HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-02-25 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-··
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• • r :Tr~pped "Y-~lt~r \
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Stlnerfldo. Cail1an· · · I !" •
' ··n\Jge ~Landslide
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At . Fire • StatiQn
' ' A ~Si.Ye landsl¥ie of .IOlked earttC Uon of:what ls In-atore, if ·the un~
pl~eted doWn an J)range· County can-· stonn doe1 not let·up. · '
yon wall ahortly before: noon today · • ·
an<j cayo~ in the.Sllv'fa,do ~!ll'9~.Flr•" cAm:oNI A1'FECl'BD ,
Station where io refugees huddled, poui· . •Onjy · ~ ·canyon ....,. , !!!'rlouslJ
1 bly burying "up to 15 persona lllve. allect.4·so·f!f by,ti!e·latest in a-w-..
:Emergency Cf'Wl•rusbed•to:tbe nearly •""""'1r!o; ,O{,,,.i'lll\l!'l'.P'Obruary '"""'" in,.cce,islb~ '-""!'M w11i"'•1 '1'0!'\than:·I~ ; jtormJ aro Liguna Caily°" ~ t&e-liia . 11iif'in~vdo7~., ei;c¥¥.W, ~~1-rl I : :n.~J ~ , tr.~ ol-19 ' /I:,~.~ ··~'-'~1liit1~ .
, ~.Jl~i1, ·· .. ,..~ ~--~i·~r-... ~ Aiji,~01C011niy F1re;wanleii : cU11.n. ~:ID, an:.m.· wllSe•tltiml -··
C\lfl Qo!j .. ~ .... --1!\P.!!<r hav~ re1"!4t'!l ,the tremendouS:d!iwnpobr al):out-: -::,~in: .. ~8: .raifi a"PP~~ :~ 1 ~ ·r~pantr ~off ; )1a·t'.D'J'.'.• •e'd
pout, , .ol!ilng. mo.uµlain ,;,BfeU .. ll:n'SI . witers~.mi. ·. , . · 1 ;J. , _r .
ihfeatening to nlpture b"'--'··-dams ' "vm· ~-. "•11e·· --" ·'-"·Iii . ·1~ · . . , . , ... ":'._~ . . , . a ·rar11. , ~.Oil' auv\u e ,c .~
before· dark. · ·• of1 Santa Ana 8:nd 'Orange-is atfll• con~ t Hom~ were ~ashed flll'.ay 1!ke JtOf,i, · t$fnf ~· 9o~lof wittef ftvm ~
brjdges scattered like: matchsticka and Cteek, wh!Ch ls uD ·to lO~·cUbic1 feet
hill cOuntcy ' higbWays all ' ff Owed · like ' per secooil," he said, ' ·, , ·
riVers, carrying deep. wavu of debris "Water is now being released rrorri
and d~ion . tQward the sOO:den the dam at 4,000 cubic fetit per ~ lowlands. . . , ·. ~ · 1 It will ·r,each the , top of the ... lpill'fl'J-1
Orange County Flood Control Engineer at 1 p:m.~··he _cOnUh~ grlmJY.. · -
George Osborne went before th~ Board "If the rainfall continues at the pre~
of SupervisOrs today With a· grim evalua-rate, the oti.tnoW from the dam , ·Wm
, . . be out af.'conttol by S{p~:,.'\be·~.
' _; "·: ' ' .' " ' · ' ; . " . , . ' . , DAILY,Pl°LOT I'~ 1W Jtck CNnolll.
Mrs. Robert T. Koller of Los Angtln Among Those ol Brown's Motor Hotel Cut Off by Fldod W1tor1_ N11r Lilg~ CC
• · · '1 "and this · cOOid "send SM~ ~k
S. '.I.:. . lJ . ' . . ' overflowing In-satiia-Anl! • 0r..,. ... f
Laguna Stores
~eatened by
9uty.on Waters
·,Jly ~.\W!P•~ .-;.-;· ;n
' Of tti\i 0.llJ Pilft St•ff
"A new stonn threat loomed for sodden
J..aauna Beach today as officials sized
up the small swollen lakes on both
sides of Laguna Canyon Road just north
of city lhn.fts.
~ Sweeny, J>l:lblic works director,
,.P.,~.-earthfill <!ike .containillg: one
of1-t.h4 lal:es let go, it C1>111d send an
additlOnil ·delule of water down Laguna
Clt)yoninto'tlie do'wntown.
compounding this problem was the ~uing deterioration of the storm
channel along the canyon and Broadway
in;l..aguna Beach.
Residents and businesses·· along ·the -
30tl block of Ocean Avenue were being
evtaUated this morning as the swirling
waters ate at the fouridations of the
lw~y said if any ,of the properties cop&Plij!d into the flood channel -one
b~ spam it-water ru$lng toward
tbf\ Ocean would ha've" nO Pl.ice io go
but the.streets of the downtown basin.
Additional problems .were occurring all
alOBg the stonn Qharmel , aa . it · filled
wllb every)magjljjj>lt ,~om-•IOg•
to tires ·anc1 even its own cement sides
a.nd>guard fence.
gfficllls worked round the . clock to
kW the brimming <!rainage channel
~· A ~ane with a clamabell scoop . hit. 'been ordered from. a construction ~ Om l'l10l'lliQg to pick «m<nt
•llP!I llllil-mal6lall out of the cbiinel.
~ in the city madslllle onto
roiU,·fll!len trees and eod'"'l'!'!d homes
--.,Ju, ~Cclaplte
the J<llliid.the-cloclt labor of dlJ crew•
Ind -]AJl>llc qencies..
Ollt{ef Ille .,... wolit hlt wu'Canyon
ACM -· oil LllUDI C:0-Road. Thllbueollc drive w11 a mu1l ameared
;.> (See LAGUNA, P11e I)
1.r11:1n . n~• .. ~.u,1,, ~ '""' ... _. t ,_., • _----;_-•• , : ~ • :''.t.i~:~if., !I';t;(,d: ·~;,,._,~1tf . Ir, -~· ln~I'*'-.
It's Wettest Winter Yet
... t~, th!P~~~-_r'·( .. · i r-i· , U t,' I ·;'·'·.·~t,'. e.. r~"'°'a:iu . . <\!' o .lhe~ .
. "·. .,_ -'1' '" '. 0 .. ....,......,l> ... ,. , •t:: , . \ ~ '· , .. . • • ~· t .. wi.;,... I ...
Pr~'$eit1~ ,,~"·~~~· ·; .. , ~;~;·~~~--:
:· ..... ,_., ·~~ ~. 1" fJ :·-:r: '!1-fitet'Co t '.nie r-:~GI~ ·
Rain Continues Without Letup :n ~outhland LO&~-tbrii :.:~·~r,.~;·~~-j~. · ~r~1~ • . , ' . .. ,.. , ,;,, . , ., ,•.,,, /¢~,'" 1 b• 1 , , .. , • , ., , • <'·· .. Sirhan ;d!Je!n't ""'e' It tl1e lu!t 'at' his ' m.W.ialii areas'~~i:~est'cilsualty= -) 'f""ltJ\f4'\r.~·~...:.".'~"i;: .t ' ... -.r;t.;.~lr°'~ :::1 ·.A-•'' ,..t-~{~:.>'p '1'·.·"" · · !' / murder triaJ sees color pictures .of his . tht>lrownSllveradoCanyonfaclll~: ..
' '~ . . y TOM'Ttrvs . propoftions, Southern Californians today th8n one-third of. the population of Santa vicµm but he ~oe~·t want • th,em to 'Emetg~cy· Crews , were· fiCed with tbe. . °' fllt o.ur ~11111 si.tt resigned themselves to the wettest winter Paula, (~bout 4,000) have been evacuatCd read his diary. b1tt~r . f•"ij that· ro'° ·l.n both dlrectlonl .
And still It rains , . . . in 84 years from their homes. The 24-year-old Arab i mm I grant are V.ift\l'1JY Jinp_qsable and: tjJey lit--
With creeks and rivers spilling over. ' . -All Los 'Angeles area police officers became angry and whi!pered furioua!y · flgure out a way to rea~ the:devutt~ ,
mudslides blocking scores of roads, No letup ~ppeared in sight, at least were· kept on duty· in .a tactical ale.rt" to hia 'lttorriey1 to . .object'Monday when stationbeforerescuecanbegjn.
thousands of persons fleeing their horn~ through torught. .Weathe~ fo.recaste~s for possible .evacuations becaw;e of the . the state began introduction of' three . lhltlal w<*"d'""'dfd'not'lifdicllte'hOw badfY
and -rainfall· figures so&ring to record cautiously' :predicted d.ecreaii n g threat offlaiihfloods lntheSanFernando notebooks in which Sirhan scribbled the station "-•-wreeted or how deeply
· I" din s · Wedne•J° "th th ·' Valley before he killed Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. the. 1Z to It vlctlms';;w,ere burled, bat " · ··· · *· .-1:f· ···• ·* · ·. ~aff ~o~Bb~~ty. <tJ.o=...1~~Y~ ;-pe·r~:n~~!.~: .... -···:..A'f. Ii_e'~~i.MC!lOjal.·~iifey_ :teSiden'fs ; ·The notebooks were found in a bedrlJOID the prospect, were ~Y grim
r ,,..,. fl d th h 1Jec of in tn the S~han hgnie 'In P_asadeno bJ I;owlond ..,...,,,.,. spared· the·· brunt
I h f R !..:.Lall It waa preCipltatlon al usual M0ndaf ,. e eir . omes ause. rts g·water. police officers who were seeking to learn of the s_torm which·forecasters.say.!!houlil DC .Q . 81D.1i , . . . · · ,, :' -The city of Corona was surrounded U the le . I •c cl . . wlth up to an·'lnch and a ha~ of rain by 8 rain:cauSed hUie·of 0000 Waters. re was a consp acy. mvo V111g ,ear up by Wedrfl!iiday~ bbt the rain
· falling on a drastically waterlogged -The Red Cros11 set emergency relief others. · ' ' (See llAvoc,:PiJeil) Closes 2 Roads Orange County. Costa Mesa and Laguna centeis Jn R!Verside, San Bern, ardino Sirhan was 1 ca!m :..~'1 rern.ote U. the • · , .-· · .. · ; · ,. · · • • l
U U prosecuUon · produ1..'al two· color ' . · .. , ., . . . • ·. ~·1 · Beach each recorded 1.35 inches, whil e and San Luis OhisP'.O coun eil as we ho\ogr&J>hlJot~KMned)o!os slutt""ibOWiitg: ·: ! ··· ''.' · :· ·' · . " ' ~t "In 'Hun' ' tin"'" g"ton Huntington Beach and Newport Beach as _Or~nge County. . . ~ blood)';btlllet·:"1lUnd11md·,i1o,.d1r)'tJI·-·" r ....... ' ' . ···co--.. , received Jess than an inch and •inland -Bhu.ards closed roa'ds and fsolattd too~·:·t~IJ.idr, I! ,~cs ;~·.~ ' ., ~ . -. , '1 :I th~eastern approach!" to tlie llJth Sierra ob~"(a.;IJ<j,if.f:oJD_o..dialil!l:e · · ... ' ."". · · · ' • ., ·,
Nearly ooe Jnch. or rain which W""' If JIOU're wondering ·abou t road where a we(!k~Jong search has been unller of one··tncKor .leis,, ir . 1 • ,, • , • j ·
-conditio. m in the Southland -and way· for ait iirliner Jost wtth ,35 persoM .But'1,fie '8liifted up "-'" oeat . .:.....:. 1 · · · ...J 'ti!:_ ~ ' dumped on Hwitington Beach overnig'ht f lu ms .... l J force~ cl~ of two streets early this 11ou have plenty of patience-there'1 abOard. hissed1at· atto~y-~ !IJe notebi:itks · .,. · ' • . . · · . , -. ~
morning and threatened several others, a·toaJI for 11ou to find out. -=:-pie doCkJ af the Ventura Marl11a we~e ,·:·, .••: ~ .. -:.~t.~~1 .~\ ~ • -i 1 ·,_··~eidieri '-1 ·~ "'-#1w'.~· ~;J1 :.
while other west county .cities fared , · Jwt call 547-5577. wm wash¢ away, during the n!ot.t but he ,re ~ ·, . ,.,. · · 1 ... , ll'hffl.·t ii · •·!.!li.' I • ··....l>-"1'it• •
bettfr., · · , · Thu: will be a recording placed by : 'an~ 1 three· 'Jar;e 'Union on Cp.' ~~e ~ 1 . , .. ·tcXf .. r 1 1!,lllf;~ .· .-; : ~.:~ -:1;f ·~~ih~J>!~c( 'IA'~' • ' •
Flonda street between Clay and Wil· tlw! California Highway Patroli giving tanks , at. th.e ?1a.tln~ ~ere, w~sh~ l~t.o : · • .;J.. ! IPa~.•l·· ' . ' calling f~. cl~ ~11e:!~
Iiams avenues, and 17th Street bet""" the "~' ;nfo""41W•-· .,...,.,.._ .,.lbe ~ !jhlre f()me oU ·leakage broullfl " · . .,., ·.1J · .. · ,. ,c HuntlngtOb :A.ftnUe and Lake ,Str~i 1 •• , .... -~~CiilHtJ.,~'~',..._.. T tlifeafo(·l&e. 1 .. uay.1.,But ltu, IUU· be chilly wlm ·,
.:Pl!'!'O :¢osm'""1 '611o•<Pill~l · '._, ~ . , ' ' 1'hlle 'weather 'forecasters lookeCJ for 1 . . ' lem)""'l!P'"!' J1', ~ IO's loCIJJJ(! th~ morning because of hesvy flooding. The on!y th•ngs ls, the_ odd.! today a lireak 'hi tlie 119nn tonight, they alilo S~RRY . AJlO.f:J,T,' • · 1
Lt. Paul Da1<len,,tralflc dl~isloa com-are JO.I tliat th< tme will bt bwy. p~lct¢. beavy ·snow tol the mountain J INSWE TODAY
mander, said If the l'8lll continued, sev· Vt'I/ bUSf/. areas allo1>e 4 ooo feot More rain u· .Tll 'T, ·H .n_ '""LD ' eni streets -1d also ·be -cl~ · · ' · · · • ,,.. nu 1 • ~danger illlt'the bluff;:; regianl IJlch r U Anaheifn"abd :Garden exP,eeted~ght, but l11expected .~ctear n a poJtur:e1Wl•I tomtwhct
<I! Tlllberl Avm bitween Bead> Bou-Grove -.ere ov.,. the u mart. • by . Wedn~~Y -g\vlJ>g tlie, Southlapd , LONDON ,(UPI) .._ P,rtoldenl' Nllon'J, unwlllll' ·to the Brltilh .ro!ICI
Jevard aOcl Golde"nwest Street will give Perhaps the most graphic 'example about thi~ days to ,~~ ~ti brea\h• car wq·O,ing the Britltrk flq Upsl(le /amNr; fM .MJr to iM .throne ·
way uodet. Ille mn, Darden edded. , of the atorm'• wrath; Ipvever., wu befhre . a new atprm mqv~ in Friday, , down - a . commaa ~ 1tgna11 for cp?far1, OI a "duttma!J titting m ·-.
City ~·blve-~ b\111 all day ncorded 111 san Clemente' w11er< ralnfall night, • aailnra -· .V. ,-. llriYld fer.;..tolu a O~ Cll!I. Poge 5. : ,
trying to pump ' out seriously . flOoded figufei are tabuJited from Jan. l, A · ...,. ..._ u.t Yr, at Prime Minlnlri.rJllrold.J WJ.llon11 of4 • •lirWlf It MlntMt ........ 11 ~ ~ .~· . . , . . year 110 the city's. rain. aavce for the =:on~~·. ~= ::;: ' :.:, · ficlal real~ fGt talb today. . g: 1 1 1 -...... 1• .we.have Sour pi:irtdJe pum~ .. and ·ieWnngl.lte'recf.•·otanlilCh ~l9d&Y;• l.,.,• a .. m •·• 1w ,.. l A·Britlah \~ktlmln pobded 1out 1ta. c...... , .'f. ·= ~ ':·
rwtlft tr)'b1C Ito rent tnore;" I ~ ~,wu-11.IL ·. . 1=:::'v!i':' !1: l~:t t:. error\ to Ntm'1~dlatltfeUr md the fllg ~:~~. '.; .. :-::'--.., 4J '
aiorl-eqinier .Darrell---lf,oyer. But'by~with·Jtan~bor~ VM•ftnlrltl ... ., ~.-Jr.J.e .. ,, wu rtg6ted. . . w •':. =,,.... "';:," ~ ~!~= ~lly 1 lot 'ft can cfxin'Uu,. O,angl .COtinU' w84 ·holdiOi' r:m:~e1111rt w.rld ~:' l~1: 1:: Tbe ~Urtion Jack II.often no.n Qpi1de ,. ' 1• 'kt...:......~ ..
-':"'it "I"'"",. · .. ;,!,.,_ ;' pump ~ater · · fts, f\e'ad ',wen ·abbVe 'water. ·Tfieie 'wer:e l':.':.11::::""'1 .,.,. ''·" '·" down 'by :foreltntra. It '66ka dnolt tbe '-'1 ,......... · 11 • h1:m:r.: ~ .. tbe.dana:~'ol f.he .Jatestdeveiopme9ll ·intbe,Soothland AMM1r11 ·f: 1f: t: wne either way except that.._'wtilte,4 ~ .• !!, ,· =~· l.".• ,· I
Boyer•lso'sakl that a1*her two lnchel storrri plt'tw'e: .._ ' ' · ::'~111= · 1 != ' ;t:· s:: · diqonal 'linel lhou',d·be, iUcbtl7 ~' Mli'ifi~·----t:l ~ ..... .... 1
(See W. COUNTY, 'page IJ -At Jtut 1,500 perlODll, including more l;t"r."' M" .. "" Cl>m'ltlli. ,..... ,w """' at t.IM ·top'. 1 , , ' •••• 1. t , , 1 , A
«' • . ·-----
" . ..
., '
f DAil ~ Pll.OT s
Nixon Delights BritOnS, Dismays BOdyguardS
LO!IDON (AP) -Pruldenl Nb<on
nnewed tO Britain todly • pledp that
.. IJDilod Stal<o supporla the CUICepl
II ae enlorged Common. M.mt. ID-
cludlng Britain, wllhln a unified Europe.
Then with business aside, lhe President
tunctied with Queen Elll:abelh II, broke
the bonds of hia tigbt security to abake
-with Loooloaeis and becamo the
lint u.:i. presidlol to atl<nd • -ol the motlla' of Porlltineota.
TIU Uve lllde ol Nb<oo the polltlclaa
delighted the Loodooera and dlamayed
his battery of bodyguarda.
The security men were particularly
WOITl!d when the PruldlJl~ ofter luo-
Newport Urg~s
Curb on A'irport
11"'1"1 Boitli dlJ' -'\OW -· . s=.;g!! ~.':'.... ' d~ """"'_,,.. cUlr ' ,. •· -• mtdo riff:' tdoDd .. and ... • . . . ... • • •• .,.. ~_..k-1oP .,.~,,-~1~&1e!!f."1.ea tr~ elcitlliPadllclfll'tbWeol. ·~ a "lljt~" .:nli< .....
j:!I)' want. she Ct!IUllJ to -•' ~lic,mui.>tmi w ~· Ii '
; It Will lie the "!l>Jtd• fll ~( ·•all liltb ..... ll<!of !IP,to 4io"""" 11.U... • -b\8 ( """'-"U.. ' t;lvll·1 · .'Illa P.llCJl!o fi~ -ii
Adil ••If' ~ .... D.U..,,:; 'F:"b .. ~fi1!9.. ' . ~··-~ . .. P"U ""' , ~~·~. reioW-aothe·motUr. ~" '. .c '.' 1;111.iilliOI..,. '· •
The lint declared the city'a opposition "Newport Beach and tta tesldenll,"
to tbe iocnased servlct, rnw aciotbl the Cowicll iaoolutldoa mted, .. .,. IUf.
by 10 competing alrU.... • ferlng frym ao unacceptable nolao level
'I'tle second usolutloo uked the County arising from emting airport opera~ons.
Board of Supervlson to take a slmllar The Pacific Northwest RrVice would
stand. exacerbate emting noise and polluUoo
Both dedaraUons noted that the pro-problems by brioglol in more jet alrcrall
Coonty aupervioon rectnUy ,.quest<d
a spoi on the CAB agenda, but ao
far bu failed to agree on what the
county's repruentaUon lhould be.
West Berlin's
Mayor Proposes
Berlin Solution
BER!JN (UPI) -West Berlin Mayor
Klaus Schuelz formally proposed lo East
German Premier Willi Stoph today im·
mediate negoUaUons on opening the wall
in return for changing the site of West
Gennan preaktential elect1on.
Schuetz., in a new1 conference, aid
he urged Stoph tn a letter to agree
"as quickly as possible" so a decl.sion
can be made prior to a meeting of
the Federal AUambly echeduled March
5 in West Berlin to elect a succeslCr
to President Helnrich Luebke. The letter
was dellvered by messenger, be said.
In Bonn, parliamentary 90UrCell II.Id
West Germany would postpone the elec-
tions, if necessary, to allow more Ume
fer negot.taUoru1.
Schuetz said he toot the lnld1Uve
In writing the propooaJ to Stopb becll ...
Eailt German ofllclall had not cootacltd
him to follow up on a Communlat pr<>-
poaal made lul Saturday to opei tht
wall on Euler.
The mayor said he would advile ,the
West German government by thiJ
weekend whether be believed a .utwac-
tory agreement could be concluded with
the Eaal Germans. West Berlin olllclaJs
want the wall opened three t.l.mes e:ac11
Council to Hear
Planning Items
In W estrninster
Two public bearings oo Planning Com· mm1on items are on the agenda of the
Westminster City Council meeting at
7:30 o'clock tonight in councll cbamben.
A zone change for 15 acres at rm
Bolsa Ave., from local business to light
industrial zoning will receive public
hearing. An a~l on a Planning Commission
conditional use grant for a mobile home
site On lhe south side. of Bolsa Avenue
between Bushard and Brookhurst Strteis
will also receive a public hearing.
The municipal llafl uld the city's
Air Traffic Advisory Committee feels
the county board should now state its
position for the record.
City Attorney Tully Seymour em-
pbasiud the polnl by aaylng, "The county
is the agency that cooln>ll the airport.
The stand supervisors take could be
decisive as to the outcome of the CAB
Airlines that have applled for the route
award are Air Callfonlla, Air West,
Alaska, BranUf, Continental, .NaUonal,
Northwest, \Jnil<d aod W,.lel'll alrllnts.
Doctors Sew Leg
Back on Woman
at Holy Cn>a bolpltal bava completed
a rare operaUon In an effort to rutcn
a young woman'• use of her right leg
after it was severed two hM:hea above
the knee in a freeway accidenl
Doctors said Monday the lei was 1ewn
back into place about four houri after
the accident Sunday with bopea the two
major nerve• running through the · lee
would regenerate.
The patlen4 Miu Elizabeth Altboult,
20, ol Sun Valley, wu listed in utisfae-
tory condition. She also suffered a head
inilU'Y and fractured ribs in the accident,
in which she wu thrown JO feet.
F...,,. Pllfle J
W. COUNTY. • •
of rain alter 10 1.m. would bring 1erlous
problems to the old part of town.
"Natural basins dot 1be older sedion
and they are fllliDI up fast," he aald.
Fountain Valley, Westminster and Seal
Beach apparently were luckier over the
night, as they reported no serious prob-
lems from the rain.
The Westminster Police Department
said a three hour break in the rain early
this morning gave the water level a
chance to go down in the city.
Flooded lnl<....ctioM plagued all the
cities and police departments issued re-
mlnden to lhe public to drive carefully.
cblas w1111 the Queen 11 llucl<1npom
P~, <>nlend bi2 bulltt.prool car llop.
ped at Iba exit gal<a and leaped out
llllo • crowd ol al>out !00, aboklng -· right and left. Wbit< House men fr•n-
ijcally pushed through kl sumnmd the
grinning Pmldent.
The palace incident strayed complct<I, ,
oil Iba bani and t.t P«>llfll!l laid
out (or hll crash vllit to London aa
port fll ao clgbl<l.oy four " Europe. & did hi.a later 1 call iat lht HOUie
ol Connnons, an impromptu visit after
he laid a wreath at the tomb of Britain's
Unknown Warrior bl Westminster Abbey, acrou tbe streeL
He Ml aa' a 1peda1Gr fat' lbout 11
minUl<a . In !ht Commoall, olll<Wly i,.
-11.--rules .... vllltor "° emintol. eoonol be J'tCOIPleed from
the Ooor.
At the U.S. Embasiy In Grosvenor
Square, scene o{ violent anU-Amerlcan
riot., in the put, Nixon spent lbout
Flo.ting Flot1•m, lncludlnj M••• Between ·B1ythort1 •nd R.tvbtn E. LM, J•ms Harbor
. ·From Pngl! J
and flood toll wu nonetbel~ heavy.
Nearly every coastal city experienced
flooding requlring some local strtets and
roadway• to be closed, some of them
undermined and made dangerously im-
passable by the severe storm.
'Jbe UC Irvine campu1 was open today
with Culver Drive cleared and accessa
to UCI available pas.\ barricades oni
closed MacArthur Boulevard. l
Extension courses scheduled f o r
From Page J
tcene of patholl u many evacuated their
once-cozy homta picking forlornly at sod·
den pc»sesslons.
Two men, ltay Unger and Jack Fontan,
697 Canyon Acres Drive, bad barei,
e!Caped from their home Monday when
tonight, however, are cancelled as they
were Monday, when flooding threatened
to maroon the sprawling campus like
an ialand of learning.
A spot-cbeck of storm-ravaged areas
ancf a tally of what bas occurred there
IO far -continually changing as the
storm failed to let up -showed the
-Modjesb Canyon : Two homes lost
and one damaged by a mudslide; the
Footbridge to Qlive HlD washed out
and seven families evacuated, with
telephone service out. N u m e r o u 1
mudslides isolated the area because of
high waters.
Laguna CanyOJl : Several homes in Big
Bend area are undermined and the SPCA
Facility 1bandont.d, with' all animals
moved out. Three families are evacuated
and one fainlly w·as rescued· from the
Five Studies Slated
It spllt in two. WASHINGTON (AP) -ni.e University
Looking up from the site cascading of California at Santa Barbara will con-
waterfaUs could be seen high up on duct five studies for the federal govern-
the steep bill.sides sending their runoH ment of the effeets of the Santa Barbara
into the already flooding canyon. channel oil spill.
Further out the canyon at the in-ljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
undated SPCA, 20612 Laguna Canyon II
Road, officials fought to 68Ve the lives
of about 100 bedraggled animals.
aecond slory of a house by firemen
who waded through water 4 to 5 fee&
deep. Several other penons were remov.
ed from stranded cars which wUhed
down stream, which runs 2 to 3 feet deep
in the roadway.
-Silverado Canyon: Six homes so far
are washed away, and one bridge is
out and another threatened. Forty
famllies are evacuated and five vehicles
washed away. Four homes damaged
seriously and the area isolated.
-Toabaco Canyon1 Water is · flowing
over the lop of a wall at O'Neil Park,
with debris in roadways, another area
isolated by mudslide.
:-San Juan Capistrano: Seven families
now evacuated to higher ground .
-Irvine Park: Severe damage by
erosion, with one restroom destroyed
and penned animals turned loose.
Rainfall figures continue to ris~. In
Trabuco Canyon, typical of the mountaUl
areas, 3.66 inches fell in the last 24
hours, bringing the stonn total to 7.93
inches and the season to 3l.38 compared
with 9.84 last year. Orange wu~typical
of the loWlands area where 2.25 inches
fell in the last 24 hours to bring the
stonn total to 6.76 and the season to
19.75 compared with 7.22 last year.
' llO minutes giving a IOI'! ol pep 111t
to the assembled llafl.
When he tmetged u.n .... -llmdrod spectators, .-i,. In tho Ame
cheerful and friendly mood the Prerldent
had bten •lhlbitlng an doy. 0ne mu.
knot -a handful of youths -1bouted
"Viet COng" and 1'Nimn &o home."
But they were -bit drowned 'out
by the pro-Nlioo dlOen and the nor
of his motorcyc5e a:ort. revvi.l!C up tbel!•
engines. Ni.I.on abook tome more hll:d.
By now the Prelident wd· IO eacer,
for public contact that be went. even
further when he mived at Clarldp'a
Hotel for a brief rest and a meeun,
with seled<d Britoaa lrom varioua nib
of life. -He got out of bi.I car at the mabl
entrance and ltrode acroa the ~.
to shake hands with idly curious. Mod
of them w~ obviously pro-Nixon and =' Oaltered •I "• stl<lltion. Bui 'Were iOmt r~ 'Iii" "Ylcti.y 'fat'
the National Liberation Front.'' I
From somewhere in the c r o w d1
demonstraton threw mimeographed ant~
Vietnam war pamphlets at the President;;t·
'Ibey fell harm1essly at his feet or od'r
the shoulders of the security guard&
surrounding him. Nixon paid no attentio~
at all and, sUU gay, wandered bact·
to bi2 bol<L
Earlier in the day he met Prime
Minister Harold Wilson for almolt three
hours at No. 10 Downing St., and pleaaed
the British government leaders mightily
by 'usuring Americao backing for thelr
bid to join the Common Market. Ranging
tbroogi> the add!Uonal topics of the North
Atlantic Treaty Orgaohatioo and Eut: w..i del<lll<, the Pmldeot told the
British just about everything they wanted
to bear.
NIJ:on'• position WU made tncnm by '
bi2 ll]>Ok....... Ronald L. Ziegler, al
a news conference after the mttf:'n&·
Lost County
Pilot's Plane,
Body Found
The body ol an Orange Counly pD0t
who operated a funerll e.scort tel'Yice,
wu found in the wreckage of hll light
plane In billy Yuba County, six nine,
from Smartville Monday.
A forest ranger spotted the demolished
Piper Comancbe too aod remains found
tn the plane were Identified u tbo9t
of Leroy Fudge, 45, of lll80 HUlaDdale
Ave., La Habra.
Last word from Fudge was a &arbled
radio report monUored by the control 1
tower. at Ollco Municipal Airport Wt
Tuesday afternoon and a hunt wu ·
organized when he ~ not arrin in ,
Fullerton. • .
Stormy. weather hampered the Qvfl ;
Air Patrol search far Fudge, who wa.s ·
due lo llnd at FuUerton Municipal ,
Airport at 8:30 p.m. Jut Tue91:1~, •<> ;
cording to his flight plan.
Flights over rolling hills and farmland.I 1
from Chico to Sacramento turned up •
no trace of the plane, co-owned by
Lawrence E. Shepherd, of 827 Cottonwood
Drive, Brea.
Fudge and his wife new to Troutdd,
Ore., last Thanksgiving for a boll~
visit and returned by commucill ..tltllrie
since bad weather atretcbed over the
west coast.
He returned Feb. 16 to get the plane
and disappeared on his flight back to
Orange County.
With water flowing through the
buildings despite sandbagging, horses;
mules, chickens, rabbits, sheeps and
goat.a were moved to higher ground.
The dogs and cats, unsegregated, were
moved upstairs in the big SPCA barn
to save their lives. Ray Schnelder, SPCA
manager, said the water "had been up
to their bellies." But thus far only 1
few guinea pigs have been lost.
eounc1i..en will aJso invesUgate pro-
posed bodndary changes between West-
minster and Huntington Beach, to con-
sider future acUon. · New Court Leaks The DAILY PILOT is proud of ita corps of 11oung salttmtn toho dellvtr tht newspaper to your door. Tht11
11oung men are the cream of the community. Each month, tht best of them will bt 1tltcted for listing on t1ac·
Honor Roll. Each carrier li.sted htrt has obtained at least four nno cu.stomer.s during tht past month, had no
more tlian ont customer complaint for the month and mu.it havt paid his bill /or tJu mw1paper1 ht bought
"wholtsalt" on timt. An nsterUk (0 J in front of hi.I namt means that c.arrier wa.s nominated by his adJilt rv~
visor to be the DAILY PILOT Carrier of Tht Month.
.....,. .. IMti. " ......... ..... ........... ....... ,....., c .... .....
OllANGE COAST fl\Jll.l'"ING ~l",\N'I'
Robt•! N. 'W•tl
PttotHnl .... """'I"'"'
lhe ... •1 Ktt•il
'""' Therfl•1 A. M11rphift• Mlr\ttlltt E•O..-
'•t0I Niue" ,. ........ 1 ...
Olrte:lw -C.lt MtM: :U) Wt•! ,..,. II'"" N""'" kKll! 1111 #rtl .. _, .... l!Wtrf ~ ltte:ll: t11 f-11 jl,-
ttultl'"'Nll hllClll .. "" ll!'ftl
Facility More 'Flush' Than 'Lush'
Of t1M1 O.ltr PIM ~
Enthusiastic archlt.ecta wbo desc:rlbed
the new coun\y eourtbowle: u "lush'
during the faolua tbal BUmlllilded !ht
oPOOinl of the Ill mllllon bulldlng three
montbl ago must now be wondering
If "flush" wouldn't have been a better
U H buoi occurTtd to them II had
certofnly occurTtd to wwy maintenance
men Mooday, desperately trylq to mop
up •t lout 11111 l•m tbnJuabout the
11.-Y bulldlng.
1•water, water everywhere" wu the
wall that went up as worlr: crew1 tried
to keep up with inllowl that J'IJlled
from poola or water at the bottom of
elevator shall.I to at leut alx massive
leab in the rool ol. thl brand new
BJ lole Mondq, the inroodJ h•d been
contained and emtrgtocy rtpaln tf.
leclad In the wwat flooding condltlona.
But -• cOOiitJ employea, for whom WI WU the third IUCh uperSenct,
dilmlJaed u "wt 've heard that one
before" the UIUl'ancel of maintenance
men that tbe7 would ,_ be dry on
But for --... employees U-may well be llonn cloudo with
idl•er llnlnfls.
that a recent inroata of the tiny rodents
hu bten effectively dealt with.
"No, I haven't seen any these last
few days,'' lhe commented in response
to a newsman's question, "but that
doesn't mean they've gone. What we
aee on the carpets some mornings aren't
ant'• qga, you know."
Heavy rains have also created parking
problenu for many of the courthouse
personnel. Many cars are parked in
the underground faclllUes but .most of
the county employes are obliged to
park Jn the area surrounding the building.
Much of that space Ill now a sea
of mud and some employes are having
to finish their journey to work on foot
from as far aa six and seven blocb
away. And many of them have returned
to thelt former parlr:lng quarters near
the old county courthouse on Broadway.
And tt was obvious from the comments
or tho.w who have returned to their
old parking stalls that the honeymoon
b: over. Many of the employes who
tripped starry-eyed to their new building
no longer roam the courthouse corridors
to marvel at this modern mlrac:le of
"Parking bore II j u 1 1 like tho old
days," one veteran court c 1 erk
murmured. "You know, that old building
wasn't ao bad. It had character, warmth,
In fact lt was a friendly old place.
"And lt was dry," he 1napped with
1 savage. plunge on the 1u pedal.
Ti111 Furn11u
D•11• K1mptr
ff•"k Vititr
Rebtrt McDo111ld
Clt•t11rid Mlll1r
T o<n Ho1un1r
Jer,Y Smith
Miki Rt•d
Perry Moody
•J•y M•htr
•R!ch•l'd Thom11
Rttff &111
Dt•id Althlede
Erle Final
Tom Moy1r
l•rry F!11•I
Scott C1rl1oft
•Gory Smith '
Ooml11ic. Muno1
Mike McOow•U
Sttv1 Rhoech
Ji"' O'M•ll1y
Viftetnt Duk••
Dou1 ll1ckbur11
Tim M•nnln9
Georg• M•n"i"t
fi1ry l1gn1ll
lty11 lff9tr
R•11dy Anriold
St1v1 l1nd1tttft
Jom Clin•
Rick Wli11l1r
l r1d DwFau!d
01rrtU R1ld
Mike Hotchkin
Mlch•tl Meek
lruco Schrimthlrt
Robert C•rlton
Gret Comn
•G.-.t ll1ir
Don John1on
Jiin RodariU
Carrier of The Month
* Bruce Osborne, 12. of Costa Mesa
Brue• h•1 b1tn in charge of • tout• In the M•s• Verela •ra• of Costa Mtse
for •ight months. H• li v11 at 2013 l•mno1, Co1ta M•1•. He h•s hi1 own
b•nk account which h• f11d1 r•9ul1rly with profih f~ hi1 route, s•.,;ng out
only •nou9h for 1pendin9 money ind to buy 1tamp1 for fh• 1famp collection
ho Is building •• a hobby. Hla dis trict man•o•r 11ya:, "Brue• 11 the moat con ..
sclentlous carrier I fia¥• In my district.'' H• Is a station le•der ltuperviaor
of other c•rri•rs In hl1 district I. "lf II drowM the mice, thto lt can
do UW: every di,)'," griMed one
munlclpal cowt clerk, atlll nol convln<ed ''It was bone dry •.• " 'A•••""!l!'lm••••••••••• f,
l in Arrr11~"'
l•rt Ch•rl11
Al'flold Ailttlic:i
T1rry lrtl tl
Kurt Kin
D•nni1 Winche1ltr
Keltt. Kt1t
L•rty le11toft
larry '•tker Davi Schort
Rlch•rd "-4tnl•r
Peter Kunt
&le Htrtl•
Joh111 Sl•wtri
. I .
' I
• • • ' .
l '
Huntington B eaeJi ·
~OL U', NO. 48, 2 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES . . . o~ c6,uN'iY, CALIFORNIA
... . ' • ..
0 ·1
• • <
. ..
. . . .. . r
N.Y. SMeks ..
r ·a --S •
Refugee Shelter ·
Crushe«\ by M~d-. .
A lllUllve Jandsllde ol soaked elf!&
plummeted down Ill <>range Coulity .,... '
yon will ~ before ~ lodlt
and caVed in the Sll'ftl'ldq ClaJOD Fire
Station where IO refQgeis ~· poul-bly burying up to IS penons ve.
Orange County sheriff'• depuUet said
the Silver ado Canyon landslide ,..aru I!
a scene of a1nfused turmoil 11 well
as devastation.
Confllctlng reports ·began to emerge
Crom the rugged, rain-battered area lo
the S>nta Ana MOU11111hi •bout wbelher
Inch of1Wn
In Huntington
Closes Roads
victims Were actually 'biirled in the
tumbling mudslide. ·
"We don't know. We don't know,"
said one deputy in the Watch Cooµna.nd
office, "we know we have people up
there injured, but we don't know bow
badly or if there are fatalities."
"We can't tel In to find out and
it will be a hell of a long time before
we do,'" he added.
EmergencY crews rushed to lhe~nwly
lna~le actne, where more than 15
inches Of rain have poilred unniercllully
afuce Sunday, but no word w~ available
~ immediate fate of the .doun a, ~
mWIJlg vlct(ms. ·
Auistant O>ai>ie Coilnty Fire Warden
Carl Dowas reported lhe c:anyon diaUter
about 11 a.m., u riln continued to
pour, Jsolating mountain areaa and
lhre¥eolns to rupture brimming dams
before dark.
HomQ were washed away like toy1,
bridges scattered like matchsUcJts Ind
hill counlry highways all flowed Uk•
Nearly one lnch ol rain which was rivers, carrying deep waves of debris and destniction toward the sodden dumped on Huntington Beach overnight lowland!.
forced closure or two slreeis early this Orange County Flood Control Engineer
morning and threatened several. others, George Osborne went before the Board
while other west county cities fared of Supervbors today with a grim evalu•
better. tlon of what is in store, If .the ubtirlng
, Florida Street between Clay and Wil· stbrm does not let up.
~ l.U1n;is a'!'.enues.~ ,aud 17th, ,~t;~ b~t~een c.tNYONi AF'P'Ecta>-
I·· I Uus mor'ning .di'te~~~ -~fll --~ma..-.J ~~~A~~-~ce~~~ =~illi!W' 'i!;~~=
-LL·Paw iiall\a.&~b ..... -.,.; CaaiOn 'IDd llfe Smi ' mander, satii lf ralit cl> · sev· · JUan C&ptstrano *ftL · ' . . •
· cral more strteta would also be oied, nie oftuatlon -yet change. ntere ii danger Uiat the bli.tff areas . · on Talbert Avenue between Beach Bou· P<>n.ccrned su~ llaten~ this Jevard and Gold-enwest Street wlll give n;iom1ng as ~borne said, dangerous con--
w;zy under the rain, Darden added. dttlops-exist Jn a11 areas where dams
City engineers have been busy all day · haveTegulated the tremendous downpour
trying to pump out seriomly ·flooded ru~ning , tampant ~f sat~ rat ed
areas. , watersheds. ·
, ..... "We have four portable pumps and "Vllla 'Park Reservoif al'x>ul the cities
we're trying to rent more," said divi-of Santa' Ana and orange Js still a1n-
sion engineer Darrell Boyer. tainiog the []ow of water: from SanUaco
"But tliere isn't re&lly a lot we can Creek Whlch is UT> to 10 000 cublc feet
do,," Boyer added. "If we pump Water per ~cond," he said. '
Mro. Robert T. Keller of Los Angelu·Ament ThoH et Brewn'1 Motor ttOt•I Cut Off by Flood Woto'.' Near Loguno CC
< ••
Episcopal Priest
' Pleads Innocent
310 Dn1nk Driving
Carl Warren Stokes, 46, identified by
police as an Episcopal priest from
Covina, fa ces a jury trial March 11
after pleading innocent Monday in West
Oranie County Municipal Court to five
charges stemming from two separate
auto accidents Feb. 10 in Huntington
Beach and Fountain Valley.
The-Rev .. Mr. Stokes previously had
been lna1rrectly identified as a Catholic
pr I es t of the Holy Trinity Parish in
Covina. He -was with the Holy Trinity
Episcopal Oturch in Covina, but has
not been associated with lhat church
siilce last December, according to a
church spokesman.
He will be tried next month on one
count of drunken driving and one a1unt
of reckless driving involving an acciden\
!n Huntington Beach. Both are misde-
meanor charges brought by poUce in
that city.
Meenwhilc, Fountain Valley police are
prellling charges on three misdemeanor
offenses -reckless driving, assault and
resisting arrest. All three stem from
a 111econd auto accident which occurred
abOut an hour alter the HW\Ungton Beach
a~dent, aceording to pollCi!: accounts.
Fo6ntain Vall<y pollce aald the Rev,
Mr. Stokes was the driver of an auto
lnvOlved in a t."Olllsion with another car
drlvee by Charles L. Rothlauf, :U, S>nta
Record :R·(linf all Resigns
' I . -'
Laguna S~ore§
Threatened by
from one street, there !~ tt}e
dariger of "Water is now being released from
flooding anolhe_r street. ~lhe dam at 4,000 cubic feet per second,
. Bofer also said that another two ln~hes Jt will reach lbe top of the spillway or ram after lU a.m. would brlng serious at 1 P m " he conUnued m-imJy · . problems to U.. old part of, town. · .. · ·• •· · ·~Nat1,1.ral basins! ~o~ the ·~der sect.I.on 1It the rainfall continues at the present
and they are filling up fast," he aaid. ra~e, the outflow from the dam will
Fountain Valley, Westminater. 8nd Seal ~out of·control by fi p.m.," he warned.
Beach appareritly were luckier over the ~d thla could send ~anttago CN!tk:
night as they reported no serious prob-overflowing In Santa Ana, Oran&e and
Jems 'rrom the rain. ' ~lifl. "· ' ·
Southland to Wet Winter Canyon Waters
Of rllt DlllY Plllt Slaff
And still .it rains ....
\Vith creeks and rivers spilling over,
mudslides blocking Scores ,of roads,
thousands of persons lleeln& l)itir ~es
and rainfall figures soaring to reCorcJ
proportions, Southern CaliforniaM today
resigned themselves to the wettest winter
in 84 year1.
·No letup appeared In sigh~ •t lout
througb tonight. Wutber f~.
cautiously predicted de c r e a 1 l u I
cloudiness on Wedoelday, ·with the rain-
fall probability dropping to 20 percent:
It was precipitation 11 usual Monday,
with up to an inch and a half of rain
falling on a drasUcally waterlogged
Orange COunty. Costa Mtsa and Laguna
Beach each reeorded 1.3S inches, while
Huntington · Beich and Newport Beaclt
recei\>ed les.s than In Inch and Inland
regions such 11 Anaheim and Garden
Grove wefe over the 1.5 mart.
Perhaps tbt most graphic e1ample
ol the 1torm'1 wrath, however, was
recordtd at San Clemente where rainfall
figures are tabulated from Jan. 1. A
year ago the city's ;ain gauge for the
season registered .118 of an inch -today 's
reading was 16.81.
But by comparison with its ntJghboring
counties, Orange County was holding
its head well above water. These werl!'
the late.st developments in the Southland
storm eJcture:
-At least 11,500 perllOnS, including more
Of .... DlllY "'"" .....
The Westminster Police · Department ''Trabuco Creek in the San Juan.
!'laid a three hour tiriak In the rain early· Ca'plsttano area ls on a rampage," the
thil morning gave the witer level a engjneer told 1upervison:.
A new storm threat loomed for sodden chanCi!: to go down In the city. "Water supplies to the region have
Laguna Beach today as officials sized Flooded lntersec~ions plagued all the been cut off because pipe.lli:ies acrou
up the small swollen lakes on both cities and police departments issued re-the streama have washed out " ht added · minders to the public to drive carefully. ' • sides of Laguna Canyon' Road just north REVISE ESTIMATES
"r city . limlls. Orange County Fire Department of·
, Joseph Sweeny, pubUc works director, Ra;n Slackens flcials, meanwhile, constantly revi!ed
said If the earthfill dike containing one " asaesamenta of damage bi the· hardest-hit mountl.m artas, the btest ~alty beln& of the lakes let go, it could send an H • y their own SUverado Canyon facility.
addiUcinal deluge of water down Laguna . Ullt£Ugt0U Ote Emeraency c:rtW• w'ere faced with lhe
Canyon into the downtown. bitter fact that i'oacll in both directiona
Compounding tills . problem was the On Sci. -ol Bo-J _ ~ vlrtuallY lm)ilioable l1ld tll<y must conUnulng deterloratlen of the storm IW ll.U8 -, fiiure out • way to ruch the devastated
If 11ou'r~ wondering· about road Jbannel along the canyon and Broadway . , 1tl.Uon before rllCU9 can begin.:
conditions in the Southland .-and Jn Laguna Beach. Election workers In the ffunilnll!H;I ·~v. UaJ word did not Indicate how badly
JIQU hove plt'nt11 of patfenc.e-thert'• Bestdtrit.i .and blisinesses : .:ione , tbl Qeftcfi:' '.eltjo ·SCllOot . Dtitrfct !Pnet•llr" '. ~tion "ias wrecked qr hqw. deeply
a 10011 for 11ou·to find out. , *>O~blocl:of Ocearf. Aveni.It· wer~ 'being · foui1d ·theimtlVt1 wllhout.'. intd!:\ toi dO "'I • • d ~ ,!t ~i~s .r~re . burled, but.
Just'calt 541-5571. • 'vacuaUW, lbis mimltlg.'aa tJae ·swiflirfg · \hil motnl'nf ~11 soggy".1vOte'rr •Pused ·, , (~~f!.,f,p Z)1 •
Thi& wilt bt a rtcordino placed by ' waters ~ at the foundations of ~he · up;votingboolhslnfav~rofgolng~y
the California Higliwor1 Patrol giving propertlfti. lo'Work 'Orl·ltayi.rlg home. · 1.· ·
tM latest information on. we11&1u!r Sw~any said if any of the;· properti~ . Voters are ·being asked tq appr_ovt
and traffic. collai).sect) into .Lbe flood cbanoel -one a f4.75 n11Hi0n &Chool ~~ ~
Th't , onl11 things u, the * t~u busl:neU 11pans It-water rusl\lng toW,ard position ·and a tU increue which would
art 10-1 that the li~ wlU bt b~rl· the ~ean would have no place to go raise the ta1 iate .f1'm _the preJent
Virv bu.it1. , but;'.tk,s~CI of the down~w,n ~in. ' 1 11.35 per 1100 assessed valuation to I.Lie 1
' i0r ....
.~~~problems were occurrmg1111· · over three· )i!ars: 1 • · • . • • r : .
. . than one-third of the populaUon 'Of Santa 'Iona.,., ttit · 1tonn cha~el aa it filled . By nUd·mctningl "1 ofo1 2;:JOI : ellgSblfj i~ Officer Catches ·Paula; (about4,000l have bttti •Y¥\lltecl 1 ~uA1:::,"~~e!.~~~~ · = =i!:~~;:.:C11oo1;"'
from tbelr homes. I _ ind guard .fence. At . Le!!ard Sdlool 91 ol 1,71111 bad
S • B } -AD Loi Angw aree poUct officers OfflclalJ womd round lhe clock to votaf for a percentaie of us. At l'urJ talion urg ar """ bpi OD dllly .In a tadfcoJ .,alert keep ,lhe brtmmlng dralna(e ~I Sdlocil It wu 91ol1,114 for a _.atict for JIOIGble evacuationl became U1 the open. A cr11ie with a elamabell acoop of 2.a · . ·
Tblre· can~ be much ol thla wet
· stuff left, so tbe weatherman ii
calling for clearing sides W-
clay. But H'U aUll be chilly wi!1t
lemper-.0 In lhe 50'• locollJ.
A patrolman OD hla beat arreoted , threat ol flalh Jloodl In the San Fernando llad been Ofdertd from a c:Onsttuctlon D,.y;..-School bad IS ol ·I.IOI 'turnout
HuntJnaton Beodl ,... eoriJ thla morn-Valley. , • ~)'801. ~..,~J~ _r,m'!l! . '°' a ·~'>£ u . . ' . · INSmE TQDA Y
~· ..
Following his arrest in Fountain Valley,
the priest waa turned over to Huntington
Buell police •Jlo had Issued a descrii>
tion If the vthicle involved Jn an alleged
blt"l'lll lncldem..in their city.
. ing M be wu rllllns tbrouch u.. cull -.At.Jwt i,ooo Oja! Vai1e3' r~i.. ilajis. and °""' "!'"""' ·'"" Of. tbt 1 E~.'wotlen 'aald. ·ll\er ~ · . . .
box 1n. ir_...., --., !1"4~m=.,~:.;.: t11>~1ae-'Iii't!W}.fliibila'di .. ta:· 11eav1et t~1 .. a11u .,.~.111:.:u; .a1it .: i '" • JI0-{;"11~ ~ft.~' . I -.~
polJCf dlar...,. 1 • · " • ~' u me.J.•· · ~' ttf .1' , ~ • · .J d.< . · _, " • ""'· , V(eatltet clean aome. Polio ""'*'"'ptll !ll~· , '!o • Iii:·. .n~ 1rell4f• • • Gary Duane Long, 21, of 11!19'70 van '(ij.-:1\fu..ca "WI~ wa a. ~ ~da,faUen,u-ea,a enda, .. ered?Kto~ ... until l 'R:¥'· • • . .· , . l/amflJI, ''ur lltir to tht throne
'The prlllt11 car, police sald, struck
a pedestrian wM wu walkin« beside
Briicikhunt Street neor Indianapolis
A ...... The pedestrion, William Hallock, a, ct tell Dudwn llrive, lllllltfngton
Beecll, --Imo the 11111d at u.. olde .. the -.... -... .,
from Ille occldeet Wiiii oolJ llnl1sel,
acconllng to police.
llaJlocl< la ~ •I t h e Arclell Morino in Newport Beach. He Aid ht
wi.s walking home alter having ear trou-
Bureo St., Apt. O ,.u boollid into or. -Tho Red er ... oet -relle! .-re btcom\11< ~foto ,!fe•l\llL·;. ·· • • , •· · japj>to'1 41 a d11!tman oithng in
ons• c.uot7 Jal! ;. cfW-ata ,ol bur(lary ceo~ In Rlvenlde; San ¥,oardln• t11e· roond·¥,c1oclt la~ ~city ere"'!' ; • • : • a ~bog• con. Poge s.
follOwing ilia m.st at I a.m. lnalde and San Luis Ob1Spo. c:ouhU11 .u well and olher public qencief. . . . 1 1· Steele Mflrlu.. : I .
the Tuaco atrvlce RaUon on tbe cornet .. Or14e County. . , , Ont of the mu wor1fbir waa CinJt19" . . . · • · , , • · f~~. ~ = ._..... 3
ol8-1111oulevard1Ddllolu·vaue.· -BlilZlnlo cloaed rolldl ,mfliolataf ~-llrhe.all r;.,u..-.~ Jlooil.• 1 NEWYORK'tAPl '-'.lteclmlolraU, . !,_ "f. -·•
Ptllce ~ Ofllcor Jo111.111atno opot. lhe uo1emapproochel1n lllOHlO ·~ .... ~!l!l<o!k ·11r1·•11u, .,-... ~. , o!t'er oft 1'eukins~edec~fllaled ·
r. · , , ,. ::::-... "-:::. .:
ta! Long -.the -i1a11Qn whlla -• weel<·Jong owdl llGBd.'llild<r ~GI Dalhn<·u m1111i e•~tilr· ,o toi{ay 'tlie~ · ' ·~dl\iiua ·"1 ~"" · 11' - - ' er> hli nonnol lllot1l1oc j>otrpl_ 'Ille . . • f ' • aJrlloof .loll wtlll lil -.,; ~ *~ 'fodOmlJ'.41""'" • I ' . fl ' .0 t IKlol -l>I• '
totheltaUtnbldblelftlcbdhl,= :~~'. •• t.1_.(WT.~•·.-C):'~ .... ,.,.1,..-·f ~,,,.<A -~t~ ·· .. w~,'1'1'_. J."I'·! l ,... : :.......-"'~
added. • · ~'11ie' .dci:h · 11 ·the Ve1ftin, M•Hn• :rwo -· 1117 Vngerand Jiiek Fontan, · Ali.eerly tqrfn "'""9 ot'plm' - -• = . ~
Chlrge• qalnll Lon( wfD be filed were ·-away. dlll'fnl 'Ult nlgbt 11117 canyon ACra Drive, bad battlJ ovar 1..-faclelt Incl mh>ul •ienl ..... . ·=·"' :: . - -"
today In Wnt Onnie County Munk:IPll and Ihm large Ulilon OU Co. otorage ttca~ !com lhelr.J1om• M""'81 wi\tn far' ah .. d of tlie pl'f' l!«\11 . In ~la ' -' --.. -
eo.I, polJoa Mid. ~ a.&INF~hp II • • . (a. l.AGUNA, P1ge I) tro\!lnr. ' '
\ft ...
--------~~----.. ~ • ~T"':K --=~'-"''="--=~~""""" ... """=-------------...... -------.... --~""'~"" .... ~-'----'--';,.,;;'---
. -·-------
~i-=~=Yc...:.;Pll.D::.c.r~~"~~~~r~..-.~··'-*"•..,~~2',-..;,;"'9.;;. . . •
D . itghts B rifo11i~, •
• •
Qismays .. Bodyguards-=
~~---~~.......... ,~,:•1an-~ 71111111 ...
ti. C; ~ ~ visit lllter ,.!\'!. ':..#~ ~~. wlnei;,~veral lilo'loN I ot 11111-ol Brllla'I · "'"°'""" .,_, -ADii
of Ille.
.Ho "'-.1111 ol Illa car 111 the nllln _ _. __ .Ibo_ to hit hotel. µ>;iDOJl <Al'l -Preri!i~ql W.0.. ...-Wi ...... ~ ......... tile Unlttd Sta1b suppo<b Ille concept
or an enlarged Common Market, ln·
eluding l!Qlaln, within a unified Europe.
......... ..........,.
,_,~ ~.Ji!.f!P::'
ped &1 111e •xii p . , Aod-:tiiP<d. Ol!t
into a crowd of •bout 31'.lO, ahakln1 bands
right and left White -men Iran. Ucally pulhed through to llWTOund Iha
grinning President
....... 111 .......... , ' ..... -ml ll;liadl1-lbe i'relldOnl ••--~ ... ,a ~ hid bem !l!JhiMUac all day. One little
-·~ ' ' • "
.. ( ltDol -I bondM cif •youths -shouted Ui sat as .a si*{al'Or 1ol abOul 5 .. Viet Coos:" 4nd 11Nlxoo go home."
to •hake handJ wlll> ld)y curloua. MOii
of lhem were obviously pro-Nixon and
rather flattered at the attentlon. But
there were some crJes of "Victory for
Ille ~llooal Llberallon Fronl."
Eirller In the day he Ille! Prime
M!nlJter lllrold Wllloa !0< almolt three
llours at No. 10 Downing St .. and pleased
the British government leaders mightily
by assuring American backing for their
bid to join the Common Market. Ranging
lhrough the additional topics of the North·
All.antic Treaty Organization and Easl•1
West detente, the President told lh11
British just about everythine they wanCed
T&en with business aside, the President
lundled with Queen Ellaabelh II, broke
the bonds of his Ugbt securily to shake
handl with Londoners ,Ind became Ille
first U.S. ~sldent to attend a session
of the inotber of Parliaments.
11lla: live 1ide c:l Nlzoo lhe poliUclan
d.Ulhf'd the ~ and dismayed
hla bolteq of bodypar<l5. •
Sirha n Upset
As Prosecution
Presents Diary
LOS ANG~ (UPI) -Slrbln B.
Sirhan doesn'I .,.,. If the jury at his
murder trial sees color pictures of his
vlctlm but he doesn't want them to
read h~ diary.
The 24-year-old Arab Imm lg ran t
became angry · and whllpered furiously
lo hi! attorneys to object Monday when
the state began introduction of thra:
notebook! in which Sirhan scribbled
before he killed Sen. -F. Kennedy.
The ootebooU were found in a bedroom
In Ille Sirhan home In Puodena by
police officers who were 1eeting to learn
If Ibero was a coospiracy Involving
others. .
SJrban WU calm arMl remote U tbr:
"""""11ion Jrodooed two c o 1 or i>holotlrap&. Kennedy'• 11iull llhowlog
a blooily bullet wotind and powder "ta~
tooing" which a ballldJea: expert said
showed the gun was fired from a diatance
(lf one lncb or Jess.
But be shifted up tn his seat and
hisaed af his attorney that !he -books
were "stolen" and that no one else
but he should read them.
The palace incident strayed completelY
(lf[ Ille hard and !&1t program lald
out !or hia auh vil1l to London u
part of• eigllklay·liiur ol ~
So-did his later< cal1 at lhe ' llou!e
rninules in the Commons, officially Jg. ·But they were &0mewh< drowned ou&
norecl Under HQUse rules even a viaaor by the pro.Nixon cheen -and the ~
so eminent caMot be recognized from of 1ti1 motorcycle escort revving up thelt
the floor. engines. Nixon shook some more bands.
At Uie U.S. Embassy in Grosvinor By now the President was so eager
SQuare, scene of violent anti-American for piblic contact that be went even
riots in' the past, Nixon spent abotll furtber when be arrived at Clarid~e's
I> minutes giving a .sort or pep talk Hote1 for a brief rest and a meeting
to the assembled staff. with ee.leded Britons from various walks
From somewhere in tbe c r o w d
demonstrators threw mimeographed anti·
Vielnam w•·pampblets at the President.
They fell bannlessly at his feet or on
the shoolden ol Ille security JUatds
IUFFOUlldJng him. Nlaon j>old _no altenllon
at all and, .UU p y, :w&Ddeted back
to bear. I••
Nixon's position was made known by
his spokesman, Robald L. z::t:: at a news conference after tbe m
Coast Association
Opens New Office-
Revitalized with fresh talent and young
blood, the 58-year-old Orana:e County
Coast A.ssoclaUon ha• opened new offices
In Newport Beach to start gaining ground
as a force in county guidance.
The organization is now headquartered
at 1221 W. Coast Highway.
"We're going t h r o u g h an entire
reorganization to ma!nlain a role the
organization bas enjoyed for 58 years,
as a leading service group," says. Cap
Blackbum, preaident.
A number of new commiUees and
cbalrmtn to bead them have also bffn
annowiced by Bll<kbum, olong with
rep~ of one slot vacated by Hun-
tington Beach Chamber or Commer""
manager Dale L. Dwm. ·
Ralph Berke, U&l5taat g e n er a l
manager of Ille Balboa Bay Club, will
take over the eecretary-treuurer post
which Dunn resigned due to escalation::
of his duties with the chainber of com~
The administration named b r
Blackburn to help guide the organization
formed as the South Coast Improvement
AssociatiQn in 1912 include :
-Goals and objectives, Carl Kymla .
~rganization and budget. H u & h. ·
-Project Crealivity, Les Remmers.
-Con.s:titulion and by-Jaws, Jam.ea F,.,
-Communications, Tom Blackburn.
-IMtallat.ion and programs, RalldY. '
-Membership, Bob Howard.
-Community Llabon, Ted Finster and
John Killefer.
--Commerical Liaison, 0. W. "Dlck"
Richard Ind Ray Walson. •
From Page J •
SLIDE ••• ' 1be prosecution today wlll -call a
Flo.ting Flotsam, Including M••• BetwHn Bayahorh •ncl Reuben E. LH, Jem1 H•rbor the prospects were obviously grim. Facility abandoned, with all animals·
Lo.wland areas were spared the bnmt moved out. Three families are evacuated" Erem Page J
It &Plil In two.
Looking up from the aite cascading
waterfalls could be seen high up on
111e mep hi!Jsjdft aendlni their runofl
Valley Brown Cultural Front Plige J
of the storm which forecasters say should and one family was rescued from the~
second story of a house by Uumerl clear up by Wednesday, but lhe rain who waded through water 4 to 5 feet
and fiood toll was nonethelm heavy. deep. Several other persons were remov'
Nearly every coastal city uperienced ed from stranded can wbich washed
flooding requiring some local streets IDd down stream. which runs 2 to 3 feet detp
roadways to be closed, some of them Jn the roadway.
tanks at the marina were washed into undermined and made dangerously im--silvendo Canyoa: Six homes so fat·
the sea where some oil leakage brought passable by the severe stonn. are washed away, and one bridge ts '
Into the ~dy lloodlng canyon. _ •
Jl'mther out the canyon at the In-
undated SPCA, 20912 Laguna Canyon
Road, offlcials fought to save the lives
of about 100 bedraggled animals.
Groll:P ~tnging ~~stival The UC Irvine campus was open today out and another threatened. Fort,_..
I threat of fire. with Cnlver Drive cleand and access families are evacuated and five vehicles
While weather forecasters looked for to UCI available Past be.rfic:ades-on washed away. Four hoQlfl damaled
Wltb water flowing through the
buildings despite sandbagging, horses,
mules, cbickelll, rabbits, &beeps and
goal.I were moved to higher ground.
The dogs and cats, unsegregated, were
moved upstairs jn the big SPCA barn
to save their lives. Ray Schnelder, SPCA
manager, said the water "bad been up
to their bellies." But thus far only a
lew guinea pigs have been loll.
School Report
Slated by HOME
School matters will occupy members
of the Huntington Beach HOME Coun-
cil begiruUng al I p.m. Wednesday In
city coundl chambers or Memorial HalJ,
5th Street and Pecan Avenue.
Ben Londeree, president of the home-
owner group, said that the agenda in-
cludes a report from the high school
advisory committee and one on a school
publJc opinion survey.
Ia addlU00t the group will nominate
ofOctrs and discuss participation In the
annual July 4 parade.
Londeree said that the public Is always
welcome to the sessions of. the home-
Roffrt N .. Woo4
Prelktttll Md l"ubllllhtr
Joclr It. c ... r • .,
\/Ito PJ"QIOMI Incl GeMrtl INllllMf
Thom•• Kot•il Edllw
Thorno1 A. Murphi"o
Mtl'lltllll Edllor
Albort W. l1fo• Willl1m Rood
A-ltlt H1111llnt1'111 •Mdl
Ec111or • cur Ed!lor
H1lltlllf'M ..... OHke
l09 5th Str••t
Ma111111 ,,.,,..u t P.O. leit 790, 92641 .,_......,
""""'kedl: ttll Wetl .. ..,. ...............
C'Cl'lO Mttl: DI Wtol llY ltr.tt ' u.-1Mc111 m ~tt ..,.......,.
•• '
Soul arid rock music, food and a:ame
booths and a picnic atmosphere will
highlight the fll'St annual Brotherhood
Festival sponsored by the Brown Cultural
Society of Fountain Valley.
Activities will center around the Foun-
tain ValJey High School outdoor am·
phitbeater from noon to dusk Sunday.
More than 14 organi.r.ations from the
city and county have already signed
up to participate, ae<:ordlng to James
Luna, president of the Crown Cultural
"Friendship Is the theme of the
festival," said Luna. "We just want
people to get to know each other."
At least two bands and a dance group
are scheduled to entertain throughout
the day. in add!Uon to tndivldual en-
A recording of Jose Feliclano's con·
troversial ve?llon or the national anthem
will open and close the day's activities:
explained Luna.
"At the end ol the day we plan to
have representative ' from all
participating organizations pass a peace
pipe to show what it's all about
·-friendship," he added.
Booths will include a variety of food
from hot dogs to burritos as well as
Kent Joins List
Of Huntington ·
School Hop efuls
The name of Dr. Jack Kent of 78.Sl
Colgate Ave., West.mlnster, bu been ad·
ded to the list of candidates for three
seats on the governing board or the
Huntington Beacb Union Hlgb School
His name had been llrled with the
candidates for the Anaheim Union High
School District by the county 11Cbool3
With Dr. Kent, physician, the list of
candidates includes tbe three incumbents,
John J. BenUey, Raymond Scbnl!IL and
Richard Wilson and nine 11plnmls.
Jim Bent.son, an attorney; Stephen
D. Herman. pltyslclan ; Caroline R.
Mitchell, educ1Uona1 consultant; Bartlet.
, 1 ta Suter, housewife; Fred W. Voss,
e!lliJ>eer; llaivey Bolinger, controctor;
RaJpb Bauer, chemls! ; and Robert E.
"Bob" Dingwall, corportUon presklent,
are listed In odd!Uon to Dr. Kent.
Nigerian Plane Hits
Biafra Market Place
UlfllAHIA, Bia!ra (UPI) -'-A lederol
Nilerltn warplane caused he • v y
, caaualUe.1 today amoog women shoppers
tn a bomb-and-rocket attack on a market
place at Eke Ez.cala, about 15 miles
north of here, BJafran pemment
'nle aourtea said at leut JS women
were killed and 100 Injured In the raid
which came around 11 a.m.
games and elhibits from various cultural a break in tbe storm tonight, they also closed MacArthur Boulevard. seriously and the area isolated.
aspecl.!I. predicted heavy snow for the mountain Extension courses scheduled for -Trabaco Canyon: Water is flowing
Speakers from some of the .l!QUps areas above 4,000 feet. More rain ls tonight, however, are cancelled as they over the top of a wall at O'Neil Park,
will also be present to explain the ac·. wer~ Mondar,~ when flooding threatened. with debris in roadways, another area livitles and purpose of their organization. expected tonight, but is expected to clear to maroon tne sprawling campus like isolated by mudslide.
The Brotherhood Festival ls the initial by Wednesday -giving the Southland an island of learning. -San Juan Capistrano: Seven families
event in a series of activities the society about three days to catch its breath A spot~heck of storm-ravaged areas now evacuated to higher ground.
hopes will make it known to the com· before a new stonn moves irf Friday and a tally of wha,t has occurred there -Irvine Park: Severe daniage by
munity, Luna explains. night. so far -continually changing as the erosion, wi~ one restroom destroyed
storm failed to Jet up -showed the and penned inim.als turned loose. "We want people to know each other,'' s1erm s ....... List Yr. following: Rainfall figures continue to rise. Jn he " d t th t kn cos11 Mn•• •.«1 ll.3' 5-'l says, an we wan em o ow H_,, a.oe11 "" 1uo •.ae -Modjeska Canyon: Two homes lost Trabuco Canyon, typical of the mountain
what we are doing." ~:r1:i!"~~.c11 ::: ~;::! !::: and one damaged by a mudslide; the areas, 3.66 inches fell In the last 24
Society members are dedicating this Founr11n V•llt1 •.66 11.u 5,5, Footbridge to Olive Hili washed out hours, bringing the stonn total to 7.9 . .. I U I I D . T Sagi We1r ... 1n1r1r •.60 11~ 6.l9 d r 'li led . h es va o avid . ao, a Samoan s,11 s11c11 •.60 11.s. •.n an seven am1 es evacua , wtt inches and the season to 31.38 compared'
member of their group who died in L•~un• le!iurr World 5·"' u-11 5·10 telephone service out. Num erous with 9.84 last year. Orange was tYPical l~IM R1ncll •.IJ U.76 6.l1 . an auto accident Saturday in Santa Ana. L1e11111 N1a ... 1 5.4' ,,.11 s.10 mud.slides Isolated the area became of of the lowlands area where 2.25 incbes
Groups entered 'in the festival include ~:~1m Grv... !!: ~::: ;J; higb waters. fell in the last 24 hours to bring tbt ",<(
from Fountain VaJley, the Jaye-•, the !I" cr-"k" 4.to 16.11 ·11 Laguna Canyon: Several homes in Big storm total to 6.76 and the season to .. ...., •--cos!1 M111, Sin Cit.mtnte flgur1 Hl51111 from Be ' Women's Club, Cub Scout members, Jin. 1. nd area are undennined and the SPCA 19.75 compared with 7.22 last year.
members of the Colonia Juarez Center 1-~:;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ilj;;;;;;;;iiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and possibly some city officials. I
Representatives from Orange County )
and other areas include, UMAS (United .-.
Mexican,AmericanStudenls),thechapter DAILY PILOT CARRIERS from UCI and the chapter from
California State College at Long Beach;
th e Orange County Peace and Human
~-;-~(~ HONOR ROLL of United Latin Amerlcan Citizens ).
Unlimited, a Santa Ana boys' club:
Teens for Christ of Huntington Beach;
the Amedcan Civil Liberties Union ; the
Black Congress of Santa Ana, and the
Robert F. Kennedy Memorial orga niza·
tion from Orange County.
Special entertainment will be provided
by Diana Hernandez, a Marina High
student who sings and plays guitar.
Mariachi music will also be presented
by a special band.
The price of admission to tht fes tival
ls friendship and good spirit said IA!na.
Jn swnmiog up his hope for the festival's
suettSS he addtd. "J hope it doesn't
Jaycees Name 6
To Be Considered
Six CIJldidates for the annual Di.lltift..
guisbed Service Award by the Hunting-
ton Beach Jaycees are under eon.sider•
tioo today by Judges Pete DiFabio, post·
master, Pohce Qdef John Seltzer, and
'Ibomu Osborn, • dean at Golden West College.
1be nominees are Wllllam Schweichert.
an administrator and 1ctive Jl.)'cee
member; Robert E. Dingwall, prtoling
shop awne!' and • Los Angeles rlltman ;
Carole Ann Wall, elementary school
t~acher: Ralph Burrlson, elementary
school vice principal ; Elaine Kemp,
member of the Junior Woman's Club;
and Phyllis Galkin. ~r of • local real
est'ate company.
The ~ 11 l<hodulad ror March a
at Meadow)ark Country Club. The pub-
lic ja Invited to the 7:30 p.m. din!ier with
dinner cost at $4. ReservaUons ca.n be
oblllned by calling 897-llSI.
T<l•vWon penonaJ111 Gtnt Barry I•
the keynote 1peake.r.
The DAILY PILOT Ls proud of its corpi of young ta.lt1mtn who dtli11tr the newspaper to your door. The.tt
young men are the cream of the community. Each men th, the best of them wilt be selected for listing on the
Ho11or Roll. Each carrier listed heTe has obtained at Ua1t fOUT nno C'Ultomtrs during the past month, had no
more then one cmtomer complaint f or the month and must havt paid hi.f bill for the ntwspape:rs he bought
"wholesale" on time. An o.steri.!:k (*) in fTont of his namt mtans tkat carrier toos nominated by hi! adult SUpt1"'
visor to be the DAILY PILOT Carrier of The Month.
Ti'" Furn•n
D1n1 K1mp1•
f••"k Viu1r
ltob1rt McDon1ld
c1 •• ,tond M!l!tr
Torn HouJ.,,,
J1rry Srnltli
Ml~• Rood
Porry Moody
'J•v M1h1r
•p;cl11rd T1'orn1•
llo9., En91I
D1~id Ahtiiod•
Erlt Fin•I
· Tom Moytr
l1rry Fin1I
Stoff C1rl1on
•Gtry Srnilli
Oominit M1111et
Miki McDowoll St••• Ako1d1
J;"' O'M1!11y
Vincont Ou\t t
Doug l loc\burn
l irn M1nnit19
G11r90 M1nnin9
6ory 11'111111
lryn lod9or
lto"cly Ar"old s ... , L1nd•rt•"
Jorn Clino
llick Who1l1r
l r1d Ovft•ld
0, .. ,11 R1ld
Mi~• Hotchkin
Mich11l "'4ook
lruco ScfirlMthfro
RDIMrt C1rho11
Grtt &0 ... 01
•;...,, l l1ir
O.n J1h1tto.,
Carrier of The Month
Bruce Osborne, 12, of Costa Mesa * Bruce h•• betn In chargt of • route 1,, the Me11 VtNfe area of Coda Mete
for eight months. He lives 1t 2011 lemno1, Co1t1 Mt••· ~e hes h!t own
b1n1t account which ht fttd1 rt9ulerly with proflt1 from ht& roufe, &av1n9 ~ut
only enough for 1pendin9 money 1nd to buy 1t1mp1 for lhe &temp c0Uect1on
ha ls bulldin9 11 • hobby. His di1trict m1n191r &1y11 "lruce I& the mott c.on4
1cifntlou1 carrier I have in my di1trict ." H• It e 1tation fa1deT (1uptrY11or
of other c1rrtl" in his dhtrlctl .
'I l
I ii! Arl'l'l1tro119
l•tf Clt1rlo1
A111ol.l -'"t•licl
lorry '"''" Kvtf Ki11
D1"ni1 Wl11ch11l•r
IC.11th Kin
L•rry lo11to11
l1rty '•rk1r
D••• Scho" ltlch1 ... Monf•r
P1tor Kwn•
Eric Horii•
Joh11 St.wo1f
• nl
~ ....
•• ,_ .
' -. " .
Why You·ngerGirls
. '
Get Most Prop9sals
watches are made for rigb~
handers • • , 111AT ONCE
SO POPULAR feminine name
most rapidly falling 'into
disuse ' MW by the yolllg
pareots of new-born daughters
is Dorothy •• , .UNROLLED,
AN HOUR of movJe film will
strelch a mile • • • • NOW
say about one family in 15
naUonWide makes more than
$300 a week • . • • THE
TOY WHICH most enamors
a chimpanzee is a mirror.
is apt to receive twice as
many matrlmonial proposals
in the four years from age
18 through 22 3i in the 21
years from age 23 through
35. Remarkable, no? What
have the younger girls got
that the older girls haven't!
Nothing, it turns out. Our Love
and War man claims the
report is misleading. Seventy·
_ five percent of the propoaals
he says are delivered by 25
percent of the gien. These
fellows are chronic proposers.
They start young and move
fast, suggesting matrimony to
every young lady who slips
Into their car seats unW they
hear yes. Naturally, these
chronic proposers gi!:t married
quickly, and so become muzzl-
ed at an early age, at least
temporarily. That's why a
girl's propo5al count is apt
to fall off after the age ol
23. Will print more on this
later unless asked to let up.
AM ADVISED the cosmetic
counters of Baton Rouge run
a lively traUic once a year
in hair tints. That's when the
Sigma A1pha Epsilon chapter
at Louisiana State throws its
rehead· dance, an affair to
which no young lady without
red hair is invited. • ,
"BECAUSE government food
packages contain real butter.
It Is a ract that people on
relief per capita eat more
butter than the U.S. citizens
in general, so many of whom
buy margarine." So states a
scholar who.has made a study
Ellz•btlh l . Sfrldr.tt. 13422 F1rmlll0·
tOl'I Ra.d, Tu1tln. Former re1klent of
Newi>ort Be1dl. 0.1• of dull!, l"eti-
n.o1ry fl. Survl~ by hlllbtnd, Jldu
•NI d.1119hhlr, J1nke L., ldll DI ni. "°""'· Services w!ll boe ~ Wednet-drey, Fl!bnMry 26, 11 AM, P1cltic
VIM 0-1. lntrnntttt. Pxlrlc vi-
M-111 P1rtc. OlrKt~ by Pa<ltlC vn Mortu1ry. CRONIN
ol the ...Um Jll'OJec:ls.
''WHY ARE 1'llBlll so
many left-banded b1'ck!ldt
dealers'?' lDquires c· a r d ..
playing clienL Interestlnc In-
quiry. It's ;tnae, a dispropor·
tioolle number of dtllm are
left-baoded.).tobn 5came,, who
didn't mlsa much In the
ch"""' rackets, claimed a loft,
when op<ratlng, ls better PoOl-
tlnned to oqueeze I loot II
the deck's top card, then slip
the secood·Cltd Into bis -without getllng ·caught SllU,
that ought iiot Wt 15peni<lfis
on all let(-hanile'd blackjack
dealers. A houseman's odds
are such he will wtnd ·up win•
ners even if he tieals with
his toes.
1100 you p\Biy ,any musical
instruments fi-iend!" A. Not
anymore. Took up the violin
once as a grade sdiooler ·in
Bremerton, Wash. PI aye d
"Merrily We Roll Along" in
a class co~. 'Iben a young
lady named· Wanna Morarity
of the same grade got up
and played "The Flip! ol
the Bmnble Bee." So I gave
it up ...• Q. "I SAW SOME
STUDENTS lrom Noith Point
College on a TV quiz show
the other evening. Isn't that
the school \ttat once put a
girl on its ?boy's Jwtetball
team'?" A. Quite right. Miss
Nancy Isenhower. Only gi rl
ever to get into the starUng
lineup of a U.S. QOllege men's
varsity. A set-shot artist, she
lettered in UMS w h e n
numerous young men were
shooting elsewhere a n d
Your questiom and cotn·
menu are welcmmd and
will be used whertvtr pos-
sible in "Chtcking Up."
Address mail to L. M.
Boyd, in cert of the DAILY
PILOT, Boa: 1875, Nt1Dp<>rt
Beach, CaU/., .~2681
. --... .1.
Finns Get
Fare Boost
SANTA ANA -Nine am-
bulance companies certified
for county·authorized
emergency calls have been
given a 17 percent rate boost
by the Board of Superviaoi's.
It WU the first change in
rates in seven years. The
previous contract with the
county was signed in 1162. ir wnn are in need of EO-rd B. Crvntn. )11 W. l111' J v-
Stf"991, Colla MK1. svrvlWd ...,. ... 1~. emergency ambulance service
Mildred: _,, Thomls. of H11ntl"'Nn and later can't TUnl' the bill llNdl: twa bnltlMB, J.....,,1.11 and r-J
T1>om11. botll DI 01ka9o1 nw 1i.. the county guarantees to pick
ten, cal!ilrlne Peot--. Marim n--up the tab. d-. AlllWll H..lft«f'r, A•lllOI 0.
11:011, 1nc1 E1e1.-F11htr, ,11 of Calls . can be made by the
11nno1s1 1nd -1ra'lddllld. 11:oury, s•·~•rs offi-, Harb 0 r fotl!Clhl. T\llttdly, 7 PM. R.tc!Ulem Mist, 1iuu ._.,
Wfd~y. ' AN., botll 11 SI, J-District, Fjre Warden, the
cll!m'I C11hoil1; Ch11rdl. '"'"""-"'· Good shepflenl C«Mlerv. 0 1rKttC1 bv California lfighway Patrol,
ee11 Br'Cllciw.~ MOrtu1rv, no B,... county Probation De .... -.... t w1y, COlhl ~. ........ .. ,,.,.., THO~tAS and the county's industrial
Delblt°I Ttiom.1. 1~l5 Alldoftl', (Olll farm.
Mtw. S«vkes pendl1>11. Biii 91l114W.., 1,...,._..,..,.,..,_..,,..,,.
Mor!u1ry, 110 er..ciwav. COJl1 M111.
V"1'9e"I! H1m1!10n. Alll! :n. of 112.M
"lluan R(Nt(I, TU1tln. Survived bY ll\li-
Und, GIY. 0.1• af de1lh, Fetlr111rt
23. Sotrvle~. Thur9d1~. WtJlc11ff Ch-et. WfttCIUf Cll-1 Mortu1ry, ~ lriZ--liDK ___ ., __ ~IU. Olrath:n. ... -----
Corona del Mu OR S-"51
Costa Men MI 1-UU
110 BroJdway, Com Mesa
LI 8-.U33
Hanilntton Valley
l;tll Beach Blvd.
lluaUartoa Beach
Ce:metery e Mortaar'1
Siii P1cllk View. Drtre
Newport Be1cb, Call! ....
7litl Bolu A,..
SMl11l'S MORTUARY m Miii SI.
Rullll(IOll Bead
Cfl E. 17111 SI., c..ta -··-
Fire Calls .... " I ;a P.rn. Medbl 11d, 15Sl1 Altllt'r
Cll'<ll 1 :'5 p.m., #Mdlc:91 11'11, J(IW a11'« $t, _,,
l :J1 1.m .. Ff~ lnw!lltiM,_ 17111 St. ,_
5:11 So.m .. M9dk.ll 11'111. 141• stilrllY ......
1;5' 1.m., f l,. Jrr\ttttilftleft. 101
Strtlt Pl. P'-"'tl!V1nt'I' .... "
6:D::t 1.rn., ·-· tt52 Mlr1ltl S:,, ,...,.., A:-. lfD Clt'dlNI --......
l :SJ "·'"" Sl'l'l(lke lnwstlNtleft. 131YI 7111 SI. ......
ll:OI 1.rn,, Stnok• h1Yfllitlttorl. 1*
$11nn1119dale, Blcll. JO, _.,. 0
4:» "·'"·• Structvn, M1' II~ ,:01 ,.....,_ Jlt_, La Allmllal llYll.
10:11:1 """"·• Stl'Udllr., 15'0 OCloefl Aw.
""""" .. ..a ......
2:*2 1.rn., W1~ Mein 11111 MllM
10;55 1.tn. MMl!ul ,1c1, U'I02 s,..1119-
"" 1 ;Joi "·"'·· "T,.$11 fl,.. INOI .V.111 Sf,
2:17 "'"'" Mildbl 1111, 117 Mllfl Jt.
S:Cll "·"'" Fir. lll\'llltttolllen. 7'Jl 11:-ld. Altt. c
J:IS "·"'" Cir fl,., "" E:flfl9W 1:11 • .11'1 .. ,.,.., "'-~ im , .... 111..-_ ..
7:1t 11.M.. .......,. Mle flr9, lftll Inf .... , -· a!J1 1.11'1., SINduft, 11t1 .. $1. ·--......
t:U 11.m. $~AN OcMfto ""·I".
:1111 p.lft. Ur fh. Miii! ..... PCM ,
t :ll s.m. lilCMCM tMrt, M I IWfo ... .....
7:• "·"" SMl'CWN, Q 1"'11 It. --_,.
l :a "'""' ~. M9t WetMllnlMt ·~ 1•• p.ft'I. f lN ln¥-.f111llC1n, .. I 111'1 ...
I :,. 1.l'ft. hb4lc .ult!, ?.a IMh JI. ................ _ ..
1ttl7 1. 11'1. lfl'lldWI. 1J6.11 Awlfln ·-I !27 •·M. Mtofklll 11«, 1m1 Vlfl'IO'll ._
•~-. ,,rn. Sll'\lth,att. an Mxi-s. .....
11l1'1 "·"" !"In ..... llillltt.I. IN 1Jtll, -·
D.\11.V PILOT 1
Vets Must -Fi'le
Nixon Has
Done Well
Tuition Try Fails·
For Exemptions
llubert H. Humphrey uys
m1ny of the policies 116 ad-
vocated dwiq bis unsuc-
cessful presldenUal campalan
now are belni followed by
President Nison.
Reag_(ln Backing Doesn't Help Bill
SACIWIENTO (AP) -ls not now and bis not been wu permitted to ..._te •
Another 1ttempl to impooe lul· '°' ..... Ume 1 tu!Uon free llitemeot, 111 beblll of Ille
tion on atudtnll at the unJveralty." mayor, supportfJll: the bllL
A.saeaor Alldmr J. lllnablw
today Waft>ed ail1VelerlDI that
the inlq Po<'°!! fer 1-.10
tu uemptions-beglnl Mar<b
And 'before they can file,
all veterans must fl r s t
..tablllb .eliglbillly lot the •••
emption with his otpce at 630
Th Answer
Talk Charge
TUSTIN -A Tustin teacher
accused of using improper
languaq to Individual
students has been given 30
days in which to prepare his
answers to the charges.
Mathematics teacher Glenn
Zelly was suspended by the
Tustin Elementary S c h o o I
District two weeks ago follo~
Ing investigatioo of e<implaints
by three 13-yea.r~ld students.
The comments to which the
.students objected w e r e
allegedly ma~e during c1.....,
at Hewe& Intermediate School.
Hewes principal ·Hugh J.
Gammon coofirmed th e
chargel Mooday and stressed
that ''that is exactly what
they are -just accusations
at this time. Mr. l.elly will
have every opportunity to
amwer the charges at the
hearing on his indefinite
A central county
newspaper's stressing of the
term "immoraJ conduct" in
a c c o u n t s of procee:lings
against Zelly is being strongly
criticized by school b o a r d
members. "This is the section
of the Education Code under
which we have , to f i I e
charges,'' a trustee said, "but
the term bears no relation
to this partlcuJar offense."
Called Sane
ANAHEIM -An Anaheim
man accused of strangling his
girlfriend was found to be
sane Monday and must return
to North Orange County
Municipal Court here to face
murder charges.
Jud,e Robert Gardner made
that ruling after ezamining
psychiatrists' reports o n
Hubertus M. Brugeman, 30.
Brugeman was ordered to
report to the lower court Fri-
Brugeman is accused of
strangling to death Mn. Ruby
C. Reza, 35, whose body was
found in her Anaheim apart-
ment last Dec. 30. Polia say
friends of the couple told them
Brugeman and Mn. Reza had
a violent quarrel at a pJrty
the night before.
Officers said Brugeman ap-
parently attempted to commit
suicide immediately a ft e r
slaying hi3 girlfriend. His un-
C0119CIOUs body, thr~t and
wrist.1 slaahed, was found in
a nearby room.
North Broadway, Hlmbaw ad-
Ellglbillty to Ill• !or the
exemptioa ls limited t o
veterlJll o( wartin)e ac:Uve du-
ty and persona whose active
duty in the armed forces was
tennin•ted because ol a
service-lncurred p b y S J C I l
Recent leiislaUon permlls
Vietnam war vetµans to file
for the exemption, Rinsbaw
said. All such persmmel cur-
renUy on active duty or who
have served on ac:Uve duty
on or after August 5, 1964,
are ellgjble to apply for the
exemption th1s year, the
assessor said.
But these applicants must
have' been legal residents of
California at the time they
entered active duty, or haVe
been 1 e g a I residents of the
state on November 3, 196f,
Hinshaw said.
Veterans wbo have previous-
ly filed for exemption wlth
his office are now on record,
Hinshaw said. Claims will be
automatically mailed to them
OD February 28.
Youth Guilty
In Robbery
Of Station
Westminster youth who plead-
ed guilty to the anned robbery
ol a Beach Boulevard service
station has 'been ordered to
undergo corrective treatment
as a narcotics addict.
Superior Court Judge Robert
Gardner committed David
Frederkk Grant, 18, of 8050
Worthy Drive, to t h e
C a l if o r n i a Rehabilitation
Center at Norco during pro-
ceedings Monday. Doctors
reports submitted to the judge
indicated that Grant was in
danger of becoming an addict .
Grat1t was arrested last
Dec. II shortly alter the
holdup ol tbe Power Tburst
service station, 14092 Beacll
Blvd. He took $80 from fiw!1
llU alter hitting a young at-
tendant over the head with
a bottle.
Woman Gets
Term in Jail
SANTA ANA -An Anaheim
woman 1'tho admitted that she
dipped her one-year-old grand-
daughter 's feet !n boiling
water has been sentenced to
nine months in Orange County
Jail and placed on probaUon
for three years.
Superior Court Judge Robert
Gardner 1Uspended a possible
state prison ttrm of one to
IO years for Earline Shuler,
45, in favor of the probation
Anaheim police arrested
Mrs. Shu I er, a vocational
nurse, on Jan. 25, 1968, on
charges of cruelty towards a
child and inflicting serious in-
juries upon a minor. The baby
was hospitalized for several
weeks during which several
skin graft operations were
performed on her deeply burn·
ed feet.
11We Jo,,t the election, but
not the Issues, 1• the former
vice prt.Sident said Monday.
Hun1piltty was here to help
1 launch the United Jewish
Wellare Fund Campaign.
Humphrey s~ Nixon had
decided to conttnue the 10 per-
cent surtu, the Job COrps,
the Olllce or Economic Op-
portunity and urged ratillca-
tion of the nuclear non-
proliferation treaty, all post.
lions advocated by Humphrey
during the 1968 campaign.
"I think President Nixon has
done well," Humphrey said.
"He has moved cautiously,
carefully and I think con·
structively. I thoroughly sup-
port and approve his visit to
Western Europe."
U.S. Role
In Drilling
Unlveralty of califarnl.a and Aschenbrenner w 11 in-ffwe 11t !)ere aDd lltteoed
teriupted several times by to .n lnMe -eat by
the state COll<ies bas been Cb1Jnnan Vlclgr c. Veysey, M1yor Yorty and here we
defeated de1plte baetlng from (11-Buwley). who told him bis bl•e i student lllC! we ..... I
Aaaembly Republlclllll and the etatement wu too long and to lJlten to~blm," aalll Cory.
Reagan admlnlllr1Uon. strayed· from the aubjecl. llOy.lf. Bell, llllstanl dlnc-
Seven .Democrats voted for That brought a sharp retort tor of flDaoc:e, uld lbe Reapn
from Assemblyman · Kenneth acimlnlotratlon wu lntereolod 1 tuition bill In the Ammbly Cory (l){;arden Grove), who in the principle of the me111111e
F.duc1Uoo Committee Monday sarc:uUcally noted that a and at ooe poltlt Aki 0 we
and five Democrats opposed relf'tsentative of M a 1 o r are In c~•l ~pport" DI
it. That left the author, Samuel Yorty ol Loi Angeles It.
Assemblyman John L. E.jio~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"i
Collier, (R-1.os Angeles). two
vote> 6hort ol the nine needed
for commlttfe approval.
For two hours, the corn-Old W ld mlttee beard !ludents and . or 4 ~tors praise anc1 condemn Mediterranean
the bill. unc1er the "earn. Spaniah Furniture
learn and reimburse" plan, Received uncoll1tlon of $22.000.00
~ents Would have been rt-Sp«nilh and MedlNrr1111an Furnltvre
quired to sign a pledge that .:.i-:::~-&.9::.::0-. ";.,
they would pay the cost of Items IS' follows: GeorgeoUs 8 ft. custom their edueaUon -estlmal at up to $3,000 for four years. quilted sofa with separate loose (>illOWI with
It could be paid during col-heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3
1ege years _ or on a delayed matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall
bas.is afterWard, beginning decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps
when the sb.ldent's taxable in-in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master
come reached $6,000 a year. bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran·
Collier had pushed the plan ean style 'with top quality 15 yr. wamnty
for years, but this was the king size mattress & box springs. Spanish
first time be bad been helped decor dinin~ set. etc.
by bDt.b a Republican majority WW. .....,.. wlli ,...._ SI 1n.oe
and the admlnillraUon. MUST SACllFICE $698 00
Patrick Dowd, Sacramento FOi. ONLY --·-·--• :
State College studen~ Aid lul· Afly Pl-Cin a. Purchaod lncllriduolly
SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -tion woold P" studenta "1 T•rms Avallible _ Nt-n to C.111.
1be federal government plays stake" in their education. Credit Appro¥ed Jmmedlitel"
both the hero and vlUaln in '"Ibey would less likely be In '
ib handling of offshore oil any disruptiom," he said. ''7. /] drilling and water polluUon, Citing the fees paid by · •
a state oUlclal told a Senate students, Rick Aschenbrenner, F•rtaiture ~
subcoinmlttee hearinf Mon· University of California at - ----
day. Berkeley student senate At Harbo Blvd Charles A. O'Brien, cbie( member and star of the r . •
state deputy attorney general, Berkeley football team, said: 1844 Newport lfyd. ·Costa Mesa only
said the question ol federal-"Contrary to popular belier,
state responsibility is clouded -~th~e~U.'.'.nl'.:v'.:er~si'.'.:ty'....'.'.o'..f ~ca~lif~o'.'.ml'.'.:a'.!!!!!!!!!!!Evory!!!!!!~"'!!!'~gli!!!t!!!!!!'t!!!ll!!!!!!9!!!!!!!!!W!!!ed!!!!!!.!!!!!!S!!!at!!!. !!!lo!!!!!!S!!!un!!!!!!. !!!'!!!!11!!!!!!6!!!. !!!!!! by what he c1lled
"governmental schizophrenia
within the Department of In-
terior and other federal agen-
"The federal government
appears one day as Mr. C1ean
-the foe of dirty water.
The next day, the same
government puts on its black
hat and pollutes our waters,"
O'Brien charged.
He WU tbe fint wi1ness
to appear before a ~man
air and water pollution sub-
committee of the Senate
Public Works Committee
which began a two-day hear·
ing into the Union Oil Co.
leakage into the S a n t a
Barbara Channel.
Crucial Race
Votes Cast
In Contra Costa County today
cast their ballots for a new
state senator to suceeed the
late George Miller J r • ,
powerful Martine: Democrat
who died New Year's Day.
There are 15 candidates in
the confused race, making it
almost certain that today's
election will be followed by
a March 25 runof£ between
the top vote setter in each
party. The election is a key
one since Republicans hold a
20-19 edge In the upper house
and a Democratic victory
could make life much tougher
for the Reagan administration.
• ,
• • • •
Reno\1ate l:
your wife withj
ahome J
-· • ~' -. •
llolll Buaeamole ! Enjoy
enticing enchiladas .•• tantalizing tacos .•. robust relleno •••
Wty tamales ... and other authentic South-of-the· Border
specialties, served amid the colorful atmosphere of old Mex·
ico. Delightful wine cocktails and beer, too. Even if you're not
· an aficionado of Mexican cui·
sine, you're sure to like our
Norte Americano favorite s.
Have lunch or dinner at
Amigos .•• the West's most
bea.utiful Mexican restaurants.
Lunthos from 95C
$1.50 lo $3 .50
Food, too.
A woman who's unhappy with her kitchen is an unhappy woman. With
a noticeable tendency to complain.
For husbands so burdened, First Western Bank offers the wife improve-
ment loan.
Cook up something with our money. A fast $3,000 can do wonders
for any wife's kitchen. And you can take as long as eight years to repay, in
little installments of $4 7 a month.
In fact, our loans come in all sizes, up to $7,500. For one ovu$2,000
the charge is only $6.00 per $U10 per year. ·
W~ve Improved home improvement loaJ14. By doing ,znrwith
involved refinancing and red tape. We think a home improvement loan
should be u 1implc as a car loan. And' 80 it is •
Call WI. We'll quote payments that will help make your home sweeter
and more valuable. ·
lion bank, but we're very
handy around the house.
Home . Jnqwove111ft(l ·
U111VU81it PUltomca: lS022 CllhvDti"'Inmt
Kids. 'Ask Andy '
.. •
$425,000,000.00 ·1 '". ~ '
HEAD OFFICE ~:-,jt:,
315 Elt•t Colorado Boulevard ,t ~~
P•sadena, C.11fomla 91109
~· w
"1~ Wfft Arudia ·Covina
H DAILY mar • ---
Tuesday's Oosing Prices-Complete New York Stock Exchange List
. I ~, z: a
J• DAILY l'llOT Tlltldq, FtllnllllY 25, 1969
CO-CHAMP IONS -Hugh Stewart (right) o! the
Balboa Bay Club hands out some hardware to
Arthur Ashe (left) and Sharles Pasarell, \Vho
were named c<>-ehampions of the 15th annual Bal-
boa Bay Club invitational tennis tournament. Rain
SWiday and Monday prevented the· two Davis Cup
stars from meeting for the singles championship.
The 15th Balboa Bay Club invitational
tennis tournament wound up Monday
with some coin-flipping.
Tourney director Hugh S t e w a r t
declared Arthur Ashe and CharJe.c;
Pasarell to be the co-champions in
singles play. Their title match was rained
out both Sunday and Monday.
Four teams were left in doubles play
when the rains hit and Stewart flipped
coins to decide the distribution or
Area Jaycees
Tackle Foes
Tonight at 8
An exciting, but frequently disap-
pointing 1968-89 basketball season for
the Orange Coast area's junior college
teams draws to a close this week with
three games on tap tonight.
Golden West, in the midst of its most
&uccessful season, is at Orange Coast
tonight in a home Eastern Conference
game against rugged ML San Antonio
COJ.lege. In another EC game, Orange
CDtit travels to Citrus.
Saddleback College winds up its first
season or basketball at Mission Viejo
High School agai'nst the Cal Wes\ern
'All three games will be under way
at '8 o'clock.
top attraction Is the Golden West-Mt.
S.\£ game. Despite an 8-10 record Jn
conference play, the Mounties are a
~d and dangerous outfit.
J:'orwards Pat Ford, ?o.1orey Sherman
and Bob Dickinson and center Tamek
Stremel are excellent jwnp shooters and
do"& fine job on the boards. fn the first round, Golden West slipped
past Mt. SAC, 52-56, but it was a struggle
all 'the way.
Mt. SAC held a 48-38 lead with 131}
mlliutes to go. However. Dick Stricklin
resorted to his three-guard offense and
in one nine-minute stretch, the RusUers
forced Mt. SAC into 12 turnovers, held
them to just three points and scrambled
toto the lead.
Orange Coast, which has Jost its last
two conference games and now is 8-10
in EC action, ts hoping for a repeat
of its easy 121-97 triwnph over Citrus
in the fi rst round .
A Saddleback v 1 c t o r y ovt>r
Southwestern tonight would halt a seven-
game skid. The Gauchos earlirr lost
a 76-SI decision \o Southwestern.
Kings in 1-1 T ic
LOS ANGELES -Howie Menard 's
1hot trickled into the net wifh-Jess than
two minutes to Play Monday night al!i
tht Loa Angeels KJngs came back to
tie the M.innetola North Stars 1-1 In
a NaUonal Hoctey League game.
Rematch of Thriller
Russians Coming to -LA
For Sunday Soccer Tiff
Soccer Soviet style will be at Los
Angeles Memorial Coliseum Sunday with
Dynamo Kiev and the Oakland Clippers
in a rematch of last weekend 's 3-2 thriller
Jn San Francisco, which was won by
the Russians.
Game promoters are predicting fair
skies, a crowd of 20,000 and another
close game.
In fa ct, expert Mario Machado says
that wlth the recent addiUon or Kwalik
'***..._. ......... .
and Fernandez to their side, the Clippers
are equa l lo any national team in the
Thal'& a tough pill lo swallow. but
he may be right in view of Sunday's
closie in Sa n Francisco.
Last ,year Kiev defeated the always
rugged Glasgow Celtics, 2-l, In Glugow
(that game drew 85,000). And In the
return match at Khrushchev Stadium
they battled lo a J-1 draw.
Russians to watch are Sabo -reputed-
ly t h e best player in t b t USSR -
plus 'Myedbid and Syeryebryenniko1v.
Watching the latter may require wide
angle eyeballs if he's as big as his
Sunday's fray in the Coliseum start~
at 2 p.m. with adult tickets priced at
$6 and student ducats at $3. And there
is a faniily plan of 2 adults plus four
children under 16 for $12. U you make
advance purchase you get one-third orr.
Pre·game sale is at the Coliseum or.
Incidentally, ticket prices for a com-
parable game in Russia would be $1.20
for the good locations and 13 cents
for the boondock area.
Olympic swimmer Toni Hewitt of
Corona del Mar was baek In competition
for the first Ume since narrowly mls1Jng
a bronie medal in tbe Games at ?o.fexlco
Sbe came back sharp, covettd t.b:e
1(16..yanl butterfly In &0.4 and goin1 %:1 1
for the 200 -her best-ever early season
marks In a wekeod meet at Rio Hondo
Toni Is tuning up for the national
Indoor championships to be held at Lone
Beach's Belmont Plaza pool April 1-13.
It appears she'll. enroll at UC Irvine
fo llowing graduallon from blgb school
this summer.
Huntington Beach High \Von the Sunset
League in varsity, jayvee, and Bee
basketball, combining for a 53-3 league
record and an ove rall season mark oC
78-8. The Cees were second.
Corona def Mar tied for tbt Irvine·
cage crown in vanity and Cet, won
the Bees outright and was second in
Its combined Irvine mark was 33-7
while the aggregate record for the cam·
palgn was 5~%6.
California hunters killed 638 bears last
season, a considerable dip from the
previous year's total of 935. Trinity Coun-
ty led the state with 92. Orange County
did not score.
It's Ume for one old Orange County
sports ' editor to retire wbtn bt calls
the Trobabes tbe Tarbabes and says
tha t Sa\lanna's Andy Blelans.ld is from
Basketball Rankings
UPI Poll
'"" 1. UCLA
1. Norm C•r~in•
l . S1n11 Cllr1
•. L1Stllt
!, 0.VldlOll
•• 11:;..,,11,ot•y
1. P11td11t
I , St, JOfln'i
•. vrn-.-1
10. Ch,oq\ltlM
11. L01111vlll•
!1. Soulh Ctrollnt
ll. NN Mtlko Sl1!0
u. l<trtMll
15. Olllo 51119
1'. Wromifll
11. Dr••• 11. (Tiii llOllofl (0!!191
New Mtl•ICO
le. !Tiii 1111111
II«..,. l"••nh ,,., ~
11 ·1 1IO 1'·' 1•5 • 21·1 7111 n.J 1'• , ... , "' 1 .. 1 ns
19., ..
11.3 ll
11-l J1
1f,l 111
'1-l ?!
"·' 1l 1).5 I!
lM 10
·~ ' ,.., ' ,.. .
l•J s 1... •
.t P Poll
I , UCLA (41
1, Norr~ Ctralln• 3. LtS.llt
'· S.nt~ Cl•••
5, °"'""''°" •• l<tfllUCky
I. SI. Jollrl's, N V
I. South Ctrotlnt •. p.,.., ....
10. Dvq11elnl
11. Loulsv/111
11 V1H1n&JI
lJ. K•nu1
H. Ollie 51t1t u. llllnOll
14. H.,.. Mnlu S!t!t
lt. Mtf"lllllfte
1t. 1111 ..
20. llollorl (1>1119•
lttto,.. f'•lnll
no t6G n., Ill
1'l·I •10
n.1 ''' 11·1 Sf!
"·l 501 :it-J ....
"·l J,lt 1... m
1 .. .11 2ff
11-l 11S
t•·4 II'
It.• ICS
1}.J 10? .... ..
71-l •I ,... ~
,.,_. 11
lt..S 22
1W 11
Rains Drown JC Agenda
Heavy shawm and winds continued
to play havoc with tht sports schedule
t4. the area's three junior coUeges Mon-
day and lodoy.
F1ve bueball games, two goll matches.
I tmnil mat.ch and the Eastern Con-
terence tr1et and fie.kl relays all were
lt wu the second lime the Ea~tem
Conference reJays at Citrus were wash«I
out ln leu than a Wffk. Orflcials have
racbeduJed the meet again March 4.
·baa trt t-+ 1 J?F:s ) 7IM
Orange Coast College. "'hich was tn
p I a y four Eastern Conference baseball
games this week.. . had two of them
rained out. JlS game with Citrus College,
twice postponed last week by tht steady
rain. w a 1 called orr again Monday af-
The Pirates· gam e at San Bernardino
today also was a victim o( tht rain.
Goldt.n West's Eastern Conference 1ame
on the Rustlers' diamond with St111
Bernardino today also will have t.o be
-eaa ~e:aske5) • li. ~
made up later In the season.
Saddleback had a l\tonday game at
Mt. San Antonio College and a home
game today with Fullerton called orr.
Eastern Conference golf matches pit-
ting Rio Hondo against Golden Wtsl.
4ind Orange Coast against Fullerton were
The postponed tenni1 match today was
to have featured NCAA champion
University o( Southern California •t
Orange eo.st.
s ·. 2f!!rt ---
It's Play Ball £.or '69, .
Ba·sehall Stril{e Ends
NEW YORK (AP) .-T ~ e bwball
diipJte between players and owners has
been settled, It was ofUcla.lly announced
Marvin Miller. ei:ecutive director or the
Major League Baseball Players Asso-
ciation, advised the member players
they were fret to sign contracts and r~
port to the training camps.
Previously Miller had ln.structed the
members. who include moo of the .stars
and regular players, not to sign contracts
untll ;m agreement hi!ld been reached on
increase:! pensions and other benefits.
Under the agreement announced by
both parties, they -will recommend a S..
year agr0ement to the ployen and the
The ownen agreed to pJt $5,4.50,000 an-
nually into the playm' pension fund
and lo lower eligibility from five years
playing time to four years.
Under the old agreement. the owners
put $4.1 million into the plan in 1967 and
The players originally had asked for a
$6.5 miUion package but then pared this
down to $5.9 million.
The owners firit offered $5.1 milllon
but this was rejected by the players, by
a -491-7 vote. The owners then Increased
the bid by $%00,000 to $5.S milliOn.
Under the new pact. retired benefits at
age 50 will be increased from $50 a
month to '60 a montb for each of th•
first 10 years ol major league service
wilh early retirement pennltted at age
The rollowlng statement was released :·
"The executive board of the Major
League Baseball Players Relations
Committee of the Major League Club!
announced they would recommend to the
players and clubs a three year agree.
ment regarding the Major League Play·
ers benefit plan under whick $5,4.50,000
per year would be put into the plan com· I
pared to $4.1 million in 1967 and 196a." ,
Tonight in Anteater Gy m
UCI Duels San Diego State
Of tfle Dll/'f' Pl .. t ll•ff
When UC! played San Diego State
a year ago, the Aztec's were thought
to be one of the west's best college
division basketball teams.
Irvine prevailed in that fU'St meeting
between the two schools, 71-69. in the
first round of Qle western regionals at,
of all places, San Diego State.
They phty again at UCI tonight and
the roles are 1Ubs~tially di!ferent. This
time, Irvine (16-8) is the heavy favorite
while San Diego StaU: (13-10) isn't going
The Anteaters hope they'rt gaing to
Las Vegas for the' regionals March 7-3.
Became of flooding: tbtre IJ only one
way to get to the UC Irvine campus.
T a k e CUiver Drive teut.b: from t!tt San
Diego Freeway. MacArthur Boulevard
Is closed.
To do so, a win over the Aztecs is
imperative. as is a victory over Tahoe
Paradise College in the season finale
UCJ coach Dick Davis could get the
word as early as Wednesday on whether
or not his team will be invited lo
the regionals. Members of the western
regionals selection committee will meet
over a conference phone call Wednesday
The team that San Diego St..ate coach
George Ziegenfuss will bring to Irvine.
tonight bears little resemblance to the
powerful juggernauts he fielded for the
past two seasons, when the Aztecs
dominated the CCAA .
San Diego lost all its starters from
last year's outfit.
"Our only hope is to get a big lead
-tr -tr -tr
• " • " . ... C1111"lt>0htm " "' "' m n .o Hoc:~mfn " ·~ .. ~· lt.O S.bl~• " '" .. "' 11.1
Sandet> " .. " m l!.S at.7i~vith " " " '" ••• " " " '" ••• Fcntlu1 " " " ., '·' F1tl11 " " " " '·' '"" " . " " " ••• F1rw1ll " 'I ' n u '«' " ' " ...
lltindt ' I • ' •••
Cage Scores
In the first hall and hope for the best
in the second halr," Ziegi!nfuss says.
"I hear UCI doesn 't start too quickly
in the first half b u t comes on w i t h a
rush the second hall. We've been playing
poorly ror both halves."
San Diego's leading scorer is 6--4 guard
Bond Jacobson, who averages 18 points
per game. Irvine's leading man is Jeff
Cunningham, who rolled up 31 points
against Westmont Saturday night. He
Sports in Brief
and Mike Heckman (29) paved the w1y
for a 101-86 UCI win.
The fourth point Cunningham scores
tonight will be his 900th as an Anteater.
Starting lineups :
6-3 Cunningham F 6·7 MarUnson
6-3 Sanden F 6-4 Arner
6-6 Heckman C 6-6 Neun
6--3 Sabins G 6-4 Jacobson
S-9 Barnes G l--0 BarreU
32 Angels Show Up
At Pre-training Site
HOLTVILLE -Thirty-two or the
California Angels' ~ roster and non·
roster players were on hand for the
opening of the club's pre-spriog training
camp Monday.
Jim Fregosi, the Angels' American
League all-star shortstop last season,
was among regulars absent.
Other regulars missing were Bobby
Knoop, Rick Reichardt, Bob RodgEtl'S,
Tom Satriano, Vic Daval111o and Jay
Among the players reporting were two
starting pitchers from last season,
George Brunet and Jim McGlothlin, and
a pair or 1963 rookie hurlers., Andy
Messersmith and Tom Murphy.
Laker• Bost Sonics
LOS ANGEL~ -The Los Angeles
Lakers have lost their last three games
and four or their last five. But they're
probably happier tonight than they've
been since Feb. 9,
The reason is two words -Jerry
W es t. The cl u b expects ilS brilliant
guard to be back in action tonight when
they take on the Seattle SuperSonics
at the Forum. · · ~
West missed the last eight games
due to a pulled hamstring muscle.
Laver "' Rosewall
OAKLAND -Marty ;Riessen of
Evanston, 111., upset Australian John
Newcombe 6-2, 'l-5, Monday night and
became· lhe only American to reach
the men's semifinals in the International
JnvitaUonal Pro Tennis Tournament.
In other men's single! matches. Rod
Laver of Corona de! Mar defeated Dennis
Ralston of Bakersfield, 2..fi, 6-3, 6-2, and
Ken Rosewall of Australia downed
Pancho Gonzalez of Los Angeles H ,
6-3, 11·9.
Riessen plays Tony Roche of Australia
today while Laver takes on Rosewall
in the other semifina1.
The men's doubles final matches Laver.
and Roy Emerson, of Newport Beach,
against Roche and Newcombe.
Althea Gibson FaU.
OAKLAND -Althea Gibson Darde n
of East Orange, N.J ., lost Jn the second
round or the International Pro Invita-
tional Tennis Tournament Monday night
but her play geve promise of a come-
Mrs. Darden, 41,,was beat.en by Ann
Haydon Jones of England 6-2, 7-5 but
her style indicated \hat In Ume .she
can r~gain the fonn that won both the·
Wimbledon and F ore s t Hills cham·
pionships in 1957 and 1958.
"l just couldn't return service at all,"'
she said. "The court was very fast
and I wasn't getting my racquet back
quick enough.
Stay of Execution•
SAN DIEGO -San Diego has given
the San Diego Chargers 20 additional
days to answer the city's lawsuit seekin&
rent for use of San Diego Stadium.
City officials said a 20-day extension
to March 11 was agreed upon at a
meeting Monday attended by City
Manager Waller Hahn and Sam
Schulman, a principal owner of the
American Football League club.
ON LY WAY TO FLY -Orange Coast CoUege
hunllers BUI Hanson (lelt) and Mike Pomeroy try
to stay in shape despite heavy rain whlcb has pre-
vented outdoor practice by going over a flight of
DAILY f'ILOT ,,.... ., LM ,..,..
sticks Inside the Pirate gym, The college's basket-
ball team, unhampered by the weather, is working
out in the background.
Fountai n
. ·valley
.Vpt:. 62, NO. 48, 2 SECTIONS, 22 PASES ''*. . ' . .. i' •
. . l ~ ' • I
. ;
JUESDAY, F£BRUARY 25, '1969 ·· ••
• .. • 1 vera 0 I e ra s
. L~gqna Stores .
Refugee Shelter ·
Crushed. by Mud
A massive landslide of soaked earth
plummeted down an Orange County can-
yon wall_ ahortly . before noon today
and caved in. the·Silverado Canyon Fire
Station wbere eo·mugees huddled, poui•
bly burying up lo LI peraona allve.
Oranee County sherUrs depuU~ said
the Silverado Canyon land.lllde area is
a scene of conf~ turmoil u Well
u devutation. · CoolUcllni repnrts beian lo emerge
from lhe rugged, raiJ>.batter«f area Jn
lbe Santa Ana Mounlalns about wbether
• Inch of Rain
In Huntington
Clo ses Roads
Nearly one Inch of rain which was
dumped on Huntington Beach overnight
farced closure of two streets early this
rnornlng and threatened several others,
while other west. cdunty cities fared
better. '
Florida Street between Clay and Wil·
.. Jllms al(enuee, ·.and ~7th Street betwteQ , ~9~on , Av'l!u• 14!"! 411< l\\ml
were -~yltbe p;a\,. ~ this' m1frlrtn~use of heavy nUodlri ,_
i.t• Pa.U Date!\>~. ~fie lltvlolon c'Om· mander, saJd lf the' rafu contlitued sev4
eral more streets woolil also be closed.
There is danger that the bluff areas
on Talbert Avenue between Beach Bou·
lcvard and Golden west Street will. give
way under the rain, Darden added.
City engineers have been busy all day
trying to pump out seriously flooded
"We have four portable pumps and
we're trying lo rent more," said divi-
sion englneet Darrell Boyer.
"But there Isn't reaUy a lot we, can
do," Boyer added. '.'If we pump water
from one stree.t, there Is the danger of
flOOding another m eet." ·
victims were actually buried in· the
tuUlbling mudslide.
"We don't know. We don't know,"
said one deputy ill the Watch Command
office, "we know we have people' up
there Injured, but we don't know bow
badfy or U there are fatalities."
.. We can't get In to find out and
II will be a bell of a long time bllwe
we do/' he added.
Emergency crewJ rushed to the nurJy
lnaccelsible aceoe, where more .~ lS
!nc.be:I of rain have poured onmerclfUIJy 1Ince Sunday, but no word was available
on lmmediate fate of the dazen or more
mlulng victims.
Assistant Orange County Fire Warden
Carl Downs reported the canyon d.Lsaster
about 11 a.m., as rain conUn'Ued to
pour, isolating mountaiq areas and
threatening to rupture brimming dams
before dark.
llomes were washed away like toys,
bridges scattered like malchsUcks ·and
hill country highways all flowed like
rivers, carrying deep waves of debris
and destruction toward the sodden
-tow lands.
Oran\e County Flood Control Epclneer
~~~=~~~~i~:~:e:: ~
lion of what ii in store, lI the unUrlq;
stonn does no~ let up.
Only c:Of1!aJ Cfro.'!il ar!.f! Hri"""y allo<;ted .oo '.far fW lbt ialeil ,In a WU?Y. .uecesiloil >or '.>fanuarl'"1mW1 ....,. , .
81111'1111 ..... ~~and Ibo Sin ' . •
Juan Capistrano area .
The situ~tion may yet change.
Concerned supervisors lls.tened this
morning as Oaborne said dangerous cim-
ditlons exist in all areas where dams
have regulated the tremendous downpour
running· rampant off s a t u r a t e d
"Villa Park Reservoir about the clUu
of Santa Ana and Orange is sUU con-
taining the flow ot witer from s8aUa10
Creek, whic~ Is up to 10,000 cublC feet
per second," he sakl.
"Water Is now being released from
the dam at 4,000 cubic feet per aecond.
It will reach the toP. o.f lhe spglyray
at 1 p.m.," he continued grimly.
Ep.iscQpal Priest
Pleads Innocent
To Drunk Driving Southland to Wet Winter
Tfueatened by
Canyon W ate~s
Boyer also said that another two inches
of rain after 10 a.m. would brina 1er1ous
problemJ lo the old part of 'town.
'\Natural basins dot lhe older section
and they are filling up fast," he said .
Fountain Valley, WestmWter and Seal
Beach apparently were luckier over the
night, as they reported no serious prOO.
Jems from the rain .
"lf the ralnfall continues -at the PfUC:Dt
rate, the outOow from the dam wlll
be out of control by 5 p.m.," he warned,
''and this could send SanUago Creek
overflowing in Santa Ana, Orau11 and
Cail Warren Stokes, 46,, Identified by
pOuce as an Episcopal priest from
Covina, faces a jury trial March 11
after pleading innocent Monday in West
Orange County Municipal Court to five
char&es stemming from two separate
auto. accidents· Feb. 10 in Huntington
Beach and Fountain Valley.
Tbe Rev. Mr. Stokes previously had
been Incorrectly identified aa a Catholic
pries t of the Holy Trinity Paris~ . in
Covlna. He was with the Holy Truuty
Episciopal Church in Covina, but has
not ,been associated with that church
1inct last . December, according to a
church spokeiman.
He will be tried next month on one
coup! of drunken driving and one count
of reckless driving involving an accident
In Huntington Beach. Both are misde-
meanor charges brought by police in
thaf city.
Meanwhile. Fountain Valley police are
pre~g charges on three misdemeanor
offenses -reckless driving, assault and
resilting arrest. All three stem from
a sicond auto accideilt which occurred
abo&4 an hour after the Huntington Beach
accident, aet:0rdlng to pollet a.ccountJ.
Ftillntain Valley police said the Rev.
Of TN Dell' Plllt lftff
And still it rains •...
\\'ith creeks and~~ers splllina over,
mudslides blocking \cores ol roads,
thousands"of peraoos fleeing thelJ' homu
and rainfall figures soaring ta record
proportions, Southern Ca!Uornlap today
resigned themsel ves to the wettett winter
in 84 years,
No letup appeared in sight, at least
through tonight. · lleatber lorecut<n
cautiously predicted d t c r e:a·11 n 1
cloudiness on WedDelday, with the rain-
fall probability dl'oPJ>lnl lo W pfttDl
It waa preclpltaUon as usuiJ 1Monday,
with up to an inch and a ball of l'•ln
falling on a drutlcally waterlogaeJ
Orange County. Costa Mesa and Laguna
Beach each recorded l.35 inches, while
HuntingtOn Beach and Newport Beach
received less than an lnch and inland
regjona such as Anaheim and· Garden
Grove 'Vfe over Lbe 1.5 mark.
Perbape tbl most graphic example
Officer Catches
Mr,.iStokes was the driver of an auto Stati. • B }
lnvtlfed in a collision with another car on urg ar
driven by Charles L. Rolhlauf, 34, Santa f ..
Anl>' A patrolman "1 hil beat arreoled a
Foftowing h1s arrest in Founlain Valley, Huntington Beach man. early thl8 mom-
tM "'lest was turned over to Huntington i,ng as be -:u rlfltng throo&h the -cash
Btath police who had"lssued a descrip-tm: m· a Westnilnlter 1tn1oe 1t1fion,
Uon ·ot the vehicle lnYOI~ in an alleged police charged. ' •
hit-tqn incidtnt in1the.lr .¢ty. Gary Duane Lons. 2J, of 1"71 Vu T¥ prltlt'I cai', pollCe uid, struck Buren St.1 APt. D, wu booted tato Of..
a ~trlan who was wal~ing beside ange Coonty Jail "' dlarl"I ol ~
Brookhurst Strttt near lndilnapolls folloWlng his arrest at S a.m. inside
Aveque. The ped~an, William Hallock. lhe Tenco RtVict ltatlua on OM corner
42, « !1184 Durham Dr1vt, lllmlington ol Beadl lloUl<vard ml Bolla Avenue.
-was -lnln Ibo mud at Pollce aid omc.r Jallt Wlalm· apot.
the Ule ol Ibo rood and walbd away ted Lone IDllde U. ..-vice -while
from , the accident wltb Gill!'. brulJtt, _ on hil normal -m,,, palrol. '1111 -a~g lo poVco. 1 lo Ibo olalioa bad been tlcud In, Ibey
llalick II employed al I h e Ardell addeol: • . ·
Muloa In Newport Beach. He aaid ht O>arres qaiml i..., wm be rood
wu.walkilll home antr having car.trol> todlJ' ht Wtll 0nnee Cou1t17 Munlc:lpol
hie. " Cool1; pollco aid.
• ,. '
oI the storm's wrath, however, was
recorded at San Clemente where rainfall
figures are tabulated from Jan. L A
year aao the city's rain gauge for the
season registered .aa of an inch -today's
reading wu 16.81.
But by comparison with itJ neighboring
counUes, Orange County was holding
its head well abovt water. These were
the latest developments in the Southland
ltonn picture :
-At Jeut 8,500 perlOns, including ~ore
· If 11ou'1't soondering· abo1o1i road
conditions in tht Southland -and
you have pknty of pc1tience-l.here'.s
a way for you to f ind o¥t. . ·
Jull call 547·5577.
Thi1 will bt a recording placed by
the Coiifornia Highwa11 Patrol giving
tilt latest information on weother
and traffic.
Tht only things U.. the oddl today ~
ore llJ.l that tM lin.e will bt blollJI. ,.
V cry bU.ft/. . I
Of ,,.. o.i1Y "'"'' "'"
A new storm threat loomed for sodden
Laguna Beach ·today as officials sized
up the ' small sWollen lakes on both
sides of Laguna ' Canyon Road just nortil
of city limits.
Joseph Sweeny, public works director,
•id If the .earthfill dike containing ont
of the lakes let .go, it could send an
additional delug"e of water down Laguna
Canyon into the downtown .
The Westminster Police Department
said a three hour b'reak in 'the rain early
this morning gave the water level a
chance to go down In the city.
Flooded Intersections plagued all the
cili.es and police departments ls.sued re-
n1inders to the public to drive carefully.
Rain Slacke1ts
. Huntington Vote
On Sc hool Bonds Compounding this problem was the
continuing deterioration of the storm
channel along the canyon and Broadway
in Laguna Beacti. · · · · F,:lection workers In th~ Huntington
Resident.! and businesses along the Beach C\ty School Olstrtct ·generally
:JOCr.-ltk>ck of Ocean Avenue were being found themselves without much lo do
tvacuated thiS: .mQrnirlg · as Uie '8'..>ii'l,in~ thiS moining as soggy voters Passed
waters ale at the foundations of the · up 'votint booths In fav9r of going dlrectly
properties. to work br' stayin'g horlie.
Sweany said if any of the properties Voters are being asked to approve
conaJ164!d into .the flood channel --one a '4:7s mlllioft schOOI bWldinK bond prO.
businC? spanS it-water rushing toward · po.1ition and a lax Increase which would
the oCean would have no place to go raise the \ax rate .froril . the prelent ~
but tbt."1treetl" of the downtown basin. $1.3S per flOO aaaessed valuaUon to ft:5Cf •
Actamal problems were occurrfm.:'all over three' ytafa. • · •
lhlll ope-lhird of the poplllatlon •O( Santa ,~, 1lonn chaMel .. -11/illed .. By · mld'momlng · 41 lof a,a ellglblf '
Paula, (about 4,000) have i>ten ovicualed j! · Jmailnable . dlil!ll lrolll J'~ vol«I bad-~ kik!U',•I Eidir Sc,lio6L .
1i> alld ••en· 11' owu.-1 lll<les · Thl1 l1 l~!UrlloUI blt.lf.-·-from their homes. ' • · · ' · ' :.i lntt-tuard fence. • · ,~
-AD Loo An(elel area .p0Vce "'™"8 Olflclala 'wor~ed roimd tbt' clock lo ~I LeBaril 1 .II .el•!,'lllO' ~d· · · ~ ht •·••··• ·""rt voted. for a pe!'<!Oitage ol Ul1 Al Pmy · '"" cm dllty a ~ "" keep the brimming drainage channel School H wi1 31 ol l,J7f!Cl' a -1a-for le evacuaUooa bedUle' or the open. A crane wtUi a clam.shell scoop of l.83. . , · ,..... ":"'.. •·
lbrulollluhOoodsintheSuFemando bad been ord~ from a ~Uon Dwyer ..,.....,,\lad If ol •l;10'1 tomoul
Valley. company thls mo'1llnl; to ' pick cetnent f --'.::J.':'f' o;·~ • '
-Al least 2,000 Ojai Vallef "fklll!la 1.la"" 'a!ld ot~et ·.naiemu oot or Ibo or 1 ..,,~re .. '" · · · ·· · ,. ., ,..._ _ ,.._ ,... ' Eltctlon wdill'? •ld they apecled
llod thelt homea becapoo 'f1-· ""''"" •baM•!.. • .. · · . · heavier im'nO,.t'·,.,_ $ p.m. ti th< ~1!ie>~lly ~ ...U tti'nitpdod Otherwlu' Jn the ct)1 muclslid& ooto !her •··-p "· in by a ta~ lal1..,1 ~ w~ roads: fallen treel anif eadanc!fed bomea w•a ~!""'· IOlllO. •~ r<ma opeo
-Tlie lleo!-Cn>u ut _,_,relit! were liecoll\IDI commonpllce 'di!rplle untll .1 P.lt~ , , . · , · eenltil In R!venldf. ·SU Blrnardhto lht l'Ol!INl·lh6$lo!;.t ~bor o1· city .~ew1
and"'San Cull OfilijiO~ ii well and other pUbilc agtl]Cia. . • '. 8 ~ _._lceu • ·
as Orance Coonty. . , One ol the"""' worat bit"" Canyon -.--;r-:-"'."'"-:----.......
..J!UDards cloeed il>'idt' "'4 itollled Acres Drive oil Llluna ,canrcm, !load. • l!l!W Y~~I -'A l<cbhlcal r)llJ ' lbteallc1u~···l!l'i!lih~l4rra • The~Uc.drln to1 r.inud>-~~ (i:i' ~,llDIOJI whore' a week.Jon( oeirdi'.tia11*a lllldtr , ,.. .. ol pathol u 1n1nv111acuated:thelr • ' ''"'~ll<!Ct· 'ot -wlill fir' alrlhter lilol ......... ~ W.tl:t:.......i:c. .......... idil'' . . .,.,.. . . , . ~an , ... ,...;,...,r,o!'":"':-1 .. ~~~-. , . t~t.. 111Jr'l~• a_,,,. c1ocb al ttie~~·Mim;1 I ineft','Jllyt,JirindJ~ ff~~ 1SZ-ttr~~fdt'tr~,ol'R.i:,,• were wubid anf durll>t 1bt nllhl 117 CU)'i>n· Acrea llrlye, hi<! birely · · OV'f 1-ladod; 11111 mJnua lip wen
and three lars• Union otl Co. 1tonge escaped from. ll1<!r hoine Modday .tbeD 'far ahead of tbt ~ lipl In 1ai.
(loo MINFALL, Pip I) • (lie> LAGUNA, r.,. I) trading.
",TriJhUl:O Creek In the San Juan
Capistrano area is on a rampage," the
en.1(1neer to14 supervisors.
"Water supplie.s to the region have
been cut off because pipelines across
the streams have washed out," he added,
Orange County Fire Department of.
ficials, meanwhile, constantly· revised
asseumenls of damage in the hardest-hit
mountain areas, the latest cuualty be1nt
their own Silverado Canyon facility ..
Emergency crews were faced with the
bitt.fr fact that roads in both direcltonl
art virtuaUy 'impeaabte and they mwt
figure out a way to JlKh the devutated
station befort rescue can begin.
Initial word did not Indicate how badly
the station was wrecked or how deeply
the 12 to 15 vlctitru: were burled, but
(Stt SLIDE, P111 !)
Or ange Cou &
TbOre <llll'I be much ol this ftl
alull left, "' Ibo -i.·
calling fOI" clearlnf Ul4\I Weilnel-
. day. Bui It'll still be dllli, wilil
temperatures In the 5011 JocalJy.
, I
LONDON {Ap) -pmldtnt Nixon
... "' .. 81'111111 Wot • plldll 11111
the llnlted Stath liu~ 1he conct)lt
of an enlarged C.Ommon ~tarket, io-
clljdil!& 1!rilaln, '!ithin • unified Europe.
'lbon wldt buitii.s. aside, 1he Pre&ident
luncbed with Queen Eliubetb 11, broke
the booda of his tight security to !hake
hands with Loodoners and became the
firsl lJ.S. president lo attend a sessklo
ol the mother of Parliaments.
'I1lls Uve tide of Nixon the politician
dellgbttd the Londoners and dismayed
bis baUer7 ol bodyauar<Js. .
Sirhan Upset
As Proseeution
Presents Diary
Sirhan doesn't care if lhe jury at h1I
murder trial sees color pictum of his
victim but he doesn't want them lo
read bis diary.
The 2f..year-old Arab 1 m m I K r an t
became 8ngy and 'whllper<d furl<Nlly
to bis attorneyl to cibjeet Mooday when
the Btato began Jntroductlllll of lhrM
notebooka in wbicb Sirhan ICl'ibbled
belore he killed Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
' 1be nota>ooD ,..,. IOWld ln a bedroom
In Ille Slrh,ap ~ ln P..... by
police officen who were oeeklng to learn
if lbere wu a conspiracy lnVol\>b\i
otben. ~
Slrlian ..... Calm aDd rtmole .. 1he
proleCUlicin lrOduced two c o I o r
photograpbl of Kenoei!Y'• -slmrlnl a bloody ballet _,nd and powder "lal-
toolng" wbich a barn.tics expert said
showed the gun wu fired from a distance
of one lncb or less.
But be ahlfted up in hls seat and
hiJsed at his att.omey that the notebooks
were "stolen" and that no one ebe
but he should read them.
The prosecution today will call a
(See SllUlAN, Pap f)
From Pqe 1
It split ln two.
Looking up from the site cascading
waterfalls could be seen high up on
1he steep blllsldes sending their nmoll
Into 1he already floodln( <f!YOD.
Fprther out the canyon at the 1n-
undited SPCA, '20812 Laguna Canyon
Road , o!!lclals fought to save the Jives
of ~bout 100 bedraggled anlmab.
With water flowing through the
bulldinp dosplte sandbagging, horses,
mules, chickens, rabblts, sheeps and
goats were moved to higher ground.
The dogs and cat.s, unsegregated, were
moved upslairs in the big SPCA barn
to save thelr lives. Ray Schneider, SPCA
manager, aaid the water "had been up
to their bellies." But thus far only a
few guinea pigs have been losL
School Report
Slated by HOME
School matters will occupy members
of the Huntington Beach HOME Coun-
cil beginning ai 8 p.m. Wednesday in
city council chambers of Memorial Hall,
5th Street and Pecan Avenue.
Ben Londeree, president of the home-
owner group, said that the agenda in-
cludes a report from the high school
advi&ory committee and one on a school
public oPinion survey.
In addiUon, the group will nominate
offieen and ID.9c:uss particlpeUon In the
aruruaJ July 4 parade.
Looderee said lbat 1he publlc Is alwl)'I
welcome to the aeaaionl ol the home-
DAil Y PllOI
RoNl'f N. WMd
,.,...,, •ltd ...... lat.r
J•cli R. c.,1..,
Via Prnldtnl tllCI O.ner.i Min.vet
Thom1t k••vil
Thom•1 A. M11rphl110
Mtin.• ... fdll9'
Albtrf W. lat•• WJlliam Jtood
Auodehi HUllll!lffan '-di Editor City 1.lflklr
JOt ltfi Str.at
M•ill11t Ml"-1 P.O. 1 .. ·1to. tlMI ..__
......... ltoocfl; 1111 Witt ................
c:.t• Metil: -w.t ..,. '"" ....,. ~ Ill ,._. AWlmll
. $, Dismays Bodyguards-
,;.~ ........ ~
. ftriod .... ""' Prllldoal, Iller ..... 111111 Iba 0-..........
-.-111o~ ...
ped 11 tbe eslt Clles and leaped out
Into a crow& ol 1boot !00, 'lhiklDg liAndt
ri&bt and left. Wblle Hour men Iran·
Ucally pushed lhrou&h to surround tbe
grinning President.
1be palace incident strayed completely
off the hard and fast program laid
out for bt.s crash visit to London u part of an elgbt..iiiy toor of Europe.
SO did bis later call at tbe House
... illlprvmptu Ylsll oll<t • """".!bl-ii.-'• llll""'•"•·•"""" lit w••M* ~: Z"'~ the -. • • ,
He aa! u a spedatOr for about JS
mlnut.s In tM Commons, oUlclalty lg-
~. \Jnder House rules even a visitor
so eminent cannot be ffi.'Ognized from
tbe floor.
At tbe U.S. Embauy In Grosvf'DOI'
Square, acene of vjolent anti-Amerlcln
riots in' the past, Nii.on spent about
10 minutes givi.ni Iii sort of pep talk
to the assembled staff.
wi* he .J,..i,ti.er. were several of Ufe. --·~·-a tn ·lbe -Ile pl au! "' Ills Cir al Ille malD cjleoifol .... flloodlrlllGlldlDIPr11IM.t ' --IDd --the -1114 ~ nhDJ!ltnf all day. One lltU. \o sbalte bandJ wllll Idly Oll[IOOS. MOii
bol'-a ......,. OI roulhs -shouted ol them were obYloualy p-o-Nlson and
''Vlet Con&~Md ·41N~ go home." rather flat~ at the attention. But . lhlt they wwe ~.hit drowned out there were some cries of "Victory for
by tbe pro-!ilson cheers and tbe mr the Jlatianll Liberation Front." of his 'motorcycle escort revving up thelr From 101Dewhere in lbe c r o w d
engines. Nii.on shook iOme more bands. demomtraton threw mimeographed antl-
By now the Preskltnt wu so eager Vietnam war pamphlets at lhe President
for public p>ntlet that he went even They fell .harmlessly at hL5 feet or on
further when he arrived at Claridge's the sboulden Qf -the security guards
Hotel for a brief rest and a meeting ~ix{ him. Nixon pa!Ono attention
with stlected BriioM from various walks "at all ;sun py, w~ered back
to hi! hotel.
-In .Ibo day be mtt .l'tla!O. MloJ ... llatold W-for---
.houn at No. 10 Downing St .• and pleased
the BriUsh government leaders mightily
by assuring Amerlcao backing for their
bid to joln the Common Market. Ranging
lhrou&h Ibo addiUooal topics of the Nortll
AUanlic Treaty OrganizaUon and East.i-•
West detenle, the President told the "
British just about everythin& they wanted.-·
to hear. ..
Nixon's posiUon was made known by
his spokesman, Ronald L. Ziegler, at
a news coa!erence after I.be meetln&.
Coast Association
Opens New Office ·,
RevitallJed 'With fresh talent and young
blood, the 58-year-old Orange County
Coast. Auoc.laUon baa opened new offices
In Newpori Beach to start galnlng ground
as a force in county guidance.
The organlzat!on is now headquartered
at 1221 W. Coast Highway.
"We're goiJtl t b r o u g h an entire
reorga.nizaUon to maintain a role the
organizaUon has enjoyed far 51 years,
a1 • lead.in« service sroup," 11)'1 Cap
Blackbum, prealdenl
A number ol new committees aod
chairmen to bas~ them bave also been
8DllOilDCed by Blackbum, along with
replacemeot d ooe alot TaClted by Hun-
tington Beach Chamber of Comm"""
manager Dale L. llwm.
Ralph Berke, uailtant a e n er a I
manager of the Balboa Bay Club, will
take over the 1ecretary-truaurer post
which Dunn resigned due to escalaUon ,
of hls duties with the chamber or com-
The administration named b y
Blackburn to help guide the organization
formed as the South Coast Improvement
Association in 1912 include:
-Goala and objectives, Carl Kymla.
--Organiz.ation and budget, Hu & ti ~·
-Project Creativity, Les Remmers. , ..
--ConslitutJon and by-Jaws, James r.
--CommWlicaUooa, Tom Blackbum.
--lnstallaUoo Ind programs, l!alldy ,
McCardle. r
-Membership, Bob Howard .
--Community IJalson, Ted Finster· and ' John Killefer. -
-Commerlcal Liaison, O. W. ".Di~" ~
Richard and Ray Watson.
From Page 1
Floatlnp Flotsam, Inc luding M111 Between Beythorn •ncl R.eubtrt E. LH, Jams Harbor the prospects were obvioualy grim.
Lowland areu wen spared lbe brunt
of the storm which forec&stera say sbOuid
clear up by Wednesday, but the rain
and flood tell wu nooetbelea heavy.
Facility abandoned, with all animals
moved out. Three families are evacuated
and one family was rescued from the
second story of a house by firemen
who waded through water 4 to 5 feet
deep. Several other persons were remov·
ed Crom stranded cars which washed
down stream, wblch runs Z to 3 feet deep
Valley Brown Cultural
Group Staging Festival
•· . . . -.·· ...
Soul and rock music, food and game
booths and a picnic atmosphere will
highlight the first annual Brotherhood
Festival sponsored by the Brown Cultural
Society of Fountain Valley.
Activities will center around the Foun-
tain Valley High School outdoor am·
phitheater from noon to dusk Sunday.
More than 14 organizaUons from the
city and county have already signed
up to participate, according to James
I~una, president of the Crown Cultural
"Frlend.!hlp is the theme of the
festival," said Luna. "We just want
people to get to know each other."
At least two bands and a dance group
are scheduled to entert.ein throughout
the day, in addition to individual tn·
A recording of Jose Fellclano'a con-
troversial venlon or the naUonaJ anlhem
will open and close the day's activities,
explained Luna.
"At the end of the day we plan to
have representatives from all
participating organiiations pass a peace
pipe to :ihow what it 's all about
-friendship," he added.
Booths will include a variety of food
from hot dogs to burritos as well as
Kent Joins List
Of Huntington
School Hopefuls
The name (If Dr. Jack Kent or 7852
Colgate Ave., West.minster, hu been ad·
ded io the list of candidates for three
seats on the governing board of the
Huntington Beach Union High School
His name had been listed with the
candidates for the Anaheim Union High
School District by the county achooll
With Or. Kent, physician, the list of
candidates tncludea the three incumbenLs,
John J. BeoUey, Ra)'lllOnd Schmlll. and
Richard Wilson and nine asplranls.
Jim Bentaon, an attorney; ste:pheo
D. Herman, pb)'llclao; Caroline R.
Milchell, educational consullAot; Bartlet-
ta Suter, housewife: Fred W. Vo.1,
engineer; Harvey Bolinger, contractor:
Ralph Bauer, chemlat; and Robert ~.
"Bob" Dingwallt corporaUon prujdenl,
are listed ln addllicm to Dr. Kent.
Nigerian Plane Hils
Biafra Market Place
Ul\IUAHlA, Biafra (UPI) -A federal
Nlgtrlan warplane caused h e av y
cuuaJUts today among womtn abopptt1
lo a bOinb-and·rocttt attack on 1 market
place at Eke Ezcal1, aboot IS miles
north o1._ ~re1 Bllfrsn pemment
IO<ll"Ctlnport<O. The soarte1 raid at l<ut II womon
...,.. tllltd and IOll Injured lo 1he raid
wtllch came around 11 a.m.
games and eihibits from various cultural
Speakers from some of the groups
will also be present to er.plain the ac·
tivities and purpose oI the.ir organiza:Uon.
The Brotherhood FesUval is the initial
event in a series of acOv!Ues the society
hopes will make it known to the com-
'1llunily, Luna explains.
"We want people to know each other,''
he says, "and we want them to know
what we are doing."
Society members are dedicating this
festival to David T. Sagiao, a Samoan
member of their group who died in
an auto accident Saturday ln Santa Ana.
Groups entered Jn the festival Jnclude
from Fountain Valley, the Jaycees, the
Women's Club, Cub Scout members,
members of the Colonia Juarez Center
and possibly some city officials.
Representatives from Orange County
and other areas Include, UMAS (United
Mexican·American Students), the chapter
from UCI and the chapter from
California State College at Long Beach:
the Orange County Peace and Human
Rights Council; Junior LULAC (League
ot United Latin American Citizens).
Unlimited, a Santa Ana boys' club;
Teens for Christ of Huntington Beach;
the American Civil Liberties Union; the
Black Congress of Santa Ana , and the
Robert F. Kennedy Memorial organiza·
lion from Orange County.
Special entertainment will be provided
by Diana Hernandez, a Marina ffi&h
student who sings and plays guitar.
Mariachi music will also be presented
by a special band.
The price of admission to the festival
Is friend.ship and good spirit said Luna.
Jn summing up his hope for the Cestival's
sucress he added, ''J hope it doesn't
Jaycees Name 6
To Be Considered
For DSA Award
Six CIJldldales for the annual DbUn-
guished Service Award by the Hunting-
ton Beach J13cees are under coosldera-
tion today by Judges Pete DIFablo, pool-
master, PolJce Chle.f John Seiber, and
Thomas Osborn, a dean at Golden West College.
The nnmlnees are William Schweichert,
an adml.nl!trator and active Jaycee
member; Robert E. Dingwall, printing
shap owner and a Los Angeles r1reman :
Carole Ann Will, elementary school
·teacher: Ralph Burrbon, elementary
school vice principel: ElaJne Kemp,
member of the Jwlior Woman's Club ;
and Pbyllis Galkin, owner of a loe1I rtal
est:ate company.
The banQuel b lcheduled foe March I
at Meadow)ark Country Cl\lb. The pub-
lic is invited to the 7:30 p.m. dinner wllh
dinner cost at $4. ReM!rvations can be
obtained by ca11Jn1 197-llSI.
Televllton penoOalll)' Gene Barry b
the keynote 1pomr.
Front P .. e 1
tanks at the marina were. washed lnto
the sea whert some oil leakage brought
a threat of fire.
\vhtJe weather forecasters looked for
' a break in the storm tonight, they also
predicted heavy snow for the mountain
areas above 4,000 feet. More rain Ls
expected tonight, but is expected to clear
by Wednesday -giving the Southland
about three days to catch its breath
before a new storm moves in Friday
'""" S••-La1t Yr. C0$11 M""' 1.40 11..Jt 5.IJ
f<llVl'llOrt luch '·'' 1•.JG •.ot LHU!\I IHCll S.ol6 14.t2 5.~
Huntlntlon Bll(h •·1111 17.M 6.n F°"n1~1n V1llfy '·" 11.'6 J.$9 Westmlntttr 1.60 11.54 1.1'
Set i &each •.60 17.S. l .lf
L.riunt Lel1ur1 World J.41 11.11 5.1<1
IN lnt Rind! 1.IJ 11.16 I.JI
L•tllM Nltuel 5.41 11.11 J.20
An111elrn i.11 ' lt.« '·" Garde11 GntV• "-" 11.16 5.Jf $.In C1e~nte• I.to 11.11 .• '-Costa Me1a, SaTI Clement• flt u•• 1t11t0n frOfl'!
Jen. I.
Nearly every coastal cll1 tllJ>'flencecl
lloodlog· requlr!J>g aome local lllreels and
roadways to be closed, aome of them
undermined and made daogerolllly Im-
passable by the severe storm.
Tl;1e UC Irvine campus wu open today
wltti Cuhrer Drive cl'81'9d and acceu
to UCI available past barrlcadei~·on
closed Mac.Arthur Boulevard.
EJ.tenslon courses scheduled f o r
tonlght, however, are cancelled as they
were Monday, when flooding threatened
to maroon the sprawling campus like
an island or learning.
A spot-check or storm-ravaged areas
and a tally of what has occurred there
so far -continually changing as the
stonn failed to let up -ahowed the
following :
-Modjtlka Canyon: Two homes lost
and one damaged by a mudslide; the
Footbridge to Olive Hill washed out
and seven families evacuated, with
telephone service out. N u m e r o u s
mudslides isolated the area because of
high waters.
Laguna Canyon: Several homes In Big
Bend area. are undennined and the SPCA
ln the roadway. · "'
-SUverado Cuyoa: Six homes ao· far ':
are washed away, and olie bridge . Ls '"
out and another threatened. •Forty -
famWes are evacuated and five vehlcle1 f
washed away. Four hom .. ""'damaged
aeriously and the area isaJated. l i
-Trabuco Canyon: Water i1 Clowing i
over the top of a wall at O'Neil Park. '
with debris in roadways, another area t
Isolated by mudslide. ~
-8an Juan Capistrano: Seven families ' J1ow evacuated to higher ground._ J
-lrvlne Park: Severe damage by ;
erosion, with one restroom destroyed t:
and penned animals turned loose. f
Rainfall figures continue to rise. In l
Trabuco Canyon, typical of the mountain ~
areas, 3.66 inches fell in th e last 24 ;
hours, bringing the storm total to 7.93 l
inches and the season to 31.38 compared ~
with 9.84 last year. Orange was typical
of the lowlands area where 2.25 inches !
fell in the last 24 hours to bring the "Co
storm total to 6.715 and the season to
19.75 compared with 7.22 last year.
. ;
The DAILY PILOT U proud of ltl corp1 of ~otntg talnmn toho deliotr the ntioipaptr to your door. Tht11
voung men are the cream of the communltv. •acJs month, th• best of them wiU be selecttd for lilting on tht
Honor Roll. Each carrier listed here haS' obt.aiud at lttl1t four new cwtomers during the pa.st month, had no
more than one cu.ttomer complaint· for the month ond muat. have paid his bi!L for tht newspapers he boug ht
"wholesole• t1n time. An asterisk(•) in jTont of hit name tneaN that ocrrier wa.s nominated by his adult supt,..
visor to be the DAILY PILOT Carrier of The Month.
Ttm Furl\111
0111a K•mp•r
Fri"~ Vi111•
Rob.rt Me0011•1d
Cl1Y1la"d Mill•t
Tom Hou'"'' J•"T Smith
Mik• «••If
'alTY M•ffy
•J1y M1h1r
•1tith1rd Titom•t R..., 111,1!
01YI' AltM•Ja
Eric Ft111I
Tom Moyer
l1rry final
StoH C•rl1011
•Gary Smith
Oomt11rc Muno'
Ml•• McDowall
St1vt1 Rho•d•
J im O'Me111y
V\.c•11f Duk••
Oov9 ll1c•\t•ni
Tin1 M11111!119
&.ol'f• Ma1111l"t "•rv la9111!1 l ry11 •• ,,.,
Ra11dy Ar11ol4'
Sliva l1ul1,9a11
Jo111 Cli111
Rick Wheel•,
lrad Dtt1Fa1ld
Oarr1ll Ro14'
Ml•• Hotchkin
Mleha•I M•tk
Ir.ct Schri..dtlt• -·~Ii C.rlMtl
'Gftt .. "'" •c;,,, ll•lr
0011 Jah11-:.i11111 ·~1i
Carrier of The Month
* Bruce Osborne, 12, of Costa Mesa
Bruce h11 b•tl'I in cher9e of • rout• in th• Me11 Verde 1re1 of Cost• M111
for 1f9ht months. H1 lives at 2013 ltmnos, Costa Mes•. Ht h11 hit own
btnk ecc.CK1nt which ht f11ds r19ul•rly with profits from hit route, s1•lft9 out
only tt1ov9h for 1i)tfldin9 mol'ltJ end to b11Y stamp• for the stamp cellection
h1 Is but1din9 •• a llobby. Hi1 istric.t manager 1eys1 "lruct Is the most c.on-
1cientlou1 carrier I htvt in my di1trict." He Is t rlation IHd1' (1up1rri1or
ol ofhtr carrltn fn hi1 district J.
I ii! Arm1fron9
lart Charl~1
Arl\old A~9•lid
TI tty l,..111
kwrt Kit•
o.~nl• Wlnch•1t.r
1(1Jfh 1Ci1•
l•rry l•11ton
larry 'a'k"'
Dan SchorT
l l1.hal'4 M•nt.t
,, .. , k1~a
Eri• H•l'tl•
Joh11 Stewart
' "
' " I ......... ·-
... _ ..
' '
. . • ··~~---...,.-~-co-~-~~-~----------- -.. --~-..._.,,..,-......,,..,-,..,-c-c-c----.--I .
I ·•
LagiJJI.• . ·neaeJt·. T..iay'• Fbull! ' . . .
N.'Y. Steeb
EDl .1'.I OJ'I
. . ' .voi.:. ~2. NO. 48, 2 SECTIONS, ·n ·PA6ES . • _oiV.~e: CQUNTY.:CAtlrORNrA JUESDA'Y; FBRli.IARY 25, 1969 .. • JEN CENTS : ' .
. . . . • •• . .
• •
' ..
ur1e· an on 'I e
' • .. . -
New Stor:m·_Perils Lag·una Refugee Shelter
Crushed by Mµd •
TGlll of mUlt-111111 •fOCk 1Iammed do.in
Ot;l a small rfire ftation in Silmado
Canyon whlle/80 'lc!rm refugees huddJecl
inside at 11 a.m. today, buryin& up
18 persons alive, '!1th .one body recovered
by noon.
Fire trucks and displaced storm vic-
tims housed in the Silverado Canyon
llation lumbled down Ute rugged hlllslde
lill:e toy vehlclu ind dolls before the
massive slide, u rain contiDued to pour IUIJ1len:lf1illy. .
Jim Wlfiier, ballallon dilef at the
Irvine Fire SlaU.,i, sald there are
"definitely leV<{&l fatalltles." He <GUld * * 1:r I
Dikes Keep
2 ·canyon
Lakes Back
Of t11i11 Dllft •111t 111111'
not say OOw many, however. ·
Meanwhlle, a burriedly organked •
teatn Of doctors and nurses from Qranp
County ·Medical Center was dispatchid
to rMCUe headquarters at the lrvlnl
Fire Station.
Roads Jnto the disaster area are ini-
passable if not destroyed and an effort
to · relch the site by Marine COrpl
hellcoPter f~lled due to near-7.el'O vlsibll·
ity lo the Santa Ana Mountains.
Food;· medlcaJ supphe.s and tber equtp.
ment are being carried to the taollted
J-ijde area bJ 40 emergency force
members wbc! are blklng in,oo lool.
Orange Coomly sberifl'• depultel said
the Sllverado Canyon land1Ud1 area ii
a scene of confused turmoil u well
as. devastation. .
Conflicting reports bega'n to emerge
from the rugged, rain-battered area in
the Santa Ana Mountains about whether
victiffis were actually buried in tbl
tumbling mudslide.
"We can't get in to find out and
It will be a hell of a long Ume before
we do," be added.
Ell)ergency crews rushed to the nearly
iruiccesalble scene. where more than 15
inches of riln have poured Ulllnefclfully
since Sundaf, but no word was aVallable
on imme;dlate fate of the . dm;en or mor~
missing victims. .
Asllstent. Orauge. County Fire Wanjen · ·
Carl Dow111 rtporled the canyon disaster -An ... Slotm tjlreat JOOll)ed for !Odden · ohnut ii •l.m. '¥,J J!i!l, mnliNo•oL'to t.ilUii!~ lodaf as•~ ~ ~;.J.otaijJ, ~·:~ii.cf
up Ute amall s~ollep llJW pn ·~Ut ·1hr4~· 6i t11J>IW'J ~ 4lll!I · side~ ot Laguna Canyon Roa~ just north t~:;ea 81!~ waabed · ~~ay like tori.
ot city limit!. brldges scattered like matchsUckl and
Joseph Sweeny, public work• director , hill country highways all flowed like
said if the earthfill dike contabilng one rivers, carrying deep wave.s ot debril
or the lakes let go, lt could send an and destruction toward the IOddm'
additional deluge of wat.r down Laguna lowlands\ ·
Ca)Jyon into the downto~n. Oraflge pounty Flood 9>Jitrol En&J.neer _
Compaunding this problem was the George 0.sbOrne went .bit~tlielliiid
continuing deterioration of the storm c_f Supervisors t~ay with ~ grw eval~
channel along the canyon and Broadway tioo of what ls in store, if the unt1rinl:
in Laguna Beach. storm doe1 not let up.
Meanwhile city officials began a man· Only coastal canyon area~ seriouslj
datory evacuation of meandering Canyon affected so far by ·the latest ma weary
Acfes Drive threater1ed by new mud sue?CesSion of January-February rain-
and rock slid~s. Fire Capt. Charley Kubn storms ar~ Laguna Canyon and the SID
said re~idents were being crclered out Juan Capist~ano area.
and trucked to the fire station tern-The situation may yet.~bange.
Mrs. Robert T. Keller of Loa Angelu Among Those •t "Brow:-n's Matot:' Hotel Cut ·Off by Flood W1ter1 Ne•r l~gune CC porarlly. Concerned supervisors listened this
Residents and businesses along the morning as Os~me said dangerous coo-
300 block of Ocean Avenue were being dltlons exist ln all areas where dims
Planned Protest
At UCI Washed
Out by Storm
Sirhan Doesn't Want Winter Festival evacuated this morning as the swlrllng have regulated the tremendous downpour
waters ate at the foundations or the running rampant off • a t u r a t t ·d
properties. watersheds.
Sweany said if any of the properties "Vllfa Park Reservoir above the cltlea Calls Off All collapsed into tht fiood chanriel -one of Santa Ana and Orange is still con-
Jurors to Read Diary Outdoor Activities
businesl spans lt-wJter rus1JJng toward talnlng the flow of water from Santiago
the ocean would have no place to go Creek, which is up to 10,000 cubic feet
but the streets of the downtown basin. per second," he said.
Additional problems were occurring all "Water ls now being released from
A planned protest al UC Irvine on LOS ANGELES (UPI) _ Sirban B. Monday was a rainout.
Student dissidents have rescheduled a Sirhan doesn't care if tile jury tt his
protest rally to be followed by a vigil m~rder trial sees color plcturet 9f his
outside the doorway of Chancellor Daniel victiril. but he doesn't. want the"m to
G. Aldrich's .office for Wednesday. read bis c:ijary ..
were "stolen" and that no one else All Immediate outdoor activities of
Laguna's Winter Festival have bei>n but he should read them.
The prosecution ~ay will
(See SmHAN, Pa1e 4)
call a canceled because or the continuing slorm,
Festival chairman Betty Myers said to--
along the storm channel as It filled the dam at 4,000 cubic feet per second.
with every imaginable debris from Jogs It will reach the top of the :spillway
to Ures and even its own cement sides at I p.m.," he continued grimly.
and guard fence . "If the rainfall continues at the present
Officials worked round the clock to rate, the outnow from . the dam will
keep the 6rimming drainage channel be out of control by 5 p.m.," he warned,
open. A crane with a clamsheU scoop "and this could send Santiago Creek
The students plan to rally support Tbe 24-year-old Arab i mm i g.r ant 2nd Czech Youth
at 12 :30 p.m. at Gateway Plaza and became angry and whispered furiomly : ·
Indoor events such as the gourmet
dinner tonigh t at Andree's Restaurant,
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 are still scheduled,
she said. '
had been ordered from a construction overflowing in Santa Ana, Orange and
company this morning to pick cement · Tuttln." ..
slapa and other materials out of th~"Trabuco Creek in the San Juan then mill-in fifth Door of t he tt: attorneys to object Monday whtn '
Administration Building before t b e B Himself • chancellor's office trom 1 to s p.m. .-t e state began Introduction, ot three urns ID Chairman Myers said a decjsion is
lo be made today regarding the rest
of 'the festival .
channel. · · Capistrano area ii on a rampage," the
Otherwise In the city mudslide onto 1ineer told su_pei'vison:.
The continuing protest is over dismissal ~teboob: in ·which Sirhan scribbled
of Assistanl English Professors Stephen beforene killed S.n. Robert F. Kennedy .. sw·c1·de Proteet Shapiro and Dbnald Brannmt and recom-The aote~b wen: found in a bedroom
mended flring of A.ssislanl Hislory In the Sirhan home In Puadena by
"We don 't ·know whether at this point
to · move everything to anothel\__ week
• or: what. Right now, we're golng to
toads, fallen trees and endangertd homes 11Water supp~es ~ the .region have
were becoming commonplace despite been cut oU because 'Pi.pellnes a~
tbe found-the-clock labor of· city crews (See' SLIDE, Pace t)
and ·Other pu~Uc ·agencies... . . . ,
Professor George Kent. police officers who were seeking to learn
About 65 of the protesters moved inside if then was a conspiracy involving
for a strategy session Monday. others.
·-Dave Heskett, leader ol the dissidenls, 'Sirhan wls calm and remote as the
lbld them, "The same rules _will apply prosecution produced two C 0 I o r
Wednesday. It will be vigil and non-photographs of Kennedy's skull showing
obstructive." Then he added as an af-a bloody bullet wound and powder "tat-
terthought, "That can be changed." ' looing'' which a balliatica expert said
The students also approved wording 5howed the JUD wu fired from a diatance
of another mimeographed handout to of one inch or lea.
be given to faculty members. Wrttlen But he lhifted up ln hiJ seat and
by Blll Wingfield, the handout notes hissed at hil att«ney Iha! Ibo nolebooks
the system of tenure is dividing junior
ud senior faculty into two cuts with
111WheUcal lnt.....t.
..J.$ recalls the walkout by two dozen
faculty members from a special meeting
of ·the academic senate last week and
suaests the only way to heal the breach
js to do away with the tenure system.
B:ngllsh Professor Jay Martin · spoke
.a:t~the students.
Hi sald the English faculty had met
eiiller Monday and that many pr'9feuon
felt• Jir8M8JI bu a coMlderable case
far ' rwpplyina when be finishes bll
doct«aldillettation. -t Mldlad Krbman Aki bt 1llJdOntands I majority of the EllglJsll
laClllt.r does DOI favoc Plltllni down in
wrWn1 that Brannan woukl be rehired.
"We can rive him !he notion that when
(Ste 11CI IWLY, Plfe I)
.I'' I
If you'u wcmdertng about r~
conditions in the .!outhlmtd ...:.. ond
you ha~ plenty of patienu-there't
" wav for uoi.. to find out.
1 ... call 641-4611.
Thil toUl bt • T<Corcli!lg pl<Jud by
lh• Coll/omio HlohfD<ltl Pot<ol ¢ving
,,,. 141<•1 ifl/ortJltJtion .. ....u..r
""" lrofflc. TM onlr t/Ung.o it, tllt oddl &odor
ort JO-I tllClt 1M UM toiU M b11111.
v"' """·
t:RAGUE (UPI) 7" A Young man bufn. le~ it go on,".sbe said.· -
ed . himself to . death In ·Prague today A consideraUon in·the decislon is' that while people may be interested in at-on this 21st annive~ of the Communist tending the Indoor eyehl!, · they may
party's takeover of ·the nation's govern-not venture out into . the storm to do
ment. so~ Mrs. Myer~ said.
The man lert a note saying he was The daily craftsmen's . fair at the "human torch No.· 2" and Will takJno F' · 1 · ·oe ~Uva grounds had been closed Slnce
dhis andslire in suppqrt or Jan Palacli's Supday she said. . . em . . . ,
.. Palach burned himself fatally, earlier •. ' :
Utls )'el?. to p<Wol the Soviet OCCUpallon • ,.... ball s ' .ke and to demand imre reforms for Ute nase tri .
occupied nation. ·
w11n ..... · to today·• burning, which n: .. pu·te E-_, _..J
occumd In -of the hall-dozen ~ IUJK(J,
paasages leading off Wenceslu Square, Baseball's fetliiing players and owners
said others at the scene told them of have ended their dispute and a threaten.-
.One cf the.~.worst hit wu Canyon
Acr,. Drive off ~ cail)ion·'RoacI.
The bucoUc drive was: a mud spieared
scene of pathos as many: evacuated their
once-cozy homes picking forlornJ7.at'sod·
den possesslovs. ·'
Two men, Ray Unger and Jack Fontan,
697 ~on Acres Drive, had '-bartly
esc.aped from thejr home M~ay when
U1plitin.tw8. . -.
Looking up . from t.. the' lite cascading
watetlalll could be aeon high up on
Ute 11eep blflaldes aendlug Utelr runo11
Into the alnad; °°"'""' canyon;
the youth's letter.
His name was not available
Further out .tbe1 Clft)'Oll at tbe in-
undaled SPCA, tlllll Lquna Canyon
Road, olllclaJs f°'iE{:'lhl ,.,, Ille lives
df about IIO bedra llllimlla. · im-ed;strlke by the plaY'f• ll·over. W!Ut water owp.g through the
Marvin Mlllfr, ei~ve dlredoi: of . ·bulldln.ga · deapllt aandbaglng, hor"'·
lb' Ma1or Leaiue Bueliall Playtll ·mule1 Chickens rabblU 1 h e e p and
As&ociaUon, advised . member pllYffl £~1' 'J:·ioovecLJo 41i:her er.ound._
they were free to · sign contraets:-tor The a:nd cata, qnsegreg~ted, were
the 1969 8'¥00 and report to · spring moved upttain In. the big SPCA b&i'n
1'1EW YORK (Af') -A technical rallJ training camps. . to save thek )!ves. a., §<bneider, SPCA
after fiv&llllioftl of ahatp decline fin.Jed Under an . agre:emeflt an~ by manager,l u1d tM wit* uw belll up
today aJ>MbO 11.0cl:·maj'ket doled wUll bo!h pullu, Ute ownm agreed to pul to Uteir bel!Iea." But ...,. far only a
anoUter JiJll, 1'radh&C wu ofalfly ad!~ f$.~.ooo annuallt Into Ute players few au<• pI11 b .. e -. loot.
(See quo11-.,~~). · ptl!llion f•nd and to ·lower •lliJblllty E!ahV perlOllO strandiod. 0. the 0011Ut
An ear41 ~Jn . ~ -.1 ... · irdm fiv~ ,..,.. J>llying Ume lo f"!I' ~· of ram~ AilaO er.et In SouU!
Ovtl' IOA!l1iidic( .• oJid ... ' . wm,. • ,......, · . · -Iiluu,.11,~ .!'\'lied lt .._,Mqoday
far · abeail of Ibo phla JllJll · Iii Jatt · Compltft 8eWli ~n\e ibutid'OiiPaie tl!U. ·•• IU'einen ·>hl.i'.i cable lo
tradin.g. 10. · (3e< IAGUNA, ..... I)
'.l . •
'oraage ·
There can't be much of this wet
stuff left, so the weatherman is
calling for clearln.g lldes Wedn,..
day. Bui ll'U llill be c:b1111 with
lemperalures In Ibo SO'• locally.
In a posture that'• fOflWWhot
unu.rual ta tht British 1'0flGI 1
famUu, the heir to tht thrtmt
opf>eart 03 a duttmtm sitting in
. a garbage can. -Pagc $.
" ,
" ... ,
" • " .. ,
M ti •
...,.... .......... -" -" _...,,.... I --.. --' ........... , ....
...... 1•11 --.. ,...,,.... .. \ -... ,. -.. ............ ...........
.2 Do\11.Y l'IUlT l
LONDON (AP) -President Nixon
r ., .. ID -lidq a plodp Iba!
lho llldtod l!talol """'°"' the ...,.pt
of an enlarged Common Market, in·
cludlnc Britain, within a unified Europe.
1'ben wtth bualness aside, the President hmched with QUttn Elizabeth II, broke
lho IJcmcl! of his Ugh! ""1Jrity lo shake
hands with Londoners and became the
firat U.S. president to. attend a session
of the mother of Parliaments.
'Ibis live llde of Nixon lhe poUUclan
dellgbled lbe Londooen llJ1d ~
hil ba~ ol bodypnl.<
Inch of Rain
Closes Roads.
In . Huntington
Near!r °'"' Inch of ..in which wu
dumped on HUJll!nllon Beach ovornliht .,
forced closure of two Jlt~(s early this
morning and threatened several others,
while ()ther west county cities fared
'1111 "'!!l'lrllJ men .,.. ~
..... Iba .. ~-
-'llltA "" QoMllft al •·•1 to!• Palaco1 ~ ltll ~..,...,.
j,ed at the exit gate• and leaped out
into a crowd of about 300,' lhaklng hinds
right and left. White Howie men frln--
·11ca11y pushed lllrouglt to surround the
grinning President.
Tbe palace incident strayed completely
orf the hard and tut program laid
' out (or bis crash visit to London as
pall of an elgbt-<lay loal'ol·Europe.
Bo did hh late call al tbe H-
ol ca--i, • 1n;roa>p1u "111 att<r
........ -.-..... _ lrtllla) n• °"" •lf'b' 11 .._t,. .._
-tba lllilol-• He sat u a aPectator rbr abotrt 19
mlnutea in the Commons, officially t&·
nored. Under Hoose rules even a visitor
:so eminent cannot be rteognlud from
the noor.
At the U.S. Embassy ln Grosvenor
Square, scene of violent anti-American
riots in the past, Nixon spent about
lO ·minule1 livtric .• ,aort of pep talk
lo lho 111embled ataff.
Wiiia he •llllll'd lltue were .. veral
-"""""" momlY la 1111 -~ _.., lrloadl1 mood Iba,.._
bad -alllblllal ·all d~. One little Dal -· o ltaltdlQJ of youths -shouted
11V!et 'COng" and ''Nlxon go home."
Bui' they "'"" _,.,hat drown«! out by the pro-Nhon' cheers and the roar
of his motorcycle escort revving up their
efiilnes. NI.Jon shook some more hands.
By now lbe President wu so eager
for public contact that be went even
furthu when he arrived at Claridge'•
Hotel for a brief rest and a meetinr
,\Vftb selectllel Britons from various walks
of Uie.
, Ho pl GUI o1 bla car al 1111 main eolnllcOUdllrOdo_U..-_
to · shake hands wltb Idly curlowJ. Most
of them were obvSouaJy pro-Nixon and
rather fiallered at the attention. But
there were some cries ol "Victory for
the National UberaUon Front."
From somewhere In the c r o w d
dernonStraton threw mimeographed anti~
Vietnam war pamphleta at the PreaJdent.
They fell hannleealy at his feet or on
the sboulden ot the security guards aurrot!Ddlnl him. Nix<>n pUI no 1ttenlloo
al aJI ml, lllll gay, wanderod baek . "
lo hh hotel.
Elrillr in the 411 ba mel PrltM
Mint• lf.lrold w• 1or -111no , hours at No. 10 Dowolng St., and pltased 1
the British government leaders mightily~
by assuring Ametic\n backlng for their.,
bid to Join the Common· Market. llollgtoc,
through lhe addltionel topfca of tho NOrth,
Atlantic Treaty Orpnfza.Uon and EMt~j
West detente, lhe President told the1
Britiib just about everythifll they wanted1
to hear. 1
Nixoa's position wu made k:no~·n .,Y J
hil spetesman, Ronald L. Zlejlor, 11•
a news con!ertnce after the meeUns./
Coast Association
Opens ·New Office
Revitalized with fresh talent and young
blood, lho 51-yell'Old or1111e County
Coul AnoelaUon bu opened new offices
In NewPort Beach to start 1alnlni around.
as 1 force In county 1ulda.nce.
which Dunn re signed due to escalatlor.
of bis duUes with the chamber of com·
The admlnistraUon named b Y
Florida street -Clay llJ1d Wil-liams avenue.s, and 17th Street betWeen ,--
Huntington Avenue and Lake Street
were closed by the Police Department
this morning because of heavy Ooodlng.
The or111ll11Uon ls now ,headquartered
at 12Zl W. Coast Highway.
"We're going th r o u I h an entire
reorganluUon to malnlain a role the
or1aniution baa enjoyed for 61 years,
as a leading service grouJ!. '' ·says Cap
Blackburn, pre!ldenl
Blackburn to help guide the organization
formed as the South Coast Improvement
Association in 191Z include :
-Goa.ls and objeeUves, Carl Kymla.
-Organization and budget, H u I h
-Project Creativity, Les Remmers.
Lt. Paul Darden, traffic division com-
mander, ..td U the rain continued, 1ev-em more llreelo would olao be dOlld.
'I1lere II dallier 11111 the bluff areas
on Talbert Avenue -Beacb Bou-
Jevvd IUld Goldemresl Street will lfve
wa:y under the rain, Darden added.
City engineers have heeu bu..y all day
trying lo pump out aertoualy Oooded .,.....,
"We have four portable pumps IUld
we're trying to rent more," aald dlvi·
&ion enaineer Darrell Boyer.
"But there isn't really a lot we c&n
do," Boyer added. "It we pump water
from one street, there b the danger of
flooding another street."
Boyer also u.id that anolher two inches
of rain after 10 a.m. would bring serious
pnibt.mJ lo the old pall ri town.
"Nalural bulna dot the older aectioa
and Ibey .,. filllna up fut," he aaid.
Fountain Valley, 'Westminster and Seal
Be.ch appareoUy wtre luckier over the
night, as they rePorted no serious prob-
lems from the rain.
The Weslm!nstu Pollee Department
aaid 1 tine hour br<ak In the rain early
lhll .mamlng pve the wot.r 1Jevel a. chaMe II> down In !hit ctty. ·
Jl'loodtd f.i.nec11ona plagu<d all the
clllel and police departments issued re-
mladen to the public to drive wdully.
Reagan Opposes
Teacher Strike
Pact at SF State
declared today be opposes a tentative
settlement of the San Francisco Stole
College teachers strl.ke and will vote
that college lnLlteel reject the terms.
The 1ovemor also told bia news con-
ference he believes University of
Callfomia at Berkeley students shoold
atrJ Identity card& to dlstlngulab !hem
rrom n01M1tudenls during the current
campus crisis.
And be reiterat,Qd hia opposition to
the n:tenUon on~ University of
Callfomia at San Diego faculty of
Herbert Marcuae, the professor a n d
phUosophlcal 'guide to many new lelt
'Ibe settlement was agreed upon by
a committee by Bay Ana members
of the State College Board of Trustees;
San Francisco area union leaders, and
about 360 members of the striking
Callfornia Teachers Federation, AFL-
r· '
••Wt H, W11•
,.n1\ftrlt ..... Mtl""'r
J.,. I . e •• 1 • .,
l/1Cf l'rn~"I 111d ~,.., .. Ml~l9fl
l~om •1 11:.,.a
T~•"'•' A. t.l~•p~i~t ,... ......... flilor
P.icJ.1rli P. Nill P1~! NiH111
L••IHll k•cll • AIW•!lt l"t
Cl!l' l dlltlf Ol•Hlll'I'
L•" lt•c~ Ofrtc•
222 F••••I A•1.
IJ11/l~1 A4i1•H t r.o. ··~ .,,, 92,IJ
Ccrtll Mnl~ '20 Wn1 Blf SI~! "'""*' lffcll: 1111 W11t .. lt.1 l.o;lln1rf ~Vll11fi9'9fl 111.cto. lC1 Joi~ Sl"'Ctl
A number of new committees and
chairmen to head them bave alao been
announced by Blackburn, aloog with
replacemtnt of one slot vacated by Hun-
tington Beach Chamber of commerce
manager Dale L. Dunn.
Ralph Berke, ualltant 1 e n er a I
monqer of the Balboa Bay Club, will
take over the 1ecretary-treuurer port
-Constitution and by.IJ,ws, Jame.s P".
--C:Ommunications, Tom Blackburn.
-lnstallaUoo and programa, Randy
-fdembarship, Bob Howard .
--O>mmunlty Lialaon, Ted Flnoter IUld
Jobn Klllefer.
~mmerical Liaison, O. W. "Dick''
Richard IUld Ray Waloon.
FroM Page 1
DAILY ,11.:0T ..... h' LMI ,.,.. MUDSLIDE' ;BURIES 18 • • •
Ploatlrt1 Flot1am, Including M111 BetwMn B•yahorH ind Reuben E. LH, J1m1 H1rboi: the streama have waahed out," be added.
Orllllle Ccunty Fire Department of·
flclals, meanwhlle, constantly revised
assessments of dunage in the hardest-hlt N t H b T d Fro• P .. e 1 mountain areas, the lalelt euualty being ewpor_ ar or urne ~:::~~e:,,a:.;.~~:"f!~Zth the LAGUNA • • • bitter foci that roada In both dlrecUons
are virtually lmpuaable and Ibey IJllPI T s f Mud, D b • them and rigged a rescue basket. figure out a way to reach the devastated
0 ea 0 e ris atTh;e:m:ro::.:1~:: = ~~y:: ·~~.ibefW:: ~d:tc:idl~~how badly
.. · ~.• t • ·-. ' --·-Beach C4.m•--.Club w h e n a the staUon wu wrecked or how deeply
By JOHN VALTJ:RZA obi~1t1.ot the topsoil and sliding ~own the ~-flood early .M~~da. y washed out the 12, to lS victims were: buried', but''
01 "" Diii'.-l'li.t ll•ff the prospects Were obviously grim ..
Tons of oranges, brush, trees, logs, City General Services Director Jake the bridges to thea urut.s on the creek Lowland areas were spared the brunt
oil drum s and other debria tumed Mynderse said that in "virtually all bank. of the storm which forecasters say should
Newport Harbor Into a giant mudbowl the cases of heavy land erosion and Mr. and Mrs. Abram Q. Schimmell clear up bij Wednesday, but the rain
lake Of garbage loday. earth slides· from the rain, ice plant of Lincoln, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. and flood to was nonetheless heavy.
More debris was flooding the bay as has pulled off and started the landslide W Hall f Lin In N b Mr nd Nearly every coastal city experienced
rains conUnued. process." . · am 0 co • e ·• • a Ooodlng requiring .some local streeta and
Elswhere around Newport Beach, ma· The plant's denae roots, be said, "don't Mrs. Robert T. Keeler of Los Angeles, roadways to be closed some of them
jor intersections and some low·lylng go deep enough to hold onto the soil and Mr. and Mrs. Glendon ·a. Roberti undermined and made 'dangerously im-
, homes were flooded . Newport's upper and the planbl fill with water and lhelr of Detroit, Mich.; were hauled to safety. paas1bte by the severe storm.
and lower bays seemed to be taking weight pulls them down the hill, then The bridges were reportedly torn ~· The UC Irvine campus wu open today
the brunt of the stonn's attack. topsoil goes with it." al 4 a.m. Monday. The couplet w Ith Culver Drive cleared and access
Orange County Harbor Df:pll'tment One Newport Beach resident, who has atranded on the aouth bank separat to UCl available past barricades on
spokesmen were pushing efforts to clear enjoyed the patio of his Newport from the main hotel by 50 yards Of closed MacArthur Boulevard.
the bay of the larger and more dangerous Hei1hts home for nine years, lost 15 roaring water for more than ejgbt hours. Extension courses acheduled f or
debris. feet of it Monday as earth gave way Telephone communication to the hotel tonight , however, are c1ncelled u they
Harbormut.er Al Oberg said that the and part of the slab tumbled down was not completed unUl 10 a.m. County were Monday, when Ooodlng threatened
oranges will be allowed to float out the hill. firemen and South Laguna Volunteer to maroon the sprawling campus like
lo sea, while the large Limbert, trees John Beazley of 100 King's Place, Firemen rigged ·the rescue basket and an island of learning.
and logs are being lassoed and towed fou ght in vain to save-the patio. brought all swinging over the abyss. A apokheck of stonn·ravag,_ed areas
to harbor Department docks for remov1I No major stn1ctural damage was Ironically, the' two couples from Lin-and a tally of what has occurr'!d there
by truck. r eported to City Hall, but building depart· coin, Nebraska had come to ~guna so far -continually changing as the
Al least hall a dozen veaela were ment personnel wer1!: in the field again Beach for a month of golf. Mrs. Hallan storm failed. to let up -. showed. the
in danger of sinking through the night. late today chec:klng l['lr ser!OUI damage noted that only two days bad been sunny follo'll'ing :
Harbor patrolmen "'·ere busy balling rain to homes. since they'd arrived. -Modjeaka Cuyoa: Two homes lost
water out of bilges. Mynderse $aid calls for sandbags "are Manager Lonnie Gates said that the and one damaged by a mudslide; the
. At least one large boat has been sunk coming from all over the city and we're hotel had been engulfed by over a foot Footbridge to Olive Hill washed out
by the raln, the 38.foot cabin cruiser trying to deliver them as fast as v.•e or waler. By the afternoon, the water and seven f~ilies evacuated, with
''Joker," which sank at ita slip In front can ." had receded leavlng behind two inches telephone service out. Numerous
of the Ancient Mariner rC!taurant Sunday Mort sandbag! we.re being piled up or mud over the floors of the hotel mudslides isolated the area because of
night. where heavy storm surf wa s eating sand unit s. high waters.
Crews were still trying to refloat the away perilously close to lifeguard head· Ben Brown's restaurant on higher Laguna Canyon: Several homes in Big
vessel. quarters. ground was spared. Bend area are undennlned and I.he SPCA
Debris was piling up on the beaches. The surf, pushed by gusts of wind In San Juan Capistrano, water service Facility abandoned, with all animals
too, and the $8,000 special cleanup project up to 20 miles per hour, had eaten had been restored this morning but a moved out. Three families are evacuated
by lhe city seemed futile. away front sidewalks of the oftlce. sewage syphon carrying about 10 percent and one family was rescued from the
As private contractor's personnel and Beach erosion continued heavy with or the city sewage had given way. second story of a house by firemen
equipment reached the 40th Street 1roln the ledge at the surfline measuring six Several families had been evacuated who waded through water 4 to 5 feet
in their debris plclrup work, debris was feet high and more in some area. along TrabucG Creek and the bridge deep. Several other persons were remov-
piling where they had just cleaned. Only a few minor traffic accldenl3 ed from stranded cars which washed
Sodden ict plant on steep bank1 were reported . They were attributed to over the creek for Camino Capistrano down strum, wblch runs 2 to J feet deep
·throughout the Harbor area was pulling rain-slick street.s. RGad was swayback, impassable and in the roadway.
apparently about lo collapse. -snvtrado Cu)'Oll: Sh homes so far Summarizing the situation grimly,
By Phil lnhlrl1ndl
are washed away, artd one bridge !s
out and another threatened. Fort1
families are evacuated and five vehJcles
washed away. Four homes damaged
urlously and the area isolated.
-Trabact Canyon: Water is flowlna
ovu the top of a wall at P 'Nell Park,
with debris in roadw1ys, another area
isolated by mudsUde.
-8an Jun Clplatruo: Seven families
DOW evacuated to bigber ground.
-Irvtne Park: Severe damage by ·
eroalon. with one restroom destroyed
and peMed animal.I turned loose.
Rainfall figures continue tp rise. In
Trabuco Canyon, typical of the mountain
areas, 3.66 inches fell in the tut 24
hours, bringing the storm total to 7.93
inches and the season to 31.38 compared
with 9.84 last year. Orange waa typical
of the lowlands area where Z.ZS Inches
fell in the last 24 hours ·to brlnf the i
storm total to 8.78 and the season to ,
19.75 compared with 7.22 last year.
From Page l
he re-applies be will be gtvtn high con·
aideraton ," Martin said. ".
But dissident students dismissed that
as "not even a bone being thrown to
Martin said he ia personally opposed
to the principle of retroacUvlty In hiring,
and firing. He said as director of the
American Studies program he would lika.
to see Nearo intellectua ls who hold con-
troversial views become members of
the faculty, but not if they could be
fired for saying something unpopular.
"The power of relroaclivity is a thre at.;.
over precisely the people you want ,"
be said.
\Vingifeld said the students never had
asked for a re troactive moratorium, It
was the academic senate that dlscussedl
that. -•
Heskett offered the opinion that the
academic ~enale is not a leglUmate
body anyway because it comes to the
heel of the chancellor. "They
(professors) are trained for that," he
Ernest Thompson, city administrator,
said "Everything is critiCal: there's just
too much waler."
San Clemente officials r e po r t e d
super!lcial mud slides "all over town."
There was also some fear for Colony
Cove condominiums on the blulfs over-
looking Coast, Hlghway as the rain con-
linued lo pound down .
Episcopal Priest Pleads
"Ah, her•'• Just whot you're loolclnt fw-.nethlnt <heap end
right on th• etNn ••••• 1 raft I''
Besides evacuallng Ocean Avenue
rc.!ildents and assessing or assisting at
other threatened .homes. Laguna ~ach
officials wert; passing out sandbags
downtown in the event the storm channel
became blocked ·or the taket let go.
Firemen hid pumped oul more than
20 homes, a couple lwict, and South
Coast Theater.
In Laguna Nlluel. a 300 foot porUon
of bluff that tbreatened expensive
P.fonarcb Bay home.s with a mudsllde
was slopped by chemicals.
LltTy Liuate, chief engineer for
Laguna Niguel Corp., said chemlcalJ
were pwnped into the top of the bJuff
ovrr the aoo.ooo bomt!I. The effect of
the process was lo form columns ZO.feet
deep with the strtngth ot concrete, he
Late reporil tod~ lndlcoted that
authorities had evacuated s.n Juan
Capistrano Junior Hl&h School. Water
waa reported rampaainl up to the bridge
level on Pactnc Coul 11lshw~ at l)o.
heny Part.
The ro1d between Caplttrano Beach
and San Clemente was reported clcmd.
Innocent to Crash Charges '.·:
Carl Warren Stokes, 46, klenUfied by
police as an Episcopal priest from
Covina, faces a jury trial March 11
alter pleading innocent Monday in West
Orange County Municipal C.OUrt to five
chlll'£el stemming from two 8e'plMlte
auto accidents Feb. 10 in Huntington
Beach IUld Fountain Valley.
The Rev. Mr. Stokes preflously had
been incorrectly idenUfied I! 1 Catholic
p r i es t or the Hol)' Trinity P1rilb in
Covina. He wu with the tloty Trinity
Episcopal Church In Covina, but hu
not been uaoclaltd with lhal ch\D'ch
since iut December, actordina to a
chltrch spokesman.
He will be tried Dul month on OM:
count of drunken dt1vlq and one count
of rtcldess drlvln1 tnvolvtng an accident
in HunUnaton Beach. Botb art mild«>
meanor charcu brought by pQllce in
th11t clly.
Meanwhllt. Fountain Valley police are
Preaslnc charsea <11 throe m1ademeanor
offenses -recklw drtvln1, assault and
reslstizl& arrest. All three 111.m from
a second auto accident which occurred· \;
about an hour after the Hunlin(ton Bea
accident, accordlna; to police accounts. • ...
Fountain Valley poli~ said the Re•~~
Mr. Stoker was the driver of an auto'«
involved· Jn a collision with anolher cal' ..
driven by Charles L. Rotblauf, 34, San~~
Ana. ""
Followlng his arnst in Fountain V1lley, :.
the priest was turned over to Huntingt.oh ·
Beach police who bad lasued 1 deacrlp. ,
tion of the vehicle involved in an allq:ed
hit-nm Incident In their city. ,
The priest's car. police 11id, stru~ 1
a pedestrian who wu walking beside,
Broothw'at Street near Indlanapolla
Avenue.. The pedertrlan, William Halloc
42, ol 1114 Durham Drive, HunUngta ..
Beach, was knocked into the mud at:
the aldt of the road 11.nd wal.ttd away ..
from the accident wilh onJ.y bru1aet, ..,. •C<.'<lrdinl (o pollct. •
l!alloc:ft b employed al t h 1 Ardeft •;I
Marina In Newport U.ach. 11• 11ld ho
was wal~g homt alter h1 vin1 car troo-
-• • • '
' •
' " ' • •
• • •
-. .
S'eene· ·t.f· behris~ .
.... ..,,.....,.
County's Canyon Artas Cut ~ by Storm
New Court Leaks
Facility More 'Flush' Than 'Lush'
Of tll• DllLIY Pllllt Sltfl
Enthusiastic architects who described
the new colUlty courthouse as "lush'
during the fanfares that surrounded the
opening of the •t4 million building three
months ago must now be wondering
U "flush" wouldn't have been. a better
u;t hasn't occurred te> them lt had
certainly occurred to weary maintenance.
men Mondai, desperately trying to mop
11p at least 100 leaks throughout the
JI-story building.
"Water, water everywhere" was the
wail that went up, as work crews tried
to keep up with inflows that ranged
from pools of water at the bottom of
elevator shafts to at least six massive
leaks in the roof of the brand new
By late Monday, the inroads had been
contained and emergency repairs ef-
fected in the worst flooding -conditions.
But some county employes, · for whom
this was the third such experience,
dismissed as "we've beard that one
before" tbe assurances of maintenance
men that they would now be dry on
But for some court.house employees
these may well be storm clouds with
silver linings.
"If it drowns the mice, then lt can
do this every day," grfuned one
rnunicipaJ court clerk; still not convinced
that a recent inroads of the tiny rodents
bas been effectively dealt with.
"No, I haven't seen any these Jast
few days.'' 11he commented Jn respomie
to a newsman's question, .,but that
doesn't mean they've gone. What we
1ee on the carpet.! some mornings aren't
a11t'1 eggs, you know."
Heavy rains have also created parking
problems for many of the courthouse
personnel Many cars are parked in
the underground facilities but most of
the county employes ,are obliged to
park in the area sWTounding the building.
Much of that space is now a sea
o[ mud and some employes are having
to finish their journey to work on foot
from as far as six and seven blocM
away~ And many of them have returned
to their former parking quarters near
the old county courthouse on Broadway.
And it was obvious from the comments
of those who have returned to their
old parking stalls that the honeYmoon
ls over. Ma n·y of the employes who
tripped .starry-eyed to their new building
no longer roam the courthouse corridors
to marvel at this modern miracle of
"Parking here is j u s t like .the old
days," one veteran court . c I erk
murmured. "You know, that old buildinl
wasn't so bad. It had character, warmth,
in fact it was a friendly old place.
"And ·it was dry/1 be snapped with
a savage plunge on the gas pedal.
••tt was bone dry ••• "
Heart Transplant
Patient 'Alert'
TORRANCE (UPI) -Heart transplant
patient Richard C. Newell made steady
gains today in his lixth day of life
with the heart of a young woman beating
normally in his chest.
A spokesman at Harbor General
Hospital laid Newell wu "'alert'' and
.. oriented" and able to 1it up In his
bed. Newell, 58. an Oxnard grocer, was
started on a soft diet Monday.
County Army Deserter's
Court Martial Opening ·
A Santa Ana GI who escaped from
Vietnam to seek asylum in neutral
Sweden, then returned to America for
what may be a historic c;ourt martial,
went before the board of officers at
Ft. Dix. N.J., today.
Spec/4 Edwin C. Arnett, 30, who came
S•nta An• Sp. 4 Arnett
home to face the charges and see his
parents again, is charged with two
separate desertion counts, carrying a
possible five.year prison term.
Homesick fellow American .ervicemen
living abroad will be waiUng to see
what happens to Arnett and the outcome
of his court martial may mean they
will live their lives in exile.
.. T know many of them would like to
return to the U.S., but are afraid of
the consequences," Arn ett said in a
\\Titten statement to United Press In·
ternational, sent from his cell last
November. ·
"I Intend to return to Sweden," the
slightly-built Army cook nid, "but I
want t'o go back wlth an American
pusport and without dlarges hanging
over DlJ bead."
The charges hanging over hil head
to be resolved now include desertion
with intent to remain away from hll
unit permanenUy, and allo desertion with
the intent to shirk important senrlce.
Original reports said Arnett was a
specialist with an intelligence unit, duty
somewhat more critical to national
r;ecurity than his apparent kitchen
He spent about two month! 1n the
Soviet Unlon alter leaving his post at
cam Ranh Bay. then went to Sweden
aod chose kl return home vo1untarily
1n mld.5eptember of last year.
He was taken into custody after ar·
riving at Kennedy Internalional Airport,
New York, a..i . hustled to the Fort
Dix stockadt, where he bu alnce been
Dit.ILY PILOT,... IW LM P.,...
Stripped Stripe
Tracy Raymond, 8, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Raymond of
Harbor Island in Newport
Beach displays section of Bay·
side Drive lane marker loosen·
ed by storm waters. -
Lost County. ,
Pilot's Plane,
Body Found
The body of an Orange County ·pilot
who operated a funeral escort service,
was found in the wreckage of bis light
plane In hilly Yuba County, a!I miles
from Smartville Monday.
A forest ranger spotted the demolished
Piper Comanche 400 •'1d remains found
in the _plane were _~tllied u th_o!e
of Leroy Fudge,. 45, of llllO lflllandale
Ave., La Habra.
Last word from Fudge was a garbled
radio report monitored by the control
tower at Chico Municipal Airport last
TUesday afternoon and a hunt was
organiz.ed when he did not arrive 1n
Stormy weather hampered the Civil
Air Patrol ,.search Jar Fudge, whi> was
due to land at Fullerton Municipal
Airport at 1:30 p.m.• Ja,st Tuesday, ac-
cording to his flight plan. .
Flights over rolling hills and farmlands
from Cblco to Sacramento turned up
no trace · of the plane, co-ownecl. tiy
Lawrent'e E.·Sbepherd, of 6Z1 CottOnwood
Drive, Brea. ·
Fudge and his wife new to Troutdale,,
Ort., last Thanksgiving for a holiday
visit and rttumed by commercial airline
since bad weather stretched ovet the
west coast.
He returned Feb. 16 to get the plane
and disappeared on his flight back to
Orange County.
Supervisors Face
Critical f.ounty ·
Airport Decision
Oranp County Airport Is at the
crossroads and the Board of Supenison
will IOOl'I be fact.el wttb critical decisions
on the facility.
The runway is in such poor condiUon
that at least $160,000 must be 1pent
soon and this figure could go to $400.000.
officials said today.
A layer of f i ,.e Inches of asphalt
over the runway Will com an estimated
$160,000 and the t9uchdown area should
have about 1,000 feet of concrete paving,
bringing the repair coot toWs to $2SO,QOO.
U U>e )ob la demo right to take care •
of future heavy traffic, . !350,000 to '
$400,000 migtit be spent. on lhe runway•
and taxiways.
Looming in the background Is the
application of at leut sfx major airlinet
to Oy out of the local airport. A decision ·
on these will be made by the Civil .
Aeronautics Bureau on March 25 in .
Washington D.C.
ff the federal ~ency .ar.ants these
requeN, airport runways would have
to be atrengthened to full concrete llaJI.
dard1 to handle heavier planes.
The Board of Supervisors has made
. no decision on the county'• poalUon +at
the W ashlngton bearings bu\ the Newport
Beach City Council ii erpeded to .PW
a reoolutlon klolgbt opl?"'lng the ad·
dJtlonaI fUghls from U>e airport aild :
will forwanf II to the supervisors with
a request fer action.
Explo<er· Sauls, Hl11h School Shld.,.11 Work Feverishly on Mein BHch
It's Wettest • Winter Yet
Of ... .,..... ""' Sleff
And atill It ralns • . . • '
Wi~ creeks and riven spillin& over,
mudslides bJoctlng acores of roads,
thou.sands of persons fleeiq tbelr homes
and rainfall · figum aoarlng to record
proportions, Sootbern Callforniana today
resigned themJelves to the wettest winter
In M,yean.
No letup appeared in &lght, at least
through tonlgbL Weather f_..ters
cauUOW1ly predicted d ·e c re a 1 l n I
cloudln ... on· Wednesday, w!U> tbe raiJ>.
fall probabWty diopping to 20 pereenl. ·
It was preclpltaUOA u llJll&! lfooday,
with uP to an · inch and a half of rain
falling on • a druUcafly waterlogge.d
. .
DIAi •1111.IC:
Orll)ge County. Costa Mesa and Lagqna '
Beach each. recorded 1.35· inchµ, while .
HunUngton Beacll and Neliport Beai:b
received less than' an inch and inland
regions such as Anahellp and Gai'den
Grove were over the 1.5 mark.
Perhaps the most graphic example
of the storm's wrath, however, was
recorded at San Clemente .where rainfall
figures are tabulated from Jan. 1. A
year ago the city's rain gauge for the
l!leilson registered .88 of an inch -today's
reading was 16.81.
But by comparison with its nel,ghboring
counties. Orange County was holding
tts head well above water. These were
tbe latest developments in the Southland
storm picture:
-At i.as1 a.soa pe!'IOlll, lncludlDi IJl'l'O
than on.third of the population of Santa
Paula, (about 4,IXM>) have been evacuated
from thelr homes.
-All Los Angeles area poJloe ofllcert
were kept on duty Ip a tactlcaJ al~
for possible evaC:uaUODll because · of the
threat of Dash fioodl In U>e San Fermndo
Valley. .
-At least 2,000 Ojai Valley realdeota
fled their homes.because of riling water ..
-The city of. Coronl was IU?l'ounded
by. a raln-cauaed lake of flood waten.
-The Red Cross set emergency reDef
centers in Riverside, San Bernardhlo
and San Luis. Obispo counties .. well
a. Oi'ange County •.
$429 FOR DELIVERY $4995 . . FIFTH SAVE ••• , . CASE
CALL . 548-9314
· We at HI-TIMI •r•
h.ppy 'to •nnounc• n1w
,·av i n CJ s on. quality
brands.· In l:1ipin9 witf.i
our firrft's belief, "th•t
you get what you p•y
·for," we shall continue
to waed out infe,Of pro-.
_.,, ... _
..... ~by
.., usta•_.. for HI•
TIMI --·••• ltr••tl
lfllrlll, .•••• -.....
.. -... ~150/o • .._ .......... _
.C17% """"' ,. .. _,
oodMardll-TM---.., .-.. .. acotd ...... i ... ...
........ to ....... .
For tho11 who h.11en't
1 .. 1.d HI-TIMI'S. lam·
out spirits, we ~·•• re·
ducoad their price for
two months on tingle
bottle purch11p•.
$485 CHARGE $54
$585 $65
95 .
·, VODKA -100°/o Grain Spirits -Charcoal Filtered
$399 . QUART lOAM
. 30'4 11\!VENTOR~ CLEARiy.NCE.
;;10 69~ ;~111 ........ ,.... ...
to 10 PM $46
ftl.US TAX
ICOTCH ..........
'9" $r
459 ~ i17th, Costa Mesa 548-9314
I \
I • I
4 D.111.V 1'11.0T
, I ..
Speeds· Accuraiely to Mars
ec.-w .... ...,.,.. ....,
Sign In a New York rellaUl'llllt
\viDdOW en 8th Avenue: "FREE -
a .rue\ ol. Solo dinner to anyooo
bringing In a \enor •ax and p1-Ylng
a aoog. "We wllb to prove: Mwlc
is good for the sole." • Seven men In Iowa Falls found
tlult the beat way to loee weJibt Is
by putung •too aiuc. In a conte1t
and 1Hmml111 down compeUllvely.
All overweight, tho •-.-ulted docton for recommended weight
Josi over a month'• Ume, then
threw '100 Into a pot. Winner•
were to divide the losers' moaey,
but tho contest fizzled u each met
his target. Said one: "Yoo tblnk
about It before yoo put that foric to
your mouth if It'• goinf to coot you
$100." •
' .. ; . ~~~~ -~;2~ .
Mrs. JaTM1 MeltO'n, of San Fran-
cisco, who hal vawned an trtimattd
10,000 times in tht pa1t ~t~ U ta-
pering off. Wht'n sht centered Frank-
lin HOlpltal lall W<•Tc, Jin. Jlelton,
40, war 1fQW1ling four time• a nUn.-
utt, Z4 houri a da11. NOUI •hi it ·
yawning onL11 onct a mtnutt. Doctor•
sall' Mr probWm if cawed b11 an un-
usMCl but minor th11roid probllm.
Dr. Rodolfo Garclt~ said, "1h<'1 do-
ing fim•• and prtdicUd that 1he
could go home some time toda11. • Did you know that Philip Sprlnv-
•r and Nit• Jones wrote a song
titled ''Green With Envy, Purple
With Passion, Wblta With Anger,
Scarlet With Fem, What Wero
You Do!ng in Her Arms Last Night
Blues"? •
Haml.n lDa3 fiMd $288 in a
Rome court for.1lapping Ophel-
ia cm stage. Tht court convict-
ed actor Carmelo Bem of in-
voluntary injuriftg octreu Mar-
gh<rlta Purooitc~ during a P<T'
formanc1 of a modernized pro-
duction of Shakerpeare•i "Ham.
1't" Ofle nlght '11. 191!7. Tht
modtrnized t>errion c:alled for
Hamlet to slap Oi>htiia but
Mi.!1 Purooitch charged in
court that Bexe overdid it one
t1lght Mcame they had qua,..
nlld •If •!aQ•.
• 'Ibo preeident of tho Hydt Park
Doctors Call _
Ike Recovery
WABlllNGTON (AP) --J'rell.
dtnl J>w1ll>i D. ---todaJ to reconr "lllXIOtblT' tnm ab--
domlnal aurpry and doctGn called his
PloCJ"MI "llUlt abort ot. remarkable."
A mldmornlnc lllldlcal balletln from
docton atl4nc!ln( Ibo 'IJ.fW'Old pnoral
at Walter lleod Anny H01pltal uld bil
"vital llcnl Ind ctrdlac otatul mnaln
llable," Important In Ylew of bll ltftft
heart attacks.
"He 11 able to ~vtl'H for abort
periods and hll morale II ....UenL Tu
II belJll lddtd to his oral lnlW," Nld
the bulletin given ,.porters by Bn1.
Cen. Frederick J, Hugbei, the boopital'a
commandlq: .iener1t.
H111hel allo uld the fivwter 1enoral'1
-Lt. Col. John Elsenho"or II l•svtnc th1I momtni for hl1 PhoenlxvllJe, Pa.1 born•.
The former prealdent'1 wife MamJe
was reported teeing him 'at lntervalJ.
' Although docton 11\d Eisenhower "will
have ·to. be watcbed especlally carefully cturtna the not two week." the atmos-
phere wu ..Wed at the prw center
Ofllclal1 tndicalod the round--t
watch might be lf<>pped 1t Iha end
ol lbe dlj'.
Scrub Buckets
,Used to Feed
Pueblo Crewmen
CORONADO (AP) -The lood given
USS Pueblo crewmen in their North
Korean prilon WU barely tnOUlb to
sustaiJ1 life and WU lll'Ved In ICl'Ub
buckets, Olll ot. the 1hJp11 c:om-
llliloacymon ..,..
After ti wu eatee. COmmlluryman
l.C. llllT)' Lowil t.olllled at I court
ol lnqulrJ llmdlJ, the ..... toot tllo
bucketa -"The il'po you nob the
floor with" -away and ntwbld them
..... ubed and flDed wttb drinth!C Wiler.
At least .even crewmen Wert listed
u wltnluel on . today'• c:oo:rt ICbedult.
The Nl'1 baa said ti pllns to bear
the enUrt crew.
Lewil w11 Wed hil view as 1 l .. year
N•'1 commllurymon ol the quality and
q1W111ty of food In lbe North Kor1an
"Poor," Laria Mid. "Very poor."
"Enou&h to IUlt&in lite?''
"Thlt'i jllll 1bout ti," IAWll aald.
•iwe have started the wttk with what
we think) 11 a perfect launch," said
Space """1:y Llunch Director lloberl Gray. sun ahead ·In UM buay weet are the
blutoll eorly Wednesday ol 1 Ttros
wealbtr AteWte, and ~'• lldt1 or
Ibo Apollo t eortb orbital mlllton.
. Altronoull Jama A. McDMtl, Dlvtd
R. licoll ID d Ru.II L. Schwetcbrt,
who puald tbeji' l1nal •-llooda1.
pllnned to spond -ol todll JlrlClld!>J l'HOlry ..-..., ill a lplC'fflcbt
Rmulotor. -todq pndlded
IOGljll1blt -condHlonl for l"rld11'1 Apollo 111111Chtni.
. 'l1't tlO-pound Mlrtnor 11>1-.ft mual
Leaders Confer
perform a mJdcourse maneuver on Fri-
day or Sllurday to reline Ill 226-million·
mile trajeclory 10 that ti Wffi lpe<!d
put Mari wllhln 2,000 miles of the
IUl'fact. Project technicians were con-
11dtllt ti .. oufd mlke anotbor rood •how· inf.
"We've &ot a lq WI)' to ao, but
we'll 101 to Mars July It," predlCUd
Donald P. Hearth, director of lunar and
planetary progrlllll !or the 1J11C1 .,..,.
"It JooU llte we're rl&bt on tar1et, ''
aald Rarrll Scburmelr, Marintt project .._ ...
An Attu..ce.ntaur rocket s l a r l e d
Mariner on Ill lone journ•y al S:2t
President Richard Nixoo and British Premier Harold Wilson hold a
conversation in the Long Gallery of Chequers, official country resi·
dence of British premiers. The President's evening at Chequers tasted two hours longer than scheduled as the two leaders discussed
a wide range al issues.
Defense Witness Claims
Clny Shaw Not Bertrand
Andttwl Jr., an attorney who was onet
convicted of perjury by Dist. Alty. Jim
Garrison, testlfled today Clay L. Shaw
wu not Ule mysterious "Clay Bertrand"
mentioned Jn the Warren Repcrt.
Andrew1, the eighth defense witnen
in Shaw's trial on charges of conspirlne
to ususlnate Preslden( John F. Ken·
nedy, uld he picked the name out 0£
the 1ir.
the auwination of the President with
Oswald and David W. Ferrie.
Andrews testified today the man who
called him was not "Clay Bertrand" but
that as he was reportlng the conversa-
tion to FBI agent Regis Kennedy, "it
suddeoJy dawned on me that if I re-
vealed the real name it would bring a
lot of heat and trouble to 1omebody
who didn't de3erve it."
p.m. PST Monday. Al"" U.. -1111
-wltb the great Kai ol the Unllod
Stetea embluoned on Ill side -
atparltod from the booster. ti Wllolded
Ill Win(•llke IOiar ponell and turned
lO aim lh<m II the IUD to coavat
Ill rl)'l loto electrtc!IJ.
111 final manebv• wu lockinl an to the ltar c_.. a Httle over !Ollr
houri -laanch. Tbo opoc:ocrlfl -the -and tllo -u ..., ...... polnll, In oetUnl Iii "°'""to Min.
Tbo croft eorrled camoru to tan
74 plclum ol a brood llrtp OI the
IUl'f""' alooi the Manlan equator. A
oilter Min J"obo dut to bt I~
Man:b 14 • .Mariner 7, will be aimed
&oward lbe plane&'• IOUtb pole. Between
the two. IOml I) percent of the planet'•
aurlace would be pholol!l',Phed.
11l8 Mariner camer11 wW ahow object3
u amall u IOO ysrda In a1le and will
ba\'I 10 tlmel the delalJ "' the beat
ol U plctum ol Man radioed bock
lo earth by Jlsrtnor 4 to Ila.
Other tnllrumeoll 1boord Mariner I
'lilll tnvatJcate lbe temperalure and
...,.poottJon ol the 1tmolpbore ol Man
lo detennlot ti lbe hen& -b-• ol lbe planet could barlJooo ocmt form
ol llfe atmUar to earth'•· Of the plllllels
In the llO!ar 1)'1tem, Man II given tbt
beat -ol bavin( ll/e.
Red Soldiers
Hit Marine Bases
SAIGON (UPI) -North VWDanwe
soldiers firing automaUc weapona and
with exploalve charg .. 1tr1pped to their
wrlsti charged out ol tlle Jt1111led
darkness near the demllltarized zone
Israeli Planes
Hit Jordanian
Gun Positions
By UDlted Presa laterDaUo.aal
Israeli warplanes followed up Monday's
massive strikes against Syria bY at-
tacking Jordanian artillery posit.ions near
the Sea of Galilee today. ·
Israeli and Egyptian forces fou ght
across the Suez Canal and Egypt pro-
claimed 1 state of emergency in ex.
pec:tatlon of Israeli air attacks.
Two Israeli planes knocked out gun
emplacements in the Neve-or area of
the Beisan Valley, an Israeli 1pokesman
said 1n Jeru1Jalem.
'The rald came shortly after an Israeli
military spokesmen said Arab guerrillas
had shelled the country retreat of JnaeU
Premier Levi Eshkol Monday nlgbt.
Eshtol was in Jerusalem.
Egypt went on alert against expected
Israeli reprisal raida after a night o(
machlnegun &attles wllh Israeli troops
acr05J the Suez Canal eeaa&-f.ire line
north of the city of Suez. No casualties
were reported.
Jordanian and Israeli troops battled
acrOl!IS the Jordan rjver for 20 minutes
early today, Jordanian spokesmen an-
nounced. They blamed Israel for the
exchange .
WASHINGTON (UPll -Burgeonlng
consumer demand pua?led retail prices
up three-tenths of one percent in
January, the government reported today.
The Labor Department reported It.I
Index of retail conmmer prim r<»ie
from 123.7 percent to more than 124.1
percent of the 1957-69 b8se period. The
gain was more than th' two-tenths of
one percent advanced in December.
today and 1tllclted two U.S. Marine
buea Jn human wave..
The Marines I01t 31 dead p 115
wounded in the heaviest ground l1JbUng
alnce Augwit. The Commwllsta broke
through the Marines' outer pertmeter.
but were thrown back In hand-to-band
combat, luvlng 5$ dead on the bat-
The Communisls' three-day-old winter
offensive wu growing in intensity. They
used tear and nausea 1as Jn attacks
near Saigon, shelled 50 more towns and
Allied buel ~ mused more troop•
for the long expected assault on Saigon.
So far. the: Communists have lost more
than 2,000 men in battle. AWed klues
were more than ISO American troops
and 200 or more South Vietnamese killed.
The most dramatic battle was against
the Marine unit.s near the Rockpile to-
ward lhe eastern end o fthe DMZ. The
combat was ao desperate Mari~ fought
back with captured weapoM when they
·ran low on ammunition and called in.
artillery strikes on their own positions.
Some of the North Vietnamese blew
themselves up with thelr own satchel
charges wheq...eaphu'e was Imminent.
U.S. B~mbers thundered into action
bartly 20 mile. from Saigon a. U.S.
milltary sources warned that the North
Vietnamese were moving up fre$h trooJ).'
for another assault against the Long
Binh military complex 18 miles northwest
ol the capital.
Police ol!lf!als in Saigor. .said when
the offensive ltarted Sunday with a aeries
of intensive shellings against 100 towns
and bases, a police swoop in Saigon
rounded up 43 Viet Cong leader• and
foiled plans for ground attacks inside
Saigon ilselt
* * * Ky Eager to Talk
Ideas on 'Peace'
PARIS (UPI) -South Vietnamese
Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky said
today he has "many new ideas" about
the war and peace he want.s to diJcuss
with Presldeot Nl1.on later this week.
He hinted at a harder Saigon line In
the peace talks.
Arriving back from Saigon to dirtct
his country's negoUatlng team at the
peace talks, Ky said it was "very likely'•
he would meet with Nl:con to coordinate
Allied strategy at the talks.
Higlt School PTA In Chicago says
oho may urge parent. to withdraw
their children from school wblle
wort continues on a '6 million re-
modeting project. Mrs. Edn1 Jock-
son laid workmen 1pend too much
time flirting with school girls.
He later pve an estlmltt of SOD calorie•
a day. Few adult American males
avuq:e under 3,000.
Lew11 wu one of 11 crewmen who
appeared Monday to recount their treat-
ment at the hands of th• North Koreans
and their efforts to resist and defy
tbelr torm«lton.
Andrews, told the FBI in 1963 "Clay
Bertrand" called hlm the day after the
Nov. 22, 1963i! assassination of Kennedy
in Dlll111 an asked him to defend Lee
Harvey Ollwa1d.
Ganiton coo.tendl Shaw is Bertrand,
and Eha1 be Uled that alias in plotting
Rah1, Snow, Sleet, Hail
Lasl1 Northern California
"I am bringing many new ideas In
my pocket," he said. Nixon is to arrive
in Parls Friday on his European tour.
The South Vietnamese leader said his
diplomats would t'll the North Viet-
namese and Viet Cong not to expect
concessions from Saigon, particularly in
the wake of the Communist shellings
of South Vietnamese cities.
Ky also relterattd his warning that
If the shelllngs go on, South Vietnam
would consider resuming the allied air
raids on North Vietnam. Nantucket Coast Whitened
Boston Suburbs Buri.ed Under Two Feet o1 Snow
Ni-. "'" ..... or-. c:..t ....., Wiit -~ ..... , llr'W .....
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T> ,,
SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Rain, hall,
snow and sleet struck Northern California
again today aa the 1eCOOd major flood
of the year swept the San Joaquin Valley
drenching farmlands and leaving dozeos
The Fresno and Chowchllla rivers ln
the valley and the Salinas River near
the coast also were approaching Uood
st.age u the Wealhtr Bureau predicted
heavy rain would continue through
Some 80 persons were forced out of
their homes ln Coalinga In Fresno County
?lfonday when Wartham Cretk 1ursed
nv'r ill south bank. Downtov.•n lllreels
were flooded with watu up to the handles
of a bowling alley door at one point.
School1 were clOHd and police reported
all roadl into Coalinga wt.re c~ tl•
cept ror the road to Fresno, which
wa1 rt ported 1'barely passable."
In Fre100, sandbagging crews were
Power Failure 'fraps
10,000 on NY Subway
NEW YORK (AP) -A transformer
'XlJIMlon knocked out powtr on a M-
block streteh or 1 Manhattan subway
at the hc!!ht of the rush hour this morn-
ing. trapp ng up to J0,000 riders In their
tr11irtJ for an hour.
Smoke from the lhort-clrt"Ult e:cploslon
gu!lhed through the Eighth Avenue
subwlly tunnel from Hth Street to 1251.h
Street. A rew manhole covtn on the
strtet.• popped like champagne cork$,
witnesses said .
filling thousands of sack s for use Jn
bJocklng fiood water• which closed
streets and sent water a fool deep cour1-
ing over 1ldewalks.
By Monday night, Fre1no had received
a total rainfall of 19.48 lnchea for the
sea1on ending June 30, an all-time record.
About 15 families were evacuated near
Madera. The Red Crou set up evacuation
centers in Madera, Freano. and Woodlake
in Tulare County to aid the homeless
Foreign Relations
Committee Okays
Nuclear Treaty
WASHINGTON (AP) -The senate
Foreign RelaUon1 CommJttee approved
today the truly dulined to prevent
tbe sprtad of nuclear weapons.
Chairman J. W. Fu1brl&hl 11ld he
expected a report on the aetlon would
be completed by March 8 and the treaty
then sent to lhe 000r for a vote.
The report, he said, would tlarUy
two still controveralal points -whether
lhe treaty's ArUcle Vt r!qulres thll
country to seek tinmtdlat.e talks with
the Soviet Union on nucltar dlsanriament
and whtthtr nonnuclear naUon1 tllat do
not sign the pact or• enutled lo help
in peacelul 1tomtc projecll,
There were incUc1Uon1 the committee
would say "yes ' on the arms talk•
and "no " on the non-signing countries.
"If the Communists believe they can
go on with tbelr lhe!Un1 of our dUe1,
they are wrong," Ky told newsmen
at Orly Airport. 111 have already 1ald
that the Allies have shown maximum
good will by de--escalatina the war and
stopping the air raids on the north."
ICootlaotd From P111 I)
handwrltlns exptrt to testUy that tht
entrle1 In the looeele&I notebooks were
made by Sirhan.
The entrle1 previously have been
reported to contain the Jnacrlptlon
"Robert F. Kennedy mutt b •
aa.&11inated before June 5, llA." That
wu the f1nt anniversary of the 111, Aral>llnlell war •
Kennedy wu mortally wounded
the mornlni ol June 1 .
'Ibe notebooks alto reportedlyy :~r notaUono lhowtnc Slrhln °1 p
munllt lolll1np and bll haired ol llrae
They are lmportent to Ille prooecutl
In t1tabllah1nt the flrA degree murd
~ri-:~:m o~. ::u:;~he4·
Ancele1 police department tutlfled t
he and three other 0Ulcer1, lncludl
an FBI qent, surched the Slrttan
of the evenln1 of June 5,
Brandt oc:lmowledled llley did not be ..
a searcb warrant but II.Id they ,..
aocomponled by and bed the permlaaltl
ol Slrhan'• brother. Adel. Under ~ tioninl by del..,. auorney Gr..i
Cooper, Brandt 11ld the of!lctn ._ 4?'1na to find U Sieben bed acoompllcw
~~~:___ ____ ....__. .............. _..::-:::._ ______ ~·------
Spring Forecasts Stylish Parade
' ' FASHIONS FLUTTER -Plans are on·the wing and ideas are fly-
ing high for the 11th annual I. Magnin Fash!O!I Sh<lw and Lunch-
eon to be presented in April. Complementing the. lofty ideas and
colorful costumes are decorations of massive butterflies which are
The Laguna Line
Dinner Parties
Popular' Event
ot "'9 Dally l"lllt Sl1ff
Between Winter Festival ac-
tivities and private parties,
actlvity-rninded L a g u n an s
aren't finding much time for
television viewing.
DR. AND MRS. Norman
Nixon will have about 16
friends ln their Laguna Beach
hxiie nert Saturday evening
for cocktails and dinner.
Mrs. Nixon, who is prepar-
ing her own version of
Hawaiian Curry for the oc-
casion, pro~ a special
surprise treat in the form of
entertainment for her ~·
an lnteresUng group of friends
over to her South Laguna
home for a recent cocktail par·
Guests Include E. M .
H. Bruggere have been en-
tertaining their friends with
a series of 1matl dinner
parties in their Monarch Baj
Three Arch Bay residents
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lin-
derman and Mrs. Roger
Holden will be dining with -
the Bruggeres tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Harper
of Three Arch Bay and
Pasadena celeb-rated"
Washington's birthday with
lhe Bruggeres 1 as t Saturday
evening. Other fr i e n d s
recently entertained by the
popular couple include Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Johnstoo--of '
Laguna Niguel, Mt. and Mrs.
Boyle, Mrs. Francis Pearce
oC Colony Cove and Mrs.
Florence Berkson of Laguna
' ' being admired by (left to right) Mrs. James D. Bradeson. Miss
Heather Goss, Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman and Mi's. James B. Keyes ·
who are attuned to arrangements.· ·
Nathanson, author of "The
Dirty Dozen," and his wile,
_both oLSouth Laguna. and
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Boyle of
Laguna lfipel.
Mrs. Bruggere will abandon
her hostess duties tomorrow
evening when she and her
husband join other guests
entertained by Mrs. Harri.son
Chapin with cocktails and din--
ner. Mermaids Screening Laguna's 'Bea ~fy Spots'
Getting away from the constant rainy, l>lusttiry days. at
least Jn thoughts , are planners of the I. Magnln Fasblon ' Show who have turned their thoughts to warm, balmy days
ahead and the ward.robes which will complement.
After previewing lbe spring and summer spectrum. ~
which will be paraded in Anaheim Convention Center April
10, a vacation mood Ls bound to pervade.
C~sponsors of tbe annual Fashion Concerto, Opus 11
are the Newport Harbor Service League and the Orange
County Philharmonic Society, and' proceeds once again are
earmarked for the society's free Youth Concerts program.
This year, an estimated 17,000 young Orange Countians Will
be exposed to good, live classical music of three different
orchestras during the current series.
Invitations, to some 80 patronesses subscribing to tables
of 10, read: "11:30 a.m. with luncheon served at 12:15 and
the fashion show to begin promptly at 1:15." The finale
traditionally is a parade of priceless jew~ls by Laykin et Cie.
Miss Genevieve Knowles , fashion director of I. Magn1n,
will fly from San Francisco to comment on the collections.
and all arrangeme~ts are und~r the personal supervision ol
Lee Lile, manager of the Santa Ana I. Magnin store.
Benefit chairmen are Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman of the
society and Mrs. James B. Keye s o( the league.
Patroness committee chairmen are Mrs. James Turner
and Mrs. John C. Helton, and serving with them are the
Mmes. William Hains, Wilfred Berls, Lloyd L. Aubert, Wil~
liam Schilling, Thomas Young, Guy Livingston , Keith
Gaede, William Holmes and Timothy Devine.
Other committee chairmen are the Mmes. J. Donald
Ferguson and Gilbert Thompson, reservations; Ralph Tan·
dowsky and John Killefer,-publicity; Je(frey Briery and
Gordon Jones, models; James B. Wood Jr. and Richard
Martin, favors ; Miles Larson and Allan Browne, hostesses,
and James Bradeson and Mis Heather Goss, decorations •
• 6Cl<IJ -
J EAN COX, 494-9466
T-*Y, 11""'9itT 21. lff' L I"-It
Women Voters Study
U.S . --Chinese Policies
Sfiould the U.S. take the initiative in r~laxing
tensions with Red China?. .,
This and related questions will be examined by
Capistrano Bay Area Provisional League of Women
Voters during a meeting, open to the public, in San
Clemente High School's Little Theat1!f· at 7:30 to-
morrow night.
Dr. J. Stuart Innerst, !ormer missionary in
China, will be the featured speaker and will present
a background of U.S. relations with tbe People's
Republic of China .
Participation in the discussion by representa-
tives of community organizations which have es-
tablished a policy on U.S.·Ch.ina relations is wel-
come, according to Mrs. Edwin Harris, foreign
policy chairman. She said questions and opirUons
will be solicited.
A. member of the Society of Friends, Dr. In-
nerst recently has returned Crom Washington, D.C.
where he is congressional representative for their
national organization.
The American Friends Service Committee
authority on China, he devoted four months ]ast
year -to a study tour on the periphery of Communist
China and gainbtg an assessment of Red China' 1
relations with its neighboring nations.
Otben included Mr. and
Mn. Frank Amoroso, M r s •
Redge HaM and Mis.s Cath·
ertne Heller, all of South La-
During the gathering in her
Skyline Drive home, Mrs.
Chapin intends to show slides
of her recent Caribbean trip.
The monthly Beauty Spot Award \Vill be presented
by Mermaids, Women's Division. Laguna Beach
Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon meeting iQ
the Tcrwers at 11 :30 a.m. J\<fonday, 1'1arch 3. Look-
ing for possible winners are committee members
(left to right) the Mmes . Pete Peterson, Peg Allen
and Robert Carr.
Mrs. Aileen Lyman, wesident, said the p~
gram Is part of tlle league"ll study of U.S.·China re-
lations and that the area group is participating in
the establishment of the National League of Women
Voters' policy on the issue. COL. AND MRS. William
Ann Never Fails to · Nail Phoney Mail From Yale Male
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a ter.
rlblo p..i.lem and doa'I lmow where
to turn far betp. Firat of all, let me
11ay I am 40 ft.an of age and have
been arrested twice lhls month for
shopllftini, 1 can't resist pretty
t went to a doctor who told me that
shopUrting was only a symptom of my
real problem. Nymphomania. He gave
m~ llmf pills thal made zne worse.
J ~ed. to IO. out with homoseiual.s.
Before long I dro"'""1 the gay boys
and became interested In a woman who
was 10 feUI my ..ntor, She IOI me
-up -dope. A/I« --ol treating out, l checked into a
sanitarium. It was there that I fell
in lo'lo with a ll·YolMid boy. (He
was a dishwasher.) The guy Is very
nice but he is a necrophiliac. All he
wanll to do is make love in the cemetery.
Please, Alla.-......._ don't tell me
tO dtop .liim. T• ~·'"e 'bow .to cure
him. Thank you. -A GREATFUL
DEAR READER: Nevtr mind aboat
DIM. Pm lltemted In yon. Please sell
me ltow a guy wlto can't even spell
"gratdal" 1ot Into Vale In the first
And how ho yon manage to slay there
when yoa spend IO mncll time writing
phoay letters lo Anp LaDden? I have
come to ,recep11e·,_, 1LatJonery, Bas-
ter, and lbe New Haven pottmarll: IH:lps
• lol, toe.
Ran a laeart ud lay off, wUI you
read in lhe paper where some sociologW
made the predlctJon that within two
years, women will be going tople8S to
the corner dr\lgslore and supermarket.
He saya If this happens be ls going
lo the neighborhood theater complete1y
nude and if he Is arrested for indecent
exposure, he w!U hire a lawyer apd
lake il to the Supreme COUrt if
My hll.!lband Insists" that while women
keep screaming their heads off demand-
ing equal r!g'hts, they have more rights
than men. Ht says if men sho'fed tr
much of their bodie& u women in offices·
and bar• and restaurants, they would
be clawed In the cooler.
Do ynu believe, AM, that ln two years thins• wUI have gone THAT farf PJepe
say It isn't so! -AFRAID OF 1liE
DEAR AFRAID: Far be It from mt
to pen wllol the -.i wW lie like
two yean from DOW. Jf uyone Ud
told me two yean ac• tmt eoedl woUcl
duce palled ill ~--WllC., or Uiat perfcp1en at Yale wo.Jd peel .ti all
tltelr clothes and lavlte the aadle111ce
to do tlte 1ame (maay did!), I would
aot llave believed tL So, m.1dame, pleae
excose me H I refue to mib uy
."DEAR ANN •' My wife ls lhartng a
tlospital room Mlh a woman who also
had a hysterectomy. Th.is woman's bus--
~ coma to visit her evttJ day and
brings (Wider hil «11!) hor pet poodle.
He ssys It cheer. ber up to see Frenchy.
My wife 1ikes dogs but not in the
hospital. She doesn't want to make any
trouble ~ut I lhinlt It Is Vtrf In·
considerate to bring a deg into a
semiprivate sick room. What do you
think? -s.o.s.
DEAR S.O.S.: It11 wone LUa ....
eomlderale. It'~ outrqeoua. lt11 alM
qalut Ute law. Report lbb screwball
lo Lbe now 1apervllor at once.
How wlll you know when the real
thing comes along? Ask Ann Landera.
Send for her booklet "Love or Su d
How to Tell the Dill~." Send a
cents In coin and a loag, se11.-,
stamped envelope With yoor ~
Ann Landers will be &lad to beJp
you with yoor problems. Sood lhtm
to ber in care of the DAILY PILOI'
enclosing a long, self·addresaed, llamped
envelope. ,,
, I
J .f DAD. V PILOT Tundar. rebruary 25, 1%t I
Co4ple Exchan.ge Vows ·
In Candlelight Rites . .
Before an lttar banked ~Ith
mixed bouquets of white
gladioli and chryaanlhemwns
and centered with red carna·
lions, Karen Strass and Vance
B. LeMeo Jr. ezcbanged !heir
, ~ double ring candlelight
ceremony wu conducted by
the Rev: Everett Auger in
tbe Firat Cfu'lstlan Church of
Huntington Beach.
The hl;ide, daughter or Mr. KATHLEEN WATERMAN and Mr. Olaf T. Strass of
Huntington Beach, was given , Eftlaged
1n marriage by her father. '
Her floor length peau de
soie sheath gown was jieslgned
with a scooped neckline, Jong
pointed sleeves and an empire
waistline featuring' a bow in
back. Bodice and skirt front
were decorated with appliques
of lace and sequins, and a
full length illusion veil was
held by a pillbo:r crown of
peau de soie and lace. Her
bridal bouquet was white
camaUons surrounding a n
Miss Jan Strass was her
sister's maid of honor, and
other attendants were the
Misses Debby Carlisle, Candie
Purcell, Diane Foceesseca and
Kim LaMee, the bridegroom's
sist~r from Marine City, Mich.
Junior bridesmaids were
Tracey Young and Tammy
LaMee, also from Michigan.
s·et rotnal .
Rev ealed ' . .-.
At Party ·
Friends and relailves: of
Kath.leen Waterman an d
Henry P. Thayer III were
apprised of their betrothal
news during a party In the
Newport Beach home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph P. Waterman,
the bride-elect's parents.
Horoscope -
Capricorn: Marita l
Aff airs Dem anding
~"The wise man controls hUi:
., destiny .•. Astrology pointa the
ARIES (March Zl·April 11):
Dtfferences 'fritb ma t e •
partner llllllt' be setUed. Ac-
cent on domestic affairl Preserve Integrity. Set eJ:·
ample. ,Make no promises YO\t
can't keep. Hold off on buyJng,'
selling property.
TAURUS '(Aprll 20-May :Ill);
Messages, s~ort j our n e y 1
seem fraught with confusion.
Best to maintain indlvlduallty.
New ldeu wort better than
the old. Slr<fls venalillJy, lJ>
~ependence and orlginallly.
GEMINI (May 21.J~ ZO)'
overcome tendency toward
carelessness with . c a s h •
Speculative ventures are tn-
adv!J.able. suet with the 1rled-
an<J..true. Hunch tbll afternooo
belpe solve dllemma. Follo ..
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Study TAURUS message. Bo
sure you understand format.
inatrucUons. Ask questions -
obtain answers. Accent on
personality, appearance. One
who requests favor may have
ulterior moUve.
LEO (July 13-Aug. %!):
Realize that you do require
privacy. Don't tell au . you
kbow. S. discrett. Not ·wise
lo oj>pose eroupe, club!, people
who band together to obtain
; peUtlon. Be diplomatic. Don'&
get involved.
VIRGO (Aug. 13-Sept. 22)'
Be aware of possessions.
Insist on your fair ahare of .
credit: Some may try to fiat.
ter you out of what you own.
Some change is due. Works
in your favor. Keep eye on
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 21):
Their gowns were red crepe
featuring empire waistlines
and puffed sleeves. They wore
matching red veils and carried
coloniaJ nosegays of red and
white carnations.
The future bride, a graduate
of Corona del · Mar High
School, presently Is a senior
at UCI. Her great·uncle,. the
late Mr. George A. Waterman,
was one of Costa Mesa's -early
Her flance, son of lL Payne
Thayer of Balboa and the late
Mrs. Thayer, is a graduate
or Newport llBrbor · Jl1&h
School. He has coinpletA!d two
years of military lervlce and
now is a junior at UCI.
Domestic adjustment in-
dicated. Check ()ffers, ap-
parent bargains. You teod to
be moody. Honor In form or Sew Easy
promotion could be on horizon.
Know this-malntaln poise. New Directions, a fa bric·fashion show, will be pr&-
Flower girls Beth and Linda
Shelton wore long white dotted
Swiss dresses trimmed in red.
March Date
SCORPIO (Oct. 13-Nov. 21)< sented by May Co., South Coast Plaza in coopera-
Promote d J st an t ·interesls. tion with Vogue patterns at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Friday,
Look ahead -know that your Feb. 28. Included in the spring fashion news of 1969
efforts deserve wider disbibu. will b thi dr · The bridegroom, stationed
aboard the USS Kearsarge,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Vance B. LaMee of Marine
No wedding date .has lieen tion. Accept invltalioii for ap-e s pants essmg in ecru lace which fea-
. pearance which guarantees-'t"'u'-re:.:5_8=-:5.:c""':....::throu=:::go:h:....::look:.::;..:i:::n..:th::::•..:•:::h•::'rl:....::to2p::.· ___ _
Jell'IWI J' l'l'IOte
Recites Vows
August Weddihg
Linda Wion Engaged
St. John the Baptist Church
in Costa Mesa will be the
setting for the Aug. 16 rites
linking Linda Lee Wion and
Gary R. Lewan in marriage.
The future bride, daughter
of Mrs. Edward F. Johnson
of Anaheim and the late Mr.
Kenneth J. Wion, is a senior
at Western High Schoo I,
Anaheim. She is a past
honored queen of J o b • s
Daughters, Buena Pa r k
CUy, who flew out for the
Dan Dunn served as best
man and ushers were Bob
Vega , Kelth Voges, Vaughn
Rosemund and Richard Bass.
Peter Angellne was ring
bearer and Steven Strass and
Jim La Mee were
Red and white decorations
were repeated for the recep-
tion taking place in the Hun-
tington Beach Woman's
clubhouse. ·Assisting dtD'ing
the reception were the Mmes.
Walter Herzog, Paul Young,
Marlin Birkhimer, F r a n k
Wheeler" Gene Valiquette and
Dorothy Mattsvn, f r o m
Boston, Mass .
The bride is a graduate of
Marina High ScoooJ and an
area beauty college. Her hu~
band was graduated from
lfenry Ford Jl1&h School,
Following . their honeymoon
trip to Las Vegas, the
newlyweds will make their
home in Westminster.
selected. ·~
Class Reun ion
Set for June
In Long Beach
Long Beach's Woodrow
Wilson High School 's
graduating class of 1959 is
planning a loth year reunJon
in June.
Heading the colllll)ittee are
Karl Van Holt •of ·Sunset
Beach, chairman, and Mrs.
Kay Delcoure of Huntington
Beach, co-chairman.
Setting for the gathering wil~
be the Lafayette International
Ballroom in Long Beach. Mrs.
Delcoure is taking reserva--
~ns. at 847~, _
Laguna Group
American Legion Auilliary
of Laguna Beach gathers at
8 p.m. the second and fourth
Thursdays in the Legion Hall.
" • Al'nnounced
A March wedding is being
planned by Pamela Joan
Antonowl1'ch and Robert Lee
Miss Antonowitsch, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J.
Antonowitsch of Sunset Beach,
is a graduate ()f Marina High
Her fiance, ,the son of Mrs.
Helen Duffy of Los · Alamitos
and "Harry s. Duffy or
Mansfield, Ohio, also was
graduated from Marina High
and now is attending
California State College at
Long ~each.
I nternationa I
Menu Selected
substantial audJence.
Dec. 21): Conld be power day .
You deal with money and gain
added authority. Some at the
top depend upon your judg-
ment. Time is on your side.
You emerge a winner.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Marital affairs demand
attention. Accent is on your
ability to promote mutual in-
terests. Project can be suc-
cessfully completed. Day to
finish rather than begin.
AQUARIUS (Jan. ~Feb.
18): Avoid faUgue. Remember
resolutions concerning work,
diet, exercise and recreation.
Outline program and adhere
to it. Your deterrnniation is
put to a test.
PIBCE'l (Feb. l~March20)o
Loved ones, young persons
bring you questions,.problerus.
Be analytical. Analyze. Find
out why. Avoid jumping to
conclusions. Tonight be with
one who attracts you.
The bridegroom-elect is a
graduate of Costa Mesa High
School and is serving with
the U.S. Navy in Long Beach.
The Vietnam veteran, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Lewan
of Costa Mesa, will continue
his education at Orange Coast ·-
College when he is discharg-
Executive Dinner Club
A chance to sample exotic
cuisine from many countries
of the world will be offered
when Insurance Women of
Orange County host an in·
ternaUonal buffet dinner Fri·
day, Feb. 28.
BIRTHDAY you are a natural
executi.ve, but you prefer
working behind the scenes.
Added responsibility due along
.with greater rewards. U
single, marri(lge ls on horizon.
T epic South America
Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. will
begin the evening in
Friedemann Banquet H a I l ,
Orange, which will include a
Cycle high for CANCER, LEO.
Special word to ARIES: finish
what you starl. ·
Seasoned traveler Grant c. ho ill . th 1_ white elephant auction. w w give e u1vocatiol').. At a recent me e 1 I 0 00 To nnd 011t wl'l<I'• J..ick'f '°'" "°"'
B U will di So M ber and 111 m-y 1nd IDY~•r. J!dnn" u er scuss uth em s guests may delegates were chosen for the ~rr• ~..,, "'"$iiici "1:1;.r,, 1or
American countries with the obtain .~eservaUons by calling Region vnI conference to take £,l'ldn l>ntJ :1: ~" '1fM[r fostrol':: Claire Maunders Wins
Nursing Scholarship
ExecuUve Dinner Club ofj..;MIM=:cF:cern::.::.:::Ran::::d:;:ol~p::,h.c,:494-::::;1:::630::::,.. _!P!!!la~c!e!M~an:~he!l!f.:!!16!2i!n!San~J~o~se::, • .J~!.'.!~!:'."'l.!';iF!!r.~. :'."':'.r_'l::"::'r.:.:':"·:._'.:11:"'...u..'.vn~~ Orange Coast ThlD'sday, Feb.
'lfl, In the Newporler Inn.
During his recent trip to
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru
and Uruguay. Butler in·
t e rv ie wed government of-'
Miss Claire Maunders has school activities, grades and ficlals _and traveled to remote
been announced as lhe w'••er h d areas to obtain material for ...... a t ousan ·word e ss ay '"'-! , Cl( a nursing sch oJ a rs hip ..w, ecture. sponsored by the South Coast outlining why the individual The speaker bureau director
Junior Woman's Club of Foun· wished to be 8 nurse. for Pan American AJrways,
tain Valley, according to Mrs. The $25 priz.e will be he has received awards for
George O'Hare, h e a I th presented during an assembly his lectures and books on
chairman. in the high school next month. .world a!fairs.
The daughter of Mr. and :P.1iss Maunders will be the Greeting guests at the g
Mrs. Ernest Ma\Dlders of Hun· club's entrant in district com-to 7 p.m. social hour will
tington Beach will attend petition which will make her ~ Mr. and Jl.Crs. Loy 1
Orange Coast College where eligible for a $200 award. She Griswold and Mr. and Mrs.
she will study nursing. will be' competing with en· Paul Hill.
Judglng the contest were trants from 11 'other clubs Warren Morgan , president,
members of the scholarship comprising Los C err I t o s also will welcome participants
committee of Fountain Valley,;;;D;;~;;tr;;ict;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;n;;;d;;;ln;;;t;;;rod;;;;;uc;;;•;;;Mr;;;;';;;· J;;;o~hn;;.;Tur;;kl
High School, and the winner11
was &elected on the ha.sis of
Yo~ hand lotion
is dairty years
hehind .lhe times Ai. you.' -I of! dirt
.,.oaiab1 and •tarting
·lanladoeo, then iryu.1 to
m.lle k up to your handa
wilh a lotion that_,
mean·t for 1nytbing
1tronger than the dl'cets
of JO&p ud water?
Vedra i1 the hand
lolioa lhat heSp. rdum
to .1kib wh•t powerful
deanertltrip1w1y. Corn·
pouodecl' ..iih. Aloe, lhe
de1~fi'1' JDOi~cu.ri1ing
pl~ut, .Vedt• ... ootha,
lubricatco. Vedra Lotion,
1:00, er-l.SO.
I See by Today 's
Wanl Ads
• T\\"O Can. Live ChC'ap.:-r
than. One:
\Vo~ needs a roorn-
1nate, for a new, funtished
l bedroom 2 bath house.
Utili ties are paid, and
there's a washer and dzy.
er. included, in the FOW>
tain Valley area. e Unlilrely Find:
A sUJ'l)rlsingly low rent for
the Newport Beach Ut"I
.•• two bedrooms, Jargr:
fenced yard, and enclosed
garagl', for only $100 mo.
• Beats Taxes!
A never lived 1n, '69 Bud·
dy trailer, 2(xfj(), Two bed.
rooms. two bltM, family
room, Full len&th patio
awniQi, ca[l>Ort. raised
porch " skirt. Ready to move in, loCated In a new
adult puk. .f\j}) price. ln-
r.ludlnc tax .t: liceME', b
Fl:'>F I l 'tl'\;l l'l HI
PASADENA: Colorado a& El Mol.l.oo
POMONA: Holt. -of Guey
SANTA ANA: Ma1ll at~
Women's Association
Tryiog Film
Three Arch Bay Women's
Association will sponsor a pro-
gram of four slide and movie
p re sentations transparting
participants around the earth
beginning Friday, Feb. 28.
All four sessions will take
place in the Three Arch Ba~
Community Clubhouse at 1l
p.m., and season tickets may
be purchased at the door for
$4. Individual performances
will be $1.25.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Linderman will start the
series with { i l m s on
Mysterious Africa.
Next in line will be Edward
Chaffee, retired director of
curriculum for Los Angeles
City Schools, who will present
a program, Russia and lb
Education.al System, Fri'day,
March 28.
Around the World In-SO
Minutes will , be nanated and
shown by its producer, George
Cunningham, Friday, Aprll 25.
A social hour with coffee and
cakes are included in the
December in Busy Japan
will be the offering of Ralph
Davenport, closing lhe series
Friday, May 23.
Sea Sirens
TOPS Sea Sirens meet in
Killybrooke School, Coat a
Mesa, every Wednesday at 7.
Diners Ooh .adds
'their u ...
Oub IS Inte-...
' p • ' • • ~t:. 62, NO. 48; 2 SECTIONS, 22 P.AGES
,. ...
6-ineh Rain
:With Debris
Of Jiit DtUr Pltft Sttilf •
· 'toils .of orange1, brueh, trees, logs,
Oil <!rums .. d other debris turned
iltwport Harbor Into a giant mudbowl
iall' of·1ar~~ ~ay. · 1ofore debris was fioodin& the bay u
nlna continued.
~ around Newport Beach, ma·
jor interaections and some low-lying
hOme& were flood~. Newport's upper ~ lowet bays seemed to be tWna
ttie brunt pf the storm's at'tack.
'Orange County Harbor Department
Gillem were pushing effort. to clear
llie bay of the larger and more dangm>UI
,Harbormaster Al Oberg said that tht
....... S... LMtYr.
~ ,,.,.... ..... 11-" .5A
.,.._. BMdl '.26 IUD •••
l"Ullll hldl S.4 14.12 J.21 ffulll!mlfon ltKfl 4.4'Cll 17.$4 •.Jt
"°""11111 Vt lle'f 4.6' 11.N s.Jll
W.1tmlflltff ' '-" 17..W Ot ~ 8"cll '·'° 17..M .... ~ L.elwr1 Worllf J.'6 16,D t.20 trvlnt ltand'I 4.h ,,,,, '-*'
Llllll'll Nr1111I J."6 16.12 J.211 ~helm 3.ll lt.U '-ff G11WR Grow 4.6' 11.16 J.Jt
lfn Clements" 4.IO lf..'1 _. •-co:.11 ,,,_, $en Clemtrtt. flsu,. -fnNll
Jin. '·
orangu will be allowed to Ooat out
to sea, while the large timbers, treel
and logs are being lassoed and towed
to harbor Department docks for removal
by truck. .
At lea.st hall a dozen vessels were
.. ~.... It olntini lbroulh Ibo lli,bl.
Hlrbor patrolmen were buay ba11lnf1'1h><
wlltdrout of b11&e1. ' ·
At least one tarre boat bu been llUllV
by the rain, the 38-foot cabin cruiser
.. Joker," which aant at its lllp in front
of the Ancient Mariner restaurant Sunday
. . ' . . -';
' .
• • •
._ j .. • . .
I -'
. ' . .. ~ .
. ' '
1 .e
One B~dYi
In Silverado
Tons of mud and rqct slammed down
on a irnall fire .iaUon in Silwnde
canyon wblle IO storm refugees hua'dlecl
inside at 11 a.m. today, burying up
18 persons alive, with Ooe body reCoftred
by noon. •
Fire truck.I .and dlopilced storm vic-
tims housed In the Sllverado Caliyoa:
ttaUon tumbled down the ru&&ed hillside
like toy vehicles and doDa belate the
maasive sllde,.as rain contlnued to pour
Jim. Wagner, battalloo chief at tbt
Irvine Fire Station. said there are
"definitely several fatallties.u He could
not s8y how many, howevei. ·
Meanwhile, a hurriedly orgllllzed
team: of doctors and nurses froin Ofange
CountY. Medlc:al Center was dlspatched
to rescue headquarters at the lrvlnt
Fire Sllilon.
Ro.ids into the 1d.lsuter are1 are lmo
paa:aable if not destroyed llUt an eUort
to reach the <e by Marine C°"'
hellcopter failed due to near-i.ero v~
lty In the Santa Ana Mountains.
Food, medl~al .Uppbea and tber equip-
ment are being carried to the ilolated
landsJ,ide area by 40 emergtncy force
snembtra who are hiking in on foot.
Orange C.Ounty aherlff'1 depuUet Aki
ij)e J Sll•erado CUym · JudaUde ·area JI ~ ~ (ll <:Wt'tl~. M 11\..u Will
.... lleVaNUon . ..., "!. .......... '!. ~ .... .:.; ...
. I COollJcllnc r<poN ·llopa to tniirae
from the ruue<t. rlllHltit.red -la
the Santa Ana 1o1 .... t111111 •*11out wbllbtr
\!ictima were • actu.U, burled ta the
lumbllng. niudallcle •
Crews wert sun trying to refloat the
~essel. _
Debris was piling up on the beaches,
too, and the 18,000 ~ cleanup project
by the city seemed futile.
~-'-_._____,____: -, . , . I _ · . . , . . , , , : 0.Cll:-'I" fi,i.iT,.. h ,IMk'CMiiiui'-,-.-
. "We cu't get In to flnil out and '
ft will be a hell of a long time befon ,
we do'," he added. ·
:-Effiii'geney crews rumiiltO tlie Dem,
Inaccessible ICtlle, where more than lS
inc:hei of rain have poured unmerClful(r
since Sunday, but no word w11 available
on immediate fate of the dOzen or mc:n
missing victims.
-. . . . . . . ....
.M private contractor's persoMel and
equipment reached the 40th Stred groin
in their debris pickup work, debris wu
piling where they had just cleaned.
Mrs. Robert T. Keller of.Los Angtlt1 Among Thon at Bfow'n'• .Motor·tfot1I Cut Off bY,, Flood Water-Nttr Lt9un1 ·(C'. .'
--------------------------~· -··"'-"--------' ~ :. . '
'Genoa Bay' StU.ily OK'd Lagll.n~ Stores
. . . . ' '
Sodden jce plant on ' atttp banks
lllrooghout the Harbor area waa pulling
olit ol the topsoil and sliding down tho
;City General Services Director Jake
M:tfKlerSe -said -that in .. virtiially all
the cases of heavy land erosion and
eltth llides from the nin, let plant
hU' pulled off and started the landsllde
Beach Marina Rejected Threatened by
. . .
·Canyon Waters .. ·
Assistant Orange County Fire Warden
Carl DowDB reported the canycn d1sutet
about 11 a.m., u rain continued to
pour, laoilllng lllOlllltain .... ud
tbmtenlng to ruplure brlmmillc . dlml
before dark.
llomes-Wll'e. .waafMd-away-UH-toys,
brldgea scattered Uke malchstlcka and
hill countey hl1hway1 Iii floWed liU
rlver1, carrying: deep wavea ol debril
The plant's dense roots, he said, 0 don't
. (Set NEWPORT, Pap I)
Sirhan Objects
To Prosecution
Showing Diary
lPs .ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B.
Of .. ci.l1f •1"' ,,.,,
After a debate ahnost as stonny as
the weather out.aide, Newport Beach city
councilmen MOnday night v o t e d
unanimoosly to c:bop a conlroversial West
Newport marina propooal In ball.
They decided to uk the U.S. Azmy
Corpo of Engllleera to study the feaalbili-
ty of'a Huntington Harboor type realden-.
tial marina In Banning lowlands behind Newport Shores. ....1
At the same -· at W~ Newport ~ Donald Mclnnls' inailtence,
they lnillcated appoo!Uon Jo· a
breakwater .. ncloaed marina oil the" West
Newport beachftont,
It wu a declaton not easily reached.
Moments bef<n: .the final .vote, coon-
cilmen rejected 4-3 a moCion by Vice
Mayor Lirtd!ley Parsons to ·uk the Army
Corps to study both f~ ol ad-.
vertising man Stephen C. Auld's grand
desfgrr. .
"I'd lite to ·tee the whole thing looked
al," uplained Parsons. ;'It'll be 10 year's
before anythlpc .ii: bullt .~ .~.would
be one way to get to the bOttom of
proposal! like this. Find.In& Cl.It whether
they're feaiible ls the best w.:y to Jay
them to relt\'1
Joinln1 Parsoos in voting for his ~ Sit~ doesn't care if the jury at his
murder trial sees color pictures of his
vi._ but he doesn't want them to
re,.t Jils diary.
The 24-year-old Arab Im m l gr a n t
became angry and whispeted furiously
tQ..~ attorneys to object Monday when
t~1tlate began lntroductloa ol three
no!Aloook.I in . which ,Sit.ban. _scriibled
befl!N he k111'1ier/-~, .. ~·
City Raps Nmv Fligh~'-. ,,
. . . .. \.' .
TM, noteboob were founCI 11n albediiia ~ Sirhan borne in Pa.lldtiia bf
· offteen who were secklng to learn
·Ile.ma~· County Actfan
U .!!Jfn waa 1 CODSpiracy inyolvJnr Newport Belch clly cooncllmen Mon-othiiw. day nlibt aaked oranco <;oont1 119vern·
l:!i.i...... wu calm and remote ·u the m~ to ltand up and be counted on ~Uon irod)1C<d two c o I o r poaible etpiAalcn It CGunty Airport
pholosr1phl ol Keilnedy'• skull showinl 01"'1 -to the Plclf1c N«tbwest. • ~Y bu1lel ......i and powder "tat-'!be city w .. 11 tho _, to _.
toolalt' wblch 1 ba11lstlcl. eapert uld the plan .. It will l>e Ille Abject of a
ilM>wed the .... wu find 1n>in 1 distance tv.arch U bearing !>den the Civil
... o1 one .inch c:r less. Aeronautics Board ti Wublqton, D.C.
. illokbe shifted up In hll seat and Councilmen WllDimOlllly ldopled two
hillal.i•t hll attorney that the notebooks resoluUops on the matter.
w1ri1>i.~'atolen" and that no one else The first declared tbl clty'1.oppolitlon
...... allould read them. to the incrUled ..moe,' --ht
'1'111>-1!00 today will call 1 by 10 competln( alrlina.
"' ""' (Set llRBAN, Pap •l Tbt ......S reaolutloo ~ the County . ., • Boanl-'<>1 Suponloon v--• alml1lr
'"'""Steek MtriaU l!Ud.~WiW; v:' .-~,:,j : " ' < ' ~-.iti Ill 'II'~ ~~·
NEW YORK (AP) -A tecllnlcll rally ''WIWmn E Peo1ra -Pia o1 Alt
1 lfllrJlve 1essl<n1 of abarp decline flzrl.ed Tr-* fir ihe COllll)'. Perdrl'a
, todlf and the lllDclt marttt cloled 'With ~ I ..port deslpller OUiCJ Airport
I i: aooiber 1<!11. Trldlllfl WU falrlJ actf•L U I ."metnlpol1", Tllll lDIOlll Ill
1(Set ...,Utlonl, P-H .) Wlllrllll .mullnlan -·.woald lie for
I AK'itrb' advtntap IA tenna ol .... ----ap to .. miles. ...rfiilNio JICWI. and minus alp,... ' no Plclllo Nailrweat .. ...., would
fat rdfad It IJie plua llgol IA ill• 1>0nnlt fllahll to Portland, or.., •boul
I traAMr. IOO mUa .Way, 1nd to SNW. Wuh., I .-~. I , -
approximately 1,000 miles a~~~ ,... _
"N~ Beach and ttt'"fe!idelrts,"
the councll ruoluUons •lated, "are suf-
fering from an unacctplable '00\I< 'levil '
art.Ina from eJlstlnJ lfrporl•,oPtratlons.
The Pacific Northwest ~ ·WoUJd ~
e1acerbat.e u1!tlng nol!e and pollution
pr.blema by hriD'1llfl in m"" jet alrcrlft
Co\mty auperYIJon recently roquesled
• spot on the CAB acend•, but IO
far has fa11ed to ap • whit the
county'• ?elftltlllation &bou1d be.
The munlclpal stall aald the cRy'1 "
Air Traffic Advisory Committee ' feel• .
.1he· cway<lloml -"°"" •atate ILS ~f«Q>orOoanl.' :. ' . City Attom<y Tully Seymour. em-
pbaaized the point by 11yldr,"''1'1ie county
Is tile qency that con-· the · airport.
The lland aupervllorS' lMO'CGUld> be
decisive 11 to the outcome of 1he CAB
Alrllnea tbal have app!ied·for u..~· .· award are Air Clllf«*t' ·Aft.~1w ~
Ala1t1, Branllf, Conth911111. 'NI :
Northwest, United Ind ....... llrlhlh" .
lion were· counctimen Paul J. Gruber By RICHARD P. NM.I.
and Ed Hirth. Opposed were MaYor ,Of 111t·o11tr Pllet sttff
Doreen Marshall, c:ounc:llmen Howard A n111w storm .threat loomed for sodden
Rogers, Robert Shelton and Mcinnis. Laguna Beach today u offidat.-sized
"l 'cart't support this because it lacks up the · small : Swollen lakea: on both
a polf~· slatement on t~e ,irilport~e sideJ of LagUna'caiijoft Roid ·jUlt 110rlh
(Set SLIDE, Pap I)
the city· places on preserYing our surf . of city tbnlts. .
and ocean beach.''. uld Mayoz: Manhall. Joseph Sweeny, public: worb director. If 11ou'rt wondtring about .road "It's very vital that we maintain that conditio111 tn the Southland -and
n,atural ~t.'.' . : said if the earthfill dike cqn~lning ooe uou have plent11 of patienc1-there'1
o.f the Jakes let eo, it ~.d send an G"toa" for1JOU to µnd·oul. C,u.Ll!:D FOR VOTE • Mcinnis: then called for a Vote on additlooa1 deluge of. water down l:asuna · Jwt cell 541.J511.
hts inoUon. He worded It -carefully: Canyon into the downtown. Thil wtll be a recording placed br
"~ motre· that the ' ll·~· Anny Corps Compounding this probl~ was tAe tht California HightDaJI ratrol giving or En'ginttra be requested to conduct continuing deterlora~On of. .Qle Storm the latest information on tDtathef: (
an \JlitJal feasibility study of the ~ed channel along \he canyon and ·Broid1'ay and traffic. .
West Newpo!l Inland marina, known !! in Lquna Beach. · . . The ontu things ~· the oddl toda. r Genoa Bay, •1th the eIJ>llc:it provision .,.. ••1 t•·t th I ·~11 •· L •• · 'M-•wblle c•· <tfi'lala o...an , • ...,..: ~ ·~ < me ~ ~ -v. tll.at maximum thou,gbt and, tUort be ....... iv. '" ~ ~~-i:.r.) \1'1n1 b ap~l\ed ~· !i"U';lnr:theP\'"''r".'ttori,-.r.. c1a~Mti~-W•in¥tiir,'.o/f~ ,, . .,rr,..:.,..·· .,...· _"'_V·--------.
tf>e pa~~ s:bofelJn,. ~-0Ce~n1 b;ear.hs 1 Acres,. Drive \.~fe~ed_.t~,t ~ .. mfld:t
ol t~e :cu~, ol ffr>J>Ol"l ·l!eac~c an~ that , lljl~·mt~c(e), F.l(e~!ll-Cb¥~' . . : : ' . 1 ., ·:..... ....
ll\e ililoly be <~Iii 'WJUl<M: ~t uld residenll wen ))eln• ordered' ciut t ~rdp .........
... or ot>llgailon·by ~city." . -~ ·' r ..
.• The moUon effectl.vely alashed in half and lruck,ic! IC\ the (~e ... oti!l(on. !<in·. I
A~'s two-part•proposal. • ..., . , . · ·. ~rarlly. 1 • 1 , ', 1 : ,
1Jlider COll!l<:ll cohslderatlon lnr six ' ltesldmll • and busl-ea aJOnC .II» I
weeks', the plan called (or a S.900-boat " 300 block of·<>ttin Avenue wefe ~ '. Weatlt.er marl~ stretching f~ th~ S~nta Ana .evacuated thl!....mOnuag as th& swlrllftl . : 1
JUver ~Uy to. 111< Newport Pi..-area, ten · d~ • t' ·~ "-~• u· of .• ~·c Thero cu't be mucb It tbll ... t eltCompitsi;i ·hr -.· 111-rilll• 'fo'u1' wa -.•' -•~•,.. · -·· '1 ~;_,. "-__ ,......_,_~ •-bre8kfiiter:-· ·• , . .., . , , · . , : .properties. , ,.,.· ; ': , , '. :•':f : • ~., IO YllllCI •~nan a.
· · . . · · s,eany <Wd U any. of die propertl<o c I for clearing akles We<ines-
OTHER FEATURE collapsed ilito tlie flood cbaQnel -cite day. But It'll llilll be cbllly with
'!lie plan's other feature -the Inland business ipans lt-wtter nlohinr "toward temperllura In the IO'• loclily,
"Genoa Bay" marina -envllllons an the ocean would ha\'I no plaCe to 10 ·
opening Into the sloughs bordering but the slrettl o1 the downtown basin.· . INSWE TODil "Y
Newport Shores at about 59tb street, Add!Uonlf probltml ...,. °"""'""all
Tbe channel would open up the BaMlng alone the storm chlrmel U• it fllltd ln a po.1ture that'• 1omnohot
property for construction of 13'7 11n11.. with every lmqJnablt debrll frvm lop """""'! to lhf British rOf/OI
famll,r. homes, moot it them waterfroot, to Um ·olld even lta•own -latdtl . · f""!Uv, Ill• hdr tp th< lhrOM
300 apartmtnt units, two tra:Oet pirU. · Jn<! cxC ffbct. · · · ' "' ' CPJ>t'ar• a.s o du.ttmcm titti"' in
acm1)or.al!!!l!l'in1c<11ter,1 l,l!IMool · , -ked rN¥i ·tlla 'clo!k•to · a :¢r~i 'CO!i.Pagi ,'S,'",. _ ;·
5wfmn.t11• beaCh I rilarin~ ~: teep 'the . brimmfnc 'cl'alMgi 'Ofiaimel ' ' I f • "-' <> I m<rd~-"ko.·.t;.oiiublic pjr~i!IM open .. .A 'cr1ne wl1h•acilD!.ibell ·acoop : ; ::::.,.. · 'I" ·=•-g .
small mll'inu·IDd abOdt tbrM -Dwft:'fJI.,'\ had ·been entered.from a·coiUtructJoo . t (......... IMI = N
navt«able wattnraya. ~~···· ..• : company this morntn, toJ')Jkt em:; ' ~=.,. :: .~~ ..:·
AWd, who said he hid no other tntertSl-' 11iaP1 8od either D)l&erlaJt: ou& of. tDt ' =•,... L 1: '""1'"' ::L.'' ,,_~
In the ptojed lbtn Otl:t ·of. I COl1CftMid • ChlMel. . •' ' ~ ...... '"' • .... "'" ~kit.en,· utd GeOot JlaY'• total -vatii· otberWW in u.e .. 'dt1 mucllnih on<. • ==.:.••• "'' J: =.. ~ ~
-"! be eileut l!lmlilloo. -, • . · ~ f.U.0 tr... 'qt! enc!qirtil loomea ,., ..,. • -"
1Mc:lnllla,• ln ,1argutng ,fOr hlt .l'Mioil, ""'9: be(Grn~ .. ~pl~~ctM:ift. ~ ~ ::"... :
polctl!d -out< tb¥ 9(t tlie many "clllull': ·111,··r"P'l:lbO-clock 'l&bor ol i:Jlr'~" • -• - -.. · (llM'CXiill!CIL, Pale I) · ·and other)ubllc .,tnct... ' '
.......... ------~.....;~~--~-~---------~------~-------
.... )
-. r
Keep 'Qni:et .
About Noise
' '
A study of nolae made by }et aircraft
departing from Orange County Airport
II beina studied by the Coonly Colmlel'•
office previow: to release in lta flnal
fonn. . Depulj County Counsel llob<rl, Nut.
Iman said )lonclly he lo lludyiD( aa
advance copy of report by the Van
Nuys !Inn al Bolt, Becanet ud Newman
to see if the county wants addlUonal
Nuttmao will return the copy to the
Van Nuya fl.rm with suggestions this
week aod opeda lbe final report ln
about two weeU.
But even then !l wUI probably not
be made publJc, Nuttman guessed.
Although copies will be atven the
supervllora the report 111'1 be mirt<d
"confidential" beclllle cl Ur pclllble
use in' the $ 72m1Woa. worth of }Jwsulti
filed against tbe county by penons living
under the jet takeoff pattern.
The report cost the county fl ,000 and
Is designed lo bolster the county's aide,
o! the airport noise dilpute.
Police Rescue
Mesa Grandma
Trapped in Car
A 7S-yeaN1ld grantTmolber who aimed
her new Dodge Charger down mud-cbot·
ed Back Bay Drive in Newport Buch
was rescued by police Monday, 12 boun
after relallvea reported her mlssing.
Mrs. Maud Warner, of 287 Sherwood
St,, Coot.a 1o1.... 1pologhed lo police
for. their trouble, which waa comiderable,
belo"' the allppery, aqu!Jhy, duty shllt
wu over.
A mlaing persons uport w u !lled
by Mrs. Warner's daughter when 1be
failed to return as acheduled from the
Newporter Inn lolonday.
Patrolman Robert McCulloch was first
to spot Ure tracks leading into the im·
passable rood. Ho churned on in and
found the stranded car.
More help "as summoned and Newport
Police Sgt. Richard Heinecke arrived,
along with 1 tow truck driver to try
to pull the stranded car out of the
Right tn the middle of rescue efforts,
however, the undermlned pavement cot·
tapged and Grandma .. Cbar1er settled
tlrie-letl deepu into the damaged
P.linb stretched . over the bole to
firmer pavement allowed police and the
tow trucker to haul the stranded vehicle
out. Mn:. Warner then headed borne
after 12 bours' waiL
"She didn't panic at all," said Officer
McCulloch. "She wu perfectly pleasant
and-hp! 1pologlzing.
"She beard Jamboree Road waa closed
so she decided to take a shortcut."
he ldded.
It wu 1 Iona: one.
ltfeeu Britons ' I
~ •
Ni x on Br eaks Oft
Tight · Se ~-ii.ri~y;
' •
LONOON (AP) -Pr<~dent Nixon
renewed to Brlt.ain today a pledge that
the Uniled Slatea aupporta the concept
of an enlarged Common Market, in-
duding Brllaln, within 1 unified EUrope.
Tben wit!\ b\IJlneU aside, the P,.sldeot
bmched with Qveen Ei!slbetb II, broke
the boncll or bll tighl aecurity lo shake
bands with Londoners and becam'e the
lint U.S. president to attend a session
of the mother ol Parliaments.
Tb1s live side of Ni.Jon the politician
delighted the London.en and dismayed
hil bltfuy al bodysuudJ.
The aecurlty men """ particularly worried when the Prealdenl, after luJl.
cbing with the Queen 11 Budingham
Plllco, ord-bll ~Cit' ll<>p-
ped 11 the ult pt.. and lelped out
Into a crowd or lboul aoo, ~ ban<h rlchl and left, White ,l!Ollle -lrll>
tlcajly puabed tJuwib to llUtTOlltld the
ll'intlini PratdenL TbO palace Incident lb'lyed completely
of! the hard and last ]>lOll'IM •]aid
out for 'hla crub visit to' London as
pert ol an elghklay tour ol Eur<>P!'·
the Brltlab aov~nt luden ml&!ltt
II)' ~ American ble1tln& r..
bid i0 Join the eom.-1o1.nll. ~ 1brouP the additional topk,I al the N AUutlc, Treaty 0rgan!1atiClft and
West detente, the l'l<aldlit 1<>14 ,
Britlab just lbout ever,thlD( Ibey w•
lo heir. ~ Nlion's 'post lion wu made known
his spokesman, Ronald L. Ziegler,
a news cmftteoce after the meeting.
NB Builders
Face Bigger
Park s Fees
Newport Beach builders will have fft
pay more toward new city parks, library
buildings and fire staUons.
So did blJ later call at the Houae
of Commons, an impromptu vis.It after
he laid a wreath at the tomb of Britaln'15
Unknown Warrior in Westm!Jllter Abbey
City councilmen reached tJiat decision
Monday night.
They unanimously approved a staff
recommendaton hiking building exciH
l.aJ: fees from $85 for each new residen-
tial unit lo 1125. F rom Pflfle l l
protests qain!t the entire plan -59
by letler and seem made in penoa
-no one objocted to. GenOI B1y, The
big objecllon, he aaid, WU lo Illy
offshore deve1opment.
He ·then referred t.o Laguna Beach's
purchase last year or $3 mil1ion in
"Consider recent acUons by some of
our alster c!Uea just to the south,"
he laid. "lnstud or considering llltldles
lo determine the !eaalblllty ol deatroyJng
octaD · bu<ltea, they have dipped Into
their p o c t e t 1 and purcbued ocean
beaches to assure ~ preservaUon in
the -natural status.
"We all, I believe, would have to agree
that improving Wes~ Newport Is a
desirable goal, even though I cutainly
do not agree that We!t Newport is
a slum or a blight."
Auld, in bil preen\.aUom to tht: coun· ' . cil, had :said lhe offshore marina, or
any of Its many variations, would
upgrade a "blighted area" as well as
solve forever West Newport's erosion
problems by stopping the surf.
Mcinnis 1aid the Army Corps' groin
field project already bad demonllrated
its effecUveneu. A breakwater, he said,
clearly wun't needed to achieve an
end to beach erosion.
"The thought of beach front paving,
beach!ront hlgb-rtse construction and
Marina P lanner Auld
beachfront breakwaters Is as repugnant
today as yesterday, as last year, and
the year before."
Councilman Gruber told Mcinnis his
proposal to request just a study o[
Genoa Bay was not .realistic. "1 can't
F rom Page l
acrou !ht street. ,
II• Ill u I ~lor fer lboul 15
• • •
m1nu1e1· l{I the COmmom, Gllldally la·
nnred. Uniter Home ruSu even a visitor
ao eQ\lnenl cannot be rocognixed from
~the floor.
1ee cboppin& this thins up into piect.B, •• At the U.S. Embaqy In Grosvenor
he said. "What'• 'the danetr of just Square, acene of violent anU-Amerlcan
100 .. 1 .... at It'" rlota in the put, Nb:on 1pent about ._ , . 20 minulea giving I sort or pep talk
"Well, what's the danger of the 011 to tbe aseembled staff.
companies just looking at oil sites oU When tie emerged there were several
Newport?" snapped Councilman Rogers. hundred spectators, mostly in the aame
"That's dilferent.," replied Gruber.
1'Thl1 is an oil sanctuary." '
"Maybe ~e whole beach should be
a sanctUary," Rogers sho.t back.
The debate went back ind forth, with
the vote on .Parsons' moUon capping
it. The unanimity on Mclnnii' motion
to forget about the offshore marina was
Gruber went along with his colleagufs,
but grumbled : "This won't do the job."
Prior to lhe council's action, several
citizens in the packed chambers spoke
heatedly for and against the offshore
marina. Auld, a Newport Shores resident,
He pointed out that twice he had
lugged 40 pounds of charts and other
material before the council in the hopes
of winnin& city support for Corps
feaslblllty studies of, both the breakwater·
marina plan and 113 related Genoa Bay
"I see no reaaon why the C0W1cil
can't authorize the studies since nothing
is going to happen unUI you get the
information. It's no commitment,'' he
cheerlul and lrlendly mood the Pmldent
had been e:thlbltinl Ill day. One Utile
. knot -a handful of youths -shouted
uy{et Cong" and "Nixon go home."
iut ~they were somewhat drowned out
by the pro-Nixon cheen .. and the ro~r
of hla motorcycle escort revving up their
engines. Nixon shook some more hand!.
By now the President was so eager
for public contact that be went even
further when he arrived at Claridge's
Hotel for a brief rest and a meeting
with selected Britons from varioua walks
of lUe.
He got out of bis car at the main
entrance and strode across the street
to shake hands with Idly curious. Most
of them were obVlously pro-Nlxon and
rather flattered at the att.enlliln. But
there were some cries of "Victory for
the National l..iberatlon Front."
From somewhere' in the c r o w d
demonstrators threw mlmeo~aphed anti·
Vietnam war pamphlets at the President.
They fell harmlessly at his feel or on
the shoulders of the scciir;ty guard s
surrounding him. Nixon p-'1 no r-~tcntlon
at all and, still gay, '" andered back
to his hotel.
Earlier in the day he 111el l'rin1('
Minister Harold Wilsoii for aln1osl th1·cl'
hours at No. 10 Downing St., and p'ca;.e:J
The money goes into a special fund
for public improvements required by
the additional populaUon brought in by
the builders.
At the request of the Irvine Company,
the council reduced a proposed increase
in the excise tax charged builders of
commercial and industrial structure.a. Ci·
IY Manager Harvey L. Huilburt had
suggested that the fee be boosted from
one cent for each square foot of gross
floor area to two cents.
But Dick Reese, representaling the
Irvine Company, said as a "matter of
principle" the company felt the propo.sed
doubling of the current fee was "ine--
He said the company did not object
to the 47 percent hike in residential
levies. "We understand that it is designed
only to keep pace with the increased.
cost of construction, and we do not
disagree with it."
But he pointed out that the commercial
Increase, as recommended by Hurlburt,·
v;as 100 percent.
Councilmen, after hearing from the ·
staff that the one percent tax hike would.
generate less than $1,000 annually, agreed
to shave the increase to a half of one
The city expects to pick up about
$80,000 in additional revenue from the
excise fee increases. Present income
from that source is $170,000 yearly.
"Our big need," said Vice Mayor
Li ndsley Parsons, "is fire stations. We're
just not getting them as fast as WI •
need them."
Hurlburt-will crank the revisions intO
the upcoming 1969-70 municipal budget.
He came close to winning the entire
batUe. t'ro1n Page 1
go deep enough to hold onto thi soil
and the plants fill 'lll'ith water and thc:i·
weight pulls them down U>e hill, then
topsoil goes with it."
~1ynderse said calls for sandbags "~ ·
coming from all over the city and we'r-_
trying to deliver them as fast as wt
ca n." and destruction toward the sodden
Orange County Flood Control Engineer
George Osborne went befcn tbe Board
of Supervisors today with a grim evalua·
Uon of what ls in store, lf the untiring
storm does not let up.
Only coaatal canyon areas seriously
afftcted !IO far by the latest in a weary
11ucces&ion of January-February rain-
storms are Laguna Canyon and the San
Juan Capistrano area.
The situation may yet change.
Concerned supervisors listened lhis
morn.Ing as Osborne said dangerous con·
diUons exist in all areas where dams
bave regulated the tremendous downpour
i i
••l>•rl H. w •• ~
'"''ldt~I and P'lll!ll9'>rr
J•c~ •. CYrlty
vi. Prtlldnit llMI Gt~fll Mlllltff
,~.'"'' ftttYil •-t•r
,.k11•111 A. Myr,kint
M1"hlfte t:tlltf°
J •t•ort• '· c.11;"' ,.Ml Ninon fiHtMtl ••~II At1verll1lnt
(lh E"t>or Ol•Kl<ol'
H•"'-'' t-• Offic e
2111 W11t 1111>•1 l•Yl1v1r'
M•™•t AJJ,•u: r.o. 1111 1111, t2••1
Ottier Offlcet
Cttla Melt; ut Wnl I•• 51fotl l...,... k8dl: 172 ,_II AW-
JtU!lllfltlol\ lc"'11: JOt lln '""!
•• •
running rampant off s a l u r 1 t e d
''Villa Park Reservoir above the cities
of Santa Ana and Orange is still con·
taining the flow of water from Santiago
Creek, which is up to 10,000 cubic feet
per second," he aaid.
"Water iJ now bein1 released from
the dam at 4,000 cubic feet per second.
Jt will reach the top of ·the spillway
at 1 p.m.," he continued grimly.
"If the rainfall continues at the present
rat~. the outflow from the dam will
be out of control by 5 p.m.," he warned,
"and this could send Santiago Cretk
overflowing in Santa Ana, Orange and
"Trabuco Creek in the San Juan
Capistrano area Is on a rampage," the
engineer told supervisors.
"Water supplies to the region have
been cut off beca~ pipeline! across
the streams have washed out," he added.
Orange County Fire Department of-,
ficials, meanwhile, constantly revised
assessments of damage In the hardest-bit
mountain areas, the latest casualty being
their own Silverado Canyon facility.
Emergency crev.·s were faced with the
bitter fa ct that roads in both directions
are virtually impassable and they must
figure out a way to reach the devastated
station before rescue can begin.
Initial word did not indicate how badly
the station was wrecked or how deeply
the 12 to 15 victims were buried, but
the prospects were obviously grim.
Lowland areas were spared the brunt
of the storm which foreca sters say should
clear up by Wednesday, but the rain
and flood toll was nonelheleas heavy.
Nearly every coastal city experienced
flooding requiring some local streets and
roadways . to be closed, some of them
undermined and made dangerously im·
passable by the severe storm.
The UC Irvine campus was open today
v.·ith Culver Drive cleared and access
to UCI available past barricade1 on
closed MacArthur Boulevard •.
Extension courses scheduled f o r
tonight, however, are cancelled as they
were Monday, when flooding threatened
to maroon the sprawling campus like
an island of learning.
A spot-check of storm-ravaged areas
and a tally of what has occurred there
so far -continually changing as the
storm failed to let up -showed the
following :
-Mod)eska canyon: Two homes lGSt
and one damaged by a mudslide; the
Footbridge to Olive Hill washed out
and seven families evacuated, \\'Ith
telephone service ouL N u m e r o u s
mudslides isolated the aru because of
high waters.
Laguna C1nyoa: Several homes in Big
Bend area are undennined and the SPCA
Facility abandoned. with all animals
moved ouL Three families are evacuated
and one family was rescued from the
second story of a house by firemen
who waded through water 4 to 5 feet
deep. Several other persons were remov··
ed rrom stranded cars which washed.
down stream, which runs 2 to 3 feet deep
in the roadway.
UCI Protest Washed Out
A planned protest at UC Irvine on
Monday was a rainout.
Student dissidents have rescheduled a
protest rally to be followed by a vigil
out&ide the doorway of Chancellor Danld
G. Aldrtch's office tor Wednesd1,1.
The !tudenl.a plan to rally support
at 12:30 p.m. at Gateway Plaza and
then mill-in filU! Ooor of t h e
Administration Buildinl belore t b e
chancellor's office from I to 5 p.m.
The conUnulng protest ii OVff cllsmiual
ot AWstant EngliJb rr.reuon Steph<n
SUpiro and Don.aid BraMan and mom·
mended !~Ing or Asablant llblory
Profeuor George Kent.
About 65 of the prole!ten moved In.side
for a strategy session Monda)'.
Dave Heskett, leader of the dbsldents,
told them, "The 5'.me rules will apply
Wednesday. It will be vi&il and no~
obstructive." Then he added as an al·
tertbought. 11That can be changed."
Tbe students also approved wording
of another mimeographed handout to
be given to ficulty members. Written
by Bill \\'ingfield, ·the handout note.s
the system of tenure is dividing junior
and senior faculty into two casts with
antithetical interest.
Jt recalls the walkout by two dozen
faculty members fn..m a special meeling
of lhe academic senate lut week and
gugeests the only way to heal the breach
ls to do away wilh the tenure system.
English Professor Jay, Mart.in spoke
to the 1ludents.
He said~the English .faculty bad met
earlier Monday and that many professors
felt Brannan has 1 considerable case
for ~1pplylng when he finb:hes his
doctoral dl!sertallon. ·
Student Michael Krisman said he
understands a majority of the English
faculty does not favor putting down in
wrlUnc th111t Brannan would be rehired.
''We can give him tht notion that' when
he re-applies be will be given high con· ,,
:sideraton," Marlin aald.
But dlssldeiTl students dismissed that
as "not even a bone being thrown to
MarUn uld he is personally opposed
to the principle or retroactlvity in hiring
and firing. He aa.ld u director of the
American Studies program be would like
to· see Negro intellectuals who bold con-
trove rsial views become member1 of
the faculty, but not if they could be
Iittd for 11ying .something unpopular.
"The power of retroacUvity is a Un-eat
over precisely the people you want,"
he said .
Wlngifeld said the atudents never bad
asked for 1 retroactive moratorium, lt
was the academic !enlte that discusoed
llos kett offered the opinion that the
academJc senate la not a legitimate
body anyway because It comes to the
heel of the chaneellor. "'They
l professors) are tralntd for that," he
One Newport Beach resident, v.•ho ha~
enjoyed the patio of his Ne1vpol"t
Heights home for nine years, lost I~
feet of it Monday as earth gave way
and part of the slab tumbled down
the hill.
John Beazley of 100 King's Place,
fought in vain to save the patio.
No major gtructural damage was
r eported lo City Hall, but building depart-
ment personnel were in the field again
late today checking for serious damage
lo homes.
11ore sandbags were being piled up
where heavy storm surf was eating sand
away perilously close to lifeguard head-
quarters. ·
The surf, pushed by gusts of wind
up to 20 miles per hour, had eaten .
away front sidewalks of the offi ce.
Beach erosion continued heavy with
the ledge at the surfline measuring si.(
feet high and more In some area. 1;1
Only a few minor tra;fic accidents.
were reported. They were al<ributed to
rain-slick streets.
• • •
Pault Dunham Survfly1 H•ttrd)VS J -;ts r m
r. .,
... . • _,,
" ;
• ' '
• I
.-. -
, . ~ .: '
5t ¥1ish
Ge!Ung away from the constant nlny, blustery days, at
least in thoughts, are planners of the I. Magnln Fashion 1,
Show who bave turned their tboUgbla to warm, balmy days r
ahead and the wardrobes which will complement.
After previewing tho _spring and summer spectrum,
which will be paraded in '.Anaheim Convention Center April
10, a vacation mood Is bound to pervade.
Co-sponsors of the annual Fashion concerto, ()puJ 11
are ,the Newport Harbor Service League· and the Orange
County PbUbannonic Society, and proceedo-once again are
earmarked for the society's free Youth Concerts program.
'Ibis year, an estimated 17,000 young Orange Countians will
be exposed to good, Jive classical m"u·11c of. three different
ortjlestras during the current series. •
Invitations, to some !k> patronesses subscribing to tables
of 101 reed: "11 :30 a.m. with luncheon· served at 12 :15 and
the fashion show to begin promptly at 1:15.'"Tbe finale
traditionally is a parade of priceless jewels by Lay tin· el Cle,
MiSs Genevieve Knowles , fashion · director of I. Magnin,
will fly from San Francis.co to C0'1lillent on the collectio~.
and all arrangements are: under the personal supervision of
Lee Lile, Il}Sll&ger of the 8anta. Ana I. Magnin store.
Benefit chairmen are Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman of the
society and Mrs. James B. Keyes of the league.
PatrQDess committee chairmen are Mrs. James Turner
and Mrs. John C. Helton. and serving with them are the
Mmes. William Hains,' Wilfred Beris, Lloyd L. Aubert. Wil·
liam Schilling, Thomas Young, Guy Livingston, Keith
Gaede, William Holmes and 'Timothy Devine.
Other committee chairmen are the Mmes. J . Donald
Ferguson and Gilbert 'Thompson, reservations ; Ralph Tan--
dowsky and John Killefer, publicity; Jeffrey Briery and
Gordon Jones, models; James B. Wood Jr. and Richard
Martin, favors ; Miles Larson and Allan Browne, hostesses,
and James Bradeson and Miss Heather Goss, decorations.
FASHIONS FLUTTER -Plans are on·lhe w,ing,and ideas are Dy·
ing high for the 11th annual I. Magnin-Fashioo Show and Lunch-
eon to be presented in April. Complementing the lofty ideas and
colorfal costumes are decorations of massive butterflies which are
being admired by (left to right) Mrs. J ames D. Bradeson, Miss
Heather Goss, Mrs. Clinton F: Eastman and Mrs. J;unes. B. Keyes, ·
who are attuned to arrangements. BEA ANDERSON, EDITOR
Children Involved
Experience In Art
Another opportunity for children to be involved in creative art ex-
periences is being offered by Newport Harbor Service League which will
open the Children's Art Workshop's spring oession Monday, March 17.
The program for toU to teens encourages yoongsters toward esplora-
tion and experimentation, using paints, collage and three-dimetisional
'-· Located al 611 Ferniest Ave., corona de! Mar, the workshop through
professionally trained teachers, guides and directs students in a free and
informal atmosphere and in techniques suited to the child's individual ex-
pression and development.
Classes offered in the spring session include clay which is structured.
for the older child who will be instructed in the use Ill the potter's wheel
and ceramic tilej a combination of life drawing, graphics and advanced
painting; beginning painting for 5 years and above and for 7 years and
above; intermediate painting, including papier mache, for the 7·yeat-old
and above, and a six·week sculpture course which emphasizes work in
three dimensions, utilizing form and texture. ·
Clay and ~ptor. instructor is Jack Taylor of Laguna Beach,, owner
of the Golden Kiln. He 18 a graduate of the Philadelphia School of Art and
is experienced with .elementary age children.
Larry otlerline, art teacher al Fountain Valley High SchQ91, is new
lo the workshop. Also a teacher of the clay class and beginning painting;
he attended. the Art Institute of Chicago and received bis credential from
California State College at Long Beach. He was awarded a scholarship by
the Los Angeles County Art Institute.
Instructor of the other courses is Mrs. Leah Vasquez, also of Laguna.
She bas woo three scholarships from the Olis Art lnsUtute, and her studies
have been with Rex Brandt and at California State Colleges at Fullerton
and Long Beach. ·
1'Ve9PY, ,...,_,,. :tS. 1H• Ill ,_ IJ
Registration information is available by calling Mrs. Peggy Cius at
962-3494; Mrs. Jack Ten Eyck, 494-5671, or Mrs. Robert Allan 646-5511.
Scholarships. are available and questions regarding tbem may bO direeted
to Mrs. Merril Brown at 642-4523.
Tuition pays for the teachers' salarle!, aupplies and maintenance of
the workshop.
Garage Sale Lures Bargain Hunters
Collecting good, used articles are members .of lhe Bay Circle,
Floren<:• Crittentoo Home. T h e large colloctioo will be ottered
for sale between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Friday, March 7, in the garage
. and on the patio of the COrooa del Mar hormo of Mrs. Mary Fitz,
411 Poppy st. Ready to. price merchandise are (left to riglll) Mrs.
Fred DuPree, circle chairman, Mrs. Willis B. Wood and Mrs. Fitz.
Proceeds, of·conrse , will benefit the home which already has re-
ceiv'.ed a contribution of $500 from this newly organized fl'OUP·
' Ann · Never Fails to Nail Phoney Mail .From Yale Male
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a ter-
• rible problem and doll't llnow wllere
to turn for help. First of aU, let me
Bay I am 40 years of age and hlive
been arTeSted twice this month for
ahopllfliq. 1 can't resist pre t t )'
l went to a doctor who told me that was a dilh.,uher.) 1be _guy is very
shopWUng was only a symptom of my nice but be I.I a necrophiliac. AD be
real problem. Nymphomania. He gave wanll tp.do ii mate love In lbe cemetery.
me 10me pills that made nie wone. PleUe, °"' Luder:l.i'doa't tdl me
I .... 'to go 'OIJI willl-~IU>ls. to drop _hti*. r.u,;m. -•. to°"" il.!lllP'.long 'p · m.pped ·lbe ·gay ' boys him. ThaDt you. -A Gl!EA'IFIJL
and became interested in a woman who READER
wu IO years my seruor. She got me DEAR l\&AllER: Never mild lbell' inised up with dope. Aft« three m.oqtlls • 1111(..l'JI ....,....,. ii yea. Plew 1ell
ol. !ftaking out., I checked iitto a me ...... a Pf • cu't nm Qd.
llllitarium. It wu there that 1 fell "p&d91" pe .... Yale ii Ute Ont
in lava will> a :n -yur-old boy. (Ha ,._,
Aad .... Ila ,.. m•aco to •lay tliere
-,.. ........ .,a -wrlUog ,...., .......... Am L••en? I Uve
w .. ~-,,.,,..._....1•ot'·r.ry, Bu-
;;,;:-.. .,_ --"' lidjM • Ill, .... .
lllr•e a lleart ud lay .U1 wUl yea plewT ,
md lo lbe paper where aomo IOCiologlat
made the prediction that within two
years, woineo will be going toplw to
lbe corner drugstore and supermarket. to peu wlltit Ute w'(rid wUI be. like
He 1aya if thl8 happens he iJ going twt yean fnm. now. If uyOH bad
to the neiibbo<boOO !beater completely toill me two yean ago 11!11 coedJ woWd
• nude and If he is arteSted for indecent duce uked. la M9dllol:, Wile., • tbat
exposure, he will hire a lawyer and perfwmen It Yale ..alcl peel tU all
take it to the SUpreme Court if tWr clttllet ud Milt die ndlence
necessary. .. .. die ' lllM (ID.llJ 6t ! ) ' 1 1ffllllld
My husband lnllilts that while women aot me Mlleml K. So, .,....., please
keep screaming lbelr heads off demand .. ..,. me H I moe to mob MY
Ing equll rll!hts, thOy have men rtgl>la ,.-..
than men. He 1111 U men . ~,as DEAR ·ANN: My wife ii sbsriOC a
much oflbe~ bodl!I Iii women Iii offkei • hooptW ro6m ;,,th a woman 'Who llso
uid ban 8nd .-an11, Ibey wOuld ·bad a h)>iterectomy. This woman's hus-
be clappeif In lbe cooler. • ba!"I coma to -her ev<fy dsy and
Do you believe, Ann, that In two yun b!"'I! (under bis coat) her pet poodle.
things will have I"'° ·THAT far! Plealt lie NJI tt cbeen be< up 'tO see Frenchy.
say It Isn't to! -AFR,UD Or THE My wile lik<s clop but not In the
FUTURE boopitAI. Sbe doelll't want to 1t1Ake any
DEAJ\ A.FR.AID: Far be It frem me trouble but I tbint it Is very in.
considerate to bring a dog lcto a
semiprivate sick room. What do YO!J
think! -s.o.s. '
DEAR S.O.S.: lt11 wone Gu ht.
ctnddtra&e. lt'1 eatrageoa1. It'• lllo
apluf Ille ilw • ..,... 11111 --
to 111e n .. .....,..... a1 .....
How will )'OU know when the rell
thing CO!IJ8 llong! Aak Ann Landen.
Send tor her booklet "Love or, Sex .ani1~
How-to Tell \he Difference." send 35
cenll In coin and a long, self-addr-r,
stamped envelope with """ .....-,
Ann Landen will lie Clad to helO
)'OU with your probltms. Send lbmll
to be< In care of the •llAILY PlLO'l'
enclosing a long, self·wkil Med, llanqJod
envelope .
. l
I t
11 ·
J4 DAll.Y PILOT Tutsd.iy, FtbnlarJ 25, 1969
Couple Exchange Vows
In Candl~light Rites
Recites Vows
August Wedding
Linda Wion Engaged
St. John the Baptist Church
in Costa Mesa will be the
setting for the Aug. 16 rites
linking Linda Lee ·Wion and
Gary R. Lewan in maniage.
The future Dride, daughter
of Mrs. Edward F. Johmon
of Anaheim and the late Mr.
Kenneth J . Wion, is a senior
at Western High S c b o o I ,
Anaheim. She is a past
honored queen of J o b ' s
Daughters, Buena P a r k
_Before an «!tar banked with
mixed bouquets of white
glad.loll ind chrysanthemwns
and centered with red caroa·
tions, Karen Strass and Vance !~~~~~S~challged their
The double ring candlelight
ceremony was oonducted by
the Rev. Everett Auger in
the Finl Chrl.itlan Church of
Huntington Beach.
'The bride, daughter ol Mr. KATHLEEN w•TERMAN and Mr. Olaf T. Strass of . ""
Huntington Beach, was given Ent119CI
ln marriage by her father. ~
Her floor length peau de
soie sheath gown was designed
with a scooped neckline, long
pointed steeves aDd an empire
waistline featuring a bow in
back. Bodice and skirt front
were decorated with appliques
of lace and sequins, and a
full length illusion v~il was
held by a pillbox crown of
peau de , soie and lace. Her
bridal bouquet was white
carnations surrounding a n
Miss Jan Strass was her
sister's maid of honor, and
other attendants were the
Misses Debby Carlisle, Candie
Purcell, Diane Foccesseca and
Kim LaMee, the bridegroom'S
sist~r from Marine City, Mich .
Junior bridesmaids were
Tracey Young and Tammy
LaMee, also from ?\.tichigan.
Tbeir gowns were red crepe
f~turing empire waistlines
and puffed sleeves. They wore
matching red v~ils and carried
colonial nosegays of red and
white carnations.
Flower gjrls Beth and Linda
Shelton woi'e long white dotted
Swiss dress.es trimmed in red.
The bridegroorp., stationed
~board the USS Kearsarge,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Vance B. LaMee of Marine
City, who flew out for the
Dan Dllnn served as best
man and ushers were Bob
Vega, Keith Voges, Vaughn
Jtosemund and Richard Bass.
Peter Angeline wa s ring
bearer and Steven Strass and
Jim LaMee were
Red and white decorations
were repeated for the recep-
tion taking place in the Hun-
tington Beach Woman's
clubhouse. AasisUng during
the reception were the Mmes.
Walter Henog, Paul Young,
Marlin Birkhimer, Fran k
Wheeler, Gene Valiquette and
Dorothy Mattson , from
Boston, Mass.
The bride is a graduate of
Marina High ScoooJ and an
area beauty college, Her hu,s..
band was graduated from
Henry Ford High School,
Detroit. •
Following their honeymoon
trip to Las Vegas, the
newlyweds will make their
home in Westminster.
Revealed ..
At Party
Friends and relativu of
Kathleen Waterman ·and
llenry P. Thayer Ill were
apprised of their betrothal
news during a party in the
Newport Beach hoIQe of Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph PH Waterman,
the brlde-elect's parents.
The future bride, a graduate
of Corona del Mar High
School, presently ,is a senior
at UCJ. Her great-uncle, the
late Mr. George A. Watefn?an,4
was one of Costa Mesa's early
pioneers. ,
Her fiance, son Of H. Payne
Thayer of Balboa and the late
Mrs. Thayer, ia a Cracfuate
or Newport Horbof High
School. He has completed two
years of military service and
now is a junior at UCI.
No wedding ,date bas been
Class Reunion
Set for June
In Long Beach
Long Beach's Woodrow
Wilson High School's
graduating class of 1959 is
planning a loth year reunion
in June.
Heading the committee are
Karl Van Holt of Sunset
Beach. chairman, ind Mrs.
Kay Delcoure of Huntin~n
Beach, co-chairman. ·
Setting. for the gathering will
be the Lafayette International
Ball(tibm in Long Beach. Mrs.
Delcoun!is taking reserva·
tions ar 847-6544.
Laguna Group
American Legion Auxiliary
of Laguna Beach gathers at
8 p.m. the second and fourth
Thursdays in the Legion'llall.
Capricorn: Marital
Affairs Demanding
.New ideaa work better than
the old. str... venallllty. ...
clopeoden<o and orliinlUIY.
By SYDNEY OMARR Gl!MINl (May 21.Jlllle 20):
11The wise man controls his OYel'CO!Qe ~Y toward
dµUny .• .Altrology poinll the cardeianeu With CI s h •
way." ' SpeculaUve venturet are \Do
-ARIES {l\lardl 21·April 11): odvllable. SUck with the tr!~
Differences with m a t e , · and-true. Hunch thb afternoon
partner must be ~ttled. Ac· beJps lotve d!lamm.a. Follow
cent on · domestic affairs through.~
Preser>e lnttgrtl)' •. , !lei ex· CANCE& (June %1.July 2%): am~le. Make no pronutes yoq.. Study TAURUS Jnessage. &e can.t keep, Hold otf on buying~ sure you ·uo4erst8.nd rolmat.
selling property, • inltrucUons. Ask questionl -
TAURUS (April 26-May 20)/ obtain .U.wers. Acceol on
Messages, short.) o u r n e. y 1 penoaality, appearance. One
seem fraught ~1~ ~nfUSl~, , who requests lavor may have
Best to maintain 1ndiv1duality. bltel-ior ipotive. ,
. LEO • (luly 23-Aug. 23):
lleaiiu that yoo do requir•
priVilq. Don't tell au you
know. Be discreet. Not wise to oppose groups, clubs, people
'wbo band together to obtain
petllion. Be diplomatic. Don'&
get Involved. ·
Vuulo (Aug. 23-Sept. °22):
Be ! aware 'of posSt$ions.
lll3in on your lair share cf
cred.ii. ·Some may try to fiat4
ter yoU oµt of, what you own. ·
Some .change ·ls due. Works
in your lavor. Keep eye on
valuables. · LlllRA., (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Domestic a dju at men till-'
dicated'. Check offers, ap-
pa'rent blrgalns. You lend to
be moody. Honor in form of Sew Edsy
promotion could be on horizon.
Know this -maintain poise. New Directions, a fabric· fashion show, will be pre-..
March Date
A 1t1arch wedding is being
planned by Pamela Joan
Antonowitsch and Robert Lee
Miss Antonowitsch, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J .
Antonowitsch of Sunset Beach,
is a graduate of Marina High
Her fiance, the son of Mrs.
Helen Duffy of Los Alamitos
and Harry S. Dully of
Mansfield, Ohio. also was
gradua~d from Marina IDgh
and now is attending
California State Colle~e at
Long Beach.
Menu Selected
SCORPJO (OCI. 23-Nov. 21): sented by May Co., South Coast Plaza in coopera·
Promoted i at ant interests. tion wi~ Vogue patterns at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Friday.
Look ahead -know .that your Feb. 28. Included in the spring fashion news of. 1969
efforts deserve wider distrlbu.-will be this pants dressing in ecru lace which fea·
tion. Accept invitation for ap-tures a see.through look in the shirt top.
pearance 'which guarantees ------'---"----'--'-"--'--'-="-----
substantial audience.
De<:. 21): Could be power day.
You deal with money and gain
added atithority. Some at the
top depend upon your judg·
ment. Time is on your side.
You emerge a winner.
Women's Association
Trying Film Business
CAPRICORN (Dec: 22-Jan .
19): Marital affairs demand Three Arch Bay Women's
attention. Accent is on your Association will sponsor a pro-
ability to promote mutual in-gram of four slide and movie
teresls. Project can be suc· P r e sentaUons transporting
cessfully completed. Day to participants around the earth
finish rather than begin. beginning Friday, Feb. 28.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. All four sessions will take
18 ): Avoid faligue. Remember place in the Three Arch Bay
resolutions concerning work, Community Clubhouse at 8
diet, exercise and recreation. p.m., and season tickels may
Outline program and adhere be purchased at the door for
to it. Your determniation is $4. Individual performances
put to a test. will be $1.25.
PISCES (Feb. Jg.March 20J: Mr. and Mrs. Rob c rt
Loved ones, young persons Linderman will start the
a program, Russia ' and Its
Educational System, Fri'day,
March 28.
Around the World in SO
Minutes will be narrated and
shown by its producer, George
Cunningham, Friday, April 25.
A socia l hour with coffee and
cakes are included in the
December in Busy Japan
will be the offering of Ralph
Davenport. closing the series
Friday, May 23.
bring you questions, problenls. series with f 11 m s on
Be analytical. Analyzf. Find Mysterious Africa. Sea Sirens
out why. Avoid jumping to Next in line will be Edward TOPS Sea Sirens meet in
conclusions. Tonight be with Chaffee, retired director of Killybrooke School, Co 1 ta
one who attracts you. curriculum for Los Angeles Mesa, every Wednesday at 7
IF TODAY IS y O U R City Schools, who will present p.m. '
BIRTHDAY you are a naturalljiliiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijl executive, but you prefer The bridegroom-elect is a
graduate of Costa Mesa High
School and Is .serving with
the U.S. Navy in Long Beach.
The Vietnam veteran, son cf
Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Lewan
of Costa Mesa, will continue
his education at Orange Coast
~liege when he is discharg-
Executive Dinr:ier Club
A chance to sample exotic
cuisine from many countries
of the world will be offered
when IMUrance Women of
Orange County host an in-
ternational bullet dinner Fri·
.day, Feb. 28.
working behind the scenes.
Added respons ibility due along
with greater rewards. If
single, marriage is on horizon. ~Qub ,
Brid .. lect
Topic South · America
Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. will
begin the evening in
. Friedemann Banquet H a 11 ,
Orange, which will include a
Cycle high for CANCER, LEO .
Special word to ARIES: fin ish
what you start.
Seasoned traveler Grant c. •-.11 · lb white elephant auction. Wuu WI give e invocation. At a recent meet In•"' ra 11ne1 out •lla'J t<JCllv 111r vou
B ti ·11 d. M ber d '" m-v 1nd lov,, Ollie• snmev u er w1 1scuss South em s an guest.s may dele~ates were chosen for the 2:;'~'r:l'ld ~~.::Sec~~ H~~:t~iJ!~;
American countries with the obtain reservations by calling Region vm conference to take , !~·~•!? "'c:rnJ41 \t~ ~Of ::;rc_1m
Executive Dlnner Club off_;M:::::i":..:.F.::ern:.::.:Ran:!!!'.~d~ol~p~h.c;4'.!94-~1630~.-.!p~la~c'!e.:!M~,an:h~~l4-:it'!6."in~San~J~o~se:,._:•~'!'.'""'.'l.'!f1"~""'.'.''.'._' _.:'.:"'.'.'."M::_· ~·~···:_'~\;'.'.'.*,;· Claire Maunders Wins Orange Coast Thursday, Feb. N.v. l11C11.
rt, in the Newporter Inn.
Nursing Scholarship
During his recent trip to
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru
and Uruguay. But 1 er in·
t e r v i e w e d government of.
Miss · Claire Maunders has school activities, grade.! and ficials and traveled to remote
been ann-··c·• as '"· wmne· r lb -·-• d areas to obtain material for """' i;u ..,.. a OU11411U'WOr e s s a y ofanursingscholarship his lecture. ouWning why the individual sponsored by the South Coast The speaker bureau director
Junior Woman's Club of Foun-wished to be 8 nurse. for Pan American Airways
tain Valley, according to Mrs. 'lbe $1.5 prize will be he has received awards fo;
George O'Hare, b e a I th presented during an assembly his lectures and books on
cbalnnan. in the high school next month. world affairs.
'lbe daughter of Mr. and Miss Maunders will be the Greeting guests at the 6
Mn. Ernest Maunders of Hun-. club's entrant in district com· to 7 p.m. social hour Will
tington Beach will attend petition which will make her be Mr. and ?I.rs. I. o y s
Orange Coast College where eligible for a $200 award. She Griswold and Mr. and Mrs.
she will study nursing. will be competing with en-Paul Hill.
Judging the Contest were trants from 12 ()ther clubs \\'arren Morg an. president.
members of the schol~ip comprising Los C e r r i t o s also will wek:ome participants
committee of Fountain Valley District. and introduce Mrs. John Turk
High School, and the winnerlp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;i;;i;;;;;i;;;i;;;;;i;i;~I
was selected on the basis of
Your hand lotion
is thirty years
behind the times
· ·Aze you' aetting off dirt
borDb s and Al•rting
'toma4oes, then lrying to
make it up to your bands
with a lotion that wasn't
meant for any1hing
ttronger than the effects
of soap and water?
Vedra is the band
lotioo thot helpo rduru
to du. what powerful
cleum.uipaway. Com-J'Ol'IM!od wilh.Aloe, tho
denrt'• 1noi1ta.ri1ing
f,laat, Vedra smooths,
abrioal<L Vedn Latioo,
1.00, C.-I.SO.
I See by Today's
Want Ads
• T\1'(1 Can Live Oiea(lt'r
than One:
\Vorking needJ a roorn-
nUlte, for a new, fum.U;hed
J bedroom 2 bath hou!t>.
Utilities are paid, and
there's a wuher and dry.
er included, in the Foun-
tain Valley area. e Uollkely Find'
A· 11urprisingly low rent for
the Newport Beach area
• • , two bedrooms, large
fenced yan.l, and encl~
garage, for only $100 mo. e Beata Taxea!
A never lived In, '69 Bud·
dY trailer, 24idi0. Two bed·
rooma. two be. tbs. family
room. Full length paticl
awning, carport. raised
porch & ddrt. Ready to
move In, located In a new
adult park. Full pri~. in-
cluding tax a: l~nse. Ill
Fl'IE Fl0 R!\;JTt.:HE
PASADENA: Colorado at El MOU..
POMONA: Holt, -of a. ... ,.
SANTA ANA: Ma1Jl .,, El .. eatll
adventure to
their menu ••.
Oub IS
Inte .
• I • I I
I -
Cos~ ::M~sa .
. , .. ,. . 1 t
VOL:. 62, NO . .it, 2 'sEcTIONS, 22 PA
l :
. . ' .. '.
ur1e I , ' • ..
J •
' 1 • ......,.. ......
• •
' • •
on e , , • J -'
Mesa Wet
But Lucky;
No Damage
Of ... .,., ...... ...,
'Troub'led by some flooding and erosion,
·Costa Mesans IWl perched on a wet
ineaa of tranquiUty today as a mighty
llorm Continued to rain wJdespread d~th
fJld destruction on the weatherbeaten
· F;mergency workers kept b u s y
throughout all areas of the city, but
110me probably prayed thankfully while
listening to transistor radios tellin& of
drdeals elsewhere.
"It atems Jlke Costa Mesa ta 1lowl1
lllnklng Into the .... .. said Fire Depart.
, .,.,,.. S-LM1 Yr.
(Mtii Mesi* .t.40 II.JI SA
...,._. hKft •.M 1'-5' L• to.UM l•dl ll . .t6 102 SJt
liuntlnllon l•Kh '·'° 17.Sl .. ,,
...... bolt! VII"" '·" 11.N J.ff ,
We1tmlnrlef' '·" 11.u 6.9 SHI 8ndl -4.'9 11.$.4 .. .,.
L"""'' L1l1ur1 World 5.46 16.n J.tt
lrvlM ll•nch •.1J 1•.76 LU
l11vna Ni9uft 5.~ li.U S.20
Anallelrn l .M lf."f 6.6t
G1n1t11 G,.,,. -4.W 11.M J.Jf
$e11 C~ UO IU'I ..
•-co.11 """""· s.n Cltmente fltura -fr'Dlll ,.II. 1.
ment l)ispatcher Dan Tolman, as pump
crewmen rushed to variow addrt.sses.
· "We should Just· consider ourselves
lucky," said another man.
Sever.al , homes were reported flooded
In low·Jilng areas al town, one al then
a rea¥:tence at 1S82 JWJ:mds Place,
where one occupant ia: iU qd ll8h1' IDd ..... fldled ... .. • .. .... ~,. . .... 4
One Body
. '
1n· Silverado
Tans al mud and rock aWnmed down
on a ml fin! llalbn ID ·so ... ldl
Canyon while 80 storm rtfugeei boddled
tnslde at 11 1.m. today, byrylp& DP.,
11 perllOns alive, with one body recoVend
by noon.
Fire tructa and dilpla<ed llonft . ~
tilll' hauled In Ibo Sllvendo Canyae
ataUoo fumbled down ~ "!ued ~
like toy vehlclel and dolit bellJn thl
mauive allde, aa n1n captiilued .to poar
Jim W-, lati.Uon chlel 1t thl
Irvine Fire stotlon, llld · tiMn ..
"'deflnitely ·•veral fatalitlra." He cauW. not aay how many, however •
M<anwhlle, a hurrl"11y argontoi,d
team o/ doctora and nunes from 0,....
County Medical, Center was dllpatehed
to ·rescue headquarters at the JrvlDI
Fire Statioo.
Roads bito the disaster .area, are. lm--
paasable il not d<atroyed and on <!fart
to reach the site by Marine Corps
hellcop\er failed due Io ...,.,.,.. vblbll-
Uy In Ibo Santa Ans lt!Dwllalnl. Food,,~~ "IPP~el ancl ther equli>'
rnent li'e' b<illC ~arrled to. tbe Isolated IandJUd~ ii...1 by la emugmcy force
meJJ;lb:en; who are h1klna in~· ~opt. 0ranae. Coimtf si>erill'1 . ...,,._said
thf Sllverado :panyoo. lapdollde '"°' 11 ... ·-"i>I .... ·lurml!il ..... u ~-w · "~~r; -.--b ... ~tnid-... ii!~if ::. L ~aiiol 1•t m
-.s deYQtaWi.1! !t . . . • .. • ~. '' ,', CGilllldlDI ......... ._.-,,,.,......
from• 't1ie· rugged, ialn-beu.ed ll'la In
the Santa ~140liiilalnl ·--vlellins were actually fluried Jn tbl
Avocodo SL, IC<:Ordlng tO t h •
bel<egua<d fire department dbpatcher:
"We have evf!tY piece of equipment
we own out pumping," he said.
All Costa Mesa Street Department\
workers were on the job, while parts
department per.sonnel were loaned out ." • -\ .'O.titLY ;ILOT,.... If -'*fc--
on temporary duty to help pile ~balL _,,. ...
1n aome area11. ·-
· Mrs. ~obor'l ,i:. 'K1ll1rof Lft Ail9'iM ""-''"'9oo •t •-, n's ~~r.I:totol . Cu~ Olf by .Flood .Wotoro ""'· L1gun1 ~C
No actual injuries were attributed to
the storm in Costa Mesa by noon, but
an electrician was hospitalized about
noon while being ltricten at the City
. Police said they at firft. believed. the
\*ictim may have been electrocuted, but
'die incident. was not fatal and later
reportl indicated he may have· aullertd
eome natural attack.
Police Lt. John Moquin reporttd street
'closures and Si&alerts at several loc.a-
lions In the raiJHtrenched city, w~
If 11ou're wonderi'ng about road
condition& in the Southland -and
11ou /lave pltntv of patimce-&Mre':i
o ~for_ 11~ to find out.
Jud call 5~7-!!577. .
· Th1i will be a recording pliictd by
tilt California Highway Patrol giving
th1 late&t information on wiathtr
and traffic.
The onl11 thino1 i&, tht odd& today
OTI J().1 that tht lint will be bUIJI.
'V"V busy.
There can't be much o/ thia wd
stuff left. 10 the weatherman ii
callina fer cleattnc. Wei wmn...
d111. But H'll .UU be chl1q with
lelopeiilunl In Ibo It'• loclllJ.
In 4 'POlfUtt thot'1 '°""1ohat
un....i lo lh• Britilh ~
famllv. th• ll<ir 1o th• th,...
appears 41 11 du.itman rittinQ 171
11 oarboge am. Page 5. -.._.
It _.,... Lr.-tt
' ....,..._ II
11·ft ..... .. . ==.,., 11 ............ I
~ :'1:.."c:= ~ ---=:o:..·-... _.... ----....... ~ -... ..
, ............ , ... ' ..... ....,
1• ......... M .. -. , -.. ,, .. ......, .
'' ~-" .......... ~
. · · Stoelc ltJarlceu
Laguna Stores
Threatened by
Canyon Waters
Newpor ,t Jlarbor Turned
To Sea of MW,':Debr~'·
By RICllAJll) P.-NAIJ,
Of "" o.!IJ• 1""9t Steff
A new storm threat loomed for sodden
Laguna B<ach today as olficlab sli;ed
up the small awollen latu on both
sides of. Laguna CanyOI! Road tust nortil
of tjly limibl. ,
Joseph Sweeny, public works director,
· said il the eartliflII di,ke containing one
of the Jatu let go, it·.could send an
additional deluge of water down Laguna
caiiyOn into the downtown.
Compounding this prob\<m wu tbe
coDti.nulng deterioration ct tlle starm
chi.nnel a]Qng Uie canyorr apd. Broadway
in L>jpJna Beaih. , · '
Meanwhile city ·o/liciab tiqan. 1 man-
. datory evacuaUon ol. meanderine canyon
Aerts 'Drive threatened bf °"' lplld and rock _llidel. Ftre Capt. Cbar)ey !'ul>n
said ruidenb were being ~,ed out
and trucbd to Ibo fire 1t1tioa !tl!l-
Raidenla and bu$<lsel · lloq Ibo
308,_bJoct al Ocean A\'flllle Wert bein&
<VICUlled this moming U tho IWirlinl
wii.n .ie al il!O .fouDdationa al t!it
or -.. _.., Hit ""'
Tons of oraI11es, brulh, trees, lop,
oil drums and other debris turned
Newport Harber Into a giant madboWI
lake of. garbage'tod~y.
Mort debris was fioodiuJ: the bay u
rains continued.
Elsewhere lrO\IDd Newport Beach, ma-
jor lntenectiona and IOme low-lying
· homes were flooded. Newport11 upper
· and .lower bays swned Io .be tUlnl
the brunt of the storm'i ,aitack.
Orange County · Harbor Department
officers were pushing efforta to clear
Sirhan ObJects
To Prosecution
Sho~g Diary
LOS ANGELES.(UPI) -Sirban II, s .. ...,. aaid If lny o/ tbe propertla
eo!!lpeed Into tbe flood --pae
.... _ --ruobfl!l towll'll
tbe Ott. would. -no,,._ lo IO victim but he _,lh rllll -. lo bot tile -al 1111• .. 1••-buln: read bla diary. '
• Sirban doelnl ..,. ff the. jury II bll
murder trial .... color picturll. ai' bll
· AolofU0111•111-... .-1lor.oJI n.. 24-yW'Old Anb~mml1r·••t
aJaoc tllo ...... -.. 1-l!llod -..,..,. ........... fur\oDil1
-""1 ............. -frillD lop to bla •UonloJI .. oblell ......,. -
the blj of the ]JJ'ger and more dangerous debris . ,· : r ·
Haiborm~ter' Al a>cr& said that the
oringes will bt allowed to float out
to 1ea, while the Jaige Umbers, trees
and logs are being laMoed and Jo:we<f to harbor Dep&rtme.nt dock& for removal
by truck.
At, )east hair a , dozen v~ls were
In danger of -&inking thrqugh the night.
Harbor pa~tmtn·--ere busy balling rain
water out of b:illes. .
At,leut one ·largt boat has been aunk
by. the Taln, the 38-foot cabin ci'uiser
"Joker," which sank at itll slip ih ·1ront
of the AnCient Mariner restaurant Sunday
night. .
Crews wert' lti!I frying to rcrlbat tilt
Debrill was pHing~up on the beaehes,
too, aod the tl,000 spe<:iaJ cleanup project
by the city seemed fuUle.
Aa private centnclor'a ptf1(11J'M!I and
equlpm~t ,reached..lhe 4tlth ~tr ... t groin .
in their ck:brJJ ~p work, debris wu pl~ lrhere they bod Jult clunecf· ·
Sodden ice plant on steep banks
thniulhout the Haibor aru wu l"'lling
out ol the !Opooll liMt •lldlili 'dcnii! lhe
2 Cities . warned
Of Dam ,Threat 'to.-Di .... 1t1 on -lldel · t11e 11a1e 1-1m,.-. ti -.
and ..... f...,.. ' ' -ID "'*'11 --""flllli!d Amloua oounl7 flood _. qlo nm.i• wwbd -Ille clocl< to belwelatllledlllo.lloblrtP.~. nem today warned die city..._. teep.tlli 11rimmJb1 ....._.._ Tli<'nol-·were~"::-o1.s.ntaAn1andOrll)P~·lheVllia open. A C.-with 1 ......... , -In tho Jlrba -In . bp Park Dam Wll ''woltia( at f1111_ ca_po-
had -......, ... fhlD a cub uclloa • -then cllllcn wbo :.:::...., ::.=, cl!J" to reQUlale nooot w.un ·bolling ...._ tllll _,.. to"plct--:.,:_ w• •,~ In at Ille rile cl 11,GOll cioblo fed per
alapa al -~ 1111 al llio Slrt1aD wa calm ed raila • tho ~ b no Immedl1to ~." said ~ ID ,,,..dt7 m6dlllcle -~ J'iOdvt:ed L ~ co1ir Clllel Englnffr If. G. ~ "but
• I""" • pllotGlropbl x.moody·o "*8 --~ wlll b< big tnRtble U tbe wllcr· rOlldl, blloa ........ ~ -• bloody buQol ....... llid ....... .._ bops cmUns through here 1t tlie,pno-
..... ~ ...,........,. dolp!tt loalll(' wflldl a .....,.... tarllort aid ent nle.'' · •
tho -~ lalor al·dlJ cnw1 -tha .... wu llnd NI-The dim'• repJallol --1!f IJ.UIO
bd -pie .....,. . • ti..., Inch or -', ' ' ' cubic feet per IOCGllCI, Almeol hrict that Qloal ... _WWJ!lill ... eao,oa .... _ .. la .......... _Ill' .. s ..... , .... ·lip al .... .&.;;;; ll1ft oil ._ ~ Rold. • =t: al Illa Ell .., tlnll ....... lolJooli! ban1or and llilo die Cl'lll: lnliow.
'1111 --... "' .... -. ._" ... tlnll ... -.... '!be enp_. ll)e bOo•lott -.... al•pallipl II llWb)' """1ated llioJr bat -roed !Mm. • ..,d flood Wlton hM )'It to .,_,
_....,. plctiq f0<\qml11I"°"' • . The ·~ lndl_r 1'111: ~g , a : 'l1ie dam b localed on the 8utlqll deli ~Oii"· ', «'!'!'•llllBAl'<l, r-41 Creek ~va ~ ·Park .......
NEW·YORK (AP) -A' techniCil <.ally
afler five sesalona.o~.a_harp decline fluJed
, todsy and: the .tock .market cloaed ,wllh
another loss. Trading wa11 •fairly a~ve.
tSee q~otati!'ns, Pages 8-9.)
tumbllng •mudallde. · . '
~We can't get in to .find out . and
It .will .be a hell of a king time .blfc:n
we do," he added .
Emergency crewa ~ to the nluJy
lnaci!essible scene, where more lhan 11
incbell of rain have poured. umnerdfuUJ
since Sunday, but 'no"word·.wu'avallabM
on immediate fate of ttie doAn • man
mlulng vlctlma. .
Asaistant Orange County Fire· Warden
Carl Dowm reported the ctnyon dilutfr
aboUt '11 a.m., U rain c:ontlnUed to
pour, isolaUng mountain areu and
(See SUDE, .... IJ .
• .....
. I
I ~:__~~~~~~""--'~_..:.....:=.."-....:.--~·~'>--_::::::,~~·~--'-'~;__;~.:_U.···~.::.=..:.......~----~-.;,._ .. _~.u.....__~~~~"'----'..>.=....,._~~~,:,::_!.!.,_;:'-'l:.......~~...-..._'"'"-~---'-
' >
I llAll.Y PILOT c
out 'Noise ' .
A atlidy of noise made· by jet atrcran •
departing from Orange County Airport
Lt being studied bf the County,.COuJllll'•
office previous to release iR tta Doll
tonn. ·
Deputy County eoun..i !IOberl Nut-
tman Ald Mond17 he Is lludrtnl an
advance copy of n:port by the Van
Nuys firm of Bo!~ ~anell and Newmao
to see if the county wanll additional
Nuttman will return lhe copy to the
Van Nuys f\tJn with suuesUons 1Jl1I
wttk . and ei:pects the final report IA
about two weeks.
But even ,then It wiD · pr.obably not
be made public, Nuttman guessed.
Although copies will be given Ille
5Upervison the report may be marted '
"confidential" becaue of ttl ~ble
use in the $ '12ml1lloa worth of laWmlll
filed against the county by persons living
under the jet takeoff pattern.
The ftporl cost the coant,y fl ,000 aod
is dellped to bolster tht county's aide'.
of the airport noise dbpute. · ·
• •
Nixon Breaks Of(
·'· . '. l : ~. • ••
LONDON (AP) -Pl'flldent NllOn
reoewed to Britain today a pledce that
the Unlted Stat.el supports the coocePt
of an enlarged Common Market, lrt-
dudln( Britain, within a jlllilied Ew'oJ>F> .
Then with buaWu uida, ll1o Pmldli\I
luoched with Q\leell Ellr.lbeth ll, brqb
the bonds of hil ltgilt aecur\ly to -
hands with Londoners and became the
first U.S. president to attend a ttuloa
of the molher of Parliaments.
This live side of Nb:on the pollticlln
delighted the Londoners and dismayed
hil battery of bod1guanll.
'!'be IOCUfily men w.,. particularf,y
woiried wben lhe Pralden~ .rt<r hJD.
chin( wilh ll1o Queen al Bucklngillm
Pailce, ordend bia bullel-pn>of car Mop-
ped al the elll &•lea and leaped ool
Into • erowd ol aboul !00, abakln( hands rJ&bt and lei~ Wblte H..,.. men rr ... ticai!1 pollled lhrougil to IUmJUnd the
ll'!l>nll>I Pmident. .•
Tbe palloe lncicknl llrayld "'mplete!y
off the bard and fut IJl'OfP'IDl laid
out for h1' cruh vlalt to London u
part ol ae elg)ll-<117 tour of Europe. ·
~ --~·""-• . ' .
• I cur1tr . '\
' riots ln the past, Nixon 11pent 1bout~
20 mlnutea. giving a ""1 <ii pep ialk, ' ' to lhe _,,ibled staff. I
)Vben be emerged there w~ seY.WI
hlmdrod opectators, lllOltly In Ille ...,.
cbeerlul and friendly aioild ll1o J>r:eoidaOt
hid beeD ohibitlng ail day' One lillJe•
knot -a bandlul of YQOllbl -·-"Viet Cong" and "Nb:on go home.''
But they were somewba;t ctroWned out
by the pro-Ni.Ion cheers and the roar
of his motorcycle es=t revving up their
engines. Nixon shook aome more hands.
By now the Preaideol ..U ,. e'qet
for public contact that he Went even
further when be arrived at Claridge'a
Hotel for a brief resl and a meeUng
with selected Britons from varlow: walb .
of life. : ,
He got out of his car at the-matn
entrance arid :strode acrw lhe street
to shake bands with idly curious. Most
of them were obViously pro-Nixon ~ ·
rather flattered at the attention. B"
there were tome cries of "Victory-for
the N aUonal 'Liberation Front."
Planned Protest
At UCI Washed
Out by Storm
So did . hll rater µll al ll1o -
ol Commooa, an impromplll vWI alter
be lald a wreath at the tomb of Britain's
Unkncnm Warrior In WOl!mlnller Abbey
acrou the street.
From somewhere in the c r o w d
demonstrators threw mimeographed anti·
Vietnam war pamphlets at the President.
They fell harmleaaly at his feet or on
the shoulders of the security guards
surrounding him. Nixon paid no attention
at all and, sWI gay, wandered back
to bia boW.
•Geno8 ·na11' ~tudf OK'd
A planDed protest at UC Irvine oa
Monday WU • ralnouL
.Beach Marina ·Rejected·
He sat u 1 ·.spectator for. aboUt 15
minutes In the Commonl, olllcially 1'·
nored. Under HOUie rules even a villtor
.. emjnenl cannot be r=piJed from
the floor.
At ll1o U.S. Embuly In Groovenor
Sq..,., """ o1 violent anU·Amerlcan
Earlier ·in the day he met Prime
Minister Harold Wilson for almost three
hours ~t. No. 10 Downing St., and pleased
the British government leaders mightily
by assuring American backing for their
bid to join the Common Markel. Ranging
through the additional topics of the Nortli
Atlantic Treaty Organization and East.-
West detente, the President I.old the
Brili!b just about everything they wanted
to hear.
Of "" DMIJ "" ......
Student diaidenll have reJCheduild a
protest rally to .be followed by a vl&il
oulaide the doorw&Y ol Cllaocellor Daniel
G ... ~---ofli f wo11n-.1... After a debate almOlt u •tormf as • IUW".w 1 ce or ~Y· the weather outside, Newpcrt Beach city
Tbe 1tudenll plan to rally support councilmen MQPCl.ay night voted
at iJ::SO p.m. at Gateway Plue and unanimoualy to chop a controversial Welt
then mlll·ln lllth Door of I he AdJiilnialrallo!i Building before I b e Newport marina propoaal In haU. .
chanc<llm"• office from 1 to i p.m. They decltied to aak lhe U.S. Army
The continuing protest ls over disml&Bal Corpa of Engineers to study the feulbUl-
of Assistant English Professors Ste .. .._ ty of 8 Huntington Harbour type rulden. ,,....... tial marina in Banning lowlands behind
Shapiro and Donald Brannan and recom· Newport Shores.
mended firing of Asalatant Hlstory At the. same time. at west Newport
Profeuor George Kent. Councllman Donald Mcinnls:' insi&tence,
About SS of the protesters moved inaide they indicated opposiUon to 1
for a stratea session Monday. breakwater.encloaed marina off the West
Dave 'Heskett, leader <ii the dis&idenll, Newport beacllfroot.
told them, 1'The same rula will 1pply Jt wu 1 declalon not euily reached.
Wednesd&'f. II will be vigil and ...,. Moments before the final vote, coun-
obstructitt." 'lben be added u an al· cilrnen rejected ~ a motion by Vice
tertboQgbt, ''That can be changed." Mayor Lindsley Parsons to uk tbe Army
~ lludenll allo· a_PPl"ed wording Corpl to study both fealurea ol Id·
of another mjmeOir&iibe!l-handoot· to • v~ man Stephen.. c. ~uld'.a flrand
be riven to faculty membin. Written ··• de!lgif. · ""'
by ·~ Wlnglleld, the handout notes "f'd Uke. lo-aee the'whol• thing looked
the 11.tem oi tenure ii dividing junior at," explained Par.som. "It'll be 10 years
and -ior facuU,y Into two calla wtlh Wore an)'lhlll& b built and lhLt would
anlllhelical lnler'esl.
be one way to get 19 the l>oltom ol
pr-11 llke lhl.t. Flnd!J!I out wbilhlr
they're fWfl>lt II the best,..., to 'Lty
I.hem to real. •r ·
Joining PAmM In voting for hll mo-
Uon w:trt cOuncllmen P1ul J. Oruber
and Ed l(lrth. Oppoted Wert Mayor
Doreen Marahall, councilmen Howard
, Rogt,ts, Robert Shelton and MClnnls.
"J can't support thit beclUse it Jacks
a policy statement on the importlnce
the city places on preserving our surf
and ocean beach," said Mayor Marshall.
0 Jt's very vital that we maintain that
natural asset."
Mcinnis then called far a vote on
bis motion. He worded It carefully:
"J move that tbe U.S. Army Corp!
ol Engineers be requested to conduct
an lniUal feasibility study of the proflOIOd
West Newport inland maril)a, known u
Genoa Bay, with the ..pllclt provl.tlon
lhal mulm\l!D lbouglrt and effort be
applied to -t lbe P"'ervalioe ol
the natural abortUne and· ocean belch!:
ol Ille city ol Newport J!<Ach, and that
the study be undertaken without coa;t
It recalls the walkout by two dbien
faculty members from a special meeUng
of the academic senate lut week and
suggesta the only way to heal the breach
Lt to do away with the tenure 17stem.
From Pafie l
Englllh Professor Jay MarUn spoke
to the students.
H• ,sald the English faculty had , met
ear!IOr Monday and lhal many profe&IOrS
felt Brannin bu a considerable case
for re-applying when he finlshea: bis
doctoral diaaerlaUon.
Student Michael Krisman said he
understands a majority of .the English
faculty does not favor putting down in
writing that Brlllnan would be rehired.
"We can give him the notion lhat when
he re-applies he will be given high con-
aideral.on," Martin said.
But dissident students dismissed that
a.s "not even a bone being thrown to
~iarUn said he is peraonally opposed
to the principle of retroactlvity in hiring
and flrlng. He said a1 director of the .
American Studies program he would like
to see Negro intellectuals who hold con-
troveralal · views become members of
the facuU.y, but not If they could be
fired fOr saying something unpopular.
''The power of retroacUvity 111 a threat
()Ver precisely the people you want,"
he said.
DAll Y PllOT
O~&NGI COAlt ,Ul lllHING COl.l•AN'f"
ll•Mrt H. w.,J
•tn~I 11'1111 J11•l1 ..... r
J1t• l . C1rl1y
"oe. Jlrftlff<ol ..... G_,11 ,,._."'"'
n,.,.,, Ktt¥if
ThtM•J A. M~r(l>lrii"t
M.,,ttlftt 1•1...-
,,~, N!u111
Adoltrll"11t Dlrt ct..-
CNte .... Ofnce
lJO Wttl lty She•f
MMll111f M4r•••: r.o. ••~ 11•0. ttt.1•
0 ..... OftlkH
;......... ltldlr :1111 Wtll ltlbN 1tufew1•t u-lltedll tlJ ,.,...,, ... _ ""'"il>f"" "'°'"' "' SIP. Slrttl
threatening to rupture brimming dams
before dark.
Homes were washed away like toys,
bridges scattered like matchsticks and
hill country highways all flowed Uke
rivers, carrying deep waves of debril
and destruction toward • the sodden
Orange County Flood Control Engineer
George Osborne went before the Board
of Supervisors today with a grim evalua-
tion of what is in store, if the untiring
stonn does not let up.
Only coastal canyon areas seriowly
affected so far by the latest In a weary
succession of January-February rain·
stonns are Laguna Canyon and the San
Juan Capistrano area.
The situation may yet change.
Concerned supervisors listened lhi!
mornlng as Osborne said dangerous con·
dltlons exist in all areas where dams
have regulated the tremendous downpour
running rampant off s a t u r a t e d
"Trabuco Creel!: in the San Juan
Capistrano area Is on a rampage," the
engineer told 1upervisors.
"Water supplies to the region have
been cut off because pipelines across
Ute r;treams have washed out," he added.
Orange County Fire Department of~
ficials, meanwhile,. constantly revised
assessment! of damage in the hardest-hit
mountain areas, the latest casualty being
their own Silverado Canyon facili ty.
Emergency crews were faced with the
bitW fact that roads In both dlttcUons
are virtually Impassable 100 they must
figure out a way l.o reach the devastated
station before rescue c&n begin.
Initial word did not Indicate how badly
the station was wrecked or how deeply
the 11 to IS vlcUms were burled, but
the prospects were obviously grJm.
Lowland areas were spared the brunt
af the storm which forecaster1 say should
clear up by Wednuday, but the rain
and flood toll was nonetheless hu.vy.
Nearly every coastal city experienced
flooding requiring some local streets and
roadways to be ckRd, some of them
undermined and m1de dangerously lm·
.paaable by the Rvtrt gtonn.
The UC Irvine campus wU open today
with Culver Drive cleared and access
to UCI avallable pa.st barrlcadu oo
closed MacArthur Boolevanl.
Extension courses achtduled f o r
tonight, however, are cancelletl ••• they
were Monday. when Oooding threatened
to maroon lhe sprawling campwi like
an bland of l•arnln&·
A ipOt.dec:k of atorm-ravaged areas
and • tally ol what bu °"""""' there 10 far -conUnually changing 111 the
alornl failed to let up -lhowed the
lollowlnfl: -Mt.dJeska C&nyen: Two homts lost
and one d;maged by a mudslide; the
Footbridge to Olive Hill washed out
and seven families evacuated, with
telephone service out N u m e r 0 u I
mudslides isolated the arta because or
high waters.
La(Ulla Canyon : Several homes in Big
Bend area are undenniaed and the SPCA
Facility abandoned, with all animals
moved out. Three families are evacuated
and one family was rescued lrom the
second story of a house by firemen
who waded through water 4 to S feet
deep. Several other persons were remov~
ed from stranded cars which washed
down stream, which runs 1 to 3 feet deep
-Stlverado Canyoa: Six homes so far
are washed away, and one bridge is
<lUt and another threatened. Forty
famll les are evacuated and five vehtcle!I
washed away. Four homes damaged
seriously and the area isolated .
-Trabuco Canyon: Water is Omvlng
()Ver the top of a wall at O'Neil Park,
wilh debri& in roadways, another aiea
isolated by mudsUde.
-SU Jaaa Capistrano: Seven families
now evacuated to higher ground.
-Irvtae Park: Severt damage by
erosion, with one restroom destroyed
and peMed animals turned loose.
From Page J
rumor flowed deeper than floodwaters.
Stories, untrue, were circulating in
the Mesa Verde area that a child had
been killed on Estancia Drive, which
was closed between Adams Avenue and
Wilson Street Monday due to undermined
Newport Boulevard· n o r th b o u n d
between 20th ind %1st Sb"eet was
partially closed to traffic due to mud
from the center island spilling ova the
Ottp water also made travel huardous
at 18th Street and Superior Avenut,
l'airview Rood -am! Baker Slttet and
In spots along Victoria Street, police
said. ..
Fa irview Road between kier Street
and Fair Drive flowed like a rlvtr during
the mornina hours, but storm problema
throughout town were minimal compartd
to hard-hlt slster ctUes and mountain
"We're on hi&h ground and a lot of
the runoff goes down to N e"port Be11ch
and some of the reat flows tht other
way toward Santa Ana," said one
pollmnan. -"
"And thank Cod," he 1ddtd.
' . , to <r ®Ugalion by the'olty.•
'!'be moUon ellecllvtly al&sbed In haU
Auld'a ht1>part propOhi.
Under: council conakleratiOd far si:r
weeks, the plan called for a S,900-boat
.marina stretching from the Santa ·Ana
Riv.er jetty to the Newport Pier area,
encompaued ·by a 2'4-mlle Ion g
The' plan'a other feature -the inland
"Genoa Bay" marina -envisions an
open!ng into the slough! bordering
Newport Shore~ at about S9th Street.
The channel would open up the Banning
properly for consln!ction of 137 alngle-
family homes, mOst of them waterfront,
300 apartment unJts, two trailer parks,
a major lhoppiq cenW, a I,CIOO-foot
awlmm.inc beach, a marlnwrie:nted com-
merclal area, two public parts, five
amall marl.nu and about three miles of
navigable waterways.
Auld, who aa.ld he bad no othtr intertlt
In the project than that <ii a concemed
clllwl, said Genoa Bay's total value
would be about l&5 million.
Members Get
Voice in Mesa
Halecrest Club
Two years of le1aJ preparation has
been climaxed by a change in lh~ by-laws
of a Costa Mtsa private club, giving
ill members a voice in matters formerly
left to the board o! dlr<ctors.
Dave Leighton, president of the
Halecrest Oub, 3124 College Ave., called
the 84 percent vote a mortumental oc-
casion that could change the club's future
most happily.
Basically, the entire club membership
m~y now vote on issu es of concern
within the non~profit corporaUon-operated
club, whose five-acre property is worth
a qunrter-mllllon collars.
Following the by.Jaws change at a
special t~nquet meeting, plans for a
new Mediterranean-style clubhouse on
the east side of the property were un-veiled.
The center will feature a kitchen, din·
Ing room, dance noor, billiard room
lounge: office and manager's apartment:
according to Leighton.
Club treasurer John Ca rlisle says the
club offers for a mere $3S initiation
fee and $10 per month services other
area clubs demand $1,000 to $7,SOO for,
a phenon:tnal difference.
The Halecrest Club currently has 250
famil y membership! and a limit of XlO
will be s~I, according to secretary, lttrs.
Jack Smith.
Police Rescue
Mesa Grandma
Trapped in Car
A 7!'.'year-old 1?onclm0lher who aimed
her new Dodge Cbaraer down mwkhok-
ed Back Bay Drive in Newport Buch
wu rescued by police Monday, 11·boW'I
after relative• reported her milling.
Mn. Maud Wamer, of 217 Sherwood
Sl., Colla Mesa, apologlaed to polic1
for tbelt trouble, which waa COD111detable,
before the slippery, oqulsby, duly ahilt
"T :m, penom report .. w11 filed
by Mn. Warner'• daugiller wben abe
f&Ded lo return u acbeduled from the
Newporter l!m Monday ... · •
Pll1rofmao Robert McC\llloch l'U litst
to spit t.lro lracka l1adln( Into the lm·
passable road. He churned on in and
found the stranded car.
More help wu ltD1lllloned and Newport
Police Sgl Richard Heinecke arrived,
along with a tow truck driver to try
l.o pull the .stranded car out of the
Right 1n the middle of rescue efforts,
however, the undermined pavement col·
lapsed , and Grandma's Charger settled
three-feet deeper into the damaged
Planks stretched over the hole to
firmer pavement allowed police and the
tow trucker lo haul the stranded vehicle
out. Mrs. Warner then headed home
after 12 hours' wait.
"She didn't panic at all,'' said OUicer
lt!cCulloch. "She was perfectly pleasant
and kept apologWng.
"She heard Jamboree Road was closed
so she decided to take a ahortcut,"
he added.
It was a long one.
Jogging Jaybird
Now a Jailbird
An Australian plumber was arrested
ltfonday when Co.!la Mesa police in-
vestigating an indecent exJ)O$Ufe report.
saw him burst from his apartment nude
and begin jogging around the unit's
Officer Randy Nutt and Sgt. Bob Ball-
inger caught up with the jogger, In
the rain, persuaded him l.o get dressed,
and took lhe 24-year-okl suspect in l.o
be booked.
. Advised of his comtitutional rlghta
after be.Ing arrested at the scene In
the JOO block of W. Wilson Street, the
man sald he v.·ould rather not dllcuss
the cbara:e against him.
Costa Mesa Bid
For Cow1 Site
To Be Discussed
Status of Costa Mesa's bid l.o cootracl
with the county for a municipal court
site and regional library on Orange
County Fairgrounds properly will be
di.acu.ssed Thursday before a special plan-
ning agency.
A&!ista.nt City AUorney Robert L. · ··
Humphreys will be feat11red in the 7::«)
a.in. breakfast session of cm.RT, at ...
the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club. -,
"Costa Mesa and the Courthouse," is
the topic to be e1plored by Humphreys,
who is also a director of the Orange
County Fair Board and chief of its
buildings and grounds committee.
The organization draws i!IJ abbrevia-
tion from Citizens Harbor Area Research '
Team and concerns itself 1vith the future !I
of the area as far away as 20 and ,.
30 years.
Both Costa Mesa and Newport Beach '·
are competing to present the counly -
boar.d of supervisors with the most ap-
pealing offer for a municipal court site.
CofC Greeters
Meet Thursday
A .special meeting of lhe Costa Mesa .
Chamber 'of Commtrce Greeters Com• ·:
mittee has been called for Thursday . 1
at 8 a.m. in chamber offices lo discuss
membership increases.
Committee chief Eugene Bergeron
says it is imperative to get new member! u
organized in time lo include them irl
the Yellow Book Member'ship Classified
Telephone Directory.
This handy listing of Chamber of Com·
merce member firms and ag encies is ~
due to be published in April.
Winter Luau Still On
Rain, mudslides and loosed boats
notwithstanding, the Orange County
Coast Associati<ln's winter luau will come ·
off on schedule Wednesday evening,
President Cap Blackburn said today.
Reservations can be made by callina 1
lhe Balboa Bay Club. ' ' ;,
• •
Storm 01m11• to Rudi H11vy Throufhout County; Motorl1t1 s.ek Alt1m1te . Routn
\ 'I
~-----------".....__ _____ _::.__~--~-·---
Beacla Rocket
• ' ·Here's Ho·w Next·
. Apollo Will·· Go
The McDonnell Douglas-buitt Saturn
S.lVB rocket slage made in Huntington
Beach will play a criUcal and dtamatic
role during the flight or Apollo 9 whicti ...rn include America'a first dock.Ing of
two manned spacecraft and the first
manned orbital test of the lunar module.
'As third stage of the Saturn V lunar
lawx:h vehicle, the S-IVB will insert
the Apollo lunar module-the four-legged
moon land!ng craft -and the manned
spacecraft into earth orbit. And, while
the lunar module is attached lo the
S.lVB sta{e, a vttal series oI maneuvers wru be performed.
Now poised at Kennedy Space Center.
Apollo 9 is scheduled for liftoff Friday
and touchdown IO da ys later in the
prime recovery area 1,000 miles east
of Cape KeMedy.
James M. McDivitt is spacecraft com-
mander; David R. S c o t t, lli command
module pilot and RlliSell L. Schweickart
ls lunar module pilot. McOivitt and Scott
are Air Force colonels. Schweickart is
a civilian.
The Apollo 9 mission is Planned
primarily as an earth orbit rehearsal
of· the maneuvers which lhe CQmmand
Betvlce module and lunar module will
perform on future lunar landing missions.
Alter operation ol the first and second
stages· of Satµm V, the third-stage ·S..IVB
wW separate and Ignite its single 200,(Q).
pound thrust rocket engine for about
11% &eCOnds.
''This burn will consume part of the
S.IVB'1 20,000 gallon1 of liquid oxygen
and about 75,000 gallons of liquid
hydrogen, propelling 11 .. u. the lunar
module and the CQmmand service module
Into a 100-nautical-inlle parking orbit,••
u..ld H. E. Bauer Who directs the Saturn
Apollo program for McDonnell Douglas
Astronautics in Huntington Beach.
Shortly after orbital insertion, the S-
IVB, with both the lunar and command
service modules attached, will provide
precise attilude control to align the ·
vehicles in the proper posilian in
preparation for rehearsal of ·1unar
mission procedures.
The crew first will simulate the initial
portion of translunar flight , followed by
separation of the command service
module from the S-IVB. The command
service modu1e will then · turn around
Reeds •••
In the Wind
Saturday evening &tarted out on
a 1our note for Terry Garrison
of 16821 Hoskins St., Huntington
Beach. He was doing his &tint as
cltrk at the flower market on
Beech Boulevard when a trio of men dropped in to get some flowers
to \ake home.
the trio obviously had lingered
~ long over their activities. Each
JaWw his little woman at home
W¥ going to be angry. Buying·
flowers, hopefully, would get them
dift.er at home.
ble is that they took out
so of their hostilities on Terry.
H J t cou1d not work fast enough
lof them and they told him so
' ' * About this time my wile and
J "!"andered in. We were to attend
i ~nner party that evening at_ the
home of Felicia and Al Coen and
WB!lted flowers for our hostess.
The poor lad\ was quite down
in t the dumps and rather sadly
related his experience. I tried to
tell him that by far the vast ma-
jodty of people are nice and that
on~ should not become too upset
about a trio of scared husbands. Wen , he queStioned. my creden-
tials as a cracker b a r r e 1
philo11opher and I was astounded
tbft, v.'hen I mentioned that I am
a tiewspaper reporter. he wa11 im-
* 1'hroughout our conversation he
w1111 very polite and quite •killed
at ~elpin~ 116 pick out Dowers and
in •rappmg them;---
!;mentioned then that the llowers
wele gi>ing to the mayor's wile
and he 'Immediately pleaded to let
him re:4rrap the flowers. "Let me
put.a bow on at leut," he offered.
l Id 'lilm the wrappings wore
fin but he wasn't convinced.
' '
and doc.k with the lunar modulee, sun
atiadied j<>. the S-iVB.
~ two docked spacecraft lhfn will
separate 'and maneuver tWiY from .lbe
S-IVB and the crew will begin testing
u.O ' ,Ysteins and proceduru tequlr<d
tor a lunar landing missWn.
At 4 hours and 45 minutes after launch,
the second burn of the S.IVB stage
is .:heduled. The firing, lasting only
62 secorx:ls so that proptllaut.s will remain
far .the planned upp~enled third~'
will place the S·IVB into l~nautical-mile
elliptical orbit.
"The third burn, or ~ restart.,"
be said,. "ls planned .after . a short
CQ&St "J)eriod to demonstrate the S.IVB's
rel.aUvely rapid· restart cApabillty which
may be required for future missions,"
Bauer said. .
This third ·aoo fiitat bum· ls scheduled
about', si~ hbur's after J~qnch and will
last for 2~ secori<fs, propelling the·S-IVB
to esc~pe velocity. . . ·
A routine dumping of r:esidual Pto-
pellants through the J·% "engine and ex-
pelling remaining high pressure . gases
by venting are planned next.
This ill the procedure followed on a
lunar mission to dispose of the S-IVB
following translunar injection a n d
spacecraft separation and is CQmpleted
about six hours and 4% minutes after
launch.. The S-IVB is sthedu1ed to con-
tinue on its trajectory into orbit about
the sun.
Since the second and third burns and
residual propellant dump will be cqn-
trolled. ~Y ground command from the
Mission Control Center, some of these
events may be delayed or eliminated
depending OD-C(liJditions.
During the third . day of the mission,
McDivitt and Schweickart will enter the
lunar "module thrriugh the cOnnecling tlin·
nel and · conduct a three-hour check
of its systems. The crew will then return
through the tunnel to the command
service module.
On the fourth day, r.1c0ivitt and
Schweickart will again transfer to the
lunar .modu1e and prepare r 0 r
Schweickart's twl>-hour space walk.
This will include transfer betw~n the
lunar. lfnd command modules, collection
of · therm.al · samples, and selected
photography and television operations.
The crew it.en will secure the Juiiar
module and return to· the commaod
· module through the dockblg tunnel
~uled for the fifth day is· the
separation of the lunar niodu!e from
the CQmmand. service module and the
critical test firing of the lunar module
descent stage rocket engine, followed
by the firing of the lunar module ascent
stage rocket engine. These engines will
be of vital importance ·in completing
the: lunar landing mission later thL! y_ear.
Bandit Holds Up
Rossmoor Store
A sbotgwrwlekling bandit took $900
from -a liquor store in the ROMmoor
Shopping Center in Seal Beach Saturday
night. .
PoliCe aaid the man entered the store
at a p.m. Saturday, pointed a shotgun
at the employe behind the counter and
asked for all the money in the cash
There Wert four other witness~ to
the robbery in addition to the employe,
polic:e 1ald.
. ' Surf, Sand· and R,-re Swn
Explpding wltb · house-boond energy, three yo.ungsten diase along
beach at Surfside in brief period of sun . 5aturday, u clouds
form another storm to' .. shut them-.inside again. Rain is a disappoint-
ment, but swirling, salty sea foam ls something else. Something you
can get your feet into, swnmer .and winter too.
Beach Spruees Vp Vehicles With Logo . Bea~h Interviews Set
The Hl,lR_lington Beach Citf eow.C1I
meets.at17:30 o'clock tonight to interview.
appliCants "for PQSitions on Several boardt
ai:id comtnisslons. The meeting j.s
scheduled for council chambers of
Memo{ial Hap, 5th Street ·and P~U
City vehicles \\'ill soon be driving
around Huntington Beach with a surfer
on the side.
Tlie surfer is part of the city's newly
adopted logo wh ich includes a boat, an
aiomic energy symbol, and a house and
tree in an attractive design officially
representing Huntington Beacli.
Fire departmei1t officials · began plac-
ing the logos on' their "equipment I a s t
First vehicle to receive the city's new
symbol was a 2.500 gallon pumper unit,
once the pride of the city in 1955.
Completely r.efurbished this year, the
pumptr would cost abo'ut $65,000 to re-
place brand new, said Fire Ch ief R a y
It was repainted and overhauled just
in time to receive the logo.
Police Department vehicles and life-
guard unils are next in line to b!!gin
pressing the logo. on side doors. . '
Brander CasUe, aSsistant city admin·
lstrator, sai"d today • all ,city vehicles
would not receive the_ logo immediately.
''We're doing it in ,P~ases(' be .Said,
"with all safety equipment .receiving
first chance at the logos."
About 160 city vehicles will tvcntUa11y
tour the town ~1,1ith the bright orang&-rim-
med design.
John Sasado, of La Canada, won the city~s contesl for design .of an approprl·
ate symbol to be the Huntington Beach
"We received · more than 300 entrants
1 in the contest," said Ca!tle, .. lnc!u.ding
'Vllh0 ehtrants from all over the wat--
ern states, Huntington Beach finally se-
lected Casado'• design because the four
symbols in It best represent the charac-
teristl"' of the beach, sold Casile.
• an entire elementary IChool class from
New Mexico.
,.-=o'-d" · BE OUR GUEST!
15% Bottle; 17% Case
DU.l .P~ll.IC:
.. W• io·t . Hl~TIME .. ~.
heppy,to e~nourice_f!IW ·.
••vi·n91 on quality .
br•nds.· In k••ping· wi1h '
our firin'1 .belief, "thet
you 91t whet you p•y
·for," we shill continue ' to weed out· inferor pro-
tnMden acc1ptmc1 by
.., as,_111 fer HJ.
TIMI •••• lt1•1d
spirits. we .. ...r9'1
,. ioifH""' po1111c 1s-.-.. ~ .......... -
117% dort19 ,..,_,
•dM .... 1-Too-
. · . .-ftMs « ..... .. scetc• ............. .
or "641 te fll • ca1e.
For those who h1v1n't
ta"1t1d Hl~TIMl'S fem·
, . ous spirits, we h1v1 re-
duced their price for
fowo months on 1ingl1
b1ttl1 purch1111.
$429 FOil DELIVERY $49'5
CALL · 548-9314 ' $529 FRl;E . DELIVERY $61'5
VODKA -100°/o Grain Sjllrits -Charcoal Filtered $3.19 $36'5
$399 . $46'5 .10 AM to 10 PM CASE 9UART QUARTS
~~ 69.¢ ;~ 119 HS-TIMI
KOTCH '15"· -~· Meet-... ~---~-------'·~--'----------' HI-TIME
~ife explained that his brothers ha4: been mentioned often in the
new.spaper because of their athletic
exploi\f and sale!, "Someday I'll
hate my name in the paper when
I ~~ something to merit It." OLD PUMPER GETS NEyi.c1;rv sjMBOL , .
C•pt. Eddlo .Ogdon (left), Flro Chlof Roy Plc~rd
4$9 E.17th, Costa Mesa 548-9314.
i:p Is an impressive young man. . •• • ~ \l'
Mariner Speed·s· Accurately to
·~-" .. .,.., ,.. ...,
Slan In a New York wtaurant
wlDdOw on 6th Avenue: "FREE -
a ,l'Uet of Sole dinner to anyone
bringing In a tenor 1ax and playlq
a aong. "We wish to prove: Music
is good for the sole." • $even men In Iowa Falla found
that the beat way to lose weight 11 bY putting •100 apiece In a contest
ancf slimming down compeUttvely •
. AU overweight, the seven CODJultecl
doctors for recommended weight
Jou over a month's time, ttien
threw '100 Into a pot. Winners
were to dlvide the Ioaera' money,
but Ule conte<t fizzled as each met
hi• target. Said one: "You think
about-It before you put that fork to
your mouth If it's going to cos! you
$100." •
' t'., ,
""'t • Mrs. James Meltun, of San Fran..
cisco, who has 11awned on t.ttimated
10,000 time1 in th1 past toetk, is ta-
pering off. When she entered Frank-
lin Ho1pit.al I.alt totek, Mr1. Melton,
40, waa 11awnina four time• o mi"" utt, 24 houri a dat1. Now ahe ii
yawning onlt1 once o minute. Doctor1
say her problem is caused bt1 an un--u.ruat but minor thvroid problfln.
Dr. Rodolfo Gardty said, "1he'1 do--
ing f ine" and predicted that 1he
could go home $01nt ti1M todo11.
mllllol pl~ -I -oft 11*1 .. Ill ""'""* ... conlo ....,. towll'd II.In lDdq with
Ibo -\:llaDot 111 of ......q the
lll1M'1 of -Iha nd pim eoold lwllarlllt.
"II .. J1lll ~.· Nld "" olftci>I at lhl pooilo'1 ..,IHI center al
. -I pt a perfoct lier! )\loodlll'
lllabl ~ Ill .\ll»Conlallr -and will -oaly a minor -.. carrecUon Jl'lidlll' "' SaturU1 to 181111 ti llyloc wltlltn 1,11111 mllai of the flf off pllntt
JUlJ IL Olllcllll uld !ti -•Cf WU phe ...... 11
Doctors Call
Ike Recovery
dent Dwllbl D. Ellenhower conUnued
ioda1 to rlCOYll' 11miootbly" from ab-
dominal IU1Pf1 and doct«1 called hla
protP'• "UUJe lbort of remarkable."
A mldmomlng mecllcal bulleUn from
doclor1 •ttendlnc the IJ.year-old feneral
al Walter Boed Army llDlpltal lald hla
11vltal atgna and cardilc ttatul remain
atable," important tn view of. hll 11ven
heart atlatkl.
"He 1J able to converte for lhorl
periods and hla morale (1 excellent. Tea
II beJni added lo hla oral lntab," llld
lht bulleUn stven reporten by Bric.
Gen. Fredtrlck J. Hupes, the bolplta1'1
commanding general.
Hughes also aaid the five-star general'•
. IOll, Lt. Col. John Eisenhower is leavin&
th1J morn1n& for hll Phoenixville, Pa.,
The former president's wife Mamie
was reported leelng him at Intervals.
Although doctors said Eillenhower "will
have to be watched especially carefully
durin& tbe next two week," the atmoe-
pbert wu relaxed at the preu center
Officials indicated the round-the-clock
watch might be 1topped at the end
of the dllJ'.
Scrub Buckets
Did you know ti Philip Spri""' -. used. ·to Feed
•f and Nita Jones wrote a song
titled "Green With Envy, Purple
With Passion, White With Anger,
Scarlet With Fever, What Were
You Doing In Her Arms Last Nlgbt
Blues"? •
Hamlet was fined $288 in a
Rome court for slapping Ophel·
ia on stage. The court convict-
ed actor Carmelo Bene of in-
vol\'ntarv injuring actress Mar·
ohe'rita Purovttch during a per-
formance of a modernized pro-
duction Of Shakeipeare'1 "Ham-
let" onl'.' night In 1967, The
modernized ver.rion called for
Hamlet to alap Ophelia but
Mi.ts Purovitch charged in
court that Bene overdid it one
night becaust they had quar-
reled. off stage.
• The president of the Hyde Park
High School PT A In Cbica~o says
she may urge parents to withdraw
their children from school while
work continues on a $6 million re--
modeling project. Mrs. Edna Jack·
son said workmen spend too much
time flirting with school girls.
Pueblo Crewmen
CORONADO (AP) -The food given
USS Pueblo crewmen In their North
K~an prlaon wu barely enoua>t to
1ustaln. llle and wu served in acrub
buckets, one ol the 1btp's com-
mlawymen llllJ'I.
After It wu eaten. Commillaryman
l.C. Harry Lewll leatillef at a court
of Inquiry Moaday, the auardl tooli: lhe
bucketa -1-rhe type you 1wab the
floor with" -away and rtturned them
unwashed and filled with drlnkinl water.
At leut .nven crewmen were listed
u wltntuea on today's court IChtdule.
The Navy bu said lt pl1n1 to bear
the entire crew.
Lewil wu uked his view as a 14-year
Navy commllueyman of lhe quality and
quantity of food In lhe North Korean
"Poor," Lewll aaid. "Very poor."
''Enough to 1U1tain llle?"
1'11llt11 Jlllt about it," Lewis 18.ld.
He later gave an estimate of 500 calories
a day. Few adUlt American males
average under a,ooo.
Lewis was one of 11 crewmen who
appeared Monday lo recount their trut-
meol al lhe bands ol lhe North Koreans
and lhalr effort& to nsllt and defy_
their tormenlon.
"Ii'• have olarted lht -1'1111 wllll-~a mldcom1e ......,.., oo rn.
"' lhlnl< ... porltet launcb," eald .. 8aturda1 lo ..rlnl lta llf-mJllloo.
~ .4-~ Dlnctor ~ 1r.itc1GrY 10 lhal It will 1peed
• . put M.Vs wllhlD 1,000 mllet of the
ahMd In Ibo """1 week 11'1 lht -ProJoct tecbold1n1 were coo. blMIOfl earl.Y W-llJ' of a '!lioo -l! would mab 1110111er 1ooc1 show· -0ior 11111!110, and rrlday'• 11art of m,.
Ibo Apollo I tll'lb orbital mlNloo. 0 We've Col • lol1I WllJ' lo ... but
Altl)loallll J111111 A. lllcPlvlll. David .... U pt lo 111an July II," predicted
R. llci>ll an d a-II L. llclnNlclwt, Donald P. u..rtb, dlreclor of lunar and
who pultd their llnat uam MG1!C117, p~ procr1m1 lor the Jp1Ce .,,..
plamled lo spend moll of today Focllclnt q.
rHnlrY ~ lo I opoeelllcbl "It 1ooU lJb we're right Oii tarp!,"
llmulalor. --loda1 pndlclod llld Harris kburmtlt, -projtct acctplabla --eond!Uaaa for manqer. FridllJ''• Apollo )luncblng. _ An Atlll-C<mtaur rocUI 111 r I e d
The f~lluintr spocecrall lllllll lllarinlr cm Ill kll>& jaomoy at 1:19
p.m. PST Monday. Alter the apacecroft
-wllh Ibo .,.ai 1tal of the UDltad
States tmbluonld oa U1 tlde -
separatod "'1a lhe booater, lt anloldtd .
Its wing-like solar panela and turned
to aim them at the sun to convtrt
ltl ray• into electricity.
Ill final maneuver wu locklnc on
to the 1tar Canopus a Uttle over four
hours alter launch. Tbe 1pacecra1t ""'' lhe llUll and the star u refennct polnta
In telling ita course lo lllan.
The craft. canlecl cameru to take
74 pictures of a broad otrlp of the
surface along the MartJan equator. A
.i.ter Mars probe due lo be laUDCIJed
March 2t Mariner 7, will be aimed
toward the plutt'• south pole. Between
the two, aome I> pen:eot of the planet'•
llllrface would be Jibotocrapbed.
The Mariner cameras wlll abow objects
as small as 300 yards in lite and will
have 10 Umes the detail of the best
of a1 plcturu ol Man radioed back
lo earth by Mariner 4 in 1165.
Other lnlt.rumenta aboard Mariner I
will lnvml1ate the temperaturt and
compo1ltlon of the atmosphere of Mart
lo determine if the harsh enviromnenl
of the. pland could harbor 10me form
ol life 1imllar lo earth '1. Of the p1 ... 1a
In the tolar ay1tem. Mara la &iven the
bell c:baoce of bavtng life •
Red Soldiers
'Hit Marine Bases
Leaders Confer
President Richard Nixon and British Premier Harold Wilson hold a
.conversation in the Long Gallery of Chequers, official country resi-
dence of British premiers. The President's evening at Chequers
lasted two hours longer than scheduled as the two leaders discussed
a wide range of issues.
Defense Witness Claims
Clay Shaw Not Bertrand
Andrews Jr., an attorney who was once
convicted of perjury by Dist. Alty. Jim
Garrison, testified todal Clay L. Shaw
was not the mysterious IQay Bert.rand"
mentioned in the Warren Report.
Andrews, the eighth defense witness
in Shaw's trial on charges of conspiring
to Msassinate Presidem: John F. Ken-
nedy, laid he picked the name out o!
the air.
the assusination of the President with
Oswald and David W. Ferrie.
Andrews testified today the man who
called him was not "Clay Bertrand" but
that as he was reporting the conversa·
tion to FBI agenr Regis Kennedy, "lt
suddenly dawned on me that if I re-
vealed the real name it would bring a
lot of heat and trouble to somebody
who didn 't deserve iL"
SAIGON (UPI) -North Vletnameae
aoldiera firing automatic weapons and
wllh exploalve chargeo mapped lo their
wrists charged cut of the jUJll'.led
darkness near the demilltarlzed zone
Israeli Planes
Hit Jordanian
Gun Positions
By United Pre11 IDternaUonal
JsraeH warplanes followed up Monday'!
massive strikes against Syrla by at-
tacking Jordanian arUllery positions near
the Sea of Galilee today.
Israeli and Egyptian forces fought
across the Suez Canal and Egypt pro-
claimed a state of emergeocy in ex-
pectatlon of Israeli air attacks.
Two Israeli planea knocked out aun
emplacements in the Neve-or area of
the Beisa.n Valley, an Israeli apokesman
said in Jerwalem.
The raid came shortly after an Israeli
military spokesmen said Arab guerrillas
had shelled the country retreat of Israeli
Premier Levi Eahkol Monday night.
Eshkol was in Jerusalem.
Egypt went on alert a1ainst expected
Israeli reprllal raidl after a night o~
machlneguo batUes wllb Israeli troop1
across the Suez Canal cease-fire line
north of the city or Suez. No casualUes
were reported.
Jordanian and Israeli troops battled
across the Jordan river for 20 minutes
early today, Jordanian spokesmen an-
nounced. They blamed Israel for the
nchange .
consumer demand pushed reFtj;;iif~
up three-tenths of one percent in
January, the government reported today,
The Labor Department rtported its
index of retail consumer prices rose
from 123.7 percent to more than 124.1
percent of the 1957-S9 base period. The
gain was more than the two-tenths of
one percent advanced in December.
Andrews, told the FBI in 1963 "Clay
Bertrand" called hlm the day after the
Nov. 22, 1983, assassination of Kennedy
in Dallas and aaked him to defend Lee
Harvey Oswald.
Garrison contends Shaw is Bertrand,
and lhat be used that alias in platting
Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail
Lash Northern California
today and attacked two U.S. Marine
base• in human waves.
The· Marines lost 36 dead and 115
wound~ in the heavJe:rt ground flghUnc
lince Auguat. The Communists broke
through the Marines' outer pe:rirnetera
but were thrown back in hand-to-hand
combat, leaving 66 dead on the bat-
tlefield .
The Communists' three-day-old winter
offensive waa growing in Intensity. They
used tear and nausea gas in attacll
near Saigon, shelled llO more towns and
Allied bases and massed more troops
for the long expected assault on Salgon.
So far, the Communists have lost more
than 2,000 men in battle. Allied tosses
were more than 150 American troopa
and 200 or more SouU!. Vletnameae killed.
The most dramatlc battle was against
lhe Marine unlb near the llockplle &...
ward the eastern end o fthe DMZ. The
combat waa IO desperate Marines fought
back with captured w~apons when they
ran low on ammunltlon and called in
artlllfry strikes on their own positions.
Some ol the North Vietnamese blew
themaelvea up with their own satchel
chargea when capture was imminent.
U.S. B52 bombers thundered into action
barely ZO miles from Saigon as U.S.
military sources warned that the North
Vietnamese were moving up fresh troops
for another usault agalDJt the Long
Blnh military comple1 18 miles northwest
of the capital.
Police officials in Saigon !aid when
the offensive started Sunday with a aeriu
of intensive shellings against 100 towns
and bases, a police swoop in Saigon
rounded up 43 Viet Cong leader• and
foiled plans for ground attacks inside
Saigon itself.
* * * Ky Eager to Talk
With NixonAhout
Ideas on 'Peace'
PARIS (UPI) -South Vietnamese
Vice Presiderit Nguyen Cao Ky said
today be has "many new ideas" about
the war and peace he wants to diacuss
with President Nixon later this week.
He hinted at a harder Saigon line in
the peace lalks.
Arriving back from Saigon to direct
his country's negotiating team at the
peace talks, Ky said it was "very likely"
.he would meet with Nixon to coordinate
Allied strategy at the talks.
"I am bringing many new ideas in
my pocket;" he said. Nixon is to arrive
in Paris Friday on his European tour.
The South Vietnamese leader said his
diplomats would tell the North Viet-
namese and Viet Cong not to expect
concessions from Saigon, parUcularly in
the wake of the Communist shelllngs
of South Vietnamese cities.
Nantucket Coast Whitened SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)_-Rain, hall,
snow and sleet at.ruck Northern CalHornla
again today 11 the tecond major flood
o{ the year awept the San Joaquin Valley
drenching farmland• and leaving dozens
fllllni tbollW!dl of 11ckl ror use In
blockl"I nooc1 waters which clo1ed
streets and aenl water a foot deep cours-
ing over 1ldewalks.
Ky also reiterated his warning that
lf the shellings go on, South Vietnam
would consider resuming the allied air
raids on Norlh Vietnam.
''If tbe: CommunisLa believe they can
go on with their shelling of our cities,
they are wrong," Ky told newamen
at Orly Airport. "I have already' said
that the AU!es have shown maximum
good wilt by de-escalating the war and
stopping the air raids on the north."
Boston Suburbs Buried Under Two Feet of Snow
TllM'9 ww. ,_.,.., .iotm• .._... I'!'*
•Xlrtfftt '""""'" ,,_. "'1t11Wtl! '°""
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1M two '"" f9 ........... fll ..... ,...
11111, ....... !led 17 ""°"" ... ""' t rout'llf wll!ll ......,,,.. ~ 11Mrlr ,, lfldlft,
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fflt ttOl"ll'I hi "-• It..., Soult!llrn
Clttrer11i. Wllltd -r111 lflOlll'llllN
-Hw.ot. Avt.t1n, N...-., ~!Yid lt
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The Fresno and Chowchilla rivers In
the valley and the Salinas River near
the ·coast also were approaching Hood
stage u the Weather Bureau ..predicted
heavy rain would conUnue tbrouah
Some 80 perllOl'll were forced out of
their llomea In COallnia In Fr<mo County
Monday when Wartbam Creek 1Urged
over lta IOUtb bank. Downtown street.I
were Dooded with water up to the handla
or a bo•llni alloy door at ono point.
S<hoob ""' clolled and police reported au roads lnto Coallnc• were cloled 11~
cept for the l'Old lo Fresno, which
waa reported "barel;y paaable.11
In Frtlno, llndbagtng crewa were
Power Failure Traps
10,000 on NY Subway
NEW YORK (AP) -. A lrlllllonner.
explollon knocked out power on a M-
block ltmch of a Mlllhattan IUbwllj'
at lhe bellbl ol lhe nllb hour this mom.
in&, trapplnr up lo 10,000 rldera In their
lralnl far an hour.
Smoke from the sbcn<lr<utt explotlon
gu1hed throulh the Elplh Avenue
11ubway tunnel from ltLh Street to l~tb
Street. A few manhole covers on the
•tteets popped Ute champagne _ cork•.,
wllnesses .nld.
By Monday night, Fr<ono bad ""Ive<!
1 total ralnfall of 19.te inche. for the
1euon ending June 30, an all-time rtCOrd.
About 1! famWea were evacuated near
Madera. The Red Crosa aet up evacua.Uon
centers in Madera, Freano and WoodlUe
In Tulare County lo aid the homelw
lamlllea. SIRHAN .••
(Coatlnaed From Pap I)
handwrltlni ellj)Ut to l<stlfy that lhe
F • R } • entries In the looseleaf notebook! wtre Ofelgll e atiODS mtde by Sirhan .
The entrle1 previously have been
£' _ , Ok reporl<d to -aln the IMCrlptlon \.A,IIDIDJttee ays 0 Robert F. Kenned)' must bt
assassinated before June 5, 1968." That
wu the first anniVeraary of the six-day Nuclear Treaty Arab-Israeli war. ft
Kennedy was mortally wounded on
lhe morning of June 5. , WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate The notebookl aloo nporledly conta111
F'"'ljn llelatlons Committee •PFOVed notailont thowtng Sirhan'• ~
lodllJ' lht lrtaty dalped lo pnv111t munllll l<anlop and b1a batred ol11rail
the 1prqd of nuclear wupcm. They m Important lo lhe prooecutlln
Chairman J. W. l"utbrllbl lald be In utablllhtni the ftnt degree munlar
expected a report • Ibo ldlan would requirements of premeditation a a d
be completed bf March I and lht truly malice. ~
lhen -lo the 11ocir i.r a ..ea. SIL William E. Brandt of 'lhe' QI
The report, be uld, """1d clartty An&el•• police department telllllled UM
two •WI controvm1a1 polnta --he and three other offlc:tr11 .• includ., the truly'• ArUclt Vi nqulrw Ibis tn FBI aaent, searched the Sirnan bolle
...,,,1ry lo -Immediate talD wllh of the eventna ol June 5.
the Sovie! Unloa 111 nuclear dllarmamonl Brandt aclmowledsed Ibey dW1ilOt hJh
and whelher -naUona lhal do a ••an:h warran\bul said Ibey irio
not •llJI the poet ar< enUlled lo help 1Ccompanled by and htd the l!W1!$
In peact/ul atomic projects. of Sirhan'• brother, Adel. Uilder ~ ,
'MM!re were lncUt1UON: the committee tloning by deftnse attorney Gr
""'Id "Y 0 yes' on the """' talks Cooper, Brandt said the om~ wjr< and(~no" on the non·sigfiing countries. •. tryina to find if Sirhan had a~~·
n ..
• II
d • 11 • • •
a ..
" 'Y
" •• •• ..
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•• , ..
"' •• .at
ay ,
• ... ...
•d • .. ..
~ • ~ e
r ·ff~yakawa Pondel'S
AFT 's Semantics
,TH AN CUBA Oh! Oh! here they come • , . You can get In <ln this fight.
at nlght! Write the FAA, write the
CAPE KENNEDY, F I 1 , Al you know our committee County Board of Supervisors
{AP) -Whenever possible, bu been calling for the bu>. and get in on the batlle to stop
space ag1ney officials flying nm, or tUJht flights from this constant enlargement of
to cape Kennedy for Friday's <>range County Airport. Jn airport flights .
Apollo t launching art ridlna: December Mr. Bresnahan, Air· * * *
on rovernment planes to avoid pgrft Chief asked the FAA to
possible hijack to Cuba. r 't . ht fl'...,ts bet Ever wonder the e11ct fig· Me.ny 1 r e headquarters uni nig ar;u ween urea from 1967 as opposed to
personnel who make tey 11:00 and 7:00 from Orange
decisibns ln the final hours County. Since it has not yet been 19SI in action , at the Orange
J .-. Id •--f'nd the 1. t County Airport . Here they are: "' "'~ coun own. ~ we now ' .ll'S In, 1967 there were 374,'1'73
instance ot a scheduled night flight.a, in 1968 theJl were
fil&ht -the door-opener to los-SIJ,173 Oi&hts, nearly 40'11> in-
mg control of tbe Mite over-crease. We all talk about s~
bold pniblem at night. ping the growth of the airport ·~UTO
Al Mak11 ,_,
1969 Thunderbird
4 Dr. Lancia
$1Jf.H ,_ .....
22A 0-w. c-Hwy.
N-1'1 ... ch, Eallf.
One of the alrllna is IChecf. lnlfall the experts and all the
ullna an apen 01gbt that Je1ve1 studies uk for the moving oI oatland at 10:15 and arrivu at the airpan yet the air trlfft~
Orange County at It:SS. TbtA contlnues tG inei'ease and in·
ls also an IJ :OO p.m. arrtvaJ crease •••
from Son Franclaco that leavOI Let the FAA !mow bow you
there It 10:00 p.m. OD SUnday feel about iL Write . ~only. • Federal Aviation Agency
These two filahtJ lhow the Regional Headquarters
further erosion d the air space P .0. Bos m7 Airport Station
above our homes and the in-Loo Al>&deJ, Calll. 9llOOfl
1en1iUvity by . th& 1 Ir port -people' to tbt puce of the cili· Stop by, write or call at 438
mm of Corona dtl Mar, New· EIR 17th St. in C.0St1 Mesa-
port Beach and Costa AfaL UJlllelrs. Phone !42-4jj)I. We're open dally II 10,00. ~
va~1 ~J::Ut•t h~:. P~i Airport Noiae Aba.teme1't rwt ~ce ii nljbt. -
N. Ireland Vote
O'IV eill Squeaks
B·y PaisleJ Bid ...
U-were won by O'Ntlll
bac;bn. '!be other Dile wve
lleld by Unionilts who °""" 01Nelll11 policies.
The: Natlonallsts bad won
five of the 4' ,.,ts dlcldtd by
nooa today, the Llbar Porty
two .... other splbiter croups
Under Northern I
parliamentary O'Nslll
rnust be elected to Parliament
before be can NrVe u
premier. O'Neill beat aut
Paisley for the House teat
by only 1,MIO votes:
1be victory was to clOR a
spokesman at O'NtU1'1 head·
quarters aaid, "It jult doem't
betf thinking &bout. II
Kenned y
Wants Draft
Law Revi.Sed
lllOAl RIOANC£. 11". ltM• ~...,. f"'Plte rr,.,_
"' 1 ... ,..n.d ftlY'Ol'l Or .......
1t10UMAID'S .,.. ff lll't'\A
>.NH ....... tfle ~ilN tl_IMl..,Wli_.,._
•"' '" ..... """"' .....
MOlf. t. '''· :f.M t 1• TO ' ,,M. TU It, •WID. • Tlfll , •tAT. t1it TO 11• P,M.
15()1 t-IQ Main SAN TA ANA
Prtmier .Sbowing
of our NEW IJ00,000 . . .
"Phase 1 u
CALL 842-1451
S Points Shopping Center
11515 M<lfa (at -di)
(l'IUI If 14--1 CIMlllol
St ea m loom• ll;finni1h Rock.Sauna R6om1
• Rorido $1.111 1011 Rooms • Whirlpool lathl
• Eltdronic :Mas1ag• • Gym facilities • Swit•
facial Machiner,
Wt gv•r1nttt you th• finest Htllfh Sp1 f1ci1 itlts In
Southtrn Ctllfornlt tf rtlts cornpartblt or up to 50%
l•n thin our m1jor health club competitors or the letd·
Int ltdln fifurt salon.
'---o'9I 7 IATI A WUK---'
11W111a cetrl 1111&. OLUIN
llM111 149•U•I •lt•2441 ·~!i:..-::ll 2100 MM 11. 622 I. ~ :
, . ,...,. rt.a• MirNr rtm W
....,... c..ttr -lot C..tt< -C..W C.~ HI .. "'°' ..... "'-"~ ...
• • c
. .
Reaping· the Whirlwind
Cempw turmoil Is beglnnlng to reap the wblrlwllld
in oll-campw reectioo.
Troublemaking ranging 1rom "peaceful" denial of
others" rights on through to aruirchic violence a~, m, ello!U ol. radicals to destroy the educational sy ..
tem it.elf bave revolted everyone who expects rational
cOocluct by those privileged to advance lbeir knowledge
at a college or university.
ad.vacating a tak&-lt..,.sy stance toward campw mis-creants, _
And certalnly some of these legislators are sponsor.
ing get-tough legislation because of one thing -they
know tt as a pop\llar cause, one that will eam votes
from 'their consti.tuenta. The people that have been ''turn~-on." but *~' by the campus twmail are the members of the 1voting generaUon." ·
U.S. •dlvlil••I .-....... ---G l•como·Tax Retur,n .... ,....;...;. · · · ... -
·--""'B""' "'o" • 11 ~-.. -----·-,... P"'I rlnl'l /.()(11'//0LE .
. ...............
1.-11 .... ... .. ............ ~ ......... ... It has been predicted all along, In this &pace and
elsewhere, that the atate'a !egl.sla19fa woold hear from
and react-likely overreact-to toose who pay lbe bllla,
lbe adult taxpayers QI Callfomia.
Wh The Irony ta bitter. Some of the bllla will pass.
"!I they do, the screaming mass wl!o demanded
''rights'' under the threat of violence will have far
fewer rights !ban they started with.
......... _ ...
Mb 'tro"'W(....,il ... .. dlld • . .. Tl*' ---di...,.. . . • . . . . • . ...
It was al&O predicted that avoiding overreection
woold be extremely difficult. Keeping in sharp locus
the pocltion, rights and needs of that vast majonty
of brigbt young students who are peacefully seeking an
education Is difficult !w all responslblt citizens, In-
cluding legWators, in the face of such'extrem~ provo-
c;ations as have occurred on several .California cam·
Threals are al&O heard here at home, as a small
group of dissidents at UC, Irvine -&0me faculty
along with sludenb-seek to force a change of rules
throogb a retroactive moratorium on two faculty fll'-
lngs decided under those University·wide rules.
These young p0opl--.I the great majority of stu-
dents and faculty not joining in the disruption and agi·
tat!on-elao stand to suffer the whirlwind when anci if
it comes from Sacramento.
More than 60 bills are now before the Legislature,
all seeking by one means or another to return the ca.mo
pases to their normal peaceful functioning. Congre•s
al&O likely wW heve a number of bills on the problem.
Some of them are good bills, perhaps, just as many
of them are bad bllla. Certainly no politician in the na·
tion has ml5Bed the groundswell of reaction to campus
violence. Certainly none of them is going to come out
'3ut so will coU.Uess thousends who did not revolt
That's the i\ard part to swallow.
ThJ Name Is Hinshaw
One of the hoary political habits of 00, country has
been the use of offitjal government stationery for the
advanc.ement of the olficeholder.
'lbere never has breathed a governor, or a county
clerk, or an attorney 1eneral, or a sheriff, or a state
treasurer who doesn't see to it that hiJ name u con-api~sly diJplayed on every written · Item that goes
In or out of hiJ olfice. The free advertising ii consid·
•red one of the )l!llitlcal privileges of winning an elec-Uon.
Here in Orange County, the privilege has been ex·
tended to the audio realm. Dial 834-2727, and lbe voice
will answer: "County A!:sessor Andrew J. Hinsbaw.0
O.f course, Mr. Hinshaw isn't on the other end of
each of th06e calls. He· has a large staff to handle all
of the details of office. What he wants Is to make cer·
lain that none .of the hunilreds of callers who phone In
their assessmen.t questions each week forget the name
of Andn!w J._Hl~haw when election lime rolls around.
......... *-• notll-'t•.tlldlldformt w.4atlldl ~ ocw...... hit It ""'
"' ... ... ..
Some People Dear
A Lot of Fishy Things Going On
, .
Are Afraid of
All Should Memorize ·Bill of Rights
A bumble sugg..Uon to campus
' dlssldenta: ?tnlke peace. not war.
-C. C. . '
Some time ago, Jn a tangenUal sort
of way, I introduced ane of my litUe
This one: That school kids sbouJd either
be compelled or encouraged (compelled
works best) ta memorize the. first ten
amendment. to the U.S. Constitution,
which we properly call The Bill of Rights.
The Bill of RigbtH was, and we must
re.member this, a set of amendments
to tlle original CollStltuUon adopted in
1787. It was embraci!d two ,Year& later,
almost as an afterthousht. · ·
There are no "unprejudiced" people
In the world, but there are two kinda of prejudiced J!OOple: thooe who admit
lt and make allowances for tt when
judl!lnl otherl, and tbooe who denf It
and-call It by -.olber name. 11le eecond kind. are the ones· llO ieeply CONSIDERED as a separate document
prejudiced they camiot ""''U-u:a•prel-penoaallty rejected theni anyway, (and it may really he thought of that
udice, jast' as .a flab does not know: Tberetanoquestionthatgroupsdifftr, way, as James Madi!On may be con·
it ntms lD water, but lmagh"" water~ just aa lndivlduals do. Such differences sldered its 80le aatbar) the bil1 ii one
to be tbe natural envtronmmt of. tbe are normal aQd natural and beneficial of the most extraardlnary documents
whole wcrld. to ,the hlpnan race, which requires _in human history.
Of COUl'll!, we can alwlJI rationfll• dlvene ·talents and temperaments and Nearly always before, basic human
our dislike lot other groupo by pointing eilmlc strains to cooperato and combine rights had been AWARDED to people,
to aome unattr8Cuve' traits they hive tbelr various strengths, and ta com-generally under some form of duress.
or teem to have ....:. and then me ttie1e · ·jlemlte fer tbt!r weaknesses. Rights were a form of patronage. The
traltl a.s a jusWlcadoa f-or our dJIUke. Magna Carta, the most important docu-
·BUT . THERE ARE certain ment in British constitutional history,
AN INGENIOUS study· made ln the peraonalities who cannot stand dlf· had been a grant to rebellious baron.t
U.S. a few yean ago, however, 11lowed ferenct. They fear it, even though this against their king. It had very little
that the deeply prejudiced personality fear may be masked as contempt or to do, until far later, with the rights
does not really bue 1ta ,disJike on the bate or ~ or resenbnent. Fear of of ardinary people.
"objective" traits of other groupo. lhe strariger is lhe oldest primordial
With the BUI of ·Rights a group of
men, acting in behalf of the people,
granled the American people civil right!
of immense importance. 'I'be9e rights
are to this day bitterly resented by
m an y sectors of the population, ·like
lads in Orange t.ounty·and Texas.
THE CONSTITUTION, at originally
drawn and approved. was felt by too
many' influential Americans to be the
voice of the man of property and of
the Federal Establishment. It was net,
in the view of the dissidents, an· adequate
Instrument against tyrarmy for which
the revolt against 'the Brill£h was
fomented and fought.
The Bill af Rights, almMt every section
of it, .was far more revolutionary than
the war of the same , name. It wa11
a set of prahibltions against the Federal
government, which was interdicted from:
Su.spending the writ of habeas corpus,
except In lime of war or public danger;
passing a bill of attainder or, an ex
post facto law; giving any 1tate a
commerical preference over any. other ;
granting any title of nobility; e9taJ>lishing
« prohibiting any religion, or imposing
any religious test as a condition for
holding public olfice; abridging the
freedom of ·speaking or writing, or af
publlc meeting, or of bearipg anns in
a state militia; trying any person for
certain offenses, except oo ~ present·
ment of a grand jury, or otherwise
than by a jwy of his ststo ape! ~let;
deciding any common law acUon where
the va1ue in di5pute exceeds $20 except
by. jwy.
These are extraordinary· ~anwea.
The arrogance, or confidence, of tfle
men who framed them is almost past
belief. The guarantees have held up.
by and large, for a long lime.
THEY ARE NOW, as they a1ways
have been, under severe trial. Perhaps
they are wrong ar archaic, ·but they
ARE the law of the land. This is why
I think the kids of the country should
know them as well and as intimately
as kids in the old days used to know
the Ten Commandments.
And that is why I'm glad to repart
that Mr. Jahn S. Bryant, principal of
the Heights Elementary ·School in
Pittsburg, Calif., hopes to renew the
John ,F. ·Kennedy Bill af Rights Award
to pupils who memori;.e the first ten
amendments to the Constltutian. (The
job isn't all that hard.)
Said Mr. Bryant recently: "Due to
other pressures we Were not able *°
C1lnUnue with the project during the
last two y~. but hope to reswne
next year. In· order to qualify for an
award, each pupil was req~red to attend
approximately 12 hours of discussion
related to the amendments." .. '
I DO ·eoi'E · the Heights school gets
on with ·it 1 do not know how many,
other schools have a similar program,
but I hape lots. I can't think of a
better investment in this country's
There are a lot of fishy things going
on these days. Their fishiness would
be much m o r e apparent to a nation
. educated in Its own rights and freedoms.
With such knowledge widespread, the
f1 .. biness hopefully would d1minish.
In the context of asking about feellnp emotion known to man -an unconscious
toward Negroea, Jews and other trilJll reaction that made all the earliest
minorities, lhe study also tested lhe reUglona uclmlVe in their worship of d._ of hoslllity toward llctitloua tribal deities. -
groups -the "Darnireans," the 0 Ph'• We must remember that monotheism
neam.," and the "Wallerlans." None of -which attenlpted to break down this
McCarthy Looms as ' 1970 'Spoiler"
these exist al all oclull"1ty bi' posting one universal God
-ii ·°'11.Y :Uaut &,000 years old, which
THE DEEPLY prejudiced pern11 la a mere fraction of time CQmpared
among the interviewees who most dfillt. to man's mlllion or so years on Earth.
ed real minority groops also uPr-ed Since lribafism comes from the ancient
the greatest hostility toward tbe lldldou animal strain in our nature, it is scarceJy
groups u well. Even though these non-surpr1aing that ao many peaple reject
emt1ng groups had no "cbaracterliUes" those strange and fearsome Darnlreans,
that could be rejected, lhe prejudiced Plrsneans and Wallerlans.
Foster Parent Rul,es
To lhe Editor:
I was so glad to bear about the
strict laWI lhe foster par<ntl are sup-
pooed to abide by. I ba,. beeo a footer
molber going on two yean, and lhia
was lhe first time I .-hoard of
them. I bave never llilJ1led lliythlllg to
that effect -but I find out just llince
lhia un!alr rooto they tool< will! my
Utile foster baby boy BuMy they bave
come out with men rules.
I know a footer mother who adopted
a llttle Medcan-American boy a short
lime .... I bave my ldoptloo paper that wu
-to me when Mni. swam told me I eouJd adopt Buddy, aloog with our
medlcsl paper, and Mni. SwaN, a 50Cial
Utttn from t'tcukri ore wtlcomt.
NormaUv writui 1hould convey their
measao• in 300 word& or le.ts. Th•
tight to condtme letters to lit rpact
or elim,nat4 Ubtl b resnwd. All •
letter! mu.st include signature and
moiling addn11, but names may bt
1Dit1Lhtld on rtqutrt if iufficitnt rta·
son ii apparmt.
worker, has her name 1n the corner
of the papen.
A> for being bappy and lov!Dg lhe
bable1, my lamUy and I have bad loto
of bapplness wilb them. But two wrongs
do not make a rlgh~ and I'm going
to see to It that no foster mother will
be hurt ever apln u I have been.
Mrs. HO't1, tDith nine children of
htr own, ii a rtQUttred foster moth.-
tr. Buddy, o Jle.iicon·Amtrlcan baby, wa.a given into htr cart. Thtre was
doubt M 10GI 1trotJD enough to livt.
·Mrt. Hori ond htr five childrtn at
homt: fed 1tM baby an ounce of mil"
~ half hour for two month.I,
brOVghl him!<> health. When Mr. ond
Mn. Han 1oughl to adopl the baby,
th.qt wen uftutd. Whtn tht tto711 --hi Ille DAILY PIWT, lh<
Omigc c-w Adoplion Aa"'Cll
duel 4 prc«ioptivt Jo1ttr partn&
ngrcttnftl ~kh includl.r thf.r claust:
"Wf/l ~ tmd<nlond Illa! pre·
odoptl"" fosU< !""'"" ccnool be cc-ctpUd O. acloJttiot oppUccnu for Ill•
11)<dflc cfllld/children 10 ploctcl. •
WASIDNGTON -Former President
Lyndon Johnson is talking privately as
U he is spoiling for a fight over the
leadership of the Democratic party.
To visitors at bis Tesas ranch, he
has dropped hlnla darkly implying he
is not taking kindly ta the claim of
bls former teammate and 196& presiden·
tlal standard bearer that he Is the party's
"'titular" leader.
From these inside accounts, Johnson
appareatly has no designs on that role
himself. Instead, he is described as main·
taining that, under existing political
clrcumstances, the party's leaders!Up is
rlghUully vested In the hands of the
''elected" Democratic leaders a f
Not only does former Vice President
Hubert Humphrey emphatically reject
that contention, but he is bluntly making
It clear be is prepared to forcefully
assert his claim as "titular" leader.
SAID A CLOSE Humphrey associate,
"U Mr. Johnson ls looking for a row
over this issue, he will have no trouble
getting it. It may prove very jarring
and painful to him. He will discover
that important and influential elements
or the party feel just as hostile toward
him now as when he was in office.
So while we're net seeking any disputea
with him or anyone else in the party,
If he really 118' in mind challenging
Hubert's leadership, we'll meet him head-
Johnson's argument that with a
Republican Pmldent in the Whlto Hoo&e
lt is up ta the DemocraUc CODlfesslonal
Martin Meth, S.F. -1' A citizen by
choice, I find it sad> but true that many
who lmmlgrated to the U.S. have a
deeper urukrstandlilg and apprectaUon
ol what the word freedom really means
than do many born and rtared bare.'' . .
Tom Taylor, UC srad. -~ on
campaa d r a rt ofljecin --''ll"ot oor
own safety let'l nope that none of these
permanent adolescerita ire drafled. Bet-
ter that they pout and whfne. on campus,
ralh<r than In~ Aflll1·",
leaders to esercise party leadership is
an old story with him.
That's the stand that he, as Senate
Democratic Leader, and the late Speaker
Sam Rayburn, Tex., adamantly professed
throughout the eight years of the
Eisenhower Adminlslration. They Oatly
refused to recognize the late Adlai
Stevenson as "titular" leader, and when
he set up a National Policy Advisory
Committee, they wou1d have nothing to
do with it -thus effectively scutUing
HUMPHREY NOT on1y intends to
establish a new Polley Advisory Com·
mittee, but to be chairman af it.
Johnson and former President Harry
Truman will be invited to be members
-with leaders and author!Ues from
a 0 wide 1pectrum" of fields. Also in·
eluded will be several or more Negroes.
If Johnson declines, no tears will be
Keeping a fll'm bold on the Democratic
party'1 leadership ls <1nly one of Hum·
phrey's ambitions.
Another, even more important, ls
rega)ning a ~nate seat.
ln this strongly held ·but still-unan·
nouneed aspiration, Humphrey ls fuUy
aware he Js up 1galnat two tough
hurdles :
One -is the certainty of powerful
Jlepubllcan opposition. Two outs~
and impressive Minnesota GOP ...,_
gressmen have ev~ keen interest
In going to Iha stnato -Clatk
MacGregor, 47, serving bi.s fifth tmn,
a n d Albert Qule, 41, On his seventh
term . .Both h 1 v e distinguished record.s,
and either would be a formidable Senate
1]IE OTHER hu.rdle -ls Sen. Eugene
McCarthy, whose seat will be the prize In next year's congrwlona! elections.
CharacterlsUcally, the poetry<tpouting
"peacenlk" has talked ln vague and
ambiguous terms about running for a
third lenn. Last fall, he 81ld he ~do'l
seek re-election, but that· ll be did lt
wou1d not be as a Democrat. ·
Now latest inside word is: that he
has told Minnesota DemocraUc leaders
that if they will nominate Rep. Donald·
Fraser, 45, a fourth termer and fellow
"peacenlk,» McCarthy will. support him
as his successor. But if Humphrey is
the party's candidate, McCarthy will
run as an independent.
That would mean a three-cornered race
w i th the odds .decidedly favaring t he
Republican choice.
MeCARTBY unquestionably· would be
vehemenUy .denouoctd as a "spoiler",
"grudge fighter" andotbe.t irate epithets.
But he has a following, and could be
expected to draw enough votes from
Humphrey to defeat him.
1be former Vice President'•
lieutenants are the first to admit that.
They are inlenllely bitter about such
a possibility, but readily concede it could
be disastrous.
'McCarthy is clearly relishing the polen-
tlal menace he wields. He II giving
every sign of having decided to "go
for 'broke" -for something, wh1cl:!: sWJ
hasn't surfaced as yet. _
CurrenUy, the 1968 ''peacenl l;:''
presidential candidate is deeply im.
mersed In rushing completion ol a book
and Oiling lecture engagement& at $1,200
to $1,500 a date.
HE BAS APPEARED in the Stnato
only a few timeo, and votod only twice.
One al them w11 for the 41 percent
raise ID COllgHlllonal talarles -from
$30,000 ID fa,500. This htl:e allo lnciuded
lncrtaaet ID various lttnp benellla -
man pay for stall members, ete.
Throughout the Sena1o·u11erali"month-
long light to modify Rule 11 on
Olibusters, McCarthy was noUct:able for
his absen<e. He took no part in this
effort, Ignoring It completo]y.
Flnancially, tbe M1nnesotan baa never
had It betur'. He is rtaU1 in dover.
'ftle DtmocraUc NaUooal COmmlttee,
at Its 11$1 , meeUnc, agreed to pa)I off
al1 campaign debtl -including around
llOO.Oilo sun d.., from McCarthy'•
"peaCenlk" drlve for the presfdenUal
nominatioo. Also be gol 1 $100,000 ad-
vaoce lrom llle publlJher of m fortbcom-
\ 1
Ing book.
This apus apparently is intended to
launch some kind o( new party.
A SIGNIFICANT hint of that came
from the publisher follawing a speech
by McCarthy in New York in which
he talked about a new party. The next
day the publisher sternly cautioned him,
"I( you keep on talkifl6 that way, yau'll
scoop your own book and hurt sales."
Since then, McCarthy has been Siient
on the subject.
In addition to the $43.50-a-day 1uite
McCarthy has maintained in the Capitol
Hill Hotel, direcUy opposite the $mate
Office Building, since last summer, he
has another hidtH>ut. This is a small
apartment on Sixth. Street, in the
southwest. section of Washington.
That's wb~e the Minnesotao Ls doing
his book writing: -with the aid of
two ghostwriters.
Last year, McCarthy gave himself
what amounted to a 12-monlh leave of
During the niDe months that the Senat&
legislated, there were 339 record vote1
covering a wide range of domestic and
foreign issues and problems. McCarthy
was present for 12 of these votes.
By Rebert S. ADe•
ud Jolm A. GolcbmJui
..... iiillfiiilal.-
Tu eeday, Februaly 25, 1969 · . .
l'lw odltorlcll Pflll•,ot lllc Doaw
Pllol "'"' Ill i.1 .... cm4 -tdak r...a.r• br pracllti~ 11UJ
.~·a optniona and. '°""' ..... ...,, c& topicl Of intiHJ<
and algnffM>mct. bv ~a
toru~ few the ezprurio'il1 of
our nO<Ur1· oplnlola, and &J
,,,.. ... ~ lllo ~· -poinu of infom<d ob .........
cm4 '1>0~-00 toplcl Of Ille
Robert N. Weed, Publisher
1 • l
' •
' ' • I
' l
• y
" a •
. e
JI ,,
le ..
.ll ..
te ..
•• li
I •
... ·--·· -----~------------------,--------------------
: Why Y oungerGirls
Get Most Proposals
AU. STEM-WIND • f i • t
watches are made for right.
handers ••• 111AT ONCE
SO POPULAR feminine name
most rapidly fllllin( Into
disuse now by the )'OllllC
parentl ol new-born daughters
ill Dorothy •• , .UNROLLED,
AN DOUB of movie film will
stretch a mile • . . , NOW
'say about ooe family in 15
nationwide makes more Ulan
$300 a week • . , • THE
TOY WHICH most enamors
a chlmpanzef! b a mirror,
is apt to receive ·twice as
many matrimonial proposals
in the four years from age
11 through 22 as in the 21
years from age 23 through
35. Remarkable, no? What
have the younger girls got
that the older girls haven't!
•Nothing, it turns out. Our Love
and War man claims the
report is misleading. Seventy-
five percent of the proposa1J
he says are deliveffii by Z5
percent of the men. 'lbe!e
fellows are chronic proposers.
They start young and move
fast , suggesting matrimony to
every young lady who slips
into their car seats until they
hear yes. Naturally, these
chronic proposers get married
quickly, and so become mut.iJ..
ed at an early age, at least
temporarily. That's why a
girl's proposal count is apt
'to fall off after the age of
23. Will print more on this
•Jater unless asked to let up .
AM ADVISED the cosmetic
Counters of Baton Rouge run
8 lively traffic once a year
In hair tints. That's when the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter
at Louisiana State throws its
rehead dance, an affair to
·which no young lady without
red hair is invited. • •
"BECAUSE government food
packages contain real butter,
It ls a fact that people on
. relief per capita eat mpre
. butter than the u .S. citizens
in general, so many of whom
buy margarine." So states a
. scholar who has made a study
· BALTZ l\IORTIJARIES Canu del Mp OR "'5t
C0111 Me'lr-1 Ml WGI
111 Broadway, Costa Meu
lJ l-U3S
Bantlnatoa Valle1
11111 BuQ Bml.
Bndn .... lluQ
C..em, e MorlulJ
.. Qlpel
-.,Padllc View .Dme
lluplrl BeoU, Cllllonlo
ICotoNm. nJNIW.L ' HOIOl ·:''-!ID -A ... 1----r .... 1
· ISMl111'8 MOllTtJAllY
.. ' 1117 Mallo ..
BndaO--: .• LI!:' t-·,
WESTCLll"F llOll'l'llAllY
4Z1•1:, 17111 Ill., Ciiio -··-
ol the wdlm piojects.
many ltll-llmlod bladrjod<
dealers'!'' lnqulres card ..
playln( client. 1ni..-... ....
qulry. Jt'J true; 0 dllpropor·
left.banded. John Scuoe, who -~ miss much In Iha
chance -· claimed • lelt, when operating, Is better -1·
tiooed to aqueeze a loot at
the deck's top card, then lllp
the -card Into his deal wilh<lul gelllng caupl 81111,
lhat ought ·no1 cut upenlonl on Ill left-ban<!td blockJtck
dealers. A houseman's oddl
are aucb be wlll wind up win-
ners even if be deals with
his toes.
"DO you play L'lY musical
instruinents friend!" A. Not
_.. Toot up the violin
once as a grade schooler In
Bremerton. Wash. Ployed
"Merrily We Roll A1onc11 ln
a class concert. Then a JOUJ'll
lady named Wonna Monrlty
of the same grode got up
and played '"lbe Flight ol
the B-le Bee." So I gave
It up ...• Q. "I SAW SOME
S'IUllENTS from North Point
College on o TV quiz llbow
the other evening. lm1 that
the llChoo! that OD« put I
girl on its bof• butetball
team?" A. Quite rl&hl Mlss
Nancy !Jenbower. Only girl
ev.er to ,et into the starting
lineup of a U.S. college men's
varsity. A set-thot artls~ sbe
lettered in 1N5 w b e n
numerous young men were
shooting ebewbere and
Your quettion.s and com-
mmts are welcomtd and
will be used w!!ertwr pol·
lible in "'Checkino Up.'•
Addre11 mail ·to L. Af.
Boyd. in cart of the DAILY
PIL()'f, Bcn: 1115, NC1Dp<>rt
Beach, Coli/., UMJ
Firms Get
Fare Boost
f'ire C•U•
WW1':: I llU
r-.,., ,.....,,. 2', 1969
Tax Break HHHSays
V et,s M'ust File . I NixanHas
Tuition -Try Fails •
For Exemptions
..._ ·-J, Hinsbaw today Warned all veter11111 that
Iha llllq par1oc1· fer 1•10
tu uemptlom bqlns·Mordl
And bef"I" tbey CID We,
all veterans· must f l r 1 t
tltobllsb ellclblllty f"' lho u-
emptloo ll'llh hls ·ctflce at ao
To Answer
Talk Charge
TUSTIN -A ru.tln teacber-
accwed ol ualng Improper
languqe to lndtvtdual
student. bu been .given 30
deys In which lo prepare his
answers to the charges.
Mathematics teacher Glenn
Zelly ... IU!pe!Kled by the
Tustin Elementary S c b o o 1
Dia1rict two weeb .qo follow~
lni lnvestlg1tloo ol complaints
by three 1J.year--0ld atudenta.
The comments to which the
ltudentl objected were
allegedly made during cluses
at Hewes Intermediate School
Hew.. principal Hogh J,
GaJDZD(U confirmed th e
charges Monday ond streJsed
that "that la tJ:acily what
they are -juat 1CCU11U0111
at Ibis time. Mr. Zelly will
have every opportunity lo
answer the charges at .-
hearing oo his Indefinite
suapenslon. ''
A central county
newapaper'a stressin,g ol the
term "immoral conduct." in
account• ~ ~
agaln5t Zdly Is bein, strongly
crtUclzed by acbool b o a r d
members. "11\la la the section
of the Education c.ode under
wblch we have to f 11 e
chargea," a trustee said, "but
the term beUI no , relation
to t1lla: particular offense."
Accused ·Man
Called Sane
ANAHEIM -An Anaheim
man aCCUJecl ol strangling his
girlfriend wu found to be
aane Monday and must return
to North Orange CO u D t y
Municipal Court here to face
murder charges.
Judge Robert Gardner made
that ruling after examining
psychiatrilta' reports on
Hubertus M. Brugeman, 30.
Brugeman WU ordered to
Hport lo the lower court Fri-
Bn11eman Is accused ol
slrongllng lo dealh Mn. Ruby
C. Reza, 35, whole body was
found In her Anobtlm •part·
ment wt Dec. 30. Pollet 111
friends ol the <GUPle told them
Brupman ond Mn. Reu had
o violent quarrel ot a party
tbe nl&ht befOll.
Ofl1cen uld Brogeman ap-
porently attempted lo commit
suicide lmmedl1tdy a f t e r
slaying his glrlfrtend. lib un-
comclOUI body, throat and
wr1ltl lluhed, WU found in
a nearby room.
North Broadway, HiDlhaw Id·
E!icibWty lo me f91 the
....,p11oo Is limited I o
veterans" wartime actl•e du.-
t1 and Penom whole active
duty in 11Jo armed forctl WU -led becaOJe ol a
ltrvic:e-lncuned pbyslc1l
-lfClslatlon ponnlta Vietnam war vecerua to Ille
!or t1lo exemption, Hlnlllaw
sald. All -pen<lllld cur. rently eo activ• duty or who
have lf:l'Ved GD ac:Uve duty
on O< alter Aqusl $, 1951, .,. ellf1ble lo apply fer Iha
esemption· tbll year, the
IDeSSOI" said.
But. these app)jcant.s must
haV< been legil fuldents ol
Calilornia at lhe Ume they
entered active duty, or have
slate oa November 3, 1"4,
Hlnlbaw aaid.
V eteram wbo have l""vtous.
ly filed for exempUon with
his ofOce are DOW' on record,
Hinshaw sald. Claims will be
oulomatlctUy malled lo them
oo February a
Youth Guilty
In Robbery
Of Station
Westminster youth who plead-
ed guilty lo the annecl robberJ
of a ~ch Boulevard aervlce
ataUon has been ordered to
undergo corrective treatment
u a narcoUca addict.
Superior Com1 Judge .Robert
Gardner committed David
Frederic); Grant, II, of 800>
Worthy Dr!V<, lo t h e
Ca 1iforn1 a RehabWtaUon
Center at Norco during pro-
ceedinga Monday. Doctors
reporta 11lbmltted lo the judge
indicated that Grant wu Jn
danger of becomtng an addict.
Grant was muted Jut
·Dec. 11 sbor!ly _after Ibo
boldup-of the ~ower Thurst
service ttaUon, 1 t092 Beach
Blvd. He loot 110 from the till alter hjttlng O }'<IWJI II·
tend.ant over the bead with
a bottle .
Woman Gets
Term in Jail
SANTA ANA -An Anlbeim
woman who admitted that she
dipped ber one-year-old grand-
daughter's feet in boiling
water bas been sentenced to
nine months in Orange County
Jail and placed on probation
fD< lhlle years.
Superior Com1 Judge Robert
Gardner suspended o poalble
state prilon term ol one to
10 years fc:r Earline Shuler,
45, in. favor of tbe probaUon
Anaheim police amated
Mrs. S bu I er; a vocaUanal
nurse, on Jan. 25, 1988, on
charges of cruelly towmll o
child and lnfilcting serioos In-
juries upon a minor. The baby
was hospitalized far teveral
weeks during which several
akin graft opuaUons were
performed on her deeply bum·
ec1 f'°t.
Hubel\ H. Humphrey llYI
many ol lhe pollclu be ad-
vocoted durln( his """'°'
ceuful pmldentW campaign
now are beill& loll.,.... by
President Nllon.
"We lost Iha election, but
not the issues," the former
vice presldenl said Monday.
Humphrey wu here lo help
launch the United Jewbb
Well ... Fund' ComlJllli>.
Humphrey said Nixon bad
decided to contbme the 11 per.
cenl ""1u, Iha Job Corpo,
the Office ol -Op-portunity ond urged rotlllca·
Uon of the nuclear oon-
prollferaUon treaty, all posl-
Uons advocated by Humpbrty
during the tlll camptlgn.
"1 lhlnk Pmldent Nlaon bu
done well," Humphrey 1aid.
"He has moved cauUoualy,
carefully ond I lhlnlt """ slructively. I lhnroughly sup-
port and approve his visit to
Wutern Europe.''
U.S. Role
In Drilling
Reagan Backing D6esn't Help Bill
SACIWIBNTO (AP) -JJ not -ond haJ not. been WU permitted lo mab 0
Another oU<mpt to bnpoae tu!· l<r some time a tn!tloo free statemen~ .., 1'thalf Ill Ille·
Uon on studenta at the un!vinlty.''. mayor, auppartlll( Iha blD.
Unlvenlty o1 Calilornlo and Ascl>enbr<nblr W a S In-"We .. t beN ud -
the stat. collest1 )>u been tarrUpted several• \!mt• by lo on lnlDe lla!->I by Chairman Vlclor C. V.ysey, MeyD< Yorty and beN .,.
deleoted despite bactln& from (l\.Brtf(leJ), wbo tqld him his have o studmt ...i we GU&ht Asi.mbly llepublitlllll and the t lalemenl Wll loo long ond to li,lleo Id b\ill." llld C<rJ.
Reagan tdmlnlslratloo. strayed from lbe 1Ubjocl Roy M. Bell, a••••nt dlr ...
Seven ()emocrals voled for Tbat brouaht a sharp Hlort tor ol ~ llld Ille Reqan
o tu1Uon bill In Ibo Awmbly ~'<=!;."'~~ ~~=~~
F.ductUoh Commlttee Monday sarcUtlctUy ·noted that a and II ... , .. poiDt llld ......
and five Deinocratl oppoaed repreaeotaUve of Mayor. are in gtnenl auppart." fl
it. Tbat left Iha oulhor, Samuel Yerty ot .toa Angeles tt.
Awmbl)'mlll Jobn L E.jio~;;,;;o~;;i;;~;;o;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
Collier, (R·Loe Angeles), two
voi.s abort ol the nine neecl!d
for committee apprqval.
For two bours, the ..... Old world
mlttee beml !!ludents ond
ec1uca1or. praise and conc1emn Mediterranean
the bill. Under lhe "earn, Spama·h Furniture
learn and reimburse" plan, R-lvod co ... llatlon of $22,000.00
students would have betn re-Spanl1h ind Medlt.rr~n Fumltvre
qulr~ to sign a pledge that .:' .. =~-:!:"",._.'":. '=::.,
they would pay the cost 9' I n s their educat.lon -e!Umated tems as fo owa: Georgeoua ft. C'Ultom '"
f quilted sofa with separate loose pillows with
at up to-$3,000 or four years. heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, S •' It coold be paid durlni col· lege years -or on a delayed matching oak occasional tablea, (2) 5811 tall
. buis aftenrml, beginning docoratorblairompo, banginlg ~ swag-~~ ..
when lhe student'• tuable In-ln·wroug t n, an 8 p ece ...ng me ~~·
come reached 11,llOG 1 yur. bedroom suite in pecan panelled lo!edlternn-"
Colller had plllhecl the plan ean style with top quality 15 yr. wvranty
for years, but Ibis wu Jhe king size mattress a. box springs. Spanish
firsl time be had been helped decor dining set. elo.
by ·both a Republlcari majority WW. .....,.. .. ,...._ $1UIM , •
ond the admlnlllr1Uoo. MUST SACllFICI $698. 00 ;
Patrick Dowd, Sacramento FOi ONLY --·----• •
Stat. College !!luden~ sald tu!· Any · Piece Con a. PurchuOd Individually •
SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -Uon WDUld give 1ludeola ... Tmno Av1lloble -Newcomon .. Collf.
The federal iovemment plaYJ stake" In their educotloo. Crocllt Approwd lmmedlotol•
both lhe hero and villain In ''They woold less llbly be In ' •
Ha bandlln1 of offahort oil any disruptlons," he &ald. ' I ' /] drilllng and water pollution, Clllq lhe f'°' paid by ' •
a stat. official told • Senate studenta, Rick Alchenbrenner, Ftlt'llltllre !
subcommittee hearing Moo-University of CalUornla at - ---~y. Berkeley Student Sen ate · A:t' ff b Bl· d. Chari.. A. O'Brien, chief member and star of the aT OT V
stat. deputy 1Uorney general, Berkeley football teJm, said: 1844 NewN>tt 111Yd; Costa W.S. -
11ld the question ol federal· "C-Ollltary lo popular belief, '...-· -•
state ... pomlbmty 1s cloodecl -~lh~e~Ulli'.'.'.''.'.":'.:sl~ly!:.....'.of~Ca~llf~ornla~~!!!!!!E!!!v!!!w!i!y!!!!!!ni~gllt!!!!!!!!!'t!!!ll!!!9!!!!!!!!!W!!!!!!•~·~Sat!!!!!!. !!!&~S...~!!!'ll!!!!!!l!!!f.e!! by what he called
''governmental achizophrenia
within the Department ol , ..
leriD< ond ptber federal ....,.
cles. -•
"The federal government
appears one day as Mr. Clean
-the foe of dirty water.
The next day, the aame
a:overnmenf puts on Its black
hat and pollutes our waten,"
O'Brlff charged.
He WU the first witnels
to appear before a two-min
air and water pollution sub-
<oinmlttee of llie Senate
Public Works Committee
which began a two-day bear·
Ing Into the Union Oil Co .
leakage Into the S ant a
Barbara Channel.
Crucial Race
Votes Cast
In Contro Colla County todoy
cut their ballots for a new
stat. lalllor lo lllCcted the
late Georee. Miller J r . ,
powerful Martinez Democrat
who died New Year'• Day-•
There are 15 candidate. In
the confuaed race, making it
a~ost certain that today's
election w11l be· .follow~ by
a March 25 runoff between
the top vote setter In each
party. The election II a key
one since Reputillcans hold a
20-lt edge In the upper bouse
and a DemocraUc victory
could make life much tougher
for the Reagan admini.atrailon.
• • • • • • • • ' •
Renovate yourwife . • .
ahome .J improvement ;
• "' -. -.
llolll Boaeamole ! Enjoy
entldna endllladlS ••• tantalizing tacm ••. robust relleno •••
tasty tamales •.• and other authentic South -of·the-Border
speclalties, served amid the colorful atmosphere of old Mex-
ico. Delightful wine cocktails and beer, too. Even If you're not
an aficionado of Mexican cul-
sine, you're sure tu like our
Norte Americana favorites.
Have lunch or dinner at
Amis•• ..• the Wes(s most
beautiful Mexican restaurants.
lunch« lrom 9SC
Al•·~~ ~·Mlt!M ... lfj•T9"WQ•W.C.-
• •
A woman who's unhappy with her kitchen ia an unhappywmnan. With 1
a noticeable tendency to complain. · .
For husbands so burdened, First Western Bank offen the wife impiote-
mcnt Ioan.
for any wife'• kitchen.And you can.take as long as eight years to repay, in
little inatillmcnts of$47 a month. .
In fact, our loanacomeinaUaizea, up to $7,500. Foroneonr$2,000
the charge ia only $6.00 per '$100 per year. .
w~ve Improved home improvement loall$. By doing nnywilh
involved refinancing and red tape. We think a home 'Unpromnatt loan
should be u aim pk u a car loan. And so it ia.
Call w. We'll quote payments that wiJ! help make your home sweeter
and mono wluable. .
lion buk, but we'ri -r Je~4 1
handy around lhe house. Loan
., , ..
I DAii. Y ,lllJl ($)
315 Eitt Cotorado Soultv•t"d
Pll..0.0., C.Ufornl• 91109"'
, I
• --
• cJn.c11t BRANCH OllP1CD
w..t Areaidl• -ea.tr.
I • ' I
I I!!
• •
.. I I Monday's Oosing
• ~ •
: " • ~
• • • • ~ • • " " ' • ~ • " ~ " • ~ ' • ' • • ~ ' ~ I
• • ·' • ' • • ' ' • • • • • ' • •
' , • ' • •
• • • ,
• • , ,
' ' •
Je DAJl.V PILOT Tum.,, Ftbnwy 2.5, 1969
CO-CHAMPIONS -Hugh Stewart (right) of the
Balboa Bay Club hands out some hard.ware to
Arthur Ashe (left) and Sharles Pasarell, who
were named co-champions of the 15th annual Bal-
boa &ay Club invitatimal tennis to~mamerit. Rain
Sunday and Monday prevented tlie two Davis . Cup
stars from meeting for the sihgles cbampion&bip,
The 15th Balboa Bay Club invitationa1
tennis tournament wound up Monday
with some coin-flipping.
Tourney director Hugh S t e w a r t
declared Arthur Ashe and Charles
Pasarell to be the cp.champions in
singles play. Their title match was rained
out both Sunday and Monday.
Four teams were left in doubles play
when the r ains hit and Stewart flipped
coins to decide the distribution of
Area Jaycees
'lackle Foes
Tonight -at 8
An exciting, but frequenUy disap-
polpting -1968-69 basketball season for
the Orange Coast area's junior college
leilIJlS draws to a close this week with
three games on tap tonight.
Golden West, in the midst of its most
l!iUCCessful · season, is at Orange Coast
toilight in a home Eastern Conferenct
game against rugged Mt. San Antonio
College. In another EC . game, Orange
Co!:st travels to Citrus.
Saddleback College winds up its first
seaaon of basketball at Mission Viejo
High School against the Cal Western
Al1 three games will be under way
'ftop attraction is the Golden West-Ml.
SAC game. Despite an 8-10 record in
coftference play, the Mounties are •
~ and dangerous ouUit.
Porwards Pat Ford, Morey Sherman
and Bob Dickinson and center Tamek
Sttemel are excellent jump shooters aod
do • fine job on the boards.
Jn the first round, Golden West slipped
put Mt. SAC, 62-56, but it WU a struggle
all the way.
Ml SAC held a 43-38 lead with 131/i
minutes to go. However, Dick Stricklin
resorted to his three-guard offense and
in bne nlni-minute stretch, the Rustrers
forced ML SAC into l:Z turnovers, held
them to just three points and scrambled
into the lead.
Orange Coast. which has lost its last
two conference games and now is 8-10
in F.c act.ion, is hoping for a repea( at tu euy 121-97 triumph over Citrus
in the first round.
A Saddleback v 1 c t o r y over
Southwestern tonight would halt a seven-
game skid. The Gauchos earlier lost
a 7&-61 deci31on to Southwestern.
Kings in I-I Tie
LOS ANGELES -Howie Menard '~
abot trickled into the net with less than
two m.Jnutes to play Monday night a~
the Loi Angeell Kings came back tn
tie lbe Minoeaota North Stars 1-1 in
a Natlanal Hockey League game.
Remateh of Thriller
Russians Coming to LA
For Sunday Soccer Tiff
Soccer Soviet style will be at Los
Angeles Memoria\ Coliseum Sunday with
Dynamo Kiev and the Oakland Clippers
in a rematch of last weekend 's 3-2 'thriller
In San Francisco, which was won by
the Russians.
came . promoters are predicting fair
skies, a crowd of 20,000 and another
close game.
In fact, expert Mario Machado says
that with the recent addition of Kwalik
and Fernandez to their side, the Clippers
are equal to any national team in the
That's a tough pill to swallow, but
he may be right in view or S\Jllday's
closie in San Francisco.
Last year Kiev defeated the always
rugged Glasgow Celtics, t-11 In Glasgow
(that game drew 85,000). And in the
return match at Khrushchev Stadium
they battled to a 1-1 draw.
Russians to watch are Sabo -reputed·
Jy t h e best player in t h e USSR -
plus Myedbid and Syeryebryennlkow.
Watching the latter may require wide
angle eyeballs if he 's as big as his
Sunday's fray in the Coliseum starts
at 2 p.m. with adult tickets priced at
$6 and student ducats at $3. And there
is a family plan of 2 adults plus four
children under 16 for $12. U you make
advance purchase· you get one-third off.
Pre-game sale is at the Coliseum of.
Incidentally, ticket prices for a C1>m-
parahle g a m e in Russia would be $1.20
for the good locations and 12 cents
for the boondock area.
Olympic swiminer Toni ·Dewitt of
Corona del a.tar Wai back ·m competi tion
for Ute Hr1\. Ume since nanowly .ml11lnc
a bronze medal ln the Game1 at Mtlico
She came back sharp; covered tbe
t•)'ard. buttuay In ao.t and going: z:11
for the ZOO -ber' be1t..ever earlY season
m.arb in a wekend meet at ruo -Hondo
Toni is lwlin& up for tbe ·national
Indoor championships to be held at Lon&
Beach'• Belmont Plaza pool April 1-13.
It appear1 she'll eftroll at UC Irvine
following graduation from high 11thool
this 1ummer.
Huntington Beach High v.·on the Sunset
League in varsity, jayvee, and . Bee
basketball, combining for a 53-3 league
record and an overall season mark of
78-3. The Cees were second.
Corona del Mar tied for lhe Irvine
c1ge crown in vanity and Ctt, won
the Bees outright and •as sea:ind in
Its combined Irvine mark was 33-7
while the aggregate record for the cam-
paign was 59-%6.
California hunters killed 638 bears la.st
season, a conside rable dip from the
previous year's total of 935. Trinity Coun-
ty led the state with 92. Orange County
did not score.
It'1 time for one old Orange Coun ty
sports editor to rtilre when he calls
lhe Trobabes the Tarbabes and says
t b a t Savanna's Andy Bielansld Is from
Basketball Rankings
Vl'I l'oll
1. VCLA.
1. NO<"!~ C•-.11111
l. S•nlt Ci.r1
•. L1!>.ll•
5, 0.¥1dl0fl
1. """'~ f , SI. Jol'ln'1
t. VIII•~•
10. DuQ-11. l.DU llYJlll
l J. SOullt c.-.u,..
U. Ntw Muko S!1t1 u . KllMIS IS. Ol'llo Sltte
I,, W'fl)mlr11
17. Orlkl
lf, lfltl Bodon C..le99
New Muko
10. JTltl T111 ..
lltourti l"••nll n• "'
""' 290 t2·1 7U
??·I 20I
22·1 194
lt-l 111
lM 12S
20-J 122
"""' Cl Jl.J J)
11.J ll
1'.J 1'
"·> n .... 1l
1.!-$ ll ,,... 10
1'·4 I ,.., . .... .
U·.!1 S
1 .. 4 )
Al' l'oll
'"" I. UCLA 14111
'· Norllt C•rolln• J. Lt!>.1141
"-S•nt1 Cl1r1
S. 0.Yldl«I
'· ICWlllKkJ 1. $1. Joftll'1, N.V
t . Soutt. C1ronn1
t . P11rc1..,.
11. LOU!IY!l141
U. Vlll1110Y1
ll. 1(1 .... 1
U . Of)ID S1111
u , 1111no11 1,. Ne"' Mt~ico ~reie
11. M1••·•1tt
lt. T11ls.
:IO. lkllkln COll<tlJI
lleno,.. h lnh "• ... Jl.t Ill
72·1 ·~ 22.1 t'1 n .t 591
, •• , 501
10-J .U4
lt-J lSt 1'-• J:!2
1 .. J "" 174 J15
lt-• 114
lf-<I IOS IW llR 1... " 11-J 41
•M ~ ...... v
Jl.j " IW JI ,
Rains Drown JC Agenda
lieoYJ ahowtta · and winds conUnued
to plQ' havoc with the &ports ICbeduJe
of the"•rea't thtte junior colleges Mon-
qy ud today.
Flft baseball games, two goU matchts,
•· l8mil match and the E8'lc:m Con-
• ftl't!OOB track and field relays all were
It •• the second Ume Utt Eastern
Confermoe rtfayg at Cllrwi were washed
out Jn Jell than a .,'f:ti. Official& have
t9Cbeduled the aieet again 6'1 arch i.
\ ~\
Orange Coast Collage, which was to
p J a y four ENtern Conference baseball
games this week, had lwo of them
rained out. Its game with Citrus College,
twice poatpooed last weel< by the steady
rain, w 1 1 caJled oU ageln Monday af· -· The Pirates' game at S a n Bernardino
today alJo w.., a vk:t.im of the r1lin .
Golden West '1 Eastern Conferuict g1mc
on the Rusller11' diamond with San
Bernardino today also will have to be r,
made up later In the season.
Saddleback had a Monday game at
Mt. San Antonio College and a home
game today with Fullerton called orr.
Eastern Conference golf matches pit-
ting Rio Hondo against Golden West
and Orange Coast against Fullerton were
The postponed tennis match todiy wais
to have reaturtd NCAA champion
11nlversity'-of Southern California at
Orange Coast. , ..
It's Play Ball for '69,
Ba·sehall Strike Ends
NEW YORK !AP,) -T h e baseball
dilpute between pl_,us and owners has
been settled, It was oUiclally announced
Marvin Miller, executive director of the
Major League 8-ball Players Asso-
ciation, advised the member players
they were free to sign contracts and re-
port to th~ training camps.
Previously Miller bad instructed the
members, who include most of the stars
·~regular players, r¥>t .to; sJgn contracts
until an·agreement hlJd been reached on
incruae"d penslpns and other benefib.
Under the· agr~ment announced by
both per:ties, they will recoinmend a 3-
year agreement to the players and the
1be ownen agreed to put $51450,000 an-
nually into lhe players' pemion fund
and to lower eligibility (ram five yean
playing time to four years.
Under tbe old agreement, the owners
put $4.t"million into the plan in 1967 and
1be players originally had uked for a 1
SS.5 million package but then pared this
down to $5.9 million.
The owners fin!lt offered $6.1 mllllon
but this was rejected bf the players, by
a 491-7 vote. The owners then increased
the bid by $200,000 to $5.3 million.
Under the new pact, retired benefits at
age 50 will be increased !rom $50 a
month to $60 a mooth for each of the
fll'St 10 years ol major league service
with early retirement permitted at age
The following statement was released:
"The executive board of tbe Major
League Baseball Players Rela~ .
Committee of ~ Major League Club•
announced they would recommend to the
players and clubs a three year agree-
ment regarding the Major League Play-•
ers benefit plan under which $5,450,00IJ
per year would be put Into the plan com-
pared to $i.1 million in 1967 and 1968."
Tonight in Anteater Gym
UCI Duels San Diego State
Of 1111 Dllllr 'll•t Iliff
When UCI played . San Diego State
a year ago, · Uie Aztecs were thought
to ·be one of the w~st'1 best cOJlege
dlv.ision basketball team1.
Irvine prevailed in, that first meeting
between the two schools, 73-69, in the
first round of the westi!:m regionals at,
of all pl~ces, San Diego State.
They play again · at UCI tonight and
the roles are subs1'ntially different. This
time, Irvine (16-8) is :the heavy favorite
while San Diego State (13-10) isn't going
The Anteaters bopt they'~ going to
Las Vegas for the r~gionals March 7-8.
Becauae. of Doodlng tbeft ii only GDe
way to get to the UC Irvine cim.pu1.
T a k e CUiver Drive' IOllth from the Su·
Diego Frffway. MacArthur BouJe•ard
11 closed.
'l'o do so, a win over the Aztecs is
imperative, as is a victory over Tahoe
Paradise College in the season finale
UCl coach Dick Davis couJd get the
word as early as Wednesday on whether
or not his team will be invited to
the regionals. Members of the wfstern
regionals selection conunittee will meet
over a conference phone call Wednesday
The team that San Diego State. coaCh
George Ziegenfuss will bring to Irvine
tonight bean little resemblance to the
powerful juggernauU he fielded fOr the
past two seasonS, when the AzteCs-
dominated the CCAA.
San Diego lost all its starters: from
last year's outfit.
"Our only hope is to get a big lead
-tr -tr -tr
• • • " Cvnnt"gtl•m ,, '" "' "' Htc~ml" " ·~ " ~· Sabins u '"' " "' ''"'~ " .. " '" 2r~.!i~1ch n " ~ '" " " " "' Fon!lus n " " " F1rl1Y " " " " OMo " " " " ~:g-ell " 'j ' n
" ' " Bran<11 ' ' ' 2
Cage Scores
T~H!f 11, Lo11hl1N1 Slllt 63 l<tnll.ICkY IOI, .t.!1!>fome 7' Clemson n. VlrQlnl110
MkMoan U. MlnnH011 '' Vlll•llOYf )'t, X1Yler (0.J ]} NtbrHkl )'t, Colorlde '5
Vlrglnll Ttcll "· Tulan1 '' St. BCIM¥Ot11Vrt t7. St!on Htll 7'
M111011rl "-Kt,,,,.I SI. ,2 G«irgl1 f5r MIU1u.ii.t St. to low1 fl, Ste!>t ~ ~~ :3f. ~~:h IS
WHl!lntlon St. 14, Call1oml1 " W11hl,.mon Ii& Slflnford '5 u .. 1 ... r1tly Ttl(ll El P•so I J, SHiii• n NtYldo, Lii \1!'1111 ,,, No. ArlroM ti
'"· 11.0
11.1 11.S ' . •• '·' ,.. ••• '" "' •••
' In the first half and hope for the best
in the second half," Ziegenfuss says.
"I hear UCI doeSn't start too quickly
in the first hall b u t comes on w i t h a
rush the second hall. We've been playing
poorly for both halves."
San Diego's leading scorer is 6-4 guard
Bond Jacobson, who averages 18 points
per game. Irvine's leading man is Jeff
Cunningham, who rolled up 31 points
against Westmont Saturday night. He
~ports in Brief
and Mike Heckman (29) paved the way
for a 101-36 UCI win.
The fourth point Cunningham ICOl'U
tonight will be his 900th as an Anteater.
Starting lineups: ,
6-3 Cunningham F 6-7 Martinson
6-3 Sanden F 6-4 Arner
IH Heckman C 6-6 Neun
6-3 Sabins G 6-4 Jacobson
S-9 Barnes G 6-0 Barrett
32 Angels Show Up
• At Pre-training Site .•
HOL TVIl.J.E -Thirty-two of the
California Angels' 54 roster and non-
roster players were on hand for the
opening of the club's pre-spring training
camp Monday.
Jim Fregosi, the Angels' American
League all-star shortstop last season,
was among regulars absent.
Other regulars missing were Bobby.
Knoop, Rick Reichardt, Bob Rodgers,
. Tom S8.tiiail0, Vic oa:valillo and Jay
Among the players !!!porting were two
starling "pitchers from last season,
George Brunet and Jim McGlothlin, and
a pair of 1968 rookie hurlers, Andy
Messersmith and Tom Murphy.
Lakers Bost Sonics
LOS ANGELES -The Los Angeles
Lakers have lost their last three games
and four of their last five. But they're
probably happier tonight than th ey've
been since Feb. 9. ·
The reason is two ·words -J erry
W e s t. The c I u b expects its brilliant
guard to be back in action tonight when
they take on the Seattle SuperSonics
at the Forum.
West fn.issed the last eight ·games
due to a pulled hamstring muscle.
Laver vs Rosetllall
OAKLAND -Marty Riessen of
Evanston, JU., upset Australian John
Newcombe 6-2, 7·5, Monday night and
became the only American to reach
the men's semifinals in the International
InvitaUonal Pro Tennis Tournament.
In other men's singles matches, Roel
Laver of Corona de! Mar defeated Dennis
Ralston of Bakersfield, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2, and
Ken Rosewall of Australia downed
Pancho Gonzalez of Los Angeles 4-8,
6-_3, 11-9.
ruessen plays Tony Roche of Australia
today while Laver lakes on Rosewall
in "the' other semifinal.
The men's i:loubles final matches Laver ·
and Roy Emerson, of Newport Beach,
against Roche and Newcombe.
A lthea Gl!Json Falls
OAKLAND -Althea Gibson Darden
of East Orange, N.J ., Jost in the second
round of the International Pro lnvita·
tional Tennis Tournament Monday night
b~t her play gav.e promise of a cooie-
Mrs. Darden, 41, was bealen by Ann
Haydon Jones of England 6-2, 7.5 but
her style indicated that in time she
can regain the form that won both the
Wimbledon and F o r e s t Hills chatn.-
pionships in 1957 and 19S8.
"I just couldn't return service at aD;"'
she said . "The court was very fast
and I wasn't gelling my racquet biei
quick enough. · · '
Stay of E;recutlon
SAN DIEGO -San Diego has given
the San Diegi> Chargers 20 additional
days to answer the city's lawsuit seeklha:
rent for use ol San Diego Stadimn.
City officials said a 20-day extension
to M a r c h 11 was agreeij upon at a
meeting Monday attended by City
Manager Walter Hahn and Sam
Schulman, a principal owner of the
American Football League club.
ONLY WAY TO FLY -Orange Coast College
hurdlers Bill Hanson (left) and Mike Pomeroy trr
lo stay in shape despite heavy rain which has pre--
vented outdoor practice by going ov~r a night of ~ t
DAILY ''~ PIMft 1W .... ,~ sticks Inside Ute Plmte gym. The cl>Uege's bast!!.;·
ball team, unhampered by the wealller, i• wort!DJ.
O\lt in the background. · ~ 1 . -. ' ",.·.
~ .<J •
-At. has been pointed "out here be!Ore, UCI's balket-
ball team should prepare iisell for the wont this w.-k·
· Sometime Wednesday, the lix members _of the
NCAA's western regionals college division sel-
committee will be Jinked by conference phone call and
It could develop that Irvine's fate,-one way or the other
-will be decided then.
., StbnmJng the surface of the situation breeds an
air of optimism. UC! will finish with a record of lM,
barring upset. The Anteaters were invited last year
with a 19-7 mark.
Prol>ebly the strongest factor in UCl's favor is the
fact that three of the committeemen are Orange Coun-
ty alli!etic directors and one of them is UCl's AD, Ray
'I)at's three votes. But wait. Stranger things have
happened. UCLA thought it was going to the Rose Bowl
in l.Y87, you'll recall.
The lesson offered here is this: anytime you are
in a position where a committee must decide whether
or not you are to be invited to post-.se8son play, you're
in trouble.
That's why it behooves Irvine to find itlelf a ba&-
ketball cooference whereby the champion automaUc-
ally advances to the NCAA"playoffs, such as the case
with the WCAC.
The way it works now, UCI is like the guy who
hopes bis name gets drawn out of the hat.
*-* *
TENNIS DEPT. -The con1erv1tlv• e1tlm1te 11
that tha Bolboa Bay Club droppad $1,500 on It• ralnad
out tMnls tournament.
They'll try It 1g1in next DecemMr and IBC pre
Huth Stewart 1ay1 the club will explore the POlllblUty
vr· moving Indoor• should r•ln thre•ten q•l11.
He ·~Y• if arr•ng•ment1 can be meftl tht club
would Ilk• to be •ble to move Into Or•nge Cot11f Col-
lep'• or UCI'• gym In such en emergency.
Stewart 1ay1 by December, the club mitht M •bit
to hold • blockbuster of • tourn1tmMSt with •mateun
end pros both on hend end pleying for prl11 money.
* * * SODERBERG DEPT.-Mark Soderberg played his
greatest game ever a w e e k ago. The 6-8 Kentucky
freolunan from Marina High scored 43 points and
snared 26 rebounds against Georgia.
He was moved out of the pivot and 1o a forward
spot and Ille aperlment was apparently a .smashlllg
* * * COURY DEPT.-lt wHn't Hsy for Dick· Coury ta ~eke up his mind to teke thet e11l1t1nt coechlnt (lib
with the Pittsburgh Stffltr• last wMk.
He hed • wife end seven kids who were firmly
rooted Jn Orenge County.
''I fHI llke • rat,'' Coury told us.
''My kids loved it here. And •ft•r I moved out here
In the early 19501, all my brothers followed mt.''
* * * ..
SOLOMON DEPT. -Mike Solomon, state mile
champion for Westminster High two seasoru ago, ran
an indoor 8:59 two-mile recently for the Univeraity Of
Weotminster coach Jack Hedges says he hears re-
portl that Solomon is in great shape and is in for a
banner season at Kansas. Solomon, Jim Ryun and
their KU teammates will be at UCLA fw a dual meet
on March 29.
In CIF Playoff Openers
Oilers' Oiler Duo Paces All-Sunset ~
Foe Tall,
.. GUtNN 1llllTB ...............
II WU 11 years a(O MXI
lllOlltb tbsl C..tennlal High
llld•Comptaa met f« tbe
-.iboU cbim~ ol theCIP-. '
And .,......, eoacta Jim
NIWIDID foeil ~II tbt -for tbt 'two ml>ilnll lo
qaln dub for Iba emlod
cage tWt u be Pft!PI his ·
tall, talentod Apeches fC< tbt
~ ellmln1U-.
Ntwm111 AJ'I that U bis'
--off Sunset Loque wllmor Huntington
ll<llCh Frldl1 Dlcbt at the ,
OU Qty, Ibey -IO Ill the w•r 1o the flnlll. In tbst ·
cue, they -.Jc!. probably be
paired with unbeaten
Comptqn. eentenn1al throws an all·
Mllor team at coach Elmer eomm· loop champions. The
~. runnersup to
Complaa In the Coo.st League,
bave 1re1t Offllli height (tbe
starting Ilneup can average
MIO, and Ibey bave ncellent
outalde lhoollng lo go wltb
their tough reboandlng.
They are averaging a per·
ctnt per game frooi the floor
Ind tbelr lop -· shooters are lorward Ia Mclloupul
anc1 guard Henry Moore. Tbey
are each hitting 15 points per
Center Richard Shofner (6-
7) ts tbe talle.st Apache.
~wman fffls b.l.a team is
COllliderably superior to the
Centennial lUtry that twice
bowed lo Corolla de! Msr ear·
Jy in the sedlll.
Contreras, ·combs
Witf Extra Honors
Mike C«ltNru, u expected, wu named pllyer of the
ytar in the rugged SU-t Loque u Iba super -lod..
bis Huntlngtoo Beach High School mates lo a ......i ~
secullve loop champiOClhlp. -
The Oilers dominatod tl!e olllcal seleetioas compiled;,'!:: the Orange County Sportswriters "-latloo wltb _, _
Mlller also on tl!e llrll team and Elmer Combo named:,:
coach of the year. -..
Otller atandool 0rll!(e Coast area perlormera to IDlke•-.
the first team were Lee Haven ol Nt'lfPOJ'l Harbor and Jell,..-:
Powen of Westminster. _...,.,.
Second unit honors went to Rick Mosier ~ f4:arint, Dau~
BrOOerlck of Weatmlnster and Mark Whlllleld ol the cbamp-::::;
too Oilers. .. •
Contreras and Miller dominated the league as the ~
lngton Beach ooe-two iJUDCli. _.. :=:::
Contreras, with great defensive moves, fine pualng._
ability and plain' buket~ uvvy, was a ahoo4n foe the toe.=
individual honors. He averaged 18.7 in league compeUll?L ..,._
When the clutcb situations arose usually it was Centre-:
ras who wu there to can the key poinll for Hunttngtoo. · ...-...
Teammate Miller was only a notch, behind with bis;::
superb board play and acoring exei!llence. Hls average was...,..
18.0 for the balanced Oilers. ~ ..
Haven of Newport Harbor, the only junior on the start· -
tiJg quintet, wu aweaome for the Sailors and ls an Odds-on-
cboice for limllar honors next year as a senior. :!
Despite bis relaUve small lize at 6-3, be wu ~ -
dously effective on the boards and on in&id.e moves. He also~;
hit with autlloril)' from outside while leading hlJ Newport -""
Harbor team lo a fourth p1ace finish in the circuit.
Powers O( Westminster WU the highest tcOring
player In the Sunset League and is a repeat performer fr:nn '
last year'• team. ""
Powen averaged Jt.4 In loop competition.
For Combs, thia marks the third straight time he bu,
been named coach of the year in league circlea. -•
His HunUngton cluba have won 41 straight league 1ame1
in recording one UUe In the Irvine and two in the Sunset:~'"
over the past three years.
Mike Contreras
Roy Miller
* * First Teem * ... ..
School Hgt. Clan AYf~ .•
"We wen hurting with
alclmess and lnjurle1 then. Our
record ts only IM. But we've
won 11 of our last 14 and
two of thole lossea Wt.rfl to
Compton," t be Centennial
tutor reveals.
SUNSET GLORY GRABBERS -Huntington Beach High's Elmer Combs
(left) and Mike Cona'eras earned the two apeclal Sunset League basketball
awards made by Orange County sportswriters on the official all·league team.
Combs was coach of the year, Contreras was player of the year.
Lee Haven
Dan Simpson
Jeff Powers
HunUngton Beach 6'2 Sr. 18.7
HunUngton Beach 6'2 Sr. 16.0 ';:' j
Newport Harbor 6,3 Jr. 17.S ''""
Anahe!m 6'5 Sr. 15.0 .. I
Westminster 6-2 Sr. 19.4 ,,;,.
Second T•am ... Glenn Nygard Western 6-0 Sr. 15.7 ...
Rick Mosier Marina &cl Jr. 13.8 ~-"It's too bad we got paired
up wltb lllOther touih team
right off the bat. I know we
have our backs to the wall
playing on the road qainst
a top notch team.
"I don1 know much about
Hmitlngton, ezcept 1 hear tbey
bave rot 1 Jot ol speed."
Fullerton Challenges GG Bags
San Diego CC Cagers County
Dan Phillips Anaheim l>3 Sr. 16.5 ,.,.,
Mark: Wb!Uield Huntington Beach 6-0 Sr. 9.5 ,. ..
Dan Broderick Westminster &-4 Jr. 13.7
Hooorable Mention: Sherman Thomas, SA Val·
ley; Lee Walters, HunUngton Beach; Dan Lind-•
stedt, Newport Harbor. ."' ~
NetrmlD 1111 hll team'• on-
!)' 11ar1nr ,..almesl iJ Its poor
Eastern Conference basket· " ball chainplon F u 11 e r t o n
Junior College will challenge
Pacific Southwest Conference
kingpin San Diego City College
lne -lhooltnf. J'S: Compton won that 1951
llnale, 1'1-15.
llM! •1 for its berth in the state " " tournament this Saturday. ~ A site tOr the game, to
: be p)ayed on a neutral court. :I o[ a PSC school, has not yet
n been determined. Z Fullerton c o a c h Moe
63 Radovich told the DAILY i ft~p~=~ ~~e:e. P:~~
•1 the only really neutral court.
: San Diego wants the game
~ at·(san Diego) Mesa College."
,.. Winner of the Saturday ~ challenge round game will ad-
"' vance into the upper bracket
of the state tournament in
Fresno March 6-9 againn the
Central Conference champion.
champion, barring a Northern
California challenge round
With <lne night of play left
on the Central circuit's
schedule, Hancock and Mer-
ced share the league lead.
Both schools finish their 1ea·
sons Friday and might have
to go into a playoff Saturday,
Troy Pair
Troy High School's one·two
punch of Scott Magnuson and
Tom Gregory Jed the official
the All-Freeway L e a g u e
basketball team as picked by
the Orange County
Sportswriters Msoclatlon.
Cage Title
Unbeaten Compton 1st(
The final ballot of the top Compton High School com-PIHi tcllotl' AMA • ·• •
10 prep basketball teams in pleted ill regular aeuon with l: S:':" 1i~' '"1rl
Orange County is in and the a••• mark and is the current ~· ''","•'flll. c2oM) '' is ~ ,-, ~Jftttu.J,11,, '" result no change among holder of a 57-game win streak H' .. ,h.,. 25--"
the top three as Garden to dominate the >.AAA basket-t H:r,:n~·~:.J2tll:i .V Grove, with a flawless 26-0 •· 1-n.1 NOtr• Dfil'fll 12-M1 ii.·
mark, is champion of Orange b8ll_!t~ Beach remained 1°'~,:?.,~~~,\~1 '\ •• '..
County. wi Z ' ~~'il.'1-~ 4 '"''" .z .. Jn seventh place th a 24-crntefl • 11 "-cwtM 1. c-
The Argonauts are seeded mark. The Oilers are seeded """111 t. l ' .,. 1' • ,,.,
first in the upcoming AAA third in the upcomiq playoffs. l: ~':,...~~~1 l
playoffs, Garden Grove completed tf\e l: ~':,1e""~lft, <1tt!1 ·-
HunUngton Beach, champion regular season atOp the AAA 5. "1'''°" 1~2NJ I •i
f! S:n~heS:~1~a:;:~ :~~ W::r F~:e W~~; ,f ~~1; 'a;--
an overall record of 24-2. team in the top 10. blhilrt: eor-Ht IMr 10. Ma-1?! '
The Oilers lost to Garden
Grove, 50-46, in early tourna-
ment action.
Oilers, Sea l{ings Host Foes
Fresno City College and
College of the Sequoias tied
for the Valley circuit title
and will meet in a playoff
game tonight for the ri ght
to advance into the state
And, Jerry Hulbert of the
champion Warriors, was nam-
ed coach of the year while
Magnuson received player of
the year honors.
Ali.,t1ew1y L .. 1 ...
Troy is third with a 22-2
mark after winning th t!
Freeway League tit.le and AA
Katella is fourth after rom-
ping through the weak Orange
League virtually unopposed.
Included in Katetla'11 record
Is a l>point win over Troy.
Corona del Mar, cG-cllam-
pion of the Irvine League,
ended up eighth. Huntington Beach a n d
Corona del Mar lligh draw
home game assignment! Fri-
diy night when they open
hoMII!ties in the CIF buket-
b&ll playoffs.
Hiintington, third seede<l in
the AMA division, will face
Coast League runnerup
Centennial. Corona del Mar's
Irvine . League ·co-champions
will , entertain Angelus loop
runnerup SL Anthon1.
. SW...t nmnenip Allllleim
travels to Bellflower while
Irvine co-..-r Magnolia Is
CdM Faces Slowdown
In Cage Playoff .Test
By llOGER CARLSON their ability lo llow thlnp °' ,,. o.11y ,., ... slaft down on run-and-thoot teams,
for the second year In a disrupting the re,W.ar pattern
roW Corona del Mar High and taking advantage of the
School will be playing host other team's milcuel,
lo 1 Long Beach blgh school Now, however, Bi. AnthOny
in the first round of the CIF presentl the ..me type ol
batkttbail playoff11. offense.
Lut--year it was Long Beach Mike Moorhead, a I . I
Poly and this time around center, 18 tht leldbt& teer•
it's St. Anthony, ruMerup in With 8 12.0 average while the
\ht.kgel\15 League. other four atarten are all
The Saints finished second averaging lrom eight. to Jl
in tbt Angelus title race Fri· poinll each.
d1y llight, losing lo Bishop Coach Jack Erri«I ol St. ~ while champion Pius X Anlbooy says be'a never teen
.,.. a1Jo being upset by Corona del Mar but apects
Seryle to throw the Saints to use the same offente that
and lbh'op Amat into a tie brought him the CIF playolf
fer -.i. berth. "'So. it'• St. Anthony, a team 11. AllfNlrl 11,.n>
'ffW.. a sttrttr over 6--3 and tt Pf:..;'r.'v111t¥
"1dl. 1 hlgb scorer of only •r ~~~ °"°" u.o per game that wW meet ~ ~: :OU.,.,..
coach lllJ Bloom'• Sea Kings, , .... ~ 9f the Irvine
._.Chml>piaoab!p. . . ... """' SL Anthon)' prtRDia u ex-J1 ~c.111or
tremely dilllcult wlgnmen~ ~ i.::''11:1 if for no other rtiloa the · N ,.,,. JC
Slinta, Ilk• Coral• del Mor, i -~' Ull 1 aJow, dtliberat.e •r.le. Del
One ol the bi( plos scion . ::'
for Bloom'• char&e• bu bttn .,.,. """'
at home against Ganesha.
other Orll!(e C o.u.n I y &cbo9la In f.A ldlon ... Troy
and llwuo' Bills. '!be laller
IJ Ill Covina wblle Troy ..US
out the wekome mll lor tough
In the ii-A Garden Grove
may pt a bye or ftct eJtber
El Modella or Vllls Pork, pm-
ding oat<:omt ol loday'1 loop
finales for the latter two.
Oarilto Grove ii undelealed
and top" 11edtd. 'Rancho
Alimlldt P, lo 'Nogales of
La Puente and Foothill boots
U Hunllqtoo 1et1 b y
Centennial the Oilers will
duel the winner ol the Tor·
rance--Arcldla dub w b I 1 e
CorOOI def Mir would get
undefeated C11re1nont H the
Sta ltlnp pl by St Antbooy.
All,._ on Ill.
The other pairing in the
upper bracket also is up in
the air. Puadena, which rip-
ped. ctefendlng state champion
Cerrltm, 55-43, to win the
Metropolitan Conference tiUe,
meets the Central Conference
JV Basketball
'irtl TMm
Pll!Ar, Sdleol Htt. CllSI ""'· M.eenu1011. Trat .. 10 Sr. 20.f
Greec>rY, Ti"" .. 2 Sr, 19.,
Lft, LI H&br1 .. , $t. 1U
McHam1,., S<.onny H!Tll "41 Sr. 20.1
cn1e11ev. a-P1rk •1 Sr. 11.4
S.:olllll ,..."' a,,...cr, i.o-11 •• Jr. 17.S ""*' 1(1nnl!ldy •t Sr. 14.t Grwn, su""'v Hiiis •s Sr. 10.!
P1ul, Sul'!llY Hlllt 6-0 Sr. 11.1
CleYal1nC1. Tr"" W Sr. l.S
HB Youngster
Lands Whopper
"Bud" Kram: of ntin on
Beach has a fish story today.
He caught the largest
bluegill recorded at Irvine
Lake in recent years this week
when he hauled in a one-
pOund, elght-ouncer. The catch
made him the y oungest
member of the Irvine Lake
Whopper Club.
He landed the fish with a
worm .
Of/ice of the
Wed., Feb. 26-12:30 p.m.
Pr•sicf•nt of C•pital Alli•nc• •ncf its wholly own•d
subsidiary .. M•riner's Sevings •rid lo•n Association
of N•wport Be.ch, d iscusses "How Capital Alll1nce
i1 iri 41 1uPerior competi~ive pos iton du rin9 tht ~Ur·
rtflt fl9ht money period.' ,
TOii lt 'llet Scllltt Palntt
I. G1rden GraYI (Ml ,,
2. Hunt1rooton llKll CU·U 31 J. 1:ti1~ (72·2) :n
4. l(lf1tl1 (114) 27
!. Sunnv Hl1l1 f21.J) 25
6. M11110tl1 C2Wl 20
1. ""'h•!m C21·0 17
I. co"""' Clli ~r {17·t ) 11 t, Folh111 OM ) I
10. VIiii P1rtr: 11 ... ) 1 Ofhto: W"lmln1ter I, IEI Moc11111
. '
( for people ..
going places
4/5 QT,
The place is
anywhere! Old Crow makes
it a little more special.
Old Crow
5.29 -·~
TRAVILllt ••
. -
-• For The Record
• _ JANUARY 11 Mr. ,,,., Mfl. Mk:llMI D. Biiiey,
U6 8 S.nll ~rtartfl, S.11 Cllmlnl1,
"' J_,.,a Mr. llld Mr.. Pim' Pilrldl. 31905
Doti ObllPO ltDM. S.11 J v • II
C.1$11'1no, 1lrt lk. and Mra. Jchft 0 . SIMI, Sr.,
" 11 $Clllh U $Wldl. Souftl Lit-. ... ,_.,, n
Ml. 111111 Mn. lilrald L. c.iow.n,
!1$ Wnl /llYe!lldl "•lllldl, San
Clemtnlll, 9trl J-arr ts Mr. 1rld M"-Gloll,.,. G. Gleed,
Wfl Mountain View Orlw, l.al-
... dl. t lrl
LEGAL N011CE . ..,,,.
C•llTl,.ICAT• 01' SUllH•IS
Tiii ulldlr11tM<I Ila o:trtlf'r the'I' i re
ainductllltl 1 bu1lne11 11 1111 w. Oc:Nn
"ront, NowPcrt Bt•dl.-Clllfornla. undtr «M flctttlcul flrlft "'"" or OLIVER'$ ROAST BEEF 11111 11\at ulcl firm II .,.,.,llCMd of tho hlllawlfll Plt"IGM. whcgf
-.... 111 full and plaice. of r .. ldmce .,. ., lollcws;
~ ltablrl L L1tt11m, 102 A2nd $t.,
, N.--t e.1d!, C11flornl1
• D<>lln1 M. L1th1m, ,WJ Alnd St,.
MeWPOrt BNch, C1lllotnt.
D1twcl F1bru1,.,. :J. lfft • Robtrt L L11t11rn
Oolll\I M. Loth1m 'STATE 01" CALIFORNIA,
.• On Fib. l, lfft, before mo. 1 ~rv
Pultllc fft Ind for Hid Sitt., PIBOllll ll~
...... nd Rcblrt l . Lllhlm Ind Denna
M. L1lhlm kMw1I lo "" to bl the _._ 1111\oN 11.1me:s 1r1 sul:llcrlbed
ta lf'll wllhln ltrslnir..-nt •nd 1ctcncw~
-""' lllKUltd t .......... j0ffkl1I Sllll
Orm.h V. Utt
Noli,., Publlc-C.llhlrnl:I
Prlnc:lpal Offiel: 111
or.,111e CounlY
MJ C"'"n'llllloft EXPl .. 1
Mirth v. 1'72 Pultli~ Or1noe Cot1! D1llY Pllct,
P:etitu.ry '· II, 11, JS, 1'6f II.Wt
MOTIC• TO C•sorro•• SU,l!RIOR COUltT 0" THI!
NI. A-4116' E1t1l1 tf ALEXANDER M. SZYMULA.
•Illa know11 11 ALEXAHOElt MICHAEL alVMULA. O.:.Osad, NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN to ..,_
c:ndltor1 llf lhl 1bov1 ntrned dlCldfnl 1"'1 111 -llllll 1'19v!ng clllmti av1ln1t tlll uld dlC9dlnt ire rwqulrtcl ta 1111 ft!om, wlltl the MC-l"t wudllr1, In
""' affi~ of tho c:llrW or ltlt •IXlve
entltlld c:ourt, or to Pl"9llflt t111m, with
N nKetNry vouchln, Ill tfll un-
C!Jn19Md 11 tho ottlct or har 1ttamtv1.
P lllllkeH I. Ptunttf1, •12 Ollvo .. vlll\ll, P•I Oltlce e.o11 :u,, Huntlnti!Orl enc:n,
Ctllf0f11l1 '26411, wtlkh Is thl pLIC1 ef bull!IHI of lflt Uftll .... ilfted !ft I ll
mttttrs Mrt1!nln9 111 the n111a QI
U ld dKldent, wllhln klul' l'l'IOl'I"" l'ft.r
the flut oubl\allon af tllll t1111kl.
0111d Jll'IUll'V ,,, ,, ..
GenlvllYa Sude
Adm!n!1tr1trb1 vi thl E1t111
of "" at.ow 111rnt11 decedent
P,LUHKlTT • "LUMK'l!TI, ·-... °""" ... _
.... OMC!t Sn"' .. ......._ •IOCfl. Wit. tlMI Ta......_.fll' .......
..........,., fw Ailllll11lllrlfrh:
J"ubll~ Ori-Cont 0.llJ Pllot. "*"',.,. ... 11, 11. D. 1,.. llMt
POR TH• COUNTY 0" ORANG• ... .....,
Elttlt of LILLIE MAY JEFFERS, ........ NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVE N ta the
O"ldltor1 or ""' •bov• named ck«duil thM 111 ..._ fllvlN c:lllmf ffllMI
ttll Nld °"**11 lrt '9•N1red lo flhl tWn. wllll !tit _,., VOl.!Che,... In
ffl9 llfflca et lhe clettc or tM 11MMI 9ffled caurt, w 1'e -' lhtm. w!lh ~ MICftMl"f' vouc:ti.n. 1'e ttw -
~. .,,. 'Mr1. 1too.rt L •"...,, U561 hldl ROM. C.lllT-llOdl. •• Mt, •M """· lrvtt N. Etlllll. M»6 Vla Vll"dt, Cliptm-SN<fl, tloV ,_,., ..
Mr. •ncl Mf'I. ,,.,,..,. I. ....wdo,
Ult W. Otvllll, 5ln Ca-19. bc¥
Mr. Ind 1k$. Gr--.. W. (mbtwY, S.n C~M, 1!rl
11.eww .... 1
Mt. Incl Mn. Chlrltl 0 . lrawt1.
11' SIOITTI, Siii Cltmenll, boV
Mr. 11111 Mt'l. Horberl L. Otnlev,
1211 AYI. .,-. Slfl cr.i-i. • ... Mr. 11111 Mr$. Johll ,., Mool'i', Ull
Carlbbt111 WIV, ~ Sndl.-blrf
Mr. 111111 Mlii. Wllllam J. Nellllft, I°' AW. Sin Fl""""°' Sin C..,_to. 1lrt
Mr. .,.,. Wt. Mldllll S. &,..,..,..,
12' Sin ot-. 51n C""""'*-1lrl ..........
Mr. ar.d M,... Thonll1 F. CIVltftlf'O,
Sr., 15"' W. E.aloMI. 5'11 Cllfnlntw, ... ·-· Mr. 11111 Mr$. KlflMlll It. Ftlllllll',
Dm Ollnd9 Drf\of!, o-Polllf, ... . .........
Mr. and Mr.. S'-M, Esdloll. IC1611 ~vlcla Ort.1, l..-leKll
1lrl ,._,,,
Mr. llld Mt"I. 'Rltldoolflll S. Jlllftlr1119,
Sr .. 10f 2lrd SI~, N--t Btadl, .. F...,...., I
Mr. 1nd Mn. MldiMI J. Ht11Y,
San Clf!Mtli.. twl11 t>ov1
Mr. •1111 M,... J•romo w. T•ulo, "°3't Adel111to. L ....... Nl1ual, 1lrl .......... Mt. and Mr1. Rus ... J. hl'Dlr. llDll
""Ilse Clrc:le, Solrttl L1111111a. 1lrl
Mr. INI Mt"I. ThorMt R, Uijtll, 2• w, Mlr<1ij1t1, s.11 ci.m.na,
OtS BAllJ.ET~!:iwl!IJ Ar= ind 2c!Jor&'O£,, 8f. ~...ti' J:.Q._.
Huntin(lton BNdl.
MUltf>rJ"·8f!&tWHlflG, =:tin•, :u,
°'nJ1 Shlllff fire:_. orount~ c~= F~·~ir~~~R8E18'.1· Fr-llc.9 J .. 16, ol IS.SU llrllrdlH I., Hun11nttoft &"'di Ind H.i11i., 24,. or fC M. 1~t'~~1.kfe7~1m. Peter J., 31, of 2'.2l1A Ruta11_ Drt"'!r.. c"" Mlwo •11d Mary A., :a. el' 11.,M I!. RlllWood.
A""Mim. ANOUO~ENEl'IEL. Edwtf'd, :it. of nJ J ,.L eor-c1e1 ~· ·•lld Miry .. n, al 165.Sl P1Ndlfla. Ai>!. e_. T1,11t1n. CLARKt·LEIGHTE. Roblft A., ts, cl Slit ~ "St.. llld Ctr01v!1 0 ., n, of 331 WtlfMJT St., bafll of
N-l>Crt Bl!tld'I. 5MLTH·FIELDI M!ch1el S .• n. of 5752
cutie, Hm" 11111on aeac11 •lld 0onn1 L.c19,of TCPll Lint, F11lllrto11 •
STAl'ILEY· ARRA, Vf'" Wf JI·• 20, ~ ... W.'7"'\.,"'· -Sybt1 T .. 11, &ifi-, W. 17th SI., R~'.a8Rm't-rlH.L JCM~l. JI, or 1.1, LI P•t l'IKe Ind 1111\Ct'f J .. :n or '3"2. NIYl]O ltold, both
of Wntmlnller. HARWOOD-REGER, Ml1vln T.1 21. of 923 V•nderwood ROid, &tlnmor• Md. •nd JQ8n E .. 1L or 566 H1mllton St., CQllt_ Me1&. LABAT-SERNA, SRYtll M . .1. 'l'Q, of >lll2 L• Calet'I. Sin Ju.,, \..,1,1r1no 11111 Merit s •• lt, of :MllS Ci mino
El .V.:.11~, C•Pll!r1no eelldl . AHGIEJl·S HULTZ. Michie! w". 11. or ·1!702 t11•,us. S.llhl An1 11o1111 anll l,lllda K .. 11, of ll" Miodelr• HA"WlEi~U1:l.H4A. Rebert •.• ll, cl ~ El Perra, El Toro 1fld Gmevlew P,, JI. ol llG E. LCIC\llf
A¥t , Oranot. MON'tGOMERY·SMITH, J11'n111 C . JI. C/f 11'97 Liiie: W1v, Fount11n V•11eJ •nd Char~ L Cl, of 1211 Wl11-le<waod, StanlOll. Bll:OWN-M.AY, Jemn S .. 22. of lm
W, Oii MOiiie OrtY9. A..;helm 11\d B1rbllr1 L.. 23, of '301 Clltrokee,
Westminster. REID-ll:EIBEll:. ltuw.tll G.. 11, or 2S1G OllllWlr• SI. Ind W111d1 I(,, U, of lfll2 Huntlnt1011 Avt., /lli)I. ' B_111h of Hunllnirt<>11 BtPKh. FISHER-MAUCH,., Roblrt M., lf, ol "31 ttnnrldl, .,.._...,lnsttr '!':\ Jotll-
:rpt, A'f. ~ii11 '1..n1'°' 5. F• nrlew,
LYOOS-GUSTAVINO, R-ld IC., 10. al '3t'J Burt Lane. E1rt lnr\M and Ta1M111rwh R,, If, Ill 615
eDr~sG~11XMI rno:d H.. ~ at 3011 Cl'/latl, i'Mtl MH1 Ind O';inn1
IC .. , 20~ C! l:H Yl1r1 Lent, An1~1m.
ICANGAl>-ArEHifti Arthur M. Jr.M 35,
:nd l~clM , L~ JI. s:/ '~a!l~wa~~~ Corona !I-el Mar. PAWLOWSIC'l-ELLIOTT, Slephttl J,I "' al 6152 Ma11llc1ta Orlw Ind l nc:l1 S., If. of 1'2P\ An11lor LIM, bclh cf Huntl""'°" Beldl. THOMPSON-RALU, E¥tl'Wlt T.. 25,
cl 1136 Wtstmlnslllr A YI. ,
w'ltmlnSltr 11ld e'2:'' M.. 11. Qf 7'1 Woctl~.1,~ii rdl!I Grww.
DAVISON-GRANT, JcHPI! R., 3ll " 111 Anad1, Ntwf11311 llt1ch 111C1 L nd1 c .. 29, of 1tm M1ndr1k1 W1v. lnr!M. PHILLIPS-SCHMIOT, Rabi<rt ! .. :NJ, cf 2J16 N-POrt BIYd .• 1111f Cl1Udl1 E., IN, of 15CI Tutlcl LIM, Apt.
O. beth C/f C111t1 Mftll.
VOJl:TOUNl.QUINN. Leo. lol. ol f5 El P1sc. MtWP<>rt Buell Ind C~rcl A •• JI, at 16622 T-nhouM Orlw . ..6l'ir!~f<IOWSICI, E111o11 H., ·1'. « nw liortl•'· MldW1r c rnr i nd Shal'!WI A.. lf, of U3'1 LI Stile t.n~, Hunlln11ton etadl fAUL11.NER.CARlTON. Lt11n4 M .• Jr •• 21, __ of 21111 O.llwore Aw .• Hunl~IVl'I 8Nd! 1M Froncn A ..
1"-C/f 100'71 Tr•i.k AYI.. G.rWtn L\1;'~:¥.IGHT, Wlllltm F .. :tS. of 11 J st., B11bcl 1111nd 1rw:1 IC~rtn •• to. cf u.o Vldlen. Cillll-
efi-1fott-LU+IOGREN, G•rv l .. "· or 41$55 E. L!vfftnton. Cotumblll, ~'" '"' ""'' ... "!;\-,, ... ,,..1 Plac1, Newl!Crt 8 .
P t ARSKl-HAAli:, R1Jmcnd , ~· C/f f1Mt Orcflld OrlYe 11\d vi 11 C.cuf,;Jt. C/f 1f111 BuckMll Clrc: , born ,wttlm n1~ ~A l:.LOGH, Allrlld lo./ 'Jl or 11~ ot« 2.i!n°'t".~-= l."=. •t·1 'Toro.
tlf'i!EVER·HOC\AN, Do1'191d L.. !•, cf 9'tS E. Btlbcl Bh•d., ll1lbcl
Ind Colhl...., G .• 1t, cf 172f P'ort heffllld, H_,. ltKll.
.,.._. l't ltlt ofl'kl d hll Aftonwv, DIVORCIS PIL•O
JOIE"H a. EOWAAOS. '21 loufll Eudld G. 8f,.,.I W19Mf' YI .L" Edwin! A-, Allllltllft. C1ttfonlll r2I02. Wllld'I W-
la .._ ,.licit or 11us1nen., "" under11tM<1 M¥""' J. M4111 YI Jucllltl M.1111& 1ft '" ITWltftrt Mrfl-19 flll Bllll $Ml'!;lll J. Edd't' YI Charin L, Eddy ft/ 11111 dlceder!t. wltllln faur fl'IOfllha l.ft LIN R9Clrrllr n wmi.111 Charin •flw h f1nt Pllblketlarl or Wiii '*1ct. Rldnwf'
o.tld l'.tlrVlfY"21, lMt Ll\H'I Ol•M Reynolds YI Wiiier ALLEN JEFFEllS C.rlelcfl Reynold, ::::rn of Mti:l'\9:.i;n L~•llu•• VI P1u1 Atvfft
the ~ nifT*I 0.C..,..,1 C1ral A. Miiier YI ltid'llnil L, Miiier
.IOl•l"H •• EDWAltDS, •so. Judith Anll Snipes n R.,., E.,...nt
'2S '""' ..... A-$nl"" Alltlll,.., C1lllonll1 nllt P'1lrlc l1 A. M1rllMJ VI Om.Ir A, 1'•h mo m.16a ~rt1..e1
"'"""'" ... .._,.. Violet Wil t.rd50l'I YI Wood~ Emmett
I --.......cl -I --cl<
_r_:.._ ... _·_::-__ u_"'_:-_ .. _·_ ... _,_.,.,,_._'_':._"_"_,,_:_·_:_·: __ ..... _:_._·~_::._"_r_-_"_"_-__ ._._ ... _ .... _._._._· WHIMS I CAL FANCIES
• •
; . I
444 North Euclid : •• 5l5-tl21
Monday thru S•tutd•y
I 0 •.m. fo 9:30 P•"\•
't '
. ' ,
Maidenform skims the most luxurious foam fo r the pearl-likll
essence of Sea Dreams®, the ultimate in cream spun coordi ..
noted underl ings •. , misted· ever so delicately with lace kissed
swirls. To be,gin your voyeg81 Of ~~ftness choose: e. Comfort
wire loco.bro, in while, '3 2-3t,B-~ •. 7~50. 32-38 D, 8.50; petticoet,
Crepese~ nylon, s·m, w~ile' cir 'e<!ru, '11.00; metching bikini,
4-6, 5.00 b, Comf_o/t wire .59/t' bro, white 32-38 8-C, 7.50, 32·
38 D, 8.50; ovg. leg ponti-. "':m•I, wliile , 14.00. Meil, phone
c rders ihvited. FoU,ndetion.s,· 19; 'oeyweer Lingerie~ b3
llllWPOlT llACH
47 f••hlon l1!1nd , .• M-f..1212
Mond•y thru Frid•y. I 0 •.m. to t ilO II'·"'·
s.turd•y 10 a.m. fo 6 , ......
HUll1111•TOll llACH
7777 E.11119., Avenue ••• Hl-IU I
M°""•Y thrv S1turd1y
10 a.ft'!, to f t30 p.M.
I \ . '
'""" -
'·' "" ~· ~-
I :r: I
" .. r ,,
~ r " I
----------- ---~---------~-------
Spring " Fo.ri ecasts St ylish Parade ·
GetUng aW11y from the corutant nlny, blustery daY•, at
least in thoughts, are planners of the I. Magnin Fashion
Show who have turned their thougbta to warm, balmy day1
ahead and the wardrobes which will compl!'ltlent.
After previewing the spring and oummer spectrum,
which will be paraded In Allahelm Convention Center April
101 a vacation moOd 11 bound to pervade.
C~sponsors of the annual Fashion Concerto, Opus 11
are the Newport Harbor· Service League and the Orange
County Pbilbarmo!lic Society, and proceeds once again.are
earmarked for the society'• !rte Youth Concerts program.
This year, an estimated 17,000 young Orange Countlans will
be exposed to good, live classical music of three dlllerenl
orchestras during the current series.
Invitations, to some 80 patronesses subscribing to tables
of 10 read: "11:30 a.m. with luncheott served at 12:15 and ' . the fashion show to begin prompily at 1: 15." The finale
traditionally is a parade of priceless jewels by LaykiD et Cle.
Miss Genevieve Knowles , fashion director of I. Magnin,·
will fly from San Francisco to comment on the .collections.
and all arrangements are under the personal supervision of
Lee Lile, manager of the Santa Ana I. Magnln store.
Benefit chairmen are ·Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman of the
society and Mrs. James B. Keyes of the league.
Patroness committee chairmen are Mrs. James Turner
and Mrs. John C. Helton, and serving with them are the
Mmes. William Hains, Wilfred Berls, Lloyd L. Aubert, Wil·
liam Schilling, Thomas Young, ·Guy Livingston, Keith
Gaede, William Holmes and Timothy Devine.
Other committee chairmen are the Mmes. J. Donal_d
Ferguson and Gilbert Thompson, reservatiOns; Ralph Tan-
dowsky and John Klllefer, publicity; Jeffrey Briery and
Gordon Jones, models; James B. Wood Jr. and Richard
Martin, favors; Miles Larson and Allan Browne, hostesses,
and Jam es Bradeson and Miss Heather Goss, decorations.
FASHIONS FLUTTER -Plans are onthe .ying and ideas are fly.
ing high for the 11th annual I. Magnin· Fashiooj Show and Lunch-
eon to be presented in April. Complementing the lofty ideas and
colorful costumes are decorations of massive bu.tterfli,es which are
being admired by (left to right) Mrs. ,James D. Bradeson, Miss
Heather Goss, Mrs. Clinton F. Eastman and Mrs. James B. Keyes
who are attuned to arrangements. JODEAN HASTINGS, 642-1321
Character Study Illust rated
Artist Displays
Portrait ·Skills
An illustrator of presidents will demonstrate
his portrait skills by doing a character study dur·
ing the meeting of the Huntington Beach Art League
at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, in Lake Park
Frank Tauriello, renowned portrait painter,
was commissioned to do a portrait of the late Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy while be was a senator. He
later did a portrait of former President Lyndon B.
Johnson, and recently was commissioned to do a
portrait of John A. Love, governor of Coklrado, .
with live sittings taking place in Denver.
Born in Rochester, N.Y., Tauriello received his
BA degree in fine arts from Syracuse University
and worked with the Art Students' League of New
York for three years.
He worked with Portraits, Inc., and Van Dyke
Portraits, both in New York. He also worked for
NBC-TV on a concefltration show and has assisted
in moti01l pictures at 20th Century-Fox.
He is a member· of the Art Students' I,.eague
and of the SalamagD,nde Clulf, and since moving.~to
Laguna Beach, he has become active in Southern
In addition to instructing in portrait work in
Capistrano, Laguna Beach and Seal Beach, he has
held eshlbitions in tlie Kronquis Gallery, Laguna
Ortginals and Art Center Galleries.
ms works hang in Harvard University and Gug-
gt!llllelm Galleries end amoog prominent people
wbo own bis works are Hugh Downs, Merv Grif·
:fiD, Marlcm Brando and Cyrus Eaton. His .portrait at. Barry GoldW11ter bangs in Knott'a Betry Farm. '
. Tauriello will donate bis demonstrated painting
to the league to aid in raising funds for the annual
art fund scholarship.
Mrs. Thom (Doris) Neeld, president, invite,.t
all area residents to-join members and watch the
display at. talent.
Hats Doffed fo r Sp ring Fash ions
Spritely s p.r. i )\;g bonnet! and colorful handmade
bouquets are being fashioned by·(iefl to right) Mrs.
Robert L. Speth, Mrs. Larry 'D, Evans and Mrs.
Robert McGlamery for a benefit fashion show to
be presented;at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 13, in the
Peek Family Colonial Terrace Room, Westminster.
The show, followed by dessert and coffee, is spon-
sored.by Beta Gamma and Eta Epsilon cHapters.of
· Epsilon Sigma Alplia,. end 'Ill proceeds will be used .
for contributions to the juvenile home for gli'ls. As·
slsting Mrs. McGiamery, chairman, are the Mmes.
Speth, Stan Cochran, Chuck Canedy and Evans.
TlllMI.. '""""' u. 1Nt • .._ 11
In Fountain Valley
Woman's Club
Bestows Honor
Mrs. Robert Moss has been
honored as Woman-of-the-year
by the Fountain V a 11 e y
Woman's Club.
Presenting her with an
engraved plaque was Mrs.
(Editor'• Notll: Tiit followlftll
c.1~11 book ~lew Wll '""'" for ttll DAILY Pl LDT bV Wiiier Jol'ln1or1, HvntlfllJlon lltldl llbr1r·
l•n. The volum11 h1"'° bMrl re-
t.lvld If flie llbrlf'I' Ind lrl
1v1!11bi. fOr clrc:ul1tlon.J
"The Last Days of the Late,
Great State of California" by
Curt Gentry -Part wishful
thinking and part a breezy
sociological IUl'Vey of earth·
quake-prone California creates
lnlerest In lhil boot. Gentry,
an expert on the Golden
State's m or e sensational
aspects, presents Ills material
a! a p09tmortem two years
after the state's destruct.Ion
by a giant earthquake.
The first and-last chapters
are devoted to''tbe effects of
the disaster, anti the chapters
between are used to relate
the hi!iory of the late 60s
and show that, even lf nature
hadn't intervened, California
was bound for destruction.
Laurence Erwin. club pm!·
dent, following ber aelection
by a committee comprised ol
the Mmes. C.E. Stamtleld, Al
Krukenburg, Curl ~
Will ROmlne and M Ito
Mrs. Mou has served u
program and b o 1plta11 t y
cbalnnan for the group this
year, and la.rt year was
parliamentarian for both the
club and Its Junior Ausillary.
In addition ahe baa been
home management a n d
finance chairman. religion
chairman, and community im-
provement chairman. A
charter member, Mrs. Moss·
was the club's first presldeut
in 1964-65.
Other activities include
serving her second year as
a member of the Fountain
Valley Parks and Rec:rulim
Commission. She WU a
former city chairman for the
March of Dimes and presldenl
of the Inter-club CounclJ.
Her interest in education led
her to serve u historian and
treasurer for Tamura
School's PTO, and lhe 1r111
the first memberthl p
chairman for Fountain Vall17
High School.
Mrs. Mou ii the molhef
of twinl Cathy and. Boante,
21: Sue, 18; John, 14, and
Tom, 11. Her busblnd1 ls an
engineer ell)ployed by North,
American &ckwell.
A·nn Never " ·Fails
Phoney Mail From Yale Male Nail to
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a ter·
rlble problem and don't know where
to turn for help. First of all, le~ me
118.J. I am 40 years of age and have
been arrested twice this month for a:h~g. I can't resist p re t t y
I went to a doctor who told me that
lhopllftlng .... only a symptom ol my
rul problem. Nymphomania. He gave
rn. pilll that made me worse.
I 19, go out with ~m.
IJefore long I dropped the gay boys
and became interested in a woman who
wu 10 years m:/ senior. She got. me
l!lbed up with dope. Alter !hret months
.. ""aldng OU~ I checked Into· a
aenllafium. u was there that I . fell
In 1oYo with • 21-yeor .. ld boy. (Be
" was a dlshwuher.) The {l!Y is veey
nice but he ~ia a necrophiliac. All be
wanta to do 1J make love in the cemetery.
Please.._ Am ·Landers. don't ·tell me-to drop -•hilni.. ' Ten:-rne hOw io cure~
him. Thank you. -A GJIBATFUL
DEAR READER: Nevtr mind abolrt lfDM.~ 11m i.teresied in yoa. Please ttU
. me. ltow a py wM can't eve.• 1ptJI
••gratdal" gol llllo Yale la the linl ..... ' •
Aid bow Ito yoa mua1e &t stay there
-,.. opeed ,. .,... tline wrilin1 phoeJ letten &o Au J.uden? I bave
ce11M1to~ )'IW 1llltloetry, B~ w, 'and 'u.e New Daven po1un1rt ltelps • lot, too;-~ _,J
Have a 1teart and lay off, will you
read in the paper where some 80Ciologlst
made the prediction lhat within two
years, women will be going topless to
the corner dr.1gstore and supermarket.
He says i! this happens he is going
to the neighborhood theater completely
nude and if he is arrested for indecent
exposure, he will hire a lawyer and
lake It to lhe Supreme Court If
My husband ins.ista that while Women
keep screaming their heada off demand-
ing equal rights, they have more rights
than i;gen.. He says If men showed as
much of their bodie! u ,women in offices·
and bars and restaorants, they would
be clapped In the cooler.
Do you believe, Ann, that In two years
things will have gone THAT far? Please
say it isn't sol -AFRAID OP ·THE
DEAR AFRAID: Far be It from me ' .
to pell wblt tbe world will be 1lke
two yean from now, U uyone •Id
Cold me two yean ap tla.lt eoedt woald
duce uked .la M..U-, wi .... or lllol
perfonnen •I Vole -id peel oil oil
tloelr -ucl lavlle !lie -lo do !lie ume {may 611), I ....W
considerate to bring a dog
temlprivate 1ick room. WbJt
think? -.s.o.s.
into •
do 1"U
DEAR 8,0.S.: U't nne tUo i..
CODIJdentt. lt'1 oatnceou. It's ....
opbotl Ille .... • Roporl lllit .... -
le Ille OW oapmllor II -.
nol llave belleved Ii. So,--:~
e1ca1t1 me H I re.fue to -.Y How ltftl you tnoi when tbe nil
predlctlou. thing cflne• along! Alt Ann i-..
DEAR ANN' 'My 1'ile Is lharll1( • Send for her booklet ""°"' er Sos d
hospital roorri with a woman who al8o How to Tell the Dtffertince." 8md a
bad a hysterectomy. This woman'• ha.&-cents in coin and· a long, Mlf·actdr1111&.
band comes to visit her every day and stamped 111velope -,_ ""'*'-
brings (under his coat)·her pet poodle. -AM Landers will be ,llad lo W,
He says It cheen her up lo see Frenchy. you with yoor probleml. s..i ....,
My wile Uket dogJ bul not In the lo her In care ol the l>Aii. Y ""°'
hospital. She doesn't want to make any enclosing a Jone, self.adc:fnaed • ....,_.
trool>io bul I think It Is very In-envelope.
I \
Cou,ple Exchange Vows
In Candleljght Rites
Before an altar ba.nktd with
mil:ed bouquets ol. white
gladioli and chrysanthemums
and cen~e~ed with red carna.
tlons, Karen Slrass and Vance
B. LaMee Jr. exchanged their
.wedding vows.
The double ring candlelight
ceremony wu conducted by
the Rev. Everett Auger in
the First Chrl.a:Uan Church of
Hunllngton BeaclL
The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Ola! T. Strass of KATHLl.EN WATERMAN
Huntington Beach, was given E"l•t ed
Recites Vows
August Wedding
Linda Wion Engaged
St John the Baptist Church
in Costa Mesa will be the
setting for the Aug. 16 rites
linking Linda Lee Wion and
· Gary R. Lewan in marriage.
The future bride, daughter
of Mrs. Edward F. Johnson
of Anaheim and the late Mr.
Kenneth J . Wion, is a senior
at Western High S c h o o 1 ,
Anaheim. She is a past
honored queen of J o b ' s
Daughters, Buena P a r k
in marriage by her rather.
Her floor length peau de
soie sheath gown was designed
with a scoo ped neckline, long
pointed sleeves and an empire
waistline featuring a bow in
back. Bodice and skirt front
were decorated with appliques
of lace and sequins, and a
full length illusion veil was
held by a pillbox crown of
peau de soie and lace. Her
bridal bouquet was white
carnations surrounding a n
Miss Jan Strass was her
sister's maid of honor, and
other attendants were the
Misses Debby Carlisle, Candie
Purcell. Diane Foccesseca and
Kim LaMee. the bridegroom's
sister from Marine City, Mich.
Junior bride.!lmaids were
Tracey Young and Tamm y
LaMee, also from Michigan .
Their gowns were red crepe
featuring empire waistlines
and puffed sleeves. They wore
matching red veils and carried
colonial nosegays of red and
white carnations.
Flower girls Beth and Linda
Shelton wore long white dotted
Swiss dresses trimmed in red.
The bridegroom, stationed
aboard the USS Kearsarge,
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Vance B. LaMec of Marine
City, who flew out for the
Dan Dunn served as best
man and ushers were Bob
Vega, Keith Voges, Vaughn
Rosemund and Richard Bass.
Peter An geline was ring
bearer and Steven Strass and
Jim La Me e w e r e
Red and white decorations
were repeated for the recep-
1 ion taking pl ace in the Hun-
tington Beach Woman's
clubhouse. Assisting during
the reception were the Mmes.
\Vatter Herzog, Paul Young,
Marlin Birkhimer, F r a n k
Wheeler, Gene Valiquette and
Dorothy Mattson , r r o m
Boston, Mass.
The bride is a graduate ()f Marina High Scoool and an
area beauty college. Her hus·
band was graduated from
Henry Ford High School,
Following their honeymoon
trip to Las Vegas, the
newlyw eds will make their
home In Westminster.
At Party
Friends and relaUves of
Kathleen Watennan a nd
Henry P. Thayer Ill were
apprised of their "'ltrothal
news during a party 1n the
Newport Beach home of Mt.
and Mrs. Ralph P. Waterman.
the bride-elect's parenls.
The futilre bride, a graduate
of Corona del Mar HJgb
School, presenUy is a senior
at UC!. Her great-uncle, the
late Mr. George A. Waterman.
was one of Costa Mesa's early
Her fiance, son of H. Payne
Thayer of Balboa and the late
Mrs. Thayer, is a gradU8te '
of · Newport Harbor High
School. He has completed two
years of military service and
now is a junior at UCJ. :,
No wedding d8te bas been
Class Reunion
Set for June
In Long Bea ch
Long Beach's Woodrow
Wilson lligh School 's
grad uating class of 1959 is
planning a 10th year reunion
in June.
Heading the committee are
Karl Van ·Holt of Sunset
Beach, chairman, and Mrs.
Kay Delcoure of Huntington
Beach, co-chairman.
Setting for the ga'thering will
be the Lafayette IntemaUonal
Ballroom in Long Beach. Mrs.
Delcoure is taking reserva ..
lions a( 847-6544.
Laguna Group
American Legion Auxiliary
of Laguna Beach gathers at
8 p.m. the second and fourth
Thursdays in the Legion Hall.
Caprico~ Ma rital
Affairs Demanding
"The wise man controls his
destiny .•. Astrolol)' pciotl the
ARIES (Man:h 21-April II):
Differences wJlb m at e ,
partner mu.st be .. wec1. >.<-
cent on domesUc affairs
PreSttVe l.ottgrtty. Set ez~
ample. Make no promises you
can't keep. Hold c:iI OD buying~·
.. 111ng property.
TAURUS (April JO.May :JO)~
Messages, short j our n e J s
seem fraught with confuaion.
Beat to maintain individuality.
March D•f•
A March wedding is being
planned by Pamela Joan
Antonowltsch ·and Robert Lee
:P..fiss Antonowitsch, daughter
or Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J.
Antonowitsch of Stlnset Beach,
is a graduate of Marina High
School. .
Her fiance, the son of lr1rs.
Helen Duffy of Los Alamitos
and Harry S. Duffy -of
Mansfield, Ohio, also was
graduated from Marina High
and now is attending
California State College at
Long Beach.
Menu Selected
New Ideal wort better than
1lle old. Strw venalillty, ln-
depeodeoce IDd orlgloallly.
GEMINI (May lbluoe :JO):·
Overcome tendency toward
carelesrneu wttb c: a 1 b •
SpeculatJve veoturet are ln-
advlublo. Slldt with Ibo tried-
-· -thll lltemoon helps tolve dlJemm• Follow
CANCER (Juoe II.July 22):
Slu<ly TAURUS mesuge. Be
sure you understand format,
lnatrucUona. AU queatlom -
obtaln aorwen. AcctDt oa
per80llallty, appearaoc<. One
who: requesta favor may have
ulterior motive.
LEO (July ·' :ZS.Aug. 22):
Realize that you do require
privacy. Don't tell all you
tnow. Be diacreet. Not wise
to oppose sroups, clubl, people
who band together to obtain
pelltloo..& dlplomauc. Don't
get involved.
(Aug. 23-Sepl !12):
of poasWlOP.11.
ln!ist on fair share of
credit. Som may try to flat ..
ter you out what you own.
Some change is due. Works
in your favor. Keep eye oo
LIBBA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):
Domestic adjustment ifl.
dicated. Check offers, ap-
parent bargains. You knd to
be moody. Honor In !onn of Sew Easy
promotion could be on horizon.
Knmv this-maintaln poi!e. New Directions, a fabrlc·fashion show, will be pre-
SOORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): sented by May Co., South Coast Plaza in coopera·
Promote d Is t an t interests. tion with Vogue patterns at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Friday,
Looi: ahead -know that your Feb. 28. Included in the spring fashion news of 1969
efforts deserve wider dlstrJbu-will be this pants dressing in ecru lace which fea·
lion. Accept invltaUon for ap-tores a see-through look in the shirt top. pearance which guarantees -'==-=-===.:.=o.::...::::::...::::...::.::.:::::::..'.::!::_ ___ _
substantial audience.
SAGITl'Al\IUS (Nov. 2:-
~c. 21): Could be power day.
You deal with money and gain
added authority. Some at the
top depend upon your judg.
ment. Time Is on your side.
You emerge a winner.
Women's Association
Trying Film
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan.
19): Marital affairs demand Three Arch Bay Women's
attention. Accent is on your Association will sponsor a pro-
abllity to promote mutual in· gram of four slide and movie
le.rests. Project can be sue--P r e sentaUon.s transporting
cessfully completed. Day to particlpanls around the earth
finish rather than begin. beginning Friday, Feb. 28.
AQUARIUS (Jan. JO.Feb. All four sessions will take
18): Avoid fatigue. Remember place in the Three Arch Bay
resolutions concerning work, Community Clubhouse at 8
diet, es:erclse 11.nd recreation. p.m., and season tickets may
OuUlne program and adhere be purchased at the door for
to it. Your determniaUon is $4. Individual performances
put to a test. will be $1.15.
PISCF3(Feb.19-March20): Mr. and Mrs. Ro b ert
a program, Russia and Its
Educational System, Friday,
1'1arch 28.
Around the World in 60
Minutes will be narrated and
shown by its producer, George
Cunningham, F~iday, April 25.
A social hour with coffee and
cakes are included in the
December ·in Busy Japan
will be the ()ffering of Ralph
Davenport, closing the series
Friday, May 23.
Loved ones, young persons Linderman will start the
bring you questions, problems. series with f 11 m s on
Be analytical. Analyze. Find Mysterious Africa. • Sea Sirens
out why. Avoid jumping to Next in line will be Edward TOPS Sea Sirens meet in
conclusions. Tonight be with Chaffee, retired director or KH!ybrooke School, C o s ta
one who attracta you. curriculum for Los An~eles Mesa, every Wednesday at 7
IF TODAY IS y O U R City Schools, who will present p.m.
BIRTHDAY you are a natura11jiliiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
The bridegroom-elect is a
graduate of Costa Mesa High
School and Is serving with
the U.S. Navy in Long Beach.
The Vietnam veteran, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. Le wan
of Costa Mesa, will continue
his education at Orange Coast
College when he i! discharg·
Executive Dinner Club
A chance to sample exotic
cuisine from many countries
' of the world will be offered
when Insurance Women of
Orange County host an in·
ternational buffet dinner Fri· day, Feb. 18.
e1.eeutive, but you prefer I
working behind the scenes.
Added responsibility due along
with greater rewards. If
single, marriage ls on horizon. DlnemUub GENERAL TENDENCIES:
Brid .. lect
Topic South America
Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. will
begin the evening in
Friedema.nn Banquet H a 11 ,
Orange, which will include a
Cycle high for CANCER, LEO.
Special word to ARIES : finish
what you start.
Seasoned lraveler Grant C. h Ill . th white elephant auction. w o w give e invocation. At a reeent me e ' I n g ro find wt wtio'• tuo:.., 1or vou
B II 'II d' M be d ~ In m_., •nd IDY~.'!d.,. S'l'dfl!!'.
Claire Maunders Wins
Nursing Scholarsh ip
u er w1 1scuss South em rs an guesta may delegates were chosen for the am.rr1 ~wt, "-s:.i ~i'il, •r.
American counlries with. the obtain reservations by calling Region VIII conference to take ~~" &nd cent~.-·~·· ur i Ex r D' Cl b f MissF Rand I h ICl"lh,c'lttt o'A1L1Y OT, Olla ecu Ive inner u 0 r--'-''"'""===O:cP:::·..:19:.:1-..:1:::630:::_· __.!P~la~c".:e~M~.arc~h~l~l-!l'~i~n~S~an:;J~o~se::·_J!.;.~?'.·'.!!~!l·<[r'::'."':'..:":::':....:·::~:_.:v::w. Orange Coast Thursday, Feb.
27, in the Newporter Inn .
During his recent trip to
Argentina, Brazil. Chile, Peru
and Uruguay. Butler in·
l e r v i e w e d government of.
Miss Claire Maunders has school activities, grad~ and ficials and traveled to remote •---··-··ced as the winner lh nd d areas to obtain material for ui::o:.1.1 ..... """'. a ousa -wor e s s a y his of a nursings ch o 1 a rs hi" lecture. Y ouUining why the individual -J spon.wred by the South Coast ·rne speaker bureau director
Junior Woman's Club of Foun· wished to be a nurse. for Pan American Airways,
lain Valley, according to Mrs. The $2S prize will be he has received awards for
George O'Hare, h e a I t h presented during an assembly hls lectures and books on
chalrman. in the high school next month. world affairs.
The daughter of Mr. and Miss Maunders will be the Cree ling guests at the 6
Mrs. Ernest Maunders of Hun-club's entrant in district com· to 7 p.m. social hour will
Un~ Beach will attend petition which will make her be Mr. and M:rs. L 0 y s
Orange Coast College where eligible for a $200 award. She Griswo ld and ~1r. and Mrs.
she will study nuning. will be competin11 with en· Paul Hill.
Judging the contest wtre tranls from 13 other clubs Warren 1'-1organ, president,
members of the scholanhlp comprising Los C e r r i t o s also will welcome participants
committee of Fountain Valley , -;;D;;;~;;;tr;;;k;;;l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;nd;;;;;;ln;;;lr;;;od;;;u;;;c;;e ;;M;;;;;"·;;J;ioh;ini;;Turi;;;;~kl High School, and the winner 1r
wu selected on the basis of
four hand lotion
is llairty years
behind the times
'Ai• you setting ofl djrt
borilbs and starting
'torotdOf.9, then trying to
"lll•ke it up to your Lands
,nth • lotion that wun 't
meant for •nything
llrooger than the eJlects
o( aoap and water?
Vadra i1 the h•nd
jo(joa, that b.lpo """"'
4o !lki.a what powerful
_ • deuenltrip1way. Com·
~ with:Aloe, tho
tlei,of)'• moistarj1ing
,f.;J~f; Vedt1 emooth .. ubiltma. Vcdra Locioo,
1.00, CrWi l .50. ,
I See by Today 's
Want Ads
• T"'O Can Live 01eaper
lhan One:
\Vortcing nN'ds • room.
ntale, for a new, furnished
~ 'bt-<lroom 2 bath house.
UtilHies are paid, and
lhl're'• a washer and dry-
C'r Included, in the F~
ta.in Valley area, e Unlike\)' Find:
A gurprlsingty low rent for
the Newport Beach &r"P&
.•. two bedrooms, large
fenced yard, and enclosed
gange. for only $100 mo.
• Be61s Taxes!
A never liwd in, '69 Bud-
dy tni.Oer, 24x60. Two bed·
rooms. two baths, family
room. Full length patio
itwning, csrport, raise<l
porch & skirt. Read.v to
n1ove ln, loc11.tcd In a1 new
ndult J)Qrit, Full price, in·
eluding tax & llceMt', 1s su.cwn.
Fl'.\:E Fl H>.!Tl.H L
PASADBNA: OUlot o1o~at SI N'.-
POMONA : Solt. -ol Gtlft)"
SAN'rA .A.KA1 Kaia a& 's• no •
.adds ·
re to
their menu ••.
aub IS
I lnteniatlonale.
3 Great Foreign Vacatiom
For One Very Low Price
ll!nm<» ___ .._i ........... OQ<.Or
crcclit card. Ibo w.,wm mu OD a cmm. ooeu.
Cub ad Dooir, QDb mm.. c:rtdle. 1'be daoioe" )'Qm. -... _~._...._ ~~ ...... .,...,___.
-. dob.1iiT., &..""'"' ........ .All .. -
)'OllOCl3 :'cita.~ pUS"C.vnaJet~
Clllfl • Jf*: lor the lte:rl Supedar ............ .t.sc. ..
3yem CO~Yaiooi aommet..a 1wb •-'-snd Hrnii. lpOClll ... h l 'r1cdpi"i:ii
-•IDQab lnfrma= ---. ~~m'~.J!L~ ber, Yoar3kreliaftelltiom jtiUi~ ~a:bj;_ ·.
anJ paid for in 36moatb.IJ W1•4lfJ•t1io i:hlpCllr...,.. -m. ~crf s.w per 1n JOllf -au ...-o1111. _..y ___ ... _ ... __
-•-bJtber.11 ---· ICIOUICCll ol r... CJD1i. w£xl ~~-JOI
JU-llntORd.....i ...... 1ar--11o-ur dq ..-o..,.,..,.,, IDd Han1t ,..'ril --s · .... ____ .......... -------·· I ,. >a CLUI INTER NA TIONALI
401 Norft l l"Mkhurst, An.helm (tm1) ,....,.: ~ ., l»-lat
I Plmc aml mo JOCll' Fno Cub IntcrmtklDllo brodrutc st
ID COit er obfipdo-1 ::_* __________ _
11~ .. ---
•• ' -
... =· .. -tcl <•».""'
8 C N ... 11 Wilt (ct (tD)
.......... (C} (90) Soul
..... Ja._ Bnlllilfl, lldl1 lluon,
ltidl Ffaidl trMI tuOf V• fMl
D 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE-(C) * Ri<hlrd Wldrnat1c, Henry
fonda-''Warlock"-1'1<1 II
D • O'a.ct ""* (C) "W•· ._.. (....in) ·~iclll1d Wld·
Mm, HfflfY FO!ldl, Dorothy Mt· -· ID I '" (C) (00) ·-!Cl (31)1 llm ...,. "-! (30) "Folk Sonat."
fric1 Nw1111n plfys th• 111lflr tlld tillo IOllll ol h.-fnorilt IOllp, ............
._""" .... tcl
• ... -tel (tO)
QI ...... -tcl (30)
9:M O QI (!) CIS ,,.,..._ (C) (!M>)
•'f!l1 £.xperim1nt." Ellen M. Violett
l :JI m Ywtaet " .. lotto. .. .... wrott this 90-minlrtt drama that Ill (C} {60) foc115e1 on 1 brilliant. ldullJtic,
Cl._.. Wttll Ttw Cblkl (C) 130} ''How Ctllklr111 LMrn." Marion Mtr·
11118 d~ WIJI pirtnb Cllt
""' tlltir f'tlllOMlbllity fDf PfO-'flfillC an lll'l'irllnll'lllll conducH. to .........
ti! Ill IE> cm -«1
1:0l IJ CIS &.M.1 .... (C) (30)1
liifl« """'""-I
0 IU9C •1 II tic:t (C) (.)())
CJ Wiid'• .., I.Mt! ft) (l{l)
m-tc1 <""
1£1 Tlle Fr9Mll CW (XI)
.......... at!! (C)
l!f),lrla • C--.llllCil (C)
11!1_, _ (C) .......
W (Id-ti) '18-Robtrt Ltnsi111,
Lii Mwlwtttt11.
non-contormin1 JOllllC xientlll ind
his heN-011 collision with ttle m1n-
1111s. lllOfH tnd monls Of tht »
u!led "Ubblislunenl" M. It
"Mlli:.I" Dout111 (11:1n ol Kn Dou1·
las), Tllhl Sttriin1 (dtulhl« of
Ann Sottltrn ind Robert Stlf1inJ),
B1rry :511Ui¥1n, ROMtNlry Mufl)lly,
Suiiin St!'a*'L .loh1 Asti11 1!1d
Slepht11 llrnob st11.
0 lflHil Ell"''° «> 1301
0 Nen fCl (30) l~ Ml)'tfJ.
m ... "'""'11w (30)
@[) Didie llotlallt
11:.10 fJ Prl&idtnl ltur (C) (JO) ID Tnllll • Ce:m4.....,. CC) (30)
O @OO IDTtnia:hl Slltw (C)
19""1 -(IOI •
ec...111111: .. <lO) ........... ,..,,.
l:tl GI 111111 CCI (JO)
........... a.c.
DAmll£ MOY1£S
0 MMK "TM Law n. IMIJ ...
lill" (wtSl.•11) 'M -Scott Bndy,
A11n Hile,
0 (jJ) (}) Ell "" bloJ (C)
m 1 lM llCJ
lZ:IO 11 Mwie: ...... re, MJ Lt¥tl("
(suspenw) '52-Roblrt Rytn, kll
I:JO fJ lttwie: "f'll ~" (in)'ltll'J)
'51--Mid&IJ RooMf', SllllJ fornll..
m .ut.lia:M -....: "Tiie tilbM
Story,~ "Thi Ylllolr TOftllhnk" 1M
"Aaliped -l>Mltf,"
(4~mt) '55--.>tMll'« Jo11t1, RoOlft
'"" 12:.JD ID "Plris Aftlr lilt" fdf11111) '43
-Gtort• S.ndtri. "TM M11 WM
Wllktlll AINI" (('QMdy) '45--W•l-
I« .......
2:00 m.......,. k:t" (lltYUl') ·•1-
IMlit Brook1,. RGll«t P1l1t.
f;>v11lily P.H.tl11t 11M 011,..M•bl• S11,.ic11
fir ... ,., ff1111 • 011•rt.r •f • C.11tvry.
By John Miles
olltv l'ILOT J5
EAGER YOUTH -M. K. Douglas and Tisha
St~r~ing, above, star in "The Experiment," an
onginal drama in color on Channel 2 at 9:30 t°"6
night. Jt is a drama of young rebels in conflict
with the business establishment. Douglas is the
son of Kirk Douglas and Miss Sterling the daughter
of. Ann Sothern.
L-'>1....3<-----''---~----' ._ _ __,..,.____.f '3 i Our Heroine
Had Troubles
OlAV, Wl5E 6l/'I.. U:'O IEfTat 00 FOi a'>lE,
NOW WE"IE 60IN6 ec>so5 AWt .. IECAOSE?'W 60f
I TO 61¥E \IOI ,.. EMOll6M MOW TO 5ENO .,. MJ.
WOltKlM&-OVf1'! ,, f"« A. LOtl6 'lt$IT AT TNE
• ,NI.ARC.IA J\11..,S'o,J•s
6E"AOT'f 1.£SSoNS
!,Ve:. CAN I M?ll()V~
'(ovP.. APPEAflANCE }'
> 1i:.1 Of Now Jiii ..
LET~ TMCE .... OIT .. A.PPfllOH TO eveR¥-·
1WLM6 fl.sE, 'l'Oll'lf: LE~N6
lOll5ElF OVal TO ,...
By Harold Le Doux
By Ferd Johnson
HEY! 1 $All>
YEH·YEH··Hol.D Yl'l'-
A +liPPIE!
• ~lli'l'OJ
1t> 1\£ l'IOINT
By Tom K. Ryan
By Gus Arriola
J ·lt" ,
NEW YORK (AP) -Gee whiz, ll you weren't
tuned in l<> ABC Monday night, you just wouldn't
believe what an ordeal Barbara Stanwyck had.
"The Big Valley" bas been around for the past
several seasons with Miss stanwyck pl~ying the
matriarch of the rich, elegant Barkley family. She
has had some extrordinary adventures over the
years, but the situations dreamed up for her in the
last episode looked -and played -like a very
early silent movie.
our heroine, it seems, was a member ot the
prison reform board determined to expose dreada
ful conditions in one parti.ctularly corrupt hell hole.
So Madame Barkley staged a fake robbery, was
caught and shipped off to the prison under the
name of Nell Hanley, conunon thief.
MY GOODNESS, that prison was a teirible
place - a venal warden with a prisoner for his
doxy, a brutal guard, a mad w~man in chain~ -
and brave Victoria Barkley slaving over the prlSon
wash tub.
Ultimately she collapsed with the fever while
weeding lettuce in a driving rainstorm and in a sub--
sequent delirium, revealed her true identity. Mean-
while there were moments when she was dragging
herself around in leg irons and suffering a lot. But
her son arrived jwt in time for the final shoot-out.
He killed the corrupt warden and, I suspect, drown-
ed the brutal g11anl as Victoria -wbooe make up
and hair do had sunrived. everything up to this
point floundered around in .a lake. fr IS WIDELY rumored that "The Big Val·
Iey," which is foundering somewhere in the~
third of the most recent Nielsen report, has Just
about .run its course. Stories like the Monday night
piece are, of course, melodrama1ic trash, but Miss
Stanwyck an excellent actress and real pro, work·
ed her w~y through the nonsense as if it were a
real classic, thereby giving it a little dignity it
didn't deserVe .
Earlier on the same network's "The Outcasts,"
another western-type series that probably doesn't
have much of a future, there was that series' usual
stress on differences between whites and Negroes .
THE STORY bad Jemal, the Negro bounty
hunter and cohero, suspected of murder -as he ~s
in just about every other episode, it seems. But this
time there was a rare-for-television switch; the
real villain of the piece was another Negro, a
former slave of the cohero Earl Corey, who is sup-
posed to be a Southern aristocrat turned bounty
The last time this viewer recalls seein~ a
thoroughly evil Negro villain in a TV series was in
an "l Spy" episode and hero Bill Cosby caught
up with him.
Although '"The Outcasts" makes a great thing
of the black-white relationship, the story lines sug-
gest it is more · window-dressing for a Western in
the classic mold with just a bit more violence than
most are going in Cor this season.
IN THE MOST recent Nielsen ratings, tor the
two week period ending Feb. 9, the new CBS "Glen
Campbell Hour" ranked ninth in the top 10 list.
NBC's "Laugh.Jn'' was as usual in [4°st place, [ol·
lowed by CBS's (jGomer Pyle".
Detani.s the Menace
'Wi 011111'1' WAii!" JO llllIP 1llE Jilli~ QI W lllXlll.0
----------------~ -----
II uAll.Y riLOT
i.rou NO'nCE Carmel Signed
c.11:1T1,..u.;t::i .....-ROU.YWOOD {UPl)
-- -ftopr C. Carmel o1 Ll&Ufll ~..,.-::.T....:. ~ C:: Bttch, who left tbe ''Mothers-
...._ { .. (:N'.,.._,) It Al W•I in-law" t.e1tvialon series, will
'lftfl. Coll• MeM. c.'""""" ~ ""'
Lifting The f;urtain
~ ttrm -" """OPOS F~ play a ~te.r role in •~uTV •.,..MW flrllt 11 .,.,,.... ''Skulldu~" 11 IJnlvenal "' ,... ......... -.-..... --Red Beauty Flees to . West for Film
Ill "'" w ,i.e. " ,......_. ,,. wtth Bw1 di and SUsan •""°"""· .....,.., ~·~t ......... OOl'4ALD W. IAltLINO, t2lf'I ... "'aaa:. -·-.·
.-1 Dmoa. II T-. C1llfonill. !-::=:;;';;;==""======; J1utN1• sur •••L.1No. ""2 .. ,.,II' Would you believe an actress O::.'i'~~J~,.c••!fllrftle. i •DW&llD• ~ born of Russian parents, rai&-
OONAl-D W, IAllLING -51 ...
Jl!!NNll!! SUE IAkL.INO ••• , £jl II ~l'.t1'\.0~.<t~:·::~~, .. : u 0}'0 BALBOA °"' "*"-"' 1i. ..... ....,.. ""' ---=Haa-"" · 673-4048 1 Ntt9n' f'ul!Hc '" ltW flor 1.1!0 CO\lntll • n • an11 ...... "r-llY ,_..,_,. OONAl.D llMIDl• ....... CDIU. ..... MCMW..•,OJ
W • ._,ltL.INO 9!M1 JINMll SUE lAkl, ---·-------OPEN '"°· .,_.,, to IM -" ""' .,...,. NOW THIU TUUDAY 6:"5 ...... _,.. ,,. ""'*'"* "' "" "' .... .... w!W'llll ..... ~ ....... e<klwwlMMf .. ..,. __ ......... . -tMt ,,.,. .~ ,.... .. ,.,., -
WltMu '"' MINI allll -L COFJ<tCIAL S!ALI .........
Nol11"'1' Publlc-Cll.tteml9 f'rlndHI Olnat In
LOI Arleeltl c.rtY
M'I C9nvnlWWI lfQlrw .Juhr f1, .,,.
MH« PIM!"*' Of'911M Ca11t DtllY Piiot, .......,. 1a. 11 ,,.. Mlfdl 4. n, -....
,.... 1111dtrSllntd ... ctl1ffY tit ..
COftducllfll I bu1lna1 11 lt'll P~n1,
Co1M M-. C•lli.mla. undtr ttlt tJc.
tit'°"' """ 1'1-oi' QUILTElt IOUHO
COMP.AMY Incl tMI 1114 fl"" .. -Posed of t!1t f!llloWIM -., w'-t
NITllS 11'1 fl.Ill 11NI 11Kei of rffldel'l<ll
•r1 11 followt: PATltlCK H. QU•LTElt. 1'd emer11d
.... ~ ... ell, Cltlflltlli..
\.lmlttd P•r r1: ELIZA• TH H. OUILTEll, 1'IN El'ntl'91d 111y, 1...ff11n1 llt1dl, Cll!Nrl'll1.
e"*''"' """' ~"' 11 .. d'I. c.111om11. 0.1911 FtMwf"I' 11, 1"9 PATll\CI( H. QUILTEll
St1N oi' C1llfornl1, Or•"" Coun!V•
On , .... ,., 17. '"'· bef11 ... -· • Notll"l' Pllbllc 111 llNI for 111d St•,._
"rlOlllllr 1-1rtd PATRICK H .
QUILTER ltMWft '9 me to be t~
..,_ whosl lltfM \1 1ub1Cl'lbed fo
h wtthlll loMtNrllll'll 11'111 lcknDWlldfflf
"' encvtld ""' 11rne. !OFFICIAL SEAL)
MlrY IC. Htllfl'
Holtfl' Pullllc-C1lffor11!1
Prll!CINI ona lft °''"'"' COlll'ltv MY Commlulon E..iret Nowmt.er 24. ltn pllb/ltllld Ori.... Coll! DtllY Piiot,
FtbnlltY 1.. 25 1rid Mlrcfl 4, 11, ,.., »'.I.ft
NOTIC• O" T•vn•••s SAL• T.S. N .. lnl
II llm•
. I ' I :
• I
.. . I \ ~ ' ,,
··---· I acheL rachal
w •• • ril
Sllem 7:00 9IMI t :IS
..... 7:15 •114 t:-40
1 !'!.~~-·-·I' IOHPH E. l,EV~E --MIKE NICHOLS
l<H -'\!CO EMBASSY fUI C<l.OR .. .....,._ .. ...,, ...... ,. ...
Y•l'llce Fntl~al Wl11ner
NllW'Ol"f I ll.al -al IM •""••-
.. '•"""-• LW• 11!. -ot. 1-IUO
ed ln Poland, who stirred In
East BerUn, e.scaped the Iron
Curtain and now Jons• to
There ls such a dlngallng.
Her name is Ingrid Pitt and
she plays a top role with
Richard Burton and Clint
... ,.-........
MIA ·~•ow
fil Un111tf Al't1"'a 1
ALSO; Stoel! Car lach11
Eutwood ln a new movle.
Ingrid Pill undmlandably
changed btr name from Irena
Plttrowna. Wltb her old name
she thought Western audiences
would be convinced her talents
were limited to playing Mata
Harl or a rutabaga picker
on a collective farm.
Our heroine ls ash blonde,
bt:autilul and possessed of an
accent that might cause one
to ml!lake her for 1..sa z,,a,
Unllke Zsa Zsa, however,
Ingrid has no interest -sbe
S!)'I -in money, diamoodl,
haute couture and other status
symbols of the Western world,
presumably including the right
lo bad-mouth Charles de
Gaulle. • Raised under communism
since birth, Ingrid claims she
ls apolitical, lifting lhe old
Latin -phrase: "Where you're
well off is your fatherland."
Right now she has a West
German passport, a flag in
London and a desire tG live
1n Spain.
"My passport, unlike an
American passport, will allow
me to travel to any country
in the world," lngrid said
What about East Germany,
she was asked.
"Ob, I forgot about th al,"
Ingrid lauiibed. "I guess I
can't travel there."
Although she is proud or
her role with Burton and
Eastwood in MGM's "Where
Eagles Dare," Miss Pitt
thinks the Russians are mak •
Ing interesting pictures and
she would like to visit Moscow
to work in a film.
Muscovite producers so far
have shown no overwhelming
panic to sign her up. Perhaps
tbat is because she speaks
no Russian although she
claims fluency in English,
German and Spanish.
Oii Mllrd'I f , 1Hf •I 11 :• .. clodt
A M. 1t tM front offltl 111!r911ct to sicut'llY Title 1n.ur1nc1 eon.iinr. W
Nortl'I ll'HdW•Y Ill th4I Clf'I' of S1nt1
Al\I. SI•.. of C1llfor11l1, SECURITY
'TITLE INSURANCE COM,ANV, • COf" "°"'"°"' •• Trwt" undl:r thl Olld at Tr111t •xeculed bY JOYCE M. HOLLI·
DAY, I widow rKOrdeod JUM 4. 1961
11 OOcurMnt 1111. lOU 111 book. 1611,
""' 516 vf on1ct1I Recof'lh '" tM afflt'I llf tlll' R--6M' llf Or11'111f Countv,
C1!itol'lll1, bf' rtl "°" ol o.f1111! 111 IM .,..,,...et!! or perfOrll'ltntti of obll91lloll1 ~ ttltfftlr lncludlllf ttit br11d'I
11r Cllf•vll, nettct of which w11 rKOrded HOYtl'l'llMr L 1961 11 lloevmflll nD.
fJ'QS In book 17tl, Piii n7 of .Uld
Oftlcltl RKOffh, Wiii .... at PllOLlc
•lld'IOll tor etth, wlltlOlll w1rr1n,.,. ••
.,, ntie. -$t1•1oll· Ill" encumbr1Me1. the lllterHI CMYWld to .. Id TrV1lM
tiy llkl DI.cl of Trvtf In Pl'OPlrf'Y
s lN-1118 11'1 ttM1 Cltv of Mew111rt 8ead'I. coun,.,. or or1,..., s1111 of C1IHor11t1,
'8Ultl«I •• Loi 1 !ft lllock l•I of Carlll!t' "'1
ff<tr, Ill the Clf'I of NtWPOrl 8eldl,
11 .,_,. on • ,.,.., fllerllOf recorOtd
111 booll 3, '''U ~l ..,cl '2, Mltceli.-MllPlo recordl of 11111
Or•-Counhl. ,..
fllr tM '"'"""" of ,..,.1119 obli11t wcur" b'I' .. ld DI.cl of Tr1111. 011H F1brutrv 10, 1"9 SECUlllTY TLT\.I!
sr J .. 11. A..-r-, ••• , Anllfll'll Vlct-P"" _,,
p b\~ Ntlll'POl'f 141m.r N-Prim ir_:'bliwd wllfl Ollh' Piiot, HIWPOrf
l!Mct\o CiUforftla. Ftbrulfl' 11, II, 1J, "" ,,...
• • •UCH . AT CLLIS • 4
Pllllttwoly IEads Tuetday
Dean Martin
Matinff Wednesday
1 P.M.
swings FRE( llfllSHMINTS
¥&.-(,: Th~ 11~~~~-~ltll~OC~<Jl~lO~·~~MG~M~k~M~A~T~. ~·~·M~l~SS~IO~·~·~"·~·~J.11
Wrecking .
Tolllte .t 6:1H 9:5 5
. ..
DAILY PILOT lfflft .......
Rancho Players (from left) Linda R yan, Pat Neederman, Michael Cratg
'Night of Jan. 16th'
Rancho Courtroom Drama
Places Accent on Comedy
Of 1'hl DILiy Piiot Sitt!
The Gbjective in the Rancho
Community P I a y e r s ' prG-
ductiGn o( Ayn Rand's "Night
of January 16th" appears to
be not the creation of a tense Uii
caurtroom atmosphere, but the
entertainment of as many peG-
ple as possible.
There is an almost em-
barrassing levity about the
Mission Viejo group's versiGn
of this mel<ldramatic chestnut
that automatically forgoes its
suspense potential and instead
accents its comlc possibilities.
In this vein it Is abetted by
some laughable moments not
inherent in Its script.
Purists will wince, but the
majority <>f its audience will
relish this production -up-
dated in locale, but wilh all
Its forties cliches left Intact.
deceased, and Linda Ryan, the
stripper who tosses off her
c!lche-cluttered 11 n e s as
though she were born to them •
Bob Jablonski provides a
menacing effect as t h e
gangster and conspirator, Lar·
ry Re g a n, althoogh hit by
a momentary attack o l
"NIOHT 0" J .. NVA•Y lfTH"
A dr1m1 bY Ayn Rind, dlretlt4
by HOWtrd $Olar'llon, ltd'lnk.11 dlrKtlll" Art Garclon, t!t1'111"9 bY C•rolt Ntu1t1dt tnd Colleen UIMI', c.ot~ Irr Jun,,.
Hlrtch, PteH1111N bY 1'ht ll•ncho Cllm-
munflY Pl•r••• F..ti. n end Merell l and I ri tht Ml1llolt Vl•la Hlth
cOOal •ud 1wr.ri CAIT
Ktrtn Andre ..••• , ..••• JMMtN •• ~ ... Dl1lrld Alf<ll'"lllY llnt ..• Gew11 S/lulli Dtlftnff' Attarnrf St.VMK.Cl•tk F1rrtll NllKY LM l'•vlkMr. Mikki P.nn1119klft John Gr1h1m Wl'llltl1ld .. Ro11 S!tnlftld J11dt1 H111t! ••.•••.•..••.• , Dedie Cr Mt L1rrv Resin ....••••••... Solo J1bl111111kl
~~~ Jfv':.~1.:'.: ::: :ii:1~"'.:JJ,;,•~= Mrs. Hllfdll"1 ..•••.•••.. Jes11 l'e-nWldr
Jant ChtrNl!tr ., .. •· ••.. Conn .. C1n1r• Elmer Sw"'n~r .• ,.Rl(:h1rd S11rl1111tr HorTJef" V•" FIMI ••••.••.• Jeck ICltllOl'I Dr~.Klrklt"d ....... Lind" LClflll/i' .. flaaefll VIII R111111!1tr ••. Lindi YI" CDUrt tlerk .............. Loll Ptrl'" Fll"t's secrertrv •.•••• ,.o.ii. Ftnwd: rr~wr Crew AUO Crossword Puzzle
IntentiGnally <>r not, t h e
Rancho prGduction borders on
farce, with but a handful of
fine dramatic performances
One of e, and easily the
best of e show, is that of
Steven•' le<"•tl•tY •.• , .• Ju1nlt1 Htrrli S!etK111r1pl'ler ••••••.•• , •• Ltlldt Everta1t
PrllOft MltrOl'I ••..•••.•.. Jtll'l!'ll Hlrtefl Ballltf ................ '· ...••. Lft Waod
-"* sntt.NO'• ....... mtMCT,
•• • •• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVO. •
NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760
-Sheilah Graham
SHOW-$1.25 w Student Bod Card-10 o.m.
"DAZZLING! Oiice )'OU see i~ you11 never again picture
'Rameo & Julief quite the way you did before!" -UFE
---·--f'iwtool.EmREW -· RoMEO
'e'JUUET .
.......... --..... ·----
•••• SAT. SUN.
SWISS FAMILY •OllNSON 1J:J0-4·7:41·11 :1t
COUGAl.J:41-6:JO Ii t ill
37 Deal out
J'f Grow less
4'0 Produce '12 Off 011e's
'11 Telephone I comp1ny
employee 44 Clergymen
'4fi Sori ol: Scot. 47 lndeperid· j ently
48 lncapacJ.
lated: Br it. Slang
49 Foot
Ir ave Irr
SO Sk in: Suffix
5) Habltual
course or feeding
55 Prtpeslllon
56 Man's n111e S1 C«tal's
fruiting ti.ads 60 Lettn
JeanneUe Baker as the ac·
cused murderess Karen An·
drc. Played as a snappish,
bitter and vindictive shrew,
she is particularly effective
in her second act break.dawn
scene \\'hen the course of the
play takes a sharp 180-degree
1-fowever, the primary
missi9n Gf manipulating the
play's events falls to the op-
JX!Sing attorneys, and neither
possesses the strength and
assurance required to in·
fluence a verdict. George
Shultz as the prosecutor is
crisp and precise, but lacks
authority and 'affinity with his.
character. Clark Farrell for
the defense ls stronger, but
more erratic, tending toward
lapses of timing in crucial
Mikki Pennington as the
bereaved widow scores only
in her scenes of emotional
stress, while less impressive
in her "straighter" lines. As
her financier father, Ross
Stanfield is weak in his role
and inarticulate in his anger.
Strongest in a series of
cameo performers parading to
the witness stand are Pat
Neederman, obviously enrap-
tured with her role as the
Swedish servant; Jack
Kiel.son, flip and casual as
a private eye straight from
the pages of a quarter novel ;
Michael Craig as the ru&tic
and dedicated employe of lhe
amnesia on Saturday. Jean
Fenwick is a litUe too ef·
fective playing a role ot>-
vicioosly written for a NegrG
without changing an inflection.
O t h e r s giving less im·
pressive accounts are Connie
Cassaro as a handwriting f:X·
pert, Richard Springer as the
ove.rtflthusla.stic CGp, Linda
LongCellow in the unlikely role
of a pathologist and Lee Wood,
who manages to fluff the &ame
1ine three Umes as the bailiff.
There are others, too many
others really, including a
secretary for each attorney,
one of whom twice stroll!
between one of the lawyers
and a witness as she leaves
the courtroom. After 1 few
little slips like these, the chan·
ces for dramatic involvement
diminish rapidly.
0As mentioned before. au·
dlences will klve St
Saturday's did to the v:tent
of applauding virtually every
exit. In fact, It has been ex-
tended fGr an extra night,
March 8, to handle the ad·
vance reservations. It could
easily become the belt bad
play <>f the year.
Forewarned, theatergoers
may catch it nexl Friday and
Saturday, « that Iinal
performance, at the Mllalon
Vi<jo Hlgb Sdlool auditorium.
After Iha~ hopefully, "Night
of January 16th" will be laJd
to rest for at least another
'Theater Nouveau' Set
At Cal State Fullerton
Additional a s p e c t s of
Theater Nouveau, the title
colned by Cal State Fullerton
thespians for thelr 1968-69
season, wlll be revealed in
five major spring productions
and a variety of other plays.
Set for the Uttle "lbeater
are "The House of Bernarda
Alba," March 12-IS: "Twelfth
Nl~ht," April 16-20; Dance
' ..
Th<ater.Sprlng, May a.11: and
"Philadelphia. Hert I Come"
May 21-25. Curtain time .ia
8:30 p.m.
Th< IUth majot' J>l?luCUOO.
"Land of the Dragon." is a
Chinese fantasy a 1 me 4
primarily 11 chllmn. II lo
schedultd for 10 a.m .. I p.m.
and lp.m. ptrfonnances Ap<il
W In Recital Hall.
... •
" " n.
a • ,,.
1 I
·~ "' >M
~ "" "'
<W "" ·ell -,.
='~, '" ... "" "' '" -.. ;~
·r11 -~ ..
lie ...
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al •• m.
n4 ••
... • •d
~-----,. . .._. .... ~ . :..;~ .. ====~~ ... ;....--.--~~=·"'·""· .=~ .. -:::r:;;:-;-;-:;; .. r.r·::-::.::c.-:-;:;::·:;'"::;-::::::;::--::_-::_;::n:w1r.o::o:o:-;: ... ::_::::,.;::-::.,;:.-;:_"·",...,""·"-'"'"'c' =·-"'·"··=="-='""""""''r;:.ra .. :::.r-1.-;_:r.1s_...,._&P.-*"""""'""'"""'"'"'"'"'"--"''s"'"'·"'· """'""·'""""'"'""
,.....,,, NrllllY 15, 1'69
HOUSll l'Olt ua-I
' IGOO Qonoffl 1000 -·I 1000 1 .. 1.. 12Mlm.. ,.,,. .... Vali., 1411
16tt. & Tustin -Cooto Mota
Excellent location, near acllooll, •!»pplng
and beach. Only a few lefL Buy now while
Interest rates are only -- -
1'/. with 20% down -7'11% wltt. 10'/. On.
no 2nd -no polfth: -29 yrs on biilanca
Priced from $30,850 to $33, 950
Exclusive Aaent
• , p. a. palmer Incorporated
Troct Ph: 545113
Cost!! Mesa
3 BRs + iamily room, 2%
tbalha:, double patios, expen.
'.live carpeta & drapes, auto.
matic garage door openera,
aprinklers front & renr. Call
'l>dw to see.
• $32,500
Like new on % acre, com-
pletely block wall fenced.
Each unit has 2 full baths,
FA heat, fully carpeted &
1eparate wa&h rooms. M-
lwne 6.6 financing • no loan ...
$840/Mo Income
2 Story Rustic
Fo"rmal Slate Entry
Large living room with brick
q b~ .tirepla,ce, Laree
famUy room wtth its own
fireplace + bar. Charmine
kitchen with built Ins + diah-
w '.lhe:r. Dlninl area, pat
muter with private bath.
F"orced air heatfne. 3 baths,
WEe hea~ pool with dlvin&
boa.rd. Near everythillg +
the beach. OnJy $36.950. * Almost New *
3 + Family + Den
Double door marbel entr)'.
Large li~ room with mu.-
&ive 1to11e fireplace. Dream
kitchen with dining area.
Huge step down family room
with wet bar and bath.
Large maater with prlva~
bath & load!! or closets. 3
car garage. FORREST E.
o~. 64.>030.1. m HAR-
Three Wishes
U peace, comfort. location
are important to you, look
thi& over. Convenient to
Newport He i g.b ts grade
school, and all sboppln&. 2
blks to new park. Only
$25,500; and all these. "plus"
features. 3 bedroorna. 2
bathS, fireplace, cpa. and
drapes, double garage, con-
crete drive, iail:e fenced
back yard on 50xl30 Fr. R-2 wr. There is not to much 2 Story available m UU. part ol Mediterranean eastside C.l' .. t. 1-1~. OWN·
Call and see this Beauty? 3 ER, WILLSEIJ..FHA!!
Large Bedrooms plus 21Ai --~~'~=c,-'""",-;,
Baths. 1Iaster suite with Like A Picture Book
fireplace and balcony with Nestled on a tree-lined cul-
view. High pile wall to wall de-sac street with 3 Bed-
carpets & drapes, Garden roomll, 2 baths, huge cowr-
kitcben, blt-ins, near pools, ed patio, block wall sur-
goU & tennis court. 2200 Sq. rounds the lush greenery.
ft. Priced ;36,MO -HWT)'! Kitchen features bulll·lns "
I'\! I.·\\ 11111
~· Ill\ Ill\\ l\!\l]\!11
!093 Baker, C.M.
First Time Offered!
Excellent condition, Leased
to July 1, 1969. 2 bedroom
lower, 1 bedrom upper unit
One block to Ocean in Weit
Newport , •••••••.••• $41,00'.l
Bay & Beach
Realty, Inc.
901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221
645-2000 Eves. 673.0479
Income Units
Monthly Income
W1ll1-McCardle, Rltrs.
1310 Newport mvd., C.M.
548-1129 E:Vft, &'4-0034
hu,re eating area. ~ aJ
$26,600 and all tenns avail-
Walker & lee
7682 Edinger
M"l-4455 or 540-5140
Open Daily tll 8:30 ------
john macnab
Luxury 2 Bedrooma &:: den,
or 3 Bedroom home. 2
baths, community Beach,
Pier & float, tennis court.
And Apt. could be built over
&arage •• , • • • • • • • • • $59,500
Shown by appl.
(714) 642-1235
901 Dover Drive, Suite 120
Newport Beach
Brand Spanking New 2025 \V. Balboa mvd., N.B.
Just completed -& just • 675-6000
short drive (for Palmer) to I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!l!i!!!l!!!!!ll!!!!!I
Mesa Verde's Illht Fabu· Govemment
Jou 2-level Custom home
now oHered by builder at Repossession
l&Crifice. 4 + lam rm, wet Completely refurbished 3 BR
bar etc. Hurry now! bome priced W8:I below mar.
546·SllO kct value at $17.~ with
rarcf*'9 thelf!tl total payment $145 mo.
AUm It IWbor,ClL
1600 sq ft. heavy shake roof,
patio, front kitchen -.nth
built-Ins. double overt. llll'g'C
t1rept11.ce in Hvire J"DOm, bl&'
bedrooms, Just rlaht for the
srowq lamlly. --
-farr-:, W -
4 welJ planned &: futnWied 2
bdrm unitJ; + l bdnn •
family room botlSe for ~
er's occupancy. Uve rcnl allcA Aobsi = ~.!'.:. m i mo. ......
,Qlder H°"" on larl• • ~'O .. ATS (35 x ~ ft.) lW Lot
I b!ook to Beach WALLACI
127.500 · REAL TORS
.leorge Wllllomson -~54~6><4"4141-"'11'"' (()pon E~lngsl
W"• .,.. .. cm.: u ,_ __ Nffd
Wormatlont ••• W•
bavt it!
646-7171 546-2113
5 * VAl.Ut: $20,951
BMutlful ~led
B/l kitchen wllb walnut cab.lnetl sets ott thi.I cholce 3 Bedroom with block
wall fence. -Nn dawn to veta -or
EHA-$1150 Down
Move In
4 Bedroom. 2 bath
family home ldtcb·
en bu elec. buUt· ins.-Slldlng 1llu
doors trom LR and Den.-to a covered patio.-$23,950.
lust $1500 down
Newport Helthts
No other home in
this area can bout ot dining room, kit-
chen nook, dllh-
washer and a 15x30
worQbop which
eould be converted
to a mammoth play-
room. -Room for
camper or boat. -$26,500 -uw. down
646-7171 546-2113
Abandoned by
transferred owner.
Spacious 1 iv in&
room with open
beam celllng-2 brlck fireplaces. Move Jn tomorrow. -
Mesa del M•r
Nestled in quiet,
e cul-de-sac. 3
m, 2 bath with famjly and
laundry rooms. Blt-
in kitchen all rdln-ished. Big ovenae
back yard. -
Large family will
have room to roam. 5 bedrooms 3 baths,
1 block from N.H.
Yacht Club, 1 block
to bee.ch. Lou of
privacy on this dou·
ble R-'2 lot.
$5000 to $69 ,500
Sparkling bright
clean describes this 3 bed.room plus fam-
~fo! ~
poo completely
fenced plus laree
separate kiddies
play area.-
20 Profeulonala To Serve You!
Ideally located c]05e
to schools and shop-
ping. 3 mammoth
bedrooms 3 baths,
formal dining room.
All .new carpets and drapes, and • park-
like. y11t'd.
Hor1UI Hone1l
Santa Ana H'1ghu.
66x200 with 2 bed-
room home + 2 car garage. Completely
fenced. Great terms.
cau or comt' in. We
have all VA and
FHA information.
Appr'Md $22,250
No down to VeU.-
Immediate po88HS·
sion. 3 Bedrooms, 2
baths, has large llv·
lng room with fl~
place, carpet. and
clrapn-.$1400 down
to all $22,250 cov'L
Quiet H1ven
3 Bedroonu, 2
baths in a quiet
non-traffic 1treet-
fOZY living room with brick CreplaC!t kitchen with au
electric built-lns 1-• dand1' buy at $26,900 with 10%
down. Chvntt will com.Ider trade fOI' 3
or 4 unit&.
Morodlth Gordon1
Decorator's dell&ht
with 5 apaclow: bed-
roonu with clmetl
galore. 3 Juxurloua
bath&. AU plua pool
with bot.rd and alld• -$51,900, a real ex-ecutive home.
646-7171 ...
r}i!·. ~J .:_..·"".1
E.·-; f/\TCI· ;:
2043 WatclW Drive ... Tlll Open Eva.
Last of ,..
Small Spenders
Here la CUltom chann for
... -..-Fn>m the wood ~ roof to the
stylized brick entry this eut-
skle home itw1 a wano
welcome. Larae panelled Uy.
in&' room with picture win-
dow and cbeerfUl wood bwn-
"" rm.d hearth flttplace. Brleht COWltr)' kitchen with
eating area. 2 larp ~
rooms plua converta.ble den.
Double detached prap with
alley aoceu. Extra parkinl
for boat Ol tralltt. Prictd
tor the speculatnr at $22,'l5Q.
Colesworthy & Co.
642-7777 OPEN EVES.
Four Bedrooms-
Move into this 1aJv tamDy
hOme today. 0oee to ~
ping, schools: and churcheL
J~t put on the market. this
one won't last. $U3 per
month includes taxes and ~
surance. ONLY $100 DOWN
total cub required!! t
Walker & Lee
View, 2 story, 4 bdrm + panelled den, for-
mal dln1na: with view,
breakfast nook. mani·
"""" -1ar&e home and lot.
$18,900 ,, .. -. . . 11 .. .:-,. .•.
Private Cove
· Estate
Magnificent 5 Bedroom home
with ''Elbow Room'' • Jo.
cated on nearly one acre
ot Ju.sh landtcapine. BeauU..
fu1 pool &:: patio. custom
decor .............. $139,5<0
Mrs. Harvey ........
CoNwell, llnker & Co. ..... Cellt......., ............ c .......
ltl Nll1 ·~
cute older units with 1arp
detached double & a r •I e.
Near schools .I: sboppin&.
$220 mo income. Aalume 6?'0
private loan.
$18,950 .. ,----·-
-'' ~ .. ·.~ .. * 642-1771 ·Anytlmo *
Two lharp boma 3 bedrooml
wltb hardwood !loon. One
hu $17,500 other bu $11.tOO
5% % loans. ThHe won't lut
-li~ER=N~1e!!".,' .....
R .. ltar
143 B':ft"'.:I 64Mlll
Ev"' 64M57'
Prime Comm11d1l
Comer 19th Ii: PQmona. C)f.
next to 18 ltol7 bid&:. FJve
•tores fulb' leued at S1005I
mo. Potential u:nlJmited.
$110.tQ> F/P -29" dawn &::
owner MD C&IT)' ht 'ID.
Genco Rlty Co. &a.4422
New 3 BR Unifi Ptnlnlula _ .... Ocwi • II<>
159.9'0. 1% ftnand ....
a.I .... RHI l1lote Co.
'100 E. BUboa Blvd .. Balboa
Oltiole mto
l5l3-C50 """.613-)$4 .,.~"!"!!!!.!~~!'l!'!'""''l--.ii<"ia;;iiii;t-~1 NEAR Tiit BEAat OCEANSIDI + dl»Jnc 6 buil•ln llltdlon. 4 Bod,_., -$23,750 <+FAMILY IU.000 ONTllE BEAat, NEAR EX· teo lot w/""'1 --.
LESS THAN RENT I w ... _, btdrooms + tam-a.u. ST. MALO. I"""" J Newpoct Hti«Ms '°' 121,500.
i baths. Full dlnl"I """"· 0y "'°"" .2 baths, buD•I,. Bh, 3 BA, 3 1' Gld·......., DAVIDSON ltNlty
carpeted. Sparkfts like a and breakfast bar Ltt dream built home. Unique in N. cit-s.6'60 £ve.. 54M5N
••.Te-A-el". Excellent artL kitchen. New custom drape&. t&l1. ~t undf bMclt. (--------
540-1720 wall to wall carpeta. Forced $87,500, LORETA MC CREA. IUllD'l' ...._.. ~
TARBEU. 2955 llarbor air htatirw. Room tor tx..t m:r. Ull A Hill st. town. 1111 DAJLt "1.oT
or trailer. !'tnced yard -ffi4) ?B-1161 D•wtfted .... I a ••
Oni>' IU'.)llO· e.n., """"'· nr Daill' Piiot Wut ...._ ""'"" -A .aon. Looi! won't las!· c..JI 645-0303 Dlal &12-5611 nnwl 11
Oily $1.650 DOWll
Tbtt. -. ii. --·111-...... ml own. dilbwuber, fDrcld air
beat. attracllve nll to wall
carpet._ Two car p.np,
W.. lo~ locatod on 1 tultt
cul • de • sac street. Owner
,....., lo Saa Dleff ll1d
wane. q\llclc ule. 1be fin.
a.ndnl ii' ell •t. An we ............ __
'MISAVlltOI J:::=::::;::;::::;::::::;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;;~J~y~~ .. =/~._::_ ..... '.:;;p~os,~I
A.sumo 5% PHA Loon TUITU IOCK HILLS ICI llUllllW
1t WO .-.. lo< 1wNrY u.. ON THI lltVINI RANCH S BR S baths, IBllO "I ft, Inc 1n this • BEDROOM, • Are now ouwc foe Pl•, their award wjn·
bath bN.ut'1 wttk FAMlLY
ROOM • ......., '°""'" ll1d ntng slnf!e • 1pllt-tevel 3 & 4 bedroom
lrplc, ........ __
Low down I: .... at.Uac
drapes v.1th tuWul """"' MODEL llOMU. loon. aw-wlil .., ell ...... room wlth RAISED
kitchen with load. of aq>o
boa.rd.r. &lhn!tt to new NO
DOWN VA or ntA. mm..
Walker & lee
Pelt Benell Re1Hy
fresh Ao A Sprint D1l1y
AD dftlMd up for a new
owntl'. CultDm quality en-
cudve bomt:: Formal dia-
!nr room, tam!IJ room. f
bdnm, 311 ..... ' -places. loveJ1 l•M"""in& 6
a chlld4afe pool far the lit·
tie onn. Not tease bold, For
llS.!00. i 16'1i Weotclllf Dr.
~~ 64Z·5200
These model bomeo are m•gniflcentb' •P-
Polnted with the very finest of ~ ilrapea -wallpopen; pluo every 'mod•I la
profeallonally llDdscaped, apecloJ wl]kwoys
a, patloo pnnll, one with swimlnlnc pooL
1'bele botDll 1n1 ploced on quite ll1'lt •
very prlnte Iota that moy be either ~
oi purcllaaed with • fl'lllll deed to ·full lµd
l4UGll or IG60l2
18115 DOWN
No 2ods. J4e. 4 BR. V....i.
qu1ck move-lo.
1140 warner AUe
Follow the stgm to TURTLE ROCK HILLS, 1-Uii1ts
1 mile Eut of the Unlwentty of Clllfornia Hondyman Spocl.al•
at Irvine, just off the lntenectlon of Campus Loe. "' o-.-" HWJ,
Ori" • CUJyer Drl•e. l50 ,.. "'°"' Beecl>. • ""
Apt. lllllts, -]lllnt .. / Tolo: Qs.1102 hr Purthor lntormt!IOft """'....,.id.._ PO-
Oonorol 1000 ... wporl Holgllts l!ID CEEDING ll0.000 ANNUAi.. ::.___ LY. Pr1co 181,9'0.
HOME AND MISSION REALTY fM<lm Oltmllldlnt View 11115 s.. 0out. Lacuna
GUIESTHOUSE s.e this ....... -'!!'al!!lifT~AL!"!s!l"""""'"""''"'I G= ~~ ri:: =:· 1~~ a~~:,~ -~H~Ol~U!!-~!:Pu~r'.!Mhod~~-1 room cue-t ... fer mother by nn, triple sar. Make otter In-tow. --lclt· ol $40.000. ltentalo to s111.. 2005
Chen, includ1rw 6bwuber. 4'. LADY alone wisbea to lbare
Wood b\lm!nr tiftpWe, Al-~··-'·· new bome "1th -mr two leyentra.noeforboatortall.. .. .__. ,_ .. ,_ ... __._ ..
er. A raN ftnd. Only $29.500. I I A L T T ~~5.'i&.~
51.lbmit yoor borne on our Near NB Post Ole. 641-2Cl4 4 PM .......... qade plan. ~C::::,~---~-
LovelyTahanaT.....,. ..... -with 3 Bedrooma, 2 bt.thl
beautilul llv!nr """" with SPECIAL I
WI Sl!LL A HOME PERSONiLtfY PLUS! WOMAN to share beout fl>m
IVIRY II MINUTES 3 er. 2 ea. New """' -~I~":"°..,";; Wa lker & lee ...... 1400 ...... o.t dbl u-..... -
stone finplaee • .Udtr • out ta private patio Just tilted. 2 Bedrooms each
pxit.atde tamUy nn and Unit. Near Ocean and Bhop..
pr w/ sllly ..,__ S,. ROOMMATE --20l3 Westclltt Drlvo ............. only. OIUM1 -pi U.11 .. share
646-Tlll Open"""" Newport Shorft 1220 CM. apt wlwn•. rn-3232,
•WU1Y pool-tide kitchen ping. i'ee almple. Divorce
neceuttatet quick aale at 5 BR-HELPI _ _,______ '"' m1"' ...._ ....
~ ••. -0~0,. .... 5 .,_ .._ ..,._, BY OWNER ch,. .-BR, det)o WORKING girl to share mw }OW maintenance )'lf'd ,_.._ _.., -'-ol on •-
artlsticall,y dellcned •••Ill' a .. ..,. ........ -·-o..u\11-• ,., Ullo1' uc • rvua plUI, nr. bea n. ... _ 3 -2 n. ....,.
home ii .pot1esa and Name your tmm.
-.. ..u.. 1111..a-r. -1·--1" far below mar. .,...,. "-~ --..... -u ~. &>oa. • --2 ""-125,500. --~ uw "' ··-··-1---~ tel at U8.m Brtnc )'OU!' 4. • ... ~ ... .,_ • .n.oi:w
152.500 ~: c.n, John Abell R I A L T Y
paint bruah aid aVe $$. ------~-""".".~ wanted. F.V. area. Ml-131!
Hurry?! $49.SOO!J Coron• .. Mir 1250 Woman with one ddld. abut:
Ra: l'JS.139 2125 W. Balbol. Blvd., N.B.
nice 2 BR home. S10 mcmlh. c..ta-......,.
Oil TAX SHELTER •-horft 222J
Thll -.borne <>!fen windine lta.bn.9e to t .,,, 0
muter bedrooms. 2 Batha.
Beautiful llfhlte b&k fire.
place. Lush carpetl I: drap.
es. Wet bar in Den. Try
$3,000 down taR over 11IA.
5% % of $l.IO mo. Fantutlc
Value at $26,500,
Walker & lee --· IG-4«i5 • 540-5140
Open Dl1lf til .,30
Only $159 a mo.
1bclud1zw taxes • lnMnnce ~ ! BR. 2 Ba. .eparate pm.
.... den, -lo .. w,,. ..... ......... ,,.,. hlP
=9 -Blv4, CM.
3 Bod-+ """' $21,000 VA no down, mini·
mwn down FHA. Covered
ICftt!ned in patio, formal
Well-bit 2 bdrm home cover-I :-=•=";;..;.;c.._ ___ _
ed ........... to sboppJnc.
Plua l Bdrm Furn Apt, nnt.
1nl for $1'5 per mo. A
worthwhile inYntment at
4 BR. 2 Ba. avail. now.
thnl June. Prlv. bcb,. 1m..
boat lllp. $21'5 Mo. ta--3863.
286111<>"'°" Dr., NB
Or•nge Cull ProportyC ·:.:o;;rona=.:;de;;l..:;Mo=•-.;;2250= "" ............ .,,._ -........ t!nr ll1d -floors with law down ANY-
ONE can auume this 5% ~
loan. CALL ON THIS ONE! d1nlnl: room, Ja:ze entry, -,.,.. .. ll1d -built-In lallooa ........ I :ioo
CdM NEWLY ftdec::, axnpl
tum. au. drpe. 1 Br, av.
.. bch, ..... Adults OO>IY.
reb nq, no peta. $155 mo
taJllfl .I: oftn. Top location. ...
293 E. 17th St. ~M 1 ·z:o=RR""O,.-,.H;.,o=us ...... ,
Mna del Ms ~ that out 11ettsr ,.t •
LaJp • br, 2 .... --... tbll 3 ,.., old, 3 BR. sreat family locatioll. Beaut 2 'BA home wt.th beauttU
Aab pU>elltW, new ,.mt, slid carpeta I: frelbb' paint.
cl099 to ~. Solid value ed.. Thill bame U vacant A
MINl°CUlE yrty ·"'· 613-1510
i:.,~ a::, .:.;::: Huntl!'!'!n ~ch 2400
ll1d a,ball bathl, ......... 3 BR. 2 Sty. eondo: Ill
Ip dblt prqe. Ntll' chu-b&., comp. turn. Qilldren
nel Uld public baach. A OK. $2111 lb 1225 Mo. :n2ll
J ...... -to 131.250. -Ln. H.B. 213,
BUltR WHITE, Rltr, 1 ::":;'°'""======! 2llJl Newp:irt Blvd., N.B. I·
'7MQO E-60-2253 V•--k 2900 at $27,950, ready for )'OQt lnl;lec:tlon. -·,~P~RINrlflg"rl'YG ~:::i =~ . .,..> BAY VllW ~~:::':1!"""0-::::::
DOYER SHORES Neu a.,. "' °'""' 2 Bd 1t"l-NTALLll1MI»
2 bath, 2 --· M • "anl/li!N• ~ "' built bylVAN lot LaJp lllDdecl<. room Ho-Unfvmhllell
-~-~a•-CM WELLS. Unequllld IDr.,W. ""·--· $38,500 -~ -~, . 1\7 I. eles:.,.,.. VIEW, f R. C. GREER, ltoll\Y Oonorol .00
DELUXE 4-PLiX Near Harbor High Bdnns. 3 bathl, atrium. I ;3355;V;to~Lldo;~~.,._;; I :~~~~;r~r One Wp S BR. 2 bath with 8urTOWJded by beaut I! u I Rey J, W•nl Ce. Owners Att.ationl
owered pa& A: Three 2 BR bomu. Redeciorated , all r.w (Baycrut Offtct) Do YoU have rentll antmt
2 bath lllllll. ldell t.r...,.. .,..,,.., phm>btnc, FA beat, IW -Dr. ,,._15511 lido ltlo 1UI W• ba,. ""°" -tram
::" .. ~ ... sbell .. Cl1I built ..... d'"1ble ......... $13,500 I---------,..... ... ~-·
new .,.,,,....., ..,... root, Just """' llnl ...,. ..,,.. Great Loc.tlon SUMMER • WINTER • Uio! $68,500 3 k!nrl1ud -2 bot>a. nwn. Oldw home lor,..... ANNUAL rentall l<i< ....._
Walk lb WNtclilf shoppq. "-'~ •·-· CbannJnc 3 BR. 2 BA homo Ploaa call '"" rental -Priced to .U. ed, uruna.1 uA.'UUIV penon. o· one ot L!do'1 prettiest and Rt us c1ft )'OU tbt RED
Newpert Rltr. 646-3828 or· IU-0195 s. this. 1treell. CARPI.Ttreatment-YlMI•
* LACHENMYER II. D. SU.TIS, llltr. 158000 ""''the best! ot
!41.J51B . Eves, !13&-1MO LIDO RIAL TY, INC. RED c.utPET lllty ON Mi ldEA Ctlt• -1100 3400 Vto Lido ..,,_ ~~~~JI.
ExdlrllYO Colrla 0... bmne • BY OWner 3 bdr, 1\1 ba,
-uowod livJnc • best lam rm, very cheap, _.. =':' ~-:: IRVINE TERRACE • 2 BR
-·--· = -=--= =--=--
Harbor Uft. 2 BR. 2 Ba. ftx1nc. $22,000. l'l5-07N a.ft -,. Two~· • deD. FantuHo Vkw, four Bedrooms • pdced lb sen tut at· l8I~ 4 $1ll,OOO • S BR 6 1 baeutllul .,,,..Utioc • mlJ
$ 50 By appt """' .;t'lk ~ per mo. 17,2 COftllN·MARTIN MeH Del t.\or 1105 3338 v1s'U: !l1S6200 BEAOON BAY _ s BR •
Move Into tbll W.. wnOy REAL TORS BHI Thlo l'ln.snclna ..... "' 3 Ba. Commuplty ::::• = '.:°.::.: 30161.CNstHwy,CdM C BR, 1% BA, 121,1111!, .ifs• BY oWll!r 2 Br, 1 ba, lrplc. baach, pier, -cout •
Juat' put M the nmtmt, ttu. ~ in& GI loan at 19'. $28,500 bltna, playnn A: ba. Beat $450 ~M:b RMI .. C:..
one -·t tut. IHf per -D price. 12,000 dn. "'· Ill Lido ""1 144.500. (n4) 64W235 v
""'""' """-...., 111o1 FAIULOUS IChl>o • .. ct" ""k:. =IT>Oall====== ~'!'!ll!!!!!!!!"'l"'!!!'"!"'~I "'Wi'Se.T1'~ ~.I Antottcally -5 bdrm Bob o....:. ~E 546$80 Huntl'J'!" ... sh 14qo !i ~.3 ;:;,,.• ~
EVERY 31 MINUTIS <bath_bo ..... lbed· -V-lllO 5~% ll)lorest Mar, J'I> ftlttll. Chet rvom 1u1taWe for maicl'• 5 Br 2 Ba M_,ed&I1ion, lath!! I: SalilbJry, Rlt:J 6'T.MllOD Walker & lee 'An:i:&'te•d .• oPSN HOUSE Lovely, ........ hi&.,.-.-1110; •BR.•ba. -
200 Weatcllft Dr. br, l ba, fam rm, new Cl'llts I: dlPI. 2"' car prqe, w/w, bltns. cbildre\1 OK. 389 E. 11th st., C.M. lhai crpf.(, hltns: beaut concrete drive, P\dl,J l&l'ld-Broker 5M-4910
Mf>.1Tll Op9n Jms. Realtors MS-Tm5 ln4tod w/.,.sdr 11)'1: boat acaped. Acceq to I acre I•---·-... .,..., -· 125.IOO °"""'· :we.mo perk....,...,, l'U'd. 2 m1ln -------,~I
Dlal 6C061I ~TS BY OWNtR -o1tei-lb Dlsjor .......... Walk to ~ -1100 Held • Gwt r, , • ....,
J'lDd • W1lb ..... edl ~ 4 b11r optlt i-I. all ICbools !nclllll!nr colleao. GOLD MEDALLION =========-========•I ll7.llO. -::":.!':. a-i. 2 BR"1lplex, ........ -•Geo!!!!!,..~"!•l!._ ___ 1~0~+~0!0..~-~~~r~ol!._ ___ 1~~~~!!_0 W•lnL
-c.t_;:i:: l'•il< 11 IS SHAKE llOOF 'Lt rte fwed yer4 1w ~ llAUTY <hll4Nn & pots.
3 BR a tam rm, ~ 1111, 2 Bdrm, 2 baths A hardwood Private iarace. au Paw.. ..... ..... ...,,.,,,.. ....... ....... tool Ema ..... lot ar!no. 549.J.7•
lot 113,000 at fll"· frlce -tnllft ~te. a.on ll1d AVIiiABLE on or ...... SollfoSIMJllo-...Slt'""'l'lmletor•C1141<1<1o $21,9'0. 2506 lAhlal> Pl. lbu\>. only 131,900 GI or ... ~. ··L • BR lM bltll Owner. H>-3571 nlA. tenna. Sec tldl oae IDl ~ .... JI. 1urel home ~ <l01'1l!r lot. lmzMc..
Poul -llulty ulate. $US. month. COii
""'7"" -1• 14'1~ -l.lf.'112f = ::.·~.!t =::
Owner's Specllll 5 llDIOOMS !~"'~~~-~..:.
3 Br, or J llr. A dlo, .,... T'l' $lklt ..... -. ., U· SiiAiL (U-.\ 2 Bil-,
• .e:,..2 .~~ f .......... -.
DI.Tit: '
tooo Wfltdltt -• ...,,.. tat!nr 614" l1IA loon @ 190 mo. Min. -· '""
-nr .-A IClllL 12117 .,taJ _...,,, r"'1N1 1m11l cbtld. No
_ PhoniM&-«IM din. nn, llli, 111.tba. SHARP! peta. 146--GlS
I I I' I [ BAYiRilNt v.1th ... t slip, . Dlll'IRATI OWNER s i1ilO """'' ~ oil.
· · · -• luao 4 BR 2 bath. 181,000 14'1~ ~·~ Wllat Jld. $111.
I . I 4 I minimum • down '*"· = ·--OUNl.l I C'llCl $1100 UP fO ii%. clJMM: a OR 4 BR., epll, -
I I r I' I .. ond'a::,• .~ ..... ~ """.. , l!li wa-No. a + '°"us w ... , • ... _,.. -;:;~·;;:;;·;:;~-;::-~·!"~ ,_ -.. Bal ... 0.-. llO,ODD. II. E. SU-... or W_. 1i4M111 -
C '!Nylay-lhlb!r·ond ----« -s -·-·or llZDECORATED, --~iS-WO•' 1-•-rri. ,..U w!DOlJrlttwaem.Ma-'ml ntw Ucstw. ~ ~ ,.rdl:llroftn........_ I 'l''r I l!£!i.t~L'.1rttt 0='!'~500": =-~"'· -•"-St.CM. i~~ii;iii;r=;~:-1;;!:;·;;~·~.;; L~ .... ~ .. ~·~NB.~m.&31~~~ -to;M'IJ. !t!!eolt ...,, * BAY VlitW Fea i,. a' P<IQi: ANVONlt ~ ..,_, --i~~~=;~?=?:=!==t::?i=l:=t~~~41 • 19&' w/ ...... SM• ----· P•h•d 3 llr , Ila. _. 1"11. 0----~ti l!"slloclllool-•• 'OSI( 'iii'." -._.._ ................ _, .. .,-+..:.i-i~L-llwATCH ,-TV,..._• ntA *"' ';°' "1 .,,,06-,,_"..,n,.,,,.....,......,,_,_,,
• Scnim-1.ets -:.:..:;;; ...... 9000 e: .. :..':.. ';..,.: &,lu ~e.c.Uj , ~-=. ~~ · ·
. . ... • . .
~· DAILY l'l\.OT Tuesday, u.,..,. B, 196'
attTAU ' o<cNl Al.5 o<cNTALS REAL ESTATE UAL UTAn ANNOUNCEMIN'l'S * * * * * SERVICE DIRECTORY 111 .?? Utlw'''lf Apti. Alrttllhld ..... ~ I Genwat ;,....;;=;::_ __ _ -al < tN1 ·NOT1CIS * '!!•~! ...... nG0 IMllnflen INch 4400 lolboa 5300 ........ Rental • 6060 -· I 0.W. • 6110 -(FNO Mo) 6400
'801 lltjo ..,i.. 11'1 --Aduli.. no pc1a. 'Uta lid. QRl.CIOUll Milt Living. In '1111 ·Deselfl f'OllNllo Nr. Eutorood lo4.. Wt ar I• e / op t I o a $30 Cleaning dtp. 531-mt Oceali' Bay view. SlMlcloua Sehl., Wettmlnlter; lm&U
-Avail Matth L _,, 4705 ~ i!. BA .• C::i..~ \ ~ :~~~$ WA1B....WA1U =.. ~~ -Dmle
ICM!ll Leguno draperies., S..t olipo Olflco• EvERYWHEIE · · FOllNI>" 1 pair .akla call to •
Tu .uv. Yiar round ate..
N=w-' ·u.;,...._ -10 NR VICTOR Huao'a nice 1\:~!or~t~-~~t:;~ . "· "~ •-· s.r H" ::::::=-: ........... •• br, & '"' 2 br W/ frpl~ J)lrldng. * -~ •till AND LOTS Oft llROPS ~·~· -~ ... ~
OWllllNG I -• UC! ID $195 ...... L m<I081 . *Cupola..... TO DRINK-'mm ...... =9'Ul'l5=,....,.-=_,.,=,-I
dlo, t both bomt. w/or KENTAU Hunll"""" INdl S400 * lleceptlQI> Ri0 & S14ALL !em. mbed T.m.r
--646-mJ Walter H. Fahrenhob: P.A.
Income Tax Service
&CU2M or MS-1398 ew.
Done in )'OUr him. ........ dnt""' ~ ._.. Unf11mlohed * °""1lqr •· DUtlnL LOTS OF DROPS TO FILL ·llllt/Wht low1d -t 0.ta Meat..Cloee to abopo-....,... Tele~ ~ A. ¥OUR MAN MADE LAKE!! • Gar&kl H.B. a.1369
pltw • Pl"'-N!caly General 5000 Se<nitadal SetV"'"'••ail . · Whotldya Wllll? WhlcWya Clot?
-yu«, ........i , To'"'&. ~"'"\fry CALt TO PINO OUT . Lett 6401 SPECIAL CLASSlflCATION FOR
$5 M:t up. 839-2!500
!',.~·~ :,.~:.:,'. FO~=.~: S~"'9 ~-., A~J.!~~N~g;E LOSTt llKk & white NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ............ ...-..i. °"" Ptnthouto Apia, Span!ab ...... aba& carpe• 1M Beaeb Bl-id. MUCH WAtER fluffy cot. !Ji'· ekl -Special ltoto
Ironing 6755
IRONING 1lc pc.
~Pilot· Write Box 612 c/o $550 .... p mo. to reliable par. 1n ... , self cleani~ ovtn1, (at Ellll) Hu.ntirwtoa Sch TH•RE IS UNDER maa.. No .fer. VJc. S Ll0-,, ,.;-S .. ~J~n::,.5,0bu• dts ~ tie•~-tbet SaliabulY ;rivate entrance 1: private 962.-7 GRcitNDJ ~ LEARN Sh1llm1r Dr., C.M. R... 1-Wri.t ,_ i.w -..-,,;;.,--....-J:. _, tri ,,..,
You 8ri"I Hangers,
'42·2058, 646-5361 c.Nna.; Mir' 3250 Realtor. m-&900 ~ecla. ·Adult liW., near STORIS 'ALSO ABOUT WHAT THE w•nl. -..vou" C-01= F't"':te-,~·11 ON~v:4"""•
1.;;.:=;:;..:;,;.;,.;.c.:.;___ 1130: 2 BR 4-p1e>. !ncd beacbm. I I< 2 BR. 2 BA "!'!!'!"!~~~~~!"!!'' "CO'VERED WAGON " '46-536f 0r 541 4537. PHONE 642-5671
mONING 15e a piece, brine
-Call after 6l'M.
01ARM1NG 2 BR. t BA. patio; w/w, sjov<, ,..,,,., lrqm il40 IO $190. . STREET,FRONTAGE FOLKS KNEW-LONG PURPLE collar' wtlb bell, To Pio .. Your Trader'1 P1radi11 Ad
!&< potlo, new .... crt>lr· Brolrer 534-6980 ~ml"'"' O>: Beach' Blvd. 1'1lo sq, tt. . LONG AGO I I wom by -11 black k!t1eo p •'· i ·-* 8e&Da ceiling, wood panel· W ~ Model home 1deaJ 1or insur., named Moki. Lolt viclnlty Trade New as01J Ill n 17 Ft. out.boa.rd tor station 't:rr19,"I nt-
q, cloae to &bopping & $ll5; l-BR.. patJo;OK.w/w, ~ QNIS Rltr., etc. (Bel Katella and if THEY could make ,it Santa Ana • Univenlf;)' multi-unit indul bldg, tull.Y WllOD or auto ot·equal vat. P• ntlnt 61JO
......._Wa._2m325DrY. !:. ~ 2212 dra~= ~ J.88ti ~t CenilOB) Sign .. lndscpd,, to Silver Valley, 18 JnL, Drive; C.M. _Sta-6993· after~ Ha.rbor/Wamer 10% ue. Pbon@ 642-4980 PAINT youi-average
...,.uv ,,,.,....,..,,.. (just No,: of·Adanu) $250 mo. 10650 Beach ~vd., E of Bantow they 6:00 P,M.. oet return fDl Oceanfront TRADE: Very good EJec. bathroom • no. 1 have
P.45 , -$15.5 ONE BR. at· Costa ~ $ t 00 Huntington Beach • 63S..fi29 •. • k:D th th 1 uld LOST 1J mo, aid black & Duplex W /Newport. 548-01.22 trlc dryel-for Gas Dryer equipment It knaw bow, you
tractive modern Apb. Don I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill CU4) ~1 , CHOICE COSTA ME.SA 1 ew ere.. ey uwo gold German Shepherd tut TRADE equity in '69 GMC of equal value. furnish wallB &. materials,
V. 'Franklin RJty, 673-2222 II i=z==z=z=z~IZIZ Location; over 3IX» sq, ·fL 1!Jld w~r. YO .can November. Vic Santa Ana %. ton pick-up, H.D. B\1.1-*Eves. 642-1606 * 1coat548-fl690aft6 PM. HARBOR atoie in~·-· 17th St.~'""'..._. find -. land, wa~er, Ave, CM. (Belongs to,_...,;....,., a·•·. ~--.· ·-I H · INdl 3400 EXCLUSIVE --~clean dfy air high ~ •w •~ ~ HAVE:l16,000<qln0lann. lnteriorPolntng ufttlngton ping centtr. $525 Montb.. d rltait.'I..._.~ st ~ Vet) REWARD ml FOR equity in 3MO' ing turn Duplex in N~ Apts. or houses by job ot
• STY. S Br. 1% bo condo. GREENS ON· THE-BEACH . °""""" to blcn. 64&-TI06 ese t:'i"" veal· 64>-9158 5#-232< aailboal ,.._,,.. "'°"' Soltoo Sea (or some room. Low ott """°" "'"'· poo1 tio 2 a ·3 llodroom Aph. FOR Rent: Bldg, 2380 Npt men~ l""1 ...,, grow • LOST Mayfair C.K Cocker cub) for °'""' Prop. 1192-8643. Anytime ='= 53 6 ~2f&2i 1eue the Blvd, Costa Mesa. 4500 ICJ. falfa.'md:1~ • apri-&rTenier 10wtcsoid.aeiae car w~ ~/Beer Bar-534-lTU .,...,_.,ti BACHELOR .UNFURN. Ltnrury ... ~~~p ft.Phone548-5817 cots, fiQ !rJIJ!nf, etc., & Mulit calored. Ana. Restaurant· 5 !um Bach VINYL wall coveri n g ~ from $.100 1ftOll w.cr ........... ttog. NOii' etc. owa 1your own "Toni''. Call after S:30. units, San Clemente. FO~ 2 M-t tilt-up bldp. on Pia· specialist Kit, baths .
3 BDRM 1% bath, 1 mi available at Offi I 60 lak I ''"" 675-6l7S lg boat, land, units or ., centia, C.M, Trade eqty. Material. & labor. Est. trcm. beach. $190 mo. Phone ALSO AVAILABLE 111 H nf' .t ce Rlnt1 70 e . ·. Agt. cn4} 492-021 or Eves. $95,liOO for T.D. er prop. + 847-1659
SJ&.TIU 1. 2. 3 BDRM. e u ID1110n LAGUNA IEACli Call M'!-6640 .... a!l<r. PM LOST Femal• -eat 499-2003 " $45,000. Full Pr. $150,000 •• P.:A!NTIN::...:=-G-.-;-.-, .-,~;-o-,-. ex--· I Heated Pools, Cllild catt . Maring eold collar. VicltUty 548-1542. bl WMAC. 3 Br. 2 Ba. Mme; Center Adj to Sboppine Air Condltloned1 and."11c to .owner. Fullerton I: . 3ltb s 1• TRADE: 30' Cabin Cruiser, .,--~~-.,--.,,--I terior, very reasona e!
avalLMucbllt; rel'L$189 • . aDow -Pacific m ON FORES"/ AVENUE -...r.548-16'18a!t<r4:30 -""""'·bead, galley, l.oguna Beach-lre<won-l _ean=-=-=..:=--~~
Month (213) 3.58-0368 No petl ed. Deak f1*e1 ava,Dablt ta . I. L 1 "_ carpe.ttr.w, val approx $4500 tial lots $26,500. Will trade PAINTING inter, -exterior 2:, :e~ w~;tM1!: oeweet ofact llddlDc at lxchaftiM, -1-tqtYSfAL snow ski vie for airplane of aimilar val. up for building suitable as State lie.' -bonded. Free
Santa Ane Ht&ghts 3630 546-0l'W 111 Ocean Aw., H.B. prime ~ID :nc::: HA.VE: Oregoa acreage. $100 T~vd:i. !!,~J:: 847-23li0 gara.ge, Newell, A&soclates. estimates. 642-02.18
3 BR. ~ Ba., 20xt> pool; l\!!~!!!!!~iili!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I <714> 536-l48'1 : carpeted., bemrWul per aCft u down pa.)'ment 536-2919 Oear ns x 170 residential 494-GS!M PAINTING & paper hanging,
on i,s, acre. Rm. for hlnes 1 BR. unfurn $120. Avail ~~~~!'!'"~~"""" i pueled partitloniDg. T w 0 into bowie ar small unitl. FEMALE shaggy min blk Jot, potential Apt ftite, Van Laauna Beach Residential, reasonable, 25 yrs ·exp.
Ol' what have you. Lea8e 311 • 2 • 1 Br. fUrD $130 NEWER l BR, S blOcks to entruoel: Front.le cm Agent 646--96&3 day•, poodle, protruding bottom Nuys area. $16,500. Want residential income, com· references. 642-1322
avail.. $325 Mo, ~ up. Heated pool, no pets, = ~w ~~ =: Fc:rest AYe., rear lead. to 646-1531 eves teeth. Reward. 548-1736 boat, same value, Owner mercial or acreage, F?r HOUSE Painting. Quality at
eve. baby ok. 1887 Monrovia, $125/mo Munclpal piukinc Iota. ISO BUSINESS and I.Cm" Orange .'I}ger Cat 546-4211 :~:.~Oahu, Hawaii, a fair price! Free est. Call
S BR. bouBe; gar., rearb' 64&4'153 Rltr. Mz.sou or 842-5012 per mcath fer .,ace. Oak FINANClAL male, vie WillOD" Pomona Remodeled 2 BR Home on ~t do ha trad , Rick, £45-2275
leue, $165 mo. 3 BR 1% baths. $150/mo. DELUXE studio, 2 BR, 2 ~ dWn ,~•aBable far ~ ·8 Op....,•nHles 6300. CM. .fi46.3164. E-side ~ lol $11.000 . yoo V-: to e. PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs
548--1362 new!¥ redecorated inside k Buane.· bOm'I URerlnc VI. r-• ·-equity, Want: E-&ide in-List it here -m Orange in Harbor area. Llc & bond-
out. BA, balcony, patio, blt-ins, Sft'\YUe availfJIJe tar SlO. _. ~ ,.....,..· la ,.. .,.,,, come uni•· SUllivan 646-County'a largest read trad-ed Refs furn 642-23S6 'iC~NTALS WeU.McCardle Realtors 2 blocks to ocean. ·Adults. All utilities pafd except ,tU'.ru.. _,.. ..._ ingpost -andmakeadeal. . ..
Aph. Fumiohotl 548-'1129, l LIO. 1401 Oli••· H.B. ..,_, . SPARE TIME INCOME l:ICENSED 8Zl6 or 54S-45!tl . . Studlo type condomWum 2 Plastering, Repair 6880
4000 STEVEN VILLA ·API'S. IL=== ...... =="==5=7=05~1 -OA.ll.Y PllDT =~·'::.~ SpirltualReadinp.'advioe WANT ~onuruum, verylargebr,l'Aiba,East. .
384 AVOCADO, C.M. 19Una . 122 J'OR!:ST AViMJlj woril. (DQI £WI.) No., 00 all matters. 1Q8 s. El ~. or umta in good side. Trade fur · dbl wide e PAT'S Plasti1::t!' ~ RENT 1€e-1 BR., carpets, drps, ~100 CLIFP DRIVE LAGUNA BEA.QI """ ...:!._._ v.-. Camioo Real, San Otmente. area. HAVE up to 120 acres (40') mobile home. Ray ~!...,Free es •
3 Rooms Fumltur• dishwshr; gar. No chlldren. LUXURY FURN/UNFURN t9l-M86 ~·~~ 492-9136. 10 AM-10 PM ~ ~· Matcham ~t, Heritage R. E. 540-1 i,~::.-CO:--~-,--.--:_._
no pets. 642-3.535; 642-3722 yeari, Leue.1 I: 2 Bdrm&. SACRIFICE On Bay Front. only, in Ora,.e Co.unty aM -SPEC1AL $3' READING v • ~. eves, INT. Plaster, ext. stucco, ... ::1
$25 Montll STUDIO 2 BR. 1% BA. Juat atepo to Shore • Sbopo will!og to n:nt !or hall neuby area. All .topa (fae-YOUNG 38 Y' old -* * * * * * ~"_!',,.'.'._"'.""'~or
FUIL OPI'lON TO BUY redee. New crpts, drpg. Util Oceuvfew ~Wf!rl Apt. price. 2 office unite, 1 ill tory and commercw onl,y) man ·would like to meetj!!!!!~!!!!l~!!!!!!!!l!!~~!!!i~~~~~!J!i~l;~:'.:~~;;;;-~·==;;;;;;1 (Refrigerators ,Available) rm. clQBed gar. D a y 1 from $150 mo up. leue 480 sq. ft. w/4 omces + 1tt up ~ bQrne office a lady tor a compenlol!il~
"No deposit o.a.c. 542-3524. eves M6-0689 $2449 reception area. 2nd is ex-$:1650 TOI'AL CASff tbara interesthlg 1c a nice SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY _ ~-•,,9 ____ 6_8_90 H F .. c · eeutive area, 400 sq. fl la · •• ·--• 5 • • • 2 BR. u-Refri&, bl.. call at•-required. For-!mmed te u> bome W.. --· • C nt I '590 G rd I 6680 PLUMBING REPAIR Fumttu,. Rentals ..-.. Cblld OK Condominium 5950 Avail for 8 mo, '"" terview send in Namt, Ad-rQOln No. 29. •. •rpe ., "I a In "I No ,.. b too small stove, crpta, '"t""· ' 1---------5 pm 838-3455 . ....,_ ___ N her .. , ~~ e
517 W. 19th. CM. 548-3481 no pet!. $125. 568 Wi1eor1 dreu, and ruuue um LADIES: are you Miu <r ANTHONY'S , --="·-~~~~~--""" w Lndn, _._ "'""""' SL"'" -LEASE !\OOU"joua 3 bdrm, NEAR AIRPORT -t ,. . ~~~~_,_·w ....... =-:=".7 bon"B ....., .. .... frplc In o: Mn Utopia? You may win C NTR Gardon S.rvica PLUMBING 24 hr serv. =-"" •• .., • .,... AiNlond.· 20X40 ft., lota ol "WHOLESALE DIVISON" · ARPE Y Sl20; 1-BR. nicely turn. 2 BR. New crpt'f. Freshly Un!vent+.· c....a. """" Mo:, a 5 or a 1 yr. mOVle CO!>" 1..•1.. 1941 Work quar, lie, ins, remod, Utilities paid painted. mtins. $125 mo. "" .......... ..,.,..,. windows. Ideal fAor R.E.p-•~ P. 0. Box 58 tract. Join the swing to MmOR REP~ No Job BUDG,,:::""LANDSCAPING repair, rooter se.rv. 531-7566 Broker534-698l 646-5045 CVWage m. 833-0927. ins. Santa Ana ve, .... .,,. POMONA'., CALIF: 91769 The Utoplam. 635-9291 Too Small. ,Cabinet in gar-L~
$195; 2 Bdrm Duplex 2 BR. Unturn allo 2-turn 1
w/w; utilities paid Br'a. 998 E. cammo Dr.
!ltol<er 534-6980 Apt i CM. 546-0<51
C..ta Mm 41o0 2 BR., cp1s, <1rpo, bl .. , gange, Adults. $1<5. 31115
Coolidge -549-003 $25 Wk. Up 3 BR. 1% ba. Cbll-
• Studio " Bacb apt.. """"""· $150. Mar· 162 w. •Incl Utila A: PboDe aerv. "center .Apt 1· 10 a.ID.-4 p.m. e Maid Service ~ TV avail. ====·,.:.:.~"""'"=-' e New Cafe A Bar 3 BDRM. unfurn. $145 Mo.
2376 Newport: Blvd. 5'1-87$ 2 apidren ok, crpta, d.rps.
blt-ina. stS-0262. No pets!
CHATEAU La POINTE $90. NlCE 1 Br. um, atoYe
LaveJ:y furn. 2 BR aptl. Off· & oven. Mature only. 122-A
street parking, carports, Htd Magnolia St 548--21.n
pool. Adults, no pets. $150. 2 --
O"' LIKE NEW u.o.., new ... ., .... , 00 POM ••A AVE., C.M. drps. bit-In&; carport; no
WILSON Viest 1 BR furn. peta. Adults. 54&-6769
Heated pool, util l n c I , ... ..-.. bl-· 2 BR unf., cp...., ... ., .. , .......
Adults on]y. Ii f Ii-5 2 7 6 + Wall paneling, 1 Child OK
968-1740 Nr. beach. $125. 962-~
GORGEOUS new adult apts. 2 BR. l'Ai BA. carpets, drpa.
1-2 BR. Furn/Unfum. Adul ts, Blt·ins, lndry rm,
3XJO PARSONS;642-8670 gar, $140. Aft 6 PM Sf0-8616
• Nassau Palms •
1 4 2 BR. • Pool Newport Batch 5200 177 E. 22nd Sl 642-3645 1.;.;.;:;;.,;.:;.;...c:;..;.;=---
LOVELY 2 Br. l }l ba. N'1?1'. Island Dlx. upper
E4ide; pool. patio; 875--1393 duplex; 3 Br. 2 Ba. Cpts,
2!lD Santa Ana ~2933 drps, frpl. Elec. bltns,
refrig, Pier, slip. Adulta No WE.Yl'SIDE 1-Br. 'bltnl, cpta. pets. $350 Lse. 642-J425 ·
drpa, -adults only. Avail. GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 311. 69 546-'1285 eft BA. cptll. drps, bltru;, encl.
1 BDRM dplx furn ~..tlnfurn gar. 4230 Hilaria Way.
quiet, ... -"1olb n:ls "'5 "'· (213\ 981-7039
2633 Orana<. 9' I='===="===
ALL UTIL PD. 1 BR. Ma""' E11t Bluff 5242
adult l:lsi:;.. Aye. ' e NEW DELUXE e
3 Br. 2% ba. apl for lease
InCl. spe.c. m1tr. suite, din
rm. & dbl. garaae, auto.
door opener avail. Pool Ir
rec. area. Nr. Catholic
Oilii'Ch le aCbool & Corona
del Mar High.
. BACHELOR Apt Util pd. $75
mo. El Mar Motel 310 E.
Balboa-Blvd. Balboa
Corona do! Mar 4250
2 BR c!oto to Shopping, 1165
e ONLY $280 e
837-871 AnUgos Way, NB.
mo. Leue ar month to Coron• •I Mir 5250
month. Hal Pincbin le. 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .._. !115-4392 I
RE~~!~A!E , ~:.1J'.i: ::8 Santa Ana CANDRYOUTSUEPPLY Attractive E_xpert =i J:.!'~~~ eru:~tbiy~ahiie~ Remodel., Repair, 6940
54g.J(l)O OR 539-7934 YOUNG WOMAN mag at 646-2312. IL o. Exp, Horticulturist IF You need remodeling,
Rentals Wanted 5990 Offi (Part or Full Time) dancer will teach you all Andenon ALLEN BROS painting or repairs, Call * Modem CH Excellent IDcome tor· Few latest stepa. Call Antell GARDENERS STUDENTS Dick. 6(2..l'M
NEWPORT, CdM, or Laguna Single . or suites. Air cond-Hn. W) ee~~ ~= 213: 591-453& 1-10 PM QUALITY Rep&Jn: _ Altera-working their way thru col-
2 bdr apt or home, must ltloning, parking, aecretarial Eves. , re~ . • . . . * Selectiw stnPs * .tiona _ New oonsl by hour lege. Experienced. licemed. Roofing 6950
be clean quiet & reas. Adlta, service. central location. Ing Money trom Colli ~ w Id 0 w ~? or Contract 646-3442 REAS! 64&4203 :::::o:.:.:~----'=
no pets or· cbildttn, up to C. Robert Nattrea Realtor ated Dispensen ln Orarlp P.IBow Talk, PuQjc lmrtted ROOFING REPAIR.
i140. Write P.O. Box lB82 230 E: 17th Street County and 111m1Wlding i:.1')_111ttt 3.lO pn1 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Cut It F.dge Lawn no leak too una1U
Escondido, Calif. c.osta Meea , -&q-1485 atta. No 1e~. (Handle• ~·... · • CABINETS, Any size job. Maintenance. Llcenaed *968-2362*
SO. Co's Gas C.O. employee NEWPORT CIVfc CENTER Name Brand Candy and DON'T let another 1one1y 1::is~yn~.-~:!:r:._. _ _!548-6713~~!1;~-~~6'5-~~2ll~O~all~<~1-RRiociiilfl:L;ea~kiis:siStt0o;j;pppeiiiCdf"
needs 3 BR 'blme. Possible Offices 8\litable for Com-Snacks) $1650 total cuh re-weekend go by! SUcceed in MASTER carpenter U per JAPANESE Gardener, com-Work guaranteed. 536-8444
rent with option. Loe. East mercial, Medical, Dental. quired. For· ltEfe· informa. dating without ft8lly trying. hour. Remodeling • 0Repain. plete yard service, free
o1 H a r b 0 r be t we e n Air-cond., crpts, el~tor lion and detalli, wend Name, Laguna Bch 494-44'19 '-=64UIO!l==<r=5J&J!lltl=====:o:. estimates. 50-13.12 S.Wln 6960 Paulerino · & Fair, CM. . FROM l70 Addreas_ apd Phone Number COUPI:.F.S -Slngles. new inl. J1paneH Gardener ==9._ ___ _;c.;..;
546-9888 after 5. 5'1~2 OR 675-2464 to: area, "The Utopians" are Cement Concrete '600 Exper, compl yard service. • Dressmaking-Alterations "ROl!I"EDEPARTMENT" coming; Fri. 5 PM 635-9291, ___ ,______ H
EMPLOYED Lady needs 1 MEDICAL -Professional p O Box 384& (Formerly~ Registry) 1 * CONCRETE work. Bond-Free estimate, 548-7958 Special on ems
BRunturnApt.beacharea, Suites for leue. Custom , __ ,__...,.· •Californiat'l803 LESLIE ed Co YARD Cleanup. Tree *646-6446*
to $ll0. Carport or prqe remodeling avail.. 18 7 8 2 ~ Ir Licensed. ncrete service, new I a w 11.11 , Alteritlons--642-5845
nee. 642-«186 att/5 p.m. Main St., Hwit Beach ''LITTLE BUSINESS'' CALL PMbillwing Cem o:Ao _ sprinklers, rototill. 646-0848 Neat, accurate, 20 ~ exp.
(1 ~•) ·--Ope ~ bo 642-1326 lps ent. ~ e LANDLORDS e ·6>.l ~ • rateuvm.YG\11' me JAPANESE Ga rd ener
FREE RENTAL SERVICE SMAIJ.., office on busy mt'-eFullorpart·time ALCOHOLICS Anoll,ymous e CUSTOMPATios e Qimplete Servic e . Ex· TILE, Ceramic 6974
B-ker ••• -.,r ,..__._ Mesa. iri:i:1montb e High earnings Phm! 54~7217 or write to concrete sawing&: removal pe·~-nced R•liable ... ··-
'"' ~ .......,...... ....., ,..__._ "' Slat Lie • "'"1010 '"" · · ~ * Verne, the Tile Man * utilities included. 60-6560 •No experience DtCeUarY P.O. Box.1223 ~ ....... eaa. e . O'U<"
Room1 for R.,.t 5995
BACHELOR apt in owner's
borne, sep entr, newly
decor, furn. 1 blk shp'g,
EMP. men; sep. entry, quieL
$50 MO. or weekly; $70 Mo.
w/kitchen. 548-mSG
PRV RM & bath, util pd.
Gentleman only, $tiO mi.
CdM area. 673-ll4i8
e Frte training program e BEST IN CONCREfE e JAPANESE GARDENING Cust. work. Install & repairs.
LGE. Office rm. for ins. • Earn while learning AnnounctrMfttl 6410 Walka, pool decks, floors, Service Cleanup, Landsca~ No job too small. Plaster
A etc. Reas. 630& W. Cout e .,~ In ,,~--•···• ing. 531-7034aft1 p.m. patch. Leaking s hower .. ~ .. ~""" .....,.,., v ........... """¥ AnENTION Patios. Phone 64U514 Hwy, l'j.B • .,...,..~ complete invvitoey .,,. -repair. 847-1957!846--020S
lnciulfrial Rent•I 6Q9o e Fot Information Mite EX·NAVYMEN e CONCRETE work, all Genwal Services 6682:1-"'~=======
e Box M-469 Dally Pilot aean out the ckt' sea-bag types. Pool decks.Jc cmtom.. CRYSTAL JANITOR!A·;:-. Television, Repair 6985
and help out a good cause.1 =Call==548-~132<-~-~~ 12 000 S Ft ATTRACTIVE Beauty SAion Ofl CEMENT work. no job too Window Oeaning. Compl CALL US FOR COLOR!
' q• , •·-.. , Re hi , Call Give your old unllonna ( • ~-• Bu . ~ -..e. a.ma e. leers A Enlisted) to the Sea· llllllll, ttaaonable. Free janito1iu service. sm. House call $6.95 Gual'. wcrk
Sprinkled. 9~c Per sq. ft. Gloria. 962-1232 Soouts. Need blues, whltes, estlm. H. Stufiick. 548-8615 ~ or constru. Free International TV/ 642-99U
!Smaller units available) WANTED : Off-8ale liqUor estimate 548"'8731 W~~~cC•rdle, Rltn. license for Orange County sea-bags, etc. ~769 Contracton 6620 HAULING. Oeanup , Uphollfei;y/ 6990 u~,ewport :~"~ I ==='Call=:;;':::'™:=;i;l39=:=:.. \ *M~~IN~RA ADD;:r1~~0S-DREPELINAIGRS e est. Jim C z Y K·O s KI , s Custom !~~!""~~~~~ R IE t t L 63•• =•• ..;:;::;:,9 Upholstery, Eu r ope an Income Property 6000 FOR lealll! Laguna Nlgud. ea 1 a e oens """ Call 935-05&3 Dealgning &: Planning Hiulln 1730 craft_ s mans hip. 100%
* EXCHANGE oo SM D!ecO "'1 al.Clown HOME LOANS ,,,5 Kitcbons-Batbs, etc. g Fi"""'""'. Furn. boa" &
HAVE: l3newerunitsrTJ.oo> Valley,, new commerc1'il & MONEY AVAILABLE Auto Tra~ _.. Uc'd & Bonded. Free e~ CLEAN" Lots/garages etc, auto'a. 642-14.54. 18 31
equity, WANT: land vacant industrial units. Delta Eleo-CaD for details on todQ'• WOMAN needs transporta· A 1~-8 CONS!RUCTION tree remov, dump skip Newport mvd., C.M.
R-3 Orange County. tric. Daya -831·1400. Eves" rates for 1st A: 2nd TDs. tion to South Coast Plaza ,l.l..04 Paularlno, CM. backhoe; fill grade. 962-8745 JOSS & EMPL01MEN1 * 16 Units e $175,000 499-'198. Serving Orange County for Tuea thro Sal ....,,, * S<H94l * Haullng-Ganoge Cl..nupa
7020 Annual gross $24,600. Near m SQ It warehou!e &: office 18 years. .1 Tues, Wed, Fri AM, or Additions * Remodeling Trim Hedges, Trees. Reas. Job Wanted, Lady
E··-"'' & n.n •··helm. + 6000 ...oft paved A ·fenced Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. anytime Monday Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. BIG JOHN. 6424030 ING
Ul.:IJU l.XU&o IU"' "" 336 E. 11th s H 0 u s E c LEAN ' et· *I Units• $n,SOO yard. 18&5 Laiiuna Canyon W2l LM5-0011 Sl:RVlt.;t: Ql"-l::CTORY 6'1l-60t1 * S49-2:17D
perienced lady for many
$8,000 down. 30% return. Will Rd. <TI4) 49'-8066 or (U4) ~ ~73-7865 642-1157 C C 6625 Houseclunlng yean. Wed's free. 835-46'10
excha.nge, Call Mr. Krauter 540-~ • 'llbytlHlftt 6550 arpet l11nlng LITE Hauling l cleanup.
or Mr. ~n. Invtstment ':n~ff~~;M!t:": ;:: ~'71~, T .D.'a 6345 rn. babysit l'ft1. bome g PROFE.SSIONAL Rug &: Reasonable. Any area. Domll'tic Help 7035
DepL 546-23tl 1308 Lo St CM moll to 3 yrs ~. Upholstery Cleaning, Top Call &42.26.57 George Allen Byland Agency =·mo.~ · · ' HAVE $60,000 Daya, occaaioned, part or quality, guaran.teed results. CARPEI'S, windows, firs, Employer Pays Fee
a.EAN &cbeJor.Apta.
All util ind $'B up
31S E. Balboa Bl ....
~· ~4!;!. 1 ~~-~~~-~~ LIE on beach, fish on pier,
Private mo n e Y investor fUll time. 50c hrty • $20 Allen's Mamtenance etc. Residen. or c.omc'L 10&-B E. 16th, SAi 547~ NOW LEASING -New M~l wants to buy 1euoned lat wkly. 5 41-1395. Ex-64M063 or eves 642..3526 Xln work Reas' Refs
Industrial 1350 9qU8re feeL l 2nd TDs. Reuonable dis-periebced. Near ll arbor CARPE"I' & Furn. cleaning; t · · Chinese live-in.'!. Cbeerlnl
$1SS/rno. Agent 642-1485 counL SboppUW: center. for 1 day ae.rvice 4 quality 548-4lll Permanent Experienced
Ml-A N'pt Bch; 650 aq. ft. Sattler Mortgas::e c.o. Inc. IABYSITIING work, call Sterlq for :~~= Far Ea.st Agency 642-8103
, BAU!OA m.9915
I I.We lo.lo 4351
ON TEN AQt.ES picnic in park, all within
1 • J BIL Film • uarum walkiflr diltance. N t w
Frplc1 I Pr1 I Padol I HunL Beach .f-Plex, by
Pools. Tennla • Contnt'I Bk· builder. ~.900 847..J957
:e;p,:r~. ~=pr. ~ fA'J.:tri.l'JI. E. l?th St5600.1 In my home. Near Magoolia brightness! 642-853) • Fut Service 539-1456 • Help W•nted, Mtn 7200 :;::=:;:=;::::;,;===I F.."'vm. 613-'786S 60-llS7 and Edlncer St, Westrnfbs. C. 1 L I I
-ter. Fenced yanr, bot mea1s ,,,. •r "11 In.-Tax 6740 Car Wash Help R1nchn 6150 ANNOUNCEMENTS Included. can anytime. Repair 6626 I::.:=~~::::--..;;;;.-"'
fsL 9 bole Putt!Cf'ffD.
900 s.. Lane, OIM &U-2611
<MacArthur nr. ())I.st llw)')
:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;; and NOTICES 8'7-7187 FLOOR CO"ERINGS BE A Satisl!ed Cliint with Full tlmoorWkend" Buslneu Property 6050 SAN TIMOTEO .... Harris Tax Service. 9th )T. Min aae 18, apply m person l'ound (F-Ml 6400 BABYS!TrlNG, my borne "°""" C"Ylo"' wools. po1y. lo<a!ly. Avail. U moo. 3117 LIDO CAR WASH STRAnGIC HIGH RANCH Me"' de! """· Acy ........... , Vlny~ and Tilea. ""°""el! Way, c . M. 481E.17th ea.ta M ...
, , WHITE puppy fund, vlc wdconwd. 5t6-300.1: Latest styles aiid colors. "Mack" 540-2971 SERV. STA. • .. ~·u~. Corollclo A_.. 360 Acre nnt:b.-»aildillp le Monte Vilrt:a Ave., le LICENSED •··· --~r Cnmmerc1al and Residential. ~_,.,. • ...,.,~ RIS£ Offl(E flft oqulpment -"' ._, ·-·---"" H.K. Cluk A<ctg Sen>. Mon to work lull time, 2 BR. wttum. Pentbouw9-.Hli ...... -_,.,._ .___ Weabnimter Ave., CM. wkly 2-..c yn. llot lunches, Ex.pert installation. ...-.. .. al ~--L'ft. see Cyld matety _......, .,-,w .,~,. ~ bll1anced activities. 546-15.19 BLANKINSHIP Income tax, ~ ......... or ...... 'f> i;iu e, atteet levtlHtudlol. AU elec. tory f\lrn1*d. Some ltrfw. FLOORS bulirlell, your' borne or ofc. 2590 Newp«irt Blvd., C.M. k!kh. dillhwuhen; .,.,. SANTA ANA "i' '"""'° ~ Haa LADIES WriS!wttch Yi c BABYSlTrlNG my bome, :11 yn exp. lo< tirm. EXP ~ ~ ~ ;;e: '=~wt~-= Waterricbta.wtllAr:r. ~= ~lageto s~~ ~:~::·s:.~ Beach. 642-l403 540-1'262 642-6183·cr&G-014.2n'eS SET-UP & LEADMAN
-. Cilldrfn O.K. m.3371 loc bldp tlttlt the heart of l)'ltent. Pawd road • 893-7669 BABY•-•G my ...._A El..:trlt11 6640 • THE TAX ADVIIDRS for plastics tno¥1ng shop -,.._,...,.,.,._ . ..,. O·"·Oo ap.NearRedlandsinRiv-1~=~~-=--==-:,-ou11u• • ..,Lin:' Yearroundofc.321No. Cal1546-337Qbtwn8am-5pm 001 E. Cout HWJ", CklM ""'""'•" .....,..nv I ""' b.. erakle County. Full price a.ASS n1 .... Yttr l9'lQ Sea ~or nlteii. Newport area. E. L'"" ,_.,,... .... • .. -~. N-' M.J N.B. Ras' · S:::-~~~« :!':: QiANNEL Red 1 yr 1M ~!'Cat" e::::U 1 d= -.<m. For further lnfor-Shore ·~~ MUlt Identity. Exper mother M6-3874 borid'~.'&;;:ll jobe; ~l eall ~ ft:r appt.' BRAKE i: a I i an men t
-OWllS,,. Jld'vlet entrance w-:i'~.:. 2 ..!': •211&.p. Dow. m .cm ~~": call Glenn m-2336 Bab)lsitlincy .. !.,~ c. M. "ftP&lr, 548-52)3 SKOUsm TAX SERVICE :n,~· ::J~· = ~ prt.ate hndttlca. AdWI ~ ....... ~ SUBMITt!:RMS&TRADES SMAil. Mak Dag Gry/Wht are&. oa •'lll-.-u trans. ~ Your bome . Reuonable. Yoting & Lane Tirt, 482
....._ -beacbel. 1 6 2 -'1&6US==~----RICK ALDEREnE, Eckhoff a Asaoc., Inc. Found 309 Eut Bay Aw. 6'2-HOt Gardoni"I '6IO ~ NorDw> ·M • n' Ocoan Ave., Laguna .....
1111. I II.\ fl'om~l170 In -NEW 1.sdrm._. '111~.'.. • 1:..; ·Realtor ma~~ A... Bolboa Penn. 675-46l!I LOVING c .... •ny ... CLEAN-UP· Speciol~t! ,...... -N ·SALES CLER!(S •If!>,~ ~..:.:.. Multi 0~1 .. 67~ 1104 N. !pl 71"1547-6469 5f1"6%l, ~wlmda 53:U127 FOUND Small chicken Vic Teache.r, motl'lf'r. &45-0l.56 lzw, edging ,odd jobe, IJihl INOOME Tu Serv., otary F\1ll & part time. A(rtl.y ,._jir-•• ~ 'IV Monrovia• 19th C.M. Phone --· -ll\CIYin(. Reas! 54Mi955 Publk. Real. Eva.. 549-1340, Monll'uta. N'pt. Center
5300 lutllMllli Jtlftt•I 6060 &t6-429'7. Irick, Ml~, .tc. eJAPANESE GARDENElt 2381 Zenith, S.A. UtJ. The Tobtoconiit Inc. ,.!!"No;~) =l.al=~llo,;;;1;.... _____ --==--,_-.._-..... --nt. I D0ooJt •2.10 ~LO""N~G~balm!-.,-..,.-=c:..,-""M""ole-ca-,4 1 _______ 6_560_1 Molotenanc. A Cl.e&nup e PROFESSIONAL TAX Fu!Uon laland, Newporl ~ Beach · NEW -S Br. 2_ Ba. Balboa ,_,,.. 5 A •. Nr. """'L llldeaway haa Ilea eollar. 64&-<iSll BUILD. -Repair Call 548..zm SERV. ~ """""'"'· KITCl!EN Help • > • .,.
(n.C)·M:J.-2911 Frpl., dbl. PJ'; hwnclry. Yr-o.>ltt of 'Two, $l50 A $175. 3,f.0'.7' e'L W'Cr, C&mt $5500. DIAL "dlrect 642-567&. 0arrt Brick. block. c oncrete, AL'S Ce.rdenlna S c r., t ce $19. ())snplcte!I 968.34Cl1 T-4, 1 tvf:, 6-12. Hi Timt i.a-~~!"'!"'!!!O!P \ [:!: tlocl:'l:YIL ~ Rllr. 6CWta66, $55 Dn. 63.l-mo 1-10 A.M. J your M. tbm lit back ud crpntry, ti> job too ..it. Lawn maintenance, garden-11lE QtnCK?'Jt YOU CALL. Delicatessen. 495 &. 1Tth
1.---0WIGE==.;;...m_. ___ 1,F'-;.;.""'x"'l'llDl' __ w -:::ANT=-::ADS:--! CllARG,i,,,., nnt ad now. 1g1 -Ust"' to !lie -rtoa19 Uc °"'"· -i"" yiun ,,... 646-3629 THE Q~1a<ER .'YOO SELL St. CM. See Tmy U HjH
·1 • I . • I .-'
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. .. . . ....
• ~. F~ 2', 1969 DAI!-Y PILOT J I) ~
5<'-IHnstNctton 7600 Sclu11H~1uclleo17600 Scltool..i~ 7'00ScMolo'ln1trudlon 7600 lcl;oo~lnotruct~on 7600 _Schools:ln1tt~ctlo'J.!~<hoof>:ln1tructlo~.!._6! Help w. Mon 7200 School.Instruction 7600
CUTTER Sch0ols and lns·tructions
Min, 1 yi. exp. in cutlq;
suita from exist:in& patterns.
Good co. benefits &: working
cond's. Apply to:
Personnel Office
T his variety of fine schools
could introduce
you to anew tomorrow.
For furthtr iftfo rm1tlon r•g•rdlng the Di lly Pllot
Schools A Instruction Directory
CALL 642°5678, EXT. 325 U.S. Divers
Company l~==================-;;::::==:::==:::===:=.=::=:====~r:=;:::============:::;;:--i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~l a -~-~ p !
3323 W. Warner
Santa Ana
An equal opportunity
Y oun9 Fry Cook
Kitchen Trainee
Permanent, full time job,
Chance for advancement
Bob's Big Bay
154 E, 17th Street
Costa ?o.1esa
Apply In porson_
1555 W. Adam s
Costa Mesa
151 E. Coast Highway
Newport Beach
Turret Lathe Opef/ Setup
Good benefits & working
1485 Dale Way, Costa Mesa
{Il4) 545~
Exp. Finance Man
You may quelily for a posi-
tion with one o1 America's
leading consumer finance
companies. To qUalify you
must have u minimwn o11
year experience in the con-
sUmer finance field. Phone
or apply in person 528 W .
19th St., CM. 642-2700
Cathleen Yovnne Theriot
2151 Irvine Avenue
Newport Be•ch, C11ifornl1
Chilcoat'1 Typing School
173 Del Mar Avenue
Costa Mesa, califomia
Dear Miss Chilcoat :
I would like to take this opportunity to tell you
how much I have enjoyed being a pupil ot yours in
your school Your system is easy and fun t.o learn.
I'm grateful for takJng your lessons becaute it's
not hard to learn and is a fast way, I wish all the
kJds could take from you like I have. rm thirteen
now and am glad I took your lessons before I get
to high school because their system is longer, and
I can take a different course. Someday I hope your
system of typing is put in schools everywhere, I am
13 years old.
Thank you Miu Chilcoat for having me as a pupll
of yours and hope you have the same success in
t he years to come as you've had now.
A very happy pupil of yours
Cathy Yovnne Theriot
System -360, Model 30.
Th is edvenced cou rs• inc I u d • s RPG,
COBOL and BAL L•nguegas.
MTI is THE School in Or1nga Co u n t y
authorized to use th• sam• te.:ching meth.
ods a s IBM Corporation.
[(from brush-up to adv1nc11dl
• TYPING !from beginning to axecutiv11I
MTI Business College
You Are Invited ·c..'J JJ.arreff zye ~~ .@.,~~@ ~:
to investigate the STUDIO of CHARM . .~
professional opportunities in And MoDELINQ ,
l'RACTICAL Nurs in9 offered by
Hospital Training -Institutional
Homo Care -Doctor's Office
Job Plocement
FULLERTON, 92633 525-7521
Acr06S :llrom Fullerton Airport
Slate Botrd of Education Approved
All·Day ClaJSes -
Kindergarten lhrU 81h Grade
Call or write today
16835 Brooi<hlnt Street
Fountain Volley,~ 92708
Phone for FREE Broclmre ta
Clouos Now Fonlt"" H ... : t .... :tot; ....
I ~·-~ I Cour1e IPPTOV<d -·
by lhf
Coli/. Supt of Public /nslr. * ltlatl ........ TttlOYltloo * Clllnt l r...-Dn••olooppmM-lif * Dt rbS_..Uttlo Tit-•
*"5flodol C:-for "--.. *C:-<lo
Director of Our State Lictmtd
Mtid.iing AgeRClf
Ult N. ltltlo, s.ta Alla 547-6'71
ltH 5oitoy Croot Dr. 15-y HI• Yllat•l
beside the
blue waters
of tho
Don't Gamble with Your Child 's Future
Located on the 'Balboa Peninsula beside the
blue waters of the Pacific Ocean. Coeduca-
tional ci>Uege preparaotry .
Balanced program of cultural and academic
ex cellence.
-IJmited-number· of-openings available for
l96U9 school year In grade! 7·12 for bolh
resident and day students.
'!1te future of our country Is dependent upon the merit of the education of our youth.
' 710 E11t OcHn Front Balboa, Calif., 92661
ph. 673-8610
Pre-School -1st Grade
Faci lltlts for Enlarged Enrollment
.Register your little ones for:
e A Full (fun) Learning Program
e Music
e Art
• Dancing
• Creative Activities
e Hot Lunches & Snacks
e Ages 2 thr'ough l ~t grade
21 lQ Thurln Ave., Costa Mesa Ph: 646-1444
Aca d emic
A chievement
:Jkro ug k 6tk (j,.aJe
e Small Classes e Ind ividual Attention e Open Court Re a ding e Full Da y Sessions e Extended Day Care
• Transportati on
Fund a men tal Christia n
Educ ation
30 I Magnolia Street
Costa Mesa, C aliforn ia
Telephone , 548-17 33
) '· J
! r
' ' l
R.E. SALESPEOPLE Help Wanted, Mon 7200
Progressive young Newpor1
Help Wanted, Mon 7200 Help Wanted, Mon noo Help W•-, Mon noo
Harbor Corp. oHers: Im-
mediate Income; aggressive
advertising; bonus plan; in-
surance; vacalion, etc.
ILER "B" Assemblers
H u G H E s ASSEM . w. have an Immediato need
NEWPORT BEACH Exp. "'l\lll'od in opot.weJdlna -~ olec"""1c uaemblen
Immedlate opening for a
steady, reliable · man to
work with 2 other janitor&
on cM 3rd shift (11:30 p.m.
to 8:30 a.m.)
1028 Bayside Dr-675-4130
Hughes Newport Beach has
ru: immediate oirnlng for a
Materials Tecbjlician '?~ a
well-equipped MOS facilily.
Over 21, will train if neces-'This position requires a
sa.ry to make sandwiches & background in the proces-
related deli items. Apply in sing of semi-cond uctor ma·
person only. tcrials and the assembly of
DEU SHEF semi-conductor devices. A
' 10039-Adams ~Ave. basic knowledge of planar
B kh t H B techniques would be help.. at roo urs, ..
ASSISTANT Apply In person or send
for new, expanding, !';Cientif· resume to:
ic·testing fum. Erratic hours
but wtlirnltro opportunity. H U G H E S
Some college preld. cau 9
to s wk. '"'" 615-1875 Aircraft Company
or/and part time. Neat ap-
pearance. Must be able to
meet and deal with the
public. good figure. Apply
lb ·person, Holiday Hea1tb
Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd.,
500 Superior Ave.
Newpor1 Beach 92663
Equal opportunity
employer -M & F
' to 3 •hilt. Mu•• be Test Technician out of school. APPLY
DENNY'S Rest. To podonn prod. t .. ts A
trouble shoot eo:mplex ~
12924 Beach Blvd., tronic equip. Ski1ll comp.
Garden Grove to a competant TV repair.
has an immedlat~
requirement for a
With recent lodustrlal plant
aecwity experienoe. Outiea
will include physical eectlJ\o
ity, lock A: key control and
ID procedures. A lcnow1edae
"' First Ald will be belp!UL
With Torno experience. The
ablli~ to do owri tei·QPI I.a
FIELD OF ELECTRONIC!. .. ns mo IS NOT TOO MUOl man. tamil. w/ all types
,.,; man over 40, with car, of transistor circuits .A OJ)er.
to take short auto tripa near of electronc test eqwp, Per-
Seadl Otiel. Air mail P.E. eons not posaessh1g such
Pate, PT'es., TexM Refiner)' skills need not apply. Pleue apply bl pertof!-·
(l,rp., Box 711, Fort Worth, Call 646-9611
Texas 76101.
•Designer-Planner to WOTk
en large Apt. projecta &
~tom homes. Gared Smith
Architect, NewPOrt Beacb Join todl.YI tutett grow\nl &U-7i.ss profesdon·Mutual ~ u.les
SERVICE station Mamgel', No ~ ~
mechanic & attendanta. Dill We train • f\iD or part time
A part time. Must .be. exp Mutu1I Fund AdvllOl"I,
"flO(OJ rer.. Good aaW> Inc.
Equal opportUnll;y
emplo)'tt -M & I'
+ atfMl. Apply 10CO E. Npt 8 . 1603 Wntcllft·MU422 FULL Time OeJ.i..food to
Coast Hwy. NB. 5,A. 1llJ N. Broadwaf Ill TIME OW p. ~..gm 4l>5 E. 17th St..tM.
&: 110me metal cleanlnl. Plua with a maximum ol. 1 yr.
ability to IOkler •talnleu ;.i:; mutt be wDlliw to work.
1teel. Good Co. benefits with On the b l lhlft from 7:30
future_ for rla:ht per90ll. AP-a.m. to f p.m. Knowled&e of
p1,y at. color code, compe>Mnt part8
Porsonnol Office
U.S. Divers
3323 W. Warner
Santa Ana
"" equal opportunity emplo)'tt
&: 10ldering ii mandatory,
Good --+ excel· ll!!nt bentfl tl lndudhw u
dll)'1 vacation during the lit
year of employment.
Varian Dlf1 ,
A VARJAN SUllSIDlAJtY 2722 Mlcholoon Drive
(A<IJ. Orange Co -· Irvine, C.111, 92664
An ..,..._,\y
We prefer a mlnlmum of 2
yrs. lodusttial janitorial ex·
perlence with knowJed&:e ot
power cleaning equipment
You must have a stable
work hlstoey. Good starti111:
rate, ab1ft premium .t ben.
v1riln dal1
/ lllltbines
2722 Michel-Drive
(Adj .......... C.. Ah-port)
Ityino, Calli. 9'661
An equal opportunl1¥
employer ~ i: F
To assllt Senior Account-
ants iii compUting labor,
material an d overhead
costs, preparing journals,
taking trial balance• and
audltine subtidla:ty ledgen.
A good knowledse of ac-
oountuw theory and a min-
imum o! Industrial experi-
enCe ii required. Recent
mWtary accountq experi·
ence ia acceptable.
~ aPPi)' in penion.
Excellent EmployM
ThlN l'loot-
1111 Broldw1y
,Newport Boech
An F.qual °"""""'"' Em ......
Mm!. DESl6ll
Good opportunl\y 1"' ...., * BUSBOYS with eome accounti1Jc or re--lated clerical uperlenee, lo '
come into contact with aD
deparlinenta fA tbt compehy
Pr<!er'H. S. lltd ---tralnlqr.
Plieue apply ln pmon or In
App11 in..-
wri~ IO pmonneJ depart. 151 !. COoo1 Hlihway
menL N#port llHch
SERV StatlOn At t e nd• n t
w/rtJ/H!h lcftow.-.,.,. FI
time. MUii be ~ble
-ble ............ Ex· cell oppt)' f«: adv'cmL PART TIME ~ "86'' -·Dr SNACK llAR 6 M-Av.;N.B. e l'RY COOi( e
YOUNG,........,ve6 ......
Potentia1 fUll ttmt 1n SU» 8eCnlf:ar>' tor ~s
mer. MUii be 21.-otrlce. Fer in~ call HUNTINGTON Mt. Gedlk ...._. 1 6 $
SEACLll'I' at 494-8'194
c-try Cl.. e INVENTORY
S&-m , CONTftOL
"---------lgo..21166 N.B. -
90CKITTO Ult · ~
500 Superior Avenue
Newport Boach, Calli.
Equal opportunity
employer ~ M • r
Mochonlu l Auomblor
Prefer JOmeone wl l.h
medlantca1 .-mbb' ex-..,...,.,..
GOOcl benef1tl: aJXI worko
q cttndltlooo.
IC btJe Wa;v, Costa Mta
Fune ra l
Beautiful P a c i f i c
View Memorial Park
is located on the hill·
side overlooking the
Newport Bay area.
Cemete r y lots
crypts -. and niche•.
Before n e e d pur·
' chase 'plan.
A fast gr~wlng com·
pany with'. complete
s e r Vi c e facilities.
Mortuary, C h~e 1,
Mausoleum an Cre-
matory all wl the
cemetery. \
We want two emo-
tionally mature men.
No experience ne-
cessary_.becauso of
o u r .,,~ professional
training. Do not1 pass
up this opportunity.
Phone 644-0212
D1rrell Ward
Vice Preild.nt and
Dlr-t of Solos.
at Costa Mesa, for
Opportunity for
*'* *
* * * APPLY AT
P~rsoonel Office Monday thru Saturday
JO AM w 4 PM
ROEBUCK & .co.
MEN '1
-. ' •• . . . -. •••
Je .DAILY P!1.0T ""'""· ;ea.-a 1~ . , 11611 a '"Yiillil1 . • • ~ L-. • " JO., I EMl'LOYMINT IOU 1 IMl'LOYMINT IOU & IMPLOYMINT MERCKANDIU FOR MERCHANDISI l'Olt MIROlANDISI FOR_,. MIRCHANDISE FOR .!'
..... wo.. ..... -noo Holp Wonted Help Wmltd Mo. I I l ~""~""'!:":::-~~·!w~-!·~7soo~1;:::::•:;AL;::•.::•:::M=D~T11:.::.A:;D;;l!;;;:::SA:;:LE=::::AN==D-T:..:•::: .. ::ID:=I 1-~SA::;.L::.:!:..::AH:::D~T~RA==D=-•-.::SA:;:L;:;l:;_;.;Ao.;No.D_TIAD_=··I
1! SALE! i::NGJNEER * w-7400 W-7400 W-75501· Fumhvro 1000 Furniture 1000 Hl·FI & S-1210Hl·FI & Ste,.. 12iO
RECFJ<T~~~ •• , •• , UNIGARD "~r~:;..=:A Computer ~~ ~J ONCE A YEAR SALE q..iu. .. whoa>mmunlcat.. lnsuronc• o~ Lquna Beach. Some ' • TAX' ' TUNERS-RECEIVERS -oo I = :·i:.,,~..: TIRED or A LONG-r = . -$lllO .... renuer Operator Flaber FM-200 ' ;;·oo I =.,..!Inn,,.~~ :1i',,.;.._ c...,. i. ELDERLY woman wanlod PIUONNll. • , ' · • lf:l ~ Int'I Short.Wave 60'.00
pluttcs c 0 mp 0 n en t now Wrin&: tor our new di· -$lOO mo .• prtv. room 1 AGINCY !~;1;0°r~·~ REDUCTION SALEI Ken~ood TK 140 (New) 299.00
.... mbly. Care<r op. vt-oflfoeopen...,approx. =-~: ~~ • •"PLIFl.ER"s ,·& PRE·•up5, oonunit)' withe x c C' 1 t e n t f/15/'69 in H u n t I n g ton ~ L 17ftt I t. rnontha experience tt--""" """' benefits including prottt Beach, ju.fl ott the San Di--.-493--4 __ 7oo _______ , C•t• Mell quired on .MocJtl'•B20 Marantz Model 7 Stereo.Pre-Amp. 129.50
-, .. ""' Thn<! pooltlons EXPER. -olllce girl ..... .,, or """· or ll'l>O mtem Special Once-a· Year Fl!ber 400C stereo Pre-Amp. 69.50 CAuroRNJA will....,,.;. • ihott tn.inina Oftf l'J, ..,..i\N: IM"'·time, plus EAM.·Al>Pl1 tn: " SA·lOOO Stereo Power Amp. 180.00
INJECTION MOLDING period o! 2 m0ntbi In ""' --"' IUU time tn 7 DAYS 'TIL MARCH 1st ONLY " 70A " '' " 30.oo DI Briggs Awnue Loa ~s olllct. before 2 mot. Ufolocy. 5CS-2241 1104 I. 17ttl St. P•f'IMlllltl Office J.B. Lansing SE-401 Stereo Amp. 185.00
Cc<ta M• ... Call!. the D>O"f. Mlleap will be DRUG CLERK. Throe yean ••••• """ 0 t k d BO S I Mcintosh M!.fil; Indus. 60 W. Power 100.00
"""" Ind. fuel paJd during tlri& .. -min ........ ""''· Top 547.f721 u s a· vers oc e * up lo % IY ngs p Am 75 00 "'" "~ 1¥8" Allee 1565 Mixer re-p. . ~ .,,..._ Oolllp Pharmacy • .• 19 J . B. Lansing SA<iOO Stereo Amp. 323.00
RETIRED man u part time
Manager A: HO&t in the
friendliest A mod deluxe
.elf service 11.und:ry tn So.
Calll. Baker 4 Fairvtew,
C.l'of. Z..tust be sober, depen-
dable in good health, neat
appearing. & attUStomed to
meeting the pUblic. Short
hourS, not physicall)'
demanding work. Work Wed
noon thru Sat. Very modest
salary. Must live close by.
See the stott tint, and eeft
John at the store or call
644-1307 aft 5 p.m.
lmmedl•t• 0,...1.,., In 440 v• Dr., CM. -FE.MALE Co.mpany !.! DONT MISS THIS ! ! Heath, Knight, Fisher, Eico, the follow ing .,... Jobi Mon, Wom. 7500 DuKane & others from '10.00 lo ~.00
EXPERIENCED service ata.·
tion man for tun time work,
days. Work into manage-
ment, mecha atcal n·
perience preferred S4G-S721 ------Help W•ntlld
Women 7400
Immediate opening for a sec-
retary with a minlmwn of
three ;years experience,
Experi.!;nced or trainee 1n
tire 1:/or casualty atathiU:.
cal coding. Math aptitude ........,,,
Type 40 to 50 accurately.
Some experience or aptitude
with """"' helpful Llobt customer contact.
Prder at teut one year of
fire or casualty rating exper-.
lence. Opportunity to ad·
vance into multii-1 llne rat.
Carttr openinc for operarors
with at leut one year ex.
perlence on Alpha I: Neu·
merlc IBM equlp'mt. Da,y
Benty Salon
Mutt have •xp.rlenct.
Llc:enH nect11•ry.
Excellent Employee
Per1onne1 Office
• Third Floor
The Broadway
47 Court1 of F•ahlon
Newport Be1ch
An Eqoal Opportunity
Bkkpr to $433
ExpedeJlcod bookltoepor "" to trial hmnoe.
Secty/Stono 111 $120
Personnel department. type
50, oborlhand 80, aeneral
secretarial dutlt!I.
Typist $37S
Type accurately for reports,
tile, mall & phones.
Cashlor $350
Some knowledge of book·
keeping and accolltlt& pay.
able, DO typl.ng ftqUired.
M1nag•r Tr1inH
to $606
Rave car wll1 travel a.round
Orange O:lunty. Top level
Mlea experience, sharp,
mature &. attractive.
General Office $407
Type 50, tile, routine copy
This pollition requires a ma.
lure, responsible person with
excel.lent shorthand and typ.
Ing akl1l&. You must be a
aeU ltatter and be able to
work w t t b a m.lrrlmum
mnount of direction, u you
1'ill be wortdnC for a field
lllles manag•r.
Excellent free bene.fitl. Ptr--IOi-OiiiiiOiiiiiiiii..,iiio I manen~ ,i.ady woek. Our PBX Reep! $350
policy ia promotion from UNUSUAL EJperienced PBX. .ccurate within. Your future la deter· typist, no speea, attractive,
mined entlrely by you. New front office.
~":: •• :::: ..... ~· Opportunity D•"'•' ... 1.1.n1
Tbo Independent Order o1 front & book $375
You will be working for Na·
tio.ne.J. Electronic• Inc. C•
Varian subsidiary) •t the
Varian Data Machines oft.
For Details and App't.
Call Collect
12131 384-1213
Foresters have opened a Experienced in front attlce
DeW office in South Orange &: able to relieve In back
County. Require intelligent office, rood on phones &:
man or woman over 25. Q». ooUection work.
lege nOt neceaaJ')' • Sbduld G I F Id $350 have experience in mee~ ir r IY
public. D!Drlfled We time Pr@pe.re orders for ware-
posltion. Earning commenc-house, good figure: aptitude.
Good starting salary plus ex· K•ypundt $450 C@llent benefits. &nd located I---------
in a new air • conditioned
plan~ ill tho Izvtne ""'""' dal Complex. Hostess
es immediately. Should be
in uceaa o1 $250 weekly. "Two years experleoce on 029
Telephone: 492-8100 between mM
varlan data
2722 Micholaon or1 ..
(Adj. Orang• Co. Alrport)
lrvln•, c.111. 92664
An equol -·11 employer, M 4 F
Apply In person
1555 W. Adam•
Cost• Mesa
Work Neer Hom• e Accounting/Bkpg
• Secrelarlal
• Typlsto
Superior Ag1ncy
Eolablbbed 1946
S URGICAL JM EDICAL 1857 Harbor Bl. Costa Mesa
transcriber Dt'flded at once. Call first. 642-TI41
Experience In b e av Y ·.-W-AlTRESSES.,----W-il_l _tra!n_,
au:rgical dictation. Hoon tun or part time. Must be
flexible, Contact Mr• • JB. attractive with bubbling
=-ty, :n~ ~~1~ penonality. THE ZOOP .......... ..,._. 2344 East Coast HWJ.. at
9 AM • l PM Mon. thru Fri.
9 AM • 12 Noon Saturdaya
for appointment.
Exctlltnt Employee
P1raonn.I Office
Third Floor
1he 8r01dw1y
47 C°""' of Folhlon
N•wport Be•ch
An Equ'1 Oportunlty
Empl-AVI!., S. A. McArthur. CdM
CURTAIN A d r •per YI "D"ISTRIB==um""'"'R"-np-portun--11yd---------
Mleslad1ea. APPb' Udoff'a for well groomed woman,
Home Furnlahln&a. S. c.oast w/America'a most excltlng
Plua. C.M. cosmetics co. Penonalized
FUlL time dl'.ntal recep-training, flex. hrs. For
tlonlst over 35, ap req. appt.; ~195
Send resume to Daily Pilot BOOKKEEPER wanted; ex·
Box M fl52 per. in payroll & accl's.
BABYSITI'ER. rella~ ., payable. Apply: ,W. D.
Vic. Llndberlh Sch. ht Schock Co, 3502 So. Gree~
grader, 2-:'i PM. Wk4ayl:. ville, Santa Ana
1-513--.,,2868=,,,,--:::-=,;; -e MAIDS. FuJl or part time.
MAIDS WANTED Must be able to work week..
2301 Newport Blvd., Costa ends.
Mesa.Apply In pert0n. Ken NII•• Mot•I
BABY81"M'ER needed 8 AM 1021 Bayside Dr. ~
to 5-'PM: Fomltaln Valley Newport Beach
uea. 5.11--3230 Eves. ---~-----1
Able to read and Inter-
pret blueprlnta and ache.
mattes, Prefer printed
circuit board expuience.
Call Personnel 0.pt.
(714) 4.,...9401
LAGUNA BEACH WANTED: Aggressive, ef·
ftclent., up'd, Ftont deslc
cirl tor Dental ofc. 8§.8612
MATURE woman for relief
on 11 PM to 7 AM 8hift
Sawytr Home. 6f6..6716
1 girl office ln Naples. ~ tne. llhorthand deslreable, Equal opportunity emplo)'ft'
busy telephone. Call tor ap.
pointment (213) ,,...,,, * DRIVERS *
BABYSlTI'ER needed 8 AM
to 5 PM: Fountain Valle:ic.
ateL 531-3230.
TEL EPllONE Antwmina
Servi<:<. -need ..... oolly apply, 511'QO
MO'l1fER'S belper, ll\111 In,
perm. Prvt rm A bath. S1Z
mo. 60-.5614
•shift. pat ~. No up.
nee. :zs.45. App., Mr. Donut,
13.S E. 11th St., C.M.
GALS, I bav. an Idea! Small
b:Jusedeanhtt b u • I n e • s
Let'• pt our h ead•
........ 160-:1812
l20I W. Cout Hwy, N.8.
BABYSl'ITER tor g & 1 )'f
old airia. 5 days wk. Nwpt
l!Je ....., dkttict -
~ live In C!hlld care
Tel.,_ reception No Experience
work. Apply be-Necessary! 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 106
E. Maywood, Stnt• Mmt t.ve clean CaUfurn1a Ana drMng record. Apply • YELLOW CAii CO. CAN YOU QUALIFY? 186 E. 16lb St
Heu&ewtwa who want to Costa Mesa
....... part time. 10 houn·l--------
pcr week & make $65. call YOUNG English Executive
BSS321 btwn 2 & 4. engaged in trade w I
........... Good -· e HAND FINISHERS. Gv-
ment aperience. ~
NB. S,...._. Mfar.
Europe. requfts French
man or woman for private
profH&ional tutoring in oral
French; minimum 3 hn per
wk until Ouent. C a 11
ATl'RACTIVE Gal to model 646-1473 9 tit 5.
afewhounaweek. Rll s•-· genttOUI pay. StrictlY for •• 1t1t1 ,,..
tun, no exp neeesu.ry. mp-#Mn & Worn.n
ly lo Bm M 6.'18 n.a, Piiot Exp<ndlng apln. Ottlco # -"-===-.,.-::"=="I 4 openings available for • BtrM'ON & Btn'TON tfccued men a women. In-
0 PE RAT 0 RS ; t X· atant income & ntntng. Mr
pl'rienct'd. App.-· to 3 p.m. Gardber. s p r I DI Rulty,
JAY MAR INC. 290T S. OU. 5404824
San,. Ana l.PRIN'MN'="'==c"'."'d"'up1~1ca"'to-,-..,-..
MATURE WOMAN ator Hunn""°" B<ach. Ex· b ............ 5 ..... wk, pvt nn. r.v. an-ms 1'or telephone •t1t'WY• our pertence AA D\ck or MUiti.
.... ,lJlT .nme b a b 1 • I t t e r ottlor. FUD Ol" pt time. Cd Mu.st wt'l1t' without supervl~
O:iroaa de) Mar; boon pl.)'. Ph. Mn. Pihl 6f6. '7753, lon. sm.8ll camen1 dperi..
ftdld. Own trans. 61S-lf3S 9:30 am-StSO pm da.il)'. ence desired, will conalder
BEAJ.m' O PERATOR WANTED PJeuant woman ptrt time. R.ePlY P.O. Boz
WAl'f'J'm P'Ull or part Ume, to care far '1 yr old boy. 1066 Huntqton Beach. DC?
, -1'L Otll ~ w..,.n.ur.Frl morn. 9,30-Waltma a. Bartenden
Fa<:tory Rap $700 + $70 for car + 4c a mile + all insura.n~ paid, Ex·
cellent frln&e benefits, Ag·
greaaive mM will be train-
ed to represent nationwide
company in pro_tttted tetrl·
Mech1nlcal E1tlm1tor
to $850
Minimum three years ex-
perience o1 sheet metal &.
machine shop estimating.
High volume manufacturer,
mWlt know RFQ and able to
put together a package bid.
Shipping & Receiving
Experienced helplu'l but not
necesaary. Strona: &: Willing
Shop For•m•n to $606
Working foreman experlenc--
ed in .upervision of 10
people, Keep small shop
Plumbeir1 to $4. hr
Military complete, high
school grad, know area,
general installation of dry..
ers & washers.
Lob Tech to $750
BS In chemistry, refLI sharp
& agresdve, meticulous &
like lab work, permanent.
Research Helper
Tr1in1• $520
Career position with nation·
aJ. concem seeking ;young
men with 25 units of college,
10 unit& in pbysical science
& math.
Plant M1 lnt1na.nce
En9lnHr $606.67
Jack of all trade&. Know
something about carpenby,
electric, plurnbln1 elc.
Some Imagination, bandy
with tool&.
Building Mainteruinc• ·
E"9inoer to $650
Strong electrical back·
grouod & machine abop ex·
perience. Know all trades,
air condltionir1[, heating,
electric, plumbing & paint-
ing, know codes. ExceJlent
opportunit)I to adv&DCI':.
P1rt Time
Sto<k Boy $1 .75 hr.
Col\ere boy with mechani-
cal ""11a.
P.T. Night
Audit ... $1 hr.
OIDrece boy, IOtne offioe
bl.cQround, meet public.
Produltlon Controd
Clerk to $400
Good with flgurH, eapteltl·
tx decimal& A fn<Uonl.
90me light IYPina. M\llt be
dee cut.
a COclta.ll W'fJtrea 11:30 ~ honw-, own trans. * C.U. ga..im *
.,,,,,, _...._ llemy'o 644 2llQ5 alt I pm. :1600 W. Olul Hwy N.8. Bo!N fH ~ ·~llcant
_,_111MB 1--$ocre$. WANTED' Couplo I« mamt lliTU'ii...., tri CllN b' 1")'p1rw A, lharthand. of adul~,35' unit apta. Exptr. ind fM pl d 1y Com-
j ,, old pt. 111 l!Ome, • .-..,._ • nee. N.IL C\)!. The n.> pany P,O'lllonat
N1c<ML -··-ly Pilot~~ 1 ... ..., ... ...,...,
. Scinto Ana · Thoren• turntables -lonk Terms * Store Chal'CJe ' Newcomb Transcription Rec.
\ to 35.00
All eqt.iaJ opportwtlty
Steno Typi1t
Variety or dutiu lncl.uding
...... lllles onlen, -· receptionist, telepbooe oper-
ator. Must have sood aecre-
tarial sklllr.
Staca, Inc:.
1139 Baker St.
Costa Mesa 92ti26
An equal opportunity
!>egret" 1n Businesa Ad--
ministration, major in
Accounting, preferred,
Please file application by
Feb. 28.
C lty of Coste M11a n Falr Drive P.O. Box 1200
for 2 licensed Real Estate
people. Your own desk &
phone. Good advutislng pn>
gram. With well est&bliahed
office. Walk In tra.Uic. Good
leads to work on.
·.1. E. Lachenmyer Realtor
1860 Newport Blvd., CM
646-3928 Eve. 67J..4577
19.50 . Player w I Amp.
Spanish & Mediterranean CARTRIDGES & P1cK-uP ARMS AUTH~NTIC SPANISH: Bedrooms, living Ortolon, Empire, Grado -$10. to 20.00
rooms, gam~ sets, dining room sets, tables,
lamps, wroUght iron and accessories, etc., TAPE RECORDERS t Tandber; Model 6, Stereo Rec. 149.50
e c. "Panasomc RS755S Stereo Rec. 110.00
12, Years same location-same <>wners
Deily9·9 ~ Sunday 10-5
. '5411-9660
Others, Ampex, Revere from $45. to 95.00
J. B. Lansing Hartsfield System
" C.50 Olympus Encl.
Bozak E·500 Spinet Encl.
Wbarfedale W-70 Encl. w/10"
dual-cone Spkr.
J.B. Lansing C-43 Encls. w/115-AC
& Networks (2) ea. 149.50
Fumitur1 8000 Appliances 1100 A1tec 515 Theatre Woofers (4}" 39.50
Bozak CM-209-6 Column Spkrs. (2)" 180.00
• SPECIAL PURCHASE • Misc. 8" to 12" Spkrs. $3 to 8.00 Refrigerators, automatic
washers & other major a~ C.C.T.C.
pliances II:°m ~odel ~mes Conrac AV12C Receiver 180.00
at fanla!tlc d~counts. No Philips C.C.T.V. Camera 395.00
\. MedHerranean nown. w~;;::s""" '1' Packard Ben c.c,.,T. v. ca!!'era 495.oo
11185 Brookhurst, l'tn Valley Akutron 175.00
Received cancellatlon
of $22,000.00 Spanilh
•nd Mediterranean
All New Top Quality
Brand N1me1
Decorator's Dream
House on Display
Items as follows: Gor·
geou. 8 ft. custom quil-
ted sofa with separate
loose pillows wl th bea vy oak trlm decor and mat· chin&'. chair, 3 matching
oak occWonal .. bles, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps,
an 8 piece master bed-
room suite in pe<:an pan.
clled Mediterranean style
(So. of Warner) 968-1234 JEAN MUSICK CORP.
Antiques 8110 2080 Pla.centi• Ave., Cost• M111
ANTIQUE Spanish and Mex, 541-1671
religious art fnn. small pvt. ===:::::::::::::::::::::c::::::::::::=:::::::::=:;::::: I
coUectlon. JBlh C. palnt S.. Pl•nos & Orpna 8130 Mloe•ll•nMVI An tonio w. gilt frame; Mex·
IC'~ .. cuccifu<. • ~ a II ' • New Pianos •
prurutive w. inset mmon; WURLITZER & BRADBURY
17th C. illurr.l nated All _., & fini he all parchments: tin paintings. .. ...,.es s s,
Sensibly priced or exchange American made, 88 ~te, del
for good nautical antiques. w-hench &: tuned. Pl'iCle ltarf.. ~2629 , Ing at $499.
VASI' stock Am" & Eur Wurliber Organs
turn ·a:· clocks. L arry • NEW •
Morgan Antlques, 2 4 2 8 l\t'any other makes. Many
OUTBOARD Gu tank $4,
Corvair parts. 4 Spd trans.
disassembled $10. Rear U •
Jes $5 each. Engine com-
partment lid $5, Monza hub
caps $2 ea. Good w/w tire
& wheel $7. Chevrolet 3rd
member works, needs
brakes $1 Falcon hub caps
set of <t, $5. 545$06
--------with top quality 15 ;yr. Schools·lnatruction 7600 warranty mattress &: box
Newport Blvd., C,M. styles &: finisheJs. Prices
Office desk & chair. start at
MUST SELL before 3/3.
Maving out of State. Have
Simmons hide-a-bed, chair
& ottoman, mattress &
springs. Maytag washer, U'
boat &. loader, odds &:. ends,
Baycreat. 54&-094.1
springs. Spanish d ecor
dining set, etc.
Whole houseful! w1s
r~ular $1295.00
Llk< new $595
~~~ ~ Beach Music Center
642-6138 e 1903 Federal, CM
LIFETIME Gift, typewriting.
Children, grandchildren, or
yoursell! Individually tutor-
ed Oill.coat 10 lessons typlna:
school. 173 Del Mar, CM,
,...2859 $568.00 Factory Sales & Service FLOOR COVERINGS
WE are starting another
wheel-thrtnvl:ng clus Wed
mornings. Se aview
Ceramics, 344 Ocean Ave.,
Laguna Beach. 497-1820
Any niece can be ~ chas~ individually . . •
TERMS -We carry our own account'>.
Sewing Mlchlnn 8120 Dally 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 Carpets, Vinyls, Tiles, latest
. 11404 Beach mvd., (Hwy 39) styles and colors. Commer-
1968 SINGER complete with 1% mi. So. San Diego Fwy. cial & Residential. Expert
walnut console. Due .to Huntington Beach 847-85.36 installation.
PIANO lessons, BA degree
in music. l hour $4. Begin-
ners Pref. 673-5849. fill] divorce action-repossession! U d"'• '·I ·642-140.l 540-7262 $37.88 or assu1ne 12 paymts se won .Ml e
ot 13.85 mo. B"tton ""'"'· r Must Sell !
blind hems, ovel'C8Jlts etc. Hammond MlOO Spinet $995 Light Auburn Fill
No attac h needed. HammondA100Conaole$1800 Pd$120-Sic $25
Furniture Guarantee OK. ~6 Hammond RT-2 Concert with 54M 537 Aft. 6 p.m.
MERCHANDISE FOR ot HARBOR BLVD. HR '° ................ $1895
SALE AND TRADE 1844 Newport Blvd.M __ u_,;,_a_1 _1n._•t_. __ •_12_5 : =~:::: jil,W~'l'!'.u~ li:
Furnituro 8000 Cosla Mesa H ., . Gu1-... Premier only , Guit1r •-quarten tbs ld e NEW and USED e mon ° ' ...... •· ... $3395
lOtby vacuum cleaner w/at..
tachment&. Take over small
pymnta or pay off balance
of $36.12. Ciedlt Dept,
KE 5-7289 20 PC. "MADRID" (only) ALL PIANos ............ .. Fender • Vox • Standcl 20% or mo-Sa•'"-'·•, 3 R G • SON • TIN " ,,. ... '6" PRIVATE party leaving U.S. OOm roup GIB MAR Open Mon & Fri eves. wishes to sell all turo A
FROM MODEL HOMES Every nite 'Iii 9 e WILSON e YAMAHA HAMMOND household items. Everything
Includes: Quilted sofa 4 Wed., S•t., Sun. 'til 6 Drum H•eclqu1rten In CORONA DEL MAR less than 6 mos. old.
chair - 2 end tables &: cot· e NEW and USED e 2854 E. c.oast Hwy., 6'1U9.1o 644-0104
f,. table -2 1am., -"",.. 17 Pc. Kinn Si1e LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO WE'RE In °"" new ....., --.-V-A_C_U_U_MS--.-
er -mirror -headboard -, Large selection with new 4 Our fantastic sale or ~
quilted box spring &:: matt· Bedroom pc. sets and cymbals ~tart· &:: Orpna row continues at S10 up. Repa.ln & part&.
ress _ 5 pc. dining room; Large 9 drawer dreuer, mlr-lng at $99.50. ~ab, hl·hats Orange County's only piano Reasonable. Cout Vacuwa
table & <t hl-back chairs. ror, 2 bedalde standa, king and sets re~. All small &. organ "super market'". 333 E. 17th, C.M., "2-1560
COMPARE AT $749.95 size headboard, trame, quill· ?8115• aCCW10nes A cymbals Pianos from $195. Organs MAGIC Chef apt. 11lze corn·
$399 ed ttre .. Aft'• b'--'-in stock.. from $195. bin. elec, range, ref. hink.
ma "' •·~~ ~~· EVER. YTHING IN MUSIC WARO'S BALDWIN S'l'UDIO No down-Pmta only $16 mo. e~ etc. B h M • 26 Gal aquarium w/flab. WElK'S WAREHOUSE '!'';od~,:r:,:,~· eac us1c Center 1819 Newport. cM. 64W84 ~~~e;~~er~""
All Fo $249 Faotory Sal" & Service Talovl•l°."·~---12;.....;05 w/qu!lt!d mattr<a. """"'
600 W. .th st., Santa Ana r • 12 · •s -N ... ~ ---~· -N d p t n1 $9 oa · Y noon 'til 9, Sat ~ RENT TV $lO ever..._.... -wvi-ou -· Open Daily 9-9 o own . m s. o Y mo. 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) N De 't Free Der 842-6536
Sal !>6 Sun ll~ WElK'S WAREHOUSE 1\1 mi. So. San Dl•go Fwy. sJ.o.ri" · ~";;]'0 UJ'HOLSTERING -119.ro. 2
MORE CASH H"nlington Beacb 847"536 °' · po, (Eun>P"an crallimen)
600 W. 4Ut St., Santa. Ana 12-STRING Hoyer guitar PACKARD BeU Co Io r Free eat., del, pickup, 215
Open Dally 9. 9 like new. Will aacrili~ Console, 21". ioo;1• new pLc-Main. HB "Bemy" 536--M(IS
Sat. 9 -6 Sun. 11 • 6 fJ.85. * 675-6936 lure tube. OUen. 646-6700 SONY 500 Stereo ta Pe PAID FOR
Colored TV's, Pl1not
Appll1nc111 Antique•
I Piece or
20 PC. MODERN HI-Fl & Ster.. 8210
3 ROOM GROUP Planoa & Organ• 8130 S!'EREO lll69 solid •tai..,;.:
lncludes: Fiora! so.fa &: chair G d 0 I sole. Never used $85. Also
• walnut tables. lamps. ran pen ng 6' walnut AM/FM
complete bedroom with quill Our new organ department multiplex. 8 speWr audio
ed mattress • 5 pc. dinette, la now open featuring system. Normally sells for
''" All •--THOMAS ORGANS $489.95, sacrilice • $250. 11 Our Speol•ltyl ~ -5·2·7· 7 •ith too exclual"' Colo...Clo Credit Dept. 535-7289
636-3420 and Playmate,
recorder, complete with
spea~ra I: mikes. Firlit
$185 takes. 5f8..6413
$50. '61 UIEV. Onalr.
Engine good, trana. lad.
Running oond. 54g...o(fll
5 PIECE dinette set U).
89'll Comet Circle, West·
minster. 847·7187.
24 HOUR SERVICE Nodown.Pmt>,oo!y l!Omo. FREE SpertlngGood1 15001--------·1
BUYER ON DUTY 1 DAYS Wlll('S WAREHOUSE Lawrence Welk family muaio -FREE TO YOU
COUI'3e, a $100 nlue. tree * SCUBA * 20 Pc:. Maple wuh '""" Thomaa °""'"· 1an1a, regulator & """" XI•• 3 ROOM GllOUP 600 WO~~ D~ ';"'.'~ Ano "''"""tart at 1595. 1.c.S85_._84_'-_188_7 ___ _
!ndudol: Living '""m .. t • Sat. • • s SUn. u • 6 Coast Music: -
tab!.,. • lamps • bedroom * $2' 44 * 1839 Newport Blvd, CM Ml•cell•neoua 8600
"' •. quilted mot""" • ma· 3 Pie" 'Braldod Corn<r or Newport & Harbor * AUCTION * pie dining room. All for··• e OVAL RUG SET e 646 0271 $449 Nylon bl•od. ttvcrsibl•, • U you w!ll ..U or bey
No down . Pmta. only$18 mo. Brown, coppe.rtone. gretn. PIANOS & ORGANS rtve Windy a try
WElJ('S WAREHOUSE ·Sire" 3 x 10, 2 x ~ 2 x S Famo.a Name Brand> A"ctlom Friday 7,30 P·lll. AL'S UNUSUAL from 1529. Windy's Auction Bam
600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana
Open Dally 9 • 9
Sat 9 . 6 Sun. 11 • 6
l'URNITURE Also USED Tnstrument1 Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'l
l'l11ll Beach Bl\ld. Goo ld Music Comp.tny 2015~ Newport. CM·646-8686
Huntington Oeaeh 84l-44G,I :i04S N. Main, Santa Ana SPAGiiEri'I Lovers, t 0 r
E LEG NT &'.>. ol F1:eeway 547-06&1 A S P a n I sh Mon .l FH 'ti! g Sunday l2.S ~?ul spaghetti b o u a e furnltuno. 3 rooms 1 lTIQ c:c=-,,:,..~::.:.:;::;=-=.:: million dollar recipe, send
old. Cost $4000. ntw, sell 1-lAMMOND • Stelnway Ya· name, addreu &: $1 cub.
l Beds, 2 Simmons mattress-all $2!!00. MB-926.5. 13.l> maha • new & ul!ed pianos check or money order to
es, 2 writing desks, 1 chest. Paliaades Rd, No. 11. S.A.. of all makea. Best l: tn P.O. Box 4004, Diamond
All I "10 h r So. Calif. rtght bett. Bat Calit 91166'
or •• ~11 • G1ref! Slit 8022 SCllMIDT MUSIC 1,-.,.,,:,· ,....,""'-""'-----64:>-1280 morni.ngs __ 1907 N. Malo, :l YRS Hol1da.Y Health spa
NE\V walnut bunk beds & MISCELLANEOUS ft l'!'ms of Santa Ana meml:ll!'nhlp " Pl'ke'. Write
matttc':l3tl, perfect cone!, furniture I: appllances. 755 UPRIGHT Schumann Plano P.O. BoX '183 HB A: lea~
pakl ~. Walnut end HudllOn, ~or 540-0011 & Bench. Refin1abec1 (Notl,;ph.""nom.==,,,--.--:::--:-
table' 48x30, $10. &44--2005 antiques). Good tone Ir FIREWOOD tor ule. Walnut
aft 6 pm. A-1[ .... llOO rond. N<•d• keya ....,..,......, Ellcolyphll, Ajlrlo>~ $41.00
"' U A L J T y >ting bed ~ 1 ·-$100 ~4 oord S2S \S crd. Del A
w/qullted mA.ttrtSll, oomp. 'KEl'fMORE Cu Dr)'U'"° f!X· PRTVA1'E PARTY ltack'd trft. W 688..aH6
Nf'ver us:M $98, "1)fl.h $250. ~l condlUon $45. Wanta to buy piano DECORATOR'S Uncla.lmed
RIUS36 __..--. 841.rus for Cash. 21.WTl·lnlS drapery, all llm, IJ&hl
BRM. aet. Liv. rm. set. dil'lft-PERSlAN rup 2ir4 $-l. 3.xS, ANTTQ\JED PLAYER 1ibadca. I~ tel; lamps & m.iSfo 4ri ~. 6x9 S3l. 8xl0 $49. Pif:O * _ nzs 540_:§12:HO am..S pm.
540--0948 alter 6 PM , !btl2 '85. 80-m> • *~2 *-"DAILY P!LOI' iANT ACS! __ ;:__;,;,;c:;;.;:...-"'._
ORGANIC Fert.lllser. qed
bone manure combined
with wood ahavlnp. Coo;d
mulch. 83l.s332 or 546-4931
betw 8 & 5 Mon thru
f'rl, 21211
WHT. M&le Poodle found 3
wits ago to home with
childr!.n; approx 1 yr old.
894--3222 2/'11
ND Gd hm far lovable prbrd.
Bassett, male, 1 yr. l.o\.its
child, bouaplt. 6 3 3 - 9 5 3 5
eves. 2/r/.
FREE Loving male blacl<
cat, 1 yr old. Very af-
fectionate w J children.
642-23<16 2125
SELECl'ION of btaut. kit·
tlllns & cata. Fot App't call:
675-4738 •125
FREE to good horoe. &f·
hcdonate Siamel6 cat.
Lavea dilldren. 962-8912 2121'
P'REE to good home J'tm.
Toy Terrier abort !Wt. 54,.m, mr
1 PINE TREE ol 1 AC\aA
>13-3)42 2tf7
BABY 8 a• a I n et t ·~
Bathinette. ~ • UJ:J
t ,;-• -. 10 ' -"
so so
: $4,
rana. ' ... com-
1 hub
' ""' I 3Til ••• ....
' & r, 12' """·
rn & -old.
""' '° cora-., ....
""' ...
"""" $250.
" 215 ~
mir . .....
' !>J,
-• --th~
Good IM931
2nll g;;r-3
r old.
y al·
re n .
t ctll:
°""" f 19 t Also s...doy for lnsptetlon & ....,..Ienco
Faetory Samples, Finance Co's & Repossessions
I CREDITORS DEMAND CASH I * NEW -NEAR NEW * Couches • lov .. seats • naugahyde coUches & chairs • seo-
tlonalo • coffee & end tables • swag lamps 8i lamps • 3 Mahog twin Bednn sel& (xlnt
c()nd) & several others • Beautiful massive
cust built new King slu bedrm sets • 9 pc
mahog din rm set • 2 white & gold king size
bednn sets (beaut cond) • Mattress set&, all
sizes: area rugs, pictures, china, glassware,
O¢C chairs, recliners, din rm sets, chlnas,
dinettes, twin maple Bednn seu & bunks.
I Color TV's-B & W's-Stereos-Combos I * ANTIQUES * Grand piano, beautiful carved legs. Dining room aeta, cb.lna, mar-
ble top servers, several True French Prov
Bedmi sets, all in Xlnt condlUon. Entry
pieces (Victorian), commodes, mirrors, pic-tures.
Refrigerators, Stoves, Washers, Dryers
If you have never been to an AUCTION -
you don't know what you've missed -
WOW I I It's an experience ! Come see to believe !
Wo Flnoneo Wlth,Good Crodlt
Master Ch•rv• & BanlcAmerlcard
AOK Commission Gallery
I Block West o! Beach Bl>;d., off G.G. Frwy.
MIO TRANSPORTATION 1;;;;;;;,;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IMolillo H°'"" 9200
S&l~s. SeMce. P&l't5
lmmcdlate Dellvecy,·
All Modela
J~rlup l1l l
31111 pL1 r! ,,
am~ T IA
15300 llACH ILYD. WISTMINSTll lff.U22
4 1/2%
l111k fi11111cT119 •v•ll1bl1 011
"•flk ''''"'' ef cr1cllt.
Lis Yeaas Vaclllon
No P11"-h••• N111111ry
15300 Buch BIYd.
Westmhuter ··~·3322 OPEN 7 DAYS
•• I
' ~ •
i !
• i . :
• I . ~ • •• . : . '
• I
ft DAll.Y PU.OT Tutsday, Fll>MIJ 25, 1969
_iOiiiD . ' -
• 45c lb.
siloui:iifi .: Ci:oi 89~~ ' .
' .119
T -BONE or -·ciUB
•ADO• •A~IJ\~OHN 5 5 SLICEu , ,; . c
BACON "'"""' -
lf~'t • IKllt\.l'U '4)1Ut
LlmE ·ni: 49c
WALL "t:· ' c
~PLA(j)UES -
YOUl'I HAIR e f!.EG, t .ff
. PILLQW 166
' ' . _ 'F!lfSH _FROM THE DESERT•_ SAVI ltc , 8 u. 49(
. -, .. Vlhlte· -~rcapefruH ...
lOf.l)EDWITHVIJAMIHC 8 77' ORANGES 1:2~1 -:.
•oounA =~ 54c CHEESE ONLY '"'" lb.
GOUDA CHllH-5·1L BOX 2.70
AMERICAN . . ~sl:iclD12~HCf PACKAGE 69c
.•• SHRiMPHCEGIAss1Aa 2· ,_-C DAIRY. FR.&H • ~llllOCS.Ml.D e l~LI.
SPRINGFIELD• "" DAllY1 lo AJA. lO 9 ... M.
MEAT _ PIES : ~~ SAT. I SUN, 10 AM. TO 7 r.M.
SPRINGFIELD 22c ar• extra .taVlnp
moclo -•!ffe' t.y llf'Odal ........... -tfte
TOMATOU manufactww '1M ,...o.,; an
' '
ID. 1"·9"~. . .
' '
2120 so. ·..-roi. ~f-WMIB
2200 HAllOI ll'/P. AT 'YISON
, :
· ·1 I
, l
' '
' 1
" ~