HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaNEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF FEB. 22 • FEB. 28 • • DICK .. WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 11255 llACH ILYD., HUN'llN•TON llACH Freah •Ir he•ter •ncf defroster, beck· .,,, dome •Ml c-rtesy ll9hts, bucht 1Hts, •II vh1yl ttl111, 11ylon cerpets, p•cfcfecf cfHh encl vi.ors, wi11~iel.I _w•ahen •ncf 2 1pHcf . wipers. ~·1 $1788 ... .,..... SA.1•-:...-c-:.... New 1969 Mustang 9'0ITIOOf $2388* '99 '74"' TOTAL PO~ ONLY DOWN M MONTHI -....... ... ..... .. Lr.ORD ON APPIOYID CllDIT AT 5 YEAR OI . . FROM FORD . JUST 2 MILES SOU1H OF THE SAN DEGO FRWY. ON BEACH ILYD. -~ 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842""611 HUNTINGTON BEACH · IAUS DIPr. ' .... te 10 , ... 1 De,. SllYICI OPIN T11n.ttnM .. I e.& te IP·•· Me:t., I._._ .. t p.a. 592-5511 • r DIRECTOR TO THE RESCUE- (ToP to bottOm) Sena sCar Mldulel Lucloa eapau lovely pat.Mar R1u1e Aadrtte bl a frteedly ~ ol pool bl WJlte Lacl1 . and Che MOGJttal• Lloll" Oii NllC'a color- caat of Bo11.1au, S-dar at 9 PM. So, cUrectcw JOlepb PeYDt1 dremed Walla le a *kt ud aton ~ Walla made tbe altot for tbe cloie- up shot : • • dlle Int dme. NON-CONFORMITY VS. THE ESTABLISHMENT Subjects hogging today's head- lines -unrest on the campus, race crises, marital and pre- marital relationships-are dealt with in probing fashion and with surgical sharpness in "The Experiment," C BS Playhouse dramu (directed by Robert But- ler and produced by Martin Manulis) that airs on C BS, Tuesday, from 9:30 to 11 PM. Preparations on the project revealed in a crystal clear man- ner a difference in point of view and. in a sense, gave a prime example of the genera- tion gap. This came about when Manulis, a new grandpa, who smilingly admits to the "over 39" bracket, saw the story as about people in their forties running a company and already proven successes. They bring in young people and have to cope with the youth of today. On the other hand, Butler, who is in his mid-thirties, saw it 180° the other way, telling a story of a young couple brave- ly facing the Establishment and trying to decide how much or how little to conform al}d yet retain what they felt was their integrity. They decide not to conform too much, to be positive and be themselves, thus creating strong conflict and motivation. Butler saw everything in the terms of the young-a young company, young executives and young people. M anulis also voices the thought that suddenly compro- mise is a dirty word, a seU-0u\. and it's not. He feels that we have to change with the times and many of the "in-charge" generation have to re-assess val- ues in many matters, especially as to race, c reed and color. What youth considers right to Protagonists in Ellen M. Yiolett's "The Expe1lment," original 90·mlnute drama oJ an idealistic young scientisf.s co11flic1 with the lnfluible code oJ big-business behaviorism, include (clockwise from top) Barry Sul/I· 11a11, M. K . Douglas, John Astin, Rosemary Murphy and Tisha Sterlinf. do today was not 20 years ago and if we try to abide by a twenty year old standard, who can say whether today's youth is right OI not? Butler concludes his thoughts saying, "I think the play en- dorses change, and not begrudg- ingly," and Manulis adds, "But from both sides. Just being 23 doesn't make people I 00% right and being 50 doesn't either." But it certainly does make for provocative drama and that was the main intention of both Butler and Manulis. M. K. "Mike" Douglas, who plays the pivotal role of Wilson Evans, is a 24-year-Old gradu- ate of the University of Califor- nia at Santa Barbara. He is the son of the noted actor, Kirk Douglas. The younger Douglas majored in' drama at college, winning honors in acting and directing. He starred in Ron Cowen's "Summertrec," two summers ago, when it was first performed at the National Play- wrights Conference spomorcd by the Eugene O'Neil Founda- tion. This CBS Playhouse ap- pearance marks bis professional debut in a major role in na- tional television. Pe1e 3 MYSTERY /SUSPENSE THE BLUE BAH LIA *ALAN LADD * VERONICA LAKE * WILLIAM BENDIX Taut, tough thriller that will keep you on the edge of your chair all the way! Sat· urday Night Movie presented by Thrifty. TONIGHT· 7.30 • KTLA & :D !PORT! HICHllCHTf SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 9:30 AM 11 Sports Specl•I (C) The powerful USC Trojans and the UCLA Bruins swim teams are matched 10:55 O (i1J Cl) NBA Baskett.II (C) Baltimore Bullets vs. Cincinnati 11:30 tJ 9 (I) NHL Hockey (C) Toronto vs. Minnesota. 1:00 PM O Sports Special (C) "This Is Basketball." A description of the game and its rules on situations such as covering, block· Ing, charging, travellng and screening. 4:00 O @ Cl) The American Sportsm•n (C) Eddie Arcaro and Denny Phipps fish for baby tarpon in Colombia; Boston baseball star Tony Conigliaro hunts Barbary sheep in New Mexico. 5:00 O Sports Specl•I (C) The Astrojet Golf Tournament from La Costa. Stars from the world of baseball and football compete for $30,000 In prize money. 7;0011 Klnsa Hockey (C) Kings vs. Oakland. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 8:3011 Bruins In Action (C) Highlights of UCLA against Oregon THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 8:30 0 Boxln1 (C) Dick Enberg and Mickey Davies are ringside for a 10-round bout between bantamweights Ricardo Arrerdondo and Frank Bendak. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 8:00 0 UCLA BHketb•ll (C) The Bruins travel to Stanford to battle m Colleae BHkettNlll (C) USC meets UC Berkeley. SATURDAY, MARCH 1 1:00 PM 0 @@Sports Specl•I (C) The Doral Open PGA Cham· plonship Golf Tournament from Florida's Doral Country Club offers a purse of $100,000. 2:30 tJ 9 (I) CBS Golf CIHslc (C) Kermit Zarley and Tommy Aaron compete against Julius Boros and Don January. II QJ @ Pacific 8 BHkettNlll (C) Frank Sims calls the action between the USC Trojans and the Stanford Indians. 3.-00 aJ Ba~ll (C) Santa Clara vs. Loyola. 3:30 O (i1J Cl) Pro Bowlers' Tour (C) Lex Barker hosts the $45,000 Greater Buffalo PBA Open match from Depew, New York. 4:30 O S.na AnlU R•ce (C) The Santa Margarita Stakes is run at a mile and one·eighth. limited to four-year-olds and up, the race has a $100,000 purse. 5:00 O O (I) Shell's Wonderful World of Golf (C) The Champion· ship Match is held for the two semifinalists at Medinah Country Club in Chicago, Illinois. 0 @ Cl) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) The World Figure- Skating Championships from Colorado Springs. 6:30 D cm (]) I IHciAL I Wortd Ski Ch•mpionshlps (C) For the first time since the 1960 Winter Olympics, live television coverage of a sports event will originate from Squaw Valley. 8.-0011 UCLA Basketball (C) Coach John Wooden's Bruins battle the Celifomia Bears from Berkeley. Dick Enberg calls the action . .. ntE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEI<, FEBRUARY 22, 196 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22 EVENING ':001 The Bia News (C) (60) . Q) @ m HunUey·Brinkley (C) ( 0) 11 8r1nd Ole OPfY (C) (30) The Hardin Trio, Ceoree Hamilton IV. Dottie West, Stonewall Jackson and Tommy Jackson and the Square· dancers ar~ featured. O Bou City (C) (60) Sam Riddle hosts. m The lnv1ders (C) (60) 6:30 0 KNBC NtwMrvice (C) (30) 11 Mayberry's 'Goober' visits * Melody Ranch tonite! A warm, wonderful show! 11 Melody Rind! (C) (60) Ceor11e ''Goober" Lindsey from Maybeny RFD, auests. I r?osey Grier (C) (30) I Love Lucy (30) Pl1yin1 Ute Guitar (30) (R) Entertainment Specl1ls (C) Sim Finer (C) 7:00 tJ ~ (j) CBS Evening News (C) (30) Roger Mudd. IJ MIC SUIYey (C) (30) Bob Wriaht O The Annlvtruiy G111te (C) (30) 0 DeaUt Y11fey Dip (C) (30) "Shortcut Throueh Tombstone." Robert Taylor portrays Texas John Slaughter as he tries to kHP a youna cowpoke out of trouble by aMna him 1 Job ., his deput1 The youna min btlts priaoner. t1kes bribes ind tries to pla Slauahter off 111lnst 1 t•na c badmen. m 5"1110t W9tll J .. Jtttes (C (60) Tom Jones t11ms up~wlth Jae Clrter Ind fr1n Jeffries (for a pre gram of music and fun.\ m Wtftd«s ef tM Wortt (C) (30 iifhe Mayas of Yue1lln.1' The Un• ers visit the Yue1tan Peninsula t film the amulna monuments an temples erected by the Mayan In dians centuries 1ao. fD NET Jo11m1I (C) (60) (R) @l)Eiltattro 7:30 tJ ~ (i) Jactie llllNSGn (C) (60 Gene Ketty, Milton Berle and Cor bett Monica 11uest. 0 Q)@ m AdM·l2 (C) (30 "I'm Stlll a Cop, Clrtton." Mallo finds himself in the middle of ; campus riot where he Is a part time student. Jerry Quarry 11uests. 11 Alan Ladd & Veronica * Lake star ii\ the grip- ping suspense thriller: THE BLUE DAHLIA! 11 Movie: "The ll11t Dallll1" (mys tery) '46 -Al1n ladcl. Veronia Lake .. 0 @ C1) m Tiie Datlnr '-- (C) (30) Jim Lanae hosts. Diani Linkletter, who 1ppe1rs with he father on The llnkletter Show, anc young Victoria Meyerink, who wa: discovered on The Dinny Kay1 Show, are celebrity contestants 0 MHlloft $ Mevle: (C) .. ~, (horror) '63--Barry Sullivan, Mer tha Hyer. LEE REMICK STEVE Mc UEEN Baby The Rain Must Fall 11:15 PM Saturday~ rv 22. 1969 his deputy. 1 prisoners. is to play a 1•n1 of Jeaes (C) l~With Jack :\for a pro· kl' (C) (30) ·~The link· enin~la to 1ments and Mayan In· I) (R) >n (C) (60) e and Cor· (C) (30) >n." Malloy 1iddle of a Is a part. 'TY 1uests. >nica grip- trif1er: .IA! 11111" (mys. I. Veronica ltin1 ~ osts. Diane ; with her Show, and • who 'was anny Kaye contemnts. [C} "Pyro" livan, Mar· :N 111 ...... " .... (C) (30) .. ,.,.. yiUln Flowtr.'' N1tM 1'1lllti .. Lellanl Omot1 plclea ._,. oa 1 toll< of her lsl1ftd home. ., &llllftl ....... a.-oo 119 Cl)."' ~ (C) (30) •"fo '"Sffe. Wlil LM." c.du9on. A fottlp kiq ce11tf11U11 to po19 aa hi• carbon con, Mu, for 11CU!tty rusons. but fools Allftt 99 more than lie fools ICAOS. Don Rlcldta, Pat Hlft~ftd Pet McCotmlck 1Ut1t. (30) Eub1nb hosts. M Im Tiit lkal)Wd II• AIA ........U (C) (2 hr) Chi.ck Benedict calls the action between the LOI An11les Stirs ind the Olk· lend Oab. ID AIM'tca• Wat (C) (30) "Ski WOrld of Utah." I NET f..UWll (C) (60) (R) N•a Cffa.....,. VI' Tiit Si.st •• Mra. a:• B ! ~ ~ nw. s.a (C) (30) Mllr C) 301_ "Mtkt Me 1 Match." I m tnn.. .... <C> i )litl ............ (C) (30) AJtolta Atll• 9:00119~ ............. (C) (30) @ ~Id Prt•ltre : " (drama) '69 -tulle Nltl•n, Hart Rhodes, Aldo ii. Ruby Dee. ..._.n Fa•l:J Alw (C) (30) Critiq• <C) (30) A ~nel of critics explore and review vtvld ex· ampln of "concrete poetry''-the artful arran1ement of words and print type to produce what mlaht be termed a "picture poem." fl) Nocllft Tepatia ,.JO I a ([l PetticNt JIMCtion <C> (J1J ())ED HelJWllCI ,.._. <C> ) Dan Rowan and Dldt Martin host. I NIWI (C) (30) &Mii Tubb Sllow (C) (30) La T..-.Mtl t:55 u ~ World " $poft <C> 10:00§ a Cl) Ma111111 (C) <60> ~PrU ,.... (C) (60) • Mewil: ..... Wllo ... DW' (drama) '57-Mefina Mercouri. NET ,..,.._ (90) (R) I ..... (C) (30) ..... llulc:o 10:30 I T.H.E. Cit (C) (30) Maurice Woodruff Prtclictl (C) Coimtry.W....,n Sllow (C) (30) . .....,.... .... u.. Sllrl u:eoaaamm,.... <C> U tlfLA .....-... <C> Dick En· Mrl calls the action between the Bruins and the Oreaon Webfoots. 11:15 8 f11Mriea 52 Mowil: (C) .. ,.. trllt llt lllct"' (mystery) '60-lana Turner. Anthony Quinn. Sandra Dee. D "BABY THE RAIN MUST * FALL"-Steve McQueen! fJ Movie: "labJ, tM Rain Mud Fair' (drama) '65--Steve McQueen, Lee Remick. Don Murrey. 11:3018' Ttttlcllt Alw (C) ....... (C) , ..... , ..... 11:41 ...... ...........,. (mystify} '53 -stlf11na Hayden. Join LestJe. u.:ao m n s.uat sirtp 12:30 0 Mowlt: "1111 Fakt" (mystety) '53-nennls O'Keefe, Coleen Gray. ID C!Mm $aturdaJ: "Guilty By· slender." 1!:55 8 Wtdtrf• W..W If 5'lrt (C) THE VERY BEST OF OLD FRIENDS A chance meeting more than 20 years ago between two young performers has resul<ed in two decades of light, literate humor for audiences across the country. The performers are Fran Allison and Burr Tillstrom, creator and manipulator of the wistfully amusing puppet tandem of Kukla and Ollie. The most recent results of that long-ago meeting can be witn~ed on The CBS Children's Film Festival, Sundays at 2 PM, where Kuk~ Fran and Ollie are hosts of the Award- winning series of entertaining and educational 61ms from various parts of ithe world. lt was shortly after World War ll that Tillstrom decided that his puppets needed a humao to round out the act. In 1947 he met Mia Allison, and oo October 13 of char-7Uf' the tam of Kukla, Fran and Ollie made its television debut in Chicago. They have been together ever since wi~ the smooth sailing that spells sweet success. "I sometimes think the Kuklapolitans upstage each other," says Miss Allison, "but they never step on my lines. Burr sees to that. "Actually, we've ~en together so long, we :ire the very best of old friends. There is great rrust between us all." Tillsuom says the film festival is an ouatanding vehicle for his entourage. "All entertainers care about their audience," observes Till- strom, "and the audience that is prominent with the festival is, of course, composed of young people. W e care most about this type of audience and therefore carefully adhere to one of the nrst rules '(() consider in television enteruinment-tllSte. "We are very proud to be associated with a series as im- portant as this," Tillstrom continues. "It is attempting to bring home not only basic entertainment but meaningful entertain- ment, and we want to add to that. The Kuklapolitans have always tried to bring meaning into the lives of their viewers." I 9:3 10~ 10: r ," ~es est cle iJJ. is, fU( of m- ~g an- 1ve s." SUNDAY FEBRUARY 23 MOF~NING All stations reserve the right to change program- ming without advance no- tice. 6:1S 6:30 6:50 7:00 The QristopMR Th• Bible Answers Clve Us Tiiis Day I News (C) Tom and Jerry (C) Sunday funnla (C) 7:30 Aqu1mat1 (C) Mormon T1bern1ele Choir (C) Fau to ha (C) DIJ of Dilcovery [3) Mlnlsteri1I Alliance 7:45 ffi Christophers 8:00 1J ~ (j) We Will Spt1ll, Who Will Answer? (C) , m The Christophers (C) C.1hedr1I of Tont0rrow (C) Ch1llet11es Davey ind Goll1th (C) WondtrlN (C) (}]) (3) Allen Revival Hour (C) Ci) COd Is t111 AnlWtf (C) • Afria.11tu11I Report (C) @ (}) al The Be.ties (C) 8:30 I Profilts • Movie: (C) "Dl1mond Horw- aboe" (romance) '4S-Phil Silvers, Betty Grable. (i) Full Gospel Reviv1I (C) I Klthryn lluhlm1n (C) Eitut11 KMEX (C) The Answer (C) 9:00 C.mera TllrH (C) MJ Favorite Sermon (C) ~ of Discovery (C) (11) CV m Lln111 (C) Country Music (C) 00 I Believe in Mlr1et.s (C) (!)Tom ind Jerry (C) · h1tP1dK Mllliules • New Test1ment lftd Min 9:30 IJ Convers.wtions With 1 hytlli• trist (C) "causes and Symptoms of Depressive Reactions." B Alriculblrt USA (C) ... Sports Speci1I (C) The powerful USC Trojans and the UCL.A Bruins swim teams. are matched as Dan O'Neil calls the aquatic action. I ~ rn m 1i111 "°"' <c> 6 lnsiifrt (C) Aqu1m1n (C) Arribl 11 Norte This Is tile Liie (C) • Youth ind Police (C) 10:00 I Citro 1nd the Hen (C) @ (I) al BuUwinllle (C) • Movie: "Hiihw•Y 301" (drama) 'SI-Steve Cochran, Virginia Grey. Ci) Town Hill Mtttin& (C) i 00 Flitll for Today (C) Ciente Sin HistCH'il Wine• to Adwtnturt (C) 10:30 IJ Steps to lwnln1 (C) 0 QJ 00 m Ff9fttitts of F1itll (C) "Christian Unity." Conclusion. The Rev. Or. Richard Schull, Chair· man of the Wortd Student Christian Federation, and Peter Day, E.cu· men~I Officer of the Episcopal Church, discuss church structures as ~ inhibit Chrlstian unity. o ll1l oo a» •rsut• ind Answera (q IE Filth for TodlJ (C) Q! (j) Futur11 i0:ss o @ rn m Nu ...... <C> Blltlmore Bullets vs. Cinclnn1tl R I , •t Cindnnatl. 11~ •111lt••t (C} Tllis la U.. lift (C) MtMIJtf1' Culdt (C) llevlt: "Ytllew Sly" (westem) reaory Pecll, Anne Baxter. I Cllurdl lft die Ho .. (C) (6) f1nt lll'tilt Qwdl Iii Picture (C) 11:30 QI Ci) NHL HocleJ (C) Toron· to Maple Leafs vs. the Mlnn1sot1 North Stars at Minnesota. Dan Kelly ind Bill Mazer report. 8 latarutioaal Z.. (C) Mtvlt: (C) "M•1 If tt1t Wlld- erntsS" (adventure) '64 -Ad1m West, Lori Saunders. m Su.day M1tlft11 ArTrR~OO~ 12:001 Dlalopn ht Art (C) Kiplleftr FNblres (C) lnt.illaent hrent @ Trlplt Ftatu11: "Tall Story," "Up Front," i nd "The Gal Who Took the West.'' 12='°1 ~:. 'eo!i'.,~: (C} , ... Autry 1Y Worship of tlM West (C) 1:00 m Meet tllt Pr ... (C) Mo'llt: "A Wo.an'a Ytttaunce" (drama) '48 -Charles Boyer, Ann BJYth. Sir Cedric Hardwickt. D @ Ci) EE DirecUoas (C) A continuation of the examination of differences in black churches. O Sports Spod1I (C) '1hls Is Bas· ketball." A description of the 11me and its rules on situations such IS covering, blockin1. charfinr. travel· (ll) (}) SM4tJ lbti.w. "Stars and Stripes Forever." IU1 Anltf .. 11 F•to Rat P1tro1 (C) MllY Crtffln (C) Z:JO Movie: "OM-WIJ SlrMt" (mp· tery) 'SO-James Maton. Din Dur· yea, Marti Toren. fJ MUllon $ Mewir. (C) .. Alla Jtsat Ja-" (comedy) '59 -flob Hope, Rhondl A1ml n1. • U.S. NIVJ F\1111 3:00 Face die Nltioa (C) Tiles of tM 8ol4tn Wed o.t• limits HoMJ Wat .~~~C) 3:30 lnsider/o.tmder (C) "Bamo Hutth: VO. TB & RX." EdUlrdo Moreno is host as a 1>1nel dlscll$MS conditions in the barri0$ with re· gard to hulth. Q) SundlJ Matinee: "teven Guns to Mes1." IUD Rtwitw (R) Tbe DMot.11 lui&trt (C) 4:00 Ylewpo4nt (C) ~ UL(C) Bill Leyden hostL @(})W Th Aaerlc11 Sportwan (C) Eddie Arcuo and Denny Phipps fish for baby t1rpon in Colombia ; Boston bl•b•ll st1r Tony Conlgtiuo hunts 81rbary sheep In New Mexico. I Min fro• UNCLE (C) [f) f.ce tilt N.UO. (C) rtntana Sobrt loa Hijol 4:30 Ntwul111M1 (C) Prof. Eric Gold· man~. D ~~ri111ent In TMiliea (C) 'The Cube." An oriilnal sur· (Contlnutd) in& 1nd screening. 1------------- llJ ,A~c:r ~h1vAL FIRES! * HEAR CECIL TODD TELL IT LIKE IT SHOULD BE m ltnivll f'lm (C) • 1:30 D On CIMput (C) "The Mad Mor· ality -An fJcpos.." Or. Bernard Ellen, Professor of Rellaion 1t l1 Verne Colle1e. contends th1t Mad M1guine teaches moral lessons that are unsurpassed In their ef. fectiveness in this day and 111. D @(])EE Di1COWttJ (C) "Op· eration Wuther." Biii Owen likes viewers on a visit to 1n 1lr1lne weather center where fllattt p1t· tems, based on varyinr we1thtf reports, are evolved for thousands of commercial fllahts each day. 0 W-1111111 f. luclJty SMw (C) •'How Does It Go With the Poverty Problem?" Major Owens and Ber· nerd Schiffman of the Hum1n Re- sources Aaency auest. I Voice of Calwlry (C) Mdoner and Ille Colontl 2:00 ~Cl) CIS Cllildm'a Fil• Flltlnl {C) "Dogie ind Three." A charminr Czechoslov1kian picturo relatina a boy's complicated ties to a homeless dog. The child finds the ab1ndoned dor ind takes it IS his own. With the dog at his side, the lad beoomes entangled in 1 series of lies that make his once simple life extremely complex, and he dt· cides that tellin1 the truth offers the only solution. D Movie: (C) "'CHte Stpttl9btr" (comedy) '61 -Rock Hud10n, Gin• Lollobri1ida. D Pma CollftrtnCI (C) m Roft.r Dt"J (C) Bing Crosby Debbie Reynolds Say One For Me Ci-starring Rebert Wagner 5:00 PM Sunday in Coler ~ ,... 7 ...... THE DAILY lttLOT. TV WED<, l"E8fltUAln' 22. l IUNDAY (Continued) •~SS 5:00 5:30 r .. listlc comedy by Jim Henson and Jtny Juhl hu Its wortd premltr1 on today's ehow. ''The Cube" fo- cUMS on the compltl. bafflina problems of rulity versus Illusion. The setting Is 1 small, doorlea and windowless chamber In whidl 1 younc man Is tr1pptd. He Is visited by a zany selitl of dleracters who Involve him In bizarre conversations. • Nen (C) . ,... E " ...... (C) ........ ttlted Ci) .... (C) 6b Es la Vida Wo!Mltff11I Wor1cl of Sport (C) ,.... (C) Cleta Robeits. n. IQlly stJ't (C) llewlt: (C) '°SaJ OM fer Mt" (musical) ·s~lng Crosby, Debbie Reynolds, Robert Waaner. . fJ Sports Special (C) The Astrojet Golf Toumament from la Costa. Stars from t1lt wor1d of baseball end football compete for $30,000 In prize money. m Tiie Lucy Hotlr @ (]) Seven Alts T1M1tr1: "Prince of Pi;a ers." 6 llfft the Press (C) : I Ntw1 Toros Run for Yottr Ute (C) a (j) A.ateur How (C) 9 Ci) 8' Franl llcCN (C) Ml Par.de (C) Dick Sincl1ir and the 1an1 aive a ''Welcome Marth" party. I Mdtale'1 NIVJ 6 feltwre ~ CitJ MaUr1 (C) (R) FVFNINC 6:00 ~ tjj (I) T1M 2bt Ce11t11ry (C) ~) 9 (I) m '-L c.tle&" Bowt i (30) SklPPJ the Buall K1n11roo C) ( 0) ''Tara." Waratah Park, shet~er for antique forms of life. becomes the secret home of Tara, an old aborigine who build$ his "whirlie," or hut, deep in the valley. Skippy and Sonny diJCover the old man and vow to keep his llleaal pres· ence secret m re'i\r (C) (30) 0) TM Holt,.ood star- lets of (C) (60) Dick Strout hosts. Youna starltts from various studios are presented and tltey talk about their likes, their hobbies, their clothes and their work. I Blacfl Pwsptdive (30) (R) llan frHt UftCl.E (C) l :JO Rllpli StofJ (C) (30) A aroup of silent young models In Los An· aeles. who are extremely araceful and eleaant and pose 24 hours a day, week after week, will be ex· a mined. 0 @Ci) a;, Wild Kiatdotl (C) {30) ''Tuskers Below!" Marlin Per· kins and Jim Fowler travel to Kru· aer National Park in the Republic of South Africa in an exciting Wiid baby elephant capture. (R) D Four Winds to Adventure (C) (30) "Gypsy Caravan Throuah Ire· land." fJ SJiowtlme Special (C) (60) "Hi- larity a la Berman." Shelley Ber- man plays host to Shirley Bassey, Matt Monro, Hope & Keen, Acker Bilk, and Los Paraguayos. n. ,...... a.I (30) 1 ...... (C) (30) ...... u 7:GO w mr.:.> (C) (30) Couldl· man TedWorth. openlJ oppoeed to the maintenance of • Job ~ camp that Fomt Ranpr Scltt Turner is trylna to Improve, » cuses Luke Roberts of ttlt C..,. of stuNna hb son's wris1watctl. Only lassie knows that a crow took the watch . n ea m m thldl flu <C> <30> ~I WhTif pools lead to Atlantia!' The younpters bec:om. emtuolfed in the political sdlemes of an un. derwater clvlllzatlon. Q RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS VS. OAKLAND SEALS ,B IMp HecllJ (C) (2l/1 hr} Jl111 McDonald c1lb the action u the Los Anatlts Klnp meet the O.k· land Seals. 8 LITTLE PEOPLE TRAPPED * IN GIANT'S ZOO IN "LAND of the GIANTS" n @ w m ulMll ., ... a1Mt1 (Cj (60) "Seven little Indiana." Steve, Mark, Dan and Betty l"ICI throuah ClllS of alant animata to reach zoo headquartel'I where thtir companions are held captive. m TruUt or ~ (C) (30) 0) hapet't te Tr..t (C) (30) "Faces of the East." A tour of India, Thailand and Hona Kona. Em Opentlon Btotstr.., (C) (60) Documentary on the beainnlna of Operation Bootstrap, a self·help proaram. (R) @I) Do•~ Henl«z 1:30 tJ a (lJ a.m1e ... <C> <30> 8:00 Mark uses his pal Ben as collattr1I for a bank loan to help Boomhauer In a complicated morta111 trans- action. ft ID (j) 8' Watt o-., (C) (60) "'Fhe Secret of Boyne C.stle." Con· cluslon. The boys and an American aaent are imprisoned In 1 Irish castle by enemy aaents. e 1111u. s Movie: <C> "'f1ft '*- • Dra~ (drama) '67-Robert Cumminas, George Rift. Dan Dur· yea. ~ lllfV Crittle (C) (90) Th CWnllq Sea (C) (30) eedom to captivity." Bitter m· tic cold and trtacherous iceber11 are among the hazards fadna Bill Burrud and his crew as they IO on a seardl for brown walruses. fl) Iii Pldu,. fJ 3 Great B'dwy Musicals * on ED SULLIVAN Tonite! tJ a CI> Ed Sldliwn <C> <60> Musical numbers from "Addler on the Roof," "Cabaret" and "Zorb1," all produced by Harold Prince, are presented as a maJor portion of tonight's show. Her1Chel Bernardi, Harry Goz, Anita Gillette and Mar· tirt Rem are featured . Also 1uestin1 are The Fifth Dimension, Glenn Var· borough and Michele lee. 0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY * Presents THE FBI n cm(}) m ne F11 <C> <&0> 'The Catalyst." A Latln·American Red agent hijacks the plane bear· ina ErMlint and Maria Sandoval to Washinaton where she ia to tell of a Communist take-over In her home· a ·----------------------------SPf CIAL 1TONIGHT16 :00 /COL OR HOLLYWOOD • .... ~.T~~~~I~ ..... ~ .. AN INTIMATE LOOK AT SEVEN BEAUTIFUL GIRLS ASPIRING TO ACHIEVE STARDOM 1 land. AleJ1ndro Rey, Ml1uel Torres. Norman Fell and Pilar Seurat ruest. m W1ndtr1ust (C) (30) "Portrait Of Holland." The land of windmills, wooden shoes and lace caps is also the land of hydroelectric plants and a great international airport. I The filhtr F1•ily Pll (C) (90) Cultro EVls P1r1 un Adam 8:30 0 9 (]) m The Mothtrs-in·LIW (C) {l(>) "Guess Who's Comln1 For· ever." When Jerry announces that he and Suzie are movin1 from the garage apartment. Eve and Kaye advertise and ask for sh1 months' rent in advanoe. They rent the apartment to a Negro who claims they are preJudiced, and then Jerry decides not to move. Sooey Mitchlll guests. (8 The Siii Sltow (C) (30) £1) World lOlltOfTO'f (C) lean double a1ent and comes up a1ainst a human time bomb. All· thony Zerbe, Martin Sheen and John Crawford 1uest. o CiJ CI> m .., FritllCI r..., <C> (60) ''Encounter." Gmldlne Brooks 1uests as a woman suspected of killing her husband, ind she hires Woodruff and Tony to gather evl· dence for her defense. 0 m Ntw1 (C) (30) 0 Movie: (C) ''labtttt Cou le War" (comedy) '60 -Bri1itte Bar· dot. Jacques Charrier. (8 Labor Report (C) (30) Eil) hwicl SUstkhtd (C) (2 hr) "Why Black Vets Are Bitter." Five black veterans discuss dlscrimlna· tion at home and on the front lines and their trouble readjustin1 to life after Vietnam. "Is Marria1e Coun· sellng a Racket?" Three experi· enced counselors talk about the pitfalls in visitJn1 unqualified ooun· 9:00 selors, and what to expect from a IJ SMOTHERS BROS. SHOW U)f:::.~1~u= * JOE. SOUTH SINGS from 10:30 I Suc:cesa Story (C) (30) Capitol Album Introspect Jot Pm• (C) c2 hr) .. GAM ES PEOPLE PLAY" Wild Adwtature CC> (30) "Trek to the Pink Snow." The back coun· IJ Qj Ci) Smothers Brothm (C) try of Montana off en snow that (60) V'iclor BOl'ge, The Clingers and turns pink When walked on and Joe South 1uest. trout the size no one has seen 0 ID Ci) m Bonanza (C) (60) before. (R) "The L~d.Y and the Mou?tain Lion." ll:OO I O QJ (6) Ntws (C) A ma~rcran plots . to rnv~lve .the Cathedrelof TolllOfrow (C) Cartwrr1ht boys with his rdenhcal Public Strvlet (C) twin dau1hters to help swindle Vlr· (!) Newa ginia City citizens. Richard Haydn and Alyce and Rhae Alldrece guest. 11:30 IJ Movie: (C) "Tht Edctr Dttdlhl 0 @@ G) ABC Sunday Movie Story" (drama) '56-Tyrone Power, m Spot11pt With P1tal Anb (C) Kim Novak. (60) Host Paul Anka weloomes Lana Cantrell and oomedian Benny Hiii. 0 AVOID SUNDAY LET· 18 Nns (C) (30) * DOWN-WATCH . . . &')Peter cu11n LOHMAN AND BARKLEY 9:30 0 DocuMtntary (30) "One Satur· 0 Lo"••n l BarllllJ (C) day Afternoon.'' Story of Tom Har· (8 Morie: "Abilene Towt1" (west· mon. (R) em) '46-Randolph Scott. I News (C) (30) Larry Burrell. 9 @ lnsipt (C) World of Youtti (C) (30) SllndaJ Leoll/Manloll Feru• 11:45 0 @(}) al News (C) ConYt111tions W'rttl a.rt Bootlle 11:55 Q Ftltvft/Wor1d of Ytwtfl (C) Luce (C) (30) 'The World of Henry R. Luce." Mrs. Luce describes her 12:00 0 World TfflOfTow (C) life with the late publisher, whose 0 Morie: .. JalNtoust Roel" (dra· empi111 Included Time and life ma) '57-Elvis Presley, Judy Tyler. magazines. Dr. G. Homer Durham l2•30 GI Naked CitJ ho~ this final se1ment of tht . m CintMI Sunday: "Terror Is I senes. M ., g) Li lOrMtllbr an, 10:00 f) a Ci) Mluioft: l•possiblt (C) 1:00 0 Newa (C) (~) The IMF invades the intricate 1:15 IJ Movie: .. Raffles'' (oomedy) '39 world of spies to protect an Amer· --Olivia de Havilland, David Niven. TV Mories ol tlul Week I MONDAY, f'EBRUAJltY 24 9:00 D e Cl) "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken." Don Knotts stars In the comedy·mystery, and Joan Staley. Liam Redmond, Dick Sa1"8•nt. Skip Homeier. Reta Shaw (of NBC's The Ghost and Mrs. Muir) and Lurene Tuttle (of NBC's Julia) co·sbr In the 1966 Universal release. Luther Heggs (Knotts), a bumbllns typesetter on a small town newspaper, longs to become a reporter so that Alma (Miss Staley) will notice him Instead of Ollie (Homeier), the paper's top news ace. Luther Is 1tven an assignment to stay overnight In the town's "Haunted House," sc1tne of an unsolved murder years before. and write of his experience. He discovers a secret staircase and hears an organ playing. but becomes a laughingstock when he tells of his experiences. The film was produced by Edward Montasne and "directed by Alan Rafkin from the screenplay by Jim Fri~· ell and Everett Greenbaum. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 25 9:00 O @ Ci) ''The Perils of Pauline." A spoof of the old·tlme melodrama revives the cllff·hanging adventures of the blonde heroine of the early 1900's. The 1967 Universal release stars Pamela Austin as the starry-eyed, innocent title char11cter; Pat Boone as the shining pure hero, Geo1"8e: Teny·ThomH as the dastardly villain, Sten Martin; and Edward Everett Horton as Casper Coleman, the 99%·year·old, second richest man In the world. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 'D 9:00 B 9 Ci) "Sex and the Sin&le Girt." This 1964 Warner Brother firm Ts supposedly based on the novel by Helen Gurley Brown. Tony Curtis stars as the editor of a S<:andal magazine and attacks the reputation of a research psychologist (Natalie Wood) to boost t~e circulatlon of his magazine. He Impersonates a friend and becomes her patient. and a romance develops. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:00 II a (f) ''The Glas .. Bottom Boat." Another of the cotton· candy l50r1s Day flicks, this one co·stars Rod Taylor, Arthur Godfrey, John McGiver, and Paul Lynde. A Top Domestic Box· Office Grosser in 1966-67, the film Is about a young lady who plays mennald to help her father's lagslng glass·bottom boat service off Catalina, and who becomes Involved in a cloak·and· dagger scheme to steal plans from the space laboratory where she works. • SATURDAY, MARCH 1 9:00 0 9 (I) "Some Like It Hot." The 1959 comedy stars Tony CurtTs, Tack Lemmon, Marilyn Monroe, Geo1"8e Raft, Pat O'Brien and Nehemiah Persoff. Two unemployed musicians, witnesses to the St. Valentine's Day massacre, disguise themselves and Join an all·glr1 band to escape detection. The film won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design. The Writers Gulld of America Award; British Academy Awards for Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe; and the Laurel de Oro Award In Ctllle for Marilyn Monroe as Best Actress. The film received five other Academy nominations and was the top grossing picture of 1959. 11:1!5 II "Mldnlaht Lace." Doris Day, Rex Harrison, John Gavin, Her· bert Marshall, Roddy McOowall eDd Myrna Loy star In the 1960 suspense-shocker. D "The Outrace!' Paul Newman, Laurence Harvey, Claire afoom, Edward G. Robinson, William Shatner star ~----------------......... ....._ \ TiiE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, FEBRUARY 22, 1969 REGULAR DAYTIME PROGRAMS ~.1 0 f? N I '\ (, 5:1011 Clvt Us Tiiis DaJ/Nns (C) 6:30 I) Sunrise Semutw (C) "The lit· erature of England" is the subject for Monday, Wednesday ind Frld1y. "Contemporary French literature In Tr1nsl1tlon" Is the course for Tues- day and ThursdaJ. I Educatioft E.xdl1n1t (C) Teadt• In-Service Eduution1I Featum Tedlnlcal Comer 7:00 DdpleJ (C) The sPff ne semes- ter courses are ''Today's Bioloaic•I Revolution," and "Conflict, Change and Social Action." 0 ~@ g:, The Tod11 5'tow (C) Hugh Downs hosts. I Extrdst Wltll Gloria (C) Mr. Wllllbont (C) Felix tM Cat (C) Co111mocllty Report MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:003n. L.cy aow · @ (6) m Sup JudpN11t (C) Ed McMlilon hosts. 8 LM¥t It to lemr Movie: See D1ytime Movies. Jackie Joseph Is hostess. I Tht Real McCop @ (]) J.cil LI l.oH (C) hckJ 1llCI His FrieMI (C) (I) AadJ Crifflttt (C); Alltl Cut&r Sltow, Frld1y. 9:25 0@@ g:, NIC News (C) Nan· cy Dlckeoon. 9:30 II' (j) It. verty HllJblllln 0 @ g:, Conantratloll (C) Bob layton hosts. D Movie: See Daytime Movies. Johnny Grant hosts. I M1rsllal Dillon Dtnnb the MenKt Eduuti.n1I Features (]) Hqdtn's Happenin1 (C) 11:55 0 @ @ g:, NIC Ntws (C) Ed· ·'\ r T I R N 0 ! > ', lO:OO 1 Anet, Criffitlt win Newman. · 9 Cl) g:, l'tf10n1lity (C) Host ____ A_POU_O_IX_LA_U_N_C_H ____ 1 Larry Blyden welcomes Wiiiiam Shalner, Joan Fontaine and Sam On Frid17, February 28. Apollt IX. the first manned test of tbt lunar lllOdule., -.tit bl lauodttcl It 8:00 AM. All ntt· wol'b ancl •any locll stations will urry live color cowra(t of tlM tvtnt, ind aubaequent in-space telecast.a will lnternipt rtlUltr prornmmlne. Th• flllht will terminate Mond17, March 10, incl until ttlat time, •II pro1mn· •Inc is saabjed to rldlcal chan19 without notice. Levenson. Appearing in pre-filmed 12:00 II ao.tique (C) Whitney Blake interviews are June Lockhart. Leon· and Steve Dunne host. ard Nimoy, Shelley Winters, Darren 0 Qj @ g:, Hiddett Faca (C) McGavin and Ethel Merman. D Cartoons (C); Cookin( W1ttt Cof· §Movie: See Daytime Movies. ris, ID Wednesday. Trvttl or Consequences (C) I Cll' (]) m lewitdled 00 Sunn7 TodaJ (C) • Temr. (C) Dornan and Elwell. 10;30 II ~ 00 Didi Van Oyte Show ~lei 7, ~ Prtsidtnt · @ @ g:, Hofi,weod Squ1rei r.t1 • ... .-• ..._ (C) (C) Peter Marshall hosts. 1A1 un .... ~er _... m Frotn tilt lnllde Out (C) 12:30 II ~ (j) As tile WOf1d Turns. (C) I!) Robin Hood 0 fa 00 g:, Dqs of Our Lives 7:15 fE Stock Martiet . . i Macdonald Carey stars. 7:30 II CBS News (C) Joseph Benti. ll:OO 11! Ci) Love of Lift (C) St1noa1 lC) 0 Tiie Morning Sllow (C) Ed Nel· ' 00 g:, Jtop1rdJ (C) @ (3) al FunnJ You Should son hosts. Gallopln1 Cour•tt (C) • Asai (C) Uoyd Thaxton hosts. I Rttlclous fHtvm Graham .Kerr. I Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tiit Flintstones (C) m Sheriff Jolin (C) Dillin& for Dollar1 (C) Hotlo Kelly (C) I!> Romper Room (C) Tedlnical C:Omer 1:00 II Cii Cl) Captain Kanearoo (C) 11:2511 Qj Ci) CBS Newa (C) Joseph 12:55 n @m m Ctlildrtn'I Doctor With Bob Keeshan. Benti. (C) Tue5day-:fhursday. Lendon H. 0 111 l1bysitter (C) 11:30 II ta Ci) St1rcll for ToMnow (C) Smith, M.D. m Carteons (C) • @Ci) g:, Eye Cum (C) Bill 1:00 II Qj (I) low Is 1 ManJ Splttl· 1:15 @ @ VJdto DllQt (C) Cullen hosts. dored Thlii1~) 1:25 O Com•llftlty Bulletin lolrd (C) 0 The AnnivetMltJ Came (C) Al I @.00 · The Doctors (C) Hamel hosts N1ttonal tlvet •:30 I Cartoons (C) . m America'. (C) @ (}) m Drnm Hou1t (C) Adwtntum of Gumby (C) • M'k D hosts (]) Webster Webfoot (C) 11:45 0 Nm (C) EB ~~=ity ind Stoel Report 1:301 ~(I) Tiit Cuidln1 ll&ltt (C) · @ Ci) g:, Another Wor1d (C) Dobie Cillis @ (]J al l et's Malle a Dtal (C) Monty Hall hosts. I!) WOf'ld Adventure, (C) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Trntl Wittl Don ind Bettini, (C) Tuesday and ThursdaJ. 2:00 II en (I) Secret Stonn (C) 0 @@ g:, You Don't S., (C) Tom Kennedy hosts. Jessica Walter and John Astin iuest. B Lowe That leb @ (I) al Ntwfywtd C11ne (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. 0 How To Stop S..okln1 (C) Mon- ~· W Movie: See Daytime Movies. 2:30 119 (j) The Ed19 of Nlpt (C) COMEDY/VARIITT The Sten Allen Shaw Steve hosts those two back country cut-ups, JI• "Gomer Pyle" Miiien, and CUff "Charlie Weaver'' ai.1ttt tonight for some wild shenanigans. Nabors demonstrates his rich bari· tone with "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me" and guest KIJ Starr belts out her latest hit recording, "12th Street Marching Band." M 0 N D A Y -FR I D A Y -~ 6 PM • COLOR • KTlA U 0 @@ g:, TIM M.tdl 11111 (C) Host Gene Rayburn welcomes Dina Merrill and William Shatner to the show. D F ltlltr Knows Best; Caoldn1 Around tilt World, (C) Wednesday. 0 @ (j) m Datln.r c... (C) Jim Lanae hosts. - 2:55 0 ~@ g:, NBC Ntwt (C) Floyd Kalber. 3:00 Tiit llnkletter Show (C) • P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. ~ry Patrol • (]) al Celltfal Hospital (C) tlix tlle Cat (C) ~ Mltifttt: Don Rodewald. Dillin( for DoUara MoM • atinet: Don Wilson. 3:15 • News (C) 3:30 lucky hlr (C) Geoff Edwards hosts. Mike 0otiet11 (C) Diworct Court (C) cm @ al Ont lffe To Uw (C) Morie; See Daytime Movies. MJ Fnorlte M1rtian Hebo Ktfly (C) 4:00 Mr. Ed; MOYie: See D1ytime Movies, Monday and Friday only. Ozzlt ud Harritt @ m a,) Dart Sllldows (C) PIJ tards (C) Art James hosts. 4:30 Mowlt: See Daytime Movies. Pleatt Don't Eat ti!• Daisit1 (C) Ntws (C) Bill Bonds. Ceor1• Pvtna• News (C) Bozo's II( Top Slttw (C) ~ tiB Mitt Dollpas (C) ~,.s Pim hrty • wn Talk (C) 5:00 • KNIC Newsenict (C) D et with it! PAUL HARVEY * shows you on KTLA N EWSI KTU News (C) Tiie Croowy Sllow (C) The Addams F at1llf @ Jl111•1 Tllont110n Sllow Ci) The Lucy Sllow (C) • Rlfle•an (C) 5:301~~~~~) :: Frooi This D17 1969 (C) NIWMJt (C) I F Ii 1 f t t ( ( 9 9 10 12 k MONDAY FEBRUARY 24 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 O "WOIDln Obsesaecl'' (drama) '59 -Stephen Boyd, SuSln Hayward. 9:30 II "Han11111t1 Also Die" (western) '43-8rlan Donlevy, Walter Brennan. 10:00 O ''DodDr at l.arie" (comedy) '57-0ht Bogarde, Anne Heywood. 12:30 m ''TH Intruders" (mystery) '32 -Monte Blue, Linda Lee. "Blonde for a Day" (mystery) '46-Hugh Beaumont, ChtrYI Walker. 2:00 0) "TIN RllM Hanel of tbe O.lr' (drama) '63 -Aram Katcher, Lisa McDonald. 3:30 O "Retum to Trusure Island" (adventure) '54-Tab Hunter, Dawn Addams. 4:00 IJ (C) "Fire Down hlow" (dra- ma) '57-Jack Lemmon, Rita Hay- worth, Robert Mitchum. fVfNINC &:00 1J n. Ii& Ntn (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. • fflV:W.:~.w,~~>., * visit with Kay Starr · on STEVE ALLEN TIME! II SM Allen Sllew (C) (90) Jim N.bots, Cliff Arquette, Jayne Mead- ows and Kay Starr auat. lV's "Gomer Pyle" displays his versa- tility by sin&ln~ "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me." D Sil O'Cledl Mewlt: (C) "War· lock" Part I (western) '59-Rlchard Widmark, Henry Fonda, Anthony Quinn, Dorothy Malone. A gunfight- er is hired by the town of Wartock to ·wipe out a gang terrorizinr the town, and to do so, he hires a former member of the gang to Join forces with him. The conclusion alri tomorrow night. 11 SpJ (C) (60) lat.an (C) (30) CJ) Merv Griffin (C) M.t's New? (30) "Animal Ward." John Robbins makes the rounds with the veterinarian of the Washington, D.C., Zoo. I M.,.,_ Sin AIMr IUUI Ntw1 (C) &:30 MIC. N ... mc. (C) (60) VtJIP to the lotto• of tile S..~(60) 9 HunU.,·lrlnkl., (C) fil) OMt (30) The story of Leroy Beavers and the people who influenced and helped him from a life of poverty to the position of insurance agent manager for Equl· table Life In CenturY City. 9Ciltl)f.Ea>Ntw1 (C) 7:00 IJ Cls Evtni111 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. (Continued) Richard Widmark Henry Fonda WARLOCK Co -starring Anthony Quinn on The Six O'Clock Movie. In Color Monday, Part I. Tuesday, Part II. C2' ------- lnlroducl• Thi H•lhkU .. IDODll·Blkl" ••• - Thi 111·118100 Trall Ind snow Blk1 I THE BIGGEST WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES Power fro"' tho •1t9'ne i1 tte1tsfetft4' by chah1 to flllt 11 • t .10 t.ltoleu floatatf0ti-type tire. The re111lt 11 hltli 1taltillty •fl4' , ... ,arhltle tracffo1t 11Mler SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURF~CE TRACTION' ·I-·• a1ty Hrf•ce CH• 41tio11, S11ap 011 tllo optfoflal 1lcl accauory a!MI tfto blh 11 rH4y to "'" •••r wrf .. 41 wet Hit4, ••well a1 How. TH coMltlHffOtl of tho &T-11'1 S HP •fl· .... 2 .. , •• , ., .... ....... .a4' ..... Nar ""' , ••• It ,. •• ,1c.w. tracMo•, ••H •p••P 111111 aMI potti.. 14'oal for i..ttten, flaltor.-•, ., I••• pl•I• "'"· • No 11H4 to pt1t the &T-11 away I for Hie wl1tter . . • jllat "'""t tlto optl011at Slcl Acce•MIJ· S11ap1 01t t11 1acoll41 wlffiovt 111· litt toola. Uao It for wl11ter ltll11t. ii19, flalti1t9, towl119 alcion .,.4 tob099.riora. FREE Send for Our Huge Cetelog It's ,,_ .. '" ,_ tti. Allllllt-l HEATHKlr· ....-eeoa•• ~-1' ' ' ....__ .. To reach Heatt.lcSt lloctre11lc Ce11ter talco Hart..f N . h lal ;...,._ oaat ... lall • few ahort ltloclca •• no hat ... ., +.lea , .... AA• frffw•y to Har.._ 11¥4., HerMt 11¥4. h loll, • few aMrt Mocb oMI yM'ro horo SALIS & PAl'TS HIATHllT n6-t4JO JJI IAST IAU. ANAHllM MONDAY (Continued) 0 w..t'a My Untf (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m hawnl (C) (30) Carol Bur- nett and Ross Martin auest. 9 (i) MtlldaJ MtN: (C) "Cap- tain Newman, M.D." Greaory Peck stars. fil) UMa Abiert1 (60) "An Inter· raclal Look at East Los Anaeles." Several members of tht Youth Hu· man Relations Council join llost Eduardo Moreno and a live audi· ence assembled at the Laauna Par\ Recrution Center in Ent Los An· eeles for 1 panel discussion of life In the barrio. The panel is com- prised of students from several ethnic 1roups and the youn(sters aive their opinions on education, relialon, the Mexican-American home and community. I (f) fal'llily Affair (C) 5Ur's WOl'ld (C) Trllttl or Con1equencu (C) 7:30 a {j) tiun11110111 (C) (60) A fanatical judae (Jeff Corey) and his Missouri freebooters, 1 notor· ious band of niaht·riders who bum farms and 11ck towns in venaeance for property lost durina the Civil War. meet stubborn resistance from actin& deputy Festus H1uen when they hit Dodae City. Norman Alden, Bob Random and Robert Pint also au est. D m I .,,... or .... ni. (C) (30) "Binest Star in Hollywood." Tony l.s sent to Hollywood on behalf of NASA to make appurances. but is warned to stay out of the spotllfht to prevent 1ny 111morization of as- tronauts. Unfortunately, he runs into Princess Anitra, the most &!amorous woman In Hollywood, who Is none other than his Jeannie In dlsauise. Jud~ Came, Arte Johnson, Gary Dwens and Georae Schlatter auest IS themsefves. I Utt ia SfK.e (C) (60) CllJ (I) a> TM Awe11Pn (C) ( ) "Stay Tuned." Steed is aiven an injection that makes him want to kill a lop official in his own sovemment. 0 ........ $ Mewie: ..... ,.. l..Mdlady" (comedy) '62-Jack Lem· mon, Fred Astaire, l<im NOV1k. A youna St.ate Department officlal rents a flat in London owned by a mysterious and beautiful woman suspected of killinr her husband. The youn1 man sets out to prove her innocence. w1u1i MAT1 • JUStL THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 22, 1969 HERE COME THE STARS-Willie Mays Jessel's guests rib the great Wllllt Mays tonight. Teammate Willlt McC1n1 and sportscaster Vl11 Sc11llJ head a proaram or musical entertainment and high comedy. Pianist lt•ra• $1111'1111. vocalists lllly Eckstlu and PHii St1wut alternate with comics Sta Clllla•. Cntlu r. Tracy, l•• KIM, and Louie Q1l11n. TONIGHT 9:00 -~ COLOR • KTLA U m Trvtll or Couequencu (C) (30) Host Bob Barker welcomes M1ureen1------------------------Rea1an, dauahter of Callfoml1's Governor Ronald Reaaan, and Acad· emy Award·winnlna actre~ Jane Wyman as they participate in a sone·idenUficatlon contest. U1 Anpl • ti fu19 I Ptny ...... (60) 1:00 8' Rowa11 & M1rtin l.Hp·ID ( ) (60) Connie Stevens auests In roles ran&ine from a French maid to a truckdriver and joins the Llueh·ln tirts for a "sock it to me" spectacular. I rm'c!\>, ~ ~ .. Picw (C) (60) A documentary on the construction of the SO-foot aculp· lure desiined tor Chlca1o's Center Plaza. Also included is an analysis of the evolution of Pablo Picasso's sculpture, and a visit to his first major retrosiiective exhibit at the Tate Gallery in London. @I) Co•tc.I , CandoMI 8:30 tJ t.ij (I) Hwe's luq (C) (30) Harrison carter's former Anny boss, Buzzy Brock, now in "counter-Intel· liaence" wort for the pemment, seeks Harry's aid in flndlnf a re· llable steno1r1pher to check out a possible espionaae SUJPecl Jump· in& at the opportunity to do somethina for her country, Lucy volunteers for the job thlJt requires 1 aood memory. Victor Buono l!!_ests. U Qltdtn V.,ap (C) (30) "A Heaven Called Holland." 0 (llJ (I) (£) ""9n Pltce (C) {lO) Betty tells Steven she wi II Join him in her ficht for the Pey· ton money; Or. Rossi tells off Fred; Rita &Ives Manie tips on "man· CLOSE·UP trapping"; Carolyn tells Lew of Jeffs lie to her father. GJ MllY Crlffln (C) (90) ~ lelt U-. Odds (C) (30) Johnny Gilbert hosts. @I) 1Y ....... Ouart 9!00 tJ MIJbtny lltv (C) (30) Mike. Aunt Bee and Miiiie loin fortes to talk Sam Into lettin1 his boy have a do&. Th• campaign bttlns when Harvey Smithers moves to M~rry and opens a pet shop. Victory seems assured when Sam •arees to let Mille brinf home a monrr~ ind l.hen lht boy prova to bt alleraic to the doa. aea oo mNac.......,....,.: (?) "ht best 11111 Mr. Clllcbl" (comedy-mystery) '66-0on Knotts. Joan Staley, Liam Redmond, Dick Saraent, Slllp Homeier, Rib Shaw, hits you where you live. Southern California 1969 is like no place on earth. You'll know it once you see Piers Anderton's filmed "Close-up" reports. Did you know Volkswagen thefts are up because Dune Buggys are made from VW's? Do you know what plastic surgeons make in today's Male Beauty Market? Every ''Close-up" really digs out the meaning of the Southland's people, ideas, trends and "things." hp 12 "Close-up" is a regular feature of our KNBC Newservice where every newscast is incisive, informative and interesting. Get close to "Close-up" tonight. It's habit forming. If I, 0 e n y y 0 e I, k '· -,, te. . - RADIO'S PAUL HARVEY JOIN S THE * KTLA"* NEWS HOUR TWI CE DA ILY :+ MON.·FRI. 5:00 & 10 PM Lurene Tuttle. A timid typuetter of a local newspaper inadvertently be· comes involved In an unsolved mur- der case when he tries to impress the girl he loves. It WILLIE MAYS a big hit! * WILLIE McCOVEY is on first-VIN SCULLY calls the play, tonite on HERE COME THE STARS! It 5Hl'l9 J111e1'1 Hert eo ... the Stars (C) (60) Wiiiie Mays, one of baseball's immortals. is the first sports figure to be honored on the show. Willie McCovey, Vince Scully, Jane Kean, Curtiss & Tracy, Louis Quinn, Stu Gilliam and Gene Bay· los do the roastlnr. while musical hiahllghts are provided by George Shearina. Billy Eckstein and Paula Stewart. 0 @ ~ al Tite Outcasts (C) {60) "Gideon." Gideon, a former slave and childhood playmate of Earl Corey, shoots a bounty hunter who suspects he's a wanted man. A retarded young man tells Jemal David that he ~w Gideon commit the crime. but neither Earl nor the sheriff believes that the man Is guilty. Roscoe Lee Browne, Robert Wilke and Regis Philbin auest. I Run fOf Your Life (C) (60) Blldl Joum1I (C) (60) (j) Min Fro11 UNCl.E (C) La Bn1ja M1ldlb 9:30 1J F1•llJ Aff1ir (C) (30) While Uncle Bill frantically searches the Spanish countryside for the misslnr twins, they find refuge with 11 peas· ant couple on an isolated farm. Nacho Galindo and Rosa Turich are featured in this, the third and final segment of the three-part series filmed in Spain. fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. @!) hYista Musical 10:00 1J Qt Ci) Carol Burnett (C) (60) Soupy Sales and Barbara McNair au est. It Be a Sport! Tom Harmon * brings you All the scores ... complete news! I m Newt (C) (60) @ (1) &') Tiit lit Y1llty (C) ( ) "Alias Nellie Handley." Vic· loria commits herself to a notori- ous prison in order to expose Its corrupt and inhuman regime. She makes a pact with Sheriff Bannock to permit her to be imprisoned in the women's compound of Mateo Prison. There she comes in contact wltll a gallery 01 cnaracters inc1ua- ing assistant warden Martin Gar- reck, a cruel and ambitious man. Under the extreme conditions, Vic· torla reveals her real Identity to the man. Susan Oliver, Richard Ander· son and Richard O'Brien guest. 0 Manllal Dillon (30) 6) Tim Show (C) (30) "Children's Parties." Rita Gam and Timmie Mason guest. @) The 5....t War (30) "Disap- pointment." The time is February 1, 1917, to July 1, 1917. Highliahts of the films are the retreat to the Hindenbera Line; Nevelle's attack on the Western Wall falls; French mutiny; and a German peace move is rejected. @!) Didla Robada 10:30 B Movie: (C) "Nutty, NaurtrtJ Cil1t11u" (comedy) '64 ~ Monica Vitti, Curt Jergens. Wadly comedy involving a family of crack-pots and the mysterious happenings of their disappearing houseguests. 6) News (C) (30) @) lnnovltiona (30) "Tlme·Shar· Ing." Or. Richard Brenneman and guests discuss and demonstrate the value of the computer to the small businessman, made available throuah time·sharing plans. @!) 5tfttt Sin Historia 11:00 I B 0 &I) m News (C) Aifred Hitdlcock Liars Club (C) Rod Seriing hosts. Guests are Kathleen Nolan, Jona- than Harris. Betty White and Rolfe Peterson. m Movie: "Tampico" (adventure) •«-.Edward G. Robinson, Lynn Bari. @ (}) ID 00 g:, Ntw1 {C) 9(l)News 11:30 IJ Movie: "Sandal Sllllt" (mys- tery) '52-Broderick Crawford, John Derek. 0 ti) 00 g:, Tonipt Sllow (C) II Movie: "Ain't No TiM for CiOrJ" (adventure) '57-Barry Sul· livan, Gene Barry. 0 @ (}) &') JoeJ Bishop (C) m I Love Lucy lZ:OO m 17 St11\Ht Strip 1Z:30 fJ Movie: "Riot In Cell Blodl 11" (diama) '54-Neville Brand, Emile Meyer. 6) Action Titt.tra: "Chinese Bun1a· low." 1:00 0 Spe•ln& FrttlJ (C) 0 Co111•unity Bulletin Board (C) DN•n (C) 1:15 IJ Movie: "TM Hurricane" (dra- ma) '37---0orothy Lamour, Jon Hall. Snttastt-....ll"'*IMSb llbl 111t ,. tMrt. Cart 1nrt1 is 111 i• fr11t ef fast· lnakiq ftatlm. JI• Inly 11ts tk1 J••• 11 s•erts.1111 lamtt is first win '""""'secrets. Ej1wlt11ss lews ... w11Uays 11 IAIC·TY. 4:30/11:00 PM (i) - The Fastest News in the West , ... 13 TUESDAY RBltUARY 25 For morninc ind aft•noon listings, plNH see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day'1 movies. All sta· tions reserve the rlcht to cMnae proerammin1 with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D *tt ;,.... " ,,...... (comedy) '52"-lrene Dunne, Dean Jaaer. t:JO II "1'91 W... la Miii"' (drama) 'if-Franchot TOM, Carol Bruce. 10:00 a "1'111 ,. .. n..e.a ......... (drama) '49 -Barbara Stanwyck. Wendefl Corey. 12!30 ID.,._., Is MJ .......... (mys. ttfY) '46-Huati Beaumont......._ _. D1Js tf Yt• Ltfe'• (comedy)-'!i<> -Alastair Sim. 2:GO m "Me161· for ........ (~) 'f1-stuart Elwin, Glenda Farrell. • \.' f ·~ I ~ • ' , S:tO 8 Be a Sport! Tom Harmon * brings you All the scores ... complete news! 1.-00 8 n. IC ..... (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. , D ID Hua.y·BrNi*J <C> (30) It RUDY VALLEE-not too * deep for Steve. Watch the fun and frolic tonite! a ... Aha .. (C) (90) Soul sinrer James Brown, Jackie Mason, Leith Frtncf'I and Rudy Vallee auest. fJ Sil O'aoct Mowit; (C) "War· locl" (western) ·~ichard Wid· mart Henry Fonda, Dorothy Ma· lone. 11 Sn (C) (60) labun (C) (30) (3) Mtrv QrHfin (C) fiat's NW? (30) "Folk Sonp," acy Newman plays the auttu and sln1s some of her favorite aonp. I Mttief• SinAMf KPlM Ntws (C) 5:30 UIC. Ntw•rvlce (C) (60) Yoraae .. tltt 8ottHI .. die ~~~klty (C) m ....... W"ltll Y•r Qllct(C)(30) "How Children Le1m." Marlon Mar· shall discusses ways parents can meet ttleir responsibility for pro- J:JO D "CrilM WM" (drama) '54-vidin& an environment conducive to Stel1in& Hayden, Gene Nelion. lamina. a oo mmm ..... <C> 4:l0 8 (C) "1'111 Paftct f...... 7:00 tJ CIS &ettin& ..... (C) (30) (comedy) '59 -Tony Curtis, Janet Walter Ctonkite. • • • • • • ." • • • • • • • • • • • • ltllfl. fJ W'llat'I MJ Unel (C) (30) NEW EXCLUSIVE RACK-EM-MA TIC9 Fits all ball return tables--Automoticalty rocks bolls faster-SOv•s wear & tear on b.d cloth. Only $22.SO. 11r1tAWf1t1e su .. nY ....... You won't befleve It HI you ... itl llVMnnat llWAU TMUI ..... sns I I 23 snus TO CHOOSI ROM • AMI . ,..., ..... • N2tAtY.._ .~ .~ • • • • • • 0,. 7 Dlyl-11:00 .. 7:00 StNlys 12:00 tt 6:00 CALL NOW S32-1ff2 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, f"I8RUARY 22, 1969 I hawofd (C) (30) (i) Amtrical (C) nit Frtndl Clltf (30) Cl) Tiit 5ood Guys (C) I lli1nds In tllt Sun (C) T rvt11 or Constq uences (C) 7:SO a Ci) Lancer (C) (60) Ang.el Day, a lfemboyant dancehall girt who is an old friend of Murdoch Lancer, proves to be the long-miss· ing mother or Murdoch's ward, Ter· esa. When the likeable Angel brings her touring troupe of dancers to the Lancer Ranch, Murdoch suspects that she plans to develop a rela· tionshlp with Teresa. Not knowing the truth about Anael, Teresa rinds the older woman a fascinating friend. Then Angel drops her trump card to Murdoch: she plans to seek legal custody of Teresa. Mark Richman, Cloris Leachman, Joyce Bulirant guest. 0 ~ @ m Jtny Lewis (C) (60) Mel lorme and Kaye Ballard guest. B lost in Space (C) (60) ~CI) a> Mod Squad (C) (60) ''A Reign of Guns." Pete and Linc search ror a warehouse nlaht watch- man who disappeared following a larae-scale gun robbery. He is found dead, and to draw out those re· sponsible, Pete and Linc "steal" a ft 9owcatt 5 (C) (60) M1urice Cheveller Is tonl1hh star and I~ also host to a tour of hla home and gardens. Special sequences include a dlalo1 between Chevalier and the audience. and Chevaller the per- former In his open-air ttleatre. m Run for Your lift (C) (60) fil) NET futival (C) (60) "The Alm Generation on Woman." "The Wom- an," by Ivan Lakatos; "The Face," by Herbert Kosower; "The string. Bean," Edward Sechan; "Hobby," Daniel Szczechura; "L'Adaae." Dom- inique Delouche; and "la Pomme," by Charlu Matton are all films in-~red by women. W Cllutho Avtllanet 9:30 IJ 9 CIJ CBS PlaylloUM (C) (90) "The Experiment." Ellen M. Violett wrote this 90-minute drama thal focuses on a brilliant, Idealistic. non-conforming youne scientist and his head-on colllsion with the man· ners, mores and morals of the SO· called "Establishment" M. K. "Mike" Ooualas (son of Kirk Doug. las). Tisha Sterlin& (daughter of Ann Sothern and Robert Sterling), Barry Sullivan, Rosemary Murphy, Susan Strasbera. John Astin and Stephen Brooks star. shipment of guns. J. D. Cannon fJ EXCELLENT POLICE guests. * ACTION MELODRAMA fJ Miiiien $ Movie: (C) "The 4·D f4'I ft\ Man" (sci·fi) '59-Robert Lansing, I (jjJ \.>!JUI NYPO (C) (30) Lee Meriwether. • NM (C) (30) Ted Meyers. TnrUI or Consequences (C) (30) • Hoy hny Muon (60) 10:00 : Candon de la Raza (30) O Get with it! PAUL HARVEY a:oo ' ~:Z~fc1> {lo~ flnao * shows you on KTLA NEWS! : World PYtu (C) (60) 0 m News (C) (60) . • PrH1itr Orft0n Go-Go fJ @ 00 al That's life (C) (60) &:30 B 9 (j) Red Sllelton (C) (60) "Gloria Dic~n Does Her Thing." Vikki Carr guests. The Mayor of fJ Marsh1I Dillon (30) .. Cactus Gulch threatens to rid the m That Sho~ .. (C) (30) Stretch town or crooked Sheriff Deadeye on Those Muscles. . the grounds that he doesn't have fil> B!ect Perspective (30) an elementary education. but Dead-el Otelia Robida eye starts his own school in the 10:30 fJ Movie: (C) "Mondo Cane" (doc· town saloon and persuades a visit· umentary) '63--by Stefano Slbaldi. Ina schoolmarm to help him get his I News (C) (30) diploma. : Rea11n News Co_nf'lfenct (30) O @ @ Julia (C) (30) "Cupid's • Gtnte Sin Historia No Computer." Julia tries to bring 11:0010 0 el a> News (C) two lonely people together -her ~Hitdlcock supervisina nurse and her landlord Liars Club (C) -by having both babysit Corey at Movie: "Blauouf' (mystery) '50 the same time. -Mantell Reed, Dinah Sheridan . 0 lrvina in Action (C) (30) @ 00 @ @ m News (C) fJ @ CI) a> It Takes a T1litf (C) ~Ci) News (60) "Boom at the Top:" At~a~der 11:30 B Movie: "Beware, My lovely" Mundy has to k~ep l~aving hrs. high· (suspense) '52-Robert Ryan, Ida level guests 1n his Wa~1ngton Lupino . ll_Plrtment to . •t!empl to disarm. a 0 @@ m Tonietit Show (C) time bomb hck1ng away upstairs. 0 Movie· ''The law vs. l illy tM Carol ~ynley, Roddr McOowall, Bar-l id" (western) ·54 -Scott Brady, ry Sullivan and Will Kulova guest. Alan Hale m Mtrv Griffin (C) (90) fJ @ (]) a> Joty Bisllop (C) m ltat tlle Oddi (C) (30) m I love luq 9:00 0 Ql@ m NBC Tuesday Mow· • m 7 ~.. I It: (C) "Perils of Pauline" (comedy) 12.:00 7 -nset Str P '67 -Pat Boone, Pamela Austin, 12:20 fJ Movie: "Danceroua Paa1p" Terry-Thomas. Edward Everett Hort-(mystery) '44-Robert Lowry . on. Pam .Austin is the tit_le charac· l 2:30 Q) Action Theatre: "Confirm or ter In this spool of oldt1me melo· Deny " drama reviving the cliff.hanging ad-· ventures of the blonde heroine of 1:001 fJ News (C) the eal1y 1900's. Pat Boone is the Community Bulletin Board (C) shining, pure hero, while Terry· from the Inside Out (C) Thomas Is the dastardly villain, 1-15 f) Movie· "11lt Strip" (mystery) It FALL IN LOVE AGAIN ! ' ·s1-Mlck~ Rooney Sally Forrest. * CHfYALIER featured in l:lom All-Ni&llt Show; "The Lisbon musical concert and Story" "The Yellow Tomahawk" and candid visit to his home. "Assiined to Danaer." 59 e ~ d e e '· l'1 I· .. !· .. I· " I· 1) It ti ., d I· I· l !· If I, f, d ( i! I) .. h :- i. 0 .. a ~ /, .. •) n d llld ii II bkl Cmtrv of Clliflria Pi• m 1.a n a1• 1nrlllkil CAlRRllA Piii lAIE PARmS FROM 11115 Fil Pia! 30,000 acres of virgin Northern CalHornla land are beln1 developed as the world's largest privately-owned vacationland. Only a small part -approximately 1,000 acres -of California Pines Is now for sale. Much of the remaining land will never be sold. California Pines is not a commercial resort -not sold as a hedge against Inflation or as an investment for profit alone -but as a refuge from the smog and strife of our cities for families who want to own a share of unspoiled California. Ownership of property in the lake Country gives your family full recreational riahts in all Flwt CoHtrlts tf Callfor•la '11111 ~\ Tiie Str11m Country The Hilb Country The Tree Country The Lake Country The Horse Country FREEi 1. Pictures, floor plan of this A-frame cabin (we build the outside, you finish the inside) you can buy on an acre of land at California Pines for $WOO (Price includM land!); pay- ments $C0 a month. 2. Mape, color photorrapha. 3. Official report by the State of California on California PinM. Dial or Call Collect Richmond 9-6200 CALIFORNIA PINES Dept. TVW-21 16238 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, Calif. 91418 PluK send me the lrtt 1nformarion packa1t. Add.-__________ _ City Stat. Zip __ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P•1• 15 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2' For mornin1 and afternoon listings, pleaae see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All ata· tlons reserve the ri1ht to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 n ..,.I *"" (musical) '57 frink Sin1tn, Rita Hayworth. 9:30.... Ctallt .. MOfttl Crislt" (adventure) '34 -Robert Donat. Louis Cathern. 10:00 B (C) "CMd Mentln&. Mila Dew" (drama) ·s~Jennifer Jones. Robert Stack. 1Z:30QJ .. ,ens Aftltr o.rt" (drama) '43 -George Sanders. "TM Mat Wllo WllUd Alene,. (comedy) '45-Wtl· ter Cltlett. 2:00 OJ "llende Ice" (mystery) '48- Leslle Brooks, Robert Paire. 3;30 e "II.ck Scerpiee" (drama) '57 -Richard Dtnnlnr. Meri Corday. 4:30 IJ (C) "TiwM Vltlelt Mttl" (dra· ma) '55--Glenn ford, B1rt>1ra Stan· THE OAILY PILOf, TV WEEK. FEBRUARY 22, 19e9 f VFNING utlve who hires end tnilns herd-core untmpkl1td: end • New Yorll moth· tr on wtUlrt. 1:00 , .. lefcitla ...... 8 Get with it! PAUL HARVEY ~ w..dtrf• WOflcl tf Sport (C) l:JO * shows you on KTLA NEWS! G THE GOOD GUYS Comedy 6:00 !n~. 111 11tw1 (C) (60) Jerry * HIT OF THE SEASON!! D m HlllltltJ-lriA..., (C) (30) II TIM leM ,..,. (C) (30) Rufus. D STEVE ALLEN as "Howie Bert end Claudie turn actors f0< e film company thlt wants to uw * Hughie" challenges the diner IS the settln1 for a mur· George Jessel tonight! der story. Michael Constantine D 5'lft Allen sa.ow (C) (90) ruests. George Jessel, Lou Holtz, Joi Lin· D Wlo ~ tile Stars <C> (30) sin(. end Ferrante and Teicher guest. Dorothy Lamour and Peter Marshall D Sia O'Clock Movie: (C) "CIN9p-guest. • IJ tlle 0.111 .. (comedy) ·~ I a?rv~Jlli Feature (30) ~I~ Webb, Jeanne Crain, Myrna lt'lt tM ~C)(~9%o) • I -(C) (60) 1oo11 lat (C) (30) Marya Men· a*-(C) (30) nes and host-critic Robert Cromie CJ) Mm ltiffin (C) discuss her new book "They." : Mara New? (30) "Below Sea 8D Sonrtsu level." A film from the Nether11nds 9:00 ti levtrlJ HlllbllllH <C> (30) that shows how dikes ere made, Blonde musical comedy star tn1e- and how much of the Netherlands bora KJeldSen plays a bank *'e· has been reclaimed f0< profitable tery who sets her cap for Jed use by the construction of such Clampett. Hearin& that the million· dikes. tire hillbilly repairs shoes on the I Muter• lie blot fifth noor of Drysdele's bank build· lPt.M Ntws (C) ing, Carol (Miss IQeldsen) dellb· 6:30 MIC ....._ fice (C) (60) eretely breaks her hith heel ind v.,.,. 111 tile a.u.. tf tile hobbles to Jed for help. Meanwhile Sea~ (60) "psychiatrist" Jethro treats a bftY ~ H...,·lriMleJ (C) of secret.arles who he says hate fB alb Wltil hrents (60) "Learn-their mothtrs-until they learn to in1 and Motivation." Anna Bing hate Drysdale instead. Arnold, parent education teectier for D KRAFT MUSIC HALL the Los Angeles City Schools. talks * Jimmy Durante, Don with an audience of parents after an Informal lecturt. Knotts, Jane Powell D 9@ Im Tiit O•bldtr (C) ~) ''The ffip Sldt." Roa tricks down a miainr photo&r1phtr'1 model and learns aht Is lnvol'ted with an undttwOtid rin& that deals in narcotics and bleckmall. Carrie Snodrress aueltl. D Be a Sport! Tom Harmon * brings you ALL the scores ..• complete news! I Q) ..... (C) (60) ....... , Dillen (30) n.t ,.._ (C) (30) "Who Wants Be • Mlllionelrer• Hendltl B•· nerdl end W. Clement Stone ruest. fE) Cutia T11 (30) ll)DicM Midi 9 m m m G> ""' <c> o ~ oo m 1r1n Music tta11: ------------4 7:00 II Cls &tahl& News (C) (30) (C) (60) "Jimmy Durante end Don CHEAPER Wetter C<onkite. Knotts Do Their Thing .•• Also.'' wyck, Edward C. Robln90n. I Wlulfs My Lint? (C) (30) Durante end Knotts are hosts to PUSMW11 (C) (30) Jane Powell and The Beja Marimba By 00 YH AIUd for It Bend. Ci) .._., Hiiibiiiies (C) 11 Wrestltn1 (C) (60) Dick lane is Wandtrllllt <C) rlnaslde. THE Trutlt or Conlequtne11 (C) 0 @(3) al UC Wednesday 7:30 R Sien Cl•pbell (C) (60) Buffy Movie: (C) "Tiit FamilJ Jewels" fl' IS BE'JTER TO GIVE-OD saTnte Marie, John Byner, Gery (comedy) '65-Jerry Lewis, Neil Lei's Mab • Deal, stantas Mo•tJ H 'It Hall u bod.~. llUJ)rile ud Oz E Puckett & The Union Gap, Pat Peul· am• on. ltumot' an ~ Mf demmu of GM D N sen and John Hartford join Glen m Run for Your life (C) (60) lllow ., 1tCMt M01117 ........ 18 for an hour of merriment and iE Your Dollar's WIN'ttl (60) An prtr.a uc1 otrnw udluces for .... music. examination of the standards of muaJ 1tam brouabt u. bJ memben ~......,...,.......___ D @ 00 m TIM Yifllnian (C) the drug industry, with • special ol tbe studio aucllfttce wtdl tbe (90) ''The Land Dreamer." Clay focus on drug control, prices end help or lovd:r Carol Mttrill. (f'ri. Clifton Webb and Myrna Loy star on The Six O'Clock Movie. Wednesday in CM~ ,...11 Grain1er and The Virainian, with practius. lntmiews with Dr. Herb-daf1, f PM. ABC.) the help of the Shiloh crew, ward ert ltr• he~d of the Food and Drug 10:30 fJ Mewlt: "T°" In .. Atlk" off a lynchinr party after in un-Admln1~r1tion, and several. pher· (drama) '63 -Dean Martin, Yv.tte savory land-grabber is murdered. maceuticat company executives. Mimieux. Geraldine Pap. Don Frencts portrays • dual role IE ~ , Enrique m ...... (C) (30) and James Olson •ISO guests. 9:30119 Ci) Cretn Acr'eS (C) (30) @) Art and Artists (30) I Lost In ~ (C) (60) • Oliver tells Lisa the only way she I Ct11t. Sin HistDria @(]) m Her• Co•• tll• can .. ch1n1e ~n existing law. ls by 11:00 D· D @I) al ..... (C) Ides (C) (60) "'A Dream That pet1hon so L1ae eoes knockina on Nfrtd Hitldlcoek Glitters." Candy's grandfather, Ben· doors to get 300 sifnetures. liars Club (C) Jamin Pruitt, arrivn in Suttie to fJ Ntwl (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Movie: "11lt eoura,.._ Mr. prospect for rold. Wiii Greer auests. 10:0011 Qt (i) Hawaii Aft.O (C) (60) l'eftn" (drama) '42--0ifford Evens. fJ Miiiott $ Mowle: (C) .. ...., With pubffc sentiment end a seem· Deborah Kerr WitlMHrt • Ca..,. (drama) '57-lnity fool-proof case roina for 1 11:30 II Mowit: (C) "Th• Cuna of Fort James Dean, Natal!e Wood, Sal phony doctor (Joanne Linville), Mc· rtlticolf' (adventure) '57 -Audie Mineo, Ann Doran, Jim Backus. Garrett takes the practitioner of Murphy, Kathryn Grant. I Trvtll °' Consequenca (C) (30) "naturotoo" to court in the con· 0 Q) @ m Tonlpt Show (C) PtnJ Maton (60) ctusion of this two-part story. As D MO¥it: "SpKlal Otllwtfy" (com· Cancion dt la Raza (30) the case comes to court, McGarrett edy) 'SS-Joseph Cotten, Eva Ber· Cl) lat of HollyMOd has his star witness reedy-the tc*. U11 Anett • ti Feneo mother of one of the doctor's vie· I @(]) EB Joey lillaop (C) 1:00 m Hazel (C) (30) lilTl$-Whlle the defeMt council I Love Luer fll) T11t City Mlktrs (C) (30) Dr. Ken-confidently Introduces • phony 12:00 77 S.nut Strip neth Clark talks with Mitchell Gins-"treatment" machine IS evidence 12:20 • Movie: "The DI st•bodltd" bera. Hew Y0<k City Commlssiolltf for defense of his client. Nancy (mystery) '57-Paul Burilt. Alllaon of Social Services; Heether Roa, Malone, David Sheiner. Beth Rich· Heyes.. en economist ftvorln& the neptive ards and Witllem Schellert also 12:30 OJ Action 'OIHtre: ''Stranre lllu- lncome tax; Henry Schor, 1n exec-auat. sion." THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7:1 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tlons reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ "MJ Man and I" (drama) '52- Shelley Wlnte~ Ricardo Montalban. 9:30 II "The Courtners of Curzon Strttl" (drama) '47-Michael Wild· Ing, Anna Neagle. 10:00 O "Ntvtr Love a Shnpr" (dra· ma) '58-John Barrymore Jr .• Steve MtQueen. 12:30 m "Cullty of Treason" (myitery) '5(}-Char1es Bickford. "D1nflf01t1 lnlrudtt'' {mystery) '45 -Charles Amt. 2:00 lD "No WIJ lleck" (drama) '55- lvan Desny, Ruth Niehaus. 3:30 0 ''The Nun and Ult Strpanl" (drama) '62-Robert Webber, Anna Sten. 4:30 II "The Man Inside" (mystery) '58-Jack P1la11te, Anita Ekber1. EVENING 6:00 II The Bir News (C) (30) Jerry Dunphy. D m Huntley·Brinkl., (C) (30) e stave Allen Show (C) (90) Shelley Berman, Rona Jaffe and Paul Winchell guest. a> Trd or c.,....11ee1 (C) iuests. Al90 futvrtd •rt rqulua Cl> DkU ... Sc:oey Mitchlll, Gerri G111npr, Didi G hllpeft It Trwtl (C) 7:30 R 9 (j) TM ~ and I (C) Clair end Jenne McMahon, Bayn lOcJO • Mowlt: un.. DlabelkW Dr. 1!' (JO) A computer Is Installed on the Johnson, Maureen Arthur, Alex Dre, ~':i·fl) '&S--Ettell• Blilr Howard Amsterdam Queen to increase effi· ler. Dennis Allen end Ron Prfnct. emon ' clency end Arst Officer Nel90n llJ Ru tor y Uf (C) (60) warns Duffy that ht may be com· n "' • I ...W. (C) (30) ~ed out of 1 Job. E M_. &ti Uco Cl) Spotts llfD.O.Sctpt (C) u 9 (i) m Dul ti llOOH (C) 9:SO D QJ 00 m Dra1net (C) (30) .... tftatlN (60) "Atouch of Charity." John "Juvenllt--{)lf.19." Sit. Frld•Y end T...,IPt lent ~~~;onM~ttr :s ::~~:·s~~:m~~~ ~~~l~d ~~~:~ b~tv:~1:00. te n:S:~ 11:00 I u,. e..... (C) must overcome paverty to many reluctant to mNI who caused the ta.,. c':.. (C) the gir1 he loves. Shelley Fabares damap. Lopn H1~au1h IUfSb. Merit: "'LI~, llllC.., (myt- portrays Charity Brown, who• fa· 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. (ii> '48-John Payne, Dan Duryee. ther has plans fO< her to many a fE} i 1Hft2 A c.flYlhation Wltll m ,.... m n.. ..... (C) mbre wealthy youn1 men. Nonlln ~ 11 (2 hrs) One of ttle \.JI.I ltil \.!!I U11 I Lost In ~•ct (C) {60) last Interviews for television with ll:JO II Movie: "SUriM'tlt Pach1t" @ (I) · The F1yln1 Nun (C) the American Soci1llst luder b• (comedy) '60 -Yul Brynner, Mltd ( O) "The oo Is Blue." Siller fore his death a few months aao. G1ynor. Bertrilte buys a cow to cut the con· this special WIS recorded by KCET's D QJ@ m TnlPt ... (C) venfs milk bill, only to leem that affiliate In New Y~ WNDT. Nu· g Morie: ,. tf Ult bll" (dlll· the animal Is dryl rator for the proaram. which uses ma) '48-Susan Peters, Aluander O Million $ Movie: "Town Wltll· film clips and Interviews with Knox. out Ptty'' (drama) '61-Kht Dou1· Thomas' collea1ues and friends to O @(])a> JoeJ llsllop (C) las. [ G. Mar1hell, Christine Kauf· document tlle important mlltltont$ m I u.,. L8"f m1nn. In his life, is M1rtin Dubennan. I Trutll or Consequences (C) profmor of history 1t Princeton 12:00 m n SUut strip reny Muon (60) University. Thom11 comments upon lZ:lO 0 Movie: "Alabusll le UecNnl Calldofl de 11 Rua (30) his Iona career of social Prot.ut .-..r-(mystery) '59-Jamts ken· Un Anr-t en ti Fanp and discusses ttle future of social· ney, Michael Brennen. 8:00 IJ Qj 00 Jonathen Winters (C) Ism with Dubermen. • • " (60) Bobble Gentry, Dan Dalley and 10:00 Q 9@ 6?:' DMn Martin (C) 12.SO !=-n TIINtrt. EJahtMn and Paul Lynde l!est. (fiD) Pat Boone, Anp Dickinson, O @ (3) W TMt Girt (C) (30) Paul Gilbert. Georfe Gobel and Bobbi 1:00 DO ,._. (C) ''Fhe Defiant One." ·While market· Martin auest with Dean. g C-•lfflltr lullttln INnl (C) in1 Ann Marie comet to the rescue II m ..... (C) (60) m From tile llllicle Oat (C) of a small boy who tells her he 0 5-t11tt Tlltttn (C) (60) stole a candy ber because he was 0 M""'-1 Diffotl (30) 1:15 II Movie: "Alll1nlMllt hH1ttd" hun1ry. and becomes so involved lD That Slltw (C) (30) "Have You (mystery) '57-Kly Clllard, P1ul that she wants to adopt him. Geor1e Got the Rlaht Timer• Join Bennett Carpe11ter. ~II auests. and Henry 8. Fried auest 1:30 m All-Nietrt M..-: "Carnival," ft5 =~ti Pl~ (90) "Gladly My U1J (]) n.. Killy _.. (C) '1The Scarf' and "Shlnln1 Vlctofy." Cross-Eyed Bear," This Is the third In the series of four John Hopkins plays dealin1 with a family crisis. In this portion, the father and chll· dren 10 over the events of the day that led to tfle mother's suicide. D Six O'Cloc• Movie: (C) W-lthout 1 Star" (western) Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain. "Mtn g) Felld1no! (C) '55-8:2511 Wonderful Wortd of Sport (C) 0 I Spy (C) {60) U) Bamtn (C) (30) @Cl) MtfY Griffin (C) Em W111t's New? (30) "Folk Songs." Tracy Newman sinis folk songs dealin1 with American hbtory, and tracts the American trek West. @m Mujtm Sin A111« G) KPLM News (C) 6:30 D KNBC Newsemce (C) (60) lD Voyar1 to the lottloat of Utt S.. (C) (60) @ @ Huntltf·Brinklty (C) Eii) MIKI fOf' Your Mon., (30) "Safety Stretches the Dollar." Two safety experts Join Marion Marshall for a discussion of how to prevent a waste In money by over1ookln( safety as a part of family livlnf. tB (j) m m m """ <C> 1:30 D ~ 00 m Ironside (C) (60) "Moonliaht Means Money." Sgt. Ed Brown is suspended from duty for involvement in a killin1 perpetr1ted by an off·duty officer. Don Weis, Linden Chiles, John M1r1ey, Skip Homeier and Murray Macleod auest in the drama that concerns Ed's encounter with a policeman who Is moonllatiting as a Clb driver. Ed and the cab driver unwittingly step ·into a narcot~ "drop" and shoot the suspect durln1 en arrest at· tempt. II lo1ln1 (C) (60) Dick Enber1 and Mickey Davies ere rinplde for a lO·round bout between bantem· weights Ricardo Arrerdondo and Frank Bendak. o @ m m 1twttt1Md <C> <3o> i7Goln1 Ape.'' Samantha zaps a 10un1 chimp Into human form to find out where he lives and finds herself with a yaun1 man who 7:00 II CBS Ennlnf NNS (C) (30) possusu an unusual 1mount of Walter Cronkite. "animal m11netism" on her handA. fJ W11ars MJ lint? (C) (30) I Merv Griffin (C) (90) m ,lllWOfd (C) (30) ... t tilt Odds (C) (30) @ Ci) Hip and Wild (C) Maka J &trtllas (C) Em PtlJint tM Guitar (30) "Slmpte t:OO B Cit (I) CH n...., Mowtt: (C) Chords." Instructor Fredertck Noad Hfei andttlt Sin~ llrf" (comedy) directs attention to correct 981ection '64--To~Curtls, N1talle Wood. (R) of chords and how to select strings. O (i7J G) Whllr1 It AILAbout, ~ ()) McH1l1'1 Navy firldf ( ) (60) Buddy Ebsen and m True Adventure (C) Robert Cuny ere Dean Jont1'1 DRAGNET GUESTS-Elizabeth Krwwks and Logan Har- baugh portray mother and son in "Juvenile--DR-19" a drama about alleged child mistreatment, on NBC's Dragnet, Thursday at 9:30 PM. Roy Bulla's ... vensTV ,.. ... 541-3494 ..... 17 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "The Llldy G1mbln'' (drama) '49 -Barb11ra Stanwyck, Robert Preston. 9:30 D "Freid•" (drama) '47 -David Farrar, Glynis Johns. 10:00 0 "Life Upside Down" (drama) '6>-Charles Denner, Anna Gaylor. 12:30 m "Glory at Se1" (adventure) '54 -Trevor Howard. "1111 Mlaln1 Corpse" (mystery) '45-J. Edward Bromberg. Z:OO IE "The Routt.er Case" (mystery) 'SJ -Stanley Baker. 3:30 0 "Charlie ChH at Truaure I l1nd" (mystery) '39-Sldn Cesar Romero. 4:00 I) (C) ''The Crowded s.y'' (dra· ma) '60-Dana Andrews, Rhonda Fleming, Efrem Zimballst Jr. fVENING Tony Curtis Piper Laurie No Room For The Groom FridlJ .. n. sa o·a.a ..._ 6:00 I) The Bia News (C) (60) Jerry <l) Dunphy. 1-------------1 Rm HunUey-Brinkley (C) (30) steve Allen (C) (90) Otto Pre· minger. Susan Strasberg, Marty Al· len and Madame Marianne guest. D Six O'Clock Movie: "No Room for the Groom" (comedy) '52-Tony Curtis, Piper laurle. A few hours after he's been married, th e groom breaks out In chicken pox and is quarantined until the final day of his draft call. 11 Spy (C) (60) Batm1n (C) (30) Whits' New? "Beyond the Arc- tic Circle." A film from Finland on the people of Lapland. Their main business is herding reindeer. I Muferes Sin Amor llPLM News (C) 6:30 KNBC Newservice (C) (60) YOY•i• to tllt Bottom of the Se1 (C) (60) FAMILY ROOM Ell> The Absurd Arts (30) "The Ab· surdity of Silent Rims." Dr. Clar· ance Sandelin, Cal State Los Ange- les, explores the folkloristic fantasy of the early Chaplin movies. QiJ CiJ m m m News <t> 7:00 ti CBS Evtnina News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. O Wh1fs My Line? (C) (30) Gene Rayburn, Orson Bean, Gloria De· Haven auest. ., m Password (C) (30) Ell) Wonderful World of C..lldren (30) "Discovering the World of Words." Mrs. Emma ·Jiminez points out that a child can learn many ways of communication by vlsltln1 his father's office. m American West (C) Gl Truth or Contequencaa (C) 7:30 I) ~ (!) The Wild, Wild Wat (C) THE DAILY PILOT, TV WED<, FEBRUARY 22. 1969 (60) Guest star Patrice Munstl pot· 'turn. J11on Evers, Eddie Arutone trays 1 tempestuous diva who b• and Phillip Pine aunt. comes involved in a New Orlnns U "-' (C) (30) Ted Meyers. operatic puale when kidnapers at-10:0011 9 00 m-., TrK (C) (60) ~empt to abduct her durina a sin1· "TheCloud lJlndera.." An emeraen· mr performance. James West and cy mission to save 1 pl1net Is fn· Artemus Gordon discover that eveiy terrupted when the Enterprise of. diva, lncludina their t11rrent w1rd, ficers are cauatit In a "alive" to sin1 "Lucia di lammtrmOOr'' at rebellion a1ainlt their "masters.'' the Hew Orleans opera house in the Jeff Corey 1uests. last five years has either disap-8 m ..... (C) (60) peared or suffered a mi~ap and @ CI> m Judd for .. De· tha~ the chain_ of circumstances t .... (C) (60) "M Elephant In 1 dunna that period seems to stem Ciaar Box." Judd defends a forei1n· from the apparent death of opera born Importer, who has a distrust star carolyn Mason. for all aovemment, on a charae of 0 m Hltfl at.panal (C) (60) beina 1n intem1tlon1I smuuler "Surtee." An Indian agent llahts Importer Emile Grooteman arrlv~ John Cannon's eff~rts to establl~ In Hew York from a European buy. an Apache reservation. John Dehner Ing trip and is arrested on a charre guests as the dishonest aaent who of smuutine diamonds. to the dls- fllres a renegade chief to start trou-belief of his wife and daufhter. ble and steal the aovernment cattle. Julie Uvlneston, an attrattlve wt· D Across Ult Seven Sea (C) (30) dow puts up his bail and calls "Hon_!tmoon at Sea." Judd to defend the man. When, on 0 (11) Cf) 0) This Is Tom Jones a tip, a U.S. Attorney sends Cus- (l) (60) Terre Thomas, Dick Cavett, toms men to Grooteman's house The Fi~h D.lmenslon, Sandy Shaw with a search warrant for contra· and Juhe Driscoll euest. band clears, they find a matchbox 0 Million $ Movie: "Kina o! tlte filled with heroin. Paul Henreid, Jo-RH~nr Twenties". (drama) 61-anna Barnes, Hanna Landy ind D1v1d Janssen, Mickey Rooney. Charles Grodin auest. I Tnrtlt or ConMquences (C) (30) O Marsllal Dillon (30) hfTJ Maon (60) IE T111t Sito• (C) (30) "Hair To-C1nclon de I• Rw (30) day, Gone Tomorrow." Abe Bur. Un Allpl en If Fanp rows and Dr. Ronald Sherman auat. 1:001J ~ IWttball (C) (2 hrs) fil) UD ltvitw (60) ''V /STOL Air· The Bruins travel to Stanford to planes-Hut Chapter in Aviation." battle the Indians. Dick Enberg calls 81) Didi• Robllda the action. 10:30 fJ Movie: .,.,... Younc Dodtrs" m Colleae Buhtball (C) (2 hr) (drama) '61-fredric March, Ben USC vs. UC Berkeley. Tom Kelly Gaz:z.ara, Ina Balin. Two reneratlons calls the action. of doctors, with different schools of @) Rainbow Quest (60) Pete Seel· thought, clash over confllctln& opin· er's auests are Paul Cadwell, Mis· ions, but erow to respect each sisslppi John Hurt and Hedy West. other. m Noelle de Estreno I News (C) (30) 1:30 I) ~ CI) Qomer Pyle (C) (30) • &ente Sin Hlstoria Bunny's cat Is suffering a strange 11:00 B fJ @I) &) News (C) malaise, but Gomer thinks It's his Alfred Hltcllcocll leader Sat. Carter who's dying. U1r1 Club (C) Rod Serlln& hosts. 0 ril@ m Name of th Game Movie: (C) "Elepharrt•&un" (ad· (C) (90) "A Wrath of Angels." A venture) '59-eellnda Lee, Michael Rriest faces death threats when he Craia. attempts to force a crime syndicate 11:30 R Movie: (C) ''Thi Un1uardld Into cleanln&' up hoodlum·owned Mo1Nnt" (drama) '57-Esther Wil· slums. Robert Stack is joined by Iiams. John Saxon. The story of a Ricardo Montalban, Edward Andrews high school teacher who Is attacked and John Kerr. by one of her pupils and the dra-0 @ Cf) &) Qeneqtion Gap (C) matlc events that follow. {30) Dennis Wholey hosts. 0 ~@ m TonlPt S1lew (C} m hat the Odds <C> (30) D Mowlt: (C) "TJPlloon" (adven· 9:001J a Cl) C1S Friday Morie: (C) ture) '4t}-Oorothy Lllmour, Rob· "TIM Glaa-lotto•ed Boat" (com-ert Preston. The story of a air! who edy) '66 -Doris Day, Rod Taylor, arows u~ on a South Seas 1sl1nd Arthur Godf~. (R) after havma been ~lpwredled there. D (fl] m m Let's Maw .a Diii 0 THE JOEY BISHOP SHOW <Cl 730>Monty Hall hosts. * THE BEACH BOYS Sing m I lflc!At I Wll1t's Pornosraplly? Th · N C (C) (60) Prominent auests from eir ew APITOL Hit the world of art, literature, and the "I CAN HEAR MUSIC" theatre, discuss the current wave I@ Cf) m Joey Bltbotl (C) of "see-it·all'' films, books, and I Lowe Lucy plays.. Bill Burrud hosts. 12:00 17 Sunset strip ~ Speculation (60) Dr. Keith Ber· 12:30 O Morie: "C•Ctd FurJ" (adven· wick discusses the fantastic suc· ture) '48-8uster Crabbe cess of Peter Max with the young IAction Theatre: "Mlrande." designer. Best known for his post. 1:00 • D News (C) ers, Max combines a desian flair Mowlt: "Tti. Bl1 Wive" (dra· with a Madison Avenue money sense. ma) '61-5essue Hayakawa. t:30 u @@ m ni. a ... o1 .. ID F,.. • inside out <C> S.Mtl (C) T30) "The Trial ... Ji1'I 1:11.MM: "1lle ~ el T• Son nett wltneua 1 ahootlna. but .....,.. (adftntut1) 59 -Mldlatl is not In town to testify when an Landon, Jo Morrow. Innocent man is accused of the 1:30mA11-Nla•t Show: "Plmpemet crime. The rHI killer hH planned Smith," "John Loves Mary," and a trap lhould the aunfi1hter ,.. "Pane Row." • • • I SATURDAY MARCH 1 MORNIN G 0 @ CI) m fllltutic v.,.,. (C) I Satwdlr Matilee (C) m AM TlMltre (C) "Behind tflt 12:30 9 (i) *111 ~ (C) Mask of Zorro" and "The Brute MCIN: "lwH" (SUS9tnM) '47 Man." -lucille Ball, Georae Sanders. IQuitlrras I@ mm ......... ", (C) 10:00 8 Cl) Tiit Ardlle ._ (C) Eva .... ack hpert (C) @(J)G) JtwntJ tit tilt C:... lhtt Rillbtft Tllutrt (C) "The tlr of tilt Ell1ll !C> Sun Sets at Dawn." 0 Mtvit: (C) Man ltlthld tllt 1:008 Qt Cl) MtbJ Diet (C) 6:50 Qlve us This Day/News (C) Qun" (western) '52 -Randolph Mowlt: "Sbr of Ttut" (west· 7:00 Jullus Sumner Miiier (C) Scott, Phil Carey. em) '53-Wayne Morris, Paul Flx. Mr. Wlsbbont (C) I Pettarn for llvin1 fJ 9 CI) Sports 5'1fdal (C) Th• 7 30 su rile SetHStet c Lu Estnflas r UsW Dorel Open PGA Chemplonshlp Golf : Cl~pus Profile ( ) 10:30 ~ (j) lat..11/StlptnNn (C) Toumement from Ftorid1'1 Dorel Makin& Ute Most of Maturitr @ 00 m Ulldtnlo1 {C) Country Club. The purse Is $100,· Movie: '"C1r1bou Trell" (adven· 000. Educational feature (C) ture) '59 -Randolph Scott, Bill m Movie: "Twelve O'Clodl HI....,' 7:45 Sacred Heart (C) •• a:oo I ~ Qo-Qo Qophtrs (C) Willlams. (adventure) ·~reaory Pr.k. Dean 6 m Super 6 (C) I @ (]) m Flntutic foar (C) Jauer. al Casper (C) llblt AnlWtrl I Dlclta Robida tnba, the White lion (C) Cintlandla Al1Md ftrcet Hl&llll&lltl (C) Tilts of Wetls Farao 11:00 Qj 00 m 5alfJboH S41uart1 1:30 ta()) Tiie Lont lta11ttr (C) "· d <9 Peter Marshall hosts. · • Satur~ DowlM Ftltll't (C) -tur ar Matinee: "Shadow" U (ill CI) El) leorat of Ult Jun· "Ont Thlna leads to Another" and 8·30~ ~~aBy WaBterfronLR" m (C) "Attack and Retreat." • ~ \€!!'} \JU up unnr I oad Run-Award Theatre· "Blonde Ball" I r..... (C) ner Hour (C) · • I Q) @ m Top Cit (C) 11 :30 1J a-(j) Tht Htrculoids (C) · Merv lrlffln (C) Clm 111 Profiles Q @@m UntltHCI World (C) 2:001 Tiie New Stdttr (C) (i7J@@ Qulllvtr (C) Phll Car~ Movie: "loMrac:tn" (drama) MOvlt: "Valley of the Qlants'' 0 @ CV al Anitrlcan Banclstlnd ' 9-Joel Lawrence, Sally fmer. (drama) '38 -Wayne Morris (Cj fJMal'IMI Dillon I Branded ' fJ Movie: "Rockr Mountain" II) Conlnet Theatre: "Curse of the Escutta KMEX (C) (western) '50 -Errol Flynn. Faceless Men." · 9:00 (D 00 m Flintstones (C) m Holiday (C) Movie: "Buffalo Bi ll Rides 2:30 9 ()) CIS Solf aaaic (C) Apin" (we.stem) '47-Rlchard Ar· 9 (j) l'acfflc I lasbtMll (C) len, Jennifer. Holl 12:001J QI Ci) Sllamnl (C) • Slran&t Tales (C) l@@m Spider Man (C) O High School Basketball • s.. the USA (C) ~~ 1..1.;:atr~> * GAME OF THE WEEK 3:oo ~l (C) £studio Raltlp 0 Hip Scbool lasbtball ..... ff • DtstillO la Qloria 9:30 ~ (I) Wacky Racu (C) the WHll (C) • Qtltlt fof Advtntwt (C) Qj 00 m Banana Splits {C) @!) Qr1n THtro 3:30 Sta Hunt D @CflGPN ......., r .. (~ Lu larter holta • rnatcil fnMft ~.New Yott. ID Ila Plct8rt (C) 3:55DNtws (C) 4:00 8 Mtwtt: °'Taru1'1 "'r' (td· venture) '51-lu Barker, Ylrsfma Hutton. I I{....,~ (C) =Traill (C) 4:30 II SANTA ANITA RACE OF * THE WEEK-$100,000 Slnta Marprita Stakes a S.llta Anita ... (C) The San· ta M1r11rlta stakn at • mllt and ont-tilftth. limited to four·7'1r-olda end up, the race ha 1 $100,000 purtt. I Tlle o .......... (C) °"*' U.lts 5:00 D 9 Ci) m Sllell's Woad•rf•I W•ld .rwr (C) The Chemplon· ship Match Is htld for the two ttmlflnallsts at Mtdlnab Country Club In Chicaeo. Illinois. ' Cllla!.[1lt111ltlp l1wll11 (C) @ l1J G) AIC"a Wldt Wortd s,.rts (t) The World F11Urt· Skatln1 Ch1mplon1hlps from Colo· lrado zi::S· :lorldo. l11MWatittll (R) f ...... Soccet 5:30 blpli StltfJ (C) (R) Ctttblity lllllarda (C) Stt'lt Al· len auats. I Al~ll Celltp .. (C) MN frt• UNClE (C) Mdlalt'a Mawr Yw Dtllaf'a Wd (R) 'A FACE OF. WAR' "A Face of War/' a devastatiq and discemina documentary film, should be aeen by every Americao-reprdleaa of political Most of the time the camera ridea the aboulden Of the Polat squad of the 13.S-man compuy, ball of whom were either iilJed or wounded duriaa the ft!riU.na. (JODel was wounded twice and Peters once.) feeling. . Created exclusively tbrouah natural on-location siabta and IOUnds • in the terrifying war-tom atmos- phere of Vietnam's heartland, the 90-minute special ain uninter- rupted in Southern Calif omia at 8: 30 PM, March 1 on Channel 11, KTIV, repeats in its entimy at 10:30 'pM oo March 9. "A Pace of War" depicts neota and circumataDCea experi .. aad by the point 1quad of the leadins platoon of Mite Com- PanY. Third Battalion of the 7th Marine Jteaiment-during 97 ~ pallins days and niahts of actual combat conditions. lbere is no narration, musical score, nor glimpses of the enemy, but the dOcumentary is intro- duced by writer-producer Rod, Serlina currendy hoatina the in-~Dt network's adult game lt~ldYU ol tlw ""' COlll be tlw thaw, The Lian Oub. vllMer. o/ No N_., • Vwt c-. 1troflfftolll. -. ...,. ,._,. llwf.. American dim:to.r • producer ty 1#/on tlN V.S. M""1ta ,.. and parttime cameraman Buaene PflOWfl dw111 IO ~r.,.. M4 $. J~ UODg with his tflree.. dutro~d ,,._ vai.p.. man Bntish crew of J. Baxter Peters, Christopher Sargent and Robert Peck. made truly memora· ble use of a story line that grew from eventa as they occurred- witb the theme predicated upon their determination to reflect the truths of war as experienced on a day-to-day buis by the Ameri· can foot soldier. · .. A Face of War" embraces a twiliabt ambush by the Viet Cong and a dawn raid by the Marina, the death of a villap ehfld and the binh of another, helicopter auaulta and lonely pat.rob. dw routine of life on a belequered hilltop outpott and the sudden oppreaive silence of death from minea, booby traps and e;l aunftre throuah dry 9C&IODI and momoon rains, combat and • Bcation, aucc:css and failure. "A Face of War" docan't take sides, nor does it feature any stars-but is just the true story of previously uncelebrated mernben of a real Marine squad flahtina a real war and dyiaa real deaths. Director-producer Jones, a former Marino aod ~pennan, is qu.oted u saylna "A Pace ot War" hu, bowewr, a._.,.: .. . . . that war at ill lowed la lbe lllOll horrible ooadition h\llllAJl beings can lnftict upon each other." . "A P1ee of War" just says it the way it ii. TIN tU&lt Cl'ftl of "A Faa o/ W.,.. /llM$ • 11/tftCPI to fW#lort a Vial co,., ,,,,...,. ,,..., ... ,.,,,,.,. NOW AT ATLANTIC MUSIC....- e 12" CO-AX IAL LANC ER SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES e ... , fi~lt~AltD ~AU TOMATIC TURN · TABLE PLUS STE REO CARTRIDG E WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e 25 WATT SOLID ST ATE STE REO AMPLIFIER & PRE-AM P 9999 5 PIECE AM-FM STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM e I .. I 6ARRAltD AUTO- MATIC TURNTAILE PLUS STEREO CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS • e ·40 WATT AM-FM SOLID STATE STEREO RECEIVER e FISHER FAEE-l'ISTON SPEAKER SYSTEM -OIL WALNUT EN- CLOSURES R .. 9ule1 $119.00 • ptir 24968 SONY 2SOA e 4 TRACK STEREO & MONO RECORD & PLA)BACK. VU METERS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF. DIGIT AL TAPE COUNTER 11950 e 12" CO.AXIAL LANCER SPEAKER SYSTEM OILED WALNUT ENCLOSURES e tt•t fPAl.MID,-.UTOMAT IC TURNTABLE PLU S STEREO 169 81 CARTRIDGE WITH DIAMOND STYLUS e40 WATT AM -FM SOLID STATE STEREO RECEIVER 5 PIECE 160 WA FM STEREO COMPONENT e AR 4X SPEAKER FEA· TURING AR's FAMOUS ACOUSTIC SUSPENSION DESIGN e GA.RAARO SYNCRO-LAB AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE WITH SHURE DIAMOND STYLUS •NEW SHER. WOOD S8800A Hh~~;rg~,1~~49927 ER I wood uu option ti SONY 230 e STEREO PRE-AMP • 20 WATT AMP FOR A COMPLETE STEREO TAPE SYSTEM. SELEC- TOR SWITCH FOR REC- ORD OR PLAYBACK ON ITS OWN SPEAKER SYS- TEM. 22950