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1969-02-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
• • . ·uar 0 ·ove on. • • • ' ,' t • ' ' I i I FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 21, J969 ¥OL & ,.., • 4 s•crton. a PMll ' • ' . . . ..................................... arina : Testifie:s: . . . . . ' . UCI Irvine · Campus Set . . . -) ··. ,~ ... ·~ . .,...,,..,,,' MARINA P<iRTER,.HUSBAND,;HE,r.D FOR(~W':rRIAL . Formor·WlfeJof• L" ·Harvey .Gnrahl•T....... . · .. " Marina Claims Oswald , Never Knew C.lay S.haw· F<lr :More·De:monstrations . . ' . .. , . . .. ~1,.· .. -r ..•. :... '· .... ·~·- ,, ~·'.""! P.·:'.'It '~1;•4 . '~ ,1·-·.·~·1,·· '' . ~• 'I ·;,.'•) J.J,. ;.-,~ .. • ,;~·· ... ·,"',,'1r• 'I ,If •I '~ ' ~·· ' ... ~ .t ··'""·1·· ... ~,,,.,,,~ ,·1111 ..... · .~, •-{t······,.·.~ ir·',.1 ·~ •. t '.. .;,... a·~ .. ·-··-·· :.i•~h-...... ~·~yr ... · .~ .. ·T .t · ·r· '.ni.n .. g.:s ,. S.f:n ·~, , s· , ·. ·8'7; ~ ·~;, · ·1 . '.! . a;,a:u . ".· ·.;;; , • , , .. ;·: . N',, J . M1'.'."!!!l For UC Trouble ~g,.' :.si: Of .... Diii'" ""' ..... . Amld heavy potu.mentarj ;,.~.... SANTA BARMM (uPI) _. A ...; log, furor, 1111Hlna!IY.aa 'au!Y walkollt From. 11'.ln 11ervt... In his limousine. A few .s"•'-IJ wer. e oil allele bu appeared aroand ID ollshano b7 two -·pnileuon Ille, UC, Irvine· BERKELEY ·-National Guard unl!J,. In the aret along with two 'Piibts from drillln( .plaff.,..;· In the Sonia llfllloril Academic Senaie · T!11u~y bared u., alerted them, (!lie ll!Udl to be ready" me striking &nerican FederaUon of Cbamlel·a111a11 mll•·frora-- o-,rD: ~ In-an ·~ divided cam--n~igbb0rin1· ~ ltn full battle gear Teachers. · well•blew out ab: weeks qo. pu.<. thiS 'lilornlnl to llind by for US. il A Nallonal Guard jeep.was plfi«d A:Unlm>.()ll.c.; lpnftman ,.id·lbe ·'DI• group,.meetlng-.on. the ...,.estlon lieeded at the. Ulllftnjty ol.Callfomia. nearby on .a atreet next to the. caIDJ>IL'. mlle'Jonc lllck·-·lorme1U17 •·--t ol ·Chon<ellor oaru.I <f. ·Aldrich· Jro, Truck conyoy1 tiillid .lnto Oakland on ~ hail mil• awv at .Stlf1111f.118ll,wJJ.i:e wbl.;b '"t!u thlclclJ coated with otl, and waa to.have\ helped reJOI\re tbe question freeway rootel from the north and south. watched a few dozen student.ahd teacher WU· tt.Wpg: ropes wtJicb: were ·aa&rmled of a. --lbJe mcratoriam on faculty picket& on the plaza. d•-' .. -.. llie big -in," . · ...-The she of the force and the ldenllty --. .,.. flrlngs retroactive to. Jan. 1, The move of the uniis were not determined at GAS tJNits Federlt offtclalJ today weftt to <thil lltemnied mom lt\ldent and · faculty ana 'about five miles off' ithe coat ••~~•-t er the·•""'• ol E••ll•'-once. "We d1d have to call in some g:aa ...... ~-ov --. ...... by boat ·to detmnlne the ·, ilotm:e' ol pnfeaori Donald Brannan ·and Stephen , Observers . s~~ . gas canisters. a~d units from the guard yesterday," Rea&an the new aude on. It was -'""ted ,_ Shapiro~ . · . nw:kl were . con!plcuous in the egwir told newsmen before entering .the regents 8 COut GUard plane wblcif flew ~;; The aignlficance of the senate meeting: Pi.oao Related Sto p 4 closed morning session. "'lbe local po}lce the Mea Thursday. nmatna conftised ·on the · UCI campus '' · ry qe actually ran out of'gu. - ' ., · . • today, with some students meeUng to ment of guardsmen assembling al &th "In view of the ~cUviUes, the National Un190 said there WU DO ~·frOm decide on possible resumption of live-lit and W~~n Str.eets_in Oakland. Guard was simply alerted to inlijl'e order the ..platfonn .. "'Ibis is .Wtmt we ~ protutl to force the issue and adt Reagan alerted the .National Guard and protect the rights' of thole whb a 'rainbow,' 8 thin stain·Oli the water," minlltrator1 awaiting the arrival of Thursday night after 1>9lic~ and · 2,00l:l want to conduct .their bumeaa." . he ~-' · · ' · , · Chancellor Dtnlel Aldrich Jr. from • demo111traton had clashed on· the Asked u he thought ~the guard Plallorm B, .near wi.re. the1..W ~ Board of Regent. mee.ting at UC? Berkeley camjmJ in a fog Of tear gas. would escalate the rioters, 1Reaian said, appearedj Ilea 4km& the" ume fpult l1iM!i .NEW ,QRLEANS (UPI) _ Lee Harvey l%-mm jury to acquit ·the ailVer-ba$red Berkeley. The governor said, "We have simply "These people who are demormtratini Crom wbleh ~ore tllaa \ • .~· Gr alerted them the guard to be ready" don't need an excuse to escalate. 'lbµi a million gallpna of. raw ~ IWfJ" Olwald's widow testified today sbe never defeDdant. '~ • TAKING M DAYS. because law officers were so badly oul-hu to stop, and it is going . ~ •to.P. .ed .from .a-well..under Unlon~1-Platf0r.m •-~ of Cla Sha ·be! be w Ha• ..... made the dec!Jloe. . . tial of lfeuwblle !be faculty will take 311 ber"f d In Tb sdi ' batUe ID 1 ~~ ... •··· ... ..,. u A, about a ball mil• to the east; --· Jl':a!U y w are . as ac-&6"" ·~ .,_ to decide OD what advice thq num ur . g ur y s . I w nlWI~ w.t t1~ ca......,. are """& A·--a1Q., _....,by :ri:t' CUltd of tonSpiring with . Oswald to (Set SHAW TBLU.,. Pop;f) ..,. separated' from the unlvenity.:' i .. ~ ~ ~ --.- Pr d John F K nnf'rl nd will ·p,e on the ialllel of firing, tenure MOB DJSPEllSED The governor said be t!lought UC ad-of residual ollt frlm tM oriamal murder,. e!I ent . • e1 __ y, a and rmew of perameI actions. A screaming: mob of demonstrators minlJtrators bad acted unwlaely by conUnued to mae to a. mrface.. Tliat thal ()swaJd di~ not know Shaw's prin-'llle .aiormy mealing JnvQlvin( ahtNt WU dispersed Tbundly In a massive U·• ~. -~• ~ -"-'-• 1 .cl_, a..:. .. -•. Perry.nabonc1'Rt!slo.. Senators c:ve· ··-·ad 1'11 -ol the toW • teat, .. barT&ge by .rlot-<qulppejl police allowing rallies to be . held again •l s -·-. ~· hwv ,~·-' '"' --~ ,_ • r,.;,a, meml>en"ol the .... 1e;~ as the regeolt ,opeoeid their tw!>day .the . Sproul Plaza In ~t days, • 1 (8ee ~ ~) I Mrs. Marina 0swald·Portet toot the .Ted WiUui• ms· at 1:'9,p.m, lb .UCl'1 Science Lecture meeting. The lu'let o1 their wrath wu H~wJi:i.!1;,,111~8:i:,~~;1H~ , .•. , stand as the first defens& wlm-• Hallflf ended about 7 p.m. Reagan who wu not present. 1 · .... •1·-0 • ' · '(leUI feW mimitel af~ ~ Judge '.Edward ,. · At· eout I p.m. ltudenta, for the "We want Reagan ... gel 'em • . . Former Assembly Speaker Jwe M. rDJ~ .. 1 A. Haqerty Jr. refllsed to .tbro)o the · moil Jll!I, loll the· ball to let the P"" !till 'em," chanted striking studenll .and Unruh, who lJI. ~-to ·seek ·the sb&w..,.outo(coort. Mill• B J__ 1-~mawendailon oa their ofl.camJ>IL' supporters., Thr.~ Democrailc. gubernaloria! ·tjominatlon Wn UCmt. .. the '-um. • •DJ¥hed '=wtt·b rocts:.pei.eu next year, ant1 ~ -,,.,..paper, Tbe blonde forlner ' Russian. girl also .•. • . · ,U.llll IDillt'iMjfuror bepn. police and ov cm:·tn wild meleet the pally CaWornlln, . haft, ·reported said ori,.;,id did not know the !ale David WASJllNGTON' (oA P·) .,... '11lt -....._ -bait In. Othen that raged 'Unive~tt7 llali, where Reagan. would call, lo< the flrlog of w. Feirl•, the . other atculed co.co.. w•hillon' Seo.t.n;..-,~ I Ullimd to ................ the. f-. the .regenll met,. acros the Cll11J>IL' to Hey111. . . . . '· aplrato.. · Fr1dafcm llri·-jlil! _..,.........,_,_ 111!11 until dia·Eieabc <!1111 -on. Sproul Hall Plaza. ·"I wlll not ut · 1or 'lley111' dllJn!Jul, "-. Porter dlrecUy contradicted much ........---n-, •MMe =i:n1H·"-·71 P"" · Tndly a aquaij.of 100 officers guarded. I . doo'~ ltnQ. w: whei:• lhJa .~'' said -· tracl for._ TOd'Wlllliml 'u ,.mlunr•ol . ,,.,...,, """;1 · =;;m;: l · Ived ... · ot. Russo'•· earlier , teatlmany lhat. ,be ~ .-..... I' '"" ,,. ,... Unfvenlty Hall ' when · Reagan ·arr w...::: governor-. , saW Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie plotting: bUebill'i bJatlfloln.' .; . ' ~ ., Kmnedf'I death in 1963, that Osw1ld 'Ibe._SeDllCn ,ICllledllJCMf 'I Dnl CtCl" ' wen I b7 the name "Leon" and Shaw fereoce to .lnboiloc<I 'fillama as CrtlSade Catatln~ b7 tbe name "Bertrand" an4that Osfald · • .....,..,,...i.~0r·!htr·llialoplaae wu unsblven and dirty and 1loohd 1like ~~-2~ . . . • . . . ... • "a Jllpple." NUCJ"~-~ ~ ·' E1r1ter Hl,!lerty declined to dtrocl.tbe .. · , The· ·<!!lb t irltbboid, IQI" . ·'°""1 ,._ _, . ~. ·ol~ WIIUamf' ~·PPJIP~ . WEEK'S MARKET WR:APUP TOD~Y S&ock marketJ are closed today becallle of the celebraUon cl. George wuhlngtoa•s Blrlhda7. Tbe complm week's wrapup or stock market KJivlUel, however, norm11ly pgbllabed·SatutdlJI, will be found In tocray'1 •DAlLY·PILOI' on Ptigea 11-lS. . but lnllde ........ nported ,the-l!all of Fame hltte-wu fliJM41C lo ·0, -· -rtarlda'io .ttintt the -c:i11•1--.-. ,...... .. 'lllllliil, ·llWad• la\ 1111: ,f"*' wlllt. -... .-. ........ 'Oal'ol~ ment elli>t ,..,. -ftldlDc up hll 100( -wldl tilr llollmi> Red Sox with a llletlme av,...., ol .JI!. lltpat ol l!IJ ~ ""'• ~. -.. WllHaml' ~ -wltla.bply enotiP time~ lllle mr'tlio clall • tllo ..... ol ....... ll'fllll!lc ,Jn>JQorlM ___ _.. ................................ "'" .)lold11 1t ....... ~ :. J " '. '\ f ---·-------·------------~ ( ,,, ·~·-I Baby.,th&.rabl~ fall qala ( ~u:r.r~.!itr::t 4 temperatures' tre nolhlng to bra( • about either.-~ from the ipld IO'l', lo'the h\lb flfs. . . ' INSm, TODAY t I • . • .. · . . , Mii. y PltOT s Two . Slaill -by Gunman 8er_serk Ma~ Kills Self in Burning Hous~ . ' Pf'otlt 'Pqe J ·TEENS .•. • . ~ol\'IDr. lllreol obiltnl!:Uon. I Ch.9 o I 11111.....,. Ud 'lallln .. dllpene WUb · r<i\ I ~ !if Jur1 lr!IL" ' . Blast Rips Jerusalem Mar:k~t; Two Jews Killed • 1 ... "t • . ' • ~ • , • < DAILY PILOT tt.tf ..... • . "Tlilll -ludp Scl1mldf'"°1ed lo hive a hli1lhoOod ·~ lilWa· 1!! ·the mlnuleer.:-'llle .. hocion,~ Rev. Ila,. . . the .,..,.:.w 1'""' for JEllUBALl:ll. (~) -A powerful n· plo!loa _ripped thmlP "Jerulalem'.• big- unlverlity students and wounded 1n Aultrallan major and eJ&ht other persons. Three of the women victims wete reported in IUloua condlUon. • ~ OW HANDS IN UCI ACAD~IC ~IN.ATE M·EETING r.\ARKS LENGTH'(, CONFUSEQ SESSION • 1-ef·-•laj'fuin ., P""'o!onol Flrl.ngs Stlll Clouded /dtor .S~r"!_Y G•th~rfntl ' • O>r!ll . --~· ~ iffll twO ·llOnl, ftre~'.~ts 1 • •. gest . 1Upermarll;et today, tll.liJ)g tWo youns Jewish 1todenls and wOundJng Jllne other persons. A leading government official blamed the auack on Arab govenunenta. of ,the group headquartored al, the Goepel lJ8ht Club, 110 Main St,,· Jluotington Beach, are involved in today'1 case and aJ&o an earlier one. Police Minister Ellahu Sasson said the "vile attack" was obviously linked to the Arab guerrilla attack Tuesday on an Israeli airliner in Zurich, Switzerland. ~· Truman Hit By Flu; Now - ·· Doing Well UCI STRIFE MOUNTS •.• ' . . Flve -other teen ~.were ar- ,_ lor lml.,tal loiry onto l1ie Golden A few hours after the blast, Gideon Rafael. dlrectot-teneral of ·I 1 r a e I ' s Foreign Mlnlsfry declared' "Somebody llaDdbur next to me wu virtually blown to lilts,'' said Yoaef Polishui, who worked behind the me1t counter. He said the explosion blew hbn KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Fenner : President Harry S. Truman, stricken •. drlng the blgbt with ID Intestinal flu, •. was reported "rutlnc comfortably" and · . "regaining s1rengtb" tooay, ctocton said. The Bf.year.old former president was hospitalized lbortly ~ m!dnlgbt IDf. lering from "a-pliroenterlti,1." . '11111 lllOl'llfn&'• midlca1 bulletin said . "lamfly ~ attending Ill r • Truman hi .. fln1ber defined 1114 allmenl · u llmjlle ..U-~U. flu -bJ • -They llate he bu lmpmed -. and 11 ateadllJ rq1!nlng lfrenitb. HLs · bolpltal lla1 II upeded to be a few days." . cedl!re' crisbed along, I he pi;ol~ ~ .d~ a series of altlnlat.e ~ tions .md were drawing the1r lines of -·dllference. 'l'llNIE M<mONS They·hld ihree moUons before them< To endorse tbe moratorium u of Jan. 1: to endorse a watered-down version of the moratorium allowing jor review of the firings of all professors from tbe first of the year, or to take, in essence. no action at all and reaffirm the merits of the system under which professors have been fired. At one point during the height ol the parliament&rJ maneuvering, one !acuity member ..,. and flashed the digital llgn made fllllOWI by the USS Pueblo c:mnnembera during a North K""8D photography -Ion. Votes were close -ao' close, that a show of hand! could not be accurately counted. The 11atemen1 Aid Truman alept ... m after h1I admla!on and wu awa):ened eut7 for a mJl!ol ch"!ck o1 lomperalutt, PLEA FAILED • pdee, --ml blood -· '!be facull1 walkout occumd llhortly "He ii OD a Uquid diet wblcb ii routine after the vote on the no-change fbr bll dlagnollfa. pending continued Im· recommendaUoo failed. provement. Far breakfast he ate a small English Professor MWT)' Kreiger rose >-i ol jeJlo and drank oome bol and shouted, "I rduse to recognize the -.~ ...... --~:::..:.:. -... · :~-·-·-·-_...•lltliodty-ol "W..:bod1t...to .YOM. • W• "lie bu 1-1 out of bed and hu question, I raJgn from the ...at. and =~ tbll ll1<ll'llnl. •.the ~~~-ml !Invite all those I~ .• Jll.-j,, Wflo wllllmolodo .. aame." . by . • •••• • the -•Plehlt!P. their ~ pollot-' to s:;ud w-·..i amlfllfnd ap-Hijpltal at l2;1;t:l.m. from l!!f,...e ... from wllb!h the ball -ut·from tilllearby ~· Mo. , ;.,_;_, Ml>r. outside. _:L -~ phyllfcllli . lit. Raelrch..:O-,.tal "!liO inOOd then become , grnn, and dF!bed g~tls ·"·'"ID·· In-arsnmentii ·between the junior IAculty °"ft'!!'Atl«l ;lower -Ind wbo;JUpporied change \n,,per4011nel pro--111."r 11 of the n-. he cedme and dllllfdtml llUdenfa cropped Nlil, .,.. . : Ud •om!~· .a.t 111 up. · . . ' · -linn II 4odlctable. · .,;;.,,LED IT -' .. ,, . ""'""' -· · : , OM . prole.uoi: aal4 ~•era! tlmea. to Draft ·no··. d . . ·. . 1116 llildenll, 0 11 , ... kids would have , , . . gJ.Q.g_ ~ed It a IUlle bU a few mooths, ... \ .igo, none 'of lhll ~ would ha1': ·).lap- Dr ..I. ..l pened." . . -. Ch~rg~. , opp".'.° • ·=~~~d,.::o11~ A Capfatrano Beach lDlll J... 1-1 Englllh Department Chalr1nan D r • clem'ed of charges of draft dodging with HIW'd Adams, who, in a quavering a ·jederal court judge'• acceptance of voice, said W vote in favor of change ''" pl that b ~-• and bl o1 the personnel slandardo "mU!_I be ....,. ea e w11 """"" una e coosidered-me.as 1 1~1. of. ~n>1e.nce lo mnply with the draft onler. "' -~ ~1e WUllam Gray dlsmt1uc1 cbar&ea in ID1 department ••• " ot ijolatton ol the Selectlve Service Acl 11111J against MJchae1 Price Donahue, G" Pl n· b , 1111,:ue iioled 1n hll 1"' Angeles court 1ant ane e ut Set declllfon that Douahue ""'1d be willing to' 'nport for Army duty wh!n be r«)!iven from hepaUtla. '&wafting sentencing on Id en If c 1 I cbit'ga: ls an Orange man who wu on'alod with Donahue. Paul Stephen Duliofa, 20, ..... found guilty lost Jan. 21 ind must return to court· Feb. 25. . . PARIS (UPI) -The builders of the ·Franco • Br1tllh eupeoonlc jetliner Con-CO!lle announced today the flrsl 11Jgbl ol the lfllnl aircraft II upecled to be made from Toulouse Feb. 28, weather permitllni. . • I. ''I speall to you 111\an eifnrt Ill defend the~ ii my~,~ be added. "I speall with iP:tat ~ abOllt tbll, u y,.. can tall, '*'""' i broogbt all thele people hr my department here. I believe in them." The groups finally decided that a vote on the watered down motion for review of the firing policies be taken by mail over a 30-day period. The mail vote, however, met with little support from lbe student on1ooters, whi demanded· answers immediately, in- stead of in :w> days. Ford, al the helgbl of the furor, told the senate In lhe lleep-pltcbed am· pitheater that evm though the professors walked out, they cannot formally resign from the aenate Unles they resign "from the university altogether. one note of irony came as the faculty wearily and hasWy ajoumed. Studenll with nwslcal instrumenl casea came. in quietly and opened up their burden. Orchestra practice scheduled for the · lecture ball was starting 15 minutes late. -- :.;:!°t;:''... 185 _ Dl!c.· i In Lane In .... -.r 'the -... ru1'd at -B. llllril llll«liledlalo Sch!>OI. 1050 Arlfngton.Dl\fe; CoOtaMaa, while Deputy Puhllc Dtl~e.e November 11 ·bmlhld Iii the · c ...... November ls baaing his counsel on the same legal questions, as he argues in behalf of his ahare: of the Teens for Christ, who have both created and experienced a winter of discontent in organized county religious circles. Cues of the five arrested after junior cuU.ge Dean of Sludenll Dale A. Miller ordered them to leave an scheduled le< Feb. 28 In ·west Orange Collllly Judlclal DlstrlcH:oort. The cue. 1IO.o boon continued five times, while the defendant& remain free on their own recogniiance. "We th!nlt the constitutionality of the law is pretty shaky," aald adviser Berg today in a telephone interview, aa a Subteen 1or Chrut ouddebly babbliid 1n1o an extenalon. · "llonoy' will YOll get thal hlby off the phone'"• Wed Berg, continum, on ''The terror ora.niJaUons are notblng but .lmauJlr forces of Egypl, Jordao, Lebanoo and Iraq and all the countries which allow them to operate from their ·terrttary. "'Ibey are acUng on a wide front from Zurich lo Jerulalem, from Athens to Gaza. This fl'oot ls a Jons one, but our arm ii' longer atll1. ''Tbele organillt1om: would have no chance to mst, or to act, or emi to train wltboul lhe help of Arab governments who give them materiel and moral aupport." aaid Rafael, who eacaped UDIClthed tram an Arab attack on an· Israeli jeWner in Zurich, Switzerland three doya ago. The wpermarket hlul. killed two Fire Hits Valley Home; Damage Sei at $3,500 over. In the supermarket building, •Cf'OIS the street from the King David Hotel, brnken glass and groceries were splat. tered all over the walle: and floors. All the windows were blown out. First reports said the charge WU 1n a small box that Wlfl planted at the cake and candy counter wttb a time fuse to set it off. But a bospjta.J spokesman lald the injuries fndlcated that an old oil can went up among empty botUes at the rear of the store near the meat counter. Another package of about two Ind a half pounda ol explosivtl waa: found in a candy box on the wine counter• pollce lald. II WU limed to go oil an hour after the Orsi esplosloo. An Arab employe of the auperDW"ll:et wu held for quesUo~. From Pqe l SUCK •.. to say the IS among 17 arr..ted in Fire and ll!IOlie camed abool $3,!00 Costa Mesa Monday remain happy and d•m .. e _lo the home ol Robert W •. 150 feet wide. .,.,,,._, In their jail coafiMnenL ~ A prestdentW panel of eclentiJla e!lded "Oft the outalde, they hAie dishes, Wllllaml, l7'01 Lacull St., Founlain a two day vlllt to the area Tlrunday laundry, plcl.un, and -..,.k to Vall'IJ';eul)'W.marnllli,flmnmuld. to draw up proposals on how to clean do," Rev. Berg uplllned 'lbll!odaY, "but" ,.,'ff'-.esUca~-the upper. 0 -~'1 up the remnanb of the original, 800-mil .. . now they have mc:re thn•':for Bible ._._,, -•r square allct and bow to pn:vent IUcli S~1qipiit . Meet ·~~ t.tfu ~,,.ally 11 ~ ~o:"u ~ lhe ~.!!" .!':'~ 1c1ent111a toured De Gaulle Sets . • • been worried about' . ,""'he added CIUIO ol the f,IO a.m. fire, AJd In-IOQ1e of the 15 mil .. of beaches lllained w· th Wilso "l~~8!1k: ;;a&ri.icr :v1epf i!n"quit~ v~ told firemen be WU awakened :~~ ~ ~o:Uot ~-new ~ . ll acUve In recent. maaU., .staatal Sunday when a picture banging on the ltairway Union Oil, meanwhile, conUnued ttl LoNOON (UP.I) -Pmldenr Ch~•Ie.s morning Ill-Ins In sanctua(les of the wall crashed to the Ooor, apparenUy efforts lo control seepage lll'Olllld Plai- d G ·n ha -1 • ...a "" more 8eda1e .-cong:reptJOns and from the heat of the fire. . · fonn A from a shallow, aandy strata e 81 e • pro~ a IUllDDll demomlraUng with pllcar&, _..s and He fought the fire with • gan!eo pressurized by the original blowout. meeting with Prime Min1stet Harold symbolic yokes around Harbor Area hose unW two engine companies 8nd The residual oil bu leaked at a rate Wilson to discuss creation of a fotD'-power eclloola. • a rescue unit from the Fountain Valley of up to 4,000 gallons daily since the "European directorate" to replace the Poi.Ice Who hive arrested ·them for Fire Department arrived. well was plugged 16 days ago. emulig Common Market ·setup, Informed the various violations wearU.f upreu There were no injuries from the firet The corqpany Aid it was preparing dip]omaUc sources disclosed today. the f1ct ~t they believe eeCular laws said the fire: departmenl to drill out the cement plugs from three have' been ' violated and : are not other wells on the platform to a depth The four members, he auggested should persecuting keepers of the taJth. of ,about 175 fee:t. The &haft casinp be France, Britain, West Gennany and The Rev. ·Berg and bll floCk believe Trudeau to See NiXon will be ponctured at the level of the Italy. that rlgbl will lriumpb over iblgbt and p,e,.urized s1rata In en attempl to bleed He suggested they should fonn an remain cheerful 1n the face at adversity WASHINGTON (AP) -Canada's off the natural gas. u~er council" of a European political as more ud ·mart1 jail cel1a have rung Prime Mlnimr Pierre Elliott Trudeau Divers were attempting to plug sec-wlth hymns of courage. ·~ will be the Nllon administration 1 first tiona of the fis.mre where the worst association. "We haven't anything ooncrete to official visitor to Washington, the white leaks were occurring. One diver began The lllOW'Ces said De Gaulle suggested report yet •bout legal dedatoos," he House announced today. Trudeau will work Thursday at a point 800 feet east this :'inner council" or "directorate" •aid today, ''but we're hopliig for the visit the capital on March 24-25 at the of the platfonn where the original leak abould fonn the political arm of a ~t. Goodbye and God bless~·" invitation of President Nixon. started. , broadened European economic assocla· l~~-;iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii.;;iiiiiiliiii1iii;;;;;,;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;. .. iiiii;;;;;~;;;;;;;;o;;;;;i1i9iiii9j;jl;;::- ilon. The De Gaulle proposal was made to Britain's aMbassador to Parls Chrlstoph~r Soames at lunch at the Elysee Palace on Feb. 4, the aourcea: iiaid. • :Jelruar'I Special DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS DAILY PIL OT ;....,.,...... . ,, ............. "--·. -·-c-- CAU'°INIA ~ COAST f'UllliH1NO COMl'AH'f' Roag Given Go-ahead For 11-story Addition Tl'1.lly 1n outstending cheir velue, featuring swiwel or. caster bese. Also eveilebla with • custom swivel cester Hae, et • alight additionel cherge. Ti.es• cheirs must '-•"•rt H. Weel Jecli L C•rley Ytcw ,., ...... , _ C.-tt MeMtff ne1111•• k••"tl ·-T\e11t•1 A,' Mlff,J.l11e ~l•llor , •• 1 "''"'" .. ....,,.1 .. ...... Nnporl Beach plannla'g · eon> ~ 'lllunday night cleared the WI)' for col!structJoa of Ill fl ..tory tower -to"Hoag Memorial Hospital The 1U million project will ,.. lhe hospital enlarged from 1 m.bed lecllltr to a szt.bed ooe. The """ permit requeet from Ho11 oWciaLs won planners' unanlmoua ap- proval on a mOllon b)' Ray Y. Copelin. Aeling Plililllng Dli'ector Dareir .A. Gl'OCb said the · plalll are compaUble with adopCed freeway rooting In the area. ... It doesn't matter where the freeways p."•he Aid. "'lllt -al plan of claft1ollmmt ta!<• Into account lhe adoptod eout1n1 ol lhe Paclllc ~ ~y, and whichever way the ~ Fr<eway ..,..., wlll not affect tbe plan!' '111t alfgJuneml ol both fr<owoya for ,.... hl9e hem quelllclled by N"'JIOrl Ctr ollicla1s. O..ml•k>Mn lnd1cated concem over Boll'• ~ ICM' IU· car patklna -Oii the enlaraecf Ille. Tbey queo- --they would heoullldeoL Stnd1el 117 bolpltal -· -lhe ....... wauld bo -odequate. But Cty .,,,_ Ben Nolan ~ °"' that several-~ biJtlo bo.-.moved -1111 -pr.....i _,,, ol l!oopttal • Road. Groth noted, however, that there ap. peared to be enough "Dexlhlllty" In proposed landacaped areas to 0>mpensate for the Joss of iplces adjacent to tbo road. Comml!sloners decided to approve the e%panSlon on the condition that M leu lhan the 963 spaces be provided durlnC the Jl).year development program. A campaign for foods for the projld was kicked off earlier in the week ~1 hospl~ton and :-inn~ ' , Harvard DropsrCr.edit From ROTC Program cAMBRIDGE, Maa. (AP) -llirvan1 Univenity'I board of trustem bu llC'-cepted a llC>llty ,....._..,tine that academic CTedll be' wtthdnwn !nm the mll!W,'• llesem Olllcer Tralnlns Corp. program at Harvard. However, the truateel -known fonnaJ1y .. the ~ Cotiio<•lion -havt decided •• the ..... lbno to make an eff«t to relaln ROTC 1t Harvmf, but as oe ~pi:o, gram. be •••n to appreciate their unusuel styling end terrific comfort, Your choice ' of • wide selection of _qu11ity fabrics, smertly styled to enchence eny home. $119:C. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE IXCLUslVE DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-DREXEL-HERITAGE , 90 DAYS NO.INTEREST-LONGER TERMS .AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT NIWPORT •IACH 1727 W-ffff Dr.,' 642.2050 ... _.,,.. INTIRIORS P-lonol Interior Daol9oon Anlloblo AID:-HSID LAGUNA BEACH :MS North Coolt Hwy. 494-6551 OflM RJDAT "nL t \ . VOL 62, NO. 45, ;4 SECTIONS, 42 )AGES ORANGE ·COUNTY, ~UFORNIA • 68 Vie fQr 23 School 'District BO~a ·se~tS • COotuts !or trustee seal! In aD ~ sciboot district.a in u.i Weat Orang< Cooln- tY, 'U'U were U!urfld today with op- J>C!ll<!l& filing against lneumbenl! In alt -Shty-<lgbt cmxlldates have filed !Of 23 governing board seats. 'l'be electloo ia April 15. Fillnc !or thnoe aeal! oo the llimlington Beoch Uninn Hlgb School Diatrlct'1 board """ -J. Bel\Uey, l!aYmonoj M. Schmitt, and Richard B. Wilaoo, in-I . aUD.beDta~ Jiin Benbqa,.a t·t:.o'fn • y ~ Stephen D. H ........ pll)'llellll; Caroline II. Mltdlell, -coolultll1t; Bartlet\a .L. Suter~ boulewife; Fred W. · Vou, engineer; Harvey Bollngt!r, con- tractor ; ... Ra!pb. H. Boauer, chemist ; and R. E. (Bob) Dingwall, corporation Jl"Sl- dent:, · • · Garden Grove Unified School Dlllrlcl candidates are 1LoireJI H.· Barilu and .rean H..'!'Pllb. incujnlleata; MelOin R. ColJlilga · eiftieator': Gft(ory P.'·Dm'U· ', ·. ,• . ' . : ' . ' Jlan, ~ mai-1 Jw Maiott, -;~V.Muw<llJr., ~;WaltrC.llallton, pl\yslclan and L<lta RJnaor, h®sewlf•. Filing. for -on the elem<ntary school dbtrlcl ~: ' ,._ Vllley, Harold Ed w ar d Bmm, William E. crane and Shella R. Myers, lncuzol>oat&: Chari,. C. Barbieri, pniMl!m•I • eog&.r: A. M B<r( Jr.; -· opeclal education; David B. ~. enJlb*r; Jack D. ) •: . ' ' I I ' . . 'Lee Never l(new Shaw' Marina Oswald Takes Stand, for Defense ' ' : I ' Prop 1-A Brings.,N10Reli~f For Leisure World.,Folks Wbef\ the voters approved ProposiUon l·Aln November, the announced property tax re:Uef brought no joy to resJdents of J..eisure World In Seal Beach because they It v e in corporation-owned resi-- dences. Ms<mblyman Robert H. Burke (R· Hail.tlngton Beach) has J ri trod u c e d Jep:lation to give the property tu relief to ·the Leisure World residents which Fire Hits Valley Home; Damage ~tat $3,500 was not 11anted by Pnlpolilion· h\. Bur~e'ha! lntrodui:ed the meuutl! In ' . . the hope the' Seal Beach resldtnts,. al°"g with many <llhen living In coodOlllbilWDJ of the· corporate ownenhlp type, can share 1n some '630,000 whlcb could go to the coodominlum~ownen who actua11y pay the\property tues. but do· not .hold title~ • ' · . ' . Blli'We ,saJd Uµtt when the voters ap- proved ProposlUon 1-A, "the intent' WIS to cover.all single funily, owner-occupied residences. Since that time the definllion of o~p have been lnterpmed to exclude .corporate type ownership such as ai!tsiin Leisure World: "My· bDI will provldeo tbe .,.... by which "°pie who·quallfy In. mry-olher way cm rece.lve aome fwm ' ell ia: relief:•· Fire and smoke caused about $1,500 The 'lOtb diatrlct la-aJlo Jiu damise to the bomt Gf Robert W. co-autbond·a ·COMtitutl<iDII •n•nrtineot Wllllmm, 17601 Locust Sl, Fountain aDO!rill(itbe Jecl•iare to -·"""t Valley, early this~. !lremen utd. -• c-...... 11111p for purpooe. of liWesllgatora said the upper ttory of propal),tu'rellef. Willlams' two.story te!idence wia beavl· .. NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -Lee Harvey ~ Qswald'1 widow testified today she never heard of Cliy Shaw before hi wu ac-ciued of c:nnsplrlng Wtth · Ol)ffid . to 'l'unler Pruldenl John F.,Kennedy, and t!lat Oswald did DOI know Shaw's pr!Jt. · Guard Alerted For Possible Berk.eley Jliot ' . J'ta.-lenle. .. ~.-~·~iw~. ... *:m!t~~'.. ~-':1.r~ >ioeeded ol'tbe lhd'1bll1 itCillioinla. . Trlict 'convoys rWl!d iii&<!'. <>Otlancf .., . ,_ -fl'tllf ....... aid1souti. Tbe Ille of the, /orff and the lolenUty of the units weri not determined at once. Oboervm utd 114 canlJtera and ~ .. ~ ~,In .!lie equip- -. Rilall( 8""1 Pqo ., . . ment of · pardam.tn u1trnN1nc at Ith and•Wuhiogl9nS~·Jn ~ Reqan .aJerted the Nattnnal Guard 'J'!>ursda,y nlgbl alter c= and 2,0GO dernomWatora bad on the Berkeley campus in a fog of tear" gas. The governor said, "We have simply alerted them the guard to be ready" because law· officers-were ao badly out· numbered 4urlii& Thursday's batUe. A ~aming mob of , demonstrators was disptrsed Tbunday In· a mautve tear gu barnge by riot-<qulpped peUce as tlte regents opened tbelt two-day meeting; The larger of their wrath was Reagan who was not present. "We want Reagan • • • get 'em •.• klU 'em," chanted atriklng ltudentl and their off-campus supporters. T he y smashed windows w i t b rocks, pelted . police and overturned cm in wild melees that raged from University HaJI, where the regentl met, acros the campua to Sproul Hall Plaza. Today 1 squad of 100 officers guarded University Hall when Reagan arrived in hill limousine. A few studentl were In the area along with two ptckel! from the striking American FederaUon of Teacbera. , A Nat!Gnal Guard jeep w a 1 parked ~ Cll I -I nut to the.eampoa. A balf·mllt -·at Spmil Hall, pollee -11.w-.-1 and teacher plchll on the ptaa. . "Wa did -to caD In· .... 111 units ir.n the _.i ,..ientay," Reagan told newaneri bllare -tctnc tbe repntl (flM l'Dmm, Pap I) cipal accuser, Perry l\lymcod Russo • Mn. Marina Oswald · Porter took the stand U · the !!rat 'deltnH wltnea .a I~ mjnutee alter Dist, JudJe, F.chrard A., lllqerty Jr. relu!ed to throw the &haJ' cue out of CO\lrt.' . Tbe blonde former RUlllan girl also. said Oswald did not know the late Devld Kristi& Walquist, 6, Seel Bea<;11, displays chagrin experienced today · by handful of students along .Orange Coast who dlcln:t get the word about .schools b ... ing closed in observance of Washington's Birthday. Chag- rin at. finding school ·grounds closed .quickly changed ·tcr joy. Trudeau to See NixoJJ WASlllliGTON (AP) -Canada's Primo M!niller Pierre Elliott Trudeau will be the Nixon admlnlstraUoo 1 lint ofllcla) vl!ltor to Wublngton, the White u..,.. amiowx:ed today. Trud .. u wW visit the capliat on March 24-25 at the lnvllaUon of Pmldent Nixon. . . ' · Jy damaged by smoke and names. Careless smoking was blamed as the cauie ol the 4:30 a.m. fire, said m.. veatfgators. Williams told firemen he was awakened wh<a a picture banglag on the llalnray wall crashed to the Door, apparenUy from the beat of the fire. UCI Faculty Shows Split ill foogbt the fire with a garden -1111111 two engine companies and a """"' unit from the P'Olllllaln Valley Flro Departm<nt arrived.. ' ,,,.,.. ....,.. no lnjurtel from the lire, utd tbe fire deparlmnl ~EEK'S MARKET ~A.PUP TOD'A.Y \ markets are--closed to<Uy ~=~o~f: the celebraUon of George W •1 Birthday. The -plete well'• wr o of stock market ldl'fitla, ~b:'iound. lly publllhed Sa-,.. on p.,_. IHI: today's DAILY PJWI" \ •• ., , ;I "J • w. Ferrie, the othtr accuaed Cl><Oll- splrator. . Mn. Porter directly coatradlcted much· o1 Ruiao'a earllor leltlmony that ·he saw Shaw, Oswald and . Firrle plOttlng Kennedy'• death In 111!, that OsWald. we n t by the Dime "Leon" and Shaw · Charges Against ' . ... --. -. . Teens.· ,Cµa~l~~g~:d • • I ' • • • ; : • ' .i . By ARTllUll R. VINQI; 1 ~oi: ~ fry!I> ]jei."'I ~ ·~ ';~~r.r·.~. .. -.• : il.,,., -~~ ~·~!~ ..-. d'ay~tlla , ,711; ·tbla -to . 'i4"oo cbarpa ............ '" .. -~-· tbolr .... ,,......,-... -Dlplt7 Chrfjt ~ ~ lmjlrl1a•,' lr1We Pullie'D 't , .J.,;. . ·=-t7.:r.;:t:.~~· ~~. . '' ~ tbett __._ In Ci>cla -. "'·"'-dlf/ Jn r _......_II Ciltirt a )uob."iiiibac11001-....;;;.;: and iJiil&~' "IO ~tM fll lion Mal!lja1,11Jio IJ m<n Ud fo!a; Pis ball~dr,'Jfmlllfolo~ .. '. are held ,:::::,.._C«rl:f Jill, llDI, 1~~f.i0. ~~ ~bad clieck wrtten and traffic vblvtri1J · 11teet. ~· •··~odl ofreactm .alike are hearing ,again and ~ liid,lallbr,-1o .,.., Wttb. again the amac quallttea of the <;11riiUan Kprlf ! air far Jury trW. , · , . . wa,y, w1!1Je the\ 11 youtba rema1n· Wttll "That J!ld&o-Sebmldl ieemed ti> 'baTt• them beblJfd bars. a bardbolleol aWtude towanl ua the Doubtleu, they wW continue the~ minute we.-the~" Rev •. evangellzjq of lnmata of the ~. Deve lloltl the ~· TMm ·lor rartresa-llke rieW ' Jail unW .. HaileJ!ijjb Oirlal Q>lrlfull advbir iald 'lllm~. · M-''"" .....,. 1n the form o1 i court ~ two ..... firebrand li<utenantl -...... . oftbe-beadquUWedat,lbe.~ Ltab1 Club, lit Mal!! ·SI., Hli!!lfilllm 3 F. ile for R~-e . · Beach, .... m.01ved 1n today'• .,_ .... allo in:ufller one.. ' ·, l J. • · · Fiftl41G*tteen mlsioaarte&,Wfft·_..,, ·c· . ..-r.r11111aw1111 flJlr1 -the~! In Or.an,ge, .amt West 'Qilloiio . campus lat. Dee. •1 l!i Huntington .Beach. . "" -' .1-'bi npmentln( the _.. ... JC Area Board =.~.:-.:-~=.~::.; Vacancies In' two ~ areu In the . ~i!>' ~ /:1t:"' ~ ' Orange Coast Junior College Dlltrict cues.1• • , • , have attracted only three fllinJs · and November Js buln&· bls courwe1 . on . one lncumbenl board member· wUl be the ...,. legal quesl!Olll, u be .._ unopposed In the April 15 election,' finil In· beball of bis share· of tlie T-• filings indlcate;d today. far~ <lhrilt, · who have both cr..:i.r and One entrant In the Trllllee Area 5 eiw)enc<d· a winter. of d~t In · race appamitly lntendt to· llpt ·tbt1 orglDll>ed county religious c:irdea. -- contest ,.and the baWe for Trustee Aru. Cues of Ute five amsted alter juniOt s Jn Newport-Men Unified School <9ueP Dean o1 'studenla Dele A. Miller Distrid. Stiident John L. V ailPll bu ordered them-to llilft" m ·.acJ>eduled su.bmltted. bia name for both ~ far Feb. • Ill Wea11 Or-. County Judicial -·c.ort: . ' electioM. . , I Ftllnp compiled at deadline Tburiday The -beve been ·-ftva -·. , tlme<,..wlllle the defemlaala nmaln !no ·-· (SN TUNS, P,,P I) ' ·1'nlltee Ana l, :Wortll Kime "-Seal . . . ' ' ' Beach, lrloanbolit ~· ~~-~--------~ 1'ratee Ara I, Georce H. liodda Jr., ~ -·llan~ tit GoldenrOd, Ccirooa del Mar, and. Jobn .L. Vl!Mlm, . lludelll 0ruce· • ' •• \ • _I loll.Y~T " Candidate hiformation . . .. ~ ~ J . { Lackfug 1 oUJ..a J,JMJT PUK..M1N. .*'AH"t I~ it W.ff . ..,......, -NlfbMr' JH• .. = Vb........... ...,., n-k-it -T~-•• A. MwRlu ... _ ..... A1b1Ji W. lit.. W1nt1M •••' Anocllll ~ ~ Edllllt City ldl!W M1lltl ..... INdi OMee Jot IHI ltr.1t ! Malfl111 A4llN11t PD. 1 .. 790, t:ZMI I --....,.,., .. di! 211l ............. Celt1 MIMI • '#Wt 9tY ... l UiMlftt lted'lf ·• ,.... ,...... I ~ OALT l'tun' -,....... SHOW Of HANDS IN UCI ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MARKS LllNGTHY,CONFUSED SESSION 111uo of Morotorluni on Proluslonol Flrint• Still CIOUl!fd Alhlr Stormy Gothorl"ll · •1 · · ... ' . ' I ,, , ' . . . . . . . " - .. . FNtll·Page J. . Aldrich -Relates UCI STRIFE MOUNTS · .'. · Papers' Reports faClllty .~ember rOH . and ~ . tho commenta: from another . ~~. a~, .. H 'll B k S ~eblf. ~m:,e~.,,: ~·N~ ~.:!': A~,:. ~~.~~i e · ac enatc Kenan photogriphy se£Sion. voice, Aid any vote in favor of change . h .v~ were· cjoM _ ,.. close, lhal · ol tho .per10llJ1d llandards "muat be UC Jrvlne Chancellor Daniel Aldric , a aJiow fll haiidJ couJd "i>ol lie accurale!y considered by me U a !act al Clllfidence ' Jr. WU nol on campus during the faculty counted. 1n my departmeiit ••• " ' · · meet.inf Tbo:nd.17, but inltud wu on "I speak to yai In an effort to defend the ocene of even .mon ......., unrest WAsli!NCTON'. (iJpij -A sholgun- 'Wjeldln&. • ~ two WOii)'!' and WOOIJded lbrte WuMng\on polJcomen to- day, then tommiu"l sul_cide In i rtam .. tw•pl ·rooailoi -.. - 113 his teirorlud f.UOW" lenanl5 locked themselves lo their rooms, the gunman held police "' baJ r.r .more than ·an hour In a qulel ~Ual neighborhood. The threMtory structure was set afire, apparently by uplodlng tear gas ..,,. · l!tm police lobbed Into . the house. 77,934 C.Ounty Non·voters Off Election List Orange County r<gistered voters who did not cut balloll in last November's G<n<ral Electloo, 77,134 of" them, have been r<m<IVed from the rqlatratloa lilta0 the .....wy ., llate llUIOlmCld 'l'll1ll"lo day. Democrats ond R<publlcaoa fared abaal <q1la1ly In the bli!mlll purge car- ried out by llW each two years after ~ eledlons . ·Dtiilocrat.. lo&t 31,163 voters and Republlcam ~.096. Tbe countywlde total of registered voters, 580,8811 in November was down to .502.9S1. The pruning raiaed the GOP advantage In the county to U.I percent from laat fall's 10.1 perctnt. There are D01f' 270,790 ..ptertd ROpub!ICllll and I 0 I ;3 U th< actlcn fll my depulmen4" be added. al lhe UC llerteley . C8JllPUJ thal ...,. "I opeat with grul emotion about day, w11m the Uil!venlly Board of lhll u you <an leD, becln" I lnogbl !leg-bold a m<ell(>g. all ihe.. people tn my depanm.nl bore. Belon the cbanceJlor left, however. 1 believe tn them " he refuted ltltementl earlier this week . • . by two newspapers whlch said he would The £l'OUP8 finally decided thlt • vote accept any declaions by the Academic on the watered ~oym moUon for review Senate on the firing i!sue. of the llrln8 policies bo taken by mall The chancellor told the 1ludenlli Thurs- over a ~ perlo4. · day, through one of· the new!p8per11 The mall ~ however, ~ with (UCI New University) which carried the liWe IUppOrt from .the student onJookera, astatemtnts : "ho handed wwer,s immediately, in-''I have been tOOI bf· several people 11Md ol._in JO days. ~ ~ that there b a general· impression Ford, lit tbe be1gbt of the furor, toid partially brought about by articles in tbe -In the lleepfildled am-the Los Anples Tlnlea and the New pllhealer thal ena """"1 the tnfeaon Unlvmlty •. thal I have made • com- walked oal, the)' -formlll1 ralp m!lmenl lo accept any decisions fl>at from I!>< oenate anlel tbo)' ...., from the academic Senate may make al its the 1lll1vtnlly aJtocelher. meeting Tlmnday •• .I have made oo One -fll ir.., came u the fl<lllll such cmunUment. • "9lilJ IDd butiJy ajourned. The .... -said bo coosld<nd the ------·· delll>mU... "a:litmely Im--In qql<llJ and ~ tip -~ IDd ~ ~ ,,. them Into -' l """"""' . together with ... other In> C>rcbeltra practice scheduled far the formation m.te .vallable to me, in in1, lecture ball WU lt&rttq' JJ mlautel deci.lfon J maJ mah."' •• , ~~ • late. He b due to relum -from When firemen mJncu!abed tllo blue nWIJr • two boars after the al>ootlng began, police clldacownd tllo bodlel of th< roomer ond the two ......., lnalde. Nearby n<i&hbon huddled In their homes, peering out al the pitched balUe between police and the man Inside. /uslstanl PouCe Chief Jerry Wil!on said one of his victims waa a maid. The other wu nol bnm.diate1y ldflltlfled. Th< wounded policemen -all reported In ier:lous CODdltiOns -were listed u Capl. John Reynolds, 41; Sil Robert HouRllolder, 32, and PvL Roland Den- nett. 29. Another policeman, cap1. Oiar1u Monroe. wu hosp!lal!zed with Injuries sustained during the shoollng. Several ether officers were treated for tear gas inhalaUon. Wilson aa1d at leaat 40 .ear gu grenades were thrown by police and hundreds of abot. fired In the effort to Ouah out the banicaded assallant wbo dodged from Ooor to floor during the balU<. Fretll l'wlJl.e l BERKELEY ... closed morning eenlon. '-rhe local police actually ran out ol p.s. "In view of 1he adivltle&, the Nallonal Guard was &imply alerted to insure order and protect the righta of those who want to conduct their busness." slrJle.tom ~ey. : . S.C!Xld-~ al llCI, Dr. Roger Russell. the tmlversity•s: vJce chancellor, woold not ~mment .directly o n Tlm'lday'1 ~Uric. A lljiokesman for his orlice said the vice ci.""'"'1r pboped. Cb• n c e 11 or A\drich ~Y night· "olmpty to give bliri the f-relotlng te !M"in<etlng." The .:MlrCI llkl "It lei 'obvious that U cluaes are dlsrupi..j' by student dtmomlnJon, the rul<1 are ....., clear. They face smpenslon """ airell. .. Gi!Ult Plane Deput Set PARIS (UPI) -Tbe bailden ol the Franco • Brlliah wpesonlc jdllner C..- corde announced today the first flight ol the giant alrcrall 15 rapected to be made from Toulouse Feb .. ZS, weather penn!Wng. ' ( I ' .. . 1-srael Market . ' Blast Kills wJ· "JERUSALEM (AP) -A powerful <x· plo1don ripped through Jerusalem's big· gtlt tuptnnarket today, killl.ng two young Jewish studenll ~ woundlttg -other -· A leadln& 1overnmenl official blamed the allact on Arab governments. A few houri alter the blas4 Gideon Rafael, director~eneral of I 1 r a e l • 1 Foreign M!niJlly dedmd: ''The terror orpnlzatloal ""' nothing bll\ lrreiU]ar forces of Em>4 Jordao. Lebanon and Iraq and all the countries which allow them to operate from tM.ir territory. "They are actlng on a . wide front from Zurich to Jerusalem, from Athens to Gu.a. 'Ibis front JI a long one, but our arm is longer sUll. ''Tbele organilaUona wouJd have no chance to exist, or to act, or t\•en to traln · without the help of Arab governments who give them materiel and moral llJPP(ri." 1aJd Rafael, wbo escaped unscathed from an Arab attact on an llriOll !•~ In Zurich, Swlberland -days.ago • The supermarket blast !tilled lwo unlvenlly lludaill and wounded an AU!lrallan · major and elgbl other perlODS. Three Of the Women vlctlm! were reported in eerloua: condlUon. Police MlnUter Ellabu Sau;on said the '1vile attack" was obvloualy linked to the Arab guerrilla allacl: Tuu:loy on an Isildi alrlln<r In Zurlcl!. Swlberland. "Somebody. standing nut to me wa.s virtually bkiwn to bita, .. uid Yoeef PellabU, 1!bo worked behind tile meat coanta-. He said the uplnllon blew bllll ....... In the mpemwtet bldldlng, across the· -from the King David Hotel, • Finl reports uJd the dJorge WU In "a "small. bo:I: tl)al WU planted al the ooh and· candy counter with , a lime fule to 11<1 ll off. Bui a hospital •pok..,;,.. uld the !njurlea Indicated thal an old oil can went up among erd:i>ty bottlu at the rear of the 1tore ne'ar the ~t counter. Annlher package of about two and a half pounds of exploaives wu found in a candy bOJ: on the wine counter. pollce said. ll WU timed lo IO off .. bour -the fin! eiplolloo. An Arab employo fll the supermarket WU held for q11<1lioolng. New Oil Slick Forms in Channel . . Near Drill Site ' SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -A new oil slick baa appeared around an offshore drilling .platform In the Santa Barbara Channel a half mile from where another :well blew out sli: week• ago. A Union Oil Co. spokesman said the mile-Ion& slick was formed by a work.boat which 1•wu thickly coated with oil, and was trailing ropes which were saturated during the big spill." Federal officials today went to the area about five miles off the coast by boat to determine the source of the new crude oU. It was sighted from a Coast Guard plane which flew <lver the area Thursday. Union said there was no leakage from the platfonn. "This iJ what we can a 'rainbow.' a UUn Nin on the water," he said. broken glass and groceries wer4 apl.ol· tered all over ~ walls and floars. All the windows were blown out. Fro• Page l TEENS ... Clft 'their own recoc:ntzanct. "We think the constitutionality ol the Jaw is pretty shaky," said adyller Berg ioday in a telephone interview, as a Subteen for Christ suddenly babbled into an extension. "Honey, will you get that baby off the phone?", asked Berg, contlnuing on to say the lS among 17 arrested in Costa Mesa Monday remain happy and constructive ln their jail confinfment. · "On the outside, they have dishes, laundry, picketing and other work to do " Rev. Berg explained 'Itursday, "but noW they have more time for Bible 1tudy and witnessb)g." "This II the firat time I haven, really been worried about them," be 1dded, •'it's really a vacation for all of ua." The Teens for Christ have been qulte active in recent months, staging Sunday morning sit-ins in sanctuaries of the more sedate congregationa a n d demonstrating with placards, crosses and symbolic yokes around Harbor Area schools. f Police who have arrested them or the various violations wearily express: the fact that they believe &eCUlar laws have been violated and are not peraecullng keepen of th• faith. . The Rev. Berg and hi.I flock believe that right will trliunph over mlghl and remain cheerful in the face ol ldvenity as more and more jail cells have rung with hymns of courage. · ''We haven't anything concrete to report yet about legal dee.Wons," he said today, "but we're hoping for the best. Goodbye and God bless you." The jailed evangelists arrested Mon· day, along with~ 11.year-old girl released to her parents, include: Becl:y J. Cbriatlleb, 21, or 110 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach. Caroline B. "BllDie" Collacott. 11, of 110 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach. Coaatuee N. Pead<rgul, 19, fll 110 Ocean Ave., Hunllngton Beach. Mod<llae C. Douelly, 19, of 110 Ocean ~ve., Huntington Beach. . Joeepb N. Lugfonl, 11, ol 605% !Olli Sl;Huntlnifm Beach. Pal B. Berg, ZI, of 605% lllh 61., Hunllngton Beach. Du!el P. Welsb, ZZ, ol Ill Main st .• Hunllngton Beach. Howard E. Broslm, It, of Kltlanlng, Pa. Michael G. Barbour, 19, of 116 Main St.,-Huntington Beach. Bnlce A. Greg, 18, of 3591 Haward Ave., LOB Alamitos. Richard c. La Brill, 19, or =t:l Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Ralph K. Baker, 18, of 116 Main Sl., Huntingtcn Beach. James Ballesteros, 22, of 6051h Main St .. Huntington Beach. Ralpll Ahern, 19, ol Cathedral City. Th• five teens arrested In Decemb<r Include : N .. cy Dewar, 18, 6271 Myrl!£ St., llunUngton Beach. • J-tllu Berg, 19, 605% 10th SL, Hun- tington Beach. Joseph Langfonl, 18, 605 10th St., Hun· tington Beach. Douglas Toerper, 19, 605 loth St., Hun· tlngtnn Beach. Jam.es Borke, 'Zl, 605 10th St., Hun· tington Beach. :;~:a~ S,,.aai\ DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS Truly •n out•t•nding c:h•it value, fa•turing swivel or caster b.sa. Also •vail•bla with a custom swiYal c•star: b•••, •t • slight •dditional charg .. Th••• chairs must be •••n tG •ppredat• their unusual •*Ytirtt aM terrific comfort, Your dtolce of • wide salKtion of quality fabrics, sm•rtly ity1ed to enchance any home. .0-1111.·· . fWo -parlleo also loll· votm. /uked u bo lhouPI alerllllC lhe gud would 'llC&late the rloten, Reagan uJd, · '"l'brx people wbo.are demonstrallnS don''need .. -i. . .-Jot•: '!llll hu· to stop and It b '°'"' to : lfDp. · I will Jnolll tllal -....... U ore . _,.114 flUD llle tml....itJ." ' COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE 'llit -·lndepmdenl Paity.,.h!Cb . I bod ,,,. ...--""' bu ... , .... ~ Pelct and needom P1111 dlopped I (rtlll l,Gll lo Ill. llepobllcoo gelm -ail tn·lb< etb Aa!m>blt DUtrkl -. • detmnlned _... -ctrrloil '• --.ny ·1 IO··-_...,.... Kamtlll ear, (00udm G""'). ~, · In N.....,b<r the Democrats had • t,30l adnnlqn bJcb bu --cut to 1,177. In the 14th ~ l>lallicl Rep. IUcblrd T. Huma'• marllll hal dropped rr... •.ooo to u,m. Btllllrlllaa In ~ C<ull1'• ~ dlleo -tile -•·ftt u porty C"'•iCOI II --.I. Ropzb&ew Id the advantage In II and -•II In 7. '!be ao•• nor· 1a1i1 )a tlioapt IJC ad-mtnlattilon had ... , •• !'.' anwtoe1' • by allowing niH<e 'ti bo lltld acifb 'ol ' th< Sproul. J'lou In re<tOI *JI, ' However, bi ·said be wnuld not - lh< dl.,.lwl of CllweDor J1o1er Reyna. Former ......,,blJ Speaker Jaase M. Unruh, wbo b eip<ctod lo ... t the DemocnUc pMlillt«ial nominaUon .en,...,, and.jlie wnpus newspaper. the Doll1 caulornlon, bave npoNd Reagan would call for the llrlnl of """'" . -. "I wlD not all fGr HIJ1lll' d"ml ... i I don,. --Ibis Nrled," uJcl the 1overnor. \ ' EXCLUSIVE DEA LI RS FOR: HEN REDON -DREXEL -HERIT AG& 90 DAYS 110 INTEREST-LONGER TUMS AVAILABLI ON APPROVED CREDIT NIWPOllT .IEACH 1727 Weetdlll Dr• '42·2050 OPIM lllDAY "111. t INTERIORS Prof-.k>rNl Interior 0.1...,.. AYllio~le .fJD--HSID LAGUNA BEACH 34.5 North C.-Hwy. OflM NIDAY "nL t ..... , ........ sf 0.....,. ~ ... ,w i ' ' VOL 62, NO. 45, ~ SECTIONS, 42 PA~Es ' . ,, . " . . . , .. ' , ' " 68 Vie f Qt ,23 ~chQol "Distfici Bo~d Seat:S • • , ' ' t I • \ 1 ' i." ~ '. Coolella for trustee seats In all oigbl cunii.ta::·JJm. lleallon,i1<t:t••rn.,y·; school dtatric:ta In lbe West Or1Die Cowr Stepben ·D,' Herm111, pllnlcllll~1Clrollne ty area were assured todar with op. R. · 'Mildieil, """"•1111 · ~: pooenta llllng againsl ~bel!ta lq all Uartldta .!. SUlor1 bouMwtle: -w. dtalrtc:ta. • v.._ """"""' ·llaney ·BGU.-, ..... Sl>ly-eiiht candid.ates have filed for tractor; Rolph,R.•Boauer, -; ml 23 governing board seats. R. E. (Bob) Dingwall, oorpoiallQn prt>i- -111e eJecUon is Aprll 15. • dent· • 1 • • Filing for three seats on lbe Hunling1on Gorden Grove Uniflod Scbool ·Dlltti<t Beach Union HlgJ> Scbool Dlatrlct's boerU c:andljlaln, ate , !Awtll R. Barhr 1114 · are: John J. Bentley, Raymond M. Jean IL ·Tonks, blcumbenls; -R. Scl!mlll, and Richard B. W11aon, IJ>. • <lolllnp,' eilllc:alor; Grqwy 'P.· lllrll· ~· < • ' ' ' • 1 { l • ' , 1 ';. . . . .,. ·~·:·· .. -....... ,....... . MARINA ·PORTER~·HUSBAND, HEAD ,N>R ,SH,f.~ 'TRIAL. ' Former Wlfo.·ef Loo .. Harvot·OIWold· :fMtlllff c . ,. · . ' . Prop 1-A Brings 'No :Relief For Leisure World. Folks When the voters approved Proposition 1-A in November, the announced property tax relief brought no joy to residents ol Leisure World in Seal Beach because they 11 v e in corporation-owned resi- d....,., Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R· Huntington Beach) bu 1 n trod u c e d legillatlon to gi-..e the property tu: relief to the Leisure 'World realdents which Fire Hits Valley Home; Damage Set at $3,500 • r 11re and smoke caused about $3,500 damage to the h~me of Robert W. WiDiams, 1710l Locust St., Fountain .Valley, el!l'IY Ibis morning, firemen said. ' - "u nol IJ'IDle<i hr·l'ropClllJi'"1 l-A, · Burk• bill" lnlniducod"the,.......,,, Jn the hope lbe.seaM!eaCh·rei1ilentii,'.11ong with many others Iivina: in ~9f!ltl1hirius of the ~ate ownership. type, can f • • • • share In some· $630,000 which .could" go to the condominium, owners who actually pay the proper1y ·1axe1, bul-do nol·hold title. , Burke · said--that When tbe vo~ a~ proved Proposition l·A, "tho lni.nt was to cover all single family,~ residences. Since lllat llme the dellakioo of ownersblp have been ~~ exclude corporate type ...n.nldp~ as exists in Leisure World.· · "My bill will pn>vldeo-the·-b1 which people who quallfJ Ja'ftliiy-.iJior. way can receive ·aoiM ferm'ftf, tU relief." \. ' The 70tb dislricl lawmabr alioi ... ....aulhond.-CGOSlllulloilaJ, -~ a11.,.1ng lbe lepialure !<> ililloo;.wtiat COllllftuta owaenllip 10< RUI-ct prGj>er\r tu relief. • • " - . . 'Lee Never l(new S:ha.w' Marina Oswald Takes Stand for Defense . . . . . . :,. ~ NEW-Om.EANS .(UPJ) -Lee Harvey Onrlld'1 wldolr tostlllad today Ille never bt;ard of CIJy Shaw· before ~ was ac. C1ised of COlllpirlua with 01w1ld lo murder rre,ldenl Joi>JI F. Kennedy, and tbal 'Onnl4 did DOI know Sbaw'a prln- • Guard Alerted For Possible Berkeley Riot meii1 ·o1· ~ uaembllnc ·11 11th and,WubliiijOn.Slnittaln,O~. · Raapn, llerted lbe N1tloiW Goard Tlimadly Dlibl alter. pollee 'and a.ooo deinonatralon . bad dUbed .. the Berkeley CllDPQI In 110( of tear (U. The pw.mor laid, "We hive JJmply llerl1<1 . lloein tbo ~ .io be ready" -.. law -'Wire .. bodly Cllit- nwrtbered during 'Iburaday'1 battle. A . ..,,...,,,.,. mob of demonslnton wu· dl_...i TlmndlJ ·In 1 ·..-V. tear gu barrage by rloWqulpped police .. tba ..,..1a openoc1 · lbelr two.<lay meeting. The Wget of llle!r 'lfllllh -Rea1an who wu not preaent. "We want Rtapn . . • get 'em •.. kill 'em,''. chanted Jtriti.n& students and their ofl.ampua aupporlen. T. b • y smashed windows w J t b rocks, pelted police and overturned can in wild meleu that rqed lrmn Univenlty !WI, wi- the regents met, acros the campua to Spmd II.ID Plau. Today a oquad of 100 officers guarded UnlVWllty II.ID when Reagan arrived In hll. limCJallne. A feyr lludenta wer;e In the uu lloni with two pickets !non 1he tlrWnil American Federation of Teacbn. . A N-.oI Guin! jeep W 11 plrllled DOailly .... --''"the -A holl·mllo ._ 11 Sproul Ball, poik:e walcbed a few.-. -and leachir plcketa on the plm. ''We .did baye lo call In oame ps unlll -the .-'4 ,_,," lleqan lold --bif<n tiil>!tlnl the """" . t1o1 mm..y, ..... I) clpal 1..,,..,, Perey Raymond llulao. Mrs. llarinl O)nrlld Porleo tGGk lbe sland . u , the flnl · dtlerue wllness a few JlllJJllm alter Dlal. JIJdie Edward A. HaUertY Jr. ·i'Elnled lo .lbrow -the Sbaw ·cue out of court. · The b!lmde former RuSlian iJrt mo Bald Olwlld did riot !mow lbe late David DAiLY·Pfl.01'..., ..... ~···· O.t . K&ile·WillqufJt;.6, Seal'Bea'ch, dlspJ.a.ys chagrin experlenceil today by handful of students . . I aloog·O~ge. Coast who didn t g~t the ¥d'"llboUI scbools·be- ing clof'ed in observanc.e · of Washington's Birthday. Chag· rh! .at finding . school grounds closed· qillckly, changed. to' joy. Trudeau to See NixoD . i ' ' wABmiimooN CAP> -Clnadt's Prime Ji1i>1MA' 'Plefre EllioU Tfudel.u I . ' ' Will be lbe Nixon ldmlnistraUon 1 lint offlclll vbllor lo Waahlngton, lbe White HOUie ~ today. Trudeau will vbll lbe capital oa Mardi U.15 at lbe lnvlllllon of Pnsideal Nixon. • w. Ferrie, the other accuaed co-coo- aplr1lnr. Mn. Porter directly CGDtndlcled much ol llulao's earlier ~ tbll _be saw Shaw, Oswald and Ferrie plolllng Kennedy's death In 1113, that Oswald we a t by the oamt ~'Leon" IDd Sbaw ~ hy lbe_name "Bertrand"·and that~ WU QlllUven and dlrly and loohd lln ···~... . Earlier Jlqgerty df<llned lo ~tho UinaJL Jury lo acqull the silver~ d-. Haggerty made lbe decision out ol (~ SHAW TIUAL, P~ I) Charges· Aga~~st ' . I Teens . Challenged . ' -' . . . In Otange Coast · JC Area Board Vac&ncit1 Jn two truitee areu la .tbe ' Oranee Cont Junior College Diltrlct have attracted only three filln11 and one incumbent board member •Wlll be unoppooed In the April II elecllon, final flllngs Indicated today. One enlionl In lbe T<Ullee Area S race apperenlly lntencla •lo fl&hl tbta contest and lbe ba!Ue for Trustee Area $ in Ne....,..i.Mesa Unllled School DLstrlct. Sludml Joi>JI L.' Vq!m hai submllted hla name for both lrultee elecllona. . . FUlnp c!ompl]Od 11• dtadlloe 'l'lmedlJ were: -Ana I, Worth Keene .of Sell ileacb, -UDGppoled. 'l'nlltee -I, O«qe IL llodda Jr., manarement ~· Mt· Goldenrod, Conxla del Mii', and John L. V1111bn, sludenl. ' Oru•e Investigator& said the upper slnry of Willi801!' tw<Mtory residence wu heavio Jy damaged by smoke and Dames. . Careless smoking was blamed as the cauee of the 4: ~ a.m. ftte, u.id In· ,\'..,.,tors. Williams told firemen he wu awakened when a picture hanging on the stairway wall crashed to the noor, appamitly from the beat of the firt. ·uc1 Fa~~lty .~hows Split ........ Baby, lbe rain must fall qoln tbta weekend,'"""11ne lnoJ&bl and contb)ulnc lluW<' Sul)d.ay. The temperlbris .... 'JIOthlnr 'lo Ing about eltber; n.p., !tom lbe nild N'i. lo die blall •'L HI· fought the fire with a garden hoie unW two engilH! companies and a rescue unil fn>m the Fountain Volley Finl Department arrived. 'l1lere were DO lnJurlei from lbe fire, said lbe flre deplrlmenl WEEK'S MARKET WRAPUP TODAY ( - •• • • 1NSmE1 TODAY Jusf to"41 mill•· did llappn lo · s..i.1 ,,..., pollc• chl•f Bnla7 Bui fft/<m>Nd '°"'<" rclAIC'.'°""t nlillhcllt11 atlllallr ,....,_It Pollf ·l7. .. ' ' • \I ( • €attdidate . - ~ • l, .. . ,Information · -Lacking . ~ · .... Draft p9<Jgmg · Cha,ge ·))rop~ A Clplalrano lltoch nian his been ~ ol cbar1ea ol.drall dodging with • ·ffi!knl court J.ucl&e'• occeplu<e of bk plea !hit he WU iki ud llllOble to a1111p!y with the drall onkr. JDd&e Wll1iam Gray dim'.., chargu ol 'llolotloa ol iiiO s.Jocllff Service Ad !lleoi qoiml Mlcboel • Prke Donohue, :Ill. 'l!o noted In 1111. Loi Angelu court declllon lhll 1loollme would he wtlllng to , repcrl . lot Army dut¥ wben he , ....... from l>epol(tll.. Aftlllnc sentondng 1Jll Iden Ii ea I cbor,.. II u ~ DWI who WU unaled wilb Doublle. Paul Stephen Daboil, IO, -· haoll cul111 lut Jan. 11 imci muat mun to .....i Pleb. -. ~· COMI"" PUILllHffrf• aw,,ANY .....,.__,., Wff4 ........... Ml..., '"' .. "'"'" 'lklt,.,....., Mii .-.J IMN11tt n .. "«:""" ... Tii•:::.t.. ~In Alt.tr+ W. I•... Wlll•• •••' ·-1... ~ a..dl Edl11r cnr 1fttw " ............. Of"-. lot It\ fttMt ... 1n111 >,iU,....1 P.O •. ln no. •2"41 ; _..,. . ......., lilM!r nu _, ..... ..,!hare Ctttt Mttll: ---.., """" Le9Wne a...iw ID ,..... •- I . DAILY PILeT """ ...... ' ' I Israel Market Blast Kills .TWo JERUSALEM (AP) -A powerful n· ploslon ripped through JctUSaltm'• big· gett supermarket today, tilling two young Jewish otudenlo ud wounding nine olb« )IUIOM. A le><!!nc _.,..nl omclal blamed , the attack on Arab governments. A few houra after the blast, Gideon Rafael, dlr<ctor-tenera! of II r a e t ' s Foreign Ministry declared• "Tbe terror oqanlzatkm: art nothing but lrre8ulaf fette1 of Egypt, Jonian, Lebanon and Ir.q and an the coantries which allow them to operate from their territory. "They are acting on a wide front from ZUricb to Jeruaalem, from Athens to Gazo. Tb1s !roal II '• long one, but our um Is looger atill. broken g!a.i and groceries weie splal· tered all over !he walls and floors. All the windows were blown out. From Page I TEENS .•. on their own reco~. "We tblnk the c:onstilutionalily of the law is pretty shaky," said adviler Berl today in a telephone Interview. as a Subteen for Christ suddenly babbled into an extension. "Hooey, will you get tha( ba~ off the phone?", asked Berg, cont.lnwng ~n to say the 18 among 17 arrested m Costa Mesa Monday remain happy and constructive In their jail confinemenl SHOW OF HANDS IN UCI ACADEMIC SENATE MEETING MAfllC:S q;~GTHY, CONFUSED S_ES~ION J11ue of Mor•torlum. on Prof .. 1ion•I Firl ngs Stlll Cl'"114 ,ltfhr $tor~y G•thtrlftl '"lbese . organizalionl wou1d have no chance to uist, or to act, or even to train without the help of Arab govern:tnenb who give them materiel and moral aupport.." said Rafael, who escaped unscathed from an Arab attack on an Israeli Jetuner lD Zurich, Swiaerland tine days ago. "On the outside, they baVe dlihes, laundry picketing and other worlr: to do," Re~. Berg explliiDed Thursday, "but now they have more time for Bible 1tudy and witnessing." ''This b the first time I haven't really been worried about them," be added, "it's really a vacaUon for all of ui" . . -. . . .. From Page J: UCI STRIFE MOUNTS ••• .fac!u!ty meinbet roe0 and .,~ · lhe dislW ilgn made Woous by the USS Pueblo crewniembers during a North K<fton """'-apby -· "Villd ,..;;;'° eloie -'io cloae, that a show ol lwlds coold llOI be accurately counted. PLEA FAILED 'Ille laeully woll<oot occumd ahortly after ·the vote on the no<han&e =<Jlllmeadatioa failed. Englllh Profeuor Murry Kreiger rose and shouted, "I reluse to recognlu the authority of this body to vote on this question, I ""1gn from the ..,..ie IUld oil 111 CClllllllttes, ud I In.tie oil U.. wbo agree wUh me to do tbe same." He and tlie others picked up their papers ud walked oot amid lood ap- plauae from wit.b.ln the hall and from the lobby out&lde. The mood Ihm became pim, ond ...-11 -the Jm!lcr facully who llUppOrted ebange In personnel pro- cedure and dWldent students cropped up. comment. from anotber peer · allo1 Engllall Department Chairman D r • Hazard Adams, who, in a quavering voice, said any vote in favor of change of the persoanel otandarils "muat he caoaidered by me u a Iac.t of. coa6dence in my deparlmfJlt ••• " "I speak to yoo In u effort to defend the acUon of my department," be adckd.. "I speak with areal emotton aboot this, u yw can c.n, beca""' I brought oil theae people In my department bere. I believe lD them." The groups finally decided lhll a vote on the watered down motion for review of the firinl policies he tWn ,,, mall o•er a IOoda7 period. .• The moll wle, bowever, met with little~ from the--.... wbo dnucfed+unen lmmecl*", lno •teod of In ,,, cia1L' Ferd, ol the belgbl ol the 1unr; told the ....ie In .the ~-.... pllbesl<r tbal even thouP Iba,,.,_. walked GUI, they c:o-i larmlll1 nolp from the .... te unlea they nolp lrom the uulvenlly altogether. One llOle ol il'<llly came u the flCllty. wearily ud lwtlly ajoorned. · ... w~tal~;;:: burden. °"ridls-"tr~a prlctlee ldleGlled f<r Iba lecture ball WAI atartfn& 1J mlmdg w.. . • ' .. , ' . . ~ BeioreMan SlWots Self , . ' . . · WASlllllGTON '(llpJ) -A ahoquno wioldlng -.tiJlel 'two women:·•nd woanded tine Waalllngton pollcoil<n to- day, then _,.jtted Al~ ... i .llame- swept ~ home. · '· A& 1111 terrorlud fellow tenants locked t.bemaelves la their fQOIDl.t the gunman held p:ilict at bl,y for more· than art bour In a qulet r¢denUal nelghborbood. The threMtory structure wu set afire, apparenl\T by t1plodln1 tear gas can- bien police lobbOd Into the bou:ie. 77,934 County Non-voters Off Election List Orance eount1 r<&IJlered voten who did not cut blllots In Jut Novanber's General Elect.ion, 77,934 of thtm, hive been removed fn:m the registratlon llsts, the secr<Wy ol --Thurs-day. Dm>ocr•IS mi llopublicOD! fared aboilt equaDy In the biennial purp ell' ried out by law uch two years after general elections. Democrats lost SS,l" voters and Republicano 11,ml. The count,..ide totol of registered vottra, seo.-in November was down to 502,151. • The pruning rallod ~ GOP advmtage In the county to 11.1 l)ueent from lut fall'• lOJ perqo!, 'lbolo .,. -1'19,790 ~ Roj>ubllew ud IOT,,11 llemocrata. . Two minor = lllo loel voler~ 'lbl Amslcui><lent Porty willcb had '·• rq111ran11 -1111 ;•u ud the p.-ud ~ Port7 cf;""""' tram 1,0ll to ... Rlpub!Jcu pins llood ool ln1h•-~ DUtrkt .. hn • detmnlood --:-esrlld .. ......cealally to ~ ltOMeth C«1 (l)(lmi... Qnm). Ill lioYtmblr lhe om-all bod I t,1111 odvlnUocn' lllcll bu --eut toi,m. Iii the Sllh ~-Dlltriel Rep. Rlcbard T. Hmll'I moqlD hes dlopped from ill,000 to lt,m. Rqiltrallon· la Ormp Oiunl1'a 2$ dU. ~ Iba -.. far .. J>lrlJ l>Crf..-ea II wi-ued. ~ hold the advantqe In II ud -.11 In 7. I When Iii.men ~ tllo blue nearly two bourl ofter the obootlng bepn, police dldleovmd the bodlea of the roOmer and tbe two women lnalde. Nearby nelghi,on bnddled In their homes, peering out ol the pltdled boWe betweon.pollce ud the man !Miele. Aaslstant Police Chief Jerry Wilson said· one ol bis vtcUms was a maid. Tilt olber waa llOl lpunedlately ldent!lled, Thi wOWlded 1p:1Ucemen -all reported In mioos contutloos -were Urted as capL John Reynolds, 48; Sgt. Robert Housebolder, fl, ud Pvt. Roland Den- nett, 29. Another policeman, capt. CMrle1 Monroe, WU bolpftaliJ<d with lnjurl.., sustained during the sbootJnc. Several other ofrtcen were treated for tear gas inb.alaUon. WllaOn Hid ot leaJt 40 INr 111 grenades were thrown by p:ilk:e and b1Dldreda of shot& fired In the dlorl to Oush out the barricaded uslllonl who dodged from noor to fll>or during the hlttJe. Front P .. e I BERKELEY ... closed morning ltssion. "The local police actually ran out "-gu. "In view ol the. aettfltles, the N1Uonll Guard was simply alerted to insurt order and protect the rilhls ol th°'e wbo want to coodoct thelr busness." Asb<tU)ia thooPt a1trt1ng 1be ~ would eocalate the rioten, Rugan oOM, "'""-people wl!o .are demoostrJllN donl 1ieed u ....,.. to ....i.te. '"111 ha• to llop ml. it' la lolril to ltop. I wlD lnlllt th&t -camlng tt are a.paroled,~ Oil UDlvmflJ." 'Ille g....-All" be thoMbt UC ,ad- mlnlstral«ll bod lcted anwlle!J by allowing rallld to be beld opin ot the Spcoul Plua In re<ont d>,YL However, he aaid be waild 1101 - the dilmlall ol Chaneell« "-lleylll. Ponntr ,._.,, Speaftr J-M. Unruh, wbo II· apedad to oeet the llsmntle . ~ """1natioa -,..,-. ml the . --pel'. the Dally Calllamlu. hovo ._;al a.aau would call 1ar the flrlnl o1 Hey111. .. "I wlD nol ull I« lllJM' -~ I don1 !mow whn. 11111 l1arlOd. "-aald thtgovtrn«. " ·Aldrich Refutes Papers' Reports He'il Ba.ck Senate UC Jrvlne Oiancellor Daniel Aldrich, Jr. was not on campus during the faculty me.ting 'nmaday, but Instead wu on the ICt:DI! of e•en. more llerious \DU'Ut al the UC Berkeley Cllllpus that 18111• day, when the Uulvtr!ily Boan! of Regents held • meeting. Before the chanctllor left, however, he refuted statements earlier this week by two newspapers which said be would aecept any decislons by the Academic Senate on the firing jssue. The ehaae•llcr told the ltudfllll Thurs- day, throogli one ol the new.papers (UCI New University) wbieh carried the &Statements: ! • "I have boea laid h1 aeveraf people that there U a general impression partially broolht about by ~kles In the Loa Angeles Timel ud !be N<w Unlven:lty, that I have made a C(l[l)w mitmenl to accept any declllons that the academic Senate may make at its meeting 'Iburaday. • .I have made no such cxmmlbnenl" 'lbe chlncd]or uJd be considered the -·· ~ "lllltlemoly IJll. portli!I anlr 111teiiir to· -':lhtm Into account, fGCtlber with ..,,. other ln- formaUoa JDade available to ~. iD an,, dedlloo I may make." l!o .JI due to ftim1i this riinlng from otrl!Hcni 8*bJe7,. Seeond-b>coimDacot UC!, Dr. Roget Ruslell, the university's yjce chancellor, w~ not comment dlrecUy o n =moetlni· . A an for hie office said the vice Dot pboDed Cha1re!llor Aldl1eh 'l'bundll' nlghr''almply to give blm the 1ac:ta relating to !be meeting." The ooun:e uld "II II o!Mous lhal U du!el are dllrupted by student demonstratcn, the rules are Very clear. They face suspenslon and arrest." Giant Plane Debut Set PARIS (UPI) -The buliden ol the Franeo • British supeaonlc jelllner Con- c:onie .........i today the llnt fiight ol the giant llr<raft Is espected to be made from ToolOUle Feb. a, weather perm!Wng. ( The sdpermarRt blut killed two univmltf llndeata and wounded an Australian mojor and eight other ~ '!llree ol the women vl<:lima were reported In lerious eond!Uon. Police -EllabD -aaid the "vile attack" wu obvloualy llnted tD the Arab guerrilla ottact' Tueaday on an laraell llrltoer In Zurich, Swlaerland. ·"Sc:mebc!dJ ltlndlna: next to me WU 'llrCullly blown to bill," llld Yosef Pollllmk, who worked beblnd the meat counter. He aaid the aplOlloll blew blm "'~· In the mpermarket building, ...... the -from the King David Hntel, Finl '-ts aaid the charge was In a llDllJ. boJ: 1bat WU planted. at the c:aka mi · eudy counter with a time fule to aet It off. But a bolpltal 1pbk°"""" aaid "llle !njUrlea Indicated that an old 911 can went up among empty bolUel at lbe rur ol the store ne.ar the meat counter. · Another package of obout two ud O bail pom>da of aplosivel WU found in a candy bos: on the wine count.er, police 1aid. It WU timed to IO off .. -after the llnt aplOllon. All Arab employ• of the supermarket wu beld for qu..Uoulng. New Oil Slick Forms in Channel ' Near Drill Site SANTA llARBARA (UPI) -A new oil slick bu appeared around an offshore drilling · platform lD the Santa Barbara Channel a half mile from where another well blew out six weeks ago. A Union Oil Co.· spokesman said the miJe.Jong allck was formed by a workboat which "wu thickly coated with oil, and was trailing ropes which'wtre satarated during the big spill." Federal officials today went to the area about five miles off the coast by boat to determine the SOW'Ce of the ntw mxle oil tt was sighted from a Coast Guard plane which flew over the area Thursday. Union aald there was no leakage from the platform. ''This is what we call a 'rainbow,' a thin ltain oo the water," he sai<L Tt>e TeOlll for Christ have been quite acUve in recent months, staging Sunday morning sit-ins in sanctuaries of the more sedate coogregatiom a n d demonstrating with placards, crosses and aymbollc yokes around Harbor Area scboo!J. Police who have arrested them for the various violations wearily ezpreas the fact that they believe aecu1ar laws have been violated and are not persecuting keepers of the faith. The Rev. Berg and bis flock believe that right will uiumpb over mlgbt ud remain -cheerful in the face of adversity as more and more jail cells have ruag :with hymns of courage. "We haven't anything concrete to report yet about legal deci.!lons,'' be ;Wd today, 1'but we're hoping for the best. Goodbye and God bless you." The jailed evangellsta arrested Mon· day, along with a 17-year-old girl released to her parents, include : Becky J. Clui1Uieb, 21 , of 110 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach. Caroline 8. "Bunie" Collicott, 19, ol 110 oc..n Ave., Hwrtington Beach.· Coutuce N. Pendugut, 19, of. UO Ocean Ave., Hwrtingtoo Beach. M9ddbte C. DonDelly, 19, of UO Ocean Ave., Htmtinglon Beach. J-pb N. Langford, II, of eo51> 10th St., Huntington Beach. Paa1 B. Berf, n, of eosin 10th st., ~Beach. Daoiel P. Welsil, 22, of 116 Main SI,. Huntington Beach. Boward E. -"'· II, of Klllulng, .l'•-Mlchoel G. Barboar, 19, of Ill Main SI., Jluntlngton Beach. Bra~ A. Greu, JS, of 3591 Howard Ave:, Los Alamltos. Rlcbard C. La Brill, 19, of 2261 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. ' '· Ralpb K. Baku, 18, of 116 Main St., Huntington Beach. James Ballesteros, %2, o! 6051h Main St., Huntington Beach. Rllpb Abmi, 19,. of Cathedral Cltr • The five teens arrested lD December Include : Nancy Dewar, 18, fi271 Myrtle St., Huntington Beach. Joutllu Berg, 19, &OSIA lotb St., Hun- tington Beach. Joseph Langford, 18, 605 10th St., Hun· tington Beach. Doaglu Toerper, II, eo5 lllth SL, Jlun- tingloo Bead>. James BW"ke, 'Z1, 605 lotb SL, Hun- tinglon Beach. , :JJ,-;,,,,~ S,,eciaf \ DEEP l\JFTED CHAIRS Truly •ft outstendin9 c.Mil: Y•lu•, fe•hlring swivel or. c•ster Nie. Also •••il•bl• with • cusforft swivel c•rier ~se, et • slight edditiOMI dt.tirg•. Th•se c.h•in must be lffn to •pprec.iet• their unusuel styling aM terrific comfort. Your choice of • wid• selectiOft of quelity febrics, smertly styled to •nchenc• eny hom .. $119:.. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE IXCLUSlVI DIALERS POii! HIN REDON -DltEXEL -HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LOMGllR TlllMS AVAILAILI ON APPROVED CREDIT NIWPORT BIACH 1721 WwlcMlf Dr~ 642.2050 ...... , 'Ill. t P1ofr11....,.I tftterior LAGUNA IEACH D•u•• MS North c..t Hwy. Avellelll1 .~D--NSID ora ,...., "11L t ..... w ,_ ...... 0.-. c.-, ... , ... I 4944551 • I • . ----~ .. ,.. .... • .. .. ~h ~ Y••lfeaemwa ' ~~·~!lper _·_ • I I •' ' -. --. . . - 7 Seeking 3 Seats on Laguija Se~O,Ol Board Two men candldates nooed put' Ille deadline wire Thunday to Die for 1- Beadl Uniifed School District School boar<! positions. A total ol seven candidates are now Jn competition for. the three opm aeats on the Laguna board. . Last minute llllnp 10< Ille 'l'UllJn Ualon High School dlatrid ....a.a Ille llal of caodidates nmnlng '"" olllce tben to JC~ u andkl•'• are now competfpc in Uil &Ill Jooquln Scllool Illllrlct. . . swa del Mot; and iDcum11<at William Wilcoi- en, lllomey, o1.-Leaion St. Addraw '"' caodldates in the Tustin Union Hilb School DIJtrlct (which in- clud" -Viejo) were not avallable r,.m ·Ille COWlb' ochl!ols eloct(\>n olfiC.. OflkJlla then IUl'm. ---•blo becaUae cNwnct.t.' qndnc..ttoa llll;Da WU .bel!!J ~ .wflh Ille rqlatrar of--. ''hltm. Ullloa ~· School cindldates •• 1· 3rd Annual Guard · Stand·s By Patriot's For UC Trouble From Wire s.rrieel BERKELEY -National Guard units, alerted by Gov. ·Reqan, DIOYed Into neighboring Oakland in.full bottle 'Pl' this morning to stand by for me lf needed al Ille Univenity ol CllllorlliL Tnlck COD'°YI rolled into Oakland on lneway ""'tes llom the -ml lliutll. ne a1Je o1 the ,_ and 111o ~ ol •tbe aalta .... llol ~ al once. · , Sixth Annual Winter Fete Fills Laguna Laguna's sixth anmW W'mter Festival Ill oil and .. tertalning today from beach to Canyon IIMJ'ltb from wine bubbles to art auction. A Friday afternoon receplllln at the Chamber ol Commttce llOOOdl ticked off the lo.day community ~ tbat will continue throogh Sunday, llardl 2. Opening Weekend eventa Include:" SATURDAY -The Patrlcll!I Parado 11 a.m.; a volleyball toomarilent at St. Catherine's School, l p.m.; free backstage tour of the Pagunt ol the Masten to demonstrate creation of the "Livirfg PictureJ" I 2 p.m. to 4; the play, "Philadelphia Here I Come" at Laguna Playhouse beginning at 8:30 p.m. All day evenL! Saturday 1t the Festival grounds frOm 10 a.m. UDtG 5 p.m. ioc1ude ice ere.am social by Americari P1dd Servi,., the Craftsmen'• Fair, pbon+ rama, aod school district art.a I: crafts baaaar. SUNDAY -St. Catherine'• School Aax· lliary pancake bruldul· al the Elk'• Lodge from 7 a.m. unW J, p.m.; Environ- mental Living Tour by 'Ameilcan ~ ol University 11'-•from 2 p.m. 'to 5; Wine Tullal· Ide 11 the Hdlel Lquna b7 the 0wnJwr Maaten ttOOi 4 p.m. unW I p.m. The all day event.I at tbt ·P'tlf.l.val gTIIWlds held-Saturday will continue 5uJ>. day from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. MONDAY -Gommet Dinner by reservation at the Hotel Llpna for $IS each, 1;311 p.m. to 1;311 p.m.; Lqun• Parade.Set Filni · F estlval Slated at F ete Laguna Winter Festival r<V<lers w-fancy rum to tbe wilds ol. New ~a11nc1, or·to Japon, «to plal!id Canadian •alleyl may lndulp their wooderluat durlnc a three-day travel film festival. Tbe flrlt ol tbe films, a double feature on New ZWand, will. be shown Wal· neodoy al 1;$0 p.m. In I h 1 Community Playbouae, Jtl Ocean Ave. All films will be abown al the some Ume and place. . The two filma are "AmulQI New Zfaltnd," a genenl vtew ol. the. country ... ··~ White Land" ... --ID tile TMIDID Glador and -field ol New Z..larwl. _Dllnlq two ... fllma will be .-.. "J .. :_-..,._ ..... ".A:Dly 18 Tokyo. , FrldaJ, tl>t ta.di•· lllma will be -,,,.,_ ate ·-'"' San FilbMl.9 ' ad ''Valllf ol the Swans." Mm..._ II • ma ad -prllea wlD be P... . . . ' •\. are~ Cb e 1 t er G. BrlDer,,tncnmhtnt; Cbarlel T. Bell. --; Cllflonl B, Boebmer, . -; Jobn .a. -. IJS1~; lln. Joo,iil L. Bymea, bouaewifei and; • 1 • • Pao! F. Calhoun, pbannaclsl; Dino A. Carkey, engineer; Ronald W. Fra .. e, college instrudor; Sylvan Kat z 1 pbygiclll; Arnold ltrtnet,, D).IOller; StaJiley L. Rolen, a1ton1ey; Hciwatd L. Sellock, ..,_ ~; llalpb L Schla_-, -lnlalrator; 1111 ·o. Ji. Smtih. boalewlfe. • - SU JOllPllft Sdiool Dllllid c:ecHd•,.. ,.,., -L a.nr,~; Cliorlel A.~.~; Pal ,. llrlin, ~·: lolMit I+ DIJnlroa, Consultant: Vlncent A. L 1 v er t y , bualnessman; 'Robert w. Livi!Joton, ... count.ant; James A. Nllloli,: engineer; Potrlcla A. Strotton, teacber; John F. Ungir, erigiDeef; &Dd1 :1.oa ¥owig, bollsewli•. now Hot College Races Set ·· ' In Last Minute Filing ·,. Eleventh-hour candidate filings for the Saddleback Junior College District have tumed the elecUon there from a lackJuster wa1t·a·way to an eight-way decathlall. Uiilll ahortly belore lbe ThUl'lday dudllne,, only two candidates had filed for 'uie two open .a1a .. 'the siddleback Board of Tl uJtees -then caine the dtlqe. Seven of the eight conte!Mnta are from the CapistranO.Dana Point region of the district which covm 41 percent or Oranp Caanty. Tboae Dlln1 lor the April I~ electioo . are George W. Ballew, gr o'a n d 1 aupervisor, 'Of S485Z Calle L o m a , Capistrano 'Beach; Patrick J. Backus, incumbent, of 33382 Bremerton St., Dana Point;, Jame.a: M .. Knapp, engine1.r, of 31171 Genado Rd., Sao Juan eap1a1r.-; and ; John E. !C.une, Marthe Corps pilot, JIO ,addma. lmniedf,,l<JY. a Y 'a j la b le ; . Hmqan G. Snodgrua, alrllile' ·Pilot, ol 33321 M,.. Vlata Drive, ·Dial ·Point ; and Hans Vogel, ·Incumbent. of UM61 Cowan HeJ~ Santa Ana .. -Art Asaoclatioo open -· 1111 Cllll llrlv•, 2 p.m. unUI 5. i:v.nta al tha Festival ftOUllCll llom 10 a.m. unW 5 p.m. Include the Oranga Caanty 5choala c:nll ahlbll and the Ctaftrmeo111'alr. .UCI faenlty Shows Split These men join previously ~lared candidates Paul Sa.Yr<, publicollona - sultant, cf 25281 Sea Rose Ct., D a a• Point and Ronald S. Steelman, attorney, of 26IKl2 Villa defMar, Capistrano Beach. Tlio Saddlebl!c~ dtatrlcl serving tl>e commimlltea ol Miiiion Viejo. Tustin, Laguno Beach, Sao Clemente, Sao Joan Caplatrpo, Dana Pnlol and Captatrano Beodl "' In l!I llrat ,... ii, -ation, It WU c:ruled by the electorate Valen- dina'•· Doy 00 when tbe· Onl truatea • Red Cross Asks For Volunteers ,,,. Red Cn>6s Soulb c-Civic . Cmt<r in Laguno Beach II IMtlng volonteen: to give 1 few bom'I a wett ct baked goodl to Marllioo ... \ Navy _..i ot Naval Jlooilllal,. cmp• Pendleton. The nest orientaUon clue for votun- ~ will be held a1 tha baopilal -It and 311. Vorom-a niaJ c:aJI tha -center to ..._. r... ...... -·-· Bahd 1ood• lar the IOlricem<n may be tlellverod ,to Ille ...... Part< Ave. from t a.m. 1111111 -dllb' .. from 1 to 4 p.m. 24 .Prof~so~s1 Wal,k Out of Meetin8 on .Firing Issrre BJ .IOllN V.&LmlllA ................ . Ami( .... .,. • .........,..,. • ......., .... b!c; -ind llnallr .. . ...ait.iit' "' In -prof-. ~ lntoe -Senate • ...., bond Ht .... a-...111 .. ~.dlrided ..... PIL ... -· ..... , _..;._· ... ~· , .111o:-.._.,.. ... tbe~ tl~a.aew· Diildi• G, Jr •• WU to have belpall -tha -- of a p-No --.. r.aiJ!l' llrlnp ••ood!,., t. Ja,,i. no ,,..;. fl-' ll'•m --1 IOll = dlapualh~ 'tlii. litat .., . prt1122:21 .. • -..... T~·----111i--,...., ... _tJCl,.ca1 .. toda1 • ..--....... -... to clecldo on ~le ,...ll'loo o1 n .... 1n ,._ IO lam the llaue and ad-..-.i.n awlillilc .'the an1Yal ol 0wwJJcr Donld Aldrich Jr. fn>m' a Boin! ol Jllpnfll meeiinf al UC Berlteley • -the lacuhJ wllI tUe: • . , ...,;-~~--.. , . ~r.P"l' ' ... --- Wirt alto eleCted. , 'lfo!rever popola~oa -teo ~le tbat the new cllalrlct mat become .., of the atale'• 1ar(ell. WEEK'S M,4.Rf,ET . ,•~:0.. ... ,1,·h WRA'PllP TODAY 1 ' . -. ' ..... Competlllon In Ille Caplalrono Unified School Diltrict mtl betweca blcurnbD Marvin Bandoil and Bob D. Hunt, • •Olhle<r. Both men are ieekini 10< Ibo·· slnb dlatllct pool which lnchidu;' Laguna Nliuel, ·M..Ch Bay and, • pGrtlon ol Sao J ... ·Capialrano, Thoaw Wlnpt, lncumll<ol '"' the lourth dlalrlct aod Frad N.,,~ in- """""" ol tbe -4lllricl, -11DOppciood; . ' aw? Marina Also " ' Denies· Tie With Russo ·· ~ol!th Piclied . Up ' .. -"; For Stereo Theft . . A Studio City youth drlvinl a - matchiq ·me med In a Lquna Bwlt. taxicab holdup was pulled over bi''•· Coast M<sa poilcmlan earb' today and • arrated, but not for -.,,. . Frederick W. WlWIDll, lf, WU boobd' for possession ol a stereo tape plaJer whlcll bad no aerial number.. a Jaw used to belp fllhl cukatio traffic In atolell Items • Questioning quickly -~ Ural Wllllama WU DCll lnvol'fed·ln ·tbe amalJ. toes stickup, said omcer Pat . Daaoliile, who stopped him .. tbe Sao D1etlO rr... way at Fairview Rold. Furtber.lnvutlptlon, however, turned upthe--.. . A I~ ...... -r..iiit would have dlind tllll aa atv, .tut be aafd be dlda\,,_ -ailllqll &e gave the . ~. ,d adcktu of • ~which allipd1J'aol!l lilm tbe lf«n, . . . Oraqe -- ) ........ : j ell \41\0T • 'Fresh Man ·- Says Sirhan Told Thr~at · ij~d~Ei!lm Ciiuncil ·n~~~ Auw D~'le 's PWa ., . ; . ' ' . ' ~i' j>llmt• _,,14:, .lo tslh!Ucal(y uJll'lde 111 dealenhlpa. ', and reminded-~'" of the rul" f · hardliDI lft defe:N .. He 11kl I.be · 8rrn wanted to 1DD1f that cover grJDtinl of variances. Ht LOt!I ANGELES (AP) - A. liepo 11rbqem1n tOltilled todOI' that Jut A,..U Slrllln Bbbara Sirba1t told him "Jin pll0 oliw. to .aboot IWO'' -nflrrlng to Sen.&~ r. ~. · Alvia Clart, Who oollocUr trlila at Sirhan'• Pasadena home, aaid the con-- v.nation took plAce .... after tho as.,•mi\IUon of. Mart.in Lu~ Jt1aC Jr. "He uted nw who ·I wu:aobll '° vote for.'' a.t aid.· 111 told 'him sei. Kennedy." Kennedy WU a cudldate la tbe CaliforD1a Democratic p r e 1 I d e a t I • l ~. Ile '!"' -~-I' after ......., tho •led'• "Whal do ,.. .... to -for tllat """'1+1> far, boco111< I'm plannlag to -him," Clarlt --u l!AYlnl. "I laid you'll ho ldJUac ..,. of the beet .,.. la the countiy. • Clark Yid he had often talked with Slrtian la the three yeers that he col· ledod lrMll al the Sirhan home. "He~il been Upl!let about the dealh of Mll'lln Luther King and aektd me bow Ibo Nqrv people !ell ibl!ul I~" Clark &aid. "You know how we feel about tt," Clark said he told him. "There wuoi one person responsJble for hiJ dealh." Sirhan, Clark aid, uked ·him what the Nqro people would do about the asa••Mtion. "Well, what ean. we do about tt!" Clark said he .... lied. 'lbal'a ,-tho -.-Keuoil!> °"""ttd, lllo-added. Emile 1.ola Betman, • -al· iomey, llked CJart 00 ClW'HQMIDltion if he had ,l<iid the FBI that hi ~ Slrtian ao ·mudl he WllUlcl ~ to ... bJm c:oavlcled. Niguel ~Loses Out In $1 Million Assess Difference . ' 111 IMS llROBACI[ Of .. DllW ....... Lquna NJcqel CarpcnUm Tbanlday •· JOit a bAttlewlth 0rqe COun:tJ ARellDl" Aadrew J. a-. "'"' the -of .. n.. pam!ll ol land on which then ... fl mllllcn dlll.._. ol opinion. A alllb parcel declllon wu taken · under oubmllalon by tbe -Ap. peall Boonl until TUeoday. ' . ~ 't:; foar lloar ~:1'U · ffliialiio;'I ........ ' ' . ' .. -~=~ .. -: and durlq "1he ' ' ' • . her ' ' ' ..;i. ilpervlloriillf w kif. . ...-yalued • al i • •. ~· • ' a. ·-~·"· iif" J Tuel undet", for 1111111 ~ td'Ibool 11$,aio',:. ,:· ;0:: · • a a ' ll'iihvalualfon& ~· oilua1 ~-.. ~. t •' " ·1• . w~ ., .... rJ!L ' .... ..,,. 11...i -· ':i..il.o. of 1aild la tbe titft NJcqel ~ a yanlsllct. Ma i!nphasll w~,:ctd by U.. ....._. on the &ate: '1>1 the carporaUoo fi.• J,3llO acres :to North, -. ~ WI ,.-;lor P,TIO,fro or fl,llt·jo ...-.. • · v .. lllmbaw'1 ~. Kent Giboney al'°' liolll!il' 10 ottitr .-, '"* a --mi·n.ooo\n ~ · The five parcels upon wblcb the board ruled in favor ~ the '&9'!112' range la llae from 134 rto 115 acn1. They me · localed eaJI d ,111 Nfluel Country Cl1lll but not nee any appmtd roadwlj'. Bell 11led as a conrpcilan 11,000 acrea In ·tiear!>y Mla&loo Viejo for '7,flf!O an • .,.. In lit!. Tbe •lxlb parcel to he ruled upon Ta e 1 d a· y 11 only, 11t -=res located at lhe iot<neclloo of Crown Valley Parkway aJlll Padllc bland Dilve. It Is VfltY ..... property calltd .......... by Btll. H1Mbaw valued II al 15,111 an act< ujl ll<ll at $1,1111. • 'l. ' DAii' PllO T .eaMH~CCMsr PU~ o:iMloAN'I' • I ......... Ji. '#f,~4 ""' ........ '"""""'"" ' J., .... c..i • ., Vb ..,..14iri .... GeM-f.O Mt<wetr ll. ... I lffYil .... fl.tM•f JI,,,. u.,, .. iRI ~ ....... 11:;,1i,,.1 P. Ntll Pe•I Niue~ L•_.. .,,_.,. A..._,lllttl City l!dltor Dltte'°' ..__Of ... I t J 2 ht•tf J...,., M•Uf~t A44f1u1 PA ... 616. tJ,S1 i °"" ...... ., 0... MtNI • llfrlt.., .... _........,, 9ftldlt ,,,, ... , ...... hllrHfd """' ....... --'i••....., -·· - l'ltltage , Qllariet of (tram Jetii° sam Stmle, Mrs. Alvin 0 . Autry, Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn Vedder and Robert Shapard preview Wiater Festival Wine Tasting party Sunday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. al Hotel ~a. Teetotaler Vedder will be on hand as observer ooly. From P .. e l UCI STRIFE MOUNTS . •• the merits of the system unde r which professors have been fired. At one polot during lhe height of the parliam~t.yy maneuvering, one IJlcully lDOtnbor .... and fiuhtd the ~ llgo inade flll!OUI by the USS Pueblo cmtmembon durlq a North Konlin,piloqraphy -..,. Vala w,.. .clmo -an cJooe, that a ...,,, of .._ ·toa1c1 not be accurat<Ty coonled. The faculty walkout ll<:Cllmd shortly after tho vote °" ~ llO;<bange r<eainmedallo1i failed. : ; ~1111!. l'rofeOi« Muir/ XreJaer rooe and -· "I ...W.. to ncoplre the aulborlly ·of this body lo vol< ·on lhll quest1'"!.!11ir:. from the ....... and all Ill and I Invite all U- wbo qree with me to do the 11me.'' He and tbe olherl picked up lhelr papen and walked oul amid loud ap- plame from wllhiD the hall and from tho lobby aulllde. Tbe ---· ..... and upuwta betwem the junlw faculty wllo lllpporlad cbaafle In -' pro- -and d!aldrnl -II cropped up .. One prdeuor uld oeveral times lo lhe llud..U, "U ,.. kid• woold have Lagana Hit-run -· ·. ~ im ' I , . 'ti.ff;,',. ), "!•,. cooled It a little bit a few months, ago, none of this -would have hap- pened." Faculty members heard emotional commenls from -'peer also, Englllb lleparlmenl Chairman D t • Huard Ad&m1, who, ·tn a quavering voice, aid any. vole In favor of i;hani• of tho -' --be consklered by me u 1 11ct of confidence in my deplrtmenl •• .'' "I ..,.U lo yoa In an elfott to defend the action ol my depatlmen~" be added. "I ~ with great emoUoo about thil, ... ',fOU CM tell, bec11• I broulht all tbeae people In my department here. I believe 1n them.~· · The gr<IUP< llnaJly clecldtd that • vol< .on the watered down motloa for review ol the flrlng policies be IWn by mall over a »<1aJ period. The mall voto, boWev•, met with lltUe ~from lbe -I onkd<m, ""° clema-....... lmmedlately, ... llud o1 In 10 llaya. Ford, at lbe beigbl of the futw, told the ...... .. the lleep-pltcbed .... pltheater that evm lhougll the profeason wallttd ou~ they canno< formally rutcn from the aenate unles they realgn from the unlvenlly aJtocelher. One note of irony Clllle u the family wearily and J!u!UJ ajoun>ed. -~lh'*1ca!IP*""""'umenl-..... came · fn quietly and opened Up lbeir -On:be!lra practice ICbeduled for the lecture ball WU atlrting 15 mlm¢t1 !ale. • ' pn> ona Of. lhe art . .colOOl''I ' some of Ill sign 11lowan<:e from BOicb aid these were OQ.l lu!Uqi.d. · alsn ~ • · · · · • · Street lo the Broadway frontqo. · · •Ootmcllman Rla.td· Goldberg, a no, 414,w_-a.1utllUl lo tumfll& O • ...W .. Stepbw, pruldent ol South MPoae1ma•, aid Iba-city Is trying dowo an appeal from l5oalh Ooul Moton. Cout Moi<lra, aid he had f'IQ,000 worih to conduct a .u,nJng program "that will nie llnn bad aj)pelled a p1annlng ol,Uled can he~ not sell. set us apart and be •estJietloeUy pleas- -.ilaalon denial ol Ill JIC!lltll lo He •id he ~-Ilk• ...,. help and Ing.'' , ' deviate from lfan ataodardL Tile-;?• ~ed U.. pilufblllly lbel· lie lll!PI . · Vice M-J-h O'llUtlivan &aid he deallrl had afked a ., ....,. [9ol • bM'e IO wholtl1ol<k the cart. S!ep6iu i\ell..., the cily·lli• ordinance is one sip alJowanci on Br-ay~ n.. said.JI be dldn'fr.c.lve the _...iallYI ..• oLfbe be.II la Ille mill"'I. . ordbiance would allow 1 mulmum of arlotment he woold have fo ~ signs Councilman Roy Holm viewed the lita · 150 lqUlf't fett. on Beach Stm:t IDd Ocean Ave!Ue fron.. Uon as a matter of law and said he Wiiler Brooks:, 1 t.4onlr1ctor for the tage as well u Broadway. felt the.. cooncil would be opening • Fcird · lf&ntn1 Jln>ll'llll, Ale! the cor-·cart JotiMoo, •prisldent ol tho Llgui>.l Pahdora's boz ~ tt beion lo 'lllow cum· porallon Is la a national Ima&• pn>gram Beaclt Civic ~ ·~ ~ appeal ulative llgnlng. l'Htll P .. e 1 BERKELEY ••• police IDd overturned C1n ):D wfi4 meleea that rqetl from Unlveratty Hall. where the regmta JMt, aCZ"OI the campus to Sproul Hall Plaza. TodQ' a aquad of 100 oltlCers guarded Unlvenity Hall when ~an arrived hi bb llmoualne. A few 1tude11ta were lli t/le .... ~ irt.lh two pl~ from lbe &irlking Amu!can Fedmtlon of 'I'llchers. A Nation1l Guard jeep w a s parked nearby on •. 1lret:t next to the camws. A hall mile •WOI' al Sprool Hall, police witched a few dozen student and teacher pickets on the plaza. "We did have to call in some gu unlll.lrom the~ yellerday," n.a&"an told newamen before uterlng the regent.!I clooed mon)ing ....ion. "The local Police actually ran out of 1u. "In view of lhe a~Mila, tho N11lonal Guard wu simply alerted to lnmre'ort'ler and protect the rights of those who want to conduct thtlr hlsnes1." Asked ll he lhougbt alerting the guanl WO~ eoca!ate the rfolen, lieqn aid, "Tboee peeple who are· demoi>alrating don't need an excuse to escalate. This hu to atop and It ii going lo &top. I will inalat that those causJng it are separated from tho unlverally." . The 1overnor uld be thought UC ad• mlnlatnlon had actod unwltely by allowing rallies to be held again at U.. Spl"Oul Pilla la recent days. However, be uid be wwld not aeei tbe dlmii111! of Chancellor Roger Heym. Fonner Aale:mbly Speaker Jease M. Unruh, wbo Is Upeeted to ... 1< the Democ:ntl<j gullemaloriaf' nonilnalion nest year,.and tho-~· ibe DatI,y ~ ~ raporfed Reqan wonld call for ll\! firin& of He)'lll. <\' "I wlD not ad: for H~ dlnnlw), I dQll'I know •Iler• this .ir;&ed." aid the .... emot · "· • ··~ ' ! *-fr* *** Council Approves 2nd ' LagunnAmbulanee Firm A ~ ambulanci!: service ~s been Jlcensed In Laguna ·Beach where city emergmcy calls are femwrarlly being 1.MWeitd from El two. · •. Cou~en Wednuday . approv~ . a busini!:U 'license for emergency am· , bulance operation sought by Wind Sickroom Supplies, 1857 S. Co a s t Highway. City Manager James D. Wheaton said La Pat Ambulance Service would con· tinue to handle city emergency calls until the city makes a permanent ar- rangement Wbeajon said he had received one ambulince service proposal, another wu '" ;lhe mill and a third 'wis "be!iic ~-' Tbe dty formerly subaldized Marty's Ambulance to handle the clty e.merg~ncy calls to the extent or $200 mqnthly, However,~ the owner of the firm aid he lost aboiit . 11,000 · lo 1161 'for city emergency calls th1t were ftot eol· lectab]e. In other buaineas, the council : -Backed the County Local Agency FonnaUoa Comml&IJon in seeking funds , for 1 full-time eucutive officer to U· ped.lte the qency'1 growing workload. -Approved an aireement wllh lhe Veterans of Fore.lgn. Wars and American Legion to lgain baM!e parking acrou from · the Festival of Arts but l"Uer.Yed 17 parkhlg spaces for Festival w;e. -AutborJJed a procedural protest with the Depiutment o( AJcoboUc Be\terage Control ol a nt• betr IJ1d wine lictru18 for Ship Ahoy, '80 S. Coast 1Dgbw1y, ::O~bt ~.:a".'"1-'l'f permit restroom at Crescent Bay. -Called for bids for remrfactng Dla- mon8 street from South CoaBI HJghway lo 'a jloint 700 !eel norlheasl<rly of Catalinl Street and for Bluebird Canyon Drive from South Cofst Hlghway Lo Summit Drive. -Authorized an agreement with Boyle Engineering Co. to prepare plans for sewering the westerly portion of Arch Beach Heighi.,. New Oil Slick Forms in Channel Near Drill Site SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -A new oil alick has appeared around an offJhore drilllDg plaUorm in the Santa Barbara Channel a hall mile from where another well blew out six weeks ago. ' A Union OU Co. spokesman said lbe mile-Iq lliei was formed by a workboat wblch "was thickly coated with oil, arNl was trailing ropes which were saturated during the big spill. >I Federal officlal3 today went to the area about five mile.s off the coast by boat to determine the 30urte of the new crude oil It wu sighted from a Coast Guard plane which flew over the area Thursday. Union said lhi!:re was no leakage from the platform. "This is what we call a 'rainbow,' 1 thin &taln on the watu,'' he said. :~y.1,·· ct to M'-· .. :<l:~ .~. '""'n ~ #.J:e.~ :tJ diu..i lhe llQiiljf>ftli!C!e wlld· ., ..... l ffippieChurchTeensKeep -PUied to leCOJld reeding surfing ordinance amendments that will maie It poaalble far iurfers to aarf all day. this summer ln thrM dealgnated areu. · -Agreed despite the mayor's dissen- ting vot:e to change the name of a new section of C8jon Street to Cajon Terrace by ordinance • De Gaulle Sets Summit Meet \Colla M• ··lodaJ before llnl1ly ............ """' endtd tbe ~;-:_1 .. '. ~~ •• , •• of 1117 Sonia ,...,., A9e., Coolji ....... WU arTetted ,1 ~~ -llQll.~.-..i on IUlpiclon ol_nil and (111 dnmken driving. Officer ;ISZQea;·wq,,.r lll'dfd the carpenter to pull_ ,hla .~ 1~ on l'airview Road al wu.. . .aeat alter the orialaal Jllinuera alpalled with blink· Ing headllgl!ll for bis help. Vlcllm Lprl)' T. Smith, U, '!f. l~ Anaheim Ay:J., Colta.M~. fttatildown. Philip C. Je)lka, •33, of 21409 llll\Jlll Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, after a crash at an intt:rseeUon. Smith said the truck' d'r l v en by Swangter wu ~stopped, over · the cen- terline of Anaheim Avenue 1t Center Street as the driver stood beside the v1$fcle, 80 he stopped a1so before driving around. He told Police the other driver ap- parently wu unable to flnd a 1e?Vice slaUon rest room open at that predawn hour. Before he coald drive around the Pork· td trock, bowem-, he Aid lbe driver got back tn. started It up, and the t:wo vehlclea:. celllded; Refusing to gift 11111 ldentlflcallon, he &aid, the other -....... off wtthoot beadllghls and ran <top lllna and red tlgbls -.. the """"' tralllc lanes during the aubeequenl clwe. Jenks and Smith aid they pursued th• driver later tdenUfied u ~'lan&i<r all over that aide of town bOfO!" fe\llnl Officer Wqner'1 atten«on on, Falrvfew Rood. Mrs. Mackintosh Succumbs at 83 ' ' ' -:!--'llacklntoob, woll \lition Dua Polol clubwot!wi, died '~ at h • r home, 3*I Diana DrlW. an.r d 'llln"' ol IOftraJ months. lllie' wu' ll ' \,; I ·"'1talloo ma7 ~-Y or ~· at the Sbolfer Lquna B<11clt Mllrtlull)' Cl\a(leL '· • Mn. Ma<klntoob, bM In ScolllM, came lo Amalea la lllL She had -bloo • raldenl ol Dela ""1nl dnce ,... ' She waa • member ol the Dana Point w ..... •• Club and llaqhter ol the BrUlsb Empln. SUrrtvon lnclud•Jler ,..., an, qi Dana Polol; two alilen, Molllt Marris, Ellubelh Wrftht; a brolh«, John Cit· tanaoh, all o/ Vancouvtr; anil one ....-. llllerment wm be at Fllrllavtn l£emoda1 Part, <nnp. r "' ' ' ,, -Iruitructed the city attorney to draft a resolution authored by Councilman Charlton Boyd which will turn the ex- isting library are.a into a park. LONDON (UPI) -President Charles de Gaulle has promised a summit meeting ltlth Prime Mlnist~r Harold Wilson to discuss creation of a four-power "European directorate" lo replace the existing Common Market .setup, Wormed dlplomaUe sources disclosed today. Preaching Behind B~s -Ameo<!ed the bu&lnus ~ .. code to lessen the charge for pool tables. By ARTHUI\ II. VINSEL Of .. ~ PNlt ltlff A courf-appolnled public defender to- day challenged the constitutionallty of charges on which IS mWtant Teens for Christ crusaden: are imprisoned while awal~ jury lrfal ,,. 37 daya. Unable to nlae 115 ball apiece alnce their roundup in Costa Mesa during a junlor high school campus demonstra- tion Monday, the 1.2 men and four girls are held at Orange COUnty Jill, still carrying on their work. Winos, bad check writers and traffic offenders allke are hearing qt.In and again the saving qualities of the Cbrfatlan w1y, while the 16 youths rema1n with them behind bars. Doubtlw, they will continue their evangollzlng of Inmates ol the ob:..tory, fotfreaa.llke oew jail unW Hallelujeb MornlDi come1 In the lonn of a courf decr..fon or pennies from heaven lotallln& 11,IMO la bail. "The judge Is going to hear a mollon this afternocm to re!eaae tbem all on their own ~." said Deputy Publi< Defender Jamea Lang. Judge Calvin Scbmldl urallDed the Rlf«yled ChrlsUan revolut.lorwie1 TUes- day in Harbi>r Distrfcl Judicial Court and fiaUy refuoed to reduce the 155 ball to a mere promise to appe1r. The ml!lllBI mlsaiooarfes have pleaded innocenl to thtee separate count& in- volving street obstruction, 1 c b o o I disturbance and failure to disperse, wilb April 1 set for jury trill. ''Thal Judge Sclunldt aeemed to bavo , . I Minority; Groups . -. M~g Topic ' ' . "~ · ol Mioort1y' ·G.._. la, Educatlooal ·Syaleml," Is the topfc"'ol Wallace Cavill Santa Ana lawy .. , --ter al the M~ Meeting ol lbe Laguna Beach -Club. The .,..P wUI gather al tho Lqloo Hall, 311 Lq1oo Stl<el al I p.m. for a ,.gu1ar -UO,. A aoclal boar wUI ldlow. oms haa Ileen acttva la mlnortl!' -wwt In $Ula Ana and haa -tnvohod In lltipllon ~ tho -ty l'OUPI. ~10, M- Amulcan llludeolL i. ' ' a hlrdbolled attitude toward u.s tht minute wt entered the courtroom," Rev. Dave Berj, the 49-year-old Teens for Christ &J>lrilual advl!er aid Tbund.ay. His two sons, firebrand tieutenant.!I of Ibo group boadquartued al ~ Golpe! Light Club, 110 Main SI.,' llunltngton Beach, are Involved In today'• case and also an earlier one. ·r -Approved a hike in fees for variances and other . pluming. m~tten over the dissenting vote of Councilman Richard Goldber(. -Dderftl!d 1ctjon~ for 31 da)'• on the planning commlssion recommendation that a variance granted Allen Oldsmobile- Cadillac be revoked. -Called for bids to cmstract a public The four members, he suggested 1hooJd be France, Britain, West Germany and llaly. He suggested they should fonn an 1'innei: council" of a European political usoclatioa. L E & JS :Jetruar';f Special) DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS Truly •ft ovht•ttdin9 ch•ir value, fHturht9 twiYel or caster b.K. Aho eYail•ble wrth • cu(ton1 swiY.t . ca,ter. Nse, •t • Slight •dditiortal • clMrge. TJ.ese dteirs mu•t b. s•eft to eppreclete their unu,u•I styling e!MI terrific comfort. Your choic• of a wide selection of quality fabrics, vnertly styled to enchenc• a ny home. $119:C. COMFORT & SrYLl: AT A REASONABLE PRICE '' ' ( IXQUSIVI DEALERS FOii: HEN llDON -DllEXEL ~HERITAGE 90 DAYS NO fNTIUST-LONGll TlllMS AVAILABLE ON APP.aVED CUDIT ' ' NIWPOIT llACH 1727 Wealcllff Df•642a50 ..,.. ..... , 'ftL' • '. INllRI01$ PNfz i hNI tm.rtor 0.1...,. Aftl!aM1 AID-NSID l LAGUNA llACH :14.S Nonh CoW Hwy. OPllf ,.fDA T "nL t 4M.65St • • I f ' ! • I ' , f n 0 ' r h I I t I I ' I I • . . ....... y '1i.OT :J • Jerus.al ·m BomDedz- • . . 1 ' Bliut K,ills. 2',]~ish Students, 9 .Hurt · · JERUSALEM .(AP) -A powerful u· ploolon rlJIPOd 1ljrGuCI! Jio;uaal<m'o bl&· 1est oupemwbt today,, killing lwo Y""'1i /ewllh · -.nh and ' woundliig • • J * olJie oll>er -A ·IN<tl•I l"•emnlenl 'o~o1 , lilimtd 11be itu.it . "!' Arab •'ovemm~ •. ' · • • . ~ " ... . . A few ·houri· ofter Ille bid, ·Gideon Rafael, dti~al of .. is r a e I' 1 Foreign M~ declared : · · · "The terror -oi-ganiz.atioos are nothing but lrreguJar J~~of Egypt,; Jerdan, Lebanon and Iraq and all the countries which allow' tbein to 'optr<ite from Lhelr territory. ·•They are acting on a wide front 1 from Zuricl:I to Jeru3alem, from. Athens to Gaza. Thls front is a long one, but our arm Is loogu $\Ill. ' . "Tbele orgllilr.aUOl'lJ wou1d have no virtually. blowQ to bita," aid Yosef Po!Niuk, 'w\i! worked' behind tlle inut colµ\ler, Ho said Ille eiploti.li blew him ' ' w •• over. . , , in ' the suJ)errltar'ket ~·across \be · meet· Iron· \be K._,.Da\'\d Hotel, Fitst .,.""'"' •Ille! tl>e1 ~ was lo a llNll;' bOl ..tllat ...... plan1'd al the cw and i ....-· .... ter. wilh a time fuse to tet It oU. Bill a 1hospital ' spokwnan said · fl!e lnjurla lodlcoled that 'an · old oil can wtnt1-~ 'among • t • 1 , I .1 emply bolUa II Ibo n'ar ol tI>e· stara near: tbt mul ~· _ Aqojber ~ " ~ 1..., ud a ball pouodt ol aplollvtl •aa !!Mind lo a , candY bOI oo. the .me count.:1 police said. 11 -timed I\) p 1111 .. bOur alttr !lie fJiJ( uploolon. • An Arob emj>1oye of the llJPOnn•.rnt was heh! for qUeltiohJnc. • 1 broken glass and groceriei; were ·splat· tered all over ~ walls and Doors. All the wtndow1 were blown OU(. . • I . . . Irvine Heiress ·Clainls F oun:dation 'Mismanaged' SHOW OF HANDS IN UCI ACADEMIC SEl'IAT, .M EETiNG MARKi L'ENGTHY; coti";~si'~si'is'/<iN Issue of Moratorium on Profes10rlal"Flr1nts Stlll Clouded 'J.ft1r Sformy·Ga...,Flnt , ~ t' chance to exist. or to act, or even to train without the help of Arab gpv,..ernment.s who give them maleritl ana moral IUppCll1,' said, Rifael, Who escaped unscathed from o Arab ittack on-. an Israeli jetliner ... ln Zurich, $witzerland three days ago. WASHINGTON (UPI) -A shapely heireSs to a mulU-mlWon dollar fartune charged tOday a billion dollar Califom'8 foundation ... with "sell dealing and mlsmanagement." , , oomea that the ~ames Irvine FoundaUon fs removed from the control of the Irvine 0xrrpany that my stock will be worth $1 mlllion'11per share," ahe uld. This 'would• make ber: .stock in 1he com· . ~ . . . Mi:s. Joan Irvine Smith told the House W8'y!' and Means Committee that the - Irvine Foundation was '• being mismanaged '' under Its president, N. pany valiJed ~11180, million. . • I •i• • ' Truman Hit By Flu; Noiv Doing Well AI.dricl1 Refutes Reports He'll Back UCl's Senate The supermarket blast killed two university students and wounded an Australian major and eight other persons. Three of the women victims were reported in serious condition: Police Minister Eliabu.Sasson said the "vile attack" wu obviowiy linked to the Arab guerrtlla attack 'l'iiesday on an Israeli alrllnu in 1.urlch, Switierlan~. Loyall McLaren. . ·Mrs. ~mitb~ a 35-year-Old blonde who lives on a Middleburg, Va., hunt-c\)Untry farril, ls a minority stoc~lder . in the lryine comp~. a lai:ge real _e,tate and agriculture firm in Loi Angeles. The major atoctb:llder in the . com pan)' la the Irvine FoundaUon. Mn: Smit.bi charged that Mclwen rules· Ole board· of' dirtctors and tbt management of the Irvine Compa11y with "the ruthless tactics and strongarm methods of a dictator." ' · The committee 'ls investigating the tax free status of varloua foundallotis. Mrs. Smith endorsed a treasury pro- posal made 'M!veral years· ago thtt all foundations divest themselves of more than 20 percent of ~ in any company. KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) -Fonner President Harry S. Truman, stricken dring the night with an intestinal nu, was reported "resting comfortably" and ''regaining strength" today, doctors said. The Bf.year-old former president was hospitalized shortly after midnight suf· (ering from "acule gastroenteritis." This morning's medical bulletin said "family physicians attending Mr. Trwnan have further defined his ailment as simple gastroenteritis nu e11.used by a virus. They state he has improved and is steadily regaining strength. His hospital stay is expected to be 1 few days." 'Ib.e statement said Truman slept wetll after his admission and was awakened early for a routine check of temperature, puJ se, respiration and blood pressure. "He is on a liquid diet which is routine . for his diagnosis, pending rontinued im · provement. For breakfast he ate a small amount of j~llo and drank some hot tea. "He has been out of bed and has read the newspaper this morning," the statement said. Trumai:i wa8 taken by ambuJance, without police escort , to Research Hospital at 12:10 a.m. from his home in nearby Independence , Mo. A physician at Research. Hospital described gaBlroenteritis as "an ln· nammation or the lower stomach and bowels." Symptoms of the illness, he said, are nausea and vomiting and ils dtD'alioo 11 unpredictable. Tustin Youth Hmt in Wreck A Tustin youth is in crilical condition today following a spectacular accident in \\'hich the car he was driving plunged off the approach to the Jefferson Street bridge in Anaheim and into the Santa Ana River. · Police said Charles W. Grigg Jr., 13. ol 13461 Elizabeth Way, evidently did not realize that the road narrowed on approach to th.e bridge. His car hit the curb and continued on to knock out a fence and barricades and flew about 100 feet through the air. Grigg was ejected just before the car hit the muddy river bottom but the vehicle fell on him. ' UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel Aldrich, Jr. was not on campus ~uring the faculty meeting Tburlday, bul . instead was on · the sceoe of even more serious unrest." at the UC Berkeley campus that same day, where tt>e University Board of Regents held a .meeUng. Before the chancellor left, however, he refuted statements earlier thJs week by two newspapers which sakl he would accept any decisions by the Academic Senate on the firing issue. The chancellor told the sludeot::. Thurs-- day, Utrough one of the newspapers (UCI New University) which carried the statements: "I have been told by several people that there is a general · impression partially brought about by articles in 77,934 County Non-voters Off Election List Orange County registered voters who did not cast ballots in last November's General Election, 77,934 of them, have been removed from the regirtration list.!, the secretary of state announced Thurs-- day. Democrats and RepubHcans fared about equally in the biennial purge car· ried out by law each two yean alter general elections. Democrats lost 36,153 voters and Republicans 35,096. The countywide tot.al of registered voters. 580,886 in November was down to 502,V52. The pruning raised the GOP advantage in the county to 12.6 percent fropi last fall 's 10.9 perti!nt. There are now 2'10,790 registered Republicans and 2 0 7 , 3 I 6 Democrats. Two minor parties also lost voters. The American Independent Party which had 7 ,059 registrants now has 5,1$81 and the Peace and Freedom Party dropped from 1,091 to 656. Republican gains stood out in the 69th Assembly District where a determined campaign was carried on unsuccessfully to defeat Assemblyman Kenneth Cory (0-Garden Grove). In November the Democrats had a 9,302 advantage which has now been cut to 6,677. 2 Killed, 3 Wounded Before Man Shoots Self WASHINGTON (UPI) -A shotgun- wiekling man killed two women and wounded three Washington policemen to- day, then committed suicide in a flame. swept rooming house. As his terroriied fellow tenants locked them.selves in their rooms, the gunman held police at ba y for more than an Draft Dodging Charge Dropped A Capistrano Beach man has been cleared of charges or draft dodging with a federal court judge's acteptance of hi! plea t.hal he was sick and unable to comply with the draft order. Judge William Gray dlsmi.lsed charges of vh>lation of the Se.lective Sernce Act filed qllnst MJchael Price Donahue. 20. He noted in his Los Angeles; .court decWon th.at Donahue would be willing to report for Army duty when be recovers from hepatitis. • AwalUng sentencing on Iden l I ca I charges is an Orange man who was arrested with Donahue. Paul Stephen Dubois, 20, was found guUty last Jan. n and must return to court Feb. 25. hour in a quiet residential neighborhood. The three-story structure was eet afire, appareliUy by erplodlng tear gas can· lsters police lobbed into lhe house. When firemen exUnguisbed the blaze ~rly two hours after· the shooting · began, police didscovcred lbe bodies of the roomer arx! the two women inside. Nearby nei&bbors huddlfii in, lbeir homes, J)eerinc out at the· pitched batUe between polioe and the man inside. Assistant Police Chief Jerry Wilson said one of hi.I victims was a md.id. 1be other was not immediately ldenUfted . The wounded policemen -all reported In seriOWi conditlOM -were listed as Cspl. John Reynolds, 41; Sgt. Robert Hooseholder, 32, and Pvl Roland Den- nett, 29. Another policeman, Capt. Charles Monroe, was hospilaliud with Injuries ltlStalned during the shoot.Ing. Several otber offJcen were treated for tear 1u inhalalioo. Wi1lon said at least tO lear 1a1 grensdes wtre throwo by police and hundred& or •bq\I fired In the effort to Oush out the barricaded M!lllant who dodged fttm floor to noor durtng the battle. ' ' t~ Los Angeles Times and the New Unlftrlliy, that I hive made a com- mitment to accept any deciaiom · that the academic Senate may make at its meeting Thursday.··.· .I have. made no such commitment." • The chancellor said he cons.idered the senate's deliberations "i!ilre'meJy im· · port.ant and ~ntend to take thelm into account, together with any other in· formaUon m.ade available to me, in any decision I may make." He is due ~ return this evenin~ from strife-~rn Berkeley: Second-in-command .rat UCI, Or. Roger Rulsell, the wtlverslty's y-ice chancellor, would not comment directly o n Thursday 's meeting. . "Somebody standing nei:t to me was Senators Give Ted Williams Million Bucks WASHINGTON ( A P I Tho Washington Senators reached agreement Friday on an apparent million-dollar con· tract for Ted Williams as fl}anager of baseball's blge.!lt losers. The Senator. ICbeduled a newt ~ (ererd to ·introduce Williams a s manager and part-owner of the last·place America~ League team. "[ am certain that when the day 2 Newport Yachts Finish 2nd, 3rd in Miami Raee Two Newport Beach yachts were SC· cond and third across the finish line in the Miami to Lucaya in the Bahamas yacht race Frtday. The American Eagle er.-the finiah line flrtt but lbe Toucbe apporenUy won the race on corrected time . Touche. the Temptation, 57.foot yawl sailed by James B. Briggs of Waukegan, Ill.; Salty Tiger, 47.fool yawl sailed by Frank Powell of St. Petersburg, Fla. Bay Bea, 4g.foot sloop of P. E. liq· gerly or Dall~. Tex.; O,,kahya, eo.root yawl owned and skippered by L. Henry Reed Jr. of West -Palm Beach, Fla., and lnfemo, SS-foot sloop owned and aalled by James P. McHugh ol CNcaeo. . A sppkesman for his ofllce said the vice chancellor phoned C h ll n c e I I o r Aldrld! Thursday night "s1mp1y 1o Iii•• him the facts relating lo the meeting." The source said "It Is obvioua that if classes are disrupted by student demonstrators, the rules are very clear. They f~ ;8~ion and. arreet."1 . . . The club withheld any formal an- nouncement ol. WiUiams' appcllntment, but inside SOOJ'Wi reported the. Halt of Fame hitter was preparing to fly north from Florida to attend the· news conference. The Touche, sailed by Dr. Herbert Virgin Jr. of Miami, Fla., was fourth to finish but nee omclals Aid the 41-foot s~ appeared the leader on corrected Ume . Behind the American Eagle and Kialoa II came Cbubuco, sailed by llO!rHukell of Newport Beach, Calif., came the The Rogue, 41.foot sloop salted by Don 8. Wittentitrg of Cblcago, WU dimwled but·the Coaal Guan! ropor1ed she was proceeding iDto Gra(ld a,Mma and there were no i:Qjur\es. MRYTHINO MUR . ' .GOI ,, I> EVERYTHING . . IS ON SA.LE ! ! I DRESSES I ... I _,_o_P_·s_f I .1acKETs I 14.99 22 .99 SALE R•9ul1r SALE 4.99 ... ' .. ' 1'99 R•9ul1r SAU -6.99 ....... 3.99 . ' ' ' ' ' 4.99 ...... ' 7.99 12.99 . ' ..... 6.99 39.99 .. ' '. ' 10.99 6.00 ' ' •• ' . ' 2.99 ' 14.99 ... ' .... 4.99 I • O.W N'S 22.00 ...... 11.99 ... ------ 24.00 ' •• ''' 14.99 6. 99 .' ' • ' ' ' . 4.90 I c A p RI s I . 30.00 ...... 21.00 -----I S~ftRS 1 , I 8.99 ....... 3.99 . _ ROllS _ 10.00 ' ...... 4.99 10.99 .... ·~" 7.70 12.99 ...... ' 6.99 16.99. : •.... 7.j9 20.00 ...... ,,14.00 16.99 '.'' ' '' 7.99 29.99 . ' .••• ll~ff .10:99 ••.. ' .• 7.70 Marian's 14 IWllKIH llWID NIWPOIT CINI• ' 11L9'110MI ... 2''2 MIWPo.T .CIC. CAL!f. ... • , • CC..11111111 ., ..... Hflt ... , St•lo Rtp. John W. Don•ld- reportecl Wday that a conslltuenl's leUer bearing one three cent stamp, two one cent Stamps, one half cent .tamp and one trading stamp was ..Stlivored promptly lo his office in Indianapolis. • U the person who stole what be th...,pt wu a televilion set in Se- attle tutDa it on he'll get a Je&son In remedial reading. "It will flash so~~g like the word 'horse' on the IC1ffn and say, 'Here i& the word hone.' Then II will tell him how to apell 'horse'," Gerald Stfm- sonr developer of the device, ex .. plained. 'lbe machine, called an audioscan, looks like a minJature TV set, but actually ts the proto- type model of a touch-response de- vice that teaches retarded children lo read. • Five •undrtd student& wUl dtmonrtrote Mzt wtk ot Lung Beach Stott College 1'" no other recuon than mont11. The 11outha will participate in o "mob" 1Ct11t' for a movie being produced bu Carlo PontL TM11 wiU be paid 120 a day thro"Oh tht five-day shooting schedule. Director Michelangelo Anton.- ioni issued tM: colt' for "long· haired or beard-wearing" 1tu- denta to mo:lce the sequence "rt~ ali.!tie." The movie is titled "Zabri.ski Point" and is about the adverttdng fndmtry . • . Visions of loot may have sus.- talned burglari as they hacked, sawed and smashed their way lhrough-a· tin and wood roof and two wooden ceilings of a Fort Worth druptore. Then they broke through-through the marquee of the &tore, eztending three feet out 0ver the 1ldewalk, thal i!. • ' Thi•VI!!· wllo •tole a 11,440 ~ 1!J1J from a chemical ilctory. 4"1> ed put _.....,,..,Ille c~ England Worlfen at the pllllt ·11 they made their getaway: Tiler thieves taunted !!'• surprf,ed workers by Yelllpi, "We've· ·gol your wages.'' They then ran ~- · • 1 Thf.t batch of U.S. soldiers looks an11thing but rested as thet1 wait at a Sf/dtlt't/, Auitrclia afrport for a flight back to Saigon. The soldiers, f"ecuperatina from their rest a11d f"tcreatlon lecuie--Qot an.',1:2'tra day of rest 10hilt their plant's toil was cltecked jor damage foUowing a •torm. Sirhan 'Life 1'for G:uilty; _Plea Refused • • Judge A~its R-elMsing In(ormation . ,A~u~ Sugg~wd .~kange LOS ANGIW!:ll (UPI) -Slrbu II, -· Gnni Cooper ~ ror . • fonnltloo coatalned In tbe Loo AnceJtt Cooper told --be WU•lllf!il I •• Both ..., .... and prosec:ullon danied Sirhan II •IJl!q to llO to~ for -..... _or --'GI... Tlm•a llory ,,,. ~ ..-.......... -·lodlcalq bt' ltll-lho .' iMy Wlft the ....... " lho Ofllln•I lire bul he dOa DOI Wiiii lo llll<e Illa eller to ploild .PlllY. ~ 0 • • • • ~' ,_., ' lfory, drrled In Ibo Times • monlh -•l\h. a jury " loin& to· lho ·-daoled Ula IDOlloiL ,,,. JudP Walts • lllY"ll' • • ' ,..... YU -emir. ~ -... ~ I poulble "deal" WU "' Ibo gu chambef. · allo nftaled lhlf' ·he _.uy wu , "WeU, kl me Ill' lbal I P•• -bad no dellN to ......,. tbe .matler • ·. ' . The. -killer GI Sen. Robert Ille ~ or a 0 m • 4 .tbe Inf°"""""' or lhal Inf~ oul llll'!"lf· I i.tl· fUrtber and, WU not """"""' 'Wllter ': ' -llald li WU Illa opinion the F. K"'""9df offered In plead aulll1 to •-1lie ~ · ctwip ol ptea~ lban Ille plea,l>ld -ottered *"I lhould be nmoved •. pn:aldloa' "'~ ltU came from 1Ji8t. Atty. Ev.U. J. a cbaJ1t GI 11n1 degne man1or ... ~ Coooet ~. Walm w11b ,._ I bad reluaed lhe plea but lbal I w~ . lhe trlaL , y.._, lie objectad str.....,.ly to the be bad Ibo~ llien ...ui ·be duc!"•but Aid be <OrtaJnl1 """"'.bol lake a pita on flnl de,,... (murder) ,Tbe lnnlcrjpl allo nvealed that tialcrlptof1'1lurado7mornln1'1sea~on no death _.,. . -pl to_ tbl _ Jllr1A,_,. lllil that lbe jury CGOld try the penalty. 5trbaa per9"ll1 wanted to enter lbt belna r<leased. "It .spread& Ute rlPl'les S!I"'"°' C0Urt Juqt H'"°" V, ed fnlm boar!;,, lht• ,.g,ilndfr Iii lbt "I fell ll 'b ad leUed ou~ lbe other plllJ plea. . ' • (O 1 n I ou~" Cooper .. id. "Your very walker rejeded the "comproaUe'' and tr1al. 1 • half, .-1 1. W"1ted them to hi.,. 1be "HI' did waat to en!er· • plea to Objective is to feed it." onlered lhe trial to proceed. Tlunday an.r-Walter made ifbole GI Iha~" Walter llald In lbt' f1n1 dolne'-willl lire (Im-Deptdj' DiJt. Atty. LyM Compton said The "plea berlalnlng" WU officl•lly pubUe 1be -pl " lbe cloted tranacrlpl ol the...... ~ u lbt ..-llY>. but be clldll'I be did DOI ... Ill!)" noon wbJ IUCh coolimlid 'l1lllildl1 when the Judi~ ~ "I Ullin (charC•) your honor doiq wanl to ..i.r ~ plea wtlh lhe IUQ<llJon mati.n should be tepl oecret from tbe made poblle Ibo -pl of a ....t II nveoled. that the Judie llimaelf thal u mllcoaducl," Cooper llald. I made u lht ._..i ladlcalel," Wa!W prus, but Cooper shot beck, "Plea sessionlahladlllnbertatwblcbdtr-wu tbt aource ol aome GI lbt 'lit Bui aftel' court reCOlled Tbundal', uJd. barpiolngalwaysis~" ' ' Big Red Attack Seen by A·hrams SAIGON (UPl)-.The U.S. commander In VlelnaJ11. Gen. cr.tchton w: Abrams, said today there wu 11.musive'evidence" that the Communlm woWd launch a new offensive. Gen. Abrams said, however, he dkl not think there would be a JMjor attlck on Saigon, altbooP be eaid tlie ctty might be shelled. . ''There II mu.Ive evidence that lhere will be an offensive, or at leut they want to launch one," the &ener.al said during: a visil to 9th Infantry Dlvllion headq'qartllra. at Doq Tam, 11 mne. soulhwal or SS!goo. "They (!be Communista) jUBt want to show they are omnipresent," Gen. Abrams' said. He would no! NY when he expected the arfenslve to bealn. In the batUefield, U.S. Marines, leap- ' ,lro1stnc rrom peal< to peal< above lhe A Sbau Valley lo northern South Viet· pam, ca)ilured one or lhe blqeal equip- ment ballll or lbe war and k!Ued 107 .Norlh Vietnamese delenden, military ~~ aald tod•Y.· O!Cabate,. lhe U.S. New Jeraey, lbe World'• GDly active batt!t.ahlp, prepared ,lo mum to tbt Uliltod States. Wormed 'inllllir1-IOlll'COI aald lhe v....i would •••f Ito tour GI duty oil Vietnam in micH!udi u part ol ill rqular rotation schedule, Abrams' oonfinnatloa that tbe Com- muniltl were plcmlna L major attack came u Ameiricao Mlrinel tried ' to prevent thal e..,,I by striking down North Vietnamese forces In tbe stntq;ic A Shau Valley .. Tbe valley II at lhe southern end ol the Ho ad Mlnb IUJIPlY traU lrom Norlh Vietnam. Cong Raps Kissinger's Viet 'Withdrawal' Policy PAm (UPI) -'Ille Viet Coq toc1111 lnaer u a maneuver deaitpled to prolong d"""'11Ced lhe Vietnam pOlld" or sptclat lhe war. ~ --~~~ -;.· .n._iJ!taet ..p ........... ln the .... , \ulJetiD. publllbed In Parla by lhe Na· ·• J ,,,..;.;_ ' 0 lhiiaJ taJerallOn Front (NFL) the p a~tall ullef pollUcal bra.icb ol lhe Viet Cong. ' ' • ·~~ ., · It wu .aimed agafnat· a long .1n1lysis W·•• '·S . D ,, 111e Vlitoam conllicl bllshed b . W ' lep OWll ~ !Ut inonlh in~ Foret~ • Allalrl QuaiurJ,y, Ollorlly belon the J' 0 ·. Avert war Harvard .......... WU appointed .Prell-. -Mlo!J:•(lop forelp P!llley aclvll¥'. KARACHI (UPI) -PNlldanl Moham-Ktatnser will acCompany President . mad hub' Khan llald .IOdaJ be wW Nistn lo Europe nn1· wftt ucl'. to abdicate lbe political -·he hH held lcbeduled to~ttend ~ <n'.Vlel:, In Patlatan for Ibo put decade. He nlllll with Pmldent Chari., de G•ulte iltd. ao, be aald, bec.-the county · ·and membenor lbe Amalcae and 8oulh ~1 ••on the verp of ~ty,'' meaniq Vietnamese delegation to the Paris talks. CIYU war. • In a broadcut In lhe ·nalicn Ayub 'Tbe mlJllary pollcy called !or by Kb.an said he would not bl a candidate Kbsln1er b a maneuver aimed at p~ in the presidential elections which are longing the war. It will ctrtainly bring to be held someUme early ln 1970. He the Americans nothing good," the news had. ~nounced he wou1d make a ma;or bulletin ukL n wu referring to KiM- dec1s1on today and the naUon waited, · · hoping it would end three months of lnger'1 PftlPOAl to gradually withdraw political upheaval. American troops from Vietnam and seek The violence has taken 12 lives In a strenctbeninl'. of the · SaJgon Anny street fighting, riots and demonatraUons and ftllme .• in Pakistan's largest clUes. New fighting The NLF analysis aaid that since half broke out today in the East Pakistan a million American soldiers could not city of Khulna. near Dacca, and the win the war, a defensive strategy with army was called out to impoae a 4J..hour reduced mWtary means could n o t curfew and end the rioting and arson. but spttd up the Allies military There were other outbreaks there Thnris-"failures" and "buttn the collapse of day. tile poppet (Salp) regime." PLAYING IT COOL -Astudent wearing· only · siiorti ·uu back am has a word with ht~ trtend while J'ludenll in background flee from rising .cJood1 Of tear gas in Sproul Hall Plaza at UC Berkeley Thursday. Massive tear gas barrages by police finally quelled the worst outbreak of violence seen at the embattled campus this year. Navy Hints Code For PriSoiiers Needs R~ion CORONADO (AP) -:I'be Navy says ill Inquiry Into Ille behivlor of US Pueblo Cl"9wmen 1n North Kol'Mn cap-tlvll1 pr'ovldes a good tat for evaluating lbt U.S. Code of Conduct ror prlloners. However, Pueblo crewm.e"O can not be jJontshOd under the code directly, 1111 Capt. William Newsome, :N"avy · COUllJe1. and questioning them about the ~; ii' "simply for the sake of evlJUating" iL "Perhapm it is · inartfully Wljtten and in need of revl&ion," Newsome told newsmen 1'Wnd•Y, rtlerring to an e:ra of cold war when men are not taken prisoner of war but are "Jllepl!y dt. tained ." The code of conduct, promuicated by then President Eisenhower after I.he Korean War, aays that U.S. prisoners of war are bound to give only name, rank, auvlee number and date of birth. Pueblo olflcen and crewmen have told a Navy court or Inquiry Into lhe ship's seizure aod their ll·month imprjsonment that they signed false confessions after torture, aaylng they intruded into North Korean waters and were spying. The court wu in receas today f o r Washinaton's birthday. Reagan Wants Campus . i . . Troublemakers Ousted . ' SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. R .. gan ·believes that sttident unrest on colleg'e .cimpuses amounts to guerrilla warfare, and . the only way to solve it is to ·"eliminate:" ,those who cause the troubli!. Reagan said when be goes to a Ul'liverslty of California Board ol"lte'gfl!nts meftlng at Berkeley today, he will tell lhe board that the university ad· ministration bas not done what it should to conlrol Campus turmoil. "This ls P.~illa warfare. Not all 1he policemtn 1n the world" could handle it, Reagan said. The solution in guerrilla warfare Is lo eliminate and kill your enemy, Reagan told a group from the San Diego Chamber of Commerc·e during hn· promptu remarks in his office suite. ·Reagan said that while he obviously doesn't advocate killing student and faculty dissidents, "the only thing that can win in guerrilla warfare is ... you eliminate them by firing the faculty members and expelling the students. "I do not feel the university ha s match- ·cd us with a determination to help us effectively'' control student unrest, Reagan said to hearty applause. Reagan said he watched television Wednesday night and saw what he term- ed the most serious violence yet In the stude9t-teacbing assistants' strike a~ the UC Berkeley campus. He added: "I was a very frustrated fellow. 1 was giving snarling lessons to my faml· ly." The governor said with a tight-lipped smile that he intends to make his fellow UC regents fully aware of his feelings al their meeting. SHAW TRIAL CONTINUES ••• Frotn Page 1 the presel!Cf. of the jury to con!lnue the trial. Winter Keeps Snowy Grip First Southland Heart Transplant Operation Made He gave no explanation, but it meant he thought lbe 1tate had est.bl~btd all essential elements to prove that Shaw. 55. a retired businessman. conspired with Oswald and Ferrie to murder Ken- nedy. New Orleans has lived with the Shaw case for t~·o years and four days - ever since it became known that Garrison was investigating t~ assassination - and the general talk is that the trial is a cllmu: of his career. Russo's father, Frank, subpoenaed on Valentine's Day, is reporled to be ready to testily as a willingly hostile wi~. A1so subpoenaed by the defense was former Tex.as Gov. John B. Connally whom the state has subpoenaed and then failed to call. . " ' ---Af111'1T1 11kerttl91d •1t11Wl'Ck .... (' I Ml• LAw .,... 45 tt .Gt lJ 21 .J1 .... 17 41 H n -" ,7 "2 Tr ,. . ' • JS '° " " lA • 21 u " " Ml .,7 45 ,, .q '° .3' "' '"' .• g • ,, 16 ., ,. ,. . .. "' . " .. . -. .. .. ,, .. ,. " "' .. , • ... ,If : ~ .u ,. ·'' .. . ,. '' .t4 p '' .OI " .. ,. " ,. 1t .1t ....... 4" II .OI ,. .. • • .. " Jt 6 lr .. ,. ,. " " » ,. . ., .. ... TORRANCE (UPI) -The heart or a young mother who committed luicide following a family d.lspute w a 1 traruplanted successfully into a 5'-year· old grocer Thursday. Her kidneys simultaneously were donated t.o two other persons. Richard Charles Newell, Oxnard, who lived I "bed to chair txlstence" rolloWlng a series of heart attacks, was described as "alert, oriented and talkinl'; early today but sWl ln "guarded and Cfllical" condition. Dr. Mlchaal Criley, a member of the lJ.ma,n team that performed the eight. hour operaUon, reported. NewtU wu movlae all..of hb e:rtremities and wu "neurvlogtcally In good condlUon." It was the first heart transplant io. -Ca!Wornla and Criley coo.. pl~ attendants at lbe hospltal could not man a patient across tbe hall wttbout bamplnf Into newsmen. 'lbe donor,. Mn. S h-tJ Ann H!lh-. ZS, lbol hersell throqb tile head l•te Wednesday following an. argu· ment with her hUlband, 1mbulaoc. dtlYtt'Oarles Earl lltJhhou&e, •· He gave 'pennJulcn fer l>Or .hwt and kldneya to be uaed In lra°'1>lal!I opera-tlC1\>I •• Mn. HlghhomJe was brou1ht to the hospital ln this Los Angtlts 11.1burb, g p.m. Wednelda,y. She died durlna tbt nlatrt. Oswald 's widow sat on the bench in a corridor with her new husband. Ken· neth Porter, while the judge made his ruling. The courtroom waa packed . The defense said its wilneslles would he run through in r1p\d order. The case wa! expected to be in the hands of the jury sometime nut wetk. Shaw's d~fense set out on the 27th day of the trial to prove bis principal accuser Is a "notorlety-aeeklna: Uar." One of its chief witnesses wU bis father. The tey stlte witness to the aUeged conspir1ey is RuMo, 2'1, a boot ulesman. The defense, In Ito opening llatement to the all-male jury, 11.ld that "we will prove that the man who says I.his is 1 U1r -a notorlely-&eeklng liar." However, It "°"' contends Russo pulled a huge surprise: on the state and told the truth on CJ'O&ll u:aminaUon by teylng that in hla: opinioo the talk be br.ard was no conspiracy. That wu tbe basb or a moUon for a di.reeled verdict ol acquittal m1de by Defense Attorney F. Irvin Dymond Thuroday aflor Dbl. Atty. Jim Gmtaon ~ted bit ca 1 e. Judie Hagerty read Rusao'a testimony overnight 11nd ruled on lhe motion toda7, the 21th daJ of th• trl•I. ' Connally and his wife were ridinJ Jn the· jump seats a bead of the Kennedy• \\'hen the President was killed in Dallat on Nov. 22. 1963, and the slate had said his testimony would show bullets entered the car from more than o'e direction. The Warren Commission said In 1964 tha t Oswskl, actinc albne, fired the fatal shots from behind. Garrison contends, aod produced a medical expert to tesUfy, the murder shot came from the front. Draftdodgers, GI's Get Swedish Pronusc STOCKHOLM (VPll -The Swedish government t.odly assured U.S. desertara and other Vietnam War dls&e:nters thc1 can "safe()' rtmaln lr our country." In a two-r>a&e statement, Wued after today's weekly cabinet meeUna, lht Social Democratic government alao M · nounced that no deserter or draftdodget will be eipelled from Sweden Wlluc convicted of "aerious crimes." Sealnb Tragedy Studied Peru Rejects U.S. Qai,m Over Boat ' LIMA, Peru (AP) -'!be Peruvian eovernment b a 1 refuled to accept a U.S. government clalm for $50,000 hamage h i s clothes," t h e Juan, a sowu close to the Foreign Ofike said. 1be 5an Juan Wall riddled with machine-gun bullets Feb. ---------- 14 when a Peruvian g\lnboat attacked a small American fishing nett more than 2S miles off the" Peruvian coast and seizea one of the boats. The United States deliver.d a formal protest against the detention and filed the damage claim Wednesday. It said the attack occurnd i n in- By J~ ternational waters. Congratulations to the Orange "This claim is as if a person County Airport for their elemen- enters your home and you tary schbol artistic exhibit!. In dammlge his clothes," the fact, the whole airport building Peruvil.n source said 'ftlurt-Is arliltic and cbann.tq -the day. "Of course you are not tl.nd where you "'can go and obliged to pay any damage watch people off ~d ~e the for such intrusion.'' planes -a people-aized aJtport. ;;:========:::;!Let's keep it that way and not let the inevitable ptta11ures of our wonderful · aJr age de,;troy It -and us on the ground . "Whdsin control?" Let's build an airport elle:where in Orange County big r.noulh to handle these jel.s and provfcle enough nonresidential a re a ll'Olllld it -land or water - so that no human beina: will have to have this noiae and danger over their 'borne, Oranae Cobnty, wilh il.s wealth o/ M<lst o/ us ikt to ftel lhtt ......,,.,.., could be a modtl we're "HI tht dm.'s •t." But wflal ha_. wllM, for one re1son or another, we · lose control of our experience? In this public lecture, Charles W. Ferris. an experienced Christian Science practitioner, shows how we can like contl'tll of o.r eiperience by subnrittinc lo lht perf9ct cootrol ol Gori. In three actual and 'livid uperiffces he tells bow health -rest0<od, • tMilttSS cartlf saved, and human relltionstrips c«· rected. au when the indMd· uls i~lved wtre willln& to submit to the pertt<I 'WiH ot Gori. AdmisstM i1 lrte. Everyone is we lcome. Stt"'•Y· k~ fJ •I J ,,M• flnf C•w"h •f Chritt, Scitftti1f 6JI Hit• Orfft, L•t•~• lttcli ChiW C•r• ,,.,.w., - !or the country 111 meelioe the reaUUes of the air age. * * • Did you know th1t when alrcralt I are landing generally to the north, the FAA approach pro- cedure pennits them to descend to 500 feet over your hou:;e on an u.tended final approach couree? They could be requirtd to Dy higher over residential property. Let the FAA know bow you feel aboat I t . Wrile: Federal A viatlon A1ency Regional U.adquarlera P.O. BOX 90007, Alrport·6tatlon Loo Angeles, Calif. - • • * Stop by, wrlte or call us at tll Eut 17th St. in Costa Mesa • upetairs . Phone 142--M<K. We're open dally it 10:00 • • • Airport Nollt A!>ct""'"I ,. Cofnmtctet • - IPr:esident Asks .Vote Reforms You know what'a. happened to prices wiU.Wt QUr ·uivinr to tell you. But have heart. . You can actually buy the Malibu Sport Coupe bove with it.I et&ndard 20().bp V8 and es:tra equip- tent for ltsa mone}r than you could lut ye&r. Thia Malibu ha1 Powerglide automatic trans- \ill.!ion, head reetrainta. power diac brakes, wheel JVet'I and whitewall tirel. And the coet of all tbOM iteP11, with the ucept.ion " the whitewall• and wheel coven, bu oome down. ?heei covera coet the aame and a eet of whitewalla rrl"'1, ''°"""· 21, 1969 DAltY fflOf JS .. ·R'uss w ·vse.Orbital -"Bo .. ; ; ' .. . . ' ......... ... . ; 1 i WASllJNGTON (AP) about Soviet ... ol lhe FO*. , :.Ollldall -to - Defew ortlclals uy they p e n ta gon IOW'Ctl • .at~ Jntem,pn ce, bu& U II ._... ' tblnk the Soviet Union has however, the CU:ford stat&-~tha~ tbt Rullilnf have mto decided to deploy} an orbital ment rellected assessments ducted 11 leut U POM tlltl. · 1 bomli system fn apace. · made ta the tut mootbl ol; ' '1111 llnl -repomdly They lndlcate th 8 t l C• 1958. I n~ but.the.nest SiJ: ftl'I c •mu la 11 n c evidence, An FOBS would be bo\><led aald ,to ha~•Work"!'· , , """nnably gather.d Ir nm lnto a '°" orbit, g-ally The s..ie, Ualoo I ... Soviet lelll mooltored hy the about 100 mlles.aheve Earth, p<rlmenll 1rilh an orbital United States, points tow1rd and would be 'fired by remote bomb .Yeri t dildoled b 'I • the'" Kremlln's intenUj)Q to control at ll'OUnd targetS ,..,.Secrt.tary el Defenae .. Robert nDllll' .1he program,. cau.d a before _,Plellna\ t ts lint ,3, M~a:Noy. ,, 11117. . il' ,Fractional Orbital Born· circuit. · •He dewnrated Jt,,.-yinc If bardment System. Tbe low alUtUde would wouW bt too tna~ate for. . TtiiJ C.clusion coines ol'}ly enable tbe . orbital bomb to a satilfador:J .attact on U.S. • ....q. ~ Cark M. Clif. avoid detectloo hy U.S. tarly ln!Ucootinenlll mlllil09 pro-ford. in his final report as wariing radar. tected in· ~underground. ailos. secretary of defense, said the ''iiiiiiiiiiiijijjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiii!ll Unitea States was uncertain II TERRY Mc~ARDCE . MAN OF ACTION . . . '• Old World Mediterranean · Spanuh Furniture ~' "1 • Rocolvod cancoltatl"!I. pf 122,0Cip>OO ' $~nilh and MttHtarrant•~Fumiturt . ..-,i:..-·--Dece1..... .... • ......, Items as follows: Georgeous 8 ft. custom cfuilted sofa wJth sei>arate loose pillows with )lea\iy oat trim decor "1d matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional' tables, (2) ~B" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps In wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master -bedroom Sllite in pecan panelled Mediterran· ean style with top qua]jty 15 yr. warranty king site mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dinin( set. etc. wtt.le -......1 w• ,....., SllH.01 ~c:i:~~~~-·~1~.~-.•. '. •••••••• "" $698.00 Alty PIO.. Can Be Purchnod Individually T1rmi Av1Uabl1 -Ntwcomtn to C•lif. •· . CrffJt ~ppr~ved Immediately TH~ l!lii.L Eir.('rERS 1 ,; r ]· • J]: DUClR 'trollh)I. Mcc.tdl9 twos .,. __ -- .:~::~::;c-.:• .1,..~.:: '1il\l",~.;: . 1 ~ .Furniture IOY9d ' Y9lr• ..!' "'"-15 ,....~,,_ •• i" ~ H b. Bl d Of ,.,. 11..-·It~·· . cos11 ,,.,..,.. ~ t ar or ~· ..... " HO-• -~. "O•~ . • ., o Vl!Uf Cllllntl IWf'Yllliol' Ul•Y llllllltl • • ..• 'Ind • 11111• bit rnort,N It I 1844 N-• · Blvd C U--ly Ttrry'1. Guld•llM. T1rry. llli .. If. I e'Nport • osta lftWMI Oft Nov•· lo ff>elr 3 c~Udren Trey, R~ E • h I 9 W-, 5 & S ; fl 6 · "· !'...!'-~. !iv-kl N•'MllM:I .\l!IJrai,'. . \!fr.Y n1g t 'ti -_.., 1t. un, .. t • . ·I '· ' 0 • J . J .. . • ' • • ' ....;- ·i .. :j '! ' • ' • :> · .. .• .. ~·, . ~: ~ ' -· .. -';~ ,· _,. ·~ . . . ' .; ~ ;':,. -·· •. -' • f ~ • , • -• i1 '$2.10,moie.) • . . . . . . . B.ut Po'*'.,ei;llid'e co1f,I Jeel than 'ft did1in 1968·. And the · COit of new advanoed-deaiep power diac brakes bas'been cut by more than· one:-third. and road noile.1 • £: . -~ . ·~ So yOu end up paying $69.()()• )CM for thi1 one than you would have paid for last year'• model equipped the aame way. And, of couree, t.he '69 Malibu Sport Coupe i1 not. the same car.aa la.st year'• model •.• Jt'• more car. .\ •t come1 with' CbeVJ'C!let:• De'f' thef~u,rasinc lcick for the' atearlnr wheel, shift lever and ignition. 1 t haa Altro Ventilation to let in air, but keep out wind • .• [t'e the only car in it. field to=oft'er you headlight waahera and a plllb·button 11.sW.m: for coatinr ·yq_u? rear wbeela with a traction im~in(·f!u.id W&e:n 10.i get 1tuck on -ice. ' I · · , I ., :~ So be sure to show up at your Chevrolet dea1er's Showdown. One thing' a fo~ sure. Chevelle's competiliQn "ri;>Wdn'L dare. • "'"'"' "" "'01111fl'lt:tl•l'f!•'• 1,,,...t.4 rr1111/ p•itu, ,.,,,.,.,,., f""~tuJ. '""'" Jn1 11111' OM~ ... , -Cll' ,.,.,,,.,,,,.,,, w,.,.. ' • • . • , -., . • • ' ~-.... I • I l •• ';; ··-.. .. '' . ' ,• '" I ' . • ' ' I t • • ' • • . , I I . 1 DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE] For 14 Fine ·Services Laguna Beach Community Chest bas always make lt.s mark. But this year with expanded obligations and a goal of ~1,000, th~ fund-rablng campaign is still '3.500 shy of its goal . adjoining' cll$trl<U lo jiggle boundaries and place all ol the homes In the-NewPQrt Meoa UnU!ed (kmdergarten through 12th grade) District, but Saddlebaclt held out and oc9 failed in» bid to Pf•Vent the split by annexing lhe other ball. 1 .. The bard working community leaders who volun. teer their time to spearhead their campaign are hope- ful the goal may still be met. Lagunans should be, too. I Community Chest funds do gr.eat good. A donation to the ddve has the satisfy- ing efiect to the giver o! supporting many varied and worthwhile works . Community Chest funds help support 14 agencies. These Include the Boys' Club ol Laiw>a Beach, SouOt Orange County YMCA headquarteted in Laguna, Boy Scouts of America. Laguna Beach-Newport llarbor Girl Scout Council and Children's Hospital of Orange County. A.Jso Catholic Wellare Bureau, United Service Or· gaoization (USO), Orthopaedic H0<1>ltal, Children's Hospital In Los Angeles, Salvation Army, FamUy ·Serv- ice Associatioh, Visiting Nurse Association, Tra.velers' Aid end The Villa, which Is devoted to helping alcaholie wmien '!'ithout family or financial· resources. . The list speaks well for the worthiness of the Catn" pa1gn goal. OCC-Saddleback Confusion The residents of a new Harbor Area residential area -Harbor View llomes-are developing schizophrenia over which junior college district they belong to. Their confusion is understandable, for it developed last week that about half of the -ultimate 1.000 homes in the de~elO_Pment will lie in the Orange Coast Junior Col· Jege D1 stnct and half in the Saddleback Junior College District. Local school officials successfully negotiated. with Some homes ate literally split by the boundary. One OCC trustee lnadvptenUy il>Oved four Muses across the line and l~',hta IJtSI Oll.'ih• College boerd. And a.I· most none of the' new ·l'esldentl of the tract are certain which junior-college they aie supporting or which their children' will attend. OCC sbo~ld wbrk \\rllb the homeowners to get an early resolution of tbe problem. Geographically and for the sake of convenience they belong in the OCC district. Mark Down March 15 San J ua~ Capistrano residents are turnlng back tlle clocj for their town's· 81'\DUal Fiesta de las Golondrinas the welcome-home pprty thrown for the swallows oi San Juan Capistrano Mission. Thls year the fiesta will be held March 15 a Satur· day bef~ th~ Wednesday the swallows ar~ actually due to .i!-rr1ve m the town's historic misaion. A fiesta reminiscent of the carefree'l'ancho dafs of San Juan Capistrano will feature a parade of bands and of horse:-and-foot drawn entries, a ten-mile trait ride Sundaf and a rodeq. The parade begin? at 1 p.m. on Del Obispo Street and continues to Canuno Capistrano to Lazanj8 Street to_ Ortega Highway and back to Del ' Obispo. The rodeo w1U be held following the parade. Later festivities on Marc~ 19, St. Joseph's Day, wUI be h~ld at the San Juan Mission, California's oldest standing and perhaps most famous mission. .. The fiesta reminds us aJI of the proud Spanish heri· tage ~~ich California has. March 15 should be a date markea. on the calendars of South Coast residents. IL l Jet Airplane Problem Pollution Hearings to Open Monday El Toro Could Be Answer To the Editor: lt was interesting to read County ~rt Director Robert J. Bresnahan's comment in lhe DAILY PILOT· that El Toro was on the top of his list ~ a soluUon '"to the airport problem ln Orange Qlunty. I have talked to tome pretty prominent people around the aiunty aboot this during tile last !Jear •. It is amazing that few people !Who should know understand why this could be the answer. t TIUNK THAT any lruly Wormed person could show that the military and the alrlin<s ol <Jrange Counly coold operate oot ot. El Toro to(etbel' for a long time. There are probably few people Jn the coonty that know, !or Btarters, that El Toro has nLOWays up lo 10,000 feet, lo 'say -ini of the latest In radio and rldar approech and lakeoff l)'lleIM. A phase out program could be started twer a loug period of Ume to eventually move the military to .the desert, in MY number of locaµons. ~ WOULD BE a Io( of wrath out or tile mllltary, but they would have a bard time proving a case, if the other. side is correcUy informed. It would be intereltlng, as an eiample, to see what tnfflc figures at El Toni llave looted lite In the last 20 years. This would solye JO many problems that have cropped up since Orange C.Oun- ty . gol jets. It ~d go back to general emtion, and the airlines and the jets could go to El Toro, with minimum cost to the Orange County taxpayer. M1ho knows ? They might even change the name from El Toro to NiJ:on lnterna- •• ,, ~'ltf~~ .. ailb~.x . ), tional. JOHN BAKER For Baby'• 600111 To lhe Editor: A~1 ,~g your arUtjl!, "A TearfUt Farewell," publJstled Wedneaday, Feb. 12, where do yoo go fr om there! t The name of the game Ls "Play Fair." Many of us 1~approvt of the decision mad~ by the welfare department. Surely the Harts: took much time In reachlng their decision ta adopt tllelr foster baby. Did the welfare ·department tak,e as much time in matin& their decision? Apparently the agency approved of the · Hai:f.s when they placed him in their home. They felt the Harts cwld give him attention, love and "Secloity most needed in the begiMing of life'. For five months, be seemed to be doing quite well Tben the agency lakes him from a home like this and places him in another. 1'lls is probably, listed as: For the Good of the Baby. Really? How often we have heard. . . "the baby's welfare is most important." ~OUR ARTICLE stated the agency official said if they reviewed the case, it would be a "reflection'' on the "prcr fcsslonalism" of those wflo first made the decision. It is obvious your readers don't know who !irsl made the decision, so how could this be true-? I seriously doubt if this would reflect a bad image on anyone in part.i.Cular, · let alone the agency, itself. Foster parents ift tbe past have adopted their f01ter child. It will happen many times over in the future. The agency has admitted there are e1.ceplions. The agency says they have rules. Well, I wou.kt think fair play sbould be entitled to all. More ~peel and esteem would be forthcoming if ~ welfare department would show a liU.le heart and review th is case. MANY' OP YOUR readers feel since the welfare depUtmeni is on the aiunty payroll and we are the taxpayers ••• we-are entiUed to see fair play. We expect the _ welfare department to be open-minded an(I fair in all of its cases. This case really bi no different. Surely, even the new.prospective parents aiuld realize the udneu. and unfair play. It could ·bappen to them , • . or far ·that mattei, any one of us. . MRS. J. ·A. ROGERS Orange County AdOp'tion Agency requires pre-adoptive foster parent.I to sign "on agrennent stipulating th(it the arra11gement is an intnim 'pidN for tlie child,. ii to lielp the countl( department of iodal welfare evaluate the ba.btl'• progress· and med.I until a pennanent adoptive home is found. ond that pre-adoptive foster parents cannot be accepted os adopti ve op· plicants for the ~ecific child or cll il- dren so placed. -Editor Vatican's Financial Power Jn a little book called "The VaUcan Empire," Nino LoBello tells us thal the. osteDlible wealth or the 108.7-acre tnclave Inside the Leoni ne Walls -the land, the impressive church buildings, ert treasures (estimated value, $1 billionl -is only the visible tip oC a financial Iceberg. Sun>risingly, the seat of the Roman Catholic Church is heavily in· volved in the construction industry, manufacturing, communications. bank- ing, insurao«, utilities (Montecatini Edison, ltalgas). the A Ir a· Romeo •utomobile company, right on down to • spagheUi factory in Rome. The Vatican is a nerve center of finance. It owns ou.tright at least seven large banks and a number of credit lnstibltiorui; is heavily involved, jf )Witbool a controlling interest, in 13 other l:wlnb, Shrouded In secrecy as VaUcan money maUers usually are, it is virtually Impossible to assess ·it.s total holdings. ___ _. f'riday, February 21, 1969 TM •ditor1al pagt of t11< Dcflr f>Uot .stcb to inform and lttm- tdaU r1odtt1 bu prt.snttng Uail ~· oplnloiu and ~ .......... Oft lopiCI Of Oltcrul and afllnlflea•«. bv ~ • foni"' "" tM •>:pr-Of -reildm' opiltloiu, .,.. bt -111111 a.. dtvm• . -poillll of lnform<d ob,..,,..., Oll4 .,.,ke....,. o• toi>lca of U.. ..... j Robert N. Weed , Publisher 2 ms e ( AN AMERICAN CATllOIJC who for some years was Rome airrespondent for Business Week and other financial journals, LoBello has written a business story here. It is by no means an "es.· pose," not, he explains, an attack tither on the Papacy or the Church itself in the traditional anti-clerical fashion. It is an objective study in wtlich LoBello does not conceal his admiration for the Vatican's hard.nosed business finesse. He does suggest, however, that at some point in the future "the tycoon on the Tiber" will shed Its mantle of piety, cease functlonint as primarily a CT T'"' v.-1c .. l!m~I,... •r llloW ....._..., TrlUlll ""'"' 1• .,.,, M.U religious and charitable institution and take up On a full·U1t1e basis the duUes of a large corporation. The VaUe:an11 fino.nclal position b cer- tainly bettN than it was right after lhe first. World War. It wa~ well-nigh bankrup~ LoBello !bows. whtn Btnedkt xv died 1n 11m. fOWldertng 1n tltll Century, if oot medleva~ !ilcal pollcl ... • JT WAS PLACED on a sound economic footing through Ille genius of a !lnanctal • wllard, the late Bernardino Nogar11, born tile year the Kingdom ol lll<iy oontlo<ated the last d the Papal Stalt1 (ll'JQ), tlio '80 mllliao lndtmnlflcaUon l<r whld> Noeara wu later lo adminl.!ler. Aided by a network of V1Ucan ambusrdorlll nptt;SelltaUves. lhls man with the golden lOUCh, a 1peelalilt In 1okt and the mystules of Swlu bank accounta. placed • cornerstone for his nrm In thl! world or bit business -and it ha~ built T on this since with enormous insight LoBello discusses the Vatican's in- teresting recent scufne with the ltalian parliament over the demand for Italian dividend taxes, -part of an elaborat.e -well, ''tax" dodging ". apparatus negotiated with the M~lini government ~t the signing of the Lateran Treaty 1n 1929 which provided for the creation oC the Stale of Vatican City. THE AUTHOR HAS not penetrated to the heart of these flnancial matters . No one can, with the possible exception of ~~ cardinals who, supervise the Vatican 1 wealth and a aimmittee of civilian "men oi trust" in the world's marketplaces. THe 'book is a suUesUon or tile intricate finandal power behind the .spiritual 'role of the Vaticu. and as suth is a claulc from the annals of business. William Jlogan Dear Gloomv Gus: 1 live on a very ruce resldential street in Lacuna Beach. We keep our property clean, anCI the city keeps <he -clean. Bui 1 bave a netaJ1bor wbo bas -ed hJ.s front )'al'd Into a Jank yanl. 3bere oughta bo I law , • . -UnhaPJlY ,.... ...,.. "'*" .....,.. ....... "" _.,., ....... -........... s... ,.... .... -• ot-r .... o.llY ...... '· •I • , I',· ' I A St"natt su.bcommi&t.ee an air and water pollution begins hearings in Santa Barbara on po 1 llution from off· shore oil wells on /lfonday (Feb. 24 ). The subcommittee wiU return t.o ~Vashi11gtO"n 011 Feb. 27 whe11, in sev- eral sittings, it will hear Interior Sec· reta ry Walter J. Hickel, fornur See· retar11 Stewart L. UdaU, and repre· sentatives of the Coast Guad and the Atomic Energy Commission. 'l1le Un1ted States could pollute the AUantic Ocean, just as it did Lake Erl~: Li!Ue sefious att~oo-was given Ip protecting the Great Lakes from poIIU- tlon ' before Lake . Erle "died" as a ,ipedlum for living organilms. ; The sad 'story af .the Santa Barbara oil slic:k recalla lesrom1 we shou:ld have l~amed from tpe past, -notably the run- ning aground of lhe tanker Torrey Can- YQll off the coast of Eqland on March 18, 1967. The spill of crude oil from the 120,~ton tanker blackened miles or coast and caused the death of sea birds. Similarly Southern CaWornia beaches recently were smeared with oil and ~ild life was killed by the still bleeding leaks from drilling off Santa Barbara. ntE OIL INDUSTRY, according to the Magazine or Wall Street, has more than 8,600 wells on the ocean bottom and more than JOO companies in 60 countries active in the field. In the United States, the major off-shore oil efforts are aincentrated in lhe Gulf oi 1t1exico and off Alaska and Californh1. The Santa Barbara disaster is describ- ed by the oil industry as a freak. But the Washington Post saw the mud slide distress near Los Angeles in January the total pollution of Lake Erie and the Santa Barbara leakage as ~rt of a haphazard pattern. "In each of these situ'ation.s,') lbe newspaper observed, "a tragic result has come when natural resourtes were exploited either before men knew what damage their works could. cre~te or without regard to tilt warning signs nature had provided .. , A REPORT of a seminar on Biolog- ical Problems in Water Pollution held in J962 reads in part : "Even if there were strict enforcement and observance of sOch regulations as es.1st, It is unlltely that complete cessation of oil pollution will result because of shipping accidents oil Une or Installation defects, and othe; hunum '"°" and equipment failures. Enactment and enforcement of stricter laws by .state and local governments a~ upecially important since a 1960 11urvey showed a lack of effective local laws to be a particularly weak Unk ln the problem ol pollution control.·• OCEANOGRAPHERS believe that the United States appears, by itsell, to be responsible for a third lO a half o{ ma ny of the pollutants pul into the air and sea. But the outlook ii DOl tllorou&hly bleak. Dr. ~d w. Prlt· chard it. the Cheaapeaie Bar lllllllute at Jolull Jloptlm Untftl'llly boidl 1ba1 th\! wldespnlld spreadfnt d 1ll1lllldpol wastes could inrtch the "lmderfertllir.ed" ocean. ;'The sea 111 a fritnd and an enemy," John F. Ktnnedy onct said. fl.fan can make ll eithf!r. • ' 'Good grief, man! I've only got two hand.I' What Famous Man Said This? What famous An1erican-figu~·attacked merchants for exacting an -"exorbitant pri«" for · goods during wartime, and warned against allowing them to "amass fortunes upog the public ruin"? . What famous American figure declared 1t. to be a universal experien« of man- kind that no nation (including OW'!) "is to be trulted further than it is bound by its interest"? What famous American figure wrote in a letter to a friend that the tim es afford "too many melancholy proofs of the decay oi public virtue"? ~T FAMOUS American ligure com- plained that speculators and profiteers. for "the paltry consideration of a little dirty pelf," were tearing apart the fabric of the nation . "for their own ag· grandl.zement and to gratify their own avarice," and asked whether we Americans will "at last become the victims of our own abominable lust for gain"? What famous American figure _warned us to "guard against the impostures of pretensled palriollam"? What ~amous American figure cau- tioned us that "overgrown military establishments are under any form of gove~ment inauspici ous to liberty, and are t-0 be regarded as particularly bostiJe t• to our form of government? WHAT FAMOUS American figure urg- ·'~~!!-~ 1. Sh1iie'y'." J .~Harri~ J ed us, "as an object of primary im- portance," to promote "institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge - for, in proportion as the structure or a government gives force to public opi- nion, it is essential that public opinion be enlightened''? What famous American figure deplored the fact that ·•of all the animosities which have e xisted among mankind these which are caused by a differenc~ of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing , and ought most to be deprecated "? WHAT ~AMOUS American figure, whe.n passion was still running high against our former enemy, said "The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fo~. is in some degree a slave. It IS a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient ~o ~ead it astray from its duty and its interest"? \Vh~l famou.s American figure are we hononng tomorrow on the anniversary of his birthday? The Arrogance of Man By ELLSWORTH I. RICHARDSON Mhd1ter Neighborhood Congregatto11al Church Laguna Beach A high public official spea king in behalf of the space program add re 1 s e d Congress: "From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the Udes and raise the level of the sea. , .The urgent race we are. now in is not the race to perfect long range ballistic missiles. There is something more im· portant than any ultimate weapon. That is the ultimate position -the position of total control over earth that lies somewbere out In space. , . Whoever gains that ultimate position gains control. total aintrol, ovtr the earth for purposei of tyranny or for the service of freedom ." WHAT IS YOUR react.ion lO thal? If we are to take this statement al its face value then God had better watch out! He had better watch out for these "masters of Infinity" who will have the power "to chanie tbe tides and raise the level ol the sea!' How arrogant can Man possJbly be? Man will ha1•c "total control over earth that lies som!!where out in space." I hope thal God gets tile message for uneasy resll lht head of Him who wears a crown! How absurd! Let us build a tower tow•rd heavtn, t.oward outer space. NOW. and let us mele a name for ourselves. Let us promptly forget all- about God! Why wt can't even contro1 spact some a.000 miles •••ay -the 'ol·ar in Vietnam! INSTEAD OF eaploring the de¢11 of tbe sea -and lhlit does make more sense to me -we had betttt explore lhe art of living together on the face ol the earth. 11le rillng divorce rate indk:ates that man can't even get along with his mate! Racial vlolenctT Maybe We had better ei;tablL~h a real ulate venture on U1e moon for atrlctly r . . . . - . ' s;, ""-• ._,;, . .,,.,; ~ ' \ . ! Eve1.1ydar .• ,. , . ·, Pr9ble111 •/'.! ( I: .. • rj"(',t): ~( restricted people. . -~ I I ) H?w arrogant can Man be? · Ring Lardner once said, "Whenever I iet: a self-made man I realize how ~ad a job he has done." Once a very unportant per~ said to Dr. Joseph r,arker ~ the City Temple in London, Everythlr.g I've accomplished in life l've done myself. I'm a sel f-made man," Dr. Parker with very searching ey~ said to him. ''Sir. you have lifted a great load of re~ponsibility off the shoulders of the Alm ighty." _HERBERT BU'JTER.FIELO said ihat "Judgment in history falls heaviest on those who come lO think themselves gods, who put their trust in man-made systems and worship the work of lheir own hands. and who say the strength o~ their own right arm gave lhem the victory !'' · Moses said something like that thousaoda of years ago, "Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his comrnandmenb. •. les~ when you have eaten and are full and have built goodly houses and !iv~ in them. . .and when your silver and gold is multiplied, and all that you hAvo is mu.Wplled, then your heart be lifted ui;. and you forget the Lord your God •.• and ~y in yaur heart. 'My ~ and tbe might of my hand have iOltea me th1I wealth.' " How abarit -B11 Geor91' ---. CONFIDENTIAL TO J OE NAMATH: It goe" "Early to bed and early lo rbe makfJI a man healthy, wealthy and wi se." I l I I • ' I ---• Flea Market ,. •• 'Sounds of inoney:beiilg ci"1;>p4,d fn c,asll 1>9xes and voices of shoppers wjll, fill the air on the Fesliyal .of ~ grounds duriJlS. th_'! Flea Market . wblcl!' ~l115es the siith annti.al Laguna )'leacli Wlilter F'est!Va!Sunday,. March2. . · .l,f~bers from 17 organizations will banter from boollls ofieriilg Items from books Jo baked gocX!s· during, the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. event co- ordinated by .Mennaids, Women's Division of Laguna Beach Chamber of. Commerce. Mermaids will have their o~n food booth, which will have been -set up for the enllri festivhl begi.rming tomoriow. Bargains in varied items including art objects· and furniture will be offered. by Les Petite Fleurs Auxiliary, Children's Home Society under the . leadership of Mrs, Paul Thompson and Mrs. J, R. Gaynor. Other groups participating are -?Ci Xi Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, with a booth ottering baked goods, cl\ithing and other objects, and Tau Tau Chai>- ter, Bela Sigma 'Phi, which wW sell clothing and rummage sale merchair dise. .. ~ More !>09ths featuring bazaar items and clothing will be operated by 147 Club of San Juan Capistrano, Crown Valley .. School Guild, Westward Ho Chapter, Daughters of the British Emptre, St. Catherine's.council of Cath· olic Women, St Catherine's School Am:illary, Alliance Francaise de la Riviera Californi""!'_; Laguna Bead! Brilnch, Order of the Eastern Star and Laguna-Beach Altrusa and Soroptimlst clubs. · · MW-Mmrunds will Include pottery In their bazaar booth i DeMolay Club· wlll .seU taci>s; Citizen's Town Planning Association will offer books, and Hott:J.Motel Association will feature funliture, clothing and jewelry. Bcifter Ready for Pancake-flipping Project . . --- BOOJH BOUNTY -Members of Les Petite Fleurs Auxiliary Cbild?en's Horiie Society (left to right) the Mm ... David Adams, Robert Kilpatrick and Paul Thompson spruce up items for the auxiliary'•· booth at the· F1ea Market on Sunday, March 2,. on Festival of Arts grounds from· 9 a.m. to i5 p.m. They will lie join· ing 17 other groups in the venture. The Laguna Line Winter F.estival . Opens By JEAN COX OI Iha D1H1 Plltl $1.tf to l p.m. Sunday. Visitors downtown at 11 a.m. . ~ith the Winter Festival of-will see the annual Patriots' f1c1ally openl~g today~ Lagun-Day Parade ~ by ans are ·chas1ng a rainbow ol . PaUeoce Wn,ht·Chapttr, actMU... ~tm ol the ~erlcan The Fesilval of Arts &rounds Revolililon and Excllange Club should attrad a fl'OWd of food of Llauna,Belcb. and art lovers duribg the weekend. Activities offered from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday lncllide an Arts· and crafts Bazaar featuring works by students from all five schols In Laguna Beach Uni- fied School Distrlct afl:d a Phon-A-Rania. Laguna Craft · Gulld I s sPonsorlng a fair whlch wlll run throughout the Winter Festival which ends Sunday, 0t.J1e'.r festival acµvites ne:rt week Include a Volleyball Tournament tomorrow at St. Catheflne's SChool al 1 p.tn.; ' a tour of . the Att Coloily, sponsored by Lag\Jna Beach Braneh, American AssociaUon of University Women, from 2 lo 5 p.m. Sunday, aDd I Wine-tasting Party spomond b)' l:hamber · or Commerce Mastera in Hotel Laguna from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday. Mardi 2. A countywlde com-FAR 1 AWAY from festival peUtl~n for h1gh s c'.h o o I excitement are four area studenta ls included in the r coeds wtio presenUy-are en. program. joying Yokoham~ Japan as part of Chapman College's . Wottd Campua.Afiea( program which began this month. In addition, a backStage tour from 2 to 4 p.m. loin.orrow will ' give the curious .an op- portunity to see how' living The y~ung travelers Include plctµres. are .Produced for lhe t~e M1~es BoMle Roberts and Pageant ol the . Muten. Jane Thorsdale of Emerald The job o1 feeding visitors Bay, Borutle·..Webb ol Laguna will be taken Care Ot by Nli\Jel ~ Sue, 'Roley of Laguna Beach An\erlcan Field Lllll\UI Beach. Service's student committee · ' · · · during the wttkend-actlVitles. · 'lbt . coildt already · have Monroe Hummel of Thnit Arch Bay, Mr. and Mrs. "" drew Morthland of Laguna Beach incl' gUe.il Mrs. Lewis F •. Jiloulklil ol 1bree 'ArdJ Ba7 and Dr. Howard f'JemilW of LaSWJa Be<Cb. TUE RUDY BURTON8 ol Laguna Beach baYe · been blowing . ..it birtliday c4JJC11e1 on their respective cakes. Dr. and Mrs. ~ T. Matapy, Mr. and :Mii.' C1*9 Dlito lnd Barton toyted lffs. Burton during a birthday din- ner In Laguna Beach Counlry Club's Ben B·rowo'• restaurant.I , Mrs. Burton 1urpriled her huobsnd on. his birthday, ·the lollowlnf week, when 'frllpds . . . the J. C. Federlcos ol Polnl Loma and the Skip Flk;~ of Laguna Beacli !howod up In the Leisure World home ol Mr. and Mn: DIUo 'for .., a celebration which was con- cluded With dinner and din· cing ln the Golden Bull, El Toro. AFTER RETuaNll'(G. lftim a honeyPloon in Ha~•>1• newlyweds . the R:lc.b~rd Whitakers of .Laguoa· - rire welcomed home WIUt a coCklaJ1 party bosiecfby Mis. Barbara Page. . Two of the youngsters who will assist at St. Cathedne's sCbool Auxillary's Pancake Breakfast from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. next Sun- day, go through a dry tun for their mothers who are co-chairing the event. J . Paul Armstrong (le!!) serves Mrs. James Arm· strong, wbile Rodney Skelton poiirs coffee for Mrs. Thomas Skel· ton. The breakfast, a Wmter Festival event,. will take place in Laguna Beach Elks' Club. Students will host ~ Jee vl!lted HawaU and are .leaving Cream Social on the terrace YokOhama next Sunday and from 10 1.m. lo 5 p.m. where will · be •topping In Jndla, ice cream and homemade Thailand, Africa, Spain and cake• wW be sold. Proceeds Portugsl before returning to will help· brina: atudentl from New York May '21. lorelllJ i:ountrfes to the U.S. St. c,therlne'i School Aus-AREA RESIDf;Nl'S who al· illary ts joining the culinary tended the 1Mua1 Stanford act by providing a Pancab Uolvenlty Conlereilce In Cen- Breaklast In the f.aguna tury Plua Hotel lall Sunday Beach Ell:s Club from 7 LID. h1cluded Mr. and Mrs. D. Those Joining the• party •Ind later traveling to the Tpwers for the Shuffleboard. Club'• _. nual dianer ...,.. Poul.E,.iet and the Mean. and M1Dies. Dean Clanton, &dneJ. Xlm- baD, Murry 'Ibomsoa, Artialr. SIJarmu and Jobn fllcGOlness, Mother's All Wet: Storms, Showers Foree a.st DEAR ANN LANDBRS: Flllwr ho! • 11.,...,-o1c1 Oiecilfmllt d...,..... 1ICJ 1111tt and I are balll -.... and . we hive tnown about OUvla for a long time but we've never met her. Yesterda,y Dad received a telegram from Olivia 11ylng her mothel has kicked her out ol the house. She now ts ll¥1og with nel&bbor• but cannot stay there. Olivia wants to come and live with WI. Mom has uid OK -on one condition. Ollvfa must be inln>duced ... nleot, not a d••aglier. No one outside OW' !rnmedlate lamil)' toows the real .. i.- ticmblp and my mother .. ,. &ho just _, Ille the gossip. M:f 1111tt and I reallu! Ollvla's pr:J a mJcbt caw problem& but she ' . ANN LANDERS ril barr"'°"'g and I agree. Do you thin1c DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a Illa --i1J "-'lac -.. girls should be lorc<d lo take abowera teenager 1rbo la wrUJnc about "'' hr ....._ v---.-_ In the preaoce of othen? -llOD18'1' 11mlpim 1rbo .... Doi .ad ~ • Iii., MI llilpe ... w1D Jn'lll - MOTHER WI Sundq Dael ~.l!Je ·.-al l :l!f • ...... IM lt ripl. DEAR MODEST; GlrlJ 1rbo Uve t. In tbO _..., to help .lliudina ,... -. bealtlry atU-aboal lllelr bodlol "'7 Gr.,.iciPa wlih thllJp, lbe)' ""°'1d. have U you have tnJubte·~ siooc wltb has had a terrible lile and maybe we U tlll• II the only ny It cu bs d..e, Utll,e •lleo!lae lo .. di ...,. nrtq 1ali& blreci a plumber · and 'a .palntllr lot •• your parents. • .If you can I ,.r them can help her. We've tried to change tbea do tL (P.8. Yoa kidJ a09ld tile lllewen. !pedal clrc11m&anct1, ~ u Dad 'came home It 11 at 'nl&bl, ., 1'° let JOU live your own llle, ...a Mom'a mind but she ts adamant Whal a coaple ti lerrtlic tteeagen to me. a cteformlly, or U a lhl la lot Iii Unid be feD.lntcibed ,,-n .... laldnc , for Ann Landers' bookie~ "Buaed l>J or uclenleYOlepod, -aller .. -oil u. clo"-, Panola? How lo Gel Mon ,.._,,, •· I should be dcme? -S.A.T. M1 bsl lt oil to yov.) '.llan, ... ,,,., 'l'llete slrll -bs -, ~ . . s,xI 10 ceals In coin wltll your ..... DEAR l.A.T.1 A«<pl Jim -·· . • -lo-alw. · -WU ftl')' IBl(ICI. 'lliia happe111 anc1 :a long, stamped, leJI-lllj tarw, 1<a1 -K dw lbsl 011v1a • DEAR ANN ·!:.ANDERS: Id)' daughters It pet wi-aaylaJ 111111 aD _. a Jal lllJa aald Doc1 -11111 -.,S e•tiopo. . . l •• •drrtr •r Ille term ud lbs! Ille are 13 and LI yearl old. TlieY will lac -lie -"1ted llJ a -· , to bll famiJJ •• Docl "'11 lleilru lo bs Arm Londen will bs pea to w, 1a _.it. Or6ar11J I w..W IMI both be enrvlled In ..,_ llhOof nen' 11 a pl -. Uclle -ta lier a ~ aon or •ba wll Dil-'ba llapp)o. nu wlllr yaar ~ 111.,i IMJia culrsr ..-.i11. ilol tldt la • ••· month. The echool ftql!]rul'llle slrll • -·---.-..,-·111e 1•1 • U WhOt do ,.."°1? -CINClNllA'l'I .. lo her In <lie ol die· DAILY -PILOr -..,. -lltlplaJ Ille lhl to take gang 1howers illrer Om· 'llley --ately. ' .' ' DllAR aN1 Y ....... It .. a -• ericlGeinc a stamped, aell.-a 1~ballleprll<lpol--fllld both lee! this would be ftl')' em-..,__ be1wba11 tr'fliio.lo'wW',llirllft II envelope. ",; ·'/ .. Jt DAll.Y Pll.OT d. r~ctJr, ,......., 21, 1969 { ~--: ~-' ----:- w itzer I and · Selected : For Honeymoon. Trip Hooe)'!l100Dlng (n Swill· erland ar< -11 wed Mr. ' ind Mn. Mlcllffl Muller who • were mafrled in St. Elialbe- , tb's Catholic Onacb In . Puadena by the llov. C. L.' Cahill. • 1be former Alb Pevec ol . Balboa laland la the daueble< ol i,tr. and !\In. Joe<pb Pnee · of Paaadena and her hu1bancl, wbo resldea In Newport Beicll, . is the ... ol Mn.· Ellaabdb Muller ol SolJnien, Germally, and the late Mr. MµJler. Dur1n( the *'lie n.c Dl<ll'l!- lng nupUalt the -bride ,..,. • '°"" fealurlnC • .._ct 1""kllae. loog al-··anc1 trala. She -• floor · lenath 'iACO manUlla and car • rteil red and w!llte ....... In . a earAdlnt ltooJquel. • Attmdlq her u maSd cl honor WU Mill GGrdana -P e v e1c • her mt.er; and brldelmaid1 were the M1s.ses Eileen Carl.ten of An:ldla, Vi· vlen From of Loi Angeles, Melita Pevec, another mter, and Mn. A1an Gret of Long Beach. They donned pomeeranate red floor length drtues with red """ adomlna their hair. 'Ibt bride'• aliler1, van. and Yumine Pevec, were flower glrla in IOWlll Identical lo the brideomaidl. Joe MnlJer.,_ ~Ilnpn .... bljl -· boat man. . ,Aali!od lo be -....... RaJ . -.ol MnhlUan lludl, . Fnil De -ol iluDtlqloa ' Beocb, Bl1'f1 Fnnll ol Cool& 'Mt11, Lmy ConU of N~wport Beach and Dave Pevec, the brldti's brotbu. · A Nuns choir played the gui· tar, trumpet, organ and sang. La Canada Country Club was the setllng for the recep- tion. Special guests were _Mrs. . Mira von Hugo of Altadena, Horoscope Cancer: ·. MRS. MICHAIL MUL CER · l'ti:mfr Alica p._ the bride's grandmother and Fred van Vagenlng o f Germany, the be n edict• s uncle. The former Miss Pevec. an elemenlacy school teacher in Costa Mua, is a graduate of the Unlver11lty of Southern Cali!ornia where ihe pledged Pi Beta Phi. Her husband at· tended schools in Germany. After 11kllng In Europe the Mullers will be making their home ln Newport Beach. Emotional Day Positi ons- In· Vietnam 'Offered :• Shl&le~ gir11 looldnJ for an anuaual opporlunity I or. employment •brold are in- vited lo tniervlew for poaJUona With tlJe IJS"AlD MllllM in .... ' . ....... Rti:resentauv.. ~ from 'the ·IJS AID wW be In Lol.Angelea Felr. 24-21 to interview cu. didates at the FedeHI Office , buildinl, 300 N. Loi Angelaa St.1 from 9 a.m. to I p.m . Positions are open for secretaries, auditors, prograin economists, assi!tant rural development officer1, assis- tant refugee oUlcers and nur~ advbors. Applicants must be alngle, over 21, and agree to remaln in Vietnam at leaat 18 months. ·The re;cruttera may be call· ed collect at 2ilJ -68M7M. -- ' 'A -peeling-. ,A ppa rel - Paired in Collection . "Good thlnp come.In hfo," Eva many of Iba m1"'"'1zed Miii Ph yH l 1 tranaponmt -lliniup atylio . TOcbon, cXiordinator of the gave tbe 1 two-piece ~trect: by 1 ....-••••!J· W. Rohlnaoo linkloi bodlc< lo aklrt with laa!Jlan sbciw _. bJ !ht either embroider<d lace Gr IS Clranit Colinl7 aullUlwllldl rhlneslone beading. , 111pport ~'I 11 .... i.I.. . 1be double-breasted look ol ,,....._ 'l'ampo 'II, lhtJ' the traditional bluer alao wu did. Coata covered everything ·-In lull lenglh coal5. lnm> da1 lo late ·~ waar, Belta llft back and al!houlb uncovirinl IO reveal iuk:h•ng many dealgnen emplw!z.ed or ~ bloulea. the return of the waist to Jumpeli Wtth and -where natun Intended ii, they suspenders covered blouses. still were used both above Pantsuits for day and evening· and below the n a t u r 1 I featured covering J a c t e t s walstllne. from tunic lo waist length. While womu are borrowina; Escrows Explored Fundamentala of Escrow in Or&Dge County will be ex· plained when Miss Eileen Woodin of Lawndale Escrow, Garden Grove, speaks at the next meeUng of the Orange County Chapter, Nation a 1 AssoclaUon of Women in Construction. much of their 1970 look from ' the men, the late.st in men'• styles from Cardin display the peacoct~brl&ht colon previously found . only I n •omtn'S fuhiool. llighllght of the show WU the presentation of iue.st designer Willlam n-.,vllla who commented on hil collection -inany ol .mlch . he . crealtd for Diahann ·Carroll'• role as "Julia" and her other cueat appearances, and for motion pictures. Reception Will Honor Initiates New members will be formally inlrod.qetd at a reception Wednesday, Feb. 26, by Coor! Cbrlst the Kini lllti, Catholic Daughters of America . "'M RS. MICHAEL CHAMLE Y Home in Cost• Mesa All women in the corr slruction field are invited ·to arrive in the Charier House, Anaheim, for a 6:30 p.m. social hour followed by dinner al 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 24. Travllla stressed the relum to the feminine and fav<n dresses that 11move," which hi illustrated frequeDtly i n pleated chif!on. A1though be doesn't approve of the see. through, he 11ald he liked the effect of"it which he achieved with the use or lace uno derllned w 1 t b flesh-colored fabrics. He approved o I women in pants and his cocktail creaticins we r • designed with legs so lull they flowed and moved like i.., skirU . Mrs. George Horton, district clepJ!y ., l'ullertoo; ..w be In charge of the rtta'allitlc -.t for the event, which will tU:e place at 7:30 p.m. in the Peek Jramlly Colonial T err ace Room, Westminster. Mesans Recite Pledges In Catholic Nuptials Those wishing to attend may make reservations by calling Mrs. Richard Snyder, l.15--8006; 1\-frs. Catherine Patterson, Mi. 1511, or Mrs. Winifrtd Sweet- man, 637·7523 • Generally tbt flared leg wd . Our Lady Queen of the Angels, Catholic Church was the setting for the double ring nupilals linking Kathleen Con· ner, daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. Thomas Conner of Co.sla Mesa, and Mlch8el Chamley, also of Costa Mesa. Among those taking part ln the di!gree work will be tbe Mmes. Dante rt.assarotti, grand regent ; Robert Buzan of Huntington Beach. monitor, and H. Lee Burks. Huntington Beach, color guard. Guest organist will be Given in marriage by her Madeline McGuc~in, grind father, the bride wore a full regent of Court Stella Marls length_ gown of whlte satin 1441 of Costa Mua· with lace fuh.loning the bodice Members recently enjoyed ' and train. A crown Or aeed a spaghetti dinner and secret pearls caught her fingertip pals were revealed and Dew veil, aod ahe carried a bouquet ones were chosen during the of baby carnatJona:, centered meeting. with ~ orchid. Karen Conner, ais.ter of the The bridegroom, son or Mr. 11eaeh Babes favored In all types of pants and Mis. Robert Chamley of 'for women while men'• slacks Newport Be:ach, asked Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. continued to tapu. Spencer Sheflin to be ru,, best members of TOPS Beach General chainnan of thla man. Ushers were Darry Babes convene at Huntington year's fashion spectacular was Wakefield, Thomas Orchard, Beat:;h High School for P~. Mrs. Rlcbard VDl!lite, Llttlut ·· Kennefh Conne r, J erf ery and -;;gr;;;;am;;;s;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~A~ng~e;;;l ;;;G;;u;;;Ud;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mark Chamley. ll A receplion for 150 guests F'll y H :, followed . in the home of the I our ome , bridegroom's parents. Willi Thrilling Sound • , , a After honeymooning t n GULBRANSON Carmel, the ·newlyweds will reside in Costa Mesa. ORGAN '11le bride is · a gradual> of Estancia High School and now is aUendlng Orlftle Cout College. Her hus ba nd Ls a graduate of Corona del Mar WANT STLm I MODILS TO CKOOll AOlll. COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 faira on aolid footing. Steer clear d senselw di!putes. Play waiting 1ame. cd one is not serlus. bride and maid of honor, wore LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Auxili ary • full leng1h dreu .Pl mint High School FREE WSONS WITH ANY ORGAN PURCHASE! Conflict could exJ-4-between green crepe and carried mint ~· Coastline AlfXili.srw t 0 ...__ Aft .... au-wr TllMI TOP PllCD o~ TIADNNS '!lo home and pro!essional duUes. -~ ........ ........,11 Ullo>. • •• B1 .S\'DNEY OMAlljl GEMlNJ (May 21.June 20): HB Mothers .1. ..... ._ • • \ Cpnfldtntial· matters cOme lo ~ (March 21·AprU It)· fore .' No day to be dellnite ~void rush decbiOIUI in fman· or posJUve. Allow leeway for Cl;&I matters. You may be g~t,.. false report.s, people who t 1 n I lea&-than-accurate .1n· change attitudes. What looks fonnallpn. One who has seU1sh like a certainty could be the motives could be active. Maln· oppoaHt Key is lo finish talk which Veterans 01 Foreign Wars, Go~Jdentl.,Uy 1'nd car· HunUngioii Beai:h Blue Star Electric Organ . Associates ., ha1 been hangln1 !"''Day to Post 3536 1/lthe«the ljrst and rylng ldontlcal bouqiiela'lf<re M_,,, Chapler .2, -slage •• enhance appeal. Spread in· 1hJrd Fridays .at 1 'p.m. Cosla the brldeamajda,'· S • n d Y. Zneetfnp the secOnd Mondays 333 E. '17th St.--Coste Mesa -646-4033 nuence. Don't become 1__ Mesa 's Ame'r:ican Legion Hall ShackJeford, RacheJ Perry·i.nd · at l:JO p.m; in Lake P1rk "'" Js the scene of the· meeUng1. Julie Chamley Clublto " 11,1t111Cf th• PeftC•k• H•11 .. 1 volved wllh a sore loser. rr========~=::::;;:;;,;;:;;2;· =====::;,.:.:· ~~ ... ~-------'~~~~~~~~~~~~5~~~~~~~ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): tain iildependence. S t u d Y CANCER (J une II.July 22): facts, rd rumors. Cupid's 81TOW could strike Postpone journeys which are not absolutely es1e nt lal . Otherwise you could waste Ume on wild·goose chase. Take special care with what you put on paper. Avoid in· flammatory rem1rks. . TAURUS (April 2G-May 20): home. Day when emotions ~e on marriage, soar. Plenty of crea t ive partrierahlp angle. Be wary energy available; utilize IL wi!ere eontr11cts, agreements Exprw yourseU; do so with are concemed. Get famlly af· authority. Argument with 1ov· LmRA (Sept. 2)-0ct. 22): New Date Announced Guard possession!. Don't lose through carelessness. Gain shown by following through on an apparent miDor clue. One who teaches or lectures can aid cause. Know Uli! - act accordingly. For Vocal Vocal competition in the an· nual Orange County Musical Grads Boost Team Spirit UCI alumnJ will return to cheer their basketball team to victory over the San Diego Stale College team then retire to an after-came d1nct and party· in Der Spribgarten 'l'Ueoday, Feb. 25. Ahunnl arriving at lhe game early will be entert.&ined by a surprl.se pregame show which will be of special in· t..-est lo the '69 bamtbaU team. King, Queen Take Throne Auditions SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Arts auditions will take place Take care around machinery, in Santa Ana High School electricity. You tnay want to Saturday,. March 15, from go too fast !or your own good. noon to 6 p.m. Instead of Steady your pace. Be reallstlc the date previously announced. where marriage, partnership, Music students, between, the binding ties are concerned. ages of 12 and 24 who ·reside SAGITARRIUS (Nov. 22- or study jn Orange County, Dec. 21): Stirrings behlnd the may compete. Anyone wishing scenes affect you. Be on guard to participate may obtain a against rumors, false reports. list of rules and awards from One around you may feel of· mo.st local music stores or fended. This could start chain lrom any audition chairman. reaction. Make m e a n l n g s AssisUng with lhe auditions crystal cle1r. are Mrs. Mary Costa of Santa CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. Ana, instrumental; Mrs . 19}: Friend! not likely to~ Leland Oliver, Santa Ana, ve reliable. Arguments among vocal; Mrs. Irene Haynes, those close to you apt to cloud Anaheim, piano. and Bruce judgment. B e perceptive. Duncanaon. Santa Ana, piano. Anllyie. Find out reasoru Mn. William Fackiner of thl Anaheim ls general chairman. why. Check -lake 00 ng · for granted. Entry blanks must be AQUARIUS (Jan. 21)..Feb. returned 11t least 10 days prior ll): Changes occur at the top. to the auditions. Plano auditions .,;ill be Sun· Superiors, those in authorlt)' day, March 2, and in· act in eccentric manner. Heed 1trumental audlUons on Feb. counsel of family member. ZS as previously announced, Avold extremes. Demonstrate A new ting and queen were also in Santa Ana High School. your maturity. Ma Int a In crowned by the Mystic k :;teady pace. Krewe of Komus Jast Friday PISCES (Feb. Jg..March 2:0/: '-·•·· ••· I Har bo r TOPS Long journeys come lo your e .......... at un:: annua Grand aUentlon. But be sure or lllardl Gru Ball. H Schoo Al Fedennan and Mrs. arper 1 ta Costa detaill. Offer of dream vaca· M le h • fl I Trujillo, both of Mesa is the locat.icm. wbere lion tDIY have m a n Y Garden Grove, will rtlgn for members of TOPS Hafbor loopholes. Element of dece~ UJhter1 gather each Monday tion j,,. present Realize this ~ J:',:..i ihelr crowml~~ejiiven-lngijjaiijt7jj:iij30jj. iijiiijiiiiiij,iiiiijiiiiijanjjd~rjies~po~njiid~ajccoijjnliijlng"lyji. iij .....mo matdlinl ._ ~ , w 1 t b rhinestoned '"-"""· NOW OP I N FASHION TRENDS llt•twffitt Lcltlflf l•tl4H O.~ .+t11..C.•t .. Otltl11et. 'IONl·ONLY ly JOAN" a.• C,,...,,..11111 ... ...,., .. ~-. .............. 1 ........ ,.q n-..•--. _,,. • .., • ....,._c.tll' __ CI ml .. JM. tf Am. en Cefft tftwy,J PIANOS• ORGANS FAMOUS IRANDS COMPETITIVE PRICU we'll meet all nrices!) RENT A PIANO CARIFUL L Y No, ume limit! No RECONDITIONED obligation lo bu y. • • UH D credit U you do. PIANOS NI W ANKRUM'S UllD 2064 S. MA IN -SANTA ANA e 546-4800 701 S. HARBOR -FULLI RTON e 171-4326 ti YI.AU IN IANTA ANA • Coming February 22 Family weekly Unregulated Credit Reporting Could Bain Your Life By Sen. WRLIAM PBDXMIBE (D·Wis.) ' The Cha irman of the Subcommittee on Finan- cial In stitu tions reveals how a computer enor, ·an unpa id $5 bill, or mal icious gossip moy re· suit in harassment and seriou s proble1as for the consumer. ALSO e 'PISTO~ PETE' MA RAVI CH -This prolile tx• plains the price Louisiana Slate University's dead.eye baskelballer pays for super stardom in a game he didn't start playing until he was 6 years old! e THE LITTLE STROK E -It's a warning of a 'big stroke that could be fatal. Here's a re~rt on symptoms and treatment for the "little' stroke half a million Americans a year suffer. e AFTER CZECHOSLOVAKIA -Valuable Ups for those planning to visit Eastern Europe behind the Iron eurtaln. All Camlna Safurd1y in the ___ I D_AIL_Y P_ILO---'T I ., SALE ~.99-3.79 S.av.e Qn· Billy The Kid "Splinter s " jeans fftl. 4.50-~00. ().r poptl11 ·~illln" ....... . ~ wta •l·ln blck pockets. ,,,,,. ...... ., .--far 111-boy IC!i•. '1111-- "-""'"'~"~'is u ... talsd far""'-· Affff, Illy fit like I boy likes llm, till JOI •-; H, 8-11. Stare for Boys.· ' Buftinns· ' ,· . " . . I • • NewP-ri Bal'hOr EDITION ~ly Paper' VOL:. 62, NO. 45, 4 SECTIONS, 42 PAGES . dRANSE COl!~;,~d:omA ' . . Y ' , FRIDAY, FBltJA'RY 2f .. ,969 ' . ' --TEN ,mtrs . ' . New Slick Seen Near Drill Site. '. ·" J, • • • • 'NeVer ; Mef Shaw' SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -A ne"' oil allct bu appeand-..! an-. dcilllq platform In the Sonia Birbora CblnMI a ball"'"" from ....... - we11 ·blew out .a -qo. A Unloo Oil Co. opotamm uld the mil&-long allct wu lormed by a ~t ' which "wu thtckly coated wtth,Ol.l, od w.as trailing ropes which wen aturated during Ille big spill." Federal officials today went to Ille area about five miles off the coast by boat to determine tbe source of the oew crude oil. It was llll:bted from a Coast Guard plane which flew over the area Thursday. Union said there was no leakage from the platform. "Thi! is what we call a. "rainbow,' a tb1n stain on tbe water," he said. A pruideuUal panel ol aci<ntilll eoded a ·two day visit to the area Thundli)' to draw up proposaJJ on boW to clean up the remnants of the original. IOknlle-- square slick and bow to prevent such dilulen In Ille future . Tbl 14-man team ol oclmlllls loun!d somo. ol Ille 35 miles of beaches stained by Ille gmnm,y crude oil and allo Dew over tbe affected teetlon ol couWne. Union Oil, meanwhile, ~ued Its efforts to control seepage around Plat· fonn A from a shallow, sandy strata pressurized by the original bl.,,out. The residual oil has leaked at a rate of up to 4,000 gallons daily since the well was plugged 16 days ago. The company said it wu preparing to drill out the cement plugs from three other wells on the plaUorm to a depth ol about 175 feet. The shaft casings will be punctured at the level of the ~ -ta In an attempt to bleed off the natural gu. ·Divers were attempting to pluc aee- tiou o1· the flasure wbm the wont --·-.ms.°"' .......... wcrli Thurlday al a poinl IOil feet - ti the platform wbmt the OljciDl1 Jea1< --·. 'Hot Program' Sizzles Bay Club Apartment TV Set .. I . was washing the breatfaat diaheJ when I smelled smoke,'' Mn. Jerr1 Marti of the Balboa Bay Club said in describing a fire in ber fourth floor luiury apartment comple:r today. Mrs. Maris ran into the family room and saw smoke pouring out. of tbe b<llroom. It was coming from.the TV set. "'l11e repairman was here just Thurs- day to fix it and here it wu going up tn 11moke,'' she exclaimed. '1t wasn't even turned on." she added. She gathered her two girls, Jilt, 13, iR with a cold and Lis.a, 10, and the family dog. They rushed to the downstairs lobby where the fire depart- ment was called. Tbe blaze was contained to the aparlr ment -No. 408 -where smoke ,did . most of the damage, according to Ralph Berke, vice-pre1ldent of the Balboa Bay Club. The Marks famUy was relocated in another apartment, Berke sal~ 1'rudeau Sees Nixon WASIDNGTON (AP) -Canida'• Prime Mlnlster Pierre Elliott Trudeau will be the Nixon administration s first official visitor to Washington, the White lkllse announced today. Trudeau will viii& the capital on March U.25 at the . iavitailon of President Ni:ron. __ • UPl.T ...... MARINA OSWALD PORTER, HUSBAND, HEAD FOR SHAW-TRIJIL Former Wife of L .. H•rvey Osw1kl Testifies Newp·ort Builder~ F aee ·• ·~ t i ..,·, ·""'~ -~-\\1 t...;> I :•-J :,. ; a• • 1"'1·"' \ :,., Hike in .City Park Fees BJ n:ilOMI r. ~ ............ N'!"P'J'I Bu\:b c1ty·-·~on day are upected to •ularp tilt blte on builders for money to, pi1 for new librariu, parks and flre stauons.. Citr ~pr Harvey L. Hurlburt, at the councll's request,· will submit a reeonupend1lion calling for lt1ff bikes In buJldlllf exclae taxes levied against all commercial 'tnd resldetitlal developers. Ht will propose lncrea.oing the miden- Ual rote from 11$ to •m fer each unit aod cloubllilg tilt commerdal rate from one to ·two cents for ~ 1q11are foot ~ &roes floor aree. "It bas become apparent," 1aid Hurlburt, "that the rate scliedule adppted in 19" bu nol kept up with escalating costs of bulldlng the public improvements we need." Tile phllO!Ophy behind the excise tax is that developers should help pay for additional libraries, parks and fire department faclllUes required bJ their projects, be explained. ' Two weeU ago, councilmen eave him the greeu light to report bacll with a firm recommendailon so the boosts could be cranked Into the 1119-10 munidpal budget. Hurlburt esttmatea an ..,,000 annua1 increaH in city revenuet: wHll the n e w fee structure. Current revenue from ·n - cise tues ii about $170,000. • In hls report to the COUDdl ·Moac!ay, he will nota Utat sin<'e JU)y I, l!M, w h •• Ille· original ~ ....i· tnto effect, construcUon costs hive ltDe up 40percen~ . "Obvloualy, if new parts, rn houses ...i· llbtlrlis ,.,. to. be fi ....... <bJ the aclee tu bmd, the rates must be adjusted~" .be Aid. He wW alao propose a means of automaUc idjustment based on annual construction·CQlt 1nereuet "with a built· in five-year c<xmcO nview," be ·said. Newport Soldier Wins Temporary Stay in Sweden A Newport Beach GI and sever.at American draft dodgers, ordered. U:· pelled from neutral Sweden aft.er being given political asylum, today won the rtgbt to stay, at lout temporarily. Joseph Norwood, 20, whose address has been given only as Newport Beach, and a companion were ordered our of the country recently after serving jail time. Norwood and bis fellow deserter were convicted in Mtlmoe of resorting to narcotla peddllni and theft as a ....., of income, aince many U.S. milltir)'· d:• :"thew:'~10~~ .. Coin- mlulOn a~ Ille pa)r and -•a1 n<IHlllllimj draft ....... ,,,..·ov¢ioo>. ed t<>lay by the OOU!ril·naUon'a·iov;m. ment.-. N°"'ood and-hiJ daer\er buddy, Jdbn · DoWllng, allO lO," ol San Diego, >lad · appealed the npa!a!On order bcuute they face comt martial and priJOn1 if returned to the United lllalel. .. • ' • " Marina OswaM ·Testifi.es f o'r Def eitse : 4 . . Np.\' ORLEANS l\Jl'I) -140,!Wv•Y OSWald's wldOll' testified Jod•Y abe-11""r ~ of Clay Shaw before be •u' ac- cus<d of cOlispl!fni with Osnld • to munler Prestdetit Ji>lm· F. Kenned;, and that Oawald dld ' not -Shaw'•· prin- clpol acc ..... ,.Perry ...,,_ &a,oo. Mn. Marina Oswald Porter tool: the stand u the fint -!efense wltneu a r1w minutes altar Diii. Judge Edward Guard Alerted For Possible Berkeley · Riot . from Wire 1erv1 ... BERKELEY -NaUooal Guard units, alerted by Gov. Reagan, moved Into nelgbbortJii Oat1tod 'In fuD ba!Ue gear thll moming to atancl by for use II needed al the Univeralty of Calilornia. Truck convoys rolled tnto Oakland on free_way rout~ from the north, and sout.h. Tbe aiJe ·of tltt forCe and the ldeoilt)' of the units were not determined at once. . O~ers said gas canilten and mask.I were conspicuous in the equip-. ment· of pard!J'nen aaaemblln& at Ith · and Wuhington Streets In Oaldand. Reqan alerted !be Nallooal Guard Thuiaday night alter police an! 2,000 demonstralnra had cluhed .... the llor~~.u~~~ alortad them .(Ille pard) lo be !U'IY" -·-Off!c:ero ....... WJJ -numbend dmlJW1laiioclaJ'• boltlt. A l<iieamlafc miilt ol ~-· -~ ."l'll!ri4oi i.-'j ~ tear ... hlmCI 111· rtol4qalpped polli:t .. the l'egonls ........, "lhelt two-day meeUng. The ~ D! their wrath ..U ~gan .who wu not preeenl "We want Rtapn •• ; gel 'em ••• kill 'em," chanted lbikln& studefttl and thelr 0U-campt11 ""llPOl"l<n. Th e y smashed lrindows w Ith racks, pelted police and overturned c:ara In ..Utt melee1 that l'ICed fra..Unlftrslty Hall, wl><re the regent& met, acrot the campm to· Sproul Hall Pfau. . Today I lqll&illef 11111 olfleen parded Unlvenlty 11111 ·-llea(aa arrived In hiJ -Ii mr otndenta -· In the area aloq with t"° plckels from the lirWns American Federaijon of Teachers. A National Guard jeep w as parked nearby on a street oat to the campus. A ball mile away al Sproul Hall, police watched a few doJt.D lludtat and teacher picteta on the plua. "We did have to call Jn aome gas units from the guard yuterday," Reagan told newsmen before entertna lbe reaents cl06ed morning seulon. "The local police actually ran out of gu. "In view of lbe activilies, the National Guard wu &Imply alerted to illlure order and· prol<cl the rtgbts ol thoee wbo want to conduct-their bumm." Alted U he tboqht alerting the guard would eJ<alale the rtotm, Reagan sald, "'l'bete people wbo are demOllltrattng don't need .. -to " eacalate. Thll bu to llop and u Is 101nJ to llop. I will 1n"-'t Utat thole cauelnc tt are ite:pll'lted from~ university." · The aovemor said ht thOU&ht UC ad· mlniltl",ton bad acled unwloe!y by allowing rallies to be held again at the Sproul Plaza In · recent days. HoWtver, be said he would 1 oot teell: Ille dllmlwl ol OWJcelior ~ Heyna. • KeooOcly-• death lft 1111, that Oinld -"nt by ttie name "Leon" and,..,, by tbe name 1'BerttalXI'' and tbatOllWatd was unibaveli and dirty and looted lite "a blppie.' .. Eullor HauutY declined.to dinoct the IS-man Jury to acquit Ille ~ deCeedanl. Haaerty .mode the decision out or (Seo SB! W nuAL, Pap ·t) . Twelve Candidates to Run In Harbor School Races Voten In the N...pon·MOI& UnUied SChool Dlrtrlct wlll have 1J candidates from which to CboOse ·in fllling four ldloo1 bolrd aeall at the April' lS elec-' Uoo. . Incumbent.I , in trustee mu z •. 4, 5 and 1 · 'lltD bave oppDlltlon on · voting day. Donald A. str-. currentl_y oealed to TrUtee Area 5, loots c:n piper to have the toqbest battle with foUr other candidates ·vying for his spot on the board. Filings for lhe district at deadUne Thunday were: dent, 11511 N. Bay Fron~ Balboa lala!ld: Marv G. Martin and John L. Vaughn. student. Trustee Ares 1: RA>d<rlck H. MacMillian, inctimbent;' 1875 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa; PaUl E: Masley, group supervisor for Caillornia .Youth Autbori~ ty, 173 Governor St:, Costa Mesa. Orange UCI Faculty Shows Split • Former Aaembly Sj>ealler J-M. Unruh. . who 11 ~ In ~ . the PanooaUc ·gubernatorial llllillhuilioe nut ·year, and tho campus lliwipopir, the DoUy Callfornlan, 0,ve '1flO'lad Jlooe• would call for tho llilq .ol ,,,_ Area S. Elllabeth M. Llliy. Incumbent; D Dartmoath Place, Coot• lieu; A!yin F. Bender, Industrial •11zn1 .Ill WelleaJey Lane, Costa Meu, and Putor Hanry E,.Ji>ae!, 110! El Camino Drive, Cotta Mesa. Weatller Baby, the rain mllll faU qaln this weekeod, lllartlng tonllibl and conth\ulng tllruulb &mday. Tha t<nipenotum are ... thing too brq about either, ""line' from tbe mid 50'• to tbe biah •11. 'l ·~ 24 Professors Walk Out of Meeting on Firing ~ssil.e , Heyna. , • • "I wiD not aN .W H~' dltzDlllll, I do.i".Jmow .wheie 11111 Ntted;" nld TroOleo, Area • ti Ljoyd _ El Blanpled Jr., llll:mnbellt; '1111 ,AJta Vista DrM, Neirwt Beach; Gor<ton Charles Morrow, ........ ma, 1M Allppo.'St.,"Newport By JOUN V ALTEllZA ., .. ....., .... ...., Amld heavy parliameelarJ lllalllUver-~. furor and final1J an aqry walkout by two dozeo prolesoors the UC Irvine Academlc Senato Thursday bared Its qwn fJssuru In eo alresdy cllolded eam- Jllll. . . Tbe P""'P. -ting Oii thi' -'100 . ot Chi.nce1lot Dani4!1 '-Gi• AldrQ""' Jr., wu t.o have helped molve the question of a possible moratorium on faculty nrtngs retroactive to Jan. t. The move lt!mmed fr o'm ltudt!M and flmlty dllgnmtlemmt over Ille flrtll( ol Eqllob prolesson Donald Brannan and Ste1'hen Sliaptro. Tbl elplflcance of the aenato meetlntl ,.,..Joo -.. Ille UCl -today, with some students meetlna: \(I deC!de on poiallil< resuinPtt"o ol ilvi>ln · protato-to -the -aed IAl-mbilltnlin awlllinl Ille llri'Var o! Chancellor DbJel Aldricl> Jr. --I Boml ol Rqtots meellnc et UC Berkeley. Meaowbile )he-1""111 '!Ill ta);•. lO """·""*"!!i'rr· .. . Pldm'I; Pale I daya to deddt '"' whit advice Ibey will give on· the luuel of flrin(, tenure and mietr ol·ptl--Tbe ll4rmJ _, ld>tlvtnc about :tOO -and "' ol tM . total .• fliCO!ly --ol the -~"· otarted at 1:31 p.,;,, Ill UCl'1 Sdeoce 'Lecture llalL n eodecl a-7 p.m. At tbout I p.m. mmnll, for the mos\· part, lelt Ille hall.to Jet "the ,;,.. the P,ernor. ' '· . 1..-d-'de ·.., a ro!C:ormDii>ilaliooion / . • · -.' the ..... ~~= ~~1 .. OCllers . :'fhiev~· St~. ,;:i.' i . Bead!. ' . • . ,....... Area I: ·Donald A. Str11111, tncumbe1it, · 101 . Via v...ia, N~ ·Boa<b; Drt -lullD :W ... i ""I'll"'" -· omlylt; Terry "Ji.1. alp. lletened to ""1< music on -the -· ~, .. -.. . !ltPI .until !he evening~ came ... , Steeribg ' eel ·. ri, . .:oio::!..l.ls" M ;~ ~.,..,T.'' ' t.J~~~al par th '!2', )lo-· , -• 1' •·• · 1P £<.ll.A~ .1'1.nAD , · llad~a ... .,.o1~::!1 'I'll!•~., i.-~ .~ ~s·,. w.;.J;..~j._ ... ,p'_1 ~~,,~·:·_·r · .. · Uoes all!f were drawlq their , ..... of , wheel ol a NowpOrl...._~' ,,,..ru .&•v diffennCc. .... ~... 4 '1bQp'1 -;~~ 1_~ ' tOal: ' • . TIM!1.had three -be19ro lbtln: I Jt-1:\,11\~ 11111 ts; · ', ' aiocl: . r#:t"6 Yo.,. ~'today Toenctorwthe ·~·aaollan.1 SIJIT , -1,, • . bects &1 tflh1 e111lzitirj,,,...~e l ;to .......... -............. . •. ~ c -·aaw~ ol the--·~· for....... ... '" c• w=· ol ••• flrinp ol all -, ., . ' • • ~.~ .. . Ullll ,, ·~ • • ' ,., the !Int ol the year, o<'to -In ~ ~ Ille pW W1Ji bo·'foi# lit, ' 1 AIL PILOT _., 10 -at all mf-""9rm klioh WU..,.,, Jnatlna drMQs tbal Oil Pqea 11-11. , ' ' - (Set UCI Bl'lllFB. P ... I) much l'olllher. • · · ' ; INSWE TODAY Jud whot ualrv did 1l4J>P<I' to SOIMt lfo/~,1'!'1ke clllcl ! Berlo~ Bnt .i.if.,,i\td--· < rtlnl< 101141 KhMllllchctl a<taal!r 1oid aliout fl Pao• 17. -. ...... , ,...,.,. If-fl ...... _,, -.. --. -. --. ~--· . ,_. ,.,. .... c... . -" -.._, . ,_ . ...... u... =" ,: __ .. --. 1t1a•11 ·-,.,.....,.. " ....... ..... .... , .. ............ '* ·-.. -. -. 1 .......... ~J ' . - • ~ r (' .~ ~~~Ji~~-··~~~h~·b~·--·~··~·--~· ... lt~',.._~·~·-.. -·~s-·~-·...._,~...,.,~~-·~~~~·~,1~1~'h&s·~·~•~·A·s~'"-~~~•~~~·~~~~-·~•-,•'-''..-_- • • • ----~------------------ I I ' I .1 I I I • .. Wah 'N Dry Rick F1etclier, Lumpy Durkin and Roger KeMy (from left) wash and dry .while Marty (left) and Mendy ~Y sample pancakes in tune up !Or 1tudent fund raising effort Sahmlay at St.. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. About 80 high school seniors will wash cars and sell pancakes from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m .. at church, 600 St. Andrews .Road, Newport Beach, in effort to finance trip to flood ravaged areas of California dunng Easter vacation. Local students will help ·wlth reconstruction in flooded areas. i Trash Man Savs Sirhan Told Him of 1 Death Plan OAll V PI LOT 011.t.NGI' "t'i».sT l'UallVONb. COMl' ... ~'f , . " . -' ' , Jo~\VI. N. We•ol l'rt1iocltflt 111d P'lllllW..r 1 -J,,fi· a. Ct1rl1y VKe Prt11<Se'lt •~ Gfl'lfr•• M•~•9" 1h1111•• !Cet'<il IClilor Thom•• A. M1H11'hin1 Mlnffl~I £tilOI' •Jtrt"'t J., Ceflinl f1t1l Niutn H•__,,.•I lt.Cll Advtr1l1I"' Cllv lfllor OlrK•lol' .....,... lffc•Offh• 2211 Weit l1U111 1111!1.,,,., ·M1lll111 Atl.tr••n P.O. I•• 1171, 92661 °'""°""" eor.10 IMl9~ ia Wnt •w '"'""' l•fU"I l1tcfll '12 F_.t ,.,,......,, ~vnlifllkln If~: ;)Qt Jll1 l1t111 ·- * * * 3 Fil,e for Rcice In Orange Coast JC Area .Board . Vacancies ID two -....,.ha Ibo Orange Coast Junior College I!l*lct Ila.. attract.i: only lhrff 1illlp ed one Incumbent ·lilud membe( '!Ill be unopposed in llli'\lprll II elecllan. 11111( fillnp lndlcatod IOiloy. 1:c . One entrant in · the Trustee ·Area S race apparently ~ to 1\1111, lh~ toniest and the battle . (<>r TrolW.J:i $ in Newport-Mesa VnlOed · District. Sbldolll Jobn -L.. Vaqhn..bu submitted his name for bolh -elections. ~ilinp compiled 1t deldllne, 1)unda:r Trutot Area I, Worlh ltetneJGt Seu -. Jr.cumbeal ~ . 'l'nllM Ana I, George II. llodda Jr., management COlllU!tan~ .. Qoldean>d. Corona de! Mar, and Jolm L. Vauglm; atudeiiL ist··~ ~a Gballe f ~.· ·La~ 'j t o ~-I'•. ••I 1 ~ £. 'I':-' '• , , v I I ~ , .. : ·to~Jlf ~tuy ~Saeing ·So'll!ls' -in Costa M'esd:_ J~il · ' . " . ...... ' .... . 'II, w-'a. ft 1 , •er i11 al ...., 10 IDve are acheduJed. conotructive in their jail conlinemenL ~hoots. f "• - - -. for hi>..• ,in . Well Orance Count¥ "°'! the ouWde, th!Y have •dlsi!et.,, Pol;., wbo •hl,v~ erreale!i ·them loc .~--pul>Uc dffeudlr to-1 JudleW Dfltrli:t•O>llrt-. -, · laundry, picketing '!'!~ other wott'IO · the' \lar!Otif vlolauons. ''!eatlly' expresa e1111 ~the~ o1 Tiii -bave --Ov• -do,"llev,Borfexpiamed'l'hurad1y,:'but ·the·!~ that they~ -r la"' .......... wblcb.11 mllltaot Teem 10r ttmes. wblle the defendant& remal:o free now they have mote time lot Bible have ~en violated ,and. are not '-•-00 • • 11\elr own~. study and witnessing." per""'tiog keewa ol q.e faith. Christ Cl'llAden are Im~ 1rlitl' "We think Iha COlllliiuUObalUY o1 the "This ii Iha llitl ti r baven, fUllT The 1!ev\..B.er~>4: Illa ·!loci:. believa •waUJoc jury. lttal ,Jo 11 40fL ' Jaw' ii inllY ~." tald ad'llier Bore beeq "'on'led' abooit ·-·· he ailded, · that right Wll! · ph ~·,. infg!d' and l ·-to nie11l liati ~ lince 1l>da:r lo a·tillepbone lnterviOirL,• a "it'1~Uyavl!C&liiiaf.,.,allotm." ., remain cheertiil to 'e iaceol adversity lheJr roundup in · Coot& Meas durlna ~.for Cbrl1f;.1oddenly ~'"'! iD1o 11>< Teem, for ~ ha,. -quil• as more and more· jaD cells bave rung •-•-;., •• 'ocbool d onstrt-an -· . active In -.it months, ataa!ol Sandiy wiih hYIJU)S of courage. • •~ ,..,. campua em . "~. wlD JOU rct that )>allJ ·.olf lllOl1ling ili~ins in llllCloWfol f# lhe "We ~v&n'k,.al>itl!Jn&.. '.'!""'•le to tioo Monday, the a ·mtn and lour &ttis . 1f1e ~t", aUed Berf; cont1nuhia on m!l'e •ledalt c~g-· an 4 report yot aboUI legal, _d<#l0os," he are held 11 Orlll(e ,County Jail, atlll lo .,,, the II .-1r uresieil lii demaoltra~wllii placar<!i; ~and· said today, "but I we'ie ~opfug for the carrying oo lheJr worlc, Oo11a M• Mooaa, remain happy and symbbllc yqba ar-Harlilr 'Area best. Goodbye and GOO bless you." Winol, bid check wrltml and lrallic , • · • ollenden alike are hearing again and again the saving quallttet of the Cbriltian . ' . way, wblle the II JOlllhl remain wlUI them behind bars. Doubllea, they will COG\inUI lheJr ............ of imnlla ol the llx-1141y, ,_ .... jall until llalleluJali Mornfllc' coinea In the Imm Gt a CGUr1 decision or' pennies !tom liUven totaJlinC ·fl,040 in bail. "The judge 11 going to hesr a motion this afternoon to release: them all on their own recognizance," said Deputy Publlc Defender Jama Llni· Judge Calvin Schmidt arrslgned the sel!--styled Cbrl5lian revoluUonarlea Tuff. day in Harbor District Judiclal Court and Daily re!Dled to reduce the 161 ball to a mere promise to appear. The militant ii>iuiOlllrla have pleaded tnooc.nt lo -aeporato counta in- vol•ing street obstruction, a c h o o I dllturbanee and failure to dlsper1e, with April t set !or jury trial. "Thal Judge: Schmidt oeemed lo bave a hardboiled atll-toward · ua the minute we entered thl courtroom," Rev. Dave ~-· the 4t-ytaNO~, Teens for Christ spiritual advller lllid Thurlday. H.11 two 80ns, ftrtbrand lleutenanls of the group headq~ al llie Golpe~ Light Club, 110 Main· St., Huntington Beacb, ·are lnvoMd In today's cue and allo an earlier, one. Five other teen mlaaionarlel were ar• rested 10< unlawful entry onto the Golden Well College ·campus WI Dee. I in Huntington Beaeh. Lani in repreeentlng the IP"IUP ... rested at Maude B. Davi.I Inlermedlate School, IOllO Arllniton Drive, Costa Me11, whUe J)eputy Public Defender Bernie , November 1S involved In the December · cases. " November is basing bil counael on . the same le11'1 questions, as he araun Ip beliall of bis •bare. of the '.Teens !or Cbi1it." lfii6 liave both krialed 1111d' experienced a winier of dilcontent in organlled county rellgtoua circles. CUtl or tbe five arrested after junior colle11 Dear! of Studenll Dalo A. • '.: :From P .. e I licI ;STRIF·E •··. ' ·' ~ . . ,. ' the :mirl~ of the system Wider which Pfofeaon jiave been fired. · ~ At one poinf durin& 1111 l>oilbl of the parliamentary maneuverlnc,: one. 1a<u1ty .member ...... and nulled the digital alp made famoua by the ·USS Pueblo crewmembers durlnc a North Korean pbotograpby seasion. Votes were cloae -eo clOH, that a ohow of hand! coulil not be 1CCUratety counted. The fa<ulty walkout occumd oborlly after the vote on the M-Cbanle FecommendaUon ·fallfld. . JngUab Prol<SIO{ Murry Krel&er ..,. on4 llhouted, "I rtfuae to ncognisl the authority of this .body to vote on this quesllon, I resign from the senate and iifJ 'its commitleel; and l lnvilt all lhoae :who qree with me to do tbe same!' He and the others picked up their papen "and walked out lilUd loud •P. plause from within the ball and from ·the lobby outside. . The mood Ihm became grim, and argumenta betwe<n the junior faculty who supported chanp in peraonnel pro- cedure and dlJsideot lludenta cropped up. One prof-said 1<veral lima to the etudentl, "lf you klda would hive cooled it a lilUe bit a few months, ago, none of thll -would have hap- pened." Faculty memben heard emotional commenll froln another peer also, English Department Chairman Dr. Hazard Adams,, wbo .. in a 'quavering V9lce, said any vote 1n favor of change ti the peraonnel atandardl "must he consWered ~)' me as •,?•ct of confidence ln my departmeat ..• "I speak In you In an effort to defend the ldioo ol my deplr1m<D~" he added. "I apeak wllh 111"•1 emotion about lhia, u you CID tell. because I ""°'11bt all lheae -1• In rrtf department here. l believe in them." · ' ARTIST.'$ RENDERING O,.EXISTING HOSPITAL (LEFT) AND PROPOSED HOAG TOWER. Planners Sn No Conflict With Coastal, Newport Freeway Alignments Hoag Given Go-ahead For 11-story Addition · Newport Beach p I a i;a-ii I n g com- miUionefs Tlxiriclay nlc"ht cleared the • way for comtructJon al an ft-story tower addJUon to Hoag Memori~pltal. The $11 million projecl,l"'ill see lhe ~ital e ....... from a ~facility lo a1 ut-bed oMi , ': I The uae pennt( requesl ' lrom Hoag Oftldall ·wort planners' mianlrnous ap- proval' on a inatiOll oby Rar, }'. Copelin'.'" . Aeling Planning Director Daren A. Groth said . t~e ~··.,ar-e compatible with adopted freeway routing in the area. "It doesn't matter where the freeways go, n he .said. "The gen)ta1 plan. of development takes into · account the adopted routing of the Pacific Coast Freeway:'· and whichever way the Newj>o'rt ,FreeWay swings Will not affect the·pian.".. · The ""-•nla of hoih lreewaya !or years baw: been questioner(l ·by NewJ>Ort City officiAls, Commissioners indicated concern ove~ Hoag'• prot>osal for 963 ·car parking apaces on the enlarged lite. They ques- tion-1 whether they wou.l<\ ~ .\UJficlent. Studies by hospital consultants shO\\'ed the spaces ~ould be adequate. Bft City Engineer Ben Nolan pointed opt that severa1 spaces wouJd liave to be removed with the planned widening of Hospital Road. · Groth noted, however, that there ap- peared to. be enough "flei:ibiµty" io proposed landscaped areas to compensate for the loss of spaces adjacent to the road. Commissioners decided.to approve the expansion on the condition that Do less than Ute 963 spaces be provided during the tl).year development program. A campalgn for funds for lhe project wa:s kicked· off earlier in the week by. hospital administrators and vo_lwiteers. Kosygin Turns · 65 'MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin celebrated his 65th birthday without public fanfare today and was reported looking fit after a six·week vacation. -'---'~~~~~~- YMCA Youths Set for County IIike on Satm·day About 35 Orange Coast Y M C A youngsters strap on their boots Saturday morning in preparation ol a 2$-mile hike leading through a sizable chunk <JC Orange County. The adult·supervised physical fitness Walk-a-Uion is organized to raise funds for tl1e purchase of equipment for the YMCA and its youth program. Each walker is backed by a sponsor who Js paying a minimum of -$2 per mile the youth can walk. Hikers begin their trek at 7 p.m • at the YMCA, then head for Tustin. around the Orange County Airport and back to the YMCA. A second lap will take them over the same route in a reverse direct.ion. Lunch will be provided at lhe half-way mark and foot massages are scheduled at the end of lhe long hike. End of the endurance test is expected at 5 p.rn. In the event of rain, the hike will be scheduled. for lhe same time the following Saturday. The YMCA Walk:a-thon has been held for the past two years and la.st year drew 47 entrants. ( s 2 • :J.etruar'! Special\ DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS Truly en outstending cheir velue, feeturing swivel ot cester b1se. Also 1vMl1ble with • cuttom swivel caster, base, 1t • slight additionel ch1rg•. Th••• ch1irs mu1t be 1een to appreciate their vnusuel styling and terrific comfort. Your choice of • wid• selection of qu1lity febric'-sm1rtly ttyled to ench1nc1 any horae. The -nn.Il1 dedded that • ~. . on lbl '-·•itered' ddwn mcAion for ~ ol lhe l~ing ~ be takon ey <'niOd • ov~ a· 3Q.<loy pitod; ' COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE Tllo. ·1lllil ..it.· llowevtr, mot . wllh UWe ~ -.lbt~ ""'°"!"""• who del""1lded abowiri tmelediatelj, h> stead othl p ~ . • F<ri; ~ bilcfit ol ~ lur<r, lold lhe · oeni"t,; . in the oteep-jlitched - pllheaW ii.t IVOD thou&h the pro!-. walled DUI, the)" caDDOI lormall)' ""1p tmn the oenalt UDlel they mlp from the unlvenlty aJIGCether. Oat note ol lrotlY Cllllt u the lacult:r wUrtly -~ aloumed--.. th.miislcaJ lnlb wnent ---IO etl1 and openec1 up 111e1r -· On:bellra prlClice -I« 1111 lecture hlJl YU ltortinl 1l minuta late.. EXCtUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENREDON-OREXEL-HERITAG! 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT NIWPOllT •IACH 1727 W•lcHN Dr. 642.2050 OPIN NIMT ,,L t '· IN'IUIORS ProflOllonal lllhrior LAGUNA BEACH Ooal_. 345 North Coast Hwy. AYOlleb ....... ID-HSIO °"" NIDAY '" t ..... , .......... "' 0.-,. c..tr" ..... ,w , 494-6551 \ I I Sealab ' Tragedy StUdied SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND -lbe de.\JI of 1 Navy Sellob JU lqllllllut .. the -floor ,may have been caumd by """'1xlotlon d .. lo • -Ing air filter In bio ..... equl~ the N1YJ .... ,.i: mitted. ' Bmy M. c.ilnon, II, a civilian electronb elJllN-, was stricken Monday u Ill was about to emer tbe Slalalt chamber 110 feet benealll the surface of the Plclllc. At first, the Novy llfd C... non's diving . equlpmeal wu func:tlonlng nornWJy befcn and after his fatal dive anci that desth appeared lo be due to a cardiac amst. B'ut a s poke1man ac-ledied Thundaf G1ie .al the diving rigs U!ed by Colman and three other aquanauta who accompanied him Wlf found to have a canister em/ t y of t h e chemicals u s e to absorb carbOn dionde. ' ' • Disclosure of the empty·can- ,, ister raised n•w· ~ about Caiinon'a dMlll; Ille llnl in the Sealab progam sin~ the Navy began its manned undenea exploration program in ISM. The failurt to eliminate the poisonom gas exhaled during the dive could have eaU!ed Cannon'• death, but the Navy s a I d ft had not determined whether he used the fauJty rig. "This could explain the tragic .event," said the spakesm.an, 1'but it h a s not bttn codclulively .,Ubtlabed th&t lhi!wu t,he.cause." . Th e Navy 'did not ezplaln why the empty canister w a s not reported unUI Thursday and ntused to pinpoint the respomlblllty other than to say the chemicals should have been added by personnel aboard the surface support vessel. Pathological and tos:ico- loglcal tests we r e continuing in San Diego, after an autop1y proved inconclusive as to the cause ol death. . ,Peru Rejects U.S. Claim ... Over Boat ' PVT. HINKLI! ORDIRID IACi< TO · A"='~'!" F•mlly L11v11 Covrt Alkr Lost.,-i!ftl lor .D~or91 -" Army Whisks Away Unconscious Private SCAPPOOSE, Ot_e. (UPI)-but said he-would be sent Two Army men In Civilian to Fort Dia:, N.J ., for severtl clothes whisted ~an imconsct. -1"-eeks of special ttatfilrig tn ous Pvt. Robert J. Hinkle back reading and writing and ~ to mjlllat1 me ,Thursday fa as&flned'to Germaoy. a bCI r~ed ambUllnce.. . ne 'father then filed suit, Ills flUw called ·it "the see~ his son's release from "honest to God darndeal, military duty on growJds be dirtiest, sneakiest trick I ever was illiterate and mentally )i. C()~~tent.. . saw." ~. 21, •was taken from hill h-here leu than e;pt hours after a federal judge in P:ortland dismissed h i s father's suit attemptin1 to prevent the youth's return to the military on grt1UDtb the soldier is mentally retarded. U.S. Dist. Judge Robert C. Belloni ruled that he bad m jurisdiction in the ·case . Anny officials at Fort Lewis, Wash., immediately notified the father, Robert R. Hinkle, that the 50n was absent • without leave and shOlild , ~ returned· to the Army immediately. nit youth bad been at his ~ Army said he could stay, hQm~ until the ~ rul· ed. on the elder Hinkle'1 iult:. LIMA, Peru (AP) _ '9>< .. family's bom~ here, 25 mil .. Peruvlao government ~ I s ~ fl!: ~orJ1l1ndlo '> •111•:e;~ refused to accept a tJ s ""~ .agreel'; to new K')WI government claim for '50,000 for the soldier al~r ~ father hBJJtale b l s clothes," t h e protested his son s assi,mnent Juan, a source close to the to Vietnam. Foreign Office said. The Arm~ later agreed not The San Juan was riddled to send Hinkle lo Vietnam wlth machine-gun bullets Feb~ 14: when a Peruvian gunboat atlacted a small Amefican fL'Shln& fleet more ~aii zs miles off the Peruvian coast and seized one of the boats. The \lnlted States delivered a fo:nnll protest against the deWltlon aod flied the damoge claim Wednesday. It uid the attack OCCWTed i n in- JE'J'..:...G , .7 ' . . -. --NOISE By Joa• :President A.sks Vote ;Ref orm8 ternational waters. Congratulations to the Orange "This claim is as if a person County Airport for their elem.en· enters your bomt; and you tary school artis~c exhibi!'·. In damma1e his clothes," the fact, the whole mport bu1ld1ng Peruvian source said Thurs-is artittlc and charming -the day. "Of course you are not kind where you can go and obliged to pay any damage watc h people off ~d st;e the for such intrusion." planei -a people-siud mport. You know what'• happened to prioal wit.bout our ;=========::;!Let's keep it that way and not Jet the inevitable pressures (){ our wonderful air age ,de.stray it -and us on the ground. "Whdsin control?" Let's build an airport elsewhere in Orange County bif enough lo hondle tbeto jets aod provide enough nonre1ldentlal a r e a aniund It -land or water - so that no hwnan being will have to have . Ulla mile and danger over their bome.·Orange Coonlj<. with Its wealth of ltosl ol us like to 1111 I/lat resoorcea. could be a model 'we'rt .. in the driY'tf's sul." But wflat ha--· I« . ont renon Of allOUter, wt Ion control of oar exptrierKe? In this pt.tblic lecturt, Chlrles W. Ferris, 11 experitnetd Chr;,tiln Science practiUoner, shows how wt can take control of CM experience by submittint to tll4 period control of God. In three actual and •ivid "porien<a hi tolls 11ow heolth .... resl«ed, • t0nmtss CIT .. smd, lfHI liuinan re~tionsllips 0.- rocled. all whtn till -- 1111 involved wire wOW1t1 • submit to tll4 ptrlod will of God. Admission is frlO. Evtryone is ----Swt14•'1· F.~. 21 1t J ,.M. fiflt Cliwtcii •f CMi.t, Sci•J1fttt 6Jl Hit'-Dtiff, l11wt11 111111 ChlW C1r1 ''••i41e4 for the: country in meeting the realities of the air a1e. • • • ' Did you know lhat when aircraft are landJng generally io. the ' north, the FM approach pro- cedure permits them·to deacend to 500 feet over your houoe on an ext~ed final approach course? They could be required to fly higher over reaidential property. Let the FM know how you feel about J t . Write : Federal AvlaUon A1ency Re(lonal Hoadquarten P.O. Boz 90007, Airport StaUon Loa Anj:eles, Calif. 90009 • •• Stop ~. wrlte or call us at • !iit 17th St In ea.ta M ... -Ujlltain. Pllono -· We~e -daily at IO:to • • • having to tell you. But have heart. You can actually buy the Malibu Sport Coupe hove with it.I •tandard 200-bp VS and e1tra equip- nent for ltu money than you could last year. Thi1 Malibu bas Powerglide automatic t.ran11- 1ill8ion, head rettninta, power dillC brakes, wheel :>ver. and whitewall tires. And the COit of all tboee item1, wi th the exception ~ lh• whitewallt and wheel coven, hp come down . \rheel coven cost the ume and a aet. or whitewella DAILY PILOJ S ·R·uss to U ~e Orbital Bombs?, • • • ""' ..... FOUND DEAD Mrs. Marjorie Urlt . WMHlllGto~ !AP) - Defeue ' oflelall uy . they 1hlnk the • Sovltt Union has ·cf¢d~ to dejlloy ·In orbital -b•yaleln In _.. They Indicate t I\ a t ac· ~umu1atlne evidence, ~!!' B•therec! I r om 1 '~et tett1 monitorect by the 11Dlted States. points Iowan! thei Kremlin's intenUoh to mount the program, called a- Fractianal O r b i t a l , Bom- bardment 1System. This ~luslon comes ·only a 1month after Carle M. Cllf· tOrd, in his final repcrt u secretary of defense, said the United states was uncertain TERRY McCARDLI! , MAN OF ACTION ' i1 $2.10 more.) , and road noiea. _ "• But Powerflid• eo1ta leea than it did in 1968. And lh• coet of neW ad•anced-deeip power ditc bi'akes ha1 beef, cut by more than one-third. & you end up paying S69.00• leM for thi1 one than you would have paid for last year's model equipped the aame way , And, of coune, t.be '69 Mali bu Sport. Coupe i1 riot t.be ea~• car u .laat year'a model. It'• rrwre, car. .. It com• with Chevrolet'• new theft-dilcoura1in1 lock for tbt ateerin1 wheel, shift lever and ignition. It has Altro Ventil~tion to let in &ir, but keep out wind It11 the only car in it.a field to offer you headlight wuhen and a pulb-butt.on l)'Stam •for roatJnc yoal: rear wheel.I with a traction improving fluid when you get. .tuck on ice. So be 8Ul1l to abow up at you r Chevrolet dealer'• Showdown. , One thin1'•for au.re. Chevelle'1 competition wouldn't dare. ; ., > ·: . • -I • ·~ l • • I ' • ' ' .. '" ··.1 - ~ ' ' ,. .. ~ .. •• '· ·~ . Al'J>O'I Noll• Abafemenl Commi ttlt !-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' • .. ' - i I I I. ) • I l ,, • , . • -- ' jDAD;Y pJLO'i .ED~BIAL PAGEi Everyone Grab an Oar A city's revenue problems are not city govern. meot's alone. That is the thought Newport Beach cowicilmen had lo mlrnl last wed when they Informally agreed to bring the business community fhto discussions on possible hikes ln business license fees. Chamber of Commerce leaders will be asked to es- tablish study l'Ommtttees to consider the present fee_ structure ana ways ,it can be ma.de to produce more revenue on an equitable basis. In deciding lo make the request ol chamber oLfi· cials municipal lawmakers gave clear indication that Ibey' intend to boost the Hcense costs. It ts only a ques· tion pf how much, ahd bow the -increases should be ap- plied. . The chamber .-presumably both ~ambers. New .. port Harbor and Corona del Mar-will likely respond to the requ .. t wltb·mlxed feelings, to put It mildly. Chamb6 members are, after all, largely bu•lnesS. men. They ob\dously ·would be most affected by Ibo revislom. And Ibey are being asked, in effect, to par· tlcipate in studies that will cost tbem money. But whit is the alternative? The participation will surely come,. sooner o~ later. Councilmen prefer, wisely we think, that 1t take place now in 'the very earliest stages of consideration o1. new fees. The. advantage to the businessmen is that at the outset they will have a hand in the shaping of the in· evitable. If they wait for the city staff to develop the recommendations, they might find the task of res~aP" ing them considerably more difficult . . The city's expenses, like everyone's, .a~e clunbing. And it is the bus inessmen's city. just as 1t 1s the coun4 ciJ's. Few can argue that the present $25 flat fee for all ' firms, whatever !liejr si2e, LI equitable. But Ibero.may be valid arguments •lain.rt a.l!'hed· ule based oo gros•• receipts, u •ugg .. tecl by tbe city staff. Chamber committee aludleS could clarity this. In any case, it dOOI 4eem tbiit the best way to ap. proach the subject Is for evor)lone to erab an oar and start rowing. And to d9 It DOW. , One C)lance 'Too Many Question of the week : \Vhen is a probe.for oil not a probe for oil but just a "geological survey?" Answer: When it takes place in waters where drill4 Ing for oil ls prohibited by statute. That's the apparent reasoning of the State Lands Commission and tbe Shell Oil Co. Newpqrt Beach city councilmen, the city councils of Laguna Beach and San Clemente, and the Orange County Bbard of Suppervisors are absolutely correct in denianding !bat the Shell project be stopped before it begins-here aQ<i elsewhere in the so-called oil 11sanc~ry." .The Santa Barbara oil disaster can happen here. And when that football-field Jong barge arrives here to be~ln its "geological survey," th e threat of pollu- tion will he nearer than ever before. '"fhere are probably 999 chances out of 1,000 that there 1won't be any blowout from the Shell test here." said Oceanside City Manager Frank Lilley, whose city was visited ·by the barge Thursday. ''But it's that one cha.nee th.at scares us. "We're in the same boat as Newport." ' It is time tti,at the state of California, and the Shell Oil Co.1 got us out of that boat. N • Jet Airplane Problem Pollution El Toro Could Be Answer To lhe Edilor: lt was interesting to read County ;wport. Director Robert J. Bresnahan 's comment in the DAILY PILOT . that El Tero was-on--the-·top -.d7 bis'"'-list as a llOlulion to the airport problem in Orange County. I hive .talked to .,_ pretty ~t people around Ibo county about lhll during the last rear. It ia amazinC that few people lfho llhould bow \IDder!land why lhb could be the answer . I THINK THAT any truly informed IJenon could ahOw that the military and the airlines of Oranj;e County could operate out of El Toro together for a Jong Ume. 'There are probably few people in tbe· county that know, for starters, that EJ Toro bu nui••YI up lo 10,000 fee~ to say nothiol ~ the latest in rad.lo aad radar aJIFl!!9Clt 'i:nd ' lal<eolf l)lltems. : . A pbose oot .,......,. C</uld be started over a long period of time to eventually, move the military to the d.,.rt, In any Dl}Mbe.r of lOcations. THERE WOULD BE a lot of wrath 1111 ol the military, but Ibey would have a hard time proving a c~, if the other aide la correctly informed. Jt would be ioterestlne;, u .an eumple, to see whit traffic figui'es at El TOro have looked like in Qie lut 20 years. This would solve ao .many problems lhat have cropped JIP since Orange eoun. ty got jell. li coiild ~~..':ck 1<I general aviation, and the air · and the Jet.fl could go to El Toro, wlth minimum eo&t to the Orange County taxpayer. Who knows ? They might even change the name from El Toro to Nixon Interna- tional . JOHN BAKER F or Baby'• Good? ?l'o the Editor : After reading your article, "A Tearful Farewell," published Wednesday, Feb. U., where do you go from there? The name of the game is "Play Fair." Many of us disapprove of the decision made by the weliare department. Surely the Harts tOQk much Ume in reaching their declsion1to adopt their foster baby. Did the welfare department take as anudl time In malting their decision? ApparenUy the agency approved of the Harts when they placed him in their home. They felt the Harts coold jgive him attention. love and security, most needed in the beginning of We. For rrve months, he seemed to be doing quite well. Then the agency take! him from a home like this and pJa('fS him In another. This is probably listed ~; For the Good of the Baby. Really? lla.r often we have heard. . . "the baby's welfare is most important.'' YOUR ARTICLE slated the agency dftclal said if they reviewed the casr, tt wvuld be a ··renection" on the ·'pro· -----Friday, February 21, 1969 n. editorial pag• of i.u Dear Pilot 1«eb to Inform and 1tim- ·l&latt rtadn• b11 presmtino tht. "'""'""""'' opt"'°"' and """' ..,.carv .,. IOfll<I of 1n1<rcr1 ana s1gntf-«: br ~ • f<>n<m for th• •"I"*'°" '"f ""' ,._,, oplniom, illld .. ,,.,,~dng tAfi dfHr,. ... ,,.,,.., of lnf"""'d _...,,. and tp0k.-on lopia of U.. 11o,. . Robel}, N. Waed. Publisher • - fes&onalism" of those wbo first• made· the decisim. It is obvious ·your readers don't know wbo fi1'll made the decWon, so bow could this be true? I seriousJy doubt il lhll would reflect a bad image on anyone in particular, let-.~ •the agency, itself. Foster parents ln the past have adopted their foster child. Jt -Inn ~~n · maby time.! over Jn the ·future1 '1'!11 """"" bas admiUed lliete .,. .. ~ The _,..,.,.!hoy b&ve rules. Well, I woilld: 'think fair play should lie entilled to alL More respect and -m would be forthcoming 11 the weUare department would tbow a. little heart and review this case. • MANY OF YOUR readers fee.I since the welfare ~ent U on the county payroll ancl we art the lalpayers . . • we are entitled to see fal:Q play •. We ezpect •the welfare department to be open-mlDded and fair in all of its · cases. This case really is no different Surely, even the new prospective paWlt3 could realile lhe aadness and ·unfair play. ll could happen to them ••• or for that matter, any one of us. MRS. J. A. ROGERS Orange County Adoption Agency requires pre-adoptive foite r parents to sign an agreeme-11t stipulating that the orrangement i.s an interim plan for the child, i! to help the county department of social welfare evaluat.e the baby's progre ss and needs until a pernurnent adoptive home is fou11d, and that pre-adoptive foster partnts cannot be accepted as adoptive ap- plicants for the specific child or chil· dren so ptac:ed. -E'ditor Thank• Bond Helpers To the Editor: I'm writing UUs as a thank you note to all those who acUvely supported the recent school bond issue and campaign. There an: many, I'm s11tt, who will Quotes U. S. Staal.or Sam J. Ervin Jr., N.C. -"Essential to the preservation of liberty and central to our a>nStitutlonal system is the understanding that there must be limits to ,overnmental powers: that government, be it local or national. cannot be e1pe<:ted to solve all or society's ills; that unrest ra In e d governmental power itada to tyranny; and that t)Tanny results when ll!'llrnlted power is conferred for ends whldl are claimed good, just as SUttly as when power is seized for ends that are evil " Arliona Farm lkln:au -"Crop pn). ductioo per acre bu increased 12• pt~ cent sl.nce ll&O despite 50 million _,. cropland acres In P<Odudlon, cr.p ProducUoa. Ptr Man Hour hu lncrU.ed 148 percent. and Livestock Production Ptr Man Hour is up 149 pt:rcent. Food is a good hl'1 tn America becau,. of tbe productive abllJty ol our Amerkan farmers llDd ranchua." Willian. L Ceek. editor. Grea River RepabUcu, MwpntoW"n, Ky. -"A friend who hadn't been reetina loo well went to the doctor for 1 check-up. Whtn the doctor told him he was ns sound as a dollar, the man fainted ... always feel a bit nostalgic when the words "white cards," "poll watchers,'' ''telephone talkers," or "letter stulfers" and "addreJsen" come to mind:. Your responsible support and activity in making this bond election successful will allow our school d1atricl io provide classroom1 to match atudent gro"th for the nei:t four years. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE .u; personally thank all 16,776 who voted "yes1' last Tuesday. It's not even practical to 'try to contact the 1,000.plus who worked on campaign committees. But, J do feel that a person. who deserves a gn!at deal ef. thanks fri:n:n all of us is Ken LeWis. dlrectort Informational Services for the ICbool district. who helped so milch wjtb , the success. o( the bond Juue. ..... ' { So, il you •n cut out \hJs Jett;, 'and pas,, it on to a friend, I'd appreciate U, u a Wt JndividuaJ job of a wonderful contmwtlty effort-. 'Mlank you all so 'much. ANNE SORENSEN ' President, Harbor CouncU PT A 'Vnde••r able Neighbor' To the Editor : It ·has come to the ' attention ol the pro'perty owners in our area lhaL ap- pUcaUoo has been made to the NeWport Beach Plaiirung Commission for a zone changt: in connection with the sale of property at the corner of Placentia and Flagship Road. This property is adja· cent to the Park Lido Medical Building, Hoag Hospital, other medical buildings, convalescent homes and where two more convalescent hospitals are to be bu ilt. THE PROPERTY to be rezoned fron1 parking 11rea and R-3 to accommodate a six-story hospital to care for .the men- tally dis'turbed, alcoholics and drug 'ad· diets, not only w6uld be an undesirable neighbor but also intensify already crowded parking and increase the traffic In an area where ll is already too heavy for the streets involved. We feel that such a facility should be located in a more rural area, which ls the case with Camarillo and other such lnstitutlons. The city of Orange refused to grant its coosent for the psychiatric hospital or treatment center. so why should Newport Beach be the paU:y? WE HA VE A desirable residential com· munity here in Park Lido and ~1edite~· ranean Village now which would certa.inl7 not be so desirable if this questionable six-story institution is permitted to locale in lbb already crowded iJ'Jtersection. We app;eal to all interested residents of Newpqrt Beach to look into this mitter ;ind e:ipress their op.inion. ANTHONY DE SOUSA Dear Gloomy Gus: 0 u r beacb w a s tempO,.arlly quarantJoed due to sewage pollu· lion. A look into the progressive fuwre o "Oc:Oan front parking lor marina and marina quaranlined du~ &o .tewaae pollliUoa In marina!" -H. M. B. ""' ...... f'fMnt ........ .... -_,.,.,, .... .. ftt. ...... ..,. ~ ~ .... -..... -.,, °""' O.•• " ... ,. Hearings to Open Monday r ' ' A Senate subcommittee on air and water poUution beqim hearings i11 Santa Barbaro on pollution fro111 off· .shore oil totlh on Monday (Feb. 24). The subcommittee wilt retun1 to \.Vashington on Feb. 27 when. in sev- eral sitt"i11gs, it will hear Interior Sec· retory \.Vatter J. Hickel. former Sec· retary Stewart L. Udall, and repre· 3entativcs of the Coast dtwd and ihe Atomic Energy Commission. . . The United. States could pollute the . . Atlantic Ocean, just as 'it dld ·Lake Erie, Little serious atteqUon was gi¥en to iwotecUrie the Great J.atea fiom pollu- tion "before Lake Erle 0 died" as a medium for living organ.i!ms . The sad ltory of the Santa Barbara oil slick recall! lf&SOns we ahou1d have learned from ~ past, notably the run- ning aground ·of the tanker Torre,. Can- yon off the C08$l of England on March IS, 1967. The spJll of crude ··oil from the 120:000-ton tanker blackened miles of coast and caused the death of sea bird s. Similarly Southern California beaches recently were smeared with oil and wild life was killed by the still bleeding leaks from drilling off Santa Barbara. TllE OIL INDUSTRY, according to the Magazine of Wall Street, bas more than 8,600 wells on the ocean bottom, and more than 100 companies in 60 countries active in the field. In the United States, the major off-shore oil efforts arc concentrated in the Gulf oi Mexico and off Alaska and California. The Santa Barbara disaster is describ- ed by the oil industry as a freak. But the Washington Post saw the mud slide distress near Los Angeles in January, the total pollution of Lake Erie, and the Santa Barbara leakage as part of a haphazard pattern. "In each of these situations," tbe newspaper observed. "a tragic result has come when natural resources 'i\'ere ezploited either before men knew what damage their works could create or without regard to the y,•arning signs nature had provided.'' A REPORT of a seminar on Biolog· ical Problems in Water Pollution held in .1962 re;ids in part: "Evt:n If there were strict enforcement and observance of such regulations as exist, It is unlikely that complete cessation of o.il pollutlon v.•lll result because of shipping accidents. oil line or installation defects. and other human error and equipment failures. Enacbnent and enforcement of stricter Jaws by state and local governments are especially important since a 1960 su rvey showed a Jack of eltet'tive local laws to be a particularly .reok link ln the problem of polluUon control." I OCEANOGRAPHERS believe that the United States appears, by it&elf, to be responsible for a third to a hall of many of the pollutant.fl put into the air and sea., But the ouUook ls not thof'Ollghly bleak. Dr. DdaaJo!, w. 17it· chsrd of the Che!aPoOl<e 811 INUtut. nt Johns Hopkln1 Unlmdty ltnld1 that !he wld.,preld -dine al munldpal wastes could enrich lhe ''underfenililed'' ocean. "Thti sea lio a friend and an enemy."' .John r. Kennedy once said. Man <"an rnnke Jt tither. J 'Good grief, man/ I've onl:y got two hands!' What Famous Man Said This? What famous American figure atlacked merchants for exacting an "exorbitant price" for goods during wartime, and warned against allowing them lo •·amass fortuoea upon the public ruin"? Whit famOus American figure declared it to be a Universal experience of man- kind that oo nation (including ours) "is to be trusted further than it is bound by it! iDterest"? What famous American figure wrote in a letter to a friend that the times afford "too many melancholy proofs ol the decay ~public virtue"? WHAT FAMOUS American figure com- plained that speculators and profiteers, (or "the paltry consideration of a little dirty pell," .. were tearing apart the fabric of the naUon "!or their own ag· graridizement and to gratify their own avciriet:," and asked whether we Americans will "at last become the _victims of our own abominable lust for gain".? • What famous American ligure warned us tq "guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism"? What famous American figure cau. lioried WI that "overgrown military establislunents are under any form of government inauspicious tO liberty, and are to be. regarded as particularly hostile" lo our form of government? WHAT FAMOUS American figure urg· ed us, ''as an object of primary im- portance.". to promote "instituUons for the general diffusion of knowledge - for, in proportion .as the structUtt .of a government gives force to public opi· nion, it is essential that public opinion be enlightened"? What famous American figure dcplort:d the fact that "of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, these which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most' to be deprecated ''? WHAT FA!\IOUS American figure, when passion was still running high against our former enemy, said "The nation which indulges toward another an babitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slavt:. It is a slave to its anlmosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its-interest"? What famous Ameriean figure arc we honoring tomorrow on the anniversary of his birthday? The Arrogance of Man By ELLSWORTH L. RICHARDSON Minister Neighborhood Congregational Church Laguna Beach I A high public official speaking in behalf of the space program a d d r e s s e d Congress: "From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth'! weather, to cause drought and fiood, lo change the tides and raise the: level of the sea. . . The urgent race we are now in is not the race lo perfect long range ballistic missiles. There Is something more im- portant than any ultimate weapon. That is the ultimate position -the posjtion of total control over earth that lies somewhere out in space. . . \Vhoever gains that ultimate position gains cootrol. total control , over the earth for purpost:s of tyranny or for the service of freedom." WHAT JS YOUR reaction lo that? 1 f we are to take: this statement at its face value then God had better watch out! He had better watch out for the se "masters or infinity" who will have the PD"-'er "to change !ht: tides and raise the level of the sea." How arrogant can Man possibly be? Man will ha ve ''total control over earth that lies somewhere out in space... I hope that God geU: the message for uneasy reslll the head of Him who wears a crown ! How absurd! Let us build a tower toward heaven, toward outer space, NOW, and let us n;ake a name for ourselves. Let us promptly forget all 1bout God ! Why we can't even control space some 8,000 mile$ a>A·ay -lh~ "iar in Vietnam! INSTEAD OF e%plorlng tht depths of the sea -and th at does make more sense to me -we h11d better explore O>e art of living together on the ff._'tl or Ole earth. The rising divorce rate Indicates lb at man can't t ven gtt along wilh his mate ! Racial violence! Maybe we had beUer C!it.abllsh 1 rtal est11:tr venture on the moon ror strlcUy .. r Ev~yday'~"~fJ ~-1 I .P r oble1us, , '' ,.~ "' . ~ ~ f"J ~" . ' I restricted people. How arrogant can Man be? Ring Lardner once said, "Whe:neve:r I sAee a self·madt: man I realize how bad a job he has done.•· Once a very important person said to Dr. Joseph Parker of the City Temple in London, "Everything I've accomplished in life I've done myself. I'm a self-made man!" Dr. Parker with very searching eyu said to him. "Sir. you have lifted a great load of rei.ponsibility off the shoulders of the Almighty.·· HERBERT BU'ITERFIELO said that "judgment in history falls heaviest on those who come to think themselves gods. who put their trust in man-made systems and worship the work of their own hands. and who say the strenglh or their own right arm gave them the victory !" Moses said something like that thousands of years ago, "Bewarl!! that thou forget not tht Lord thy God In not keeping his commandments. . Jell, \Yhen you have eaten and are full. add have built goodly houses and lived tn them. . .and when your silver Ind gold is multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied. then your heart be lifted UJ:, and you forget the Lord your God, ... and say in your heart, 'My power and the might of m1 hand have gotten me th.Ls wultb.' " How absurd! Bf Geo..,~ --. • CONFIDENTIAL TO J O E NAMATH: It goes; .. Early to bed and early to rise m&ke! a man 'healthy, wtalthy and wist.·· " I I ..-----"' .. -.. • ' ?-• I . . Cos.ta .. Me~a ,.\ ,_ .. . . . .... yPaper * . ' ' ' ' ' ' YOt:. 62. NO· '45, • 'SECTIONS, 42 PAS.ES . 0 A ' ' • ' '1 ORANGE COl:INTY, eA(lfOlNIA : ~IDAY.'FQRUARY 21', .~'69 ,Christ Teen$ Challenge Mesa Counts By ARTHUR ll VINSEL Of llMl-D.ilf' Pl ... ,ltitH , A •ourt-appointed public: defender· to- d81 challenged the constltuUooalily ol charges on which 19 mllitant Teens for ChNt crusiders are imprisoned while awaiting jury trial in 37 diys. Unable to raise $65 bail apiece since their roundup In Costa Mesa durlnc a ·junior high school campus -.-.. tion Monda.v, the 12 men and four girl! are held at Orange County J ail, still carrying on their work. Winos, bad check writers and traffic o!fenders alike are hearing again and again the saving qualilif:s of the Cl\ristian way, while the 16 youths remain with them behind ban. Doubtless, they will conUnue their evangeli.%ing of inmates of the &ix.story, fortrea&..like new jail unW Hallelujah Morning comes in the fonn of a court decl!lon or pennies from heaven .totalling $1,040 in ball. '-rile judge is going to bear a moUon tbil afternoon to release them all on their own recognizance,'' said Deputy Public Defender James Lang. Judge Calvin Schmidt arraigned the self-styled Christian revolutionaries Tues-- day in Harbor District Judicial Court and fiatly refused to reduce the $65 ball to a mere promise to appear. . The militant missionaries have pleaded Innocent to three separate counts in· volving street obstructio.1, s c b o o l disturbance and failure to disperse, with April l set for jury trial "Thal Judge Schmidt seemed to have • hardboiled atUtude toward us · the minute we entered the courtroom," Rev. Dave ~· the 4.9-yW'-Old Teens for Christ spiritual adviser said 'lbursday. His two sons, firebrand lieutenants el the group headquartered ~ the GGlpel LIP! Club, 110 ·Main St,, ffllJltlqton Beach, are involved in today's. caae and also an earlier one. Five other teen mis&ionaQes •ere at• -for lfl!lawful eotry·• ll>t Goldell WNI ColleltO campt11 Lui Dec. ' in lllll!tingtoo Beach. L&ng . In representing tile group ar· rested at Maude B. Davis Intermediate SchoOl, 1050 Arlington Drive, Costa Mesa, while Deputy Public Defender Bernie November is involved in the December cases. November is basing his counsel on the same legal questions, as he argues in behaH of his share of the Teem for Christ, who have both created and experienced a winter of discOntent in organized county religious cltcles. cases of the five arrested after junior college Dean of Studeni! Dale A. Miller ordered them to leave are scheduled for Feb. 28 In West Orange Cmnty Judicial District Court. The cues have been continued fi'fe times, while the defendants remain free on their own recognizance. "We think the coMtituUonality of the law is pretty shaky," said adviser Berg today in a telephone interview, as a Subteen for Christ suddenJy babbled into an extension. "Honey, will you get that baby off the phone?", asked Berg, conUnulng on to lilY the 16 among 17 arrested in Co8'a Mesa Monday remain happy and constructive in thelr jail confinement. "On the outside, they have dishes, lauodry, picketing and other work to do," Rev. Be.rg eiplalned Thursday, "but now they have more time for Bible (Su TEENS, P11e I) Trasli Collector Tells of Sirhan Revealing Plot -LOS ANGELES (AP) -A Negro garbageman t.e.sUfled today that last A'prU Sirhan Bl!hara Sirhan told him ''l"m. planning to shoot him" -referring to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. Alvin ·ciark, who collects trash at Slrhln's Pasadena home, said the con· venation took place soon after the • assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. "Be asked me who I was going to V<lle for," Clark said. "! told him Sen. Kennedy." Kennedy was a candidate in the Callfornia DemocraUc p r e-1 l den t 11 I primary. He was sbot June 5 after wfnaing the eledlon. "What do you want to vote for that IOO<lf-.a-b for, because I'm planninc to 11boot bim," Clark quoted Sirbln as Ayfng. "I said YDll'll be ~ ooe e>l .-best men in the COWllry." Clork said be had oll<n tolked . wfth $1rhan in the three years tllat be col· lected lruh at the Sirhan home. "He 'd been upset aboul the death ol Martin Luther King end uted me bow the ,Negro people felt about It," Clork 1aid. "You know how we feel about tt,'' Clark 111d ho told him. "Tbm wami one person responllllle for bbl cleotb. • l . . --. . . . MARINA OSWALD PORTER, HUSBAND, HEAD FOR SHA°W'r";ji('( Former Wife of LH H•rvey Oaw•~ Testifies J'welve Candidates to Run • Volors in ~ Newport.""" .·u~ Scllool ·lliltrlcl !Will bfie-JI, _ .... !tom which tO Clloooe in 'llhini 'fO!ll' school board1aeats.·1t the·~pril1J1 elec· ti on. . · Incumbents In trustee arw 2, 4, 5 and 7 will have opposition. on voling day. Donald A. Strauss, currentJ.y aeated in Trustee Area 5, lookl oo. paper to have the toughest battle with fOQr other candidates vying for his spot on the board. Filitlga for. the -district at deadliDe Tburldly were: TnltH ,,uu I: Elizabeth lo(. Lilly, fncumben~ IOI Dar1moutll Place; Coota Mesa ; Alvin F. Bender, lndulttlll engineer, 211 Weite!Ity LIJ>e, Colla _ Mesa, and Pastor Henry E. J-, 1103 El'Clmtno 'Dri'fe, ·Cc:iltl<Meaa. Trutee Aru 4: Lloyd E. Blanpied Jr., incumbent, 2'.32 Alta Vista -onve, Newport Beach; Gordon Charle& Morrow, business man, 724 Aleppo St., Newport Beach. Mesa Youth Hit With Bad Trip · A 17-year-o]d Costa Mesa youth wandering in a daze and alternating from laughter to wkie-eyed aUeoce wu hospitalized 'lburaday, the vlctlm ol a bad I.SD trip. . The victim's parents ·notlf1ed. police and Officer Pat Donohue clwchd th& boy, -family pllysiclan Nflll!d to treat him due to the acu1-GI the case after being COlllultocl b)' pboao. The teenager was lrN1ed at ea.ta Mesa Memorial Hospital ud truafemid to the Or-County Medical Center lot pgydltatrlc olloervalion and care. . . -Tlut<o ~ 5, ~ Slra!'>ll, ~;;::,.:~I i:= niet·Ullylt}·Tt.nj: WDlWif Hay, .".ti&- d~ 1151' N. ~y Prqot,,Bap>oa Wand;' Marv. G, lllarUn and Jobi!, i. ValJl[hn, lluden~·. Tnutee Area 7: Roderick H • MacMlllian, incumbent, 1875 Anaheim Ave., Costa Mesa; Piul E. Massey, group supervisor for California Youth Autbori· ty, 873 Governor St., co.ta Mesa. * * ·* 3 Fik. for Race In Orange COfi.st · JC Atea Board Vacancies in two trustee areas in the Oran1e Coast JuDicr College Dlatriot have attracted only three filings and one incumbent board meinber will be unopposed in the April 15 election, ftmil filings indicated today. One entrant in the Trustee Area S race apparently intends to fight thla contest and the batue for Trustee Are8 5 In Newport-Mesa Unified Sch<>ol Distrfcl stwloot 'John L. Vaughn hu 111bmltted bis name for bOth lro!tft dectlom, •" FUqJ compiled at.deadline 'lburad"1 -, ,.,_ Ana I, 'Worth K-ol Seil Beach, ir.cumbenl ......,..;.s.· Ttwtee A.ru ·I, Gecqe'"H. Rodda Jr!, m...,..,ent consultant, Mt Goldenrod; CoMia del Mar, and Jahn L. Vaughn. studeat. . ' . . ~ . - •" 'Never ··Met.~ Sliaw'· . -- Guard Alerted For Possible Berkeley Riot J From. Win s.mcta I BERKELEY -l!ailonal Goard units, alerted by Gov. Reqan. moved into nelgbborinf Oaldand in lull battle geor this mominf to llland by lot ... u needed 1t the University of CaiU~ Truck convoys rolled Into O&k1and on freeway routes from the north and south. The me of the force and the identity of the units were not determined at once. Observers said ps canisters and muka were COSJ.SPl~oous in the eq!Jip- meel ol paldlmen wembling at Ith and WIW!ngtoo 'Slteell in Oaldand. ·Reagon alerted the National Guard 'l')llqoday, nl&hl Iller. pOllce and 2,000 d._.tralor1 bad ~ .. . the ~~-pufn ·~~tur~ .=t.:ri•I) :I~ ----.. !i!ldlJ ... ·--.... '1'lllr?Jlal'~ ~,~ >Ji(I f'i'f;W. teusu..,....Jilt ~·~ U ·the-.... 1 iillf.~ meetfnl. i'fie lallJil ol lbeif ""111 'Wlil Reagan wbo wu oot pruent. 1'We want Relcan ••• pl 'em ••• kill 'em," cbanl.ed ~ 1badenta and their oij-camiiul --'.llbey snwhod windowl w It b rocks, pelted police and onriurned can in wUd mtleee that rqod from University Hall, when tho rqeoll m~~ acroa the campus to Spniul Hall ~ Today a oq...,i ol 100 olficers iuarWf Univenfty llall wlien Beagan urt...i in bis Umoaatne. A In student& ;were in tile .... alOlll with two picbll .fftlill 1he atrlkiDC '""1¢Clll Jl'ederltloa· " TeaCllltL ~,_ _ , A 1!1Uonal """d Jeep w 11 parted nearby on • street next to the clmpm:;. A hall mile away at Spniul Hall, police watched 1 few doun student and teacher pickei! on the. plaza. "We did have to call in some au units from the guard y~y," Req'an told newsmen before entering the ugenta closed morning lfas.lon. "11ie · 1ocal police actrially ran olit of gas, ''In view of the 1cUvities, the National Guard·wu simply altrted to ln!un! Order and prOtect tile rllhll of thole wbo wi nt to conduct thelr busness." WEEK'S MARKET WRAPVP TODAY stock · riw'keta are cloaed today becauoe ol tile ce!ebnUon ol George Wuhfngton's Birthday. Tbe complete week'• wrapup ol atock market:actlvlUa, however, normally publilbed Saturdays, will be found in today's DAILY PILOT on Pago 12-lJ. . .. ., . ¥ oung T~~.tfiC ~Engi~r . F~~~ Slw.ehtlr~iiig J~b SliOebomm, 1bouiands . C>( C1r1 and taMltsi, tlitough. streets . I botti..ecJt ~::C;'!:t.'"tu:!.~I; =.i·w:~~~d=~-J: • 11111'.ilfiii>oi' .. -···~·· -stfrloway ·. ... . .· . bUnlol)S while aho II on • 'lolig, baM · ''1' '·iii\inb.r · of ' ~ oft.• r~ , hike· up a hfgb hfll.' SUbstaDdanl in widt!I, toi>,• ·he .'ai!illd. Tbe job -"P"Cialb' with the qu¢ion . bqt ol course these an tllinp e.U,bildJ mart of •the final Newport F~ay knows. Some· are cortectll>lb~ ani:l aai:D,e' route through Coit• ·Mesa banging over ar~n'L" ' the picturt -· ill eooUgh to make even Natural talents and 1 n t e 11 e c tu a I a fresh, ·young· eiecutlve want to head capabilities drew Eldridge into the for the fann. . · · diSclptined field of engineering, but t>e Brand~new co.ta Mesa Tr a ff 1 c ch.ose .to ·center on )he a~ty .of Engineer Jimea EldrJdge, 27, ill,.ln fact, traffic only after slarilna: his poakollege the younge.t depart'!len~·h~id ever hired c~i;_er. . . 1 • in the dty'1 l~1'1r•hiltory,·but.:t1 facing "For advancement and lniUative In a big taM'With·l ·Iot of enthualqm. applying techniques; it'1 unbe1table," be And every night,. be doea head homo sald. · to the farm. · Some. people iand to regard a city "We prtfer the rural atmosphere,'' department head as the .itereot~ min said Eldridge, who oommutel daily: from behh}d a )V1d.e, _polisbed,..deat wttb little a ruJUe; half.acre ranch· borne oul!lde in the way of work decorating ils top: NOrco, ln oei&hborina: Rl\l~e'.Co~~· Eldridge, fioweftr, ~ a horse at He bu no plans to move his· wife · hij small ranch. u.'talieli 'bftf cattle, · Judy, and IOO!I Jimmy, s, Jerry, 3• rabbil& and olbet nveatOct -'.and h1a and Jfllf, f, lo tblr Hui> of the Harbor civic dtillee ale i1ot Coilflried'to analyzini Area at lbll tlmt. · '-·-1nt--~•o•• Battling commuter ttafflc in reality . _, u~u ·- u well at on paper la nothing new .-'---~--------, for Eldridge, a 1114 ·Cal State Lot>g Beach ciYil englOeerln( graduate,· wbo toot hJJ master's de~ the following year. · Eldridge made tbe dally trip from UC I F I Sh · s 1 • the Corona FIJI to hla 4.lkoyear jqb :. acu ty :.. .ows p 1t ~=~.:=~ Weatller Baby; the rain must . fail aiain I this Weekend, .u,ting toniglll and conlinilhlc Uiroogll' Sunday. Tlie temperatuttS an nothing to brai about either, raniirig !tom the Difd' ll0'1' to' the hich ' 4fl'L ,, " He reP;lacea Al wqu1tn1, who 'ftilgned , 1 24 n.... .r. Walk 0 f F. . I laJA! last ,.Ur to lake up an ~ilea! rro1e11ots ut o Meeting on . iring . s~ue _ ~~~tire~b.in~~ JORN ' ' __ ... . . ·'" ' '" ••• . lill foo.the Oa-ol ~ Ooailty.' Br· VALft!IZA 'dedde on possible mumptlon ol llY~fn mOll ,...., 1!ft ~,-.. to --pro. On the' JOii lflico MoiJUT, ~ °' !"' Dlltr '""Miff protestJ . to , force the ISlllt ·arid 1 feuon ~e oil a ~.OD L.6.:. ~ ~~ ... bis ~· » · · tbe Amid heavy par~ -eu.vu-minllltnton aiilnr lhe m1 al the mor11«i11111. . -.,.. •• ~ w ~ Ing, 1uror;an117f1lillly an iagrf walkout Cboncenoi-~r ~ Jr. ~ At ~t point tht fu!o< bepn. : ftol ol ~ ~,;~ ~, ~alllc ~ bJ twO ·doJien 'jwb[......, the 1lC inline Board o1 Regents meeting 1t lie Semo JJtodeJill flltend bact Ill. Otl!!t:s ~_:!".: -... in ·a ·~"---'-patlarn Academic Senate ThlD'lday bared Its Be 1 Jiatmed to rock mulSc oa the fftiftt ,......-.... _, ~- own o..ur.. in an aJr.,ey d!Tfded cam· rke •Y· atepl lllllU die mninl dlll1 -oii: r for' ILi mllel aiom11t ' • •· JIUS. Meanwhile the faculty will take JO llllille, w!lert ~ . pro. "Eft:ryWn& la .... P!tllJ -·" ~ ni.--. _.,.on.the ...,au.. , lie llel•ted f!to<f, «<llre ·crul>ed alOll(. the :...-. said 'nlllrlday, but be llu 1111 en-ellent o1 Cblnolllor Dlnlel G. Aldrlcl> Jr., ;P,tetut, Page J bad deoeloped a terlt1 o1 alteinafa.-uaista1il. ll<rb Bu~.:,,!O acid-~-~ waa to -helped reaolve the qliestfon t""-and were clnwllll thtir · -ol vilOr on the 'dty'1 tran~ a ·~·-- ol 1 poaible -•iari... oo faculty daya to decide ou whit advice thq cllH-.. · and 1fC'lllarllieO. firings retroactm to Jan. I. Tbe move will II,. on the issues ol firing, ltourt 'l'lle1 bad thnJe motlool befGri a...1" "I lbinll tht -'deflnllal1 ltodo'HlaU stemmed ft em otuefelii and faculty and mlew of [JOIMMI ..U00S. • To t.ideowe Ille -lio 'ol JU. to : .. flOd ' tranlc ')ltti!TI_ and ,J bOlit ~t °"' tJiO llr1n& ol Enallab Tiie '!ffl,-linl, a.,,i.tn1 about 1: to -.. a watinll<lon nnlOn l cu inali• -o! _. o1·tlle avallalile ~·· Doaald Bi'liman end lkpben lllO llUdelifl and (19 ·ol • the toW llt o1 tile mcniarimn allowtitl 1 .. mrew ieciniqueo 'to oUp;i,. Colla M .... wltb Shapiro. ' · faculty members ol tile senale, 1llrtod o1 ·11ie !lrlnp ol Ill proi-. from wlial It-.,• be·uld. ' · , Tiie ....... o1 the -ta·-U.c 1t 1:30 p.m. In UC!'• Sdeaco Lectulo the flnl o1 the year, er to tan, la One pro,blem be --boit tbe7 nmafnl ~ ·on the UC! campus _ UaD. It ended about.f p.m.' -. no ac:tlot1 at' aD ..i,:n.tnrm ar<i •Ill · U\ert !or ~rto ·in IJM tocl111, wltlt some sti1denll mettlna to At aboot I p.m. ~to, f0r the I (loi IJCl'mun:, Pqo'IJ . u .,..11 -11 the <llJ'1.Jai:k of' eqOttih . ' , . J' • INSIDE TODi\Y Jud wllot rrollv' 4id lloppn to Soviet 1tcrlt police chic f Bnia? Best informed iourcc• nlol< lDhai Khnullchcv oc1110Ull ,JOid obovl It Pao< 11. .;..., . == n.J -" =:--....... ': -I --. &#N12lb; 11 • .... 1t-l4 PWC... I ' -.. .. ......... ' -I .......... u...• ' .- • I • • ' • " ' "" \ " • DAILY PILOT Pll"9 '1 l'+'llYll I ...... Wasla 'N Dr11 Rick Fletclter, Lumpy Durkin and Roger Kenny (f!om !ell) wash and dzy while MartY (left) and Mendy Rainey sample pancakes in tune up for sludl'!lt fund raising .effort Saturday at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. About 80 hlgh •cl\ool seniors . will wash cars and •ell ~cake& from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 'at churcli,. 6jJO SL Andrews Road, Newport Beach, in effort to ~ trip to llood ravaged areu Of California during Easter vacation. Local student. will help with reconstruction in flooded ~- 'f Confusion, Chaos Reign . . ' On S~liool Post Candidates . . MesatO lie' r M~e oll)Btreeway . ' ' ,· .... • · ,f,~~·~'' i(J~~Hold/f2~tio~ ,·~er SMi.tm· on, Ro --~ 9•:rw uil -• Miii .. P . ~ ..... that Ille 1914 ~ Several rep,.,., 1t ~ p.m. Monday, 'bat !not.ad o( cloein11 pGMd llllrnale Newport J'itlWay-, ~~~~Boultvltd be 1bd-' beulni prealdec( Oftt by Stof,e Depoily., up ~ter all.'1"~ 11. ~-.1"'mbet1 lhiWc!I Costa Mt11 will be llyioS -· -. · • Director o1 1'6bllc wora T. Frid • ,,.m_lldjclum.to ThuadaY. · · · · . Tlrurd,;,.·-Ille ...._ p••••'-• ....,. -AD·~allema1eopooed all___.• . Ba......_·adTOC&ted tbe •Jlod'llluo l!nk • Tl». cll1-~ IDUll bol4.~ public -J t,;1•1 ............ r ............. .,........ • • belting on tbe law later, UIQ choice mission explores Ille l!auea. of Ille 4.i-mllt stretch tbrGU&b mld<lty whlch would clw out SIS dwelllng unj!I. ol iheJr alttrmtte route·prelfl'I""\ could The specW 7:30 p.m."pcb~,,bearlog ll• "'!I ol llle)1oulevud artery, while The Grten JlDute -~lected wllfloot ~e 111~ 10ur weeko lor preaemation In city ~I chember1 Ii uie ftl'lt Ille -tett nrtallon II Ille aoal1ed public beer1q 1n 1144 '!!lloa lbe Harbor 1n 'It" staie. · · otep toward ~ dedsloo by CC.ta Mesa Red-Blue Route. ·Alta wu -to O!ll1 JO,oot people OM ·ot Ille m.St !i>l'e<M atgiunents offlcfall on Jllit wheri 1i181 hope Sfatc · ThiJ IWlllp out la I wlltwud loop, Instead of. 100,IOI -1!1111 Vlrlulll)' wipe afalnal' runniJ1r tbe Boote 5S Freeway llallte N w!U,llnally l'\DI lh!o<Jl)l town. and woold cool tbe allte 1111 mllllao, out ·the doWntml C..la IWl bullnlss oown Newport Boulevatd -bot!\ cities Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said Wed· compued to Ille Greec JlDute cboHn • dlalllct. ' agree -would tbe lantaltic irallle anarll nesday following a State Division of 14 years qo, wblcl! would be abouf Aerial maps, chaN and pbotoCrapl\,9 lasUng for miny montils, e1~ally in Highways public hearing on the route flO mtlllon leu. · of Ole' ·mJ4.city: ft!CtlOD aqd .Just bow summer. ' chanst ·question tbat It Is irilperaUve So tar, tbe city bu laUn no cholc;e each alignment Hei ·..-OJI dilplay ·1n ConsirUcUon of tbe Newport Freeway tO bear views of aU ooncehled. In tbt matter, bul NewPort Beacb city thii lobby .ol tbe ciVic Center 11 9!I Is expected to begin witbln ~ve to seven A parade o1 Htrbor Area repusen-oll1claJa prefer a Bhll lloute llJlnmenl Fair Drlve, lor vllual ~-y,ar1 and. olfi~ls said Tuesday lhat tativea appeared before the panel of west ti. superior Avenue at their clt1 T!ie ~ Meu. Pll:nnlni COmmiaaion final cholce on the roy.te it will follow hl.&bway1 "P'N al tbe Oranie ~I)'. Umll llne. wW mH1·u rout!DelJ. adwf!~ad al 7:30 II due vriry iliortcy, Funeral' Held For Douglas Engineer . A funeral tervice Was held today for a nationally known Costa Mesa atro&pace engineer who died suddenly in New York while on leave from McDonneD-Douglu Corp. Saturn Project dllty. Floyd E. Bryan, ·eo, of 1916 Sumba Cirtle,. Costa. Mesa, died Feb. 14 while visiting in tl:)e east for the funeral o( a brother, according to relativt11. Rites were. held at Westminster Memor1.J} Part for the 25-year veteran researcher · whoae career gpanned the era of propeller-<1.riven airliners to .gpace \·ehicJea. • · . Survivors Include his wife Mary Ann. n daughter Shan"On, of the home; eons Roger, ol 8652 Parker Circle, Huntlngtora Beach, Richard, of 12931 Newport Ave., Tustin. and Roland, of Chatsworth. Mr. Bryan was secUon chief for 5ystems safety criteria on the saturn Hoag Given G(J-ahead For 11-story Addition Newport e,acb pl1nnln1 eom- mlalonen Tlluraday nllbt clelted tbe way f« ecmtruct1on rl. an 11..atory tower addltlo!t to Hoag MemorW Hospltsl. Tbe f!S mllllan proj<cl will aee lhe hoopllal enlarged from 1 27s.lled lacWty to a m-bed «>e. Tbe uoe permit "'111<'1 from Hoag ollldall won plmms' unelmoua ap- proval on a motion by Ray Y. Copelin. .\dlnJ Pllm>lnl Dlrector Daren A. Groth aald . tbe plan• are eompaUble wltb ldopted freeway l'<llltlng In tbe area. "It doeln't matter where the freewajrs go," be aaJd. 0 11le general plan of development takes into account the adopted rouUng of the Pacific Coast Freeway, and wtiitjlever way the Newport Freeway awlnp wlll not alfect the plan." City officials. Commiuioneta indicated concern over Hoag'• propaaal for 963 car perking spaces on the enlarged site. 111ey ques- tioned whether they would be suUicient. Studlea by hospital consultants showed tbc apacea would be adequate. Bui City Engineer Ben Nolan Pointed out that several spaces would bavt to be removed wltb tbe planned widening o! H .. pital Road. Groth noted, however, that there ap- pear..i to be enougb "fiexlblllty" In proposed landacaped areu to cximpensate for the locss of spaces adjacent to the road. ~ decided to approve the eipimton on the condiUon that no Jen tban tbe 963 spaces be provided during Ille 11).ytor development progranL Irvine Sells Freeway Line Homes to State By JEROME F. COLLINS 01 .,,. O.llJ Plltl Iliff The Irvine Company has sold to the state 11 homes Jying in the path of the disputed portion of the Pacific Coast Freeway route in Newport Beach, it :was learned Monday. RJght-of-way agents for the Californ1a Division of !Ilgbwaya said Ille r..tdenceo a1ong Klngs Road west of the l1ppet Bay were purchased • in resp:inse to a "hardshlp" plea from the company. The properties were reportedly sold for about $300,000. An Irvine official explained ... We made a hardship case becaUJe there were no other purchasers." Collfblloa and chaos were tbe onlor of tlio day today ID the .WC.. of tbe souaht in vain far background Jnforma-Project at the HunUncton Beach space tloa on most of 1he 253 candidates for 94 and missile research center. The allgnrnents of both freewa}'I for years have been questlontd by Newport A campaign for luncis for tbe project was kicked off ear~r In the week by bo!pital adminlstrators and volunteers. The company had bought the homes during the past two years from their original owners, who had the same resale problems. They were all on Irvine leasehold land. ::..ca:=:i~ trustee posta. He was formerly adminiatrator on ma• Dr. llobe!'I ' D. Peleraon, auperlniencl-' jor 111bcooiracll lor tbe Skybott misalle, . ent of Ibo scbools olllce; called a con-and in charge of apecla1 lnatrument ference , of adminlltrators to discuss design on the DouglQ DCI, 7, and I . Laguna Hit-run protests thal .home ·addresses and occu-airliners, plus Nike and Sparrow miulle pallol)I of morl of tbe candidates In 3Z projects. school di&bicts bid not been provided. Mr. Bryan was a fe1tow of both the Pttenon Aid be hoped to remedy the American Association ·for the Advan-Victim Chmes sltuaUon "by noon Saturday or at the cement of Science and also put president lat.es\ ~·" Many of the applicants o( the Los Angeles section, American Sitspect to Mesa lormt weie; he explllned, stlll held b~ lnstrumentaUon Socle\Y, and belonged the county's Voters Registration Bureau~ to the EpJdbian Society, a >Los .Jmceles • Amoog~ l•bulaled 'bl" Pe--City Schcic4mttrn achoianhlp 1'0UP· ~~!., ollico late '"were: 1 ~ a Santa Monie~ area Boy Scout mo f!li;-~-" , Dbl ltl leader, be wu the reczplent of the Silver . Of a . run 'b""'" " -1~.: Beaver award, Scouting's h1 ..... -1 honor: l'I • I H•nf u. counclf I ... ~ ' aCcldeot. ch~. . supsec:t v : " :· ild-wili:f:ll'i~"A.r:',, s 1.\1::~~ at we evel. . ' I . und '"'""'1;i i..a, • ~'I!< tire11°W.Nob1111. ™<h t ,.W1Hert 'y ,aro ........... ~~ early toaay fore i I' POllC• tdmlnl5tr1tor. 1T ...... poll • . Mtw!!" • JOll""°"' ltlehtrd J. u~, 1 RolMrl ce finafl;t: 'li!Wed and ~ the .. ~ Wud; MlllY •nd Ltro-r ROff. 1rdlt . ···-· pred ~, , ~,.... liLI -~ llll~:. Jotin J~'::J e11P'l1, awn \... , · • 11o1,. P•rr1c1c v ... ~. 1neu , c1ydfl , ,, .. , -. Mii "'-'""' WIYM D. l:lutftd.,. t11tlnt1:1ri James W. ~. 28, of 2tf71Santa ~·H.•orllr. ll;ll!d cl•rkl -.C1VkLW. Pe~l•r• An. A ,...,;.;l';."....i... • • ~ • COUl'lflnt. . a ve., ~ mesa, was; artested 1. Pllpft11e.u111"" sr11ttt Oi.trk:t. ~.,, F. s11e11..-, ·tb ·'' ~ .: . f!Cllrilbl nh 5tlvadoo" 1.tvtli lnevmbllrrt; Jamt • at e sc;ene Cd booked on SU3p]C10n &?.Ell~~-11tn1r ltdl11kr1nf Mirlln OlrYln. hl , . • .'( . •I ; Jtobtft._ W Httt1;, __ tffcner; Jo/In of tandrun~dnvmg ...... ·-· ··,~~?"'" 1>rc1Pttfon =:1 J1me1 •. Officer J::fi.r-,' Wa-~ f~ . the r -~-· "'cx~Mr IM . J1v Twilldv, ~ .,. .~-~... ,.! •' ·~~ .. *'~ Dlltrktt M &&it· carpenter to . Jlis truck over on ~:.:.!!!'· • 1:;d'~ Fr1ni.11n sr,111:;n:' 111o Fairview Road· . Wilson Street after ~>;."""!? ~=rd ~tor • ~~r"'~.0y ~~.1~; the orJ...& .... t n1tNn.,.. ~ ...... ned -. .. t..;,,_k• ~Mlw"'•• Mfttkl' ~;wfe!'d. ~~ pretti:llOll ~1nctr1 ...._ ,.~ ... '°""'_.. ~ WUl ' • • -lltlore., l:IMmlal 9"fl""" S#llldon ing beadllgbta;f(t:hJi ~p. : . ·: fr ~°"':nc. I .l ·.A>'d!lt .,~lritt~~~ ;l!Jllnlclnl . YJctinl LarjjcT .. Smith, I!, Of, J~ 'II.~ ~~' '"'~' •· "•"'"•· Azllbeini Ave.·~ri;..:...1.:.111eaa, ~'.cfo . ' 'Rtutn,.. = ~JM;~,...,,,·· i(, Jolln . •.'--. wn us., { ,... . '''°" ~p (!. , J~. #.. ~ it" ·L."guna · ~"=--~1~"-""'"-•. , , , .E _._. Rl!bert Canyon ROad, Laguna Beadi, after a cu~ l~ Lc1t8~c't.:. ~J:,,,.,~1can1r.u, c~ crash at an lnte.nectlon. ~,,,,,, Jtct. RONld aw.11~ "•''-'' G~•,ltv &nith said the truck d r Ive n by ,.,,:i"t';.1~~~1 ~"r."'1 l!veirn w. l\o.il Swangler w s st ped tb C•tnlll Sc m=1 Mllrur 'l.11on1 11'1-a op , over e cen-cumberlt; H,r,.., M11rt1r ... ~"llllnt1 W111e' ~line of Anaheim Avenue at Center "·,.!...,~1~"' c~ k,_.. Dl•fTkt• Lewts R Mote Street as the -driver Blood beside the 1,>1eumblnll Marlin A. Sk11r, 1ncvrn1Mnti • Jtobt~ .M.O h to Uflt!M C1rlblr•, Khoo! ~fl JOkllh J. Conr•d Vall\;.ie, so e s pperl al.so before driving •"'I''-•' Jol•h w. Mu 1111. o111.c11...., .....,,1 · o-•d Ph}OSOPtltr Ind E. l le""!!lyn 1rhtlt k ., trlor1111. ...__.. , .. 111hl'llll U11l111 Hit SCllltl Dfllrkt1 Wiiii.,,. · He t Id li • lh tber dr" U. Almtnd, lncl>ft'\b9~ JOhn llfloll. 111t11mbint1 . o po c~ e o 1ver ap-trvlne P1c1cr", 1ric:ui'rr.""" Dorotnv E. 911~.,. pattntly was unable to find a service ~=:'1~! 9~~[ s~~i.m,":,r.~,1~~1<{. ·~';',: staUon rest room open at that predawn •~tur•ric:• '""IJ u.,.. T. Jt .. r. 1 ... u••nc• ho . a•lnmsn1 Alltll J. Leny, r.11 nl111! bralltri Uf. K4ilhltlnt I!, McDonlld, .. trn11krnd1 0.ltl Ninum. Bel be could · 'lecllnl<•f wrllttJ Elfll!IOI' Plttl \ILl'l(Mlt p "!F.'folc ore drive around the park• bu~11t1-n1 Phll!o A. R'"' .. '"·~toti w~11~ ed truck, however, he said the driver sii:='l'J:='k·~e~., 'o':'*r' JM, got back In, ~--~ II up and tbe !'.!!!!! of ""'" '""ri ~ L llf1'otl. man_,, DWU KU o """"",.1(1 W. CJeslttkll, Slltl eftll]Mtrl Liii M. two vehicles collided, Rhymn, tt.ehtt1 JC11111 M. YNPWln, lnwr1nca u JeMMn1 Ci:$""' E. ~. tleetron!a trig!-• ltD I!, Pie t, lllCllll'lbt!lll Allol'I 0, W.1 , ln-curnbtnf/ C L. ettu k!lllr111e1 11""1n1111 "'lC o. o...tt, ... .ii.1 tdmlnlftnltDr1.. Joho! It. Hut~ m.lrllwMnet ~I C. Annelle DAll Y Pll OT 1-iMVW, tntllllw ~·ry ft ,,,.1'111.. JYlle "'*'-" "°"""""" • . ,. ' ·e:-A~ ~°"'1' PUll,JSHING ~IJIY . ! • l , ' lt\••f N. WMi P~l•,.....,bll~r J•tk R. c~rhy V~ l"mlde~l •....i Ctntt•I M.,.••e• T~1111t1 1C11•il Eit.lor n..,..,, A. M1,,,J.i11• ........... ,~. (litor '•"'I Niuffl AeYel"tl5il'lt OiU dM c.... ..... Offk:. J)I W1•f l•T Shttl • M•iliflf A44ttt5: ,.O. l•x 11•0. t2•1• ' --........... d u mlw.t ..... ~ t..a.YN 9MOI: m ......... •-tM!t""* 8"cll: -Jll• '""' ,YMCA Youths Set for County Hike on Saturday About 3S .Orange Coast· Y M C A youngsters strap on their boots Saturday morning In prepa.raUon of a 25-mlle hike leading through a sizable chunk of Orange County. The adulHqp<rviaed pbyalcal filneS5 Walk .. -lboo ll·orpnbad to ralae f"""8 for tbe ~ of ' equlpmenl /Or llie YMCA and Its ""11! program. , ; • - li:acb wa!ktt·ll>. bacbd by a - woo is (Jl!'lng a·1mlnlmum ol '3 per : mile. the youth cm-walk. · · 1 llil<en begin tbelr lrtk a{ 1. p.n> Ill tbe YMCA, tbaq head IOI' '1IJatin', around the Orange C.UO\Y Airpoi:I and , ba<1: to tbe YMCA. A.oeoond lfi> will. ~ thtm over the same routi. )n. 1· reverse direction. · · · ' Luhch will be provided at Ille ball-way mart and foot massaaes are acbedultd at tbe end ol tbe long hlke. End ol tbe endurance tat II expected at I p.m. In the event of rain, the hlh wlU be scheduled for tbe lame time tbe followlng Saturday. Tbe YMCA Waik+tboo hat beeo held for tbe pMI two )'WI ud lut year drew f1 entrant&. 1, • F~tJJ Pqe .I UCI STRIFE~ .• flie nletlt!I of the system unde'r which ptofessort have beeii fired. · At one point during tbe height o! the puilamentary maneuvering, one ' faculty member , rose and flashed tbe digital sigO made lamius by \be USS Pueblo crewmembers during a North Korean photography session.· Votes were close -so close, that a show or hands could not ~ accuratelY, counted. The faculty walkout occurred shortly af.ter the _ vote qn the no-ehange recommtmdation failed. Engli.sb Professor . Murry Kreiger rose and shouted, "I refuse lo recognize the aulhortty of lhls body to vote on thfs qtiestion, I resJgn from the senate and all Its committees, and I lnvlte all those ~ho agree with me to do the same." He and the others picked up their papers and walked out amJd. Joud ap. plause fro~ within the hall and from the lobby oublde. The mood then became grim, and arguments between tba junior lacully who supported change ID per!Ollllel pro- cedure and dissident student.! cropped up. One professor said several times to the students, "If you kids would have cooled It a UtUe bit a few months, ago, none of Wa -would have hap- pened.". Faeully members heard emotional commentl from another peer also, English Department Ghairinan D r , Haza:td Adams, who. in a quavering voice, sald any vote in favor of change o( the personnel standards "must be considered by me as a lack of confidence in my department ... " "I speak to JOO in an dlort to defend the action of l'Q.1 department," be added. "I speak with great emotion about this, as you can tell, becaule I brou&ht all tbesa people in my dtparlment here. I bellr4lMhem." • Tlie1" finally decided tbat •vote Oil 'th< ,,.tered down mctlo!t lo< n\'l<W · of 'Ille llrlnC polldes ·be ui,. by mall ·over1 I;·..,~ ' • Tb< '11J411 vote, bolitver, met wltb , litUe supl fronl tbe.atud. onlookl!r;, , who d~ mmt'1'• tmmt.dlatelf. ~ stead ol In 30 ,da)'I, . 1 • Ford, at :th< helchl of tbe furor, told the senate 'hi the ILHPi>ltched -.. pilheater that even lhougb. tlie PfOfesaQfa walked Oii~ Ibey ClnMI !onnally Nlln rrom lhe senate units they rutgn from tbe unlveral\)I allogetbel'. One note «!I l!ooY came u tbe facul\Y weailly an4 ~ ~-Stodents wllh muaical lmtnunent ,.,.. came In quietly and opened up tbelr bunlen. Orcbestra practice acbe$Jled for tba lecture hall wu llutil!& II mJnutea late. From Page I Houaes on the coastal side of Kings Road, overlooking West Coast !Ilgbway, are all marked for demoliUoo for freeWay purposes, although the road itself will remain. Properties on the inland side of the road are to be un- touched, according to present state: TEENS CHALLENGE LAW • • • study and witnessing." "'This is the first time I haven't really been worried about them,'' he added, · •jJt's really a vacation.for all of m." The Teens for Christ have been qtiite active ln recent months. l!lta.glng Sunday morning slt-.lna in ianc=u s oC the more sedate congrega ' a n d demOlllirallnJ wltb pla 1'n>lses 111d ayml!ollc yo~,. arc>und Jlirbor Area schoOla. • \' Pollce .. who ,have . arrested · them for tlte various vlGlatioi'ls ' weaflty express the Jact that they believe ~cular laws have . been violated and ' are not ptrseculing keepen (>f th,e faith. The Rev. Berg and bi.I ~ock believe ttfat right will triumph f/Vet .might and remain cheerful in the face ·of adversity as mote and more jail cells have rung .with bymna of courage. · "We haven't anything concrete to report yet about legal deCblons," he said today, "but we're hoping for the besl GoOdby, and God ble!I you." The Jailed evangelbts ar(ested Mon- (lay, along With a 17-year-old gill released · to her parents, Include : Becky J. cttrtaWeb, 21, of ·110 Octan j\ve., Huntington Beach. Caroline 8. "Banle" Collaco«, 19, of 110 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach. Coa1t111ce N. Pender1ast. 19, of 110 ( Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach. MadellBe C. Donelly, 19, of 110 Oce an Ave .• Huntington Beach. J"'pb N. 1-ugford, II, ol 60511 ,oth St., ljuntJnston Beacb. . Paat B. Bert, 21, of S051,Si loth St., Huntington Beach. Daniel P. Welsh, 22, of 116 Main St., Huntingfg\ ~cb , 1 • • : Howlrit'" ·I'!: 8roilas, it; of Kittaning, Pa. Mlebael 'G, Barbav, 19, of 116 Main SI., Hunl!nglon Beach. Bruce A. Gregg, 18, of 3591 Howard Ave., Los Alamitos. Richard C." La Brill, 19, of 2261 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Ralph K. Baker, 18, of 116 Main St ., Huntington Beach. James Balle1&ero1, 22, of 6Q6i,, Main St.. Huntington Beach. Ralpb Abern, 19, of Cathedral City. The five teens arrested in Pecember include: Nancy Dewar, 18, 6271 Myrtle St.. lluntlnston Beach. Jonathan Berg, 19, 605;) 10th St., Hun- tington Beach. Joseph Lu&fonl, 18, 605 10th St., Hun- tington Beach. Douclu Toerper, 19, 605 10th St., Hun- tington Beach. James Burte, 7'/, 605 10th St., Hun- tington Beach. freeway plans. · "We decided to sell the homes, lots inclucled, to the state because of the hlgh cost of holding on to them. There were high maintenance expenses, lO!ll of incmne and taxes," said the Irvine spokesman. · Aa a result ot the tranaaction, the state Is now landlord ol tbtle properties:. 108 Kings Place and 100, 411, '21, 603, 701, 811, 911, l5ll, 1821 and 172, K.:inJs Road. The company, sources Mid, lnilially had assumed ownership of the properties in. the hopes of redevelopment, pending re-routing of the freeway. The Irvine spokesman was asked whether aiving up the properties to the st.ate Indicates the company considers the cJty'a long fight to reroute that portion of the freeway a lost cause. lie replied, "The state felt tbe purcbaae does not jeopardize the poaition of the city of Newporf Beach." The city's poaltion, maintained for several years, ls one of absolute o~ position to the adopted routing west of tbe upper Bay. The alignment roushfl parallels the highway. ' The freeway route east of the bay, through Corona del Mar, ia ae«ptable lo the city. Agreements to that effect v.·e.re signed last year. 2 2 • ~etruar';f Special) DEEP TUFTED CHAIRS .Truly •n ou+1t1..dirt9 .ch•il'. v1lue1 f•1turint awivel or: c.•st• "••· AJ'° ••• u.b&e with 1 cusf_om swi.-el .c11tw. b11•, at • 1li9M •dditiotwtl c.h1rge. Tit111 ch1i" must be •••n to appreciate their unu1u1I 1tylin9 aJtd t1rrific. comfort. Your c.hoic.1 of 1 wide 111.c.tion of ,quality f•briu, 1inertfy 1tyl1d to endt1nc.1 1ny It~ s119:,. COMFORT & STYLE AT A REASONABLE PRICE IXCLUSM DIALIRS l'OR: HlllRIOON-DUXIL-HIRITAGI 90 DAYS NO !NTERIST-LONGIR TlllMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED CREDIT INllltlOU ProfwM>n1I lnten.r 0.1.,.... LAGUNA BEACH 345 North c-i Hwy. NIWPOllT IEACH 1121 w-1111 Dr. 642.21150 ' 'wa NllAT 'TIL' °"" ..... , Tn. ' .... , ........... "' 0.-.. c_, .... 1241 • Avallab!a Al~ID t . , 4""551 • 1 ,, ' f Sealab Tragedy ,! Studied 1 Peru Rejects U.S. Oaiin Over Boat LIMA, Peru (AP) -The Peruvian 1overnment h a s refused to ~pt • U.S. government claim for $50,000 ham.age h i a clothes.'' t h e Juan, a source close to the Foreign Office said. The San Juan was riddled with machine-gun bullets Feb. ----,..-• ..,-,_--, ---• 14 when a Peruvian gunboat ~~~ attacked a small American fishing fleet more than 25 miles off the Peruvian cout and seized one of the boats. The United States delivered a formal protest against the detenUon and filed the damage claim Wednesday. It said the attack occurred I n in· By Joan ternatlonal waters . Congratulations to the Orange "This claim is as if a person County Airport for their elemep· enters your home and you t.ary school artistic exhibits. Jn dammaee his clothes," the !act, lhe whole airport building Peruvian JOUrce said Thurs-is arUstic and charming -lhe day. "Of course you are not kind where you can go and obliged to pay any damage watch people off ~nd ~e the (or 1uch intrusion." planes -a .people-sued airport. ;;:;;=========,ILel's k~p 1t that way and not ~ let the inevitable pressures of our wonderful air age destroy it -and us on the grotlnd. "Whdsin control?" Most ot IS Uke to flol tllat w1'r1 "in the dmer's ml" Bal whit hlppelS """· for one ruson or nother, wt lose control of our experience? In this public lectur!, Charles W. Ferris, 1111 elpe rienced Christian Science pr1ctitiontf, shows how wt t111 take control of Oltf experience by submittiftc lo the perlect CGfttrol ol God. IA three actDll and tivid 11p1ritnces he teUs how httilll WIS ,_od, I lllsin•COJW-.IM humln relationships cor- racted, an wlltOhe i-- "'b 1n .. 1vld wm willi•a It . submit lo !he perlect will of God. Admission is frtt. Everyone is welcame. S1111<1l•y, Fill; 21 af J P.M. First Chvteh ef Clyilf, Sc it "litf 6JI Mith Dtf.e, L•111111 lt1ch Chll4 C1re "'*9itle4 Let's build an airport ellewhere in Orange County big enough to handle these jets and provide enough nonresUStnUal a r e a around it -land or water - so that no hwnan being wilt have to have thia noise and 4anger over their home. Oran1e County, with Ill wealth of resources, could be a model for the country In meeting the realities of the air q:e. • • • Did you know that when aircraft are landing generally to the 1 north, the FAA approach pro- cedure permits them to descend lo 500 feet over your bouoe Cll an extended final approach courte ! They could be required lo fly higher over ruidential property. Let the FAA . llnow bow you feel about 11 . Write: Federal Aviation Aceney Re1ional Hudquartera P.O. Box 90007, Airporl Slatioo Los Angele>, Calli. - • •• St.op by, write or call us at 411 Eu! 171h St. in Coot.I M.,. -upet.aln. Phont MZ-MOt. We're open dally II 10:1111 • • • Ai.-port Nolle A!Jatem""t Committee • DAILY I'll.If $ • Rilss to V se Orbital Bombs?i .. ~ • • .Presi~ent 'Asks .Vote ~ 1VASHJNGTON" (AP) aboul Sovl'l use of ll»FOllS. 'Olllciala nhile Co ~ :: Doi-offlclall '"Y they p e n I •... ""'""" aaJd. JilAllll.loace, bul H la bowa ~ I Ref nns Wok the Soviet Ul1loll) ~ however. &he Clifford stat. ft.it the Ru1•t1u btve COl\t ·-.. ~ to deploy an orbllll ment ftflec(ed a--. ducted at lout 1J Jl'08S teJta. •• bomb system in space. made Ill the last months of The ftnt, 1ev• .reportedlJ They Indicate l h a I ac· 1913. floppod. but the -alx ..... cu.~ulatln1 evidence, An FOBS wou.ld be-booalefl said to~~~~~rked; . .• .. ~nn""'Y gathered fr om tnto a low Grblt; generany The --Sot'* Uaioft'a U• So4ik teots moollored lly U.. about 1ot miles above Earth, perimenta wtllr 'on otbllal Unljod s1a1 .. , points toword and ·•oold be ·firod b1 remote ....,, w . .tt dlxloled by the Kremlin's intention to control at ground targets ~et~ ol. DefenR: Robert. ·· mount the program, called a before Cilmpletlng Its first S. McNamara'Nov.,1, 1"7. ~: Frictional 0 r b i t a I Born· circuit. H'e downrated Jt; uying It bU<hnent System. The low altitude would would · be too inaccurate tor. This conclusion comes only enable the orbital bomb to a 11tlsfactory attack on ·u .S. a month alter Car~ M. CJµ· avoid detection by U.S. early-int~tinental mi.salles proo ford, in his. final report ~ warning radar.. teeted in Underirouild silos. secretary of defense, said the,,.;;;;;;ij;;i;;;;;iiiiiiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiiiiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiOiiiO .. United States wiu uncertain!I You know what'• happened to price1 without our '1aving to tell you. But have heart. You can ectually buy the Malibu Sport COl\pe bove with it.I 1l;andard 200·hp V8 and extra equip· 11ent for la1 money than you could lut year, Thia Malibu ha• Powerglide automatic lran•· iiuion, head restraint.a. power diec brakee, wheel aven and whitewall tires. And the COit of all thOM itemt, with the e:sception r the whitewalla and wheel coven, ha1 come down. Vheel coven eo1t th• 1&.me and a set of whitewall• '" . is s2.10 tilore., TERRY MeCARDLE . M"-N OF "-CTION But Powera:lid• co.la leu than it did in 1968. And the· coat of new advanced-desip power diac brakea bu been cut by more than one:tbird. So you end op paying. $69.oet• )eee for thi• one than you wounl bav• pa.Id for 1Ut year'• model equipped the aame way. And,.or couree, the '69 Malibu Sport Coup1 i1 not the ume .car u lut year'• model. It'• more cu;. It com• with Chevrolet'• new theft-discourarin1 lock for tbe "-ring wheel, 11hift lever and i(Dition. J t hat Altro Ventilation to Jet iri air, but keep out wind Value Old World Meditermliean Spani&h Furniture .. Rocol•od e1neeflatlen. of $22.0CJC!,OO · SjMlnl1h -,ni:I Medlterr,1ne1n. futnltur• AR New 1.,...,.., .... ._, DM1r..-. ..... H ... OI'...., Items as follows: (l-reous 8 ft. .custom quilted aol& with sepuate loose ~illows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58,. tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought iron. an 8 piece king siz.e master be.droom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran- ean style with top qua lity 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dininR set. etc. wt.ei. ktnehl ••• Nfllol« SISZl.00 ' ~:1~~~~·-~l~E·········· ····-· $698.00 Any Piece Can Be Purch11ed lndivldu1Uy Terms Av1Jl1ble -NewcorMrs to Callf. · , Crtcflt 'Approved Immediately r ] J J] Furnitare_ At Harbor Blvd. . 1844 Ne.,vport llvd. Costa Mfta anly EvtrY night .. 'til 9 -Wed., Sat. &. Sµn. 'tfl 6. and road noise. It'• the only car in it. field to·ol'er you beedliabt wuben and a pmh-button ll)'lte'ln far coaUnt your tear wbeell w:ith a traction improvin1 fluid wlien you get stuck on ice. So be llll'9 to •how up at yo ur Chevrolet dealer'• Showdown. One thing'• for 1ure. CheveUe'• competitiOn wouldn't dare. •• • $.& .• OO I than ,fa · ·11e·Malibo I '\ • !, • ~ • equipped the ·sa111e way. • • • ' ' ' ! I ' • •• • •• ... •• .~: ., • ·, . .. ' ' . •• . ' •• ;! d '· ., ~ ..... ..ir :: ::: -~ ·l· : .... :: ·:< ;: ,. _,. ... , . ' . ~ .. . .. . . . .., • ' ,. -• • .. -~ ... ·, •• ' '1 • r • ' ! \ • ~~----~ • ' j DAILY PILOT mi:m™ PAG~j Help for t he Joble ss Sometbnes the old refraJo about getting a job falls on deaf young ears, but aometimes it simply falls OJI· young bands lied by various frustrating factors. · ciOJ of .u· ltlnlb tocelher ls die Important key beln& used to unloct-<!Wri otoppommity, Wanting work is one thing, but gelling it may be quite another. A car is requited. for many jobs and time versus employer..employe needs can be a ~mpllcation, because trigonometry and pizza-making mtx onJy to a certain degree before both suffer. Age. physique, skills al\(f in· terests all figure in the picture _too. Youngaten seeking Independent incom• and people who need th,ir ,..U:.S-whatever may be of!ered-<:an benefit thomsaJvet and tbe_community by contacting both the volun!Aler and state agencies. Carl Boswell Retires '!be job of getting a job can become tougher and more complex when a boy or girl bas quit school, a temporary decision that bas a habit of bee</mlng perm· anent Maybe a dropout is good wllh bil tools, or she ls a pretty and helpful sale.sglrl. But.needo, finances and Interests will change. Vocational guidance is needed. They held a testimonial dinner the other night for Harbor Area school man Carl Boswell. Carl really didn't want the testimonial-he is re- tiring and that's no big deal, be said. Two agencies, the Harbor Area COOrdlnating Coun- cil and a branch of the State Department of Employ- ment, are now setting up Special .Jocal programs to help these special people. ·we11, the dinner turned out to be a very big deal because 300 people-and a lot more who couldn't be ther.....,wanted to honor. in some small way, a man wboH own endeavors over the past 12 years have very mucll affected their lives and the Jlves of many, many Harbor Area residents. The local organization is sponsoring a youth em· ployment service on a shoestring $1,500 annual budget, in oftice space donated by the Harbor Area Boys' Club. Volunteers staff the office, primarily bringing students seeking part-time work 'and potentia1 employers to- gether. " ''When I first came here," said Newport-Mesa .school Superintendent William Cunningham. "Carl came. to me and said : 'We want to make this a great Sc hool district and I am It your disposal to help in any way I can.' The olber, broader-scope program offers job coun· seling and vocational guidance Thursday afternoons, working out of spare rooms at the Theodore Robins }'ord agency, Costa Mesa. Headquarters .of this office of Economic Opportunity project are in Santa Ana.e "l suspect," added Cunningham. "That, in the short time I've~been here, Carl has helped me in more ways than l even know about." Cunningham's observation no doubt is true and could well be echoed in a much broader context by a great many of us here In the Harbor Area. Getting jobless youth and employers with job vacan· We wish Carl well upon his retirement. Jet Airplane Problem E J.., Toro Could Be Answer To the Editor: It was interesting to read County ;\irport Director Robe.rt J. Bresnahan '11 oamment in the DAILY PILOT tbal El Toro was on ' the top of hls list a1 a aolutioo te the airport problem in <nnge . County. I have talked , to ...,., P'"llY prominent people around Ille CUUDly ·-this during the last year. It is am•slng . that few people ll'bo lb;lokl how understand why this caold be tbe amwtr. t TBINK THAT any truly informed -could 1h9w !bat the military and the a!rllnes of Orange County could operate out of El Toro together for a Jon& tip)e., There are probably few people In Ille. county !bat bow for llitarten, that 'El Toro bu runways up to 10,00I feel, to .. , nothing al . tbe Welt in radio '8Dd radar approach and lakeoff llfllems. A ~ out program could be started over a lool period ol time to eventually ll10Ve tbe innttai:y to the desert, in *111 number ol locaticms. THERE WOULD BE .a lot/ wrath mt of the military, but they 'would have a hard. time proving a case, if tbt other side is correctly informed. It would be interesting, as an example, to see what traffic figures at El Toro bave looked like in the last 20 years. This would solve so many problems lbat have cropped up sipce Orange Coun- ty got jets. It could go back to general aviation. and the airlines and the jels itOUld go to El Toro. with minimum rmt to the Orange County taxpayer. Who knows ? They might even change the name from El Toro to Nixon Interna- tional. JOHN BAKER For Boby's Goo d? !o the Editor : After reading your article, "A Tearful Farewell," published Wed'l'Sday, Feb. Ill, wbere do you go from there? The name of the game is "Play Fair." Many of us disapprove of the decision made by the wellare department. Surely the Harts took much time in reaching their decision to adopt their foster baby. Did the welfare department take as much Ume in making their decision? ApparenUy the agency approved of lhe Harts when they placed him in theiJ' home. They felt the Harts could give him attention. love and securit y. most needed in the beginning of life. For five months, he seemed to be doing quite well. Then the agency takes him from a home like this and places him tn another. This is probably listed as: For the Good of the Baby. Really'! How oflen we have heard . . . "the baby's welfare is most important." YOUR ARTICLE slated the agency emdal said' i{ they reviewed the case. It weuld be a "reflection" on the "pro- ----Friday, February 21 , 1969 T7i< <df!Orial -of IM Dollv Pilol ... 1u to inf-and 111 .... ""'" t'<ad<Tr br prc..,.tmg lhir "'""1"'"'"' opfniollr alld .... mmtart1 on topicl ot inkrt1l """ rlgnlfican«. bv promdlng • forum for &he <%praaloo of .. r ,..<Jd<n· op!TUom. ad br ,,,.t1t'ntinf tht dforr1• NP poi•U of Informed °""""" end ipok<rmen on topia f1f lh• ... ,. Robert N. Weed , PubUsher L"'9B ,.._ ,_,..,.. .,.. -· NO""•llV wrli.tt shiWlll eolWl'f their lne'.lf ... ill :IOt· -.I• w le~ fhll rltllt • OOlldfllM lertel'I to flt -w 1Flml· nit. llblf Is ~. All letters m..SI lnducl• 1l1Mlvt• and MllMn9 edclnn. but<>l\1"'6 """ be "111Mt'ld .,. r-..t If 1uffi<:lcn1· ruson i. 1~1,..,,1, fessionallsm" of those who lir1t made the decisioD. lt is obvious yow readers dori't know who firK" made the decision, ,. ,"9!< could lhls be true? I seriously doolll U lhls would rdlecl a. bfd imqe on anyone in particular, Jet alone the agency, itsell. Foster parents in the poi! haff adopted their lfl\er ·~. ti' will mppoa many limlf ,_ In the futur<.' 1bi ~ bu aiiniltt«I there are eic:eptl<ms. Tbe. 11encr llY• Ibey have rule;s. 1 Well, I would' think fair play should be ealiUed to alL More respect and esteem would be forthcoming if the welfare ,department would show a litUe heart .and .review this case. MANY OF YOUR readers feel since the welfare department is on the county payroll and we are the taxpayers . . • we are entitled to see ,.air play. We expect the welfare department to be open-minded and fair in all of its cases. This case really is no different. Surely, even the new prospeCl.i've parents coula reallle the sadness and unfair play. It could happen lo them · ••• or for that matter, any one· of us. MRS. J. A. ROG ERS Orange County Adoption Agency requires pre·adoptive foster pare1Lts to sign an agreement stipulating that the arrangement is an intt1"in:l plati for the child, is to help the county department of social welfare evaluate tlie baby's progress and needs until a permanent adoptive home is found, and that pre-adoptive foster parents cannot be accepted as adoptive ap· plicants for the specific child or chil· d1·en so placed. -Editor Thonks Bond Helpers To the Editor: I'm writing this as a thank you note to all those who actively supported the recent school bond issue and campaign. There are many, I'm sure, who will Quotes U. S. Senator Sam J, Ervl• Jr., N.C. -"Essential to the preservation of liberty and central to our Coniltilutional system is the understanding that there must be limits to governmental 1>0wers; that government, be il local or national, cannot be upected to solve all of society's ills; that unrestrained governmtntal power leada to tyranny : and that tyranny results wbell unlimited power ii eonferred for ends which are claimed eooct. just u surtly as whtn power ts seized for ends that art eviL'' Ari&ou Fann Burua '-"P'<>P pro. duct.Ion per acre bu lncreued lS4 .per- cent 5lrq 1950 despite 18 -million leu cropland ICl'tl lu • production. Crop Production Per Man HouT t,u-lncreutd 1'8 perunt, and Livestock Productlon Per ~1an Hour is up 149 percent. Jo"ood ll a aood buy in America btcause ·ot the productive ability. or our American rumers and ranchers." WIWan. L Cnok, editor, Gree• Riva Rtpobllca1, r.torgantoW11, K,. -''A friend who hadn't bee• feeling too well went to the 'doctor for a checll:-up. When the doctor tokl him he wu as iOUnd as 1 dollar, the man fa inted ." I ... L always feel a bit nostalgic when the words "white cards," "poll watchers.'' "telephone talkers," or "Jetter stuffers'' and "addressers'' come to mind. Your responsible support and activity in making this bond election successful . will allow our school district to provide classrooms to match student growth for the next four years. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to personally thank all 16,77& who voted ;.•yes" last Tuesday. It's not even practical to try to contact the 1,000.plus who worked on campaign committees. But, I do feel that a pereon who deserves a great 'deal of tbanb from all of us is Ken Lewis. director, Informational Services lot .the acboot district. who helped so much with the success of the bond issue. So, if you'll cut out this letter and pass it on to a frieod, I'd appreciate it, as a last indlvidlJll job of a wonderful community effort. Thank you all So much. ANNE SORENSEN President, Harbor Coundl PTA 'Vnd esiroble Neighbor'' To the Editor: · Jt has come· to the attention of the property owners in OUr . area that ap- plication bas been made to the Newport Beach Planning Commission for a rone ' change in connection with thi sa:le or property at the comer of Placentia and Flagship Road. This property is· adja- cent to the Park Lldo Medical Building, Hoag Hospital, other medical buildings, convalescent homes anti where two more convalescent hospital s are to be built. THE PROPERTY to be rezoned front parking area and R-3 to accommodate a sil·story hO!pital to care for the men- tally disturbed, alcoholics and drug ad- dicts, not only would be an undesirable neighbor but also intensify already crowded parking and increase the traffic in an area where it is already loo heavy for the st.reels involved. We feel that such a facility should be located in a more rural area, which is the case with Camarillo and other such institutiOl'll!I. The city o[ Orange re£used to grant its consent for the psychiatric hospital or treatment center. so why should Newport Btach be the pat.Sy~ · · WE ltA VE A desirable residential COll'I· n1un.ity here in Park Lido and Mediter· ranean Village now which would certainly not be so desirable if this questionable sii:·story institution is permitted to locate ln this already crowded intersection. We appeal to an iaterested residents of Newport Beach to loot Into this matter and express their opinion. ANTHONY DE SOUSA Dear Gloomy Gus: What's all this Jw about hcllcop- tcrs for Colla MC$8? Won 't thotl big fancy new car of lhe cily's top man get hlm to his out-4C-town ap- pointrnenta fut enough? -T. 8. '"" tufln ~ ........,. '""' ... , -Mrl!J ...... .. ""' --· \IMO• ""' ... ..,. • ..._.., oa o.i•• "Ill•. (Cl Pollutio~ Hearin gs to Open Monda y ~ A Senate-subcommittee an air and water poUution btgins hearings in Santa Bar~ra on pollution from off· shore oil wells on Monday (Feb. 24). The subcommittee will return to \Va shing tan on Feb . 27 when, in stv· eral sittings, it will h.ear Interior Sec· retary \Valter J. Hickel, /ormer Sec· retary Stewart L. Udolt, and repre· 3eniatives of the C~t GUCJd and the Atomic Ent1'9y Commillion. The Uniled States could pollute the Atlantic Ocean, just as it did Lake Efje. Little serious attention was given to protecting the Great ~es from pollu- \ion before Lake Erie "died" as a medium for living organisms. The sad story of the Santa Barbara Olf slick recalls lessons we should have -learned from the past, notably the run· nlng around of the tanker Torrey Can· yon. of ijle coast of England on March 18, 1967. The spill of crude oil from the 120,000-ton tanker blackened inilcs of coast and caused the death of sea birds. Similarly Southern California beaches recently were smeared with oil and wild life was killed by the stiD bleeding leaks from drilling off Santa Barbara. THE OIL INDUSTRY, according to the Magazine of Wall Street, has more than 8,600 wells on the ocean bottom, and more than 100 companies in 60 countries active in the field. In the \Jnited States, the major cff·shore oil efforts are concentrated in the Gui£ of Mexico and off Alaska and California. The Santa Barbera disaster is describ- ed by the oil industry as a freak. But the Washington Post saw the mud slide distress near Los Angeles in January. the total polluUon of Lake Erie, and the Santa Barbara leakage as part or a haphaiard pattern. "In each of these situaUons," lhe newspaper observed. "a tragic result has come when natural resources were exploited either before 1nen knew what damage their works co1~ld create or without regard to the v.·arning signs nature had provided ... A REPORT of a seininar on Biolog· ical Problems in Water Pollution held in 1962 reads in part: "Even if there were sLrict enforcement and observance of such regulations as exist, it is unlikely that .complete cessaUoo of oil pollution will result because of shipping accidents, oil Une or installation detects, .!Ind other human error and equipment failures. Enactment and enforcement of stricter laws by state aJ)d local governments are espedally important since a 1960 survey &bowed a lack of effective local Jaw1 to be a particularly weak link in.th' problem of pollution control." OCEANOGRAPIIERS believe that the United States appears, by its-ell, to be responsfblc for P third to a half of many of• the pollutant.I put lnto the air and sea. But tbe ~k U not 1horooghl)' bleak. Dr. Donald w. Pr;1. chard of the Chesapeake Bay ltUlitute at Johns H<lptlns University tdds that lhe wldtspttad 'P"'ll<illll o1 municipal wastes could enrich the "undtrfenil!Jed'' ocean. "1'he sea Is a rriend and an enemy." John F. Kennedy once said. Man can ma.lie It either. J. 'Good grief, man! I've onl;y got two hands!' What Famous Man Said This? What famous American figure attacked merchanta for exacting an "exorbitant price''· for goods 'during warlime, and warned against allowing them to "amass fortunel upon' the public ruin"? What famous American figure declared it to be a universal experience of man· kind that ho nation (including ours) '"is to be trusted further than it is bound by its interest"?. What-famous American figure-wrote in a Jetter to a friend that the Umes afford .. too many melancholy proofs of the decay of public virtue"? WHAT FAMOUS American figure com· plained that !peculators and profiteer!:, for "the paltry con&ideratioµ cif a .little dirty pelf," were tearing apart the fabric of the nation "for their · own ag· grandizement and to gratify their own avarice,'' and asked whether we Americans will "at last become the v!Ctims of our own abominable lust for gain"? \Vhat famous American figure warned us to "guard against the impostures or pretended patriotism"? What ·famous American . figure cau· tioned us that "overgrown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile" to our form of government? WHAT FAMOUS American figure urg- ed us, "as an object of primary im-, I portance," to promote "insUtutions for the general diffusion of knowledge - for , in proportion as the structure cf a government gives force to public opi· nion, it is essential that public opinion be enlightened"? What famous American figure deplored the fact that "of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, these which are caused by a difierence of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated"'! WHAT FAMOUS American figure, when passion was still running high against our former enemy, said "The nation which indulges toward anoth er an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest''? \Vhat famous American figure are we honoring tomorrow on the anniversary of his birthday? The A rroga nce of Man By ELLSWORTH L. RICHARDSON MIAisltr Nelgbborbood Congre1atJ0111aJ Church Laguna Beada A high public official speaking in behalf of the space program a d d r e s s e d Congress: "From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather. to cau5e drought and nood, to change the tides and raise the level of the sea ... The urgent race we are no\v in is not the race to perfect long range ballistic missiles. There is something more im· portant than any ultimale weapon. That is the ultimate position -the position of tota l control over earth that lies somewhere out In space. . . Whoever gains that ultimate position gains control. total control, over the earth for pu'rpose~ of tyranny or for the service of freC'dom .. , WHAT IS YOUR reaction to that 1 U we are to take this statement at its face value then Got! had better watch out! He had better watch out for these "masters of infinily" who will have the power "to change the tides and raise the level of the sea." How arrogant can Man passibly be? Man will have "total control over earth that lies somewhen out in space." I hope that God gets the message for uneasy rest., the head of Him who wears a crown I How absurd! Let us bulld a tower toward heaven, towi rd outer space , NOW, and let us rr.ake a name for ourselve!I. Let us promptly forget all 11.bout God ! Why we can't even control space sonie 8.000 miles away -th: war Jn Vietnam! INSTEAD OF exploring the depths ur the sea -and that docs 1T1ake mote sense to me -we had better explore the ut of living together on the fa.,-e of the earth. The rising divorce rate indicates that man can't evC'n get along with his matt! Racial violence? Maybe w·c had betttr e~tabllsh a real estatt' venture on the moon for ttrlcUy . restricted people. How arrogant can Man be? Ring Lardner once said, "Whenever I see a self·rnade man I realizi;,. how bad a job he has done." Once a very important person said to Dr. Joseph Parker of the City Temple in London, "Everything I've accomplished in life I've done myself. I'm a self·made man!" Dr. Parker with very sea rching eye~ sa id to him, "Sir. you have lifted · a great load of rei.ponsibility of! the shoulders of the Almighty ... llERBERT BUTIERFlELD said that "judgment in history falls heaviest on those who come to think themselve~ gods. who put their trust in man-made systems and worship the work of their own hands, and who say the strength of their own right ann gave them the victory!" Moses said something like that thousands of years ago, "Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his commandments. , .1Cl!lt, wben~ have eaten and are full, and have built goodJy houses and llved in them ... and when your silver and gold is mulUplled, and all that you have is multlpUed. then your heart be lifted Uj:, ;;ind YOU £orget the J...ord your God. ... and say in your heart, 1My power and the might of my hand have gO\lCI n1e this wealth.' " ltow absurdt 811 Geergr CONFIDENTIAL TI) J 0 E NAMATH: tl goes : "Early l.o bed and early '° rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I I l ) ' r ,, ,. n d ,, I, " ~ ~ '· :h •• " al •• lo nt Id " ry .. ! •er ow "Y •Ph Jn, ,ile I ~" 1e!'I • the :iat on 1•e!> ode 1eir gth the hat hat in !St, tnd in old !Ve led od, '" , .. I 1 I I llY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wincl Monday night lhe Huntington Beach Ci_ty Council was con. aidering a controversial plan to build apartments and a marina in the Huntington Harbour section of the city when a spectator, For- rest Bell of Balboa Island, sud- denly cried out in pain and fell to the floor. Attending him instantly were Vince Moorhouse, director o f harbors and beaches and chieC lifeguard ; Raymond Picard, fire chief; Capt. Grover Payne, of the Police Department: and Robert E . Dingwall, a civic leader and Los Angeles fireman. * Heart massage and mouth-to- moulh resuscitation restored both a heart beat and breathing to the apparent heart attack v i c t i m within minutes of his cry of pain. .There were a few others in the crowd who helped too, but their names are not known. They left quietly when the meeting was over. The meeting had grown long. The time was about 11 :40 p.m. when the man collapsed. It took about 15 to 20 minutes for the ambulance to arriVe to take the victim. to Hoag Memorial Hospital. * If a person had to have a heart attack, the council ·chamber was the place, with all the highly train- ed. life savers attending the meeting. They acted quickly and efficiently and the victim was con· scious when firemen arrived to ad· minister oxygen a few seconds after the call was made. The incident indicated that it would not be a bad idea for the city to keep a resuscitation unit on hand during council sessions . Some of the councilmen consid- ered. the time spent waiting for the ambulance as evidence that ambu- lance service neds to be re-exam- ined and perhaps other companies invited to tell whether they could improve response time or not . * At any rate, prompt and skilled action by those at the council meeting very !i.kely is the reason Mr. Bell is alive today. No Dinnertime mllnk Sessions For Councilmen Dinner has been eliminated from the official activities of Fountain Valley City Councilmen. This week councilmen experimented Jrith holding study session over dinner. But when everyone came lo the council meeting following a tw~hour meeting and dinner at Francois Restaurant in Hunlington Beach, no one was satisfied . Protests were also heard from citizens \Vho felt the dinner meetings made it hard for the public to participate in the "think" sessions of tbe council. Councilmen agreed, and later voted to hold study sessions at 6:30 p.m. preceding each regular council meeting -without dinner and in the city hall. Little League Sign ups Extended Signups for the Robinwood LiUle League have been extended throUgh Saturday and Sunday at the league field oo the corner of Edinger Avenue and Graham Street, Huntingt.on Beach. Slgnups will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday. Birth cerUficates must be brought to the slgnups. Tryouts for all players will be con.. tlucted March 1, on the league field. Majors (boys 10-12 years old ) will report at 10 a.m., while minon (boys nine yean old) will report at 1 p.m. For infonnation call league president Bob Hanvey, 84&-4527, or player agent John Leckie, 893-2906. Beach Democratic Clubs Slate Party Tilt Marina, 69!'10, Adlai E. Sl<'ttnoon and Huntington Be1eh-Founlain Valley Democratic clubs wll1 join other clubs In tbt c:ounty at I p.m. Saturday at a Washington 's Btrtbday party al Carpenter'• Hall In Anahdm. The evtot at &OB W. Vermont Sl., featurea dancing. buffet and a pmgram honoring Assemblyman Kenneth COl1 (0.. Garden Grove). I "*"· NMtJ n, 1969 t'lal.V I'll.OT 3 Oil Blowouts: How.,-'Why T:HeY Happen 87 IALl'I DIGHTON AJ' -ll'rtllr SANTA BAIUWIA -'111at mt11 In the Sula Barbara ChaMd -could II happen qaln! Ye1, J10Y1 a geolo&IB\ who bu been atuclying the region !or yean, loo& before a leaking oil well 1pewed a quarter million gallons of· cnide oU onto this resort area's ocean and beaches early In February. "It not only happen, ·u u happening all the lime aad appamiUy bu be<n happening for longer tban men can remember," 11ys Dr. DollaJd Weaver, associate professor of geology at the Univeraity of callfornia at S a o t a Barbara. "The Santa Barbara area, both the dry land and the submerged land out past the islands rimming the cbaMel, is shot through with Caultl -cracka Irvine Sells Freeway Line Homes to State ~y JEROME F. COLLINS ' ' Of Ille 0•111. f'n.t Stall The Irvine Company bu sold W the state 11 homes lying in the path or the disputed portion of the Pacific Coast Freeway route in Newport Beach, it was learned Monday. Right-of-way agents for the California Division of Hlghw'/· s said the residences along Kings Roa west of the Upper Bay were ptirchased in response to a ''hardship" plea frOm the company. The propertie! were reportedly sold fol-about $300,000. . An Irvine offlciaJ erplained. "We made a hardship case because there were no other purehasets. '' The company had bought the homes during the put two years from tbelr original ownera, who hid the·same resale problems. They were all on Irvine leasehold land. Houses on the coastal side of Kings Road, overlooking West Coast Highway, are all marked for demolition for freeway purposes, although the road itself will remain. Properties on the inland side of the road are to be un- touched, according to present state freeway plans. "We decided to sell the homes, lots included, to the slate because of the high cost of holding on to them, There were high maintenance expenses, loss of income and taxes," said the Irvine spokesman. • As a result flf the transaction, the state is now landlord of thele properties: 108 Kings Place and 100, 411, 421, 603, '101, Ill, 911, 1511, 1821 and 172, Kfn&s Road. The company, sources said, initia11y had assumed ownership of the properties in the hopes or redevelopment, pending re-routing of the freeway, The Irvine spokesman w.as asked whether giving up the Properties to the state indicates the company considers the city's long fight to reroute that portion or the freeway a lost cause. He replied, "The state felt the pw-chase . does not jeopardize the position or the city of Newport Beach." The city's position, maintained for several years, is one of absolute op- position to the adopted routing west o( the Upper Bay. The alignment roughly parallels the highway. The freeway route east of the bay, through Corona del Mar, is acceptable to the city. Agreements to that effect were signed last year. Center Merchants Honor 10 More Area Students Ten local high school students have been honored by the merchant.a of Hun- tington Center as outstanding students for February. Each student win receive a $6 cash award and will report lo the Ceoter for four hours of work e:rperience. All monthly students selected also become eligible for the $SOO cash scbolaralllp to be awarded to the ootltan- ding individual student on May a. February'• winners aod their JChools include JoAnn Armstrong, Fountain Valley; Susi McNeil, Huntington Beach; Gail Becklund, Marina; Linda Harvey, Westminster ; IJnda CamJno, Bolsa Gran- de; Sheila stahlbeber, Garden· Grove; Marta Brown, La Qllintat Deborah Panther, Pacifica; Kattn Wear, Rancho Alamitos, and Chris Weisner, SanUaio. Valedictorians Named at Marina Jackie Benlngton, B1rbara Larson and Cheryl Benard, straight A student! at Marina HJ1h School in HunUngton Beach, have been oarned valedictorians of the Class or 1969. The trio of girls have made perfect grades through tbt1r lour years of high school and will lead their graduaUng class ol from fiOO to 800 students. Named rtudenll graduatifll "Ith hooors in 1dd!Uon to the trio of lfrb are Bryant Avery, Bri8JI Burford, Carol Hiles, Vincent MoU, Rodger Nelson, Dale N"111, Claudia Orisld and Judy Praaon. They wJD pretlde over the graduating cemnonlea 1eheduled for June and com· pose the top one percent of their graduatlnl class. ' and -of •arlOWI 11Jes In Ille earih'• crust:". • ' ''There are four known spoll ln t.be --oil from undergnJund ,,.is -lo ~ llq!'!Ct Jllrw&h tbeoe ~ack.s in large quanUtJes, crtaUng alick.s on the ~ which m It Ur;nes a mlle Jong-Ud 100 yards across. \ • "One· of tbe worst of them ls just o{fsbore from UU! campus at a 1 place called Coal OU Point. You can see bub- bles rising periodically lrom lhl• ... p lrom a few yarils out in the surf on OUt for two of three milts. II "Another bad one is OIC San Miguel l.sland, the westernmost of the Santa Barbara cha.in, and the(t are others off ca:rpinterla and off Point ConCeption on either side of San1a Barbara. "No one has meiwtred 'Uie flOw · ltom these seeps but it is significant. I .would estimate that 99 percent of the nu,isance petroleum on the -ptior to this ' •, . " '.fllt,.;. ... ~ -lr.~ f'rolll ~II Sl!Oiill!e." • 'Weaver said lbe F,ebruary blo'ftut - ·the well 'tuud U dly1 belb" belbg <lj>ped -la the l!nt lo cU!trtbule a major amount of.olJ. tb the channel's natural piUuUOo ·lll!l<e'mld-ebannel land• were opened to drilling by the li!deral government 'in February, 19118. "But _it: ls not the lint blow~ ... he .. id. •'fi>e'r;j ..... anOlber aboiit hyo years ago in the ' ~e area, dutlng tbe explor1tory pl>as< lieto.. prodlldlyn drilllrlg' atarted. Fortunately, tt appeatO<t to be mostly gu, and there was bubbling around the well for daya." Weaver aaid further polluUon of the channel could q>me from .any o1 thfee.· =~~gt~rc:~~~!~il wells, n3t~al "This whole region is technically ac- tive, that is, it is still in the mountain- build.ing Mage," he sa\d. ','It ii much -er.~ -kin&. 1ban our ENI Coa!r, wblCb ·la relattvely stable u far u earthquakes IO· ''Thll mans lbert ii atamve frac- turing In 'the ma &om e Ir l h, movements. Seimic aoundbiO, llDIU e,:r.. plO!llOM which bounce iboci -iravtS Gff the .Vfl'IOUS layers ol ~ rock, show1there are nine maiW fauJb~ plus wb61e aystems of minor fllJ]t:i, ~ding ~el to the lbortllile 1D·lho <IJ¥nel. . . . . , ' . . "OU lor<ed qby pr-1rom below \qlds to eonceiotr~te In' ouch ;ituctuies, ~ it b commo~ ·wac)lce , lo drill In lhele areas, not ottlY beit I"'.' all over the world. Even wiU. tbl latest ex- ploratory tec.)miques, hJ:w&., the oclda agab\st.flndii\gollareJ5.tot." • ~lnce zones where the .. eutb's. crust ts warped and ·cracted·~are ·tt1e most common types of oU tr1pi, the risk: of blowouts from pressures tn the traps if· high. ' .. . ~ ...... -.., ... ,. -..-i ,;;;I .......... - -.. -lo · .... _, .. Gil clrWfDc, It ...... llld. "billltt'"U, to 1 .... drtlllnc ..... --.... -1o lubricate tho 111t ...i 1o cam ..-. DUI rQC:k io the ---lhl hole -I -eql!al to lbol es)leClable In the oil JIOO!. Tbll .. -prevent1 blowoutt;. 'lblnll can eo Jl(l'Oftl. howe,.r, ""411\11 !D/i1 be wfla\ l\!l'P'ned this '.Ume, ~tllo!lsh U)e oil compania involv«I' b••• not fU!ly explalJM ll." ' Weaver'• studies of the-pology of the regloa are poH </. o projl!<t al UCSB to seek federal hmd1 for ,• VIit study .. the· -ol. the Sanla B4rbarl Chaancl,·tbe flndinga of ,wbicb wW 'relate, lo coastal ar~· oyer the world. It is aimed at "the coeilstence of natural beauty, petroleum reservee and marine re&O\D'Ct5,'' according to wording in -the dr~led ·proposal. · Child .. Stealing Count · Dropped Against cOuple Charges of child stealin& filed a mmth ago against a former Westminster couple have been dropped, a spokwnan for the Distrid Attorney's Office said. ~oliee Promotions Freed after being arraigned on the charges in Nashua, N.H., were Chester and Mary Wak:uk who moved to the New England town from the.ir former residence at 1941 Gleneagle St. Their son<io-law; James · Hanson of Orange, declined to press charges when his two children were returned to him, in- vestigators said. The· children, Chriltine, t, and Rlchlrd Hanaon, z. were taken by the Walczaks HIJI!tington Beach police officers George Renek , Dewayne Brown, Jack Heiitboltz and Donald Tryon (ftOm ·left) have new assignments today following · their recent promotions. Jl,enek and Brown are now sergeants in the patrol division, and Reinholtz' Is thC new sergeant in charge or the juvenile di148ion. Tryon, a 10-year veteran ·of the force , has ~n pro- moted.'Jrom sergeant to lieutenant .. He has assumed d~ties as afternoon watch commander. .P after the coUple. qUarreled with Hamon after the son-in-law aonoanced his in- tenfion . to rerilarry. The W8.lcua- daughter, We'ndf, 'died shorUy a'fter Richard was born iri 1967 . . . Gene Barry Set .·tor Jaycees' Ba"'J.uet Hanson told officers. that the strained relaUObs between · himself and the Wa1czaks seemed to improve u.nUI he brought back .his new bride from tbelt hoiieymoon to discover that tbe.w~~ liad gone aod hid taken his c?illdren with them. ' Actor Gene Barry will be the keynote speaker for the annual Dl.stingulshed Service Awards Banquet of Uu! Hun· tington Beach Junior Chamber of Com· merce on May 6. 'Ibe eveot bad been scheduled for ' EVDYTHINO MUST GOI . Thursday night, but was changed to March 6 becaUle of a cooruct ·in tht schedule of the' star The banquet will be held a l Meadowlark Country Club, 16782 Graham St. It will horior · an outstanding man or woman between the ages of ··21 and "36 who'' hu aided the betterment of the community for the past year. Dinner reservations may be obtained by calling Jern Coley at 197-1652, or wrltu/g.to him at ISOlll Cape!nwp'Lane. EVERYTHING IS ON SALE!! I DRESSES I ._I _,_o_P_s___.l I .1ACKETS I SALE 14.99 ...... 4.99 4.99 ... ' ... 1.99 6.99 3.99 6.00 ....... 2. 99 f4,99 ....... 4.99 I GQWNS 22 .00 .•. , .. 11 .99 L-------' 22 .99 ....... 7.99 12.99 ... '' ... 6.99 39.99 ...... 10.99 24.00 ' ..... 14.99 4 90 '. ") 6· 99 .. .. .. . • I c A p R 15 I . : I 30.00 ...... 21.00 s .99 ....... 3.99 I 5\'!EA~~s J ROBES I 10.00 ....... 4.99 10.99 ...... , 7,701 L------' 12.99 ....... 6.99 16.99 .... ; .. 7.99 20.00 ....... 14.00 16.99 ....... 7.99 29 .99 ...... 1•.99 10.99 ........ 7.70 Now in Our FamiW: Fcimi,ly ,Weekly , OFF REGULAR '"P·RICES Marian's .. tyPllOlll 144 11'2 fl.IWPOl'I , llACll, CALIP. " IY&YTHING MUST GOI , ' I/ I ....... "' .. Oellr ..... ...,, Stale Rap. John W. Donaldoon repoNd loday that a constituent's letter bearing one three cent stamp, two one cent stamps, one hall cent stamp and one trading stamp was dellvered promptly to his office hi Indlanapolis. • If the person who stole what be thought was a television set in Se- attle turns it on he'll get a lesson ill remedial reading. "It will fl.ash something like the word 'horse' on the screen and say, •Here b the ~rd horse.' Then it will tell him Dow to spell 'horse'/' Ger•ld StJm- s,on, developer of Ute device, ex· . plained. The machine, called an · audioscan, looks like a miniature TV set, but actually i! the proto. type model of a touch-response de- vice that teaches retarded children lo read. • Five hundred 1tudtnU IDiU demon.ttTate ne:r:t week at Long Beach State College for no other reason than money. Tilt . youth• will participate in a '"mob" acent for a mooit' being produced by Carlo Ponti. They wiU be paid $20 a day through the five-day 1hooting 1chedule. Director Michelangelo Antono ioni issued the coU for "lcmg- hoired or beard-wearing" 1tu- denta to make the .se~e "Te- aliatic." 7'ht movit is tftled "Zabrilki Point" and is abqvt thie adverti.ting i'nduat111 . • Visions of loot may have sus- tained burglars as Ibey hacked, sawed and smashed their way through a tin and wood roof and two wooden ceilings of a Fort Worth drugstore. Then Ibey broke through-through the marquee of the store, extending three feet out over the sidewalk, that is. • · Thieves who ilole a $1,440 pay· roll from a chemical factory dash- ed put a &fOUP al the Creetmc-•°" EngWid wott:on al the praat' u they made their getaway. The thieves taunted • the surpiued workers by yelli~g, ''We've · Col your wages.'' They then ran off. ,, • ' This batch of U.S. soldiers looks aftything but Tested as thiey wait at a Sydney, AwtraUa airport for a flight back to Saigon. The sotdier1, recuperating fTom theiT ,.est and recreation Leave-got an t:ttra day of f'cst whilt: their plane's tail was cht:cktd fOf' damage following a sConn. . Sirhan 'Life f o·r ·Guilty' Rlea ·Refused ~ Judge Admits Rel.easing lnfonnation . About Suggested Change L06 .ANGBLES (UPI) -Slrlum B. Slrbao Is •Wini lo 10 to pr!-. !or IUt llul be ·-DOI waal to lib 1111 -with a Jury al lolnc to llio Pl chamber. The admlu.d tlllor " Sen. -F. KennectJ olfered to· plead cuill7 to • char&e "llnl ..... murder """ldld he bad Iha .,... ..... ~ wuuld be oodeatb~. Superior Cl>url Juqe ilertlerl V. Wollter rejected Iha "CCIOl(lrCllllll" and ordtt<d the trill lo (ltllceed. 'Ille ''pita ~" WU ollld>ll,y -. 'l1lunda, wbeo tlle Judi• made public' Iha ir-tpl " • -....ton ID his cMmhm al wllldl def.,.. -Grant Cooper -"" • mlllrlal '*-" --.. Ille all• to plaad pillr. w--tlle -Tba Judie allo muled lllal .. penaoaJlf WU Iha ....... al I 4>m e al 1l1e lalormallon about tlle ~ cbanle al ·Pita. ~ clwpd wl!Pr . ..ru. • ._ a.ct" llul said i. calalDly would nol alJen,11' to have tile Veleru Jarlll nlllOV• ... """' bearin( the remainder " the trlaL Tbarlday afte::rnoon Walker made public the lranaeripl " tbe duled -It m'ealrd !bat the Judi• blmle1I WU tbe IOUl'CC al, IOIDC ol the fn. Big Red Att~ck St:en "'by Abrams· SAIGON (UPI) -Tba U.S. .......... in Vletaam, Gen. ~ W. Abran\I, said todlJ there .... mlllllft ftidence" that the. o...mmw.a would llUDl:b a new. offeml\'e. Gen. A!nml said, bowner, i. did' nol lblnll: -woald be • major.-.. Sal&on. •• .....,. lie Aloi tbe •d!J mi&hl be ibeDed. • . - "There 11 mauive evl<laaoe lbal - will tie u olfemlve, er al -U.., want to,llanch one," the ,....i llid durinl • visit lo Ith Infantry Ill- headquarters at Dong Tam, YT mlla southwest of Saigon. '"!'hey (tbe Communists) ju.I want to show they are c:mnlpresent," Gen. Ahramt llld. He wOllld not qy when be expectod the -lo begin. In tbe beUleOelcl, U.S. Marines, leap- rl': -...... to ............. tbe ·~..;..~:.~~-= . -·-" tbe -.... ,)llled trl Nti'lll -· -.. lflWlarJ .,...,,. Mid todaJ. f --, die U.S. New Jeney, the -· lllly -llellleol>f(I, _.. to -.. to 1l1e ~ lllateL'lnformed mlJllary ....... ~ lbe ·--...t Ila lliur al dlllJ all Vlalnam ID --per!" 11a,...i.r--. Alnml' COl1!lrmation that tbe Com-muni&ts were planning a major auact came 11 American Marines tried to p-event that event by strikini down North Vietnunese !orcea In tbe straletllc A Shau Valley. 'Ille >:llleJ Is al the soutbem end al the Ho a.J Minh IU(lp!y trail from North Vietnam. Cong Raps Kissinger's - V iet 'Withdrawal' Policy PAllIS (UPI) -'Ille Viel Cong today deioanced lbe Vietnampolldaol ........ pnoidedlal -Prol. _, - Pakistan Odef Wjll Step Down J'o Avert War .lt.UAClll (UPI) -Preaidenl Moham- miil Ayub Khan Aid 1oda1 he .. w abdicate the poUticll power he has helf i1t 'PUlslan !or the put decade. He dJ4 Iii, he iald, ''*".. tbe -y WU u~ the verp'G( lnlanity," mdnlD& dvil ,war. , 1n· a broadcul to the nallao A,ub Kban uid he WGUld not be a candidate in the prtsidentlal elections whlch are to ~ held sometime early in 1970. He had announced ·he would make a major decision today and the naticxa waited, hoping it would end three months al political uphe8'1l. The violence hu taken 12 Uva in street fighting, riotl and deroomtraUOM in Pakistan's largest cities. New fighting broke out today in lbe East Pakistan city of Khulna, near Dacca, arid the army was called out to Impose a a.hour curfew and end the rioUng and anon. There were other out.breats there nmr.. day. tnaer as a maneuver desiped to prolong the war. '111a -wu ~ In tbe news bulletin published in Paris by the Na· liooal ~ ,,_ (NFL), I h e poUtlcal brand! al the Viel Cong. It wu aimed against· a long analysis " tbe Vlelm!D ...mcl ...-by Kllsinpr lut -la tbe •Fareip ~ Quarterly, lbi!rU1 before 111e Harvard prif_. WU &lllJO!nled Pmj- dent Nbon'1 1oP !orelp polley ad1laet: J\1uttJpr will -Pl-Nb... to Euroll' nm week and 11 acbeduled lo allend C<JlllUilaUooa .., Viet· oam with Prtlideat giarla ck Gaulle and mernhen GI tbe American and South VidnameJe delegation to the Paris talks. "Tbe military policy called !or by Kisain&er iJ a maneuver aimed at pro- looglo1 tbe war. II will cerWnlr bring the Americans nothinc eood. '' the news bulletin llid. It WU referring to Kiss- inger'• propooa1 to lfadually withdraw American troops from Vietnam and seek a llrqlbenlng o! the Saigon Army and.....,e. 'Mle NLF anaJygis said thal since half a million American soldiers couJd not win the war, a defemlve strategy with reduced. military means could n o t hut speed up tbe AJJlea mllllary "failura" mad "hasten the col'•P'f ol. the puppet (Sal...,) rol!lme."' .. ' ' I -coalllnod 1n tbe Leo AoctJe ,eoo~ . tOid. ~,;'°1"1' ~ "~, ua1J1a a TI m •• ·tl4r)'. 'Ille troboatpt ~ tecbnkll t.rm, lndlcatlq be !ell tbe Walbr U ~: , .Juclp wy. Jn , emr. Cooper Aki lie "Well, let me aay that I aave aome .Jlld no dea1re to puraye the matltr of that lnl«uuoiloo out ,.Yid!. 1-lold lurtller and wu no! 111Qllllnl Wllbr them !be plea bad been olfettd and , ~ lie 1 .. movecj lroio ~ .Vu I bad reluled tbe plea bUt that I would tlie irlaL , , , ~ late a plea oo llnl ctqiee (m~) Tbe traJ11Crlpt also "''ealed lllat and that the lur7 coald, "1 the~-; Sirhan pmooally want.a lo enter .the "I !tit II h a d leaiad ... ~ tbe oll1¥ cuillJ JlltL • halt, and J wanted thali to have the , :'lfil did want to enter a plea to wl>ote al Iba~" Walket said In tbe ,flnt degree murder .. uh Ule (iqi· lr&lllCripl al tbe ....ion. · pNoo)meot ~·tbe penalty). but be clJdD1 '"I Ul!p (chars•) your 1-*>inc WI@\ to <pl« a pjoa with tbe IUQestion lhal as ipilcooducl," ~IPL I made -' tbe record indicaied," Walktt llul after court -Tbunday, aid. Both defense aOct prosecution den~ Uiey 'feit the source ot the original story, carried In tbe Times a month" ago, that a possible "deal" was in tbt olliJig. C..,.. said ·II l'U b1J opinion tbe · leali camt from 001. Atty. Evelle J. Younger: He objecied 1lrenuously lo tbe -pt Gl Tbunday momlng '• ~ being released. "It spreads like ripples g o l D g (lut." Cooper said. "Your 'YU)' objective Is lo feed il .. Deputy Dist. Atty. LyM Compton uid be did not Stt any reuon why sucb i:natten abould be kept secret from the pn!S!S, but Cooper lhot back, "Plu bargaining always is secret." PLAYING IT COOL -Astudenl wearing only shorts .lies back and bas a won! 'With bis friend while students in til'Ckgnnmd flee from rtslng cloudl al tear gas in Sproul Hall Plaza at UC Berkeley Thursday. Massive tear gas barrages by police flnally quelled the worst outbreak o! violence seen at the embattled campus th.is year. Navy !&.ts Code For Prisoners Needs Revision CORONADO (AP) -Tbe N&'J says Ila 1nquley into the heha•ior of US heblo-erewmen In North Korean ca~ Uvlly pm>ldes a good test loc e\'llualing Ibo U.S. Code ol Cclnduct lar ~ers. However 9 Pueblo ' crewmen can not be punished wider tbe code directly, AJI Capt. Wllllam Newsome, Nary eouniel, and quesUoning tbem abi>ut tbe code ii "simply for the We fi evalu1Un&" it. . "Perhaps tt ii inartfully wriltin and in need d. revision," Newsome told newsmea 'nlunday, referring to an eri of. cold Wu' when men are not takea prisoner ol. war but are "illegally de- tained." The code ot conduct. promulgated by then President Eisenhower after the Korean War, 11ys that U.S. prisoners of war are bound ·to give onJy name, rank, '""1ce number and date ol blrlh. Puehlt aftlca'I and Crewmen have told a Na'Y court ol inquiry Into tbe ship's seizure and their ll·mcmth imprbomnent that they signed falae confessions aft.er torlur<, aaylng tbey intruded into North Korean waters and were spying. The court WU in recess today I 0 r Washington's birthday. Rel!'.gan Wants Campus T roublemakers Ousted SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Reagan believes that student unrest on college campust.S amounts to guerrilla warfare, and the only, way to solve it is lo ·~·eliminale" those who cause the ·trouble. Reagan said' when he goes lt> a University of C8llforn1a Board of Regfnts meeUng at Berkeley today, he will tell the board that the university asi.: ·ministratlan ba,s not done what it should to control campus turmoil. '"l'hls is guerrilla warfare. Nol all the poli<:emen in U:ie world" could handle it, Reagan said. The solutiqi in guerrilla warfare is to eliminate and ktll your enemy, Reagan told a group from the San Diego Oiamber of Commerce during im- promptu remarks in his office suite. Reagan said that while he obviously doesn't ad vocate killing student and faculty dissidents, "the only thing 'that can win in guerrilla warfare is. . .yo11 eliminate them by firing the facultJ members and ezpelling the students. "I do not feel the university has matcb- eti us with a determination lo help us effecl.ively" control student unrest, Reagan: said to hearty applause. Reagan said he watched television Wednesday night and saw what he term; ed the most serious violence yet in the student-teaching assistants' strike at the UC Berkeley campus. He added : "1 was a very frustrated fellow. 1 was giving snarling lessons to my famJ. ly." The governor said with a tight-lipped smile that he inte.nds to make his fellow UC regents fully aware of his feelinga at their meeting. SHAW TRIAL CONTINUES ••• From Page 1 the presenct of the jury to continue the trial. ~inte_r Keeps Sno.wy Grip First SouthW.nd Heart TranspW.nt Operation Made He gave no explanation, but it meant • he thought tbe state had establishtd all usential elements to JrOVe that Shaw, ~. a retired businessman, conspired with Oswald and Ferrie to murder Ken· ....i,. New Orleans has lived with lhe Shaw case for two years and four days - ever since it became known that Garrison was investigating the assas.sination - .and the general talk is that the trial is a climax of his caree r. Russo's father, Frank. sub;ioenaed oa Va lentine 's Day, is reported to be ready to testily as a willingly hostile witness. Also subpoenaed by the defense wa1 former Texas Gov. John B. Connall1 whom the state bas subpoenaed and then failed to call. ., .Callfortdc • ' Temperat11rr• """' l-"'"· " n "' lS i1 J'1 .. " . " '' " ·" ff n Tr .... " " ·"· . " .. " . " 3t " .21 ~l '' .. * .3' .. . ,,. . .. H V ... " " . . ,, .. " ... . - " " " n .... D' H .II . " ... . .. • a n " .14 ... " H -" p J7 •• n " .. " ,. ,. .17 Joi " ·" • n .e1 . .. . .. " " !t fJ Tr " .. . .. a ~ .. ' " " <00 .. ~ TORRANCE (UPI) -The heort of a yauag mother "ho committed alicide followlnc a family dispute w a 1 tramplanted 1R1Cetssfully into a 51-ytat· old ifOCa' Thursday. Her tidneys simultantou!.ly wett donated to two other persons. Richard Charles Newell. Oxnard, who lived a "bed to chair u:lstence" followlna a series of heart attacks, was deaaribed as ''alert, oriented and ta1king" early today but 811ll In "'gu8"ded and critlcal" condllion. Dr. Mlchaol Criley, a member al the IS.mu team that performed tbe eight· hour' opera&lraft, reported Newell WU mmlnl al al b1I extremlUet and was '"-"loatcal\J' lo !rood condWon. •' It WU tlie flrit heart transpllnt in Southern cat\lomla and Criley corn· ptainOd •--II tbe hospitll could not mova. a ~ across the hall wKbaal bumplbs Imo newsmen. 1be doaor, Mrs. Sblrle1 AM l!lghhouse, 13, ll>ot henell UnaP tbe head late Wednesday following an argu-. meo1 with her ~mbal.anoe driver Cbarler F..arl • a. He gave permtmon for tlCltt and kidneys to be used In ~nt opera· li<N. Mn. Hlghhouae wu brooaln lo the hoopltll in Ibis Leo AngelCI suburb, f p.m, Wedneaclay. Sbe died durtnc the nl&ht. I Oswald's widow sat oo the bench in a corridor with her new huiband, Ken- neth Porter, while the judge made his ruling. The courtroom was packed. The defense Wei its wltnesaes would be run through in rapid order. 'Jbe case wu erpected to be in the hands of the jury sometlme nut week. Shaw 's defense sel out on lhe 27lh day of ·the trial to prove \lis principal accuser is a "notoriely·seeklng liar." Ont of il.s chief witnesses was hi! father. The key state witness to the alleged complracy is Russo, 27. a booll: l&lesman. The defense , in its epening statement to the all-male jury, sald tbal "WC will prove that the man wbo 11ys this is a liar -a notoriety-seeking liar." However, it now contends Ru.wo pulled a huge surprise on. the sllte and told the truth on cross e:raminaUon by .saying !bat in blJ oplnl... the talk he heard was no conspiracy. That wq the basis ot a moUon for a dlrecled verdict ol atquJltal mack by Dtfeme AUomey F. lrvin Dymond Thursday after Llilt.. Atty. Jim Garrison rested hll c a 1 e. Judie Hauert.7 read Russo's teatimony overnt&ht and ru1td on the moUon today, tbe J7lh dty ol the trt1I. Connally and his wife were riding in the jump seats ahead or the Kennedy• when the Pres.idiot was killed in DaUas on Nov. 22, 196.1, and the state had said his lestimonY would show bullei.1 entered the car from more than o.'19 direction. The Warrtn Commission said in 1964 that Oswald, acting alone, fired the falll shot! from behind. Garrl1on contends. and produced a medical upert to t.esUf1, lbe murder sb9t came from the fronL Draftdodgers, Gl's Get Swedish Promise STOCKHOLM (UPf) -The Swtdlsh gc>vemment today as~ U~S. deaerleql and other ·Vietnam War dissenters lhe~ can "saltly remain ir our country." In a iwo-page sLltemenl. issued afltt today·1 weekly cabinet meeting, the Social Democratic government allO ar>o nounced thll no desert.er or draftdoda:er wW be expelled from Sweden unlal convicted d "serious crimes." - Sealab Tragedy '_ StUdied •. SAN CLEMENTE 1BLAND _,,,,. dealb cl a Navy Sealab 111 .,11M1Jt on the oceea floor m11 bave been clllMCI by Ulllo'idatJoo due lo a -b>e air -In 1111 dlTl!s :::r--~ Na'f hu ~ Berry M. ea._ 11, a civilian eJectrordcr eq' 1~ wa.s ~en ~ • i.:: wa.s about to eater tbe s.Jab chamber flO feet beneath tbe surface ol the Pac1flc. At !lnt, the Na'l llid Can- non's diving equtpmmt WU functloliing normally belGro and after bis fatal dhe ml that death appeared lo be due to ·a cardiac arrest. ... But a spokesman acPJowledged 'lburtday cme of th• dlvlni rip used by c- and three other aquan1ata. wbo , accompanied him wu, ff!UIXI to have a canister e m' t y or t h e chemicals u s e d to abSorb carbon dioxide. pisc!osure ol ti, empty..,,_ ister raised new quellicm about Cannon's death, ~·fint in · the Sealab program since the Ntvy began its manned undersea exploration program in 1964. ... _ PVT. HINKLE ORDERED MCK TO AllM'I' Family Le•ve1 Court Afhir Losfne ... fw' Dlacfto11'g1 . i Army Whisks A·way Unconscious Private President As~.Vote Reforms . t WASIDNGTON (AP) President Nllllo ha called Id' limited doctoral reform, but has stopped lborl of enclon1i>g the direct -lar vote system Iba! tw -·~ In eons-. -. Obatrvlns tUt the ,._.i electoral vote system ' 641s ~y rooted In Amt<Ican history," Nb:on ca u t Io ned Congress against trying to ' abolish it. Instead, he said In a message to eoo,ress 'l'burs- day, electoral reform should aim at divldlni each state's electoral vote "in a manner that may more closely a~ prodmate the popular vote than does the pres'.nl system." I. "' . :. N!Ion thus threw hil IUJlporl to some fonn of proportional distribution of ~ electQi-' vote, a re.foi'm ge~ back· ed by comirvativ.es . ·u • an alternative · to· Oae ooe-mlA, me-vole ippri>ach ol 1 the direct popular election". • Ul"I T1i..1io111 FOUND DEAD Mrs. MtirJori~ Uris Uris' Wife's Death Seen As Suicide ASPEN, Colo. (AP) -Dist. Atty. Jttartin G. Dumont said a decision would be made to-Nil:on said in lhe past he has favored dividing the elec-day on whether lo conduct toral vote among the prWclen-an autopsy on the Body of Mrs. tlal candidates .in the sarpe 1 Marjorie Uris, found lhot to proportion as they ~ivide. a death near the mountain home state's elect'oralvote, butlhat said shared with her husband, he is not endorsing any novelist Leon Uri3. FrkSIJ, F*"*1 21, 1969 R'itss w Use Orbital Bombs?, Old World Medit.erranean ,Sp,inish Furniture R-IVed ea~o»llltlon of $22.000.00 $plni1h and Medlterr...an F.umltu,. AJl,._T.,q..llfylN!Ml"- hc.,..•'1 DtMM H,_ Oii D...., Jtems as fo1Iows: Georst:eous 8 ft custom quilted so!a with separate loose eillows with heavy oak trim decor and matching Chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece .king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelli?d Mediterran- ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spam.h decor dininf set. etc. w.... Mnet.I ... ,......, s1sn.oa The failure to eliminate the poisonOU! gas exhaJed dW"ing the dJve could ha've caused Cannon's death, but the Navy B a i d it had not determined whether be used the faulty rig. specific plan now. Dumont said. "It appears SCAPPOOSE, Ore. (UPI)-but said he \\'ould be sent Another approach, he noted, to be a suicide." to Fort D. NJ f 1 call.! for awarding one elec· Uris , author of the best-sell- ~:1~~~R-I~l~E.: ................ $698.00 "This could explain the tragic event," said th e spokesman, "but it h a s not been co~vely utablilhtd that this was the cauae." Two Anny men in civilian clothes whisked an UncOnici- ous Pvt. Robert J. Hinkle back to military life Thursday in a borrowed amblllance. HJs father cllled it the .. honest to God darndest, dirtiest, sneakiest trick I ever saw." u:, .. , or severa weeks of special trainizig fn toral vote for each con · ing "Exodus" and "Topaz," gressional district carried by talked briefly with authorities reading and writing and then a candidate, wilb two votes called in alter the finding of assiped lo Germany· going to lhe Jtatewlde P!i'pular the body by a passerby Thurs- 'lbe lather then filed " suit, wiimer. -day, then went into seclusion. THE REAL ESTATE RS . T..-ry McC.rdls is ... Ill 1111111bft" -· seeking bis son's release from Under either or·these plans Dumont said Sheriff Carroll ---.R-1~ 011 w1111 , 11i. TOP PRO- milit.ary duty on groonds be Nixon would have defeated Whilmire of Pitkin County told :g~;,E: ;:-::; -=~ ::!'....;:; I was illiterate and mentally in-· John F-. XeJJnecly· Jn 191'.1, him Mr~. Uris, 26, died of 01 1111 R•1 £1r.t1r'1' c.1. Mesa ' • offlct •I H•rtMlr & Ad11n1. ••co1v. competent. although under th e pro-a bullet fired into her· mouth your cu.,,11 ~1no 1n1y nPKt Any Piece Can Be Purchased lndlwidually Terms Available -N1wcom1n to Calif. Credit Ap_provecl lmmedi1tely J l I J] Furniture At Harbor Blvd. Th e Navy did not explain "'hY the empty canister w a s not reported until Thursday and refused to pinpoint the reaponsibDity ollwr than to say tbe chinicals abould have been added by perlOIUlel aboard the surface support vessel. The Army said he could portional plan he would h !:nve from a pistol , owned by Uris, · · · •11<1 • 11"1 .. bll mori," 1• •_-,.: 1,...,.,..., Gukltllne. TIJl"ry, ~ll wife Hinkle, ,11, was taken from stay home wlD the court rul-fallen ·1Cftl1 votes short of which was found lying near Mo~• a. tneir l crorklrorn Troy, llllli bis borne here leal than eight _..i_.,_·..,_tht_elder __ H_in_t1_e'_s_sw_·1_: __ 1he_l?O_~d~ecto-raf_'v_o_t<s_oeeded:;::=::._· __::h::".:.· --------'='='='="'="=~="='=-'==""'=n·= 1844 Newpo rt Blvd. Costa Mesa only Every night 'Ill 9 -Wed., S.t. r. Sun. 'Ill 6,,' Palhologica1 and toxi~ logical ~ w e r e continuing In San Die&o, after an autopsy proved inConclusive u to the cause of death. Peru Rejects U.S . Claim hours after a federal judge in Portland dismissed h i s father's suit attempting to prtvtnt the youth's return to the military .. grouods the soldier is mentally retarded. U.S. Dist. Jndge Robert C. Belloni ruJed that he had no jurisdiction in the case. Anny officials at Fort Lewis, Wash.. immediately notified the father, Robert R. HinkJe, that the son was absent without leave and shouic:I be 1 rttmned to the Army immediately. Over Boat 'Ibe youth had betn at his LIMA, Peru (Al') _ 'lbe, family's home here, 25 mlla Peruvlaa eovernment. h 'a s ~ north of f'Of\land. :pnce .llle (··--• to pt u S Army agreod<. to new w1I re wicu acce 8 · • for the soldier after the father government claim for $50,000 protested his , as.sipment hamage bis clothes," t be t V'etnam son 1 Juan, a source close to the 0 n:e Arm. 1 ter eed not Foteign Office said. Y a . agr The San Juan was riddled to send Hinkle to Vietnam with machi .. gun bullet& Feb. 14 when a Peruvian gunboat attacked a small American fishtng fleet men than 15 miles off the Peruvian coast and selud one of the boats. The United stal<s delivered a formal protest against the detention ml filed the damage clatm WedDerday. It said the attack occurred i n in- By Jou lernaUonal waters. Congratulations to the Orange "This claim is aJ if a person County Airport for their ell!lnen- enters your bome and you tary school artistic exhibits. In dllhlmqe hil clothes," the !acq lb.-whole ahlJOl'I building Peruvian !IOUl'Ce said Thurs-ls arti1tic and charming -the day. "Of course you are not kind where you can go and obliged to pay any daniage watch people off ~nd ~e the for such intrusion." planes -a .people-siled airport. .==========;!Let's keep tt that way and not let the inevitable pr ........ ., our wonderful air age destroy it -and us on the ground. "Whdsin control?" Mo5t of us like to feel that .d•re "in the driver's •l" But what ha-s wlleft, lo< one reasot1 OJ HOthef, we tose control al •r eiperience? Let's build an airport elewbere in Orange County big enough to bandit thtae jets and IJl"Vfd• enough nonresidential a r e a around It -land or water - ao that no human being will have to. have this noise and danger over tbe1r borne. Orange County, with its wealth of ruource1, could be a model for the· country In meeting the ruliUeJ of the air age. ••• I In this Poblic ltcture, Charles W. Ferris, .. experianced CllristiH Scieoce pnctitione<, sllows how .. can take control of Olr experience by submittin1 to the peffect control of God. 111 three actual and •Md experiances lie tells how htahh was restored, a business car• sa'tld, and numan rt~tionslrips tor· reeled, all Wheft the i•dMd · uab Involved were wil~nc t• ,.bmit to the pertoct win Did you know that when aircraft 1 are landing generally to the oorth, the FAA approoch pro- cedW'e permits tbmt to delcerid to 500 feet cmr Joar house on an extended flnal approach count! They could be required to Oy higher over raidential properly. Let the FAA know bow you feel ablut ft . Write : ol God. AdmiWon is f rte. ht!JOllt~-...... SM"'•y, F.11. 2J •• ] l'.M Flitt Cl111rr.ll M Chrht, Sr.k11tld •JI Hlflt Dri'N, le••• •••ell CliolW C•r• l'r••"" Federal Aviation AltoCJ Rogtonal Htldqulrten P.O. Bo> IOOO'I, Airport Statton Los Angdu, Calif. - • • • stop by, write or caJI us al 411 E11t !7th St. In c.eta Mesa • upatalrs. Phone -We're -dall1 at IO:OI • • • Airport NoUt Abct1m111t Committee . l'ultlnl JM ftrlt, k-• llnL '89 Cbevelle MaUbu Sport Coupo You know -wbat'i happened ~ pria. without ou-r 01&vin1 to tell you.. But. have heart. . V'ou can actuaHy buy the Malibu Seort· ~pe hove with itl ltandard 20().bp V8 and n:tn equip· .\ent for hsa money than you could last year. Thia Malibu ha• Powera:lide automatic l rana· 1 ission, head reetninta, power dilc brak.ee, wheel "JVen and whit.ewall tirea. And the cost of all tboee items, with the m:ception ·· t.h• whit.walls and wheel ooven, bu come down. 'lheel covers coat the 111.Dle and· a eet of whitewalla i9 $2.10 more.) . \ But. P:owfirelide ooata leea than ii. did in 1968. And the ooet. of new advanced-desip power diac brakes bu been cut by more t.b.&n one--thitd. So you'end. up paying $69.00' leM for tbia one than you wouJd hav• paid for last year'• model equipped the same way. And. of COW"lle, the '69 Malibu Sport Coupe ia nol the aame car. M lut year'• model. It'a m<n Cai. lt·oomee. with Chevrolei'1 new thefkliecouracinl lock for the 1teerin1 wheel, shift lever and ignition. It has . .A.tro Ventilation l.o let. in air, but keep out. wind and road noiae. , It'• the only car in ill field to; o'er you. bead.141bt , t ·waaben and a pmb-button ay1~ for coatiac )'OW' ~wheels with a b'act.ion im.p~v;ift,:'duid'wben ioU· · get 1t.uck on ice. So be sure to 1how up al your Chevrolet dealer'• Showdown. One tlqng'1_fo(RJre,Chevelle'I". • Competition Wouldn't dare. •ltt<...J"" .... n..{adMntr••tM ..... ~iJp .. u.,, '""''"""' /odtrwJ «~-fo% •""' ·~ ,., ,,.. ..,. pR,,.,.itHo cM..,.. :.Val.ue Showdown: " $69.00 ·I than · 1ast yeaB evelle Malibu -• - • \ ' . -·· ' . . ' . , -~ 'r ·~ . . . , , ·' • 't A , I ', ; "..· ' . ' I ~;. . . • • ( • I DAILY PU.OT EDITORIAL PAGE 1 Make It YES Tuesday Voters In lhe Huotingtoo Beach City School District go to the polls Tuesday to make some ba$IC declsl~ns about the future or the district and its finances. These decisons will affect every child at every school. Two propositions will be on the ballot. One calls for a general tax increase or five cents per year for the next three years. This Is the money needed to pay teachers, operate the schools and keep fresh books on the shelves and in the classrooms. The secood proposiUoo l$ for a bond lHUO totaling $4. 75 million. This money wauld be. used for classroom and school construction -and f\lrtber, passage of the Issue would allow the district to use state school build· th.g loans already authorized. ' In recent weeks parents of children who are enter- ing the sixth grade have become painfully a~are of·the building needs of the district. Dwyer School is old and inefficient. It does not have the facilities needed today. Home construction continues at a terrific pace in th e flatl ands east of Beach ~evard, but at the same time the huge Seacliff housing development along Gold· en West Street is beginning. Obtaining the needed' two-thirds vote for bond issue passage is not eesy, but the district must eitber·have this bond money or shelve plans to build new schools and dust off those plans for double sessions and con~ tinued use of Dwyer Intermediate School. The district must be bonded to five percent of its assessed valuation or state funds are not available. The city school district avoided state aid for many years, but now it needs financial help. First voters must approve this $4. 75 million pro- position. For many years this was a .. rich'' district with few children and high assessed valuation. This no long- er is true . • Polls open Tuesday at 7 a.m. and remain opep uu .. til 8 p.m. Duripg that time voters In the city school district have an opportu.nitY, to do something positive lor their children and stiU end up wiijt a tax ra te sul). stantially lower than those of other school distrlcts. Be sure to vote YES ~n Tuesday. For Conspicuous Bravery Congratulations are in order lor three Huntington Beach police officers who Monday were hailed by the American Legion for valor. Medals and a plaque went to Officers Gilbert Vei.ne, Edward H. Pratt, and Jack L. Welsh for conspicuous .bravery while on duty as police officers. The trio, while singled out for honors, are represent· atives of the men ·gathered for the force of Chiel John Seltzer. The policies he has set, together with the en· couragement given those who continue in school and learn the latest techniques of the profession, in a large sense are responsible for these awards. ·Councilman George McCracken suggested recent· Jy that Citizens who see an example of efficient police work drop a note to the chief of police to &bare the ex· perience, or if the reverse is true to send along a note too in the interest ol fair treatment fOr all. It 's a good idea, one that should be encouraged. (5) .Jet Airplane Problem Pollution El Toro Could Be Answer :lb the Edltoc It was interesting to read County ~port Director Robert J. Bresnaban's comment in the DAD.. Y PILCYI' that El' Toro was on the top of his list N a solution to the airport problem In Orange County. I have talked to some pretty prominent people around lbe cowity about this during the last )'eBI'. It is amuing that few people "bo should know under~nd why this could be the answer. J TUJNK THAT any truly informed ,,.,... could show lhal the military and the lirllDoo cl Orange County could operate out cl El Toro togetbtt for a long lime. Tbtre are probably few people la Ille counly lhot 1 !:'.";i.-.lar -· llllt SI Tare boo up to 10,000 feet, to say nothing of the latest In radio and radar approach and laleoH l)'llenui. • A phase out proeram could be started DVer a Jong period ol. time to eventually move the mllJtary to the desert, in PY number of locations. . THEBE WOULD BE a lot of wrath out ol the militazy, but they would have a hard time proving a ~. if lbe other< side II corTeClly informed. lt would be in1ereBUna:, a:a an eumple, to see what traffic figures at El Toro bave looted lite in the last 20 years. This would solv.e so many problems lba1 have cropped up since Orange Coun- ty got jets. It could go back to general •viaUon, and the airlines and the jets could go to El Toro, with minimum ast to the Orange County taxpayer. :who knows ! They might even change lbe name from El Toro to Nixon Interna· • tional. JOHN BAKER For BcblJ'• Good?' To the F.ditor: After reading your article, "A Tearful F._en;~ publilhecl Wednesday, Feb. U , .,_. clO you 110 lnri ,tbere! Thi: name of the game 1.! "Play Fair." Manf of WI di.iapprove o[ Ute decision made by the welfare dfpartment. Surely the Harts took much Ume jn reaching their deciaiOn to adopt their foster baby. Did the welfare department take as much time In making their decision? ApparenUy the agency approved or the Harta when they placed him in their .home . They felt the Harts could give him attention, love and security, most. needed in the beginning of life. For ~v_e months, he seemed to be doing quite well Then the agency takes him from a borne like this and plaooi him in another. This Is probably listed as: For ·the Good of the Baby. Really1 How often we have heard. , , "the baby's weUare is most important ·• YOUR ARnCLE stated the agency official said if they reviewed the case, it would be a "reflection'' on the ··pro- fessionalism " of those who first made the decision. It is obvious your readers don't know who first made the decision, so how could this be true? I seriously doubt il Uilii would reflect a bad image on anyone in particular, let alOne tfle agency, itaelf. Foster parents in the past have adopted their foster child. It will happen many times over in the future. The agency bas admitted lhert;: are exceptions. The agency says they have rules. Well, I would think fai,r play should be entitled to all. More respect and esteem would be forthcoming If the welfare department would show a liWe heart and review this case. MANY OF YOUR readers feel since the welfare department Js on the county J)ayrol.1 1 and we ire the taxpayers ... we are entitled to see fair play. We expect the welfare department lo be open-minded and fair in all of its cases. Th.is case really is no different. Surely, even the-new ... prospective parents could realize the sadness and unfair play. It could ·happen to them _ •. or for that matter, any one of us. MRS. J. A. ROGERS Orange County Adoption Agency ,.equires pre-Odoptive foster parents to sign an agreement stipulating that the arrangement is an interim plan jor the child, ;, to help the. county deportment of .tocial welfare eualuote the baby'I' prog1'eU and needs tlntil a ~ent adoptive homt j.s found, <Hid that pre-adoptive foster potents cannot be accepted as adoptive ap- plicants for the rpecific child or chil- dren so placed. -Editor Vatican's Financial Power Jn a little book called "The Vatican Empire," Nino LoBello tells us that the ostensible wealth of tbe 108.7-acre enclave inside the Leonine Walls -the land, the impressive church buildings, art treasures (eslimated value, $t billion I ..... ii only the visible tip of a financial Iceberg. Surprisingly, the scat of the Boman Catholic Church is hea vily in- volved in the construction industry, manufacturing, communications, bank· tng. insurance, utilities (ritontecatini F.dimn, llalga!), the A If a~ Romeo automobile company , right on down to a spaghetti factory in Rome. the-Vatican is a nerve cenler of finance. It owns outright at least seven large banks and a number of credit Institutions; Is heavily involved, if without a e<1nlrolling lnteres~ in 13 other banb. Shrouded in secrecy as Vatican money matters usually are, it is virtually impossible to assess its total hold ings. -----Friday, February 21, 1009 TM editorfal J>Oll• of t11e Doav PfloC uck.t to ~nform and 1dm- ttlaie read.en by prtmi.ting WI ~· optnion.s and ®'l"- mmW, °" topiCI of fntcrr1l and rignlfimll<•. bv pn>oldl119 • fOMO for the C"J'l'arf\m Of ollr fflXlnT opl""""· """ br pretnlifl9 the dlom• ~ poi!lll of ln/orrru!d -.,,.,., ond JPOU'""" cm top1ct •I Ille cror.· . Robert N. Weed. Publisher I • . . \, 'fhe .. Book111an. . I ' AN MlERICAN CATHOLIC who (or some yeats was Rome correspondent for Business Week and othe r financial Journals, LoBello has written a business story hefe. It is by no means an "e:s:- pose," not, he explains, an attack either on the Papacy or the Church Itself in the traditional anti-clerical fashion. Jt is an objecti ve study in which LoBello does oot conceal his admiration for the Vatican's hardnosed business finesse. He does suggest, however. that al some point in the future "the tycoon , on the Tiber" will shed its mantle of piety, cease functioning as primarily • Tiit Vatk1111 l:m•IN, ., ...... L•••- Tridellt P'r1u1 1• ""'·' '4.H religiouS and charitable institution and take up on • fu.Jl·tlmC! ba!is lh4!. duties of a large corporeUon. The Vatican's flnane:la1 position is ~ ta.inly better than II wu right after·p· the first World War. 1t wa s well-fPgh bankrupl, LoBello shows, when Bentdict XV died in ltz2, founderin1 in ltth Century, lfnol medieval, fllcaJ policies. • IT WAS PLACED On 8 IOU1ld economic footin& through the genlUI of • financial wizard, the late Bernardino Nogara, born the year the Kingdom ol ltaly conll.!tatf!d the last ol tM Papal Stal<! (1870 ). tbe $'90 m01ton lndemnlfication for which Noger1 wu later to admlnister. AJded by a network of Vatican ambasudor:laJ reprtSentaUves, this man with the golden touch, a gpeclallst ln gold and the mysteries of Swiss bank accounts, placed a cornerstone for his flrm In the world of big busincs.5 -and ll has bulll <ln thi s since with enormous insight LoBello discuues the Vatican 's in- teresting recent scuffle with the Italian parliament over the demand for Italian dividend taxes, -part of an elaborate -well, "tu dodging''. apparatus negotiated with the Mussolini government al the signing of lhe Lateran Treaty in 1929 which provided for the creation or the State of Vatican City. THE AUTHOR HAS -not penetrated to the heart of these finan cial matters. No one can, with the possible e:s:ception of three cardinals who supervise the Vatican's wealth and a committee of civilian "men of trust" in the world's marketplaces. The book ls a suggest.ion or the intricate financial power behind the spiritual role of the Vatican., and as such is a clas&ic from the arm1Js of business. William Hogan Dea1· GI001ny Gus: Whatevtt happened to the ULI S~ing Commltttt In Huntington Beach? When the councllmen took pu90naJ control of the other com- mittees dJd lbe steerlng committee find It had steertid itself out ol the civic Improvement buslnesa.1- -J. E. S. Hearings to Open Monday A Senate iubcom1nittee an air and ~ter poUutiOn , beg.n.s hearings in Santa .Barbara on· pollution from off· .shore Oil' weUs on Monda11 (Feb. 24). The subcommittee will return to Washington on Feb . 21 when, in i etr eral sittings, it will hear Interior Sec· retary Walter J. HU:kel, fornur Se<> reta7'y Stewart L. Udall, and 1'tpre- sentativc1 of t'he. Coast Guad and the Atotnic Enerau Commission. ' , The United Stares could potlu1e lbe Atlantic Ocean, just as it did . Lake Erie. Uttle serious attention wu given to protecting the Great Lakes from pollu- tion ~fore · Lake Erie .. died" as a mediuru tor living organisms. The sad story of the · Santa Barbara oU 'Slick recalls lessona we should have Jearned froni !be past, notably the run- iting •Uound ol lhe lanker Toney Can- yon off the coast of. England On MarCh 18, 1967. The spill of aude oU from the 120,000.lon tanker blackened miles or coast and caused the death of sea birds. Similarly Southern California beaches recently were smeared with oil and wild life was killed by the still bleeding 1ea~ from drilling off Santa Barbara . THE OIL JNDUSTRY , ace:ording to lhe Magazine or Wall Street, has more than 8,600 wells on the ocean bottom, and more than 100 companies in 60 countries active in the field. In the United States, the major off-shore oil etforts are concentrated In the Gulf "'of Mexi co and off Alaska and Californi a. The Santa Barbara disaster is descritr ed by the oil industry as a freak . But the Washington Post saw the mud slide distress near Los Angeles in January, the total poU~ of Lake Erie, and the Santa Bar.hara leakage as part of a haphazatd pa1tern. "In each of these situations,'' U>7e oewspaper <lbserved, "a lra&ic result -has come when natural resources were exploited eilber before men knew what damage their works could create or without regard to the warning signs nature had provided." . A REPORT of a seminar on Biolog- J.cal Problems in Water Pollution held in l982 reads in part: "Even if there were strict enforcement and observance of such regulac.ions as ei:ist, it is unlikely that complete cessation of oil pollution will result because of shipping accidents, oil line or installation defects, and other human flTOr and equipment failures. Enactment and enforcement of stricter law1 by state and local governments are ~ally Important since a 1960 survey showed a lack of effective local law1 to be a particularly weak link In lhe problem of polluUon cootrol." OCEANOGRAPHERS believe lhllt the United Stale&: appean, by Itself, to be responsible for a third to a halt of many or the pollut.anLt put into the. air and sea. But the outlook is not "'°""'ghly .. blelk. Dr. llooeld w. Prit· chard ot the Cheupelke BllJ lnaUtui. at Johns Hopkin• Unlvenlty boldl ll>at lbe wldespnid l]lmdlna cl municipal wastes could enrich the "dnderlenlllted" ocean. "The sea ls a friend and an enemy:· John F. Kennedy once 11aid, Man can make it either. • tf I '}'6 VAY RAljt. :~ • 'Good grief, 11ltll1J I've onl;y got two hands!' What Famous Man Said This? ., What famous American figure attacked merchants for exacting an "exorbitant price" for goods during warUme, and warne;d aga'inst allowing them to "amass fortunes upon the public ruin"? What famous American figure declared it to be i universal e1perience of man- kind that ·no nation (including ours) "is to be trUated further than it is bound by its interest"? What famous American figure wrote in a 1etter to a friend that the times afford "loo many melancholy proofs of the decay ol public virlue"? ' WHAT FAMOUS American figure com- plained: that speculalon and proliteers, for "the paltry consideration of a little dirty pelf," were tearing apart the rs.bric of the n&tiOn "for their own ag- grandizement and to gratify their own avarice," and asked whether we .Amerlcant ·will "at last become the victims of oqr own abominable lust for gain"? What famous American figure warned us to "guard agatnst the impostures of pretended patriotism''? What famous AmerJc.an figure cau- tioned us that "overgrown · military establishments are under any form o[ government inauspicious to liberty, and are to "be regarded as particularly bosti.le" to oor form of government? WHAT F M10US American figure urg- ed us, "as an object of primary im· portance," to promote "institutions for the general diffusion or knowledge - for, in proportion a:t the structure of a government gives force to public opi· nion, it is essential lhat public opinion be enlightened"? What famous American figure deplored the fact that "of all the animosllies which have e xlsted among mankind, these which are caused by a difference oC sentiments in religion appear · to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated"? WHAT FAMOUS American figure, when passion was still running high against our fonner enemy, said "The natiolf· which indulges toward another an habltual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It q a slave to Jts animosity or to its affection , either of wh.icb is sufficie nt to lead it astray from its duty and its interest"? What famous American figure are we honoring tomorrow on the anni versary of his birthday? The Arrogance of Man By ELl.SWORm L. RICllARDSON Mlnlller Neigbborbood CongrecaUoaal C-'iurcb Laguna Buell A high public official speaking in behalf of the space program add re as e d Congress : "From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather. to cause drought and flood , to change the tides and raise the level of the sea. . . The urgent race we are now in is not the race to perfect long range ballistic missiles. There is JOmetbing more im- portant than any ultimate weapon. That is the ultimate position -the position or total control over earth that lies somewhere out in space. . . Whoever gains that ultimate position gains e<mtrol, total control, over the earth for PUfPOSeS of tyranny or for the servi~ of freedom ." WHAT IS YOUR reaction to that? lf we are to take this statement at its face value then God had better watch out! He bad better watch out for these "masters of infinity" who will have the power "to change the tides and raise the lettt1 of the aea." How arrogant ca n Man possibly be? Man will have "total control over earth that lies somewhere out in space." I hope that God gets the meuage for .meuy rests the head of Him who wears a crown! How absurd! Let us build a tower toward heaven, toward outer space. NOW, and let us mike a name for ourselves. Let us promptly forget all about God! Why we can't even control space some l ,000 miles away -th~ y.·ar in Vietnam! INSTEAD OF explorina lht depths ol the sea -and that does mate more sense to . me -we had better explore the lrt of living toflether on the race of the earth. The rising dlvorce rate indicates that mun can't even get along with his mate! Racilll violence! Maybe we hlld better cstabll.sh a real estate venture on the moon for strictly ' . • • l : I ' \ rJ restricted people. How arrogant can Man be? Ring Lardner once !raid, "Whenever l see a self-made man I realize how ~ad a job he has done." Once a very unportant person said to Dr. Jll.Seph Parker of the City Temple in London "Everything I've accomplished in lif~ I've done myself. I'm a sell-made man!" Dr. Parker with very searching eyes said to him, "Sir, you ~ve lifted 1 great load of responsibility of1 the shoulders of the Almighty." HERBERT 8U1TERFIELD said ih at "judgment in history fall$ heaviest on those who come to think themselves gods, who put their trust in man-made systems and worship the wort of their own hands, and who say the strength of their own right arm gave them the victory!" Moses said something like that thousands oC years ago, "Beware that thou forget not lhe Lord thy God in not keeping his commandments ... lest, when you have eaten and are run. and have built goodly houM:s and lived in them ... and when your silver and gold b multiplied, aod all that you have is mulUplled, then your heart be Jirted up, and you forget the Lord you r God. , , . and say In your heart. 'hfy powe r aod the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.• " How absuhlt B11 6~or9f' ---. CON;"IDENTtAL TO J 0 E NAMATH' It '"''" '"Early lo bed and Clarly to rise make1; 11 man healthy, weallhy and wise." ·- CHECKING ~;~ors -· _..;.• ---~-~~..:.,...' _•--J~ Revealed Most Retir~d Men Want Supp,_er., at 6 ' ' ' .SA~ (UPI) -A spokeS11111> /or , lhe University of t:aulornia bu to Id leJl.ilatlve 'tnv..Ugators that "full-tbne" ,qtiators are in- volved ".I?\ a central way'' in planning C!lJ!'IPUS violence. By LM. BOYD. 011-Uie: m,,My"' you make ts · "Tbey are revolutionary in • OAILY 1'11.ar' 7 _,i.y ·Gas Tax 'Possible' Stocb, ........... ,. .. 'llMllMlll ...... .. NASSER 'SN'T KOSHER SACRAMENTo (UPI) - LegWatlon providing ctu .. and counUea with llO mlllJoo In flood rolle! funds by fn. c:reulng the gaiollne tu on .. ct11t foe three monlhl reached the Seute 11oor todar d•apll• the objecUona ol Gov. Ronald }\eqan. Tbo upper 'hoilae's Finance Committee IJ>Pl'OVed t b e ?!eaJUr!' on a ~lit voice vote •nursdly. sen. Ralph c. Dills (!). •r ............. ,......"' MINtt!Mftt But assistant slate llnance counUes ond a big lee cream AllAll S. KAJIASI clitector Roy M. Bell llld tbe IUlldae to the blc counllea." Dlvoralflod Pl'l'!"l"ll admlnlstratlon oppooed tbe fn. The blll by A114mblywoman Corp. c:r:eue ,because the ltate could Patiline Davis (D-Portola), 16tt1 ...-i•• cover ita •to mllllon sbare would trlaeer tnto acUon the H.-.,.... .._. of repair cootl w It b 0 u t state'• relief fund wbldl con-~-5575 146 °'" boQIUna tbe 111 1a1 1rom 7J:~1a~i·~•~about~~l5~-~· -~~=~~~~~~~~~~ to 8 ctllla I &allOD. He eotlmated total damage to local roads and -lrom rocenl floodl and mudslides s was tlt milllon 10 far. ony The measure also revises a diJtribuUon formula that would give large counties, and Sony. THE MARI: OF CAIN is said to depi!rld somewhat on their · tactics,'• said J a y the sign of 1 murderer, rJgbt? how much .,ma pay for rent. Michaels, legislative advocate -------"--- So I thought. But checked Or ~qe, whichever. A for -~."universlty. "They are Gonesll 4:15 on lhe advice Wllhhlgtoo. D.C., economist ''"" '""'eel ,_ ....... Gardena), •ba proposed lhe gas ' tu -~ saJd the In- crease would raise about 115 million. Be µid Reagan could reduce the tu IOOl'ler than three months H be determined sufficient revenue for repair work had been ralsed. especlllly Los Angeles, o greater share of the money than they would h a v e othenrise been ~UUed. of a nader' to flnd it's really 5111 · famllies paying a fifth ""6'•1 D.fo.Ul m ..-.1& weU- the l)'Dlbol of Supreme protec-of their income for rent .knriB riY'Olutionary tactics." lion. • .A NEIGHBOR OF usually do pretty well and Michaeli ,testl(ied before 1 MINE uses a duct call to save some money to boot. special Assembly Echu:ation signal his kids home for din-Those who pay a fourth mate Subcomml~. On , c 1 m. Pu 1 ner, and bow that ...stii1: a out all right, but'•dott't ave genUeman's blood -in· the much money.-Those who pay Disorders 'Tb'ui-sday as the autumn if be isn't onto what's a third barely _ make ends group opened ~ -~ of even- up. Go to the window. Look meet. ing bearings ln!f ~violence oo to the 1ky. CVSTOMER SERVICE: Q. the university 'Ud lhe state THERE MUST J;IE tome "ISN'T February suppo!ed to colleges. ·.:· . &lmple ezplanaUon for this: . be the biggest motiµi for ''1b;ere are npitltudents who Why does a mftrot only suicides?" A. Believe that 's spend full Ume . .,itating," he reverse your image ti"1t-and-April Q. "I ALWAYS READ . aaid, ,"They ~~m campus left and °°' ~~ the paper from back to front. to cDnpus. We . know they More you thlnt. abOUt, ba,fd~ Do many!" A. About two out are involved fil.-a:eentnl way It ls to gr:up •.. · "' of five. Q. "ASK YOUR iDplannlngsomedlirupUons." MOBT RETlllEJl ME N NAME GAME MAN the lucky But Michaela saJd they were want their supper at . & p.m. number and lucky days for not ~ssarlly ~· Tell you why. They got ioto girls called ~tta." A. Five 1'I would rather think these the habit back in the and Sunday, says he. Q. "I are revolutionaries first and Depression. Lot of families HA VE.~ vision. What's it their poll ti cal philosophy com- then liked to get both the mean? A. That you can read es second," the university of. dinner and the dishes out of a chart at 20 feet wbJch most Deal said. the way by 1 p.m. when the people can see at 40. . .Q. The subcommittee began its fU'St of the evening's good 1'00 SOME PLACF3 in Mort:. hearings after both bouaes of radio program& 1 tart e d hna get colder than the North the legislature bad begun their That's changing somewhat: Pole?" A. Considerably. usual three day weekend. however. The younger working WHAT PUZZLES one cor-Earlier Thursday, t be men who take the long respondent whose note Is at Senate Finance Committee hlghways horn~ these days hand 'Is whether the plural trlJ:nmed from $2 million to chew up too much travel time. of octOpus is octopu.!es or·oc-· $575,000 an Ass em b I y-ap- So mGStly· they prefer 1 &:30 topl. It's octopUies. Do ·YOU p~ved bill to pay for ad- aupper. The first of the good recall the girl who wrote to rruttlng an added 4, O O O television programs n 0 w her grandmother about a visit ~ems to the st.ate colle~es 6tarts at 1:30. , to the aquarium! "I saw two during the current sprmg A COUPLE OF DOCTORS octopuses," she wrote. But it semester. in New Orleans put records didn't look right. Then s h e of cancer patients thru their wrote, "I saw two octopt~: computer to find bald men But that dl~'t look right, do not seem to get cancer either. So s&e wrote, 0 1 saw anywhere nearly as easily as one octopus, and then I saw men with full heads of hair. another." , It's inexplicable. NOT MANY RAP ID REPLY : Hippies Off WelfareRoll Plan Told BSU Ruin . Stanford Book Store STANFORD (UPI) -A bl!lld of black sludenla .went on a wild raqipage at tbe Slan!Qrd Book Store 'l'llu?sd.y, pulling buodrids of boob oft shelves and pushing OVef ut dlaplays, ·The 1 tu dents &J>Rll"enby were angered by lhe . !aUUr. of Stanford President Kenneth Pib:er to attend a meeUna: \ with Black Student Union \ \ leaders. Dr. Pitzer was ,\ 1}. returning to his office to meet \ • But sen. Gordon Cologne (R- lndlo), cr!Uclze!I the revised distribution formula u "lite giving a cherry to tbe little ::r:~~ when the incident m~\,. A bookstcire employe said , the two dozen ·students "swept ~, ~--:..::::::~~ in like a hurrJcane" and then quickly . disappeared., Damage, MIDO "MINUTE DOG" was estimated a\ ll,IJOll.,There . were no arrests and ao in-After ye.,. or develdpment and -~ we at juries. MIDO, INC. are proud to announce the AU. NEW E I. 400 BSU "l\linute Dog" machine. This coln-operatN machine ar 1er, members actually stores hot dogs in' a aelt contained. refri- and 51:1ppo$rs held 'a noon aerated unit. automatically cooks them in space aa:e rally--and then marched to equipment. then delivers the hot dog "pipmg hot" the president's office and from with a packet or potato chips, mustard and catsup. there to the FA-•,ty Club Jwt let your imagination run wild for a moment ~ and you · can Ylluallze the vast acceptance of these w~ Dr. Pitzer wal having units in any .number of location&. Think of the vast lunch. ! aucceu of Hot Doa onJ.y buslnesaes that demite high J •-· Scott BSU I d r:ent. high labor cost.s and expensive buildings are Brilliant double play combination. On your ritht: Sonts stunning 8F-ISW FM/ AM radio, a 1tt!e powerhouse of lifelike sound. Its luxurious resonant hardwood cabinet (very mOdem) conceals S(;)lid state circuitry and a big. potent 5"' front-mounted speaker. These too: operates on battery or .AC, special flyNheel tuning for easy station selection. AFC switch for more accurate, drift-free FM, Touch 'N Play switCOes fot eas:t«i FM alld AM, easy-twead slide rule dial. On your left: Sony's optional STA-48 adaptor that transforms SF-48W into fUll-o bodied FM stereo. The STA-48 adaptor has lls own plug. 'IOfume controls and stereo indicator light. Just pkJg it in to 8f-18W ard double )'OUr fistening pleasure. SOK • t @)DAVIS BROWN -SINCE 1947 -o ....... ,, • ea er, still reaping high profits. Imagine what you could said "We . want • Black ...U.. financially with sev...i ol the" unJi. pla«d 411 Ee 17th St. Culture House here. We want ln a:ood traffic loca.t!ons. HEREABOUTS put a "u" ·in' Congratulations, MJss H., only the American "honor" to spell one woman in eight gets as the British "honour." But an many as five matrlmonlal ~ engraver of long eiperience posals In a li{etime. aays the one place the British Your Q1U'Stions and com- spelllng must be uaed is on mtnts · are wtlcomtd and wedding invitations. In that wiU be wed iohtTever pos- customary phrase, "Request sible in "'Checking Up . ., the honour of your presence," Address maiE to L. M. to spell it "honor," he con-Boyd, in mrt bf the D4JLY a drama group which we will To flM out how " pt a franchlN for Mlnutt> Dog, SACRAMENTO (lJPI) support. We want a black vice Ml' DO INC'°"'"~,. L •th•• .. loz us COSTA MUA -Telophoo1 646-1684 LegWat!o1 n designed to ellmi·l·~~~.;,..~_i:~t~·::_:~~:;,~an::t.'.:_\ _all_of_thla_:~~~~-~'~~~~~T~utt~I•!!'~•~l~~ .. ~·~· .. ~1~11~o~~~======Da=lly=t·=9=: =Saturday==='"'=:;::==== nate m grating hippies from a .. the weUare rolls is being pre- pared by Gov. Ronald Rea- gan's administration. tends, is wrong. PILOT, Bo:e 1875, l,{«t.ppOf't HOW WELL YOU GET BY Beach, Calif., 9266$ Human Resources Secretary Spencer Williams and State Social WeUare Dittctor .John c. Moa)BPQl.,Y told ......... Thursday the legislation was prompted by blpples leaving ' the San Francisco Hatght- Asbury district and traveling to peaceful north coast coun- ties such as Mendocino. . "'l Unruh for Goveroor? SAN FRANCISCO -(UPI) - Former Assembly Speaker J esse M. Unruh ha,, taken , another step closer to becom- ing a 1970 candidate for governor with a statement that he would like to be . elected to the post. Unruh CD-Inglewood), now Democratic leader of the Assembly, was asked in a television interview (News- makers -KPIX) if he would like ~to be governor. "1 think California is a great state," he replied. "It affects the lives of one out of 10 AmerU:am and Is looked to by olher states for leader•blp. "On that basi!:, yee, I WOO.Id like to be governor 1f I thought this state could set an ex~ ample." Unruh said California had been good to blm and added that be bop<d lhe votm "w)ll give me a chlnce to return the favor." Montgomery said migrating hippies were increasing local welfare costs but ha'd nol reached a "significant numl> er." 'Ille propooal would dloqual- ify welfare applicants or re- cipients if they refused ''to ac- cept aq offer of transport.Qtion to return to their former com- munity where they had ·em- ployment," Williams said. ·The Greatest New Cars Attract The Greatest Trades! HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE MANY THAT OUR GREAT NEW MARK Ills, CONTINENTALS, MERCURYS AND COU6ARS HAVE ATTRACTED. '68 COUGAR , '68 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL L111 or 011r 61'1. COllll•r 11,!pef" »:I .,.'"'· e1an:: cordOv•n roof, 1elec1 lhlll, whllt Mlb. -i.. dlK br1ka, 1111 1t"rlf19 .,..hM.rltlg, pOONr tletrlflll, 1lr COl!dllkwllng, r1dkl, decor g"°"" tlnttd 11eu. SAYE $1050 '66 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE i!IHutllYI _.._., V-llDW ·xterlor flnbll with bllck lallhlr lni.tlDr Ind blldr; top. Full'( IUXlllY ..,lpO- ld 111:-0 tr1mrnlulon.. /IM·FM rldlo, 1111Df1111tlc: -paraturl control, 1lr con1Htlon1r, powtr wlndoWI, • -'f reit, ~ ooor IOdl•. 1111 ..:11u.11ti11 ,...,.. Ing Wfllel, 1!ec, Tiils 1trlerly -a-1ll!OmObll1 If, In uull111t t'Olldlllon. Only drlWll UOOt 1t1lltl. $3695 $3395 EXECUTIVE CAR S.vto t""" •lm.oo off or or1g11111 prlc:• en lflll be•w- 111111 Qr Ind driven te1 lllf11 11.000 rnlla 1111tur•lr'f 111 flllly Qllllnentll "'111111'1*1, lllnY'I rwf, llltl'IW ' trll\'I, llif M'f ... la, Ind ..,,.,_lie 1lr. 011r SllCll: NO. llllt '68 OLOS. CUTLASS $\IP. Mr. H.T. B•utlll.ll '111'1 tiOkl lllf. w/fnlcllnO. buelfl ...... Ml. .. ftdfu tolf. F11Uy lk. t11111lpt ..L 11111 "'"'" Ila.fl, PS, Pl, lk. llr, Dr ...... iYDt ml .. ClrtfUllW' -Ill. bV WI; ~. XOA 41J $2995 Job.n&OD+SOD Ll~COLI c1m111ut •·llllm· lllCUIY•ltllll MtlMAMOl ... A9,_,AllllM ........ • First showing of 1969 Streamllne alrcraft- rlvated self -contained trallars, from s3,99500 See Streamline's exclusive features, beautiful new decor! Ask about Streamline's "Travel Now-'Pay Later" Plan! Free refreshments,-regir ter for free color TV!· . . , ; , ' TRAILER WORLD 2800 West First Street, 543-071.5 Santa Ana, Californla _Hours: 9-9 ,:_ .. t . I I [ ' I ' \I I " I ' • f IWLYKOT State <:ollege System Schmitz P'Ushes Changes For The Record I See by Today's Want Ads 41 ,..,_~111 -a .. Henr, ... • Coll• Comic Named . Cancer Chief SANTA ANA -Actor-com· edlall Sterling Hollowa1 has been appol.nted H o n o r a r y Chali'man of the American Cin<:tr SOclety•a education and ! fUnd raising drive for April l!'r<a Wfre-~II r .un hr I board SACRAMENro Stale Sen. GI lrultaes appotnted by lbe Jobo G. Schllllll la U1001 .......... Ihm !ecWJtora. who tJ>. ··"The tnioWa Ind t h ' troduced hflll tois'1 .lbicb -ha .. failed In their would propose radical c)u{nge1 duty/' Wedworth, said. 11The In state college operlllciOs. whole tltln1 bu fallen down The .Tustin Jlepubllcan pro-""""'d their necU." PoSed lecJs)aUqo eUmlnoth!i Wedirorth apeot 11 v er a I payment GI lllud'!lt body, lees da)'I on Ille troohlecl San as a prertqul.slte lo enroU.-. J"nDcllCO cNbpul Jut year. ment. Admjniltratlao GI stu-' He aald today t b a t San dent fee "'°"'1 11 ..,. GI lbe Francltco fa only one of the current eot1troversies '1t 'San .problems of the .system. Francisco State. Under hh bill, t b e Sen. Jll1l<I Q. 0Weciworth Coordinating CoUDcil f 0 r (0.Hawtbome), proposed that Hi&htr Education would draw the !ilate college lyltem be dil:trkt lines around each transformed to a federation state college. Each district of locally-nm 'campuses by would elect a five-member 1973. board of truiteu for its cam- Tbe rt9eDl ·lt·campu s pus. Each local bolrd woul<I elect a cliatrman, who would he a member of an overall board or governors for the system. A measure w a 1 also pr~ posed by sen. Howard Way (R-Exeter) moving the col- leges' h eadq uarters to Sacramento. Similar bills have been introduced in recent years . Assessor Head SANTA ANA -County Auessor Andrew Hinshaw has been elected pre11ldent of the Southern Regional Assessors AaseclaUon of Caltlornia. • One-1..eaed $Idler! P!.eue either return the one ski or come pt the other .•• a Kr)'ltal snow dd with Nevada Toe I: Marker hetl ca~. ,1 .one Jolt i.n vlc4>- it)' of Beacb Blvd., Hunt· Wgton Beach, or some.. where betweeD Rlvenide and Huntington Beach. ~ February 14. e Memories o1 Grandmoth- er: Needlepoint chain aet off this dining aet with 6 chain:. At.o Jar )'OUr in- -.... -and line~ e ROw, Row, RoW Your Boat: You wooldb't have to u yoo bad one ot the9e motors. a 15hp Evinrude', or a letip Mercury, $125 each, &J'ld both run ~ fectzy. • i-· -~~=~.:~.~':.~':~~! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •;.~~~ ~i~i~1~fa: a101a1~s B.llTBDAY PARTY LASTS! ~-_;~:; :'1:r1a=· !BL Wiii AT SUISIT ROUSE SHOPS! IE~IThll!:'f' -,,!>. 1J. * * ~;;:~:;,;_:; Next Week * We're celebrating with an EXTRA-SPECIAL SALE! * ~·~1+.~J.·;, 1.:i';.-=~ ANAHE™ -Disneyland * 1T sTARTs ~ r..\flS & .GADGET.$ RuNs THNREoXTuGH * ~~·•r•W' ·~::" ••~ * c,C.' \) A j 1 * l"'~'"'-..~ t i~~".l\".'':tl::.i :!:':':'..i2~c~~~w;: * TODAY •. ~-<~\." l' it "OURS rOR 'lft(PMTHURSDAY! * •K• .. ~~uno• -"'· " ~1 \ ~ 1 f"I II U ~ rs ..sno:'~,.i;r!h ~ ~~nJJ: 'Z7 at us ulh annual eom-v ~-, clP Mu"1i.c•··i~ -~· •. ·~ munity Service Awarm lunch-* ~ ~\" \R REGULA b r to ~~ * ·~~4~.;~ =~ru!"~e:,,~e~ ! S> ~ ~\;,. .. c.~ "\\\t 11 P111e, -to ... -~ ! ,,~ .. 11 ,...., ty who have submitted •1> ~~ t\ \ 'ti -'i jl"/ .A * s. , :J'· ,(.'.;c, "~.°' ~ ~ plications will attend the * V • · <(, =-IM M91'fM DLsneyland Hotel luncheon . DEATH NOTICES =!y=.ffi'J!~. city and** ~JUST FOR VDU THINGS~ **· MACKINTOSH The awirdl will recogruze ~ ~":.."::,~':\';".;,.°'J:.::.~~ more than tbret million b-Ours * ELECTRIC LATHER RAZOR . NOSE·AND·EAA GAOOMffiE DEBBY DRAKE BELL·WATES AND EXERCISES * "°'"'· s-1wc1 b'I -. 1111 M. Madi· devoted to community service * Gives most sat1_,i .... lhave ever. Blade will last and Snips away annoying hair. Was $1.00 Now 59¢ Famed figure-f irming program! Was $5.98 Now $3.99 * ~I ,_ 1llttn. Mn. Meltlt Mor-lbe ~·, ... I r11 ~ Et1111befll wri.r.1, bo1ti t:1 va~ by 101,000 members of last. Umited quantity. Was $15.95 Now $5.98 TWIST·EXERCISER FOR ALL AGES WASH AWAY FAC AL HAIR FAST ::::: ~!::,._~,~v':i competing organizations. Top * PAINLESS EARRING PIERCERS OF 1CK GOLD Tum·on a new sllhouette! Was $3.98 Now $2.98 Use safe Depil'aUng foam., Wis $2.So NoW $1.49 * ::!.i'N::d."':!:~~·:~ l• award is $5,000, with ~ree They double as earrings! Were $1.98 Now $1.39 COIFFURE SAVER WORKS DURING SLEEP BRA BANK Hi DES MONEY , KNIGHT $2,500, thr~ $l,SOO, n~, * Clever turban ends "morning-after'' hairdo. Undercover cache snaps onlo bra strap, * KlttwYn 1tn1etit. o.te filf defittt, Fe1:1,.... $1 ,000 and e1gbt $500 pnzes * REUSABLE SOliEEZE-IT KEYS, PACK OF 8 ShoWer cap Included. W85 $1.98 Now 99¢ holds valuables saf~y. Was $1.00 Now 59¢ •rv 1s. survived 1:1., ltrofhlr. weiier to be awarded K-queezes tube empty Was "' Now 44• * o. 1tn1e111. o.'t'tofl, oh1e1 1111•.s. • • . "'1 s 5 ' UUJo "' ''GROW'~ LO~G NAILS IN MINUTES QUICK RELIEF FOR' YOUR ACHING. NECK . · : =~ ~;..,. ":~!.. K::::; Seleetwn· of ~ w~ersc:a~ * SHOE-STRETCH' SPRAY FOR TIGHT SHOES Long-Nai!s Kit has everything you need to ~e~ety:oper~ted Vi bra NEick PHlow ·massagea * ~"':in~ ':'t-::u~ c:1:0,. ~ :~t~e 1;fe.~e: ,byw;il~am ~-Relief for cramped toes! Was $1 .00 Now 89¢ do a fast JOb. . .Was,1 .0~ Now 59¢ every nec.k area. Was $9.98 Now $5.98 , ~--~~7~ Sp:.~nc~'.:;,,utltt members* lllli1!lllt-THINGS FOR HO.NIE & OFFICE-* Defa.Cn1tc5tJOftllt,o.1tetdett"'-are Edgar F. Elf1trom. * . . -.. · -.. ; , * -,~"':;~ .~.,,'f: v'f:. FullertOll; John B. LIWIOll, * 12 RUBBER MAIL STAMPS II! ONE ALPHABETl.C~ ZIP CPDE l>IRECTORY EXTRA PHONE JACK AND PLUG * ~. J--· •'"" '-Lf.iU:D1. Nfpe.I; Mtt. Jotepli * OiaJSe~ptoAirMai~Pll?I Lists35,000U.S.post.offlces! W1168-·Now39' Easywaytolnttallanotherphoneinany * ~.:::,."J;:"..::,"'~. A. Lcmt. Sall AM; Mn. Poet,etc.Hllldyl WattefNow69¢ DEC,Of\ATOR DESK CADOY .. : room. -, Were·~.21!ea<:h)NO'(f79¢. -· WilEPIEIJ) Norman V. Salaell,Alllhelm, * SEE AND DRAW COPIER Tldyyour~nkthebri_ghtway! Was$2.98Now$1.98 PHONE REST FREES YOOA HANDS * n. T. Wtk.ntM. o.. or M11h, F.O. and Albert SObnon. Garden , Amazing copier provides shadow Image-P-AGE-SIZ! MAGNIFIER Lets your shoulder hold the ~~ ~ ~°':!6.1::.': Grove. . * you just fill It in! Was $1.49 Now 9~ Get"goocHOoking" with a big ~ens. Was59¢ Now 29¢ phone! WJJf $1.00:Now·S9¢ * ...,... o. Welliffttld• Rlllltter, Mn . CommemoraUve p 1 a q u e s * . , * ~~~ :7:f~.: t!":~1ie:int; * .. a THINGS FDR THE KITCHEN., .. · ·, * DUARTE Guest speaker at lbe 1,.,. * TWIST ICE CUBE TRAYS (SET OF 2) STICKLESS TRl-sKILLET . A RADISH ·MAKER. YOU'LL RELISH * ~ 1i.. ~·""' 11. d ''" cbeon will be Dr Robert w 90 cubettes In flexible tray. Was 98¢ Now 59-Divided aluminum pan heats leftovers the neatest, Makes a radish mi9hty likea·rose'! WM49¢·Now 25¢ . =.:.:-:...._:9ErTJ:~=~= Corrlg~. pres~~nt of ~ * DOU.Y WHEELS FOR APPLIANCES ni~ wayl PoJyflon-1ined. Was $3.49·Now $1 .98 SILVER SHINES1WITHout POLISHING * w ,.;,.::.Mn. J-H-"'-W111tti...i Callforrua Institute of U1e * Heavy-duty dollies give you roll-out Place Magic Circle in Suds and add·silver-* ........, M.i K. Abbott. c.i.t111M1 Arts appliances. Were $2.98 Now $1.91 see it sOak shining clean! ·Was 59¢ Now 39¢ £:~:~Ji?~ 01~Dts~~!!"ye~.!:~ * -uu. THI.NBS· FDR THE HOUSE 1.illh:ff * ......_d'fltlltlft9,1nterrne11t.f•lrt1ew1111 Service Awards nearly* ...... •••----* ......... Pert;. Dlrecfiild b'f .. • •-' -..,. "' • .-.. $200,000 bas been distributed * TWIN·BED BRIDGE TO KING-SIZE COMFORT PORTABLE RACK HOLDS ZO GARMENTS NO·BATTERY LIGHT DISK ' c.t11 MIMA.lurrENSEN to organluUoos in Orange Bolster strip bridges gap between twin beds-Handy rack holds drip-<lry wash, ironing, At last-a can 't fall fla'1HghU Was $1.00 Now 58¢ 1( MM't ti!---. ot C\'M'llt Drift, County throu&h 114 cash * createa .roomYking-size. Waa$6.98Now$4.98 orguesfs'c:oats. Was$2.98 Now$1.99 PROTECTO..LOCK INSTALLS INSTANTLY * ~~...,o::._·~~~ awards.baMorerti~-... l,200 . CORNER 'SHELF STICKS UP FOR YOU U.UND-A-NET BAG ENDS SNAGS On1yybu'canopen·it1Safe! Was79¢Now39¢ ~"""'~ .::=-:... ".:! groupe: ve Pl Clp&M:Uo * Whtte plastic shelf adheres to any Small items come through the wash safely in WATTS NEW TEN :YEAR LIGHT BULB! * ·.,.; ~ c...,....... 0tii.. * surface. Wu $1.29 Now 79¢ 2iJ)pered nylon net bag. Was 98¢ Now 59t: Gu'Srant~ed.fo.? a dec;de!. Was 69¢ Now 39¢ ......... _...ic. wHI be tllkl Sllvrd••• . * -n. " ... •K"" ... A AMAZING FLOOA-KOTE FOR VINYL, WOOD SEE-THROUGH CHAIR-PROTECTORS 9-IN·1 tOOL CHEST !.'::t" ,.=."';"'~~~::" v'C: C00Ulll8llfs * .One application creates hard-gloss finish, Set of 6 vlnyt Chair.Covers. Was $1.00 Now 59¢ s• claw hammer stores 8 essential tools in * -..,. lasts for years! Was $3.98 Now $2.98 SPRAY-ON CHAN SER -CLEAN its handle and cap! Was $2.59 Now $1.59 c-.,_~.,, "·· '~" Seek New * HOOK.ON RACK SAVES CLOSET SPACE Coystals glitter wltho ing! Was 98¢ Now 59¢ 7-POWER EYE LOUPE + ...._ ~ trt 11en, M1ct1H1 Ev-* Holds heclps of clothing, Was $1 .00 Now 59¢ COLONIAL DOORBE NEEDS NO WIRlNG Wear this magnifying marVel like a monocle-"i :=.HC' S:::~~. 4i:~ WORLD'S SMALLEST HAND SEWING MACHINE Announces callers with a great for delicate work! Was 89¢ Now 49¢ * ;:•·~~:--,:1,9::""~~=: Membership * Zig-zags,bastes-evenhemsyourBkirtwhile chime. Was '$2.49 Now$1.49 TINY SCREWDRIVER SET JN 5 SIZES *. ~ "' .. u '""'"'" Mori!.!•"'• . you're wearing It! Was $1.98 Now $1.29 ALARM SIREN FOR FAST HELP Perfect for precision repairs. Was 98¢ Now 59¢ ' "' -· c." ..... * RUST-REMOVING JELL SAVES TOOLS Small but oar .. pliW1111 LET ROAC~ES EAT CAKE * ~ s=1~11N"' Drift, SANTA ANA -New Brush on, rinse off, Rust is ~one! Was $1 .69 Now 99¢ bodyguard! Was $1.98 Now 99¢ Roach Tab kills 'em dead! Was 69¢ Now 39¢ ' =::-..::"'..:..,".'~M =t~~~°'~t~~ ! ........ THINGS FOR THE CAR....-... ~ BALTI MORTUARIES c.-..i Mar.OR S.Mll Colla -Ml W4Z4 llllUlllOADWAY MORTUARY UI ......,.,, c.ta Mat LI Mm . DILDAY BROTHERS ~ Valky MortmrJ' 17111---llllllffqt8 Beac~ UZ.7l71 Pllmt FAMILY ClOLONIAL l'IJNElW> DOME 11'-IM!Or llWUS IMlnft MORTUARY Ill -61. a d Aiudi .; ... __ .... ~ llOllTUARY . fll&.ltlll&.~•1111 ' I r Association of Accountants, which is now In the midst * BATTEAY·OPERATED AUTO VAC MAGNETIZED SECRET KEY CASE NO MORE DAIYE.OAMAGED SHOES * of its 1989 membership drive. * Tiny, &uper·suctlon vacuum plugs Into Hideaway case holds up to 3 keys. Was 59~ Now 29¢ Protectc>-Carpet attaches to gas pedal, * Membership b open to all cigarette lighterl Was $5.98 Now $3.98 ends scuffed heels. Was $1.00 Now 59¢ ~~-!~.~~¥ ! ~.ISTHINGS FDR GARDENS & PETS~.4111 :.· purposes Ind UIOI of * HUMANE HOUSEBREAKING FOR PUPS ELECTRIC BUG KILLER LATEX BOOTS KEEP FEET DAY * managerial account.inc. Train Rover to his own r8$troom with Fast and fatal to bugst Was $9.98 Now $6.98 Smart gardeners dig them I Were $3.98 Now $2.98 1 Additional !nform.aUon about * liquid Pup Conlrol. Was $1 .00 Now 59¢ HUMMINGBIRD HANGING FEEDER * :im'::1f:e in0:~rr-::; * You watch while they dine! Was $1 .00 Now 69¢ * ~~~~r~~~"':i * ~THINGS FDR FUN & PLAY~Ni < * Co., Santa Ana, 547-trll. * \4 * DECORATIVE TREASURE DOME SOLITAIRE PLAYBOARD MINIAtuRE BAMBOO EASEL Toro OK'd As Preserve SANTA ANA -An <ighth qrl<ultural lftSOrV" -ment bu been approved by lbe Board o! Supervisors coverlng 78 acres ol cltrua land In lbe El Ton> ...... °"'"" requesting t h e pttmV• lt&lul to takt ad- vantqe of tu assessment henelll are Richlnl Bennett, Franctt L. Bennett, Bonn.le L. Hendrlt, Hder! M. Harley ud Powell D. Wm. 'lira pl'OlllrlJ II located on both 1idt1 of Cherry A venue, north GI Ind Street. * Shows and shields yout This holds all the cards! Was $2.98 Now $1.98 Holds photos or art objects. Was $1.00 Now 59¢ * keepsakes. Was $1.39 Now 79¢ PACK OF 20 MAO BUTTONS * HOT DOG .;.A WHISKEY SANDWICH * · KNOW-IT-All BOOK OF FACTS Sly way to drink your lunch! Foam rubber Silly sayil'lgs Jn all sizes. Was $l.OO Now SOf * Instant lnlonnatlonl Was $1.00 Now 59¢ bread and "hot dog" lloskl Was $f.OO Now 79• BOURBON TOOTHPASTE * Gives your teeth a glow! Was $1.00 Now 59¢ ! * TUMBLING CLOWN REALLY FLIPS PLAY BALL-12 FEET TALL JACKPOT BANK-LAS VEGAS STYLE * I * Wind him up-watch him goJ Was $1.39 Now 79¢ Great for group runt Was $2.98 Now $1.98 A winning way to save. Was $2.98 Now $1.98 * * FAIR WARNING-IF YOU WANT YOUR FAIR SHARE OF THESE GOODIES * ! TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS YOU'D BETTER HURRY RIGHT ON OVER! ~ * IN BUENA PARK-BUENA PARK CENTER SUNSETaHDUSE * ! IN COSTA MESA-SOUTH COAST PLAZA SHOPS : !&&~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~-' . -~----------., -.. " . Yac hl tsmen -. White sail~ aod brUllanUy colorec\ spinnakers will decorate the coast!Jne 81\d in1"1d wa~rs from San, Pe- dro .t.o Huntington Beach 'pier to!JlOrroW and SUnday as more than 1100 boets•in 100 clai!ses compete in the 40th Annual Mldwinler Regatta. , The comi>e\itlOD, si>omo....i by the Southern Cali· iornia Yachqng Association, will be hosted by seven clubs Including Seal Beach and Hunf,ington lfarbour Yacht Clubs. Th!J year'' event will be the first In which HW1tington Harbour has been Invited to parllctpate. Each club is' assigned specific classes for which races 'will be conducted, with si:p.aller classes compel· ing in the harboH aild larger boats racing outside · the breakwater. Racing will begin at 11 :30 a.m. Satur· day and noon Sunday. · Serving as general chairman for Seal Beach will be George Mclnnis, and others responsible for host duties include Norm Stanger, race committee, and Lyle Cran .. dall, mooring and docking. \ · All participants and th~ g11e!rts will be entertained following each day's events Jn the. club's Commodpre RoQm located in lhe,Edgewater Jpn, Long Beach. Heading the hospitality coinmittee in charge of the no-host bar jiill be Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wherritt. Chairman of the five classes jcompeting in Hunting .. ton Harbour is Allan E. Fi~atcick, and assisting will be Ralph W .. Moss~ rQce committee, and Harrison E. Palmer, mooring and docklng'. ' • , Beach . Clµb fatjfiti~s ·Will b'e :open·ed to the 80 ex· pected.enttants and ll!elr"gnest~.' and yacht club mem- bers and wives will sirve 'hol's d'OOuvres during a DQoo _boit bar at approxinlat~Jy ~-p.m. followin.g racing each day. . Plaques will .be presli!nted to each entry-, and tro- phies· to the three top winners in each class at 5 p.m. Sunday. Making . .the presentation will be an official of the SCYA, according lo.Fitzpatrick. NEWEST ADDITION ~ Invited to join the clubs hosting the 40th Annual Midwinter Regatta for the first lime this year is the Hunt- ington Harbour Yacht Club, and on hand to view the competition among Omega, Super Sate:llites, Kites and Windward and El Toro classes, will be some talented )'oUng sailo?S whose Paieiits' are yacht club members. Stul!ying.tedmiques are (left to right) B8ny and Brian Dod and Leslie 'Shaffer. ' IT'S MIDWINTl!lt·-Wondeiing "wealh· er" or not this y_ear~ regatta might have to be canceled because of rain are (left to right) Commodore and Mrs. A. Victor stern and Norman Stanger, race commit. lee chairman of Seal Beach Yacht Club whl'ch will hOst the Pacific Hanillc8P' RaC., ing Fleet in addition to other classes. More than 1100 boats divided l!Jto 100 classes are expected to compete in the event, largest of its type on this continent. ' , -. ·RIGG.ING TUNE D-Preparing to head up lhe·eoast aie·(left to right)·Mr. and1Mrs. Bob Poole of Bahia Corinlhlan Yacht . Club and Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Kitk, Balboa Yacht Club. Poole and Kirk are cO- -. ' . . . ' . ' I . owners of the new ·Colu:mbio 36, Sanc)erling,. whlclt they will be radilg, in ·the1 Midwinter daSsic ior'lht first time. Outstanding racers, they have·-b$>th1cjp.'' lured· many trophies for their respective clubs, ' ' Mother's All Wet: Showers Forecast -for Schoo,I DEAR ANN LANDERS: Father bu a 17-year-old Uleg!Umale dau_..,, My o1s1er and I are bolh "'8Dq.n alld" we have known about Olivil for a lOll( time but we've nevet met her. Yestm!ay Dad recdved a telegram from Olivia saying ber mollieT bas klcked her out of the bOuse. Sbe aow is living with nelghborl but cannot Blay there. OUvia wants to come and live rib us. Mom has said OK -Gil ... condl __ OUvJa must be Introduced a a niece, DOI a daugbtu. No one oulalde our lmiilediate family toow1 the real ~ t.kmhip and my mother says she jum couldn'l lake the gossip. My slater and J realize Ollvla'1 )ll'e8el1Ce migbl CIU80 problem! but abe A NN LANDERS has bad a tembie life and maybe we can .belll-ber. We've tried lo change Mom's mind bul she-is adamanl. Whal ahou1d be done? -S.A.T. DEAR 8.A.T.: A...,i JWr molller'1 tenu, Ila! mah II clear IUI Oll.i. -Ille lerml and trial ne ii ~ Ordmmlly I wwld aol· ClldDll cblplldtJ, bit tills is 8 U- _..,. --Belplq die llrl -..... prllldeal .......... u.. ad II lllli ii Ille ool1 wa1 It can )le done, !Ilea do II.' (P .8. You kids IOUd lil:e a ...,ie of terrlllc teeu1en to me. M;, 11it It Gil to yoa.) _ I.I ,. ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS:· My daughlers are 13 and 15 years .old. 'rber will both be eru'11ll~ in a new scl9ool next month. Tbe• o&ool "!!.-_ · Ille ijrls lo lal:e ,.., showers after gym. 1liey both feel this would be verf en> . ' barrassing and I agree. Do you think DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am a . bit JIOftlll& by lmocldlig' -111 girls should be forced to take ahowers teenager who is writing about oi, · ·ror tlletb. Yov mot.bet caDaot dalqit in Ule presence of others? -MODEW graadpar.enta who are .not , 10 P'aJM!. !dm..-.. t Mpe lbe1 will lay off .._ MOTHER ~ Lajl ,Swiday Dad left the hou8' at S:IO , .llioqb • 1& rip&. , DEAR' M~DEST:. Gltll who Ila\:• a· ."In the. mornJnc•to belp· -'.1111<1 • , , .. alllly attitllde aboul tllelr bodfeo pay : Grandpa wilb things Ibey tbould have I! you have trouble getting .along Wl\b!. l(W:e aHtntton to each other durta1 llQC hlred a plumber and a paint.er fet. ,your-parents .•. if you can't a:et them ·~· 8"dal drtu.m.ltancU, nelt 11 l>lid fAJDB Jilme at· 11 it .Dl&tit, '° ~ ~ )'GU live your O'fV!l lite, ~ a def .. m11y, ., U a girl It loo r.t tired he fell 11\to bed wJ'tbou( even •·"-'· . Jor, Mn Ludera' booklet, "B"*9d w er udenlevelojled, -W aller die --· • --.. -~-Pmnt&?· How to Gel More .~•, ~°'!• ...,.ver. 'lbese glrlt .-l!e off bis clolhes. '. . ' ' · 'Send IO cents In coin. with :roor req...t illori'd to ollower alone. ' ' -Mom was very annoyed. Th1* ha-and a long, stamped, seij·ad....- 11 pea wltlloill ~lnl thal all ·~ , a lot. Sbe said Dad owes bit Soodu• envelope, ,---., lllt-Jlloald be iilpefvlsed by a ~,.ber. · to bis lalnlly. Dad say1 he hM J o he Ann Landers will be 11id f!>' balp II ~ lld '"""' .. due Interest In lier a .good ""' " be ,wlil l DOI bO happy. you with your problems. Send ·u.. cle"""•'1"' aakedllu1, 1be 1••111• Wbatdo,y...-aay ?-Cll(CINNATI :·" lo her lll csre of lbe DAILY' PILO!' l ·~· -_.a1e17. DEAR CIN: Yow . .W1e 11111 • Ullle ' enclo!inl ' •lamped, stU-addrwed · bOy wh II ~ lo 1!la IM .. el envelOP'!- • ' " ' 'I ' -------------------~---- ,, I. • Jf DAll.V I'll.OT FH"'1, F~ 21, 1969 , ' ' . Switzerland Selected For Honeymoon T ri.p il<lne)'lllOOlllng Jn 8•11>- lrlud are newly wed Mr. ull Mn. Michael Muller who were married Jn St Ellaabo th'• Cathollc Church t n Puadeaa by the Rev. C. L. CahllL The fonner Alta Pevec of s.D>OI !Jland is the daughw of Mr. aod Mra. Joseph Pevec of Pasadena and her bUJbatld, who reakles in Newport Beacb. ls the ... of Mrs. Elizabeth Muller of Solingen, Germany, and the late Mr. Muller. Durlng the slngle _ring morn· Ing nupU.als the bride wore 1 ·gown featuring a scooped neckllnt, loog sleeves and train. She &elected a noor length lace mantilla and CIT' ried red .and white roaea: ln a casc1dfng bouquel Att.ndiJ>I her aa maid ol honor was Miss Gordana p eve c' her sister; and brideamaldJ were the Misses Eileen Clristn of Arcadia, Vi- vien Fram of Los Angeles, Melita 'J>eve:c, another al.ster, •'"' Mn. Afan Gnni of. Long ~ -- '!'bey clQimed pomegraoat. red Door ltngth -with red ...., aciornlng their hair. 'Ibe bride's aisters, Ve.sna and Yasmine Pevec, were flower girls in gowm identical to the brldeamalds. Jot Mulltr from Sollngtn wu hia brother's best man. Aakeil to .be ushers ,,.,. Ray Banb of Maohattan Beach, Fnd De Boom of Huntington Buch, Barry Frantz of Costa MtA, Larry ConU of Newport Buch Ind Dave Pevec, the bride'• brother. A Nuns cbnlr played the gui· Ur, tnnnpet, organ and sang. La . Canada Cowitey Club was the setting for the recep- tion. Special guests were Mrs. Mira von Huso or .Altaden111 Horoscope . Cancer: ' MRS. MICHAEL MULLER - Former Alka Pevec the bride's grandmother and Fred • van Vagenlng o f Germany, the be n e d l ct' s uncle. The former Miss Pevec, an elementary school teacher in Costa Mesa, is a graduate of the Unlv,erslty of SOuthern Calllornia where lhe pledged Pi Beta Phi. Her husband at- tended schools in Germany, After skiing in Europe the Mullers will be making their home in Newport Beach. Emotional Day Positions In Vietnam Offered Slnglt' glrb lookJna: for ao unusual opp«tunlty . lo r · ""Plnymeal abroad are m. vited to interview for poliUona with the · us AID Mlaaloo Jn SaJcon. · Rein-tall•ea from the US AID will be Jn Loi Angtlta Feb. Sf-21 to ia&ervlew cd:1 dldata at the Federal Ofllct boilldlng, 300 II. Loi. AnQ1u 8L, from I a.m. to I p.m. Poittions are open ror aectttarles, aud.ltors, procrun economlltl, aaalatant rurll development offlcen, 'IUIJ. . tant refugee offlctrs and nlU'M _ _. Appllcantl muat be single, over 211 and agti!e to remain • j,11 Vietnam at least 11 moDthl. '!'be r<erult.n may be call- ed coDect at iu·-l!Mm I Reception Will Honor Initiates New members wiD be ·formally introduced at a reception Wednesday, Feb. 26, by Court Obrist the King 1929, c'athollc Daughters of America. Mrs. George Horton, dlstrlct · deputy of F\Jllerton, will be Jn charge of tbe ritualistic work for the event, which will take place at 7:30 p.m. 1n the Petk Family Colonial T er r a c e Room, Westminster. Among those taking part in the degree work will be the Mmes. D a n t e MaS.!larotU, grand regent; Robert Buzan of HunUngton Beach, monitor, · and H. Lee Burks, HunUngton Beach, color guard. Guest organist will b e Madeline McGuckin, grand regent of Court Stella Marls 14'8 of Costa Mesa· Members recenUy enjoyed a spaghetti dinner and aecret pals were revealed and new ones were chosen during the meeUng. • 'A-peeling> Apparel Paired in Collection "Good tb1Di' come ln two," Even m~ of t h 1 emph .. fzed Mlsa Pb y 1111 tr1n1panmt 1tt-through llyl• Todsbn, coordinator ol the aav• the two-piece tUect bJ seventh anmlll J. w. -llnk1nr bod1Ct to skirt wU)J fashion -spoosore,I by the either embroidered lace • 13 Oraoge Counly rulldl which rhlneltclae beading. aupport atlldr<il'• Hoopltal. Tbe douhit-l!ttasttd look of. ~t Tempo 70, tllty the traditional blazer also wu did. Coals covered everytblng seen In ftill length coats. from day to fafe ...,en1ng wear,· 'Belli are back and althoulh uricoverlng to reveal matchlng maoy dtllgners emplwized or coolrutJnc b'--the ftlurn of the waist to Jumpers with and without where nature intended tt, they wspenden covered blouses. still were used both above Pl1'11sults for day and evening and below the n a tu r a I featured covering j 1 c k et s waistline. from tunic to waW length. While women art borrowing Escrows Explored Fundamentals of Eocrow Jn Oraoge County will be ex· plained· when MW: Eileen Woodin of Lawndale Escrow, Garden Grove, speaks at the next meeting of the Oraoge County Chapter, Nation a.I Association of Women in Construction. , AU · wonien in" the con- mucli ol lbelr 1970 look from the ~n, the latest in men'• styles from Cardin display the peacock·brlght colors previously found only In women's fashions. IHgbligbt ol the show WU the presentaUon of guest designer Wllllam Travl1la who commented on his collection -many of which he created for Dlahann Carroll's rote u "Julia" and her other guest appearances, and for motion pictures. MRS. MICHAEL CHAMLEY Home In Costa Mesa struction field are invited to arrive in the Charter House, Anaheim, for a 8:30 p.m. social hour followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 24. Travllla stressed the return to the feminine and favon dresses that "move," which he illustrated. freque;nUy i n pleated chiffon. Although ht doesn't approve of the see. through, he said he lilted the effect of it which he achieved with the use of lace un- derlined w i t h fl esh-colored fabrks. He approve.d o f women in pants and hi.I cocktail· creations we re designed with legs so full they nowed and moved like long skirts. Mesans · Recite Pledges In Catholic Nuptials Those wishing to atte~d may make reservations by 'calling Mrs. Richard Snyder, 83~; Mrs. Catherine Patterson, MZ- 1511 , or Mrs. Wlnllred Sweet- man, 6.17-7523. Generally the fiared leg WU Our Lady Queen ol the Angels Catholic Ch~ was the setting for the double ring nupUals linking Kathleen Con- ner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conner of Costa Mesa, and Michael Chamley, al!o of Costa Mesa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of white satin with lace Cashion.Ing the bodJce and train. A crown of seed pearls caught her lingutip veil, and ahe c~ a bouquet of baby carnaUons. centered with an ~bJd, ' Karen Conner, sister of the The bridegroom, son of Mr. Beach Babes favored 1n all ·types of pants · and Mrs. Robert Chamley of for women while men's slacks Newport Beach, a, 1 k e d Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. continued to taper. Spencer Shenln to be bis best members of TOPS Beach General chairman of thls man. Ushers were Datty , Babel conveDI at HunUngtou year's fashlol1 spectacular wu Wakefield, Thomas Orchard, Beach High School for · pr~ Mrs. RIChard Voelzke, Littlest Kenneth Conner, Jeffery and grams. ' Angel Guild. Mark Chamley. 1~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;j A reception for 150 guests f"ll y H followed in the home of the I our Ome bridegroom's parents. Witli Thrilling Sound •.. a Mt.r honeymooning l n GULBRANSON Carmel, the newlywtdl will reside Jn Costa Mesa. ORGAN The bride is a graduate of . Estancia High School and now is attending · Orange .Coast College. Her h u ab a n d is a gradu.ite of Coron. dd Mar MANY mYn,• MODIU'TO CHOOSI NOM • COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 fairs on solid fooUng, Steer clear of aenseleu dlsputes. Play waltlng game. eel one la not serlus. bride and maid of honor, wore Auxiliary a full leiigth c1nss of mint High School. FRE.E LESSONS vmH ANY ORGAN PURCHASE! By SYDNEY OMARll AIUEI (MMch Jl·April 19): GEMINI (May 21.Junt 20): LEO (July 2S ·Aug. 22): green crepe and carried mint Conflict could exJst between Coastline Aulilia:y t o green carriltion1. WT TUMS home aod professional duUes. Vet<rans of Foreign War•, Gowned-~ aod W• lilm"•m-Buch Bl~ SIM Electr1"c . Organ .Asso' c1"ales HS Mothers TOP P'llCD ON TIADl·INS K'1 is to linl&b tut which. .Poet J53S fathera the lint and -•·• ldtotlcal "--"'-· •· · -.--'-• Avokl rush decillions in finan- cial matters. You may be get- Cor:tfJdmt1l.I mauen come to fore. No day to be delJnlte or pos!Uve. Allow leeway for fabe · reports, people who change attitudes. What looks like a certainty could be the oppoalt.. hH been hanging ... Day .to lhfrd Fridays at I p.m. ~Sia .,.... . --.·-_. 0 ·Mbthen, ~ .... %, stage nha I S d ~ the bridennal<is, 5 and Y mtellnp the ....00 Moi>dayi 333 E. 1· 7th St. -Cost• ..... -"' ••33 e nee appea · prea m-Mesa's American Legion Hall Shackleford, Rachel Perry and at 1:30 p.m. in Lake Park M V"'n.1-r\I : ~ 1 n I Jeaa.tban-accurate in- formalloo. One wbo baa 1elllah -COUid be ldive. Main- laln. lndepe!\dence. s t u d y facll, not rmiior& nu~e. Don't become ln-0 ~;;,,' ;;;th~e;sce;n;;e;;;o;f;the;;m;:;•e~Ung~s;. =;::Juli;;':;•;Chaml;;:~e~y,;,· ====· =.l~~~b~~~··-:_. ____ ..;.;_~~~~~~~"~'s""~"~·~·~·~"~"~·~H~·~"::''~~~~~~ volved with a sore IOl!ler. lr UU!,4ol'C VIRGO (Aug. 23-S<pt. 22): TAtllWS (April 26-May 20): PrelsuN on marriage , portntrshlp angle. Be "'1>" where contracta, •agreements art COlltmled. Get family If· CANCER (June 21.July 22): Cupid's arrow could strike home. Day when emoUons soil". Plenty of c r e 1 t l v e energy available ; utillle It. Exprt!S younelf; do '° with authorlly. Argument with lov· Postpone journeys which are not absolutely essential. Otherwise: you could wute Ume on wUd·goote chase. Take special care with what you put on paper. Avoid IJr nammatory remarks. LIBRA I Sept. .23-0ct. 22): New Date Announced Guard posses&iom. Don't loae through , careleuneu. Gain shown by following through on an apparent minor clue. One who teacheii or lectures can aid cawe. Know this - act accordingly. For Vocal Vocal competttlon Jn the an- nual Orange County Musical Grads Boost Team Spirit UCI alwnnl will return to cheer their basketball team to victory over the San Diego State College team then retire to an after.game dance and party Jn Iler 8pritzgarten Tuead.1y, Feb. 25. Alumni UT'lving at the game early wlll be entertained by a turprlle pregame show which will be of special In· terest to the '69 basketball loam. King, Queen Take Throne Auditions SCORPIO (Oct. :D-Nov. %1): Arts aud.iUoos will take place Take care around m1chlnery, 1n Santa Ana High School electricity. You may want to Saturday, March 15, from go too fut for your own good. noon to t p.m. Instead of Steady your pace. Bt reallstlc the date previously announced. where marri1ge, partnership, Music students, between the binding ties are concerned. ages of lJ and 24. who reside SAGITARRIUS (Nov. n- or 1tudy Jn Orange County, Dec. 21): SUrrlngs behind the may compete. Anyone wlahlng scenes allect you. B.e on guard to parUclpate may obtaln a against rumors, false reports. Ust of niles and awards from One around you may feel of· most local music stores or fended. This could start chain frcm any audition chairman. reaction. Make m e a n i n g s A!.slstlng with the auditions crystal clW. are Mrs. ~ary Costa of Santa CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Ana, ln!ti'umental; M r .1. 19): Friends not likely to prb- Le.land Oliver, Santa Ana, ve reliable. Arguments among vocal; Mrs. Irene Haynes, those close to you apt to cloud Anaheim, pi&JlO, and Bruce judgment. B e percepUve. DwlclRIOn, Santa Ana, piano. Analyze. Find out reaso111 Mn. Wiiiiam Facklner of why. Check _ Lake nothing Anaheim is general chairman. for granted. Entry blanks must b e AQUARIUS (Jan. 2G-Feb. returned at least 10 days prior JI): Changes occur it the top. to the aud iUons. Piano auditions will be Sun-Superiors, those in authority day, March 2, and in-act in eccentric manner. Heed strumental audiUons on Feb. counsel of family member. 2S 11 previously announced, Avoid extremes. Demonstrate A 1.4.... also In Santa An• HJgh School. your maturity. Ma Int a In new &Ulfi and queen were .steady pace. crvwned by the MY It i ck PISCFS (Feb. 19-March 2tl): Krewe or Komus Jast Friday H b TOPS Long journeys come to your eveo!Dg at the annual Graod a~ or attention. But be sure of Mardi Gru Ball Al Fedmnan and Mn. Harper School 1n Costa detalls. Offer ot dream vac&· Mesa is the locaUon "here Uon may bave m a n y M I ch • e I TruJUJo, both of members of TOPS Harbor loopholes. E1ement of dttep- Gardeo Grove, will reJ&n for lJ&blen gather each Mondly Uon ii presenl Realize this ~ =~ tbelr """""i~~e~veijnl~ng--atiij7j:!Oiiij. iiijiijjiijjjiiijjiiijandjiirjjjjupond-jiiijajccordlngiiij"l'yjjjj, iJi w..rtna: matcbln« capes c:rulled w I t b rblnestoaed - NOW OPIN FASHION TlENDS ,._...., lnftiitt a..tf~,, D•· ~°""._.,. "ONl·Ofll.Y . ., ~· """"' Diw:d •• .., """" .. _..... .............. =--,..,..-.~ ..... .... .....,_c-.-...... ,, ....... f/f Ndlll•fll-t ""'·' PIANOS• ORGANS ' FAMOUS lllANDS COMPETITIVE PRICES we'll m .. t all rices!) .RENT A PIANO CAREFULLY No Ume llmll! No RECONDITIONED obligation In buy. . . USED cndlt If you do. PIANOS lllW ANKRUM'S UllD !!064 S. MAIN -SANTA ANA e 546-4100 701 S. HARBOR -FULLERTON e 111-4326 11 YU.II IN IANTA ANA Coming ·February 22 Family weekly nregulated Credit Reporting Could Ruin Your Life By Sen. WU.JJAM PBOXMIBE (D·Wis.) The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Finan- cial Institutions reveals how a computer error, ·an anpald $S bill, or malicious gossip may re- sult in harassment and serious problems for the consumer. ALSO • 'PISTOL PETE' MARAVICH -This profile ••• plains \he price Louisiana State University's dead-eye basketballer pays for super stardom in a game he didn't start playing until he waa 6 years old! e THE LITTLE STROKE -!l's a warning of a big stroke that could be fatal. Here's a renort on symptoms and treatment for the 111ittle'r Stf.oke ha1! a mllllon Americans a year suffer. e AFTER CZECHOSLOVAKIA -Valuable Upt1 !or those plaanlng to visit Eastern Eurbpe behind the Iron Curtain. All Coming Siturd1y in the I DAILY PILOT SALE ~.99-3.79 Save on: Billy The Kid "Splinters" jeans Rec. 4.50-~00. Clr JIOPll~r ·~Ham• .. Tms· ~ltd wi• .. t-i. bock pocMts. They'" ...... 11 -nclld.f111IH!c¥ ICIJCL lllo IHr• - al.-and poiyeiltr ls Ji.,."""' Ju 1a1r-. And, lhty fit like a boy likes tllto, -I• yet c..-~; H, 8-1 2. st111e fir Boys.· Buf1Ums· ' LEGAL NOTICE Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Landers SERVING THE PUBUC AND TRADE WITH ESTABLISH YOUR PRESTIGE Complete Modern Plant FaclliUeo For Every Job From BU&in ... to Social Printing. Phone 642·'321 For FREE Pick.Up -Dollwry 22U WOT IAl.IOl Bl.VD., M.8. Frfdq, ,...., 21, 1969 D.AILV-<JI = I 11 .... Yl'llOI' NEW YORK · STOCK EXCHANGE • ) \1 " ... C'i AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE • New York Stocks Continued fro1n Page 12 S~ltt ltd Ttlr1Y (~I Ml• L .. La11 Cl!e. llltl L• "*'· ,.....,, al, 1"9 IAILY Jl!10!' JI WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW, CLOSE ,;..'; .. i \ , I v .. • ' rrldor, F!bMrf 21, 1969 . -Save on Taxes .4 ' ~·:'Get :well. With Deductions B7 SYLVIA .PORTER Ii you are amone the mlllloria who Jtemile your ~cUoi)s. you may b e overlooking a proper medlcal expense deduction. T h e Tr<asury Ii.ell pointed tbls out after checking the 1967 returns. To avoid ahortchanr- ing yourself, read on: Yoo can take an itemized medical deduction On1y · for medkal eipenses which u:- cttd S puc<nl of your ad- justed groa -me (figure on page 1, line t of Form 1040). But the tax law was cb;mged starting witb •n so you can take a separate, itemized deduction for hall your accident and bealtb in- surance premiums up to a $150 deductioo. whether or not your total medical expe~ are high eoough to give you a regu1ar medical e1peme deduction. 11\t half of your premiums which isn't deduc- t~blt: under this speclaJ deduc- tion ts added to your regular rftedical expenses. SAY YOU and your wife each carry accident and health insurance on which each of you pays aMual premiums of $300 or more. Can you each deduct 1150 for premiums, for a total of $300? The Treasury last year said "yes,'' but onJy if you and your wife file aeparate rettJrnS. Since most of us file joint returns, this restricts the specll!l ~.to 1150, witb tbe bolanco Included In other regular meitlcal espeMeS Bub- ject lo lh< s peri:ent llmil. Look at your '67 rttum. lf you itemized your deductiOIUI and f.ai1ed to take this new deduction, you can ask· for a '87 iaX · refund bucd on the extra: deduction by Usirig silnplified Fonn 1040X (io be explained. In column a.) This should help bring you a IB!t, easy refund. 11' YOU BAD lo take • Fred~i.ck A. De)loom of Huntington Beach has ~ named: ~ssist ant vice' president ·and second in command at United California Bank's Orange County Airport office. He sue-. ceeds Stanton R. Her- pick who has been pro- moted , to ll)anager of the Corona,del ·Mar of· fice. · • Open House Set Global Enalneertng Docutnenfation Service. ls to hold an open houSe from 3 to I p.m. today at 3950 Cam- pus Drive, Newport Beach, in the Irvine lndurtrlal Comples. 1"'8 trip lo reach· a hospital or area for · niedicaI care, a new court case may be1p you claim a larger medlCal ex- peme deduction. Tbe law says you cannot deduct the cost of meals and lodgings wh<te you get your medical care, except if you pay them· as part of a hospital bill. Tbu5, if yoo go to Florida or AriiOna for heaJtb purposes, yoµ ~a'n't dedud your meals and lojlg· ings while under me~cal care there (except in a hospital). But say you live in New York and drive your car to Florida for acceptable health purposes, or to a hospital or clinic located far away. 'Ilte three or four-day trip requires you to spend money for meals and lodgings en route. There is no question that your auto expenses for making the trip would then be deductible as ?Qedical tr41l!portation , ex- penses-.' · ~ But can you deduct meals and lodging during the three or four-day trip? The Treasury 1ald no;· the Tax Court said yes. While the'law bars a deduction·(or 'the cost of meals and lodging at the place you get your medical care (except on a hospital ' . biD),•lt doOlll!'t'bai a doductlmi ~ for , the • c:cilt 1 of I meals ' and lodgings while In transit lo that, place. And II the sick pehioo Is taken there and back, tbe meal and lodging coot.a of tbe ei!COrt (husband or wl!e) while en route are also part of the medical ex- penses for tbe lull round>,trip. 1'emember, thouith, t h e Treasury hasn't. agreed .wttJi tbls dectsl~and you may face uu4 II you claim tbe d«luC on. ~ U 7,0l1 have a disturb;ed chi.Id 1 ln ...private school, heJ:e. q tbe rules ~ l'!iJ!on . .. a medical ~nse.1 ~!be school is a '.'speclai~· sChool, the full tulUon, 11 deducUble as a medical expense. But a ~ isn't special in this sense, agreed the Tax Court last ye8.r, .uhless educaUon there is merely incidental t o medical care. If a school can't meet th.is definition, t h e . parent nevertheless can claim' as a medical expense . that ' portion of ·tJie \lilUon · which ·Ls allocable .tO W'hatever medical ~ ls provided by the achbol. IN ONE CASE, a smaU, highly 1peclalized c o I I e g e • preparatory uhool admitted boys wl~ nonnal intelligence who had a:wide range of emo- tional P.roblems. It had a · of 13--14 and an enrollment of 39 pupils. 'The court found that the school wasn't •'spec i a 1'' because education was not "incidental" to medical care. But il then Said that silice this school\ charged •io,ooo against p.n average $3,500 an- nual tuition in a regular prep school, the extra $ 6 , S 0 0 quallf~ as m~lcal expenses for psychotherapy and.related speclal servii:es provided· by the school. Next: Yocr expense• u an employe. New System Can Take Divers .850 Feet Dow11 SAN JOSE (UPI) -With a bottle of champagne cracll:ed across the bow, the Navy ~ il.s new $7 million !ifift 'i " underwater l.s'.aJvage system_ this week and called it one of the most important advances in deep sea diving jn 50 years. ' The new system, which will be tested· next month oU the Navy Seabee base at Port Hu~F• ·ii. capabk!. of. takina: four slfven ·m work at a depth of 850 feet. . Developed · by the FMC Corp. at its San Jose facilities, the Mark I is similar to the Sealab III underwat er Iabor-.tory ·whose operations were . suspended off S a n Clemente Island th!!, week after an aquanaut died ' of a heart attack while checking for air leaks at a depth of 610 feet. Capt. Eugene B· Mltcheil, head of naval salvage and experimental diving, formally accepted the Mark I from FMC following the champagne ceremony and called It "one of the most significant ad· vances of Navy diving in the past 50 years." Mitchell said mod.iflcations of the Mark I can extend tta working depth to 1,000 feet. the approximate maximum depth of the continental shelf. The Mark I cons!$ .of two ba?rel-Ute cyUMen 12· feet long and seven feel in diameter which contain living quarters for tw'O diving teams of two men each. They can remain benplJl tpe surfai;e for up to two weeks. The two cylinders arc at· lached to either side of a sphere, which c o n t a i n s operating equipment a nd fl passageway throu gh which the dlVert can enter another sphere containing the entrance lock to the sys\Eim. ' Air West, Hughes Ask Financing WASHINGTON, (AP) - Hughes Tool Co. and Air West, Jnc., have jointly asked the Civil Aerooautlct Board to ap- prove an lnterim financing plan to provide the airline with funds at least through March ·II •. The plan, tr approv'ed, would provide Air West with an ad· ditional $4 million loan from the Bank of America to be used for operating expenses incurred since Jan. J, the date that the airline's directors ap- proved a Hughes purchase conlract. FREE SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR MAINTAINING $511 SAVINGS ACCOUNT . Hour•:··=· •.m. '° 9:30 p.m.; s.t. 10 a.m. to ' p.m. \ r - ... ·; • '' ..... ~ -• • •• "I .. Join the Slinksters in Celanese~ A'rnel® triacetate jersey fash'ions. Delight in soft, draping whirls of brilliant color. They w.ill spin you right out of the ordinary. Win a few admirers on the way. By Corner-One; junior sizes 5 to 13. . ' , • ' . , ' ·.u. .. "m· · · S' I ' ' . Newport ti f ashioo Island NeWpo1l tenter• 644·2200 •Mon., Thul$., Fil. JO:OO.till 9:30 Other_ d~ys· 10:00 till ~30 I . " " • ' .~ - .. • ..... ---- 40 STORES ·TO '~ERYE . YO.~ -:-·, ' , . Z3oDHAR80R ii.VD. . AT · . WJLSQN < • • • • ' ' ~. ' . . '•, ,.. . . .· -~'.'·f8 · ~ ........ ._,,.....,...._,,, .. . ~-. ... ' e-.- ~1'1~""1~, ~~ft~, 1~'169~· ---~OAIL~Y~Pl~LO~T ~J~· • ' • • [ ··. HARBOR :'SilOPPING CENTER . 2300 HARBOR ·BLVD: COSTA "MESA . SCl-SSORS SPECIALS LITTLE IOYS' SHOJS 'i Yollteto7.tt · .. IARGAIN TAIL! · vai.. 1.n .. $2.22 .. :$1 -~66 ' . . 1/3 off . , ' • • ... <t:. -t SINGER SEWING CENTER :. ' . · , · . · . :.... · · . SWEATERS " PASTEL ·suPOVERS .. )Y.OOL or ORLON WHm BULKY ORLONS . •...,ioi''$t.iio .. $11 .00 . }~YI s5 00 ~ .~~~ . ' _._{,. . . .1. • • . HATCHET DAY SALE DRESSES .... $700 To. $22 DRESSES .... $900 Te SJ6 DRESSES ..... $1P .. Te $11, . . , . • '• . ' , ··· . · '-"' "·•LLlllKAMP .·~ . .__,. • , ...... •.i;;-., -.... ,--"'Y'' -• . ·" ' ...... ."'< h ~ • ~ ••• •' • ·'' ( t.i. ~ ~ HAR-~CEN11l ' _ .• '.J...,.J'.-'. ·;;( • '.i'f ')y HARIOR 'taNtiit ; .. ! '" ~' ,· I ·' "~;iiftr.t:MART SHOP WINDSOR $H0'9 .. • TE"-TURED ·HOSE . . . . .33c ! REGULAR NYLONS Z. Pj\IR FOR s7c TH01" McAN SHOIS HARIOtt CENRR .. . HO:ME ·fll'E .. .. . ' .. · 2.;.DRAW . ~AS $7,95 . $5 95 ' NOW .ONLY . , • . ' ' . ' ' ' COLLEG~ OFFICE SUPPLY Harbor· Center SPINNERIN'S TOROS HEATHERS ...... $1.3' 5~ SPECIAL Machine Washable K11ittl11CJ Wonted 4•o:s. . $1.39 BEVERLY YARNS & KNITS HARIOR CINTIR . ' . -; . " S·Piece SALAD SET ' i e FLVRD SALAD IOWL '• e DIUSIN• IOWL • e 3 SILVIR 'PLAT!D SIRVING PllCU . '' ' .. , . . Volue .$7.00 , , , SALi '3.79 • 10ne e.. KIRK JEWIURS C..to""'> HAalOR CINTIR , . . ' 8y Geo1'9el It's No . Lie! .. CAPR.15 and $2 •· ,99· ASST'D TOPS .. SYLVIA'S CHAl&I -IANKAMlllC.UD MASRI CHAI•! wncoMI j • SYLVIA'S ·PANT ··TREE ~rcfilter ·;. . ·~·~·O~ CENRR ' 1 LONG SUEVE . TURTLE NECKS 1\12 . ·PRICE Gji\l.JRY LTD. • .,. :<}iAllio1'·c1Nn• ~; ... --. . , •oy'• : . SLACKS k .. ~,;, "·" Boy'' . $2.99 ' $1.99 T·S•HRTS k""'" 11.00 =~~~SIS,, .1 / 2 Pri.ce YOUNGLAND . HARBOR CENTER . • • HATCHET DAY SALE ·- SW~TERS •• CAf'RIS I .... 1ar 5'00 .. . 10 13.00 • .1 "' ·~ 7.00 lo Z0.00 . ....... 9.00 lo Z6.80 WINDSOR SHOP HAllOl C!NTll: • 'tWIOR: C!NTP . . . ', :::::::=====:::::::====·=· =·===1·~·===·=:;;:~'=·~· =·=· ====:=:;~==============:;::::; ' Boy's Pe1111 ~~ '• IMPORTED PLAID JEANS SIZES 6-16 REG. & SLIM s2.22 PENNEYS • Harbor Center Store Only MEN'S WHITE • WROUGHT ' IRON CRUET ·SIT · · H•nd M•d• 61••• Jars for Oi~ancl1 Vin199a;., .i VALUE $5.00 . ' · . . , SPECIAL .. $3' .. A9 . ' '"· ' ~1·~~1·. KIRK IEWELERS , HAllOR ~-' ,, ' ' . . . . ~' ' ,., 450 PAIR ' ,. ,· ·--... ;. ~-~-:,: J ,~ FREE! 1 Pack DRESS · SHIRTS long & Short Sleeves SIZES 14Yz TO 17 St1 -Pre5s. And w .. h & Weer. Slocb , IVYS -CONTINENTAL$ -Jl'ANS ·BUCKIT. ', · $4 22 ;· OFfUN ~-..·i~, .~· ·1 '2.22 P E N N E Y S TURTLE WAX CAR WA·S'H (j\SIC FOR IT) KIRBY'S HAllWAIE • DOCT01a " $( 2·· 2,. ,> KIT ... . '". . •' :·' . T-·O Y ·w 0. i L D : . KINGS for . MEN Harbor Center Stare Only Harbor Cenrer , L--~~~~~~~~~--'•~~~~~~--,_,------....~~~~~~~~---:.~~,--.-:--L----.r--~~~~~-,.--~~,! Harbor Center ' \1 I l {I ' ' I I -.. . -. .... .. .. . • •. ::C::& • - - ' DAILY PILOT Frld'1, '°'"'"" tt. 1'1119 . REV LUTIO ARY BUYS! RIDICU[OUS PRICES! ·sATURDAY, FEBRUARY. 22nd ONLY! I ..... . " " . . .. .. " 1 WEEK ONLY:lt- SECARD BRAND POOL TABLES 50% SECARD POOLS 'and 9' TABLES o•; llG. l'llCI Open 1 Days • 11 lo 7, Phone 511-1922 • 323 S. Main, Orante 1 WEE~ ONLY ~-. • • • AMES AIRE TOWN & COUNTRY Folding Arm CHAIRS Turquoise fram•s with white cord. Reg . 20.00 ............................ Speciel at Z for 24.t5 Arm chairs , club chairs, chaise5, encl tables, ottoman•, coffri.tables ...................... eU reduced 10 to 30°/o SANTA ANA ~NT & AWNING 1620 So. Main, Slota Ana -S45-U31 ' ----· I ~ 1 WRK ONL1 ltf · ARTISTS' SUPPLIES .25% TO 50% OFF ' . STANDARD BRANDS PAINTS 416 So. Main· Santa Ana · Ph. 54t4597 . Garden UMBRELLAS 31 6erden Umbrelles. One of• kind in •1.1orted styles end colors, florels, elternate panels end sold color1. Some with c;renks to r1i1e end lower .. All floor simples recf'Uced to. clear. , 30 and 40°/o OFF. Santa Ana Tent &_ Awning ·1620 So. Main, Slnta Ana -545-UlJ . . ONE DAY ONLY It-' •-l-l~~~=O=NE=:=DA=Y==O=NL=Y==~~~ HOPPITY -HOP BALL " 24 ONLY! .. Reg 10.00 5.88 WIGS :zi~:ZAP by Whammo IMPati~ ~~~~eHAIR $1595 ~-HE TOY ~JJsE ~4i·L~!s9~1G SALON -, IN HIU.CORIN SQUARE 223 E. 17th -Mesa Center -Casta Mesa '~ ONE DAf ON!.Y ~ -.. lleg.· 1 Group of Fine SPORT & DRESS SHIRT 'S s6.00 to 57.00 . •200 LEON'S MEN'S SHOP. 227 E. 17th-Mna Center -~osta Mesa • ONE DAY~~~~-It-' Seamless-Mojud HOSIERY 3 PAIR $1 FASHION HIDEAWAY ReCJ $1.00 & $1.35 Per Pair 333 E. 17th St -Casta Mesa lllHIHD THI PANc.&11 HOUsll . a ONE DAY ONLY. D WashinCJton's Birthday .•. : BIG SALE! --SKI MART 2805 W. Coa1t Flwy., Newport •each .. .. •• .. 642-8335 . 1 WEEK ONLY I!- JOINTED CUES REG· 1Z-$599 WHILE THEY LAST SECARD POOLS . m .. Main, o. .... , Open 1 Doy• • 11 to 7, Phone 532°1922 • 250. D. East 17th St. Costa Mesa 16' X 24' OVAL POOL KIT '12 H.P. FILTER, GROUND . se79aa PAD, CHEM-DISPENCER, 20 GAUGE LINER, S-yr. GUAR • Mt11ur1 Your Y•rd . SECARD POOLS 32) S. MAIN, ORANGE OPEN 1 DAYS· II TO 7, PHONE 532-1 912 ONE DAY ONLY ~ ASSORTED AMES GARDEN TOOLS Values to $4. 95 Your Chaice - Umit One Per Customer 99' FIRESTONE STORE 475 E. 17th St· Casta Mesa GENERAL ELECTRIC BUILT-IN AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER with 2-1•¥•1 Thoro.W•1h end 1ofl Foo' ONLY Di1po11r. e l it t•poc.lty, •••v lo1din9 e H1ndl111·vp Sil••rw•t• 1011.1!. e A•t1'"1lic Dtl•r11nt Dh p•n•••· 14988 DUNLAP APPLIANCE & TV 42" T•blo '"' <4 Choir., Te~ R·iG. $221.00 - T ...... ,. ......... '"' s1291s C.O'<'tr.4 hi duroblo ¥inyl. Auortod colon. WrMitht iron'''"'' 9u1r1nl11d 5 Y''" 091lntl rut!. • Town & Country Patio 1706 Newport Blvd., Casta Mna ~--·--·--· • eni 1 WEEK ONLY i~ . L l·PllCI WROUGHT IRON · ~pltelster,ed Group -lr'lclu~intl Settee, Club Chair, OffoMen, C.ffee Teble end End Teble. ~ANIA AllA Al.I. Sftft95 TINT I AWNIN• FOR . 77 1620 So. M11jn, Sanfa'Ana • 545-U31 ft ~ Y(EEK ONLY STANDINCO ·FIRESCREENS CLOSING · OUT · -25% REDUCED . o ' . ' ' SANTA ANA TENT and AWNING 1620 Se. M1ln, Slnt1 Anl· • 54S.U31 . . . W ONE 0 DAY ONLY ltt- ,. CL,OSE-OUl . OF ' SLIPP.ERS CHILDREN'S 179 'll(OMlil'S 279 Volun 10 .$5.00 Values 10 $1.00 CIRCUS BOOTERY 225 E. 17th St. Mesa Center - Costa. M1!$C1 ON~ DAY ONLY ' ''Hot Wheels'' Sets := lc0:10N sn ............................ 3.88 ·Rot•lc.-8.00 5 88 DOUILE DARE llACI SIT .................... e ~~:~u1.~: sET .... . _.... . •....• 7 .88 THE TOY HOUSE 223 E. 17th-Mesa Center°Casta Mesa -ai ONE DAY ONLY It MATERNITY PANTllS l $1 m.~ ADJUSTABLE! PAIR Umlt 4 te • cntomer lie wltt. tlll1 coupon only! · v.1. Cathy's Maternity Shops 219 E. 17th St -Mesa Center Casta Mesa PICK·A·PAIR COLONIAL SPECIAL MAPLE SWIVEL ROCKERS · MARTINS FURNITURE 1865 Harbor Bilvd., Casta Mesa ~J ONE DAY ONLY :It GUITAR CASES GRAND CONCERT SIZE Rtt. 12.00 $845 COAST MUSIC 1839 Newport Blvd., Casta Mesa 1 .HJ 1 WEEK ONLY : ~tr- Sl~ARD BRAND POOL T A_BLES 50% SECARD POOLS a· and 9' TABLES OFF RIG. PllCI 31S S. Moln, Orongo Open 1Doy1•11 to 7, Phone m.1922 ti ONE DAY .ONLY ' D Washirigton's Bhthday Sale! Do11't Miss Our BIG • BIG • SIDEWALK SALE! ONI DAY ONLY--SA:TURDAY-'2211<1 Unheard af ICll'CJains THE MALE BOX MEN'S WEAR S POINTS CENTER -MAIN AT BEACH 147-061S ti ONE DAY ONLY lit-- HUGE BELL BOTIOM CREPE CAPRIS ReCJ: lJ.00 299 )99 Available • in Colors •h· ''SHE'' SHOPS 217 E. 17th St. Mesa Center -, Costa Mesa . d ONE DAY ONLY ....... SPORT SHIRTS VALUES .TO $6.00 aac I CARLTON'S MENS SHOP 270 E. 17th St -HillCJren sqilare Costa Mesa ~J ONE DAY ONLY I All KNEISSEL SKIS WHITE STARS 20~ Reg. $200.,, NOW $159.95 0 RED STARS Reg. $180 .•• NOW SIU.ts BLUE STARS OFF Re1:. $100 .•. NOW $127.95 NEWPORT TENNIS & SKI SHOP 6110 W. Coast J'iwy., Newport Beach . (Corner 62nd & Coast Hwy. I ~ ONE DAY ONLY ltt- NEW FRENCH PROVINCIAL Consolette Piano FAMOUS NAME REG. $922 COAST MUSIC 1839 Newport llvd., COlta Mna ~) 1 WEEK ONLY 11 ·· 11' J( 41' DOUGHBOY POOL FILnR AND GROUND PAD ~a~· ' ~~' 519988 MIASUAE YOU• YARD SECARD POOLS 32S $. Main, Orange Open 1 Day•· II to 7, Phone 532-1922 ~AJLY PILOT jlf Whatever Happeneq to .Lavrenti 6eria? The Inside Story · '. By BENllY SHAPIRO MOSCOW (UeJ) -Veteran MOIJCOW observers who knew Nikita S. Khrushchev persoaally were amllled bI '• report 1n an American magazine· citing an alleged clalni by the former Soviet premier that he hlmsell shot aecret Police chief Lavrtntl "'"Berta. ~'Ollnt at a reception for Western Communist leaders who attended the 22nd Soviet CommunJst Party Congress iD October 1~. . Tbe tQ•lowinc ls a paraphrased v e r s I o' q of Khrushchev'a story. · A Jew months alter Josef Stalin's death it became Clear to all other members of the ruling Presidium (ooW Polit· buro) that Berla was plotting , I • ..j to seize personal power, arrest PAR:tlES TO THE PLOT -Sb.own In 196! atteod- No sooner were a 11 Per1:1ian rug and, completely Presidium members seated covered, carried .J.~~-~ ' than Malenk<>v atood up and pa.11 hll body-~ •to read a ruolutlon on b<hall Bulganin'• car whlcb toot b1m of the central conunMW and to one al the anny ullill under ;ov~nt ICCUlb)a Berla al -n1co·1 COl1lllland wbere high •"-and ·~ he wu held Wllll llil lrfol. meanon and ordering bis ar· Berla was tried iD -.I real. by military court and executed The account in Harper's ~ magatine by author • editor ~ ~ohn Fischer published Wed-~ nesday · quoted Khrushchev j saying during a heavy session f of voidka drinking that he shot "-Beria. { Observers recalled that this, i limllar, and even more fan- tastic stories of the Beria af- fair circulated in Moscow ~ after Beria's arrest iri the . summer of U163 and his ex- :: ecution later in the year. all his colleagues and establish' ing stalin's funeral, with Other members of the hier· himself as tl;le sole dictator:..,._ • d v•-· b Power was then s6ared archy, ~r!'l}eria, far right, stan ing next to nAU-wiS -, between Premier G e o r g l • ., cbev. others are, from left : Nikolai BulgB.nin, Molo- tov, _Voroshllov lll\d Georgl Malenkov, then the . prenuer. U~IT ...... I• Malenkov ~ a button In December, 18SS, accordln& whereupon with 11 g h tu l n I, to offtclal reporla. - speed the lour colonels ftom The power of the -- the adjoining room eniered, police WU Jaler c\irbed .... pistols drawn, and flU'n?Wlded slderably. The po)tce 1n U. Berla. past few years have be4 Malenkov, First Vice-Premier m~ben of the presidium to Vyacheslav Molotov, Beria -arTes\ Berta and Khrushchev and First Party Secretary was asked to carry out mander of tbe Moscow gar· . unsuspecting Beria was ex- Beria'i efforts to ttflst were commanded by a civilian ~ overcome by the colonels. ty official and not a Prf They rolled hlin into a tarp fesslonal policeman. • and minutes before Beria's1p;;;;;;i;;=====;;i;;;;=====;;;:;:;;;;:;~ .rlson, who bad once been y.ic-pected to attend. , arrival Bulganin, in b is marshal's uniform, "~ 'ac-companied by Mos181enko's four colonels, anned wilh revolvers; dro\te through the Kremlin gates . ., The most commonly ac· 1 cepted version of Beria's at· ~;rest was told by Khrushchev Khrushche v. the plan. Actually, according to Beria lived in a well guard- Khrushchev, Beria alone en· ed. mansion outside t h e joyed eff~tive power, ex· Kremlin and always traveled ercised through his absolute with a large number o1 heavily control of the secret police1 anned bOdygµards. How could whicll then had a special anny he be arrested w J t ho u t under Beria's command. The bloodshed? Kremlin guards were also Khrusht'.hev said he discuss· timized by Berl.a. Khrushchev's friend aod col· Mosialeuko agreed to pt0-league, Nikolai Bul1artin1 was vide four trulted colonel4 to then tbe defense minister carry out the arresl But bow whose ~ were at staff were they to get within a · headquarters outside th e yard ol Berla wl-1 risking Kremlin. A3 chief ol the arm· instant death'? • ed forces · Bulganin and his Accordingly the following own bodyguard! could enter plan was worked out. the Kremlin without showing A normal, routine meeting special passes at the gates. The co~onels we.re placed ln a room • adjoining t b e Presidiun,i. hall to wait a pte-1 arranged signal ,_ Complete Printing Service · 1 Top Quality -·Fast Service . 11'1·11111111111 642-4321 himself to .a group of high French politicians when he ~-vilited France in 1960. Public- • ly be repeated the same ac· under his j isdiction. ed the problem with Marshal It was greed by all Kirill Moskalenko, then com· of the Presidium in the J111t before the Presidium Kremlin was called which the meeting was scheduled to open 15Uia arrived and, aceordir!g to custom, !ell bis bodyguardo 2211 Wnt Bilbo• Blvd. at the main 0091 entrance. ' I • : i ~ ·-, · REVOtUTIONARY -auy·st R101eu1;0us PRIGES -! SATURD-AY . I FEBRUARY 22nd : l · •· • • , ' ' • • ' . ~~~===1=W=E=EK=:=ON=L=Y==llt~ BRUNSWICK BUMPER TABLE ~£~~!~~-DEL .... s1 a goo SECARD POOLS 323 S. Main, Orange Open 7 Days .. 11 1o 7 -Phone 532-1922 •lll ONE DAY ONLY MEN'S NO-IRON SLACKS R19. 8.00 • 8.50 9.00 • 10.00 $599 REINERTS DEPT. STORE . • 1816 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ONE DAY ONLY i~ Koratron Blouses SIZES 10-18 Req. $7.00 REDUCED TO $199 REINERTS DEPT. STORE 1816 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa , ~ 1 DAY ONLY ltle Hohner Harmonicas Great far : the · blues Re9. $125 2.50 ' •' COAST MUSIC , 1839 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa .. , .ZI ONE DAY ONL y FIRE.STONE WIDE OVAL Tubeless 4 F $1\9 ""' Tax Red or White o · 7 " Trad• E704-14 e f70·14 e G70·15 Corona del Mar TIR '" . ' ,1601 I. c-r Hwy., Coro"" 4tf Mar 675°12U .Zl~l=~~~=D=A=Y=O=N=L=Y~~---~~2="""'0""N""E"""'DA5Y~05N5L y~~~· HOT WHEELS CARS R19 1.19 77c STRIP ACTION SET R19 2.91 l.29 , TH.E TOY HOUSE 223 E. 17th • Mesa Center -Costa Mesa t.,,"b))j)~~~~U.-~ ONE .DAY ONLY ... - WE DON'T HAVE CHERRIES But we do have red grapes. RED GRAPES Lowest prices since he passed 5 C away. Sorry, none to dealers. lb 1NEWPORT PRODUCE 2616 Newport Blvd. On the Peninsula PHONE: 673-8715 PERMANENT PRESS CORDUROY SLACKS sac Re9. to $9.00 . CARLTON'S MENS WEAR 270 E. 17th • HUl9ren Square • Costa Mesa -a1'1!J5'==:0=N=E=D=A=Y~?=N=L Y==:=!~~ PENNSYLVANIA TENNIS BALLS EXTitA ONE $685 DUTY DOZEN CAN OF 3 .... $1.79 HARTS SPORTING GOODS 538 Center St., Costa Mesa ell) ONE DAY ONLY :Jt . -fl:~~~05N=E==DA=Y~O=NL=:Y===!~~'t- COSMETIC SALE • ALL REVELON PRODUCTS • DESERT FLOWER DEODORANT ¥2 PRICE CRAWFORD'S PHARMACY 1804 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 1 WEEK ONLY It 4112 x 9 AMF GRAND PRIX SLATE POOL TABLE REG. NOW ~ $1385 ONLY ~777 SECARD POOLS 323 S. MAIN, ORANGE .OPEN 7 DAYS -11 TO 7, PHONE 532°1922 From Our Reqular Stoc:k ATTACHE CASES Deduct 40 °/o from pric:e ranqe of $25 to $50 40<ro OFF J. C. HUMPHRIES JEWELER 1823 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa POOL TABLE AND TABLE TENNIS TOP , lt&G. $369.IO COMPLETE WITH ACCESSORIES s229sa SECARD POOLS 323 S. M•ln ·Orang•· Ph. 532-1922 Open 7 Oay1 -11 to 7 ~J ONE DAY ONLY &-~ ONE DAY ONLY TIRE SPECIAL · Our new Fibr• 61111 B•lted up to 40,000 mile trtecf w11r! Whitewall -Tubele1s. ' Buy 3 • . • GET I FREE Al •11r ...,,.diry le" ,..kn. + T •r & 014 Tlf'9 Corona · del Mar ·TIRE 36011. C-t Hwy., Cor-4tf Mor '75·12U . Brand New Color T.V. ~~~ PORTAILE $288 . G_,,ottod -HENDERSON'S 1171 HARIOR ILVD. -con A MISA .. ' .. •. ' • • ·~ • ~ 1 WEEK ONLY NEW EXCLUSIVE RACK-EM-MA TIC -.. .. ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ .. • J..::. FITS ALL BALL RETURN TABLES , AUTOMATI· CALLY RACKS BALLS FASTER, $1995 SAVES WEAR ANO TEAR ON BED CLOTH ......... . . SECARD POOLS 313 S. Main1 Orange Open 7 Days. 11 to 7, Ph"!'O S31·1922 ONE DAY ONLY Ile ANNUAL SALE M·AGNAVOX WARRENS MAGNAVOX 1714 Newport Blvd., Costa M- ell ONE DAY ONLY General Electric: Automatic Washers • Simply touch a key and turn a dial and .the washer is ready to launder family size loads truly clean. Spray rinse • Turbo -type 14 9aa pump • Unbalance load con- trol • Counter depth (25")·•·· . : DUNLAP APPLIANCE & T~: 1815 New ort Blvd., Costa Mesa 1 WEEK ONLY . n BEAT THE SUMMER RUSH 14X28 BUil T IN POOL • FILTER. 20 MILL LINER, BOTTOM DRAIN, AUTO' SKIMMER, tNSTALLEO s1 495 3'to I' DEEP 100'4 FINANCING Measure Your Yard t SECARD POOLS; 323 S. Moln, Or•na• Open 7 01y1 • II to 7 -Phone 532·1922 ONE DAY ONLY Dunlop Quality Costs No Morel DUNLOP GOLD ·S£Al Purth•s• I Tire 1.00 .,, Purt hese 2 Tire• Z.00 off Pure.his• ) Tires J.00 off s.t '4 Tir•s 10.00 off Corona del Mar TIRE no11. c-t Hwf., e..-4tl M• na.uu ' -~. I I \ ' ' t i , I 11 [I I \ \ \ } ·' I A • •• DAILY Ill.CIT "'"'· ,....,. n, 19'9 Davis ::'.CINE OF THE FAVORITES -Arthur Ashe, ex·UCl,.A ·Whiz, is one ~e favorites to win the Balboa Bay Club tennis tournament, now ~progress at Newport Beach. Ashe was a member of t-be 1968 U:~. - \ I ' , AelioQ a:t.· Newport . . ' ' ~ ), ' Davis Cup championship squad. The Cup will be on display at the Bay Club through Sunday, when the tournament ends. t1m~'!'!:"!~ • • ' , • • Resurgent ' Golden We st Cup Team Heavily Favored LUT.Z ON RETURN '.... Bob Luiz, former USC star, is one of the hea d· liners at the Balboa Bay Club iil 'Newport Beacb as the United States Davis Cup champions perform today ·through Sunday in the club's ~8th annual invitational to urney. Hosts Chaffey .. By RON EVANS Df fM D•Ur Plitt St•ff Apparently over a disastrous tailspin . whl~ saw it drop five of six games, Golctn West returns to its home Ooor at Orange Coast College tonight at 8 to take on second p1ace Chaffey College. The Rustlers, CUJTently tied for third wifh:'Santa Ana, sWl have an outside ~ at finishing second 1n the Ea.stern Cmlerence basketball nee. But to turn tbe trict tbey11 have to get by Chaffey f«Jlght. Qolden West currenUy trails the Panthers by two games, with just four left on schedule for both clubs. "!We wue flatter than a pancake onlJWI San Bernardino alter one and tine.point losses to Orange Coast and Sapt.J Ana," Rustler coach Dick Strid.1in uld .• 1iHowever, we showed aigns of coming back.in our Tuesday victory over Cypress and J thint our slump is over." One of Golden Wut'1 moSt impreuive performances of the year came in the seCond hall of ill 88-80 win over Chaffey ID ~-Ont round ol play, tbe.Rustlen were down by 16 points at the end of the first hall in that one .. and fell behind by as many as 11 early ID the second ball. aut.a p-eat second-ba1f d~enslve effort leil bj Ollie Mortin limited Chaffey to bulJO field goals and the Rultlers roared ""'•d In the flnal minutes to post their linHVm win over Cblllley. Ph-ates Face Slow-down <JJarger Five , .. B1 JOEL SCHWARZ Of .... 0.llY ...... Sf9ff t>nma;e Coast College, now only one came out of third place in the Eastern o:n.enct basketball race, ahootl for tta • .fillh stralght victory tonight against CftlrllS College. "11pcif for the game, to be played ot.-.rn Jllp Schoo~ will be at I o'clal$. the-Qms:er1, who like lo slow down ~ if!dion, have .cored fewer points ti.a · UJ team in the coofertnef:. ~er, oo the plus side of the ledger U 'tbdr defensive record, which has .... )hem yield fewer point& than any ol ~ other II EC teams. 'In the firlt round ol play, Cypress Mpd lhe Plralos, SUI, in the Orange Qj!l\I 111111· Since then, the CbarJen i..'·lieen bolsl"""' II)' the addlUon ol 1.f;:r::, fl lute. al cbaJ!Clng i~ llneup than a camlvllf fl ol toalDI onn1t1. pn>llobly ..Ule oo an openJni five for the uolD abortly belcn lhe tfpolf, ..,ever, Ila a Jft1t1 ule bd tllat ......... PblJJanloD ad Miki~· ..,_ In ar.,,.. Col\'1 .-ii _,.., willbe In Ibo ........ "-· \ To Gain Saturday's Semis By EARL GUSTKEY Of lfMo DIJlr n.r ttllf America's Davis Cup tennis stars - all four, of whom were heavy favorites IG win s e c o n d rourri:I matches today -look llke shoo-ins for Saturday's semifinal competition of the Balboa Bay • Club Invitational Tennis Tourney. N:o. 1 seed Arthur Ashe, Bob Lutz, Sp~ts in Brief Charles Pasarell and Stan Smith -~ ol them seeded int.o day's second rouOO -are· set up to square off against each other Saturday. If all holds true to form, Ashe will play Lutz at the Bay Club center court Saturday at 11 a.m., and Pasarell will meet Smith an hour earlier. Doubles action, with the seemingly ' Celtics atF orum Tonight; Barbe1· in Lead With 65 INGLEWOOD -Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell, the big attractions in the National Basketball AssociaUon for the past decade, collide tonight when the L o s Angeles Lakers host the Boston Celtics. This season Los AngeJes has won two of three .meetings with lhe Celtics. Barber's Bot Start TUCSON -Miller Barber, enjoying 'la fiaest start on the pn p lf tour, ftrecl a 7-aader-par 15 Thursday to take • tw~ltl'oke lead over I.ff Trevlne and Dale Douglass la the epenlac roand of &Jae '1•,• 'hct09 ()pea. Barber &oartd U.e 7,315 yard, par JI. ~n.. 1'1lcsm NaU011al eoane, 1:1 31- 2S-15. Hit NUd btcl.W ·u u.1le lU'ee .. ""' 511 ,...i lStli llok. 1'nlllllc tH top three, at a, were Georp Ardttr' Rod Fnledli, Roll Cer- rvdo u d Ta.ct011 amalear, F.d Updegraff. Bull Sinks K ings INGLEWOOD -Bobby Hull scored a hat trick and stan Mltita added three assists Thursday night as the Chicago Black Hawks scored a S.-2 win over the Los Angeles Kings. for another showdown ln the U.S. Wom- en'• Indoor Tenhls Championships. Mary Ann followed a first·round bye with a 6-2, U , ~. victory over unseeded Denise Carter, 19, of Palo Alto, Thurs- day. Miss Emanuel defeated Betty Ann Grubb, a UCLA sophomore, 7-5, 6-3. In a mild upset, unseeded Tory Fretz of Los Angeles defeated fi!lh-seeded Patti Hogan of UCI, 6-2, 6-3. Miss Fretz is ranked 13th nationally, three spots below M.iS!I Hogan. Brul1U In Actlot1 LOS ANGELES -UCLA 11 seembigly unbeatable Bnail.1 &1 after tbelr 37tlt 1tralgllt vldory tonlgbt at P•uley P•villon when tbey take on. Orr1on State • I• ~er Pac:U;Ie4 butetball 1ame, USC plays Ore,.: at tlte Sports Are:na. Billiards Leade r s LOS ANGELES -Joe Balsis o( ?\finersville, Pa., tied Cisero Murphy, of Brooklyn, N. Y., for the lead in the World's Invitational Pocket Billiards Championships w i th a 100-11 victory Thursday over Peter Margo, Union City. N. J . unbeatable team Of Smith and Lutz paired, started today. Thursday's opening round matches w e n t pretty much true to f o r m with one exception. Bob Kriess, 17-year-old hi gh schooler from Hollywood.-Mocked off the more experienctd a n d tournament-tested Brian Cheney, 7-5, 7-5. Kreiss was to play Tom Leonard today at 11 at the Racquet Club. The day's best match was the Gary Johnso~Mike Machette confrontation at the Bay Club. Johnson prevailed in a thriller, 13-11, 7-5. A farmer NCAA college division cham~ pion from Cal State (Los Angeles), J ohnson also is the 1968 U.S. public parks champion. This is his last amateur tournamenL He turns pro March · 1, taking over as club pro at the Tustin Hll1s Racquet Club. Two international competitors also en- countered little difficulty Thursday. India's Harroon Rahim slopped Jef£ Austin, 6-3, 6-4, and Mexican· Davis Cup ace Joaquin Loyo.Mayo beat John AUgood, 6-1, 6'1. · The tournilment's championship match in singles play will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. The doubles tiile joust is scheduled for an hour later. The favored Smith-Lutz duo took on Bill Young and Glenn Turnbull at 3 p.m. today in initial doubles play. Thursday's results: * Shor t Ref One of the relerees for the Oklahoma· Iowa State game was Bob Williama, who measures 4 feet, II inches. This prompted one of the reporters to remark: "Leave it to the Big 8. One night they have three officials -the next time one-and-a·haU." ' ' '. Speaks at lJSF Celts' Rus sell Returns To Scene of I st Glory SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bill Russell returned Thursday to the University of San Francisco, the school he led to basketball glory, to tell hushed, misty- eyed students, "For this country to be as great as it can be, I would die." "It's a sad, sad thi ng for this country not lo be what it can be," he told more than 500 students, mosUy white. "This is a great, great country - it can be greater.'· Russell, inviled as a Blac~ Culture Week speaker by the ~po!1~r1n~ Black Students Union, said his 1nv1talion was "one of the biggest compliments I've ever had." The crowd, which numbered abou~ 350 before Russell unexpectedly arrived, swelled until standees li ned the aisles and spilled into halls and out several doorways. Coeds and more tban a few men were 1een ·dabbing at their eyes with handkerchiefs as the Negro athlete gave his unprepan!d but intense address in a low, emotion-Choked voice. Now player-manager · of the Boston Celtics and first Negro io become coach of a major professional athletic team, Russell has seldom visited the campus since leaving it a dozen years ago. ''The only way m can get along is if we walk down a two-way street together," he said. "If we don't, I'll hate you for being condescending. and you'll hate me for being unappreciative." The room, a dining hall in Russell's day, was silent as he urged his white listeners to understand that Negro frustration regarding racisLs IS so iireat it could "lead to a rage so intense I would want to kill every one of them. "If someone could find a way to maJce a profit out of better race relatiOnships, It 1,1.·ould be solved In four or flve day s, or a couple of weeks at the roost." Russell praised the students as part of ''the greatest college generation in this country's history because it has · become involved in people." Referring to what he called racism during his time at the universjty, Rusaeil! said he was una ble to join certain · fraternities, "but the coll ege allowed these fraterntties to remain on campus~'! . Russell was one of several lormer' USF Negro athletes Invited by the Black,,.. Students Union to speak at lhe rally. It was called lo explore "the dirty (' ug~ a~d viciou s re~'' w.hy ~ un1vers1ty has not recruited more Negro athletes, said Joe Marshall, leader of the Negro student group. SIEVERS NAME D BURLINGTON BOSS ~. ·' OAKLAND (UPI} -Roy Sieverli who hit 283 homers with four big l~aguelo clubs over a 15--year span, bas been nam~ manager of the Burlington, Iowa, ; club 1n the Class A J..fidwest League 1 by lhe parent Oakland A's. ... Sievers played in the majors with · the St. Louis Browns, Washington ' Senators, Chicago White Sox and , Philadelphia Phillies, .. His best year was in 1957 when be • led the American League in homers;~ with 4% and in runs batted In with 114. The same season he tied an A.t;. .. record by hitting six home runs In 1ix '. consecutive games. For Hull, it was the 24th time in his career that he scored three goals in a game and it gave the National Hockey League's 'leading goal producer 41 this season. He now trails Boston's Phil Esposito by 10 in the scoring race. Blrsdt to Be A.D. San Diego, Expos Circumvent Strike : MADISON, Wis. -11tt Ualvtnlty ol WilcGuho, troubled II)' uglo1 aW.tie deputmeat fortuaes, save f e r m e r Bad&"t liar Elny ''Crazy Lop" -.. ""' .... --... 'nanday ud left llt&le doebt Jt w•1ell lllm to U Sllmt: tfle peot "' aW.Ue tllr«tor. Hindi b ulllta.t e. Ult pnslde11t "' ""' Los Aagelet -· 11te ulftnfty UI ~llied a MWI CMferenet ioct.y, prawmaW.y to a. JtOlltte lllncll'• 1eleetltl1. IJCJ Gel flpset WINCHESTER, M a 1 s. -M a r y Ann Eittl of St. Louis and Esme Emanuel ol South Africa, the lop-seeded U.S. and lortlp entrantl, appear headed By ASSOCIATED PRDS The fledgling San Diego Padrea and ?\fontrtal Expos art winnln1 their first ba~ball struggles by a pp a r e n t t y cirewnvenling the pension dispute that has split tbe maJ« league players and sent many of them on strike .. "We're delighted at the response. The players are as anxious to get started as we are," said Eddie Leishman, San Diego general manager, afletlbe Padr81'i' front office indicated that 27 of lhe team 's 35 players have signed or agreed to terms and 23 are expected when •prlng tralnl111 begins Satunfay. Among tb06e expected are outlielder Al Ferrill'& and pilche:r Johnny Podres. Shortstop Roberto Pena h a 1 Indica ted he'll rt!porl as toon as he clean up \'isa pt0blems in the Iktrninlcan Republic. The Royals said 28 players arrived In camp Thursday afternoon and about ~ will have signed by the Ume practice starts today. Sixteen of the 21 have previous major league experience. One by one, veteran players were either checking into their rtspective bases or announcing their intention to do so before too long. Those in uniform Thursday included pitcher Pat Jarvis of AUanta, shortstop Gene Alley and catcher J erry May of Pittsburgh, pitchers Pete Richert and Dave Leonhard of BaJUmore, all-star catcher Jerry Grote and pitcher Cal Koonce of the New York Mets . .. Also pltchen John "Blue ~toon" Odom and Ed Ssirque bf Oakland, pitcher Cisco Carlos ol the Chicago White So~. pitcher Clay Carroll ol CinclnnaU and catcher John Bateman and infielder-OUl· fitlder Bob Bailey of Montreal. '1'here are some players defecting," admitted Marvin Miller, e1:ecaUve direc- tor of the Major League Baseball Players Association. "But J would not call it a slampede. Nor bave any of the important players defectff. The defections are a factor, however. I won't deny it." Meanwhile, Commissioner Bowie Kuhn and the federal government stepped into the dispute while the players presented a new proposal to be considered by the owners today . Details of the proposal we re not disclosed. Kuhn asked b o th sides to continue meelinj daily until the d.ispule Is ~tUed, .. ~ v.·hile, at the request of the pla1rr1ui. group, the Federal ~lediation and eon.. Ciliation Service scheduled a meeting r with both parties on Monday. • The defectors had their own reasons. ,.., "I think they can settle th1J dispute 1 without me," said Bateman. "I always had a weight problem , 50 1 thougtrt""~ it best for me U I came down... ..~ "BascbaJJ Is my bread and huller, .. , said Odom , who signed his contr1tct.;.,1 last November. "I've got a house. thiit I just boughf'I and a family to lakr. care of," w11 the way Carroll put It. ·•rve gol to play." I a " • • . .. j 1. . ' ' .. • .. ;, . , ' ' " • ' •• ' ' . ' iller Paces ·HB's· ·75-57 Win .. y,_,. .,. . l - __ .. _ BJ GLl:NN 'lllllTl!l Of .. Dlltr , ....... :t.u.ar YUiii Ro1 Miller eoJOJOCI ...:..~ -'l'llondly ,nllht ,U be ... ..,. ~ Btadi·llJlb'• -L1i1!J1 .~ dluoplooa •to 1 ?WT imwpli o..r II~ Harbor In lhe I"°' linalt II Ibo Oil Clly gym. . .llJl!u . WU. mqnlfJc:eot, cinching all· Jlique -.NUon by ICOring a llfetlmo ~ ... ~.ss Point., gr1bbllng It rebounds, b~ <boll and ateallng ln·bounda -· .la ·ahort, he w11 the Mlller of old, 81 Me fan IO Jbly put ll Miller canned ~ Ibo lllt ball and -to he on a Yendetta. N~ pooslble heir to Huntington's . . . SUnlet Uuone In 11'19, put up 1 tre....,. -battle Ind f0< U.... q\luter1 Jt ••em e d thlt Dave Wu:mu'1 talented troopt might b1dlod be tho O I I I to 1 0lld lhe ()tlerl llllbtl GI drcult trium .. I t •• ' • . . ti 1 1--Haven, I junior, WU apoclally Jmprealve, and ta ollo • oure,bet foe; all'leque J1urolt. He -1:1-hltlln& inskle and oulllde. And be WU ,iQJned in the opotllcJil by Bo. Grllllth ~ uqthe! lifted. YOW1i man W!lo ~ the ~Jlth 11 po1n11. Vnfor1iiiialol¥ ior w , Gril· fith 111-. Miller WU ~ In Ille llunlJqton par1de Gl'beroea· by ~ J1111< Min Coatreru, who conned 15 and led the 'J Dol.ILY PILOT l"lwtto .., L• P11M FIGHT FOR THE BALL -Newport !Jarbor High's Dan Lindstedt (40) tie• up Huntington Beech'• Tony Bonwell (left) and Lee Walters during '1'11111'1- day nlibt'1 Suuet League finale. Lee Haven (54) is teen Jn Ille baclr:IJOund. San Clemente Scores 6247 B~skethall Standings lloop Victory BJ ROGER CARLSON Of lile DllllJ Plltl thrt Elie ChriJtensen canned 21 points to maintain hll. fi<>:SIY 25.1 per gamr average In Crestview League basketball batUe while leading San Clemente HJgl' SchOol to a 62-47 victory over TustL. Thursday night at Foolhlll Hish. The Tritons, despite winning by 15, haVe had better days u the game w a s turned into a poor sbooUng effort from both sides. And It wu dominated by a total ol 49 perlOllll foul! that kept both teams marching to the free throw line. In the final tabulation, San Clemente hi! only 11 'of 4t lhots from the field for 31.7 percent while Tusiln wu a step 0t two below thlt with a lf for >3 effort for Ill.I percent. Victory glva· coach Joba Baker's San Clemente outfit a 7-1 mart in leque action with CM 1ame left Tue.sdly at Laguna BeaclL . Except for two one.point loues-10 El Modena and Foothill the Tri tons might well be on thelr way to a berth in the upcoming CIF playoffl. Baker's crew• broke out of a tight ball 1ame mid,,ay thro~ the second period with a fast-brtik offense and a prwing full.court zone defense. .... ANHLVS LIAtUI WLPl'l'A SI. Allltlll'rt l llllff Amil """ .. '""" st. ~"'' 1 J "' 41 , .... j ~"'"" • I 41'1 114 .I • JU ... J74'•tn T"111ll'1 .. ,.. SI. Pl!.ll It Mlllr' o.f lln'ltll 11 Plw X St. Arttl'Mll'l't' et 5"""' CllllTVllW LUtUI W L PP PA Foot!\111 n:,. ,1 171 111 £1 M...... tu m V1111Ptr11c t•to1n Sin CltrMrltt 1 • W 161 M.1111'n VII,. S I m 711 Or111f9 • • ... ,.,. T111t1n • t tJI m .... -htdl 2 11 "' "' -·-Sin Clernenh It, Tuttlll D Mlltllifi VIiie a. ........ •lldl ~ Foelllln 71. m ~ • VUll ~tit #, °""9' M --Stn C"""*tte tt UflM 1'9Cll Vlfll ~lftl 11 ..... Yltlit Tvsllll It,_... °"'~··· ..... JlVM• UAeU• WLP,.P.t. ,,_ ... Mir L .. rt ·-· f-.tflh Vtllr( a.• -Est1nc11 ' . . "' -1 ... 41 ' . .,. .. I • C - J ' -• ' ...... "".,.. ..... .. COf'lllll ... --flj ....... . ._,.,_ L .. r11 It M-"' fltln CO.II Mt"1 If '¥fllll Vellr( f1:10 MESA.NS, ~A.RONS BOW OUT TONIGHT With Tustin up by a 13-JJ coun~ the lnvoden took adv111tage of a three-point Colla M,.. ll1CI Founlllln V.U., blCh J>IOI' by Sal Lomblrdl after I Cllrlat..... -put the wr ... on lrvlno 1-p buetet. •··• llh • 1ctloo toolcbt with ID I o'doct -'ft>en Lombardi came ri&bt ~ " at the formw'1 eaart. a lted from Bill Alleo. That gave the And, ID ~ Leque ploy Mlltt Trltont I IJ.JI ield ud frun there Dei booU SI.~ lo rmi! loop a:iio.. on TUatln wu unoble to repln the Founlllln Van.,'1 fl--brilll UJ!ll!!I' band. I U loop lll8'lr ... ....,... - i.. c.._.. 1w ,...... i!'.,. .... with Meil. wbkti tined fn tllll = ~ • • • ~ •• of tho 1~ln tbe ·~-• --·~ ._\_.. I 1 f I I:~ .I I t I U"t"-._...., -~"'' , , , • Qdlflftl • ' ' 1 nelday wbta it posted a tl.U Pll• .I 4 4 11 ~ t 7 I 11 m•-'•-•~ ... Al1-I 1 I I Liiiey I I I I -11 .. 1 v•-......,.;(" ~ : : : ,: ~~l.i : : : ,; Mater Del bu a lhot at I lhln =::" 1-:ii: c ::? : ~~='=~m •tt. 11 H a • f...,_ ff It 17 • and Bitllop Azmt llmaJd Joie to k kWf ~ ......... A-lk-... OllMfltil lt If lf 1• -U AM---V• 'tvsllll 11 II II 11 -O ------------- SUNSET LEAGUE (l'lllfll W L Pl' PA H11t1U111lo!I ltkh l• • ,,, •U Anarlel"' JI l 11' 70 W•lmln1!9f I , ttJ tJJ M1rtna 6 I ti• 779 Nt1¥J!Ol1 H•rtlor ' I m N J W•t.rn ' 1 an •• Slnll A111 1 11 Jolt m Slnh Anl Vl lllV 2 11 14' llO<I ...._. ...... Hunlirlllln 19Kll n, HIWIJIOl1 H1r110r f1 """"""' U. W•lltnl n Mlrlne "' wtflllllnltw S7 S.rrft Ml .ft, SA \11f11Y IJ OllAH•• L1aeu1 ...... ., W L ., ..... Kll•!lll l' 0 1l'6J 101 Sffdllllleclr · 10 4 NI Ht L• Al1mlla1 I ' IJI 1'1 .,.. 16 1nf01 El DIN'tdo ' I ~ m S-r1 ' I l'llJ to! V11eMa. ' II ut l lS LllS AlllllM t 16 .QJ IU7 .,..,...,.. kt,. "'""'-n, .,... il l!I OW.. 72. U. AlltllH• fl V11111t11 -Liii AmlQIM .n s.-...a: ... ""°" ,, .,_ltNN ••OVI LUeUI GI ..... 9-lll!ICM MniHll .. _ -' .... _ P•clfb IP'IMIJ • .L '" "" " • 11.t .Ql 7.ltlllHJ ,,."'3 ' • ., 6l6 .. 7 ., .. , 11om 1J.1 --Ge,.., ....... 71, lfnttlilt • LI Clu!nh 70, .... GtaflH 6f lltndlt "'-'"'"' "' hclrka .. ,~, s_,., "'"' Y Htlh f:.:.1i'' ·~ ~.,. r.= l'llllW.1.Y LIAtMI ..... ., WLP~·- 1• I I~ 144 Jt 2'7•m f J Jll ttJ ''"'"t J fltf"2 4 11fU '77 I 11 M 1011 I ll -fQ ,... ... , ...... k..,,...,., ............ 19 i... ............. ,. T!Tf 14 f'v!tenon JI s_,,, Kiiis a. a..... ~lrt: If IAlfllllf COltl'lllllfCI tfUOIHtt WLP~~ll • ,,,. lllf 111111•• •• ,1 11211 ,,.. l)fl 110 t t Im· ID• • I 1.. 1227 I t Int 11• :.:::::~ .. " "" ,.,, 1t -lat . ,Sea .. ~s Co-champs; . . Win,5742 .•t~':~~.!,.RZ BJJJ Bloom bu' qillle a 10t up pin& Jo the Corona def Mir boaltelball loc!ier nx>m. lbursd1y n I g h ~ black-light )I06lu glmd off the wlill lloog aide of huge blow QP1 of Steve McQueen on a motorcycle and Bobby Dylan. .\cld roclr blared Joud)y from 1 couple GI .atero ~. but It .,u allnillt drowned oul by the happy lbouling of the CdM pl1yen who had jU1I cllndled a share <if the Irville League cham-plonaltlp, By virtue of Jts 57-42 win over Estancia before a capacity crowd in the Sea King gym, Corona del Mar will be co- champion with the winner of this · af. ternoon'a Magnolla·Loara game. The not atop Js the CIF playoffs which begin a week from today for the Sea KJngs. After the victory, •Bloom was busy handtng out aalted peanUta to his team, a te;aro that nobody !lgurecl would win the Irvine lea,ue race. But It dld jult that, posting an a.% record in league play and a 17-9 mark for the seuon. "I don't know bow we dld it," Bloom said shatlnc: hia bead. ''There's just 110 way lo compare this team to last year'a. We were-really tough lut year." By no .stretch of tbe ~lion can thi8 season's outfit be cclnsidered real to111h. The Sea KJnp didn't overpower Estancia 'l1lllrlday. But they toot ad- vantqe GI tho Eqlel' cold shooting and 1J flnt bait turnovers to win .Jt. Bloom'• trooJll shot an even SO percent from the floor while Eatanda connected on 40 perceDt of Jt.a shots. However, in the flrat bait the Eagles only shot at a. 35 per~~. cllp and trailed all the way. Corona del Mar, running its pattern offense to perfection in the flrst four minutes, quietly shot lnlo a M lead, mostly on layups. The Sea Kings coukln't match their nearly oaw-. performaoce the ,rest of the way, but ltD.I enjciyed a com- fortable 21-15 hallilme lead. Eltancia made one run at CdM in the final quarter1 cutting the marlin to 4U7, but Ille Scca King• pwnped In 11 poll!ll lrouncl 1 oolltary Eatancia free throw to wrap up aame and a 1hare of the league UUe. ,.._.. ftH c.r.. ... _, cm """"' .... ,. " llJ4Llldl •••• I 1 1 I McWI Hll'"' • .I I II ltllO-lz 1 111 I • ' • Wllbr.c~t .I • J 11 llt IWlwe Olli 3 • ,,,.orr 1 1 11 IOltWlllllllll JOllJ 0 • ' ' J I I 1 1• '' n a To-t1l1 It It 1' $1 111411-G 15 11 It 1t -J1 RUSTLERS' NERIO · WINS EC TITLE Golden w .. 1 Collea• wreatler Kattuii Nerio is the Oran1e Coast area's on1y Eastern COnterence wusUing champion today. In the 127·powxl division, Nerio decisioned Phil JacUon of Cypress, a.2 , In \be EC meet at Santa Ana College 'J'hul'lday nllht. IC wallTLI,.. llS·lb. -l!d o.u.ncs. 1savc1 ,.1nnH JoM Gll>llt (llttv.l, :tnt .,.rlod. 12J.lb. -llCltl LelnlndW (Cy•.l dirl'. Llfr't' W•l-111 CMSACI Irr d1tl11oft .W. ~ ··~· -Jim llldr,.,.. Ill.CCI dirl'. · Jellll M ... "" I .., "''""' 7-2. J)1. -KihVIO Ntri. (OW) • P~ll Jletlon Ctvli.J b't' lllcllllft .. 2. 1 '5-l~. -Pit lllfrll (So\) dff. Al1r1( Al.ISO cs,~it ~ =-Dtkl!M fSIVCI ttlllllfd w. o. M•rtln (IAJ.!•I ,.rkld. • Uf -rc1~,.J,MI. SKI def. IOb l'Mt I~!~~~ Ill C~ dff. O.vt Altl ll!IMf" '"~'Ii.!!..., ..... _,,,..,, . 1 -, ~Vb: 11 .... ttew ,.,.r_ II' • Irr -•l'fllt "''ttr C#t. lltl ,, .... Afllh lllir lll!Ytl'IWlll. . Area Calendar ........, ~ -UCI at Westmm>~ Chai· ft7 II Orlnfo Coat Golden Well II CllNI, Slddlebacl 1t Son Dl,.0 Ot:1 (all 111). . Tl'lck -Antelope Valley II Ellanci1 (10 1.11.) --Ban~atC.. del liar (...ui> ·.1 !). 01'• rt'a -Niwpilrt Harbo.f . w-and Car.-del liar at lllldw!D PnJ..t-1 (l~.m.) 9wlmmlnl -L<llC --11 . UC! (II) Goldin Well and tlrlllll Cout at Gold c.;;g lnvltaUonll (S p.m.) • • Do\IL Y PILOT' ....... ~ Lit P'"9 LOOSE BALL -Marina's Vmce Moll (41) battles Westminster·~ q Dan Broderick (30) for a boundng ball during Thursday night's Suie..! - set League basketball curtain closer. Marina upset the Lions~ 64-57. • • • • • •• 3rd Period Derisive •• Marina's 10-0 Hot Stre~-i . • . .. • . .....i1\ Mows Down Lions, 64-5 7t: By EARL GUSTKEY ot ll1t O.llf PUii lllft Marina High ·School's varsity basket· ball team broke open a clOl!le game mJdway through the third quarter Th,urs- day night · and tolled to a 64-57 Sunset League victory over v i s l t I n g Westminster. It was taps !or both tearps for 1969. Marina wound up M in SUMet action and 15-12 for the season. The · Lions held on to third place with an M mark and 14-12 overall. Once coach Lute Ollon's. t ea m outlcored Westmlns~ by I !IHI margin during a third period bot streak, the Llons were never rtally In it, although they dld caUJe Marina partilans IOIDe Mission Viejo Outscores Laguna, 50-44 By STEVE ANDREWS Of""' Dllft Plllf '''" Mls&ion Viejo cloaed out a successful t!llM9 butetblll campaign Thursday with a 5IMt decision over Laguna Beach In a Creltview League encounter In Laguna. The Diablos are curreotJ,y in fifth plact: in the clrcWt with a M record ; however they are 12-11 overall Lag1m1 completln1aluckless4-20 year, was In the affair up unW tbe flve--miDUte mark of the third atania. At thll polnt Steve JC101terman receipt..- ed tor h1' fourth penona1 and wu re- moved from the game. The Dlahlos, behind tbe ahlrpshootlng of Steve West and Tom Gardner, ran Off eight atr1lght J>Oinla to puD 1Wl1 for good. • Klooterman returned late In the fourth quarter to rally the Artl.sts, but It WU too late lo save hls mates . The Mists shot IO percet!I from the field, IS for so. In the final period Mflllon Viejo opened the -of ·op- portunity a I x times on turnoven, b u t the cold Artists couldn't capllalbe .. West, tbe Dlablo playmaker w11 tho game'• bllh ..,...., ooc1te11ng u Pointa.. M o 1 t of. hll ahott came from the i o p of tbe key oil fast b<uU. The junior guard poUed aeveo mar- in the dedalve thlnl C[11arler. Sleva Wlezbolookl Wll tho only Arlllt to blt with a nllOOlble CO<llllteDey • • M .... Vllfl fllt L..-t-o fMI .. ....... """'" ~ ' 4 1 JO lllldallfl I I • ' Okltttr , I ' ' laOl!trmM I • I Helma • J ltWt'I 1 2 ll kl"lll ' t , 10 '!,!!~I t I 4 I k-.i ,,,.,, .. ...._ ,,, ••• MlttwlM 4 I ) I ... ..., I t I W.1 ;,1 11 1 ... 11 9MU. MlnlM V1t11 LltYM 1 .. efl ftttlf ""ll" 11 ~1re -1o q11n -~ ., • l e •.OllJ "' cause for alarm late in the aame. . ·- Weatmlnster never Jed. Ben' Tay~·-· Lions trailed by never more than : .... in the • first half and by only twcf 8 '!:. intermission, 23-21. Then, after the v~ Dick Ivie made. it »27, Marina, 1bf'~~ visitors unexplainably went sour. .;~.11..u Jn two minutes, the score was .._, For Westmlnater, it WU all uphill .... ,. rest of the way. -··~· Marina was cruising comfortably uMll the Lions wishackled themlelves a tralC! in the late going. When Jeff P.-m jump shot cut the marslD to jllll ....ii;.:·, fi0.53, with l:U left, Olaon ordered ..... timeout and aetUed b1a: charges down.~'•" It -to be the qimct t-1 Vince Moll canned h1I seventh free tl:ir6'f-:r of -the fourth quarter, then Ivie .... Rick Mosier followed with three nRIW"': and that WU it. .,._J~. Both clubs put on a claasy sheomft ... show right after inter mi 11 i o.1 Westminster made its first three atail, ·~ as dld Marina. • ,.,,"! ·--~ ... "'"' ••lnl Mllilll U4) It II Ill " 2 0 • • • 11 I 11 J, 1 • 11 J I 1 II ' J ~ 11' 1 D I I WtllmllllhrU11•'"1 !! ~ ... ,,.. COl'l'llll 1 .IL 0 Dllh • ' ,-=lck ~ l ·~~q 1"1 I • ........ . IVI• Stretrord To-tt~ 21 22 IS U flhl9 11 If :tt-·•tu klAtfO .. rtwf t I' 1• 17-M I IJ I, lf-11 ••• ..... ••• Jaycee · Powers ;.c. . ,..,.... Duel To • ht ·~: ' mg ...... . .·, .. Ftnt place in tho ltlte )lmlor collflr buketball ranklnp, t h e Metropolllln Conference champto,;ahlp ind a bert In tbe ltlte pla)'O(!J all will ho II atal:e tonight when COrrllol-tangJeo - Paaadena at the latter't om. -· ....... Cerritos, the def....UU, ltlle cillmplloV< • ts sUU ranked as the state's top tA,.:: according to the latest rankings re:leaMI"' • by the Junior Collep AtbleUe BuruU:~'T~ P&lld ... , wl>lch loll the ltlte ch!ftllo '" pion pme to CerritOI lut year, A;" ... II curnnti, ronted third In the ltllt. ~' ' Only Eutem Coof<l'lllCt lelm r..n.t-'" In Ille top 10 II Jl'ullerton wblch hflf'" I the ltlte'I Joncal -ni otreU''ilf!! \ 17 p.ma:, The Horneta are No. L :·:_ ~ Goldlo 'Weat Collep, wblch wu raid Ii> 11th Jut Wttk, dropped out of tho Po~·~ •• '11>1. top IO: • ......... t ~t::' f i: .... ·1~1~·; ~·: ~. • A11n . 1111~·· I I ( I \ • I \ l f I 'I .. ·:::-,, u.::..:.:..:::..... ;.::J.l .UU.71.Q,i1 . ~ ; ( .. . ' · 1fri' . " ~· -~ .. . ~ ~ ... . ... {' • • Weotmlnster ancr .. arloa Hip, ran pa,<I ~ ' 1r1ct -II In lhelr 1111 ·..,ike Qjlenerl -y al· =., ..... tnocl:ed ~ ~ del;Mar•1 invading sea Klngl, IS-32, while Marlo& , traveled to nearby Golden Wat College to ouileg Garden . ~arove, a-55. , !birana del .Mar salvaged its ~ meet with the. !Jons .. llOwever, Marina swept all ttgee divisions against the .bgooauts, . Highlighl of the two meeta .Wu. a 9:40.8 two-mile by Doo 1 Dtstoo of the Lions - a clOct- 'JDg which liettered h Is Jll!!Vioul belt by 30 aecopdsJ ~'W(ayne A t ·i 1 am.•· of l~tm!nster covered the M) .~ earlytime-ot2:03.0. ~~·s varsity ·star was . •'J;llve Lacy, who negotiated · . , .. , "° 100 1n 10 fiat 1n the chill¥ Sunset Leflfltre·~·cJa.mpions '~tber. He allo turned a ill on the snippy 44> .reJay Newport Harbor mitt ·S~hOOl's ·Varsity wrestling row: John Dye, Kent Hammeras, Chri$' Horpel, · •m which broke the school ti · ed. •• s set Leag e tiile Sieve Laitdrigari. Back row: coach Don.Duffy, Bruce ;=.. with a '4 fiat, •-•·-, · team 'l'eceO y annex we un . u • -~~ -~ F •eft •-t Joh "agila~ Steve Kopan-Martiii, L:umnv Durkin, Bob Curry, Dan Herring, •~II• was joined by Dean rom·, 'u~ row: n ••• • ,. . . " Kaano and the Ventimiglia ski, Mari'o'.. D' Amico, Tom Schick, ~im Cur.rfe. Secon4 coaeh JOe' Fo,x. , ' ·. { · lir!>tbers-J~andTooy. ...::::.:==:.::.:::.::.==::.:.:..:.:.:::.::. _ _:_ __ ~--------"----'-~--"1------- "_;:,t;m Blaine of the Vikinp . ns a triple winner in Bee ····l' ·"'' VwallY ~ (PJ (D I C-•I Mllr .-.· -1.B<>Clcltnd (W,~. ~,_ -' ~ ~~~~~J ·,; 0-im ; : f.'Ml 1. iOii 8--IWMI ;;.· ·-'Mtitdoct::1 lWMl 2. L'-" J 1. 'tlli.tt lEMJ Tlrrlt: Sl:.t, -J.M:..-n•(WMlL R-) .a. CMm rt.In CWMI Time: '.,~ f1 ' -1, Nldlol1 ('~ '!JCl~rick: ~ ri! ~~~ ~:f'J.. lw~t:r.. Vr.i• • 1 t.~~-<Vf:~ ·~~ ':i,Mi =· flu11i.,p (CdM) 3. Ames WM i;,;;: l~f, -1, Nnes (WM) 2. 0 Dt.liillP ~CclM) l. Alhcrtft ICdMi -~= ~Y -1. Wtslmllllter Time: le Rel_,, -1, We!ltmlnsttr Time; . '·-t. k (WM)' 2.HIY (CdM) ~ (m:;~llt~f.\'l· 2. O'Nellt .. "(Cc#o I 3. terrr ICdM) gl•l•na: lf-7. 1"Y -1. B•llW IWM) L Mc:Mel"' {>Mt\) 3. No thin! Hrlohl lU. '!IP -1, Md..IY8hlln {WM\ 2. MtCan-n<!WM) J. S.rfll>IOtl CCdM Dlsi.nc:r: ., ~1. -1-· Vt"" tmuw• c•l ,::, c-11& Ml Miit • !~ -I. Mutter !CdMl 2. · Tosll • 1c4'.MJ l. K1n1i.e (WMI Time: 10.5. .• --1 M~r CdMl 2. Toil! ~ (CllM} 3. K-i.e (WM ·rcme: lJ.7. •-_.660 - l You~ JWMI 2. Hov 'i cWMl ,, ~I'd l Tlmt: 1:27,I •, .t:!llO -1. Be1rd CdM\ 2. Merouerdl • !WM.I 3. Flllmen (WMl lme: :;:'°.3. l:IWI HH -1 Wlllclmen (WM\ 2. ·: H1yw..,.d (CdM\ 3. F1rt1r CCdMI ·;-..,-~: (~1· -1. H•YW•d tCdMj '· Weldr'Tl.n (WM) 3. H ... r11 (WM.I T ..,.; l••RlllY - 1. C-clef~ nm: _!_:3? ... 'H1r11nJe; (CdM) 2 Quiel IWMI J. H1rrls IWMJ Helllht: ~I. U -J. llQNll CdMJ 2. K1111"' !WM) .t. H1rw1nf fCdMI Dl111nce: '?t' -1. WolM CcdMr 2. •omnl!Y c 1 s. s-r, (WM) Mel!lflt: 104. • p -I.Sim Jn CCdM 2. San-!qtMl J. JUlll ( dMJ Dl1t~: .aJ, 11\lter (ffl ~;:JiCDrtM RI M• ~-1. K1v1 WMJ 2. 81rret1 (C#AJ -3. •oze.n tC ll Tlf.t: 10.9. llO -1. 81rrett fCdM 1. P01.ean (CdM) 1 fl1h"1Y fCdM) lrne' 19.7. .. J!L.:: .1 Brau.m.ln IWMl 21 ~::as.lWMI l. Clmllbfi11 fCdM (W 3. Mlchol1 IWMl Tlmt: ~::16.1. l -1. Cla&1c IC!IMI 2. Gletr c Lc~ctMi 3.R~ff~Tcd..i\Y~lml: 15.A RelllY -1. W"tmln1tet" Tlme: MJi -1. Jensen (CllM! 2.No .-Id Olf third. H11fht: $-l. U -1. Fl11terty (CdMI' 2. Wllnams CWM) 3.S.nctvkl (WM) Distance: lf-~ -1. C.1lno ~CdM) 2. Slftllet' (WM) 3. llod1nl (WM Helohl: I ... ·M -1, KIYJ (W ) 2. W!li<fcrchO'n IW~) 3. SweellfY lWM) Dlstlfta!: 3'-f).'I. .. v1n1ix. __ 1r-"". 'fl~1"IM)rv:..~,11. lil'1. "°'" {G L lfl..,.: 10.0. -~entm~!MfiJ• Kll- (M 1. :!_ 1 Jf0/d tG~} i ·.o.~hn ,,ft, . ..,,;,.~· Tl""' a .1 -i c«iG 1<\-1:1 2. Good.ori I s. -~L~>-,GG":''1,~'l~2rmn1 I I. voi* 1Mi'."Time: .t: ... t. >,tt-11• -l. [)1vl1 1ifGl 2. SlddeM (~ J.H~~1n1 IM(...,!=:_1~~.l. 2• 0-IGGl S. Gird_. IGGI. Tlme: l~ lH - 1. LtmmQ.11 IMj >. B~ (GG) 3. Girvan (GG), mt: ,., . .tit ll:ellY -1. Marine (LeC'f', ~ T. Vlllllmklll .. J, Ven!lmlglle). ..... Mlif ~.; -1. G1rden Grov1, Tlrrlll· l •3t 2. MJ • _: i. ChlldJ (Ml ~ Girdner 'i . ,_ \Ml. Helthl! '-1. - 1 Mar 1lo !GGI 2. l•cY I a, L11.ntw IGGlj Dl1l•llC9:: 20-10. -l. O'Ha,. Ml 2. Whffltr (MJ'·S. H1m11 fGGl~ H•llhl: 12.0. If' -1 W 1e¥ 1M) 2. AYet'5 !Ml ,,_ CiiJI....., (Ml. obtance: •'"'· ·-Ill (Ml 1111 Oll'dell G"'" 1. tllllnt IM) 1. ICan.-clc ( Gii1t1boll !Ml". Time: 10.•. - 1 Kii !ftllbld( \GGI >. tMI J. A1mos (M '· Time; 1. H~\ IGGj 2. Hirt Clrroll !GG). 1Tr11: :32.4. -1. llatifn (Ml 2. Val'tftr MMi.w iGGl. TllM: 3:..0.4. P~HHIM) 3~· ~rclGJ~GCf\,.,.% "i:. LH - 1. 811lne jMl t. ht$lt'I' (M ,J. Henllt'ldtz !Ml. !me: 1•.l . Rtl1Y -1. Mtr!M. Time: 1: "J_ F ... Mf" +Ml~Schnl!ffl' 1 ) 3 .JL.M~Ml,.l1e hi: 5-6. t -"T. Blll ... 1 v1ut11n I 3. Ron.v tM . D 1t1llC9:: lf.ll't. -I. NIVI~~) 2" EHllOll f 2. P111t ... ~G • ,. 11-0. y ... -I. M 2. tGGI 1. Cnael Ml. 1st1nai: ,._2YI. Mid. (14 ,,., ,:i,,, ..,.. ..... li"T.J. f!~llt~~lt.6.2. M1lb~ - 1. ~':.1 llo CGGI . 2 .loUlbY CM Blftw I~ T1i:n-1· .. 1 ... I -l. Woia T~ . •-I ~,li!L I · t.:~1119 f 1. r~ IGGjTITl•me: :3'.t. ~ -, ~-IGG~ 2. wa ~ .. .; !: ~"J.~·a~1;i.:n.: ~., ~ 1• 1Ml1M~ ..l:t' (Mr; 1M Sofiw CGGI Hlifhl: Hlr1t1 CM) t. l1n9nnhlll1 '"" ... -"""~..:·~= i'-¥iYlor f. \.l!t.,'V:'llr IMI lflf Flckttl '::'"\', -.. , ·--' t. v .... IGGI Olft111W: •t. - . Pro Basketball ' •• :llf ·"' ·"' . •n . n• ·'" .. l. • '"' ,, . " Miami ......... lndl8NI ICtnluc:ky NltW Yoi'k 11 Green "" " " " " La Quinta High School swept by.__ Huntington Beach's swim team, 61-33, Thursday af- ternoon in a practice meet held in the Aztec pool. "•nl!Y Hunll11111~ 11~ Ull ('1) 1.1 GUi•la Hu1111...,1on 1>lac:e winner• onio, 220 Medlty Aellly -J. L1 Qvln!a . Time: l:Sl.2. 200 Fr• -3. Edcl'r .so Fre. -2. Norrl1 l. Schear :!® ll'llllYld\lat Medley -l. IClnt D!vlnt -l. Tie Coktr and Ftnne11 Poinb: 6J.OO 1ll0 FIV -2. DuAa!I 100 Pr•e -1. Schear l. MorehGU~f 100 Back -l. Norris 4GD Fre. -3. 8rv1n 100 llrNll -2. OuRall , Lightweight Basketball ~00 Free AtlaY -1. l•llin!ln9!011 BHcll {Eddy, SCl'leer, Mor.flou.e. Nor- r\•l Time: 3:4.5 .... . HUfttln11.-... di (11) (ll) l.1 c1111nt1 200 Me<lln A1lalf-1. L1 Q~lm• 21111 Free -l. IC,_ SO Free -2. Hilt .J ayvee loUrl,,,. l4U '· 'ff1) Wtltmk'll"r llHI (19) ;: (0) H1Wley MUlllllY (9) F (2) Dedrkk Thomas (111 C (5) SleWtn1on McGulrt fl! G I~! II•~ Kluneresot« f9l G UI loUM Scorlne 111.1111: M1t11111 -E1rll 7. Wl.'5tmln1ter-Tham111 12, Aoblnsan 1, MC1.eMOn 13, Newhouse 9. H1lfllme score-Westmln1i.tr 21, M.- tllll 26. s ... Clll'rltlllt 1411 IMI T111tln Anderwn (4) F (17) 5weln LomlMlrdl (7) F {91 Peltl•ki Meson (11) C (2) RDCtG Mc'C11lln (1) G (6) Crumley Resdl1n (2) G (l) 8e"r1vllll• SC'Ol'lnt subS• s.n Clemen~ -Al· l1vle :z. 11111"" 1. Entstrom 2, Mcintosh 2. Y1lore 4. T111!1,.._Helm 2, Rooert1 t. McCoy 2, Md(ln!x 1. Tavell 5, Hind· iev 6, corn 3. H11tl111'19 S(Ott: Tu~tin 21. Sen Cir· mente ,._ Hfflltl119loll U•) IHI N-rl C1r1son (1$1 "F (12) Beckett Oeerltton 113) F ' (13) llf•n H1rrell n•1 C (0\ H\!I Moro (0) G (U ) Young w-110) G !1') Kent $C'Crl"' 111.1111• Huntlft91on ee1cfl.-C"e .. Prldclr 2. Htlftlme: NIWI'~ 31, Huntlnvton 77. Sarlno subs• Coste Mn....-McC1rl.I ney 1. Mlt/1111 ·2. l01rt-4!ooe. Halftime $COlfe: Coot• Mew 17, L01r1 17, (OSI• Mtu UJ) Pur«ll !71 Aoklan 171 A~(~l Arthur (11 1 Ntvllle OJ (It) Fountain Y1ll1r F !OJ Mcflrlde F ,~) Hi:-lll!n C C•) H1r1 G Ul Ferr1ro G (OJ Leeds Sl;Olflnt subs: C9'!1 Mesa-German 2, ICllll 2, Mlfllle 2. Fount1ln Y1lllY -Eblen 5, llrown 2. Me1.1 19, Founl1ln Y111llY (ll) 1271 Elllncle Mtftrk!I! (2) F (•) OllOll, T. H"llll (6) F (2) 011011, J . H1rf ft ) C {$) Con~r Ftrriro (7) G 15) Ford Leids ") G (t) Mor•~ Sc:orJng subs: Faunt1in V111ey -Cerrl«e t. E111ncll-Brown 2. Hatftlrne: E1t1nci. 16, Fount•in Y•I· t~y 12. 11111 Fly -2. K~1,1· JOO Free -3. Hell · 100 !lad( -2. Emf,_ 100 8•N1I -l. Ernef$Oll. a Free Relay -I. Ll'Qulnl1 '~ Nuntlft9IOll a .. c11 HU IUJ11.I 0Utnl1 300 MedltY AlltY -1. H11n11nel"" 8NCh !West. 8r1un, ICl/11, HJH) lmt: 2'~2F"ree -2. Roytden '·'Fot so Free -1. Hill Tlmt: !S.6 100 lndlvlduet Mtldlm' ~ I. ll•eun Tl~•~1!'~-~-Aovtd..-i l.Peol 100 Free -I. Hiii 3. Wnl Tlmt: ~·~ 81ck -1. ef1un 2. King Time' '" 50 Breest -2. ICIM , 300,Frfl Aeley -•l . L1 Oitlntl Irish Seek NCAA Berth lnvitatlons bafen't ·gone out eoat• MeS1 (41J 1«1 L01r• yet for 'the NCAA basketball Pura-u !IJ F 11t1 a-ployOffs, bU. t ' NOtre. ·µ.am_ e Roland l'l F !11) ()(>Pelt t ArcMr tllJ c (IJ ,Ha.....ev coach .Johnny Dee is wa11ng Ant1ur 1131 G Ul Am•• in anticipation. N~~n~1 ~ub~: ;"' _ ~;b,~~~~1n1~ HiS: leS:rn }J'rushed aside Man<1e 2. New. York Ufiiveiislty and its H11fllme score: Mew 11, Lwr• 11. • k 98 t.1111n1 •••di !Ml U4J Mlltloll v1110 Tr'lplt overljme nine-game winning strea , - Chambers c211 F CJ6l C•u•ro c...... ••• Mer l»J n11 M1t11Glll 88, Thursday night in a game JlckSCft (211 F CS) ICalwr CoTY ClDJ F (Ol Hartman 1 1 I Tabor 1101 c 101 O'Nt111 Diet.1 161 F {91 Gooman that was not near y so c ose H•rbold 101 G (I) M~er. Sumner (11 c (1) Benne!! as the score indicates. It wa s Sdlmltr (Hl G C:IOl Citro < G o w I onrov <•i < 1 ex er the 900\h basketball vi'ctory 1·n L1gun1 8Hdl scoring ~u~i.---none. cimeron (1) G {6) Gaddl1 Mlulon Vitia scOlflftll •ulll---Mnf. s ""' "-' ' h 68 f th F' hit' g V' I • (!)ting s : ...... ron• -rur • t e years or e 1g n H1tUlme IClll'!: M!sslon e 0 ' Ceswion 2, Mclure l, L"'l1 1. L1911n1 llNcll 33. H8lttlll'll!: cororwi 11, Maunolle 11. Irish. C'""" •1 Mir fft! (MJ Ml1rt0llll 1.-;;;iii;iii;iii;iii;i;ii;;iii;iiiiii;;i;ii;;i;i;i;;;;;;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,;;,, G-rlnby (3) F (9) 8Ucllln1n K111111n 171 F (7) Al(hl1 Holllnder 110) c (OJ Rafferty L1-1o4' U) G {1) A1chnoclll Adams {II) G (HJ Ml,ke SCorlnt 111trs : COlfOl'll -fltr1 ~. Chllcll 1. GoelltJ •· H•lftt..,. 1cor.: COlfOlll del ~r 71, Metrw.11• 16. B ee l' ...... 111 v11i.v l•tJ (311 E1t1nr.ll f:Uls !Ill F (3) Havs Pl115 (tl F (5) Nuen"lln Sdllblill f•l C C7J Ford Gertlef' (10) G (6) Wilson C.,-madl tfl G tll 11.--Sc:orlnil' .,.a: FouM1ln Y•lllv- W1lkl1" 2, Foott f, Menul~ 1. Et- hndt---Sl'lwlnl i. ·~ton '· Htlfllme: Fount1ln V•lltY 2:1, Ei- llncle 20. Cee Cllll MtM 1-......ii OTJ ~Ill F R ..... 121 F AfCfltl' (1$) c ArllM" llll G Nt"tllle (7) G .. ,.._. (It)~ 1111 °""11 111 Htr'YeY ($) Alms UJ Mtlllnt SPECIAL! SAVE ON NEW CAR CHANGEOVERS • B F. GOODPICH or FIRESTONE DELUXE .' 35 00 EA. PLUS FED. EX. TAX l.SSx 15 WHITE WAW 7.35 X 14 FIRESTONE W/W DLX 99 50 PLUS FED. EX. TAX FOR 30°/o DISCOUNT ON GOODYEAR POLYGLAS FOR ALL CARS {FACT BLEMISH) BE 100% .SAFE! A DIG1Jnostlc c .. 1er T11t WID Sllow YM Tllo Exact Coodlttoo of Y-Carl DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less! Witch on your own di1lt whif1 w1 9i¥1 your Cfr I lO vlt1I te1h in So. C1fif.'1 firtt Ford Di19no1ite C1nter. Jucl91 yo11r e1r'• 11f1ty •nd p1rform•nc• for yo11rielf. $995 • • • cowun UNI AYAILAll.I • WIN OVAU -•Wllll PlllMtUM -PO'-YlfTIR ll:ADIAL .... n -... ,.., .u .. Y -CAMPIR IP'laMI ·-a M.&. l lQ Tl:V(I{ TllllS. IANIU.MllfCAlt MASTll CHAl61 '... BERG'S JELTA TIRES 1L17 .. St •• Co1to Mesa· 645-2010 Oc: ....... .., ... ~···--·~~·~·-· ··~······•''-"""'""""- COMPLITI THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HA RBOR BOULE VARD -C OSTI'~ ME SA TELEPHONE: 64.l-Oul u • ' •, '· .. .. ' NEVER BiFolu!·ADVERllSED AT1HESE LOWl>AIR PRICES! Full 4-ply Nygen®~ord (~==~-) General JET-AIR D: •High Quali!y, Brand Naw, ~tory Fresh •Nol Seconds or Blemished Stock • L~loage Duragen> Tread Rubber • •Traction-A'etfon Duel Trea d Design ' ·~-' 2 FOR 2FOR 2FOR $ lor COllPACI' C11S ptus $1.19 Ffd. Ex. Tax"eech. site 6.50 x 13 tubeSess bllckwall $ '· : ( ; Use General's ,, Convenient AUTO·CHAAGE Plln • no IDOMJ down • motllhl·lo PV ' ' ' $ ' lorllO-. plus $2.31;, $2A6 Fed. ElL -r..- eacll, -·&25•!4~ .. -Mldaotall . ._,.. __ _ Add $3 MCb for wbltw.ila Olfler .,_ 81 pair ale prbs COAST AVERY ·GENERAL GENERAL TIRE TIRE SERVICE ' 585 'W. 19tti .St. 16941 leach llvd. 540-5710 C0$'9 . .Mesa ... 646-5033 Htcj. leach -847-5850 • • , • • • • • • • ,, • • • • • • • • • • I I • • • I rrld&1, f""""7 21, 1969 0 DAll.Y "LOT U ' l ' ' . A C om·p/e te .f uit/e. Weekend Highlights .·WINTER 'FKS'l'IVAL-1.agm>a BeachJ s· tiqldlng Hs Wlntu Festival , • i • • -• lhri>uih Mar. 2 ln various~ cl the 'city. A craft.I show la on · the grourids cl·the FOllival cl Arll·and a play Oii lt'!ie al the Playhouse, , • 1 • • there wlll be a parade, a surflnc contest, flower show and 1everal gour· met cfumers among the 35 events ICbeduled •. ' .. . i. , TENNIS TOURN~. -...J1v• pxmbera ol the Davis Cup Team will compete Jn the 18th annual· Balboa Bay ClubfTennil Tournament,. Sat., Feb. 22, beginning'. at t :a.m. and Sun;; Feb. zs; startlng at IO a.in. at the Bly Club, 1221 West ~.~way, NewJ>O!!'Beach. "11ie fanious Davis CUp also wW be on dlsplay'.c!Uring the touniam""t. •••• < • • • ·, ~ · ,.ilJPKEME·CONct:RT-Iliana Ross and"l'lle Supremes wW be giv· '.taJ· a-concert :a:~ Ute. ~e~· C:Onv~Uon Cent~. ~t., Feb. 22, at 1:30 Jf.tq. -~~onnm, .wWJ them WUJ be (Ji'an,e C}>\mty vocalis( and former 'member ot, the Jliil>teoos Brothers, •Bill Medley, and the Watts 103rd Street· Rh111m>:~ HOLLYWOOD BACK ,S1.'AG'£ ·rr. , ' , ~ -' ' . ~-.~ : ,W/i ,ere , I 1 ' · 't:o. 'g·o ' , ••• • r TV Star Andy Griffith HOBIE ALTER 'CATS IT UP' FOR LAGUNA'S WINTER FESTIVAL SURFING EVENTS l M o~ilig:· Back · w Mov ies Pr.ime Minister i By~~·. 'im:whit I think, ~ithey can.take my Joins Hip pies i A~.J'~•'*: advice-Gr-not, al tbty.wilb." Tbere ·bad ·· • ' HO!LYWOOl>.-"l'.tlliol«"""'7 grown been nPoru lhal Andy might .. tum for 'l.T.• • . H mJ l ; man should wort; II iusl»ia' nalw'al an~ vlell lo •Kaybmy,'.bul :be J.}f>Wlllg a e ! not to." So says Andy Gr1lfilh, and lest doubted iL ' ~ Y · · ._he get the reputatim ·fOrrtil!dng lazy, be "'"'11Mre· ould ha' 'to. be ' tftttY · ' ' · .. , · ~. 1 [ came bacl<ud•Jeflsloil ..,. nighlctbli , . • " . It . ••, . .. a . ,--,,.. .. LONDON <AP.) r • Prime Mmist" l week. • · · , 1 · · · · · good,RUOD frr ,ttbe said. .. Un!'-i ~ Harold~Wilson 1l'higlied with shaggy blp- J • Eight yeaia · the ~ fl. "The ~ · ~ Ulea was siuenre I think it woilld pies: aDd svelte' sociallles in a former G ill.th Sbo " be .:i---1 ou· th · k· ' • · ' • · locomotive shed this week to watch a r 'Un w, this~.,.,.... bi! ebwee be a Dllltake. After all youd have Ken "revolutionary" production of "Hamiel"· ly ra g race season w e e ~a,s and me together -two stn.tght men -· The ·crJUcs thOugh-t· the .... ""ormance was · 1 r;tlll ahead of the game. Bu~ it wasn t and bow would we get ... ., 1 ......... ,_ • ., 1 but --•• th ,...lutl. ; allergy to work that made him quit the --ir..: ~ -v ,:........,T . · irea1 liAN e revo on wu a 1 Wow that was still one of televls.ion't His nelt. wignment ii ~with fl.zde. , winners ~ Knotts Jh another Uil.lftraal film, Director Tony Richardson, who made ; "It w~ strictly an arbltrar::y decision "Me and My. Shadow,', a~t a pair of. t~ movie "The Charge of the Llgbl on may part," said Andy "I just<fiaur-West ·Virginians heading , ~ the Brigad~," staged the ~year-old drama ~ , , ed tt was time to quit ·~ dutiJll the depreadoo. inside London 's strangest theater -an ' and tcy 11o"'1eildng else.. 9riffith mates no aecret that-he 1en. echoing hippie night club and "hap-~ Heck, I enjOyed doln' 'joys working with Knotts, but he dosen't pening" center at the North London ~1 that show~ But ,eJght think they should be the Abbott .an~ freight yards. The idea was to free years Wlll..:itrJOUgh.,'' · .~ ~ ol the jet age:· "l. ·~ 1 P'°" the actors from the tradJtional stage A major reason :for tcre together now and then would be th:at~aparates them· from the audJence his decikicin was ,.~ -~.·but I .don~t thint_~e. lhould ·make 1· and bring in youthful spectatol'I at prices yen to go into feature ha~tt of , it: ·:-e . mi&ht get on e.acb tbey .could afford. movies again -he had ~' nerves.. The youths "paid 30 cents but socialites an earlier career in and the prime minister paid •12 each. ~ such · filnia: as "No. . Drama cri~s, whom Richardson calls ! "" ••• ;, " Time For Sergants," 'Hoo'ne 'Kef!Irns UJX'ejudiced eunuchs," bad to pay for j "A Fa<e ln the Q<owd and"-iime , , t • . thelr•aeala but pnised the production• i Around." Univers.al came~ ~iqt ~ Home r lo Hawaii .~ ~~~.William.wn as powerful t sweet deal for his own rtarTtnc .tHms. , ...... ~wu.r"""'e ;. the first of which is being telea!Elrllbw; . They said, however, that the play , It's called "Angel in My Pockel" · . · Richard Boone has contpleted ·his wu unadventurous and the radical set· . Grif(ith also Is committed to CBS for staning role as Kirk Douglu' father' lit · ' tbig gave the same results as an ordinm:J \occasional specials, and be was on · th.ii Ella Kazan's motiOD picture production theater, except that some of the dialogue ~ week with buddies Don .JCMtts.aod Ten-of ''The Arrangement" for Warner Bro1-couldn't be be~ in the: vast sp~. . · The Lc:lndon Tunes called Williamson, l nessee Ernie Ford. I found the trio re-Seven Ans and bas ~retumed to hiJ home the 36-yeh-old virtuoso of "Inadmissible hearsing in a catering hall near the CBS ta Hawaii. The Technicolor film also Evidence," Britain's finest actor under • st'udios, and that's when Andy made his stars Faye Dunawq and Debcrab Kerr. 40 years of age. JOYCE BLAKESLEE , ROY FITIERER 'READY PARADE AWARDS • •• ,. ;Big Winter. ' 'Fete Opens .~t Laguna . ' By JACK CBAPPELL Oflllthlll' ........... .>.. the Laguna Beach Sixth Amrual Winter FesUval gets under way today, hundreds of, volqoteer workers If* atill busily' putting the' fmiahing touches on the many city-wide events planned through March I. . More than 35 events are planned for the ten day period. 7 Sponsored by the Cham'ber of com. merce, the Winter Festival features art and craft shows, sports events on land and sea, the Patriot's Day parade, four separate gourmet dinntn, a tr1veJ mm festival and many other ezhlblts and open houses. Festivities will be under the regal direction of winter FesUval Queen Chris. ty Mikels, II, daughtu ol Mr. ind Mrs, Robert D. Mikels, of High Drive, Laguna Beach. Christy I~ a senior at Laguna Beach High SchoOI and is that school's homecoming queen for 1989, a good atu- dent, and a membel"' of the school'• track team. Activities beginning today include the opening day sidewalk art show and rece~ tion tea at the Chamber of Commerte office, 280 Park Ave., a nighUy performance of "Pblladelphla, Here I Come" at the Laguna Playhouae the world premiere of a new ballet bJ the Civic Ballet next Saturday and; A daily Craftsmen's Fair sponsored by the Craft Guild al the · Fesll•al of · Art. grounds, a Lawn Bowllng 'Touma- ment Tuesday, a wine tasting .H111on et the Hotel Laguna Sunday, Catamaran Racing off the Main Beach nest s.tur .. dly, and; . A QJedal boclmtqe low\ 8alunfay · el the Pageant of the , Masters of the Festival 'of Art., a. Flea Markel Man:b 2, a Luau Wednesday and a 'usSA Western SurfJng' Divislon Contest Satlir- day, March 1. More than 5,000 persons are expected to attend the FesUvaJ, said Mrs. Betty Myers, Festival General chairman. Over 500 personi from 'all the city's clubs and organl:&ations have worked to make the Festiyal an all community endeavor, she iaid. . The Winter Festival gives people of Laguna Beach a chance to get together and pr esent the events and eay thank you to the thousands of visitors who come to the cltr in the winter, Mrs. &!yen said. Printed programs with lull acheclulea are available at the Chamber of eom. .mmu, and from Laguna B e a c b aiercbants. 1 remark abeut working. ·· • . , "I haveb't '.been doln' a· thing for a r--':'--;.o,..,....,;,------------~---------------------------------, r few montba, ,4'1d it'• been drivin'. me ~crazy," he remarked. "We were sup- . posed to (lo thi!: special last fall, but ~then the !"lusician~· strlke made us post· Choirboy's Face Of f sets Video Off-c olor Jokes pone unW now. I'm tellln ' you, I'm , pleased to be worldn'." , Still, he has no regrets about leaving ' the weekly grlpd. And he's delighted ~that his su~ •. "Mayberry RFD," ,'.starring Ken Berry, bu continued high ··tn the ratings. · lb "I knew 'Mayberry' woukl be a hit," t e remarked. •'It's in good bands." He retains"•· connection with..aow ~acttng as .adTisei on scripts ....:. ~;tell ! ' . . --.. "·~. The Orange County Philharmoni< Society will present Spain's Rafael • Fruhbeck De llUl'flOI ~ the Los Anseles , Plillharmoaic Orchestra on Sat., ·March I. Set ' story on Page 22. * World 'l'rlvr.I. Gulde to Faa oc Phlfllarmoolc Live nea1tr Chaplin • Alpert 0.t 'N' Aboat Mme-z.n--· TV Vien TtlevldQI I r.,.a , P•ll· P ... 11 r.pa PqeD ,__t p ... ,.... Pqe17 Pqe17 ' • Pa1e %7 Pitt %7 -. ~' '. ~ i INTERMISSION Rep~rtory 'B~~W .~o School' y TOM Tl'nJS Of ""' Dlllr l'Mlf .,_., The . ,attnoe!J1iert •\ . ll!>Ulh Coast Re~'• Tblrd Step Tbtater, where one ol the company'•' lnOst. lmportant producllons ia belDg readlell r.£ opening a week tram tolll&bt, csn belt be.descrlb-- ed u eJec:trie. ' "11'1 'lfke the earl¥ da!'I, whpl the theater 'w111 new '11wr uCti shoW Was a reallf bll.. eraH•" lilarlln Benaon reflects. ·''&vtryone in the co~ is excited about this one. ' as vice Vi!na. In a way we're teaching them. It becomes an eduCatiooal ex· pe~-" ' - BENSON · N<rrES that teday's yoong peopie1wfren•t!bom when Miller wrote hla clossl~ s1ory o/ the tragic WWy Loman. 'H1s goal, as he sees it, ill to show that the play is just as relevant now as it was: two decades . ago 1n its comments on the fabric of American Ille. 'l1l ' , the SCR version will not be ' ' tect;" except in the area of writing out anachronisms whJch would a~ ,pe ; clumsy today. Neither will the eopipanf utilllt a favorjte efied, mind idodla 'or proJOctlni alldes over the 'a<· 'tbi, IUCl\ U WU done in "King Ubu" tnd'"AmeriCa, Hurrah.'' "The beilJty of this show Is the play ltseU," Benl(Jl declareJ. "It is I bellltiful piece of writlng and it offers a wealth ol lmlpt Joto the -.. <OOdltlon. ''Thell t6o, it ii particularly an Amerlcu Ilu,'deallng with all the goaLt 1rt1've been taught UWI country bl all about The lndl'1dual man llnlQllng to · llnd bla own place Ill the world ~·· ... .....,1 and excillng .. al\}'lbing ~ft ''' ... 'Benion,' w~ has directed some of .SCRta ..,.I tmpresaive produatiool ("The Glw Menag"le," "The Caret.IJ. J!r" ''A.S~ Named Deltre"), con--ildJ..' "Iii.....,," bij gre1lesl challenge bOtb dramaUcally end technlcaJly. ·~t calls for Ugbllng wtrumem:. we don 't even have yet," be notes. THUS, EVERYONE-from eucuttve director DaYid 'Emmel on down to the newest apprentice bas become involved in the show, more so; Benson ~ds, than with "Ill' other production. ni, cut la a balanced blend cl old tlmen andl-newcomera, beaded by Jack Davis u WUly Loman. Davia la probably the COIJ)(>:IDY'I most accompliMecl actor, with qedlts_.as "Macbeth" and "Othello" along . •Jlh' nearly a ICOl'e ol others for sea Over .Jts first four years. Willle'• 1'111 IUllertng wile, Linda , Is played_ b1 '& new actress, Marnie Oberbeck, wlille fan>War faces Clement Davidson and James' Baxu are, cast Ill the two IODI,· BJff and Happy. RbD Bouuom, a moet versaUle y,... act«, la cul u the Arnold Stanglab Bernard, will\ I nwnber ol newer peraoonel lllllng the minor rolea. For a the1ttt =thal llarted virtually at the top,, recopiRd .. the county'• flaell after • handM of plays, "DeaU( of Salesman" bas lollc' seemed an inevitable produclloo. II bu been i pol1'1 of Sooth Coast Repertory to petfomt lite a pr-1 theatu while r~ lta "1m1Ltur" status . The lios>o cl BenlOO • and everyooe else ~-"1th the company la that "~" D1lY help to alter tbal laltu deJl&nailon. 4iou. YWOOD (UPI) -The generailon gap is clearly etched on a televllk>n show which bas an edition for tlddlel and one for adults. The dally "Hollywood· Square.s'' seriu ls a tic-tac-toe game with a panel of nine performers annrerin& a aeries of q-and frequently replytng "1th double en~ Olten their ripostes are off.color. But the ahow bu a Jute followlng and the cho~boy race cl. muter cl ceremonies Peter Marshall belPI the Heatter mid Quliley Producllon Company gel'o/I thO boot. The paoe11111 ·..,, Buddy Hactelt, C1ill Anjuelle, -Marie, Wal\Y Col, Mony Amaterdam, Abby Daltoo and others wbo come and go, playlog the pmo when JIJlu llllo, thelr.IOblduleo. On Saturday mornlnp, however, the show atones fer ill mature gap and becomes i"lbe ~t Squares'' for the lllndplle and bulldq block aet. Peter (lhe -) )oJanball 11111 Is "';' Wlllchell Hi! ooe Of his dtJmmles join the paoeJ, aJmg with _, celebrtlles. · But the llouble -. the eyelrow· arching ......,., and Iee<a are 1oot" -.er the ldddlel at heme ... lhl nine puellall -ln lloty--bl\000' Peter Pan, Ullle Be ~· Sin-boll, lloUir Hubbard, Caplalo -. Othen -hlllorlcal ljpm: .... ll'rlWln, Collnnbttl. Youthlttl ......... ara llCIDCO fut:looled "' the --... mb!lm!ne!IJ -led"' the~ --· "'Ille q\IOsllool .. Saturday ... •• cblld . ori,nted." Monball ""'"1wl. "and the .COllleallllu ""tldlo . ' • -------~-------~-~- • ' ... Diana and The Supremes Diana Ro ss and Th~ Supremes, probably one of the nation's number one fe- male vocal groups, will appear in concert at 8:30 tomorrow night in the Ana· heim Convention Center. Supporting acts are Bill Medley and the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band. DeBurgos Baton Here March 1 'J'he Orange County Philharmooic Society w 111 bring a touch of Spain to the Orange Coast on Saturday, .;_March 1 when Rafael .... Fruhbect De Burgos, spa.m's ; • most important conductor, ap-'>': pears with the Los &ig.les . :.r Philharmonic Orchestra. t ~ Savoring more of ' Spanish · i£ art.i.Bt.ry will be the presence ft" of Joaquin Achucarro, coo- ~~ sidered to be one of Spain's if· finest ywng planlsb, u guest ~. :.. sol~ist. ~ The 8:30 p.m. cooetrt will ~be beJd In U.CJ'1 Crawford ~: Hall' (formerly 1f4mpois Hall). 2~ The ·program will include 3: Symphony No. 25 in G minor, ~: by Mozart ; Rhapsody on a ~· Theme of Paganin, by ~. Rachmaninoff; with Achucar- ~ ro as piano ioloist; and The ~ Three-Cornered Hat Ballel by i::: Manuel de· Falla, Spain's JOAQUIN ACHUCARRO Piano Soloist, Mir. 1 left the University of Madrid and decided to dedicate himself to music. After one year of studying at the Madrid ~ famous composer. Conservatoire he won Spain's Tickets, at $4.00, are on sale three most important prize!. at the Orange C o u n 1 y In 1959 he won the Interna- Pbilhannonic Society office, lional Piano C on c e r t o .. 201 West Coast Highway, Competition I n Liverpool, ;. , Newport Beach, ~. phone Engl8nd, and as a result made -• MUU,1. Student ti~ a r e his debut : in Loodon at the Live Theater "Jut Betweea Us" A one-woman show of five scenes from books and plays depicting various feminine emotions Is on stage Fri.-Sun. at 8:30 p.m. through Mar. 2, at Open End Theater, 2815 Villa Way, Newport Beach. Reservatlorui -675-1120. "Waiting for Godot" Robert Hlvnoi"s "The Tick- lish Acrobat," is playing Feb. 21 • 22 and 26 and March 2, in the UCI Studio. 'Thea ter, 760l Irvine Ave., Irvine. Reserva- tions -833-6617. "Pldl8delpbla Here I Come" An enchanting Irish comedy will be on stage at the Laguna PiayhoUle, 311 Ocean Ave., Lagtma Beach, Wed through Satul'day's closing Mar. 8. Reservations -494-8061 "'I\e Nlg!lt of January 161.b" A courtroom drama, which In· volves members of the audi- ence as jurors, will run Thurs. t h r o u g h Satur- day, closing on Mar. 1, at the Mission Viejo High school little theater. Reservations -1-337· 11210 "Barefoot In lbe Park" A comedy about newlywed life in a wa1k-up apartment will be on stage at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave· nlda Cabrlllo, San Clemente, Thurs. through Sat. cloolng Mar. 8. Reservations -1-4ft. OleS. ;· Royal Festival Hall with the i · $1 .75. London Symphony Orchestra. "Picnic" •.· Rafael Fruhbeck, born 35 Since theo be has appeared A romantic drama of mid-years ago in Burgos, Spain , with the major British and western Ille will open at ·the of German parents, is making European orchestras in Italy, Muckenthaler Center, 119 his first American appearance France, Scandinavia, England Buena Vista Drive, Fullerton. with 1be ph i I ad el p b i a and South Africa. He has j ust Feb. 21 to run through Mar. 8, 1 com pleted his sixth highly suc· Fri. and Sat. nights. Reserva-l Orchestra, the Los Ange es cessful South American l!?tJr. tions -1·525-8039 *: Pbilharlnonic and the Chicago---~-------------- Symphony. In 1959 he bacame musical diredor of lhe Bilbao Sym· : phony Orchestra -t b e youngest conductor in Spain. " Three years later he was in- .• vited , to be musical directpr ' ' • ·. ·-. . . ' • ' • t of the NeUonal Orchestra In :Madrid, I post· whlcb be still . holds although he spends a : great deal o! ti.me as guest conductor of Eurape's leading orchestras. Outside Spain he has served as guest conductor with the London Symphony, the New Philhannonla ol London and the London Philharmonic. the ·NaUonal Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Conservatotre ,l (° :·in Paris, the Vi e nna !. · Philharmonic, N a t l on a I I Orchestra of Belginm, Radio I l Stoctbolm, the S t u t t g a rt t Orcliestra. 'Mle T o n b a 11 e 1 ~ Qrcbestra ol. Zurich, and the 1 ~ Orchestra of the Colon ill f. Buenos Alrts to name a few. J ~ Amoog hil fClti vRI ap- !• pearancu.bave been those o[ Lucerne, Bordeau , Uegea, Gralloda ond Sanlander. He bu lilo toured widely with j !i_ tho Nollooll Orchestu ol '. Madrid aad wu awarded the . n•chard sir.au.. Prise by the / ·:, Ch, ol llunlc.b. the l1nt given DAILY l"ILOT 11111 l"IWI• Entrancing ~ to an orCbestralt conductor. \·. ··-.... --•• petitiqo willaer Jooquln ' AclloioJn '!• ~ Ill Bilbao, JohD Haggard attempts to hypnotize Astrid Amendt ln tbls scene from "The Ticklish Acro bat," th e cur· rent production of the Irvine Repertory Theater on the UC Irvine campus. .l Sj>a1n. Al the ... " 17 "" Gulde to Furi Charlie's Festiv~ls to · Tennis .on Tap ' ; OLl .Place · .. FEBRUARY ll·MAllClt S LAGUNA WINTER FESTIVAL ~ llcn than 11 mall - scheclu!ed for the llJth IMl!ll futlvfl, Feb. ll·Mar .2 lncl1wt1nc iportlna events, art. aboft. a ttavtl Olm ftltlyal, & (QJ, I h&au. flower lbow and ll"Ult'I bill. A«hhl..., to many al the event. ..., trOe, othen ba•e a ~· poo1ed. Pllooe IM-1011 lor lurther llllOl'llllllcll. ' J'DllUARY IUJ DATE FE8T!VAL -The 23rd BMual Dale FesUvat in Indio will run throulh Feb. U 11 the f..Uval """"'11. ~it.s induda a gem and miDerlJ lbow', nne arts and pholography, domestic; arll, Dcrlculturo and a Junior Fair and llvesloct show. Dally enlerlainmeot presentaUoos ue a NaUonal Horae Show, oatrich raca, camel races and an Arabian Nights musical extravag11111. Gl'OUDdl admla&lon Uckets, $1.2$ for adul1s; children &-12, 25 cenla, tots under 8, free. FEBRUARY JS-II TENNJB TOURNAMENT -Five memben al the Dovla C\Jp team will be amoog the portlclpants in the lllh limuoJ 811- boa Bay Club lnvftatlonll Tennla Toomameot be1o1 played al the club Feb. :rH3. 'Ille Dlvla Olp Team manbetl who will ploy are Arthur Albe, Chuck Pll&ftll, Bob Lutz, Stan Smith and Captain Donald lltll. 'Ille Divis eup will be Cl! dilplay durln& the tounwnenl whlcb fl IChedu1ed to 111¢ at I a.m. on Feb. n, and 10 a.m. for tbe f1na1I on Feb. 23. ~ " T!cteta are 13 per day. 'Ille Balboa Bay Chlb Is located at 1221-West Cout llllbway, Newpcrt Beach. Phcme 54Hlll. l'EBRUARY II SUPREMES CONCERT -Diana Roll and the SupHma plus Bill "!edley and the Walil IO!rd Sl Rhythm Band will perform in concert at the Anlbe1m CoovenUon Center on Sat, Feb. 21 al l :!O p.m. T!cteta, IUO to 11.110. Phone I~. FEBRUARY 11 MUSIC FESTIVAL - A fund ra111ni muaic festlval will be held in the Oranc• Cout CoUqe aulllt«imn, Sat., Feb. 11 · at I p.m. All lunc!J railed will go toww be1plng the OC Phll- harmoolc Society brinl more chlldrell't.-to the U<L The fesUval wW blend profealonal and ltudfint muaid•"' oflerinl a bll ol opera, piano and vfolin llO!os, Madriill Bingera and a jw band. All performen ""' dcmatlng theJr time and taleata to the beoe!lt. Tlcteil, $1.10 for aduHa and It. for ltudenta may be purdlUed at the dcMr. Orallp Cout College is located 11 2'1111 Fairview Road, CollA Melll. l'EBRUARY II • II SAMMY DA VIS JR. -Harry Jam,. and hil orchellta will join Sammy Davis .Jr. in Concert at ldelodyland Theatre, Feb. 21 and U. Vocalfll.s Joannie O'Brien and Sonny Poyne will be heard ol.so at all lour per!Ol'llllllCU; 7 and 10 p.m. Travel • . i.·: Sat. and I and l:Jt p.m. Sun. Tickets, 13.i\O to 16.50. ,_ 1-776-7480. FBllRUARY ZZ OCC L\IU'J'BAl,L -°'-Cout College vs CballtY. SaL, Feb. II, lo the Orqe Coast College gymnasium,'11t! Patnle" Road, CollA M .. a. Gome Ume, I p.m. FEllRUARY II-APRIL f BORIE RACES -'1'borouPbnid hone racing at Santa Anita Part, 28$ W. Huntington Dr., Artadla. First Post time Tuel. throuih Sat , U:!O p.m. Phone 1-(2t3) 447-2171. Sat., Feb. II, flJJllO San Antonio. FEBRUARY 15 UCI BASKETBALL -UC Irvine V3. San Diego State, Tues .. Feb. 25 and Tahoe Paradia Fri., Feb. 21 al 1:15 p.m. in Crawford Hall at UCI, 7801 Irvine Ave., Irvine. . FEBRUARY JI.MARCH I FELICIANO CONCDT -Julius Wec:bter and the Baja Marlmbl Band will join Feliciano as special 1uest stars at Mekldyland 1beatre Feb. 2'-Mar. J. Performances at 1:30 p.m. Wed. through Fri.; 7 and 10 p.m., Sal, and 5 and 1:30 p.m. on Sun. Tlcteta, 13.50 to IUt. Phone 1-~7!80. FEBRUARY°Z7 NOON CONCERT -Le Conservatoire Immedit.e : i.nstru· mental worka by Mozart, Telemann and Strauss. Sara Hud· dlutoo, violin ; David Passage, horn; Nan Daley, flute ; Marlene I.ff, Carol Seldlltz: and Jell Ev&n!, piano. At noon Feb. 27, in room 171 of the Flne Arts Building at UC!, 7601 ~e Ave., lrVine. No admls8ion charge. MARCH I 0C PRIUIARMONIC CONCERT -The Orange County Phil· harmonic Society will bring a touch al Spain to thelr next concert on Mar. l, in Crawford Hall at UCI at 1:30 p.m. The Los Angeles Pbllbarmonic Orchestra will be under the d1rectlon of Rafael Fnthbect Ile Burg06 wlth Joaquin Achu- carro, piano soloist Tickets at $4.00 for adult.s, $1.75 for ahJ.. dentl, are on sale at the Pbilbannonic office, 201 West Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Pbooe -Ii COUNTRY MUSIC -Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins will be beard in concert on Mar. 1 at the Anaheim ConvenUon . Center at 1:30 p.m. Alao appearing on the shoW are June carter, Carl Pertlnl, Carter Family and the StaUer Broth- en. Tickets, $3. to $5. available from boz: office or United Calif. Dant branches. Phone, l.QS-5000. MARCH!· I BUUDY HACKE'IT SHOW -Comedian Buddy Hackett will be on stage at Melodyland Theatre Mar. 7, I and 9 with special 1Uest star, jazz pianist Ramsey Lewis and his trio. Performances 1:30 p.m. Fri.; 7 and 10 p.m. Sat., and S and 8:30·p.m. on Sun. Ticketa, $3.50 to $8.50 available at the box office. Phone 1·776-7460. A__Shrihe " .. . . i ,, :..~.'!C!7. lllUMl(loo ...:. The L<i< ....,. .cwtunl Herllqe Bolrd hu made the ancient Charlie Chaplin Studios an historic-cultural monument in honor of the man who made "The Little Tran1p" a cin- ematic immortal 50 years ago. The city fathers may find it necessary to declare the studio a double historic-cul· tural monument in another 50 years thanks to the brilliance of its present occupant-musi· cian Herb Alpert. Alpert is as musically in-- geniout as was Chaplin a comedian. The youthful trumpelt.r has converted the musty sound stages into what may be the mo.!t modern, sophisticated recording studios in history. Young men in their 20s an d 30s sit behind consoles filled with dial!, buttom, switches and tape equipment making new sounds. THE REmJLT at A & lo.{ R e co r d s is revolutionizing eight-tract stereo recording. The end product of. an Alpert recording is better than a front row seat at a concert. Alpert's contributions to mu- sic would be enough were they; limited to sound techniques. But his Tijuana Brass and Its soaring popularity 1s as significant as bi8 studio inno- vations. :P.,taybe more so. Herb and The Brass have cut 11 albums. All were gold records before they went on sale based on advance orders by distrib- utors. In his comfortable, taste· fully decorated office.s jn Chaplin's old studio, Alpert is th e antithesis of his music. For Some Dollars, Try Jamaica Where It i! bold, challenging and revolutionary, Herb is quiet, introverted and se nsi· tive. He is unable to talk about him.sell comfortably. Alpert appears equally ill at ease oo camera for his tele vis- ion specials, the1 second of which , "1'1le Beat of the Brasa," was recenUy revived. By STAN DELAPLANE OCHO RIOS, JAMAICA -The J>OBh north shore thing like a camp resort; But' French cooking and hotels here •run about,flO a day for two -11modi· French wines. Asked why he was consi der- ably less bold personally than his music, Alpert -a hand· some, quiet -guy-groped for words. fled American plan. '~l (That means you pay for * lunch, another $10. W!\O's got all this money?) "What kind of clothing for 1 111an going to To· If ):ou want true elegance, there's Frenchman's hitl?" Cove at·~l650 a week per couple. And you must stay I never wore anything but sandals, shirt and at least two weeks during this high .••~son. _(It was khaki pants or shorts, day or nigbL Try to get "My born Is an extension of my being," be said haltingly. "I want to sing through the trumpet rather than play a brass instrument. There's a difference. It's my way of ex· pressing myself. ~-~or two weeks. But everything s g<nng up, short-sleeve sh!N with two pockets instead of one. isn t it·) . . You're always runnlrtg out of pockets in the tropics. For this you get a cottage. Your own maid and The khaki shorts buUt like German Iederhosen-~utler prepare breakfast and lay out proper cloth-four poclretl Jn front and two Jn back-are good. mg for rubbing elbows with ~ rich. (Pnlper cloth· They'd be better if they were made Jn lighter lDg. shou1d have leptber e1bow pads for there are weight and 4'wash and wear" fabrics. "About being free and easy on TV, I'm just a musi cian who made some recordings. I'm not an entertainer. I'm not particularly nervous on cam- era. I'm only being myseU." 66 rich guests . The stalf nms 200.) Dinners at the Great House are gourmet af-* fairs washed down by'Vintage wines. And if you're In the winter rainy season, you need a sweater. bored with the company, one of their four chefs will I saw it rain 15 inches a day for three days, and come over and prepare a spec ia1 dinner in your that puts a chill on things, even in the tropics. own kitchen. ! * There are modest a!s. modestly priced guest ~;:;1.1,1 it be easy for • visitor to mMt Tahitian ALPERT DOESN'T know a key light from a flishlight. Neither is he aware of his "good side" or upstaging. houses and little inns around Montego Bay. But how to find them without coming down and making a You mean meet Tahiti girls? Well , this is a day's search and shopping trip? Maybe that is ex· small island. And everybody knows you're here as But when he put! that tnun· pet to his lips he creates a new world of sound. He is the first Instrumentalist to reach the ape:r of his craft and si· multaneoosly become a major star with the public. acUy the way to do it. soon as you get off the plane. Quiitn's Tahitian Hut * and such Papeete night . spots are pure Somerset "A1 a single girl in •••rch of a warm .summer Maugham Jn Tahiti ··rock time. Loads of wahines. vocation, what would you think of tho Club Modi· .. terr•nte at Ta .. ftl--or f.s it just for coupln or older people?" On' the contrary, the whole idea of Club Medi· terr~ was for young singles. Besides the Medi- terranean retrorts, they have two places in the South Pacific and a ski resort in the California Sierra Nevada. * The all-inclusive price ($500 plus) is a good buy. The Club is on the Island of Moorea, across the channel from Tahiti, one of the most beautiful in the South Pacific. Now it's no Hilton-this is some- OPEN SUNDAY BE CONFIDENT ABOUT YOUR INCOME TAX Stand "" for Y""I' -......... lot 11.0CIC help you fin6 all you• legitimate cltductions Giid ·9t.e you every poaJWe tax odwulaQt. Our tervic:9 II qvtclr., convenient and In· IOTll i HDllAL-All~ STATI , COSTA MISA. 1175 Horllor llwl., 642"'40 NEWPORT l l ACH, 410 W. Coqt Hwy., 642.)142 CORONA dol MAit 24U E. Cooat Hwy., 6754H2 W9" hrt t e .... t ,_ .. : hr., Sn. t ..... I ,,.. NO APPOINTMlNT NECESS~A~R:!_Y_!!!!!!!!!!!~ SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection n! Tropical Fl.sh & Supplies in the area. New J Lec.tlo111 Sii W. WllSO•, COITA M•SA {eff 1"1trvlr# ltd., S.7M 171-G, ltlWF"11dt Dr. -NIWPOrt hath (btfllnd 1"-,._, OfflCI) ~ ' iiiiiiiiii *NewP;Ort Harbor Cruise* Daily Cruite-2 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Each Hour -12 to 4 hNy H-mH to Mh1"'9 Cnihe Aro11114 tM World's flNlt Y•llt H•rkr. Fun Zone Boat Co.-Balboa-673-0240 LOOK AT THESE ACCOMPLISHMENTS ----IN LESS THAN 3 YEARS! Over 200 Restaurants buy their produce from us, (They demand th• b•stl. Over l ,000 retail cu1tomer1 com• in our 1fote every w•ek. IThey deme~d th• be1tl . ''Everybody" comal to us when th•y want the unusual in produce or flowen. They know we 90 io the market every day et 3 a.rn. So we hive the freshest pro· due• ind flowers in tewnl CMMlff, amecem,..1 MONIY SAVIN• COUPONS . ......... , ......... , ........ ~ • o•~NIC GROWN • TASTY HAAS • ~ Prk• In y .. ,. • • JUICY AVOCADOS NAYll. • LIMONS • • ORANGES • : se.... : I l'u. : sell. : LIMIT~ Ltl. -• LIMIT-6 • LIMIT-11 LIS. • • WITH nt1a couPON I w1TH TH11 couroN • wmt TH11 corc>N • ~········ ................... . COUPONS IXl'lll PlllUAIY 261ti The1e fine re1taur1nis wnl not ''cUt the quality,'' ihat'• why they demand the fina1tl Th1t'1 why they ·feature NIWPOIT PRODUCI exclu1iv1ly. Petroni1a' them I Th RIYhnr, lece MIM', T91fft Pren. Costa Maia end Newport: Odin, VIiiot• .... HOW AIOUT YOU CAWNG US? -,-HO-NI-: -NEWPORT 673-1715 PRODUCE °"• C.-tr'• '••felt .....,... ,,_uce Ortenlntton 2616 Nowpon llwl. ..... , .. _ ' I ' • . . , ' • ' • • , , ' ' • • - • -..... , __ a:u:x= s s : ;ca %$ I • • OUT 'N' ~BQU.T .,. ' NORM STMNIMY ORANGE COUNTY'S REST A URA NT, NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Jax Roast Beef If you like your roast 'beef or hickory ham sand· wiches western style, there's certainly plenty of op- portunity to ride tall in tJie saddle around the5e here parts now, pardner. Grand opening celebrations are in the works this week for three Orange County locations of Jax Roast Beef -a maverick operation if ever there was one since it originated in the eastern provinces before heading our way with their western style food. C.M. FIRST The Costa Mesa J ax at 310 E: l?lh St. 'was the firs t of this national chain to open west of Missouri. Two and three have just joined the fa st-growing California family at 820 N, Euclid Ave., Anaheim and 12151 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove. • And three more are due soon in Fullerton, Stan- ton and Brea. Talk about the population e:zplosion and Ila fallout. · · The real growth of Jax, of course, bas to be measured in terms of product and service. It excels in bo4h as attested by the unqualified public ac- ceptance of the Costa Mesa spot. " Tb."e coupling of quick service with a small but select menu is further enhanced by attractive build .. lngs and quality offerings. Prices are a big plus too. STACKED HIGH Their mainstay roast beef and hickory-smoked ham sandwiches go for 69 cents. Stacked high with prime meat, they're respectively served on toasted sesame seed and rye buns. Tasty garnish is p~ vided. in the form of barbecue or mild horseradish sauce and Dusseldorf mustard. An order of Fl'<flcb fries is tabbed at 20 cents and the special Jax shake costs 30 cent!:. Other bev- erages are cola, orange drink, root beer and coffee. NOW OPEN IN NEWPORT'S NEWEST HIGH RISE LOOKING DOWN ON THE BAY FEATURING SEA FOOD AND LIVE MAINE LOBSTER LUNCH -DINNER SUNDAY BRUNCH ACROSS !!ROM THE ARCHES AND NEXT DOOR TO VILLA NOVA 642.4291 . Threes Compa11J P~ua~ •Saperbll!ll~ ••• • "GNU talent bJmd ••• • "Best new grvaplD ,__. Enllrfainme:nt llDil a. ¢ C =~(~~!'£' 1-.. GRAND HOTEL 'lroa' Stlll another good feature Is the availability of both Inside dining facilities and take-out service, Owned by General Foods Coro., more than 70 coast to coast restaurants are now open under the management of Ian Ferguson, national director of operations, · In the east, Jax is lrancblsed from an Indian- apolis headquarters. With the single exception of a San Diego Ju lrancbiSed to Hal Holmes, all Cali- fornia tm.its are company owned and operated. Fine Food on Film Don't be surprised if the Five Crowns i,n Corona de! Mar !urns up next as the background setting for a major Hollywood epic. It would be a Jogical move considering the lights, camera, action flurry they've just experienced there. It all got under way when Orange Coast College chose the restaurant as the locale for a teaching film entitled. "Fine Dining Service." Actors, crew and equipment moved in for pro- duction of the film that relates the full range of fine restaurant $ervice. Enacted was every point from being greeted at the foyer desk by managing direc- tor John Ondyke, through completion of a seven course meal. LUCKY COUPLES Two starring couples were first offered. dry sack sherry as an aperitif along with escargots. Crab Veronique followed, served witit Havemeyer Res- porler Goldroepfcben. ·· A respite preceding the E nglish bee!e chop entree -served with vegetable accompaniments - consisted of Hildick's applejack brandy poured over lemon ice. Louis Martini's cabemet sauvignon was served BALBOA BAY FRONT DINING STEAKS -SEAFOOD -RACK OF LAMB ... c:--..... l'laoo ..,, w..i .• s... la& .... ... M4ll\o .... ,.,.., OPEN OAILY 11 :30 •.m. to 2:00 •.m. THE MARINE RESTAURANT * Excellent Menu · * Fine Service LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS from .I I 130 A.M. R.eserv•tions recommended 644-1700, Ext. 445 MUSIC FOii. YOUll. LISTENING. AND DANCING PllASUlf NIGHTLY, Fii.OM 1:00 P.M. IN 'J'BE UDO IAJVNGE • with the entree. A bibb.let!uce salad lollowed in the French manner. · Cherries Jubilee fiamed, at tableside was ao- companl!'d by Lancer·~· crackling rose. ~Ing off this magnll!cent feast,• .. the likes' of w most struigling actors probabiy have never .seen, was steaming cappuccino and .cotlee. ' CHEF .GINO . Five Crowns' executive chef Gino Loring, serv- ing In what would have been a technical or advis- ory capecity by Hollywood sl'andards, supervised the entire repast. And be managed to get In the act loo by'being on band to cb!l'krthe guests' pleasure. John Vincenz!, Instructor In Orange Coast's hotel and restaurant managejnent department, di· reeled. the 8mm color film which wtll be used in the food service classes. ' ' . TRY TD DECIDE • Once ,.ated, the tanllllblllg process of, eatre'e oeiectloo gala under way with 211 poulbWtlel tllai can be oJ'dered Oil the ·{Ull dinner or • la c.rta. Prlce range on lbe, latter e.-1 1r!lm $1.11 throuch· $4.95, with dinner boostlni every -U· acU7 '1.for a tab rudl of $2.95 to ts.15. ·~· ~·· DlnDera lueludo caldo del dla en ..pera 'cim- of IOllp or Iha da.Y>. ensa1ada "AieJan4nl'1", -_., cborim, radls¥a. tostaditu, oil and wino vinegar, and sprlnlled with Romano. ca-, pre. paI9d at,.Your table : an entite with rice, vea:etable, refried beans, tortillas, tostaditas, aherbet) coltee, tea or milk. . - A la carta lncludes'rice, refried beans, tortlllas and toot1ldltas. CHOICE_OF TWO With all prices qU()(ed al the dinner tale, leod- off entree numeivuno Is po pourri Mexicano (Ma!- can combination) wblcb offers a choice of two Items between ch~ese enchilada, taco, chile relleno, tamale or gordita for f.l.95. Taking the location into account, the film , created by and for the college, may have m~y ad- ditiotlal uses featuring restaurant minagement and / service in,its finl!st tradition. ,, . ' ~ejandro's For thole wbose knowledge o! l\l'exlcan food !iJlgers at the eleml!lltary level of tacos and tamales. it's. almost lite attaining a PhD in the subject to partake of dinner at recent1y~pened Alejandro's in Con>11a de! Mar. And even diners with long-standing credentials in the, crad)!llte scllool of Mexican cuisine wll1 pick up extra!credits at this excellent new establishment. Immediately after entering the decorative wooden. doors there's a feeling of having walked into a posh restaurant on Mexico City's Paseo De La Refonna. Ornaments, soft lights and dark panel· ing ccimplete the wann and inviting Latin American atmosphere. · · ' GALBA- "Vincas, non vincas, amomu.s" "Win or lose, tot lovt you" You'll win when you decLtne to dine at Villa Roma and we'll both lose if you don't Let us show you 01&r lotlt bv choosing us to givi you the greaU1t meat vou'w: ever eaten. Tf'Y w nert time and gou'U agree! -65 delectab~ ~trees and IH'rc opn from 4 p.m. dailg. Closed Tutsdaus. _ VILLA ROMA 445 N .... N...,.,. lhrr!·• Ntwpt<t -· 646-492' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~®.~. .~~~ • • • • • • •• • • CONTINENTAL CUISINE : CARIBE ROOM NIGHTLY NOW APPEARING • • • JOHNNY VANELLI: AND THE . JACK LAWRENCE TRIO • • • • . ntert1 nment, D•n~rtg, Ll1t1nlng • • MONDAY THRU SATUIUQY 536.1421 • • 2TT12 OCEAN AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Continuing at random, there's enchlladas po1, lito o came, tortilla saute' in butter, chlle sauce, lilled with your choice of chicken or shredded -· rolled an.cl covered with cbfie sauce, '3.25; &teat plcado "Sonora," steak cubed, aaute' with c:mions, bell peppers, green.cltiles, tomatoes, garlic and r9d wine, $3.50. And, calabacltas rellena1, zucchini opllt and stufleil with seuoned shredded beef, jack ch-e and rancher& sauce, $2.95; puerco en chile verde, pork cooked In Mexican green tomatoes, cre- chiles and light pinch ot garlic, '3.25; chicken molo "Poblano," chicken saute' in one of Mexico'• fay.. ortte sauces, $3.~i paella "Valenciana,'' $4.15. De la parri1la (from the broiler) Alejandro'• of. fers aucb dellcaclea as carne asada adobada, bu~ . Continued on P• 24 OPBI TO PUBlK FOR ' FAB(lf.O(IS ..... " .......... __ , Complote Gourmet lluffot D- WIDNUDAYS s5 na HOM 6 TO 11 PM PllSON Po. ·•••••Y.ATKIJI• CAU. OMJ ....... . IUll 09-' .......,, .......... DANCING~ ••••• •••••• OR LISTINING TONY LOBO TRIO Nl5Hn Y HOM l :JO P.M • CLOSID MONDAY ~Tuff s~IR[ RESTAURANT 2241 W. Coast Hilliwar N..,,,,,,1 Bn<h (7U! U6-~0S7 :···········~·····~·\ • • Dining· With an Ocean View swooo~ 1mw AND GOURMET emw : * FROM $~95 * • I • , . • ' Entertqinment and Dancing Nightly : . p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ..... ~· • • • AY M PIANO aoal PERGRIM 8:30 to I :30 1.m. Friday • Saturday • Sunday SPENCER STEAK Soup or S.l1d Choice of Pot1to , .......... . $175 . ,,_ . ! PftVllalDI ! : Tim lislDrlc hvillmi : . ..... . • • • WITH • ! BARBA 1RAh·KONTOS ! • s;n9;n9 YOllR Son91 F.;d•y ••d S•lurd•y N;9hh •• • • •• dinner with the most spectaalllll' harbor '""' In • • Newport .. from 5,00 each evenllil. .• : IAN9Un FACILITIES 6.7l.CUJ : . . ..... ~ . : *'here \fie ,..,. Oil Sfal'fe. . ' : BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI IJ .. 2111 J17 OCUN Aft. HUNTtN•TON hACH OYlltlOOKING THf PACIFIC OCEAN AT THE PIEl ·DON ·JOSE' I Hayd;nc:;;;;y ·Trio HAYDEN C.t.USEY. CHARLES MURCHISON JOSEPHINE COURREGES l"f.r-r+, with TM D•C.1tr• Sill1n I • • •. SINCE 1905 e • liiflif Im• ll'llrl tiiDSM.I. • ENCHILADA & TACO •.....••• $1.30 -. e COCKTAILS e • Lootfort.!t" t.edCuJ>?la I CHIU REl.LENO·ENCHlLADA ; • $1.45 •. ' (we're · under it) _ . ........., •1• rw:., ...,.., .. ,.,,. • •• litt .... • 11 iot ,_., -DAI Lr -6:00 ..,.. • t:M p.-. '---------------···················· ·-'°'-J_E_. -Ad_•_m•-(-•l_MO_v_no_l_l•-1 H-u-nt_ ... _•c-h-96_2_.79_1_1 _. ,, ' ~ .... SPECIAL-TUREEN-DINNERS MON•TJWRS . 5 TO Ii PM MON... H•M H•c•• wtth fH•h LIM• l•en1 TUIS. Kosh.; Short Rfl" with fr"h ••t• ... ~1.. ' wa .. Stowff O.ic•ott PorhtfM••• . --eo. .... 1..i • C.bbot• ....., ..... ... a.IH & • Du::1...,. ff ..... •Cltll6 2.95 SUNDAY ltlUNCH FROM 11:00 A.M, 2121 E. Coast Highway Corona .4el Mar 673-1111 I f ' ' ' I I , , I • a • • • .. • • .. . . . . . • Rtserv•tlon1: .f9US74 e lUHCHEOH e DINNER e WMOAY SJ!UNCtt e LATE SU,l"Ellt 0 UT ·'N ABOUT CIHlNG ,T reot yourselves to. , c tlnuod !rem Pa~ ~s. . ... te'ray top sirloin, se~ with strlpo o!•1reen cllilts; • peeled tomatoeJ and 1uacamole, '4.11; polllto aaado "parllla," half bl'Olled clddl:• aarved wllh .auaca- mole and niild nnchera sauce, f'.95; turf aild surf top sirloin and lobster tall, <lraWil ·butter, ~ .. 95. OTH ER SI LECTIONS Patrons can also 111ue lncllyidlJAI sQectlona from a large •ariety' of appetlun, salads, soups. pastu, egg dishes; d~serta and ~etaC~· And , of. course, chile ana be811f or•cblle cm -. Located' at Slit E. COut Hlgljway In' Corona del Mar, Alejandro's 11 open .dally for diMer in.a t p.m. to midnight and cocktalls unW 2 a.m. AU the favorite mixed drinks an4 beers north or south of the border are available. The exceptional semce and blll of fare here ~an be altributed to the Veteran experience of a top management duo. They are Alejandro l\faytorena, the widely-known "Alex'' u•ociated with "Perino'• in Los Angeles for 26 years, and Ray. Oliphant, president of the Wooden Sl!oe ·Restaurants. . AB~E-CHEF ABEL · Head chef Ab el ~taDa Is a 'direct "lmi?ort" from Guadalajara, wboie' he · obviOW1ly mastered' bis art with muabo ~icclon. certalnJy' there'll be no questioning• the iutl>llitlcity of Ilia creations .. · Give a' mighty saiudo 'Oft every score for this fine addlti°" .to .&!\Ith l:oas\ dining. -, -. Marvelous · Mi~ tM~· She's a young Korean entertainer, talented, RMEU ftlt6TAUMNT Continental Cuisine Cock ta Iii . . I ' beauteous and delicate. Unfold her vocal and piano . a!tlJ\l'Y in old world ' French surroundings _and a uniOue aura cbita:e• the atmo•phere. it's happening six nlcbts each week -Monday through Saturday, I p.m. to 1:30 a.m. -as th~ electrifying M11a Young Mee performs at Jacques Eiiropean Restaurant, 12272 Harbor Blvd., ~arden Grove. A DOLL One would ~e bard put to &o anywhere and turn up a more atunnlnCIY attractive vlrtu010 of song and teyboanl than Mi1a Mee. She has style, delivery and depth that takes bold of listeners and dosen'~ lei go. -Scarcely a stranger to show busine&s, her en- tire We's tralninr and backgr.ound has been devoted to the medium. To many there'll be ·immediate recognition· for her past stint with Ille f311lous Kim Sisters act. . . The daughter of a well-kno!n musical f~y in Korea, Miss Mee's ef!lrance-1nto the profession was virtually dictated by heritage. Her father was ~)lrofe11or,at the Seoul School of Music. Belpre coining to this country, she attair;ied dis- tlhction as a J>OPw~r tel~vision star in her native labd. Multi-lingual as well as ·wented, she sings in four languages -French, ·English, Xorean and · -!•pline1e. . Don1t miss this Oriental pianist..thrush. And bet- ter get under way to Jacques' early to beat the crowd" already packing in nightly.. . ".AIJo, watch for an upcoming Oiit 'N' About re- Re.I ~ Cantonese food ••f hire or t1k• home. STAG CHDISE WINO ORlolo :1-9560 YOU'LL E"/JOY OUR MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY 12 .P,M. TO 4 P.M. !FM~ Strlllng 'Luncheon and Dinner l(onclaJI lhrOUQh S~IUtdaJI: DON'T READ ·THIS fine Dining Si1.1ce 1965 3801 f.Asr ~ HIGttWAY CoRONA Df.L MAR, CALIFORNIA . PHON~: (7i1) 675:\374 Closed Sundays . Open for Private Partiu Onzv We •r• loci1ted n•xt to the Mi1y Co. in South Co11t Pl1u. JJ:&J s. ...... e.... .... 54 .. :&141 UNLESS YOU'llE FED UP WITH Bl.ARING SOUNDS a WANT MATURI MOOD MUSIC · Da.ncl"I To· THE ODD COUPLE TINY a BRUCE PLUS ---'- UN .ROSE SOHITltUS IXTlUlOtlDINARY JSliewa '.......,. Pr l -Jtll» Petite Fllet or Steak A Lo•ater ·c-~ C~mplele Dinner MoL liiru Sil. · $3.95 18582 leach at Slis · . Huntlr1flon Beach !Town & Country) 962-6666 • t~ • delightful evening of music and the hilarious comedy antics of ~s Pos&ds Ron a· Jess "THE NEW TWO" At the Reulion ·e. Lee, Newport Beach Mondays through Saturdays Beginning Feb. 24 9.;)Q p.m. to I :00 a.m. Wlolls Quaeamole ! Enjoy enticing enchiladas .. :tantalizing tacos ... robust relleno .•. tasty tamales •.• and other authentic South·of-the-Border specialties, served amid the colorful atmosphere of old Mex- ico. Delight ful wine cocktails and beer, too. Even if you're not FAMILY RESTAURANT 2200 Hori-Blvd., Costa Mesa · ~ (K Mort Cantor) 642°1174 LUNCH SPECIAL 95¢ FAMILY STEAK HOUSES HUNTINIHbH HACH I COSTA MESA TOWN & COUNTllY t IEH~~~C!,"E~Cs:~~:f10N llSD ..a eM. NWf!I •n-1m R. 1m & lflllll ""' . Thinlc of high cliffs overlooking the Pac!ftc -of be autiful · French plden1 .and Soldan beaches. Think of Victor Hugo Inn-an unforgettable aetti:ns for dlninJ plouures. CUI Dzl•• at Cout Hlahw11 1Apu ~-41f.H77 · _ ... L1'rr.dt-., JJb!ln, Cocktli!t A~Jl•lo11ron1 view of th.ls restaurant's menu items mastermind- ed by owner Jacques Prud' Homne. ' W ashiiigton's Birthday You don't even have to bring your own hatchet, they'll cut it for you. Free cherry pie, that Is._ com- pliments of Mr. Steak to observe the ~th amuvers- ary of the birth ot our nation's foundmg·father. Yes in honor of Georie Washington's Birthday, theny 'pie will be on the h o u s e for every dinner seived this weekend -today . through Sunday, Feb. 23 -by the ~enUy streamlined Mr. Steak.operation at 2267 Fairview, Costa Mesa. What wiUt all the irmovations in management and policy that have given this restaurant such a satisfactory "new look", the bonus pie shouldn't be the only reason for dropping in if you haven't as yet. FAMILY RESTAURAN T . Mr. Steak is now one of the area's. finest plac~s to take the family anytime. But this weekell!1 s "extra"· adds the final inducement for those who ve delayed the iniJial visit . If there's a large number of youngsters ~ feed the special children's menu is bollnd to ~ade it ea~y on dad's pocketbook. And the cherry pie ~ffer will makE it seem like standing on the other side of the Potomac and catching George's silver dollar. Further. it should be the ideal way to top oll any of their USDA choice cornfed, aged steaks, hon ey-dip fried chicken, New .Engl81J.d. clam fry, veal parmesan or Italian Hoag1e sandwich. Cont inu41d on Page 2.5 Vina Harmer Trio Mond•y thru Saturday Dick Powell Trio ALL YOU CAN 'EAT $111 Dinner Special 5-8 P.M. MON. TUES. Roast Sirloin of S.ef Spa ghetti & Mtof Bolls WED. Enchilodo1 y Frijol•• THU Baked Hom n' Yom1 • <bef 3r restmtmtt •rhtol I t th• Son DI••• F, ...... ,. Sovth Ccial'I Plaza, Cotta Mno PRESENTS SPIC'fL SIZZLIR BROCHETTE -oo iiit .. lier '1J9 -IOLL _, lllTTU ................... . IN THE DRIFTWOOD LOUNGE Ke n Cervi Trio an aficionado of Mexican cui- sine, you 're sure to like our Norte America.no f;avorites. Have lunch or dinner at Amigos .•• the West's most beautiful Mexican restauranls. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK . . • . . . S 1.39 NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1 .59 Fri.-Sat.-Sun. -ED JOINER, s1•G". ,.,. ... , ... Lunches ltom 9SC Dinrers s1.so to SJ.sr Pronto Tike·Home food, too. l11clvtl11 lo lro~ or French FrW '•ttl1•1, ltoU I l11Her. CHILIUN'S romoN Va PUCI I u .... 12 ,_.., MAO MONIAY NISHT TOii MMILY N .. Hf . . s TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Only 1 ot h1d11d11 h lrM ., fro11cli Friff P1t1to•1, lloU a '""''· CHILDUtn POltnON V. "tel fu..r 12 Y.-sl ---LuncHOn Specials---. 11 :00 A.M. TO 5.oo P .M. ROAST IEIF' or HAM SANDWICH 79c ......... ...... ,,... ....................... . s.-1 .. s-.. -TO GO ORDERS -• • Fri.-Sat. Sat.·Only Sun.-Only · -CATHY cARnR, " ........ , •• '"''"' -PAUL PETER TRIO -LINDA LEIGH·YOCALIST · ·IN THE VELVET KNIGHT ROO M TUU.-SU NDAT-t P.M.-1:)1 A.M. DANCING TO THE SILER BROS· Evffy Sundoy Night Weekly Winning Couple DANCE CONTEST Receives $25 and becomes Ellgible for Gnnd Final Award of $250 , ... _ .... w .. 1teM .. Lo.,.,.. 1045 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 675-0200 . . ... ·-· ·.· .. . ' ' . _ .. _: ... • ~· .. .. - ·. -: • . . • .. .. .. • -· • - JACQUES' EUROPEAN RESTAURANT ,,.,_., J~ T"-etli • ..._... ......... , .................. ..... " l!MTl!ltTAllONG MHiHTLY, MOftC...Y THltU llt.TUlt~Y, t '~· It 1:30 AM. MISS' YOUNG MEE l'l.AHIST -'IOC4LIST , LUHCH-M9a. ..... f'tl. OllOU!lt_,.._ .. 11 1.M.4 f.lll. TIMln.,. J .. -..1t ... "" ~ S.I., I ,,M.•11 '·"'·l SW., 1 ,_ ... 11 , ... COC:ICTAIL LOUNO• 11 1.m.-J ""'-Ctctit1ll, 1t11tr U (II.Ill. •t ..._ 1Mn ,.._.,_ tf Sund•Y• Only St•rflftl F•llrvl'lly n .-t P.M.-2 A.M. r T.V. •nd Recording Stir JOHNNY PIOPHn ·12272 HARBOR BLVD., GARDEN GROVE ,,,_ ci..pm1" • ~ ' 'RES. 6~6 4400 1 ENTERT~INMENT IN :THE · LOUNG,E FEATURING HENRY llAllNA TUIS, TftlU SAT. , PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST lunches from 11 :lO Daily exC•P.t Sunday Dinner from -4:30 Ni9htly ENTERTAINMENT Nig~tly exc•p+ Su'nday TONY FLORES His Songs ind Guitar ,2607 W. C_, Hlgliway -Newport -646-4201 Pit=. No Jie .. ~6oo!geWDU!dn'tlmadlopjal dawn that cheny free if he'd heard 1hls offer: FREE CHERRY PIE Frasll bllcecl.-.et. tat ... 11111 pafect« •••a•b ,....,a,..m,;,11111 flllm oor'811ed mem. Hmea place, flae, aJI' gift lo ,.:lll 11111111 Jllll llaJ dnw. fllDIY,WW-m.Y \EIE OPEN EVEiitDllY ----t1MITOIPll 2267 Folrvlew INIUBUllL SEISIN ,;.''MISIC CEITEJ IPEU llJl IN ·CllJINCTlll 1111 Sii flllCllCI IPEU I.Ill ., . K&irtktrwt ................. lilllE HllllCI l·H· 11 HlllUllll·ll PEIFlllAICEI . " NIY« before hn Los Anptel llwd such• atrf/f of lntem1Uonal Arttsb! UT. llMCll 1r1N•f11LllllClll J,I,. Shlllfd, •r1n; ..._, ...,....... C: l'li.M "'·--1:1:.::.:wu.-...... ~~· Teal · ' \ . () UT· N JX B 0 ' :W.EEKENDER Contiilued fnlm P ... 24 'lghland Fling ' TenJionT PresaurtT WoniesT Discard them, tho easy w.ay. . Always with It Bob Burns_ Restaurant In FuJ>. ion Island, Newport, Center, now prOYldea an Ideal repneve from the -· of mxl~rldden dllys. It's their 1'Attltude Adjuatment Houri_," an in- tertude ~ from S to e p.m., Monday lhrou&h Saturd~y. And the -of it all, Jiids and lullea, .. a mighty fasldonable libation known· as the 'lgh. land Fling, Just what, ye aslc, be a 'lghland Fling! Well, ~ Burns describes it so: "a ,Fashion Island drink designed. to etisfy those witli a wee bit of Scolt115b bigblancl blood." . DON'T HAVE TO BE· A SCOT . Perhaps that's only partially true becaUJO Scotchmen aren't going to be the only breed .who'll. take full measure of Its ilpplng reluaUon, not to mention ver-r-ry thrifty value. Actually, the drink iJ any double made from standard well merchandise, served up for the tidy sum of $1.19. In addition to the bonnie savings made possible by the asking price, II'• served In a 1tyllsb- ly handsome and especlally crested Bob BurnJ 'lgbiand Fling glass. !io doubt the Altitude bas been adjUJted when all unbibera start balling the merry muse• of Caledoma. Chinese Restaurant 1HE ., .. HOUSE . fa of HYUN Tall• lt ... 111111 ~ A-i111 Chin- , Buffet Luncheon Tt1•1.•Fri. -ll021JO I'·"'· "' Sunday · Brunch $1.85 \Tif TO PLACE YOUR AD IN OUT 'N ABOUT New Lunch Menu • • ' When lllYlhlnr good iJ doubled !hf ml muJt can only be !wice the pleasure. Such wm ~ be borne out If you haven't enjoyed llllCliloy dlnlnl at Chez Cary In Onmge recently, ' . ' ' . • . I , • I Thal always de luxe estab!Wunent ~~Jaat fn. creasect•lti tunch-bill of fare ii~ 11Jb1. The mJllN. now 11'11 more than 60 iep'aiate ltenu ranging 1tbioutJi. i:bid·' buffet' selection~, -: lac.rte en trees, ~1 1epieurean. sandwiChes and . full~'. meals ····· · .clJ 1. TbrollcJI It 1 all, an. lndlW!ual ClJOcl . ell\ nm. from n ,!Dr a light lunch. of 'salad and 'the Cha'• fresh {llread 11' fl, for lo biter belle.-v,J!•, : , . 11f c .~llcallir SUNDAY FEI. 2:i-:.7:3D $J.OO A•.-~.50 1t DMt CAL S'rATE FU,LERTON Tltl1M1 • mN ~,..... .. light, wit & Visuals "'~n.. ...... .. ar•a...,,.~ --s.MJ, liWcll z COCICTAIU NOW SllYID IN ~ NORM STANlEY 642-4321 Miss Young .ltlee the Dragon Den 410 llOADWAY LAGUNA I~ 4M-ttl0 Jacques European Restaurant on Harbor Blvd., in Garden Grove, is presenting Young Mee, planlst- voc-.Ust, M011day tbruugh Saturtlay from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Formerly one of the Kim Sisters act, Mils Kee, a young Korean, is · full of ·<harm, talent and .VALUABLE COUPON ''Wliere · It's Hap~ning!" . • I 571 S. MAIK, OaANGll Lmt 1 :SC-3"5 (a.d_,, beauty. . HOWARD'S RESTAURANT OPEN · 24 HOURS. 4001 W. CMlt H~., Newport Beach IREAKFAST , ANYTIME WE ARE SELECTING FROM OJ)R REGULAR DINNER MENU THE-FIVE MOST POPULAR ENTREES AS SPECIALS, ONE EACH NIGHT, FROM MONDA 'J'. THRU FR I DAY' FROM 5 P.M. TO 9 P.M. THUi IXCll.UHT VALUES WILi. IUN · . -UAaY AND MAICH · MONDAY ••• Flavor Crisp FRIED CHICKEN .. 1.85 . ' TUISDAT ••• Old Fashioned BEEF STEW , . , . , 1.45 , 1 ~ WIDNllDAY ••• U.S. Choice Top Sirloin. STEAK .. 2.85;, THUltlDAY ... .. Choice ROAST BEEF, au jus .... 2.25 flJDAT' •••. . . I Local FISH of the wee k , , , . , , 1.95 Colee ot. SoAUo ~ : ~ta to -Roll A ¥Alim OF CHILDUN'S l'\ATU AT $1.20 the V• FEATURED DINNERS 1 COQ AU VIN ................................ ·:a.75 VEAL CUTLETS . . 4.50 ·,RiME Rias oF iiiF .. ~·~·:::::: ~ 4.fs· Seafood Treasure ·chest .... _,l0.00 MANY ADDITIONAL lllTlllil~ I All ""-I ........... ..,.,,..., ........ Wll...W.. chlke et ,.ntt • ric~""ff, SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL c;::::::s =--····--·--··-··-· .. ·-· $271 .. ' 1045 Bayside Dr. 675-0200 Newport Beach C ..... 1MltllflLly t' ' 1llL1. MARTINl'oc:oc.KTAIL LOUNQE, ' ~-~ 1JO L 17 .. , ' COITA .MllA Billingsley's Bill M.,tlnl Pr.~nta , THE ... BOSTON. TEA-PARTY BILLIARD ROOM LADIES WELCOME GOLDEN BULL RESTAURANf STEAKS .:... PRIME RIB -SEAFOOD -cot KT AllS S 1hoWs nlghtly Wed;· Sot. 11 9,30 Sun. from 7 p.m. JOHNNY SMITH and tha ALPH4iEilCALS. DANCING In th• Garci.n Room J111t off tho Soni• An1 F,_oy ot El Toro Rd. -Phone UG-0440 ' I -, STEREO SENS4l't0NI Tiie coWrfaf"•and of _ ~ Orange Co...ty ,. ... 1c -.. Jam . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ' ' I • From 'Fashlon Island, Newport Beach ' -· --------- • '' " • • • ' ' '' I , i' /, I • • • ' ' " • ' ' .. • • • ' " ' • . • ' ' M .._, "'"°' r.,.,,, ,..., :n. """' , Your Weekend .Guide to Movies ' . (lllllfor'• Nol<: 'r A fr ....W Qllidc la pr<pertd bf < Jilma commfitee of ffarbof' CoarncH PT A. Nra. Robtrl Sornuett U prerl- d...i and Mn. Hon SW<IMJ/ ii committee chairman. lt ii t.tended GI O rtf~tfla .. cktmnlnJng ••itobl• '""" for certahl o g • groMpr and u1fU apptar 10t1kl11. Yowr Nw• are 1ollcited. Mail t""" lo M°' vie Giddt', ca.re o/ tM DAILY PILOT.) and brlnp bemt . I prosllblle 1e1emblinc bee. Tiie Strao(e Allllr: A naive young constable ... Ille London polJce fon:e Is draw lato lbe fr1111Np o1.-· dru( jlealen In 1 Brlt!Jb melodroma tllat empha!lzel oex • aod udlltlc cruelty. Stan Mlcbael York Ind Jtl'Ollly Kemp. Rooaaary'1 llll>y: (SMA) Blendlnc ol borror.fantuy aod everyday ...utr. in 'Which girl tries to aave her baby from lmpendlog deviltry, wttll .Mia Farrow, MarW1I who bWlt. vlg)Wttu who tried to lynch him. Hol MUllGM: Peter Uatlnov, u ID in&enloul embeuler pro. .....,. computer ol large com- puy Into grtndlng o u I , .. ymento to his llOl>Ulstlnl computes, then ezlts to Brull. His lovin& wilt, Mll(-Ble Smltll, SJ>l'in&s a low lloan- clal surprisa ol her own In tllls btlgbt, aly comedy satin. aooct will, find ao antidote. FAMILY Azo!md IM W.mt la • DIJll: 'Advent-laxlmer wagon be CID circle die earth In II dlJl1 in 11111 dellPtfui clas&lc, a D d ~ meets adventure, mllhap and obstacle. D•vid Niven, Cal> llnfial, and Shirley M*cl•ine. Doctor Dolltlle: l!ncbant1n1 e1.cunion for all ages into !lie lantuy world of Dr. Doll> lie wbo prefen to "°"" munlcate w l t b four.footed animals rather tllu I b c Clllldtetl'1 Fllm FttUval: A IOlW of flve allort storlts fer children willcl> bu won twenty major ~ lnterna~ rum 1warda: • * * * The Idler lmmtdiotelv a./ier the title indfcatt1 tM rating otvn the picture bV tht Motims Picture Codt. T4• Motion Ij<ture COO. And Rottng Program mov be fouM on the mottori' picture page. U•ULAI PllCU "'CAMELOT"" ~ .. ''PAPER. LION" --- • • * ADULTS MA'l\JRE TEENS A N D T•e Im•bl• Ye111 (GI: David Niven Stan as a professor of poycbology wbo IP'<laJlses in peoblems of adolescence and cllscoven the confusion teenagers can tnnlct even on the r:oost enlightened parents. bumao lllod, 'Wilb' tune1u11t---------~n ne Grodaale: Comic satire of a coafuled )'OWll man who bttab out of Ille maleriallstlc world ol his eldon • and becomea involved with a neurotic -played by Anoe Bancroft. She becomes vtndlctl.. when be falls in 1 ... witll her daughter. ADULTS TM -(M): Kirk Douglas in eonvin clng portrayal ol aecond-generation Manoso, tender with bill fami· ly 'blit capable ol Ille most brutal ·9iolence In Ille lloe of "duty." In dramatic upomire of the old and new worlds ol !lie MaOa. , . Tile Wmtliic Crow: Dean Mart.in as 1 super..gleutb in this "!'.•It Helm comedy. TEENS AND ADULTS Romeo and J•lt·et : ~np and 1UperlaUve cut. Stan Ru lllrrllon. : ' · """~ M'llh-1lre: ~ muilCal ~·about I b e -· , Pbuideipbia mllliooaiie, Anlboey V..nl Biddle, ud bis _,,,Uonal family. • • Swlu Family JIGl/j....,: .THI MOTION PICTUH CODI AND IATIN~ PROGRAM n1 Motlo" Pldvrt Codi tnd R.tl119 Ailml11i1tr1tio11 1ppli•• th1 foll-1119 r1tin,1 ft flll'll1 tll1trlbvt1d In the U.S.A. Pie· t1i1res reftd G, M or R q1i1tlify I pt•~k M•rg•r•t Cowles "JUST. 'BHWEEN US" htry Fri., Sit, I Sun. Tiii M1rcli 2 ""*"" ,. ... """' " ... OFllet er N--1 5191-.,.. 2115 Villi W1y Ntwport 111\:h 675-1120 ..,,. -· Hillllloos aod -lam aboul bu-bee!I ~ aod mliquet.a ..,. Delllltall: A sus~ drama obout .. lntenlallOOll jewel thief -(Mlcbael Caine) who enlists a husband-wl.fe team (Eric Portman and Giovanna Ralll) to help him. Wbile liv· Ing luxuriously in Spain, an intricate story of larceny and love unlolds, leadinc to the destructloo of all u.r... Shakespeare's clisalc becomes vividly new with splendor, ex· cltement and staging ol !lie young lover's tragedy, uoder Zeffirelli'• fresh casting and direc'Uon. Leonard Wblting and Olivia Husser,. Walt Dlsney'a 1p1rtted tale of a family sbl~ on a deseJ1td island Is tallor-made for the entln family. Stan John Mills, Dorothy McGuire. for tht Cod• S•el. ~ 11'==========='11 countant who over-capitalize a Broadll'IJI Oop. Zero Moote! atan. Seem eer.m.y: Mia Far· row and Eliubetb Taylor portray a couple of sickies in lhll bliorre film in which an orphaned beirea refuses to believe her mother Is dead 81:111 •Em lllgh: CUnt Eastwood is the D e p u t )' Wllat'• So Bad A.boat Feel· ia1 Good?: In this satirical farce, a viral infection carried by a toucan invades New York spreading a sense of well· being, until vested interests, tbrealed by !lie prevailing Wllb SIJc Yeo Gel Egrolf : Warm aod witlY comedy in which !lie marriage ol a widow with three sons and a widower with 8 daughter leads to troubles galore before they finally become ooe fami- ly, Comic Zero Now Laughing Up Screen ror Embusy Pictures release, '"Mle Producers" was filmed entirely in New Yock and ~ stars Gene Wilder, Estelle Wiiiwood and Diet Shawn as Pichr•• r•t•cl X do not r1c•l1ro 0 s •• 1. Tho r1tin91 •pply to plch1rtl rtl1t1•d 1ft1r Nov•m· Mr I, 1961. Picf1i1ro1 r•lo•11cl b•for1 th•t d1t• tr• cl11crib- H OJ pr1vio1i11ly I ~ oncl/or SMAJ. fil-S1i199•1f•cl for fiENIU.L t11cll•nc••· IM]-S119o;i1lt•cl for MATURI t11diences IP1r1nf1I dJ1. C••fion 1cl'1ri11cl'J. (ID-lmtlCTtD -P1rso111 under '' not 1dmitt1d, 11nl•11 1ccomp1ni1cl by p1r•nt or 1d1i1lt 9111rd· i1n. ©-'"'"' •ltdft-• , ... alll..m.t.· Thi1 19• r•· striction 1111y be high•r in c1rt1in 1r•11. Ch•clc th•1fr1 or 1dv1rli1in9. ' ' PACIFIC ~ lttctrnmtndM fw Aflillh Mii F1now "aOSIMAIY'S IAIY• In Color Ttiere are tlmet ~ It's wu generally miscast, came he attended New Yo rt diffk:uJt to declde whether nm, along with BroadW'ay ap-University ror pol!ltgraduate Zeto MOltel u· an acting pearancea:. But though be was work in fine arts. He taught painter'·· a painting actor. always well-received, it Wu art at the 92nd St. Y.M.H.A. Tbe WI, rulund atar o1 Mel not 1mtll be played Leopold and al lbe New York Scbool ~ '-nae Producers," a Bloom in the otf·Broadway or Industrial Arb until the JQltpb E. Levine ~talion production ·ot "Ulyues · in depression forced him into the ~~ :.CIU~~ N"ighttown," that his career W.P.A. ·rmtMEl.Twct!Ttft·~'tilte pe1n1er. reallj' took off. u was at this lime tllat Miss Kerr PICKWICK ~ LSD. l~~~~~I 11u1, llOIDelblnr. got in the 1n 1be decade since tllat he b e 8 • " entertaining at ~ ... 0.~!. ... K._s.~~~! . WIJI-his •billt1 to entertain latter play, Mostel baa come parties for lbe few dollars Plans Rest -· ----al _.._ llid to keep 1"' •· be regard·• u one ol "· .--.., ~ uic it paJd and his life was frimdl ncaJed with hl.s anUcs. most gifted and important diverted into show business. 1743 ~ ~ And..H a man d talent Wists comici and serious Deborah Kerr will take half1:::"'=-=="'=~="'="'='='=· ===1 on n:pMnc himself to the But, no matter what he has public, be cannot a v 0 j d performers in the world. The done since, be has never been a year off between the com- dl!covery. word "genius" hat been far away from his first love, pletion or her current starring ~n COM'f' 1xoua1 W-n. It wu a radio producer liberally applied to almost art. film role in ' ' T b e Ar· , Hyman Brown who was to everything be bas done. In 1965, Horizon Press rangement" and the start of .1, aerve as Mastel'• catalyst. Mostel was born Samuel published a lavish volume m-her next in ''The Lonely · •l•D•/ .... :.::·" • _147-.J911 David NI-In C11of" Brown happened to catch Joel Mostel, in Brooklyn, N.Y. titled "Zero By Most.el," con-Passion or Judith· Hearne." Mostel at a party, thought The name Zero waa originally sisUng of 152 photographs of Both films are for Warner be wu too fwmy to remain applied to him by bis gram-Most.el, a group of drawing1 Bros.-Seven Arts. secl1Xied ml aent him off to mar schoolmates u a tribute by him and a aeries of com-Miss Kerr currently ls star. see dub OW'Der B a r n e y to his scholastic ability and, ments, some serious, some lr· ring with Kirt Douglas, Fa~ Josephsoo. of Cafe Society though later events were to reverent and some Dunaway and Richard Boone Downtown. After mmtbs of demonstrate that it was an nonsensical. But the boot does in "The Arrangement,'' wbJcb auditiou, Mostel wu hired Inappropriate nickname, it provide some lns:igbt into the Elia Kazan is pradtlcing and at a fi,gurc W'hlch put no strain was played up when he made man, the art.i.t and the actor. direclfng from hi!: own best- on the clug'1 budgel hi!: Cafe Society appearance, Produced by Sidney Glazler selling novel. After a yw at Cafe Society · and be baa never been known r~~~~:;;~::=ijiJ~==;~~~~===ill Most.el Jett ~ become one of aa anything but Zero since If 1f At n. ,.,...._ Illa blgbest-prlced night club lbat time. ~I DIOI ,. LWo '"' comediaDJ in the bus~. A Alter earning his B.A. from WU r, •. stiew Starts 1:45 llriel of tilrna, in which he the City College of New York, llnrf'OIT IUCN • N..J.115b' c.-. s...., ,,.. J , ... Crossword P11zzle ACIOSS !Ill C..-poTnt '1 "'8"'4- 1 =·· ~~I~~,. -53Fol,. 11 Le• 1ntt 57 ttavlf!t left 14 Sktilta a wlll IJ Cttr If H Jacob's .llPll ltlrdsoa U-lotte: 6Z lode Rex Stout eectntrlc -645'"dl UltWtf Anbla's ....... .. .... ~ 191 .. H of '5 P"'1 Up teuch with ptlde 2D Tt•ptill '6 Circus area -67 Bell '''"" 21~ .......... 1 • lnto9"1'11MJ tDablil l&(lllllf., •tlan's 2l Ont who•• llcblln "''" 1!5111•-DOD 2J211H 11 DestltuUon 40 latfto tu U Snkatd.eaM 43 GWlng Indian •lPftSslol U Ntl1cr1, to . for ont 45 Pert. to U Plct.crlal the Otltnt represen· 47 One dolnt lllt of i), A. .. tall en repair wort 1 latt of 22 U.A.PI. 49 Put to the EU<E GAfN SOMMER LOCKWOOD L£EJ. JACK COBB PALAICE TIIEVaME mROB -AUO Joseph E. levine Pr~ ZERO MOSTEL "theM·producers" co· starring Ok:k Shawn ,. w..,,.__ • ..._ ... Color .. 26 D•, twone 2' L•ns plndar . '.14 Gnet IOI! 35 It•• toll 37 Bactnrd: locoaiotloa uplt.al proof Z Sexton 24-home 52 Tete--: t 1[=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~=11 la,l•ls' 26 Stater z words ,C'::f~,s 21f~~nc "!i:'Pdlvldlf's. MJQIAI. Fili .. SOUTH COAST c.b.-,.~~a .. •uslcal efJICl 41 Purpose 421•k1NI eftlclll 144 Callfonlla VIII" CS Miss~ ··-·· t6 PollUcl• '41 ll .. IMd l • -•••of 54 Perron. I llllER~ PLAZA THllATRK C Does floor .-..sa._ again CORPOAAJIOI 111..a-J 546-2711 npatr Job ZI Caigllt with 55 SmooU. San DM&o fl'ftWIJ' at -oep • ,,,_. 5 D1nct11t1 • • rtata 56 Food storr. OPEN DAILY 6 00 • u g:::c•• 30 Coll... lnlor••I. : ,.._, 6 s.'s 1rfalr 51 Elabonit. ,&~Cl.. 31~:" soroaono Fri., Sat. & Sun. Open 1Z Noon I 11111 lut 32 Orlglnlll 59 ~~:~:lbl• w~:r DISNEY'S 1ty l<CID09J "3J Migrant 60 Tlt'llllnat1ne • lrost '*90" bolder lnt«IJnt · 36 liolatad ltlff 63 Ungentle. 10 VaU': 39 COiied sMtt man/, 2 words st•I perso11 HEY .KiDS "AIOUND THI WOILD IN 10 DAYS• Dorl Day-In Color "WITH Sii YOU GET EHIOL1." --., .... ..... ... llG SPECIAL SHOW SAT,. 1 :00 -J~ST FOR YOU -IT'S TERRIFIC! •tc0"""""'M for ....... k lr'll: Douo!I"'-"'° Cord "TM lrotlMt:uclll" In Color Mldl••I York -In .Color "Stronp Affair• ALSO PUTING- Clt.t I....._, EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT l!'s lime ID spat ol •IS!da flinco-. , ELIZAllETH TAYLOR MIA FARROW """'~ tl'miih"A:w ••Ya Bebv- ........,..,_~ ..,......,_,.,. "'SECllET CEREMONY'" lllDllEATMiicHUM I -POOGV ASH:l'OFT PAll>GA ElFIClllVN ··= ,;...-.. "COOGANS BLUFf" tl1e-rnesa ~ r ' • -1·· --, . , ,· fi--:..:-,1,t ... ---,r:;. ~f \VPORT ANf! HAR RO R IN COSTA MESA llUPHCllCI '4t·1S52 FOi INFOIMATION HELD OVER ' I IJMu.itM'tt.AcrA.0ttwl I I ~t11iut~rf1V-r I ...... . , ' AUO "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" WID. 1HUIS. MON a run. SWISS fAMILY ROllNION·t :JO & 10 P.M. -COU•AI 1 141 Pll. SAT. SUN. . SWISS PAMILT IOllNSON 12:Jo-4-7:4J..11 :11 COU•Al4':4M:JO A t :ll c. ..... , FtW.y, lafw;Hf ... s....r,,,.. J ..... ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS / o.--.1pr1ch 111a - • 11111 Mouoa 11111 Story ol Clnderllla Tl..._ o-1.u..m-1119 DlmerwlOM l'IMldleTo'f1-SM Cllrlltlnal c-.r " ,,_ahonlilml ..... COtlactlwiyWOll 20 majo< ln-loMI film .... id• HO IN AT THE MESA Next Fri. a•d Sat. at 1 O a.m. and 1 Z p.m. and on« on Sunday at 1 Z p.m. Al Seats 50¢ NOW SHOWING 2 1HO)lf$ M•tm'f' SHOIT. JM A t ill •EATUU 7:21 I t,_I ~\ : rr .A~~j V1nic• Fill'll F11ti1r1I Prh• Winning Short "A WINDY DAT'" e incl e. "llAZll."-Color Daily Mond1y thru Friday, 7:15 ind 9:45 Continuous from 1 p.m. Sat., Sun. & Holld1y1 SPECIAL STUDENTS SHOW SATUlDAT, 11 A.M. All 5-ts Sl .25 wftll Shlllnt 19'¥ ~ The Grandest Cinema of Them AU! "A M•.t. •f Y..t1i11I fmM-. Moetf _.. ..lie" "One of the Y11r'1 10 Bnt Fllm1" PUA.91Ut'T nc1oas.--, ._,.. .... FRANco ZtnmEI1r ........~ ' "B11utifull" ~••}'tit}' "Breathtaking1'' -'"" ROMEO ~JULIET -Liff "• ena..., ................ MIOWl Y()IU( llllMY ICIMP thestraooe -allalr -. 1st AREA RUN 111E . BROTHERHOOD ALEX CORD IRENE PAPAS ·UJTHEllADLER --IJ .. ~ •• f11111 Festh.S'" "Ji 111ovi1 p.1riy for •vtry boy ind 1Jlrl-A.!I •••h 75;, Fri.· 12:00 I 2:00 p.m.: Sit. 12:00 I 2:00: S11"d1y tl:Qit" • " •UCH •L . AT •LLI·-· only. . tUNTIMOTO" ••.t.eH • ... ,.. EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENTS -0 .... _1 &..,.. ,,,,,,, M•ry Tyltr M .. ,, ~ . • "Wh«t'1 So ltd , About fooling Goodr' · ! M'iii:iiiiiiiiiCii-:-1' ' ' I "ll• ' ~,,,_ 4-,. ' I I • I I ... MATINEES FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY • •. •al - ly- rd• - p.m. ; ' " • ~ • ! ,..., '"" ••• - J. • ID I :a I -,. .. , Fri• Sit. ,,ot: II Ill .. • • • ~. ' H . I . . . . ' -• ' .~·!).;· • , . ' . ............ . ' , : :·~ ...... 11111 ..,,_ (C) • ""•---(C) :> .... -(C) '.····--t<I .. ·--("~a..._ ..... ., ....... ·:r' GM r 111 , .... ' , ... --(C) •eaw--l<I 111111 (J) • -• (C) GllZ<Il•-!Cl D_.,_U.(C) m, .. ,, __ . ~u .. VLi::...::: It ... UM. ...... Cllllbr c11•, lMfla. Oltlrle. en.A. 87 I !" ..... tel .... (Jlllll JJ .. it. ..... ... __ ... _ illl<Il• ... --.. ca Tlit °""'"• '"" ... -,,,. ... '*"' ..... ............. ·-tll • tll ...... .... -... tll (I) ·--tll-liir'lll .. ..-~ , ......... .... .-w. .. tct r..----,.._ .. _,..... : .. _ ... tll --.... ~. ; rucqc-> • JOB PRINTING .. . o PUBLICATIONS . . O NEWSPAPERS 1 Q••lltr tn11tlftf .-D.,.itt1.~1. s.m~ f.I 1\4" fh• • Ql•rf• ef a CitAhlry. NIWfon llACM \ TUMBLEWEEDS GOIDO • 71 • • I I ' r -·--··- ly John Miies 8y Harold Le Doux Flf5T'1MIN6-WHAn Y01JUSr6AV'E Ml! '11:111 NAME.10ICHl CME! l'U. TAXE IT!. ____ ....,.. ' ' :. _:_, ly" "'.. . • , ... -· "'""'111, 1'69 TELEVISION }'IEWS 'Get Smart' Now on CBS By RICK DU BROW ' ' · HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -"Get Smart," the I0'1g- running comedy series that was canceled officially by NBC.TV this week, bas been pick~ QP, by the competing CBS-TV network for nen season. Programming for the upcoming season ls, at this point, still subject to switches -but unleH plans are changed, 0 Get Smart'" will simply con~ tinue as before, ·y.rttb viewers merely having to tune in on ·a dlHerent channel. · ASSUMING CB$. TV definitely lieeps "Get Smart11 on the air, it wlll not be the first ti.me the network picked QP a show from a Competitor. Ai an example, some years ago It got the Fred MacMur- ray series, "My Three Sons,'' from. ABC.TV, and it is still running very strong In the rating;. The CBS-TV schedule that has been leaj<ed·out also reveals that ~e network is making a: firm bid to establish the Dorla Day series as the big hit It was expected to be, but has not yet become, Wbat CBS-TV Is currenUy planning I<> do Is In- sert Miss Day'• show in its potent Monday nlght lineup, ibetween -.Mayberry R.F.D.'' and the -Carol B\111lelt series. O!]ier series on CBS-TV on Moriday night are 0 Gunsmoke" 'and the Lucllle Ball . pro- gram. . . MISS DAY'S transfer to Monday nigbls would dislhdge a very successful ieries, ''E'amlly Affair," which DOW is slotted fot an early , time period OD Thursdays nest season. 11 will be followed on Thurs- days .by the new one--bour Jim Nabors vari~ show. N8bor1 has quJt his long·ftln ''Gomer Pyle'' lftua- tion· comedy series as of this season. · "Gentle Ben," the children's show about a boy and bis bear, is currently scheduled. for caricellation by CBS-TV. But the Glen Campbell variety ~our, which had its debut this m.idsea!on, has won '.re- newal. J!. Is produced by the same !Inn .that .puts on the Smothers Brothers series. The Smothen, ac- cording to the pencilled-in s~edule, will be back on the network too. , , QVER AT NBC-TV, an announeement of next season's new shows says the previously-set Bill Cog.. by. hall-hour series will concern "A big dty high school gym te&c!h!r and asiistant coach who inoon- lights ~ principally as a private investigator -to make ends meet. 11 • ., • -NBC.'f.V's upcoming Debbie'Reynolds sl.lpaUpn comedy, also previously set, will be about ~·an on- lbe-go suburban housewife with.a family circle.Wit includes her sportswriter hwb&nd, a domineering older sister, an easy,-going br:oth~r-ilrlayr_ ancJ, a chubby,· myopic· 10.year-old nephew/' -.... Yet another new NBC.TV series, the hOUJ>!ong 11Bracken's World," ls described by sourcet at the network as 11something liJce 'Peyton Place' in _.a movie stud.Jo -~ut on a higher plane." THE CHANNEL SWIM : The )06ers in. the last two presidential ·races will be interviewed.on ABC. TV's "Issues and Answers" ... Barry Goldwater is the guest· March 2, and Hutiert Humphrey Is qa ... tioned March 9 ••. John Astin, the fine actor who appeared in ABC-TV's ''A'ddamS Family" s8riU, has won an Academy Award nomination for· his first , prcducing-direcling movie effort _; a short called "Prelude~ 11 which he also 'Wrote and ·Starred In, and for which be Is still seeking a distrlbuU'"1 arrangen;i~t. , , , ~· ' , ' ! ., '· • ' .... ,_ Midwinter Fea1wes • I' Col11mhias ' ' BCYC Sets ' ' "GRiral llichtc Solid Silte Visit Ends LISBON, Portugal (AP) - Col Frank Bomwi, his wile and two 1ona left Llsbm for Che Unlled Sia~ loday, en-dl!li. • t..Hiy visit to Pofcupi 'iM'-the utrooa:11t'1 »day European good-w 111 tour. Dr~g Boat Races Due' . . • Canadian drag boat racing le8!lll w1B be -tile top performm In the world cham- piqoabip drag boot ''"'!' lo be held at Long Beach M>rlne Stadium Saturday a n d Sun- day. Led by Larry Harrison's ll!iss BritlJh Columbia, the current wor~ record holder at 190.2'7 1J1i1es per hour, Che boats anil. eoglnel -111> dergolng llnal preparaUcm I the races..' . l. '. Harri-. .1n • 1:.eep1q with his well-known confidence, has promiBed a complete· victory for his Canadian cohorts. He haa brougilt three engines with him, vowing to blow up all three 1f necessarJ to take the recorda and Che trophies back to Caoada with him. Tiet eta . for both days are available at the Southern California Music Co., e3! S. IDlJ SL, ·Los Angeles; aD Matual Tlclltt ~ or at tbe Long Beach Marine Stad)ui!L. . ~ ...................................... "·····: ~ WESTERN NA'OONAI. : . ' . • •• • -. • • : : -. -. -. ~ ~ -~~~~~--,..,...~i.,-,:::;;::::'-='.=:::;;..;""""'--. ' ~ ~ 11111111•18 --_. ... -u-Mlll .... Mtt:• Jut•11t 'it...i~ 'alcl(O. I . : tlock Radio. · ::-.:.:.-. ._,,, ~tlOt, ' ' '. WlnSllM.-1 .... 9""' ·----•• ~.:::.:ar.: c ...... , ' Po ... on ,,...;;.v.,:n-, Al ..... 3'SJ ~lpoy 0 ~· I R•'8'12R .. . ""llflw io-·73c .T... . • .......... ....... , .... ......... ~~3.;·•1· f1.ll*r ••• " . ,, ' ' 79~ Woolhe C:.W W-Waoh : .. -.... "t:::. 2 i $) .. I • ID ~ransp·ac .. AUTO LEASING • .. : 45~ & 79~ Metal Baking P,11111 . WIDE VAlllEIY.-..G 'SAYINGS . . . =~~= . 4 $1 ........ ._ .. ' for •S..,-.c.t. ... • ...,,c...,_ ~ IJld:&l plll' k cfirD Ill .., 4 .... ~ u.e·--~--'. ~Ill! ' : ( ~lap of Jumbo • tW.n Fresh Coo'ti1 ••• .w ... Nutrament Uquid Al Mc*es .__.., 969 n.underbird · ' 4 Dr. Landau ,,,, ... ,., ..... ••• . . Men's·Boy's- Youth's Boat Shoes • • ,, 91' Viii. Super DH9h whll Super Glo Jr Htl1bro l Strttcb·r 4t dDqb tb•f ...io.. 1-ioolll adi8lloe for bov.n. Yoa'~ MCn it oo TV! · • ' . '&4 CllEVROLET · Coupe. 6 cylinder, 4 speed, ra.dio & heater. OUV,783._ Hurry! • '&4 IMPERIAL Crown 2-door hardtop, full and complete pOwer, fact air cond., radio &: beater, leather interior, Lie. WQS933. $1195 '67 PLYMOUTH Automatic transrnlssion, power steering, factory air condition-ing, radio, heater, white wall tires. Lie. UCY 901 ~195 '65 MUSTANG Aut.otnatic transmission, radio, heater. This won't last long. WSK559. ' '65 PONTIAC GJ.O ' 4 speed, radio, heater, white wall tires tack, the whole b8Ii of wax. Llc. No. 11)35. · Only $1395 . 'M RAMBlER . . . . Station .wagon, VB, radio ·• heat· er, automatic tx:ansmiaslon, Lie. 11N953. $595 ' •MOVE CAIU PL.US TA>C & I.IC.. . " ' J ' '68 PL YMOU·TH 4-door, automatic tranamia&ion, radio and heater, white sideiralls.• uc vmiz't9. · - . . '~ :po~TIAC : Brougham BONNEVILLE. Full power Including air condltton- mg, radio: 'beater, power win- dows & seats. Real· sharp. • - ' ' "' 19 WATS TO fl NANCI . _,., I 11 .. fltY- ,, ....... I IOACJ~ .,64 PONTl·AC 4 door hardtop, automatic trans- mission, radio, heater, air coir d!tioning. Lie. NMC U7 $1095 . . ' . ' . . ' . '59 PL:IMOUTH ·. ·~STATION WAGON. Automatic tn,namission. Radio, heater, v~s, , etc. GBDll23 . OPEN 'I J>AYS A WEEK liJO...ul. TO' ID P .M. f ''"'':"".-......... ~ ..... ~-~·~··~·:: .. . . ... , . , '· AT THE LAKEWOOD TURNOFF OF THE SAN, DIM0'1PQIWAY FR~ ORANG;l'· CQUNTY . , ····~ ,.1 .543-6f63 527·2341 ·~'.~. 42687301 • ..... . " • '-----------------------....._.__ -~--- . ' • • · '61 .CHIYSlQ ·· NEW''!IOH!a!R.-4.daor blrdtop. Aatomat!C tranam.lsJlon, radio, h~ter. ali condllionlnJ{,. power wlildows & seat!. KFtJ 734. '64 PLYMOUTH S.tatlon wagon. This lilce little wagoii ~mes.with radio, biater, power steering, power brakes & white wall tires. Lie. NGT 809 .'n:coN.TJNENTAL FuD and complete power, factory air cond.itiorung, full leather fn. ··terior, Uc..'UX840. . ' '67 NEW YOR'KER 2-dQor blirdtop, ,full power, fao- tory air conditioning. .radio and heater, halalice. of. factory war- ring. Lic .. IK373. . a real buy at ~89 . : $2895· -..-..--...---' 62 R•MBLEl •.. ;58.CHEVY: . ' . Ambassador. Automatic ·trans· . . mtsstoo, radio heater power 2.door sedan. Au19malic-tran .. steering, 'Pf'WU brakes,' atr c~1-. · · misSion, radio , h8ater, power dltionlng, white wall tlrer; Lie. steering. Lie. GMV 009. TXT832 . " .. " ' I • I • $ , . 149 . . . . 0 ' ~· . .... • . • •• • . . .. . ! . • . . . . . • . . . . • . . • • ' l • ..:: • . I I 1 I .I • I . I I ! i I I ' ' e "For .Yo• :and Y C!lll' llOat" $porldb\r • home 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths. 1 105 Linda Isle Dr. ··OPEN SAT & SUN 1-5 Private Cove Estate MainifiCent 5 bdrm home with "elbow roonl'' -located on nearly one acre of 1· lush fMid1<opin&. Beautitul pooJ. & patio, . custom decor. · I Alu, ~y , ... •., .......... $189,500 ' . 1 Cameo Shores-Waterfnlnt · Vie'fl of ocean, channel. Large 3 hrs.: form· ll din. rm, inner patio. Room for pool. Well · buijt home. . :• Mrs: Raulston ................ $159,000 '"" ,.. • ~ r-, :, Udo ,4111'"-i'~ & Siip 0 • 4 br • 3~ bl7De\r1Mw'Soanish on 2.l<>ts. Walled terrace W/lp. pool Slip will take 50' boal Best Udo Bayfront ... $149,500 Joe Cllrkson ' · · . Exceptlonal/ValU. Act promptly • Westcllf -$42,600: A dellR!ttful 3 br conv den, 2 b... custom decor, copper ·plumbing, cove.red patio, fruit trees. . Miry Lou J.taliO,l\" ' ' ;•· · ~ ,u ~ . tldO·· Lot·' Value FREE -· lmmacullte smlll home if you . buy theJand..Great location on Via Koron. ·• Buy .now and enjoy bay life this summer. Mn .. Harvey . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $42,500 Ocean & Bay View 1 ~ yrs young. Charming 4 bdrm, 2~ bath hqme. Fam. nn. opening onto beautifully landscaped yard. Lusk, .tlarbor View Hills ~-e ".... ·~-, ¥ 1'UUI • ' Mis Leidy /Mq.J!llQll OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1 • 5 . 1064 Pescador View & pool. Fantuticolly charming 3 bed. ~ms. conv. den, 3 baths, dining room, ex· citln& floor plan. 3 car garage. Mary Lou Marion . . . . • . . . . . . . . $86,500 ' OPEN HOUSE SUN l :30 • 5 p.m. 1826 Scindalwaod Dr. Ivan Wetl1 a.ycrnt • First'eJ:cluslve offering of this beautifully decoiated 3 BJI, 2 bath borne w /high exp/ beam ceiling over LR, FR. Each w/LG Frplc, profjlndacptl. Ftml/Dr. lolany extras .... ,59.800. OPEN HOUSE SAT &.SUN I ·.S , 2019 Vista Caudel,_ Tht llllffs Beaut!lful 3 br. 2 ba + pawder·room and wet bar -Bat flay View' in ~luffs- large baySido paUo -innnedi.te OCCU· pa11cy ...... 1 ............... :. ''4'!,500 : WallarH.... , · OPEN HOUSE JUN' :'5 1a12 . Dolphln\·r.m.ce It.In. Torr1C<1, Co~~I Mir . • Co<y i bdr'm home. Beamed ceilings, deep lot; room toupand, quiet location $39,500· lln. Raulll• COLDM"' BANKER & co. ,22llo,J, COAST ,fflGHW!o:Y · _ 19WPORT ll!ACH Kl 'ii'' - BOAT .LOVER'S ATIENTIONI Fea simple watedront. A perfect home for your family -including your boat! Be ~~d',, for an early spring & all the g boating ICllvltlea. Entertain ,an . the dellgh1ful water- froot patio. Enjoy the charm of this 4 '•bdrm, CU•lomi dulgned ·Conlem· porag. $lj.$,OOO. Call ua for detalls, ,I ' • • , , ,..,. , 't ' ' ~ ' . I • . COCKTAIL~ !!OR 40-BA'i'.CREST; Spacloua ~ bdrm, ~ b&th ¥e on lea lot. L~ featuru: 2 w~ heat- ers, electric garage door opener, 3 fireplaces. Owner will lln•IM'A at 7% .. . -$411, 'ISO. . EXCLUllJ(E NIW LIST.ING -. Jn. viting French Provinclal, S bdrm 2 bath· family ,room home. Large liv· ing room overlooks beauilfully land· scaped rear garden. Convenient to schools, library, park & Westcllff Plaza Shopping. Well priced at only $43,900, CALL US RIGHT NOW AND . BEAT THE ODDS. HURRY ! I 4 BR :Z bath home wi\11 h~ panelled family room ste~ ing hardwood floon, ·apacl- OUI livirlg room with fire. place, Convenient location near schools & lh:ipplnc. Vacant. Askin&: $2t<m EZ OFRCE OPEN • S1tvrdoys & $'!""oys 1605 WESTCUFF DRIVE ~.built by JV~ WELLS. U~ed fat: qualliy coostructi9n on Wx· eiit view lot. in Newport Beach. Pl.an # ·302, READY for occupancy, ia the model with the elepnt ab1Wn • , • 14' beamed cellinC, tranal.u- cent Not, all tiled Door A:, pe.nelled walls. Beamed cell· UV .lll~/a.mil,)' ·room WI th ct!'!.""' ol.hotdwood """""'' oi CarJjta, lJnique Juminus ~ ~ deoorative beeJm tn the all e1ectrlc view kitchen.: f bdnDI 3 ba, 3 cat pr. See thil pool-or- ient!d elegant bOme tod1¥ ~ ·it won't lut 16ng! l!oy J, Word.Co. (8a)'Cl'ellt Office) !Kl Santiqo Dr, 646-1550 ~lplli1\ Terrace h111e Tm. Wnt Price Cut-$42.tOO Spotleaa 2 BR I: Dtn, 214 Ba '"""'· ~ l'\1I0\\lflll ~t \l!\\!I \\ I• I I! I Newport Beach 642-5200 ·------------- '42-7177 1904 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 9"-11 Evt1. • SPRING IS JUST A NAME ·SPLIT LEl/EL G~at .aoor plan, 4 ZILW , .... u'NTILYOUUSElT. WeoH· bdnm 3 baths. 1 t e p ~.' ........ Call 561723 er complete services, such down tamUy .room with . 1 ;;;;;i~;;;;;;·~-;ii;•";;;o;i:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1. as leulng, marketing, coui> 1~ fireplace oil the II selling, inve1bnenta, etc.· So kitchen, formal din. Top .. •·con· ,.,ui:r4 . whatever )'OUI" .needs! in real l'IU estate, ,"0 1---· for Mesa Vl!rde local. Low ~-. ..,... ·l'O,'L ·DELUXE 4-PLEX pro1,._ona1 •"'?.:;g. Owner TroMforrod One w., 3 BR 2·bath with ., ... \SPRING $3,175.00 Belew Coots O~lh .. ~ ... "° t,,~ ~!~ 1--· n·•,. T 'TY LWL'\ui003 · 3 Bedroom, JSoOl ...... ....u .., ..., ~ .n.l:U'U.J home, Featuring Avocado \;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0.1 er uaer for tax &helter, caJJ WW "anytime" Sha& Rup with Drape• 2 BR DIJP' ntf us lor d•tall• · 2629 Hubor Blw., C.M. thnNgho•t. Atrium lloor · IUU $68,500 plan wlth watf!rWJ display. · · This 1 year old beauty is an Large 900 aq ft units with en:-ECONOMY exceptional bV t $13,fl)l. closed ~~ &: in excel-•1 ' SPECIAL I Seller will .1-Y •v:~ or1 lent condhion, Near sclXlOll J •t Just listed. 2 Bedrooml each F.lI.A. pointt"Hun)'I • ' & shopping. ~r aakin& Unit. Near Ocean and Shop. WE SELL A HOME $24,000 · Vldori1 ping, Fee oimol•. Dlvoree EVERY ~I .MINUT'iS . 646-1111 ~~::; .::"o1 ~~ Wal~~, lee NllD""" , .... ~ 8'2-4455'or 540-5140 OLE I Ull1RI · '";;;;;;°"';;;;;;n;;;Dall.Y;;;;;;;;;tn;;;.;;;'';;;'°= * 642·1771 Anyllme * R E A L T y • 2025 w. Balboa mw .. N.B. INCOME UNITS S""i•h cl>arme., arch-675-6000 EASTSIDE C.M. ~ I-om BR Unit.I, 12 yean old and ftll- ftpt .. Good lnoome ot $660 mo. $58,500 GOOD LOCATION ed entry, 3 bedrooms, . -bullt·w; ""'''"· OPEN SUN 1. 5 2124 E. 0..1n Blvd. Biibo.i Ponlnsulo OnlY G monfhs NEW! 2 gdles to BEACH. Tow price ;zt,950. . HURRY! HUUY! minimum mainti!nance • <N· NEWPORT i.r Beuh with eralzcd sarage PLUS 1arp . 3 Bedroolll!, 3 baths ~-·~·ftbm. ~COATS ~WAL~ACE REALTORS 54M141- (0pon E-i...U Beautrful Miu Verde 3 BR t i,s baths. Immaculate. L&tp $19,000 FHA loan can be assumed. FUll price only $23,500. Call now. covered boat-porl partial Ocean Ylew,·2 .. ·two CURT DOSH, Realtor ·:.'=0""'un1•ob! RICHARDSON 1730 W. Coast Hlghwa)' &IUln EVES. ~ REALTY 675-4031 .. i. 7-: , • ' t • It'• Different Thrtt Wishes po-ERNIE-,. CLEVELAND . "-=••"· .. °""tpl"'8" --· WE$TCUFF . N...,. NB ·.,,.""'· 'l<i-tl!C with l4n1. nn., fo"11al dlo U ""'"' comlort locaUoo 3·,BR .i dmizw room. Bnu-. rm A: breaktut room. Own-a~ important to you, look 1iM .,_ ....,. ..... 11oq. · 10°/o · down--He1p " lftv1ne .,.. .. Prloed to th~ °"'" eonven~n• 10 ON THE BEACH · Many custom ~,Jbown Outom 5 BR home, hard-sen. ~~ a.r!! e:n.i ~;P~ Exclusive China Cove home • • 111 ............::'1flt,IDO, ·-""'"·on a°"'*'""· Amolcl & Freud blla to ""' ,...... cW,,' "" .,...., 11v1ne • bell Ehjoy the privacy and .er-388 E. 17th st., CM $Z,500; and all these "plus" Harbor &n!&, 2 BR, 2 Ba. 6 1'EDROOM!. Single 1tory on Jarp lot Huge family room with firepla~ + dln- il'li area. Bll·ina, FA heal, e.nity of the tea house . Sur-Realtors 646-1155 featurea. 3 bedroom1, 2 priced to "II fut at -$69,500 rounded by more expenaive I .. ,,.....,,,..,,..,,..!!!!I!!.,., baths. fireplace, cpta. and By appt oob' _ horn ... It'• vacant! Y-SACR!fln: drapes, double ....... '°"' CORBIN·MARnN for only $38,900. U crc!e drive, large fenced t REAL TORS ,I .. ·~ SP"RrllngN•G Mee Easblde ! BR, don, baok yard°". 5llillO FI'. R·O 3036E.CooslHwy,CdM ., bullt·lns, carpets, f e n c c d LOT. ~ .. not to much 67S..16'l ... -n1> AT ':rY yud. $23,300 • FHA SI.<% ~~~~ClnN lhloH · putOWNol .... .._,. Int. • IO" down, Imm<diatc ER'6G-.• ...,, . 4 ldnM~ 2 lallls ..... u1on. • l'doL ' 2129 llutor Bl ..... C.M. Ml11 ll Riiy. 54*-2211 PRESTIGE· LIVING a.-. bit home In M- at the BRch v·m1e Oft~ quilt.cul-dNac St. --- .ly Owner Polf C.:.ta , Miesa area. l Paoettttier, Uct~nt locatioa blod<lo......,.,. -11m!o.Cllll,2ba. ru.tr. M&..3128 or 64Ul5B • lirle lDt w/~ improw. RENTERS RELAX? Nowpoit -· Na 21lO ot ft, 0. bltAn !did> lien's 'the perfect lMly, 3 * SPECIALS I * .., .-... lot. 1 bedrooms, added den and *' ''A" frame 3 BR,. 2 bl. 109' down . Ul,950 ldtcbtn wltb ·new elec. Bit iH,500 ' '1MM3 - .u .. CHENMYER _,., B"'".,.. uoume ... ..... Ill" loon. 2111 Ellam<tt. ~e. •$23,960 -No down * A ~ S BR. 24tDr)' DOVER REALTr to ye~ Tbt R"1 Eltatm kJIMlld w/extru •• m.• 1 ~~~~~~~~ 611-1111 • scs.2313. * Liiie -•.BR. Sl>•""odo · OCEANSIDE · * On ' tbe Walllr, 4 BR.. S ON 'l\IE BEACH. NEAR OPBI SAT /Siii =Y".'° 546-ml. OPEN 440 ATiio, Npt. His. S BR 2 beth.I. i:.. lot -.Ith alley -... . DAVIDSON R111ty -'>:vn . ......SC nw Qlllaa:R tou CAU.. 1111!! QIJla<m YOU SELL RUGE 2 •tory home wtth $75'11 DOWN Co'!'.1!.:.;··R··1\,.: ...... i4:61!'2. SI'. MALO. 1 ,.... ' BR. r ...,_ '"' 3 BA, 3 yr old • CU1tOm boilt =-~ .... ~Jee~ Inuned. occupancy. 3 BR '* W'. p:.Ut ' N.B. home. \JNque in ea. detail. ~--New" -· Yud, patio. • Xlnt Anil1 besclL 187,500. ..... ....._ 4 BR. I BA. $19,500 n~•8tl1' NINll\OETS'"' LORETA NC~~· Bia'. .... _ -to $11,:lllO. ~~· ---~ Ownel--Afl. ~7:1Q5 Rltr W4DO Ews. ---•· -~111 ,..... 1916 s. HUI st., mil 1'J9.1!61 SOCK rr n. 'Ellll .• KENNEDY · :-: J!i..°'dt!T :k...,.... OIARGE m __;;;;_;;;;.:.;;..:.:.._=::.;___,_~~~~~-! ' ( I --------~--..Jo ___ __,___ -------- tJ~c~la; l:i;lul . 'l/ilfag~ ' ~ ~. . . ~~ I 16th & T•-'C,osto Mell .. Escellent loca!loa, -· achools, shoppmg • aild beach. ODl1 a._&w left. Buy now whlle in!INll .:atu .,.., only ---•' 1% wlf)j • 28% ~Clown-7'h"• with 10"/, Dn. no 2nd -no 'lints -2' yrs on )lolonco Priced from $30,850 to $33,950· Exclu1lve Agtnl I , p, a. palmer ii;cQrporat~ ! 3377 VIA'LfDO . I Troct l'h: ~113 from ·L.A. Col( MA s..34 I • I Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ... , ""' ...... 41Nctwr ...... ,.. Hlh --k· 1114 u y.u I• hMM-Mntlnt-All tht locatlOM llltM Itel• aN 41..c.rlbtil lift ~-4etall ~' --._.,...~f's pAtLY PILOT WANT AOS Petnat Mullf W 'Nleeit ..................... ~h~ ti• ~ ~ , ........... ~-, .. · · · (2 Bedroom)' · 1312 Dolphin Terr. (Irvine Terrace) NB 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) (2 Bedroom & Don} 1518 Dolphin Terrace (Irvine Terr) CdM 642-6472 Eves: 673-3468 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom) 4821 CorUand Dr. (Cameo Hghinds) CdM 675-3255 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2121 Miramar Dr., Balboa Island . 675-4630 · (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2019.Vista Caudel (Blufis) NB ) 675-2000 (Sat & Sun 1-5 1111.6 Sandalwood (Baycresl) NB 675-2000 · (Sun l ::J0.5) 2817 Westminster Place, CM 675-5930 (Sat & Sun lZ.5) **105 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2535 Crestview Dr. (Bayshores) NB 673-5480 (Sat & Sun) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) !~broke Lane, NB (Sat & Sun 1_5) *2395 Tustin Ave. (So. of Santa Isabel) Newport Beach . 642-1550 (Sunday 1-5) 1064 Pescador (Dover Shores) NB 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) *1000 Nottingham (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1·5) 9021 Bermuda Dr. (Newport West) HB 213:375-5613 . Eves: (Sun 1·5) 1374 Galaxy (Dover Shores) .NB 714: 64U235 (Daily) 1363 Galaxy Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 714: 642-8235 (Sun Only) 1014 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) l'IB 64U235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1518 Antgua (Dover Shores) NB 714:. 642-8235 (Sat Only) 1147 Gleneagles Terrace, CM 543-1720 (Sun 1·5) 1W7 Goldenrod Ave., CdM 644-2867 (Sat & Sun 'til 5) 3036 Garfield, CM 548-1168, 675-1977 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2124 E. Ocean Blvd. (Balboa Penn.) Bal. 675-4-031 (Sun 1-5) 1500 Vivian Lane, NB 642-78911 (Sal & Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom} 1179 Gleneagles Ave., CM ) 642-4816 (Sat & Sun *101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB (714) 64U235 • (Sat & Sun) 2871 Ellesmere (Mesa Verde) CM 774-61111 546-6726 (0!l"n Sun) • • 255 Begorua St. (Newport Sh.ores ) NB 642-3014 (Sat & Sun) (4 Bodroom & Femily or Den) 1354 E. Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsula 645-2000 Eves. 51&-611(16 (Daily 1-5) 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 · (Daily 10-5) 1230 Santiago (Dover Shores) Nii (714) 842-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1907 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB 543-1720 (Sun 1-5) 2341 Irvine, NB 540-1720 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 1107 Ebbtlde, CdM ~ (Sal & Sun 1'5) (5 Bedroom) 908 Chestnut Place (Eastbluff) NB 645-2000 Eves: 54M966 (Sat lo Sun 1-5) *2111 Windward Lane, NB 4z.28U8 (Sat " SUn 1-5) ' DUPUXES FOR -SALE · 220 :Mth St., NB m.s53ll 711 Marigold, CdM 67USIO ..... (Sat & Sun 1-5) (Sat Only) I - c I • • ., I 2 i ~ I I • • 5 • ' , 1. -,-~~--~ -----~---------------------~~-~-~------------~ --~~ - • • f~llar. f~ 21, IM 0:¥LY l'tl.Ol fl HOUH!S l'OR SALi! HOUSES f'OR SALi HOUSIS'"l'Ott SALi HOUSll llOR~LI HOUSIS f'OR IALI HOUSIS f'OR SALi HOUSH l'OI IALI UNTAil UNTALI General 1ooo'GMiaral 1• 1 ;-==.;;;,1;;_;..;;.'"-'"-""'--===------.""°1'"11DO-· l·;-.. -lne----""'==l1u""'-1",.,w""'="'-'..;;."-'l.;.';;;' "1""U"'""i fMlltaln V•fllr 1411 H•7••• fur.ti.... . Heulll, UsefaJ ..... . Reposses.s~~3 IR New paint in & out Large lot-Only ,17,950. Tobi pml '145 JiJO. For Sale or Lease 4 BR, cust<>m 2-stpry exec. home Appraised at $38,500-Aaking '38,400 2 Blo~ks FrOm Beach '2 BR~Hpi din,, ·sep; lam:, \il>p ilen ' plus $150/mo. income from oil well in bac.k· yard 2-Story Spanish Hacienda + sep. guest house., 2800 sq It. BUI. pool in buRe back yard -Only $47:500 Income Opportunity 8 units -room for 4 more Present income over 12% -a real money maker in ~wing a,ea ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th . St. 646-«94 ·p ' 'Li • «-1 I Sitting on a Corner ... re• Stlft.CJ ~··. near the Park A most appealing custom • FINER ttOMES ' 'I ' ' VIEW NEW LUSK HOME. s Bedrooms, 2~ baths, famlly rm, dining ~em.c:uJar Oceln, 4' Bay View -room for , $59,~ OPEN SAT & S -1182 SandcasUe DOVER ·SHORIS -A magDlflcent 'cu1t..m " Mme on prbhe View lot. 3 bedrooms, 2~ baths, formal dlnlnC rm, Island'ldtcb•n w/1 ovens {sell cleanblg), Hu·ge family rm, S,000' ~'l>~N~l".f~·siiN i·~ 5· .:..:.· ioi4 'si.Diia~J~ HARBOR ISLANO -The only available homo on beauUful Barbor Island. 3 Bed- rooms. Study, large Living rm, pier Ii slip. Priced under cost for bnmediate sale - $175,000. By appt. only. · BEACON BAY -luxury 2 Bedrooms & den, or 3 Bedroom home. 2 baths, community Beach, Pier & float, tennis court. c=And Apt could be built over garage . . . . . . . . . '59,500 IRVINE TERRAc~ -Large 3 Ill with spacious master Suite, formal dining rm, with brealiast rm. 22x21 living rm, freshly painted inside & out ........ $51,500 call for appt. DOVER SHORES LOT -low lease hold - plans available for custom home ... $22,500 iohn macnab . REAL TY COMPANY _ !91 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-1235 . ':.~~~::~ I . VlcirA/, ........ _. h-...... lfOI :":"," ... '.:""'~ -II;'"~ A\'AIL. Maiel\ 15th to Jam Are now offer!Dg for sale, their award win- ning single & split -level S & 4 bedroom-1\lODEL l!OMES. . Theoe model homee are m•gnlflctntty •I>- polnted with the very 11n .. 1 of carpel$-, drapes -wallpapera; plua -.ery model is ptofeislonally landscaped, speciil wilnlys a! 'patlos prevail, one with swimming pooL These homes are placed on qllite !Ir&• & very private lot& that may be either 1 ... eil or p11rchased with • erant deed to !Ull land ownmhjp. • " Follow the signs to TURTLE ROCK HILlS, 1 mlle 'East of the.University of c.Jlfornia at Irvine, juat off the intenecUon of Campui Drive & Culver Drive. ' ' Tole: 133-1102 For Further lnformatl111 Newport ... ch . 1200 LIM 1110 1151 S BR S ballis. 1!00 "I ,It '.15,.• 1 BR., .. bulooo..... Ill)' Dble 'frpla. ... cor. trplc. blf • .w ·1; ctlahwUbilr. ~ of v~ Btach. lot. "tie ~« l••loptlo~ Low doWli It"'"""' •xlltl"' A<h4ta. "lU5 Mo; AIL oUL· = AYall ,,..... L loul. Owt>tr will P1¥ a11 ,paid. a1 .. 1oz, coats • QfOICE J lidnb budl apl. TttADIWINDS RLTY. JBR,neube1eh Luxurlouo c1r»•tt~s .1t ....... ...~. l!Dm<dlsle -·~~ • ~-··~ OM-Wu or ~ ............ ,. or...., _'UM ... ....,. ... -.., yr --·----..w.;i ~ tq. appnc. 52)]. River et.. ' Ovt,llf~al9 160I V-left-lllfllllt , 1900 AplJ!.l!·ll·"'ctl/53tJ:i'!'! I 1-"--"',.---. ~--. · ti:ixWffllo.Yvtew. -ic ~ ·'°Jo'!" niod/'f'bin BIG Bear New ........... ca-3 Br. J be, pool. tbli: ' w!.. .. -.... .. ""'-..,,... bl..... $10 .. --. Oil! Ill. pa. . Kothmne ~. beaut wbnd, llpo & +. -64$.Wl ....,, !illllnr. ---FOR aE..~ ............ 0.. =,121~0:",~-...~-d-.. ~---1 ~RMtra. ~ 86442 M•antalnCondDnlinium •-,,tw. many extru L ...... .;;ch 170S :=L~ ---I HMM Ultfwn--..... lfol ... 11 '210 -CHARMING 2 --a 0.Mral -den. 2 bath home. wlw 1 ..,.. ......... ~ ~I *WHY PAY RENn ~ .. !'~N~eely '1' a••• a..w. landscaped )'a1'd. covered ..,-::,.----Not ONE PENNY down patio. very quiet THE BLUFF 3 BM ba spilt 1---------1 ' .u:::,.--,•m ~~ Veta can move nellhborhood. $195 pr. mo. ,.... it in immediately. Available tir linmedlatt OC> lev<l.. Cl>ndo. -$28,500. By oWner. Terms. 644-'°39 Newport Hol9ht• 1211 Great Locatlo• DIERALO BAY • ESI',4.TE G~at loeaUon in Hufttln&· ·~~· \'rite Box m c/o Charmin& 3 BR, 2 BA home SALE • OCEAN FRONT • ton Beach on Hamilton >.Ve. A nice. Br. bl ;:;u;;c, .. 0 o· one ot Lido's pretUest b~athtakinr View oJ the betwwt Broolchunt and ................ ., streets. surf, coastline ~·; hfils from Bu.'!hard -cloite to the lookblc responsible ·long Outstanding View See this rteldom ottered Ocean, BaY I; City Vie\V 3 Bdrm, 1 ¥.: bath, frp1c, Hob. by rm. triple car. ~fake oUer of $40,000. $59,000. a spacious 4 Bedroom, 3 beacll. ::: a:!u1~1 ~-LI DO REAL TY, !NC. beth hom•. wt< enclosed ~ ~ 3400 Via Lido 67W830 inner patio wl'ttl fireplace. Quality S ~ 4 ~ ~7289 aft SJ>M View deck, S car 1araa:e. all ' 2 &t 3 baths, an one ,ior; 1-ER. Duplex Wf.tm, on one level -$115,000, homell. From $32,too. Month-refric.; ianae. Adults ~ ly paymenta from $288.21 on1,y. Call:MW111 8.tyfront Dupl•••s i105,tXKI • 2·three BR's fillERALD BAY • h'fthly $115,~ • 3 tIB I.: Tu:o BR'• \iecorated newer 3 bedrooms \vith Fire1Jlaces home. Dining nn, lovely pa. Walker R•afty tio and prden. Ocean view lnclud"" Pll, ..... ., ill-M;"".,;;;t .5,,...., '.mo ......... 4 BRa 2 baths, ~ room· built . Oorp~ in the beautiful &t all built-in!! + a bXand smog 'fn!e. "Valley of YUCA: new carpet. New financing IPA. 5 bdrm, 4 ba, l.8x28 ~now needs a new family. bonus room. Pool, extras ga- You can give this home a lore. Great fur lhet YOWlJ HEART TRANSPLANT for with room to grow or a spao-. on!#' lO~li down. It ·s the best ious retireme~t, or entertain. bu1 ever with room for a ment home with view of tow- 0 ""' ... l!ALTY boat. Only $30,950 _ inimedi-er~ San .Bernardino Mo~n-I'!!!~~~ I ate' possession. tams. Business transfer, ~ I Costa Mesa Near NB Poat Ofc. 646-2(14 3336 Via.Lid• o15-52'IO ri'ti~ER ASSOCIATES It you are a qualified. Vet you can move·· in without one penny down , • , not even closin, CO&tll. LEASE only $2X1 ·a month. 2 Bedrooma and den. Cpta, drapes etc. Good condition. 2U Cedar. OWner not at .,.per1y. Call· SC0-2991 or 1 med. sale nee!! Make o!fq 111DJ"'!~"!!'~~~~~"" 546-5380 • wiU consider trade. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;, j PERSONALITY PLUS! B•lboo 1tl1ncl 682 No. Cout Blvd. 135S La<una Beach (njJ 491-1177 -------~ (nmcinemathutre) {'714) 797·9Cl2 Look Out Po1'nt * OPEN HOUSE Lovely 3 3 Br.-2 Ba. New crpts, drps, CHARMING 2 STORY, 3 BR. ~LLEGE REALTY br, 2 ba, tam rm, new bltns. 1400 sq. ft. Det. dbl home + 2 B·R. apt, lovely Income· Units ~ 51X1Adamsatttirbor,r.M. Brand Spanking N•w ~· A panoramic vie~ of land shaa: crptg, bltns; beaW; aar w/ _alley access. By patio, $69,500. Handyman Specl1l1 Just completed -& just f1 W sea. .from this mod. _4 lndscd w/spmklr l)'s; boat owner-pnnc only. 6421767 Wm. Winton, Rltr. Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy; Only $159 a mo. lncltiding ta.xes & insurance • ;. BR. 2 Ba. separate pan- ·e&ed den, Door to ceiling sfupe fireplace, new high pile carpeting aQd hardwood lloors with low down ANY· ONE can assume this 5% % I~. CALL ON nus ONE! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ibBOSYllXL Lots 200:.X 110. Behind Edison Co. m.H\Ultington Beach. $37,500 value. Sell or trade equity for income units or sinall hOlL<;e, Newport or Corona del r.1ar. ' short drive (for Palmer) te BR. home, places the placid owner. * ~2880 ....., Ma~--Balboa 11 150 yda from Beach. 4 tie Mesa Verde's 17th? Fabir Pacific surf at your door-BY OWNER·, 4 BR l" BA. Hewport 5"!_,~ 122'1 "~" au~, A t nits nttds aint &: lous 2-level Custom home· step. with Catalina Island ""' 675-3331 P · u ·' P . now oUered by builder at as a magnificent backd:OP· f"Jitlly, frplc, Choice loca-TERMS to suit Of lease op-qptn 'til 9 pm ~e1;'1N ~~MupE :: sacrifice. 4 + tam rm \l'et Located on a large lot in a lion. \Valli: to achls. Owner tion. 2 8Nroof'1UJ, .Df1'. .best ' ' · t · hborhood It h trans. Assume 5%. % FHA. condition. 219 Cedar. Q\\·ner H 1-1 B h 1 •-CEEDING $10,(QJ ANNUAL. bar etc. Hurry now! qu.e neig . u un 1n9 on e1c -LY. Pnce ,69,950. 2 baths, forced air heat and $27,200. 54().1710 not.at property. $24,500. Call a separate laundry. BY OWNER: 1te11a Verde owner-~! or 642-2835 Bf:,lOW APPRAISAL ~~SSION REALTY 4M-0731 Open S•t. &. Sun l·S Pacesetter. 3'BR &: Family BY OWNER. Open Sat/Sun Priced $1200' below V.A. ap-!185 So. Cout, t.quna 1179 Gleneagl•s 6%% Joan, $28,500. 2CM3 2:i5 BEGONIA ST. praisal; 5%.% int. Nr. new LOWER'l ARCH BAY eve: 642.UI' Calvert Ave., 546-30ill Charming .4 BR 2¥.t ba, steps 2-aty. 3 Br. 2% ba. Liv. rm., • BR ·•··-. •-h '" 500 "" -1• din •--!rpl ~ • ......., ....... m, pa.tie, BURR WHITE, Realtor OPEN House. Lovely 3 BR to ~c · .,....., · -· rm., ...... nn.. · dtrua trees on 1arae level Government 2901· Newport Blvd., N.B. 2 bath &: 'family room. BY OWNER • personality ~~h. El~. !tic~ octan view lot near beach Repos•assion '7.s.4630 Eves '42·2253 Assume 5% % loan &: owner plus, nr. beach, 2 BR, den, ux carpt ' ce entrance Private party -\vill take 2nd. 546--1170 2 ba, i25,500. &12-3324 after lndscpd. I..ce. 1811 BBQ pit. Box M-7M Dally Pilot • Completely refurbished 3 Bft $lOOO OFF FHA APPRSL BY OWNER aou~t ~er 4. · See to appttc. lmmed. pas--h e riced way below mar •" .... , sess. $30,500. Open Sun. Feb. # REDUCED from $35,000. om P . • 3 bdnns & den 1%. Ba, Republic 4 bdr apllt level. 2l; l-5, 9001 BenuUda Dr. at Best offer over $32,T"il(I. 3 :': . .:. vp~e~i ri~~lO.witp ' panelling, crpts: d rp s • $36,950. m.5616 I aye rest,-"---__ 12_2_3 1ta1noUa {Newport W e s t BR 2 BA, view. 4S4--6747 covered patio. N e w I y remodeled kitchen C II p k 1115 BY OWNER sect.)213: 375-~eve. ~ 111• .. ___ ·--··· ... w/blt-ins, tile, brea!.'fast ~ ---BAYCREST ·POOL HUGE ADDED nook. dishn1aster, loads or 3 BR k fain i1n, 2 ba, 5 bdm1s, 3~~ ba, 'ti.cl piso FAMILY ROOM Dina Point 1730 SP AN I SH-TILE ROOF ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST " OOers eood only throuah Fe:bruary 28, 1969. Walker.• Lee, Sales A,zel)UI Open ,10 'til dusk dail,y .... SHERWOOD' ESTlllS by the IA Ownon Attontlonl Do y,ou have rental unibl T We have aood tenants from previous . years and need • SUMMER -WINTER -Ind ANNUAL rentals for them. Pltase can· our rental dept. and let us rtve ycu tht RED CARPET treatment • you de- lfl'Ve the best! REO CARPET Rlty Rental Depl 613-3€& • W, Balboa ~vd.~ N.B. ...__ I $145 • $155 ONE BR; 1> tractive modern Apts. Don v. Franklin Rlty. C73-2222 4 BR.. 3 Ba., ref.. n.,. dishwsbr, cpll, patio. $215. Adtls, no peta. m.8211 · 3 BR Unturn Houae $235 DAVIS REALTY 642-7000 Hunllntton illooch 3'00 l NEW 4 -BR. 2 Ba.,'. dllhwuher, atOW": db I • ) pr.; dn.pe1,carpeted; ,; ~~ $250 Mo., water Pd-, ~ . I 3 BR:, sm. 1ncd yd, new , cpts. 1140 yr1y be. 3 child t OK. Nr Beacb BL. le Slater · 17651. Van Buren. 842--7123 , t 2 STY. 3 Br. 1% ba ccndo. 11t1Jhr/~r, pool, patio. $19;) Adib!. 536-2362; 5.1S-U16 293 E. 17th St. 646-449~ s BEDRM -VtEWTI fllDCA'RPE1 cupboards. \Vithin 3 blks or cpls, U1·9s, sprn!;b-s. irplc. entry, ~e llv. nn .,.,.,fl'plc, \lith Slvedlsl. fireplace. Pink all schools .. Big, big oor. lst $13,000 at 4~ii'/D . Price separate din rin. fain ~'.n, & \vhite farm style in ntodel lot w/large trees & overaiz-$24,950. 2506 Lehigh Pl. Jae kitchen v.•/dining area, condition. Comer lot, carpels ed detached 2 car garage, Owner. 540-2578 laundry rm, 2 car gara~. throUghout. Seeing is bf. PLUS gigantic s e p a r a t e 3 ·~~. 1.,. Ba. , Colleae Custqm ~s &: plush crptg. lieving • Only $23.900 • $3300 4 lxb1ns, den, 3 ba, Beaut- iful neighborhood, $41,500. 1 min to school & marina 34031 Chula Vista Ave, 496-2656 ffiVINE TERRACE -2 BR a BDRM l~ bath, 1 mi It den. Fantutie View, from beach. $190 mo. Phone -~ RE ALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. ., 67~ · Huge Rumpus Room 4 BR home, 1%. baths, hnrd- wood floors, double garage. $25,000. Wells-McCa rdle, Rltrs. 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M. ~7729 Eves. 644-0684 • Bedroom -$22,500 itiJGE FAMILY RM. Most desirable area • nothing coinparable at this low price! 2 baths, family roon1, rear Jiving room, fireplace, brick patio with gas BBQ. Built-in range, oven & dish- washer. 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Horbor MESA -$25,9SO NO OOWN Moated rear 'livilll: room With walls of glass & fil'e- p)ace. overlooks well land· scaped yard. 3 bedrooms, huge fan1ily room. Expen- sive carpctiIJg. Near park. 540-1720 POOL -$3,000 ON. E.xquisitc home. 2 baths, Formal dining room, fut' place in family room. PuSh button built-in kitchen, dish. washer. Elet:tric garage door opener. Hydro sweep & diving board -lovely pool~ .r:~~0ELL 2955 Harbor HOME + INCOME Npt. lfghts. Dist. 2 bed- rooin completely ren1odel- ed + 1 bedroon1 rental - 2 garages. New drive\\·ay11 -inc, pot. $300 -$29,500 -10~0 dn. The Real E:stat- ers, ;l46-2313 -646-TITI Prime Commercial Corner 19th & Pomona, C.l\f. next to 18 11tory bldg. Fivt: stores fuUy leased at U006/ mo. Potential un1imlted. SlJ0,000 F/P. 29% dO\\'n It owner v.ill carry 1st TD. Genco Rily Co. 642-4422 Yard for boa.ta, trlrs, dogs, Park 'borne for iiale by $,75,000. GC-2698 down .t: assume FHA Joan. I========;;;. beauti1ul conditioe -flSO 536-1144 . '""" etc. Cum:nt FHA •P-Owner.'m.5'I0..1<3.9854 "'-''"-llff Poul JonH RHlty Duplex• hr Silo 1'15 prsl is $22,SSO. Buy from ll~~~~~~~~~l~"~·-~--~~~~~''1~2~3;;0~, 847-1266 Eves. 536-7124 """',,. Sp••'•h ••• 38-th St., per mo. i BEACON BAY -t. BR ~ $onto Anl Holthtl UH · owner this week tor $21..850. Newport .Be•ch 1200 ~""" ....... 'U:I' ~or 548-0398 Yeur Di1crlmlnate . 4 UNI.JS ~= ::.si:;9·500 OM1 den, or 3 BR. Community beach, pier, tennill cou:r - $450 per mo. ONLY $21,200 tute will be most sa~ · \ Beautiful 3 bdnn 2 bath + Th Bl ffs fied with thill tasteful 4 Larie·2 11twi:Y·i~:, 'bl!W nr-R!NTALS John McnJb Realty Co. .....,,, Ige 20 x 20 bonus room, e U Bd, 3 ba. owner custom-bit pets,' drape11, paint." Bfaun. HouMI furnflhetl new carpets. Jmmac. yard, horn• 6 -old 1~ 500 fut earner Jot Mar ocean in · · · Located on quiet tree lined $21,500 .St1ir·Frff R d cR'Em,'~:Jty multi·million dollar develop. lentala te Shir• 2005 street just 2 blockl!I from Very deW'able 3 bedrooms, 3355 V1a' Lido 573-9300 ment. $39,000. I.ADY alone ~-'•• lo 1,._ VERY NICE 3 BR, 2 ba mtturn houle, <mona dd l4ar, yrly rental. Chet .Salbbucy, Rily 6'1>-6900 NEWER. 3 BR. 211 BA, taJn nn, view of' hllls. Rec artL Avail. $300 mo. IW6-551l Elem & High schools. No 2 bath. Walled entry, adult I~~~~~~~~~ j TH Way Rlty 536-2579 w-• ,......, loan fees. High exisJina 6~li occupied, move-in condltion, 1: new horne with one or two Joan oan "' a"'wned with poolside localion. Corena-"91 ~r' 1250 Vl(AftJ--MUST Sflf. emown'10,Y_e;I_ l&dlm. •:;. ~~~ total n10. pymnts only $145 Please caU to see: uo:wvu .....,....,..,.,.. ... incl princ., int, ta>«•""""· EASTl!.UFF A ASSUME 5V4% LOAN 104;,:P,_,M==:--,--;--;-~ CAIL LARRY 5 4 0-1151 TY Submit on Down Payment ROOMMATE ~ted, single (open eves) Heritage Real REAi. Forever View 3 BR, fain rm + din room. worldnr &irl D-21 to share CNt1 Men Estate '.!414-Viata Del Oro HAFFDAL REAL TY C.M. apt w/same. STI-3232, ---------Newport Beach 1107 Ebbtide, CdM. 4 Bed-8740 \Varner 8424«6 ext 4317 or 646--03S:i eves ~ BEDROO~fS 2 $19,900 Near Newport Heights Cozy 2 BR, home on ehort, no traffic street. Good size R-2 Jot for· Iuture potential. 0 ...... :e ALTY Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414 '44--1133 Eves: ~2,16 rooms I.: ram. 3 baths. I ;;;:::..;:;::;~ ...... ..:;::;:::;:;;1111"i;;omrn.an~w.Wi·iiith>;o;;;,;-, cioh;iU!i<!d,~•ihh:a;;ai-e . ~ths, family ~m w/w $87.500. nice 2 BR home. $70 month. ~ts. all bullt-w &:.love.- 4 BDRM + 5th or den, faml~ Jy nn, 3 BA. Beautltully landscaped w/ new 38' OPEN SAT,, SUN ·Assume 5%% lOln "'''" ..... 645-0813 /1 yanl. 1.e ... $185/mo. 1 -5 ' CALL AL BLACK 54G--ll51 IOYD S BR Sol Vista, 2~ baths 2 GIRLS to ihare duple:'!: Herltqe Real Estate' Excellent area. , . ~=:;a:.~.$67. 1.fo. 2 bR. hoUS! wJ1arage; cptil, R. D. SLATES, Rl1r. drapes; tncd. yard. $115 847-3519 Eve.. 536-7840 WOMAN to 11hlu'e home Mo., adults only. 2619 .Elden ~~~"!'~~~~!!'J w/mother I.: c h I l d re n ; Ave., ·Costa Mesa. 673-5270 Anthony automatic p 0 0 L REALTY Tlme clock •prinkler s, 3629 E. Coast Hhvay, Cdl't1 ate~ thruout. Gara1 e '"!!l""'"·.,·.,·'.,'S-!!!5!!9~31'""""'""" storage. Many extras A you r own the lot. An Ivan WellS BY OWNER, dewly beauty at $79,500. 54M598 ttdeoorated view ho m e • -'-:~~~==~=-I Enormous fam rm. v.:J BOAT & TRAILER? trplc, &ep. din nn, liv. nn UP TO WI. COMM. Westminster area. B93--Ul4 NEWLY decorated 2 BR. + BONUS Costa Meo 2100 '"'w ~pts. Priv yd. 1 or R. E. Salesmen. or \Vornen-2 chiltlren OK. U30. Enquire openlll&'s now. Eiper. or POOL Cottage, quiet, clean! ·at 5'.!3 Bernard St. 548-2nl MW license. Trainint pro-?\Iaple furn 1 Br. Util, lndry 3 BDRl\l, W/W crpts, drps, gram. Confidential. Call 'Mr. $US. 170 Del Mar. Near Me118. Theatre, no pets. 3 BR. l ea.. :JJJx«J pool; on % acre. Rm. for hones ' or what have )'DU. Lease j avail., U25 Mo. &Q.QiO& , eve, , 3 BR. home; sar., lease, $165 mo. 54&-1362 yearly : Ka::NlAl.5 A,n. l'umlahM O.nonl RENT 3 RMml Fumitvre $25 Montll FULL OPnON' 'ro BUY (Refriieraton Available) N9 deposit o.a.c. H.F.11.C. Fumltu ... Rentals 517 w. 19th. C.M. -E6JJ w. Lncln. Anhm 774-2ICIO HOLII)A Y PLAZA DELUXE, spacious l·Bdnn. Furn. apt. $135 Plus util. 2 Br. I: den nso Plus util. Heated pool. Ample parJUne No children-No pell 1965 Pomona, CM 6'2-5858 ' tARBELL 29S5 Harbor , EASTSIDE INVESTMENT HORSE LOVERS Sanla Ana 11eights 66x200 \Vlth 2 bedroom home and a 2 car garage. Lot com- pletely fenced. $23,500 - Great terms. The Real Eslatcrs 546-2313 -646-71,n COOL POOL -T\VO STORY, Large 4 BR home ••• huge BONUS · ROO~t. F II l·I carpeted sunken 11 v i n g room, all buUt-inS It in ex- cellent residential a re a , Walk to school!! & shopping. Priced for immediate sale at $35, 750. CALL 540-llSl (open eves\ Herlta&c Real Estate Plenty of space next to new w/frplt', 3 BR 2 ba., 5 4 bedroom 3 bath. Balcony hole puttlnr rreen. '69.500. with terrific view of Back Open Sat/SUn 'til 5 or by Bay. Exclusive. 64&Ml4 appmt. 1107 Goldenrod Ave. 644-2867 Kory FIRST PIONEER 2 BR. 340 Avocado St. Couple · Jl50. Mo, 6il-3667. S4'2-4421 prfll. $90. Close to K-Mart 2'BDRMunturnC.0Uplesonly, °'=•::•::.r:.•1:_ ___ .;;::=I Huntington Beach 1400 Or-3S96l. 2 childl'eft ok, no pets. $125 NEW 2 BR. FURN. CPTS. i. bedroom cutie act on a ~lot. can for details. JEAN SMITH, Realtor ~· 714/646-3255 %iEX2A House ' Older Home on large (35 x 95 fL) R·2 Let 1 block to Beach $11.500 t Georg• Willi1mton ~,. Realtor ;:so Eves. 673-1564 ' ~DO YOU WONOER? ''lfbich area is just rlgh.t. .tJ.1: might be Halecrest m ~is neat, bright & very an 3 BR, big fam. home. \Only $24,0CJO. F I c x i b I e 1i!rms. The Reai E!ltaten, 1 146-nn _ 546-2313 LUXURIOUS 3 BR. 2 Ba. Fa. rm .. Irpl., wool cptg. Hid. pool, irplc. wJBBQ, fncd area for children. \Vall to shop. sch.I. S32.950 ownr 96~91a · --Cost• Mesi 1100 SPACIOUS 3 BR, 2 BA, family nn, home. Ealing al'ea in kitchen, ceiling of light, auto ga.rqe door opener, brick fireplace shake roof, new carpeting EASTSIDE C.d.M. Hi'Di•l. l'!J.500. Call 5-14--2326 aft 4:30 ~f $?},/;ii) • 3 Bedrooms. I~ 1---·ow=N=E"'Rc---- baths on quiet cul de sac going to Washl.niton. 2 sroty street. 5% ';ii FtlA Joan. 3 BR t bonus, &ood atta. 2617 We1tmlnst•r Pl. Aasume Jara:e 6% Joan or OPEN SAT l SUN try leaR/optlon. CAIL RAY 12 • 5 P.M1 GAULT 540-USl (open eves) BOYD Heritage Real Estate REAL TY 4 BDRfl.f, 3 ba.. family rm, 3629 E. Coosl Hlway, CdM 3 car garage, blt·ins, crptg, '75-5930 inter-com, ele..: gar. dr &. sprinklen, nr aolf coune. FREE RENT 2880 sq ft, $44,500-by ownu. Trade income propert,y 6'15-6846 Three bedrnom house plwi PENDING FORECLOSURE µ"'~Bod~roo-m---:.$2"3",1"50" dop,lex ... ~ th, .. ~ ~ .. letN~ $995 moves yoo ln. ' BRs ,,~ I an s c .... ,,. "" ......... ~ 2 baths all b ... Ut-ins, ounken . ESS THAN RENT """°"" . churehe• •hoP- .,. baths. Full dining room. P'""' _ tn Eutsldc Costa llving room A fireplace. .... kl 11"'-U'f> CALL AL BLACK ~1151 ~rpeted .• ,spar ea ...., • MeSA. Profit.Able lnvet1tment Heritage Real Estate ewel... Excellent area. Sil'l.500. . ~ ~ _ 4lio-1rio BURR WHITE, RHl!or J * $12,500 Full Price 'fARBELL 2tss Horbor 67>4630 Eve• 642-2253 12,500, do. l BR, "'~-R.:!. Chennel Reef 2901 Newport Blvd. N.B. Drive by 18S E. Wilson. Call ~ Ponthouso Apt. I!!'~~~~~·~~ Lockhart Rily. '46-2'ql ~ Sale or t.eue at ·$550 BY OWNER 3 Br, 1% Ba. $26,500; I.DAN 59' % e By per mo. to niilable p11.rtlc1 attracth·-e Jge il:ble frpl¢, Owner. 3 BR, pool, frpl., 'f n 1 y. ChHM' sails bury, brick planteMI. Lee fam rfn. new cph, paint. Eastl:kle. ~aJtor, 6'i3-6!)00. yard beautifully land~ M:lnl oond. 6U4I088 'DIE lf\1B of ac:ttviry tor ed. l.ihake roof. Ntlahborhdod 3 BR. Assume '" % C.t. , of Unt homes, cl08t to N.S. loarr, p&'j't1. i1ss on pre11tnt •met bw:lne•• · • · tht Ek1nen1Ary &. high !!tboolt. Io.an. Open Sat. & Sun. 1~ '~Ma-DlaJ &12-J Nr Weik:liU ~ cen-3036 Garfield. s 4 s-116 8 to otftt your serYice NOW ter. $30,9SO. 642-0253 Oo)·le It Co. 61:>-1977 ll1lu 11,.1 £st.t• Owner's Special 3 ·Br., or 2 Br. A: den, cus- tom WesttlW home, many extras, nr stores ' schlll. PhOne 6444044 HARBOR View Hills • \vith a view. for aale by owner. 4 bedrooms, 2;* bath, living room, D i n I n I niom, separate laundry room • pool size yard f u I l y landscaped $49,950. Phone evenlnp ~ms for appt. Wostcliff Pro•tit• Luxury Duplex 3 bdnn, 2 ba A: tam nn., BR • bath beautifully decorated priced Custom-Bit 3 , -> below area, $39,950. '0wncr. hom~ plus 2 Bdnn 2 bath 642-4251 Apt. • $62,000, ==~~~--~~ 1 Orange Coast Pro,-rty LOVELY • Traditional 3 & 332 Ufarguer!te, CdM 673-8550 den home, 2 ba, pool. 1.--...... """"""""'""' Lnd~, ,.dud... LR SEE TO BELIEVE l 32xl!i. Not a leaRhold. • t .-000 ,39 950 TIG-8558 So. S\tl(' duplex on y $;w, · ' CANON REAL TY BAYFRONT with boat sllp, 3034 E. Coaiit Hwy. 675-3581 large 4 BR 2 bath. $60.000 . minimum • down $2000. INVESTOR'S Spe('ial 2 n1~ (Il4) 529-8100 hses on dbl lol. S. of hwy. BY OWNER, 3 BR. l" BA, $58,000. °"'1~r·~~169 _ huge fam rm, ser porch. Balboa P9nln1ula 1300 Ex cond.. Harbor Highlands. I--;;:;;:;;;,·;..;·;;· __ .;;;;_ 646--6731 \• • 3 BR WaterfrOnt No. 6Z MINI •CUTE Balboa Coves. S 6 0 • 0 0 0 · Doll R~ on pcninsuht Prefer trade lor acreaee or polnt; three bedrooms one \~ill consider othet. 5'.i:·'l'771 and a half baths, tirtPiace. OWNER Sale.-Duplex. Near Jgc dble lflU"llt. Near chan- Bay ft Ocean. $46.!l!O. 2'.11 nel and public beach. A 34th St., NB. 673--6S36 Jewel, Reduced to $38.250. BESr BUY in Harbor BURR WHITE, R•al1ot Ri&hlands Open Sat I: Sun. '90l Newport Blvd .• N.B. 1-6, l50ll Vivian Lane. H.B. 67M631 lvH 642-1251 OPEN HOUSE (]!ayshorH) ------- 2535 Cre•Mew Dr. S Br. Lido Ille IHI 2 Ba. $35.900. Owner I---------* BAY VIEW Fee Jot 85' ~y ownrr J Br, l ba, frplc, x 195' 'N/ plans. $34,800. bl~ pll)'tln I: bL Beat Own" 54&-724~ 54HlOI Lido bey $44,!llO. ln4l THE QIJJCKER YOO CALL, l?>.S023 THE Qtfla<Ei\ YOU uu.1--,Wbl='°,."'Eleph::---;-an"°u-::!-- --2351 + $.'»"dep. 646-5631. Drps. Pool. Adults, no peta. GI FHA Lido loio REDECORATED. Spac!o"" $145. 22'12 Mapl• St. 'l BR 1% baths, u~ed brick FURN. lwru.ry 3 Bel. 3 ba yard It 1 Br unturn, vacant. ~ 642-4807 exterior, shake roof, double + fam. nn. a: den. '!.far $125. 281 Knox St. C.M. GORGEOUS new adult apta. p.rage, 62xll6' lot. 4 years lst to Jwie 30 • $500/Mo. .$150 N~ 2 BR, drapes &: 1-2 BR. Furn/Unfum. old, block wall fence, l5x20 References R. C. Creir, carpets, 1nfant or teenaacr 2000 PARSONS;~ patio, fireplace, llx17' dinlna: Rltr 67~9300 OK. No pets. 548-2757 Dial 64z..s618, tor RESULTS room, built-in ~ ~ oven DAD..Y PIWf \VANT ADS? OlABG. E ""'"'want ad now. CHARGE your_ wut ad now. & dmhwulm-. FHA: valuel"'"=====;-;;=======-1.0:===;'-==-======;:.-============""1 $27,400. no down to Vets. GtMral 40DOGeMr1I 4000G•Mr•I 4000 ~-. -S(C'i....,..M ........ ·-~-. --"i~-i/i-,e,.-EXCD..LENT LOCATION - lly owner, f BR, :Z ba, dinette, carpeted, d r p I , frplc, dshWllhr, patio, p&nel· ~ aar, · acrou from top rate achl, pla)'iround~. euJ ' de sac, 2 ml" from Ocean & San t»ero Fr.vy, walk to shops, 96Z-8257 GOW J.JedaUon Home 9082 Regatta Dr. 2 1ty, 4 Br. 2 Ba, L nn w/frplc, for;nal D. nn, tam rm, cleC kftch. Br. Bar, Crpts, Drps. Prot LandJcape, 5%% Jo an, Opf!n' ·Sat A Sun. (213) 1lit-<050 or clllt l'f!-'636 5 IEDROOMS Tl'y v,cxo ca1h down to ex· tstlng SW.% FHA Joan (ii) $207 tolal monthly, FormMl din. 'nn, 11Ji ~thl. SHARP! OESPlltATI OWNIR ·BRASHEAR REAJ..llY~ U7-8Sll .-.. Ml-2"2 3 BR. , ... .,,,. cup. •. """· d-·---IZ!.500: ' S18» 'down to a new :rHA · i..ul. 997-2382 OWNER • OOL Vl11ti, spotltM 3· $R. cust drpa, c:rpts, d btt~tns. rr,.lc. Ownr l'UOO. 147--061 Solve• st.mpio S"""""locl WordPlwlf /..-a ChuclcW •......... ~.JM four asi"'lliilli _,. ... 1ow ... --........ - DllDU01I· r I I STYUL •" , , . I'/ i I I, • ,....,, '"""""~· 1969 ::i'li:~'i"'-'-;:....7":"";0ill'l'ill:-:,:-::--:-.:i.--;,-;-~-= .. :rALS ~ ... '!, -:1: t !RIAL ll'MTI ; ....... ~i' "•UTM'.I~ ~~-aus·Mat ...,_!,,. ... ,;,..~.~·~·~.-;-:::~tE'"i~~··~L.:r''~'~~·.,--~,.~.11""' .... .,...-..,..--,..--,...,. ... ~.~·-'"":.~~·i·~·. !'e·llMvMllW -8b-Unfllrlll1!!td·'' ,1.~r11 -• ;;;:; ·0,..rol ' -·; '1#lNANW.L ',f ' · D~ily; Pilot .~ltl1,iflid c-.. ~'' sfoo, a.ii-· ·"°° j_;:.,.;,~,"' "°°°· ~ ~·::. ·""":.·· ''10o._~'398 .,\ , · CLASSIAED :fNDIX .. $2S"WL' Up · ~ous ~ult 'l'.ivb-c. * EXi:t'IANGE -\owbti'iliCJlnAr P~·~i!1~ ·, .,. ~~~ • -~ 6 -•~• • YJJ.A. .... • ._,. l,/W !le ~.... HAVE: 13 "''"" i1n1ta 1'1:1,oool !Ari,~ lovtl °'"'" v~w lot • )llt!it~( !!'11;1 ~:. ~ • •. '"-M,v•"'"" ... 1 ,,_ thOir ... "1 ... , ...... ---eUTIL-ITllSPAID• 2 BJt. 2 BA.,·wau.; In equly,W.4NT:.lanllY1CMt -oetr-.. 4lny-uce.. roe}~ tt;Wz ~....,,., .. -· i -~ • • • • lllCI l/llla • ""°"' ""'· • l!URN, uN,UltN •• cloll)', bo••li!\11 """ts"' R.3 Q~· i:ou•!Y· ·· 133•000~~'.'*"· -11,150 • ~·"' ,, __ ... · "v l'hOMt ii\Je open e:oo a.m. -5:10 p.m. • Maid ~ • TV a.all. • """"' -Poot Boll .Upo * 'U ·Unllt e $11f.«JO >MOI rwl IJ!teif.··~ ....., .. ~ . , • ' . . , · e New Calt A Bu ~~:·Apt&. tor .Ww:ita.. S1,1btman. Aru 1ual &'f'OQ fl4.tm, Nl'&' LARGE SOt. 'twill take ~ ao01"... -(""f~· ·~ .. '-;:' \.~ ,,,,. : 1 4-.~·-· · ms N-..... ""9155 Children ... -. Sole· ......... '2§ ' . Et""<! ., e.u, A,.,.,;.,_, uni!• Ctnlrally locaiod lo ~ ~ • ~ ,,,_ ····' .... :· "9 to "'9o• Salurdoy-Cloted Sundoy *·LIJe 1 IR'* ( ·lolcodalrheaLwalk -.. c·.:._ *'IJl!Jt•••nsoo ' H.B. llJl\OQ!l.,•l)°od Way ' ..... ~"iii ·'· < \' ,•·. • 1 er,u, .,.., diopl, patJo, ,.,, ~ ~11> cr-i 0out>k Hu~11'!!~ ... .., ....,, ss.ooooowli' sb'-1 ,.,.,.;,. ww; Re.ity IM-zit ;,.u;:"' ~''"'°it.al , ~'· • DIAL DIRECT 642-56 78 Molts, 00 pell suo mo. See cvqu· pdv, palkll: JIQOI; ex~~· Call litr. Kr&ri!er ' · Esta~~ ·~nn dk 'for . . , 1o -1e . .,.1.e Chine ....... &. .,.., --~CWSIVE :;:,~:&-.: inve, . •t, RoncfiZ.'' ' "' •' 6150 van: . ' WESTMl!llSTER & NORTH ·COUNTY DIAi: FREE 540-'1220 St.. 5•1!134.646-an .':"~iLsOH • ON-THE·IEACH ' · "L1TTl~.11u.s1H1~s" "'' Huntt~...., ... "' s40-1220 L••••• e.och 4'"''"" CHATEAU ,LaPOINTE • -1251 Mt•· • 2&i1111t•t1Aiito. · SA:Ni TIMOTEO •0peni.,ln'!n-·-· "·' • >. · Love!§ """· 2 BR ..... ou. .. , Luxury uvlni ~ti: .;r.... ""' ·.'. · ·: ',R:lli!CH' ., · : ~ ~::'..:" ·. . .. ·' ' . • · · Hours-Regul~tions-Deaoiints ll:teet P~• ~,..iH~ 2 ~ New «Pl'r. ~ tlMllt d~b.IJ\ ~W 300 ACre ni.nch,' BGl&d1 .... a fr; e No experience ntcftlirY '• '• • ' p6QI. Adu!ts. no pe--painted. Bltl.m. $125 mo. a~blo at • •... • . . ot ·'t.'orlh· ,;;.-).. •Free training~·-" IRtlOllll\~lf.wtrtltlrt 9'101.111 c .... th1lr •di dtllJ aall r:tp~ lmmecllattl)' .,,..,.. OO POMONA AVE., C.M. 646-50fS lhi 'ffgnflMIAn 1»1~;.·e~~rty '6ij$Q :;:e~.ClOO·~th. ~:. e ~.while 1eam\n&,. ·• .... ,•'-.'"~lati!H'fG;8',l~na. THE DAILY ,ILO"r UMtmU llablllty for orroN en!, te 'i!u~ ~· ~~ 2 BR DUPLEX. Private · ,,.,~ • "-' ~...=--t lot')' fundabed. .some acre. • s:l500· l••e~nt b~,1 , ... th• ~~.t ,efotu•U.hl"'I thni~ertJMment cerrect:IJ one time. Wsbr, dm'.1-.r. Adult. only ~~~.· ~ ~· p ,-1•1• l1l'J smnGtc ''HIGH t =-iez.~~. ~8.,~ e ~P==~~ ~ · QIEADLINI roR CO'Y AND.kli.L1·: l:30 P.M. th9 d~ ... ,.,.. !Mlbl~tJon, oxo.pt for ~ l!200, Wallace, t;=.M. BACHELOR'S ntrut, 1 BR.. ., IC IC l!:J ,. ·: " · ., ~ ,. 1 syliem; Paved road· front. e Box-"M4 am.if i>IIot ' .• w .. lr.en41 ld1Uo.. end MonPJ teetlone when ol01ln111 time le 1.90 ,.M. P'riday •• WILSON Wnt 1 BR rum. den., patio., ~. J!rivaey. i : t .. ·1 RISE OfFICE sni r ap, Nf!i.' JiledlanP .io RJy. CA.R WAStt-w/BEER vou. NUIT HA,Y .• ICILL:. NUMIERI When kllllnt alt ad ..... .,, 111utok tMUtt.. • ~~~ -~· 1 ~~ ~ ~; ~ ~ •• $1~ so.a93· ' ' -7U 0cet.q .4vt., ltl . .. ·• . , •t• j erd:le Cowl.bl •. FIAl, Flee ·BAR· RESTAURANT .• '9 .. ,. .... i,t•k• a reoord of the kill numlNr glvon yeu •1 your ad t•k•' M / 968-1140 UHV 2 BR. Unfw'li .aJao £ium 1 cn.-i ~1'81 . ' . SANT A AfiA $36(\~lm. For ~ infor.. T 5 furn. Be.ch: unlt1. Prilne' .• werl~o" of. )""I Ur call. • . • Bl"a. '998 E. cammo Dr: OUtat.~lnc ~ coi:ner maUon. plf'wluoth call Glenn loc&tiaft m San Clemel'!te. Ew1ry effort 116 "''" te klll or OffNd 'a new ad tlllt NI betw oNar.d, IHlt wt •~ i SEPAMTE Ba~. ciuif!l, Apt 1, CM. 546-0451 · 'J>lus alley, ~ 2 leaaed _ott.:. -TbotnP'50ft, .EXc: -~ltment. .?J.rn> .• , n11~·1U..!r1~\o cl•'° untll tf)o'Jcl hie 1ppeerff In tho paper. Eutaidt:, J!'O~., $110. 1 3 BR 1% j:la. Chilcfn,n L-.,n~ 19'd._ 5!05 ice blda:s near the heart ot .:.&~~~!"soc.,· l'?c· lrQWn 011 TR..U>E toil ·taree· DIMl·A·LINI Adt .,. strlotly OUh IA Mlvanee Dy mall tt •t.W on• of ... , o"'°'a adult...a,m lf46.o.2105, ' ' w.~e. ·$150<. Mer· •862 W. <>n.i:we Count;;'s Civic ~ .ll~ .\\-'.· .....,-Prnlp Afe, bo;at, .laM, Ul;lit& pr ,?, ..Call , NO .... na •N•No " • .~usau _p.tms • Center Apt ·1; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 100 CLIPF DRIVE ter &: finallG.llll d.ia:tricto "··· Ofanae, ~·~_.. .. .,.,., Ag:~,~4µ\.or ~eves. Tho DAILY 'tLOT NMl'Ye9 tM right q d•lfy, Hit, oantor or ,rc#Ulo •°llY edver- 1 ., 2 BR. • Pool SPLIT"levtl 3 Br cptS, drpl LUXURY FURN/UNl'URN Great· ex'pc:igun Ii lp.lfi~ ;)IU."2621, Evea.wknda ~, .. , ELEcTRICAL· CoutACtlni , tlMmant, •nd• tt .rt•n .. lta raka •nd regulation• wfthout prier "etlcc. ~77"E: '22hd SL . 64)..36G blllUI;. Abo bach.. • Yead,)t Leue. 1. 2 Bdnna. noW: '$25(1,(0), BusincSl!I tor ule. ClO State . :Miii ••• ,...: .... 1175. Ntw .. rt ... ch: cailf. NICE 1 bdnn du"'1'"'x .,_.., .,_.,.. ateps to Shon &: Sbq)s SUBMIT r:c-o>..tg l TRADES · r 1" Will RM E Lie to -.. , • · · • l'"'" 2885-A Mendoza ~ Ooe&nvibw from ev.-v ,... ,....... _..,, · · · Adults. $99.f!O 3 BDRM. lµ\furn. $14S Mo. troaa SlSO mo qp.-i;.;:.. ~-~ ARL•D 11 .E 10 R,E.J,TE, Acn1ge ,. '·' 6,200 ·rte,. ~t" peol>te •. 540-46~ aft .CLAlllirllD COUNTEftl 1re 1ooated u followt1 1 5fl.OSl1 2 Childm'l. Ok,h crpta, drps. -&M.U19 I ' LOVAY 2 Br. l~ be. blWna. 565-0m. No peta! '. 1704 N .. Rois . 714fS.7-'469 OUT . ......_ _ r MOBILE Bralte Truclc w/ 121 I Wott 11.n.ea INl•••4. HWJMt to-•· JJI W• hr ltnet, C.... ..... Hf [ $-side;·Poelt patio; 675-1393 Extr• Lar1e , .~. • s.tocjs: & .eciu;P: .. ~ Mi SINot, ffnthltt•• ..... JU..,...-A,...., Lot-• S..CL l:J .. l :JO a.n.,t. ht, IS... r' ~ •~--•-~'"" ...,.,.. $90. NICE 1 Br. Unf. lfove 2 BR. pvt ""Uo, rar, -an • •. ~ · ·. ' OUT -~ w/-~ re d l't ~ · · .wJ;J,I ..,.., .. Alm V'W"'......., Mature ruy · 12'J..A -..... " Bu1inH1 Ront1I 6060 • • • • • rv-· • .......,. · ,-. -. $67.50 VEltY nice b&chdcr t~ SL 548-~n· ~~· ~ beach .~ shop. '' 1 -"and l 673-0532; 67J..SJ12 .eve . HOUSES FOfl SALE :::oo:~ :r~~ :: :~~~i:,,:111Ytcl .... _"" 1' Apl GuatlemU only. -· P~· dUlt._ ·nas .. 11)(', utll. STREET 'FRONTAGE} · · ATI'RACTIVE Beautv Sa.1on ••ttlllAL. 1• NlwPOll'f 11101111 '211 1ou1PMINT •• ,.,,.u LIKE NE\Y 2 Br new epb . -. ~ COSTA MmM lltt WllTCL;I'" 4D1 ,INCINO .... I m·w. WUaon. C,M, 5t&-85Tl .. ., Or: Bea.ob. Blvd. ]480. ~· ft. ·~U.'J. I ( Ior sale. ~~nable! can MUA DIL MAii 1111 ~~~ .... ·,!f.Y ~,,.. f1U Pl.OOU ... SMAIL STUDIO drps, blt·irul:; carport; 00 -· ' Moae1 home ideal for' iruur., An A Y ! · Gloria 962-7232 MUA •••01 11u _.. • _. PUllNACI 111,A•••· 1.._ ..,. I pets. Adults. ·54H7lll KIAL EST1'TE Ila ..... .• . . ' . COLLIGI PAlllC' 110 IMT •LU•• OU PUINITUlll llllTOlllN• i ttlft _MO, LEASE. util'• incl. l'!:~-·ral Rltr .. etc, (Bet. Kate .,.., FROM: WAN-TED 1: 00-saJe . liquor Naw•o•t •uctt 1 .. CottOll'" on MAii .,. a 1t••un1M1No ws I r-536-9933 -eeftttos) Strir•. ~~ am" -·· ueense for0r9Jve CoWrty NSWHAt ... IA.I "" ... .. OAllDINING .... ' 5·200 _,.. .fno, 1(£)(1 Beach mvQ. -· IAUOA COWi Ult ~LMDt •• GINlllAL SlllVICll ... AIL UTIL PD. 1 BR. Mature N1Wport .l•ich. -· R.ntel1 WintH · 5.990 _..,, clutter Call: 64l-8139 Nawf'Ol:T \HOJ•• 1• L100 llU 4lS'I 011Ao rNo. 01,.1N• ..,."" _adulLU) ;JOO. . ~o~ ~ tm. . •.•. 63&:4UO • • tr1ffi_s; ::~==~ . :: :t~~:~.:::~: ... cw = :w:w THU~. 4111 I . ·2335'Eldcn Ave. N•'""pl· .. , .... Br Dix' ... ""c,"'•· "' CH01C! COS·TA ·MES4 oolM .• · -; ? ,~. lnn·ot-nt o· p-.· 6310 ...... n .. c· --... • ,"',.' l'OUMTANil Vo\U.lf .. 1. OUN lltiW UM ' u ex; · · • pecca e c;+ftdeatiala seeking Loe t' 3000 1,, ..... r-· .. llM.' •Lt.CH ...,. 1tlALT1t cwa1 1711 l N-..... ·---~ 4200 drp£, frpl. Elee. bllf1£, reaacmabty priced &part· . a ion; QVer .set . ,. . . . ""=· H~LAHDI ltll LOH UACN . .... HAULINO mt 1 ,..... • .._. rt!frig. Pifr, &lip. Adulta l'fO ment on BalOoa lllta.nd or store in busy 17th SI. shoJ>; TO: PARTNER Wanted to ~.~IN••••TT PAlir ~: OllAHOI COUlfT• "* HOUSICLl.l.H1N• .,,,, ""m ~---'-~------pets. $350 IM. SU-3425 near fetty on Peninsula. Pil/K .can~r.~ ·$525 .ltl'OnttL cltf~ 4Jy •o1..ir ~dpati; in highly pro-e.t.CK ••w ·• . IM =~~~VI :::; ::=..a.1.:x1eo•.. :,. , OCEANFRONT 3 8;u bltn&, LARGE), BR. i ' BA. extra Would oonside.r shirine. . ~u.rt~ay ,to b~. 64fa-7706 pe..C• A quilt . Utablc real estate . 'project. ~:JJ:,L~~iuc. ~= Ml~AW CITY •1& ll:ON • .,..,_,..,. It&. .,. I : ~Mo· $250arlMo.673-4~; ,_ --~BR.' will> priv 675-0770 d&Ys Gf! 4181 B lb Isla d likei ,, Realty project la ready to coaON.t. OIL 'MAI , .. IANTA AHA . 4'1t 11:0H11to •• I .,.,,, • ye y. '6~ ,.._,""'-. :r ' • (I 042 . ft ffsL'I~ _., . " , · comn1ebj:t & ft n a 'n c j n I IALIOA ... H.SUUI U• SANTA AHA Ml .. HTI .W. INSUU.TINO Qlt • , 2 nnov -ar' .. le.Pe ci15 1'&.. Blt-tos, ycry ~lean. everungs. · • · . , &___~ • , n ... :_._ady .~~·. at 6 stt 1ucoH IAT ,,.. ,"!!'.!!.. .... u11u1t.t.NC1 !: I -..-,. ........ ~ ~ •• Ycan 1U .. $165 m,· .•; N-'~R ~.. Mice p1 Jwo, $150 &; $175., .. swlhfrnj.1&. .. ·, , •un:: 'tl.0-ll""' . 1• -..:Y ·llLANDS ,.. _.,,...., f1tt IMVIJTIGATINO. Dlfdt9 mo, Nnvport Beach Really~ a:;nr.v T, o..wu, at'l;Qun& .. ~n ...,.\,~ 1'V fpr 25 y$n, ·Profit 911 casl1 LIDO' 11,1.a 1UJ LA•IJINA aaACH ml JANltOlllAL -"" , 67>-™2. 673-5641 .2 bdt apt or horn¢, "J;lllllt • ~.\ . . . _ ... will .. , ... -. .i... bl •ALIQA" Ill.AND , .. LA~MA NlaUIL 411J JIWILllY .... A .... -. · OTHER R•WARnS invest.,.,.. Y · ·uvu e HUlf'TlfllleToN llACM . Ull UN a.1M1NT• \nt LANDSCAPIN• "" 1 1 BDRM apt, .xlnt Joe, £emi • pvt beach. $115. Mo. Adults. .,.._ . . '. Nicely Furnished Second floor apt. Sor mature 'couple er aina:le penoo, on • Acacia St. '145. mo. Orange .. Cont Property ~ 332 Ma?KUerite, CdM 673-8550 BR· clme to Shopplna:, i 1S5 .mo .. Leuc or nKJnth to month. Hal Pinchin l ....... 615-4392 Be&utllill, nt'IJ,1 BR wttb cai'port. S1&5 month. 675-4633 evea or Sat. 1 .. lboa • - a.EAN 8"chelor Apts. All utll incl .flS vp 315 E. Balboa Blvd. BAµloA 613-9915 PENINSULA POINT 2 BR. 2 Ba. c;upot;;: yearly to desirable tenants, $1S7.50. 1544 Miramar 6'5-1358 $95. WINTER Re:ntal 1 BR. ~ E. Balboa . • 614-974~ • e.lllOO lalond 4"5 BUSINF.SSWOMAN with im- ! ·:pcccable credential5 attldng reuonably priced apart· I 'rrient on Balboa Island or -near ferry on Peninsula. -.Would consider shtuing. ~ 675-0770 days, 6 4 4 -4 1 8 8 ~ . e\oe:nlnp.. ~ Condominium 4950 I NEW 2 Bdrm,, 2 )la, eooo. ; ·Nicely lurrtished, _adults, no l pets $225. Mo. 144 Yorktown J Ln.C.M.....-. r ICl:N:TALS \ Apia. Unfurnl1hod 5000 ~ Gtn1r1I .1---------~ : $150; 2 BR., 1 bath; ; Wl/\V0 bltins, garage pew. ~ Broker 534.QIM i $95: 2-BR., 1enced yd., a:ar., , 1tove. Children A pet OK. Broker 534.6980 ··be clean qU.ie.t &:•reas. Adib, . . . .. •IJ "t' : ntlnim\µ'D within one y~. Hl,llltrN•t~ HMIO"I '1• OANA •onn 41• LOCltSMITN .... Eait·lluff 5241 'rio llf.ta or chil~~ \ii>' to 'OfflW R•ntal 6°'0 _W~~ r,tr.ut. Need $50000-U00.000 cas~ '°'"'""1~ YAU.•Y · HJ• ~=::o"~,.j'J;. :;: =~::"& ·~~:..... "" ~_\~rite P.O: ~ lBB2 . . l1nd"ii\yaitmen1 . oow~ ; Qu&iille4 ~ipala: :~~;-::c~. = R"·N· T·Ls PAINTlflllO, .. .,.,...... = ... 1 • NEW DELUXE • : Esmiidido, Calif. LAGUNA BEACH .Nut 4 •Pr;icot 9rowin1 only! Box M 703 DaiJY Pilot oA11olfN •uvs 10s 1; •• "' • '"'""''""' S-. I 3 Br. 2in .... apt. fQ!' ~ so. ·eo·s Gas eo. emp'loyee Air Conditioned ·F1·1.. ~•' liallVI - -Lo'" 111.c.ie . .u• Aptt. Unfurn11hacl •ATIDS .... 0 ... .--.n-.,_• A'nnn"" .. ~ .,. . · ~OOD ,... elNftAL ... PNDTOeliA .... 1' tl7I \ 1ncL apac,' mstr. suite, din nHda 3 BR 1*>11\1!. ~Ible · •~ rvi...._~ • ..!..,..,~ " Alf1lfa 9T.wing Reel Estate ·Loans 6940 oitAN•• cov""' u• conA Mii.A ra• l'LASTllUilO. "''"' ...., "" rm. &: db!. ~. auto. rent ';';'itb Option. J.,oc. EUt Qed:· i;&llle~ 19ailaJ>ll!. Ul P1rc1I of l1nd . OUT"Ofl COUNTY "" MIU ¥1'11:09 Slit ;;;~"':~::,..N. = door openu ·aftll. Pool Ir of Harbor 1te t Wee n newest ohlCe bul\dln1 et •II your own ·~OM&· LOANS . :~J:H JTATI ::, :::;:;• :::::,., :: POOL s111v1cE "" rec. . are&. ljr, CatboliC Paulerlno &: Fai[, .CM, prime location In downtown ow I k 110NEY AVAILABLE WUTMlflml.. 1'1t NIWl"Ollt IHOllS me =•s:-::~~IN• ::: ('burc.h a: llChoDl .r.: Corana ~98811 after s. Llctma Beach. Ah condi-, " y~r own • 1 Call fur stetalls on b:la,y'a MIDWAY cm '"' warttLr,.,. me 1100,.1110 .,,. I :;;-;==,-=..,.--,,_.,-~ tla>ed, ,.......,ted beautiful . , I I I ( • 2nd TD! SANTA ANA IOI UIUYllJllfT1' "Altc mJ u.o-. .......... ere. Hit . del Mar High. WANTED· •IVI .. n •• vie --.... • • __ Ji ,,. ,.,,, ...... -.......,., •• ,,,_ .ra es. or s "' . IANtA ANA"'"" , .... IACK MY n .. • ONLY $280 • """' ... peJJeled partition\n&. T w Q, UlllU c .... t"'V}'U:: ...... Serving' Oran&e Counly tor oll•H•• "" •An ILUP.P nu lilMOD•LINO a lllPlll! ... l of Dover ii ·Cde'.&t Hwy, for entraneet: no-e . cm lhcrea.Singly becoming .... are 18 years TUSTIN \ttl COllONA ••L MAii sue :=·~ IUTCllllQ = : 831-87l ~ w .. u. N.B. . ··--.mod•!.~ .,,~ '., .• polonllal .,,. Sll·-r • . . NOllTH tUSTtN 1'41 ·~ I* ;,;+ .......... "''~· ~· '>j. • Forest Aff., rear letda to 0 ll . ... SatUer Mortgage_ Co. Inc. AllAHllM '"' lAY'>flLANDI ... SIWIMll ,,.. : hav~ power, w•ter, sood ?tt"~..h.·I ..... ..w-lots. ·= Valley, 18 nu eaat of Bar-~~,, E 17'" Si llLVlilADO CAl('f'OH UN Lteo •LI .., lftlN• MACHIHI 111&rA1111 '"2 . 5 lighting ' water . proof. ...~ --· "; Slo\V .Calif '' """' • ... ·., LAOUNA MIUS 11'1 MUNTIM•TOH -HACH .Mtt s•PtlC Tutla.,...... ·~ ••U Coron• dtl Mir 250 ~· :;-::! !C:=torDc ~. . WHY WAIT? ~~n6f3.~ = t!:~:! :~~:L ' :: :~;,:·~,~~'' =:; ~iL~~c:"'OL !E ; . ~· i£;i~~ O/I TEN ACRES 1 " 2 BR. Furn 4 U'nlbrn Frplcs I Pr1 I Pltloo I Pools. Tennis • O:mtnt'I Bk- fst. 9 hole l"utVGroot. 91!) Sra Lano. ow: 644-'811 (Mac~ur J\r. Coast Hwy) . ---~----- CorOllclo Apts, 2 BR. tptfUm. Pentbouaea- street levela-stodios. All elee. ldtcb, dishwashers; 90U'le frplcs, w/w carp. le drapes . 2 car-carport. Pool, Sl 10 to $200. Otlldren 0.K. 673-3378· 4102 E. Coast lJwy, CdM 2 BR., firepl, crpts. &: drps, stove l retrig, Pvt. patios. No children or pets. $Z10. mo. lease. Oi1nge Co11t Property 332 Marguerite, CdM 673-85.SO NEW l ·Bdrrn., rarage: carp., drapes, bllns. t150 Lease. Adult• only 673-6635 u.rwYED Lady ~ 1 BU&ine•• hours answe.rill& G • L ... L h I SAM CLIMIHTI 11,11 llAL llAG.14 . !01 TILi. l.Hlel-& "'""" "'' BJt unturn Apt. b@acb area, .... -.i,,~a'v-"-Lle 1_ ~·. at 1n u.TVrt· t • ro1 ANNOUNCl:MENTS S.AM JUAN cAP1n1:AHO 11111 LON• ••AC" ss• TlllE sievici '"', IP'l1n ...... ..._.. VI ... u pu1h milk• money II ' . . CAl'trTil.AllO •uctl lnl OllAllll COUHT'r Mil TILIYISIQN, ....... '"' •Pl! j to .....-. Carport or garage All utilities pald except --:-. ind NOTICES · DAMA POINt 1nt GAIOIN •1:ov1 111t UPHOUTaaY .,,. i ....,. 64""""" ..... /5°p m !'-"-· ' • UllLlll,D 111t MfTMIMf'Tlll lllt O •-> , ... .,.. _,,.,,.,,,..an . . te '"'l'UUl'e. Found (f-••·J 640Q OC'IANllD• 11't MIDWAW Crrt 161• WIUUN ,. • LANDLORDS • DAILY PILOT CALL OWNER' -·--' IAN.llff ' V1I IAlfTA ANA' ... JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I -=. 'RENT'"' •~"VICE' 222 F0Rl3'l' AVENUE" , .Sf~~ afU!r 6 Jl'M llrYlllHMf COU"1'1' 1'111 IANTA AIM NIIOMtl SUI Jo• WANTID. .._ ,_ ,..4~ ~-...... LAGUNA llEAal ''" • ' f'Ol1ND\'TolJ.•·J.11h _ ........ ,....H.... ,,. TUSTIN ... Joa WA,MTID. ._ nat Broker 53U882 .....,. $8 OOWN, ·$8 per month, ·:·dtl''Mar·~·all "Whiten .part :".c"::~~~ro. :~L~ = E.O::lH".t.L.llACN :: JO• WU4TIO, ,.. . WANT!J>: Bachdor apt. or $"95 fUll price, buJs 10 •pen:illl'I' ldtterr "Yellow 'eye&. A•A'ITMl:NTl 'l"O• ULI •• ~ Nt•UIL ,,., =·~~~'t.. Jiii room/prtv. entrance. ~IEDICAL ·• ' Professional 'Al:M'' In so. .. Qdit. L. 675-5977 •: : , , .... -RENTALS , · . ~ CLSMIHTI mt 4n1tc11r. M9I 11• N .. ~ .~ "176 SultCB for · lease Custom . IAN .IUAN CA~ISTltANO mt MALP WAMTID. M-. ntl e .. _. area, IJ'"Q • • Shewfelt, 326 w. 3rd St. .. llblYS, mue $1.ingray lbiC')'t!e. HouHl'l'umishtd OANA POINT . ,,.. AOINClll, ·-UIO ' \VANT Garage for Boat slor· remodeling avail. 18 7 8 ~ L.A. CZll) 623-5lll2 '· · Yico"-Brookhurst &: 'Adami caNt:1tAL · ,.. REAL ESTATE, HILi" WAHTIO. W""• , ... age. $10 mo. N.B. area. ~ ~i:~~~ ---2 'ac'prlfue-Nappa-1/iew. atta !J62..001l • • ' • :~"~.:' IMAAI = General · ~0:1'Nt;';. ~':" w.Ma :: ' 673-6134 eves. nr ~goll course. Write FOlm'D -Fe.male· ha C.c.et "''"' DIL MAii tltS !~!."-Ll>C...... • .. ICltOOU. INSTIUCTIOfll NII · SACRIFICE On Bay. Flonl. ' "'"'" ,.. _ _. __ Ln HB . • ..,..-MllA VlllDI • 1111 ....,. I IU fflt JOI Plll .. AllATIOM '"' .. _,. owM1'-, £0.uJ. .._..,... • bo.und. la,guna Niguel area. COU.IOll ...... 1( 1111 ".IMTAU WANT•• .,,. TNIATll.IUL. 1HI ' Rooms fer Rent 5995 willlng 10 rent . fat" ',....... · 495-4798 · MllWPOllt ••Actt ntt llOOMl NII: 111Nt ms-MERCHANDISE FOR price. 2 office unit•. 1 is . , ~ 1 ·~, ~ • t . , . MIWPO•T "'''" 1211 •OOM & 101.11:0 "'' S'LE •ND TRADE EMPLOYED Man . or college. 1tudent only, NtCe; lg. room, close in. semi private bath. $10. wk. 1789 Crestmont, Costa Mesa. ~9 -480 sq. ft. w/4 Dtfices + MoUnt · l Desert 6210 rI"S .e.tcb.bouM '4¥" \lila· NIWPOll1 JNOllll mt MOTIU, TIAILI" COUITI"" "' "" • . .... ··--~-...... ' ...... IATIHOllS. tttl ou1n NOMt:I "" PUllNITUll -, PLEASANT nn. for neat, sgle. \VOrking a:irl. Kitch. privil. Nr. Dou&Iu 89Z-2360 W,/W Crph1, llv i;m, ~ ~mi pvt, $15. week. 135 . Albert Pl, C.M. &16-8359 redtption an!a, 2nd is ieX· • ~"UUU · • .' I MISC.'lleMTAl.J· "" ccutive area, 400 sq. rt. .Q~ . pµ.ot' Ousif)ed :"nc11L~::••.• • :! INCOMI P1to•11:n ,... A:vall ;Jqr 8 mp, can after In . T"·. . D.esert•. teetibn"NOWI'. ~ ' '. UNIVllltln l'Alilr m1 IUllNlll ""°"'·" ... 0001 ~•=.!: 111;' • 111,VINI t:m T,'..,",,'°,',,',',"'.,'·,, ::: 5 pin ~. . ts Y:QUR, AD JN· CLASSI· •ACK •• , , -n• o•••<I ••NTAL .. ••n * Offi WATER WATER ~1 Som ...... .. ... , """ "" Modern ces ....... . lr'l&:;U eone WW lllVIHI TEllllACI nu 1110\IST•IAL ... OPlllt'f ... looking for It. [):la) $42-.5678 COl:ONA DIL•W.lt t1St COMMlllCLl.L &tfl Single or suites. Air C'Ond-EYER-YWHERE ' tor quick, emclent l'UUl,tl-••UoA ,,. :sTatAL lltlNTAL !: itio~ng, parking, sccrew:ai .. AND LOTS OF DROPS . · ~::0 1::t°1"" = 1t.t,)le1t11 . •t.Jt service, central locatlod. TO DRINK , ood ,-· IA\,IOA lll>l>ID im c1n:u1 HDYlt •Us ·c. Robert N ........... ft•-•'---mm ' ... ""' OT • .. ... -ACl:IAll t111 a,u...,S ncu..,.,_ M It O I CH LAAI ILllNOlll ~ 230 E. 17th Street &' PGU;tetAIN YAL.UIT Jtlt llSOll.T PllOPlllTI •1tl Cotta. ~feita.. 6i12-l 4ti 'LOTS 'OF DROPS TC> }'ILL · '~ ~::~ :~~~ = 011.t.•M co. PllO,.llTV mr Room & Board 5996 NE\VPORT CIVIC ,...,,.,.~ YOUR MAN MADE LAKE~! OIUNOI ~JfTY , .. OUT 01' .TATI PaOP. .,.. --------'-'-.._,...~1 .c.n. IUllTA ANA fllt MOUltl'AIN & DtlllllT 6nl PRlV 1,·v & bdnn ~1 .... Ottlccs suitable for Com-CALL TO FINI> OUT llltEITMINSTllt · "" su•o1w11io1t LAND 'n' ' • ' ~1" oe< iaJ Medi ·' ~ iaJ MtOWAT CrtY . .t1, HAL •STA.Tl tlaVICI 6nl cil'l'ICI f'UllNITUlll •11 ' Of,IC& IOUl•MINT ltll ITOlll IOVIPM•NT "" 1 CAl'e, RIJTAUllAllT •14 IA• IOUIPMINt .. II HOUUMOLO 0000S 11121 OAllA•I IALa Im P.Ul:NITUlll AUCTION IN APPLIANCll llM Nilt .. UIS lilt SIWIH9 MACHIHll l lM MUllCAI. INITllUMINt llU PIANOS & 011.t.fllll llH ;:f'~, .. -:: Hl·l"I & ITllllO alt TA .. a llCOIDl•I '"' CAMlllAI & IOUIPMIMT Ult "OllT IUrPLllS ... ll'OllTIHO OOODI IJlf mature. 20 DAYS FREE. mere • cw, ~n · ·AB'OUT ·THIS 'UNIQUE U.N•A AIU. ttll9NT1 •• a.a. DCNANll •Ut Available March 15 W:Costa Mesa 54th'tl52 Air~., qptl, elevalol' COAfTAL •. ' . • ,,. II ... WANTID '141 Z Bft, 1 BA, carpets, drapes. . 1''ROM $70 AREA -AND' HOW t:~=: t~~:L = ,BUSINESS 1ncf llNOCUU.WS. SCOP'll ml MIKaLUNIOUS 11e1 MISC. WANTIO 1611 $155. 54&-l740 Misc. Rentals 5999 ~t-5032 OR 675--:1464 'MUCH WATER SAii <L•MINT• .. ,,,, FINANCIAL ========="' 1-----'---'.;,.;.;. SMALL Qffi~ suitable con-THE·RE IS UNDER w. JUAN <Ai>•••.t.NO 1121 •,.,","••'i'o"s "w','°.,'•'ouN1T111 '* Balbol 5300 FOR RENT "·-,_ ·-GROOND * L~AD'N CAPllTllANO 11.1.cH n» '* -;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;; ....... n wr s....._~ tractor. distributor, sales. c Ai! DANA POINT" ,, .. OIYllTMIMT OlllHl"fW;tltlet 6111 • age; As is -$35 month. 2524 Util. air cond, furn includ· ABOUT WHAT THE · lllVllillDI C'OVff'l'T tell 1HV1:nMINT WANTIO .stJ Yecuiy LMSe 3 BR, 2 BA, fireplace, 2 car aaraa:e.. We.lit Ba,y Aw. $250. mo ... BURR WHITE, RNltor 2901,Ncwport Bl\.'d., N.B. 675-4630 ..... 642·2253 Ne~·port Blvd., Costa Mesa ed. $70 mo. 19028 Jlrook-•'.c;OV.~~ EQ. W.A<;ON". ~::l~:~.~~flllTALI . = 'r.::OTNA~ L'o°t:s !: hurs~ St., H.B. 54(},2529 FOLKS K"E\V-LONG OIU"L.IXll •u•toL .,,, 'IW1!LIT LOA.Ill me I p rty 6000 ., ;i.,, COl.LAT'lllAL I.DANI OU neomo rope ShlALL office on busy cor· LONG AOP t I RcNT.(Ls· llAL lf1'ATa LOANS .a. LIE on beach, lish on pier, picnic in park, all , lvlthin walking distance. N e w Hunt. Beach 4-Plex, by buildcr:165.~ 847-3957 ner Coata Mesa. $55/month . • HouMI UnfUrnlabld =~":::;J~ .,.... := ulililies included. · M2.fl560 if T,HEY could make it N"IW'S Jff£ MMlu.L ... ANNOUNCEMENTS LCE. OUice nn. for ins. to Silver Valley, 18 .mi. U: .. : =:.,A_:~u.MA11:· :: ~ .ncl NOTICES. " t Re 6306 \Y Coast E . of Barstow, they · ' · Mt IA v11ot an• •tvND ,.,.. ""' .,... e c. as. . uld CDLLlll .... IC : "" I.OST '411 Hwy. N.B. 548-1290 knew there they wo . "::;g•t ••AcH 11t1 :::O't':'i'MiMn .- MACHlfllllWT, lie. 1711 LUMllll 1'511 ITOIAGI ml IUILOINO MATlllALS l'H SWAPS 11" PETS •nd LIVESTOCK .. ITS. GINlllAL llit CATI M2t .... -ltOllSIS ant LIVlilTOCIC IMt CALIFORNIA LIVING HUl!Salll•l l'1t SWIMMIPfO •oou .... PATIOS Hll AWNIHll l'2t VM:ATIONI tn11 TRANSPORTATION •-· h 5400' H~ • ·-· h 5400 find , water. YOU can . TJM£ fOR : .... o:; =••. :: •111TM1 :~: 5100 H11ntln1ten u..c unt1ngton .,...,, · Commercial ~85 find _ lantl, \tater, ' · · A M\'s..o111s . ms ~·•u.u ...,, 1,totji· iiiiitiiaiiiii-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim I cleati, dry ,air -high ~. :t:::i.~,.~.. : '"~·.::~T~~::cT01t1 :: IOAT1 & YAClfTI ttM IAILIOATI me Pow111 c1un11:1 '"' I Catalina hlatid desert aud land. Uivest-;. . ' · , ulf1v•um ..-.is-nn ""011uT1 •t11 '; HARBOR ment, \..,,61 ,fo grow al... • . ·a . ~ ... ~ .... • •• ,' --" .• ~-~T,• ... •ttltl .., .... M"llO-SKI IOATI "*' IOA• Tll:AILlal "II 10.tT MAlflTl11AHCI NU aOAT U.UNCMINO ft>I MM.IMI IOUIP. ttM Hotel, Restaurant A Bar in _,,....'11-QUICK c SH --betlftifu.l Avalon. Presentbo Calfa, 1'.l\tt tr~e~ & apri-. r.~:L,u:: •• c. = ~:::,i:~ ~=~TS !!l: GAE.ENS operated succesafully, Long cots; fish ra.ismg, etc., co110NA o•L MA• m. c1tlMAT01Nt ~,. . • etc. Own cyour O'WD ' IALIOA !" •. ..• lllLIMOllAI. ...... It, .a1 awaited muter-plan d•vel-UT 11u,... me AuctlOfll .a. IOAT SLI•. MOOlllltO t01 IO•T 1111:\llCll ..., IOAT lllNTAU Mil &OAT CHAllT•.. Mii , -U.\Cll ELOR • UNFUR.N. , . from $100 I • ALSO AVAILABLE 1 • 2 A S BDRM.. , ; Heated Pools., Oilld Care ' Center, Adj. to Shoppln&: - No pets alloWtd :noo Peteraon Wa,,y, at Har- ' b6r & Ad~ O:lltl. 'Mna. ' ~-. 'iiiiVEN \flU,A ms. -> 38' AVOCAOO, C.M. ~· I BR., ...,..,._ ~<. }dilbwlhr; pr. No cblldren, .... peta. ~ KJ..l!2I 2 BR. Un!ura. -blUol -" crpta, drpo, Cblld OK,' no peta. Sl.25-. SA Wllmn SL 5'!Hl760 STUlllO I BR. Iii BA. Jolt rodec. New _,.., *"-Udl rm. doeed .... Da71 ~.evs5tl-Ofi:M 2 BR --· !ully -....,.... '1»'-'mS Padlie Aw. ~CT Spanish Style Luxury .............. ,, opment of this Island par&· lake! : • • . : ' . . LIOO ISL.a = AW~TIOW lllV!CI = :~R;n' WH1i;E;·R ... ltor Call 847-6640 eves a1te~ PM TBROUGH •A ~~=t:r-::,.c.. =: :~~=~~I:':,_ = 2':'01 Ne\\..v.rt Blvd., N.B. and talk lo ·cm·ner. ·' ~.' " • ( ~ NUNTIMfTOll MA1:aoi11 ' ,.. LlaAI. NOtlCll ..,. "" '0UHTAIN WAL.air Mtt MWMAll A tVTOllMe ... 675-4630 Ev11. •73-0859 •••L 11AcH ....._-< Ml SERVICE DIRECTORY '!~~~~~~~~~ 1 s A NR Hemet Xlnt view. OT WDIN ""' tnf ; 2300 •el. Wtr, pme. $6,000 DAIL·Y Pll '•"•"••',."'co.'",---:~~".~J:': ••••te• = lnduttrlal. Ront1I 6090 ISO dn. 63J..mo S.10 a.m. qt. IANTA AllA "' • ,0, ""'L'•"',',• 111Pa1al. "•nt •~" W~TMIN•Tta '611 A .. ltlAI I e ts'l1 FOR. lease. Laguna Niguel, or! San D:le10 Fwy at Crown Valley, new commercial l iDdustrtaJ untta. Delta Eltt- trlc. DaJ.'t • 831·1400. EWg • -· ExchangM, R. E. 6230 HA VE: Orcaon acreage. $100 per ecrc 11 down payment Into hollS<' or alnill units.. Ag!:nt 646-a683 d a 11 , ~~eves WANT· AD 642-5678 DK! SQ ft wvehouR I: otfke ·+ l<n:I aq n paved I: fenced yard. 1355 Lquna Canyon ~· E, Wanted 624f! . ' Rd. CU4) 4!K40116 or 17141 5<0'~ . • WANT tmall home or \111..'3.nt lot NeWport, Co~1a i\tesa ~a; lrom pl"iv puty . All"HALT, .... .slt ~ AY Cn"'¥ 1'1U AUTO lllPA11$ ua SANTA ANA HelftfTI Jodi AUTOi. .... hlllt T'"' llf. ""' CO.U•AL • IM MaTllTTltte .alt 1.AOUNA llA,tN SM eu,T MArllTllt•liltl .W LAtU~ MtaUll lf'l7 llllCk. MAIOJlllY, etc. ... SAN CLIMllfrW In• on1t11tt M•YICll .ui CAPISTll:ANO mt 11 CA,llTll.t.NO IUl'.N h IVILD I · U1' !>ANA POIJl1 8 Uftlt._ •n CONDOMIJMVM ... ~~w~~~· = OUPLIXll Ult,U•M. Mt CIMl .. f, ~ ._ RENTALS CHILD Ull. ......... Molt L.....1 CONnACTHI _,. Apts. Fuml11"1'9'U u.1tP1t cLaA•lfl• .- ••N•llAL -u-..n U.fl,.. & llll'Allt .. ,. COJTA MIU.· -OIU"lltlll -•ua WlllOI tilt nMOL.•TIOM - '""'"' •o•n -"" IQAT MOVINO IOAT ITOIA•I "41 lo.tTI WAMTID ,.. AlltCltA" ml l'LTINO LIPDNS ~ MOllLI llOMl!I .-MOTO• NOMll .. J l tcTtL•I tl'll ILl!CTlll( Ult "91 Ml111 llKIS ft1J MOTGlllCYCLll ... MOTOllSCOOnlU ... AUTO Sll!VICll & l'AllTS ,_ AUTO •oou a l lUI... ' fUll.IL TllAVIL _ ... Til.AILlllS. Wlltr CA.MN•• ,,,. TIUCKI .... lllPI "" OUNS IU.0111 tn1 1Ml"011Tao ""1'01 ,... ll'OttT CAii •(It ANTMtUll. CWS!Ct tflt IA<• CAa• ._ "" AU'TO IYliltTS Im AVT'OS WANTllO t1" ... U.llt ... MrtO L.USIW9 .... UllO CAii .. 20'.I SQ, 1L M·l space with lroot ctflce: drlve in reu door., 1308 L<lgan St. C.M. ~ S19:5 mo 6f6.-06&1 • , . ,ti> $XO). tor G.J. far F.H .A. 8CKI ~ Ft llc ecr iq, tt. : Elllritr ftr 9 bdrm + h .c....,,...;;:--..:~'V HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR II Ora,,.. County Altpirt. , lari\ll)''\om. ~. · Mk for Ow~ ~ · · · 50 or 00 Units or man: NOW LEASING -New K·I 4100~. Down Imustr\al 13M llqUl.ft fffl. i\OENT 642-1023 $lf6/rno. Attnt &Q.lt8' ' IS YotlR AD IN CLASS!· Ml·A: N'pt Bcb: 450 j;q, nEDt 6omeate "111 bl 41. amall mtg, A: ofc1 Q , 1ookina fer h. Olli Kl:-Mll Dq. ft. lltot'agt. 642-819 fllr awck. dftdmt ttsultl - ·-~~~~~·' • THE HIDDEN DOLLARS .. . IN YOUR HOME LATELY? .. --- .t.NNllUNCIMINTS 1-wf NOTICES SlllVICI DIQCTOIT !--... 1111!1•-•*llllm-·--· *' '* '111'· :* . '* c~"', "" ........ ..... ....., -1--------- BLACK. Scotl> • .,._, male QUALITY -• - ..... Red ........ Vlclnll> tlonl ~ -C<Dl ... -~ s.nta Ana _ ... Moote Vl8ta. or Contract Ml-3"2 , ().M. 548-6085 REPAIJIS, ALTERATIONS · Wll1•olye .Wllilt ~ o.lf BLACK Lalndor Relriwr CABINETS. ""' Ille •Job, Sl'l.CrAt. CLAISIPIC.t. T!ON •oa 21U. Call !or Info S49-0156 25 rn . ....,, 54M113 NAT\11.lt. "°"N' IWAl'l'IU . • MA!l'E1t a.rpelltw, " .... -I ........ .... Mell bbur.~--SL'--·S""*-Sloudto · 1---------, ,=: ...... ;;;:"::;~;;!!';;*":;;;;== ... I ,_...... .. ........ -,. MUIT INCl.lJM I PURPLE ----~th· 1...11 ,.., ,., ...... .. ..... ......,.. ,.. ... ~ ~ ~ WI ....,... ... YOIJ• ..... ............ ..... .............. • worn l!y am.all black kitten Cement, Cena• "°' •-ffOTHUr• flOI: IAL.a -TltAHI Gfill.YI LOlt ...... Mold. Loot .ncinll> ~I '42.5671 . Santa Ana " Unlvenll> * CONCRETE work. -. To Pl-Y-Tr ....... P....U.0 M J)rive, C.M. MS--5993 aftu ed 1:; lJttnaed. C.oncrtte 6:00 P.M. •wine 1969 Pbmocitb 81.ttilite 9 LOSI' 18 mo. old black 1: Phillips Cement. 6'M3IO Pl.-•la was trade for ear-lier-· ............... .eold Gefman Shepherd Jut e BEST m CONCR.ETE car. Call after s:w. November. Vlc Santa Ana Walb. petal -· ~ e ... -·"" Ave, CM. (Belonp to Patios. Phone &GaS'if' _,..., • disabled Vet.) REWUU> I '•_.:..;CO,;ti;:;CREIE;.,_;=~-~k.~~all 22' Ceohlr)' ~ •• has all w.s1S8 544-2324 l>PeL Pool do:la A --C.G. -equip. LOsr MayWr c.M.·Coclrer Call 5&1324 -+SIS RT. So1d new S15eO. I;<;~;:;;;::::.~~~-W'-price $429S. Tnde A: Terrier, 10 wb old. Betae CEMENT work. no Job too for smaller .hoaL M&-8812. A: M U,l t l coloml. AnL small ,.--··"· ~ "Toni". call after 5:30. ' ~. • re e Cl.bin Cruber, Twin Screw, 675-6115 estim. IL Stutllclc. St8-86l5 30' Owtna. Top coqd. equity 1-KRYSTAL agow aki vie· ect.JSTOM P.Anosa of ... Tra~ for bouite, . Bff.cb Blvd HB. Nevada IDe concrete •wins le removal . lot.' auto or ! ~ Markel''bod ...... 211._ 1 =='Sta:;"::;u:; .. ;;:•;,;sa.;;1~01~0=-1 ,=,.,.,="'m<W~::;,._.__ *2919' . ChlW Core 6'IO Cl lot !Ox 115, Tustin. val MAN'S brown walltt vie 1--~----_;.;;;_: $45,000 •. Trade for . comln Vista Shop'r center CM. am.o Catt, 1l'J1' home, owr bldf, w/lncome or: ·Palm· Keep money return II> A 3 )Tl. Vic 19th le Hartior. = H;"~=- papera. 549-0998 C.M. 548-7118 m.tm... , . LOST: M1e ·tovtd 2 >'I' old · ,ff:male COWe. -vie ~ Centrectora 6'20. WANT ' condo; Homt, or Vtrde. 3 wry unhaW)' ADDmONS..REPAliS units in 1ood &ft&._ HAVE ~hlldren. 540-1859 REMODELING up. to 1lO &Cftl' at $300 LOST female Siamese, 191' ~ le, PlaMblC ==·· Matcbe.m ~. : • 1 ~ old. Vtc WHt 17th le • -JatcbtM-Bat)s.-etc. Whittier, C.M. 642--9641 lJc'd It· ~'.Free en.' BAYFl\ONT le dock: 2 Bal. A ~· B· .CON~ON boa Covet, NB; ... ·152.000. L ............... ==ls'-----"640..;0$;;: 1123 Paularino. CM. Trade !or T1D;-'..-? M « • r *· 56-4il~* . teue I opHOn.:"Courteo" to • LICENSED Addi""'° * Rem.mu,,. .._,,_ ~ , , . Spiritual Readings. advice Fred u. Gerwkk. Uc. Want amalle.r car w/pwr Ir, on Ill matters. 108 s. n fl3-liOO. * ~2l'lfl tact -air. Trade-"4.--• 01iJ1: Camino Real, San Clemente. / L ract -•-+ ~ooo • 49'l-9136. 10 AM·lO PM w ~ .-. ...-.,. · ' SPEOAL n READING C1rpot Clooni"I 662$ "I In 11' acr nr Palm "1IP ... Bal $895. $15 mo. 5M-1111 * Selective. Singles * W 1 d ow ed-111Jigle-dlvorced? Pillow talk-Pub. tnv. 642-9676 3-10 p-m. DON'T let another lonelY weekend go by! SUcceed in dal:ina without really trying. I..a.runa Bch .(94..4179 OOUP~ • SiJ:W)ea, ;new iJl area. ''The Utopians" are com1111: Fri. 5 PM 635-S291 · (Formerly The Rqistry) 'ALCOHOLICS AnonymoUB : Phone 542-7217 er write to' P .O. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. Announcements 6'410 CARD READINGS Call..._ PROFESSIONAL 1b1r A Uphobttry OeonJnr; .Top quality, guaranteed resulta. Allen'• Matrdenlnct 6464063 ar eves ~ CARPE"I' I: Furn. cln•"w; for 1 day service I: quality "°"'-call· -"" briahtnKll GC&:aO 'l' TOWNHOUSE S Br. 2i. "'- Btaut. a.ppt'd.. Prtv. f&t:Sf. pool, dooe to baf. Vil l"j,000, low do. er T .D:, Car or T 0Wner ..... lS66 COLUMBIA llobllo tmme, beaut am.. ilf'o a Star Pk. nr. oOeu-tnide icr ...._ ...... .....,. .,._ .• 17 Ft. outboard tar .u.non wqon or autO ol. equi.1 ftl. ue. Ph9nt .~· . t.aruna-• --.&:.~by JO.acre~ Jl'OW· want ftCnie rancti or aptl. Blql ~WO , 70 acrea 1n Ocelliildt, M..J. x Commerc"1 ' .... l'rade fir Apta. Omlna\. dal or.! T? ~000 fllll,lltJ, . Ownor 6'2-"'5. . . Contracton neld.o!f~ce trall<r, top -nlnut pue~ h:rterlor. QCptted, Sl.000 value, Trade for .t 61S<W Have . 22'. lted.Jlull cabin -wUb-·" ""· "'11 ............. pick ... -ot .~ Yllue. TRADE: Very -pod' EJec. tl'le dl>.r for' Gu Dey<: ol efzual value. ' * ·-'42-1'°6 '* .IOU I • ._ --.....,r,..., 21. IM ..,_...,.,~, .IOll 1 fllll'LDYMIJl1; JOU I llMl'LDYIMNr .IUlll 6 -LQf • w.......-• ""·--,. ~ ......... ,.. Help w ..... --::.:;--ZODYS SEARS . ii.1111 : IW OPENING 1011 * * * * * * CounseH11 ' '' lleaulltut P a c If I c View Memorial Park II located on. the hill· lido owt1oot1nc lbe 'Newport Bay area. Cemetery Iota crypts and niches. ~,. need pur- .~plan ... ' >.. fast crowing oom- puy W!lh coiqpltla a e r ., I c e facllltlu. Morllwy,.C hap ei, Mamoleum and ' ere; matory all within lht cemetery. We want · two emo- tloaally mature·men. No e:zperience ne- cessary bec.iuse of 0 U r profeH!onaJ train!ng. o6 not-pan up lhiJ oppottunlty. ,. ~ne 6U.0112 our'en wm ' Vko, ... -.... li1r..,., "' htoo. Mw,., · I I APPLY IN Pl:UOli' TO • Sl'OU IWWIDI ' . '100-Y~. ...... .,, . " l'OUNTAtlt YAl.tlY 16111 11,\ll-ttL YD. flY COOK SALAllY OPIN ,,,. pin • 1 ... lhllt nnt ,clla ~ -UorMS with mtdf:. railtt in • Wll eslabUamd. leClll'et ~ ............. MAllll&S 'lie. . . .... . l!2 Toro M <i.iuuft World) 1-Hllla.·l3Ulll& * FRY COOK· . .,. NIGHTS APPLY IN PERSON llfUl8I L UE ANNOUNCIS CAllllll Ol'l'OllTUNITIES ~ CGllla 11.... for uperleuco4 llUlllf . SALfllll • Oppclit_,, for m1111ilill11t , lllllmlNd. ... . . IXCILl.INT IAllNINOS PLUS PROFlT SIWUNG, HOIPttALIZATION, GROUP Lii')!: INl!UIWICE. PAID VACATION, EIGHT PAID nOLIDAYli. 40 BOUR WEEK. EMPLOYEE . DISCOUNT •. * * • APPLY AT Penonnel Office MondaY thrU Salurday 10 AM to 4 PM • • ----------- : .. . '""' • E• ltat~ 1 Al'PLY IN .,,.._ 1.illdolMllllt . . 010r ... ·c• 16MM1,.. Coot~ - ASK FOR' Mr. stamer• Mr.~ Hod"' Apply'" ........ ,I . , . . -.. --. -I"' , . . - "'° ' I' IU. ., MIRCHANDISI l'OI M ANDISI l'Olt MlllCHANDlll l'Dll SAL.a-AND TAADI I Nill TRADI ,SA~I AN~ TltADI HI.fl .. ll"1!lo 1210 '*-1210 Ml""-W-MIO WCJE FURNITURE STORE Gultw H~uort•.. • ~-A. J(~R SALE TAX LIQUIDATION • NE\f oiil;i)JIW • TUNlllS -.lllCll,VlltS f'ender e Vox e 8t&ndc.'I Fi&ber P'.¥D ... ........ ~,~~~ 'PUBLIC ::.:.z?. I ·~-:;-:0 ~~~~:::.i~ ~·=~iaon.w .... ....., ,..,,_,. l&Jt '·11· rum 'Holll .. orte,. Ken-Tlt·HO (New) e NEW i.d USED e '<.:" • 111.00 . Ill.GO · , eo.ao m.oo Pumllvre • AppH•ndl Color TV1 e Pi.-ITC. e Cash In 1/J ltotlr • • llAND e ' Bought Manufoctvnr'1 LUDWIG, l\OCERS, ASTRO AMl'Ll1'111tS & Pltl-Nt\l'S. f • '69 Showroom Sunplol ....... all-"'1\b now < ~arantz Model 7 Steno Pre-Amp. ' • NEW I 541-4531 • A• Tmlflc s..-.1 s,.d.I .., .. ...,. pc, iieta and cymbal.a &ta.rt· Fisher 400C Stereo Pre.Amp. a· Wood carved arni divan, Ia:. man'1 chair In.,: at $189. Pedob, hl·hnt1 " SA·lOoo Stereo Po.et Amp. 129.llO 69.llO 180.00 30.00 185.00 100.00 75.00 325.00 1969 •• e or love seat. 5 Pc Qct.agon dark oak .din aet . . • • and ll!ta rePtb'td. All amall " '10A )• ,, 1• w/black or avocado framed chain; 8 Pc BR • Opon D'.lly 9 to 9 " ~~ ,e :::.,.~A~""" J .B. Lnntln1 'SE-40? SWrto Amp: BUIC~ • .. t. 9-dr Mr. & Mra. dr:easer, lg mirror., 2 !Of rout ililpec;ilon & convtllience EVERY'l'Hl!iG It< MUSIC Mcintosh M[-65 IndDI. IO W. Power commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish . !lleicbandloe·lnovtd"to our locaUon • Be • M sic ( le Allee ~-Mlur ~Amp. • •2444: oak design with matching box springs, mat-to NEW 1L1YING .R~ SETS • K 11 U eft I J, BbiLanslnl SA-«>O Ste* Amp. tress & frame. . (ManY colors fabrics & styleo) " Sile & Se le< Hea , Knlg1 I, Fisher, Elco, ,..., -•l llOO. 1t1m1 Sold lndMduelly * 30 'lylAT'fRESS SETS (twin; full , Queen, .,.:,;''f?noon ~Ill e, ~t s.s DuKane &: others lro!ll ,,10.00 to M.00 Shop Around -Belo,. ·you buy -USI King) RECORD PL E S • YOUNG, African Kl'f'Y fY.. a IMMEDIATE DELIYEllY • • VALUE $109$.95-FULL PRIC!Jtfl9.95 17'°' Boacb llh'd .. !Hwy stl AY R , * 41 RECLINEllS, rockers & occ. chairs. 11> mi. So. San Di'fO Fwo}. Thorens turntables or terms •slow •1 $4.66 per * 15 CUSTOM BUILT BEDROOM SEJS Hunthvt<in Beam MT.as:M NewComb Transcription Rec. to 35.00 rot: wry lllme, talks, rare, tieaut.: papet1. $ 4 T 5 • • ""'1119 • • • UseOW-StoreCbarge Planorllalll<Fi•arx:ing * U SETS ofbeautifulcoUtt,end GUJW, Model No. rm. u Player w/Amp. No Fancy Front -BUT Qtallty Values lnalde tables, lam s. •lrtna w/hard ahell cuo. 19.liO ~· ll2S. • e IP"...; ____________ ,,, Ca116j2-1589-. Cl\RTRIDGES & PICK-UP ARMS Color TV's -also Bloclt & White's Orto!on, Empire, Grado -' $10. to 20.00 Stere~ & Combos ,Pl•:'.°! & Prvma 113.!! TAPE ·RECORD'ERS . 11..----~-~~~~-'""!l~·· e New Pia-e Twidberg Model &, Stereo Rec. 149,50 * NEAR NE\'I' *·· .• ·:. wUru.rrm.AB!IADBURY P.anasomc RS75SS Stereo Rec. l!Q.00 Office equip ; 40 desks, 40 office chairs, U Ali o1y1,. • -., ..u Others, Ampex, Revere from f45. to 115.00 file cabinets, misc items tor an orderly Of· .........,, mad•, l!S note, de! SPEAKERS A ENCLOSURES I WHITE Gmnln Sbpe., 8 • mo'a old"w/ doehouse $100. • 1323 BWr, Apt B, C.M. DRIVE IT HOME TODA.Y e • • Alt 5 PM wk ,,.,., anytime • • NOVICE obedience c I a 1 I a 1tartiQg Feb 25, 7:»8:30 • • p.m. .----• fice, pianos, couches, hit;te-a.beds, rm dlvid· w~nch &: tuned. Price start. J. B. Lansing Hartsfield Sy1tem ers, BR sets, dinettes, din rm sets, chinas, tna: at $499. " C.50 Olymf.us Encl servers & many more unusual ·pieces! -· Wurlitzer O"JCIM Bozak E~ Spinet Enc , 1000 Jo-1Mn, wom. 150Ci fumitU'9 395.00 85.00 35.00 wkeMs ~· MARTINCREST KENNELS 8 ~ ....... . . ALASKAN 'Malamute, AKC: a female, C moa. Excellent a for lhow prolpecb and bttedlnr. Black wtih whitt • -.. !===;;;;;;: " $2444: UNUSUAL Opportunity The lndepe:Ment Order ot Foresters have opened . a new office in ~ OmQee County. Require intellfgent man or v.-ornan over 25. Col- lege not "nec.eaary. Should ha.vi' experlence in meeting public. Dignified lite time posiUon. Earning commenc- es immediately. Should be in excea; ol ~ ~-. . elephone: cn.8700 ~tween 9 A!tt • 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. 9 AM • 12 NOOn Saturdays fur appointmenl Soll F•"'°"' K""PP Si.- EXTRA CAS!f -no tn~st ment • work Juli or part time selling the famous KNAPP AEROTRED SHOES. Earn top commiM- ions plus bonus, pha frtt lnlurance. Previous Shoe ex- perience NOT necessary - write R. L, Jenkins, Knapp Bros. Shoe&, 6401 E. F1ot1Ua St., E. Loll Angeles 22, cali- fomla. EXP. Dinner Wail.res.!! - \Vaifer. Cocktail \Vaitreu. Bus bays. BEN BROWN'S REST. at tht La9un• Be•ch CC 3ll06 s. Coe.st l fwy. So. Laguna Beach 499-2663 Reil Est•t• S1le1 Men & Women Expanding a.pin. Office # 4 openillga available for lioen9ed men Ii: women. Ii.- atant lncome &: frainin&:. Mr Gardner. Sprint Reall:)o, -PRINTING • duplicator oper- ator Huntington Beach. Ex- perience A.B. Dlclt er Mu1tL MUlt wOl'k without.supervis- lon, small camera experi. ence desiftd, will consider part time. Reply P.O. Box 1066 Huntington Beach. 92647 PJ{ONE from home, 1 hour a nlght S dayl a week to people \lo'ho bavt. m:eived pre-approached material $50/mc. guarantee plus. """"" REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't you be selling the hottest area Hunbtlgton Beach! Village Real Estate 962-4471 or 546-&03 COUPLE wanled Jor Motel wcrk. 34lll Coast Hwy, Dana P\'.llnt. 496--1300. Waltreu &: Bar Tenden * Call 642-1831 * 2QX) W. Coast 11\\'Y N.B. A,1inclt1, Men & Womon 75511 newpon ., personnel . agency ProfeuioMI Service for the employtr and the •ppllcant 133 Dover D r., N.B. 642.a70 549-2743 Sc'-l•lnslructlon 7600 The Newport Sc:hMI of luslneJs Refri91r1tor1 • Stov•s • Walhert • D;yer1 e NEW A USED e Wh'arfedale W·"?O Encl. w/10" We Finance With Good Credit Tttmendouli •vl.rwl oo '68 · ,dual-cone Spkr •. Mestor Chorge & BonkAmerlurd um.a""" "nt "'"""'-J.B. Lansing C-43 Encls. w/115-AC AOK C • • G llery EVERY?IING IN MUSIC & Networks (2) ea. 149.ilO omm1ss1on a Beach Musi'c Cenler Allee 515 Theatre Woofers (4)" 39.liO 7722 G~RDEN GROVE BLVD. -Bozak CM-209-6 Column Spkrs. (2)" 180.00 l JI(~ W.eit,ol Beach ,Blvd., off G. G. 'hwy. . Foctory SaJ<i & Servt"" Misc. 8" to 12" Spkrs. $3 to 8.00 mari<lnp. '92-0403 I • DOBE 6 mo red male AKC, I • I lhots A: ear crop lnclud. • 1 Champ ltock.$100. MQ..3076 $. 35.00 .. -----------------oa7.~Bel2 """m" 'tUd' '1'uSat !5, C.C.T.C. l .... ach "' ·· wy -Conrac AV12C Receiver 1% ml. 'So, Saa Diep.Fwy. Huntington 'Beach 847-616 Phllips_ C.C.T.V. Camera 4 Received c~.la.tlon of $22,000.00 Sponilh Fu rnn.n ' , ~ G1ret11 S•le •nd MedlNrr•ne•n l-----.-..---I022 .180.00 395.00 495.00 175.00 * WlllPPET PUPPIES* rt , 99, : , rop 'QUALITY -MariJn. • DOWN em;t/ Kennebl 546-0089 • • All ~~rr:'0..111ty 20 PC; "MA,DRID" · Brend Homo• 3 Room Group GARAGE Sale, Feb. 21-22--Packard Bell C.C.T.V. camera 23>'d. R<ar m Jum\n, Grand Opening Altutron " " C d M. F.urnltu.r e. Our new oriin tlepu1menl BEAtmFUL St. Benlard lll'lus tu A lice~ on a~• pure bred. 2 )'tart. trained. !'proved credit for . thls 1 $225. ~1656. •New Buick Special No.1 MALE, German Shepherd, 433:r19Z600349. Decor•tor'• Dr••m FRO?if MODEL HOMES House~'Oft Dt1pl1y lncludes: Quiltep sofa & :;:.,ir;-T~;...::'.' i!..: h now opon Jtaturlng JEAN MUSICK CORP. AKC. 11..9 yn, l'JOll pet, a e llemK as follows: ~ chair -:I end tab&ea &: cof· g~ 8 ft. CU1tom quU· feo! table_ 2· lalnpe _ drea-ted sofa with stparatf! ' L ..'....h..-.. ...0 lika childml, $75. !162-1133 a • table, 2 pc davenport. toffee w!\h~~MAScl_.RRGCol.\N~-"I 20IO Pl•centl• Av•., Cost• Meu Ii:. e~ tbls. 100 ceramk """ex llllW: """ 0 OOBERMANS •AKC, mu.st a a moWd, Odds 6: ends. 9xl2 and P!aymate.' 541-16JI lell! Excellent quality. a a POOLE'S FINE USED CARS loose pl.flcv.·s with heavy er -mlrror-1 ..... uu.na - oak trim decor and mat· quilted box sprlni I: matt.. chfnl: chair, 3 matching reu -5 ~. dinlne room; oak occasional tabll'I, (2) table I: 4 hi-back chain. 58" tell decorator lampr;, COMPARE AT $749.95 tent for stadon Wm. 5 bp FREE 5f&-M89 Johnaon Outboard.. La~ Welk 1aJp.ily musjc Pl•nos & Organ.a I 130 Mfscell1neo111 l600 lABRAOOR RetrieW:r pups. • • HUGE Collectjon of over coune, a $1.00 'value, tree 1-----=-'----bl&ck. 6 Weeki old. Dam . '62 JAGUAI a with evtl')' 'Jb?mu Orran. HAMMOND• stelnway' Ya-PIANO $1~. new Spanhh A Si.rt: imported. 838-4928 .l .t, 4 tloor. Avto. ff•n•.,a 5,0CXI books, fictilm I: non-Prlqe! start al 159$. rm.ha • new Ii: UJed pianos T pc Bedrm set w/qUllttd r1cho, 1!11+.r, Showt 11· .. 8 "'"'" "'"'"" b<d-$399 room 11,1lte in pecan pan- elled Medltenanean style No dowr-Pmta only Slfi mo. fiction. t 25c to $2. 20231 c~-Mu•ic or all tnakeL Bt1t buys in bedspread U75. 5 Pc dinette TRANSPORTATION •coption1l c1ro. IWNAtSIJ. S.W. Spruce,, Santa An a vu.1 • So ~ ... riot>! h $15 .,._ • ....w.. ~. lft We -'.to. & y th! 9000' • $2 1 95 • =~~~i;,:,; WEIX'S WARfHOUSE 11prlngs, Spanish d ecar dlnlt1g R!, etc." 11<;,hll. 54&,7"' 11n Newport Blvd, CM SCHMIOT MUSIC ro. $50. I<t..... ,..,,,.;~ Botts I • MIS(! ................ Comer ot N•wport ~ -l9t11 N. Main, -......... -.. sc· RAM LETS' • • v a cu u m c I e a.n e r Ii: 646-0271 Santa Ana Walnut stereo cabinet $30. • a '66 TOIONADO •• Wholt hous.full w•• regular $1295.00 MUST SACRIFICE $568.00 Any pil'<'r can be pur· chased Individually • . • TERMS -We carry our ow;•j")/J Furniture at HARBOR BLVD. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (only) Every nit• 'tJI t Wed., Sat., Sun. 'tll 6 ·~ W <th-St •--ta •~A hou!ebold tterm. sitJSUn 10 UPRIGHT Schumann Piano New elec broom $7. RI-Fi a,,11 f d • """ • • ., ,,,..,, ~"' o-u 6 PM -E. Bal~-Used Or '•I ~-~---• ANSWERS power, I ory •1r OpeJJ Daily 9-9 ~ ... to ...., -llR .ICI I Ii: Bench. Re.finished (Not ~AKI~~ ftCO.iU11 ......, eiu;n, •cond. tSINtt?I a Sat. 9-6 Sun ll-6 Blvd., Balboa antique1). Good tone & .....,...._,.. • $2995 • MOVING: Birch dining ~t. G A RA GE Sa I e Sa t . Hammond MlOO Spinet $995 mnd. Needs keys ttcovered, KNlmD FABRICS Guided _ Guilt _ Lusty _ • • Hutch, 6 chairs, $250. Strp Furniture le. ho u I eh o Id Hammond AlOO Console $1800 $100 540-8644 Paunch_ PAITING tables, $20 or 2 lor SJ7. items. 862 Capital C.M. Hammond RT·2 Concert with ANTIQUED PLAYER ...,.FOR SALE C.Ompetitor'a comment • '67 OPEL • Youth chair $8. Blrch coffee .6U-l606 HR 40 •·••• ·••••• •· ... $1895 PIANO about a pll&her: "He fiiures I h • table u:i. Birch headboard Ganze Sale SAT/SUN 1-lammond C3 A PR 40 $1995 * S125 * Remnants., samples & Mill he can puih hl.mseU forward Spt. Co11po. ll.1cfio, •1f1r,• $1S. Brus headboard $5. 206ll Hopetown, HB Hammcllld B-31: Leslie $2150 * 673-821.2 * ends SaL Only I a.m. to 2 by PATTING hinisell Otl the .·:a:~•1J. I ow111r. IUQf .• Bunk bedJ A MattreMeS, Furn, antique love Rat, TV, Gulbranll!:n Premier only 6 p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. badt." $ 9 2 """" $40. 5<8-<19S <rib, clothn ••~ monlhl old ............ $3395 Tolovlslon l205 MAGNAVOX 21" a>lor TV KETIENBURG 41 • 14 5 •. G-ARA~-G-E-S&l-,-,-F,-b-. -22~.-1 .AU. PIANOS • • . . . . • •• . • •• . $22a. Sliver-tone S t e re o BIROi dining table w/2 ext -Sa·" CRIF ho /FM $ 1 7 5 W•-•--.9 ... Br ,.. do ... •-MV% or more ... np!I SA ICE 4 $300. Emerson p no. AM . $29 975 Sallaway I w/ pads $85. 4 •uu.our M AIR. .. .. ... <& Open Mod A Fl1 eYM. O:iloio 'T.V. 8eGttfui cbmy Lamps. tab!ft. etc. F'm1ch ' • • '65 IUICK • side chn S15$17•50a. 2 Wind..,.aor =St~~· MiK:. 181 l!AMMOND wood cabinet. Actual $750. Prov. 1tyle. '60 Pontla.c :; ~29~ =~t = 1 Sport W•110". F1ctory 1lr1 host chrs . ea. '._.... . In CORONA DEL l\IAR -~="c:""°'546--5~:;"'::;.~--ll'O. M7-72C3 ' cond., ''~lo, 1!11tor, pow-. w/ glass hutcb Sill. Birch STEREO Comb Gu Dryer, 285& E. Coast H'q'., 673-8930 desperate, ...... try $12,000 I,, d oor. IVZX24 tl """"' tbl $25. bll'ch oom-IOXJ 'Tblnp". Now Thnt RENT TV $10 -Must Sell ! 38' Ketten""'1: '65 G,..,, 1 $ 95 • mode $25. Aqua chr w/ Sun, 9-5. 309 Coronado, Bal-, ~l!'SeCounl-..Al!_s Ne Depoa.it • Free DellWTy Light Aub,urn F•ll tmcaePA'CIFlS!C..U.YACH' vTarlS•ALnbES+I I 22 • ottoman $32. Cin namon boa. 673-1856 ..__.11.,1t a.:uun of 53f..04n or 772--9110 d G-.$ 2 .--------I qollted ooJa $<S. DanW> Ii•-~LIDO="""°G;,,;·~=--Sal~,,.-Fri~'.,"'Sa,...L' 1 CONN ORGANS REMOTE CGNTROL p $l2 '" $ 5 M46 Vla Gporio, N•wport I , • tng nn aet $65. 2 birch a: Sun. i'i\tia N1ce, NEW Ii: USED also 11" ~fotorola b/w rood con-54MS37 Aft. 6 p.m. 24 Hour Phone 673-1570 1 6S CHRYSUI • bar stools $25....., ".:.2 pole Lido hle, N'pl Beach. WURUTZER dition $&l Klrby vacuum cleaner w/at-WILL TRADE 1 NF •,•, Yorli1r ll1r 1dto1 p co11p1 1 .• lamps $30 eL.............,. B7162 tachments. Take Oftl' small T t & 2ncl T t Deed 11 pow11, 1c ory I 'a 'BEDS $100 GARAGE SALE PIANOS A ORGANS pymnt. or PIY ott balance 1 ru1 . I I con~. CNHA 3541 Hl';!.',"'Sat A: SWL 912 Peace Place, CM Some 11oor Models PACKARD Bell Color al $36.12. Credit Dept F1"'n1"'""""1 ~~~~Kil w1th aux.• $2295 •. Bl 0 --ta M ----------Rentals • Service • Terms C.Omole, 21"· 1961• new plc-KE 5-7289 ..,....._ ""!!!!~~""~"""l!'~· 12137 1iarbor v, \,.Un esa lure tube. OUers! &46-€100 P.O. BOX UR ·--------= G•,.. .. e Sale -Moving! Qualified Teachers FURNITURE • I '-M • 17 Pc. King Si•• 20 PC. MODERN --• .. ,.... .. " -.... cai1t. """ • -2526 Apt B Santa Ana Ave. PIANOS from. ......... ~ :;H"-l·:..fl:..&::_:S"l:::•reo:.:: _ _.:;1210 must sell before 3/L ~1 17 FT Pm Ill.and '67 COUGAR a Bedroom 3 ROOM GROUP Costa MH8 6'.5-2673 ~~~~:Jc·c~~P· ::,ny STEREO 1969 IOlld itate ~ 34th st, N. e . <Cor. Ftnley.) Delux~ mod~e~d m::._ ••aH, 1wto.~ rs •• 1, cori"l·a t..arre 9 drawer dreuer, mlr-Includes: F1oral ao1a Ii. chair llOO ~" ". u-•· •--1a Ana 673-2968 alauJ outboard. Custom •tlo11ln9. I •-1•. fUCX •• Appll1nte1 .. ..,..... ~ ~ ...... .,<XU• sole. Never used $85. Alao llll ror, 2 bedside 1tands, kinK .. walnut tables • lamp1 • So of Frtt 5fl..Q681 6 , w a In u t AM / FM NEW-&ar'1 muaap belt, snap down cover. Bia wheel • size headboai'd, frame, quilt· J:C)mp2ete bedroom with quilt. e SPECIAL PURCHASE e M~ Ii: Frt .~ SUn 1Mi multiplex, 8 r;pmku audio drop leaf table $7, desk $4, Wt trailer. $700 or best ofi· a $2695 • ed mattress, sheets, blank-ed mattrna • 5 pc. dinette, Refrlaeratora, •utooi&Uc l)'ltem. Nonnan .. .US for 4 patio chrs $2, dbl bd er. Phone 642-4980 after 7 pm • els, etc I All foe ajar WE'RE In our new store. <UV $5. 673-499.f choice of Spanish e c. $'2'7' 7 wuhen 6: other m ap. Our fantastic sale or Piama $489.95, a.crltlce • f.l5(1. 9% HP EVINRUDE motor. a '66 OLDS "91" a -·I pliaflCU from model homes I: Organs now continue.a at ·c...d=~"~°'=-"'"'t.,::535'1239.::...=--Q U A L I T "Y klrc bed Good shape, Includes gas • or Modem "'Y e at fantastic dlacounta! No = w/qullted mattrtu, comp. tank I: line, and •land. $165 •Lux11ry 4 "oor. full '""''• All for $249 No down· Pmts, on!yHOIJSSlO moE. Down. w;:S See at: ~ra;~ Co~~~ 0!'aX:f~ =~ra~:~te;:~W: Never uaed $98, v."Orth f.l50, cash. SU-4980 or 644-4687 •f1ctory olr. ISUP5t21 • No down -Pmu. only 19 ;..,, WEIX'S WARE mss Brookhunt, Fin van.,. ·Pl""°' 1rnm $195. Oriuis & tapt rooonier 1 190. 842-'536 28 • CHA RA CTE R • s • $2495 • WEIX'S WAREHOUSE ~ w. 4th St., •·-ta Ana !So. ot W.,,,.•l ,...1231 """' $195. ~,.._,,..====-====I FRANCISCAN dinntt w.,., Chara"" Boat. 1150,0XJ or e e uuu ....,, WARD'S BALDWIN snJDIO ,;;;: ·'--Apple pattern. aiervice for Best Otter ovu $1195. I 9 Open Daily 9 • 9 0 'KEEFE-Merritt piddle-1319 Newport, C.M. 64l-NM C1mer1s & Equip. 1300 12 w/extra aervin& pea. $65. ~7834 '62 CHEVY • 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat 9. 6 SUn. 11 -6 MORE CASH PAID FOR Furniture Sat.9-6 Sun.11.6 top gu ranp, 1reat PRIVATE PARTY ---894-1219 25'CHRISOwmigbter: new • PICKUP 1 * $29.44 * broiler! $l'S. C94-9306 Wanb to buy piano ~ALITY Lelca Camera, GAS ref. S50. Patio table pwr., paint & tank!; $2.150 I R1dio, h11hr, J 1p11tl 3 Piece Bralded REFRIG • old, but works tor Cub. 213--817~1035 t cond., 1lash atl, ex· compt $12.50. 23" 1V $45. 675-3683 1 1K 6lf!ll a • OVAL RUG SET • well. Good for garage or tru, cue " instruct. $97. Table radios SJ,. • $5. 1 Nylon blond, """'1bi" lab. l'lll. 962<;008 FR~E TO YOU 548-J942 6«--0977 SHARP IS' boat w/cav.n, • $ 1 195 B--•-"--n. 1wiwl seabr, 40 hp motor a •v~ ... ..., ,.... _ _, •·~~ WESTINGHOUSE automatic $ rtl Good 8500 DINING room set, 6 chair Ir: trail f7SO 6U-03i1 Sizes: 8 x 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 washer, l year old. Like ORGANIC Ftrt:lllzer, Q!d "°po="'""'l c.;:,=::1-_=::.:.: w/needlepoinl Linens, Ii: er. . I '61 OLDS Deltil n I AL'S UNUSUAL new. $100. 847-3115 bone manure oomblned COMPLETE U.S. Diven china. liK8 Apl A Mission, ~ flJU.Y equip~. 30 hp I • FURNITURE WESTINGHOUSE Wuher, with wood sbavh'tp. Good Scuba OuUIL Ewrythlng CM elect.-Trailer. $600. 4 Dr. H.T. RIH, 11/fo., PS, ColorMI TV's, Pi•nOI 17881.BeacbBlvd. muJcb. &U-5332 ar MS-4!131 the beit Co•t •~. ••w. -'--------5fG..1185att4PM 111r condlHoni111. IMOY·· deluxe model. iood. con-_.... "" UPHOLSI'ERING -$79.50. 2 1461 I Appllancn, Antiques Huntington Beach 842-44&1 dition. $35. 6l3-1$l betw I I-5 Mon tttru. Used once, $3'.XI. 548-3902 pc. tEuropean craftsmen) 18' CHR.ISCRArr .Fiber&las. • I Pio co or OGUBLE Ix>< """" • loam Fri. 2128 n.. nt., .i.1, pickup, 215 Inly~ ~""""1 11900-pvt • $ 1 69 5 • Houseful! '.;.'·~~~"",:.,;~-"+ Anttquo• 1110 ~t '~:"'~.:: ~; roMl•RD .. 1~-. MOO Main, HD "Bemy" ,.,,.._ ==·=·-======Ill...-------: ~ t""' ........ -ad ..,., ANI1"'tr -... .. i .. 1. and Na. old, all •hots. 639-...,. -". ~ec retired, movln&: SONY 500 Stereo ta Pe S..llbolts 9010 a '62 G"•ND PRIX Is Our Speclaltyl uo:;"au uw .......... p... · +»> ~.rt'~ mWl pvt -.... to Dtnver, otff'rs the follow-recorder, annplete with """' a 636-3620 644-4687 , tollectlon. 18th C. paint. Su 5 p.m. 2121 lng Items at aubll.antial say.. 1peaken I. mlkeL Flnt Lut chance tor Boat smw I A11to flo•Rt., pow1r tf1or., 24 HOUR SERVICE LOVE Seat 1111· 8 med. IOfa, Antoruo w. ailt frame; Mex· 3 PURE whiff!>' albino. long inp. GE db refri&, aeU $185 taktt.. 548-&173 BonUI thla weekend. Coron-ar1dro, "••'••· IOHZ 62&1• BUYER ON Dl1I'Y 'l DAYS love seat, c:ot1" I: end icM . l!UJ'('Wx, t ma 11, halttd ptnea pip, 2 defrost, $175. Ham i Ito n ruu. Set men's WU.On Goll ado 15--$1005, Oil' 25-$4995, • $1 , 95 e ::,:.,=:..=::..::=~,::..,=I tables, lamps, 5 pc dinette primlti ---,-mlrron t em ale , l m a I e · dryer 1-Frialdalre washer Clubs, matched. rei. Good C.Or 34-$16,995. Save $5(ic) a MUSTaellimmedia~ly~32'; .et Less than 2 mos old. l1th ~ ~it~lnat•~ MJ..8141 2124 both f@r $150. Gold carpet cond.; w/bag, Cbea p. now! Sllpava.llable. • ........ .. velvet angle IOf.a. w: Must aitll thla Mek. Prv ~ntl; tin l*lntlnp. FREE To good home 2 kit-14 x U nylon $85. Tweed 96lhl0ll Open nltea tD I. 6l5-{l810 •- chain, 1 pc din1rW room ;,prly;c;·,.;-:=,-~,-=== Sem:lbly priced er ~ tens 9 mos. old. A!-fan rm Mohawk carpet, lT OOLUMBIA Defender 29• • • ;:;,, ~~d~•: ELEGANT SpanJ1h 11Jt fit001J nautical antiques. tecUonate, tr&lned. 646-14m x 13, $145. Above items ~~':~~h;:~ alps~ 30h.p. tnboud. F\JU' • JAGUAR a qUeen Furnib.n Uled for turnitunl. 3 l'OOmll 1 mo 64!)..2£29 2121 &how ~xct:ptionally fl n e MMl50 ndni IUI' Ii: atru. Dtnghy 1 • , model. bome. Sat A: Sun old. Colt $4000. new, 91!:lly ""'AST~;;;Sc..toc_k~Am-,-,-.~Eur~ a=.E~AN~,~-=---..,--,,,..,.,..,-.1..:"""'::;..:·:..:":;<-094"7:;7'==~~ 15 HP =~de $125. 10 hp A outbo•rd. $12,850. • HEADQUARTERS a onty.2298Redlaml1Dr,C.ar ~·Rd,~7 i_~ turn I. clockl . .Larry own/broiler, 1 co d ('l)n-*AUCTION* 1-lercury $125. Both run 6f6...61>t7cr«M-ms. ~ 23rd I Redlard.I • ea · • Morgan Antlque1, 2' 2 8 dltlon. LarJe alu Servel gu I! you Mil well or buy perfectly 548-4934 28' TR.ADITTONAL Aux cut· .COmpl•t• Sales • Serv-W ; WHlTE wrou&bt iroa tt»e. Mo ·v I NG· Muat sell Newport Blvd., C.M. refrigerator. 6-19-2'30 2121 &We Wind)' • lry ter. Pbllipplne Mahg. Beaut a le• •nd P•rf• Oep•rt·• r #x:tl, 3 chain; 2 cocldall ~hold f u" ~ 11 h In a: 1 ANTIQUES A Cl.OCKS SM A LL, m a I e d a & • Auctionl Friday 7: 30 p.m. ~~GA l~Ul~l&= ~ c:ruia1lJc boat 25 hp .ment for JAGUARS. a 1 ~~is.~~:.aem-!::; ~~<134Eathet &MJ~~~~~CM ~~~~~·Ile~ Windy '& Auction 81rn 3Sc-.$10.276-A16thPl.,C.M. 6f4-2T1I New aalla $7,450.1 ,::;J"1bc~:1 a mirror, chest. h db oar d, RECJ.JNO'iG new b 1.u e 5U-6&L1 S.A. 2/21 Behind 'J'ony'i Wela. Mat'I AU.EN Lapidary equip for HUUS tar lo'llllbu ou~ W '111'' iy • ' FEATURES' Simmonl dbl. matt. • CUiiom ""''h· 'h ''" Sowln1 Mechln11 1120 MO.'ED ...... ,.. • ""'· 2l1lS\I N..._ CM --· Good"""" NO<d nJinhllinl: llOO .,; ......... . e (llectrlc t,ypewrl.Utn apra:11. $200. 4!M-2434 Maock akal at S 150 • --·--old. Mother Poodle Dt.d TILE hobbyiat: Here'1 a real • 66-1087 • beat offer. ~170 · a • Olctatlzlr eoulpmt>.nl I fTS..lli7 19611 SINGER. ZI a · Z a I , unkwn. 9U-89ll 2l2' bariatn. 2 x 4 foot table BOY'S bJc:yclt, szs. Dwarf LIDO 1, 2 ~-• 1 • Modem om.. 's••o•d""" 20 Pc. Map a ~ U AL 1 T y """ hod toucl>o-matk. Wal oablnot """ o<lglnal 0.nwor ti!" lanon -in larp ,..wood ~ "' "'•· ·~· • 23 I E I Jib SJ • Brush GD Grea Sborthand 3 ROOM GROUP wlquUted mattnu. comp. incl. Snvlce man Mvinl HEA.LniY Male Pup Beqle. retdy for cutllnc and box $10. Sf&.1519 MM Full nee. Bow flot • • • i • area torce1 l'!'po! $39.1:1 ltnin. 6 wks. Needs soo<!. ~tic . all for $25. 644-il88 "=',:,.;..-'.,---~=~=--Rd trlr s:mG. :;t&-3225 eYe. • Pem:m&l J)evdopcmnt Incl~: Llvins room lid • Nt'WI' uSle'd $98. ~'Orth $250. Cash or auume 5'.6fi mo. llome. 53&-15t'5. 2124 PRIVATE ... -. 1.,,,,_ U.S. HIGH ,dlair, $10. HJ..ll amp, SABOT No. 4739 daaon ail,• 5 ... • 7761 • tAlk &bout OW' spedal Feb-'tables -lamps • bbedledo,_""''l~-~~,-:;=-:;=::o:::; Butlon hol.ea, o v e rc a• t NEED rood home tor Genllt I'•••: u.., pre.e.mp. cbangtr, cabtnet, aooct cond $285.. • ... I l'U&l1 o&r which lncludel eel • quiltC!d matlftll • ma-FRENCH Prov double bed blind hems etc., withOut at· l.ow.ble Fem. Cal Slk/\\'ht. wisbti to sell all turn • 13). 5t&-l519 • ~ * a • b't!e typlnr instruct.Ion.) ple din l11& room. All for. • • $60. Padded bl'adboaldl, tach. G u a r • n I e e OK. m-6311 alt g p.m, hou.&ehold Items. Everythlna 5 PIECE dinette tel $21. Mon·Frl 1:30 1m l---,,;6.:.41:,.0:..:1.:.53:__~-I $449 double hod $61!. -5Jl--6616 I --_,,=...,_=--lcu tlt.n 6 """-old. lm1 Com•t Ctrote, WHI· :II' KEEP Sloop In N. 8. • t. 9 pm • U~~ Giit, .......... ...co1..... ~ CUTE 61~UK miruiter. 847·n87. abp. $650. otfa or tradCI . • • z.,,•uwu:.. v..., .. ,, ...... Nodown .Pmta.onl)'$18mo.EUX!waaher/dryer .1968 SINGER, Zl& Z a & Ml.'l:edbtttdpupp"-lOwkl. •VACUUMS. ~or-s~ rd 1 •• Qdldmi, oandchlldmi, or wtlW•s w1111C1Wlfi: ___ .!"'", .... ~·Bar automatlcwlthwalcabintl old S16S-.S194 2122 MOVING. furniture , ' a .,u •y :.uam a younieU! IJdlvXlually tutor-nua AllUlw.K ·-'"""''"' Take over ?I pymnts of '7.Z llO 'tP-Repatn 1 parta. mllcellaneoul, 1962 Qurch .....,r Crul11n 9020 • " 6 pm lldOUlalatlDleaonlbrPi• ....... 52S 111 7 2C't1TEpupplea,8wbokt: ~uooable..OoutVacuum s ~ u~ UO.-per mo. ....... • 1 fftnaie, t ma I•. 33S & tTttl.. C.M., SG-1!5«> L ......,ta; m--. ............... -I Sundeyl 10 1m I ""boo!-173 o.! Mir, 04. eoo w. 4th St. llellta ""' H0<.'llholtl Good1 I020 ......... 648-0IO 2121 --SACR.,ICEI lo f jMft -ot><n Dolly t 9 ='=======-ISO. '61 UIEV. e<.va~. Ml1<. W•ntod NlO 36' °"""' •Iii' moortnr: • 'G tn )'OUr home SaL I. 8 5Jn. ll. I 00USU: bo:r lfPr"q I fo.m Muslr.11 lntt. 1125 OLDER do& -malteee Tf'r-Erwtne pod, lraftl. bad, top cond. Mllll R11 by wetk- by ~i:ntl.a.led tN.dlUL BUSIQ.'1 ~ • l'Y+~=rt.:ad:,..~ ----~;· nec!dl ~me with Runnl111 oond. 5'1!MX>51 ACCORDION Door to fit 4' end. 548-8891 Aft. 6. I All aubjtcts, gr"llld8 1 to .,.. n. DAILY PllD'J bea11fltw bedi:prta.d $3S. ~!:2. ~firr .,: ULTS. 2171 ~IAGtC Q)e( apt, ilie com-openJnr, Ute color. OWENS Cabin Cruller 22' I I Call: S!f-6702 Aft. 5 PM Oudtled .um, Sift · StSl. • 575-6936 FREE to lood holTM! • 2 , bin. e}ec. rangt>. ret. .ltlnk. E\·ts or wknds M1~13 many tmu. new top It For Dau, PDot \Van! Ada. __,., dlM .I .:tt:n. i.ool 6«-4687 1tlo. old female pup, hu 1 26 Gal. aquarium W/tlAh. DAILY PlWI' WANT ADS ~ Ex~I. mnd. Aakin(I Dial Ml-?1678 eaw! ! • "'hlte tltPbanlll! Dlmf'"&..tine DAil..Y Ptl.nr WAN( ADS! tlOl1W! Rhob. 61">-37'73 2111 ~ stand. l'lc. Offt r. li73-{,6.J5 BRRlG R.EWLTS! $275(1. 673-l!ll:? :1 • !/JM& BUICK "•I I . 'I ,;•di COSTA MESA -· ' " • TllAlllPOllTATION TUNll'OITATIOH T.aANIPORTATION ~~······.··~·~· ········~···••11~ s .. llCAlll· FROM I b•ciltl..,. .. .,...ontfratef. F11ll ' ,..,r 111.I f1cfoty elt Mt1:41<. ffMiflf• Utllf, bl1i11 witlt 41tlr' \li e 11"4111 top trtd bl .. t.. tt tt.f. N1 •. Jt4t1tM6010f2 - •• f · THE·' ORDINARY! ~ ··5751 :t Plt11 Tu l Lie. • fo ,• rl • ~ i . f; .Only u~·.¥~!l~ITY O.LDS . i •" o ' ·~1-.... make$-1i so easy! .s .......... , ...... ~~···· Open· •venlnp •ncl· lunclmys ' Sp11d--Sld llMts ·9030 MolorcyclH lB' PATI'ERSON 413 Chrys. 12 des. Guale v-drive; Edlbrk. hrtn-Tandem trlr. 54&-'606 M1rlno Equip. 9035 1 ~ 7~ KW Kohler marine diesel 1e.nerator set. no v... 220 v AC LI 8-9617 BOATBATH • Aqualon hull gUal'd. 2% Yrs. lood cond. Fits. Cal-20, etc. 54S-1547 1oot-Y1cht Chomrs 9039 CAL 24. for CllARTER mday. $150 wk. •842-7528• CAL 24 for CHARTER $25 day. $150 wk. * 842-7528 * -------1966 TR6, 650cc Triumph. Full dressed custom seat. backrest, used as _ street bike only. Many extras. $750. 536-4323 aft 5: 50 pm, anytinie Sat & Sun. '67 TRIUMPH 500 CC. Twin extended fork.'!. Take over payments $ 3 4 . 8 8 mo. 675--0767 '64 Y AJi4AIL.\' 250 cc, low mileaie, excellent con d, New tq~ $350. 646-0156 '69 YAMAHA 250 Enduro. Coqi.pression release, Ile. $750. 673-2279 now 19&1 SUZUKI 250 CC. Xlnt cond. $200. 846-9518 TACO Mini bike. New paint. Real good condition. Must sell. $80. 842-2..142 Mobll• Homes 9200 Auto Servict I"'====--'-= & P1rti 9400 Cost1 Meu's Year Round Mobile Homo Show 18'·20'-22'-2t' It 34 wides From $6995 12 WIDES 40' -43' 45' -50' -55' -60' -&t' From 1399> You can pay more but you can't buy better Parks available in all areas. Bay Harbor Mobile Homo Show 1425. Baker St % block East of Harbor Blvd. on Baker Costa Mesa (714) 540-9470 SEE the Dual Wide Road. liner Pan American, Para- mount, Elite and General mobile homes now at . Dual Wide, Sales Qlapman Mobile Hornet Inc. 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. 531-1571 LOVELY beach hout1e for &rahs! <Furn or unfurnl Patio, clubhouse, pool, prv beach. Must move for reuon gf health. Make of- "ter, ~S..lB'll, TRAILER Houte 8x32, metal awning. Deck & lliorage, complete $1850. see to ap... preciate. 333 W. Bay St. Sp No. 19, C.M. Nr Daily Pilot. MOBILE home -cabana. 11ingle or couple. A 11 facilities, pvt. cove. Lido Park. Reas. Terms. 675-4531 or 646-2388 FOR Sale complete "396" Chev eng, 350 hp, like new. $600. or best oiler. 539--9643 Trailer, Travtl 9425 OPEN HOUSE! FEB. 21, 22, 23 E1citing: all-new Streamline travel trailen just arrived! America's finest all- aluminum aircraft • riveted travel trail· ers ! Brand new mod· els! Exclus'ive new features! Easy Credit •1Pay on Your Way" Plan! Priced from only $3995 ' FREE REFRESHMENTS REGISTER FOR FREE COLO~ TY -< *SPOllTSM~NS'YAN-t * TRUCKS * · They Aro All Horo·At F1nl11tlc Dlscounli Read.Y bx bnmediale delivery , BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 Beach mvd., CH.-,.. 39) 541).2660 . Huntirwt:on Bead: '61).CHEVY 1 Ton, 4 1pd, flat bed, many extras. See at 837 W. 17th, CM ~1691 or eves. 548-7ll2 '68 CHEV., % ton. VS, 4 spd., positraction, R &: H $2,050, 536-4464' '64 FORD Econoline. Good cond.; good rubber. Mr. Noonan 524-1200; 642-7983 '59 Chev. % Ton P.U., 6 cyl., $395. run. Good! 839-:\480 1963 FORD FlOO, % ·ton, V-8 longbed. Comm plates. $TIS. Call aft 3! 30, 536-7919 GMC 1959 . Recent motor overhaul. Xnlt cond. $495. 548-6937 '58 CHEVROLET l 1h ton, van body. S600. Prvt party. 64U7d Jeops 9510 .... re w ,ou•Tcock I elJI, Chua.le M . , fpnta.ined Units, All ~Mes m Stock. -~. ,.~ (:1'11f19it t•r11nce of -1968 El ~. Four Winds, Scotsman ...00 G<ild- liDe model.Ii at * Big Discounts * 5 Year Financing On Approved Credit CAMPER RBflALS Special winter rates. Milke your reservations toda,y! THEODORE Robins Ford 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 642.ecllO. '68 vw camper, &&fl heater, rio pop top, :n,ooo miles. $2850. * 962~ C1mper Rent•fs 9522 COACH • TRAILER RENTALS 11'1 none too early to make reservationt far Sprina' ffol. '67 BRONCO idays! Hdtop, radio £: heater, rear WEEK-ENO OR WEEKLY seat, 4 wheel drive, red & 546-al9l white exterior. In Xlnt Cond! I========;;;; Never been off the road! Dune Buggies 9525 Not beat! 879-6088 Fullerton. . l966 MILITARY J0<p. Chev V-8, DUNE BUGGY Corvair Bucket Seats, 2.1 gal gas tank, SmTey top , new 1100xl5 tilft, many more extras. On front cover Feb. I ss u e "4-wheeltt" Maa;a2ine. See at Mea Union Station Cor. Fairview & Newport Blvd. 645-2380 BRONCO 1968 Big tires, read for Baja! Will trade. 675-5287 C1mpors 9520 'RNdy to Go $1699 ~-'-~~...,..~~~ vw S4t0 0JOl-47J0 TlfO 1 f71 MAllO,R II.VD. B•1 & Camper COST• 110• SPE(IAIS DUNE ....... M111t .. u. Rail type VS Good cond. Private party. 842-3884 '60Camper ··•·····•··· S899 V\V Fibergla1 , top, ·54 Bus ••• · · ·· ·· ·• ·· ··; $1099 naugahyde interior, basket, ' Sunroof Bus ...... $1499 tow bar, $1250. 548-6068 A'ITRAC mobile home w/cabana, spce for car. Sips 4. Must see to apprec. 6'2-GU2 • '65 Dix Bus, 9 pa.<1, ••• , $1699 J ~==""=====; . ·i=-!~:· $219" lmportod Autos 9600 l llfllU ~ Ill£, BAYFRONT Attn.ctive 1 Br. trailer & cabua. New "!· .. ,..,,, ... < .... , '" ,11111 DATSUN . .......... TRUCK & Camper; 81!Veral comblnatjons avail. Orange OllintT• IDOlt'co mp It tt ncr-.ttanaJ fthide cemw. Mt.1 Nomi"" Df..U)O Dir .. FERRARI $225~ .. FERRARI Newport lmportl Ud. Or-•I•,_ A He. anae County'• only author· iud dealer. DELIVERS SALES -SERVICE• PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. • .. .,,,..... "9411t Newl'IClrl Beach BRAND 6<2-&105 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer . j:IAT -NEW · f'IAT SPYDER 850, bright 1969 TOYOTA red. 1981. Xlnt cond. One ow~. SI600. 847-8169 COROLLA HILLMAN 12 i!lr. Wul '62 HILLMAN Husky, lo rrU, e 60 lllp bth .. runs .great, new tires, '69 • 4 Spell. traM. tags. $350. 673-8735 e Th1'"1 9l11u e F11Uy recll1l111 e Wllllf« wall tlNf JAGUAR ~~~~~~~~-1 '67 Jag XKE • ";;.'::;:.,.. Coupe, .deep midnight blue e 1 Speed wt,_.. with plllllh contrutina: Leath-e Wh1tb1115el4 w.iten er interior. Oirome wire!I, e ,..... .1, lleCltet' AM/FM, elc. Only 17,000 e hfremr careful miles. Condition of ........ thls Jag is impecabJe. • -n·h- e SIN """" • SMt leltt .!1 rtup o r1 311npo1 ! " 3100 W. Coast HW)'. Newport Beach 6<2-9405 . 541).1161 Authoritcd MG Dealer PANIC SALE! Going to Viet. nam, must seU! 1961 XKE convert. Dark blue w/gray int. Best offer. 714: 536-3598 KARMANN GHIA GHW I • 67's Like MW ··one with 9,000 miles" 2 -66's Extra Nice "'One with air cond. '' All extra sharp, an with ra· dloa & beaten and onr with air conditioning . M•.n•'-'n·J''' 1 f71 KAUO• II.ID. COSTA MbA MERCEDES BENZ 196.5 MERCEDES-!m s : Includes Ti1x & Lie. & Interest-36.MH. MG Sales. Se"""· -JmmediltoJleliwrr, All Models J1flllpil l'I 3111111011 ·, P/b, p/~ outo -U.. ' '67 MG MIDGET Rdltr, Mark IIl, 4 spd,. dlr, excellent nmni1J1 cond. Wire wheels, cream white body, plush black int Driven by little '<Ila man trmn Lqu1la. • Cull ·dell, will llne ..... prty, L. S. UOJ' 593,_......,. 'SB PORSCHE Spstr. Comp. Rea:>nd/65 s.c. Trani. &: erw-. recently rblL 644-2894 1"4 -XtNT COND 673-8339 & ~ ... _. Jz======="' OPEL RENAULT . '68 OPEL Sport Sedan; 80 '65 RENAULT M. !WUo, HP, red;· lic'd. wananl;y; IU&". rack. Good cond. $550. l!i,<m Mi. Xlnt c o n d • S4(l..40ll.1 -======= PORSCHE-SUl.ARU '65 Ponclle "C" 1969 SUBARU Coupe, Ruby red with black from $1297; 66 Ml'G interior. AU Porsche extru. c.omptete foreign car strvlce . Low mil" on th~ unwm"1y Kosta Kustom Kars ·~~:1.3.t''~ i~ M:· &\)~ . SUNBEAM f~ n11p1111 )\J\\jlLll i•., 'llO ALPINE, 43,000 mi. Runs ... $500. Pvt. Pty. 61SM58 J100 w. c...t Hwy. TOYOTA NeWROrt ~,..., ,,,. ' 642-9405 • ~ ! 5(0..l?M ---------Autho~ MG Deolet " '69 TOYOTA HJ '57 PORSCHE, body &: paint like new, VW engine, $975. Golden West Auto Center, 1984 Newport Blvd, C.ll. -'56 PORSCHE -Rebuilt ena:. New PireUia • NurU ban J1300 or make o I f e r • SJ>.JS2S ·r.e PORSdiE 912 aean, ex· tra.s. Private party. Must Rll. ll1 B 39th SL, Newport Beach. 673--0654 '64 ~"J 'C,• Qick w/blt,iJrttiir.; lliJtn, dN.n: ma'n, atru. saasd.,1!'1'-SllB ove '63 PORSCHE S, x.lnt cood, an new equip. Best ofrft'. 4""3231 ofter f MANY EXTRAS EXEC CAR SAVE $.100. All Modol1 Pr. $1770 fltalll~ IMPORTS TOYOTA·YOLYO 1$66 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 TOYOTA HEADQUARTERS ELMORE 15300 BMC11 Bhd .• Wlbanltr -- Corona 4 Door. 4 Speed Horizon Blue, radio, hteter, w/walls. Like new. Serial 695~: s1399· Corcina-Harclhlp ·Coupe Red/Black vinyl top. Rad- io, heater, w/walll, .auto-matic transmisslnn. SerjaJ 5337. s21991 Land Cndter Blue hardtop. Radio heat· er. higt\ floatation :ua=; .. fe wheel<>, warn hubs, floor mat1, undersea.I. Ser. 6598. s3199. AND '·. 6 MORE To Choose Fr0111 Delivery Nowr s1so . DOWN · Plus Tax & Ucerwse , on Approved Credit BILL MAXEY IT(91Yl2]T(!I 1'111 BEACH BLVQ. Hum ..... h 147_.555 3 ml N. ol Coast Hwy: oo Bch " 111UMPH '58 TR 3 Rstr. !Of condition. • Not raced. WireS. Dunlops. Top. Side curtains. Service record. $575. MW5'1B aft TPM YOLISWA8EN 18 VW, Sunroo(, one ~r. AM·f'M. Excell 11 n t con- ditiati. 494-9937 ' 'Sr9 GHIA Convt. $460 FULi Priot. Good cond. 54Q..17W .. vw. Looks It ,.,. Ukc nf'!'. Air-cond. SUl6. 968-2889 '66 VW. xlnt oadd. J c . .... ... vw -· ""'':: ,.,iat. -· -...,.....,. N:F.,,.,, ' DAILY PiibT WAl"I' AflSi OIAME--aa-. oond. lOnt ..n.. -..U, llOO ·W. c:.t llw>. M.& '!'Ill ~· J&•ll ' l4UO 1111,1'1 11341• • ~-· j_:Autborllod~~~MO~Doalot~!_!~!!!!!!!!!!;,,;;;.;,,,!!!!!!,;,,,,,,_ ... ..,. .......... ~~~~~!..!:~~~1 r .. -- ; I I \ ' I I • I . ~ ·--·---.. -... --• ·' .,::.~_;::,~ • .---.:o""'~·~·~•::o:is1:• ~---·· •• 1 r- LOOK AT THISi OUTSTANDING VALUES IN 'BRAND Hiw WIDl·T'ltACiCS~ .. ' . ' . . . . . ; ,' -. ' . . . . . . ' . NEW .·1969·PONTIAC 'GRMtD PRIX NEW 'i969 ·PONTiAC LE MANS U"'t1;li9ht t~· •rl•fi or with gr••" 1""-cior •. T11rll;ci;itydr•111·1tic. tran\mi11ion, pw1h b11t1011 ,r1dio, h11._r, d1l11iro 11at '.li1lh, power''""''' front power CU1c bral11, int1d wind1h i1ld anlll'whit• 1 d• W1U ~tir.1.Z76S79P221.75~-f NEW 1.969 PONTIAC . BONNEVILLE 4 Dior hardtop. Vtrdoro 9roen with ·9'''" inl1rior and dark fJ'''" cord ova top. 431 ·ongino, 1~r co11ditioniT19, hirbci·hydram•tie tran1mii1ion, pow1r 1ta1r!n9, pow•r front di,c br1ke,1, power window1, PtW•t 1111t.f1,1ll b1nch-6 ·wt"J,' po-r ·ant1nnt~ AM-FM radio (1t~r1o l , ,,,,,,,,clack lid rtftt11, tilt 1taerin9 whoal, cr11i11 control, front foam cu1hion, door adgo 9111rd1, vilor vanity ;..,irror, r1mol•' eontiol ouhide Y11r view mirror, .qelu•e 1eet belh, d1oulder h1rne11, du1I ••- h1u•f. 1utorn1tie tell'lp1r1tur1 control, ~11vy duty 1prin•• & 1hoek1, front & r11r rn1h, eorn1r- in9 l111"1p1, 115'11 15 whilo wi lt tirll, he1vy ·duty 1ir el1 1n1r, ·f1nd1r 1kirh, wh11I 4 i1e1·d1ht•1, rnould in91, ~1l~a1 1t.'.r"in9 wheel. el1ct1-lc •clock •trim br1•• .p1d1I. S1ri1I number 2112l99Cl<I 0012 LAIEL Pl lCE $5870.37 $ 4970 SA YE $900.37 NEW 1969 PONTIAC GTO E1pr1110 brown with ·,old cord~••· top·•ml int1;;or. 4 qoed tr1n1~h1fo11, pu1~ \uH011 ridi1, lllelu•• 111t belh, pew1r 1i.1rin9, power di1c brtkll. finl1d 911 1~ front fli.1r m1t1, 41111:1:1 wh11/ 411e1. ?42J79~13l25S '3397 ,, NEW 1969 PONTIAC CATALINA , SEAT S TATION WAGON . . ' ' ~ . -' . ' \ 400 •11tiM, t.tff0hyclr1111.t;c. ......... 1t .. t4i1t l""tht.'~r· f1ilt•· wiM•w~ 1h-co~ott- 1•t. ,.i•h Mtt.11 ,,441;-., ,ff-oiit•f•11"'~c1,hi6n.o.r1•t. ••Wd• mi,,..,, Mftr1r wlmbhi1ld, 11114 ,.,, .. t lf..•111 WSW-ti-. 252:l6tCl"ltt "· ' ' -' . I I'' , ' $A.~b: .~.7.0 . 2 Deor h1rdtep. M1yf1 ir m1i~e with \lick in~rior. Autem1tic tr1n1mi11ion puthbutlon r1dio, h11hor, po"w1r 1t11rin9 tinltd windd1i11d,·715114·whito lid1 w1U tir11, 1111 b1lh .. 1l7379R600474 $2979 NEW 1969 PONTIAC CATALINA 1 Door h1rdtop. Air condltionin9, 400 1t19in1', turbo:hydrw1111tie tr1n..,,,i1tion, p .. 1h ~utton r1dio, h11l1r, d1lu•1 1te1rln9 whnl, d•IUlfl wh1•I di1c1, power 1t11rin9, pow1r br11f1t, soft r•y wind- 1hi1ld, 155 a IS white tide will tir11. 252379CI 121150 $3688 NEW 1969 PONTIA~ FIREBIRD l11utif1I C1roii11I r14 11tomobil1, 11111fipp14 with·1p1ei1I p1int. 1-70 JI 14 r•d line tlr11, di· hi11 whe1I cov1'1, d1lft1 1t11ri11 9 whMI, wh.1/ op1nln9 mo11ldin9•, CMthlm rn1t1I trim pl•t11 21l]79l601492 $2852 SP ECIAL! WIDE·TltACK -TEMPEST SPORT GOUPt: NEW 1969 TIMPEST C111110 J .. ory with b11ck l"t1rior ,r1c1u1d wind· · 1hi1ld wip1rs, del1111• wh11l di1ct, d1l111 1t11rinq wh11I ,d1cot rnouldin91, trim p1ck191, t ulorn1tlc fr1n1rn iuio11, pu1h \>otlon r1di1, h11t1r, p1wer 1l11rint, 775 • 14 white 1ido wol lti,..1. 2JJ2797 0075"4 l .... ' • . ' . ' / ' . , ' • . ..... " ' ' , ' ' ~ ·\ ALL c"~ P.Rtc£$. INDICAT~l> IN TMjS AD ARE, OF.''l=b~SE, . PLUS LICENSE .i:!'l~'liAX. .. ' \ ontiac • 'i The Most ; 1 • • ' • Lnxurious • ~ ~ • • I • I t l The Quickest 1 · t • r !· • Th e Newest i • l , • t • • • • • Th s . i e port1est~ •• ,. , . -------~--~-~-- • • • , . .' • • , . • ' t / I • • } • • I t t • . . f t t t I {. l f •. r ~ • ~ ' • [ i ""· ~; . '· -~ ,•".J • .. .. -,~, .... _,-.:o '._, ... .-.u " .... ,, ... •• ... ., , . .. ~ ·~ . - ;.~ '"'""" , .• ... -, .. , ' OUTSTANDING . RlSALE ·CARS . ' · ••. INSPECTED ••• TESTED . .' : • iUY NOW! . --..-------------:·: '66 CHEVROLU l"Mlllf WOIP• 6 cyllndeo". tlllDrMllc. r.clio, 1*1'11'", Uf'JIPlf' aqulpped, {TllOOOr • '67 •UICK GS 400 $2777 • . -. yt, · tl)'llr•n:i-t!t, Jl!'Wtr': 1fnt;l1111 I. br•kft, radio. llMttr, WSW,. lac:IOfy •Ir, vlnyl top, ITPY 51t) ' ~· '66 VOLKSWAGEN $2477 .. c.,,_. """""'*'-rtdlD, hfftwr, • IPftd, 31'Al• mlles. (SICD 271) . . ' '66P0HTJAC $2377 '-vllle cenvertlbl9. VL ,._ 118'r'lng " brP.n, rldlo. llMtw, ':;.*l 111'· wsw, s--wlnllowt. '*k wt•ltdc .... M lludl:tt -ll. lllZA.,11 '64 CADILLAC < COVl)e OIVllle. Vt. ll'f'Cfrtmatk, • ...,_. •lwrin.- br•k .. W~-1, fa(fary ••Jr conditioning. {UlF 2031 '63 VOLKSWAGE" Plntl pl[kvp. llfdlo, ( lP'«I· (TAV 4Ul ' ' '66 CHEVROLET Mel!b\I 2 Dr, K.T. VI. '""°""'lie, ~ slttrlntl, radio, ,_.,.,., WSW, bUdtl't IHll. (IVY ta) '661 VAllANT· V-'JOD 4 DI', Pl~ w.oan. VI. 1vlom9tlc, POWff' 'tlw"'9, l'Mllo, llHll'I', 'WSW, 22.174 · rnllft. (TBX P•) • • . . . ' .. ' .. $ . 977 : ' ... ,, . • ' .. . . . .. -• ' .. .. --. - :LE .MANSI . \ ' I 1 ~ \ 1 ; r ' • .. ~" ' ' ~-... ' .. . ' . .. ( . , , ' ,.L t •• ,; . ... ........ .. v . . .IS HERi! • FIRBIRDI SEE THE ,.T~UGHUT ·GIO .YEJ'I 'NOW' ON ·DISPLAY AT CARVERS~ .. EACH AND EVERY "CARYER·CARE , CAR" CAilUES OUR• "l.00 ,/oi WAR· ·, .RANTY ON MECHANICAL PARTS; · I , . '68 CHEVROLET '-" ...,..n. rllllle. ........,., •irlol!lellc fl'•111m1»1on. (VTL9'J '66 PLYMOUTH Fwy U f P'S•· -gon. VI. flnlUeflltt. ,._ ,,._ in. r.iio. Mlfrlr, fklOfY 1rr. tssv HJ) · ' . \ ' '2777 ' '66 l'ONTIAC GTO $ . ' . . S,ort Qlu99, VI, • .,,..;, ........... tlttrl,,.. rM~, ; 2 3 7 7 llMl.r, WSW, ¥lnyl '°'' ISSH VI) '68 PONTIAC GTO I Dr. W, fll'llratr11llc, llOWlf tfllrMt, rtdlt, ?IMtw, WSW, IKllM'r •Ir, (WIC ..,, 53277 . . . l ' • ..., • 1 • . ' ' ' ... ' . ' .. ' . ',. e THESE ARE BUT A FEW, FROM OUR HUGE STOCK e • • , .. • ·A . •. -.- ,~·. • I : -t:·i • •i l ,.,. I ,. •\ .. _-,.,. . ~ , '"''' . 2925 HA'RBOR BO·ULEV·ARD.··cos·TA MESA.· ' • l • t: I • . , ... ' I ' ! 1 ,, ' " II ,, ,, " " ' ,, " ' ' :I ' ' ' ' ,. ' I I' " " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' I !, 1. ' ! ! :1 I I ' ' I ' ,, • " " " l! " ' ·• ' ' ' " " " ., :1 ii ,. " " " " " " " " " ;i " , . .. 1: " ' ,. ,, " I . ' I i t f I ! f I ... ' . . ... --....... -............. :.:::.:::. ,;;;, .. ;;;.:.:;.;:.. ............ ____ ... __ _,,,,,,,.,,,..,_ __ ,... --.,-.··~· ATION TIWlll'OITATION Clh . ' ' tlaou.o.1 Can tlao!MM c:... ... ~ Can -..• . -CO"NELL CHEVROLET'S ~$ED . CAR CENTER SPECIAL$ . '64 PONTIAC GTO '64 IMPALA S.S. , ............. , ~Q;~r..-l~ :s..iri-;;5= !sAViN'GS '. ==$1=3=9=5=:: ·--=· =====: . . HUD9UA!lTE~, , i '66 DODGE ··~ ' Door ......... tic. air cpnd., ~ •letrinl. l'ld1o. beater, aold With beip inter. Below whoJeaale. CSIN486) 51395 :-I '" FAIRLANI • '66 CHlV.1/.>To' ' _ '67 FORD 112TON e l:1.~, .. T . RlH.Domilleblue. • . '67 TOYOTA ~ r.111995~ ='·~11495-I ·~1~! · I ~ ~,,s. -::::::;::;::::::; ~=-========~ • 4 !loo< hardtop. V8, automatio, PS. p •• ::========== I.And Crui&tt, ' wheel drlvr. f!lleellmt eondition, low m1Jeqe. (TR.1019) • I wiodowK. factory air 'conditioning, radio, :. heater. <OT$'112209' · . 5 :. '69 EL CAMINO 2 Door V-8, A.T,. blue with mat.chin& 'mE137 51395 '66 PLYMOUTH 1'UrY m 9 Passena:er Station Wagon. V!.8. AT., P.S., Fact. air cond., .RAJt Uc. No. VHU281 51695 BARGAIN BUSTER'S HM FORD GAU.XIE 500 Convertible, Power st••ring, power br1 k1s, 1uto. HBX969 HM CHEVY MALllU 4 Door. 6·cyl., autom1t ic. OML769 HU MERCURY Coloay Pork s799 Stefioa Wagon. factory air and · pow••· FJM592 IHJ VOLKSWAGEN 2 Door. Radio & heat•r. Lo-miles. Wl0288 HM PONTIAC CATALINA Conv•rtible. Power st••rin g, power brakes, .auto. OLG9 I 7 HH CHEVY CHEYll.Ll 300 4 O..r. Factory air, automatic. ,)IEHZZI IHI FORD T-llRD C..pa. factory 1ir end full powtr. IYE4l7 5899 5899 5899 s399 . 1Mt MERCURY MONTCLAIR s999 ~fop Coupe. f•ctory 1ir -4 Power. IOX167 IHI CHEYROLIT S.S. C...ertible. Factory •ir' W power. OYIIU 1"6 FORD ...... , IOO f Door Hudtop. Foctory olr a ,_., stw. SUNJ" 1946 COMET CAPll • 4 DMt. f1ctO!'Y •ir-dcl _.,, RRYSU_ s1399 $1399 51499 JOHNSON & SON COSTA MESA lllANCH 1941 ~OR ILVD •. COSTA mA MZ.70IO '68 DODGE DART • pL C\>'• V8 ' 1:'1-..,!S. facL afr, It u root. . Ex- llpe ...... Cwtom V-8 Sticlc', J..andau ~ Butter- . nut yeQow, 4,000 original milet, factory ,. • new car' warranty. Lie. No. 37792C '65 DATSUN Pickup, Radio, Heater. Llc. No. NMW452 5895 ' ~ .• \l'fi. xlnt cond. {\ $1251). ... ... 642-2294 * 'Q VW Camper; 1500 eng, New trans. Comp. equipped $1300. Call: - •• V.W:.1 &llper $1.100, '59 v~w.,¥.in $500, both excel ~.·lb-J873 '66 VW 1600 Fastback. Save $150 <1n book. R/H. A Jewel. 644-2932 '66 vw Bus Jo:xcellent condition $167S. 646--3834 \ VW ''6 Squarobock. Clll 613-4231 • 4 DOOR - 2 DOOR • El Dor1dos • Cal1ls • Coupe de Villes • Sean· d1 Vllles PRICED FROM $4995 All Carry New Car ' 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty ALLEN . OLDSMOBILE -CADILLAC • 52695 . . '64 CHEVY II Y'aur Yolklwqm • Ponchl .... lop ........ Paid for or not. CaD Ralpll 673-1190 IMPORTS WANTID ~ Countl~ TOP I BUYER BlLL MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. R. Beach. Ph. UT~ • A NEW LIFE . ON LEASE • '67 T.BIRD, 2 dr, Landau, air, pwr. 17,000 ml. $94.72 m"'o.'24 tnb.'Uli~. SOUTH COAST CAR LEASING :100 W. Coast Highway Newport Bch .• 1)6..2182 'ALL MAKES ./ ('()MPETETIVE PRICES Cort Pox Auto Leising 22-4 W. Coast Jfia:hway Newport Beach 642-8440 '67 IMPALA ~19 '62 CORVAIR Coupe. ( speed, radio A beater. Uc. No. OWN302. , '62 CADILLAC Coupe DeVllll!. Full power, factory air, Radio and heater. Clean inside and out. (INK06J) ~1395 _ r . ' " ' ' " "-• Mn..tr 21, 1'6t D.111.Y Pll.Of .. TllANS ITl,TIOH TRANSPOaTATIOH TRANSPORTATION TllAHIPORTATlOH TltANSPOlfATIOH fUNPOITAflCIN , How Can ,.,._ C:.ro tlWNow.C1ro tlOO-Ciro Now C1ri tlOONftr Ciro •• CADILLAC for NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE 1963 CADILLAC Cou,. 0.Vlllo. Thit beoutlr1.i lleck 1riot11obll1 with -hlll11t I.leek oll l11tft1r l11terlor Is ob11t11t1fy loeclecl with 1qulpm111t lnc.l•'l•t ''w'' . 1to1rln9, powar br11l11, powor window• ond focfory o1r c0Mllffet1h19,. It'• 'horcl to r11cri b1 ti,,• 011c1ll1nt concllfl9ft of ftih, 0110, you'll Jtut .. owo ,fo" 1 1~1 it yo11r111f. IJQV 4Stl . SALE tt 555 PRICI . l 1967 EL DORADO 80111tlf11I 11f0w. cr"t whifo oMtorior witli block r..4cl•' roof 111cl lil1ck loothor intorlor.•Tlli1 cor 11 •l»oh1toly powor loo ocl with powor sfoorl119, power brok11, powor wl11·clow1, ,PO\f\'Or 1oot, powor door loc.~1. powor trunk lid rol1010, Storto AM.FM r1dlo, litht 11nti111I, 111tom1tlc light climmor oncl f•cfory •ir condltionin9. Ju1t lo'f•ly. ITQX 1111 SALE $4999 PRICE 1969 FORD Showroo11f fr•th with only 2600 mll•t. L11•utio111 LTD HDtdt•I' Cpe. finhh· •d 11'1 mDf•llit 9rMft w/l>leclc p•dd1d toP I: pl111h bl•clc broc•d• d1r. In· t•rior. Full pow•r.' f•ctory •ir cond. St•r•o AM.FM Multi Pl••· All di •. ., .... ,. IXIT ·sAtE PRICED 1966 BUICK C111to111 LeS1~r• 4 Door lt•rcltop. Sperlrllr11 t.11 •I•• witft m•tchint int•r· lor. Fodory •ir c:onditionin9, 111tam•tlc tr11111nl11io11, power 1t•erl111, pow•r brelc11, redio, h•1for, etc, Truly • fine 111tornobile th1t rn111t Ito •••n i nd dri'fDn to 1ppr•ciete ift fin• vtolu•I IS IW4991 SALE $2222 PRICE 1966 OLDSMOBILE , .. Loury $•d111, l11utiflll 11ti11 .u .... , m.n., witit ltl1ck VillJI r..f '" J111tchl111 IKc.cod• Interior, Po-r 1t..rl11tt .. P•-r IKolcu, ,OWH wl.dow\, pO.....r ••••• AM·FM radio, tilt 1t1er111t wh••I, 1t•w•r v•11t wl11dows, air ,.,dltiool,,. Ab••::~: ''52333' PRICE 1967 CADILLAC l hit l•"tDly SNen D•Ville he1 oll populer p-•r 111i1h lncludlnt pow•r sfMting, pow•r br•k•1., pow•r windows, powor •••f •nd C•dillec'1 fe111011 1 f1ctory oir conditioning. Thi1 be111liful 011lo111obil e hot b••n very cerefwUy dri"tDll ind 1how1 on1y t h• finest of cere by ih pr1viou1 owner1. 144451 SALE $3999 PRICI 1966 PONTIAC GTO A w•ry 1porly h1rd lop thet i1 finithed in silver with bl1 ck 111 'fi!lyl bwckel 1•et Interior. Fully lo1ded h1cludin9 lig VI entine, fri·p•w•r 4 •P'•d tr•nsmlstion, power steerin9, pow•t br•~••, radio •nd heeter, f1ctory Air C"dlti"i't · y., ::·::·s21• i'1"· ·::~:" VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SAW & SERVICE CENTER • WI ALSO STOCK ALL ORllilNAL FACTORT E9UIPMENT TIRES. s39·:ch INCl.UDIN• MOUNTIN .. IAU.NCIN• & DCISI TAX • FREE PICKUP AND DfUVERY Uood Ciro 9900 CHEVROLET •51. CHEV Impala Hardtop. Rulli good. $399. February Clearance Sale! 543-0294; 543-8511 '51 CHEVY, good oond. Going in service .$300. * 646-0885 *• '64 .. CHEVY Impala Super Sport, fac air cond. PIS, P/B. Good oond. 327 eng. $600. 846-1195 CONTINENTAL '66 CONT. 2 Dr. AJ1 ....-. Air-eond., •~tape:: xlnt rond. moo 844-2867 1107 Goldenrod, C.D.M. 196.1 OONTINENTAL 4 Dr. looks &. runs like MW. New tire&. $1195. 968-2889 "I> CltEVY Station waam. . I eyl. v.,Y ·a..n. Alldl1a $300. -841--0044 '58 QIEV, Impa]a convert Nr: atw top & seats; nds. eng. wurit. f15-B!D-7538 ~ 195S Chevy. Runs good • $200. 645-100 ·r. OONTtNENTAL 4 Dr. Landau top. AU power. s ....... l3<50, 64f..IU8 ·-,-. lV~ ·-.... 6C-,,., ......... ,.,.. ··~ ... ,,....,_ ,,. IA Trkl!f I'""' ·-17-....... """ .. _ " "" ,, .... '3c..td ,.,,_ ,, ....... ""' . !S • A Masterpiece from ... ... The Master Craftsmen . . ' ' 1966 CADILLAC SM111 DoVlllo tlu1t h •bMl,tely 9or90-. fl11MM 111 Spa11hll Slt'f'ot wltii M1tchhtt .i.ffl I lo1thot h1ffrlo1, fufty ,...., acca....., wMli powor ttMt• l111·ltr•lio .. wl1M1...,..1oot .... ., I.ck-. AM.FM r1llli.,. ••fo' cn1l1• 11Mffel, pro111hr11'1 wlllto 114• will tlrt• 0114 f111tory olr cen4ltlot1l11t. tRGNJt7• • . On Display and Ready .for Delivery. Toclayl SAU . 53111 · PllCI 1966 THUNDERllRD ORDER YOUR 1969 CADILLAC NOW I LEASE DIRECT • FAST DELIVERY FAST SERVICE n. 1,.,ty 2 '-• li1rdtop 11 flllly 04tvlp,.4 .Mi ,.,.,., 1M•rlllf, poww l.t•k•s. P•W'M whMlow., !Mw•r 1eat eN hN"1 ·fo111ou ftdwy t lr· ca.. llllt1D11h11. A leo.tlfolll 1etl11 111.,., edorl# wltii ....... 1...,i lritrlor. M•tt M seo11 I 4rf.,.11 t• ft.Uy 1p,r.cletel lltuJJtl. SALE $2222 PRICI LARGEST SELECTION 1968 EL DOftADO Tho ..... , popular El Oor•do. Fl11ltho4 111 b•ro11111• 9old wlth \ltlt• pallld•lll r•of •Ml t•l4 l11t.rlot. Tiii whe1I, ,iwer •t .. rlnt, f'DWOr breket, powor wlMIDws, p•-r Mat, p•war 'font windewt, P•W•r fr•11k tfl rel••••· Sf9rto AM.fM R•cllo, •nd llllftJ 111ore l11•11ry power feaftir•1 lnclucling C•41111c: f111tery 1lr ••11dltio11h19. ltHtt t•t hore flrtt·'1111 thl1 l1111ty. IVTLJ671 OF LATE MODEL PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY SAU 56444 PRICID 1968 Sedan De Ville 1967 BROUGHAM Fleetwood lr••thefll, Meje1tlc r191I 111 ... , wltti ble1k ,.dd•d top·'"" bleck te~•try oiwl leether Interior. All powff l11el11llll111 1toorl111 ltr•kos. wind--. v•llf wl11dow1, trunk lid rele110. St•r•• r1dlo, tllt 0114 t.loKoJllc 1t1erln1 wh••I plus factory eir con4111on1111. tUICV0 2J91 ' A beawtiful Chednuf Itta-•ut•N\tlle with 1andlewo•d podded top i11cl 1111!chin9 cloth I leeth1r lnleri•. Mei on tliie P•Plllar pow•r feehlr•• includint power 1teerlng, p-•r ltreke1, 1t•w•r window1,.power •••t, fect•ry elr ca114itla11lng plu1 pri.,.111111 tir•t. Thl1 l..,ely car he1 SALE $45SS·PRICE ... , d""' "~ ,,. """ "$ 49·9·9 t 0 1967 Coupe De Ville 1962 CADILLAC Coupo O•Vllle. Thl1 l'l'lll••tl• Medo ~n.k C.41111c with whiff leeth•r l11t•rlor h•s ''"'"• 111 of tt.. 4oh••• fe1t11rM thet C1dlllac i1 f1.,.0•1 for l!1cl11dh1t p-•r 1+.Hlflf, po-r ltrokes, power Hlf1 end pow•r wl11dowe. A110 1111 C.41111c f•ctory 1lr c011dltlo!li111. Y .. "'"" drin thl1 DMo Cpe, OeVill•. leeutiful lo1oqu• Golcl w/9old cloth vinyl l11t1rlor. Thi1 cir is ••••ption•lly .ciulpP'cl wfth f•ctory air co11lllltio11ln9, pew.t 1f9orl119, pow•r breke1, power •••h, p-or wl11° dew11, tilt wh .. 1, door lock1, li9ht 1011tinel Ster•• AM·FM r1dio. IVEW 1561 '""'"' $888 SALi PRICE 1961 CADILLAC Sale '3999 Price C..-. DoVJ!lo wlffl. Diiiy 7000 1111111 fl11hh•cl 111 9or91ou1 Forrerl 6'0011 w/ • W11t po4ded t•I'· Cl•tli I letth., 1111•. l11terior, Alnoltttoly loo4o4 with ,aw•r 1teerf119, p•-ltrako., ,.war wlnd.Z..S, power 1•1t, Stereo AM· FM r1ilto, aMI el Cfffl• fecf•ry 1lr coMllff011l•t• Thero oro 11 16''• te 11lect fr•m rltht 11ow 1t NaMrl C.dlll•c, Nth ce.,. DoVIJI". •M W1• D0Vllle1. SALIS DEPARTMENT Ol'EN SALE PRICED 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY and SUNDAY SAlE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ZS, 1969 Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area NA .BERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 UHd c... 9900 CORVAIR 'llS Corva.lr · OORSA Turbo- chatvd Rao11 Car. $950. 54>-3126 '62 MONZA, 4 spttd, 1 owner. Beautifully maln- tal~ 54G--0789 CORVETTE '68 Corvette Utod C1r1 9900 COUGAR FORD Exte, rettnd, mavirl& to Denver wlll aell personal =· '68 ......,,. °""""· red, 2 dr. w/whlte pare~ ment lnt. Pwrd with super 302 V-3 enc. Fully equipped incl, pwr 1trg, p..vr brk&, air cond, 1tereo radk) win! whls etc. Orig. $'3Zll Now $Z!SO. Cash only p eaae. ....... , UHCI Ctn 9900 UHCI C:.n 99CMI U.... C:.ro 9900 UHCI c:. .. FALCON FORD ---.,.---'-oW;t MERCURY PLYMOUTH 1912 FALCON < Dr. Oeu. ''3 fORD '67 COLONY PARK 1115. Ooloxlo Hucltop · SU.7623 White exterior, pllllb wr. t pus. wgn Air cond., PS, 1!165 FALCON Sprint OJnvt quolae bucktt seats, fact dlr PB, R I H, lug. rack, auto. 289, 4 1pd. Nt.ny e:ctrul air. $50 cub dell, wW fine :;:n8..lo i;,: ~l~ ~ $915. 6'&-29111 p.-vt. prty. Pymta $29.15. LB. .. •• "-, _ ========•I AIB 19S. 49f..87'13 or p..:, new wsw u.i-q • ....,... FORD 545-0634 mlleap. l2.eo. - ---------1CLEANEST 1teO J'1rd In MUST ..U 15 c.1.., Puk '" ll'ORD town! Cherry red Ila wp, 9 J>UI waeon. Full power, '58 PLYMOUTH station wa1 on . Excellent medlutkal oorid. ~ 11 3 5 • .N6--45J.9.. 2151 Irvine Ave. N.B. '59 PLYMOUTH custom 2 dr wagon, pwr atr, w/w, R/H, --"""-~ Econollne Bua V-1, p/1 xlnt cond w/flftJfJ air, AM/FM ncilo. 1 4 opeed, removable panel&, '67 XR-7, 300 enr., GT 57 _ ctual _11_ •• -°"1191' ..--•11915. W,...,._,_ all _., a.round, 3 '""" a ,.....,., ....,. . .., '• r•• r•v• .... fin.l&hed in exquisite dark Performance Group. Air ~· .. _ _ cent! $695. fB.850 ..... . '59 PL'(, J'ury Convull~e. 1'l.lll power. $150. *546-UlS•,,, tvy iJ"ffn with black inter-condltkmlnc, diak bra1fH. iaeat., radio. Mater, dlr, ......... J for. ~.,, •. '""''-' includl""' radial Um. t t 1 t • a • w a y auto, excellent cond1Hon. Ra. ~. 548-2958 eves. •a COLONY Pule sta Waa. PONTIAC ".....,, """' • ._ 1tM Cub .a.1. Good tint. pod nul'I Cond. power atemnr. AM / FJ\1, wh,.I, 20,:m miles. 81111 = ~.i'B SVE 50.c.'D UNCOLN 1 l«i). m.t'1L .''5 PONTIAC wide avaI ttrn, etc., etc. un1cr original dealer war-OTO C • ~~•- Only 8,400 miles. factory ran1y. can be trans!emd. Jlm Uf.9'173. tnv-1 - wunlll)', showroom roodl· $3005 . ....,,,,., '64 >-URD G&1ule Ccowt. * 'ff MARK Ill * MUSTAN• Ill<> blue, _, *"' pwr tloh. J '68 COUGAR Nyl"1 top. v ... 325. Au!O, 3lllO ectuo1 ..n.., 11>11 _., q ;dlt; lllttt, cu In ....i. I 1 All _,_ -!>dory m lmlu tl>p, tlll .. SHELSY 5IJll Conv. 421 lent lhejte. leO CUI! <Iola, I Ume with bJack padded top. ~ :'°him ~k. •c;u wt.I, bn'maCutate coftdi. cl, 27000 'ml, pd oond. or older car In trade. Will J 2 L lll p Ll I l ~l11 1 p o rt ,; 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach "'2-911$ 541).l'i&I Authorized MC Dealet '68 OORVETI'E conv, Int'1 blue, u new, ori&: owner, AM-FM, autom, P't'f 1tr'1 6: tnbt, elec windows. new tlrtL Immaculate $4400 "'"6189 ST RED Clorvttte Like new, bl&: .,.. 4 .pd.. both lopl. Btsl otter. 548-3961 '64 STINGRAY • 1 p 4 • Lc/eng. Conv. xlnt. dlnd. $2200. 6~U45 l Loaded and air CON!ldootrc. £162..1930 nta &: wkndl Uon. ~. PRICED TO 13511>. or ncm. I: T.O.P. 8nc Jll'Yt prty. L8 NRC D. $2800. 1'. ~totb M2-S581. '68 FORD FaJ.rlane Wapn. SEU.. J6"n anytime. 4IH-977l or 5.f.5.0634. .:W,;;!.:'rentutlo """' 1 cyf, IWldud, Xlnt cxmll. MIKE -OLHMOllLE '!.ct~~ ea:= $1900. ~m Make ofM. so.. Cherry, 1:Mclt Int, pa. pb, 1958 FORD 8t&tloa Wtcm. lllMISlll w-w, CON rad. 12 6 5 0 , XI """ ~ --'A PONTIAC GTO, Qin. .... 03 " , "~·=~:= McCARTHY SAL•s a ·1111v1c1 :il":"..;.:eQ U.!Kll DODGE ~ Oll.DSMOl"r -------1 P/S,R/H,Au10.,-""1d. i M IAMILD •11 .,...._ Chlr .. r ' 1!15-Prtv. plf. rlWl2ll BULCK INC. Local car. v.:a. pwr lb'I~ fact 'M 1'0RD hn:Uop eon¥. Good 15llllO Btach BL, Wettml:altlr mo ffartJir Blvd. 14 JUMM.R alr. dlr, blade:· landau top. tran&, talOCll.'*! *»Cl 111.-0. "-. Xlnt IMpt MD or a.t honey )IOllaoo..._ Teloo,_ . Pbonl 5'M381 <ileocflBLllS. DtolOl°wJ·) -UIOd o..t·-otter. -llll Ian cat' tn tnilSe ot $85 cub ·a WOODY, I.Int mnd. Sen 'IT OLDS "2 red 2. Hrdtp, - del" wm ftnc .,.i P<IY· or lnMlo tor pd cood. Plcll ·MIRCURY PIS. x1n1 cxmlll 1--.. • VAUANT '9U113 or -Up. n<' 158-11165 opd 12GJ. !13&-489'! --------- '64 POLAR.A. 4-dr. m vs. pwr A: auto, A1tl·f'M, k> mi. 5715 MG-4650 i>LACI: """ ...... Wtiiif •• lllEllCURr Bl-•"'• 1111 F.as CU-~ 1962 VALIANT~ "Iii; nd, ..., &re looklne -DAILY oe. pit, r A 11, vtnyl 1111., 'llood oond, xlnl lfm. "'1 oew -· -a i..1tr. PllD1' claalfled 5CUf1I $1.fiOO. Xlnt cond. 54&-6254 5.f.6.8871. eves m.&m $135. * ec.aell 0 • ·n -•'er•• ,,..,.,...,-, " ., ... ........ ---~-A -·-"' ... -. -I I 0 t I ' .... 4 DAILY PILOT , • ·~ • . New 1969 MUSTANG · · Choose Fut Back or ' Hardtop $23.81 Plus Ue::.: , BrandN~Z 69' FALCON . / Two-Door Club Coupe $51 1~ $150 DOWN • MONTH 4 Monltls 1"-lnl •¥iii.tie on ,.,_ pr11"'8d tr•lt t11r11 (\lltomll fllftlllnl plVa 1111 • tlctnlltl. ORDER NOWI BRAJVJ) NEW 1969 FORD L.J.D. . $1.649 66 . . . '._plus tax & lieens~ '•OWN ·THIS 'FABVWVS C'AR! NEW 1968 .. clUSTOM • TWO-DOOR -~ED-AN IN STOCK full •h:• 121 inchwh••l.b•••, carp.ti, h••t•r & full f•ctory I •quii:1ment .incJuded . 9,JSOV- ' .. 125100.' IWhlt• tlre1.&.-w'he•I , cov,en optional). , $2275~ I 48 MONTH FINANCING AVAILABLE ' .• . on approved credit through . California Funding · WHITEWALL TIRES & WHEEL COVERS OPTIONAL ORDER NOW -• - - - - - - - - - - - - -• I - - - - - -·-- - - --1 NO FIBBIN' . • • HERE ARE ''REAL GEORGE'' 1 USED CAR VALUES ! I . EACH PRICED BELOW ''BLVE BOOK'' AND GUARANTEED Z I Amigos Y l'ecinos, '67 FALCON 4-DOOR '65 T-BIRD H.T. I I Vengan a Dunton Ford para la venta de la 6 cylinder, stick shi~, heeter, xlnt economi-V-8, automatic, radio, heater, fuU power, I I vida. T enemos precious bajos y exelente cal transportation. Lie. No. VHC 338. factory air conditioning. Lie. No. RGU 887. servicio despues de las ventas. Estamos aqui '1'395 -'" '1·895 I I para servirle-Su Servidor, Jack Horn. : '65 MARLIN 2-DR. H.T. . '67 T-BIRD H.T. '68 TOYOTA 4-DOOR •• I V-8, automatic, radio, heater, power steer-V-8, automatic, radio, heater, power steer-4 speed, radio, heattir. Lie. No. WIL 612. , ing, power brakes, bucket seats. Lie. No. ing, power brakes, factory air conditioning. s·1795 I I NFH 878. -. Lie. No. TYF 91 3. I 51295 '2695 '60 CORVETTE I '• , I V-8 , 4 speed, radio, heater. Lie. No. QFA I '65 MERC. 4-DR. H.T. ONLY 10 LEFT 004. I I V-8, au tomatic, radio , heater, power steer-$895 Wt have 10 dtmanstrators & ex· · I I ing, power brakes, foctory air conditioning. tcutlve cars from our 1968 Rne. Lie. No. WBM 708. H f d I I urry or tremen ous sav ngs. I •12 9 5 First come, first wrved. USED TRUCK SPECIALS I I '67 FORD 3/4 TON I '67 Chev. Impala 2-DR. H.T. '65 MUSTANG H.T. Y-8 pickup(F25YLA32484l I V-8, automatic, radio, hBater, power steer-6 cylinder, stick shi~. radio, heater, whit~ • f . d · L N TF wall tires. Lie. No. SFL 414. •159·5 I I 1ng, actory air con it1oning. ic. o. N 1 922 . '895 '66 DODGE SPORTSMAN I I s17 9 5 ,63 CHEY. NOYA SS v-e, automatic, bunt-i~ camper willl .x1enc1. I -ed top (SRG 241) . I I '63 MERC Mi:: I EOR WGN 6 cyr.ndtr, automatic, AM/FM radio, hut· --""!'"--..,..__V.8, stick shill.' radio: heater, factory air er, power steering, factory air cond itioning. '1991 I conditioning., Lie. No. SVC 595. Lie. No. HBW 155. , ... s795 '895 ;,~~-~ I •---•-----------------,, · . I EVEN GEORGE 2240 So. Main at Warner e Santa Ana New Cars R llAllA ISPANOL 'WHERE THE DEALS ARE!" I Ope~ 1:30 A.M.-9 P.M. Mon • .frf. • Sit. lo S P.M. 546 7070 OPEN SUNDAY • Used Cars 1 OiOO to 5100 I I j • • WASHINGTON COULDN'T MAKE 'A DOLLAR GO AS FAR AS YOU CAN WITH A DUNTON DEAL! I , .. . ' .. ' ·~ . . .. j l I ' , ,,• '' -----~-----, ' ~mv '11.0T 41 ~ 440 cubic· inch v 8 ' ; · ~-' \ ed ' • • torq~eflite 1r . • _ ·1pe . control, po>!ler door lo•ks 1nm11s~on, air conditioning,. auto , power se I . I ' ' power window ,. • , . • ' v1ny roof flt-. s, onte. glass 3 . l radio -AMF • ' 1 rstope steering h -1 ' !• · b · M with searc~ tone h' w ee , cornering · lites" rakes. " w ote walls, power ste · ' . , er1ng, power .. , . . -. · :i;~~E 6.lll'f lft\ll ElCl\~tlGE OH IJIY Of THlll ·usED cAAI ru1tl\.\SlO ·T~ll wi£KINO _OllLY ". ' f-I· '67 PLYMOUTH v.e. iutomto" FURY Ill 4 DR. u T 1ltt!'lnll w t. r-.llo &. ,,.. !" • , -11 .... ,, ~Nil m'T"~ tmorv w. - $1895 , . sUl~· ,aes ' . ' . ·uu1Pr:tt • ' ' ' · lt\as m~ns ~ 1>\~er. savings ~ ~· · ~·-' . . · l•Y lrem lhe ..tame toaler Wtlh a ~ ·alli\Ut. . .. . • J. .... ~ND NEW '69 VALIANT 2·0:1 ,: ' , .,yt.21-A9E-13~"7 •. ';, • ' &JT , I . '69 PLYMOUTH VIP 2 DOOR HARDTOP. SCR·IAL NUM&ER PP2J-09[).170Ja9 Air conditioning po : -. ' • ' wer steering power b k , vonyl.tpp, sure grip dillere t' 1 ' re es, white •ida walls n II, power b h •· power windows, multi-pie •· enc seat, tinted gins " -AM l reuoo ' • -FM, 383 cubic inch, V-8, tilt steerong. Much more. $695. "63. BUICK · . SKYlARK f~·R V;~1 1u1om.ttl~.' r1dto, htel•, ,,.,.,..-lletf\flll. • , '68 "-HOV CHEV. s.rr,, :/:· r111ro & A SEOAH · 11J6Nw~••er · $2195 '""'"'"- ' '66 DATSUN PICKUP $895 . , ' ~65 PLYMOUnf S!DAH ~tk. ffdl• &. fll•l9r, ~ si.r• (Ill\. "11 $1095 . '65 DODGE MOllACO v~. 1ut-~c. rldlo • -ltrlll No, 1)4M10»0. ,,.ii., ,._ fMWlng . . $1495 . (;If •rs1E.R" .... PIYMOVJ'ff.',: ltll'~fllAL . . \ ' ' ' . ·1 ' ~ ! ' r ,. ,• " .~ ., " "( ;; ·' " -' ·' ·' •• •• ·' •• ·' •• •• • , ~ ' l j ,\' ~ ~ • "j • • --~ .... .._ -............ ~". '."~~ .. " ...... ··~ . ., , ..... ' ~~ ...... --:-0~ .. ".! ... "! .. !'l'll! .. ___ J .. I • : ' • Fo1dli, F._, 21. 1969 .. ••• f ·WHILE .JHE.Y LAST! -~ ' ~j • ~ .:· FIW FACTORY SllfMBfJS .lf BUllD·JIEW·:, " '": ' : . ., . . . 196* J"GLISH r -.196., SH .. Y . -. .Oitos. . ' AMEIQC llS ~ . .,.. .. . . . GT '-~,.;.. ......... a1 ~so;• . . FASTBACkl • I . .. .. . DILUXE 2·DOOU DILUXE 4-DOOU GT 2·DOORS GT4-~U SlATJON . WA.GO"S .· I , ' .. ··~·~·(,.I··). ,. . 4 SPEEDS • AUTOMATICS • ' ' "i' I • 1 • ' . \ 4. SPEEDS. AVTOMAncs • ' . . ~ . : " ~ ' WHILE INVENTORIES LAST s99 Over Actu~I . Factory lnvoic• f::·~· .... ': 1. ,, .-.,_~;'-1 ~:: !" ~~,, ; ... ~~ .... " . WHILE INQNTORIES WT , ' . . . t • ( ·, No Sales Expe~se Charges e No Prepa\olio~"Chor9es e No Dor.very Charges e :Y'\". Poy ONLY '$99 Over Ac:tual· Factory JnW.ice·! Compar~ W-111!10~-~~en With Our ·So'9• Prices To.Convert These Truly Unusual Discounts Into. Actui,'l··eo&r:•·.·Arid C..ts Sovl~! ... W".._ ~ QptiClllS Y• Wut, at the Price You Wat! · I "' • ' SHELBY -AMERfCAN,,1969! ---"----, . ' . . . . GET RID HO T SAVIN GS ON SPECIAL ' : EQUIPPED MUStANG S * FA IRLANES * GALA'XIE 500'$ .. ' THEODORE ROBINS FOllD, 'ORA'NGE COUJiJTY'S ONLY SHELBY AMEl!lCAN DEALER, PROUDLY PRESENTS THE UNCOMMON GT FO.R •i9. • EXCLUSIVE SHOWING • • , .. GT 350, GT 500! ·~ -,r· ~· unlcpe '69'1.were specially built to sGYe you 1110Mf oa the most wanted 1969 extras! Come 1., see the all!'Pl"9 SGYinCJS _.,. cifferllig f!ll such optional ~ip -..t as air COlllltjoillng, E·~ white-la, vinyl roofs, -.lel\Dt wheel coven, tcqM ltrlpea, ~ • 1 llldlnr., etc., ,.re. . IMMEDIATE DELIVERY!'.'-;---------" .JM11'.M ~11AN1~~!E$! ff.UR.RY ~HILE 1HEY LAST! · · SPORTSMEN'S SPECIAL Tuck-Aw.,. C...., T•l•,tlllc Wfttl "6 CHIVtQLIT PICK\IP .... 2. aflOW. .....,...,..,, ............ $1611 ~f.''$54:::. FULL PRICE 30 Months '68 FORD CUSTOM '----.... ------...ll I ' DoOr, ..... euto., ll•H. (llJS1 211of91J) '°"" dOwn .,. '67 FORD '59\llRE .WAGON r1··89·5 .... Q H, .uto., P$, •Ir. lmrnaa.tllte. tVliM JISJ B clown ' PllCI .... h'"ldt. $2195 ~ .. ~. $60 ::!..!! • '68 CORYETIE '64 Chnroiet Malibu Wag. •Mi.. .._....., ,...., 1i.rin.: COM.I nu. 211'% oawn .. tr'M. • ' $895 ·.~~. $32/.7'~ '67 Ford Custom ' 11 to chooM from. 2 4oor •lid 4 llloor rnod1l1, H1 rclfop• 111nd l1nd1u1. AH with oir conditioning 1n~ full powor, So1ne with lf1r11 f•p•• '6J tliru '67 Mocl1l1. l~MPU '65 T ·Bird Landau l'ullr e<wll'Jled. 1lr cond.. pOWI<' windows &. ..-ts. 81111 Book prlq l2ns. (OYG '21l JO'!I. CIO'<f>I or '*'· . $1395 ~~~. $48 ~.:. '67 Ambaaladar 990 H.T. Low m""91, fllll lll'O'lftf, llr oindlllorll11" (UEX C:I) fii95~:t '64 Mere. Wagan 10 Pass. .._ _________ _.,. ~ ,..,., f1.lll "911'. air, CJZYml. Mo dcnrtll .. -·-$109,5 .. =. .. '64 TH,UNDERBIRD . F1111 ~. •Ir and, (IUl7•l m.. *"'" .,. lrldt. $38::..: ·$1 295· r'"11UC1 $45 _ .... )t ·l-'!'"!"!''!"''i!!· -~~ ..... ~''63' M*cUr; 'Coi. Park waoon. ' P•U.. Fwll iio-. •k' cond. IVOF 75JJ .,,, '65 THUNDERBIRD ~,s, FULL ~/ PRICE MUSTANG SA.LE -~·lv~f5'",.· ',',""'m .... 53-6~ ....... ,., '! 1'"."~', 9_'"5"'. V ,'•'.'u·,.Cl',"".IPl) 20'llo$6-1 'JIM, ... _ ... , .. ,· II to ckoo•• from. "6'' I "I .. qllM1n:, ' PllCI Mo1tla; .. •p•.d•, •11fom1tic. Som• witli po..,.1r '64 FORD SALE 1t11rin9 •nd 1ir conditlonh19. 1965 tlirw 1961 rno.d1I•, c1nv1rf'lble1, coup•• •nd TAX REFUND 'DUE? .. 11 TO CHOOSE FROM 2+2 f11tlt•cli1. UAMPU I 2 Doon.• Doon. Sedlr., ~ c.wwttblu. 1tl5 MUSTANG WHY WAIT? '"tiansportalion.Speclals · w-. -"'" "'"" --.... H1rdtop CouP.. Fwlly• 111uipp1d IWXS· H1w •••r19in9 15 c•r• p1r w11lt tli1t c·1n EXAMPLE: .1'8'~.··,~·~·ca't's'_'·]· l ';:'_1,. BUY ~OW-PAY LATER u ,,1.11.a ·• w11.1 ••• 1. •· t1i. pwlinc:. v ... ·~,~ :;~~1~.''J""~115,,, \ ... , th• a •• 1., •••. floi1se older c1r1. dDWll or fr-. . EASY. FINANCINCi AVAILABLE .1 SA¥ E 11 $69S Full Price. $23 por 30 moo. USi D.CAR $ALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 72 HOURS UNLESS PREVIOUSLY . SOLD. ALL PAYMENTS FIGURED ON APPROVED CREDIT . . ' I . 't RUCK ' .• 'J,1-+,,.-.·~-'\< ':°s>:•~...:t ...... , -.. . .. . . •r.' •·•~, P.100 Pickups te Heayy · Dt11y . · Cltltom· Riga. Special Flett and Lease Depa1-i11zi:11 , NIW 1tlt F-180 PICIUfs I IN STOCI JOI DWQIY TODAY Off SWON CAMPER SAYINCiS! ,•,llA~'· ~. 196?) • _', Scobman CAll'IP'f' Iii complefelr fllnli.Mil wllh a tlollo .-. •k. s.... " f-Dll pkkup "" ...... •mo • •II ,_,.., lt50 lb • .._ .... ..... (5) ..... , ...... . ~-·ti,.. ........ ~ .... ,... ... ...,,.,.., .ic. Merir "' CMeli N•. FJl llltotJI . .fnnt M Tllll l"rlcifl S1tve on El Dor .. ,. Four Wind1, Gold LIM, Scohm•n. ·Over 30 v•rled floor · r.l11n1 on di1pl1y •nd re•dy for Im~ ate clallwry., . . " . · . ), •