jlfl<d, but . !roe -'..... ti Ille .i.id.e cOl.ta ...... r.i-ci lo -secn"1'·-111. 11 momherl ol JlunUnctoq lho Iii boll. Ml I« MCb ol Ille -.
l!eaQ"1 mllltant Teem IO< Cllrlll pwp · ilants, .qed 11 lo II, amoted Millidoy
today are camJ>llinlnl-lo oonven oi!i« -.-.,, at -. B. Do.vii
lellow prlaooen, wi1h JI ayo to wort· lntormedlalo SdJool In c.ota Mell.
at IL -·-~ Jadp Schmidt ~ to hive Efforts by Public Del...ier Jomes a .~ altltucle toward us the
Lang to win releaae of tbe four girls. ' minute we entered the courtroom," afd
and 1J men on a, no-J>ail. erornill to Unclt· Dive Bers. Ille •year-old TMm
appear !or jury trials .<pril 1 in Harbor . Ill< Qaolll ~ ldvlaor .-...0,
Dlllrid Judicial Court wen rebufled • -Paul, ~. ~ U-bOld.
Wednesday. ...timJdt Graered ail II returned .. . . .... ~ -,,....~~~~~~~~~-'---'·'--·~.,,.;·~·;:,__._;•'-'.-'-' ~~-·r -• • •
;, •
W.dnesd1y's Violence Clouds Regents MMting
Policeman Claims Sirhan.
'Terrified' After Arrest
' LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A patrolman
who Jed Sirhan B. Sirhan lrom the
Ambassador hotel shortly after the
shooting of Sen. Robert F. Kenn(,:dy
nld today the suspect was terrified
but calmed down quickly onct he got
In the police car.
Officer Travis While said that he
believed that Sirhan wu sober at lhe
Navy Says Death
Of Aquanaut Due
To Faulty Filter
The dealh rf an aquanaut 600 feet
beneath 'the surf act of the Pacific Ocean
oft San Clemente 1.sland may have been
caused by a faulty air filter, the Navy
laid today.
Electroole engineer Berry M. Callnon,
33. died <ii apperent cardiac armt Mon·
dir while awlmming with a diviDI buddy
from a capnle that ~ them to
lho oe.an floor oil thil NaVJ ·-'to
the Sealab m babjtat ancbored',..arby,
A preliminary autopsy !ailed to pin-
point exact cause of death of Cannon.
In a statement today, 'Sealab head·
quartets said that in connection with
t6e death the Navy had determined _that
~e of the diving rigs in use by Sealab
divers was equipped with an emply
barlyme canister. (Baralyme is a
tiide oame for a suliitance piimatily
of barium and calcium hydroxide used
to absorb carbon monoxide).
The Navy said it WU DOt determined
111'1Uch rig was used by Cannon or his
"'Thll could ·uplaln the traCle even~"
the Navr ~uld, "but Jt WAI . not con-
elulivefy &lablllhtd 01at this was the . .. ......
time. The defense has contended he
was intoxicated.
White said he shone a flashlight into
Sirhan's eyes and that ·the pupils con·
tracted rapidly as they do in any normal
person not under the influence ol frugs
or alcohol.
He , said Sirhan showed none of the
other signs of intoxicaUon and that he
was aatisfied that be was sober •
Trial was late 1etUng under way today
because of a lengthy conference in the
chambers o( Superior Court Judge
Herbert V. Walker.
It was reported the defense made
another m(l(ion for a mWtrlal based
on an article which appeared In today's
Los Angeles Times regarding the ,
possibility of Sirhan changing his plea
to guilty. Walker was said to have ovei\. •
ruled the motion. ~..
. In tesUmony Wednesday author George
P~n. a close friend of the Kennec!f
family, described Slrban u "enonaoal.r.
-~· .after·the ~-PUmpltlO wu one of -who subdued Sir!wi. He Dew' here"' fnlm Ille · Eu1
to tuUly at thO trlll • lftd I bit. ol
. the K-..11 -.-.. ---a mc:lbeat-M be tlllllJd .. • JI • ..
ac<enl and pranli\n.i lhl 'l'ld.,.._,. •.
(lee llRllAM, .. I) '.f-.
Carpet f.opped
In Mesa f.omplex
One •P,8rlmenl in I C0111Plex ~ .
built by ,~, Rlcbard v. -
today c .. iur.. a ......... tior.-Ooor,an-
-area, bonlmd bJ' avocido 1f0011 catlld"1g.
If .....m•t planned that way.
Bollder K....th J. BaJiie diloovmd
the If by _»{OOI, mt·cmot trim >lhi!I
at 17«1 Pomona Ave., cO.li Meu PoUce
Ol!ieer Georp Wliloo Aid w-, .
----. -
a vaeatkln."
· ·~0n. the outakle, they have dishes,
laundey, i*k•Ull(I ..c! their otbor1wwk
to do; but DOW they b4v.e . more time
·I<>< ·Bible .rtooy, memorlzln, Scrlpturea
and witnessm, than ever,'' he added.
. Fellow lrtmates wlll'"'doUbtlea receive
one . o!-the mO!;t Uiorough-going op-
porlllJll~ In• jail, hjslory !or coavenlon
to Christ's teacbln&s. ,
1\Jn fact, we had a1 jail party Wed· neaday njg~t. ·-all or. Ill .went down
' .
r ' " .
and ·aJcned In and · sat to • -
a11, 11 111d the hider er tbl lld;-:t:bel4-
quulend at' 110 lll1D II.:.' llupu.,.tooi
Beach. -.
He Aid the · lf'OUP'•~ public defender
filed a · demumt after they were ar-
raigned and entered !nnocent pleaa Tqts-
day to • the char... bnlulhl by COiia
Mesa. po11ce, Ind the city attorney.
"He aiao tried to get a wrlt-ol hlbea•
corpus1 to~ sprln& ~ the tldl, because •• 1fe
. .
doni bne money for their bail," Bev.
'11erg added.
A omailer COl!lhl&enl of the -
evangelistic group wu UTelted at
Golden West College in 1l11>lhr
eircumllance and allowed to IO free
on their own recoplzanct.
One juvenile girl~ at thellootle
scene oa the Davll, l!<bool CllllJllll -to Costa Mes& Hl&h ScJiool WU NJ I SE ~
to her parenll pendlq furtller .-.
Off shore Leases Halted
' . . . '
Hickel Calls Off Sale of Gulf coast Tracts . .
WASIUNGTON. -~ of the
lnterim"Waiter J. 111eke1; In h1a ~
~ .ol the week aimed II preventhig
AnoUier "Santa Barbara tra1edy," today
called oil the laie of olliltoro oil and
gu leuts.
The sale ol 27 Gulleout traell that
cOuld bave brought Ille pftnlment
mllliom: of dollan, w'U IC~ for
next Tuelilay mid · WU Ille onlJ IOCh
laie ol fecieral-lewa 1mm-.
Hickel Aid the ulnrould be pootponed
"IDIW "' are pooltive ."" baYf rqula-
tions which will preval pollultoo. IUCh
.. the Santa Barbera tragedy."
Regents Face
GOP Pro.tests
Clver .AfJlrciiad ·
•· llnitl;IT (ii') ·-· ~-·« ~ia,'"'8111 .... todaI ~ !!it
•tree! lp'll lhe -led 8er11t111 . ...,.
pul -~ ,..,...., .for -~· !tom
legfolllol'I u well u --:
Three Republican leglol1ton announced .
their oppoaltlon Wedneld1y le;> the on.e-
year rehiring of philosophy Prof. Herbert
Marcuse on the San Diego campus.
Marcu.se, 71, is the .autbOr of books
popular among .11ome .11tudent acUvl8t.!.
"Dr. Mareuse ~11 betn i.ssulna a call
to arms to student.I ••. " Assemblyman
~obn Stull of Leucadia said in Sacramen-
Alsembly11181l E. Hlebard Ba-Of
San Diego , and Sen. James W!ietmare
. of La· Hain _'said tliey sent telqrami
to regents• Cbalrman DeWitt A. Higgs
ol San Diego ukln& the board to veto
San D!ege Cbaneel10< Willtam McGill'•
decisi.pn .to. rehire Marcuse for ooe year.
Marcuae has said, ''The Russians con·
sider me an .,,nt of Wall Street. There
must be something 1ood about me if
1·m equally condemned. by both sides.''
In their two-day meeting at UC head·
quarters, regents plan to consider chang·
ing their monthly meeting schedule which
had rotated to each "tbe nine campuses.
Last month, ue Pmldent cbariea: J •.
Hitch admittet'! Poe reuon for the pro-
posed change waa: ltildenl turmoil dJsrup.
ting regent.I' meeU~ '8 the campusea.
AlternaUves Include ineetln' only ii
the Berkeley beadquarten, meetin' al
UCLA ev.ry <>!her -th or conlibuinl
tbe old ocbedule. ·
Regent.I face a declJion on naminS
a new college on the Santa Cruz Campos
alter Maleo1m )[. the llaln militant j'ie-
gro ,leader. The proposed college would
deal with ·Afro-American and olher
millorll)! puup-otudles. . . ...
Lenten Burglar
Denied Loot
·He rd erred to , lho 11-day leak of
a Unkin Oil Co. well 1 which spread an
~ l1ict ....., ·the Sanlt
Birbln• clmrmtl olf California I before ., it WU plugged Feb. •• .
Earller1tb11 week, Hickel Wu.ed regula· u..,. boldina-oll compales ..._Ible-
for elelnap· and ·damap coots lrom any
offabore-well pollutkla and proposed new
and tigllter regulation! for drllllng in
the Santa Barbara channel.
Meantime, a preSldenUal team of
aclentlstl 'today got a close up look
at miles ol beaches stained bl.,c:k ·by
a vast crude oil slick from an oU.shore
well. •
• . .
The 14 ....... ...,. tabn '"1 a mom-
11>1 •·T~·-.... ,...., Urey .Dilt t6 ~ f'k'Y•Nt•.iddbm
OD bow~ tht fldnl IOtWiijDl!iilt ~ help clean up the mea aiiil . ......,,
future disasters.
More than 230,000 1allon! of ra•
petroleum wu spewed to the IW'face
of the Paclfic, creating an 0-lquare
mile slid:, belore the Union OU Co.
well was sealed Feb. a. ·
Since then, seepage of residual oil
rrom sand! bene1tb the ocean floor at
the rate of about 4,000 gal)oaa dally.
hWI created a second allci ibout two
mile! long.
D41l.Y· PILOT Nlff,.....
Mrs. Eerl ftj,Uion and Pal;.' Htr T1l..,ttd Pet . '
Dogs DtlQ~t Talk
Or Do They? Asb Puz~lefl .ReJ>oiter
B,.ARTJMt .ft.VINSb.
1 1
, V,~1~.~·ln~1 ~._,_b.ut .~1 1 Of ' ... DIMJ , .. ,,...., ' • • ~that u,cf\at~to tbl full moOn.
Que ~ Ille flnt thinp' fflU leam •In 5hlrley · Hulf-·• the • ..,,;,,,,..,,;, A burglar w .. -Into .. I COiia M-c:ladJ. btj)llau Alb, Wedlleadq
....-_.... !be llmt "' Lall
-Ille -ol diaial . .:.._ lwlthoul
uy loot, pol1ee oaJd todaJI, I
Rev; Jotm w. llonlldlon -'"11
the -entry job at SL ~ !hi
D(\ine EJ>ileoi!al Cl!=h. -Orutle Ave., when he -to lho lllleluar)' altet an • ., ..m,,, Wedneodiy. •
JoQmillim -ld>ool Ill to be .eynicat and -· ._........ 1bot1ea1. becaU1e lile I! rile with kooki,: DAIDY •PILOT • 1;,lt~. _.ior,
WlltJe rreal!ly tlltll'll pleiltjo ·crU)" mt --; fiuhed wlfd•to llil<111wsroom'
i eilougll to•k<lp you busy. " Wednesda~tbat the lalkiftl· cldf -
Truth may tie· llral\ger ·than fiction ,-Indeed n0w ihe'lionl'oirloe hll wblied
bUt evenr "'11Grter ·lhoUJ~~ oo' his · words with a porter. 11 • • 1 •
l)pe\mfir'IM old line by new>pdj>ennan · I to '-·-·"· -•-1 b t
Palrolman Jamea ltf1ebat( aid !ht
would-be thief .Upped out louven ·to
gain entry, ronoaded Ille ehureb olfiol
tor eaoh, bot lei! empty handed. !
Si.ds llf•fceU I
ff.-L. M kef1· ntt · Jy tmn Jn,llfied never went .rv-• ... mim ~i.;.i.w, u · ,_ ,;~-~"fs-:..lln~,::'.1 • . , I went-ou\ l~t. i : . . -., = .. ,, ~ '.' 'l'lleie,'<\iith COalil ·-· Mt• IOd Certain truths ...,.....-11y stake_ out Mn. Earl Ferguson, walled Pal, a pip
the lll!lllJ ol lac!, Jatilpy,,l'!'f nature. of Qen4an lihellherd P'f'ri!l(e :wtth -a·
· Lillie gree.; men do not ny iajlC!(n, dellnl!e ·speech lmpedimeni41ot a thlek
which, after all, are just blobs of glowb!l Rhlne\and accenhl>ut a . ~
1 swamp gas. Under a veneer of urbane 1bUhY to ' talk. '
comervallsm, Dr• Nonnan'V1-l'Hle· "l warit my Mommt;" he~
W9Uld rul11 •like •to-9-!GO with • •N ianted IO-at hi alid tho re• ..
-b' ltlrle~ J,\lquel )l'dch., The tol!&I)--• 10o.' ' · '
,afiild ~'Ci"' 1110111111owily "Peopi.1::11on•t belieft K•untll tbeT to tt1e Mirth • cl Dimes.' 1ee arid 1 It," AMI ,....... a
\hjot the <lth<r •dit, boweVer, ·aom-m_,y _..,. .mo broulll >llil wile
trilif 11 ~:,CaiM°llo N1 lllen Wll a and 15-year-oJd IOll Clfl•Jr:i:.. lhe JUI'.
1'IUllN-4i>l'll-tho Dtpitllllentcol lo!Gtor (llot TAl:.llNOillOCl,' 11 . '
The panel ISlembled by -lilt· m.'1 lcleoce ~ Dr. IM Dubrtdae
WU beMed.by petrolellm paqill Jolin
c,lhoun. He lild Wedijeadq, "ftll ii
ftl!I jm lnVll!lgat(on ol the -ll¢ira incldenl" -
'J'he purpose, of the survey wu to come up w(th recommeodatiom u 14
how future leaks could be prevented
· arid how the U.S. government could assist
Jn mopping up tbe current one.
Tbe lclentists flew over the affected
area Wednesday In a Coast Guard plane
aod heard from witnesses behind clOltd
doors. Tbeir conclusions were to be
pruenled durini thil allemooa .
llA~HORNE, Nev, (UPI) -,_.
11 ...... ,Gui to. -'Illa ""11"'4
..... 15 --·-a·• ...... llJll!CW" airliner l!'hleh ..a.r.Ji0d1wn Qyl
All! In snmm.ept· teiraln tllot .-.._
""""cltsolate prairie to 14,IJOO.loi>t·peab.
'"If'•· pretty hope1m now,'' saJcl ·Lt.-
Col. Jam., •Helm, htad ol the -CiVJJ AJr Patrol. "But, there's always '·
a chance some of the passengers mq
be alive -1f we can find them aoon."
The lwl!M!nline DC3, carrylnc 31
puaenge1'$ and a crew of three, disa,..
pWed in predawli · darkness Tuesday
ihorlly after taking off from Hawthorne
Airport on a return night lo 5oqthern
"The craft probably hit 1 mountain,"
Helm '•peculated Wednesday.-"ll the
plane was in trwble the pilot. wwld
have radioed, but there wu no m:Uct
with the IJrOUnd alter the pilol filed
his lllght plan shortly alter takeoll."
A *"'1B storm, which bad dlDDped
30 1ncbe9 of. snow on the area afnce
Tuesday, lliniled aeard! eHoril lo grOlllld
parfJes. Eighty men using a fleet of
38 jeeps and . wide-track vehicles battled
the drUtlng snow Wednesday to check
reporU of low.flying aircraft about the
Ume lbe airliner disappeared.
The Air Force managed to send up
foul search planes, but more than two
dozen light planes from the Nevada
and California CAP were grounded at
aeveral airports because of the weather.
The aean:h centered to an area from
~ to JOO miles aouth of Hawthorne
near the Nevada.californla border where
Jhe..N.Vlda <Ieoert, 1,000.reet U..e -!Ovel, climbs 111arp1y Into the towering
. High Sterra. ,
The plane, elflllan vmloo ol the,
feliable C47 of World War n, WU one
of tliree opeialed ' by · Mineral· C91JntY
Alrllnes for -pm111JDI euunlons tO Hawthome'i Ei Capllan caamo. The
$10 excursion lncluded, air f~, dinner
and cocitalls.
''•pahJy . cloudfj IM2.,, That'~
the terse verse from the weatber-
mao. u he ilauel U. coutal pk>,
tw-e r,.. Friday. Nuff u1d.
,, Thi! m111tcrt1 o/ who 1Mt Ruto
slori 11tcrei 1crtrice chief Lav-
r1tn&i Berla OOfl on. Dt'Po&ed
pTtmtl!r Nikita KhNUht:hcu 1ap
"-did 11. s .. Paa• 4.
" ... ..
" DMltl..... 11 -" 1141ltffUI ..... I
............. Jt ,...... »-» .. .... c.... Tl -" ......... 14 -' -"
-" --.. ................
On9t~ 11 --" Mdet'.... ,.,. -.... 1:'..J:1"' -: . = 't --. --..
Mystery Objeet
Whatever it is, it was stuck In the lawn Wednesday morning and
examination by finders, Mr. and Mrs. Robert' C. Fisher, of 1817
Viola Place, Costa Mesa, proved nothing. Police say blade-like item
\vith rivet holes looks like piece tom from big commercial fan. "We
thought the LitUe Green Men were coqiing," baffled' Fishers said,
'but police discount theory it fell from 11ny kind of .aircraft.
Clubs HoJWred for Part
In Youth Jobs Program
' Various service clubs and agencies
have been honored with citations for
contribuUng to Ute Harbor :" r e a
Coonllnating Coun<tl'• youtll empt.,ment
service progr~m.
President GeorP A. Tucker made µ.e
awardl at a recent" luncheon at the
Colla Mesa Goll aiid CGuntry Club, feting
the first groups to help the arowlng
Mesa Burglars
Take $700 Worth
Of Equipment
Tools and appliances worth $700 were
taken in a series of burglaries reported
to Costa Mesa police Wednesday, one
pulled by a man the victim's wife assum·
ed to be her husband's employe.
Biggest loss reported was $302 ln power
tools and a movie projector taken from
the H.H. Holbrook Plumbing Co., 771
W. 19th St, according to owner Clifton
B. Duncan.
Duncan, of 810 Emerald Bay. Laguna
Beach. told Officer Dave Dye the thefts
have occurred over a 10-day period .
possibly by someone with a key to his
Arnold A. Attridge. or 1378 Walson
Ave., last $200 in assorted tools and
eqWpment v;eighlng up to 200 pounds.
when a burglar backed a vehicle up
to his garage Wednesday.
DAii V PllOI
' 'I •
()._ANGE C041T 1'\ll;llSHIHO COM,.4N't
...... ,. .w: w,,,
''"1"11! •' ~i .... ,
Th'"''' K1ew;1 ld•I01 .
Tlotffl t l ,;,.. M~,,~; .. ,
""""'""' t EI •lot
lle11f Nlt1•11 Adwrll.,_.. Oittclor
C.... ..... Offlu ]JO Wtlf l1y S!tttl
MtiH11, Allirt1u r,o. ltx 1560, 9162, ---.... _. 1HCt11 nu wnt ... 1eum .... u ...... c..u: '" Fwtll ...... _ H~nlirttfon a.tell: M ~Ill 111"1
DAIL V lllLOT, Wi~ 'Wofl!Cll It comlll,.,. !ht
JO•ws·'nn. ~ Mibl•ll'lfd dtily ••(tiJI lu~
d1' •II 1t111t1i. tlllliol\1 lot L .. ...,. ... tll.
Nt •llOtl ll~Mll, CO.II Mtt1. Hullilllf!OO'
ll•kll lllO f""'M1111 Vtil~y, '"""' ,.lf!I t
•t-t! H 1t0<\, Ot-t CGl•I 'llMll>i"'t c-""' .,.,,""' _.1.~" ,,, 11 nu W.:tl ltt!>IM 11\tCI.. ..,_,.. I H</I, tM .Jll
Wr>! lty Sl•Mt, C•t• Mfll.
~ 17141 "42..CJJ1
Q ;.,...,,'*I MZ·l67t
C•••1ftt. I-Oflll9f' (NII '°*"" ....
(-"'· Ht --......... • ..... ., .. """" •llltt!ol INlt# •· ""''"lt-11 llfrtlll _, tit rlHllNllllUI wltl'lelll ·~'-• _..
..,..._ d -.rillll -·
k""" ,~ ..... lt ........ ~-· "'°
'"" (Mlf MfM, Q!fl-1-. •uf>Hr~!ltl\ .., '-''"tr 1111-1t1•'111¥ """ n .If .....,,Ptt,1 "'!Ml~ ............... 11.n -llol,,
.. <
organization. t'.
They have contributed v o 1 an t e e :
uaiJtance lbcf. a total of llOO toward
lbe annual budltt ol 13-*•needed to
ki<p the )'W'arouncl wvlce luncUonlng.
Organized lnlUaUy as a l!Ullllllu-ooiy
aid to younpten: aeeking income, ol-
ficlala quickly realized State Department
of EmploymOIJl.wlated llOO-budget pro-
gram abould not be llmtted to thrff
The backbone of youth employment
8UVlce would have to come from
e.laewbere, however, dwirc the other
monthl ol the year and work began
to find IOUfCeS.
The Boys Club of the Harbor Area
hu donated office 1p1ee1 but the unmet
$.1,500 budget muJt pay 1 director'•
salary and cover telephone coats and
paperwork upenaes.
Volunteers will help staff the youth
employment service, and ,potentlat
employers of amb1Uoua youngsters can
be contacted through c a n v a • 1 I n 1
coordinaUng council member agencies.
The first ol the groups to be recogoized
f Jr their eUorta are:
-lloW'7'°ull of Newport.Ba-.
-Newport Penooael Apacy.
-Colla Meta-Newporl Barbor Uou
-Co1&a Mesa OpUm11t Nooa Clu.b.
-Alim& Clab ol Nor.port ll<aeb.
-Ju.nlor Ebe'l Cla~ of.Newport Bucll.
-Atalltlace Lupe of Newport Beach,
Junior AuWary.
B«Jys Club Opens
During Holiday
' ) Busy members or the Boys Club of
the Harbor Area will be kept away
from hatchet.s and cherry trees Friday,
all the two branches open for the
\Yashington's Blrthdayeboliday.
Boys are to be out of acbool In
observance of the founding father's ~eb.
22 birth, so the clubs will be open
from JO 1.m. to 5 p.m., accord1nc to
Executive 'Director Lou Yantorn.
The 2Znd of the month -of March
that IJ -abo flrures prominently In
a current Boys Club procram, Yantorn
said today.
Memben earntng all 0< port of their
f.., to 10 to Camp Cedar Lah thll
•ummer bl .. juol bq1m eellln( P·Nut-
tle1 eaD<Jy cJooMo.door and will continue
moot ol oeit month.
Motorist Files Claim
Over Mesa Chuckhole
A Fountain Valley motorist wl)o bopel
to be• victorious over a Vldt.f1a Slrttt
cbuckhole ha1 filed a ltDIJO clalm with
the Costa Mesa City Council for auto
wheel and underc1rt1qe damalet·
Kenneth G. Wilson, of IOllS Falcon
Ave., Nid he hll the bole an Victoria
Street at Valley Rood on Pell. I, In
action oubmltted by the Automobile Club
of Southern California,
ehse Re~ealed
S~retary Melvin R. Laird said today
the Soviet Un1011 i1 testing " a
"iOphilUca~ • new" missile defe'ilSe
1yatem., accordlng to U.S. intelliaqpce :
He made the statement before the
Senate For~ign Relations Commltte1.
Laird did not ampllfy on his disclosure,
mad' while dlscU5aing the antiballittlc
missile (ABM) question at a hearing
on the pendlitg Donprollferation treaty. ·
He told tbe. Senate group: "The Soviet
Unloi\ Is going ahead · with tem on
a aophlsUcated new ABM aystem, IC·
cording to our intelligence."
Other defwe offfclala apeculated that
the &Mets are working on developing
better radar devices for the.ir system.
A defensive missile complex already ha:-;
been installed around Moscow and Len·
From Pa9e 1
bor Area from Tucson, Ariz., two months
ago. •.
His hands may ~ the tools or his
trade, but Ferguion's lips and throat
are probably watebed more than Char·
ley McCarthy and,tEdgar Bergen's ever
were, when the c:U'amel-coated Everett
Dtriaen of the cllllne world 1peab hla
.. Van ••. ven ••• I can't even pro.
noonce it. Jet alone do tt,'' aaid Mn.
Ferguaoa wben uked H they are not eon-
•taally &IXllll<d of crtaUng Pal'• apiledi throuah voice projection, or ventrilo-
Th& pup, who probably bu a bigger .
vocabulary than moat human children
also bqrn just two years ago, appar·
ently began lo develop his unusua l abil·
ity while trying to imitate the meowing
of two bunkmates.
"We got him in a free-to-you news·
paper ad in Tucson," said Mrs. Fergu-
son, adding that they took home a pair
of kittena, Prince and Princess. at the
aame Ume, and apparently Pal thinks
he, too, ii a cat.
"'lbe only thing we can figure out is
that be tried to imitate them until he
developed the ability to form other
aoundll," said Mrs. Ferguaon. "DaddY
noticed it flrst and Pal wu t.alklng good
by the Ume he was three ~ontM oljf '
·\ A Tucson 1pecia&t ybo went to vet·
erinary 1cbool instead of ; journaliltn
school toot a loot-and a listen-once
and declared firmly that lie Jifd not un·
denland what wu happening, and
lurtMrmore did not want to know.
"'Wbo do you love?" Mrs. Ferguson
ulled Tuwlay, boldlru! oul the MllM
candy button ht uaoclates with per·
~~ '
"My Momma," he drawled, qWte vis-
ibly mouthing the "Nord.II.
"Who giYes you your bath?" she added.
"My Momma," he. re~ted. probably
tired of auch kilt chattet.
"We've written to 1be M&M people
about him but we haven't heard any-
thing," said Mn. Ferguson I! Pal, who
will be.. interviewed on the Joe Pyne
televlJlan ·show Sunday night, nipped at
his MltM, a treat second only to raw
fish. ' '
LE~ PllllA81!'3
Just like a human chi]SI, Pal ill learn·
lag new pllrues -especially No-No -
which he obviously understands and URS
for pel'IODal reasons, no' performance
for hil irOwlng public.
Parrot.I and parakeets ramble, but Pal
gets right to the paint.
..He says 'No No' when he want.5 to. not when we want him to." said Mrs.
FerllJlon, adding that the y01Jng dog
allo announcta Verbally when he wants
to ao outdoors after the house gets
Enter on the front office switchboard
ectn1 DAILY PILOT Women's Section
wrll4t Jlldy Bunt. a mlnl .. klrled blonde
who did · p to joumallan 1ebool and
1eamed thtte that you don't end a 3en-tence ·Whb .. • prtpcnltlon and also :hat
clop don1 talk. ~. wis pfoperly skeptical.
"He 's a real girl watcher." said f\.1rs.
Ferauson, u Pal 1azed upon Judy, "he
just klves pretty girls. Here, give him
an M&M, and see what he says."
1'Who do you ·love!" MW llunl asked, bendlnc down to the pup who talks like
a man and may someday develop a real
line for the ladies.
"Rowf. rowf, row!," he replied en·
thulla•Ueally, not .-.arily barking
up the wrong tree, but at the wrong
Hmbs:, sendinr MW Huriit hustling back
to her desk duties of covering debutantu
and beirolhal suppers.
"I never would have believed," she
Sooner or later, the day comes when
a reporter flgW'el be'• seen everyihing
and mlfhl u well turn In his press carda ai>d let the yowigstm from journaliml
llCbool begin wilearnlng their educaUon.
Few expect U ao oocfber.
Trouble ii. I'm three )'W'S too young
to even !"oin the otfice retirement-saving·
ber!ns-a -30 plan, let alorie sfep do)"n to
wrTte my memoirs and True Detective"
33,000 Face Draft
WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentagon,
maintalnina high induction lev')!: thi1
year. called today f0< the dralllni ol
33,0GO men In April. The Selective Servloo
System wa 1 uktd to draft 30,&00 f or
the Army. and 2,500 (or the MartMs.
-. ' Jngrad but It Is viewed as a relatively
primitive line of d~en.se against poaaible
attack by Red China.
" Several yeart 110, th:' 1bls.slln.s ,,,.n
development ol an ABM l)'!tem knbwn
as Galosh in the Moscow area but curtaiJ..
ed the program, presumably to develup
the better radar.·
The treaty to prevent the spread of
nuclear weapons calls for inunedlate
talb on atrat.egic arma control by the
.nuclear powers.
Laird observed th~t It mi~t be a
yeat or ta mOnthl before the part.\cipanls
in the nonproliferation treaty adually
liigned \he pact.
Laird &&id he wants to keep his options
open on whether the United States should
·go ahead with Installing a "thin" Sentiilel ·
anliballistic missile syiitem. The con·
troversial ABM proposal is now being
reviewed by the Defense department.
Although assW.ing the commit~ the
review Was oblecli've, Laird Si-id, "I
Personally lean toward going forw ard
with aucb a system." What is unsettled
in his own mind, he sa id, is what type or protection the ABtif syste m sbCM.:ld
, Under question!ng by Sen. John
Sherman Cooper· (R·Ky.), he repeated
his warning that the Russians were
"'going forward with deployment of nn
ABM system and going forward with
testing" of a sop~Ucated, new device.
He said Russia was "the only country
Jn the world that has actually .fired
.an ABM at 1 missile in the atmo.sphere. ''
That occurred, he said, in 1962 prlor
lo the nuclear test ban treaty wblch
bars atmoapheric testing.
He added lhat hecause of the potential
missile threat from both Red China
and Russia, he would be remiss in his
dutie.s to protect the national security
U he comniltled hin1self again~t deploy-
~enl of the Sentinel ABM: system.
Bo y Bic yclist
Hw1 in Ct·ash
A Costa Mesa boy riding a light.less
bicycle acroiis a street in rain and
darkness escaped .serious injury Wed·
nesday night when he-collided with a
ca r.whose driver didn't see him.
Michael A. H1bb.5, 12, of 530 Hamilton
St .. suffered a leg injury in the accident
at Hamilton Street apd Meyer Plact,
but Gld no& require bo6pltalizaUoo1 Police
Motorist Joan M. Vince; 34, of 2042
?!feyer Place, told accident lnveK!gators
stre didn't see the Hibbs boy before
the impact as she turned off ·Hamilton
DAILY l'ILOT httt ., llU O'o-11
Comparing Notes
'Musical Schwart: sisters B~tsy (cello), Ani (violin). and Suzie (viola) . will be ~ ilO performers participating Saturday in Costa Mesa
Music l"esli.val Event sponsored by Costa Mesa Philharmonic Com·
mittee to ralae money for Joell. youth concerts is scheduled for 8 p.m.
at Costa Mesa Higb·Scbool.
Attorney Chotine~ to Get
Top GOP 'ActiviSt' Role
Of lfle Dll" ~lllt Stiff \VASHINGTON -Newport Beach at·
torney Murray Chotiner is e.zpected to.
become the Rtputilican National Com·
mlttee's "No. J activiat," Senator Hush
Scott (ft...Pa.) said today. ·.
It was uncertain whether Scott's "No.
1 activist" description of ChoUner's im-
pending role meant the lona·Ume political
associate or President Nixon would be
named chalr:me.n of th.e· natlorial Com·
mlttee. But it seemed uullkelf.
Chotlner. already installed Jn an office
at the GOP committee headquarters
here, commented :
t'l'd be -;>e..,lban ~ candid 'If J"did
not ''Sly that J kilow !here have been
converaationa on the suhjett."
Scott, a former , national chairman
hlmleJf, said he expects Chotiner will
help superv1ae committee activities dur·
ing the P.tflod before ·chairman Rlly
Bliss's resignaliorr becomes effective 1n
Chotiner said he understood there had
been an e1change cir letters between
Nii:on and Blias regarding an appointee
to ser\le in a transition capacity until
Bliss steps down.
Chotiner was asked whether -il he
ls named to !he post -it would be
only until a new chairman is chosen
or whether it would be permanent. "It
could be either," he said.
He said, whatever the role, he had
never heard it referred to before as
"No: 1 activist". ·
Scott sald be believed the new
chainnan would be one of tht&e ihree:
Rep. Rogers C. b. Morton of Maryland;
Rep. Donald Rumsfeld, of ntlnois; or
ex-f o o t b a I I coach Charles '"Bud"
\\."Ukinson, now a While House special
hSSistant. ------------------
al .JJ. J. Qarpefl ~
Only A Few More Days!
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Truly a rare money-saving opportunity
Over 200 Styles of Sofas
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INTERIOR DESIGNER$ o,... -.. -• ""· ....
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IY ·
1.-the Wind
If Ibey ever build a 50-story
building over the futur~ HUntingfon
'Beach Freeway, wherever tha'l
may be located, Huntington Beach
City officials want to be sure the
city gets some rent from the deal.
City Administrator Doyle Miller
and Councilman Jerry Matney are
determined that all shall be done
to secJJ.re for the citjr the air.riglits
over and under freeWays. · ·
There are those who will claim
the two men have had their heads
in the cIOUds for years; breathing
tarified air and then sayi.ni:t Utlngs
no one can understand, like "get
air rights to f:he freeways," but
this time tlie idea bas a firm foun·
dation. ·
* The space below freeways is us-
ed in Los Angeles, for example,
for parking near the downtown
area. In the east there are
turnpikes with restaurants
suspended over the roadways.
Spme etities, SeatUe for instance,
have multi-deck freeways with
parking underneath. A 50-story
building over a freeway is not an
Councilmen Monday n i g h t
ordered the study on air rights
continued and the study should go
on. Present plans call Cor the north·
south Creeway to be elevated in
some areas and it may be pro-
fitable to use the space.
* Director of Public Works J im
Wheeler said the Division o(
Highways may negotiate a lease
with any city wanting to use air
rights for a fee which amounts
to somewhere between 20 to 55
percent of the cost of the land
under the rights.
However, building costs are
higher across a freeway because
of the long spans, says Jim, so
the whole idea might just not be
too profitable, but who knows?
Someday the supply of land may
be seriously diminished making the
additional cost for air space con-
struction worth the price. It is a
topic on which Jim will collect
the data just in case.
* Air space and air rights are
terms which came to the city main-
ly from New Orleans where
several councilmen attended a con-
vention on municipal affairs. It
may have been a profitable trip
for all.
Hoag Launches
$13 MiJlion Drive
Eyes Crown
Jeff.Ye BlackaFd, 18, "Miss Huntington Beach," is among girls seek-
ing "Miss Orange County" title. Competitio n for countywide title is
set for March 4 at Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim. Winner ~ill vie f~.r
statewide hon<>rs in anpual "Miss California" pageant.
Newport Demands State
Suspend Oil Te.st Permi-t
Newport Beach city councilmen have
unanimously -and a n g r i I y -de·
manded tbat the state suspend a permit
given to Shell Oil Co. and seven other
firms to sink an exploratory test core
hole oft Newport Harbor.
Councilmen acted -after they were told
by a comulting geologist that "there
is a possibWty of an oil blow-out here"
Similar to the Sant.a Barbara Channel
George Zebal, a member of the city's
TechnicaJ Oil Advisory Committee and
a Philco-Ford employe, said:
~'The knowa offshore N e w p o· r t -
Inglewood fault offers an excellent target
for the leakage of oil. Huntington Beach
is renowned as the most complicated
oil field In the United States. The reason
IS that 'it is !10 badly faulted . Wt! have
a complex of fault zones here."
Zebal said there is a similarity between
the offshore geological structure in Santa
Barbara and that along the Orange
"The Sant.a Barbara situation was uni·
que," he said. "There was a leakage
inlo an apparent fault line and lhat
had not happened before. But the
JJoalblllty of a 'blow-out was always
ther<. And II la pi;.ible thal II coold ~again.".
CoUDcllmen,1io"their resoluUon, asked
that. the State Lands Commission suspend
its pennlt to Shell until a public hearing
is held to consider rescindiiig it
The commission granted the permlt
last Jan. 2, without any advance notice
to coastal communities.
. MUnicipal lawmakers made it· clear
lbey were irate over the action.
"This is a squeeze play," .dee~
Councilman and former two-time ,Mayor
Paul J. Gruberj "lt1.• just a gimmick
to open up our oil sanctuary to drilling.''
The sanctuary, In · which ·oo drillln~
is permitted, was created by t&e -Sbell-'
Cunningham Act 12 years ago. ·Jt ell*'
conipasses all offshore waler! within
the state's three.mile limit soltlh of 'the
Santa Ana River to the Mexican border.
* * *
Schmitz, Badham
Urge Hearings
On Oil Measures
SACRAMENTO ~ Two Orlnge County .
More than 150 communlty leaden and
Hoag Memorial Hospital supporters met
Wednesday to inaugurate the hospital's
$13-mllllon, tbree-year "Reach Years"'. R·e-construct1'on program destined to provide funds for
Jegialators Wednesday propoeed measur-.
es that would compel the State Lands
Commission to conduct public hearings
when considering-any' matter that would
arfect state oil sahctuaries.
State Senator John G. Schmilz (R·
Tll.!tin) and Assemblyman Robert E.
Badham CR-Newport Beach) said they
would carry the bills through the Senate
and Assembly.
the ll·story · Hqag Tower addition to
~1~Ji~L Auer, campaign chairman, Job Seheduled
addressed the group at a noon luncheon
at the hospital, stressing the need for
the funds and outlining lhe breakdown
Of financing for the proposed tower which
will be built to "cope with exploding
population growth and paralleling ex-
ploding medical knowledge."
He told the leaders that $3 million
will be sought from contributions. $9
million through loans and $1 million
from existing hospital budgets.
Hospital Administrator William R.
Hudson Jr. told the group that the
hospital faces "perilously overcrowded
condltions and a shortage of operating
roOm faclliUes."
Reconstruction or Golden West Street
from Pacific Coast Highway in Hun-
tington Beach to Warner Avenue is ex-
pected to begin within two months follow·
ing award of the contract by the City
The job will be door. by the Sully
fl.tiller Co. for a price of $747 ,926.
A landscaped center divider will be
bullt from Pacific Coast Highway to
just north of Mansion Avenue at the
expense of the private company.
Completion of the project will make
Golden West Street a four lane hJghway
through the city.
Conservationist Plea:
The joint measures arise f r o m
disclosures that the Lands Commission
last Jan. 2 had approved geologica l
survey drilling by the Shell Oil Co.
and other firms along the California
coastline without prior notification to
coastal agencies.
The permits include drilling projects
off NeWport Beach, San 0 n o £ r e , <
Oceanside and other communities whose
waters are encompassed by the oll
sanctuary created by the Shell.Cun·
ningham Act.
'Leave Back Bay Alone'
ot .. o.11r ,. ... lllff
More than a dozen conservationist and
acadenllc groups, through the Friends
ol Newport Bay, Wedne>d.ty lodged a
test lo the California RelOUrces Agency
apinsl bulkhead-marina development ol.
Upper Newport Bay.
The "Frieoda" organization, which la:
waging a campaign lo maintain frte-
public ac<ess lo the bay, la proleltiftg pm b)' the Irvine co. 1o develop the ealliarY as a boallng.....idential area u "nOt In the best lnlereat ol the uutjorily
of ihe people ol the State ol CaHlomia." 1'!IO communlcalioo lo the llate oeeo·
cy ' signed by ~·tlon aod<ly ~taUves, and oclentl!llJ, cites
IenathY poln1' reinforcing .lllelr
lioo lo the ellmlnatioo ol the bay
nalurll esfuary.
polo1' lnclud"
-.That the bl7 In 111 nalural 11.0le
hll terved u I wild Janda ttcreaUon
~ \
area for more than a century and that
it ii needed as a ,recrealiooal area
in the future .because of population .
growth. .
· ... ~Tbat tbe proposed bmd eXchange
whereb): 1);.~ flrm receives valuable
waterfront ]>fo'1>erty In exchange for Big
C8Q)'9n and man-made arm Into the
baJ "'will.' ditil.e California citi7.tn.S ol
Cree, public access to the bay along
thl.prtsent ~mile east sbori! road.''
-that tM-tfer'is used for edocatiooal
and ..........:!! porpooes by educational
-that it is an outstanding erample
of the sail marsh and marine lile eeoklp
and la "oae of Ille few remainln& major rutlnJ and feeding areas for blr<ls
liavoilng !\" 1,000-mlle-long Pacillc
°"'1111111. the group maintains, will
destroy the natural environment of the
bay and will 9dd to the threal of ei;.
llncllon of wildU/e In the llale.
The group also cites pendinl con·
gressional legl&laUon intended t o
preserve the few remaining tidal
eituaries and marsh lands or the nation,
and that Newjlort Upper Bay should
be protected under that legislation,
"liince Callromta has lost four times
more of its Udal estuary habitat than
any other state in the union."
The groi.ip aho wains that, since the
bay, developed or not, receives drainqe
from nearby land, heavy urban develo~
ment would caUJe pollution and make
bay waters "unfit for swimming and
water sportl, for Which, ostensibly, the
bay is to be dredged."
Instead ol buJll:bead development in
the bay, the grooJp b urging development
or the area u a regional park with
free public accea. Existing public
1hor<line lllould remain publicly owned,
memben maintain.
"We are opposed to the exploitation
of an irreplaceable public resource for
the benefit ol the few,0 Ult associaUon
told the mte agency. t ..
Thutiday, February 20, 1969' ($) DAILY l'ILOT :t
. '
• . •
Young in splrlt, secu.-e I~ slmpliolty .•• two distinguished cr-eatlOI\$
from the B.H. Wragge coll'ectlon for s prlng ... ea,slly recognized by
-. the elegant loqk, the fantastic feet, a nd the soptilstloatell character
of each d..9ss.· Featured, pure linen over-blouse with silk llnen skirt
and scarr, In pimento/navy or tur-quolse/bl'OWn, 100.00. Above, ti.-
dress to accessorlze In White, leather belt, 96.00. Designer DrasS..,
. . ' '
Thundof. ,.....,., 20, 1969
(c..llMI "' .. Dllff ,. ... ....,
The Spruce Goose has a home
for another year. The Long Beach
H a r b o r Commission approved
Howard Hughes' annual request
for an extension of his $36,000-a·
year lease for a waterfront pier.
The steel hangar bas housed the
billionaire's :ZOO.ton plywood Dying
boat -built at a cost of ~ mil·
lion -ever since it made its maid·
en and only Dight in 1947.
• • , Nicholes Buff1rd, 24, got his c~r
back after it was stolen. His
camera was still inside. He had
the film developed. and noticed
1ome strange faces among the
8:ihotos. As a result Providence,
~I. police"arrested three juvenile~,
"pne on a charge of c~r theft and
ithe others as accessories.
~ .
: Maxi n• Cheshire, \Vashington
Post columnist, says Defense Seo.
Tetary Melvin Laird boosts his
~pirits every morning by tyint bis
t ie in front of a mirror framed to
)ook like the cover of Time maga-
¢ne. The bottom of the mirror
f)ears the inscription "Man of the
Year." •
• ><· ! •Prlnct H TO,
;,front), so n of
<:Crown Prince Aki·
:llito and Crown
,:1>rinctss Michiko,
~kt& out a t1eU dur·
.d•Q a Gaku.shuin
,:fchool p la 'II m
~ok110. Princt Hiro
~ytd the port of
~ .. cae· doctor.• .... . • " ..
··, • . •• • : · An· old soldier faded away in a
,;Mianll rooming house, leaving 1Je.
)ind ,14,990.67 all4 a note wllllng
·it to the U.S. government. Cpl.
Jecob Ramar, 70, U.S. Anny Ret., ~led In his sleep. Police found '895
~ Ramer's olive drab footlocker,
a safe deposit key with inventory
flip !isling bonds valued at '6,350
•nd a bank account tabulation
~bowing fl,945.67. They also found
note, signed with his rank ams
ial number and dated Novo 15,
958: u1n ·case of my death I wish
\o name the U.S. government as
tey benficiary 100 percent.
·: .
. A resolution was passed by the
:aklahoma state House and sent. to
ithe Senate making the eolian! liz.
iard, or mountain boomer, th8 of ..
r ,ficial state reptile. House mem-·~bers, however, rejected an amend·
:tJnent that would have designated j.~e lady bug as the official state
~.,sect. II would have prohibited
,. "1e lizard from eating the im!l't ': . ~~. The Royal Mr Force bu a com-
) 1.1uter to process personnel and pay
· ~ecords of Britain's airmen, but a
.1 ~kesman in Innswortb., England,
-',tdmitted there were alOl a few
-~inks to be worked out. One air-
' D>an received papen which said
/~Discharged -PregnaDI."
Shaw's Attorneys
Move D·lsmissal •
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -Dill. Alty.
Jim Garrison today rested hit:' cue
against Clay .L. Sllaw, charged with
plotU., lo tllf President· John F. l\fDo
necly, and tbe defense Immediately tnOY•
ed to have the case dropped aod<BblW
freed. j
Dist. Judie Edward A. Hagg:erfy Jr.
recessed the trial until Friday afleri
Garrison's chief prosecutor, James
Alcock, wound up 12 days of te~ .. ~ ... -.. ,.
Was Beria Shot
By Nikita?
NEW YORK (UPI) -Durlil&
a heavy senlon of vodka drinking,
formu Soviet Premitr Nlkile
Khrushchev told 1 w t 1 t e r n
dlp!oqial be lhot LavrenU Berta,
powerful bead of the Ruulan secret pollct. '
AulboHdllor Jobn F!ICher made
this dlsclOIUl'O Jn 111 article in
the current 1uue of Harpe.r's
magazine of wblcb he wu editor-
in-ehief for 14 yeus.
Fischer Wd the diplomat asked
Khrushchev bow be had managed
lo get rid of Be\il when hla con~
of the secret police seemed to
make him inVUlnerable.
''He should have been," Fischer
quotes Khruabchev as saying. "But
be made one lilly miltake. Berta
came into 1 conference roOm one
day without hll bodyguard. I ahot
The ~n· 1noounced Beria's
duth In 18$S.' ne auccessors of
dictator J-.1 Stllln Bllid Berla .wu uremd, tried I>)' a secret
court and eucuted for ba'(!ng con-
• tplnd with lntellla<Oco qenll of forelin powerL
I>)' jS witnesses by nyilq: "The slate
'111t """"""' Supremo Court a few mlnuteo oarllor, llod refused lo d.U,
tbl. trial WbUe it con&ldend Garrll50D11
appeal at 111 Up, llll!ni by H•uertr
W-y. 'l1lt jadp bad retultd lo
admit Into evldellce a 111&7 lilqerprlnt
card U.tfna Shaw't alia1 a1 "Clay
Btrtrand, .. and 13.id he did not belie,ve
1 potlce officer rJ-:> aa!d Shaw gave
blm tbat lnbrmaUoo hlmseU.
Sllaw II """8led of consplrln1 unckr
lhe· name of "Clay Bertrand" or "Clem
Bertrand" with Lee Harvey Oswald IDd
David W. P'errle in 1963 to till Kennedy.
Althoulh the charge dJd not conctrn
the Kennedy assasslnatlon ltlelf tn DaUu
Nat'. 2 of that year, much ol Garriaon'1
case wu involved in proving that lhe
Warren Coqlmission wu wrong In con-
cluding Oswald committed the murder
by himself.
Fonner Tena Gov. John B. Connally,
who had been scbedulod lo testily 10<
the protteUUon ~ but was abru~
dismissed by Gurison as "a ho!Ule
witness," wu subpoenaed by the defeme
Connally, contacted In Houston where
he now practices ·Jaw, said today he
w11 surprised to be called by the defena
to testily. He . Aid he had· no opinion
on Garrl!on'a theory that Kennedy wu
tilled by a consplrocy.
"I don't know · uy of the facts 1t
h1a dlspoaal, '' ConnllJy said. "We have
repeatedly said our testimony to the_
Warren Commlulon la all we know •
We tried to 'mate complete testimony
then and I don't bow of anything we
cou Id add to that.
"I really haven 't followed the trial
that cloae.Jy, 10 I don't know what ue
we could be either to the pro1ecullon
or the defense," he uJd. ,
Connally was riding: la the car wttll
Kennedy and waa badly wounded whin
the president wu killed. He generallJ
accepts the Warren Commllalon veraloa
of the assasslnaUon.
Inquiry Told Pueblo Crew
·Planned tg Flee Qn Foot
CORONADO, Calli. (AP) -Tile "''"' of the USS Pueblo bad p!w lo .""8pe
from Ha Ncrth Korean prlaon '"' foot,
aay1 the 1hlp'1 lflCOnd-btcommand in
tesllmDOY Wednelday.
LL Edward R. Murphy Jr., execuUve
officer, told ·a court of inquiry 4nto
the Pueblo'• capture and the prison
CC!fXiuct of lta crew that the skipper,
Qndr. Lloyd M. Bucher, even formed
an e»cape committee.
The commitae wu compoeed of junior
officers, Murphy uld, who vetoed all
of the plaol "becauM they didn't have
a reasonable chance of success."
Murphy said there .... no. acwal
escape attempt.
"But we were working on an etclpe
plan from · one prilon room that wu
I fairly terlOUl'CODllderlllon," he uld.
LI. (J.g.) Frtderfct Schumacher,
nperallonl olDcer, 11ld II was finally
ICrUbbed "becaUR lhe mon.soo:m dJdn't
come that year."
"We were walUog for IOl'ne tind of
arf!t, It .cwo Gene Howard Lacy,
e~ olDcer, told the court
Wedneld1y. "The mol'llOOft waa ~ue·
olioftq and wo were lhlnkilq oerioully.
abciul IOlnl In the cover from the 10(
• • • and the wutber coodltlons tbet set in at thla thne.'1
There""" other problemJ, Lacy said.
• "One WU the position of-tbe building
In relalloo to the rat of the plan.
The cmnpoOnd WU Jn the middle of
a rlco poddy and that would !lave alowed
ouresc&Jll down. ·
"WI woald have bad lo 1<t out and
gel some distance away before the 111111
came tJP.. It was 1t leut 25 miJel
to the neamt mountain ranp. The felt
was flat territory Ind open country.
"They told UI if we ever got out
of the compound and lf the Korean
people ever· got hold of ut that woald
have been the end of us. And I think
it very well might. ••
"They keep the personnel pnlly lleyed
up with anti-American feelloc.11
6 Patients Get
Ma1i's Organs
.NmW YORK (UPI) -The lergeot
ma'u trantplant in medical history wu
performed today when tlle vital organ1
from 1 single donor were transplanted
Into slJ: paUents.
Memorial Hospital for Cancer and
Allied Diseases, said the reciplenta ol
1 57-yur-old man's liver, he.art, eye1
and two kidneys we.re doing wtll at
Memorial and New Yori hospitals.
The 17·year-old min -neither hospila1
would reveal the names of the donor
or the reclplents -died Wednesday
afterpoon of an inoperable brain tumor.
AJ he neared death, his next cf kJn
informed Memorial that It might remove
• many organs as It could for traosplan-
tatlon to other patients, giving lour peo-
ple the chance to live and two the chance to ....
:'.Snow · Blankets Midsection
Travelers Warnings · Up in 7-state Midwest Area . .
<:out al v.s. S11111111•r•
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Unlver1lty Demon1tr1tor1 Trade Throws With Delivery Min
Rebel Students Srep, Up
Berkeley Campus Riots
BERKELEY (AP) -Mllltanla deman-
ding more minority studlu stepped up
vJolenc!: on the Univer<y of California
campus Wednesday, attacking police with
rocks. botUes, fruit and ltlnk bombs.
'Ibe violence -described by teachen,
1trite.n and untve.nlty officlala u the
worst in 1 month-Old attempt to close
the campus -was touched off when
30 Alameda County sheriff's deputiea
tried to clear the main entrance, Sather
Gate, ol about 500 pickets.
They were pelted wtlh debri.!1 and we.re
:Joined by more deputies and about 100
lllgbw1y patrolmen who were O(I standby
aa 1 result of Gov. Ronald Reagan's
.. state of extreme emergency" order.
Enl5Ulng clashes ~suited in five minor
Injuries, ZS arrests · and 35 broken win-
dows, 15 of them In Univenity Hall
where the University Board of Regents
-All'Klnl them Bequ -were to
-loday and Friday •
Unlma!ly ofllcla!J announced the
dllmlHal of GOO llucftul In the first
d1lclpl1na:ry cue ar1Jin1 from the current
Eleven lludents """ placed on Interim
suspenalona and theJ and 49 olherl on
suspension faced dfsctpllnary bearings
today IDd Friday. In addition, 21 non
students were barred from admlasion
or readmission.
Letters were ae.nt to all deans Wed·
ne!lday night, warning teachers and other
employes they face dl!lmiual for
partlclpaUng Jn any violence.
Local 1570 of the American Fede.raUon
of Teachers, which represents 400 of
the campus' 1,000 teaching ualstants,
joined the ltudent ltrlke Wednesday,
throwing up picket lints 1 few hours
belore the dlsturb.JDCOS.
An AFT local representing ae.ven of
the 1,700 facuJty members ao far bas
not been involved .
The Third World Llber1tlon Front -
a coaUUon of minority groupt -called
the strlke over demand.I for tltabllsh-
ment of a Third World Collet:e under
their control with varloua de.partmenta:
in minority studies.
tllancdlor Roger Heyna wu upected
lo report lo the regents on negoUaUona
with strike leaders, who rejected bla
projiosal for se.ttlnt up 1 committee
"to 1n1U1te, develop and review propoulJ
for 1 department or college of ethnic
' ' '''
Reject New
U.S. Off~r ·
. ..
PARIS (UPI) -The United tlllla
saJd today 1 re.turn to the 1954 ~Ya
agreementa wblch ended the Pleeh-
lndocblna War would bring an early ,.
pe.tiee &o Vlebwn. The Comm11pist
. ....,U.torO Immediately re)eclecl ·lhe
auat1tkln. · •
"~ I said was mlsrepnsrilted
and thtri rejected," U.S. Ambassador
·Henry Ctbot Lodge told ne.wsmm after
today'• IUtb inconclualve V 1 e t n t m Rallon.
He bad dlaplayed aome ~
earlier a~ the Communist poeiUoo
·repeated over and over.
In tough statements foreabadowing a llardenJni of thelr attitude lh4 North
Vietnamese and Viet Cong pegoUators
said the war will go on unW .there
la a complete and uncondilloaal p\illout
ol the American e1pedltlonary,lorce.
When Lodge asked for a return to
the 195'4 Geneva, accords, Hanoi
negotiators Xuan Thuy and the Viet
Cong's Tran BuiJ Kiem said the Ameri-
cana must pull out ol Vietnam and let its
1ug:gested by the Communists.
Lodge said despite the hard stands
he was not completely dlscouraged by
lhe Communist delaying tacUca:. He said
that In his opinion any settlementl would
have to be ba.sed on the Geneva agree-
* * * Marines Kill 105
In Hard Battles
Atop Mountains
SAIGON (UPI) -U. S. Marlnea led
by three colonels from Virginia killed
105 North Vietnamese soldiers today in
1 1eries of savage close quarter battles
at.op the UMamed mount&ns dominating
the Communists' A Shau Valley supply
route from Laos.
The Marines lost nine men killed ind
1'1 wounded today when they_ clawed
their way up the mountains in 100 degree
heat and fought lhe North Vietnameae
who died rather than sumnder their
mounl.ain ·guns. The leatherneck! cap-
tured two, killing the guncrewa.
Some of the batUes were fought within
two m11.. of the Laotian border and
it wu clear the Marines bad won 1
Blro!lg toehold In the campaign lo win
control of the »mUe long A Shiu Valley
that fuMels Communist troops and
materiel from Laos to lhe Da Nang
Area. •
"" -at~ Bal>oa-. ....
eddftlon to 'f04JI lnwrltrnent pOllfolto-lnd.
WI)' alt>.-addition. ~-'1.000
kept al~ BdJao SaW>ga-.ld .. WI
c!IYtdenda. A rwgu!•---.....,;
talned one yoar, would'"""" lo Y"" $51.30 at
our current onnual ,.,._ A Bonua kcounl ol
the ••me 1mount. ftlllntllned thra• yeerwr.
-td mum $MA5 a }IMr nr $H!9..116 for tho
three year per1od.
In contraet. a hke amcurt ol MYtiga -.Id
return only $40.!IJ a }IMr f .. kepl In a bank. A
"good" alod< wou!d rllUnl"""' '-A alodt
eellliig ot $50 a "'-and ~ • ct.1dlnd
ol$2.4011 conaldarod•atb-buJ. Yot lo
cft>tkMnda$1.0001nJll' d~ .. -...wodd
pey yocJ only $48 .........,.
'""'"'"-11: COl.WIMlcn ~ "" "'* of ma-Inga broad,....,. For-··-
ln tho homaly-*ISl lhat R lanl ""'°'" -
• reletMly,.. ti11J21ta.
Man ...... 8ddlltarito)'lll pi 5 .... .......
-pol1follo. 0,... .. -at ~ ... .,..,
Balboa Savtnga today!
S,AVINGS __ _...
\ '
-llflf relll ""* 1M '""" H .. Ywtl -..... ,.,.. ., IE:11tlt lMI lo t H'9fli Vlr-
-....... T-.r
" " " " .. " " " .. •i-...------
Ul"I T.-...i.
... · .... '~. '. (c.ollu ¥ '.'-""'u · El Al Attaek
SIRHAN" · ·. No Retal;nt-'i•on as J•sawr" .:.. the same way MAI
JFK IOd 11FK did. '
New Yark aUqrney Emile
l!ola, Beqnan crol!Humlned
· l'llmpt00 lbout h I s prevlfus
atate-t lo pc)l!ce that Ill'
was Impressed by Sirhan's-'
-4'dark brown and e.normowly
Slated by Is rael? ,
,. peaceful eyes."-By UJiHtd~'1ta:• Iatern1UONJ ~
Plimpton agreed that Sirhan Israeli De!ense MI n i 1 t e r owe must prepare tor the
seemed the calmest person Moshe Dayan today was UkeUhoocl of Un! Ara~.renew• Jn a scene of pandemonium led 1 even though people were quo as saying srael might Jng -the wu. ''
fJghijng to, get al bim. retaliate again$t ~ny or the rsraell . Transport. N.inisler
Beniian asked p J 1 m p t o n Arab states fot the atta~k · Moshe Ci'.rmel also hinted 1n
whether he saw Kennedy lying on the El A1 plane in 1.urlcli, a .speech to Pirliament In
. on the noor. regardless of where the ter-Te 1 A\liv that Israel m 1 y
"I did.D't have the CQurage rori:Jts.came from. retaliate aplnst the ter-
to look," Plimpton said. . At the same time, highly-rol$ts. ~ 1 a Id. tbe na~Oll
Today the state called 11. J>laced political sources in would do ev~ poss:ible
•• rl·es of -1•-··-· m•'·'y J·-···•·-··" 1 .. , •• d to protecl !ta airliners. .. ~. ..,..... r;;.a,~.-:u.acu MC:a ers Tbe first Cairo comment on police oflloen,. in !be net It ha,. deciclect.to make no !Uch !be ZUrtch raid appeared In
ii drawin& arGWld !be H-,...-.' riprilals"'lor the time being." the semiofficial newspaper Al
oJd Arab immigrant. Thty saJd a d I p 1 om ~ t I c Abram. It said .(be attack
0 n e ~ ·that may ccme c o u n t e r offensive would Tu e 1 d a 1 "Indicates that = in~:e!5!~=~~ ::=a!:i~toayth~i~:t!J~~ ~~~r !: i sJi!;! ~ ~ ~ ~
notebooks found in . Sirhan's lions. . enemY on all front.I." · .
home in which he had written : In Cairo, ·the Arab press All four of the commando#
"Robert Kennedy muat ·be hailed the ' cominando raid were sai~ ti) 1be ~from ter~
assassinated before June ~ 5; · against the El ~ plane Tues-· rUOfies nOw occupied by:·t h e
1961." da)I as:proof that "resistance Jsraells1 They/Wt mei:nbers·
~ Iraq Kil ls
7 as Spi~:
~ In ,.Jlaghdad
~ S)'rla .(:AP) -
·"' ~rmq-...-.a lilvt.Q. )'OU"'
..,. a lploo C.r ilr'lal, ljldaY,
bjil U>op ~ oo Jewi-Fioo8
lheml ltnd tfle bod)es ';\are no1
)1111 ' ... ~Y-"{ith' "M" ttio ........... , . t'"-."'t •
l«i'el -expec!led to .Issy•
a 'Ctrrmlal of ·any complicity.
' ' ' but fl appean!d u~ly that
there woofd he a repetition o1
the storm ol. forelp proteSC,
which follOwed the Jlllblic .i.
·ecuUon Jut month of n In•
Iraqi Jea and five Moslen;as
u spleo for the Jorilj liolioil.
Bqhdad l\adio CMCeled
regu(ar Pl"ll'ams this mo,,;.
!!If. and broadcut rtpeatelt """""""''"ts of the uecd-
tions in -appeared 1o he
an ,fnVit,oUon to crdwds la gp
to ·the ·capital's Ubef•tiOn
Squatt,.imer. the bQdieo wefl! hanflnl. ' . , Kennedy was m or t a 11 y fighters will pever weaken," · of a gUen'illa. group pledged
wounded at 12•11 a.m. on June e•en If Israel hils)>aek. tooverthrowlngtheoccupaUon p EA c1;op ~N~. s. _ "We regard all neighboring forces. · , IHil·r.......
The defense contends the (Arab) states as responslble ''This :J'pera\lon In which a • HAVE YOUR
seizure of the "diary" was for all tetror activiUei against woman took part proves that EL AL A'tTACK -Zurich officials nleased photos INCOME TAX
illegal and without a search us," Dayan was quoted as the will of resistance fighters of three of the four Arab terrorists who machine-COMPUTERIZID
Mr. end Mrs. Rona ld Williems Ent~r Court
warrant. . telling a closed Wednesday vdll ne'ler weaken despite gunned an Israeli El Al plane and the Israeli sec-14 H•. INTllYllW lllYtCI
Anot:ier witness told . the night meeting of the Israeli retaliatory raids,'' Al urity agerit who killed the fourth terrorist. The YOUI HOWi .u.·ou1 Oflftcl
jury Wednesday that Sir.hon Wei!mann In stitute in Ahram said. Arabs are Ameenah Ahmad Dahbour (upper left), 675-5994 ·
fired more than 306 rounds Jerusalem. The resistance movement, 22 ; Mohammed Abou Al Hayja (upper right), 24 CALL
Presiden,t" Jf.ipes -Out .
Post Office 'Spoils'
during five hours at.a target "When and if ever we lake it said, wjll "certainly gain and Youssef I brahim Tawfic (lower left), 34. The Cti.tw lt-"•·.,..,•••ll
r•••e 00 ... ·day before Ken-acUon against them we shall a new dimension, and there's . !fi Ra h . M d h . (I . ht) atlas -· ~ hit '"· · ... 1 "· th hi h security o. cer , c anun or ec a1 ower ng , ed , •··th •• , told ''"~ uiem m uie pace wu1:re no power on ear w c can . financial c:on1Vlt..,..
n Y • ~ ...... a.JM>.-=r it will burt them most and prevent Palestinians r r 0 m 21, of Tel ·Aviv, might have faced a murder charge >iis YIA LIDO-Sum JM roan hil' gun WA"f· ·sufficient will be most convenient for fighting for their legitimate if the Arabs had stopped firing when he killed one to .. till a d""." . hi . I NIWPOn IUCH· ~ J-"~'~.'-':h•~~was~q~u~o~ted~a~s~sa~y~in~g~,~~r~1·g1o~t~t~o~n~a~tl~o~nal~esist~·~en~ce'.'~'~~w~i~th~~·s~p~t~st~o~,~~~~::Z:ii:i:ji;!:J:l:Z:;l!i;jl~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael Saccomlm, who also
was practicing with bis pistol,
said he lalked with Sirhan
for 45 minutes and observed WASHINGTON (AP)
About 2,200 acting postmasters
-plus 467 Johnson ad-
ministration nominees wqo
never were confirmed -are
out of their jobs with the
disclosure that the new ad-
ministration considers all CU(-
rent Civil Service lists void.
jobs. which pay from 15.800 he had seven ,, eight bo... AL W~ ~5' . i~£lj .. ~· 0 .. w· to $27,000 annually. of bullets containing SO shells 1 •
~---~ ' -plained, will be filled unde r ap~:~~~man said Sirhan told .f I. . •••
new non-political procedUres him he planned to 80 on a
based on merit and developed hunting trip. , ·
The · announcement came
Wednesday from Postmaster
Gel)eral . Winston M. Bl~unt
g i v I n I palronag~nsc1ous
members of hiJ party
SOfJ'.lething to cheer about It
means Republicans will have
at least an equal· chance wUb
Democrats to compete for the
SDS . Leader,
Russ Scholar
Hiredhy SJS
SAN JOSE (AP) -San Jose
State College's student council
voted Wednesday night to hire
as professors Tom liayden.
a founder of Students for a
Democratic' Society, a n d
William M. Mandel, a. scholar
on Soviet affairs.,
Mandel said it would be lh.e
first t i m e· he had taught an
accredited college c o u r ii e
since he wa.s fired at Stanford
University in a dispute ifl·
volving the cold war.
Hayden is to receive $1,500
for a course called "The New
American Revolution" and
Mandel $2,000 for a coursei
on "Contemporary Sovie 1
Both cOurses will be part
of the campus' experimental
college and the philosophy
~epartment is to· award three
houJ'1 <if academic credit for
those taking them.
to implement the new ad-1 ministration's program to put " told him that hunting
the postal system on a sound with 1 Risto! was against the · Jaw ," Saccoman said. management l;tasis. -p I run uod "He asked me why ahd 1 111e os ce, er every told him that was because postmaster general since Ben-
jamin Franklin has been the of its lack of accuracy. And
primarY govmental agency . he said, 'I don 'L know .~bout ~ough which the party in . that ,-It will ktll • dog. , .
· power coul d i"eward I t s Platlmrm blonde Claudia
faithful Wnliams, a former waitress '
The policy prevailed during at !be "Bril\r P,loh~ nigbt tl\e Johnson adminiatrition club, tesUned lhal she talked
but President Ni.ion Changed with Sirhan on the range and
it. He said postmasters would that he showed her bow kl
be chosen on merit. fire a revolver her husband
Post Office officials admit bad given her as a Chr~s
that, while there is no party present.
b r e a k d o w n a v a ilable, Her husband. a milkman,
Democrats great I y out-then joined them, abe said ,
numbered Republicans among and they talked for scme time
the postmaster nominees and about guns and ammunition.
acting postmasters shunted Sirhan was still firing away
aside by the new procedures. in late afternoon she-laid.
In fact, they pointed ·out, Another witne~s was Paul
few Republicans would have Schrade western r e g I o n a I
gone to the trouble to take director' of the United Auto
the competitive Civil ~~ Workers, who was. wouiided
tests ~t were a prereqws1te in the head as bullets sprayed
to appomtment through the pantry, ·
Agnew Schedule
-In Senate Toid
Vice Pres'.ident Spiro T .
Agnew, the first man without
. "All hell broke loose and
I h~ some crackling and
aaw aome flashea," Scbrade
aaid, "I WU abi.ttn badly.
J thought we were all being
Schrade said he fell to the
floor and lapsed into un-
prior · Senate experience to ;.======::===,Ill
hold the vice presidency in FAVORITES 24 yeirs, has not missed
presiding over a single Sena:te N1tio111l 111d loc.11 ·ro1dff-
session -13 in all -since 1hip poll• provo tho DAILY
his inauguration . Agnew PILOT c.1rri11 101110 of tho
usually opens the session, 1no1t pop11l•r c.ol11m111 •nd
spends several minutes in the f11twro1 •••il1bl1 •• • ...,
n1w1p•P•' i11 t+io Unif1d chair and then holds a get-ac-st.t11,
quainted lunch with a ·-----------·I Republican Senator.
On Europe. Tour ·
Nixon to Meet the People
W AS!llNGTON f AP) -
·President Nixon plans lo go
beyond lhe palaces a n d
mlniltries to the man on the
1tree\ to get a feeling of all
. the people 's th inking during
· hi.s Euroi)ean tour.
In addition to the some :;o
hours of official conferences
In l.atdon, Bonn, Paris and
Roim, Nixon has asked to
see small .groups of cltizehs
wlio can prov.Ide him with·
a sampling of their opinion
lo go .along with !be ofllclal
views he will be helrin&.
"We want people who will
talk to the President and who
, will give' him some feel of
what people Jn the country
are thinking about and talking
about," a White House oUicial
said. "He want! off the record
meetings in order to en-
courage these people to talk
with him:·
Nixon leaves early Sunday
(or Brussels, first stop on an
eight day mission which takes
him on to London. Bonn,
Berlin, Rome, Parls and. then
back to Rome. He returns
to the United States March
1 ..
'Ibe scbh:lule is Cl'Hded
with conferences, ~ '!IOl:ldnll-~. Ind • period ·set · aside each day for the
conduCt of normal White
House business. .
The citizen sessions arc .an
innovatlon and' a White House
official admits to s o m e
misgiYings aboul the guest list
-whether Nixon will really
get the cross section he seelu:.
The selections are beiJ18
made by U.S. embmies and
a Ni.I.on aide said tbe Presi-
dent would lite to see people
ranging from working men to
Most of the meellngs will
hrinf e1e1 1o 1S. people to
aee !be . Prekldent foe aboojt
an hour.
"1t'1 8 rooal full . 'of COID•
fcwtahle chain Ind cups of
coffee," an olftciaJ 11ld. "The
l'resi~ will com, in and
e n c o u r a I e converuUon.
'lbat's u mlich format u
there lj,"
Run up the flag fo f'Washington 's Birt~day!The re are some'
great sales going on right now. VISIT THE LIDO SHOPS
~·· O."' . , .....: ,. · \WASHINGTON S
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1110 Irvine
For tho Man Who Corea
West~liff Plaza
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4.95 :-
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' •
--• --.. ,> . . , """"1, ''"""" 20, lM DAil PILOT ~----~~~"'=e,i;:.:.::..~d1 ~Blonds!Now' Kn·o~ ~6out Discrinimation~ --
--' POTOMAC, Md. (APJ -
Blonds resumed lhe1r plact ln'
lhe white society ol Cabin
John Jwiior High Wednesd•y
alter. a twCH:tay e1:periment
U1 aegregaUon ran afoul of
~tal indignation.
Brunettes held sway over
lhe wealthy, SOO·pupi~
1uburbaB public school Mon-
day aJid 'l'lleoday while tbeir
llgbt~haired claqmates were
1..-..c! to:
. r· . . ~ .. ....
It'd lhrealeae4 lo. -~ ... tile b<nellil of lhla. r11e1 . --molt !tom • lo\!·lo. JOlmdod .. bOw many "' u,. -with wouldl11 taJll ...
another WI.I P tO w~ showing olf ti.cir •"I' come blacl< .,.. c 11 le• tidl dldn1 eve -wllol oomelblos." i::i.'::r plckitl IO jllWat the pr<judices." ' II' • Scotland. prtjudtee and dlacrimlnldfa w'J.' w~ ii to lll~ ~
ll was to have gone on Another blonde, S a r a h Many of tbe Cabin Joho ~were." Susan David ll)cl. ''It boneltl1
·II week. Wednelday, the Smilh. aa1d, "Some parent.s kids own their own bones. Moat of the atudenta ..-In-made me realbe for the fin&
tudents were furious that the didn't want their kids to learn They dreu well, speak the cluclhJi the tchool'a 111 blond! Ume bow prtJudlce hurta."
"'perlment had ended Just u to 'dlscrlnilmte:, BUt . olhik" Klt>g's English, and • ar ~ -loolt pli'I wllllqly .. Two ·, "I pillttd my hood JVer mf
tt was "beginning to mean dldn'l'want tllem IO lllhl t11a1 notably polite to viii-. TbeJ blood 1bop ct1ed ·lbolr 111\r bud1 ntttpc dlr>lbt achocil
oomethlng" and "ielU,,. not it'• bid ·ti> dlacrimllllte. A . admittedly know Utile of tile brown. thua ftllll!nlq In tbe bul," Ciirb N«lb .aald. "Alli!'
quite ao 1._ aa ll wu tlle Jot of tbem ll\ll , wlllll us to lrim ~ ol llle. majorjty. , . I •allied · rlllrt throulh tho
first day." The ....,,tlon gap , be lbeltered ud. .. yer learn Tbelr agu range from 12 "Tbe taeben lJOll)d jjlll ~ -· 'lli!ot fett Pf°"
bad widened. The complaining that ttie... are suCb thl\>I•·" . to U. , · · loelt 11,.. ·flmf," .,id JW. ,ty pd."
parenta 1ot no l)'lllpathy froin cabin John Junior lllJh Is "We puaed o ~I quea. "And Jhe._.1 alf•YI ""1>c BJ, '!llelday, -lle NA11r1
bloods or brunttttl. about 11 miles from downtown UOMA.l.rtl last Fridl1 When me. h "u, fUllDJ oa MODdly, Jac:ob1 ukl, Jhe wu "~ -Use different re&t rooms, ''These pll'ftlll who com-w~ The vlai!qr _. we lnade tile ._unent but y~ It ,llorted ge~ nlllC to foel '"'1 :.Wlty, and
doors, stairways, and waler, plained," said Jill Behatrly, , hundreds rJ e 1 pea aJi Ye tnown to . the studenta," aaid tlng an my nervt.s. U It bad alao n!lllZliJc bow silly it ti
fountains ; a blonde, "are narrowmlnded suburban homes. Only 15 Mrs. Mary Lou Wood,1scbool pe on a ~l:e week, we .t~.bJ!te IO~ just beca1119
-Endure snubs fro "'i and intolerant U they couldn't Ne,p:oa attend tbe1 moi!erD llbra:rian. i•you would be as-would really i.ve. learned U.,Y loot Cllfftttnt."
brunette, and many teac)i~ •• 1-----------"'-------__..---------.,.------------'--------
sometimes beil:Jg ke~ ~tu ~
school or segrigat.ed within
classrooms just. becauee o(
their. hair colo<;
-Sit at sej>arate hmchroom
and Jlbrary tables; . L,::;;::.:.;;~;_;~...,;::.;;;::;..;;=:.;;;::.:;;;;,=..,.;;..;;;;;.;;;;;;.;;;.i . -Tolera~ ~ ·p • A 1
0WeJI. 86 much for eniergency treatm.ent OD system ;µid printed jibes a.i
the slopes." "Watch in the lunchroom bmit'
blonds eat" and "Why dd
blonds ·carry garbage bt. 'theif
Co.~tts Can't Handle
New Cuban Citizens
wallets? For ldentilication."
' it!AMI (AP) -So many years was passel.I Nov. l, 1966.
Cuban exiles 3re becoming That period elapses May I,
U.S. citizens that ~urtrooms opening the gates.
Principal Tom W a r r e d
reluctanUy broke off the
Btotberhood Week ~
periment, in which the kidi
had voluntarily taken part,
after protests from angrJ
parents -including a o
un i d e n ti fie d U.S. con.,
here are no long~r big e~ou~h Fernandez estimated more
to hold ~em. ".t1le swj:!anng-in than 1,000 applicants still cere~es are held .~on~ly awa it processing b y im-
in public halls. A ytaiting list-· mrgratron mitlfOl'lttes.-Other
A teacher said one mother
. Named, l!I Post .
<>f more than 1,000 15 reported. observers place the y,·aiting ~nard l\IcNult, 648 Seal ,
"If it weren't for the CuOOns line .higher. has been
\\'e wouldn 't .have many new H. d--' -. " t SL, : Costa Mesa, hoanl' "tizens" commented us un ccus are In une o named to a temporary ~ist. J~dge Clyde. c. ·Atki~s: bectJ!'le cltize~ at the next of goveroors of the recently . _,__ 1 ,._ co rt om hearing , tentatively sc heduled ·formed Alumni Association at in \;JUUge <> 1.1n:: u c • f F b 24 · th A . ea1·1 . Stat C II • 'tt 1 t aliza"o · or e . 1n e mcr1ca n i om1a e o e I e , mi ee or na ur u n. · F I · More than 80 percent jn,,_Le_g>_on_H~a1_1. _______ u1_er_to_n_. ------·
eactl citize•p cl~ arc
Cuban!. Before the Cuban in-
flux, the eerenionies were held ~---------------only _four times a year.
More than 750 new citizens
wen sworn at a hearing in
the Dade County . auditorium
in December, Atkins reported .
More than 350 went in Jan.
~a::. a ~em~~~ B.~~~~i
courtroom accomm.Odate~ 1250
Tiit size of the: .ci~p cla~'.;Mtcfa1 s explained ,
depdiifa On :me number pro-
ctssed by' the U.S. Im·
migrati!lll. ·and ,Naturalization
Service. .
While oifi~al figures on the
number of exiles ta k i n· g
citizenship are unavailable,
Fernando Penabaz, Florida
chairmau..of _the nationalities
divlsiOn of tbe Republican par-
ty, feported about 20,000 have
registered as ·voters in the
state in the last four years.
CUbaft.lilrn lawyer Csrlos
Fernandez, who watches the
citit.enshlp picture ck>Uly,
esUmat.ed that nearly 20,000
Cubans have become U.S. '
citizens in the Miami" area
alone since Fidel castro's 1959
emergence to power.
Fernandez said, a pro-It softens and breaks up hardest
portlonate cithenship move-hardpan or gummiest gumbo •••
ment h occurring. A n CO"ects stickiness In clay solls which prwwitl estimated hall·million Cuban
cxilts live in the United setting when dry '··
St.ates, more than hall of them l•stlntly wets peat moss, balled nursery stock.,.
outlllJe the Miami area. · Neutrallzei high elkallnlty In IOils..
• 'C itizenshlp appUcations 'ft
provides phosphorus for st1~ul1tian of roots.••
will keep pyramiding, and in s-0ftens hardwoods for easy bending-many othtr
l\1ay be there will be a flood Pt $1 95 Qt $3 SO ~-1 $10 •• f "-' F d ""'· • ' ' • -' ·-o uPCm,' er nan e z
predicted.. He points out that There is no other product that does so complete I ;ob.
a law giving ~ban refLl&ees -'Ch•·Kem,.CO P!.N.().TRA.T£ · ·
credit for two and one-ha1 · Will.,;w"yo\lrbkk ~ ••. and )'OUr tlmplr,
years of tbe usual citizenship ~---.-~-!"'"~-"'' ~~----.;.!"'!'•
residence requirement ol five ~A~W:ic"lttl=HTl:'
Pact Signed
Newport:Mm u n 111 e d
School District" has signed an
agrffment with UC Irvine to
accept up to IS future teachers
as classroom -0bservers and
teacher aides, with reim·
bursemenl !rom UC Regenls
of $40 per student teacher.
U you have Dew oeJ&bbon ·
or know ot anyone movinl
to our are&. pleue tell UI
so that we ·11\&7 e.xtend a
frkndl¥ welcome and hcl p
them to become acqualnl.td
In thel> -aurround1np.
Huntington Buch
CM(l Mm Visitor
• 961-414'
So. COISf Visit.or
I 494-9579 .
,lllrkr . Visitor ..
• 494-9361-
may well destroy your garden
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CALL 515525 . I
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' • Cal-Ex po-Pur e Folly
..... ...
-• ~ • •
• • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
•• • • .. -• • • -•
How many Orange Coast residents have heard of
Cal-Expo? (That's short for ·californla Exposition and
Fair.) .
And 'of those who have heard of it, how many know
where it is, or have seen it? . , Not many, to be sure. But just the same! Its a sore
topic when Calilornlans wonder why, on a per capita
basis, they rant second in 'the nation o~y to New
York's taxpayers as the most heavily burdened by
taxation .
Cal·Ei:po is really just an amusement park for the
city of Sacramento subsidized by taxpayers statewide .
And it's suclLa flop as an attraction that ii Its de-
velopment .continues, California taxpayer:i stand to lose
$27 million over the nert few yean .
Cal-Expo was \lesigned to replace the old State Fair
and to provide a year-around recreation and entertain·
ment complex for tourists visiting Sacramento. lt was
to be a Disneyland of the North. '
But last summer instead of meeting costs or bond
retirement and setthig up an operating fund for the
1969 season, the operation fell more than $1.6 million
short of its minimum obligations .
Sacramento isn't helping any, lt has refused to
establish a pennanent convention center or spo~s
facility adjacent to the state property .-!111 essential
adjunct if Cal-Expo is to pay ofi. The city Insists these
must be near the city's center, not two miles out at the
state site .
Orange County Assemblyman Kenneth Cory has in-
troduced a bill to put an end to the folly. He would
eliminate Ca1-Expo1 stop the losses and return commit·
ted funds to the state for such far more important pur·
poses as aid to education .
Not to be faulted is Cory's summary comment: "1
don't think the st,te sliould be throwing away fl7 µill-
llon on a secotd-ra.le Dianeyland."
He'll have a problem with fair-oriented northern
Callfornla liglslatora, but he has l<Jgic on his side. His
bill should have all-out non-partisan support in tho Legislature.
Rescind UCI Firings?
A small group of no mo"' than about 300 student
protesters at University of California, lniine has ended
a "live-in" demomtraUon over the firing of two UCI
professors. To their credit, there wu no violence or
deS!nlcUon of property. --·
B~t 1.0 m • dluldents still are threatening
further action, depending on the outcome of a demand
for a retroactive moratorium on firings which woUJ.d
save the jobs of the two discharged professors .
Some students {and some junior faculty members) '~ant the lon~..established procedure for faculty suspen ..
s1ons and finng changed -and changed retroactively
to rescind the firings. f
It should be clear to ail parties to the UC! problem
that if thinly veiled threats of dlsrupUon are pel1l)itted
to produce major changes in faculty procedures in this
situation, then the primary beneficiaries <1f acadeIWc
freedom -students and faculty alike -have dealt that
freedom a giievous blow.
If strongarm tactics can be pennitted to shape the u~versity ~~m witJW:l, then the gate has been opened
wide for similar tactics from without. And what can
"'academic freedom'' amount to then?
President and 'Nuclear Sufficiency'
i\BM Formula Good Politics
Navy Brass
Didn't Think
It Through •• •• •• :%1'fASHINGTOM -It now appears thal
~t an absolule majority of senators
~U.S. installation of an anUballislic
GD$1e system (ABM), whether a
t4tbick" one against tbe Rusaiarui: or e-1.hln'' one again!t the C'binele. Faced iitii this fact, the Nixon Administration Ith'. mapped a strategic retreat which Will at least erect a shield against pover-
CI t>r defense contractors.
mMte issue, of course, is the Great
-.Ue Crisis of 1969. Last year. at Ii& urging of Johnson Administration of-
~ who were themselves lukewarm .Ac:itt u, CcJ:l,gm!S a~ a ·~
~"ABM BYSiem to defend the Ulicm ._ Pot against tbe flrrql•n•, ,.m have
f!l«continenlal mlailea, but agalmt the
:g$elle who do not. -' -... • .,. DIFFERENCE between 1 "thin'' ........ . !f~m and a "thick" l)'Btem lies, of
~· not only in the density ol. the
•pet line of ABMs to be put into tN!on. but the sile of the wallet
JMessary to pay for it. A ''thick" defenae Dfinst the Russian missiles would, of ·~ cost many times more. OD the a8irance that the whole "thin" un-~ system would cost DO mort
San $$ billion. Congrm went along, &rt.not without some stroog raervations.
·~ year, however, was different. ..m, the price went up: aome estimates
f!e'. nearly double the original Strong
lljpOsiti.on developed in the Senate. John
aennan Cooper of Kentuclry was able t$ 1et some Republican allies, and a
*1ificant number of Democrats have
Ovays been opposed. lt developed as
•U in cities where the installation was .. • •
planned, some of whose cltiz.ens -it
turned out -didn't like the idea of
nuclear warheads in their back yards
or bull's-eyes being painted on their
SOME IMPORTANT aienllsts aaid.
quite limply, that the sylll<m wouldn't wcrt uyway, U caa be too eaolly fooled,
they said, either by 11c:bafr' -fake
-miallles IOlll to conluae the radar
or by a so-called "blact-out" -the
radar-defying ionized cloud whicb the
expkision of a missile creates.
Two weeks ago, moreover, Henry Kiss-
inger, Mr. Ni:r:on's national security ad·
viaer, brou1ht his chief a Carnegie
Report -which both Kissinger and
U.N. Ambassador Charles Yost had
helped to prepare -which recommended
strongly against proceeding with even
the 1'thin" ABM.
The report accepted some o( the scien-
tific arguments against the plan and
stressed that this kind of attempt to
obtain .. nuclear superiority" could only
lead to an eacalating ann.s raei! to
no one's advantage. It urged a continued
reliance on the present second-strike
capability of both sides -the so-called
"balance of terror."
111! RESULT OF the Kissinger-Ym\
intervention was twofold. First, Mr. Nil.·
on stopped talking about n u c 1 e a r
"superiority" and bqan to substitute
the word 0 sufficleocy." Second, he
ordered work on the .ABM system stoir
ped pending a thorough u:ecutive review.
Since that stoppage, Stnate Doves have
picked up some recruits. Defense
Secretary Melvin Laird has been drop-
ping large hints that the Administration
will in fact proceed with the "thin"
iyslem, but White House strategists bave
just about decided to tbe contrary.
It now 1ppean that wben the full
review is over the Administration will
lest the water ob Capitol HllL II there
appears fi· be llnlDg Senate oppo11Uon
-say, 4t ~ -to the ~'tbict" 1y1tem
there Wilf be a fallbact to the "Utla':
defense line. II that, too, is in trouble,
the President will setUe for a large
researclJ-and.deyeJopmeot ouUay so that
deleue. contractors can continue to work
on. the changing technology of modem warfare.
THIS, FORMULA IS good, practical
politics, No matter which of the three
choiei!1 emerges, the President will be
,able to say be took a position in favor
of "nuclear sufficiency." And even the
third choice will keep that old milltary-in-
dustrial complex all,. and healthy.
And we will have kept our voice!
lowered. '!be Dovu, .1ong re!lgned to
an inunense defense bud.let, will have
a rare political victory. And the ron-
tracton, who are not long on ideology
anyway, will keep the tr pr o f i ls .
Everyone, in short, will be dbin&' what
he does best.
By Frank l\lanktewic1
ud Tem &adea
~Nixon Trip a Test of Reds
~ASHINGTOI\ -With his ambitious
f..-.ign policy iniliat.ives, President NiJon iC putting the good laiU! and good in
1-rtions of Soviet leaders to an early
'te President is upkirln& the ap
Jacation of fwr-power diplomacy in lbe ~ddle East. He is gofhg to Europe
II.er this month in wbal he clearly tiPes will serve u prelude for top-level
~ks wllh the Kremlin.
:President Johnson, oo the basis ot
"1lle small Soviet aasists, was convinced
i&;the end thal llulllan leaders lincertly
-.nted. to ease world tensions. Mr. Nixon IC now pushing 10< mon fl'llphic i~
118lraliom from thl Jtremlia.
~n following this , coune, Mr. Nizon Iii erploltlng the llOJlblllly available to
~w Pre.sklent wbo ls unencumbered
~ policy determillaUonl of the past. 'fttett are some risks Involved. however, 411 he is well ttware ol them. .. .
:tu:ERE IS, for example. considerable '\tl"1<lsm amoq experts here, about
• •
/ "','Ii~""·" ,, ~'
f tt~(D~.u..(;()Jilsn~ith.·' I
\"'.. - . .......... ... I
Russia's long-range goals in tbe Middle
East. The experts g.......Uy agrtt, as
reported here previously, U!at the
Kremlin wants to avoid a new shooting
war now between the Arabs and lhe
Some top authoriUes doubt, however,
that Soviet Leaders want lO move
toward! a permanent solution for the
problems of the Middle East. They think
that, despite Moscow's ei:preased desires
for a solution, the Kremlin will frustrate
any hopes for a pennanent setUe:menl.
These experts note that oulrlght decep-
tion has often been a feature or Rua:ian
diplomacy - as In MMCOW't breaking
of the nuclear test moratorium in 1961
and the subsequent introduction ol
missiles into Cuba, while any such actiun
was being denJed by Soviet diplomat!.
In addition , some o!Ddals wonder
whether France can pll,Y an e:ven-Nnded
four-power role in the Middle East, in
view of what thty rtprd u anU-lmel
(and even anU«mlUc) attltudea ot Gen.
Clarie! de Caulle.
~ON'S TRIP -There lrt risks.
too, in Prnldent Nii:on 'a trip to Europe.
Only a couple of weeks ago Senat~
Re(llll>lican 1-ler EvereU M. Dtrbm.
Ill, told llNM¥1 he had ~rd a l<poa1
that Soviet leaden wen about to 111b]t<t
llamaDla' to dbcipllnary action of U!o
eort e01(lloyed agaJDll Caecboolovalda
tut tummet. The ten1tor'1 statement
wQ DOI oonfirmed by other auU!orlU ...
The belt reading available t:ere Is
that Ruisi• 1,, Indeed, putting heavy
preau..re on lht Rumanian gove.rnn1tnl
of party chit( Nltolal Ctausescu, to
JGll<• that aovemmt:tt, confom: to .Ibo
MOICDW' line. No R~·led lnvasSon. . ,
... ,.,,. .......... ...
t1wwry ..... IMJIMlic
~ ...... Pll wll k llln.'
as In Crechoslovakla, ls now e:rpecttd, however.
There Is a [eeling among U.S. erper;.
that &be enmple of CieclloslovakJa
mata the threat of simllar action
enough to chasten the Soviet sate:Wtes
in Eastern Europe.
Why not have one wetll: of the
year Sd aside for national ltri-e
"'eek! Then all grfevanM could
be aired at one time.
-R. M. IV.
,,... ... ,_ ..... l'C1t ~ ..... ...
~· .... " .......... .... ,.. .., -. -., .... """'
Jwie J, 1113, mortally wounded Navy
Captain James Lawrence of the frigate
Chesapeake, said, "Don't givi:· up the
ship!'' a slightly garbled qu.°*8.tion.
~ untaill~y, Americans .,attribute
1t to John Pa Jones. Why? Because
Jones is the ooJJ nanl· bero ol the
period we tnow.
It Js hardly a genius phrase, but it's
about what any wounded naval com-
mander would say in the beat of battJe,
reDe:cting the naval code of conduct.
And it's about what they say at Annapolis
today. '· ·
Jn any case, it smacks of extravagam.a
rather than reality; it can. but does
not invariably, point the way to naval
achievement. Yet the saying is im.mortaJ,
and the United Stales Navy ~ved
in it.s shadow for 155 yean.
PERHAPS THAT is Jfhy an ad-
ministraUve admiral named· George .L.
Cassel expected Commander Bucher to
defend tbe USS Pueblo with two in-
operative machine guns and a few small
arms off North Korea over a Year ago.
Commander Bucher did nol choose
to do so. He was under lethal enemy
l!UJ'S, and he permitted a boarding and
capture of his vessel. He has testified,
with a ring of truth, that his crew
would be slain if he didn 't surrender.
It is highly unlikely the Navy ad·
ministration in Washington expected ~
Coronado board o( inquiry hearing on
the Pueblo saga to develop as it did.
AFl'ER BUCHER gave his basic
testimony on the capture, and when
the brass began appearing, it soon
emerged that the Navy administration
had not thought through the dangers
of maritime espiohage in the Far East.
The Pueblo's defenses were of the
ordtr of Sheriff Andy Griftitb's gun-rack.
The vessel was on its own, with no
naval escort JftSelll or nearby. Aerial
•Id in Japan might as well bave been
in lunar orbit. The Navy &eeml!I unaware
it had snagged an emergency until the
spy-&hip and its crtw were snuggly im·
prisone4 in a North Korean port.
When •ll hell broke loose, the United
States moved ponderously and with
bewildered lutlllly,
THIS "DOF.SN'T mean American ad·
mirals ~ ltupid: it only means they
are not mentally or traditionally equipped"
to handle apecial cases bearing little
relation to \be fuoction or a nny in
war or peace. True, one function .ot
a navy is fnlellill'nce loolclng to lis security. ·
But btre enters a cwioua twist -
the Navy was not engaged in intellJgence.
In the person of Commander Bucher,
it had no knowledge of, or cootrol over,
the inlelligence paraphernalia lodled ia
the ship. This coding and oilier f!W,
and penonnel, wu ~y 1eparated.
from the operational phases for which
Bucher was mpomi"ble. He clid noC ev'n see il unlll the boarding.
WE AM NC71' TOLD it this enclave:
... operaled by Central lnlelll&<oo< "'°"I.I, but the whole o/fair bas a
pncfGul CIA Oavor. If """'1 testimony
ot Coronado developed the potot, U!o
WbJla Houle should crac~ It opei.
No naHl skipper should he -lied
to take out a abip, not ~ who
or what is aboard.. 1'hl! alone dln In
the faoe of maritime common • tmSe.
goina back I<> the Phoenldona. Jiii this
cowil alone , il is lm-1bla to ,..
how Commander Bucher CID be bt1d
to -lor bil cooduCf oil North It-. ...., II, ltlt.. -
' '
'Won't :you be m~_ Valentine1"
Cars Kill More
Than All Wars
T was sitting in my car the other
day, waiting for someone, and parked
in front of an office building whose ...
t'nants are mosUy doctors. For nearly
a half-hour , I watched people leave the
building and get irito their cars.
"Get into" is hardly the verb. They
hobbled, wobbled, shuffled, fumbled, and
dragged their ram.!hackle bodies behind
them. Some were too old to be out
alone; some could scarcely see 50 pa~
ahead; some trembled so much that
it took them a full minute to unlock
the doors of their cars.
But cars they all had, and cars they
all ,drove, as an inalienable right in
modem AmeriCan society. I wouldn't
have ridden with any one of them as
a passenger for all the oil in Arabia,
yet they are perfectly free to drive
anywhere, any time, until they happen
to kill or maim me.
WE ARE SO aroused about "crime"
in this natiori, but so apathetic about
the far biggest killer or all -the
automobDe, which has knocked off more
Americana than all our wan combined,
and which is the leadbig caue of dea•
among young people from 16 to 24.
Why is our aWtude so inconsistent,
in ttrrns of life and limb? Why are
we so hysterical about the rare muger,
and so indifferent to the homicidally
incompeteat drivu ?
PtULUONS UPON mi 11 l on s of
Americans are driving cars who have
no more business behind the wheel than
I would have orbiting the moon. The}'
suffer from faulty vision. neurological
disorders, the aging process, im-
maturity, schizophrenia, hysteria ,
obsessive-eompulsive phobias. tics and toxicity, deafness, partial paralysis, and
a host ot other clinically observable
Drivers' tests are a sour joke 1n many.
if not most, states; in my own, Illinois.
I and millions of other residents were
simply given licenses in 1939 on our
unsupported statements that we were
experienced drivers with no physical or
rnenta1 impainnents. Since that time,
30 years ago, nobody has bothered to
check our condition, or will unW wt!
are dead in a lraUic smashup.
about the enforcement of drivers'
licenses, which means that, along with
the physically defective, millions of
paranoids are driving around with fever
in their brains and hate in their hearts,
using their cars as weapons to com·
pensate for their failures in business,
in love, in basic human relationships.
Nobody can observe heavy traffic for
a moment-its vicious maniacal quality,
its desperate rudeness, its infantile lack
of prudence -without knowing this
is true. But nobody calls it "crime."
Archaic Divorce Laws
To the Editor:
The "Great American W a y ' '
historically has been the salvation of
the individual and. the btckbone of the
masses. Our naUon has been fuoctiooing
in a way which ideallstically and opera-
tionally bas tirooght luJllllment and
satisfaction to the.majmity of its citizens.
l see now, however, a hazard develop-
ing. We have become a crisis-oriented
society; we wait until the problem is
in our own backyard before \\'e get
concerned or involved. Perhaps it is
due to the populatioa explosion, the rapid
pace at which we Uve, mobility and
advanced technology or even an unknown
ractor. Whatever tbe cause, the result
is a devastatlna apathy on the part
of our citizenry.
TllOSE WHO are aware of our prob-
lems ask, "\Vbal in the world can
we do about it!" State Senator Donald
L. Grunsty ud Assemblyman James
A. Haya hava come up with a bill
due to be voted on by the Legislature
in June. I (eel from m.)' wort as an
elementary ICbool counselor that I have
seen too many children who art pfQclucts
of broken homes that need more help
~ we can give them in lhe 1Cbool$.
Grunsky's bill, the Family Law Act,
is the first posiU ve, prtventatlve step
our state has taken toward rlddlag our
divorce courts of tot.ally unruli&tic and
archaic divorce laws.
I have written to my legislator and
1 urge ev~one conCe:rned about our
ftiture: (leaders to do the ume. FOr
once, let'• movt to prevent problems
ln.ste1d of waiting 11nU1 ~ crlJia octun
and It is too late.
Letters from readtT.s are wtlcome.
Nonnally ulrittn 1hmlld convey their
message i7I 300 words or less. The
right to condett.!e le tte rs to f it space
or tliminate Ubtl is reseroed. All
letters mUlt include signature Olld
mailf11g oddress, but name.! ma y be
withheld on reque~t if suffi cient rea·
son f.I appareni.
or quaint. T mean It sincerely when
I say that your paper is pleasing to
read. This means pleasant. A pleasun
to peruse. It is easy on tht! eyes and
well laid out. This can be said ol very
few oewspaper.s.
During the evening hours. one is apt
to be t1rtd or weary o( using 01\e'l! eyts. Your format makes this Jess ol
a cbort. Keep up your good work.
B 11 Geo1'flf' ---
Dear George :
If I may intrude a bit or
phHOM>phy into your llttl' column
· 1 1hould like lo point out ~
happy you should be with a daily
outlet for your lhou1ht.s! What a
graUfytng si tuation you 11:re In, !'lie
to be envied by mtn who ~
on:Jy crass money and m•te:rfal
things to ahow for tbdr toll!~.
lucky Is the man whose. work hr ngs
GLENDA WAXMAN something more PrtCloua than gold
-a cruUve ouUet! B.G.
f.llces P llet f'er-a o .. r B.G.:
To the F.ditor : Ytah, .Qots.. Does that mean I
n..io not in'·nd don'l gtt ~ raise? 1 'I'. K to IOUnd bromlcfio., '---------i..-.r
r i a •
: and
:, and
lino is,
1 our
:a1 or
ed to
il we
tC for
.a lily.
~ lack
thi s
"""'· their
'J be
1g to ......
;. apt
~ of
" ly '• c
~ '· I!
d . ••
In Miami, the Men
PropQs~ in Motels
The honor roll ol Laguna
Beach !Ugh School Includes
the names of IQ students in·
eluding 14 who recelvtd
straight A gradea 1 a s t
Straight A rtudents were :
Titursd,y, ''lwlrJ 20, lM DAR. V I'll.OT ft
Dete:atlon Without Ball
Nixon May Get Key Anti-crime Tool
Congress 11 c i:n slderlng
legislaUon that could provide
,President Nlx.c;n with a tool
he has . Indicated ls essential
in the right 9galn$t crime -
the right to bald some accused
criminals without ball until
PrevenUve dt:t111.t1on u a ptnalUu for thole wbo do
tool to batUe the rlain1 crime commit crbne1 while waltia&
rate got tome ldded attention trlat.
the Amerlctn Clvll Llberilff
Un!M, 1tld the orfonl!allon
will "surely challenp tn Ute eowu any , pre-Yentlve d~
lion measurrtnlded."
Jan. 31 .whin President NlJ.on Lawrence SpelMr, dlrector
recommended It u part of of the Wllh!naton olftee of
a package ol proposals fot -;:::;::::;:;;:<;:=:=i~;;:=:;~~~"i!iii;;:;;iii!iii~~"li"li~ the District of Colwnbla. •
lloJlv Gomtole !
~ n.., Is another one
rA those ldwnl whereat most
matrimonJal proposala occur
in motel rooms , .• •. CLAIMS i handwrttlOg expert, "Show
me a man ...00 signs hia name
with a lhlok1 fiber point pea
and I will ibow you a ma n
who is determined to go in-
k! business !Or himself." .•.
doesn't give Im report on girls ::.
called Debbie pretty soon, I'm ----------
going to take it up wllh the
editor. I'm 13." A. Just amaz-
ing at what an early age you
young ladies learn how to get
what you're after. All right,
miss, the N. G· man saya
Debbies tend to be clothes
conscious.: They develop an
eye for quality. They get so
they can walk up to any row
of dresses in the gtore and
pick out the most expensive
coslumes on the rack without
even looking at the rest. The
husbands of wives named Deb-
bie are known to brood about
this sometimes.
S en lo r 1 Deldre Connell,
Sture Edwll't!sson, Stephen
KawarantanJ. Barbara Perrine
and Keith Knl~hl: and junlo"
David Hustwlck, J 1 m e s
Orlowski, and Cbria Powers.
Eleven bills have been in·
traduced this llt8sion that
·would, in one form or another.
deny bail to persons charged
wtth ronunltting a crime while
rree on bond and awallina:
trial for an earlier offense.
Although restricted to tbe
district, Nixon's suggestlona to
also increase the number of
policemen, judges aDd pro-
secutors were regardect as a
blueprint for the nationwide
crime crackdown he promised
during his campaign.
eotkfnt: 9"6111MM • , • tanUilllifle &lalf, , • rot... "'*'° .. ,
&.sty tinM.IH , , , and other authentic South'. of· rfte. ~
~/tie:,, w¥8d atllld the c.dorlul atmospht,. ol o6d Mft.
lco. ~Jfhtrul wifte c:odt1.ffs and bft.r, IOO. (vtn If you're rtOt
' NO TRICK Ip 1.ylng 'Bug's
black blOOd" just once, but
try saying Jt twice, swiftly,
RECORDS ahow that place
where the citizenry gets the
fewest colds · ls along the
SouLhern 'CAli&lrnia ·coast
between Lds Angeles and San
Diego. . • • WHEN THOSE
FUNNELS <>l bats fly out of
the Carlsbad caverns. they
always spiral counter-
WE SAY A DOG goes "bow
wow." 11ie Japaneu say "wan
wan." We say a cow goes
"moo moo." They say ';moe
moe." We say a bell goes
Hclang clang·" Tbty say
"kang kang." We say the rain
goes "pltter patter." They say
"para para." Tbe foregoing
inrormatlon should come in
handy if lhe occasion ever
ari.seJ to tell a Japanese how
your dog chased a cow with
a bell around its neck thru
the rain.
CIANS continue to claim the
United States population is
getting younger? Take tt-.e
average American male 170
years ago. He was 16. Just
100 years ago he was 19. At
the turn of the century he
was 23. And now he's 25 or
lhereaboulS .. · . THE MONA
LISA 'S Srt1ILE still puzzles
the theoreticians. Dr. Kenneth
D. Keele said be thinks the
lady smiled in that peculiar
m a n n e r because she jwit
found out ahe wu expeclil;li.
, Dr. Allen S. Johnson, however,
said he thinks she smiled thus
because she just found out
she wasn't.
make 1 man too drunk (o
drive? 'Jbat's open to argu-
ment. But the royal Canadian
·mounted police figure i t
depend• on how much be
welehs and how rut be drink s·
Take a 190-pound man. Give
him an hour's drinking time.
The mounties' chart shows it
takes &ix and a half bottles
of beer to make h i m
daqerous in a car. Or 91A
oUncea of BO-proof whisky to
dG llkewige.
1~u your Name Game man
bat.broom cabinet contains 28
different medications. So
states a United States health
department ofiicial. That's too
many. J ust checked our
bathroom cabinet Only has
nine different medicatilons.
That's sUll too many· So what
do you need besides aspirin,
iodine, and a can of medicinal
sauerkraut? Not much. Wait
a minute, that's a little smug.
We don't get alck too olten
around our place -knock,
knock -so lack depth of
el'pe.rience in this matter.
Your que.stiom and com·
ment.! are welcomed and
wiU be b.ted whet'rver .pas·
sible in "Checking Up.••
Address ·mail to L. !of.
Boyd, in care of tne DAILY
PILOT, Bo: 1875, Newport
Beech, Calif., 92663
Nelv Name
Houe committee on u~
American Acllvlties olllclally
has a new name llld a new
mandate despite the opr>osition
of liberals who wanted to
abolish it or aUach it to the
Judiciary Committee.
The House voted 305 to 79
Tuesday to change the old
and controversial committee
to the House Committee on
Internal Security.
The resolution also charged
the committee to work in the
rield" of "Communist and other
• subversive activities affecUng
the internal security of the
United States." H U AC' s
jurisdiction was simply
American activities."
orchestra ...
; •• Uyou want something
better than Sony Stereo
-SINc:f 1'47-
411 E. 17th St.
COSTA MISA -T.r.p!Moo "46-1614
J Dtilly f·f: Sol••• '" ,_
Chief Asks
Just Wh"t
-Jason Thornburg, began to
think a stoplight was needed
at Telegraph Road a n d
ROCkford shortly alter a car
hit him.
Sophomores were Mike Bar·
rios, Eric Halla, M I t e
Newcomb; and freshmen
Jollie Bernstein, Bill Bird and
Jeremy Kuhn .
At the time lhe package The problem Is ln sharper
wU unveiled, Nixon aides coo-focus In the Dl!trict of Colum-
ceded preventive detention bla than anywhere e I 1 e
had not been tested in the because all crimes _ even
courts and saJd the fewer peo-misdemeanors -are federal
pie 1 proposal would authoriu crimes in the federal city.
F,..hmlfl 1111H tor ""' •••nlnw jailing, the better the chances ( )
A'1 •net •'• 1ncll.ode l'1111e Antr. of. Its approval. "The recidivist repeater
Am"'" AtlllfllOll, '°" •1tc:k. Tom rate in W a s h i n a I on an.. erolMrton, J1mltt lll'llWfte. CVru1 • ,. cto1m11o1t1. L" c11r11t.nH11. 011,.. co~ PUBLIC DEFENDER proaches 40 percent for ac-~~~lt c::~~;..,";t=. ;:::,~omo. Nixon also called for a full· cused felons ," Rep. Chester
Ellen Foo11, o.blti. Fr111. He1c11 Oedged public defender .~ Mize (R·Kan.), told the House.
Fullenwl<Hr, >-mff Ki nne. l l...:111 t t th gh'" rn • f f In 1C1w1r111n1, l111t Knowlton, Man h• gram to pro ec e r1 ..,. "'.uze lS one o severa
Llndwt', Kim Lo1<1n, M••I• McC1rt~, of poor people charged wllh Congress. Including H 0 use Shawn Mt:Mllllon, Mlch1l1 Mcll11, d G Id ""°""' Mann, Mlch11t Montell, N1nc1 crimes. Republican Lea er era f'••ls/'I, Jahn P•lc••"· •nd1 There are two school$ of Ford of Michigan, who bave
Anne Prl90, laul11 Putn.1m. J1n1 • t od ""' I '·I U I Ftoth1tt...... s111rrv s,.11ert111d, r.11ny thought on the problem of in r Uo.;~ eg .. a on o
an aficionado of MlllkMcwi·
line, yuu're sure IO liltie OUt
Not1e Ainet'ICll'IO fa'fOfilff.
Have lunch ot dinner •t
Ami1ot .•• the WHr's most
LwlclM!$ llOl'lt '5C -Sf.SO to SJ.SO
..... -.a-........ _.,_._~ "I got to thinking about all lJlis in bed," the 42·year~Jd
economics instructor said. "I
mean about how everybody
had been trying to get a
stoplight up there."
s~n. Ann sum111r, 1err1t1n Thltne, preventive detentions : amend the Ball Reform Act.
Maorle Wll'Jbo'Nlfll •nd V1ctori. Wlnlor. The Mlze and Ford billal!~==============~~~~=~ included a11 "" IOJ111orftor• 1t.t One is that d e t e n t i o n •r• e11n Almon, Cindy AnW•""'· violates a person's tights to would allow preventive dete.n-J~' AnMnon, Ed Av1lfn. Lll(Y Bovd, f th I 1· f th hi to be J10111 c1uer1y, M•f90f c11t1er, s1,.,. due process o e a\V ion o persons Olli
Ch•mbtn. ''""""" croc1cir. P•m guaranteed by the Constltu· a menace to .,.,.iety if reltas-Who Crumley, Toni Olf'rd<1, 1nd: ""'-Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'? So Thornburg, run down
crossing the street last month,
called Gov. William G.
Milllken's office in Lansing.
An aide returned the call and
referred the problem to the
state highways department.
flron e~1~ r,.,,, Gu•~•. s1t~' tlon. The other is that preven· ed on bail, and provide st.JU
H1ll1r. 1C1111 .... IY. OovY Llo\"d, live detention of persons,_:::...:::...::::::...=~::...:::.:c..:..::... ______________ ·-------
LlndwY McCNto, L1r...,. MU!,r, Tom be to MwrPh!~•. Lyl'CI• P..:1-n. Chr'•''~t p,.. thought to a menace ·~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~ d1H, c;1,.. llMY, 1C.1rt11 llObtrt....,, society if released on bail is
Cln61 Smlll'I. Kirn Sny~r. 81rt Tibor. U f
01w T-*.lru. Joflfl w'"1et11r 1nd within the legal dlscre on o
Tim Whitt. judges, and ~oesn't need
The department sent a letter
saying they will put in 1 new
sidewalk, a new median and
a new stoplight.
"1 could have been killed."
Thornburg said. "But instead
something really good hap-
pened out of all this. They've
been jilst wonderful·" .
Now if someone will just
explain it to Dearborn police
Chief John O'Riley, who tried
unsuccesslully for 10 years to
get the stoplight.
"I can't figure out what
the bell happened," O'Rlley
no. 1u .. 1or ci.u " 1nd !I 1111 furtherclarif1catlonby 1ncludos: Dale Alldlnoll, ~n: eoms-1~11, Kim aunnti. J1111111 a .... u~. statute.
H9dY" Sulin. Slwirrn.11 Ftmn. J'1m t Id th t F1vour. Tony F•Ytr. Debbi. o.-w1", The 1966 ac prov es a
P1tr1c11 Gre11111 1nd1 any person accused or a non-
T1r1 Grliwold, P1tr1t;11 Gu111c1~,. capital federal crime can be ~rv IC.t""'' "''1'111'1 1Cnowl1':!11, C•t~y
1C11hlnWl11, Chrl• L1mbfft. °'"'" l lwd, released on ball or his own
K•1hy L-.... J°"" Marllmer, J~n bond II h '• bo N'llOl'I, Robin 011~•• 1nct1 pe.rsonal , e u I na
Tertl P1r1111. Mtrt: 11n11, ll•m•ev fide resident thought not likely ~ld~ll. Wtllltt "dltr. Tham11 $thltlC11,
FrH 5~1. P•ttt SNiMOlh ICll~Y to flee before trial.
sw1rtwoul, Pim Tllle!'o,. N1n11!1 ===========I Vtrl'Ote, 1nd WlndY W1lnwrl11hl,
s.111or1 Include P•ltl Btdtff, MtrrllM
S.nloll, L1url1 !llnl, Ellubettl 911111, Don• a 111rock, John e-. wui.
Ctthll'", J1mt1 (ll/lllf, Joh 11
Cllamb9rllri. P1ul Chrl•ll•'*"'• SlltllY (19mtftt. •ndi
MJ'1e Clnnent, T1rrl COllltr, Ttrrl c..,.1m. !lr&tt Daly, 01..... 0111111:1.
Odlle DeWltll, su .. ,. °""'"· eato Girdner, TD!n G<lrm1n, afld Ellllbll!I
Gree111. •ncl;
k•""' M1u.1nt111r, Suun Hnltr.
SPlllCI MUl'lbul, Ann JotiMOn, -Won
Kll!del, 81rto1r1 IC°""' Miki L1111e,
C•...SV McCu•, l 1u•l• ~cPMri.o11,
E!IM1t Md:u1, l1urle MCP"'"°"'
Schiff, DoU1 Scl'llnllt. AllXll s-fl, "'"" St'"""' s.rn Sluolluck. 01w s.i.n.n. Mar ... S!Odlton, l rlc Stodd'r
1nll klan W1!1011.
Stop praent l'Ull:l-and Ii"" your met•I r•llln11 la111111 beau1y In lht Jtutt·Olcum
color of your chob. lnnh Jtu.t-Oleum 769 Damp-Proof Red Primer rl1hl over tha
r~111ed 1urf1ee, att1r wire·
br\llhit11 nut ICIJe lfld looM
n1ll aw1yl follow.up with
rour 4ulred Rllll-ONl.lm fto-
iah color! Let w thaw you
how Ru1l·Oltum e1n 1101 )'Our rust probkml.
SPRAY •••••.. $1.91
~ PT, •••••••• $ .91
PT •.•..••••••. $1 .19
QT •.........•. $2.91
.. , .. ,k ....... ,,., ..
20 Gal •.• , .... $42.81
30 Gal •••••••• $44.88
40 Go! •..••... $49.11
50 Go! ........ $64.81
50 Ft.
100 Ft.
EASY TO USE Rot-$1.69 •
Mo4ol No. JU c...9 95 I ..... It.ti ... OUR PRICE ·-·--·--•..iii e
MMll JJJ-1 y ... ·--..
MMtllll C.-.s. 95
...... 6t.ts ... OUR PllCI --·--·····ftfU•
MMtl Hll-3 T• l&•I"
~-=-~.:: ... oua PRICl ______ .$49.95
-77-1 ,_ ·--'"
This is a
discount shoe store
? •
S & A shoe stores 1rt so aor·
geous wt'N often mistaken
for the hlsh priced kind. Our
shots ire au_.t to aell for
hlshor prices ••• but that's
not S & A's pgllcy. Other fancy slonls
char1e $3 to $12 more for our shoes
..• but that's bocauao thoy lldvertlse
Dtflnttefy "in"I PeriOnited .square
shopod tot, mod block holl, hind
antfqued fr'intd e11f In camtf.
dark brown ot black pi1tsit.
tht brlnd name. Wo don' •.• but that
doesn't mean our shef¥111ren't md·
ed with -W famous-.
to C for )IOU ladies 1nd 6 lo 15, AA to
£££ for )IOU monl Vos, wo do -
thom IA lnMf)'S&Aatort!
And no ono will --)IOU paid fon for our ahon unlou )IOU tell ...
Pwftct lo WMr with tht MW pant .
tutti or btll bottoms. Vemp Is
completely comfort CUIMoned. In
black s-ttnt and lfOOl'I colon.
464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE 333 E. lmf ST. COSTA MESA .
LOS AllllUS lmllf MfW llOIQISIEI
4012 W. WI llnerll 9lltl w .... llW. •IS.Slf•l1 .......
!MIA-1IJll11 llOUTMa --C-.HM
111>0--1511 t.--IW. 1"45-IW. ----YIJITUU UllCASIO· SHiii' '*' ""' . "°' 22IO rat ... Sbwt ll!W.'--IW. SHOP SUNDAYS 10-5
• Thursd,\J, ftt>ruary 20, 1969 J• OAILY PILOT
!Slayer"s Tip
• .. •
• • •
Barber ,Tells· of Advice
'barber teslilled lbal 'a form -
• policeman convicted of
~ 11double indemnity" mur-
lers advised hitn to take out
~ore insurance oo his w i f e
•nd then "get Tid of her."
: 'l1ll' ~ony of George
l:rown opened the penalty
lbase of the trial of Paul Per·
wler, 31, ronner Lor Angeles
foticeman, and a platinum
llonde widow, Mrs. Kristina
@romwell. 27.
as saying :
"Look, you can't get along
witb the broad. Why don't you
just drop her? Wby don't you
take out insurance?"
Brown said he only had a
Utile insurance and then said
Perveler told him :
"Why don't you take out
some more insurance and get
r id of her, baby?" '
Brown saitt he.._gtve Perv~
ler $5,000 in casfi lot.safekeep-
ing to prevent his wife from
taking all his money in the di·
vorce action.
Brown quoted Perveler as
saying : •
"1'11 do anythinJ? you wanl-
blow up your building, k i 11
your wife. But you're not go-
ing to get your money back."
Minuteman I
Lofted Today ·
~ \ , . . ,
SF State Says 'No'
Knife Stqry 'Rebuked
-Oov. Ronald Reagan ·and
former President R o b e r t
Smiib of San Francisco -State
College were in disagreement
today over who gave the
Governor a report students
had been enrolled at• knife.-
1be Goverrnr said Wed·
nesday Smith d!Bclosttd the in·
cideot t!) him at a closed-door
session of lhe trustees. An
aide to ·the Governor said it
was during the Truste'es'
November meeting: ·it was al
this meeting Smith resigned
and Dr. SJ. Hayakawa was
selected as acting president.
"He must be mistaken,"
Smith said. "I did not even
know of such an incident and,
therefore, how could I have
reported it?"
The governor fir&I publicly
disclosed Uie loci-In a
speeeb at Anaheim Dec. I.
He said a dean of admissions
had been tlir~teoed .. b y
students carl')'il/& ~fdiblade
knives to enroll about 40
specific, individuals under a '. special ' program for youlhs
who did · not rrieet academic
qualification but Were jlldged
to have the potential to handle
college studies.
The name of the school became~known Tuesday when
Reaganj ·refusing to divulge
the scJiool because an in·
vestigatlon was under way into
the incident, r e f e r r e d
newfilndn to UH: Dec. a·speech.
The text of the speech iden·
tified it as San Franciseo
"It was the co1le1W presi· -
dent," Reagan said. Asked U
be meant Smith, Reagan
replied, "~."
State College Chancellor
Glenn S. Dumke confirmed the
incident occurred but said the
student involved denied any
Chre'ats were made at knife-
Charles Stone, dean of ad·
missions' at San Francisco
State, denied he enrolled any
students under threats of
He issued a formal state-
ment saying: ''I want to make
• it clear that I have Mv,er
admitted (students) under: or
after threats of any kind.
"I have been pressured ~in
various ways but n e v1~ r
threatened with bodil7 harm
or with weapons," he said; ,
"A Good Haircuf ·at a Fair Price"
: They both were convicted or
first de~ murder Afonday
!h the fatal shooting of her
"1sband, Marlin. 27. in 1966.
!erve1er also was convicted of
lint de~ murder in t h. e
~ath or his second wife,
c:heryl. 22:. last April 20. They
?2id been marrid seven wee ks.
~ same five-woman, sev·
f!(l·man jury which will decide
iihether the couple will be
~teneed to death in the 11;as
Qlr.amber or life in prison list·
ened Wetlnesday to the testi-
fony of Brown, who once dis·
C!llssed his pending divorce
•1h Perveler. tifhe barber quoted Perveler
(CPI ) -The Air Force
launched a Minuteman I
Intercontinental B a 11 i s t i c
Missile down the western test
range at 2:15 a.m. today.
GOP Planning, Control
'Gift' for Gov. Reagan
Smith, now an English pro-
fessor at the school, said he
attended two executive
sessions of the board last Nov.
27 "but at the time there
was always one of my staff
with me.''
The college issued a state-
ment saying Reagan's .report
V.'as "ati.solutely, categorically,
positively untrue."
Reiig~ identified S m 1 t h
when · asked to comment on
the college's denial. "They'd
better take that up witfi the
administrator of San Fran-
cisco w~o brought it up at
the trustees' meefulg," .be
Men $1llso ·:·
Boys $1.25 '
Old World
Spanish Furniture
Received cancellation of $22,000.00
Spanish and Mtditerr1M1n Furniture
#JI ,._ TOii 9•olity lrolMI No"""
hcoretor"1 Dre.. Ho•• O• Display
Items as follows: Georireous 8 ft. custom
quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with
heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3
matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall
decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps
in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master
bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran-
ean style .with top quality 15 yr. warranty
king size· mattress & box springs. Spanish
decor dinin2 set. etc. ' Wllot. •onl'fql was re4JlllM SISZl.GO
MUST SACRIFICE $698 00 FOR ONLY .............................. . •
Any Piece Can Be Purchased Individually
Terms Available -Newcomers to Calif.
Credit Approved Immediately
J JI /] Furniture
At Harbor Blvd.
1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa only
Every night 'til 9 -Wed., Sit. & Sun. 'tit 6.
Senate Republicans are anx-
ious to give Gov. Ronald
Reagan a special bonus -
GOP control of both legislative
The GOP Senators closeted
themselves in a strategy
session Wednesday to discuss
a way to overthrow Senate
leader Hugh M. Burns and
to chose a, challenger to
replace him.
But one source who attended
the caucus said the rebellion·
minded Republicans couldn't
decide among themselves who
should be their candidate for
President Pro Tempore of the
Republican floor 1 e a d e r
Donald L. Grunsky, considered
the most likely challenger to
Burns, said the caucus made
"no decision."
Grunsky of Watsonville em-
barked on an abortive 1968
attemot to oust Burns, who
has held the S enate's
leadership post since 1957.
"There was no desire on
the part of the caucus to
make a n announcement,"
Grunsky told a newsman after
the meeting. He said the GOP
"posture" is unchanged.
"Our intended purpose v,.hen
,, .. e have enough votes is to
elect a Republican Pro Tern,'"
he said.
B---Acmal 8tu
{Sears I ..... .-ec..
Sears Powerful
Hearing Aids
AD·in·Uit-Ear $249
Trimtite m 241 50
XO MO?li'Ef DOWN • kart kq ..,_, Plu: r----------.,
I ae .... .....,.,.. ... o.. I
SIM I . O.,._,._ at..I., L..l. HNI
I ........ ..,.,.... I
I •ftlf U. rat1 hf-Ito • IMn llMl'lll All•. f • ....,.., I • aihr " .. llplln.
I •------------
1 ..... ---------
' , I
L~--------_ _J
(Mtd lo G,rm<lf The GOP obstensibly has the
necessary votes to unseat
Police Seize Brookhurst Plaza Fountain Valley
Burns under a temporary _ LSD Cache
rules change that permit.:> 20
votes to elect a new leader.
However, Republicans seem
unable to unite behind one
Federal narcotics agents and
Glendale police Wednesday
night ended several months
man. of investigation with the arrest
The reduction from 21 to of four · men for violatirig
20 was adopted Monday and f~~~~i::r:~s f::sfour '.at·
will remain in effect until 11 tempted to sell LSD to un·
successor is elected to succeed dercover agents. Confiica.ted
Sen. George Miller Jr., who during the arrest were soine
died New Year 's Day of a 8,000 LSD tablets, which
heart attack. authorities said had a :itrcet
There are 20 Republican and 11"''•"•''.v.a.1.ue.•.'.l80...;,ooo_. ___ ._
19 Democratic senators, all
apparently waiting anxiously
for the outcome of. Tuesday's
Contra Costa County special
election to choose Miller's suc-
Republicans will probably
wait to see if a GOP candidate
wins the seat in the heavily
Democratic area before mov.
ing against Burns.
Your Friendly Store '
But if no candidate wins
more than 50 percent of the
vote, the top· votegetter from·
each party will vle in the
March 25 runoff election.
More Homes
Slip as New
Storm Hits
Expensive hillside homes in
a number of suburban Los
Angeles communities a r e;
being turned into piles of
kindling by nature while man
stands by helplessly.
The skies over normally
sunny S o u t h e r n California
have drenched the area with
19 days of rain so far this
year, undermining the hills
and causing slippage that rips
part $50,000 homes I i k e
Five hillside homes in the
San Fernando Valley suburb
of Encino are slipping down
t h e mountain, threatening
three homes beneath them.
All the residents have been
evacuated. ,
In the Highland Park :ireta,
three more homes w r r e
ordered evacuated Wed·
nesday, bringing to 11 lhe
number abandoned t h e r e .
Eight of these homes have
been crumpled by the shifting
The rains have made this
season the wettest one In 79
years when 32.55 iiiehes fell
on downtown Los Angeles. And
seasonal rainfall .totalt have
been even heavier in. some
of lhe hillside suburbs, in-
cluding Glendora, where a
m a s s I .v e mu&lide ripped
through a neighborhood of ex-
pensive homes last month.
Death Sentences
Execution of one death row
convict In San Quentin has
been stayed, but the State
Supreme court a c c e d e d
Wednesday to Robert Let
Massie's request that his
scheduled March 12 execution
take place.
AV.U.D .. fO \'Oii WllhOut • Cllo;lo('I "" llO"tlltlM. -~ ulltd Ollrir>Mf. 'l"Clu """'t .... llOlf ltt or your mon.f
llld, Odr1M!I If • t1111 .. bltt tlld H 1llr
IRlleWlf, Ott rid 9' ~ ft! tlld llvt
IWeer. OWW. COlh; U.IO tf'ld t -·
.. ,,. ~ lih! ... U.00. '°"' .... .. ._ wllfl lt!b °"""""": It llCPI u11sn.i
lw '"' ....... '"'' nNrn Ille Pkll• fll ,...,..-m.v.1s1 •1111 lft yow-NII l!'IOMY
llit(lt. Ho ~I--"-'• Odt~ Is ~ w1111 in:. ,_""'.,.. frf:
CfwwfeNl"1 •1 ,.__., -llM
,..,,,... 11¥4.-M .. o..r. flllM
· · with CUstoTJI. Di$penser in the door!
• Just prm &lass aplnsf ice crldle. Ice 1llnblas Ol!I. two cubes at a time
until crade Is releasid. For wmr, press ttass eplnst the nter cradle. y..,
can .... me both If_. at the,... line!• Automatic lcemal<er slol!S
10 lbs, -2!0 cd>es.•Freezer h~ds op to~ llls.•T..,,,.....i glass
shelves, 3 ~iifo out. I alfjUS!lble. • Convtrtiblt meat pan, keeps meat frwsh
up to 7 days-fl~ lt¥er far exlr1 ""1abfe stanp. •Six tut>wfdth door
shelves, ( adjustable. • livtlor Conditioner wflfl tempe11lure control • Cheese
Keeper. • Rolls au! on -Is ·1onasy cleaning. • 351'" wide, 66" high.
LIMITED oumITT i~~~ifeoME"~· ~
' .. ...
For .The Record •
lut StttlteJal n1 S•rfaee
~t1:1dents~ Eye Problems Attaeke,d ~ 1
11.1,BrotdnJ, Costa M• u W43I
·,uut111g\OD Valley
Mmaary 11111--. ' -.p. Be11<b ,. aa-m1
: Ctmeta'J • Mertaary
• Qapel
I 2111 hcllle View llrtfe .w,.n -. Ca!Uonia -j PEEK FAMILY
DOME I Wettmluter -
11'1 -81. ~ ~.:b
( lllt -An.
U1 E. Inti St., Coli. MtA I -
•1 TOii •Alli.av ... ..., ........
....-ol thio -·· sciiool -... '1luallJ ..... dlcapped and~·
eel Jll'O......,. aimed at..,_
IOI ~ •lartlnc 1Cboo1
are only acratcbinl t b 1
surface of the prob)em, IGllie
1,lOO California optomttrllts
.,.... told wadnesda.J'. • U'Jbere 11 mote public
awareness of th1I acute pro.
blem but there Is etlll far
too mudl Up servlce being
paid to 14" Dr. Jolla Pierce
o1 lndlana Unlvtnlty eon>
mented In the openinc S<llloa
ol a lour.!ay meetJni ol the
Callfomla Optometric
Auoclatloa al the Dtantyland
"What ... really -i. an overall program of. <:attlul
d<tecUon, particularly among
* * * County Eyes
For Schools
Disneyland Celebrates
Washington's Birthday
Tl!rff days ol special <n·
tertalnmtnt with character
parades, dance blndl and
mualcal lhaw1 will hlshll&hl
the Wuhlqlon'1 Birthday
w..tend at Dllneyland.
With Friday oet ai a spedal
holldaJ fa< m..t ldlooll, the
M.qlc KlllJdc>m bu a lull
oc:bedule Of~ Friday,
Soturdo1and8imday., .
Mlck<y M-will lead the
way u favarlte Dltney
cbancten porade clown Main
Sift<! USA with t be
Dlmeyland Band at ! p.m.
... ell<b day.
Other apeda1 entertainers
lot the -, period will
loc1ude the Dapper Dans
Qoartet. 11o7al S I r e e I
Bacbelorl, Delta Bambi.,.,
the -Ila> ud other 1111111ca1-~ plus hourll'
....--ol the Golden --llilnqland 1' "!'<II Wed· _, throlllh Friday from
11 a.m. to ·• p.m. and on Saturday ·ud _, from •
I.JD.~ f p.m.
I Set bf T91lay's
Went Ads
• -riq Woman: wm .... tbil __ ,
.S,,. i:ir tac.. blue Mon-....... aab> SIOO. , ,.,_,
.-............. 115
eub. tn4 • •t of trundle -e LoU-X·u.a.Y: A a· Tnldl.
&r.1 Am: c:uttlr, PbWp.
pine -· tn beoutJ. M c:uadldon. A pat
-boo~ wllh a 2ll1p 1nboard. ........ .a ... 11.eo.
e Modll Home: Yowt can
look • -If JOU fllrnllh
-It 1"111 -beoutlO>l ntml ..._ fnm a new
modll home: 132.. wlwt _._ ........... .....
1 .. --... ...i.
blad<caOI d<a --· 2
---~and qmlli. Oil .. _ _.,,
~ children ill the lower
sradel," Dr. Ptme said.
.. Serious refractive errors are
being made and we are only
just beginning to realize the
nature of the tremendous ban·
dlcaps which will be imposed
on these youngsters in later
Many other ailment s
directly lead to impaired
vision and we need to do much
more work In the field of
vlsual checks following severe
infections, the Indiana eye
doctor said.
"And we need to do much
more double checking than is
' btln& dooe In children who
were known LO be the vlcUms
of abnomu~l~tles at birth,''
Ptme said. "They llbould be
the tar1et ol •peclal ICnltiny
at or before the age they
commence scbool."
Dr. Henry Hofst'-tter, pres!·
dent ot the American
Optometric Association. joined
Pierce to strtss that at lwl
12 percent of all scbOol
children In the first and se-
cond srades "deflnltely need
visual correctim ln 90me form
or other."
Horstetter said the figure
climbs to 20 percent by the
time high school · graduation
is reached. Every P!..~ who
reaches lhe qe of 40 should
automa\lcally seek" visual cor-
recUon and an annual. check·
up ·''would be an Ideal ar·
rangement," the doctor said..
CheCklng on the Scale, that
eye docton would like to see
is going to create manpower
problems in the profession,
Hofstetter said, and "moves
are afoot to establlab several
more schools ol optometry"
-one 8lluested location, be
added; Is UC Irvine. devtloll"!."ll Into lull ocalt
lnternatlonall,y, Hofstetter testb11 ol our ICbool cb11dren.
said~ there bu been a tremtn• Wa hope: Ind belie\le lhlt the • doos Improvement lo the con · ,day 11,DOt far off, when all
trol of eye disease, an lm-our ctiliaren receive thls ln-
provement which could be at-depth . treatment from ' a
trlbuted, he. aald, to more qualltled optometrist."
widespread practice of -==========;II hygiene. ,.
Trachoma -a leading
cause of bllndnes! -ls sUU
the major menace coofrontl.Jlg
the eye doctor, he said, but
the dlsease ts being contained
in lbe areas where it is mmt
_widespread -Africa and
"But nearer home," he said,
"my profession ii primarily
concerned with expansion of
current screening programs
and thtlr hoped for ultimate
' Orang• Co.st'•
Mod Complete
Deep-pleated anticlue satin
' I
it· s 111011 •• , ......
MW elMWllffe for 4.97 ••••••••• 3.97 ,.,.
96x84" ••••"'--forll.97.-.... 9.88 ra1t
96xl4" 7.88 .... sew else;..,. fer9.f7 ........ .
famed luxury
llath towels ·
If ~rfect '·''
w a sh 3· ae cl oth s
If ,.m.1 S9c -·
You'll guess the fomovs name when you
see and feel these thiJsty cotton terriesl
Tiny flows won't offed ..-.ar or beauty.
And the colors spell foshion-pl ua for
-.--· '°'--n •a;;m-.:r-·•MH l1' .. ···-· ·----·---sula.,... --...... __ ----tl'.:SC .&':IU'm"""'-
1ax84" · · · · ·
sol• olwwloero ot17.97 ... _ J4.8' rAlt
48"x54" '
Slub tex~red rayon acetate 'With ext ra deep 1ide.
& bottom hemsl. BJue & melon a re ava ilable In
single widths only.
USf lOSAMllla •AWTWDT ·~·' '""'"" •11 M11 en9t1 • .,.,. --,_. ..... , ·--·---·----·-... _. -----..., .. ___ -·-,.,... <OSr&mA . ---l\Jt~lllUI"' IUl ......... 11111 .... ---_,,...,,,,
~-==-··---.... ::~=----· ---
.. , .........
tAn.f'll .. ,
1¥9ATll "•
• • • • • • • • • • • : • I : • • • • • • • • • • : • • • • • • • • • • • • •
MUSIC CHO ICES -Huntington Beach High ,Sclloi>I
band· members .selected !or all district b,and at
Orange Coast College are, front row from. left, Juli
Macy, Charlotte Freeman and Don Boroff; second
row from left, Mike Pau1son and Jon Ros~nthal.
Beach Conc ert n ·and
Members Gain Honor
Five members of the Hun·
tington Beach High School
coocert ban.· were selected
Jail week for the 100 piece
All·Dlstrlct High School Honor
The selection was made
from 17S applicants. in 12
Orange County bands who
auditioned several weeks ago
at Orange Coast College.
Musicians !H!lected f r o m
Htmtington Beach were Julie
Macy; freshman f I u ti s t;
Charlotte Fr~an, 1 s t
clarinet and member of the
All Southern High School Band
last year; Don Boroff ,
freshman baritone ho r n
player; Mike Pau lson,
trumpet player, and Jon
Rosenthal, trombone.
Military Explains
Periuig~n Keeps Big Force of 'Lob byistS
WASHINGTON (AP)-:_ The critics see It as ~r
Defense Department is spen-evkienct of eq>a.nctlng Jnllltary
din& $ol mi.Hlon a year' on , Influence, defense offlC:ials tn-
. a •JObbypig force of 339 -slat there's no cause for cOn.
more than one for ·every two cern I.bat the weight ot such
· members ()f Congress -to a dilciplliled legislativ~ effort
keep ·the ~men happy,· m,tglJt tip .the scales in1 l•"!or
argue the armed forces' point of the mllitary's pmltlon in
of view, and feed the Pentagon a Senate or House debate. I
information about what's ha~ On the contrary, said a Pen-
pening on Capitol Hill. tagon officer, '"We're always
·Senate DemoCratlc Lader being pushed into a comer
Mite Mansfield called it "an by tht Fulbrights and -Others."
over--large establi5hment" and A ~lonal s o u 'c e
added in an interview: nonnaDy sensitive to military
"It appears to me that ad-pressure or inroads said, '"!
mirals and colonels could be don't think Senators regard
used to better purpose and them in the usual sense as
effect, and while I personally lobbyists bot really just as
a p p r e c i a t e the great ,members of the services help-
aislstance which they have ing with the mall ."
ren$fered I think· the same GETS FAcrs amount· of assil!ltance could be ,
aCcomplished with f e we r If a congressman or senator
personnel." asks tbe Pentagon for in-~ense officials say the big formation '.On a military issue
JegislaUve liaison force is -as in the debate over the
necessary because Of growing Sentinel anti-ballistic missile
demands from am u p 0 ·0 system -he get.s it -along
members of Congress:, in-with material supporting the
eluding a n ' "astronomical Defense ~~eot's view. nuffiber'~ of. written a n d "It would be · iilly to say
telephoned inquiries fr o m we don't give them material
their constltutnts. that supports the -secretary's
• • decision," ~d Marine Brig. MO~·"®ENCE Gen. J ames F. Lawrence,
Wlille some' P en at 1 go n deputy assistant to the
secretary of defense ! o r
le&ilJaUv• aflairl.
Each ..rv1c< -Arriiy, Air
Force and )!ayy and Marine
Carpi -lab ill ow n
lf&lalaUvt organlia.Uon, but
tbe;y work under the general
~rriaion of·a vtteran Pen·
tagon lawyer, Ja<k L .
SUplpier, assistan_t to the
secretary of defense f o r
leg~lalivo aqatn,
The average number of
persons working on legislative I
activities, according to the
Pentag911's approprlaUon re·
quests for fiscal 1970, are 140
military and 199 civilian at
a total cost, principally pay
and allowances, of $4,134,IHI
a year.
They work at congressional
liaison with individual
members, with committees
con!ldering appropriations or
holding hearings, and with
·committees infolved in in·
There are also these job
c I a ssifications: Legislative
program coordination, con-
gress Ion a I Inquiries.
supervision, planning a n d
coordination, analysis a n d
digests, travel, records and
services and congressional in·
fonnation centers.
"Artistry in Moving" for the
. ..
.. of CIOlo ol B..-
lltCI W SJ., 1911
Cub and U.S.
' s..mp-... $1U,487,71t
So<urltlel • .. .. .. $ 14,457 ,1112
Loans .. -• • • 22,MO
laM Stedr: •• • • • • 1,680,SOO ---Finl llortpp Ho!N IM!-., 11.•s.••
Loan• •.•••••••• 111,lll;an
Loans on Rul Estate _...,..,.. ..
3,DCID,000 Owned for ..,. ...........
Drl'ltopment .•••• 216,657
Lo1n1 to facflltate Otltw' UlbRltill •••• 2,111,731
Sale of RQI
Estate ...•..•••• 12,334 ~Surplal,
Office Buildinp ind Gonnl R-Equipment Leis andUpdl'INM Depreciation ••••• 2,917,299
Other Anet• •••••• 6,071.122 Proftta •••••••••• 17,241,12~.
TOTAL $202,719,613 TOTAL $202,719,613
• • •
Twelve Offlcls ta Sem You
r...'U..:'... =~ ... -·-._ __ ., ......... , ,.,._ • •Hiii
' SOUl)l llMTl'Ull U cmtll....,""11111., -'i&SIM llWll -IUD
:na ...... a, 211t r .... 1t1C. •U E....._-:::& ...... $i.hl --.... ' c..a .... c.lf.. la ~ CllC. ._,, .... Cl& -. (1141 ~ , 2-..m 11 NIM
lllWm CPllll 1111. UllllS ------' 211 _..,W 111211.lllllntw.•._,.,... ... r!!:.,_ ...... AN. 11J1tf.0 PJ -::i.,-;.:-:r-Clll. :'J:'r"Clllf· ~~.... iiiii;r.t.Cllf. ==---
.. . '
MEN'S SWEATERS were 12.00-25:00 NOW 1/2 OFF ·
GIRLS' WEAR (sizes 7to14 and subteens) 1/2 OFF
(sorry, not in la. habra, canoga park, ventura~
Gins 1/2 OFF
DESIGNERS' SHOES: herbert levine, margaret
jerrold, tony the shoemaker, carel of paris,
philippe, amalfi, mister j.
regularly 20.00 to 46.00 13.90 to ·24.90
CASUAL SHOES: amalfi, van eli, bandol inos,
caressa, sportcasters, taj of india
reg~la.rlv 14.00 to 23.00 7.90 to 11.90
all sales final. sorry, no man, phone, c.o.d. orders or deliveries.
now-to-washington's birthday1
(' , I
• •
' '
I • ~!
' . , . I
1$pB in ·s . ' proe Musi a:I Men.u "Ar .tists · S
· A to~. of Span!Sb flavoring ·will spice the musical
menu coated up by Oienge county Pbi)hannohic So'cieiy
for ·its next concert, to be'.presented SaturctaY,..March '11-at
• 8:30 p.m. jn. UCI's Crawf.ord Hall. ·
· 'llhe •a¥ory ,piece, de -resislall!'e lpcludes ·R!dael-.Frub-
becl< de Burgos, Spain's most important conducwr, who will
1~-the Los.·Angele11> P.hilharmonlc-Orchestra, -and Joaquin
Acbucarro who is considered to"be one' of !Spain's'fines·t
young pianists, as guest art!St.
The program will Include Symphony No. 25. In G Minor
by Mozart, Rbap'!ody on •a Theme of Paganini by Rachman-
lnO!f with Achucarro as soloist, aild the Three-cornered Hat
Ballet by Manuel de Falla, Spain's l~ous ·composer. '
Tickets, at $4, &!"' on sale at the Philharmonic office, 201 .
W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, 92660, ph0ne -11.
student tickets are $1.75. · ·
Fruhbec~. born 35 years ago in Burgos of German par~
ents, is · making liis first A,merican appearances with the '
Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Philadelphia Ol'Chestra and
the Chicago Symphony. ·
In 1959 the youngest conductor in Spain_.became musical
director of the Bilbao Symphony orchestra and three years
later .be was Invited to be musical director of the National
Orchestra In Madrid, a post which he still bolds although
he . spends a great deal of time as guest conductor of
Europe's leading orenestras: •
Among his festival 8ppeaf~ces have been those of
Lucerne, Bordeaui, u eges, Granada and Santander. He
also has toured widely with the National Orchestra of Mad·
rid and was awarded the Richard Strauss prize by the City ·
of Munich, the first given to an orchestral conductor.
International piano competition winner Acbucarro was
born In Bilbao. At !Jle ·age of .17 he left the University of ,
Madrid and decldecf!o dedicate himself to mus\c. After one
year at the Madrid .Conservatoire, be won Spain's three
most important prize1.
In 1959 he won the International Plnno Concerto Com-
petition in Liverpoo1, and as a result made his debut in
London at the Royal Festival Hall with the London Sym-
phony Orchestra. Since then be has appeared with the
major British and European orchestras In Italy, France,
Scandinavia, England and South Africa. He has just com-
pleted bis sixth highly successful South American tour.
.. ~
,...,,,..,, ,..,_, .. lMt • , ... 1.-
SPRING 1s· HAPPENING -Arrangltig decorations. for A Spring
Happening ara (left to rtgltt) Mrs. Dan Bauer, Mrs, Clarke Whit-
ney and Mrs. Jack Price who will be attending the dessert, lash·
SAVORY' SPANISH f.ARE -International CUlSlne and music
have bien explored by Newport Shores· :Philharmonic Committee
in ~ectiOn with eaCh co~cerl. present'ed by the Orange County
'Philhiirmoriic Society:. ~immering some paella while getting. in . .
the mood for the Spanis~ flavored concert March 1 are (left to
right) Mrs. Robert McGinley, Mrs_ .. James Smith and Mrs. Nor-
man Moore.
Desserts, Cards Too
·New Fashions . .
·springin:g· -O~t
Perky fabric flowers in all .tl;le pastel shades .,will
-ieaiµre stems created rrom colf.Siirings ta.carry out'the
. tl)eme, .A Spririg Happening, pl8Dl)ed by ·meinbers of
· Ora,rige ·District, California· Federa~on ,o( Women's
. ' ' The · fashion .sh!>W aqd card p·arty, to "t~ke place
Thursday, Feb. 27 in ti'ie Wotnitn•s CiviC "GJ.t.fbb.ouse,
9501 ·cbaPman Ave., Garden Gtove, will attralct clubs
from the Orange Coast.
' . . .....
Ion show and card party being sponsored by Orange '.Di.strict,
California Federation of Women's Clubs, Thursday, Fel>. Xl,l 'in
the Woman's Civic Clubhouse, Gard.'en Grove.
Dessert will be senied at 11:30. a.m, 'aod a .display
of. the newest spring styles' will begin at noon·, followed
by cards from 1 p.m. on.
Serving as · general chairman-is Mrs. Dale -)lowery,
past preiddelll of 'the Fouritaln. Valley Woman's Club
and district.seccnd vice president.. Assisting her will be
Mrs. Robert Moss, ".also: a ·past president of1 the Foun ..
lain· Valley club and currently fourth vice president and
program chairman, ·
Members of• the · district's· executive hoard will be
the official hostesses.· Miss.Florence -Sm.ales will serve
a.s"-coor.dinitor' and· cornnient on ~faShions from county
· : . · ·~~es1 1,D.od6led :by .. profes·sionals~
. Members of Green Valley Woman's Club are ar..
ran1ing the ,decorations, and. music w~l be provided
through the' courtesy: of Beach. Music Center with Bus
Mellinger playing organ• selei:Uons. Tbe event is open
to-tile .public' and _re;ervations· may be made· by calling
Mrs, Moss,'847~924.
Premed Student Better Bone · Up Be.fp.re · ·'Celling' Theory
I ' '1eli ltud<nt who would lib to llrallhim
, JOU out. · I refer to JOUI': answr to
!be -.upi College tld who:wrote to ,.., all uptight aboot taking LSD
becauae be had beard H mlghl. cauae
his unbcrn dilldren to be deformed,
. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Since -over to the druptore and get some
everyone reads your column, I k:nOW medicine? The deliVery boy la lick and
of no better way to get tbe word to, · the hates to call her IOD Jake because
"Service It the real we . PIY for lilr
place 01 eartb. '* COUSder Ulese 1mAu
fl:indDenet ''rt1&11 ud fl:wltetterbetlJD•.
SmCt "'° reached for Nobel Pri1.e winner Dr. J..i..a Lederberg to help you amwer, one would think you got
the llraight goods bat -!be two of you, ,.. goofed.
A aimple, tnupelllive c:hromooome lest
can be performed by blood sample In
the genetic counoelinc department of
""f l1r1e hospital, pr<lerably a teaching·
medlcaJ center. A """ tell, one which "1ll reveal any breakage or mutanta,
can be clone almost anywhere a hlch-
powered microscope Js available. TtD It
DEAR PREMED: I taned 1-letter
lftf to Dr. J ... P. Men'lll,. auecla1e
...,_ of Harvlnl -Scllool.
be rtp:Hed: ''Tiie premed .c.detl ..
wnn1. Tbe cllromosome &est reqalret
IOIDeWll more tllU a JdP-powered
mlc.-pe. Tbe' cells lakeo lrom a blood
aample ma1t bt gon la caltart, aauall7
1ttmalaied lo divide, 10 one caa tee
JIM: cbrom010D1e1 bftafl: ap. Vlder Uw:te
dl'CIUlll1uce• ... mipl .. Ible ..
tell oomeW.1 .-Ille e11ee11 II LSD. nere are, ot coarte:, tdler ...... ftld
CGllld prodllce tllls -.... la .., cue, tomeUU.ng more It fflllllred -Iha
llmply looldq al eeD1 oder a
I'll put on 1"" apologia _ to Dr.
Lederber&, ••·
oount1ess inconsiderate, selfish, acberrdrll: be lives on the other side of town.
sons and daughters who leave tbelr-ac.,. Ten minutel later,. another call. Would parents to the mercy ot neighbon.· I I mind gettinc a "eet wep" card and
8ll) so sick of slioulderlna ~ a curtain rod during · my lunch hour!
that sre not mine I could ecream. • At midnlght, I cet enotber call from
When.. Papa dies, Mama Is urged Ill Mr. J .. (qe 18).,He fell In !be bathroom
IOU the big hOu.e and IOOVe into ~ · and tl\lnbJ>e brol<e !CJD!elbtol, He can'
aportmenl. Bal the kid• make -, !lie · remember his doctcr'1 !eJepbone number.
apartmeal ii u lar from them u pOosl.. Will I call mine! Hi -·t wllll to
ble. They lneill lbe wanti to be. "In-call his d•ucbter becaUle be doesn't
dependent." The trulll Is, jbey !loft'! want to bother h<r. (It's all rlcbt to wanl to be botllored wllh her. So, Mama bother ME, however.)
bother• tbe neighbors. It'.• bani to say no to these old people,
I work downtown and come home bul I resent being In lhls apot. Any
at oighl exhausted. Before I lit down llUggeallOM! -MRS SOl'TIE
to supper the phone rings. Will I run DEAR MllS.1 B \ii bee• 111d 11111
Give in or lose hlm .•• when a guy
gives you ~ line, look out! For UPI
on how to handle !be _. ulesman,
cbeclc Ann Landers. -her booklet,
"Necking and. Petting -WMt Are Iba
Llmlls!" send JOUJ' "'!-to Amt
Ll8ders In care of lhla new.,.per, .,..
cloolng 50 cenls In coin and a lol1I.
stamped, sell-oddrellaed · eovelope.
Ann Landers will be glad Ill ~
you with )'OOI' problems. Send tbenl·
to her In car. of the DAILY PlUlTJ:
enclosing a sell-addreued. • lllllDl"'I·
envelope. ,
Speaker Applauds Youth's Actions
.PRACTICE SESSION -Mrs. Ray De Mott (center) and her.husband take a
few minutes from their pwy day to practice for the Round ~in toumament
co ming up to open the current season for the Lido Isle Tenrus Clu~. as Mr~.
William Stabler readies her serve. The two.weekend tournament will be ell·
maxed with an awards party in the Lido Isle Clubhouse.
Will Take
To Coufts
By JO OLSON so tha,t they would be frtt without telling hls parents or °' ._ o.u, l"lltt 11at1 to enjoy their lei!ure years, friends, then just as quietly
Drawing on a aeries ot lbe college professors looked awaited t he consequences. 'tlfeek·Joac vlaila made UDOb-foiward to the years when These kind ot studenta: feel
they could "" lt•wlenla back tbat It b unfair to try to trulivel7 to nine Callfornla to U. tearhlnc aulltantl and influence the others, the more
college ~ wllYenlty cam., ~ tbe ftuitl of tbetr labor, vocal majority.
puses durillJ tbe !all aod leavjll& tlfe 4\Udeub In a How Bl"e student. e1pooed ~ter monlhl th1a year, Art dfiMDma of rejectfon. to the plethora of radical ideas Seidenbaum, colwnnlll on c.JUom!a culture !or tbe Loo Jleprlvtd ol ~atfon bo!Jt giving Impetus to their tctions
Angeles 'I1.mes, Hiited bis at home and oli _ ~ campus, and demands that those in
observailom on the DtW' kind the student.I bad to look for the older segment of the
of student lut Tueldly a way to ~ tbe1r generation gap are unfamiliar · d1ssaUafacUon. Part of tbese with? The aMwer, Seiderr
Seldenbeum spoke for Ute remained in the "alleot ma-baum staled, is an outgrowth
first In a ll'liel ol l<>lf joricy," keeping thetr "rlldlcal of modern civilization -the
meetin&s tWed IJvlnc With thoughts to t be ms e 1 v es airplaoe. With "acces:1 to
a Cll.lncinc World sponsored stayJng out of or&anizatlo~ airlines." a key phrase, he bf the Women Allodates ol and developing a it I i u de s said that speakers such as
the UCI lnterfalth Center. evidenced by no outward ac-
the cootrovental E I d r i .d I e
Cleaver could be invited to
many Cllllpuses tllrouil>oot
the state with airline travel
mating fut tripo possible and
the funds alli>cated at each
campus for speaken footing
the bUI. A tremeodous amount
of in!onnaUon is t b U I
available to students on all
Seldeobaum found t b a t
loyalty to the insUtuUon is
gone and haS been replaced
by loyalty to groups, boCI
ethnl~ and political, aod that
the loya1ty1 ia not geographic.
Wily Jiai the loyalty swtt-
chtd from institution to smalJ
Starting with the auumpUon tion. ....
f~m the put that the in-These students may have'
stituUop is a benign place, been· silent but they wert in-
Seldenbawn theorized that -not the majority' the
while parents anUeipated tbe columnist warned. He 1 cited
day ·that ,their children woo.Id an uample of a student who
be grown and oll to college qWelly -his draft card
UCI Chaplain to Lead
Interfaith Discussion
Chapters Announce
February Activities
The second in a series of
four workshops at UCI ex-
ploring Living With a Changing
World will , take place nei:t
Tuesday with a p a n e 1
moderated by the R e v .
Edward P. Allen, U C I
Episropalian chaplain.
Plans for honoring ritual
memben and a program on
home safety are on the agenda
of two Beta Sigma Phi
Tonight Mn. Milton Lomas
of Xi Mu Mu Chapter will
open her Huntington Beach
home for a champagne party
To Clinic
Panel members discussing
in hollOl' ol ritual mernbers. the topic Youth's Search for
lnvitaUom have been ex-Afeaning in Change will be
tended by Mn. Gerald Rusk, UCI students Mark Slafke,
vice president. Mrs. Ted Ben-Allred Akki Kulah and Craig
netts, presJdent, will welcome Harlan. Their topics will be
guests. and Mn. Frank New Forms of Service,
Stoltenberg ls in charge of Emerging Nations and Ne w
hostess rranngement.s. Political Forms.
Speaking to memben of Mu The Rev. Allen is the only Upsilon Chapter will be Bill ~n from the Red full-time reprpentaUve of six "'---denominations on campus. The ~rv:m. The meeting w l 11 son of China missionaries, he
take plaCe at I p.m. Monday, is a graduate of Pomona Col-
Feb. 24• in the Huntington lege and the Church Divinity
Beach home· of Mrs. Richard School of the Pacific. W. Cooper.
tntroducing the s p e a k er, Before coming to UCI, he
whose topic will emphasize served suburban and resort·
Rev. E. P. Allen
first aid and other home safe-area churches, ! or m e d a may be accomplished by
ty tips, will be Mn. Don new congregation and ad· writing the U n i v e r s I t y
Repeating a successful ven-Parker, ,civil defense ministered 3 parochial school. Interfaith Center, 4201 Cam-
ture from last year, Irvine chairman. Sponsored by the Women pus Drive, Irvine, or calling
n-··-" round round will •o C~ ll~Stryhlr!CluEnb hlasehornin-beldrs .. William Morgan will Ass1 ocfi~tthes Fof d t~e U Ch I m-089!.
n.uwru, • I) Vil.CU lUl.H ey g , m charge of the cultural nter a1 oun at1on, t .e ----------
the ball as a Round Robin award wiMlng golfer, to program, People. Miss Tama-series is open to the public
group -what bu happened
to the "rah rah" day•
l'UD<llll>er<d by the old gradll
The colllllllllll feeb that bt-
.UtuUons have · not met stu-
dent needs, 1ucb as offerlna
lntimate faculty c ontact .
Young people have been made
so unwlllln& to demomtrate
a personal need by their elders
that they will not go to thetr
professors when th e op-
PoflUDity lrisu.
Instead, they turn to the
outalde arena that fits their
own abilities. From free
speech to civil rights to stop
the war and blow up the cam--
pp1, the young radicals,
dissatisfied and impatient with
themselves, keep moving on.
Stop Utem! is the cry being
heard from legllllators and
other prominent officials, who
feel that the public mandala
ill to repress. "How far
they've gone Ls not the issue,''·
Seldenbaum contends. "It's
where to stop them."
The columnist feels that we
should stand back and applaud
and be pleased with what is
happening but draw the tine
at open akulls. "I'm in love
with these kids," he stated.
"They talk and think a great
deal about more significant
things than perhaps college
students have in the past."
Middle age will not be what
we wanted it to be after all,
be said. Our fantasy has turn-
ed into a reality, the reality
that it 's too late to go back
and ease the students into
a less violent way or com-
Feet1ltln9 bcitlnt l o11tiq11• D•·
1i1n1·C111!om Ori9in•f1
C111lom Dr~umelllnv tor evorv ee-c•ulon. Alrtrt1!1onf, pl111 t n unu11,11t 1e1«11on tlf rMdy mMIH .. 1cces-l0rhn.
Jft '11f M....,.. IMrtl C"'lfl' !*JUI
{I mlle He. of Arc!IH on Coast Hwy.) tournament opens the current present a golf clinic Monday, ra BoneJJ, American Field and a fee of $1 is charged Kids, 'Ask Andy'
sea.son for the Lido·Jsle Te.ruiis Feb. %4, at 1 p.m. ~Serv~~ice~st~u~den~t,~w~il~l~speal<~~-i;;;;;~lo~r-e~a~ch~sess~i~on~.~Re~gw~· ~·-~· oo~--~------~~~~~~~~~~~ Club. After a half hour session ,ll
The weekends of Feb. 2% and Miss Englehom will team with s~ ,
Methodist Rites
1 Barbara Warren Wed
i To Larry M . Greiner
1 j Arrangement.s of red carna·
, lions decorated the Com-
'munily 1'1e~hodist Church in
lfuntington Beacl'i, for the
wedding of Barbara Warren
and Larry Michael Greiner
or Long Beach.
tilly lace, designed with long
lileeves, round neckline and
bow-accented train. ,.ier veil
was c.aught to a jeweled
flower headpiece, and she car·
ried a cascade of white cama·
tions centered with red baby
Miss neenee White, Irvine "'Y" #4~r 23 and March 1 and 2 will women'schampion,foranine-~'AM_.
see t~e competition keen on hole match play against Ralph WI . '"
the San Remo, Barcelona and Evans, club pro, and Cecil
Jucar courts, then all players Wheat, men's club champ.
will shed !Mir tenniJ whites The top Woman goUer won
on March 2 and don party the Ben Hogan award for her
clothes !or the celebration in c<11Deback after serious injury
the island clubhouse where the in an auto accident and is
trophies will be awarded. one of the top leading money
Five more tournaments are winners in women's pro golf.
an the calendar during the , winning an LPGA sponsored
year, and the club will host tournament in Miami last
other clubs and travel out month which wa1 the richest
of town to comPf:!te as well. tournament for w o me n
Al Quinlan, president, Is golfers.
coordinating plans for tl:le Miss Engleborn has been
future events, and board of J)lil.ying since 1950 f r o m
directors members assisting Dallas, and now represents
him are Lee Solomon, Stanley Indian Wells Country Club in
Bell, Ray De Mott, Phillip Palm Desert.
Slayton, Mrs William Stabler The clinic is Lree and open
and Mrs. Mel Richley. to the public.
British Women Join Market
W.rs. Guy Rodgers o f
Laguna Beach will host the
month l y meeting for
Westward Ho Chapter,
Daughters of the British En1·
pire at 12:30 p.m. next Mon-
day .
Polyester knits
a re fa shion's
t riple play :
Members also are busy with
plans for a stall of£ering
varied items which they will
sponsor during the Winter
Festival's Flea Market an the
Festival of Arts grounds from
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday,
March 2.
f 4·
I" i .
~ ;,¢."'""''J
I l ' l
l I
l I j The couple, who said their
vot1o·s after the Rev. Roger
1 Betsworth in an early af-
1 ternoon double ring ceremony.
. are the daughter and son of
In full length red velvet
dresses, carrying bouquets of
peppermint, carnatiom ac-
cented with red n e a r t s ,
members of the bridal party
were 1'.irs. LaJTy Edmonds of
Anaheim, matron of honor,
and i.he attendants, Mn. Ted
Argott, Costa Mesa, sister of
the bride and Miss Lana
Menaker, Santa Ana1
machine !
' I
I ~1r. and 1'1rs. Robert A. War·
ren of Huntington Beach, and
I' George 0. Greiner of San
Francisco and Mrs. Betty
Rodgers af Hanfard.
I The bride chose a floor
length sheath got1o11 of chan-
Second Talk
To Interest
New Paren ts
A meetin& ln the Huntington
Beach home OI Mrs. A. Lynn
Meyers Wednesday, Feb. 26,
wlll be the second in 1 series
of Lour meetings sponsored by
tbe La Led>e League ol Hun-
llng1'>n Btach.
, Topic for the 9:)1) to 11 :30
1.m. sess!on will be the Art
of Nuning and Overcoming
Dilllcultles. All new or expec-
tant parents are invited and
ma)' call W.rs. Dav Id
I W1tercott, 817-80$ for ln-
M ...
Also wearing long red velvet
dresses were flower girls,
Tammi Argott and Joan
Vestre, nieces of the bride.
to dryer
to you.
Get ln
the game
ot H•lf ~~-::;
SIJ:e Shop.
from $25.00
Jerry Hoot.en, uncle of the
bridegroom, served as best
man and ushers were David "·
Quiett and Gary Greiner, all /:·· ' ::r:l~~i:n~=-= ~( 0 .. 11 1 }
the setting for the ~ption, .i
attended by ,200 guest>. where {( • ~~~ :::: v ~o~'sHALF-SIZE SHOP
Bear, the couple .,.. at home ' -1n~.,.8:°~~ •. Greiner 1, 1~Sv.,'!.~~C,~sll~SI iiiii
a graduate of Costa A1esa ~ 1-11.m SChool. Her husband ls HOUU: t :JO ...... t• l :JO , .....
'&" .. ,,..,. Tiii ' 1 graduate of Hanford High 1..1 .. JJ4 o,..,.. M•. hi'"'-"
School aod aitendcd l<lng
Beach City College. IU==================::!
[ WE CHANGE "BLEACH l '.. ' *'' ~-" ·, '\· ~ ."""
We shape your lightened hair into lovely curls.
Wecare'.ss the curls with "Nice Change" -no peroxide.
lo j ust JO minutes your new blonde curls take on
whisper...sof't color·t.one that lasts through several
shampoos. With nornb-oft', no retouch problem: we just
renew the color wh enever you wish !
N~ lloach, Calif. Coota Mou, Ctllf. Costa Mt.a, Calif. JIU ei..... '" I!. 11'tl St ...... »00 ~rtlor 11¥11. Marlt.4'1 llMtt &o111rt Mamrr cemw IC......,., ,lett ....... '7J.Hlt ,_....,, --Arte1l1, Ctllf. Ortn!°, Ctlfl. Senta Anl, Calif.
IG!S ''"""'" 19' . a.. ..... " U•• W•"""9tw M.!1tll lltP:tl (l>fl!IO" '"°"' i:IN2a ,_,~ ,,..,. IU.)074 -· ... •
1 I
PLUS SHAMPOO , $22fi AND SET <Mon. thrv Thura.) ,, •
After 5 p.m., $2.50
Friday, Saturday, Sunday ....... $3.00
Cott• Mou, Calif. fountain V1lloy, Caltl. 1'6 W. ltlfl Im.I . .. _ --~"""' --· Santa Ant, Callf. Fountain Valtey, CalJf. tttt Ho. Ft lrvl9w ., ..... ,, .llCJ .. '•lrYlfw ,.,.,.., V•11for Ctntw ''*'-d-Jllll
_ ......
' •
1 '
-· -20, 1969 . ......vmor
Co·mbat T earn Trained for Battles . Witn· Fami -ly Problems
Of ... ENltr f'llet Stiff
"'lou must reinforce only
what la healthy. You mllSt
not comfort an anxiety·ridden
parent who b In lbe wrong,,.
advised Mrs. Miriam (Louis) .
She was lnstrUctlng a te.~
of 10 social worters prepating'
to guide dlacusslons between
anxious parents participating
in groups SPoDSOred by Family
Service As&lclation of Orange
'lbe sessiom, which meet
weekly trom 7:30 to 9 p.m.
in the Family Service Associa·
lion building, Tustin, opened
'!be purpo$t of this venture,
Mrs. Gltln emphasl1ed
repeatedly to social worke'rs
1,and four U.S. Marine
chaRlains invited to
participate, ;,is not to look
for problems, but to seek solu·
"We are primarily focused
on nonnal pi'oblems of living.
We want to help parents faced
with normal problems guide
their cblldren in a bt.allhy
and confident manner/' she
Towards this objecUve, one
of the goals of the sessions
will be to acquaint
participants with new ap-
proaches lo problem solving.
Another goal, said Mn.
Gilio, ls to "help parents live
with frustration." This, she
claimed, would be achieved
by allowing them the op-
portunity to see their pro-
blems in perspective With
similar problems faced by
other parenta.
Mrs. Gltln ....... lolden
In pinpoint people wl1ll deeper
problems \tho could D 0 l -
benefit !tom, the ....,p:
"I once . had a .. mother wbo
almost ruined a gro.up ,'', recalled Mrs. Gltln. "Siie
hated one of her cbJJ4ren for
no logical reasons. In fad
sbe even had dreams ol kllllnc~
this child, and to everyone'• ·
horror, brought theJll oul d!ir-
lng discusslqos."
Mrs. Gitin adYl>ecl lelden
1n· dlncl people -~
tlolllnc within the -" dlltrucUve to leek outside
"It 11 DOI pllia to _.,,,
.. • 111enpy tl'OllP. It 11!1111
be llnlcl1nd ii tt Is to •t
our enumerated goals. 11
She atao advised leoden to
avoid extreme, intimate CCIII"
-from partlclpal)ls. -"1be thing that fUll all
leaders with fear is Over--G•
posure, Some people will ram-
ble on ud on, ud tbe~ tell
too -'1. 'llieA Ibey doo'I
wul to nlurn because Ibey
hive poe too far," she com-
To, avoid this problem,
tc:IUlll~llrs were Jmtructed to
..,,. convenaUon away from
a penon wbo was •<ye~
Ulalloa (oo mocb."
Leaden wtll form tl'OllJ>S
ol between t!-211 penons foUoWloc telephone coo-
·!..-.-wttb 1ppllcanta.
"You must tell ~m (the
•pPllcuts) tha\ Ibey wjll be
'Qpecled In reval '2ptriencel
in 1hotr own funl11 ud lhal
--'"--be .kepi --'!!thin the gnup," Mn. Gttin salct
".-Mrs. Gltln bu been In
t.aching and IOclal work for , · more than 211 ,..,., CUrrentlJ'
she b director ol the Rlventde
Family Agency, however
bOlore comillg to Calllornla
ft WIS communft)' plaMiq
dtreclnr !0< the Community
Wtlfare Council ol Buffalo ud
.Erie Cawrty, N.Y.
Sharkettes Ey~ Cruise Season
Be ret Brigade Enlist s Nimble Fingers
Members or the Sharkettes,
women's au.1illary of the
Shark Wand Yacht Club, will
have a new job when cruise
aeuon opem this year, if they
are conscientious about doing
their homework.
TllO SiiarkeUes .,. learning
tbe duUes. of. oboerver in log
, raelq and wlll~stip.
pers w~tb,tbeir new ledge·
In both tbe club's · log
octlvltles ud tbe regional
races · cooducted under tbe
sancUon ol tbe SCYA, SCCA
and APBA.
George·Friedl Jr., chlirman
o[ tbe Shark Wond yacht Club
log racing committee, is lel'V~
Ing as Instructor [0< • tbe
aetnlnars, wblch Jlreu the °""" Cs or good observing
-capable, COnscientious and
Sbark !stud Yacht Club,
the only atl·Power boat club
on the west coast, 111 · an-
ticlpaUng an exclUng season
wltb the help or tbe Sharkeltes
who bave "aye-ayed" the call
for ... help in its predicted log
Volunteers are making progress in the job of cutting
and· sewing some 2,000 berets to be sold during the
10-day, sixth annual Winter Festival sponsored by
Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce. The festival
opens tomorrow, so bUrrying to m~et the deadline
are (left to right) the Mmes. Zachary T. Malaby,
Gertrude Cantonwine and Jack Chappell.
Club Commodore Al
" W..athews pOinta out that
predicted IOfllt>I can add
much enjoyment to the family
fun cruise routine both tn the
spirit of the competiUve race
and the assurance rJ. knowing
one's boat. Logging has been
known to pay 9ff in foggy
weather and unusual sea con-
ditions, he added.
Colorful Garden s
Films Provide Tour
l1ow does your garden grow will be the question asked Wednesday,
Feb. 26, when members of the Home and Garden Section of the Newport
Beach Ebeu~ctub have as their guest speaker Joseph LitUefield, popular
Southland horticultural consultant.
Helping gardens grow has been the concern of LitUefield for 39 years.
He has Jectl;!red for more than 250 groups and nurseries each year and has
appeared on radio and television show s as well as writing garden columns
for many newspapers and magazines.
Through color films, the garden consultant will transport his audi-
ence to gardens and landscaped setti.!lgs in various parts o! ~e world, ~
el uding the Hawaiian Islands, the Caribbean, Guatemala, Bnt1sh Columbia,
Mexico, New Zealand and Arizona.
Co-hostesses for the luncheon meeting will be Mrs. E. G. Doane and
l1rs. P. J . Wilson.
Anyone wishing more information may call the section cbaiiman,
~1rs. Ray Nielsen, 548-6888.
Hard -working Teens
Take Time for Fun
1'.1ore than 500 teenage girls will gather in Lhe Anaheim Convention
Center March 1 with two common interests: they all are members of As-
sisteens Auxiliary of the National Assistance League and they all want to
\Vben the sixth annual assembly begins, colorful basket-type balloons,
made by the girls, will decoi'ate the tables at the conv.ention center, in
keeping with the theme U~. Up and Away. Further adding to the gaiety,
each .chapter will bring a poster to decorate the meeting area and prizes
will be ·given for the most attractive ones.
Greeting the girls from. Colorado, New Mexico,· Washington and Cali-
fornia will be the-host chapter, Newport ~QC.h. Miss Becky Carver, chair·
man, abd Miis Sue 'Chapman, incoming chalrman, will le8:d. the ho~t dele-
gation and Miss Patty Houts, chairman of the Laguna auxiliary, will bead
her delegation. ·
New chapter& in Everett, Wash., and San Diego County will be pre--
sented their charters during the day's program, which will be highlighted
with a luncheon and fashion show presented by \he Newport chapter.
Members will model ensembles from Dick Vernon 's Sportswear in West.-
' clill Plaza.
Principal speaker will be Judge Bruce Sumner, presiding judge of
!be Juvenile court of Orange COunty and Superior COurt Judge.
A round of buzz sessions will follow the judge's talk with the dele-
gates divided into groups of 50' according to grade level. Adult Assistance
League members from the Newport Beach chapter will lead each group
In discussions of How Do You as an Individual Afiect Your Asslsteen Aux·
lllary· and How Does Yoqr A.tsllteen Auxiliary Affect Your COmmunlty.
Mrs. Robert Crowner ii making arrangeme11t1 fqr the 1011ions. .
Adding interest· to the day will be tho p~ of Mrs. Burton V.
COiiins, National Assistance League presiden~ her executive_ board mem-
bers, and the national .Als!Jtien d>alrman, Mrs. Byron M: Knoblauch.
Honored guests from Newport Beach will be Mn. William Penning·
ton, Assi1teen coonlinator and Mrs. Eugene Charles, a111itant coonlinalor,
Laguna Beach Assilteen members attending w1il be tho Mi11es Ann
Barr, Margot Cather, Shannon Cook, Sharman Farnes, Janet Harvey, Katie
Healy, Nadene Jones, Diane Judy, Betsey LeBold , Gina Reay. Edith
Roesen, Wendy Taylor and their advisors, Mrs. Robert Marvin, chairman.,
and Mrs. Milan Chiba, co-sponsor.
JoHpll Llttlefl eld
The distaff members of the
yachting crew meet the fourth
Wednesday of each month in
the yacht club on Bayside
Drive in Newport Beach. A
social hour and luncheon
traditionally · f o I 1 ow the
buiness meeting and pro---"""'
gram. AYE AYE S!SIPPER -Boning up on tbe duti~s of observer in log racing are
Leaders of the group are Mrs. Fred Bice (left) president, an·d Mrs. Charles Uebec.k, corresponding &cc--the Mmes. Fred Bice, presi-
dent; Palll Smith, vice presi-retary of the Sharkettes, women's auxiliary to the Shark. Island. Yacht Club,
dent; Robert Balch, recording with their mentor, George Friedl Jr., chairman of-the yacP.t club log racing ·
secretary : Charles Leibeck, committee. The Sharkettes ~will ply their new knowledge when. crUise &eaSoo corresponding 1 e c r e t a r y :
Harold Allan, treasurer, and opens at tbe yacht club, where log racing is a major activity.
Roland MacLane, parliamen·
LONO LIST -Inking the nam11 of all Ibo chapten of A•·-
slJtle'ns Auxiliary · to the NaUooal Assistance League ex·
peeled March l at the A'naheim convention Center are Oell
to right) the Misses Diane Barrett, Wendy Peterson and
Deanna Peyton, as their coo~tor, Mrs. Eugene Cbarlos,
holds the scroll, More than 500 teenage girls will gather for
the meeting, themed Up, Up and Away.
. -.....
• .J • DAILY "LOT I .
This Forecast . May Be Rig .ht · for Yo·u
Miss Forecast Shops are
-bl all 17 May Company ~ CaWornia atom.
1b1J new ahop will bl!: com·
posed of colll!:Cticm of CDn--te:mporarf fashiona:. • .fresh,
l1J·vr:ly, timr:l111 and
tophlaUcated ••• clothl!:S meant
to be worn by women in
bu!lnl!:11 wbosl!: horimns an
upandlng, wives of young ti·
ecuUvea who want to dress
up to lbelr ht11band'1 poten-
All the news of lbe current
faabkla HUOD will be fl!:atured
in dreslts, coitumr:s and
IOclaI clothes priced from J4()
lo $90.
The clothes will carry the
labell ol Mr. Mort, Doo
Sophllticates, Johnny Herhett, •
R1cbard Froatman, L e r:
Jordan, NIQ LulJe, Paul
Stanley, Partlollo, Fred
PerJberr, To,.. Sophlltlcates
1 and Fred RotbchUd to name Juai a few. •
been aelec1'd u Womao-o!-
lhe-yqr by members ol Bela
Gamma chapter, E pa I lo a
Sipla Alpha, bl Founlaln
Valley. Mn. Coc:hrao bu been
activ& ·bl the IOrOrily !or
MVeral )'farl and RrVed as
prealdent 1aat yr:ar for the
newly-<hartered chapte;.
She alto has bl!:tn acUvr:
at the council Jr:vr:l, and this
year 11 servlng u chaplain
for Orangewood R I!: g io n a I
IRIGHT DAYS AHEAD -The foreeut for spring
will indeed be brlgbt with these new fasbiom. Go-
eveeywhere checks 11lay black against white In a
dral·wlth a twirling skirt (above). A wide-sbaped
patent belt in black circles the waistline for the look
of today. In her western style bonnet (at rlgbt) the
model shows a porcelain blue shirt"aist frock with
a placket front and patch bosom pocket filled with
a Roman striped kerchief. The outfits sell !or $50
and '841 .
FOURTEEN women, tired
ol decoratlq lablea, dellanlng
Invitations and aelllng ticltell
to aocial and charitablr:
e:vr:nts, havr: complr:ted an ex-
perimental pilot program at
CaIUornia Stall!: College at Los
Angr:les, duigned to make
better use of their tall!:?lts.
Dlscovr:rlng nr:w outlr:ts for
her sparr: timr: was Mrs. Nan.
cy Harris of Laguna Niguel. ...
Horoscope ~ Shoe Service
Aries: Don't
Get Careless
"The wise man controls his
destiny , •. Astrology .po i n t s
lbe way." .
ARIES (March 2t-April 11)'
Details connected wlth money
come to forefront. Be aware
of accounts, debts, obligations.
Gain indicated if you are a
shrewd observer. Don't get
careless. Smooth talker is up
to no good.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)'
You expreq aimiety about.
changes. L1.lnar po 1 I t i on
emphaslzet personality,
moodinus. Realize you can
handlr: any cballr:ngr:. Cyclr:
is high. EVentl, clrcUmstancea
favor your r:ffort.s.
GEMlNI (May 21.June 20):
Somr: who lack coolldr:nce
could try to d!asuadr: you -from
goal. Key is to maintain
alliances w 1 t h co-wcrkers,
associates. S I!: a r c h for
motives. AD is not what it
appears on surf:tce.
CANCER (June 21.July 221'
A friend may be well-mr:aning:
but mlslnfonnl!:d. Obtain hlnt
from GEMINI IDl!:ssage. Don't
be distracted from baaic
purpo!t. Havr: fun tonight, but
avoid utravagance. Romantic
Jnterlude 11 lndlcated.
LEO (Joly 23-Auc. ID): Al·
tend to business, e a r e e r,
respolllibllitla Your repula·
tion may be on the Jlnl!:. Act
tn autborllaUve m a n n I!: r .
Definite: gain lnd1cated, in-
cluding promoUon. You arr:
due for man!.
VIRGO (~UC·~· ID)'
Exerclle tact wbtrr: ln·laws
arr: coocerned. D I!: a 11 n a 1
emphatlled wltb thole at 1
d l 1t1ncr:. Accent on
i:;tre:ngt.henlni of p I!: r 1 o n a I
philosopbJ, G&ln 1 b o " n
lhrough written won!.
LIBllA (Sept. JS-Oct. 22)'
UUllie -11. Nol w!Je lo
wall for othen to d o
somelhln& !or you. Kty la lo
be aelf-reUant. Check ac-
counts. Have: mcne)'·lllk with
mate, partnr:r. Plug loophole
leadtng l-0 wastr:.
SCORPIO <Ocl. 23-Nov. 211'
Cooperate with ttmr: who
lhare: your interests. Be aware
QI JIW>!lc $OlaUona. p ...... ,
Gihin lo esprw and corr(
oul views. Lie low. Wait and SALE ITEMS observe. Gather inlonnaUori .
Check legal aspect... at Our 1
SAGl1TARIUS (Nov. 22-c .. ta "'°"'Star• ()ftly.
Dec. 'd ---21)~ Avo1 scattmng .-• -e e -
forces. Social me picb up. a-1tul LAMI SIOll
Reunion ind.iCated. Celr:brate THlOW RUGS $9'5 -but do so with moderation.
Don't break health rulr:s. let· 13.95 ······--·--.. -······
on-ember resolution corr . • • • • ~>e:JJ,L ... - - -
Smo0th & Suodo ••• Mob Your Own
• Jacket • Coot e Skirt e Vost
cerning diet. SAHOLES 75 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. Llmitod Slio• s2 4 CONVEN IENT SHOPS
19): Greater Crr:edom in-Req . 9,95 ............. -··---· e 1401 E. COAST HWY.
dic ated. Personal magnetism e e • • Coron• del Mar.,. 673-4640
soars; opposttr: Sl!:X is at-• e • • ,e,
tracted. You are center of l(ll BAGS • 3433 VIA LIDO altenlion al any gathering e (lU Ntwporl Bu<h ••• 67l-lbl0
tonight. Don't permit Impulse • rU11l BUfftRS • 74 FflSH ION ISLAND
to push logic ulde. .1HI BUCKE1S Newport la•ch .• , 644-7551
AQUARIUS (Jaa. 20-Feb. e KIWI Sll1lf e 17tt. I Irvine e Crestview .... 18): Settle affairs at home. 11111 a. 1r11M-NUf ,. K.,tvQ, ,rled Olldl:tn
Be specific. ThOrough ap-Coste M•s• ••• 541·40SJ
proach brlngs ttsulta. Famllyl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I member dl!:Sel'Vtl special con-
slderaUon. Check property.
Don't neglect essenilall.
PISCl!3 (Feb. It-Moreb 20)'
Travel may be neceaury. But
don't diJappoint one close to
you. Remember gilt, special
occas.l.oo. Some relaUvr:s are
Vl!:rf sena!Uvr: today. Know
lhia and ....P.,nd In gr1cl0111
BIRTHDAY you ue hrilht,
uns:iUve: wbr:n your ·word ls
pledged, you mWl it. Elr:ment
of luck, wlllcb had desertl!:d,
makr:s dramaUc re t u r n •
Surprile due which hr:lps
Cycle biih for TAURUS,
word to SCORPIO: marriage
area of solar horoscope is
Te flNI out Wllo'1 tuU-. for ~ ll't _,. ellll ...... or•r S\'dllf'r °'"'9fr'I
llllGllltt. "Seo:rtl """' ... Mell •1111 w.tNol." Ulld blnlld11t ellll ID Offlh .. °""'" Artrlikl9Y s.u.+11 tM 0A1LY
,llOT, .. u.. Gr•llll c..,tral '"'""'· Hew Y'"-111.Y, 10017,
H8 Auxiliary
'!'#Ice 1 monlb \he Lldleo '
Aux11Jary lo HuntlqtOn Beach
Velerana of F.,..tp Wara,
Post 7368 meeta at a p.m. Thr:
fir1t Friday ol lhe month they
gather in Odd Fellow1 Hall
for a bu!lneu meeUna and
the thi rd Friday they socialize '
Jn various locations. Further
ln!ormation may be receh·cd
by telephonln( Mrs. LeRoy '1
llermann at 53&-l580.
The colorful.so•d or
Oran9e County Music
RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ...
From Fashion Island, Newport Beach
FRI El;!l!S.
• If your 4 y•rcl1 unit consists of v•rlous pric:•s, th• 5th or tc: yard
c:•nnot •xc:••d' th• low•st prlc• of th• 4 y•rd unit,
HarbOf' C.nlor
2300 Harbor Blvd.
Happ iness Is • •
Mesa 'Center
22 1 E. 17th St.
REFRIGERATOR and 198 lb. FREEZER ! e MEAT TENDER, k•eps m••t fr•sher e 198 lb. FAMILY SIZE FREEZER lefs
-Longer you shop for specials or k•ep leff. e DOOR STORAGE for •9911 butt•t, overs
bottles or whet h•v• you. e In KITCHEN . COMPLIMENTING e ADJUSTABLE SHELVES, fit 1nything COLORS, Avocedo green, hatvert
from pine to a turkey gold, colonial copper, snowcrest
white. • HY l;>RA TOR for qerden fresh v19et· .
eblt s ell the tim• •Prices start es low es $398.88
l·year Warranty fo! repair of any d_efect in the entire refrigerator, Pl~s 4-year Prolect1on Plan for repaJr of any defect in the re!riger· ating system.
Cllll• DllWll
, • , wi1h P'*9ffUI 5uptr-5ufge Wllhina Action
tl\at really CM wt VMi must1rd, baked beal'l!I and
It!• fried .agg, 1001
• A.WO-h.nd rir.ino •• , a hrafd·WOft!Jnv wnh
and rinM C)'c:Mi doea II.
• Spott·AWa)' rins•
411 E. 17th St.
Dally 9 • f , Sat. 9 • 6
Costa Mesa
Phone 646-168 ..
Oran g~· Coast's No. 1 Paper! The Daily Pilot-.Jl
' (
TI!undq, f'fbf'UllY 20, lt69 OAlt. Y I'll.OT 11,
Saturday Ni.ght Musrc·al
To Become Annual Event
Tea Leaves Reveal Journalists Take Stage
Ci.ub Aims, P'rojeds
Women In journallsm will
step into the llmdighl when
South Chapter, AssoclaUoo of
Women's AcUve Return to
1 'clri.. ,.,: Ulibi; clolhlns EducaUon meell 'l'lnnday,
Georae W uhington w 111
have a musical birthday
present 1'Us year as the Costa
Mesa Women's Committee of
t h.e Orange County
PhUhannonic·Soclety presents
its first annual music festival.
Mlxing lea.ll)d proopeclive Feb. 17, at 7:!0 p.m. !or 1111>
members wm be the Fountain oullallle for palienll ot all Weist Watchers Valley· Womi011 Club. .,e.. Resldents'with donations ner In the La Palma, TUIUn.
The aemllnnua! event will m invited to call Mn. AreaneW1p1perwomia TOPS Waist Watcher• ta~ place betWeen l ·and Walllee Short, chalrman,~and Mrs. Mary Lou Bopkinl_ and ~mble every 1'bundly 1t
3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. D. In arranp to have them p!Cked Mn. Barbara lt'rtl>lcb will 7 p.m. in Circle vtew ·Scbool,
the Fountain Valley honle of up.. speak to the l•therinc of Huntington Beach.
Mn. William· Carroll. ------------------------------
Mr. .. nc1 Mrs. Charles Berger
Award Presentations
To Climax Club Year
The completion or another other items to the Navajo In-
successful year will be mark· dians with the Danny Davy
ed by the Costa Mesa Junior carav<m.. Cttristmas cards to
community men serving in the
Women's Club with the annual Armed Forces, new items to
awards night dinner party servicemen in Vietnam, and
next Saturday in the home books and magazines lo the
The 0r"tli• Coast College
audltorlum.1Jill be the setting
nut Saturday for lbe 8 p.111.
event~ wbJch will include many
area vocal and instrumental
Appearing on the program
will be Charles Berger and
his wife, Irina, both fa~lty
members at OCC, noted' for
their recitals of Russian opera
and art soog;..Jlalpb Bassett.
bass-baritone, and teacher at
Ba§ett Conservatory of Music
in 8anta Ana, and Del Weeks,
bass-baritone, and m u s i c
l.eacher at Lincoln In-
termediate School.
Also appearing will be
Debra Tener, mezzo.soprano,
a student of Berger; Mark
Sm.it, violinist, student of Rene
Bregouo; Paul We It z,
bassoonist, sb.tdenti of Arthur
Flem.in' and OCC student;
Christina Reban:I, p I a n i s t ,
junior at Newport Harbor
High School and student of
Lynn Browne, . and Janet
Strachan, violinist, student or
Ensembles performing will
be the Schwartz Trio com~
posed or Ani Schwartz, violin,
Sizie Schwartz, viola, and
Betsy Schwartz, cello: the
.... Costa Mesa High Schoo I
Woodwind Quint.et, E a r J
Treichel, director, with Becky
Klyne and Judy Cameron.
flutes, Diane Collins, oboe, and
Robert Goodwin, Jack Zweers
and Tim Marx, clarinets ; a
vocal trio of Julie Sage,
Marlene Woolf and Lynn Law.
June Bride
Tell News
Of Troth
News of the ~lrolhal of
their daughter, Mary Lou
Deerlog to Gerald Osika has
been revealed by Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Deering of Colsta
The bride-to'..be is a graduate
of Maler Dei High School and
Orange Coast COiiege.
Her fianct, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Osika o f
Calumet City. Ill., is a
graduate of Thronton Frac-
tional Township High School
in Calwnet City and attended
Butler University, In-
The couple will exchange
vows June 21 in St. Joachim's
Catholic Church, Cosla Mesa.
Tickets for the event will
be $1.50 for adults and $1
f o r students. Reservations
may be obtained by calling
Mrs. Earl Treichel, 642·5066. of Mr. and Mrs. l[oward Merchant Marine: Library. Mrs . Norman Dack and
Mitchell. Mrs. Don Barrick coordlnaled
High point of the evening the projects. Mrs_ Ray Lowman w i I I
will be the presentation of Youth chainnan Mrs. Rebekab Lodge represent lota Ups 11 on
awards to four members who Michael Estey had as her ma-Chapter of Sigma Phi G8mma
have been selected for their -jor project helping boys in Triple Link Club of ~~ during the Chi convention tak.-
outstanding service. Honors Juvenile Hall and the ~~ Rebekah Lodge has meetings ing place Saturday and Sun-,
will be given to the Woman-of-mittee also inaugurated a the fourth M~ay at B p.m . day, Feb. 22 and' 23, in the
the-year; Citizen-of-the-year, foster parent program. and 1 Doug!"' M:orpn at ~8:-1938 Newporter Inn. '
''.QW.nnan.of-the-year and New collected c~ for . the -~y be called"for .additional During the last meetiac or
ln addJUon to re1ular
members, arta~ women m.
tereiited in obtalnmg more' in-
fmnation about the club are
invited to attend. Objectlva
and future project> wm be
outlined and guests will be
invlted to qutstlon officers and
chainneo about their duties.
Additional lnlonnallon may
be obtained by calling Mn.
Will R o m l.n e , membership
chairman, at 141·2258.
Recent projects c:ompll!ted
by tbe club include the
purchase of "Breath of Liff,"
a $150 rum. " for the ft.re
department, and a don~ion
of $200 to the Huntington
Beach High School District's
scholarship fund.
Members are continuing ·the
savings stamp program
started In the city's eltm'tn·
tary schools, with a total of
$1,620 purchased to date, ac-
cording lo Mn. William
Pulford, chairman.
Mental health and sewing
sections hav.e madt 40 shifts
for patients in Fairview State
Hospital, and tht mental
health section ls conducting
Women Hear
School Leader
Mission Viejo Republican
Women Federal.ed will hear
guest speaker Jack Roper,
director of research f,o r
Orange County Schools, during
an 11:30 a.m. 'meeting nf:xt
Tuesday in MaMings, Lagulia
The luncheon gathering also
will offer an educational talk
on Republican women's clubs
from the national to area
The group also bas schedul-
ed.a bridge marathon starting
Saturday, March l. Further
information is available from
Mrs. Daniel Carr, 137-f935. Member~f-the-year. Florenc:e cntfertton H~ of intcrmaUon. the group there was a
Mrs. Thomas Bandy, last Orange County. _ . "· ------~--discussion of bylaws for the Century Club .
year's woman--0!-the-year and Slalfing lbe Well Baby and Now in · Our family: coovenUon. and Mrs. Ron
current president, will make Immunization Cijnics for the Thornton. province of f I c e r Twentieth Century Club . ot
the presentations. March of Dimes was the wor-~ f 'I W kl from Kappa Nu Chapter, con-HunUngton Buch gathers, at
Areas in which the club has of the health committee under am1 Y· ee y ducted the annual inspection 7:30 p.m. the third Tuesday
been most active the past year the ditecHon of Mrs. Clark of the books. in Lake Part Clubhowe.
include Americanism, youth Westcott. Men\bers atso•l--------------------------------,1
· and health. donated coloring books to the
Americarlism projects in· children's ward at Costa Mesa
eluded sending clothing and Memorial Hospital. ·
'Visitor From Venus'
A Visitor From Venus, will
be presented by Miss Leona
Roberts at 2:30 p.m. Sunday,
Feb. 23, in the Bowers
Museum, Santa Ana.
Sponsoring Miss Roberts'
original concert will be the
Orange County A I u m n a e
Chapter, Sigma Alpha Iota.
an international professional
fraternity for women in the
field of music.
The program will benerit the
International Music Fund and
fraternity foundation.
"Mrs. James Schulke, presi-
• Concert
dent · will introduce M I s s
Roberts, fonnerly prima don-
na of t he American Opera
Company in Chicago. The
Garden Grove voice ttacb~
has made numerous concert
tours in this country and
Canada. She is past president
of the Garden Grove Branch,
Music Teachers' Association
of California, and a member of
the National Association of
Teachers of Singing.
In private life &be is Mn.
David G. Meitzler and the
mother of four children.
The Tee Tattler
C•rwn. M~ Vlt"IM1' Shlpp, ff. EL MIOU•L
MIX•D llST I ALL -f"lnt, Mr.
•nd M~ Hof•blrO. '6; HCOtld, Mr.
•od "''"" Bob Enn .. Mr. •Ml Mrs.
Tim Mlldc:ty, ''· P'A•TMlllS IEIT IAU. -Flr11, Jtm llWM. lob Ellott. 6-l; Halnd,
H•rrv Godwlft, Elflotl, '"" Mel G.,,1'
1oc1 Elllotl, U.
Mr. •M Mrs. Wl!lllrd· M~y, Mr.
•nd Mrs. Old: H4ill, 61.
P'AllTNElll aEST eALL -F~I, Lou L"'• Oscer l(u-r, U i HCO!MI,
Hllrrv ltouclller. l!lllort, 61. ll•NCMO SAM JOAOUIN
JILIOMT A -Tlle · Mmn. llld'larO \l•r1-n. low 1rou. t21 F"" Sdtnelci.r, tow ltff, 611 J-KMltr, L..Wlrnt nw.m... law wtll, 111 FlltM I ,
h Mlnfs.. Gllblt"t llSt. low treu. 1!1 ll«NrO E..,,, low "91. n r Hllrold I("""'"", J. L. W•~
..,_ ~ t11 F11thl C, W., MfMs,
W1rtw Wl,,., l9w •roN. "' A!\1111 LIPIM. ..... net, 161 J. It ...... _., '°"'" ~ '91 J'llttit o. llw ~ HI....., McC:llitr9, tow 9n1111, Ill! Joe
W•lltlllll, 1Dw Ml. 7'1 L*"9 ll11lll'I',
IN ""'""' JI; ~ ~. ACE -·
1000'• of YAIDS
Carpet . Warehouse
t 753 South Ritchey • Santa Ana
CHt•t•rf ,..,4...,,, to ldr11,er -W . ._ *icheyi
• OPI"; hlJ IM I .... It A.M ... I P.M.1414071
Inventory Clearance Sale
Some Rings as Low as $30.00,, Now Just $15.00
HEMATITES •plus many more not shown.
Open Mon., Thurs,.
' Fri., Till 9 . p.m.
OPEN AN ACCOUNT • Haner Shopp\nt Centw-2JOO H1rbw llYCI, C•t• M•.....s41-MIS
HU11tln1ten ~•rtter-1-.ch at 111111~, HUfttlntten l~t:"......,,..SH1
The return of t he jumper
Boldly interpreted in a brave check. The low neckline r~walin1
the flip-lied rayoo acetate blouse. lbe jumper has newr lllen
more important. Red/whlte/nayY with na'I}' bloose or ff'i/JellrfW/
while with yellow blouse; 6-16, •·•· .. Dress Shop
u ms~
Northcott-Heeb(ler Rites '
Vows Said
white aJ>dloll, carnations
and candelall<'l clee«""1 the
N~ Coolrei•ttonal
Churdi in Lquaa Beoclt when
carol Heebner and James
w.-Ntrthcoll_...,,,..i weddinl pledleo belon lhe
Rev. Ellswwtll Rlcbardaon.
The bride. daugbte< of Mn.
Mary Kay Heebner of Corona
MI Mar, was given in mar-
riage bJ her father, Dr.
Robert A. Heebner of Long
Beach. The benedict's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. John
llernard Northcott of Laguna
For the c andlel i ght
ceremony the new M r s •
Northcott selected a gown
fashioned of candlelight satin
with appHques of imported re-~
embroidered alencon lace on
the bodice and hemline. She
donned a candlelight mantilla
of layered English net and
lace appllques and a Ooweret-
te headpiece of lace and seed
pearls which cascaded into a
cathedral length train.
Attendants were M i s s
' • La guna -
Tvrvllle l'Ml9
Barbara Heebner, the bride's
sister and maid of honor; Mrs.
Judy Maria! and tbe Misses
Tina Avis, Terry Douglas,
Holly Markas and Nancy
Miller. bridesmaids. T b e y
wore floor length moss green '
velvet empire styled gowns
with matching hair bands. The
honor attendant carried a
crescent shaped bouquel of
cream and yellow' tea roses
and baby's breath while the
attendants held wblte carna-
tions, yellow tea f'OleS and
C•ndlellght Ceremony
baby's breath: : · ·
Julie Permrorth'wu Oowrer
girl in a ,.ie yellow aun
floor length· ....,, ol.' empire
stylin&. Sile carried a gold
metal bUbl of •yellow and
white rmes and 1eltbe:r' leaf
reception., ,,
SpeCial guest& .were·Mt,. M •.
f I ~ em. W. Hickox of lleverly Hilla
and Mn. R. A. NortbtoU of
Los Angeles, lhe .llenedlct'a
grandmotbera; Mn. O Ii v e
Mance! of San FerDa\ldO
Valley; Dr. and Mn. Pau1
Pemworth and family from
Collins llilllld: Mias Martha
Maxwell, Laguna Hills, and
Mia C b a r l o t .t e Truesdell,
Laguna Hills, the bride's
John Noreoit Wal his
broaler'1 bell man. Uabering
~ lo their pews were Jeff
Qu0n, Robbin Young, I.my
Wamn, Doo Lutz' and Skip
Mesa League
· ... ' . nlO
put.aunt. ·
La Lec:he League meets the
second Tuesday at 7:ll p.m.
Mr1. H. W. Moore, 545-4359, wm answer questions
reprding location and
Before-making their first
home in Cosla Mesa the
Northcotts wW honeymoon in
the Lake Tahoe area apd San Art League Francisco.
From lht:~ new Avand Colllction: warm
14 Mlrll: gOid llced with dltfl'IOl'ldS,
Ccwua:ltnt T.,m•
lllllt!Nlfon E"ll~
ZAI.ES' Lab Part Clubhouse Is the 1be former M~s Heebner .Jl:W.ltLBM.8 setllnc iot ineei1niJ of the ls a graduate of Corona del
Art ~ al Huntingtoo Mar lllgb School and her hus-
-m lhe lint Wec\O<ldaY band la an -of Lal\lll8 a1.,i. monl!> at 7:30 p.m. Beach High School.
WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY s:t:y .S A L E =: : : : ~~
... sn.• .. t11M 1
::= 4"/~99
Reg. 14.00
R99. 10.00
Reg. 7.00
Reg. 55.00
R99. 44.00
Reg. 14.00
TO S11 .H
NOW •••
.. ..::~:. SLASHED bit r.,. ·
Ret. 6.98 Now ..... 1.99
R_eg. 6.00 ·Now •••. 1.75
R99. 4. 98 . Now .... 1.29
:~i~"..1 1!0 69'
Buy · Now For W1rm We1ther
........ 22.00
NOW ·-··-·········"··· ..............• 5.99
Also PANT DRESSES • • 1S.tt-1S.U
Sw1•ters . 8.00 Now . 2.39 /1.99
SMrt1 4.50/4.00 Now 1.49/1.29
Paf•m•s 2.98 Now .99c
... c...u
I ttr • .... .._ '""' '"""" Ane-o,.. hlr t:JM. Mffy 'tn t rw
Coffee Hour Hug h Jackson,
An~icipated A...-. day. y..;. 110
Honeymoon in Carmel . ' aride
I •
pllqued with lace, Seed pearls
and crystals was · chosen by
the bride. Her 8bort Yell wu
held wiq,. a white lace cap,
and sbe cameci a white p:ayer
book topped with w h I t e
orchids, s~phanotis a n d
bouqutto.ol yellow IDd wbHe and Mn. Gloria Stephan
dalslos and ·baby's breath. a&$ted with weddlnl ,Uta. lluJ\ "l"PI and """Dll Wiii . WU recreated u Chrlllten
bt put ulde lelDJIGl'arlly when hrwtll and HUlh ~Id ~member 1 of Y•uo g Jaebaa stood before the altar
~cateo W-'• ClQ at ol Ille Flrll Bapllat Cb\lrch, SoulllOm Calllonila plhOr SUia Ana to ..peat tbelr
Tbe bridearoom'• brothtr, Aft.er booeymoCJDiri& · In
""" before lhe Rev. ~ Monday, rib. JI. fqr collfl Owlnp. .
Jack Jacbon or Tult.la, was ,. Car'htd ano Nor: t •er n
111.!1 bOJ> man and °*" were Cllllornia, the bridal eouple
Uward Farwell, brother uf establlsbed their home in Ven-
lllO bride, ol II a I -o a ; IW"L • yellow roaebuc!J. Gomalet, llJb Dorie, Santa ,,,. new Mn. J-tl
and danutl from. I to, 11 1.m. Ttae parenls of lb~ .. bf1de,
to lhe Hllllllqlao Boach l>ome Mr. and Mrs. 1toyco M.
"' the pr<f)doot. Mn. Kay J'orwell of Batboo, w .... mar-
Dele<ure. . rjod In •. ~ p¢orm-
Mrs. Richard Krueger of Ana ~ Dllloll Boatman, a.a.aduato o1 Nnporl HarbO!
Oman!, a -rlty ai&lu of , ;i.iJA 'As.t' · : ' High Scbool ud llnltp eoUI
the bride, was matron of ); Yellow· .and white c&rna· Cqllege. Sbe-at tea de d
honor and in the bridal pru1y 'tt...; .sJadloll and ~.. California. ~ • Colllle •t
were Mia Kathi Dlverson of thimums were· arrl.ltlf4 • ln Looi Beldl llll;ld la a pat
El Monte, cousin of the bride; decontlona lot the -hooored ~· ol ~I~'>
Aaiallne the bootell wlD be fJfl by the ....., inlillmr in
Mn. Mllcboll Jloo!!I, Ont vice Pauden• a quarter of a cen-
pmldent llld Mn. Cl'alg tqry qo. .
COnlrey, _ ... ~-. A.Ulllini wltli the etenlllg
Pro spicllve .provillooala double ring ceremony wu the
aleo will all<nd to pt ac-Rev. Daniel Rider.
quainted with the members. ·A .RUU de soje cown ap-
Mrs. R a I p h G<Jlllll.,, San ~ haD, wbere the Dauflbten. ~ 117.
Clemente; MrL David Young, newlJwedl rteelvec! · H 0. Her bul~, JOO al llr.
San Diego. and Mlsl Carla psl6. Mn. Jolene !laddM,. and Mn. 10loi. 11. Jacac.i
Wolle, Costa Mesa. They wore -al the (>ride, ol<'Arliona, Sr. of Tuliln," II a,.,...riw, of
yellow dresses and carried bad cllul• al the cum book Tustin HlJli SChool lDll occ. •
. ' . a•a
CAIJRllllU RllEllAL llAVlllll .. ---
. .
' .. .. ' . . -. . ,· Where should a "Wtdow
i~t the money
she can't afford to risk?
In a California Federal
5.25% Liquid Reserve Account.
lier hu!band provided well for her. She's invested carefully, too . Good stocks. Bonds. And a
c.Jifomia Federal S.25% Liquid Rescn.. accountfor the money she.can't aJiord to risk. Because
her·Liquid Reserve is safely backed by the strength ot the nation's largest federal, she keeps a
subetantial percentage of her .assets there. Per dollar invested, her account often yields· more than
bCr risk investments. Liquid Ruerve accounts arc for everyone. Shouldn't you open yo111> now?
Qioosc from two high rates •.•
S.25% Bonn• Account: (Anllable la 111111~ of $1000.) Earns 'A% bomas eacll
..,_ lllcmt ft&'l)ar puoboot nte wllta beld 3 :run.
S.13% Pusbook Account: s.i.3% •-1y1ehi.,btime.ipu.obook1tw1111sw11m
Ill SaTinp ..a dl'fldmda ftlllaln a ym, I! tbe ~9' current •-' nte Is m1ID11bwd
... com)IOllllCk4 tlally for a yeu.
"California F~deral Savings
aod Lou~-• ti Ot!lca •A-.._ $1.S·Bi!lbl
Head Of flee : 5670 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles
A~ .,. ti.1'111 ., IO 'SI S.000 'Ondtr pro¥Wonl of the Pttk~ S.Ylnp .I: Loan ltllannc:c Coriiontioft. a pennunt · lflllC7' of U.. Unfted Slit. ~ . . .. ......,
' ' Polke Sponsore4 tiJJ'
-. \I ' '
Members of the Pop Warner footl!all leaJI! ~pon
sored by the Huntington Beach Pollci';OOicero '.Al-
socialion presented Officer ,Richard G. :~Ii·
(left) with a 1968 sponsor's trophy. ~m' left'.to
right· are Williams, Phil GUite, B~itfol'd 8lid'
teaincOach·Jim Green. · •· ·
' .
-' ·'·
Nation's Big Schpols
. . ' •'
May Face Bankruptcy
By FREDERICK H. T~ESB-able t osecure a share of
. Uniled Prat latmla1lonal local taxation comparable to
The city of Detroit bad to that of the suburb~-they could
borrow sever3l million dollars virtually double tbek..revenaea
last year to meet its operating for education. Typicallf ; the
expenses. In the words of Supt. costs of rwuung a city demand
Norman Orachler, the money tw~thirds ' of the local real
to p~y ofl. the loan is "nowhere estate tu revenues. '1'l1!
ii) sight." The scbQol system leaves one-third for th e
faces an ever bigger deficit schools. outside the central
thjs year -$8 million to $10 cities the reverse · 1a true.
million. Typically two-tbirda: of the
Jn Chicago, according t.o local tax re.source is available
published r e p or t s , tax for the schools."
revenues this year are es:-.BREAKTHROUGH
peeled to fall $48 million short Marland said that perhsps of. requirements. The school the most pi::-o m 1 s l n,g
system may cul 6,000 teacllers bre.jktbrough 1n tl!l8 !~al
frpm its present staff . C) i ~dilemma would be na!lzat100
2!;000, officials warned· "°'"' ·. ' of predictions that tbe ~ .
FACE BANKRUPTCY • . shate in; total .educatiopW ,eJ·
In 'short, the nation's_ big pendi.tures in the next 10 tears
city school systems are in will mcr~e to ~ percent.
imminent peril of bankruptcy. It now ll!I 7.3 pei:cent. But,
Central to tbiJ problem is be sa,id, other b11akthJ:ougb!
the declining assessed valua-are needed now.
Uon of real estate in the cities. Here are a few he proposed :
In a recent five year period, -Abandoning the ancient
according to Sidney P • practice Of basing sLate aid
Marland Jr., president of the support formulas OD the
Institute for Educational assessed valution of propmy,
Development, assessed valua-as a measure of wealth. A
tion declined by these percen-more valid tax would be bued
tages in major U.S. clti~: on median family income·
Baltimore 19 perc e nt , Possible federal
Boston 6 percent, Buffalo 8 measures to' halt the stream
percent, Cleveland 9 percent, of disadvantaged families into
Detroit 6 percent, Milwaukee t~ cities by makiilg their
10 percent and St. Louis 11 cjtcumstances more attraclive
per'Ce.Jlt. where they are.
This means loss of ·tax -Tying with every demand
dollars and significant loss of for better teacher salarieJ, a
state aid since formulas for corresponding design for in-
slate aid to schools are based creasing teacher efficiency
on assessed valuation. and productivity. Marland said
MORE IN SUBURBS the : tea c be r organl;zat.ions
State aid offered suburban themselves ~ould do this.
schools throu ghout the United -~uirmg t!1-t the cost
States is $40 per pupil more of ruMJ.ng the city be borne
than the city schools, which by the entitt: melropolltan
are populated with the poor. area.
less educated and nonwhite Marland concedes the pro-
so urgenUy in need of in-posal ·for a m~litan
creased educational services. sYstem-of taxaUon would
But the real difference in never win Jtgislative approval.
the disparity in educational "nte suburban population,
support between suburb and the one man one vote power, "1Yt M•land says, rests with aDd'the never -to1 .. be-UD-
"munlcipal overburden"' derestimatedr·ntral.t:leewator
Marland said: w~d never stand still for
"If the city schools were 00s kind of.fair play."
Ho ne ••• 6llOlllB 11DUldn't have chopped
. ;dll'(m that cherry tree H h~'d heard this otter:
WE'RE OPEN EWRf DAY ( __ .• .......,
11 MllOIPll ,
I -" • • • t ~ .. 2"6HADoR ·BLVD., ·541~-,·:con& •SA
. • -f ..
W'EIDAYS 9 to•·
SATIDAY 9' to 5130 slillDAY 10 i. 5iOO
Ctiirpet .... ,, ....
For tloi11f • 1Moofll t•c:lrl••• fo~
of c:•tp.t htt:t•ll•t!.n yo11 c:•n't
bo1t tlli1. 14c ' 4 Ft. L"""'
Pin YI.Al •AUiANTll
A fro1t~1y ftf 1t1rt th• S1trlnt ll•u~• cl1•11ln, woul4 M with
pl11dy of llot w1t•r. Alti1tlel"
"''"• br1nd 11 fully 1'••• fin1if,
h11 1ut• 1hut off, 1ntl•c:orr11l111
rod incl c:oll'lpl•fo t1mp1t1turo
c:ontrol. 44,5
. 3JI tiAUON ....
40 GAUON -·-49ts
> Eli111lnot11 p1dlocU 111~
Mel• bolh, yi11 c:111 lock
ond "11nlock ~•tlfl door
fr1111 b1th ·litlhlo incl 4
out1ldo IA •-plo ..
11f1ty. E1sy .. IMt11!.
. . \ ' .
If .,..., 11r1f. loob ll~o
"''"• 4-.10111.thlftf ~1lclr.
Uko.1ff1ltk .. nl11t 1t "' wltfl th1 help ef th is
l11xpon1I .. • 1f11lvl119 th•t
11 •• h1111t1 ....... .
Id 'IHI SHILYI,.. ·-·-.. --·--··-· ' • C Pt.
~ultl PllfJ"'M' Mbr. •
''"' f11tur• 14 H.,. Mot1r , 111.vott, 2.4
llnlf, ...... )500
tftoliet p1r "''""''°· Rip 9uldo 1114 ) .......... r.1oc1 ••
TH,E:. C<>RK
' ' ' . , . DECORATIVE .
ChoOIO frein 1 ., '4 foot
wMltM, full· '4" thlek f•r
1111klnt w•ll to ••II tf1rt
k•rctl .,, , ......... b.lc:k
•''-• 11•1110 Nr, yo1lll
1lw1y1 k 1bl1 to find
tllo c1n op1~1t .
If you J•n't fl for th•
nli/ liit you cln u1• thlt
1dh11iv• f1 M•~· •
pref111lon1I loold111 jolt
tti1t'll h1v• yor.rr
114.ithbon ind f~i1nlll1
97«, ..
Tll1 r1i" mltht ll1v•
u11tod ovt tho otlll .•nff,
10 r1pl1c• •"' IYolll I
1oriou1 •c:c:id1nt, Thi1 1111
fih 11101t 11r1,1 lllMr1t
ltllf WI ll1vo oth•r •I•••
I~' 7xl•
l11lit to le1t for y1er1.
If 'o" w•11t tfrio 1Hi1t, tlll1
II It. Up top co11trol1,
flll ocl91 .. '""' •4Ju1tm111t, Yo•'ll k1v1
ih1 M1t,-t l•w11 111 10"'11
(bi,t·t ,yo• r•1l}y •Uthf1
~o n"t'fh.1111 1lt1ut tll1t ,.,., •. 1
' '
6r11t for t111lctnt Mlloff11 ... "1• th she
-Y" w•nt thom to flt th• •P•" •v•ll•Mo,
\ · for 111•kin9 o 1ftiltln9 1c:c1nt pl .... ...r ,
tli• 111•nt1! ~ o!.fom1tint with Mlrr.r ffle
, (..-••II th1t ... 1. P•ck off,.~ 12 • 12 ·
11•1r11 coftn wlM...,., tfllt M4t •II +.
(W•'r1 c:t1.pywrlt9ri. 11ot 1nlftHitMtl.U111o
oltho11gh 10-folks h1" tff.Tr,41..,,
1ito11t th1t. I I '
lllCK llD er .
OLI~, ... _. _ _;__
1, 47 .4
Mix .. , •'•••of ttir1
for 11J1•ll fft.Utlow
!oli1, r11tiirlitt' 4rlvow.y1
th1t tll1 roln tore •• ,,
or J111t Mix • Ntdi t..
h1n " h1M It• ,, ..
' C:•lll,..llf C:Olll•S.
.... ...
McLalie Front Th,rewer ... . .
.l'loh h llko th t•1' wl\o olo ,•owl"I h< 'I~,.-R!ll
ltypo, .. 111 e~apt drlY9, Mlf ,,.~, ,., te, -~ 1'M.
wlll 01tl1•t 11vor1I chot1~t •IHI ft • w.,+h.., ,leowl:1 ....
for tho 8
l1c:rl111!111ff119 1!01•11-nor.
c . .,
I j
=---------~-.-------~ .. =------~-.... --------~-.. ~~ ...... -~~ ....... ·.:-:....._.._~==~c __ ~l ~I
....... . . ~· ,., -:.t ........ •' ; " ,/ .· ' . . . ,• • . ':' . . . '
ff OA!L ~ PlLOT T!lundll1. Fr"""'7 20, 1'169 '
Skins Only Think They're Ready for Vince
lllEW YORK (llPI) -SOiiey Jq..-
can't wail.
"I'm ttad,y to start lomorrow,'' be
He doesn't know what he'• In lo<.
Maybe he only tblnu he'• rea<ly. Wall'U
he gets a load of what's Uke the !Int
day under Vince Lombardi.
Soony Jurgensen hu a surprise In
stor< for bm tbal flrlt day, alrudy
moved up by Lombardi. The a.me may
be 1 a I d ri the ml ol the Wubin(loo
Red .. inl ""' baV<D't euctly led the
league In llvlnl lhe Spar1ao Ille, up
to now, llfiWAY•
In Double
Upset Loss
MACON, Ga. (AP) -Clark Graeboer.
who wu favored to win the second
annual Macon International T e n n I 1
Tournament, aJd recently thlt u Jong
as be could play tennis, he didn 't care
if he lost in the lirst rocmd.
Wednesday night, he 108t in the first
round -twice.
The Davis Cup winntt from New York
WN upset by Nick Kalo of Greece 6-2,
10-lZ, 1-3 In the sJngJu.
Then in the doubles, Graebner and
Bobby W'lboo. ol England were def,.ted
by lngo Buclinc and llanN oacl!lm Ploetz,
botb of Germany, .. 18, 7-6, H.
Graebner wu the top-seeded American
player in the tournament.
The No. J' Ammcan l'ftd, Cliff Richey
of San Aqelo, Tes., also dropped oul
of the rwmlog In tho lirsl ......t, lGllng
lo Ploetz, U , M, M.
Graebner led Kalo• ln the tint sel
J.I, then losl five lllraigltt games.
In tbe leCODd aet, Graebner gained
a big aervl.ce break to .tie the 6COre
after being down 5-3, and went on to
win the lld IJ.10.
lo the ·third oel, Kalo gol an early aemce break that Graebner Interrupted
to pull even at W, before lOllng IU"Vice
1n the seventh and ninth games.
!small El Sbafiil of E(ypi, second-!e<d-
ed foreign player, defeated Lub Arilla
of Spain M, M. Jan Kodes of
'Czechoslovakia, third among the foreign
seeds, beat Tom Edle!son of Los Angeles
.. 1. u, M.
Ron Holmberg ol Hl(hland Falla, N.Y.,
heal Onny Penm of New Zeaiaod M,
M and Jim Osborne of Honolulu downed
Peter CUrlls of England U, 6-Z, H.
Lakers Can't
Win on Road
BALTDIOl\S, (UPI) -It's tougher
to win on the road but the Los Angeles
Laken are being rkticulous about it.
The La.Jcen, winner• of 23 of 29 slarts
at home thiJ aeaaon, suffered their l&Ul
road defeat Wednelday night, bowing
to the Eastern Division-leading Baltimore
BuDet.s, UG-11.
The loss "as the second In three
away games this week.
Now 20-16 on the road, the Laken
appear to hive smoother llillng ahead.
Nine of their next 10 games are at
the Forum In log)ewood.
Los Ang.lea, which meets the Boston
Ceflics al the Forum Friday lll(hl,
couldn't contain Ba1Umor.e'1 starting
guards. Earl Mon.roe and Kevin Loughery
eomblned for IO points wilh Monroe,
Jut RUOn'I NaUonal Ba 1ketba11
AssoclaUoo rookie of the year, collectlng
LOS AlfGIELaS •ALTIMOlta •PT Ol'T .. ..,lor 1 '<I-! ti ~!II ' .. , I
C1rty TN!l"llls 4MI Oll~lrl 1~ .. ,. ,. loughtry u w " C_,ft J 1·1 1 M-1"t 1 M I Cr1'1rtO!'d J •J II M1rl" 2 1-( I
liltffl 1 3-1, 1 Mei<ree II 12·11 " l!rldl-2 S.I 9 Quick I 1·2 J
HtlMln• t 1.t 5 koft ' M 12 tt.wr" 1 0-0 • Un1•ll J » • 1'111111 '2 U-35 a To!IW d 11>1S 110
LOI Angelft 1J JI ,. n -..
l•tttmor1 JS i1 2• JO -111
FOVi.111 owt -N-. Totll flll/W -Loi ~ It, .. 111"*" 2f. Attend•~ -10.7S1.
Cage Scores
llJ EARL QJSIU\' °' .. ...,':W .....
Sb: Dn1a Qip mmll playen -!oar
o1 ~ ft<lm tho -Ualted Stai.a eooUJ1C!111 -wffl he on Ille DrllUf lllle
1'11da1 -the Balboa Bay · Club'• lnvllatJonal lemll lounYmeot rolls lnlo
lla-d17. Plq_...., .... ...,_
.... lloll tlla ...... U.1. Divla ~
too'! • -ulllll rrldl1. . F-a. &11111 ol p.,.. playa
Somo of the G_, Bay Paekera ..
tblnklna ol reWnl up a pool. TbO w!Mer
would l>e the one comlni. clooeal lo
gues.slng\ the number of sunivon alter
the Redaklnl opening doy of pracu ..
under Lombardi. ~
"At flrsl Uiey'll he afraid they're gonna
die," laughs one Packer veteran. '1btn
they'll be afraid they won't."
Forewarned Is forearmed. Moal
Redskin players claim they -all
about LOmbardi and bis methods. They
quickly add they welcome the Great
Healer, bis bad !.U1Jnr ge~wefl medicine
and all, but II 11111 wouldn't be a bad
idea lo go back and ask them agalo
aomdime In September. U lhey're •till the Redaklml from the EqJea fl•• yun
,there. ago.
Juraensen, one ol the Nn.'1 betttr "I know lbe type man be ia: we
pawn, lids the good lhlngs In life all 1<n9w. He cloelD'l eland !or m!llall"
the &aJP6 way · Joe Namath doee. He aod lt\.at'a Uie type .man we need. Since
hu plenty of. plaY, etudy.ln1 eJ:perjence I've been here we've conUnuaUy beat
behind b11J1 bu! he can be ""'' Lombardi ourtelves. Thia Is eometbin( Vine< LoJn..
will aee he gets more. Lombardi alway.s bardirdoesn't stand for. He is a talented
spends extra tim..e with hls quarterbacks man and with bis fppllcatlon to the
and Jurgensen Is looking forwanf lo game and bis way of baodllor people,
thal ·I think he'.1 gonna mate us a family.
"I've been playing 12 years now and Wha&'• more, be'a gonna mate
my career is drawlnc to a cloee, but Wasbiacton a wlnoer."
I'm happy lo get an -.,Jty lo MIDY other Redlldn players are begll>
play for a man lite blm," 1.a y 1 the niDg to believe the ume way u
!4-year-okl quarterback, who came to Jurgensen. Lombard! talked the only
Wi1 be !mew bow, IJke a 1rlnne1-. as
aoon u he picked up the Redsldos•
reins aod bis oplimfam obv!Olllly aplJlled
over lo bis playtn1, · IDOll ol whOm he
hasn't even 1poken with }'el.
·The Greot Healer' hU· admlnlotered
lhe firll shot and II ....., lo be laidnr
heaullfuJly. Tr.wt him lo be(ln workln(
&be vlCclne lnto)their b1oodstrea1n more
vigorOlllly the lirsl lime be hu them
1111 together and who kDoWI by 1>0Jt
January. -le may be 1a1kJnr about
I be Redskins the eame way they were
about ~ Jeta last January!
Lombardi already baa made • .,,..
chang,. and there'll be others for sure.
. ' . ' l!OME OF TllE BRUINS -UCLA's brand new track and field slad·
ium wU1 be dedicated Saturday when the Bruins host a relays meet.
The nln .. Iano Tartan \rack Is an exact replica of !he one built by
Mexico lor the Olympic Games -even to the co1or, which is red.
Ex-Badger AD
Ivy Williamson
Killed in Fall •
MADISON, Wl!. (AP) -Ivan B. "Ivy"
WilUams011, !ired as athletic director
at the University of Wisconsin last
month, was fat.ally injured Wednesday
night when be fell in bis Maple Bluff
home. ,
A spok.....,, al the Ulllvel'!ily no.pita!
said Wllllamson, 58, died ~rlly after
being admitted with "irreversible brain
litem damage."
The D4M County coroner . ruled lhe
death wu accldental, ·but said an to-
NestigaUoo would continue.
Coroner Clyde ~ber1ain Jr. said
Williamson fell down the basement stairs.
His wife called an ambulance..
A former star player at Michigan.
Williamson coached at Ya1e and Lafayet~
t. College' before becoming he&d football
coach at Wisconsin in 1949.
Conaldered the man who rebuilt the
Badger football fortunes, WUUamson; in
seven sea.sons, led Wisconsin to a tl·lM
His Big 10 record was 29-13-4, and,
in 1952. t l e d foc the conference title
and went to the Rose Bowl
In 1955, Williamson became athletic
director al Wlscoosin, sueceedinf Guy
His 13-year reign ended abruptly Jan.
10 when he was firtd · following two
~uccess.ive winless footbaD seasom and
an athleUc department deficit.
12,000-seat Stadium Irvine Frosh
Bruin Coach in Orbit Rack Up UCLA
Over New Spike F ac1lity 1: .. :~~.?f~hm~:~!al,
Jim Bush, former Newport Shores resl·
dent and now head track coach at UCLA,
is a man not to be excited by anything
other Ihm aom<lhing of the first order.
After all. when you've per 1ona11 y
tuUred babes like Elke Sommer and
D:ireen Porter, taten in a pair of Olym.
pie GaJJll!I and been to Europe, you
tend to become blaise to everyday oc-
Therefore, you naturally take notice
when Bush shawl unusual enthusiasm
about anything.
To say he's enthusiastic about UCLA's
new 12,000.seat track stadium and tartan
running ovaJ would be tq say a m&J)
who has jus&. had his salary doubled
is pleased.
Bush claims the new facility is almost
as dauling as Miss Sommer.
He po Int s out that it (the facility)
wlll greatly enhance his recruiLing efforts
against the other schools -especially
despite the fact lhe university has DOI
yet accepted it from , the contractor,
it doea figure to be a ncruH.ing bollanza.
With this year'a state high school meet
scheduled thert, Bu!lh shouJd have the
inside track to a weaJth of talent.
This Saturday's Show may be a liWe
shoddy becauae the seats and public
address system are not yet in. ·
* * *
CIF nmmlllloner Kea Fapu hu
received a nmplatat daa& Eltuda mp
may have flolated nrtmmll.g rule1 and
told the 1Dqulria& woman te follow up
wUb a kt&e_r polatlq oat what the
alleged l.l.fractlom are. , ·
Fagua aay1 It 11 the ume gaJ wbo
dltected bla att.enUoa to Corona del Mar's
Along tbole nme llnes, COila rite.a
IDgh bu I01t Zl cl lb nrimmen for
1nvltational1 ind CIF meets because
n.1e1 were broken.
* * * c::-ment on Tarbabes
From Lane Blank :
team came up with its second superlative
effort in as many nights Tuesday evening
when the Anteater frosh demolished
UCLA's freshmen, 92-66, in Crawford
Coach Tim Tift's team is now J~.
going into Saturday night 's game with
the Westmont frosh at Santa Barbara.
The Anteaters h a d only a siJ:-p o i n t
halftime lead over UCLA Tuesday night
but at one point in the second half
had a 32-point lead over the Bruins,
now 9-5.
Irvine shot SO percent from the Ooor
and wu given substanUal rebound sup-
port by Bill Moore, Bill George and
John Strock. Guard Gary Fox scored
18 points and fed oU for nine assists.
Twenty-Io u r boon earlier, the young
Anteater! had beaten the UC Riverside
freshmen, 80-Q, in an eqUally impressive
UCI P"rnll Ir.II *• ft ,, ,, Wl\!19 42310
Moor• 7 1 2 16
O--i11 4 J J 11
Fo• 66311 ei.uer 1002 Wa11.,,,..n 3 2 1 I
~ ss•1s Vltlr1 o 2 o 2
Jack11111 o 2 • 2 Sll"lldl 2 2 1 6
E••m 0212
UCLA ,rnll UO
R11!11 Sdlw1rt1
Fl'lds Plrrd ......
• J 2 n I 1 J 23 s 0 ' 10 J • j 10
0 2 J 10
• ' 2 ' I o I 2
0 2 2 '
Tol•ls » 21 22 t2 Tol1ls 21 2' 23 " H11ftlmt scor1i UCI Frosti 4, UCLA Frwh ».
Sports in Brief
Rlibl -the RedlklDI ~ Joldld doom
wlll1 olow·movlnl, lard.J>eamed jlooalln.
How loo( do yoo think , tllol • pins
lo cOoUnuo -Lombardi! ' • Wllal happened lo the JlMUlna In 1-ecent ye.an actually WU DO ., ~·s
faulL It cui 1111 be blamed •· ll>m-blrdl's predl<>e.,..., Ollo Graham.
'lffe gave JSO perctnt," ~µrpnsen.
"He worlled hml but be dldni have
the nect""'1 ezperi..C. In ~I
foOtbeJL He WU a glal ~· and
a great i..der of .... l!ot ... of
lilt coaclllng experience ,,...with &ll4lar
teanu. WaablI!lloG neecfed. a illrq<r
Is Baseball
NEW YORK (AP) -The major league
players' boycott shows s o me slgm of
cracking, but not enough to keep thtir
representatives from rejecting another
pension offer from the club owners.
A number of name players, such as
Pit Jarvis, Tom Seaver, Jerry Grote
and George Scott, !laid Wednesday they
would report to spring training,
And owner Francis Dale or the .Cin·
cinnati Reds says thaJ 's just the begin·
''The real test of the players hasn't
come yet," Dale said in CincinnaU. "I
can tell you there are a Jot of players
signed and lot more ready to. We really
haven'& tested r.1arvin Miller's control
of his men."
That brought a response from Miller,
the executive director of the Major
League Players Association.
1''llli.s proves it is all a stalling lactic
to try to break the A.s.wciation wide
open," Miller said in New York.
Earlier in the day the player represen-
tatives had overwhelmingly turned down
the latest proposal by the owners tQ
hike the pension 81.2 million to $5.3
The Players had rejected a previous
$1 million increase by a big margin
and Dick Moss, couru;el for the Associa-
tion, said player representatives did not
think the new offer significant enough
to submit to the membership. ne Association is asking a $6.S million
penfilon package.
MoS!I also said a few players were
expected to report to spring training,
but reaffirmed the Association belief
that the great majority of playen, in·
eluding the big stars, would not aign
contracts or ·report until the dispute
is settled .... , · ·
But am6'ig"'"'tflo2-who were signed
up today was Jarvis, AUanta's top pit.
cher last season with a 16-1.Z record.
Knuckleballer Phil Niekro, a n o t he r
Braves' starter, indicated he might
report within the next few days.
"l suppose the other players will be
clipping th Is story, putting it on the
walls and throwing darts at it," Jarvis
said at Atlanta's camp in West Palm
Beach, Fla. "But I am ready to go."
Niekro said he came to West Palm
Beach to get a head start "and that's
w h a t I am going to do. I probably
won't sign for a day or two because
I want to see how it goea. But l am
not going to wait long."
However, Braves' sluggu Hank Aaron
stuck with the boycott
A naUve of Pralrle Depot, Ohio (now
Wayne), WWlamson has served as
chairman of the NCAA Football Rules
Among the players he developed at
Wisconsin u coach was Alan "The
Horse" Ameche.
Bush also believes h1s Bruins will have
great advantage by working out on
tartan. "It's easier on a runner's legs,"
he says.
"When a man runs all week on tartan
he re.coven: quicker and his legs don't
get as dead as they would by practicing
on hard surfaei! tracks."
"Your comments on t be in~
appropriateness of Compton High'•
Nickname 'Tarbabes' Is interesting and
provocaUve. Due to the possible racial
connotation, perhaps the name should
be changed. ·
"On the other hand, some of us
oldtimers recall that the name is the
dimlnuUve of 'Tartars,• nickname 0£
Compton College -which until this
decade Included the high school.
Tucson Open Begins;
WIN $12,201
ARCADIA -Bargain Counter and I've
Bin Spotted. two long-sbota piloted by
apprtnl,lce Rudy Ro.YJes, won the flnt
and second races Wednesday to produce
a record Santa Anita daily double payoff
of $2,440.20.
The fonner high daily double was
$1972.40 registered Jan . .C, 1!168, when
Mendy Joan and Gedmegal won the
first two races.
Bargain Counter, winless in nine 11~rl.s
through 1968 and the early part of this
year, led from wire-to.wire in the first
ract, tallying by rive lengths In 1.11.4
over a sloppy tract. Across the board,
he paid $68.40, 134 and 117.60.
I've Bin Spotted oulfinished f8Vtlrtd
Fleet Deb In the aecond race and return-
ed m .40, $13 and $8.40 after racing
the slli furloop In 1:11311.
Jlrn is as excited about his upcorning
season as he is about the stadium and
track he just inherited.
"We'll surprise someone this year. The
potential ls there. Our goals are the
same as they were two years ago (go
undefeated in dual meets, win the con-
ference and NCAA)."
"Our only weakness ls the hurdles."
Some weakness that b ! Bush u a soph-
omore named Wayne Collett who ran a
{4.9 for the 400 meters lut season and
also clocked a 51.2 for the 440 hurdles.
Collett is also capable or runnJng under
14 seconds in the 120 hlgha:.
The "Bruin boss reveals that freshman
Paul Williams of Huntington Beach Is
a glistening prospect. Williams ticked
off a pair of JlteUme bests Monday,
turning the 6IO In 1: 19.5 anil Ille 330
In 35.5.
Paul will continue to run the 440 and
Getting back to the stadium, which
wlll be used Saturday for a n:lays mee&
"1\1ultisport of the Bay L e a I u e
Tarbabes (tMOs) was Edwin "Duke''
The Los Angeles Rams will play their
rmal 1969 exhibitjon game at Anaheim
Stadium Saturday, Sept. 13, against the
San Francisco 49ers, the club announced
The Rams had opened their prHeason
schedule against New Orleans a t
Anaheim for the past two seasons, draw·
ing 26,000 and 29,000 fans.
In making the announcement, Ram
coach George Allen indicated he woWd
probably treat the final warmup gamo
as a league game, starting all hll
Under Way at Bay Club
al 0000 Friday. H•11 he preceded hy
Davis 1 .. mm•t<s Bob Lutz, Ari Mil•
and Cbarlea Puarell at I, 10 and 11
The other two lale Davis entries art
Joaquin Loyo-Mayo and ~iarlcella Lara
of I.ht Me1ican team.
Here's how tourney director l!ugh
•Stewart hU oeeded the linalt• COin·
pedUoe :'Art AIM. Smith, Lub, Puartll,
11 o y Barth, Tom i_..r and Rlcbanl Leach. .,
Whlle I h e singles field II r I ch wllh
talented performera, the most ucltemen~
m11y be provk:led in the doubles com-
petition, where Loyo-Ml,)'o and Lara will
probably meet up with the Smith-Lutz
Stewart says Smith and Lutz rightfully
own the tiUe of "workt'1 IJ'Htell doubles
tuiil" a/let lhe1r riclory 11 tl!e U.S.
NaUonals al Fqrest Hills, be.allng the
pros lo the '""'*"
Loy1>-Mayo and Lara won the naUonal
hardcourt champlonablp two month& ago
al La Jolla. "
Ceneral ·admb.slon tickets, priced at
$3. will be on aale dally at the tourna-
The Smith-Lt.Ill duo Is seeded first,
ahead ol Albe and Pasarell. The Lay,.
Mayo • Lan lelm 11 lhlnl -and fourth Is ~ Roy Barth • si.ve Tldblll1
IGngs Host Bobby Hull
TUCSON -Golf's younger brigade
takes another swing at t h e blg money
with the opening today of the $100,000
Tucson Golf Tournament. '
jack Ewing. Leny Ziegler, Jerry Ab-
bott and Jim Wlecben were among
thole figuring prominently In the Pboeni%
Open last week and thert are a host
of others in the 144 player field to
challenge the stars.
Still most of the interest here «nters
on Gene LllUer, the tournament winner
at Phoenix with 263 and leadlnc money
winner on the tour this year at $48.038
and defending champion George Knudson
of Canada. ..
INGLEWOOD -ne Los Anrt.lts
Kings, wbe reed rectrrd woekl pa&
'1lel!I la a dan wftll the old SL Laofa
Bueball Bmraa, meet *e ClillClgt Blatt
Hawks and Bobby ·R11i0 II a National
Hockey Lupe matdl •t tile Fonun
&oelgbL ' .
11le Kl ... llllfftted their Wr4 -1111"
lot1 away lnlm 1'ome w-, alp~
bo"""' .. t1le Mia--Blan, 7-4, detplte F.d Jeyal11 Ut trtct. .. .. ..
BERKELEY -Flllttft of lhe world'1
lop proressionall,. lnchtdlng Corona dtl
Mar's Rod Laver and BJDle Jun KJnc,
will compete starUng SUnd•y In the
$16,500 International lnvll1Uonal pro ten·
nts tournament at the Berkeley Tennis
On Monday, Tuaday and Wtdoetday
nlfhla, acUon wW lhlft lo tba OHiand
Co1""1m Arel!L
Laver Is seeded No. J In men's alngles
followed by Australians Tony Roche, Ken
Rosewall and John Newcombe.
Among the women eompeUnr in ad·
dlUoo lo lop-eeeded llfrs. King will be
Ann Hayden Jonea of Great Britain,
Francoise D u r r of France, Rosemary
Casals of San Francisco and Althea
Gibson Darben, fonner national and
Wimbledon champion who is making a
LOS ANGELES -RookJe Guard Mtr't
J1cbon won bo< praht and u.e ban
came u tile Lot Anrelea Stan kal
Dlll1u lll-UI Wednesday alpL
Ja.U.'1 17 pofnll ud beD b11!tfot
prompted Stan' eoaicll BUI Sllarmu to
tmn t11e perfwm..,. "the hell by ay
p.ud 11 W1 league at botb e.U ol
lite coari" for aa enUte aame. .. ..
Harold "Lefty" Phillips, wbo !di tho
Loi An1ele1 Dodgera u a coach t1
join the Calilomla Angels u their dine>
Wr of player personnel, also win tervo
as a coach for the Angels, it was an-
nounced today .
Phillips Hrvtd a1 an Interim manqer
for lhe Ood&•rs when mlllllier Walla:
Allton underwtnl 111T1try.
The club opens camp at Holtville Smt-
day and 35 playera are expectt:d. The
t e a m i1 achedufed to move to Palm
Sprlnp Mnch 1.
The Anitll alao dl1clo1ed lhat ..... , .. ,.,_ Hank Agnlm, l<qU!red .. ..
Ille Lot Angtlet ilodgtnl, bas -lltlll l lo lht Chicago CUba. r ' . ------
SEA KING DRIVES -Steve Leech (31) of Corona
de! .Mar shoot& by Magnolia's Dave Murray for a
drive at the bucket during Wednesday night play.
Leech scored 17 but his mates were dumped , 53-44.
Noon Retains
Huge Scoring
Race Margin
· Saddleback College's one.two acorlng
~punch of guard BUI Noon and Mentor
Marc Hardy comtinues to hold down
the top two spots among the area's
Junior college basketball scorers.
·.'Noon, who has been the top Orange
O:>ast area srorer since the beginning
of the season, maintained his average
at 19.f.
se-sctrt111 11111111c1
IHI Noon, ($JCl ~f.c H1rdy, ($JC)
Miii• Fl1MrlY, (OC.CI
Mar1C Miiier CGWC)
01v• Pr1thtt, tGWCl
'1t1ildy Llwnnct, ISJCI
, 'P'N1 Joni•"' COCCI 0411t M1r1ln, !GWCI
H1I &ord, (SJCI ~"' Klndl!ofl, (OCCI
•rl•n Arnbrorich, (GWCl Shiv• J1c:otrwn. cocci
Aid! !illdt1lm1ler. iOCtf
"'""' Md:lrlln, (OCCI ltilldv Olson, IGWC)
M1r1t c-btll, (GWCI
AlllA JtoblfllOll. (GWCI
Rkll Hlf'ffrO¥t, COCCI
llldl Merrlll, !SJCI Dr.ti Hl nlll!f, COWC)
Steve Turley, (OC:Cl
Div• P1vn!tr. (GWC)
Tim SIYl11r, tOCC)
Gre111 S_.on, (SJC)
P1ul Kotdlk, iGWCl
Jatf S..111tnt, (OC:Cl
M!t.e Winier, (SJCI
!licit "'I'°"' CIJCI Alllll JOl\MOll. tGWCl
Merk Sl11tn~'. (IJCI
ONn Sklrmlr, CSJCl
o P'O l'T T1'
26 1'1 110 !GI
26 161 SJ 315
7$ llf 92 l70 ,, 120 ,, JCl7
24 12, .!5 303
2• It' S1 2U 2s HJ !t ns 25 ,, ll 211
76 106 St 271
15 113 G 261
19 124 55 2U
25 '' 6l 231 2s n n 221
2S 110 to 100
24 '5 51 111
2J 11 J<I U6 ,, u a ,,,
2S 60 l2 ln
l'S•XtU )• s:z 21 12'
2• " " 127 22 50 ,, 11•
11 JS J7 101
7129 2711
21 26 16 61 n 'n ••
11 ii 1 n
10 ' ' 1• • $ ] 1J
• 5 :z l:Z
OP SCORIR -Saddleback
_,College's BUI Noon conUnues
..-lo-lead area junior collete bas-: lltl!>all 1COrers with a 19.4 av· ......
900 Feet to Center
Orange Coa,St Diamond
Dwarfs Fields in Majors
Depending on whom you talk to,
estimates on the distance from home
plate to centerlield on Orange Coast
College's new baseball diamond range
from 'lSO to 900 feet.
It's doubt!ul that any professional
player past, present or future, let alone
a junior college hitter, could whack a
ball cut of the Pirates' field .
Orange Coast's field is so big it dwarfs
every major league park. It's arowid
420 feet down both foul lines and that
'*"'***•········*' JOEL
distance is farther than the distance
to straight.away center in 12 big league
The deepest center field fn the majors
Is 461 feet over monuments of Babe
R u t h, Lou Gehrig and Miller Hua:gins
in Yankee Stadium.
"Only 4$1 feet? Oh, that's just a long
single in our ball park," dys Orange
Coast publicity man Don Jacobs.
Ruth and Mickey ManUe, who have·
hit some of the longest home runs on
record, wouldn't have a prayer hitting
one out of the OCC park.
Mantle poked a hom er th at measured
562 feet In Wa shington's old Griffith
Stadium and Ruth once blasted a ball
out of Cincinnati's Crosley Field that
was estimated to have traveled Hi mil es.
The Bambino hit that one over the
right-field f e n c e and on to a moving
freight train. Several hours Jater a
workmen foun d the ball on a coal c a r
16 miles from the ballpark.
* * * Fullerton Junior College basketball
coach Moe Radovich ii hoping to get
the Hornets' final Eastern Conference
Ho.i.'net Wrestlers
. Top GWC, 22-16
Golden West Collqe'1 wresUln1 team
dropped Its flnal Eutem COnlettnee
d u a I meet of t h e season to FUUcrton
Junior College, 22-11.
However, the Rustlers' 1J7-pound slat
IUll!ujl NeTlo remained tmdelealed ln
EC actJon with an easy dedlloo. ,....,.. 1111 0'1 Gt-. W9lt
11S -rntJ(fl 173 -"'rt\' !O~,-;: .,. forfa!I \~~Cf die.~ m1'iu.
lU -Ot L•llrrt (F) dK. Ola-tltc 1owc1. 7'l'st -v,~111.,.11 (I") lfcoc. V1lblrorftt (GWCl, ...
I* -ll""'9I {GECWJ Mt, T1H !1'1, lM.
111 -Glt"1t9 (~ -bJe'· U( -flleilfth t lff<", IG~iJt M. "'-'=• ,',r.:./ ::'\l~1r•.-...
basketball game against Golden West
College moved up a couple o~ days.
The game is scheduled Feb. 28, but
the Hornets will be playing the next
night in a challenge game to earn a
berth in the state playoffs. '
Radovich is worried his team might
be t i r e d against an as y e t unltnown
opponent with two or three days resL
Fullerton will play the champion of either
the Pacific Southwest, Western State
or Desert cooference and those three
clrcui<s wind up play next Tuel!Clay and
E.rpanaion Vrged
Speaking of the 1tale playoffs, Ute
state athKdc committee sltould look bate
the poHlblB!y of llaldlai Kparlle larp
ud small school butttMl1 tovaameatl:,
similar IG lhe football playoffl.
At present there •re 11 conferenoet
Ill the llllte and oaly eight berlhl Ill
the playofft. That means Uiert wW be
tbrte cballenge 1ame1 prior to the
VIKI.er tbe present playoff l)'llem,
every C1>1tfennee, Jqe 1Chool abd uaall,
11 rated ilq1al ud .. second-place ieam
II eUglble for the slate tournament
Obvloutly, an tbe conferences artn't
of equal ttttnttll. A ease In point -
the Goldta V'1.ley ud Metropolitan
College of Sl11;ty..,. wtlll a U..1% ..-
rtt0nl wlD be la Ille playoff• uleu
Its loaes • cballeqe.1ame.
11N1 Metro nee II udeclded wJU.
three of &be 1lx top.rated teams la
lhe llllte -cerrtl<ll (JS.J), Loni Bt1cb
tZMI and Puadena (IM) -1UU bat.-
Uin1 for league tiUe.
Two of U:loae teams w1a 't be la tbe
it.ate toarname1t even UlolP tbeJ' an
stronger 1hu 8Ukfyou or eldtu of tbe
Central Coaferuce's two po 1 111' I e
reprettnt.Uv!, Rucock (ll-7) or
Porterville (13-11).
Ctrrllot and PUadena, fDckleatlJlr,
baiUed 11 tile finals lat year wldl C....
rttos wtutoe, IMI.
Nest yur die Dl1Yoff1 wlD be na
more C091eded Wit.ii &be crutloa ti(
two more conftrmcel II &lie ....w..d,
Lbe SoalMn Callforn&a Ctafere1ee ud
lhe S..111 Colll Cool-.
The •late ollllelfe eemmtu.o wW lleld
Us allllUal eoaveadoe La coajaactlon wltb
tlle at.ale touraamaal la FresDO March
M u4 9Mhlng: woaltl be man. Umtlr
t.haa 1 decision to Mid separ•M: 1.ar&e
ud 1mall 1Chool toarnamentl bl 111't.
Jaycee Baseball
Ontllt C9elf l~I
, ...... ~. II J I t t
lllMl'Wlt.t, .. • I I I
•rrM!'.l'b J t t• ••ltn,lf .,,,
1'1~1.1b •ooo itenfrom.. Cf J I I t ~IOtr!, rl J l 0 t
1'111nitr, C J I 1 1
Duft'MrHr, " J I t I
TOl•ll '° J I t
Mt. 1M (ti
•• ,llrtl
111•-d •110
OHlll'.U. "' • 0 I I God'frwv, r1 J I I I w""''' lb ' l 1 t JelttiMl\o H J t (I I
trtor1. "' 4 O O I ~l,Jlt Jt1 1 ~1tr11·-• .ii I t I I
l"'*H1, 11 I t t t
l'rlk!'letl. ,. i I t t
:tblllll, , I I •••
ToOll '2 4 J J
Thursdq, f1bru11y 20, 1969 OAILY PILOT !J
Loses w· Magnolin California
All-Star Tiff CdM Seeks Title
In Tonight's Tiff
Near Reality
Uthe Oaklond Dtocese Cllholle Youth
OrganiuUon can obtain NCAA approval,
California will have !ta flrll aU..iar
high school ballteiboll game llliJI own-
Of .... C.ltt ,..., lltff
Corona del Mar Hlgb11 Sea Klnp can
clinch a share of lhe Irvine League
b!l'kelball championship by knocklna off
arch-rival Estancia in an I o'clock duel
al lhe CdM gym.
The Sea Kings were in, out, and
back In first place Wednesday oJaht
as they dropped a 53-44 verdict. at
Maa:nolla. 'Ibat defeat put them a game
off the pace set by Loara.
However, the latter was jolted by
Costa Mesa to throw the circuit lead
into a snarl between Corona, Magnolia
and Loara -all with 7·2 records.
And since Loara L! at Magnclia Friday
afterpoon at 3:15, one of those schooll
wW be a co-champ with the Sea Kings
-lF the Kings can fend off UD·
predictable Estancia.
Coach Bill Bloom's Sea Kings were
vlcUms of bad ·shooUng and the of-
llclaUng by I.ester "Bus" McKnight and .
Jack Pickering in the lcm to Magnolia.
And It was the quesUonable calls by
~ two that did ·the most damage.
Several Umes Magnolia players knocked
8efl Kings to the floor. then ran over
them without any call made by the
However, when the Sea Kings were
guilty of petty offen,.., the whistles
sounded loud and clear.
Tbe loss of 6-<I John Doelz with 52
aeeondl left ln the baH was the mdllt
crippling blow lo Corona de! Mar. Doeb
wu blown out with h1a flfth nit-picking
foul charge.
Mapollo e11ploHed Us superior height
of M Jan Adamaon and 6-5 Dave Murray
and they combined for 33 of the Seollnels'
Corona bad aped off to a lU lead.
But the Sentioell erupted for eJgbt quick
points the first M seconds of the second
period to take a lead they never werv
to lose, although Bloom's chaps did even
lhe count at 21-21 later In the stanza.
A four-point play with 7:50 to go
In the frame seemed to be the turning
point. ·
Magnolia hit tlO percent from the noor
white CdM nalled'31.l percent.
The Sentinels built Into a 43-31 ad-
vantage early ln the last period. But
the Sea Kings fought back and were
down 44-39 with 4: 19 to go when they
turned cold.
steve Leech paced the losers with
17. c.,_ ftl Mir f44l ,_,
'"""""' ... ,,
'• ft "' 111 ' $ ' J1 2 J s 1
0 J 2 l
J • J 10
I I S l
2 0 l ' t I 1 a
Mltlllll# flll
Murr•1 "~~ Adi nu on .... ..__,u
fl II !If 1, 1 I l lJ
O It I O 2_ 14 2 11
2 ' • ' I I • J
' l 2 II o ..
trl.i!I" Tof1fl 14 I' 22 ~ Tol1ls 1'211'"
klre '' Qwrfwl • co._ ft! M•r IJ I II lJ -u
M1tnolll I II lJ 12 -SJ
Coolident It will get the IP"'"" llibt
from lhe NCM, the Oakland CYO Is
going ahead wJtb plans for the game.
lo be played at the Oakland eou.eum.
Arena. The tentaUve date ia June 27.
The Oakland CYO's Paul Gaddlnl, the
game's arganl.zer, says a 10-player all~
star squad from Nortbem California will
take on a Southern ouWt in what be
hopes wW become an aMual same.
Panels of sportlwrlters from the north
and 80Ulh will &elect the learns, '8
well as the coaches.
The all-star teams will be housed at
either St. Mary's College in Moraga
or at Cal S t a t e (Hayward) for eight
days prior to the game.
U it comes about, the game would
give high school basketball a state au ..
11tar attraction like football bu, w!Ut
the annual North-South Shrine football
game at the Coliseum In Los Angeles.
The players wlll be all seniors and
they will be chosen not only by tbelr
ability but also by cltiienship and
sportsmanBhlp, Gaddlnl aplalned.
Stuck on 72
Greenville, (Pa.) high found 72 to be
a lucky number. In ita first four gama,
It beat Lakeview 72-52, then Saegertown
72-53, Lakeview once again, 72-48; and
then Conneaut Lake 7Ut.
D Ys onIY 3 a turdaY nfgbll offer Ends 58
NEW TREADS mlir1ads onsoundtiis bodies
* phit 27¢ to 46¢ Plftll'I Estllftll«f ,~ Ex. Tax recovery (dlpendlq ori ....,
•nd ~la tire' at tt. ..,. U.
• You get the nme famous l'Old-
arlpplng typo tr.ad detfp
th•t come• on out new car
"Power Cubicm" polJ81ter
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7J5114 17.50114> 7.75115 t&.70115) 7.00113
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Phone 4-LAGUNA
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Phono 642.0010
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~· DAILY PILOT Tluarsday, FtbrUl'J' 20, 1%9
-CM Shocks
Loara, 61 -53
01 ... O.ll'r f'llM llltt
It wu said before I.be lrvlne
League basketball a e a s o n
started that Costa Mesa Hlgh
School wouldn't set the leagl'e
on fire. But it was also said
the Mustangs would knock off
one of the big ones sometime
during the campaign.
Wednesday night co a c b
Herb J.J.vsey's host Mustangs
did just that with a stunning
61-63 victory over front-l'lll\-
ning Loara to knock the league
into a three way tie with
one game left on the agenda.
Mesa, with a dismal 2-7
league mark, burned the Sax·
ons where It hurt -the of·
tensive department where 6-4
Ralph R?dington, Loara's 215-
pound forward, was held to
a measley four points on one
field goal and twoJree throws.
Redington, who was harass-
ed all night by Chuck Yerkey
in Llvsey's box and one
defense, was able to connect
on only one of five shots from
Prep Fives
In Action
For many seniors, tonight's
Sunset League varsity basket-
ball action will wrap it up
for them as the regular season
concludes in Orange County's
only AAAA basketball league.
Newport Harbor will be put-
ting the wraps on its season
with a date at Huntington
Beach and Westminster in·
vades Marina for a finale for
both clubs.
And, ln the Irvine League,
Corona del Mar plays host
to Estancia.
Crestview League action,
with sill more games left ·
on the agenda Tuesday, has
San Clemente • Tustin at Foot-
hill High and Mission Vieja at
Laguna Beach.
All games are set for B
Huntington Beach's Sunset
League champions have the
CIF playoffs to look ahead
to--while battling to keep their
flossy league record intact
against Newport Harbor.
The Oilers have racked up
an amazing 40 straight wins
in circuit action, 13 Utis year
and have but Newport left
for a second consecutive
undefeated Sunset L e a g u e
In the Irvine League Corona
del Mar is in the CIF playoff
picture. Estanica, however,
gets one more crack at the
Sea Kings in hopes of knocking
its rival out of the title
with an upset Joss.
the field for the entire game.
Yerkey, operating man-to.
man on Redingtot& while the
balance of the Mustangs maln-
brined a four-man zone, bad
his finest defensive game ever
and completed the night wilh
lS points to share high point
honors with mate Gregg
Costa Mesa had stunned the
Saxons with a 12-polnt margin
at the half but the inv~ders
from Anaheim stormed back
in the third period to knot
the score at 44.-all with Jess
than three minutes left in the
However, Llvsey's quintet
refused to fold under the man·
~man defensive pressure ap-
plied by Lo'ara and went back
into a quick five-point lead
and, for all lnlent and pur·
pose, that was the game.
Loara began t a k i n g
desperate shots lo catch up
while Mesa continued jlS
operation of looking for the
good shot while controlling the
tempo with excellent ball-
Preston Spellmeyer sealed
the Saxons' fate with seven
out of eight iii the lourlb
period at the gratis stripe.
Also in double figures for
Mesa '':e':'e Bob Austin and
Spellmeyer with 10 apiece.
Rain Ruins
.JC Agenda
Continued rain and 'l'.:e:
fields caused the rescheduling
of two Eastern Conference
baseball games and the EC
track and field relays.
The Golden West.senla Ana
baseball game, originally
scheduled for Tuesday and
postponed again Wednesday
now ia slated for 1 p.m. S"'tur-
day on the'Don diamond.
Orange Coast's T u e s d a y
baseball game with Citrus now
is carded for 3 p.m. today.
The EC relafs have been
set back until 2 p.m. next
Tuesday because of the in-
clement weather. The meet
was originally scheduled this
A third baseball game, this
one a non-conference contest
between Saddleback and the
OCC farm team, was postpon-
ed Tuesday. A new date for
the game hasn't been set yet.
Sailor Cee Swimmers
Qualify for CIF Finals
Newport Harbor qualified
four Cee relay teams for the
CIF relay finals to be held
Friday evening at the Belmont
Plaza Olympic pool.
The action, he1d at the same
location Wedne$1ay, saw the
Tars' 6x50 freestyle, 4150 but·
terfly, 4itoo freestyle and the
4x50 medley relay squad!:
receive berths in the upcoming
final s.
John Wilcox, Jay Farrer,
Kevin Ashe, Rick Snyder. Jim
Smith and Kevin Charles led
the 50 freestyle team to 2:32.2
clocking and a first place
Also winding up at the front
of the pack were the 50 but·
terfly foursome of Wilcox,
Ashe, Smith and Farrer in
th e time of 1:53.1.
The 100 freestyle{ swimmers
wound up fourth in a 3:45.6
time. Wilcox, Farrer, Ashe
and Snyder swam in this
With the top eight finishers.
qualifying, Newport's 4150
medley relay team just barl!ly
made it. Snyder, Smith, Brian
Porteius and Charles swam
the distance in 2:00.0.
-----------. ,
7Jf !3055' Tl/l.AN'S Mf l!rlPKOV/N{f; /JIJT TllfY
I snu. LACK 77/AT Cff(TA/N Z!/'16-111 'II/ff fl/TS
' b
.. ' '' .. -.
TWO FOR ERSKINE -Costa Mesa H igh's Gregg Erskine (55) muscles · by
Loara's Steve Bristol (45) for a basket during the Mustangs' 61-53 upset win
of the Irvine League leaders. Ralph Redington looks on. Erskine scored 16 for
the victors.
Get 4 for the
Newport Beach
Costa Mesa
475 E. 17th St. 646·2444
Huntington Beach
16171 B411ch Blvd.
8 e.m. • 9 p.m.
---'--"'-'C:: ___ --~----
_o~!n Valley Fight s Off
Determined Eagle Bid, 58-5 7
By GLENN WlllTE !or Founlaln Valley to again
or."" ca.a,' '"" ,,.,, give Kasstr what appeared Fountain VaDey HI gb to be ample breathing room,
School's Barons capitalized on 5341,
accurate free CU-Ow shooting, But Estancia stayed in
superior bovd strength and tough. Williams nailed a layup
. better outslde &booting to nip with 15 seconds le!t then Orgill
Estancia'• Eaglet, 5 8 • 5 7 • got oil a perlecto from lhe
w.mielday afternooo 1n Irvine corner with two seeonds on League baUetliall battl~ 1--· ••• Coach .JQba Kauer'• win· 'the clock to s Mi• u.,; gap
---------. to 58-&7. However, by then time had
~1~ run out on the game comeback
~ try.
il: Estancia led only once in
5'J the game -2-0 on Orglll's
ners had rolled to a 41-28
lead, in the third period and
seemed to have_ the situation
well In hand.
But coar,h Bill Wetzel's hosts
went on a spree wfth Skip
Williams and Ultle Gary Orgill
leading the assault.
They reduced the gap to
54-51 with 51 seconds to go
and were still down by three,
56-_53, with 35 seconds re-
maining. ·
Then Steve Hatch came up
with two vital free throws
JV Basketball
,._t1i11,V1IW, fnl (JI) lbla111:la
Sh•w (IS) F (U) Hesler
Power (19) F (6) Zelsclorf
LYl'ldl (I) C U) ThorMi
Aklet ($) G {11 Jalln'°'1
Rll'rnond {1} G (5) Kai.tr
Scoring subs: Fountain V1llev -Kr!1tenetl 7, Goo!Jlcar 10. Alltv 1.
Theraurtt 6. E1la111:1-au11er 10, Fr!•
derdort J, Miller J, ThomPSOll 2. H111t1me: Fountain v111<1v 2'. Esta~
e!!a )l.
16-foot bucket.
The third quarter -when
the Eagles shot only 16.6 per-
cent from the Door -was
particularly damaging to the
hosts. They wound up bagging
39.7 percent of their field
goal!, thanks largely to a hot
fourth period when they nailed
seven or their l t buckets frcm
within ili !eel of lhe basket.
Fountain Valley made good
M 36.! peroolt of iJa floor
attempts ..
Williams (19), Dave Smith
(12) and OrgW (11) led the
Estancia olfense.
Two Barons hit in double
f i g u r e s with .Hatch can-
ning 17 'and Gary Redmond
bagging a dozen.
~=mim"' J 11 i 1 ~ Ollf1-l ' I Redmond ' ' 4 1 12 ~~=-' ~f~~ Ve~ll 0202 Tol•1t 11 l• lt 5t
' 1 3 l 7 s ' 19 , 0 l '
' 0 s l t l 5 ' 11 ' ' . 11 15 19 $1 SWt ,, Qualttl'I
Founltln Valltv 16 " 11 11-51
E1tanclt 11 12 t 25-51
2 for Shock Absorbers 169l . ............................ --__ ........ fNRt .... ,....,
..... -..tort .... ........,. .. ,..., .... .......................
VINYL TOPS 74~~ • C11--...11.,4 k' lt1yc1 1ped11ilh "''
-1n ... lllf, • f i-.....,.,., /'."'""' tobrlu. • C-_, ..... wlttl .,;.,, wift4•• 1114 .......
MUFRERS 11 9~ • ••Ill M -,_ .... •1 ........ 4 .., ltlTCI op1elellm .... , .. , .... ....i. .• ( ... i!»IN. """ ti ll:1yco'1 ""4Cffln....,•.
STEREO 59~ • c-i.t., ;.f:'.: ....... ..., ....... ..... .,. ........ _......_._.,_..,
.................... ~. l:qlart
iNtlllool""" ...........
BRAKE RHINE 16'l • f rM life If -...... A,._._f.
• Qwiity Iii!: ....... 114. • Die "'"k• .. "k' ...tie e1 • 1-llM ..t.111' ,_ -·· CUSTOM
RECOVERING 19~~ • h•lttlll•• • ., l eyce """iltlah 'l'lollt ,.. •
....tdl •• o -"""' • -d-·-"--If """• ...,-. "'""""' & t.••ln """ ......... ""111.
FREE ~:~~:s woarH '21
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• E IWs IATCO •200 E 5 lhl1 RAYCO •500 5
: Couptll wo11h • : Ctuptll wfh : • • • • . .._"' ............. , : : ~ . ....,........ : 5 2 SHOCK ABSORBERS : : Convertible YINYl TOPS :
• W;ttri Tllhi c.u,... YM,.., 14.ft : : Wifh tfith c..,.. Yn ,., •t.ts : • c...,.. Not Vellf Afflr h .. 22N • • c-,.. Hof V•ll• """ ,.., 22H • ..............................................................
=-····························~ .•.•....••......•••••.•••••.••• 5 this RAYCO $200 5 5 this RAYCO •500 5'
: ctupon llOlf1I I 5 COUllOll lflllh I ' • • • • . ~ ... ~... . . ,... ....... ,_.._.,. . 5 RELIANT MUFRfR 5 5 4 & 8 TRACK STEREO 5
• w~ 1'Sis C.11,.. y .. ,., t .t s • • Witli tw• c..,.. Y .. ,., S4.tS :
• C..,... Hit V11W1 Aftaf ... UM a a ~ ttat YeJM A"-M. 22114 • ............................... .. .•.•....•••.....••.........•• .............................................................. i tllls RAYCO '2" 5 E tis IAYCO •500 =~
: ""81 wd : : '""' wrth I . . . I 5 aRilE'"'RE'Liia 5 a cusfoit'RKO'vi1NG ~ • • • • Wltt!TWIC..,..Y .. r.,14.n• a• WlttitWllC:..,..Yffhy14 tS i • c...,.. "" ............. ,. u.. • • c...,.. "" ............. ,.... iW ', .............. , .............................................. .
,._ o,.a ·• .... "''.,..I M-. a Fit. °""" ...,, "tll ..... .,_WM.'tlf,.•.
, ... ~ s.t.mt.,) ·-".,, • NO DOWN PAYMENT
2860 Harbor Blvd. Phone 540-0170 '
( . .._ . ..,. ..... .,..., .
1695 W. Lincoln Phone n4-l416
Area Prep Ba·sehall at a Glance .
Coro-clel Illar
Corona de1 Mar'o bueball
fortunes -upeclally In lhe
early cotng -bang on th• ability ol someone to fill lhe
g1p in pttcbtng white lhe
basketball season lingers on.
The Sea Kings, wllh a berth
wrapped up in lhe upcoming
CIF MA basketball playolls,
have four baseball playei.-s on
lhe cage squad including two
lront·llne pitchers.
Steve Leech and Chris
ThOmpson are the chuckers
while Kim Wilbrechl, an out-
fielder and Dean Wieae are
the others.
Coach Tom Trager has four
lettermen returnJng for the
baseball club and Leech and
Wllbreeht are in t h a t
The others are Ra Snyder.
who will be used at shortstop,
second bue and pilehlng and
Don Snyder (no relation), a
junior catch~r.
Up from the junior vlU'Slty
are John Palmer, 'Lury Berg,
Al Saia, Bill Mayer. Mike
Euell, ~Stan Crippen and
others that Trager I s
hopeful of helping the club
are Thompson, Bill Ward,
Keith Samuels and John Kelly.
Costa /lfesa
Early predictions for Costa
Mesa High School's varsity
bueball fortunes in the Irvine
League ~ ~ nibuilding year
for tbe Mesans. ' With l1lOI! of lhe squad gone
via gradu8Uon from the defen-
ding loop champions, coach
George Selfridge is faced with
coming up with several
replacements off last year's
junior varsity team.
. Only five returning let-
termen are bact, but three
are pltcben,
Tht bio of htrrlers are Bart
lllnsley, Joe Knight a n d
southpaw Dave Barton.
Dan Clark at shortstop is
back and catcher D a'V e
Edwards rounds out th e
returning quintet.
-The rest of the posilions
appear wide open with 100
candidates currently vying for
the three classes of teams
-varsity, junior varsity and
·~Ive relurlllllg··lettlrmen in-
cluding two .!OO'pln1 hitters
are bact for coach Ed
Wynkonp's Estancia High
School baseball team with
i;om Bullard and Bill Powell
leading the list of returnees.
Powell, a .350 hitter last
year, was named to the second
team All-Irvine League team.
Bullard, who hit a .328 clip,
Is eipected to be a starting
pltcber for the Eagles alter
pisying infletd and s p 0 t
pitching last year.
Bob Cornuke is back at
catcher, Dick Durante at fmt·
base and the ouWeld and
P.Owell is at third base.
' Pete Pyle is the other
returning monogram winner
and he11 be used in the out.-
Comfng up to help out from
the junior varsity are Gregg
Powers at catcher; Clay
Mahoney, a pitcher ; Steve
v,uere, an infielder; Mike
Shaughnessy, an infielder and
Mtke Lemke at first base.
,Wynkoop hopes to lighten
up the pliehlng 8talf this year
and is stressing fuodamentals.
Changes Set
ICoola Mesa Country Club
officials will soon begln mak-ii!g changes on their Lake
course in preparation for the
1969 Haig National Open in
Cktober .
. Present plans Include the
eJtenslon or several lakes
closer to the greens, the ad·.
dltion and relocation of
•eral sand ' traps and plan.
ting of more frees·
.i,AJao, the club will re-seed aJ1 the fairways. lfhe plans came a b out
filowing a recent inspection
ol !be layout by Professional
G9Uers Associatipn officials.
trhe city of Costa Mesa has
a·~ive-year contract with the PpA. The innaugural touma·
ment was held last October
al Mesa Verde, to allow lhe
" Mesa CC course more
e to mature.
The Eagles were 6-1 last year
in Irvine wgue hostUllies..
Fn11t4llt1 Valletf
Three ttlurofnc leliermen
pilcllera give Founlaln Valley
Hlgb Bchool's vanity baseball
team a solid shot at the Irvine
wgue title this yoar_
Ken Davis, Jay Stanley and
Gary Valbuena are the trio
for coach Al Tyson, and seven
other lettermen complement
the pilehing corps.
Back for another year's
service for the Barom are
catcher Bob Wilkenson, first
baseman Tom Boyle,
shortstop Les Hen, outfielder
Doug Walker, Dave Clarkson,
outfJelder Duane DIUle a n d
infielder Keith Arledge.
The latter two are currenUy
finishing out the basketball
Up from the junior varsity
and given excellent chances
to move lettermen out of
siuttJlg roles are outfielder
John Carroll ind infielders
Mll<e Hicks and Mll<e Rol)erts.
Mike Shimaji, a sophomore,
ill the No. 1 third baseman
so far for T)lsoo's outfit.
Tyson Usis overall team
slrength in the ~Hting depart.
ment as his biggest worry.
Mark Allegrezu, last year's
All·Irvine League catcher, is
a doubllul returnee alter suf.
fering a knee injury and
subsequent operation during
the foothill season.
Allegreua was lost for the
basketball sea.son. also. .
Buntlngtl>n Beaeh
Only three varsity lettermen
return for coach Don Walker
and his Hunllngt,on Beach
High baseball club iD the rug-
ged Sunset 1..ague •
Greg Ruiz, an oatfielder,
Bob Ryder at th1rd base and
Chris Berg, a shortstop, will
be the three mainstays Walker
must build around with junior
varsity and transfer players.
Coming up to help from the
JV are J obn Moudy, an out-
fielder; Randy Cantrell, an
outfielder and pitcher; Mike
Symons at second b a s e ;
catcher Dan Moats; John
McQuon at first base; pilchers
Tom Joliet, Gil Banagas,
Jerry Horvat ; infielder Pat
Murphy; and Mark WhiWeld,
ap infielder who JIL!Y_ hf: mov·
ed around before the start
of Sunset hcmDltles.
Dan Maurel, a transfer from
Domlnguez High, could work
in at a pitching spot.
Youth and inexperience i!:
working against the Oilers for
the upcoming season and
Walker admits his club will
be in tough against the likes
or defending champion
Westminster along w l th
Anaheim, Western and
Newport Harbor.
Huntington Beach figuw; to
have fair balance but no ffi.
dividual standout like since-
graduated Bob Wickersham.
Wickersham was an All-
Sunset League and AJI-Orange
Coast area choice at fU"St base
for the Oilers last year.
''We'll go just as far as
our pitching tai:es w. We've
got three of the best players
in lhe Crestview League but
the: name of the game Is
pitching,'' says Laguna Beach
High School baseball coach
Norm Borucki.
Borucki claims three of the
best ball players in the cireuit
in pilcher Steve Shapard, out-
fielder Doug Schmitz and in·
fielder Greg Kessler but points
out that It will be the pitching
department that will make or
break his squad 's chances of
vastly improving last year's
2-12 mark in the Crestview
Other returning lettermen
for Borucki are Dave McDon-
nell, third baseman ; Steve
Palmer, an outfielder ; and
Blair Bollas, a pitcher and
Up from the junior varsity
are Denny Schmitz, Doug's
younger brother, M a r k
Sizelove, Mike McMurray,
Rick Farr, Larry Harvey and
former frosh player Ron
Schmitz, Shapard a n.d
McDonnell made All·
Crestview last aeaaon.
Rf.I Gardner, a transfer stu·
dent, I! expected to help Ule
Artists and Mike Abbey Is
out for baseball for tbe fll'Bt
Seven seniors dot t b e
Laguna Besch &quad. Top In the -· tO last gam! of
threats In the league are Villa the seuon to plck up lhe
Park and Orange. Borucki fJ.._.,, win.
Up from lhe JV are Jell
Mallnoff, Steve SchoetUer,
Gary Fosler, Mll<e Plernlag,
BUI Sevltz, Andy Blanton, Ron
Martin and Paul Holmes.
looking for a big year at
Laguna but notes possible
question marks at' catching
and a 1pot each in the infield
and outfield.
Returning varsity baseball
lettermen are scarce at
Marina High School bul pro-
spects are brlgbt for the Vli:es
in the , upcoming race for the
Sunaet wgue championship.
Coach Ray Allen has Alf·
Sunset catcher Vince Moll
back as captain of tbe team
along with Mike Willick, a
left fielder and Buddy Moen
at short.stop.
Mark Cresse, who played
some varsity baII in the out-
field, is up from the JVs.
Other junior v a r s i t y
return e es are Dave
Klungresetter. a pitcher; Pat
CUrran, a pJtcber and out-
fielder ; Dave Campbell at se--
cond base; Paul Fleming at
first; Mark Kotch and Tony
Cresci at third and Steve Ben-
nington at second.
More returnees t\!'e Rick
Saeman, Ken South and Ed
Anderson. The latter two are
catcher candidates but may
be moved elsewhere in the
/11111 .... Viejo
Only three seniors on an ta. man roatet and one senior
in U.. allrt!ng nine etvea
MIU!oa . Viejo High a highly
promlslng future in Crestview
League baseball action.
Coach Harry Hilke has eight
returning lettermen in the
fold, ·
Smtth lists calehlng, infield
strength and overall team
dedication as the plus signs
for his Sailors but adds lhat
pitching depth could burl his
club's tJUe chances.
Bean and SchoetUer will
have to share most of the
pitching chores.
San Clemente Only returning monogram
winner in bia final year is
Tom Gardner, an ouUielder. Pitching is the big question
Others coming back are mark at San Clemente High
tm Dennis H School where CoaCh Tony Sis-Rudy Ho es, an-ca's Tritons gird for Crestview
naford, Val Moreno, Mark League hostlllUes.
Meredith, Mike Gray, Steve With ambidextrous Jeff
Haum and Dave Peavy. Ousek graduated, Sisca 1 s
Up from the Junior varsity baseball forces face tlte pro-
are pitchers -Tom Berce and spec\ of opening competition
liOphomore Doug Citro. Other without a single pitcher with
JF returnees are Gary Dicks one inning of varsity ex:-
and Rieb Davia wblle transfer ·
Hugh Leather from Arcadia. ~:k: going both right.
Aris., I! looking £ond at third handed and left-handed pitch-
base. · ed '" 1' s Hilk he bopea his cl b ... near.., every game or at1 e &ay1 ~ Clemente last year.
can make a g~ showing In Now it's up to Bill Allen,
league compet~t1~ this year Glenn Tswna and Ruben
but adds .that 1t .is next )'~ar Paramo to fill the big gap. t~at he 1s waiting. for with San Clemente has five
virtually the entire team r~ lettermen back in-
underclassmen. eluding the infield.
lineup by Allen for their hit· Newport Harbor High
ting prowess with Moll's School's baseball coach An~y
presence at catcher. Smilh is high on his club's
Five underclassmen can-chances thi!J year to the
didates for pitching duties is Sunset League with aeveral
lhe key to lhe Vikes' attack. outstanding players from last
steve Dismang at first base,
Scott Osenbaugh at second,
Robin Reschan at shortstop
and Bruce Jones at third form
the nucleus of Triton hopes.
Leonard Beller, a transfer year's team back to fortify
from Huntington P a r k , Sailor hopes. ', •
Klungresetter, C u r ran , Bob Leavy returns at thlrd
Andersen and South are the hase after being selected AJI· ·
five th8t Allen is working with Sunset League as a junior
for hurling positions. and was namtd the most
Bruce Boyle returns and Sal
Lomard.I, a non·lette:rman, are
expected to help in the outfield.
Coming up are Conrad
Steiner and Dan Cludy, in·
fielders, cat.cber Tim Wright
and outfielder Gary McKnight.
Richard Wrl&ht, a transfer valuable player on last year's from La Mirada is also look· edition. The pitching ltaff that car-
ing good in pracUce. And, Bob "•-•, a catcher· ried the Westminster Lions AD his lub I ot ....... 'r to the Sunset League baseball .en s~ys c . ~ n outfielder, the most improved cbampoMhip last year is back
hurting in any particular 1 play'er last year is back. again for coach Frank Munoz
phase but adds he has no Also returDlng are Howard and rivals are saying because
glaring strength. He lists ~ Struble at second base All-o( that the Lions must be
PQll McCartney ore joined by
catdler Q-alg Weller and ou~
fielder WID McCartney.
From there the Westminster
' club must count on junior
varatty and vars,lty bench
riders from last year.1
Counted on to belp are ldlke
Haynes, Curl Dedrlck, Doug
Milne, Steve Buckland, Craig
Plott, Dennis Mack, Jerry
ClendeMing, John Hogan and
Mario Sanchez.
Jesus Sanchez, a fteshman,
has a good shot at first bue
according to MWIOll
The Lions lost the aervlces
ot Gary Neumann, wbo ts con-
centrating on. weightlifting for
football and track and field·
Munoz' prime concern is his
defense and admits his ace
in lhe hole is lhe oulstandlag
pitching that Bane an d
McCartney figure to give lhe
Lions in their run for a second
straight league title.
County Aces
Vie at Lions
Several Orange County·bas·
ed dragsters will be shooting
for $6,000 In prize money
Saturday night at a funny car
championship meet at Uons
Drag Strip in Wilmington.
The list include!! Jess Tyree
of Santa Ana and his '69 Pon~
tiac Fireblrd, Dave Beebe of
Garden Grove in a Dodge
Charger, Ray Alley of Garden
Grove in a Barracuda and
Fullerton's Andy Clary in a
All of those drivers have
bettered 190 mph and will
be out for the 200 mph battier.
Anaheim, Westminster aod , Irvine L e a g u e a,; a considered lhe teain to beat ~estern as the teams to beat ' sophomore; Rlch Warner, an for this year's title. L CALL 673-8650
ID the Sunset clrcuit. outlielder; Ron Troyano, a However, despite the return
Mater Del shortstop.ouWelder ; Steve or two starting pitchers, the H & H INSURANCE
I .
23-hour tire event
Friday and Saturday Only
This will be an unusual and spectacu-·,
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tire centers, You will find exceptional
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need-blockwalls, whitewalls,-tube-
less, conventional treads.
Sorry we are not able ta accept phone
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will be mounted free of charge.
Visit any of our auto centers for your
share of tire vaJueJ, R,member, aur
tires aie engineered for Ul by one of
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HUNTINGTON BEACH, 192·llll Hanley, also d,oubling at short Lions have only four returning ex HILIOT11:o,• _ c-..1·., Mir
With people since graduated ~and~~ln~the;~ou~U~le:ld~;~•:-nd::_~v=ar~sl~t~y~l~et=lerm~~en~. ~~~"!_[!~~;";"';"'~"""~""';'.;"';' ~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ like Joe LePage, Orange I· pitcher Denny Bean. Pitchers Eddie Bane and
County player of the year,
Wayne Schrader, currently at
USC, Tom Walsh, now at 'Cal
State (Long Beach), plus other
mainstays Mike Peg~, Pal ·
Carroll, Mike Morgan, Mike
Sweeney, Kevin Williams and
Dan Keon the upcoming
season for Mater Dei High
School's baseball team is not
as bright as coach Bob ·
Wigmore would like.
Add no practice . field and
things take on a grimmer
Renovation of s c h o o I
facilities has pushed
Wigmore's nine on to the
asphalt and most of the prac-
tices will be used with wind
sprints and chalk talks.
Only four returning let·
termen return off last year's
16-4 team.
That quartet comprises the
infield with Ron Muniz at first
base, Jay Hassler at second,
Bob Warbington at shortstop
and Dan Meyers 8.t the third
base sack.
After that It's up to last
year's junior varsity and non-
Jettennen to fill the spaces.
Wigmore Is counting on Tom
Linnert and Gary Simpson In
the p i t c h l n g department,
catcher Larry Gable, pitcher
Adrian Witt, Bill Kramer, Don
McMahon and Bob Haupert.
The Monarchs play thelr
home games at ~emorial
Park in Santa Ana.
Witt is the only pitcher with
varsity experience, and that
isn't a great deal to apeak
of. After suffering a leg in-
jury, Witt went four innings
Pro Hockey
Montm l
Oeln:ilt T-• Cfllc.tltO
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0.lll•nd :n 2t f 53 15f TU
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Plttaburfh 12 37 f Jl 131 lM w .. _.,,..,._,"
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p1111burt11 a. 11a11on o
II. Louil J,, Pllllldelil'hle I
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Cllltl9o 11 '-" -"'"'"
The.lowest priced popular pickup with• &-foot box. An inside as soft a5 the outside is toii&h.
New Chewy l.olgbom for bjggest camper bodies.
lynn Hart HART' 5 John Hart
You ccm't match it. Becaiqe only a Cbnrotet
pickup con tally tblo list of adv .. ..,. that
add up to more value tor your lnv..tment:
Start with Ct.ov,. pickup at,1"-modAlm. bold
and~ tba ...... t"' tho llild.
~-1.u!Jnr double-wall oteel In Tito! cab and
~~more, much -. (Lib tba ....,
Lonabonnnodei, fint and only pickup deo!ped ....maJIJ for camper duty.)
Chevrolet Value Showdown
Add mome unique Chevrolet ftatunl like
nuoothest pickup ride, tba .-ft of lou"1 coll
1prinp et ell four wbMll on moll modele.. ,
Pfuo th• =-or bmky welt e and VB enst-o .in any.popular plcl<up. And
Y ou'U 'find it all at ~ OhmolA doalor1
-everythlna that ..U. ~ tba matchte9
choice for work or raMtion.. BQJ now, whllt nn matdnr tbinp hottar than ..., for com· J*.lt.lon and bett.cr than ,.,., for 1011·
I .. _ ----~~~~~----·
, I
• I
I '
. I
' •
... --.._ \
14 DollL Y PILOT
Crestvi.ew Wrestling Finals Irvine Loop Officials CIF Cage
Go· Easy on Barons ~ ... ~.• ~~~ By _ ·~--.. _ ... ,,, •• li ..... _,
'El Modena Wins Loop Title
• Irvine League olllclab showed a lot al
clau wheo It WU rulbd that Fouolaln Valley
Hlgll 8Cbool'1 track and field team would
not suffer the automatic loss or nlne points
In eoch league dual meet because al the
banning of the discus oo the Barons' campu1.
The Huntington Beach Unified School
District does not allow the e.vent and1becata
of that ruJe, Fountain Valley.;10Bt,a meet
to Estancia last year by , a single. JOOlnl
after posting an eight.point mug;.' over
the Eag)es in the balance ol events. •
Coach Floyd Strain of Estancia, aiDce fllOYo'
ed to Samoa. called it a "hollow victory,"
So, in the ruture, Fountain Valley and
.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..
~ Edison 'High School will not
bt handicapped in league dual meets because
of their district's ruling:
'J1le d.i3cua, practiced by the other five
6Chools in the circuit, hr not an. ofiicial .
CIF event.
However it ii an official state.event.
"J1:1e discus will be thrown and scored
In all meet5 not Involving the Huntingtoo
Beacb District lcbools and will be pro-
grammed as an . eml.biti<i'I lwben Fomdain
Valley or F.dlson ""'·'!>' vq;&g team.
The league finals are anbther matter. The
dlscul will be thrown and 'countod and Foun-
tain Valley and ·Edison will limply have
lo lump it for the lack of the event in
thelr own district.
The vote was unanimous at the league
From the viewpoint at this comer it ap.
poar1 the league has done the rlgbt thing,
especlalJy consld<ring the natuno of the --sporis;'
' .
--~ ••A•A N•u-"• of Ill wr..U~ Into CIF ao-polnl The lit-pounder It! his -A9our• or S.rrt. Ynq •f Hert Gf ...,. • ....,_,,.., ..... U . ' I In th nd {011 ).I WO<t1rN11 ....,. · oo. · -opponen eacape e ~o 1,, _ Gtrdeil (O) OK. ,,m,
Goll ... Contry a11t darlna • pndlef; """" .. °"" .,,.. . El Modena ft!....,. 10 QJ. Its Der!. Kopenhe{er and Jesse period and then was unable (Tll $-3
round. ' ~UQIC:.'"'.tt~....,. · ' U, wreatleri'~tbe CJF Hernandez . both pick~ up to gain an advantage in the m:Zs CTiit~ fVPI 11ec. cum-
·--~ •··-s-~ Jw fl ~--1.1~ .. : ~ ""-~ ..-11-. u ll '"""_,all com aecondJ in tbe. cbam, pi·.--• tp finaJ round and lost. 1.Q. ~\"9 ""'f"'J' llU.. \If: •~111&1g 1(1'9111 ""• t'"'"'""... ~ " · ""8'> (MMi.llM Ollfltltl! leUermea IMd" to .cUDenie &tailcla'i CIF ._. Tedi M peUUoa in the · Crest+iew acti<Xl. Kopenhefei' WIS' the ..A.. " -LYnct. cvP1 'dee. • JiNJr1•t
...i-..a.&.. HltlMt t.te Lea"'•e f.lna1s beJd W--'-"'·"'ay vlcUm of a declsion in the * W 'R !FHll ~ cUJnr--'I" team. P11D V...0. or C.lalot bT9 "" ~ JM -aoslltft (VP) pll!Md Hnrllt
..... 1.--•t.•-a.11 0-411111 M at El Modena. 136-pound group as vi a s c111"'''"iM• DIY1•1e11 1011 1,35 • Coroaa ,_.. Mar ~ aq u awuc&e, It°''' OM 11 Yl,ICQ V•lltY Hernandez tn the 141-nni•nd ,. -W90dl IE.Ml *· a1mn 115 _ ~ <EMI .-., Uo1t1 bfwevtr, wM CU top lbt. Saft!• ( .. ,. ...... OnJy grappJen 1n the J.2S. 194 daaa r""~ (TJ1 74 jVPl/ ~ ~,., .. "'t aDd be.aV}'We!gb& clules,will · 106, -Slocum (EM.I d«, er°"l"' in -H1111hes NPI •· Hoitt Mike ReHl ICOltMI Ids Wrd ltole4tMJne A be m'I • 1 • n g ~ I h •-"--·-lation bracket 1T11 1:i.o · • IEMI; ,.,
I I --• I M Vltde Coutry Cloh. H U.... ....,. ~ "ucu e 10 "1C ~ 1:io -H"YI !VP} llK. W1~er .. W-• ... e v d J-F-·~-1n RJc• ·-···-··d wa~· .. ~,· .... -8ell (FHJ llec, AODin-Aia.c..ci.,. bY, __ • .JI anguar I IJWlUl ......... .. IWIU.... ... J~ .... 7 (Th w Ultd a fOllNroe for tbe • .,..,.,,.Ha )tole. ~lltolll 9t ,,._ ValJ-SabJrdav afleinoon flll' Sager Of the TfitonS earned '' ltJ' -' l4iorltl (Tl pinned Jolln,!olf l3' -Dbl: (VPJ dee. l,,llll (O)r
V1l"1 Christ ... 11 p~ ,..,... ...J J t.-L.-10> l " ..
lllndlo i-t.~ •• , Olamlnlde the prelimlnarlea. • ua-w:J bl the prelims by j ;.., UI -Hu lon (TJ ' dee. .Norm.,,
111-lllOnd ....... """-V•·-·~ by wtnntn 11ll-•..s.:--th1rd p)ace ~ts. •>13111 -Ntft (FHJ de<. Slocum (EMh tOl; 1-$ aret,.,.. 11 Hotlr9 DwM 1uc ""'6 .... _ 1 • g at.t;UWJt wr-14 -worslev !Wl me; •~It
Edisoa JDP Schoo( •II! have a strong (115"11'19 ~ lndllf the meet, have auccessfully ~~.I in the , 157-pound (~3t; .,:2 Horlal (EM) dee. KOPMhefer tl/£1 '·: Allder-(5() ~ Linll
... •-•--for~-,,...,.0 r ••n~ ~--pl---t.• de.fended the Crestview circuit d1viskll muu Sager tn the 163-,,, _ w--''"' •-.• ,, ........ l (VPJi M ..,......,.-"""'r·-~ei-,t,;UllW _...p L111Mrtn bl'll ....__ vie'-"""'~ "" ·--161 -S.~r !SCl dee, SdvftlttM ta. vantt-buketbaD bt ltl flnt..evu wear r~., .. ..,,c~-avv,..11~ crown. '09' ....,,, were pounde!'S decisioned their op-(Sell 1.w fVP lr 1~ -~ J ........ '""' -followed in crder by Tustin, -ition. 1411 -Wnterprd (0) dee. SNl11,_ ,,. -WIPPOOI (Tl dee. llnOtrM and the followlq year cooJd Jaave a tide Amii.f.Mdor It VU'"9 Cflt1lfll1t 0r 8.m. CJ te v· r-(VPh H !FHI; 1·1 hi ILi gup. ;:;;,rs P'::. ,, ttoltYll~ p ange, emen , illa Dan Cbemottle of coach 151 _11totitm (EM) plnnld Slil!Mloff 1,, _ Ad.Im• IVPJ dee. Qltll'IClflll ....__ a..umant ,1 ..,_ ark and Foothill. Jack Bohan'a grapplers, miss-1oi1 1:s1 1sc1: 1~
1wit'1 tlte conclulon one ,, •• -1.-.. _ Boron ,, Dfflll .V•I..., "--Cl .. .;._._ -:n --.1 I-·· ed t berth b 161 -Bixler (EM) clec. S.v!<'t HY -W1tlcr' (0) t>ll'llllllf RNllrwll ~ w~ •~ •-~~-,~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-•_:..:w~~.:::::_::~=...:::::_::Oll=-~OD:_:a:._::::.::_:~Y__::On=e:__~n~"~M:_~~~~~~~~·='"='~''~'~:_~~~~~~ rtveaJed tbt Bmttlag&oll Beacb Bigb1S all• I
powerfol Bee team. w~ racked •P a !1-1
mark for Ute year, will matrlealate to F.diaon
in the fall.
11re five atarten and nine of the 1%
1quad memben are due for tbe move.
. Spesklng al BuaUnpo Beach ba1k<tball
-the Ollen ripped Santa Ana Valley by
a comlalaed score of ~ta ht the four
dJvjslou tut week.
1'e vantty-woa 114, the Bees 103-Zl,
the ·Junlor vanity tM1 aad the Cee1 romped
Coacla &my LeicbUried of the Bee ttam
clalma two of bis freshmen are capable
of ataffla&. ne ODen' only Joss -to TasUn
came la die oPtnitll game of the season.
~jlt wu eart1 and I didn't know my
penoael weU enough. We'd beat them by
40 U we played again," says LiecbUrled.
* One wonders what the odds are of watching
two successive high !Choo! basketball games
in which each test ends up with five
' No Money Down
• JI would al>O appear that the varloos
First it was Westminster's incredible 97-95
thing over Newport Harbm" and then the
following morning, on the tube, Beverly Hills
whipped Pioneer League foe Aviation, rl-91,
in five extra thteHninute periods.
' . .
• • '
• r· r ~
~ • • • -• • -. .
f t ' I
acbools within the Irvine League are a little
mare flexible than the Huntington Beacb
Unified School District.
* Fountah> Valley mp bu been quleUy
balldlng ap an lmpreulve streak hi wrestling.
. The Bvou )lave woa 35 of 37 daal meell
tlte past daree yean, ud are C11rttndy sport-
iq: ZZ wtu la a row.
FOWltaill Valley WGll its &ee0nd 1traigbt
lrvhte Leape UUe wlda roar seniors BlllODI
Ille vanity llarien la Ille 1J weight dlvl1lon1.
Countrr Cl•.• ROflaad•p<
Off the Area Golf Greens
'"''-c ... i Vern aad Rull< Schauppner
and Dmml Lipp and Bill
Scbluppne? combintd for a
net ii io capture the be~
ball of foursome event Sunday
•t Irvine Coul Country Club.
Newell and Helen Fall; Dick
and Cappy .Badbam and Ben
and Betty Huewlnkel; and
Dr. Howanl and Virginia
Willis and Roy , and Faye
George were playing with
Santa Ana
Action continues slowly in
the Sanla Ana Seni<n tourna-
ment with occasional rain
slowing the pace.
Rancho SI
Four teams ...,. tied for
-with 12. The quartets
were Diet and Pat Pleger
and Sherm and Lad,y Smltb;
Ben and Tay Oapmtn and
Dominick Tenace scored a
hole Ill ooe on the foarth hole
at Rancho San Joaquin 'lburs-
d.IJ, Tenace used a niDe-lron
for thr157·yanl bola.
In the 70 and over flight,
Henly Scbleuter, runnerup in
last year's event, wu beaten
by Dr. Jo!Jn Wehrly sis and
11 ... Bob Mamneld and Pt!e
lMf 9f -WI. CO\loflr lupM' al lllflnl. 811ct .,......... ,...., ..., llllft • ..tlltl ....... _.., tlhc
....... "" .,..,.. ..._. .... ~ •'-'11'11· •Ir C*llfltlolllne,, IMll. -.,. OftlUll. t""-1 111u.
SAVE $1050
'61 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE =-: _, ~ ....,,.,. ........ Midi:
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.... ......... T1lll •trtdf'r .,.. -•lllMllltl .. Ill ..... (IMtllNM, Clll'f .............
, ....................... ll'Wltlc flftllll"""' ............... tht .......... .._.=
... ......... ~ ..... Ulilllt .. t":": ..... ,..... *'• ·---""""' all" .......... ~LkYrrlJt
._., ,,.,.... --wtltt -lnltflor, IVtomltle ~-,.._ -' ,_,.., lfl' 'CWI""''"" fllll ................ '.., _.., .. ,....,... .............. . .
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GREAT NEW t.4ARK 1111,
51,.. a_. tlft!I• Ml' Df.,...,... ..,n ., fill ....,._
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Pollr WMtt fltl1'11 wtwl ll'llr...,. bM lntwklr, «11111»-
Id wttlt IUtO!nltic W..mlukln. rllllil & Meftr,
~ ............ ~ 1"11: .. '*-' wlnllllwt, ..
-y ,.... "9t, •ltlllHMtl. 1111 ''""""' ""'"'· IK'tW\' •Ir Clllltl, -...vttf\11 1 -ctr -ln•lfllll
t1t1·-LI '"""' T1"T1S. $3195
S.. Mr. H.T, ... 11111111,:r. .Pf at, w/~ ""'*" ...... :--......., . ,.,.,, fK. .... lpt ... tvtl ~ &H, ftl. "9 fK. llr, tlt'fMll I ....._ c ly fl"'lll. bf *18 -· )IOA 411
..... 'DI -NllM. 81WtlM OIM 'Miii flllllh _.1111 ............ ,,.. "'""""· Ii....., 1111111 ... "" __,, •••u ...... ~-.. lt&H, PS, Pl. r>w,
....., .. I. .,-.. *'·r •If CIMll. tit.~"'°""· Uri 11 ~ 1111V aa Clil!llrlll lit. Lie. .......
L .. 111 llllnllDll • 1u;m. IEJllRY' Nllll ___ ....,._,_..A-.., ., ......
't '
Because one BFG RADIAL can outlast two of our new-car tires.
Whitewalls Including Fed. Tax 10Cluding Fed. Tex °"""'-·-7.00-13 40.90 63.22 22.32
7.75-14 48.23 69.80 21.57
8.25-14 52.98 76.26 23.28 .
8.2·6-15 63.00 76.30 23.30
8.55-14 68.18 83.82 211~64
8.55-16 68.18 83.76 25.58
8.86-14 66.61 94.98 29.37
8 ... 85"15 66.63 94.70 29.07
.9.15-16 . 68.07 98.92 30.85
............. ,.... ......... s ...... w&. ,....., him T• II.IS "UR ,_ IMIW fh, SIM II P.G1 ,. •
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So BFG Radials roll easier. And yow car's engine doesn't.work so hard.
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e Also, BFG Redials h1V8 Oexil>M: sidtwelll for bltt• traction ind cornering. And
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BFG Radials are built with·Dynacor" Rayon Cord.·
40t.R*fnt:.~-u._,,,, __ .., .. •
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Guar a ntee .,, ........ _ .. _.....,. ... ... ..... ..................... _ --.. --... -... .... _... ............. ...... :.:;.:-e,-rrllllil•••-'..-
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l'90I? I I .... at•t..NIC-TV •
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1969 FIREBIRD .-19-69-, C""'!""fU .... ST-OM_S _____ _
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250 Cubic ioch overhead cam
~gine, bucket seats, wide oval
white wan . tires, back-up lites,
windlhield washers, head ii"
straints (223379l6ool96) .•.. -
: tHI 8Tt 2 DOOR
• ' • j •
COIPE ' ' .m ..
... • ,,t•
lllllEDIATE lllllVERYI
$2739 2 barrel 350 cubic inch engine, turbo hydnim•· ' · : •
tic trans., radio, power stee ring & brakes, heat· per me.
er, tinted glass, white wall tires, l>Kk up lites, .
windshield washers. (235379133.536) Wltt. Normal 1h Down
SO Hl~l IT (OMES. A Pont iac
bountifully errdowed with red·
·orange paint, ·blackened grille,
exposed headlights and a spoiler
(yep, 1 . spoile'r) running more
than the f\111 width of th e rear
deck, ind lociking every tough
inch of ii like older brother Billy.
HE~( (OMU fHl JUDGl. Tftt
for 41 mos.
Ready For Immediate Delivery!·
JUOGf -Ponti1c's special version ,,,_~
of tht car th•t started it all. A
40':1:..Vil'~inchl_I .. V'8h;·,l~ZI-,J.M\ ~MR ri~io: power s2. ·9. 95
steering.·Ra ee w e~ s. E o ass. em111n1ng Fae·
tory Warranty (A~04513)
new name, but also a new gamt
that's boun<I lo discouragt tht
ptrformance-minded competition
for many months to come.
$295 TO· $7000
/ ,. -
Oraigi COuly's Fiaest '66 POITIAC
· Sel8dioil of ONlily -1WCOUPI =T-=-.v.-?·=::;; STATION '1295 ,. -
BonNYilles & Cililius '63 CADWC
'DI. llAIDTill'
Cllemlel , ... :::'\:I' ,_ ~' :-:$
ln1i.:=; •··~ , DplliS & Bil Airs ,,, lonl,.., ... t7'l ~ .. M'dllMrll ~ ' ••
'1195 ~ (01lllfry S4aires
YW llSeS
65'1~ \66'$, '81 PL YllOUTH
67~s, 6fs, 4 DOOi
• n n,., -......1c. ,..., ...,.,_ l-
"'Willi Fldory' Air,
,....,. ci.i. -~ .... ~ WW-..t•. UUIC Ht.
6 & 9Pls~,· '1495 Joe~ l• lisll
'67 FIREBIRD '66 llUSTAllG '67 PONTIAC '68 Ponli1e· GTO's ~ llAllDTIJI' COUPE . COUP! GUllO Pill
ltNlo. -,,_,__ ~T ..... ...... 4 """"' ...... ,,._. ,._ ,.,
...... MlllMlk.E ........ s-. ....... tt::=; .... 'fti.. '"'*-.... iN. -.. -.. ""' '68 Firellirds 1't7. 9/r m,.., oku. Wfll'9 ,.. I t:;it ~ ,Qlro " ... w/'O!Klt l!"im. I LO 4.
1ar1 "'"""· u m . .:.JJr:-r ~~ --
'2595 $1795 r9!1tY. UVY .
·68 Firebird 358's '2495 -••. ~·~·l ~-·-·1 .,
68 Firebird 400's -I ' • • •
'67 PONTIAC '67 CHEYELLE '66 POllTIAC '68 ·Catalina's MAUIU GTO LE MAHI SPllNT V..I, lutDIMllc:. r ............. -....,._ V ... lutlm.l~C. rMlt, flt•lll". -· I-· '68 ilonlievf,lle's llldt llhif!, ...olo, hwtt•. TIU. l'llf. 1,,,, li"'-11 ..... "-"'"" lldrlrT -· Irle, Wl"l'I loP, 11""'911 91•1. libM'll< 111111 r......,. TZT di. Wf1ll oi.m tot>. IYC m.
~495-'2195 '68 Ventura's '1995 PLUS MANY
MOlll , 1961'•
~'. '63 POllTIAC '61 PONTIAC
yi.<>,, '· GWIDPlllX IONNIV\111 4 DI. H. TOP All . _ Priced
v ... tutMmfk ............. -·--V,t • ...-tic, -...... ~ c, ,,' '°'oe -•· .i111e br11<M. VW'I II mll9M. I•
. -
"-,.,,. ......._ •II' wl<l'llM•~•-11'. mt ....... f_., _ ....... UkV 1111. . Below Facfery , c;. •• IN. ""'11 ... -
•• cHCP ~5 '2795 . '
Invoice!· ...... -.. ~
Mondoy 7 A.M. t;\\ 9,00 P.M.
Mondey thru-Saturday 9:00 A.M. tiM 9:00 P.M.
Sund•y 9,oo A.M. 1rn 6,oo P.M. ,
Tn1doy thru Fridoy 7,00 A.'-'!. Ill\ 6,oo P.M.
Service Department Cloied Sit. end Sun.
. -.
. I
.3 Philco
:r Executives --' •,
Appointed .... ... "'l.'"'Three e·iccutlve ap-
'.t Jidntments have been ma~e >.et PbUco-Ford's Aeronutron1c -~Division.
·*' · Appointed were W i 11 i a in
,·llostelltr to director of ad-
.. VJU)Ced development opera-
• tlon; Wllbur '''· •lawley to :~~or of ordnance and elte4
·:::tro~echanica\ operation, and <-J.Joward F. Hoesterey to di<ec·' THREE 'IXICUTIV . APPOINTMRNTS MADI BY AIRONUTllONIC
~;~tar:of tbe marketin~ office. Williem Ho1t1tler '/iilbur W. H1wJty Howard F. Hoe1t1r1y -·~ liostetler succeeds Dr .-------------.,---_:.~_:. __ .:..:.;::..::::_:...:_:.:;.=::.::.:...._
:!"Harold II. Hall , who left the
· ·Company. Former director of
::.;the ordnance and elec·
' 'tf"ome('.banica\ o p e r a t i o ~ ,
·, 'Hosteller joined Aeronutronic ·~·1il 1961.
··~ j
Save on Taxes ':"'"'.. 3 '
:~;Hawley, former c hief
:;.,wl.neer for ordnance
, ; ~lneering in th~ ordnance
· 1md electromecharucal opera·
Chari'iy Begins , With IRS
• --tton, succeeds Hostetler as By SYLVIA PORTER
·director cf that cperation. He U you paid all your con-
has been with Aeronutroo.ie tributions by checks in' 1968.
: ''since 1959 and has been in you will have little trouble
.···a uumber of engineering and figuring the amount of )'CW'
: · ·_manufacturing management cootrlbuUon deductlcn. But
Sixth Circuit disagreed with
the Treasury and l:teld that
the correc~ value for a ccn·
trlbution of property wu the
price an ultimate consumer
would have to pay, not a
dealer's lower cf fer, • · posiilcns in space a n d what if ycu are among t.tte
• ; :.Weapons systems. mllllons who contribute .items This decision woulg__..justify
·' • Hoe.sterey was appointed cf pr'oJ>er\y to charitable. your $500 deduction in the
~1.~direct.or of the marketing of· religiOus, and other similar above example -but so far,
• .;:-;flee to replace William S. organizations -items .ranging the Treasury refuses to budge.
i.,. 'Henry whc was named dire~ , from 1 .ift of a _Rembrandt So, if you take the higher
.: --tor of marketing f(li' 1'ilco-to our more · hkely con· figure and your return is ex-
:" Ford's Electronics Gloup-..,itlJ .trlbuUoM ct. used clothing, amined, you may be in for
·~offices tn Washington. D.C. books, cars, etc.? a court fight. ~"':' •• 'If you 'oontribute this way, IF YOU MAKE a ton-
... -; t take fdr ·granted that you tribution in property, expect *~:_Stock Purchase know your deduction is the a Treasury examining agent ~· : prcperty's fair· markel v1lue. tc quest.ion whatever value
: -NASHVILLE. TENN. (UPI) But should that value be what -you put on the property ~ ~ Perfcrmance Systems, Inc ., you could ·get from a used (should ycur return be picked
fbrmerly Minnie pear I's property dealer for the item for audit.) Thus, you might ~·thicken System, Inc., has of· or the amount a customer try to get a written appraisal
'.fered to buy control cf Royal Would .pay Jhe dealer for it? from a reputable valuation ex-
••· easUe System, .lac., of, Miami. TO lLLUSTRATE: suppose pert before entering the
-a chain of 179 conveni_ence Y® give to charity an old amount of contributicn deduc-~·Jood and snack bars in the fur coat which cost you 11,500. tlon on your return and keep
. .;:jiootbeast, from the · Singer If .you tried to tell u to a. this to back up your claim. ~~·:family, for $12 a isttare for dealer, ycu"mtAr set ''250. Incidentally, the Treasury in
:'from &50,00l to 750,000. shares Yet, if yoo· or aomeono ellt effect pays part nr your ap-"~ Royai Castle. wanted to bUy .a uJicl co!lt . pralsal fee. It rules last year
such as )'O\ll't ln Ill' Prfsenf that you can deduct the cost
ccnditicn ; froJft the tame of the .appraisal along \\'Ith
dealer, tlW .price mlaht be your other itemized deduc· .. 1 .... Mlll l'Milllllftt
.. ',kfelll 1'!911, l'•rtftllt Mall ... ~
;. Dlver•ified Planning·
•• Corp. ... 16t07 .,, .. 11 ...
H•1ttlllf'•• ..... i~
$500. tions. b
•'.Po ycu inea1ure your oon: If you are a usinessman ~UO{l ot _the CQ&t u 'POO who bu ccntrlbuted office or
at '250? Wblle the Trusury ether tcrap to a charitable
ll)'S t,hat ·yopr .chf.rt~bl~, con-oraanlzation, you can, of
trlbutloa ta wcrth ""'• $250. COUl'le, deduct. 'lhe value of contrtbUten rtcelYicJ~ break the ICl'•P 11 a contribution.
from 'tbl 'eourta 1n-•. 1-t. •. The But the Treasury feels that ~:;;:::;;::;;:::;;:::;;::::;:::;:::;:::;:~~;;;;;;,;;;,~;';;,;~!"r,:;;;:;,~1 these Jtema bave been valued tbo hlgh In the past.
592 .. 5575 146 Ollf ·~
. I
Be warned : c x am In 1 n g
agents will check the claimed
value against the prices p!ld
by salvage dealers in ViiflOUi
~it1e11 11 lilted in 1alv11e in·
dU1tey trade. journall.
IF VOtJ ARE 1mon1
: :~ fly in . • . Drive In ·
• ..
. _,. ..
for vacation fun
11 ;JO
Our New York Mutual Funds Department Manager-Midtown Oftice
What io the record ol1h• Mutual funds? Haw well did they perform during the
1966 marlcet decline? How did lhoY rwcover In 1967-1968? Could th-funds
hlVe advantages tw the gll:!Wlh minded lllVHIDr-orshould he be cautiou1?
. To help yo11,deotcle, Goodbqdy Is holding• 1WCH11alon seminar d=ned to
·clear up q-lloneyou may h8ve about lheM mutual funds. Those ion1-p~marily for 1.-rs al~ flmlllar wltlt Mutuol Funds-will attempt to
probe Into area generally not covered by the usual Investment semlnars-
lncluding the lmporllitt.lncome 1nd growth altuatlono.
Whether your alm Is posSlble long~term growth of capital or higher Income,
or a conurvative approach, we believe you will find this advanced seminar
•. most ln-'ng.
the two-part lactul9 wlllbe held on -MCllllY• .venlngo, and 11 two loca-
Hons. Proepactus will be dlllltblll9d. ·
WED.·MAR.5 & lllURi.MAR.6
507W.Sldlllhet ,
(ZlS) 113·1020
MON. MAR. 3 a. TUES. MAR. 4
7:l0"' 9'.30 p.11.
Nf:W!P!IT IEACH omet
411Ul lllrdl .....
(714) 114N121
1'111rrrane 1or,..11d1 • 11111 It'• Ind •11•11 111lldl illnollln.
1:3 000£>!9P.Y. & co . ~ ...... ., ......... 0 5 .,, ......
NASD Ll11lng1 for Wodnotd1y, , ....... ry It, 1,.9
DAILY l'!lOT {' ·,
f:$ Wednesday's Closing
' -------------.
' ' '
l '
.:, ,u...J.--
~ fEERLESS POOCH -WeU, s11nost! Snoopy ·ap-t° pears in "He's Your Dog Charlie ,Brown"·on Ch~·
:: nel 2 at 7:30 tonight Charles M. Schulz's "Peanut~'
'; gang, which appears in the DAILY PILOT .conu<:
.': section daily, romps through the animated .color
· cartoon, too.
Come Often
By CYNTHIA. LOW.RY ! NEWYORK (AP) -The awards progt<illi of the
;. Acader,ny of Pro,fessional Sports. '11'.ednesday ni~ht
• on NBC kicked o!f the statu .. g1vmg s"llson with ~ sotri·echint'thit 100\fed like an a1atmibf. iD.naVation: t The sponsor Tan a conun·erclal 'between· ea~h cate·
t gory.
l However, after dropping in four during the first t half hour of the live show, the pace slowed to only
I two during the second half.
. SINCE THERE were· but six professional sports
involved the lavish lacing of sponsor messages was
only mildly interruptive and annoying. It would be i· a real bard.ship for viewers if the practice spread ~ to the Oscar or Emmy shows where.there are wbole-
t sale categories.
t The professional sports awards held f~r the
l average viewer the same appeal as the movie and
·.· TV awards shows -a chance to see the stars in
acUon. It was amusing to note that most of the ac-
,. e<optance ~cbes of basketball, foothaU andboc.key
J'. stars sound'ed uactly like those of th(! mo~ and
' TV stars~--' Ibey thanked their teams, wi1boutwkom ~ they nevir would.have made it. · .. ~ i · JOCKEY JOHNN.Y Longden, accepung lbe i . ra'cing award for absent winner 'Angel
( erO, diew one of the evening's biggest laughs
~ lien lie thiuil:e<I the · horses,. without whom the
r, ey cou14 ,not .have made it.
~ Each Category had one show business present-
~ er and lwo of them -Raquel Welch and Charlton
t. Heston used the occasion to drop in plugs for their ~ curr~nt films, which somehow diminished the cer~
~ monies.
\ Perry C<lmo was the easy-mannered host. The
?· program started out at a very leis urely pace. At one
t· point, Jack Benny and Sam Snead were involved
;: in a long golf story. In fact it w~nt along so casual-
~ ly that most of the final 20 rrunutes moved at a r. g-allop in order to leave time lor the final commer-
~ and get off the alr on -time.
~--THE FACT that the show was live made it pret-
f:. tY uneven, but it still should have pointed the way t. t<> some improvements in the over-long and often
~ confused Emmy and Oscar sho~s,
~~ For one thing, there was ·a ncrnonsense method
used in which the names of the nominees were an·
nounced followed by very brief fil m or tape clips
~ showing each in action and then, with no further
:t ado and fussing with envelopes, announcing the win-
~ ner. ~ i. Denny McLain of baseball's Detroit Tigers wa s
1t elected professional Athlete of the Year as well as
~ top player ln the American Lea·gue.
~ BOB GIBSON of the St. Louis Cardinals won ·t the National League nod. Jn football, it was Joe
~ -Namath of the New York Jets for the A.FL and Berl
; l!orrau of the Baltimore Colts ·1or the NFL; Bllly ~ i:asper was picked for golf; Wes Unseld of the Baiti·
> more ·Bullets for baskethall and Bobby Hull of the ·~ Chicago Blackhawks for hockey~
l , The winners were elected by their colleagues 4 and competitors except for the athlete of the year, J. wbo was voted by sports writers.
Iv Charles M. ·Schub! r.~.m::-~~~~.:s!'._""'.'!'~~~-
WHO'S llrl A. WINNI NG~/'--
~TREA.K, L~~li'.V ~
. F.J ·1~
•RY rt·· DIG IN!
PRESS1't1E 81JT11)N/
tRA , rr SE!MS YOU
or1.1eeRATEl.Y FAii. AT THINGS.
By Harold Le Doux
't£rnN6 OUT~ 1-lERE!~ A&o!JT BllVING T~AT
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
SflOUl.O +lAVE tT
By Gus Arriola
By Mell
-t MAVI!' ;a
. • !
• I
I V ! NI~(,
1:00 D Tllo Ill -(C) !IOI h"' OiinphJ. 111 !l.l ,.,..,_.,,,.., (C) PO>
fJ SIM AllN Sftrli (C) (90) Bar·
bars Md41lr, Eddit Albfft. Adam
K•I•, C. B. Clll1han, t!MI Tht f1vt
Ameritllll 111nt.
durl111 tlie 'llfMlltftd. ... ,.,..1. llh
llf1~ tor Pl.la wlft. and tlll c:cwa·
mlts aultldt.
I.Sit-• """ fl .... (C)
1:!0 Ill lj) (I) m I-• tCl <IOI •'Md 8t M1 L.cwt." &t. f1lli 11
lovt wttll 1 colum11lat lht ...at
of robbtfY, Chtd Evntt ruatL
D 1o11111 (t) Cl5CI> D~ [nNrl
and Mlct;ey Darin •rt rtnpldt '-
.. I JO.round llfhtwel&ht boUt ....
twffn [Jklit G1ttia and Joie M.,.. .....
Burl Ives & Tony Randall
n il'!l CD Ill ""' .... (C) <30! 1.i"am.11, Witdl's str1t.• S.flt
trlts to disc:ourar• S.11111 wh•n t111
latter dlcide• ttllt sht, too, O)Ul4
fi nd luipplntss ln mtrrltl• to 1
moru1. S.m rtltnls and ltlld
Strtnt to Hum111 Equatloa, I com·
puteiilt4 m1tchm1ktr. Stl"IM 1111111
Mr. Wond~rfu1 tnd !alb 11 ~
t nd Stm Insists sht ttll Frtnklyl
ltltl sht'I I Wltth. ~ Bochllll
0 .. .._ ·-(C) ..,.. lrlll lottit' (ltntasy) 'M--TonJ
Ruwltlt, Burt Im. 811t11r1 Eder\.
0 I "' (C) (30) ma .... (Cl 1•0> CJ Wbt't Ntw1 (30) •Mlalsslppl
Rl'ltl'." .A crui• dawn tt.. riwtr from
Its hud"1tn to th1 delta 1t N"' Orleans. Tht cities, peoplt tnd way
m Mtl"I' G1lll11 (t) (90) m a.t the Oddi (C) (JO)
lm Mllllet J btrtll11 (C)
ol life 11001 !ht btnkl trt hlfh-t:OO fJ (HI IJ) CIS Thindly M"'9:
lighttd. ~ A11111ktnlzttlon tf [MllJ'" lm Mujnt Sin MOJ {comedJ·drtmt) '64-Jtmll Gtrlllf',
€!) KPlM N .... (C) Jullt Andrews, Melvyn Oou<s. Thi stcNy cf 1 warm tnd wond.tul
1:30 0 KNIC ,_ .. l'kt (t) (60)
G)Vorqt tt tllt Iott. ti th
w1rtim1 m1ni11e..
O @OO t!EMat'11t u Abolt,
World? (C) °Wl) Host Oun Jonn
we1coma !ht Smolht11 Bruttlert
tftd Art Cerney to !flt thow.
SU (C) (60)
ED Mon Fot t.. MontJ 130)
"Edu1:1tlOl'l--A Con.slant Nied," M•·
rion M111h1J1 points out thrt chool·
Int tlMI typt of IChool best IUltld
for YniJ tnd rwr chlldfffl mans
m Rm !or fow Lift (C) (60)
€li) El Mll!ldt btl Ltet
lookln1 thnd Ind setting op ltm· . lly 10111, t :l O 0 @ (i) it) Dr11n1t (C) (lO)
-r.'I ft'I n. -. Ken (C) "Fraud.=tlR·28." A comput« putt
\UI uu w.:i w""" Frid1y t nd G1nnon on tht tf110 ..
an embwlem1nt rin1.
7:001J CIS ENnhll N ... (C) (30) -. Nm IC) (30) Tod """" W.tttt Cronkltt. -0 'lftlf1 MJ l.M? (C) (3D) ED W1shlRrtorr In R!Yltw (C) (!OJ. m•-(C) <"> EID l'llJinl t11e Cullar (30) "St-10:00 0 @ (6) m Dta n M1rtl1 CC~ .
1innfn1 To P111." Frederick Noed (00) BoDby Darin, P.h)'lll1 Diiier,
leaches tht rest stroke. musical Tht Milts Brothefs. Bob Newhart
notalio11 ind IOllle on•lin• melo-ind Don Rict 1iast
dl1s. O m ll1n (C) (60)
m Tl'lll Mfllltin (C)
7:30 IJ QI Cl) llfKf!Li •Ht's fOlff
DoL Chrtlt Bron" (C) (SO)
Snoopy, th• bumptious bulfe, llas the sttl1er rote In tills 111l1111tld
c1rtoo11 l(>ecial. Snoopy'• 111ddtn
1ttack of bad mtnners uuses him
to bt 11111 to tt11 Daisy Hiii Puppy
F11m !Of I 1tfmller COUt'JI In
obedlll!ICI tnilnlns. (R)
0 I ipiCll~ I T111 Golq T11h11 (C)
(60) Mu&ica Ylrltty 1how INlUr•
Inc PhyUl1 Dlntr, Donald O'Connor,
Mt John.son, Lou Rtwll 11111 Gtnt
D M..UI Dllloll (JO) m Tlltt ... (C) (JO) "To rr1111
Of Mot-To fr.ezt." Pem CUI ind
Louis ltYine cum
m n.tr• "" (30) Tiit lnll .. wood Pt1)'tlotlt1 'rtstnb IClll\ft
fro111 Mhol Fua;1rd's ''Thi Bloo4 Knot,~ H1I M1rienlh1l 11Vltw1 !ht
productio11 tnd !Ilks with director
Martin Ml&;Mr.
o ~ @m D111it1 100&1 (C)
(60) "Blth1onl'I Bridp." Whln 1
l1rmef ulclt• him attnnptlnc to
blow up 1 bridp, Danie! It Im·
Pf llOned 111 1 ceU11, Simon Olkl1nd,
P!ltr Jasen tnd Kurt RuueH l\lesl
t.m Didll Robtdl
a) l'aaport ti TrMI (C)
01.oot ·-(C) ~~
D @ (!) GJ n. flytq ""' (C) 10:30 0 Movtr. (C) "'WOIUll tf ...-(lDJ "Th• Kleptomon~eyac. .. C.llos (suapente) '64-Glnt Lollobrlc\dl,
1sks lht nun1 to babysit with 1 SUn Conn«)'.
pet monkey that tltrnl out to hM m NM (C) (30)
ltlltvln1 Wl)'I. tD SlclHtnlit r111 {JO)
0 MMllon $ McMt: "Clslbltna" .
(drama) '.fJ -Humr>tireY Bna:1rt, @D 51!1111 Sin HlllDri•
tn1rid Ber1m1n, C11ud1 Raina.. (iJ Twtllcht lOIMI
m Tnrlfl or Con11quen• (t) {30) m P.,,-MllOft (60) 11:00 IJ 0 0 a> m NtWI (C)
tll) CMdon de JI Rut (30) 0 Attr.d Hltdlc.od
ml Un Anf'I 111 11 flftlO m Lllrs Clllb (C)
l ;OQ 8 3 {j) I IPICl!t I Alldf l rilfrth
-lookln1 BllU (C) (60) Andy hosts
1n llouf of comedy tnd mu.sic 111d
m Mo'lit: "Pie• Mr. .._...
(comtdy) '~rilittl Bardot.
illHD @ CIJ m -<CJ
ha i •• hi• ruests Jane:t Lti&h. Don 11.30 -M ,_ -... v l¥lt ,_. Knotts. T1111'1ff1" Ern11 Ford, Thi · 1Y D'I,.,, ,.,. 1.
Youna: Stinll i nd The Estab1iih· (mystery) 41-Rowhnd Runt!~
mtnL Lti0 Gtn1.
Best bet tor laughs!
O @ Cll WT.,lilt -(C)
0 Mwle: "So Sooll Tt DW' (~
tery) '57-Rlchird B1$1h1rt, Annt
0 illJ CD C!l"" ,..., (C)
m I Lam LKJ n @m Ol"" •" 10> 130> ''iht Siib)Kt Wu Rabl-s. ~ Ann 12'fl0 m 71 lunlll stri,
Hit comedyl New time!
Merle's llklnc llm1 ltl 11vt a str11J •
pup 1 uucer 11 rn!lk while rush!n1
off for 1 Brvedwey )ob interview 12:35 O Mcwlt: "fear 111 tt11 "'""' results In lier ftlhtt beln1 con· (myslefY) '47-f'iul lielly, Dtforr.t
v!nced ht llts 1 dread dlsea$1. Lou Kally.
Mari• Is nipped ln th• 1nkl1 11 ht
1tt1mpb to tmbract his dep1rtlnli!
d1 u1ht1r, tnd th• do1 runs off.
When Dan heart tht story and
jokes that it aiuld 1!1v• brten worte
11 tht do1 we111 rtbld, Lou rtmem·
bt11 thtt ttlt dot'• rnoutlt wn ... .,.
m """ 1CJ I">
, m Aclloft Thutrs: '1u111 or lh•
O C4m111111itf llllltC!n lolnl (Cl
m Ft9flll tM lnMde 011 (C)
m Na ~ {90) "T1lhln1 1:15 II MM!:: "hmblt " lit ......
to 1 st111n1er-No SklM or Special ldl•m•) '56-Jamn °'""" Uurit KllCl'll'ltd1• R1qulnid." Thll is Ult Clm:ill.
fattitf's •in of 1 wtekend ¥ilit b"f
hil JOI'\ 1nd his dlulh!• tti•t Inds
In 1J1pdy. Tiit lttll« .tldu In 1:JO m i\ll·Nl&trt Siios: ''Sotdertawll.~
ind out of dl1dmm1 of th• past •'Train ol Evtntl." 1nd "A Gama of
durln1 th• frequent conltonlltions Death."
12.:JO m "Tilrta "' I Tkkft' (lll)'ltlrJJ
'47-Hucll lluumont. '11tt .,...
lq Ytr11on• (dr1m1l '51 -lie•
"'' too m "'llnteaW (drtl'lll) ·n -
Allct r111, Wtr,,. lattr.
l:OOOICJ .._~~I•"
wntun) '6.1-Corntl Wiidt. .i.11 J:JO CJ (C) MMtrtt PoW' (,...._.
Wtllkt. '62-Rory Ctlholm, YoM Tlftf.
t.308 "Onhn Tt llllf" (/l!Yltl!Y) '59
-P•lll Mmle. Eddie Albtrt. 4:JCI B IC) "'#rlt* 111 a. ...,.
10:00 CJ '\"11 ti 11111 ftW" (dAIN) '$3 (dllmt) '57-Rod Hudtoft. ltlllWI
TO!ll Qlapl11, Jmltl A,utif1f, BICll!.
Ou•lh'r l'rl11tl111 1114 D1p•nd1"I• S1,.,J(.1
ftt flllrt th•n • Qu1rler ti t C111t~ry.
• 2.211 wm IALIOA ILYD. HIWf"OaT llACH
Lago•• Play houe
'Philade~phia, H~rel Come'.
D~eply ~oving Production HELD OVER
OCC Stages
2 Plays in
One of lhe most ambitious
theatrical projects e v e r
undertaken by a collegiate
drama group will be launched
next month atlOrange Coast
Twin productions of "The
Devils" and "The Devil's
Advocate" will be presented
on alternate nights March Hl-
15, with three performances
of each play given in the
OCC audit.orium.
Jack Holland, OCC speech
Md drama instructor. is
directing b o t h productions
with rour actors taking major
rotes in each.
"The Devils,'' previously an·
nounced as the college's
spring offering, is the story
of a priest on trial for
diabolism. It was presentt'd
last year at the Mark Taper
Forum in Los Angeles ..
"The Devil's Advocate" is
based on the novel by Morris
West and concerns lhe in-
vestigation of a man for
sainthood. A monsignor is
sent to the area in which the
man Jived to search for rea·
sons why he should not be
Playing important roles in
both "Devils" and "Devil's
Advocate" will be Dennis
Hanrahan, Jl.1ark Salver. \\'alt
Douglas and Maeve Robinson.
others in the cast or
"Advocate" are Jam 11 a
Jltfynderse. Cameron Young,
Glen W.artin. Terry
Fitz s.i mo n s . Ro be rto
Marcarelli, fl.{ike Di Donato
and Tom Walsh.
"The Devilll" cast includes
Kermit Christman. Barbara
Smith. Steve ScoU, Les
lngledue, Rand S hu I t z.
Michaele C ann on , Bill
Cochoran, 1iotike Gerner. Steve
Oliver, Shirley Barrus, Ken
Hardeman, Don White, Gary
EdmJsten, Ken Wilson, Angie
Collins and Mitch Steis.
"The Devil's Advocale" will
be presented March 10, J2
and 14, with "The Devils"
on stage March 11. 13 and
15. Both productions will begin
at 8:15 p.m.
Of tllt .,,.,, ..... • ...
A theatrical experience so
rich and deeply moving in
Its lyric quality that it cou ld
almom. pass for poetry ls bc1ng
offered on the stage of the
Laguna Playhouse w b e r e
another star bas been added
to the crown or *al com-
munity theater.
"Philadelphia, Here
Come" is one of the mosl
dramatically staisfying shows ·
of the season -in spite of,
or perhaps because of, its
A P'-Y by llrl&n Friel, dlrecte<1 by
krt~ITI T1nswe11. 1e1 lletlwned by
P111I Toll, co.IUlnft by Jut~ H111. H I
clec0t1llon by 81rDlr1 l"h!Hlp1, P•it-
~ted Wednesd1v1 thrCMJllh S11Uf'WYI
unnl M&rel'I I 11 Ille L19iln1 Pl•Y·
hCMJ!lll, Jl' O«an Ave., U911iu fleKh.
Gitr O'OGnMll (PIJD!lc) .. Roll Andersen
G1r O'Do<1nt ll fi>rlv1te),.Mlcti1el speer
S. 8. O'OonMll .......... Oavld Rosen
Mit~9' Mulhern . S111le Scott
Kite DooNn ............ S1llv H1vton
L!uv Sweenev . . . ••. . . . . Betty P1u1
Sen1lor o-n.. . ..... 9111 Sh!llM!n
Mli !tr llovll! .. . .. -Lany Lyons
Con1I S'*ftneY. Edmund Vall DtuM"n
St.~ Burtotl .. Doutl11 P1rmtnl~r
C11>011 O'Bvrnt . Ch1rll!1 co101n
Heel . .. . .•.••. John WJg!on
Jot _, . .. , Jon LIW Torn tc: ... tc:omwelbel
somewhat unsatisfying con-
clusion. It shouts softly to
the nostalgic. to the sen·
ti mental, to anyone who ever
has set out on his own leaving
his loved ones behind.
In its sometimes robust,
::iometimes biting dran1atic
comedy, ~'Philadelphia" gets
to the heart of its audience
as few other plays are capable
of doing. Under the masterful
di.rectorial hand of Bertram
Tanswell, staging his fir -st
show locally, it involves the
playgoer in the quiet manner
of a previous Lagun a hit, "The
Subject Was Roses."
As did that a how,
"Philadelphia" delves deeply
into the emotions of a jOulh
in his early twenties, in thi.i
case an Irish lad 1bout to
leave home to live with his
aunt in Amer ica. H e r e .
however, not only his out1Vard
emotions but his distinctly dil·
Cross word Puzzle
ACROSS. 47 Outcast Yesterd1y's Putzl• SG!wed:
49 Beverage< 1 U111plre's 50 Took a sr~!
deelslon 5Z Slow 5 Fore t out 5-t M1dt a 10 Coura11t squeaky ! l ot lln;llkt sound
t 15 Distinctive 51 Grebe or
quality penguin
116 Fra51r1nct 59 lnltrftrt
f 17 Nt /51hb0f With
' of Man. 60 Tlllt &. Ont. &Z Sma ll lS Undtr re· barracuda:
frl511!tatlon: Var.
19 2 words 65 Hun;1rl1n -btnt hi!tO '2/20/ftt
20 Bear wltntss 67 Part of a 9 -of ·41 Dwelling to golf cou1st Ghtnl: house
2Z Bakery unit 69 Dtfenst 181 -t ot3 COl'ldlMl!lllS 2-t Strite with systl!fll: Abbr. agrtement ot6 -LoulH
Most imp~sive by rar of
the o t b er s, cameo roles
all. is 8etsy Paul as the cln-
soaked, cbHdless a u n t ,
desperate for an ouUet for
her stored·up maternal love.
Her flashback scene is one
of the finest perfonnances o.f
the season.
Sally Hayton as the old
sweetheart veered f r om his
arms by a conrUvlng rather
(Bill Sbilban) also is excellent.
while Larry Lyons effectively
conveys the weaklin•
schoolteacher which the youne
man is tearful of becoming.
Charles Colgan as the gig·
11JJ .. JUHi~
--~--,, ;~t; ' .. ,-~.·
Continuout Show
l\'-!A r,lf'>~ -PAULO --MS.UIJ
'-.;\:, 1.:. :. "
T1M G'Hlnt .r.h..,._
"'T ... 111 Alli Walt Olln .... ·1
gling, ineffectual priest does1~~======~=~1 a commendable job, as do lf
Edmund Van Deusen and
Qouglas Parmentier as the
American visitors and John
Wigton, Jon Law and Ken
"Swlu FaMlly l.W11M11"
In ColOr
F r1a M1cM1,1rr1'f'-"111 Color
"Tile H.,, ... Mllll .........
Rob Andt rstn
Kornweibel as the )'Oung
ferent inner self are brought man's chums who have a hard
into play. time masking their J;ick of
This is accomplished with sentiment.
two actors -Rob Andersen Lightifti effects against the
as the "real" boy, polite and backdrop of Paul T oft' s
reserved. and Michael Speer realistic looking two-roorn s~l
as the taunting, chidln&:. em· are done with appropriate
bittered inner self who voices tenderness, as are the ('IOt.en·
the young man's real tbougilt.~. tially unwieldy nashback
the coordination bet v.• e e n scenes which make maJ:imum
these two, from a purely use of the fine lighting.
technical standpoint, is a Tanswell ha s mounted 1
theatrical gem. mo.St craftsmanlike a n d
Andersen delivers a most memorable production, one
compelling performance a:> he that should be among the
gropes 1vith himself t " highlights of the season. JI
discover the real rea~r.n for continues \V e d n e s d a y s
his leaving, only to uncover through Saturdays for the
his hidden doubts and feal's. next tlu'ee weeks at the
In the background, ::;pee~ i~ playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave.,
a shade under this level, yet, =L=a='g'=un=a=B=ea=c=h=. =====,II
• M7·.JUI
Ml'~l.~(,1 '~ ~H; ~
D1vld Nlv"' In Color
SO~~~R ~WOOD Ill ~1!,t ~
'ROB ,-a us v;;;-
IC.!rll 00ugl15-Aleit Con:!
'"Tiie ,,.t ....... •1111"
!n Cok>r
Mlch1el YP•k -!~ Color
"Su ..... Att.lf"
··~·················· pungently effective as he stirs Jr
up an emotional maels trom -I ----,-..,-,----
which 'his all" ego strains zEii:o "NlosTEL Nea'rly Everyone
to keep covered .k .M.1 .. ..i.,·
The reason for most of . the ==-===-=· ... _ ........ ..._ · 11 h od · d t e pr ucer•" 'L"1stens' 1n ecision is the boy's emo-•
tionally insul ated old fa ther, IEaULA.I "ICU
brilliantly underplayed b y "CAMELOT"
"ltti ,.._ Alff
Clflllft-•rL 1M ,,,...._,,_. •·"'·
David Rosen , who draws a
full measure or pathos from
his role. Equally stron'g in
e meatier assignment is Susie
Scott as the e l tier 1 y\i==:::=:::=:::;::==:::=:::=:::=:::=:::='.11 housekeeper w h o fights h e r
own battle with her fet:ling '>,
tinged though it is with comic
Margaret Co wl e1
Every Fri., S•t. I Sun.
THI M1rc.h 2
Tidl9h A'l lll W. I I ... otflq If' N-ort llllllMn
2115 Vill• W•y
N•wport l •1c.h 675-1120
A comedy by Robert Hlvnor
Directe<I by Herbert Machiz
CONT. SUN. fl OM 2 P.M. to Landers
allO<Offa AttnC1~ 11\0., &
Th1 Nlllonll fllm llo1rd of C.nidl "'""'' The
Children's Film Festival
Opening Speech
The Be1r &. The Mouse
The Story of Cinderell1
Ti-Jean Go .. Lumbering
Paddle To The Se1
Christmas Cracker
Th ... shortfifms heve collectivelywon
20 major internation1I film awards
Next Fri. and Sat. at 10 a.m. and 12 p.m.
and once on Sunday at 12 p.m.
All Seats 50¢
673-4041 -,:41 ntL..-_,,._ NOW SHOWING
SHORT 7:00 & t :IS
FU.TUii 7:21 a. t :4D
~ 1. LIYIC _,./"'.\
i.MfMOtOLI /' \ !:!.."!'"" 1~ /
I i "-...... \ .. .. ,~ \, ,.,...,.
/... \ _ ... \ _,. ___ _
violence 70 --of Texas 10 Caln, for one otl Tait s tnH·
Z5 Flower 71 Removt 11 E111btlllsh ltssly FEBRUARY 19 22 26 27 Southt.rn strings 12 __ all: 51 Effect an • • ; MARCH I ~' '
U.S. city 72: G1ttk 2 words Opfnlng in· V•nice Fl1111 Fe11i ... 1I '•i1• W inning Short
29 G1azH I titers 13 Entertain· 2 wonSs • BOX OFFICE PHONE 133-6617 "A WINDY DAT" e •11d e "llAZIL" -Color
1z Btc011e 13 Rowboat 111e111 ,Of'll sJ r1g111ened ., [!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''lr~~;;i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'i deflected lmplrmt nls 21 Ra in check 54 Nova Scotia 33 lnloxlcated: 74 Haii111er head's 23 Standard cape '
lnfo rm•I 75 Indentation 26 or notable 55 G1LH:ho's 111-" Fiii-SOUTH COAST JC Intolerant txctlltnct accessory -.
petson DOWN 28 Ovtrl)Owtrtd' 56 "Falslarf" CE•Ul PLAZA THKATRK
36 Class 29 Walt composer r.tll'ORATIDll San Diqo ll'MWIJ at Bristol • 546-271 1
40 Pert. to l lilultonfish htavlly 57 Male Insect
certain Z !itllled JO Assistant 61 Instrument OPEN DAILY 6:00 P .M. poems J Unreal 31 Dru51~d of old 41 lllegal 4 Htmtn;way 35 Moder1ttl7 63 Former tscapade: 5 Abslrust warm Alaskan Slang 6 Calendar 37 Simple: ott Archaic verb 1bbl'tvi1tlon 2 words 1i4 l~T1e,mor
45 Plcturt 1 Sinful JS Addict 66 T transfer: I Chocol1tt 39 Action of l11tt ptrfods:
lnfomial. drink hilting '8 ~~;
' 1
at Disney}!@
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,
February 21, 22, 23.
Al 3:00 p.m. daily SM a special pal'lde el Disiley
characte11, feawrini more than 30 of your fnorites·
from fable and fanluy. Then meet Mickey, Plufu,
Goofy, and many mDll as tjJey move tllroap out the
llqic Kingdom.
OPEN Wod~tdey • Friday 10 AM . 6 PM
Saturday al\(I Sunday 9 AM • 7 PM
: . . ALSO
SWISS •A•HLY I OllNION°6111 I 10 P,M, -COUU l.1:41
Pll, SAT, SUN. '
SWISS Pj.lrllllLf I OllNJ()N 12:Jl-4·7:41-t1;11 t cou•At·l:4M1H • t rJI ~
FEI. 23-7 130
$3.00 •••.-».so al her
light, Wot
& Vlsu1b
.., The ... ,
l rai•.....,.,
It's Hme I<> speak at uospoUtl tllinp.:O
MIAf'AAROW ~---'71Eln n~ e.tiy•
• TICNMICOUMt• • ....... __
·-~l-tl ... !U-~1-·-"""'!'J
~i::.•::::,: "COOGANS 8LUFf" ;
I ' " .~ •• -• ,
••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWV. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. *
NEWPORT BEACH • 644·0760.
D1ily Monday thru Frid1y, 7:15 -.nd 9:45
Conti'\UOUI from I p.m. Si t., Sun. & Holld1y1
&.n 5"h S1 .25 wltti ShHINI ..... C.11
The Grandest Cinema of Them All!
"A M••le •f yolltllfvl ks"I•~. DH•ty elHI -de."
"One of the Ye1r'1 10 Bnt Film•"
bRAlt(HJIWT rten.llts ,...-
~ 1'Beautifull"
FRANco ZEFFIRELLI ......... .,
--· "Br11thtaklngl"
"Dau.ling!" ..
MlCHAIL YOl<K )Ell!MY ICIMP • ft~~·
1st AREA RUN .
.,ClrlR-..'• Hf• ,......,.. .
A 111e•i• p••ty f•r ,,,,., boy
•nd t ir1-All 11•h 75¢. Fn.
12,00 ' 2:00 11.111.: s.t.
12:00 & 2;00; Su111l1y 12 ;00---
c;..,,. ,.,.,..,,.
M•ry T.,1,, M .... ,
"What'• So ~
-------·--AL~ ..... II ~ .,.---·--~ -"'8VVJ ,. .. "'_, ..
lllJl N...,._
... ! ..
II llAll.V PILOT •
Not What It Seenu
While this might look like proof of their thesis to Nortlnvest geologists who
often speculate on the possibility of volcanic action in the Pacific Coast moun~
tains, it isn't. To residents ol Portland, Ore. it's simply a pretty picture of
their Mt. Hood and it. perennial cloud .
People Are Honest
Study Brings Surprising Results
NORTHRlllGE, Calli. (AP J
-Two psychologists reported
• today that people in general
are a lot more honefit and
around Los An1eles and its
suburbs dropping 375 legal-size
envelopes. The neighborhoods
ranged from wealthy, such as
Beverly Hills, to the poorest
sections of the city.
Each envelope was stamped
and addre.ssed to Latshaw at
his home.
Ot the envelopes used, 150
had blank pieces of paper in·
side. Another iso contained
two slugs the size and weight
or quarters and a realistic
piece of stage money that
could be seen if the envelope
was he14 up to the light. The
remaining 75 had typed. on
the oulsidt: "This is a
research study. Drop this
envelope in the n e a r e s t
postbox. Thank you for your
All envelopes were coded
on the inside to indicate y,·here
they had been left.
The finders of 91 percent
of the ~velopes identified as
part of a research project
dropped them in a mailbox:
80 percent of those with blank
paper inside were returned,
and 68 percent or those with
slugs and st.age money went
"It shows people aren't
nearly so bad as thought,''
Dr. Keith-Speigel said. "Jf yo11
lose a letter in Los Angeles,
Y o u r fha~c~a of having it
returned are about 8 out of
10 -and those aren't bad
"The upper income area.!
returned 82 percent o{ the
envelopes with stage money
ln them. while the middle m.
come areas returned 66 per-
cent and the lower incotM
areas 56 percent."
There were no area differ·
ences in return of the enve-
lopes saying on their lace It
was a re.starch project, or
the ones containing blank pa-
Consumer AltJe Fiasco
Nixon Laughing
Lel{islnture in Action
11 TIM -"-.. _. P'Nlt
W91111ttt1r, "'"'· lf
TM A~1 llla".l~llu~ lff'fe"
Jl\llt fl <Dlllloiltr\ri9 crwtt1111 • Yeti•!
Mibcon!mlt1-.. •llllw i.tlllllon ....
1-. t•wwrs It ttke • cto1e !tot •I tM
tide of ..vl'ltln ltUb Hlltl'lfld .. de•! Wiii\ tl,,,_1 dJ-*ir.
l"il!t l lffltltl,..._ 1111•rov1I " •On
t <I/" • !.Htltl '-• .,. m ldenl1 of me
Stn Fr111dK11 ltv -.r11 lltttltl Tri,,.
1!1 tllUl'"lct 19 "v' me 11111·1 11-r
!'!fort If lntn lr1"11t from dl .. Jttr,
TM .. AISlMll. Y
lltlHillt ...... ..,..
MtJike; -U,,., C:-,..H .. Cond\KI
l\Nrtl'rh In Southel'l'I Clm.mlt II C ...
1Wtr ""'"" ..... C.llftnl~~ .. bot11tr It "'111t••1 I.Jiii $. Towruetld. C>Tlln'lllQ. 11111 ,.,,,...,....
y_,.. -,..,mlfl dl...Clor tt Ct ll.
f«'lll9 Yeutll Al,il!IOflty .. av#IWb•
»le et llttldl...rll: Ill"-~ ' ... n1, "
flle "'"'°'rtv -flle .... 1111c wllll (tll
of tlltNlfK""°' ft IN Nlf ""'" lfi-~ lroll'I M in wllfl ~•ll'lllr fll fu""• ""' , .... wt1d'1 trvsl ICCOUl'lfl a1 m 1r11e1. "·"11111f1re!l. .... -,,..,lclel ...... , ii.n1o1
fl'l.I Y ltw9$i U• It l~lritd lln!lt !ft
•Id. MnllJ.o Rbilnl\lrws. •lld """'' ~11t1tloou fll ...,. Gowr-t M9H·
.... A&McMollo!\1 "' S11. ,.,,,,,.,, •· StMt Crvt.
MKllri -•rol'lllt!tl col!'lfnertl•I tlllN er l"tdflc ~rtl e-«81 ..,.
IS Ml'UH'll Ttltrtflal In I INd w let
tJ1 , .,.,,... ffllll Al '" MKo.l!Uvrty, •·s.rit. .. ,..,,,
Plltl -t:o:lw!dl "lvlltM 11~ .,,
lllM\JN lllf: .. llMIM lllti ft9ft D9c. 11. ,,., ft DK. JI, IW1 1 l\I ,.._
TMtNe. D-Sll'I ..... ,., ....,..._ ........ _.....,
ltVfMrfnftlfl -~ 1.-1,.. ........ ''°" tl'ld ... ., .. ""-"" """""',... Cl.II """""" fwr two '"n! At .... , ,,, ....
l"M~ -CMntti ~!o el OWi·
trfbullottt b1 IN!Mff 1t1ftr /If ll•c
l".c:ll".< Mtrll'lll f lftf' ... C-1 11H1
eni.,..,. Ir.. ~ " ... AJl.lit.t
•ncf ..,., Al »lo "*"'-•· ~ -lncll>Mt fwr-ntr lllf~ ~ ..,., "'"'"' .... tcl'IOoll \..
detlnlTlllfl ol Klloot uled !fl •revlll•it
m1 kl110 It • mlldt1M1r11r fl')r '9rMn• r. come on to "'-' •roul'leb without
l1wtu1 blnllltu. di'""'' Ille K l'loel er ....,.,11t .,,. KtlYlll@I •1111 ,e<ne!n •lttr
beln1 •~•N to lffvt ;• Al s.1. Mto>
Oorlahl. 0..0111. Tiie: SIMATE 111, .. .,._ ..... ,..
t1•1t.r -l•~ncf' unlll 1'19 "" JoiM c .... m111~ on Ltt1111ttw. tu•ldo
Int SDIU Nf'tdi. &luO"vlM "1,llllllt!.t
of t -C1p11011 SClt 17, atlrM-0. Fr~'"°· CMl!ftuft-1 AmtlltlNPlf
Jwtl--ftrtvldt• t~r Otv. llt,et~'1 ·~ luillld91 rMrll •lln fOf" "" fffKl'llll'I 91 ~; SCA I._ Gn.l/'ltltr,
lt·Wf!SOl'lllllle. ""-. .,....., ..
J .. k'-1 -Alllf'Oll•la!U llCl.OCO lot rann.,lt1lorll .,. llldklal •NOll'llmtfllrr.
K awutlllltltrltl .~ 11 t•
•'9Wll b1 ..-oten1 SI l». OM'lill!\<.
C...._ -l"nivldlH IDI'" 111:11 llotrf
II tn11Ntt fir ftCfl •ltlt l'tlllW ~
'"' wllfl '" Mr•ll -1'1'"' .,. am.., I/fl Ioctl btotrf d\111""""'
SI '"-WfldWrlotttl, D-M•~ llllo'lo
1.,.1. '1111 ttll• .. &lvdoi-111 bah Pff1 tt
• <ll'ldlllort of lllll'9llrntf111 II ....
kllrt1!1r, •·Tllltll'I,, Movtt 11111 "'" 19ttf Mlll-l'tttJ ff'tl'I l M A-~t
It ltU-11i.1 SI Ml. Wtv. lll .. 111t11r,
ltp -El llfld' WOrlr ti ltlO '''"' t lt(O $1y Ctl\IMrVt llfll'I tn.I l)oyti..
"""' C-fMlor!, el'llltr 11'1 11'1 <vttl<!t
fw!lll .... , ••rt of • I•• ''" '"""'
ti ''''"'""'"Ii $1 w . """''-· 0-0.~· ..... ,_.... -l.lmlh ,...,,,.. Ill~ ,.,.
"'"'"""' fror "*'"' .......... " • n• lltfltllllo1 SI '12. ~rJNn. •
8'>.t.t lW, T11 -t:llClllllh ...... ,,.,.,.... Wflo
fir ""' ~n• ••OINN'f fll• , .. """"'*' fl'W'I! IP•blf t rolt lllC*"lll st Mt, Cltlltr, O.Y!'IQ. Mlrtlt--lt'l<l'ttMt .... ,.., al .v.. .. lll'OM c...,,,i., dll,lrlll 1ttorntr !!WI'
St,60t to t1 2.000 • rwtn SI Mt. W1'r, -·-,,. -Alli Ctnln11 llW IM ,_,_
"""' ,. ~ 11' llomttwM:l'I' ,,_
•1'11' I•-'*'-""'" ftftr•I •uMt lrlain!t1 t.1111 ,.. Ctlltr.
16th Ir Tustin -Coat• Me••
E xcelle!Jt location, near schools, shopping
·and·btacb. Otily a few loft. Buy now while
interest rates are only ---' !%;'with 20'4 down -1V.% with 10% On.
no 2nd -no polnt1 -:It, yn on bal-
Pncecl "°"' $30,850 to $33, 950
On this h9 tWo 1tory lam·
Uy home. Located in ~~
Jent area ot Newport Beach,
this home 11 5\U'1'0\1nded by
beautiful shade trees lind a
country type atmOB_Phere.
Featum 4 large bedrooms,
plus ht.iae den, plus tamily
room, plu1 fonnlll din.in;,
pl1t1 bu&:e yard and mqnili.
ceot POOL. Low interest in-
surance k>an may be auum.
eel \vithoot riae In iqtereat.
Exclusive Agent Full price Sf!l.500. Submit
• your smaller home on our
P• a. palmer incorporated ""'"""'"' trad, we"'""· · · WE SELL A HOME
Tr•ct Ph : 5411-5113 From L.A,.ca11 MA wa34 Walker & Lee
-------. ---------
;F. H. A. Resale LARGf FAMILY!
Spacious Eastslde
2043 WestcllU Drive
646-7711 Open Eves.
4 B.R. 2 Baths
Dream kitche n with eleetric
built • ins and dishwasher.
Large family room adjoins
kitchen wUh slidillg gl.w
doors to attractive 2% x 40
concttte patio. All bedrooms
are large and master suite
bu walk·in closet. Electric
prage dool included. n91.
per month covers all.
ColesWorllly & Co.
RELAX! LOOK NO FURTllt in tbe coziest room In town.
1700 sq, ft. of resol't living.
3 spacious BR's, 2 tiled
baths, 100% nylon carpeting
V o. Plt11 sep. paneled family
room with high beam ceil-
~ and open hearth fire.
place. U you ,1·ant a heated
and filtered pool, it haii: thal,
too! Tot a I price $27,liOO
Every consideration was a:iv·
en when building this FOUR
BEDROOM, family room.
dining room, breaktast room
chen is a1J eleelric including
dishwasher. E x t r a latte
master bedroom 'vith pri-
vate bath and three aets of
wardrobes. The family room
is extra. large and i:nakes an
ideal home for a · POCIL .
1904 H1rbor Blvd. TABLE ·aoo entertainment
C.M. 642-7777 ot lri•""'· 1.arg, ..,..., ORANGE COUNTY'S
Open Eves. with electric dOOl' opener. LARGEST 1 ......................... ...,, AU ol tmo can "" '°""on 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
this spacious V3 ACRE on l•i0ii0iii0iii0iii0ii0ii..,..., $750 DOWN
We urge you to Inspect this
VA owned, vacant 3 BR
home In Costa. Mesa that
haa been completely condi-
tioned in k ou( Near all
school!, large lot fenced.
FUil price only $17,950 •
pym nts $157/mo.
l'\l l·\\1111 !
~ 1 \II \ \II \ \
~ I I I I \ { •
1003 Baker, C.t-.f.
Only $159 a ma.
including taxes & insura.ntt
• J BR, 2 Ba. separate pan-
eled den, Ooor to ceiling
1tone fire place, new high
pile carpeting and hardwood.
floors with l<TN down ANY·
ONE can usume this 5%. %
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
200 x 170. Behind Edison Co.
in Huntington Beach. $31,SOO
value. Sell or trade equity
for income units or small
house, Newport or Corona
del 1i1ar.
2025 \V. Balboa mvd., N.B.
cul-de-sac stree,t for o n J y
$52,500 -F1nancin& is no
problem -CAlJ. NOW!
Sitting on • Corner
near the Park
4 B& 2 balhs, family room
& all built-in.~ + a brand
new carpet. New flnanclng r'...,I & now needs a ne'v family.
You can give this home a
only 10% do1vn. U's the best
buy ever with room for a
boat. Only $30,950 • lmn1edi-
ate posaei;sion.
Vacant le: lonesome, ready
for immediate occupancy.
Spacious living room with
log burning: fireplace. Car·:I!!~~~~~~~~ fa~.~. draped. l40,950 -HURRY! HURRY!
BIG BONUS Bt•utiful MtH Verde
4 Bdnns. plus 20x30 pl)TITI. 3 BR 1 % baths. Imnuaculate.
plumbed for bath or y,·et Large $19,000 FHA loan can
bar. 4 yrs, ne1v, nr. schools be auun1ed. }'ull price onzy
& shopping. $32.950 $23,500. Call now.
I'm Mesa del Mar's nicest.
Owne1·'s say I'm too big.
But !or $38,500, I may be
right for you. Warm &
friendly and love kids.
646-7171 546-2313
A"ention Parents
Your children don't have t.o
CT'CISS any major streets
while walkini to IChool;
Mom can nm to the 1lore
I: be back in 10-15 min.;
Exclusive Oiina Cove home •
yelr around living • best
Harbor area, 2 BR. 2 Ba,
priced to sell fut at . $69,500
By appt only
675-1662 Dad is close to all ml,jor
avenues to get to work. Call -
us about this 5 br, fonnal Br•nd Spinking New
EXCLUSIVE dining rooqi, professionally JWJt completed _ & Jw;l a
landscaped house. No\V only 8hort drive {for Palmer) to
• • $38,9:-,0. 1'1esa Verde's 17th! Fabu-
Near Harbor H19h f "RING" lovo '-"""' c,,.tom hom•
SVtTOwtd"'1 by reeutllw • • SPRING oow '"'""' by bvild" at homes. Redecorated, all new (•: .. 1:1crllice. 4 + fa!Jl rm, 'vet
copper plumblng, FA heal, ...... REALTY bar etc. I-furry oow!
built-ins. double tlreplace, • "ANYTIME'' ~ 5•6·5!10
new carpeting, shake l'OOf, (nea1 tinema thutr!)
3 ~i.ni;slted bdrms, 2 baths. 26!9 l·larbot Blvd., C.M. j OLLEGE REALTY
Walk to Westcl!U shopplna:. 1500 Adaln5 l\Ha1bo.-,CM.
Prl"'1 10 ""· Government
JUI,. -~ or 642-0IS5 Repasseslian ~ESA -$25,9lll
*LACHENMYER eompl•""' returb"""1 3 BR NO DOWN TBR _ POOL _ VA home priced way below mar. lsloated rear llvi'll'. room
Wt\)' wait for awnmer to go ltet value at $17,950 with with v.'&1ill of glass l ftre-
iwimmln&! Immaculate total payment $145 mo. place, overlook$ well Jand.
with new family room • scaped yard. 3 bedrooms,
Excellent tenns. Prlcul now hU&e family room. Exile~
al SM.950 Don't delay • sive carpeting. Near park.
293 E. 17th st. 646-4494 EASTSIDE
POOL -$3,000 D~. A bedroom cutk! set on a
Exquisite home. l baths. R-2 lot. Call for d.ctails.
Fonnal dining room. fire-JEAN SMITH 2629 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. place in family room. Push ' f,.i;iii.,. ... ., ....... .,.,., button built-in kitchen, dish· ·Realtor
Huge RumpU5 w•""''· El'°"" ,.,,... Room c1oor opener. HYttro sweep :.t~:a board . lovcly pool. BEACH HOUSE
114/"'"32:i5 --------·
.... I ~ • .... "' . ""' ,, '
~'I." . -,.. "' ·-· ., . ' t;4Mralv i r1000 General =~=;;;;;;; Pele larreH Realty
1000 lrvlM 12311rvlno 1231
Hunff""°'! looclt 1400HunH"""" looch I• -·· ., -;
Spacious t bdrm. ~ balh
home on fee lot. Luxury
Ieatures: 2 water beat-
ers, el.ectric: zarage door
opener, 3 fireplaces.
Ownl!r \Viii finance at
1% -$49, 750, l 16ai Westclitt Dr. J NEWPORT BEACH
~... 642-5200
One Iarae 3 BR 2 bath with
covered patio & Three 2 BR
2 bath units. Ideal for ow~
er user for tax shelter, Call
us for aetails.
are the tot.aJ C05b Ir.
down ~ment to a Vet
on thla FAR EAST
,OlARAlER. Con1plete
odelltal deoor enhanc-
es th1s beau~ with 3
ROOM. Of count, all
the bW.lt-tns too, Full
price onl,y $22,900 -
to ta I pa,ymenf3 $190
moo th. JOia.. COATS ~ WAL&LACE
(0pell E-i.,.i
Nearly 180• Ocean View by
Day & sparklinc lla:hta by
Night, 3 BR, 2~ bath!, frplc,
hobby mi le. triple gara&"e.
Make otter of $40,<XKI,
-~0! ......
We hove a l•rto Mloc:tlet! of EQCUllV• Mo,..
•Ions In pre•tile neighboth11d1 ra"ll"I
from $2',000 to $100,400 In price. Wo ..,
help you s•v• m•ny doll•r• & arr•• 1f.
moat 1ny terms. Here •r• iult • ftw tam-
H'< % LOAN ' • ' Anyone 'l,U•llfiOI lo talte
over the '1119 mo pymt, Ye•, 111cludln1 t.u11.
3 immac. bdnna & din rm, 2 pullrilan ba.
brick lrplc, all bll-lns , quality cptl/tlrpa
thruout. Many custom e1tras. Submit your
down payment. Only $17,751
NO MAINTENANCE , , , in th~ a u per b
Huntington Harbour Townhouse on. the
main cbonnel. 2200 sq It of luxury, 3 gigan-
tic bdrmB, sep. tam rm, formal din rm, 2
pullman ba, all elect. bit-Ina, 2 patlOI, 2~
car gar. & so much more. ·Submit your 1111•11
dn pymnt. Only $54.000
conscious? Then this Js it! On a lge cor .lot a
gigantic 5 bdrm w/sep. !am rm & formal din
nn, 3 ba, 3 car gar, 28' del pizo entry • ao
much mcire. But bes t of all an absolutely
& a custom patio with firepit. Must see to ap-
prec. Submit your dn pymnt. .. Only $55,tt!J
' . "' , "" ·-· ~ •
••• ··-
~· ... .. -
k -· -·· .,. .. -t•lffl
••• "" ',., ..
'"'" .. '
\'rJ ,
COOL POOL-TWO STORY. P ERSONALITY PLUS! Dover Shores Large 4 BR home ••• tnJgt 3 Br. 2 Bl\· New crpts, drp1, Waterfront BONUS ROOri-1. F u'l l bltns. 1~ sq. ft. Ott. dbl
HUNTINGT.<>N HARBOUR , .• 2 stories of
pure luxury In Huntington Beach's /!nest
area. 3 oversized bdrms, gigantic f1m rm,
huge !orma din. rm, 3 pullman ba, the finest
blt·ln 1ppllances, expensive panellln~ & a
long, long llsl of custom extras. Just unpoa-
sible to describe. Hurry for appt. !or your
wh ite glove inspection. Only $56,500 •• JO<J•' ·""I' carpeted sunken 1 t v i n i gar w/ alley a~1s. By
Spacious t\\-o -story 3 BR room, all bullt·ins & in ex· owner-princ only. 642-6767
home. Formal entry hall ceUent residenllal a re a , I"-=========-LEASE OPTION , , , Large fainlly & pets
OK in this big, nice home. 4 hdrma, If !am
rm, frplc, blt-in range, oven & dishwasher,
cpts/drps, big !need yard. Hurryl It's only
., ... -,, ......
with circular stairway, din-\Valk to schools & shopping. Newport Shorts 1220
ing room. Panelled den has Just listed. 2 Bedroonis each Priced for Immediate sale
fireplace. PleJ & lloat •• Unit. Near Ocean and Shop. at $35,750. CALL 540-1151
..•..•..•...•..•. , • . $155,000 ping. Fee simple. Dlvon.'fi (open eVes' Heritage Real
" . -··
1.Irs. Raulston necessitates quick sale at El!tate
TERMS t.o suit or lease op-
tion. 2 Bedrooms, Den beat
condition. 219 Cedar. Owner
not a l property. $24,500. Call
O\Yner 5.fG-2991 or 642--2835
BY OWNER :-personality
pill!, nr. beach, 2 BR. den,
2 be., $25,500. 642-3324. after
I 'I' .,. . ~ _., '1ive away' price ol $33,500. ~N~,-,,.-l~bd7rm-.~R~.,~w~N~E=-
Name YOW' lenns. VACANT. lt-.1.AtED. POSS. ' "' .........
'" ·-·~ llD Nnmr ·* $12,500 Full Price
Coldwell, llaftktr & (.o, l.lllSll $3000 '"· Ow"" will ""'Y mt 1:. c-1 Htlftff. R E A L T y 2nd TD. Drive by 185 E.
PIONEER REAL TY ... .,: .......
1111....-t ~ ti~ ...-. w "·'boa Bl d N Wilton then call: Kl ~ Oii ..... ~ • .cou v " .B. •• ''The Ont to Cell Flrtt''
... ~ ........ ~~·!!!!!!!!!!I -67~ . LOCKHART REALTY Thrn Wishes ..,..2301 ..,..,., """"'1 Coron• del Mer 1250
., .
OWNER 17471 laoch Blvd . !Hwy 39 -'Sloter In Hll ,., -lf peace, comfort location PRESTIGE LIVING &0ing to Washington. 2 story HARBOR View Hilla -w!.th
are important to you, look at the Beach + ....., a view, ror Bale by owner. '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I '" · ·-this over. Convenient to N Sh NB 3 :SR bonUll, g~ area. 2 bath llvln '
h ew~rt -Orta, Asswne 1arge 6% loen or 4 bedrooms, ~ ' g: Lido lslo 1351 H ti •·-~ 1--
Newport H,eig: ts lf'&de * PECIALS I * room, Dlnln r room,,,;;;~~;;;~;;::;;;;;;; Un nrton ~ -..._ .. ho · 2 try lease/option.' CALL RAY ....... school, and all s ppmg. * ''A" frame J BR, 2 ba, GAULT 540-ll51 (open eves) separate laundey room • REPOSmtlAllf ~ ', blks to new park. Only s24,500 I pool size yard f u 11 y B1yfront Duplexn Al.IMl.I " $25.~ .. and all the-"P1""" Heri tage Real Estate 1 nd d ••g •= Pho , •
NV -"" * A dream 3 BR, l-1dory ,--,==....,.~~~,--a scape .., •""'-'· ne • $100,000 -2-lhree BR's .. , features. 3 bedrooms, 2 loaded w/extras .• SJJ.400 43BDR1'f, 3 babl, ~ r:1,!· evening& 644-27IS for appt. $115,000. 3 BR & Two BR's $6'5 to SUS DOWN
baths, fireplace, (·pts. and * Like new 4 BR, J be $34.COl CIU' (pll'age, l·U\S, crp .. , with Fil't'olact1 NO 2nch
drapes, double garage, (.'On· * On the \Valer, 4 BR, 3 Jnter-com, ele.: gar. dr & Luxury Duplex Wilker Re1Jty L&ri;e 4 Bdrms -Vacant.
crete drive, large fenced balha 14, "ilJO &prlnklers, ru· golt COW'IC. 3,_ V•·a Lido ,ft,~ HA-DAL ·~·•TY back ... ~ .... on ""-''"' IT, R-2 C ood. •· R·· 1 .. " "~~.1°2·'90 2680 11q ft, $44,500. by owner. Custom-BU 3 BR, 3 bath ....., ,,,. ......, "" ~
,,....... ..............., ayw ty. ~ r-·• 1 .... home plus 2 Bdnn 2 tiathl~~!'!!!"l'':l'!'~':!;'~;:';."'t ~s7~._~w~ame~~r==-~"~......,~~j .,. LOT. There is not to much a~,... w "---1 N ~ .... e ncome proper,,. FY owner 2 )lr, 1 ha, {rplc,
ilabl rt '
~ ·, ~1 H way, ·8· 675-6846 Apt S&'2 000 5 BEDROOMS • ' ava ' m thl• pa o 1 .,.~~~~~~!""' '""""'=="""'===;;; · · ' · bl'"', playrm & ba. 8'ot "· • east.side C.l\f. Hurry. 0\VN· r ' -PENDING FORECLOSURE Oringt Coest Property Lido buy $44,500. cnt) Try $3000 cuh down to ex. ~,.,
ER. 642-4980. $750 DOWN S995 moves you In. 4 BR.a 332 Mllrguerlte, Cd~ 613-8550 G7S-!'.>023 lattna &W. % FHA Joan @ "·.:.
Great floor p I a n, <&
bclnns 3 bathS, s t e p
do,\·n family room with
stone fireplace oil the
kitchen, formal clin. Top
Mesa Verde local. Low
')I'·. ~ ·. ' T . •' .I;_,. ,1 \ ' r, ' . ', 'It
Large 900 *I ft units with en-
closed garages • in excel·
lent (.'01ldition. Near schoola
& shoppllll'. OWner ukina
.... ~.~·y~• '* 642-1771 Al;lrtlll\O '*
It's Different
Out1tanding t bedroom home
with fani. rm., fonnal din
nn &: breakfast room. Own-
er 'leavill&" area. Priced to
Amald & Freud
388 E. 17th St., Otl
RcaUol':! 646-ns.5
Immed. occupancy. 3 BR 2 baths all bl<ilt-ina, sunkan ~-$207 total monthly. Formal -Ne~ly painted, Yard, paUo. living room &: fireplace. SEE TO BELIEVE I Huntington Buch 1400 din. rm. 1" baths. SHARP?
$19 500 CALL AL BLACK 540-1151 So. Sid< dv plex only $36,000 DESPERATE OWNlll '
Rltr, &12-9730 Eves. 548-0720 3034 E. Cout Hwy. 8'15-3S81 Executive n e i g: h b o rhood. , • KENNEDY 126•500' LOAN 51'% • By $32,995 -YOUR TERMS. M!-8531 ....... 541""° .,
Owner. 3 BR., pool, irpl., ----------1 Single story, .epani.te for-UP TO IO% COMM. r-•
"All Electric" 3 Bdrm.
$22;000..Ltas th•n rent!
3 &epai'llte batha, cll electi·ic
"Award" klleben, Y.'alk-in
pantry. Re!ria;erator, dish·
\\'Uher Included. 541).1720
TARBELL 2'55 Herbor
nt"w cpta, pain\_ Eutsldc. Ba Ibo• Penin1ul• 1300 ma1 dining room, 1arae liv-+ IONUS '-:.;..
=M="'=· =' ="""'-==..,__======-;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~~;;;;;; I Ing room wUh slate brick R. E. Sllttmen or Women-
MINI • CUTE IU.pla"', kn-a= ltle '"" OP'"""'1 now. ""''''" or •' • try, wroua:ht iron decorative new Uctnae. Traln.bw ~ · 6 •
OPEN Hoou. Lovely 3 BR Doll !louse on peninsula fence with brick, double aw. ;ram. ConfktentlaL CaJ1 Mr. ..._
2 bath & tamlly room. point; lhree bedrooms, one age, bl& lol Kory FIRST PIONEER . .:1,
Meal Verde 1110
Co1t1 Mell 1100
:~su,~. 5;;: ~ll~tJ CTNnt!r ~': d~ hal~~::~='. If SJ111fJ!!UW1Ur.I MMftl ~:,. ~ ne1 and public beach. A ll\dlft-.illllll;:n 3 BR. 2 Ba., wJw carp., -f.a .. -.
BY OWNER aoua:ht after Je\\'el. Reduced to $38,25itJ. drpt;, diahwuher. $21,500; .it.,
R."publlc 4 bdr split level. BURR WHITE, Realtor -HUGE ADDED $1830 OOV.·n to a new nu ........
Looli Out
I t 136,9'0. 646-5616 29<Jl l'lowport Blvd .. N.B. FAMILY ROOM '°"'· 897-2.1112 OWNER -:;;
' 0 n . 1200 675--4630 Eves 642-2153 with Swedlst. fi replace, Pink SOL Vlsla, 1poUeu 3 mt, .~ ~··
A panoramic view of land I :N~ewii;iipo~rt~iB~e~ecihiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 1 ·========= & white fann atyle ln model cust drps, crptt, all btt.lm, ; ..... and eea, from lhia mod, t I I cond ltlo.n. Comer lot, carpeta frplc. Ownr $24,500. M7-G61 ~·1 :
BR. home, places the placid B/B Lido lilt 1351 throughout. Seeing Is be· '.l-o ~
Pacilic surf at your door--·------liev\na •Only $23,900 -S3300 NOW'S THE ;.~ 1tep, with Catalina Island down &: assume FHA Joan,
aa a maa:nificent backdrop. INCOME prope1'1y very clOBe Paul Jones Re1lty r:'.
Located on a Jarae lot In • to City Hall and Lido Shop-Great Location 847-1266 Eves. 53&-7124 TIME FOR •
quiet neighborhood. It hal ptni Center. Three bedroom Olarming 3 BR. 2 BA hOme 4 UNITS ~.; 2 baths, Jorced ai.r heat and house \V/flreplace, plus three o· one of Lido'• prettiest .,..
a o:,;~.~Tim 1~5 =~ o:rtr~~~ VJd~ ittteta. S59,00l. Large 2 .stocy apl, new car. QUICK CASH i.;·
1179 Glent•tles • Jteal value at only $45.<XKJ. LIDO REAL TY, INC. pell, drapes, paint. Beautl-
eve: 642...,16 lay & Beach 3400 Via Lido 673-SB30 ful eomt"r Jot near octan in THROUGH A
BURR WHITE, Rt•lter R••lty, Inc. , .. _,....,..,.,._,'"!..," muJtt-mWk>n dollar develop. . _
2901 NeWJ>011 Blvd NB 901 dover Dr., NB Suite Z21 I' menl. $39,000.
'75.4630 EvH 642.~ 645-2000 "'"'· ,....,.. SOPHISTICATED Ted Woy Rlty 536-2'7' DAILY PILOT ~ .. Smart J .. tory, 3 Bd, plUI
$1IXXI OIT ffiA APPRSL 4 BDRM + 5th or deu, lam!-lsmaJI Bd, office or nursel')') B·JG HOME
3 bdrms & den, 1%· Eb, ly nn, 3 BA. Be:iutif11l1y 2 bath.~. lge dlnl~ area, 4;;• WANT AD ~· crpt&. d 1 p1, landscaped w/ new ::.S' lot, !IOUlh patio, $65,000 4 BR. l'Ai bQ .. nr. lmpital-
covered patio., N t;, w I y Anthony auto1ua1k po o J, n . C. GREER. Really llfedical <.'t?nler and anb'
remo d e l ed kitch e n Tlnlc clock s p rin klc1·s, 33ffi Via Lido 673-9300 $21.,500. f,.7. 1''"1~11'!1n'·. 642•5678
w/bl t-ins, tile, bttDkfa.st 81crC'O !hruoul. G arage i""'"_""' .. ""!!!!!"'""!"'"I R. D. SLATES, Rltr.
nook, dl!Jhmaster, loads of stoi'll,ltr. i\la:iy r.xtras &: you \\'hilr rh·;~:in~_·!-~l~_·Un_I! &17-351.1.l J<;vl!~. 98'.!-T.G
cupboards. Within 3 lflk1 of o11•n the 101. An f\'11 n \Vella I ~-~~
llll achools. Btr. bli oor. bcau1y al $i9.~..00. ~~tJ.'18
lot w/la..,,. -· • 0""1" POO-L & TENNIS-"1 ed detached 2 car S<it'ill.'t'.
. ' . .. .......
' -' ·-' I ••• ····· "' ,,, ..
•i.:• -: ..
' .~ •. 4 BR home, 1 %. baths, tv1.rd-
wood Ooon. double 1arna:c.
$25,000. TARBELL 2t5S Herbor
Nke Eutslde 3 BR, den.
built·ina, carpeti, f e n c e d
Older Home on lar;:e yant, $23,300 • FHA 5'4 %
il.i x 95 ft.) J\..2 Lol lnl • 10'7o down. Immedlate
PLUS a:Jaanlic s e par a l e Plenty or 100111 behind new
yard tor boats, trll'llo doga, 4 bcdiwn1s l bftu{ plus bal·
kW. et\.'. Currtnt f1:lA ·•!>" cony &: fortvl'r vJtw ot Back
prll. ii S22.850. Buy .trom Bay. &Ki-4414
owner lhh1 week for $21,&aO.
540-fM.I or ~'
.. --• Wells-McCerdle, Rltn,
U10 Newport Blvd., C.M.
1 bklck lo Beach · po••••••'"·
54.1-7129 """· ........
°''"""" • bollt by IVAN $27.500 Mlqll Riiy . 541-220I
WEUS Unequalerl for qua.1. Geor9•n!la1l•lorll1m10n 4 O'""-r unit.-ity. It elegance. VIEW. t '"' -.
4 Bedroom -$22,500 Bdrma. 3 bl.Iha. atrium. m--050 "'EYH. 673-W64 $385/mo income. Lol 6b300'
HUGE FM\IL Y RM. li!!~iil!!!!!!!!!!i•'-'"-!!! Owner must sell -EZ lolost deslNble area . nothlrc Roy J, Ward Co. .t Bedroom -$23,750 . tenr111 , ••• , , •••••••• 129.500.
compan.bk at thb: Jow l.Baycrest OttictJ _ LESS THAN RENT I 2 BR Cott.,. Home
pr\ce! 2 baths, family room. IMI S.ntiqo Dr. 646-1.S:iO 2 baths. f\ill dlntnc rwni. Wesl!lkk. l block to ~
rear 1Mnc roam. tlf'CJllace. UPLEX Carpeted ... lfl)arldeA like a ptna •·• •••• ......... Sti.~ ~-k polio with ... BBQ NEW D ''J I" ~ U. 1 GENCO REALTY 642-4422 """" ' on Pt.nn. Dlx.e 3 BR UnilL eft · ""et' n l.l"ea. BuUWn rarwe. own • dish-AdJ to Octan 1 Bay S59 ll50 ~1120
-.. 51D-ll2l a.iboo RHI Est~lo (., TARBELL 2955 H•rbor
TARlliLL 2tSS Herbor 71IO !:. Balboa Blw., Balboa Chennel RMI
HUGE 2 •tory home Y.'lth m.-040 · Penthouse Apt.
$10,500 •
In ~ Buch. Unob-
1lruct~ ~111 Vkw.
~ Eves.~t
ONLY $21,200
BcauUful 3 bdrm 2 bath +
lge 20 x 20 ~ room.
new carpeta. Jmmec:. yard,
Located on qul~I !lee llned
slr!'(!t Nit l bloekil fnlm
Elem I Hlch IC~ No
.... '-.Illa!• .. ~ ...... ,
loan Cf.I' tie uMned with
Iota! mo, .-.it. !'09 ll4'
iricl princ, Int. W!l!1 A It'll.
CAU. LARRY !5 40-1151
(op!!n f'\.'tl) 11er!tqe R.nJ
fmly room. lonnal dlnln& ..,.,...,..,.,,;!1!!1!!1!11!""~' For s.Jt ot Lf'ue at $5SO
room. MOO 8q\IJft feet llv· L\JXVRJOUS 3 BR. 2 &. per mo, to ~Uable parties
Ina atta. 4 BR.. 3 BA. Fe. rm., trpl., •'OOI cpta. o n 1 y. Oielller Salisbury.
redl.lttd $4CXXJ to $41,000. Htd. pool, trplt'. w/BBQ, Realtor. m-8900.
Owner-Ail. 64&-?Xl5 incd area for clilldJ:tn. Walk
to 1/'lof), llChl. $32,lltJ Owttr THE QUICKER YOU CALL,,
flm lb rm. home r.aurc
ma In kitchen, Ffllln, ol
llaht.. auto . I~ door
optner, brtdt t t r ep1 a ce
P\ACE )'OW· •ant aid whtrw 1M.ke roof. new cirPtll"S cbel' are -rC -DAU.T C'~.M. Ill Dlot. "29,!00. C.11
,OAJLY PILOT WANT 400 962-<9!5 , THE QUIO<ER Y"" SEU. PJLOT claa1ftt'd! ~-!1511 2328 aft 4:30 PM ·--------
lltlft ll1•\ £stat•
•. '.
•• .~ ... ····--· .,,. ·-• , .. ' . ..
·-. •
Thw~. ftbruary 20, lM
H-fuml-Hou ... Unfurnlthod A,11. ,_....,. Apfs. Unfur nllhod _Aftls. Uflfurnlshod O-rol Oonorol 1n4 NOTICES --1 ~-'----'-----· Lido hi• 2351 Cotti Mou 3100 c..to-Mou . 4100 c..to.-5100 ;untln"9n IHch.,5400 Office bnt1I '4JZO _,,,_a. ~I 6210 IAlt 6401 .... ' ----
FURN. lwMy 3 Bd. ' ha 2 BR. ... ., w/aanll"I ...... $25 ult. Up l.AGUNA BEACH 5 A NR ~ ---PURPLE collar with bell.
1 .'. -ft + !Jun. nn. • d.n. Mu <!npu: Ina!. ~-$115 • ~ ........ 0".".hl' • i. HARBOR EXCLUSIVE Air Conditioned 18il • d. Wtr, pnte. 16.000 """' by •mall black}~!~/"'
0 BR ' ... , "•; d'~,,. ~~ • "' Jo JUM lJ • IOOO/Mu. Mu., adulta OnJr, 261& Eld•1t • -1~ u-~;-,. -~ . ON-THE-IEACM ON ll'OR!S'I AVENIJ£ j60d!I-633-mDS-lOa.nt.agL ~.... ~:~~ •IA<tun1'.~.~·~ j frple, bit-nl "" w-"."r. RrJerencta R. C. G1'«!'r, Ave., Costa Mesa. 613-6710 , '"'"' U111 ...-._ ltl'V. • IJ ~ spacn availablie bl ... -ni• • ~"'
Low do\\-nl-usumec:dsting rutr 673-S3CO ·----• Maid Sa'vioei .. TV ovaD. GREENS 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts., n~ otnoe b\i1'4!lq •I Exchlng111. A. E. 6230 Drive, C.M. 54$.-5993 .,ter
loan-Ownt-r v.1ll pay all ·,M Newporf Bc•ch noo • New Cafe. Bar Lu.~wy livlrt; to pleua lhe prime locallnn tn downtown ·-00 ();00 P.P.f. _,, o ... h "705 -• --2316 Ne..-Blvd. il48-97M I d'-~-•--o.-I ~· HAVE· ~n a--•• n.v~~ I I a '"eek .,_ l,. .. •1'11 ~c • ~ BJ\CHJ:;LOR. UNfo'lJRN, ulO:!S ..,.. .. , ........ ,.. 1,1.1'# t.a:una Bt>acb. Ar ~ · ""'"•v ..... _ ... ~ 2 PA~•"" 0$ ..
DEWINDS RLTY. . 3 BR 2 ba1h ~ne. &c< CHATEAU IA POINTE fr•m $100 anll1blo1t l).~ed. carpeJecl. b<lu!llUI per"""' u down payment ago'"'"' 000 block Pack
or $·l2..ool.2 AVAIL. Marth l51h IC> June Btl.Y Obie trple. lge oor. v th H f' I PIUll'led p;&rtitionlng Two into boUSe or small un.lta. Avonue, Lq:una Beach.
i_-. ---· 15th;2BR.,fal>u10W1octan lul. LHorlte/opllun Lovelyf1117l-281\apla.OU· Al..SOAVA.11.ABLE I UftlnQft~ en~: V'rontAJr on Agent 646-9683 days , 494-9822
:LagOna Blach 1705 y\ew of Vlf'loriu Beach. i2751mo. Avail Match 1. street parkilla, e&rpoN, lJtd I • 2 .\-3 BDRM. For·es1 Avr., ~;u leads 10 646-TMJ. eves ;L;;OST;;;;:",;:.,ma_l"e"""siam=::..,:::--, '1"~
I Adults.. IUO l\fu, ALL util. 6·1z..4387 VoOJ. Adutia. no pcl•. $150. lll'Uled POUlll, Child C&t'e •
pakl. 491-lO'!J CHOICE 2 bdrm brach apt. .:.:_:1 ~ Ccntl'I'. AdJ. to Shoppina: -PIClfic · JleJ' month for 1pace. Desk R. E Winted 6240 \Vhittier. c .t.1. 642--9647 1941 PO.MONA AVE C M • • m ituooipal '-"rklni lnta. S50•1-----yr old. Vic West 17th .:. BOY
IT'S BIG 2 nn. nce.r bccu·h Lu.xurious cal'µ et in g & Graclous Acl"lt Living t\o Pl'I~ allowed and chain available !or S.S. :.::..::..· .:.:.;;:;.:.:.:;. ___ _
Jnuiicdk1!<? occupaiicy <ln:tpcs. I )'I' Jse. l\fu!il II('{!· l & '! Bil., \Vf \Y ~t~. dnip1:, . 27i.~ Pl'lcri>"u \\ra.y, at Jiar-Bulineaa boura a.nswe~ WANT small home or \'3J:Mt Personali 6405
494-814j 01· 494-14Sll to aµp1~. a201 River St.. poo'. ~t•;de-:t'I 0 .K. bu & AtJitn1s, Costa Mesa. 7lJ Ocean A~ .• H.11 service aYaHt.hle for SlO. Jot Newport, Costa Mey
The builder is nearing -::::::::::::-::::=:::::::::::: A t B N B call """I:'''"' MESA E • ~ APTS Sl&.0370 (Tl4l 536-1481 C NSED completion on thili. fabulous -P • · · Ol' .....,.:.1,.11,1 -• • ~~!!!.!!!!il~j!!!!!!!~!!!l!J! ~~~!!!"'"!!!!"'"!!O!!'P AlJ .uliJitie•. paid e.xcepl area; tro1n priv party. LI E ---··
Lll.guna Beach bon1e. De· Vacation Rentals 2900 ELEGANT Bayview, xtra 1-' 145 E. l8ll1, c;.i\t. &u.3474 "'l MbVING-fE:a. 23rd 2 BR 2 baths, bu.llt·ins. w/w telept.one. i ;."~'-=~-~=~--.,,;-:,,-,-,,, S11iritua1 Rtadinas, advice
tailed architecture, styled BIG Bear New A·f'l'ame ;. 3 Br. 2 ba, pool, i:Q.lf, $125. LI'& 1 BR, clean, quicL N I D Ml drps, freshly Painted DAILY Plurt' PRIVATE Par'.y will pay up on all matters, 108 S. El
in NEW ORLEANS molilf, lr 170 ~r. CdP..t Ht. ~ Beaut tum, nr market. ew Y ec:or•t SlZlmo. Mgr. 5364488 222 FORESI' AVENUE to $2000. for G.r. for F.H.A. CAmino Real, San Clemente.
features extensive use of bin. crpts, bit· IS. pr 64r1111 Wshr, dryr, gar, Adults only 2 Bdrn1s. w/garage Sll5 LAGUNA BEACH Equity 1or 3 bdnu + h~ 492-9136. 10 AM-10 PM
wrought iron shutters, IRON '''kend, sips 6 +. 968-359? $210; 3 Bdrn1. duplex J.9aJD, Wallace. C.M. \Vn!er & Gardener Paid Legun1 Buch 5705 til-!MGGO,>;;IO;;;,i -.!!'':;m:;:l:!:iy~rmc;:·~63S-~2'l<l8~'.':·==--SPECIAL $2 READING
GRJU.. GATES OPBN TO FOR RENf Thrn Mammoth w/w, many extru WILSON West l BR tum. l.'.i75 Ot·ange Ave., Apt A MEDICAL -Professional 50 Ot' 60 Units or more DON 'T Jet another lonely ~Ro NT COURTYARD. Moun I a i,..nA Co130ndmniniwn Broker 534-6980 He~ted pool, util in c I. ~=-·=6_36-4.,.-~1_2_07·=~· I L'~ .... CYLFURNIFF D/UNRIFVUERN Sulte11 1~~ leastle. Custo818m
noo,DOO. Down weekend go by! Succeed i.n
d:ll\fPLETELY ENCLOSED sk.-eps 8. 61..-. AdWti only. 6 4 6-5 2 7 6 , 3' BR J~ baths. $150/mo. vAvn. remode .... ,. ·ava . 1 AGENT 642-1525 dating without realty 1]Yin&.
W/I\fASONRY \VALLS, AND RENTALS Newport Helghft 3210 968-17«1 newly redecorated inside &: Yearly Lease. I Ir: 2 J:Sctnns. Main St., Hunt. Beach 1---==-=--'-----Laguna Sch 494-4479
~~~JONAL LAND-Houses Unfurnlthed 00-RMJNG 2 ~~n~& 'EXT=c,;RA,,--,Larg'7·C'C,-,2-cbdrm.,.--, 2 o\~~lls·McCa.rdle Realtors . ~:"S:::e~uy~ (1·213) 435-8~ 8US~NESS •nd c~.~:L~~~ Stt~~~n:.:wa~
Approx. 22tX> SQ. Ji'T. of 3000 den, 2 bath ho1nc. \v/1y ba, pool. Mature adults, MS-7729 from $150 mo up. leas.' Commerci1I 6085 FINANCIAL comi!li; Fri. 5 PM 6.35-9291
liv, area, feahu-e& 4 BDR1'f. ;Go;;;;n;;e;;'1;.1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; carpets, drapes, Ea.stside Sl50. Utll Pl}id. 2115 Placen-_ST_E_V_E_N_v_n_.r_.A_A_PTS_. _.94-2449 -------Bui. Opportunities 6300 (Fonnei'ly The RegislryJ & FA l\1, FM .. FLOOR PLAN, Costa Mesa.Close . to shop.. tla Ave. S43-2407 _ ~ sERVICED BY ' BATH-*WHY PAY RENT! ping & park. Nice l y NEW 2.BR. FURN. CP.rs. ,_ 384
1 A5VRDCAOOc•,.,;..':·Md. Extro L"orgo Catalina Island "LITTLE BUSINESS" 6410 land ped -~ .... 0rp Pool Adults 1 ~"· .. _,......,, rps, 2 BR, pvt patlc, gar, ot'ean 11 1 , R ta 1 & Ba In • 0 ~-hnm Announcements . . ROOMS. Spat'ious entry foy. sea y ... u, coven,,,,. s. . , no pe s. dishwshr; gar. No children, view, near beach & shop-· o e., es uran r perate u"'u youi· e
er. with Coor of glazed tile, Not ONE PENNY down Patio , very q u ie t U45. 2272 Maple St. .... ..... .,. 64• , •••• , 64, ~22 . beautiful Avalon. Presently a Full or part-time HAVE A PARTY! 54(1."66 64" ~....... • ...... ~ ~ .......,, ptng. Adults. $185, inc. util. 1 .. 11.. , _ OPENS TO GRACIOUS V neighborhood. $195 pr. mo. -.ou1 494-3034 operated suc~ss ......,, . .....,ng e High earning!! BE DIFFERENT!
FORMAL LIV. R1'f. & AT· Qualifying els can move Available Joi: immediate oc-SEPARATE Bachelor, quiet, STUDIO 2 BR. 11,.1 BA. Just a\vaited niaster-plan devel-e No experience necessary Have your own authentic
TACHED DINING RM., 33 in immediately. cupancy, Write 8(1)( 6U c/o Eastside, patio, ·$ll0. 1 redec. New crpls, drps. Util MEAL ESTATE opnient of this Island para. •Free training progran1 Oriental stand-up cocktail
FT LONG n..<1 •• Pilot dul •~ "-A"-'""" rm; closed gar. D a Y 8 Genor1I dise now undenvay. e Earn while learning k ·1 & , . Great location in •1unting-.u~ a t, re..,. ............... ...., 542-3524, eves 546-0689 party, \Ve coo 1 serve
Unique kitchen -lam. nn. Hamil A A ,nice 3 Br. in Oilthaven e N··--u Pal-· • BURR WHITE, Re•ltor • $3500 Investment buys it in ,,0ur own home, all ton Beach on ton ve. ...,..,.. ...... d •-Renttls Wint·• 5990 , arrangement, 30 FT. LONG, between Brookhurst and looking for responsible king J & 2 BR. _ Pool $150. 2 BDR, en, [t'p«:, pri .u :r."01 Ne'A'PQrt Blvd., N.B. complete inventory you supply are the people.
FEATURES nwnerous hdwd Bushard _ close to the term adult ten&flts. $225. 177 E. 22nd St 642-364S patio, drps, crpts. blt·lns, BUSINF.sSWOMAN with im-675-4630 Eves. 673-0859 •For information write Miss LlLY SAi\t &12·535.1
cabinets, BILT·IN RANGE, Ree after ·~1st can: -==°"=======cl adults. Avail March lat. e Box M-469 Daily Pilot ATTENTION beach -!2l3) SM •221 peccable credentials seeking
SELF CLEANING . DBL . 548-7239 aft. S PM Newport Beach •200 ".IN ' reasonably priced apart-ELECTRICAL Contracting EX-NAVYMEN .
OVENS, DISHWSHR., Quality 3 &: 4 bedrooms, --322-
3 BR. 11h ha. Cll.lldren ml'nt on Balboa Island or lndu1trial Rental 6090 Business lor sale. C·lO State Oean out the old .sea·ba.i.t
GARB. DISP., BREAKFAST 2 & 3 baths, all one story N --•-wpo-.._rt_S_ho_res_.,.. __ 1 BDRM apt, 'l)nt loc, stml '<\'e.ioome. $150. Mgr. 862 W. near ferry on Peninsula. Lie. Will R.l\-t.E. Lie to d hel ood
BAR. One wall of lam. rm. homes. From $32,44)), Month-pvt beach. n75. Mo. Adults. Center Apt 1: 10 AM ~ \Vould consider sharing. FOR lease Laguna Nlguel, right people. 540-4673 alt ~ve yo~r :~~ ~n~orm~~~fi: has STONE FlREPLAcE 4-1288 .., LEASE only $200 a month. 613-8785 4 PM 675-0TiO days, 6 4 4 .. 4 1 8 8 of! San Diego 1'\vy at Crown 6. Iv ff 000 HE\VN AN Jy payments .uvm ·"~ 2 Bedroorm and den. Cp•-~:,;.:~~----~ • ""'"""""'=~= icers & Enlisted) to the Sea· IT W M -including P&I, taxts & in-""' OCEANFRONT A.PI'. Ideal 2 BR duplex, stove, fully evenings. Valley, new commercial &1MOBILE Brake Truck wl Scouts. Need blues, ,vhites, TI.E, 5 STOOL WET BAR drapes etc. Good o.mdltion. for bachelor; mcely furn. cpt/drps carport. $120/mo. NEWPO industrial units. Delta Elec-stock & equip. Can finance 769
\V/SINK. LIQUOR CABI-surance. ;1!~'."'CauOwne~~i ~ $100 ?1-fo. uW. pd. 673-6900 2225 Pacific Ave. 546-4147 2 bdr ~~· ~Mho:e~~~ bic. Days -831-1400. Eves -part w/ good credit. 1-'H'-'OT--bag~OOG-'·-'-18'-·.-"'-•• -~.~d~w~ic~h,-,-I
NET & MJRRORED WALL. U ••u --a qualified Vet be I 499-4198. -673--0582, 673--9312 eve """' This custont quality home .3" """ 642-2.835 .2 BR. New crpt'g. F'rtshly c ean quiet & reas. Adlts, \ve deliver. call
has luxurious W/W carpet-you can move in withoutC ';;°'°;;;n~l;;def;;;;;Ml;;;r;;;;;;;;42;SO;;; ~!..~~,· Bltina. S,i25 mo. no pets or children, up to 3001 SQ ft warehouse & office WANTED : Ott-Sale liquor 642_1963, 11_7 ing thru-oul in your choice one penny down .•. not Coron• clef Mar 3250 • -~--------$140. \\'rite P .O. Box 1882 + 6000 sq fl paved & fe nced license for Orange County
o( color. 25 FT. WIDE GAR.. even closing costs. ---.CC------N' J Fu Ishee! 2 BR DUPLEX. Private Escondido, Calif. yard. 1855 Laguna Canyon Call: 642-8139 SERVICE' DIRECTORY
3 H ~' ice y rn Rd: ""' '"""" oc m4l1 --------.f\GEs \VITI-I ATI'ACHED BR Unfum ou~ .,...,,, pra,ge It laundry room. SO. eo:s Gas Co. employee 5'11)...~'~~~=~--=I ;:=::=::-:;;:=:-;~ L''UNDRY RM y ___ ,,,.. Oilers good only throuih DAVIS REALTY Second floot' apt, for mature ~1<K/ th. ••• "11 needs 3 oo home. Po,,;bJc ~ Babyso'ttt'ng 6550 " · ou WU\UU February 28, 1969. 642-7000 couple or single person, on -mon ...,.,........ U.¥ 2ooo SQ. ft. M·l space with Investment Oppor. 6310 e.'<pect a home ot this siie A . St 45 SMALL apt. for single adult. rent \Vith optJOn. Loe. Enst fro 1 d . I • ua1·1y f ll th cac1a . Sl . mo. of Ha r b 0 r be 1 ween nt of, ire; rive n rear PARTNER Wa n 1 e d to WJLL babysit my home . 9 • q 1 0 se many OU· Walker & Lee, Sales Agents O C 1 I P rt Stove & refrlg. S85 mo. · d 1308 Logan St C M mos to 3 '"""' preferred. &ands higher, than~ rive. Huntington Buch 3400 range 0 1 rope Y w. l?th. c.M. 545-087G Paulerino & Fair, CM. oor. · · · p'lrticipate in highly pri> J ·~ . f Open 10 'ti! dusk daily 332 Marguerite, CdM 673-8550 546-9888 after 5. $195 mo. 646--0681 fitable __ , estale pro""'!. Days. occasioned, part or
away price 0 968-311.'J& NICE I bdnn. duplex '"'"' ,,..~ 1 JI ti 50c hrl S20 $37 950 NE\V 4 BR. 2 Ba·• WAN'FED 400 sq ft in vie 800 SQ 1''t. Uc per sq, ft. Realty project is ready to u me. Y •
' · dishwasher, stove ; db I . 2 BR close to Shopping, $165 Adulll!. $99.50 o( Dover & Coast Hwy, for at orange County Airport. commence & fin a n ci n g wkly. 5 4 8-1 3 9 5 · Ex· FULL PRICE gar.; drapes, ca r p e t e d ; mo. Lease or month to ==-~54;:.9--083-=--_3 -~-storage &. model shop. Must Ask for Chuck 540-5990 already obtained at 6.5% perienced, Near H a r b o r SHERWOOD ES'Aru Le"' 1250 Mo., water pd. month. Hal Pinchin & SPLIT •-I 3 B• c I •-· ... 1 25 Prof't h Shopping center. $3795 DN. PYMT, bl'·-.· ~Al'~-bac'h·. P 5• ...... y.;, ,,..ye pi;l\ver; "'aler, good NO\V LEASING -New M-1 or years. 1 on cas -""'07'°"'===~-
S42-30l9 ·As.oc==·=615-4=="'===== u.., ""' lighting & water proof. Industrial 1350 square feet. invested will yield double BABYSITTING
OWNER WILL CARRY 3 BR,, bit-ins, frplc, \v/w 2885-A Mendoza 545-5421 64>-l lli. $155/mo. Agent 642-1485 minimum wilhin one year. In my home. Near Magnolia
A tsr T.D. FOR THE by lhe SEA cpts. dble gar, $175/mo. :B;.:1c;lbo:.:.:1:..... ____ 4300 LIKE NE\V 2 Br .. new cpts., 'E"MP'"'LO=Y"ED=-"'ta"d"yc-c,7ced=,~1 ~--~~-......,~~ Need SS0.000-$100,000 cash and Edinger St., \Vestmins-
FULL BALANCE 8322 f\tunster Dr. ~230!! drps, bit-ins; carpo11; no BH unturn Apt, beach area, b-tl-A : N'pt Bch; 4
50 Sq. now~ Qualified Pt'incipajs ter. Fenced yard, hot meals
MISSION REALTY CLEAN Bachelor Apts. ft. small mfg. & o c; 450 only! Box M 703 Dail" Pilot incl d-• Call Jim 3 BDRM 1 % bath, 1 mi AU utU Incl $75 up pets. Adults. 548-6769 to $110. Carport or garage sq. ft. storage. 642-2809 3 u ""· any e., 985 So. Coast Hwy., Laguna Owners Attention! from beach. $190 mo. Phone 315 E, Balboa Blvd. nee, 642-0086 aft/5 p.m. 847-7187 1,..,.P!!h!!o!!"".,.m,,•,.>,.494-0.,.,.131.,.~I Do you have rental units! 536-7744 BALBOA 673-9945 Newport Beach , 5200 WANTED: Bachelor apt. or Loti 6100 Real Estite Loans 6340 TEACHER will care for your
LOWER 3 ARCH BAY We have good tenanta from -"'====-c=~== PENINSULA POINT --'-------rooril/priv. entrance. --------child. my home. Fenc'd yd.,
previous years and need • S1nt1 Ana Heights 3630 2 BR 2 Ba. Carport: yearly LARGE 2 BR. 2 BA. e.'<tra Newport area. 67>6176 LO\VER 3 ARCH BAY HOME LOANS art activities, hot lunches 4. BR. pla~i:?.:_ patio, SUMMER -WINTER - and 3 3 Ba ~·•O I to desirable. tenanLo;:, $lG7.SO. lge master BR \\'ith rriv I ~\\~'A7N=r"c~· --1-~5--1 Large levC'I oc-ean vie'v lot l\IONEY AVAILABLE incl. Collegl' Pk. area.
citrus trees on o.cue;e level ANNUAL rentals for them. BR. " 4N:I..~ poo; Ba. Bit-in:;, very clean. arage or oal s or-near beach e ntrance . Call tor details on today's 64;.:o5-0,=156::..._ _____ _ ()(.>can view lot near beach on ~I acre. Rm. tor horses 1544 Miramar 67~!358 y le $165 n1 o age $10 11)0 NB are·• ,. Please call our rental dept. ears asc. • j,73-6.;31 · · · ' · $35.000. Private party. Box rates for 1st & 2nd TDs. LICENSED day care. Pref
entrance. Pri0vate party_ and let us give you the RED or 'vhat have you. Lease Be Ibo• It I ind 43.S5 .',,'=""",,"=! ===""°'== ===· ="='-:o'·="""=== 1-1-7&1 Daily Pilot Sel"oing Orange County for v.ckty 24 yri;. Hot Junchei;, Box ~f-704 Da Y Pilot , CARPET •-aJmcnt. •ou de-avail., $325 Mo. 642-6606 .; 18 bat d . . "-'A"J539 "' , Bl ff 5242 Rooms for Rent 5995 LARC..:E lot. Will take 4 yean.. ant'1:' act1vil.1es . .,... ..... serve the best! eve. BUSINESSWOMAN \Vilh in1-E :;:11::t..:;.:.:•:;.: ____ ...:.....; units. Cenlrally located in SatUer ll-1or\gagc Co. Inc. BABYSIITING my home, Leguno Niguel 1707
DELUXE 3 Br. 2 &. ; ~
fess. Indscpd. &: decorated;
in exclusive l\fonarc:h Bay;
lovely ocean view; auto.
RED CARPET Rlty 3 BR. house: gar., yearly peccable credentials seeking e NEW DELUXE e \VlNTER rental. ~~ block to lLB. $10,000. Ted \V<iy 336 E. 17th St. deys or nites. \V. Newport.
Rental Dept. 673-3663 lease, S165 mo. reasonably priced apart-3 Br. 2\!i ba. apt. fol' lease beach, priva!e rn[!·anr:e. Realty 536-25i9 6~?·21TI :i45-061.1 646-3874
2025 W. Balboa lllvd., N.B. 548-1362 ment on Balboa lsland or Incl. spac. mstr. ~uilc, din Adult only. 112 34\h St., BY Oivllt"r, view lot. Redlull Eves. 673-7865 642-1157 I LO,.;c.VE="'-10-..,..-~,.,--87ic~I ~2J
near feny on Penilisula. rm. &: dbl. ga~e. auto.1 "'N°'B~6-7">-_27473~a~ll-. ~'-"-""'°'~ Ridge, Tustin. $21.000. Alli ---------to 4 }TS old. Near Fairview 3705 IRVINE TERRACE -2 BR ~agunt B••ch
water softener &: elec. gar. & den. Fantastic View.
doors: 1 yr. new. $59,500. beaulitul conditior. -$750
with 6% % Joan. Owner ll) per mo.
•99-4198 BEACON BAY -2 BR It
Dani Point 1730 den, or 3 BR. Community
beach, pier, tennis cout -
SPANISH· TILE ROOF $450 per mo.
4 bdrms. den, 3 ba, Beaut. John Mcnab Realty Co.
iful neighborhood, $47,500. ''""""""""'64~2-8235""'"'""'"""" l min to school & marina 1 :
34031 Oiula Vista Ave. VERY NICE 3 BR, 2 ba
496-2656 unfum house, Corona del
Mar, yrly rental. Chet
CHARr.lING 2 BR, n1odern,
sundeck, fireplace, double
garage. $185. 980 Bluebird
Cnyn Dr. 494-9259
ttnt this week; 3 Br. 2
Ba. Has eve r y t h i ng1
...... 1 Aa.~
Apt1. Furnished
General 4000
! Duplexes For Sale~ Salisbury, Rlty 673-6900 RENT
NE\VER. 3 BR, 21A BA, tam 3 R f ii NEW Spanish 419 38th St., nn, view of hillil· Rec area. oom1 pm ure
N""'°" Isle. 159,500 Ow!! Avan. !300 mo. 646-SSll $25 Month
673-6433, 6~5161 FULL OPTION TO BtJY
RENTALS (Refrigerators Available}
Hous .. Furni1hed COlta Meu 3100 'No deposit o.a.c.
1--------·ITHREE BEDROOMS 2 H.F.R.C.
Rentals to Shire 2005 baths, family room \Y/w Furniture Rentals
LADY ... · h ~ h ,. ....... ts, all built-Im & love-517 W. 19th, C.l\t. 548-3481 .... one wis es "' s are ~ ...... new home "''ilh one or hvo ly yard. Lease $185/mo, l:i68 W. Lncln, Anhm 774-2800
employed ladies. Furnish CALL AL B~ACK 540-llil HOLIDAY PLAZA
ovm bedroom. 536-2:)34. alt Heritage Real Estate DELUXE, spacious l ·Bdrm.
4 Pll-1 2_B_D_RM~-unfun>~-C.~u~pl-.. -o-nl~y-, 1 Furn. apt. $135 Plus util.
ROOMMATE ""'anted, single 2 children ok, no pets. $125 2 Br. It den $160 Pl~ util.
working girl 19-21 ro share =+=$3S~=dcp~. ,,~=-"-·~~-Heated pool. Ample parkin&:
C.M. apt w/same. sn-3232, REDECORATED. Spacious No children-No pets
ext 43lT or 646--0385 eves yard & 1 Br unfurn, vacant. 1965 Pomona, CM 642-5858
2 GlRLS to share duplex $125. 288 Knox SI. C.M.
In Newport Beach. $67. Mo. $150 NEW 2 BR, drapes &
673-7444 carpels, infant or teenager
WOMAN to share home _o_R_'._N_o_pc~I•_· _•_1 ... _m_1 __
w/mothtt &: ch i l dr e n ;
Westminster area. 893-1814
3 Bodroomt. 21,s bath:;
large pier & slip
beau!JfuJ troplcat la111t1
forntAI dining room
$125 per mo
Call: Tod O..ble
I Jtn. 673-6235
\\'ould consider sharing. door O""ntr avail. Pool & WIW Crpts, liv rm, re!rig, 3 544-4413 Mo T.D • 6345 & Fair Dr. 545-0596 615-0770 days,. 6 4 4 -418 8 .... pm. · rtgage1, • I ~-area. Nr. Catholic semi pvt, Sl.5. 11"cek, 135 ---·--· e BABYSITTING, my home
evel'llngs. Church &. school &.: Corona Albert Pl, C.1\1. 646-8359 Ranches 6150 HAVEi $60,000 on F lo""·er, Costa Mesa.
Huntington Buch 4400 de! Mar High. $50; PRIV. room, f'lnploycd ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;· 1Private m d n e y investor Reliable. 548-7801
Spanish style, decorator fur'n.
SJ~ carpeting, sell clean-
ing ovens, private entrance
& private Fundecks. Adult
living, near beaches. 1 & 2
BR, 2 BA !ron1 $170 to $225.
~ltFoffilan ~AMRTllENTS
1~2 Brookhurst
!just No. of Adams)
Huntington Beach
(TI4) 962·29Sl
Condominium 4950
• ONLY $280 • or colJege gentleman; lovely SAN TIMOTEO wants to buy seasoned 1st CJULD CaI'I', 5 days week,
837-871 Amigos Way, N.B. home. Eve. 546-1713 ·· &: 2nd TDs. Reas0nable dis-hot lunch; vie. of Beach RANCH counl. & Hoil, H.B. 841-1469
360 :'ere ranch. Buildings ~ SatUe~ ~t1~~ ~· Inc. MATURE Mother, child care 5250 Room & Boa rd 5996 Corona del Mir
. -~~'!r;~
1 & 2 BR. Furn &r. Unfum
Frplcs I Pri I Patios I
Pools. Tennis • Contnt'I Bk·
fst. 9 holr P'utt/C?ffll.
900 $Pa Lane, Cd.\l 644-26U
!l\1acArthur nr. Coast Hwyl
PRIV. Jiv. & bdm1. P1'C"f<'t'
matu1-e. 20 DAYS FREE .
W. Costa Mesa 548-3752
('(fu1pn1enl l\'Ol'lh . approxi· 642-21.TI 5~f).06ll my home; l'.ncd. yd. Days
1nately S1:18,000 \v1lh 1nven-Eves. 673.7865 S42-tlS7 & nights. \Vest CM. 646-1470
tory furnished. Sonic acre-1;:..c..c...:c.:.c.=--.:..::= Child or Infant Care
agr u~der in•igation. Jias ANNOUNCEMENTS Experienced 1.1olher. 54~126
water rights, well & pressure nd NOTICES Income Property 6000 system. Paved road front-a _:.:..:;:;; __ _
ag~. Near Redlands in R.iv· Found (frH Ads) 6400 *EXCHANGE ers1de County. Full pr1ce1---------
HAVE: 13 ne\l'el' units Sr.?.000 $360,000. For further infor-FOUND Part Collie, Get
equity. WANT: land vacant mation, pleas!'! call Glenn Shepherd dog toast bro1vn
JW Orange Count.V. Thomp$0n with ~10 wks old, blk & v.•hit~ * 16 Unit• • $175,000 Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. coat s\\'eatet. Vic Orange
A'nuual gross $24.600. Near 1818 w. Chapman Ave. & Montevista 646-7277
Euclid & Ball, An~1'1<'il". Orange. Calif. f'OUND Pekingnese dog · * 8 Units e $n,soo 541·2621, Evrs-wknds 538-6727 vie Newport 1s 1 and'.
$8.000 do1vn. 30% return. \Viii ~~~~~~~~~~1 Newport Beach. Call &
exchange. Call Mr. Krauter 6•00 identify 673-2792 alter 5
or ?>.Ir. Ferguson. Investment Acretge " P.1\1.
Dept. 546-2313
OUT -BLACK, Scotty -tyJl(', male
dog. Red hameas. Vicinfty
Brick. Masonry, etc.
BUILD, Ren1odei, Repair
Brick, block, c on crete ,
crpnlry, no job too small.
Lie Contr. 962-6945
Business Serv;c. 6562
EXPERT Typing &. Dictation
Exec lBri-1 eqUip Sl./pg. dbl
sp or Plhr PU-<lel avail
l lrs 9-:J, vrkend by appl.
507 Ave Largo, N.B. 644-2641
ESTATERS • • • •
OUT Santa Ana -1.tontc Vista, 1_c_1_,r!"'~n_t_or_i_n::;g ___ 6_S_90-'
1 C.l\f, 548-'065
Balboa Island
Oioice of Two, $150 & SIQ.
RJtr. 642-!K>SG.
FOUND Feb. 17lh Corona
de! 1'1ar all white part
)X'rsian kitten yellow eyes.
FOUND: S1nall \vhite Poo.
die, vie. Irvine &: 20th,
Costa Mesa. Call &. identif,y
BOYS, Blue Stingray bicycle .
Vic. Brookhurst & Adams
FOUND: White n1alc Poodll'!,
vie. Magnolia A: EdiJlier,
\\o'estminster. 894-3222
FOUND -Female basset
hound Laguna Niguel acea.
495-4798 '
BLACK &r. white. fen1ale
kitten. 9 mo. old. 29th St.
Balhoa Ptni11m1la. 673-3156
Too Small. Cabinet in t".ar-
ages & o t h e r cabinet&.
545-8175, it no answer leave
msg at 646-237:?. I·I. 0.
QUALITY Repaif'8 -Altera·
tions -Ne1v ronst. by hour
or Contract 646-3442 ·
CABINETS, Any size job.
25 yn . exper. . 54H'ij3
P.IASTER carpenter, $4 peT
hour. Remodeling -Repain;.
642-6409 or 53&3900
~ement, Concrete '600
FOUND Female Collie vie * CONCRETE \\1lrk. Bond-
23rd & Santa Ana. 642.-1481 ed & Licerwd. Concrete sawing
Phillips Cement. s48-638o
\Valks, pool decks, lloon,i
Patios. Phone 642-&514 .
e CONCRETE work, all
types. Pool lkcks II custorn.
Call 54S.J324
CEi\1ENT 1YOrk, no job too
Bmal.I, IUM>nable. F re e
estim. H. Stufiick. 548-8415
•cusror.t PATIOS•
COnertte sawing & removaJ
State. Lie. e S.2-1010
Child Ciro 661
"' b.
•• "· •ff.
' -50
?d. .,.
S:ll ;::,. 0,
lia ,,,.
"'" ~il.
~f ...
""· .....
"" ,,,.
ail pl.
"' ...
"" o.
.,,s ,,
"' ~.
~· ..
"' • 5
i } .
""""'''" Plb(llllY 211, ~ !69 DAILY PILOT ,SS ~-'!!'-~I!!'. -~-lllllr--lmJ! I $lltVICI l>llti CTOIY JOllS a IM!'Lo~l!llHT .IOIS a IMl'LOYMINl JOIS a IMl'LOYM,IHT IOIS·& IMl!LOY " JO-• ~LvY"Mi .. • •
'Jtl ' ' X X • •. 1C 1_,,. Tu • 6740 Hole Won ... , -7'0o tt,ie WOftfM, l!lon,7100 Help Wlft!M, Mon 7'lOO Hob> W•-Holp.W1nlM ', l o.. Mon. W~ 7>!11!1
t IHOOllE 'IU!llelV., Nol&ty '-· , -------------. W~ ' 7400 W-7400 • I ~-~ .. ~i .. ~' s E A:R s ' . ' "; ' OP~~~ITYI UNIGAR~D I ACCOUMT116 ClfU UNUSUAL .
INCX>ME T ... ,. ""-* * , * * * * {•fOJY • J I' · lnwra-Group' 0 • ~~·~....,--ANNOUNcEs ~,.=. :"3:<LONG ~:·:=::::=:: pportun1ty
. ;:.\ Gordon N. W1rrt n, p~ CAREER • '~ No exptftlnct ~ Unia•rd In~ Croup ii that requittt tbt UN of a 10 Tbe tncltpea.ttnt Ordr:r ol
18th year. Al.Pt· f15..UC5 • funer1I Mw• ...,., ,·~~or~ time now hirirw tor our~ di-ku~ addtna ~. ~ Fontten lllve opened • . ~:':::!<.,; e. PROFi;s..wNAL TAX Ofrc>"TUNITJ.E~ utuo •~ Advl,...., vi.Ion olllce ope"""' approx, wnte " and the -1 ottko new ottlce In Soulh °""""
, SERV. !1.-qatd<oC<U?O... l\ Coolo• l'llUll IQ\I ' Counse'1ln11 !lpt °' ltlll ~"!..uu-4/l:i/"69 In Hun tin& ton ;:"'· Ill oil J: °""'"· _ .... JnteUfaent
A ... $19. Complete!! 9fi8.S403 experience:d Truck • 6 Bell.Ch, just ott UJie San Dt. ISll.la~i:'attra'::v: man or womip ovtr 25. Col·
Tire Salesmen. .A. 1212 N. ~ eao Fwy, Theae pltlona bc.nefib inclUlll.na)fully paid leae not nectS&B.ry. Shoukl
Whaddy1 Wont? Whadno Got?
S,.clol R1to
lronln9 6755 Op---'ty for !WT.al!! wUI ......... 0 ...... -'°' medkal and ur. ....... .. .. -.... In .... w,, ..,.... ,,.," Beautiful Pac If I c period ot 2 months in out • public. otgnffied Jlfe time
WUI do ltonlne In mananament View ¥emorlal Park Cook Lois Angele1 office, before &nee ~rqe, thNe weeks pocition. $amiDg commenc.
Ill)' borne. $1. 75 dolen •-the move itUe•ue wlU be vacation alter 3 years, etc. n 1-_.:.a:.'le1~ Should be ·--· II I _.. Is located on Lbe hill· · ~ ,~ Apply 1n .. -,i the ww...,.. ~· .,_.._ Uft m t..u. , _! paJd dllfin& this pe1-.i. • DAILY Pll..oT In exc:e• CJ.I $250 weekly. . S LI-.,... S limn -S bucks
" RULIS -M MUIT IHClUOI. l-Wlllt yOv '-" .. ,,... ._Wll.. ... wMt "' ...... Potso•ho"91ng
* * * side , overloo~a: the a 1 1 330 \Vest ea.y ('1,, C:0.1', Mea Ne.rt Baj' area. ''~PP Y n person A!k for : Mr: Creeninu or Teltphooe: m.8700 l>etwttll
EXCELLENT REUBEN'S lmmod loto Oponlng1 In oall '4""'321 !m'en·1n1e"""w I AM .1 PM Mon. lhru Fri.
lntorior Pointlnt E~NINGS PLUS Ce me le r y lots tho follow ing aroai · k":,;,~tm~~· S.tuniAYt
A,:;,.°[...."°:" ..:..i.::.: p~ol::rr~rAA~o"N~· ~~~ :~d • dnic;:: M'S · CODING Hosten
._YOUR 1111Mti 11111/0r Mdrel.. '-'4 MMt. _, ~-
' PHDNE 642..5671
To Place Your Trader's Par•dlM Ad
Have: Commtrcl.a1.MediC31
Bldt. free • clear, $100,000.
Trade All or .put tqU!ty.
Want: Homta. apts, land, O!'
1 ! Myen, 67U75G.
:nu:~,~~~·;;_ ,m:;v;'92-:"""3=·--==="'° I GROUP 1JFE INSUR· chase pliin. ISSS W. Adami ~~ c~~u:~
ana:e County property . or =ia~all Klf.0 ~~~~81~ ANCE, PAID VACA. COit• Mtia a.1 coding. Math aptitude SECRETARY
TD, Fortin Co. 1103 West-Matma.t· a labor. m.t. TION, EIGHT PAID A fast growing c01p-e silUlL arowing Ora~ necessacy,
clill De. 642-5000, 548,0.190 847-1658 , , , HOUDAYS, 40 HOU R PllIIY wilh complete c.un1y co.. """'
Apply Jn person
Attn.ctive, pennanent ~
altlon w1th d!yersltJed
responsibilities for per-
IOll with sood typl.na' and
aborthand skllla, and ~
ferable experieoce ii\
qua..llty control. Our com·
pany benefits include a
aeneroua profit sharlnc
UV!!!: 2 bdrm, den, pool. "°""'' """""'· SI0,000 "l-GliY + · f1500. 2nd T.O. Waot: Land, Jn9ome, ! ! or,..,.s. 61U156.
San Qemente Inconte 2
stores -12 lots 2 otfiCes 2
Apts • Will take TD's or
amaller propt!rty. Make off·
er. c.all • 494-3262
TRADE '66 Karmann Ghia
lo!' older % fun, f spttd
pkk.up er older VW bug' QI'
111 .3156 Madeira, Coate
Mesa. 546-0026·
U69 Plymouth. Satellite: I : Pu& lta wq trade for ear·
Der mi:de1 transportation
c8J. Can tJter 3:SO . • • • 536-7919 •
Uf¥>btru&lw: view kit in PaJ.. PAPER' HANGING WEEK, EMPLOYEE s er v ice facilities. e 'flm.i: FILM SPECIALIST
Os Verdei ~M. WU1 trade PAINTING DISCOUNT. Mortuary, C ha p e I, to ' miii.p.;optic&J, coattrtg
for contractors service•, m. r ? I 67t!P • * * Mausoleum and c--dept 5 )'l"I mhllmtm txP-come propel')' of ! ! ! ~.. • PRODUcnON OON'l'ROL,
541).482< ~o~ xi,,1~ ~. ~ APPLY AT malory all wllhin Lhe •,... minimum exp. Optical
est. JIM. 642-4669, 646-3749 Personnel Office cemetery. or job &hop exper. prefd.
Trade: '60 Ford Galaxle, Monday thfu Saturday EXOTIC MATERIALS JNC.,
&nd/or 16" outboard Cabin PAINTING, inter. • exterior !O "' •~ , PM W 1 2968 Randolph, C.M. M5-SQ5 Crusitt. 75 eltt. Johnson. State lie. • bonded. Free 1'-l'' w • e want wo emD--
rar rood condition new tam-, ~es=lima==""=·-"-"""'-~~~ ' · ·• ~ tionally mature men. BUS~QY W•ntM Uy car. LI 8-9832 'PAINTING I. paper hanfing, • 1· N 7 to 3 ahUI. Must be
---------1 reasonable, 25 yrs exp. s EA R s o e xperience ne-out of scbool. APPLY
TOWNHOUSE 3 Be. 2i; bL '°'""""''· ..,.1322 cessary because of DEJ:INY.'S Rest.
Beaut. a,.· fd. Ptlv. pabo. o u r profe•slonal ·-Paper hanging, 45 years " uiu4 Beach Blvd., pool, cloie '• bay. Val. "'""''""'· Ca!J Fred! . ROEBUCK &· CO.. training. Do not pass Guden G....,. $32,000, low dn. or T.D., • 54S-4900 • lb. "' ·1 Car or '!' ~r 64&.fi654 up 1s oppo£,.uru y.
1966 COWMBIA Mobile VET·s Bonded p • 1 •ti ••· ' SO. COAST ·PWA Free est, lie, inl. Small
hom•. boaut '°""·· in ' Jobs ••!come . ........., 3333 S. DNSTOL Stu Pk.. nr. ocean-trade for nt
lrl·plox oe dUplex, loCally. HOUSE PatnW,,. Qualily at COSTA MESA 536-9933 a fair price! Free est. Call .
•11""rt". "ou"'t~bo::ord::.-!;:o:-, °"•ta"°no=n I Rick. ~ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY
wagon or auto of equal val· PA1NTING, Paperin& 16 yrs EMPWYER Darrell Ward
Phone 644·0212
A ... ~ .... W ..... n 7300
Type 4-0 to 50 accurately,
Some eicperience or apt\tudo
with Jliufte bolp!\11. l.J&hl
cusromer cOiitact: ISSS W. Adams
Costa M•1a RATING PART lime hcnaewt.ves have
Prefer at least one year of you ever given a jewelry
fire or casualty ratlng exper-brunch or cookwue part.y'!'
j'1)('e-. Opportunity ·to 4d-EVf'1" thought you'd like to?
vance into multipal line rat-Make more moaey showing
In&. your friends tbe Tri·Dl!!rmal
. Beauty Plan that works
KEY PUNCH with one demonstration.
CommWlon~ & incentives
paid, Plua learr. this new
beauty ritual and ~t a
Jove l i er· complexion
J. C. Carter Co.
671 W. 17th St .
Costa Mes•
An equal opportunity
Care.er openifla: for operators
with at leut one .year ex·
pert!nce on Alpha & Neu·
meric IBP4 cquip'mt. Day
yoursell. Contact P.O. Box
1 567 Sunset Beach, Calif.
Posltiorui available in area. Stll F1mou1 E1tcellent rree benell\1. Per-NURS S · -e E AIDES e Knipp ShoH manent, steady work. OUr 7 AM to 3 PM
policy ia promotion from _
' G' Century tnbrd., hU .U
@Xtru, C.G. app. equip.' + SIS RT. Sold new IMJ.
Winter price $4295. Trade
fat smaller boat. 546-9872
ue. Phone 642-4980 in Harbor area. Lie A bond-
ed. Refs furn. 60-2356
Laguna. Beach 4 bdnn home I~=========
&: near by 10 a.ere orange Plastering, Re p air 6880
Vice Pr11ld1nt and
Director of S•les.
wlthln, Your future is deter-3 r M' to U PM EXTRA CASH -no lnwll· Love~ new oUices & Jdnl Park Lido mellt • work fUll or .... -r-.,...,., L.-~·"i. Stahl mlhed entirely by you. New _. • ......,.,,_..., ""'"'''" · e, ConvalQCent HOipital t i m e ~--ni..... the f.amoul , Cllbin Cl'uiaer, Twin Screw,
30' Owens. Top cond. equUy
at $1000. Trade for house,
* FRY COOK _,. "· l! ...... modern oUlce, triendly, ......,,."§ p._ ...... ve .....,, ,..,.. can 1445 Superior KNAPP A ER 0 TR ED
1rove, Want hone raJ¥!b or ~ 65 & lik• It pleasant abnoaphere. v~ wpm , you Newport Be~. 642-2410 SHOES. Eam top coDUJUa.
• lot, auto or 1 apts, BKa .. ll30 e PAT'S Plai;tering, All
Cl fOt 80 x 115, Tulf;in. val types. Free estimate. Call NIGHTS will· enjoy this position. 1 1 bo I I •MAIDS.· N J or part time. ons pus nus, pus nee
Some filing It a:en ofc. Call ~lu<t "· able 10 wo•k w-k. iNurance .. Previous 1hoe ex-
$45,1'.XX). Trade kr comm 540-6825
' Laguna Beach 3 reslden· bldg, w/lncome or Palm INT. Pluttt, ext. stucco, dry
zoi.. 546-5410. Juon , Jkgt For Details and App'f, " VI: • .. -.. . NOT
E 1 •· 2 Cali eonec1 ends. Pf;rJence neceuary -mpO!fD'lent 46ency. 120 PERSONNEL Ken Nitti Motel write R. L. Jenklnl, Knapp APPLY IN PERSON
• • 615-5582 ZODYS tial Iota $26,500, Will trade Springs Holllle. Robt Wheel· wall taptna:, acoustic &.for
up for building au.liable as er, Agt. o Plaza, Orange, textured ceilings. Ms.6J03 REUBBI E. LEE $<>.Main, Santa.Ana. (213. ) 384 1213 J021 'Bayalde.Or. Bros. Shoes, 640l 0E. Flotilla e KEYPUNCH e ' N>wport Beath St., E. Loo Angil" 22, Cali-' garage. Newell, Auodates. 5.38-11'23.
.494-6S94 70 acre1 in Oceanside, M·l Plumbing 6190 HAS OPENING FOR OPEllATOllS 1-,,-.,......,....~----I !omts. """""need Alpha ' Num. UNIGAllD Tolophono . •-ptlon -,_...~D~R~IVE-R~S~*-.-1
WANT conclo. Hotlie, or :ir Coromerclal zonhl:'.
units in good atta. HAVE rrade for Apts, Commer.
--=------PLUMBING iu:PAIR
No job too small
IS 1 !. Coast Hlghw1y
Newport Beach Liquor Daportmo•I
lat& term autanmenlt, work. Apply betwHn iJllf
d&Y1.t..n&Beaoha,. ... ,.... INSURANCE GROUP 1 p.m, ls p.m., 1626 No Experience
up to 120 acre1 at $300 clal or 11 ! $110,000 eqnlly,
per acre. Matchem Realty Owner 642-2945.
64MB3l Contractors field o ff I c e
• 64z..m8 ~
PLUMBING 24 hr serv.
Work quar, Uc, tns, remod,
repair, rootrr aierv. 531-7566
....,.... 1--------E. Moywood, Santo N~euary'. K!LL Y SERVICES INC. An ~ 230 E. 3rd Street -EXPERIENCED-1--..,'·==== M111t have cl1!!a11 Calllomi
BAYFRONT & dock; 2 Bal· trailer. top cond, walnut Busboys APPLY IN PEJ\SoN TO
STORE MANAGER Lona Beach, Calli. , HOUSEW ~VES driving record. Apply
i2Lll ..,,..,,, Nole uw 'o"' ,.... """ • •am YELLOW CAB co. be*-Coves, NB; eq. S52,000. panelled interior, carpeted,
' Trade for T.D.'s or ? ? ? or Sl,000 value~ Trade for '!' Remodel., Repair, 6940 Equal opportunity em:ileyer up lo S30 per day. Jer Marai 186 E . 16th St.
Work Near Hom• • Teller • Lingeril!. call &1S-9!'ll btwn Costa Mesa ZODYS ~ / option. Courtesy to 67"">5582 APPLY IN PERSON
brokers 675-4331 IF You need remodeling, REUBEN'S
I 0 ,.,_ ~al'--car w/pwr & Have 22' steel hull cabin painting or repairs, Call
e Acrounting/Bkpg 1 • 4 p.m. FULL timo .. ,., .......,, e Secretarial WANTED baby11iner n1 y Hire, train ano set u
"'"'" ~~ cruiser with motor &: trlr, Dlclc. 642-1797
fact air. Trade '64, 98 Olds will excha.nge for plclc up ========= COCO'S FOUNTAIN VALLEY e Reception t:xceilc111 op1xirtunity~ honie .Fri _thru Tues. days dislrlbution for 1kin car
16111 HARBOR BLVD. • T)'pisls only, 7:15 to 5:30. l cosmetlcs. An excellent P!'.< w/JtWt It fact air + nooo truck ol equal $600 value. Roofin9 6950 eq in 1 %. acr nr Palm Spgs 493-46'T'l Superior A9ancy APPLY tN PERSON ~hild.rtri,, ~ school Jl&C. duct with a dynamjc a.Ii! RETIREO'm.n U )art time F.atabJJ.thed 1!M6 f>40--088t. ocpnization behind It. Com ' Bal $895, $15 mo. 536-1131 ROOFmG REPAIR, 1555 W. Adami
Trade New 23,500 sq ft TRADE: Very good E1ec-no ll!!ak too mull! Costa Mesa M ........ "°'' In tho 1857 """°'Ill. Coot• M•"" 1st National Bank PHYs1c.q. Tborapi.t, part mlul<m. Send ....... ' friendliest & most deluxe Call tint. 642-7141 time, mornings for Hun-P.O. Box 567 Sunset Bee.d . multi-unit indus bldg, fully tric dryer for Gas Dryer •968-2362* • IN3I'RUCTORS -Full
1-··d Ha•bo•/Wamer 10% or ·equal valul!!. k S __. or/and part time. Neat a~ ·-• • 642 l 606 * Rnof L11 1 tnp,_ net return for Ocennlront * Eves. • __ _, pearance. Must; be able· to
..u aeivke taundey Jo ... ot Orange County tlngton Bead> 0 ti I ' " Calli .
Cal.if. Baker &: Fairview, See Betty Bruce ar' 545.7524 ·1e'"'o'"P°'ERA""'"l'OiY';;RS,.. 'Exo"""''d.~"'""''I
C.M. Must be sobtr, dePl!!D-1650 •dams ' fX:EeuTIVE office Sec. Exp pay _ "'° _0, Work guarant<=i. 536-8444 meet and di!al with the Duplex W/Newpo••· ....o-v.u Car Wash-w/~r Bar· A 1
"·•tau-•t • 5 furn Bach r~-1 6960 public, sood figure, PP Y TRADE equity in '69 GMC '"'~ • ... , , .-_w--'"'"------In penon. Holiday Health
~·in pxl health 6 ao-m fl "" only; heavy typing, die-e HAND FINISHER& pr
cuatomed to mettin& the i~~ C..xec Costa Mesa tapho.nc, Pleasant telephone ment exp.
public. Short boun, not voice. Call MW Crane tor e INVENTORY Control %. ton pick·UP, H.D. sur units, San. Clemente. FO~ 1 • Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd.,
pension; auto. traN; 4£XXI lg boat, land, units or ·• • Dreurnalinr~terattons _c:,·:-M:O-. ::-:-:-:c::--=::==:::::c
mi FOR equity in JG.40' ~4) C92-4l21 or Evn. ~~~rm. DOORMAN, PARKING
physically dernandlJW. Work Agenc)t for Career G!rli ASK lo'OR: appt. 644-1700 !!!XI 544 SHIPPING Cll!!rk.
Wed noon thru Sat. Modest 410 W. Couf Hwy., N. B. P.lr. Starner or Mr. Springer OLDER m•J or .. ,,,.,, w/ ..,_MJ2666 N.B. Sporuwe•:
.ailbo&l 962-7'00 * * * * Aitorotlo-2·5845 ATTENDENT
salary. See John or Betty Bytappo.lnt. 646-3939 .... gr --
Briscoe at the 1tore, or call •-~~~~~~~~!! I · nl own trans tor wknds & evea' ;;;;;;--· ;;c;:::--m;;;;:;;::---::jl 644-UOT after s ~ An equal opportu ty bayb!iltlng in College Park 1EXP. Dlnntr WaUre11 -l !*!!!~!!!'~*i!!!!'J!!!!!'!!!!"'!'!~~~~!'~~~~ Neat, accuratl!!, 20 yn, exp. Full or pa.rt Ume, day1 or evea. Neatnen, refs., calll.
SERVICE DIRECTORY ~cK v 1"'"c Ul t(t:t... 1 Okl' TILE, Ceramic 6974 drtver'• lie ttquir@d, Call
Ha1p ~4,nttd· t!rpployer al'l!!a. 75c hr. 54G-1738 aft \Valtl!!r. Cocktail Waltreu
WQmtn , 7400 ==.,-------1 6 p.m. Bwiboya.
~-I •· I 6612 ---------4-6 pm, Mr. Lomu, Posh Contractors 6620 vwnera ~rv eel _ * Verni!!, the Tile J.1an * Parldl1g Service, Newport.er
Test Teclinlckln
To ptTform tlnaJ. teat on
complex electronic equip.
ment. Must be familiar with
operation ot all types ol
electronic tfft equtpment
and be able to devite ·.Wt. ,
abl" te1t arranrements and
write' test proceedure.
--c._;...;._....:, _ _;,.;.;. i CLERK SECT'Y / RECEPT BEN BROWN 'S REST
Good lypist, varied duties. tt the
ADDmONS.REPAIRS CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & Cust. work. Install & repair.;. Inn.. 644-1700 ext, 555.
REMODELING Window (;'1eanlng. C.Ompl No job too small. Plaster · . I
janitorial service. Busin. patch. Leaking 11 how I!! r T remendous Potentla
· Designing & Planning ,.,Iden O" constru. Free repair. 847_1~7 /846--0206 'Expl!!rlence or,:M: J~ otte1 " Kitchem·Batbs, etc. • ...,;;;=======·= u·"-"~ -~ lot' Llc'd & Bonded. Free eaL eatimate 548--8737 -U h I I 6-o . ~bitl;; persOO. . y ,
A &: B CONSTRUCTION HEATING • Air C.000. Serv ~p_o_s_e_ry~---"-800 s: ll ca1nino Real
1122 PauJ..arino, CM. & repair, also Washer & C z y K 0 SR I • S CUltom Suit. :115. San Cemtntc * 5'!)...A!Ml * dryer repair. 2f br RfV, Upholstery. European 10 am· 1 pm
C1ll ~'611
Exp. Finance M1111 ·!=========::;::: ~T.Z37 er 84?..s881 Cr at t 1 m a n a h I p. 100% 'coo="K.-_-;Expe,..,-,.,n"·e~nc<d.,.,.,-:!ry-
. · Carpet CINnln1 662S l-'HAC::,ULIN':o'=G"."o=-,-.. -.-.-..,....--1, Flnancllli. Furn. boafJ & broUtt man for family
, PROFESSIONAL Rue It ~ jobs etc. Free eat. Jim auto's. 642-1454. 1 I 3 I reataurant. Top man only You may quality for a post.
m Ocean Avenue
lquna Beach
494-6.146 Upholstery Qeanlng. Top 54~. an)'time Newport Blvd., C.M. need apply. For Interview, Hon with one of America's
quality, guaranteed. tuulls. JU~S & t:l't\PLO'fME.NT c<>ntact Mr. Schitrhold, Mr leadlna: conl\lml!:r finance Equal opportunity employl!!r
Allen'• Maintenance H1ullng 0730 Steak, 7267 Fairview Rd, compairll!!a. To qualify you "'~ .-. or evts M2-35J:i Job W a nted, Min 7000 C. M. : mUJt have u. mlnlmum of 1 FULL Umr or part time
_,. Haulln&-Gvage CJeenups I ''"'"";;;;;;;;-;;z•><:=:--.:=c= eo&metologbt or 1 a I o n ~ CARPET ~ Furn. de~; Trini Hed&tt, 'lmL Reu. Lady Barber _ Muter. O)LRVICE atetion .1Ua1111.gtr, yl!!ar expttil!!f'IC't tn the ton-make-up beaut 1c1 an.
b' 1 day 8ervi~ a quality BIG JOHN • &l2.4030 Desires Position ml!!Chanic •'attendants. Full sum.l!!r ftnanoe field. Phone Permanent position pro.
work. call Sterling for 548-2l33 ewninp. A part Ume', Must bi! exp or apply in pel'90n S28 W. moUng new Tri -Ol!nnal
brlghtntss! 642-8520 Houtecl .. nln1 6735 ... ~ wflOcal refa. Good salary 1-,':-9th-:S>=L,.. "CM=. -:642:· ."'21,..00___ Beaut.y Plan that works ··!<-===--====.: Job Wonted, L1dy 7020 + comm. Apply IOOO E. • FINISHED with one domoMtnUon.
Gardening 6680 LITE Haulina •cleanup. -Coaat Hwy, NB. You will be involved 1n
... 1~---~----R<uonabl•. Any ... a. CONVALESCENT Aide °" C W h H.J.. CAltPfNT!RS tralnlngandol'gonbJngnew
' ANTHONY'S Cali ..,.,,,, Com,..Jon, avail 'h 0" ar as •• ,. • LU MIERS .. ....,,,,.1 • oeUlng the .....
Garden ~le. CARPETS, wtmowa, nrs, term or perm. Uve in or Full t ime o r Wkends. P duclt. Bue .l8lary aga.inst
646-1-. etc. Reaiden. or Comc'L out. H 0 M E MA K ER S • ?t1ln qe' 18, appty tn pel'IOn With experience ln mobill!! comm. Send reaume to Box
BUOOET t..ANDSCAPING :>ant work Reas! Refs. 1 ,,S<=',,~=l==--..-.-,. LIDO CAR. WASH home, camJ)eJ'I and motor 567 Sunset &ach, Cal.
·Prune••· Plant··• Prepare 5t8-41U HOUSEWORK wanted by '81 E. 17th Cotta M1!!11& homea. MUlt haVe own tooll. 'L"!V;;;E-io!n..-"H"'ou=,.::;k:::"::pe=e,-.S30"'
Monthly Maintenance -0=b:::coun=t=-a.~an1ng::::t:=-o:s.=;v1<e::i:::-·da,}' in Corona dtl Mar. Ex· FUIL & part time help blander Motor Hamel Die. per wk, separate qtn.,
__ E><l'+,·,H-.o_,rt1cu1...,,0turll,,.-t~-i Apta • Carpets~ Upboi.tery perienced, rood relcrencea. wanted. Top w~. chance 806 E. WW\tncton St. lemall!! b:ime. Ml.lit be tmo-
ALLEN BROS e :rut Strv:lce 51456 e l~'=T.l-=1'=92====== for advancement. S&nla Ana Uonally mature, CBPllbll!! o(
GARDENERS STIJDENTS 11~ CAR WASH GUARDS provldlnc a:ood phys I ca I
woritinir their WQ' thru col· Income Tu 6740 Domettlc Help 7035 2950 Harbor Blvd CM. Fut 1: part'Ume pxlttons care l re1ponslble rulda.nce
• legl!!. Experienced, Ucenml.. ---------MEN available in Caphtrano to children. Reta. 53&-USJ •d -k r-Chinese live-ins. Occ!rful SERV. STA. SALES . RE.AS! _._..,.,, H. K. CI a r Accta: -rv. Men to work full time, Atta. Unlform1 &: tqu.lpment SURGICAL IM EDJCAL ·' cut A. FAp L&WD Income tu, penonal or r!:.e~~~per1=3 swing ibllt. See Cylde, furnished, Frlnge. bencfl!JI.. transcriber netded at on~.
• MalntrD&nce. Licensed bu.~!ncu, your home or ofc. 2590 Newport Blvd., C.M. time A ~ overtime. Car & Expcr.lenat In h e avy
'" • ~. 662319 alt f .,'? .. .,r!: _ ~e· _}~ev· ,firm.,· Ht-Ip W·-~. u.0 7200 telephone requ\ret!, Ca I I Sllf1\cal dictation. Hours
• . -~ .... uw-v1.... -"-mm lNSPECI'OR. Aero apace ex· 543-1387 or 11.pply '14.16 A So. Dexible. Contact Mr•. JAPANESE G&rdener, com· BE ., ., • ..:;;:i '"'"'-nt -'th _ perlencti to $658 per month. •• 1 S ... 1 , •• •1 c:,...,.,, AM r A • . Pete yard leT'Vk:tt, fNe n -UMXU ........: ""' EXP • P.1erchantl Pcnonncl. 204.1 JI n l., .-..Ul a IU... ... qna. ......"" .....,m.
;· ......... 540-1332 lllnil Tax-· 9Ut yr. SET·UP a L!ADMAN w .. tcllU Drlve. ~:mo. MEN muntly, 600 ~. Wuhlngton
: . J•paneM Gant.Mr ~·11~":1f·1 llw°:. ~ cJr~~~~:m MS-!6i5 t.cam &: e.arn f156.ml per HAO~~:~~~: Babyaj1 •
, ~ J:)qler, compl yard let'Vice. ''Made" 541)..2971 BREAK & a It 1 nm en I week plu1, No experience !er, live In mature woman.
P'rte estimate, 548-7961 • nu; TAX ADVISORS MECHANlC, full 1dme, 1ex-mecbanlc, eicp only, many n I!! c e 11 1 a r y, Prof1!!1t1lonal Laguna BC11.cb. S 0 m e
, Q.EAN.UP Speciallatt r.tow· Year round otc. m No. perient'f! nee. n q u re comPMY benen~. Apply tra.inlnc ln ~restlat v.'ork. No E~llilh _ reU. UlD mo. • q, edainl ,odd. jobs. 4cbt N Blvd NB' ~ Chevmn Stat~ Sprlnfda.lt Youn& & Lane Tb~. 482 door knock!na:, our cusll> •!M-al?S
• moving. Reul 5G--&5 ea'tlt~ ;~ a;_' at Edlnpr, H.8 . Ocean Ave., l.Aguna Beach mtn caU u1. Fi:lr appt. Call 9AiiYSJ _n_E_R~.-"-,-0m-.,-10
, e JAPAN&Sli: GAliDENER SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE ~ =wa.!i~ ~ 0 ~~t~tor~I =cew::~ -'~'=30 '°="~·~"""'=~'==~ rome 10 my homf', Unlvcral· Main~ • Q.earrup Your h 0 mt . Reuonablc. · ..,,!;, Ol 1TSTAl'lDlN.Q OPPTY. ty Par:1. o.-t1\~1Qnnl morJI·
Call SfPr..2:572 ~L Norman ~t •11 s Scllle:rhold, ?tft. Sttak., "'°' d&)'•. Work into manqe-Por dyna'l'nk! ~na m•n dis. lnr.. l.cre fo1· i; cm) okl.
AL'S Gardtninl s e r v ice 5e-6l2B Falrvley Rd, Coatt. Mesa. ment, m e c h a n I c " I ex-sartsf~ 'Nitti /bl'lti'. pres~t 83J...2739
Lawn malo~. pnieft.. * mt YEAR * ~AlLGdN,_,,_aal~~~ per1t!nct prelerred. MO-fm eamlhgl, lililfil wllllns; to DRUG CLERK. Thrft yean
ing 6 c:i1f.r!; .. ~ . A.-l STENO ~llkicr N•-Hcoii:. SERVlCE staUon Attendant wOrk h•rd I> tam SU.,000 min tJtPet. Ref's. Top u.~ seMce, 2 ~ H4R~ SflOP'G CNrR. bor Sl\ld CM'"~ ~=t. e~:nc:m~ :r!J:a!.: Jt;::C,i!~ ~ waae•. Collect! Ph= -ta. --ll5 eve/Mcin4 i.,, IPPL 5'Wl20 Gtlitl\ii: PtaDt Ht! 111iiil condllionL U-Oil. 393 ... experl•""' Mlplul. "° Fo~ °"·• C.M. !" :« Jal • lmll°'-' ...._lMl Walttt ·u. hbrnhoU P .A. 'lllOl't). Must be cte.,!..ble. E . 17th St. C.M. Phone Hr.f:tT2 9 am to 5 CURTAIN t d r a Pt r i
: ·• TARD C l't an up. Tl'el fncome Tu Strvlce U.15 hr start '° $2.a>. ttl· EXPERIEN:ED ON Ly : pm, 549-f3.15 ma. talnladieL Apply Udoff's
• t.:rvice. new I a Wlll, 6C.Q04 or MS-U81 eve. O.vtSION, 141! ~. SUrfb9atd lamlNUn. and EXP ER f,M ENT AL Hom. ~.I. Cout
' . sprlnkJ.tn. rototill. &tl-680 PERSONAUZ!:D, e x p e r t &.A. Ml~ 5urlboud. e1oam· App!,y MACHlNlST, I ::Plau,==c.M.-,=.o::-:rr.-r:::::
. JAPANESE Gard c n e !' Tu 1erv. Year rotmd otc., White EJtphantaT me Plaoentla, ~c_.M,.,·=~ protol>'Pi oritnted. MATURE, Uvt in cl\Ud C1ft ~ Ser v l t e. Ex· r'\"U. MM7U PUNT PfQ!octlon traJnet to 1"t;CltNO~.. INC. houltkecpr:r, 5 t!Q .,'k, pVt:
: ';.ntooed. Reliable· &U-4.W •INCOME TAX• DlAL dlNCt 6CHl'7I. a&rat 1473 per month. l!erchanli 3741 Campus Drive nn. r .v. ut-22211
... ~~ --· ~. ... ..!IH Ne·,,,port Blach D.,Y --w= ·~ 1 hr oau, PDot Wat Adi. ~ ln )'OUt home _.. -Penonnr:I. ""'" ,..est._. r-UN"• IV'!• -
' Dial &a.ml 15 Anclj . m.o600 lilt"' to the+ rln%! Ori,.. t;42.2770 · _, CllAllOE rtt . _ !' IW!f1 I c.-Ool
---·-----------·------------------~~ -----------
T°"' pharmacy n c e d s
clerk in cosmetics & gen.
mdse. Will traln -Mu1t
be penn. Ncatneu, &
manners and lincerlty
with peop~ Import. Le>
cated Udo-Balboa area.
AJI replies contide:ntJ.al.
Rt!al l!!ltate e:xPene~ de-Le9una Beach CC
sitable. 642-3430 3U06 S. Cout Hwy,
WOMAN WAl'fl'ED, night So. Laggna Beach .f.9'j.261i
shift, part time. No, exp. Real Estate S1le1
nee. 2$-4.S. App .• Mr. Donut, Men & Women
1J5·E. 17th SL, C.M. Expe.ndlng aeain. Ottlcc .
GALS, I have an idea! Small 4 openq. available '. fc
housecleanJiw b u s l q e 1 s licensed men &: women. lJ
Let's get our h I!! ad 1 ltant income A: tralnlrw· M
together! &12-2812 =· SP r i 11 c Rtalt'
WANTED: Aggressive, ef. ,
Wtlte details to : The ficlent, l!!xp'd, Front desk PRINTING. -dupllcalor ope~
Dally POot Box P-617 girl for Dental ofc. fm-.8612 ator Huntington Beach.
perll!!nce A.B. Dick or Mui ·
Applications Being ~S ~ANTED Mu,,t work without superv
TAKEN 2:ll1 NeWport Blvd., C.O.ta !on, &malJ camera expeii
FULL TIME ?tleaa. Apply In Penon. ence desired wlO -conaide
EMPLOYMENT BABYSITI'ER needtd 8 Allot part timl!!, Jlepiy P.O.
Permanent only lo !J PM; Fountain Va11ey 1006 Huntington Beach, 92&1
no 1tudenti • perfer maturn, •rea .. 5Jl.J230. Pl-IONE from home. I ~IUU
Liberal Vlltafio~Jlay, Merit TEL .EPHONE An1nVeri11~ a night 5 days a week~
raises, tmpJ0yel dllcounts, ~i::t!Ce. Experletla!d need people who have recei
nve day week, Apply Mor; Oll1y apply, MC}.2050 Prt'· approacl'K'd rnalerl
day, Wednellday, Thuniday Sitter ~ed immed· S50ln10. guarantee pl:i
and FMday, 9:30 to 4'.00. iately 3 mo~ a 675-4570 ~
F. W. Woolworth week."'...,.· .
2300 H bor II d WAITRESS wanted, apply Jn ApnciH, Mon & I ar Y • person, f-tcta Lane1. 17o.1 .Women 75!
-COSTA MESA Superior Ave., Costa Mega. J_ · j
SHARP GAL! HOUSEKEEPER. for one 0Bwp0rt , J
To anl1t mana.a:er of grooV)r Jad1', full ttme, live"ln. Pvt. nel. • ~tiqu~. Permanent pc>ei· nn. and bath. 546-6599 person j
tton with room for .ad· WAITRESSES, Part time. 8Q80cy ' vancemcn), , with . rapidly Over 21 Call :
growing OI'lanliation. Ex· 54~ P rofe11ionel Service ~
pcrlenced a:als only, call for JIBiillTy 0 p ER AT 0 R for the employer
appointment d ~-II t ' THE LOOK S44-2400 WANTED Full or part tlnle. en ,~ •PP un ~
Poeltlona aho available for Bal. Iii. Call 675-3701 '33 Dover Dr., N.8 .
part time. NEED Babysitter. Days, 642·3170. 54f.2741
WANTED . Mal,,;ri. SpanUih \\ttkends or hrly. My bomt
ipcikl'og w o fT\ a n tor &42-4099. Newport Hta. School1-lnsttvctkm 7'°"
lj'aby1 !ttln1 • lite FOOD 4 Cocktail waitre111. The'Ne'wpOM ·
hotiiiekffplng by !he ti1o.. A,pply In pcl'IOn. Henry's S hool f Bu I ~
day1 onlf. 543-6914 aft~r 6 Re1taurant. f>4:K679 C O I nn-1
pm.' ?tlATURE woman to care for FEA~: 'j
GENERAL Office, 1 o m e l yr old glrl. My Horne. e Ele<:trlc typeWrltenr; : h•~gt of e1e~. $400 l.aiuna Niguel. -4!6-4309 • Dictatlna: eqJil,pment I
,J'tt lfltll'lth. 1'1 e r e ha n. I 1 8A R -P.1A10 . n I le 1 . e Modern otnce p~~
PttloMl'li' 2043 WlftlcllU MAVERICK. 17211 Newiiort e 8nWi up Greg
Drive. 645-mo. 545--6685 Blvd, AppJy •ft 6 pm. • Penor11l Development • t
6IRL f'tlday, accounttnc -IA.lk about OW" lp@C1al I'~
koowlqe $400 per month. Jobt-Men, Wom. 7500 ruary oUe.r wh\cl} 1nchadi.i
Merchanta Ptrt0nnel 2043 tre. typing lnat"nJctk;n, l ... t
Westclltf Drive. 66-2770, F.E.Al. ESTATE. Sbouldn'I ..... 1SJ .
........ yoll be -the ........ ' ='= " of"• »-Beeoht ~ Cllt, ~ ~r up to trial vu1a11: Rt61 F.atata 96S-Hn OiUdnr\ ll'l!l1dchBcliU,.1•
balanoe. 64>."'66 "' tJ<6.8103 ,,,....ui Jodl-.ir -
Newport Blach. Waltreu • &r Tendln ed °'llcoat l& ~ ~
MOTEL MAJ6 • Cllll 6"2-1831 * tchcM>l. 173 °'1 Mar.' O[.
EXPD,lIENCED 2600 w o,uf ""'Y N B 54.t--2lM I Qll W. Coa1t ftWJ, N.B. ---' --' . nrt'ORING In )l'OQI' ta.
B,llaYStTIER Qeedtd a AM Manicurist Wanted by ~ 'tatlaa.
tt 5 ~!r-!taln Valley Beauly ~on. ..,_71!00 All 111b)ooq, -l . lo
1tt1. ~· • CIJJIGE -went od iOW. I Call: !l<M10:I All. I I'll
Tlusdl1. f""""1 20, 1~
M miitiiliOi1£'Ti;ift1blA11DISI ,-al MllCIWl~Jl:· MllCIWllllll l'Oll. Mil~~ 1'Wllro!ITAT10M ~ATIOfl ~ TllAHSl'Oa'TA'f!OH · SALi AND T1IADI SALi AND TIADI SAU:AllO-llALl'·AND ~ ',SALi· ANO 9600 r
. l ~ , I '. 111 •I • I ••••• ~\ ~. 'J. • ,... CtvlMn t020 Tiwclt YSOO '"'-'" Autft r;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiilOiiiODii'iii ______ IGOO_ii lFu""""· IGOO Muoifal ""'· 1121 ...,_. .. ,bipii, .•1ao Mlnlllln•uo .. SAClllPICEI *~VAN-t FIAT
• MAHOOA11Y , • n 0-·ct11&r ;OlJ ~ ~· lllAHOG ... ...,;lrom 31' ·a.bor w/lf' -1ns: * TllUCICS· *
FRENCH PllQVINCIAL ..,pllt\er.,~._-pr.· c1nm\ t.use11 Slledioo ot "-llalY'.> -· w1tb ... ooad. Ma.t Mii lo< Wftk. Thor Ale All llft' At ~= ~ ,
$3CJI& reg. $59.95
One of Our M1n'y S.gainsl
New Sho-m Salllples
Will Sall Any ~lece Individually
8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair or·
love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w/
black or avocado framed chain; 8 pc BR sel
9-d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com-
modes, decorative headboard in Spaniah oak
design with matching box springs, mattress &:
ONLY .$529.95
1$1095.95 Value!
or TERMS as low a1 $4.66 Week u .. our 1tor1 charg• pl1n or btnk flnancint
Approved Furniture
{No Finey Front -BUT Quality V1lues lntidt)
2159 Harbor Blvd., Cott• Meta 541-9660
Open 9.9 Dally-Sund1y 11 ·5
12 v .. ra ••mt locatlon-nrM owners
Received cancellation
of $22,000.00 Sp•nioh
•nd Mtdit1rranean
A tine telection. of complt!'!te
bousefulls. Brand names,
lcqsiz.e bedrooms, beauutul
7 pc. dinlne rooms, chlQaa.
butches, custom .quality •
fu I: loft tea.la, double door
refrlgen.ton, waahen, dry-en, color TV's (all guaran-
teed) will sacrifice. Sell all
or part. Tmna on aood credo
All New Top Quality
Brand Nam•s
Decorator's Dream
HouH on Display
Items as !ollo1o11-·s: Gor-
geous 8 ft. custom quil-
ted sora "''ilh separate
loose pillows Y.-ith heavy
oak trim decor and mat-
ching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tablK. (2)
58" WI decorator lamp!!, an 8 piece master bed·
room suite In pecan pan-7722 Garden Grove Blvd.,
elled Mediterranean style l Bick Wt!St ot Buch Blvd.,
with top quality 15 yr. olf Garden Grove Frwy.
warranty mattres.B &: box Open 10 to 9 SUn 10. 6 111)rlngs. Spanish decor , -~--~~~~
dining "'· etc. 20 PC. "MADRID" Whole housefull was
r09ulor $1295.00 3 Room Graup
$568 00 loclud"' Quillod ""'• •
• chair -2 end tables ii: cof·
fe<! table - 2 lamPll-dre11s-
er -mirror -headboard -My Piece can be pUr·
· chased lndlviduaUy . . •
TERMS -We carry our o;jmj/J
1 BU Newport Blvd.
qallted box BPrinl' A matt·
ress -5 pc. dlnin& room;
table &. 4 hi·back chairs.
OOMPARE AT f149.95
No dowr-Pmts only Sl6 mo.
600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana
Opeo Daily ...
Sat. !Hi Sun ll-6
From•...-... Eat./• .... -._ · C~Na OIGANS ....-.., .-' --«-51M01 AIJ. ' ·Pent~ Dlocounh •mo•
A l'loe 9tlec6on fi( eon\pltte Cull.D1·ilk&li No.1 nu. lJ "W.'P.'-i"p~~ ~ ~ Ril4t.lt:'' '*"1 OWENS caillil CnUtr•22' ~ · 1---*:.:::::...::=c:·--·1
Ml size ·bedroom• let. strllw wl.t'-µd Ml!lt ·C&8L ·• ...-utit., · for~· rta>.jl6·~ m1Q1 ntru, niw .top 6 flud1 ior immdate FIAT SPYDER.aJ. ...,..
D!nlnr room ,., table A Call.W.'4>1111W!lma-, I •. ~~~'!il't'YN• -. Dlool. cmd.,Aai.GW dolltt1J red. lllll·~'!!!:' ~-
I chalro, • h I n a, """' , , , PWIOS .a, ORGAllB ·-"' "'\"°'..,:Z::'~ ime. .. m.ub · .... CH CITY Ooe ........ ~-· "'
-...... IOla ehalr, ,._&~ 11111 ·-·ft>or(Modtll 5'='1"1 • -·= 0006£ 'f1FIAT8'!0Spldor,Jll00. ~:...:'n:i~: • Ne* plaiiOs • Ren'¢Ji:~'""' lClflfP,f~ sp°Hd ,.., ~ .., 11565-.Blvd. <Hwy.3IJl--:==*='*':=310=:=*==I
""'· bdrm. ""· Dw1c&n WllRLITzma•••n•1111'v •PIANOS,in.. •••••••• 1381 · ., ... l .SlLI' , 11' P•~·'11 °"ls. · ~-HILLMAN Pi>Yf• t • b le " • chain. ~ ¥1 ORGANS from ........ $frl .,.. l2 deg Cu&le v<lr!ve· ~ -
Muat .. n oil lmmed. at • AD :i[!!-6 •. de! Gould 'Mutlc-.C...,,..ny i::J'.lf""' ........... ~ • uiirt.:h<!rtl. Tudim tm=. 'oo.o!EV\',.l, To.. 4 • ..,i. •s:qmLMAN JI...,,, lo~-
sacrlf:lce. Tenna on soad Ame made, llS riote, ~N •Mlln,·s.nta1An& Sat. Old7 I un. fo.J ~-. 1lat bed.,'mai.J extras. Ste ntnll irut. new tiftl. 69
rredlt w.-i.a-..-Prioe...,._ s.:~:,,.,,...Y ·51T""'1· P.lll;fl'-;~-13 ,:;;;,:..:::,_::,.,.,=-~.-,.~-H=P at-w.1--· .. ·-1 tap.-61W735
AOK w•-ir• ""w~'-"'..:.. ;;.. !IOft't.:Frlftll; llml'" FOR _, ~ B.'tU.. J-~; I B95. or ~L s.:.nu-~·-.
IUIUMl.K tnnter VllJCllll l'IANOS &.OltGANS K.-.. air'. -~· """*or mai""" · •68 CHEV.: 11 ton. vs • KARMANN GHIA • ~w ·" u~ • --•.-.o·•l'ladler. 1lD wi... 1Jsod . Just ... =""'====== . a Tm Garden Grove Blvd.,
1 Block w. of Beach Blvd. .a a.-Grove Frwy.
Open 10 to ' am. lo.I
20· "c. ·Mllple
3 Jl~M ;Gl~UP
Incluclel: IJw. room ttt •
tables • lamps • bedroom
set • qUllted mattreu • ma.
pie dlnlar room. AD "" . . •
No down. Pn!1;&, QIJly $18 mo.
""'"'°""" '"""'"' oo '68 on.;. Cownya.luplt !'.."'i .• 1135-' ~2115. nm -Yodit •pd.. -R H GHW _ ...... --""-··w . """""' -102, a.-................ -""""'· ..._ -E,VER!'.n!UIG IN· lllOSIC m--• "., .... ' c,.,. ~---s= 1163 FORD noo, 11 '""' , · . . Wl LICH$ Miid. sell I Cu. x .., ai..arm v.a '°"""""· c.mm p1atea. , • .,., ,.... new .. -·· .......... Center MUSIC Cl'l'Y . . -··-. "u ~ -Call ... 3,30, 53&-1919 .. o .. with 9,000 mllea" .,. ..._ S'1lO So.'Bdltol; a.ta,._ ~I •·~-F.all ---·~ , ...
Factory Salu .lo -Dally 12 noon 'tfl 9,, Sat ~
170& BMda Blvd., ,CHwy ~)
111 ml. .So. San DielO Fwy.
HwttlQrtoa Beach • 84'l.a536
Graild o;eftini
Our .... -deputaliJlt Is nowroptn.featiirlils. · ·
. ...-n . ..IG-'1521* '58 CHEVROLET 2. 66's Extra Nice
• ~l'f .• _. S1 .... $ac. Sl!.. 111 ...,.van body. "O•e with air'°"""
UPRIGHT '"+=10• """" 5""451~· Alt. " ....,. Mollllollomoo t200 ·--· ••• -All extn. ..... .n with ft· •· Bfnch. ~. CNot Klrby ~ c1ea1Jef w/at.. _... . .-~, .,......,00 dios & beatul 'and one wittJ
&'!ti""'•). Good. -" ........... Tlke .... nail OPEu J-9510 air coodilionlng.
600 W .. 4th St., Santa Ana with the.exclusive O:llot-G1o
~ Nffda byt l"f<.'OVered. pymnr. ·or Pl.Y off 1-la1kle n ~ SlOO~ ot $36.UicE~.,,.ntpt. ~t:=·~:vi ·ft . ,.
S..:i:RiFICE' -IJIO: 'Emmoa ~ .,.. .. ~ ...-. ,,_. -~~ ·~· _.. " T~·lal~ • ·' nos 8' RATTAN ...... ,,.,,,. .Hou: SE·•. ;_ .... ~~on~.?~~· ~ .... ,o ,,.
Colot-'T.V.·Btariaflll ebury · ~·~ . . ,, . 1 , 'Feb: Iil,u-e •14-'!"heeier" '" Opu.llally •• 9 ..... Playmate.
Sat 9. I SUn. u ·. 6 . FRIE . wood cablilet ·Actual 1150: , < ·r·' • 1 • • • FEB 21 22 21 ~ ~ t M value:~ Mlic. W4nttol . . N10 • • • tinloft.s..:11on c.r."r..irv: ·
.. Lawrence Welk 1am.U,y music UNT. TV $10 .Excitin.9 "N••P'l'fBlv•f. 61>-23116
N< Det>c<It :.~Dell-. • 1WA.NTSD • al-now StrNmline G S I 11122 couiw. .. $100 ~ .. free -°'-e..:v_•_•_•____ with Mry Thomai Orlan. su.om-. or '11'l-9llO F'ui'nltvre •, al-11artc• I t •· 9520
S4f·DJll-671-l 1ft
.1970 NAUOI .ILYD.
GARAGE Sale, Feb. 21·22-
23rd. fu!ar 219 Jum.ln,
CdM . --F-urn.Jture, ~rator, twin &-dbl
bedii i: dttuer. Library
table, 2 pc davenp:i.rt, oof1ef!
It. end tbb. 100 ceramic
mould, oddt • ends. hll
tent tor station Wen. 5 hp
Johnson Outboard.
HUGE Calltt:Hon of ovtt
5,000 .books. fiction It. non-
fiction. 25c to $2. D31
S.W. Spruce, Sf,nta Ana
Heights. 546-7264
MISC. furniture, rood used
vacuum cleaner I:
ho115t!hold 1tel1lll. SaUSun 10
AM tD 6 PM 925 E. Balboa
Blvd., Balboa
BOAT Stoves, butane &:
almbol $50 A $25, many
mi1celJaneou1 items
STEREO Comb Gu Dryer,
1000 ''Thinp". Now Thru
Sun, s.5 Coronado, Balboa
LIDO Garap Sale; Fri., Sal
&: Sun. 221 Via Nice,
Lido Isle, N'pl Beach.
Garqe Sale Moving!
2526 Apt B Santa Ana Ave.
Colt& Mesa 662673
PrieH. start at $5lt>.
Coast Music
1119 Nowpwt 11..i, CM
Comer of Newport A Harbor
PACl!AiiD ·aen . coJ'or Color TV!i ..... Planoa trove """"
Conlole,. 21''. "67, now ·pie-.' UC. · _ . just arrived!
Used Orill Slli
llammoad "'"' Spb»t,19$ H&mlllOM AlilO Conloie $llOO
Hammond RT-2 Concert with
-lu\10. OU<n! ·8j6-<1"1 ~ Iii 1f2 hftr
H~fl l S1WM ~!! . ~.1-p~l
~ i9a IOH4 ltate eoD-E L"E C TJt 0 NI & Stndt.nt
-'t.• N"'!'° µaed $15. Abo clelirN' ''JiOt wc:iidnc: T.V.1
5 '· wa In ttt AM/FM CIJ>'t "'>' 01udi. 67J.:m multiplex, a· spftlcu audio
l)'llem. Normally aolh ... Machinery, otc. . 1700
1111.95, -• i:iso. . HR .CO •••••••••••••• :. Sl.195 Credit Dept m-'r.111 LANCE Tubina: Bender
a: ..... ;.,""" O It PR U _.._ w/rv.~ • cutter, pm-
·..---·-WEBCOR, ,Mo......, ....... ---~ 2'' ·-1"" ·-. __ ... " lAllle l21SO bin. dlo ~~ ··--·-~ ~ Gul!lianaen Premier only' 8 com n. ' p ...... ..,....... reuonable· 60-a907 ,
months old ............ 13395 ~ ft<onlOr 119 o. PETS ,,..j LIVESTOCK
ALL PIANOS .............. I====,....,====
20% 0: more Savinp! I C1mer11 & -.--;i;-aoo ,.,., General llOO
Open Mon A Fri eves. --..,.. -
HAMMOND QUALITY Letca Camera YOUNG, African PY Par-
in OORONA DEL·MAR Xlnt cond,,_.fluh att, e-l,. rQt: very ta.me, talks, rare,
2854 E. ~ Hwy •• 6'l3-i9M ~ue k. lmtruct. $97. = 'pa~ S 4 7 S '
WE'RE 1n our DIW store.
America's finest all·
alumlnwn · air.craft -
riveted travel trail-
ers! Brand new mod.·
els! Exclusive new
features! Euy Credit
upay on Your Way''
Plan! Priced from
only $3995 !
.OUrtantutio.aale·o<.PW>oa M1-11a-NOO 11op· ": · , : U2J LER WOR"D I< Oriiu>s""" eontlm1•1ral TIV-1 ~
~ County's o4ly piano NOVICE obedience cl a•' ·noo Weit .Fir.at St.
111 &. Camper
'60 Caril per ............ $899
'64 BUI , ............... $1099
'" SWmoot e .. · ...... $1499
'65 Dlx Bua, 9 pas, •••• $1699
'67 Dlx Bus, 9 pu. • • • • $2199
'67 Clmper, split seat. elec.
ref ........ , •• ' ••••••• $2599 1965 1.tERCEOES-Z» s.
~ P/b, p/s, auto trans, alr-
°"~ ~~~~
l4t~Jl.lltt Sales, Service, Pam
1971 HAllOI. ILYD. lnunftllate Delivery,
'68 vw c.amper, gas beater,
no J,!OP top, 21,000 miles.
$2850. * 962-6556 " ,,..... .. ,.. .. , ...,..r._ * . AIJCllOll * -Feb 25, n•~;JO Santa Ana, ·collf. Pianos from $195. 'Qrrans p.m.
fro 1195 MARTlNCREST KENNEi-' 54S.0715 • 9522 w~·s BALDWIN.STUDIO fRIDJ\Y -' 1111. 21st 5'&:0089 Hours: . t -t Camper "'nt•I• ..
J2 r tUJJ 0 rl
Jl111J.J orls
lSl9 Ne-.port. C.M.. 6'2-1484 1:·31 'M ., ALASKAN Mala.mute AKC I.!!!!!!"""!!!!~'"!'""'"'"'!'" . COACH . TRAILER 3100 W. C.OU:t H""")'., N.B.
HAMMOND-Steinway• Y• Color TY'1, Like new at~ female, 4 mos. ~cdleni Bay Htrbor RENTALS 642-9405 540-17"
mah& • new le U8l!d p)anoa TV's, Bedreom ~ti!, divans. fOt"· show· ~ts and Moblle Homes It~a none too .earfy to make Authorized MG Dealer ·
ot an mam. Beat buys, th chain, cheatl, coffee tables.' bteediiJa:.~Black .. 1o11-1ih white 16'-29'·22'-24' I: 3-t wides reaervatioos for Sprin& Hol· '67 MG MIDGET ·
So. Callt riaht hett.· dinettes, i1!WUW machlnes:. marltino-· 49J..(M(l3 Froin. $6995 idays! Rdsti.". Mark m , 4 spd, dlt.
I 1100 ·~~ •n'SIC CO freezers, ltovff:,-waabers, . TIJRE -n.-.n 12 WIDES WEEK-END OR \\'EEKLY l!X(."ellent running cond. WiN App line• ......uiouu ..... u ' ·~ dfyers kMUQl,MORE!"! MINIA · ~uuw.e pups, ~'-tl'-45'·50'...55'-60'-64'' 54&-0291 wheel&. cream white body;
e SPECIAL PURCHASE e ~~.!:.~ COME BROWSE 1Jl0UND AKC Jte.I· 4 rrialts-, 2 From·S3995 plush black int. Driven by.
fu!biittaton, automatic flfil'VATE PARTY Wll)J'-$ jtJCllOll te~sls-1044 eves. Parka ;r:au':e~~ areas. :Dv;.:.:;no;,_;· "1H::::i. "'°'loa::;.. __ 9:..;5:;::25 little 'ole man from Laguna.·
washers A other majol' a~ Wa.ntll .lo ~. piano ' . DOBE & mo red mal• AKC. Bl d $85 Cash dels, will tine pM. "··-•--·,·I hom _, .11-block Ea.et ot Harbor v . · 1966 · prty L. B UOF 593 ••• -p ...... """a .uvm lllUUt: es for Cub. 2J3.:871 .. I035 2075% Newport Blvd. ahotl Ii: ear crop incllld. ... Oll Baker' . . • ~ll.1
at fantastic dlsrountl! No Behind TonY'a Bldz. Mat'l!, Cham.P stocl(~OO. ~3076 Costa Mesa (71:4) SolG-9410 DUNE BUGGY 1.,;0'=540®'=======•1
Down. WFeOoeSTrvlER~S· S.. •'' FREE TO YOU Coot& Mna * "6-8686 • WllIPPi:l' i>UP)'lES * l~""Brookhunt,FtnValley OPEllDAILY9to.• TOPQ".•"'-. ·Mu. tin-SEE tl>e 'D'!al Wide Road· Ready to Go OPEL
•.i.o;.r v ........ ~.. llil"er Pan American, Para-$1699
(So. ol Warner) 968-1234 ORGANIC Fertnber,. alt4 roko Eitc retired, movin&: ~at. ~ls ~ mount, Elite arid General '6& OPEL Sixwt Sedan; so·
WESTINGHOUSE aide by hone nlamft a'.ltnbined_ to DenVv, ofteti the. follow· MALE,1 .Gtmtan -Shepherd, mobile bomu now &t ~ HP red· lic'd WatTanty; ;~~-re= ~~$51>.malt:u :;~1:~. =-~~·~~!:~~::~ .:~'.c~i?s.~~t. !ucdn"."""o. "u~1~·~,.5t1-"1-""'·Sals·.s.:. °"' . , . of4 ~P .. O.M~RSXIC~tH-E~_:_ .. d'. $375. 5 4 6 -9 2 6 5, 1330 Frt: · · 2128 defro.!t, $175. Ha qi 11 top LABRADOR· Retriever pup.1, n 11111111'1" ""'
Palisades Rd No. 1'7, S.A. . · 7 ~. • dryer A Fi'lfid~ washer black. 5 :)Vff.ks . ci1d. Dam ~
WESTINGHOUSE automatic 1>09; . 3 yr. male, pnall .. both for _$150 •• Go!d c.,rpet lr Slie \rqported· ,SJS.:.4928 '
washer, 1 year old. Like Standard Poodle· ~~ 14 x 13 nylon $85. Twttd cute Be~.woold like TRAILER ·HOUM 8x3!.·metal '57 PORSCHE, body & paint
new. $100. 847-8115 famJ!y doJ, ~ chfll:treJJ, fan nn. Mohawk _carpet, IT male Beqte for mating a\vnfn&. Deck '°' storql', like new, VW engine, $975.
WESTINGHOUSE Washer, very ~II behaved. Nffdll X 13, $1"5. Abo\•e Items by Feb 2f. ~lM complete $1.S50. Stt to a~ Golden \Yest Auto Center,'
deluxe model, ..-.1 con-home-badly .. 642-2215 aft 6 ahow e,i.;ceptionally , Ii n e -·N·S..,;ll·T.TION predate. 333 \V. Bay St, 14t .. Jtl-47J.11tt 1984 Newport Blvd, C.M.
6........ p.m. or ~ 2121 care. ~T oc•=-~;;.;r.:; .. v ='-'~-'----Sp No. 1$, C.M: Nr Dally 1t7i HAUOI ft.YD. 642-3460 Costa Mesa
dltion. $35.·~1551 .~ Pilot con• MISA 1...::::..:::.::..=~---NEED good home lo, Vlj:I'OltA4dl.n&m.a~~lf,9.50. INtt:.&~Yachft 9000 . '61 PORSCHE1600 S Convt.
l---------t 1110 "~y," lovable, small Reinihlton e:led ·typewriterl::;.;;;i-~;;...;c;;;;=---BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm furn Imported Au.toi 9600 Chm. whls. AM/FM. REPQSSWIOIS :..:"°:.:1o:.1q"'-=-----breed Tenier-mlx; male. 1'19.SO. Unduwood prinU.,, SCIAM LET'• trlr 11118. l2"411,. eoolu, Radfa1'. "°'"""""'°· Nu •
Ev•ry nit• 'tll 9
Wtd., Sit., Sun. 'til 6
ANTIQUE s;anwi and Mex. Ho~bi;oWl, all s ho t.s : c la 1 c u I at or $69.50. 340 · 1 • .. skirtinc. Netoport Beach. e Spof Cub fer Imports clutch. Empi exhaust. $1850.
In excellent condition, like rellgioUI &rt frm. small pvt. lovea children. 823-197'1 2/'20 Broadway, C.M. after I · · · 64U742 .. We PQ' mtre. for uy import ~
oew. Beaut quilted IJOfa S89. collection. 18th C. paint. San FREE TO GOOD HOME 2 p.m. ' · . · 1r 1A.USWERS 2 BDRM ~blle ' Rome, u• . rqanilea o1' year, mak~ .,c64""-':0PO=RSCHE==~c~.-. -bla~dc" I
chair $49, 3 pc. led. $99, Antonio w. gilt lrame: },lex-~ed and '1~ kittens, TILE hobbyist: Hett'a a real ' . ~ ,. quiet adun .park lttx50. Call or: condition. 1ry m before w/blk. inter.; t!'!Xtra cleao;
1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iio I eofa & love eeat $179, 5 pc. ican curciflx, s ma 11, to adlllt bQ~e. Nftd:I shots, barpln. 2 x 4 foot table Banner -,_fli.!fb'. -Empty af!. s: su.8680 • yoU sen. E·~ M QR E many t!'!xtru, $3300. 837-sl18 17 Pc. King Size dinette aet $2-4, 5 pc bednn. primitive w. lruiet mirror.!I; 540--6183 from .ll-4 p.m.2/20 ml ori~ ',Denwar· tilts ....:. GOlttr -OPEN ·MIND ftx.42 · KIT, 1 · bdim., tOme M~; J..S.1:lq Snell Blvd. eve .
set $89, box sprg & matts 17th C. illurr.lnateJ! FREE to qual. home, Beau~ ready tOr cuhma and Motherly·advioe to dauttr. tum, "alr-co~,.dlilp.; $1800. Wellmlhater .. IM-3322. '63 PORSCHE s, xlnt 00~, Bedroom Call sizes) $8. ea. Kine size pll1'cltmenta: tin paintlnp. AKC, Male Bu.g1e, 1 yr. mutic • .U-fOI' $25. 6"-41&8 ter. "Don't tell him ht! bas 2191 Har~. 04 Sp. 19. all new equip. Best oUer.
!Mgror.e29 ~•welder d5~~~ •• • :~; ~;.,:'. Sell all or any part, ~rna~ ~C: :i: ~Id, all shots. 639-2858 2at121t. PRIVATE pVty Jea\'lng U.S. ~ i:e !-'~~·~~ .. him Mot IM _ 1 __ !D'.!A~TS~-U'.!N:_~-ll i494-3237ii"J~siar51ij"'~'i;;;;;;;-s;;;;;; ~ ~~ INI WARBIOU'" 61>-2629 ' p.m. """''' ·10 ... .n -" . ' . . ·:::.;:::;""..:°'o:Y'=---'..;..;_-'62 PORSCHE Coupe. super, :e:a~:::.ro~i:::.e·b1:: AVll JI VASr Stock Amer le Eur 1:.0~~ 01~0 ~C:: ~~~ ::e~~~<.~~ KETIENIUR~ ·4] 1966 TR&, 650Cc Ttiqmph. • DOT • ~nd thrnughout, ~·
ets.ctc, Tn: Guden Grove mvd .. furn I clocks. Larry Ve..., ... 1 ... .f..1 A: lovt!'!I ~104 . ' $2t,f75. SMltiway.I Fall dreased custotn 19.t, DATSUN
Ch.oice or Spanish Block w of aeacb Blvd Mor&an Antiques, 2421 •J ......,.._l"" 2 ., , . •· 29' Col 29 1/8 loaded .. $995(1 backrest, ·used as street · . 'ti6 PORSOtE, 9ll, all ec-
or Modtm Style 1 • ., Newport Blvd., C.M. children. 531-....., I SI'OVE· $4l!; R:tfril· .$7:); 35' Hel;ftSChoff ·absent ownr bike only. Many extru. AUTHORIZED DEALER tras. Must sell. $3750.
$ 9 OH Garden Grove Frwy. INC u BAT o R , frttier, couchts .$40 , &: $80; dininl d t ' try $U,OOO $750~ 5a64J23 aft 5:50 pm. Q * """"" * All For 24 20 PC. MODERN ~~ !,.n~ ftfrigera'°'· la,..tmy, both set 151i: -."""' !50; .•k. ,;.""::;,,;,;;,~_'. '65 Gray, aayt!me ,,., • ...,,. HUNTINGT · N '58 PORSCHE Spm. Comp.
No :;;;S· "'"w"A';i's:.:;E· 3 ROOM GROUP &<'4i38 • 19113 F""'"' CM tub. • • '~ ~ =· ..,,...,. f . . . . tmcsi " ..n.. varte•" + ... nOND• :u;o BEACH ....,,,,,", s.c . .,..... :a Uft llUIUU.I dlshws~19 me · . ~ V~GUUMS e ePACIJ'lC Y-Af.N? ~ ~. Low nilla&ll eng. recently rblt. &U-2094
Include" Floml -t. doair Sowl .. Machi... 112~ -• 110 ... R<tialn.A'puts. "" v;,, Oporli, Niwport n-i p1.., 12r~ Now and Us.O Cars 1'64 _ XLNT COND
tiOO W. 4th St., Santa Ana
Open Daily 9 -9
Sat.9-6 Sun.ll.6
• walnut tables -lamps • FREE To iood home 2 kit· ReuoralM,"(:out Vacuum :?4 Hour Phone 67J.1570 . • 547:3lp e . Corflplet• Strvlc• & Parts ms339. & 615-5835
complete bedroom with quUL 1968 SINGER, ZI c • Z a 1, tem 9 mos. old. Af. m E. 17th,·CU., '42-1560 · WILL TRADE '64 YAMAHA 250 ec, low lllJS BEACH Bl VD.
ed mattrtss • 5 pc, dinette, touclMMnatic. Wal cabinet fec:tionate, trained: 646-124113121 LEAVING lt&te mlll!t aell, lot l ~ T~~ ~.,., mileaae, excdlent eoJid. 142 7711 -54'0-0.f.42 REMAULT
etc. All for · · · ;:'~ = !:upo! le~.~ co m P.1 e t e t<o 1:1 1 @1 u l tor .cruise~ or ~·.,,~Ule. New· ta.gs. $350. 646--0lfiti Ju,; 1 '"\1~1 Se. S•11 Di••• · · r • · · · $277 Cuh or assume $4.66 mo. CLEAN 4 Burner ps •tow. fumWW!a:a.reason•-ble (n4l 444--6035 . TAOO 1'-fini bike. N•w painl Fwy.•'"' i••t • f-'"lnum '65 RENAULT Rt. Radio,
Nodown.Pmta,anly$10mo. o\-en/broUer, rood con-5S&-61S5 • PO BOX •uo '""··• _.. condition. M\1St --''~""""-"''-''"-'.::";:;•C'•c;,•~-11 ... ,.... __ .,. ._,, ~o:itn Button holes, overca1t size Servel · ......., .....,.,. •"""' f961. ·m ·MI ug. r&CA. vvuu co ..... -. WELK'S WAREHOUSE blind ..... ••c .. without... dltlon. Larr< . • .. !50. '61 <.:HEV .. Con>air. Lo ... ~ Collf. '""" .... l8Q. .. ~,,., DA1Nn -
tach. Guarantee OK. relrl&entor. IUt-2030 2121 ~ ~· trans: bad. 17 FT. ~rtonner. blander ii57 HARLEY Davld..,oa 1========:01
600 w. 4th st., Santa Ana ~6 SChiM.A LL • Dam-~_1huncle d ci ~~ Runninc cond. 5'9-0051 Deluxe model <an flbtc-Spor'5ter •tock, Id eond, 19» conVerttble. 4 sPHd $U•ARU
ColoNCI TV's, Pl1nos Open Daily 9 -9 1968 SINGER. Zig z a 1 huahua/ ""'"' • .&>I MAGIC Chef apt. •lie mm· 1tan) outboUd'. Custom ~--.2133 after 5 pm, transmission, 'ndJo and heat.!--__;:..;:..;;.;..::.:c:_-.;
AppllancH, Antiques Sat. 9 · 6 ~· ll + 6 automaUc wtlh wal cabinet. nm:. old, h 0 0 1 e b r 0 k e n btn. elec. ranre, nt: &:link. cnap:down cover. Bil wheel t!'!I'. (\vu856) 1969 SUBARU 'T
I Pt.ce or * $2'.4C * Take o\tt 5 pymnts of S7 .2; 543-5643 S.A. 2121 2; Gal. aquarium w/fish, Wt tran~: $700 or best oU· Avie S.r"W'IC. · $1795 from $1297; 66 Ml'G
Housefull e dv~u~~. :e~=: Call
6617 Mixed~puc:!lowkl. :,·:;~7~~.;·;.:ey":;!~;~: ron ·Sale!!::'=. LA .K::;K:,;;;:
I. Our Snarltltyl N)'lon blend, rnenible, ;;:~~====1"1-="2-5 old 96S-J1M 2/22 recorder, complete ~ Evin.. tiect.-Tl'ailer. SOOO. Chev et~'. 350 •hp, like new. AT s 845 Baker, C.M., ~ ,..--Brown, coppertooe, crttn. Mutletl ln1t. Sim.UBS·-You dla: A haul l"Pf:aktn A mlke1. .r'"' 50-ll85 aft 4 PM '1600-best oUs 5»-8643
636-3620 Sizt!'!s: 8x10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 ---.... ------away. Can Frt AM Only!! $185 taka.•548-M73 11' -··~·-.Fl"-'-· or • QmXs:L.ER;.PLYMOUTH SUNIEA 24 HOUR SERVICE usu•L Gu lla< H quarters .....,.. 2/20 ~ • -·•-2929 1tarbor B1"'1 M BUYERONDUTY7DiiYS AL'S UN ~ e NEW.OOUSED e FUU.S.tmon'oWU...Goll Inhoudoothoud.1191111-pvt AutoTM1 .. a-.,1,t410 co.taM<a .. si..JSMl---....._----1 FURNITURe Fender e Vox e Standel 2 CUTE poppWs. I wkl old; Oubl, matched. n1. Good pty. 5'1-9861 --·-'• -· Open 'ti Ul p.m. . ,60 ALPINE, 4.3,ID) ml RUii ST tell lnunedl.att!l)', 132" 17881 Beath Blvd. e GIBOON e MARTI.N 1 female, 1 ma 1 e . cond.; wfl*I. Che a p • SKIPPER 11.-anta part 4 TIRES nclJlped. lJJre ntw id $500 Pvt. o... •
velvet arc!~ .:>fa. 3 vtlvet Huntington Beech 142-4464 646--0163 2121 968-.3013 rzloQ.4. $8 each · .. 4 tor '6t DATSUN • · c '3• d. 1 e WILSON e Y MttAHA Urne MJl'k, 5U-3561, •'M. ,.,,,,,, _ ___._ __ .. 675-4451
chain. 7 pc m ng room LOVE Seat $80. I' med, sofa., Drum Httdquartert OLDER dor • malt~• Ta-Q U A L IT l'. kine bed ' leave IM8S&.f". -· _,........ Bil sedan. 9S hP. ~
set. Red·black-sold den love se&t, coUee A: end • NE\V and USED • rler, needs rood bome with y.·/qullted mattress, comp. '4U' cam ei:w., dlr, 4 $11. r..&. TOYOTA
!:::n.2 =li:ts.u::: r! tables, lamps, 5 pc dinette LUDWIG, ROOERS, ASTRO ADULTS. S4S-S832 2/21 ~used S9t 9.wth S250. S.lr-... 9010 Tnfltr, .. Trlftl ~ttr~ = =I----~----"' I =.122911~~ ~. ~ ::;.. ~ ~ ~= ~ ::.rr:e,~=l~~ ~tart~ ~!EC: t~ ~ ha! ALLEN LaJ$dary ~ fer~~ ~Boa~ ~~ ~ ::::.·cieS: :~ ~ TOYOTA
2.trd • Redlands , cprty:.:::.;.· ;;;530-61Mi"-'"-----~ 1zw at $189. Pedal&. hi-bats some •hots. Si~ 2121 talie. Gcql .cond. ado l541• 0.. ·'544995 w/W cpts. Bl,y BreeZIO air """1li'W't Call after
T S I h .00 seta ropalred. AD amall CO"~-~ 7 ~ -••. * W.11111 * ~ ... "•-Save....; cond't. Spare wheel. T'I !:!'~'"-" 10. 11EADQUARTEM WlDTE wrought troo Ible. ELEGAN pan • ........__, ,.. .. uiu .._.___ --•.. ElMOI. E
. cocktail flzmltuft. 3 rooms l mo part&. acceuorin A: cymbelc ya I e . At t $ p . m ~ BOY'S tlleyde, ps. Dwarf now! SUp anllabM. antimnL c.&.I aft .5 Pit . '
4ld. 3 chain. 2 old. o..t -...,. aell 1Jo 1tock. f6.Ui8 2120 lemoo' ... m Iuie-()pOn nl1at .<11:1.. 14M111f llMm Alld!ti ltl.fllll -L••
tbln. is:: bridge Lamp, aU $2500. St892SS,' 1330 EVERmnNG IN MUSJC 15' PALM trft. You ~cttr. bm$l8.5'5-lslt OOLl1MB1A. iDdlader 29', '12 aCEV. ~ 1m ptcS.q,; ~JUUU lS'IOO~m.&..w._. :i:. -':'."':'~b :~~: "Pal=-==ll4.=--"·"'·-iT_."'S.A.-leach Music Celller haul. 515-Sl l/2l lllGH -· llJI. lfi.11 ......... s. » .. ,, -· Ftlll ~ hyy. ~~ ~ ·.,uMR1 "'--· ,
'Sbm11cx1t dbl. matt. i: Rl'Xl.JNJNG new bJue MANY ~ ~ Jft411lPt ~.cabinet, l'lclnr~A~Dl.lllhY C!-Ddt.$PM Nil'Wpal't fmp(n Ltd. ()r.. tlUBLEn Daarletplac. ¥.1
lfll'P. Om. 494-2434 custom couch. ell a tr , '"'actor)' Sale• a .se:rv1ce· POR'TUNITID m. $30. 5'S:lf1I i: outbOatd. ui.aso. '&I t:onl ~Ton v.a. c:uam .,..·O:llutt1'• '0ftbr tlJtl:m-. tmm. n. DAILY tµ.or
RATTAN couch. f'rame hNloclr ltH.I at S 15 0 . Daily 12 noon 'tU t , Sit 9-5 dttcovered tll O..•W ·J. ' 5 ' PllX:E 1t'dlnUte •I $1>. 84Mi047 cir -..Ti35: cab, 31.000 m~, Vfl'J claft. bM 4-l,tr. Cauttled ~. ._
It ~ cuafJiona u~bMt. '13-U91 J7404 Beach Blvd., CHwy 3:9) 1"am Mc*: t> 'T-0,. 8t21 enn.t Orcle, ·Welt-21' ·TRADMONAL Auic c:ut-~ ..._.. • SALES. SERVICE, t>ARTS mcmey, Lima •effort-~
llL 841o<1577 Ill mJ. So. SUI D!olO FWy. -lllH'• NOtrt • , mJnl!"· lfl.7l11. ttr Ph¥'-Mabe· B<aqt O.W.1' P1LOt lilii&"' 21ilO W. OJU1 Bwy. """''" •4L
,; UAL tTY 1daw btd Hoott.rwton Beath Ml"531 JI YOUlt AD 12t'C*SI• MOVING • tarn I t u re, ~ •. Cru1111t1c at. ,Zi hp lJN!I. Tti·im--,... .Ne'W"IOl't 8caCb PlM2: )'Om' wuz .. _.....
locr1ace, I' Wblto SofL ;~:.., ~ c;:: DAn.!_']M WANT Alli ni!>7 ~ ~ 1112 c:i.a.b -New oalla IT.Cil. ~ ,,W• ~ -' ~2761 11>11 In looltltJC -OA!lj ~ * m. * ..-ta.-B~RESllL'l'S!' --I.~ St eoo&-. -,..._.,,. ~ Au-~-PILOT cl--~ h.
.. ; Tll"""'1, ·?t"lllJY 20, lM ,_,.,. Pllq!' 4., J!L'NSPO~TATION
l"'oorttd Autoo '600
1.,,..rtod AutOt •9600
!~N~P_!)~TATION .;, TRANSPORTATJON4-:".T""RA':-'N"'.:S:-'-PO=RT"'A:"'T_.IO":N'.:. ::-l'N"'•""w"'C:-·"~---: ... 'IOO'"':'ll-:T-:'Rlo"'7-N:'-SPO_.'."'"R"'T-AT.;..l"'"OH=:-T::RA'""':"HS':""P'O""R""T~~ ... '1-0-:N=:1-''-'AAN~,._s"'.PQ1t/T_A_T_IO_N::".:r·
Anllquoo, CIUllct 961S· !:!!!I' C.rs, 9900 .Uaod C1rw MOO • , ' ~aod Gon ' 9'00Ulool Ca!"~ IJ...i, C.~ 9'1111 i:
'69 TOYOTA HT vw ..
1 •36 Fon1ariu.,,..;.,.,,.;,. · TWlsPOR1'AJION1· CONTINENTAL ?· Plt.YM .• OUTH ' ·~· complcle with &IW, 1 hood ~ :::t:~ :~:: CAR SALE ';,f~=~"·~ FINEST SELECTION l--SA-Y-f·.--,-1000--.oo--I ; MANY EXTRAS
SAVE S300.
Prlca Spa<l1l1
'C.O Bug "" • •· .... "• $399
'61 Buct • .. • • • • •• • • •• • $499
luxe. Set ot back seati fQr '&: CADllJ..AC· 4 door haJ'd.'. llq'J Goldenrod, C.D.M. • 1 ¥rarMI New 1"' ,
.v.w. eu.. Phooo .S36-8tll top, full 'POwer, facloey l,it, 'Mi CONT.• f\a1l pwr lthr int, a BRAND • t PlVMllllTU VIP •
Alf Modal• Fr. $1770
'6.1 81.11111 • .. • ....... ~ .. $599
Over 15 VW '1
All Extra Sharp
$300 to $1999 ·
H.B. Ailk,forBlU. condltlonliia: ··········rm u way $.~a~. $1675. pvt . • OF .. :'~··· . ·59 r.BmD ru'u P<>wor $2119 P"• 54&-8343 • . NM • · · " ' R,~ C!"i ~och 9620 '!:7;'~d~,n~~':.~!\': '61 LINCOLN, 23,~MJ. Rod • 1969 • · '!"'..:.. ~~'f~~. ::.
--.-.. -P-LYl>iourH'--'62 Ot.OOMosiIE r.i'C :":"~~:l" LOaded . • PREVIOUSLY FM mlltlpj...;;d;:"i...q...
42& eu lo MIT pt,iona, Sot· door. l\adlq, bfal•r. .aul.. 64 LINCOLN Oo t low • · BUICK • illt• -· ,...... " "· ~·-H .,.. int.tic,;,;, ............. $99 ' n "· • 1teerbla'. DOMr bnktt, llUl'e enon '-""m, -..... e .... cn, '57 BUICI< 2 d09r .. 'Radio,· milea. very clean. $1~ a - ' ' pip dWerential, S83 ~ in.
TO'f'OTA·YOLYO c '·~ ="'-~,~ belite.r,L•u"'
0e'm•c11cH .. ;:,:· IO ~:~~=ALO.:~ .. ••· s2444' : OWNED ~:t.:..".":.:,1au ... ~t~..: " Never raced, make o!fcr. , Ir:' looka I: ·?Uni like new. New •-a .,, o1..,;....1
8'6-1162-<5ol Sanla Barbaia. AUTO SALES ' ""'· $1195. ~· -• • wlndOWI, ~t •~nrc whe<~ ~ vinyl roof, white wall tires.
1956 AQSTIN. Healey, t~ft'-2145 1-larbor Bl'vd. '60 (:ontin4111\al, &ood COi'> • • '.& 8 PP'J3G90170389
at•bor, C.M. 64$.9303 ·
·~---....... --'58 TR 3 Rstr. Top condition.·
Not raced. Wire&. Ounlops.
· Top. Sid@ curtains. Service
record. $575. 84U576 alt
7 PM
rari body, pwr windows,, Costa Meaa dlUon. Full powu. •. IMMEDIATE • was $5g_Qf.2$
,. .. ,,.,_,..71•1,.0 ~"°"· 327 cu ;n, ,.41ai. .... &12-91lllr !l4IMS92 ~ * !\l&.l1176 • OEL IVERY '· NOW $'Ml!l.25 1970 HA•IOl ILVD. 'Beat otter. 2865 El Rlo, J'======== 'IUV7
Polar \\'hite, (lll•~P765l Autos Wantect 9700 I ·,-61-B_UI_CK ·L& Salft. 3 dr. '62 MON ~. 4 s~d. 1 a • ~~,o~ M~s'~,;-c .. 1. :;<\H459. BUICK ~-C_O_R_VA_l_R_ : • : CA J ,. LLACS ATLAS
Good 2nd car. w£··P/\Y . . • ~top. New red. ~t Job owner. Beautifully main.• DRIVI IT a CtlRYSLER·PLYMOUTII
.61 VW.mecb.A·I. ·n vw $199 . CASJI Aopholitery.J\•H.~ Wned54&<1'189 OM " T·o y • 29'l9 Harbor Blvd. "
1695. or bo•I oHor. Origloal Black -l4110 •. 1533 .,_ 'l!I Oorva;r CO!SA' Turbo-• H · ~· QA IN so CALIFORNIA Co.la M•M 546-1934 ;
""1853 B'ILL M. AXE. Y ~•'1<hto. SIS-0<49 -cilarl'd Rare Car. ·$900, • • • · o,.o 'til 10 p.m. '
'V'V '59 Sunroof. R/H. New. '58 BUICK Station Wagon,. !WNf26 . ~·
slulch, aood paint. Torm•" I li'il IOITIAI for "'"' """• tn>ckl Juat """' ., .. n, 'Pis. II. ML • 4 .DOOR -2 ~DOOR PONTIAC .
"195. 644'2547 . T Z' y call "" for "" Htlmatt. ""'.'rack,~~ 'CORVE'l:rE ... ' " . ----:-=---:-I " ·iii v.w. earn,., ·11,100. ·59 18881 BEACH BLVD. GROTH CHEVROlfl CADILLAC -'65 PONTIAC '·
v.w. Sedan $51111, boib excel. '62 CORVITIE " . • • D Dor1dos • C1l1ls OTO Convertibl• . rond. 962-3873 Hunt. Bt1ch UZ-8555 Ask for Sale;· Manager , Bladt bea1,1Qrl M'bat lee . to •· • Sky b!IJI, bucket seats, pwr ,.
64 VW .,_ d' 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch .. .,,,.,. n~acb Blvd. 58 DeVILLE full power · te • •••• -' • ••-, dlr, auto, car in excel-:
g" ·hoat<c, xlnt m"'h cond, '6' VW· Squueback, xlnt Huntlriafon Beacll new ' trans, .. •"-' 1!5. cuh d•l1, dlr, or wlU take • e 0Upe 9 es • e1111n e es lent lhape. $50 Ouh do1', ,: ' ' n,w ~<s. ·~ ... -~ ~ • . _. ap"""a • ~ car. -• ··2444· ·. : ( d VIII s "'-d VIII ••
good paint, $875. 499-2640 tires, new paint, 1500 if, Kl 9-3331 .. 1990. So. Lquna, foref&p car 1n trade. Call a ~ or older car in trade. Will : • 1095. ,..Alden we11l Autt> . -r--_ .. _ 1·0. L.ll ·QO-• PRlnD FROM '$4995 fine prvt ..... ._ LB NRC 208. •• • '65 vw 2 Dr. Bel.,.""'" C.ot ... 'i9s. N•wport Blvd, WE PAY'WH CH1'VROL£T '· ~or5'5-<16M :-"' • \i.' · · 491-91'13 .,'Ms.0634 . ::~~21~~$950, Prv C.M. 64U460 . w ~6' CHEV' MALIBU '68 CORVE'ITE ~· Int'l • a '59 PONTIAC Catalina. Good :
'64 vw 15uJ s, sedan, radio, '6;1_ vw.Gol2 dd•rn Sedw:".,· ~Hto. FOR. YOUI Hardtop, bu~t eeati, radio. , blue, u new, orla owner, " ' ·a AU Carry New Car ~: o:~~ ~ Ymrk. ·:
""' uphol/tlres. 11195. Oris -AM-FM, au!Om, pwr ,... ~ 19· 9 . --:o;.nor. 64&-73115 C•ntor, 1984 N•wi>9rl BlVd, CONNELL !f:'~wr ~· dlr, ~art " !>rW•. '1" w!Mawo, • • . ''61 PONTIAC GTO, Con-:'.
li&V\v. sUi\fuOli'one owner. c.M. -...;., wm ::k..oldi~:;...,: new· tire•. Immaculate 1'tlO • • 5 Year or JO~OOO mile Worranty · vortlble, a11 ... -. 13,ooo : :li~M:Ercell•nlco"' '62 VW Bua, new ere. A-I CHEVROLET ""or 185 Cull d'1J. Fl'1C ,,..._ '. · • · 1 DOWN · • mil•~ $3000. m.-: ~ n. 491-993'1 ~bl to pro" 2828 Harbor Blvd. prvt ...,.,,. LB UZI' 513• COUGAR -m!'lu1 lax l llconse 09 aP'li A' LL EN RAMli.ER
:_:-Gil!GoodA Convt $450 Full ColiaWJMouO BSl&-1'00 49f.9Tl3' or -· •pNrovedBulcn!dlk 5t tolalr INhl•• • ..
"-""· cond. VOLVO 11V' 196'1 µ. CAMINO, 4 ,.e.d, FORD Ex,., rotlred, movlrc • "!' c ~ · 0 ·• ~ """7112 • •1 ape'clal . auapqolo1>3!6. to Denver w!U ... u penonal 4332'79Z600349. • ' 1967 RAMBUR SST ':
'!!I VW. LOOi!i • runi. liko -,6-8-VOLV0 .2 DR Y91lt Voiu.n;ct.. ... PftcltO Black perponal car, "'w car. '6l •M.,...ry 0ou..,, • OLDSMOBILE• CAD.lllA( .· .-new. Air-r-··-1. JW5'. • 6 Pl1 top dollJn. Paid for tire1, ht clul condition. ~. 2 dr. w/white parch· • • Rebel q,upe. VS, automatic, ;
S.2889 • or oot. Call Ralpli S'lOO. 675-2226 · ment int • .Pwrd with 1uper • • · factory air conditionina, pow-·~ -=.S6~VW. ><Int rond. MANY ·EXT~AS 673·1190 · 'EL CAMINO • 'llt; • 4 apd, 302 V-8 •RS· FuUy oqulppN • * 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY er ''"""'' """"' brak•s. .~ $1250. EXEC cAft. -===--===-Stick . elec. mUe, xlnt cond. incl, pwr 11trg, pwr br~, . • radio, heater, white aide wall ,:. * 642-2294 * .$2495 · IMPORTS WANTED WU! ·,.i1 q/blue bo9k. Prv alr cond, "'"°radio, """ • •62 JAIJUAa LAGUNA BEACH rtreo. Extrime" •harp. (SU ~
'64 VW convertible, new top, fl " ' I • .:...~ • Oracle Counties prty. 613498& whll etc. Orig. $4329 Now· • • 49 10 K938 ) (:
paint, interior. 5.5,000 mi. ftUl Lr.WU BILL~~UY~OTA ·n:'.i!JfdlI~,,~top. ·~i~Uh only ~lease. ·~~~io~ ·t::;;r.'._~~;.~.·:~·:• 4-84 • 547•3103 $1795
Sharp. 646-5278 IM'?"RTS 18881 Beach Blvd. ~~~atjr' 'cie .. ·,~ce ~i '81 XR-7 390 ·nc GT •c•ption1I cir.: IWNAl&IJ• ·~ 1965
VW BW<, °'w w.w, T~Y':;;.yoLYo H. Beach. Pb. 847-8555 : .518-52!!4,. ~. •-· Perlorm;nce c!.~.' Alr • • $~195 • ATLAS -ra=dl=o*=~==·-===*==--=11168===H=arbo='·=c=.M=·,.·=-·-== Auto La11ing 9810 1~~MS!!,~ Convert,'·~ =~tio~":,· t ~~tk-a ~'!1'!~ ' , . ' . : FORD PLYMOUTH' · CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH -·-';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I • ----· ~ -·-· 0 ~ ,.,~,, 31.~ .-u... Still. • '.66 TOROHADO . • 2m Harbor Blvd .. Imported Autos· 9600 Imported Autoo· 9600 • -Jst 1215. Coll *wa -. ., a 1 ---~-----• :· !'"""---'------~-----= e A 'NEW LIFE ·aftor So · .• -····· --···. . under orlglnal doaler ·wal' foll .,..... "''" "" '&I ORD GI I Co 1967 PLYMOUTH Colla Mesa 546-1934 '. ranty • .,Can be tr&nsferttd. ··c;:ond. ISIN112l • F a ax e nvt. ~Open 'tll 10 p.m. ~arJ ON.· LEASE · e · · ''1 CHEVY;&llOd ~· · $3095. Sj&-0750 . • $2995 • NyloA top. V-8, 325. Auto, ,64 RAMBLER •-n·can C • · e GOing in "-.ace . • t' · p/s. 1-owner. All xlnt $725. F 111 4 Doo •-~ VS ~·~
-& '67 T.BIRD, 2 dr, Landau, * ~ ·*• · 1 '68 COUGA( • _ • • car below blue book. Call a~%matic, f.a~t~;;-u~~:·con: Xlnt shape $600 or lk!:st i
, air, INT. '17,ooo ml. $S4.'12 '60 CHEVY· Station Wqon, Lime wltb ,,black ~top. • '67 OnL • 962-9930 eve• 4 Wknds dltloninr, power 1teerlng, ra-=o=lfe='=· -===alt='===!· WE ARE ONLY #2 . , SmOoU. 2T4H"'0c·OLeA&S;.T, . .6 cyt. Yecy Oean, ~ Loaded ,nd·air·eondltiollina:. a • • h a 1959 FORD Stati011 Wa11:on. dio, white 11lde wall tires.
$300. , 847~ · $2800. 1 ~. Stottl "2-5681, Spt. Coup1. l\talo, trier, Xlnt ctind, aood tirei, drive (TNB298) STUDEBAKER CAR LEASING Eves. 962-7656 1'4' •P••d. I owner, CUOF·• it & set! $350 644-0485 ' S W T H d 300 W. Coisf Hlghw.,, '65 IMPALA; low ml., aJr. ·· 8011 • . . $1895 1942 STU DE. Coup •:: Q e ry . ar er N•wport B<h., 64~2182 rond., pwr, llffr., ""'"" '61 COUGAR JOU "10IJ mil". $1495 U C Aaoom'd, w/U33 Ford frt .• ;
Best over $1.000. 548-360i .. Priced for immed sale! Call • -• N OLN ATLA 1pllt wilhbone. Pontiac rear ", For You *AUTO LEASING* ·~,. E~~ =: =: . "''""' · · ~. '65 •uicK : *'"·MARK 111 * · S ~'~ m6ll...:• •;r;: i
64&-lOIXI, 548-3$1 . . DOD.GE Sp.,-t. w., • .,; ,4i ct•ry •ir• 3600 actual mUe1, full powe.r, CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH CRAGAR. wheel. B 0 d y :. 41/ 0 / BANK FINANCING ./ ALL-MAKES ~.,.;,;;;;.:;;:.,;,:· "i::;=-,;;:: 1 •con~ tt41o h1et1r pow-factory air, landau top. tilt 2929 Harbor Blvd. almost pert Need• time, 1· 2
tO · ./ COMPETETIVE PRICES '5.5 CHEV. 2 dr. hdtp.; ~t · '61 Dodg9 Charpr air ,,~·., 1vix2411 ' • wheel, lmmac\llate condi·_ Coata Mea 546-1934 money and ttnder loving : On Approval of Credit Cort Fox Auto La11lng cond.: now "~:!· !...'im' 'Local car, V-8, pwr •ttr. fact • $. 22 .. 5 • tlon. XWz.524. PRICED TO Open 'IU JO p.m. care. $350. IJ13.?00ll
224 w. Coast ~way many extruo """"' "'<r air, dlr, black lapdau top, • 8 SEU.. -7=":'=='===:::='=:=;;=:=::==:==== WE NEED YOUR Newport Beacb 642-8440 '58 •CHEV. 1mpai,. ,coovart. ho..,. ,.uow ext. Toke foro. • • M.IKE Now Cora 9IOCIN1W'C1rs 9800 :
TRADE IN 1 1 Nr. new top & ¥ata;' ndl, Jin~ 1n trade or $85 cuh I ,,1 CHIYSLll :'.;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;11 • • Uaad Ciro · 9900 •n~. "°'k. 115. -~ ""' -delt. WW tin< pzvt pr!y. •· . . • I" · ' ~. --~---I 1955 Ch1vy.,Run1 good. 491-9113 or 5'>-0634 "'" '"'" ''"''•• ""•'·• HOLIDAY RAMBLER
e41tlMPOLRllDi6TS. .~'.61EWT·~!.~·.dMn ol30. TORSmo, . '$200. 645-11'17 ;• FAL(:ON :::~ .. ~~~~ .:~~··.., ''': M.cG·:·AR. THY IN.VITIS you io COMP•U AND SAVE
=" ~ CHitYS~" < ·-· F.ALCON ~-t Convt. •• $2205 • Annual R. ed-White 'i a.1 ... SALE ~ mos. lncl tax & lie, ~ .. .,.... ""
TOYOTA-YOLYO 646-9303 o.a.c. LVO 238 • SA .. VE s1·200.·oo ~. !..'pd2907. Many .. 1raa! • . • BUICK INC. BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER '61 Ford entry Sed, $20 dn ,.,,,., ......., '67 COUGA,1 • 15550 Beach BI., Westntinster 1966 HARBOR, C.M. S20 mo, 24 m.,. Incl tax & •RIH, "'•·•PS,•""'"·• 894·3341 , 5.11·2450 FULL SIZE, SEATS 6,'121.H.P. ~. lie oac LXV648 · Brend New 1969 FORD l tionin9. • ••"''· IUCX. (BeachBl.atS.DiegoFwy.) •· • •!' • • • • • ~· LU Zl86~bo~8ivd "Co1taMesa (h f N y .&. 982 1 • · JL~J: .. •T•..: __ L.. 6424"'1 . . JS er . ew Or1er '61 l'ORO : $2695 • MERCURY
4 Door hardtop. 3 ln 1 bench Galaxle Hardtop ' •1-------
seat, driver air '1'0UP. AM.' White exterior, plulh tur-·~ .. .. • '63 . COLONY PARK
F.M ffi.dlo. power 1teer1111, quol.e bucket .eatl, fact dlr • 66 OLDS 98 , • StaUOl'I Wagon; blue with
power -brakes,"! 1pted wind. air. $S0 cub dell, will fine •l11w11ry 4 Jeor. Full pewtr, matchln& vlnyJ lrittr. in x!nt
shield 'wtperi, rtmote out. prvt.prt:y.Pymt1$29.85.tB. •'''tory •Ir, 1sur112J • rond.; air • cond., auto.
side rear view nUrtor, pow. ATB '198. tit-9773 ·• r $2495 • trans.; power brake1, 1teer-er windoww, 41o~-antenna.· M5-0634 I 8 Ina Ir rea_r wl!ldow; radio.
torqueflltc tr an amt s • • 'ii FORD heater; rood w/w tires; cu-_
ion, head rest, 440 cu. in. en. . Ecoriollne Bui ' • •62 ~HIVY· 1 tom foam· fllled ha\l&hhYde
ctne, tinted r laa:1, cornering Windows aU way lround, 3 • PICKUP • pad for rear deck (Ideal for l'~htl, automatic speed con-seatl. rad1o, heater, dlr, • children when travtllrw~>
trol, p:iwer teat, power door, auto, excelleht ~itlon. Ra-I R1d io, "'''''• l •P••d• '69 Ucellled. Ideal fam!Jy
Jookl, tilt It telelCOplc 'a teer. d)al urer. $S0 Caih deli, or a I K 6Jtli 11 car, fair!)' prlC@d at $995.
Ing wh,.I, vinyl roof, whit• lake lrade. LB 9VE 504 Coll a $119 5 • 642-1589 .<\fl. 7 PM.
wall , tiresi 4·CH43K9CI00889 Jlm 494-9773. • MUST tell '65 · Colony Pinc
was $61~ . '48 WOODY, xlnt cond. Sell 1 I 9 pau Wa&"On. l'ull power,
· NOW · $499l or \r&d• for aood cond. Pl<:k • 'U Ol.DS D""' II • air, AM/FM m;o. l
· . . Up. 714: 768--0165 1 4 Dr. H.T. lllH, eulo., PS,. owner.. prv prty. $1795.
ATLAS '6( FORD 1'a1rlanc, 4 dr, ielr eo11dltlonlnt . IMOY· d::::5'&-3665-,.,==,,,-=== i & h; Good Condition. $625 •• 1461 • '66 MERCURY Breezeway,
61~23 ""'' • wkndo. $1695 • po, pb, t A h, vinyl Int., . CHRYSLER-PLYMOIJTH NOW'S -•· • 11100. Xlnt cond, ~ 2929 Harbor Blvd. I nm; _
"""'~i!~ 'W 10 p.:,"-
ntF. 8lfN NEVER OL!S ''" QUICK CACH •}..,,,.tr'"'" , •• ,, "'''"• '61MUSTANGpwr11?1 alr ~ .,,c1ro, fleeter. IOHZ 62111. -nd. u.-,' ~. 1'acL Claulfled'• action pown. THROUGH' . .& ...., ...... y ...... _ .rot ao 1d to ... u •""1nd ,.. • $1191 • warr. lll\• new 511).'m!, aft.
tllo c1r<A. dl.i 8:"'3oo.i_ DAILY PILOT • ........ ~ ~~~· ~ i~= ~ou sELi WANT AD · • Oi.DSMOllLE
-. • JAGUAR •11 -----1moortoc1 Autos 9600 lmport.d A"'°' 1 ·~ :. • IJNtvaSIJY
-. . ' • HEADOUARnRS • SALES & SlllVICE []~a[!Ja~ .e.mplefa s.1 ••• s ..... ' OLDSMOBILE e · e . i •lee and Parts· Depart·•
ment for JAGUARS. • ' .. • • • .2850 Harbor Blvd.
EUMORI MOTORS • 5., Th• h•'"'' · Costa M-
'''' J11111, Tecl1y • 5f0.9NO Vaed Cars $6().8881
15JOD HACH ILVD. WISTMINSTU H4.JJ22 • .......... '65 OLDS 88 2 Dr. H.T.
. 8 Ortalnat owner. Like -new.
l.as .Veqas VKIHon ,
· I DA'l'S .a i NllJHTS ~ FOR'TWO ' No P11r(;fi•M 'Nt~in•!"f '
,15300 Belcfi.BIYd.
' • 194·3122 :,_;OPEN 7 DAYS ·.ti . .
rl MUlt atU.bett oiler. Aft f, • (162..1782 I : 234' E. 17111 ST. • ·ii OLDS 442 .... 'dr Jlrdtp,
• P/S, xlilt cond! 1-own, 4
: 548-7765• :s:·:=Oonvort.
• • Good cond, xlnt Urn, day Mon-Fri. 1:-30 Im -• M6-8811, eva6'13-S092
• to9pm •-_
: s11u;:•z :o am • PLYMOUTH
• • '56 PLntolri'H.. •tat l 0 11
I Su"d1y1 10 am • Wa1·o·n .· Exc~llent •· t• ,. pm · • n1tthaillcal oond. S ls 5 , , • · 1 64&-4519, 21S1 ·Irvine Aw.
Blf Eliglne·Blg Space
Ilg·· Wlndow1 •
Small Price plu, ''" a lis.
'66 Ford $TATION w•aoN $1995 COUNTIY 19Ulll t p~111ar, nt.. trau., ,_,,., 1tMr. IPL JJ7 ..... -'64 Volkswagen
WNfre .. 111. HMI 549
'66 Ambassador~~'..!.: $1795 .... .,.... ,., . ...., ' ......... ,. •'"• . .
'67 Opel : =-~':.,,'~:. $1495
rodS., i..t.r. HOI 912
'66 Rambler •·:;:.:.:-$1695
Aste"-"• ...... ...m. ,, .. 1Ntttet1 r...a.
'67 Cortina , .::.:. =.. $1495 .....,, ,., 141
'64 Dart GT .~.;io, $1175
· ,,.,,._... rtawa::dul••· ""'• ........ OML ltl
'64 Ford '·.o:.·~· $745
'""" .,..,. .. , •• twnts. qsa 111
l'OI ·
AMDICAM \ootoa
Siles & Senlce -·, .. .. .. ......... ..
·t969 Harbor Cosl1 Mesa 642-6025
I 1 •
----------· • .. . ... -~ ~ .
341 DAIC PILOT -• Thursday, robt'uary 2ll, 1969
Mi.splaced :N"uclear Bomb No~.I~~ue in Debate Over ABM
Jan. 24, 19&1, a · B51 of !be
Strategic Alr'command broke
aparl in flight bell' Goldsboro,
N.C .. and out or it fell a
nuclear bomb.
The bomb fell separately
from the wreckage of the
plane and buried in soft
ground -near the town of
Eureka. It did not exploded.
There was a period of public
concern. 'Jben most Ameri·
cam forgot the incident.
It now has come back into
lhe news as one issue in the
debate over the Sentinel anti·
balliSllc missile (ABM) sys-.
Eff1'7 Seen Passenger
Tin Purchase Includes:
In a 1988 book, Dr. Ralph
.~ Lapp, a physicjst who
worked in the Manhattan pro-
ject which developed the first
atomic bomb, gave this ac·
count of the incident :
"The strat~ic bomber car·
ried two nuclear weapona,
each packing a punch of 24
million tons of "TNT -I.e.
24 megatons. One weapon was
jettisoned and parachuted to
earth; the other went down
with the plane and fell in
a plowed field without ex·
ploding in a nuclear sense.
One weapon was recovered
and, to the astonishment or
the experts, it was discovered
.......... ........ All.tat• TtM C1iiMJ1: .r Y••t
••i&do• &'"'' W.... I.tot •Uet ••or.st
that all but one of the 1in-phys&cw., replied that "the ao-Goldaboro, on "a special
terlocks' or safety switches count ls untrue both as to mission of long duraUoo'~ re.
governing Ute electronic com· assertion and impUcatJon." quiring two lnfllght refuelings.
maod of the bomb mechanism .a-y Lt Geo AU--• D la ~ "' · • ~ · Thirteen hours ter tbe had been thrown .•. " Starblrd, Sentinel manager, plane reapproacbed its base,
Pentagon officials were said: "I have reviewed the leaking fuel , '1w1 w)th two
questioned about Lapp 's record in this case, and the of its elght·engines 'shut down
report at a public briefing stafement that there was only to reduce fire hazard. It made
on the Sentinel system in -one · safety still in its safe a turn. Tl)e creW heard a
Waukegan, Ill., Dec. 19. They condition is Incorrect." "lhumping-cracklnJ n 0 Is e."
wer e asked whether More recenUj: Rep. Sidney They felt a barre{-roll to the
"something similar" could R. • Yates (O.ID} as)Jed the right .. The pilots fought for
happen with nuclear warheads · Ait Force about Jt a.nd got control. 'Jbere was "an ex·
to be placed at the Setitlhel back a classllied answer. plosion" and the plane tipped
site at Libertyville, 30 miles What di~ hap~? s~eways ,beyond 90 degr~.
north of Chicago's Loop. A~ordlng to l;»entagon files, Then it broke into pieces.
Dr. John S. Foster, director B52G .. stfial J,lUIT!ber· 58-187 nle pilot ordered the crew
of defense research and took off from· Seymour to' ball ·out, waited until he
engineering, hims e 1 f a Johnson Air Force Base-, near, · t119ugbt au· had, then ejected
i'ree replaaemmt "'lthln 90 dayt of pur-
dwle If b&tteq proves deft1eUve. After
·,. dara, we replace the battef'J, if •
iem:tve and dLwp you only fot' the per·
lod of ownenhlp, baMd GD Ule ffplar
pdee JMI tnd&-ln at the time of retnra.
...,..rat.ed over aumbl!r of. mollttn er _ ....
hlmself. Of the eight persons capsule meant that, at most,
on board, three died and five onJy-the bomb's conventional
s.urVived. explosive trigger couJd have
Pentagon officials with ac· detonated. This could have
cess to ~et files on the scattered radioactive material
case say that: bot would not bave devastated
_ The bomb that fell was the area by heat and blast - A nuclear bomb contains "unarmed." That is, a crucial pltft of fission4ble material, ~ series oI swUcbes which,
necessary for 8 nuclear ei:-~ a real war; muat close
Plosion to occur was not in in sequence al It f~ On_e
• • ... 1........ ' or more of these make it !~ This ~ was called the . e"xplOde at the right aJUtllde, ~psule. • so that it doe.s not destroy
-The capsqle was oot on the plane that dropPed it and
board the plane. The flight so that its power is released
was officially described as an at the best height for its
·~~ir~ •alert tr a 1 n i n g mission. One switch closes by
DllSSlO!l. barometric pft!SU,l'e,
Th~ absence of the -As this bomb fell, some
of these switches .did, Indeed ,
close. But others did not, and
these prevented even the cono
venUonal explosives from ig.
nitlng. Had tbe boinb be<n
"armed" t be s e remaining
switches would have prevent·
ed a nuclear explo8lon.
Just bow many switches
there are, even t:i· 1961-vintage
bombs, Is secret. But ofllclala
deny that all but· the last
closed. They sar no bomb was
intentionally "Jettisoned'\ and
no bomb parachuted. They
declined to say exacUy·' how
many bombs were on boai'd.
but said that any others thai
were crashed with the plane
were destroyed.
Tough, Brawny
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