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1969-02-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
.. ~ f ' • I ), ' i ( • ' ' ' I I • ' ' I t I ' I • I ., ... --- l • '.a . I ' ' . • • ~" . • .,, ... -·- .. ,. . '" -- '' TRAGEDY MAP -(A)' Com· munity o! Sllverado Canyon ; (B) Sllverado Fir•/ Station wb.~re mud slide buried flood r.i\igee1; (0) #,Gijeska Can- yon, also hll!~nr ; (D) Irvine Fire l!«i, tvac\1$· lion headqua ters following Si!verado slide . ! , . ...... " ~----·---·--• r r " •1 I ' ' I• ' ·.· i:~,,..::;.o:-· -~' 4-,.!--.. ~=---~ :. ;!:;.. ,.:.-= . . ' ' ' '.:': .·.: .. ~t .' ; 1j· t-V. !"'" ~--~··~~!'ll"!M· .. -:·-; ;"" ...,. ... \. . ' ~I ,t-l,f>. I: ·" ',1 • ' . • ' J ···-·.;- -. -- • -- . ·-. . ;...;>: . ,, .> ...... l • ~ -. ' .·.... •,, ,, ; • , .. , •' · · ., · •. ·' •,;•. • 1-•· . r'' • ....;, • •..-.; ·~.); ~.;t!n..: •.1~~rlJ \•JtI -'··"·! . .. ··.· ... -··I I• .• .J . ,, , ....... I ' .J •••·•-\f.~('' ,,.,, ·• .,...~. ' . · • • '· '· '·•'·'i'I•·''• \• • • '< • ,• " ' ' J' ' .¥" I , I I ' '• /' J J • ' ' .' I, ' • 1 ' • , ' .._,_...:.,..· ' • ' ' -, I :• • , t '· • ),• \ >; .0::;an@Piit~Mfito~~,.s ·-~~fi;ftIJtiifl'' '·' 1 . ' ( ~' • ' _. • ·=--1'" ' . . •. ' . ' . . ..... _...:;..~_..._-1 .. " ~ .. .__..; -·---~ '·' •. '-+-•• .. -" ... J..,... •..... -,--;:::;"=::;'-: 1-.;::t:~t-.. _. --.....!--.--,. ... -.-~ . .I. ;'L.. .. ' '.. •..• :·;·-:-.-· ·~·._,_ • -··-.. ·---• :-l ~:·-i··-··: .... , : ·t·..,.· ·, I· .. ,•..,.· . '"1["' ,_,.-l'tl ··!1f, I ' f • , J • ' I • , '\:. T I t· l Jl.-0 ' . . . . /-; ,• '\,', :·~.:~&:•,•;I ~~ l'" t . ~,,. .· ·uc · .· .. :~;,r,,· . ' . ' ) . • •.> ': :•, fJ·'·'""' '' ., '. 1 ~-·;({ • ) r. '1"'"'•r ·j,,'4< "f •r ~· •' ~ • .~.. .. •.,.. • • • ••• ,,, . .. J ' l 1,. • ' • l I '!l,' I •• '• '\ I 'l1 , _ [" ' ·-~-•' ' I ,: .. -5··· '~~I-I ., : < ~ •• -"' : • • '.' -.. ~ /... ~· \1 • I '•'·1·4. ~ ' .,~ ... . :\. ' . j, .. . . " • . . . . . • --~ .. ! l •· I .. I ..... .-.... J . . AIR v--m~w ••• -· ~ ~ltOPP~R CRIW CHIEI'>! 'fHl!.t.i evAc UATION . ;ucfim· ,Mic~1 i: W!v'i?;8lr" · ·L-Cpl. J, L. Peter...,·,Takoa lreak.., Hnftard l'llwht it.i11tw1.,·~:M~"°"",.. ' From Pqe 1 . Pr~grwnt Woman, Teen :: lst Resczwd From Slide -' -.. . SJ JWDl Mllt»agr ............ Dr. llobert Pew~ 1 hosplW Intern who !lllended Ibo dlluter vlcllms durln& the ma1>1. Aid 'that Mn. w...mm, who mpects delivery In thne -U, wu found burled under a layer d mud. CANCl!llBD TIWNI' Santa Fe Ratlwq olllclall llllcl todq they 111 .. ·-1IPll1 f1lrlber - three -tralnll and -frelPta aervtng the county dally. Nixon Visits ~rmany,. A.diJ,resse8 :Bundes~ · ~1611\~· Tbe other .ictlm, lfA>berl Pattmon, •tumbled duedly from the wlllrrlnt chofiper to 1 wa!Ung ambulonce. He was treated for laceraUons and npoeure and later releaatd. Tbe bellcopter, dllpatched from El Toro Marine AJr Stailon, toek oil Jm. medlattly Iller unloldJng the pottent and returned to the diwter area. Tracks between San J ... Clp!Jtnno and Oceanside were wubed out by Ibo nrirllnl Santa Marprlta River, which ~ uncleniiliied Intmllte Jlllbway I, cl<>olns all lanes TueoctaJ. All ll·fMMld boy fnllll VIila, Wayne Rees, suffered a ten1fylq ezperilnce -be all!lllld Into • atorm ........ wblle waiklnihome from ICboo1 ~ and was nepl 150 feel thmJ&h the darklulmel '.fime told the Roman way ••• by oJiGA • DAI LY PILOI ......., ................ .... ------. -..... CO.UT PUattMINS COM•AM'f ............. J.t.• L c.1.., "' .......... -...... -... ,.._, ..... ·-a...,"-........... .......... ,.., .... \~···-·-.. . ""• e .................. .. ........................... 5Ii •,.:.n.:~·· II =, . .. --. --~ r..:.=.:::.. .. ,..= u: a:.• ............. ~ ..... ::=:• tn4tMMJll a M:al ... U'°""" · ._..,.. ,.., •sti•la ............ ~ ....... =Aillllll • ..... ............. -· ........ .................. ..._. .... -·--... ~ ......, ...... l tr-"G r __, ........... ...,. ........,, II wu bock 1bout ..,. hour later with a man and 'Wile, both llUfterlng multiple fractum. Tbe poilentl, Jolm and Sbma Sleppy ol GI Sllverlldo an now II Ibo hosplW .-vtrlng fnllll lbolr lnjurla. John, "· 11 1Jat.ed u beJnc in terfoul condiUcm, bll wlfe'I II delcrthed 11 ltlr. Alao "'"""" In from the -..... by belleopler and mtUtary ...-. '1'Ueldl!y ~ and lbll morning were the lofJowln&: Ject Brtabm11 , 33, BoJ. I, SDvtrado, fnJ1llOd Jee, .......... - ,.,._ lliWltl, It, ma Hazltbelle, Sllfthldo, mulUple frac:tutts. -. . Do1fttl, 17, her .... 1nJurtd hand,·nlelled, lllllo DoWlll, 11, llllOlber oon, mulUplo !nctuns. . JllA1 T. Mrm, Zllm lllncbo Wo,y, l!llverldo ~ ezpeclli!I -·· latit lransforred to SI. Jooepb'1 HooptW In Orqe. ~ an.. possible -Pl• Uont, coodilloa lllled u lair. ll4btri H,,,.., 51, .11111 Sllnndo Cloyoo -· multiple Injuries, nleued. J--· hi• wile, possible fl'ao-tuns, coadllloa 1llted 11 rood· Air Force Attempts Reacue of 2. Pilots .. LD(OOlllC. NAS, . .caill. •(UPI) -A• :Alr,._· ....... mm~w AFB atltmj!lod to -todlJ hro Novy 1111o1o u11 .. Air rm.. poramedlc lroal 11111 'Wkld nepl alopeo d the sterna· near Ml Wbltn<y. '11le ~ Cmdr. G. W. Lubborl, Llllloaft; and U: J. a. llcDlntel, Han- . lord, --injuriol wlien their Al S~ er.-II Ille ll,000-loot lnel ,,_., wblle porlltlpatinc In • Mltdl far 1 TAI Styblwk jet trainer which .,._ In the area Mondq wtth two men abolnl. , Two ---him by. hair'• bnodth however, and be II boopltallled toc111 In -condltlon. Oil Slick Flows Thicker, Blacker At Santa Barbara SANTA BAllBAllA (UPI) -Tbe now ol crude oil from ...,. .. o11.-drlllllll plaUorm wu nported blcroalln( todlJ and U appeared to be thicker and blicler Ulan Ibo pmt;uo --· ''We dOlll have 1111 -d Ibo amoun~ exctpt lhll n 11 ~ • llllcl 1 !lpOk-.. far 11n1111 • OD eo.. G1J<r11or d the plallorm I" mDta all the COii!. . "I don'I thlril. tt'1 _.. lhan the orlllinal leU, bul I con1 111 K'1 any bitter, tltber," he Uld. '11le llrll IMlt poulocl ..... -111,000 aalliN iii oil to the 'iurfaoe d the PacUleond-llmlloldbuchu oo1ll! ond -d tlU -.... '1111. .wtll ..... "'"""' wtth -(I( clrilllnl-.-ond -, .. 7, but -llloft the "° 1111 .. --1atod In~ --Ibo oc:un 11oor bu Mped to the ....r-11 1 nte ol aboiil 1,oot ·-·· '11le -!low lppeand to be c:omlnc lrom the ..... flllurt u the ... _ ol rwddull "° and --to be blacker and thlcbr than Ibo alick lbot developed from the •low leak . StorM7 -pmtntod "1medlito detennlnallon ol the ....... --K nillbl lipJal I fmh leak ar whether it was just an incru.se In 8ffPllt. • CONVENIENT TEllMS' IANICAMEAICARD MASru CHAR&E J. e. .J./ump/,,;u {}-f-r 1123 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MISA 22 VIAU IN THI SAMI LOCATION · .. • ·. • VO~. 62, NO. 49, 4 SECTIONS, 62 PAGES By TERRY COVILLE Of lfle DaltJ ,It.it St•tf A resounding school bond and tu override victory Tuesday for the Hun· tington Beach City School District brought a cry or elation todaf from school ollklals. The $4.75 million school bond won by ai nJ percent margin, it needed only 11.7. · A tu ·override lhcrease or 15 ~nts · ap:ud ·over thtee yeary: won· by nearly • . aeh . ORNl&E 'COIJN1Y, ~ , . ' • "' ' ,.. ... ., • N. Y. Stoekli JEN CENTS above 90 cents per $100 unle•s apPfoved by election, and Ume was runnmi. out on the dislrlct. ' ' · Votfng by irea1 Went a1(£0Uows : Lake Park on bonds: in favor lU, ai~ -, l~i on override: JD favor .-117, against-lit. ' HuqUngton Beich ~1 ,on1 t;>dadJ:- ln favor -119, agal!ia~ !,IS: !"> ..VetrJde: (See BONDS, PIP ll • •-· , .. ·ore I . ~e: .. . ~ • ' ' ' l '0llll Hun~Jngton Hof!'up Bandit Pair Roh . . Bank of $7,800 Two stockJng masked bandits armed with· a rifle stole $7 ,lKIO from the Bank of America at Brookhurst Street and Adam Avenue ·in Huntington Beach at noon ~Y·. . Witnesses said the .two men eptered. the front door > of the bank w_ith s\lk 1tociings pulled over their faces. One man wu armed with a rille. Police A.id lhe unarmed man toJd bank telllU''• "This is a hold1,1p. We're SA River .. Peaks, But Levees Hold R_esidents along , the Santa Ana River breathed a ·$igh of relief today after surging fiood waters reached a record· breaking peak Tuesday bul didn 't spill over the banks. Dangerous flood conditlons still pre- vail, and the Orange County Flood Control District warned this morning that the Santa Ana River will continue to flow at a rapid rate for several more days. • Nervous homeowners and sightseers flocked to points along the river in Huntingion Beach, Fountain Valley ~ Costa Mesa, as swollen mountain streams brought the river to within six feet of the bank tops. Flood control persormel closed several bridges over the riyer thi! i:nomlng WhUe El Toro Marines and inmates from Orange County Jail sa ndbagged the river banks. NONE GAVE WAY "No bridges have given way and no banks are cracked," said George Os· borne, chief engineer for the flood con- trol· dlMct. ''The bridges were merely cl~ so workmen wouldn't be interfered with by onJookers while reinforcing the banb, '' Osborne explained. More water i5 expected to raise the river level this afternoon when the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers opens the gates at Prado Dam. "No danger Is expected from the increase," Osborne added. not kidding, put the phone down, open up your boxes and stay back." The rifle armed bandil vaulted !hi counter when be · thought a buzz .. made by the openinc vault door wu an alarm. Three teller!' Caabbft:e1 Were elianed out by the ba!)dils, police· l,aid, al}d ' . ' ' ' $1,900 ill II.DO. bijls .,., ~ f1 lho 1\>Qt." 1 • ' ,.~ • ~ :<•(-:" ~;i. ·A ito1en car wu used. by ·the bandits to .... ~ ~ilf.1 11!.< ~ !(IS I-./ "iii '11>hmt.es ~~IU 11J tij'~-~ V~~~·· · 1¥ .W"" lnll'~,S!<eelt hl.ciil."·1 . .. !"" A ~ outalilt Uie . liOil tof.t poll(e he' ..... !he ~ii .leait In lhe car and beail for tbe Coat& Mela;~en tial arU acrou the rqtng -sa.Dta-ADI ruver . · · · , · One~ witness !~e the balik, E. J. Gral)anl, · 111311 . Broollhurst St,, Hun- tinaton B<acb,· S1111erod a m1ld heart auack during the robbery. He· ii In good COlldiUoo today; police uld. Poli~ .IDday are •WI look!nc for ti>< two ~ta, whose identity and location are stW unknown. Bank oficlals told polke Tuesday that the bank bu no 1Uent alarm system because the last time it was tobbed was in 11115. Sunset Beach 'Tru ce' Arra,nged · B6th sides agreed on a temporary truce today in the Superior Court dispute between a group of Sunset Beach homeownen and tha HunliJllton Harbour Corporation. Judge Claude M. Owens &ranted a court contJnuance afler belnr adv!led that both aides wanted men time to polilh up their ·.,...-ma ·1n ·lho fence line fracu. He 1 set a new beartn& date for March I lot the lalue. The pros)er ty owriera aeell: an JnjUneUOn which WOllld 'haJt tbe ·cofp:ii-.luOn•1 at· tempt · to' .,.,. baCk ,_.,,,which ei!- crooch, the corporation clalml, on Hunt-ington Harbour property. · Huntlngtoa liu'bour In turn aalled for "l'" tllaof 11.mllllon _,,., from the propdly oiWaerl ud clalmod thal tholr worUn had eocountered resistance wbei1 they llOQlbt to -·'fence.. · . . .. -· . ~· • t •• • ,·. ·1 · 1 •. · ..... 1 ~-l ., · . , 1''J ' -·· .rz.:"1· • i'~ .··•·· •( ..• r • ', 1 ,"1·~'1'\n':u· ': '. ";' . , DA.ILY,Plt.OT ""!'t 'lf•~""'IW OUTWAllD . APPEAWC'. 11i: CALii l;iis'~il61~0· AT li1~E 'op ,s 1 LV.E~D1>'.·CANYON ''l'RAISEDY . , , A•r:ltl·Vl•·lntllcttK.tl) W!Mlo91HlU Ad.ilnto ·Fl.-.&tatlon, 12J'.Mucl'Oo•lni O..t OOor • · · ; 11,: ·,,· 1·.·,1 l -!'$;J•i;IQ(I'· I .i;'." · ,,., ~;.· ,· •I • • < I ' l ' ;f,I ~' i ! • '· •\ • I ' ·•• ~ 2-74 Find Whlil·'~'.ff;~fug~e' ~~ 9>m~,·o~t- , · · .... · · · But New Storm ·. Flr,pd·.'8~1fi3,rs .· ... .. Mefl,iJS ; in • .. , 1. , .. By AllTlllJll.1\-VINSEL Of --~,,..,.., Refugee ,_.~fit don't understand un.ttl a bOwl ;-et1_dllll' and a cup o1i colfee is 1parid.be ~ Jhe chance yoo 1 may have •a bOjue ruu. or mud ta go home to iJ pure heaven. Airlifted by' JieiJcopter. pilots in whose hands thie control sUcb were at times m1gician'' tnaglc wands, 274 of them came do"tlfD'· Jrcm, ltonn-acoured moun-- tains ~ ~)'Glll .of ;Orange County. Tuesday., ~ , They ~ 1rllh omall peraonal treuures IMt ~Jin criaia carry; alOlli wlili'ibf• ... iri!W. ~ledie Iha\ for iome nn1 l1!11'ned/'nt18bbotl, ~ wollld lie ~"'-"'•ifilf.' . · . H~i\I, tl' i / ~ or *'?',l_RI~ thtt' """ lmed''Jo th•· s11e1~,,~ t111:inolfo( a ~·P>st at the lrvi"'i ~ Ctli#; Dril lla}loii for bu! evacua· . t1on lo'Bai Q:oll ...,, In Orange. Seaztblnl'for )D'rtd ones, the storm, ' " t ' '. ' I ~ : ' ' • • 4 ' l • : • ' : : • !· ~efUJ,et* .s~ect , r:nost .~o~able -. ii cQmlort ~sted Jor Ultm , -w.hen clutching .some Hlik to :the security of homei n!O!l'win f\n<J vanilbed. · · ··Men lieid c0tfee "chpsi ind ' cigar,ettes : ~rr went; ·t!J9U&h ~e . perspnil rltuilt of , llJJ'IOl!:blg pipes, .while their . womeh .Uac!I·' . ' . t!d babies arid 1 po~. y,:bich!ver they· owned, 'in 'a '. cine when 10mething 'to ~ld me'~ IOIJl~I '8V~ : , , · ."W~'r, cruy: to· Uve in that canyon,, ! Craly 1 •• .'' -. iobbN ·a heavy · woman 1 ~de' 'as : .the· r'-1n' p~S!e)red ~·to· · Her'.fdr•""a/. in ·4af1.·11'Rci· and ·.,.big ' ' .. -;,-,,:: '"ut'' ' . . lj¥ey i~' '.lo!!, qfl, ~:lier . volc;e._;· ,, ., "i -, • ·:. ; :... . So"1etimu, one hellcopta' bowered ' waiUn~, while ariotber 1.1nJ~ded · ih the ' ' mlllfdli· n\lddfe Cl 'sanUago tanyoii'Road and J thlfd seltlod her:le~' ;-. w~I• vonishing ill aolikod pasluie nearby - . '•(See'lll'll"IJG~, PaP, 11 ' ! ' . W .. w· . ru~ m : :IJlgs · Lik.! a de.se'rt oa~is, the loa~lost iUn tieamect 'Che!riry over ttie Ora'rige ·clmSt t?<iay. if~r 1 five da~s 'o~ \he ,yW~ ;most mise.r'able weather w~t~ flQOding, death and. wlde1pread· d.e st r u ct i o'n throukbOut the SoUthlarH:L ·_. ~, '. : · : But, weaJJiU .forecaslei-s· warn~lilat o,asi!:"may .be but a l~·~ived .' 'age, . . ' ' . . ' -' 1""111 S..-Liit Yr, Coll• ,...... .S.50 . 1.2.# J..a. N•-1 lttdl '·" 1,.14 •.Ill LMuM t••ach a.n 11.• J.20 . Huntlneton ••cfl 01.11 1•.11 •.n '~'*"' \1111tY ''°" 11.07 6.17 Vf•lmfntttr· • -S.11 ltll •a.~' SHI Bt.m J.11 1 ,II 6.Jf L"V:.. L•r•un wt.Id 6.12 . II.II' I S.?t lrtll\t' f!tlltlt 1.tJ 11M a.37' l.ltUJil ~l&~fl 6.n 111.Cll S::to M•liil ' '·'° , 111.1111 6.ff GI'°"' Q/"e'\111 , ., ~1' -19"6 .s.JI S'1fl• ~If• -· 5.,. '11.'1 ' M ~i. JViA . .... ll.'7 ~ ' '117 •...:.co.ti Ma.i s.n c1.,-11 rltuc• ---,,_ J«I. I. . . . since another storm appears ln the.i>ffirig ""' ~Id slrike Lie eo&Jt· by Friday, . The Santa Ana River r€ached its peak at: midnight last night. Osborne said, when the wild Santiago Creek poured over Villa Park dam spillways and rushed Into the river. "AJI dams are holding well today," Osborne said. Resident! in Fountain Valley were aandbagging curbs in a few spots Tues- dly, but city officials aa.id the only p;U>lem was a small break in a drainqe cllannel. · .. Last. 1._to . 'Djsast~r Are.a 1 Meanwhile, cbUtal res1dents broke· oot the mops end paib ar iulhoi'IUes kept a watchful eye on ,WOllen rivka and· creeks and weather watcher• uw their rain gauges ·soar up to II 'lncbea -. a record wbJch they ' hope wW stand · up for iit Jeasi another It years.' · ·The ralft '"meter read an even 20 Inches at Anlhefm; which recdvlid lNI water h;om. the weekeDd atorril, 4.5 lncheS, t!Wi ~ othir ...... 'of the cotlr\ty. Prevlou• ,d~iuges , had gtv!'l '.~I <flY a' commandliig le~ to the .f<,,..n ralnlall City engineers said the Sao Dileo Freeway acts as a natural dam ani' _,Id protect mosl .X Founlaln VIiie)' if the river did break. The U. S. Geolo<lcal S..rvjj offi<i In Garden Grove said the river was mov· Ing at the rate or I.~ miles per hour with enough water to cover S4,000 acres , one (Set RIVER. P11e ZI Stork IHorket• '.NEW YORK (AP ) -The stock market closed with a gain today a1 Wall Street got a shot·in-the-ann from reports of progress in Vietnatn pUce talb, (5ee qootatioN, Pages :U.25). The market wu lower on balance a\ the start. even though firmness in blue chips held the Dow J..,.. Industrial 1vera1e on an even keel. ' > •; -I Photographer ·view.a .'f(escues From Copier . . W h c ~ Matto. · Jiollcaptc" whirred .i,.&Q , u... M.m>tD toall& of Silverodo Cmiuan · to rescue t r a p p e d residentl Tzus&z~. DAILY PILOT phologTapher Richard Kochler tDQI on the 1ctnt. Here fl hit account of one of tht rescue milsioni. ' .. • 1 • t 1 It e ' depanlnent. ' 1 • • ' · • .Ollltr couoty readhJCs . id ttaie -. compared With. a "nonnel'"total .x.1,11 , irJChes",-:-were · 11.18:. ati GUJlen • GrOVe., · 11.111 al both ""'1lna Beach eiid' rionlain Volley, 17.11 on the Irvine Iii~; rl.14 lq llewport ~h end·ll.11 hi~ !leach. " . . . ,Hardest hll by the ,1~0 ·monlhe )>I . -.. llo!iever, -to . bi .sn ~le;1 ".bli:llJ --1ta ralnf.all • lrom tht .lltlt· .X lbe\ ,._,, Tbll> dlJ . ~i17.U lnclMt-Ju. J: (...,;. paNil ' .wltli ,M: it: W. ltlml 'la-l ltll) • wtWtl Colla·.~ tlto mi · r11r:-1 Jul .lo'--.! ii.•.(iic-•l.Olltil 1 yurr. : .. ,. ,., • · 1.t ti:..,, ,~.1""""! 1'"" 1-.i .day >of 111'!'~ dllDIPOil (~ JWNFAIL,'...,. ll : !'.' ' .. £ I ' .{ 1 ... -... ' .. Silverado Death Toll Reaches 11 · By JACK &ROBACK Of .. Dally , •• , .. " Rescue .. workers clawing through a crumpled mountain -of mud and boulders today recovered six more mangled bodies,_briagil)g . the number of knOwll · dea~ jn Tueaday's .iraglc Sllverado .Fi~• More Flood Storle,1 . Pho&ol, Pac• s, ,. ~tetiP!\ ~ter to II penons. ' Six mdte victirits of the m)ghty 1 mudslide which carried lhe remote ala• _ lion to .ol?llvlon wbll< !'I .....,tab\ l1oocl ~mi..;,Jlited in&lde for rt1eue "" -'l'lij ~ans• County. ~:· Office ~ idiidlllcation of'the kno"" vlcilmJ will • ~ .. IDon .. poilihle, biol iM ti1illllltlnc "'""' " !ht gilndlng slid• makes ttie lr1m Job utrtmely difficult. ' • ( ' ' . -~ ' 1 ' One, of. the vEUms, bcnmtef, wis iderJ.. Wlod · by ·a· ring' be< ...n ·-y 11 salesman Dtck Black. .31,1 bat 11!1 grieving neighbor.,~ .fart,..,:·31.· '*1 be coiJldn't ~ blrn 111y other1 way. · "l'd like to liirjel wbat be leoked llke," Bald Carter, who lost bis bomt to berserk Santiago Creek, sweeping . (See STORM, Pop I) ,...,. -- TRAGEOY MAP -(A} Com· munlty of Silverado Canyon; (B) Sllverado Fire Slation where m114 slide buried flood refugees; (C) Modjeska Can- yon, also ·rut by flooding; (D) Irvine Fire Station; evacua- tion · headquarters following · Silverad"o'·slide. Wea .. er The ralp'1 , eon.e away, but ' on1,y to mate room for another storm 011 Friday' a' horizon. In the meanµpte,, hl.PPY aunahlnc. JNSmE TOD~Y TM opening of •Death of a Salesman" at South Cocut R<1><rtary hfghUphls a rich dfcl 'o/ 1111e'tllCaUr l• Onmg• C9'1nly IM.r !0<1ktftll. SH j,.. tertolnmm,. Pagt ~· ='!J"'le'' l~ M_.:r:. ~ltt R ......... ,... . . ·-···-........... .. ..... 11 ................ . ~ M-C..,11 1 ( ........ "4 , , ·• -'' l:· !!..'!!!-,.;. I ~=-'-;..1 •1g;··~ na :t1~ u Df •• , •• ,.. " ~;~, . ....,, .. ="'-• ~ . ' , ~ • • • I • • ..• • ' ! • • ·: I I I DolllY l'llllT H ~sirhan Says ··.He'll Make (krnuln ParU..-t .,Nixon . Appears . .. . :(;uilty Plea ·"~-At. Bundestag • r• • ....... . ::;LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. '. ·~ II willing to plead guilty to the . ::niunter al Sen. .Robtri F. Kennedy and ~;ii. l!o tho gu cllorober nther .thaD .:~ with hll present lrlaL ~::Tbi ~Y-Arab uploded In the 'coartn>om Tuesday at presentation of 'fi,tes in which he wrote that Kennedy • "1must die like his brother." :: : llefenee attorneys and his ll>Olher tried •'.lo calm him and counsel Grant B. • Cooper said: "He is like a man in a bo&pitll who • tells bis doctora be wanls to loave when :111ey bow be cannot Poislbl.Y do so." Siman stood up and shouted ·l!ld had to be lhoved to his seot hrice by bailllf• -·the ph&eartlon praenied the diiria In wbJd\ he Jied scribbled 'thal he. favONd the Overilirow of the Unl1ecl States GovtrNnenl, ~ Ruulan and _ Odnese Communists and wrote over and over qain lhet "RFK must die." Sirliln told Su~ Coor! Judge·lier· bei{:V, Willcer m· prtVaie chambers that he r'WWtd rather tti9 "than have people think I 8"1 1et1ln1r a fair trial." In -bOob diled May 18, 1911, lllr- han wrote in disjointed and unpunctuatM phrases: • ''Robert Kennedy must be sacrlficed for the cause of the exploited people. My detenninalion to elinunate RFK is be- come the more of an unshakeable obsession. (See llllUIAN, Page I) AIR VIEW ••• ,rom Page l From P .... l RAIN:FALL ... STORM TQLL MOUNTS .. •. more than an Inch of rain on most houses, cars and boulders before its San Mateo Creek crurDpled into lhe rac- coaslal cities south ()( the Sanla Ana floodwaters. Ing floodwaters Tuesday, cutting by 80 M In heli flgb · percent output from the nu c I e a r River. Newport Beach registered 1.63 ar e copter crewmen ting generating plant at San Onofre. inches, LagU!>& Beach 1.26, Costa -Mesa qalnat rain, overaot. tlme and darlqieaa Offlclak al S... Dlqo Gu and Electric and Irvine' Lio eacb.. · TueadO)' atrlllled • total a1 214 .........i eo., Nld -,.. r-td bJ aar1y llOom.er. iintn .''Toesda, • y'• Silveraclo ...idmll of suverido and '~ l_!l!la1, but la the ln!erim. IOl!ll>ern ~ dllufor; opDP . county bad caDyODI io uftly. ' V' <Jnoip County and fhl oprll)llllla cam. eacaploiln1lel!'il;lbedea\nlell0a 1l!OUlhl 8---itlooll -....0, Jn ~ MarlDe c:orpa •·"."" aJ, by the ra&!pt ralnfl!l ' , the niatd cu, u the 11ar1ae d>ol1 n . • In Venlura, at 1eul 200 boats ll!lk ~ to pl IOO mere -·out.. ~ 'ftWN8 · as the SaDta Clara JUver lllllUhOcl of the flooclnv•-' area. • ' • "-~•'e• llllln>'. unlllofflc!all ~. ~I and hm-son. He was wearing: a yellow 1 -.-. • UIQ' ,.. cancelecf '"'Wla" ~""'--.:: raincoat. We went through the same througty1 . . and destroyed 500 Theywere~tiito:"PMI .. i..:....6ft11-a.T"tr••••andthree ... '•"• Of the . m ' ll!O berths and •'•'I r~""' by·~ · -· ~ ~--"...,... operation. Cpl. Peterson got them into "'&'' .......,u.. .,.. --'-• the ty d•"• · the l!<>rsecollar and up they came. of the I. b. Damage wu esllmated wber< bulel ware carryini pie Ylctlma ·-... coon ...,. The canyon is pretty narrow here. at $4 • on down to a Red Croll riecue center Tracb . between San Ju.an caPtattano Wires, trees and the sides ol hills are Some ,000 pOrlORI Otd their homes al El M°'*" lllgb School, Oranp. and Ocelllllde were wilhed out by the _all around. The blades of the helicopter In Santa aulli. wlien a Cl'."k overflowed 1,!o ma .• ~larodwhat.~. '-_ ~-dllc-""'1· awlr!log ·Santa Margarita R!J',~.:.,wl>lch1 :::oyouJdbltverybsily. Mooday. ·~.bul, they·were able to w, .~, ~--also undennlned lntentala ,._.ay , : · Up we rose, then, and once more ~ . y. ,Many live In sbanUes ,._ who ,.,.. up llgbllng .-0'• ~~~ :,.e111,:;. VIiia, Wayne •• .... alar1ocl back. Then underneath us 4elvpcl': lhrto wow . earlier ' by awuome power Jn.· the ..-ltGrm la. "-IUflerod ,_. ................ _ .• ,.... eome campers. The plane com-f1ooCI w . . · 8$ yean, ~ to baYt It -thllD • a -'"'""' -.--· BONN, Germany !APr -Pi'e~dent Nixon came to West ~any today and Jn an Ulll>ftCOdented appearance bef"1I 'ill Bundestq aald .-fol n,.otliU... with the lovllt ~ dt~ on th~ matnienance of "the .ueilgtb: lhat made negoUaUona possible." The Bundestag is West. Germany's 1 'jiarUament. The"aucc .. of the Western alliance, tie told the paclied assembly, "ii Jn. dkated by the ·facl thai In the Ill years that It haa eallted we have bad1 peace u far u this M of ~ world Is c:Oncerned and .thal every, ..,. ol the nalionl In the alltaDct .that wu froo Ill yean ago II ,.(rte lodl,J . Including the free ctty ol Balla." No ""1tr U.I!-.~ .had ever ~P peared before the Bundetlag. Nb:on atood before a huge black, gold and red e.uJe on tbe wan. Speaking in a hoarse voice, Nixon noted to the laughter of the Gennan deJ"'!l.a that be had not been f<!I ' as Piealdinl before the Coqress al tbt United States. Ke wai introduc<d by ,Kal-Uwe ·voa Haase!, president of the Buodes!ag, who said West Germans were dedicated to a long-standing decision to "go our way as a partner of the UnJted States." "Wt tbant you for your solidarity with Europe, Germany and above all with Berlin," Von Hassel said. "Without clear guarantees for freedom and uairJ .. ty, Berlin and the federal republic could live neither ifl peace nor freedom. The Bundest.aJ u..nn you for Y"" viii! In the f,.itrll ropubllc and eopeclaUy In Berlin... • • Earlier Nixon received the West Gennan government's approval for hi.s planned negotiations with Moscow and in turn be ......i Cha!tcellor Kurl'Georg Kieslnger the Unl1ecl States will 1Upport GeflM!IY In Iii negotiations over Berlin. Nixon told the B~e&tag that he wanted to speak fJf the c•prlnclples and ideals that wiD continue to bind us :~ Capt. Paul Johnlon, boffrecl, T..iiy Soulhlanders mopped ~p imder out again bi il!vwido Fin 810t1c1n. .. -be Ill~ Into a atorm oewtr ... )!:'~~-.1.:l:"~~ ..... :L'~~~-~~ -~-~ .. !!!'~~~~;.. _Ci()l_lqty .~~'·· - :-~ ~.!. Ntheavybolle~~ coald al!~ta !!':"'this weekencf II IOll!ethlng cootlnutd to • ., II 111 ·banb ,,,..~-hbnbyabair's Expans1·on OK'd J11111P out....... ttom ~ e ... ac~ In Or-and · Ana today u breodth bowher, and be II hoopltlllHd * * * * * * domap In the al ~ .... lodljf Jn -cond!Uoo. From Pagel .~.,311rom •.~.:,;: ... ~ •.. ,~~ .. ·~ ... ~led 1r.!i~~the:ir.!:f~~\~ 11--Y'!I ~· ... .;;;:....,. cowtrooms was approved Tuesday by . REFUGEES FLEE CANY. ON in • the bOme al Mr. and lltl. today --... up • •·'Jlnt 01 the Board of Supervlson. like a giant bird on a neSt. No one waltlq at tl>e lip llll!on o1ltAo . knew what to upect lmla! Ip Jiid -lhrougb "' plm ~· . :before. • • Men from El Toro MCAS awaited :. ilJ'deti in· .the drlizllng rain '.and the ~;l!fnd ·al tens. limbo m-by the old ~ .-'!lllltarY saying: Gel ready and inJL ' "How far II tt In there to lbem folb!," asked a clnmty lance corporal Wbo ap- peared to weigh about 280 pounds, bear- ing that a flve-mlle bike from road's end to the disaster scene was expected. "Boy Howdy, that'll be fun," he groan- ed, "but I done her io 'Nam and I guess I can do her stateside." Hot food canisters and cartons of other goods were stowed aboard the first. Huey supply sh.ip to roar off the makeshift landing pad at 2:12 p.m., beaded for the isolated canyful: "How much food ·are we aendlng! • • • J elcb at 293S E. Walnut St. was defeue aplDlt the ltonn'I effects. The courta presently hav~ s i I" " to the creel: and two a~I E!OI' lll!'laUlly tc! 1floolt ~ courtrooms and the espaosloo ls eili>ected Conluai.a reigoed lnolde the warm . •'-tiol!-' ··~ "' t1~·1 1111 UWe bOyt l uw mm with I man,• cried a frantic father. · '"'lbere's an estra one ln bere1" called a Red Crou voluntoer. "In blue aleepen?11 asked the IDlioul young mother of a mls&lng child. p..,eesJon of 10Melhlng to hold, however, gave others a aense of aec:urily. A girl abool IJ cradled a widt-e10d black rabbit, while a preachool tot clutclJ.. ed a bag of raisins and some -like a little blond hoy -found comfort in themaelves: sucking tbumbs. SherHrs Inveattgator Wllllam H • Johnson was in charge of moving each load of refugeea to waiUng buses, clear· ing the small room ao new hellcopter loads c<1uld be served coffee, milk and hot rolls. "All of you kids who don't have 1hoes rai.!e your bands ,and we'll carry you," Johnson ordered. , 00.,... won In "-al f"!!!"!f. -~ ar to llan4le needa lh/ough 1980. • ·um~~··"'~ · ,,, . . ::=.=Dep;:: . ~la Ana tho< .. nd• al eidllC Jardl ~'eon ·~'~g · to -k with the city of Westminster of blgl>prletd -I} Wllliod 1a1D the !Ill ....... ol :11 .. JGllll boya from St. oo parking noed!. racing Bantlqo .. J11nr i..· and lllldlaol'• _....,. and Prepai:atory A survey made by archltecta Jlooe IUviera Drive where luxuf)' -In Scbool near CooU Corner 1ll Modjeska and Fean Indicated that IS, rather than this plulh ruldenUll area w.r. ... ean,on. the previoully plannei! U courls would dermlnOcL . . A total of 110 MIJi!iet ....... dOtailed be nocawy by 1980. They Aid II Only lllllUary bul!dlnp "' tho nar to <OUJll} Oood coolnll headquarters !" coorll would be needed by 11185. of Iota and uUllty polea had waahed llrlnge for overnight elforil to coot8111 Pllnl and opeelflcaUons .for the court away by Ibis morolng but many · people the raging Santa Ana River. addltlonl w1D -be prepared. wve moving out of thelr tbrea\ened homes. A Une of moving •IDI wu frmtinl the luxury bomea on Riviera Drive today. DAM 8TllL BOWING together tn the years ahead." His address, added u~Y to a htavy schedule after afternoon Hssions •lth Kit.singer, was broa*8st naUonwlde by o.nnan televWon. ' Niion saiO that, in addition to belng bound together in the Western alliance, Gennany and the United States were •'bound together, too, by th; economic factors µtat two great and productive people& have produced in our two coun· tries." "We know,".Nixon sa.id, "!hat a strong wand productive German economy is essenUal for a strong free world1economy just aa is a strong econqmy Jn the United States." ' 1 The President said Iba~ as .a. peraon T(bo began his political career • as a congressman and served for .two years in the Senate and eight as vice 1"aident1 "there will be no greater ho~ than the one I have today to address my. fellow Jegislaton." . He visfbly enjoyed the g'°"'natured response be drew from the legislators on his references to his political life. AlmOllt eveey seal in the chamber was filled by the 518 members of the Bun· destag, diplomats and members of the government. Fr...,. Page 1 BONDS WIN. •• 1n favor-113, against-116. Peterson School on bonds: in favor -444, ap.imt 93; on override: in favor -4U, against 123. Sunset Beach on bonds: in Javor - 88, against .-66; on override: in favor -80, against -14. PRECINCT RESULTS Perry School on bonds: In favor - 185, against -65; on override: in favor -175, against -?5. Lebard School on bonds: in favor - ~13, against -152; on override: in favor -572, against 193. • Eader School on bonds: in favor - ·~;··-irgalnsi-··1a:···on ·override·: ·.in· ·favor ~ 555, against 182. · Fire Hall on bonds: in favor -M, against -127; on override: in favor -74, against -139. Absentee votes on bonds: in favor - 22, against - 7; on override: in favor -22, against -7. Totals an bond: in favor -2,299, against -9'11; on override: in favor -2,140, against -1,070. Oil Burns in Ocean CARPINTEIUA (UPI) - A lightning bolt early today touched off gas '8Clplng from a vent pipe Qn an ottsbore oil well platlonn in the Santa Barbara Olan· nel, creating a bright orange glow on the horizon. Standard Oil Co. crews pul ouL the blaze two hours later. They asked for bot meals for J)Q persons, bot it depends on whether you're feeding convicts or ladies," sai~ U.S. Forest Service Sapt. Ernie Balmforth. Calm -on the IUl'face -a& a church IMlee at a social, grlnled E.R. Waltlnt sipped cOffee In the m11ling lhroog and lllked about bfa home and his fUture. '1My wife Man and I have been here since 1969 and I've awned my place since 1961," he said, "'We fought all day to 8&Ve oUr road, 1Jut we. finally had to give up and go to the fire station." V!Ua Part Dam WU lll11 boldllll back the bulk of Oood waten lrom the Santa Ana Mountains. InDow to the dam bad slackened today to 3,000 cubic feet per second from Tuesday'• high of 10,000 cubic feet per second. Outflow wn·do;m to •.000 cubic feel per -from Tueaday'a 1,000 feet per HCODd. 'l1le Santiago Boule•ard bride• Just below the dam WU a Tueaday cuualty of the Oood. n Time told the Roman way ••• by OMEGA The first load of iµore than 20 unln· •i. ., jured persons to leave the cold, wet ·hell that once was home arrived by return flight shortly and they could have been a bedraggll'd combination of both, plus a few shivering children. DAILY PILOT IOUNOI COAST PUllllHINO COMPANY Robert H, WM4 Praldt!lt •nd Pub!llNr J•c.lc R. Curl.,. VICI Praldllnt Incl "-'•I Mtt111~• ' Thomt1 K"vil et111ot Tho11111 A. Murphi111 .V..119811'\t Edllor Albort W. l1t11 Willi1111 Jt11d A..:1A H1111ll•11"'~ &e1clt ElllOI' City fdl!ot H11tt11ff'91 IMdi Office Jo' !ith Str11t Mt1h111 Adtf,..11: P.O. lo• 7'0, '2641 ............. ,........ l•ctn nn W.t .. lbM .,.,....,. c... .-.r uo w.tt aw s""' •.-...,. m "-*' ..,Wflljlf "I'm just a laborer. Haven't bad work since December. It's gonna be rough if I lose that pJace, 11 Watkins coatinued. "I don't know what time the sllde hil I don't know what~ it la now." "The mountain juat fell down," wailed Mn. T.,.... Wllkln5, "the mud pulhed a fire trocl: against the big door •.• a IIUUl, I daD't know who, wu trying to get oaL He stepped on me." Bobby PatlenoD, II, saw the dilalter vlvldly. He crawled to safety tbroogh a frac- tured will Iller being trapped wbeo tons of mud and rock tumbled down, slamming the SIJverado Canyon staUon'1 door 1buL He helped recover tbe mangled bodies. "I don't think I ever want to sleep again," he saJd, "I'm afraJd to close my eyes. Tbere'a too much In then, behind the eye.s where you can atlll see it with them closed." '!'he Il<d Crl>u dllutu center at El M~ Jl1Ch Scboo1, a1moot within llght of the reel, raging Sandqo creek ·Jn llrlnge. WIS a deep coolrasl lo the franUc 1"-jM StaU<111 scone. · •Evemfillll\ l 11 pllll pr.111..-iir •• Aid MDl'llhOa. aaolstaut -,.u.i ~-.. -plQed Oii the caieterta stage and others watched talO\'lllon. '!'bey ,,... among the luclder foothill and rlverbink families, while the faces and clothing ol othen -etched with shock and splaahed with mud -.... their -.. Sll..raclo and l!od- jeaka -New arrivals unloldln& at 6: 30 p.m. could loo!< up to see blllO •l:Jo visible Uroualt bnatlnl douda .... the blP edlool -· but for ,..... of the Oood rellJ&eea, It meant 1ltUt comfort. For another Wllucl:1 IS, It matlmd not at Ill. In Anahllm, the home of Paul 0. Harris, Ml E. Santa Ana C&n7oa Road, collapsed and alld clown a hlUlldt onto the roadway, blockinl the eul bound lanes. At one time Tuesday nlabt SanUago Creek now WU IO heavy that Santa Ana City Meager Clrl Tbomlon toot to the radio to warn real.dents and store ownera It mlgbl overflow Into the ruldenUll and downtown --...,. tlons. Many lll<n ownm otood by to aandbag their boslneaaea lf neceasory. 8KD!ll SUNNY ~ atleo tad.tJ .-oa ..,.... al deYaslaUoo throqhoul the SOuthland, including c!Olod n>adl. cancelled train service and ma)or dllnlplloo oflnuclear- generated electrle power • A huge ~r transmission tower ln From Pefl• l RIVER ••. foot deep for a da)', c. E. BUJ1'llS, al the &an1 Ofllce, said, -· the d!aan6I --• l"Od· jolo al tnoapclrlhc the moun!atn iunofl. ''Lan time tlltr9 -thla mad> waler In the Santa Ana m--In 1111.'' said Burgta, ''wllan tilt ri..,. I>"*" Ha banb llld Ooodtd 11111.. of land." He pointed out thal In 1111 thert wan no daml OJCh u Prado upstnam and the river channel wuo'I u lllroo( u II is now. The flood --moved to ----bttherlvtr banb-wtiii" Ha Arid'" baaJnr thla monilng. Brlclgiol al Adami A_,. In ~ ton Beildl and Talbon A .... In ~ toln Vallq wao ~ wbllt Niii .. -.............. tho -plltl al !be bank. CONVENIENT TEAMS 11.\HJ<AMEAICARO MASTER CHAR&f Wlietlior lt1• 11fdaA-la.NawYorkw Vii Ve1eto ia!l.. ... tbe ... -..leba f ...... Romu.-.IU!o.OmePll)'liou h&l'O Dtiliaed lbele dillhvtiyt &a tO .. plement ... -'··"· · -''-'-of ·-i -'-' W"•~ ~~-r-1 ·-·~ lWlQ i..r. the world-"-°"""' !""•-whiclt ndergoa lumdi..t.of ...... -- l>llllprl.t lo ""1-W1 !0 -.-... , ....... .._.....,,.. J. C. .J./u,,.pfine6 '}"w"lr 1121 NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA MESA 22 YEAlS-IN THE SAME LOCATION . " • • .. •• ' ' ~· j Ti. ... Or1nge Co.d's Mo.t ·Co111plete, . PRiNTING " SERVICE ··. ~ ......... M2'4321 •-: " . : . . . . " " . ,. 'fl ()i .... ,,.,.,,, '\('l ~'."i 111 ."i('#ll ,.,, ,.,,,( l 'I)! · i . WATIR PIK ~ ORAL . ' . . HYGlllll ,APPLIANCii _;. .·24,95 n••• , , ,, .. .,_ .. ·..,i..·n· ' 1 .: 'f,',1~\~:"' ,.,.,_. i •tlC.~····~·Si;'!~··· . ~~.r~·~'"'"''" '!~·· . .:· . . •· . ·,, 19,9$ ...... " I l P9'JLCO SOLID .TA'ti-' l' AM~FM CLOCK ~Di. 'PHllCO SOLID. STAr1 ' . . --·FM CLOCK RADIO ' . ' ·•10 tramilfor '"' . .. · 16.'' 1 . . . : -','· : .1· :1· '"" .. ··2· .. ~ . ' ;; ' ' • • J ~-' ·' JI· •FM,a11tenna ~ 39.95 Vci.lue ·r; •Automatic.wab·to-m111ic •Wide0 ranp ftont 1pea ker 29•9 S-Yalue '· ~ • lotary tuning t • · , , ' ....... i ·Jil-4.in<h..rova.d.apeaker.-....... : ..• ,~., . 1 •AfCFMIWikh r ~ntWM ~ . ······.1•••- MeieltffC ·. ·1• •FM cord anlenno . . •AFC OOkh • Deh1xe •·•peed avfo. .motic. changer ' 9:UQhtweiji~t tone Ottll •Dual sappbira styln •Full ton•~:~I 1pt:aker •45 RP.M CHlapter ~ tAM rodi• IPI~ Oft 6·uD., sire batteri• CWatt.rln t1ot indvd.cl) • ~-) I PULL-SIZIP SOLID. BO,DY ILliCTRIC GUITAR PHILCO AMaPM PORTA ... I 1'DllllSTOR RADIO • 39.95 value 17'' •High_ fidelity raogn.,ic pick11p e· Pearl po1iti01t aa~~er& •Ton• and -...luille ~nti'ol I Stu I reinfoR.cf ntclt OJIA1FOR THI llOINNERI ...., llloi1MC" .... OM1••• TBNI' WOMIWI YlllYL ····•LATS( MOC'CUUALS . 4,99 ..... 3'' ;~: ··2 • Popul_ar ....... _.._., *iH" ·tt. centw· INdl• ~ •*hite « beloe ._..p.io~ wltfl'IOot -· n.bliet ..i., •Sizn 5 to 10 · 11.95 ....... 9'' • tully tron1ittori1ed rodi• •Big 21A• 1peaker •Slide rvle dial, vemier tuning •In gift pack ....,r-t1111e ·CH•LD ... I DUSl~.,.OIS 2.99 '2 ......... ... •alack ...... palW,T"""p P••P• . toll-"" .... .-..... :"::.!t" . •ti-•~··' . .. •rtniP-,atur• coe- f!e:I wflll" Ii'\'~· """' . ... ~. j ., • r~ color conh'OI. for htoll .the woy "" 'Mint itl . • HfO(od crv•b tr<rt •liii:Niltblolow ..... .. ~ •CJW,..,,.....,. .._, __ -~"' ... ' PAMOUf JI_. •oMD SWllPl!I Y-"CqUM· , • 'I. r. \ I ' ~ -' . -.. .. ,W!3' 87 .29.ts 'I~ · v•I•• ! t - . . ' I • U9hteaoiil• .. • .. llMa·br0011 ••--.•lo d~ tho fob .. . ., ....... wttn. -.,., ~i.., ........ ~.., .... · ..• IMl fitt•· ' . •Fulll-.,.Mfoo.. ,' , countw _,lt<:honV• p•rol'll•• .J <. ' • -I "" · •.Curb .or ...Witht.ui) 1.;-.::t.otr ••.• ·a.Id h• .· ..... ~Vt.j. 7 . .::-:fl'. · .4? ~ .... ~~ lotio~ ...f, r,' . -i ' .... woillw . r '· .... _ '9'C....1'hi .......... , .. , M.M<ll www1-..1. " ' •. ·: .,...._I· LADY:!YANll,hl;°"Aaf ._COOKIR•DllP PAT PRYIR • # • • .... ~ ... .J• . ......... . . . . ..: .. i ' . . . :: : •' ' ·; ... '"1 .: I , '. . M.Mr l2tit' •· .,., I ' ·----"--;--< • --·-~--- PAIULOUI ZODYS SAl!lli•L .... •,;. •· ~· IHOP & SJt,YI AT .ZODYI MOil. l'IUIU P•L·IO A.M. TO 9 P.M.;,SAl.l:IU .. io TO 7 ••• LOTS .omi·PRliiltAR.Kl·I · ~ ~ ' ' ... •. '· . '" ..• , . . \',t ... .. ~· UA ... ,. ••••• llMP•IPllD INITANT ClllDIT Oli YOUR lliANll.•.M•••u• ••• l&risracl:•••• ' . . ' I' . '4~ ,,~, •• ..._. ,. L "' , ' ' I 1 , 1 , ' , ' • I I ·~ ...... • ..., ., , , .' ~· _... .J • : --·. • II N!lY PllOT H I S•l'e-Tw.-8 ,...,. D~ ... _ c -~ ~-. , !c· , ovER THE. couNTER -A-J·~~ ::: . .11ps on _ ucttng ommutmg · o~ts ... , ........... --~-··· ··~, _ .. • ; --~ _ · NASO LJttlnp for Tundey, Febru•ry 25, 1Ht Ntw v.t. s .. ._~ " •· ,... :1; s 1 ~·rz ","',!"!:: ':!::" ~ ::;::;;:.-•h,..;, ~::::; .:!: :;:,.:. ".;:f =:. ~ ;:,..... ;,;. ';:i";"-:'~~~7f':~:~i;:-ua ~ id:,~·~;;;. ~1··11~"'· ~ ·~!~~' mULiOPS wbo hf.YI to drive \Vhere ID lDdlv\dual carried Utah to hll plant to deduct Employtrs who I b I ~t -':'J'r"' °'" i• ;"' ~11 ~ Jt? Ill• "' A ~1!;:: ' =t ffit • + ~ ·~ :f _,l a car t4 wort m order to alOQl•l>Mdl&oolswefaWoc bts 1 cotw:ou1na .e~pe~ 11 tmPloy~ or b1re new one1 :*w~1 '":.! .. :t ~ ~·~;' m '°"e&:'1 \'tft :R~' .. S t: iS ir li"=1~ /i:~t~~ii· , f~ lJ~ ;.:;:-~.;;:: = ~~x .... 1·~' ~,.:..i:-,.:t:.': t.5t~~.:;.:_ ~~ ... 'l•-:E ~S r,·i!~·~~~r~I" *t. M~·~:~: 1 II fi: if.:;;" ~\tj:,';:i ~ "~ "!,~· -dedaions are lheddinl in-arbllrariJJ decided .th.It hi tbenearatponlbtebome'1lte plus tthnbursln( them tarEi: .. ::i rrc:i\~~1 \o'i a :~ii: ~E:f1!:1 ffBAW:~pff,Jn •1 1~ 1fm 1ft±;~ ie~'!~:af ,,w.fE~ =~ ;'. ~ light far 1GU CG bow couJd deduct me-thlrd of hit to the ~· Wt.I 8 small town polt-mlvaf meals and te»-Jlfll~ 1ff.,.'lllft OI =tj ~ca I'll •" ~'-' f ~Ciro 2'\.'I AlJ~:JI!: lU ~ 1J UI~ + l\ ~:. !•!' ll~ \\h 't\ ~'i\ •mutbolyourdrtYlQsbpienles carcommuttniesp•n••• o1a·~20.mlleitr• porarylodgtnpundltheycan='~uJ:r. .. i7:: ru,"~"l.v.1'~~,,Lnc:r~~ ',.. rl N:l•,t-·~12 n===·~ IOl'lll~ .. 1~~ \o'i =\ _,)'OU cu deduct. bec:IUle that wu the portlql\ tbt plant and this town hid move into, pennaaent home.=., ~,1:,~ •fil!I' '" »1-2 t?U k•!!!_ 11 f., 1 1 lt=r,..,. .11 ""'11111 "1 t,,. ~Al'i\ \SO I ~~ :.:w!! .. ~~ .... nacommle ~.~! attributable to curyiui the no .adequatewaterorsew111 'll)el8Jlawmakts1tc1ea=rnr.no1~•"'',!ri: ~t:d::'='ant: ~:F ff: ti~Ti', :!!5~ir1 ~ W~. t" fm ::." ~~r;J\~11, ~ .. -:jt. ,,..,. ............ ~, ""'"6 tools. If your tooll llld eqwp.. facaUUes. 'nlere also w.u no that Ulr'employe ls not tu· :..~ ~rkU.. 'I' ,.r,d ~l rm., ~I IKtlm All':I ,H ... ~ -:i: ~ 1t1'i' 20 100 • \\ .. '1 .. + ~ · erpemes-buttbtte.reei-ment att even bu.Wei or pubUc ltanlport.llion from able tt lhe .emp1oyer ~ifrCIO'Wfl °"('Mio 1tflC::1 ~13~t-g J~ iF.r~'U ~1 111'.ls ~ 1 •mt =" ioc.,•i1f 11:'ll ~= E' t +~. ;~aoptioos to lhll ru1e. n.e heavier, lht Court may BingbamC1ty101htp1ant. bursa him roe ... PQl ·tbo-m1~ ;o;i ~1~ ••w •li" ·a~·• it :ri 1r-; •: !J: ~·· ff..=.• ~.rt.is .i: ~· ·• ~ • Treasury Itself allows 7au, an PoA!bb' allow a deducUm for Since many emp1oyes travel direct upema. )¥. , tbe ,. ~· F CMtV , 1 ~ T '1~ ~~~~ H ~1 '' '# J: ,._ o !fl :!:.'ti 1f:j f.~ o n =1~ ~·of your car commuting C1• )'OW' car commuUnc ~-the key to a posalble com-arrival ttlmbuntmtnts are A~'~•~" I i VP:b" ... #\:& M ii?~~ ~ -~ .. = tb. ll A t.;. 'lj pir n~ n !11111 :; l: :tu ;j ~ ~ ~ ::'1: Prnploye, to deduct the coat an ewn higher proportion " 25-:JO mlles each way to work. Treaaury bwlJtl that the post. : r ~=-.~~r " ~=-&.,.\ Z?lo'I "' cr0ui''P l H ~ b''r.. ~ llli f a -\.. ::r 11111 ~ ~Jf : :m ri 111 =~ . ;..,nses if you use tht <:Ir Even 1! you don't c•-.r any muting el'""" ... deduction Is income to the emp'-·e The : ~ " m ll • • 1 !M " 1m t':m'tr ~ I AIM•~ l 20 11 ·'~ " ~· t tt. 95 ,_. S" -· ,,._ -4A + .. t"" • -·J ..,...__ JWZ • 1." 8t'I' ~ P.;; I IV! Rid i~ \o'i I"' Inst !I" u All'lrl!°t Dft.0 ~ ,.i.. ~ IS -'1 3t 2N tt 7t -~ to .... ITU ........ tools, etc. and tools or .... u1nnvont, you _.... whet.her the atta 1n which Tu: 'Court 1a1d the Trea .. ·-A , ... 1 'll\o'i llOIOf Pr 17\'I "' ernt1111 El .... A~td• l 14 1 100 1 1-. oluG•• '·"° llt """"'"' 'ltU ._,_ -·J J--, .... ,_, '":"">" -• • V ... J A r ..._ '" MO Vo.t 30 lffi COntrl MlrFlll_r ·'° lS 1 ~ 31\1; -"" "luPlc;t .15• II ~ )<I 3'!ol + ,,. . : ii JGU wouldn't have used the be able 'tc;>f deduhaol COlllDlto ~ ~place of busmess lS located .. WU wroq but an ap~: "ill! E•• ~' 'w&'·a· ~·~it' ~-ra f.:f'' J'~~m :=··~~~·\' 'U a k: :t: lt :.itf!' l.:f J = :: ::': +·" ::car o!herwist. erpeues 1 you ve ll:&"'"-' ls uolated enough from Qther court reversed 1nd supported M'l't "• , """ it"' i"'• 'j" '!I!°"'• !i Jr,. .. "m.1kMt1• 1 • ,. lll1 . ·~ ~ .t0e 11 1m l3'Jo mo -l~ b to • --••• '··· jb} -·"·-"·' d tbe A..i ' G I 111 I~ !~ c;:!:" Al'l'llUal l.60 11 6' 6 ,.. -r ,.. om .t.fll 11 1"11 11W> ltYI -.._ .L -SOME lDGBER courts &ive y car a 'QllVl.G PutW pcm e ,uiu.cw.&J areas an Treasury. Nn ..,. , ~'f. ~ :i;-c iii n1 1 ~ "° ~ l=. l Am c.." 1.20 4 s.1.11 ml Sl + ~• omw d 2.10 n .., 4N. •1¥1 •••.• . !he taxpayer an even better of work. from public transportation to IT HELD T K A T • ~ G~ llf '° s.,r twi l llUt:' G s! II f!Yr'o ,. !f" ~·"c.1! 1/} r7 r,'~ ~ me + ~ i=-oli'1·'1o ~l ~~ ~ ::: ~ · -• If Id ha .... • THE COURTS ha Ide •-" I " If 'I Is Im""-t Am !Wth IWi 1"41 Pu• El 1 1114 Lt"lfl T11 ~ 20 ~:-i. Cm1 l.t ... AC!lalll 1·.o ., S1 u,,. 31 + ~ °""""rk \1 11, s:11;, -ff ji~ t'" . bre-. you wou ve Ul)CU ve m ut:• remo e. I I you re uw;:imenta 0 you, an Al'l'I =~ ., 5' ~" I' 2•¥1 Lf:!I~ 8F 7) SMllOV•~ " n~ AmCr.iJt ·.,. 2' ,,v. 15'i jflli -:u omNI • 1Jt "4'fl 4• 41~ I\~ :·tTour car to commute even another cxcentinn to Jbe might want to deduct your employe for-'----vallDOY· ~M 41 ,.. uc1 ~~ BR qv11 :£1'1 w::,.~• r50 ,..c,.,sua 1A "31\li 31'4 i111t-\lo c-M111s ' a t tl'I :ic.t~ ,1 ~ J ' r-. • . • .,.... .... ,. l:J: Ult:~ en ft~ !!t't' 11n·wn ~"MCY~" 1..u :Ml,,_•~ 2114-+\\conr~ ·'° '1...,.. • • -tii!-.. lhougb you did not hoe to ,.neral rule qainst dedUCU~g car commuting expense 1, Ing erpense1 •re tn the N-ture ~ifo~ ~ r" ~~c1i ~ ;,~ ·~ 1 l::nJ:. t AMDgt,.~ ,I tlt. ~ = = ~ ':r.j31: i;,t; 11: 1Wl 1!; 1~ ~. v.A :' CJJrry heavy tools, etc .• the commuting e1pense1 bJ alloW· although you mat have to ot. cub boDUlel Intended ... to ~;$ & Ill;?!!"' .t:• 1 't'lld'I ~ ~ 11 Pit! ,1l\\ • ~1 .,...,. "' 1~ 1f~ 1f •• :t ~ Gfll·~ s '1 ~ W" ·JI"' -..; • courts have nettrthtlels let Ins deductiom for car com-fight the Treasury in court Induce · you · to mike the :~:r, 'H ti ?Jv, 11¥' ~ic-! t vq:1 11= 1 "':1'1; •:S ~~ ~ 2: ;1~ :: f':ti 451 "'• 1J1"' •iv.r,11~ :..'.'••~ reasonable drivinl expenses areas such as a Joagint area IF YOU ARE among the ' And you cannot deduct these ~~~ J"' ~ ~'Yr3.i l\."12;.J E t-1f~ 1 :' ~.l: 1 \o'i Am~ ~~..; \;J tt"' 1~~ ""~ t T .. 1::~ l:~ 1;t :1; ~~ ~ + :t .~)'OU deduct a portion iGf 70Ut miltl.q: expenses to remote OD the deduction. . swtteb. Am l'\1.1"' ~ ~ "f~ 7 M:l.J lm r 1 ,, ~~ ~ft ~1:.!f ,t"4 111: ~ ll~ -l~ 00!~~t1:1..~ l111hW. 1~J ~ . jf:'~' ·.: ..,hicb is a 11 o ca \hto 20 to 4G miles from the neare&t huge numbers of emplo"'" actual .........,.n.ses because they Arv111t1 1 11er11n !llJ ,,.... M B!'ftl't• i ~ ,1, 1 .=" 2 • #~ ~ Ult +".;! Oflf'w .t'"'1 11• ~ 10'4 1il -Mi • transpor\lnl W111P tools. Last town; or a desert that w11 who shifted to a new JOb loc• are non.deductible personal "~' o n " T• 11111 !Myu ·~ ""' .. 1-11 .~ Mrilnvll 1..i~ 1• "' ,,,... ,•~. +: ontAltl. .so 111 10 . 1~ 1"4 .• t '" . • J--,.... A1sCC ~ Mte• 12 Md lhl!so • t Ml ""' .tt 11S Ill' .,..,,. ..... + ... Ollfl'w l'f•.SO 1111 7m 11 12lii +t ·~ ~:year. the Tax Court alilweaed .... milt.'! from the nearest bon ln 1961, you may find expenaes. :~~~Sc ~! 1,.,.. ::~~·· J~ 3~ M l~t ~l'l ltl'I ~~: ff I . v. MWt Cl ';." m ill'o ff;t ff~ -"~~rt-~l:~ 14J n •• t""' ~ ... J~ • • • • Au to " 1f F ., 'ltr 1'4 i' c ~~ ,... ,_ ·~ o\l'l'IM,.f'I' ... tu 11" ~ , .. +" COlllC•!'! '·"' :W •Jl'I "49 ..,. .. + ; lhe questioa of how yea fiiure habitable area. that . because or a court • Nt.rt: ltve1tmut espense1, :}'~ ~1 JIU J6~ :tfl ~~~ W. 11~1'1 •~c )I ~ ~~ ~ lr.1 Ut ~N= 12 13: !1~ ~ :1v. = ~ ~crp pn.u 1100 1t•.:. it;° ,~ ~.'~ .. the portion of costs ·anocable Last year, one court allowed decision, you owe more tax 1ntcre1t. 111)bn1 1111 1t~ ":f<i ... '" 111 in M cao im 1m 1ti. Fd JhVt1jj ~~~~... 1n l.it.l 1~ 1•''1 -~ (lt!tc:~• ~·.~ ;: U,, tr ffl: + ~ •' -t::11':t 1~~ lr' 10::11 .. 'llj:1 't 2~ z:mwsJo~T n rsv. T=~F '~~ ~~ = sn t ~ 11 ~ fi'" ~=Vo ~:::: mf'1 l 40 2j~ ~ n:.: ~ .,,._~ m rll .-.t ~ lMl !'. llE 211'1 m Mldlu 1-1\11 lmPI• ~ ..... !!ii... It l"Vt 11l,._ 1J1Yt -2V. Mltt"Y .t6 ~J ol(,'\ :w..;, "°"' +l 1, rwlett 20 fl Fil Sm lvt I~ MDII Ga1 lS ~ t"M :J.. P"" Sme .i.IO 11' l§i) 71" 7'1 -1 ~Olll O l I IJ 3o1 lRlo $11 - Anah I Fl rid P :I.~ to G . . !ft ~ ~ ,..., Iii! WMI F ·~ Mis• v.ii n Il"" r•~lof s ,, ..... f ...... Smelt "" 2t 1M ,.,, lfllo -.. C111t Sit ,w 1l "30' Oio 42'1 -1~ , e m 0 a arft.8 row =: 1 l'r ll Fl19ht UI 2' t MONowk II. Slol 1 t~.J. ~\/o 1~ "rttSoAlr .1' 1' 6''4 •1._ 6 :-7" Olll T1I .. 0 4 14'i• 'U1'11 1~ -• ~ : ' ~~"Mt v. tm ~' t,."rif ~ J =:. ;" 11 iln f!J."' o.,,,. ri · ::::,~1o1 .J4 n t: 11f ,1"'1 1~ 1\, · l::= ?j~ ~ 1~; '!: 1H -;;a:; r.:: 1'i: 1f'' 20 = ~ SV. ~J· 5 1~(1 \1t_ rh.~"' I "11\/o Ml SMtll ~ 1; i k ri"" ~ ~ CIOI! Celt .U $& »~ lJil~ ~ ;_::.: Sha f Th C ••1at 1t 14'14)Jl'I r1n11.ic1 1w.1nl ~c'rub 1~1raT••"• c11 2, :~r..!'.JAZ. , 1 lP. n -l•--111 1.•o 1 m~ ~ ~,.._ • ., ... Dis" ney.· pe 0 l0 ngs to ome 1:r:"L~ ~ ~s .... E'~k!" '.!:11lti20 n :~'!\i;.~ ~ ~ T~·~~·.":: ,' ll"' :~~U·'1 ~~ ~ ~1~ ~:: .: t:T !i~.7~ 1~ Ut; ~\; mt :-'~· IV £"'1r :UV. JtVt I lttr l:All H•I G!-: • tll r ' 0 '' l ,._,...WWlcl 5' 11 1.-V. "Al 1~\11 -\lo !CN>el•nd l.70 U ~~ •T'4 42\olo • tlllvpt W ti"' 11-U llW d im NII Lll 31n 32V. r t o\WW1t>f 1"15 1160 lt't\ 11 19'l\ + ~ OPPlltl .sob $l -" W4 .U\li ;,_"" •· -81•" SO... SI ~JMI 2~ "' Nf. $tc:~J '! • 11 uc111n G ll" ~1Ato w llrlf l°.25 13.li) ITT '''lo 11v. -·~ tllWISU 110 1 >IV. ,.I.lo ''"' ... , 8 rl~r e Svc ii; 1V. Nj~ G ll~ ?!~ ~~ T!I 1" \lo AW 4.1.t 14 01D 261.\ »v. + 119 Cor1nlhl .o?t 14 3''14 J2\.li '1tl + ·~~ ·· :::ueH~ "'"'\lo ti:;!!lmr.: sraru"[i.w~ 1'1~1nc,.· 11: :4W'..:;,~~..:·,~ n,M,~~~ ts~ •• W BATES .. I bolb th f lb t Ri f C W . • ound 8Qlt lerN !1 16 I to.rt •~ Rio Lt.ls A 34~ ~ " ~ " t11e It 1' lm SPo6 sw. _.. Coront1r" .n n """ '""' "Ito + .,.. ,. _ By ALw:.RT • prOlflDl o ease . e c e preseo ve.rs o a orm.a 1 year r , some .. i ~\II.~ 111~ ~1c:i. ,tt; 1m: 1e~a11" tt;::: n ·4 1 •• "' ~ c.. .;. ,11 ,.... 35"' + ,,.. c-1., .JD 1:S ]4\') 1,w. '""" _ "~ •• Disneyland, de I~ r 1 b. d •chin&leet and the lmpati.eDct: America • n d Fantasyland attract.iOM in the open bere .; G u"" J • ~h ~~ ~ ~"' No<ft 1~ 11' i:'=v ltV. J« AM~~~ w1.. '1 ~ = = = ~ ~~de:~so l; =~ ;;r: r:.. -~ -A :tt :io W 1 N'P.~ G 1 \lo 17'4 U $111t1r 1S Uv.. AlrlPV! COf'D M "" m.'r l:M1. + V, Cr1111 ttt'l 7S J10 7S 7•Vt 741'1 -1 ~; generallly u lbl 1D05l IUC-of villton fatted lo stand in which is now landscaped .but wlll be under cover thert, a:r 31 32 g::_111 Rull 4~ '• MW1"{/11G 1 1 i1141 us Trtr.L dv. .ov, o\mstfd , c 20 M .&Rto "5'li -v. lrompl(" " • 10•1t '°'~ ,.,,\ + '\ line. is available for expansiOlf.,'• He added that Dianeyland "19 F ~~ ~~ G~:=: ~~ J: ~ n:ti:brc:ri 11 ~ ~r1hPenP s m: ~\o\ :r::::..r 1 50 ~ ~ ~ \h, +~ c::!:i1~1 .J1~ 1~\ ~ ~~ ~t: t 1; : ~ e I s f u 1 entertalmnemDt m w-"-·b Id the I • • -%'1'YJ: mt S!IW•1til11 111/J 1/J hlo W•l l• 351 Ul•h ~d "' .... AflC~HO I '° " ,.... ,,....111\li -'""""" Cork 61 1iv. 7~ ,~, + 'i1 • ·lerprise iJ1 histo...,, i 1n 1 t ' """""""" H ocu Disneyland is serving as the East will not be a "carbon :meo ,..., 321':1 ~."" 11111 11~ l w. 01 Sea .. n • •' L&; 1.w. 1J1.4 "~d'! .. G pf • 210 ,,.,., •l'll •M-11'11 ~rewnt• '"' ·~ 59~ 59 "" -,, 'J t1 OD hi&b capacity attractions ""°" r II Grnfld IU 21 R mon~ l• 15 Vril\U SI" J' ll:Z ,\fld(11y 110 36 3N .,. ~ ... cT• C••• AO 12 71t\ 2!\\ t \\lo + ,, '' resting on its laurels.-And Which loH quickly to avoid fountain head and germinal copy" of Disni!yllnd West. The :;nr::,A "it.,. : .... ~~:;;:1~~ J;' 111 ~:1 I,, Ji n~ ~ 1[)~ J ,. ~::°'&~ ri ~ ~ lWI .:!: ~ c:"~v Jf u 1rl ~:: ~'" r,~ ~ ,, '-• k bl •111 S.0W 4 21 G""'" fnU ).lVt li\'i Y Cit 1' 11 Wlddtll R. 6' 67 ArrttOlft 1.0 1• •l'MI ... 61411 -\\ Culllfi1> l'>I >! '3~ "'" 7J•i +1 ·. neither is the Walt Disoey fonninl lioes. He slid that source of future watt Dianey Ulemt pat m1y resem e u rmi 0\11 1a1' Cuan:1 c1> ' •~ t••1 Br ••~ t1Vt ~" P ll2VI ff"' .-.r11PubSvc 1 11 '' ' 1Ji'o u + 'Ao .umm1n .toa n " C\'i ~ -·~ In sulil.mer Ntllk periods, Productions ventures, he said. Disneyland but lt will be dif-.. r1eNW.1 1!~-a ~~~ ~!~'1"1"' 1 ·1~ 1'J~ ~: ~~ras J: .t~ w1r.ri'4t0 h"" H'h, ~= o•s11 ·~0 1~ ~Ila W! ~ :..:·v, c~~'t:r1 1r ,: ~ ~~ ~'t t ~ •· Enlerpriset firm behind iL r-• 111 Vl'5 j~ 14\t G,rOdl "" 1 ~ ,.. P1"1co1 16-h 17\\ 111! MC ...,\\ 22 • ,._~, 411 21 6Yo9 Ul'I ""' _ 'h Cur' wr A 7 1 '"• :o;v, ~. _ ,:-- .. Robert Wormhoudt. V.•-·an 70,000 people 'IJ'e on the These now include Disneyland ferent m many way1, he said. 111'11 Lif' 20 H•m °"' 1..., '°"" !'llwv DI\ 20• ~,, •! .. tr,m11,• .. ',',.~ o\rmr p1 ',!5 i 10 11t 11t -11o tllfl'r H l.?t l2 311~ w.:. ~ -)~ ~ d t tim d I h · ed llff UJI, II-1'1oil Huld ... , t~ f\14 paulrl P U tuu • ~... .., o\r"' Ck 1_..... lS 1' ll~I ""° l'ol\t Cydo111 J llO 11 """" •• •'q\ + 1 . t bliclst. b groun s a one . e an too E t · Flo · d nd Min 1 As an aamp e, e cit M ar\' " •1 ~·111Ytr ,. i1 P1v1~1t 15 ,," '~i"" M ~m 1i14 Arm Ck pl') 1s MOO ff 'I'' u +1~ c~..,. .... M 1.«1 ... 32;.. si\.\ 51 • ;:,niotion pie ure pu .w 0 many spend too' much lime K a,.n'g ms" re'so' r~ a,.0 t•· lllergah Disneyland's Pirates cf the rl~l r11 ltt. 1fl20 H:iv:" Al~ 11~ 1'1~ ;. 0E"ILf~ \~ l~~ w:1n ~im 1\11 •1~ :~~~p 1.t& t: ~ ;1:.: ::rt +~ -D-" ·~ r heads Oisn..,land'S p U b J j C 'II · 11-a ... llC" C 'bbea tlr " '[d I f 9"" Ht~rtdn F j V. ~ \~ Pl G, 1 1'2 "J10.l W l'VbU1h-21 ll AP'Yln Ind I t 911 ) V. "'\ + 1~ 01n R<v 11(1 14 2l\lo n 1j'i< + •t • • ¥J wa1 ng Jn ~ Sierra. ar1 o as an a ac ... on n, "~A 21v. fu" Holm EP •• PEC 11rj1 12v. u1IBY. w.in 111es 11" 1.t~ "-•hid oi1 1.70 1" ,~ "''" ... +lV. oin• cp 1 20 ,3 son ,.. 4 _ ~! •. relation! d--•.tw.ent, 1ave 1 k 1 to be lb F la' f • "' 1''4 2 v. ~r 31•1• ""' P•rlen 1l 1 11hrhd 2.w H,lt o\111011 pf] •o • ""' u 1o11.11 + v. f>.yco<:p l '° 10 ., 41" ~' , ~-•ACRES Wilhi'7,400acresinFlorida 1ey e oun 100 tyN rt i 1 .H~1F" ,,._.,,.,._.RE 111i 1• nuW!lll1' t6~411d8r-1tl""ll"'~+<t>oiv~L ,1 5 ::n~l?v.J7Vo :+• .. members ol the Huntlngtoa compared to 30Ci in Anaheim, Youth in a Florida setting. ~~" ,.~• , Sl'I 2: ~.,..Mo, UI'" ~ ~:'1,,r'llll :~ iv. w\;_'t'r :°= J11o ~£.~ 11,: 1'1 ~·~ ,.~ ,,~ -" '&:.~ ~~ J~Js 1# ~ :"' ,. + ~). • _ Beach Rotar1 Club 1 run-down • •·Land is DC ·pr ob 1 e m , tbe sou••··stern ven• .. -e wi'll In the future sometime will ~'!.hln o ~t; ~ ~:=er Gt~ flV. ff" ~= 51 g #¥1 w~ Pt" T14 ~:;.... A~r,:;' 1-: 12? 1n~ g,iz 1n-i ..:.·v. n11P:O.L1 1 ot 11 ,.,.,.. D'h ~ + ~ :. 9'1 future plans for both at despite a mere 300 acres at U-K4I .... be a realluition of the late 1tm•~ E ~ tv. Hwot Pd '' ro """ldCI •' u 1t •"' e1ee •• 111o ~''°" i:'° :ie ~ :wi.~ fi"' +1" E:l1:.t;1r• .1J0 r, m': Il.i. :~ + l~ '" lhe club's lut meeting Di!neyland," ,Wormhoudt said. have an aesthetic perspf.clive 1 • dr f :f~l•"l, Y ' 11 11..., n v. -"'ol'l'WI "''-.&o "' ~v. ... ""'4 +1~, :.:. Dl!"n·,;;;;roiM"' ...,,... 13' y·w· "Altr-..u;;.:...:.:···-a"r"e ... nM;; .. 1:;,;;.: ··~mpossibJe .. aL Dilneyland, .. 1G• ~a .t .J?i&nef'S ~m .. o . ~,f!r, \·= JJ11m W' i:~+j.':Oenn/,11.11 °" ti~. 31¥1 fi'l'+1•• .,_, """ • ~~ --~·~.. presenlfi>I Uie prototype ril Ille M" · . "f "F"" ..... d........ -.. •• o1: .M ...... ,.,ll"..,.·1~ · ~1 8:;k~,'f11---ol-!!li·-H..· !11.-t if-,; old,hasanewattr1ctioncall~ under-"""' outaide tb\e cording lo the Di s ney Arn . Co 'ty I utua Ull S "'\"ifr i.':t'' i1001'l~ 41 '1Vi+Yit>t!'k0 -'"' i 1• 74 1~ 1. •• ed Haunted Mans1'on under IP........ spokesman. er1can mmuru o :~11:1c~.tJ U 11'~ '2,~ i~v, :i.1v. o1r1co Pl a i 111'4 10 10 = •• park's ·llenn. Including the Tomorrow o\t111 ee 17 'I 1, .. ,,.,. + v. OeSototnc t t 14 l1 u~ 31 + '• .. ~nstructi-and.,~.~ n ... Haunted "·-Jnn. Wilhin "Jn Florida ~e wiU retain • o\1111 ,,. ,., v,, 6 , ol'ted11 i...o .so n1~ l.,,.. v + ., ... v .,.. ,........ ... "vu.-Malllll All11 pl i~O 2J '2 n ··· Ori Sl•I .. 50 21V, '2tl'I 21\'i + 'I 'plJ'on 1a~ Ibis y•••, And tbe •·-and on lht -~ace, ecological and wilderDeSs NO AUTOS Avl'YI•• 1 20 ur ,, u" 1,,4 • 011r1t!' .Q71 20 '°'"' ~ .ui11 +, ll'U K ....... ~lU ~· ................. n ........................ I .... " t111; .M l5 IDIU. 10."6 117 + 14 Ol1JFI~·~ .sa 15 lt\lo ,, l!'.4 + 't otbers are planned under a tbe ........ t has land to lbe north treasures with attractions fit-u thot prototy-Isl' AUfSl'ktr ·'*" 21s '°" 20 20 _Yo g"m,~'"" '10 20 ~· ••it. ..... + '• ~ led · " h pl · ed 'Th r-A.uhlrnl!I Ind '' tJ1t 1.1•• .Uli I. u1m l co l.. :io,., XI .!OW + ', lll, e es am . ' e established within the Florida .-•. :u ~P Ld 16.76 1"37 1nv19' Gr-DUP: et s ~ ,"-u,,. o\YCo o. 1 20 1Jt t ll'I ..ov. •o1'11 _ \I or,•Sh pl c1 1 •o Jt•: ~ _ .,.. '. KAEA.EWING a V lee Pr..ulon t Walston &Co. ~~~-Inc.~~~- ,,,,__ N.wY«t Sloe\ &c1Hi111• elll OtlwrrlMipal Slott•I C-111Mity bcJ.tiet . 2700 Eoll Coo1t Highway ' Corona def M•r 17141 675.0501 I t f Fl. 'd h f ed "'"' c .. 14.lt lj.ol.I IDS ndl 5.A2 5." PIM St ll. 'lt. o\vco llfl.20 ' M 17 12 ~ 0 1$ pf or 70 31 tt 1U. 21~l -''• s a e o or1 a as orm park it would have ... rbaps NEW Yo•" 1,.,1 ...,.... w 1.u .s, Mut io.w11 .t0 pi-er 1s.u 1.,,J Alflrv P11 .:n , 4 1'1 11 .-· _ ~ gi111s1r .:io ,, l'1 1, 1~ + , · I · I "•tri t • ,.... dtYtel> M 'tj4 ?f.14 Srotk 21.12 21~ Pftll Inv 13M U.14 A•11tt Ill( -IO .,, '""' ?f'll '~• + ,11 ~ • 31 ll'. lit< ,SI.\ , • aspec1a lmprovemen Wll c 2SOOO residents. It would bl -T1111-1-1nQ...,..~!f!!.1'"i1 Y1i·5 5,1tct 'H10. •keTR 11~2~u4_.,. 1.eo "»4'-'IJ l't l:M'fo+n.,o Id .• 1 43" ,1,,, "1'oii -~ to accommodate lhe project 1' '~· "°""11" bY :r.;v.• 1 · · 1 .... k P•• •· :· , .. d 1 1:jf 1,·U e--0 ~•Qlo ·1111 11 :u 11 1'l.m +"' without giving our corporatio,, a I air conditioned. It would ~rQnM•!,~~~ d.&i.r 3 U ?·~ 1:~1 "" 2lr~ 24. "~~r,~: 11 J 1f61 ••bckt 1 u . .ill u14 ·~·· 35 14 g I~,'";; Alf 'l !'fl'I :4 ~ + ~ have no insects and JIO ••l:fc..s l':f .. wttW: Orix-r 111 1t,,1' St l~:'1 ~l_f~ ~·fl PIQ~ei'r Fu1'f11· 13.t1 1:~t81 11: ,1 201'1 201'1 20~ +.'Ao 0 1~f. I 1 1 '° 60 , ~o =~\i any particularly pre{ereotlal automobiles ltl appliances ~. 1«un1111 ~1·• 11.tSu.21 J011"11~ 212121.11 G-. 1•. 11.s' 110P1 4so 1ni fl ~h tt:i.-v.01,..r1c1 5~ 1', !!,._~it ... I· trtalment. • ' could !\IYt btttl f'1UiiJ:*""'1rtl Kel'SIOl!t f unds f'.::lh 11, 3.01 1 ... )lurrt M 5' ~~ 391'1 • DI _.., .,..,~ 3"" -~ the latest, would be installed 1::el,,ldt::SJ:i.•hl r.= {~"'r. a~ ~~ :~ ir·n ~tti ·~ ;: 19.ri" ,~11'1.lot ~ n'" ~ ~ t ~ 0·!~C.i~20 !' ~ !~ ~ .: ~ FORETHOUGHT ror easy remov1I as better ,..1111 ti~ ~r, =• 1!J11?J ~~ ~; 1:~llA· ~11~ect1 1}.l!n. :~re T~ ·U 11 fl~~ m==:Yog:: U 1;1 :f~ ~ :~ -1 ~ ones are developed. o\dvl~ j·XI t'o7 Sloe.It 1S.to 1t71 Cij1 l(J 6 II 6. a_,,,,., ls.ii 1t~J rnlc ltf fJO ~ ~h !I'"" ~t\ + 1(? ~~fie 1.G~ !? 13\ri ·~ 11:! ~ ~~ "Florida's government pee>-Wormhoudt said th.is project :r:1~~ 1:r,, f ~ ~~Jl1 I!~ l':tt f!:: l~ ?~ fi ?iit i-F 1J:Uil:tf • r 1~'-,, l~~ 1'"" l.ffo -: ·~ g:_r,o,1rv... -; ~ m? ml' =2J. pie visited their counterparts . . . Ai.rt• 12 1 1~ !' E"'rvt ll 'j '! 15 c~, !J l '" ~ I"""-': ·~· 1111 t"" itt, , 1i v. 1lf 5' -• ~·e P '' 11 35 u ~ ,,,.,. • l·n Anaheim, looked at the ,,·,e ls "qwte far off 1n time and AllKllo I'' 1' ' ""'or1.. 1 I 1 si cui s• s1 1.1 -~;.. """~' •ij•<llL~ eo 1• 55 s.iU 1jlllt + \, oo""',~m 2.~o io1 mo 13 l.)11; + ;~ • •m §us 51 '.I n E<1ull~ 10. 11.jl Polaris s 61 ,,, SPl!d ii: '°· ••lrli_b lt ua U•' I .. ff$1 nd 1 ~o ?'I ll<I\ 37 31!4 +I Of th. l·nveslmenl and the moriey but will be done even-Am iv1n ij•211.10 f"u11 C.t1>,11tt20. 2 Klckb ·~"' ,'" ,, •, ·B' ',l·j 1vlfl!cii so st 14~ n,, 1, + ~~ gre~or Pf27G n •4V. 43u """° + ~• II ,, All'I rlh 2• 7 !? 11•• 16 'I Knlcl< G1h 12. 1/.50 om . •t•l"!ll I I :it 3'U, 39 -rtssr l't 82 17 tll4o ~o>"' "•l + • plans and hided th t lhe tua y. ....,, Ill• '71 • ~ 'l'trSI Ir! 11~~11 7 Lt•l"a' 10. l .t) IC '11¥ 1•. ,,, ... , Fdri 1" " mt. 1'2\'o n''\ . &'~'Y'C Plb "' lSAO »'II ~ + ~t culture an:0:tertainm!nt in Turning lo the Mineral King ~~ ::~~ 1l.U 1;·u :r.i: u ... ?~·Jl trt'em Kii 1t· • 11':t; r:" '• "~ =~ ;1 I: ~ :Y\'r :Yl':I:: .~· o~~r:"w c~ co ~ ~ :... ..., -\\ project of WaJt D j 'n e y ~~:cGrouJ'nlYlll ~~cf~ lj1: ltt ti:: f: t.. :U I a!a i::~ll~ rrn':r"AJ~ ··~55 :!! ~ ;: $tl!lt4'~ +·~ ~~=: ~~1:, '! 1m: is.,.,,_ 1~, •• 1 ~ the proje.ct will have a con-Prod cU' w h d t Cu UnfYlll Fld C111 l ... 11~ t; l.U 'JI l'" 11. tKI! Cl'k ' 1 ,. ..... ... ... .... lluP.,,,1 pll.jf s 461h .... + ""' .' .derable •mnocl on lbe area. U oru:, or m Ou 0 .... 111 unaw111 F!~und n 611 .es b S;r,1111 Fd1: lorn• t ff 11· eico PM ,A :r.:i• ~!~ n.. 3:! -"• o .... L1 1.u 30 •• •.o • -..., " ~ ph · ed that It has l"w u ..... ~•H F Tr"4 i..11 2'.,1 •Md 11t11v1J1 m1111 • lo.a . ·~ .,., 13 ~ :is lS\li + v. Pu<!Lt '°' 1 ..... ~ 30t\ _ lo\ Th tat · b · em aw no coo-Fd '""' un.v•l F 11Ci.1 · "':r•m· CePlt ,,...., ,l...., w '""'" ':U 1 • a!liH~ ·'° • uVt u 2s -v, OQ 31.wi 11 1m ~.,., m. "'~ -1 e 1 e is 1 0 w 1 n g necUon with the Disneyland "'~!!!.hiJft" 1·7 •· f.11, 1:1.J MIMJr~" 1t,311 :1..1 F~ 13'1111l" 1s·: a11 1n11r~ ~ 1~ 1;~ tl:; ~ ll &:m!·\~"'10 "°' u 3'\.\ ~ t : forethought and ls anticipating ""ncepl of p u h l l c ,.....___ "?ui.dA 1.5.1 '·j! 1ricam 1 11 ,.61 M•" Fnd 12 J9 l :U 11111, 51 .. unew111 ft~l~co ,j·t! • "" •1 •1 _21~ DYn• "m ':J 10", '•JU t.1\io 7l•• .. and 'olvlng Probl.m' In ad .... ........ ~;,nd. 1 . .011 Fst lr!Glll •u1 SI Men Giii i1n· 1~ "" .... " .. at: ~.. ,, ..., 1 Iii!' 1n 1" :n17 21\'i -,, • I talnm tTbeJduf tbat !toetr 101 FlllnS1k' 1s1Ma11Tr l 1 .t Ar.lncll6.~1'.u•"1~1.o 131"'2V.•1"••1~·~ -E-F vance _ including -·aping er en · or c1 co 6.11 7M Fst Munl 11 1 .le M11t1 11 j '3 F d~c 1. I 'II: --tEt (o\tt .,.,r tt or1 u1,uM11 e~11p,h •• -·· ·-k' d f p o'ect amt to Walt l'b11tn 141 1&11 F!JI Nit 11' J11 M1tt1ers 1J.101 'l!I Sele!> •.• • &nilht Jlf 3 n n n v. ~ ..... 36 """ '11\i ,,,,., + '1 an inflationary land situation." in o r J c iu. ftld 1i,u 13,t! F1t1 J.? .:,! . McDon 1or,1 ri si.1~ Rao Fullrll• 1.,,11F p/4.~ 1110 " ·~ ,, = ~t ~:!~a~lr 1 fO 1•7 21>.1. 11i,.;, 2,b +Yo! The Disney executive said Disney when his org~tion l':rs~ 1f40 1fj; ~!:"'('" 1j:iJ ·,.h ~ McV.: 1~:J 1t~ rn~I fij1l:U t=1~flf4.J11 l.t} {~ f:1; rt..+~ f:•~ fJJI '.~ ~J ?! ~v. ~. -12 the first phase oJ the Florida drew the commission to design 1= st 1~ ~\ 11 MU E;1111 ~,. ll! ;,~ =.1 Fu1:is~ i suS.:~111 '1 ... ::D 1:::r: ,';,. i~ !:;t ~ J~ _._. ~ JOdn li!' •7~ ~~~ i::: ~V: -i ~ Squaw Valley for the 1962 ~ullDc:-1sfl 1 1 Mia.at GrWlh wri. .... 11jnio:;''G111 12n13ii a ... MK c~ us '1 -·-.,. lfoftV• 1 . .ii u 31 »v. 1,.. .,. ..-development will involve 0 .. 1.. . . o Fd 1a· 110· Fr• 1"-G•-: 1ncom \lr11Y111 MR Ao ,, 40 2t ts e!h sn 1 ie ,.,., .... ~ + NKO 11111 2 11a '-''• s. , ~ " ,..., winter Olymp1cr;. nac111" 11 4 20 11 '°"' stt J os 1.n 111111• unav,1 r'achrs 1112 12 21 I'' Th,.. '° 2 J.~ ~1 ~ + :: ~d>11,.,,.,, " it 11•. 11::! tt~ t ~ 2,500 of the 271400 acres, and I "II '!'IC 651051 DNlC 16l•l l6 MIF Fd 20oe 21n 1ctt...,1 un1ve11 lltckot 1.20 t ~ uv. 51""' -, c-trd09 .11 22 ~J•\ 41 .., .., th.I. •---use F 1 0 r 1 d a , , "That aperience set Wa t C•P 1 !.hr 111t t 11 u1 n 1i to 1s.IJ MIF G1h '·11 6 1~ !~"c1, '79 1 t1 111"' L1u1 1 13 tt ~ + ,. EtllOll&r.. 1 , ....,,. "'"" '4Vt ·· tit uo;...., • • • C~111 Sllr 12.ll ll 41 lncom 2 ~ J, 9 Mu lmG1h 5 ~l 5 N ·~"llO 1.S7 t 34 u!8tll l..MI 16 51 !I •Ed Br pf• Jl tlQ n n -·1 Clim.le I' not .' good .... Jo lhlnk.ing about the potential ch~nn11111 Func1s F111!d Arn 10.~ 11 J7 M~, o1rn1n 11 1• 11 u lemo ~R2•"'r•on•.c"• 111v1 e1 p1~1s , 1 ,10ri 11 "=ll~• l!G&.G .10 11 ' in• 41>1, ~v; -1,, -. th' "~of U f 8111~ 1fll l402Gt"Sec ll"'l ·49Mu hr. 212721.21 OW•r . ll)bblt 8"l 101 \t ''~ l +1 !!IMualc II!! l6$ 7,, 6,• l'\lo -• 1n l!I r.uJU recrea on or cam 11t n 2,10 G1~n1r SJ ,,n Mut ru11 211 211 lr~"_,.ca0",'u"•1. 1°'1"' '·"' iis "'4 5"> ... , E1tc1 Aliot "' 101;. 1,~: 10\/o ++ '• h bli ., W h d I Gno11't 14i 115 Gro..p tSC: SEA Miit 112•1 1 47 w,.,... th · ·jj "ol1C•1 1J:h 31• l' ,..~l + ,1 Elee1 s~tc l6 23~ 1 •11,. t e pu c. or m o u 1ncom 1 w '·" .-.ero Sc •·~i!·lll •t WSac 11,u 11,01 i~ri 't"'iJ J 15. ~ol..C Pn Jn 5 w 1 ~ ~lain waich 11 17," 1!'.,"; f,tt -'M recalled. "Before his dea~h, cia7:1!~ovi:o11 1 72 ~::i;" ,..sJ 1~ 10 U :I I~", 11H 11:U u"lfd u 11:3' 1i.ci a::'Mt\r•1 j1 1~ ~~t ~~\ ,.,!:~ = :·, fil~~:'t:,0 1 lo 15l ~~~ 21'fl 23\• + ::, WHY IS IT THAT PETE PELEUSES SELLS SO MANY NEW CARS? h h ked · f · I I' I Fund 11 IJ ll JS Grth 11111 21.li ti '6 Ne1 Soc Ser UNtld f1JIWll ' llOid"' l '° 1•1 J1 '!fl' 1 1 '' • .,,,,. JI lno + \,.. e ad WOT into air Y 1na Froftt '~\ •'tos •• Gr•llhon it. 1 Jl .:n ea1a., 12 oo 11.11 Aeon 1 N 1 ! '!w9w1r 1 ,, ,1 ..,, JP~ ~"~ = ~\ E~• ig/ '°, v10 11 , Jl 31 -••· f hi 'd f th 1 k'n<I 5cti(hld 1 o1.1 u 10 i:;..,.,d,, 11 77,}tl &no ttl D l11Com 1._tllj· """"''"" to ~ 2'1t'o 1••i 7'1:1:, + E er " •1 SO • •f'~ ••l• + ... orm s I eas or a I Chem1e11 11tJ 19S• HK Lev IJ.21 14:12 O•V•d 5S1 .: S~I"' •.n . 1111Edl1 i 111 79 " <I'~ i.l''o -• E~YAlr .Ill ti"''' 5.1119 5'1'>--'ll'f r ti Colo!ll1I; H•mGt~ •91 1090 PISlll ll5 t.3U"FdC1n 76f. OSI Mt Co I]_,,,.'''• "'4+U "',, 30d •JS .,,, ~s·~ "61·•+n~ 0 Opera On. ~QUI!, Una•&ll H•l!'thcl• l·" .S H lneotn 6)0 6. VlluellntfvflOI,· 8our~t 111( 'I ''''t 11'~ ,,.,. ... o!EmoO,,I Ito 1 Jt•~ 311.., 31 '> •• "Wh th lat d ldedlhe Fv"d Un•Y11IH&novfr ,57 111 S!ocr. •1•10.JJ V1ILl11 l.JJt,ffllr •"llAlr .l<I 1a 1t'>l~'•lth+"lormPOrC .'t<lb '7:J?11o n•,~ . en es e ec Orwlb UnavallH1•~il 11r.11 :St Grwlh lllll?.J1 lncom •376 llrl1t!Sl7to 6 511o n11t •l1f1-"EndJQhn ,1211 6ll~31••31"+i•., M'ne al Kin• area should be )amm1re 'l "'11 55 Heaoe '" s.'7 N11 Wt•I & 11 1 !J a:111 tt s t" 10.1111,111 M1 1 "' 1n n " i i _ •1. Enc1Jo11n Pl ' u!lll ., 41t , 61,, ,~ l r I> ~omSI Bd ll 578 1-l Me1111 15, 9lf·U Neuwrth 2102 71 V1nctS 111! 1ff t l~Y 1>1 1 • 41Vt •"II ult+~ E"l!HtMI" 40 IOI 1N 11'1. 11 ·: 'II' opened to the public, Disney r;~"tl !?"1sio' rs~~'r"" 1: ~ 1•1s ~:: ~~~ 0~.:~ ~:..o ~:~~bt ; S5 1:. 111.1y,.,S&1'1.h ~~ ;~>,\ ~1 ... f!v. + u i~l~u~" l! 1 1~,,,, 1l~v. 1]r,, ~0 ... Productions of Burbank (not '"'*" '!'s11 111s1 Inc 5.06 s.r,N1w Wkl 14l11 j"V1r lndPI 511 6, rcrwn <.o 11 11.,.. is•~ 1f'4-%EQu!Gts 2.10 n l!I.., u" 31,0 _1,,.. lnVMI 1 .1; 11.11 Imp (a1> !,.'511 . NeW!on 16.7. 1 .11 114 7 llU~ ""-" (a Jlf 1 22 11'1< ?1•} lSB Inc 1,20 15 XI'" 3G\'o 3D\lo + "'° Disneyland of Anaheim) was S!Odl 10.t 11." Imo G!~ .Joi•· 1 Nor11st 11.so l'" 'v"••• l11Y1Stir190, llwn Shir• 1 11 "'\ 'l''o tti• +·,, E1wl•e .:io u li'" 25 1w. _ ,, , wit!\ .U.111 l.1S 1,19 ll'IC Fnd I .1J lj.01 0<nc"11 • 5J 0,6' ll'O 1. •.....si-1.50 It Jl"I! Jl" J1 -•\ Ent•ln1 t 711 :It "3\lo Ql'o •1._ + \<'1 the succesafu1 bidder over 1111 ct.o j·" i.u inc Fda 1.11 .oe 0 ... 101 1.n I~ w111s1 111 12.• 1 ,,. 11.,,,...,..ii .01o $114 ,~ 1ft•w ,,.., + " l ll'tvl CP :n 111 31~ 31 11. ,., ""'"' n 10.•9 llldtoncl 12.U l}SI 100 Fa 16.SO l . Wllh Mu 14.n .10 8ud:;ll'Oh 1.:0 ,. " UV. mi. ., lllYI 112 IO • ~ "" ~in· + <Ii• several other1 for the job. °"'' iw Un1v111 !Old Trfllll 1•.'2 1• ~ wms u ... ' . e1111o11 12.g 1 &IK'(Er i.;o ,,, ~ '"' mi. = ,, ul"Ol!ld .:ice 11 ,, 11.,; '"! ~,. Ol'l'll llt u""v111 tndinl,., 6~ .ol.I O'Mfll II.ti 10. Wtsf lf:d I. 1 Budd C• .to t1 !"' 27 1~ · .., Ev1111P iob 12 .,.,., a 411' !"¥ CLEAn 'N...,., am'~ ll.03 '·" lmll~ •. 7.JO Oootnhm 1.?f t. :"',":E I:· r.·~ lluclll .. 111 .64 -ff 7'lt lftt 14'4 = 1~ E"'"~,;. '2 23\o n n 1 \Ii nn. "~ lt.:io lt.'20 1~ II I'·" Penn so '·1 '· · · Buff "°""" 1 3 2N 3'\\ 31v. > E•Clll 1 's # tlli 3'~' lllt llrti r1Y Un•v•ll "¥ Id .020.02P•Mul 20.1520. W\"l11d ll·jll· llul!MI lllio ,1 oll'4 ""' •lV.=z 1:F-<:tor .lib 11 51V. it: .... ,,,. "Mineral Kina Ii 231 miles '""" 1n• I·., i.11 l"w 1Jldlcc j<Jl lo1.10 ""1i. 1s.o. 1' w WI" . .o """" 111111~ ~'' lci.t 1~~ 144 + •> F11rc~c SOe 125 ~ •• +1 • • OllVStc 1 .J111.l.! ".,.."°'a. 1.i. ... PU11rlm 10.7011.JWorll't 3. •.:lllllJllltlt "~,\Jll .. S 38 ..,.t ol>Ol'o •"oll -1\t,F•!reh HIJler •S 701< ,.,.. ~t +itr- from Los Anaele11, south of ~yr•'"' . '1 •1v, o10¥o •n• + ~ ~·\~-"' ' n 21l< 21\.lo 'nt + ,._. th S · N ti I P k slir'lld¥ · ' 9l'r " ,.,,.. "" " .. :~' ~ 1 sl P:in ft.. fl"' ... t.i WELl, O"I REASON IS THAT HE SELLS SOME OF THE FINEST AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS ON THE ROAD TODAY. THE OTHER REASONS ARE THAT HE HAS BEEN WITH US A LO NG TIME .•. SO HIS CUSTOMERS CAN READILY FIND HIM FOR ASSISTANCE WHEN THEY RETURN TO THE DEALERSHIP FOR SERVICE AFTER PURCHASE. HE'S GLAD TO HELP. PETE IS A BUSINESSMAN AND AS SUCH HE REALIZES THAT SERVICE, RELIABILITY AND PERMANENCE ARE IMPORTANT TO HIS CUSTOMERS. • PETE WILL SELL YOU THIS 1969 COUGAR, BRAND NEW & READY TO GO. AT HUGE SAVINGS J'ObD&OD•&OD LllllLI cltmltl11L· IUllUll ·IUllH·OUUI . , ..•..• ·+ Uc i T11 e equo1a a ona ar . ;p ~ n'l',:'n:~,+~ ~·~'!11 ·1.:111 14 '"' 1.4 ,m\t ... Only last month did we Wm' e F:.......... • "" ,... t• '14 J:I l4 :: ... F:~w;.:,.'Pf" u i=: I:"' rJ t ~ . r~ve flnal clearance from u. .a.1..1. -C-"•••llMf 11111 at ""' .. ffVo _ ~ th ta! r"lllft Cl M 1t JI ~ :t3tlo FNOer1 ,ii-'5" ~ "'' ~ -'' e many aovernmen c., .. 1111ft1 1" , 11,, , :t·;.;. ~111Mot 1." :'f m.. ~..., 11"' .:.:·.,,. . 1utborJUes neces1ary to build p h' d ~tllt!I M .1't 17) ,. 'lVo ',m +1'41 .. tdt.~ .t~ ~2 r~ 11::0 !ta ···:. d .. urc se -It\.··~ fi~.~ .• r:o ...... ~::.":, ~ .. "i''~"",•''1 20 f!" 1r na;,. an acteSS tol!. . a r•me$1 l,10 2I l-.,,,..-"', ,:.;~ + >,;. ,•., •"r. ,;Ml l' '•"•• , .. ,~ ,".~~ _t,.. He said his firm has set ~~ 8P': .;'° 1 11 nv. 'l..... Fed ,. 1 1 ~ .. ~ i"trr J>ac '"' J 1" 1"0 1 F~rroC1 11; 17 J'-lf 1fllto' ~ out lo make Mineral Kiag NAPA (AP) A producer i"1"•tlla i.11 i, ,.,~ 'I'• ,_.,, -~· Fltrrebrd 110 lJ 13~ ~ ~JI\ -1~,. · te port I -c.,,._ .111 '~ '"-i ,."" ,,.; . F1t1~11.1 .~ 101 110:. lJ 33"' ... ~ a win r s s area equa of top v.·ines, the 250-acre ~~~ 't';; l'j ~~·1· ~ ~;1 ::11.\ ~J:rl!.J.r11~ U ~: j1'' ~~1 ... ;~ to any in lhe world -and ,.1r111i. " ,,. ,.., , •. , _ ·~ "1~__11t1e 1... ',l' ~ ,. St • :.1 ~ to do th'., represen""ves Mayacamas Vineyards, bu t:1re ct.Oil s 170 ,..l 1~ m , "Jl'Oln I.at '4 ll n•· 14 __. ,,. • .. 1.1 r.areP• • 1 '1 II ="'l o '1'\ ... ,, ... >olo FilNCl't' '»er '" 7.lt• ,.. • ,, --, .,. ha .. , ,.·,,,.,ed 22 areas Jhe been sold ro, "~.ooo. ~•r.T•T ·" '' :1.1 •• ,. _._ ,., Fit N•t t•• • ""' J1•· "'" -• • ........., f1ntTclr 1.411 1J 411!\ ).:'I ;...~ -'-'" "":~~~be~ I.JO • U SJU ii.,;= ,r world ov er to aain know-how. 11r an<I .,_ Jack F M c1rr11r c~ 1 ' ,.,u, 11:"1 1D'• -., F.....,r1c1 ·" ~· 1111o ~ .,.., .. $ ;)' e I> • l•i.... . . r.1r1.,.w .406 ?l 11'0 l•'• )1 + ,, ~i""r ~~l .,.so u 11\~ Ii . iii; ~· The firn1 is now 1oing ahead '1 Taylor, owners of 70 ...... rcent ~ "JI' ,1.. 61 17'11 17"• '71\o -,, .,1 n~"•• , 0 7$1.i ''i.t '~ .., ,,,_ IM " t 21tto '~ ll -1fot I iSO l'V. 64\\ "(\ with final design. or the publicly owned COf· 'l'n , ·• iu 22" 31~• "' +1,,;, F1• · c~1 • '1"' '1 ,1,,. · · " "Automob1'les will be cop. I Id th • ! •rt• 1·21 iu '"' I.JI\ "4"1 'J1"' ~:: ~:, ·1 5? )C '114 711,.' Jm"" + ··• porat on, so e rancu on I ""'"'~ S') 1n.. ~\\ 1••• + \Ii '1•,wLt I"• 11• ™-.. .,.. ""-1 · cealed," Wormhoudt s a Id . Mount v-•er overlooking the M 111-'5 1 • i, "1' ··· F11 si..er ·'° u ~ ~ ' + 1\" ~ IC" (p .M 11 t -'lo Fluer C~ n 4604 4' -1i . .. Stiers will drlvt up the ac:-Napa Valley tAJ Mr. and Mrs. :11-+e• l 11 1 1~ 16 ~ F~~ • 3 ' u·~ u1~ :::~ =;•,, cenroadand1eavethtircars Robert 8. Travers. ~"r,.i • ~ !fi =U f~fri;}\' ~; ~:Z ~·:if"'~.~~ a mlle-aod-a·halC from Alpine TaylQr. a chemist, and bis \ 1 1111 Hii -1 ;.•F11r .tt ,, fi~ 1 i., , _ ~ VIUage, a five.acre area wife, Miry Catherine, coot l ,_· •l' '~ ~" -_::.~u"11,":i: U~n·• :i ~"'' ~i" . __ ::·~~ where lhe 1ti Uftl will be book author, bougbt t be • ... ·• '· lJ 2\to 1._ . ..1~, centered. A multilevel ruirking v•'neyard and .. ·,nery 1'n 1~1 'll ~ '°"' 10 • + ·.n 'I · + 1' system will make u:~-cars They sold st1ar~ to about";;» • i:" H ~n: 11~ ~\ +·1• ('Ji; , n~ 11"" ;l • :-1~: =~·~~~~d~os~ :.:-:elfE~: •. resi· a~:i:JEr:~r~ 1~ ~ ~t. ~~·~!~~ '~ ~ ra ~!~ V ,J l!li ~ '"' t., ~ ""' :li 1u • • ~ _ 1tc illage... dent n1anager of Wal~· they bou ght . 1., ~" \t 11~ + ~· 2:' .t1."-§ ~~ ff:: t ~ The DW111y representative The winery produced 8,000 ~70 ml '"' t :t 1• •m Sko ;f •1 ~,,. 11 -r ~pesthea~f:~~?i 0~1::~ ~:a"d~,M~~c·:rri:. 11#~::e~::U3~~dbetn1san !Fi ~g n~Jji ;~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ceedl anyth.ina that will ever been elected 8 Francisco investment banker 1* 1•16 1'"A +1"' /~lft c.. / ' 1t ¥1 t ~ be done. Probably 20,000 ha5 for eioht y<&rs. buJ quit two 11 9 :... -~ n.t.l"Y i:tt! tt''> ~ ,.., t ~ . 'd t r th • :>1 & .. ""' .._ 1\ •mou .lido" 1 .u.... , . alJert 1 day coukt be ac· vice presi en O e years 1go and wtnl to work 1, ~'" n. . o\Trn 1 1,, ,.,4 f ~ commodated or: the slope,, nationwide investment for a small Napa vlne)'Jlrd. i: 1~~ w~ .._ •\ ~ c~~,, fl l!Jl" ~~ :!:: '' "but lb1t will never be dooe." firm Heitz Coller. ' ~ '\ """ .., er;! 1 1• .\ 111; ~ . 1'3 ..S\i i. 41 .... -h "°"" jii ,., $'~ ,.,.. 1\6 + ... I I ' • H DAll.YPIJT II Wednesday's Prices- I l I ' I \ I \ • ,. ' DAILY PILOT "COOGAll'S Bllff" 1 • PLUS ' .. . .. . •It's time to"""' pf ....... llllois ... ' mfz'-•nrrm»R . MIA"MIUlliW ,,_~~--.. ,...o..i~~. .-.-... -~r lA !""f±*t:' I -PEGGV ;iT'° • PAMELA BR:J\M'.I ' ••••rem•• ~1,e rn e sa ' ' ~ ' ' • \ I • • I• 'iF\'.P ~].,\NU ~1!.Rl·'-·i=' ll J ,O'JlA ~lt')t, llllPHONI 541-1552 FDI INFOIMATIDN TWO BIG ONES TOGETHER TM...,., .t .............. ELKE GAFIV SOMMER iOCKWOOO LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANCE • .,< , '. 111l'Y aME maoa IAS."5\$. -lmillf Shw St.m 1 ,,,., C.llfl11••u Sot.· tn. I , .... : S... fieM J ,: •• " F .,.,.... __ "'""" o· . iW'' SOUTH COAST ''""~ !A P'LAZA THDTll• COAPORATIOH San Olq:o 'rtew•Y •t Bristol • 546:2711 . 3rd SMASH WEEK OPEN DAILY 6:00 P .M. Fri., Sat. & Sun. Open 1 Z Noon WALT DISNEYS ALSO "~HARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" WED. TH.U~. MON & TUES. SWISS FAMILY IOllNSON·6:JO & 10 P.M. -COU&Alt 1:4S fll. S~T. SUN. •• • • • SWISS FAMILY IOllNSON 12:J0-4·7:45 COUGAl·2:45·6:20 & t :SS ••• ••••• • •••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR 'BLVD. • • llEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 WINNER OF: ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE ' BEST DIRECTOR-~'~ BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY ' BEST .COSTUME DESIGN ·dmUN&! 0nte)llll see i~ yo1111 lleftl' ~n • 'llolleo&J~' ~ the way you did before!" -un " Theater Notes ' t .. ~ • J.. 'Death of Saleshian' OperµJ Allen Touring llOLLYWOOD , (UPI) Coniedlao Marty Allen 1las lawiCbed his IOcond arinual "~!Beno De.re!'' •nUlrtalnment toor ol· ·U.S. mWtary hospitals acros.s the country. At South Coast Repertory' , •IV ~ ' i.' , , Bv TOM TITUS Of ""' 0.ltr' Pl• ''"" 0.. ol tbe mOSI •agerly awaited theatrlcaJ evelita on the Or1111e C,,ui unfold• lh!J weekend, . with '· $outh Co.asl llepertory's producUon of the Arih'ur Miller classic, "Dealb: of a S~sman." Termed the most teclmically, as well a s dramaUcally, ambitious otr ferins the Costa Mesa com- pany has yet attempted, ''SaJ!sman" opens Friday at the repe_rtory 's Third Step Theater for a five-Weekend run. DOUBLE DUTY SCR's Jeck D1vi1 In addition, SCR will present 13 speclBl "matinees" fo'r junior and 21enior English student. of the Newport.Mesa Unilfed School District, begin· nlng next week and continuing Monika Borlsch, Susan Burrus, on weekdays through the run Paul Gersowitz and Gary Cot· of the play. ---ter. Performing double duty 1n Evening performances will "Salesman" Is Jack Davls, be given Thursday through who will play the tragic Willy Sunday at the Third Step Loman, and also has designed Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd., the set for th~ production. Costa Mesa. Tickets may. be Martin Benson, who previous· reserved by calling the boi: Jy staged· such classics as office al 646-'1363. "The Glass Menagerie" and • • • ''A Streetcar Named Desire" Also raising the curtain Fri- for SGR, is directing. day night is Golden West W.arnie Oberbeck , a College's drama department, newcomer to the company, is mounting a production of Max cast as WiUy's wue, Linda. Frisch's "Bi~rmaM and the Clement Davi4sf>ll and James Firebugs." WU!iam Land. John · Biery, A a 'r o n Patton, Jackie W1a1hburn and Candy Suermann. Chorus members '· "' "'"' "'' ~ ' - lU'1 l iJl ,. i?!B ah Harold Keeney, Roland 1•uu1 ·p11cn Batajaa, Mark Haselfeld and T .''CAMELOT''' ll<>berl ·Pone. -ryouts Set ...... M,9,,., GWC student Diane Baty la '.'TIO! THOMAS directing the production, F S CROWN AFFAIR" 1fhlcl! wlO be present•d . 01! umrner l~==~==== .~ Frid.ayt anc! Salurday1 for two , .. w"eetehds at the) Act o,r·\~ r, R Playboy in the c01l~e's com-' ep' "e' "tOYv munlcation biJildlng. r r:•. . . " I. &• J . ~kets are available at the · · ~ . . ' booksloreon 'campus. ' :.Auditions for singer,., • * • ,dance.rs. acto~; mu;i~ Re~ng-ton ight and com. 1 ·.a?~ ;~boiclau for ~· Coeur Pletirll: Jts two-week run Satur"" d Alene, Idaho •. ·.S p,_ m m e r day ~at UC Irvine is ':The Musical Repertory . ~.ter Tickll!:h Acrobat," the second ,re now being sch¢uled along of lJve producUons for 1969 the Orange Coast.· • - by the Irvine Repertory· Robert E. Moe of S~ Theater. · Clemente, managing direCt.Or Herbert Machiz, a former• of the spmmer goup, will Br:i>adway dlfticttt. is staging be trav.ellng arouncf '\he West the Utlr1Ca1 failtasy, which durinf'· 1he next -fewr weeks features Kathy Dollovan, Dena to inte.rview applicants. Brown, John Haa:ganf, Mark Anyone interested in joining Erickson, Sidney Cook, Betty the summer group should send Tesman and Astrid Amendt· a resqpi~.,~ci:·~ ~~ hJ3 home, in tbe'utle role. ! 320 W.:Palf%4da, befofJ! March ••Acrobat" is being present-.;; 21 in ! order to arr,.nge an ed ~ the · Studio Theater in audition.. · "". ucr s fine arts building with ticket! available by calling 83H617. • • • Four_ nlusicals -0 110 In the Shade," "The Unsinkable Molly Brown," "Showboat" and \'The King anti •1°' - EXClUS!VE AREA ENGAGEMENT Dutttandlnt Aetion Progr•mf Baxes portray tbeir two SOM, Playing the leading roles In Bill and Happy, while Heath the German sat.il'f: QD Hitler Park wiU play Charlie, are Don Hayes and Denise Completing an exhaustive will :be p~· lo repertory. nine-weekend stand at Ille from , JllliO: 23 through Aug. NQ.W A J BOJH EDWARDS CINEMAS Open End Theater in Newport 31. Rehearsals will begin June Completing the SCR cast are Dunne. Bruce DeQuoy and Beach tiJ!~ weeken~ I• 14. ·WHY ~D t3 WOlll!N Margaret \AlWles' cne-woman ,The 18 company members, · DOORS Bob ~nberger, R o n Peter Conway t~e the major lllow, "Just Between Us." OPBll THl!IR who in past years have come Boussoril, 'Austin Kelly, Sandy lltlpporting assignments. Y..atino, Michelle R e d a y • Other cast membf:ra: are Final perlormance1 of the from all parts ol the Uiilied TO THll BOSTON series of personalized sctnes St I ·11 ~--· ' s-· .. GLl!R ' . wtll be given Friday through a es, wi IC\."l:Jve room, 1 nAn ••• Sunday at the theater, 2815 board and • small salary .for WILLINGLY? B . . M . b B d Villa Way in New po r t. their servi~es.. . THIS JS A TRUE '(lJa , Urlffi U Ull RiservaOon.sarebiingolfertd ~----'--.----.·II AND · · atAf!11~inding up this P. :2!131 ii c1· ~ RllMARKABLI! Jo,, ;n" s Jos T i'g'ht weekend -after being held-... -. m MOTION . . "'· ·. e 0 U ovei for twcr perrormarces .,.. ' -PICTU-~ "The Fiin~k:lfs," the. ~ n5ts E~~n ;~ Herb AlpUt•s own dyland Thealer. Here's how latest productidn of I.Ong ~ Tijuana Brass was it was born : Beachs' Forum XI Theater. skyrocketing to fame , the Alpert had heard a song Eddy Ceres directs t h e creative young man had an which he felt was perfect for musical fantasy. Idea for still another "iiew a unique···matifii08. sound. A Ray Raymond, Dan Terry souiid" -an idea that ls discussion with Ju Jiu s and Carol Greenberg play tlie now a rival to his first Wechter, marimbaist on all P~incipal ·roles in th.e show, brainchild. the Alpert recordings then, given Friday apd Saturday 1tfce111~ ,,r Adllfhl John W•rne e COLOlt • "HiWISHTEIS" Se-11 Connery • COLOR. • "SHALAKO" The "new sound,'' was that resulted in the new comedX· nights at Morgan Hall. 835 of the Baja Marimba Band, music group and its first L?cust-· Ave., Long Beach. which opens tonight w\tb, Jose recording, "Conlin' In The Tickets are reservable at (213) Feliciano at Anaheim'J Melo Back Door:" , " : 830-5200 . Artflvr MUlff"1 H•el'ful M•1ltrpfttt "DEATH Of 4 SAWMAN" l!ll ,,m, -TNlltO ST a" TN&ATlll" -COSTA MESA -'4f.1NS CHILOltEN'S THlATllll"-''THIE IMl"lltOll & THI! NIGHTINOALa" A DELIGHTFUL. ORIENTAL MIME-MATINEE SUNDAY • 1 .. ) ,..M, Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Do a clean- ingjob 6 Having no Ioli age 10 Quiet MO'ttllt'l\t l411t'd t ~ F1;111ct for one l S Seed covering_ 16 Middlt East nobleman 17 Pait ol 1 111uslcat arrangt111ent: Collog. 11 Rangt 20 By the agtncy of 21 Gush Zl Martinique Yolcano 24 Ptrt. to birds 26 Rtltasts "'" "'sttalnt 28 Pr ide 30 Piect or fairway 31 South A111erlcan s 3ZC1tyof CalllOl'ni a or 011tario 36 Season in Paris 37 W•shlngton mountai11 JI •arblt' I 39 Showtd 412 Bactbont l • " 17 44 Wtarin9 a log;a 45 Leg COYeting 411 Scored a news beal 411 food supplielf miraeuloLtsly SO Do a c.uttljlg Job 51 Hou1e- lreeper's cone era 5Z Upstt 55 II\ tbe WilJ as childrert 58 Liturr1ical vestment &G One whit 1ccomplishes things bl Insist upon &2 Hall a sawbuck f,J Europe;a11 &4 Bt In w.;i.nt &5 litld DOWN l Small error 2 A potable J Ingresses 4J P'-'t'tlc coniraction S Stoct- holdtrs' concern fi Canadian-· 7 Lint''d up 8 S. Amer. ci~: lnlorma! 9 Membrr of lratemal crdt'f 10 Oi slikts strongly '11 Plant with soap-like qualities 12 Sevtred 13 Kilmer title 19 AnlMal's tr all 22 Beal down 25 By way of 26 Existed 27 F'to111 side to side 21 Exchan9td in ri"lal ry 2' Rival; Coll)b. for"' 30 Bullt a levee 32 Glta111td Jl Ttnding to copy )4 Eat out JS GK•il river 37 Nlct•llllf cf ,nany athletes 40 Saying 41 One running easily 42 U.S. city: 2 words 4J Fastener . 45 Sel'YICt s tall on com1110dity 46 Run s before a gait 47 Kind of bo1t 48 Law's companiol 49 Mufffed 51 VentUaR VIP 53 Cha111111gM bucktl 54 Not ,·. backward 56 Play 57 Whrre '" Sale111 ts: Abbr. 59 Old-ti•~ cowboy MOYie sbr 1011111 " • • • Elsewhere around Orange •·County· and its enYirons :.\' I "Phil '-"""· H ' 'I .-a..,....,. .... ,·t ~ Come" returni tonight 'to ''lbe Laguna Playhollle stagt: for the second of three weekends. The modern tf.iSb 'comedy plays through Saturday at the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach, with reserva· tions taken at 494-8061. -ffl• Grtt~I Advenlln tf Tilen! AHi Well Dfln•Y'• . "Swhi Fo..n, l•bl1U011 .. 111 Color Fr«! MKMurr•v-1~ Colo!' "nit-H.,,,_ MHlt. ... tre .. -"Night bf Jilnu ary 16th" continues Friday and Saturday at Iv..ission Viejo High School's auditorium, presented by the ·Rancho Comm·11nity Players. Tickets for the courtroom drama may be ordered by calling 837·1753 or 837-5955. ~~·"' " ,~· " ,~ ' " ' WARNER -"Barefoot in the Park" · 1147-3511 heads into its second weekend , . 11.,...,..-..... ,,., At1111h1 at the San Clemente Com:- mun,tty 'l'.heater plaYing Tbur1r ' Ji.'" l!r11w~arot2L.o1t • day ~ough Saturday. It'~ at · the Cabrlllo Playhouse, 2Q2 · k1'* 0ougie9 • C0Lo 11· • Avenida Cab r i 11 o, with "A Lt~y w., 1•_•_.,_._.,11 reservations talfe n at 492-0465. JiilWUd.I. ·"" ..... ,., i -"Picnic," the Fullerton 'ZIDIC-.:;:;J.1•· Footlighters' latest offering, moves into its second weekend 1 •-onfllefld••e.r••11 "' 1 I · Joann<t WOOdw•~. COLOR e Friday and Saturday. The "U.CHIL. IACHIL .. William Inge drama is at the At•n Arlc ln e coLoR • Muckenthaler Center, 11 9 ''THE HEAIT IS A Buena Vista Ave., in Fullerton LONELY HUNTll'" with ticket orders available at 77H448. -"Come Blow Your Horn," the first Neil Simon comedy, be.Ids forth Friday and Satur- day at the Long Beach Com- munity Playhouse, 5021 E. Anaheim. St., Long Beach. Reservations for this one may be called to (213) 438-0536. . --..... ........ At th I..,... ,. LW. ,. .1 ... SHw Stwts 6:4JS CMt, l•IMky "9• J P·•· FIRST RUN HARBOR AREA ONE OF THE TOP TEN • 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS l•lf Aetr•11 -P1trici1 'N•11I l11st Svpporli(lt, Actor -J11clr: Alb11rh11t Pot.iriciaJ ·Heoi ~ ··~""*~" Jack Albertson Martrn Sheen t> ' I •uw1Ca JUUf(llRISllf·Gm!Lml --c)ttal!CllJI • HARBOR-at ADAMS, COSTA MESA, PHONE ~46'3102 . r WINNER OF: II ACAl)EMY ! AWARD NOMINATIONS • Best Picture -.. ,,.,,,,, , .. ,~ .. • Best Actor -.,., .... ,_ .. """" • Best Act es , • ., .. w ..... .._ r 5 -"l•k-1. l.c•I" • Best Supporting Actress EsMti. ,_..,_ .. 1.c.•1. lock!" S.-. L.c._"H..-t 11 Huter" -~ Who cares •bout a 35 year old virgin? ii Ill MW£\1'114N ~ti .rachel. ..... Soc:ond Aword ~ Winner~ ~~ Jsa~ 'fluoteC . L •. and from this man who amld ~tspeak or bear, the fir1 heard many trunp. ~.'Rom~~·S.-cAnl -.. --.._ ____ ,=---... .. -... • TV WEEK Tells it Like It'll be YOL 62, NO. 49, 4 SECTIONS, 62 PAGES ' • ' Valley I ' ORA)'IGE coumr. ~ . ~ -' -. . ~Y, FEIAUARY 2li,,'1969 , -"';:. ~ .. , :-; J· . . . l • T.odiiy'• Final N.Y.. S .... JEN CENTS Overrid.e By TERRY COVILLE Of tM 0.Jh' Plitt Sl•ff A resounding school bond and' tax override v'Jctbry Tuesday for .the Hun· tington Beach City School District brought 1 cry of-elation today from IChool officials. Tbe $4.75 million school bond won by a 1 '12.1 percent margin, it needed ooly 11.7. A tu' overr~ increase of lS cenls apread over ithree years won by nearly the same margin. A simple m:ajcrily was all il required. Offic,ials term~ . the ' voter tul'Jlout "fantastic" in light of weather condiUon. More than 3,000 of the distrjct's tf,590 ~gistettd vqters made tbe.ir mart at the polls ·at variOUs -schools in the districl The voter turnoUt -reslstered· 27.1 ~r· cent, a h!gb figu;re even for good weauM!r, acerording tO sChpol olficials. ''Heaviest .s~pport for the bond and override came from the newer housing • . ' atiove 90 cents:· per •100 unleu approved .bY election, and ,UQie ·was runn.tna: out on lhe district ' . ' ' Voling by areas went u follows: Lake Part on bonds : in favor 148, against -152; on override: In Javor -137, fgainst -161. Huntington Beach School on bonds : ln favor -119, against, 123; an overridi:: IS.. BONDS, P ... I) ore .:1·m ,s . --. . . ·oun· Uutttington Holdup Bandit Pair Roh Bank of $7,800 Two stocking masked bandits ai-med with • ri6e stole $7,IJOO from the Bank of Amepca at Brookhurst Strttt and Adams Avenue in · Huntington Beach at noon Tuesday. Witnesses said the two men entered lhe front door of lbe. bani: with silk stockings pulled over their faces. One man was armed witb a_rirte. ,Pollee said : 'the· WJarmed man t(!ld tiat: tellers, "This· ii :a holdup·. We)'e SA River Peaks, But . . not kiddirig, put the phone down, open up your boxes and stay back." The rifle armed bandit vaulted the: counter when he thought a buzz made by the opening vault door was an alarm. Three tellers' Cashboxe1i wef.e Cleaned out by the baodll.!, police said, 4nd 11,gpo iD ,,11111 ~. w ."r; ff "?-lo9t .. ,. ''. !t ; I I' • A stolen car was used by· the bandits topnake their elel~_ ~ CJ? wu found 20 minutd tal."r tlr . Fountain Valley policemen ,at ifua_1V<it!e West add Tahiti Streeta In Costa Mesa. .... _... . . ·-·. ~· • ' 4 , .. ~· •• -. Levees Hold A wltn.es1 oubide the ' baii.t had told poll<* l:le" 5'W ,the Qileves le~ve· in the cir and head for the Costa Mesa residen- tial -area across the rQing Sanla Ana · River. ,e ~ : \'. •1 1 1· • •• .1 -1 t" ) •. · One witness inside the bank. E. J. • ,. \ -. , ' u11.Y Piii.OT ...,.. .,,llcMIN·Klllllw Grttlwn, · 19.161 BrookhOrst st, Hun-OUTwARD, APREARANCE , O'F. CAL,,{ J.ij£d: DING. AT 'si?E OF Sl ~VERAiici· CANYON ' TRAGED.Y Residenl8 along the Sanla Ana River tington Beach, •uflered a mild heart . _ A1'.l1I Viow lndll:1t11 .:n> ;wto~" ~111,\'ffl; 'fi'' ~i;1 St1tion, (21 M.uil O!Zlng Out ,Dooi, ' breathed a sigh or relief today alter attack during Ute robbery. He. is in \! . surging flood waters reached a record· good condition today, police said. , ' t j · _ · 1 • -• breaking peak Tuesday but didn 't spill Police today are still looting !or the . W~' '" . )4· ·14i' . ' ., s· . , c . ·A , two bandits, whose idenUty and locaUon 274 E.. d • . ' . tin omes: ·uut OVDaer the bankflsood. conditions still r.~ are still unknown. - -~~ln :,' ' ' ' . ' . J.' '· ' _e, ', .'. -.g. l.ee , I " ·. • ' •, ," :! I -ngerous Bank o!icials told police Tuesday that " · vail, and the Orange County F ood B N. S · " Control District warned this morntng tqe bank has no silent alann system , , . , . . . . ·U't .. eW , .. tOmll An R. ·11 ti ue because the last time it was robbed J:, , · ::~0~e~f!n;~pid ~.t.'r~~ ~~ .. ~lnm~e .... in l96S. M etr:ns-in F ~(J.d-:. rp ~¢1 .. :t~·r:s ~ · w a. lts. ~ w. . , in, . o-.s .· Nervous homeowners and sightseers . . 1 •• , 1 • 1 , , . e: Oocked to points along the river in s u, .. oet Beach .,. . ' , ' I\ ' ' -Hunting(on Beach, Fountain Valley and "" By 14RTlllJti II. VINSEL re!ugeu .s~ed, l1IOll comfortable Costa Mesa as swollen mountain ot lt.e ~ Dllltr ~ 1'9ff if comfort ' •lilted .fOfl them , ..:.. When streams brou'ght the river to within six 'T ' A d · · feet of the bank tops. ru ce rrange Re£ugee 11 a·m YO!l don 't undorsland clu~ ·f"le' ·ilnk ·to .ih~ seiiurity o,. Flood control personnel closed severa1 . 1 . un~IJ a t>Owk. ol. chill and a cup of homes in~ W1l1 ~ y~~~: . ': '. .' . bridges over the river this morning Both sides agreed on a temporary coffee is 1 J>Jfadise ind the chance you ·Men 6ei1, coffee cups and cigareUea, while El Toro Marines and inmates truce tod · the s · Co .1 db d ay in uper1or urt dispute may have a house 1full of mud to IQ -went . th~wh, .lhe· pe'rsoria1 rit\aal of. from Orange County Ja1 san agge between a group of Sunset Beach home to is ..,,.,. huven. ... rw_._. 1_ Like a de.sert oasis,. the tonil~ sun beamed cheerily over the 0r8ilge'.~st to.d•Y, after. fiv.e' days ·Ot tbe· year~s ·most nUse_rabfe,. wtailhe~ wreaked fl~~·· de8,th, I ':ftd, 'Y!dJsPfe~d' (I 'e S ~ f, U C t .f ·o R tb~oughout tije' Southtarid. . · Bu~, weiUier · rqreca,SterG warned,: that oasts may be ~' a. short-lived· mira~e, tbe river banks. horn and lb H 1. ,.-¥ amoklng,pea, 'while thelr· Women· era di· eowners e un ington Harbour Airlifted by· helico_ pter .pilots in ~·hose ' ' ··· · E WAY Corporation. eel ~i apd ' pup's,' wblchever th.er NONE GAV J hands the control aticb were at Ume.s i ~ J S"'1n . Se•-. U lt Yr. "No bridges have given way and no udge Claude M. Owens granted a maglclariJ' magic winds, %7f Of them ownea, 'iJi a tUne when Some~g to. cilfl1 MtU· ., s.JO "·" · 'A banks are cracked," said George Os· Iha conUnuanct alter being advised came doWn frcm n---·......i moun--hold ll)Qlll IOmethlng uved. : · , :' J~ :::: ~::~ t: · borne, chief engineer for the flood con-sides wanted more time lo ·t· .... ~.... 11 HW1flrll1lll 111K11 J.11 '"" •·• trol ... ,...,-1ct. poliSh their 31.,.,,,....,,ts ·m the fence talns and canyms of. ,Orange County , .. 'Y•.' «W',lO U~e ;ln ~t. ~.yon, F-l•1n v11-.. .1.3' 11.01 •.u =u• Jin •-""" Tue·•ay , ~-,, : . '\ "" "'"""''""'r · s.11 "·" '•.n "The bridges were merely closed so e fr He set a new hearin1 date llU • -• · • \#1·-.~· ..• ~ • IDDDeG 'r •:eavy ~Jllan se.1 •1..c11· s.11 1.:11 '·" workmen wouldn't be interfered with by for Mareh 5 the iaue. · They Came' with small peteonal oui,idfi s'.the 'r~' -pia.~~ n,.ir -'.to' ~=··~r• World ::~ l~~= !:~ onlookers while reinforcing the banks," The property r11tek aninjunction tr~ dm, flllOPte·'in crisis carry,l btt.,fot:,(held fu dark ro;,ta :and:• btg ~.:fmli!Mt :~ ~:: :;: Osborne explained. which .WOUid halt cor'poratJOn'a at· alon1 with· tbe Pl~ knowledge that ............. 01..i111 orw1 s.2i6 n .4' •..5f ' More water is ... ...-.ed to raise the tempt to --b-• nces' 'which .... _ for some unldenfttleiS "nelghbors, there H\ley.-'c .... .,..,.r; llfted1 olf, drowning. her sen c11m11111• s,to u,t1 ._. ~..-· lb US ,,_._ ~ '" ould be bom · i ' · s.nt1· AM "" 11.07 ' i.n river level this afternoon when e · · ~roach, the corporation · , on Hunt· w ,no ecomlftg. vo Cf.; · 'i •-ca111 Mt11, s.n ciemente new. IHIOll •rwrt. Army Corps of Engineen opera the 1ngton Harbour property. Hurrylrig, 1bnpmg;,t1ftillni or crying, Sometlmes,. one hellcop~ ·hayued ~""":::...:.'·-'---~---~-- gates at.Prado Dam. Huntington Harbour In turn -they Wfft deUyenil to the sheltered waitipg, while aootber unloaded .la. the alnceanotherstonnappears.intheofflng' "No danger is · expected from lhe ma:a than 11 mlllloa tlsmagea lllmloll ill a .....,Ind pl/II at the Irvine mudilj·,.,;iddi.. ttl 'Santlato '\:&J!yotrlload anJ shiittld strike the cdast by ]frlday. lncreaoe," Osbori>e. addeil. ~ ownen and claimed that 14~ ct!tJllyiln !l(Uan for but evacua-, ~~d'.' ~tlf!! ~ r ·Ir~ • Meamyhlle, .,,.ital re.sldetitJ lbni<e oul The Santa Ana River -118 pe~k wttrbrlltadeocounter.dreslllanct ilon to Red Crola-in Oranp. v :in_.~.Sc pa....-• __ , -the mopa inti palll ai .~ .. ke(>l 1 ~~gb!,u~asts!J:,~ ~~me~ ~aoupi~·fenc.a. Selrdlbl('for ~-.,the ltonn, l """.YGUS,P.,.!~ watchfuleyeonswollenriW1'1tttlcre<k1 over Vl~la Park dam spillways-~ , , \ · ~ · ._,-:; • . and. weather watchers aaw .the.Ir 'nin rushed into the river. L I , o·· , A . ..au,e11 soar up to 20 ·inche• r. rtcor.d "AU dams are hotding wen today," . t D aO 4 1 , .. . • ;hww they hope wm stanc1· µp ror at Os~~~di.n Fountain Valley were as . . .J8B8ae . rea 1!~e':1°ain~e*t'J~aneven20inche1 sandbagging curbs in. a feW spots Tues-.. ~ • • · t 1 , It .MBheim, whiCb received leu water dly, but city officials ukI the only 1 • "', , • • , • I n.a 1..--:.a stonn • 5 •··•- pl'Oblem was a omalJ break in a dra!plp p" h . -. h V • ' cR· ' F . C • • • J::: ·;:; ~:;,~,.. of' ~L ;: ~~ said the San lllqo otograp er f.e]:tl8 escues I ror_n o,pter, • · fy<vJoua ,de!-Md pven, ll\lll qlly , Freeway acts as a natural dam, and · ~ ... ~ . a. ~a~ lud in the seuon ~alnlall • Silverado Death Toll Reaches 11 By JACK &ROBACK · Of ·Irle 0.llY ,Met Ili ff Rescue workers clawing through a crumpled mountain of mud and boulders today recov~ six more mangled bodjes, bringing• the number of know:D dead in Tuesday's tragic;Sllverado Fife More Flood Stories, 'Photos, Pages 11 5 6taUoo diauter,to ~1 persona. Six more victims of the mighty r. --wbicb carried Ute remote' ila-' Uoli Iii, ol>IMon ...bue IO m---.. · !.,..,_. waited inside for rescue are sliii mliljng. . . . The·, ()range County C.Oroner's Office· ~d f~ent1fitation o', the known victims will 11'. aMounced as soon as posSibJe, but the muUlaUng force of the grinding .!!ilde makes lhe grim job ezttemely di!!lcull • One of the victims, however, was Jdt~ tilled by a ring he wore Tuesday u salesman Diet Black, S3, ~t Ilia grieving neighbor, Leroy Cuter, 36, aaid he couldn't recognize him any other way. "I'd like to forget what -he looked like," Said Carter, who Jost his home to . berse~k Santiago Creek, sweeping (See STORM, Pa1e 2) "''""'"" - .... I TRAGEDY MAP -(A) Com- munity of Silverado Canyon; (B) Sllverado Fire Station where nlud 'ollde burled flood . refugees ; (C) Modjeska Can- yon, also hit by floodi ng; (D) Inine Fire Statioh,' · evacua- tion headquarters following Silverado slide. . Oraage • The rain's gone 1w1y, but only to make room ftlr another storm on Frld1y'1 horizon. Jn the meantime, happy slmahine. INSIDE TODAY would proled moot tt1 FOWltaln Valley W h' n Morine htlicopttr1 being 'f•~--a•l)'t, cir. In ditdta, 1 .J.t~ ill the pi ')'~ rJt ~ 'departmmt. · ' · ii the river did brealt. . ,1 d . t t'" ... roa· ~ anti brltl•es ~~ .~-w-··· 1~r:-1 -.. !-1¥~.r!. --• a·', ~lh 'Other ·coont1 .....unp to date -· Th• op<ning of •Death of o 'Ibe u. s. Geological Survey oUioe ln IDli rrt '" 0 ri.c narrow wa~ -~ • ., •cuun· UUUCI •IC.I ·J. ... ~ ~, .... ~:t~~ •':'ot cbmp&rell .mh a "~t·~ ~·at.I.ti : Saltsman" at ~OUUL Coast Garden Grove said the river was mov· of SUvtrada Can11an ta reacue or going down tbe ~-1 __ '":.'ii·•,, ·1.:.. f1-,.; • Jnchea• -"flfU!J' 19M at qanten~-~~, Rtptrtaru highllnlltl a ric/L iDC 1t the rite of t .5 miles per hoor with tr a PP t d rtsktents Tuisda11, ~ MarfrMI' Jqb on tbil Ill~ wµl .!!h°"!'-4"'5 iA~~.!fl ,.._....,,.i • • 11:• at hoth Lquna Beach and r-wnwn 1 diet" of IiVe thff~ {n Orangt enoop water lo cover 34,000 acrea, one DA1'Y PILOT pholoQraplter to !JJtd, llllf°"" loi li'001>le arid !>riilci " "'" Olll' °"' evlcyeil °" lllat Valley, 17.11 on the Irvine Ranch, lT.!t : Count" tltil ul .. Jttna. St< En· (See RIVER, Pace I) Ricltord K0<h£er ,,,., on tit• ~ in;i, W':.r~ ..:..~~; ...i" ,;.,;,;,_. ',~-.'~,~a,_., ' it\'N ... potU!.,.Ch iftd'll.11 in'HtnttlllctoD tertai:mmt, Pog~· 26. 1ccne. HtTI it hit account of mil ., .. ~·· :u:a--· Beech. ' I ' I 1 r ' :' ... ' • : ' •. I ofthtretcUtmiltiom. ~ .. ~_.l*Pli,. !altlna.~-U.8def \UJJ)l ithe ·~i ..-4 Jt-r~· r fiatdNt''.blt ·bf~=~·lt1 1 =..,~ ;1,.--1·~1tt .l', ~--v-· ~ l~:Mll!D\.Up ,~r -ilnd:i 11..,.,. . ....._.,.,, ,itJ l·i.e =•••· -· 1bey waved anOw.t lleallfbovri ~·J~ind 11. 'lben'tbelrmalller . :""'ll'· ...... ,., t .. · ~, ...... ~~:r· -J<· = ....._. : over them. 1'ben wasn't l"OCUl,to • •fatlw~Ud·8111monlb: i . ~.1 WlilCbi ·meaeUril Mi riizifall. ·1· ....,.. ' '" ...... ,... 4itt • the --.. ,""!.~'lilt'Jcr cnw •'"'•1· ,;tlo8lMtdlp 11 Ille.,_,,_..,~._. from'"" fl(lt of, !be _.~'.fit~· = .. !! """"'• -'•" Lance -ll«j,. J.).. ~ .. .;~ ;,~;loilrlq -~~ · rf!Ciid'llf/Jt i~;,-.,(.;-JID!'I (' ._. ti '""' -• •--to help 1·~ Ml." P--' ~ · .;·e: • --= 'wltll : .Iii II' 1hii11fme: Iii 1• """" •-,. "'"' -- lly.RICllilD ltOEliLER .... Dlllf,........, .. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market • closed with a gain today u Wall Street 1ot a ahot.'.tn·lhe-arm from reporll of progress In Vietnam peace talks. (Set quotallons, Pages 1._15). Tbt matket was tower on ba.lanct at the start, even though firmness In bltt• chlJll held Ille Dow Jones lntlus!Tlal IV ...... tn Ill t'feft keel. We were in the. !all helicopter s<>lnr up, Into Santi~• Canyon. It wu one of the Marlnil' big twtn:rotored S.a Knlghl8. ii'tl;d' •vacuau~;.i~"~.";.i...,,!' ~w=~:(ot.~~" ~~~;alibi~~~; j 5::: ,.~ !7':.=::S' ~u ·bqinatna to ure.'.:..'~Could aee . 1';.a,11~\1 /n:-1!.~. l1n~ .t,;~¥-nY(~_-: · ; ~i :::.-......,. ~ ~ :-• a1:i..:~'aS:n:J:t~~~ '-~.:::t.S:;:\ioiJ~W,, YF.W;·=.-e111 '.f~.~1~' .'.-'-" =:"-•' We toot off and went up the canyon. AU the way up we . ~Id aet hou~ ' .,~ ' ' . ,.... . ... ~--..... ~ ...... -~-· ........... ,,. ' •:' ... . ~" . . . .. ~ .. J. • -· I J . • Z DAILY I'll.OT H Sirhan Says ·He'll Make , I • .. ~ . ' ~uilty Plea : ~ ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. ~ ls willlng to plead guilty to the piurder ol Sen. RdJeri F. Kennedy llld liio ·In Ill• cu chamber rather thlll .;c.-i with his present trial. .. ;. 'lbe II-year.old Arab esploded In tile <*D'tmom. Tuesday at presentation of ~ In which be wrote that Kennedy ''Jnust die like his brother," ·,'Defense attoroeys llld hll molber tried lo calm him llld COWll01 GJ'llll B. Cooper said: ,"lie ,ls like a .... In a booplta1 who t.e11s his doctors he wants to leave when lliey know be cannO! pciSSibly do ..... Sirhan otood up llld shouted llld had to be shoved to hll •eal twice by bailiffs wb<n the prosecution preunied the diaries In which 'M bad scribbled that be favored <the OVertbrow of the United states ~ becked Russian and Chinese Communists and wrote over and over agl;in that ''RFK must die." Sitllao told 8uperlor Court Judge Her- bert .Y• Walker in tlrivate chimbers that he wOWd rather die "than have people thinl: I 1111 gettiog a fair trtal." la llOleboob dated May 11, 1911, Sir· han wrote In dlsjolnlecl llld unpwictuated pbrues: "Robert Kennedy mast be aacrlflced for the cause of the exploited people. My determinat.i.on to eliminate RFK ls be- come the more of an unshakeable obsest!llon. (See SIRHAN, Pqe I) From Page l Affi VIEW ••• and hEt son. He was wearing a yellow raincoat. We went through the same operaUon. Cpl. Peterson got them Into the borsecollar and up they came. The canyon ls pretty narrow here. Wires, trees and the s.ide1 of hills are an around. The blades ol the helicopter l,ould hit very eully. • Up we roee, then, and once more ... -baek. Tben uoderneoth us 1f'ere, some campers. The plane com-. !Jiander, Capt. Paul Johnson, hovered. • .,,,.. he maneuvered down to wtlhln · i.o or three feel of the grouod llld lowered unW a Navy lieutenant could jump out through the bottom batch. * * .. --- German Parl~ Nixon Appears .. At . Bundestag BONN, GermlllY (APJ -Preildenl Nlxon came to West Germany today and 1n an unprecedented 1ppearance bllori jb Buodeslq oald lllCCtlall>I negoUatlons with the .Soviet Ullloi> depend on the malntenanet of "the strength that made negouauons possible." The Bundestag ls Weit Gennany'a parllamenL . ,, . . ~-~--FOR CHOPPER CREW CHIEF, THREI! EVACUATION PLIGHTS MAICE FULL ·DAY'S WORK The success of. the Western alliance, be told th( packed uoembly, "ls Jn. dicated by the llct that In the 10 yeara that II bu exlsled we have bad peace u far 11 this part of tbe world 11 Concerned and that every .one ol tbe naUons in the alliance that was free IO years ago ls (ree today including the free city ol Berlin!' No other U.S. prealdent.had ever ap- pelll'td before the Bundestag. Lanct Cpl. J, L. Patarson Takaa Braak on Homtwlrd Flight Followlnt RaKue Mlulon1 Nixt1n stood before a huge black, gold and red eagle on the wall. ·From Page l RAINFALL .•• more than an 'inch of rain on most coastal cities south of the Santa Ana River. Newport Beach registered 1.63 inches, Laguna Beach 1.26, Costa Mesa and Irvine 1.10 each. ~ However, until Tu~'• ~ Silverado CalJ10G . dllasler, Oral!p Cmnly bad eica]>ecl much of the destrucliOG WJ'llllbl ' by the rql.i, ralnlall.. ' ' In Ventura, at 1eaat , • boatl sank u the Santa Clara River amuhed through ,Ill banl:I aod destroyed llOO of the marina'•· 540 bertbl and elgbt of the 13 docks. Dam11< wu esllmalecl at f4 mllllon. · 8on)e 4,00!J ·-fied lbelr home• In santa P,iula w)loD a creek over!lowecl Monc!IJ' nlcbl. b!ll they were able to return TDelday. lhny Jive In ahlllUes deluged ooly lbriO Weeb Wiler by flood waten. Today SO!ilhJa'*'8 mopped 11P undu IUillJ)I aides, wllh IUillJ)I • and warmer weather pftdlcted for 1buradly. Wbat awaib them this weel:eod ls somethlne elae a:ain. E'ro.m P.,e I STORM TOLL MOUNTS. •• Speaking in a hoarse voice, Nixon noted to tbe laughter of lhe German depuUes that he had not been yet · as Preaklenl before the Congms ci the United States. houses, cars and boulders before lb noodwaters. .He was introdueed by Kai·Uwe VOil San Mateo Creek crumpled Into the rac-H.,..L pNS!deot of the Bundeslaf, who tng floodwaters Tuesday, cutting by so said Wes& Germans were dedicated to percent output from the n u c 1 e a r a Jong.standing decis..ion to "go our way Marine helicopter crewmen fighUng generaUng plant at San Onofre. as a partner of the United States. 0 against rain, overast, Ume and darknesa ~ at. Sau Dlq;o GAS and B;lectric "We thank you for your solidarity TueldlJ airlifted a t0taJ. ol rlt ~ Co., Aid terv1ce Wal. reetc:nd bj early with Europe, Germany and above all resldeatl of SUveredo and . ~n today, but la · u.e hUerbn.. 80Uthem with Berlin," Von Hassel said. "Without canyma to safety. . ,~1 t' ~ID&~.cauntJ and~ aprawllng Camp clear guarantees for freedom and secarl·· n-~·-~"-· ~-~·, .. .-~ ~~Mula! C«po baael were al· ty, Berlin 8nd the federal republic could .-"!ill: _....., ~ --.,.....uii fected. -live neither in peace nor freedom. The the rvqed aru, u the Morine ~ Bundeotag lbanl:ll you for ~ visit In attmpled to pt IOO mere -out CANCDJCD TllA!NB the federal i.public llld especlally In ci the lloock'avqed area .. Sant& Fe llall!OY olllclala aald today Ber!Jn," The '· '"tbey have CIDCeled UDtll turther notice Earlier Nixon received the West .Y were beJni taken to Upper Peta three puaenger tratns and 1hree freights Gennan government'• approval for his Caoyoo by the bellcopt4r m.ule ~ ....... II!\ county Ully. planned negoUalioos with Moscow and :.~ 00:-a~="'..:.."= Tracb 'between San JUlll CapfstrlllO in turn be auurec1 ChancellDr Kurt Georg at El Modena HIP Scbool, 0r.,... and Oceao..,. were wubecl out by the · · Kleolnger the United Slates will support No metier wblt lhelr Joa and ~ iwlrllDI Santa llfarprlla Blvv, which GefmlllY.ln lll negotlatlona over Berlin. fort, Ibey find bell<r lban; -ajao uDdermlnecl ' laterslale lllgbway 5, ljiion told the i!wX!"lag that he rt1111.e. who iaV. up fllbllnl -~ clolfnc all lanes Tlleeclay. wanted to speak of the "prfnclpl,. and aweaome powerln the irOnl ""'-''In An J,l·;iear-old boy from Vista, Wayne ideals that will continue to bind us 115 years, only to llave R teek ·llaim !=: ="~t. ~~ out qaln In SO-ado, FIN Sllilloii. wbJle walklng from school Tueaday CREllK IWIPAG!NQ llld wu swept 150 feel through the Rampaging Santlafd ~ -dai'k ~ • coolinuecl to · tear afllJ• II .111 , baU1 Two _...,. ftacued him by a hair's in 0rllll'I and Sanlf Alla today u breadth bowaver, llld be ls bospltallzecl damqt In the m11lloao ci ·clGllm WU today In -coedltlon. County Courts Expansion OK'd together 1n the yeara ahead." _.., His addresi, added unexpectedly to a heavy schedule after aftemoon seulons ·wlth Kleslnget, wu broadcnt nationwide by German televlalon. ' Niion said lbal, In addltloo to tielnC bound together in the Western alliance, Germany and the United States were ''bound together, too, by the economic factors thft 'two g.rfat and prodpcUvt peoples have produced in our two coun- tries." "We know," Nlxon aaid, "that 1 ltrong wand productive German economy is essenUal tor a strong free world economy just u is a strong economy in· the United States." The President said that, as a person who began biJ political career as a congressman and served for two yeart In the Senate and eight as vice prts.ident, "there will be no greater honor than the one I have today to address my fellow legislatora." . · He vla!bly eojoyed the .good-natured res)Onse be drew from the·~gislators on hla ~erences to his poliUcal lift. Alm06t every ae~ in the chamber was rilled by the 518 members of the Bun- destag, diplomats and members of the government. From Page I BONDS WIN ••• in favor-113, against-116. Pettnon School on bonds: in favor -444, agai.Jvl( 93; on override: in favor --112, against 12.1. Sunset Beach on bonds: in favor - 88, against -66 ; on override : in favor -80, against -74. PllECINCT RESULTS Perry School on bonds: In favor -1 185, against -~;.on override: in favor -175, against -75. Lebard School on bonds: in favor - 913, against -1S2; on override: in favor -572, against 193. Eader School on bonds: in favor - 594, against 142 ; on override: in favot -555, against 182. From Page l tolaJlecl up from the ~ llonn. Untlrlna efforti by men from the 1blrd Expansion ci the Weal Orange County IJP lo II Inches of ·rain _... uo-Marina. Airq'fft Wine -both alrl>crne !r.uniclpal Courts In WestminJter to 15 mtrclfullJ• OG the Southland. llld ~ lnJopo -,. .. ciedl~ courtrooma was approved Tuesday by Fire Hall on bonds: in ravor -88, against -127; on override: in ravor -74, against -139. Absentee votes on bonds: in favor - 2!, agalmt -· 7; on override: in favor -22, against -7. REFUGEES FLlE CANYON • • • like a giant bird on a nest. No one walUng at the fire ltatJon qutte knew wbat lo npect uolea he . bad beeo through the grim maneuvers befon. ' -Men from El Toro MCAS awaited . ordera in the • drizzling rain llld the ·kind of tense limbo meant by the old _lljilltary saying: o.t ready and wail .. How far ls it 1n there to them folta? ," asked a chunky lance corporal who •1> pearecl to welgb aboot 2SI pounds, hear- jng that a five-mile hike from road's end to tbe dlsaater ICfD.e was expected. "Boy Howdy, that'll be fun," he groan- ed, "but I done her in 'Nam and I guess I can do her states.Ide." Hot food canisters and cartons of other goods were stowed aboard the first Huey supply ship to roar off the mek!shlll landing pad at l :tl p.m,, headed for the isolated canyon. "How much food are we &ending? 'They as ked for hot meals for D> per80ns, but Jt de~ on whether you're feeding convicts -.fir ladies," sald U.S. FOffl!t Service Supt. Ernie Balmforth. The first load of more thM ~ unfn. jured penons l3 leave the cold. wet hell that once was boine arrived by return flight shortly and they could have been a bedraggled combination of both, plus a few shlvering children. l DAILY PILOT OIUNGI COo\ST l"UI LtiHINQ COM,.ANY Rob.rt N. w"' PrttlOtrll ef'ld l"ubtflllMor J•ck R. C•rley Vice l"rniOtlll efld ._n.I MllWIOI'• Thoma• Keevil l.dltor Thom•• A. Mu,phl11• Menae11'19 Editor Albe rt W. let•• Wllll1m Reid AAoc.llle Hllftfirlltillfl IMC.fl Edltw (lfy Ecll!w Huatl"'lf'H .... ~ JOt 5tli Street Ma1fi111 Adtf,.n1 r.o. In no. t2'41 0--~0*~~~w::_,a;~~ ,..,.... IMtll: m F...t "..,.. ,, Coo1ua1on rei,ned_ lnllde the warm staUon. "Wbere'a my Dttle boy? I aaw· him with a man," cried I frantic father. "There'• an ertra ooe in bert," called a Red Cnloa volunteer, "In blue aleepen?01 asked the anxiou.I young mother of a ml!!lng.chlld. Pouesslon of tomeUrlng to hold, however, gave others a sense of security. A girl about ti cradled a widMyed black rabbit, while a preschool tot clutch- ed a bag of raisins and some -like a litUe blond boy -found comfort in themselves: sucking thumbs. Sheriff'• lav..UC-WUJlam H • J obmon was in charge of moving each load of refugees to waiUng bules, clear- ing the amall room eo new helicopter loads could be served coffee, milk and hot rolls. "All ci you k1da who doo, bave shoes rai!e your haDd11 and we'll carry you," Johnson ordered. Calm -on the surface -as a church trullee al a !Oclal, grtzzled E.R. Watkins sipped c:offee In the mllllng throng and talked about hll home and hll future. "My wile Mary llld I have been here since 1959 and I've owned my place ~inee 1961," he said, ''We fought a.11 day to save our road, but we finally bad to ctve 1IP llld go to the fire station." "l'm jUJt a Jaborer. Haven't had wori: since December. It's gonna be rough if I lose that place," Watkins continued. "I don't know what time the slide hit. I don't know what time lt is now," 0 Tb:e mountain just fell down," walled Mr11. Tereaa Wilkins, "the mud pushed a fire truck against the big door . • • a man, I don't know who, was trying to get out. He ltepped on me." Bobby Patterson, 18, saw the disaster vividly. He cr1wled to safety through 1 frac-- tured wall after b6lng traooed when Iona of mud llld nick tumbled dowo, s1ammtnc the 5ilverado Clny<lll staUoo'1 door shut. He helped ""'°ver the mancted bodies. "I don't thlnJt J ever want to sleep again," he uld, "I'm afraid to close my eyes. There't too much In ~1 behind the e)'tl where you can mu see It with them closed." ·'11!e Red Croaa dlluler center al El Modena lllgh School, a1mo1t wilhln llJhl of the mt, nglJll Sanllqo Creek In On.nae. Wll a deep COt'ltrllt to the ttantfc Irvine StaUon. scene. ''l!Yeeyllllni ls eolnc protty amoothly," lild llltt Jlbu, ualstant dlwter relief -· u -played 00 the <afeterla 111&< and othen wllched lolevlsloa. Tbly were IJllOlll the luckler foothill llld rlrubanl: families, while the flCtl and cioWng ol othen -elcb6d with lhocl: llld spluhecl with mud -c•vt their -u 5ilverade and l!Oll- Jeska caD100•· N.., arrtn!J uolotdlna al 1:30 p,m. coold look up to aet blue ok1 vlalble tJiroulh bl'eakln& clouds Ovtl' the blgll acbool campu's1 but f«r ICOfU of tbe nood ......... 11-1 11111e comfort. For another uo1uckJ IS, lt maUerecl not at aJL la Orlll(e the home ol Mr. and Mn. · todaJ with betllnc· up ' a thin line of the Board of Supervlaon. Jerry Welch al l93S E. Walnut BL -deleme agalmt the -·• ell~ 1be COUfll ~Uy have s i • = =.the .. crt..: i:r·~ ~~ou::::.a;!= ~~""!"::.'!=-::.ls ezpected Into the muddy watera'' at m ~. -lo ~ lod)~ Tijiicjay, The supervtaon dlr<cled co u n I y Ballard SL bul nn bOldtii'c fall llill beslclel the M refugeea ~ II: lower Adminislratm Officer lloberl E. Tbomu .,..,,..,. ." ~~le by bUI-. ..... ,· .:_,~•-g and the llulldlnC Servlcea Department "' Santa Ana thooMlod< ci cubic 1llill ' ~ cootlnued ......, ·~~· to wwk with the city of w..-r Totals on bond: in favor -2,299, again st -927; on override: in favor -2,140, against -1,070. Oil Blll'Ds in Ocean o1 hlchiirfced ~ w.-· 1n14 the the """"" ci • )'llUng boyz from St ot1 parting needs. racing SanlfaCO 0. IUftr 'Lue ~ Mlcbaer1 Sel!>lnary llld Pr<paralory A survey made by architecta llole CARPINTERIA (UPI) -A lightning Rlviera Drive where lulury bomea In School near Cooks Comer in Modjeska and Fears indicated that 15, rather than bolt early today touched off gas escaping ·this plush resldenilal area were un-Canyon. tbe previOU1ly planned 12 courts would from a vent pipe on an offshore oll dermined. · A total of 250 Marines were detal1ed be necessary by 1980. They aald 18 well platform in the Santa Barbara Chan- Only aUJillary bulldinp on the rear to county Oood control headquarters In COUl'tll would be needed by 1985. net, creating a bright orange glow on of lots and utility poles bad wuhed Orange tor overnight efforts to contain Plans and specifications for the court the borlzon. standard Oil Co. crews put away by this mom.Ing bot many peopJethe :;:;ra~gw;:' :':San=la=An=•:Ri::'';;";;·=====ad=diU='=""'==wlll=now==be=pre=.:par_ed_.===:.."ou"t"th;:e:.b;:l;:aze=tw=o=bo=ur=s=l;;ale=r=,===i were moving out of their threatened 11 ~· -· homes. _ A line ol movln1 vw wu fronllng the hm1ry homes on Riv1era Drtvt today, DAM STILL HOLDING Villa Park Dam wu lltll boldlnc back the bult ol flood wain fnm the SBlll& Ana l!ounlalnl. lnflow to the dam bad slackeoed today lo 3,000 cubic feel per second from Tueeclay's blp ci 10,000 cubic feet per ael'ODd. outflow wu down lo 4,000 cubic feet per -from Tuesday's S,000 feet per second. The Santiago Boulevard brldp just below the dam wu a TllHC111 camaJty of the flood. la Anaheim. the bome ol Paul D. Harrls, -E. Sant& Ana Cao10I! Rotd, collapsed llld llld down a hllllldo onto the roadw11, blocking the wt bound lanea. At ooe lime TuOldl1 nJsb1 Santlqo Creek flow WU IO heavy that Salli& Ana City Manager Carl Thornton took to the radio to wani ruld_,11 and atoro ownera II mJct>t over!low Into the rmd111Ual llld downtown -oec-Uons. MlllY lltn ownen llood by to sandbag their bualnessu if netf.Slll'Y. SKIES BUNNY Sunny akla toda,)' shone oo ocenes ci devul&Uoo throualloul the Soulhlaod, lncludlnc clOlled roodt, cancelled traJn -llld major dllnlpttoo ol -generated electric power, A huge power tr.-!asloo tower In li'rot1t P.,. I RIVER ••• fool deep for a dly. C."" Jlurieas, ci tl1t Survey Olllct, aald,'lionver, lbe cballlel WM doing ' ~ ci lraroporlllll the m4'1nlalil •1.af time tbtrt wu W. much wattr In the Santi Alla Rhtr WU ln 1•" aald 'Blirlll', ''wbea the rlvtr b!llh Ill bllla llld lloodecl miles of land.'' He poillted out !bat la ltll !hon ,,.. no clama ouch aa ~ U(lllnam llld the river cbaanel wam1 u m.n, aa II II now. Tbt flood -dlllr1cl lllOYed lo relnfom l1l1 -IPO(I In Ibo rtvw banl:a with Ill -bagflnf thls morning, 8rldgieo at Adami A-In HunU.,. loo 8elcb and Talbert Av..,. In F- tain Valley ...... clooed -- toaecl aaodbl&I aJq the -part& ci lbe -- CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARD MASTER CHAl&E n Time told the Roman way ... by OMEGA Wl>odier tl't • llMtl.-k llow Tadt c Via V-ln &me ... tlit-wrlotwatchao fatme JtomU ._. tlltlo. Omop llJ'lislt h.Ya tdiliaed tbme dWMI'" diala, to~ thlclwioaim)iiuityof wit 1111 •w.. Wilhia bea11 lbe·-i.i.-°""'"-·-wblds .... .._ h...i..a.., lwpemooo-blueprinl to .... _, ... _ .. --.... lot ~ty. J. c. JJ..mplw6 (}11W11fe,. llJl NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA' 22 YE.US IN THE SAME LOCATION' ' ·------· :t ~-.. . . . ~ , • . , --' -·' ' ' ' ., , . 1 · ~·1 " .,, I ' ' ! . • ·. • ~ . ,r · · V.1 '· • l r 1-' t ' ' •. ' \ ' 1( -··' ' · •• , Lag· ·ufta · ;.Di'g···.·,··g·, ,.:i:ri.g .. ·:·:··:·Cluf~: , , ~ J • 1 .•' ,/ ., I • . ' , , -r.11 J "•• ' ,r'·: :. ·• '. : "(11 'l . ; ' ! • . ·' • JIY. lllCll.\RD P. NAIL or ·-... D•Or "" u.w ,.. • . A' kindly swi ~ on .. ~~eri ' Lquna s<acli today but.-0itl~ll)ra.,,.S . for· anothfir weektild dtltii~. · • . · • TM threat · of a 'd~ctive wa"e ."of water rushini .down the c~Ol) from · ~ jiif( .,ortj( of the city-linijt.: had . a\14~ I« t!>e . t!Jne, · l/Ut there "!"'. problt1111 aplenty. . .. . . . · ,Ooe ,el'tbe moat· recept. ~~.rupture :; I • .. ! . i 1;1" ' ' I ' ' ' . . ' . ' ' . . . . . o( a ~lnch water1.tnlln, sole' aourCe · ~t suppIY:Jor. \'l~.11'8ch' ~ Soulh ; ~guna .. , ' ~· ' I· • • wiO.jain 'Moof · .. mwur-of.Laguna · Bea<;b. Coont,y .'W~\a' o\ililcl. ~d the · comm~ .• w;ouJt:t:~ li~ 011:·re.str~e;s until the break is repaired., • , ·Tho ruptur< oc<µrfO<flp Mo!ro ~y,on. he 1sald.-A slN!C\JQ. 9f·. ••~: coverµtg . the break will hav~ to be .dJverted to . begin r.epain:work. "· J' • ·. J , · MoOrbnii asked that residents· in .the · ' . ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' I I ! I . " 1 'fJY '-·"""' I J I • , , ;, ' ' ,~ ;~~r:e:, .. ::::<· .. ~ .. ~·{.U .. ; 't • l • ' ' · r . · · · • ' , ... . . ' . Da..aa,e Assessed ' -,• St1·iithern Couiity ' • . \ . ; . . I . , -B~gi~s · '.Cie.anlip . ., l!y JAcK. ClfAPPEIL . Dana p,oiJ!I trutment, pW\I . Is undet • • • . Gt ... IMllY flllt st.ff water ' ~ ' . . . . . . South Orange. ·County 1cpnmuniliM · The· .. ~ water, line lnt9 ~'the '_ci11 began W<tay:·tbe:awaotbe task oi UlltSI-wu shut ,·d9Wn 'for .a time ' Tuesd•Y · -~ · · · . .~ dama •-· b while ·crew• .rtgge.t ·• temporory eight ~ -~~-we· , ge UWK · Y ind! _ipajo ~-~,ayba~ · TrabUco . ~ ~.t's -ton:er,itt!1·.rams . Cree le . bridge. · · ' · , . , · ~ .. • .. ..... ,.,. ·Fiiia) N.Y. Steek• TIN.tENrs ' " I'• -. . . Silver.ado . >, ·. i: .' . . I I ' DeathT~ll Reaches 11 . By JA~ saiii.\CK qt 11111 c.111 ''"' 111tff Rescue workers clawing through a crumpled mountain of mud and ' boulder& today recovered' ~ more mangled bodies, bringing the number of known._ dead in Tuesday's tragic Silverado Fire · . ' . . More neod Slorlet, i'llotol, P .. es I, I Station disaster \0 11 persons. . San JUl\11 Qaplltrlll!Q . w!*h suffer... ;be b(i~~ '1'11ich ~!" . ·c~~ . ' $1 million damage;.Jn• the f~•·'ljn!: C4~ ·!f.!· .. ; wa~',!Jf',: '· atorm·,... again bammered by the ta[n selill\!Sb''mill , , •bf ""'" .pia!IJlli : •nd Jlood. "!•ters c...,.dlpg tbroqgh tlie bene,1tl>.ond tlllea , -l.Q <olllipae. · city'• treeU.~,flood control ch!!qnels. : Th~ TrabucG cteek )#i~ge· wat one ) ' S!Xt" ,_. -~( ' \he 'l'llhty -~~~~ 'Ille i:lty sanl~ faclllty£nd .,,..,Detf of ~ which the) fwa .111..,.1· Jiii! ~ when waler back~ up , · a. lilfte of service. The · GanaCI!>' ~ ~d&~ league ba.seball park. .:I .. . , over. San , Juao ·C!:lil•,.fll!I !II•,. ·~p · Wb11e ithe ·wile!' -~aO 'iow rOcedea; •. Hi~ Bilifie'. ~'6~ JiiJiii 'o(I . Cltj<Pu~Works Dlrectpr:,..J.i¥""1<\W.I all nortllern entra~li>·:~fu$·' '. · said . il .. Coutd be , at . ~ea.t !p~ days The Ganado 'btidje. WU ,P.f v~ly hit. unW !lie laclljty Is bick hi"operatjon. · bqt Flood Control ci;twa ~</ii llshM pa>: M'esaows iald lhf.t l>Otween 1,0do and of, the otrµduie ·19 j>rev .. t ,tJie !lamming . %,oop Jeet ·of iewsge .Jlne ·in ·th< norlji · of. thecb&nnet $ubaequentl):, about ;o · · • · ' , · 1 c c -· · ' seCton.oftbwn,andat .Jelst3,000.tcet feetofap'proachro8dwefec~twedoff -· · i·· ,r,,' .· · .·ft' ·!' · ,, 1 ~ • ~ • • DAiLTP1LRT,...."•~~· in the eastern section were.lost. by the torrent. 0°UTWAR1D APP~AJWIC~, 01'· CALM~M!SllEADiNG ATi·S)rft;;OF ' SILVERA!)(), cAJ.ivQ.i tilA'i1i>~ The city's omin oo~au ·une to the 0ce .. ward, the communities appeared ' . A!r.1-1··~ .lndlc~tu Ill Wliitr'• Hiii 91)d' Imo ''' Siat!On,·(21 MUd.'Oo&lnf•Ovt g_., ' · · tofa'remuchbetter.· :: · "' 1•' • 1 : ' • • r r Teen Girl Jumps From Hotel Deck A 17-year-()Jd gir1 who told police she wanted "to be with God" was injured early tbis morning when she jumped from a sundeck at the Del Camino Hotel, 1289 S. Coast Highway. A spokesman at the Orarige, County Medical Center said the girl · suffered ' ' ' a back injury and laceraUons. ·Her ICOll· dl'tiOn th!! morning was described as uUsfactory. Dana -Poinl'1-San!t.ary Dis&r~cl facility . · -: ' ; ' , ~. '. ' was back in operauoo toc1ay 1ouowin: uci IN·V1TED : · ' · · ' · · ~~a:~;:;1: TO RE~!9~A LS 2fi4 :1~i#~~1w.'._t ... ~.'Re~uge.' .. e~ . ~-.eommunity near '""""""• uaa>'Wa:/ UCI's b~-ieint bas been invited ure.!evacuated Tuesday at ~'p.m. ))y to compete I m:.:tbe:".tlCAA's western ; · · I\ :.... ~ -. -··· . . the eailiotuia Highway Patrol when it •• M Fl · ·d ·Sh l ; appearecl that Sao .JU.n Creet '·water "1~U:.:'a'ltt.~?:"dl'::':r'~~. Ray ·. , .n.ans · .. •. n' ·on.. ·. , e. ,':nrs might Qow over the levee. · Thornton wa. o.~·· Uie news at 11 : 15 fv. It V , f,:t::i All were· permitted .to return to their this morning-.JJY')N.17 .. Kerter,-athletic ., · homes four hours later, however, whf!n director at ~-~te C.Ollege and , '" · ! ' authoriUes determined the d\lnger bad chairman of'qie.;~regionals selec· ' -By .ARTHUR ~.VINSEL . · tans and canyoris of Qrans~. CoUnty .,.,.,~--1. . . , , fl 't'-, • 'r. • Ofllilll Ni,;:,. ..... ,· ' T14esda)', '1 •· I ~ uon JX>mml r=~ , , ..• ' · Tbe dOaBt Htgli:way bridge 1 crossing · · -'Also invited.,~' ~thei~four..leam touma-, Refugee lJ a word Yod dori't'understand · They came with small personal ·San JUan Creek is being watched ment at L!lJ y _ -yt;u ~Ule University 'until ·a· boWI . oi ·ch111: 'and ~ a' cfJP~ of treasures thit ·. periple In ·crtsl!J carry, (Ste CLEANUP, Pase 1) of Nevada; J# . egu. -, coffee· it: paradlle aQd ··the. cbancS you along with 'the · gnawl11g MoWtedga .thit · ___ ...._ ___ ~----, may have a ho~ ·«an bf Mud"to ·10 , fof Some unidentified nel&hbor•, there . t ' < · .ho~~e i~avebf · 1 '.' : ; • w~u~d:~.n~_ho_m~~i. . · '._; . ~ Afrll!fecf by° hellc01'1fr pilot! ·t, ,Wt\o<. Hurrying, llpi~lng, ~!!lnl. o~. Cl'Y!'!&• • 1 haada ,Ute ~ttol ! wtr.e at~!ima the.y wer,e· d~Uv~ · ,fO the 1htlteie:d · ln!glclw' ·We · s, 171 of them tutmoD of• commlnd post 'at itbe Irvine 1 Came.-doWn froril .Jcour~ moun-Lake county flre station for bus evacua- 1 • • ~ tion to Red Croh centeai in Orange. ·~ • , · «: · , Searchiiig 'tor 'Jofed . opes, ~-ijorin Winter Festival. . rt=...:~.:!.i m;: :~or11b:he. f · ·• • clutchlng;qie ilnk to the · iec1)rltt .elf 1 Pla~ ~Jidaubt~d ' m:: to: ~l,~nd C::~'!'! c11are1ie, . . . . , -, • . or :W.;tt •\hfOUlh the · ~a,al. (llnoi' •f . . By,.Bad1.Weat4~J; : :-~i~":ct"~~~~~f; 1 •' ·~ • · : -1 ~-~ • • owned, in a . time . when· tom.+hi...... to Rain • nlay have: -j>en..t · !Jailuna, -• 11o)4;,,;,.,,; ~ .aavO<i. "'."::' "· i t>ut no1 the spirit d .ithe City's :111n1er· . "We'.h ~aiy to ~e· lii°~t c.0~"1. • Festlya1. ~~nt JI~ are to. oontl~tWr • o~ .•.. ;'' ·aobbed ·a. beat, ~oma'.n ' I all:hidoor fe.ttvar .. vem.. ancl.~•alltld'. ouistJ!O ,;, the ratn 1 pljioft!ld . ' ".'lo i w1~~: ~-. :';°11''"~ ~ . ~~lb.": . 11&-,r.f e11•ad i. .dalji , ,..~ ·lli<j . .b\i I r,,..uJ1«e1 ·~ •si-e •·U.. Pt~yi,ou,e : ·H~q ,cbopper lilted off., drown"". ~er. I ~UiUQll of .~.Phlli<j~plila · "'~ ! ' vo ~~Umes, ~. hellco~er ·~,,r.a ' ~ '.at ·~·~ .m. bi the rp11• . walllog,. while another urilOacfed 111'. llle • ~ at, Ill Ocean ". -6 ·t!)e. 81 • mlidili> mlddli .of $antl,Ogo :canioo Rood I the Ou!rlcier at 7• p ' -~• ,.,~ .. 11•C> •-~ • ' ' ' ' I ACu91tles v' aild ~ liicluda ~ a ~ -r-1"" ,_,.,. · -w~lji '· '· -ldr~ .;. -or-County <;oroner'• omce said ldiDtllication of . the knOom, Ylctlms will 'tii, ~ '.aa SOQn1 ·aa Poislble, biil 'tlfe diutru."•· 1.rce a1 !be· grinding .u~ mu .. · ~ gflril Jl>b em111tt¥ df!flcult~ ' : ; . One of the victims, however, Wu iden- tified. tiy i ring hi ~ot~::Tueaday u · aatmnin Dlck Black, ·33. but hlspvl1111 neighbor, Leroy. cart«, •. said he couldn't rea>pize biJn, 8JtY other way. !'I'd• like ·to ·fo~ wha& be looted like,". llKl Carter,, wtio .Ioli bis home to berserk . S&ntiaao C(eek, nreeplng . (Bee STollM; Pap IJ -·- -·· -·-- ' ·' • TJl'AG•DY .MAP -(A) Com· munity_of Silverado Canyon: (B) ·Sllverado Fire SlaUon where D)Ud slide burled flood refugees; (C),,Modjelka Can- yon, also hit tij fioodinil; (D) Irvine FJre SlaUon, evacua- tion headquarters fpllowing Silverado. slide. Oruge . ' I ; . W~ther The rain's 'gOne: away~ but I onJy \q make r0om ' fill' 1,notber a~m· ·on Friday's· horlzbn. In the m~~pme, bapPr sunshine. INSIDE ToDA Y · iJoOrmell dlmwft 'at' Old llr0a6Ut ond , vapltblni In IOlkld . puiure nearby -, I !liq Victor H ... lllll,' !lie Trivet Filnl lille ' gl"li: ~!rd oo a lltl\· , , , . The opening of "V.ath of a '!"ritlvol at t :ll'~.m. /n the P.~: N• ~'"aljjll(1 ~ th! fire lllllon Sale""°n" ot ' s .. u. Coo.it ! • • , ' r -' ~ , 1'1 ..<1!.'l.tL,I.. !~'.'l ,11: ... 1', ¥ · •• ~.I'·°'•;• 1,,,,, •• f DltLT-.W•,_..,.._.,.,,Nll i.iGUNA HOME fALLS APART -Re1idenet .<11 •. of ntlodiiir. Two m,n. barely. etca~·;i!tii' 'U.eir: !liy Unger and Jack Fontan, 597 Canyon AcrH lives &pent the nlibt ,marooned until restued, Road, In Laguna Canyon, <Iii integrated during nigh I ' . • - --. . ~ ~'P1¥111lelph1""111i11 lliroUcti l!a!Urday" · quite knew what to expect un)ea-ho , 'Rep<rto.v highllQh(I a rich • ~ the wtiieGcll the lbt!b\I '*!lell had lfeeo Ulrougll the fr1m ,.,.....'!I ·,die! of ·11vr t.Vattr In Orange ~ catamarill' ·riic:es \rlJI bl' bilil 11 • ~. , • ·, • , : ~,. , cciuntv ·1111s wt.keM. ·.Se• )Ii,. . I ~~: , . Oil .s;;iuni Men 'Irmo ' El Toro MIW, <alraled •. l lt"""'."-t, P•a• M. I •·• M ·=!!•.' ~ orcim:-.to t U..1 drbllloc. roil .ul Ibo , ~ . ,, ..,. --• ~°The · , . Betdl 'ict;ti·i)ane\• kt.f of table Jimbo nMlnt br'tfti did , f ~1,.,. 1: =.:-" • ~u -~·~breldu''~ t;e ~~ mlli':'tyaaytnc.:Getreadfand'1talL · . ,..,..11•1111•• • .... ,.... : 1 sahrrday~t;_.._, IChOol IUdltdcium "80Wfarltll•llJ.~tO~ltorki11"' t=-:1 :"C."',~ it 1 p.m. 111 • . • , . asked • clnm~ W>ee ccrP<?fll *'6 .i&p-J£, "': ~ ,.,_ : , 1 ou;er.· !Uch 'aithe ·iij ·~ pem<1.1o weJgliabo111•111,Wlld11.!*f. , " --·::.: ·~a~ the_, Lltllria1m\dly 11111 .~\ a 11ve-m11e hik,, frlil'll' ~··· rS'.~':' 1 ·~ ..... ;.=•' ,. , I tmn ·tq ca.mj ,lo'f'l!.m.\ aftjf'·N •-endtollle•d\IUI« __ .........,,. · -.._, " -, "1l ~i!>OI: Gtlllt Piftolii of.IM'..... ·•BcQ> ff"'!l!Y ' thlt111 lle1r.lil " ht ..... ' -" •· · -, • 1 ~.Satmllf'l.,.iilD:.oq:;n..a.bir '.ed."'1bUt 't·~ her ln·_'fi~""--~I 1 ~....._..,...,,, :"-.. 4.: 'i' C>w4'1'.li2! . ' ·' · . . . ' (ad llBl'llGRI, "" I) : · • • ' 1 • -•-~~~-...;;;.~..;....~-~~--~-~~~""'"-"~'"'--'-''"--'-..c:.~·=l.:.;;._~"~·.-<,....·~·~iji'~~~~lll~l~s•·"~!.;_.~~1 ,;,_,,~--;...."_*~··l,~·-·--'Jjjf .. ~~~~.:......:..._~~~-~-+e+e;~.~~·~~-~---··..._..._._,___,.. r'i • ' ' • __ , 1 • -. , • DAK.T Pil-IT ..... 'If~.,....._ FOR CHOPPIR' CREW CHIEF, THREE EVACUATION FLIGHTS MAKE FULL DAY'S MIR!( L-9 Cpl, J. L. Pol•l'Hll Toku Brook on Homoword Flight Foflowlng Roscuo Mlulons Sk'.ban Wants To Plead' Guilty LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan ii wil1lllg to pleod guilty to the murder of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and die in the gas clwnber rather thu proceed with his prmml trial. The '2!-ycor-old """e>Ploded In the cGlrtroom Tuesday at prescntaUon of notes in which he wrote that Kennedy "must die lib bis brother." De!.-otlonleyl and Ills mocbcr tried to colm him and counocl G-B. Cooper Slld: "He ia Ute a man 1n a hospltaJ who tells his doctors he wanta to leave whtn they -he cannot -lbly do so." Sirllon lllood up ud lboutod and .had to he shoved~-twice by boUllfs when the presenicd the dlJries in he bod ocribbled that he favored the ovcrtbrvw ol the Uoitod Siatoa Govemmenl, boded Rlllslon and Cdw Ccmnwnistl and wrote over and over qaln that "RFK 1D111t die." • ; (Seo 811\11AN, Pap I) • From Pqe I LAGUNA.· .• 11ft: the area was brougbl in for failing io ldelltlly hlmlell. Most. of the evacuees we.re absorbed Into the homes of frltnd1 with the ltod Crou uallling a !cw temporarily withoot a ploce to go. . Mayor G1'on Vedder, who bod made peraonaJ lnlpectlOOI ol llorm damage throagbcut the deluie, Aki, "l'ft never •een anything like It; thil coold be y(lUr 100-year storm." The mayor had praise for city foroea wblcb lied -keel to the point ol R· haustlen during the c:r1s1a. Sweany llJd l crane wu worttnc at the fool ol _., today In repair- ing the lrok .. 21-lncb ... ., line """' taminatlng the beach. -and the street .. od had allo hem ripped up tbert by the torrent. Sweany was setting up his crews far the possibility of another storm lbla weekend which be said "seems a universal prediction." However, be gue.wed that it could mt be wone than what had alrtady OCCID'Ted. "U we do get a rain, we'll all be out working again. We'll be in there pitching," he aaid. W.ud lllldes around the city. are apt to keep occurring, be said. limle ol the worst street situations at snaent. Sweany aald, are Center and Pearl Streets. Summit Drive which had roct 1llde1, Clllf Drive andermlned In lhe flOO block and im,.....blc, Morntnplde Drlve, Bluebird canyon Drive wlUt llidet and C.,,,.. Acres Driye and Ill off-lhoot roads. I. DAllV PllOl ltoMrt N. WtiHI "'t•l*'-' ..,. "'*"ltlltf' J,,. 11. c.rt • ., Vitt J"t•klffll -c;-a1 ""-"" Tho1n•t ICeew:t 1.lllMr Th'"''' A. M•r,lii110 Mll'lffllll llllltor l i1S.1r4 P. Nill Pe•1 Niu111 LttlN kKI!.• .....,.,11111111 Ch, lfl!Of" Olrtclelt From P11ge I STORM TOLL MOUNTS ••• boules, cars and boulders before Its of higlliriced property wubed Into the floodwaters. racing Santiago oit River Lane and Marine helicopter crewmen fighting Riviera Drive where IUIUr)' homes in against r.ain, overcut, time and darkness thls pluah residential area were un- 1'-.y alrllltod • Jolal of J7' marocned dermined. reotdOoto of SUveriido and Modjeab <JiiJy au.lllary bull<ilnp en the mr -lo ulettc · of· loll and utlllty -•-had "'1lod llooc!ll .....-. coollnoed today In ..- the l:aaod -'ll'the iw:tne -~ ... ., by lhJs Jlllll'oini but mAnr _ .. all<mptad lo' .,i !11111 more penm. oat were moving oat ·of their ~- ol tho floodnv,ag.r area. bomea. ., c. '!'bey 11Vt beW two to UpperP-. A. line of moving v .... '!U lrontllt( c..,on by the btllooptar lbuUJe ..mce, the luxury bomel en Rlmra Drln lodq. where -...n cany1ng the vtctjma ·Vllla Part Dam WU 11111 boldln( litck on down to ~ Rad er-._ center the blilk ol !Tood watora from the Santa at El Moclcoa l!IP Scboo!, .0.-, Ana Mountains. lnllmr to !\'< dam bad No moti.r wlill ·1be4 loA amf dllc:om-lllaWnecl IOctay to 3,oot cQblc feet per fort, _lhey fared beUar . thih -second from Tuelda1'• hiP o1 10,0 relupea who 'pn up fiCl!ling nature's cubJ< feel per '"""'PCL Oldllaw -clown aw,.... JIOW'l' In the wi>rsl atorin In to t,qoo mblc feel per llCOod from 115 --'-to hive tt acek them Tll'l!daY'• S.000 feet per-· out~ lnMveraclo Fire StatJon. Th< Smitlqo lkllllevlril · brldp just Rampqlng Saollqo 0-eek, meanwhile below the dim WU a Tuet4a;f caaialty coollnoed to tsar away at lta bonka of the flood. . • 1n ~ and -Ana 1oc1ay u 1n Anlthelm, the -· of ·Paw o. damage In the -of dollara WU Harri•, ... E. -Ana cw.. !load, totallod up from the tbrfe.day llorm. collapsed and lild dowa a 2Jlal4e ooto Up 'to 11 1ncbe1 of rain jloured ,... the roadway, btoaing the. -bound mercl!ully en the SOutbland. lann. ' · In Orange the home of Mr. and Mrs; At ooe tllJll Tuaeday night Santtqo Jerry Welch a1 293$ E. Walnut SL WU Creek Dow WU 10 heavy that Santa waabed into the creek and two apartment Ana City .M~ Carl Tbornton took houses were la danger of collapalng to .the.radlo to warn residents and atore into the muddy watan at '131 and 741 ownm tt might overflow toto the Ballard SL but ...,. holding fut thil resldeiiUal and dllWl!town bullneaa ,... morning. ilon1. Many store owners stogd by to In Santa Ana thouland1 of cubic yardjl , eandbq thoiJ: buainealea U new11ry., ' I ! Fr,;,,. Pqe I REFUGEES FLEE CANYON ••• guess I can do her statealde." Hot food canlsten: and cartons of other goods were stowed aboard the first Huey supply &hip to nar oU the makeshift landing pad at 2:12 p.m., headed for the isolated canyon. "How much food are we lltnding? They uted for bot me&l1 for 200 peraons, but It dependt on wbctber you're feeding convicts or ladles," said U.S. Forest Service Supt. Ernie Balmforth. nie first load of more than 20 unin~ jured penm1 to leave the cold, wet hell that once wu home arrived by return flight shortly and they could have been a bedraggled combination of both, plus a few ahtverlng chlldren. Confusion rtlgned inside the nnn 1tatloo. ''Where'• my lltUe boy? I aaw h!m wtt.h a man," cried a frantic father. ''There'• an eztra one 1n here," called a Red Croaa: volunteer. "In blue sleepen?" asked the anxiOUI young mother of a mlalng cbt!d· p.,,_ ol something to bold, School Agrees On Stop Light For Park Avenue The pedelti:larl and vehicular tratnc paU.trn on Part ATenue at IA.gun• Beach HIP School ts aolng to be controlled by • !OUl'way tra!!tc llihl. School lrulteel TllOMiay night qrtcd the city should call for bids on the ayatom. Cost iJ to be zbared equally by the scbool diJlrlcl end city with the clty malat.alolog the ligllLa to be lnst.allod at Part and MIJlllJ1lta. MotoriJtl -lrequentlJ' Jiave a loq wilt for otreama of atudeots Cl'Olllng Park Avenue between cla-. 'l1ie . dUtrlcl had lnHlally budi•tad 1111.000 for a -or overhead paa, but obclv· eel ~Ille ldeo wlaon ..um.tao came in at M&.a. In other' h1alftm, trulteea TUeaday: --Olanced the meeting date of the boonl from the -and !oanll 'l'uelda7I of the mooth to the fin! and thin! ,,_.,. to aecommodato the ocbodulo of boonl membol'L -Agr9ed to pllce ao .,_, with ampio ballola favoring the lktnt over- ride ..-J to be decided at the April fl ·--Dol«red action --bJ the CCCllllY ~ oo propoMl cfWllea in dl&lrld --poUey .. that the poUcy wm11ng nuld .,.... cJooeb' lolloir wmllng of the allto code . • however, gave others a sense or security. A girl about 12 cradled a wide-eyed black rabbit, while a preschool tot clutch- ed a bag of raisins and some -like a little bland boy -found comfort in themselves: sucking thwnbs. Sheriff's Investigator William H . Johnson wu in charge of moving each load of refugees to waiting buaes, clear- ing the small room so new helicopter loads could be aerved coCfee, milk and hot rolls. "Ail ol you kldl who don't have ahoell ralse your hands and we'll carry you." Johnson ordered. Calm -on the surface -u a church trustee at a aoclal, griuled E.R. Watkins .sipped coffee in the mJlli.ng throng and talked about bis home and his future. "My wile Mary and I have been, hero since 1959 and I've owned my place since lM I," he 1ald, ''we fought all day to uve our road, but we finally had to give up and 10 to the lire 1tatJon." "I'm jull a IJborer. Haven1 bod work since December. It'• gonna be ""'lb ii I be that place," Watkin& continued. "I don't know 'What time the sllde hit. I don't know what Ume it is now." ''The mounl&ln just fell down," wailed Mrs. Teresa Wllklna, 0 the mud pulhed a !In! truck apinst tbe big door • • • a man, I don't know who, WU tryins to &et out. He stepped OD me." Bobby Patter!()D, 11, saw the disaster vlvJdJy. He crawled to safety thrauch a (tac. lured llall after being trapped when tom of mud and roct tumbled down. slanunt,. the Sllverado canrin llaU00'1 door ahut. He llflped recover tho DW>gieel bodies. "I don't think I ever ·want to sleep aa:aln," ~ said, "I'm .tr-aid to close Ill)' eyes. Tbere'a too ·l!>Ucb In there, beb1nd the eyea wbert>~ you can atUl ,.. u with them cloaed." • tJ!o .Jled er... dlsiator ceotor at El Mlidena l!IP Schoo~$" ll,iht of the Ad, raging Cltek In ~ wu a deep to the froil\li: Irvine StaUen ~ .. ~ 11 IOID& pr'l:tbly .. said lliJJl llbia, Uslllaiit relld d~ector. .. cbUdreo playff Oii the car.t..ia llqe and others wllched lclevlJlon. They Wfl't U110111 the luckitt foothill end riverbank famlllel, willlo the f- and clotblng " otherz -etcbed with shock and splasbed with mud -pve their adclmoel aa SUWrado and Mod- Jtaka canyom. New arrlvtla UDloldlfll at l :JO p.rn. cwkl look ~-,.. Woo IQ vlllblo throoab bre cloudl aver the hill> achoo! com for ,_.. ol tlie Doocl re~ I Utile comlort. For •notber unlucky 1S, tt mattered not at all. / I • Usi lnio D1sasier Area . I . ·Photographer 'Views Resc B From Copt,er • ... ,._,, .: ..... -~ ... * I ~DOI~:,, 1' at•' Jf~ hcl!coplm. 'llloae •ere OQ{ fl!JI ev oo tbal The cbopptr'1 bladea were very clooe ,.,,,., .. ........, ••• ,,.,.._ ow 111<1111 Di•'t to the olde of the cllU. --.... 1be pilot ~u ... -.... II> bod to hover, .. ,, vJ •If""""' 'Ca11~ te TflC114 IUck and Robert Olten, 7 and I, CUI!" but be ,i; bad'';" set the rear · end er opp• d fUidiftt1 Tutaday, up in the hoJ:secollar tog ., • It w~t of the beUcopter down 90 the back door DAlLY PILO'l' photograp11n down again. Up came Timmie ~ could be lowered. The blades were withia ll!chQr<I Kochler ""' on 1h< Eliubeth, to and ll. their molhor three feet of the side of a cllll. 1cm1, Hnc M htt account of om and fatber, Bernard and leo OrteD. 'lbe baCt door Us a ramp-like ar· o/ Ille """' lltlqiolli. One WI d4> at U. w Back came r_.,t Capt. Jobosoo WM u 11 RICllAJID KOEHLER Of ... D19r PW ... 11 Wt wm to the lat helicopter going up Into Santiago Canyon. II WU Gile of the ilannel; · hll . ~ Sea Kalpt.;' ' 'we toot oil .and weot up uie calu'en. I :AJl tbe' WIJ op-Wt ~ ,Re howles 'i ~ ... wubecl aWIJ; Cllfl' 'In dltcbes, ..-· ~ tirldp either . under wattr 111 IOilia down 'llie -·'ibe· '.~Job on un. .fllCht was to find anyooe ID trooble and . bring lhem.tn.·We !aand -in ahCri order. About ab: or aeven minutes out, we 1potted alx people walklng on the side of the canyon. ·They waved and we began hovering o..,. them. There wasn't room to set lbe· chopper down, so the crew chief, Lance Corp .. J. L. Peterson, waa: let down to help. them. Thia waa Peten<m's lhlrd evacu.,uon flf · lbe day and be \vu bef!fnnlni to tire -you could aee "It. . In the Sea Knight helicopter, there's a winch arrangement down through the miter of the plaoe. Peterson put himself In a bi1 bonel:oUar 1W and, with U. chopper hovering at about :IO or * * *''. l"relltPqei CLEANUP •.. . canfully' by officials as tf\e water in tho creek ·-~ the pavemen! level. Trame control and clean up operaUom at the bridge at Um.es llmlt veblcle uae of the tboroogb!are. eo.t mpway belweeo the Dana Polal t•y" and San Clemente bu betn open and clooecl lntermlttcoily du< to land llllda along the blulla there. City crew• In San Clemente d1Ji: ~ut street. after scattued mud 1Udes oozed d..,. the hlliJ there. Clubhouse Fate • Mee~,Topic 'lllrtt Daoa l'ollll · Ctvtc -will plher at Comml!Jl}IY llo!lie Tbundllf nJlhl lo dlacu5s both the purpooe and f\itunl ol tho facility. . 1'od Kopp, president ol the Dana Point CIVtc ANoclaUon; said his group, El Camino Real · Woman's Club and the Dana Point Art AssociaUon will gather. A social hour is scheduled from 7:30 p.m. lo l :SO when the business meeting begins. Coffee and cake will be·served. Cpl Ptl<h!>n, looJdng tired thu deUcoto u 11 be wu set1iJC lbat bin! '1>1'•yeara. 00 egp. & bovenocl with the front We llarted back to command poll rotor and the front eod of the heUcopter But then we nw twor:re who needed st.yed in the air. help. He aat the back eod down and the lt wu a woman, an older woman, ramp lowued. 'lbat's where we stayed aod her son. He wu_ weariq: a yellow for abclut five mbwtes. • raincoaL We Went tbrough the ume 1 gave'< my camera to a lady next oj>ertUon. Cpl. Peterocn got them Into to me aod helped the crew 1et the th;e horsecollar and up they came. people aboard. There were about 2S Tbt canyon Js pretty narrow here. or~ ot them, r~ from a 5-moJ:sUt.old Wires, trees and the lllda ol bllll ara baby to people in their &Os. A Joi of all arwod. 'l1ie bladea of ll)C helicopter kids, about hall of the group seemed would hit very eadly. to be kids. Up we roee, then, and once more It was a fast loading job, and a we started back. Then undemeatb UI rough one. The rotor °blades were blowing were some campers. The plane com-back against the plane and that didn't mander, Capt. Paul .John!OD, hovered. make it any smoother. Then be maocuvuod dowo to wllblo Tbla Toad filled the helicopter on both two or three feet of the ground and sides. CapL Johnson picked it up again lowered unW 8 Navy lieutenant could and we roared down the canyon to jump out through the bottom hatch. the evacuaUon point at Irvine fire sta- The lieutenant ran down the street lion. wblle we ut there. Then be came back That was about it. cp1. Peterson - and llboulod something to .the crew. It and Cpl. Frank Clpp"' and Cpl. Mike WU 'a IDe"'IC that a "°"p ol JllCll, Kelly~ the ce>pilo~ Capt' Cedric Bebll women and "children were in trouble -were beginning to show the wean dowo the road. an4 loan of the day. The lieutenant went lo find them. We I came off the helietlpter with the lifted off and circled until we spotted prize package of all. Two ladles sort him and the people. The canyon wu: of handed me this baby. This five-month quite narrow -the blades wert near baby. I left my cameras on the plane the walls -but we found a spot to and brought it ouL Then I went back hover. We could almost set down, but for the cameras. Nixon Visits Germany, ' Addresses Bundestag BONN, Germany (.\P) ~ Pnaidenl Nixon came to West Germany today and in a'n ,µnprecedented appearance be.fore its BWdestag sa1d succtUful negoUatfOM w1th the Soviet Union depend on tbe mapitenance of "the strength that made nlgoUationl!I possiblt." · The Buoclutq IJ West GenOany's parllameot. The succtSs of the We!tern alliance, he told the packed a.ssembly, "is in· dlcat.ed by the fa ct that ln the ZO years that it bas uistcd we have had peace as far ai this part of tbe world Is concerned and that every one of the nat.iona in the alliance that we free 20 ye8J'I ago ls ftte today Including the free city of Berlin." No other U.S, pruldent had ever ap- peared before tbe Bundestlig. NJ,xon stood before a huge black, gold and red eagle on the wall. Speaking in a hoarse voice, Nixon noted to the laughter of the German deputies that be had not been yet as President before the Congress of ~ Uoitod States. He was Introduced by Kai·Uwe von Hassel, president of the Bunclesbg, who said West Gennans were dedicated to a long-standing decision to "go our way as a partner of the United States." "We thank yoa for your solidarity with Europe, Germany and above all with Berlin," Von Hassel said. "Without clear guarantees for freedom and securi· ty, Berlin and the federal republic could live neither in peace nor freedom . The Bundestag thanks you for your visit in the federal republic arid especially in Berlin." Earlier Nil:on received the West Gennan government's approval for his planned negotiations with M~ and in turn he assured Chancellor Kurt Georg Kieslnger the United Slates will support Germany ill its negotiations over Berlin. Mz:on told· the Bundestag that he wantf!d to speak of the "principles and ideals that will continue to bind us together in the years ahead." His. address, added anexpectedly to a heavy aebedule after afternoon eesslona with Kitsinger, was broadcast nationwide by German television. 0 Time told th~ Roman way ••• by OMEGA COIMNIEHT TEAMS BANICAlolERICARO MASTER CHARGE Whether it'• on YlltL AYeaue in N111W Yorl: or Via Veneto in Rome ••• the new wrilhraldia feemn Roma -.i diolo. Omop llJ'lioto m .. 1lliliaed tlme di.t"· ti,. cl1U to c••q' 1 tbec:lmicsia;lpiicitr'ofw1tc1r1,... W'dlaia ... tho......,._~---wlDdi unclsgo.bodr.doollmpeoli.-lnsii Waiplntto""'1-.hlyto .... ••. , -"-* ..... Np-da\ilitt. J C. J./umpf.nu 'J•Wfl/., !Ill NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA 2Z YEARS JN THE SAME LOCATION ... PHOM! S41-l441 DAILY r1LOT ....... Ir ,.,~ PAIN-WRACKE D FLOOD VIC TIM -Injured in Silverado Canyon mudslide and reported. by medics to be in labor, Mrs. Joan Ware.- ham, 29722 Silverado, was first evacuee to arrive by helicopter Tues~ - day at Orange County Medical Center in Orange. She was rushed to obstetrics ward. Rescuers found her buried beneath a mudslide. • Preg nant Woman, 1Te en 1st R es cued From Sli,de By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Of tlle 0.llJ •1111 '''" A green Marine helicopter dropped out of the blackened sky over Orange County Medical Center at 3:23 p.m. Tuesday, carrying the first victims, an I-months pregnant woman and.an ts.year old boy, t.o safety from the Silverado Canyon disaster. Rushed from the door of the helicopter and taken by ambulance to the hospital's .. Crisis Center for emergency Ueatment were Joan Wareham, 24, of 297?2 Silverado, and Robert Patterson, 591 Lanae, Orange. Mrs. Wareham arrived at the helicop- ter landing pad obvlouslr in shock. her features barely distingu ishable through a crust of mud. She was later taken to the obstetrics ward, where she now rests in satisfactory condiUon. Dr. Robert Pettit, a hospital intern who attended the disaster vicUms during the flight, said that Mrs. Wareham, who expects delivery in three wetk.s, was found buried under a layer of mud. The other vicUm, Robc!rt Patterson, stumbled dazedly from the whirring chopper to a waiting ambulance. He was treated for laceraliom and eiposure and later released. The helicopter, dlspatchfld from El Toro Marine Air SlaUon, took off im. mediately after unloading the patient.a and returned to the disaster area. It wu back about one hour later with a man and wife, both suffering multiple · fracture1 . The patients, John and Sharon Sleppy ol 494 SUverado are now at the hospital recovering from their injuriea. John, 38. is listed as being ln strlous condiUon, h1s: wife's is described as fair. , Also brought ln from the dlaasler 11<a bJ bellcoptu aod mllltary ambulance Tuesday afternoon md this morning were the followinl: Jad: BrtUtman, 33, Box S, Silvmdo., Injured leg, released. Jlqlldble DeWlll, 39, n lla&lebelle, Silverado, mulUple fractures. ~ DeWltl, 17, her son, Injured hand, released. Brlu DeWitt, 14, anoliler son; multiple fra~. JadJ' T. Myen, 21811 Rancbo Way, Si!\,erado Canyoo, expectant mother. later transferred to St Joeepb's Hoapltal in Orange. Ctnnena Green, possible. cardiac pa· tient, coodJtion listed u fair. Robert lloblon, 51, 21821 Sllverado Canyon Rood, multiple Injuries, r<lwed. Jea -. bll wife, ·poalble frac- tures, c:oodltioo listed as 1ood. Air Force Attempts Rescue of 2 Pilots LEMOORE NAS, Call!. (UPI) -All Air Force bellcoptu from Edwards AFB attempted to rucue today two Navy pilota and an Air Force paramtdlc lmn the wind-pt alopes ol the Slerrat near Ml Whitney. Tbe pilots, Ll cmdr. G. W;--Lubbm, Lemoore, and U. J. R. McDaniel, Han- ford, suffered minor Injuries when lbelr Al Skyralder c:nahed at the U,000.lool level Tueadl)' wblle partlclpa!lns In a search for a TA4 Styhawt jet trainer wblch'cnahed In tile area M. will! lwo men aboard. Reagan Orders Out Guard , By Uolled !'.-lllttreallmal Gov. llClnald R,.gao ordered National Ouard.Wen to aetlve duty in San Ber. nardifto County lo aid In eyacuattnr penons hit by floods aod to guard aplnat loottnr. Armories were opened to house reful .... Robert Ma<Clure, ml)'or of the Ven- tura County -">unity ol Lompoc to the north, llUIMled up the feellnp of l!lal1)' SOOthern C.llfomla reslclenU ' f· when he llid' "We have bad tao 1111>-yesr 1t4rml In 30 moya and M community ~d ha,. lo put up with ll!at" Two crocodiles ancl t..O hlppopotamt bnike -Tuesdoy fnim the Africa, U.S.A. wlld animal compollld In Actoo, norlheut ol Loo Anrelu. They ...,. lul .... matlnr their way clown the nood- awotlen San£a Clara IUver. ' Wollllldo!, F"""'126, 1969' . IL) DAILY Pll.01' I • SECOND ARRIVAL FROM .DEATH SCENE -Rescue workers and medics attend to Mn. John Sleppy second woman evacuee to arrive Tuesday at Orange Count7· Medical Center, Orange, from devastated Sun's-Out But Not for .Very Long~ Like a desert oaals, the long-lost sun beamed cheerily over the Orange Coast today after five days of the year's most miserable weather wreaked fioodlng, death and widespread de 1 tr u ct lo n lhroulhoot the Southland. But, weather forecasters warned, that oasis may be lNi a sbort·lived mirage, since another storm appears in the offinl: anJ should'strike L"te coast by Friday. Meanwhile, coa1tal residtnta: broke oot the mopo and palls as ~ )!ept a wa~ul e)'I! oo swollelfrlvera and creeks and weather watcher• saw their rain gauges soar ~p to 20 inches - a record which they hope ,will atand up for at least another M yean. The rain meter read an even 20 inches at Anaheim, wblch received less water from the weekend storm, 4.5 Jnches, than any other area of the county. Previous deluges had given that city a commanding lead Jn the season rairifaU depsrtmenl Other county readings to date - compared with a "normal" total of 1.16 incbea -were 19.46 at Garden Grove, 18.0I at both Laguna Beach and Fountain Valley, 17.• on the Irvine Ranch, 17.14 in Newport Beach aod II.II In Huntington Beach. Hardest hit by the two months of storms, however, seemed to be San Clemente, which meaaura it.a rainfall from the first ol the year. That city recorded 17.91 inches from Jan. 1 (com- pared with .ta at thl.s Ume in 1968) while Costa Mesa, also measuring from Jsn. I, \olaled U.41 (agalnat U3 Jaat year). • The last day of the delu1e dumped more than an 1nch of rain on most' coastal clUea IOUtb of the S&nta Ana River. Newport Beach registered 1.53 Inches, Laguna Beach Ut, Colla Mesa and Irvine 1.10 each. However, until Tuesday'• Sllverado Canyon dlsuter, Orange County bad escaped much of the destrucUoo wrought by ·the ra1in1 ralnfllt. In Ventura, at Jeut IOO ·boats' l8llk Banks Hold Raging River Residents aJong the Santa Ana River breathed a sigh of relief today after surging Hood waters reached a record- bruklng peat Tu"moy but didn't apill over the bank!. Dangerous flood conditions still pre- vail, and the Orange County Flood Control DI.strict warned tlii.. morning that the Santa Ana Rl)'!r will ContlnUe to now at a rapid rate for 1everal more days. Nervous horneownen and alghtaeenr fiocked to pointa along the river ·in Huntingt'on Beach, Fountain VaDey and Costa Mesa, u awollen mountain streams broupt the river lo wilhln all feet of the liant topi. as the Santa Clara River ~ through 111 banu and dealroJed a of I.be marina'• 540 berths and el&bt ol the U doc:U. Damage was estlmoled at '4 million. Some 4,000 per80!ll fled their bom9 in Santa Paula when a creek overflowel Monday night. but they were able lo return Tuesday. Many live ln 1bantlf;J deluged ooly three weeks esrller 1>1. flood waters. Todl)' ~· mopped up Wll!er sunny 1t1 .. ; \rill! sunny and ....,,,.,. weather predlct.d for Thundoy, Whiil' awaits lll<m lhli weekend ts somethln( else again. · · • .""" ...... t... Ti. ~=., ""T.:m ::: ~~::: ~:· .. , L•llM Inell 6.~ 11.0I Jl.Jt Hun!tneton Beed! i.1r 16.11 '-2'' ,. l'Gunt.ln V•llq I.If lt.01 4'1 W.fm~ . s.u 16.11 ... '· SHI IHdl J.11 1•.n ._.. L .. IJM LtlWn WWllf 1,72 11.0I ... ll'YI"" lend! J,fl 17.llf '-#' ,. Ltt-Hltutl 6.72 ll.OI I.II Mftlnl 4.tcll •• ~· G..-""'-S..N lfM .... sen c~ .1.1111 11.n M , ..,.. Anl 6.111 1l.f1 f.1' ~ •-c..t. ~ 111• C""""'9 """"' -"-• JM. 1. -- , . " ' -.· . . . -. . . . ' -. - " .' •, . - ; ' ' . . . . ' • ' • • 1 • • . , . 1he place · you' ye got lo ao lo see wllll's going ~your Jord delltr I t " • t ' • • ! . ' • ! -~--· ·--~··- I. .. / 'l 1. • r ' . ' ·-,. ··-•• ··77).ij- •• u \ ' . . .. .. ~F,_;,·26, 1"' · Heary. ., . Toward Mars ,PASADENA .(UPI) -Scleotlm oe\Ued · ·: · i~·a..1'~" ·rouUne today~with . ~.S.-1he'!l'~.dmlll ·1 h·1ped • ~ .sweeping toward .. in- • ~Uvennctem>Ul wilb Mon. · ' ... --------·· ~ 'Ill JDID!lm· opocecrilt '.lhot im-~ .l!lnqli -.. • .Dknlllfon mDe journey to ln...Ugate the poulbllily the mysterious red planet can SUBtain Ille. • Robert 8. Prince, treated at a l!l!ll Lake City hospital for a fin. ,... wound, told authorities be was -by bl.a-·· Prince said Mission cmtrollen at Jet Propulaion Laboratory said lbe craft Wll fl1jng so unerrtnglJ that even if no midcoune maneuver were m~ as planned, tbe apa<ecraft would be only l,IOt ,m!kJ i heat from bis car's cigarelte !er dll<harged a .22 caliber et In the ashtray. ; ~ .oll Jirpt. ' I l . ·MIUI ' ·,: c...a ..... a.-.....,. .......... """ """*if dMll.. ,.. ,..... wi. •• """'""·-1• ........ Jeilw• l'llM. . . ,,.. ~ Ywllll*"•'•· ~•="'··---· r 1-A 11111 ,,_ • Mltld• "• 1CJW'11$t. I~ """ ~ ,.,.. .. .., . .,. l'lt ....... .......... .. tt.1 ... -s..,.. 111~ rwea ......... .._.""' .....•.••.....• 1i., "1ft. a.s .....,.~.,., ·n.uaau.;:''1""""' i.1 "11"1f l'lllfl ........... ,, .. l !Ol t ,11'1, !.I l"ltlf loW ................. l t:IO I.I'll, I.I ..................... '''' '""· ~· I . F.1gliting .Rag~s. N~ar:·· ·Saigon · ' Snow Cripples East; Boston Gets Three Feet ·B06T()N (UPI) -The oecond crippling ~ llorm ol the moolb laid a l!dcMn"'8 blan\et of soow over New ~ today. Accumullllons ol three · !.., .and ....... ..... re)iorted .In mtmJpolltan ~ iuldn& the 'storm .... o1 the wm;st:lll the dly'1•iiltory. At le8'1 II. cloltba 'l!'ft atltibuted to the bowling Horm wbich. btgan Mon- day . A private weather forecaster said this week's stonn was the heaviest in the• years since weather record-keeping ~ but tbiJ could not ·be c:oafirmod flilmedlately . The U.S. Weather Bureau said snowfall for the month had retched 31 inches, topping the record of 35.S inches set In 1193. The bureau said the storm ls moving out to sea east of Boston, but ill effects were expected to control weather in ~:' I • BERKELEY (AP) -Striking stU!1!:p1s defied University of California ~Pla tian.s Tuesday and used a · butiborn without permission during a camp1.13 tally of 350 persons. Following the rally,, there was a march across the campus and a smaller group paradod llhrOugh Barr.WI Hall altboUgh mciass)room1Was•enter'ed and no Yan- daJilm repcrted. ' . :· , Strilirs then picketed al Sather .Gate. During the rally, apeakers noted .the sm~ size of picket lines this Wf!ek and urged strikers to avoid ~atism. 1be Thlrd World Liberation Frool call- ed the Walkout five weeks ago, ctem.n- ding an autonomous ethnic studies· pfo- gr>m. • ·. ' Since, then there have been 133 arrests and the nnlversity's board of regents M:s ordered the suspension of students wbo-violate,ugulations by violence. '\ lke· Continues ' Good Recovery ' . Froni Operation WASBINGTON (UPI) -' ·FOnn.r President Dwight D. Eisenhower con- tinued bis recyvery from intestinal sui'lerr todjy. "His vltaJ sign11 have rem&lned it&ble," Waller Reed Army Medical Center 11octors reported. ''.lllere · hl5 b!>en no change In the generil'a elrdiac status," said Col. JOhn ~ !"'~:lngi.:i::ectttive officer, "The .. ract that t6e 71-year-old EiHnhOwer has 'tiad seven bear't attacks hid. mode ·c1oc:ton apprehen!lve about eetfonnln.g the iUrgery to remedy an lnleatlnal · b\OC;ka&'e. bul. lhe 0peralion ~,necessary to save bis life. Thia was · Bradley's morning ~port to newsmen: 0 Gen. EiJenhower bad a good flilhl ind slept comlorllbly. Iii.I ·ViW ail!>• hove-remillned stable. Tbero hl5 been no change in the GeneraJ 's cantiac . 11tatua • .Hla .poet-operaUve course ha3 to Nine-ye&Mld David NO(N of date followed the expoCted pattern." s~ k~s :.iir.:~eet·#Y in1 • lun manner as ,h• .U....1\0)!~ "QJ..:t:....A h' Diet ~ctt to forge .a~~·~i.'. c·~p er on way to ichoOI Tuwlay. Rain. hail, snow 1 and ~t struck Nor1hem California Tuefday lhreaterilng· . fatnr lands aa Salinas River ap- proached Oood stage. BASEL, Swllurland (UPI) -Karl J upe'!t _ ~ G e r m • n exlst.enUaUst phllosopoer. died at his Basel home today • member ol hil. household said. ' Jupen. wbo bad ctlebrated his Mth birthday on Feb. 23, had been Ill aIDce early last year. • ·- • W_.,, ,......, 26, 1'69 Ull.Y II.OT I ~ Strllek Cyµnty .From ~ountainsio-s~a , . . . . . . 'BEDRAGGLED, BUT SAFE -Group ol refugees ttom · Silverado Canyon flooding make !heir way to evacnation C"'1ter at Irvine Fire S'taliou east of Orange f(j)owing rei!cue by Marine COll'S btllcopter crews. Marine !!yen, ~g mider difficult coildlt!Olls Tuesday . ISU..PES SLIDE -Showing strain frmn her or- deal Mrs. Teresa Wilkbf•, 18, and her dog, Baby, are tll'Orted ·to .evacnalloll center by Red c,..., worl<en. Mrs. Willdns w~s in Silveriulo Canyon ' .. . DAll.Y PM.OT,.... !lit •ic...... ........ Fire Station when mud slide hll She scrambled ahead of slide and managed to squ-.e through door ol ~g pulll!ed ".!""' by mud. She lost her purse, but held on to llatiy. · ' ( ... OAtLY Ptl.OT .... .., AIRilN' Vlaw' ·STEPS TO SAFETY -Evac- uees from flood · and ilide plagued Silverado Canyon in ...,_.,, Orange County, some obviously relieved to be · on safe llOll!'d agal!I; • ., helped di>)m elnbankmeitt after'being airlifted out of canyon to evacuation . center. at Irvine l'ire Station near .0-n•e. · . I -~ DArLY PM.OT Plllfll W Jldi: Qlfilltll ALISO CREEK -South La- guna's AlilO Creek became rampeging rivw during flood· ing, cutting rood to Laguna Cowltry Club and ltrancling four couples at Ben Brown's Motor Hotel on south bank. All were hauled tO safety by coun- ty fireman who rigged a res- cue baaket acn>n creek. - MEDICAL TEAMWORK._ IWtily,<qanized-o1 mellbl· ' · ; · · . DAJLY11L01'. ...... _. P8' ~ s01111el begins adriillllster:lhg·to ser!OQ.!jy inJUfl\!I surv!Wt:B·· .... >; ado mud 1llde even as victims are unloaded from Marine "'! wbldi ferrted Ulem to ·crtsis Center at Orange Coiinty Meci!ca1·. · ~: ter in Orange. . . · · : ,:liis • . : ' .. '!I::. ·.i.~; ,( • .. ' ' STRllT·END SCR.(MBLIQ ,.. Rain "rw>oll ruah- ina jjOwn BrOeflway In 'd°"..'f>"D Lq\D)a Jlel\ch ~mubed relalnlng wall, UDQermltied ltreel · and ' l 11 J ... ~~ .... 1DMLY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I " ''11!:;. '• . ;ii·: ~;. -~ -.· • . Impr oving Recreation 'nle recreation ho~ o! .LAguna Beach are p lnl to broeden In the year ahe'ld. At the recommendation ol an ad hoc committee atudyln& the s!tuatloo, the city baa ae( the atage for a Pi'Ofl'IU1I that will be botll lar1or aii4 more dlverae. -.,,., nature of the dlvenlllcallM wu alluded to briefly In the committee report 1o c:ouocllmen, "The need for an expanded recreatlol1 procram II raacllly ldenllllable, Le., teen acllvlti.,, aebiOr dttsen e1ram1, elf-campus CMllnulng tducatloaal opportw11tiea, cul· tural programs and a myriad of other poellbilltiea." 'nle council took the key llltp by dlrectln& tht city 11>8DB&•r to budget for both a liall-time ncreatloll rll· rector and aJi enlarged program and 1o prepare.. job descr1ptiM ot the Dtw pool. ' . Councilmen alto agreed to continue tal&g with !ht scbool district about ·a joint powers agreement to •uP!l<>rt the enlarged program. It does cool money to provide recreation. But It'• -o! a well-rounded commomlty's DlOlt vllal auets. Properly suppc\rted IUCli a Prosran> CID make !Aguna Beadl an even iiiiiler place 1o live. Information Needed Mission Viejo homeownen want no· part of com- mm:lal air ftlghts over their planned commuruly. No '"'° ,..,,,. lo. 'nle 1pectre of Playa de! Rey, Inglewood and Weatdlester and the )IOWl4lni they bave taten from Lill Angeles lnternatlMal Airport traffic IOOllll iarCe. · ' . 'nit potslbllity of converting El Toro Marine Corps Air statlcn lo accommodate commercial flights bas ' broulht not ,IJl1I)' allff mi.-from Mann• and Navy, but variOua other ealllla .. Relldenta ot !Aguna lllllJ lielsure World aro stniagly roPllOHd. So la jhe Unlvers!IY. C«nmun!IY A,. soclall•I!• "the Hilltop Homeownen AalOC!aUon _'If La- guna Beach and illll(ra. : , . · 'nlere ·Dl"1 be real.stance 11 well from larce land- owoera ot. the area. ' J,t a ..:1111 'meeting; the 'M!Jak>n Viejo croup " sou&bl a, ublted ~ pollltln& out that thil sector of the COQllty can'.t neerl:Y the .nwnbtr of vote• yet as olh.,... areu alrudy developed. . . . 'nley fear they may get out·meeuvered and bave the airport llinlatJnto their bockyonl by aomeone who warita 1o keep II oul of hil """''backyard. '!be' homeoWllen, in abort, wen looklnr for allies lo'·devo1'lp bloc pressure aralnst' the pqoalbillty that a regional airport would becqme a rullty In thlJ ·sector. Altliou(h the MlaslM Viejo .Homeowners A11ocia- tion. hlla commenced reseerchillg tbe matter, its offi• cllw said lnfonnation is conllldiiig in •Oil!• cases and mlallng In others. · ' · "There's so much ,we don't know; l\'• kind of scal'y," !aid Bob Maruslcll, homeownen pi'esident. While the thought of seeking an alliance of ,home- owner groups and other entities for common defense i• good, It might be carried·• atep further. Voter numbers represent one source ol power but Information is certainly another source. M!er,#llning areas of mutual agreement, tho con- cemed l'WP• might do well 1o Inventory their joint l?J'."~ ' 11 is .kno~n. a well-organized campaign could be uncbed to aort out the needed lnformatiM talents ~esources. fl . - wblch w be available to all con<:trned. · 4 (LI . ;. ,. . ' iTo Be Saved Be Little T wo .So ladion to Airport Problems:' . . -, ~·! J : J l l! Wholly Seliish ' : ~ i& columa of mine about Jesus ·-In the paper around Cbrlatmu. a '7~ called and asked me what fdiion I professed. I told her I was a Nform Evangelical Druid. She didn't aeerp to know what that was. Wt Druids -small in nwnber, bu• aidint in faith -have a moat pecullar tJo!iolocy, but It aeema to work for II!. Mlifl ol the Ume. ' w• don't think it., Important il you "IMlkve" in God -u long a.11 God b<llleTea In you. ... ' .. ilMll TllEllE IS only ""' way to; !Qake lUm. bellev• m you -to be ~ ~ u poealble at all times. This ...,. to want whatever II best for. )'litl,!ud you alone, lo overr lllllltlon. . "'°" ... lnlly, deeply' anremlttlngly df ·wholly .alb, you .,. aved. We bow -Y!U art saved for, 1hat ii none ol Our bmlneu. That ' • I• - •1 t.111""'1, and we don't interfere l!OW, THE ART ol being aelllab aee1111 to ;i.o.t pOopla to be the -thing ht : !I/< world, but that . dellillon_ II just • ;,rap oi; Satan. Pure • 1n11dulter1ted II •bout the bardtat thin& In world to 11CCOD1plilh, and'lt olten llfetlme ol unceulng'effort. ercltr to be pnulnely oelfllb, you to wllll wbat II beil for the and to do wbat la bell fir the Thia lmplieo· -.. what r. beat aeK -end thil II wbat mllrea Drililiam IO bani. ~ TO BE A DRUID in I o o d standing even a non.Reform un-Evangellcal one), you first of all have to underlland the nature ef man. You have to know thal he wa11 dealgned for aomethlng, jual as an acorn is deaigned to be an oak tree. If you properly understand lhe nature or man, even ln part, then you know that the baalc need, and the buic aim, of your true 11elf is to become u luunan as Jt ii poulble to be. 1be only way your self ,can ever be 1allaf1ed 111 by turning Ila poteotlalli)' for bumanllood into ad. NEXT, YOU HAVE to under1tand what It me&n1 to become 111 human u pculble: bow the reuon and the will and the appeUte.11 work together, how man can Uve and control his humanhood without falling into the error or angell.sm on the one hand or be11tWlty on the olher. • , When you have mutu!d t h is knowJedlt -which involve. retraining the emotions u much .u the mind -when they are ready to become the most aelflah penon in the world, doin g Only thole lblnp which are ol benefl• to y0ur· true H1f. Tblll is why we are IUcb • amall aec:t. j.. • • T hey Made a Discovery There's a great deal or littering ex- cit.pent down at The League for Total B~ C.OOtrol these d1y1. For the Utile baJ!d of mlll~t dc>gooden hu stumbled on.• discovery that may yet save the woild. • ' discovery wu made by Graffitte G et, who has a aclenWlc mind, w reading "The Sexual Life o( SCfqa in N. W. Melanaia" by the nottd Polish antbropolo&IJt, Brani.slaw MallPowUL lir;tllia famed study of the Trobriand I1im,.tm1 Malinowski reported that the mtln acUvily of lbeae h•IM>)' native. la ~ love to each other. A little h'!lll!ne. a little fishin& and lots and ~ lrt love mum,. Night and day. ' .. ' dBoMMET, AS 111 advocate ol. birth codtoi, nod -paaaqea with~dm Biii then -his eyt caualJt an odd ft!!: ' ~ ~ ldanden have one of ~~birth rates tn the wcrld! • .. .._.,;, cried Grommet. "At 11st n liaYe found a mtthod ol birth control wbljll tlie Pope •II! approve." •"Ollnk of the pou.ibllltle1!'1 be uld In ¥1 report to the Wiii'-"Where ii birth contn>I mOll deaper1tely n..,ied1 Jn tbt Catholic counb1es. Yet no matter whit adVIDCOI wt make In plU. and dlvlea, tht7. will oot be approved by tbe:YaUcan. W1 ,_ IDlvltabie defeal. j; .... 1ln' 11 THE Churcb for proc:n1Uon! WJillllllwtedly. Thus all we nttl do .. •• ~. .. •• Geerf•.---. ~bJNTIDBNTIAL '!O ''LI F & • ~G TEXAN". No, I doa' thlai ...iii llU -al 10. 8end lllo !Wo-ny-Y-~ dlc> "'iii~Wbm a ~·· been In ,.. u 1on1 u he bu, to -,1io, to \Ilk \ [ ' , Art Uoppe _ ~ to NVe the world, my friends, • is persuade people to try to procreate more. And they will -as the example or the lucky Trobriand hlanders proves -procreate leu!" Grommet'• report received three buuahs and standing ov1tJon. 1bt ex· cited League membtr11 .11et to work in a frtnzy of ttithwium. Volunteer• were poated outside Catbollo churchet to hand out leaflet& entitled. "How To Save the World F~ Timea a Day.'' · A committee wu formed to encouraae more cockt.all parUes, apn1-tki chU&+ lugging and drl..,in movies. A DETERMINED effort w~e to ban electric blankets, loellin& and televllion afttt I p.m. An equally d!tmnlned effort wu made to promote minl·mlni aklrt!I, pornoarapby and lonaer co11 .. breaks. But perbapa the most dramaUc move wu the formation of a "Kamikaze Squid" of fanatic young 1enUemen. ,,_ ...iota nrept throulh OYery. Y OWll Repablicu N .. HOll SoclaL cornerlq uch yoonc. lad)o to demand with fin In. tbelr eye1: "You wanna help make . thl11 world a belWr place In willch to live, BIJ>y!" UN F 0 RT U NATl'.LY, nprodudlYI DllYtlolqllsta ~ -no connectloo bei..., lncre love matirl& end 1 io-birth ni.. In the cue ol the TrobdMd Jalandln, they 1ttrlbuln the latter to cUmate. diet or iUcb endemic dlaeun .u malaria. But so far, no one's had tht cour1p to inform The League rntmbtr.11 of th11. They're l\avlng too much run. ' V oi~es Must . : . PredOminate -Wanis El Ttjro Pros, Cons Probably tl>e · 111".'I ·Importan\' subjet\ Pmldenl Nfxon wiD bave 'to dllCUIS with Presldtnl de Gaulle· during bis present vial,\ to Europe, i.11 Mldeast peace. J · France is ·lfl • special position with Arabs since its mandate over Syria b e t w e e n tie world wars. Moreover, France has more cultural ties in Cairo than any other Western natior.. This does not me!n the Arab world is nece.ssarlfy wQd about M. de. Gaulle, but It may meaii he wt11 get a·hearing. This could be more lhan Prime Minister Wi110n would gel, and we can't be sure about Mr. Nilob yet. THE UNITED STATES, Britain and France will have to coordinate their approach lo the Mideast problem with the Soviet Union, b u t all four m u s t make good their approach to Israel and the Arab states to achieve any lasting peace. A patched peace meeting the temporary interests of the Big Four is useless If It doesn't allO meet the intenst of the Little Two. Hence, de Gaulle's advocacy last year of an "lmposed"·peace was unpromising. Subsequenlly,fN'ovembe!r ZZ, the United Nations Secutity , Council adopted a resolution asldng tfl,e .Big Four to "open" the road to a settlement, with built-in Israeli and Ar ab parJ.JclpaUon In an y ensuing negoUaUojis. , BOTH BELLIGERENTS In the 1!167 war, whatever their knotty demands on each other in lhe chronic postwar crises, 11re clear that their voices must predominate in any .11ettlement, and tl:lat they will not toler11te coercion by outside powers merely because they are big. Fortunately, Iraq'• recent provocation in publicly hanging ~·1pie11," including Jews, in Baghdad, di~ not beget Israeli r!:tallalion, nor did the remaining Arab 1tatea: jump in to support Iraqi 1avagery. Further, Pre&ldent Nasser of the United Arab Republic, has hinted at conclllaUon, particularly In hll 111pport "in ~le" of the Security Cowtdl 'l'Olullon. If Mr. NI.on cab periuade de Gaulle. wbo doecn't" perauade weD,-to ."ln prin- ciple" aupJ>Ort·ol the reaoluUon, we ml&ht lee some daVJl:ht. .• F\JNl>AMENTAL quesllonl 11 PariJ. I -ConUnued .invlotablUty ol the Israeli stale u IOVfl'llp must be aclmowleq:ed by the Arfb states. It's a aimple case of survival, which men who aren't mid uodentand. 2 -Israe.11!1 must mike some territorial conceaalOl\lll of conquered areas. particularly thole ht which Arabs are indigneoua and numer$1. Thia does not refer to e1act frontier• of June I, 1967, nor evacuation of &tan Helghls unleu Uds overlook can be neutralized against Arab aheWna: of Juaell soil. It does mean adjustment& In desert tcr· rl\ory east of Suez, and sgme Jordanese land wat of ·the river. • J · -FronUer raidei-1 o( b o t h beW,...nts must be "''PPl'"W<i I -THE IUEI CAN mutt be reopened, and a c c e • • i. 'i>iMiUcJ•t Portl ln coo.Upou1 waten aranteed. Tbll lJ a world lime, and world mora1 ·111u1on. 'Ille true -'.pl lllo la would not be m1tlirtlll)t tmlialitd b7 • aetllement ""*"1Y in lbll •pe. but the Bii Four plobltln ii Mt<:ll!iv!ece t h • bem,mnla ol their true -· Tho Big Four may have a Uateral problem -oonvincjn& themoelvu that their true lnltteats are aerved by • &0mellfhat p&Jnful ltltlement in tbe aimt 1hapc. To Ibo Editor: ·Al 1 a lq time ·rem.ent of Orange ~ty, I have beeD most interested in the commenU, propollla,: aurvey1, suggestions, and controversies that have leen made and oUend by various people end srouPI throlJlltout the colinty .in the lat ·year or IO, u they have tried to help 10lve (or hinder) the airport situation. I AM CERTAINLY n<> ezpert, and irant11 1 think a · tot o1 the people wbo hive bad tb1np to llY that have made the JllJIU·=· expert& either. Bqwenr. t·uw ' in your paper Feb. JI fn>m your . Jobn. Baker, that to me did make f; ot o( lellle. I would like to aee a full·blown clilcuAlon ol the pros and coos of moving the Orqe County atrllnu to El Toro. OMAR 0. ORR Backbone of Amerl<!• To the Editor ' In the "Dear Gloomy Gus" (DAILY PILOT, Feb. 13) the writer, C. J. 8., had a solution for campus problems. He propoaed closing all colleges, putUng the "book worms" out of bllllneu, and learning "like Abe did -by the flrtside." I wish, of course, thia wu a joke, but th1!I solution "Jor our troubled col- ! Letter• from reodtr1 are wtlcomt. No.rmcllV 10rittr1'1hould convev th.fir meuoge in 600 toOrdl or lt.!1$. The right to conMme l.!tter.s to fit apace 01-eHminaU libel ii rtrtTVed. AU lttUra mu.« include .rianatur1 end mailfno add7u. bwt name1 mar be toithhtld tm "''fll'C~t if JU/ficint rec- 1on f.!I appcir,,at. leges ~verywhere" seems to be the most popular, etpecl11ly in Orange County. I ~te ~t thil ,IOlution i! unfeasible and bOrdtra m insanity. OUR HIGHER educational system, as it e:1i1ts In CaWomia today, is not 1lmply a pf.ace for a certain "breed" of people. tt exists u the one 11tabllizlng and perpetuating institution which America depends on -actually the backbone of America. How? Higher education teache.11the1tudent two things : neceuary skills for complex jobs and how to cope with hia environment and its perplulng questions. Speciallud skills for doctors, lawytrs, t.eachers, etc. come from such involved studies u chemi.11try, law, and bloloay, The perplexing problems of moralJty, aoclal re.IaUona and continuation of life are dealt with In English, history. and psychology. SO WHY, THEN, can'l a man achieve this knowl~e by himself? That is 11. queation all college .students face. And tbey universally answer il by saying tbat they are first learning what the previous accepted intellects in a special field have learned. From thi!, students branch into unknown areas to make new di&coveries. If student.a were to au.empt to gather those "accepted" fac;ts on their own and then make contributions, they would have ·to read volume& of material and then decide which ideas were theories and which were hypotheses:. 'l'his laboriou1 Lalk would take n'lany more year• than the educational system of todAy requires.· tn ~fact, it i11 poutble that tt would not be accomplished at all. Our country would not elist in a state of bliss, but in cOnatant confusion as to why and how to go aboUt UVlng .• Chaos would reien! · WERE WE TO BE living In Abe's d~, simply reading by the flre&lde may haye been sufficient learning for job skills and explanation of life. But with today 's specialization and extensive wrlUng In all fields, simply reading by the fire.side would only lead to Jesii understanding, more confusion and the collapse of our present way of Uvina. JIM NOFFKE Sophomore California State, Long Beach Changes Nixon Won't Make WASHINGTON -A rather imprestive list has accumulated of lhlnga that are not going to be done in the Nixon adminiltration. The Office of Economic Opportunity (poverty procram) la not to be abolished. The 10 percent income surtax is not to be dropped. The Johnaon budget is not to be cul substantially. Southern public ICboois are not to be pennttted to oqulnn out of ending segregation tbfou&h freedom of choice plans. A significant rise in the rate ol unemployment ii not to be encouraged as a concommlt.ant of arresting inflation. Consumer protection ICtlviUe1 are not to be abandoned. The "security &IP" in national defeme is not found to be as wide u it appeared lut October. IF SUCH POUCY deciaiOlll aeem •l variance with Nlxon'a at.nee in the presldenUal campalp, it 111 becaUJe so many people had formed a diffettnt Dear Gloomy Gw: With du• l)'mpalhy for youth'1 prob] .... , bow do -ol U1 ht our tell climb over the silent wan ol job dlao1minallon bec11111 Gf "advancM qe?" How do we pro- vide for the next 10 :run before we'ri eligible for SOclal Securi- ty's pittance! --One Who Hd 'hied idea of what the NI.Jon AdminiJtratioo would be like. What seem11 to have happened la that one cabinet member after another ha! ,.u.n into the operating proce<!urea and Policlea of his cltpartment to' find that old procedures And pollcles were not as bid u they 'Pl"ared, or, If faulty, coold not be qulc~ changed. Thus the Office of Economic Op- portunity -U.uea on. The PrOlldcnt's Council ol Ecooomic Advilen flndl little to fault in the Jobnlon 'Adm1nlltraUon'1 Ule$lllment of the economic futun . The 10 percent ..rtu 1oou better and bettor u the Nlion uperll find fewer and fewer ·wwtab&e W•YI of >CUt~, ting Jobnson'• outllnl Gf proopectl~e government exoeodlturta t!>roqbout the first Year ancl a balf of the Nilon Adminlstratton. TALK DUlllNG THE camJlllln ol ,,,. cepting I higher unemploymen rlla bas tapered oK to the auuranoe. ctven co_.. by Economic Advller Paul W. McCracken that infllUoo could be held In ciMcll wbl!e hepfq( ~ at 1 z:oto . at or below"4 ~ This . ~-~lboJobnloa-lc If then la to no. lfln!flcant cbange In budieW, pm , oo'liplflclnt cba.,. In ooclai J>Otlcy. .. ¥>!flcant cbaJJ&e In tu policy, oo 1!IJdllqlnt, d>anp In -ic pOitcy, ti.a ti>uch ol wba• wu llld Wl1ns tbl campato can bl dwllled u the UIUli polftlcafbombeat. But tt ta tnstrut:tlvt! nevertheteaa: to look back at a couple of uamples of what Nixoo ,....1aec1 to cro. ind which bl ma.y yet ""· ON duME AND LA,)f ani onter bo )lrornatd: 1mmedlate creation of 1 na· tlonal academy of law enforcement, crea· lion of a cabinet-level council, which he called the naUonal law enforcement council, a aeries ol nationwide town ball conferences on crime prevention and control and lh¢ eslabll!lhment ()f What he called a national coordinating center to mirshal tbe efforts of in· dependent groups .and institution.a. Thi:s ii yet to be done. To youth, Ni.J:on promised what he called a you\h service council, with four HCUons, including a "young people'!t ombudsman" where youtb could twn "for cooperation all through lbe federal aovernment." ln t h e field of education he declared he would creale a "naUonal inlititute for the educational future," a national teachers ctirpa, a lltudent teachers corps. THESE ARE MERE samples ol llH! dolen.11 of "acUon linel" Nixon proposed to follow, and 10 It must be concluded that there 111 much yet to come in hit admlnlstraUon in virt.ually every field ol ,,vemment acUvity. --·--' Wednesday, February 28, llfll fllf editorial -ol tM Dell• Pilot li•l<I to "''°"" cmd ·--reaclcr1 ~ pre~d!lll illlt fttlDIPCJ>C"'• opfmon.s and COM- wwntaflV Oft topiCI Of fntfTttC ...i sfgn1Jia111«. bw prooldmg • '"""" tor tM ~ of ""' •""'-' oJ>f•fona. cmc1 bw · Jtf'tltndno t1t.1 dtvtr1e-trlno- points of ht/onncd oba-erwrs ~-IJ)Olc•tmf'ft on topkt oJ th• ' Robert N. Weed. Publisher .. I ' • I I I I • I f I ( f • I I • ' • Ne · · ... rt . .~.·~·· ' '· ~~'~~r • ED1·iJOrc · ' .. . . : ... yoi;, '2•.l:IO· 49, S SEqKi?NS: 10 l'ASES . . 17 JORN VALTJ!llZA Of ... ...., ..... ...., Toni . ol debril, locludlni , lop Md timbers that could .easily siDt a v~ in a coU:iaion, pqae a "strJOUI IDIDICt. lo navlptioo In Newport Harbor , and ocean w~s, ofOci•I• Warned tOda)'. _ Oil is a probJem, too. It is Wubing up on SOQ;>e of't1le city11 beacbea. , 'The debril, still porulng i1!10, NewP9'1 Harbor from record., 1torm w.-.. ls ' . ... ' -... ,'ore· A~ Count1 .Aid · -' Mayor i:µ ·:plea . ' Against flight~ - I • • j --· ., In the same aia, -ol 'u. 4'1;U: aufleriog the lltavleal damtp .la duo. f<tr even more protatDs. • Oberg~ that bolt·...,: check their v.-Ia bm.ftale[J lw o>; cess wllfo In .llllps, ._ H "; 1et ~ storm. • pndlclod ... , 11>11. wm,n.i, u could ml!J ._.. • P,; blem. •, • - "A little more nln water bt_IOIDI· (See Dl!lllllB, Pip I) . ' ' Silverado D.eath Toll · Reaches 11 By JACK &ROBACK Of .. OlllY , .... Stiff Rescue, work.en 'clawing tbrou&h 1 By JEROME F. COlLINS OI * o.ltr Pl• Sl1ft . Newport -Beach MayOr' 0 or e e n ..... +~~~! ~'".I t.oday ~de a personal pita ore the Board of Supervisors for, coun- ty opptjlSJ.tion to planned ex~lon of County Airport night service. adopted a r~lution against the in- crea!ed nlshlJ. Fifth District Supervilar Altoo E. Allen aaid '.he supported Newport'• poelU~n and moved that the subject be · taken ) crumPled mountain ol. mud and bouJdera today recovered m more maD(led bodiea, b~ging the number of known dead in Tuesday '1 trqic Silverado 1'lnl .$he Uked 1Upervisors to go on .record against ·proposed night awards lo t\Je Pacific Nertbwest. The awards are to be c:oosid«ed by the Ci.p~A<jronautlcs BoArd in Washinatm, ·D.ff., Match 15. The fity ~ ..,u.. .lhil .. ~ .,. AumrSir~ Makes TlireJt To Plead Gµilty LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan Is wfilin& lo plUd pilfy lo tht murder of Sen. Roberl F. Keonedy and die in the gas chamber rather than proceed with his present trial. 'ftle 24-year-old Arab exploded in the coortroom Tuesday at presentation of notes in which he wrote that Kennedy ''must die like his brother." Defenst! attorneys and his mother tried tq calm him and counsel Grant" B. Cooper said: "He is like a man in a ·hospital who tells his doctors he wants to leave when they know be ..-possibly do ao." Sirhan stood up and abouted and had to be shoved lo his ,..t twice by bailllfs when the prosecuUon present'ed the dlarles in which he had acribbled that he favored the overthrow of the t]nited States GQvemment, backed Rusalan and Chlnese Communists and wrote over and over again ·th1t "RFK must die." (Seo SDlllAN, Pap I) Oil Slick Flows Thicker, Blacker At Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA (UPI) -The now of crude oil from oear ID allJbore drllU., plaUorm WU r<porled Jncr-., today and It appeared lo be -ml bllder (ban tht --...--"We don't have anr estimate of the amount. ~ that it is conalderab1e," &ild a spokesman for Union Oil Co., operator of the pillUorm 511 mllel off the coast. "I don't think it'• worse than the original leak, but I can't 111 it'• uy beUer, e.itber," be said. • The lirlt leak poured _. -.... ·~ ., oil lo tht -., lbe PJct(Jc and oolo S5 miles of beach<« north and south ol tbl1 ran area. 'Ille well wu plUQed wllb lool of llrilllns mud and concrete Feb. t, but alace thto tht oil and gu accumulated In llll1dy strata beoealb tht ocean floor baa oeeped lo tht lllltfac:e al a rail of about S,OOI pUons dally. 'l'be new lloW appear<d to be comlnc Imm tht· aame lisaurt aa tht _, • .i mldual oil and N'P'ar<d lo be blacter• and lbicker lhan the aucii that develOpell from ibe alow i<4. Stormy aeaa proveoted immedillle detonnlnaliGn "' the ...... -·-it mJPt llgnal • lmb ftak or wltethel' Jt WU jult ~ inc:rtue in seepage. ( • • up for A tullt boaM-di.iCU.alm-Mifcll.......1 -- 11 at 10:30 a.m. Allen noled that County ' Aiiprt . Mani1U: ~ p;....,;..; ~· be . at the~. liaallnl, u !.fl!'"';;Jlftl'D: I . tall~911,tllt ~.~~l,< "Wt '~ld ·~--'iGlii;aJ . n.~~ . .a- 1aid ~Allen. ' ;:t:*~~."&f:a ·~·., "YOif. oppolltloo ~ ~ aervlct.'' 11a,.,.. Mara!iD taW ti4-llcom ·-·be -.it~ -· ~ sUlemeota anil with ib.e' P,._'°\iiler Plan ..-Coqoty Air TrwPoriitlon." SI\< polit~ out that tht ~· pl•• del!ioaies County Airport's ultiniate use as i ·~ .. , 1bil wou1cl liinit com- ll)e!clal • ~· a't tht llclJJfy to a . ' •. , ' '. 'i •• ' '~;. '{ • OUTWA~o·"~i!Pi~~c1 .:Q: CA1.M :MlltEADING AT s~T~ OF SILVIRADO CANYON TRAGEDY · ' 'Af'lll-·11\-: '""~ (lj·~ Hiil ·Sfltl :Into F,fr~_St-1/on. (2). M...r. ~zll)9 Out ~r . , .. ' ' ' . . 400-milfdestlnatioO. · ~. Ore., and Seattle, ·Wash., wbtch irould be served by the proposed new flif1la, are more than tw1ce that dlstanct away , the mayor said'. General Motors Plans . to·:Recall · 214 Find wmii 'Ref1J,gee' . ' '':It seems to me that this would open the door to other loag~nce service," abe aid, womlng that thtre WOUid b! Inevitable requests from. airllner lo use Jarpr aircraft 'tliai1 -permitted at County Alrpod-'in the Jnteresti of aafe- -~ ,• 5 MiUion. Autos Means in Flood Shelte'rs . . . - ty." Allen agreed. "We should certainly avoid upandlD( the aUJ>!rt at lbU time,"." be said. ':To take OD· fll&bta lo Panland . . and' Seattle. would compound ' our pro- bleana: ... DETROIT . (JJPI) -. General Motors ~y· ARTlru,R R. V1N5EL . Corp. annc>u.tM*I toc1a1 :1t plans to recall . ·Of,,,,. °''" Plltf tt•ff • · 4.9 million Clra '•Ud. 'trncb, lrictuding· · ReiuJee is a word' you don't understand'. J.'4 .niillion . 1115 through 1161 model tintll ."ii ·bc)W1 of cfllU arid· a ctJp of Che9rolets ia which exhaust fumes could Coffee is paradise and the chance you enter· the ~. com;artment. Qiay have a houSe fuh Or ~ud to go It wa1 ;the ..blggeat ricall ever an-home to is pure bea'Yen . nounced. " 1 • Alrll(ted. by helicopter pilotl ln wh(>se . UCI INVITED "The poastble entry . of e 1 b au It hands the coiitl:ol stfcki were at, l!mes -. emisaiona into certain of the Chevrolet r riiaglclans' ni.agie ·wands,' 2'14 .or them To RE"•QN ~·Ls mode111nvo!ve!1 ~when tht ubaust I .,,,..e. down 1r1>m storm·ocoured ·moon-. · ~· · . .ti pipe 11au.,, ... •1Djoilloideal&n posllion Wns and c,0,0.s of Oraoge 'County ,, . ,,., t•. Tueadsnr ucr1 bUMtball -1iu bifilrlnvited or detetloratlol ·-'!!"•' GM said. ~( . , , · , · 1o compe!o lo clbi.'.~!• -The u 1:...-: ,_;.1 11 1 1 ded They came 1'ith. smaU ~.·~~al region.all at.Lu v..-llln:h!N~. . · · '~ ~,~ .. e ~ u -t . treasures that people ln crisfa carry, Irvine ·a t.b I'~ II~ ~,Dr.-Ray certain BIQJ\IO.I Bel.eA!r, Impala and . along wllb tbe anawing knowledge that 'Ibcimton wu· stVta tbe. Mwt at 11:11 Ciprkle -~-,--.~ 1tbe years 1115 · r for some ~debtil!id neighbors, thert thll marnlnl l!1 Larry Kelter, albletlc lbrouab lfl(, ......... 'al ~ .yur'• I ) would be'.0 ~IJllric. · ·' •. (. · ·., direc!Gr l!I .lla!l!oldl Stata ·CoUep and DtOdelo •!Ill .......,1,'.lSI cubic Inch ; , HurryiJi(, llmplof, amlllng or crying, -~ 11t -ncionall -enlloei: ~ · ' they were ~~ed· ~ lbe · ihe1iered · tlGll R>a ' ' / · -1\e1 recall 'ct the' jlher Z.5 -million ' 1 turmoU of J cOmiDa\ad pOll at the.Irvine . -Javlted for tbt-four-teAIJ\ tqqrna.. ' l• And ) ... 'a.vtaleW, PonUaca, · Lake county fire at.aUon for bU!' evacua· """' ll·Lal .V-1W'1l tbe UnlvenllJ' • Oldaaioblla, 8"kb,'.cadwacs and GMC. U90~.Jl# Cr!"' ceoten In .OraD(f. ol N~ Lal V-. • · trucks """ It npJaee a part io a S.arcblnf 19f lcived onea, tht •llonn four·blmrl ~carburetor. refug~ fff~ ~t. comforiable -• City YU!ldl 1 ~ Deman& for. Mo,; Rebuil.ding Time N.,.porl lkach · bulJldsmen wno He lbejr bulJdbias burn-doWn will .have a w~Ie year to It.art rebulldlna without having lo worry about addio& parking -Ano Hupa, owner of. the Newport Hutot EosJp neklJ newspeper, won that wurance from city coancllmon lbU ._ altar ylaiitomly Pnifesunl a aliarter lbM.~Jll!i.ln.i -l)i'ajl[ll'0¥1i! · commm>lll porlllD( oidinmco. . Tbt ·11 ... u ~ ·~, cam- po!Jed • start ... . i«ionilnic&n ' .,,, butldiop destroyed by lire wllbio a haH· rear. U ....,k did oot. begin by then.. lfit .~'......,. -Id have lo con- form 1o the iaw'a plnjq provlalonl. '.'Trying lo -· a bulJdlns Jnalde of ~X moolbs ·-be a ll'<lntiodou. hanill>lp," ·aald. ·Haapa. '.'Jusf lo 1et. • if ·comfort,· Uisted . for, th~m · .:.... when c:lutchlng . ®me 1inlt 1 ~ the lectll'.ity of homes most .will find vanished. Men· hekl coffei cupa and 1 clgaretUi or went through the personal ritual of , smoking piJ)eS, while their worrien cradl- f:.d . babies it nd pups, whi Chever ·they owned1, in a· Ume When something to hold means som.ethlng saved. ' "We'ie crazy· to live 1n that canyon, Crazy ... " sobbed a· heavy woman. out.side as the rain ·pll!itered· hair to. lier forehead in d'ari: ropts and • .. ~lg Huey ~bop~r lined ' off, dro1inipg her . voice. ·. . ·. . Some9Jn:es, · one'. 'beliplpt~ ; ~~vered' wa1Ung, While another unt.oaiiid bl ,t/J~ muddy, ml<ldle o( SanUago ~41'1f9D. ~d · l!nd a tblrd settled herseH ~ wfiotls. ~artiiljlng In soiled , J!3Slw:i ...,,,,, :-' like a. glant bird 1?11 a ne'st. 1, :No .one ' ,walUng at ~e. .fire s.tiuo.n quite knew what to e:rpect u~l~ be had been through the grlm maneuvers be/~ .. \. _Men. from El Toro .MCAS 1awaJted . Orders iii the · drizzilng (aln and lbe !rind of tense limbo mean! h1 tht old · lhilltary "11n1: Get le&dt •!id wall , "How. fat ls It in there. to thept f91)ui?," ~aked a chunky lance cotporal who ap. peared to weigh.about 2$1 pounds,~ in, that a five-mile hike, (rOm road'• end to the disut6 scene was ~. "Boy Howdy, tbat'll 0be iwi,•• be''aroan- ed, "bill I.done her In 'Nllll ; and I 11.1ess I can do her ltatelide." Hot food, caniston ' and catlOIW of other 1ood1 wtre stowec! aboard the flrat Huey. 'auppJy.ahlp ·to r<flr ott;lbe; . (See RBFUGUB; 1'."Vll · ~~~~~·-"-·~~-....~....._~, · · · Steele 'llf•rWu· · . ' • • ,' • • l J •' ·.ll&W Y011i((..;i.). ,..:~·~ ~· ~--,•-pm~,,~ WaU'.~ _.~~·;.: iZ"iso.~ qiootaU_.J1_,H-!5). ' ; ,_. i l ,.The marnt JIU lo!ffl; L!!I' ~. at .Ille start. "'" thoulli ~ .~ b)uf ·~b!PllJ.hefd, ljlo ·!Jew l""" ¥'fir"' avtrN• OI\ an.ren ¥-'·: ·:: f PW .:· , -.... ,-' I --.--Mere-Fllod-Stor111; Pbolea, Papa. J, 5 ..... -·- " ' ' \~ !. h ~-··- TRAGEDY MAP -(A) Com-. munity of · Silver'a.do Canyon; (B) Sllverado Fire Station where mud llllde bu•ied ·flood refugees; (C) Modjeska Can- yon, also hit by flooding; (0) Irvine Fire StaUon, evacua- tion heacfqu~rs (olli>wint Sllverado slide: ' . The raJn11 1one aw, .but 90'1 to make · room for, anolber 1t'orm on Frldt'y•a hortson'.. mt the meantime, happy 1unahlue. INSWE TODAY Tho op<nfng of "D•alh of • Salesman" at South Coa.ri Repenorv hiOhllghta a rich diet oj Uve UMOltr in Or<mf• Couatu thil totekend. Sc~, I• t<rloi1!"""~ PIJiit :B, ' ~ ....... 11 .......... . \...... , ........ \I =:.p.. . ....... • • •• , 1:111 ............ 'I ..... 11 .............. . 9,·.1 :~.:m~: ·a a I 11 • • '~-.Iii ................ ...,..'* '' .,.,, r • ....................... --u.w.. • ,..,.. • ........ f ~I • ....... u...u ....... . ,1 -. ..... "' . ' ' . -1 -• • 1: J j Nixon Visits Bonn, Speaks To Bundestag BONN, Germany {AP) -Pruldenl Nixon came to West Gennany today and. in an unprecedented appearance before Ill Bund,.tag aald IUCCellful DegotiaUons with the Soviet Union depend on the maintenance of "the strength that made negotiations possible." The Bundestag is We!t Germany'• parllamenL Tbe 11Ucceu of the Western alliance, be totd the packed assembly, "is in· IUc.ated by the fact that ln the 20 years that It has existed we have bad peace ti far as this part of the world is concerntd and that every one of the 0 natlonl in the alliance that was free 30 :run ago II free today incllldlng . ' the free dty of Berlin ... • No other U.S. president had ever ap- • pured before the Bund..tag. Nixon stood before a huge black, gold 'and 1'd e>gle an the wall Speaking in a hoarse voice, Nixon . 'mi.cl to the laughter or the German ·depuUes that he had not been yet u ·President before the Congrus of the Unli.d Stalu. -He wu introduced by Kal-Uwe von u .... 1. presldtnl of the Bund..tag, who aald West Gennam were dedicated to :a Ioaa:-ltlndlng dec.laioo to "go our way aa a partner of the Unli.d Stalea." . "We lhant you for your aolldarl.ty 1'llh Europe, C.rmany and above all wtth Berlin," Von Hassel 1a1d "WUliout ·ejear ll!&l'IDloea for freedom .;oo 1tcurl· :t'/, Betllll and the federal republic could nve neither In puce nor freedom. The Bmldl!istlg thanb: you for your visit in ·the federal republic .. d .. pec1a11y In Jlerlln." • Earlier NIIOn recdved the West -German eovernment'a approval for his planned negoUaUons wilh Moscow and in tum he assured Chancellor Kw1 Georg Kielinger the United States will support Germany in IU negotiaUons over Berlin. Nh:on told the Bundestag that be wanted to ·~ of the "prlndples and kttala that will continue to bind us &otetber In the years ahead." Tustin Marine Dies ' In Vietnam Action A Marine Corps enlisted man from Tustin la among the latest Ult of 65 American servicemen killed in Vietnam1 according to the Defense Department He wu Identified aa Staff Sgt. John R. HµJ. who leaves hill wife Suzanne, of 1114 Andrew St., Tul!tln. nAllV PI LOT OltAlllOI C~ST PUILISMtlllG COMl'Alf,. R•Mrf N. W•M Ptt11dtftt al'lll l'vltllWr Jae• l , C•rlty \firs Prttl*ftl...., ~_. .. ~ Tlriama1 "''"" a.ii.r 111•••• A. M"'~hi11• _ ...... Ja,.111• F. Calli111 p,,1 Ni111~ ..,_, ..... ... .... 1!1!119 Cit., l!tllw Oltf'Clw """'t lited; 0""41 lllf WMt lall1a• l•11ft.,artl N•illfit ,y4,,,,, P.O.••• It JS. tl,,l --c.tll Mt111: Uf Wnt ..... SI .... ! \.llll1IN tHcfl: Jn "-"1 Awflw ~ ... ,u -.1111 ....... • • t••• bi~ n•ster. Are• 'PlwtographQ · View -Rescuer From Copter ' • . "~;. -,,.,.,.,,..... .... .. lllf .. ,,. ... "'°'"' of&~ Cailv.on to, "'""' Ir a pp• d .. .-11 1'il<odov, DAIL?" PILCT pllO!Ogrophcr Richard Kothffr 1001 Oii the •cfM. Hm-11 i.li occoKni of one o/IMl"'°"Wlluiom. " BJ RICIWID llOEllLtll ot•-""' ... "' .... In Ille latl bdlcopler .... up lalo llllvndo ca"1"i, JI w11 cme ol Ille IWtaos' bi& twb..-Sea KnilldL W1 toot oll and -I up · Ille - AB Ille WIJ up we couij -~ ·bolllc wlllled aw;,, car. 1n 111-. ...... and brld&a eltb<r Under ·-or ..... clown Ille-. .............. -. --..... ,,... ........... 1111.... Tbt ~ .. blldel ..... .., ... flllhL • to the aide of tho cllll. Rici< and Jto...t Orltn, ' and I, CUii The pilot WU superb. Ile hid to hover, up In the~ IOCtlhet. ll nOt · biat -lie ·aJoo bad to 'oet the rear and clown qaln. Up CllilO Tlmmll and of lhe bellcopter. down ao the bid< door Elliabelh, 10 and 11. 'llien their illOlher could be lowe1'd. The blades were within and father, Beman! and Belen~ three feet of the aide of a clllf. . _One_-!N\ • .111! ~qi. ~ Bail< CIDll · The , llldt door .11 a r~lje ar- CJI. ~ 'looiilnr al>ro tlnd u,.. rangemaat. Capt. Jo-11u aa bit .,...., • ' · . . dellcaiO' A. ft he Wll ..itln( tkl bird We started back to the command poet. on egga. lie hovered wJlh 'the front But lbeo we aw two more wbo ~ rotor and ,the front end of the helicopter ••ved In the air. belp. ·~ lt wu a 1IJ'ODlJD., an older woman. He sat the back end down. and the and her IOIL Ht wil wurtng a yellow rainp Jowei-ed. Tbat'i whert we stayed ralncoat. we went. through the ume for about five minutes. optr1Uon. Cpl. Pttenon tot tbem'lmo I gave my camera to a lady nm tbe -ucl .p lht'/ came. to me and helped the '"'" get the The canyon II "pc<Uy norrow .,.,,_ people aboard. There were about 2' or 25 of them, ranging from ~ 5-month-old Wlra, U... and lhe ;Ilda GI hiUI -baby I<> people in the~ llOI. A lot of all .......t. Tho -o1 tlie laellcOplcr ltldo, about hall of tbe group aeemed would hit very eaally. to be ltldo. Up We . l"Ole, then, and once more It was a fast loading job, and a we started back. Then undernealh us rough one. The rotor blades were blowing were eom&. campers. 'lbe plane com-back agatnlt the plane and that ·didn't mander, CWK· Paul Johnson, hovered. make it 1l17 &mootber. From r-.e J Tho llartne&' job on 11111 llltltt· 1m to find anyone In trouble and bring ~ In. We found aome lnAx>rt "'JI"· Alxlut alx or RVtn mklutes out, we opolted Ill peoeie walklq on the ll<le GI the canyon. Then bl maneuvered down to within 'Ibis. load fWed the helicopter on. both two f« -feet of•~(fGliild 'S>H -sidiL, CapL Johnlon picked it up again · lowfred lmw • N...., lieiileaftt eriald. • and we roared down the canyon to STORM TOLL MOUNTS They waved and ·we bqan llOvtOji>g • • • over them. 'l'bere Wua't room to 1et hollSe.!r cars and bouJders before its floodwaten. The Orange County Coroner's Office today Identified five· l!Mlre vlcl!mo of Ille mucllllde aa ~ HlildrloP, Monie · DeWltl, Richan! Black, Mu Mell a Jane Scbowe. No qes or addreues were avallable. ·'l'be bodies, along with other& 111111 id«tllfled. were apected to be Oown by ballcoplar to the Orange County Medical Ctnlar toda7. llarlne ~coplar cmnnen fltlitlni qaipll ralli; overcut, time and darlmela Tuelda'f.alrlllted a1olal ol 211 marooned resldenll of Sllverldo and ModJesb -"' aalety. lletcue operatlom continued today In the ruutd area, at the Marine choppers attemp&ed to get 200 more person& out ol the flood.navqed .,.._ 'l'hley were being labn to Upper Palen Canion b'/ the bellcopler lhutUe aervlce, -...... ...,. carrying the victlml on down to a Red Crota: rescue center at El M-High Schoef, 0r"11'· No matter wbat their loa and dlacom- fort, they ra...i beU.r then thole retugees who gave up figbUng nature'• awesome power in the worst stcnn In 85 years, only to have Jt aeek them out again in Silverado Fire Statton. Rampagln( Santiago Creek, meanwhile continued to tear away at ltl banks in Orange Ind Santa Ana today as damage in tbe m!Ulona of dollan WU totalled up !nJm the three-day alnrm. Up to 11 Inches of rain poured W>-. mertUulli Oil the Soulhland. In Orange the home of Mr. and Mr1. Jeny Welch at lllli E. Walnut St. WU washed lnlo the creek and two apartment the chopper down. so' il\e crew chief, houses were in danger of collapsing Lance Corp. J. L. Peterson, wu let into the muddy waters at 731 and 741 down to help them. This was Peterson's Balbrd St. but were holding fut thJa third ev11C1181ioa of the day and he mornJnc. • ... ..._ .... ~ ~ tire. ':'" Y"'! could w In llula Ana thouaancfl·ol cable ,-II. · · : · . of hilJ>1>rl<ed pcopert1 wuboil -Ibo • In 1111 Illa 1:11111>1 ·~. there'• radn( llllltlago .., Rmr 1-and a ,n.dl ••--.dowil llsoQcb the Riviere Drive 'llllere lmur)' hoalii In -ol Ille pieDI. l'eleriol\·pul blmlell thlJ plulla rioldentlal art& wlh un-In a blc -· aur and, with dermlned. . . • • 1111 claopper limrlll( II -IO O< • • • Only aualliary bulldlnp on the rear · or loll and ullllty pola hid w.-•••Y bJ thlJ monalnl bu! llllll1 piopll wer~ moving out ol -thrai.,d homes.· A Urie ·ol D>OVin( una waa frantlnl Ille kmif)' bomea Oo Riviera Drive today. VIiia Part Dim WU aW1 boldlnc blck lhe bull; ol flood Wiien from Ille Soaia Ana --l!lflow to Ille clam hid aloe-toda'/ to J,000 cubic flll per -'Irani ~..,.. blab ol 10,lllO cubic feet per leCDDd. Outflow wu down to 1,000 cubic feel per -from Tu-y·• 1,000 feet per - The Santiago Boolovll'd brJd&I )ult below the dam wu a Tuelclay cuualty or the Onod. In Anaheim, the borne ol· Paul D • Harrll,· 4llO E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, · collapaed and aUd down a hUlllde onto the roodway , blocldng the eut bound -· Al one time Tue>da'/ nll(bl SanUago Creek Dow was '° heavy that SUta Ana City Manager Carl Thomtoa toolt to the radio to warn realdmll and llore ownera It mlpt """°"" Into : lhe resldenUal and clOwnlirirn -·MC-· . u,... Many af<n ownera otood bJ to sandbag their ·blialntuea H necuaary. , . ,.,..,,. p .. ~. ~ . DEBRIS " ••• ol lllo---.... Id alnl< lllom." Thi record ltorm.'1 waten · camed w~ mlnar domage to eorth ~· ad , bu! u Ille Barbor area dried oat, -up ad wrung' Jtalf out toda'/, over.aJI llRlllDl!!lll b'/ diY «iftclala sbond that the area bore up ... u. Sollald p-ound la many arw blocked roodwaya and aUd clown banka, but much ol lhe mud on roadl alrudf hu been cleartd away. One mudlllde cklled parta of Paclflc Coul ill(lnr"1 between Ille Archa and Weot Newport 'l'uolda'f. • The rood hid -cleaned bJ lhll marnlll(. S-ol Ille llootln& Umbera, wblch '""" -bled, hid formed the mtnace le -kDcnm u deodmon'a larldge ... J-.. -.· Wlh reduced to mo-to navlptlon aa t;eY llooi.d hi 1111 barbor. From Page J ·P'Jiaod Wiien rlPIJld the llrudure don. Tbe bridlfl Wu repllced a yur agC> by another bridge,. which suffered some fill damage from flood waters, bu! no damage wu done to the atruc"¥•· REFUGEES FLEE CANYON • • • makeshift landing pad at 2:12 p.m., headed for tbe iaolatad canyon. "How much food are we sending? 1bey asked for hot meals for 200 persons, but it depends on whether you're feeding coovicta or ladlu," sald U.S. Forest Service Supt. Ernie Balmlorlh. again," he said. "I'm afraid to close my eyes. There's too much in there, behind the eyes where you can .UU ste it with them cloted." The Red Cross disaster center at El Modena High School, almost wllhln slgbt of the red, raging Santiago Crttk tn Onnp, wu a deep contrut to the frantic Irvine Station scene. Newport City F.ngineer Ben Nolan said one northbound lane of the bridge will be closed !or a few days while crews replace aome o! the erOO.ed !ill. jump out Uujigh the bottom batch. ~ the evacuation point at Irvine flrt sla· THe tteu&enant rail Jlown the meet tioA. while we lat there. Then he cari b:Ack That "wu about it. Cpl. Peterson - and abouted aomethi.ns to the crew. It and Cpl. Frank Cippus and Cpl. Mike waa a meuao *11at a group of men, Kelly and the f»Pilot, Capt. Cedric Bebis women and.. chlldreu. were in troublt -were beginning to show the wears down the road. -and tear! of the day. The lieutenant went to find them. We l came off the helicopter with tho lifted off aDd circled unW we spotted wize package of all. Two ladies sort him and the people. 1be canyon was Ol banded me this baby. Thls ftve-monlh quite narrow -the blades were near baby. I left my cameras on the plane the walls -but wt found a spot to and brought it out. Then I went bac~ hover. We. could almoa""llt down, but fer the cameras. Episcopal Priest Pl~ads ' . ' Innocent to Crash Charges Carl Warren Stokes, 48, ldenUfied by police aa an Epllcopal priest from Covina. faces a jury trial March 11 alter pleading Inn-• Monday In Wast Orange County Munldpal Court to ijve charges stemming from twC> separate auto accldentl Feb. 10 in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley. Tbe Rev. Mr. Si<>kes previously had been 1ncorrectly identified as a catholic priest of the Holy Trinity Pamh in Covina. He WU with the Holy Trinity Epiacopal Church In Covina, bu! baa not been associated with that church since la r t .December, according t.o a church spok~an. He wW1 beltried out. month en one count of drunken driving and one -count ol recklea driving invoJvinB an accident in Huntington Beach. Bolh are ml!de· · meanor charges brought by police in that city. Meanwhile, Fountain Valley poUce are pressing charges on three misdemeanor oUenaes -reckless driving, assault and resisUng arrest. All three trtem from a second auto accident which occurred about an hour after the Huntington Beach accident, according to police accounts. Fount.iin Valley police said the Rev. Mr. Stokes was the driver of an auto involved in a collision with another car drjven by Charles L. Rothlauf, 34, Santa Ana. Following his arrest in Fountain Valley, the priest was turned over to Huntington Beach police who .had issued a descrip- tion of the vehicle involved in an alleged hit-nm Incident in their city. The priest's car, pilice said, struck a pedestrian who wu walking beside Brookbunt • Stree~ near Indianapolis Avenue. The pedestrian, William Hallock, 42, of 9684 Durham Drive, Huntington Beach, was knocked into the mud at the side of the road and walked away from the ~ent with only bruises, according to police. HaUoct ii employed at the Ardell Marina in Newport Beach. He said he was walklng home alter having car trou· ble. The first load of more than 20 unin- jured persons to leave the cold, wet bell that ooce was home arrived by return filght abortJy ind they could have been a bedraliled combinaUoo of both, plus a few shivering children. Confwiion reigned Dilde ~ ~•arm station. "Where's my little boy? I saw him with a man," cried a franUc father. "Everything is going pretty smoothly," said Milt Rhea, auistant dlsa!ter nUef director, aa cblldren played on the cafeteria stage and others watched televlalon. They were among the Juciler foothill and riverbank families. whlle the facts and clothing of others -etched with iihoct and spWhtd with mud -1av1 their addresses u SUverado I.lid Mod- jeska canyOnl. 0 Time told the Roman way ••• by OMEGA "There'• an extra one in here," called a Red Cross volunteer. "In blue sleepers?" uked the am.iOus young mother cl a mlA1nl child. Pas.session of aomethlng to hold, bcrwever, gave others a 11DM1 of atcurlty. A girl about 1J cradled a wide-eyed black rabbit, while a prucbool tot clutch- ed a bag of raisinl and 110r11e -like a UWe blond boy -found comfort in themJelves: ,sucklng tbumbl. Sheriffs Iaweallg1tor William B • John9oo wu in charge of movJn& each load of rdugeel to "altlng buses, clear- ing the amal1 room ao new hellcoptar loads coo1d be aerved collee, mlllc and hot rolls. "All rl. you ttdl who don't have ahoel raise your hands and we'll carry you." John!on ordered. Calm -on the .mace -u a church trustee at a social. grinled E.R. Watkins sipped coffee In Ille mWlng throog and talked abwt bls home and hla futurt. "My wile Mary and I have been here since 19$9 and I've owned my pllff sinet 1911," he laid, "we fou.«ht an day to aave our road, but we finally had to rive up end go to the flH station." "l'm·Jual a 11boi..-. l11Yen't had -t since December. ll'• IJClftDa be roulh U I lole tbal place," Watltlna continued. "I don1 i.-whet time lht alldo hll I dnn1koowwbattimett11-." "The illOttllllln jull fell down." walled Mn. Tenaa WIDcloa, "the mud pwhed • flH tnldt ....... the bi( -.. ' I man, I do1:fl tnow who, WU tr:vinl to get out. Be alappld oa me." . ....., Pltteraon, '" uw lhe dllutar '1•1dlf. Bo cnwled to aalel}' throuCh 1 Ir"" -wlD ~ being !rapped wbeti Iona ol mud end rock tumbled down. ~the Sllvendo Canyon atallon'a lie helped recover lht mangled bodl.._ "I don1 think I ever want to aleep Ne.-arrival.I unloadlna at 5:30 p.m. cOO!d loo~u to lte bfue 1ty vialblo through cloodo over the hllla achool campua. for scores of tit flood refugeh, it meant little comf«t. For aAotber unlucky 17, it matten not II all Seryices Slated For Musician Frank L. Grannis Private memorial services will be con- ducted for Frank L. Grannis of Corona del Mar, one-Ume musical 8(1'lnlf:r for silent films. who dJed Sund.,-at bis home lollowln( a loqthy lllneu. Mr. Grannis, 91, bad lived in COrol'la del Mar for the past 15 years. He wu an active Muon and wu Will-known in Loi Angela mlillo clrCJeL Survlvtn includt hlr wife, Nen, ot the lomlly home, 3111 OCf&n Blvd.; a daughter r Mn. ORI 6ullffa:n Cf LI Jolla and Newpoii Beoch, and 1 (fandoon, Howll'd Ahmanaan Jr. ol Loa Anielea and Newport Buch. Burial will be at Pldllc View Memorial Part, COnina del Mar. M- r_...,,11 are aoder the dlnctton ol Balll Mortuary, Coao!lo del Mar. Former Teacher Dies Former Hence £natp School art tMcl1er Pot Terpana dled 1111 week In Palo Alto It Ille .,. ol 17, k WU learned htte today. Miu 'l'"J>Oll& taqht 1t Ensign belwten 1111 end 1111 when she reUred. " CONVINll!KT TEAMS IANKAMERIC.UD MASTEl CHAA6E Wbetherit'1 on F'dtbAnnue in New Yori: or Via Vuieto inRom. ••• tJ._.wriatwatches featme Romu nammral dialt. Omega ityliats hne llliliad ... cl"rildhe mu .. oomplerwt tt.e d-'c simplicity of ea c •• +mga Wilhin hoota the_,_., ~-•wt ..m.n .............. of ....... &om blaepriot to bal-i.!1 .. --• .,; = ., ! ' .. Oep.dahilitr. J. c. .Jl..,,.pfuw 'J.-'4,. 1111 NEWPORT AVE. COSTA MESA II .YEAU IN THE SAME LOCATION • • PHONE 548-1401 - . ~. ,......, 26, 1969 . -:...-~ Fl()Ods: Struck Cotinty From Mountains to ~ea:, BEDAAGGLED, BUT SAFE -Group ol refugees !nm Silverado Canyon flooding malul Uuoir way to evacuation cmter at Irvine Fire station east of Orange following reocue ·by Marine Coll>• helicopter ~·· Marine flyers, operatilig under difficult conditions Tuesday ' . -. -• ', '. · ., • ,. DltLY Pu.oT ...... llW' Rklllnl'ICellrltW ah:tiltAd .274 stranded fkxjd . vldims from Silverado . and Modjeska Canyoos' before reocue llightS Were baited bjlcau .. of darkness. Most flood victims got out only with belongings they could weer or carry. DAll.Y PM.OT ...... Wk~ .... .. DAllY PK.OT.....,...,,...,_,. VlllM~ STEPS TO SAFETY -Evac:· uees lrom flood and slide plagued Silverado Canyon in eestem Orange Coun!f. oome obviously relieved Id b <> on sale ground again, are help!>d down embankment after being airlifted out. of. canyon to evacuation center a\ Irvine . ?ire Station near Orange. DAILY PllOT Plltfl •r ~ell Cll""'4", ALISO CREEK -South La- guna's Aliso Creek became rampaging river during: flood· ing, cutting road to Laguna Country Club and stranding four couples at Ben Brown's Motor ll,otel on sooth bank. All were hauled to salety by coun- ty fireman who -rigged a res- cue basket acron creek. • • .. -1 • -• " · DAILYPILOT ...... IWPlt~.;, MEDICAL TEAMWORK -Hast!ly organized team of medical.~,;· sonne! begins administering to serioosly Injured survivors·~ Sil~~ ado, mud slide even ~ victims are unloaded from Marine hellcopte_;e; which ferried ·th<>m to' Crlsis ·Center at Orange County Medical·Cebl,~ ter in Orange. ·: ·~.:1· . ·~1. ' • -.,.w,.. " .~1- .. ESCAPES SLIDE -showing SI.rain fnim her 1or- deal Mrs. Teresa Wilkihs, &8, and her dOg, Baby, are eecorled to evacuation center by Red Croes workers. Mrs. Willdns was In Silverado Canyon Fire SlaUon when mud slide hit. She scrambled · ahead of slide and managed to squeeze through door of building pualie!I open by mud. Sbe lOlt her purse, but held ori to 'Baby. STREET-END ·scRAMBLiD -Rain runoff rush- ing clown Broadway in downtown ,Lagilba Beach lltlBshed reUllnlng wail, undermined atreet and· ,-~·-I •- ,. ,, ' - " ' ··-.-. The Freewa:y Decision Almo<t 25 yeers •Inc• ll w11 first placed on the IDIP u a roed of lhe IU!Un, lhe precile routo of the . Nlllporl Frffw•Y lhrouch Costa M-and Into New-port JIMcl> fl. very n-to a final detennlnaUon. Alter two mon Joeal llearla..-nc! then lhe one lhat really matten bt:lnre Ille Calllontla IUcbway Corn. mflllon-re11denu ol tho Blrilor Area will know bow lo make lhelr plans for the lutltte. They'll know where lo build, where not to build and where Ibey can lll<ely expect ·the flow of visitors, 1hoppero •nd travelers to IDOYI, Jt ean.'t come too aoon. Four cen•r•I route1 are under conaldaraUon for Iha free1'ay. Tb~ two moti llkaly ,are lb• 1reen route -which (Ulrally foUOWI ,the pruenl rbute ·of Newport Boulevard, wldentna It lo frMway standard.I and Wlp-llli oat bllllneu11'"' one or both 1ldt1. · Th• 1econcl mot! Ukely roote I• tlie reel route, west· emmoet of lhote Wider COMlderaUon. It would arc -.cro11 Harbor Boulevard north Of lht<>91h street lnt1r- llC!lm, pan -Of the Colla Min city part and join iM future Coal .Freeway wr !he prnent Pacific Coeli Hlibway-Balboe . Boulevard lnteroect1911. Tbt City Of eo.i. Mesa bu made no selection yeL The majority -Of lhe council WIDll firm fliltres and a Wide variety of ' vlew1 before announcing 111 choice. That cbolco wUl carry m~ we!Jht when the highway comml11lon makes the llDaJ detennlnatlon sometime 'lhll year. It would appear that some of lhe earlier problems ol the red route can be resolved, such ae the cliHlcult Harbor Boulevard overcrosaing. It would appear turther \that the red route, while more expenaive than lhe croon route, Is gathering aupport, allhouch It af- facto more tndlvldual home ownero who, up 'to this . point have not rallecl much reslliance. Newport Beach ha• expressed its view: The red roaio -.mild be preferable to the &rein route. others ~ ·affected, notably buainessmen, have done the umt. At present, It 1ppeero lhli reel route bas lhe most IJlpporl. . Moot Important of all, It appears that the decision Is near, We urge the CO.ta Mesa City Council not to delay maklni a aelocllon and to lftlonn lbt 1tata of Ill wi1bea u aooa 11 poalliblt att., lh• h•rlna • I! lhet choice be lhe red routo, Ibo COiia Mesa downton art11 wlll be "1avec1." The bl& quu~ lhen bec0rri11: saved for what! . , Property 0'1111~1 and b\llllltlamtn la lhe dOWll!own aree mllll then laveat a lot of enora aild .-...rc11 In coo!lnJ ue With llOllle really bla, )'ti IOlld. propooaU of what Ibey Clll do tO rebuild their area'• vltlllty., Tba city should al•• them help and encotµ'~=ent. The fund'amental fact fl lhai jUlt a . 1 ol fr•• way roµt!nJ wW uot, Of lllllf, solve Colla M111'1 down- town problems. ~elping YOUR Hospital . Speoldnc of freeways, Ibey wm't h•v• lliy e!lect on the ambitious expandon plau for Hoec Memorial Hospital Presbyterl.lll. Tbat'i lhe word from holpltal ol!lclals and New- port Beech cll1 plannero, whq l•li weu cave the $13 mWlon project !heir ble111nc1. _ Thus, ·• blc hurdle bu been clNred-for It had been feorecl for,many yeers lhat adoptad frHway all&n- menll In lhe area would curtail Hoai'• plau for much- neeclecl addlUonal facilities. ·. , ~er hurdle, and a major one,_ remains, of course. And lhat IJ where lhe comm\llllty at lar1e can help. Organlzatlooa, firms and lndlvlduels will be asked to contribute a total of '3 million toward the conrtruo- tion of the 11..gtory Hoag Tower. ,.. The rel! of'the mooey wW be borrowed, on a par· tially malc;hlng ba~is, f~m oulllde aganclea. !foq al· ready bas •million from prior dona\lon1. · Here, ~leirly, s.. an Instance where lho11 Newport and Colia.idesa citizens who contribute wW Jlltely be helping tl(tmselves or members of their famlll11 . If not now, e:Ut>!uaJJy. . · By deifitltlon, Hoag Memorial Hospital Pr11byter• Ian Is 'a commU!Qty hocpital-lhat meau It II yvur hospital. t . . • 1 N ' . ' . To Be ·saved Be Litt~ Two Voices Must . • .;. I Solution to Airport Problems? Wholly Selfish After a .column of mlne about Jttus a_..t In the paper around Chrlstnw, a woman called and asked me whit ·nllc:lcm I prol'Uled. I told her J was a Reform Evangelical Druid. She didn 't 1eem to know what th.at was. · We Druids -small in number, but ardent Jn fajtb -have a mO!t peculiar theoloa, but It aeems to work for us. Molt-Ol the time. We don't lhlnlt li's Important il you "'bllJne" ln God -u long aa God ballmaloyvu. AND TRlllE U ooly one way to man Hlm ·bell••• m you -to be u ~ u ,poatble at all Umes. Thia -to wul 10halanr II blll foe 100. and ,.. .m, 1n.,,,,., 1111u1ttoo. II ;a:a an=. dllplf, unremlitlncll' and wbollJ )'OU al'I HVed. We don'i' know whal you"ere 119ed for, but lblt II none ·d out bullneu. That ta o+d*• bUatneu, IDll wt don 't interfere lo I~ .. N4!r. m A1IT ol belna Mllllh ... .,. to -_,. to bt tl>e -thin& In ~ l!Otlcl, but that delUllon la juat a ~ ol 8atan. Purt unadulttratod oe!ft..... la about the hardell thin& In the ,,.Id to accompllah, and It often -tU• a Ullllmt ol -·Int oflort. lit ,_. to bt pau1ne1y oellllh, yvu !lave lo wul wliat la -btlt foe the MU, ud to do wbat la best for tbe oell. 'lllla lmpllel --Whal la lieal for Ille 1111 -and thla Ii w1iit maku Drultlllm .. bani. - TO BE A DRUID in 8 o o d standing even a non-Relonn un-Evanaellcal one ), you first of all have to understand the natutt of. man. You have to know that he wa1 dealgned for somelhln&, just u an acorn is designed to be an oak tree. U you properly understand tbe nature of man, even In part, then you know that the basic need, and the bulc aim, of your true ult ill to become u lluman u Jt 11 poul.ble to be. The only way your 1elf can ever be 1aU1fied Is by turnlna Iii potenUall&J for humanhood into act. NEXT, YOU HAVE to understand what Jt means to become 11 human as poulble: how the rwon and the will and the appeUtes work to1ether, how man can Uve and control his hurDRnhood without fallln& into the error or an1ellsm on the one hand or bestiality on the other. When you hive mastered t h i s knowltdfe -Whlir.h lnvolvu retraining the em.ot.lw ai•lnuc1t u the mind -when t!>eY are ready to be<ome the moot Mlllib J>lflOll Jn the world, doing only U-thlnilo wblch are of benefil to yolU' true Self. 1'hll 11 why we are 1ucb a lmlll ~t. They Made ·a Discovery 'there's a great deal of tillering ex· citement down at The Lelaue for Total Birth Control these days. For the little band of m.llltant do-&ooders has stumbled on a dllcovtry that may yet save the .... us. Thi dhcovery wu made by Graffltte Grotiimet, who bu a aclenll!Jc mind, wh11• retdlna: "The Sexual Llfe o( Savaaea in N. w. Mela:nala" by the noted Pollab -aoihropololllt, Branillaw Malllowlld. In :thla famed 1tud1 of the Trobriand laladdtra, Malinowski reported that the maid actJvlty of these ballP)' naUves II ~ love to each other. A Utt.le buntlq, I little fiJhing and Iota and Iola ot1ove makln&. Nlaht and day. ~ Al an advocate or bl{th ""'ii!-.-. u.u; _ .. with a thud-... ,11a1 tboo hll •Yt •'"lilt .. odd fact:'.• 'flit Trobriand lllaodtn have one or lbt -birth raiu lo the wnrldl "'llnbl" cried Grommet. "At Jut we bavo found a mttbad of birth 0011trol 1l'hldl lbt Pope will approve." ''1lllnk of the poo~bWUu!" he aald In bll report to the Leque. "Where ls blrtb control most duperately needed! Ill tl>e Calhollc counttt ... Yet no molter what -· we mah In p111a and deVloal, tboJ wtl1 not bt a...-.1 i>1 tbt Vallceo. WI t-lllrrilalile cldeat. "IUT-11 TllE Olurch for procreot1oll! ~-,,,.. all ... -do ---......... ---· COll11DENT!AL 10 ' ' LI r II LOllO 'l'IXAN''. Na, I don' thlnt ... -tab o11-at an. -Ida Iha fWIMray Y ..... Teui die' Uanary. When a man'• been In u ·ronc 11 he baa, lo ....,, boW to !all . \ to u.ve the world, my friends , Is persuade people to try to procreate more. And they will -as the example or the lucky Trobriand Islanders proves -'procreate leaa!" Grommet's report received three huuaha and Standing ovaUon. The ex. cited League memberl set to work in a frenzy of entbusium. Volunteers were posted outside CalholJc churchea to hand out leaDett entiUed,- "How To Save the World Four Time1 I Day." A committee wu formed to encouraae more cocktail parUe1, aprtNkl chua·•· Iuglng aod drlve-ln movlu. A. DETEl\MINED effort was made to ban electric blanketa, Joa:1lnc and ttlevlalon after I p.m. An ~ually determined tf'fort ws1 made to promote mlnl-mlnl 1tirta, Pornography and longer coffee break.I, But perbap1 the moat dramatic move wu the format.Ion of a "Kam.lkuo Squad" of fanaUc youna ttntlem.en. Thtte zulob nept tllro<llh every Youna RepllbUcu N .. HOll Social, corntrl!ll eadl )'QUiii l..s, to demand wllh !lri Jn, tWr !!)'01: "You wanna help rnalle Uth world a better place In which to live, Baby!" tJ N, 0 a Tu NA~ll<llve pbJtWollN today''" no' .c:onnecUon btlwm -lnc:rUled Ion mlllnc ud • -illrtb rllt. In the cue ol Ibo n.llrtlD\I lllandm, Ibey atlrlbuta lbt litter to cllmate, dle.t or such endemic disea1r1 •• malaria. But to tar, no one't had the courace to 1nrorm The Ltague membtrt ol thla. They're hav11l1 too much run. • •• Predominate Probablf tbe1 most Important , subject Pru.ldent Nlion will have to dllcuss with Pre1ldtm. de , Gaulle durbul: · bla pre11ent vtilt to · Europe, is Mldea!t peace. France Js· In a special position with Arabs sinoe its mandate over Syria b e t w e e n the world wars. Moreover, Fran~ haS. more culturaJ ties in Cairo than any 'other Westem natior.. This does not ~an the Arab world is necewrtl)'! wild about M. de Gaulle.. but It may mean he will tet a heariq. This coq!d be more than Prime Minister Wilson Would 1et. and we can't be sure about Mr. Nixon yet. TllE UNITED STATES, Britain and France will have to coordinate their approach to the ~tideast problem with the Soviet Union, but all four must make good their approach to Israel and the Arab stales to achieve any lasting peace. A patched peace meeting the temporary interests of the Big Four is useleu if It doem't. a.I.so meet the interest of the Little Two. Hence, de Ga¢le'1 advocacy last year of an "lmpc:.ed" peace wu uopromillng. Subsequently, Nqvember 22, the United Nallona Security Council adopted a resoluUon askiD, the Bl& Four to "open'" the road to a .SetUement. with bullt-in Israeli and Ar ab" parUclpaUon In any ensuing negotlatloris. BOTH si!wGEums In the 1967 war, whatever their knotty demands on each other in the chronic postwar crises, are clear that their voices must prcdo1ninate in any setllement, and lltat they will not tolerate coercion by outside powers mertly because they art big. Fortunately, Iraq's recent provocaUon in publicly hantin& "spies," lncludlni; Jews, in Baahdad, did not be1et Iaraeli retaliation, nor did the remalnina Arab states jump in to support Iraqi 1avqery. Further, President Naaser of the United Arab Republic, bu hinted at conclllaUon, partlcularly In hiJ support "In principle" of the Stcurtty Couoci1 moluUon. U Mr. Nlxon can periuade de OaUlle., who 11ouni penuade well, to "In prin- ciple" support of Ibo 1"0lutlon. we ml&hl .... IOlllt dayllght -FUNDAMENTAL quesUona •l Peril. I -ConUnued lnvloilbWIJ ol the Israeli atate u aovm'tlan must be acknowledpd by the An~ llateo. It's a almple cue of aurvivt1, wbkh men wno .,.., med undontand. t -Iaraells must make some terrltorta1 "eoflcelllOna ot conqutred artu, P.&i'Uctllarly thoee ,,la which Arabs: are lndllnequa and numeroua. Thia ~ not ttfer to etact rronuera or Jwic l, 1967, nor evacuaUon ol Golan Heteh!Jt unle11 0111 overlook can be neutralbed agal.nst Arab 1helllng of Jaraell 1011, It does mean adjUJtmentl In deaert ter- ritory eut of Sue1, and aome Jordanue land ..,t of the river. 3 -r.roauer rakMra ot b o t h btlliprentl muat be IUPlll' • 111. t -TllJ: ll1IZ CANAL mast be reopenfll, and a c c e 1 1 to camrnerdAI por11 In OOllU,UCW watm l\l&l'lnloed. tbla la • world illlle, and nMdl world morel-. Tiit -· -ol the l>ellla<nnis 'llOUld not , be mal0rlall7 lmlllNd by a •tUemeill roqblJ In tllil ibape, wt the 111-,...... problem • .. to ""vtoco t h o beUl"""1J,I ol tbe~ lokroo!>. Th e Big Four may ha"" a collateral problem -convlnclo4 tbtmM!vu lhal their true fntert.S11 are .erved bJ a 1omewhat p•lnful aetlltmerlt In the 11m1 shapt. Wants El Toro Pros, Cons -. To the g,111or ' A1 a 10nt Ume rialdent of OrAnge Count)r, I hive bHn inolt interested in Che ccmmenta, propolils, surveys, sugeldom, aod controvarales that have been made· and offered by various people and INupe throuebout tile county In the lut year or IO, u they have tried to help solve (or hinder) lbe 1irport stloltlon. I A/ti CBl\TAINL)' no . eipert, and rrankly I lhlnlt a lot o1· 'the peop!t "Ila hava bad thlnp, to NY that have. meda tl>e r.per, are not upertl either. J!Owaver,.__~ 10111tihlDI JD your J"!pe• F•!'-'11 .lnllD your rtjder Jobn BUer, tb;Ht .. dldmake1·1otolH111t. _ - I Woald like to ,.. a lull-blown dilculllda ol the pro1 and cons ol movJna the Oraop °"11111 elrlineil.to El Taro. OMAR 0. ORR BaefdHIM! ., 'Amerie• To tho lldllor': In the "0Ur Gloomy Gus" (DAILY PILOT, reb. 13) the wriler, C. J. B., had a 1alut.lon lor campus problems. He propottd cloalng all college1, pu\Ung the "book wonns" out of buainea, and leernlna "llke Abe did -by the llrelllde." J wllh, of course, this wu a Joke, but this solution "for our troubled col· Jean everywhere" aeema to be the most popular, especially in Oran1e County. I propose that th11 soluUon la unteuible and borders on lnaanity. OUR HIGHER educatlcrial 1y1tem, u It exllla In CalilQrnl• today; le not simply a place f~ a certain "breed" of people. It exlata u the one atabllllln& and perpetuatin1 lnstltuUon 1"hlcb America depends on -actually the backbone of America. How? Hllher educat!on teaches the student two tblnp: neceuary skllla for complex Jobi and how to cope with hla environment and Its perplex!Ag questions. Specialized aldlll for doctors, lawyers, ltacher1, etc. come from such Involved otudles u chemillry, law, and bloJocy, 'Ibe perpleking probltma of morallty, IOClal rtlaUona and conUnuatlon of life ere duk wllh In En1U1h, history , and psycholoCY. ' SO WHY, THEN, Can't a man-achieve thla knowledl• by hlmlell! That le a queetloa all cou.,. ~ti face. And they unlvemlly wwer It by saying that tlloy .,. lint learnlna wbat. the prevlOt.11 accepted intellects In a apecta1 ftald have learned. From thla, lfudenil branch lnlO unknown areas to mah DIW dllt'Overlet. It atudenta were to atttmpt to pther those "accepted" fldl on tbtlr own and thell moke contrlbuUom, they w.ould have ·to read volmna of material and then decide whlcb kleu were. theortu and whJch wtrt hypothuel. Tbls leborlOlll tuk Would like many ionre yeara thin the educaUorial 11atem. of today requll'u. In fact. It la polllble thal Ii would not be ~ at ; ' Dear Gloomy ' Gua: Newport tral!k: conirollm - take another lool; at lbt timlnl ol tl>e lfpa1 at JUI-and San JoaQ\lln Hilil Road. N..U.. bound iralftc on Jim-Illa and alls -often while tbcH la no other tralftc In lilbt' -F. IL '"" fiNf!Jft ""'"' -,....,.. '~ ... ....... ,.... ,.... ............... ... ,--.· ... '"" ... ,....,., ....... ., ""'· l • • all. Our country would not emt In a,llalo ol bllll, but In c:onstent conflllloo u to w111 and IVJw to 10 about Urine •• Chaol Would relin! WEU WE TO 'BE , llvin.I In Abe's day, simply reedlq by the r&elllde· may have --llllllclent le111'11!na !or Job Uilll and lxplanaUon of nre. But with toc1ay•1 apeclall11Uon and exttnsJve wrltln& In all fields, limply readln1 by the fireside would only lead to Jess urii'lentand1n1, more confuslon and the collape of our present way of Uvln1. JIM NOFFKE Sophomore California State, Long Beach M•rl11• Selutlon To the Editor : The Newport Beach City Council b belna uked to COllllder a concepl which could aubltanUally chan1e the cond!Uon and character of Weit Newport Beach, and 1enerate Important new revenua for the city. Th11 ll the Newport Marina Plan propolBd for study by advenilhl1 e1ecuUv1, Steve Auld, 1 ru.ident of Newport Sbores. Mr. Auld '• plan conta.lns within h .everal alternative solutlofta to aevere problems now affllcUn1 tbe Wes\ Newport areL To date, the Auld plan bu only been "Jmaglnffrtd" and not "engineered''. On Feb. 24, the City Coun· ell wa1 uked to requut an lnlUal study by the U.S. Corps of En1lneen thal will allow the flrot real Olll)noertna apprllllal ol Mr. Auld's Idea. Such a study wW coll the city iothlnr llld wlll · be the llrli otep In IOlllntr Ibo leaslblllty ol lllcb a project. THE NEWPORT MARINA plan would admlttedlf cbanlt 'the chancier ol the preoent beach fronl. A small . lllUJ\bor ol people have repmioled lhomlelvu u opeUloa lot Weal Newport Beach In oppoolttoo to thla plan. The ....., and utent. ol this aentlment mUlf be correctly ldenti!led llllCO It la ol>Yiaus lhtt the l"'•I majority ol -'" In Wiii Newport.Buch 'llOUld bt la-a1'11 · 0 alfected by the lrultlon ol -l plan. It ii hoped that tbll latllr poup will make tllemoetv•.haanl lo oppooltlon to the very vocal m1nor117. Tl>e advo, calu rat the llatUI quo •ba.. undar· ttandable rtUODI OD tbtlr ·llde, bu\ Jet It not ba !otptlon lbtt the beadl II owned by au ol ... arid tbert hal never been 1111 ...,_.. thal tl>e prmnt dwacter (j UM' belch wu forever to remain Q>e -·· TIME AND c1ra1m11ance1 dictate cbanlt. pertloularl)' wben the fll'taler piblld fnttreot 11--b ... hardl1 bt•triUld lit-_,,_ ....... --"' -""" .,,,.. lllit the dltaip>i ol Ibo -n!i their _,, bjl tllil project will ID -•alu& Other wa-"'"""'ti' In the Newpon .... ol the type ....... by Uio marina pJu la it ... a1Mlma ~ • 'l11e ~ -ID Wtll !laWJIOrt II a ot.rm.llttond and C olla : •. ::-=i:~ ~o1":r. beach has cost clly tupayers hundreds or t.hou1and1 ot dollan. ~ • over. '300,000 thla Jut yur alone, pfUI mucb n>cr. . in fedv~I f/ld !lite fuodl; 1 Tfff; AVLO, or Newport marina plan, • Wt>uld aolve these problems In llfce degree, if not entirely, and provlde ·ad· dltli>nal municipal revenues w b i I e upgradinc the whole West Newport. Beach arfltt. The trade-<>ffs, if any, would seem W be overwhelmingly in favor ol the plan. , It is very di!flcult to mobilize the sentiment of perM>ns who may M ~n favor of such a project as Steve Aakl's marina plan. The active oppoe!Uon wHl be heard. Let's hear it from IOIDt of thole wbo believe thl! plan is neeci.cl. JOHN B. HOAG Illa• ef Cen1>letlo ... To the Editor : In anawer to J . S. (Gloniey !J!I!, Feb. 12) wbo wants to know why Dee Cook has any 1ay )n City Coundl affaJrs, the fact la, we an ohould be lnterOlied in civic affairs and attend the council meetings, but we apatheUcally .alt at home, leaving the council chambers al.moat void of spectator11. This is a government of the ~oplt, by the people and for lhe people whether local, state or federal. It lJ pathetic -that 10 few of us take a vital illtvest in our city government yet criticlu those who do. We elect a councUman, ihen sit back apatheUcally coMlderlna our duty done. A cowicllman ii only, a repretentaUve of lhe people and doe., not always clearly renect lhe oplnlon of the mljorlty In hi! dlmlcl IT APPEARS some were happy lo see Dee Cook defeated. I couldn't ha\·e betn sadder. He was one of the few, if not the only one, who really watched your ta1 dollars. The general public didn't 11eem to realize that wU \lr"hy he was labeled as antagonisUc and a troublelnaker. He was a man of his convleUons and argued for the' C00<1 or the people but peoyle like J .s. dldn 'l appreciate him. \ I.am for economy In 1ov~nment but eV\denUy be ii not. An)'llme aft lnd.ivldual butks a bddy of men, he ii labeled ilntagoniltlci,Dee Cook abhorred .. amru1 and exceaalv4Pf:ndlna: of public tunds (YllW'I and mine) and you crltlcllo him for that! How few tlwmuera toct.y try to economlu on pubµc spending. IN MY OPINION, be slMluld be Id- mired for taking of his fl'ee Ume to late an active interest in our pvern- ment. It is our duty as c1Uiem to tab a vita.I part in the IOl'trnment of our land, and all of m should eurc:lae that riahL Our duty doesn't end at the l"'lllnc "booth. Thal should be the beain· .un,. ' \ I'm one of the guUty u far 11 takb:ig 111 acUve part ln civic affairs, but I'm not,' auillY or crlUclzinl those whO do ~use I do not have the rlpt '° crlt!Clu, nor does J. 5. VIRGINIA SIMAIONS --iW- W edn e Id a y, Febtuary 211, IN Tho ..U-page o/ tllc Doat_ l'llol Hiiu to In/°"" liftd-lllt!i' -nadir• ~w Pf"'"""" llllo Mwtpapf'r'I oJ)tniotu Gnd CO.. .... torv ... topb of -.;, ...s rig!llflcom•. bw ~a ,_ for tllc ·--~ ow reodm' oplotooi, ood ., pranflncr tllc dlwrsi .r .... ~fnts Of in/r>nncd ob1trvtr1 -4 fPOktvn.n Oft topict oJ Ute ·'°"· • Robert N. Weed, Publisher I I I 1 ' ' I • -™ .... . -- Mesa • I EDITION V9C. ~2. N9. 49, 5 SECTIONS, 70 PAGES • By ARTHUR R. ~NllEL or "" oe..., '""" 111ff J\efugee is a word you don't understand until a . OOWI of chili and a cUP of coffee 11, paradise and the chance you may hav~ a house full oI mud to su home to ls pure ~aven Airlifted by helicopter pilolJ i!l whose babds the ·control stlcb ·were at ·times maglciana' magic w~, 274 of them came doWn. from "storm-scoured .moun-. ' ' ore German Parliament . . - Nixon Appe·ars At Bundestag .. . • ' . • • T,...y'1 Ffaal 1¥.Y. Steelu • ulicd • cbu8;y i,-........ IP' purtd to nip aliaul • ...-., "°"' .. that a 8"GlJ ---·· end tolhel!imw ..,._ .., .... -. . "BoJ Jlo!ldl, lbll'll llo rm.• ....... td, "but r -, 1111 .. 1n ._ lid r auea) can dO·bs 111'1rt:1t." llOI . '""' -and -ol' other JJoOdJ '•-~ lll\>ll!f the first Huey ,oupplJ 11bJe to· ...,. crlt tbe (See llEFUGEES, P ... I) . . " ' ... • .. ··_.\·.ODD J• • ,,.. -...... . ... ~-..:.':1 ·,:..' ••. ' • • ' ,,....,f"~ -.:.:. ..;~ ...... • Silverado . .. . . . _De.ath Toll Reaches 11 By JACK BROBACK Of "'9 DfliJf'" ~119f It.fl Rescue workers clawing through , a crumpled mountlin of mud and boulders today recovered ~--niore mangled bodies, bringing the nutnber ·of known dead in Tuesday's lragic Sllverado Fire: ~ONN, Germany {AP) -President Nixon came to West Gennany today and in an· unprecedented appearance before ·its Bundestag said successful negotiations with the Soviet Union depend on the .maintenance ·of "the strength that made negotiations pO'ssibl~. '' as far l!-S this part of the world i3 conceroed and that every one of the nations in the alliance that was free II years 110 is free loclay Including the free city of Berlin." · No other U.S. president , had ever ap- peared belono tbe Bund.,tq, -Mor< Flood-Stories,---- PM&el, Ya&h I, 5 The Bundestag is West fGermany 's parliament · . The success of the Western alliance, ht •lold the J>!Clltd ~bly, "ii in- dicated ti;. tlie hlct 'that In ·tbe II years that i,t ~ existed we, have ~•peace Angry Sirhan Makes Threat I . To Plead Guilty LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan Js willing to plead guilty to the murder of Sen. Robert' F. Kennedy and die in the gas chamber rather than proceed with his present trial. The 24-year-old Arab exploded In the court.room Tuesday at presentation of n9tes in which he wrote that Kennedy ••m4st die like his brother." Defense attorneys and his mother tried to calm him and counsel Grant B. Cooper said: ''He is like a man in a hospital who tells his doctors he wants to leave when they know he cannot possibly do so." 1 Sirhan stood up and shouted and had I to be shoved lo hi! seat twice by bailiffs when the prosecution presented the diaries In which he had scribbled that I he favored the overthrow of the United States Government, backed Russian and· Chinese Communists and wrote over and 1 over again that "RFK must die." (See SIRHAN, Pa1< II Swf'k Marketa NEW YORK (AP) -The stocf: market closed with a gain today as Wall Street got a shot-in-the-ann from reports or progress in Vietnam peace lllks. (See quotations. Pages 24-25.). • The market was lower on balance at the start, even though llnnness in blue chips held the Dow Jones industrial average on an even keel. Nixon stood ~ore a lwce l>lack, Old •n<! l'fCI ... ,1,_!!JI ~ w,u. . " . ' Speallng · tn • a• hoane 1 vok:I, 1Nlxon noted ·to Ille 11' ...... cif. tilo 'Gtimlh ~ depuUet t!iat· .be had 0or ¥i0 ' 1'f·ill Praldenl before tbe Congrdl o1 tbe . -. ' , Unlltd Slates. . · : Hi WU Introduced by" JW.Uwt \'00 Hassel, praldenl ol tbe .Jlu11dl1ilc, who . 11ld We!t aerman. were didiaited to a long-standing deci!lon to 111~ our way as a partner of lbe United Statts." "We thank you for Y4?U" 10lidarity with Europe, Gennany and. above all with Berlln,'' Voo Hassel said. "W1tliout clear guarantees for freedom and Mcuri· ty, Berlin and the federal republic could live neither in peace nor freedom. The Bundesllg thanks you for your visit in the federal republic and especially in Berlin." Earlier Nixon received the West German government's approval for his planned negotiations with Moscow and in turn be assured Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger the United States will support Germany in itl!I negotiations over Berlin. Nixon told the Bundestag that he wanted to speak of the "principles. and ideals that will conUnue to bind us tOgether in the years ahead." UCI INVITED • • TO REGIONALS UC!'• basketball twn has beef1 invited to !!OMl)ete io the NCAA'a western regionals at I.as Vegaa•r.tm;b 7-f. · • IrvJne 1a·t h I et I c idlrector· Dr. Ray Thornton was . given ·the oew1 at 11: 15 this momina: by Larry Kerker, athletic director at Humboldt Slate College and chairman ol tbe western regionall aelec· doh comm!ltee. . : ·AJio invited for -Ille fOW'-team toorn1- -IDJ!lt ·at Lu Vecu wu the Uni.Vmity ol 'Nrvacla, J,u Yegu. . . • • , DiilLY P,ILOT ,.._ W AklllN .._.., O\ITWARI!· AllPEAltAH(!<OF CALM MlSLEaDING AT SliE 01' SJLVERADo· ~ANYON TRAGED.Y . '·· · ·. AOjl_ll ~°"'-r~' "1YWhor~ HiR 511-l~to F!rt-Sl~tl\'"., (2) .(¥1~ Oo1fnp. pur of'· . . • • :-."•r 1,-:·1 .'. .. >• ' I • General :Motors FlQ.(id De,bris '. 'f hreai~~ . Pla~·~9 ;Rooalli': , . " .... ,·. . _ . ·'. '>' «.: 5 -~JI~~ Autoi! l i ;fjf1a,ts.;'.~(Jil :~oul~::./l~~"'.~hi : DETROIT (UPI)· -Genetal Motors ' . By .JOllN"V~TERZA out 0 s0 swiltly 1b.1 It was :~i 'rutet Cc?rJI. an~jttid~y it plans lo.reca'.ll i ' ot• eeuY P1111 itett . i ·l~al); any ;tide we':ve ,~d ~-tpere,',' u mlllibo -·eiri-'onil trucks, mcludl~g , ' /J'cn! '.oh 'debrl1, lnchldlng : log• 31!d Obera .saif!, ·,. . . . , .. , . 2.~ milll'P . illi:~'iiltougb 1968 moi1FI timbera that •could1 easil1 raink. a. veue! . Ir\. ·ttte-saifte ar~8., -~~of ~ti.dock~ ,..i.,,.., 'in· i.' .. colllsi.dn,. Po" .a : senom mehace •sufferiJ\g' the heaviest darilage fig! cfue Chevrol~,11\ whteb,~-:-ust fumes coo~ · 'to navigation 'in Newport. Harbor ' Ind for even more ·problems. · • ·· . enter the putel)ler C01Dplrtment. ·ocean walen,'qfficlalJ Warned today.· ' lt wu the biOaest recall ever an-Oil 18 a n...i,'bJeM,· ·too. ,Jt: ls·' washin. ;; i .Ober1 t'ecotrim~nded lhaf. 1oat·own1rs 90 ,... ... • check their veuels Immediately for eiv nounced. UP. on s~~ o( ~.city's beaches. .cess water jn au,es,. '.'beca\lSf:· il ,...e "The · J19SS!ble entry of e 1 ha u i t 'I'be" debril, s&U poruini, into· Newport 'get· another storm, as pred,lcted Cot "this Cbevrol ·i Harbor tfum ·record storm waters, 15 weekend, tt colild really ·become a pro-emissiOJ¥1 Jnto ~·,of the ' ·noaun1 · .frtlrii · ba\)k to 'bint in ' some ·blfm: ' · · mod~la tr'Ol~ ~,when lhe ~a~t 1 : areas: · ·t ' • t ~ . pipe 11 nll!W'tlall!:·oulof design poolll<i1 '"i'his Is tbe absi>Jute w,or't ac-* ""f:r 1I. · or deteriacilled.fiaa> ~ ... GM ~d. . .. _cumuiat~-of..Junl: Jn \he h#or..1 hu·e Oil sli· .Ck. . Fl ...._ U • ~·--illcludOd !1"11 • In 1111. ·2l .f•Ms, ,hm; , sa" · · · · OWS '"". . ' • · , · ~" · • njt "··bOrmaitU '.4,1 0""" -as he · · J · · ' · · ,. certain B~ ··Al>;_!nipala,a ' Ji::': .11 , '""'~cil ,.,.-:8 .,~~1 ... '-. o. .. '· , ~~,1~~tbeo1·~'\~1 :~~~;~ •• ~~i;i :~;-~ ;Thicker 'Blacker ~~ .... ~II; .3.IO cubic '"'i': Oberg -~Id tlie llnely: intl)Ci<t. l\ir• :A.t: ·s· a.n .. 't·a'_'-. B. a" -r· b:: 'a: 'r',a ""--f • H' ~· .:1.."-... __ 1 'Ilion lying several inches thJck on the surface 1n11 ,rte~ .,.. ~11.1tu••f .5 m1 ' js fouling boat engines. 19'1 and t•1~Qlvmlets, PonUacs, Ober1 aald the COast 1Guard hu iasued .• , . ' . , i .. , OJi!Ml!obflel, Bulca,'.C'!!lllacs and GMC warning• 10 ldaiii)en ,to he' iii><eiall1 ' S~A B',\lil!ARA (pPl) .-'The fl.W tnJCU, wiue .to~ a part In ~ alert ~auae of l Qte many huge kll:i ·ofcrUde"ollfrOm,neir1l11·offahoredrlllln1 fOUJ"oblrrel quldr•jtt ctrburetor. and timbers flolUnc, aome beneatb ,tiie platfopn ·wb ~rted Jnc!~lnl today -1-4 • and it lippt'ared ·ioibe I bicker and blacker '1W ,1ce! . • . • .... _ I Id I Another lieacb j.r.bJem developeil din'· tban·u~ pr<V Ol)S r" Ila ."'Jllge. Ina Jhe 1torm -lbousanda of ~ •we don~ bave oh1 estlmile' O! tbe of 1Ucky cnide ·oil. -~ Ill 'amoun~ exteiit thal R ·Ill' conitderai>Je," unknown nO'lfdattmgbeachetf'romWest aaid .a ~kesman for· Unfon100 Co., N'1'POfl~ corana,dtl Mar. . . • r,•tor Or Ille' 'plaU6rm II> ·miles Of! Leaders Ponder<~ity Future • ' ' ~ . ~ ~ ' Groups Seekin.$ ·New _ Ro~ .M4ke .DoUin~fir· Study ol~ ~ ~d<l~i:-u~ "I~'i tbint lt'• .irl(.. tJl,lii' tbe ·wbeie'«thi -colri-.Jied. cloti 1>!' oil covet orlali1fl ·Jeik, )>yl .'I , can'I ,..., lt '• any ' · Two former mayors and a committee Bus!nelsmen'1 ~~ lavor the ·ao-• CoDie Up ,du. cc.ta .)4esa'1 1rtswtr. of Costa Mesa businessmen met today ;•!led Red Route, wblCh dimatea farthest Several dowpton artt p, r o pt r t 1 to discuss revitalization of the city's · m the CUJTent at.ate plan. owners ·~ hive remodelbl( and downtown area -eontingent on choice Present •t today's ""'°° wtrt Vice ftbaildlnc ' et-ti •mder way Md many -Mayor Robert r.t. Wilson and Councilman JH • , . of an alternate Newport Freeway Route. Willard· T. Jordan, •Joni with Plannlng otben woWd' Uh , to. ""1n. but. ftct During the tession at the Costa Mesa CommiaalOner Jack Hammett. the freeway q.,UOO. , 1 Chamber or Commerce, spokesmen ior Vice Mayor WUaon aald he bas con· A 'public heartnc on lbe proposed tour ' two groups in coalition to promote selec--tacted Congressman James B. Utt (R· altfmlte N~ Freewa7 routes 1' tion of a new alignment aMOOnced a Tustin) to dettnnlne poliibte methods ICbeduJecl. 'Mlurldly at 7:39 ,p.m. before major downtown study is under way. of achitvtn, the soal of Mil~ t)ie the planninf commilaion 1t Costa "Mm I Architect Murton Willson will evaluate .Jreeway and savJna the pre I en I City Hall. I •·.' , 1dvA11tages lo the city -ol. rouUng State downtown. , A. Mardi $ date Jla4 '\ei!n Mt bf llllhway 5'5 westward from Its current Vwia to other communitlel whiclJ ha")' the City Council. lo} a.lladlaf hearlal Newport Boulevard route. faced and .Oived lhe problem of alter which a cboioe ,la UU!y to 3 • Representatives of Costa Mesa Tomor-downtown revilalizalion will be included mlde, to plde \he· state IO.lh••J COm· 1 row Inc., ind the Downtown in prtparaUon.s by the commlUtt ,to -mieeioltin tta Onal dellpitRfn. ~- 'IJ>o "Oct'ino! beldl ilebij.,' · ' .' ' · belief, el~,'' lie llllt-', .,.,-• '. ·, • Some Or lho lllc1'y 111b4iince Ilia i;oi: 'l'heflrllie¢p0unc!""l"!.tbaitSll,otlt I-'"""" Jhe CorM• •·•Mar ba• beacll ; 1illom of '"" • io tbt <liu/ace !f tbt . ,....., · ----. "" ' · PicU!c 'aiid "ilnto l/f inf la ofl -~~•io'.-i4 \hot Jiie 1Jtualliiii 11,noi nolu(~nd '10Utb:o1 lhl,ln'soft a1-,A! ' • 'llriiJui, aiio!1!Jt oil~ he plii"!td1Jndet _. 'J'!\e ... ~.>WU, P:_)ri.e_.1~ .:.~ 17~"'1tilJllllellllll4w..iiM ddlllns"""' and ·~ .,, .,.t oul tq '°'In'~ Clltl-liy bllh1k1Ca. . • tl!On 'tile Oil 'ln\d 111 "oi:<!jmutal<d · i'<o.oJiliu...,. !Olind Ill~·~. lo· ~.-all'•lo ~~II> ~~•q ~O:oi' · ~·~~ Jnt04ht'UJW hu"aleP!>d ,.id tlie ""'""' ,1 I rite 'BaY eaµ¥~ .i'i' .qi o1 their owri In j>l.a~·ioao'Pll!>m dally. 1. •: · , 'llie .~m qw , ,.(l _ JO.to J9!rtT~bay It . Tbf_~ lldw', ,ppand,Jo be' .i!>lnJii& ~-at-;ihe !INhl, of ~ fri>tn __ ..,.. naur-u .tbt ..,_ runoff •. •be. 'll•!fr, "' · moVitiii al. ft•e t>traldiill,o11 ail!l'a~to lietlacter ·m11..J; an· bqctt With tto tidal cumnt and·tbicw. thanlM lllck lbal 4•••~ to ilelp I! aJoac. ~ ', .' f'°"' Qle,llf'r leal ' " . '. " , "Ol>orl~'llhen1 tht ~I jlde C\I\· $lonilJ "" in-Jmmoll!ate, i:ent1 aie'J'mml!'J 'I~ tlli , lipttd · /I ,~l\lllon ol. lhl ~ .-w~ -111~ .. 'n'/'Ollj, ,, 1 , It m .1 I ltt,a ltak \I:~ · ·"All ·lh&t 'llooil wai.t._ Wll pooiilnt ~t Wlf . .. inc:J,eue !"!Pl~•-, .' , stauoo c11.:a,ter to 111'°''°"'· Six : oion vlc:tbhl of the mi&l>l1 mudlllcle which <anie<! Ille rems>tt .itJ- ~on If! .,ij\'\t>n w)lll• ea lllountaln flbOd refuPes wilted lnside for rtaeUe are llllll milsln&-. TJarOr-County eon-'1 Olf!Co •· · lald ~Uon of the knciwn vlctiml . .. will ~:=.need u ""II u ~bl~. ~~:::=~-= Cllllltlill.' ~ of the vfct1iba:, hlw~vir; WU· Jden- lUied bY·• 'rinl-be Wfl'I Tueediy u 11Jem11n Dick Blac_!<, 311 bul his grieving neislii>«, ~'. uamr, IS, .lald be couldn't ncocnlM him "111 oilier way. "I'd' Uk• to rir,ei lrhat· 'he looted like,'' said Carter, ·whb 1Qt bJa: hcmii to berserk ,SanUago crtet, sWeetuf (Set m>Rr.t,. Pa .. · II ' -·-·-............ ... ,.~ ...... . . ~ .. -·-' "'°'.. . 4,. • . ,. /, . ·-..,; ..... , .. ...... ~~ .. TRAGEDY MAP _: (A) Com- munity of SUverado Canyon: (8) SUverado Ftre Station where mud slide buried flood refugees; (C) ~odjtlka . Can-, yon , also hit by flooding: (D) Irvine' .Fire Station, · evacu. tion . hea~qua~rs .following Sllverado slide. Weatller The rain11 gone'. •away. but only lo nl.U ·room · for - storm on Friday's horizon. ln . the metntllnt, mPi>r' suq1hln~ ' ' . IN8mE. TOJtAY The op<nlnil of "Drath. o/ o Solcnnan" a£ SoMt1l Conit . R1prrtorv hlfl~ighu a rich diet o/ Jive· Chftkt in Orange Co~tu,thl1 toetR,.t~ 4 Sec En. ~~me11t, f9ge 16-. 1 =. ........ . 1' ._, "" ...,la ft ,.. ........ . ~ .............. . _,..,,. ...... , ....... , .... . ......... 1• ........ _ ... . ~ ,, or-~ 11 c ............. ,. • ~ • fP .,..,. ..... M g ... : =...,,. ·= II , Dr ........ " JI ........ ... .. ""*' .... ~ • ..... I• f ,-.... a __ .. ·:U'-.. .: I t --.. ______ ,..., • . ·. ·: :· :Plw.t.ograph.~~:,fr~s Resc~ _From Copter ~. •; ; , . «lleot,._~-lo..._,Oaom. · ,nolqulte. • . : ~\~· ~ •• ,,..,,,-.:m:-"""!"-111• .. ,1· tf •liltl . ,,,.~:~~--VOi')'-... .,,., -.... ,,. Witt \ • ; .•. -· . to .. __ -"""""• II/ Jllruedo te-voto to ,.,.,.,. Rick and floliin Clriois, T and I, -The pilot wu lll(>ttb. He had lo hover, 0 .,Ji•p.J!c.a rc!id<nll T.iuid<Jll. upla 1111 ~loplhet.,ltwinl but be alao bad to oet the retr end r • • DMl.Y • PILOT' !IMtovniii,,.,. down qalJL U)I came Tbmillt 'ucl o1 the ""f<opter clown 111 the b&ok cloot _ . • Elfzabet!J. a ... u. 'l'lllll·ll>ofr.-'®14 !1e hlwerod. 'l11e blades~ within IUellord" KocMct _.. Ml the and lather, Bernard and Helm Ort-. tM<e leet ol the side of a cliff. •-Hctr i. hf1 account of Ml< • en. lut dip ol the wln<L Back...,. The back door is a ~l"lil" ar· Of'thc ~ '"""°"" CPI P-looldnr man Ured tyn raniement Capt. John>on ,was as 1 • ' " -hla ·Jen_ ·' 1 dllicate u if be was setllit .that bird . By JiiCIWll> 'lam a We --lo the.~ \""1: on. eUJ. He hovered with . the front Of .. .,..., ,_ Miff But then \\'e saw two more who needed rolOI' and the front end of the helicopter We , Wert! In the last helicopter going help. · stayed in the air. up Into Sllm,ado Canyon. It waa one It wu a woman an older woaian, He S&t the ~ end d~wn and the ol. Jljo Mm ... • bll ~. Sea · and .:... He ' ··"·" ·-"-ramp lowered. 'lliat'• where ""° stayed -;--·-, .,.,-,;--·--• 1rn-son. was "~"'6 a,~.. for about five minlltes. ' ~ta •· , , ' , r""I""~ Wt ~ent U!roup !be aame 1 pV. "'1 camef• 11>.a lady oext 11'• toot oil.pd w'e!ll.'JIP tbe <!!ll)'OO. • Opel~• Pel>non ~ them lato i. me and belped the cr~w get the •,U Ult •IJ \IP we ~ ile -tbe and up Uie1 c:1111e. JlOOple aboard, .There were a.bout 13 ......., ....... Jn' '•·•·-The ._ II ·in!IY -bore. or 2$ of tbeln rancirig frO(il •·"'""nlh<>ld -. w....,. :iw17, _, ._.,.., Wlm,. !rem ml ·Ibo ~·ol'h!Ds. ire boby to PeoPlo ln 'thelt '1!~ .A lot of nodl ml' 1*14Po ·-"-·Wtter all arouod. TbO bllifd ol the'llelicopler kids, about half ol the group oeemed or ..... dOwa ilio llln.iin.· l • j would ' bit ""1 taai!j>, · to be kid& · '!1iO Mlrlnei' 'job eii'tlllt l1Jlht wu Up we ,..., •tlioa, uil OKe more II was a fast loadlnl job, and a ~" ,· ' •""'".....,. ..... .,........,...., l'Olt CHOPPIR CREW CHll.F, THREE EVACUATION FLIGHTS MAKE FULL DAY'S WORK I L.-Cpl. J. 'L. P•-T1ka BrNk on Hom•ward Flight Following R....,. Mlulont " llDd ~ lq ~ aad br!nt we llri<t Net. n.ie -'..~'~ .rough ml'.';.:!'°.~planebl~_!'.~. b11d:! ihem la. Wt !tiuod'aciqte'la'.._.. '.Gnler.' ,.....-.,._.. ·-·..--~ back ag~ ----• ~· mander, Capt. Paul Johnaon, hovered. make It any smoothq. About all: or aeven minutfs out. we Then he maneuvered down to within Th:lJ load filled the helicopter on both . . . spotttd six people walking on t~ side ·two ~OI' three feet ol the ground and sides. Capt. Johnson• picked it up again ti. the canyon. . _ lowered until a Navy lieutenant could and we roared down th• canyon to . ,, .. They wavM and we beg_an hovering '. jump out through the bottom hatch. the evacuation poiJlt at Irvine fire sta· over them. There wan't room to set 'l'IMl. -'Uieuteoant ran down the ttreet Uon. .. 1 " Polite B'andit From P8fe J STORM TOLL MOUNTS , the chopper down, IO the crew chief. while we sat there. .Tben.he ·came:back That was a~t IL Cpl. Peterson - Lance Corp. J. L. Pllerson, wis let and -IOIDetbing to the crw. It and Cpl. Frank Clppus and !)pl. Mike down to help them. 1'ldl w11 Ptt.-.on'• wu a meuage that a &foup ol men.' Kelly ad the 0>pi.lol,, Capt. Ccldric Bebis washed ir.to the creek and two apartment third evacuaUon of t6e dey 'and he 'women add chlldrtit were lD troUble · ·-were beginnirig lo shaw the wears Cleans Out • • • Market in Mesa houses, cars and boulders berore ils floodwateni. houses were in danger of collapsing wu begir.nlng to tire -you cou1d see down the road. and tears of the day. into the muddy waters at 731 and 741 It. The Ueutenant went to find them.. 'We I came off the helicopter with the Th& Orange Counly Coroner's Office Ballard SL but were bokliDI fut this In the Sea Knight helicopter, then.'s lif~ off and clrcled until we !!Potted prize package of all. Two_ ladies sort ~ Jdmtlfled five more vldimt ol . marnfnC. · . a wish ~ 41>wn throuah the him mt "Ille people. Tiie canyon was of handed me lbis ·beby. This flv .. month The c1odt reid II:• JI.Ill. TutldlJ, lht ·-lde u JI. HllldrlcP. )ilonte :' lnllanlaAJ,.,tllo<•Ml•af-·yordt , -el:llt Ptt.,o,!"'!bblllelf qmi.,..,,.., -the blades were near baby. I left my cameras on !be plaoe u a Tic Toe Mana clerk In Coot& llllllU,•IUdlard Blick, Ma>: ·Mell a ol b18'>1'11ced 'propab 'llllbod I* tilt In 1 bll .-.... and, with the wlils -bot we found a •l!OI II> and brought 1t cul Then I went back M-checked out his ... t·lo-lall J--. No.,.. or --,,.,. ~ 8lllllilo .., · iu-Lua 'ud Ibo """"":llii••lllc !lei aboo$ IO or hover. We could almost Id down, but fir the wnera.s. -; thin lurned lo help a -aYillablo.· · lllwa DriTe -. lumj -la --' · " .. brow·•··-"• the ""'•II> cbl-. The l!Pd*. oiiini ·with -'tUII • tbll 'Jlluob raldeallll -""J ..,. ! ' '' " ....,. ·• .....-,... tdeuWJed, were apeded to be flown d1i:mfned. · Tw .i "'· • Three mlnula later, Michael D. Martin by belleopter to the Or•na• County .Qnll liuxJIWy buDdlitp .. lbe ..., o From Mo" o telopbolled ;>0lloe to report the store Medical c..i.: today. . • of Iota and U)lllty p*.I l!ad •ii.bed · . . '""'" at 1111 Pomona /<Ve., bad been robbed -beJlcopler crewmen fil)lting ~"IY by lhfs monilna b11t l!1llll' PioPle · ., n11 by a -...u1 carryina • .= llP1nll ""'· overcaat. t1me and darkneai wen ... """ ou1 rl. tloolr -Ge_· t Jail Terms caliber revol~ -'/lietday alrlllted a total ol 174 marooned bomet. ' · · The victim iillct Officer Al Muir he reoldenla ol ,Silyerado and Modjt<ka A llno of -lllg Vll!ll ·.,u frontlnt . : started "' ask if he could help the -'° 111ety:. . jbe 111111ey 11oma .. Riviera Drive todoy. In N &rco Raps _ woold·be Cw!omer, who pulled a gun 11etCue operttlooa continued lodoy · la ' VJUa Park DliD wu 11111 bol<IJnc· bock • out of bJJ ....,., Army-type jacket. . Ibo l1llled area, u 1be Marine choppers the bulk al Qeocl w*' !ram tbe'Santl · "I guas you want the mooay1" the 1ttompted II> get IOO more PlflODS out Ana )looolllnl. Inflow to the cfA1n had Two,...,. Colla Mesans arr,.ted :oith ciert 1..-l · ol tilt llookavqed .,.., " 1lack-1 todlJ lo l,ttOll cubic fttl per II _. _. la a countywlde · · · "YOI. Sbut • !be door. Grab a uck. They were belna.lakea lo U-Peten second . !ram '!'tlllUJ'• hlch ol 10,ttOll namo11ct raid three months 1110 were · · Grab an lbe b1Ilt under the drawer CaJIYG!I by 'lbe ~ lll1ultle lel'vlce, cubic feel per """"° Oalllow w;at'down • = ~~ Jall Imm ·Tuetday In -C··-mt·mQlbln( la the-tale too.''-·lllld .. -~·)Ilea_~ ~ .. t!!!o_.ictlml 11> 4,IOO cubic feel per -from ~· .. the holdup man. on down 10 a_ Red Ciiiii ,_.. center Tuetday't l,OtlO'letl per -' Judp 6amuel Drelaen •·• n le n c e d "Thank you " he concluded when at El Modena !llgh School, OrlJ!fl'" 'l11e SlnUqo l!oul"'ard llridce jual Palrlc1I Ann Tbomu, II, ol 2114 Oranse ldlrtln compu.d, waildng out the front No matter wbal lbelr 1 ... and dllcom· below !be dam wu a Tuelday C1111alty Ave., II> 80 d1y1 la Orange County Jail , door and headtna north on Pomona lort, Ibey lared better thin thooe of the flood . · and three yeara probaUon after ohe Avenue without giving any further orders refugees who pve up flthUna: nature's In Anaheim, the home .of Paul D. pluded guihy to pouession of mari· >!Olbe victim. :Sw~. ':~·t!' ~."'l'[" ~e~ !"u~MU:·J:~.:"a~~ ~ Jolmllarrall, :io. o1!1110range . • .. • out qala In Sllvindo Fire Station. • 'the rotdway, bloekln1 the eut bound A•o., drew a ·..........,,U. ·~ .term :: Woman Jockey :: Slmed w Ruu ;: At Santa Anita . SANTA ANITA (AP) -Santi Aniia .. will hm1 lbe finl girl jockey In Ila · , hill«y 'l'1mrldlJ when 15 •. y e a r-o I d • • ,_ Tata rides GallaroJh In the UnHed Cru.!ade Pune. The ZS.year-old married w om a n , nauJar .. ertla< rider for the greal !Illy Dart Mirage, was given permission by the Board of Stewards for the com- petlUve race. On Feb. 7 at Hialeah in Miami, Fla., Diane Cnunp became the first woman to ride in an American parimutuel race. Mn. Teata will ride a KYen-year-old brown mare who won three races in 18 and IWI made four 10\·Wlrinlng ltartl at the curren& Santa Ahita meOtlng. Rampo&lng 5-nllqo Creek, meanwhile lanes. and thret ')ur1 probellon fa< 1<lllng continued to leer awlcy at Ila banks At ,... time Tueadoy niiht SanUqo marfjuaol. He aloo pleaded flllllty before in Orange and Santa Ana today u Creek flow wu ao heavy that Santa Jucllt Dreben. , , , · dllll&(e la the ~"" of dollar• wu Ana CUJ.~ldanqer Carl Thornton took .i,.;ti. fl t111J ~ ~t aeveral ~~J1r~"" t~!~i:SS~ ··.:r...::,i:=.-="~i:.r:~'. la Oran&• tlie -ol Mr. and ·Mr,. !Ions. Man)'' llore oWnart itood by II> ::-c1e1 Mar, LalUJll Beach and JtrrJ Welch II J83li E. Waiau! St. was nndbq their butlalllU II ,_,llry. .. ~· Oil liurns in Ocean From P.,e J REFUGEES FLEE CANYON ••• makeahill landing pad ,at 2:12 p.m., headed for the JJolated canyon. "How much food are we sending? They asked for hot meals for 200 persons, but it depends on whether you're fffdi.ng convict. or Wiles," u.\d U.S. Forett Service SupL Ernie BaJmrorth. 6lammlng the Silve rado Canyon station's door shut. He helped recover the mangled bodlet. "I don't lhink I ever want to aleep •1ain," be 111d, "I'm afraid to cloee my eyes. There'! too much in there. bthlnd the eyes where you can still l!iee It with them closed." CARPINTERIA (UPI) -A llgbtnlng bort.earb' today'tcuched off gu escaping from • vent pipe on an otfahore oil well plaUorm • Cqunty Supervisors Urged To Oppose New Air Routes By JEROME !1'. OOUJNS Of ,.. D9llt' '"" .stiff Newport Beach MaJor Do re e n Marshell today made · • ·pfnonal pita before tbe·Board ol Supervlson for cwn- ty opposi~oe· to plannOd• elpllllloii ·11f County Airport fllgbt service. She uked: superviaora. to ·go on r,cord agJ].nst proposed flight awards to !he Pacific Northwest. The awards are In be considered by the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington, D.C., Marcb 25. The Qty Council earlier this week adopted a resolution againsl the in· q etoed flilhl!· P'tnh Dis&:lct Supervisor Alton E. Allen said he aupported Newport's position and moved that the mbject be taken up for a WI board discuu..ion March 11 at 10:111 a.m. · Allen noted that County Airpnrt Manager Robert Bmnabao would be at the. CAB hwing, as well u repr~n tallves ol !be County ~l'J offlce. "We should &tve them some direction," aaid All<n. Other tuperv!sor1 were non-eommittaj, prior to the March 11 discU1slon. "Your opposition to this lncrtased servle&," Ma)"Ol Marsball told the board, '"would be consistent with your past statements and with the Pereira Master Plan on County Air TransportaUon." She pointed out that the Pereira plan designates County Airpor:t.'s ultimate use as a "metroport." This would limit com- mercial aircraft al the facility to a 400-mi le destination. Portland, Ore., and SeaUle, Wasb .. which would be served by the proposed new flights, are more than twice that distance away, the mayor said. "It seems to me that this would open the door to other long-distance service,'' she said, warning that there would ~ inevitable requests from alrlinei to use Jarger aircraft than now permitted at County Airport "in the interests of safe- ty ." Allen agreed. "We should certainly avQid expanding the airport at this time,'" be Aid. "To take on fligbla to Portland and Seattle wou1d compound our pro- blems." Gallarush Is owned by Lloyd I. Miller, also the owner of Dart Mll'lae, -and is lralned by Everett King, llln. Tetla'• employer. Her husband, Al, f5 stable foreman for King. The first load of more than 20 unin· jured pmons to leave the cold, wet hell that once waa home w ived by return fll&bt sborUy and they could have been a bedragled comblaatlon ol botb. plus a few Wvaing children. The Rid Cro!s disaster center at El Modena High ScbeoJ, almost within sight ol tbe red, r<&lnc SOnlJalo Creek la Orv.ge, WU a deep contrut to the frantic Irvine station IC'eM. "Everythlna fl aolng pretty llllOOth!y," lllld Milt Rhea, -t dituter rellof director, as chlldren ployed on !be ealettrla at.age and others watched televlslllll. Time told the Roman way ••• by OMfJGA The UnJled Crusade will be the seventh race on the Thursday program. At 61iii furlongs with an $8,000 purse, the race drew nine entries of older fillies aod mart&. Gallarush and Lively Gypcy wwe hiab weighted al 120 pounds, DAllY PILOT OU~I Co.uf l>UM;:~IHG C:OM""lrt' ••Mrl N. w,,4 ..... lck .. t .... l"Wllthff J4clr It c .. rl1y \lb Pruldeftl 1..c1 Gtiiertt ,...111,.r Th'"''' K11wil ICllW 111,.,., A. u.,,i.; .. , --1 .. l!"fllw P111I N;,,.., .. ..,,1..,.0~ C.... w ... OMM Jlt W•tf t.y Slr••I M•?li.t "'4re1,• P.O. I•• 11,0,.t),!4 Confusion relined lmlde the warm station. "Wbere'1 my lltUe boy! I &aw blm with a man," cried a franUc father. "The.re's an extra one in here." ctI1ed a Red Crosa volunteer. "In blue aleepers?" asked the anxious young motber ol a :.:Id. Peeaealon ol II> hold, however, gave others a seme of sec:urtty. A girl about lJ cradled 1 wid...,..t black rabbit, wblle a pracboo1 tot clut<h- P.d a bag of raisins and some -llke a little blond boy -found comfort la themoelves: ouCkJnt ll>nnl!I. Shertfr a Investigator William. Ji • John:t0n was in char1e ol moving each load of refugees to waiting busts, clear- ing the small room ao new beliooptlr loads could be served coffee, mllk and hot rolls. "All of you kids who don't have allots raise your handa 1nd we'll carry you," Johnaon ordered. Calm -on the surf.ce -as a church truatee at a social, grlnled E.R. Wattlna ~pped coffee la the mlll1nr thrq and talked about bJJ borne and bl& future, "My wife Mary and I bave been hero tlnce 1111 and I've oweecl my ..._ llncc lttl,11 he Nici, ''we roupt all day -lo llVO Olll', road, but Wt ,flnallt had to live up and ao II> tle fire IUIUon.." "I'm just a llborer. Haven'F had -k -De<omber. It'• ..... be ,..,,.. II I 1ooe that I>lace, • Watklnt continued . "I doft1 bow wbat time the 1lldt hll. I dolt 't know Whal time " I• now ... "Tba IQl)!•11••ln -jult.-i.tl down," wtlMd Mn. Terua Wltklnt, "the mud pushed a fll'e truclr: aplml the bli door • • • a ..... I don1 -wllo, WU trying to 1et out. He stepped on me. 1• • Bobby Patterooa, II, raw the dlwter vividly. He crawled to u!My throqh a rrac-- tured wall a/let beln( trapped whee lonJ of mud and rock tumbled down, They were among the luckier foothill and rlvtrbanl: famlllu, while the ftcfl and clotblng ol olllon -etclled with ahocl: and spluhed wllh mad -1••• tht.lr addrtalea u SUvuado and M.od- jeska Clll)'Olll. New arrivals unioldlnl at l :IO p.m. covld loot up to aoe bfue "1 vfllbl1 tbrovr breQini -..., the blgh tcboo eamp111, but for tCOnS ol thl flood refu(<el, u meant llttlt comfort. For another unJucb 17, it matttn nO\ at alL State College Faculty Opposes Chancellor . . LOS ANGELEI (APr-Tiit Cllllonila State CODtce&' """' fatuity mtmben U!' by a 1-1 ¥lln that "'anctflor Glenn S. llmnh alloold mfcn. But lbe ntllnl -mftlrmed tlltlt support tor him. · · Borne teaclMn 'ton'1'!>d Dumke bu lalled to COIWll wllll lbam on CllFIJJUI pniblema or fllll1 tuppOrl belt<r l>cully PIJ and WWtlnl condftlont. 'Mio ,....,pat l)'ltem'• Board ol Trustees ruponded a/let Tueoda1'• faculty vote wu ..........i with a &Jat.. ment of support for Dumke. Cbalnnan Theodore Menan al Chico lllld he couldnl ,_-llow loni the lnltt<el' support will last, ......... John SW!onl, cllalrmu ol the ool· leges' Academic Senate, reported that l.3t5 foculty memben voled i. support a ....iutJoo expnalng "no conlldenoo" In Dumk• and ukln( him to re.Ip. Stallord &aid J,llO faculty membert op- posed the ,....lut\ CONV!NIOO TERMS lANKAMERICARD MASTER CHM&E Ji C. .J/ump/.nu 'J•w11/.,. 1121 NEWl'ORT AVE., COSTA MESA 22 YEARS IN !HE SAME LOCATION PHONE ~··1401 --' .... )ver, end door ·ilhin ar· ., bird front )pter ! the ayed next the :t 23 !>old JI of !med id • wing lidn't bolh 1gain n to sta· n - Mike 3ebis 1ears the sort ionlb J!ane ·back :d !ased oard, past aster plan e use com· to a 'ash .• oosed · that open •lee,'' Id b! J use ~d at safe- !a inly iine," 'lland pro- I ' ' .. i. . ' W,j F~2' l't9: • ' MLY~j. I • Floods S~nick County f :rOJll M.oup.tairiS :t~ Sea · BEDRAGGLEO, BUT SAFE · -Group o! re1ug.,. !rom Silverado I Canyon flooding make their -way to evacuation center at !Mlle Fire statioo Ollllt of Orange fGl!owing n!OCU~·by-Marlne Corps•hellcopter crews. Marine flyers, operaliDg under difftcult conditiolls .TUeaday , -, l , ' l . : ' , " • DAILY PILOT ...... n llclllrf KMllW ~ 274 .sVandetl flood victims from ·Silverado and Modjeska . .caey.m..befoi:a reo.:ue.~ '1!'9re baited becalise 'of darknes_s. Most flood vittims got oot ollly With beloogmgs they could weer or carry. OAll.'I' PtLOT ...... W~ Vliltt · STEPS· TO SAFETY -Evac- uees from flood and slide p1agued Silverado Canyon in ~ Orange County, some obvious"· 1'!lleved to be on , sale ground again, are helped . down embankment alter being airlifted out of canyon to evac~onr center-at Irvine ~ire staUoll -neer Orange. .. · " DAll.Y PILOT ,"9fl"' .Ncti C'-"1' ALISO CREEK -South· La- guna's · Aliso Creet became rampaging river during flood: ing, c:uttlng road to Laguna Country Club and slrBllding four "°"plea at Ben Brown's Motor llDtel on sooth bank, All were hauled to safety by coon· ty fireman who rigged a '* cue basket across treek. ... I . . . . . .,,.Lv ,,La,...., ,.. ... a;·rr ... MEDICAL TEAMWORK -HliSti!y citganized:team ol metlical\PIJ!''~ sonnet begins administering to oeriously .lnjurt!d IU?Vivon al sn,...., ado IJllld ollde even as vlctlmi are UDl.aaded fniril Marino· Mk~, which ferried lhem to CrlslJ center at' Orange C<l!Jnly MedlceJ .. CtiJo:i "! ter in ·orange.· · · · • -~t..tt ~~ 1Jl"I'~··-·· ' ESCAPES SLIDE -Showing strain from her or· deal Mrs. Teresa Wilkins, 58, and her dog, Baby, are escorted to evacuation center by Red C!Ols workers, Mrs. Wilkins was In Silverado ·Canyon Dolh.Y PM.OT,._,..,·~ hlMw Fire Station when mud slide hit. She scrambled ahead <it slide and managed to squeeze through door cl bUl!ding pushed .,,.. by mud. 'Sh• loot her pune, but. held on to Ba,by. STREET-END SCRAMBLED --Ralri runoff TUllh· ing dOwn Broadwcy ,In cfown!oWn . ~-Beach 1mamed r.tainlng wall, -undermined rtreet and • • ... _ " .. •• • . . \ I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I The Freeway Decision Allnol\ 25 yun llDCt II wu flnt placed on th• !nip u a road of lht f\l\un, Iha precln route of the Newport Freeway lbrouiJl Cotta Mesa and into New· port Beach Ls very near to a final determination. Alter two IJ!Ore local hearlngll-alld then the one that rea1lJ maUera before the CalJfornla Hlpway Com- mlsllon-r11.ldenta of the Harbor Area will know how to make their plans for the future. They'll know where lo build, where not to build and where {hey CID likely e.apect the Oow of vllltors, shoppers and travelers to move. It can't come too soon. The downtown area of Costa Mesa bas been In a period of deterioration for the lut 10 years while the freeway lsaue hll!lg In Ibo air. Few were wlllinJ to in· 11eo1 money In Improving their properties when Ibey knew Ibo freeway ultlll!ately may slice through ihelt properlln. AA a C0111equeoce, and becaUH of lncreu-lnt traffic problems c:rialed by Newport Boulevard and Harbor l!oulevard, what once was a toy commer- cial center gradually drttted Into lower and lower use. Now it appears that the downtown area may have a challce lo !Ind Itself agah>-to become a toy ~ ara once more. Whether the people al• f-will toke advantage of that chanee Is the cbal· leuge that very likely will be thrown at them. Four general routes are under consideration for the freeway. The two most likely are the green route -which generalJy follows the present route ~f Newport Boulevard, widening it to freeway standards and wtp- tni out businesses on one or both aides. The second most likely route is Ibo red route , well· emmost of those u.nd•r consideration. It would arc across Harbot Boulevard north of the 19th Street inter· aectlon, pass west of the Costa Mesa cily park and join the future Coast Freewal'. near the presetit Pacltlc Cout Highway-Balboa ' l!Ouleviuil ln\eraection. ' The city of Cotta Mesa hu made no selection yet. ' 'lb•· lll&Jorlt1 .of Ibo .counctl WIDU Orm a...-oo4 • wlQ variety of .views halore announcln& tu choice. That cbolce wW carry much w•!f!'::i!.an Ibo llJihwar commllalon mok11 , Iba llnal d !Ion ~. ~,~ . . It would appear that aome of the earllar p~ of the red route cail be rnolved, such u the dUflcult Harbor BoulOYard overcroasinf. It would appear further that the red route, while more expensive-than the freon route, Ls ·cathering support, althou&h It al• lects more llidlvlduol home owners who, up to ~ point, have not rotn<I much rnlstance. The COiia Mesa Plannlnf Commission will delve deeper Into Ille Newport Freeway l11ue at a public b'8rlnf tomqrrow nlcJil. All· views are sollclted. Then Ibo Coale l\lesa City Councll holds Ill pubUc h'•rln.C March II. 'Iba\ will be ID Important meeting, for II wUl be the Jail focal sollcltatlon of Harbor Area views before !ht H1f!~~l Commbalon mikes its 1electloo. Newport bas upmaed. Its view: The red routa would be preferable lo the c™n route. Others directly allected, notably bu1ln111111en, have done the oame. A\ .Present, I\ appears the red route has Ille most 811pport. . . MOit Important ot all. It appears that the decision ls 1191,[. We urge the Colla Mesa City Council not to delay ,lhal<lng a selection and to Inform Ibo state 'of lu wubes 81 eoon as possible alter the bearing. II that <hoke be Ibo red route, the Coeta Mesa downtown area will be "saved.'' The big question then becomes: save4 for what? Property owners and busJneasmen in the downtown : area mull t,hen invest a lot of ener1y and mources in comlnl lfr with some reelly big, yet solid proposal• of whit th•Y can do to rebuild their area's vitality. The cifY should ,live them help and encoura~ement. 11J.'lunifimenW fact· Is that just a change of Ire .. way rowng will not, of itHlf, solve Colla Mesa's do""' town prOl>iems . ~' ICl_. To Be Saved Be ' Litt'le Two St!iut~ .to. AJ.,Hwl .. Problems? t ·: . - Wholly Selfish After a column o( mine about JUUi appeared la the p.oper lnJUlld Chrl.llmu, a woman called and asked me wba\ rell&lon [ profesetd. l told her I wu a Reform :Evangelical Druid. She didn 't 5etm to know what that was. We Druids -1mall -in--number, but ardent in faith -have a most ·peculiar \htoloo, but it .eems to work for us. , Moot <I the time. We don't think it's lmportsnl ll you .. lleline". in God -aa Iona: u God belleva in you. . AND THERE IS only one way to mNt Him bellev. m you -to be u aolllah • polllble al all times. Tbls -to w111t ,wbate)'er i._ l1at" for -... )'Oii ~la..,..,...... .. If,... -tiulY • .ieeiiq, umtmlWlillY lld ~ 110111111i ,... Ito 11ved. We de't ·-whit,.. .. -. lor, but' .11111.ll ..... "' -· --'llllt fl God'I bz•h"'.Ut IDd we don't interfere ID IL \ NOW, TBE 4llT <I beinl ..Ullb IOtlDS to lllOll pe6ple 1o be the ..-. tllln1 ID tho -Id. bat lhll delllllon ii jull a' trap ol S..lan. Pm< unadulterated sel~ ii about the bardtsl lhinl in. the ''l'Ol'ld lo ICCOl!lplllh, and ii ofteo takes a lifetime of ...,..ollil ellort. ·In ardor lo be IOl1Ulnely sellllh, you hlvo lo wat wliat ii bell for the sell, end to do wjlat ii bell kr the sell. 'lbll lmplleo 1-111 whit ii bell for the sell -llld this ii whit IDll<OI DruJdl8m IO hard. TO BE A DRUID In & o o d 1tand1ng even a non-Reform un-Evanaellcal one ), you first of all have to undmtand the nablre Of mu. You have lo ltnow that he wu dealgned for aomethiq, just aa an acorn is dellped to be an oak tree. , U you properly underaland the nature of man, even in part, lhen you know that the bu.le nttd, and the ba1Jc aim, o1 your tnie Mil u to -• l!aman U it. ii ~ to be. fte ,_., way yoor ~ wi IVfl be aaUlfted ts by lurnilll ill ..,ie.UaUty for bumllllhood into act. NEXT, YOU HAVE to understand what tt mtao1 to become 11 human as pouible: how the reason and the will and the 1ppeUte1 work tocelher, how man can Uve and contr:ol hil bumanhood without falling Into the error or angellsm on the one hand or beltiallty on the other. When you have mastered t h i s knowleda• -wblch tnvolvea ff:lralnlng tbe emotions as much 11 the mind -wl!m they are ready lo become the -1 aelllab person ID lhe _.Id, doing ooly U.. tlllnp which are <I benefit :C~our tr:ue self. Thil /ls wby we are I .llDllJ llCl. They Made a Discovery There's a great deal of litteMng ex· citemtnt down at The Leque for Total Birth Control these days. For the little band of militant do-gooders has atumbled on a discovery that may yet save the world. The discovery was made by Graffitte Grommet, who has a sclentiflc mind, while rtading "The Sexual Life o( Savages in N. w. Melanslatt by the noted Polish anlhropotoglst, Branislaw Mallno'lt'aki. .... tn tbla famed ltudy of the Trobriand Ialandm, Malinowski reported that the main acUvity of these happy natives la making love to each other. A little huntlna, a Ultle flahlng and lots and Joli of love maklng. Nl1ht and day. GROMM!T, AS an advocate of birth cootral, rud U-paaqes wilh a shud· der. But then bi1 eye caught an odd fact : The Trobriand lalanden have one of the lowal birth ralff tn the world! "'Eurebl11 cried Grommet 0 At tut we have lound a methOO of birth control which iJlt ....... .,tll approve." "ThlDlt <I lhe poalbWllea!" he aald in his nport lo the Loque. "Wheno IJ birth control moot d_,ately needed! In the Clthollc coantrla. Yet no matter whit ad•anoes we man In pliil and devlca, they will noi ba allllfOVOCf bJ the Vatican. l\'e 1 ... inlfilablt dlf11~ "BUT II THE Clurdl for Jl<OC"l'Uonf Wbolebeartecll1. '"'"' all '" need do .....--•· o-,... --· C:ONFIDICNTIAL TO ' ' L 1 F E • ' IAlllG TEXAN". No, I don't tlllnlt" =:::~:.,~-:~.:-.. '= -,.. When a man'a been hi Wahlrilllon &(. Joo& u be bes. • ht needs lo m.. bow to talk rl&!lf. . ' '. to save lhe world, my friends, Is perauade people to try to procrute more. And they wlll -as the e:a:ample of lhe lucky Trobriand IJlandera prove! -~reate leu\" Grommet'• report rectived three hunahs and standing ovaUon. The ex- cited League memben set lo work in a frenzy of enlhuaium. Volunteers Wert po!tad out.aide C.tholic churches to hand out leaOetl entitled, "How To Save the World Four Time! a Day.'' · A committee wu formed lo elicouraae more cocktail parUes. apres-akf chug·a· lugging and drive-in movies. A DETERMINED effort. wu made to ban electric bllllkell, joUfnl and televiaion alter t p.m. An equally determined effort wu made to promote mint-Q\1111 aklril, pornoiiaplly and Jon1er coffee breaks. But perhapa the moat dramatic move WU tbt formaUon of a "Xamlkalt Squad" of fanaUc JOUOI ,..uemen. These ualota ~every You111 Rtpubllcan N .. !IOll Social, comerln1 each YOWll ~ 1o demand wtlll n .. in lbelr eyes: '1You wuna htlp m.1k•. thia world a bttttr lllact In wblch to llve, Ba.br7" UN F 0 RT U NATELY, roproductlve Plo'liololil:..:::r ... no COMectlOO batw.n I Jova 'maillna Ind I lower birth rat.e. 1D the cue of the Trobriad tata-., tbeJ 1urlbola Ibo lttttr to r.lbntlt. diet er such endemic dise&Stl a1 malaria. But tO far, no one'1 had t.hl eourap lo Wonn '111< League mllllben of thl!. 'nlcy'rt havlni too much f\ln. Voices · Must Predominate . • Probably the ·moot important 111bjed Pn:aldJnt Ni:a:on· wi11 have ·to dis'Cusi with ·President de Gaulle during his ' pre!O!ll vl•ll lo '!urop<!, " Mld..,i peace. France is in a special posit.ion witll Arabs since its mandate over Syria b.e.tw e e n.the world_w_ars. MoreoYer, France has more cultural \ies in Cairo than any other Western natior.. This does not mean the Arab world is necesuriiy· ·wild abatll· ~·de Gaulle, but i~ may mean he will let a turlng. This couk;t be more than Prime Minister Wll!on· would pl, snd we can't be sure about Mr. Nixon )'t\. THE· UNITED STATF.S, Britain and France will have to ·coordinate their approach to the Mideast problem with the Soviet Union, but all four must make good their approach to Israel and the Arab stales tb achieve any lasting peace. .\ patched peace meeting the temporary interesl.s · of the Big Four is useless tr it doesn't also meet the interest of lhe Little Two. Hence. de Gaull~'• advocacy laa\ year of an "lmpoaed" pe~ wu uopromlalng. Sublequenllf, November %2, the Untied Nations Seeurlty_ ~~I , adopted a resoluUon aWng ~1Blg P'our to "open'' the road to' a settlement. wtth b1,11lt-in Israeli and· A r a b ~tlclpatiOn ln a n y cnaulna negotiations.· BOTH BEUJGERENTs In the 1!167 war, whatever their knatty demands on each other in the chronic postwar crises. arc clear that their voices must predominate in any settlement, and that they will not tolerate coercion by outside powers merely because they are big . Fortunately, Iraq's recent provocation in publicly hanging "spies," including Jews, In Baghdad, did not beget laraeli retallaUon, nor did · tbt remaining Arab atates jump in to aupport Iraqi savagery, Further. "'"'ldenl Nwer of the Untied Arab Republic, haa hinted at concUlatlon, particularly in hll support "In prlndpl•" of the Security Council resolution. If Mr. Nllon can persuade de Gaulle, Who doesn't perlUlde well, to "in prin· clple" support of the.resolulloo, ,.. mighl aee IOD;\e dayllghl · FUND;\MENTAL quell lons at Porb. 1 -ConUnued invlolablllty of the lsraell at'.ate as sovereign must be acltnowled&ed by the Arab atates. It 's a almple cue of survival , wblcb men who ·aren't· mad undentand. t -lsraella must make iOmc territorial conceulont of conquered areu, particularly thole in wblch Arabs are indlgneoua and numerous. Thia does not refer to exact frontiers of June 1, t917, nor evacuation o( Golan Ketabts unleaa thll overlook can. be neutralized q1llllt Arab shellina: of Israeli soil. It does mean adjuatrntnb In detert ltr· ritory eut of Suez, and smne Jordloue land wat ol the river. S -l"ronUtr raiders <I b.o I h belllprenll mllll be aanc-· t -THE aµl:f CAN.U. muat be no~,~~·;.~:::-=~ ~ii 1 !!or1if taue, a!ld needl world motel~ ; The true intemtt· of tbt belltprenls WOllld not be matortallY lmJlllled· by a settlement. IWlhJ1 in dlil lliope, bot the Bi( Four probJfm ii lo cmtvlnce th • belli(utilil <I --tnllrelll. The BIS Four may liivt I coD1l1ral probltm -convincinJ tHemaelvn that theJr tfue inttrtttl ~ an 1trvtd by a -owbot PAlnlul seHliment In Ille Am• abape. . . ' ·Wants El . Toro ·Pros, Cons • To the E;ditor: A!I a long time resident of orange ' . . ' . . . ' County, J· hive betn most lnterestcd id the conimenta, f,ropoft]s, surveys, suggeiuona,' a~nd 'c0nti-over1les I.hat have been made and o!fered by various people Ind l~PI tbrOUlhOOI the c:oonly in the tut-,,.ar-or-ao, u they have tried lo lielp solve lor ·hinder) the airport sltuaUon. I AM., CEllTAiNLY no expert, and frlllltly ) ~ a Joi ·.of the peo~le f.liO' !~·v~!)laj( JlllnP lo aay lhal have. ~adl lhe· Plliii1 are not esperts either. 119!•· 1·., ......... t11q In }wt p.tper Feb. I} froril your rea:dh' John Bater, lllat '!', D\• dld~e a I<! 8' iOnse. I WoUld lfke· to .,. a full-blown dllclialon•<l·t&l Proa and c®s <I moving ~~' . the Orange eoanty alrlloea lo El Toro. OMAR O. ORR BulcfJOne ot Amflrlca To the Editor: In the "Dear Gloomy GUJ" !DAILY PILOT, Feb. 13) the writer, C. J. B., had a solution for campus problems. He propoaed closing all colleges, putting the "book worms" out of bualneu, and learning "llke Abe did -by the fireside:" 1 wish, of courat, thll wu a joke, but thl1 solution "1or our troubled col· $'.' """"""""' . ., ~j A~·,~ I -;1'ft,~r~J , ·~ ' ·"··· , :t *" t-1 >i!t'.~i!.~ ;>" ~~-t:..'!IO . < " ,J Leetcra ·from rtadb1 art welcome. NonnaU11 writer• should conve11 their flW'UaQ_t___m 3J)O w..or4L· or leu. Th.e 1 right to rondlu• letters to fit :pace or eliminate libel is re1erved. All lttten mut include: lfonatvre and malling 'add""· bui ....... ""'II ,,._ witM<!d on "'1"<11 If sufficint "°' 107' ii ~pportm. l•lff everywbere" ....,. lo be lbe .~ populal;• esjlecJally ·111 Orange Cotinty. I ~-that thia tolution is unfeasible and borden on lnsantly. OUR JDGBER educltional system, as It emta in California today, ia not simply a place for a 1certaln "breed" of people. It exist.a aa the one atabl1Wng and perpetuaUn1 tnaUtution which America depends on -actually the backbone of America. How? Higher education teaches the student two things: nectasary skill.a for complex jobs and how to cope wlth his tmvironment and It.a perplexing quest.ions. Specialized skills for doctors, lawyers, tea~s. etc. come from auch involved Studies u cbemlatry, law, and biology, The perplelinc problems of morality, social relaUooa and continuation of We are dealt with in English, history, and psychology. SO WHY, THEN, ,can't a man achieve lhia knowledge by himsell? That is a quesllOn all college studeats face. And they universally answer it by Sl)'ing that they are first learning what the previoul accepted intellecU in a specl.el field have learned. From this, atudenta branch into unknown areas to mab new discoveries. U students were to attempt to lather those "accepted" facts on their own and iben make contributions, they would have to read volumes of material and then decide which ideas were theories and which were hypotheses. This laborious Wk would take many more years · than the educational •Yltem 'of today requlrts. lo fact, it ii poulble that it would not be accompllahecl at all. Our country would not ellst in a state of bliss, but In constant confualon as to why and how to 10 about llvinl •• Chaos would reign! ' WERE WE TO BE living In Abe's day, simply reading by the firealde may have been sufficient learning fm job skills and explanation of life. But with today 's specialization and extenalvt writing in all fields, simply readlai by the fireside would only lead to ·1ess understanding~ more confusion and the collapse of QUr present way of living. JIM NOFFKE s..,bomore California State, Lc:mi Bach Changes Nixon Won't Make WASJUNGTON -A rather Impressive list hu accumulated of things that are not going to be done in the Nixon adminlml'aUon. The Office of Economic Opportunity (po•tr!Y J>l'Olf&ID) ii not lo be •bolllhed. The 10 percent income aurtu is nol lo be dropped. The Johnson budget ls not to be cut 1ubltantJally. Southern public acbools 1r1°110l lo be permitted io 1qulrm out of ending seare1auoo tbroUJh freedom of choice plans. A 1ipillcant riae In the rate of unemployment la not to be encouraged u a concommitant of arrest.In, lnflation. Consumer protection acUvltlea are' not to be abandoned. The "security 1ap11 in national defense I.a not found to be u wide u it appeartd last October. D' SUCH POLICY declaions seem at v1riance with Nlxoa's stance in the · preakltntill campalan, it la because ao many people bad formed a dUferent Dear Gloomy Gua: ,, Wllll dot ll)'lllpallll' lot yaulll'a problems, bow do Ulole <I 111 In our 40a climb OVB' the alitot wall of job dioc:riminaUon becWe ~ "advll\Ctd ap?'' How do Wt pro- vide lor the next IO yean before we~e ell&lble for Social Securl- IJ's plltance? ~ Who Hal Tried Idea of what .the NllOft AdminlatraUOQ would be like. Whal ....., lo hive hlppened II thlt one cabinet member alter another bu IOllOn illlo lhe -llinl pn>Otdum snd· policies of bil depatlment lo find that old prooedum llld pollclea were not as bad as they appeared, or, if faulty, could not be quickly cbanied· 'nlua tlle Office of Economic ~ portuntty conUouu oo. 'Tbe Presldeot ,1 Cooocll of Economic Advllen finds llllle to fauJt in the JohnlOn Adm1nlstrtUon'1 weumenl of the ecollomic fUIUre. Tbe 10 pen:<nt IAlllu. looU boiler ard bolter as the Nllon ._ta find fewer and fe1{ft' workable ways of cut· IJns Johnson'• oullioe ol proopecllve llOVernmenl ~· tJvwclloul the fint yew incl' a half of the Nixon Admintstr1UOn. TAI.It OOlllNO TD campign <I "" coptlni I ~ ~I ra~ bas tapenif off lo Iba -11-COOlr'* bJ E<otiOilllc -Patil W. McCraclte lhll 1n0111aa ClllUld ba held in Check whlie 11111111 ~nt at I r-11 lal lit • .....,-., ,......t. 1llil ii .. dU!awt lllan ·-O<ODOl!lic ..eamta:t. .. "' If lben ii to he .. ilpuicant dwlp la budiNrJ~, no llflblflcull <ha• in aoclal De , DO, ...,,._. dlloge Jn tss · , no llilnl'l<""'·dllnp In economic policy, thal ·°mildl of Whal wu Slid .....,_ Iba CCJi!pllp can be claallled u the llMlal polllical bOmbut. lkll M II lallNClln nevtrthllosa lo look bAck at a 'couple of e1amplu or what Nl:a:on promised to do, and whlcb he \nay yet do. • ON CRIMlll AND LAW and ""'"' Ii< • promised: lmmedia te creation of a D- tlonal academy of law enforcement, ctea· tion of a cabinet-level council, which he called the national law enforcemenl council, a series of naUonwlde town hall conferences on crime prevention and conlrol and the eslabllahment of wbal he called a national coordinating ceni.r lo marshal lhe effort. of Jn. dependent groups and institutions. l'bh u yet lo be dooe. . To youth, Nixon promised what he called a )'OUth service coUncll, with rOur lectiona, lncludi!ll a "YOUDI people'll ombudsman" where youth could turn "for cooperation an through the federal 1overnment." , In t h e field of education he declared he would create a "national institute for the educational ruture," a natlnnal teachers COJ'P!, a student teachers corp~. THESE ARE MERE samples of the dozen!-of "action lines" Nixon ~ to follow. and so it must be. concluded that Ulere ls much y;t to come in hi& administration in vlrtuaJly every field of ~Vei:nment activity. ,,. ----W~ n e sd a y, February 71, 18611 • ,.,,. <ditonol -· ., "" DcU, l'tlol "'"' .. inf""" •nd --,.._, b' J>Tlllftffftg this "'11t1PC2Pf1''• opfnions and C011t'- wsntarv on topics ot tntcn1t and rtgrtffbnce, bt1 proofcUno ti fonim Jor the t.tpradon of our rtadtri· optnfon.s, end bt1 prununo the dtii1r1t OS.. poinu of fnformtd ob1erver1 and ipokcsmcn on copies of tilt cfav· ·, . llObert N. W•ed, Publisher I I ' . • . . . , ' . :;.:r )... . . , ... ..,,...,.,... .. ,,,......_. ·' • • • ~ 1 ·s1.C~ ~Rll(A;~ FR~i>EATH $~E.Nj! -·Rescue work.ers and medics -to !\In; John. Sl'l'!'Y second woman evacuee to arrive Tu-.daY al !;)ronge CJountyMedical Center, Orange, from devastated , • t ~ ! . • .• • • • ' . 'PLACID' SANTA ANA RIVER TURNS MONSTER -Muddy, debris· laden floodwaters continued to roar down Santa Ana River in fashion not seen in decades. Engineers were carefully checking &Uuctures '. HANDS, Hd~[E R{;Tq.~~sC!ll! :-Lill r:t one oblpbjent of llood rtfug~~tJ<i!f·and '!ldi"' lilll(ied alo,ng to temporatf.evacua· . !loll cen!A>r b,: lU!l .Crds• ldl!Wtteer as 1'!.~ clloppe~Jil!! ott on tr! f ~ -~.,J,.... . ·~-~ l ·-·.. ~ p or more ... _ ""' .. -,;, . ... -~ ...,_ ....... · : ~ ·' . :I Reagan Orders Out Guard •1 Uolild ...... Ill--a... RO!lald Reapn orderod NaUonal when he !Wd: ( m ' ' ~J....:: • . ·Tragedy , DAILY ,ILOT 1'11111...., P• .,_ are8 In · Sllveracl~ .CanyOii. Mrs" ii!•PPY .miero;d · niwtiJi!e b~ bonu inlandslide wbicb wiped out.a refug~.conter.. · .. '., \. · · --' . o.~T ;UT;;.... . ., Tlm'·c.t1tt such as Ad~ Avenue .Bridge (left), Pilato II lootlng l'rt>al'Htmanf•. ton Beach •td• \o!"•fd Costa.Me•. · ' · · · · ·" ··" . . .. -· " ' . ' ' ' • Guardamen lo IC!lve duty In San lief· nardloo Qaontj to aid ht evacu1ttna penons hit by qooc1s and 1o guara apllllt looting. Armories ..... opollld lobousanl\li-.. "Wt have ~ two 100-ygr llonnJ in 30 da)'I and no community ahould have to put Up with that." fyp crocodiles and two 'hippopotaml broke 1oooe Tueaday from Ille Africa, \J .S.A. wild anlmal compound In-Acton, • northeast GI Loo Angel ... They were Jut &een making thtir way down the flood .. 1w0Utn Slota Clara River. l!!e piece you've got le go to see-whit's '°'llD on-yo1r ford dtller I " ' " r ........... ... . .. Robert MKC!urt, mayor of the Ven- tura County commuhlty of Lompoc lo Ille no<lh, swnmod up tho leellnp of IDlll1 Swtbenl Cllllorn!a res!~ . . . -. • • . . .... _.,. .. i1 • • • •• . . -. ,. k¥-11<GNllll Dtmli$ Car.; of ,. .••. ,. 11~., '°"' with 0. l~· ~· pikt he recentl11 t-th~ _an .._aoe hoU. Denriii "*! d tij>-up rig on HamJfn Lake n?iif Kalamazoo • • • • Robert B. Prince, treated al a J;olt Lake City hospital for a fin. '1e:r wound, told authorities he was !'_bot by In. automobile. Prince said ;the heat ftom his car's cigarett~ lighter discharged a .22 caliber .tiunet in the ashtray. I ., J c ... Heavy Fighting , Rages · Near · Slligon . . -* * * ~ariner Heads Toward Mars PASADENA (UPI) -Scleritisll setlled Into a"~" ~e today with Mariner l,·.the-w i ndmi ll•a b aped spacecraft sweeping toward an in· qujsjtive rendezvOU! with Mars. The 161 .mllllon 1pacec:rall Bhol Im- peccably through space on a 22&-milllon mile joqmey lo lnveollgate the pooatbWty the mysterioul red planet can sustain We. Mision controllers at Jet Propulalon Laboral<ry said the oral! WU fiylng so unerringly that even If no midcourse maneuver were made as planned, the spactCraft would be only 3,500 miles ctr target. • NEW ORLEANS (UPI) - A handwrltin( upert lestified loday Clay L: Shaw did nOt write the name "Clay Bertrand" in a guest book at the New Orleans Airport. '"lbe entry in the book wu made by some other writer entirely," Cbarlu A. Appel Jr. ol Wuhington lold the jury at Shaw'• trial on char1u of con- spiring to assassinate Preaident John F. Kennedy. Appel, an FBI special agent for 24 years lJld now a private handwriting consultant, said Shaw "writes very rapid· ly in what some teachers would call a ICJ'ibblin& with a very delicate natun. "It 1' campleWy dlfferenl from the style ol wrllln& In the boot." The proeecut.lon contends Shaw con- spired aunder the alias "clay Bert.and" of "Clem Bt.rtmat" in 191S with Lee Harvey Oswald ud David W. Ferrie. A bostesl at ID East.mi Airlines "VIP" room at New Orlr.am lnternatlonal Airport testlfied..last week lhe aaw Shaw come 1"to Ille room In 1111 and 1i111 .......... ,.,., .... 2t ti .It " 0 st • .n » M .el a " " tl' .st .. .. .. .. M • .ti ... ft " • n .tl ..... " " n n ... • .J ... n u ·• ...... = : :: .. .. ·" .. .. .. " ... .. " .. . "' "' .. , G • ....... . " ,. '' ' ..... . " . .. .. . • fl .•• u • ~ . " " .. " " ·" n '' .11 5'I M .If SI M .tf ft " 1' " .u " " ~ " tht'iuest boot, "Clay Bertrand.,, Attorney Dean Andi'ew1, QM! man who splnid under the alias ''Clay Btrtrdd .. or "Clem Bertrand" in 1963 with Lee "llertrud" wed him lo deftnd o.Wald tht day after the Kennedy ass8s!nation, tesWled Tuesday he made the whole thing up. He said the thought of defending Oswald and becoming "a famous at· torney" was his own idea, and "Bertrand" was a name he pulltd out of the' air. "Clay Jlertrand was a figment of my 1m1pna.t1on," be said. "I've been car· eying on a f1rce." Andrf:W1 summed up in a lonely man's atnf.elce hi• aelf-admitted "farce." .. l ·~·t have any explanation, Mr. ~ -once you've made a fool o/ yoQtaeli you'n stuck with il" Jarqu L. Alcock is the courtroom ~r of Dbt. Atty. Jim Garrison's aliemit to send Clay L. Shaw to prison on 1 fbaiJ< o/ using the name Clay « CMm Bertrand while plotUng the a.ssaaNUoa witb OsWald and David W. Fcrie. · br the defense!, Andrews t be hid nev• Down. Shaw, whet WU Dot ",Bertrand", had bowJt never heard h1m nm' Ocwakl mention Shaw, DOI" had beard Ferrie mentioo Oswald. Snow Cripples East; Boston Gets Three Feet ~N (UPl)-The oecond<Tippllni NCl1btUI lllorm ol ti\< nmth Illd a thick.,. blanket o( snow over New £nlllnil 1oc1.,. Accumu1"tlons ol three feet llld · mote were nported in -.,poljlan -· mdlq tho llonn ... ol ll>e wont Jn the clly'1 hii<ry . Al !tut 21 dealht ,,.. allributed lo the l>owllni lllorm Wblcb boean Mon- day. A private weather forecaster llld this weet'1 storm was the heaviest Jn the • yean &ll'ICf: weather reard-teephlg bepo. but this could not be CIJllflnned tmmediately. The U.S. WeatMr Burtau said snowrall ror tho month hid rucbed a Inches. tq>p1n1 the ........ ol 35.1 Inches ... In 1193. Tbe bureau said the storm J1 moving oot to sea east ol Boston, but Its effects were expected ta control weather in I ... _ Nine-yeaM>ld David Norrb;of Salinas keeps .Im feet di')' 'iii ' fun manner as he uses pogo sUck to forge a Dooded alteet on way to . school Tuesday. Rain, hail, snow and sl~t sfruCk Noi'lliem Cilifomla Tuesday threatening fann- Jands as ·saunas · River ap- proo<:hed flood stage. BERK= (AP) -S~~ defied University ol Callfaoilii· """1a- Uons Tuesday and mid I ·blillbirn without permialoo durilli 1 campaa rally ol350persam. . . FoUO'.fini'the rally, tbere ·wu a mRth acrois the campus and a 1111.aller PrP puailed IIlroup Barrows 11111 a1thou&h DO• class roGD1 WU entered and DG ..... dlll!IJ> reJ)Ol'led. strikers jben picketed al Sather Gate. ll\lrlng the rally, 11POaktt1 noted the small she o/ jiICkel lines thlt -k and ur1ed striki!n•to.avold .deftttilm.. The Third World LlbersUon Front can. ~ the waikGut: five weeU aa:o. dmaln- ding .. 1irtonomoas ethnic ltudlilo.·Jito. .,...,, Sillce theo there have been JJ3 ll1'ilb and the' anlvmtty's board ol riitilts hu ordered the ..._. ol .....a.ii. wbo vlolale rqulatlons 117-. . 't . Ike Continues .. Good Jlecovery . . . From Operation • • WA$l!ING~ (UPI) -Fornier Pruldehl llwlll>t D. Eisenhower con- tinued hlr recovery from lotettlnal SUl'pf)' teday. 11Hls villl sip · Uve remllned liable," Walter :Reed Armj' Medical Center do<lon reported. . "There ha& been .. chanie Ill the &enenl.'1 cardiac status;" aid CoL Jobn L. '&Mii!)', the batpltol -.. '.tillker, •1 .. mlcbnomln( brleftnc. . . .. The fact thlt the 71-year.·old Elsenhower hu bad 1even ~ ~ had made dGctcn .~ ... -~t perlonnfng the ""1"'Y lo .rd>i4r> an mleltlnll bloci\qe~. but 'tht ooerdon became nect!lll'Y to ~ve his" Hfi ~- This wa.s Bradle7'1 mornJnc report lei MWJDH!n: "Gen. EilenhGwer had a rood #t and slept ·comlortll>lf. His .v!taJ ... have ttmalDed stable. 'lbort ,htr'--. na l:hange in the Genen1'1 eaniac statµs. Hil J)OSt-operaUve count hu·to date followed the upectocfpattn:>; . Philosqpher Dies BASEL, Swlturland (UPI) -Karl Jupen, the G e r m a a u1sttntlaltai phllooopbOrdled-.t·htrBasel home tadl1, a member ol his hooaebold ssld. Jaspers, who hid celebrated his llUI · Mrthday on Feb. 23, had been W aince fear!)' Jut year. ' I .... • l ' ... . . ESCAPES SLiDl''-'-Sl!ofiliig train from hi¥" or- de..J Mn;. Teresa Wlllcinl, 58, and her dOi, Ba!>Y. ' ' ·re egorte<I to evacuation · c_~nter by. ~ <;~s . -wotfiers..J.lfi. 'Willfns, wa("in Silverado Ca'nyon ' • t .' . . . ' . , ... ' -· . ' t •. '.q · .-•r · . ..... ~ ' • " • • ' -... ~' "1" .... ,j; -., . , • D~!J.Y,PIL~ M '1 ~~ V19Mt -~ .. neps.-TQ. SAFETY,~ F;Y!'C·. yees .. F.oztl-ftoocl : 8nd slide •.. pia~•'"' ,.<nvO{adO C&eyon In . · ~Qf@iig·~~~:•ii!P"': ., : ~~'-~-relieveu. . .ifO!~ .pe on · safe ground again, are helped down embankment alter being air~ out ~ canyon · ~ '.' lviini~ t!!!>f~ I)& 'i 1J'11nt Fire Sfiti!oil neat orange. .. . . • L . , ,. ;i • •J .J ,'( !,. • ...... j ,(' 'l j, t ·! ~ .., i , • ! . c ~ .• ~ •• _,.. •. • • . • J ,. DAILJ' ,~OT~...,~ ~I .. ALISO •. C!RJEIC ~ South La· ~-•••'• _Aliso • Creek . Jlecame · , ~( river during flood- :, !~t~ cuj1!DJ. roa.4 to Lag)in~ .. • • COU!ltty.' , -~~ and slr&ll<11ng. · fowr -~J>IOI , L\l ;Ben ,~'s Motm' .Hll\el <111, '!llllth b~1AJI were haule<I to safety bY· CQllD: , ty '.fi~~n.who(riggad •a. ns- : · Clio ·.~sket acron c.... -. . • .... 't -•• } • 1 , -.. ' ' c·DAILY')ILOT ..... W llld!M ~ Fire Station . when mUil slide hit. "Siie ecrambl<d' ahead. of slide and managed tO sqQOl'ZO' ~b ' door ol. building pushed open \>)'. mud. She Iosf her _purse, b\i~Jd on1b~by~,....-~~--, .... ,..-·;" ~ ·..._ • ' ' -. ,. -::1 ...~ ' ... . -~"' ' -. ' ,,, •• • " , . .... .... '• .. v .,, : . • •JI» .. -.. ·~ , ' \'. . " • t .. ·- . . . .. :rro Be -·sav.e·d· ·ue ! i "\. . . --·-~:· . '· . ' .. , . . ' ·1 Wholly SeHish r '}• i ~. • .. t . . . , . . . . .. . .. ' t ~ ,: . , .. " Dear ' Gl~y Gm: . . . ,.,,: .......... ......, ...... ... ""t •. ... 'C:;i -........ ., ............ _ ' . --. .. . . .. .. • • '·. :.Nixon ~es , '. ·' /De .Gaulle in. ' . 'Grand Place · ·" ,,. PAR!$ CAP) -Louis XIV · -~Jt tbe Grant Trllnon in iiz monthl in 1A7 IO he could gee. · awaY from all th e turbuleoce of hill court down the r<>MI at vem1u.. and : :•" more ol b1t Friend, lllne. deM....,... , '!'If• 111111' • hall -.. . latir, Omlao da Gau 11 e .',t!lprniliieil''lbe .chataau with · . q )llil• ol atlded __ ,, .,33,1113 -feel ol parquet .floon, laleYtlloa cable -.4nd300~. , The Jdu ~as to recreate ·,..,, ·l>lact .for recelvlnl • , diatinp.tied viailort ill a ·nVnner equal to De Gaalle' · JIOlion /,f the 11ol7 of ,.,.._ ·<>n oomplotlon, .... .- house wis eltlmated to blvt :'Cdst llG'ritllllon~ · Pre&ldant Ntson 1pond• thl day there S&turday, ta1klni with Ile 'Gaulle and )a~chilij wiOI him. He will be only the third state visJtor to get 'tttt Versailles-Grand Trianon ' treatme!lt, afltr the Duke of • , Edlnburlh and Prime Mlnllter Harold wnoon o1 Britain. , N!JOD will not llaep at the ', G\and Trianon. U be Wlllted to thtre art 29 suits for his entour11e and a bedroom for ~he 'mttial chief ol st>te with · • canopied 1lteplua area, a low pld ud. wlltt< feoct around it, and walls t!tVf.relf in red velvet. There are old % d~phin water taps. • • .. ~ eatin1 and talking: will ·take place in a wing of the pelace that Js cut off from 1 Jhe Jtal of the reatqred area, : lilnce 1111& a museum. This r"'°"'ed, HCtion Inc~ Ill ti-room wile •lgned for De , • Giii~ · • .1. ·• With aome prodding from Ahdre M1lrau1., now De Gaulle'• culture minister, the 11th rultr of France since Lou~ XIV save the job ol restoring the Trianon t o Gtrsld Van de Kemp, too ;! curator or Vqialllet. · 1 ·No one had liYfd u.re for • 1111 )'Uri, a1nct the time or , Ll>uls PhlUppe, and on11 bill ol woochrort and the col-J" onbded marble exterior were ~ ~ i!ltict: . . . ~ I Because most of the interior \ WU · datrofed during tbt I Fnnch Revolution, the buUd- -1111 hll'been reotored the WIJ abcrwn by the National At· chive. --- . ' OflllCW copllAll llPAll . ~ATION . FOi ORUl&E conn * Prictl Effedlve Feb. 26th thru ' Morch hi • . llCU 1110ADING SPICIAL '269S (All c.libenl RCBS Jr. p,.., .............. . AU llRE liCOPES . Browning, .._lo Lomb, a~tld. '11 I!!'% l.tupald,.lushnoll and Wwr •••.... .tl!i; _. SHOTGUN SHILLS off ~~o~: '.~.~.-:~.~ ..................... •I.99 11" Insulated Hiking Boo!t, #762, wat"fl'90I JB,95 $10.ei 11· High Insulated Hlki"9flunting Boots, #670 20.95 $1UI 8" High Insulated Hiking Boots, #180. : ..... 13.95 Si.II Wellington leather BOots; black, #542 ...... 12.95 $7.11 Acme Western Boots, Style #1684 .......... 25.00 $17.H Dress Oxf~,..blacl<. Nevy st,yle, plain toe .; •18.95 . $6.81 Surfsitle T~ls Shoes, lt><Ut, whilt, blue, green S.95 $2.81 [·.~DICK~ . "Oorldo" Style, Grsen, S•~ 88 f>dtd Blue, Nny. Rog. $7.95......... . . . . ~. t· ..... . -..... . .....-.... ' ·-,, .. , -' > .$; I ' • .r•-.i ~ l •• ' . , -.............. -.. .loll.UUr ' -------- ,kay ··- Raina ' ~~late . ) . . . ' ADDITIOlllL Piii PAlllllG Q DOOi ar &Ulrs Hll nandl1 . · , .. 18" Full Siie /,lochetes, svrplus !tock ........ 3.49 $1• , ~.Ano B?,lis!i' *nets ~it~ lulhe~ scil>ba~ 2.98 . / ~ : 1 = luiie .. fltl~ flats,., ....... , ........ ' .. Jl'l<I " tD '.~ "'-"I 'A . ' -f ( ~ iT i• 1' 'nuu rmy 111$ · • (fol hunters and campers) ....... : .... , ... 2.98 '2c (0'!9l'afls a!!d Overalls (only a few lof!) ...... ., •• ~'IS . $Ul t, I • r ·- . -----,------. --•... • . ' • • I , • • ~· --.. • I ' i ' .. ' •. ··~ .. , .. l r I : t • . "' \ ); ...... , ' ... .. \ '" ( .. . ~ -'·' ,,t. . ' ' ;. '•• . ' . l .. ' .. •• r ' • . . .,,:--· " . ' ' ~\.,. ' ' . I ' I ' '. 1 ' ' ... -· ' ... ' . ' .. ' ~· . ·l , . • r .... , ' ' . . .. . . .. ~ ~ -. ".. "Ba·.-.d··:n·· ews,· n:.-~~gl .... '-->: · J ; ·• '· ' ' . -~"""' ~-:·;·:t,. ~ .. _1 :\·~ You've just beertreplaced by'~. dn~!". · . -' . ' " .. • f •••• • • • ----........ --.. • . -. ·~ '"'-• . ., .. ] ' J ; .. ' " • '. : .... . . ,. ~r .. '·· .-:·· • I " " --··--- f • j • \ ... . 't"' • ~-r : ... • * l. I • ... •, ....:....:.=,!µ"-: ... '19'9 ' ··~-'!"!'IJ •L ~ ;!f - I ) 'f •• 1.1· ' on_ day, ------ ' ' ' ") . . . _ ~r~"ah Saturclay ' I '" ' :\; ,,:. ., &NtjH , I .·' :· ! ,. • ' •• . ' . . . . . ....... . . • •' •• ·:.. 1-Cl'i:· .,. .. '· ' • L ,.. :; -:l .1 ! . :. . ., . . \ ': :: . ' ',. ; ' ' , f . ·-:;::' J '"!. ' ' -{• '. ,, •' t , .~·.i:t ,. ·., ·' r--iJ .. ;~t}I \!&.it.•. ~! . '•~ ', " 1.1,l\_ ·,.1'>(,•/t~"':)i~J'(ii::1~\: I •'1 •, ~ ' -~·! ~)-· .. ..ll"'·J·~~t '} I..; \. • /• . ~ . . . : ~.' ·;' ,. ...... _ .... ___ ,. ·r1b1', ~·~~· . -'~11•\'.1 • ·1• ·• .'· ·~ )~r:··i •, "Yl1~~-~ 1 -·"<· .,1 • • 1 ·•· ,l".. ~': •. i " ' '1 .•• '.f '11. : · • · • 1"lr'. . .. -~-• .c.-:3-- ...... ~. . -. : ' ·~ . ' ... . '-'f ~ ·~~ "'· ··:. l ~~1.- I • • ": • J. : ;-, 11 '. ~'( ·-1 "::!; ·~~ •. ~ V:~; , ' ' ' . ' -~ ' , ,,._ I ' ·, ' •.•. -.~~-~-·I( " ... ... 1' I ) ~ .. ;;..'!!. l .., ' ' Novel~ ~rtains ~~ boy's sport_s.J:ii~ ~wl · .-to cl ... Big savi9J r,, :==i'=~~..J .:.-:~·~~~-~· • ,...,., \ •, I -,;911111~111 ' ..,. .'~ ..... \'' •, ,'I • ~... ;',) 1' ··~· ..... , ... _, .... •• ~ •. Ji "t· ··1'111 .. , I .~ .. {"':'• ..... ··;.. ";.,t\,~~ .or.;~ ~., ... ,._ ... ~ .. . "" • ,.. ·'t . "' ... ... . th '· ": • . ~ • . • . •r ...... . . \ COSTA MESA (Horbor Shopping c.n .. r) • ·HUNTINGTON B-eAClf " _, r , .. " ' \ ' . ~ . ' ·' ~-. ' ~-,._ ·. ·'. ~·t . •.'t1,·_: .. ~~~ ri: ~-~r · -·~ . ~ ."';S 7,'JQ r.4-11 1{ ".I '·'w . . I ,j' t. ,.._ ,. r . ., ' • l-'-·I"~~""' ' ,.., '': I "' i I • • : .'.,NEWPO~T -~A~H ---·-·--·-------------· (H,ii,!~C.rrllr) I I' ',.. ,\ ".. kw>{l • 0 l w.· ~,il -4.\'. '5'1 " -- ' ' .. • " . ' tJi'IJyU,1'1 ' ' ' ' •I ' i I' , M tl l',11" r&1\/ ' • ' . ~ { ) . . • " . I, ; i - • .. r -" . Jf MLYIUT • • LOS ANGEW (AP) -Dr. Thoma T. Nopdli, the Los Angtle. Coanty corooer who pirfllrl!led the IUtoi>oY M the sla!D Sen. Robetl F. Kennedy Recipient Dies ' l ' W......,, ,_,a, JM ' ' Tlaaw Fe.•red N~$~rn .. ~e~s Hurt by Storms .,.. .... ' . Martinez Rupoff ' ' ' . -Murch 2·5 'AUTO ' . 0 'Al Ille t1tuatl• .... lw ,.,.,. Uiin 1he Seulhern ~ 4isul~ Ille~\')' .......... ratmall -..... ' """" lleolnl -their ...,,;. ·u11 thrt.-to c•t INSIDE AND CORNER MOUNTS 1 -' Compltt• .LiM of Firepl~c• A~cenorin ~ .", ....... ., ... twnry DEUVEIY estim1t• 100" WIDE 125" WIDE ~ ' ' 1SO"!WID£~ . -. '· ··-.. · lMte siaa D'letilalt~ !n sp9Ciel ercler lii0ti1 , .• 2 Wffk delivery ... 5 .. :63" 7~", w."n .. !"'~:ma:,·~~. ,\• .-·. ~, a.1nice9Nen,ltren1e1lew,heney90lll,mn•ll'ffn;~om~4"'d•~.,.,,_; : ;: ·;. '· ' .. : .-: .•. .:-:~ ~;· • . ' ..... ' . ,_, r ~- LEASING' ' -r·tiji··: ·," ~ · Utoi'a', .,Ubby te:ilturecl ea•y. car•· Fiberglas® . •0aA•1, All Makes I 96t Thunderbird • 4 Dr. Landa• Slit.ff,._... '224 0. w. c-Hwy. NiwpOrt loath, Calif. 642-144(1 ( .. I I .. ' • : '. •'V~til• Pllat'I'-~ Jth eU... • ln.li .. -.i1h-ev1rythlnt1 antique ,.1c1 or Wety . ~:.' •. , , • ~w, IU, prict1 ••• 1rMt ftr I ... .,..., • iatY te core for ••• honcl wash, hon9, never Iron . ' .,_.., WIDE 75"WIDE 1.00" WIOE · 150'.' WIDE . 4.4t,Now3" • .1.tt,Now7" I .11.'9,NOw1 4" . I" i ... 5 .49, NOW .... 9.H , NOW .... 12.•9,11ow1 '. ~ ,, .... '-:-' . .. ~ ... ~ 'I' • ~ .. < ' I ' ./. 1';11 1 ~ . ,. ~ : .................. ~ •• .aw ......... ..-w.i... . " ... I . ' 'lchly textured 'Jewel Tex' self-ins~!dtecl ~i:c'Pe' •Hancin-me c.ott.nJ,.~•Hv• • loty care .~.l'fMMlhlne ...ah,,,..., iNn' • Smort in any dHtr • In whit., 9"ti11• ..W •r ell" ' l > ' '~. 'i. . . . • " ..... '. SO" WIDE :l5" WIDE 100" WIDE 125" WIDE . 150" WID ~-'"--'~'--j--'-"-'---'-=-"'-t-"'"'-1-~~r--:=-..r..:..:.~ , .1t.4f,NOW1 ltg. 10.91, NOW • t.49,NOW .... 11 .91, NOW " ... .21.49,Nowl . ' NEWPORT BEACH COSTA MESA HUNTINGTO.N BEA~H (Huntington Canter) (Fashio~ Island) I • • - (Harbor Shopping ~ntor) .. ---~ ·-'" • I a Headliners (Fete Set ·By Press " ANAHEIM -Tjdtelt art CUl'l'llltly on Ille for the ~ Awlnll DiMlr· Dance ~ by the ~ County Prw C)ub. Tllo anaual event Is acbeduled for April tl at the Anaheim eanve.t1oo c.nter. Celebrities from I ! a 1 e . acrttn, ,tlleviaion, ~ and OUlel' ar!ll will be Oii band to help hooor people cho&<n by· the ' Press Club boanl as havlnl made the moot notable contributions in Oran1e Coun· ty durinl 1911. Gold plated newspaper he3dlint awarda will b e presented in the fields or medltlne, business, politics, entertainment, b e f O i I rn , sports, public aervice and Dates for the proaram. htnnanltartanism. wb1ch II. -10 all .,.....,. Tlctelt, pr1<ed at II per havfni an ICldtmic 1ntarat peHOll .,.. avaUable b y In 8ponlol! or in L a 110 · .wrlW., to the Or111p County -culturt, .,. JbliO Prul Club, P:o. BN 11, Hun- . . . ' 7 m·~ewp.ort Given Posts SANTA ANA -·seven Newport BtoclJ raideolt )\Jve been electld to olflclal p;.i. Uans with the .Mmlll Health Atsociatton· ol 0r.,,,. County. New vice-pruldents 1 r e Jolln Rau, 2017 centona s~ .• and Carl Newer, 2UI 22nd SI. Mrs. Frank Bret, 135 Via Vella, Is the •pnllltiOll's new skretary. · · Jolninl thl board of dlffc. ton are Mn. Lula Benltu, 1ms ·Baruna ·Lano!, Mn. Wealey Froellcll, •1 VIiia Bonita SI., and Mn. Timothy Halcllqer' 414 llat st. :rs to. Aqult I. • •. llqton Beacb, Calli. . Toll! -t ol the -... te~ma~:"v1a 't'~ ~d~ Who Can Read Just pair Given -.. of • 01 •• 1e • r . ' J ., • ' I . ' ' J . ~L~ PU.fl' JI J. • ·~ • ' . • ' "· ,, 1 ' , ·1 .) '· // ·: ' ' ........ , .. .. '·' ~. ' • . . . : .\~• .. ' ' '. ~"·· ' l . ' SI ERE.O .SE•SAt••,•·r-t/~'.:,f1: . .. .. , .... ~ ... ,·-.)~ 111e col orlUI .sound~of,-, r .-c7·~ · 41 ·: • '• ' • .~ •~ -, -.. Lr • "' Oran1 e Cpgilty MUSIC RADIO KOCM .103.1, Ftyt · · , From Fashion lsrand:Newport Besch ..... ·~~ noln and . board at • prlvtlt borne, tu~ tlon, f... Ind health In-. --· An alllnllt pro-..... Is 1rillallle for 1311 ill • -.Dill -· oerv1ces. wu namtc1 to the One 'Peanu1s'l , Heart Fund 1~eneut1ve~~comm~iu .. ~.__:._:~_.::::~=:_:::::...:_~::::::::::::=::::::=::::::=::::::=::=::;:=:;:::::=::::::=::::::=::::::=::::::;==::::::=:~=::; All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through SiltufUY ' ......... wlll .-llz hour( of lrlduato « Ulldtrsrlduate cridlt. CluHs will be - duded In Spanish or English. Positions l!l!!l!I!~-~ i"ll'-Foril1D Janauqe fluency ;, SANTA ANA -Two county 1lll"'l " ~· &Cn nM requirtd. rtSidents bave been named .. 'r-'1.~tr.i . ror m«e lnlormallon. •P-to o1nciat positions with 111e .. ~ Jllq -to Dr.' -OraNI•' Cila\qllT Hwt .w...,. .\.·'Back. c11a1mw> of":l'W\di ~•.tilbr.MIOld enneg,. ALWAVS MRIT~ • , , ., . .. .. ,.... ........ Ille blatory deplrlmtnt, Cal o. Beet;;.-;,~-... ... ,...,'I.....,~ Slate tunart.i, . lllO N. Si.to • David I. ~Imes of Anabe!m ~.,:·~·ii~.-Clllatil Bhd. Dudl!nt II ~1{ ti, the }"~'' MW ·~ . ~!--II. . , if!litm111-'f; . . ·:~~---~ i· a· a·· .~: · ~:~,a_~·':r: .-~"':.-·' ,,__ fi_.,,.,. ~tliiilty •ott-.lh• \ ' \.~,~· ••·• '""Y! ..... -+'~•:-« eat1t -:t:1~'r sPiclal Gtftl·"~··· the ~t ;~ CBI T QL --:iecondyearlnarow. ----'~----.-! 0 Vl!lt:rve Both will lllist Dr . GaANNll · Beckman In ralllnc $215,000 ,,.. L. OntWHa. .._.., ,,.:. ., 121, B • hd for the heart 1110Ciation'1 .... SNf., (_...Ml Mir. Dlf9 el irt . . ay rut~b, educJtiort and com-~ ,.,.,., n. ~ " .,..., muruty service -am. _ Nall •• Or9'111~ ....... Mft. C.W.it ....... $Ulll¥MI ...._.. "'""' .....,.._, s··-A ANA. Calif · ' . 1 Jr. Ltllt" tflM ......., • IMM!llc "'' 1. -onua s ·=:1 e::!,.,k!J:.,."' ~":!: 200tb bltthday this July will Ca D } ,.. ... " ............. ~ IM ~~ ·~ Jl'.ee . r e &VS··: ~v:~rc-t~-·.fl•8't'c ~-..,, m ;u ;;. ~,' ... ,,.:.41 -· --... ..... ~ COUDty --Ope . . brl'B · . A pine INe.wJll be plptod rung . N""-· M .Wlllta. IM°* .. If,. ..... al .__... Jieadi'I 0._ Hall . ... ...... ~ ............. ,, ............. !.. ·~ . '1&. """"%, r:~: ,... wn• ... Ju!J l ; llmltlniton lwb will . : ~-.. ' '."'..::: = plant • "°"'*7' ~ -~'f .;. E.biaS!= ' . ~."" ...... ,...,,....,., ,.,.. tree at llurd1 Pfrk , March ..... ":c o..i. ,:=.:. = 1, Gd Ll&una .Beach plans store for two or three weeka. '~ --~ ;;;;;;;;;;i" ,.. to p1an1 11ar pine ..., at 'l11e arand openlna ·w ~· . ---· lbe --to lbe city. acl>eWled' llst Sllhday,. but : ~-~:>:. ., ""' 'l11e Cities ol tu a t I n , oomethlq happened. . ~#t.::" ~"'-" ,.. , Wlllmhlator, 3an CJtanto, A car ·ploWld ~ th< ·~=--~-=:.~ c.taa1 "'•nand rauntatn ptas '!.!!~.~t st·~-·J..i~ . -~ = w _..,. V tey are ti! chooalna trees · u~• ·• -·~•"'< · ,_ "( I« llMtr ctroll1Clllloa. tl.planoe. ·--ELlllt!CJ[ ..... . J. e:!Mll. .. ,... orNt. AM partlclt"9 ... ._ tn the bl· l>amaae wu estimattd at . 1-· ... ,_,,. ... l::.: centennial belut1l1catlon pro-$10,0IO. .:. . ·Wt -. lldllrt1 ........,, f: = are. the citits cl ·wt•--·s ,..,;,.. ......... -ou· t ·1 "· Wit"""'' ... ,.. ........ l~f'M. ~ "" ,,........ -~ .ti .. MN ,.HIM, ·Li:Mt ltrton. Santa Ana. El of nearby Store! Slturdly 1 '.-;;:t'~DI~:=..,. w "' Mlilena. Anal\eim, Garden n1pt said the driver of the 1_ • · STEWAl\T Gf'OYt, Brea. Oranie, Buena car backed ~ waved to the 7~-"· ~. .. ~ P.art, Verba Linda and gatherine crowd and drove LaJ frllil ·• ~, JtfMIAll "'IV•~· away. -~SUN!* .... wlff, r.-~• .,.,. """"w. , ca"*-1t1 ~· ~ -~ T-1 tw. !1lli"" -· ¥ ...... •1t111t °"9tw .,.. J .... Dil-w.;l'" ~ -..1 ......... HelTT J, _,., c• ~. M'!ll •'*'· ci.no .~.,., • I ""' (.... Mftl, ~ t '""" et .. c.i.t ... 1 ••• wtfl _.... J-"'""'tJMI. I Hertlw lhlf MerMl'I .. ' ,... w 11111 .,...,...., ,... ....... 11• ,,....,..,, a.t. Miu. YaUey Man Top Recruit AlrlM ~ t!~ A1Wftrl "·· ORANGE -Sllerlff'1 DepJ- -~ ~~.,. ·~ ""' ty Gene M. Endilq or Foun---~ ~~·-= taln Valley toot top honort ... ~ -... -·-In Ille nctllll¥ ~aduated n .. ~_.; ........ .,..... .. , !fMS:,.,,,_ ·111 ,,.,..., ~-tralDin& claa CIC \bl Orange . .. ... -"I"""· County 8llerilf'1 Academy. ~· ,::";:':=-= .. :;"·:-:=O:u..=.,· --ii 11*teen tntn and one woman ,.. rr.,ciualed out o1 a atart1n1 tllll of II. '• W.'IZ MOltTUAlllll c:.-fll ll(ot OJI .... C..' .... Ml I-IOI BILL Bll0.\01fA1' llOlrtlJll1' 111• inai#ar, eao1e .._ u..- lllUIAT hC>IUBS ._........, ~ t"'11Wd ..... .............. .. 'llTI p.u:in(:ftlW ll(bOIW.P&d ~M111 •*tilit ·a.a ... •haille--No ........... Clll ..... ••• . "(; · ..... ,. ~"'""''"' , ... ~• ·-........... ,,, .111'*7 7 -•11 7 -• ':"Mil I llCIWftJUT ....... :r •1 rr.:..-- .ftmun~ ... -.:.. Clllllo ~ Deputy Endsley was ju(faed 111tstaMin& in overall ability Ind In phyaical training. PENETRA TlON .... r1, ..,~ ·~ ... DAILY PILOT, ••40hlo";;w MW.. ·-... "" ........ ON,.. c..... .. Nursery Call Urged ·Tbe Orll!p County Chaptor of the l\outhem California Asloclatlon for the Education of Young Children ha.s mailed letters to Orange CountJ mayors asking them to pro- claim the flrlt wtet of Match as "Nunery Educati on \Veek." Mary S. Harper, charimen of the event, said that about 200 county nursery schools will unlock tholr doors to the pubUc ~ week. to ,Jllow · cltizenl la ... the fadlltlas .... -tollChlnl~-• In lCldllion exhll>lla feitur, .. ·, Jlli 'lbe .,..t of ~'ire . -"" local allappinf . -and Ubrarla clllriq lbt-k. ' • I • '. NEW PO RT Be1'CH : (Fashion Island l iHRU SATURDAY ONLY! . . . ~ ' .. :SAVE •20 Penner.e st manuat.-10'' Caravelle typewriter l ·NOW ,. ·· , Pay .11111 • .;.,$$ ,_. ....... indiapanlal.r. fiir.~...,..;i;,,iil*.i .( UM!ldi~.-·-n.. eor-tr. 10.porioW. has a fvU 88 --"..,. ... i.,.ml; nattniil•ilr<h -· pe..-1 ...... ........ ,. · -Vol!ll• , ~ .'IO)s of txlr~s. · Corryi"I .,..,~, Caravella f2" · , $-·N t19~ . Reg. 109 • • • • . • • OW . . . !rt .. lltlfe•$5,50per_.ih " . : SAVE •26 ~· .. Penncrest e lectric 10 '' Con cord typewriter ' R~g. •145 . .' .. · , . .-: ·Now.1119 "_,...,_. lltlfe -.~50,..-"' . . Enjoy all the foatvreo of our Caravello 10 I*•••~ .. plus tho -of automatic roptal adillh uftiA ••• . ,,.,..... ·x, and !PGC9 bor. Plus. altctric shift by, _,,, 5et Gtal, cushiontc:f J;ne 1poce lever. , Co•cord',12" Reg . $165 •.•••• NOW'll9 . . . Pa,Y n lif!le" .,-.,.. ""'!"t .. . . • • jl, .; ;.-~ ' HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) 11 I t • • l 1 l l f t ' I t r f I • • I • ! -Wldnfiday, ,.._, 26, 1969 Ra scal 'Fa lfe19' Midwin ·~ ., . ' . • f 't #' I •• ... '\" 1" Bill wil.oe·. 57-foot liascaJ Nici; Frueem, SOYC: (I) Will!I 'we. BY~. ~ . from Santa Barbara Yacbl ~llng, Morrie Kirk and RIJOOES-33 -(1) CY[ r > I as Ille ~A. -Bob J>oole ... llYC • BCl'cli (I) llaliraligas J< J K-Ja -m lcuano; Bob 'fllol!r 1.ii ~llil "~ Jaoo.iu;"' ~ CVC. l'Y9J 12> MJruja, GteiiC' lllV<t>"1J fl, Yd~-~ CLASS O -(.I) Odin, S. ~· BYC; (I . -Oiye. FlinllOia. •DJtYcj _(ll ol . ti.. Southern Callfonla Paru, CYC;. II) ·tie between J. iw'a."'JY Dyad, 0. Castle, DRYC. Y1chti"gAS1octaton Vixen, M. ~ LAYC, and CA1At -(I) Flamboyan~ CAL4I -(!) Vll'l-\>71, MldwlQler. (1'11\la. f .' : Aljelapt1, J, M,rt\n., LAYC. . Bamq ,,..,, LAYC; (I) VI: Ronald WJ!ll~ LB'!'C; (I) llascaJ was rulUlln( "°""' K'4~ -(/I ?-Uria, Gor<!M villl,.,,llorl Hubl!, ABYC, Belle F, 1rid Patricio, CB C; Jo. Jacka Ba!!lle'a IJ.mettr Crary, NHYC; (I) tie betwe<n (1) ~ Rollert1Mtn.r, m -Vlldhg, 1'rOd ·C~a'h, N9'rsboy until the final race t4 PrtnU.•AI Lockabey,'BYC, f:tt'lC, .. .' . r '.-!. SMYC. 1, · "' , .-: .-Jt ·t.. on Swiday when, Ille ' 31>-inot 'aiJd XanalY• Ill, Bud Shank, .' U -(I) V.rli. /'of'. Bibb, ~T~R _ u) GoOd ~. wl!* • lllcl '~ "ieaa -PMYC. TOm ll~ller Sl o1i: ~ todit the measure ill :all' but CAIAI -11) Jubilation, . . , ziil<ol: . ;;r,;j;;;:il.;~,. Cf,!'0 t11e moa1 11urc1y ~ma 11arry steward, wee: <1> Santa ·Fe' 1 t.e~N!iYC •. , "· . ·.; bc\!JtL ''t 1 q" , ; } S.lacla, Tom Corketl, .NRYC; . . ' .Ll!DEftS.11--()) Kil "~ ewsboy llnlobed the aloirn-. (3) Ja<8!'"1 ll, Jack Hamilton, If'_ W T k Hrotnallka, JJ:YC; II) . , • ,sweyt courae but l""J<I not NHYC. • \JIUJ'-8 , "l Jr~ A. )I. ,w.,_, Cl! .. i:{l •land· Up .to the WV)! 1<1Ji!g : ctlLUMBIA-3i _. 11) Four . W!D\l!oll& BID .. as well as the bulky ~· Wfuds, Lester Baldwin, SBYC ; BARSTOW (AP) -Twenly-llHYC. . t ,,. and P,eler Da"il'• 4'-1091 ~(I) tie between Smap, E. five can o1 .,~ ~ •Fe . CllAIJ.ENG!'ft -(I) Orient, from ~ewport Hamor . lJotoo, SBYC, and L a Railway freight 'ilaih bound Eseale, J ,. Ranulton, ~; ~acht Club .. Or1ent 1ra&.~ Mariposa, B. Jackson, CYC. for Bakersfield l{f!re derailed (2) BJuene;ile.1 J?· ~ 1n the Class ,A final slJmdi!>gs ~ _ (I) Sundowner Tuesday night •alter a fill SBYC; (3) <:<OI Ja ; v.._ /. and Al, Eior s _IO-meter sloop Ed Sundberg, CYC; ( z ) under tbe tracks was..,eaken-Moore, ABYC. · ·, ~ CQ!auile was third. Solitaire B Yciung LAYC· ed by' tWe flooding Mojave · · ,. . . • . . . . . , . . . . . Here are_~ ~ta ol the (3) ~a J.: J, Robe'rta, cYc: River. · • .,.,..., ••. '' · ;~ ,, .. REGATTA. SCHEDUL ED -S<!enes .. lite th1_s wdl ~e be!1ch an Laguna. The ~peti~ lS m connec-~ LAYC divl!non !or the full CAL UO _(I) Volante ll, No,?e of .the six, men .on . -~ _r , ,'-~, ~u: be the order of the day Salurday and SUnday _as the tion with the 6th annual Winter Festival. three Wlys of r~: Mike Hirsh, BYC; 12) Scorl!io, Jhe 'f¥n wu reported llljured .. M!lk:•I ~atilt,..,.. l · _ 14-foo! Hobie Cats line up for two days of racmg off . OCEAN RACING CLASS A Jack Betlman, LBYC; (3) T)ie trliln's engine .passed ra.LS£ TEE I H . ·tf:-.c I • : ¥ •• .., ,..... • "'t . ., .:~' '. . .. ~ .......... •' ~ •. ..,,,,.-;r(i) ~i,..·~WopJ'lilme, Windswift, Car l Tornberg, overtheundei:cutportionand rft -. ': . r t • •I ~:"· \t J\1 .. 1 ..... ,_·~ • ). ., '· :1 '.\ .. " .. : .. ,,.,-, ... : .. 'ti"'' ... ~C;. ,()). "~~;!'!¢ C)'C.. . , . . . remal~'fl ,uf.rll!'t, I/tit ,n 25 Up .to3~"il! ~•r. . . . . ,6 .. ~, C'· .R . • . 'Sl.>r, ,, ,, ·J1!1'b,1 ~£~m..,..,..,,Al ··;.PQ,,*i>·?«anJJrJ\'.,~fyot "Wf .~.ll,WF'·9rn-c"""" ~•o;:r~ Ch1·IS Craft Hq'' w a·· t ' egat",,.. ate i· .•• ~J Rey,)'f:. :· ... M~ ... B.YC: ... tt)·:Bi!i.•.r ~. , .. , ·,., .... ,,,,. ·.,,, :-.:.:;:::-:~-. . M..li . . t'.:~ B -(l) -Chimaera, rt11p; ~'.~91\ase.: CVC:i l'f(O} The accldenl· took"~ 10 "°" IPl'1n1c1e • '"'" ,.ur•ETH • . All .:" v.· .... ~, :''r·. ' ' · ~·,~·~-· i., •• :• r.t"'\·r :~.;1• .fi,<l·,~4.t. ~1:~~1 ~) ·~~Y;:0,~1'~ton,BCY~ .... r;mj~r:nor0Wt,,o('fj~w :=r.:=:.!~T~~~~.;#"~ Cover s 11. • I 'f .J n.· ·Ffihide I J -t;m ~-&:.lJllla1IWI . ' 'SHlE~ y-(f) 1Stonn. : 'l'befe tbe;rlviw.-J&aW~~run· mor• comfOrl•~-f"AS'rErt:H .. "°' -A 30-boat fleet of Hobie Cals, of Broadway and race over say they are a natural for BYC; (3) One Siai, Willian;· :, •• ~ ~ . S~" f'XQ! f~I). :' nilJl:-1.tQUl'l (.-,· fboy' ·,l'iood ;:=,~.;;,: ';"..:.c H~!;="'-=!'/. Chris.Craft, once known as the.. exciting new 14-foot twin· an inshore oourse starting and easy . launching th~ the East, SDYC. ·. · . . ; .. ,_ ~ t;J~I.:;.~ t , ata1«.--A n~i:;'~ ~es elw."So !: ~ ::.1sT.:~,:, I .1 . 11e· . f'·i·sru"~ at 1L..... foot 01 'M.:lia harborless Laguna Surf. CLASS C -(1). Andan~, ·Vf9; -Xf ;;'f"hm . ~Hqwant 1n the iu:ea~~~f.e4· c;.i FASTl&Ttr •t t11 """ -'-· the builders of sleek cabin . hull~ craf~, ;wil sa\ .tn t 1r _. _.,, • •_n< '\. ,,,. , ~:~=~.-·~wrug~-~;;r~: ~!'"~·~ '1~11:,~ ;~~~.; 81~:saiii"g competition ~u Ail Pe pe~ 1 ~I~~:l6~?~:~ery'.~,i~~oM~n~~ Through Sat~fday virtually t .very .Phase 0 r Winter Festival at Laguna be fuJI of spectators at the { '-1 , · "; ·hr .._ ... ,., •• ~ • ,. 1 , s J r « . i·. • • n--h festival, and after the ractJ · .. -~.41...•,1.-~ ... ~1>) · "f a 1 .,~.r-1 ..• pleasure boatihg. .&X:<!C • ,•. 1 ,. . . . ",?'i The Hobie Caf· ·.is a small they will ht on display on · 1 r;.. · ~t the n'!_tioo;~,_boal shows ooe·mart.??.iamaCi.n;.~~-the beach. · ._,.. ••• ., ,. . .,, ' '· ., ·' · · . .-•. , ~ i • ~~~~~ .. ..::~ .:.::d · :1.~·z~~f ~ ,~ peci!r·10-=t1~~:i en,,.e•:.1:: · ··', .... , ~-', · ·.: .. ~... · .•. :a" ·1· · ·u· 8· 11·-.. aY about . · hous~~"· ~", ,_,,,. ~ r-S.turdaJ, .. which )nci\ldei sur'()nt ,. · ALW.\V. S,f.li;IS't '~UAL,!T;. .. · ',' ~ ~.' _ . ·-·. . : _ _ ... , ·ONLY! sailing , . ·~P,l!p!!l ~~land Su•-"'-·~".~"'ve •• n-te>Cil. i>!le'itioll t~ .;so:.; rjID-•. • . ... . _ . , . about· thettt ~ and'""' ~,. .wm ,,i; ~ side11att aft-"'ihows, paradft {. -~~''' \ ~~"' • · ·" '' l ~ ~, l · ~· ..... · · J ' -'" : . • ~ , • of the De)V craft a chance and other events. i.; : sportl>S~.. t . Jo displ!iy lhe adaptabili~y of Tho'~ cal$. witt °""" The ~ exhlbited · .nu'le "' the Cats for ·Jaunching and two races Saturday starting models ~~:iicluding I 46-foot beaching throu~ the surf.' at /JIOCln and'·, one. Sunday houseboat and a 5G-mile-an· They w i J J be launched starting at noon. "' · · hour fiberg lass spo~at. through the Sbrr ·at the foot Promoters of the Hobit Cats ' .. . ""'""-.. . " •• . I •• Manor oval Clinette~set5=-":.·, . ·• ~ .. ~ ' . \ ' ~. •, • • ' ,. .. • • • ' . ' ' .. , ' • ,. t .. . . . t ,, \.i.ol' . • ' bl ,).' -~~ desi._.,, elegant enough for a :dining room. To • . -•' .. '. " ... ... ... ~ . ; ! ". -~-- ..... s .... • . . . ' 'l, '• .. . •": ' c ~ ~~. stain r.-tstont laminated plasfiC top, and smort , · \~.Hiil\"8:~·1.gi ... Chain have wipt c-.n, vinyl upholstery, pot• ' • ~ .. :.,tcl'i. · ''bad<. Tobie extends to 72'wH!ilwo 12' leaves. ''•.' ,l·<:':· •·• " "' !,: '. -' i ;f ' ' . '· ' .... . ,. "' ... • . . ~ ' ' .... Reg. $99 . *&S· NOW"' : · ' ' . . ' A -'doolillg >It ·iii the ,,.,,1111, favorite lmhion tones. Tobie .' haa mar and stain millant loonjncstod plastic kip-with rich pecan finish. C\oi,. hem llliijiNoUI ,..._od, lwip9 clean, Vinyl beige upt.ololiir. Smart o-..do colot frames. Tqlote extends ta 60" . witll -18" loaf. C-in ond,.... big ~I · Poy os llttl• os $5 per ~nth • ., • ·1 ' ' . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.r. . ...,-~~,.-~~ t • . ' NO DOWN PAYM·~ ·:·~s~. P~'.~~EY'S T 1 1 .... .PAY~E~T "f""" NEWPOR T BEACH • HUNT l NGTON BiAC,H .. •{Fishion lslencl) • I (Huntington Cen!f J . . ' w .... ; • .:.. ~ • ' , ... ' . ' ' • • ' . _J-_, • • • ' • • • " • I • . • WtdtlftaY,f.......,26,196' • I • A~s 1 !:! ,~l~{'!'f!f! ,r~.··~ F~f•re . ·. , , . _ . . ~ 2·J·ohnso·n .Finally Relaxing • '.-9.1DA\llDAND!ll80ll ... , . " ' t4USl'lll, T... (UPI) -A --.. a!ter leavloe lllO ~· J!OUae, LJ!ldon JI. ~· P•• e1ery ·~ ~ o1 •'man reli¥liir j>rivata Ille arw. 11 yeara In ~eye. ··· ·aay be Is reined l'1d #I a tlct . out o1 ,beinl ·~~le In.wall< lDlo a ,,.Uuranl Ind oi1ler a hamb·uraer wllhout flnflre. ~At., bll -ftnt and only news ""°""""· two days alter ~lnTQ J-~ 'lenat &nd imtabte. "Bllt Jle•1 rested noW ., ...... '. ~-lilt Aml!nl!e. wbo hU -. J...._ for l0·1'sn: "So help me, I ·i:ouldn1 tell fllY dil-l~ ui, .LBJ of • • .. '1 • ' . Aiiaheim to ~le-:Sceni of Yamage Fairs · Oriemal fabric Jaiiu in yardage from many n•tiom will ' ·Mi: &fbyod for· ule at the In- ternational Y ard.ap Fair in A•aheim •t the Convention Center on 'Thunday • February 27th. Jim Owens, fair manager, 100,000yartll , ofTrlllllnlnp to le Dlsplayed The International Yardage Fair .,;n dUplay' and .. n the largett ttlection of ~· and .notiou they have ever oil....!. Theae trimmings are from manufac~ren of fine clothing and ..;n i.r-pmmt<d ~·.pm.. starting ~lpw ~ le.per ·yard. For the flnt ~Jail will he able to buy your a..lplete ...,. ini need1 at one ''Show-Sale" • , • patterns, sippers, trimmings, &.Dd notions. The ahow manager bu prom- iaed to make every effort to present the ~'~}lay ever. Don't mi• thia '!'°rtliU,tr· • 11 ' toda)' and lbe LBJ hick wben. ..... 11,ad In °"" la • hll dlalr al tbe llri8lll '(a bot<! In Aur\111). llirow cme lec over • tbe podded onn and lalt for houri." ConfoondlnC the upectitians oI tbdle wpo ~ 'Jie would ,... banter loi the limelight again, the former Prt&ident bu studiousJi avci<!ed publici- ty. Minn., Where lbe ex·PmidtnL joined lbe board of 'trmtees of lbe M'10 FOWldatlon. Jobnaon bu made no public speeches. Ula olflce !ju turn- ed out only OM press release' -aruiouncilll his apphlntment to the Mayo board. Private an !nl!laf OUrry of ucitement, ed In !Ml dUrlng the White the Johiworw were able to· _ Houae yeir1. (Tbi.s has a1nce enjoy lbe~ dinner without ""' been ll"ll\ted) due attention. ' 1be e:1-Presidenl ii upected Jobnloo .bas ,,e;..,,~ .... <j to make only a few ~ , two ·or three dlyr' .• ~ • pearances on college '! emirl t in his carpeted. ,tilt-~ "' puses this spring, probi&ly l.t· - office on the top ~·of ihe7 the University of Tuas at federal building in Austin, Austin, Rlce Universl{f ln answerlnc his mal~ setting Houatod llld the Untvenlty his staff' orgaolled ·aot1',dolng nf NOrlll C~ at Clape( 1Wellmln1TJ work on h t 1 Hill. · • · • - memoirs. 1. ,• , Jo~ Das paid .._couple_ ~ Citizen Johnson spends • 1oocl deal of time driviJlt arOW1d bis ranch, Ins pe c \l n I hi• reglltered Hereford e1ttle aod giving instructi.onl to lhe ranch hands. He1 ha1 gone: to at leas\ one cltlle. auction: • Jobi>;.. Si>· said nolllinc publjcly about the performanoe of his suceessor ht the" Wblte l:lau&e, but aides say ~ 'la t .. plna .up with · After diflcUftt their first tltne ..-between lbe LBJ ruch ml Auatin, be and Mn. J-\lliet!t allj>ped away lut wtet to Boe&· Grande, Fla., folo·a. week of. reluatlon at tbe::bame of· some lrilnd.s. One night recently the former Prealdent &04. ~JS. Johnson attended a c;oocert in Amtln' by pianist Van' ClibUrD and ~ went to a &teak boost fcr,4inner. Autograph WMS· pressed around them after tbe.coocerl. Johnson ... mec1 ~.at lbe . attention, bu\ #lends .. y be wants to. "move w i t h minimum dilruptioo. 11 When be ls In Aastin , • . of ~ rlstll to -,_., stay1 1t Mr1. Johnlon'I aJ)ift~...... Tew c a rQ p u s , where ment at ,KTBC,. the. J-• . -~·ore j!U!linll !IP the , famlly radl .. TV sta,Uop. " , , • ~elli!IB/.'ol ,llie ''!It ~ ' ... ~ .. lopminll In Tlaolllq!Oit, ~ · lbrough "the t'o newspaperil: be receiWI ... • _ H~' a1ao ,.I'll t n\llllpoce ,, ' • PEQP.LE ij • :; n,1·, w'ii1f lt'1 ~1lf 1u.t.: · 0!!1 ef -ffl•' .... t ...... II 4-... : f1•h1r11 -.f ifrie DAIL.,.. PtLOf•' Mrs. Joltnaon iw!•Jlellttoneil:r',· · <Qmjlliir tlial '.will houle 't!>e ' the Federal ComnlunicatioD:f' 1 LBJ library and the LBJ NtWDen did not know about tt until lbe,, Jobnsoes hld.lefl f'lorkJa for-RGObe•"f· ~ ·the steal house, aller Commisaioa In regain control School of Public Affairs. ol lbe statloo, wblch sbe,,i.c. When •J>o Ill not in AUll!n, 1• repoJ6 ~ viar an array of ~ commw>lcaU... equipment sUll at tfle ranch, but his direct telephone line In WashlngtM Ls gooe. k ·P10,t1 •Sc1"'" lt'1 ~1rt·eM..f •iftfl, COlftlftOft•Uo ••Oki eN 1h1r1ct1r1 -p1opf1. NOW •·• . hr ... 11n1·11 .. MATERIALS hr WEDDING. GOWNS ·. . . -·' ' , ......... lrulll One of tlio most unique fea111re1 o[ an International Yarda1e Fair. it the rremaido111 'eolltction of sippen di1pJ17ed lw u.le. • • )lore ~ brand·8-llle r;ipper• in 267 colon ud all 1iu:e by lho half-incla. Th-a.re quality dppera. 1n1de e1pe¢al!y for m1no- f•t1ren ef dlltbQa:-lho -.me ~~ per JOtl find ill •• llOre-boagbt pr- llleftl They are pre-thl"llnk. 1uu•n· 1eed eolor-lut uid color-pare and con:ie in the th•de. of • rtinbow. It lakn 1~100 :lipper1 to m1'we llp a 1in&le c:oilecbon of one of • kind in color and me. ...... COlff9l1IOll '*'* """'"'·""*"' • -'· • llEW · ~ MATERIALS ~··•In Hou~' lty·~All<-Day_ long- hclusivt Priirts i Sornls b !'W.._ t• $3.4f yL 3 ::: ......... 51111 3 '::: ......... 5215 3 :::: .. : ...... 5375 4 ::::. " .. ' .. '5311 ' Silk & Rayon .. SUITINGS .. ~S" wide Various WeaYe1 v.1 •• ,, s2.•a 14. FROM FRANCE • Sillts • Su'iting1 • Embroiderio1 ,,.., ITALY •.$4.iitino• • Sil•• FROM ~:J4P.AN I ! •. I ~0o,,. ·ow SILK More Th~n 10l,OOO Yards of La Collection des duMonde Por 1.969 * * * * * * Anaheim Convention Center 800 W. Katella •ANAHEIM In The Huge 25,000 Sq. Ft. Arena, i,. •• l ~HURSDAY, FEBRUARY ·i?7-th · • 1'1 I 10:00 ',~ M~ _ t~ lP;~ P.M • Our new collection for 1969 Is tho fine1t we hove ever •hown and thoy hov• ,' "I"" ,·~· -.--~b••nrp9tte}ff1 frorn~m,on\l._fa,1urewof~fi,,. clothind-antf rep,.aent &amii'e fJ<•• . '2; :,• 'aitil oftd rOll• s~t to tf-. \1r.niuf,,.Cfesi11ne.rs, ~utlirion ~;,il f'p~rl-'' ,,. • .i ~. t ~ .,.,_ i "' • '!l- Ev•ryor)O ii inv1t.d ti) lhar• 1 In tho fu,. ortd excitement of this• IMPOIJID nOM FRANCE l'NMlo l<olwfa '!' ...... ,-.~IC~ ; v ..... ,. SJ.ff y4. cJ5,c, 60·fNCH Polyester DOUBLE KNIT V•I-t. $7.fl yL $3.90 yd. glamorou'' 1howing. Most of the fabrics may ".ev•r b9 1old1 to retail stOreroiict•.rnGiny-lepr•tft.t only.OM-l, .t: j qt lO'')'Grd 1ample1"':cul .In oxjitenc•;;Tber,a~~ mb1tty ~~r.°fW1ite widthi, pro-1hrvnk, wrin•le re1istont and 1un-ttosted, LOOK What You'll Seel • Creatlv• Sewing • 1 Pottem Makes Demonstration 40,000 · fulllona " ' • ~arleltton '••rn . • Shoe Coverfn1 . Dt!~ltnrtion D nitration ~-< .... ,, -HCIWaila" ~ . ' "ssor111,enf CottOn SotMn,t AqylKt Cotton Creper Otflf'llllOM '# #NJny Mo~e: . ;rom 95' Ya<d" J,000~\ ... ~ DRAPERY · FABRICS· " v._... .. .,,,.;... " '95:. . ...... -···· ...... .. • ..,. ......... ;>fl! ..... It. ,.,. -r ... ,.... ' . LS4 ..... wW. I' -VINYL ' '· .. ' ' U..'lor d1tlll"9, u,hol111ty .,.., 100'• of ..._ - v.1 ... .11• ~:~• 1" ~ · 95~ ; ' ' I Now! for th.: First Time! ..... , ... hlwlu Chapse. from "B~KND NAME • 1PATTERNS • ~ ... ,.,,Tips .. ,. fl11 . ........... . ,,_It ..... Mlf9 lltff.i. • ...,.., ,..u 1111 Mil, 411W .-!ti -~ .... •Simplicity •Vogue ~.,. · · · •• '",. .._ .._ k fOlll1re4 I• lllh .,_, OIJI' .... ..., t • .. Bu~eric ••pld .111 ~ .,. ,,_., i. •'" ,.. tltiMMINGS . 1' MMe for MclttufMtuNn ef fine y · Cfethln1. Prom ••-19w ••, ..... , ... , • ard. " 'II II d . ..,;._ 'tt I 11,. 111 ..... "' ..:.1. t9it 1111.st r ou n ,.,.. pa orn o _. ;, w..,.lllillf feWM eH ltf•t...W your clrolc•, ., tllfs, Mow. 1 .,,. ..... . ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' I Choose from ioo,ooo ZIPPERS ' . NOW is T.Tlmo To luy Zippers HUGE Selection of Colors & Si~~s NYLON-HIDDEN iATHING SUIT ZIPPIRS 24:0 \ I r--:---fOtl OUI MAIUNG UST . ---::i I I I I I I I NAMI ..•••••••••..•..•..••••• I ·I ADDUSI . , •.•........... : ..••• I . • I 1 c1n .......... ''. ... .., ... zt, .. ·'·. ~----------------~---~-~ ..... ' ' \ •' I • _J f, OAll.V PILOT Government Largest Single Employer of Collegians -~· 111 r , J, Lall Ullder the CMI Ser v Ice civilian employes In federal ten lest). hive tlldr own m<rlrl)'llema. Ind tl1t U.S. lnlormallon SUp<rlnl<ndtllt o1 Documents, cy Boml Ot Elllnlntn, 'Ull. • Merit S vs t em, the best service. Appointment.I to COD\· THE EX Cop TED Excepted services include ; AuHV>V, W ... 1i.i ........... , D.C. 20402. (2) Civil•·-•-eo--•··'-, llOI ~ Ltlll~Y~ qualified " candidates a r e petltlve civil service po5Uions .-;. Central Intelligence Agtocy, •--,,. tnQ'w;';""';'t Feder el J o b ~ • .. ::, ..... i::::i;;-c.1 20415. ~-'J... .,:.-:: southt for each poslUon, are made on the basis ot abil· SERVICE. Al>out 14 I*' cent Peace Corps, Atomic Energy HOW TO GET THE COM-lnformaUon Centtrt. located E. St., w .......... -., · - ~~ ·~ "di{JNt~ :~~~ i:.i:~·o~UoC:~ :~ ~o ~helhejoJob --::filg ~,::~~~=10:.~ ~U:.1 ~:cJ~e:£ ~=al Pl=~~! :e mar:.!Ua~o =~ 3: c:"1£n i&.V:'Tihl,-t:;~ ;:r:.. ~ .,, ..,. • ... ~i"in. These emploves art demon.mated by education, cepted from the competitive 11' e d e r t I B u r e • u of Guld f ~n Stud •· '' ~ ~'-, ··• •our •-al Si--"· =... Mt.,,f': ~: =t __ !!!I. • • ffllltt '° ""'' "" ., 1 l nd ~•u -• ts of " Clvil In -" U F I 7;-·1--• e or ..,.,..qe en..,., ....... 09 wu. -1 """' ~ ""'*' 11'1f!°_J• .!ll 1• an.ie. referred to u the "com-e:rper ence a com..,... ve '"" ... remen w1e vaaw1a on, ore gn <XI •n.~. by the U.S. Civil Service Com· pogtmuler, or' write the ·~· , , ....,1,.i1~ A _ 1 -opportuntUes petltive service," and com-exam inaUon (eiamlnatlon Service rules and replaUont. NaUonal Security A g·e n c y, mlaion, October, 1988 edWon. Federal Job lnfonnalion ~re ~ ~"'Mo: to ·tbe federal government _P;_•_ise_lbo<l_L_IS-"'per«n--l-ol_1_ll_does __ no1_1lw_•_Y_•_m_ean_a_wr_it·_M_lll)' __ ar_e_i•_•1_enc_1u_w_hlcb __ T_enn_eas_ee_v_a1_1e'--y-A_u_lhorlt_y:,.,_u_co_S1s __ ,:cuc::....5...cr...crom=-tlle=-Cen=te=,-'W-'ublngtoo==-'ln-'te-ra..::1:cen-__ '_r11.;_;,Jii _ _:•;;:•u::::..;f;;:•"'i:;..-__ "_• _.,.... from aceountlng to JOOlocy, bul was aurprlaed to loam tllet Ille ,_ .. "'"'"" ' ment ls the biggest single employer of college graduates. Of course, there are federal jobs for h1gh school graduates too, but right now we're focus- ing on college and university, and junior collqe graduates (or thole whole erperience may be sufficient to substitute for formal college trainlna;). MAJORS FOR MINORS. You don't select one specific program of study to qualify for governmen t service; you choose a major which will prepare you for what you want to be, then apply for a job in the government agency of your choice. To illustrate, any college D}alor may qualify yo11 for a posWon in government as: admlnUtnUve assistant, bw:ineu analyst, criminal in- vestJcator, customs inspector, digital COID)lUter programmer, internal security inlpector, mueum curator, tu tedml· cian, or writer and editor, and numerous other careers. A 'CHEMISTRY MAJOR, !or . . eumpte, qualifies yoor ap- plication for such diverse jobs • as: · agricultural commodities : inspector, chemist, fishery • speclaJIBt, food and drug in- : spe'ctor, hydroloeilt, · ocetn0grapber, pat eat ex· -amlner, ~. or quan-- Uty cortti'ol spt<laltsl To ' further demonstrate the wide . varletj .. • : A POLITICAL SCIENCE ·decree offer• the1e : poalbllitles: art:hlvial, budget -euminer, ~_peraonnel olficir or speciallst, 1 n d IOclologiat. . 'l1IOMAS G. MC CARTRV, director of college relations and ..-!or lhe U.S. Ci~lServlce~ _ says shortage categories fn. elude engineers, accountanta and physical scientists, among others. AGENCIES LOOKING for college grads are mostly in the EzecuUve branch. Here's • nndom sampling: Depart. meat of Agriculture, Civil Aeronautics Board, Depart. ment of Commerce, Depart- ment of Delerme, Department of Health, F.ducauon and Welfare, Department o f TranaportaUon, Department of --i'reuury, and the Veterans Administration. ROW JOBS ARE FILL8D. 6 on Coast In College Aboard Ship Sil students from t h e Orange Coast are among those who will spend the 1prlng semuter attending college at sea on Chapman College's UoaUng campus, S.S.By Ryn- dam. The student.A are : Barbara Roberts - fretbmao language major at Chipman Collel", daughter of Mr. and Mn. Charles F. Roberta of 50I Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach. · ....J Patrick Schnelder -junior buslness major at Chapman College, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schneider ol 1907 Glenwood Lane, Newpor t Beach. Reynolds Hau -I u n l o r bUliness major at Chapman College, son of Mr. and Mn. George C. Haas, I o JI Drillwood D r. , Huntln&too Beach. Sdlan Jordan -junior art major at orange Coast Col· lege, datllhter ol Mr. and Mn. 811'11 Jordan ol IMC Baruna LIM, RUlllJnilon Beach. • QutsUne Wiiiiams - IOfllioinon torttcn ••nsuac• mojor, ........ ol Mr. and Mn. S..., E. WWlams of -1m~LaM.u ... • w,pmBeach. . J"""1 --Junior " art ~~ tt Chapm1n Col .... , • If )It. and Mrs. • John R• %1• ol 2H . -· ;;;:;:::::::::::;:;:;:;::::;:;:;;I · WELCOME ' J 0 •• . . ''Viva'' Kitchen Towels Worli llu cl1tl-IHl likecl10! Pnttl Cllan nl D1c1ut1r. Ii& 111~ 3i88c SUPll "Secrer' ANTl-PDSPlllANT SPllAY DlODOllANT 1.11 J 11. Size 11pHisoHex''. AllTllACTillAL Sudsi111 Ski• Cleaa11r l.14 ti az.. Sin .1.98 Bawl Brush , Halon .,CALlllDAr Watch Bands 1& llCI Push Broom --~"' '..:~-~:;,., ' . ' . ti DIPllE ... ia.ued """" -... , .. -Idell "" !It .. .,,.. .... *" "'· WlllS' Blouses SilU 3 98 111 JI I • Small, disueet ••• pv1se We. Fittings thread easily mo sy. I :Id~:'''1·11Ds~2~·"9"· t 15 11. SIH • {(~ 1- Cream Sticks I Cll>ose '"" llrsoit. Coco<out, Lenlln or Mill caters wi!ll p11e dlocolate coven~,. 41c 1 IL llUS 3:1.00 "DYMO" Label Maker ii lK't colors •••• 11 • i "Axion" ,. ,...s.....,. '-iry -..., ll"""' lilt .., llllnl 21 IL Sin ' JOKllSOll'S "Pledge" UMOllSPllAY WAX llm ·-... -~ 1.111Cu. SllGIANT'S "Sentry'' RIACOUAI flf lop ul Cits. 1• 1111 Lady Scott' Bathl'OOlll Tissue AsstrtH· C11tr Prl1t1 Dress Shirts . " -------- Opal' A.IL" ,. , ... _ 7 llayt ...... NEWPORT ~EAC~ ~~ HUNTINGTON IEACH .,-::=,,. HUNTINGTON IEACH ~= "Maalox" ANTACID Helps lo al• .,,.i sll>rftacbdae ID llyllfl'· acidity. 1.41 12 II. Sin • c 11.: Sm Pot Wi~C-llldHliidles. •5 Ql..c.1• . W'<tll -n Sll!d! l!g' • 1 II. lllille Bailer -c-·----SleM shirts hi Mite llld ~ color~. Ms't allar styles 11111: lbf fresh all day. Sills 1411 I• II 1 98 llf. 2JI 1 GAS or IUCTIJC Burner Bibs • ltEI Home Budget & lncn Tax Book ' ' • • ' • • • • •. • ' . •. • •• • • • • • • • ' ' • '· ' . ' . ' • • I • • • ' ' • • • I • • ' • • I • • • -. \ \' Vital Statistics WHOLESALER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC T• .... -... 1"9 ........ ROW, ROLL EllDS 1"•1 ... 7w.MW,-._,ttll1MI,.... ,,.,,. car sin te rHm sbia. ;,;'"';,;'";;•.;•;,;· °";.;":;.'.;de;;;,l .;NN-.,;,el;,,•·l-qvao,;,;.1111ot_,.e1_ ... ',;,'°.'.,· """'~i"::i'"' -over 500 I • m " • ft t L BRING IN YOUR ROOM SIZES "" 1.89 ~: ,,_~ I CO EXTRA BONUS OFFER! ACRILAll SHAI W11H ANT INSTAllATION Of YOU BET iOOo BLUE CliiP STAMPS DURING THE NOO 5 DAYS WED., FEB. 26th Thru MAR. 2nd If Y oli Can't Come In -Clall us for FrH home Hlimal8 -549-3349 DIPOIT-IOl·ll IYLOll SllAI """ ...,..,.. wt1h ... v.., """ twbtN. .... "'· Me jltl w. hlutlfol """ :t",.... -for"" ... 1tw ~ RN, Mue, "°' ...., tnfflc. 0.0 color <IM • .,W.-offwMto. ....,,A...-- SIEN AT OTHll ITOID SOUi AT WDlll8 IT 0 11 I FOi US m SQ. TUD 4.29~ FOi 7.95 m THD OUI PllCI OUI PllCI 3. 92 ~: -CAim ONLY- WOOL SIAI COMMERCIAL TYPE Tiie """" ... ,....., -TWEID ......, •• ltvy • • ,rice Tt.i• ,, • tptdol lt¥Y •• •JIY"M •n .tferd, THIS CHYIT $llOUUI SIU • fafttaltk priC9. AT 11.H Pll.THD AT 2.lt SQ, YAID =· 6.95 OUI 1.99 SQ, NICI TAID INITAWI OVll NIAVT lllAll PADDING WPtTlllLT "'"' 2" tllkk, D11p, rich c1rptt Ndt ftr "'an' , ... of Mauty & wt1r. Anflquo Gold, S..tl,_ Gold, higt. IEG. lG.95 CUISI OUT SPECIAL NOW 4.99:~ .. CAIYET ONLY IODEL SHAG °"' ... """ tll!G. v " ' ~Mo for""- """'· Uoks llko ....,, "'b llko wool, WWI lte """" a-"'""""" w.,-· IOlD AT WDM I US FOi 10.15 PEI SQ, TUD 4 98 SQ. OUI PlllCI o TIJ. CAIPITONLT Pl.EASE PHONE FOR HOME EST. 549.3349 HOURS DAllT I TO l •IO SAT, I TO S SUN. 11 TO• MO MONlT DOWM AND UP TQ 16 MOS. TO PAT L & J ENTIRPRISES . INC. ' . GUlllE Olllllf1 UJET WIUPlt WUDlllE • 2411 s. MAii SANTA All Olll =~ OP -Phone 549.3349 - ' .. Involving Orange 'Coast .. ·, .. ..+and .&&&fllt (al •nost). " / OpPOrturusts! , ·~ I These young folks play it ve?: cool They pay cash for almost every big·tiWt ittm to avoid '\high interest carryin& charges. Their Oilifornia Federal savings account keeps lbcm ready for money..aving, money-making opportunities. Tbe really good buys. Jnvatmem opportunities . And some day, maybe, a business of his own. When your big breaks come along, be ready! Open a safe savi ngs account •t Cal iforni a ~ederal, tile nation's largest federal . Start it tOday-and choo<c your rate : 5.25%. Bonus Account: (Available in multiples or $1000.) Ea,... 1h'lli...,.. each yeu abon regular passbook nte wbell held 3 7..a 5.IJr;Passbook Account: 5.13<Jliannulyleld on l_,ed passbook_....,_ all sarinp and dlrid....U remain a y-,, lrtbe S'lli nment lll)llllOI nit II maintained and coinpoundetl daily for ·• ytar. • calimrrua &1era1 Savings and Loin Auocia.tdt •1'106:a ·'Alletl over Sl.S B~ • I NATION'S LARGEST FEDERA:L ANAHEIM/EAST omcE: 1717 E. UNCOLH AVE. • 71N700 AIWfl!IMIWUT OFFICE:. IOO N. l!UCUD AVE. • 711-2221 COSTA MESA omc,: 2700'HARIOR BLVD •• 541onGO 'Heed omco: 11670 wi1a111,. BML Lee MO•lee ' ~fmor JI ...... ---·---- , . • ' • Aa:ounu are il'!Sured up to S l.S,000 umler l)rovbions of the Pedcnl Slwlnp a Loe.n tmunMie Corpontlon. •pt""""*«•~ •' tht Uni led 81-. ~ ... ,_ ,, • • • • • • ' • ·.· ... . . ·-~ . -.~Could Be ·. ~-Utbon 1;Monoxide .. • , • 1 ,:rttPotor~,MD '.lloor.'llr. steJncrohn: You ""'' often said that M.D. ll'il'>\ ' •lond for . Medical l)ltectiVe, too. Well, -here'1 a m~ for you io solve, if ~can . .. ·ftERE ARE foor of us Jft · OW' family. We Wert_,all pelfectly healthy until we ~Yed into our ]{ house (which bappeiu lo 'I' ·old hcuse we boug ' 'at-a bargain). Alter liviog in It for about two weeks I began to come down with ~severe ~ iistl~ss and fa1Jcu~ A day later both my bOJ'J. aged I and 12, com- ~ of headaches, too. And DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE a few days later, my husband now complains of headaches, 1eu of ambition and difficulty m toncentrating on his job. 'there are your clues, Or. Stelncrohn. Want to solve this diagnostic riddle? -Mrs. 0. COMMENT: First, let's lay down the ground rules. You llWlt know, if you are a rquJar reader of this column, th.It l refuse to diagnose or trMt fiom way back here. ~-~ your problem to .YCllr -fldllly doctor -and ...... I •-.. " . ·".; . ' Now why ao-:1 Say "soon"? Bei:ilmt.•tbe clues you have ii Ven IJrtrigue ' me. They' give me • hunCh that YoUr-trouble may i be c h r o n ~· carl>on mormlde J>Ol>oblng T h e s)'D'\P.toma fit In;• recent move to-new quarters Jit in, too. . .t! MANY PEOPLE are careful of ~ • ._ic1e fumea in the gatage wJ>eq ~ motor is nmaing; and ,.fofaet ,that defec:ti~ hou.!ehoid .ppnapces may be producing l11th polson-lni ·l:aiising headaches~ ·and l a t·e r ~ dizziness, faintness, riqing In the ears, pouni:iing ~ ibe'hw.1, nausea .. etc, Bitter haVe sOn\'e'orie' cOme In~ ·to check on your utilities, water beaters, flues, etc . Mrs. o.: ·. But better still, you all should fint have 1nedical checkups. If not due to carbon Jn9ftO~e. your doctor will flod. some other '-reason for thl; "family headaches." MEDIC~ES (Repllei to Raden>< ' .For MrS. G.: Healt block flleln.1 just that -the normal ~her <lf heart bealS are ~ 1etUng through from the ~r to lower heart cbambers. In many cases 1ur1eon s insert a ''pilcemaker," an electronic device which automatically seinulates the heart muscle tq. beat at regular intervals od at calculal.ed rate. . ----.11n-mannertous cases, fbls tnitrument has not only saved liTes, but allowed such pa- l~t.s to return to work and Uve normally. • ' I Dear Dr. Steincrohn: Our ruing :50n is an epileptic. lfe 1s taking phenobarbital and ls 'Still not under control. Our doctor says that this is a cOnclition wc hardly know ilD)'thing about. Is t h e r e JQ)'thing else to do? -Mrs. F. · COAtMEl"IJ';. Yes I would ad:; for consUltalion with an iaCmti:lt and a neurologist. During the past few years doctors have . found many m~re drugs than , phenobarbital useful in con- trollln& attacks or epilepsy. He should h a v e elec- troencephalograms ( b r a i n • JliAVe u:amlnations) and olher ~. Although . epilepsy is pill a problem, it is pasl · ~ U.,: at.age when we "hardly ' ' ~ anything about it." As )'~ son .is not improving, J ,ip sure your doctor w i I I ,,,.. ol COMU)tation. -·. )'Oil MR. R: One ln>'ites tnckblts when atlempling lo a11 .. ,11·e --p·a-r 1rnrs alfd- ~ .on how to E and bring up their o r grandchildren. I don't know the tor overcoming your d gr~lld's concern _bl:i ln0tller'1 driving. If 'II allow ~ a facetious J didn't realize DOW that "back-scat m" er 1 ' ' t»gjo' th eir ·ctrM.r-directioM : .. .. ol 5. l lhou$hl ' . .._. lnllraltUrft1, only ., 7 ,,. ~ ..... llojl,. ' • • ' . .. . . ~ --- JJ..._, AltM.t C111 t4 Faultless :.r"::.C . ·aazel Bish~p \ --BeaufJ '" Spectciclfldt _ ..... 11.oll·up tleett, button ,,.,. -· "'"' .. ,. s2·•1 br, tapmd ed tlila. Doublt button neck, colon. Sim 32·38. • i1 11 Eye Sliadow Kit . I Alloreiop 3·3• quahtf fll&ke-C up and beauty . &.1d 1cces.sonn ! • Jtt Ullllll l llH Llftll:t -. . ....... Women's Wide Leg Zefran Pants Bonded knit Zefran Aqyli' w i t h <oolo"' $398 ~liist1c back. Shipcd . :ik Ids JDU.si( (IA . , riJht, I tb If. ·. . , I. =,'l' .. "1:.1:'"..::.-..:::: • 1.• U!Mllkb llltrl ........ n. • 1M c.,lal• CfMl'll ~le: • le: IJt l'ln111wri.11111111 211 .... lilllMI' • "' .......... .... •Jll""1111 ....... Unrb• """ ........... 1 .. ~ ••lattttcM1Jr a.•lllillr ................ 1:111 -~~· . ,_ -__.___ - 89' ea. Jumbo $12.99 G.E. =;:;;~Cookie Sheets. ~~S:,;llce;: Toaster ~ 2iW "' $10'' 1.,1.1 .... n• 12xl8xl" •ith handlts!Brisht finished metal. West lend Party Perk ~-$14'' I~ ro ~O tup, insula~d 10 kttp bc>-eraµs hot or cold. G~t for pie· nia! ,l\'AC•DO • 'o •2 ea. ·YlilU.! ' ''*'-· ' . . ' ·1 Sp'i"g iewel,Y ' . . ;:' • Flowe~.flns, • lo,,.s f.~. • Pierctd and Pl1k1d · LHk larrln111 • lraceleh: Jn newut lfyln, colon. ··!··,··· ., . . '.., r ·-. . . ' '.'· . " Men's Knit Shirts .Mode turtlt J or mw ntd: in solids ud ltripts • 2e'5 ·$997 Women's Ski Sweaters y;.,....,,· sasa .Jl.4110 LOOME'O 1~ AtR'fLIC lMBRO l!lEREO 'tll~T . 6. l.4Clr. llESJ(OH. JIPPEREllf 5-M-L l\i1f.'J. 99-Wren~hes & Screwdrivers Drop forged box end, 1 .,opttt tnd or combin•· . tlf!U. _l( sius. ·Jtc1111· Ju or 1billip'.t scmv- ·" • •' dri'ftts. '°':" ... .,,_ P.rokrts h•i r vt .... nile-rou slctp. &imti- ficallr treated 200 ~ier. &Be ' ' Chippers Nut Hut Cashews 11 .... Ti• Dtlitious citing findt quality o .. di.- C11' AUU. Nutri· tiCMA ••• icklil for . . ' ........ .,. ·:99~· ' • ' ' ; I -.. 1 ....... ---... -... -------:-;-------:--:--:-------":"'"'"..-------,,,_~..,..------- I . ~ .. Ten Teams. . ~ ... Get Bids· ' -. . ' ... -' .. . \ ' : I To-NCAA \-• • •• • >! I KANS~ CITY (AP) .-Ten liasketbaJi tea.ms, ~o '!f wbich .. J(e ranted· h) .. the top i IO by the "'8ciclated 'l'n.s ratings, !were selected ~ tO fill at-~ge ~ in t~:N~tlGjlal ColleJtate Athletic .bloclation toUmamtnf. · "nte lQ •m join 15 conference repr;sen. tativea in\\he university dJvision playoUs beginning March 8, a spokemwi said. · • Headillt; the' list ;, a·r St. John'1 of • • New York', Z0-3, r8*ed seventh rn this · week's AP poll, and Duquesne, 17-3, the No. lO'iteam. Others jicked w~re Villanova,_· ~ •• the 12th-.rabk.ed team. New Mexico State, 21-3, No. \8· ~ ~ed. were Dayton, 17-t, Notre Dame, !e:I; '{rlnlty of 5'an Antonio, 11-4, Co~~ l~. and Seattle, 18-7. ~-ln 'first·round play were determtood ·by draw. Tbe pairings in· cluded:-i . ' St. Joltn.11-vs. tbe·Ivy Leligue champion at North carollna State. • tiUqUesne vs. the· .Middle . Atlantic Conference winner at the University o! Rhode !llind, · Vill~· VI. the Southern Conference chamiS;~t>:North.Cfrolina State.· New 'Muico S\p.te vs. the Western Athletic'c&iferenCe titlist at New Mexico State. f • M~!Mtfe vs. lhe Ohio Valley Con- ference:iCbamPion 'at Soutbert._Illinois. No~ Dame vs. tbe1:.WA#terican. Cool~ winner at SOUlhern mm.ts. ch~~~~~'ft,f.'fl~~·:o =~-~~·!~~~.~ cham~ at New Maico State. • > • ,~ ( 4-• • • .. W ~t Re'ttirns, ~ . Leads takers , ' ·• ,, ' J~ ·' ' . ~ . • Hopes for : Bid BJ !!:AllL GQS~ seaabns, waa oo match !or UC '•· hustljng ,ott11t'D9Ut•11ttstlft •"L' • •' ·~" ,, ..... 00~ ~~ • • ., UCl's •liaatetball team ts still up in . I)!!' closest ,~ ·P!ego came. lf'I!! 44. the ·air-todai' ·over the question of . It Wf" re~. i:loie !or tfie.'tirlt --~-·--or not i't will be In ' ., Vehs half , with Irvine. commandi~ i ' .• '.? w•~ ~ ·-lead,at haHtlnle.,~ p, ..... MA('Ch 7-1 !« the NCAA 's college dl7 centrated on defense - vision western regionals,,. ' and. held the visitor FolloWtag .a ierles of 1Ciog dlStance poliil!I the first io ·r· 1 ' telephooe ealls late thla morning, UC! hall, building up a 6 athle1lc director Ray 'Jbomton believes Junior forwar c ·'···~nar1 ~ ~ AQWUeti? ,cbanCel.hlnge 'around Fri-, playing about '4 minL 1Ji the game, day nli!lt'• -betnen· San Francisco -~ •:t&,po!Jils>to lop $&.'Ile s~ns; : s.~ a04 UCJ>avli., ;', · . · AnOiher jUnior, Steve S8bln11,.:. tumed ·' 11\ hll best game by scoring 17 points, UCI beat viii= $U1 ;plego ~tale most of them by•getUng htmselfl clear ~-~ ' Iii' •lf4 mark. undeio 'Ult j lilclet #f'lcqrtnc <as): . siD Franctaco JI.. ~ iecoid' of 18-7;~ layups. " can ' wnp up the '11 ·JVestern ~ uCI ends its re(¢ar season FridlJY ence· title with &·· win over U..· 'Ag:ifs night _ at hoqiet ap.lnst -Tahoe ~"rP.dle ~ 1 Frida~. . • ,;/ CoUqe. ~ 1 .., · BU( lhoul~ Davis ''!P"t San Fnnciaco, Tbe Irvine !reshmen hilted their, record UCi'f ~ woullll w'". , • . ' to 17-3 by rallying 1in1 the leCGlld half ,..,,._'beat JICD ~:!...1.: -th_ to overtake the 'Aitecs, 7R3. ... ~r--. -;, ~..-·'~'8?· ' to "rVCI lftl-l!MI °"It l'-"t.IUO W4¥', ·ShOuld Davi' l)eat 8an Ffant11C0 1 , l I ft"" Ill , , 't" 1111 II apd'~~~ll&Ul.~li·~~lleVed ti ~=· l : :· 1~ ~~ •'. ,:·. t, 'l, wouldn t• be -~ ,OVtl' U,Cl. . C!lilri~tm 7 12 J 1' 'Ntllfl. .:-f.. ,._,.."?';!\" r. ,. Stfldtd.~ . l 0 • ' JtCOllMfl ·.t J'' ' And San . ._.....i~~'""14, bO,out ln the-H~n ' 3 ' 1s .. rrian, , t 14 a 1 .., ....... ~ I-'1 o 2 t Sk•ledt.r 2 0 t • cold becau1.fi"M' ~dn't' Win Ut'l.eague. F•f'Wlll '1.,. I 3 hdc I ·I •i'. ! , .'>"t Fontlul' 402•Smlffl 2.t2• ~ scboola sq consideraUcm are Pu-G11wln0Vlch 1 1 ·, J 5Pllv9• ., .. a 12 · aet 1&unc1 '(11~J 1 bf 1w~ and ;~ ..... ~ ~ : ; ~ 1•1iou • .• 2 1 C!~.... n-..a.11.-• But both' .c 1·1 •bave .. 'Totea. u 1s '' " To;i•t• . n 1•" ss ~~ l"llCUn;. . -ICDOO ' . /M~lttl~ K0'4": IJCI ~1, Sa'" D\oi6 "*'•U. ineUglble players and tJle NCAA IS ' ~ VCI ''"'}. 1711 ,, .. Dlll911, ~•t6ll =~~ . ·pf~~~~ ht . Wh;,.·· 5 ~ ir; 'rs St-1-· l'·? ~~ 'r. ' ~. 2 $ ' f Sklrvllr ~,I, 2 ll ln;-ttiil • '• '\ . ~ -, '-• ~ ' 1,-.f, II V111W.llflrt 1f41 :, 16 .,. ··"tihlnk.1. . lt.Aill~bo,ilJjiowi\ to la an~ '~ ' j il~~\1=::;-t ~J~ ! I obj~·· . ·~·~Wllf~·~fl I 2 J ,4 lu:Jdl 1 , :11.I 4 • ·-~ 1 11 ,l t ' • 'Vel'IUI-. .. J\ l t.~• 1 1• 1 · ._ I~ TbOtn•,_ I ;i __:· .. ~-r I '~ ~ 2_.!J t 4 . . .... . ~ ,.,, . ,San Diego Stat~. 1 shadow. of the . 2'.n ,, n ~ tet•ll H 11.22 '1 tio\ftduJ l Aztec teams GI t~~«Put '.two,· : .~:.1ma Wt••: s.n Cl:~ .s11hl "''°"' .w. uc1 ";I' ·~1'·· , • ) ",.. 'l ·' . · ·t .. Ir r.·"'4· •1 \ ...... ··:~-··· .. .,~ . '. I.Av.~. in, Ji',in.als. f ' .. , .. , ·,.,. ... ' .c' ___: ., , , • -ri • ~ "' ---.------¢-----1 • ~-'.. , ·e··,11' .. eJ" . ,.,, ,,,, , ,, D , .. B., -·.,, k . . -, ,, , ·· · · · e ean:.ootmces · ae Over Seattle °'r "'~Y .PH •• 't, ...... .)f]'!t«.'' ' · ' · ' ,,. • t;I .1~,1.f" AiL TIED UP -San DiJ>go .State's j;:rlc Marten-hiked its :refOrd.to 17:8 with the-win -anci' end~jfi, , • " ' · ''f . , . • ' ; , sen (31) blocks off a shot by UC!'s Jeff Cunning· r~gular ~ ... on Friday night, against :rahoe ;~.... ' T·o: Wm·· c . O· .a. ·~ .. find E·ven' •." . LOS ANGELES (AP) -Coach Bill van Breda Kolff says Jerry West, back In the Los Angeles lineup after a twG week layoff witb a pulled hamstring ml18Cle1 "dGt.Sn't have bis confidence or timing back yet." . But West certainly had enough Tuesday night aa he scored 20 polnto -Including nine of the Lakers• 14 in overtinle - as Loa .Angeles defeated the Seatile SuperSorilcs 114-lll. ' "We-cDtin't want to play Jerry as much as we di.4.'' said van Brtlda Ko1lf, "38 minutes lt1 a ls>ol time since he 'd missed ' nine gamu. "He wu . tired when the game was over but Jlli leg was not bothering hJm so. hopelully; the extra ·-k will help hi~.·· . "We _. to lack the quickness and 8~ to maintain a big letd, .. the Laker coach said. "Wbtn we get a 12 or IS poipt Jud we doll't Lave the momentum that other teams.have to bulld.~t lead up." · West waa one ol three Laters with 20 poiDts or i.tter .. Mel Counts topped Los ·Angel,. With 23 and Elgin Baylor added ZI. ' "-tr ~IATn.I LOI ANOILaS •l'T •PT Ma,tb ,. ' +4 n Baylor 7 7.., 21 M~ S 1·4 11 Clllrnberlllln > J.21 t4 11.11i. • ,_, n eaun11 1~ M n Travant• 4 l·t ' E1111 J 5-7 II Wllktfti 10 "' 2' Wftt 6 J.12 :rt kl""""*"' t W 7 Cr1Merd • M I k....,...r 2 1.1 s Erkbell 2 ,., ' Ji:r'Ofl • I t4 4 H•Wklnl 4 ,_. II Mutllt!' '"J M 6 Tolai. 4' 11~ 111 Tohill 3' »-a 114 s .. 1111 D 31 a Jl Tl -111 Loi Alltfln Jl Jl » 11 14 -llf F..,.ltd 1Ut -hltti.. "Wit;, T.......nt. To .. I fltUls -Mitt1t· II. LAI Anllt• ts.. A,._..nc, -l01'11. him (with ball) during ltvine's 89-56 victory Tu°" · ,dpe Colleg" .. • . Al" "" day night. No.24forUCiisSteveSabins. OCI ; .. ·\,. · _.,. -'~ <It. , *· ., .· • 1. "r· ... ..... At World (Jh .aU.ipioniliips , ' . Californian · i~,·sk·ate Upsf't. COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - Gallerylte• .at the World Figure, Ska Ung Championships think Ulat a·j)etite bntnet.- te triim C&Worniay Joµe L~ Holmes, looks ·and 1kJtea a great f;leal like the USA's incom(iarable Peggy Fleming. But the modeot 17·y~ld c~oungster doesn't think so.· She ii coin.Jlf:tiol in her.Ont World Cbampiomhlpo "'I" under way.i ta ·tbe ·B~ Wor~ Arena cl<lll' to the Colorado Rockies. ur.ve Qft.eo Uated with Peggy and , I greatly &dmire~iier style," Julie saJd, "but I don't think I consdously try to imitate her." EVen acJ, the PaiadenJ girl has t:he blaok"'1ail'<d; blue-eyed good look< that are irUUy rernlndful of Miss Fleming, W<irld' and, OJyujpk: clJainplon ynUI she tumecl•jlrofeulonaJllast y..,. Some obleiven say Mill Holmes ts more daring and· imaginative in her !ree slijlting than Peggy wu· with her ballet-llke Jierfectloo. J uUe achieved a mild triumph Tuesday by seorlng better Uwl, 1":iW'-ol<l Jsnet L)'l1n, U.S. and North,"'1nmcan cham- pion I r om Jlock!oid; ID., In tbe first four of the six compulsory ftguret1• for , the wGmen skaters. She was runrtefUP tG the blonde Miss Lynn in the U.S. event. After the four figures, 'Miss Holmes showed a score of 18%.3 points fbr 'tl!th · place tO 675 for Min tflin in sixth. l"I The remaining'.two ·achool figilres file scheduled for th1i mcrnlng, after wblcb the men contestants take the ice~ rw. the first ~WO <>f their s.iJ: CoJDJ)ulsorj curlicue,,. On the tiuls Of ordinal points, Austria's · Beatrice SchubB led file field of 7.0WOmen from 14 nations. 'Ea'st GerDiany's.'•year· old blonde beauty,, Gabriele Seffert, was second in the ordina.J Count au~ugh scoring 729.4 point; to, Mill Schuba~s . ' Pr:otopGpov,-· lor its filth co~uP,ve world t\tle in P,aris compeiltton auffer'ed a .setback 'Vesday night. ·) ~ They finished secoo4 wit!> !03J3,,i>qints to1 a pair of fellGw counteyn:Ltn, Irina R9dnlna and ~lelael UJanoft Whll SCQred !OU J>Oints In opening ~U911. This couple boldl the European palra crown. Each pair . wu req\ili'od Jo, ~eieCljte the ,...,. jl8Dpo and oilier -'if.!· ~· Foorth place went to a tali Seittle Army man, Ronald Kauffinan, and h11' plaie·lll<t ~-' lilter, • cy\jlllla, with 101.7 points. ' The paiJil Utle will be decldOd With free skatlni ~gill. • 729.1. . MIS! Seyfert Is the European chAnfplon and the fa'vorite. to win the titlt vacate/J by Miss Flen\big. MJss Holin~ who hopee to join the ranks of 'the U.S. figure ilkatlng team for the Winter ,Olymplcl of1 fm, !>Ogan skating in compeliUon when ~ was · t ln PacJllC eoaat jllnlOr g1ril"~ Tbe compulsory figures c<>unt 50 ""'. cent towird the Cbalni>Jonsblp llid ·the free skaung by the fe1mlnine conlfftants Thursday nlght,Wlllbe rated 50 peicenl. Tbe bid of a Rilsslan hulband ·and-wlfe team, LjUdmi]a Belomov1 and 01n • I . Julle inlbta llhe wants to ktop -.on with her rjg«o\!l lOJltli>e of sb: to ·elgllt lloun of'procllc0 nearly """"! w 'unUI the 04'Jz!plC )'Ul'. But ibe 'sajl1 ' llhe doean't: tlilnk too mucn 'abOut tryln& . to beat anyooe 1n ~cular: " • · · "Jut! trjtng to do 'mi beat;111 ....... eriough/' Julie says. ' · 'f t ! ' . '· 6AkWD, Calli. <APJ -Blllle Jean 1"" ·1111r1ery,. In which a ·-leadon Kin1P~•.llY coin~~~ waa haY)ng waa 'IJCTaped, said be hadA' pta,yod so trouble<CO'V'ltinc:tbi ·,,i~ court. well ln !II year1~ a half.' • " But the ;tJirei:tldie W!ritliloc!On,'-s~ bit_~---v'1Jeys who~ pro laat April dldn,_Oei!m to , l!!tak· Mn. J-' IOrVlce ln:tbe at all stow Tuesday . u . lhe wlilpped sixth game ofd jlo ant oet, and -e . AM HaydOI\ Jones of London, H , 6-2, service• in tbe third, fifth and aeveoth In the women'• ·finals ol .. tbe, $11,000 _,. to r"eep tbe second. . . , lntematloiial ~ :r~ lnv)lallonal. !.aver, rale\I by, muy ,exp¢s .u · the It was tbe nm triumph 10< Mrf. . Nq. ,I termti player_ in tbe world, played Kt111,, ,ol Alb8ny, Cal!f.,, alnce a knee , the base Une with strong Jpbs In beating opera.U9n ,last Novepi~ ~ e,amed her , Ro!ewall, who tried ~ully &o the~ 1'oroen'1 prize ill $1,Jql. ""1>•tlle net. . JR the men'• ·Mmtrlriais, · ~d • Left.banded, Roche's opinnin& ~ Rod La~ 1of. Co~lll,,~!1 ""-'· 4<1.0!'ted was the· major fac!or in bis win over Australian Ken 'IWse\fall, M, 6-Z and RI-•· former Northwealern Uolvenlty a third Auatraltan, Tol!Y Ri>dlt, defeated bailkatball'player. ·. · MiitY Rie!'On, Evanston, I!)., M, H. "Ile forced me wide with IJ>,at1~lce, lp doUfjlio, Auatra)talia JqJin.~ewCombe and . then started slipping .,.,q, """" and Roe~ defeatid Laver lnd Roy the:~." Riease~Ald .. Emerll<iri, ~ 8-4, _ • . • • RoCbe Is the leadll:ll pro lennla m0ney Mn. '!ling, riow fWly --from wlliber with $17,000 thll year. ' • . ' .i ! A~~e~'.R~port ~~~.r~~:r:' I ~~y Play.ers._M~~i~ .. ,.-1.; T~e -~Great ;Es~:~p~: R~esell'.s -A:W.Ot , . . . . • NEW•'YORX (AP)'.,-Bill -t knew hia Injured im.. ..U all ri(ht - he ocaled • mice mUln& 1111 D1idnight getawar ll'om a Booton hospital. And !Ill "'I'~ Ruaaell .... It, since .......... just 11bat the doctor ordered for the Bootoo eeilk:I over the past Il' ..... there WAI no reuoo be shooldn, pr.scribe !or hlmoeK and check bimaell out of the hospital. RusaeU bad just finished pulllng down 1$ -Tuesday night In tbe Cdlicl' l!UI NaUonal Baakelball Aslodatlon vi~ over Pho<llU. But be was chuck!- " •• in& more when remfnded 1llout bis daring • • escape. , It hlppened ---qo wbeii 11-11 iDjurod •• -Ml' • IJuncla)' .--qalllll New York and . warllospl!'"""' fora ciie af t>haustlc"1, as wtll. ''The -lllD -•. little bit but not ~ to bother me." he said. "Otherwile, I feel u 1ood u I ever have. "But I bad to 1et out of that hospital. By 'l'hur!day night the 1'00m WU CIOling in on me. 0 1 couldn't aet out for the finl fe)! e v e n U we win all the re 1 t ol our days because l •wu tlftn to'~~~ gamfll. Tbey'rJ piaYlrc 'too '~" In my unllorm and I bad no clotbU. ' · n ..... n ' ,,,. •we'Y·e -·' ,.., ·~~ "Even I colikln't' fieat out wtUf no nu.aKU -· Mau •-• . .-clothe~ So I l4>ld my 1 wife to • bltntl, · at . ~ ~-f"1· we'J!,. Icy~ lo. irln me ~1 om e)! and I checked ,myself out ev'!')' ga~. . · · ·and ·jumped: a llltle lence to' IJ<f11o • •rm· Mi ·'!ilrrYl.al"ab<llf Ille' ,r~if:(: the car," ~, 1 ' •t · now. 1•m cinJi. ~ 'Wl&tii The fourth-place C.Jtlcs, de!eridlTIJ· the oeuon. ,n•1 ~ lonPll '• I Cln NBA cbamPfona, have won sh of nin6 reiMml>tr. lt .een.· Hb /1 ·~ g.Mtes since Russen··, return but· ltlll g•ID!fl·" . ~ ,. 1 ',' trail .Bi!Umore by nine ·-and hi•• II old ... c:rtepinl up on: !Wl He just abool .given up hope of calchlnc waa uked. the Eute.rD Diyjslon leaden. "Not'1rne," laUgbed the U.)'ear-old "I don't think we can CltCh Baltlmore Ruuell. 0 t•m lrHDy .,rtme." .. r • ' ' • ' ·Half of :Oilers.' 1-2 .Pnnch;~Suffers R.are .Ailllient · • I • ·~ . ' MlDer lulfeh ,._ a ran -ocooll'a • cllaealt. . He II affllded with Oqood-8dllaUar', diMMe, I -Uoo GI the -· jololl which ·-awtlllal omdu ICllle pl\yllcll -· llUCh u bul<ell>lll. , Evtl)'llml ao, llllltr i-. up hil 1tM11 -; ,be ;~wllll the qunUel ol pain. · "He't· 1n .pain all the time," Combs ,.,~ "But be' never 11)'1 a word about it lo llll)'body. The not GI the players Imo• •bout lib' tiie.i and they also know It'• harder for him to go 111-0Ut all the Ume than &Jl10"' eilt oil tbe ~ Combo qulpo: "Th tr• ' 1 Ii 1111der the buekel, where ht tOu.. llOllllll'...,.. with \!ml" • .. llnllith for · a1i>otJns poo!Uoo ind ~ II lhl 1JP!1 who • loob Ille • -lull waJiiiil Into the 1)'111, re~. · · arid 11'1 llwayo beta ·that way • with · , Corin" 1 .. ,. l\lllurlDJ .. &lft!>d · be him. ' . -_.,. lo ht loolln( but that'• bocabse <''Wlitn we had liln\-1 6ur eee· leaJS ~ ls no ~ moUoo. II• Ooals wiled be wu\ a fMihlnan ~; l6ohcl ~ llld hangs Iii Ille' air' oil drtv!D& ~ 1c>o111o me juat waalq around, Comhl wllli a lluldll1• ol' moveroont t1ill ool'/ · ~· 1 , ~ ll'i an unllkeljt pair. Millet wu 1 • the oomploll player can allow. • w~ for Combo. He trlllllirred I<! He'1 been recruited by ,about'-:Ill HUl)lJbsloo U a ~ !)'Gm Venlca unlffnttlei -Arllooa Stltc, USC, Hlgb. Conlftru II I !hfnl -lion U<:LA, Orqon Stale, lnc,llana State, Hunilrlatoa 8uch ntldool illlvldlop, lo name 1 'few. · , MJfet II ~ IOd ~Y· Illa ~ MJller, ~use be Is a abor!Jorwanl._ ' . Top College Frosh, F~ve,a Cliu!i i:, . · . -. Highly t.~uted Tr'.obahes Invade ... liCi ... wra IN!lmtan htl!btblll lllln. 1iopta .lo ll1r op -. home cooking tanlCbt ~ 7 tn Crawford Hill when tt boota whit IDIJ>Y bukotball aperla clll the ~, fnlhman buketbalt leant ln the. Untie!! s111e1 -use. co.ch Tim Tllt'I Junior Antallten col a taatc GI the Trobabll urUer thla .._. at the Sporll Arena and· ctJne aw•y on thf: abort end ft a tote COWll USC la IU and avtrqlq D polnll per pme. UC! la 1"1. Common Foes Tab Sea Kings • Over Saints llJ'.llOGD CilUON ................ • '• • • Tltt dfltlCdbts tbl Tn>blll!!s " 11 1 team of no oifenaltt. weaknesltl. ''The beaulf of tbele IUY• ls that they're Ill po1llbed perlmJll<l'I but they're all unaelfl'1. If we were to ~ their t)'l>O GI fut break came, wed have to play awfully well to beat them. So we're colnc lo be far more aelectlvf: · with our lhots than we w1r1 the Jut time." Ttft, of Course, has a strona; ouUlt himaell. Four of bla atarten are-eipected to tee CIOOllderable action ntlt aeuon . ' with lbe .varllly. ca. Bill Georp (f.7) lopo lbe lltt of ~; with cuanl Gary Fox (11-1) rig!)! beb1llCI him. Tift'I' other two. ltlndoota are forwards BUI.~ (IH) ml Sieve White (M). Thi Junior Antcalerl have loot t1ree u.-11111 ......, 1o use, ca1 state <Lolil Beach), n.a, .net 1o Loyola, rl-74. The apb.lve Trobabel have 1one over the · 111 mark ft•e tlmel. capped Ii,. a llf.71 omuhlng GI Hancoclc JC. Joe Mackey .from ArboOI, a M •• f-anl, la leadlJil the twn with · a IO.O averace. Guan! Paul Weetpbal. call- ed by IODle "another ~trey West," is hovertoc about the 11.0 mark. use· e<nler BUI Toylor (&-U) la • youncer. brother of aeven-toot USC varsi- ty center Ron. · UCI IH Mowe ', F IH -· ·F f.7 6-p C· 11-1 ra G 11-1'11'--G G•rdner otJ .2nd. Team 'Christensen on 1st Team For Crestview All..S~s u Jiiot -··and ~ ..... ~.lrtiotl.~ -ailllde tn AM , err I tl"lltD · ~ eompeUUoo., ~'*·llllltkllool .abouli! out 11a'Jtilp'w!im 1t holta ~ ~ Foothill High SChool domlnatecl the,1elecUonS of the Orange Coon· ty Sporllwrtten' offlclal All-crtstvlew Liaaue basketball team. I Bill l!Oyd, a • IOphomore, was JWDod Player of the Year for the dwnplo~ Klllghts, llld ·bll coach, J&Jm;Y pununell S{~bJ>ed. Coach of the ~-. '"· .u. ~ -., tlie . •~ic.r'r ·Wtflll· . .. . ' .. ' ':"; '11!11 ·-'• Sa IUnp, .... ' Sp.ts, Edltw ~~~.:= =·=: --,--'-------,.- =~"'~_..Iba G. ··w .... c r· ..., ... And·~ ..... lhe.*' ""-, · ang es ":tr.iii c.... dal\.,.. -i!JJ " ~ : ! ' .• ' . • 181'.-lte.. ' .• ' • . . . ~ be1:."'i.:ldl~1111 ,,-:. o::,: c . With Hornet Mlllllr!!.'I.· ...... wblil I C'f!. Anthon7 111 Ye~ Jaurell. _ , . . San Clemente Hilb scortng· whiz Eric Christensen garnered a first team berth 8l!d Tom Gardner of Nllslon Viejo. was a~rdeil honors on tht :~d team. ,., j .•. \ • ~- Player Bill Boyd . Eric Chrlsteii.len Kbii Galea · ' Ed Jimenez . Bill Krage ., ALL.CltESTVllW LEAGUE •' l'ltat Tum School Foothlll sa'.n 1 Clemente' Orange · ' . El Modena Villa Part Hel9'1t M &-10 M 11-1 11-5 Cl••• AV9. ' So. 21,.0 Sr. 25.t Sr. 18.2 Sr • 14.0 Sr. lli.O II anil' laaltlC to tanlW 'do! Mar ' 111' F·1·v' e· T . h a::·= PIWl' ~ ccntacttnl omg . t Tom Post · Tom Gardner hcond Teem El Modena Mission Viefo Tustin 11-2 Sr. 17.1 &-10 Sr, 6.3 6-0 Sr. 15.8 3 iilD ·~,GI· Garden Grove; F'Ullerlon Junior Oolleae ritb ·• · 16-Steve Minton ~ :J:r'~· f=1'i::: ~ .samt~r 'atreak and a ·per1&:1-1t4 Dav~Dayton ·~~-~ nl(bl ·Butem CoolOfll!IO ~ ~.j!heft .Pete Henderson on ~\)rlllt • tqt: · · '• )11 ~ boot ._ Goldtn Wtit -Colleae'1 vwa Park !'ootl!W 11-3 Sr. 15.5 M Sr. 6.0 . ,, l'Cl tani!.ti ft Corilia k Mar:'.tffe bukJltb tdil:.' ~ .! ).·it ~ • ' edge. 1t 11aa • _. outatanc!tnf' 1n-··The pme. 1be f1n•1 re..,i.; ...... Sport. s In Brief Clvldual ID Sieve 1.-11 than uy GI Iba pme fir both teame, wtll atart et I _ _ IL ~ ~ ad £anina ·AM e'clock. • • ·, !letter Si.,._· , . • · . Wb11o 1be HorneU hope tq (DO!nt.tln "St.~'1-laamallerlhmt the C0rW bOJ but be bu f>Od ~~ PITllUll cpMi;.•ll~Clrl' rA .-...,~pdpcmU~ ~ ~; : :m l: ,.ft ~ Ulll 'a IOod battle. Ccnnl IMfl "'-11 I t• I .. .~.u -· tbl a.i-~.n,, ~th 0..... wt.1 11 t Ufl las _.. -r --.-..i-~ WJ ll"'°'"lft 1• t I~ 14') Lbe kt bCJI thlt ~ bll doWn tbere. C:v,,_ ll II UOI 1111 -....:.. •-!..L ..-.-' a_'"' ~~ _._ Ml. kn Altltlllt t 10 IUI Ull w.-. .._. &..-• ~ ..---· o,..,... c..t • n un "" 12 Unsigned Dodgers Invited to Sp~ing Camp ,. OCl the 'flnaJ ·~' tbt MDJ1bn mcb Cttr\11 ol U lltl HU npUld; ••· carcm dll·Jqr." _ "" ~rfl';..... 1 ~J rm 14' "It ~.u ·be ait .~. pme Cl'lrlll tt, °''fllt l'-1 u ---. • Ml. S.n AtllWilO tl, Oo~ W• .. JO watclt. Corona dll lhr.ll·well-,.., ""'~·· ~" -~ on maHHnan deftn1e. ~~ =: .r:-11~~~~~ it. AalboPy ii .... ...,. louflt '.. ---· --~-----del<nle." Ly;. canoluded. tbelr perfect rocord, Golden Wat wt11 be Ste ...... GI -Grove: out lo halt a lwo-gama 1 .. 1nc atreak. "lifQ'10. a i..r. -W 1aroe. Tbl7 The Ruat1m AW their ·EC nc:ord . beth ~ play IOOd di!--m1Ch fall lo lo-t Tuaday nlcht after dn>ppln1 .the Un\o !IYla. Corona dtl Mii hu 1 IHI dedllon lo Ml Sen -'-lo Jbe better 'olaa and I tbtnl< far that Colltce at 0r1n1e Coal!. .reuon ec,ona. will .win. Jt wu the ume old story for Ooldtn "I'd "!le I!\. Anthony • UU1e btlow Weet -a mlwable llrll ball and theq Corona .de! Mar man lar roan. They a 1plrltecl IOCllDd'hAU char1e spear-beecf. .daa't bn• -u eood u '!lteve ed by a t1ree and four-ruant lineup. IMch. llul thejo alWl)'I do I lfOOd Job It WU O l&me cladded by· tumaven. lumwiae. Golden Wm commlltecl 11 cir thtm In "I'll take Corona dtl Mar by a ff.la the first hill and Ml SAC look advant••e 9CDl'e." ""II Pirate ~ers Upset, 90-84 Lealiil ... Cl1rul Col1ttt -up Ill -upeet -Ill .... i.am In lour ~. dowalllf ~ Qllli Colle1e, -. 'llltOdoy illPI .. tilt' ow11r flaow. ' Thi defat, OnoP Cout'i tltlnl llralrhl. dtappod lbe -1: •• , ••. CGoference ,_.., lo •11. 'Otrul, wldell earlier In the ---·m•· by lhl BllCI, 11 -11-11. of the RQIPen' erraUc . play to open 1pa~4Wlbal1Umamarcto. In tlie ltne1 IO m!JuteS, Golden W•I in.......t the MounUa In II bell-lland~ int errors, but couldn 't take convert enou,ii ft them to ner cut .the Mt. SAC INd 1o 1eoa tllln 111 POinll. ..... w.ru.1 .. #l\t.uc11n ._.,, --..... ·-~ = ... ,... """" 51111 Ktl,_., •1110 ••10 S.19 1112 t I I 4 brnMY t ol l:tt 1 I I 11 .,_,., S I I II •ltU Olcll""-1114 I I I I 111«fftW1 t I t t l 1 I 1 Pft -II o1 I• I > I l 1 f I I • I t """" •• ,. .. ,...... :a,,". Hltfll"'* I#. SAC. M. Gtllft!I Wftl • ' •• VERO BEACH, Florida -The 1"11 Angelei Dod&m. 1n a 1wltch of poUey havo lovltecl tbelr 1J Wlllgned plajo<n here lo atart spring tralnlng. 4'Thlt ls a change of policy for us ," Dodier owner Walt.er O'Malley old. 11Tra1dUonally, a player who bun't •lin- ed hi& contract la not ln•lted into camp • However, thl.1iianunusUal1ltuatlon ." "We want to win the pennant ln IMO and do not nnt to let other clubl 1et ahead of u fn cond1£1ontne," saJd player personnel director Al Campanl.s. 'nle dozen include atartlnl pitchers Don Dryl<\ale, Claud< Osteen, BUI Slnr.r and Don Sutton. LOS ANGELF.s -The 1"11 Ancelet Klnp, tryln& lo 10 for tbelr lhlnl llral&bl came without a loll -somethin,g they haven't done •lnce 'early. lut mon°' -tan on the llolton Bruinl tm>llht •-tiers•-Bearu CORY ALI.ta, Ore. -lleluaal of~ . State Unlvenlly lo Ull a ~ qalnlt beards on caropua athlelll bu lllmd a hornet's nut am'1ng tile ldl:>ol'• 17 black students. They tbruteoecf lo becln I boyc:otl ol cl-today and hoJcoll two bomt buketball games lhla weekend unleu the scllool admlnlslr•Uon rescinded the orde(. ThlJ!-•l@m'!! d_l=imlnaUon Iller football coach Vet Andros ordered Negro-linebacker Fk'ed Milton to re.move bis bnnl or lose bis atbl.Uc acholarlhlp. Altlmla te Colorado Newport Harbor ID8h'1 Stu Aldrich will enroll at the Unlverlity ·of Colorado ·non tan . Aldrich, a Illar football player and track man, picked tht Golden Buffaloes after narrowinc bis ~e · choice lo Mlnneaota, the Unlvertlly of CaJHornla and Colorado. He wu an end on the ~or football tearo and is the achoo! roc:ord holdtr for the dlJc:ua. He Is a canclidate for tbe atate meet ln the tauer this KUOn. F ... ara Ban Bit LOS ANGELES -UCLA !rack coach Jlrn BuM, deploring the Pacific-I Con- ference b&n on ftubmen compeUng with the vanity, Ill<! TUelday lhla wtll' tn effect ~ the naUooll collqtate <:flam. plonlbJp lo Kanw. The Ills 10 and the Pie-I are the only conferences In the nauon which bin lrGtb, Aid lllllh, who added be undentanda the Bia 10 will c:baoge Ill rule nm month. Itanw bu a llln>oi lnlohteam. Oran1< Cout led ftlOll GI the flrll ball, bOt the Gwll ............. n.. ti: ~t.s~ :i. ~ HB Is ID Tough-··Bloom • ball -<i the llail -., •. , ' ,,,.,, Mike P'1ebaltJ -.. - In front apln with In ....... L Drane• ~ led, .. --.....,. !lllll1 Leonard M--a Jmlftr 111!11 5,11 lo ... ntl ...... -a.. a 11-11 lead ana the a.la -lndlld. """'',., ....... .. ... ,,. . ... .. = It' 111 .,.._ t I 114 11111 ,....,.,. , ••• ,, •11n ••11 1•• '''" ••• ,I( .... 1111 BJ GLENN WHITE ................ 1luntlllfloa Beach lliJb la In taul!I far 111 llnl lVUlld CllP buutbaJI playoff dlllt' -~ P'rldoy nlfltl. llul the Ollm' home -..,....... ml the lac! Ibey doo, maft 1Dll!1 -wlU away the llnaJ IN1-te 16 lhtlr favor,..,., Bloom tell1 lhla ol c:.ntenn1al, runntr· up lo unbeaten Compton tn the Cout Loque: '"lbeir atrencth la tbelr utremety quid Ill""' and tbelruoaUtnl lboollJll. Tbelr center 11 a trt~ board man. And lhq bive the ad lqe GI bavln& ployed aplnlt nm and 11111 tctm1 Un Hununcion. 0 Jf they can alow ll. It will be \.OOih. loc Huntlqlon . "We played two ol oor b,etter 1ames to beat Centennial.,, Revlewtnc poalblt Apache wW:nesaa. Bloomlddl: SHAKING OFF AILMENT -Roy Miller (52) dribbles around a de- fender as he helps set up the Huntington Beach offense. Miller scores and rebounds with the best of them after having &uccess- fully overcome a childhood disease. i J = ' ' 1 " #llCllf9ll I ' t tt 1111 ..,,., ,,,. .... 11S•1t tt ,..,.,..,.. ·IHI ,,....... • 4 ,,. T.... JlttaM ..... °""' +I, Ot .... """ •• Thtt'a the "'Pit\ aplaklo GI lrvloe Loque coach ol lht year Bill Bloom -a 1'11 Who -Corona de! Mar lo a pair ol urly IWOll lrlwnJ!l1a aver CatlellltlaJ'a tall ApcltrL ''The)' know how lo 11ow down the tempo, which lhl)''U have lo do aplnlt Runltnllon. U lhl)' ii)' and run tbey'U be blowu out ol the 1)'111," Bloom oplna . 11They seemed to take a lol ot bid lhots. But one thine about that 11 they have 1 habit ol 1.ittnc the rebound when lhoy mla. And tn that CIR the a<:eond lhot la 111ually • pretly eood one. '"ToO, they don1 1eem to hive any conUnultJ to tbt1r often&1' OILER DELUXE -Veteran Mike Contreras (30) gets set to shoot over a defensive man during Jast year's CIF li!taJ• game with ~. Compton. Cohtrcras, with excepuonally qtil~ bands, 11 · a l&rtlng threat lrom anywhere 00 the noor. L ' I ' \ ( r l DAll,Y PILOT ~~o~ta ·Me ~~Jw. ~. Sw~s Matado.rs, -6?;o2~ ' """ 1:-.~ • ' ~ •.. ~ ' ,.,. ' . ~· . Gallchos Lose Uige Tilts · · ·-" · Washed Out Finnm ; .:7 %~4 . 8 s _ ~. · · y-torm Saddleba~k Colle~ w a 'tempts while ~' Gauc}\os . . unable. to .halt·.& ·1ong JO.Sing ·lhictt 12 of 21,i\ , • The 1itest. raging rainstorm stre~ '.f11e~ay night an~ Both clubs cashed· in on !6 knocked out virtually all prep dropped _af '7~ decision to field goils, b\lt Saddleback sports in the Orange Coast the ·cat Western Frosh at committed 10 mpre' fouls than area Tuesday including boul Mission -V:iej; :Righ scliool in the visitors, who made the varsity basketball games in the. trauChos' final .. basketb&ll most of them at the free t~ Crestview League. game of the season. throw Une. Only events to conUnue as ~ d#eat w~ the:Gauchos Saddleback never held tQe scheduled were a lion-league eighth Stn!Rtit -and' the y lead, but was in the game swim meet with Costi 'Mesa wodlfd tip therr •. 1frst1cage cam'. ,.,until . the n'iiil· three minutes and Bolsa Graf.Xie at ihe paign Wl.tfi an i.20 record, a..;. when Cal W~rn went into former's pool and a gym· Jot kttter 'than many people a stall. The Gauchos were nasties meet at 'Corona del thou~ ~Y. would. _for ced to _foul Cal Wesfcrn Mar '!ith Exc;elsior. c.t W~rn downed sad.,_ to gel the ball, only to have The . San Clemente-Laguna > dleback'at Uie. free throw, Ifue, the winner extend t h e i r Beach basket.!lall 'game slated making •. 22 o( 30 ·ch, llf. Jtv: .at· margin wiiJi their accurate for 7 p.m. was 'J>OSlponed. It , "1 · free thro•ioR". ,; . . bas ~n reScheduled f o r , -· • ·~ ; · . Saddle~a Bill Noon, the. Monday evening at 7 at San Pro H~· k"v ·are•·· 1~·~ .jilnlor college Clemente. ~ ~ :.'> 'ttJ i• ·scorer, ..:C"RUft4i •\IP a -f1ne Mission Viejo High's final ~~ ~. t d" . ~ \." , lreshmaif-tpr_ with 21 points. C~stview League game with cifan ;h . S , Hal Boy~;,.and r~erve . Greg Villa Park1 -High was also • . ., , . tfh ..,,11_ v ~• ·Swenson. liilpped 1n with 14 .. · ,:. ... ~·.•' ... ~·each postponed -till today · at 3:15 v HATIONAL J.•lieuf• ' . . · . • ...., c;ivhlo•-, , Steve Solhday and Mark (hopefully) 'to complete. the , w L T "'"-Oil o.a.' Thorton topped Cal Westerri to complete the 9e3Son. Mo..tral 37 1• I 12 214 1'2 . . ~ 11051..t, 33 u 12 n 21• 1u wtth 23 and 22 points. Classes.'. ,at Sap Clemente Oetrcilf . -3t' 73 t " 191 16' ' . . N"' T'tfll · JJ.' 23 • ' " 110 ,1.,, ..A. ..A. ..A., were called off ·at 12:36 Tue!-Ch~. , .. -,,.ff "f' 6C 225' !fJ "]...(" X }{ Ton111to 2• t1 11 .i uo 16J ""'' •· · • day amt no schi:Jol is planned Wftl b~l•lll'I • -·-" •• Cfl #111.,,, {741 St. lou11 l3 17 12 71 Ol 121 flG ,T '" T" . today because of tnounting oak11nc1 73 tt ' ss 1u ,,, • Solll<ll'f 7 ' · 1 1.1,. dama .... due to the storm. LOI A1191!!tt 21 32 ' " 1<16 lff Ellll'from . 1 ' 2 o-Mlnnesol1 ,, J4 , 41 1so :l(J6 G1tttri l 1 • 1 Among other •J.1 .... 8, an IS. f'l'llladi!iohll 13, 3J 15 (1 127 190 ThorJ'li'l'!! f ( 3 22 OUUI(; fo1tbbur111 u a ' u u1 20J s~YenMll'I ' o 3 • root deep ravine reportedly V'Msdly'I Rtllltll Full""'r D 2 G 2 No wmes llCMduled. 01v11 1 o ' ' overflowed, spewing two to TDllay'i 01-Totit1 76 22 14 7( of · Area Sports Calendar 'Thursday Baseball -Cal State (Full) at Saddleback (3). · > Track -Estancta. and Workman· at ' Detro11 11 MontrNI s1dd1tbllck !'4J three feet water over the St Louil 11 Toronto 8oyd S ' S H entire track at ·san Clemente High whllEtschool officials and Student'S..,home.s at ~ , . Clllc..oo 1t New York Wln~r 0 O 2 O 805Ton 11 LOI A1191!H HlordY 2 3 5 1 Minnesota 11 Oakland Merrllf ' O I I OnlY tlrMI Khldu~ N-9 l ' 71 Tkndu'• G1_. Swenson ' ! 4 1• ~~~~~::~: :ijoin a:r:: ~ ' Torot1!0 lot Phllefttlll'll1 Ne1Mltl 0 0 l 0 Ba.Ion el Oakland T~ll • 26 12 !M 6' Chlc..oo 11 Pllhburgll H91ftlme:-(II WnM<'!I Fnlll'I • a., OnlY "mn tdleduled Sllddis.ck 21. jeopardy. · ( • .. ·~ -~ .. " . " PRE.;SWON . SWIMMING POOL S~LE .iANT 11141 PoOL·FiLTR.GIOUND PAD-CHEMlcAL DISPINSJl.. \J_\'i. ~ ; ., . . SACE : SALE 9. ·1ld4-I.;.., PIMAMc1No OY.AL Kil b1ro $6'29 i'OOL ~.s,.w . .,..... -~-·~ .· • I • • • .LE 11·-.· lllLTO -.>SAi : FEINA i ' ' ' • • • ONf 7 DAYS -.,, ,07.-N. U TO 6 ,, ... . . c • .: • ,'..,! , ''"'"' -J "-• ~ • . ' ,.llUlllA ,~ ... iMH llACM ILn. • U.1 UMCOUI ~ft. .. -. . ..,....,_ .. ' •. • Hz.all", .. 326-llOO . , .... ) •' .. ~ • I . .... ·----·-----·------ ... Ali ut1KACH1an. .. ~--au.-' -·- " I, I; ----• " :::i. -, ~ »i i~ t~~. ". ·u. <!: J~. '· d : .. " • " !-1 ., :; J \_. r6, I~ ''· . •j. ,;::. :, ~· " ,, ·~ :a. ·t· •• ...... J; ., "· ., ·.~ ~-~· " i: Ii .. .... 'I •• • (J :, . . ' . i;, :¢ <li ,,. '~ ·~ t•\o .. "' ~ ·~ •l ~ .. \ :~ •• ' • I • ,. DAILY PILOT Al.LOW fllfEDOM fOl SllOULDU 1Ull'I On "'" """'· -0· -ploto • lhoulder lvm ti .-1~1. 'wlthout'11,.1n1nr. s-.,.lfoll hoYOdlf1l«1lty Mine a fvJI lvl!I ""-"•their chin ~I.ck• the rout• of.their let lheulder. '• ' oftlft th•• playti• hlMI to.., their ,,_ to tho right on thtlr badowlnp toollow.,... for tho left lhTouWer to MOVt fnto. Rother than awoy tho htcld to tho rftht, ....... tho! ,.110. who hav. cr•mpotl bac:bwing1 point their chin l>ohlftd tho ball at add.-C. r· .. dOlne In tho 111 ...... , .. ,, • lly pt0-turill"8 thohood ...,_,. actually 1wl"1f"8, th.•.aolt.r ollMlnot• tho t"""'lo lhat •laht' •ult from ttte•lwheM ........ 1Mnt. Yet, this,p,.~rnlng1tlll ·• allOViC fr11 •°"' for tht lhouldet ...... .. ................ ... ·- GoHers See Action · Between Rain Storms Goutn ot COiia-id ... GoU and Cauntry Club oq.-.1 in some~ ~y onc:I Sun- day-nm>tonns with Gole -takln( low gr<1S$ i.i-. Satunloy In Ibo men'• club ""' nel'low ..... ·-· ~ fullloned an IO for tbe llOiiars w!llle BID ~·1 IHI-ft -pd for the low net llile. pj:.::::..i-:tb'i::X SI. Pll~Jtalmoa won the · blind bote1'durlnl the day'• com- ~tspatrlct wu the low . net wbter' in women'• club . actloa.!'!d"Y with a M-J0.71 on tb(LUe Cow'le. Bellf -. followed with a 10Hf·77 and Maslnt -trailed -i 111"'1· IO. • fl lV'-'!d.~' ' El_, Couatlf M ;m lie lllt ..... ol lbe ·llllril ... ' Ul defeated Argonauts Head Stars Al Clr!lon and G<ae Broom led . a Ganloo Gnm llJih Scbool' ,,.,eep of a11-1eoaue -.: ID the re!eue of the offlcll1 All-Garden Grove Lequi 'buketbaO I01ecttom b7 tlie Oranp C'o'.u n I y Sportawrll<n _...,.., Car!lon iraa nomed Playu of Ibo-Teer w!llle 8">om waa a««ded ftl'lt team honors. Cooch Jbll Stephens, - led the Arsonoutt to • l&4 mork• tn.p the replar se...a., wu n1med Coach of the v...,. MllH" •aov• LU.eua ' . , ..... ,._ ....,., ..... Nit. 0-•A• • .._. Oe!"lllll a-M Sr. lf.I "'-r.. hc;tfla W s.11. lJA Cl,.,...,....... ..... ..1. Sr. n.e Gr.Me ... Sr. 21.J ~ Altflll'-., Ir. lt.2 ~T-ltrt, ..... ..... ... Sr. 10.t ... ,..._, ~ A19111"-M Jr. 11.J ~·. '-"-... Jt, 1).7 L~ 1Mt1199 •1 Jr, 11,I Mor-. •Le °""" M Sr. tt.t 'lnw' .... .,.........,., ew-.. Ger-... .._ Ceedl '« .. .,... _ '"" ..,,,._, .. __ R~er Picked -Gary Dnnl of Golden Weal Collql ha& -named to Ibo junior -.. All- AmoriCaio -""° .mt team liy·a puoi ol coocheo. Dnil ' I& the !Int Golden Weal "'1Mr ~ playor to win All-·laion. , . " . nu&I ca!·Stata (Loi .\llllleo) Invltau-1 p11 1o11nwn1111. ... of the bat eollfllall 1oll toamey1 la the neltoa M>rcb 7 and.I. .Tbrteae ~ .. ,.~...,...-.·-,, Armla l!late, UC llerbley an d Brilbam Youni will bt - petlnl ~with USC. UCLA, Fr.-lltale, San ~ State, San Fomanclo Valley l!late, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara and hqll colles• . Ce! Stato (LA). Eacb llCbool will field a lllx· men teem and spectators will bave Ibo opportwllty o I watclllq • ol Ibo bat co~ Jesiata p~~ la the natloa. S .... llfl . 'l1le Huntillston S 1 a c 111 I Country Clab la Hunllniton llUcb hu IDftOllllCOd the farmatlon al. Men'i :i n d Women'• chlbt at Seaclllf. Appllclilom f C! r mtm· benhlp are -avallable la Ibo aoU shop. Basketball Standings _,, ,,_ Vll11 '•rll S.n Cll!Mnlt MluJDfl Vlllo ...... Tutti" '"- Manhattan Wins Crowns '· '· _, .All P_enney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday FOREMOST· PINTO WHITEWALLS t FREE 15 mo. Replacement Guarantee s Orig. $17 NOW Plus fed. tax and old tire • 700-13, Feel. tax 1.M • 691-14, Feel. tax 1.96 • 735-14, Feel. tax 2.07 • 775-14, Fed. tu 2.20 • '775-15, Fed. tax 2.il Orig. $21 NOW '19 Plus foci. tax Incl old th . • 825-14, Fed. tax 2.36 • 855-14, Fed. tco: 2.57 • 815-15, Feel. tax 2.38 • 145-15, Feel. tax 2.57 Orig. $24 NOW •22 Plmfod. ta and.Wtlr9 TD DAVI • FREE puncture repair for life of tread! • FREE tire rotation ' ' ' . every 5,000 miles! • FREE tire mounting! HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) i ... ' TUY - IVBVU lqED IRONIWG! im•'hlll.I. P.AITS . 3.99 2'" v•I•• 1. s-21%1 PEIMA!Wfl llESS -I style '°"" I• IWl11 WHYe pofywtter-cotffln bind. llit9>, olift, -~or Made. 6-12.. •H• SWIATEIS 7.99 4'" "''-C.S-_I..,.. ...... _ ..... "' 1110" °"""" • ..,n.: -'""" """ """" i" tlHS I to 11. aoYS'•0.1 .. 11 SBlll'l'S & .llAlll 1.st .... _ .. Y•urchiit .. ~·U.· A. s... 39%1 IUMANM PeSS Acrilila• .,,.IC <irtt in iw1,hf tekirs. S,.._3 "' 1. ·I - A.V...a.1m· r1• 111' '·1 ...... _., • ............. .,.. ... ...,, .... .... ............ , .................... ..... poclolo """ .......... ....., _ .... .. l.._YISTAD ar=a s••1 sn 1.99 •. "·7~ v•lue IOllDD PElllE sm lACE YGIE llESSIS 10.99 127 valn1 s-24~ c. ~,,.,..~elf' J' ....... ...... ,. ..... f ...... ,...,. .... .... ,...~.-..... _ .. _ II.de or Mwyi• ,..., ....... 3 • 11. 7.tt val••• -- •• ' ... ' FUlllAR1•&l"ftNUtN Wtl BPmlfG BRA AJWDGJJUJU!l BALI! SAVI UP TO.M%1 PADDID•W values. , f 107 I• 2.00 A.Ollll l.Fz• IM .... 91' t..lffuPt' ..... p1dll1d ...... ,.. .... ......,,,, ..,.... ..,... --wilk oolt.liborlill • ••1 Cwt_. ...., loce c111ps. °"" styln la .- --,.;11t 1-po4ded cv,_, alll>aw tr.M. In white, sires 32· 36A, 32491, ':w.31t. LYCRA• fPAllDIX PA•I Y •lllDLI t . -1·7 2.tf ...... c.. -31%1 ...., ...... Mth 1,.,.• •llid111 ~ ftWllt p11111el far fi,.., ,....,. ....... Nyloni 011d ,..,.,. w.d ;,, tan1 • l&M ffofel ~ pilt t11 flesh ,., ... -s. M. I. llL .. ~ & SPAl'IDIX •AflTY•mDl.I 3,99 ·227 vof11e • ... -4!"1· ...., tfnlo ,.;"' ;_, •\M5c f• • ..... : IJIW.fit • ..,... -~·~·' .. , .. ~--.... -··• •d ....... -...... -........ -._SI-$, M,1. llL ,\ " D.\llY I'll.OT 21 I \ \ \ \ • LIMElllLS' 110o ... Sl.tCIS ~ 1.;,,.,;,...-1 97· " • .•. , ...... lllAm& , •••• CU'le. ---------- SHOP & SAYE AT Z:ODYS MON. THRU FRI. 10 to 9 P.M.~ SAT. & SUN. 10 to 71 ~ •• LQT~ Of ..... PARKING! ' \ ' ' ' -' '1 I I , 1 I , f2 flNLY ,MT _____ ' _w._ .... _._, _f-~·-·_26._l_M_ ·' ... l • ~ast Area Men ._in Service Aroµ~d· ~h ~ W~rld - Set. J._ D ..... p11r, 1011 ol M,r. and ' Mn. J. D. Ferpoa .. ,lltl ,,_. Ave., Colla~"' lftilf'ae the tpeClol -'ad!i'I ID Chala, ~ -.. Newpan Beacll, CCIOllplelecl Dlvlalon ml SIL J-E. s-11. II ,.....U,. aotudent , Sheppard· AFB, Tes!-r or Ille 5evOotb i'leei, 1be cantir ballc ttalalng al.Jtetller AFB," ,._, II, -ol J'orriot II .tllo Alr TNfnln1 C-.....,._. In 1be w1ii main-partlclj041od la Ille ApoDo I Miii. dd 1111 -, "*' I. l\lllmer <Ii -. Cll1 IL.. mud'• Ke 11 la r Toclmlcol. ;;;;;;;; •••d. i-v~ 11111 mil• 110Ul!I ol for mty In Vietnam. . ' N.,/port Buch, aervlng with: 1\-alnlng C..ler, Jllloil, lollaa. '"" '. "'lfa1\'.ail. " • · . · r--the 7tb Caytlry, lit CIY"1r71 1111e· ~ II YA 'll'ldalte . • ( "'. · :.--·t i . ._, r "-" '' Two~ Cout men have Dlvlslon,' " . ~i ·1 ol .~ fl!ili -aod l'>I, l .C. Roger E-· ~~· LI. IUclllri J. !loll,. Q811C, been ....... latheAlrmobtle Tbe,,......i•amillll\r, Mn.· atleniled .Golde!i''West cOjlege ,son ol .Mr, aod ~ Otla .. Of· Mr. II"!~-Qllololi In Vietnam u r111emon, llutlr~ 1"' ID W1111tte, • before entering !lie 1ervtce. C. Paiobit o1 :IOU Royce Lane, J,' ~-ol '8 -.. 11111, 1bey .,. PYL LC. Jl'red CalU. -• . --Costa Mesa,,c:omplete( Baalc (ljila M .. .,.de bll 11nt G. MoJ, 11, aOl! ol Mr. ml · -Alnlwl lllclWd~ son ,Jnlanlr'y 'rraln111J o1 ·camp !!'lt.JU'zht 'ta a btllcopl<)r ,.at 'lbl -· b ........ grl&late ol ~.,. School, Corona de! Mar and <Ii Villa Part JjJp llcJ!ool, OrufL . ....., •• , S.c. SMp'r A. v-. USN, I"" ol Mn. llollrlce Pretcyman ' ol -walloao, «:..a M-Is eerv, .._., lid. J-cnls Ing aboanl'tht _-.....,.,, ·Gnllqar, -·o1Mr. ml Mn. VSS Eodurance la Ille Pacific. eta!' Gn1nc<r Ot 154 Imel Mn. F.dwlrd J. MaJ ol 115 Alnioo iC.Jtllo CO J-, o!Mr.andMn.WalterFraler P~ton.. !!!t"'iiii\<oi Air Station , D""'ll st., Costa Mao, lefV• IOO cl Jlr. ml Mll:·H. ·E. ol 3! Balboa Coveo, Newporl" "'-"'t_,_".ll· ~: la a .~'J'la: ; Ing wlllt u,. l~ Alrborno J-·~·~· Stal Beacb, haa been 11~ to; .. ~fd~to unltt~lt , . Pn. ~·k. m.. "h, ' . • (" MirlDo~ .... ail Jiit. ~ Mil. ~ Ent•rn..;...,. R · ' ' N 1 £' -1-:..,.., · ' , '· ·c:. ~ ''71 '"""'"° .SI.. ,• IN IAND ,_ · Flutist, 1be Loog ~ based sblp llrlvo, eu-de! .Mar, ls Is Jlrlmarll1 tl!ll&<d la clear, unilorl'>!n& lnlninl II ·lhe Ing the ooean <Ii all type1,.. cOaot Guard C..ler, Alamedio <Jl ~-' 'll\O recruit Is ........... -·r'"..,,._, epam... ~Iµ°. UJfilP IC'U.Uff -.lollltoo J, U...U.r, <JOilt ~will be assigned John Lagerquist, son • ' ' .. • ' • 7., USN.,!"'! .ol Mr, ...i . Mn. la the Arini I l'l'llh AG. M.P. of Mr and Mrs Rob- PEAllL HARBOR (AP) -,Tk B1'_E ••' out or ti>!' Injured,. still are" Mi!lqn lll,lldler .of 1313 Dlylslon' ·In Seool, Korea, ert n" Lagerquist of llepalr -•-the ·nuclear, ol aervlci ~·ll·~ a~ , confined at ,'TiWu' Army Foidhoin ll'ilve, Coote Mesa. beglnnlng-Marcll.f. ii! ' '!ti A powe'Od alrcroll carr ier of, e.-•:W•Jiir faD!l HosplW In Honbliif'u. , issefYln&abi>ardthe1'oU:sub-Tbe ·Coota 14,.. private ls IC9 taWbMI .er b venue, Enterprise II ahea4 o!' llOClloD tiill ""'1 dooil Ind· Ab\IUI '19t .Jlliiii~ to'''.marine warfare 'siippiiit car, a 1967 gradu&te o!·Estancla OS ... esa:, ,as r.e- ecbedule Ind obe may be able D'IIIJaniit 11111 ··:-m It mlos ii ~.·~llifb,'. 'l'ler.:us8'Ycirldown. . ,ffig!I.s,:hool, Coilt4 Mesa, and cenUy JOIDed the Urut- la leave bJ mldsMardi !nr . -wut,.cl 'IW"""1 j»· -baiid!irig'.I!>'·~ 'W<rl.•, TIIe "Ftibtln(' LadJ" Is ""! fmpjoyed by Larry's ed States Army Band, the weotern Pllclllc, the Navr· titlns tralnlal ~ 11 • Tile Navy estlmlii>i , "'pair .,returnlnr,lrom a laur!-ol duty ~. Costa Mesa, )>el.,. stauoned ,at Fort ,MY· reports, . !lie -. ,. . ... dill..il'l&.4 nillllon,. · , In the western Pacl!ic with entering the Army. er, Arliµgton , Virgm1a, Pit. lleba1 L Ctcllnl, 24, <Jl Im Monterey Ave., Costa Melo; has completed an airf?ame "'pair course at Ille ol Corolla del Mar H!lb Scbool and a former lfudebt at Oraqe Cout qouege. Pn. LC. GMrse M. POM1 ~-• flanoriog..,.. ..... 'Ill" 0 -,. look,.._....,."""'°"' • Choke of SO ahad.o ' ' ' . 100'!9 ••••• •••• w1., is.ts ,,., •• , •• i UT . Styrofom• •••d for wlg'lleNI• •• , ••• •.•Ste Eyelash .. -N••P'1 Eyes, 2.50 vt1la• .;97c "I LOVE IOW YR LOVE Ml" Wiii .. Y'C"'llff'S FAYOllll llTSI ~..... ' . ... . /' Zedplow ·dl1c•••I price e led""-many of Ray ConniW1 I-contemponiry tuna •"Wlclllla'llnOIWn", ·"TfiOoe·w~··'flI•-Dayr' •.ur.~o'.,,Martin and Jolin: and many 111oro • O.o of ~ Conniff'• greatest albums! . . . . . ' . SAYDSUAYI HAIRSPRAY 1At .49c ... : . Ill 21/sa IOX l·LB. BA• OP .. . •' :' ' . ' ' .. '1''1AYl45%1 . •INDANT WATCHD . SllAIL NIAL' ·•RAii ..... DU.UXI 3 HP., 4"CYCLI Q'1POWERMOWE. ' Zffyl ...... . Dlscouat Price 1.17 4·~ -·lly lly!ed r..foll>. 1o .. of lodayl n-1 by JMUtv Swiss cratt..n. ..... -.... cloalned. Gift boud f• )'OU• . ~7.JEWiL AROMATIC CALlllDAR WATCH 'Zo4yo ....... . Discount Prl•• 11·7 21.11 • '1g• IAYI 34%1 ' ·49c 2.67 value •s-adlotl _,,, ..... ..... ·-. •Popular 1a...i °'"" ... .., ' ' 54.95 value 3' ,,, i 87 FAIULDUS ·' , · · VALUE! · . . •Eosy NCOil lfarter •flU 20-ioch Yode • NooHailplng ""8.-.I wlooel doslp • 14 aaua• BonHrind ... deck .•fa-'lolQll ,....., nllable lllfggi &-Motor -•• . SAY' 20.01 AT :ZODTll lllLITY AITO FLO~•.PTS . S'Jc . ' . . . . . .. 98c val•• ; :. ' •fits on-car • Lo.g W9arin g •Cowiesin populqr colonl •Fol' holJll!, shop or boat 1S·MINUTE SAFETY· ROAD FLARES .;.. I Jc ' 7 35c ,,., .. •Emergtney 15-lninufe,.red 11a .... • •Safety aec•ity for your car AUTOLIT&,i)ORD OIL FILTERS :1.91 '.' 149 ,,.., .. -ri;.,1 ' •Assa .... IOftQw full-tiN b.artng pl'Otection •Fifi tdl ford productt 151-'IA •:Mbtt Ch.prodDct('6fj.'67 ••&WALK. •l&IR LO•• UACH AllAllllM••lllllA P.Allll AllAJmM•NLUllTOll . WllT COYJllA ", . ~ ..... iikl .... ' RIDOllDO IO'ACll' """ATlll98AKll L IOlfTll 11'1111 ATClllllT IUCll ILVD. 6 UNCOLN OlANelTMOUIAt LIMON AZUIA AVL AT PUPin llADA ILVD. AT IHYONIHlll MAWTHOINI I L VD.AT 10.IAY CINTl l ••-v•un. , •••• UAat llVllTl•T• ..,.CH •FF II aYD. •-on LOI j:OYotU. ..... &WOODIUff eot.Dlfll Wiit & lllNlll .......... n. AT 17TM ., •• ,, CHAPMAN & l l OOI Hlll T UN •••NA'MDO HYO. AT IUllANlt TO,ANOA CANTON ILYD. At'1osco1 • ' 1'" --~ " • , . " ,, '· . ... ~ ... c • 7 ' ' .. -; , , " ' . • 7 . ' ' • • • . . . • 7 . 7 .. . .. .. ., .. .. . . . • . . • . ' • . . ' I : • .. ! ------ .. " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ., ' • • l . ·• " ' • • . • ' ' :: . " ' ,, ~ I ~· .f' , •. . ,. ,. ,: " . • ' ,, ;• .. . . ,. ;. ., • . " -r - ' • . .. ' • ' .. ' . ' • ' .. . ·. ' . .. •. ·: • . ·: • . . .. -• • • • • . . . • r • . • • ' • t .• ,. ~ ... ... • ' ·-" . DAILV PILOT fa ; · Tllat~• Calif om••'• ;& • _,., •• ·l~~... -.. · · Refuiie Wall ..-..,_-. I ' • • - , .. '!°: . .. :; .. Plill,CO SOLID 11'.ATI AM·FM CLOCK RADiO •FM antenna •Automatic wab-to-music •Bil ~ind. round speaker •Rotary tvniDll' . e AFC fM awitcll .... 17;1 WM '. :19.95 ,,.lue 11•·7 . ~ · .PHILCO..SOLl•lt&n; ·~poa1Aa:l.1:PlfoJiMAPH · . . . wflli iurounc cU)I..- . • ' •• '~ ., ' • •• ) .1 " , ii • ' • , • ~ :19.95 valve ' • ,· ' ·' .. l •. 23'1 • D-1YM .C.spHCI ntoo MOtic changer • U9htwight. ,_..,. •Oval sapp~i,. lltylus •full ton.5•'MI ..,.a,li:lil", •'5 IPM oclopter ~ FULL-llD•·IOLID BODY ILICTRIC GUITAR :19.95 value 17'7 •High fideljty Magnetic pickup , • P9Clrl positiow marbn •Tone aad .ololite:comiol •StMl rein~ 111tck OUllTFOI THI llGINNlll ·JtHILCO IOUD ITATI --~FM CLOCK RADIO •WiH raJtSI• fronr speaker I • ' • •PM·cord •ldtMCI OAFCmtdo -- ..... ,.,.. . .. ,_., •J.tpeed phon4t111raJ1h •>M rodi9 . , • Plap .. 6"1)# 1fn -·(k1tori.. Mt: Included) PHILCO AM-PM PORT~ILI IDllS•ITOR RADIO 11.95 ,. '97 ....... •tu Uy traniittotli~ rad I•, •IJg 2V..•tpe0l.er •Slide nil• died, wmier. t.nlng •i. ''" pa<k . ..... J,91111: .·.~ • • . ' ... . , .. ' . . ' .. ·-. . --...-·· f . \ lifJi .... 11•1•1,1 I \('f .;,r.,; IJf."i('fJI \'I ' 1•1tl('l ,"ll! " t ~I ' LADT. Y.Alill'Y1•0•ART ~ COOKIR·DllP FAT FRYIR . •·11..... ·~·: t ~._ ...... • ·• •• -• • • • • • f • ;... , r ·~"'"~"··~ ... ~· ,. ,_ · AUIOll!IATI~ T!.4!1~,.· . Ml.ro111M' .. '... •°';. eu ... a,...,.: .. -,.,....,...c.,Gh •. • ~---... :Dtltc:h 0 ••• · · ·. • AutomcttiC' contt'OI . ::.~ .: ... t1ftd~~ .. 1 -• llig 1tx-quart ••Z• .. . .• '.Ji'"'-'" • • .• : --""'"-\~·· .J .Ar';;'~ f , " .... l!r".;.' __ .. __ 1_1._;5~~,.,·;· : i-1~' • 11\'1~~,Qdicinl Hot · . • c~~oiiJ.oy ,,,~i ; · .. •Fifl'._biiliitg_:Y;Jito 9'4",. , "i·11• • ! '· • 1 y;or u;conditi...f eYirfttlttM I ! fl .ti"~. I . . ' . fAIUL~6j' ZODYS5A . . . ... ~·~· f --.--- " ~~~~~~~~~~~-~-,.-~· ,. , _..J•d •• I . ' -, ~ -' IROlt & •AYI AT ZoDYS MOiio W .. L 10 A.& TO t -P.&, Ml •. & lulil,· ' •·t .. ·.1.01l'or .... itHKINat ... . . • . • ' • 1 t ~• '1 \ J ~ i., ,•~, 1 .: i., I 't '• .' ''l>lf '· I Ul.1 .ZODY• NIW, 11-UfU INITMn CM'rt .. YOU• aANuMIRI ' . ... 1 \"•'' ••1 •• ·7':" .... '1.1.-1 • .. ' l 1 ,_.... __ ·-··.. .-... -~ -... -. f• I --------------------~~ • • I I ' CS) w.....,,,_,a,1M ::Anaheim, Florida PaPk• .t.o Grow . -. :;~Disney: Shap,e of Things ti> Co~ . • •-By ALBERT W. BATES :: '.:'Disneyland, d e 1 ~ r i b e d ""g~nerallly as the most sue· :-a s s f u I entertainmemnt en terprise in history, f s n ' t prO&ra"' tq em both UMi of the ·pr'!""' Rivera or C&Ulorft!a'I year round, IMP• adilnl Iott lid the impalMnc• Alllttlca an 4 l'lllluyland 1lttldl.,. In 1llt -bore or vWlars farctcl to aland_ in wblqh II ...,. Jedacapod· 11111 'll'lll IMo Uldlr c0ver llilire. .. -rellling on its laurels. And . -•.neither is Ute Walt Dimey -·Enterprises firm behind It. :, 'Robert .Warmhoudt, veteran ·motion piclure publlclJt who .. _ •'lread1 Dilneyland'• p u b 11 c •;e1atibn5 department,'· gave :.'Tilembers of the Huntincton • Beach Rotary Club a 'lU!HklWn ~·tin future· plans for both at ~;lb,e club's· tut meeting. :: :D11neyland, now 1l years ~:":U~ ,;!~~~tion :; .. ,.ccnstrucUon and ~ com- ;:,p1e0on late this year, And ••others are planned under a .. ' - ' - KAEA.EWING "41 been el«il<!<l a V;.• Pruidottt Walsfe!t &-Co. , M••'""N-Y-'ltec•tath111f• eft• Ofhft frind'91 St.ck ... , Cni•••Hy l•~ ; •: -· i7o0ia'1 Coast Hl1hwa1 •. Cor•n• 4tl M•r. 17141 675·0501 . -. - FOll&TJIOllGJn "Florida'• aovu.1111111· ~ pie visited their ctooilerpa!t.. In Analltlm, looked at the llie ol 1 the Investment and th& ~ 11111 concllldld !hit ~ cullure 11111 ~-1. 1111 proJlct wm.lit .. • .... lldlhble lmj>lot oo llie .too. 'IM ltlte .is 1llowla& ,,..~--111 uUc1PIUnc and sol>:fnl prcblm!is In id· vanct ~ inclulWlc Metl!Ma an infiltionary land iltuaU•." The Disney m:ecuUve uld the first phase al the Plarlda dev._ilil will lnvi>1'16 Go\y l,500 of th& JT,tOO ........... that, btc11111 P'lort~1'1 climate I!'""' u food· ~ WHY IS . IT THAT PETE PELEUSES SELLS SO MANY NEW CARS? Will, ONl REASON IS THAT Hi • .. SOME OF THE FINEH AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS ON tHE RO,t.D ;TODAY. THE OTHER REASONS ARE THAT HE HAS fHN WITH US A LON9 TIME ... SO HIS CUSTOMERS CAN READILY FINO HIM FOR AstlSTANCE WHlN THEY RETURN TO THE DEALERSHIP FOR SERVICE AFTE-l'UllCHASE, HE'S GLAD TO HELP. nTE IS A IVSINEUMAH AND AS SUCH HE RIALIZIS THAT SERVICE, RELIAllLITY AND '1RMAl'llNCE· ARE IMP00ANT TO HIS CUSTOMERS. · · ' 'Ir~· • PETE WILL SELL YOU THIS 194, 'cou6AR, •1111NO NEW a READY TO 60. AT HUGE SAVINGS ·· ··· ..Tob.n•o•· sob , Ui1111lllTIUITlL•1Ul••ll•-•Hlbl • Mal----141•111• 1 + LJ1IT•1 1 t. OJlf;R -~'lllE · COVN'J'EIJ. · a Mutual Funds . . "v1· F. "·~.nm • . . ·Purchased '-lit -·~ '· = _, _, • , L , '.:Iii ... ' ' )II• I ,. 4 ~I I . -r~~y~s ·_ Closing New Comm•nd , ' ' I -. I . " -·-. '" • l I ' • -...--,...-... --....----~--- Zf DAILY PILOT Wed""6ay, Frbn>ory 26, 1969 • • • • ."COOGAN:S . lllff" r '-!'~'Iii .' '0.~ ... I,. 1ELEPHONE '541·1552 FOi INfOtMATJ.ON TWO BIG ONES TOGETHER .. .... ._ .. ... Mofio • 'Acth11 iiM ,hll alld E&ch- ELKE · •GAR'IKWOOO· SOMMER UlC LEEJ. JACK CQBB ~AU\Nef nlEYaME lOROB IA&nGtS .... .. ! ... , FuxsoaT;. coa~T. "lliAL .. LAZA THEA'l'RE COllPOIATllll San Diteo fftt'Wly at Bris~ • 546-27·1 t 3rd SMASH WEEK OPEN DAILY 6:00 P ·M.· Fri., Sat. & Sun. Open .12· Noon WALT DISNEY'S . AUO . . "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" SWISS FAMILY ::i·N~~~~;l~:~O&P~~~_:_ COUGAI 1:45 ;11. SAT. suit. . SWISS FAMILY IOllNSON 12:30·4•7:45 COUGAl·2:4M:20 & t:SS • • •• ........ ····-··············· • COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. • JjEWPORT BEACH • 644·0760 ·WINNER OF: ACADEMY ·AWARD · NOMINATIONS I BEST PICTURE •-=BEST . DIRECTOR -~"1~111 .BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY BEST COSTUME DESIGN 'DAZZUN&r o.;ce·)'911 ·see i1, you11 never win pict»re 'llOIMO&Jllliet"quite Ille way you did before!" -UFE • • • • , ' ' . .... ,,_,, Mllltr'• ... wttful M"ftrtJec• "DEAlH Of A SAWMAll" '. . 11:111 p.m. -THlllD ITl!I" THiATlll'-COSTA M•IA -'44-Uf.ll CHILDIU!N'S TH«ATllS-TN•· IMrSlllOlt '& TMI! NIGHTlf!Olt.La" A DEL~GHTFUL ORIENTAL MIME-MATINEE 5UNJ>AY • l &. I ~'!"t Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 44 Wearing a toga l Do a clean-45 Leg covering ing job . , •• Scored a L Havn9no t news btal loli Jgt 4' Food 10 Qui ck , . ' suPpll•• move111tnt ·: mlr~· 14 lit de '; . 1SO D .. • .. Fr11nct · ciitt1111 jbb for one 51 House-l~ Sttd • keepe(s coverin11 toncer• 16 Middle Eut 52 Upstt 11ob le111an 55 In the way 17 Pa'rtOfa aschildr•• mu sical 58 lilurgltill atrange•mt: 'vtslmtnl ColloQ. 60 One who 18 Range <iceomollsl!H 20 By the thl1!9S agtftc)' ol 61 lns1Sl upon 21 Gush 112 Half a 23 MartiniQue sawt.ic:k volcano 63 Europnn 24 Pert. 114 Be In i.ant to birds 65 Wiel d 211 ~~~ases DOWI restraint -28 Pride )0 Pleet of faitWil)' 31 South American s 32 crty of Californi1 l-Saall etftir - 2 A potable 3 lnwesse1 4 P'1l!llC contraction ~ Stock-holdtrs' or Ontario conttfft 311 Season L Canadin - in P1ris 7 Lined up 37 w,shlng1011 BS. A111er. 111ountal• ci!J: lnknnal 38 M1tbl1 9 Member ol 39 Showed fralemal Ytsle1d1y'$ Putde Solved: ' " ltJ Dililike s strongly 11 Pl ant trith soap-like • .qualities 11 S1vtred 13 ICilmer tiUe 19 An i11al's 11111 21 Beat do•" 25 a, •a)' of 26 Existed 21 Ft0iw.,.sld1 -to-sltle-- 28 Exthanttd · in rlv&tiy 2' Rival: Comb. fl:n )0 Built a levet 32 Glea111tt 33 Tending to copy 34 Eat out JS Ger111a" rlvtr 37 Nktn .. of inany alhf1tes "s..in. 41 On1·ninning laSifJ 41 U. S. city: 2 words 4':Faslllner 45 Servlc• station COlllllOdrtf 4'-Ru~s befort agtill 41 Kind of boat 41law~ ~...; ..... ftMuffted 51 VtMU. VIP. Sl Chl11PagQ buc•1t 54 Not ba:ctwn s' Play S7 Where Saini is: s.~lrt ... cowbor •0Yi1 sllr 42 Backbo~ order ..... ~~.....,,,....,~,-~ ............... ~.-.. " " .. . • .. ' I --··-'°'-~ ---------- _._ -_: __ ~_:-· "'·--___ .. __.___!!!< . ' ' "' ,.....,Afv...,,.. ·'. ' 0• 4lf TlllM•AMI • l'' I •' ' Wiit OIMltV'I' • · .. "'Jw'-: ,_., leM•·• ... \ . irl'COlor '' :. '·' . .nt.:;~;;·'9~.: ·~~ \"' WARNER At ... ...._ ........ -. . -' Allen Touring "Ogenllol: ~.Der e I 'I tJ11er1a1nment . tour or u .s . • ~.~~ ·~ ,lbe eoi!ptfY.. • ....• ~ . ' ., la1t1·1z ;:7"' ;:J EXCLlJSIV~ 1'REA . 11 ENGAGEMENT._ r • _, . . .. ~) . Out1tind1.,. . \ . . . Action·'Protr•ri'll .. •.. " . WINN~,()F: ACADl;MY AWARD · · NOMIN~TIONS ' •Best Picture -................ •Best Actor-....... .._ .. """" •Best At ,_w ... ..,._ c ,ress-................. · •8est Supporting Actress ....... ....._ ........ bcW" ._..~ .. tte.tl1H....," • Best Screenplay-.. _,, ·- Who cares •bout 11 35 year old vlrtln? . • <'""I . ..... .... whci could not~ I or hoer, tho 1irl "'8..i maJ\1 thinp. ~ ........ ~~- ~--"----·----··~i--· • TV WEEl<l1.'Te1~ it: .<' >. Like ·1nr b'e· · .. · • • :<-"t• : :.$' ~ ' ... •• ·'"'· ·~ ': ' " " ,, •• " .. 11 ~ .. .. t: ... ~1 ., •• .J I "· ,, .. l:Z "' • * ·~ - I -:a.---.... .. .... ~-··~-· ~ .. • "" a THE GOoD GUYS comedy * HIT Of -THE SEASON!! 1~00 J!. ..,,!, "1>t ..., ~ ••: 8 n. ._. ..,. (C) (lO) Rufus. (tllwintur•) '57..: Audit Bert ....: Clludlt hn ldon tor • Mlll'Jfrr, Klthml CMt. · Ii.Im ...... 1lllt ••ntl II UM m 77 1111'1111: IQi J •• th• dillll' • ltte •tthll for • inur· · der *J. Mich1tl Const11tlRt · fllllb. lZ:ZOll"-il: "lll• li11•ll••I••" • Mil ......... (C) {30) (mymry) '57_,tul l lMkt, Alli.oti DoroDiJ llMOlll' IN htw Mantui!I HIY'tL ...... D IHI Cil •. , .. ,.., !301 ·--(C) (IO) ............. (C) ("" • W .... CC, (JO) MtrJI Min· MS Ind llMt-tfltlc ~ Cromlt •lltua ,.. ... -~ "ThlJ ... ·- 1:110•-(C) ·-.... -.... (C) • ,,... .. llllWt Ill (C) 4 ·, GORDO ' . IY .Cliwles 'M. ....... &lE'S FALLEN TO HER 'l®=fS fl · ~;:~-=-~-! ..... ~~r SIX · INCllES &Y!OO FEllT, LON6 • • ¥ ...... ,. - INDIAN }'OLK SINGIR -Buffr. St. Marie; above is one ol the guesta on tooighl s "Glen Campbeij Show~ at 7:30 In color, on Channel 2, .Giber ptr· formers are Gary Puc~ett. The Union, Gap al>d · John Byn~. P.at PaW.OJ> appears as hero In a parody of artay !llrm. TELEVISION VIEWS 'Experiment' Makes Point • I ~-- • nu •.. r ---------------·-----.... _ -. ='= _,.. ~, ~.- ; ''Sir 1IE T.V. SW, DOH'r ,., I ~-------------- ' ' ·' r ' ' '· ' .. ,. •• " . .. .. ~ • " •• , . • .. .. r, •• :; ,. ~' • • •• •l • .. -: • • [ I I I ' • ) MIT. .. .. . $29 '*$29. . MO. , : All full "le# ~-_. •·llnnl.9.. , '• "'" lf*lll!ly PIYfl'*I'°' ~ ... J6 m1n1tt1 on 1ppravtd t11ry1l1r Crldll t.oo"p. •'f.-f.:_._;;. :. \)6,.Y.W~, .. ' . "·''61 oPn:. 'o-.•• l'iN!ifo;~...... . I .. ,d ... c. 1.'r.e.i.... ll:AOETT'li ,., 1,. 'it I 0\o ' .£~1 • l ' · llUK ~I , , .. llttl"" .Sed•~ 1· 0.-. 4 $~, • '••, • , I • 0l<'l •• , bvdltl ~fl, r~lnt $8TJ ~l•I. T~~· $977 •ull . """· "'""· . ;&u.. · ,,;., · $1177 .,,.,., ~2t Down: & ·; $33 Dfw•r '.1; ' ' • •, ~· - \ 0 ' ' • Sl fhWlll ft "· .~.!f ~OnftJ!Y <·· • :, $33 Mt. ..: ',: SJt MHttifr '.'' P1 yrt. 111ry 111 . $9n ' llQO<' Mrd'°P. v_., .• 1110., rMID. llHttr,Full Price ,, l~lng. TZl IM. ' '.65 PLYM ... Furt Ill $977 GOLD SEAL CAI\ ' ?H~.Fll,.."'P. 1o..t,. 1taH. ""''· •'-·Full Price •• , · ·:; . Any U1ed Cer Ylllli Gol '~I .. -•\ •" 1.f HAl ' , •• ::· looO/o GUA«A.NTtaE ... ·• '65 llUvmERf $877 60lD SEAL CAR STATION WAGON F II p I -GOO~ IOR 100 DAU''Ot; t,oo'lfMlllS "" ~ '·' WHKHJVi. COMll llaSf.' , ! , 1 Ar no ~st to you -P•rts or labor ori motorifranSmisslon 1nd'1'9at end.'fhis seal s1a1el Jfi_'.¥riting that lee Whi tt goervitets tht·motor, transmission and rear end 100~ ·di g'linst defects fo~ 100 days Or ·<t,000 1)ilfs, whichever comes first aft er purChrie: "'· . r rd·...... • :. ....... . • .. V.f, A. T., 11:1.H, 11'1(1;'-Alr. UMM 051. u r c• ·~s .UT $777 n...1 .. Mil....._ saK v ... AT -r:tr.HF 11 Pro' .:.. ':sir .. NU m. ~· U ce I ' . ' • s:.~ * s!!IG $33:* $33 m Dn. Mo. . $33 * $33 IQ On. Mo •. s:.~*S!m s:.~ *S~- .. ~ • .,._., rz-. I 5 . G ! T , \ ·1·•) •.Q.\•f: ........ "J •IC'.3&·.r ,., ••.• __ ............ % ............ ...,44_ ............. ...r .... w ··---· ---~-~---·--·~-~-----------... =-~ i .. I . '**• ESH rt ,, CC· <•~ ... ' ! • l • l • • I I i ' I J I I I • ' ' ' .. .. ,., .. . ' wh~ his bride-~ dowti the aille. "Attetidants" • are 11e!t to right) Mrs. Patrick Shepard, cookl?ook ~thaiffiiln, and" Mrs. Ernest· McClelland, presi'dent. · . ! • " .I• -. ' ·'' ' ..... ____________________ ...;...;. ... __ ~------'---------'------'-~-'------·-------.-.-' _.;...! ,.. I I • 11 I I t . §. DAILY PILOT ou 0an' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: There b a very lmportafl,t problt.m 'In oor family. ~ly mother is c<>ioe to · take our doe to an animal hospital and give a lake name and address so they can't brl:n& her back. Why! Because the people wbO I O\¥ned Sweetie didn 't housebreak ht.r • .. • \ f and she doesn't ~ow the outside ol 'DEAR ·s~: It Is almort linpo1tlbie · the house from the inside. ' "to bouaebrtak a nln~ar-old dog but We got Sweetie when she \\'as lhree . _ . ' )•ears old. She is nine now. Next month leaving Swet:Ue at a hospital under a we are moving into a new house with fnk e name Is , uolalr to the ·dog -to wall-to-~·aU carpeting. lt-ly mother says say oolhl.ng tir the bosplLaJ. Your mother she is not going to have the new carpets shoWd give S'11reclie to a farmer - rui ned Like in the old house. or someone who can ~eep her outslde. Please explain to my roother that She 1hould l.beo buy ,you a puppy to after you have a dog for six years, traill. which is more than ball ol my life, Please don't l.bink your n1o&her is yoo jusl can't .send her away. -SAO mtan. I've been in .her 1pot and I EYES CliD assure you that. ber eyti wert I -.: .f ' •adder than youn on aevea'al ocehiOM. OEAJl ANN LANDERS' My huaband has not spoken to me for 41 hoini. Why? Because there was no chocolate 1>-Yl'\IP in the house and he had to eat hi1 vanilla ice-cream with.caramel aance. This hulk is 61" and weighs 220 pounds. He is lhe life of every party. Everyone think:i he Is a "swell py" and , a barrel of fun. And he is Ml filrangers. But when it comes l<> his own family, he b..denienwng and crabJ,i>. -• • Re mds your column fvery dai and~, ,you are ~ ....n eodklo.. "ti-, ,.... ha"' I -for ....... ha .,. the paper an4 llyt, "Seo anybody you know!" Please pt\tlt tbis letter so I can hand the paper tC> htm l<t< a chonie. It mlg!11 h<lp. -TIRED DEA.a T.: Here'• yow letler; lloDty, bot .... ~ lland It to IOJm ... Wail till· yea rua oat o( cltocolaie 1ynp I.Caln ud 111EN lland It to him. . DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I am 24 and have been engaged f<>r a Ye&f· Joe is 28 and Nghly inielligent, or so I thought. • Recently we were .at. lhe hopie of • Joe's eldest brC>ther. His nephews, e 'IJ1\l It years, were bUJy lookinl throogh the lam.UY album . 'Ibey came ICl'Oll :,. plclure ol Joe with bJa ~ ii]ritn..t. Tl)e 11).year.old piped· u,, "Cla, ·Uncle Joe, this &Jtl b a tot pre~lhan !he pne you got. What happe ?" Even laughed so tou.d I tbousht tbe •alls would crack. ,Tbcy kept tt up for 10 minutes. I nearly dht( ol embarrassment. On the way ~t· fold Joe I was deeply hurt that b( d.id.n 't defend me. He said the kid .meant no harm and that such remarks should be laughed o!f. What do you say? - STAJl DEAR STAR: .Kldl can be bnttal without rea.lWDc IL 'Wblle they mean no harm, \bey must be t.i,ght tact ud eoulderatloa ror otbera. 's;M "cw. rteden." llMald Uve come from a pereat, ltoft\l,r1 oot from Joe. What awaJta you on lhe other aide of the marriaae veil? How can you be-sure your marriage will work? Read Ann Landers' booklet "Marriage -What to EJpect." Send your request-Lo'" AM La.riders in can of this newspaper enclos- ing 50 cents ln coin and a 10111, stamped. stlf-ai1ctreised envelope. Ann Landen will be glad to help you with your pl'Qblems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT, ,, encio&ing a self-addressed, stamped · envelope. ... " Symposium to Explore Drug Problem Five speakers will e1plft aiPecb of the Drug Epidemic lfort-a one-day symposium· Safurdly, March 15, in ihe UCl Science-Lecture Hau; tC> • which the public is invited . . The program , sponsored by the Anaheim Branch of the American Association o l Univuaity Women, will begin at 9 .t.'ll. with a statement of t.be ~blein by Richard ' , McGrath, chaitman of ire Police Science DeplJ:lment of · •• Cerritos College. . ., . • speakers will ~ Dr. ~ D~ s. c ... m,; J>3Ychlatr!'t~1 ~ a~ Oraq:e County ·Medlcal ~.1-... Ctnter::, ·who will explaJn the results or dnJi u.se, and Michael E. Bh>wn, assistant professor or poUUcal science at c.iuornJa State College at ~ ~ose t<>plc will be Appfebeosian ind PrevenUon. Completing the day wJll be Judee Bnice W. Sumner o·f the Orange County Superior Court who will explain tbe Jaw and the local situation, and Dr. J. Thomas Ungerleider, assistant pro-- fessor of psychiatry at UCLA, who will explore t h e sociological and cullural fac- tors. ' COORDINATING PLANS -Discussing details of the March 15 syrnposfum, the Drug Epidemic, to be sponsOred by Anaheim Branch of American Asso- ciatiOn of University . Women, are · (left to right) l\irs .. -\V. N_. C~risj.~nsen, AAUW hospitality chair- man; l\1rs. Howard Roop. AAUW coordinator of the symPosium, and Mrs. EUene Sumner, UCI Food Service coordinator. Five authorities will explore aspects of the drug problem . Tickets may be purchased for $4.75 by sending a check to Mrs. Dale Stanton, 1509 Harle Pl., Anaheim, 92802, or by calling Mrs. Howard Roop, coonllntaor, at ~1980. The symposiwn will end al 3 p.n'I. and will include a brunch and corree break. Bay Club Offers Sure Bet for Fun All decked out in their ~inery are Mr. and Mrs. John Killefer (at left) and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Browne, host couples for the Balboa Bay Club's upcom. ing gala. A Night in Monte Carlo will be staged next Friday evening. Also assisting with host duties will· be the Kenneth Willigs. BUPFET LUNCHEON -Hostess Mrs. John B. Lawson serves punch while A1rs. l\1ichael Dolin ski of Three Arch Bay (l efl) and l\"lrs. Henry Ulln1a n. a ne\v active member from Balboa Isl and. look over a scrapbook during a bu f. fet luncheon for ~ladrecitas Auxiliary, Holy Fa1nily Adoption Service of Or· 'V.., 1 I ange County.' : • "'\ I t •" j I ,. •• . ' ~ I . Ma'Clrecitas Auxiliary Supporters Honored New patronesses and mett1bers \Vere honored by ~ladrecitas Auxl· Uary, Holy Family Adoption Servic e of Orange County \Vith a buffet lunch- eon recently hosted by Mrs. John B. Lawson of Laguna Niguel. During the gather1ng checks totaling $5000 were presented to Sister Bertille of the adoption service by Mrs. Thomas Rod en. auxiliary presi· dent. The money will be divided bel\veen the building fund and operating expenses. r The group, '''ith membership never exceeding 30. bas raised $16,500 ~r ~e. adoption service since it~ inception four ):ears ago .. l\1oneY is .raised during Lbe grou p's annual fashi on show and w1th the sale of Christmas card•. 1 Guests attending included the Mmes. Edward IV. SChumacher, Dell lichweitur, Edward L. Olsen, W. G. Blaisdell, John Bowlds, Arthur Strock, s: S. Jack, Roger fiolden, John Connell, W. Gay Thrash, Arthur H. Adams, Eduardo Picasso. Charle!! Gooding, Vin~ent Aren·a. Bertine Treat and John Mooney. \ T .• . Don't Be a Paleface Makeup Sticks Color Milady Suntan Living west of the Pecos isn't 11ecess6'y any longer for milad)' who waots to rid herself of the paleface look. Tharik.S to a product, to be introduced in stores next month by Estee Lauder cos- vice to rind typical western names for the shades. For a light tan there is Siei'ra Sun; deep bronze, Valley Sun ; Pecos Pink gives a vivid blush of color, while metics firm, any woman may • I sport a golden ·suntan year. . I "' round no matter where she ~ljj , -~l resides. ·· ' ¥ "In fact follOWing the sun can be damaging to the akin,"~ \varned Miss Betty Ra'dnich, consultant lor the flrln who discussed the neW line while giving cosmeUe demonstra- tiona: in Bulfums ', Fashion , lslind. This new line, called the Glow of the Golden West, is not limited for sales in the West or resort areas as the name might imply, the con- sultant stressed. "Ii will be sold all over the nation, because women cvery\\'here want I<> have a tan look. That's why the pro-' du ct was developed," she ex. pla jned , asserting that this makeup is "healthier than the sun's rays: · "aaking and burning In the sun is most damaging to the ski n, especially on the face," she cautioned, adding "moisturing creams should be used at au limes to llrolect against the rays and the weather." She advocated using the new transparent color stick1, a "natural lootini" taMing pro- duct which gtves a (resh, dewy appearance and docs not age the skin, she claimed. Sunrise Blush is a softer tone, and for crimson, the name is Canyon Rose. Amber Sun yields a tawny peach shade, while a subtle pink is produced from Rosy Sun. To look like nature has put a rose in milady's cheek, Go- blush, a new gel rouge, offers such shades as Pinto Pink, Desert Peach and Mountain Popp'y. Also complementing the tan color spectrum are three new shades in the see-through lipstick line -Sun·set Glow, Wild Cherry and Canyon Cop. per. The color stick.s arc simple to apply, too, far the wax-like substance Is pa ckaged in a h:indy swivel stick ( ! ! !:: ~ lipstick I and it just slide! over the skin tC> tint. Birthdays Strung With Achievements These sUcks may be used over founda tion, or for 1 more natural look may be applied directly on the sltln. Researchers apparently follow Horace Greeley's ad· ' ' • Proudly dlsplayJng their achievements will be Hunt· inglon Valley Camp Fire Girls and Jllue Birds when they combine their arts, crafts and outdoor skills at 6 P'.m. Saturday, March 8, in ·the Huntington Center · ~la11 , HunlUp:ton Bea ch. The display \\'ill recognize I ' . \lie 59th birthday of the Camp Fire program. Noting their achievements are (left lo right) Nancy Wulff and Christine Lawrence, ChrilUne Stepbenson and Chert• FitzGerald. -. ....__'.'[. . ,.. . ' ) ,, \ 3 ,. , I 3-C1 t. ;--A ~·~· ~·~~~·~·~· -~.~........_ a • .114 .,:.r • ..... .i..,,.,. ................................. ~-·· ........ ~-~--·~- . .... .. ___ ..,.,,. ..... , ....... ·' ... --·--·.~----.,.---------.....,"="""..,... ____________________________ _ '. ~PPM•PJ~~ SINCE 1929 ! " WHITE FRONT ,'(-~~!!'""'"' .ol.Q;;;_)..:. ..( t > :,: ... FISHERMAN KNIT SWEATERS tadie~· long slttve ~weaters, Importe d from Ualy, bf:ige 69 7 only. Size!> ~mall, Jflediom, large. COMPARE AT !.97 MIX 'N MATCH SWEATERS ladies' perfect ma\ch sweater males. Nylon :.hells and 1 '7 Jong sl~s. California colofs. Sites S·M·L COMPARE AT 2.9& c:onoN STRETCH CAPRIS Beautiful California colors. lo1die;' 100~~ cotton tapris.497 Sizes a lo JS. Al this pr1Ge you'll want seweral. · -• COMPARE AT I.II . . ' Reorder of a Sellout! SWEATER VEST ' l~~its' mo~I popular sleeveless f~hi9ns. Te~if!c California colors. 3 9 7 ! W.i ar with sk1rfs . pants. Size s .• :'°~L. COMPARE AT 5.QO. · , · . -. , .. HEALTH AID DEPT. U ,A,A·tov 1;0~~ aac RU\M 'A ATl.59 RIGHT GUARD .toz .. 49c DEODORANJ ~~Tr· 'EK TOOTH COMP. BRUSHES A~~9~ . ' JJc TROL SHAVE 20 oz. 69C CREAM COMP. . AT 1.50 EXCEDRIN;~0rl63c • ALKA SELTZER 25's COMP. AT67c 37c ----------- RECORDS DEPT. PICKWICK ,STE.EO LPs One of our better selling "budset" lints, featuring many top name recordin& artists. Jtever a better ,till)~ t6 buy! WH!Tt FRONT REG. LOW DISCOUNT PRICE 1.44 97·.' c .EACH ladies' . . PAN,TY HO.SE Seamless stretch panty hose designed to fit perfectly. Combining panty brief with sheer hosiery. Proportioned sizes A·B-C-0. . · SPECIAL ~C LOW : PRICE GIRLS'. SKIRTS, SWEATER SETS A art at chance to mix and match, big assortment. S11es 3 9 7 7·14. COMPARE Af 7.91.,. NOW 5.91 · SIZES J-6l .•. COMPARE Al 5.91 GIRLS' PANT DRESSES Sp1ing patterns and co!Ol'.s in great ~leclion of styles, 3 78 both solids, prints. Sires 7·14. COMPARE AT 5.91IOW3.11. SIZES 3·6X ••, GIRLS' WIND BREAKERS llllli!!!d 11Ylon shells in I choke ~ fabulous young cofors. Sizes -4~X. ' ' ' COMPAi[ AT 5.91 497 Infants' famous Make TRAVELER STROLLER Comfort for baby -adjustable l 2 9. 7 ~eat, swivel wheel, l hand fold· 1ng. ;1991. COMPARE AT 16.97 ;·'·tAdlES' SWEATERS ' · GllLS'.NfLON & DACRON SHELLS Slipovers, cardi4ans, Orlons, bulkles, flat knits. ~4 50% '1111on, 50% Dacron~ polyester with shori. , 33 Assorted colors~styles. Limtled quant1tl. 34AO. ~ · long slf0'1'1· Solid!, slrlpes. Sizes 4-14. ' · CDMPAft AT D.!], ·. . ; COMPARE AT 1.71 . . -" . . LADIES' lltANT DRESSES ·< ~ GIRl.S: 7.14 SJr•ATas • ll\e l1l~t! New ~rrlvals! Lovely efesigns,.preur829 ~dJfs. pullovers, assorted ~lorsi Easy. 297 'pat)~rn You~ fav~rile colort'o~~1sRE8if~.91 ~ . •-:'·II!. llOS7·14. . . COlllPARE·AT3.9l ' ' - t -. . ' 1.AD1ls· w~Ln 10W.tts~'-•niLs' FAs1~ T11m . . . Blusl!td rYJon aml acetit~. Beau.tifu8ywashable.$2 torr, ·~sortmtnt of colors. stretch to lit 150 M•111 ~~ pastel~Sllis sipaff; friedi~m large. · nea ly. Sim 4-14. ' l '. ' • ;\ COllPA!E AT 3J7 ·· COMPARE AT I.~ . LAMB~ TERR; a~ls. • -• INFAlns· i•cE CIAWLils • P,nfty tomlorl •.. soft'llJl1!1iQ\IS teny. Prints'4' 7 '~i~w'fob~~'m!:.d, pink. Limi ted quantity. 1 so •• • and solid~ Sizes S·M·L COMPARE AT 5.11 . • COMPARE AT 1.17 ROBESON CORN POPPER . . A new way to pop corn electrically -ind ~erve it in its own 4 quart popper dome. Robeson exclusive pop.flip-serve action makes it easier -an& more fun! SPECIAL VALUE 5 0 WH11E FRONT REG.LOW DISCOUNT PRICE 7.IS STEEL BASE CAllNOS White enamel fi nish. plaslic top, 14aa drawers and sheJI. 36'' high. COMPARE AT 19.95 DECORATOR TABLE LAMP Italian imported base, laminated 8'7 shantung shade. Brass mounting . . COMPARE AT 14.95 9xl2' NYLON RUGS . Continuous .fi lament nylon, jute 3 4aa back, sta in-res istant, many colors. · COMPARE AT 49.95 ' UNFINISHED DRAFTING TABLE Doubles is a ,desk. 24x3&" top, J 38B great . for ·teen's rGOm. Ready to . finisl!. CO~A!E AT 19.95 . Men(s SPORT SHIRTS · Easy to care for,. easy to wear, permanent press and eottons. Assorted colors,• styles. Sizes S·M-l·XL A terrific buy. Stock up now! COMPARE AT 3.97 EACH $ F 0 R • : . IOYS' FLANNELLETIE SHIRTS All tot!on. perm~11enl press, Sites Hl-16. COMP. AT 3.97 $2 Jlt. IOYS S1ZES 4·8. COMPARE AT 1 .~7 ... NOW 1.50 ~~~!.~!,~,.~~~~~.!s,;,.,37, 297 CD MPA1t£ AT T~ ~~!~'.1!~~~!~.~~CKO $4 COMP.lit( AT 5.ST The Latest IOYS' APACHE SH.IT Lalest collar style, Apache design. 291 Choice of patterns. Sizes S.18. COMPARE AT 3.97 !~!~'2 ~:!~. ~~~sL~~il, was~ 497 able. Sizes 8-16. COMPARE AT6.97 IOYS'· TURTLE NECK PULLOVERS long sleeve novel ty knits, 100% cotton. 188 Sizes 8-16. . COMPARE AT 2.97 ' X·IAllS~ SIZES 4q-46 ••. HOW ~~LY 5.48 , c:HUX • 11s--uLE llAPas IOYS' SPORT SHIRTS La'".E~' HALF. SL_IPS • , · rvill J50 ~~!' -· $ Pack1ge ef ene •dozen Soft absorbent 99 Button down collar, permanent press. Assorted LO'l!'IY tishiOll. py1"11_ lricol., Some lice lrilnmed. 1 ed ' s . ' . c colors. Sim 8-16. COMPARE AT 2 . .a l Sizes S.M-t. limited quantlltes. ' · Limit Clllf~tlly, · iW S.~~MPARE AT 1.21 / 1•\ ... ' .• l 'COMPAIE'AT l\U ' ,, U•Y;MA•YUllAD:nliftlDYAWUl•·•Y••TDIPA•ll!llllTI .. FURNITURE DEPT . FINEST QUALITY MAnRESS AND ' •• , SPRING sns i -;, I • Heavy· ~nd durable striped · ticking covers. MediUm .. tension, firmne$s stablliied. Coll construction. King size mattress and box springs " or 2 ·full size sets or, 2 twin size sets. A · · tremendous value ! · YOUR$ CHOICE COMPUE AT 139.95 • 1:rJiJ 11\'0ill 1J~i4I " MASTER LAMINATED PADLOCK • Protect 'f9tlt proc;s11ns with 1 padlock lamina! !' C ~ \linyl. # 220. , I 4 llGUUI LOW lllCIU~ .. ICE lie . MASTER C:OMllNATION L ~· ldtal p1dl ock tor blcyc1es, lockers. Heavy duly, 99c "1500. . ~ W!<llt l'!'~lll1111M LOW DiJCDtllll PRICE I.II ' · • RUlilEi'AUTO MAT • :. 171:?0" rubber utili!Y mit for tutos. D~rable, easily 5 C cleaned. · tlJl'lfCULAI LOW DISCDUHT Hit£ Uc . Woven FURNITURE' THROW:$. Fruit-of-the-loom prints and solids. Per· - manent ptess cottons woven Into attractive patterns. · CHAIR SIZE SOFA SIZE 88 88 ' SPECIAL SPECIAL LOW LOW PRICE PRICE ., • I :; 13 ~ 'f J 'i 'J !!, i I 6 ~;~~:!,~,~~.~~.~I!!~~.~~~,;,,"''"· $3 ~ 29-42 waist ~ COMPARE AT 5.S7 . , , P-.iR .t; ~!a~:~,e~~~~.r~~~~l~!ing, waist sizes $8 '~ J(l.J8. !? COMPARE AT 12.97.,, PAIR ._:. f!':~~:~,h~t~~' ~~.~'!!~ s;m SM L $15 · : COMPARE AT 17.97 · . , , , t•: . ' . •• Long Sleeve -Turtleneck . ~ MEN'S SWEATERS . ~ 100% a<:ryli~ white, blue, areen. $5 ~: Sizes S·M·L·XL Easy cm! ;, {.; COMPARE AT 12.97 le: ... : V• ~··· ... . ·. MEN'S QUALITY UNDDWEAI Boxer briefs. choicl! of T·sllirt or A-shir1$. 'Sitt~ 5 o C ' J~4. COMPAR E AT lie IOYS' QUALITY UNDERWEAI . Bo~er briefs. T-shirts ot A.shirts. S11n 6-11.3 3 C TOUR CHOICE ••• COMPAU Al 15c IOYS' 8-18 FISHERMAN KlllTS Loni! sle~~e ~we.1ter~, popul~r h:Jit1rnan knits 8·18. $4 COMPAAE Al U7 ~~!~. !?~~~.!,.~!!~oed SO.s J 28 6-16. COMPl!UT 1.17 ... 11S COSTA MESA. CHARGE IT • BAHKAMERICARD ANAHEIM _ HARBOR ' & MLKlli WAY * STOd llOURS * DAILY 12te t SAT lite t Siii. 1J te 6 • WlllTE FRONT •MASTER CHARGE CREDIT CARDS 3088 BRISTOL AVE. ' JUST OFF HEWl'O•T AVE. lfTWEfH S.D. F'WY AND IAIEll srs. Offf·Mllf SOUTH OF OISllEJwiD , , __ .....:;,=:::::::::=::~ ------------ ----------. ----- ----.. --. j ,..,,.,....~-,.--,,....---------------~-----. --·-·--~--~--~-~~-----------------~-----~------------,..-- " .. I j ,, '" •• ' 'WOMEN ARE DIFFERENT' Keith ~rwlck ' . I ,. • Sel'ltll !Jet o1 -w.i., .. i.i -·-~-·-.. ~ cllffere.-." he 1o1c1 lo be puniped Giii • Soillll ..... ...... ~ "fl .JIU:"' • lJI --c..:. 1bealeJ' .,. a ram.· -...I· lrulllul 'peitlclpallon 'in ' 'Ille pnblem, ,;.. Berwick dreix:hed MOr\dQ" , morning ·AmeriCan llfi 't I 1 · · sees it, i.1 women wbo strive before Ke;th .ietwtCk ' Id fOI", -.Jty .,. fortOcl• lo --·-"'-• .:•.,I"' DIFFERENCE i' preMGt the ~N ~u.re in -~The reason for Otis, and assume masculine c::barac· the ; ~ Bml "1-e r Le • I.ht basic theme of Berwick's teris_Ucs la a male-dominated 1pomored by Laguna Beacti ~. is simply that wemen . toelety. ""'.iJtan!:e· League. ! • If' dill....t from mm. , • •'The trouble II there ii oo His ~ was The Potenti'l""\· ~ "1 want to apologise for geberal ~lion that it ol Women. And the we~ ... having to disappoint you if would bt a good thing for ahiverine women uaembled~ .._ ,the inference of the title of a~ woman to act the theater with umb~llf · .. my talk b that 1 am ggillg like l a. woman. ,~ril and r~.ts cl~ .•if>.;..• ~:•R<ak o1 some idnd1Clf .uto-bl Am<rica desperlloly need their lapl ~y warmed up pi&n era in which women will nlore womea in JM)Sitions of to lhe~.~vlsloa. commentatOr. reach, even ~1ter beilht1 al immerl5'ff'fSPOns.ibllity. But it "'!'he oqualltY of ,..~ aa eqtWily. Actually the view I shoQld ·"" -ol . the practiced here in America ii. JD1 bripsing to you is rather achievftD!llls she ~quely can OM ot the greal<SI frauds old faslilooed. It b that womep mako, DOI l>e<mwe sh • ever Jl'lll'lrai.d," Berwicl< can only ldtioYe lltN (l<Alelt. -lei she ·essentially cbarpd. ue said .lince the . 'potentlaYby, ~ liloic .• '·ls 1 'maa"w~· llGllnd in . . .. ' ) ~ . ~ ' ~\l ' . ' ; ' . '•' , l . • ' '· •• .. . " . • tSpeak·er Buil·ds Horoscope Taurus:··· Don't Brood· t Value , System THUR,SDAY FEBRUARY , 27 vancement. some may try to cealons. PeJ'lflit m a t e , d~ve-you. Have fatta at partner to ~ve apotll&ht. hand. Don't fall prty lo Sludy Iepl doqUlllents. By SYDNEY OMAR.R wlshfvl lh!ntlng, Pre 1 e n t AQUWUI (Ju. •Feb. Psychology expert Carroll H. IUcbardJon will •peak to South Coast Chapter, Parents Without Partners, Inc. at ·a " p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, in Laguna Federal Savings ud "The wile man. ccDrols bis views in coocllt monner. ·11): Collect what b due. Some '•d'-,.........., in'-~RPIO (<lq. n.Nov.11): may-f1y lo tell '111!' a Id iij;~1.-.; • ;--w PD, ~ Good lqoai' upoct lodi1 coin-story.""' Is lo be ~ · · · cities'. wlQ> journ<yo. · com-AC""1t Oa work, beallll;l.reJ" "PEOP~E FIRST' ··"'c. H. Rich1rd1W1 .. Cards Cut _By Seniors : "Bridge, canasta and other lfIPel will be Offered when Ui:t 'Senior Citizens of Sts. simon and Jude catholic (jiiJrch parish meet . each 1'Jfirsday ·m the Lake Park Cfubhouse. N.rs. Catherine McHugh. ~t o( the group, ha! Qibed an invitation to all who trOtlkl like to attend between tf:'° a.ftL and 3:30 p.m., and tfresaed· that it was an easy ....,,, for newcomers to get adquaJnted. -'tollowing the en- tertainment, refreshments will M' served. ' ~Party Ideas :fl I um i noted ,,~ . '"tJ'nu.wa1 desserts will share pie' spotlight with New Party Idea! when the Phi Mu Alum-h-.. Chapter ol Orange Coonty mffts 1t 7:30 p.m. tomorrow kt the Southern Californ1a 1!1i1bon Qimpany, IOI W. f!llghth St., Santa Ana. Deuert preparation will be demonstrat.d by Miu Audrey Dahlquist, home economist, Ind samples will be served to members and guests. Mrs. Merritt Conroy of Dtmlnst.er is p r o g r a m ~llOirmao. -. "Residents -" "Searching .. ,t; . ft1ftle bulldinl' 'fund w 111 lllhefit from • rummaae sale Wtnc spOoaored by I h e Women'• Club al 8l Bon1ven- tuft'1 CMholk Oturch. ··tars. Gary R·u n t er . chairman. ""' lllDOUllCtd that -. ..... kle auortment of itms wUl be Gn aale between t .,.,, 8IJll 4 p.m. Feb. fl and U, In I.be Knl&hts of Columbus Hall. HI TOPS Club Loan · building. Richardson believes people come first, ideu come aecood and things come third when a choice mWrt be made among them and will discuss lhese vafues at the month1y meeting, said Mrs. Marge M!ller, ,...sldenl 1Ucbardoon .. chairman o( the study group on marriage and divorce, California State Psychological AuoclaUan and e<>lounder and past chairman o! the Orange CounlJ. Council on Strengthening Family Life. In addition he serves on the Boatd of Directors, Family Service Association of Ora nge County. ln pr\vate coUnaeling prac- tice in Laguna Beach sinct 1961, hil previous ezperience includes psycbolocical research with the U.S. ArmJ Air C o r p s , rehabWlatioa counseling with the California Department 'o f Edueltion, marriage coumeling with the Los Angeles Concillallon Court D ,. htf' I E R /led and inslructing paychology e 1g u ra eca and sociology and serving 11 Members of-the Carousel Section of the Westminster Woman's Club took tim~ 1 counselor at Orange Col.It out from preparations for the group's annual fashion &bow taking place Co~J:~ts Wilhout Partners, Thursday, Mar_ch 20, to attend a perform-8.nce of "Funny Girl" in ~e Egypt- • nonprofit and' nOosedarian ian Theater, Hollywood. Attending the performance were (left to r1ght)',Mrs. service and social organi»-Donald Andreason, chainnan, Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs. Kenneth Hegg- tion, Is geared to need.1 of strom, imitating "Baby Snooks." single parents with or witbout ---'----"---''-------------------- custody of their chlldren. ~ Single parents interested in obtaining further information about the group may write to P.O. Box 1222, Laguna Beach. Annual Event Floral Accent Chosen AIU!I (M'.arcli It-April. ti): m~nicA.nooa with· those at a tkins wttb uaoci1tes ·l"·S}la!f Be tgreulve •lleire ,...,.in-' diJlani:t. YOU • 1et added up~for i'. ·· terests are concenied. :1Jon't-· permit others to · bu!IY...~. rtSJ>OllliI!lllty. But there are . ·~· 11!-M~ ll!l: Key ii lo· be sure o( l . ~*"~, . ~ 11.e • ~ti!< ~ el' l,:l,;= Doub!< check. Know "here· •• ril\ll:, ·-(N · -~-• , · . You-.;an11o10-•~ ......... ·-Gl'iT'P'''"'" · '!"· -mill9<-Cls4np ·.••I o:da . .... •• ,. . •• Ile<. 21) :· --you. hli:h '"'" r.t"' . y TAUBUI (April JP'M~):, ..... ~.have no ·-· .. ··-·· ". *11........ . . . ....., Be receptive M · ~loila .• -" .., .. . · -· -can, .. Don'l'ld eoaJd ·"'"lalo. inf:;::;;;,. _yf.• y.., •• ttract peOple wlih lbelr ~ile 1o way ol. ..i. -•-Vucb o!; wbal -· prolil«M. · Be .. l}'Dlpajbelic. viu>cemoDI. -~--"'·. . . --· Doit1 cut·flnl -~i,.....,.· ..... ----- =e'.::!..:tto C; ~~ PllYina • .Ollectliic IRl~GI J.ulONS : w...ry, Yoo are oa· the rllht'· ~-· · · ' ,.. -• .,_ tuck • ...AP.111C011M (Dec. Zl-J111. -.. -. • It): Aeeent:oa·hoW·you relate ..:~!:-.=~ .. (:~ (M-.y 21.~~ ~): to publit, · specla1 demaadJ. ' 1;11i111--. ._.."'' r 1 Elemfnt '!-1'1ck, ~nu.n&-11 Take. new view. Realize yOU ' ~k• ,.~..,..,. on Y®I' aid~. You are ·lhle tfiD.have to make some con-HIUN ·c1=''Jl~1~1 , to c011.ecOy, Judge values. Be ' cooli<kqL M<J11ber jil opJI04ili • su 'provi4~ :hl1-t ciut. VlaGIJVtA•S-""'1-.:-0-.,.., Check valve!. Bargain ia availabl<. · SNIP 'N' STJTCJil SHOPPE CANCEi\ (June SL.July II)' Cycle high; yGU ate a1iJe ~ maneuver 1n. IRICCtldUJ • lll!r. Be thol!iqh. ·~,'!:11iip:':'. " " - needs .. You ban ·knac"-.Y of atlrictloj( w11a1 ',.o'; Dlia.· Know thll . --~ '"" COl"dingly. . LEO (Juty 23-AU(. II): Yoo ahouJd Jotk ner yo ia r shoulder. Some may ht trying lo accompjllll tbinp .behind your. bf'lri U aeuve· and perceptiv e ,' you pin. otherwise, you faU Victim to deception. VIRGO (AU(. 23-Sepl. 22): You make peace with family member. Evenlnf could 1low with &ood will. Stre11 diplomocy. Accent on fulfil~ ment ol hopeJ; wishes. Be cracioua bat also 1eU-reli1nt. Lll!RA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Jlf4 E. C..1t Hwy. e C.rone del ~er Phon• 67J-iOIO K11.,.. h•w t. t•f ;i4 •f th1• rtilily ... .; "W1•1" '•••rv•11• c.•111,l•i111 •"•1111 H•, i11 yfilr ctr, ,j~ C.•111• .. ,.WI• th.. MW llt'int ·p•ff•~ li••ltt, , ... +ff11 l••lt •¥W .... 1._ •fft1 .... 1 •. •f QW tprlllf flt.. rie1 St•,.li111 re4, whit• •114 1 "'-• c.•..,.,hi.tl9'!1, ••~ ,•it•I ,tinh fer th• f•111ini11•' look, e•refr .. 4-.:Nfl .. 011bl• k11ih '•ml 1,rint .w••l•111. 'TIM-d19eltl ' . . . intpir• . y•11 t• c.r••f• E11tir 011tfiQ !•r ' yMr1•'! 1 •n .. f••lly wltic.lt i• •11ly 1ilf wuk• • ...,..,., A,rn .... 'ut th•1• r•iny tl•y• t• t••tl 1,11• t•Wlllt lip n•w c.•111•1 1l•the1, 1hort11 t•n11i1 tlr11111 e11tl "•fllillf twih •1uf lie reetly to •11i•Y • e1rtfr•• ,,,111; •11tl lflllllll'llf with • ''"•rt l\IW w1tdroli•. S.. y•11 •••n, Charter Ceremony Planned Arrangements cf fresh nowers will decorate the Anaheim Convention Center Thursday, Feb. 27 when the ParenlS' Club of Cornell• COn- nelly School helps welcome spring with its annual lun- cheon and fashion show. Also on the February calen- dar is a series of teas for prospective Connelly coeds, with Mrs. Edward Woods of Accent on career , op. Mario Dilullo of Newport ,iorbmitieo. ditmces ·for ld-Belcli;.bas invited girls froml~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.!f! Themed Sicilian Holiday. the Anaheim, servinc as chairman. Eighth grade students from St. Catherine of Siena School in Laguna Beach and their mothers will be entertained by Mrs. John Storch or Newport Beach. and Mrs. The National Association of event will feature fashions Bank Women will begln ac-modeled by CooneJly students UvtUes in Orange County when along with professional models officers llftl insta1led for the and c om m e n t at i o n by new are• group nut Saturday Florence Smales. Music will ft evening tn Saddleback lnn, be provided by the Frankie Santa Ana . Orteg1 Trio. eftftDSIJ After 1 7 p.m. 30clal boor, Chairman of the luncheon ~-. r.1a Mee• parishes oo Feb. What AUeniinll: each of lhe teas will be Sisters of the Holy I a Cllild Jesus, who conduct the ' ~~: . .,1er .. tet1 . tifb and IJuy / their mqthl!n' who b:ave not been~, are.Javtted'to call Mn;•Woillls at-. charter officers will be seated. is Mrs. Daniel Vracin of ,.,...,.PlftST OUM1"r T•king the chairman's ga,.I Downey. and on her com-Tfff l'fRllCT Glf.T 101 will be Mrs . Eleanor Berg· mittee are lbe Mmes. Antcn MOTHERS Or rut • Bartollc, Downey, assistant ; · gren, a nae, a servin1 on w. Patrick Moriarity, Dow· · her executive board will be the Mmes. Helen Poe, Santa ney. reservations; Edward A . balnnan Wiilll Woods, Anaheim, decorations ; na. vice c ; am John S "e en y, Huntington Boru, Orange. secretary. and Beach, door prizes and James Kellen Butlt.r. An ah e Im . Martin, Laguna Beach, hospi· treasurer. tality. Membership is open to any1 -,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I woman bank o(ficlat who hoklsll her position by appointment or election by her bant.01 boan!<Jldlncton. Anyone wishing to attend the installatioa ind charter dinner may caTI Mn. Berg- pn, '31.Wt. Dence Club Not Just A Hair-Oo- lut Sup•rb Styling •• MALLIE'S HfR • . . . 27so ' The first. third and fifth Frld1yg d each mo n t h members ol Lace 'n Leather Square Daoct Club meet at I p.m. in the RecreaUon Ceoler, lluntingloo Buch. Further inlonnaUon may be obWned by callin( Mn. Juan Dillon •I llMO!l. ' 1 -IY A''°INTMENTJ 548-3446 IMMIDIATI DIUVIAY n NO WAlfflllG Co~rful 1yn1Mtie birt&1~n..t•1 ~ for •v•rf member of th• t. .. ily, tite Mt In elegant lOIC gold flOfHltiM . ttxtu,.cl. 15.9&· . Grandmo~ IQo/ . " . . ' ' ' .. Arl<lb acSd1UOll tomasi:.Jt.ome. eerw:toe,tbai.µ489 ·11 ~.~' : ; 1JOt. 00--S W.... _boWJ, ~otm P'tc!:1'• and ~'. ~ ·1· tr">' tbat oa .... •mHrpS.-O. ---.ma ...... ,..., --4.-T"• IN-.,.~NATIONAL. atLY~R COM•.AfllY ' PEDICURES AND MANICURES M'ALLIE'S BEAUTY SALON 250·D I. 17 .. rHl ..... 5-• CosteM ... .,,.. ....... _ ............. Mllllll .... Sl1rl -.... CHAROI rr Ar TDIHI HHHl'f'S flHf JIWILIT D,,Alff_ FULLl•TON Or•n" Cet>ltt ~rber et ~1n•ll'lrff9 .. i.~ ........ ;...~. ~ .......... .., ........ ........ ,..,.., HUHTIMGTOH SIAtH H1111tln•'°" Cen!w ldlrlHr It .. ~ 0'"9 "'"· -- SLAVICK'S J ......... Slncl 1117 11 Fethlon lslend .Newport le•ch -644-IJIO 'r•11r Ch•rt• Acee1111f Wt1com• -le11kA111•rk~•d, M•1hlr Ch•r11, ••• 0,.11 Men .• h i. 11ntll t :JO ,.,. .. ·-o a •• •J" ..... " \ • . ...,;.v I'll.OT S:J Speakers,.Film Vary Sch0ol P.rog l'am ~ ••• (£.,_., NOit: A .._ ....... to CO.I•~-~~ IMcll Ml ·~~~L~ I """~: ·~rr::: Srllltll. 2Clll f1 .. ~ !"ikf, ~ IMdl. w j it.m. frllWl' tor lluOl!u•kwl w ......... ). • ··:,,.,c. iincil PTA Mn. ·Jtoberl -.... 1 l' President OOllJN.G lJP: B u.s 1ne11 I ·-tilig at 9,1'1 a.m. Mon- day, March s, 1n the Ubrarr ~Kaiser School. Coffee and registration at f a.ru. will be .lmted by Mrs. Nonnan Egli; ~n~ and Elvin Hotchison: principal. LaJT)I !Jfor4 will give the welcom- frtg address. Michael Brown, Political science ~nt prolenor at Calil!"'li• state €ollege at Ful~ will speak oo llnlg Abuse. Rarey )labbitt spoke last month. Adams PTA ' . Mn. Carl Leuck • President ··l·.:\~ ~·-· StudeflfS:· ~~riy. !foro Surrey COMING up, Film, "The Mj;ladv~f)tUre of M e r I i n Jones" will be shown at 3 1~Friday1.F~b. 28, in ·the nmtflpur~ roomi Mrs. Cl:ilitles Jamb· and.. Mrs. Dwayne.-1stee>uils. w~s and means c»:cbairrntin,· are in char . ge. • ' ' ' Students Launch Search · for Mayor Sure, to be qne of the ~ost pOpular rides duting a carnival being .sponsored b}' Caliyon School ~A li the surrey Cy.cle being driven by {left to right) _Lisa FrMericllS, 'sheila (Jronk\te. and J µlie .Pavenport. '.!'he carnival will take place between 10 •·111· and 4 .p.m. ~aturday, March. 15. ' .. (A.rt Opjecfs · Decoi at e , • . -I • • ' Vetvet-lined boxes atl6med with gold leaf will be among' qoutique and art objects offered .When Crown Valley PTG members open a flea market Sun- day, M(Jl'Ch 2, at the Laguna Beach \Vinter Festival. Adtniring the boxes are jleft to right). Mr~. Cl\•r!I" L. Collins, guild president, and Miss Doloies Mc- Hugh, teacher.· · . · ·: · · · . "J.i', 'l":it:~~ "ti -'*".,,,.. ..... ,. .., ~··""""' ~ '...,.' " ... , ;!:~'"' '""·' ... ~ ... '"'· /i"} Califli,.Pia PT A -r;;:-• Mn.WIJllaJi>.S~IH . J>mldint ·i coliln(G UP: Fatber-m l>an- 9uet frtm ·6:30, lo: 9 ~.m. Friday, Feb. 7.8, ~a High School cafeter·ia. Guests will be Bob Cli:antller, Mike Morgan, Jotirt YOung, Sid Smith and Jerry Shaw members of the University or Southern California foot- ~all teain. REPORTS: ijonor~ 11 f e member s hip1 .were presented to Mrs .. Joseph. Ciezinski, .. :Mrs. R i c h ·a r d Ogdeh . 8Dd Mrs. IWbert RraPmh Yrs. Lynn Bosen W&11 lionored with a con- tinuing service award and p~ .. ,.Where is the 'Mayor?" The place to find him will be Maud~.B. Davis.Junior High School at. 7: 30 p.m. Wednesdll)l'<md Thursday, March 19 and.:Jl, whe11 the PTA :1poosors a musical by that naril.e· present .. ed by S.lect students · from the music department. En1ign ·Pl.A Mn. J.B. Foster President COMING UP: General meeting, Founders Day pro- gram aod great b o o k s demonstraUon scheduled for last Thursday will take place at 7 p.m. tomorrow. Estan cia PTA Mn. Mark Goodyear Prelident Ka is er ,PTA Mn. NorlMll E&li President CO.MING UP' Annual family ltfe discussion program and film will ·take place at 7:30 ' "·"" Tu<Wy1 March 4, for ~olher• and' di~ ond Wednesday, fol fathers and sons, in· the rnolU~ room. Pmnts and students are urged to attend. l<illybrooke PT A REPORTS: LOnni Goslin, stu· Mn. Ronald Ha)'Wlrd Qn.yon PTA dent council rtpresen~Uve President , _ . . spoke at ltst week's ~ REPORTS: Honorary l l f e .,.~n. Dennl~Miller' meeUat OQ ~ts visit&--. ·p1 t Willi '-<.. President Uort fictrt ·l'rillmont HlP, ~ ~~·w;:bert p~ COMING UP: Board meeting f~.11.H~·lite~ · Jofui. Carlisle and.Mrs. ltltey tt· 9 a.m. Tuesday, "March··· .miUea..piembers-are Gaynor spoke and sbolMi :t; in-Ute multipurpose rOom. Aldis ~ob~n, ch_aJrman, sketches for the ceremony. 1• • Mrs. Lows Cunningham, Mayor Alvij) Pinkley. . remains llOPParllsan while Jolin Hotleycutt (left) .llld Mark Bl!rtolet ea'ch dnlm up support for his candidate. Tickets, $1 for adults and 50 cents for stud ell ts , may ~ . o~tl$,\!d from • students or any PTA member ,, 1 ~ • •1 1 21, in the home or Mrs. Mart Morris. REPORTS: Mrs. Andrew Lakato&h was ratified a s c o r responding secretary. Serving on the nominating committee are the Mmes. John T u rner, chairman, Morris, James Ellis, Donald Greene and Don Hout, prin- cipal. Mrs. Morris will ·serve 'as convention delegate. Serv- ing at the ice crealh.social were Mrs. Goodsell, Mrs. Greene and Mn. Moor. Newport Ele PTA Mn. J .. Scllpp1o President '1::!•·:1·; '?· . ., <:0ninl!ttee are the ~· t Goll1¥ WeVUl, J 01 ~-h Slow!!«?,~~. Don~l~, 1 , Terry McOerdle. 81¥1• •1 Willcox. . . i '.j Rea ' PT Jr. : · ., . "" . . tin. ·iceui.· XeU011 • Q~ -·. . ! ' . ~t ' .~ "PresJden~ . . ' ... R~~.1 .• Mn. ',1i9 ,,F~,~ · l/ii.· ,IQll~ Car~.. ' .Riao#! ,.. ...... ,_. ' ' . ...,_ ,~~--~-t ,r'•· · .....,..,...,. '·' ?i!!7';,;:~~ . ~: ''""''-~' ...... ,_ ... ~., ~ ". 'i .. ~. meebng. · r. · &nd Everette · A. Rea "' e r e special guests. Hono'rary lile membership wU fll'aented - to Mrs. Dirk Eastman. -i St. John Aux·.· .1 Colfise .Pk PT A W.S. O'Hare and Floyd Har· ryman, Jtincijtal. COMING UP' All-children 's talent aild art show at 7 p.m. Monday, March 10, in -Mesa Ve rde PTA : the cafeteria. Mrs. Robert Reid President 3 .. ttt:r'S~ llurleiglri Bursbem President COMING UP : Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 4, in the home of Mrs. Bllrleigh Burshem REPORTS: Mrs. Louise Fry and Carl Henrikson were awarded the honorary life memberships by Mrs. Dale .Jeffries, chairman and Mrs. Ray Garrett, pr o g r a m chairman .•. Serving on the nominating committee are the Mmes. Walter Greule, Jeffries, Garrett, Dean E. Wells. Donald Bruneau. Bernard Faubel and €arlton Russell. I ' . . Harper PTA Mrs. Harry Kohout . President COT\ofING UP: Board meeting 11t 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 3, in the home of Mrs. Lyn Geronimi. REPORTS : Mrs. B.D. Lindsey was awarded the honorary life membershlp .•• Serving on the nominating com~ mittee ore the Mmes. John Campbell, Jack Perkins, William Weddington, Richard Counselman and C.L. Mackey. Mro.,:iame•-~ '1 President COMING UP' Board meeting at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 4, in the Costa Mesa home of Mrs. Donald Utter. REPORTS: Honorary 1 i 'f e award was presented to BUI O'Neil. Monte Vista PT A Mn. David GaodHll President COMING UP' Ways and means committee meetln1 at 9:30 Lm. Friday, Feb. Future Activities Planned " Newport Hts PT A Mn. Elgle Armour President • COMING UP : Honorary life mem b ers hip• were present~ to Mrs. Loren Heather and Mrs. Ralph Whitford. Attendance awards were won by Miss Shelli Jacoby's third grade clau and Tim Brown's and Vloce NJemeyer's s i x t h grade claasa. Selected to serve on the nominating COMING up, Board meet1n1 at 8 toolght In the lloftw or --Josepil Devll1L1,. M. Do.lori!s, principal be specral guest ••• Pop ' ., tie drive starts next w ' and Thursday will be 'i lection day. '. Units Undaunted by Rain REPORTS: Ice cream ~were served to first thrOu fourth grade students ·· Valentine's Day by mothers, the Mmes. Wa:JM Boag, John Kenney, Ml~ Butler, Edmund Ke a~~ Frant. Kreitler, John ·~ nedy, Kirk Stephens, ilqi mond Jablonsky, Thom~ Doyle, John Purdy, James Stolp, Arthur Martinez, Joseph Parrino, · R. a ~ft'! Poitevin, Robert · .M~ and Cyrilla King, • .Mis. lvan L o,w r y , staqip chalrman, Presented starpp books to the Sisters of Mercy .•. Persoilallied sw~a~ shirts, book bags and rEe viewers may be pure Goldenwest Fathers Harri It_ up , for Dime-a-dip Mr.i. Jerry Sutherland, presidellt, asiists-Jlll1!e Md and 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28, in the Westmln· Riclty Lancaster (left to right) with .some of the ster school. Mrs. George Schneider, chairmarl, has extras to be served during a dime-a-Qip ham din-announced that the student council will help during ner sponsored by Goldenwest P'PA betweeo J5:SO the buffet whic h \\>"ill be served by the fathers. .. (l!'Clllor'I Noli: A ..... de\fO!rll ta '°""'•111 v111ey, H111'1fl""~ &.1th. 0 C • • II VI-, Sf:ll lffCft I nd wntmlnlftr School dl1trlci Nrenl· • teldler ~l11tlaM will •-r In tM OAIL Y ~ILOT udl week. Inform .. !Ion mwl lie rteelwd II'! 1111r1. Wllll8m Pulford. 17260 S.nt• Lucl1, FOllntlln V1lleY tr!' J 1.m. FrllllY IGI' .. --~-· Wtdnalla'f.J land!ICape arehitect, was speaker at unit meeung and presented the master plan for Eader Park. Highlight of the Founders D a y meeting wu a You Sew Faahlon Show with parents, Arevalo s PTO atudent. ond fl cu It y J W •• parllclpatlng. Mrt. B. • or ... President REPORTS: First Aid course Crest View PT A for parents, hegan last night Mn. Don Crocker in foom 17 u part of the President Block Mother's program. COMING UP: Mobile Cheat . ne· .,C<flt of the five-week X·Ray unit will be at Ocean course ii · 75 ceqtl, which VJew District 6fflce, Beach cover• the pt~ of the First and Warner, from 1 to 8 AJd l:J90k. · Bor1 · furt.ber In· p . in • tOmorrow .•• Mrs. I form,.£100 \ 1ou mat call Walter Large ii linallzfna ~ Mn.~'Jflr! at, 116i.~134. plan• for lhe Sp r l.n g Member1bJp Round· . Eailer PT A up ... Unit ·ii lntllatlng Mn. Darwfi Zlrl:tel planl for teachers aide pro-· Pr..tcieni gram. COMING UP : A cultural pro-REPORTS' Spotlight on Youth gram, Co:apa Dance Troupe, was thetM-of .Ut meeUng, rrom Mexico will be at· with all 11.~ I r o a P s terxled by .all sixth graders dlspla~ projects. in the Huntington Beach arts aJtd , • ,. . Elementary School District ====· ~·t':;:'~··;:· ':":'=== Monday, March 3, in Dwyer · -4-.., Intermediate School Eader Mn.'il._.,.._ P;TA is sponsoring lhis Piilldent event, under the dired.lon COMING UP: Coler feature of Loo Carcia or the dlatrlct and cartoom at ,l ,IO p.m. foreign language Saturday, March 1, ln the de p IJ' t ment ..• Famllies multipurpose r o 110 , Ad- 'may · eoojy this program at mission of IS 'eenta lilclUdoo 7'30 p.m. Monday, Marcil a bag of popcorn. Addldonal 3. Admission l1 lO cent. for popcorn will be ·IOid for JO adults and 2$ cents children, cents a baa-~ .Mrt. repor,ts Mrs. Thomas Hunt, Irvin& Dub, -~4Yt and pro~m chairman. mean.I chairman, In the REPORTS: Richan! Bigler, Mm ... Jtoberl HadMI, •Boll ., Jones, Joseph Van Buren, Francis Wissler and Hank Standridge, "the popcorn lady.'' REPORTS , An honorary lire membership award w a s prt9ente6 to Joseph Van Buren, active PTA member who now Js serving as unit treasurer; Scout Leader and Scout Master, and has taught church school for 12 yean. Mrs. Hant Standridge Wat recipient of the Con· Unulng Service Award. She hu been active in PTA for more than 25 years and is present I y eervingas hospitality, honorary life and popcorn chairman, and participates In scouting anci . church work . Past presldeptl attending were the Mmes. Lucille Young, 193MO ; Allred Pen, l!H3- 451 Edwar.d Tafloe, 1945---M; William t'reed, I II 3 • & 4 : James Dunton, 1tI4 -6 5 • Joeeph Vin Buren, 1985-fJtS: and RJclwd Kellogg, 1967- &a. • .. from the ways and l1)t . cOmmiftee. • .Women 41tf !etested in golf. lessons m1HJ call/Mn. Jobn Hartl 1t 11rt4t 2572 for further informal~ . J . Wilson PT A "~ f:•.{ Mn. Fftd stmptOa. ~·~· . President , ; ~ REPORts, ~ast pre~ honored at the Feb~ meeting were the Mmes . Gib Fernandez. K e it h Carpenter, Keith Kell098', Robert Sankey and' Et!lh Metcalf. Mrs. Dwight Gi!!Cn coold nnl1 attend, HOllOrlJY lif& • membenhip1 · w r"f e presented to Mrs. &rbafa Kephart and· .Mn. MliW'ed Kolv .... s11""'1' and Dr-dass presented a pat!J4MI program under the diredkll of llouald Erlckae" Servin& Oii .tbe llmlinallng --rnittee ..... tlito Mmes. JSJ7 s.._ .chairman: Robe1t Sankey, Wllllam SteveMoll. Gary .. Clark and Arlene Loughborough. ..;; ,,, . TOPS Mermaids ., ----------------------------~------------------------------------------ I I I I, ~I I I 1 " I I . French Fisherm · A 1 ....... c:l>ol, wlleo ukod lodollat-,-.ibod It ... -. bOlrV ..... ........ 111111 aubollfloh Be -rtM Iba! " )IOblblJ ........ od In early lltw ....... '1'1111_•_.._ u. *'"" earlJ lllWl!r'I Umc New lqland'1 - did alllbe lllb llld ohelHlab In -.. ., •. Seafoods ..... tboJn '" the tUlq llld they dtnlopod llllDY nourllbiJll, lllllnl lldccalortln& chowder ndpel 11111 _.. cberlabod """ bllldod -fr • Ill --lo·-~ lduall1 cleftlopea --... ·· cautal vi1lqtl " Frmce. 'llbtD the llabermft CllDt lmlelnmtbe-eachlllU --• port " bis catdl lnlO a bqi ._ l<ellle aw ... ch•""lere." The communllJ-lhare la a -celebratmc tllelr ..,. rttum. Thia lradlUan f-Ill way lo CUtda and don the caut of -£n&1IDd where ••ta cbaudiere" becunecllowder. lllddock. a favorite filh ln New EnsJ•nd slnce ear)J coJ. onlal days, ill available, either fresh or frmen, in JIWtets acroa the country. Tbt white, tender meat II JlfOlelMidl 1114 '°" ID lat caatat and can be ulld in a wide •ariety " luty redpeo. MOii al the bllddock •1""1t are filleted and sold fresh or froRn. However, 1 large volmne of bllddoct fll1eta are rroru ID block.I and -wed iDto flab ltlc:b llld pactions w b I ch have become very popular as a convenience . item. Old Falhiooed Haddock Chowder 11 a true old-time New England chowder. The buic nclpe bu ..... modified and telted by H o m e F.conomlsts of the Binau of Commercial Fisheries t o limpiily the preparation for tOday's bu 1 y homemaker. Lari• pieces of haddock add ID llDUJUll IDd Afulying , ' touch thlt make thll chowder • nourishing it coWd easily J , be _Ulfd u the main course for MJ1 meal. Add a salad "" ..... c:rllPJ broad -IDd ' the menu ls complete:. OLD FABlllONED HADDOCK CHOWDER B> pounds haddock fillets, !rub .. lralen 1/• cup chopped bacon or ult pork '°' cup chopped ooion 2 CUJll dicod pollloeo t cup water tteupooasalt Daab whl~pepper I ... CUJll milk 1 cup (I ounces) evaporated milk Dill pickle strips 'Jbaw froaen fillell. Remove sklD ...i -!nm fillet!, Fry bacon until crlap in a lJ..incb try pan. Remove bacon and ft.lerve faL Drain bacon on ablortlent paper. Cook onion in bacon fat unUI tender. Add putatciea and water. Place filletl on top of potatoes. Sprinkle with salt IDd Jiii> per. Cover md limmer for 15 lo Ill minutes or unW potatoeo &re tender and fillets nake euily when lelted with a fork. Da not .ur. Add milk.I. Heat Sprinkle with bacon. Serve with d1ll plctle strips. Makes I arvlnjs. Wax Beans Go Fancy A delicious combination to sen't with beef. SAVORY WAX BEANS 1 p()W1d .... beaM J cup boWna water II& .... _ salt • • tabl-b1lt1u I medium -· art in thin llrips .1 can (I ounces) sliced muabrooml, dralDcd 'llp beom; scrub In cold water; drain. cut ~ In 11&-indl plocol. In a covettd amceplD rapidly cook beans wllll boillq nter IDd ,.. tea>- -"' the sail unlll tender· csllp -abaul II minutes: ..... lllelllwbile In a skillet in .... -· fl'llllJ coot tht ....., DDtll pldm; mb: with .. -. --llld..., •h"., ~ teuJIOllll aatt; ----· ......... Party Loaf -i ....... loll " French =.-..::.i:~ ... ollwl '•' qg, ripe -... barn ... ripe .u .. aDd -.... l'roll w i t b cnom -... P!1liM wllh .... Calllonlli rlpt oli .... . l ""'~ . . WOWI OLD FASH iONED HADDoc«.•CIHOWDER . .·. . '• • :"". I ~·' ·, .' ' . Tf!.h,althy brown =rice. It's .never .been through the mill. ' ; Brown rice is different.·~ And bettcrforyou bcca- thc outer bran coating has not been milled away. )'Qu. · get lhe vitamin~rich aleuro110 layer. One serriDg of MJ B Quick Brown Rice suppli .. l / 6 ,of "'° adult biinirDum daily require-. , ments of Thiamin (Bl), Ribofta. vin (Bl) and Jron. MJBQaict.BrownR.iceisn:tilly '. ' quk-k, jmt ts minutes from pack to ~ ¢ate. Which makes it lhc fastest· brown rice in the West. Try some loqjgbt ----------------~· 7eoff and ' "'-------------7e' wZ a:O og; 1-o· , (/) 0 a free cookbook! 7e ------------------------------------------- • I • • II I 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna I 1 • .. --· -. DAILY PILOT :J'" .- ' BONELE5$ Beef Roasts ,~ USDA CUice 8rlll1 IHI Rolled And Tiell flMl'fij And Ttndtr .Is On~ A Sal""' B..t Roa• Can s.. I~. Sliced Bacon Savory Hickory Smoked-59' •Luers Quality • Miss Iowa I ·llt. _ •Iowa farms-Yo..-Choic1 pk1. . • s+ernans • Famitr John • ltormel • Swilt's ;: ... Ye_.1 Patties :•,:.... ... 791 Parmagiana ::-· ""~ .. 791 Drumsticks ~;.... .. 891 Sole Fillets ~=" ""'" . .., 891 . . ' . Sole Fillets ::~7,~~;'"' .. 89' Fresh Oysters •:;:· 891 Young Turkeys Trophy Brand Tlll!1S 35< 1JSOA Gr.-!e A Q!Jlhty ~. Pure Vegetable Wesson Salad Oil The "ll·J an.• rot 1.1 ~ s.i11d Md r~il Nttdl. l'oly-Urmtw1ttd ~ _ _:_ -·-. · ~ -,../ P eaches YOUNG il Turkey ~1 Parts ~ BONELESS Top Sirloin Steaks 49 • T B St k UIDl ... ., lra4t..., $J29 • One ea r.,. for Brom"I or B"1Jeaini Safl!RY F•ly ~And Tri-d I.. ., . f! . . . Porterhouse · Steak 5 .... ~·· · Leg Of Lamb =·~1:~1~· Canned Hams ;.tr~~.:= .. at ' • ' • • I • • ,, , '.l ... This Co11p1n Goad To•~'!tlll · . .., ~ P11tchas1Of0 ~• 1-•::. Ci~ ~ Hill$ r ~ :.,.; r~; C · ta?L.' ... '.l\1 b:!"~ Cl'IDic! Of R!i.Jllf, ~:)I)( ('ttlfic ~ I Bel-air Wattles . ~~£"* 2 = 29° 1-lb. ~ • SAFEWAY EKTRA llALIJES Cll Thl5 Co;JWl Good i~ers., Th;u S'"·· rib·•··•y 27, ~. ll'x, I, Z, J9!i9 I.I )c~r ltr~I ~ 1'' I BANI< ON TH E SAVINGS AT YOUR SAFl~~ .,.,,t'.l , , ; 1• • ·• 8.orclen's 1!~;~~\IOodtis ~sl • Starkis.t Tun a Mayonha.ise Preserves 1i11t ID I'"' ~ ........ """'"1. !nlllerry, Pudl or Ch•l7Y l·lh. c~r!c~s NuMada ~ ~1111 jar ~ .m "' • c~ - c: I ' ' . ' ' Extra Lartt &:~~"' .... ~ 571 Corned BriSket Bonelm M~d CPl-Saft- wl'f or Reil Mceo, l'tllnt Cut .. 88' Smoked Picnics 9icol !tttt To4-0tt f"" 49c .... Le.,_ TeotlerYOlll(M BAKE SHOP FEATIJRES . ""'Fuerte Av.ocados .. •-·el 0 Of Valentia va1ietv · -· ra.n1.es · Sweet 11"-~P<ned lruil ··e'.·S••llJ l ... ooil . •lch .~ .. Buggeta Pe!lets SoUrll0vth 4' I" .. liale Of ._ ..... :.. •,....,.,.. ~ '!:.">::;.'" 3 ~:; 98' B d •2• -_, mw ...... •Rose Foed i;::;., rea :Jr::t.""'a::.:.-99c •Camelia Foo4 =:ii.:.-::,.,~:~-= -• ...... , . "':~r.-. • Citrus & Avorad~ • . .. ~ -~ ..,; ''"' 5 " 95• , 3 = '1 YOUI' cHOICI ~"""' """"~ . °'~"' "' ~, SAFEWAY l 211 E. 17th SI., Costa Mesa 1000 Barslde Dr.;Newpok Beadl . • I ' .J 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, lo. Laguna ~36 H. Coasl Hwy., lagun1 Beach Slnla Ana frffWIJ at II Pu, MISslin Yjejo flirYlew Ave & Wiison SI. .. . . ' ------------ • ·~ .. t .. , .. ( I ...... '''l.i1u. '11U\.I!ii.o : Ropo1t1 Vow1 ' Br, IWIGAllET IAynLll: llOllllCeCI lo date tie In wllll One ol lbe llllin requirements. ' • lier ...-1 1n-. ¥!! , 'l1>e ~ lh'I will pt no LONDON (UPI) -~ rldtol. on .\prjl • llhe wm. Mnient .... Ille bonor, just Pledges · Solemnized • In Baha'i Ceremo~y. Home ID S.. Dlqo lollowiql wu 1ttachod to a lace peta~ 1 Lu Vqu honeymoon ""' ohlped hudplec<, and she Pedro llul1ln( llJd his bride, _,.~ a llOl<CIY of white Ibo tormor RobUta Jean Ford lrtllldJ ancl camallonl. of Costa Mesa. Rladers at lhe cer<m0ny 'l1>e daucbtor of M ra • were Ralph Sc b r e I b er , Cbllton Jard ol Ooota Mesa , i"'"mhly cbalmwl; Mr!.- and Ille Illa Mr. Ford and lielma 'Colfieah, secritlJy; '};'tfli'iiP.o of Mn. Carloa Bulllnt Mrs. William Baltgavil of San of~ Dte10 and lhe late "Oiego. t b e bridelfOOJl)'t Mr. Bulling ochanged vows allttr; Mrs. Tom Perry of llJd rlnp In the Baha'i C... "-~-Mesa the bride'• llator· ter, Colta Mesa. ......-« • . I TbO bride WOft I lace 1rizD. , J!rtd , Sch<cter of S.. Diep, ~ white gown featurtna a IQd '·William Sean Jr. of lrlln. ·eer llboulder length veil 'riiousanc! o.u. · Ushera: were Peter Ford, tbe brkle's brother and Capt. Rarigner Linder, both of Costa Mesa. A reception followed in the l<Orne of tl)e Perry~ Aallsting were the Mmes. Jama Girard of ni..ttn, Harlen MWer and Fred Compton ol coata.M.,. and MW Kathie Miller .,c.oiita ldesa. , , J Anni, la.,w-<>ld daqM• °"' :-a. :l'OUllll·· Foril)lr!' Clljll . a ~ elms a11owancO llJd Queen Ellsabetb u, 1'. ~ .;.o.w.r aDcl v1t11 ""' NatiMil · a• ·diamond bacl&e tor idtn- to beiln lier royal '~"'!f "Equeilrl'ia'~Center at lillCIUDll pur(lofeo, publlc dulles. "·. , S t o•n e le 11 h Abbey In Prlnceu AMe will ba silo(> on payln& her expentes because ol. the c u r r e n t economic 1iluation. The pasl- tlon could be :reviewed on Princeu Anne's ltth blrthday Jn 'AujlUIL Prtncta. Marpret received $14,0fO a year before mar- MRS. ANTHONY. PAUL ~OUILLO G1rdon Oro¥1 "°"'9" J Bucidnll>am Palace bu ao-Warwicbblre. on May 29 Ille Pini arouno! tor clolhel toe llOllllOed • llfl' iJI Ille llnl wW vlsll an 1,ncuilural lbow her J>llbllc cbjllel. She com- publlc q-ntl lllal Ille In Somerset. · · p1ete1y cbansed her style ol prlncea wlll '.pllfmm on bor She a190 . wW ~Ill the dreullter-chlded own. A> •Iller of ~ queen u alliclal bOllell on her lor. looking clowclJ llJd · a..ria.lbe·bolrlolbelllrooei. -occH-· IUdl ., 0~ She"°" keepl :" .::' ~,.::,.. ~ ~ dlplomatlo receiilloni ai.1. the .,..,;. with' lhe 1atell 18'hlons, riage. • The bride, 1 Costa M"3 High School sra<1ua11, al· tended Sin Franclaco State College and b compltllng ber education at San Diego State College. Her husband is a graduate , ol a high school in Vllparallo, Chlle. FV Club Women Tour Color. City, TV Show . ' . . au I Rossertlo laims Bride · · ~' ~ 00.....party atven lmowl lllal Ille looks best In '1..°' ~ wbo left ocboor" iar gomnment m1n1s1<n 11 simple. lines, llJd a v o 1 d s •-·t '"" ·~-· ... Wlndsot CUtle around Euler. anytb1ns kootJ'. -year, -w•~ -Mly wW brinl ~ Aii-Royalty ....an1 eetJ an ot-== ~: .:.i:;, • :i: · ne'• linl oWe •'vllll lbrood llclll 111111111 lllay'._ from Ille lboWd no1 be loo frlcbi.n. when ,"'8 ¥"'"JIPIM lier Par-when ~ wblle ... of her """ solo cleboit parenll to -tbe1 Cl1T)' 11111 • ~ of lllrcb 1 wlin llhe hu Ibo · Al· lint, 1bi ..n-· wW royal dutiel. Princess Anne Plans to tour -NBC's Color City and a1tenc1· a taping or "HollJWOOd Sqllli'tl" a re balns ·mac1e by members or the Fc:Kmtaln Viney Woman'• Club. . eddlnl rlnga and VO\ .. ezcbanpd Jn, S I. CathoUc Church, Greve, by tJle. former Lab Sllpledon and y Paul R411e0o' Jr. bride, daugbtar of Mr. Mn.. Richard C • pledon,t ~taln , V1lley, &1ven In morrlap by her . er white 11Un emplre =J.ild with lace ber train WU edl· in lice. Sbe ear- l bonqutt of whlll C&rlll- ~. . Stapledoo --.. bet '• honor at-and lhe WU attired a blue cblflon over satin sawn. and carried a bouquet. dolmlldlwereMn.Gary Santa Ana; M.la G1yle , Fountain Valley, Mrl. Anthony WrL Their IOWlll; styled like Ibo llllld 1111<;.,.:!f M IJll1 ..... be. a c c.o·m pa •·led .., !bus becoma ellciblt but Ille of honor'•, were plnL lo _ ol -,. enpgementl 111. ooe ol the Queen may ~ lo keep 'l1>e ·brldesroom, aon aflolr. oul loeU to llildlm. Queen'• l~Uns like llJd Mrl. ~· P.•PJ ... Leelll ·.;..<the lrldWonll . May Marr1am, JO.year-old ~~ llfY,,.~::.,. 'vn>bol·olWfot: on Iba Salm . daupter•of Lilrd Mlrpdl1e, NQmesake ... Celeorated Bll'Olow to:, ..... :aa -~ · .pay of SL !Ji!rld, po1rm -, whom ""' hu already "bot· and ulheta ..ve. Jam• i ·or Wala, = Anne :wUl . rowed" for a i,cep\lon when · · Drabolp, WbJW•, Ray l\lello ..__ Ille to Iba Wlllb'" 'llhe and Iba" ·'Queen llolher Februay 11 N a I I on 1 I sculp!Oi . ..,,.i pne of the three Westmlmter· Anthony Lara ..--u~ Bri•-1-N--i.. Americ.an Hiltory Month for gieatest. .artflti . in Revolu· ~-G' llJd L ·' ·auanta on lbi parade pmda mel _,., • .,,., .. ,,. llhow· DI"·"'-or the American . Uo••~ daya~•· rked Mrs. o~. me, 0 • ot the~ barrliclll al Plrbr1llll. J•m-. · · ..,_, • -' Malllcotte, Weatmlnsttr. , __....._.. , , But. ..__. . ..... RevoluUon . _and Pat I enc e Fred~ ~HY chairman FollO't'lng tbt ee i em o ·n 1· near ~-. once me_ pnoceu ,... .11l'fabti '~ marked the for the chiPter~, · more ihln lJll~ at~ on Illy S b prlncell Will• . gained I llwe _.itnce, ID oiciltlin .l!il' .b41notl"I j t S When tbf ~ lll'OUP wu 1 reception ill tM ,... · , ~~ her fl(at lhlp, and the attendant of her own a.p nameute, a· · revoluUonary founded in lut,_~&he name was Country 1nn,·Hlnlfiil.lo ...... II.~ one -lll'OUP will be -In~ ·A, heroine, durinl I luncheon -· ""' ... linking the BelCb, wbert the bridi'i 1Wi~ Ibo larptl ~ ever balll lldf.fn....W., It nol Olll1 an: meetlntl. arl r~ which Lquna was Mrs. Ralph Del Ponte, WU 1n Brttatn. • ·11s.00 0 -t 0 al .offld:al «Jlji~ -~ • COD-;. Patience w rt 1 ht WU famed with 0 u t It ID d 1 n I Jncbargeollbe_aueslbool<. llnUr. ? .. .. lldante 'and dOaO lrltod, ao "Amerlcl'1 linl female fn. servlcelotheRevolllllon,"sbe FoDowlDC a>'IJ•d<!blf 1rtJ ti.r \ Her otbor ._. ... contemporary ~ II . tematlooll ·apy, Its II r1 I aplaJned. Newf~d.«114 ~~ · AtJlltie illiWl,ai.icnow . will mUe their home In Garden Gf'O'ff. ' . The bride is a paduate oC North Haven High Scbool, Conn., ind her husbancl 'wa.I sraduated r r 0 m Briclltlon IIlgb School, N. J. . tl'ns-Le·mmer Nuptials : ead in Mesa Church ol/ege tu dents o Marry . and Mrs. Georae F. announced the engage- t ol tbelr daua:ht.er, June Roth aod lUchard Smltb durlq: two dinner In their North Tustin ding VOWI and rin&I in In early afternoon ceremony Jn SL Joachim.'1 Catbollc Church, Co.ta M-perlocmed by Ille Rev. Gerald llcNulty and the Rov. Jerome Cummlnp, of St. Anne's Pariah tn Santa Ana , a friend cl the bridal couple. The bride, the f o 11 m e r Cynthia Lynn Lemmer, II the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Lemmer of Coata Mesa, and tht bridegroom l.! the son of Dr. and Mrs. H. R. MUOI of Anchor11e, Ala.!ll:a. • Given 111 marriaa:e by her faµter, the new Mn. ·MUM choae a gown [uhloned of 1lencon lace with a tcailoped neckline and complemented It with a floor lOOllh ..ii -· med ln matching lace. Seed pearll adocned ber headpiece, and white daisleai and cama- tlons !Hhloned her bouqael. Mrs. David Braat came· from Klla, Moot., lo be lier siJte:r'a matrGn .of honor, and br:ldumaJds were the Miael Patrk:la Femcaa ol Cc:wuta clel Mar, Teri Clark of S.. Diego and Patricia Powen of Fullerton1 cl1ssm1tea of the bride. " i: · Evltt1HING 's ON. SALE .LAST DAY -MARCH 1st I .0·1•s111 I ._I _,_o_,_s__.11 .JAc~~'s I Regular SA.LI. R•~uler SALE SALi 14.99 ...... 4.99 4.99 ....... 1.99 6. 99 ..• •· •.. 3.99 22.99 ....•.. 7.99 6.00 ........ 2.99 12.99 ..... :.6.99' 14.99 ....... 4.991 GOWNS 39.99 •.• ' .. 10.,,: 22.00 .... '. 11.99 ._ ____ _ ' . 1 24.0.0 .....• 14.99 6.99 .•. ' ... 4.90 I CA PR. •. • 1 , 30.00 ...... 21.00 8199 ........ l.9t • SWEATERS I 1 R 0 I Is I :fo.oo ....... 4.99 10.99 ....... 1.10 112.99 ....... 6.99 16.99 ... ' ... 7.99 20.00 ...... 14.00 .16,99 .,, ... "·.· 7.99 29.99 ' ..... 18.99 10.99 ' ...• '. 7.70 , 9J>en to the public, the tour will take place on Friday, March 28, but reaervallon.s must be made by Saturday, March 1, according to Mra. Lorin Lammers, club movies arxl TV chairman. Those wishing f9 attend may call her at 9G483.1. 1. Transportation will be avattable at Huntington Center al 2:~ p.m. the day of the tour. There will be a ch arge of $1 for adults and 70 cents for students or children over six. Those attending will return hozne at apprprlmately t p.m. · l!Of time hu been arranged · in the early · eventng fat a uct lunch or dinner in a nearby reataurant. !Int llJd thlnl "'-laya p.m. _..... o1 sn ... .. N-Doqhten Oaldm Weot g11ber 111 .... IAU Park A yellow lace A·Hne drm was selected for the matron of honor, w\lo carried I booJ. quet of yellow dalatea, and dreases of yellow eyelet with lull sklrta llJd or11n11.bojllcel were wom bJ. the brldlllrialdl. Baakoll of yellow dlllle1 CCIII!' pleted theu enoemblel. Steve Norlh of Loo Anselu served u but man. and guesta were oeated by Rick Dlvll, Poci>ona; ·Kiili II.al' ""'"· Loo Angeles, lad Jbn Mam>eco, P-. 1"' wed- ding rlnp ...... enltulled lo Sieve L<mmer, brolher of 1111 bride. ~ Fol!Owlnr the '"11"'"'"""'-'IY• UO ...... """" Ille ....,,...,.. Incl olpod Iba I-' nciller wblcb WU drcullled by Ibo but mu. .. • Marian'·s OFF REGULAR PRICES .. 111i1ttn11o1l II Ille mtttln1 pla« ant-1on. Mr1. J1c1I: •1m, will fumlsh • IM nal meeting •• 1'le briA 11 '•...._ at Cal Poly whtre lbe 11 ma- joring in animal aclenct. aod her husband will receJve BS 4-lnJune lnthttrlcal eori-rtns IOd ma.lbelDllkl. I ~ . . ( IYIRYIHING ""'""" --. . ,. GOI \ , 14 MINION ISLAND lllWPOIT C:lllTll TllJPllONI M4-21U HIWPOtlT llACll. CAUi'. • ... -.. . ... IYDYTHINO .4 MUST .. GO! I WITH SALLIE TAKE A TR&IN ANY TIWN AND JUST JMAGINt: • it 1ttttcbfld 1rom. Los Afr pies to N~ York. Then put f more trains along side ud fill all 8 train.I with food .· This would be the amount of !ood COIUIWDed by all the fa.mllie1 in the United Sta~ for a year , .• d.ivkle it f11 •P ud it a>mtl lq tt¥! equiy. alent of 2"9 tons fdr·tbe avtt-- ap 1.amily of 4. }fut watch out for that hidden ftlth. FW t.Yel')' dollJr'• \lfOrtl, of foOcl ~-t la toted o~\!rl1(pocel')' cart "' COlplS to< .,..,, .. ..,. t:icides, paper. g;ebi:, hi~ feCOl"ds, hair nets. ·etc. Am'! get thlll: hall the hair spray, aspirin and too'tl\!)a!lte wt' buy for family Ullj goes thru the checkout counter. That.'• supermarket biz, Might be fun 1tuU lo have 2 co~ purses .•• one for food, the other for the other thlnP. This way yq;i WOUidn't ~ spendiJl& yoor ttee.~ mo!M!y for a .QJe'4' cc:Nor.of paper nap. kinl or a new cleaner for tht> · living room couch • , , BUT THE MOST FlJN OF ALL would be the third coin purse whlctl you could go astray with .•. to delve Into the frantic '8).abazoo of food foibles that have a way of &n!aking into your 1hoppine cart. We've got 'l'm trained. Co~ be ·• .rosy ~le Job- sti::r Qr a1jurnbo fresh crab , •. lfel'fll"' a co:r;y oven- ioeady meat loaf in ill own foll bakina: pan, fantastically flavored with Accent and green pepper, cill!ry and everything including freshly ground beef and pork. The meat 1hop boy1 make It up riaht here. Ir1 . their own private recipe ~ .. 1Anotber tastf read,y delight ii Taite 0 Sea feGzen, bread- ed, ~ cooked fWi line- up. Jusl tie'at and eat. Floun- da, Ocean Pertb, Haddock, 1iah stidal: or Urimp patties. ·Those pattie1 &re jumbo de-- lidous , • • about .f inches across and the pieces of list\. -.re lovel,y bi&' mart eatirc" 1 sizes. Or )'OU might ,.enjoy ~ R.eal ~ Jli;:Coy corned beef 6uh ;;;. frozen like an overahed s/ws.aie, to slice and !ry and 'top with poached eras .u you wish. Find these goodlei 1n the little frozen food case rfa:ht across from' the meat department • . • Up above ;.ou'll di!coVer a whOle ~ &hef . of bottles and Jars of.dressings, seasonings. aaucea. 8!"1d marinades !he ~meat"d'ep1iirtrnent has select• ed. u being especially fine to use on meats. The whole Don the BeachCom her r o u t e. Johney's Dock Seasoninz and Marlnadez from his fa-mous· ~staurant in Seattle ••• Try his French Dip au jus for navor. Concentrated in a bottle, you ~ply add wale f.o this perfect blend ot bttt ahd seasonings. Se~ yoru-t 1hllmburgers or thin lliced l'Oru!lt beef on French roll8 am dunk. MORE BUDGt.'T BUSTt;ns Dilly Bellns and Tomolives .•. Grabers Ollvea and Old Monk Mayonnal&e • , • You can buy your olives minced, chopped or sliced • • . your almonds roasted. blanched and slivef'f!d, or blenched 11X1 salted, }'rench Fried, Weed, nonpareil or shelled . . . They can be Smoke House Davor, barbequed_. chuse or 1arli(;'()rtion tinged . , . All courtesy ol the fine Blut Diam.op:! people who ctn them brf ~ol'tlia. We hact o!M! nlcf man come In with empty can, •·1 Jound the&e in H1waii. Can )'(Ill serp over theN? and get mt some mo1T.~' We look him to !hp grocery department and sbw-ed him a whole 1hcU. Bassennan canned celery knob& from Germany , • • Ashley's cb.111 con queso, just heat the dcllcious cheeH mixture and dunk •.• Next tti,\e you serve fresh raW' vqetable1 with a dip, llict aorne Jlcama •.. And U you haven't tried one or our hl"' droponkaUy Oavor controlled grown tomatoes, you hawn't lived yet. RICHARD'S 1'11£ PfX>PLE STORE Put us aU torethcr and wt ~ Gitt Shop, Flower Shop. Bakery, Gourmet Food Gtn.. and Hot Rtad1 Pre-- · -~--· srooery, me.I. and produce that aft the wry ~ end .of lfuaijt)' IJld.. variety •• , Try us ... 'Ouf 21!llt blrlhd11.y Is almos1 hc!re. \Vt'1-,. pu!llT!f on a real ~ shindig ju!lil for )'OU. ' . (,;;:.: ' . . " '• n '· ~ .· . ,' -Ji. ,. •· 1· ~·· l' I . ' .. , • h . ' :t.~0~~.' l ' Rt;K.LES GRANULATED . - UGAR . 5 iJ, IA6 49' SUNS,HINE . • • • , HYDROX C~QKIES 21..: 59c KNUDSEN lA BON BUITER ' 79c . . . HILLS BROS. . " - COFFEE . . , .. 67~ I LI . HILLS BROS . CQFFEE I '-· SCHILLING FREEZE DR IED r' CHOPPED CHIVES '!' ... 49c ' VILLAGE INN, ASSORTED FLAVORS . .. RICE MllES ~ ... · 5 10 '. 51 . . . . ASSORTED FLAVORS , DIET FOOD Carnation Slender ..... 69c ft BE\JY CROCKER S'i• -ox • ... POTAT0 -8UDS w• .......... ,_ 29c • I • "' JE~LO 'GELATIN, ASSORTED FLAVORS ' DESSERT MIX, ... 61~·'1 DOLE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE • 3 ... '1 DOLE PINEAPPLE-PINK GRAPEfRUIT Dr.i.rik '""· 3 .... 79c • c Ranch-Style BEANS ,. •• 6 ,:. '1 ALPO, ALL FLAVORS ·DOG FOOD No. I ' ·TY-D-BOL BOWL CLEANER ..... 69c 'BIG 'ROLL, DECORATED WHITE WITH CURRY, or GREEN, or vivl'~fOWELS 31·;89'. . I • SOFT AND PUFFY • POTATO ROLLS IU<jl<WHMT N' HONEY BREAD · .~ STREUSEL . COFFEE CAKE FUDGE LOAF '. .. • " 6,,.~ r; 4k 45c 79c . ; • • Vl.:<!nudu, Ftbrv1t1 ..26, 1969 DAILY PILOT • PHONE 6,73-4360 FOR HOME DELIVERY Ptas ,8'FEelM ~EB. 27. 21, MAR. I ti'"'. ,. • Orgln Ser9n•cf• For Your PJ.,..u .. by .,. lernica F1y , • ... . t ' ~r • • L!.QO MARKET CENTER. Nmt;JRT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANC/' TO LIDO ISt:E I .,· I . . . I .< ~'I ' ' . i " • ' . ; ~ ~t is •s e1ca1ng •s • fine red1ur1nt·-when you b19in with food ind wines from Richard's. . so~,;..~h~~· ) , .. ·fr~ °""' O.ndlol~f • ' ... FRESH, CRISP, TENDER . • • • . .. .. .. , ... ,, • ,..J ,.;i .,,,14''1- UTAH TYPE CELERY 19' EAC~ • ·• REESE SEAFOOD COGK'fAIL SAUCE • . ' I '1 . f'tsHERMAN'S WHARF , '.~ .. . '; ·?; IRES$1NG I ... ;·: :3 ''"-~ : 0 MH!s, e1otic S1ucas ~ISHERMAN'Sj,WHARF • / "' • " ,, j /)t ,.f ind cond.im1nts. ., . ROQUEFORT Dressing • 1 .i: 4ft,.. "t rol11 from eur bakory, . • 1 • Luscious pHlri•~ ind SWRlFr PRKIUM ALL MEAT :' . · ' f•~: W1 givo -:.~c~eou~,.<:: :. :f . N, S I I~): t Sl~ •: jndividuill ... ~~7· . ";·r " : . : ,\ 1>p~'«'EIFT~PPRr.RIUMOSNUCIED ·~. ~.:~ ..• : ~ ··~·· . r El ~ ~-~, r i .. , . FRAN~, FEVR ,, . , ", , '"'.\·~ . CARG TS · ,'z;~ 1.1,f '.~ · r.-r.;,, .• ria'. Vtith sh~lb. ." ~~(\1·. ;;~ ·1 . ,,\ ~ ~ ,,..) l.l•·~t . ... .: .. Jlt. ' \ \ I Fro ch Ceramic D;.J; »2. 98 '• ' . . lt1llan Stainleu Dish 2.751 11 • \~·. • I .. -· . ~ \ '. l , .. . , ,. . Norw,9,ian Enemel Dish 5.00 Q E•Cff9ot Forks .I :00· 1ech . ,i Esc1r9ot Tong• ·2.sd: 1id. · -LOWER lEVEL ~ • • .. • • f ' . I . . · ,. ,... ! ' . . . .:~~ ·~ ~~l'~..., ~' ·RICH~RD'S •VtR~ ., ~FINF MEA!s RUMP ROAST ~ , , , 'FRUIT THINS . ' · ' . D1licious Ji llie squares ·m1ao from r111' . Th• p•rf•ct cvt for win•-bt•i••cj pt+ ro•sf. LI. crush.d frUit. ROUN. D STEAK · .... · ~enc · · Auor1.d;· 0 • .,9• P .. 1 M;.1, li •• ,;.o, ... : ' • Oaliciou,t fo~ i'oul•d•s of beef'. .. ' i .. ; .1 LI· . . ' "'! t~ 'f P.' ,~.,,1•• Oren2• or al~e:b~r,ry,,. ' . . . -. '... ... :>1.00 .... {.20 , SWISS STEAK -'i"""''m .. ci 9«. ,~~~ :'. ··EASTERN : SPARERIBS MEATY A~D l~ .. o'J!l~.' , ... LEA,N • .GROUND BEEF • 6ENUINE,)'IQVA SCOTIA FltilN~N· HADDIE · ' ...... \. ~ ~ \. . . " .. . . .. I~ ' I• •) ' . . , JONUoW.i" ·liA .... I . , , , . NE~ SHIPMENT FOR SPRING ., ~AttCi:'~ · : , : .. ; , . ttc.. r,tr l 11gt ~Ii~~;.~.~~~;.~ NORTHERN, 1 I .• l --". /. ( !!1, · ""'" ' 'kl" llo. booch. U.oanf'i'iia"' !1'ALl,8UT s. '~ .• -\! . nc."· . 6 \1·COtORS 1.43 ~ .. ~~ ' . i · '· , , ! '· r;" "· · · ~ • \ ' I' ' \ ·~ 0 ··~· ,,.. .) 'r . "' •. h x11 ,, 1:111·~· {. , :'""' "'ir "',~,·# ~~ ~'. ril:,'r•1'·~ . . . ,. I . . . . . . . . ;' ·, . . . '(U(,(j(J '' .;_ ,,-~; .. ' .. .• . C/ , lv~. '" S~J . .. .. . 1 11i'l/l.J .ilfitti!!(.£.; , · -. ~· '· ,. ' • ' ... ' ' . ' . . \ 1 . ' . . . . t. CANDLELIGHT MEATS C•rely1 Ni•f•ldt -H1111tf11tl•• a.ofi!c.h '(i,.lllJ• Miiier -NewjNri l•tc.h .'ifl/C. Seffl•r -C~11• del Mer f!l1ftlty, Jr. -H111tiflf*e11 l••c.h ' F .. NCH IOUQU!TS tJ.W. Welff ~ l.ft11111 leech Jl'!•'Y F.lltr ...,.. S•!'I• Arlt • • _.......... ~,..~•rd l'ric.• -N...,,.,,.. ... ,~ • ,.. ~· ; ' TMr"ltitllpr -N,~'ltJth .~..... _.,,. "21 SIFT CflTl;l~!f • L • · • Hill -CetltMI ;,iJ ),t', • 1 .. wibh4 _;:: ~..,9'! .,_-:.~ t '" " ~ • ~ I '/ ---·-------------------------------------------- ' I .. . I f j I . I • . .. . . . ..................... .. •I ' .. ' " .... .. ,,· " ~, .... ··~··· . ) • .. ,. .. :... . ,. c:~ .... ;~11.ie. .. ~1"1 . . . { . ... .. . Ptos ·. • • .. ...... . .... ---·~-... .... -... fm:fASf~~tlS.ltf layer Aspirin .. ::; 7 6' l.ISffl:ll\I: ll:MON W'lT °' t!GtUt Lozenges ....... ~ 58 c ~.I.Sit Purify "·0'· $) 12 I ll. ••••••••• Cl.fro: s.oz. . Poiiih Rillovlr" 32c · .. t • V"NCAMI" Pork & ~'.'.~~"1.4c $fA$IOf . is.oz.1 c Butter Beans •• ~,. .,.,,, c · ID"HOAHSCAUOPtD '•h.0/3.5 Pot.atoes ...... '!" , ~ '"~ II • . £-., '• • .. u . All 2 ••o,. '!>8c 't' eg-• • . U.NS. ~i 11.JtNITUlf "°'-1Sli ; Ol ' ("""'!· . c ' 8'hold......... ' · J2,t;iZ ('l.N(IN<;L !Sc:~l"lft~ 'Jc , • , , ,, " . ' kAI'! & "-COM. ~TAkf. vrotT,oJf.f.),j \1£GfTAll.I. <-"AM°" CRRT, ctu.Ma CHC&tN, 011UEN t.MXIOU', O«nN llCl Ct t.tfAM Of MUtltlOClr.I MAIKDIASKn ··soUP 13., ' · "IOlm DtSCOVllT SPICJ Al .I .• • f • IVIRY~T '•"lllSCOUN~ ra1cl ' ' \ t ' • ···-----.-----. • -·- , •• 4 4 • • 0 I • • • • 4 • • 4 • _,:._,::_ =::. 1.:' I : I --------------~ --·-------------· ••• I , • I ,. • --· . . -·--.. ~ .. ~ • ,, ' ' ~ '\ !• •\ 't " ;, '• ' + ... . ....., ·- ~ -. . ... , .. ~' : ' ' IT-· • ~ • •:0').4 ".-' ,";";" ; -.,l:. ' . '. ;.. 't . .l • " ., • ' f ) IJ.lltY. IET• """"" HICE ~ I --·,.- ' tARGE --· SIZE · .. eunt'.irr .. RICH 3Qc.3&1 ' ··. 43t 39! ) ------------------ I \ • • • • l l· •• 'lf}'~_,";o ..... - • • 'I ... , I .. , ...... ,-··. . . . ... . •) -~ !" ·"" ·-·-' ' -~--' • JtJCS;UOr.s . ;,.11 ;.·_ ' ' ' " '\,. ·-----. ..:...-~ ........ -' • ' '· • ...... 0 •"-• ·' '. ' . • ·-tt '. . ...... - ~- .) -. ~·t -i . K, --· ~. ·::.- -· " ,_ " :~i ., ~ •• --• _j . • "' • • . - • . . ' .. . this· ad:~ . . ~ ...-;-·------. .• OUHCe IO't11S ,. • •, .TOP .IOI .,,, .. UQUll,-0~ 13t1 ~ , ·4a~·, . -~--1~··.; . . . SP . io... 931 :CUllEll ' . '! . . ... . I ---~~ ...... ...-....;,._.,._..__,__ ... f; " . \ 63c Ii 11 ' ' -. .. , I' • ' .,· .. " · . i: • • " ' ' ' .• ·, .. .. ' • • I ' .. '' • I " ., ·~ • • I ' I I ' I I • I I •y. • • z DAILY PILOT l ... \ ' : ••• •, ··'.::' ·_ , . -' ' .\~ ' . \ . °'*lN .bFtTHE SEA ' , CHU.N ·: ·1'·g· .M ...... • 'f • • ' ' , . __ 1 • :r .. ' .r/: ,"":: 311t . 2 ft'' " ,~. \ ....... - .;· tb.: TASTY RIQI . ,, 'AVOCADOS • ' , • .2:25' SWEET JU ·~~I.OLA i'~j~ IL 3"' I TA~GE~-05 ~"'· ~~~ ;J !LARGE PR,~... ., ,. -i·2: 9' 1 ARTIC:HOKIS. ~-: , " <•\ ~ ' FRESH ~~kUN ' . ·7( " : CA 'AGE •••. ~ ,.. ~•.. lb. ' ' . • r.~--TAll-,~MOIST '~!'.. ' OfNfROUSLY ICED IN -A HOST OF COLORS & , FLAVORS ,, ' '· .. ''. i " i• •''r ,, , ·. ' ' 1.-~ t ...... ,•. . HOT CROSS I-lb •. LOAF RAIS.IN . t BUNS •• 6 ~ 39c .. BREAIJ.~.41 ·~ '1. AT STOIJ! WITH . ..,N IN°STOltE IA!UY Of:!LY ' ' · liAI. CllliWfMLI • lt•t· 2.lt 60'• IOYAL MAJl5"''-Pt. Vitamins • • • • • • 1.66 Panty Hose • • • • '* 1.36 · ¥ACLIAN'l ICINO 1111 JOTIE• PACK• 100/'-'"· 50/10.lft. Ttoth Paste • • • •• 58c 1 Envelopes • • • • ea. t'!.I .. I' \ ~-"' .. ,,.~.-.; .. ...... , .. Whlttltr Mv'- ,Del Monte CATSUP ~ 1 W1m Thi• C•iip•n 20¢ ~ 2/14-oz. lottlts ·· . :'J '~""' , Offtr EiplrH ll• • l (· ·~tpllC( WJTltOUT COUPON .. ~ 22 IA.) .,;-······ .. ·······-·-····-········---~-----····-·····"'· ··-············ ........... -.. -·····-·· .................... T' ' ' ~ ,, 0 ~ .. , • :-• : • : I • :. wuh l hl• ~~=~l~W i~34'· ¢ Li11it '' Regular '2 lall Pac .::a •• ,/ ~lhlllMW -. •;' (r"'llCE WITJ10!J,T COUP' •. , ltC}. . ' . . : ,. I, -~~--'-'-'----------------------------------------------------- ------------ ' ' •• " I. • .. ' ' , . ~ - . ~ . ... .. . . ,J :J I -" • ' ~.S.O.A.al9,.•~~J:E .... •~ .·111a15: .. .. c--··'UB "' "'" -···. · ' • · PAMIP.Y ·..,._, .. ,. }"•~ 9-. Jc CJaolee . I~ IOl11"' TOii IOUND, llB'OJN ftP OI CUBE STIAKS. • . •1 ~ llciNlws . " • 1 41 TOP lllLOIN S1UK ...... .'..... ... I& -' . ,, IF .. CIR S1UK ....... ... .. ........... 1, 1& liuJ(JAIT ITUK .... : ............. $1 1! • UAL FAvo•m · S 1-:,5 · PORnRHOUll rnAK .. ... .. ..... . • I& • CiucK nMK 49~ · . r . SEAFOOD SPECLUS ALL YPJITIU . . ' . .... SID PKGI. .12-0Z. PKG. • • ' ' l ,.. • ; J # ' ' ~ '"' ' 2701 HARIOR BLVD., COST.A MIS.A . • • • • • • = • • • 4 4 5 WWW $ ' ... ~ .... -. . . . . .. .... ' . • v. • 13922 ·aROOf<HURST. GARDE~ GROVE 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH . .. I• ! ~ . ! :S • ! ' ... ; ; :' ~ . : ! 5 ...' • . ; ! !' 0 .' • i. 7• _ ; ? a s . IAILY PU!' @. _ ~ . TINS • l ... JERSEYlllAID -111 QuALITY ''AA'· ' . J.LJ, ·7' 9·c -'CTR. IUYllR •••••• ' ILUE SEAL "CAllN CREST" WHITE OR WHEAT sLtCED ,.L •. 25c ' LOAF BREAD .•••••• M~ELL: HOUSE-I-LI. TINS o.=DsCOF.FEI c • 1308 W. IDING!I, SANTA ANA - I • __________________ _:_ _________________ ~---- l I f I ' l ' ! ' I· I I , I l I : . ' ... -...... .. . TQt.,tA ,.~.SAUCE \ COUPON ~~ car!telt oiocharcls #Jo3;.cJ.n . . . . :if f LE . SA~CE . 1·oc WITH •Vold After THIS '. Mor~~ : . -'. •. f!I· COUl'ON Limit l C.nt P.,,, ~ -I ~ 1'tr A111111 •, " , - COUPoN . : Springfiefcl ...;_No. 303 Can ' ; C'ORN ' CllAll STILi 't , WH.l)Li~llNAL.o, .\. · 1 0' ,WITH I Vold Alter '\'His· · • lot-2 oo. COUPON I • ' ' I U.lt IC-.... C.....-1 , ...... l"ltl' Mlllf I . . . COUPON I Sprill9fleld-No. 303 can ; .. __ ,PEAS .. : Vold Aft" 1 0' v:~~~ -2 •· COUPON I Ullil s. c-· .... c..,. -1 a.,,.. ""' M•ll . . J .. •· No: 1 Flat , . Can . IAltOAIN BASKn'S . . No.303 Can or .DEMAND Citt Gr ........... t u. Ctlt~ tt•.: ......... ,. ...... , ..... hft 10 OE. " 'STOCK UP NOW!'. • • SUNNJIST_...., ·c--]ft¢ I ORANGE JUICE .. ",,,, .. iiocco1.-c•~· ... 10:, ii1NGEAPPL1E-JiiicE 1 0' • ' 5Sr1P··-,N· "A"'-'c'' ..... H -!-qio .... 10·.i SCHllllN'"-foll Eov.-R09. 25c l 0' • TACO SEASONING , ,, ..• .,, 1 ENCHILADA SAUCE MIX ' " . l LBINAToTNT-ErR ... 1 •. E;,,S .. •::;~,. 10'. SOUPuMIXES 10' • o.r.. • ewe ... Neo48e • 'Okb1 Alu -LIFETIME -CHROME FLATWEAR 1 OC MARTHA WHl~l/2-oL Pk9. BIS-KIT MIX ... , CORN MUFFIN MIX. BOYSEifRRY DRINK '10~ GRA~E DRiNK . '.Jb, LEMbNADE . 104 aw 11uNfii f ... ~ m PAPER NAPKINS CAT FOOD 'Nine· Uves Tuna Reg~ 5c Ca~dy Bars ·: :~:;"~:::: ·3, 1~·1 O· ' ., • H•rshey , I . , ' tll!E : . 1 oc · Package ·of 60 10' ~ . ., 01. flat can UllY'S--6-. . e Reese P-Nut Butter Cups ~~~;DRINK. . . ' DAlJGOLI PAlfAIT..:.....I VJ .... • • ...-lfttt •c~, SUNDAES · u~ ' ,, llC -IALL PoiNT . ,. 1,, . PENS ....... ., .. CeMpfnl•• lor 1 OC WHm IONG-Pttolc Cold Cr-1 0' . SO.AP ., ..... sin • • , COMPUXION IA.I KOLD l{IST-1 '14 .. L llk Sandwich St.eaks . _,.,. • Wiiton Corn King • Morr.II Yorkohlrw .. 59~. , . SLICED BACON ' a"uRGEGRndPGATIIESouRlo~· ~ea .----4-.-,-G-s_A_L_E_D_A_v_s_;...... ::.Pil.=:lobv:.::ry:.:S_:_:w::_:oot::_:o:_:_r B::_:ut_:_:t•rm:_:_i_lk.....::::=---~1-0-¢ Thurs., Fri., Sat & Sunday CANNED BISCUITS· ' . ea Feb. 27 ' 21,.... Ma~h 1 & 2 · _,Prices svb(ect to • ._!( ot!· hlNL E11t1rn Gr1in fed 59~ BUTT PART HAM Northern 59!.. Fii.ET HALIBUT •u E .. torn Groin Foll -Frooh 69~ ·LEG OF PORK .~~!~, Ha<mol -12 OL ~c_:_:.:::.:___4_5_ WIENERS All Moat • :. R1ths -6 OL Pickle Plmonto LUNCHEON MEATS J~~~~~~ .. Wj; GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMP$ • COSTA MESA PUCEl1IA . • . ' WtGIVE • l~U& CHIP 'STAMPS · 191h and Plicenlla 710 W. Chl!imln I • l • • · ....... \. ~ ;~~~~!!.!!!.. :,~~Ing the:i eetest . vaJi•~~\. Y<i.irl'i-!l.\'P"1i!il ~ doll•r; l)lak'e'.)')\ui:1,;..... • :' sh@l, "• COMf!·•"'••n .... ' , SJio l.·r store"fro m·one . ·• · . 'th•.~•· -iiottc. 1:1 .ie)lfy, .th.e va.rl~ty, the freshness and above all, tf.~ lo_wer shelf prices . . -'. . ! KRAFT STICKS · CRAC~UllRREli MRLOW ,,_ .. ..i.._ ... h_._ .. ,,_ .. _ .. 10-oz. 65c SHARP~ ... :_±.::-_____ , ..... _.-;-.:,. 10>oz. 7k UTUIHARP ................ __ ,_ 1e>oz.13c • · KRAO CHEESE DELUXE SUCED . Af!IEllCAN ·-·-··----a.oz 45c Plf!llEl!TO ._ .................... __ ,, a.oz •7c U.S.D.A. CHOlaOI S'rAlll! - llRO$. CRTIFllD 11111' .... ' . . .. UM!.. ' . ~y ' ' CHEESE I BACON -....... ,;..._ a.oz '6< c c GERIEHSn•INED BABY FOOD UPAIAGUS ""' ~Jl'l w•"' •" 25' UDY SCOTI FACIAL TISSUE -'"" 21' .WATEI SOf 1 lllb ;.,,•...>.<_..~ UBYLIMABEANl uc"''"---"""11' ~15:,l~:: 1-1 C UDYSCOTIUTHTIUUE .·_,,.,i7• IRILLOPADS"'"..,_ ... at GREEN PEAS co«o '"'""' ---7 2,., 25' EACH COTION MAID SPRAY STARCH _. ""'13' KRAnVELVEETACHEDE _ ,.._•t.• SPl~ACH CN:1t 0'~?'.i\f --,,or-a----------· _, CAlo t=:~~~'.~-2.~:or 2!' \CALO ~:t==~~~lY 2 ..... 21• . i --- ------------------·------------------------------- -Piior 41 ·HAM · HOCKS ni/iJi_Olf.fl> .. , -lllLK,IOUSl ' • C·' " ,, " " " " ·' • ! I • ·t I • I ( • ' . ' DE LICIOl/SLY LOW IN CALORIES Sweet (ustard ' Dieter's :Dish -. How many times have you tried to diet, only to meet downfall at the' sight ·of a piece of chocolate cake or a dish of ice cream? It seems that diet time is tlie time you just die for want of a sweet -so, it's good news that you don't have to be. totally Spartan wben c\1\- ting calories. You might not consider sparkling fruit cock t • i J, drenched in custard sauce. a diet de.uert, but when H's made' with care and low· calorie cannea~1cocktail, you can indulge your sweet-toolb ind stay sweetly sylph-like. FRUIT COCKTAIL CUSTARD SUMMER 1 egg, liglitly beaten 1 cup skimmed milk V4 teaspoon sweetener if.t teaspoon vanilla extract 1 1s· ounct can (ap- pr"1imately 114 cups)<.low- calorie fruit c o c k t a l f, -chilled Mil 'egg, milk a n d sweetener. Cook over low heat, stirring: conslantly, untU mixture coats spoon. Cool slightly and stir . in vanllla extract. Spoon over fruit cocktail. Serves 4, About 70 calories per set\'ing. COLD, RAINY, DAYS WARMED Sand wich Topper Soups Stir Appetites Brighten up cold or rainy days by se rving hot · iandwlches and bamerhade soup. Hearty vegetable IOUP Is au.re to please the whole llmily ... pecially wh<IJ· com· plemented by open-face sour .doogh 11liied .._ aand- 1'ichel. . To J'"Pll" Wl(lwlcheo, lli<e EIW!llll llllllflnl In half and -lllJP!ly. ,Top with • mound ol groiod ch«.. •nd place under broiler uni.ii -melll and bubbles. , VEGETABLE SOUP J poUnd atew lneat. cut Jnlo -I-inch cubes y, cup. oil ' ' 3 quarts water l tablespoon salt 2 teaspooru; pepper Y, teaspooo marjoram ~ teaspoon sweet basil 4 carrots, quartered 10 pearl onions 4 poUtoea. cut ln 2-inch . cubes lo a iar&e dutch oven, brown me.t ht oU. Add water, sall, pepper, nwjonm and basil and aimmer for two hours. Then add vqetables and simmer for another hour. Makes IO J.alp servings. The !tOOP will keep In the rcfrig· erator (or about two weeks. 11 .2.S 'SIZf-HAll .SfnlNG DIPPITY·DO .. ·a.oz.· 99·c . JAii: T'i~HMATIC BAND ;;•; 84 c MISS BRECK BRICK HAIR SPRAY SH4-POO • • REGULA't • UNSCENTED • HARD· TO-HOLD 54' NORMAL, OI LY or DRY 8-dz. BOnLE $1.0967' .SIZE • RASNQFF VODKA !'l......---::1 100% GRAllll NEUTRAL SltlRITS RIG. $7.59 CHECKS CASHED & Americon Express · Moriey Orders SOLDHIRI AMERICAN E X PR ESS SfJes Jimel "°"' n••• Sne Steps! P., All Y "'' Bills with ''The Safe Money'' FROZEN CONCENTRATE TABBY CAT FOOD TREESWEET • liver & Fish • Kidney & fish ORANGE JUICE • Meat & fish • T r'°t Giblets & Kidney 6-oz. 29 c 12-0L 57c con can 2 6~~~Z-33 c SMOKED ,CEP:fl!I CUT PORK CHOPS McCOY CIYOVM: ,l(G. PASTRAMI Cil1CKEN GIZZARDS ALL FLAVORS JELL·O GELATIN l'l't!NG HIUSDALE SA.LAO PIECES .BartleH Pears .. MOTI'S. . Apple Juice 5 :i;: •1 BUTTERFIELD POTATOES ..__ _ __, ·Shoestrings .. 3 00.2¥>$1 '. '""' 1 '"""· 39': bottle "";.~v, 19'•j r NEV(·IMXWEU HOUSE -.... FOOD GIANT Margarine 5 'If' 1-lb. I INSTANT . . I COFFEE 10·CIL jar HUNT'S , ~ t • ·Stewed Tomatoes VAN 'CAMP'S pkg5, 1 Stoll •t i JOO i' con5 ~I \.. . •12~ Pork &·Beans "···· 39~" . DELICATESSEN SPECIALS FOOD GIANT SWISS CHEESE c ti@\ FOOD GIANT SLICIO DANISH 4x6 PorkSllo•lllor PICNIC Better Thon Hom ;.0 •. 49· c Pk9. fRIGO WISCONSIN 49c MOZZARILLA. BALLi. ~:;. , . LYNN WILSON'S ALL BEEF TAMALES . "•· 49c , of 2 "•· 59c ... THE REAL Mc.COY All llEEF CHILI BRICK l ·lb. 69' pk9. '"" • OH·B01 PIZZAS CHEESE (16-01.) SAUSAGE Oft PEPPERONI (16-01.) 7! ·~ POT ATOii Boked w/Cheew or'Chivei (12-01.) 3~ KOLDl<ll • SIRLOIN TIPll_j • CRIAMID CHllCI ,.oz.451 PICG. ~ ' DIET SUPPLEMENT KRAFl PRINTED ASST. BATHROOM MJB RICE Ml ~ LADY SCOTT TISSUE CARNATION SLENDER MAYONNAISE •EAST INDILI • FRIE 2-roll 29 c • HERB·BUTTER • BE 4-envelope 89' Quo rt 52 c Incl. pkg. •NEW ORLEANS •CHI pkg. Jor 7c oif 200 FACiAL TISSUES 29c 6-oz 39' (Incl. 2c OfO p~g. ~ 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wiison St., llal'bor Shopping Center, Costa Mesa • I ' .,, \ \1, ~. ·' ,,}1, ....... f · : --fa,_lllMIR JOHN ' . .. -Si.ICED . ·· BACON :·· .• ~~tw( ;5 . •IJCI• "9ACoM ·· ·. · 69c.~ .. , . r .l,;AR LOIN :;."7-·; ' ' , ' (. t.~ . PORK·· CH·o· p's··' ' . . . . . . } . , -._':':,,_I. I C • .. •. _, ~--SUl'tllOIFllOZEN PISH STICKS-~~~imii'iii'lr.1,--·u·,~·D~.~,c~'H·O·K·!··l~EE·F·S~~-.~K:~·~~ ctn1-n:uH ·~fN PETITf •. LOBSTIR TAILS· Cl.ln.flfSH FROZEN SKINLiSS PERCH -.lfADE:D ..; , --: f\ · PERCH FILLns·' fl!SH JU/ril:O~ COOKED CRAB - ' 16·oz. pkg. ·l>ISINFECTANT . _.; PINE· SOL ' P"'IN ~ ~UTTEHD · , JIPFY POPCORN 8ANQU T ENTRIES ,. l 11• • sl1cEl> SfEF & GRAV'i' , • SALISBURY STEAK &_GRAVY · .. 11 '. 1..1 . ' SUCEO TUR~EY & G~AVY ... , ; ·: ~-;~· ' XLNT MEXICAN FOODS · I-lb. P~ll· ,. .... $·,.09 bt!. '·""29c plig. ' A Va,ieties .~ Vorie~ . I · DINNERS·45c ENTREES 37' .... ,... . ... '"'' -~ 1 ' . • -. U.S. NO. I HONEY VELVET' , ... BA,.OUET COOKIN' BAG . ' INTREU Al:L YARllTlll • • 4 ·s ~~·1 p~g•• .. • BIRDS. EYI .. (·· . 39c · ~WfAKE ~::· . . ORANGE IREAICFA.ST D~INI( . HORMEL CHILI & BEANS. .24·0L 63 ' • .. con FRISKIES DOG FOQD • BEEF.ROUNDS • CHICKEN ROUNDS • llVElt ROUNDS 13~25' .RED YAMS ea. TROPICAL Tl:fATI HAWAliAN •. PINEAPPLE DANISH BORDEN MARGARINE • PACIRC.P.UlY CRACKER.I. tREAl'S i .lb. 41 c CRACKERS ,.,. · NABISCO SANDWICH COO,CIES SUNSHINE OREO ll·•< 41 c VANILLA CRE(l/v\S "''· VIAFERS 12~,. 39c ... . • " . . ·.·. 10,~. 10~a . . 10~. .• r'·:'2300-BarliOr' Blvd. at WllSOn St., I '• t J • ' I .. • j • • Harbor Shopping Center, Co.st.a MeM I ' -------------------------- ... , •' ., l I . . DAJLV PILOT • • •.. POPULAR DISH IN INDONESl.~,';':1 ~il, '" . ~ -~, •" · I ~·.\(r.il ,O)'J • • • ) ' " ~-• f .... ,, .. -.. , ·: r •'' ' ,,., " ' S .. •.'./ \ JJ,". . . :'.l;':;r: ',i .nice 1vi"'g1C : .. , · · · ..... ,,, ., ... .,r. ...... ~""' ......... ~· ' • .,, ! • " 9.• •• _.. ',,,.,, . , •••• ~,· •. , j " • , >-b -' ' :· • "' •••• "· i ·nd8'nesia;~-~1 .· .. ;·::.: ., ' ' ·Enhance · .. Rice 'Ibe I.stands of Indonesia are redolent with the iroma of spices, fort they are 'im- portant i""1''fS or pepliers, nutmeg, mace: cloves, ·cinna- mon, celery seed and basil. In spite of all tlie ·spiCes they e.rport, they reserve for lheir own use enough ·s~ICJ!I for a richly Seasoned CUISint. As in all hot countries, there are some dishes which demand a ·brave use of. red peppers. Thia tumll 'on their bodily air-condltloaing so that they feel coaler aftlr,a wart- ly spiced meal: , Mait1 more lndoneslan dish- es are not hotly spiced, for there, too, lhej like a con- trast between wow! seasoning and much more subtle flavor- Young, New ..... ", i . , I . ~ '; r fi'. .1 ·. I fl . '• ing. All lhese ~ are toned down by the baslC rice which is eaten u regularly u we eat brt:lid in ilhlJ 'coui\try.; . Spice. t1ce, vegetables ' and fish are staples. Chicken is a favorite meat; but . pork is comparati•ely unimportant since 90 percent o( the llfd~ nesians · are Mohammedi.ns. The famous · rtJ1ttafel or rice table, with. helpingl, of a dozen or more · accomPani· men\s heaped on cooked .rice, is of·Dutch -ori:g\n, .while their ic!ually· popular· __ ,..,.., meaning lried rice and ute or tebabed meali are of .Indone- sian origin. Garlic and. orUorui are tre-· mendous.ly popular. So .are ginger, cinnamon and tur· meric. .Some· rtoipes call for caraway b14t 1hl.s. is und<:¢t· edly a.·. Wte acqufred fn:iln the Dutch. Cooked dessift:l are abnoat no'n'.atstenr,· 'f!Jr.: "the inaOnes- ians are lucky enoUgh to haVe a wealth of fruits growiDg near at hand. - SATE MANIS ' · 1 (Bed on slewen) . ' nlto 3 ........ -• sirloin.or· ~it.eat', cut into 1-indt ~bes •;, car. loy JIUCI • 2 tab e1~1'hrbylrnr .Ugar 2 tableopo6ns lemoil\jqice 2 teasJ>oorut caraway ieed. 2.Le~~ground_ '~ · der , ' r · J.=· ···i •~· I ""5---; iMt&n!: ~c · "'-'er rr-· · · "'' ~r;:.~; "lalt .... ' '/i ~=I l'f:~ '[biP,d< i/1c~~~I~. . i.'•Oi/f!g bowl pwU ~Pl:~ • tofnbl e re' ~inln 'hf i· ents in a srhail owi:,Dilx .well. Pour .over beef · ctlbta and marinate one hour ·or longer, blrning ocaslonally, Arrange beef on skilfers (bamboo &kewen are used in Indonesia). .. :. Place u;n de r;,' .. pl-eh'8ltd broiler 6 inches fto1;n. source of heat Broil· f~r 1~,}0 ~ip.µi • utes or unW moat1li1d9M. as desired. turning : Of ~ Uzbes. Serve with hot cooKed' Joice. Garnish with. slfced tolna,tOes, if desired. Yield : 4 €0 6 por- tions. NASI KUNING · '(Ytllow 1\lce) 2 cups raw, regular cooking Bright days are c v e n rice brighter when you look as 1 quart milk lithe, lively, (aab.ionable as v. eur. .lnltint minced onion tbJ1! stovepipe neck, smooth ·t tabce1pOCJ111turmeric seams, then fllp'lront pleats, JV. teupoona salt ' great 1h1pe. · 1/1'.~ eround black Prfn!Od 'l>altern 9 2 & 1 : 1 Z'-.,;,~te~ ·Miues' S1-10, 12, 14, 16, But . tt. Size 14 (bust J4) requires .or margarme . 3'14 yard1 3$-JDCb fabri c.. 1 i:nedium cucumber, thinly SIXTY-FIVE CENTS I n all~ • coins for each pattern -add I Irr a ~lwn Sf:ucepan. com· 15 cenls fa( each pattern lor ' ~ri<;<, f'1i'tk..::J-Onion, llrst-clw; olberwl.!C· third· 'per: ~·to boU~M;kiici'\: malling ahd •~al bandllng, itirrini '«wllplly.' R<diice ~rwile third · cl us delivery 1 heat and aim.mer, cover~~ 2:0 wt 11 .take t b re e weeks Jblnules or until rice 19 ten· or more. Stnd to Marian Mar. 1 der · ... tki, the DAILY PILOO', 442 I· MU'e Yef'J Ullo onielell 1by P a ti er n · Deot., m . odwial about r tlbleo-Weat 18th St., New \'ort, N.Y, beaU!ft-tU_ lnto a Uaf\tb'1biJt.. Ulllll. Prtot NAME, AO. tered small 1klllel. Rolhm· DRESS with ZIP, lllZE and elet and '•lice Into ~ STYLI! NllMBER. pl..,.., Sd ast<k; and ._t Spring Sad..t!i Mort lr,.h, 1 !n ll!llO lkillel ltfft cUcuiiibtt · ,...,,, ·•llY·"'f 1111" tn Juat to mnove the chlll. o .... SDl'!Nt • .1 u 111 m e r ,Pattern nlsh rice wt!h omelet !1ripo <raWiig. Frte pltterri eoupon. and cucumber. Yield: S to· I 50 oeols. -port\...,. ) ! .. ,11 I -------~- • • • . I I ' ( l i I L Mince M·eot : ' I ' ' Updated Here'• the heritage of mince "*I up<lal<d in a modem inWrilltloool cSe.9t. When serflbg am~· Peaches Romanoll, cr..t the peache! wl~ pungent · n1fnce meat, \bea. aauce with ttCOM!ltul<d Iem111 juice, margarine and hedJ' crMm Spirited with rum. MJlillE MEAT·PEACR ROMANOFF In a mudl siucepan, break 9-oabce package condensed mlm:e meat into small pieces; ·~~ cup water. Bring to a om over medium heat; atl.r to lftak lwnpo. Boil briskly for t' minute. Cool ,llOMANOFF SAUCE 1/J cup water \1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon reconstituted Semon juice I egg yolk 3 jablespoons 9111ar I bblespoon margarine 14 'cup while rqm J,1 cup heavy cream '4 peacb halves (I pound l4 ounce can) dtained la1 a small saucepan, com~ blnlth e 1/S cu pwatu and II olip sugar; bring to a boll ; 8tir' constanUy. Cook to 240 dep'eel F. OD a CIJ'ldy u.,nometu or until a tbJck l7l'lt forms. &move from he!': 1141<1 lemon Jujco. . . . II'• small bQllrlt .,..,.,,lh ._f'i rvltiit beater,.,.., ... ~ ... ~ loblelpoons ....... until F. Qulcky itlr bUlon Into th< bot llfl'llP· ""' Jew beat; stir con- lor I mm.-SUr 1.a . ..-..and rum; cool. *·bi ntrtcenitor I hour ~cbllled. YTOSERVE : tkillod peach halvt1 ln -dlabtlor • Ji!!P low llm'lng bowl. s;1111 ~~~at Jn· ::.r:-... ~~-::: -. ...... aroond ............. ,. . ' \ I ' SEAMLESS • 100% NYlON •· . _.,.,..;,,..., ' c for.DftM:. (~ w-. SlytQh lalp = l'1491'a1tui ty/o/Ml ... :"!iUtiM':"• . FRESH CAKES ~ ••• a.Inch .Sii• '...UTI @69 : WMll'l . y 041( c • lffl.DAIJCt c,_. •lllAIA _...... . •IMIMUTf .... I • v,..... ...... CllOCOIA'll BROD ECLAIRS -·-45' ~=-45• , lo f'tt, C-,J.l'L ••• COUPON I •• • • DOUBLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS • • with . this coupon on the total • • amount of any purchase exc1ud-• • -in9 6quor, tobacco end fluid • milk products. I coupon per I • customer. Coupon g'ood Thurs· • day thru Sunday, February 27 • • to· Merch.2. • •:••········ [Y/o/M!Gm.111.q11r.!!1Mf a "=BOURBON 11n1Pllll~$459 . ~~ ."'" :w-.1t ODKA $ l9 ioYAl ~~llA sa: ao.PltOOf' ~ Q!U.-1 ' . Chuck Steaks ~~ ~ 49~ Porterhouse ~\..,... '1~ Top $irloin Steaks ~~ _11~ Premium Q11olffr-l·lb. Co,~•---:-2 ,':;. •p• ,,,, 6• 0$(H MATIR WISCONSIN SllUD WIENERS :~~~~·-65' '•111k1M; ~:.'t:: "' CHEESE ~1(~45c ""D SWISS I OZ. l'l:G. ........ . fY/o /M/SftiJ,Olfll.J,J .#:!llJI Ola leJ C.p 0'1..,°"::r.:'c~-49' . .,,...o1.n..... . . 49' CHI kt.t 199 ~ell HM c~;-:.• aMr W BIRDSEYE VEGETABLES ?f•' ( • " "L 5:s1 <! ....... ;.,,-• ·-.................................... _ ... _. ,, .. ._...... ... -................................. l .. ,, ......... -.-............................ h --T-.,,., ....... ~ .......... .,,,._,..,_ ---~-......... 1 .................. ,., ... ROSARITA MIXICAN DINNERS ·. ... 45 c "' . , , . an '--c.,.,...., ...................... 1 -.... -..... .,. -c.... .......................... It-...... ···"''' °""'"' ... 0 ~11-............ ~ ............... .... (lo..., .. o...__ .............. -. ............ -.:...,.,.0 __ .................... _ ... ... ' •• Oi IOllWS· TOP ROUND CHUCK ROAST USDA ~~·49e OiOIC : . i::::, " . Yp11r C""ce '1 J e1ess Roast sfoulder Clod Flesh Brisket STOKELY IUT · GREEN -BEANS Rich in Ftavor and Vitamins ••• ~ {11v12~ ~!~~JUS39~ Cherry Tomatoes ·~ 19' ~-»---~~-... #. ... ----11l>-------------"'"'-----~ ......,.-.::t'J'c...~-. -49"' o.1 Moftt9 S1ot4 <ifWf1 ..... _,. Sl'Yll. t« 2/'Slc •ttOl.MJT C\o.Hrl "'-tV' Cocifo,1 r.Clllllll D.aL .... ,or.., .•••.•... 39'; i DwlMMteWl!oltl--'C°"'-''*'"""· 2139c Baby Food Spic & Span 1issellue5l_,-:nar..11L ............... -•• ti.91 Otl ~ faiyo-dtn '9C11 'CIC.CAM .... -· 2/35c: ~°' 14 33 Oral I Toal!! lrlfthn '"•at-...................... 79or. o.I MolN fnHt Codtnil Mii. ~ ••••••••••· .. -••' tk = N ' '":,~ f, \dot.:... ,.....,_ f'lokft M« _-... ......... , •• .,,. •.• 59le o.l~~TOl!Ntalll1oi.c• .........••• 2/l7c ldcihoa11ScollaipM~«..cil.1111., •• ,,,,,., .• Jlc ......... ~ .,, "',_ °"""" ... -""'· .................. . ' .. ,•. ' In .. .. n. IS .. .. •• ii .. ' .. I ' a I ' ,. Rais·iris ~-dd Dash · to ·Entries • • .. . . ·u~s:o.A.~ CHOICE · . . ·A ,)Ii' 'r ' . • Ha\'e')'9!! applied& wur:new • . RIB CHUCK ,STEAKS ~·m =~. " . ' • U~.~ dlOICE ll:ADECUTS ' .... ; J--~ " .. 18 .. ; . -' . . . -. . ) ~· SEA fOOD SPECIALS LB. ~!!~J!~~'!4~!.· . ,,1121 ' CERTIFIED ltlCED IACON . 511t Wll.$(l<ol_J.lt. ,MXAGE -.......... ,, ___ .,_.............. ;/- '°"4' ~$1 GITOllE IVY • llOIE FOK TOMA TO.!"t::z.s" JUICE · ~" .. e . MAYFRESH ~~ PEACH. ES' ~ . HALVES • ., N0.2%CAN . . YOll.4~ $1 'err OIE IUY • MOIEFOI .......... .. MAJFRESff ,i~ON MIR GAR I NE 1 • ' ' . ma.J'.Air ·Frozht Foti4- · ,#11,t,lf«ESlt ft!PltN , • ••• • • VEGETA LES ~~;;.:"r.~'iT~:. YOU 7i$1 GET AIOJNIR IUY Oii FOi 'OiL Y ...................... " . · . ' . MA YFREsH ,:;:>;., YOU 5. ~1 "' •i I· " MEAT PIES '~'" IUY f · 'MOii FOR ,. MACAROll YOULt$1 "'• I" . & CHEESi "'.'o"l'" IU:Y VI MOii fOI ,.. r ·.·· ·YOUA'.~$1 ,' "10IE . IUY Iii MOii FOR YOU,&$1 COGiii 1UY • MORE FOR ...... .. · ... .,, IHll FRY c.n••-'15c ... TATERTOJS_..., .... 45' rwn . ........... · ·'.-~~ ...... MAT~'EM T0MA1QES "°·"""~ . • ca\' Gl~EI BEAis ...... ". ' CIEAM C•~'="~-· t, CilEEI Pf.AS,.,;:.;;". . · ·APPLJSAICi>«> •u• .YOll;'r~$1 'n OIE .. · · 'IUf ~· ............ MOIE FOi ..................... .. -·~-. ·' ' , !!!',~~-.............. s1n Wllllll~WlllaYJ Van ·de Kamps . 'Sl!fCIAlS : Dn.S. .. Fel: 21...U 2 ""·--. . ti.••• lllfs ..... 35c .•I •-,. 50 FREE STAMPS .. f~ O(.~ • o< ·~' f •I• I 11" PIURES • • · 411t . ~1C011i..i. .. Lt4 _ zr IPllCOTI 511t CAHHrsco(•ot.tA• ~-.'1- ·".t= ............. u43c .4!? D~ $;1tlaf.sl ' .. · • · ~ ·!~ Diii ii11 59c l!.C!2~ ~-.. .. .... . ... 6.9= · 1 ADVlirl, PRICES EFFEmVE 7 FUU1' GAYS · · ' Lllf ............... 1,. ~~!!.!~~-~----~·-7gc • ' THUJS •. F B. 27th thrv WED., MA CR .$th · --·-ww·\11·,v, ' _1i111t,...so.u1c1_u __ M, _____ "" MATI' ... MAlllT-171 WT '"" nun, COSTA MISA UUQU_, .., ,.----'1il. " .. W.1ttlhWf,llM•AM "' .... ......_........ .... __ , ' ---~----.. -----------------~---. ---- --~-------- ------~ - • I ' • I I I I ' ' • 1 Wrdnesday, ftOru.Y)' 261 l%t " "' ' ~.S.D.A . GRAD~D CHQla LEAN, MEArY IF.EF . RIB STEAK e ' I -I . t I I I -· I . I .. \ .,. I .... , I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I . I lb I ( I I I I . ' ·( :I I . I I lb I . I • lb ELSEWHERE 98; ELSEWHERE 49• ELSEWHERE 69~ lb I I ELSEWHERE 49• ELSEWHERE 59; ELSEWHERE 8 9~ UCLUBST1EAKs :·::9sc .~J>oiK'c-t'.i'ill>s ... ,b. 59' AESH MEATI-tLSfWHEIE 49c LI. FRYERS cuuPr ......... 1b 35c WHOlE BODY fRYING-ELSfWHUE 4S( LI. 3 3 CHICKENS.... lb. ' TAIU----111$1 ... 1.1. s 11s T-BoneSTEAKS _ · ~ PORiERH'o'u"sES1 1! LOW EVERYDAY ADVERTISEDBEEFPRICES LOIPADVERTISEDLENTENSEAFOODS LQW ADVERTISED~OlfEDMEATPRTCES " . . .. , . . MEATY7'80NEROAST,•u'""'""'''-•.59c BONELESS TOP:SIRLOIN STEAKS, IUEWHEIEllnu. _ ,.•1 :47 LEAN SIRLOIN TIP ROAST,ruEWHuus.11Lt L98c ENGLISH cur BE~F SHORTRIBS,wri..rn"'''-•· 59' CENTER CUT.flALIBUTSTEAKS,mEWHEIElku. -· >.65c FRESH FILLET OF SEA PERCH,ruEWHrn•u. >. 79c FRESH FILLET OF ROCK COD,ruEWHnu•u. >. 79c ~RESH FILLET OF DOVER SllLE,•ww•nu1.11ct_ a.98c RATH 'S CEDAR FARMS SLICED BACON,WEW"'""'LL-•.59c RATH 'S CEDAR FARMS SLICED BACON,IWWHEllhJl_t ... 11.15 . CENTER CUT SMOKED PORK CHOPS, wEWHtnn.nLt ->.19c LUER QUALITY LINK.SAUSAGE,~,... .. 4111 . , - ' •• WHITE FRONT'S LOW EVERY-DAY DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS VALUABLE COUPONS " . DEL MONTE'a.oL ELSEWHERE 12< . . TOMATO SAUCE ... ___ .... ~ .... SUNSWEET QT. ELSEWHERE S9c PRUNE JUI CE ................. _. DEL MONTE CREAM CORN or<UT GREEN BEANS ·-ioi 23' CHB SOLID PACK TOMATOES : ·-·-·--'""' 4111 WHCH 'S CRAPE JU ICE. "" ·---.. --......................... 36' VAN CAMP'S PO'RK & BEANS."" ..... .' ................. ___ 24' v.a V£C£1 ABLE COCKTAIL. .... ....... ........ . . ·--41 ' CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK TUNA."[,, ....... 29' I-ROI.I-,'\ FOOU .~ . icECREAM % GAL._ 59' C TVDlNNERS .... __ 46' CHICllM·TUlllT.IOAST Hlf . SAULal'ASTllUfr. 69' EXCEPT CHERRY ' CA KES_uolTRAW~ERRY GREEN GIANT ELSEWHERE 27c NIB LETS CORN .~-~~~~: ... MAYONNAISE QT. ELSEWHERE 61c (BEST BRIDGEFORD WHITE HEAD in .. ..:. .......................... : ... 49' ~ BETTY BAKER MEAT PIES••· ....... _ ....... _ .... __ 15' ,. PICTSWHT ISSTO. VEGETABLES "" "' ............ ·-·-35' FOODS ___ _ r~~, . IJFLICA TESSI-,'\ ~ ODLE PINEAPPLE JUICE."" ... ... ... .. . .. .. . . .......... 29' !SIS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.""-·--·---·· ... 39c KHIOCG'S CORN HAKES 111i ................................ 28' GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS 11Ht ......... _ .................. 35' ARDEN COIT AGE CHEESE nm .... _ .. ______ ................ _ 29' ARDEN MARGARINE 111 . . ......... -··-· ....... ... 5111 ARDEN SOUR CREAM'""_,, ••. -... .. . ........ 49' ARDEN YOGURT '""·---........................ -.... 5111 C·H·B PORK & BEANS "'"' ..................................... _ 5111 C·H·B HBERIA PEACHES ""' ..................... -......... 3111 C·H·B SALAD OIL,.., in.·--·--.......................... _ 39' C·H·B PEANUT BUTTER...,,,.-....... -....... . ........ 89' Ol'YllGINIAAU.lmJ.IUIWHUIJ9c 4nc FRANKS ~1i~·---· ... 7· Chipi>eiiMe~ts _._ 3~s 1 OL' VIRGINIA nick Sliced Bologn1 ••t --·---· 4t 1 rr1 JIITE' f 'HQNT"S F',-1R 1l1 f 'RESII FRUITS ·l.\J) J/EGET:1HLFS ARDEN ASSTD. PARTY DIPS 111 ..................... ___ 31•t • SWEET JUICY, NAVEL £fjj9.UITA BANANAS ........ Ll.1 O', TENDER CARROTS . . : ~l~: 1 0' CALIFORNIA DATES ...... ~~~39'. SPANtSH ONIONS ....... 3 llS 25' COSTA MESA HISTOlAND PAiJLARINO MOH. THIUFltOAY. 11:)0.&.il.e.t:JO,,M , SATUltDA Y, t : JO A.M. .. t:JO P.M. SUNDAY, 11:JOA.M.t OJ:JO,P.M. a.·~,-., . ... • ,/ l ' I . . . .. , . -_l Knit a Hit Check the Facts Noodles Turn Hearty ... .B~f Costs ._ ·lncr¢ase. W,ith Finishin·g , Rinchers• are subl!dlr.lng are Lhe days! ,..,.Oer•a beef did cost m'ueh, a mlnlmum ot ninety days lt'a trilt. ~era. Nonsense, y o u r JIW. uy night when yoa much more to produce and and adds to the coa:t o( beet Produdnc a better but leu lay· , alt down to watch the latest your l11llrket charged more Y"" buy. But It produoes the eJpenJlvo product 111 l]lito of Check the lacla belort' •• ~· ol I e~e d,a r y accordingly. quality you w111t (USDA . ~L 19 -tM; facl l IJo. cowboya What m did you You wouldn't accept early-Choice ot the J>IC)er or store rlaiNI <Oils! ,!'!' hardly ~~ dlJlli, yw need oa(y to tl!hlt ,....,.. !11< ijinner . Be!Jll ~ Wes~beel lly ••• even equlvllenl 11'.a.). euy. l -come a- ,ovl<'. U.... .1liln&l •.)'OU '~w CaUfamlan,y!\1_.P•robibl.y at ·W prlc.,.B.,lyou Feed for.JOU!' top quality ~&J>.lncreUed elllcloncl' • to be lri1e . , •• or .•land -~f·,P<lDI a modam bo!ishl week had Ila home heel l.m'l the only tten\ need· ·P.t' man, per ae" am per • , , the WI ~-l!f %1111( you· ·served toP CM> the range Just u its U· ed. space J& needed, tabot inlma!. And .UU .•• ruchen' •·' '~~ of Chllbi>im tr all q , ·beef. • .ce.!lon d!d. But when It left too, ll<>nl with equipment and profits have not Jncreued. ' ~~ bi the wild, wDd West , yOl1 wou.Jdn'l sel C09t ~range, that l'4S the be&ln-water. And that'• •naming the Theae two faetc:n ••. Jo· -Ullle coaeern f<lf inslllo • market selling the ning, not the end, o1 the story. ll)Ore ohvloila C:.lnp.'You need ~ued agrlculturll elflcleDC)' ''cost ol productlon". C9Jr00y beer ol uocertaln goodness (in For most catUe, the tlip from not overwork your imagination aDd decreased farm PfQOta wages were probabl.J,·the big-I) o th tenderness 400 safety) the range leads to a feedlot to tnow costs' for all these · .•• are the lnljor f.ut~1 gest espense. Cattle feeding roaming lhe fabled ranges of for 0 Unishing". ha ve increased. But can you iD decrualng the perctnt ol. was a matter 6t where grass song, story aod plctW'e tu~ Finishing ••. on grain and believe pricts the rancher your income needed to buy was and that was that Gone And lhat's true. even it din-•feed supplement •.. lakes r~ves have not iDCreaSed? food fot the funlly • 72!3 ~ .. , ---. . . . . Town, country, college bit! Kpi~ .. thll cozy ca.nHgan _iq_ ,. ,, top, GI! your favorite ou~ , EASY•KNIT 111 .00 pioce from ' neck · down{ including sleeves! Cables create sun- bunl desJan. Pattern '1213 sizes -; -Included. FIPTY CENTS (collls) lot each pattern -add 15 cents for elCb pattern for flnt~lass malllllg and speclil handling ; ntherwile thJrd<laoo deBvery will take three weeks or Qloie. Send to AUei! Brooks, 'lbe DAILY PILOT , 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 163, Old Cbebea StoUon, New York, N.y. 10011. Prlnl Name, Addret1, Zip, P a t t e r 1 Namber. Glanl, new t• Needleenft Catalot: -over 200 designs lo choole, 3 free pal-printod lnaide. Send so ceotsnow. NEW! "lO INSTANT GIJ'TS" -fabulous fuhions, toys, decorator acceasortes. Mab II today, give It tomor• rowf· Ideal for all occulons. 50 cents. "11 JUiy Ru11" to knit, crochet., weave, stw, hook. 50 cents. Book or 11 Prile Afghani. so cents. Bqaln! Qoll~ -I hM 11-.i ~ io·cen11. Ma?H.DI Qlllt .... I pa-for It o\ipertl quills. • so-.· . Bocit~ S. "Qalltl fer Todly'1 UvJo&".15 pallerns. 50 C<llU. • Spark/ ing , Punch Is Thrifty Slmpf;, sparkling punchea needn't bt lim.lted to the at home wedding re ce ptt on . Young piarriedl f1nd tbtm a refreshing aolulion to the high liquor cost.I of eotutalnlni on any occasion -ptjn'idld they know bow much to prepare to insure having enouab !or all without wasting any. "You are sate in estimaUng that each of your eue.ts will consume an averqe of four glassel of punch," says Victor A. FIJj:hel, ·preslda)t of a vodka distillery ... But," he adds, "don1t prepare au of that right away. Make up enough for two drinks per gue!Jl ; then make up the rest as the party goes on. In this way, the p.lDCb ii always fresh and waatqe ii avoided." The ltandard raUo (or miJ-IJll VOl!b (or I In) punches is five parts fruit juice' to one part liquor. Oa that basil, Ir 50 guests ati expected. P!OPUe the aqul"3mt of 100 three ounce ddnb · to start uaing a liva rllloll',.mcb boofl. Al tlie fivH<><oe rallo, you'll need two lillb boWel of vodka. For 25 people oot ~ 111> will do !Cl< 1he lint batch -a licond batch lhould be mode up later. ~U. moet fruit or vepiable Juices can he Uled to coococt a luly punch, htn art two new recipeJ from WoHIChmldl vodka: .. . LUC · LUCKY IS SO PARTICULAR WHEN IT COMES TO MEAT THAT ONLY ONE BW OUT· OF 5 IS GO® ENOUGH TO SECURE 11ti LUCKY "BOND'' ••• Y• alis.iute guanntee of flavor and t11d111t11 ••• So Shoji LUCKY for Top CMlity and rest 111ured"that you n getting _., good eating 111ta1 for yow -y ... AND AT LOW EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES!• SIMILAC ::.:r.~..... . ...... 27' illlliiili HILLS BROS. \:.":r~ ....... J19' HILLS BROS ~~ ..... 'l" HILLS BROS.~ .......... 'l" UPTON nA :Ti.":':...w_ .. _ .... s12s ... K1/lk1/.--.., STRAWIERIY KERN'S JAM 32-0UNCE JAR FRUIT COCKTAIL ::'~ ................. 25' HARVEST DAY PEARS .......... 28' DOU PINEAPPLE ::::.~.... 25' V. I. APPlESAUCE M,-........... 19' SUCID PIE APPLES = ......... 31' CRANliRRY SAua =::::.: ........... 25' APRICOTS :::."'~~.~~ ............ 29 c MANDARIN ORANGES:r.'t'm ...... 25' ... K6f &ir/.---. EARLY CALIFORNIA PITTID LARGE OLIVES 6-0UNCECAN 39° WAGNER DRINKS.:::.~-.... 49' CAl FAME DRINKS-·-·---··31' ................... .,., ...... ..,. RllRJl.~APfUI GOlDIN CREAM CORN :r,:.~~ ... 23c liAlVEST DAY PW ....... _ ..... ..17' INSTANT POTATOES ::'.::."".....-59' uUY'S CUT lllTS .... .,..._...'..,JI' CUT GlllN IWIS =:t...-.. -16' HAIT M WAX IWIS ......... 17' 6COUNTPKG. aec ~ .. -r.A"•D--. " . ·~ ?kZ ~ ASPARAGUS SPEARS r.:l'.'!'i'.._ .. 43' DEL MONTE SPINACH ,..;.-....... 20' V-8 VEGnABLE Ju1a ........... .A2' PORK & BEANS := ______ J6• STAR KIST TUNA :="' ____ 30' LIBBY'S RID SALMON = ....... 68' TINY TOT SARDINES :~.4 ....... 33' ~· •···Klttkt~ HORMEL CHILI WITH BEANS 2-'·0UNCE CAN 49° BEEF STEW =~.~~.~~--~~.---·· .. ~· 61 < PICllLE SUCES:::i':'.'.':".'.'... . .... 37' CUCUMBER C!fll'S.ll~T:.:.'.~'.'.'.:c ...... 45' Dill PICKLES ~~............. . .41 ' CAMPBELL SOUPi:"..:t~... 1 6' TOMATO SOUP::: .. -...... 10' GARLIC SALT~~ .................... 37' UPTON SOUP MIX ~~~ .... 36' .A.l <J..J'Jll .. !!i.!!Ul9111,tJl,HODS·-· • CWSMllT NAl!SCO COOlllES ~.t'~~ ...... 65' OATMEAL COOKIES :O::.':l~ ......... 35' BURRY COOlllES 1'141'.':.~~-~ ... 49' SPLIT TOP BREAD ::::'.'.:::: ............... 37' •RlAD =i::'....'.~.: .. _. ____ .35' l&Ml'lf-.NflTt.----n r RIB STEAK c ::~:~:c~:·.~~ ....................... 891b. CUT-UP FRYERS ,Mu ......... 35,\ PORK SAUSAGE w .......... 79 ~. ·.:.~mLro~·~ • .. llHll -'"'"'· ,..l-l•l11ll•• Trewt ......... ltc-. · <:rn Peret. .......... Ste .. lf.m:t •111tt .......... sac"' · lr.\n:rst:.T. .......... ,, .. ~·· Cffk .. CM •••••••••••• lk .. ·~· C••kt4S.l• •••••. nc11o. !;,,illlo. PU RITZ PIES~~;:~~~:.~.~~ ..... 33 c Pn RITZ CHERRY PIE •••.••......... 39' CHKKEN & NOODLES ::;:::. 35' CHIU.& BEANS !:::::.'. .................. 26' MORTON MACARONI :l:.':11. ........ 22' EGG ROUS ~::.'-~.!~.~-·-.. 66' BANQUET COOK IN BAG, ......... 27' (llKll 11n, i.uc11111ar. (M.l IJJ .. ,1 BEAN BURRITOS ~~............. . .. 36' JOHNS PIZZA r.:.:..~~--·-··79' ~ •..... ~'fkt/.--. LADY SCOTT TOIITT TISSUE 2 ->OO COUNTROll.S VIGO ABLES ::t:::.~.~~.~~.~~~ ........... 31 c IOIO"" N' 1111(1, 11111(1 I IAllt, AK .. CMlttU, ... .. n.iua11,ru1.<0llQ ,. LOBSTER TAILS :::':::.~ .................... 'l" FRIED COD :~t":~ ......................... 55' SOLE Fllln ~tr.:'. .......................... 69' SLICED BUF =~·::.~~~.~~-~~ ... -_•11• FRENCH FRIES ~:..._-._ ...... 45' ORANGE JUICE ::t"J. ............. ~.26' ORANGE PlUS JUICE :::'~ .. --41' FISHSTICKS :=................. _.65' TOP QUA.LITT PRODUCE AT LOW IVIRYDAY DISCOUNT PltlCIS .... SHOP AND COMPARI ANY DAY 36.S DAYS A YIAR. CHIQUITA BRAtlD BANANAS CINTUL 10' AMERICA'S fl NUT , CllUAUTY t•• u.s. No. 1. a.1111 49c lo •o• .. Potatoes ':l': LOOK FOR THE KEY SUYS .. e;:\ ' ' ' . utelfllAllD UAIUUCU 1.POUHPlt. f!.~~~~~=~~.~-~'''"~"""""" 57' • ~?~~~~~ ~ .. ~-~~~~ ....... -63' 9.!.c!'.~!~:~~-~~--.. --:5: 69' sw1n PllMIUM IACON 69< SUCll l·rtlH PACIAH. ••••••••••••••• ,_, •••• , ••• , •• CROSS Rll ROAST 79 • IONILlllANDaoMDID•M Ht. fLAVOlt AND tlNDllNlll . ............... HEN TURUYS., •••• ~ ••••• 39•. .... PORTERHOUSE ••••• '~ :'.'. • • • • 11: ·--.. -lJN.K SAUSAGE •• '!':"!"~.~ •• 29' CHUCK ROAST •••••• 1~ ••••• 49,t. TURKEY ~.~~~~ARTERS 29,i. .~Van de Kamp's- AN OUTSTANDING VARlnY OF FRESH IAlllRY GOODS CATMllTUICIY~J 11/.llJ\llWW .. WSllfl•W . ..... ~,, ' ' ' ' '. ' ,. < • ' ' ... , ' LUCKY FAOAL msui .... -...... .21' TROPIC TONE TOWELS :: ......... 19' WHITE KING SOAP:::::::• .. 63• WHIR ICING~· ::::::"'~_51' BoilATEEM ='•'="~-........ -69' . CHEER DETIRGENT---·-79' DllEn DETERGENT ........... _ .......... 79' IVORY SNOW=-.• 79' -IOlD fll;TiRGENT-•-.;-79• IVORY LIQUID ::r.::... .. -.... -.:....51' ... J:ly~t.-- GLORY RUG SHAMPOO 24-0UNCE CAN $:1.'' BUFFER IN TABLETS '"' .......... for•••••••••• •••nler ••llto. .......... _ ...... .... , ... ""'.., -... ........ - -' I "1P llndded cbodd•· -Ji. ,..Dir. part ..... Coot-~ .. ,...... dlrtcllool., Drlln. Tou wUll b a II ar or mar111'1111. Blood -criam, milk and -..: fold Joto noOdlu. 1'1aco hall the ooodlo mbtllre Ill -of bUlJll dllb; opread with hall the opluch and tprlnklo •Ith llalt Iba --RepUl layen. • Sllapo park lalo Pllliea and cook lllllfl llOllY blownod. 1-z· ....... toP "._.to and beka al .Ill ....... for • m1rwa le'n:t.flol. • COMPAatlUCmTOPIUAUTY, DISCOUMT PllCID',_,,flUll DIUCATUSlll ITIMll Our LOW Evc~Prico! LUCllYMU CHEDDAR CHEESE CHUNK-fOUMO ' LUCllT AMUICAll Cllllll 1::-64•· '"'*°.,..., ........... MO• .... ~~..'!.1!m0!~ .. ~;;;. 47• SUCID LUNCH MEATS ..r.;t. 3f< ......... P&P,tuVl,lf'ltll,IMC. &Cllllll-- ~K,t ~~m-~_.;. .... 49• ~elY~~,~~~---a~ ~~·£~~.!.'~ ... · ... 48• IUDDlll'S MIATS ... 3· 6• ... ~.,.,.,..,~ ........ ... Tutil'SW1ss CMIUI .. . -'3c UCllYMUT•• UC.,_/ AIMOUI ST Al FIAJIQ· 57c Ml ... ,_, .... a....,..,,. __ _ .. ·Klt&itt.-.... NUNT'S PORK& BlANS .,,-te£-MIX~"'"''-- ROMAN MEAL CDEAL--.....42' PEANUT IUTIIR ::.i:_ .... ~,9l' ... MARSHMAUOWSr.=.:.23' PMIWI MIX ~-:":. .er, c&H SUGAR=:.• ·~.'ti• l.ISUE SALT ::e.--M' LOMA LINDA WlllATr.:.r. A• Y~ MARIUZDS DIUQllT: 1'PGIYOCIU .. Kit '!kt~-"'"" t LUCKY .pwnc ltTMCIOWICOlA 63< ',._,_, ...... , ..................... .. r::k~li-t lttfk ................. 61' "Uf lllfS~ -.,..""""'°' .. ' .... '°"*It k-l1ctltf'tr'1 .. ....,.,., ,,_li..il 1l~t11 ... COLGATE IANSPRAY I I t\i porls Fapefrvll Julee 2~ ports cl'anberrl' juice 8llr In punch bowl Add .u.. SANDWICH BAGS '• IO COUNT l'KG. :'~"::.. ...................... 13c -:"'...:..~ ... -................ '3" Tl111 ... ,, IWT" 11-11tt111 .... Jwt 1f .. of flrle _, ........... lit ,,.,.. .... ,.. ........... "" ...... . ., .. llleff .... , hl"' ..... ,.. .......... ., ... ... MIArtl lYllJOAf SAVfl511 VICKS 44 COUOMMtXTUll DINTAL CREAM a....,....., ... ,., ..... :::: :t.~ •,.;.· = ....... ,..., ........ D-IANT um-IAltMl tAT ••• e4 -plnuppiel, -and aranpc; 11rnbh with l"'h mini leaves. Place larp block of Ice in the p 11'• eh bowl after mlllnl. :aoa tlH:nWWVf t3tt ......... ,,..,_,lftll htltt ......... . ouuow 77c IYllTH'f P•ICI ·• ~76.c WEJ>DING WASSAIL I~ vodka 1 Wta apricot nectar slit 111 JlllllCh bowl. Add •ilcto of fnlb llme; nmlab wllh mint *"'· Pllct • large block of' Ice in~= 1 bowl alter mlxlni.-,. I ·: . ' J 'I ' ;. ' . It i ' • $Jicecl· Bacon .. -.. ~ ............ A9~ Red -Snapper ...... '. ........ :.69~ '.Jf Rancho'a, ~ch Style ... a little bit thicker! Favorite fish for family !are! J , ' .t;Yl;. . ! ... ~1'' .1. • . J . hri\9.p :~;'~'~-..... ~ ... ~~~~,~~ ·-~~ ........ 2s~. den bro~•." d,e\i~ filled>,, • jUlt qeat, ""''"••.and e!'ioxl.,And each one at lea.st 3-oz. big I • • • J ·Super-Shopper Super Values ·· · ~ .~ Deliciou's family dinners ... Beef ·stew with Vegetables, Chicke n and • Dumplings or Kluski Noodles, Meat balls and Gravy! 5 generous ,.rvinga I Frozen. l\I POU ft OS BIG ~: . ' • B,ir.itY~ .V-,getables ~~O~B!~~T~~~ ~ 3 i $1 fnnc:h Beud,.,.;fh,~dtr-.Beet.s with",Orange Glau-Vegetables Jubilee-Mixed Vl!getables with Onions-:tb'ee, p.i. .... :.&IML MulhroOmsl Choose your favorites! ' ~ .. ,1 ._, . , ' \. "\I I ' . \ ' . " .. 'r ... • , . Ora' . JU'~ . • ""~ ' 1 89¢ 'fl • ....._ I M • 3 $1 nge · ice ~.,, .. ~r , .... :;: ... , ,1.; e1s101111l~n s. arganne i.. l::a! Fame ... 6-o> ..... ~ Ali';iAmeric4n blend I Qu~lio/ that speaks for. jt..lf ! .•• 1 lb, pk1115. r ~it Drinks ....... :'..~~ .... ;'~·~· .. :·~·4 -~ $1 Stra~Pres.erves : ......... :.89¢ pal Fame ••• 46 oun;e cam ••• all flavors ! Kern's .. , big 3 pound jar full of goodneMt · ". Y~etable Cocktaif~.;.f~ .. :).,. .... 39¢ . C~1Ps Ahoy Cookies ........... :.~~43' · ~ndy 6 pack ... Cock o' the ~lkt~; .. 61>:.~s Chocolate thip'.ifivOrite: from Nabisco! 14¥2 oz. . ,,., T ~to Sauce ........... :: ... '. 10 "' $1 Ca1o Cat Food .................... 8 i.. $1 flimt'a ••• for !be best ••• 8 ~unce caM I Serve., kitty a varied diet! •••. 6Yz oz. cans. SI W Kidney Beans ...... : .... 6 i.. $1 . W'1i.te King "D" ...................... :. 49• J'ltfhip and tender! No. 300 cans. ' Giant size package . , • save SOc here! filger'~M ............ :·":.:-~;·~,7~ ·.: B""teem ........................... : ..... .,Sr ". ' . f . _,'f.!,"!' • . ' T"i> poun .. 1.lll, ', Th . ·~\md cal\\ .1,93 ' ',liiant •ize .• , don't bleJICh , •• bol'"teem lt'! · "Iba· ~-;,a ·: .. ::., .. : .. · · · · · · , :. " .. ,., ~ · ... ,. . . ,\. . · .. ,.. ... . . s . 1 • • r ~aa and Cover .................................... 1 • JSW valua.::trom Lady Pruco and E1 Rancho! Compare 'vith sets selling for $2.98, see the value ! • ' . ' Super Deli Bargains . Super-Shopper Liquors- ·m-...a.. . . 49' rTatm •·•······················ ... .. Seven Up· ................................. 79¢ -'--· • and deliciou• I Save 20c J ' -Carton oC six 10 oz. No Return bottles. ed Ham ............................ 65¢ Jack Daniels .......................... '7.19 ) •• 111'..t, lean ••• allced ••• 4 ~-oi. pk&'. . . _.. . --r .._ - ·or Sfi'eilsel .. ~ ...... ::49•· Sour mash whiskey at ita best! ..• fifth. ' . Ezra BrOoks ............ '. ............. .-'5.69 • 1 • • • ready to hake • • ; 7our choice. . ' ~tralrht whiskey • , , 86 proof ••• quart bo!Ut. t •I '· • • . \ '! .. .. . . ' ' . ' ' .. ... "' ... ' " '. ·~ ... ·--~~-....,.._--- • A' -· ' • '( . . I ' '' : . . .. ' . , _,. ' '· ) • w • '• .• . . ' ......................... ,., • !< _. I The steak that's synonymous with u.tisfaction ! And it! doubly true "'hen it's El Rancho's natura~ly aged U.S.D.A. Choice beef! "Oiei'e _reAUy is a . difference •.• and this week-end is the ideal time for you to ·make the compariso'!. te~~! See that it cost! no more to enjoy th~ best! ~lartin Le~eque 'J!eduiokl:i!' Wt~e .• ~',·5th •.• 1."98 . . . " ' . •• . , ' . The steak · that make.s. perfect ' dining for two! Juic~(.,.8.nd u, .. l- der .•• l)ere't real ·talue in finer fe:~J ~:~·D·'\_ C_1:qiu ! . -· 4 ·~· ..... , ',, .( ~,. ·' / • .;1 • I • .I " . . I .• .. . ·' ~· P~uf~~e>-~ fi~Rf'~ ~. :4 5!1 .... 1:sD . .. . ., ~ ~ ... \ ' l . ,. ,· . Unpa:ralled din i-n.r de-. llg)itJ' :i!ere's . all it he hea~ beef goodnesa you could wish . for ••• 'v&IUe pri~~d J Perfectlr •aged J ,. . ... ... ' . .. Clins. K11tg Cabernet Sa.}'vigno"' Wine , .. 5th..:. !.!5 • I Super-Shop]ier Super-Fresh Produce BAKER SIZE! Potatoes. Bakin g size .... U.S. ~o. l Ru~f.s . ; . Perfect to · 1 serYe with your steak ••• and don t forget the sour cream and chives! . : '• ' 39· ::: · i . ·.~ EXTRA FANCY LARGE! . .· C Asparagus....................... . • So tender : .. from stalk to tip!, •. Flavor and ·quality that's surprising for so early in the Masenf . ' Span ish Onion$ .... : ~E~' ....... ~St :Finn ••. for perfect .slicing! FlaYorful ••. ·yet .mild! And priced to offer you more value!.~ "' ... . .. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR:-Warner Ave. & Algonquio St . ,. NEWPORl JEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd.· •"255 5.Eastbtuff Dr. ~Ult Vil~ge 'Center) Also con veniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadenll ~ Soath P{Jsadena . . I 1 1 It-PILOT-ADVERTISER ' IWl.Y-U , r .•. ' ' 4 •• ,'. . ~f)o '. •,' '"'1: ' . I I ••• i\ '' ' . :\' ' J• 'rt- ' ,, ' . ' ....... -· .. ' .. ' ' ' ' • , .. ' j /' .. , YOU ARE THIS' (LOSE TO ADEAE! ' •, • ·' ' . • • ' "' ,• l-4'..t.:.' ,-. ~ ,. , ••• YOU ARE .. FRE~WA'Y. CLOSE 'TO THE ' lf(JST ·coN\IJ;:NiENt~ ... • . , . I' ~ . • .· io ""' LINCOLN:AMERCIUlY DEALERSHIP SERVING 'fHEGREATER llAR~ BOJt, ~! ~"~. ',., .. GECOUN'l~\\ U~COtN/~~N:f,JNENTM.,~1~". 1966 CADILLAC ' : ' CURY, COUGAR .... WAlTlNGiFOR:·xou' ~' ' . ' ~~ AT 'JOHNSON & so~. ·GREAT ·cA~\ ,. ' : . -' I . GREAT TERMS, ~REA;l, SEI.ECTIQN luy Th• Cou9ar Jffey et Our low. low ~ No11°AclY1rti19d Pric•I ' 19M MERCURY , • r ' AND GREAT PEOPLE TO~ WITH. ...... ~ -. .. ' 1968 bLDSMOIJLE CUTLASS · Sup. 2-.lllr. H.T, kiutl(ul ••t• 1olcf oxt,. w/rnkl1111. , h11c~•1 1oot1, bl .. l,11,1u roof. Fully fie. 1q11lpt, + . 1,11f ... tr•n1,; RIH, ·P'S,· ll, foe. olr. Drl~on 16,000 nu., ltr~f11lll;"''!"· ioy w.it:'t~n1r. XO~ 421 S•.1111 D1Villo. lot1tif11I &oW h4ht fl•IJi wtih \.ton' H it• looth1r i11+.r. Eq11lp,1d with 111 tho l11111ry f11° turo1: out•. tt1n1., RliH, PS, Pl, PW, 6·w•'t 11ot, 011tt. foct. t it cond. etc. Onr., ]1,000 orli111ol • ..iilo1. Colo11y P1rk 1tation WttOll t pau1n91r. Arctic Wlilt1 fl11hh with red .-h1yl i11t1r. Fully equipped with 111to. , tt•n•., rtdlo, hetttr, power 1ttetii19, power br1k11 ·•nil lectory t it conclitionin9. Cle1n 11 • pin. L'c, I 't;i,;:.11:1•1' -1:.1.t l ~.,. r ';,,_ .. ..;~ ·~ - • 1967."·11!ERCURY oloiry P1rk' f ' pott. ~-.:~,w111. Strtkint orctic whito t•~ ifit.riolf 11111. l'frfti .• t UH, oil-con_4 .. PS, l'I, ctr. fie. Jr,4 ~~11, 111.t.,·. ~~i?.clu_~I oct,_ ta1l1•!• I own~r cir, nuut 111 to oppr1ci1k. lie UIH .7rr S27JJ5. 1966. CONTINENTAL 1 So.ony yollow 1rlerlor with 9.lcf Inferior, eulom1tic tr111u.:.i11h111, rtiUo oncl h1olor, olr conllitio11!1191 full p1wor, dotrin'J, bril11, 6 woy 11ot, tilt .+oorint wheol. SVZ CAO. l. ' ' -$31'5~ ' . '' ' . .· ' Lie. SI~ 145. .$1795 ' ~~ I ·' . ~ -· .. it64 CHRYSLER NEWPORT·. ' . ' Al!lt· fft111., rtdio I lt•ot..r, p1wtl' 1t••ti119, pow., .. rokff, kdory 1ir 11M1d. M&f 611. $795 191.6 MERCVRY PARK LANE. Co11wirlible, \i.oeutifu1 ,\11t11m11 R111t Me. tellic flolth with ell ¥111.,1 p1rchm•nt interior-quip· 1t1d wltll e11to. tr1n1 .• r1di•, h•oftr, PS, Pl, PW, fie· torr t ir conill. do luxo wil"D·W~.,! COl'ttt, •1tre c:l•on, XSS tto. $2·195 ..... ' 1 '6~ RIVIERA ' , . \ 1966 eADILLACfC~NVE@TIBlE , . .;: ll•lltlful ••;on; yeOow eitt1rlo'r finf.lt with .. lick 111-. thtt lnttrior ind bl1clr top. Fully l1111ury 1quipp1J, 1ut1 tr1n1., AM."FM r1dio, 111t1. ft.mp1r1!11r1 contr•t, eir c.tr.'11., pw, 6 Wl'f. ~1t, ptl «loc;k1, tilt 1dj11rt1ltl1 .... ,~. •"••'· . . Polor Whittt finitli .wlt'9,1111arlH 'Iii•• T11torlor, equippod with t11to. tr•1,11., rotillo,l ,hut1r11PS, Pl, PW, 6-woy M1t, 1troto•"t.h tilt'"1te1it11.1·w,ho1!, f-.etory 1ir c•!!d· lot11tlf11I 11 ,._., ~~,(~~11t•}~•il !lite n1w. lo milt1 ' ;::1 " $3695. . "' .,,<\ ' -• TPT 250. •• • '$1195 : • • I'•'. : • '' '' TO.DAY'S aES:r BUY 1968 COUGAR COUPE . ' ' Wlfli yqn. """"'°"' stl'll,..: ..,. t _, ""'.ur. ·H" wper :I02 VI, bl.di ~ 111111', Hied lhltt, w -.111, ~. tllt llllllMI, ,... .tis(; brllttt, '°"' ~. wlllljltr •Ir COnd., rtdlo, dteOr' l"DllP• tint 11io.. ~ ...,_, O~I. Nn'W regltll'l'ld, 14111. • SAVE , ~l 159.2l' • ' J ' ~ ' 1969 COUGAR XR·7 Med llOld l'l"lttllllle flnltl'I ¥1'1 .. bl9dl 11ln~I nol, tvte tnns, llW-tt111 tlrn, Pl'W Wlnclow,, •Pllffl c-.1• pow ,,.., i. dllc llr•ka, olr cond. AM /P:M t~ rMllo, 11nr Ole» a. 1111mper 11111'nl1. Tilll ur llei onry t '"' "'-nd mlln. SAVE $7.47.70 , . . '68 MERCURY COUGAR t<l~lahtd In lllltt .8110.r y.l"'*·••'INd.11 wtlll •II "* •t eptlont Inc """ dbc:. llr•k-. ............... wt!IQ!l!t' 11r cond. •nd offtl'W wffll •fvlf Nc:twy _,r.-nry $ yrs ... S0.000 11'111&' • • SAVE '.1009.41 '69 MONTEGO WAGON 1'apul1r MX 1lllloll 11 Wlr'& •l"OOIMI H~ll\gf. Tilll J.4100.GI cir 11t1 11111 •-'(lhlng. »14 V \II, .. led' lhln, ,1c111 0.0: MMll, llOW'!T 11d1 a. n9r wlndelri, II.II urrltr, Jr4 ... ,. pow •'-a. llr1ka. •If' cond, r..U.. 1'1111 111u, Cl'ftl cwntry ptCktpt. L•• 111\11', Hnw ""sAVE $819.20 1969 Contin,ntals, Lincolns, Mercurys -~d Cougars are waiting for ~u . : . io,c!ay.: ... at Johnson and SOn, great cars, great prices, great terms ''":and ~l ~p)e to buy. from! . . ' ~ .... .. . .. l.i . •. • ' ' &.~~~:®;ffi;·OO , .:~ ..,. {' , ........ .. ' . ~·' •' AL ' D • • " 'lOx 12•. ' ' $1495 ,, 1968 IMPERIAL '· r .. , hordto,, l1rm11do 11... fnttollic finith with 1111t.c:hln9 intorior, tho 11ltimt t• in l1111Nry oq11lp"'o11t lncludlnt tilt 1t1er/n9 whoel, c111i10 control, AM/fM St.,..., roclio otc. A on• own•r ~•It Lie. VTT 176, $4795 ·it~7 t,URCURY COlONY PAR!< t p1 t1. 1t1lio11 •19on. Arctic White with l11rq1o i1• interior, tlllt', tr1n1., r•dio I httllr, oir cond., pwr. 1tooti119, powerJ,r1lt11,· c1nt1r focin9 third t11t, 1119· 91111 roclt, dutl octio11 toil9<11t1, I own•r cor. Uc. UIH 71ii7. .$2~95 . 1961 CONTINENTAL CONVERTIBLE . A11to, 1tow1r lfe1ri~9. powtr br1lto1, powor wi11dow1, power 101t, rtdie & h1ot1r, 9ooil condition. JlE 27], $9,5 .. 1961 'FORD Cc:>Ri'tto/A 1600 o.1i:x •• 2-cloor ...... -1ffrtcfhoo 111•,.•11 ••• toriD<" witW blick l'i11yl1inttri1r, •~'11ippH wltll '4·t1toM tton.,11 i11ion, r1dlo, ho1t.r.' TroilN b., orl9i"n1I OWMt I.I'd ••pt in b1111tH111I c•ilclilio11, 0111., ll,000 ocH1I miltt. Lie. WFV 196. $1495 1966 RIVIEAA ' ' Po1or White nni1h with morin1 tiot11e i11torior, 1q11tp. willri 011to. tto1u., PS, ·l'I, PW, 6·w-v 11ot, 1tf~f._ 11th, tilt ll~trint w!IMI, foe. oir. looutl~I I ownor cir mtintoi11t~l'lllo 111w. LO milu. TPT "'i ' $3,19S ' ' ' . ~ . ' . 1966 'CONTINENTAt .COUPE• , •. • '~' r,• loc1I on• owntr with, only l21qOO •••y Mllos,.flallhtl in bo111tlful lf6f l11rnt Ort1191, .. •.tf1r h11rry-;.li +\11 •n•. And il'1 f~n., 111111,,.d ,wi#i 11l •tho 'fl11Ht fee. tory option1. Lie SRW:~46J . $3395· ' • ' ' . • IN KEEPING WITH THE POU~y QF SEWN& · . THEIR ~CUTI'(E CARS fC).UJ DMU A ~, · RATHER THAN ONCE OR· 'l'Wleli--~HNSG~. " OFFER A GOOD SELECTION OF .LOW-MILEAGE EXECUTIVE AUTOMOllLES AT EXTREMELY RE; DUCED PRICES I ! .... ' ' ' "~ • -$- ' .. ~ & [ffi ~ ]][ D ~ ~ ~ ©lW oow o :@'@'[ID@Jl~Ym ·' ' ", '• ,. • • ' ' '· ',. .. " '' ' • ., • ft • • loo •·¥".> • • : ' '• I ~ , ' ,/" . • _..,,Ii"< ' ... ' , " ~ . . . 2626· .HARIOI ' BOULEVARD,· COSTA · MESA " • ' - ~-~'~~·> •;, .• ~ ... ~.,.-..:::',' I~ .t.·,·"'° "''' ' . . ' • • • ~-··~· ----~··._. .... ,._ ... ~ ... ~· ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ... ' ' 16th & Tustin -COiia 'Mt"' Excellent location, near schools, sbopl!ing and beach. Only a few left. Buy 11ow while interest rates are o~y - - - 7% with 20% down -7Y,% with 11% Dn. no 2ncl -no points -29 yrs on balanct Prictcl from $30,850 to $33,950 11ixclusi ve Agent p. a. pal~er incorparated 3377 VIA LIDO Tract "~' 540-5113 From L.A. Call MA~ --"'=""" ~ -~--- TRI-LEVEL Eastslde Coita Mesa J BRs + family room, 2% baths, double patio.t, elqlf:ll- sive carpets & drapea, auto- matic garage door openers, ~prlnk1en front & rear. cau Dow to aet. $32,500 Newport •• Vidoria 646-ISll :------· 6 DEWXE 3 BR: IJNITS 'LIKE NEW Uke new on ~ aett, corn. .r;iletely block \\'all fenced. :tach unit has 2 full bath:s, FA neat. fully oµjieted a separate 1'1llih rooms. ~ sume 6.6 flriancin& _ no loa11 Ire. ' $840/Mo Inc- •, ---P E ~RON ,_,., ..-.~ ... -~1• v DO RUSHI • 2 rtntals (fum) • 4 doot11 to sand e \Vlde a~t e Close to shoppb:ig ·• Gf,:. Finan<:ina: cun ,be assumed~ • '36,m Pel(8-rrt~ Realty Presents ACTIVE FAMILY I· Your fami.11 can be u activt as they· please • room for eyef)'thlng • ewn the 3 car prqe hal been panelled I: heated for your plea..&- ure. Split )evel 4 bdrm, 3 bath & huae separate family room. All for $58,iOO. ~ 1600 Westclilf Dr. J NEWPORT BEACH ~... 642-5200 Tllrff Wishes 1f peace, oomfort, location an important to }'OU, look thl1 aver. Convenient to Newport He t ch t • grade school, and all .ihopping. 2 blks to· new pe.rk. Only $2.5,500; and all these "plus" featur@1. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, fireplace, cpta. and drapes, double prq:e, COil· crete drive, large fenced back yard on 50xl30 IT. R-2 LOT. There ls not lo much avallable in • this part ol eutslde c.~t. HUIT'/. OWN- ER, WlLLSELLFHA!I --Gowemmilnt Repossession Completely re.fur.bishl'd 3 BR home priced \\·ay below mar. ket vallJ(' at $17,950 \Vith tot'Al payment $145 mo. -r"arr-.:;, W -;BiO Ir I ,.'-. ' . ·R E·A LT, Y 2025 W. 81.lboa Bhd., N.B. 67MOOO' '. ORANOE'COU!(ri'S '293 •. -~~l~"4494 ~-~--=--- Income Units $72.oilo • Monlhly Income $150 Well~Cordle, Rlln. 1310 Newport Blvd., C..M. ~7729 Eves. 6f4.-0884 PRIVACY lN THIS' SPAd OUS Back Bay Home. 3 extra large: bedroomg, ta m i I y room. 18 x 30 livirl&: room. Built in kitchen including lreeicr + Ref. Immense Pool. Irnmedlate pos5ession. Make offtr. JEAN SMITH, R18ltor 400 E. 17th Street Cpsta Mea &fG..3255 DIAL direct f42.ai11. charge your ....... "' back and J.lsten to the phone rinel """'"'· ' 4 br • $.0.S. * Ownet .,nx:loUI; io move and wapfl: to·st~ you this 4 BR, 2\W bath, -pool palace. Beat Baycre1t location at $55,581! • Save Our Seller! l!'t..s~~i~a «•~9REALTY •• "anytime" 26:l9 Harbor mw .. c.M. OCEANSIDE ON THE Bl:ACll, NEAR EX- Q.U. ST. MALO. 8 room 3 m., 3 BA. S yr old • custom bullt home. UnJ~ in ea. de- tail. Xlnt sandy beach. $87,!IOO, LORETA MC CREA, BJa. 1916 s. HilJ St. (n4.1 729-1161 ------- BEACH HOUSE Older Home on lute {35 x 95 ft.) R-2 Lot 1 block to Beach $27,!IOO George Willlemaon n.111or Evet. 61J..158C I WI 11,AVI SOMI PIOPUTIIS FOi llNT \ . v ' ... -• .•I •I ' :I .,, • I HOUSES FOR SAL& HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES ·FOR SALE HOUS ES FOR SALE ·-. 'l!OUSIJ f'O"l:.5,'lE l'IOP$1S ,OR SA~~ :JI SES FOR SALE 'l 1000 General iii; -al 1000 f:lenerol 1000 'G,eritral ·1, • ; ,1~ lrv1,;e•;, it 3;'.' 1 · 'ftJ1nlne 123~ -ynm-.. --.,11-1 -D-RY . f+ir\ , n ; ;;;_i-iP lauuuu · lrYlne Terrace . , j;90,ll!N!i FO.I~ JUST LISTED · ,, · TURTLE' llOCK Hll.LI\ · FREE FREE FREE La\'OlyTah""•"',,.....11omo MORE INCOM£7 TWJ!IOCEANFl!ql<T ,.. . OlfTHI lRVlNl.~NC G •,, • LetU1 checkyour ellgibillty. :.~~~bl:-th ~ Wl _;WILL IUIU» . .\ 2.-,:'m~~)-• 'Are noWo(ferhl&,Jdr ·~-.~ ... ~4J'ill, '· You mr,y be ellgible lo buy stone tireplace & llldcr DUPL~L#:~:f..'l~~ ON W·ARM _, 7)'fttl )'OWC iting single ·lr •plit •·ltVel it ·~ . 111.1~1 t .. aln Wlder thl! a.I. BW of out to private patio Excellent ftntallaru AfODEL HOMES ! 1 ···.' } • •' •..: • • ~ Rights. even tboUgh )'OU pool-Iida fam\b' tm and YOUR LOT* Submlt tnde&.mOOO ta. • , ~'J "! )'! S;• • ..... j .' f._. ,,.,. .....i ~·"' G.1 . ....,,, . ......., J>OOk>/' lclld>tn CLEAN · · · Th .. e model hornet . are 1111 • -~ Find out wh-e re yoU Jow maintenance )'J?d •rn mO&t multlp,Je-%0ned AIR lllJ pointed with the· very finest of ~lfPetsJ· l stand?? 1' ! NO COST • NO artistically dffl.tne<I Orange County and 9thu · drapeJ ..:.... willpapf:ts;_J>IUI ev~ry .... 'lbodel iJ c OBLIGATION • CALL us boJne u ... -anti •t•Pn>•,. ..,...., · fflah d""'1'l, ~"""'Valley iJ R E A L TY· profN!l6lf&ll1 landJcaped, special wl!lkways \ TODAY. p1·i~ to sell at AT SJlllTANnAL Mi. Eut of Barstow. \Von. 2? W. BaJboa JUyd., N.8. & paUoa .prtvall, .. one with 1wlmm1ng pool. FREE FREE f'REE $52,500 · ~A\llNGS T(I YOU dor!ul ~opporlunll~• await · 675-4000 I · · · .; · Call: John Abell Selec::t f our plan trom':our the WISE INVES'tOR in ti.is I · These .homes are 'pl.Iced on qllll~ .)f!P.'! & !\"' 673-7365 deslanl, •tyl" & o1 .. _iUoill: tormo ,..i1,,, ld•at are• for DOVER SHOl 5 1 very .pttvate.lots.1hit may be eltU.1eiSetl HAR•OJll CALL 537·0310 .,..,w1ng AU•••. """'·•or•-ne.1..,.., • btuu "b,.· WAN · •! purcliaied with a -grant deed to tun land 'inancing Available STANCO Bullflers· Inc. Ot>tn 7... • 10666 W.;.tm1,.r..~, .. , Garden Gtove-(:. Balanced Power Homes DELUXE 4-PLEX HARDWOOD FlOORS A·l CONDmoN col!, raising o! fish, etc. A WELLS. U ....... ualed for quaJ. owntrahip. .,.,'Onderful area in which to ·~.. , Jive l eajoy t~ bounHH of ity • ·48le&anct". VILW. 4 Follow· the a1p.s to ~TURTLE ROOK.Jl:Lls, your owp MAN M' Ao E ~~13 J~~rd~~u;:· 1 mile Eut Of the u:mverslty of ~ornia ~NJ:~~~~~ ~ {Bayerest <>Wet>. ., at lrYl.t\e..,j~ Off tl;le mten:ection ot ampUI INVESTIGATE 1842 S.-U..• Dr. ~1-5if0 Drl~ 6-'Ctil\oer Dl'l.9'. AND INVIST Westcllff Buy Ttlt: IU-.1102 Fer Furtl!Jt:. In In YOUR , Tomor.rows 4 BR, 2!iii BA home. l..a.tge" "'!!!!!!!!ii!!!! Olitrfld by 9)Vhet kitch Ii: 1am rin,.w/ tirepl. ;:; . .1.. • 847"'"40 Attn ' PM 152,500 Newport ::......,...:1.::200;;: ·corone LIDO "ru:ALTY,:bk'. • · iifiiii•iiiii 3400 Via Lk!o _ 673-8830 A J~= ~~-!11" . • INCOME _ Jllgh beamed cellii,ga. Pap-Our exchia!W! New 4 bed· WtU-bi,2 hotbe ~ eled Family room. Pulh but. room. s bath. 6'M414 -eel pa&, . ~ shOpplfll. I I j l ' I ' Vic1v, 2 story, 4 bdrm + pe.ne.Ued den. for- mal dining with view, breaklut nook, mani- cured grounds, large home and lot. One large 3 BR 2 bath 1vith covered patio & Thrtt 2 BR 2 be.th units. Ideal for own- er user for tax stw:lter. Call UJ fur details. $68,liOO Stone fireplace, wood panellina, like new car-' peUng, covered patio. Assume large 5% ';\, loan • $154 total month- ly payments. All thP. ex- tras including built-in ri.nge &: oVen, d!Sh- wuher, b I o c k wal1 fence. To I a I price $23,950. Newport Shores! 3 large bedrooms, dlning roon1, spaaiOUI living room w I 6tone. ·fireplace •. Many extras including additional 600 sq ft •••• $32,500, Might exclia.ha:e equity for la~r home In Orange County pJus some ca.sh. Evening phone-"""' ' $18,500 <1ay, br .. tbtoldqr at ntaii• OR ll'~, H~ER ' ton built-in kltclien. Large · · J Plus l ~ '.Apt, rent. bedroom1. 2 baths. 540-1120 t: ::!:'" in& for 1145 per mo, A 1 TARBELL 2955 Ha<bor l,!l1l~ ;!S!,~~ ~~while btveatm•nt al $48,950 Newport c ... ta MaH 1100 -Olq•r'.s SjMClal ~~i:;,.0:11.ff~= $162 JNCLUQES interest, 3 Br., •.or 2 Br-t • ~ft/;~ zz , · , taxtJ. Ir: insurance. Assume tum Wtttclill hom~. many -.1'_t _ j at Prlwclte Cowe Estate Vlctori1 5% '!. loan -no loan fee!. extras.. nr stOftl I: ICbla. l1lbo1 PtnlnR11a 1300 t 4 BR, 2 bath home in ~x-Phone 6f4..40H 646-8811 CO -cellent ruidential a re a • MINI-CUTE • ATS Take a look ilt till£ cheerful Cash ta1ks! CALL s4o-ll5I BAYFRONT \Ylth boat sllp, ~fagu.ilicent S Bedroom home & kitchen -~ view the · reSl Copen eves) Heritage Real large 4., PR 2 bath. $60,tQI with "Elbow Itoom'• • Jo-I"'"""""! ... !!!!!""'""'"'"""; WALLACE of this l11edroom -1~ bath 'C'~ rnlnim.lft I. don. sm: cated on nearly one acre Park Your Ark REALTORS -2 story hcl\ne. AD of this ~tall! (~4} S1100' j , ·-• - ol I""' land""•""'· BcouU-I Coll p rk 54Ml41-.. YOW'I for .;.;· $28,SOQ. BY Ow»er 3 ·bdr, 1\1-ba, 3 BR w • ...;,,..,, 11..: a· f 1 1 .. t•-<U•lom n e11e a E"•"~p·--. ···~10 lam rm , very cbeap, ~II n-•~-........... 110 ooo· ti~ ... '.": .. ~.:':'. $189,500 Three large a!. aung bed-(Open Eveni.ngs) • iQ ... y· ''&"'Bea_-_· c. h_ .. fixing. $12,IXXJ. ~ aft ~"'; ~ior acrel.re ·~ Mn. Harvey rooms, wann family room 4 Wlll conakler othtr. 543-TTTJ: and "'" wood b=ing Ii.... Only $159 a mo. fle•lty, .!·~·. ' . HALECREST By """"· 3 poll HOUlt en ~~ point; thrH ~· one : alld • hall ha~ ' . pll,ce, lae dble &arait: .1 ar chan- nel and public beach. A Jewel, Reduced to $38,2511. BURR WHITE, Rltr, place. No down to Vets with . . 901 Do\ret64n;: 2 .,2,SW .. ·~m. BR comer lot $23,00J. 1290 *BAY •VIEW i'ee lot· 85! P.ym'"'' of 1172 '°' princi· including taxes &: m1urance > _ x '195' w/ plarul. $34,900. 3 BR 2 Ba Conway, Open Sun. 5:tS--022S OWne MS-™9 5'8-0)7 pal and interest Needs • · · separat~ ?'.In. r , so1ne redtt0rating, but float eled d~_n, ~oor 10 ce~h 1 BB>ROOM/Dbl Mesa Del Mar TldS Ne...,.i'tl.' ;Hj.;f?.Y! 1 1110• Coldwel~ Banker & Co. 2901 Newport ~.B. 117~ E~l253 , . ---------"'· - by and save. Asking $2.J,500. SIOl'l(' lrep ace, new '"6 4 ~ I---_,.., -'---'-"" = ....... Lido lilt 1351 tM .. C.atl Ml"'"' ... ......., ••ad!. (111it.,,.i. kl MSll ''f.2'11 =--=-( le rlh .& ( •••""'ting and lwdwood • . . . • BHt Thi• Fini11clng . 0 SWO J 0, ,f!Do« with low -.:Al'lf· !do>! ~lloi!'""8P"tC!>Oolli J M;.1"'8A. Pl.100,--Q1Uf1idfl19• Vltw WftY Nol1L .... 6'12.7777 OPEN EVES. ~i:; ~LL~~ J~ I.: .shopphlc., ll Oil t b i; W"9,I loarf atJ~~,-...... !WA. '91e .. thit .seJ!SQfn ot(~ ''I'hhl lovelY ~.Ci_s'!Lldo. 3 CH£AP!f DUPLEX · · cho1c~ ·co~r IQt, ·~ tor ft price. $2,000 di. nr. all' ~ JfaY k City vi:e;,. ; BR + st\id.io . ' · ut pa- HA LUCK SALE trailer. Built·. in Jri~n,.· ,acbls &: city perk. Bdrm,' 1'1) bath, 1rplc. Hob-.tio &: entry. , furn. Ctite oldt'l' units 'vith largC! RD largC! livlng room.,fu:eplact; "I T'RADFl'' ( byf'm..triple aar. Mala! otter or uni. 1-2,yn. S!iSIJ.imo. detached double G' a ra ge.• Owner facing possl?l.c iniml-. , carpet11 .& drl,pe1. 0 n ly Bob Olaon, IUtr. 54$.5680 ol •a.,ooo. ~ R. c. GRE11'V Realty Near schools & shopping. nent transfer. Sacrtfte<! huge ORANGE COUNTY S •25 900 anDoul _.-; .... ~ Col I I • & f mil S • · · owner ; ,· u... y-..1... · ' · · · · 3355 Via IJdo 673-9300 $220 mo income. Auwne 6?'-on a ., a Y room, LARGE T ;m ...--1110 ·· s private loan. formal dinini: roo_m, impres-293 E. 17th St: 646-4494 ---~ ·-.· ·. ~L ! :I!. $18 950 ',1""1 2 '1oLryl tlw'fh '1"1"'1 •~ p --' B!._pu~>;Rbdr-,pllhll :~~L-, · ; -~ .· · B•yf..-t , ... ' r veway, s rig .1s . ,:.vu 12 NEW UNITS nc ~ "' .aevt: • ~ '-I ·" l Ty $100,00'.I • "Jll!'s but any oUer considered. . $.1'7,950. ~6 1ku_ NB ~.Ofc. M&-2(1. iw,ooo. ! BR 1i TWo BR'• f or client looking for a good 1093 Baker, C.lif. · ~ ""ith Firevlact9 lax sheller plu!! e!<cellent ff!· ____ Cofl19e Parle -1115 ---· Wilktr ltHlty turn on 1:1u;~ invested • all. $500 'DOWN , . . . Newport S..... 122() 3l36 Vi11. Lido S75-5200 2 BR -Bi i kitchen~ -GID, -0 th' f .. _., .two' 3 BR & fam nn,, 2 ba, · . 11· .. D/\V I/ti . d" ·u 1 n l!I our ........ room, , _ I iiiiiii:ii::iiiliiiiiiiill t. • er ~ .. Ulc \\fl ua bathll, fam.lly horrie. aoae . cpll, drps, aprnklrs, frplc. BY OWNER • penional(ty 'BY owner 2 Br;! fa. trplc, ..,..,.~':""-~.,....,.1 1 pn ios -oc:at_ in .l\J. on to evel)llhing. Just introd~· 1st S13,000 at -414'/c. Price plu,, nr. beach, 2 BR. de~· bltnl, pll.)tnn .:_. ba, Best = acre or land in area t.o t~k<' ed 10 the arket. W~'J'· be · $24,950. 2506 Lehigh Pl. 2 b&, '1$;500; 6C...1324 iifW lJdo bt11' M(!fib. <n-4) TMove in 1"ohn mGCftGb ad1~.."antt~,e ork t&h'uc""'1 ~mg around lo,; $130.pef rii.onth Owntt. 54Q...2578 -4. . . : <675-5023 omorrow ..... us r1'" pat· rv1nc. . clude inciPel -And · f Bedroom, 2 bath family Brokl'r v.·iU furnish analysis ~N!'llt 8 _pr. . __ -~ Genertf· 1000... ~II , , .-i-1, , 10IO-Genir•I 1000 homekitchenhaselec. built.. VIEW sheet lo ~y s<?riolL~ pros-w·e"sELL A HOME ... ·----------'==;.;..----=-=~=::.:::'---"-~== inl. -Sliding glass docin NEW LUSK HOME pect. Gro~lll&' Sl85D per mo. EVERY 31 MINUTES' from LR and Den. -to a 3 Broroonis, 2% baths, fam. Cali hxl11y. & , covered patio. -S23,950 ily rn1, dining rm, apectac-CHILT ROBINETT Walk·er Lee juat $1500 down u.Jar Ocean &: Bay View _ REALTOR 645-0128 Tho Rea.I Ealaters, ~2313 room r 1 m 500 ?n•" We•tcllU Dr or poo , ~. 'g 1-----.:--.,w · 646-7171. Snov.·n by appt. 646-Till Open Eves. 5 BEORM-VIEW (714 ) 642·1235 N_ THE B CH 4 BEDROOM-$22,SoO ........... ·'°""' el tho,,. •"-'-- POOL _ $3000 On. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Exclusive China.~ home -HUGE FAMILY RM. four saornW,d WOfdt ..... Exquisite home. 2 baths. !!!!!!!!!N!!"!!"~po~rt!'!!j8'!!!a~<'h!!!!!~I year around living • best Most "de1lrable area. nothing low to form fwr llrnple wor'ch, F •• d' 1 1, . ...._ Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, bl 1 th" 1 I B . I orm,.. 111na: room, ·~---E-ASTS-IDE--pri~t seU!ut I "m soo compaf'll. e a is ow YLMAC ·-place in family room Push 0 a -....,, price! 2 battm, tn~a .. toom, . • button bu11t-in kitchen". dish· $17,600 loan $157 mo. pays By appt only rear living roo;;;:"fuep!are. 1 J · 1i · 1 ·) · washer. Electric garage all incluclill&' 514 % on Uris CORBIN-MARTIN brick patio with gas BBQ. • • • • door opener. Hydro p,-eep 3 bedroom 1%, bath home REAL TORS Built·ln r.na:e. oven & dish- A: divtna board • lovely pool. with hard1o1.'00d floors. A 20J6E.CoastHwy,CdM wuher. MG-1120 IW IC H ·E '· I 54~1720 nool buy. 675-1662 ' TARBELL 2955 Harbor . I' ,. " ,. , I ' TARBELL 2955 Harbor -~·~E~R'!'N'!'l~E·.~.. HorHsl HorsHI . . . . ... 51/4 •/o San'4 Alla liof&hll. 66 x 200 ' t •' s~~~-~"Etti~> Solve a 81,,.j.z. Seni11lbltd WOl'll J>ui.te for a Chudde _.I l i • QELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Units Peninsula adl,Jacent fb Oef!an &: Bay SM.950. 7% fihancina:. B•lbo• Rtal Estat• Co. 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa CLEVELAND 4 BEDROOMS wltb 2 bOOroom homo -1' 2 IN AKEL I RHltor<r"'... Sl~ MO. PAYS ALL! car 1arage. Completely 1enc-I' I I r . t au.ppose OM cOutd.aoy °' . { >'· Better and cleaner than new. ed. Great lerms. • -they po11 tM COll«JJon pfotti ~ .. 143 B d 645.0181 Top location. 2 full bathA $23,500 ~...__. __ ,__...__..: in' chUrdt, "'Here~ the-.• : l ORlole 3-4140 -WESTCLIFF Abandoned by tranlferred owner. Spacioua livinr room with open beam ceillllg • 2 brick flreplacet. Movt ln to- momiw. $40,950. The Real Eataten, 646-nn·. 546-2313. ro• WIY tll!ty ,_ .,_• ca.JI or l.'Ome in. \\"n hav' all I i i I 1 ,. • B-b C · E 642 •• • .. , • u room "'"""'~ pa~ ' AD 0 NU a . ···• "' . '"" · VII. -5 .. --579 Owner wfU i..lp finance. . VA 11nd J.'HA informal.ion. . _ _ • Th R .t Eot 546-2313 I I' I' i 9 C-pl,.. tho d><dlo ..-: WHY /AY RENT Harry A. e....ns ..:.n!i ""'· · by 1111 .. -.. t1to M .. .,. - h Sli % '""I.. . . .... ...,, -... Na. 3 ........ I ~~~::~~:2 ~~~;;~~ ·r~~:;;:E 1:1~i.·0_:1_· _r_ r :~ 1,·· _r· r·f~~ ~, 546-MfiO Eve. 549-l058 DAILY PILOT Oamn.ed1,,,"°".,-,·==,..,.-,==" · · · -.. -Rcilon "'lf:W! Dial 642-5678 for RESULTS '" .... ...._....._-. · ~ · f\ 10000.neral 1000Gonero l 1000 Gtnora11'====.1=00=41"'~=.=-~=:.=,==========='. :::·:;oi•oOO::;;~p~-==o j iiiiiiiiiii---~~---~~--iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ ... NOW ·15 THE TIME ·TO BU¥·"--_ 11 2043 Wntcllff Dr. at lrvlno Opln Eve•lnp' . IAYCIUT • ~pe.c:IOU1 Dream home built for ycun~ profH&ional family. DtllghUul decor, Large hvJng room. h\lie family room and,.tlfePlaC!1'Jocated on atreet of expensive hmlQ. rr you can afford S«.000 you'd betttt aee tnls today. You OWN the land. Submit ' l . Sham 2 ~ apartment 'A;th dttp pile gold ca.rpets. Drapts. $145 (M!r moo th. your sma.llC!r tieme on our ii\lflni'ntce trade plan. r $3,000 PRICE REDUCTION ~ '. !7tO HAUOl:ftYI~ . ·,111 0,.. 1Jp·· '. ., 1p~ ! 2 .Housa ~CoWf3&lr11C1· _l·~ _ .. :· .. ~·r1 ~.: in choice Col'*-· Jd.fllll Joc:ition. IJve trf 1:he llmD 3 BEDROOM • 2 B&U. wtlh CAUETS A DRUU &611 .. wann mEPLM% In" 11paclau.: Uvtnl room. •VILT· ' IN 'KlTCHIN. hit thCQicler amallrr home and mJOY LOW, LO"\Y PAYJDNTS. Offttf!d at ONLY $216,leO. , , , r ~ _ .. J YAc:i.NT-NO' DOWN PATMtld YA '-TOUt CNOICI Of' I 2. l ~ and 2 Bath~. Double Garage11. N't'W J-fomt". St'paratlon forces rent&J at il.85. Ck>R to school &nd Shopping. ' I 3-WdW11 Pooklde Pad. 3 Bedroom$.. 11" Bath. lkn. Cozy Firi'plaix. 36' Pool He1lld. What ':..Place! $200 per mo, W!Ui option to buy if de1IN'd . 4. T 4 Bedroom. 2 n.th11. BJG HOUS£ Big Carai;e. ReaJ Nice. $225 IX'r ?DY.. 5.. ~~ton UIU'bor b)' the Stoa . 3 HUgf' Bedrooms. View Private swim arrn.. A lllfpln at $290 pu mMth. .t:zt~ ' . ---~_.__-.._ .. _ - On this huge rn·o story famlly homf". Located in rxcellt'nl area of Ne~·port Beach, 1his homr is surroundt'd by beautiful shadt" tret'S and a Cou'nt) ~ atmo&rl~r~. Featu1't' -I large bcdroms, plus huge den, plua !&m.llf l'QOID,, ~ farma d1n1ng, plus huge yard and magnificent POOL Low Interest 'nsW'ance loan may be asswnC'd \vlthout rlle In interest. Full prlcP $49~ t.lbp\11. you.r smaller homt on our guarantee sale plan. • ·i , It \ 1 , EXICUTIYI HOMJ ON HUGE LOT! , ExCl'pUonal family home nestled amons:: to~·crlng !ihadl' trttS and beautiful 1hrubll. A thick shake roof addll elegance and charm to this spe.ciml!J home ~1 th huge back. yard ln. " pe.rk-Uke atmospht"l'e. U ta:e bedrooirui, Queen siud baths, Rnd terrine all rleetr1c buUt-in l<itcht'n. Sff today. $43,000 Submit your 1>maller home on our &'\UU'Mtee u.Je ))Ian. ELEGANT EXECUTIVE HOME f..ovtly fn.rae ~60() SQUB~ foot horn!'. '4 Sp&CiOU! bedrooms. J queen sited btths. Hui.,'1! llbmry could IX' sll1dto or !l'cparat~ ln-la'v quaa·tc~. Ct)oltt location. Btau- tJtul landJcapinf A ll1ht1ne 1n front and rear yardl. Priced ror qulcJt: Mle at '36,950. . WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES " • -~----~-----. homea with 3 &nd 4 .. Bi;bROOMS .. ~th, one and 2..bathl. CarJ»ta and dl'l.pct lll1d t""'-o with FIREPLACE. Wat p'.>YERED PA170 with one. Two on Wre CORNER LOT wstb room fort Boal 0. rratltr .. How M>out •lJ,<>f> or f 11"50 or $21.!IOO!!! . - ; • ·l / .. '' w1u .viaol-Assu 111a ~'4 Ntl LOAN • .' . · • 1t $1'60 mon.~;·.ror. luxury. llvlti:1 In tr111 4 :REOROO~ 2 bath 1*~ wit.Ii rAMILY ROOm,.ami. --and tlral!'fl with -1.b' u.tnr ,....,with RAISED HEAllTR tmtl'U.CE. Bir Id-wlltt loodo ' "\ <Ill>-'IUntblt to new NO DOWN VA or IHA~termi. .• . ~ ~ - POOL HOMI -iio . DOWfl. yrlS . l . . for thl& 3 BED.-OOM. 2 bath btll.utY witli lush carpela: atMS 'drapa on bl1 CoR· NER· LOT with room tor boaf or cati\J)er. Efflcleftt, brtKftt kt!ctttn. la ~ to DINJ;NG ROOM and ltvinl room with Cozy FRlEPLAc:E. Terrl& at -~ " ' \ I • Wod....tq, fobnl.wy 26Ll969 DAll.Y I'll.OT 1J$ -llllllll~ilil-lli~iHOU•ii·11[1·srifiiil"iM:ii """ rAL$ UNTALI alNTALI alNTALI RIAL ISTATI ....:.'-iarnuL:...1mifr'----;;o,iii1n;i;1Hiiiili.i•sf;;on;;i~r;...!~. ~ llY.B '""''lotion ..... ,.... """' ............ Ho·•n u~-...... ,......,,.. Aplo. """'"""*' 0-rol Go..rol PINANCIAL / ' ~ •-::ol$I~-· 1 . lrM1te lhoN_!!! ~et ~ •12flll H.unH~_"!! C.rw ••Mor l3501 ~;;""';;;"'~•;;;•~·~nt;;;ot;;:~6060;;j;;~;"';;;·';,;D;;n;;'rl;;;;;'2;10l aool-'-£111:' llltl!i-woM&lfi.lllani.il .. JA I bo!P> _lane. 8aclc 2 BR mobUa,1bocnt, $lJI. NEW l-Bdnn., r•or•: • HOM1 LOANI ,. , ~ • 11 '-. 's Wila; · bl. bonua ·nn, W ·-·l!,OIC· .... "1'· Adults. ID l""L Utll illll. ~· ....... blllla. $150 HUmlNGTON B&A;Oi .11 Tl.a I\~.... MONEY AVAlf...'811: ..,...tk.W -...w/dMriee A Mill JD k>t. IM or l1e/o pttoii $30cle&ninadep. SJ5.181'fi LMM •. AduU1on!y61'MB35 •• UOGlll ean tr ~"CID W• FA--n1oo • ..-. .-.ii>~ -121>/mo. Avail ~ 1. IVR!'. -19' wit> 11111-GOLD KEY SUITES ratet 1cr 1d a 21111 mr. ~II od • Pow!Jr • h...r -· ftii6i114Tf .-. ..._i. ~ paid. a..''lo -. RI ... lollloo -aoo Ex-I .. & S.loo Wi'Tll-WA TIR -°'"""' o...cr 1ar -:I:..1.t11"11J lioobleP1"!1"-·ll*tlo.'2loilL wltlar pt'1N1<1o....,. p_,. xtra Ir s Ir. llC-.!Oll"ll'olOI' GRACIOUS Adult UW.. OfflCoo IYElYWHEll U...,... a FHA tow .,,.._ C$. u< ,..,...,._ m.mi, I bl. dbl ""· pool, ...,_ OcQn • Ba> view Spaoiooa AND LOTS 01' DllOPS lloU* .._ °" IDo. . . at 4112.or-.,.. ...... CdM bl l350. 145-llll !=afuno leoch 4705 ! BR. 2 BA. •• waJJc In : =: d-::: TO DRINK-'mm ..... !31-1;. llth St. WOBKl>l<iiJii I!> ........ w $100 2 I'll-1" !bed l'>d. llR VICTOR HUao's -l clmets..bOautlfll! -A * -Rm & =~-= , • > • _ ,_ , fl&m ,S Br. t S.. -pr .. J23 .Irvine NB. I.,.... Ir. 6 lrs 2 Ir w/ ll-plc. <INl)orle& Pool Boot -* °'"""" • maJnt LOTS OF DROPS TO TIU. --.-$ .. % , Utll iia.-wiaAetldrya. Reft first then call 613-a:m $14!1 to $195. Mar 1. M-mn tor tenants. SubatlrTaman 'hlepbooe Anrwerttw A· YOUR MAN MADE LAKE!! Me .... 1911, T .D.'t • & • ._....the . ·~rr.,.,.,-. -· 613.3003.o S.C...tarlal ""Jee ••all -{._. • .. ~-• 8"-t '!> Mdiid!cn. la ·• • •· " -!'!"! HtllftWj H10 A'!TRACTICE. cm. 1 BR; m:w Ba>troot a Br. 2 s.. Town & Co...try CALL lV·FIN01M ' _' .,.._ ...... plutu,1JOavy1(1al<e,.-1.,.-r 22i5 " '· "'" ]>oach ol town, ..., -• dbl Ja··~-· ~ Shoppl111 c--~r •aouT THIS UNIQUE Pr!Vate mon ey -!!l'Pta ,\ drps. 2% QU' p.rqe. aIARMINCi 2 bedroom A new. fl35 )eueo. 4%2182 • •• ..,.., pr, "'-~· .1.r stn • "" ...... -..S Concrcie drtvt J'\illy land-4 BJL I a.. avaG. aow. Mn, 2 bath borne. w/w , If, Dock avail. 673-2599 AREA -·AND HOW waota io ~ • lat -<• • . 1o s -•·-Pr1 ~ ----·· --~·~· l<cNrALS 18582 Beach Blvd. MUCH WATER "2nd TDs. R•-blo .... -=-~ nccttl · ~ ..--~ v . .,,..,.. ..... -..--• _......., .a.-a.. Unf hhl4 · ._._ counL l porkl>om~linlla boat allp.1215 Mo. 6C-l8&1 Coot& ,...._qw ID ..... ..,.,. vrn HunH-leoch--tot Ell1'l Hun"""'on Deb THIRI IS UNDER Sattkr M-Oo. Ill<. 1o maJ<r _..., \\'.alk lo :1161 Baysboro Dr •• NB pint< A pork. NI ce 1 y Gono-I -962-6607 GROUND * ~EARN 136 E. llth St. ' oD ..,.,... ~...... land,..pcd ,.,.i. m.......t •• ..,_ STORES ALSO ABOUT WMAT THE "'"21n 5MID '1 ~-l,';;;;.;t;i ,9r1Uti-~-22$0 p a tio, ver1 q.ai e t FORSALEORLtAS& -'~COVERED WAGON'' Eves. rn.'IE 1GoUS1 ., .QaJJ,-_m,wt. -· o;,•d:'Jt....:"" .. , ~ ~~aboble~-.~..J.'".·,.~ .Chonnol Roof STREET FRONTAGE, FOLKS KNIW,,LONG w•~ ·~··· · ""'fl-• """" ft•~ ~ ~ -Ponthouso A_.. oo. Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq. It. LONG AGO I I ~"~' -2d ·TD, . ~.-.~'ROOF ,tum. ~ drps. 1 Br! 1. ar, cupancy, Write Bax 112 c/o r-Model borne ldeal for insur.. in Newport or a.ta Maa "" . """" ....... ·•.aw ~'" D•"• Pilot $560 per mo-. to reUJ.hle par-. •u" ,..._ alt• . 2 ~ 2 bah • ·hardwood :rs-.:,::. -;;:· .. ';;; ~ "";;; ,.._,.-:;-~:,;;o,..==== tie• only. Olet Sl.lilb~ Spanlsh at)tle, Iha& carpet-Rltr., etc. (Bet. Katella and lf THEY ~ould make it area. _,..,,,.vo "pm. libon. )oo.! ~l-!Ot ,ey'i;,".° m!J5!11 , I. . ·.c.r.n. .. Mot H50 Realtor. 6'IU9t10 In&: •.. u cleaning ....._ ""'1to<l Sic~~ ""'!"pd., to Silver Valley, 18 ml. ANNOUNCIMINTI ·wlth Inlier pta. aean a.nd ·, • StM: 2 BR., l ba. fenced private en~ A private 1Z2. n;;: ~ ~h S:~· E. of Barstow. they and NOTtCIS r ~ abal'.P. ·* ._ µr or Vacitlon 1t.ft)1ls 2900 OWUdINC i BR. 2 BA. pa do; , w/w, stove, drps. !'1'~~k&..1 •. 2t li~·2"'n~ • u knew there they would nlA terins. See this~ for ' · lie patio, new lbal crptc. Chlldtttt le pet O.K. Bkr -a.aica. .. -.. · ~ FOR Rent: ID4 23$> 111Pt find water. YOU Can Found (Free ,..) 6400: aure! FOti REN1' hm Mammoth Beam ceiling. wood panel-5.1+6980 fiwn $140 to $190. Blvd, Costa Mesa. .., Jq. fin<\ -land. water, Poul .1-1 Roolty Mo u ft ta.I n~UOI Inc. c1Mo ID obopplnt< • 1--------~.:;,~~ ft; Pho"' 5<W&17 cl dry air bi b WHITE """"' luod. yJc 111'1·1"6 Eve<o. "36-7124 • .::""'="=-·L:o..:;ei>-<136;:....;:::..___ boach. $325. Yr. loo. 2212 ----,.,...---I llWI"-Balboa.' Island . deesane.: and landl;,ve:t-_,. v....; 4..., ·• 1 • Waterlroot Dr. 613-3456 C01t1 Mete . 5100 ' 1 ' Weatm.1.bater Ave.. c.M. Y.,.•nf Re-'.I Buys RENT. AL1 · I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1!1822 Broolcbunt °"''" of Two. l150 A 1175. ment, land to grow al· ....-..,. 111111 4 BR. 3 Ba., rd., ft., /I Rltr &12-9555 . falf t tr & :i-,.-=-...-=.,-,=-=- . . ·'' ·reod The Meua• ~nfurnlahed diahwshr, cpta, patio. $275.. HARBOR (just No. of Adams) · • a, 1•1.uh ~e~ ap1r: CLASS Rina Year 1970 Sea Adltl:, no pets. 615-62JJ Huntington Seidl ___ ..... _____ 1 co~, s i:ais mg, e c., Shore Dr. Ml,Jat ~rol · 3000 l1'5 • ll55 ONE BR. at· <nil 1162-2981 Oft! .. ~lol MJ7ft etc. Own · your own .<'i:i~""'c..,..'=,.-,,,--.,,-,'1 ~~oc1~. ~;:o· GREENS l=::::;:E:::x:::c=~r.=:.,=:,VE:== """t ;.;A;iiouNA BEACH .z lake.'. ~':.~:~ .::.~ ·~ ~.:. · 1o.U~ Air Conditioned Call 347-6640 eve11 after 6 PM 96Z-377S · :DAILY ?o.fo\~ in on credil aproval Fl{A-VA . ~rm&, J.G Bed-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ,J"O!)mS from $21,500. • LISTER *WHY PAY ROOI _,. . ·~ PllOT ·c ,. ., L ·4 5 ' . -·-5·· ' - ' -:1 F I E D ORANGt COAST'! • 1 ....... f4arkelplace for U2-6633 • I ..call anytime UP TO IO'!. COMM. +BONUS ·It. E. Salesmen or Women- openlnp aow. Exper. or new ncense. Tninins pro- ~ .. Confidentlal. Call Mr. Keir,-" FIRST PIONEER ..,...,, VAWT-MUSJ SUL ASSUME 5V•'!. .LOAN Submit Oil 001\'fl Payment 3 BR, fam nn + din room. HAFFDAL REAL TY 8740--Warnet 842MCG 4 ~root!' .. Hom• Sparkling Glen ~W-2 bath, flrepl,a~. carpets a: drap- es. WUl FIL' or GJ no down. ''""' R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 347-3519 Ev~. 962-7369 . $22,500 Gt oo. dn..:3 la• .BRs l ~ .ha,. nice cpts/drpa, FA beat, Ji ""co\'. -patio, ti0il20' lot. . Not ONE PENNY clown Quali(yinc Virts can move "' lmmedlatdy. Great location in Buntin:· ton Beach on Hamilton Ave. bel\.l.'ten Brookhunt ahcl Bwhard -close to the 2 srY. 3 Br. 1in ba condo. \\'Shr/dryer, pool, patkl. $195 Adib!. 5 36-2362; ,,....,, 3 BDRM 1%. bath, 1 mi from beach. '190 mo. Phone 530-Tl'4 BACHELOR. UNFURN. ON-THE-IEACH ON FORES"! AVENUE and talk to owner. from $100 SMALL fem. mixed Tenitt 3 •• , De<k ,..,,. avaJJable In Blk/Wht found 0-·~-1 ALSO AVAILABLE 2 &. -room Aph.. newett omc. bWtdlnc at ---------1 ~-· 1 • 2 a: 3 BDRM. Luxury livtni to pleue ttie ~-loc!~ lz .~~ Out of St1 .. Prop. 6_208 S~MALLGarfie.ldMalJf•.~~~/Wh· t < Heated Pools. OUld·au. inost discrimina.U.· nw -. ... -~ ....-.,_.. ""'5 --1 Center, AdJ. to SboppiJI& _ available at ttoned, carpeted, beauttfuJ WANT TO RETIRE? Found 3Cll Eut Bay AV.. No pet! allowed The HuntinatAn paneled partitiotting. T. 0 In Oregon where there ill sun-Balboa ~ 675-a 2700 Peterson w~. at Har-'' entrancel: J'loontqf' on shine, plenty of water, good FOUND Small chicken Vlc bell' &: Adams, Costa Mesa. ·~1 Aft .• rear ltadl .to soil. Quiet ne.lghborho¢. Monro'da A 19th C.M. Phonl!! 54&0370 . p 'f' ril'I !ftmc!Pll put:1ns '8ta. "'50 within 6 ml. of a nice city M6-4291. QualltY 3 & 4 ~r0oms. ~~CM!,!·ls~; ~·r!:°r~ l 11!!!!!BR!!!!!.!!!!unt~"!!"'!ii!'~~~. !!!A!!!vaJJ!!!!ll ICI 1c· l!:J !: :in~ ::=~ne: ~!'~~em~ve~~ri~ ~ro=UN~D~Lo-,,.--~--B~lk.-J<l~t. 2 &: 3 bath&. all one story J.1onth f2l3) 358-0363 3/1 2 B Bus!Mia boun anawutna 30 ml to cool moUntaW, ten' wider 3 mon. old. l'Ollll- bench. h """'--"" ~"" 'IA'"'" • 1 r. furn $130 111 Ocean Ave., H.B ' _ _.A ___ ,._._, llO taln Vallev 8'2-$)29 oroes.r•"'"-•°WW•1'""u'" RC"'tTALS up. Heated pool, no pet!!, (114) 53&l'87 se1v,.;e ~e for . sparkling streams&: lakes. " 1y payments from $288.21 Apts. FurnishMI baby ok. 1881 ?i!onrovia, l~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O!!!!" All utilltiea pajd except Great huntinsi: l fishing. BLACK. female cEiiAN inclUdinz P&I, taxe11 A in-_:_z.:::.;.;;'""o.;:;;;:.._ 646-4753 DELUXE studio, 2 BR, 2 telept.one. THIS IS THE PLACE SHEP. Found. Taka to IU!'aooe. Genlr1I 4000 3 BR 1%. oaths. $150Jmo. BJ.., balcony, patio, blt-ilU!:, DAILY PILOT W!! have One of the finest pound N.B. II )'OU aft a qualified Vet yuu can mow in without one peMY down • • • not even clmln1 coats. Duea to nJn. offer extended tluoulh Much 15. 1969. Wa!Ur· .. Lee, Sales Agents Open 10 'til dusk dally '9&1-3136 SHERWOOD ESTATES by lhe SU RENT ' ltMml Fumlture $25 Month J'ULL OPna< TO BUY (Retrtceraton Available) No depoclt o.Lc. • H.F.R.C. 'liWn1i.... Rontoli SI! W,>lttll, C.M. 548-3481 1368 w. Lncln. Anhm 11'4-2800 $193; 2 BR. duplex, w/w, utilities pd. Avail. J'IO\V. newly rtdtt0tated inakle A 2 bloeb: to ocean. Adults. 222 FORUI' A VENUE double widl! all electric Mo-LONG bl.iftd ~ ilfi1i at, out $150. 1401 Olive, H.B. LAGUNA BEACH bile Home11. Obie carport, hu Dea~-ISf6..651I Weill-McCardle Realtora -==~---large 25' x 32' util room, 10' l----~-~"'--- 54 .. 7729 L1tUn1 Beoch 570S NEAR AIRPORT x 50' patio, I""' lawno In a L_oot--~---'"°"''::..1;1 ~==~=-==-I·-""-''-''-"'=--"= AlM!Ond. 20X40 ft., lots of fenced yard. Plenty ol abade LOST I SfEVEN VILLA API'S. 100 CLIPF DRIVE window11. Ideal for R.E. or t?ffs, a few yoUn£ fruit treea : ·Beek-&.··'lWlttfe 384 AVOCADO, C.M. LUXURY FURN/UNF1JRN ins. Santa Ana Ave, PallJ. &: a productive 1arden llJ)Ot. fluffy cat. 1' yr. old -1 Lge. 1 BR., carpets, drps, Yearly Lt.a.le. 1 A 2 Bdnna. adcs Rd,, 20048 Santa Ana 40' Wide drlvewtY, leada oft mile. No coll.Ir. Vic. r dlshwthr; pr. No children, Sh 11 D CM R . 1teP1 to Shore 6 Sb"""' Ave., S.A..-Rts. paved street to carport. We I m1r r., • • • • no petl. 642-3535; 642-3722 v>"' d Ocunview from every Apt. 548-3b5o OR 539-1934 hate to !!ell becaUl!ll! "'"built 'f•r • STUDIO 2 BR. 1~~ BA. Justilt from $150 mo up. lease * Mod Offl thil dream spot for our re-. 646-53'1 or 54M537. · redec. New crpbl, drpti. U . $2449 em CeS tirement but a business rm, dosed Pf. D a Y • Single or suites. Air rond-transfer caught up with me PURPLE collar with bell, · M2-3524 546-0689 -~ by arnall black kitten · , eves Condominium 5950 ltionlng, paridng, secretarial be.fare retirement age of 65 named Moki.. Lost vid:ni 2 BR. New crpt'1. Freably service, central location. and \\'e mUl!t move, For fur. painted. Bltlna. $125 mo. LEASE luxurioUA 3 bdnn, C. Robert, Nattrells Realtor ther particulan call or write Santa Ana &: University" $140; 1-BR, 1araae apt. Fncd 646-5045 • , , bonus nn, 2 ba., frple tn 230 E.' 17th "Street Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Bolton, ~p ~;M. ~.¥lei: •ud, r·--. W/w. 2 BR.·u-·---... -.l University Park, U'.J) ·Mo., C.011ta ?t1esa 642-1485 6525 Ponderol!8. Cent r a l ·~ · ·• .,. • ·~. Bro~ 53M980 BRASHl!,t,R Roolty 847-8S31 Evea. 536-7000 3 BR Condo-atove, refrig, washer, dryer, drpll a,ts. U7,300. (ll31 G)...M26 I:::::::::::::::::::::::: " ~~ Br'•· ·tie.,,..,,i."Camino Dr. fVUlageU),833--0927. NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER Point, Ore1on 97502. 503: Uf/:~,l0:.i~¥~~ ========-Apt 1. CM. 546-0451-REAL EST ATE otnces suitable for Com· 826-3420 Point City exc~. A Mu 1 t t marei~ Cost• MM8 4100 2 BR., cpt&, mp., bltna. Gen.rel mercial, MedicaJ, Dental. 5 A. Nr. liemet. HideawaJ ''Ton\" can . atter S;3J -•.vA!lllt. .. _1410 YKllll/lmined Pos. ~ ~· ..... :S BR 3 hi.tbs, 1600 sq ft. trplc, blt-ins' i ·diahwuher. Lmv down ~ U!ume existing lo&.n. OWner wW pay all mDiW11iDS Rl TY. MUin1 or 84U012 -· 1705 OwMro ,A-1 Do )'OU havt n ntil unitlf W• have eood tenants from previous years and ~ • sm.n.JER • WllITER -and ANNUAL ~tals for thetiJ. P1eise call our rental dept. and let us 1lve yoU the RED CARPET treatment • you de- 1erve the belt? RED CARPl:l' Rlty Rental Dept 673-366.1 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. '"s~rrWJc;;u, ~.:..~. 111Ar_~ Ront•I• w.n1oc1 5990 --;;;;;;·;?."""" :s?;,:1·:-m.r:.'!":: ~75 · -• e studio a 119cb aits. ......._., ·· S41-5032 OR 615-2464 agt LOSI', Nr. Alpha Btti old J 1 • e Incl Ulill A Phone Rn'. BACK Bay Retl"eit! 1 lk., NE\VPORT, CdM, or Laguna MEDICAL • Professional lleepsake locket • pin in • Maid Se:rvlee..• TV avail. den, patio, carport, privacy; 2 bdr apt or home, mWlt Sullfl for le~. Custom doth draw •trilv bq. %l5 I • New Cafe It Bar quiet. $125. 54&-8693 be dean quiet&: reaa. Ad!ts, remodeling avail. 1171 2 R. E. W1nted 6240 ~St.. C.M. 237G Newport Blvd. 548-9755 3 BR. 1~ ba. Children ~40~~ri~ ~.~re:,x u~ Main St., Hurit. Beach • WJ\NT moderately priced 1-KRYSTAL snow 1ki viC: / C~ATEAU L1 POINTE ~~~::Pllf.: io!i~.!6;.:: Escond1c1o, Cal.It n..mi 435-8226 u.ru111 or 1>otae on a..2 101. ~=;ctr!:· :!_~,t;. /. e L •NDLO NEWPORT National Bank Preb!r~"'~·-n4: Lovely furn. 2 BR .,ts; Ott· :S BDRM. unfurn. n45 Mo. "" RDS e ' Building 735 aq Ft, avail. 688-~ _'-r -~· ~"" , 536-2919 1trett parkbwul , carports. Htd 2 Children ok, erpts, drpa, FREE RENTAL SERVICE 411169. 642-4192, 540-4469 . ~~=At.E=-.....,.---m-;n-b~ll<I pool Ad ti, no pets, $150. blt-inL 545--0262. No petJ! · ·Broker 534-6982 SMALL office on busy oor-BUSINESS 1nd 'p:oQ:udlng ~ OO POMONA AVE., CM. $90. NICE 1 Br. unt, stove ner Costa Mesa. $55/month FINANCIAL tellllt Reward. 5'8-l'l31 ' mVINE TERRACE _ 2 BR $125. Lr&' 1 BR. dean. qWet. I: oven. Mature only. 122-A Rooms fer Rent 5995 utilltiea included. 64USGO. Bus. Opportvnlllll ..i:•-,.,_,.la 6405 lfteelM Units Beaut tum, nr market. ?ttagnolla st. StS-2ln __ Handy.;,lfl SpHl•ll ~au~~ ::au: -V~ Wsbr, dr)tr, pr. AduJta: OD-BACHELOR Apt. partjJll BAOIELOR apt in owner's ~~tc.o:.:: ~ ~~r O:t AFFIL. LICENSED Loe. on ~ of Hwy, Jy. tum. $85 mo. NR occ: ~ home, sep entr, nev.;ly Hwy. N.B. 548-1290 SPARI! TIME INCOMI Spiritual R...._., 'alldee, ·~. .~, ~ ··--• 4 1.-per mo. J.920.D Wallace, C.fl.f. El. "·-•-. • C.M. --.. ~:;0., furn. l blk &hp I· all --1-• D f .,_ ~... UUllll --.u. ,. .. BEAcoN ~ 2 jilt Ii WILSON l\re1t '1 BR turn. \AUl&UJ ~ ~ 300 Sq. Ft. Office Earn ex~ent part time ID-~ ::i. ..... ~ ~ Apt. \lfl\ta, nHdt paitlt 6 den, or 3 BR. Community Heated pool, ulil incl, LIKE ~EW 2 Br., new cpts., PRJV entrance bath & TV Costa Mesa. 646-213) come fur few hn, weeldy f9'l.913(i, 10 AM·lD ~ " rood ifll!tral cleanup. PO-beacl\ pier, kJm1s cout -drps bit inl• carport· no · ' · work. (Days or Eves.} No r • TENTIAL I A'·C 0 M E EX· $450 per mo. ~~40 ~· 6 4 6 - S 2 7 6' pets: Ad~t&. '548-6769 ' $75 Month 64" "°40 • experience necessary. Han-SPECIAL $2 READING I CEEDING $10;000 ANNUAL. Johll Mcnab Realty Co. nl t drp bl ~0 lnduttrl1I lentil 6090 die aupplle11 and collectiona YOUNG 38 yr old wortdnc LY Pri-169 _,. · ,..,., ...... e , GORGEOUS new adult apts. 2 BR u " cps. s, ~· GENTLEMAN· I t · I n-.... ,.._,_.,., __ _. -.... ··-·'d I"·· to meot I • ....., ,;7;N. -Wall paneling. 1 Child OK . . poo, enn1s, on y, ln v ...... e .....,...,..,. .,..,. ,....,, wvw ...., MISSION REALTY '9f.()731 ' · 1-2 BR. Furn/Unfum. N be Ch $l25 962-3(55 beach. Vic. Beach Blvd, & S Ft nearby area. All stops (~ a lady for -a comJl!Ulion I· ...,..,935.,·,,s.,, . .,c.u1.!!!!!!!!!!Lqunam!!!!!!!!! I Free Rtintal 'S.rvke 2000 PARSONS;642-8670 r. a · · PacUlc Cat Hwy. 536-8518 12,000 q. • tory and commercial ~) that's interminl I: a .. nlce • "'!! to hoine owne:rs and tenant! e Nanau Palms • 2 ~~!liii ;~~.!,:. ~: EMP. men: sep. entl'}', quiet. Sprinkled. 91iiic Per «J. ft. 1et up by home office, home life. 56-908 aft S. l!NTALS .wE.-SELL A HOME ta: 2 BR.. Pool ......... 1140 Alt 6 pfd: ... s0.ssis $50 MO. or weekly; $70 Mo. (Smaller unit! available) $1650 rorAL CASH room No. 29. HovHI Fumllhtcl EVERY JI MINUTES 177 E. 22nd St. 642-3645 •-• · w/kitcben. 548-6986 Wells-McC•rdle, Rltr1. required, For immediate in-"LAD=!ES=,-..,,,..-,,,.,,,,.-u"M"°iu-.,. . · w lk · & L LOVELY 2 °-11' b• PRV 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M. terview send in Name, Ad· Mn Utopia• You may-~ Rontolo le Shoro 2005 a er ee ™· ' . Nowporl ... ch 5200 RM & bath. util pd. 548-7729 EvU. -dfta, and Pbo"" Numbor a 5 .., a 1. -. ~-..,~· .. • r E-ctde; pool. patio; 675-1393 Gentleman only. $60 mo. to: ,,. ......v.., LADY alone wtshes'to share .......,. H-~·'Blvd. at A .. ___ 2310 Santa Ana ~2933 N'l!'T. Island Dix. upper CdM area. S'B-U48 N1-... 1 "WHO'~•.,~ D""..,,......i" tract. Join the swfni to-• '. new home" with one or tv.'O '"""' && uu;~e '""l ....,,"' WESTSIDE 1 B bl ts. duplex· 3 Br 2 Ba Cpt& FOR lease Laguna 06 ...... • ~ •• ......,., The Utopians 9J5..8291 • -1-ed ladle Futnl h ~ • r. tnl, ~.. drp , "1>1 • El • bttna' I p .._"""' of! San Diego Fwy at Crown P. O. Box 58 A I . E em.,...,y . s. s Open .tu 9 P?i-f drps, adults only. Av..... •· · ec. • ncome roperty """""' Valley, new commercial &: POMONA, CALIF. 91769 ttr•ct ve xpert 0\\111 bedroom. 536-2034 aft 1--..::.==.;:...:c;:.__ 3/1, 69 546-7285 eve refrlg. Pier, slip. Adult& No industrial units. Delta Elec-YOUNG WOMAN 4 PM . VERY N~ 3 J:-2 d~ I.BDRM dplx furn or unfurn peta. $35(1 Lse. 64~ * EXCHANGE trtc. Daya_ S3l·l400. Evei. CANDY SUEPPLY dancer will teach you an WORKING ctrl. to ahare unf'w'n • na e quW:t, mature adults refs GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 HAVE : 13 nev.-er unit!! $72,COO 499-4198 ROUT latest ttepa, Call Ardell ·Univeraity prk h 0 m • !\far. yrly rental. Chet 2633 Orange, O.f BA, cpts, drpg, bltns. encl. equlty. WANT: land vacant · (Part or Full Time) 213: 591"'538 1·10 Pl.I "''/.amt. Daya. 546--0923, Sali.dNl'Y, Rlty 673-6900 pr. 4230 Hilaria Way. &J Orange County. JOOl SQ ft wlltflhouse & oUice Excellent Income lor Few ews. Ul-1?31 $135; 2 ·BR., 1 ba: fenced EASTSlQ~; quiet; l BR. $lB:i lie. (213\ 981-7039 * J6 Units e $175,000 + 6000 11q ft paved le fenced Jira, Weekly work (Da)'11 or * Selectfw: Su.In * .~ W/w· child OK Elec. bltru, patio. Adults -=========IAnuual .......... "4,600. Near yard. 1855 Laguna. Canyon Ewa.I retmc-and -"ect-Wldowed-l~iYOl'CedT ~GLE Woman to share T-• · · ~ "-' ~-... --... ~ ..... -1n<> u.uo,. U&I Pillow Talk Public Invited ,._. Broiler 534--6980 vru)'. 361-B "'""'e g,u.:~ E•iat I luff 5242 Euclid I: Ball, Anaheim. Rd. 1n41 ..,....,.,.,.. or ~ Money from Coin ()per-' T~ Adams / Brook· =========-I ALL UTIL PD. 1 BR. f.1ature * I Units e $72,500 540-7680 ated Dispensers ln Orange 642-9676 3-lO p.m • . )wnt am. $7$ mo. 540-7653 C.... Miu' 3100 adult 111 noo. e NEW DELUXE e JB,OOOdown.'30% return. Will iiiifSQ. ft. M-1 space with County a n d ~ DON 'T let another lonely Woman w1th ont e~ aha.re 2335 E;lden Ave. :S Br. 2'ifi b&. apt. for lease exchan&e. Call Mr. Krauter front office; drive in rear area. No ~-(Handles WMlmxl IO by! Succeed in ,nicf: 1 BR home. S10 month. l'R,Et:DOM HOME Incl. spac. mm. suite, din' or Mr. FeTJ1.l90n. lnvetitment door. 1308 Logan St C.M. Name Brand c.ncty azxl datina wllhout .-eallY trfinc. ~ Mu&. 6t5-0S'JJ I bdil'l'I n!wlY painted, new NewP!f" IHch 4200 nn. &: dbl. 1a.ragt, auto. Dept. 546-23'13 $195 mo. '46--0881 Sna.cka) $1650 total cash re-Lquna Bch 4.IK-4479 carp, dilp, fenced yU'd for door opener avail Pool 6 NOW LEASJNG • New M·l qulnd~ For more ~ BACHELOR eeka beaUtifiil ha.by or pet. Acron alley BAO{ELOR Apt Util pd. f75 rec. area, Nr. Catholle . JndU1trial 1350 aquare feet. Uon and details, send N.mt. pt to 40, under 5'4" for Vllta Mrlcta. Adults. aer. mo: 'El Mar Motel 310 E. Qiurch ~ school I: Corona $155/mo. Agent 542-1485 AMreu, and Phone Number dates and comp•ni0 Nl!lp, req. $180. lie. Avail Mar =Bal;;=:boa=:;BI::,. vd=, Bal~. boa====· I del Mar~ to: Urrent. 49'1-0388 L , • -e ONLY l2!0 e l.olo 6l00 "ROUTE DEP~ ~lf~Ei!:':':~ia:":;-;·;_~iim LYT!EllEAL1'>' ...... 4100 s:n.m Amlaos Way, N.8. P.O. Bo< 3Mli ...._ "Tho 11top;.n,• .,. 511 W. 1itb. 54M4lll,, • CLEAN Bac"'lor Apia. LIE on bOacb, 11111 on pie>-, la Anahtlm. CalllonUa --Fri. 5 PM e«jli . jijiJl~!V~~dialON . All uA11 1J>C1 ~ up c ...... dol -5250 ="'In ~ ~~ Comll)«C I Lot "LITTLi IUSINEiS" ~Tl>< "'*!, 2 B1l pet, !15 E;BilbOe: Blvd. Hant. Beach ~PIO;, by 84(1.40 wtth sood potential on ••Operate bona YoUr mne JDIJE ' .. blt·lnJ. 1 • BALBOA m.-9943 builder $65 900 141-3957 West 19th St., Colta lie& e Full ot part.&fe CAIL !titr ... '&""...i!""' 1or L~;.==h= .. ====4U=1= 1 ~·. aus1~ ~ .. r1y 60so 'A";c:id"i. Freud : ::i. ..=:: ......_ ALCOHOLl~µa-""' -~-.. ---. m --· ;;.;.;_w.;_____ ~" s • -~~---rnv• •--· r--S8B E, l1w t., C.M. "''""" ......... ,. .---~ Phone sp.m.T er -write to ulllo. Je-1746 . 1:-.. i: ~ ".: ~'. QI TEN ACRES STRATEGIC HIGH Real-646-7755 : = =.....,. ~ P.O. Bml ml a.... Mna. ' BR. S BA. family rm, f1l..Ql3T t'ftl, 1 a 2 BR. hm A Unftlm complete :Inventory all bltft. 2 -,., 11101 newt Frplco I Prl I Patlao I RISE Offl(f SITE Ranchoo 6150 e F0< 1n1orma11on writ• ~ ~ ~-( flmll) Hlmtl"""" laMll 440G Poob. T ..... • Coatnt'I Bk· e Box M-469 Dally Pilot kEPEKtOllY 'lbootar oC Ila NOW'S T"E 6410 ~ --flt. I hole I>uttlGrffo. "'orid Jftleftt& ' ' Ro I• r ~ 900 s.. Lue Oii( ...-SANTA ANA SAN TIMOTEO Colla,. .... leadbw Onrce Wll!Wm and . Mai>" ., IMAU. (mifunl\-2 BR...... <MacA!1llur,;.. Cout u-1 Outstand~ .,.,,,..,. <Omtt RANCH Jullus. c-$!$ .. l<0,000. Albert J~ Sat•A ·- I •••••.• !!!!!!!___I plus alley, with 2 leued off· 30% net profit. ...,._., -~·~· ~1 1.~ :: icD bldQ near the Mart of 39'l Acrt ranch.. Buildi,.t 6 JEAN SMITH, RMltw ~:. l :.!vt!wt:~ ...... , ""'491S _ ~ AptL ar...e Counb''a Ovic Oen-equipment worth .,pnm. «Ill E. 11th St. Ourcb, 2525 !'alrview .Rd., ~ · ·L·I TIME FOR · 11utomou1 _es .QJICK ~ASH IBIT '.llfiI J 81\. unturn. ~tl.:!iml!I tu 6 finudal dlttr'lct. matth' SUl.000 with tnftD. a.ta Mna ...-CK. D on a t to a J0c: • 1!ll. -Ollldftn .._ """"'.c:rte,lleqtl<itormn. ,..,11 ... lHOtdtDI. •• .._ Great ..._... • 1nll1c """IUmllbed. Some,.,...·-~•-....,._. --pd..... ---· . oelf ---$l!IO..... --~ Hu -------·· "'"'SUBMlT . ..:...·-·-·~-· W .-, ··-...... IOUnllL 21n ---,A"TT=l"'NT=l"'ON~--' ... --It _._ llpleo, ..,;., ...,.. A drop& •~• • ·~~ water,......_ ...n .. p;.... wtr. $Wl caab. CM - a OR 4 BR.. --a pihote ,_ ~t 2 car -. Pool. l11' ;. RICK ALDIRI TTI , -· Pim road -· con bot 5 a 1 . IX.f>IAVYMIN '.lily .. PILOT -.pt...?"~ ~2 .~ ~~ .. 1 J:...2 Pt». Cldldttn Q.K. '73#11 Rooltor -Nov Redlancla In iu.-"2-CllT ~ aut the old ...i.c ~ ~---~ ~·· -'1111 E. -Hwy. CdM 170I N. -n41547-M89 mlde <JoonV, FU1I price WANTED : oa&Je 1-... llolp .... I -..... ; . • r-·:. Rf[)E(J)RATED, -~ CHANNEL Red 1 l'1' be lush-Rontal . 6060 :>-~ :;:.. ""= = -~~ °"'1 =~..:.:::: ~ WAN·. Au ~:,::.,.~;;-· ~77J7;-till> mo. 2 BR. 2 .... 'l'bom-Wlth . ---·-• , 1J822Brooldount Watmroot, boat •llP ·CHOIC E COSTAMESA Eclchoff&As-,lnc. THF,l!UNNEVEllBTS'"' --.dc,142-618 "" 14' 2-5171 4 BR. 1 BA. -...._ (Just N~ .c Adum) Sl>-51&3 Loc>!lon: ov•:. 3000 "'· JL WJ w. O>apman Av<. Ous•led's lldlon ..,._. *u .aD .aM c~··~ -· =-~: mo. 111 Vb 8Uldlae ...._ Dlil1 ~ W• Adlll ·~ ln bUly lTtb fil. shop-Oranp, Calif. Fer an ad to sell uomd ""' " W WU. ;;;.;::,.,..c... ""°"I Cw--pq -· llilS M-Mi-l621. --the-. ... ICMllS. C4llD 11£A01"Ca · ,,..-, . • 'DilLY_1'o\lq_ , .. ___ ;-.. -....,. _ _. no.awt111 1 -adt ~to-. '\'-Trol . c.t1 m . - TRilOllH ' A ., -_._ ---···--------------------~----·-·--------~-~---------~-.-...------------------~~-----------------"------ , I lllllF:'"~7~..,,....,-c:;;~=:'."--,,--,~.---------R --------_ _,,_ .. -------------·~· ~· ·-··---------~-~-~----.----~ 11 I I I I I I I ' " . 'I f l : ' ' ' • • • ' • ' . . • • • I l • I ' • • ... -. . . . . • WITH ' Don't · iust SIT there! Grab · hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" !North Cou nty, 540·1220, toll fr11) ' • T . - I I • , • h IT 'S EASY TO PINCH PENNI ES-EVEN DOLLARS PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS • NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES ' "I $2 .00 IN THESE CLASSIFICATIONS! Furniture 8000 Pianos & Organs 1130 Office Furniture 801 0 Radio 8200 Office Equipment 8011 Television 8205 Store Equipment 8012 Hi-Fi & Stereo 1210 Cafe, Restaurant 8014 Tape Recorders 1220 Bar Equipment 8015 Household Goods 8020 Cameras & Equipment 8300 Appliances 8100 Hobby Supplies l4QO Antiques 811 0 Sporting Goods 1500 Sewing Machinet 8120 Binocul ars, ScoJ)9s 8550 Musical Instruments 8125 Miscell1 neous l600 e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 · e NO COMMERCIAL FIRM5 e . e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT PE NNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! . ' • ' .. • I : ! ' •• • • 'f ' • ' • • • .. . , . ' . .:-~~~~~~ ... .., ........................................ "" ........................... ""' ... ""' ....... "" ..... ""',... ............................... ~,,.,.~.~ ...... """'.,....,....,"'""'~-~-~~,,,. • -· __ ,......, .. t ... flAll Y I'll.OT AliliOU~k~Cbii~[NNiiiTslOjiiii'ii1 iiiiyjiiiiiiiiillil*llli•ill.--.. *--· SlltVl!=I QlltlClOltY IOU • ~OYMIHT IOU A IMl'LOYMINT .IOU A IMPLOY T .... HOTICU * :If * ~!'! "'6 !Wit Wlft!M. t.l.n ,,_ ~ w,.. .... ""'nao_ lllW~p.!!W~11~11M.!!,!~~Al~n_!!7200~i~~~~~~~~M~1111!!.•.!!W~""~·27'.!!500!j ~]!?!~~~. ~~:n-SEARS , '"YOlllMJ Fry c..ii * M~lsts Required* .. -lloo. -~~: ... ' WET SUIT or VICanclel elllat for. Dumber "'cattaortu Wqm .-. Ile. ..., .-, * * * * * * lltdien Tnil__ In mochlno lhop, worttnc '"' mW!, 1111nleu A• ,...._. 6445 -11' • .-..,,, sn-1!1! CUTTER •lfti ~ to clllM toleruca: 1JaDd """" ~ .....,. -~ • ANNOUNCU -·-· lll11 _ L• macblne ~. lallle OPer11tor. cllucbr t!oo ., -o;,.--pj'.; ....,,Ail. "'"''• -CAllllll "'"-~-. .,..,. -operator "n:Jtllllraf m""'1nlat11 Abo - Tw """ 811. -.T D' YOll oitd ...-u,.; OPPOllT\:j~IJI a.a-Jar ............ , VICllDCIU for eleclrolJlc ~1Hml111r Tl>to. Well, l'ri ·.W, "" .... ""' "" --Cl1I at Colla !err ' -1 ,,... -1n ....... APPl,'f IN PERSON traineu. Mllit llave bulc elocllonlc lclJool,. -. ~ 01cJc. 80-119'1 uperltllaed llUlll !!om ..i.uas _....,._ Ing. One year Jr. colltCt prefemd. Goodco.-116~ •~11v1c1 PIR.lcT61n = = A-R.QOfl--ffSO 1RIJCK 1'Rf amd'a. Am.,, ~I!:·•. 117.thlt :t.J, =::'ty for young p,nou lnureatecl In loi.Mlttl I W1•t?. • ..... '~ -' electronlc t.echnlclanl. Wort Oil II •="' '550 S CLAHIPl~TI N POR ' Roof 1Af!c1 S......... fll-°"11 ll!•u v~rle!y Ol. l!lterutln..f.~'lle, alt'Olpace and fll1.I. -.it 1!11 i-1 NATUllAL IOllN SW~PlllS Worlc ~ ~. .(""""'1111'1 Par-I Office alicralt eloctro-m al lnltnuntntl. Et· ,,.. lo S "" oniornd. Spod1I lllte 0 ,_ ..... celllllt beneltt.a: Profit aharlng, bOapll~ 1 :r---put .. s LI--s , ...... -s buc• ..... , !!!! ppertuntry .... U.S. D1'_ven Cook tloJt, holiday•. • !i)e: ~ • $3) •IK.U -M> MUST tNa.llOt! ~ ........... ... ~· 5f1 .1s11, '&-1-W111t...,-......... ......,._ 'l'W _.. "'.,...... • Drwwn•klna-AI*-tiw Jntarvt:,!;'' a.m. to 12 or ..... 11 Jim Hyama ~--· ~ ..... r. ... ...YOUA,...... ~....... ....... .._"' ..,_,....... ~1-1 on Hema unn-....... c I ' ...... ~~ ·-· er.or .,_,., ..... ...._,_.,,..,°""' -.....,_. ·~mpany Apply In.,....., or ey or Saturday lntervl1w1. _,,. ........ 'I" -PHOH• 642-5671 * 64M44I * * . * ~ DAYS . EVIi. "'""'ae.:.*:JZ1.=.,.... Tt Pi-y,_ T ...... r'o_:ParldlM,.. N:-=~-!':!S:. IXCILLINT ll23 w. w-r -REUBEN'S '42-2ol00 ~ _., lild -.. Wfllllllno-TflA1lE' lt)' pabln C>Wer, lT Fl. outboard ... ....... IARNINGS P~\IS ~nta AMI Gulton I strf I .... F•ncod •Gil."liiit -twin ....... -. ...... waaon .,. aulD .. oquo! .al-TILE,' Ctrollllc 6'74 PROFIT SIWUllG, COCO'S n es nc. -Coll --val approx l'5<» ue. Pl)one ~ . HOSPITALW.'l'ION, An __ , -·.• .-· 1644 Whlttior Avo., C•I• MaN · tor .1-1 ... -or similar \/al. * Verne. tbe TDe Man • CltOUP U1'E SNSURANCE. ... .,._ ..,........._.., 1NW.a1 -1111 la MT-7U1 --;7.23&0 TRADE: Vecy: aood ~ CUst. wotk. lllltall Ir retie.tn. PAID VACA110N. EIGHT employer 1555 W. Ad.mi --YrTV MfTY Dm.OY BAllYSm'lNG, ""' ..... Irie ..,.,, ... GU Dr><t No job too omalL -PA!t> HOLIDAYS,"' HOUll C"'• -U-\t w.·-..... w--Meu. deJ Mar. Any qe C1ear 125 x 110 rakien~ ot equal value. patch. Ltakb:1r 1bower WEEK, QIPLOYU: ,.... •-'I' --lot, potanllol Apt mto, Van * E-442·1606* repair. 84'1-1951-DISCOUNT m J"ISCO e INSTRucn>RS • NI -r 7400 W-7• LICENSED di)' can. Pft1 Nuys area. ~· V'a.nt HAVE: $16.&00eqlnO\l.nn. * * * ~ O!t{IZJti put time. Neat~ • 1--------·I - • • -Hot -.._~...., va1 .... Owriel' •----•·-. ,.,..,_ T1l1vioion 11-1r ff•• ,........ Illa! be able ID OITICE UNIQARD ~*tltl."6-15.1> ~ ;.:,..Sal;;;::s;_.(.,,.... ' -,-'" APP~YAT TIMIKllPIR _._lild 4ea1 -lhl IWiYsnTING DUI ...me; RAlni<>doled 2 BR Home on cas!:l tar C...t Plop. CALio US FOR ~LORI P.enonnel ()!flee AND COST CLERK l:'~ ~ ~ W•"-D .~ -st H ~ -•• Jo n• 000 534-1'"4 -.e <all 16.o; Quar. wortc Mondoy tbrU Satu?dJ1 Good opportunity tar man •--u.~ 81~., -'5 • • • , "'-"" ow ., unt. Beach . .--.e corner t. .,....,, Intunational TV 6'2-8111 4 PM' Mtb tuw --""'-.....-""" w I Rear. nte1. 538-1900 equif¥, \Vant: E&ide in-2 M-1 tilt-up hl6-I. on Pla-10 AM!° Ii.led'::!.~~': C.M. omen ~=~N~= :C:or~SUUivan 646-s;;,~f!;·~:o~:.1~ Upholstery 69'0 SE.A RS ::::tacco':~.=;: AlenclM, Wemen 7300 . • Elcper mother MW81C W A N T Condominium, $45,000. Full Pr. $150,000.. ~ CZ Y K 0 SK I.' S CUJtom . • ~~-ff. s. and acoountina . il. 1-adioti.. •,.· fWwe ~!.°'1::.~hillni· iAJlvSffiING 1'ft1 bome balle, or unita in rood MS.1542. Uphobtery. Europe• n w--......... _.. da,ya ~ boor. :f:Jl?paienced am. HAYE up to 120 acres LafUll& Beach -3 reaiden-c raf t Im a D. b Ip. l00'6 IM\E811tlf ' co. Pleue .;ply in peraon or !ti newport ' omcu in the OnJ:ce eow.. mOthtr. C.M.. sa-sm at $.100 per acre. Matcham tia1 lots $26.500. Will trade Flau"'ID.~111&-...,Fum.1... .._1"13 6 1 -.vui~ wrltl!W to pmonneI depart. "-~ '1 atta. Ret,lty '4M837. up for building suitable u ... _.. ....... went. ,,...,. • ._ EXPERIENCED -will TRADE' Double loto FaU--pnge. Nowell, AaodateL N,,,_ Blvd., C.11!. SQ, COAST N It I OftllV'V SPOTLIGHT JOU care for lnfant In m,y br:me. baw:n CPrqetery for i 494-6594 .1085 & EMPL0Y1"!N1 FUUA EQUAL OPPORTUNrrr -.--, == ~~-~. HORSE ;rRA1LER will pay Loauna Beach 11e,;,,ontial. Job Wonted, Mon 7000 )JJJ S, llllSTOl Ell!PLOYER := = : ~~-· ~ ,.._ .. "' ditterenbe. Phone 5$0035 residential income, com-,.... Mesa Verde fUl1 er put aft 5 pm. merclal or &areaa:e. Fpr W.;::;.oyed buaineuman COSTA MEJA 105 :o.le Way, Calta Mesa 60-3S70 • Sec:retariel ttzne.,641-1162 Fee View lot Baycreat N.B. property on O&hu, Hawali. needs add'l work, Hour, de.y. EQUAL Oi'PoRTUNrl'Y Phone: 56-8251 ~ngr Aide to $450 &b)'lltthls by wetlc, c. M. 75 x rn~· value "5,000, Bkr. 494-1330 Expe~nced. Own tra.na. EMPLOYER Previous experience pttfer-COME IN'TPDAY art&. You flimiah trans. $31,<m equity Trade for What do )'OU have to trade T Bax P-7Cfi Daily Pilot. red, must enjoy details 1: lnsuranee Greup ~ TIRED OF A LQNG 001\llWTE? Un.iprd lnlurance Croup ta ' now hlrq for our new di-' -olflce--""' 4/15/'6' ID Hunt in s ton -just "" ... ""' Dt. ......................... wlD-·--perlod ol 2 months ill -Loo.,,... __ the move. Mlleqe wm • paid d"""' ti>b - lmm,dl1te Opettlns• In tho followl"I ., .. , CODING l,iC-1407 ms, small Beach Units. List it here -in Oranp . JANITOR ADVERTISING have itronc pneral ottice I • LOVING Care a~• 547-41ll.9 O:M.mty'1 ~t read tn.d-Job W1nted, Udy 7020 experience plus npt typin&:. llt . Te.-,-· 1S3,<Xllequiiylnlbedroom, ... poat-andmakeadell. HOUSECLEANING, ... Secretary/ Purchaomv -·--_i!_!. 1:= ..':.iO:-.-'::. ck. Mnen knal, Din -Ree, 35x50 pool. Studio 1;ype condo. 2 very perimced lady for many Secretary to $450 cal cocHnc. Math aptitude ry, ....... Cabana w/2 drff<ing ""'""· ...... 111 ba, E'•we. Tnde ...... Wod'o -· m-<&70 EXPERllNCID Bookkeeper Accuraie -pllll "' .. ilO<F ....... ..rvv La Canada. Want Npt Bch for dbl. wide (40') mobile J-"========I wpm, prmous pun:bufns Anaheim l'iN w. 1Jnco111 • ., IBUILD·---.--.---n=-;;.; • ..,, Jean Smith !Utr. 714-home, Ray Gault, Horltage Domatlc Holp 7035 ExC1llont lmplayM departmentexperienoe Santa Ana Ph. -"CCOUNTING • '"""'a-u 646-3255. R. E. S40-ll51 open eves. Beneflt1 . ple:W. Costa Mesa 2100 Harbor "" Brick, block, conerete, GoorpAll<nBylandApncy ll11p1Mlbl1, tap l1vol FC BookkHpor/ AnE<ua!Op.,.rtunit> ~·g;,;tr'.'° ~ omal1. * * * * * * Empl°'" Pay1 F.. APPL y pooltlen fw ohorp, t1k• Office Mono .. r to $525 EmploY"1' 106-B E. 16th, SA SCT-o395 PanlMll Offic9 ch•rp tlrl. Must have Eventually be head ot the C•l'l'l-l"f '590 SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY Cbinooellve-n Cbffrlul Third l'laof 1xcellont 1klll1 Incl. ol!lce. G0oi -p1u1 1-~--..____ a......,;., 66IO Income Tu 67.a F!;::;"~-=., The lroHwlJ 1horth1nd; h1ndl1 lite lilht ••· with lcnowl""" of CAltPINTltY ~icH; bllllflt. Untltr codtna. ANTHONY'S H. K. Cl.ark Accfi Smo. Holp Woniod, Mon 7llOO Nl!:WPOllT B!'ACH JO. Coll lorblro. (714} L191I Sec te $550 Hostess Apply In per-MlNOR REPAIRS. No Job Girclen Service Income tax, penonal or 1 _ _,_ __ _..-''"-.....; 47 C.urts of 'a•hlen '424911 Gflntral law. Type 65. 1h Too-~t'i:':;iei:~ 646--1941 business,yoorh>meorofc. FASHJONISLAND * SALESJ!l'IGINEER * UG +.Wark wtthfinepvup REUBEN'S BUDGET LAN'DSCAPIN. G 3> yn up, 1oc firm. ...... _.. •---L POSITION of YOWi& men in Lquna $63115. U no annrv leave &U-6183 or 6'5-G742 eves ._ ,.... • _,...... u.a mlC at 146-2372 JL O Prune ••• P1ant ••• Prepan: An Equal Oportunlt;y RECENT mechan1e1I · r--•1M -• . ll!oothly ll!aln-.• 'l1IE TAX ADV!roRS m JAB'CO Em...,.. -··-comm""""'"' ln1ur1nc1 --COCO'S Exp. llorticulturiat Yoar IOW>d ok. 328 No. ~ "''"· RopUlly srowmc JO ll!inimum • .,. """' -- ALLEN BROS Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reaal MECH. DISIGll year old commercial pro-enoe. IBM exec typinc + 1555 W. AUm1 QUALITY RAlpaln -Al-· tions -New const. by bour or ecmtnct ttl sec GARDENERS STUDENTS can 64.S-Gal for appl ducta firm speclalliinc in rood 1b. 'WOrkingthelrwaythrucol· SKOUSF.NTAXSERVI_c:E INSIDE'SALES EllGl-ER precilkJn 'moldtnc ot ClerkTypl1t$4SI Cod•Mna )ere. Experienced. llcenled. Your b om•. Rau:mable. . I~ plutics c omp on• n t Heavy tnlllc IChedu1e. min-Work Neai>14CiTMt ~~ALTERATIONS REAS! 6t6-GQ.1 Eves. Norman Manz~ for aupport ot_d--Aevaluatlond. UltDlblf, Career GI>' tmwnoneyearott\otaper-Tra!Meto~ ~·-~·~.NI¥ -, .. J>!;... a.EAN·UP -......i.11.-.t Mow-545-t32s tleld ulei force and diatri-.. ,:.-_.~ p u 1 b ..____ portuntt;p witbe z c e 11 en l Jei)CI needed, ab he1pfUl, for Office Pomtlom: ., ··-_...,,.w ..,.........._.. tbn& .L11¥1• ..... -.......... bendita 1ncludiz:t& · pro It t oppcrtunlt;y to advance. Fee .I: Fee Paid .... -,odd jobo, liaht INOOME Tax Smo., No..... buton liab<>n be-., ...-ltcillL -wl1b .......... AcclJ Clark le $425 Superior ..._ lfASl1:I\ -·· $1 por ......... """' 518-6955 PUbllc. lieu. Ewl. 549-1340, -·. --· miniature ..... _ -~U~ft~• "-...... -, hour.Rlmodellnc·Rep&in. aTAP•~ GARDENER .2361 Zenith. s.A.. Hts. andacc:ountingdeputmentll. , __ 1 .... .._._ ... .: ......__._.... ~"'Al"""" Good 1eneral accoun.... EltaWlshed lN6 11U111 ar ll3WIOll --·-Provide ... lrup t inolde -~--~-" INJECTION MOLDING boclcp'Ow>d tor 1 ..... ca. lBST Harbar Bl, O>ota 11!eoa · · Maintenance It CLeanup • PROFE$IONAL TA X or Marco Oat Industrlel nJ BrJsp Awnue reer minded pl. c.n :ftnt ea.nil C..,.,.. Cencrete 6'00 Call SU.2572 SERV. Home-quick accurate. lalea manqer. '°7 r,o, Htlena, Anaheim a.ta Men, Calif. Keypunch to $416 e WAJTR.ESSES. WW train. , . AL'S Gardenin& s er v 1 C9 $19. Complete! I 968-3403 Pn!fer experienct and/or re-{114) MUOJT Irvine Ind. Tract Minimum experience one tun or put tline. Must be Type 40 to 50 accuratel)I. Some experience or aptitude with ....... helpOJL 'Llal>I C\l&tomer contact. RATING Preitt at least one year of 1t:re or caaualty n.tins e:x:ptf"o itnce. Opportmrlt.Y to ad- vance hl:to multipll line rat. IJv. KEY PUNCH * ~ work. Bond· I.Awn maintenance, gardeD-Walter H. Fahttnhols P.A. lated trainine 1n inside aalei. 5'&-4460 )"l&r alpha .I: numeric. Good u attractive wltb bubhlhlC N A lJc:eDMd. Concrete iDI I: clean ups. 646-3629 Income Tax Service P1ea1e appl,y by retUme or Tnt Techniclall RETIRED man u part time company bendl.ta. ~ty. THE zoo , · Awlnr ot cut' F.dge Lawn MU21K ar 54>1398 ew. letter to Penonne1 Dl..rtctor. To pedonn prod. teitl I: Manager It Host in the Sac:ret•ry $400 2344 F..ut Out Hwy at .... For Detaila and App't. Phillipi O!nwnt. 5'"380 Maintenance. Ucensed eINCOME TAXe friendliest I: most deluxe Will train Wrp strl wilh M~._ ..... ur. "·"'·• • call ColJ....+ trouble shoot complex el~ ~.., '-UM -, ..... Cuttem L•nd1c1pf"I 54MSM/645-2310 aft 4 Pone in your home AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY tromc equip. Skills comp. aeU RJVice laundry in So. front ottlce •ppe~, 60 DISTRIBUTOR opporbmi!1 • PERSONNEL BESTINCONCRETE JAPANESEGanl....,,o>m-ISAnd•P· ..,._""° EMPLOYER loarompellntTV,.pai?'-gaji'.·ll!:C-~!.!.~ .. ,;_ t>Ptna,!Oih. tar ,..u ........,i ......._ ··(213) 314-1213 • M8-1234 • .. t•te yard service, free INCOME Taxes _ .... --1 _ _.. .. , •·-" w/ a!! -w/•-~--·1 ~ -~H-.w-... -_....... ltM Dale W8Y. c.o.ta Mesa ,._. ...,,..._ var-dable bl: pod health, ne1t Meny of eur poaJ.. ~a;a .. _. --='"••• CEMENT Work, no job too ..-..._ -1332 '°"' -·· """'lonn mm-~ 9'6211 oltramlltordrcuillt.-. appeaJioa, "......-ed ID !lent .,1 fM pol<! ~!!;' !:".:. ~ UNIGARD small, ftaM!mb1e, J'ree Ja,.....H O.rcl9Mr bllled, $15. 4N-3422 ofelectrobctnt.czuip.Per-meeUnc the J"lbllc. Sbort loy .. __ , ~ ••• For ettlm. H. Stu!ildL !5IMll5 !><per, oompl,..,.. ..,.;... PERSONALIZED, ex put -not _..,.., oudl houri, Ml phyo ;c ali> ~ the -P or, oppt.; m-&95 "INSURANCE 6ROUP e CUSTOM PATIOS e Free estimate. 548-7958 Tax .ierv. Year round otc., --------akWI need not apply, derundlria wcrk. Wait Wed IOtnll a,. fee paid BOOKKEEPER wanted; ex· ________ , -11oa-1<---• YARD Cl .___ ~as M6--87l2 C111M6-N11 --·Sat.v-~-11 by the appllc.nt, -. bt ..... .-.11 .I: ... __... -· ~~~ •••UP · .,_ . ASSEMBLER..... ·-· ~· -·· ~ chMMI ~· ~·~ -· '* 11•R•Ayt......n--Lie. 9 IO-JOJO ..,.Joe, new lawao, I--------.....,,, ll!uot ll"" cJooe by. yov m1y P<>able. Apply: W. D. ~ ;-.,.J• • BEST.~ Q'.>NCRETE sprinklers. rototill. 646-5IC8 lrontn1 6755 See tbe ttore lint. and '" Schock Co, 3502 So. Gfffo- Walb, pool decks. Oocrs, JAPANESE Garde n er IRONING lSc pc. Exp. required in 1pot-•-eldire CAI.EEi Jobn at the tlcft or call ville, Santa Ana P-. ~ -· Complete s" v; ••. ""' You Brint H1n .. ro. ... m. m•l&I cl•anln&. plus o·-1TUNITYI 6"-l.3a7 alt 5 p.m. MISS nu AGDICY GAL FRIDAY • CONCRETE work, all perienced. Reliable. 642-C389 642·20.SI, 646-5361 ability to lllld'!'r 1tainJeu rrw Sacretary/looldcMpar un l sir1 office in Napln. 1l> bpa. Pool dedrl I: custom. e JAPANYSE GARDENING ;;;;-=wi-u:'-:-:=:-;:;;;;; steel. Good Co. benefits with Join todl,YI tutelt arowtbl Licht but accunte io.d re-Ina App.b' in per1011 Rellfl E. LIE can MB.me Snvice Cleanup Landacap. IRO . G l5c a piece, brina: future for rlabt persoc. Ap. prof1lllon-Mutual J\md _.. quired. Submit tttUme only. Fff Paid mu). = ~~ . 6610 in&'· aJI-703' aft.; p.m. hange . ~~r: PM. pl,y at: N'o exptrlencl 1*Wl7-All repUn confidential. SaJ. Sec/RE/C'.Mltr (spilt) to $550 potntment. (213) 4J9.al74 151 I . CN1t Hlthway Chi.~ CIN W• -• full « put time .,. $560 •• MOO. Sl<:t>/Pftoonnel 1op11n $500 No-rt loich c;. I Servi 6612 Por1onn1I Offlco Mvtvol fund Mvlaon, The Blockbum Company s.cty/Soleo ............ SOOO Tolaphw ncoplion -~ EXP clllld can 1n DIY mme noN -L1nd1 pint 6110 loc. Aloah-Newport Land ...,....,,IPR .......... sooo work. Apply IM!wMn ll!ncd ~:-".'.';' ~t>-Poor •n'• Friond U S D1'ven N>t n. um w--eompany Girt Friday rop110 •• to""° i p.m. " s p.m., IW WOMAN To .... tor oemt-1n- 1.qum •-• EMflGENCY OJn<J LANDSCAPING c• • I.A. ui:.r.;:.l'WwQ 1123 WeltcUff, N"'1'0rt Bch. r.~;i~~~ ;:;:pl~!'° :;..~ywood, S.nt• ~~:..Tt"is ~ :i C-NIWt 6'20 llljN nau,IRS * 646-1234 * 0mpany 2003 Kalla, Honolulu. Hawaii ..... ...,, .............. 1512 CAN YOU QUALIFY? ID ' s1.o; per .,., ALSO ADDITIONS-llEPAIRS IOI KU"A MHonry, Brick 6130 m J'ISCO !Reopond Eom>w Ofllcer ...... lo SOOO 11oo1ew1ve1 who want lo ;;:,"' n~r ~1n ~ "':' ~ Rl!:HODELING --··-.. Main!ud C)!!ke only) Secrllar> .............. Sl50 wad< part time, 10 1ioun DH-" -4'5-5441, 4'~" PRICE .. QUALITY 3323 w. Warner PART TIME Gld Friday ............ """ ""'-k a make S&'!. call ............. ~ ... s!; T !::' K!fchenloBatill. etc. Anytime CUSl'OM LAND!ICAPING Sa ..... Ana Turret Loth• Opor/ SNACK IAR Rec<ptlonltt ........ to S<OO 138-9321 ...... ".. ~ . . Uc'd t. Boode4. nee .. t e &16-1234 • "'" Setup e l'llY COOK e """'"' Ttatnee .... to !3501..;.;""''-'='""'-=-''"-='-~ 1~~~~=~~~ At.BOONSTIUlCTION CllYSTAL JANITORIAL A Goodbeneftt.t.worlclre e OPER ATOR S.,,._ W1nted-IXPMll<I Window Cle.anlnc· Compl ,.. __ _. ui-.. perienc:ed Good PQ" 1122 Paularlno, Q(. janjtort.:I eervice. Busln. P1perhantlftl An equal opportunity condltloas. Pote11tial fUll time in Sum-410 W . .....uaa• •ua .... ...., , • Apply in Pel'IOn * MS-4911 * ret1<11n or conatru. Free P1intl"1 61SO empio,..r · mer. ll!ult be 21. Nnoport "'""" l4S-3939 e ~ ~M 'i:; SADDLlllACK INN Addi"'"' * -..-to 548-873T EQUAL Ol'POllTVNrrY HUNTINGTON men ~-·· -6811 w. C....t 8"' ARCH--·• ~n~ u.,. WI-N.B. Sporiowur """· •·-~-· 1'nd H. Gerwlck. Uc. HAULING. Cleanup p.rqH. PAINT your avera1e •~""-•u""'-' £.mrYJ &~ SIACLll'' n..,. 1•----~ m-«>41 * ~2170 ..__.,_ • ......_ e•· ~ est. Jim bathroom • $10. I have Deaignef'.-Planner to work 1415 Das. W8Y, 0Mta Mta ~--_... CluL 1WWMfl -ATl'RACl'IVE Glrt to modd SPANISH GIRL: Houeekeep. -,.,.,. ..... :r1-.:.: equipment I. kmw how, you on larae Apl projects Ir (n4) semt ....um~ ., a few houri a wfflc, int; I: babysltUrw, need not ,__,_. c ... n... "" 5'8-5325w1nc1o' -•• L11kl119? fumiah walls I: materiala, custom home!!, Gared Smjth MEN s=~A~:= ~~pay. Strictl¥ for speak F.r!cllsb. live -I n . =:.:..i;;;.;. l coat. 5«S-«i90 aft 6 PM. Architect. Newport Beacb ' U&I., m exp l'leClffAl')', Rep. Fountain Valley are 1 , PRQJ'l!:SSIONAL Rua t. Call M8-S631 I p I I M>-Tl5.5 II.I . SALISPIOPLI , ___ " ··-n~--Experlenco In h' 1 v > 1Y '° -M ~Doily Pilot 847-3!121 ,~.-. Oeanln&• Tap Inter or 1 nt nt _a, rs -._-,. ._. •• -r-IJlll'lietl d~tlon. Houri · -,,,==....,,===-~I .,._, 0730 Apll. or houel by Job or C W h H Ip ....... -ve >'OU!W e ... ,..... week plUI Nq experience tlex:tblfl. Contact Mr 1 . • mrrro~ I: BtrrrON ACcoUNTS PAYABLE 4 ttWl~~~tl. H1ull"9 room. LowoUeeuonntH. ar GS e , Harbor Corp. oUen: Im-n•c•11~t y.Pndeakmll Alqna. Santa Ana Com-OP E RATORS : Ex-a.ERICAL. fer lar1e 60-WS CLEAN Lob/ etc !92-8643. Anytime FulltlrneorWkends.. m.tlatetncome; anreulve tn.1n1n1tnprtatirework.No munU:y 800 E. Wuhinfton perienced. App. I to S p.m. homebuilder Construction &tMOS3 or eves prapsd Id ' I Mln aae 18, apply in penon adwrtlsq; bomal plan; m. door knocklnr our cmti> Aw., 8, A. ~~!_~INC. 2901 S. OU, _...... ... __._:__.. ----" CARPtT A :rum. c»antna: tree ft!mav, um,p • P VlNYL wall cov•r nc LIDO CAR WA.SH sun.nee; vacation, etc. • ._. .... --..-un.u.~ ··-_.. for 1 di)' ~ a quall~ backhoe, f1l1 pde. 90-37'5 apeclalilt. Kit, bath•. 481 E 17tb a.ta Meu RelldentlaVlnwstmentl mers call ua. Fflt l.PPf. ~ IULL time dental recep. sto..1G) tor appt. l:ntv. -· coil Stnlin& ... Haullna-Gar&le Oeanupo Material " labor. F.lt, ' PROPIRTllS WIST l:!O lo 12• SlM61C tiooUt """' 35. •Q> .... WANTED Pleaant woman WOMAN WANTED, nleht 1ir1Ptnee1!'MU!D> Trim Hedps, nee.:. Reas. 147-1659 SERV. STA. SALESMEN. llXZI ~Ille Dr. 67MUO !ERV Stadon At tt n d ant Send rnume ID t>1.U¥ Piiot to care kr I yr old boy, lhtft. part tlml. No op. BIG .JOHN • 60-C030 PAINTING, t n t er Io r, r.c-Men to wed full time, W/mt:cb ~...-.hoW. J' l Box ti 5 W~'I1un·Fri mom. l:SO. nee. 25-45. A •• Mr. Doaut, C.--* UylftJ & terlor. very l't'uon&blel •wirW shift. See ~. ar:nAllllllllT, DEU anw. Mmt be raponattH JWJYSITI'ER rtllable • ll:JO tnY home-, own tralll. 135 E. lTth st, C.M.. ,,_. 11ep11r6626 -l11nl"1 6715 Call-2'!111Ne""°"Bl"1.,C.I\!. K~I UIUUH boodable, -bl",""-Vic. Lind.,.;.,_ Sch. ht '44-mlalt&pm. CURTAIN 6 dr1ptrJ 1-----"---PAlNTING, Inter •• atmor EXP cell ~ .. tor advtJnt. ,ndtf, U ~· Wk-d~. Insurance S.C:...t1ry •lealadiel Apply Udatt's PLOOR COVIRINGS i.m: Houl l'C t. dffm1p. SET·UP & LEADMAN Over 21. wlD tnlin U -Sa11way IC ..,._ Dr ....,.,.. / Tl1>l'C t. ..,.......,, '"""" Homa Fllmilblltp. s. c....t Cupell (~loftl. waob. poly-Reuonable. AnY area. ~~::: ~· Free 1or ptutlcs ~ 1bop IUJ' to makie ~ A A Marine Av., N.B. MAIDS WANTED ance upe:ritnce dea1ted, Plu:a. C.ll. ntm.) Vlro'1I and To.a. C'1I &0-2657 Call 5t&-3.170 btwn I am-5 pm rtlattd dtll lttnu. AnJ.Y. ll:i YOtr.iG, Aprffliw: I: l'.barp 331n Ne Blvd., Colt. l60llO GAl3, I have u Ideal S1111111 Latnt sb'IN and Gllarl. CARPETS, windows, nn., PAINTING I paper haneinc. BRAKE A at ls n me n t pef'M)l'.I onlf. secretary for stoddlraker'1 Mna.ApplJ perDt. HOU8EKEEPERJ Jlabylit-~ bu 1 I n ea 1 ~andR.tsidentill etc. Reaklm. at Comc'L n!!uon&bl.e, 25 yn. exp. mechanic. exp orMy many OW SKEF office, For intenln' call ..... __ .. __.. 1 AM ter, live in ma• woman. IAfe ... oar he1d1 Ecptrt lNtalladon. Xlnt work ~a! Reh. ftff:rtnCea.. &U-1.122 com benefita. ' a-i.. l003I Adams Ave. Mr Gedik betwetn 1 A J -.__ , __ e.cb 9 ..... • ILAHKINSHI, MMll1 HOUSE Pailltlns. Quali\l' at Y:I: Lane Ttrt C at Blvoktiw1t,· H.B. ' to S PM; ount&ln V.U., ---• 0 11 •• tl:wetber! 5038lJ PLOOltS . Dttcount OUnbw SUvlol a fair pricel ™" nt. Call o...n Aw., 1.quna ~ IUllOY WI-~ ..-,.._ aroo. .,..,_ = . -QIO mo. . =m,.~, lG-1403 141J.1'C ~ • CarJ>'ll. u_... Rick. ........ Kl'l'OII:N Help • 2 ~ ' .. s --..... be -........ fltll time -= ":'" .. ~ =-ELDERLY --m w. Oolol Hwy, H.B. . ..._.. e Fut -5311-1416 e PAlNTING, Paperl111 11 yn T-4, 1 """· .. u. Hi Tln>I out cl --JJ"YLY ...,._ W°"' illlo -I --' • $1011 ""'· )ll'ho. ,_ 6 I ,83;;no;.;;;:;;;;.-.:7.-:-.-: ""*pulll _.. 67'" inllarbar...._Lic,._ Dellca....,n. 495 I!:. lft!i DINNY'S ltelt. -'-"'•c)oo~eala· HL .. otl>rrhlp. -·' --·Nloo -· llalL 4illlfiltJarlATJr = I_,,. T.. • .. od. Rell -&0-2351 St. CM. s.e Teri)' U M!14 -1*<~1toC. SIO-mT ROUU»!l!:i'Ql Dom P.,lnt. Call -~ ~~ .°L..~;: ~ e RAVE l)nptrill NtDnl l29ff Beedl Bhd,. . ''llZA NOJUNG1111.t>'' _,..,.. ,;.-_ ~ .-......... 00,llTVAM. IE • Sa!Wled Oleot .... Pl-'-..... ;, "'° SALES.CLIRK ~a .... ' e lNVJlN'IOil'f --' "="' =---~-..,... Coll -ilan'lt Tu Sernot. 911> ,,... "¥• = Full time. Apply ............ 111.lllO IS Nar TOO NtiCli CON'l1!0I. C.W. -T EXPElt. bock olllct pt 'f'TURE --'° COii lor lDca!1Y. Avail. U -. 1111 e PAT'S Plu"""I· All THE TOBA.CXXJNiST Inc, ... mon -40 with car -N.B. 5P«to-SLEEP II> btl"11!"*<, 1 AM om: Sil, '*"'IN; ,...._, ~"'t.i::t ::.--· llMlrial ... l\oo!leveJt Way. C. M. typn. Free estimate. Calf J'uMon bland, Newport to tUt lhcrt a!PO trll'I....; M&nufactum until 111 AM for 1 cblld. fll'Ol"luq-to ~ time bl . f -~""-'.._----.::-'1.tAct<" 540-*1 ......,. DAILY PU.\)T Obie.Ao Booch Ottoo. Air mall P.1!:. itliv l!rA MAN. -· No_..,.. -2 ""'· lh'oloe>· 5IWl<1 RESP. Wcman Jar chlm:h t LE CTRJOAN Ucewd, 11 ~-Ad In our cluaitMidlT IN1 Pluter ext •tucco dry LINES. ?OD cu 11:.111 them Pa •• Pm., Tull n.nntry braktl a ~ RaJ MA.1VRE Mml.h ilr ft lief WAN'tiD: ACll'UiiW. ef.. minsy ·~ ~-J·V., -...u Jobi ll!alnt. Som..,. w111 be "'°""' tor w.it ,.....,-, ~ A/., ""' Jm -, du. Dl&I Cotp., -ru, 1'rt w....._ ""'7'• Cbovlon llM s. on 11 PM " T All lhlfl ~ellnt, esp'd, n..1 dnt ._'hr ""-_..... a ~tr . ...-It. OW &lU67J tntuftd celllnp. ~ IC2""1I ~ '7'Sl01. Out Hwy., t.quns S..W)'t1' Hom~. M-fTll rfrl tor Dental etc. -..at> SOCK lT TO 'Eliofl -·-.. -_ . ..-. .. -~----... -.w.; • ,· ' ' • 1.1 J . • I ' . -J • . ···~"··-· '····-i ~ •••.•. ;,..::.;. . ~ ·~--- ' Wtdnrscia.,, ;:,0nwy 201 i~ • JWL Y NT M~K~tlAND1$~ •OIC M(RCHAND ISE FOR MERCHAND ISI FOR MERC~DISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MlllCHANDISI pr&--;M::;li'-·11;;;1;..::HAH~Dmin><S"-.: 'l r:t·? 7; ~~~ANO::;:~ AND TW.!o ~u:~ri~N: T~Fu:l~r~~ T~ .;,.:.~·::. TRA=~fM;:~ s:: TU:~o SALi AND TRAiii .,~~-ra ., ~·•• .. !•••••••~••°" Ot-iCE ·A Y~ SALE . • -.. Jll• -· Gd 'TAX ·..,. 1· DllM"·~·· c TUNE RS -RECEIVl!:ltS , ,,,,.,,i;._ ·1&1. P1111·•115S. ' • .:111 HUii ~ Fisher FM'·200 ~ 98.00 it:'!:'~~· ·u· D:. uc' Tl. 'o' N' s' ALE• . . ¥~f. ~lo Jnt'I Sbor!·Wave ::: ~~#0 l.,"4'Wk.:"~ • , ........ Kenwood TK·HO (New) 299.00 -.r .. •. 931._,. ! • '. _, ' • , , • ' , • • , AMPLI FIERS A PRE-AMPS .. ~":.!~~~"'":·1~ S~jll Once-a·l;~r ' I 3Pc. w;:~l~ts~;. ~=:= ' . t," ~ ~ . 7 DAt~~'!'L~~RCH_. ~'.'·ONLY · "_'SEf J.~.i!:~f.· ~~lste~~p. 1::=. · hr~'T.!~1 ... 5::.;.:_ · . . u.••.wr. OYenf""ll•,. ·* i• 1Q '°"'t-'-· . J>fAlctec1nto1sh565MM~r1n~.Amoop.w. Powtt 100.oo Factory ~Jes, Fll\IDC• CO'• & llepou~ • ... _......,.... -111!1 ... < ,..,...... nv '/S.00 .~.CREDITORS Dl!MAND CA$H~, ;; FULi. ~ "·f ! DONt 'MISS' THIS !•! ~.!iii1:"~~~t~t-i~e~~~P· 325 · 00 :t.~E:~~;~~:;;e: ;.i; .. "!;I~ hew ••pOrienCI.· . ·~~~~VE . DQLLARS ~ •'•IO' "'.2 .... 9~ R.Ec~":::.L~~~:~. from ' 1 ocoo to ss.oo ~:i.~~~;;.~~!! -.. ·••.~t!' . ,. ...:J-·~·-. 2'x3' ll't Thorens lumlables -to 35.00 cust built new ·Kbsg ibe'beilml<sel& •~)le ExciwD11>loy11 .llallli ~T!rms * ·5~ Cfici,.j. "~-.. ,!;!'.:..":!. . . 'N°i;~:!'l.=.lp~n Rec. mahog dln'rin set e .2 wlille I; t!(kln«i,l&a 1 111s. I SpQnisll' • Mecnterr_an •an ""'~:..=-.::::~;....... cARTRIDGEs ,.. P1c1t.up ARMS 19 .eo ~ :.~ ~~~!'cl'::~.~~ •. ~!'"""~ , ~ APPL v· " 1,.UTHINTlc SP~ISH; .Bednlq!IJB, <U\i!J\g Ortofon,. Enlp~; Grado -•10. to 20.00 I I.• ... .......,.1 OlflOI rooms, game l!Ols, dinlllf J'<)O:..:~··tablea; -·--.. --.-... .,...... TAPE Rl!CORDERS I Color TV'o-B & W's..:ster........COnil!O! .~ ' . 1"i~ ~loor lamps, wrought iron arid a . ~. \IC.,· Hourt: Mond1y.f rld1y 10.9 Tandber< Model'S, Stereo Rec. 149.eo * ANTloUES * cirand piano, beaailtul' · • · · etc. .:• ";,-·~. '. l · Sot. 9-6 Sun. 11-4 Panasonl'c RS755S Stereo ~. 110.00 .carved legs, & many, many more ltemal lhl 8!''1'•Y ' . APPROVED FU~ ·, ~'LS Otbers,_Ampex, Revere from '4$. to 95.00 I ¥nser"\"i's, Stoves, Waslier~.-jj~. I !; ·~~=~Nof~on . 12 i~:~ =8?;-.~~~e;.:,;, . . 11urnilure SPJE~~~!g EJl~~~Ri~tem 395.00 We Fina-Witt. Good Cr..t1t ·' -~='~ rs . s~.:;!~ ~-~5 ' ·~ wusua/ Bozal:·E-500 ~t0t"'J."' Encl. ~:: AOK"';..~~is:"k,~~ry .. . ~ . "a.9660 ' Wbarledale W·'IO Encl. W/10" · ~ · .. • -( ' "" t7tttlfACN ftYD .• MUNTffifGfONlfAC.._::..,..... ~ · dWit-cone Spkr 35.00 ~ •' 7722 GARDIN GROVE BLVDs . · J"' ' ' . . ' ~-· • • • • • • • • •••••• .• J.B. Lansinge-43 Encls. w/ill>AC 1 Block .W.esl of Beach Blvd., off G.G. J'!1Wi, ( U'NuSUA' ' 'l ~llS i EMPLOYMENT 'oas. a EMPLOYMENT furniture 8000 offi~u7.1h;' .. ~1oid Aftec 51~ ~:':!\t.~e'"' C-0" e:.. ~:::~ Milj,011 ... ~.. -r A ~ ·r. 0. 'p'p"o·"·:JL •• n· ··t·y· ~·lit Mon;Wom. 7500 Joi.-.\11n, Wom. 7500 20 PC. M~DERN" ~W.::L";."';w ohait,' ~~8s~~~s~~~ Spkn. (~,to l~:~ MIJST SW. w... 3/l. .... , ...... , ~ ;l rw WANTED' Coupl• IOI'...,., } ROOM . GROUP $100. 540-\771 ' ' M-out al ...... ua.... NIW •, r Co. , t of adult 36 unit 8.pts. Exper. ·' -C.C.T.C. Simmons hide-a-bed ct.tr w ENIUIG 4] The Indepe ..... t Order o! mpu er ntt. No pels. C.!il. The Dal-Incl""'" floral ... &.~ Conrac AV12C Receiver 180.00 & ottoman ma-• Nill ·~irten ,'have ~ • Jy Pilot Box -M..fil.9 • walnut tables -~ps • Garage s.1. -8022 395 00 -u .. : ...... .Uher, u· $ .............. 1. $,. 1~: ..... """'in·Soulh an... Ope' rator <0mpl•" bedroom wilhquill FEB. 28fu,· Mar 1 • "· ~hil~s dc.Bec.TU.VC.CC~er~--era 495:00 'boat • ..;;;~ ...... 29' Col 29 l/B ~-1': 'twnty:,Requtre intelligent Agtndu, Men & ed mattress~-pc, dinette, BargAins. 2 Sofas $35 a: ~~i:n · ;, · · "4!' '. 175.00 8ayc:rest ~ 35' HernlCbatf. ..._,Olimr : ttWl or~=~ Women 7550 etc. All for· 7. 7-$100., ·gas 1"IUlge $6.'!i., ma'ple lfUITftl\ FABRICS desperate, ,,,,,; tr)' $12,000 .,., lej:e "'' ·~·-•· lmmodi•l•opinlngavail· . dining · rm. rel l'O· You JEAN MUSICK CORP MlllUI 38' X.ttenburs 'l5 c..,,. ·· haw~in _rnee~ ab~. Mini-mum six ~~-_fee reunbursed -~ $550 Nodown-Pints,only$10mo. name it, we've. got lt. . • . e PACIFICYACJn'SAJi:se ~; pubUC. ·I>lgnlft(ed:. life, ·time montha experierice r:e-'!)pi.st. •••••••• ,. ....... $450 WEllf'S WAR' EHOIJ. SE 675-2636 . or 673-2031; 112 2080 Pl1c1ntl1 Av1.;'C0tta M.11 VFOR SALE 3446 Vla °"""' N\W~I :4 poolllon. -""""'"""' """"' on Modol 36<J.20 ~'\"Im< Sec : J3,51! F hr UI\ Diamond, Balboa bl. ' • 541-U71 Rmmanls, aampln 6 Mill 24 Hour Pbono m.wro · C!I tmmediateJ.Y. ~ be disc .,.. system Rat. attic nne-........ $,125 endl Sat. On17 a a.m to 2 SCR · in exceaot $250 weekly. or • ar Draftmnan .-•. ; ... ,;., •+ In> W. 4th St., Santa >.na MISCELLANEOUS Item.a ot . , ~---....__._ ~ AM L"TS 1 ·• plus'~ Apply to: Sates ........ ·;,.,,, .. $650+ Open Dally 9 .• 9 . furni~ & appliancf:s. 'lS5 Pianos & Ortans 11~ Pianos. & Ortans 1130 p,.m. 9'J9 ~. uml& ".esa. , "; -~ , . ',,', Te!epoont: isu7oo'.be.-• p I Off' Wolder ................ $520 &I. 9. 6 snn: ll-6 Hu-. 549-0lll6 or 540-0J11 • N p• • '-.1 ft....nJ , FLOOR. COVERINGS ANSWERS ., .s Ml. l fM 111qo: lhru Fri. ersonn1 . 1.ce "'""°1, Trans ....... ~ · . ew •-· . Granv .. r• lltJ carpei.. vtny1s, TU.., la""' -, " ;t .AM .• 12 Noon Sa\Urdays Merchants Personnel Appliancu 1100 w,trRU'i'ZER &: BRADBURY Our new oraan department ·stylel and ~ Commer-· , · • ~ ~ ··~·· . u s D1"vers 200 W•ilcli!I Drive I •• SPECIAL PURCHASE • Al! ·-" !lnlahn, "" .. mw open !ealm'lng ~." Raldential. Expert Cymbai '-w ...... -<1!*19-. j ' ~ • ii. · · Lob'bx·Office Refrlie to tomat1c Alneri(!an made, 88 note, del ' TI:IOMAS ORGANS lndillatlon. Abound-<XIM!!:tfle NUDGE r: ' _,/. . Company . Corrier ,11tb" Irvine washers~a:~iher !~ ap-~bench&tuned.Prlcestart. wtththeexcluaiveColor-Glo 642-lff.GM. ran~. 1262 ~~tbeone~~ ...... u -~ .. ·,Newport Beach M 'd' , ...... _, from _,...A, L..-~s ma at $499. and Playmate. .... ~ . , ,. :.ti1•,.t.i., ' . ~mo -54.'>5685 e llen1ne11n ' :tf;;;' ... u. &:~!No . Wurlitzer Ol'fJ!lnS Lawre,;.,. wF!E!_ .. , muafo Ll9h~A.burn' Fill ~: ·"1"'" rou ... "'' 3323 W. Warner · . -· • -t . · Down. we""""'· s.. •t: • NEW • --Pd 11~ $2S ·" lo Santa Ana School•lntfruction 7600 ."-ecelved· ~ancellation_ . FQSI'ER'S Many CJther make&. Many cow., a $100 value. tree r ..... 537 ... ff~~ p.m. 17 Fl'. Perfcrmer. ™ ;.l Opera rs .... .. Th N rt , of $22,000.00·Spon lsh 1718S Brookl.unl, Fin Voll•Y ,,., .. & finis .... Prl .. , wtlh """' Tbomu ~ ._... . -· ' Delwce ....,., can ··-l' • • e ewpo · d Ml\l,it w · ""' ..... ~ ...., Prices atart at $595. .,,.....,, _.__ / t-dm)· outboard. .,.,__ S hool of B • · an , er r•-•n ·, (SCI.,,.., .a.rnerJ .._..u..n a•-~ at sl .....,..,~ vuuurn ~r w a , ...... _.. An equal opportunity c u11ness Furniture~·· . ~ORE .~u Dryer, ex· ...... $595 . . ~OCISI' Mu C tacbment& Ta& o+er irriaD ariap ®'rn 'OOver, BJc Wheel ; Eittllllitf EinplpyH ·Benefits APPLY Penonnel Offlci • Third F!oor · 1he Brolilway . .. .. empleyer FEATURES: All Ne!' Top Qu411ity ceti~toond1tion $45. ,E'VER.YTIUNG IN MUSIC 1139 Newport l lvd, CM ~i2 ar~ ~~ ::~~·~1'= '·' •Electric typewriters : 1lr1ftd Names . ' 847.SUS · , Comer of Newport & Harbor • KE. S..T289~ .~ • DklaUng equlpm.nt Decorator's Drum NORQE ,Aul<>matic Wuber, Beach Musk (enter 646-0271 · · · PRIVAr& 'ilriY ·-iw ~' e Modem CJWce procedures Houu on Display late model, like new $7S. . ONLY sun., ~-2, fabWoua ~· must be xlrlt cond • .. Brush up Gregg Shorthand Items as follCJws: GCJ.r. · 847-Bi.15 Factory Sales A: Service P.RIVATE PARTY annual ,tla' market an. ' or without mCJbr. (Iii) Variety rd duties ' lncludll\g • Personal Development· geou.s 8 ft. ?lstcim quil· PERSIAN 2x4 $4 3x5 Daily 12 noon 'tll 9 Saf 9-5 Wanta: to buy piano tlque1, rummage, fumiture, ~..siss ~.. "'... y . typing salts orden, relief (Ask CJbot CJUl' Special oiler ted sofa with separate · rugs ' ' 1740t Be b Blvd c'H 39) for Cash. 213-817·l0$ new & ~· ,~ ,Bcb' SHMlP 16' boat WI~ ;1; Joose Pillo~ with heavy 4X6 $20,·6x9 $13, 8x10 ';t9, ,1 • •c ·· wy · ANTIQUED PLA~ F.est\val Grcwda,. • • -~ .... ~. 40 ..... _. receptionist, te~jibone oper· which includes free typing -Oak trim decor and n'lat.: h12 $81. -~ 1.,, mt. So. San Diego Fwy. ..~ =-. . ."',,,.. -t~ J!.fur.Musthavegoodsecre-instructlon.l . . ' .chiog chair, 3 matching SEAR'S ~l Lad K Hun~ Beach 847.ss36 PIANO * ~. PRIVATEllUV~vins·¥~ 'l:tnller.$150.~1 , tarial skills. ·' · .646-.0J,P oak occasiCJnal tables, (:l) ~ uxe. Y en:-· * 673-&212 * , Wiabes ·te· teil>.U fUrri I: 18' CHRI$CiiAiT~~ =="""'=""'-~,-1 .... ""'· d""!"'1nr 1am,,., more wuhlj\g ma•hl'!"· '°" Used Organ Sale --•!tmi. ~. lllboaM outboa:d. IJSO). -· ·:. LIFETIME Gilt, typewritlD&. an 8 piece maater bed· new $75. 67l.0737 · . Taln)llon l205 Jeu· ttw1 .11" moa. old. Jib'.~ ··. 17~ •If ·staco, Inc. Children. grandclilldren, or room suite in pecan pan-ADMIRAL . m ' Sp'·-t ·-· ~IMI • .... · -'" -1l39'Bakf!r st. yourself! lndivfduauy, tutCJr· elled Mediterranean style apt Ille re g. lfaqunCJnd MlOO u""" -PA:CKARD 8tll. CCJ Io r ~ . ,,_.. • Costa Mesa !12626 ed Chilcoat 10 leSS011B typing With top quality ts .yr. ~years CJld, copper. • $85. ~ond AlOO Console $1800 ~ 2:1.· .. 1961 new 'ptc.. .... e~ VACUUMS e S.llbNtw . 9010 Steno Typist 5f9.3(Wl hoot 113 DeJ Mar CM wm:rantymat~·l:·box · .· • 644-f.177 * Hi,mmondRT-2.C<>neertwith tutt~be ofteni'MS--6100 Jio up.~6ptrt&. · · ... sc • • • spr'!ngs. Spa.rush decCJr • _ HR 40 ................ $1895 · · , f.O..._; __ -: .. ~· '."'--'~:Uaculim CORONADO 25 1Sa.Ua~ ~.~ .*. .... ........ ". * An ·equal opportunity 548:--~ dining set, etc. , ~ '·,Antiques I 8110 Hammond C3 w/spkr •• $1750 * W~ 21." '*.. '-~Jftb,.~'12-1560 . Pdce ~CORONADO 3f ~ ""''gwr • employer · WE -are starting ahcither Whole houseful! W11 · Hammond 8-3 &. Leslie '2150 O>naole; W. new ''35· -· ' 'S&U&wa.v"Pl'b ftr,885. Info ¥ No Experltiitce . BANKl!IG wbeol·lhrowing """' w.,. regular $1295.00 ANTIQUE Spanlab and lilex. Gulbnnaen l'tt'°"" nn1y 6 Alt. s: ,~ • ; , .. ~'J.c:~~ "":'.° ~· on ·new.Coionldo' %!," ao: " .N 10 . Pay;.,.. & Recei.n ..... TeD.er mCJ r n. in g.s. s.e av t e w MUST SACRIF.fCE religicius art tnn. small pvt months old ............ $3395 21,, R,.,. COLOR ...:. > ~·'"' , •111.1.· Sl.botl-ccmplete. ..,. -~&llPV -.,,. ,_.,,. Ce "' 0 -A $56' a· 00 -n .... non 18.thC ... i .. t San , -:'-'.•,•.·, 26 GIJ.•·..-z1.wn.. w -. "-11'"" 9,' '. •w -o ,'•" ~-,....-J wj,th desire to leam other ranucs, """" ...... -..an ve., ~, · : • ~· · ALL. PIANOS ............... .,.., '>'7111 . ~~ -"' -·Must have ~-C&utorn1a -t>)iues CJ! bankiitg." ~ Luuna Beach. 497·1820 : . , ' . 8. -. . Aflto~? w. ~t frame; Mex-20% or mOM Savinpl! " ,~, ·=r . ·~· 'ete,,~1~ ; ~ .... ,;.,*CAL 25 *· . ~;: drivlnc recon!: ipPiy . .........1.-P""O' J••••n•, BA d_,_ l~n .. curcrn.:c. s ma 11, Open Mon'& Fri eves. HI-Fl A ShlNO 1210 Q U A,f l ·i'! ~..L:::,__ bed 1 ""''"" ...u . ·~u YELLOW-CAI CO. ience ... 'f........... ....,.. "'"""" ... _...... ~J~dJvM~a11~ .P~: pnrruti\19 w. mset ~; HAMMOND . ,.... w~qullted. ~· ~p. , c.all~n ?" . l86 >E. ~ St. Pl~ Apply ln Person -~~f. ~9~· Begin-TERMS -We carry our llth h C. n~ I I~ n; ~:~ in CORONA DEi. ~ Sl'EREO lllll!f IOUd state ron.. ~ Uiid,~ Mrth $250. SABOT No f738 dac:ron· aail; Costa Mesa 3415 Via Lido, N.~. MERCHANDISE FOR CJwn accCJUJ1ts. ~"~~pri~ or exchange 285t E. Coast Hwy .. 673.8930 M ., Never used $85. Al., . '· IOOd cowJ• S285 · ...... ~; • ., Executive ' · , I /] uv WE'RE In stare 6 • w a In u t AM I F M UPHOLSTERING ,_ $'79.50. 2 · * ~. ~.. . '~· YOµNG ."~'6-. ·1 SECURITY PACIFIC SALE AND TRADE I , fCJr good nautical antiques. . CJur new , m"ultqilex. I speaker aUdlo p:. .(t\p'opean cratWnen} --·* ,•:; engop<!, ~·,;.:"' NATIONAL BANK · 8000 61>-'629 ~"""'Ile M1e ~ .,._ Nomally ..U. tor ,._·est., de~ pickup, 215 l'Ow.i Cru"f,.· ,1 . o" ~ w9ma'n for private Furniture VASr Stock Amer I: Eur ~ ~.~-~ "89.95: aacrlDct • $250. Mlln. HB "Berny1' 536--6«J5 "20 rn&11,. :riiturlnginCJral EqualOpportunltyEmployer · M I furn & clocks. Larry & CJrgan "super market". CredltDept.535--7289 OONY 500 Stereo t ape SACRIP,ICEJ pro~(.· -3 Jin per 20 Pc. ap e F11rnitur e: . Morgan. Antiques, 2 4 2 8 Pianos from $195. Oriam • recorder, complete with 36' Crutm .. w/15' mocdac; 41';. !:'~:1"'Ci., ca 11 A((llllllT.llT 3 ROOM GROUP at HARBOR BLVD. N•wporl Blvd, c.M. from $195. Sportlnv Good• ~ "''"'"' & milreo. nm !Op cond. Miu! ..n'b1·wm. .~~ 646--'l.fl3 '. . VURI' ftl 1nJUaes: Living ropm set • f 844 Newport Bltd, ~·s. ,Oak roll top desk WARD'S BALDWIN SI'UDIO * SCUBA * .. . . $18? ~-~13 en!/ 541-889l· !<ft 6, -· • ,: 646=-7413 9 til S. tables • lampg • bedroom &: chliir, ?WJ.t cond. 1819 N'ewport, C._M. 64W484 tankl re&UlatCJr a pack Xlat LANCE Tublnc ·Bend e r · ·R • .,l .. Est•I.• s..... • . Degrtt In Busin•u Ad-"''. quillod .......... 11"· Costa Mesa $55. 548-8006 PIANOS'" ORGANS ~ W.1887 . w I swedger a ...... ·-llaet.Sllp·-ri ... 1N6 M:, "' mbUs1ratioo, major in · 1-din'"" · AU for · QUES CLOCKS -di Men .. Wchlltn p...-.... 5,,,.,.44'9 .. . (only) ANTI I FamCJUS Name Branda -gra.mmed. 2" A: 1%''. es, • ROOM ~for .c o.S o·,· ',.:•,• Expanding aplJl. (lftioe # A....,.llng, J".i.md. FOSTER'S ANTIQUES from $529. , M11<1lloMOUS l40G, ...,.nable. 642-0907 " BALBOA P£Nlll8WA. ;: 4 openln&S. avaiJable for Please file appl.ic.ation by No down. Pmts. only $18 mCJ. 642-6138 • 1903 ·Federal, CM Also USED Instruments 5 PIECE d!Mtlll Mt ·P>. e 5S-f953 • ·· Ucensodt tnoomel!l'TI !'~~~ Mr'"' Feb. 28. WElJ('S 'WAREHOUS.E Every nit• 'Ill 9 Gould Music Compony • . . 841.nsi. .,, ~." • --• Wed., Sat., Sun. 'Ill 6 Sew1 ... ·M,, 1ehln11 812.0 2045 N M•ln Sanla Ana * llJl'.Tlllll * ' u.••1e ,._ • -.... ,,. (;~ Sp.rift& Realty, ·City of Costa· Mesi ~ · · So. ot ·Freew·~ 547-<al AIRINn Misc. Wanftd 1610 ~" :uuu ·~;! ·~ ·: . . 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box UXl 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana • • . 1968 SINGER CJOmplete with Mon & Fri 'tU 9 SUnday µ-5 . Republic · C"tt Meta's PRINTING. duplicalor oper-. .,...... Open Dally 9 • 9 '17 Pc. King S11e walnut ""'"*'· Du• ., HAm!OND .... lnway y,. . V~· a Stor... . • .. Yu r Rounil . ' alnr Hunlingll>D s;a<:h. Ex· Sat 9 . 6 S\Jn. u. 6 Bedrooni divorco •""""'"'"°"""'°"' maba. new ",....i pi.no. FRIDAY . FEB 21th • WANTED ,. Mobl11 Hom.,ShiJw, ·~! perionc:e A.B. rnc:1<,,. Multi. 0.,.0RTUNITY NEW ,wuJnut bunk """ & Larae 9 drawu ilz,, ... r mJr. . S37·1388 85~r·~umBu•: """"001 " or ,.n makes. Be<t buys 111 7:30 P.M. , Fumlture e Appll1nc11 lll'-20'·22'.U:. & u -s !,'; M111t WOJ'.k.wlt.pouf iuPe~ rr mattresses, perfect cond., · ' or. · mCJ. on Hi So. Calll. right bin. Boxes, Cartons, "Wroom Color TVs e Pl1nos From 16995 • ~- ion, smi:ll camera expe~ for 2 licensed . Real Estate paid $200-$125. Walnut end ~r,,2 bedside itandl, king blind hems, CJYercasts etc. St:HMIDT MUSIC 00., beds ETC Casa Loma, !SQ' Hllbor Jqt. ·~~ deslied . Will t cohsidet people. Your own_ desk & tables 48x30, $10. 644-2005 ll1.e headboard, Crame, ~t· N 0 a t tac h I n e e d e d . lOOT N. ~ ~. "·Di=·-~bine~ e sh I l'f:. ho Caribee, Roll-A~ ...:.... . .1. .. :: ~: ~·-.::..~ P.O. Box pbone. Good advertis:lng_pro.-aft 6 nm ed mattress, lheets, blailk· Guarantf!,' QKr 526--6616 Santa Ana .. ,. G ft 2 • llCJule Hotnette n..1!= .: 1~~ .. _..~-.:..:.1. _,, " · et.s, etc DIJ:w'!tte1, Lamps, TV's, !'fc-ir"'t , .. 1 · • 1 ~ ... ·ay, uw n\IU.._ .... DPM1t -· = ~: rndl== BRM. set, Uv. nn. aet, ~t-choice of Spaniib . Musli.I ·lntt. 1125 turei. Mattres8es. L1kt new .-.. _ s.han.. ""' IP;;:AR:;T,;:;TtM&;;:;;"'°w"orut.o.i'~Aiiv;i'ONiii I leW In...,. on. '" "''' lamPI lo """· • or Mod•.m Slyle ---FREE TO YOU •vowlo .,...,,....,SU.... Re-40 • ..,.~.::'.:.....r .~ @"~t1,.!!'~ 1.E.L>•he...,..rRe11 ... ..-aa1te'.ePM All .For $249 G~i~•~,,H:.,"'u\';;'D":" ~'.':;.,":.~";.~ ~~=~t:: ·r..m-~ , ~· t.....v your 1860 Newpcrrt Blvd.., CM Sacrlftce 8 white Sota No down . Pmtt. oril,y $9 mo. ORGANIC Fertllber, aged QI ~O~!! Reuonable. ~23!)'1 Yoo cu pq mclN' " 1: :!.,tmi~.·~ an! 64&3928Eve.m.57'1 $50. * '•*' WElJ('S WAREHOUSE ~·~;:,~-:~= =~:.=t CQMtBROWSEAllOIJND WANTED:,,...,.,...._, bu!Yoll'oin'tbu¥~ • ., bet "' I!"""· 540-700 or IOIN .............. DIAL·dire<:t .......... ...... •• WILSON . YAMAHA mulcb. 833-5332 "" --v·s AUCTIOll fin .. 518'"--· -availabl~ 111,U ...... ,;:; ~ . · . DAD..Y PlL01.' '"AtCT AJ?SI )Our ed, tbm ail baCk.tad 1iOO W 4th St Santa Ana Drum Headqu•rten betw 8 & 5 Moo:° thnl ~'ilW 499-l990 Baf H•rtiiir '. '.f" THE .QU1ao:R· YOU SEIL 6'2-"11 lbleo 1,o Iha --t Qpen Daii, 9. 9 e NEW ond USED e Fri. • '2128 l!l'1511 N•wport Blvd. PITS encl LIYl~TOC;K_ ~~·':&': /J!':" ' I • --,:,..._..,.. ____ .. ___ O:-""::--"'I Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. 11 • 6 LUDWIG; ROGERS, ASTR0 WIIT. Male Poodle found 3 Behind Tooy's Bldc. Mat'la. ~ ' 1820' % block EUt of &nor'81Yd, 1 ~ fr.AL. CCJntemp. din. rm. set, Large selectlon.1wlth new • wkll ago to Mme wtth CCJata Mesa * ~ Cifl · , 00 Baller ,, _ ~.~ . . " 2 marble 10p buffets; BR. ~· sets and C)'!Jl~ start-chlldttn: approx 1 Yt o14. ._OPEN DAILY t to 4 • HIMALAYAN B ~ by~. Colt& Mesa ('71() ~ ,,. &et '•'Nfdriwr, m fr r 0 r I Jl'C at $9&,51). ~' hJ.hats ~ . · 2111 ~ by Champion, 10 mo'• · : , . ! r~ ni~ tbles, CJ'Jbe twin beds, and eeta repaittd . ..All small ND Gd hm tor)ovable prbrd. SPAGRE'lTf l.oftn. for· ·,Old. -.ul, iMPlf.. maL ~ llwd r.; ··-~ ,.., ·675-6037 parta. a~ l:·t)'mbals Bassett, male 1 yr, Lovn tamOuJ ~ h o ase GW3'l6 , 1CXat; 2-~·llll'.:.ln. " 20 Pc "MADRID" 1nal0clc..,;,..,,,., • child hoosplt 133-to3s mllllon OolW .....,; ....i , · · · "'" ·l'uJl •lqlh -....,. .,.., • . EVER~·, • .,....Q,IN MUSIC • (. '2m name; ~ • $1 eaib; boP" 1125 Jna, ~ .. ~ ~ •• :-: 3 R Ill G . • ••• 1. Music Center ....... -. chock or -order .. -• • • -. lta4lf .. -0 • . oa ~ _ _., l1IEE IO ""°"·-,,If. •J.',(), Bo>! IQM,, ~ALASKAN Maf•lll!lle .. AKC, bL LoC. fn,,_ 1$,.lll1'. .: FROM MODEL HOIUi>:I · , · · , fectiCJnate Siameae c: at• &f Cillt 91161 female 4 JIKlll. Exot8ent Full" ~ incl t.iw 6 UC. ·.l lnchx!n: Q"""" "°"' 6 Factory Sala 6 Servo<o0 Lovttcblldren. -= ' · tor · • .:_ .._.. -i ~· ~ .,;;,,_• ..., chair -2 ~nd. ~ . :0,,. Daily 12 D!>P!\. 'tll 9, ~t 9.5 . . em. 2., YRS ~ Heal~ .. · -pr-;r;:o. -. ~--.or-1 • ( J ... ~ '"' labl•-llampo-t:: 1140! Be•ch Blvd,, (lhry )&) ~.:or = ~ """"'"""''Ii (ldce, write = ~..,. ,'°"'t' SElh tllo, 1>111 Wllll ,W ,_ ·er-min.r-i...dbomd:.. 1\lml.So.'SanDJeao"'1; '"' ' • . P.0.-11111ll61oi.., ..,.,._,, · ·~-'I'&•~ quilted box cprlng • ma"° Hunttncton l!each 841.&s.Ja SG-m4 211'1 pb. M. ._ • . · !· _ · ·Nontal&D ~· P.111&, mount. 121et ~and •c.inJ ·,, ~·-: S pc, d~ room; 12-STRJNG . Jkr)'er guUe,r, 1PINETREE61 ACACA J'lREWOODlarllak .. WIQ AJ<'!''dllu..-··~~~ mobatllamlliw.at "1.' r table .. f lrl:i.t,clr ........ lib ·-.. Will -TREE FOR FIREWOOD. _,,....,, -W.!O ' ll w--:· .,_, Wldir Sain <lO!ilPAREAT$7b.15. SU$ii ~ ~ , ffrl ....i m, % cN. DeL. A ClilA1:DuoMl.8-Qro-'-.lldiole-.. "'.,; $39,f El.Ee. GUJtai • Amp. GUPPIES , .l baby "'°""" -d ti... !ll·--~~ Willi i101 520 11. llorli..;'LA; ·;·: " ~ • ...;__PmM -~ .;,, -Good cooaJtlon All Ill ""1le bowl, :15 o1I to-Dl!lCOllATOll'S \hw;llbilod Ml mL ' • A'l.1571" • • • .. ' ,.4 _.i ,.,~.,.-8IO. ~ .. !her, ~ 2l:I8 -· 'II! -. 'IPl e POODLEll iliC'MJn>.ToJ IDVEI..Y iiOOCl -•tor ' WElK S WAREHOUSE . --nGERC.t-Sl><)'<d~. ai.del._ • , 'malel. ,droll>f@I •)•~«,. oahal 4ual or":risoi ::: '"~<lh·-Q,,,' P1inoa A Or!!!!!:_ 1120 .vory al!ecllonot" l1inost 2 ~IO~ pm. • ~·-4 p.m. • Patlo, du-. • v~ .,, -..... old. 613-0137. 2/21 SCHWINN Vuolll' JO ii14> ION. SOwr ........ fuli JO *th. - -b-1 UPRl.GHT Schwnann Piano LOVING HCJme w/Ch\Jdml bo1a bike-· IQOd. cc.xi a Wb.·lliopapei'I· pn·bnd. · nuo.. Of lllilaL" .... Of. ' 1.,.,i'i';.7,""'-;=a:::.:= a: &~~ ~ m: ,. yard nttded ror SpHrwu ea.u dt. sla ~ '· 1 , ..... ~ " . " fir, 1754'11 " ;~~1;,: !attm.s. bed z~ ke7I ~. Spaniel tpuned.-~ 2118 (J) 9 x 12 wool 1VP 6 BU.CS J;rwt Dabe, 2T t;rit ta0 ilf, 1 ..... _. ... """ ~""."198,--:.~:WA!ttAD6'1~~\llk~W:l~ ~:.1oo~=~~ ~-·~,C&ll ,. m.;:'<ia~ r =----'Dial 6C$1I for ~TS BR.ING ll!IM.TSI Wbli. -I Dbn-Wbito El-T CHA.aGE.n» Dlll?&JfWIJlrllll ' ' ,, __ .,__,,_,.._~-~.._...__.. .. ,. ___ --~---------- ) l ,~_ .......... __ -· . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OUR OPEL PRICES • • START AT • ~ •1777: • ·• : IMMEDIAR • READY FOR • DEUVERY : • • J .(t 1JHGJ • • POOLE 'S FINE USED CARS • • • • • : ,•u TOlONADo • "'' ,._,, f1c.t1ry •b• •.....i. fSIHll2 ) • :. $2995' ·• • '67 OPIL • • Spt, Covpe. R41111l1, ll11h t,. a4 1p11d. I -ri•r. lUOF-. alOll • $1495 : • '61 IUICK • •S,,..t W1101t. f1ct.,,-11t • a..-.. rH i1, lri11t.,, P•-• er 1t11r. IVZX241 J • : $2295 • !.---~~~~~'· • 'H CHIYSLD • .N.w Y•rk•r h•rd t•, c••,..• r.11 pow•r, f•ctory ~r. ll!c•itd. INHA 1141 • • : $2295 • • . .. ,,,, •• , ... # -• • ._ .... ' ......... . .. ·~-----~--:-.. ---.--.• -.---.-.. ~.-. -.. ~.---_-_-.. -.. ~~ .. "I --•iiliii51i ... =lllm:!ll•--....... $99 OVER . INVOICE! . . NEW 1961 WHILE THEY LAST! ENGLISH FORDS NEW 1961 · SHELBY · AMERICANS DELUXE 4°DOOR'1 DELUXE 2-DOOR's . GT 4-DOOR's GT 2-DOOR's Station WC19011s 4 Speeds, Automatics .,,, ' OVER ACTUAL .. 99 FACTORY INVOICE WHILI INVINTOl lll LAI Tll No sales expense charges • No prepa· ration cha"lles • No delivery charges. You pay ONLY $99 over actual factory Invoice! Compare window stlcken with our sale prices to convert these truly unustial discounts Into acjual dollan- and-cents ·savings on these final fac· tory shipments of 1968 models. GT·SOO's GT 0 350'1 FAST BACKS CONVERTIBLES 4 Speeds, Automatics $99. OVER ACTUAL _ FACTORY INVOIJ:E · WHILI INVINTOlll l LU~I SHELBY AME1llCAN FOR 1969 ! Theodore Rob ins Ford, Orang• County's 0 N L Y Shelby American Doaler, proudly presents the uncommon GT for '69! GT-350, GT-500 NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. THUNDERBIRD SALE 11 to choo1• "'"'' 2 iloor •nd 4 clotr "'°"'''• Htrclfop1 1nlli L111do111, All with t lr conditlonfnt I nd full r owt'•. llflll with 1t1r10 tep11. '6J thn1 67 Mocl1l1. IXAMPLI '65 T ·Bird Landau Fi.illy 1111lp~, 1lr c1rtef., pow1r wl11cl_,.,, I 111h. l (v..-l11lr; price $~)Ji. IOY•· 621 ) '20 % tlown ., tr1il1. $13~5 ~~:~. $48 r::.::. '6 7 T ·Bird Landau R&H, tllt whl., ''''" PS, Pl , lt-wlncl1ws I: 1ttl, t lr r.1ncl. ftcl. w1rl'1nty IVCkJl21 20" cl1w11 ~ .,. .... $2895 ::~t. $76:.:...:.: TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAR? BUY NOW· PAY LATER EASY FINANCING AVAILABLE GET RED HOT SAVINGS ON SPECIALLY EQUIPPED MUSTANGS, FAIRLANES & GALAXIE 500'S .• The se unique '69's wire speciaHy built to save you money on t he most wanted 1969 extras! Come in, 111 the amazing sav ings we're offering on such op- tional equipment 11 air conditioning, E-28 whit1w1Us1 vinyl roofs, deluxe wheel· covers, tope slripos, bod~ mouldings1_ etc., etc. llttlnD QUANTITIES! .HURRY WHllE THfY WTI '64 FORD SALE 7 TO CHOOSE FROM 2 Doert, 4 Doon., SH1111, H1'4t op1, Co11° \l't rtllil1 .. W 1t o111, lllfll •Ith 1lt 1nd pew. ,, 1t11rhua. EXAMPLE& ''4 POID eALAX11 IH 4 DOOi V-1 1ufo)l't1tlc, fully 1qul1tp•tl. (T)VR· 4JI), 25" tlow11 or tretlt . $695 Full Pr l,.. $23 pe r 30 "'°" '67 Mustang H.T. Cpe. VI euto., R&H, PS, fectory 1!r. l h11 l otk price $2454 IUJl1171 20" clow11 or tr1cl1. $1695 ·~~. $47 ~..::. MUSTANG SALE 11 i1 choeae fr11J1. "'"I: "I" cyUlldtrt, 4 •1t••cl1, eut11111tlc. $11J11 with ,._, •l11rl11g incl t lr r.on4ilfot1lfl~. 19'5 thru lf61 moclel .. c1n .. 1rtlblti, t1W1t•• tlld Z+J f11tb1ck•. IXAMPl.I 1961 MUI TANe H1rclt11t C1up1. hlly 1q111l1tM IWXS. )ti I 20" 4o-., "'''· $895 ::~$31 :::.J:.. TRUCK SAW-SERVJCf SUPER CENTER F·IOO Pickups to Heavy Duty Custom Rigs. 5pe. cial Fleet and Lease De- partments. Off SIASON CAMPER SAVINGS ! BRAND NEW 19691 f.250 PICKUP .... SCOTSMAH CAMl'll ·~~ $3495 (litt· No. JJIUllltUJ Scotsman camper ii com· pletely fumlshed with lee box., 1tovt, etc. Sleeps 6. F-~ pickup hu 300 ena: .. amp A oU puges, l&:MJ lb. f'Mt sprlnp 151 8.<Xbl.6.5 S. P4' tubele.u Urec. dlx. heat. er and defroe:ter, ett. Many to choose from at th1I price! UllD CAI IAU NICU lffletmr n HOUU UMLDI PlmOUILl' IOLD AU. PAYMI NTI llMQI ON APPIOYID .CllDtr Save on Eldorado, J'our- wl.nds, GoJdUno Scotsman. Over 30 varied floor pl&N oo dlspl,a.y and naey f~ lm· mediate delivery. OPEN SUNDAYS I •·"'" t. t ,.111. M111.f rf e Set I ,,.._ h 6 ''"'' Su11 IO 1.111. ft 6 It·'"· PARTS lo SERVIC E HOURS 1 '·"'· +, t It·"'· M111 e 7 1.111, +. 6 p.111. T111.f:rf PARTS ON LY ' •·"'· •• ' , ..... s .. MG Saltt. Servict, PuU Immediate Deliwry, All Modell _11r lu po11 JI I JI p L1 1 I ~' '64 VW, orl1 owner, R/H, BUICK encine overhauled, aood I--....;;;;.:_;.:.;.;.:. ;... __ I tire•. 1150• ll+.Q136 '67 RMERA '6' VW. 2 dr, Sunroof. New Full power includinl factor)' bi'akn. Motor excellent. a.tr, atrato bench 1tat, radk>, I $900. 546-8270 or 646-99il heater, J: bn.nd new wllite 1 '66 KARMANN Gbia. Top wall t1ru. ~ :;:iedal 3llJO W. Cout Hwy., N.B. cond. Ru! U>arp. Belt of-Lie tJJt 3JlO 6G-8405 MO-l'lM fer. 536-4659 ~e. $32ft Autborlted MG Duler '59 v.w . excellent o:md. Best ~ '67 MG MIDGET otter, 860-38!3 R.d$tr, Mart In, ' tpd, dlr, °" °""'°"''"""""''°nd. Wire Sport Cars 9610 wheela, cream white body, ' plush black 1nt. Driven by '615 TR.4.A • I.R.S. Bflt. Bae. llltJa 'ole. !IWI from Lquna. Tm. Wire whh. 4 opd. Xlnt e~ $85 CUh delt. will fine prvt. ~co::nd:;·:::R<:=· uo:;::nahl=:'::' :::,,.._::::n:;";:_I prty. L. B. UOF 593, 491-9713 -or 545.-0634 Antlquos, Cl1ulc1 9615 14f·lllJ-4'71·11tl '63 MG Mld;et Xln t Cond. d 1971 HAUOl ILYI Red w/blk int. Must llelL 1 '36 Ford p11le, 2 ~ oars con.1. MDA ' Best offer 546-3M1 a1t 6. ''5 MG 1100; $.oG 80-1922 complete with sJ.a,11, 1 bood•r~=.,;;;~"""=---1 slightly beat, 1 bell bOus!iW '63 , BUICK lnvieta waaon. with rur end. 1 '40 Ford tun pwr, ddu int.. ll&ht hood deluxe • 1 grill• d• beJa, Priced for quick ~. 1======== I tuxe. Set ot back seabl for $M5 Prtvat!' party. llT-1fl0 MGB v.w ...... PboOe SlUlll * '66 BUICK Riviera, 11111 1--------1 H.B. Alk for BID. equipped. Immaeulate eon- DRAFTED, must tell '63 '47 CHRYSLER 2 Or. RJH. dltlon. Call Mf.2ft8, MGB, $795. Call 968-1316 Original $250. - - ' am to ' pm "' 5lt)-468S * -* CADILLAC aft 8 pm, OPEL '68 OPEL Sport Sedan; fKI HP, red; llc'd, warranty; 15,CKXI Mi. Xlnt co n d • -'67 OPEL ' spd, low mUeare. vinyl .... 11400 prl prty. ..,..,,.. PORSCHE ------..., PORSCHE m Coupe AM/FM, headrest, radlala; bllt. w/white inter. $0!0 61.3-2585 Ew1. '66 Porsche '12, Like new, $4,000. 536-4621 SUBARU 1969 SUBARU from $12971 66 MPG Complete torelp car Rrvice Kosta Kustom Kan MS Baker, C.M. Mo.6915 Autos Wanted 9700 '6T CAD. D -D•r•••· ==~="'---.,--! AM/FM nno plua an tbt WE PAY • • -extru. Blacll: vinyl teft CASH Atciic white lower. New Urea. 21,000 ML Haft a can, need only 2. *"°' Belt i: lowest price Jn So. for used can A trucks just Cal so.ooo Mi. ltrV1ce poUcy ' call UI for frff ettlmatt. transferrable. '68 LI e . GROTH CHEVROIET 1-=°'""=• .:.::'*:..::1819:::,...,.-- Mk for Sales Manqer 182U Beach Blvd. Huntlncton Beac:b KI "'3331 WE PAY CASH - fOR YOUR CAR CONNELL CHEVROLET 282& Harbor Blvd. ' Colta Meaa 5f6.1200 • ., COUPE De Ville, ...... air, leather, xlnt «f)d. Private Pf.IV, CH-«13 afttr Tor wkenda CHEVROLET '68 etmOl1T HOYA SEDAll Automatic tranamlaion, ta- dk>, heater, poMr •tffnnc, air condlHonlD&. Serta1 No. Will Buy Il3Sll8W238615 Your Vo-or l'l>ncbe $2195 .. ... topdollus.Pllcl .. -------· 1 ...... Coll Ralpli ATLAS TOYOTA 673-11~ OlltYSLER·PLYMOU'nl '69 TOYOTA'S IMPORTS w "" -Bhd. 0..... ~ c..to M.,. 548-1114 Large S.ltctlon TOP I BU"Ym . Open 'til to p.m. FOR BILL ~IAXEY TOYOfA ''4 CHEV Immediate D1ll'l1ry , 18881 Beach Blvd. • SEE us TODA y IL BeoclL Ph. 8'7-&11111 • Dr. Malibu. I ey!. ..... 11.l WE Bey ~ and junk ~~Ml.'769. Lo ~ vtr1 ,.11 I .-! • ••""· '°' -~ 1ut 5615 ""' UflM pickup, Anytime ""·00 JOHNSON Ir SON lunnD'1'C> WATOI -·rv -... nr\11'\ I~ the let )'VU find tn tbe Llncoin-Mt~ TOYOTA-VOLVO O•e!fled AU. Oledi: tb1m 1941 Harbor Blvd. 60-'TClllO 1!811 Harbor, c.M. 64M303 ..,., ''5 CHEVY IMPALA 9600 11...ib>p, V-3, fut ok'. dlr, rl=m;'°:";ad~A;\rlM~~~9600~~1m~peo;rt~ad~A;utoo~;:;~ 1oco1 cu. Ece11ent --ISO Cub dell or tab fortlen ~ ar in trade. WUl tine pm [i[ • J:I · J, ir:, ~".:"""':-,..· "':..;..;....,=,_~~-~::..,..... ILMotl MOTORS ~~.='!!.': 11300 llACH aYD. WISTMINS111 IM-Jm s. °""' R't!J. IA-. m-<M-;.;.;n,_•,..,..~~~~ 4 1/2% 'll QIEV Impola i!iri..,. Runs aood. $391. Febnlat7 a.aruce Sole! -MMSlt L A\ ft11111tl11J 1v1ll1"i• 111 1115 EL Camino 140 HP. M"k ,,,,. .. , tf &f'Hllt. bla • enc. auto tnm Mt. REE-FREE 5Sl-113hlt> pm. COMET I.ls Veqas Vacllion '66 COMIT J DAYS lo 2 NIGHTS fO~ TWO • t>r Capri. V.a. •UIO. flet. N• hrc.httt NMt tt•ry •II'. P.S., Duer! btta. w/ matchlJlr W.rlor. AAYm 15300 Bllch llYd. $U'5 JOHNSON Ir SON Wesfnlinsler Llno>ll>Mtmo111 194-3322 1911 H-Bl..t. 642·"80 PLA.<Z,.. .... = OPIN 7 DAYS .., .. ...__!) PllDJ' d ... I -- \ I, . \ . ------,-------------------------~----~---~----~-····---·------- . -. ·-""' ....... -··· ·--·-···~···· .. .,._ ... ,.,. WedMsdly, ftbnwy 26, 1969 TRANSPORTATION fiiANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION r RANSPORTAfiON • I -CADILLAC ior NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE- ' • .o;.. • .. ~ , ·-J • ·7£.(l · TR.OM WE JvIJISTER_ CRJlF'TSMEN ., ... ON -· DJSPlAY AND · READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! -----.-;...,·,,.OVER . 80 ·QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM------ 1968 S~DAN DE VILLE • ,A beautiful Chestnut brown automobile with sandlewood top and matching cloth and leather interior. Has all the popular power features including power 11teerinf{, powrr . brakes1 IXl"'er windo"'s, power seat, rectory all' condl· tlon p1u~ premium tin>s. This lovely car has been driven vtty few miles and ls in excellent condition. {01171 $4777 1969 FORD S h_owroom fresh with only 2600 miles. LUX· ur1ous LTD Hardtop Coupe finished in meta.I- lle ueen with black padded top and· plush black brocade deluxe interior. Full pov•er factory air conditoninl'. Stereo At.1-F1.1 1.1ulti Plex. AU deluxe interior. (XIT 421) SALE PRICED 1966 BUICK Custom LeSabre 4 Door hardtop. Sparkling ) teal blue v.i th malchlng interior. factory air conditioning, automatic transmission power ateering, power brakes, rildlo, heat'er, etc. Truly a fine automobile that must be seen and driven to appreciate its fine value! ISIW- -4.99) ' SALE $ l888 PRICE 19~7 CADILLAC ThiS ·~vl'!ly Scaan DeVille has all popular power &1si1ts in~ludlng power steering, po\Vl'r brakes power w1ndov.•s, power seat and cad- Ulac'11 famous factory air condltioning. This lft.utltul automobile has been very carefully driven and shows only the finest of care by : its pre:: 0$3177 . PRICE . 1967 JAGUAR 'MKll "3.8 Sedan. Arctic white exterior With black leather intrelor. Fully equipped with auto· matic transmWion, '1Qwtt steering, AM-Fi\1 radio. chrome wire whee-ls, less than 20,000 miles and U a local ·one owner automobile. (TSJtml SALE PRICED 1962 CADILLAC C.oupe DeVillc. This ntajestic tuxedo black Cadillac v.•ilh \Vhile leather interior hu al- most all of the deluxe fcaturH that C.dUlac is famous for including pov.·er st.eerina, power brakes, power scats and IX>Wtt window&. Alto has Cadillac factory air condltJoning. You must drh·c this one. (JRH532) SAU $666 PRICE 1966 CADILLAC SC'dan DCVlllc that is absolutely gorgeous. }'inished in Spanish Sliver \l'ilh rnalchin~ cloth and lcath<'r intf'rior, fully po\l'f.'r ac- cented wilh llO\\'Cr Sl('('ring-b1·akes-v.·ndows- seats-door locks, Af.1-Fl\1 radio, auto. cruise control, premium v.•hite side wall tires and factory air conditioning. <RGN297; SALE $299~ PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 door hardtop ii fuUy equipped ,,·!lh [1<l\vcr steering, pov.·cr brakes, power "'indows, JX>\\'er 11Cat and Ford's famous fac- 1.ory air condilloning. A beautirul satin silver exterior wilh black vinyl interior. J\1u~t he seen and driven to fully apPrecintc! {RTil· 339) • SALE $2222 PRICe •" 1960 MERCEDES BENZ Popular 190 SL Roadster with both tops. 4 gpced transmission, radio and heater lJ)Us many other deluxe cxtru. Must sell this one for a low, low price. fEQE048J SALE $1555 PRICE • € ' ' j ' NABERS CADILLAC HAS THE LARGEST SELECTION ~ OF lATE MODEL, PREVIOUSLY OWN ED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY THESE CADILLACS ARE ALL SPEC IA LL Y -PRICED ·.NOW FOR THIS SALE ONLY SEE US TODAY! 1967 COUPE DE VILLE Coupe beVil!e. Beautiful Boroque Gold with gold cloth ' ~I lntel'lor. This car is exceptionally equipped with (&etoey ah· condiUonlng, po1ver steering, power brakes, power scats, po\.\•er windows, tilt \Vh£'el, door locks, light aentfnel Stereo Al'tt-FM radio. !VE'I\' 556) 1967 BROUGHAM Fleetwood Brougham. MajeaUc reaal lilver with black padded top and black tapestry and leather interior. All power includiril ateerlng brak'es, windows, Vtnt window&, truCk 114 n!· leaae. Stereo radio, tilt and. te,lescoplc attcr· tnr wheel plus factory air condJt1onln&. CUKV 239) SALi $4333 PRICI 1965 CADILLAC The popular sedan DeV\lle n1odfl tinlshed ln lovely burgundr with black vln,yl to11 and black leather interior. Hu power stcrring, poWer brakes, power windows, Ult stf'erinE: wheel, AM-FM rad.lo and factory air condi· tlonlng. This ta a beautiful automobile that ill 11riced for a quick sale. (NQX514) SALE $2333 PRICE 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very sporty hardtop U1at is finished in si,lver with black all vinyl bucket seat In· terior. Fully loaded including Big VS engine, tri-!JOwer 4 speed transmiK!llon, power steer· ing, pov.·cr brake:;:. radio and heater. factory air conditioning. You lvon'l want to mils this one. (SAA494J SALE $1999 PRICE 1963 CADILLAC This is a l-lardtop coupe that Is gold In color with beige vinyl top and beige cloth and leath- er interior. Has automatic tranamisslonhpow. er steering, . power brakes, radlo and eater and air condlt1onlnr. CKIN709) SALE $888 PRICE 1966 OLDS TORONADO llardtop Deluxe. Emerald green exterior with green cloth interior. Full power Including pov.·er sleel'ing, pov.•er brakes, power win- dov.·s. tilt steering wheel, factory air condi- tioning. Low mileage and absolutely eorae- ous throughout. (SVX120) SALE PRICEP 1964 CADILLAC Coupe · DeVille. Stunning gold exterior with gold cloth and lea lher interior and black vinyl top. l·tas pov.·cr ste<"ring, po\ver brake&, pov.·er windov.·s and o( course factory air con- ditioning. Lovely car. IRIF253) _ S~LE $1777 PRICE , li68 EL DORADO The ever popular El Dorado, Finished ln bar- oque gold with beige PQ.Ctded roof and gold interior. Tilt wheel. pov.·cr steering, power brakes, J>Cl'VCr v.indov.'S, JJO\ver seat, power ''cnt windows, pov.·er trunk lid release, Stereo Arrl-FM radio, and many more luxury power features including C8dillac f1ictory air condi-tioni ng. Better get here first. (VTL367) SALE $6222 PRICE 1967 RIVIERA Gran Spol't. Lovelr midnight green cnttfor wlt.h black all viny interior. l·Ias pov.·er ateer-lnr, power brakes. power windows, tilt steer- ing wheel1 11pe<"ial high style Gran Sport wheels ana of course factory air conditioning. This ·autom6blle lhowl the fi~t of care by tta prevtoua owner. Must .-.e. (TSD498) SALE ·PRICED .. ~ .. ---· -· -------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----.---.;.,.-•-· ---..,..-'....-.-......,....-- 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM • I • VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SALES & SERVICE CENTER • WE AUO STOCK ALL ORIGINAL FACTORY Et;IUIPMENT TIRES. s39':~ lflCLUDING MOUNTIN•·IAU.NCING I EXClll TAJ • FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SAL E PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUl~DAY, MARCH <.-1969 • MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SA TU RDA Y and SUNDAY. -' Your Factory Authcirized Cadillac Dealer Sel'Vihg -The Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 • u .. d Ca rs, ____ _ ~~~~~~-~:.;.::...=;:;;__~~.:..;.;;~lc.;.;;.;;...;;.;;;cc..~~~9900-';:;:c::..::::.:. __ ~990~0 1 .:::::::..::::.~-~-'9900~ Und C~rs 9900 ; ' ' CONTINENTAL CORY AIR CORYmE FALCON FORD MERCURY OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC RAMBLER · GIVE )'Our wife all the m:ib apptal in the world 1cr f;W1L 1962 Continental, air, Pd condition. fi73.-a71 BUSJDT aud'Ke1Place \n town. TIMI DAfLY Pn.at Quollled --....,. , tillWI 6 effort. iml ... 111 ---------'65 CORVAIR MONZA Cpe. Auto, R&H. &ilver blue metallc w/matching intcriol'. NBZ903. $750 JOHNSON & SON (,~rrMercury t!Ml Harbor mvd. 642-7050 '68 CORVETTE conv, Int'I hlue, u new, oriJ: owner, AM-n1, autom, pv.T strg &: brakes, elec windows. new tires. Immaculate U400 494-5489 '68 CORVE'ITE Safar I yellow, auto. air, AMfFM, hd top wfrernovahle panels, etc. vrry low mil, xlnt. '64 FORD FALCON STATION WAGON '66 FORD Fairlane 500 '67 COLONY PARK H.T. 7 fir. v.s, auto, tacL air. 9 ptga, wrn. Air cond., PS, 4 Dr ;:t_ ~uD!:~r. F•ot '63 GRAND PRIX P.S. SUN396 PB, R &: H, lugg. rack, auto. Alr."Whllc w/blue int. NBR-m. $1375 trans., rear lac. 3rd seat, JOHNSON & SON ••• 410 '""·· d"" ac1. !All $1495 Automatic trano;mission, rn· Lincoln.Mercury gale. new WBW Urei. Low JOHNSON & SON IM?-1ACULATE! VS, Power Steering &: Brakes. Auto trans, lo lo miles. Bucket seats. $885. dlo, heater, air ronditioning. l!Hl Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 mileage. ~.450. 5f8.3263 IJnooln..Mel'CW')' tlEJ625) 19Ci3 FORD Falrlanc 500 4 1941 T~arbor mvd. 542.1050 ~ $695 Or. Sta \Vag. Rcblt 289 VS-MUSTANG __ 1962 1''-85 Cutlass Convert. '67 GRAND PRIX ---------1 .: 1967 RAMBlER SST Rebel coupe, VB, automatic, factory air cooditlonlne, pow. er sk-ertrw, JXJftl' brakes, radio, heater, white Pde wan tires. Extremely ab&rp. (SU l<ll38) 9600 Imported Au rot 9600 _,_,.__,.._,, _____ _ t'n i;. Pis, auto trns. $700. ,67 MUSTANG Good rond, xlnt tire&, day Hardtop, V-8, dlr, pwf'stccr. A1'LAS ~sialifomia Sl. liB. GT Cpe. V·S, 4 ~peed • AM· 646-8871, eves 673-5092 ~c:;:d~ g~~e:;1.sne:~ $1795 ATLAS ~a~ WE AR ONLY #2 So We. Try Barder For.-JtlL· 41/2•/• IANK FINANCING- . 15°/o .DOWN . On AJ1PFO¥•I et Crodit 41 Mefttha a... 'htaMI~ Anlla'le . WE NEID JoUI TIADI JN.I I ··.JI AIOU~WSI ..... -~~ 646-930] 1966 HAUOR, C.M. COUGAR " · FM radio, pwr. s!ccri""• 1958 Old!. 1..li1v mileage. .... GOOD COND ",75 take foreign car in trade. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH HOT ROD! '31 Ford Coupe, pwr. brakes, fact. air, wide · ..,. · Will fine prvt prty. LB TSP OIRYSLER-PLYM011I'II '68 COUGAR 2929 Harbor Blvd. street. S3600. Invested, 2ncl ov&la. TNH056 I ==Ca:=ll,::64;:'-,;"":=;,:•="='=pm=.= 730, 494-9773 or 56-0034 2m Harbor BlVd. Costa Mem 54&-l934 place \\inner lnternallonal $2095 1.c::::...::.:..::.::c::..::::c:.::c.....-Co.ta 'l.fesa 546-1!)34 o~n 'til 10 p.m . ...... S.11 or "'"' lor • JOHNSON & SON PLYMOUTH '67 l'ONT!AC 2 Dr. HT, P/S 0 ··• 10 Lime with black padded top. Loaded and air condlttoalng. S2800. r '. Stotts W-6S81, Ewa. 962-'lmG --~·-----'---1 wheel drive jetp. 546-8906 &: P/b, new 'lires & brks. -===="'="=w=!=p'=,;::m;;:. ==I '61 FUTURA 2 Or. R/H. '"" 6 PM. Linooln-Merc"ry 1967 PLYMOUTH 41.llXl ml. $1'75. 842-8424 -' Bucket seaui, $250. 1941 1-larbor Blvd. 642-7050 to 11te. TEMPUT * W&-4981 * :61 COUGAR XR7, JD power, 'IO' P'ALCX>N Ran cherO ' MERCURY' '68 MUSTANG 2 dr JIT, 189 .Fll1'y Ill .fi Door hardtop. VS, '68..,~T::.A~.1~ -ui .. '• '66 TEMP'ESJ' Sc Vli.,;auto, lacj air, AM/FM, wSdc oval ,.,IL N-~;•I,"~. '---------1 V -I, R/H, PIS, Lota of automalic !ac'"""' air con. rw.y "" ,.,..; -.._ .. _ ,_ 01 ., .. .--· -•• extra.a. $261'.lD or offer . ' .... J ~ A:ft6°"" 87!-.fi«IO n.1n, ,.,,. w·-·· 11.111, tirs. MUe offal'. 64M17T * 546-t981 • '62 MERCURY 8'1-3!13 dltlootrw, power •teerina,""' -· .-·~ • w/w ttrn. 35(Q) ml, lharp, Col Par1c: Sta. W I · dlo, whlte aide wall Urea. '68 PONTIAC GTO, ,-Q>n. Ff, pt.y. P."93: 49f-83151 ,, FORD . "· ----<TNB2991 -Ubl•, all ........ u.im =::::::::::·;::::=== ·DODGE :~~'!!;'·,~ r~te. 0v-OLDsMOBILE $1895 m11 ... '3tllO-m-a36 "T·llRD •. -"5 ... 00_bG_E Coronet 2 Dr. • .. FORD $595 ... 1vmmv ;m. V4 "''°' N-va1.., &c.,.lina 11111 JOHNSON & SON un JUYll I " ATLAS tob . ""' -.,_ 541-6'171 Windows all way .......i. 3 Llnoolt>M""""' SALIS .. s1•v1cE let.ta, ~io, hnter, dlr, 00 Harbor'BJYd. &C-'ftr'JO · " Cl!RYSLER.Pl.YMOU'l'll 29'l9 Jlarbor Blvd. FALCON 196.5 FALCON .~t Convt. 289, 4 1pd. MaiJY bt:ra11! -..... 29!1!. II YOUR AD •l'M a..ASSJ• FIED.t Someon• "'11 bit k1ok:tDa for tt. Olal IG-W1I for quick, efflelrnt teaulta. aulo, excell1nt mnditlon. Ra-OlDJMOBllf dial tirta. $50 Cash deb, or MUS? 1ell '65 Colony Part take trade. LB SVE 50f. 0tJJ 9 pus wagon. Full· power, 2950 Ha bor Blvd Jim f!M.&173. air, A?tl/FM radio. t ~ Mesa ' ,56 FORD Sta \Vftl:, auto ~.,;;,. prv !'lrty. $1795. 540-9&40 U81!d Cars 54Q..m1 '59 PLY1r10l1I'H cua;tom 2 --I ....,...,,...,. dr waaon. pwr air, w/w, trano, PW\" ot-. •-'" OLDSM""" r ~·ml • ~ -··• ~-11 ~ rubber, man;y new parta; '86 , MERWRY Brceaewa1, " ,,_....._ "'I'-C 01~" _.., """ on u •nl- $1.50. S4&-91113 pa, pb, r &: ti, vlnl't Int., as, 4 Dr. P/1, p/b, ;ood c~:.::.='-=-~-~ $1600. XJnt cond. 54M2$t ~B. ~ CaUfomla '63 PLYMOtml t Dr. RJll, f"or .Daily PUot Want AdL Slick, $525. Dial 642-5678 tiial &t2-S678 lor RE.5UL'l'$ Wltlle Elephants! * 546-4981 * Costa M"" 546.1934 Open 'tQ 10 p.m. I J RAMILIR NEW l8 Rambin. NI m , romput, $204.1 + tax and Uc. '6i T-llRO 1'Ul1 ~r, fact. alr. wtiltl'! w/blk lnt Uc. IYEt31 -Nice but priced at wholeale1 at $nS JOHNSON & SON Llncoln.Mf:rcwy 00 ,.ar.bor'. Blvd. M2·1fM '59 T·81RD $250 c.u aJI. pm. _, . Fer Dall1 PDot Want ML 't1IE QUJ'atnl~OU CAU.. Dlol 642$18 mE. QUICKER YOU SEIL ) • --·:._ _____ -~-~":C.:."...:.:·:..;:.·~-~-~·-:_~:.;.;.~--................................................................................................................. .. I ) l • • l . ~: ' . I : · 1. ' • ' • . \ ( • " i f ' I, I ~-,..~~-:::~~~~~....,..~~~~~~~~~~-:-~,..~~--~~--~~~~ ........ ~,~ ..... ~~~··~~71r.r:,.....:;.,....--:-~~~·~u.--~1 ·:: • 1969 FIREBIRD .· Brdlld New · H'Aa~'~I' · Beautiful Carous•l r•d aut0- mobi19, equipped with sp1clal paint. 8-70xl4 ;ea lin• fir•.•:. delux• wh11I cov•rs, d•lux• st••rin9 wh~el, wh.t91 ~openi~ mouldings, custom metal :J riln pl.tos, 223379L601492 s2a5,2 ..• . -· · lllAK AWAY . . · ~.filtOM HUMQRUM ,J,nal~ou'IJ ~rie~i!nd . '*"1rtrir!f ,~, , ... ~·t '!+!\·f VU''siOIJ!t1'.:fiili'.:.,U. ,1 ·~g'you •get ~"' w)E!el of •any one or our '89 "' j>ontiac Break Away cars. Wide-track ride •.• powerful performance ... comfort and .-•'1ety, They all have it. From GraJt'J Prix to Te1upesL You • nanle i~. And we"ll deal on it at ROY CARVER PONTIAC. • NEW 1989 TEMPEST SPORT COUPE ' Cam•o ivory. wlth:ltl.ck int•rior, recessed windshield wi-ptr11 d~luJt• wh••I. discs, 4•1uxe ste•rin·9 wheel, .d•cor tnhldlft.ti;JfJ,n p•ckag~, automatic tr_ar,smis .. • · :..J slon, r:~h l>utta radio, fi9ater •. t:iow•r sturing,, . 11&xl .. hi!• iicl•·".•ll ti ... ,1213279700754 ·: ·' *2983 . '66 CHEVROLET '6& PONTIAC GTO $1677 f•mily w•9on, 6 cylinder, •uto. Sport Coupe. Va, 4 speed~wr. , m1tic, rtdio, heeter cemper 1teer.1 redio, he•ter, SW, equipped. (T81000l vinyl top. I SSH 2711 '67 BUICK GS 400 $2777 . ,68 PONTIAC GTO 2 Dr. V8 hydrametic, P.S., red-V8, htdramatic, power st eerin9 & bra e1, radio, heater, WSW, io, heater, WSW, factory air. f•ctory air, ¥inyl top. !TPYSl9) IWIC 06.71 '66 PONTIAC '64 CADILLAC $2377 Bonneville con¥. VS, P.S., P.B., Coupe OeVille. VB, hl,dramatic, P.W., R&H, fe<:t. air. WSW, P.S,., P.S;, P.W., P.S., actory air blk w / blk top. Red buc;ket conditioning. I ULF 203 I seats. ( RZA 451 ! '68 CHEVROLET $'2777 '.63 Volkswagen Sport w•gon, r•dio, he•ter, P•nel Pickup. Redio, 4 speed. •uto. transmission. IVTL ~89) . ITAV 41ll .. ·'&&PLYMOUTH $1977· '&6 CHEVROLET Fury· tr 9 p•11: \lt'agOn. Vi, tor· Melil;u , 2 Dr. H.T. VS, auto., qwef1i1Jht, power· steer:, radio I~. radio, heater, WSW, buc- h1•+•r, f•ctory •ir. ISSU /Ill k.t st•ts. I SVY 948 I -... :t ' •• ' PILOT-ADVERTISER~, I .... j) .. ·' "· niE MOST EX~mNG CAR OF ;tHl:>Y~I . 'MEW 1969 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX . limtJight 9f~tn. 1xt•rior ~ith ''lj~~ :..i,nt•rior. T ur~yd!~atic ~rensm~ssi~n, push1.button r•d10, he•t•r, d•lux• seef ltelts, pow•r ste•rJM,. fronf. pow~ cl1sc brek1i, tinteCI windshi"eld arl:d whit• sid• wall tires. 27657.P21175J. SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7,30 A.M. lo 6,oo P.M . • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN s,oo A.M. lo 9,30 P.M. EVERY DAY $2377 . $3277 $2077 $977 . ' .. ; $1977 ' s3·196 Z I . ' ... '· f . : ' I I, ' '&6 VALIANT .. ·~1'.8·77 : V-200 .. Or. ~·'''"9!'T weron.' VI, auto. P .. , .Rl:H, W W, 22,174 mHos, ITBX 3761 . ., ~ .. ' '65 MUSTANG ' .·$'.1477 ' 6 cylinder, auto., radio, heater, WSW. IPEV 3051 .. .. '65 MERCURY $1577 .,,arklane 4 Or. VI, auto, ,,S., P.W., radio, heater, WSV(, fee•. tory o1ir. INQYOll) ' '65 OLDSMOil(E . $2077 Vist• Cruiser wagon. V-1, 'au~o. P.S., reclio, heater, WSW, fee:. lory air condition. fNNZ4591 '14 PONTIAC: · • . '$1,47'7 . . Catalina Wagon.· 'W, 'hydre .. matic, P.S., radio, h•ater, :r.hit• walls, factory air.-lf:Z+.4A:, .· . . .... ._ ...... . ~ . -- ALL PRICES INDICATED ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS UC. & TAX •. ' ·er I l • ... • , ' ·, . . • ' '