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1969-02-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
. - • • . . . . • ~g~nu ,, J\o~le'u ~S~Olte • • • \ • •' ' '; ' I DO.ncer Cr.eoteil. Furor ' . .. -. • • " -'1i!URSDAY· ~~. ·FE~"l 2r.'lti' • .. ........... .....,...... ~ . -· . • • • ) . =··· - .Marines Called · In . . oAN.Y ~l~T,,.... ~ u. ,...,M. ~ . . , Plll"CHING IN -Marines from El Toro MCAS,_incl\uling lome Viel· . nam veterans with Jong experience 1n the art' of building sandb~g 'bai'rlcades, work to strengthen Santa, Alja.River,Ievee above A!laJii• . Avenue Bridge on Costa Mesa side of riv.er near Mesa Verde ·~· :tiY,· Club. Work on levee, "'.hich continued _today, was described as precautioqary by county flOOd cootrol eng1Deers. Cou·ntiansBeginCleanup f n Wake of Worst Flood By JACK BROBACK Of tM DellJ Plllf St.ff It was digging out day for ·Orange' (bunty today as sunshine continued to rtplace Oooding and d e v a s t a t i n g rainstorm. Authorities tried to total up lhe damage !Ml is esllinated m lhe millions. 'Almost miraculously, only five lives Were Jost when· ·a mu<islide pushed ~h the Silvuado Fire Station Tue.s- dly where to refugees front the Flood Pollutes · downpour were-huddled. Another 12 were injured. A previous report that s.II more bodJes had been found in the debris proved erroaeoUs. sbta Forestry offtdals said tbe fire station had been cleared of mud today and DO more bodies found. DEAD USTED The dead were listed as Jane Schrowe, 46; R. Hendricks, 16; Monie Del\'.ill, il; Raicliard Bladt; and Mu Nell, 4$, all raldenls ol S!lyerado Canyon. • • Oil FloWing In Channel .SANTA BARJJAllA (UP I) Oilwor~ers poured cement and df'~ mud down an ~shore well todly to stem a new flow of raw petroleum which rormed a slick eight mlles long ofr the Soutbtm California coast. Crude oU washed ashore u far aoutb as Venice in Los Angeles County but no one was sure whether It wu from tQe new leakage .or remnants of the q,_riginal slick formed Jan. 28. r->w.orkman tolling on 35 miles of beaches blackened by the first ltak were dismayed by the new invasion. "They were just overwhelmed," aakl one of. llclal. Interior Secretary Walter J. HJckel ordered addJtional emergency equipment and technical .,........t to Union Oil Co. 's off.shore rig to cope with the new leak. Hickel also aruiounct!d no oil drilling will be allowed lo, lhe Santa Barbari· Channel unUI he is "convinctd" there will be DO more disastrous leaD. "Until we are convinced we can ao ahead and drill with aafety, we woa't start drilling," Hickel told a new1 con- ference Wednesday. "When we do start, tt will be with the usurance that, as (See·NEW LEAK, Pip l) ..;·. • ... t_ .. ' .. ~-= i ........ ' ·'. " -, •• f ' .. •• . ~· • ~· , ·'i; , * * * . " . . , • ~ ~ '; I t 1 ' ' < ( . , • 1. ' • ) !1 Io .. , .. N· ...• 'iii': .t .... *' i ~· '11 ~--. i .~. . ... t1· ·ri •. ·~ •• ~ '. r ·ix'·!, o:'.. l jj ;; .. ~· . a ~g"·te ~ .. : .; I.~',. . . ~ '! ) . 1 ' ' . . , . : I . • t ' " I • l • j ..... 1' f ' ~ ;.. - ROME (AP) -President Nixon took a tumultuous salute from West Berliners today and told them a!l people who want freedom are Berliners. Then he came to tlahtly guarded Rome ·where lhe crowd and up be Went onto sboolcf.rs. On, the ••.Y blto Ulis ancient 1 city, the Prtlklent'1 motorcade came to, I i hall Nlxoo rot oui and pllJ!lged ' lntO · lhe crilwd nd up be went onto ohoul-. A:J he dkl ln Berlin Nilon waved his arms in 'exUberance anc:r delight. The motorcade moved on after· fiVe minutes .to lhe palace cl. lhe Italian praldent. But after the President reached the palace aboot 1;000 demonstrators called • out by I~y's CQmm~st. p_ai'f.y,, began a march .tofvard the presldlqlla'l resldentte, chanting "Nixon go home." · The crowd, mµde of wor~ng, Jnen and students, took to tM streets Jn defianCe ·.of. a: pollcei ban on •demonslra· lions. l'I'Wo army trucks with sirens screaming tried to block Ute m&rcb but l~e ~m~tr~n kept moirlng. . BloCU . away, at the main cazppus of IWdent-occupled Rome Unlv""l\J', rebellious students tried to break past . police 'bariiers to -JOin the anti-Nixon rally .. Club-w;ielding ~lice drove them back . and students replied by hurling paving stones ripped up from the street.. She Digs .Snakes · Dancer Vses 'Pals' in Act ' Jy JACK CHAPPF.1.L f(igllitned ,ooly once. Sh1 wu WOJ'.klng '. -°'·• o.nr '°""'..,. ·· wilh tbe' 'Slllfll fe~ .python when Just looklng at pe(ite, sh~ly La~an something scared Jt and · the sna~e Carol _Cybu!NJ, one mlgl\l !UPflO'O lhe , blmde temptress would have •the ~al started constricting. The python didn't female . qµainu about thin,. scaly and have a gdoct grip and 'Carol · managed crawly. to pry off lhe coU...1 • Ah, not so. Fat within lhal 3&-24-11 The big, python is jus\ a "bil hab7" form throbs a stout· heart and a love and likes show biz, Carol 1ay1. f0< lhoee replllel uiilvenaJl7 acomed . I T l" , I I ~veral . b!Oc~ ftom ·u.e . ·.~ ~a14ce of . the Italian 1 ~ ,llO soldiers to annored truckl etoppld.~tba marchers. ' • · •~ The demonstraten sat down on · t be street and continued shouUng .. Nixon go home !" . ·, Nlion Dew .to lhe llallan caplW After hundfeds ol lheuoandl ol West· BerllaeD ro,;,-o11 appr...i whOn lhe ·Pralderit en- dorse\f lhe U.S. commllment to defend tl!>t: 1BQI'¥ sector.; .. !)>ere .,,.:,.. al!o -J~rs · trorji ituil<nta, . and, -snowball tilt'bis car. · · · .Par•lmrasl!la Prest_cjelit , J91Ut· ~ • .'Ken- nedy's 1913 4'1cb, bin e1n. ~" (I am 2 Berliner) speeCb, Nixon declafed: "In the sense lhat lhe peoRle ot.Ber!ln stand f9f rreedom and petcf, ~· tbe people of the world who ... want freedom ~ · tnily Berijnera. • · . ' . · "Remember, we are.aJ:ways w1Ui J.OJL" AbOul" 7000 Berllrf'poli:en!tif"a!OOd vtgU tturinii .N!Jon'i nhlg ,lhro\rlb West Berlin. • · tL ~ the procession' paued'~-. bombed. wt Kaioer Wilbelm-Manorial·Cliardi, dow a P,!ilCtl IDONllDIPt, a._ group ol students shouted , umec1 ~II and ~ 4J1compll-11r)' -orb: 'fbOi' ~ dall.otndr(ed rillowballr(it ~ and ' ed ~t · Into the atree1, buf l ,U a weak e/fCrl by · 200 or 300 You!hl rind olher Bertinen ... -wllh lheml I \ (See NIXON,""" I) • Water, B~chf!s .. Along Coast In Orlnp, r1111flllb>& .Santiago Cteek . COD\iD'1ed tt"take lis toll Two 1parlmenl .... -ilnci>Mood1)"fell into l'1a oii.om 11rinp;.-1o;imee the number Ill bqllrlinp illlr~lli lbal ~, 'rbo Iaal ----. located-at * * * 'Sili'fe'ltevokes ... " since Eve tangled wllh lier \'lf!Ol'l' Id-, JUST BIG RAM .,,._ r t1iorl,ii: •• «.-. •• 1.;i._,:.~ •• 1-... ."He'1 j~t 1 llke a ·bl&.bam. U I'm c:...a . . . ' 'IQ! and ,,. --J1lll • llhort dlltanoe beloW Villa · Part D 1 m. -!uni! tllat mon buildingt .. Water supplies and beaches -been_ In lbal .blo<t mJPI topple lllto lhe cnet ...... minaled by this week's DOO<ls lo tod r -:-:---ay. m.stal areu and other parts ol lhe Outflow at the dam bu been stabillud Drilling P ermits Off Ca lifornia mmty, Dr. John R. Philp, county health at 4,000 cubic feet per second, the Dood alflcer annoonced today. control deparlmenl aaid lhi1 morning. tlpeclaJ lo lllo DAILY PILOT all ·~ -And Inflow has dropped to 2,400 cubic SACRAMENTO -· The Stale Lands Areas ec-are:· . feet por·-..J. ~ .today' revolled. ill pennlta -&II ,_ Capbln8': Sewer line Al !H 4ielg!lt of lhe ,....., Tueodl¥, aJJowlna oil compalel to lint tut core -~ mile op Su Juan Creek,· · 1r,oot cubic feet per oeoonc1 wu lloWlnc · ._ aii·c&llknll waUin. b<oUn by Ja!l llt<JDth's flood and recenUy Into the dim, ~ re•-is e f le c ti v • Im-~ bu ~~ been 'wiiabed 'IMll. Thi 4,0llt cubic f .. ~.:.lef""'1 I• mecllatoly. -fti-aat.~stllleP•~.zema!DI ·-~~~~,.·~~·=-Oll;:F•r~ .-quarantine due to 1ewage con-rains. "~ _,. .. ..i Newport Be.,ii. tamlnaloll. ... a....1e llllll -coatal dU.. ---· Low Wiler prwures BA~ EIUltllON U ......... . .-uportOnoed Monday nlg!tt but jcm-.:. S.::~ ~:is i::a ,:.vi:: off~ !'il.W:..now: si:Jr. fOn'1 repaln have been made. Wiler lhe Santa Alli .,.,_1y and lhe S&nta 30MI. l<lia .dr:llllnl br1rJe, CUSS I will ...n bl thal area ·w-.,.,,...,. 'Aiililll!rii'·;Niii'"'I ·io;~-cher h 'io •"Cliioii"" llllll ...,. out/'sald dimrptcd sbould boll all drinking waler dellNclive .,. cl. 8aq!iaP, Creel<. •a stale spoleaw. oc -boltled wafer until futtlla> .-. nor,ra ti Old Miio bodlir! Jie'o1'Jllrlood '.l'lle -llJ tH Lindi CommisllGn -'•--:A 1.2-lndl lll!Wer main on the creet banb ~emelllly lod today was ............. It mer...: a Ju. .J Coul ~~ -., WU by Muine °"Ill l[ellc!>plers lo an I~ dedlion &rlllllnf the permfta. e11111o& •cl. ..,.age oo tempi to Item lhe ..-.. Up to today, Lindi-~--acted on 1 loeacb, 'Tlie -area haa been only lwo swJ""*" .,.... lllld par! of recommend.UOO ~ c O·ID .. r .. J R. "10HJI to tlie pubilc llDlll the sewer one house bacl beiri wubed 1way by Secrei.ry Frrmt Marti(. Tiie -wU (i!M POUAmON, Pal< 11 ISee jLEANUP, Pop I) llllanlmoul. ' Carol -tan1le with an -' ~-wilh him and I hold my arm. of allrqy pets and It'• jult,'-1.ll lnr ·a : out toward the aud6eDOe, he'.11 crawl night's work f~ the 30-year:c>Jd anake · rtsht m out and into tJie m&noe. . danctt.. her f orJ As roilhl! llinitt, !;'ant. Wli\l llow'Wai'ti • a ~f~~ ~ ~;-a1~: ... ~.~/D'~~.¥,.: lhe IMl'1' 'peli lriclilde hnl ,cj>br11; ,'a . said: ~!·IYJit~; to'j'~1 cm; lo' '¥"'. 11Ul....t)• and ~.d.~-~! -but WW iUct wtlb dUclag.. . . usually ept .at • U~IU I UUIU9 •t< j"l:dpa't alw•YJ.lWAnt io:~·tlPl.1rMi:l.ie' ;:r: .. ,lln!1m1 becl ... " r.aaun,·· -· Belly drinc"' ii ... .., lhe·-· The d~ also has a parrot ~ beaUUfuHlance& · 1) ••· , ·.; •i three <111. .. • '"11m·'..lu• Irr tllO 'Mllirl)' ""clilrlelllc' . ' . •_?..~,Yiui~.-~~!!' ' . ~ 11.\NGUP . ·Slle'Wl'illlll 1'liel ~ 'rrlth .tlle' t~el1 ii-cl. my·blgeat ~. aaates, .lt'• 1c1aa117> bltler1 lo· per1..,... .'1:-:~'r why l «llP .. inJmak-,., uns c..twne. ''Tbeir.scaJa'Clldl toi . .....,, .. •'!Ills ~'wllltt'w · !lle·lilJIDl6s .. •Did; . ' ' ) bad bet' cttffeences wtlh ihe law. ·neai . ~~ 1 • , , ., her''daacilc.' ' ' ' -;-A.,-tile ~ lJP •. ' • . ..,.. -.... put" ber-duchlc • ·As· ··~ cOIJ~ lhis, ac;l, wbel ud ., ....... local bullb Ins 1 -·• •111\1 'i w ~~: Devil ; 11low. 1llelr.purpiioe..st;iailild'ntud'1 1r1·11\enipllns IO flV 1 ~1111 call • =~~-:e"~1:1,~: ll:::'o=., ~:.':C llltlnc .• ....., i lllicl.-• "'Oh.-dall'l'W«rJ ·lf:J<l!l leot the coudt "I found aller I'd Ileen dlDclai for : 111! up,.l~'q JUI! be n&IDs bil iDUscles:"' I' nu, !hit I 8*t or Im -sild 'lhe d.nc.;. "Oile Unia tliree Nil-a ,pn!Ct !or Uii ·Mt. To be a aoPd ' '"""''""° -•tiftllig iJiti··and tie · •nlertalner, you've lot lo bm 1 pn.. llft«l 'tliem"'. MID'c7!iil*f c!Oniiiiill. ; mkk. \'. • • • ' -' • iHol> --191 "" ilftl ~ ~· J'n lhe ,...-and I half lila'11 -• a· faint beiut. " " • . , I ' < I l ~, wWt tlle ......, Illa bu -. Interview concluded.. ' · \ ' , • . ' .. ,..~ ,. ,. e-;.· ' ·w~ti'ir ~· .. ~ .. ' .-t ' ., _, . Don·11ook now, llul·lhe w.au.... man saya tbere'a a ·111 ~ chance o<. .~')'¥ Fr!UY. '" '!'Mr clouds ~~!-*)II> ;111r1 !I'll be ·--. Irir•'""'1· ... ··-..;..,, ... ..,.,,... . . , ""'· . ; -~--,, .. ~ ··' .< • . 't•:~ .. ~· ... ;. ~ INSID& TODAY ' W ~a t · J!nin1f1a1 G"""'1 MotoTI to O!'.fn'-IM · ....U of 4;11 'mUU!!n' ·cart · 11M• midiar 'JIM d<otlli of ,..,,~.pi. ,fnml alp1a~. S.• l'09.-•. ; t j ' l I ::·J--t · -. " :.-:. _., . cn-M •• -~ • =:,--:··5w, .. :, ,_ '• .. -.................................... ........ ' ...... I ,....,,..~1···-. 'ft ' I ...,.c:Mrfl" •l I ' 'i'iiiiilft. o •-. --''4 ~......-1.a., ·-.. , -.. ' ... =-> ... ....,. ...... ,,. ~ ...... --«-,I ,.,j '' , > I I • , t .. I ,j . ' • s '.Apollo Crew Ill; La11nch P.ostponed , ~ "" .. ,..... p .. ., l NIXON ••• Macco Company Planning Merger '!be Newport ileacl>-baled llacco Com· pony deve!apment firm· will be merged with Gnat Southwest Corp., a portner firm, --today. Bolh land development flnna are part cl the PemH:entral Corp,, bued in Philadelphia, Pa. Under the merger agreement the 130,000 acres o f Macco<lontrolled devdopmeot propertlel will be ad· mln1sl.ered by Southwest Corp., whose headquatU!n are in Arlington, Tei. Micco operations include lndultrial, cxnmerclal, recreaUona! and apartment Jand developments. ! DAILY PILOT ..,.,. 1Hn HwlkflOll ..... ~ .... , ...... ,~ ·--CAUFOIUllA lol1t•I N, W••' l'rrl:-1 ,.,,_ M d"'"' J •• ~ •. CY•l•y V>U l'"l'*"' llW:I ~.i M.,..tlt t"'•;.• r.,.;1 .... Tll1"''' A. M~••l<ii11t M1~1.iw r.wl Nintll ....... <HM•• Olt~W C.11 "'°"': Sll Wfll lt'I' 11~ ~ lrftll' nll Nfl l N ie.I ....... 11111 1. ......... «JI; ttt ,.,. ...... _ """""'''Oii IJKll, JOt $!f1 '"'"' • DAILY PJUJt Pl9 ..... UCI SIT-IN -Beverly PuneiJ (coaler), secretary to Cbancellor Daniel G. Aldricb Jr., tries to con- centrate oo ber wort during Wedneaday'• •it-in at Cbancellor'1 office. Standlng bebhJd her are Dr. Spencer Olin Jr. {left), an assiatant professor of history, who offered peace plan to . student p~ testers, and Mike Krisman, former UCI student body pn!Oident and one of protest leaden. ' . E~attU &.it Prote•ts 'Truce' By~FOtmJNE Of ........... A pw:< propoal by UC lnlne laculty memben WU .. j<ded Wednegday by Jtt ltudtnl dleL4enta who lhftl •oted to ••..,.00 -JrOlal ·--aft<rftaalemm. '!be -not to cooperate -pn>fm«> aeeklns I truce WU madO duriic a two and ~ll boor -ol a lobbJ outside the o!llc< cl....._.,. Dald G. IJdridl Jr. Aldrich did not 111«1 the lludeota. He bad left Wedlleoday momln( far a speattnc rnp1emmt in Oregon. FILL 1'1'11 PLOOlt The prolalinc atudenll !llled the fifth floor -bulldb. lobbJ from wall lo •all. 1ittiJ11 oo the -. ol aecrttariet wbo Cillllmwd with their ~ and -u.. .. the floor. During the occupalioa • flow cl -with hid-lo tie )lllll4finl •• - to glaprly filck °""' way lhtouP thO lobby cardul not lo mp ... the tanaie cl feet and legs. · Dlsaidenll lo the cootinuing protat for reinstl!tement ol three aaillant Jl'O" leuon said they will l'ake a b re a t POLLUTION ••. brut hu been .. paired. ~aalf ... ~ .... , -to SUvetlldo, 5antlal0 and Modjeska can- )'OllJ hu been complel<ly dlmlpled and U-areu an without Nie drinking water. Relklenta are adviltd that any tip water which DLIY be available lboukl be bolled bet.,. cfrinkln&, or bottled Wltl!r used. Once service bas been reotored the heollh deparlm"11 will Int the water and tnronn usen when it is afe to drink. Rejected at UCI now for finals but will escalate the Chancellor Aldrich before he left said protest aftenrard. Some lp()te of a coo-be approved "in principle" 5tudent frootatioo leading to suspensions or ar-participation in promotion matters but . resb:. ~ not endorse the specific plan. DEMAND llEllllUNG PARTIAL VICl'ORY 'Die ltudmb •ant English lllistant Pete ClecH, an unttnured' junior pro1....,. Si.pben Shaptro and Donald ' English prof""°' pmented the p-opooal Brannan nhired and George Keat. wi!-t.o the students.' He called it "not a taat b1ltory profeuor re.commended for total victory, but 1 partial victory. Thi fa:inl, retained. They said they will settle English Depart-I bas moved perhaps for nothi.nc leas. not very far but an enormous way for Tbe peace offering wu to give the them " be said. studentl a voice in faculty evaluation . ' . but did not go 90 far ll to offer rein-Righ_t away . Dave He skett, ~h? I! :statement of the fired professors. emerging as chief leader o~ the dissident DEALING BREACH students, spoke up. "It strikes me t.bue The pact. while rejected by the is much too much accord in the room studenl.I, is iapected to somewhat heal and much, much, much loo little anger." the breach withln the faculty. It was He then read a lengthy, seven-point worked out between prola10rs repreaen-statement -~-st~ts. _later were to ting the two atremes. including aenior vote to approve with one · eallliig it the Eoglllh pro1....., and manben ol the group'• manifesto. New Unfv~ Conference a liberal He . read , (e1cerpts1 "The Ad Hoc faeUtty grOUp sympathetic lo dissident · Committee for Reinstatement· is a power student goals. on this ca~ ~ because it is not The plan would gi\'e studeots equal part of the instilu~I structure but representation on a committee to find r a t b e r has created its own structure a way of civir« student& 1 voice in for struggle. evaluatioo. NO CONFIDENCE can be evaluated. -laud Seid: Heavy rainfall has caused infiltration of the collector sewus overloadini the sewage treatment plant of the Sunael Beach Sanitary District. Water in Huntington Harbour is being tested for evidenct ol contamination. -Newport Btadi ..., u .. thlp.n _, '!be beach ...u north and IOUlh from the Santa Ana River, from the north bouM'ary of Huntington Beach state Part to the Newport Pier are sWI ck:Rd 11 a resu:lt of the Rivmlde &ewer break which occurred last month . This break has not been repaired as ye t. "We have no confidence in the ad- ministration, nor in the department!: ol. instruction, nor in the junior faculty. Their concern is to quiet things down. Ours is to reinstate our professors. "We believe all committees are dead ends. We call on all students to boycott all committees. We will continue to de- fend our professors by extralegal mearu. "We will not capitulate. We will stand in solidarity, wait. and bide our time. We will not be at peace with this in- stitution unt il our professors are rehired." al Stand, . • Shaw on • .. ~ ' ' Denies JFK Plot ~ llE1I OJlLEANS (llPl)-'llle - ..-1 Ill case in the C.J L. Shaw 1ria1 today -in-tinl the --defendant as the clill'lldic wttnm in hil own behalf io deoJ c:atep;cally be ...,. plolled to kiD Presidelll J • h • y. KeaoedJ. In a poiat-by-j>Olnl rd>uUal ol Dist Auy. Jim Carri.son's charges, Shaw testil"wl be aaer ~ la Barvey1 Oswald o< pilol Dani W. Penlt. .,... used lhe alias ''Oay .. or ''Clmi Bert· rand," was a Keonedy -· and· never even Ulbd lbou:t killinc him, jokingly or olhenrise. He is charged with coospiring with Onrald and J'urie in New Orieallll In t9113 to kill Keonedy, Shaw was the 16th defense witness and the $9th ol the trial. whidJ .... nearing it!: end oh ita 3Znd dly. Alta" the testimony ol lhe $5.year-old Shaw, llisl. Jud(e Ednnl A. liagg<rtJ Jr., recessed e9l'ly far luDcb to gi.•e the stau. time lo COlftlate Ill -wit· nesses. 1be defeme ii not lllowed wil'· nesses to answer the lbte rebuttal. "Were you ever enpged in any USIJ.o sinalioa plol?" llefeme A11«neJ F. lrvill Dymond :uked Shaw. "No," be replied. "Did yea ever, jotingty or CUUllJy, wt aboul killing the Pmideot ol the United States!" · "No. ~ certainly not." "Dki Y«l ever conspire with David Furie an4 Lee Harvey Onrald to mur- der Jolm P. Kennedy, Praideat ol the United states?'' "No." "Did JOll ever al any time want the President to die?" "Ceriainly DOI," Iillaw Aid obuply. ll appeared likely --by .,. posing 'llllomeys -be -Friday, with the caR gobig lo the all· Sun Still Shines But New St!ITTD Around Comer For the second day In 1 row, the.sun .shone today over 8UlU'J1 c.J.it~ And, lhe -DOied, the -for three consecutive dry days were, at leaA, even. 1bis wu encouraging news for Orqe1 Coast residents who have giabbed their raingear thrCUJh a series of storms which have dumped more than triple the normal amount of rain so far thls sea!OI). But, forecasten warned, • new stonn is inching toward the coast 90IDe 500 miles out in the Pacific. It should arrive sometime Friday, bringing al l<asl li&ht rains. "This is a different type of storm from the lut)one which barged right into Soulhefn California.," one fotecllttt said. "It 's just too far out and moving too slowly to ··say anything too defmite about it now." f\-feanwhile, Orange Coast residents v.•ere poking their heads outdoors again, enjoying the sunny spell while they can and keeping a wary weather eye on the weekend. male Jiiry Mlle la Ibo clay. • Oo ..... G*"'lnalloo by Aul. Jlilt.' ~ • Ally. James L. Alcock, Shaw said be • -gol • gUmpoe of o.waid -; the latter ... ll'l'9kd •• Au&-t, -: for <flolurl>lag the ptaot In !root ol the r -Trade Kan, ol whidJ Sha .. tbm WU manoging dtr-, , Oswald bad been diltribu!in& teallell for the Fair Play for QJba Coowlltte fnd WIS arrested after I Violent ltlU• ·--0....,._ .. Shaw testified thlt he wu in hi.I d6ce that day and someone came in and &old him ··-· nut is distributing leallell" In front ol the building, "I 1o1 a J)hooe caU that delayed me.• ~w testiffed. "By the time I got theft, Mr. Oswald WU gone." He leslified he had not known Kennod;J was ICbecliled to gpeal< on Nov. ZZ, 1113, at the DaU.. Trade Marl, although he said that he had known ol. the exisWJce at thlt mart since 1959 or ltlO. Ooe witneu had testified be nw Shaw give what appeared to be money to Oswald on the New Orleans Latefn:lnt ill June, 111113, and that he ""'°"'""" -..,,. u the man beca.,. ol a alllbt Ump. Reagan at Peak Of Popularity, State Poll Says SACRAMENTO (AP) -09•. e.apn•a popularity lllands at the peak ol his career. as governor, bolstered by firm Mndllng di -unresl, public oPnfm pollQer Morvln D, Field said today. • Field said his umplinp of pibllo feelinp ' indicate Iha! 42 percent al lbe people thlnt Reagao II doing a flDOd job, 31 percent '"Y he II doing a fair lb and Ii percent rale his perfonnailce upoor. -.- This compares with Reagan'• 30 per· cent "good job" rating in May of 18 and 41 percent in J u n e of 1917: The Republican governor toot office ill January of IBfT. "Reagan'• popularity murgaice la due es.vn«ally to the public's approval of his hlndling ol widespread lludent unrest,.. Field reporlod lo the poll, COl'Yrlibfed by Field -O!rp. ' "Rattly hu ODe single !Aue p... • .... polllical leader .. much public support far hil ICtlami." Mariner Running 'Like a Clock' PASADENA (AP) -The Mariner 6 spacocrall 11 ''running aioog like a Ullle clock" on Jt.s flight toward Man, uys miss.ion cor;itrol at the Jet Propul&ion Laboratory, Flying al about 3,000 miles an h o u r, the $64-million craft is scheduled to fiy by Mars at an altitude of less than a» miles on July 30. The camera~anying Mariner is ready lo send back detailed television pit'turel intended to help determine whether Mars' can mpport life. The craft wu launched Monday at Cape Kennedy , Fla. JJ. J. (Jarrell; -Trlboct CU)'OI area: All residents advised to boil tap water or use bottled water until further not.ice. ADM -: Treated and dlainfeded sewage, mixed with storm runoff is overflowing from Niguel Lake down Aliso Creek and onto Aliso Buch. Amo a sewage force main in the South Laguna Saoitary District running al<iogJlde Allao c ... k is lbreatened with co11apoe, The health department hu ordered the cl.,. Ing ol the beodl until the lllluatlon .From Page 1 CLEANUP ••. HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28th .Fro"' ,. .. ., l NEW LEAK. •• far as humanly possible, the disuter that happened won't rehappen.'' mckel &aid • decllion on whether to resume the 11le of all oUlhore oil leues wlU be made April I. A Unloa OU spokesman said the rate o1 the -Dow could DOI be eotlmated bot admitted ii could be u -t u the nm Ir.at which spewed about 21,<m pJkm dally for 12 d1y1 unUI the w•ll ...... 1e1led . The new leak came from anothtr well on the ume platform which wu ac- tivated t.o relieve pressure on lhe Door ol the Saota Barbar• Qwmel. The pr<llU1'0, built up durlnc the orliloal Iuk, lw i\tulted lo _. ol aboul 4,0llO pn-ol oil a day lbrollp 11- 1.o the OCffll Ooor' Crew• .... In the -ol pultinc lhe well lnlo produdloo Wilm lbe Ieal: beean. The well, cfealCnated A-41, II 3,000 feet deep and IJl1lon WU altlmplloc to relieve the -by pumping oil from !he 900 fool level. But II WU discovered when crtWI blalted open the cuinJ thal oil wa1 comina up the oulalde ol It from the bollom. Hlc~el lul wed aillhorllod Ulilon lo put other •Illa 00 the plaU«m Into productlm lo .. ·-pl lo "!lo'• lbe pNlllUl'e thal WU finin& lbe ruldoaJ . oil lo the IUl'flct. But lbe plan Ill>" parenU, bactflr<d. ~ the flood waters. But the creek was eating away at valuable backyards for the M0,000 to $7S,OOO home! lining the waierway. Residents were aandbagging all along the creek bed . Tuesday and Wednesday, 7M people were nown out of flood ravaged Silvera.do and Modjesk1 Canyona by Marine heUcopten, For"'1y olflclals who kepi count said several dozen more mar have walked out. All roads into the mountain area were atilt out today and county road officials llld It 1t"OUld be 11 leut a week before the roadwaya wwld open, Nerve Gas Pills Washed Ashore At Bolsa Chica Dlnprous at r op l n e e1psules, a nerve gu anUdott, were found w11h00 up on Bolla Ollca State Beach, Wed· ntoday. HunUqlon Beach poUct nld • the capsula .,. a~ drUf and 1hoold not be handled by inexperfeoced penons, Cap!. Earl RobltaUle, detective bwuu ctuef, aa!d from time to Ume iuch capllllea and other druga wash up on lhore: rrom Navy . ahips as Car as a hundred milts oul .. -"Ibey toa them overboard while at ' .-. and ""''llm,. the Ude brlnp them In to shore, .. he 11Jd. Last iummer, several 1imllar atr~ phlne capmles mlled lf1th morphine w ... fooncl ... the ~. pollce said. 1' '~ __c:::. -------- SAYE 20% ORDll IN YOUI CHOICI 0, l'AlltlC AUO , •• SUISTANTW. SAYINGS ON MANY HEllTAGE DINING ROOM, •DlOOM AND TAW ••ours ... Your Jtrooril< d<signer tollJ bt lulppu to cwUI y01' , , • H.J.GARRElT fURNl]URE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 0,.. Moo, non. • erf. hn. •• ' 22 f 5 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~275 MM27i t I . ~· .... ,. • • -·· f . • 1 ' , Bnntingto.n Beaeh" -EDITION • . * YOL 62, NO. 50, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PA~ES • . ' . . - Called In , ,l,9 . ~alldhag Rivef Marines I El Toro Troops Help Protect HUtnt1iitgWn · V~ll~y El T<!n> G!f!d•I• 11111 lholr~ , "~ ilirfne ,..; '~ ID-·· By TERRY COVILLE OI ""' O.lly' 1'411t Stttr Marines do more than just fight wars. Watcbin& several hundred men in dingy ereen uniforn11 tote sandbags up and down the Santa Ana River banks Wednes· d1y reminded onlookers that United states Mlriiles are handy to have around in any emergency. Tbe nndba:g Utters, in shifts of about ni, worked al1 day Wednesday strengtbenina: the sides of the raging Floods Bring Pollution Along Coast Water supplies and beaches have been contaminated by this week's floods in coastal areas and other parts of the C'OUJlty, Dr. John R. Philp, county health officer announced today. Areas affected are: -San Juan Capistrano: Sewer tine about one-half mile up San Juan Creek, broken by last month's flood and recently repaired, has again been washed out. The beach at Doheny Slate Park remains under quarantine due to sewage con.- taminaton. -Dana KnoUs: Low water pressures were experienced Monday night' but tem4 porary repain have been made. Water users in-that area whose service was disrupted should boil all drinking water or used bottled water unUI further notice. -Lapa Beach: A lJ.lnch sewer main along C.oast Highway at Broadway was l>ro~ ~ d1ICbarp ~ ...,.,. on the be&Ch. The beach area bU been closed to the public Ufltil the sewer breal: bu been~- --Santlap eanyO. ..... Service lo 8ilverado, Santiago and ModjeS& em- yons bu been completely disrupted and these areas are without safe drinking water. Residents are advised that any tap water whiCb may be available should be boiled ~ore drinking, or botUed _water used. Once service has been restored the health department will test the water and inform users when it is safe to drink. -Trabuco CanyOD area: AU residenb advised to boil tap water or use bottled water until further notice. AUIO Beach: Treated and disinfected sewage, m.lled with storm runoff is overflowing from Niguel Lake down Aliso Creek and onto Aliso Beach. Also a sewage for~ main in the South Laguna Sanitary District running a1ongside Aliso Creek is threatened with collapse. 1be health department has ·ordered the clos-- ing of the beach until the t<ituation can be evaluated. -Suue& Beach: Heavy rainfall has caused infiltration of the collector sewers overloading the sewage treatment plant of the Sunset Beach Sanitary District. Water in Huntington Harbour is being (See POLLUTION, Page %) Crowds in Rome Hoist Nixon Onto Shoulders ROME (AP) -PrOlldenl Nixon loot a tumultuous salute from .West Berllnen loday and told them all people who want freedom are BerUners. Then 1te came to tightly guarded Rome where lhe crowd and up he went onto sboulden. On the way into Ulil ancient city, the Presidenl's motorcade came to 1 hall. Nixon got out and plunged into the crowd nd up he went onto aboWders. Santa Anl River to protect worried resldenls of Hunlington Beach, Founlaln Valley aid. Costa Mesa. They were from El Toro Marin< c.r,.. Air Station and they were welcomed by !be Orange Coonty Flood Control District officen who asked for their aid. Hundreds of live& in the Silverado and Modjeska Canyon areas were also saved, with the aid of Marine helicopters flying rescue missions. pulled II leul I'll llood v1c11m1 from • ~ ~ 'st. •llldJM!'i 8'mlnory • -two -Tuliclt7 ad the ' " ""''·' • number hala'I yet been i.uJed •for ud -"""'"ID~ C.-. Wednetday. ' • To -up rib lhe q\dck, -,, Eighl 0-. worked Tueidoj. ud ol_"' en.epuey, jho Ilario"!.,... 10 ...,. in !lie air w~. 1!:I 'lloro fi'ocn a -...m.I .-at the officials reported. El Toro alr faclllly. Seven stranded residents in the Sin They don't oontrol l'tlC\le oper1t1oM Juan Capistrano-Ortega Highway area from there, but send Uieir penormel were also added to Tuesday's rescue . 8Jld equipment out for uae by other list. (See MAlllNES, P11e ti Sandbags Bolster Levees for Storm State Orders Ban on Coast • ' Oil Drilling Hundreds of El Toro Marinell 1re wort4 ing along banks of the Santa Ana River today bolstering the levees with sandbags for an expected weekend storm. The Orange County Flood Conlrol District salc:t th.11 morning the sandbag4 ging operations are pre c 1 u ti ona r y measures i o strengthen the tops of the Jevees above the protected sides. Torrents of water rushing down the Santa Ana River won't let up for several days , flood control spokesmen said today. "Villa Park and Prado dams h.ave· to unleash sOme of their stacked up flood water in preparation for this weekend's predicted rains," said Robert Burke, planning division technician for the district. "We've got to get. the water out as fast .. (!Ollible," .said l\Urk<. ' . ''We'd ne i M 1et up ..,. 'the no. lnlo SanUalO er.ell." be lqllllned, "liul if we don't rtleue ibple of tbe w1ter behind the VIDa -Pilt,dam inolher rain storm could be deYutallllg." -Water is now flowing over Vllla PiUt dam at the rate of 4,000 cub I c feet per oecond, and the U.S. Army C..,.. of Engineers is expected to open Prado dam sometime today. It will take several days before the Villa Part water level will aettle down to pre-storm conditions, said Burke. "If we let the water flow at Its present rate," he added, "We can store an extra S,000 acre feet by. Friday's ex- pected storm ." Residenls in Huntington Beach, Foun- tain Valley and CO!ta Mesa are in no danger from the Santa Ana River. "We feel we can control anything that happens in the river," said Burke. "Crews are currenUy patrolinC the river banb and abor1ng up any polllble .weat spots," be added. Founlaln Valley olflclall In the mean- lllpe 1r1 ~ llMetl wber< Ille fiver ,.oui4 hive . access 'to, the city in Ute. event 1 ~. ~~ ~ cuie il to-P.'11' ..., ~ ~ " --'!.:. HliDihillon -IIOOcll I • c.16. 'MW ~ ............... lo lend u•I ........ to 11111 Oood Coacrol dill_!t<t II ~ • r · Thul i.r ~ 11 have sulfmd ln'llUnllJJcton Beldl at FOW>laln Valley from !be -1'1 torrenllal rains 1 n d Ooodl. They are perhapi member• of 1 lucky few cities ln Orange County. Sun Shines Another Day, With Odds Even Friday For the second day In a -· the ,.. shone todly ')Ver aunny California. And, the weatherman noted, the odds for three consecutive dry days we.re, at least, even. Nerve Gas Pills Washed Ashore Dangerous a t r o p t n e capsules, a nerve gas antidote, were found wl!:hed up on Bolsa Chica State Beach Wed- nesday. Huntingt,pn Beach Police said the capsules are a dangerous drug IDd should not be handled by lne>perlenc<d penons, Capt. Earl Robitaille, detective bureau chief, said from llme to llme auch ca!lllll .. ud .-drugs waab up on shore from Navy lbipo 11 lsr u a ' bundnd m1lea out, ' '"Ibey t-tbem overbolrd ~.-11 .... ud -the tide brlnp lhOm In to lhon,,, be uld. !.ut MmDe!', MTtral lhnilar lil'o- phlne capou1es umed wl!h mGrp111n< were found ao Ille. beacha, pollce Aid. This was "1C<llll'l&ina news !or OrUl!e Coul residents who hlVe P"l!bbed their rai.ngear through a series of rtorms which have dumped men than triple the normal lmOUJ1'C of rain so far this season. But, forecasters warned, a new storm is inching toward the coast some 500 miles out In the Pacific. It should arrive sometime Friday, bringing at lel!I light rains. "This is 1 different type of storm from the last one which barged right Into Southern Calllornla," one forecaster said. "It's just too far out and moving too slowly to 1ay anything too deftnlte about tt now." Meanwhile, Orqe Cout mldentl were poldnc tbeir beacb ..,_, spin, enjoying the aunny ljiell while they c1n and keei>lnl a wary wealbtr eye oa the -la!ncl - Steek Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market c1oaed lower tOday in slack tradlnc. (See qaoltUom, Pages 111-lt), Speclll II Ille DAILY PILOI' SACRAMENTO -ih• Stile Lands CommiSsion today revoked all permits allowing oll companies to sink test core holes off Clllfornia waters. The revocation is e f f e c t I v e lm- m.edlately. Jt means Shell Oil Company and seven · B580Clate firms will conduct n o "geological surveys" off Newport Beach, San Clemente and other coa stal cities as planned. E:r:ploratory drilling now under way off Oce&n1ide will cease lodaf. Shell's >lG-ft. 1"111 drillln& barge, CUSS I, will have lo "clean ·Up and move out," aaid a sLaite spokesman. . The action by the Lands CommJsslon was unanimOus.' It reverse.: a Jan. 2 d0c1110n aruitna."" pemtlll. · · .,.-'NW~r ..S • .. ~ frOm CotiJ .. .l11lon .. ,ea, rr1111t 11or11g. ...r ~ - Apollo 9 Launch Delayed 3 Days; Astronauts Ill CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -Th e space agency today postponed the Apol· lo t J1unchlng three days, from Friday uiltil Monday, because of colds suffered by the three astronauts who are to fly the lG-day Nrtb orbit mission. · The launch wu reJet for a a.m. PST Monday. The decision was made Iller docton: examined the three astronauts, A l r Force Cols. James A. McDlvitt and Da v- id R. Scott and civttlan Russell L. Sch- weickert . The trlo came down with sore throats and stuffy noses Wednesday. There was concern at the time that the launching might have to be delayed any· where from one to five days because of the illnesses. The astronauts took medicine. drank plenty of ilqulds and rested ,12 hours Wednesday night They awob In "good splrlb" today and underwent a f5.-m1nute medical exam. . After the thorough throat and nasal ewn. the doctors proilounced the ~llols Improved bul· !ell 11 w)le to delay the flilbl to give them plerily of Ume to-re- Cover and rest for what has been term-. ed the most compte:r: man in space rustit ever 1ttempted. The countdown on !be giant 8alurn 5 rockel and spacecraft, which had .-- ressed on schedule, wu to continue down lo nine hours before the original planned llfloll ud !hen wtn be held un- til Monday, Orange County Digs Out As he did in Berlin Nixon waved his arms in exuberance and deUghL Tbe motorcade moved on alter five minutes to the pa1ace of the .Italian pnsidenl. ' Bui alter the PreaJden1 reached ' Ille palace about 1,000 demonstrator• called out by Ilaly'1 Communlll party bei8D -a march toward. the pre1lden.tJ1l residence, chanting 0 Nimn go home." The crowd, made of working 11!<11 and studenll, tool: lo the -In defiance of a police ban on demonstra- tions. Two army trucks with sirens screaming tried to block the march buL the demonstraton kept moving. ' Flood Damage Eatimmed in Milliom .o.f. Dollars By UC!t BROllAClt Of .. ..,,._ ... • Blocks away, at the main campus of 1tuderit-0ecupied Rome University, rebelllot11 sludenls !rled to..breal: put police barriers to join the aiU-Nilon rally. . Club-wielding po!lce drove them bsck ud atudenls replied by hurling paving 11one1 ripped up !tom the streell. Stveral blocks from the ~lrlnal P•IJ<o of Ille Italian pmldenl ll!O ooldlen In armOred trucU llopped Ille mardJon. • ;• • It WU digging out day for °'- COOnly lod•y .. -~ lo reploce lloodlng and d e • 11 I a 11 n g rlinstorm. • ' Au\hOrillel·lrled lo tolal·up tliO dima1e !bat II ut!maled In !be millions. · Almost miraculously, only five Uve1 ..... loll wl>en a mudlllde pllhed through !be Sllvtraclo Fir< Slallon Tue> c1ay """'" eo ~ 1rom the dowiipour ..... huddled..Anothe!: lJ -- !Jijured. A pnYloul ._t that 11% more bodlee had been found In the debris proved .....,._,._ Sla!e FOhllll7 olllclall uld the !Ir< lllallon, had been clwed of mud today ud ao more bodlel found. ' , , \ ; DAtt.Y ;1"9T...., ..... ..,. !'IT.~1;1111,G· llf -M,.rl~e~ •from El Toro-MCA!!, iDcl~-. • aOnie~ biiTIC'4t1, wdr~itllltnffli'in~ ' ta '!Ana Riv levee a Mamt il'lil'~rans Wllll ·IQlli( _.=• 111..11\e an of 1 1 c Avenuit ·!lrldi'1"' Cq•\a ,eia. de of rfver1~;(i4eoa Ve~e~ -vr· ,CIµ~. Worli,,qa levee, .!'~ <9"1inol .....,, wu ci.crtbill • j>reliliuttohary' tiy COUl!ly Do.oil ' eolitri!I fiigineen. . -· . Wounded by Gunman Clerk Hurls Beef Jerky At Ba~it, Foils Heist An Anahe.iln liquor itQrt ·cterk w1! lhol Ii~ a holdup man Wednoday nigh! but he managed to rout hla auallant without livinl up any money. Clerk Ernest G. Crou, 62, of Chino, of the EaltOwn Liquor, 1140 N .. East St.,· threw jars of beef jtrky at the robber until the man Oed. When Officer Gerry Hi:r: arrived on the scene, . he said Cross w1s talking on Uie teleph<ine, covered, with blood and smoking a cigar. Cross tollt the officer the holdllp man demanded money from the cash register !hen fired a gun, !be bullet.Just mi.sing Cross' bead. The clerk niched under the CQJJiter and grabbed a jar of bed jefkf w'hlch he threw at the robber, mluing him. · Wl!b !bat !he holdup man look ~Iler aim and hit CrOSI In the fl<\'k,. wounding blln ~Uy. ' " ' Cross nplieil IO !be attack wllh anolber Burke Introduces ' ' Bill to Retire Teachers at 65 jar of jerky and the would-bl .rcllbet fled u !be If smehed !broup !hi glass fionl clooi' ol lhe liquor 11\ft. Mariner RunDing 'Like a Oock'. PASADENA (AP) -The Mariner I spacecraft ls "running along Jlke 1 IIU1e clock" on its flight toward Mira. 11)'1 mia:don control at the Jd ProJiuldon Laboratory. Flying at about '1000.·mlla an-li·o u r, !be 164-million crall is acl!eduled lo lly by Mars . at an attitude of less than ll!O mile1 m July IO. • The ca-a-<arrJIDI Vm:!!)er II read1, to send back detailed teJ.vlakJn piclw. lnt~ed to help delenMte w)lolllor )larl ·can support Iii~. Jl'bl ·craft waa 1aunc1*l Mondsy 11 ·eape Kennedy, Fla. Orulfe " I ' -~ wudl... ·1 . . Don't loot now, but u.e ........ man uyt: ,tben's. a ~:so percent chance· Ill yw know wbal ftWo;r. ·The -wllI roll -~ ad • ll'lf be 'irowid tile mi ••• "' ' Ille COUI. INSWB' TODA. "l' W h a I , JWOf"pl<d Gcmral -Moton to Ofd4r IM r<call ~ ,4.9 mlflion "''' .. and lnlcb! ,The dtatll& of /OUT P<OJ>i• fnnp "'l'h11%lolion. See PoO• 4. % DAILV PILOT H Newo1·0ld? Oil Flowing :fu Cha~el SANTA BARBARA (UP I ) Oilworkers poured cement and drilling mud down an offshore well today to stem a new flow of raw pelroleum wh1ch formed a allck eight miles long ott the Southern CaWornili coast. Crude oil wuhed ashore as l1r tOUth as Venlce bl Los Angeles County bot no one was sure whether it wa.s from the new leakage or remnanlS oC the orig.Iha] slick formed Jan. 28. Workman toiling oo 35 miles of beache1 blackened by the flnt leak ,..,. dismayed by the new invasloo. '"Ibey were just overwhelmed," aald one of. ficlal Interior Secretary Waller J. lllckel ordered additlonal emergency equlpment and tecbn.ical persoMel to Union ~ Co.'1 dfahore rig to cope with the ntW leak. lllckel also annooncod no oil cllllJing will l>e allowed in the Sanla Bul>ara Chune'1 unUI he ls "convinced" there ,will be no more disastroua leab. 11unw we ate convinced we can_ 10 ahead and drill with safety, we won't i;tart drllllng," Hick~ told a newa con- ler<llCt Wednesday. "When we dq ltarl, It will be wilh me ....,,...,. lbat, u far u humaoly poalble, the dlJaaler that hqlpened won't rebappen." School Aspirants Invited to Speak Candldalea fer throe -11 on the governing bolrd ci the lllmllllltoo Beach Union High ScbooJ D!ltrlct bave been Invited to attend two brlefina sessions on the dlltrlcl by Dist. Supt. Dr. Mu Forney. The conferences will be held at I p.m. on March 4 and 10 in the board room ol dJ.strlcl headquarters, 1902 17th St. In the race are incumbents John Bentley, Raymond Schmit~ and Richard .Wilson. Oppooinl them are Jim Bentson, a~ tomey; Slepbeo D. Herman, physician;" John it..~ plijoliclan; Caroline R. Mltchell; educailonal COlllllllaot; Barile!· ta Suter, houlewife; Fred W. Vou, engineer; Harvey B9lln1er, contractor; Ralpb Bauer, chemisl; •and Robert E, "Bob" Dingwall, corporllloa ~ \ ' \ Coast Schola rs . , . All Lose Out Teams from Costa Mesa , Coron'' del Mar and Fountain Valley high schools all Jost in the first round of Kiwanis Bowl scholar quiz: competition this morn- ing ~t Cool'.a Mesa High School. nl:e regional competiUon was won by Los Alamltos High School which defeat- ed ~llerton in overtime. Costa Mesa lost to Fullerton in a quick recall match by only 2ti to 25. Corona del Mar, Jut year's county cham· pion, was eliminated by eventual winner Los Alamitos. Members of the host Costa MeM team were Melody Keller, Eric Anderson, Cheryl RouUey, Kathy Fillmore and Mlke Woodard. YMCA Family Days Slated on Weekend ' YM CA members can still enjoy YMCA Family Days at Disneyland Saturday and Sunday If they buy tickets before 5 p.m. today and Friday at any Disneyland admi ssion booth. Special reduced rates from YMCA members include a ten-ticket booklet ~or $3.25 and a l>licket booklet for $4.2S. DAILY PILOT OIUNGE COAST l"tllLl!HINO COMPANY "offli N. Weed ,,.,...,.,, ... ltu&illlhlr J•~• R. Curley Viet Praldtnt .,,Cl GtMrel Mer11ttr Tl.01net K11.,il Edllar Thom11 A. Murphi"e Mf-111• (dltor Albert W. l 1t.1 Wi11i1111 Reid Awoe:~le Nu"H"'tafl Beatll Edllat Cl!y Edit« H•ntt ..... IMdl Offlu 109 5th Street M1llln9 Addrt1u P.O. lo• 7'0, 92,41 """ -""'"'1 8-c111 7111 Witt ..... IGlllMIN eo.11 Mell! -"""'' ...... tll'firt u.u1111 IM.cfl: m .._, ""- ·-------· OAILY 'ILOT tt1ft 'llltt Leading Valley Cl&ambel' New officers of Fountain Valley Chamber of Com· me~e discuss plans and programs for coming year. New leaders are (from left) Mike Ortale, sec· retary; Art Buchacher, treasurer; Dr. Marvin P . Adler, vice president, and Charles A. Dixon J r., president. E~ams Bait Pro~sts 'Truce'· By THOMAS FORTUNE Of .... Dlltr ""' llafll >. peace proposal by UC lrvtne lacully members wu rejected Wednesday by 100 student dlsa:ident.a who then voted to suspend further protest activitie.s until after final exams. The decbion not to cooperate with professors seeking a truce was· made during a two and one-half hour takeover or a lobby out.side the office of Chancellor Daniel G. Aldri~h Jr. Aldrich did not meet the 1tudenl!. He had left Wednesday morninJ for ·a speaking engagement lo Oregon. FILL rm FLOOR The protesllng otudents filled Jhe fifth floor administration building lobby from well to well, sitting on the dem or Becretaries who cooUnued with their wort, and qrawling on the floor. IM'lng the occupaUon a flow of perlOD.l with business in the buildi.ag were fort.cd to gingerly pkt Jheh' way U!rouab th• lobby careful not to step on the tang]e of feet and legs. Dissidents in the continuing protest for reinstatement of three assistant pro- fessors said they will take a b re a k now for finals but will escalate the protest afterward. Some spoke of a con· frontation leading to suspensions or ar- rests. DEMAND REHIRING The students want English assistant professors Stephen Shapiro and Donald Br~'l'ehired and George Kent, assls· tant history professor recommended for firlng, retained, They said they will setUe for nothing less. The peace offering wu to give the students a voice In faculty evaluation but did not go 80 tar as to offer rel& statement of the firtd professors. HEALING BREACH The pact, while rejected by the students. is expected to somewhat heal the breach within the faculty. It was worked out between professors represen- ting the two extremes, including senior EngUsh processors and members of the New University Conference, a llbtral Rejected faeulty groop sympathetic to dialldent &tudent goals. The plan would give students equal representaUon on a committee to find a way of giving students a voice in evaluation, Chancellor Aldrich before he left said he approved "in principle" student participation in promotion matters but did not endorse the specific plan. PARTIAL VICTORY Pete Clecak, an untcnured Junior English professor, presented the proposal to the student.a. He called it "not a tolal victory, but a partial victory. The English Department baa moved perhaps not very far but an enormous way for them, II he ,said. Right away Dave Heskett, who is eme.r1ing u chief leader of the dissident ltudent.a, apoie up. "It strikes me there Is much too much accord ln the room and much, much, much too little anger." i He then read a lengthy, seven-point statement the Students later were to vote to approve with one calling it the group's manifesto. He read, (excerpts) "The Ad Hoc CommiUee for Reinstatement is a power on this campus only because it is not part of the institutional structure but r a t h e r hu created its own 1tructure for struggle. NO CONFIDENCE "We have no confidence. in the ad· ministration, nor in the departments of instruction, nor in the junior faculty. Their concern is to quiet things down. Oun is to reinstate our professors. "We believe all committees are dead ends. \Ve call on all students to boycott all committee.!. We will continue to de- fend our profes.sors by eitralegal means. "We will not capitulate. We will stand in solidarity, wait. and bide our time. We will not be at peace with thi.a in· 1Utution until our professors a r e rehired." In the discussion that ensued most of the assembled students agreed with Heskett'a militant stand. There were only a few voices o! moderation sug. at UCI gesling that the faculty not be slapped down. PRECONDmON Typical of the hard liners was Glen Pritzker, who said, "When we first fonn· ed we aaid rehiring of Kent, Brannan and Shapiro would be an absolute precon- dition for talk ." More moderate was Donovan Dorsey. who said, "My top goal is revising the tenure sy!tem so we don't have to come back here next year." The three jeopardized professors were present and spoke to the 100 dissidents. Shapiro said he ls Vtf'Y moved by the students' struggle. He called it "desperately impcrtant because the cam· pus deesn't have the violence of Berkeley." Kent also spoke of reforming the system !llld said, 1"'11ii! little campus just might lead the University of California out of the woods." NOT INTERESTED Brannan, addressing himself to an off tr by the English faculty to conskler rehlr· Jng him once he campl~tes his doctoral dissertation, declared, "I'm not at all lnterested in coming back into this English Department." He said he'd like to teach in a new Unive rsity College and urged the students to push for a new type of college with a more relevant curriculum. The peace plan of the faculty now v•ill be introduced in the Academic Senate meeting, next week. Students will take their own direction of protest. Dissident students deci ded to meet next April 11, after finals and the quarter break, to lay plans for a new protest, and Uiely for a so far avoided con- frontation. a l HERITAGE Shaw on Stand,_. . ' 'Denies .JFK Plot NEW ORLEANS (UPl)-Tbe c1er .... rested ltJ cue 1n lhe Clay L. Shaw trial today after presentJQ& the white-haired defendant as U1e cliailctic witness in his own. bebllf to deny categorically he ever plotted to kill PresJdent J ob n F. Kennedy. In a point-by-point rtbuttal of Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison's charges, Shaw testified he never knew Lee Harvey Oswald or pilot David W. Ferrie, never wed the alias 1'Clay" or ''Clem Bert· rand," was a Kennedy auppGtter, and never even talked about tilling him, jokingly or otherwise. He Ls charged with conspiring with Oswald and Ferrie in New Orlearu in 1963 to kill KeMedy. Shaw was the 16th ckfen.se witness and the 59tb of the trial, which was nearing its end on Ha 32nd day. After the te.stimony of the 55-year.old Shaw, Dist. Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr., recessed early for lunch to give the state time to correlate its rebuttal wit· nesses. The defense is not allowed wit'· nesses to answef' the state rebuttal. "Were you ever engaged in any assas· sination plot?" Defense Attorney F. Irvin Dymond asked Shaw. ·'No,'' he replied. "Did you ever, jokingly or casually, talk about killing the President of the United Stat'es!" "No: Most certainly not." "Did you ever conspire with David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald to mur· der John F. Kennedy, President of the United Stat~?" "No." "Did you ever ar any lime want the President to die!" "Certainly not," Shaw said sharply. It appeared likely summatioru by op- posing attorneys would be delivered Friday, with lhe case going to the all· male jury late In the day. On cross examination by Asst. Dist. Atty. James L. Alcock, Shaw said he almost got a glimpse of Oswald when the latter was arrested on Aug. 9, 1963, for disturbing the peace in front of the International Trade Mart, of which Shaw then wu managing director. Oswald had been distributing leaflets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and was arrested aft'er a violent argu- ment with Cuban bystanders. Two Raft-riders Held in Valle y Two Newport Beach men joy riding down the rain swoUen Santa Ana River on a rubber raft were arrested Wed· nesday by Fountain Valley police for trespassing. Cited for tresspassing and released on their own recogni.iance were Thomas J. Donnell, 25, of 4305 Seashore Dr., an d Eric Engelman, 23, of 1810 W. Ocean Front. Police said the men were picked up at the Santa Ana River bed south of Talbert Avenue. Orange Coun ty Sheriff's Department put out a bulletin to pick them up after they had been sighted on the river above Fountain Valley. No rescue was needed as the men paddled the raft to the shore themselves and neither was injured , police said. Other joyriders on the Santa Ana River have not been so lucky, police. added. Shaw testified that he was In his olfke that day and someone came in and told' him "Some nut is dlst{lbuting leafleta"· in front of the building'.' "I got a phone c,all that delayed me. 11 Shaw testified. "By the time l 1ot there. Mr. Oswald was gone." He testified he had not known Kennedy was scheduled to speak on Nov. 22, 1963. at the Dallas Trade Mart, although he said that he had known of the esistence of that mart slnct 1959 or 1960. One witness had testified he saw Shaw give what appeared to be money !G Oswald on the New Orleans Lakefront in June, 1963, and that be recognized Shaw now as the man because of 1 slight Ump. From P qe l CLEANUP ..• only two swimming pools and part flf one house had been washed away by the flood waters. But the creek was eating away Al valuable backyards for the $40,000 to $75,CMMI homes lining the waterway. Residents were sandbag&ing all along the creek bed . Tuesday and Wednesday, 768 people were flown out of flood ravaged Silverado and Modjeska Canyons by Marine helicopters. Forestry oUicials who iept count said several dozen more may have walked out. All roads into the mountain area were still out tod~y and county road officials said it would be at least a week before the roadways would open. From Pqe 1 POLLUTION. • • tested !or evidence o{ contamination. -Newport Beach and HunU.Ogto11 Beacl:i: The beach areas north and south from the Santa Ana River, from the north boundary of Huntington Beach State Park to the Newport Pier are still closed as a result of the Riverside &ewer break which occurred last month. This break has not been repaired as yet. Community Awards Presentation Slated The :second annual Community Awards and Campaign Victory Celebration of the Huntington Beach Community Chest will be held at noon March 12 at the Sheraton Beach Inn. -The Community Chest drive late in 1968 netted about $100,000 for the member agencies. Awards are planned for the leader s of the drive, many of whom are already involved in planning the 1969 campaign. Held on Dope Charge LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sherill's deputies say they amsted the naUonaJ leader of the Hell's Angels motorcycle club Wednesday night and booked him on charges of carrying a concealtd weapon and possessing heroin. .JJ. J. Qarrell ~ UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE SALE Civic ~eaders Tapped For Congress Parleys ENDS FEBRUARY 28th Moderators for ~he second annual Hun· tington Beach Community Coniress 11-tarch 22 al Goldenwesl College are beginning to sha pe up their programs this week, said Dale Dunn, Chamber of Commerce manager. A Ii.st of civic leaders who will guide the panel discussiowi Much 2Z was re- leased Tuesday. Dr. 11-fax Forney, superintendent of HunUngton Beach Union High School District and director of the panel portion of the congrw, has been personally tralnlng the mcxlerators In modes of operation for the panel and sub-panel dlseusslon.s. Clvtc opporbmiUes moderators include Jack"Feeban, manager ol Soulhem c.un. ties Gu Co.; Ben Londeree, HOME Counc.U pru.ldent, and Ray Picard, Hun- tington Beach Fire Chief. Economics opportunity moderators are Bob Merriman. Stcurlly Pacific NaUonal Bank managtt; Doyle MIUer, city •cf.. mlnistrator; Ken Reynolds, clly plannl.na director, and Don Byrou Jr., vice pres~ dent of HunUngton Harbour Corp. Cllltura.I and educational opponunitl6 modtratora include Or. Clarence Hf.U, superlnt.tndent or Ocun View School Dlltrlct; Rev. Roger BellWO<lh, Com· murllty Methodist C h u r c b and Coordinating Council chalnnu; Dr. Ethan Fullmer, aulrtant hlgb IChool dislrlcl aupertntend•t and Dr. Dalo Miller, de111 cl atudeola at GoldeoWUI College. Listed as alternate moderators are Jerry Shea, vice pre.s.klent of Huntington Beach Co. and Bill Wren, aaslst.ant to the vice president or H.B. Co. Invltat.lons havt already been sent to more than 175 organlzaUons and 750 individuals. Last year's Congress drew a packed 300. Moderators will meet with groups of 2S persons during the afternoon portions or the congress, to discuss their aasiJned topics .• F rom Pqe l MARINES .•. agencies, a Marine opotesman lllld. Sometlmes lost Jn the &od of praise lot lbe El Tero MariDOI II lbe M>rlne Corps Air Facility In Sanla Ano, home bue lot """' ol lbe choppers uaed ln nus wttk's rescue operauooa. "Wt're 10mellmes the f o r 1 o l t e n sttf)Chiklrtn of El 'n>ro," qu ipped an Jnlonn•Uon speci.ali.Bt at lhe Santa Ana facility. But It will be dllf!'<'ll to forset Jhe danserous mtoslons oo.n by pilots or 14 choppers from lhe Slnla Ana bale and the more than 320 ilranded people they btlptd save. , .. A-100 Marine ,wlunteer1 from Sanla Ana aloi helped lbtlt El Toro buddies tlll undbap fer lbt aweu.n Santi Ana River. SAVE 20% ORDER IN YOUR CHOICE 0 , , ..... ,, ALSO , •• 5UISTAHTIAJ. 5AYINa5 ON MANY HWTAtN DININa lOOM, llDIOOM AND TAii.i ••oun ••• Your javoriU derigner wilt bt happv io a.t1isi I/OU ••• H.J.GARRETT fURNITtJRE fROftSSIONAL . INTERIOR DESIGNERS -- 221 S HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. M6-0 27S MM27l I l I I YC - J h v grt ·do\ di) Su In 1 300 •Ir• l I COi CO> COL orr I al> brt ~ um Jal w• pol US< dis or alo brt th< clo bn su· ym th• ... ta1 be wa ( h" ... drl ad wa I "" o~ Qo "' Sa Co h• in~ ca: ca OV• ol W1 ( 1 ( •' '" WI ca a to ha tli ht Tt m! pr I'!' "" a .. ' ar d• Uc "' th ol ... pc ra ar at p, .. m \ I I ' t .~inut . . ' EDIIIOtil • ' .. YOL 62, NO. so, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ORAN6£ COUNTY, CAIJIOllNA -· --··~ ~ -"· --•o# .... -·- . t~, Sall,dbag lliYC.' . ' ~ . ---· Marines Called Iii El Toro Troop.s Help Prore(!t lluntir,gto,&.· .falley , ' . ,• . . \, By TEllRY OOVILLE Of JM Deitf Plllf SWf Marines do more than just fight wars. Watcliliul: several hundred men in dlngy green unilorms tote sandbags up and ·down the Santa Ana River banks W~ day reminded onlookers that United States Marines are handy to ha ve around in any emergency. The sandbag toters, In shifts of about 300, worked all day Wedne s day 5trengthenine: the sides or the raging Floods Bring· Pollution Along Coast Water supplies and beaches have been conla.minated by this week's floods In· coastal areas and olher parts of the county, Dr. John R. Philp, county health officer announced today. Areas affected are : -San Juan Capistrano : Sewer line about one-half mile up~San Juan Creek, broken by laSt month's flood and recently repaired, has again beep washed out. The beach at Doheny State Park remains under quarantine due to sewage con· tainlnalO!l. -Dua· ltBolb: Low water pttmittS Wert experienced Monday nigh( but tem- porary repair& have been made, Waler users · In that area whole service was disrupted shoold boil all drinking water or used bottled water until further notlce. -i.ou ~: A J.Wncb sewer main along Coast Highway-'at.Broadway was bro~ causing discharge of sewage on the ~ Tbe -. -boa Men closed lo lhe public until the sewer break has been repaired. -Sutlago Canyea area: 8ervlct lo Silvera.do, Santiago and Modjeska can- yons bas been completely disrupted and these areas are without safe drinking water. Residents are advised that any tap water which may be available should be boiled before drinking, or , bottled water used. • Once service has been reslon!d ~ health department will test the water and inform users when it is sale to drink. -Trabaeo Canyon area: All ruk!ents ad'rised to boil tap water or use bottled water until further notice. AJbo Beacll: Treated and dlsinfected sewage, mixed with stonn runoff Is overflowing from ·Niguel Lake down Aliso Creek and onto Aliso Beach. Also a sewage force main in the South Laguna Sanitary District running aJongside Aliso Creek is threatened with collapse. The hea1th department hrul ordered the clos- ing of the beach until the' f'ituatio n can be evaluated. -Sunset Beach: Heavy rainfall has caused Infiltration of the collector sewers overloadi ng the sewage treatment plant of the Sunset Beach Sanitary District. Water in Huntington Harbour is being (See POIJ,UTION, Pase Z) Crowds in Rome Hoist Nixon Onto Shoulders ROME (AP) -President Nixon \OOk a tumultuous salute from. WeJt Be.rllilers today and told them all people who want freedom are BerUners. Then he came to tightly guarded Rome w~ a crowd hoisted him to its shoulders. On the way into t.hil ancient city, the President 's motorcade came to a halt. Nil:on got out and plunged into the crowd and up he Went onto sbouldera. As he did in Berlin Nixon waved his anns in exuberance and deUiht. The motorcade moved on after it'Wll minutes to the palace of the ltaUan president. But after the President ruched the Ji8la<e about l,Olll demooslraton ~ed out by I1al7'a C«nmunlal party bqan a march toward Lbe p·resldentlal residence. chanting "Nixon go home." The crowd, made of working -meri and studenl.s, took to the streets In defiance of a police ban on demonstra- Uons. Two anny trucks with sirens M:rea mlng tried to block Lhe march but the demonstrators Mpt· moving, Blocks away. at the main campus of student-occupied Rome Unlveraity. rebellious students tried to break past police barriers to join the 111U.Nl1.on ra11y. Club-wielding police drove tb<m back and otudenll replied by hurUng paving alon<I ripped up from the stnota. Seftfal llloCkl from tile Qu!rtnal Palace ol tile .Jtallan Pftlidmt IOI IOldien Ill --lrucb lllO!llJed tho mardJln. \ Santa Ana Riv.r to protect worried r.s!clellta ol Hunttogton Beach, Fountalli Valley and Costa·Mesa. El Toro a!Oc!lk Al4 !heir ..... • ~ ....... ;.; -ln- pu]Jed at leut rr.i fli>od -.tctmlli6iim ... i..,. lrmn II: MkMoJ'• -IMrJ -·two -'l'uelday, Ud the • ~· '"Joi -,.__ numb(f -1 yet boon taOled for • and I""" ~ dCll _,_ 'llley were from El Toro Marine Coo:po Air Station and they were welconled by the Orange County Flood Control District officers who asked for their aid. W"1neodaY, • . To ~ ap. with Ult .~ .aclloo r Eight choppers worked TueacllY and "' an ea)Or-. the -~ 10 were In the air W-ay, El Toro from a -control oenter at the officials reported. El Toro air faclllty. Hundreds or lives in the SUverado and Modjeska Canyon areas wtre also sa ved, w:ith the aid of Marine helicopters flying rescue missions. Seven stranded residents in the San They don't control rescue operations Juan Capistrano-Ortega Highway area from there, but send their personnel were also added to Tuesday's rescue and equipment out for use by other list. (See MAIUNES, Pap I) • • Sandbags Bolster Levees for Storm Hundreds of El Toro Mai'lne! are work· It will take several days before the ing along banks of the Santa Ana River-Villa Park water level will settle down today bolstering the levees w:ith sandbags to pre·stonn condlUonS, said Burke. for an expected weekend storm. · "If we·tet the water flow at its present The Orange C.ounty Flood ..Control rate," he added, "We can store an DU!trict said this morning the sandbag· extra 6,000 acre feet by Friday':s ex- ging operations are pr e c a u.l i on a r y peeled storm." measures to strengthen the tops of the. Residents in H~µngton Buch, Foun- levees above the protef::ted aldu. tain Valley and cOsta Mesa are in no Torrents of water rushing down the danger from t.be Santa Ana Jliver. "We Santa An.a River won't Jet up for several feel we can cootrol anythiq that happens days, Oood control spokeanen said today. in the rlver,11 Aki Burke. "Villa Park and Prado dams have "Crew• are cumat11 palrolin( the to unleash IODle ti. their stacked up river banb and abcring up mzy poui.ble flood water in preparation. for this weak apo&s," be added. weekend's predicted rains,'' said Robert Fountain. Valle1 o#OtlaJ• ·in the mun~ Burke, plaJinlng divWon technician for time are lllldbqpog atr.eta wber< the the district. riv'1'· wpulc( have access to the city "We've got to get the water out as , in the fftDt a major storm should cauae fast as possible," :sald Burke. . it to now· over ltJ banks.· "''We'~, lll:e lo let up op tjie !tJ! , ~· llilall ~· .. Coll! '14"ii!;' ~~~~o~.!'"O:~·~~ r.:-....i::..· :m~f!Oocf~~ boll1nd tile Villa Park dam anolhfr rain distrt<t ~ -• · • , storm could be devastating.'· Thlll Cu, lew people have IUffertd Water ls now nowlng over Villa Park in HunUn~. Beach or Fountain Valley State Orders Ban on Coast Oil Drilling Special lo .. DAILY PILOT SACRAMENTO -The State Lands Commi!slon today revoked all perm.It! allowing oil companies to sink test cart holes oU canromla waters. The revocation is e f re c t I v e im· mediately. It means Shell OU Company_ and seven associate firms will conduct n o "geological surveys" off Newport Beach. San Clemente and other coaslal cities as pis.lined. Exploratory drUling now under way off Ocw>alde will cease today. Shell's 300-lt. long drtlllng birp; CUSS I, will have to "clean up and move out,'' n!d a stale spcimman. . The acUOn~ by the Lands cOrrimlssion was unanimous. It reverse.: a Jan. 2 decision grinUn& the peritdll. l:'"'ldll ' l'c'!D"''*'" .. llCloct Qll "' ~atri811' 1~ CerA·•tll'ton Seo:relll7 frank -t!Ortls. - dam at the rate of 4,000 c uh i c feel from the Week'i torrentlAI rains a n d per second, and the U:S. Ahny Corp:s floods . of Engineers is expected to upen Prado They are perhaps members of a lucky dam som~Ume today. few cities in Orange County. Apollo 9 La~ch Delayed 3 Days; Astronatlts. lll Wounded by Gunman Sµn Shines Another Day, With Odds Even Friday CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (AP) -The space. agency today postponed Ute Apol· lo t launchlne three days, from Friday until Monday, beclUSe of coldl auUered by the three astronaub Who are lo ny the l(k!Jy earth ortlt mlssl-On. Clerk ·Hurls Beef ]etky ' At. Bandit, Foils HeiSt For the second day tn a row, the sun shone today over sunny California. And, me weatherman noted, lhe odds for three consecutive dry days were, at least, even. Nerve Gas Pills Washed Ashore Dangerous a t r o p 1 n e capsules, a nerve gas a!it.ld<ite, were found wa!htd up on Bolsa Chica Stale Beach Wed- nesday. HunUngton Beach police said the capsUJes are a dangerous drug and should not be bandied by lnuperlenced penons. Capt. Earl Robitaille, detective bureau chief, said from Ume to time such capsules and other drop waah up on shore · ~from NaYJ. lhtp:s u far u a hundred .miles out. • "'l'bey toss them overboard while at sea, and sometimes the tide brings them in to shore,~· be llid. Last sw:nmer, several similar atro- phlne capouJa m1Ud with morphine . Wert found .. Ille beacbel, polill said. ~ 'Ibis w1s encouraging news for Orange • Coast rtsidents who have grabbed their raingear through a seriell of stonns which have dumped more than triple the nonnal amoun( of rain :so far thi11 season. But, forecasters warned, a new stonn is inching loward the coast some 500 mlltll out in the Pacific. It should arrive sOmetime Friday, bringing at lea.st light rain!. "Th.is is a dlfferent type of stonn from the last one which barged right into Southern Call!ornia," one forecuter said. "It'• Just too far out and -Ing too slowly to say anytlllng,too dellnlte about it now." Meanwhllt, Orange Cout resident& were poklnf their beada. ou1doon again, enjoying the aunny spell while they can and keeplnf: a wary weather eye on the weekend. StOC!k M.arkel• NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed lower today in slack trading. (See quotalions, Pagtll 11-19). ' 'I'hf' launCh was reset ror a a.m. PST Monday. The decision was made after doctor:s examined the three astronaut!. A i r Force Cols. Jamu A. McDi vltt and Dav- id R. Scott and civilian Russell L. Sch· welckart. The trio came down with sore throats and stuffy noses Wednesday. There was concern at the time that the launching might have to be delayed any. where from one to five days because of tbe illnwes. The astronauts took medicine, drank plenty of llqulWt and rested 12 hours Wednesday night. They -In "good IPlr!ts" today and undenmrt a 6-mlnute medical .1 exam. After the thorough throat and nasal exam, the doctors pronquoced the pllots Improved but ftlt It wise to delay the flight to give them plenty of time td re. cover and rest for what has been term- f'd the most complex man in space fll~ht ever attempted. The countdown on the giant Saturn 5 rocket and spacecraft, which had prog- ressed on schedule, was to continue down to nine hours before the original planned lift.off and then will be held un- til Monday. An , Ana~elm liquor. store clerk was' shot by a holdup man Wednesday nl&ht but he managed to rout .tns assailant without giving up any money. Clerk Ernest G. Cross, 62, of Chino, of the Eastown Liquor, 1140 N. East St., lhrew jars o{ beef jerky at the robber until the man fled. When OUicer Gerry Hix arrived on the scene, he said Cross was talking 00 the telephone, covered with blood and smoking a. cigar. Cross told the officer the holdup man demanded money from lhe cash reatster then fired a gun, the bullet .Just IJll!alnl CrOll' bead. The ~k rea~ecl ubder the Counter and ~bed a jar, <ii bell jUky which he · at tbe rObber, missing him. With that the holdup man took better ai1J1. and Jilt cross In the neck, 'founding hlJil .uperflclally. · Cfou replied to the attack wlth another Burke Introduces Bill to Retire Teachers at· 65 Orange County Digs Out CallfOl'jl!a school dlstrlds wllj n0 lcin(er have to aboW cause ,belore ~ tchool teacben .15 me over1 JI a blll. ln~ed todV by AJ/<111bi;min :~ it lhlrke (&HWlllD&I0!1.Bea<h) ~ !""· ' 0 RecenUy 'there baft''beetr Jiumeroa• Flood Damage E•timmed in Millions of DolJm:s· =~bl~ .. ~= .. • e • onJy' Jiw 1Dlf tn .mne make By JACK BROllACK The -"*' Jli\ed u Jane Sdnwe. And lnOow 'has dropped to l ,«IO cubic ll bnpoulble to r---t °' "' - - -41: R. -U. 11; Monie DoWlU. feet per """'1CI. a'ge l<acher without' a 1'earli>g," tile It was digging out di!' fer Orange 4!; llalchanl Block: and Mu Jlell, II. At the hellht <ii the 11-0nn Tuesday, lawmaker said. ' : • County today" sunsbloe cootlnued to alll'elldentaofSllveradoCan on. , 11,llllO.c:llblc-feet per oecood was nowing The 7Gth dillrlcl ·-blflnan addld1 replace. flooding and dcv1 1tatl111 "t ,. .IAIO .thedam. , '\Mr bill proyides ·~t· •~)9ori u • rainstorm. In Orqe, rampaging Saritlqo Crftk f !:~ ·f,Woi· piblC reet. ~ ~ la teacher rUchH rionrial Jt11'-1mebl age, Authorities tried to total up !he damage conUnued to take ill tcJL Twg a)arJm#I ' ·~ 'aito*Od, · Qoo<J off cl ab ;~14 .to loci!' lich<>oi• lflotrtcl' ofllclill :will &ave that Is estimated In the mllli«ul. · houitl evacuated atnoe MOlldll' Id! '"Jo ; ..,..,er tlil i\te'ri<Oit ,ro · hafldle fature th•· flexible i>"'"'l•Uve' of offer!DC· a Almost mlraadoualy, only five lives the stream bringing to tine lhe._oum* ·fatna:. '" • . • • one year contract withoat teotl.lif ·to were lost when a mudallde pushed of buildings destroyed In 1!111 conun~. In Santa Ana:·re!Idents ·ahing ~lvlera the retlnmeilt a1e .-er ~ througl>the Sllvuado Fil< StaUon Tues-The lost -wm Iooiled ltt brtve and Weil River .!load •be!Weell them to'.J'ltlrti" ' ' . • ,_ ' day when IO refupea from tho 7111 ml 'IUli Ballard -~.a a111J.t 'tho llanta-Mia n.w.; Ud !lle .santa Tiie meaW&wu'ln-bJ Baru downpoarwere-.Aoatber!J...,. dlatance below VIDa P•k Daqi. !Jl&'iRI~·' . lo ;blltle ~u.! at the:re.i-of lbolQctOp~~ In~. Authorltla fw.d 11111 a;. :;ii:i:= :cfeinicl(l'J' . ' ., School ,f8 U •0in n" -· A pmtoua report that tla more bodiea In lllat blocl11n111J1·!0ppi. 1 · · I ~'tit, . . -jlllgo)' , , : , :•, : " ,_, , ' i!~S~~ :~~!~~ri l'·~--. ',id ledy;·~~& mudlndlJatnomorebodio&r..nd. _ .,,._ &Uf Ulll......,., · '(rcJim,,., ...... 11 . -~~ .. , , ... of . jerky and the ..:..i.i.be ~ t1ed u . the jar mnasbed tbi:oulli tho . ' glass front door of the liquor store. Mariner Running 'Like a Oock' PASADENA (AP) -The Mariner I 1Pll'ec%att.~ "l'llllnltii.along like a Utile cl.Ck" on Ill fllibt toward liari, al;,a misalon conlrol at tile Jel Pn>pulakn Laboratory. Jl'lymg at'Uout l,Oll01!lilto an l6ur, the tM-milllon craft II ached11Jed :--ta ftr. by Mars at ~ a!Ulude of . Ids than IOO mllOI om Ju)J Ill. • The camer~ ~ i. nady to. send hack detallld !tliviaJon. "1ct.rt. lnt'!lded to help de~ wiieu-~ can support We. The craft •u ltuncbed Monday at Cape Kenne<ty:na. . Oru11e .. t 1 .. ' --' - z O~LY PILOT H Thursday, f'toP\llrl Z.I, 1969 New or Old? Stand, . l e~teue Re•ts .Shaw on • • • . Oil Flo~ .. In Channel ·Denies JFK ·Plot · , SANTA BARBARA (UP l) - Oilworlc:ers poured cement and drilling mud down an offshore well today to stem a new flow · of raw petroleum which formed a slick ei&bt mlles long vff the Southern California coast. Crude oil washed ashore as far :90Uth as Ven.Ice in Los Angeles County· but no one was sure whelhet it was from the new leakage or remnants of the original slick formed JRn. 28. Workman tolllng on 15 miles o1 belchtl blackened by the fir1t leak were dismayed by the new tnvufon. "Tbey we.re just overwhelmed," aa1d one ot~ nc1at Interior Secrelary Walter J. Hickel ordered addJUonal emergency equlpinent and technical J)!(SOMel to Union OU Co. 's ol'Csbore rig. to cope with tht new leat. · Hickel abo announ* no oll drU1lnt will &e allowed in the santa Barllara Chumtl unUJ he is "convinced" there will be no more disastrous 1'8;kl. DAILY ,II.OT $taff '"'" Lea4lng Valleg Chamber NEW ORLEANS (UFI)-The defense rested Ha case in the Clay L. Shaw trial todly after presentblg the white·haired defendant as Uie climactic witness in his own behalf to deny caf.egorically he ever plotted to kill Pretident J oh n F. Kennedy. In a point-by-point rebuttal of Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison's charges, Shaw testified he never knew Lee Harvey Oswald or pilot David W. Ferrie, never uaed the alias "Cbty" or "Clem Bert· rand," was a Kennedy supporter, and never even talked about killing him, jokingly or otherwise. He is charged with conspiring with Oswald and Ferrie in New Orleall! in 1963 to kill Kennedy. Shaw was the 16th defense witnee:s and the 59th of the trial, which wu nearing its end on jLs 32nd day. Shaw testified thal he was In his office that day and someone came in and told him "Some nut is distributing leafiell" in front of the building. "I g9t a Dbone call dlat delayed me:." Shaw testiffed. "By the ttme I &ot there, Mr. Olwald was gone." He testified he had not known Kennedy was scheduled to speak on Nov. 22, 1963, at the Dallas Trade Mart, although he said that be had known of the ailtence of that mart ainct 1959 or 1960. One witness had testified he 11w Shaw give what appeared to be money to Oswald on the New Orleans La.kefront iri June , 1963, and that be recognized Shaw now as the man because of a slight Ump. From Page J CLEANUP ... "Until we are convl~ we can co ahead and drill with •aafely, wt Won't start drlllJng," H1ckel told I D~I OOI> feruce Wednudly. 11Wben Wt Clo atan, II wW be with 1he -that, u far'"U humanly poalble,1 Iba dlaulu that bapponjd ..... I rellappea;" New oWcers of Fountain Valley Chamber of Com· marce· dlacu11 plans and programs for coming year. Now leaders are (fn>m Jett) Mike Ortale, sec- retary; Art Buchac:her, treasurer ; Dr. Marvin P. Adler. vice president; and Charles A. Dixon Jr., president. After the testimony of lhe SS.year~ld Shaw, Dist. Judge Edward A. Haggerty Jr., recessed early for lunch to give the state time to correlate its rebuttal wit· nesses. The defense is not allowed wit- nesses to answer the state rebuttal. "Were you ever engaged in any assas- sination plot?" Defense Attorney F. Irvin Dymond asked Shaw. only two swimming pools and part tif one house had been \•:ashed away by the flood waters. - But the creek was eating away at valuable bac~yards for the $40,000 to $75,000 homes lining the waterway. Residents were sandbagging all alone the creek bed. _ .. ·"-E~.,,.. Halt Protests Sch~l Aspiran~ Invited to Spea_k candldaltt ,for three ••II on Iba governilll board o1 tba Huntlnaton Beach Union l!llh 8cjlool Dlllrlct have been invttad to alltnd two brlefln& atlllona on the dlllrlct by Il1'l Supl Dr. Mu Forney. · Tbe confarencfl will be btld .at 8 p.m. on March • l!ld 10 In the board room of, dlllricl headquartar1, 11112 l 71h St. ill the race art lncwnbenll John BeatleJ, Jlayni<lld Scbm!U. and Richard Wllloa. Oppntlna. tbam art Jtm ~tann. a~ ·lo1'11t7; Slapbon D. Haman, llhnldan: 'Truce~ By THOMAS FORTUNE Of "" .,.,., , .... ""' ' A peace propoaal by UC Irvine faculty members waa rejected Wednesday by 100 student ciluJdenta: who then voted to su1pend further protest activiUea: untJI lfier final exams. The declllon not to cooperate with · prOfeuori 1eeklnj: a truce was made clurln1 a two and one-hall hour takeover ol a lobby oulllde tba olllce ol·Chancellor Daniel G. Aldr1".ll Jr. Aldrich dld not mttl the -t.. He had left Wtdnaclay mornlnll for a lpttllq tn111tmt11l Ill Ortaon. Jolm w.nt,. pbpJclan; daiollno R. Mlldloll; -.ttoiial C<llllllltant; Barllel• PILL ITll FLOOll la SUter, bouMwtle: Fred W. VON, The prolOltinl stud111t. filled the fUtb enai-: llamy Bnllnaer • contractor; n dmlnl tr 1· b 'Id! lobb fro Ralph Bauer, chemist; and Robert E.. oor a s a 10~ w ng Y m "BOii" lltllpall corparltliqri pmldanl wall lo wall, llttin(f Oil the dOlka of • 1 · ""' , , ·~ HCretlrie1 who conUnued with their \ ~ .. ~ , , f ~~ 1 · -.~~work, aod sprawllna on the flgort Quring C. Sch } the occupaUon 1 now of persona with ( oast 0 ars business In the bulldlng were forc:d . ·, ' to gllliarly pick their way f/lroU<h, th• All Lo 0 lobby careful not to step on tlie 1angle se ut of feet and 1.,.. . Dissidents in the continuing protest for reinstatemtnt ol three assistant pro. Teams from Costa Mesa, Corona del Mar and Fountain Valle)' high tchoqil1 all lost in the fin;t round of Kiwanis Bowl scholar quiz Clllllpolitton this morn- ing at Calta .Maa High ScbooL - The "ilonaJ cnmpetillon WU won by Los Alamit01 Hlgh School which defeat· ed Fullerton in overtime. Costa Id.,. lost to Fullerton tn a quick recall match b1 only 118 lo 25. Corona del Mar, lut JUJ''I county c:bam· pion, was eliminated by eventual winner Los Alamitos. Member• ol the hoot Costa Id.,. team were MeJody Keller, Eric Anderson, Cheryl RouUey , Kathy Fillmore and Mike Woodard . Yl\IICA Family Days Slated on Weekend Yfi.1CA member s can sU\l enjoy YMCA Family Days at Disneyland SaturdJy and Sunday if thoy buy Ucket. before 5 p.m. today and Friday at 1ny Dianeyland admission booth. leaaon oald they will take a b re a ~ now for flnaltl but will ucalate the protest afterward. Some spoke of a con- frGlllaUnn leading to su.spenalons ... ar- re1ts. DEMAND REHIRING 'I11e student.s want Ena:ll.sb uailtant proluaon Stephen Shapiro and Donald BrlllDlll relllred and George Kenl, '""" t.ant history profeuor recommended for firing, retained. They said they will !ietUe for notbiili less. The peace offering wu to 1lve tb1 student.I a voice In faculty evaluation but did not go eo far 11 to offer rein· statement or the fired profeuors. HEALING BREACH The pact, while rejected by the students, is expected to somewhat heal the breach within the faculty. It w11 worked out between professors represen~ ting the two extreme.!!, lnc:luding 1enlor English profe.!lsors and members of the New University Conference, a llber1J Rejected faculty group sympathetic to diWd ent 1tudent goall. The plan would give students equal representation on a committee to find a way or giving studenl.s a voice in evaluation. Chancellor Aldrich before he left said he approved ·"in principle" 1tudent participation in promotion matters but did not endorse the 1pecilic plan. PAl\TIAL VICTORY Pete Clecak, an unttnured JUDlOr Enallab pro!eaaor, presented the propooal to the Students. He called it "not a total victory, but a partial victory. Tbt English Department ha1 moved perhaps not very fir but an enormous way for them," he said. Right aw1y Dave He1kett, who is emerging u chief leader of the diuldent atudentl, 1poke"Up. "It strikes me there + Is much too much accord In the room and much, much, much too little anger." He· then read a lengthy, seven-poi11t s~tement the: students later were to :vote to approve with one calling it the group 's manifesto. He read, (excerpll) "Tl'te Ad Hoc Committee for Reinstatement i1 a powli- on this campus only beeause it is not part of tbe Institutional slructure but r a t h e r bu cruted ltl own 1tructure for 1truqle. NO CONnllENCE "We have no conlldence 1n the ad- mlntllraUon, nor Ill Iba departmenll ol tnstrucUon, nor in the junlor faculty. Their concern is to qulet thlnp down. Oun ii to reinstate our professon. "We believe all committees are dead ends. We call on all students to boycott all committees. Wt will conUnut to de- fend our profe1tors by extralegal means. "We will not capitulate. We will stand in solidarity, wait, ind bide our time. We will not be at peace with thiJ in· 1Utution until our professors a r e rehired." In the discussion that ensued most ol the auembled atudenta agreed with He1kett'1 mlllllnt 1land. There were only a few voices of moderaUon sue- Special redue<d rates from YMCA membus include a ten-Ucket booklet 10< 13.%5 and a IS.ticket booklet for SUS. DAILY PILOT Civic Leaders Tapped For Congress Parleys OU.NG! COAIT l"Ullt,H!NO COMl"ANY Robtrt N. Wtt4 Prnldent •M P11bll.,..., J•d1 R. C11rlt/ Vlte Pruldent Incl Go..erl MIMOtr Thom•• Kttvil Ed!lor Thom•• A. M11 rphin1 Ml .. fat l!41ior Albtrt w. l•ffl Wifli1m R11cf A-.cl"' HlllltfNten klCll Editor Cl"t Editor HHtl ........ Offta JOt ltft Str .. t MeTlfAt AIUN1t1 P.O .... 7tO, fJ:MI ...... _ "'"""' Meetl: "" w.t ............. Cott• ,..., -""' ..., .,,.. l...,,. IMClll 22t F-t A- L= ______ _ Moderators for 1he second aMual Hun- tington Beach Community COD,gres1 fi.tarch 22 at Goldenwest College are beginning to shape up their programs this week, said Dale DuM, Chamber of Commerce manager. A list o( civic leaders who will guide the panel dJSCIJJl!ona March 12 WU re- leased Tuesday. Dr. Max Forney, 411perintendent of Huntington Beach Union High School District and dlrecUJr ol the pueJ pnetlon ol Iha .......... bu been perannally training Iha moderators In moda of operBUon for the panel and 1Ul°r-panel dilcusslo111. Civic opportunlUes moderators include Jack Feehan, manqer of southern eoun. ties Gaa Co.; Ben Londeret, HOME Council president, and Ray Picard, Hun- tington Beath Fire ChJef. Economics opportunity moderators: are Bob ~terriman, Security Pacific National Bank manager; Doyle Miller, city 1d· ministxator; Ken Reynolds, dty planning director , and Don Byrne,s Jr., vice prt.S._ denl of Huntington Harbour Corp. Cultural and educational opportunities moderators include Dr. Ctanoce Hall, auperlntfndenl ol <>c..n View School Dlll11ct; Rev. Rogv Beia-tb, C<Jo>. munity Methodi.t Cb u r c b · ud Coordlnatlng Council chalJ'man; Dr. Ethan Fullmer, uatJtant b1aJi llclloOl dll!rfct IU)ltrtotendont, ud Dr. Dale MJller. dean ol ltudenll at Goldenweal Colfege. Listed as alternate moderatori; ire Jerry Shea, vice president of Huntington Beach Co. and BJll Wren, aal11tant to the vice president of H.B. Co. Invitations have already been sent to more than 175 organizations and 750 individuals. Last year·s C-Ongress drew a packed 300. Moderators will meet with groups ol 25 pennns during Iba afternoon porUO!ll of the -. to dlacU>S lbeJr aalped topics. From Pqe J MARINES ••. agencies, a Marine spokesman said. Sometimes loat in the flood of praise for Lhe El Toro Marines ls. the Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana, home base for rn05t of tH choppers used in this week's rescue operations. "We're sometimes the for 1 o t t t n ste:pchildrtn of El Toro," quipped an inlonn1tion specialist at the Santa Ana faclllty._ Bui II will be dUflcult to loqel the ....,._ mlaloos flown by pilot. of 14 chof>l><l'I from the Slllla Alll hue and lhe more than !Ill -people !hay he!~..... . Anolllei IOO Marine ~ from Santa Ana alan helped lllift !t Taro budd!t1 fill aandbep lar1 Jiit awnllen santa Ana Rim. l at UCI gesting that the faculty nol be slapped dO\\'n. PRECONDITION Typical of the hard liners was Glen Pritzker. who sai d, "When we first form- ed we said rehiring ot Kent, Brannan and Shapiro would be an absolute precon- dition for talk.'! More moderate was Donovan Dorsey, who said, ''My top goal is revising the tenure sy1tem so we don't have to come back here next year." The three jeopardized profe11sors were pre11ent and spoke to the 100 dissidents. Shapiro said he ls very moved by tbe students' struggle. He called it "'desper1tely important because the cam- pua doesn't have the violence of Berkeley.'' Kent also spoke of reforming the system apd said, "This litllc campus just might lead the University of California out of lh.e woOds," NOT INTERESTED Brannan·, addressi ng himself lo an offer by the English facujty to consider rehir· ing him once be completes his doctoral dissertation, declared, "I'm not at all interested in comlnJ back into this English Department.' He said he'd like to teach in a new University Colleae and urged the students to puJb for a new type or college with a more rellvant curriculum. The peace plan of the faculty now will be introduced in the Academic Senate meeting nex\ week. Students will take their own dlrectlon of protest. Dissident 1tudents decided to meet next April 11, after finals. and the...g_uarter break, to Jay plans for a new protest, and llkely for a so far avoided con- frontation. al "No," he replied. ••oid you ever, jokingly or casually, talk about killing the President of lb• United st.test" ·••No. Most certainly not." 11Dia you ever conspire with David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald to mur· der John F. Kennedy, President of the Unltad State&?" "No." ''Did you evt.r at any time want the President to die?" "Cen'ainly not," Shaw said sharply. It appeared likely summations by op- posing attorneys would be dellvertd Friday, with the case golng to the all- rnale jury late in the day. On cross examination by Asst. Dist. Alty. James L. Alcock, Shaw !iaid he almost got a glimpse ol Oswald when the latter was arrested on Aug. 9, 1963, for disturbing the peace in front or the International Trade Mart, of which Shaw then was managing director. Oswald had been diatributlng leaflets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee and was arreJted aft'er a violent argu· ment with CUban bystanders. Two Raft-riders Held i11 Valley Two l\1c,1·port Beach men Joy riding dO'A'n the rain S1''0llcn Santa Ana River on a rubb~r rnrt v.·erc arrcstrd Wed- nesday by f ountoin Valley police fnr trespassing. Cited for tressp<Jsslnt1 :ind rcleosed on their own recognizance 11:ere 1'homas J. Donnell , 25, of 4305 Sc::ishore Dr., and Eric Engelman , 23. of 1810 \V. Ocean Front. Police said the men were picked up at the Santa Ana River bed south of Talbert Avenue. Orange County Sheriff's Department put out a bulleUn to pick them up after they had been 1ighted on the river above Fountain V•lley. No rescue was needed a11 the men paddled the raft to the shore themselves and neither was injured, police said. Other joyriders on the Santa Ana River have not been so lucky, police added. Tuesday and Wednesday, 768 people were flown out of flood ravaged Silverado and Modjeska Canyons by Marine helicopters. Forestry oWclalJ who kept count said several doz.en more may have walked out All roads into the mountalo area were Btill out. today and county roid offtclahr said it would be at least a week before the roadways would open. Fro111 Page 1 POLLUTION .. tested for evidence of contamination. -Newport Beach and HunU.stoa Beach: The beach areu north and touth from the Santa Ana River, from tbl!I north boundary of Huntington Beach Statt Park to Iha Newport Pier art 1Wl doted u a result of the Rivenidt 1ewer break which occurred 1ut mnntb. Tbll bretk bu not been repaired u yet. Community Awards Presentation Slated The second annual Community Awards and Campaign Victory Celtbr•tion or the Huntington Beach Community Chest will be held at noon March 12 at the Sheraton Beach lnn. The Community Cheat drive late In 1968 netted about SI00,000 for the rq.ember agencies. Awards are planned for the leaders of the drive, many of whom are already involved in planning the 1969 campaign. Held on Dope Charge LOS ANGELES (AP) -5hlrilf• deputies say Uley arruted the naUonal leader of the Hell'• Angels motorcycle club Wednesday night and booked him on chlrge1 of carrying a concealed weapon and possessing heroin. _jJ. J. (Jarrell~ HIRITAGI UPHOLITIRID •URNITURI SALi INDI •llRUARY 21th SAVI 20% llOFUSIONAt INTERIOR DESl&NERS I ORDIR IN YOUJt CHOICI 01' ~ PAl•IC WO ••• sumANTIAL SAYl- ON MANY HUri'A•I DININ• lOOM, llDlOOM AND TAILI ••ours ... Your fa vorite designer wilt bt happ11 to 0111.st vou ••• I· - 2211 HARIOl ILVO. COSTA MESA, CALIF\ M6-0271 -76 1 I -1 ' .La .. u"a Be h . . .. e ae -• . EDtJION • l YOt 62, NO. 50, 3 SECTIONS, 32 l'A6~ ' . . .... . ORANGE COUNT'(,; Qlll:O~A: . ~ . . THURsDA '(, FO(UARY-:U, '19+f f .. ' t --. :JEN' CElllTS -. -------- ' 7' . --.· .---... . --• ---. -. '· . ' • •• . --~ 0 s .r1 .. ·' . -' ,\ ,_ Clemente , • • Exploiratioit ·, . '' . . lpodal ti .. .i>AJLY l'ILOI' . ,_ . . . . -•• ,,,, ........... -,,,. Slate Landi ~~ ........ aU perm)ls aUowlDI oil ~ lo &ink lest· - hillll lill CilUarn!a -· .• -• 'l'bl rflOCltloa la e f f e c t I Y e lm-, diedlalely. . . • ll mum Shell-OD Company and 11ven .-1e llrnil • !1111 conduct a o ·~· IUl'Ve)'J" oft Nelvpart 8'acb. Ian Clfin.,le aQ!I other cQUla1 dlleto .. planned. ~~~ drllliog J!OW -"*'m:n&Y. dt !~·will ceue today.' 11 31»41. 1coc 'drilling barce, CUSS' I~ will have to 1 'clean up and move out," old a state spokesman. The acUon by the, Lands Commllslop was unanimous. It r~ene.: a Ju. 2 · deciai.on granlln-.: the permlll. · Lands commWlcinen acted on a recommendation from C om m I 1 1 I o n -secretary Frank HorUg. . • * * * • -. -· • . -·· . DAILY •ILOT ltefl ...... WORKMEN CLEAR DEBRIS FROM CLOGGED CHANNEL .Watar Was Flowlnt Smoothly Today and Flood Foara Subo!Md • • DALY ..... __ Ma yor .P~rus_.:· es Repai·rs Nea· . r c, o,m'p,·,,1 -•,·w· ·n. LAGUNA DANCER CAROL CYBULSKI PUTS 12-FOOT PET PYTHON THROUGH HIS PACES . . Wli • , Society ond Soquina .Her Hant Ups, a..1, 10 'Dovil.' '"•All Show Bi•, 'Breathing 'Spell' ·. . ' · ._ -· . " , · _ Lagmia ·Dancer Mtist Face Trial In Obscenity Case By TOM BARLEY Of 11M1 DallJ Pll1I Stiff Toptw dancu Carol Cybulski's lawr_er otqed an Impromptu courlhouse corridor rouUne al· Ills own Wednesday moments .ntr Santa Ana M.uniclpe.l Court Judge Paul Mast ruled that .his curvaceous client must face a jury trial on obscenity cbarges. Inluriated attorney ~ien Moore im· rnedllittly filed a writ of problliit.ion trbich will be beard by the Superior Cour:t'• appellate division.· Moore has asked the three-judge panel to reject what he claims is·the "unqualified and unprecedented" decision by Mast that &he Llguna Beach entertainer's A;mbnent-A-Go-Go routine is "patently oblctne'1 by Orange County standards and that no further pre-trial hearing II necoaaary. Moore claims Miss Cybulaltl's pro- ftrictlcm. under the First Amendment from nlne counta of indecent exposure and lewd conduct. Her dancing comes under the protection assured to free speech, he clalm!, and her conduct was not lewd since abe was not as naked as . lbe pabula of lbe popular Santa Ana bar llU]lPOSed. Mias Cybulski. 3'l, of 3069 Cresta Way, •u booted on each occasion after her torrid performance -described during Ile hearing as "sexy,. suaestlve and ;iaJnly filthy" -was watcliOd by poilce alflce'I and agenl! al the stall's AloolioJlc Be.eraget Cootnl department. udg< Masl brought the pre-trial to an ear1y ccn:lusJon when that be had heard enoogh . .-him that Mias Cybulski '• 1ct was "obviously obscene by com· munlty standaro..." "·She .. ·_,.n· "I-g·8·~ ~~:.-··lie" .· .. 0n •. oo n-. .1 .. 0 "-"i :t m'1 Watet Li.f~liff:e ~8 111··' -... • , , . . . . "ll k!ot• like we'll hava a 1>gl "11 • .• "-clL. ,... . ,.,,,,~· "-'• # . . 1J1ttt." · • • -"7·111\:HAnu l'.'lfAIL · ,_, • .. e--llo ~ La,... Mayor GlOM Vedder .... .. ... ·-,,.. .... .,_ ...id It seWhf. . . . . Dancer Use s 'Pal,s' in A. ct e1a1e11 today .1 St.1• Land• CommiJ~o. .11epa1r" the waler ureUne serving ™ 11oe aervlng Laguna aod -revocation of. offshore oll np1oratlon Lapp& ~ and SQuth Laguna was ~ wu .wUbed out Jn Morro By JACK CHAPPELL Of llM De llf •l11t II.it Just looking at petite, shapely Lagtman Carol Cybulski, one might suppose the blonde-temptress-would n-m--tne ustial female qualms about things scaly and .crawly. Ah, not so. For wlthln that 36-24-31 form throbs a stout heart and a love !or lhoR repUI., untveraally scornecl sinct Eve tangled with her vipery ad- visor. Carol does tangle with an assortment of slimy. ·petl and it's jUJt all in a night's work ror tbe 30-year~ snake dancer. In addition to her favorite partner, a U-foot, SS.pound python named Devil, the lass's pets include two cobru, a rattlesnake and another python, all usually tept at a friendd's home in COWllY territory l>ecauae of Laguna's pet Jaws. 1be dancer also has a parrot and three cats. "Society is one of my biggest hangupz. I guess that's why 1 UH animals so mUcb," ·said Miss Cybulski, who bas had her differences with lhe law over her d"1Cing. The snakes are part of her dancing act, when and where local health Jaws allow. 'Ibeir purpose, Sigmund Freud's theories llOlwithslandlng. is just as an attention getter fix the dance act, Carol said. ••1 found after I'd been dancing for a while that 1 more or less needed a gimmick !or the ad. To be a good ~. you'ff pl lo have a glm- udct." In the )'Ur and • ·ball sbe'a been . danclnl with'the -. obe baa been frtPfeled onll' · CIOCe • .site WU Wortlng •With the -female ,pythaa when aomelhilit ..-'fl and the 'mate -~-Tbe pythaa dldn' hilve a • llood lriP and Can>! manaced lo pry oil the coli&. rmil hich had been -anted 1o eight near complelioo today aa lhe c\eanuP Canyon, The big python is JU.st a "big baby" pe s w •· tL at'ahn rav1i;ges cop.tinued. ~ohn ''Tex" Smith, manager d. the and likes show biz, Carol says. ~~nies. thi 1 In ,, 'id Ved . _L&jml ·.officials, with the stonn sltua· South· Coast County Water District; .uJd "He's just like a· big ham. If l'ID...--...d .;~ ~s k~e1~0 ~-Ji-:---tkh.IOmewhaUn_Juuid, .. were ·beginning ~vea· wouldn't have lasted mw:b. put danc~Jllh-him -and-t1lo10M arm f!!• .sure 00 e ose peop · to eye ~ possibility rof federal or state Friday. oufToward the audience be'll Y 1 (oil companiu) had better·foriet about df$1iter aid to set right mqre than Moorhead aald the Laguna DlJtrid right on out and into the a~dience. craw exploration rf!' • aoodJoog while." th one-half mllli9fl dollars es 11.m ate d lost a amall pumping ataUon ill tbe & c th f tuft 1 Vedder said he understood that. . e damage to public works. . upper CUtlerock Area and suttalned at theo~ ~nt ·A~"'= r works Santa Barbara brea~ WU IUJblng ag110 A ray Of. hope shone through lot dmli.a1e to the new-wa:ten l)'9tem that said •• ~.. ,.. lo '!Ila shoAna, and that oil wu i clear down to Loi evacuated ?etidents1 or hard-hit Canvon had "--'-lald far • .... _. Canyon 11.uc u.r.e mov.e on in w , .... 1 Harbor ,. ~ ..,...::u ~ ... -• • busioess but wW stick with danclq .n.iage es · Acre& "DttV't ·today as a geolog11t in-Mayor GltM Vedder wd t ba t "I don't -~ t lo d this ' spected the area to determine if a return residents of Canyon Acres Drive m17 .. .,ays wan o nudle t -"-~ d -• -~•-ho stuff Bell d · · of n.~ o • ...,...1111.1, amagcu or :l\ANCn mea be allowed to .return 'to tbetr area. wblch beauiltui y ancmg lS one wni:: most PL• ' R 1 wa1 aafl!t . . , . had been endange:red by mlld and rtlCk " dances. ~JDa· 8 e eas€ The k'!' clrl!inaB• channel ~om Laguna &!Ides. .11lla depended today 'on -I~ ·all for the beauty or dancln, .. ·· Canron lliilg Broadway to ,the. beaCh . mendaUOns cf a ieologist lhe cftr bld -w ther you wear clothes or not." 0£ B "t R • was dam&1ed but flowing smoothly today employt(j · She SI!~ that when dancing with lbe n Oll . a1Se8 after bel!]g tjeaned of rubble Including "f feet° we're In pretly good sbapt snakes, Its ·~.any . better to putonn a stove.which had Impeded drainage. now," said Vedder. ".We're just boJdinc SIM costume. Tbetr scales catch in L ' H The scoured beaches were a beach our breath this mihg ( tekend) lbe sequlm," lbe said. ag unan s op_es comber• delight with some exceptions •lonn which"" ma .,.,": devek19w,.,,; .. As the Interview· continued this such as snakes that bad been swept they thought ft ~ ., · reporter'• attention was distracted. Devil Hopes were raised today !Or qulck down Aliso Creek and ~anaged to Vedder had which. alR fOr city Jn aUempUng to evade the gleeful ca ta release of 15 boaters including a Laguna survive among the Dot.sum. workers from, aecretarl: to war kin · , pouncing at his tall bad sllthered under B~ch yachtsman captured by ~ China Laguna Canyon Road was passable . ) m the e:ora upon whicb'r wu sltUng 11 days ago, with the freeln1 Wednesday lrom Laguna as far1 Is El Toro Road (See MOPUP, Pqe I "Oh, don't worry if you feel the C1>Uch by authoriUes of 1 Br!Usb archltect. but closed from there 'tb a polnt one- lift up, he'U jUJt be flexing hls mUBCles," David Bailey, of Lowestoft, Suffolk, quarter mile south of the San Diego said the dancer. "One time, three full· had been mluing and fured drowned FrMway. grown men were sitting there and be since Feb. 17, when bis boat wu A Slate Division of ~way1 team lifted them," Miss Cybulati consoled. dlscovered drift1J1I in couW waters wu In Orange ~tJ' · Y ~Ing Her .assurances fell on deaf ear1 and off Hoog KOBI, near the· mainland. tbe dmage. "n:le rmd was r.ePorted a fainl heart. The incident occurred the day after undercut In places by torrenUal drllna1e. Interview coocludel-Simeon Baldwin, 5I, of 1359 Cliff Drin. William Moorhead, manager of Laguna LA GUNA. STREET DANCE CANCELED A Laguna Beach &tre<t dance that wu lo be held !or youngslen Saturda,y n I g h t bu been canc.led hacoause of f'ICeQt atorma. Tbe dance sponsored by the South Oranp County Youth Council may be held during Easter Week U municipal authorization ii given. ' •m•na Beach, and II other H~lli Kong Beach Counl)' Woter Dlllrlc:l. aald com--.• pletlon Cl repoir of the• broken 30-inch Yacht Club members were captured and water main was i;aP,eeted by F.rlday. their Une boats seized. water cft1trlct crewl . worked ' through Bailey lold authorities alter hll release lbe night: 11io0rhead 'aald · lhO pipe had that Baldwin~• yacht and the 'other two seized on a lunar new year holiday cruise lo Macao were at the same place be waa held, hut learned little about them. "I walched weluily from lbe deck or the junk where I WU kept lo ... 1f there was aomeone aboard. but 1 11w nothlu1," be uplalned. · Bailey aald he anchored his yocht In ,..gh oeu and rowed a dlnghJ lo all Island, hul hll bigger •-I drifted ' COllettion S~te . For Oothes Told \ ' ' I • Mother, 5 Children Per i.sh in NY BI87.e STEPHENTOWN, N. Y. (AP}-A llro apparemly touched oil by ·an ...iodlnr kerosene beater deslrvyed the -rural home of a family early, lodoy, killing a mother and five of. her seven children. One survivor, an fll-moa)l>old glrl. wu found on the hick. lllt ol. a car, apparenlly placed then 'by lhe mother wt>o 'retumed ·lo her deeth .biside tho bluing shack.. An . 11-)'UHld daugtlll< was vi!iting relad.ves In New Bamp- 8111re. Oruge · ' Capistrano Hold·s Breath away. Rowing out In the hope al llndlnc II, tlle'•lclim· -lo&t and ht and hli clog ...,. ........ by • Red Chlneoe --~ Reside nts See Price ·Tag Rise ~ W Cuer · J)rops &a Juan Ciplsbino, twice clobbered the minds of city officlala ii: ... llw by thll year's .-.I storm•, 11 holding bad Is the nnll coot &Giili lo be!" • tta breath today while the wattn or . They won 't tnow that unUl the. waW f IWoUen crttkl and channell recede. · Al the water level drops, the price level lowers, and another ~ lat al llorm damage wiU gradually ed storm 11 duo lo &lril<e the aireodf.,..~ . become visible. Ing drq;i Coul mO•liy Frldat till'lt Rough eslimales now place that lab Camino Capillrano. Oao Road , Orte&• at a_.,..lel7 II millloo !or replac.. HiahWIJ', and Guido Road have been menl al desln>yed, damaged, or simply QJocted OUI al tommiaion ..,. ~the .., vanlJhed eilJ propmy. -~ or lllormo. . Storm debris lndudes !alien hrldgu, The' Otletta illlhwoy pavement lo inmped sewage treatment facilities. repairable, but officlall are unoert.ain · &om , lt'ftr' liDes, a damaged water about the fate of the Cambto Capla:trano 011IAan jury-rJc&ed to mnaln In &mice and Gancio Road brlollea. and• -11111111. The u.,. Oao BrJdae ..... -.pletely TIJM'o the damage. The queltlcn In swepl away by the ra m. pa 1 In I 1 ·~· f I I r I. I I I I I I I ! I ' • DAil V '11.0T ~ l • -. County °'igginS, Ont After Devastating. Storm :~ . ,J • ' • a. JACI llllOIAQ( ' .... _""'_ . II "'11 dqplf eut ""1 f" Oronp c.tty today u sun.shine continued to replace flooding and d c v a s t at I n g ralNtorm. luthortUes tried to total up the damage that Is estimated In lhe millions. Almost miraculously, only five lives were lost when a mudslide pushed thfouBh the Sllverado Fire Station 'l\J.et- day where 60 refugees fl"Op\ lbe downpour were huddled. Another 1' were Rain Stops So Festival To Continue Laguna Beach'• plucky crlftsmoa hive dried off themselves and their Wini lo 1tt up shop again at the Featlval of Arla grounds. • They say the W1nta' Featlval <:raltl Show will go m u loq u the weathermen cooperates. Other Winter Festival acllvttla haYm't fared so well. 11Pe Youth Cowlcll otreet d...,. acheduled IDr satarday bu -poatpmed ~aPtely u have the l!and Caaltng Saturday, the ArtlJtl' Ball -- day, Ille! the Mermakls' Flea Markel Sunday. ·· . • The Lquaa Beach Garden Club Wlider FesUval flower allow will IO cm rain or lhlne Saturday from It LIL lo I p·.m. in the Woman11 Club, za St. Ann't Drive. A sale ol aelecled -1Jnea tr.ea, and Indoor Ille! paUo planthqp dcmated by landscape archltect Fred Lani will benefit the Laguna BoY>' Club. Most indoor Festival acUv1tie1 are still In the .fine-up, Betty Myers, general chairman aald. Tonight, a Gourmet Dinner at Old Brussels Restaurant, 2007 S. Coast Jlighway, will be held at8 p.m. Reserva- tions are required for the $12-a-plate affair. The Lagw?a Playbouae pmtnlaijon of "Philadelphia Here I Come" will play nighUy through Saturday at t h e Playhouse, 3Jt Ocean Ave. Tickets are IUO and curlaJa ii at l :IO p.m. Frldn· the ~ llltas. will k !llllPL and a Travel Filiii FestrTal win "lite ·over the Playhouse at 1:30 p.m.-, TM-·fourth and lul Gounne -.- will be held at l :IO p.m. at VictorHuao Inn, 361 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Again, nservaUon.s are~\f'lqulred and may be placed either with the Inn or lbe Chamber of Commerce. Over th• weekend, conditions permit- ting, the USSA Weatern Surfing ._;a. tlon contest will be held at the Thalia Street Beach from I a.m. to t p.m. Saturday and Sunday. A BacD:tage Tour of the Pa1eant of Iba Maatera will be beld Saturday at the Fesllval groundl from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The Laguna Beach Civic Ballet pre1en- laUon o1 "Orea.ml" la 11ated for the Laguna Beach High School Audlloriwn at a p.m. Admialon Ura, under 1S-year1- of-qe lt'1 $1 and members tree. .Sunday, the Art Show and auction Is 1eheduled at the Hotel Laguna from JO a.m. to S p.m. Bidding will start at hall the works' lilted price. All profits go to the artists. 4 in Stalled Trucks Found Dead in Snow MONTREAL (AP) -Provincial police found four men dead today in truck.I slalled In l!llOWdrlft. up lo 10 feet high. A massive rescue operation was begun fer hundreds o[ stranded cars and 20 bases filled with pauengers. DAllY PllOT ....... ti. w ••• ~'i1IW"I .... ,,..llMt J 1c~ k. C11•t1y V<t Prf'IMk-"t .... C.tM•., Mt"I'" Tllo..,11 k11vil •••tit T~'"''' A. M11r11lli,.1 ""-"'""' l!•I~ ltid ... , '· t111I l...ufll •tKll ' Cl!' f:tllof P111I Nit••" ......... 11.1 .. , Olr-.;I« L..t-•• ''"' Offk• 122 l'e•t•I Awt, M11lli11t """••u z P.O. 1 ... 666, '1611 o.w Oflk• C11l1 lrlVw• nt Wttl ''' lttttl N_.i 'MC"" J)!I .... f'll ltltlN ...,_.,.!11 ........... ltKfo: .. Jiii ... e.t bl.fl'/ PILOT, wl1I< Midi 5' ~ 9'lf ......-.... .. fW!h'-1 ..... ...... s- • ,, • -·~ •;no11t. .., L.,_ ~ Nt-1 klOI. Cot!• Mnl.. '4¥11..,._ 9tkli .... """"II., V1!11"Y, ....... 114111 f rctltMI .,.ltklfl Ot•-c-1 hlll!Wolflll c_."' .,.,,,.., l'l•M1 •r• '' nu •~•I ....... " ... ~ '"'•-1 '""" <Will JJI liftM ~ .., .. ,, C11t1 MtM . 11110 s t11•1 ., ... ," o. ........... '4to4JJ:1 C-ltf<l.. 1-. Or-c..-. Pllflllllll!ll ~ ............... ,_.,,, .. UH._..,_ ....................... .. _, .. ~N WI._. -"" I/ff'--·-,, ~ ... _. loJttiW. A'fl•lln ;,.,..t Wm_ . ..._ ,hod-·-...... ,..... .........__r...., ........ ... tile fire alalloo bad -clMred ol mud lodoy and Pio more bodlel fouad. '- The dead were listed u Jane Schrowe, 4'; R. Hendrick>, II; M,on?e DeWitt, 41: Ralchard Black: and Mu Nell, 45, all resident. of Silverado Canyoo. In Orange, rampaging ~llago Creek c:oolinuedJo .take Ila-toll. Two apartment .... .,i. I 'JI -..__ ltll lalo Mll;i.a-.... droppol lo Z,lllO ... ,.J.aa !Unr. cootlm!od ,Ip l>IWo Ille ~...................... ............ I ·• ~!IWlhl-"~·~ ·¥•r· I hlll"'"'to'*'°""'*"l1. $ 117' lliield ol ~storm Tutldoy Douna of old 1111o bodJa were plo<od ' ·!1111' llil Iii«--"..,_ II l!Alt _-.&II llO!'. ~ wu flowing , on the crtek banlai WedneJday and Podoy 'lt11 ad 705 Ballard street just a short into tDe d&m. by Marine Corps helicopters in ·an •t- distance below Villa Park Dam. The f,OOo cubic ·feet per second Is tempt to stem the erosion. Up to toda)', ~Ulborlllu reared that more buildln1s bolng allowed. flood ofUclala nld, lo only two awlmm!ng pools Ille! Put of ln that block might topple into lhe creek lower the reservoir to handle future one house had been washed away by today . rains. the flood waters. OuUlow at the dam has been stablUled In Santa Ana, re.sldents aloog .Riviera But tbe creek was eating away at at t ,000 cubic feet per second, the flood Drive and West River Road between va1uable backyard!! for the $40,000 to ccdrol department u1d thla morning. the Santa Ana Freeway and Lbe ·Santa f15,000 homes l.lnlng the wa1erway. RwHtaCa ..... •adh .. -. till .... 1IPo --W • . • . . ' Tuesday and Wednea<IOy, 'Ill people were flown out~ flood ravaged Sllvendo and Modjeaka C1n1ona by !>larino helicopters. Forestry officials who kapt count said several dozen mere m11 hive walked out. All roads into the mountain .an&-'ft"I still out today and county road otticlals sajd it would be at leut I wetk before the roedwa)'> would open. Berlin and Rome ' .JJ:-L DAILY PILOT llttf ,,_.. llULLDOZllt CONTOURS LAGUNA'S MAIN BEACH TO EASE ltUN<>PF PROBLEM Clly C-. ... In Mop Up al 8-dw'1 Whore St?'ffl-, Boudwolk CollapHd FroM P .. e J MOPUP ... Marines Called In lhe field who labored long houri during the emergency and for printe realdents who pitched in to help in ,very possible Toro Troops Sandbag River Banks By TERRY COVILLE wsy. Of,.. o.11Y '"" st.n J~ Swean;;y, p.ibllc work1 director. Marines do more than just fight wars. said the altuaUon ls sufficlentb' ln band Watching several hundred men in dingy today to begin patching the town's many fa: U:US:S :Ri~ :~~ damaged streets. day reminded onlookers that United He said repairs ol the Broadway flood Stat.el Marines ~ handy to have around channel will ..., made u " q1dekl1 • •• In llCJ -· , possible. It was flowing smoothly today. The sandbag toters, ln shifts of about , 300, worked . all day Wedneada1 Lagun11 beacliq1!f!ere4' ~ IC'lllt «-illth<illlfi Ille sides of the ragln'' Ing. The Boardwalk wu dama1ed and Santa Ana Ri ver to protect worried . undercut and aome Boardwalk properUea: residents of Huntington Beach, Fountain were undermined. City crews Wtre Valley and Costa M~a. . They were from El Toro Marine Corps bulldozing sand and making temporary AJr Station and they were welcomed repairs to brace up foundaUon1 today. by Ute Orange County Flood Control JJfeguard Jack lJncke nld the belch District officers who uked for their from Treuure Island to Allso was aid. . cbvered with about four feet of wood Hundredl of lives In the S1lvltt'ado and Modjeska Canyon areu were also and . every pouible form of debris in-saved, with the ald of Marine hellcoptel'3 clud;inl raWes_natea and other snakes. flying re:ICUfl missions. Llncke Kid be ran acrou thret live El Toro offtclall laid their choppers snak'" at Aliso while movtas driftwood. pulled at Je...t m flood vlctima from those two canyons Tuesday, and the Arch Beach Heights Homeowners to Meet Three public offlclals will speak to the Arch Beach Height. Auoc:ilUon of Property Owners tooight at the aroup's first general neetlng of the new year. Speakers are Mayor Glenn Vedder, School Superintendent Wlll1am Ullom aod Joseph Sweany, director of public worU. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. In Laguna Beach COuncll chamber•. number hasn't yet been tallied for Wednelday. Eight choppm worked Tutaday and 10 were In the air Wednesday, El Toro officials reported . Seven atranded relidents In lhe San Juan Capistrano-Ortega Highway area were also added to Tuesday's rescue list. Another Marine air rescue involved 26 boys from St. llolichael's Seminary and prep school in Modjeaka Canyon. To keep up with the quick action of an emergency, the Marines operate from a disaster control center at the El Toro air facillty. They don 't control rescue operations from there, but send their personnel and equipment out for use by other agencies, a Marine spokeman said. Sometimes lost in the flood of praise for the El Toro P.1arines is the Marine Corps Air Facility in Santa Ana. home base for most or the choppers used in this week'a.RSCUe operations. "We're sometimes the forgotten stepchildren of El Toro.'' quipped an inform ation specialist at tilt' Santa Ana facility. But it will be dlfticult to forget the dangerous missions flown by pilots of 14 choppers from the Santa Ana "base and the more than S20 stranded people they helped save. Another 200 Marine volunteers from Santa Ana also helped their El Toro buddies fill sandbags for the !Wollen Santa Ana. River. 'Angel' Held on Dope LOS ANGEI.F.S (AP) -Sheriff's deputies say they arrested the national leader of the Hell's Angels motorcycle club Wednesday night and booked him on charges o( carrying a concealed weapon and possessing heroin. al Cheer President ~ . ' . ' ROME (AP) -President Nllon took a tumultuoua aalute !roih WOii Berllners today and lold them all .peOpia who want freedom are ;Berllaen. 'lbtn he came lo Ughtly guanled ' Rome where a crowd hoisted him tq Ila ibwlden. On the way ioto th1a ancient · city, the Pre.sldent'1 motorcade came to a halt. Nixon got out and pluriged into the crowd and up he went onlo shoulders. AJ he dld in Berlin Nlxoil waved his arms in exuberance: and delight. The motorcade movell on after five mlnuiu lo the pal~ of the Italian president. But after lbe President reached the palace about 1,000 demonstrators called out by Italy's Communist party began a march toward the presidential reslde:nct, chanting "Nison 10 borne." nie· crowd, made of working men and studenls, look lo the llreeil In defiance of a police ban on demonstr• tion>. Two army truck> wtlh sirens screaming tried lo block the march but the demonstrators kept inovlng. Blocks away, at the main campua of student-occupied Rome Unlveraity, rebellious students tried to break past pollce barriers to join the antl-Nl.1on rally. Club-wielding police droxe them back and students replied by hurling paving stones ri pped up from the streets. Several blocks from the Quirinal Palace ol the Italian president 200 soldiers in armored trucks stopped "the marchers. The demonst ralers sat down On t h e street and continued shouting "Nixon go home!" Nixon flew to the llalian capital after hundreds of thousands of West Berliners Girl Injure~ Crossing Iload A 17·year-old Laguna lleath girl \l'<IS injured in a traffic accid ent late \Vec.1- nesday when she was struc k while cross- ing South Coast Highway, only d oors away from her home. Nancy Cherie Conrad, of 1654 S. Coast Highway was · released alter treatment for superficial cuts, South Coast Com· monity Hospital aides said toda y. The incident occurred at 10:06 p.n1. at 18.57 S. Coast. Driver of the vehicle involved, William Bright, 19, of 787 Dia- mond Street, Laguna Beach. told police that his vision was obscured by a autC>- bus and he could not see the girl. Bright was not cited by officers. roared approval when the Phllidenten- dorsed the U.S. conunllmonf lo dei.nd that isolated sector. There were allo some jeers /rOm studeitts, fOd one snowball bit bil car. ..... Paraphrasing Pre.sldeot John F. Ken- nedy's 1963 "lcb bin ein Berllner'' (l am a Berliner) speech, Ni.Ion declared: "In the ,_that lhe people of Berlin stand for freedom and peace, all the people af the world who want freedom are truly Berliners. Four Homeowner Groups United Against Airport Representatives ol four ~ aasoclaUons have begun a un1fled drive "to~keep any kind af commercial alrpori. out of El Toro." Delegates from University P a rt • Hilltop (Laguna l!lliJ), Leisure World (Laguna Hills) and Mls.!lion Viejo met in Mission Viejo to draw lhe plan of batUe. They agreed that the proposed. relOca- tion of Orange County Airport to El Toro Marine Corps Air Station presented a serious threat to home values. · The groups will also circulate petitions within their prospective areas and at- tempt to enlist the aid or "friendly" civic officials. ''This is just the beginning of a hu&e, loosely-knit task force," said moderator Bill Sims of Mission Viejo. "We're many communities showing we can work together in the face of a common pro- blem." Sims said they hoped to be joined by association representing Aegean Hills., Aliso Valley-El Toro. €a pis tr an o Highlands, San Juan Capistrano and East Irvine. which have. already indicated op- position to the El Tero site. Those present at the meeting bleladed Tricia Friesz and Ann Glotfelty of HUltop Homeowners Association ; I 1 adore Schneider, vice president of University Park: Community Association: Harry Ashe. airport committee chairman, Leisure \Vorld. Also Bob Marusich, president of Mission Viejo Homeowners As5oclatlon; Bill Sims, chairman of that group's airport committee; and committeemen Bill Carter, Tom Beauchamp, Jim Audet, Terry Hickey and Perry Snell all ol Mission Viejo. JI. J. Qarrell ~ ~LAGUNA TEEN CORNER ... , HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED PURNITURE SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28th t By TOM GORMAN --sci SAVI 20% LAGUNA TEENS an m-g the scene 111 over the place this wetk. than..\s to heaven's Ourry. A call was rece.ived from about a dozen Laguna High 1tud'enta 1Ci'anped up at Green Valley, BOmewhtre near Big Bear. They were relieved to talk to civiliution far 1J mbwta. Among lhe &TOUP ''"'' Tom Tabor. Kartn Cutkomp, Steve, Mlke and Marie Wlezbowski, Loretta and M a r k Klosterman. Jenifer Mitchell, Janel Harvey and a set of parents. They hope to be back tomeUme nert week. Right now, all roads are IDOWed in. They might be cleared today, U the road crews can find Green Valley. U tber don't; roadl w<in't be dug out unW the weekend, la time for anotbu """'11orm. Tcim.'1 car la in a bit ol troublt. (I hope Mr. Tabor ilD't rudlq lhla). Tbey know where H ii, 1t i..t: dinctlJ beneath the radio antenoa ltlc:klnc out of the soow. Tbey went up to 10 UlJ.na, buL lt'1 loo anowy lo 1kL• The PIOlll'INr ol Ule place said he would optn the 1ki run today, They have other pn>blema, too. Their sepUc tank 11 out ol com- mission. Make11 thtrn klnd oi wlsb they hadn't lelt La~. IN fllMl!All trw~le are Jim Soto, Phlllp Klei ·and Tom Hollnpwor11?. 'l11f1 went up lo Ttller: Mountala, by Bit eeu. Tbe -ealled -y IUddel, ID report tho lollowlns: ,,,., 1\lke 11> ' mlJeo for each meal: theJ 111e melted anow fnr their water. They depond on an "outhouse: Jim can 't flnd his w " in the snow : lhe bunch ii down to m among them: and they're looking fnr 51 girl scout. ttpOrted lo be In lht vicinity. Mu.st be where the action Is. While the snow bunnies are making the most of the wbtt.e stuff, locally teena are sandbagging, digging and hang• Ing on the sides ol hills. Ttbe Sean:h and llelQle P.olt made the 1eene out at the C&nyon qaln thLI week. They're old bands at it now. JORN AND GOROON Brown, Scolt Byington, Mart and Dan Moore, Glenn Kawaralani, Roy Gallagher. Brayton Norton1 Mark M.lckesh, Bruce Bailey, Peter Gaw, Crall Adler 'Ind Larry Wonnald have been IUdblglng, clear· ing drains and acting is security suan:111 • around the sow town. For a change of pace, everyone ca n dry out at a mqgt iDt.erestina buketbaD game Friday Dl&bL ,,,. coeclaM have challenged the varsity to a basketball game, to begin at I P.frl· 1n the boys• gym. It's bwnd lo be a rougb mat.ch. The varsity squad ls hungry for a Yictory, and this would be a sweet one . l'ft<tdlnl lllrpme. el.,...lary and junior hlJb IChool plaj>ers will be pl??ed. Aetlon llarll at 1:1$. A Jot ol teen!, including Rod Rudolph, Tony Fryer, Heather Oliphant and 800 o~ have been Iooti"C forwanl to a llr..t clance Ut11 Saturday. Well, forget it. The dance wu cancelled due to rain. Yoo can loot f°"'8rd to a dance durlnt llu?er, hopellll1y. Maybe ~ lhen oar f?1el!f1 Jn the moanlalno wm ban 1'tm1led. That II ff they 'i f1lld their can. IROFESSIONA~ INTERIOR DESl&NERS --------------------------------· 10ll:Dlll: IN YOUI CHOICI O' PAIRIC ALSO •• , SUISTANTIAL SAYlffS ON MANY HUITAM DtNIN5 10011, •DIOOM AND TAii.i GIOUl'S ••. OpooMoo,TWL &Mtm. 2216 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. ~276 ~ .. 027• I • ) L . . . ' DAILY ,llOT 3 ~·•t'!I N.ew, $~°''''· Marines _:Sandbag River HandNlds of El Toro Marines m work· Ill( alOll( banks of the s.nta Ana River today bollterinl lhe leVeea :with lllldba(s for 1n upe<:ted weekend storm .. The Orwe County Flood Control Dlatrlct aald lhl1 mominl the 11ndbo&· 1lal·oper1Uto1 'are pre e a u t ~on a r y .......... lo •treosthen lbe lopi ol the levees above tbe protecled lidU. Tcrrtnll of water rulhlq down the Santa Ana Ri•tr won't ltt up for leVtl'al day~ flood cootral opoteameil aald today. "Vllla· Part ud Prado Uma· blve to unleash IOllle ot their st.acted up flood water-in preparMion for ·this w~'• pndieted rllns,).uid Rclbett Burle, pltMIQI dlvWon teclmtela fer the dlatrlcl. , ''We ... pt 1tci .,et lhe Wl\tr ou\ u fut 11 .......,.., .. llid Burke. uwe1d -,lib .. to let up on.. Uie-now 'into Sal\tlqo Creek," be upla.iniki, •'•but if Wt· dlXl.'t releue aome of the Water 'bahind lhe VUla Park dam anOther rain llonn ••11hl" ~ ·-llnl-.. W&lfr la poW llciwinf ow VUla' Park dam at Iba nit ol 4,0llO cub I"<> fol.I per -.. and the u:s. ~'"Cii'PI· UCI SIT-IN -Beverly Pursell (center). secretary to Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr., tries to con- centrate on her work during Wednesday's sit-in at Chancellor'& office. Standing behind her ~re Dr. DAILY PILOT_,. ...... Spencer Olin Jr. (left), an assistant professor Of history, who offered peace plan to studeDt pro-- testors, and Mike Krisman, former UCI student~ body president and one of protest leaders. • Of. Eliilneiri Ji olpected lo. Prado • ..... aOmelhia 'lad • -I ' ay • -: II. wm take .....i days befor&-the . VUla Pti wa!Ar level will 111111 down to ~ .coodllloM, said Bw'u. New Oil Leak UCI 'Truce ' Rejected; "If ,,. let the water now at Ila pttlent r,ate,.. be added, "We ean -m. Ill •,eilra l,IOO ~ feet by Fliday'1 el· petted storm.'' ~.Jlealdents In 11un'ttnctlln ~. t...,. • 4fa Yollq and .COiia Ken are In no ... er frGm the Santa Ana Rim. "We feel we <111 CC11trol anylhlll( that llappens Feared Worse Exams to Curb Protests · Than Previous SANTA BARBARA (UPI) Oilworkers poured cement and drilling mud down an offshore: well today to stem a new flow of raw petroleum which formed a slick eight miles long off the Southern California coast. Crude oil washed ashore as far south as Venice in Los An1eles County but no one was sure whether it was from the new leakage or remnants of the original slick fonned Jan. 28. Workman toiling on 35 miles of beaches blackened by the first !eat wue dismayed by the new Invasion. "They were just overwhelmed," 11id one of- ficia1. Interior Secrelary Waller J. Hickel t1rdered additional emergency equJpmtnt 11nd leclmical personnel to · Union Oil Co. 's off8hore rig to cope with the new Jeak. lilckel also •Mounced no oil drilling will be allowed in the Sanla Barbara Channel until he is "convinced" there will be no more disastrous leaks. "Until we are convinced we can go 1head and drill with safety. we won't start drillin&," Hickel told a news con- ference Wednesday. "When we do start, Jt will be with the assurance that. as far as humanly possible, the disaster that happened won't rehappen. ·• Nerve Gas Pills W ashhl Ashore J>&nierous • t r op l n e capsules. a nerve gas antidote, were found washed up on Balsa ChiCI Stile Beach Wed- nesday. Huntington Beach police said the capsules are a dangerous drug and should not be handled by inexperienced persons. Capt. Earl Robitaille, detective bureau chief, said from lime to time such capsules and other drilp wash up on shore from Navy shlps as far as a hundred miles out. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of the 0.111' Pli.t 11 ... A peace proposal by UC lrvine fa culty members was rejected 'Vcdnesday by 100 student dissidents who then voted to suspend -further protest activities unUI after final exams. The decision not to cooperate with professors seeking a lruce was made during a two and one-half hour takeover of a lobby outside the office of Chancellor Daniel G. Aldri"h Jr. Aldrich did not meet the students. He had left Wednesday morning for a speaking engagement in Oregon. FD.L STH FLOOR The protesting student.a filled I.be fifth floor administration buHding lobby from wall to wall, sitting on the desks of secretaries who continued with their 'fork, and sprawliug on the floor. During the occupation a now of persons with business in the building were for .. ~d to gingerly pick their way through . th~ lobby careful not to step on the· tingle of feet and legs. Dissidents in the continuing pi:.otest for reinstatement of three assistant Pro- fessors said they will iake a break now for finals bul will escalate the protest afterward. Some spoke of a con· frontalion leading to suspensions or ar. rests. DEMAND REHIRING The students want English assistant professors Stephen Shapiro and Donald Brannan rehired and George Kent, as.sis· t.ant· history professor recommended for firing, retained. They said they will settle for nothing less. The peace oUering wa!I lo give. the students a voice in faculty evaluation but did not go so far as to offer rein- statement of the fired professors. HEALING BREACH The pact, while rejected by the students, is expected lo somewhat heal the breach with in the faculty. Jt was worked out between professors represen- ting the two extremes. including senior English professors and members of the New University Conference, a liberal Shaw Denies Relations With Oswald, ~I{ Plot NEW ORLEANS (UPIJ-Th•. defense rested it1 CIH in the Clay L. Shaw trial today after presentm, the white-haired defendant as the climactic wttnes.s Jn his own behalf to deny categorically he ever plotted to kill President John F. Kennedy. In a point-by-point rebuttal of Dist. Atty. ~lm Garrison's charges, Sha,w. testified he never knew Lee Harvey Oswald or pilo t David W. Ferrie, never used the alias ''Clay" or "Clem Bert- rand." was a Kennedy supporter, and never even talked abou( kllline him, jokingly or otherwise. He is charged with conspirin& with Oswald and Ferrie in New Orleans in IMS lo kill Kennedy. Shaw wu the teth defense witness and the llUI ol the tr1ol, 1'bich wu n<1rinl 11' end on Ill 3lnd day. Aller the testimony of Ille $5-year .. ld Shaw, Dill. Juqe Edward A. Hai&erty Jr .• receued early f« lunch to gjve the state Ume to correlate its rebuttal wit- neuei. The defeme is not allowed wlt"- neSMS to an.swer the state rebuttal "Wirt you 1ver enga1ed in any assas-~lnation plot!" Defense Attorney "F. lrvtn Dymond 1aktd Sh1w. "No," he replied. ~Did you ever, Jokingly or cuually, talk about klllinl the Pi"uldenl of the United Staia?" "No. Moot cOrlllnly not." der John F. Ke.onedy, President of the United Stat.ea:!" "No.•.• "Did you ever at any time want the President to die?" "Certainly not," Shaw said sharply. It appeared likely S4lllJllalions by op- posing attorneys , would be delivered Friday, 'With the case going to the all· male jury late in the day. On crMs examination by As!lt. Dist. Atty. James L. Alcock, Shaw said he aln1ost got a glimpse or Oswald when the latter was arrested on Aug . 9, 1963, for' dbturbing the peace In frmt of Che International Trade Mart. of which Shaw then wu rnanq.ing director. 09wald had been dlstrlbuUll( leaflets for the Fair Play f« Cuba Committee and was anest.ed aft:er 1 •k>lerit ~ ment with Olban by1tanders. Shaw testtfled tha:t he wu in bia: oUlce that day and someone came In and told him "Some nut Is dlltributlll( leallt1'" in front of the buUdlna. •·t gol 1 phone call tbat delayed me.'' Shaw testtned. "By the time I got there, Mr. Oswtld \\1IS gone.'' He tesUfied he had not known Xennedj was· scheduled to speak on Nov. ft, IMS. at the Dallas Trade Mart, 11thou&h he said that he hid known of the erlSteqiet of that mart sinte 1159 or 1980. faculty group sympaU>etic to dilald~t student goals. " The plan would &ive ttudent.s equal repnae.ntaUon on 'a committee to· find~ 11 way of giving students a voice l.n evaluation. Chancellor Aldrich before he left aa.ld ~ he approved "in principle'' 1tudmlt participation In promotion Matt~s but did not endorse the specific plan. ' PARTIAL VICl:l>RY Pete Clecak, an untenured juiil~ English professor, presented the propoaat to the students. He called ·it "not a total victory, but a partial victory. ~ English Dtp.artment has moved perhaps not very far but an enormous way for them," he said. ' Right aw1y Dave Heskett, who ls emerging as chief leader of the dl.!11ident students, spoke up. "It strikes me there is much too much accord in the room and much, much, much too little anger:.•• He then read a lengthy, seven-point slatement the students later were to vote to approve with one calling it the group 's manifesto. He read, (excerpts) "The Ad Hoc Committee for Rei.nst.atement is a power on this campus only because it is !lot part of the institutional structure but r 1 th e r has created its own structure for struggle. NO CONFIDENCE ''We bave no confidence in the ad· ministration, nor in the depa.rtmtnt.s of instruction, nor in the junlor faculty, Their concern is to quiet things down. Ours is to reinstate our professors. "We believe all committees are dead ends. We call on all students to boycott all committees. We wi ll continue to de-- fend our professors by extralegal means. '"\Ve will not capitulate. We will stand in solidarity, wait, and bide our time. \Ve ·will not be at peace with this in- stitution until our professors a r e rehired." In the discussion that ensued most of the assembled students a(tffd witb Heskett's militant stand. There were . only a few voiets of r11oder1lion sug- gesting that the faculty not be slapped down . PRECONDITION Typical of the hard liners was Glen Pritzker, who uid, "When we first form. ed we !:lid rthirlng of Kent. Brannan and Shapiro would be an absolute precon. diUon for talk." More moderate was Donovan Dorsey, wbo A id, "My top goal ls revilin& the tenure system so we don't have to co111.e back here next year." The three' jeopardi.ted profe1&or1 were present and spoke to the 100 dissidents. Shapiro said he is very moved by the students' struggle. He called it "deaperately lmportarit because the cam- pus doesn't have the violence of Berkeley .·• Kent also spo lle of rerorming the system and said, 'JThis little campus just• might lead ' the University of Calilomla out of the woOds." NOT INTERESTED Brannan, l.ddresaln& blmtelf to an offer by the Ell(1ilh faoulty lo con11der nblr-lnl him .,.. he completeo hil doct«al dlJlertlt.ion, declartd, "I'm not at all lnw.at.d In coming back Into lhla Ell(llsh Department." He said he'd like to teach 1n 1 new Unlvenlty Colleae 1nd urged the student.I to puah for a ne'tl[ type ol colle1e wlt.b. a more relevant curriculum. The peace . plan of the facully now will be introduced In the Academic Senate meeting nut week. Studenll will take their own d11'6ction of protett. in the river," aa1d Burke. · "Crew• are curreotly paltolill( the river baub and aborill( up l1J1 -1ble weat spots," be .clded. . Fountain Yilley olllclals In the mean· time are lllldbaOin( -i. wbert the river -bave access lo the ¢ty In the -.a map-llonD lllloald C1111e It lo -·-1IJ banks.. • DAILY PILOT .... !'J Lii Pmlt PITCHING IN -. Marines from El Toro MCAS,. Including some Vlel· 1 nam. veterans with Jong experience in the art of building aand~ag barricades, work to strengthen Santa Ana River levee above Adam.a Avenue Bridge on Cotta Mesa slde of river near Mesa Verde Coun· try Club. Wort on levee, which continued today was described as precautionary by county flood control engineers~ ' . iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . FR~·GIDAIRE LARGEST SIDE· by-SIDE · with AUTOMATIC . ICE MAKER DulntrDur. r.1 ;.o·i;;" -.. ,,.. .... ..a,.. lllttlt• • ,.. ..... Alltmltlc lei Maker nns, freezes, rtlt-CllDes !Mt ** semr. All -..i· iol/lj. .. ... .. .... . 21 .9 ~·· ~ •It• ?ti·"· iltt ttrtic-tl Me1t1. lm Blil W Mdt. Frast-Proil! , .......... ,,.t..., Fully Adjustallle. .. ,. ... ~ .. llt_of., -I ~DHi• •lf1t1.1 .U,. ..• ..._. ...... '548 ' .. 1 .. .-n•t cMll'9t .. conntCt " --lloWIY EVEN WS .WITH TRADE FRIGIDAIRE 100% FROST ·PROOF Frost-Proof FRIGIDAIRE. REFRIGERATOR AND TOP FRHZER 14,6 cu. fl. r•frit•••f•r ••ctio11 e 12• lb. 1i1• top fr•H•• e D••p deer 1h1lf l•r c•!· tent I tall IMHlt1 e Twi11 .. ,.,,.,, h.,J••· ,,,, e Oftly 12" wi4•1 RffRIGERA TOt WITH BOTTOM FWER • t SS lb . 1i1t lr1111r • Roll-to-you fr1111r b11k1t e f .t lb. "'''' f111cil•r e D11p cl11, 1t../f •f1r \6" 91!. c1rt1111 •'' .t•n ht. 11., JUST • • • $258 88 JUST • • • Gn MORE WIR AND USS HOUSIWIPI WfTH FRIGIDAIRE! FR·IGIDAIRE D1$HMOBILE With Super· Surge ·w amino· Adlon a 11.11111 c11141ti111w cl it• J i ii .. , htlpt ollMI· "''' 1111ttl11,. a l ittle or 111 prt·rlo• ,;,,. """•' e Rill ewf rtck1 f., • •• ., ft111t ''''""• • "l~l'I• -1~" ,,...,,, ..... 11 •• 1. FLIP-TOP DISHMOBILE BY FRIGIDAIRE ••• WITH SujMr Surge Washing Action • littlt ,, Ill , .... 11111119 • Sl1nt1d .. 11itn for 111i1r lootfi119 e S,oeh-1way ri1111 ctiwlltlg, t r 4it,.11Mt PRICED LOW! $17811 411 E. 1711 SI. COSTA M!IA Dally f · 9, Sat. f .' "Did 1liil .. ., conspire with Davil! t'errie and Lee Harvey Oswald to m~ One witnw: had testified he saw Shaw 'give what al>DUf'ed to be money to Oswald on lht ~ew Orleans Lakefront In June, IMS, ond that he -.n"'11 Sha"w now as the man becau~ of 1 sll&ht Ump. Dilaldenl 11udeola decided lo -t next April 11, allor flnala and the quarter break, ·lo lay piano for a few p...wi, and likely for a so far voided cOo· fronla tion. '.111•1 I l I • •' ' '"""*"· ,..., 71, l'M • ................ , ........ = B,ar JllcPbee, a toll collector ,.. Ille' llacklti.ee apctge in Sl Jg- l!o:et. :Jlleb., will have some tall ~ tO dp lf one couple ever *ivea. past his OOolb · again. Mo- aald tho driver of tho car !1iJn 42 !or a ,fUO toll. Stuck -ck of one of tile bllls were .. me trading stamps. He returned the !Cl. cents change -and the •tamps. Before be could e1plaln, the nian drove off and McPbeo beard the passenger uclalm: "lm't It w"1derful. They're giving tradltlg stamps at the bridge." • • The Democratic majority In the Hawaii Stale Senata Increased by· ·ilne · wbill Sen. J•mts Clark said lje wu dissatisfied With !be Re. )iubllcans -and became a Demo-:crat.. • Two bov• thotDtd up at Gtr- mantoum High School ln Phii<>- d<lphia ID<flrillfl minukiru. 11 toa1 a prott1t aoczin,tt a 4"eunt fa<:ultv d<cilio!I pennltllllfl oiru to wear 1Jac:kl. EzplaiMd a fa,. cultv tmmber. "Skim totrt getttng 10 thort Wt thought JlackJ might be the amwer to tM problem.., • MUJelllll visitors ask Jots of c,uri- ous questions. For instance, two elderly women touring the Pblla· delpbia Museum of Art were fa s- cinated by a trickling 11th century Freru:b marble fo1111taln. Where does the water come from, asked one. A museum gulde explained I.bat an electric motor·tept recir- culating th• water. That's fine, said the woman ; but ·bow did it work back In the 11th century. The .J'!ll!,'~ alill !J trying to answer tljit one. -• Two men were 81'1'ilcaN· In court charred with ~ two car wb~ and two tlrea, and a red-faced witness was Pollet Chlof J'""" Wlnklay of Port stinnca llllcb. He said the pair borrowed a Jug wrench from him just before lbe theft occurred. • Ai a good basketball game you tX· Pfd to ate cnthuaiaatic rpectatora clap tcildl11 and chomp a bit on a 11owrlta cigar-but 11 pretty mi&s Uke <this toal<li.,.1 Miu Gloria McCoy joined the cigar chompers-usuaU11 .male-at th< Indiana-Miami Amm, tears Ba&kttball Association gmnt, Reds Uta:st Nixon at P.aris Peace Talksi I ' -,,_ I • • ' ••. • ~ .·1 • ~.... ~ • • • Cong Accuse Pres~t· of 'Black and Vile lnt.entions' PARIS (AR) -On the eve of Pftsldent Nlxon11 vilit to l'rance, North Vietnam and the Vlei Cool Uled the Paris peace ta1U today 11 a forum to ....U him. The Vlei Cool accuaed the President of •iblack ud vile intenUona.11 Tran B1lu Klem, the Vlei Cong NaUonal UberaUon Front'• repreae.ntaUve, and -~ Xuan Thuy, the Haool df!.,..., accused Nixon of jockeying for m11i11rJ palllloo lo Sooth Vietnam Israel Pays Last .Tribute To Eshkol JERUSALEM .(!/I'll -Thousands of Jlraells, young and old, filed psst the bier of Levi Esbkol today to pay lheJr mpects to tho promler who guided an lsnel larger than that rulell by their King..,David through five years of war and other m-. While the nation mwmed Its fallen leader, pollUraJ sources said lsraell lead- "' were poo1lng their support behind a ....... w!lo. """' laulbl llCbool Ill t h • United States to succeed !'Abkol as bead ofgovemmmt. . They said Mrs. Golda Meir, 70, appar- enUy had woo the backing of tho ruling Mapa! Labo\' Party lnadenhip and other major factions. The body of E•hkol, vilio died of a heart attack Wednesdiy at the a g e of 73, I a y 'In state ·at the Knesset (Parlia- ment) Building throoghoot the day. The funeral will be held Friday. Pres!· dent Nixon will be represented at t h e service by Secretary Robert H. Finch of the Department of Health, Education and WeHare, Who left Wash!ngton early Wedne!day. L<rael's Moslem community joined In the mourning. 'lbe lone lncldent lavolv· ed. some 500 East Jerusalem Arabs wbo tried to march through the buslness sec- tor after paying traditional visits to cemeteries during the Moslem Feast of tbe s.rtftce. POUce move! ta quick!y and the Arabo dilpened qulelly. No ar- rest! were reported. • .. Ike-Remains Satisfactory WASlllNGTPN (AP) -A)'my doctors reported today that tho physical COW'IO ol former President Dwight D • Eilenho'frer·11continuel 11t1sfactorily COO· olderlng ~ I I age, put medical history and the fact that be is still in the crWcll post.operative period." Elaenbower, 78, ls convalescing at W.iter Reed Army Hoopltal following majOr lbdomlnal surgery Sunday night. A holpltal bullelin this morning edded: "He bu been resting comfortably since tho last bullnUn (fate Wednesday) and hia vital signs and blood chemistry values remelll stable. Senate Group OKs Veneman Nomination ' WASHINGTON (AP) -The nomlna· Uon of John G. Veneman ol CaJUomia to be undersecretary oI health, education IJ1d welfare wu approved Wednesday by .the Senate Finance Committee. VeneJ!Wl, of Modesto, was named un· dersecretary while serving in the Califcrnia Assembly. He is a Republican. ' I '. ~ ' • aim1lll at • ' ·~ of strtqath" :1,1 the talkl.. ' ' : . ' Vietnam ls high ·oo • the Pnlident's agenda during hlt·!l-bour llop lo France beg!nnlng ~Y· He wtu COllftlo - hit detegaUoo SUnday, Ind probibfy a1'9 with the Sooth vi.-. Hts Vlstt could have u Impact on the -.. of lhe!e lllD. . The United 5talel and the'Soolh Vlei. namese, at. lhll alxlh ....ioo of Ille ' UPIT....,. SOUTH VIET CIVILIAN CARRIES DAUGHTER'S· BODY HerM In Blon H .. Ruined, family Kiiied In Rod Battle " No Marks1nen Puebl-0 Sailors Couldn't Shoot Guns CORONADO (UPI)~ The USS Pueblo went into batUe .against North Korea wlUt guns thilt Couldn't be manned and sailqrs who didn.,t know hOw to shoot thom. That was the t.eatimony Wednesday of Engineman • .J.c. Ray J. Maggard, 2Z, ·the 30th Pueblo enlisted man to testify before.· a ~~e-admiral court of Inquiry Into tho ves"1's ·capture. Eight more sailora walkt?d to the witness table today to tell what happened to them during 11 months of captivity ' in North Korea. The court is summoning all 7• of the enlillid men who were on the Pueblo when she was seized Jan. 23, 1958. Their testimony ls expected to continue until late next week. Maggard, whoae d~J in battle was to man Ula .56-callbet machine gun bat.. tery In tho forward part of the ship, said he knew how to fire the weapon but most Pueblo aallors didn't. "They wouldn't even know how to aim it," Maggard testified. "All they knew was where the tri(ger wu •.. " "Didn't you receive training on lbe weapon in Japan,""he wu asked. "Only familiarization," Maggard said. "They showed us a school .gun on a flxed mount. We didn't handle it by ourselves... ·. Outlining the weapon's complicated mecltanism, Maggard said that "an in- experienced loader will jam it nine times out of t.en." Maggard of Olivehurst, ·Cali!., ·said the g u n s wen unshielded. W he n the North Koreans opened fire, the Pueblo's guns were exposed and an effort to reach them would have meant almost ctrtain death. Snowstorm Quits Northeast, But Leaves 31 Dead · BOSTQN (UPI) -More than 60 hours after it began, the second giant north- east snowstorm of the month stalled, sputtered out a few last gusts of snow and moved out over the Atlantic to die. ._ied IC unwtJl1-lo ,...k toward ~llleettl<mmL . The United State. CGDlaldl then wu an iogreement at ~ t I m o ,J'reoidenl JoblllOll olo!Jll<d Ill bombiDI of North Vletoam Nov. I and lhll ls bdq violated by ,......,ed liholllilc of lho dUes Ill tho 5oolli. ID hlsp -----'ed Ila~ Thuy claim- ed that the ..,..., .. , m1 cmalloo of tho bombing ...... completely Ill> CCDdJU...at." * * * Thuy recalled Nllon'a camp a I g n atatementa about seetlng an honorable peace, and charged that the United Slates now is carrying the war to •. p01nt of "unprecedtnted fer:}/K:~ Referring to the of .dUes this week, Lam dedared: ''Su c b bloodlbirsly, barbarous, fanatical and deJPtfate bt.bavicr bas empabsir.ed tven more your side't deteriorating• and d~ate situaUoo, while the Vietnamese people curse you more ~ery day.'' * * *· Allies Break Red • Thrust Ill South SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. and Sooth Vlet- D!lllltse guns and divebombers today broke the heaviest thrust of the Cof!l· munist ob'.ensive on Saigon's doorstep. With 4,cm guerrWas dead, ~ five-day drive waned. Beaten aDd battered from the round- tbMlock bombardments, the Reds ap.an. doned the two villages they captured 13 miles northeast of the city on the edge of the giant American air base at Bien Hoa. Maj. Garrett Hays of Fayetteville, N.C., an advilor to the Saigon soldiers, 1 a l d the busiest air hue in the world was the Communists' ·u1Umate goal and "'possibly they could have gotten in if they tried a litUe harder •11 U.S. headquarters Ill Saigon listed 234 guerrillas killed in the suburban fighting. lt reported 30 sbellings 8round (be nation overnight and no major ground battling, a dropoff ftom earlier in the week. American intelligence w a r n e d 1 however, that the Communist command silll ·had not committed most of its 65,000 troops in position around Saigon . They predicted more Red attacks toward lhe capital. U.S. and South Vietnamese warplanes roared off the Bien Hoa runway Wed· nesday and wheeled quickly against the Communists. Propaganda planes dropped a picture of a Viet Cong who bad sur· rendered and told the Red> to giYI up. "'Ibe spotter pilot told us to hold high after one of our passes to allow enemy troops to surrender," u.id one pilot, Maj. Larry D. McClain of Montgomery 1 Ill. · • 4 Asphyxiation Deaths ··Led to GM Mass Recall DETROIT (AP) -The death! of four persons by asphyxiation in their cars led to a General Motors recall of 2.4 million vebicles -part of the largest recall in auto tnaustry blslory -a corporation spokesman said Wedoesday. Owners were asked to return the cars for correction of faults which could lead to seepage of exhaust fumes l into UC Suspends 5 Dissidents After Rioting BERKELEY ~(AP) -University of California officials have taken their first steps against dissident. students at Berkeley under new Board of Regents rules . · Five were placed Under interim sus pension pending disciplinary bearings wilhin two weeks 8.nd a spokesman said Wedaesday possible dlarges aga.i.n.3t other students are being investigated. The act Ion, he added, stetnJ from "disruptive acts" on the Berkeley cam· pus Tuesday when students -on strike Bince Jan. ·22 -held an unauthorized rally with sound equipment. Under tbe crackdown regulaUons that regents tormulated last Friday, the five students may not enter any UC campus except for hearings during their tem- porary suspension. If they break this rule, they will be subject'to dismlasal. passenger space. At the same time, another z.s million GM cars and trucks were recalled for the cheeking of possible carburetor defects. Just mailing the notifications to the 4.9 million'" affected custom en will cost about $2 million, GM said. The exhaust problem first came to light when Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt and their .neic.e, Susan Koehler, were found dead in their 1968 Chevrolet Impala near Heber City, Utah, last Ju1y. Several days later, Mrs. Charles Dunaway was found asphyxiated in a 1966 Impala near Baton Rouge, La. A spokesman said GM inve21UgatoTs discovered the -Hunt car had been in- volved in an accident causing utensive 1 damage to the front of the ear's un· dercarriage as well as the front of the exhaust system. The car was driven 800 miles the next day without repair to the damlged ahaust system, GM said. But in the case involving Mrs. Dunaway, exhaust fumes apparently leaked. from a rusty WI pipe through one of several openings in the trunk of the car and then into the pu,,enger CQRlpartmeot, the firm said. A spokesman said no litigation cur· rently is pending in e.ither of the two death cases, although two suits have been filed in two of about 30 complaints of dizziness and drowsiness, allegedly as a result of exhaust fumes. The spokesman said there had been 48 complaint! of failure of a pastic carburetor part which could result in sticking accelerators and cars going out of control. One minor accident has bten reported as a result of such failure, the firm said. New England Digging Out New Englanders said good riddance to the crippling storm which began early Monday and brought history.making snowfalls to many parts of the region. At least 31 dealhs were attributed to the storm, increasing the February storm toll to more than 100 dead. Names of the five were withheld. Earlier Wednesday Third W or I d Liberation Front students and backers held another unsanctioned rally using a bullhorn. 'Ibey then marched wilh<M.lt incident to Berkeley City Hall to protest arraignmenl of 104-persons arrested since the strike began. Municipal Court Judge Gtorie Bnum put the bearing fer molt ol t&e defen- danb over until March 12.. He will coo- slder challengs then .. -cbuies -mainly for blockln( and -.x:tlng public -eways -1t1 .-itutional. A similar hearing ls sat Muth 17 for American Federalloo of Tucbm pickets arrested. FBI Gets 'Wanted' Man WASHINGTON (AP) -Thomas Jarnu Lucas, who was added to the FBJ's lilt o( 10 most. wanted men two weeks ago, was arrested Wednesday on a Wasltlngton street 12 Below Zero Reading Recorded at Cut Bank v.s. s-... ,,. ,..,,.. •!di ""'""' ""' Nottho H1t 1M11W wt O¥tf" ""9 ,t,11tri\~ t&- Mllll lft """" .. " .. " .. " " .. u 11 .3t .. .. lS H .JI : ~ ,, 'fl .n n 11 .11 JI 3' Tr " .. " " .• " . " . ,. , " .... .. . a " "' " " ., " n " " " . " " . JS " 1r M .... ff " ,., ,17 " . ....... ... .. " .., • ts .11 .. ~ ... a ,. »• ,, .fl • a a " ~ : .., a • "' : ~ ....... n " At least 73 persons persibed in storm- related accidents -most of them from overexertion due to shoveling snow - during lhe Feb. 9-10 northeaster, making it the deadliest snowstorm since the great blizzard of 1888. Sirhan: No Lucas, 24, iJ accused of taking part In a SZ2:,398 robbery of a Maryland NaUonaI Ban' branch in West Baltimore on Feb. 22, 1968. • Recollection Defense Ready '!S Prosecuti.on Ends Its Cme LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Slrhao B. Sirhan cooteocll he wmol ....ember lhootlng Rabert F. Kennedy. Yet, under hypnosis, tbe 24-year-old Arab immigrant lw ~cted the scene down to the most minute detail and pulled the trigger of an lmagtnary gun. This will be a basic fa ctt of the defense case when the trial resumes Friday following today's recess. The pro- secution ended Its presentation late Wednesday after calling SS witnesses to b a c k up lb charge t h a t Sirhan carefully plotted and ei:ecuted t h e murder of lhe New York senator. Sirhan'• mother and two brothers are upected to tab tho wlln.,. stand Friday to ten of ~ng Arab-Jsraell atroclUet In Pal .. Uns, u a child which casued him to go Into trancM for boon and which penllled up to tho lhne of K<n- nedy's lhootlng. Sirhan jnbably wtU ie.tlly wl1 nut wect and then there wW be a number of psychiatrists and P5)'chokllg.sU to back up the defense contention that he had "diminished capacity" and was not capable of calculated premeditation. Some months ago a hypnotist put Sirhan into a trance and had him ~nact the scene In the Amabsudor Hotel and the defend.Mt went through h i s movements lt.adlng up to the fa\al ahol. However, under his pcuent awareness he contends ht cannot remember what happened during U-momentl. The hypnosis wu among several tests a~ to Sirhan, lndodlng the Ronc:hlcb Int blot series 111<1 other poydllabic tlllllln1tlooa, during the 111- wt!lptlm leading up to b I 1 trial All of !be lindlllo ..... upected to be Introduced Ill the def..,. case. One of the last prm«utlon witnwes, William Jordan, a police officer of ts years experience, testified Wednesday that Sirhan was one of the "most In.. telligent and alert" persons he had evv interrogated. Jordan also said he did not believe Sirhan was under the inOuence of alcohol when he questioned him at a division police atatiolf minutes after Kenned y Wal abot. The deftnH -end& he had been drinking at tho Kenned)' victory party 111<1 othu parttes In the bolt! the nlghl '1 June t, , ................ I .,. e ... -Ill (Jl1i •• ··-..... (C) (30) ·-.... -(Cl SliillllJ' ....... ·-..... ,,.. __ ' G THE 6 O'ClOCK MOV1 * 'MAN WITHOUT A STAR' COLOR-Kl~K OOUGlASI .. -.-(30)' .... -.· i'iicy ...... .i111t ,,. .... d•lill wlllt AIMricl• *"'· .. b'tca ltle Alllrtcll11 tnl ... __ .. _ ...... -(Cl 1:11918 (l]-T• IQ (Ill) A ,....t"',.,..... ,.._ ,.,.. 8lrflw, ............. 'JJ 1 1S.1111r1Wtt "'°" II """'· ·-IQ (to) ... -..... briwlaa .,. rl .... .. 1JO.,.... .......... ... .. ..,.. AmrMdl ... Fr1nk..... ' GmlCli·-I 1 (Cl (Ill) ~· Sl ..... ftllll ' __ ... _ ...... ............... 1111 ... ........ ,..... ... ... _ ................ . ,...,%$,. .... ...... ·--(Q(tO) ...... -(Cl (30) 111 •• ,;· -(C) 1:11 ••a••-<Cl ·--...... °"' IQ __ ..._ .... <• ..,,. __ .. _ ml Cll u (I)·-(Cl l:Jl.M1•l1: ...,.. PMhfl" ~ 'IO -Ylll 1ryw,..., .ntd G She has monopol' on -· * laugllsl Tune in tontte, DUCllGT--(C) MARLO THOMAS 1tar1 ·-.... t1;,, ,_. <"" II THAT GIRL IM) '41-Sulu Ptttr' Al ... ..... D !I'll m Ill T<ot 11(1( (Cl (30) G ml CIJG Joor -tCI 'lftl. lWiHt O.." Miii -"'l· II I LM Lier ........... "' .. ,.... fl ...... .., ... tllll .... -. , '*' .., i.a.. .. IZ:ttmn ._....., .. ..., ................ ....... _ .. ___ 1••-·-" -Sfel llJllb. ...,. (....,, • Ja•u ir.. ·-(Cl (JO) ..,, --- .... -(Ill) -., ............ TNo ........ 12:11 ..... --... NI ttle ... fl ,_ Jalll ...... Aii:loa" .,. illlilll wlltl • ,..., atlil. II tll9 portion, .. ,... ... ••• 1:11 D. NM (C) .......... !lit .... rt .. "' thll led tt the matMr"t ldtWt. 8 C.11ally ..... ...,. 11.> Ill •-«I GI,.,. "' •-°" «I fRl[)f,y MYTlllE MOVIES .. , .... lalJ-( ---- -.......... (-)'14 -Tl'Mf """"'· -n. ... '-""' (MJllWJ) '45-J. Edwtt4 -2:11•--.-c-·11--. ""·--.. -· ...,. ~ .. ,,,., ,.,, ---·-(OW) . .,_ (iror.--... 111 .... -..... 1-11:.:" -="' •> ·--- - -·-. .....,. ___ _ Ult e JOB PRINTINS • PUBLICATIONS • NEWSPAPERS Q11ality Prl11fh1t •lltl Dt,tfl4ati.l• S•,.ic• f., "'-ftt.11 • Q1•rf•r .t • C•11f11ry. r JUDGE PARKER Mun AND JEFF By Al Smltti GORDO By Ga Arriola HT MISS PEACH I I ~' DAj~Y PP.QT f 1 A LITTLE LOST -Marlo Thomas above UHl the police, and all the sympathy '11te cc111 find ta. help a lost Negro boy on tonight's "'Dtat Girl'' epi•ode •t 8 p.m. on Cbanntl 7. The.boy, Ted &... atll, far from being scared, enjoys 1)1 the confusion and attention. · r • TELEVISION VIEWS Show Moves To Southland By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (APl -"Hawaii Fiv .. O,'' renew· ed for ·A sceood sea5Qn, moved its locale to Loi ~ Angtlesfot a change of pace and 1cenery. 1t .wa1 a tw<>-part 11ale about a· quack "healer" who 'Vic> ; t)mtmd the dOIJllR\ely sick and the gullible: , : The wind-up of the slol')< Wednesday nlpt wu ! in the UIUai TV forin. Deteryn!ned sleuth Sleva McGarr!ilt wa1 1riml1 hunting clown evldt11<1 against the woman "naturologilt" whom he beUev· ., ed caused the death of &i's youog nephew. ,1 MOST OF THE hour was spent showing him , hunting down families of other victims, eventually ~ exhuming the body of one man , but fll'witbout re. ;: sults. The climax came in \he courtroom when 1 McGarrett trapped ber by a trick. l The two-parttt, '!~s ol .•Pei:ial interest bOc:ause <· the healer in tbe"'itory ope1'111ed In ,a ~ wblch ...+ has caused great concern by legal and medical ""!_ authorities in aev~ral slates. ;1 The producUon wu 1llck, the acting 1ii!lflll. l NOW TH-'T CBS has taken over "Get Smart," 3 plans ar~ afoot to; do ,:Something clram~Uc. early " next season' to callaUM'tton• to the show 1n Jtl new S channel. The first project is to have agent Smart i and spouse, Agent ge, beeotne parents. Present i plans call for twlru. · . . i4 Over the years, TV aeries maker& have learn--~ eel there are two scire-fire ways to Improve the rat,. i ing1 of a 1lluaUon comedy: a marriage and cblld-1 birth. • DURINO THIS PAST sealOO, triplets were f produced in two 11<ies, "PetUcoat Juncllon" and "' "My Three Sona.'' "' While the birth of three cbllclren ha1 not lrlpled "' any show's ratlng1, tome Nlelaen-watchen have l concluded lhat'lbe Initial decline In the popularity ~of NBC's "The Ghost 'and Mrs. Muir" coincided with the date the babie1 came to "My Three Sona,'' its CBS competition. ·, ~ THE BIO DAY-TIME ,trend these days is .. toward soap-operas while the once popular game j and panel 1how1 seem to be fighting a losing IMlt· "' tie. Jn the most recent Niel sen report on daY·.llm• ''l programs, six of the top 10 are soap, three 11re : reruns of night-time comedy shows and just one -~ is a game show of sprtl. "i Most popular daytime program remain& CBS'• ~ Jong-playing "A• The World Turn1," followed by It• 'II "Search for Tomorrow" and NBC'• 0 Another World" i' -all washboard weepers. Then come rerun& on CBS of "The Andy Griffith Show,'' "Tho Dick Van Dyke Show" end "Beverly Hillbillies." Also il> tllt elite group are CBS'• 11Love is a Many Splendored Thing'' and "Edge of Night" in a tie, and NBC'• · "Days of Our Lives" and ABC's "Newlywed Game'' in a tie . • • THESE TOP RATED shows hfve same raUng compared to the evening programs. Each is 1een by an eltlmaled 10 to 15 percent of the nation's TV homes while a hot evening 1bow like 0 Laugb. Jn" gets into well over 30 percent. · 1 Detanis the Menace • • Jf DAILY PILOT H Tloo•Jllll• ,...., 21.,1M Save en TaxM-.7 • • How to Claim FloOd Losses • By SYLVIA POllTEll II YoU invest in the stoct marbt )'OU ..-11 visit your-broker's olfloe at least oow·and then. fQ( ccmsult&lloru on your ~-""1lnilill this la ao, )'OlJ will be pleuanlly surprllod to learn that a court dodlkia taat year tall help ,.. cJa1m I dedJlc. llao for ~ lrti>o. Jn thi.I cue. • 'woman ln· vtstot lived Md did her ,ork In 1 one-room apartment in New York City, About ooce a week, D lU1ed to btr bank at which &be had a custodial ICCOUnt for htr stocU and ...,. a moctb sbe tuied to bet broker f<r con- sultations. 1lle Tax Court allowed her to estimate her costs at $3 a round trip to lhe bank and $2.50 a round trip ' '9 the broker and tq deduct these amounl! as ex- penses in connection with her investment activities. U she had used her own car for these purposes, thi5 decision • ml.ght possibly have justified ' the deduction of an allocable portion of her car expense.s. mE TAX COURT, thoogb. . barTed a travel deduction for an ln\'llblr who vlJlted his bn>l<er primarily lot "tape ~·tchill•·"" Developmenll occurred In 1111 in the anal ol 111"""1 deductlona 'and lolv"' W-come ol wblcb you lhollld be r.i1y-.w-. Ill the pl,ll, you may hive been 1ble tO 'aave taxes by prtpayln( and dedoc!ln( ln- terat not due until a latu year. For example, if yoo owe money on a lftCM"llage or a bank 1-)'OU mlibl have prepaid )'OID' W tntemt In '!I In addlllao to paying your '!llnlett>t. . FOB CEllT AIN blib-brackel Uiveston in rtal--estate; such pre~ ot interest have produced v a luable tax benel.lts. Lower-bracket in- dividuals have used a similar prepayment technique to save on tues by pyramiding Itemized ._ deductions into ooe taxable year and tall:· ing lhe standard deduction the nut year. But-late in '68., lhe Treasury clamped down on using prepaid interest to aave tai:es. Unless you had a pre-ex- isting legal obligation to make Will YOUR SALARY DOUBLE BY 1975f It tould .• A few hours at the 12th Annw.l Orange County Management Conference, Saturday , 8 1.rn. March I. can show you the Wly. Your choice of two symposia filled with vital manap- mtnt know-how. Plus a stimulating keynote address by one of the natkm's most 1UCCesafuJ business Madcrs. All for a SS ticket obtainable at the door at California State Colleae, Fullerton. Bes.ides, it's too we( to play 101f or mow the lawn. Contact the Orange County'Chambe r of Commerce, 774-285 I, for further de1ails. PROGRESS, PROFIT ANO RESPONSIBILITY -THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE. IN THE SEV£1'1TIES DESERT AIR HOTEL and RESORT fly in • • . Drive in CO PPER BROILER ROOM DINNERS 5 -11 for vacation fun LUNCHtONS ~ROM 11 :JO COMPASS ROOM LOUNGE COCKTAILS Under the p1r1on1l 111ptl"li1io11 of BIL L WALSHE P.O. 101 1017, Pelrn D111rt, C11if. 17141 l4l .t05J the prepaymenll. •Ill' Inter"' you prepaid alter Nov. u, t• will delillltdJI DOI be decluctlble In lhe yeer YOl.I paid it If the prepayment coven intuest for more than 12 months beyond lhe end of lhe tuable year. If the prepay: ment coven interest Up ta Lt months beyood the taxable year, a Treasury eunilnlnc . agent will hive t.be .power to ~ on the basis ol aft the tacts whtlher or Dot you .should have the deduction ln the year you prepaid I.be in- ltttst. tt .your deducUon is baned under these new rules ~Of the }'eff in whlcb interest st prepaid, you wm lllUI be able • to , ded~t your prepayment 1 pro rala over the period or time covered. FOR INSTANCE, say that in DeCtmber, '18, you prepaid interest for the entire two years '69 and '70, in addition to paying your '68 interest. In the past, you could have deducted the interest for all three yean on your '68 (tturn. But under the new rules, you made an interest prepayment coveriilg more than 12 montM beyond '68. Your prepayment ot the '69 and '10 interest is therefore flatly lmrred ·as a deduction on your '68 return. Instead, you will deduct the '69 portion of the prepayment on your '69 return and the '70 portion on your '70 return. Last year, several banks ad· vertised an offering of a ne\V type of savings account which deferred the income tax on the depositor's interest until some future date. ThJa was based on tbe general idea that you would withdraw your prio· clpal at will but you had to leave the interest in yollf' ac· count until some pre-arranged maturity date. IF YOU STARTED o:ie of these . acCounta, be informed that the Treasury disagreed with the bank• about tbe •deferment of t.u on the in- terest and· announced that this interest was taxable when credited -just like any other deposit account -because the depositor could withdraw the principal at will. At least one bank changed its deposit plan to bar withdrawal o£ both principal and interest Wllil the pre-arranged maturity date - in an effort to satisfy the Treasury'!!! objection. JI you are a californian who suffered property d a ma g e from the disastrous January and February rains, noods and mud slides, you will at least be able to get fa st tax relief. Since President Nixon designated California as a dlsaster area because of severe storms and flooding beginning aroWld Jan. 17. those who suJfered property damage from the disaster can deduct casualty losses on their '68 returns. This is so even though the casualty occurred in '69 and would otherwise not be deduc· tible until the '69 return to be filed in '70. By making the special election to deduct the loss on your '68 return, though you will get an im- mediate tax ·savings or a fast tax refund to help offset your loss. Next : A\•era1e deduction~, support. rehmds. JOHNSON & SON THESE ARE OUR VERY FINEST TRAOE.IN CARS. 1966 <;ADILLAC ..... O.YUlt ............... Mht 1a.rJ11 wiltl i. .... ............ lftltr. a: .. ~ ... Ill ... 1wo:..,,. ...,.,_: .... h'-~ •llltt.. PS. f'I, PW, ._ .. , Ml!, ...... Mott. •Ir l;Mlll, .. Ottr .... """""' ~ Lk. 111 IU. $3795 IHI OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS .. HI'. M.T ................ ri-'• W/Mkt191-.... .... WIL ........... , .. .. ........ ... ". ,,, , .. ,., ... .,,,_~ .... __, Mllll,., "'9 -· XOAGL $2995 I"' RIV IERA ..... .._ ......................... ......... .. ..... .,_,, ,.... ............... ,.. -fl/fl, + -~·.:· .................. ~ .... -,_t: ... _......,. ___ ......... ,,,... ' • llCAUSI THISl CARS ARI SOME· TIMIS SLle HTLY MOii I XPI NSIYI, PINll AUTOMOllUS THAN AYDA•I TUDl·IN, WI DO ADW1ms1 THIM WIDILY • • IT II OUI llUIP THAT THUi OUT· ITANDINe CAU llPllSINT THI YllY IUT llSALI YA.LUIS FOl THI D ICUTIYI, PIOH SSIONAL MAN AND DISCl lMI NATIN6 IUY• ... 1966 RIVIERA PtMlr wltllt 11111 ... Wllll °"'""' '1llt .. lwltr, "11lp.. Wtlh I v ... ..,...__ f'S, f'l 1 f''#, .... , _,, alrtN- ..-11, ""•'-'"I wt!"" lte. •It, 9-tlf1I 1 ._ t lf' IMilltlM .. , -· U Ml ... Tll'T Ut.. $3195 1"6 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE .,_,lllll .,.._, ,,_. •"'1w' ...._ wffll Mid: "'""' ...,.,.., .... -.... , . .., """"' ...... """ tnM.. AM#M ............ leRlllWM\rlrt -tnL •• , CollL. ,.,,, ....., ........ tldr; .. flit .. , .... ................... $3695 I"' CONTINENTAL COUPE $3195 $3395 JOb.DSODf SOD llHl11 lllTllllTil . •u~m . llllCliY·••HH .,._ ....,-.cma-. :=5==="''"'' GETS $300 CASH OCC's Kathlffn Elllnor Students Sbc nlghta a ct.y. Mo,. on week-enda.. AJ jetL lowest •Ir farn.. C.11 PSA or your urioJ-" andwo11 pot)'OU-....-. PMgt.-yauaa Bernard Schulman, controller of the Qr- ange Coast Daily Pilot. has been appointed to lbe mcmbuahlp com· mlttee, lnsUlute of Newspaper Cont!Ollm ' and Flnai!to ~ ---· •• ., ' ' ' .. ·---· l I .. ; . Thu~a1's -~osing . Pric~ wµiplete York •'. ·~ ...... -= .. .. .,, • nN1r. ,._, %1, lM It -. ' ,._ List • -· OAILY '1LllT Jf. te -~ _,. :..11> f~ .:.::4'1 .. . .. .. .. . ... ..,....---·-~-~-----·-----~ I l Fulbright Gives ·'A' . . ..... , r • ' ' ·TqNiXon WAIRINGTON (AP)· - Predtz •t Nixon appean to ...... )IC(lOlllpUsbed in llvt ~-· -t Lyndon B . Jobulelt couldn't manage ln !Ive,.,.. -pibllc IPP""'ll tit blo ·rO!<l&D policy by sen. J , w, P'ulllrilhl . ' .. ~theArkansas _.t who heads l'ie ,Se:nd'Fcreip Re I at Ion 1 CanWnlltee, bas not been Jmon, lar .,WO, aloog with ~atlc ' presidentJ and 'aecretlriel ol state. He WU tbe ...-point ol oppos!Uoa 1o Jobuoo'• A>ian policies. • But ·the mercurlal aenatc:r ·Is gtv!nc pod marks to N-am lii(cret8ry of Stale WlllWn P . .ll<Jld'I at this polnl He 1aaid, for enmple, that be 1hlnta: NJ1on ls doing a grut,Job In his vioit to Euro- peu ·capitals. 1>0111(; BETl'Ell ' :·He· ii bandllng biDlelf ""U..IJ! lacL be ts doini better thU ... lot ol people thouibt be -.Id." Fulbright Aid. Tboie ts some thougbl al'OOlld the Senate that the Democrats are coverlng NJJ:on with tindness to demonstrate they bold no anhpcattJ toward him just ~ be 'I& • Republican. ' DemocraUc Leldet _Mike Mansfield of Mcmtana, a mem- ber ol Fulbrlgbt'1 committee, takes every occasion to aay something nice about Nixon. Sen. Edmund S. N~ of Malllt, the · 1111 l)enlocrlllc prelldenllal nominee, . h I I given .lift cauti<QJ, ,-11. Hliw long thll ·-of C!l!JPl!'aUon will last bu to be-lft1bodY'• gueas. BAS 'GltENADE ·Fulbright hu a grenade In the butet to tou at the Nixon acfmlil!stration In the lonn of his "naUonaJ. commitment&" resohd.lm. It would &dmon1sh the Pratdent not to deploy U .5. troops abroad except lor d1reet national a e c u ·r 1 t y ~~Uee chairman'• loog.lfme frlead, Secretary of State Roleit, bas b e e n cautloas .-commlttiq the adriilotatratim .. thll inue. Bui ltw think Nixon wtn de~ from the pooiUon o1 ~ prtSidents that u <OlllllWlder·ln<:biel be bu the right to employ troo)!I aa be.aees fit. FuJbrlgbt alao Is tryiq to JIU* the new admlntttration Into, ·-ting lmmaltate talks "1th· . the Soviet U D 1 0 D , AltbOligb be approved .of Nb<· on'1! Brullels statement that there would be tacit ta1U at 'the ·-Ume, the com-mttteO cbairman b< never very palillol .-waiting lor lnlllllment ol llUCb pledges. Bnl tbese ·are poulble Irle· tiom' ol the future. Jut! .... the r.JbriPI line Is e<>Opeia. u.a.·. Enrichment Classes Set ByUCI The Unlvenity School at UC Jr.Ille, 1..-11 • prMCl>ool cilllf,~bu expanded to provide an lfternoon e nr I c hme n t se:sllrin for five and sU: year okia. C1asaes meet from 1 to 3:30 p.m., weekdays. The achool, which wm llill offer· pre-school classes, is loca1'd in St. M a r t ' s ~Church, 2001 Eutbiuff Drive, N e w p o r t ~ It ts c<>sponsored by the·UCI School of 5ocia1 Sc!<n- ""' and the UCI Olfice of 1'<a\:l!er EducaUon. Du.ctor ts Mts. Eleanor Wynne, who '°"'!Orll' dtr.cted a Mon- t..,.i l!dlool In~, Uotvenlty Sc boo I I& opented as a supervised ~ program for teacften and : has been. condoctlng cllml lar cbildren 211 ta five yeori old .me. Jut !all. Fees are charged bot the achoo! b • <.'Olllidered exchilive. Pim are be1na made to oiler -llblpt .. -ol --motben and~. An· oddllllmal "1richment . -WiD be ollend loc • • , , ' . ........... ............ -· FREE All--M-· FREE .,_ .. y.., ...... -FREE _ .. --...... .......... ·Guarani~ed. 30 Mo~'ths ' . . ' ~ ' . 6.50x13 T,ubel~ Blackwall ' ·. ~-..... --.... -.... -~-·. ·:. . . '':.~ ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guara~l« Tread. ute Guannte. Gnanalee4 Aplut: All fallurt• ot the tir• resultlns from norm&! road huarda or defect• fn inat.trtal or workmambJp, l"ar. H.w Lms• For the life of the original ....... 1ftat·..,., Wiii O.: RqUr 1l&JJ punctul'N at DO ·~ la QM ol faiJurl.. t'll a.dwlge for tM ~. nplael it cbarrt. <ip]J, tbt prowrtfon . d. ClltTmt recuW' Mlli:Dg prtc9 plWI i'eden.1 ZXciM Tu: that rep~lelU u.d \I.led. TreM: WMr Gd Gma'aat.ee Gmnateei Aplut: Tread weu-dut For How LDD&': The number of months l peci· tread. . . . WW; a..n Will Do: ID exclt.anp for the tire, ndMil tt cllaiSbis th• CIU'ftD.t rquiar eelling prict plua J'edenJ Exclee Tax leat ttle follow· inf llilowance: MonU.. Guaranteet 12 lo'24 27 lo 39 d : ~-~~:ct 20'j0 .. . ' SIZE Plus 1.79 Fed. Exe. Tu And Old Tlrt PriM wltll I' .. l:x. Ttaile-la Tu Tubeless Blackwall! 6.50xt3 I 12.88 I 1.79 7.35xU I IS.88 I 2.07 7.75xU I 17.88 I %.20 8.25XU I 20.88 I 2;36 7.75xl5 I '17.88 I Ul Tnbeleaswhltewalhl 6,50xl3. I 15.88 I 1.79 ' 7.35xt• I 18.88 I 2.07 7.75xU I 20.88 1'2.20 .'8.25xH I 23.88 I 2.36 · 8.55xU I •26.88 I z.57· 7, 75xt5 I 20.88 I' 2'21 8.15X15 I 23.88 I Z,38 • 8.45x15 I 26.88 J J.57~ . ...... l11terlOlkbl( T?9&d uUt. •lM rrfp -ro&d fir bet- ter tnct1-. , •tart u4 •top <1.ukltl7· G~ (Nylon) wW11 longer than the 4 ...:jor new car U.... alter 20,oeo mil .. ~I ideatlcal .U.tiar on our rraelfng P-. Texas tnick. Pre-Season SALE! ·sA VE $40! Auto Air Conditioner NO MONEY DOWN .•• NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS 'til Jtme ·2 on Sean Easy Payment Plan Regular $169.95 77 .... ,elNlld ehUdrea, if mf. , • • Faster cool down time for "right .. now" comfort , •. high C.F .M. for greater a.ir circulation . . .. cools 'qr quickly ' . . tic.real Interest~ le : ..,.,...._.Furth tr&> ,.... • ..., may be obUllDed ·=~=Tall by • ~ctive control selector .. , mounts under the dash Model 671f • ~ed ~J>!!cialista for profe&Sion~ al mstallation and competent,'ser· vice in the fututt. · SA VE an addltionai·$20 on Regular $60 IMtallation •• , Now Only $30 During Sale · ' ··~~-----~--------------~-----~-----~--~~-----------~ .._ • M4'. ,,,_TA ....._, 52J...f530 'a MONIE~ a..3911 lOMa lfACM HE 5-0121 , rte0'Wt: MJIJ M4M.Nlll9Q.MM011 Uf'Ulfe 91$.1927 ,· •· +--' CIUHDAll!or·s.1ocw, a ""611 . """"" • ...,AH "'5211 . _ .....,. ., 3-11411'* f.51'1, w un1 a....-..... tot...,,, · · ,..., r.o :1-u61, ""'"" I 1 -"9' ••NI .. -.,NE 2$61 """'"""""HO NP41 -·637·2100 . --1111#1 ..... _... ...... 540-33'3 -.rt 9-1911 I ~ "'°'11 ta1WOC1D ca a.2521 r~lllJ 1-3211, B. 5""211 iL!MCISfJ.1511 "---------·----------------·--,-~~-*!'1'et;llii•·--~------' ~Gv-.....dor'blrM01.yllock" -_.. .,, ...... tl11i1• '1i'1 J,.NOJ:M.JoNOP.M. ' . \~' ' . . ' . . . "... . ---------------------- I I ' I I l Newp.Jn· Barbor • WOL 62, NO. 50, 3 Sf,CTIONS, 32 PA6E5 . . . -.. , l E'DlllO·H . ' - \ • • -.• - ~·-•f•• -II I Debris Old Seamen's Clea:rance . ' P.ses Trick • -·- 87 JOJIN VALTERZA OI *' ~ Pblt ,_., A device almost as old as seagoing 'mankind -1 seine net -wu scheduled to be tried out today 11 • Oraftge ·County lllrllor Department personnel battled to dlor bay ·water of toos of floating storm -. ans faced with the IDOlllllDtnlal last . West Berlin, Italy Crowds Cheer Nixon ROME (AP) -President Nixon took a tumuJtuous salute from West Ber1'ers today and told them all people who want freedom are Berliners. Then he came to tightly guarded Rome where a crowd hoisted him to Its shoulders. On the way into tb1a ancient city, &be President's rootorcade came to a bo!L Nb:on gal out and pliml!ed Into the cmrd and up be --ohoulden. M ·he did in Berlin Nbora waved his mna in uuberaoce and 4efJtbt. =-~'"'" .moved .• """, ~ . lo: 1111-polaCe " .... l1lllan "=.tldm~ the ·~rzr the -iwaci ••• . . <alWd Out bl' IW7'1 Communllt P"!'IJ ~in a march towltd the pre1id1ntlll residence, chanUng "Nixon go home." The crowd, made of working men and students. took to the streets In defiance of a police ban on demoll5tra- tions. Two army trucks with aifens icresmlng tried to block the msrcb but the demonstrators kept moving. Blocks away, at the main campus of student-oceupied Rome University, rebellious irtudenj& tried to break Poll police barriers to join the anil·Nlxon rally. . Cbil>.wlddlnt Police dnlVe them back lnd 11udents replied by lmrllnc paving (See NIXON, Pip I) 3 From Newport File Noise Suits For $95,000 Damages sought from Orange COUDty by angry Harbor Area homeowneri aoared towards the $28 million mark Wednesday with the filing by three Newport Beach residents of a suit totall- ing 195,000. 11 brought to !l'l,'111,MS.li the amount claimed by 9(11 bomeowDen 1n Ove cow1 ac:tlons. All the complalntl IIlege that the c:cunty II respomlble for the creation of jet noise. smoke, o d o r 1 and cbo-- otructloa damsge in the orea oumundlnC Orange Coonty Airport. PlalnUffs In Wedneld&Ta ~were named as Richard C. .andbttb C. Vernon, 1109 NotUngbam .Rotd ; Donald D. and Sally E. Peck, 1721 An- tigua and Eugene H. and MarllDne N .. Charles, 419 North Star Lane, all of ·Newport Beach. , They slate, as was claimed in earlier actions, that the county In cu r r e d responsibility (or damage suffered when ft allowed Air Wes! and Air CalHomJ1 to introduce jet traHic to the county terminal. AU five actionl art aniting calendar oettmc In Superior Coor!. Macco Company . ' . Planning Merger The Newport Beach-based MICCO Com· pany development flnn wilJ be merged with Great Southwest Corp., a partner tirm. officials announced today. Both land deveJopment firms are part of the Penn-Central Corp., based in PhJladtlphia, Pa. Under the merger agreement the JOO 000 acres of Macco-controned de~elapment properties will be .. -b1 Southwest Corp., -beaclqowUn ... in ArllnCtPn. Tu. Macco apralionl ..,.. lndtutrial, .........iaI, ncnallOllal and --t land deffk+;wots. '· l_ ---· • of ctearl111 the dongeroos junk from Newport Harbor were building the 50-foot seine of wire meal»durlng mornlhg hours ·for UH ln·tJ>e Clollgld bay. • ' Hirbor'maller--AI Oberg ,.;id the net will be towed behind two boats and dfaaed primarily 1ltroaP llhllply - fiped -areu -where the ..We ntllOff debrb It collec:tlq lilte Josj..,._ Extreme tidal varl1Uoits which bqan today art tatlng some of the monumtalal rafts of truh out 1o eea, but the •be,watero·ore sUll l!o41J IGuled. ·Debris rongea In Ii* from washed.out telepboae poles to orongea and lceplant Ieavu. -· · -Oil ·drums, tree .-. -and acres of flnab' minced planl m.-i 0 s . . ' ... TO ·LEAQ PAl'.-f..REGUf.ARS ·-~Nlw -'Ao"'-" Mitton • Morton Picked Over Chotiner For GOP Chair County Digs Out in Wake Of Flooding B1 JACK BROBACK . Of .... Dlllfr PIM Steff It was digging out day for Orange County today as sunshine continued to replace flooding and d e v 1 1 t a t I n I raimtorm. Authcrltles tried to total ·up the d811l1F that II estimated In tho.Jl!illl«)I. . . Almoet mlrlCllloua!Y, ,cxily five · Uva were JOit wbeia ·a.. . madst1d1 . pUlbed . throOglt tlll ~ ...... Stidla ,.,.... ' d'1 ...; • ri>31~ l!\iia • ~ do_w.,.-~-u-- inJured. . ~ .. ' { . A Pm!oaa ftPiit aiit·• men bollt.. had -fouttil ., the debria . pnmd err-. stalo..F-itr ollldall uld the fire staUoo bid been cleared fi mud today and no more bod.Jes found. The dead were lLsted as Jane Schrowe, .S; R. Hendricks, 11; Moate DeWitt, 41 ; Ralcbltd Blaci; ond Mu Nell , 45, all residents of Sllverado Canyon~ In Orange, r~gtng sanuago Creek Pre&ident Nixon has apparently solved continued to taietftl tall Two apartment his first major intra-party problem by houses evacuated sl.nct Monday fell into naming Maryland Conir.....,.. Rogers the stream br1J1C1b1 lb three the' nuinber C. B. Morton as GOP naUonal chalrnian o1 bulldlnp d~~ Jn lliat communlly. and relegating Newport Beach lawyer The klSt stracbftl were located 1t Mmny Cbotlner, 1111 former ·~ampalp 7ff/ llld '1115 Ballri ltreiet jusl a ~ adviser, to a JIOl>l)Ulbic role. distance 'below Villa Part D 1 m. 11'.ortoo told 1..,.. C<llf..._ Wld... Authorllles flared> thlt men ~ da• be dedded to take the. ..., alter In tl)ai block. mlghito~ple Into !lii Creek he' and <llotiner bad •sereeci"ibat bll todal'. (Choliner'1) experience and cap.1cltles Outflow.at 1be dam bu been 8WXllzed could be better utilized elsewhere" than at ·•.eoo cubic feet per eecond, the flood on the committee. control department said thla mominJ· And lnfJow has dropped to 2,tOO cubic Chotiner managed Nixon's campaigns feet per second. until 19$6. ... At the heilht of the 1torm Tuesday, ·~ He had predicted he would operate 11,000 cubic feet per second was flowing tbe committee as executive director into the dam. while the new chairman would devote The 4,000 cubic feet per second ls bll time prlmorily_to making speOcllel. being allowed, Oood ofllcials said, to M o r t""O n d e n I e d m a k I n g a n Y lower the reservoir to handle future "stl~l\ona" o~ .. im~ ".reetrictioDI" rains. on ·hll. a~nee of the chairmanship, In Santa Ana, residents along Riviera succeeding Ray BUu. Drive and West River R09d between '!bat wasn't qWte the WIJ many high the Santa Ana Preew1y and the Santa ranking Republicans heard. lt. Their Ana River-coottrued to battlt tbe version •11 this: destructlve erosion of Santlqo Creitk. l'rftldent Nb:on had told Cbotiner he °"""8 of old uto bo4lel were placed wanted him to be the executive director on the cn!tk blnkl,Wednelday and today of the committee. But Morton balked by Marine Corpa belJoot>lel In an a~ at bavfllg ChotJner .run ·the ·IMw while tempt to otem the er<lllon. Up to today, be -'u the fnlnt man. Ol1ly two ntmmlng pools ond part or pfakientlaJ a~ UIUl'fJd Mortoq, one house .bad been wished away by who· wu floor manqer for Nlzon 'at· the flood Waters. Ute' Mlaml Beach nomlDatiJic" CGllVtntlon, '· But the .. creek; was eating away at • thot bo wouldn1-1oi.,. to take Cbotiner valuoble baokyltds for the $40,000 to if he toot fbe cbafnnusbjp, 4 $7S;OOI homes lining the waterway. But M~.tris!sted .be "anted direct Real.dentl were sandbagging all along (See IJ()P CllIIPt PqO II the creek bed. .. clocllnc m<11 ls msde mor1 dlllkull. The · COllC<lllraUoo ol flollb>rl'llllllll ~ebrll ·1s the wont In· the _,-_ of 1oagUme Hltbor Area bolldo 'Ud '• ooe ·II lell ~to -11-.rllla the ncord llorm-15·,.an .... • Boil• theproblem~_J-..r• .. \ ~ ,..,. ..... llftpolt '~ -. ' ... _ :; • l I ~·•) OAl&:Y ,11.Qf .......... • ' ioEBRlf.·~lltS' /'lllATE'$·C0VE N COM· • ~' 1 , • ~:, / 1 ': . H1 rliot;qtfic}1i1c 1Cbart· 8_1y C~n"p , , ,·•~.~I -·.1 1'w... ' ,>, 1 I ,i : • • ) Water Supplies, Beaches Contaminnted by Flood Wa"ter supplies and beaches have been. contaminated bJ this week'•· noods in coastal areas and other parts of the -,ol)r,.Jolm R. Philp, county ilealth officer· an-.:ed today, Areas aUected are : -s., J.,. Cqlltrano: · Sewer line about· one-half mile up-San Juan Creek •. b1'1!1<1D·bi1ut mOi>tb's flood and recently rejiaired, his q'aln been wa'$ed out. Tbe beach at Doheny state Park remalrul uridU qllarantine due to · sewage' con- t;amlnaton. -0.na Knolli: Low water pressures Were eiperl~ Monday night but tcm- pofa:ry ~is have·bffn inade. water users in that area whose · service was disrupted should boil all drln~ng water or ustd bottled water Wltll further. naUce. -J:.atuna Beach: A 12.ioch sewer maln !\Jong Coast Highway at Broadway wu broken cauaing ctischargii el, MW4ge on tile beach. The beach · area • bu been olooed to the pullllc WIW the sewer break has been repaired. -Santiago Canyon ua: Service to Silvera"do, Sanliigo and Modjeaki cm. yoris has been completely disrupted and· these areas art. witboUt aafe driokin& water. Residents are adviled· lhlt any tap water whlch may be. available ahouJd be boiled before drinking, or bottled water used. Once service has been ·restored the health department will ~l the waW and inform users when It ii sare· to drink. • ---~ , . . • . --' Ban-Means -. •' NoS~ey~ OffNewpOrt B1 JEROME '" OOILINS Ot .... DlllY ''"' ..... . SACRAMENTO -The State t.nds Commission today revoked all permlta allowing oil companies to a1nk teat ccn boles in camornJa waten. The revocation is e f f e c t I v e im- mediately. •It meaua Shell OU Cornpony and ,. ... auoclate flrml will conduct n • . "gecloslcal _..all Newpcirt-~ San Clemmte . llld other c:outa1 · c:illll u .plani>ed,' . ' " • :Expin!ofY' ~ tioW ·.Met ,.;.., oil. 0....nold ....... ~v··· dlt&>llria .wN!:.> . . 'n;m .,,.,. ...... ~,.,.. . , "'flld allatelllOlt-tlll MJCcnr in~ 1"•A'~ 1be j;il1iilii. , . Lindi ""1llllllllon acted ad I recommendaUon from Com m 11 1 Io a Secrelary . Frint Hortlg. . The . motlqn to till th~ controvenlal pennill was made b1 Jolin Sl>eeban, clilel dij>Uty to StitTContrtiller ~ Flournoy, who Wll In Newport IOlcjl today for a ;puldna engseement. ' Others vottn1 were Lt. Go¥• Ed JtelnOc!ke and James Qwight, cblef depu- ty to Floance Director CllJ)lr WeiJ>. berger, also out of town . The commillloD modlJtC CID the llllltor luted 1* tlian hall 'Iii boUr. . · Hric had fint propoltd 11111"'4'••, lnatead of l't'f1>ClllCli, ol tho ponDltl, wtiicb hi recent diJt bave booo ~ ly proteoted hr Newport Beadt, tacm Beacb, San Clemente llld other ..uta1 city councils, u well 111 the Ofule (See DRllL BAN, P• ll '.· * * * Newport Happy Over Drill Ban New1 ol the State .Landi QnmfMSon scuttling ol allllhcre 1eoloolcll lell trtllo In( wa ha.,.Uy nOelvecf ,1 Newport Beach Cttyflall dotay. Mayoi Doreen Mmball, 1l"flil al Iha news, Aid: "I'm del!Olod, It'a, I~ - derful thot the _....., ... ~tho penn111 withoutmn !la a public hesrlng onto the CllldlUana, .U .l ,... ~nd It, there. an no · CGDdttlant whatsoever. Tbe colllmisalM just Aki no." . Citie.s Won't· Fly United -Trabuco Canyoa •i:e!ll: All residents advised to boil tap water or· use bottled waler unW further notla. Alilo Beado' Trested and cllsiB!ected eewage, mired wl~ Mm1 runo,lf ii overflowing from Ni;l.lel.Lab,down Allio Creek and · cinto -A'll!o BeliCh,', Alio •. oewage force llllln·ln,the SouUl Lquna ·~ SanllarJ Dlltrict 1'llllDln8 = Allio-Creek II threateoed wtiJC = ~ health .de~! bll ~ Gie-clol-' 1n of the beoicb umU . the. olluaticia g be' ·'---led • . ... can ev-. ,,· ~ ~:' lliatr rlilifaii' ..... caused'blliltratlao of,~ colledcr -. overloadfng. Ille.' ....... llU1""al..lliallt Of the ' Sun!et ~ ~~ Water 'Jn. Hln!lhitlo!i. Harl!out. It b$& . . .cw l'Ol.tl1110N: .... 11. . ' . • = ~ =., ... ·= ~ ., ............... .., c......,. • ---~ ' °""" ....... ' ..... ..... 11 .,...... ' ...... _ ..... _,,.,, .......... ""' . ... ...., q' ............... " == *': ~ -: .... ~. : .-!!!!"'"._ ~ ..,,...~, ;;;;1·-.. ....... . . -. . .. . ' , 1 MllY PILOT N Thursdu, ftbtv.ary 27, 19" By TEllllY COVILLE Of .. o.lff' ....... , ... -·-llloo. 11&111 wan. 'WlilddJC-bmidred -.. dlnv green uniforms tote sandbags up and down lhe Santa Ana River banks Wednei- daf rmn1nckd onlookers that UnJt~ States Marines are handy to have around tn any emergency. no sandbag toters, in shif~ of about Mn. 'I" PILOT ..... """' LAGUNA DANCER CAROL CYBULSKI PUTS 12·FOOT -PET PYTHON THROUGH HIS PACIS Soci•ty and Sequins .Her H•nt Ups, But, to 'Devil,' IY1 All Show 811 From Page I DRILL BAN. • • County Board of Supervl!on. Sheeba~, however, moved for revoca· Uon, with no argum~t from Hortlg. Sheehan polnt..i out Iha\ jlle COIDll)l"1on d I; ~ 1otallClilJ!1: ~-Ilia ' ·~ . "" '......,_,.. . ' • i outrl w1 ,.., anm1C11 no ce .. , -, . ' . LOT OF PROTESTS "W•"'• had ii.lp!';qf~ .A" this." 1 he said, "and ~J people are rightfully , concerned.'' He ind.Jca.ted that the concern, ln his view, was the consequence of Inadequate Wormatioo on the probes. . "I personally don't-feel there Is any danger of a blowout from these surveys," he said. "We've been pemUttlng them since 1955, and there la no ffi:Ord of pollution from this type of survey. There are very stringent controls as to the methods of drlllllll!." At the commission's direction, Horti( will begin planning an "educaUonal pro- gram" to clear up mlsunderstaDdin&: about the geologlcal exploraUons, put and future, Sheehan said later. A Shell Oil Co. representative attended this morning's commission session, but he said nothing. CONCERN ON TESTI; Also on hand was State Sen. Claire W. Burgener CR-San Diego). He stressed the concern of his county over the core hole .tests, coming as they tlo "so soon afte r the Santa Barbara tlebacle." Burgener. agreed wilh commissioners that slate controls over offshore oil ex· ploration and drilling ate much tougher than federal controls. "l wish the state were running things In federal waters u well," he said. The Santa Barbara blowout occurred beyond the state·~ three-mile limit. DAILY PILOT OtllANGa C°'i~f P'UtLISMING <.OMr.1"1'1' Rob1•I N. Wt•d r r•••d•n• """ ...,,,1,~., l~Ollll' IC11•il fti,... 1ho11111 A. Mu rphi111 MMl""'9 f.'llet Jtf11111 F. Colli11• P1ul N I,,,~ ,..,_, l•t<~ ,l..d~•li$l~. (lly l:t•ltr -Cl!_,,, MtwpMI h-cll Off111 2!11 Wed l•ll••• lo11l•••r' M1nl111 Aii4r1u: P.O. In 1171, tl66J • OtW~ C:•f. 'Mew· m"Yteil lri Sfrtf! l ....... kK111 tn ,. ..... A.W- MuntlllttOll ·~"""'' M llll .111'HI . _,-). ·-._~. OAILV PILOT,,.;,,, ""~l(ll ~ ccmlll"'11 ""° Hewt·"""' " ..,oo.•-111;1, •«ftll ~ ... ••• Ill -···"' "'''-· lo• t ........ '"''"" Nt-1 kKfl. {oi!t MOM . Mllf'B ... 19'1 _,to<ll .,,,,, '-'··~ VII,.,, ·-•ol"I I nol..,.. t'd>llon C••""' CM•I P'vbl~lll"' <""'"""' ..... ""' ···~·· •••• , '1fll ........ ltlllN I I.... ~•:>VI I•..;~. •"" IJI Wt.ll .,, Strffl, Co"• ,.. • .,. , ... , •••• 11141 64J .... JJl c.....,... '"""'rtlt.l•t 642·5•11 C.,..ltM< I"' Oft"" CM•t 1'1111 ....... c-e<"• ... """'' .,...~. •111111t•l-.. ..,,.I ""'"' II ~r!<-11!0 ~ _, .. ,..,..._.,. "''"""' t.nlel Nf' Ml6SltA • ~-_ ..... *'°"' ..._ -.. _..., " H...-t Md ...ii c..e-. Mow. C.llfool'll•, '4ilncr911"' .., ut0W 11.n -"""'' 11¥ 1r1111 u If -"'"' '"""""' *'"'"''"""' 11,11 -""'"· She Digs_ Snakes . . Dancer Ule1 'Pah' i"' Act . . By .JACK CllAPPEU. r.Wtlllake and lllO!ber 1>Jllm. 111 9t"" °"" Ptllt .,... usa&Uy kept at a frJendd'i. hom. In Just lonldllg al petlte, lhlpelJ Legunon comity territory becluse of Lqunl'1 Coro! Cybullkl, -tnllhl .-tho pet llw1. . ~ blonde templrul w"'1d-llM l!IO usull Tiii dlllClf lilo bu 1 parrot and female qualms about thins• acal7 and ·-three cats. craw]J'. _. : •!'f-:• .. ~ ~ "Society la one of my bigut banppt; Ah, riot ·~. For within that .~ : I iuw that'• why r like animals ao l9rm lb!obl 1 slo\lt helfl and 1 lovo, ; much,". llld !(Ju Cybullkl. who ha.j for thole repUJu· unlver1.U, ICwned had her differencea .wjth the law ovtr since Eve tan&led with her vfpery ad-her dancing. visor. The anakes are part of her dancln& Carol does tana:le with an auortment· act, when and whtr1-local health lawa of slimy pell end 1!'1 Just Ill In 1 lllow. 'lbelt purpou.-Slgnumd Freud's ntaht'• wort for the 30-year-old mate theortn notwlthltandlna, ii jU1t a• an dancu. attenUou ptter fer the dance act, Ciro& In addition to he:r favorite partner, nid. a IJ.fOQI. ~ pylhon nomed Devil, "I found lfl<r I'd been donclng for the lau'I pets include two cobru, • a while that J more or l• needed . I glnunlck fer !be Id. To bl a food -enterlllner, you"'• fOI to b1Ye 1 flm· T R f "d mlck." . WO a t·rl ers In tho yur and I ball sbe'• been dancing with !be makes, she bu been Held m• Valley frightened only once. She w" working wlth the amall female python when something scared it and the snake started constrtcUng. The python didn't have a good lriP and Carol manqed to pry off the coll!. Two Newport Beach men joy riding down the rain swollen Santa Ana River on a rubber raft were arrested Wed· nesday by Fountain Valley police for trespassing. Ciled for tresspasslng and rtleued on their own recognizance were Thomas J . Donnell, 25, of 431» Seashore Dr., and Eric Engelman, 2.3, of 1810 W. Ocean Front. Police said the men were picked up at lhe Santa Ana River bed south of Talbert Avenue. Orange County Sheriff's Department put out a bulletin to pick them up after they had been sighted on the river above Fountain Valley. No rescue wu needed u the men paddled the raft to the &bore tbemaelves and neither was injured, police 11id. Other joyriders on the Santa Ana River have not been so lucky, police added. From P8fle J AIRPORT. • • TramportaUon -hit no troublesome headwind. Mayor Pinkley said Wednes:tay that he eipects Chamber of Commerce Presi- dent Jack Hammett. an avid pilot, will make the Wuhlnglon Olght nut month, and poalbly othen. Newport Bucb o!llclal1, .._..,., In- tend foe Calla Mea to fly solo all Jhe •11--. Beach city Ml10t ~ llmhall Wednteday uted the 0rance County BNfd of Suptrvilon to vote against the Jong-range night npomlnn, just as her clty councll did Monday. Newport Jle1ch n!sldenls clalmlng nolle, air pollutloo and other bid effect.I ire bitterly op~ to eipanslon ind Fiflh District SupervllOI" Alton Allen sid· ed with Ulem and Mayor Manhall Wednesday. The Pereira report detaillna future Orange County nttds and suuestJ ni ma- jor Upon Jocatlona lennl Ille county faclllty • Meltoporl, of -fllcl1t • ranp Umlt1. A!tllnes applying for the 1111 and 1,111111 tnJle roulel to Pcrtland and Seattle to. i:lude Air C.!Uomlo, Air Wiii, Aluta, Branl!f, eont1nen1ai Delta, NaUoooJ, Northwest. Unlled incl w .. tem alrllneL I The big python is just a "big baby" and llkes show biz, Carol says. "He's just like a big ham. lf I'm dancing wtth him and I hold my arrit out toward the audience, ht'l1 crawl right on out and into the audience. As for the future, carol, who now works at the Apartment A~ 1n Sanla Ana, !'laid 1he'1 like to move on in abow bus.inm but will 1Uck wjth dJncln&. "I don't always want to do thla ftlllie stuff. Belly denclng II -ol tbe moot beauWul dances. "I'm a11· foe the bUllly ol dlnclng -whether you wear clothea or not." • She sold that whf:n denclng with tb1 !'lnakes, · It's actually better to perform sans costume. "Their sulea: catch ln the sequins," she said. Al. the Interview continued thla reporter'• attention wu dl.&tr~. DevU, in attemptinl to evade tbe alltful cats pouncln1 at liis tall, had sllthtred under the sola upon which I wu slWng. "Oh. don't worry if you fee:l lbe couch lift up, he'll just be flmng hls muscle1,0 said the dancer. "Orie Ume, three fuU- grown men were sltunc \her$ and he llfled them," MW Cybulakl coneoled. Her auurancea fell en deaf ear1 and a laJnt belrL Interview concluded. Services Held For Ex-teacher Funeral SfJ'Vlcu were held in Palo Alto this week for farmtr Newport Beach school ttacher Beth Terpena, who taught art classes at Horace Enslp School for more than a dozen yurt. Miu Te:rpena died In Palo Alto last week at the aa:e of 57. She !ltd tuffered a hfart condlUon for eeveral yeon. It for<ed her eerly nrtlrcment In Ill&. She hed llug~t II En&lgn Intermediate since Ila. Prior lo that, lhe WU ID. art teriche:r Ill the Sin Clem-lchooll. A 111tlft ol MJnneioll, Mla Terpllll 1ttoniled 111 ICbooll In -tu, Colo<acfo· Ind Cllllandl. • • Mesa Site Has Chance. Hopes for Cour.t, Library Excellent c.osta Mesa'• chances for landing a c-ad library complu IPJ>"ll' tz• cen.nt, Orani• Counly F1lr Dlrec!or Robert L. Humphreys told a CHART metUng today. 'lbe fair board has submitted a flexible proposal to the county that would provide up ~ 40 acres for the court . rooms, reclonal library and parking at the cor· ner of Fairvie'l' Road and Arllngt.on Drive under a lease-purchase financial arrangement. · "Of three sites under consideration ," Humphreys ssid today , "this one appears to have the best chance because the cost to the county ia the most ad· vant.ageous and because the other two 1itea can't compete so far as the library 1lte is concerned." "And 1 library lite Is . very sorely lleedef:l ln thlJ area . ., · Frot1t Pa9e 1 NIXON ... stones ripped up from the 1tretts. Several blocks from the Quirinal Palace ot· the Italian president 200 soldiers in armored trucks stopped the marchers. , The demolllllraters sal down on t h e street and continued shouting ''Nixon 10 home !" Nii:on flew to the Itillan capltal after hundreds ol thousands of Wert Berliners roared approval when the President en· doned the U.S. commitment to defend that ilolated llCtor, There were also some jeen tram 1tudtntl, and one mowball bit hll car. Paraphraalng President John F. Ken- nedy'• 1163 "lei\ bin eln Berliner" (I am a Berliner) speech, Nixon declared : "In lbe 1en1t that the people of Berlin llland for freedom and peace, all !be people of the world who want freedom are truly Berliners. "Remember, we are alway1 with you.'' About 7,000 Berlin polloonen llood vigil during Nlxoo'1 swing lhrouih Wesl Berlin. From P8f1e J POLLUTION. • • teated for avidence 0£ contaminaUon. -Newport Bel9 ud HuU.p1 Beldt: 'l'bl beo<h lflll norlh and IOll!h from the Santa Ana River, from the north boundary of Hunllnilon Buch Sllte Park to the Newport Pier ore still closed u a ?ellllt of the Riverside sewer break which occurred last month. nus brtak baa not been repaired as yet Price alao favon the Costa Me:Y alte, Humphrey• said. The .Mesa ~creage has been assemed at ftl),000 an aCrt, con- siderably below either of the other two sites under con.sideraUon. And finn valuation may · come cl05er to $30,000 an acre, he said. • CHART (Cilizens Harbor A r e a · Research Team) members were assured that Costa Mesa city government has been cooperating closely with the fair board ln submitting the offer to county officials. The Orange County Fair owns the acreage and the city would assist by providing needed roads and other improvement!, Humphttys said. As a fair director, Humphreys has participated in all stages of the negoUa-Uons. . He explllned that cutbocks In •tale llUhlldla to COW1ty flllrs bu left Ille Orange County Fair -and I~ coun- terparts throughout the state -scrambl- ing for new. ways lo develop the l'fO" perties they own and to find new sources of income. Lease-purchase of the Coeta Mesa acreage would h a v e: "copsider.~b~e merit," be told the breakfast meeting at Costa Mau Golf and Country., Club today. Other sites under co~ideration are located in the City of Newport Beach -one on Lockheed-owned property near the Orange County Airport and • the other on Irvine-owned land in Newport Center. Humphreys said he expects the Orange County Board of Supervisors to make a decision on the proposals within the next several weeks. He anticipates that engineerinc . would begin immediately since the county hal r~ds presenUy. earmarked for the prOject. From P.,e I GOP CHIEF • • • word from Nixon that Chotiner would · not be: on the committee. · RECOMMENDIJ'jG -Mort~n got that"word Wednesday when Herbert G. KJein, the administration'!'! director ·or communications, &Mounced from the WhJte Hou.se that Ninn wa!'I recommending the towering Maryland congreuman for cha1rman and Chotiner would not be: on the committee. Roiers Morton repreient.s an ultrMoo- seivailve, aparSl!y ~led d\sJrlct of Maryland on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. He has maintained a moderat.e voting record in the House. ChoUner said he would remain In Washington and had been offered a job in the administration. which he refused to discuu. "I am not planning: at this time ta write my polltlcal memoir~." the 5:1-year old attorney told the Dt\ILY PILOT Wednesday. WON'T BE NO. Z Chotlner was mentioned fer the numb<'r two spot on the commitlee but he s~·id that he would not serve. 'Angel' Held on Dope LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sheriff'!! depuUes say they arre!'lted the national leader of the Hell'• Angel!'! motorcycle club Wednesday, nlgbt and booked him on charges of carrying a concealed weapon and pos.sessing heroin. ••t discussed the matter ot my ap- pointment with Mr . Morton and members of the White Hou!'le staff last Wednesday and Thursday," Chotiner .said. "It was clear that Mr. Morton's concept of the functioning of the National Committee differed from mine and therefore it wa.s impossible for me to serve under him." "Mr. Morton will make an acellent chairman, I believe," Chotlner continued. "!'llnce he brings to the committee ·tbe experience and background of a con- gressman and alao occupiei an important post on the Way1 and Meant Committee. He Is a potential candidate for the goverrior of Maryland." "Mr. Morton was also cOnsidered for the ·appointment as Secretaty of the Interior." he added. '"The: adminlltraUon has discussed with me a number ot posts wlth the government and I am· considering them ." Edna Christiancy Rites on Saturday Services for Edna Chrisllancy, a&, who died Feb. 22, will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Graef: Chapel of Sl.1 Andrew's Presbyterian Church l n Newport Beach. Mrs. Christlancy, a long-time resldanf of Beverly IDJls, II IUJ"Vlved by ~ dau ghter!'!, Jessie LltUejohn and Caro Chri.sliancy, both of 2101 Windward LaneJ Newport B~ach. Interment will be ae a Los Angeles cemetery. al jJ. J. 9arrell ~ H'.:l~TAGE , UPHOLSTIRE_D FURNITURE INDS FEBRUARY 28th SALE SAVI 20% OIDll IN YOUlt CHOICI OP PAlllC AUO • , , SlllSTANTW. U.YIN6S ON MANY HblTAGI DININ• IOOM, -OOM A,ND TAIU et!OUl'S •• , Your favorite dc.ttgn~r will bt haPW to 0.t1L!C uou,, 1 H.J.GARREIT fURNITtJRE llOFISSIONA[ INTERIOR DESl5NUS 2215 HARBOR ILVO. COSTA MESA. CALIF. 646-0275 646-0276 f;osia ~Mesa · ·· Mesa ' -by lhr« days or rain bul W~~by a reappearance -at least f« • day,_ -of_1hC"'!IWl, Costa Mesa cilficials weimesaay surveyed effect.a of i, atorm that reached evacuation alert jiroportlons Tuesday. Civil Defenae plans to establiah a tem- paruy teJCue center at Co.sfa Meta · llJch Scbool were ready to go Into action at one point, wben county officials warn- ed the Santa Ana River might overflow. ~t City Admlni!trator Fred Sonaba1 aaid police and fire vehicles EDITION were poised to tour neifhborhoods with loudspeakers wlmlng res!denu ol ·l,000 hornet to .evacuate them. "We were llterally flooded wiUt calls about what to do after KYMS broadcast a wlmlng," Sonaba! quipped. He aid the"tactJcal alert status went into effect .at 3:30 p.m., &,t wU even- tually reluecf'wben it Wu determined that the danger peak bad pasaed. Kore raJna may strike tiy Friday. however, and Sorsabal ·&aid ·the Qvil Defenae 11.a:tem will be ready to go lnto action u Jt st>o<J!d bte Jleeded. • . lltreela Dlrect<ir l!lirley llopj1. laid .Wedoeaday lhil ul4o from _. couple. of apecUlc apGts, Colla ·Mesa escaped the deluge in relatively 100<1 repair1 compared to other ~. Repairs have_been ~to undennlned &tpcla Drtve "bet"eeo Adams Avenue and Wll.!oo S1reet, wllich !J now reopened and a section d. pavement whlch col- lapsed on Victoria Striiet1near·tbl Santi Ana River !J allO' nplac«I. "Outside ol l!lat, ll'I jVa\ boJu ·and Route Protest Due Red Line Foes Urged to Attend Meet -Anonymous flyers aimed at whipping ~ emoticm: among Costa Mesans poten· t1ally affected by the favorite alternate Newport Freeway route among downtown ~are in circulation today. 'Ibe circular urges propttty owners and renten In the path ol the .....Ued 1ted Route to appear at a 7:30 p.m. planning commission hearing in city hall "' protest. One woman angered in the reverse din<:tioa by the unsigned item Wed· nesday called Jt a scare ~ctlc not worth corisidering, alnce Its producers haven't the courage to ldenUly theml<lve.s. The meeting tonight before planners is lhe flnt step toward choice by Q>sta Mesa city officials of where they would like the 4.5-mlle freeway route through •town to Ue. The state Division of Highways staged a hearing last week at which represen· tatives of the downtown area urged adopo tiol:I of the ao-alled Red Rou~. over th~ present Newpor_t ~qle.vard s!te. All speaken · at the tl,mt · urged a choice of any amona roar propoled Routi 55 alternates over the so-called Green Une along Newport Boulevard, cboleo about 2$ years ago. The Costa Mesa City Council bas stated no preference yet, but that body will stage a public hearing March 5, prior to taking action on the matter as an (See FREEWAY, P.,. l) - State Orders Halt to Coast Oil E~plorati9u Violent Riots Tear Rome After Nixon's Arrival BJ JEROME F. COLLINS .... ...,,..., . ...., SAcilAMENTo -The Sul• Lands C«nmialon todaf revoked all permits a1Jowina oU companies to sink test core holes in California waters. The revocaUoo is effective im- ~ately. -it muns Shell Oil Company and seven "8oci.ate firms will conduct n o "ieologicaJ surveys" o{f Newport Beach, Saia Clemente and other coastal clties .. planned. EXJJloratory drilling now under way off Oceanside will cease today. Shell's 300-ft. long drilling barge; CUSS I, will have to '.'clean up and move out," said ;, state spokesman. The action by the Lands Commission was unanimous. It reverse.: 1 Jan. J decision granting the permits. Lands commissioners acted on a r«0mmeodation from C o m m I s s I o n Secretary Frank Hortig. The motion to kill the controversial permits was made by John Sheehan, clUef deputy to St.ate Controller Houston Flournoy, who was in Newport Beach today for a speaking engagement. Others voUng Wert Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke and James Dwight, chief depu-- 'ty to Flpance Director Caspar Wein- berger, al!o out of town. The commlalon meeting on the matter lasted 1-than ball .. boor. Hortlg had 'ftnt propoeed JUSpenslon, Instead ol rewcalion, ol the permlu, wblch in recent d.ayt have ~ vigorous- ly protested by Newport Bach, Laguna Bach, san Clemente and other eoastal city couocils, u wtll as the <>ranee County Board ol Supervilon. Sheehan, however, moved for revoca· lion, with no arcument from Hortl&- Sheehan pointed out that tht commission had the authority to· cancel the permit.I outriJbt. with no advance noUce. lll>ME Ml'l ..:. ' Pmf'ci.lnt Nixcin, warmed by a roa.sU. &endoff ln West Berlin, -ht -_,. to " cheering welcome -bJ ·lboUalilds ol Rom.llll -and then in ltl wake the worst rioUng tlWi capital has. 1een. in years. The President was ,safely inside the Quirinal Palace . conferring With Italiu offlclals when the violence erupted in downtown Rome. Within minutes, rioters SpeciaJ, Meeting On Golf Course Taxation Called A spedal meeting ol the .Costa Mesa City Council ,,.m be held Friday to consider how to take the city's municipal golf course manager out of a $S1 ,000 rough. The session is set for 7:30 a.m. in city council chambers. city officials must change their management contract with Ronnie Reif, w-P.RO. Enterpri1ea Inc., bas been taxed 1$7,000 !or jlosswory lnlerelt by County Alsessor Andrew J, Hinshaw. The Colla Mesa Goll and Country Club !J clty property, but ui1der terms of the contract, Reil is put into the pol!Uon of paying the tax " though it beJooied to him. City ~ti mllll tate eyer th• opera. lion and, ... ........., of the allour cou.r1t, by llri 1; but P.R. O. EnlA!rp1lel •ill -to -·te the pro ""°I'• nllaurut and bar. The ~t~ ota.nd• .!Or ,the principal ~ Frant,l'uroeD, Keli, and Norman Ollv... · - . -. u .I. 1 . "·'·. ~ ~l.C called out · by ~11 1,ue=mld ·~t1 Wtl'l•battllnc pol!co•""'J a.kw .blocU "'°1'·1111 .. -~· ,. t~t" ·~~ .. ~-"llaiilt.' 0 bOme?''" and.. l tfi•bic... ....,,,i_' Jdi. g '' ... I :~ •' Mao Tae.tung,'tt htD'led rocb 'ml Wiled . <1•t>awlJllfDc pelice amld ...... ot.-iw . gaa. The filibt raged 1Jon1 'iivenuea and ' ciowdld ' slBe alrffta' ID , iJ,. ~'or the capital. 1 · • , • -Thee• bad beenraoti4j!Jqn ~I!-· u~· in·Berlln Ibo, birt <they mustarod "8111 . support Ind, .c»nlitted ~ of a oouple of hundred shout1111 atUtlenll , aad-some · snow.l;lalls., one of whlcb· hit the Ntaon JJmoUiJne;, •. -' -Parapti,ulng PiUidenl ·John F. 'KiJ>. n«ly'a 1113 "lch'Jiin lln B~" (I am a Berlliler) .iJ,.ci,, Nil<on decllincl: "In tlie sense' thit the J)eOPle o( ~lin stand for freedom and peace; au· the people of the world who want .freedom are truly Berliners. ''Remember, we are always with you ." About 7,0llO Berlin pollc<men 3lood vigU during N!Jon's swlrig through West Berlin. · As the procession palled the bombed-- out Kalter Wilhtlm Memorial Church. now a peace monument, a group of students shouted "Sieg hell" and other uncomplimentary remarts. They threw nail-«tudded mowballs at police and tbss- ed paint Into the llttet, but H WU a weak ellorl bJ ·llf « '1Dll JOOlhs and other Berlinin IClillled with them. Police arrested ab<M 21 pmona. • An American """"" -11!\1 1 lllOWball hit the drl"1'1 wlDdclir ol tliO Pruldent'• Bpecia.l car. ·' In Rome, Nixon wdn~edge of sup- port from Italian ·P1~~ Glut!eppe Saragat fer hla plan to negof!ate with the Soviet ....,.,,,.,u. In a welcoming speech at the airport, Italy's llrat Socialist. prealdenl called NW!n't"planned talks with MOICOW "a great dialogue betWeen East and Wost." Cities Won't Fly United I . ... . ' , · ' • -. .. ' . . . . , :YHUR$p~,l FE88_1,fAllY' i7 ,;:i,t9. · .. .• • -. • ; r ·'·'.Br' JACK CHAPP.EU.· · 6f fllt Dell; Pllff Sf9ff I iu.i i~kflrg it ~le~ 'stf>;,t~,,fh Cfarol'llybU!itl, Ollt mijllt I . """"iiJre ' bicindel imptms """1d: hive in. ..w, ferva~· .qualms ·about lhinPi scaly •rd . crawly. . .---. ·Ah, 'not so. For w1Ch1n ' tha~ 36-u.31 form throbs a .stou~. ~ ·and a love t9r .thdse reptiles unl~tr$'ally scome'd since ,Eve tangled with her. vlpery, ad- vlio~. · Cirol dbes tangle wl1h ah ~l of 4limy pets ,and It's just •II. In a nlg:hl'i work ·for the »-year-old ·snake dine&: ' ' . t. " 'In "addition to Ii.er flvorite ·partner, •· U.loo~ ~pound python' named DevU, the lus's pets include two' cobru, a ratUesnaft and another python, all umally kept at a friendd11 home in· county territory becaUle of· Lacuna'• pet l&Wf. _ . , , The dancer also haa a pair.rot and three: cats. · · · · · ~ "Soclel)' !J one of my. b1-l'.._po. · I· guess that'• why I· like · lnlmflll tao ipuch.'' pld Mill Cyt>Ulltl, who ·hu had her dlflerenc:ea with the Jaif •over ))er dancing.. . , , . . The .,,al<lll . .,. part ol her <lanciq· lcir wberi,'and wbere JoCij 11o1Jl!i .llwi. . ' • • . ,_.,,,. Fl.at I J -"I . . ... N.Y. Stoeke .,_f • .. ! • I ' ' JEN CEN'JS · ... , I : ·,· , . ' I ' ,. t ~ I t • allow. ThOlr '"""'*""• s;,mwid• Freud'• theories notwilhJtanding; is jU.!l u an attention getter fer tbi dance act; Calil · said.···~-·~· "I fpund after .. I:d been dancing .fat Cl while that ·1 more oi ' leii needed- •• ginlinlck !or the· .Ct: To be· ... poll enterta.Jner,•you've· got to have.a gtm.. mick'." • • · In the year and a •half she'•··bem . dancing· with the males, abe lw - lrigbttned' Ollly once. She WU """""' wlllr the small female' python• wbm something +tca.rei:f 'It' and · the snake started constriding. The ·python didn't have a goOd grJp ind Carol •DW;lepd to pry of! the colis. The big python ia JUBt ·a "big babJ'" and Uk.es show· biz, Orolru.ys. "He's just Uk• a big -!Wn. U I'm dancing with llilni ,ml l .hold my arm out toward the audience, . he'll crawl . right on out and into the ·audience. . As !or the future, ~!.who now -ks it the· Apartme'nt A-OO-Oo ·m ;Santi AM; iaid she's UM to ibOh m in show tiusl.nes! but will ltk:t wAti cfMw:lng· "I don't alwl!'I -to do th!J nudle stull.· Belly drmoinc ·is oOe ol tl>e -t beauWul d1nc¢s. "I'm alt for the · bell~t)' of dlllclntl I (S.. DANCER, Pago I) ' .·c.ue Weadler · .il<IO~.lool< now, bul the w.eather-r man aays there's • 30 percent chance ol ---whit Fr1do7. Tiie -will roll badl In ad It'll be lll1lUnd the low ... .. the coUt. . INllWE : '{'ODAY What p~' .. GfMrai Motor•· to ,~· ncmU of 4.9 million-car1 " Oftd. .truckl~ 7'.Jlc.dc•lhl. of four f><ol>le froO( "'1'hvnotion. s .. P!'Qf 4. ' • .. .. .. '· " ' - I DAIL y l'1lOT c County Qigging OU:t After :~evasta ting Storm • .. J,\Cll; UDl4CJ' .. ___ .... .., ... n '-· dlaloi .oni d>!/ 1or Orl!lp' County today as sunshloe continued to replact flood.In& and d c v a 1 t 1 t i n 1 ............ Aulborltles tried to Iola! up Ille dlunla• that Is ea:Umated ln the millions. Almost miraculOW1ly, only five lives were lost when a riiudsllde pushed tllrGllJlb tho Sllverado Fire SllUon ~ day -w-II ret111... from Ibo . ' & s •r .... lluddlod. &oolba' 1,1 wn ~-... I (" ' ....-' . , ·a....-""'" llill a -.... w--.... Ibo~ ....... eITOneous. State Foreslr)' ~·~ ~ld the fire station bad been cleared or mud today and no more bodlea found . 'nle dead were )jgf.ed as Jane Schrowe. 48; R. Hendricks, II; Monte DeWitt, It: Ralcbard Black: and M11 Nell, 45, all resident& of Sllverado Canyvn. IJi Orange, rampqblg Sanllqo Creok Marines (;ailed In Toro Troops Sandbag River Banh 87 TERRY COVILLE Of ... o.Jtr , .... "-" Marlnel do m ... lhan jUJI fll)ll WIJ'I. Wllcbln( l<Veral hundred men In dlniY .,... uniforms tole aandbap up OQd down the Santi Ana River bub Wedne&- day reminded onlookers that United Slates Marines are handy to have around in any emergency. The 11811dbq loltn, In sblfll ol about Apollo 9 Launch Delayed 3 Days; Astronauts III CAPE KENNEDY, 1"la. (AP) -Tb a •-._ today poatpoued tbe Apol- lo • Iamid>ln& -dayl, -Jl'rldly unW Monday, bee-GI oolda aulfered by Ibo lhrM u1ron1uta wbo are lo n~ lhe liklay tlrlh orbll mlsalon. 1be launch was raet for I a.m. PST Mondi)', 'l1le decision wu made after doctors enmtned the three astronauts, A i r Force Cols. James A. McDivitt and Dav- id R. Scoll and clvlllln Rlwell L. Sch- welcltart. . 'lbe trio came down with aore throats and lllllfy ,_ Wednetdly. There wa concern at the time that the launcb!ng ml&fll ha .. lo be delayed lllJ'' where !nm ..,. lo ftve days beclule o! lhe lll-.s. 'll>e -is look medicine, drink plea!J "' llqulda and ..-IJ bours )Vedoaday nl&l>L ' , '111eJ.'.awob • •.,.n,.1n1a 1*l and --• ..,._ -eum. :~~~'::!= Improved but felt It wile to delay lhe flight to give them plenty of time to re- cover and rest for what has been tenn· ed the most complex man in space fll&bt ever attempted. The countdown 111 lhe giant Saturn s rocbl ud ~ wlllch bad 11"'1' reaaed on IChedule, wu to cmrtlnue down to nine houn before the original pl.....i liftoff and lhen will be beld un- til Mooday. f'roM P .. e l DANCER ... -whether you w~ar clothes or not." She llid that when dancing with the snakes, it's actually better to perform UM COl!ltume. "Their scales catch in the aequl.ns," she said. Al the interview continued this reporter'• attenUon was distracted. Devil in attempting: to evade the gleeful cits pounclng at hll ta.ii, had slithered under the sofa upon which I was sitting. "Ob, don't worry if you feel the couch Wt up, he'll just be fleDng his mUICJes," ai.ld the dancer. "One Ume, three full- grown men were silting there and he lifted them," Mias Cybulsld consoled. Her USUl'tncQ fell. on deaf ears and • faint bear!. Interview concluded. O~llY PllOI OIU."IGE COAIT •Ul1.tl1411~G COM~AN't ~titer! N. w,., l'rn;ffftt .,_.. l'IA>lltht• 11'.,..,., K•••;I .... ,.. ~ A, M1rp~ift, N.9-"'9 l'tl• '••I Hint" AV.'°'llllftt 01!!,lt• c .... ....,.OMn l)O Wttf lty Sltttf MtlU11tA44tf•11 r.o. ••••SU, •1'1' --~ ••ac11~ nu ..,..,. .. ~ hl""lf'f L-ht<": m """"' A,,.._ .... w..!Ofl IHcl'I: • '"' ''""' f :roe, wwted an day W•d•••day sltenglbenln( lhe Ilda ol lhe r&llol Sanla Ana lUftr lo prolecl worn.a reiJdenll GI !flmUn&ton Beach, F~ .Valley and Colla !lllA. . 'Ibey ..... ,,.,,, El Toni -Corpe Air StaUon and Ibey wm weJcom<d by lhe Orance County Flood Conl'Nlt District officen who asked for their aid. Hundreda of liYU In tbe Sllverado and Modjeaka Canyon areu w'"' lllo saved, wllh Ibo aid ol Martne bellcopten 1131n& ........ rnisalnnJ. EI Toro oWclala aaJd their cboppen l>Q]Jed al leasl 275 flood vlc:tima from !boot lwo canyona TueldaJ; llld tho rwmber bam'I yet been lall!ed for w~ E!pt worked and J;.: ID air Wednelcfai~ Toro reported. ' ... -naldeall In tbe Sin J-~~.,... -.. a!IO added to 'l'lleld.l1'' mcue 1111. -. -~~~~= and tnP ocbool ln'Modjeata Cany<in. To keep up wUh Iha quiet acllon of an emergency, the Marines operate from a disaster control center at the El Toro air facWty. , They don't control re3CUe operations from there, but send their perBOMel and equipment out for uae by other ageocies, a Marine apokesmin said. Somel!mes loll In lhe flood ol pralle for Ibo El Toro Marina la Iha Martne Corpe Air F'lclllty In Sanla Ana, - -lo< -ol Ibo cboppers UJed In Ulil week'• rescue operations. ~·we're Mmtl1mel the for 1 o t t e n atepchlldren of El Toro," quipped an lnlonnalloo ~ al 1111 Santa Ana faclllty. Bui it will be dlflicult lo forttl Iha ilqerous misslona fiown by plloll o[ 11 cboppen from tho Sanla Ana -and Ibo mare lhan DJ lllrlllded people lbe7 belped ..... • - Another 200 }!arine volunteers . from Sanla Ana allO helped their El Toro buddies fill nndbap for the swollen Santa Ana River. 'Name Dropper' Gets $4,000 in Movie Equipment Someone who simply phoned in an order.wine a preferred customer's name appannUy bas $4,000 worth of movie projecUon equipment later picked up on schedule at a Costa Mesa firm's loading dock. Officlals of Technicolor Inc., 1300 Frawley Drive, made the disclosure to police after a six-week invesUga Uon into whereabouts of the vanished 52 movie projectors and supply of 45 bulbs. Plant spokesman Lloyd W. Olaon told Officer George Wilson the Items were ordered Jan. 10 by telephone and the caller gave no purchase .order, but a. well·known customer's name. The equipment was picked up on the loading dock as acheduled by a driver for Pacific Delivery System, 1600 W. Kalella Ave., Orange, but has 11Dce vanished. Records of the delivery service ahow the crated ltema, 48 of one brand, reach- ed the firm in Ofange, where they were later picked up by persons unkoown, said DetecUve Jim Strickland. The loss came to light in sub.!equent billing of Photo and Sound Co., Monterey Park, where eiecuUves denied ordering any Jan. 10 shipment from the local supplier. From P .. e l AIRPORT. • • headwind. Mayor Plntley aald Wednuday lhal he ex])tCll Chamber of Commerce Pr .. 1. datl Jtck lllmmelt, an avid pllo~ will mate Iha WllhlnClon fllPI nal month, and -lbif olhen. Newport Beach olliclata, "°""""· ln- t.ncl for Colla Mesa lo 0y aolo all Iha way. :f Beech city M or nor... Manball Wednuday w Ibo Or11111 County Boml of Superv!aon lo vola qalml tbe Iona-range fli&bl upanalon, jllll u her city council did Monday. Newport 8ucb ruident.I claiming noiff, air polluUoo and olhcr bad elfe<U aro bilt<rif olJpoled to expansion and Flltb lllalrtcl Supenllcr Alton "non aJd. ed wllh them aid Mayor Mmblll Wedn<M!ay. , ' The ,Pmlra r<porl delallinl Mura Oranc•CounlJ' needl and •uaellln& ma· jor lir1!orl !Pca~Olll lerml lbe CCUDIJ ladlJly a Meln>porl, GI -fll&hl ronge liml!J. . • I t • IC ,. I ...,11 I lo'tm Ila loo. TW911?ortinenl ....ril ~ 'illd thll morning. Ille Sanla Ana Fr<eway and Ille §Jnla ....... "'01111 I .... llpodlj' '1t11 ..... .w """"' .. ~ ,..,. Iii .i.• pdllc --..... '!' lo "'*' ,. ··~ ••'t1•'11i!o11lll-----? ·d-tr'Olloo<llSlnlfap~ ,,.,., pf I V)eda.i.tC.1.111wMJ.~ -At 61 ....... Clf II\' 1tonn Tuesday,:. Dozens or old nto bodies were~· 'Ille lost ltnictures wm located al 11,Gilo ~ fell per -wu Bowing on lhe <reek banks Wednesday and today 7't and 70$ Ballard at.rett juat a short 'tnto tbe l,,,m; • ' by Marine Cofpe hellcopter1 in an •l· dlalance below Villa Park Dam, 'll>e l,111111 cuhlc feel per leCOlld is tempi to alem Ibo eroaion. Up to today, AulhortUe1 ftared that more buildings bein& allowed, flood officials said, ta only two swimming pools and part of In that bli;ic;k m1gbt .topple into the creek lowtr the rtservolr to handle future one house had been washed away by tod ' -1--the nood waters. ay. r-~-Cludlow at tbe dam has been atabllized In San'-Ana, raldtnta aJon1 Riviera But the creek wu eaUng awl)' ,1t , at 1,111111 cubic feej per ......i, 1111 flood Drive ,mid Well River Rold betw"" valuable baCkymla for Ille !40,111111 to f'IUOO homes I' · • lhe wa-y, J!lill(laajl ,..., - .. ......... -\1 Tuesday and Jlednuday, 'Ill people were flown out ol flood ravaged Silverado and Modje<ka Canyona by Marino hollcopten. Forestry olllclall wlio kePt rount said sever.al dazen more may have walked out. All roads into the mountain area. were slill out today and county road ollfc!ali said It would be at least a week before' lhe rOadways woWd open.. Mesa Site Has Chance ... ,_ TO LIAll PARTY REGULARS New GOP Cholrm.tn Morton Morton Pic~d Over Chotiner For GOP Chair · I Preald~nt Nixon has apparenUy 1olved bis lint major lnlra-parly prob!~ by namlna Maryland COl!il't11man Jlolefs c. B. Morton as GOP national chairman and relqaUng Newport Beacb lawyer Murray Chotiner, his former campai&n advlse:r, to a non-pulb.ic role. \ Morton toJd a news coriference WMnet- ~ay he decided to lal<e lhe job after he 'and CboUner bad "qreed . lbal bis :(ChoUnei's) experleoce and capaclllef could be better uWJz.ed ebtwhert" than CID tbe committee. Chotlner managed Nixon's c1mpalins untll 1956. He had predicted he would operate the committee as executive director while the new chainnan would devote his time primarily to making 1peec.bea. Morton den ied making any ''1tlpulaUou" or imposing "restrictions'' on h11 acceptance of the chalrmanahlp, succeeding: Ray Bliu. That waan't quite the way many high rankjng Republicans heard it. Their version was this: President Nixon had told Chotiner he wanted him to be the executive director of the commHt.ee. But Morton balked at having Cholintr run the show while he served as the front man. Presidential 1.ui.slants assured ~torton, who wu floor manager for Nixon 1t the Miami Beach nominaUng convention, that he wouldn't have to take ChoUner if he took the chairmanahlp. But Morton insisted he wanted direct word from Ni%on that Chotiner would not be on the committee. Morton got that word Wednesday wheo Herbert G. Klein, the administration's dlreclor of communications, aMounced from the White House that Ni1on was recommendlng the towering Maryland congreasman for chainnan and Chotiner would not be on the e<>mm.iUee. Rogen Morton represents an ultra-con- servaUve, spanel7 populaied district of Maryland on the eutem. shore of the CMsapeake Bay. He has malntaJned a moderate voting record in the House. Chotlner Mid he would remain in Washington. and had been offered a job in the adminlstnUon, which he rtfused to dlscu.ss. From P .. e 1 FREEWAY ... advisory to the state. The state Hl.Jhway Commialon's final decigjon on the Newport Freeway, scheduled for constructlon in live lo seven yean, la not far off, offlciala said at last week's bearfP.a:. The Red Route vui., lhe most from any of the other 1Juree proposed >ltemales, Jooplnc oui •ealward lhroUih r..sidenUal areu, PrflnarUy ta.ting out aparlmenl unlla -U iv"1lollly selected. The [ly<r beln1 dislribuied among line whlcb would all«I a Iola! ol ~ llrinf unit> In Colla Mesa and 17 In Newport &ach conlllns some 1lrc1nr wordlna. not 111 of It comet. H"" ta the conclualon by lhe fr""P behind It: 1. PROTEST THE 1'RED ROUTE'' -II will wl~ you out! 1. SUPPORT THE "BLUE-OBEEN" ROUTE -It wlll affect the least number of PEIOPLE and HOMES! J. Don't lei lhe HA~ CORE FEW aput for you and lhe Ire city! A~iJ;! ~~ 1:v~1tfil T!ME tor the "RED ROtrrE"! l Hopes for Court, Library Excellent c:oata· Mesa'• chances for landing: a court and library oomple:r appear e1- ceDent, Orange County Fair Director Robert. L. Humphreys told a CHART meeting today. The fair board has submitted a flexible proposal to the county that would provide up to «I acres fOr the court room1, regional library ind parking at the cor· ner of Fairview Road and Arlington Drivll under a lease-purchase financial arrangement. "Of three sites under consideration," Humphreys said today, "this one appears to have the best chance because the. COit to the county i.s the most ad- vantageous and because the other two alt.es can't compete so far as the library 1ite Is concerned." "And a Ubrary site ls vuy sorely needed fn Ulil area." Price also favors the Coeta Mesa sile, Humphreys said. The Mesa acreage bu been assesaed at ,40,000 an acre, con- siderably below either ol the other two sites under consideration. And firm valuation may come closer to $JO,(l00 an acre, he said . CHART (Citizens Harbor A r e a Research ·Team) members were assured that Coota Mesa city government has been cooperating closely with the fair board in submitting the offer to county officials. The Orange County Fair owns the acreage fllld the city would assist by providin' needed roads and other improvements, Humphreys said. As a fair director, Humphrey1 has participated in all stages of the negotia- tiom. lie explained that cutbacks In state rubsidies to county fairs has left the Orange County Fair -and its coun- terpart• throughout the slate -scrambl- ing for new ways to develop, the pro- perties they own and to find new sources of income. Lease-purchase of the Costa Mesa acreage would h a v e "considerable merit," he told the breakfast meetinf al Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club today. Other sites under consideration are located in the City of Newport Beach -one on Lockheed-owned property near the Orange County Airport and the other on Irvine.owned land in Newport Center. Hwnphreys said he eipect.s the Oranle County Board or Supervisors to male a decision on the proposals within the next several weeks. He anticipates that engineering would begin immediately since the county has funds presenUy earmarked for the project. Mesa Crime Wave Rises Marijuana Plnnt, Pill Find Brings Arrest of Motlier With Flood; $5,000 Taken Thieves braved a sea of mud to loot a Collta Mesa research plant construction 1ite in one of a series of crime reports logged by poli~ Wednesday, tolaJling nearly '5,000 in losse5. From Pqe 1 EVACUATION • • Jurkll near the natural spectacle oC the flood-1Wollen river channel through the clty and the curious must keep their distance. NoUIJed by a paulng: 1heriff'1 deputy, Costa Mesa Poll~ Officer James Fanner ordered away a doun )'OW18Sters playing at the r1verbank near the San Diego Freeway bridge Wednesday. One IS-year-old Santa Ana boy drowned while trying: to ride a raft down the raging river with three companions earlier this year, but that is not the only danger. Sodden b a n k s undermined by the record runoff could collapse without -..·arning, plunging bystanders into swift waters too treacherous for 'even a cham- pion swimmer. said flood control engineers. Job foreman Wesley C. Queen told Officer Randy Nutt that two new weldi ng rigs worth $3,000 were stolen from the Hyland Division, Travenol Laboratories lnc., 3lXl Hyland Ave., during the night. Th~ heavy items belonging lo Fred Nelson Equipment Rentals, City of Com~ mutt, were taken from lhe muddy site by truck, while fiv e other, older welding riga were left untouched. The multi-story plant will specialize in biochemical research and production of various medical supplies based on whole blood and its der ivatives. Alvin L. Bishop, of 160 W. Wilson St., told Patrolman Harry Cart.er Wednesday that someone stole $675 in auto parts from his apartment garage while he was in the mid st of moving. Lawrence J. \Vestover. executive of Panel-Air Corp., 1751 Talbert. Ave., said someone stole a $400 air conditioner removed from its fixture in the heating unit manufacturing firm for repairs. Officer Randy Nutt said there was no sign of forced entry, leading tu speculation that the stolen unit was taken quietly during work hours at the plant. - J)rug pills-scattered on floors 1ikfl candy and a growing marijuana plant led to the arrest of a young mother of two infants Wednesday night when police dispatched to a disturbance check· ed her Costa Mesa apartment. The Orange County District Attorney's oHice today issued a complaint charging Mrs. Magdalena M. Olivas, 21 , or 2220 Placentia Ave., with possession o! dangerous drugs and cultivation of mari· juana. Detective Charles Duvall said bail was set at ,1,000 and the suspect, booked into Orange County Jail, will be ar· ralgncd Friday in Harbor District Judicial Courl. Officers Wayne Harber, Ron Palmer and Dave Sorenson were sent· to the Olivas residence after neighlx>rs reported a loud , obscene shouting match between two women. One was just leaving as they arrived and contact with Mrs. Olivas led to discovery of contraband pills scattered throughout the unkempt apartment, which they said smelled of dirty dishes, trash and rotting leftover food. The arrestee's husband arrived home from his job as a cook during the investigation and was questioned, but no complaint was issued against him. " I al JJ. J. (Jarrell~ I HERITAGE UPHOLSTERED -FuRNITURE SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28th SAYE 20% ' ORDIR IN YOU• CHOJCI OP FAIRIC ALSO , , • SUIST&NTW. S&VINtK ON MANY HUITAM DtN!N5 IOOM, aDIOOM AND TAILI ••ours •• 2 . Your /aooritt dc.rigntr will be ham to o.siilt I/OU •• , H.J.GARRETf fURNITU~E llOHSSIONAl INTERIOR DES16NE 22 1S HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALI F. H~275 04~270 ' ---------------------------------------'=---· - BY .Wl).LIAM REEQ Reeds ••• In the Wlncl Ol' Greasy Murphy bas not been around for a few we,ks so this morning I sent out a few feel~rs for the old oilman and to my surprise I found out that he has been work.ing (or one of those boat buildinf firms in Costa Mesa . "Wei , what with all this rain I figured that I just might find boat buildin' a handy thing to 'kno\v, I had this here ancestor" by the name of Noah Murphy and " I wouldn 't let him finish because J've heard a lot about 01' Noah the last fe\v days with all the wind and rain. l\1y children even pointed out that if the rain continued the least I could do is to buy a pair of hamsters so ..... * So I shut them up, too, and went out driving around the area to see \Vhat all the water roaring through the streets has been doing. All was \Veil in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster. Then I drove over to Newport Beach. Or at least I tried to drive nround and after some three hours gave it up. Too much water. Count t1 Phln• Park Sunset Harbor: Boom on Horizon 87 TERllY COVILLE Of ..... ., ........ " Sunul Harbor AqultJc: Pork lllS quietly, almolt obocuttly, •I the elld of &dhtler Av~ue near Seal Beach. Current u.se or the park is limited to bolt launching, and the s u mm e r nood of recre.a.Uon lovers aeekin&" out other Oranie County recreation lites normally bYJ)8.S5U Sunset Harbor. But teeming mas~ of sunbathers jug- gling cokes and hot dogs, waler worshipers, and boating enlhusiasta may also erwd ·the beaches of Sunset Harbor Aquatic Part in the near future. Or111ge Coonly Harbor Dlstrld ollicllls plan to eventually create a 153-lcre regional recreation parcel there. They already own 63 acres, bought from the naval weapons station in 1911. They hope to buy another 90 acres from the Navy In the near future. Valley Planners To Reconsider Small Lot Bid A special meeting of the Fountain VaHey Planning Commission has been called for 5:30 o'clock tonight in C<Juncil chambers by commission chairman James Dick. Pbue oae of the pvk devetoi>ment Is now nelrilll completicm Conslructlon o( !Ive -public nsl!aom faclllUet It llOW complete. and trwe and w1ter focWlles ate opec1ecl to be ready before the summer ~. An 9vemiaht ~pbg: '11• wjJI IOOn be bqltt to mike the pvk ready f0t its initial use. Last wtek, Harbor D1strlct COm· missioners called for b.ids on construCUOn and lease of the recreation faciliUes for the part. Pl1111 coll for 1,000 .Upo lor bo<lllln& boail, bQlt ,,,.,... llOillU.., 500 - for camper trallen, a public bucb ad picnic .rea for 2,800 ~pie, boat rentall, public lllhlq Ooa(s, 500 boat lluncblll:c pads llld llllCt bars to leljf the people. Pleaaure boating poteaUll binges on a. plan to build a bypau channel from the park to the ocean. Tht Harbor District ls already trying to work out a lllitable 1areement with the Navy for construcUon of auCb 1 channel. Orange County bu spent ~t $1 million to date in drtdaing the put'1 channel, bulldin1 current boat r~ and COOJ!rudlng the five rlllrooma. Su-i llarbo< AquaUc Port ii only pan of lbe coonty'• p11n fir developlng the aru between Huntlqton Beach and Seal Beach for heavy recnaUonal use. Bolaa Harbor, just lnl~ of Bolu Chica Stale Beach ll1d IOllth of Hun· lington Harbour residential district, will be. developed In a similar fashion to Sunset, giving tbe 1rea 1 total of 3,000 public 11lps for boats. Water fi'rom Bank to Bank Noniially dry Santa Ana River ls anythlng but that theee days as it sends thousands of gallons of stonn wate;rs cascading toward ocean. This view looking upstream from Paci:tic Coast Hi.J!:bway Bridge is one which causes old timers to shudder a bit and sends bridge engineers sciambJing for sandbags. They hark back to March of 1938 when rampaging river spilled over its banks. flooding large portions of Orange County. .Schmitz: 'Ban CompulsorySexClnsses' SACRAMENTO - A bill to prohibit be described, Illustrate~ or discussed Schmitz also tossed Into the hopper compulsory 1ex education cour~ in in any public school class which children resolutions requesting a full A!Sembly I called a friend who lives up in the hills .aways near this little dry wash be laughingly called a creek. Today he calls it a raging river and is Jamenting the loss of his front porch, garage and bedroom. Reconsideration of a small Jot request by the Larwin Co. for property located between Talbert and Ellis avenue! ind Newland and ?.iagnolia streets is the reason for the special meeting. Larwin Co. proposes to build soo lots nn 100 acres under a 7 ,200 square foot planned devel()pment basis. Californt,a public schools has been in· are required to attend. commiUee investigation of charges and Park Bond Group ~~~:State Sen. John G. SchmJtz ed'~.~=t :f=~ ~l~~ ~;~ ~:i:~:~:s ;::~~~ :b~sc!:! The Scbmlb: bill apeciDcally provides The Schmitz bill tVOUld require that that local school boards refrain from * Last week the commission denied the request on the bai!is of size af the lots. Meetm• g Fn"day that human reproducUve organs, nnd parents request in wriUng their child introducing new sex education program1 their function& and practaes, may not be taught au educaUon. until Urls inquiry ts completed. The steuing committee campaip.lng liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj .. iijjiijjjijiiiijjiijjjijiiiijjiijjjijiiiijjiijjjjijiiiijjiijjjijiiiijjiijij ''I had this ancestor by the name of Noah Murphy," 01' Greasy said again when I told him that the rest of the county has washed away. As 01' Greasy went on and on, for a moment I really began to wo nder about gathering them in two by two. Well. 'i'he weatherman said that things will calm down today and tomorro\v before the rain begins in earnest on Saturday. I suspect that all of this discusmion is academic because by Saturday v.•e all will either be aboard Greasy's Ark ·or floating around ·somewhere off Catalina. I really hate lo see all of Hun- tington Beach wash away just 'vhen the city fathers have started to be successful in cleaning up some of the probJems. Come to think of it.; do you suppose that they could have ordered all this rain just to wash away the blight of the ages? J guess not, but still City Attorney Edwin Martin reviewed the decision and explained to com- mWioners that they could not legally deny the request on _the basis of Jot size. Planning Director Stanley ,.1ansfield explained that a planned development actually has no minimum lot mize, •nd deniat of such a request must be based on design or some other factor. Karate Lessons Begin March 4 A new session of Karate lessom will begin March 4 in tbe Fountain VaJley High School gymnasium. Instruction will be held from 7 p.m. to 8:1~ p.m., Tuesdays and 11tursd1y1. Registration fee is $10 per month and may be paid at the cashier's office in the Fountain Valley City Hall, l<GOO Slater Ave. for pasaa1e of 1 $6 million park bond issue will meet at I p.m. Friday in the adminlstrative aMe:r of. City Hall, Main Street and Peean Avenue, Hun- Ungton Beach. Committeemen include Ron Bauer and Cris C. Cris, co-chairmen; Roderick B. Cruse, publicity; Dr. Ralph Bauer and Lee Mosteller, gr o n p coordinator1; Robert Sutake 1od Bl11 Brauiey, finance; Tom Cooper, speaken bureau; Dr. Henry Kaufman, council liaisoii: Norm Worthy, secretary; Sherry Jensen and Brian Hanrahan, teen-age coordinators. The committee has scheduled meetinas every two weets throulhOUt the lint part of the campaign to secure pan.ace of the $6 million bond tuue on June 3 and weekly meetings as elect.ion day nears. On Nov. 5 the voter1 gave the aame park and recreation package 83.5 per cent of the vote, just mhsing the 61 213 percent vote needed for pusage. Worthy ii looking for volunteers to aid in the park campaign. He may be reachod It SIS-257t Center to Study Diseases Cockroaches A i.d Research Work at Irvine By THOMAS FORTUNE Of Ille Deily l'llM Slaff The study or tumors In Cockro~ches Is the newest line of attack on cancer under way at UC Irvine. Such is the research to be conducted at a new Center for Pathobiology on the UCl campus. Formally approved by UC regents last Friday, the center begins operation as an extension of a U.S. Public Health Service research grant. Center studies initially will be con- centrated on diseases of invertebrate animals (those without b a c k b o n e s , mostly insects). But Dr. Edward A. Steinhaus, director of the Patbobiology \ Center, believes research find,ings might be of great consequence to humans. • · \ ''Perhaps the answers to, diseas'.e, lie .1 <lown at the bottom of the evolutionary tree, where man had his start," he said. "Insects have all the dlse•ses or· 1nan -everything from cancer to ·gen~lic · diseases lo infectUOW1 die:Wes." The Pathobiology·Center 1ba1 been a , long time ambition of Steinhaus, fomier chairman of the department of in- vertebrate pathology at UC Berkeley. Steinhaus, now 54, wu the very first faculty member at UCI in tbe IWM'ler o{ 1963 when be became dean or the School of Biological Sciences. He agreed 10 take the po.st with the provision that he would later step down and resume hii; research. He rt.id sttp down and now he has the Pathobiology Center. The new center 'A'as approved as a l"Ontinualion or the expiring Health Service grant, but eventually the scape will be broader. Clinic Scheduled For Young Umpirei; Pl'OSJ>fCtlve umpires for youth baseball leagues can learn the tool1 of the trade at an umpire clinic from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., March I in the Wutmlnster Community Se"'I'" · bulldln&. at O O \Vtstmln!ler Ave. Tbe clinic wUI · continue for foor Thurldl)'• with -1!ngs uch niahl II the -Umt. ' 11e1111hUon wm be liken •I the lint l m$1lng. ·' • percent of Ill animal life l.s Invertebrate. The two principal: thrults of resurcb at lrVtne under the prior grant have been study of the basic nature of tumors and of immunological princlples. Dr. Ronald Taylor hu been atudying wound repair and tumor growth In cockroaches, and Dr. Phyllla Johruton Is handling the immunology a.apect. While in1Ual emphasis Is on diseases of invertebrates, as the center grows it will branch into compar1Uve di1ease of invertebrates, higher animals and plants, StelnhaUJ said. The approach will be biological rather than clinical as in most previous study of dlseue, clusically, in medicine. Center activities, besides research, will include collection and dluemlnation of informaUon about disease through eI· hlbitJ of specimens, a library of journal reprints,· computerized course" and ac- counts of center activltle1. HEADS DISEASE CENTER UCl 's Steinhaus SteinhaUJ his written for similar center1 in the Journal of Invertebrate P1tho1oCY. He hu 1n intemaUonal reputation In the field, being recognized particularly for his pioneer research in areas cansldered vital in the world-wide batUe 1a:alnst famine. -' In hit time aw1y from Invertebrate The lnilial grant was for S750,000 for five years. Steinhaus ts working on con· tinuing federal fundina: w i t h ad- ministrative com or the cenh!r to be paid by the university . Steinhaus said there la good hi1torical reason to believe study of dbe&l!eS of invertebrates will pay dividends 1n knowledge of human diaeue proceuet. He said the first proof lbat cenns cauae dlieue was done wUh silk worms. The knowledge that white blood c:dJs invade a:mna to protect ~ body came from work with water neas. Tbeortes ol etneUc mutaUon came from lludylng •bnonnallUa in fruit flies, and othtt bulc knowl«lp ol genetlCI wu obse1"ed In llJ"lnboppm. "The reaton," Stelnhau1 11ld, "ls t.hete smaller animal1 hive simpler systms in which we can more frequently un- dertrtand a complicated dlleue proce11." lnteeta 1llo have a short llfe 1pan and are rudily avail.Ible. In fl!Cj.. Or, Steinhlus is fond or poinUnc ott. t1 pathology, u dean or UCI'1 biologic11 sciencea, he aho pioneered. He organU:ed the school MOund problem areas, with departmenU of ora:anism.ic biology, molecular IDd cell blolol)', population and environmental biolol)', a n d psychobiology. Hlrl'1rd ind Stanford have 1ince copied the approach . r 'Pool's Paradise' Opens To night Theater-In-the round come1 to Fountain Volley High School lonlaht 11 drlm1 otudenil put on PblUp King's "Pool'o Paradise." Show time ii a p.m. In the achool's theater and Uckd price• range from II for studenil wllb sludent body cords to 11. 'II for ldultl. Reput llhowl wtn be performed Frld11 lllCI s._tunfey llso beglnnlnf j/.1 p.m. FRIGIDAIRE LARGEST SIDE -by -SIDE with AUTOMATIC ICE ·MAKER Thct Really' BIG' One! Deslper Door. E•J .,.i kll to Wnp door froftt decDI' lo Nici ,_ kitdltl Of JOll' llOOd. AltOllllllc Ice llaker Ms, freems, lelems tlbe1 llllto ** $8Yel', All ....... ................ 21 .9 Cl.~ witlrl 281 ·111. site •trlie1l tt"teltr. less fllan 36' wide. .4 Frost-Pru of! -r.1 newer defrost apilrl! . . FUiiy Adjustable. Shtlm ll'IM up,9f *-la flt .... of .., htlatiL s.ttdl • pjzr:a.Wa •If to • ..,.. slzasbtlf•...is. 5 548 EVEN WS WITH TRADE FRIGIDAIRE 100% FROST-PROOF Frost-Proof FRIGIDAIRE JUST : •• REFRIGERATOR ANO TOP FRHZfR e l~.6 tu. ff. r1frl9er1ftr 11etio11 I • 121l lb. 1i1t lop f11111r e 011p door 1h1lf for c1•- Jo111 l till bottl11 I • Twin v191f1bl1 hylllr1. fo11 e Only 12" wio:l1f $258 88 JUST , . • • • RffRIGERA TOR WITH BOTTOM FE EZER • I 55 lb. '111 fr1111r • Ro11-lo·yo11 f1111er b11.k1t • 9.9 lb. m11t f1no:l1r • Di ep. door dl4ilf fof 1,1•· 9il. ~··'•"' ff ··" bet. ti•• $288 88 GET MORE WIF£ A~D LESS HOUSEWIFE WITH FRIGIDAIRE! FRIGIDAIRE DISHMOBILE With Super Surge Wishing Adlon • 11.1111• co!Mlltl•111r 1U1- pe111tr h1lp1 eli111i0 111!1 1potti119. • Lltt!,, or 110 ,., .. ,,.,. 1in9 n11lll1lll e Roll owl r1c~1 fer •11y fro11I lo1Jl119 • "l wlh • tn" mod1h ••1ll1bl1 SINCE 1947 FLIP· TOP DISHMOBILE ' BY FRIGI DAl~f ••• WITH Super Surge Washing Action • Littl1 •r 110 P'•·ri11,l11t • Sl1nt1d 4111911 fer 111i1r lotdi119 e Spoh01w1y rin1• c1nlll it!o1t• 1r ditpe1111r PRICQI -LOW ! 411 E. 17111 Sf. COSTA M!SA Dilly 9.9, S•t, 9·6 • l'hon• 646-1614 · \ ·- • ~ ,..,,17, t• Reds Blast Nixon at Paris Peace Talksr Cong Accuse President of 'Blac~ and 'Vile Intentions' f ' JllaCll7_ McPhee, a loll collector cfi ~ Mackinac Bridge In St Jg- ~,,M!ch., will have some lall ~I lo do )! ope couple ever clrt ... -pest bi$ boolh again. Mc- ~bM' pld tha 'driver of the car pve!lilni-'2 for a '1.SO toll. Stuck tp t,1!11,<filclt okne of the bllls were ...,,. tndlng llllmP!-He returned the IO cents change -and the stamps •. Before he could ezplain, the man drove off and McPhee heard the passenger exclaim: t'lsn't it wonderful They're giving l!adlng stamps at the bridge." • The Democratic majority in the Hawaii State Senate Increased by one when S.. James Clark said he was dissatisfied with the Re-- publicans -and became a Demo-crat • Two boys ahowed up at Ger· mantown Hig1' School .in Phila- lklphia wearing minilkiTU. lt was a prote1t aotUmt a f'tcent facult11 decision permitting girl.$ to wear slacks. Explained a fa- cultp mt1'nbfl': "Skirts tDfTt getting so short we thouoht slocb might be the anitotr to th< problem." •· MUJeUm visitors ask lols of curi- ous questions. For instance, two elderly women toUring the Phila- delphia Museum of Art were fas· cinated by a trickling 11th century French marble founlaln. Wbere does the water come from, asked one. A museum guide ezplained that an electric motor kept recir- culating the water. That's fine, said the woman; but how did it work back In the 11th century. The museum llill ls tr)ing to aaawer that one. • Two men were arftlgn«i In court charged with steeling two car wheels and two tires, and a red-faced witness was Police Cblof Jomes Wlnldoy of Port Sanllca, · Mich. He •aid the pair borrowed a lug wrencb from him just before the theft occurred. • At a good bcukttball genie you tX· ptct to •tt tnthu.sia&tic apectators clap toildlt1 and chomp a bit on a tavorite cigar-but a prettt1 miss like thts 100.tcher? Mis! Gloria McCoy joined the cigar chompers-uauolly maU-at the Indiana-Miami Ameri· ain Ba.skttball Association Qamt, PARlS (AP) -On the ... ol l'nlldlnl Nixon's '°lalt to Fraoce;-North VJetnam. one! the Viet Qq -the Plria peace tolb l<>dlf u a forum lo aaaU him. The Vkt °"" -the Pr<lldenl o( j'black and vile lntenUons." Tran'Bua Klem, the Viet Cone National Llbentloo Jl'ra>t'• ·~!Ive, and Am1>is11dor Xuan : the llonol d<lqate, accuoed Nbon al jockqlng !or mlll111'7 posltloo In South Vietnam Israel Pays Last Tribute To Eshkol JERUSALEM (UPI) -'1bousands or lsraelil, young one! old, filed · put the bier of Levi Esbkol today to pay their ...;pects to the premier who guided an Israel larger than lhat ruled by their King David through five years o! war and other crises. While the nation mourned Its fallen leader, polillcaJ sources said Isra.ell lead- ers were poollng their support behind a woman who once taught school in th e United States to succeed Eshkol as bead of government. 'llley said Mrs. Golda Meir. 70, appar- ently bad won the backtng of the ru1lng Mapa! Labor Party leadership one! other major factions. 'Ille body o! Eshkol, who died or a heart attack Wednesday ~t the a g e of 73, 1 a y ln state at the Knesset (Parlia- ment) Building throughout tho day. 'Ille !uneral will be held Friday. Presi- dent Nixon wUI be npresented at t h e service by Secretary Robert IL Finch of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, who left Washington early Wedne.oday. Israel's MOllem community joined ln the mourning. 1be lone Incident invotv. ed some 500 East 'Jerusalem Arabs who tried to march through the bwiness sec- tor after paying tradjtional visits to cemeteriel during the Moslem Feast of the Saeil!lco. ~ movoll ID aulckly one! tb8 Arlbs dlapened quleUy, N~ ar- rests were ._-tee!, Ike Remains Satisfactory WASHINGTON (AP) -Anny doctors reported today that tbe physical course · o! !Onner l'i<lldent Dwlgbt D • Eisenhower "continues 11.tbfactorily con- sidering b I 1 age, put medical history one! tho fact that he la still In tbe critical post.operaUve period." Ei.senboftr, 71, ii convaJescing at Waller Reed Army Hospital following major abdomlnaJ surgery Sunday night. A hoepital bulletin this morning added: "He ha! been resting C<lmfortably since the last bulltiln (late Wednesday) and hia vita1 slgm and blood chemistry values remain stable. Senate Gr!Jup OKs Veneman Nomination WASHINGTON (AP) -The nomina- tion of John G. Veneman of Callfurnia to be undersecretary of health, education and welfare waa approved Wednesday by the Senate Finance Committee. Veneman, of Modesto, wu named m>- denecretary wbHe serving In the California Assembly. He la a Republican. full-.scale talks, protest~ the renewed t:n<D\Y &helling o! cltiea In Sooth Vie~ nam. The S a I g o o delegate, ambassador Pham Daol Lsm cia;.,,ed , Iha! because of the Viel Cong and North Vietnamese, the "search fer peace bas not progressed one single step." U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge warned the other side that "Tiie con- sequences of these attacks are your respoJ)Sibillty,'' and that the shelllngs IJPI TtllPMI• SOUTH VIET CIVILIAN CARRIES DAUGHTER'S BODY Homo In Blon H .. Ruined, Fomlly Klllod In Rod Balli~ No Marksmen Pueblo Sailors CouW.n't Shoot Guns CORONADO (UPI) -The USS Pueblo went Joto battle against North Korea with guns that couldn't be manned and sailors who didn't know how to shoot them. That was the testimony Wednesday of Englneman 2.C. Ray J. Maggard, 22, lbe 30th Pueblo enlisted man to testify before a five-admiral court of inquiry into the vessel's capture. Eight mbre sailors walked to the witness table today to tell what happened to them during 11 months of captivity tn North Korea. The court is summoning all 74 of the en1isted men who were on the Pueblo when she was seized Jan. 23, 1968. Their testimony is expected to continue until late next week. Maggard, whose duty in battle was to man the .51kaliber machine gun bat~ tery in the forward part of the ship, said he knew how to fire the weapon but most Pueblo sailors didn't. "They wouldn't even know how to aim it," Maggard testified. "All they knew wu where the trigger was , .. " "Didn't you receive training on the weapon in Japan," he wu asked. "On1y familiarization," Maggard said. • "They showed us a school gun on a fixed mounL We didn't handle it by ourselves." Outlining the l•:eapon's complicated mechanism, Maggard said that "an in- experienced loader will jam it nine times out of ten." ~aggard of Olivehurst, Calif., said the g u n s were unshielded. \V h e n the North Koreans opened fire, the Pueblo's guns were exposed and an effort to reach them would have meant almost certain death. Snowstorm Quit~ Nol'theast, But Leaves 31 Dead BOSTON (UPI) -~lore th.an 60 hours after it began, the second giant north- east snowstorm ()f the month stalled, sputtered out a few last gusts of snow and moved oot over the Atlantic to die. New England Digging Out New Englanders said good riddance to the crippling storm which began early Monday and brought history-making snowfalls to many parts of tho region. At least 31 deaths were attributed to the storm, increasing the February storm t.oll to more than 100 dead . 12 Below Zero Reading Recorded at Cut Bank Culfortd• Teaperature• ........... -..... ~ lltttmi.ld ,,_I'd; ... M .... ""'"' CllldMeft Cl.....tfrd Mllfl. L-,ft(. .. . .. " ~ " " .. 1S f1 .:JI . " . " " " " n :I? " Jll Al least 73 persons persihed ln storm- related accidents -most or them from overexertion due to shoveling snow - during lhe Feb. S-10 northeaster. making it the deadliest snowstorm since the great bliuard of 1888. Sirhan: Nggested an unwllllngness to work toward peacelul aetUemeut. '<The United States contends lbere wu an agreement at the t l m e Pttsldent Jolwon, stopped all bombing o! North Vletruun Nov; 1 one! this ill being violated by -shelling ol the cities In tho South. lo his prepared statement, 'llluy clalm- ed that the agreement on cessaUon of the bombing "was completely un- conditional." Thuy recalled Nl100'1 camp 1I1 n statements about steklnt an honorable peace, one! cllarged Iha! tlie United States now !> carryln( the 11ar to a poinl ol "unpreceeleldecl ferocity." Referring to the ahe!Jiogs ol clUts th1J week, Lam declared: • ' S u c: h bloodthlnty, barborool, fanatical and desperate behavior bu empahshed -even more your side's deteriorating ·and desperate aituaUon, while the Vietname• people curse you more every day." * Allies Break Red • Thrust Ill South SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. Utd South Viet- namese I guns and divebombers today broke tbe heaviest thrust of the Com- munist offensive on Saigon's doorstep. With 4,000 guerrillas dead, tbe !ive-dliy drive waned. Beaten and battered from tbe rowxl- the-clock bombardments, the Reds aban- doned the two villages they captured 15 miles northeast of the city on the edge of the giant American air base at Bien Hoa. Maj. Garrett Hays of FayeUeville, N.C., an advisor to the Saigon soldiers, s a i d the busiest air base in the world was the Communists' ultimate goal and ••possibly they could have gotten in if they tried a little harder." U.S. headquarters in Saigon listed 234 guerrillils killed in the suburban fighting. It reporled 30 shelllogs around the nation overnight and no major growxl battling. a dropoff from ear.ti~ Ip .the week. American intelligence w a r n e d • however, that the Communist command still bad not committed most of' ill 65,000 troops in position around Saigon. They predicted more· Red attacU toward the capital. U.S. and South Vietnamese warplanes roared off the Bien Hoa TllllWIY Wed- nesday and wheeled quickly against the Communists. Propaganda planes dropped a picture of a Viet Cong who had sur· rendered and told the Reds to give up. "The spotter pilot told us to hold high after one of our passes to allow enemy troops to surrender,'' aaid one pilot, Maj. Larry D. McClain ol Montgomery, JIL 4 Asphyxiation Deaths Led to GM Mass Recall DETROIT (AP) -The deaths of four persons by asphyxiatlon in their cars led to a General Motors recall of 2,.4 million vehicles -part of the largest recall In auto intlustry history -a corporation SJXlkesman said Wednesday. Owners were asked to return the' cars for correction of faults which could lead to seepage of exhaust fumes into UC Suspends 5 Dissidents After Rioting BERKELEY (AP) -University ()f California officials have taken their first steps against dissident st1:1dents at Berkeley under new Board ·Of Regents rules. Five were placed under interim suspension pending disciplinary hearings within two weeks and a spokesman said Wednesday possible c}larges ,agal.nst other students are being investiglled. The action, he added, stems from ••rusruptive acls" on the Berkeley cam· pus Tuesday when students -on strike .since Jan. 22 -held an unauthorized rally with souDJi equipment. Under the crackdown regulatioos that regents formulated last Friday, the five students may not enter any UC campus e:itcept for hearings during the.tr tem- porary suspension. Jr they break this rule, they will be subject to dismiual. Names of the five .were withheld. Earlier Wednesday Third W or I d Liberalion Front students and backers held another unsanctioned rally using a bullhorn. They then marched without incident to Berkeley City Hall to protest arraignment of 104 persoos arrested since the strike began. ' Municipal Court Judge George Brunn put the hearing for most of the defen-- dants over until March 12. He will con+ sider challenges then on whether charges -mainly for blocking and ol!structlng publlc passageways -are consUtutional. A similar hearing ill set Mll!<b 17 fol American Feder1tloo ol Teacllen plcket.i arrested. passenger space. At the same Ume, another 2.5 million GM cars and trucks were recalled for the checking of po&Sible carburetor defects. Just malling the notifications to the 4.9 ·mllllon: affected customers will c:ost about $2 million, GM said. The elhaust problem firs~ came to light when Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Hunt and their n e ice, Susan Koehler, were found dead in their 1968 Chevrolet Impala near Heber City, Utah, last July. Several days later, Mrs. Chai"les Dunaway was found asphyxiated in a 1968 Impala neat Baton Rouge, La. A spokesman said GM investigators discovered the Hunt car had been in- volved in an accident causing eltensive damage to the front of the car's ~ dercarriage as well as the front of the exhaust system. The car was driven 800 miles the neit day without llP8ir to the damaged elhaun O)'!lem, GM said. But in the case involving Mrs. Dunaway, exhaust fumes apparently leaked from a rusty tall pipe through one of several openings in tht trunk of the ·car and then into the passenger compartment, the finn said. A spokesman said no litigation cur4 rently is pending in either of the two death cases, although two suits· have been tiled in two of about 30 complaints ()f dizziness and drowsiness, allegedly as a result of exhaust fumes. The spokesman said there had ·been 48 complaints of failure of a putic carburetor part which couJd result in sticking accelerators and cars going out of control. One minor accident bas been reported as a result of such failure, the finn said. FBIGets'Wanted'Man WASHINGTON (AP) -Thomas James Lucas, who was added to the FBI'• list of JO most wanted men two wteki ago, was arrested Wednesday on a Washington stttet. Lucas, 24, i3 accused ()f taking part In a SZZ,391 robbery of a Maryland NaUooaI Bank branch in West BalUmore on Feb. 22, 1968 • No Recollection """" ..,...._ ...... 1!111'111• '"'""" ·~~ n u .11 ll 21 Tr " " JJ 4t .02 N H Defense Ready as Prosecution Ends Its Case CWr. -Pltl IM """" ~ Hntu ... wlll ........ 11 ..... ""' Or• .... c .... ...,.. w• ....,.,, • N 11 ~ Tedn"I 11W1o •I .. 6L v.,,....,.. --·~ , ...... "'-•lllltt•a ... ._.,a,.. ...,. lllinwetwr1 '"'" -M ,. & Ti. .... ,_..,..lure -............ s..., /ti-'.l'Wa THVdlAY ~ ...... ~ ......... 1/Jt ...... u ilc:wif Miii •• ,,., """' u ..,.., l"lnt -............... 11121 •·"'· '" , ..... l'lltfl ............... t i.II''""" u ....................... ,~, ..... .., ...... "~ ..... , ....... ,,,, ,.m. ... ,,. .,.,,,. \lltlkh llttttNd ... Harth- -· -" tut -lfll All&lltk to- dl1• llW""' ..... '"'""°"" .. dl• DUt ,,_ ,_,. ._...flt ,.,_ """""' -.. fotlc.llt ....... ... _ -~ ·~"" k1,.11 Cily "'-Lot A"911tt -· Mlrw.1A<M Mll'll'l"'"n1 N.-°'""'',. _ ... ....... ...... 9"Wlll ~ fl HfW E1111fnd, wlll'I '''° ll:obltt 1trooll ..,..., ~ .,., lllilftMl'llllfts 1"1'11 ........ le In the :itr. ..... .... ,,.._,1~ .. ._ ... '"""' ,,_.. "'"""" !he Ctl'l'"l ~ "-la. wfll .-"'"'"' ,,.,,. ...,,._ ... kl Cttf 9"I Arn-.. '#Wfft!M, lltld ltun n.r. --ill IN C.lltNI !"II'"' lllfl'IO t11011 Norill Otllotfl, Wlffl -.. !l'Wft kott1fl'lltfllo lflclMit tf -· -lfl C1lorMo 1M St. lOlll\ WWtnlN. ' kf'lllff o.rt "1*· Metil ... ,..1,...,...,... ~ •a.n oi..e .. , NMlrlll • tllt ttl'ltlftWllll u11111t1 1111 l"r1t1d1ce MIMI ""Cl191Yt tf Altltt W1111 II ... 111'111 lll'tltt1 ,,_........ lutll9 TJ9 """ ........, ... tt """"" ..._ T .....,. " ._ 1'. l'lllmll~ " .. ,. ., 77 " ,IM .... •l .M .01 " " ., n " n n " • n ., 41 » 11 'Tr .M ... K 73 :n ,1, " ~ • • " .. • n . " JS ,4 ... . " " .. .. " M "' ,, .. ·" .ff •• .. .0 .OS D .. .02 .... . " . ,. ·" " .. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirbao B. Sirhan contends he cannot remember shooling Robert F. Kennedy. Yet, under hypnosis, lhe 24-year-old Arab immigrant bas r&-enacted the scene down to the most minute detail and pulled lhe trigger of an imaginary gun, Thill will be a basic racet or tho defense case when the trial resumes Friday following today's recess. 1be pr~ seeuUon ended Its presentaUon late Wednesday alter calling 56 witnesses to b a c k up its ch:irge t h a t Sirh3n carefully plotted and executed t h e murder of the New York senator. Sirhan's mother and two brothers are expected to take the witness stand Friday to tell of seeing AraJ>.Israe.li atrocilie1 In Pales~ as a child which casued him to go into trances for hours and wblch persisted up to the time of Ken- nedy's shooting. Sirhan probably wtlf tesUfy early next week and then there will be a number of psychiatrists and psycholoigstl to back up the defense cont.ention that he bad "dlmJnL!hed capaclty'1 and wu not capable of calrulated premedJtation. Some months ago a hypnotist put Sirhan Into a trance and bad him reenact the scene in the Am11bssador JJotel and lilt defeodanl went through h I s n1oveme.nta leading up lo the fatal shot. However, under hls present a.wareqeM he contends he cannot remember what happened during ibose moments. 'llle izypnosls lib among ilftT•I test.. admlql>iered to Sirhan, lncludln( the •• Rorschach lnk blot series and other psychiatric exam1 .. uon.., during the 1n- ftstigat1on lulling up lo b I s trial. All ol the findings were etpected to be introduced in the defense case. One o! tbe last ~Uon wltnesaes, William Jordan, a police olflcer ol 1$ years eipedeoce, tuti!1'd WedntldaJ that Slrb&n wu one of the "most la- ttlllgenl and alert" pel'IOllS he had eve loterrog•ted. Jordan also said he did not beliM Sirhan was under the lnlluenct of tlc:obdl when he questioned him at a divilioD police staUon minutes after Kennedy w~ ~tense c:onttndl he bad ~ drlnkln( It the Ktnotdy Victor)' P1r17 and other part!., In tho botel the ntsbl !f Juoe 4. .,> Governors Alarmed at Camriiur Unrest WASHINGT.QN • (JJl'!J .• 7 The nation't' goverqors showed both alarm~ willingness t~ day to i;.k"' hard line toward , &.tuden~ d' ' r · .on university campuses .• The Wbi~.House promised some comments from Vice President Spiru T. Agn.W, fonner governor of Maryland, on lbe studei\I unrest. Agnew Jed. a proceulon of President Nilon's c a b i n e t members Io r appearances before an aj.J-day c Io s e d meeting of ~e National Governor's cqnterence. 1The nine-mtmber executive cammJttee of the conference voted unanimwsly W~esday to aupport Nixon's plan for "lhe powntlon ·u( •d- vancemenl OI hlall<r .mica. Uon, which Is being l"'P"' dlted on many of the nation's cam~." "Lawless acts by a smo.11 segment of the student popula~ Uon md not be allowed to interfere with the vast number of studentl who are seeking to exercl.H their educational opportuniUes, .. the committee !aid. It was relerr-lng to a letter, released Monday, in which Nixon prab:ed the R e v . Tbeodore M. Hesburgh, presi· dent of the University of Notre Dame, for his attitude toward demon 1 t r aUons. Father Hesburgh sel a Umet&ble for ana apulalon of "ari,J . or any lf'OUP that au~ fcrte ror raUonal persua ' •• Go V•'· Buford Ellington of Tenneslte, chairman of the confer~, to 1 d reporters before the committee acted Iha! "It'• going to be had for gov~ to raise funds to finance higher education while this condition exists." Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New Y<l'k told a news conference Father Hesburgh "struck a very rtsponsive chord" and that be liked He..sburgh's approach to put • ' r e ! p o n sibillty on the presidents 1 and trustees of universities'' in!tead of other officials. Payments L- Deficit Justiee 83 --\ .... -. .. .. Bfuck Te~· Plilinophy .. I -i#' ,:, ..1· ' Expected WASHINGTON !AP) , While b1I colleagues ut mO: tionless or staring at the' c:e~· 1' WASHINGTON (AP) Ina, Justice Hugo 81ac1' spOnt . ' Secfttary of Co m m e r c e 20 m~Utes Mond•y blaltlng Maurice .. H. Stans t o I d the Supl-eine Court declslon Congress today the United allowing chlldttn to d~' . States may slip agaln into their teacbera.' wiahff apd a significant b a I a n c e • o f • wear black armbandl \ to payments deficit thla year school' aa a JR;Otelt agafhit although he hopes for some the VJetnam .war; Improvement over the small "I want it ~ known 1168 surplus. thaf J dtscJaJ4'-. &ny sentence, Stans acknowledged, I n any word, ariY ~rt Of what tesUfl\Ony ror the Senate-lhe Court doea loday,n he House Economic Committee, declared. ' that the 1968 surplus was a "I hav~ always had the perhaps temporary one. idea," he said, "that the .. .. .. '• . .. I ' J,. ! .. , ~; Ho.wever, the country ca:n schools were to e d u c a t e hope ' ·for a "modest tm-chi«Jreo· and not' children to proytmenf' this year ·in its educ.ate teacben.~ merchandl!e trade, w h I c h ThlB and other recent stri- sboftd in 1968 the smallest dent dissents bad suggested surplus since 1937, Stans Black is soaring 9fl Pie Col,lrt's reported. · · sometimes libertarian atanee JUSTICE~il-. Court's Hugo Bl1ok No One Knows Where Cleaver HUling Out J Bank Rate Boosted ' In England Midcourse Correction Slated for Mariner 6 "We can and ought to Sus-and ocl the fiori.sffi.ng of" protest taln our export growth," he movemenl8 acrosa the laJ:!d. added. "But we also musl But in a birthday interviflW be willing to acknowledge my. create domestic ·conditions -~lack is 83 today -the birthday," he confided. Hii thatiwlll slow down last year's jll8tlce declared "I'm not mad wU:e, EUiabeth,, seate d at anybody at all." abnormal growth of imports." "It's 8 wonderful world, a nearby, smiled, The flow of private capital wonderful counlry and a Bla<::k, ~ third · oldest WASHINGTON (AP) -Jn the three months since Black , Panther leader Eldridge · Cleaver fled . arrest i n california ,utborlties report. no trace of him de..!plte .numerous leads and a search t.llat has r~ached into othe, countries . ....-..-.-- Officially, the FBI will say only that the case is und er investigation. "But it is kno\vn that authorities -are u n certain wbel!ier the -~year-old .self educated Negro author, c6n· sidered extremely dangerous by the FBI, carried out an jmplied threat to leave the country. . Just bel't• dropping from sight Nov. 24, 'Cleaver said Fire-Toll at 10 NEW Y.ORK (UPI) -T h e fire that killed nine persons in a Fifth Avenue office building Tuesday bas claimed .another victim. Ai.ithorities at St. Clare 'ri ' Hospital in' Manhattan said·to· day Vana Karabella, 23, died : .Wednesday night from burnJ. his only al~tive to 1erving a jail sentence for violating parole was to "get out ·of the country •11 'lbat statement, aome feel, could have been a smokescreen to draw 1n- vesttgat<n olf Cleaver's path. It ii pointed oul also that Cleaver'! connections through the militant Black ·Panthers LONDON (UPI) -The Bank ol En(Jand today raised the rate ol lntmst !or Brlllsh borrow.n by I percent to I percent. The move was a response to higher interest rates in the United States and o t h e r and his 1968 presidential cam· centers and to show that Bri· paign -he polled 36,385 votes -give him numerous allies lain means business in keep- in his effort to evade IP'" ing ltrict controls on domestic prehension. s'pending. 1' Moreover, the financial sue-'The aRf10uncement handed cess of his book, "Soul on an immediate boolt to tbe Ice," could provide him with paund 00 foreign e:rchange :!:: """"'Y Iha! • life in bid· markets. Prices oo the London · ·Ad~w;:5· these factora is , stock Mari~ dropped but Cleaver's natural Intelligence, then began nsing in unsettled attested to by the fact that trading. . . he rose during his years in The new credit · rate will prison from be1ng a seml·I\-ma~e all forms of borrowblg Uterate to become a · writfl-dearer, including inltalment with critically acclaimed skill. plan _loans, and is expected Cleaver disappeared two to hike the cost of borne days before Supreme Court _m_•.,.rt,:gc.ag:.e~s· _____ _ Justice Thurgood Marshall -N I [ denied a request for a stay ear y veryone that would have b a r re d ~u=Tut~~~ .1a1:. 'Listens' lo Landers into the United States in-wonderful~·· be declared. jusUce in history, has aerve~· creased in 1968 because cf Old he despair for the 31 and a half .years -three rising interest rates here, future? Black replied: "If years short of the i"ecor~ ~tans 18id, and this showing there is .anyone in the world established In the 19th centurj PASADENA (UPI) -Scien-0 But we're so close to wllm wJS strengthened by ape<:ial who de8pa.tn Iesa than J do by JusUci Stephen J. Field. tists are considering ma~ng we DfiP.lally aimed it . that governmental transactioDJ un--I would like to 1!1fJ the color "I h.aye no desire ta excel ~ a "very sn.mt" rnldcourse cm:• the rnidcoune correction wilt der which some fote.ign-held of his eyu ao i can identify his" lonjevity," Blac~ said..-. 1¥' dollar assets were cor.verted him." And yet, as be always does. · rection in. the iraf:<:tory of be very, ,very· slight,"· the frorri liquid form to nonllquid Jn fact he said, with a he dlscl~ any Immediate the Mariner 6 spacecraft on spokesman said. form. They were then treated twinkle, he might even receive · p_lan to retire:.. . • its journey to Mars. The wlndmill.ahaped craft ill as investments which are ex-a birthday card from a col· "I have sa1if I wolild whea, "We're just barely off from scheduled to fly by Mars at eluded from the over·all U.S. league or two. the time comes when 1 think/ where we want to go," said less than 2,000 miles July 30. balance. "l would think they would r should," the juBtice aaid. a spokesman for mission con-1-----'----....'..---'-----------'-----...:..------'--..:.... __ _ trol at Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He said even without the midccurse maneuver acbeduled Friday morning; Mariner I would Ollly be 3,500 mllu-off target. Tile $64 million spacecraft was performing "just like the ' book reads ri&ht down the line" on the fourth day ol its 226 million mile trip to Mll'I to determine whether the planet can support life. When Mariner 8 was launch- ed Monday from Cape Ken- nedy, the rocket was aimed slightly away from Mars so that if something went wrong in the second stage when it lePRf'&ted, the two secticns would not hit the planet and -.minate ll. ForSprlng, Robert Han~ .. . has famous brand luxury suits· for every style and price ,,prffe.r:ence !. : , "' < .. Your Friendly Store OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY! I Tl~11SD I•.• C. Ft WE DO: OUR OWN SERVICING Giant ""ro-degree .freer.er hold1 up t o 155 lbs. EJ<eluslve .Jet Freeze ice eompartmeat.Sub-7.ero air is blown over ice trays first for extra•f&.11t freezing. Twin porcelain enamel vegetable biDll. Total capacity, 2/3 bushel. Refrigerator rolls oat far easy cleaning. G-E· Colon or White. • OUR OWN FINANCING I . ' The bntoi the sult..Wld .t..Pf;";.p · nciw at'RobOrt Hali wb<ro faahlan is a man's word. too. Presenting the newest looks "1th more than juit ~ hiiii of shtplni ... the in-demand fOlirtC.. eXpertly biJor.d for superior fit-alhemibly low pricled. We're roady for Spring ••• are uoui' r.;::;::;\ FOUR ~SEASON DACRON' POLY·TER· ANO.WOUTms 341115 Comp. valiu $45 ~ VIRGIN WOOL GOLDElt EMBUM' WORSTEDS 471115 Comp. 11a!iu $55 . . r,:;.:;\ VIRGIN~ ~ WORITJI)· ~ WOOL ~ ANO.SILK JUIWARD' WORSTEDS LARINI' SH4RUKINS 59115 • 5411s Comp. value $70 Comp. valu $15 There ia never a charge for alt•mtiona at Robert HaU ,, ~ I •' I. . .. DAD,y PROT EDITORIAL PAGE O·ur Valorous. Marines: Wbell dlsuler •trikes In Orange· County, you can bet-Ulat the Mannes will be there. Every Ume. Be It tragedy at sea, tn>ullle in the .mounlailll, or a _raging fire El Toro Mannes are at the scene, of• ferillg a helping hand in any way they can. Tbey proved II again this week -proved that they ani reedy with men, with equipment and with ~· age. When hundreds of persons were. trejlpo(I by the tomnts o.I runoff streaming down Sllver~do and Mod· jeoka Canyons, El Toro Marines ttSJlO<!ded with a ~ operation that lived up lo their lJighest tradl• tloos. Helicopters zoomed In and out ol the cany~ in the m-.t precartous o.I conditions, snatcbing ,up the strandtd, the injured and -in aome cases -the dead. And on the ground, Marines were on .hand lo sand-' bag and'.lo help out in any way they could. 'Ille Marines' "'illlngness lo pitch· in 1¥bere they'ra needed Is soo1etbing we in Orange County koow we can depend on. They're there every Um~ •. Maybe we take these ·helping"habds loo muchl,!!>r granted. , In the wake of another stliriing ·performance - 1he daring rescue work in flood waters this week -we offer a slilute to the men of. El Toro. Marine Corps Alf Station. · ·. ·1 , .: .. Time for All-year .:PST Benjamin Franklin had a lot of bright ideas, as any school boy can testify if he hill beeo uposed lo the same FTanklin 111axims· his .~ le~~ 1iy heart. ''God helps Uiem th9t help thenuelves." · One of his brighter ideas he first put forth in 17!8 -185 years ago. · WiA old Ben auaetted year around Daylight Sav· Ing Time, ·~e the .eictra. bout Jlf dayligb! was more aclVantagOOUI .fii the alternWn \baa tn the morrun,. That WI/> a ~ idla in a young nation alnioal wholly oriented lo a~ · 'nie fanq bloc has lllCCeUfully fought oft year a!'QllDd DST fo.r almQJI llfo . centuries. MIWllc cows and performing qther oarj)' farm chores ,In lhe ,dark lack.ed appeal --.lli>cl~IWidablY. And In a nation bound lo manu8! labor; extra daylipt 'at the end of· a hard day In factory~r.field was mea•1!13iess. Eveo summer· time .DST was of no Interest un111· 1916, w~en a nation- wide campaign !or Its lldoption waa genera~. All· that has changed for the vast majority -but we nmain bound to a tradition without present day validity. Rep. Craig Hosmer l&, ,Long ' Beach) has.introd,uo- ~ a bill to provide. Uiat~ be observed natio1J11)iy on • ~round basis; It ll!ould 'amend th'e Unifl>rm Time ACt of 1986, which ·provided that 'DST cm;bo 'adopted· . ~ a ~!~wide rather than local-optloir:bas!a 'between Aprtl. aDd'°"tober. (This relieved some '¢ 'the~ contus- ion, sue)> as'.jn Indiana, where four difleJ:tpt1cl<\Ck read- ' ings foulo(,up everyone, especially travelets.) · · Advantages include: ' · · -Provide leisure Ume for families in daylight hours,and riiore.afte¥Cbool playtime for child>en dur-llit1.1!• !all and•willter molilhs. . -fl•C!"Ble tralfic safety during . the · after-work rushihoui:i . -Might lessen darkness-protected crinie. , . -Would pro+1c1e.saving1 on eleqriclty 'f11.r lighting~'. -Would eliminate the nationwlde cconlusion and expense ·wblch surround tbe twlc~ye.,ly readjustment .• o( communicatioo and transportation . schedules. . :, The pluses in th~ world of 1969 ao far outweigh any minuses nationwide that Hpsmer's bill : should -if com- mon sense can prevail -'draw enough bi-partisan su~ ..port for success in the Congress. ' • In a Time ·for ~ompassion. • • Political .. _ 0 This b the time for hate," llld Dr. Nathan Hare the other clay. ', • :· · .. . Roy Wijkins, who of course Is the · arebetypat Uncle Tom to black militants. Information Via Vatican Dr. Hare is cliredor of lhe blaet studies program at S. F. State College. He was talking to a group of educa!.Of}, in Pittsburgh, PL " ' -....::,; ~ ... ~. . .· cdnltq!!t 'by whites. To think JnYlhing else ls to kid ourselves. Mr. WJlkins bas gone so far u to threaten court action by his organization agilin'st · setting up black s t u d i e s departDle nts in the nation's schools. These ~ses, in the end, WQuld mean atl-Negro' dorrilitories, as well as courses on black history and culture, taught by and for black men. · . I;•.' r " I I . . I f ' ; . ' _, . 'S:rµarmy~ Would ' . Fill .a W o.rd Void Thoughts at Large: It's surprising we haven't adopted tbe BriUsb term, "amminy" to fill a descrip- tive void in Amerlcan usage -meaning excessively or unctuously flattering, in- gratiating. servile,' and falsely sen- timental. • • • What he said put a conslderabl9f"iaJdbil around the whole idea of black itudtes ~O(!tams and departments, whi~ is intrinsically • good idoa. di -the way Dr. Hare seemingly has in mind, it wDI be a good idea gone wrong. . Blact people, he Aid In Pi~ muit be taught 'from a 'jblact penpec- tive." Blacb must "first blackWash .... revamp -the existing educational !)'stem and rt!voluUCDiie America's youth, biacl<, yellow, brown and white." DR. llARE'S KIND of talk Ja _.,;ally dangerous In thal It threatens th< whole idea of the,blact lllwlJes prollfll!I. •'!be' usual ·argument izl·aupport of such . -~ fl. that, by the study of black -~-to ..... history, the black mi11Uif!1 develop 1'fide In his beritllge and ·• lncrwed ·sense of his digllll)': The proposed court challenge, Willdns said, would question "anyone's right to use public tax funds to set Up what are, patently, Jim Crow school!." Pi:~4eii\ .. Nb;o~ has taken pain$ ~ The trouble wltb waiting for ~?'fate ,lps v1mt to Rome from . his "CQnclusive proof'' is that by the time life, the alienation between ~ 1ener> ti0111, and the buakdown of human com- munication, aie ·fir niono .mou,,.ror lliey attack the central nervous ~. as_ it were,,·. of ' the, spcla): orglUQm, wheroas ,crime alleclf onjy I h • · THE EDUCATIONAL establishment, he added, "viciously operates as an obotacle to black t.lllllment and the elevaUon of blackness, which is whf .. It must be eradicated." Of course Dr. Hare .. la. wrong when he spealcJ of <radlcalioll; but be !(much molt! wrong when he apeat:a of hatred. wMcb G. B. Shaw once called "the coward's revenge for betng lntlmldlted." Tbll 11 DOI lo W/ thal the black man c1oes no1 have, ml'fftquently, eauoe for hau.d. Hatred is a lblng lo be ~ed. not be glorified. It is the most sterile of emotions. Jt worts towards death. Wont of all, hat.ml antagonizes tbe whites. Jn this country, such good or bad as eventually comes to the black man will be a fllll -or a blight - So i.r,,.. iood. . . It is. -that Dr. Hau and other black mllltllita wiah lo puah this idea harder and .farther. They oeepiln(ly wish to set IQ> .Negro bastions within whito educaUonal iallllutions, whi~ will tea~ balnd. mt· mllitancy and evenlull war • Ol·,....·klnd wltb the whites: · sUdi an Idea, when It is lully un· derstocid, will be rt!pugnant to the white man -oapeclally to the white man -as a taxpayer. Why, indeed, should· we help 1to dig our own graveyards? Why should we sub&dize our clear and stated enemies? · IT IS NOT ONLY the whites who d_islike · this soil of thing. There are still a· lot of blacks who think no good will cqme of separatmn. Among ~in is the .NAACP and its eucutiv1 director . THERE IS NO re~ why a black studies program cannot be incorporated intO' a <!Ollege or high school curriculum. There is no reason . why it should not be taught by black men, and much good reason why it should. There is no reason why interested White students should not be freely admitted to the courses. There is no reason at' all why these coorseS should be a vehicle for the transmission of racial hatred by black men. We have all seen enough of thls, the other way 'round. -we do not need black. Jim Crow schools any more than we need white Jim Crow buses. No, DR. HARE. This is not a time for hate. No Ume is a time for bate; but especially right now is not. It's a time for compassion a n d un- derstanding, those elusjve things, on. each . sid~. Right now -in tbis matter - ii a tlme for prayer, not philippics. Worldwide Fraud • Ill AID WASHINGTON -Thomas Ediion !Dg· gins, an enterprising citizen of Tampa, Fla. had by his own admission °ooly 31 cents in my pocket but a quarter of a million dollars worth of · 1euers of credit" by courtesy of the Agency for International Development. Mr. HJg'gins managed tG convert th1s credit into cash by supplying an equivalent amount of battery additive, deemed by the U.S. Bureau of Standards to be worthless, to South Vietnamese who yumed· to !ftl<i\lc. life (j their atorage batteries bf· io years. ln the process, however, Mr. Higgins had to forward 56 percent of his take to a numbered Swiss bank aCcounl. on behalf Gt a mysterious Dinh Xuan TbaG as Instructed by the Higgins South Viet- nameae agedt'; Doanb Tin Cuoc. Dinh or Doanh, or both, had ananged the deal with Mr. Higgins. who, fortuitously, had a son in South Vietnam to see li lhroogh, and the U.S. tupayer financ- ed the whole operalloo by which the me (j Soutb Vielnamese storage bat· terlta .... not much prolonged. AU TIDI AND M\ICll more ii cited by a Senale coinmiltee •• a claJslc example of kickbacks, rakeoffa and shady deals through which great amounts of federal funds have beeil aiphoned eff in uneconomic, illegal or corrupt prac-- liC1!s In supplying South Vletnom with commodity imports. In another 1case, ampules of water taken from the' seas off Puerto Rico were ~ to South Vietnam as "Bloceane" for ·the relief of nausea, skin disorders and other ailmenlll apparently immune to the ".•st amount of sea water surrounding Viet· nam. ~ Sortle_o~ best pharm1«:eutlcaJ com- panies have been Jnvolved in 1overmnent financed transactions requlri"' kickbacks and payoff, all in the spirit of the ancient oriental commercial vtces, and how many tens of mllllons have gooe down the drain nobody knows. It is enough, however, to make all who know about it ill beyood relief from Blocune. The Agency for JllWr. national Development claims to haw corrected ICIDle ol the conditions penbit- 'ting wily South Vietnam... agents to aplit their fees wltb government olfl· cials and sweJI their own numbered S""·lss Bank accounts. . . AID JS DUE for credit on tbil but mt for actlng at swlfUy u tt mlgtit have, aad not for. failure to recognlze compllon ·when ·It saw IL· 'l'lltno ii au too prevalent .. tendency to write off conuplion .. • t!Onditlon of the m)'llerlous l!ltsl wilJch no -t of Ywee nclltooe wlD ever comc1. Tbe M>erican pharmaceulical com-,m,. • _,, lo i.. .. fallen wtm,.iy ·enoui\i Into tbe oriental vkles, whtcb' does i>ol apeat well f0< their olflci&Ja ellber, partlcularlY llnce oome of the ~com.,..... dlda~ really-Ibo ~-.. ~ ..... lhipped and aold undeij conditions wg- gesting that large quanUties of an· tiblotics,. more thah 'the Quakers will ever supply to Hanol, passed through tbe hands of the thousands of little men in Saigon wb> are.'in the import trade into the hands of tha Viet Cong. The Americii.n taxpayer bas been aup- pcying medicine to the '-enemy, and undoubtedly a ·great deal of other useful material. TllE COMMl'ITEB·~:pN .Government ~QperaUona of the ~ cannot get on too soon with an inquiry into practices in the AID program all oyer the world. Venality and the wllllngness of some Americans to cooperate with It is not confined to the South Vietnamese. Opposition has .developed to this worldwide inquiry which the committee proposes to undertake because, as Se!\. Jacob i Jvila ·Of New ,. York seems tG fw, it may adversely affect a program which he thinks is vitaJ ~to U.S. foreign policy aad peace In the world. As every year has passed Congress has become less canvince:<f that foreign aid Is vital to U.S. foreign policy. The conunhtee's worldwide investlgatiOn, if It reveals venality on the scale of the import program in Soutb Vietnam, could defiver the death blow to foreign aid In its preaent form. Dear Gloomy Gus: I'm ao tnlt.ated with pompous, anU-Arnerican Charlts de Gaulte that I've quit eaUng Frtnch toast I -IL B. McD., Jr. "~ 'to the Roman enclave of V~aa .. , we get· tt,. it may be too' late to: escape City. It ~outd .have been converuent the consequences; science is far fri>m to me~t with Itali~ governm~t lea~ers auce that long-term esposure , to polbrted . and with the PoPe on tfle}s~ ~ve:r. air presents a fatal hazard, but if we peripheries. ' Instead, a three~ay stay 1n Paris will wait a decade for ·all the data to be come, betwee~ Nixon's two trips to ~m~. collected, before moving on the problem, (Indeed, the· root cause of these thr~ as well as crilne, Iles in :what the Greeb called ."anomie," a saiie <if rooUessness ·and ~plessness' of in- dividuals, ID • anxiely bred from !°"' of ftl!DIMl11ty~ whfcb; ts why all ~ It. ts conc~1vable that the Presidents ,. we /may ·end up with more data than audience w1tb the Pope will lead \9 po9,ulation more formal relations between · the · · • • • United States and the Holy See. Jt has been almost ..20 years since Washington had an emissary assigned to the Vatican . The time wy be ,ripe to re-establish diplomatic contact. ALTHOUGH anti~atbo1icism was ram- pant in this C1luntry at the time, the United States bad a cbarge d'affaires in Rome from 1848 to 1867. Horace Greeley and others, encouraged by lhe· initial llberalisrn of Pius IX, urged Presi· den\ Polk to establish diplomaUc .rela- tions with the Papal State. This was done, but only after prolonged, and bitter debate in Congress. Pius turned increasingly reactionary as he came in conflict with the ' ltaliaa unificaUOn movement. ~ therefore rtrused in 1867 to renew tbe appropriation for the legation at Rome. It was argued that the origlnal reasons for atsbllahing the mis8lon -principally to encoW"age the Pope's liberal policies -wete no longer valid. ' We expect too much of our politictans, ·wflich Ls wby we are so invariably disap- pointed in them ; as that modern seer, Buckminster Fuller Is fond of pointing out: uA politician is someOne who deals in man's problems of adjustment - .8.nd to ask a politician to lead us is to ask the tail of a dog to lead the dog." • • • If you ·want to be sneakf about it, .. ycu can win many a bar-room. bet· asking wbo wu "the first President "(If the * United States in Congress Wembled"; not Wasbingtcn, but John Hansi:>a, who was President under the Articles of Conl<!ietallon eight. years be' for e W &5hlngtoo took his oatb of office: • • • Leaming only from eiper!eoee ·ts one of the dwnbest ways· to learn, for .ex. perience can condition ue to • our field of learning too dr8'1ically; u Mark Twain :vividly put the same thing: 0 A cit WbO bas jumped 'Oil a bot. _ltove once will never jump on a bot stpve again -but it will never Mr!P on a cold stove, either." ' • • • ' ·peih01ollrit condflrons are ' 'i e e a more markedly in bl& cities.) • • • Superstitions per;ilt ·Jon& after tho legend• l\Jlt gov• birth lo them have been utterly forgotten: not one perllOll in ten · thollll8nd could explain why horseshoes are supposed to )>e "lucky.'' or even recall the name of the Saint ·UIOcialed )Oitb·the lllYlh· • • • • Irs hard to lellev•. lhal Jn this pr~wnably ·mass-edgcated 30Ciety; IOme "° p6cent of 17,yeir .. J~ are nol In high •cbool; wh.,.. ·tbef OUll>l to. be, and no •provllionL II-' made' eltbel' ·for their continuing ecl\JeiUail .or lbelr I""" ductiVe and.r pel'IDlll!lill )empt~ - :!.~ !bl ...U al lucin are •• • • The· revolt-of' Ille .,natl ·qaWl. lbelr . bisbop1 In the · R. C. Cl\urch n!min<ls me of the Rev. Sydi)ey Smllh's· remm more than· a century·q:1,1: "What biabops like best In tbelr ci"IY is a droppbia-down-deadness lJI. mumer.0 • . ·• -.. ALMOST 75 . YEARS passed before Washington gave thought to re· establishing official contact with the Vatican. ln a Christmas 1939 message to Pius XII. President Roosevelt said that '·Jt would give me great satisfaction to send to you my personal represen- tative in order that our parallel; en.- deavors for peace arid the alleviation of suffering rqay be assisted ." When we discuss the serious "cli'Seases" of the social order, we think ·first of crime, for it i.! lhe moat ahocklng and ' dratnatic; but, actually, such cumulative "diseilse.t" u tbe inslabillty al· ~Y When we rer..reaa·, lhoulht ·<r feelina, we 'do · not thereby l<I ild of it; for it inevitably taku Jte ttveD1e by rtlurrt- ing, far stronger, in i lorni thtt •bocks us with Us \merpeclelf llltemit7. Myron C. Taylor, an Episcopaliar:>i a1') a former boai'd chairman of the Unhed States Steel Corporation, was subse- quently sent to Rome as the President's emissary. He stayed there, except for several montbs arter Roosevelt's death, unUI his resignation in January 1950. IN OCTOBER 195l, President Truman non1inated Gen. Mark W. Clark, an EpiSC-Opalian, to be a fully accredited U.S. ambassador lo Vatican City. This proposal aroused such detennined op. position in Congress that Clark Hked that bis name be withdrawn. The issue of John F. KeMedy's Catbolicism in the 1980 presidential elec- tion campaign led to some debate on whether U.S.-Vatlcan ties should be re- established. Kennedy declared that 'ba was "oppmed to it,. a~ eaid IO long . ago. H He felt that "Whatever advanlages j\ migbt have tn Rome -and I'm not convinced of these -they W'OUld be more than olloet by the divts!V. effect at home." NEVERTREl..F.JS, there Al'tl certain advantages in having d I p I o m a t I c rt!presentaUon at the Holy See. Tho V aUcan, it ii aa,id, knows more •b!>ut what Is going on Jn -Eln'ope and Latin America, Including Cuba. than pertiaps even the U.S. State Department. JnformaUon on poliUcal as well as spiritual matters filten into tbe Vatican from all parlt ol the world through Ibo well organiud cburd) hierarchy. Dlplomatlc recognition, moreover. i3 DOI' Ibo ssme thiq u • niJ&)ous con- dilnfat: 'l'tW Poi>e flmctfons as • chief ol stale ~ well as splrltual leader. ' . I Sex EducarioR Pr.:atests : ' ., The statements emanat.lng from, J group called California Flmilies ·dDlt hardly need comment. · lhioughout tbe •tale. ... •¥ . The' members, who come ~r ~ of evil'~ including a Communiat • ,,. , _ ~piracy -in su .educatlOn ~ been ,weak~· or. qtwid, •ve:n::; m the public ochools. -·" • majorllJ ·ml<l. nil have la Their vlew is emtme., Fttr~ ~ . them.. • , . , • » ' subscn'be to it. · -• ' Jadllnc froin _.1: -..., llJ w~a~t ~.:,m~ ~ =,.:: ·= opollen_.,. "'ii iof!J toilet up. i· cadre whi~ will be . on " the· itlack' ' Tbe -liolrifl. 'and Olhm 'Iii wherever educators and parent.teacher 1 dlstrlcts •here ta: tdoCaUon f'Vll:~ groups try to build a comprel1enalve are in ~atioft should be en ~ family lile curriculum '-which I;c!llies ~ m::u out~~· ~ ...., sex education. n ws _ ~ ... THE RECOMMENDED lscUcs,. ·lo quote from ooe .speaker: I · 1 "Go lo school board meetings in your town and in other tOWN--1pplaud· • and groan al the righl times ind, If necessary, stomp your feet and acrtain • -• the more brazen you art, the mOre auenuen you"1rill ·gtt." · • Thi• already l\Q been done In ooine communitie.s; all loo often It has worked. Public hearings which mlgbt have developed an exchange be"-n parent&, and educators havt been. dominated b1 fringe groups. so it hil become alJnojt - lmpoSlible to me...,. accurately )lie reaction of tbe majority to a JX'.OPOlol for a ea ~Cllion proeram. AS f: llESUl.T, '""" ~ograms have • .---•.. ..,,. .... -- Dear Georp: Why ii )'Ollr. iilYiee column ao . ~l lloo~.;.i.. "'1.~led . apiilltl . W.R. Dear W.R.: , Ny advl<e ~ 11 abort · because it'• for · ioiai troubles. ,For lnstonce, .-i Y"!I' pnlllem ...: ho'W·niDcb spac;e di r nted I to-lbatf ·~.11,..JuMalq ~ -. k llHre'll MrialiJe It. -'~~-----------------------------------·--~-------------------------~-------~-~ -~ - • ' ' -------. •• .i:li!r"'1==J::::.~==l7c:.' ·::::1?6"'~:;.-;....;:..:.:__ -O~~ Y Pl\OT 'f. ' ' . • .. CHECKING . . • UP\.• -. ,..,_ . ·,~hat'.s Ne~t ~on Q'nly ~~ .. lJ.S. __ Dat!~esllip? . ' ' • ,- , -W ~G'J'ONli (M'J -The "There's no o the r ·re-out of 4be r~ei._ flee&;. tn , Studies ~ated \ '1at a lt\1 •ddlti,Q.n, the~. ti ·a '!'Y' ~ttate the New Jersey's -'.--·-·-~ -" )· -· bll~·Nw J'ersey'• gutrement (or that lllnd o1 1911 lir&ely ~ tn, baill..hlp'1n!nell-inch 111111 ·~..,, t~t . ti!<. <Ne·w fi.-,''l'J·~~-"han¥.' tariets A G. ir.l Wh·· 0 · ·p· 08 • e'di · h<iinew Noyqe from Vie\. ship," a Navy llOW'Ce •aid. UDlltd Stat.. wU klOioc . coW\l<!l!'@l lbe work ol about Jer"y's six lll<Jllth tgw: off u o\eel bridges, railroad ''There aren't any b4tUeshtps bomben over,~N.ortb \l'ieq,am , 50 .J)lp.na a day. EICb bat--Vietnam bu cost about $5.4 maritia.'li-yardl, and powu nam wa 8 next months may for the New Jersey to shoot et a risin& alt Wol'l:\80~ Ueship .sbell cost aboat ltl,TOO million to run 'the ship and plant! .. ._., : ... , 'Jead her b&ck into molhbaUs a1ainst.'' · rate. '' ~,. • ~ compa"red" to $2 'mllllon a jl:ltt undtr $1 milUon "in ·am: "The New"Jtne)r never had . • . 1 if lhe war ends by nen fall . There are inore eHi~ent and Skrttaey or Der~ Bobert plap~. , , 1' 1 • mun.iUoo spent. -'11 oPpori~ty to do what she In T • • B Without the flghtfug, the l~ expensive ve~ lo ban-s. McN-a) il• a ty 1 .. \s . .So lllCNamara ordered the Tbe !J:Q!ry,.is IUl mQ.<t of was . supoosed lo do," oqe , ;r· g1n1ng ras Navy would ' need another dlesueh~asescortlngcai-calculated'lt''"P"f!I~ •lciijt New J'eriey demolbbal¥, the t.arpts whicb the New senlo.roitlcersald. . ... ..~. ............ ._a· • • mission to justify keeping the riera and supporting am-~effective:··. tn,~~ f1pt . 19 equipped witb1 some paodem Jer~y· was auJ>POSt!d to-hit Since the t>omblng and shelf.. " world's only' act 1 v e Wt-phiblous ~s. . wheel a · battleship CiQie t? gear,~ Jent~ to w_ar. were taken .• ...,,1 when all lng ha1t . the New Jersey hat • . t . tlewagon in ~ice. The 54,000-ton, 26-year-old ·the Nortli· Vietnamese coaa:t It coat '2!.5 · mllJloD to ae-bombing and sheijqlg.of ljortb been useQ,against much leu .BJ!....~ ,1IOXD a singlelon· Hery third hand Navy officer's acknowledged batllesbip, veteran of World where it cou)d ·1re if'lrich tivale lpd·modernlle \he.New Yletnam 'l\'U hafle\I Od. .IL sui table t.arge!I for her 15-lliCi , IN THE ·c.&SE of .. twins, ••• OUl\ Ll\NGUAGE MAN that mlgbt be qui~ a task. \l(ar.ll arid Korea, was called shells far Inland. · J.,..y. Th~ Navr ba4 planntd to gurui in.South Vletttam. which-ii ,U>e oljler,-\be first· notes the wQC"d •_'•infant',,, ___ ....:.. _ _;__: _____ .:_..:...,..;;~.~--.. ~-~-.:....~---'=:::.. .. ;;_:;..;_::. -=~·""'"· -..... -. .,.,---"'----------'-.:......l...;.;.::..,:., .... .:.....:....:......:::::::·_::: . .;..:.:._. ~--.:._ __ _ born or the lait..~t:•What ori~y.~t "incapableof , 1 • ... •• do. YW mean that's a con~on. , •. . . TEN . ridiculC;>us question? a'he orien-YEARS AG9 there 'Were more tals . regard the Jast...f>oln as than 20,000 dairy cows nation the flr8Woncelved, therefore wide. Now there are ~ thaD the older •. _. • TWO OUT 15,000. THE M ED I CA L OF FIVE oubej:rlb!!,_: are FELLOWS say ,il. takes 5Z known to read tbe newspaper days_ on lhe average· for a from !>.ct lo (ioqt. '.'Wh)'.1" hystei:eclomy paUl!l)I to ccm- lnqulres a clltJ!! .. can billy sider berself·recoverel. ~ess they got iQlo_ t~e hab!t j{HOW WOULD YOU ~ when they ~~ ~(Ung tlie ~ to go thru lif!, as lily -fatbilr f~n~·at an ·~li'.@P, r.!oat <lid, ,.1th the firsl'ancdnlddle papers -~ ~the1 ~!" . .nqr · ¥1Des· .of Honor 8nd Honey?" the back . • • 01" ~.')t ln(jiiihs · ' a C a 11 for n \•a C 0 MMONF.sT occupa.tlo~ su1isclibet. Ciln't say I'd enjOy !bat of ~led labo~. is thal .. Sllll,,Jt'• not llnj><issthle the lowest ·p&ld. Imagine you · for a 'nian wrth ;a delicclte guessed as much. :Qut did you feminine naqie to become ~ guess the: ponc.,,manJs second · cessful. Take that fimloos lowest paid? Md the teacher French clarinetist, H. C. Is tl)lrd lowest!... · '.. · :: ' . '. ·. Close; P~.16 the file depict IT'S WIDEL v "moiJcl!T "h!m as a-. fillsty fellow with m~i models for adverµsing ~ b~ bl~~k. ~~ His ~e art . are _exceedingly savvy fu-st :_anli.Ulldt:U.t.· .. es. were ladies in -their 20s. No doubt Hyaemth 3f!d Cy:ptlila. many m;e t-us~ that. Many ar.e 00 YOU KNOW what y(XJI' much younger, however. Some house is ~worth now? U not, years back I found myself how about five years ago? called upon,~by business \o ._ Do you know what it was paq· throojn a number , 01. worth then? l\ll '·rigbt. add Manhattan phot!)graphers' to that 5 percent a year. 'lbe studios of the . sort that sub-National Association . of Real contract with ad , .i.gencies. Estate Boa:nts says its's worth FrequenUi ~ereii;r; ~waiting that much more now. e1ecutiv~ ~ttention, iat .one cusroMER :staV,CE: Q. oi-two or ~ee pretty little "WHAT'S the .unhappiest year gb-ls, ange:lid, of fl\Ct! with in the average persoo's life? figutes still:~abudding, age 13 A: Age· 13 .•. Q. 4'COM· and 14. and 15 years. "What MONEST BIRD in the country are you modeling?" I asked is what?" A. Starling .•. one .<f \he younger sue}!. Q. "HOW· ·MANY· . POUO 4'Trammg bras for a catalog CASES cropped up nation·wide thi s week," &he said, ''but last year?" A. On1y 57 .... I had a color cover last sum· Q. "WHEN YOU TALK about mer.'' A little more talks the right bank or the left disclosed she was 13, and like bank of a river which way all ·the others, ma~e the. studio are you f a ~ 1 n g ~ A. rounds by herself with -great Downstream . • , Q, 0 HOW confidence. , .. . . MAN:Y medical s c h o·o I -i>m-,Y<KJ 1KNOW Wb≤.__.gradµ.ates ·10 .lofo 1ge'neral blive legs? They do. For' ia practice?" A. Onei.tn fifty. - short time before lbey're ~.l '''Your· ~ves110i\I' am·· ~ti we -lcornfd ond •Ill bo ,uaed wJle-r~ 'J'be legs ·come, the legs1 go ovor,POUllll' 1n "C~eckl~ UP.'' Ad· ; , • IT'S SAID A BRIDGE d~t mtll. fl! L. M. Bovd, In c•re ol P"YER ~· t . t Cl~ILY PILOT, !o11 117$, fll.twPOtt IJA can e-r--o • IMcl'I. c.i1r, BOll mu ' Nixo~ Plt;t!ls Bargain Over W elfar.e Setup WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon administration is con· sidering tlllilg ~Ver operation of locally run and costly \\·elfare progl'.ams in exchange f/Jr fanqing 1111t s e v e r a I federal· programs to th e states. A.dminiBtratiOn s o u r c e-s reported ·Prisident Nixon had such an exchange in mind .Feb. 14 when he said the new Office of Intergovemtnental Relations will pave ijle' way for eventual .trarisfer of some federal pro- ",... -..,_ .. grams to the slates. States would not necessarily save money, but would take over programs °"y are better able to administer. What the federal programs would be has not been s}>eeified. The possibility of program exchanges is one of the sub- jects wider consideration here this week at the mid-winter session of the National Governors Conference. The ·NiJ.oo administraµon is using the meeting to make a mijor effort to lrnprove ,federaktate coordination. J ~66·,l,IARBOR BLVD. . 546·1080 COSTA MESA MEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 .to 5:30 SUIDAY 10 to 5:00 . . . w, c•rry th~ mo•I popu\at 11101, 1ell tho,"' by th• thou1•nd1 •nd. mod fol b · ••Y thoy lowor tit• 91• bil11 •nd h1lp k•op tho •ir clo1n1r. 39' MEDICll!l5 . ca•1Mri .. ., If toothp;1t• tdi~1 alWll old bl1d1• could t1lk, ttiiy'd ••y, ''Oh, ti-ii "'o a horni of 1~i11y n•w chro,...o." Thb'll do if, c:loor ii1W 'mirror with lt•ndy c:~.rn1tic c:omp1rt1Mnt, , •• WOOD FRAMED ··DOOR lllJIRROR Choo11 frofll 111aho91 ~y or;Wllit. trim ond de dot wholo fomily o 9ood tur11 111d h111f it •orn•whor• with •••'t •yo ICCli1,tO ••ch c•n ch•ck totol 1ppo1r1nc•, 2• SAWHORSE BRACKOS AU !Mtal 9rlppor1 c:on 111p,.rt • lood. of up to l,OOO'lb•. U1• f., "'1kl11t 1tl"t pollf or tr1l11 toblM, ,+cni1 or ba1111;uet toil••· 011.! c:arpe11ter •••ho"''· 99c Pr. 26 IN. 8 pt. HAND SAW ,•• So, your powor work1h1p h *'• •!l'rt of th• 111lthborhoocf, l111t y111 '1 fw9ot to h1cludo 1omo of the b11lc h11Wl1 ltof111 •. i Het'o'r"i"'tliol .. • fMd • t point h1n4 11w tha\ 11 ' 'fMtor("tlMrlp' I"' nolly : '(., actU!ni I'' " . • • .\· ' PVC SPRINKLER PIP,! .. , .. 3c 1/J INCH .... ,.c... . f!, . . ''14 INcH ....... : .. •i,:. r " 1 •• -,! DELUXE 36 .INCH -P ... LLMAN Colllfll•t1ly finhh•4 pullrn111 11 l•odotl with dolu11.• fo1t11ro1 liko fiill,wiith . r1r:'r ·,...arblo top, ~dol'JI 1ink, .. , ;.:~;, .t·~orcr,lt f1uc:1t, 1114 ,you ' ~¥if · . ~oil f'!t th• c1f.•-.t•" •.11 , oither"\lh to'Mfti'eur tplco nqulr!monfl, 139~0 i_,,.. .. • ......... . .. ·-~. GUDDIN .,5'RID SATIN .• • :.+· ' 5'• If tho roln 11 kMptn9 1you ••nfin1d, try p•l11tint flio ·lritorior for 1 Uft~' ,&lidd~1 .. rt1f l•t1x point ft Wlflf' b111d 111d I liffl1 cf1trip11lti "won't 110, lf froll'I 9oi119 011 unoollt.111d ... .,. ·6'' . ·" . G,ili.: , I, • • . ;.. " .. 7 INCH PAN & -~LLER sn . .. • . ... Nifty p1!11t 111 wlll do · tho10 ln'sicl1 wtllt fort a11d 1mootK, &ot 10Y1t1l of <fhi1 • 1p0Cl1I Pfico oed tho who/o f1tnlly Clfl joi11. the f111t0 Tho f•111ily tlto1 wOrb t0:9otlter h11 loh to t1lli: 1bo11t. ' · ' . 69' . ' W, rn1de • 1p'~t1I P,1co 111rfy 111. tho•M•Mf! ••cJ_ll.!• we •n•w you 1\1 ju1t c011ld11't w1it to t•t out 111 thl1 wontlorfur fr11h 1ir i ncl 1tort c:ufflnt up. l•••ch, thot'i t••'lty cl1v~rJ 20 inch d•1I is th1 non-1c1l pin 11 off ••I whool do1i911 14 1•1190 1to1I cl•ck Jn•del, lri991 ond Str•ffo11 4 c:yclo 1n1in1. lt1 1 roc.ll 1t1rl••· H9ighl · 1djud1 ftorn " to 21.4 Inell. ' . 10 FOOT ,,.~lV"'" .. ·. . . .·· U•N•Qni• .,1;.Y ... ,., •. '' •. ... . ~ + '· . .flipfolnt, 1oldorlt11, eM 'S ·11 . , I . .. ~ · ;;,, ••tior o put up th111 i:toPl•ci119 111 thot wa1hff 011t •oil. w, 1111 tlio fittint1 ,for cho1p lo•· L""l!h- Tho now frond 111 l11.ac11ry b•tliro•m• i1 . ...,,J.at'1 1111de lttrdw1ro ilor11 t1lr1 on 1 '.'fl• 9l1!flour. IL!tllf 11 we don't 1t1rt tolli,119 011 111y w'•t.,, Wo'll b·o 111 rl9hl.) 4 .inch eo11tif fff wi#i 'op.up fotfllf"O.I -•rt Lu~fo h1ndlo1, 11·~ •·· -. , .WIRI BR .. ~ Ovr lti§lily ctuolifitd p1lnt r••••rch .d•poftmont lnovw h11rd of U,0111) hat come up with thi1 odliico, A wir• bru1h w1H to' fl1lro •ff old point will produq • 1"'4loth1r~p•int (14J, " ' .. • ,'JI DAILY PILOT Thunday, ,......., 27, 1969 '" ' ' ' FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURC H prea:enb A Dr•m1tlc Productlon "ROGER WILLI AMS AND MARY" by Albert Johnson Olrecttd by The•tr• in the World S1tu rd•y ind Sunday, M1rch 1 and 2-7:30 P.M. 2525 FAIRVIEW ROAD, COSTA MESA Admission S°' ' ' Refreshments -l'etlte Art Show .Following Each Production r • t • , ... ' ......... · ·~ !hSJl1ilvf11•111hl' C8llr ''· ... •, BUY now. san UP ID.~60· ~ '. . ~ - $599 SAVE $50 CF4 66P-Sponish Provi ncial style. Pecon veneers nrd : select v1ood ~olids. Ulrra-reliobM ·Gilbraltar™ chassis 'Pie- ; turemollc" AFC Automatic fin~lrwiinQ Junes the signal-at !he , touch or a bunon. Variable tone control. Full 295 aq, in. color ; bright 899 picture tube. "Ultramgljc:'" full fimdion RIOIO!e con- trol--optionol, eldra cnly ,50 ' ' , S595 SAVE $J OO LA Police :· No 'Banh Laws' • Get Lead Prof Ur ges ~Keep ;.,_ r On Murder Death R o·w Gets 'Stay' demonstraj ion were ' ' o n I y SACRAMENTO (AP) -Ef· of capital pun ishmt:nt. urcef sheep and dld'not reali2.e what forts to abolish capital puhish· tht committee . to approyt was happening to them.'' ment during this · legl!Ittive Sieroty's bill. U that provt4 PFC. John Colip, 2 O , session were all but iqlled unaccaptable, he urged appro. S'.acramento, was charged with . the 28 other Army priaoners Wedneday wlth the defeal of val of his moratorium. at San Francisco's Pruidio two bills in the Repubdl:an-The r~ Democrats on ~· with mutiny in 1 planned controlled Assembly CruiiiJfl nine-member' committee SU> demonatratlon Oct. 14. Procedure Committee. ~ ·11 ported both measures -bu l His civilian attorney, Ron Nearly a dozen wllne'sats. could not swing a deciding R.: Sypri icki, said Wednesday io. clu'ding a (ormer San Qu+ P". blican . vote to their side. another civilian attorney . Patrick Hallinan, went into tin warden, a paroled ~a. During the testimony. a ser. the presidio stockade dilguia- ro\Y inmate. several clergy-ies of sketches by news 11* ed u a priest and told the ,men aru1 ,1;iy.U r!£bts ~uppo#ir.: ·tist Howard.. Brodie we r f prisoners they would not be en, urged aa ,e.s, to CalifOfft. nubed'on a SC'!'etn depictinc subject to any penalties if ia's death penalty, claiming it the execution of the last man they demonstiated. Ill uncomtitutiOOalf b~!;!"p~ to d-le in San Quenun'll gu Hallinan, a<:cordiJ!l 'lo Sy~ and does not dete'r murde r. . ~ said '-' Ctenion.tration Teen Shot ' PLEASE HELP We need nourishitHJ Canfte4 . Food Goods for aid for the " STARVING FAMILIES OF BAJA CALIFORNIA. Drop Canned Food at THE EARL'S PLUMBING INC.' 1144 w .. 1 L11ooln, Anhelm . 1• W. C••••wulfll, F1lllrt• I &28 lliwpelt 11ri., Cesll la• For addltionol information on other types of goods or donations, or about this proj ect, drop me a line. Earl Nellesen, P~dent 5C296C 1""'"9d T""""""'1 ........ from the .,;d.JBeh ~ ol ~ distressed Oierry veneers ad aektct ·wood !Olds, Aulhen;c bordwo• ad rich lattice grilles. o.i 1015 A.utoMatic: The 1 one opponent to the chamber •-' Acron Mitchell of ''w0uld not f>t· il'I' viotltion of : 'b!lls, ~epr~enllng the Calir~-Sacramento, who was put tolj~•;n~y~mll;;;U.,~y;•~rl;•~'c~le;o~r~c<Jd~e~.';;' ;;;;~~~~~~~;.;;;;;.;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;::;;;;;;;;~~;;;;i;;;;;;;;;~~~ n1a DlS~d Attorney's 1..s..-death April 11. 1917. ' ciatlon ·a.rut. the Cali.foi:ifa Former San Quentin Warden Pe ace Officers Assoc1at1on. Clinton ~·u ~ .1 •• ~ countered that c:'.l pilal punisl!-uu. y, wnO ~I n~ ment did act as a deterrent to 150 executi<>l'l:' lncludmJ:: Mlt- violent crime: : <:hell's, said he had always TUfnfable. 100 Watt (EJA).~ slate °!"~fter, FM 'Stento/FM/ >M IUner' wilh d Arsonvol signal s1re119th !ming me!er. . . SINCE · 1947 ©DAVI S 8RO\VN TELEVISION ·~PPLIANCES Assembly'l't)bn Alan Sierot)'. been opposed to the death pen- fD-Beverly Hills). author of alty. the bUl'to abolish ca pital puh -"It ls -wrong to kill. It ls lshment, said 84 or 85 me~ wrong for the people who have , and one w()man are current1v gone. It is 100 percent wrong. ! under sentence of death in C41-Th ere is no rhyme or rea- , , llomla. : t 1 son and . . . it ti equally "Unless ... the , legislature wrong for the siate to comm1t acts." he wlrned, "these~ another premeditated mutd· •pie will be subject to man's er " most lnbumane, barbaric and John Albert Kerr. a deat}'I archa ic punishment .'' · row inmate who -missed execu- Fellow Democr atic Assem-lion by 21 hours, tol4 the Cll:ll- . blyman Henry A. Waxman or mittee : "I didn't e•en think 411 E 171h 'I (od a ·Me• s Los Angeles, author or a bill of the death penalty when t ' ~ •r )II .. to hall u ecutions for lou' was comrnllling my crime. It ~~~~~o~,;~ly~9~-9~·~· ~S~·~··~·~9~-6~~646-~~1~68~4~~~~~~ye~a~r~s ~wh~il~e~the Unlvtrsity .or didn't even eh.I.er my head. I 1 California studies the effects we in a rage." " DAILY -PILOT CARRIERS .• .I.' ' .. HONOR RO -LL Tlit DA.ILY JIWT is proud o[ Its corps of i;ounrl .salesmtn who deliver the newspaptr fo uo;ir door. 'Thtlle 1101111g n1r11 are Jiu cream of the comm1111ity. Ea.ch month, tf\t b,est of thtm will be s1 Ucted for li.sting on the fio11or Roll. r.ac~ co rrier li,1:ted 1w:re lias obtai·ntd at Jeafl four new ciislomcr.~ during the pas& month, had TI O nwre man 01w-cu.stcnner complaint for the month,01~must J1cive paid liis bjll for,,f.he ncwapaptt'J. he bought "ivholesalt" nti time. An asterisk (*J in frori& ()/his nO.me 'mtons lhot corrler 1oos nomind.ted by hU odu!t $Uper- visor to br tile DA ILY PJL.OT Carrier of Tiie Afo1101. Tl"" Fu111111 01111 K1mp•r fr111k \l iu1r Robtrt McD0111ld c1.v1l111d Mill i• Tom Hou1n1r Jt"" Smith Miki Reid P1rry Moody •J1y M1h1t 0 llic;h1rd Th•"''' 11091• Ent•I 01vid -'llhl1d1 ' E•ic F+11•I Te111 Mey•• l1rry f in•I Scott C1rho11 •G1ry Smith Dominic; M 11110J Mi•• McDow•ll Slo"' Rh11cl1 J im O'M1lley \l i11c111t D u ~•• 01119 l l1c\but., Tim M1nnin9 610191 J.C1~ni~1 t.-ry 11911111 8ryn l1d91r · lt111dy "'"•'' SM•• L1n••r9•11 J om Cli111 Ric\-Wli11l1r l r1cl D1o1F1old 01rr1tl lt1ld Ylk1 H1tc:h•lu Mic h11l M1tli' l ruc1 Schri111d1irt ltob1rt C1rl1e11 Sr19 Gem•• •G,,, l l1ir Don Joh111011 "'"" .... ,,.,~ Carrier of The Month • * Bruce OSborne, 12, of Costa Mesa I I ii! A""1t-r1119 l1rt Ch1rl11 Arn1ld A1191llcl f•rry l "l•n K1"t IC11& D11111i1 Wlnch11t.r K1ltli Kl1l · ,L1rry 1111+111 .. ,,., ,.,~., 01,•• Soherr llich11rd M111t1• P1!1r Kuni Eric Ht tllt !f.M Stiw•rl lr1,1ce has been in ch1r9e of • J ocite In the Mes• Verde •r•• of Costa Me s• for eight mon th1. H• lives •t 201) Lemnos, C ost• Me11. He, his hit own • ' bank eccount whldi h• f1•d1 r,9ul1rlylwith profits frotn hi'~ routt, s1ving out only anou9h for 1pandin9 mon ~Y t nd o buy 1t1rnp1 ff,r the 1t1mp coll1ction ht is buildlni} •s • hobby. His district rn1n19er seys, 'Bruce is th e most con· 'tCi9nJiou1 c1rri1r I h1 j/\ ~~ disl rlcJ..!' He .fl stttion lieder lsuptrvisor lt rt j" • ~. ... .. • •f. ,, t ' '. .or •"" LA•Z•B_OV RECLINA·ROCKERS REG. $209.50 I I I '.Ii')~, §§~ ' !/jl • I ::1: I I more »! ' t ; Save $40 SALE PRICE $16950 living t our La-L>or ~,.a he.e ll'JA etttiftc (I( . l'l!adfnr. TV ~ _. DU-bed mwi:oS, • •• jl.9l the thi• IO~. ftle tdlMunl o( a...,. daT o o . die~ <wapanipa .for.daep •ted ccrabt aftdJ'Clllful rd_ua•bo And, ,.,..-, ..:imet:Jttng _.. bl8 been adifed to J.a-Z.Bor ch1in1 ••• tho Comfort Seledor, :1111 in'fllrlltioft Uut p~ ,.ick!I t.h:ree-pOeltibo. leg tat ~ ,.Ith flt! 'Wl tbou' Ndifti• the mnr ••• and the ~ c:aniel .. LiJrdime Wunmty.• .see tb• La-Z-Joy ttyls 21 ..:r llGft 1oru.,-. •At .., ti.IC 1.A·Z·4o'J'•,..,, Mtl ttJ*t", _. .t W .,.,.., tttf-• ndittittc • .i..u. -_, ;.t •tMr-f ..,,_, ~' ~ • ., cwtl ,,, fldi"f ""'""H'-<· LA ·Z•BOVe ' MANY STYLES AT SALE ' PRICES NOW!· 1865 H· RBOR BLVD. • Pl& 548 • 5131 Downtown Costa Mesa For ·The ' Record ..... , .. 'flMl.11: •' L • 1:• IJ.,ll'I. llllKw. 1"'2 s.r1 .... 1e :t:ts ~ ,.r,.. ll!Wlltutten. 1121 ~ flwi, Nt. 4 #:Jt •.m"CIC.r fl,., HiDA •nd Ni.,,.. ... . •:• ,.rn. fl,.. ll!Vtl!IN!lorl. 111U """ &:I.I ~ Jt---. lelll .. rtitt 'Till ~.M.;,~ ·6lll OI"** n:• ...,,., ,.1,. in-11eet1e11. a1 o.- ''' ............. -· t:N •.M. l'l.IMlc 1al1t, lln HufttllW- ' 9-1 Ave. 1:1' '-"" W•lldDWll. ll"lllkllunl It -; n:.:.;: ,.1,. 1rwt1t111t1m1. ,.,,. a. , 1l:i6 e.m. Smtk.t 111 ..... 11 .. nen. 7t1J v- 'DEATH NOTICES CAMPBELL BALTZ ·MoEnlAllllll C... Ml·-.Oa-.- Cella Mea MIWGt BELL BBOADW&'f MORTUARY Ut ........ ,, CMI M.a uwm DIUIA'f UOIW p ,,,.._ V1111r M~ 171ll_ .... •a---... 7111 PA.CIFIC VIEW MlllllOIUAL PAK ~·_.., ~ --"""limo N...,.n -. COllW• -PUS PAlllL'f COLONIAL nJNllU -Walml I -- imare .-ro.&rf' ' 111.-IL a::;::...._. 'lltl_& ... wunLIJT llOR'l\JAB'f GIE.8*11.,~-. , .... ' Vie !Jarell 4 12 Girls.Pnrsue . -' Miss C.ounty Title • ANAHEIM -T we Ive winner will be the county's beautlts ttpreseotlac <>range representative In the Miss County dtles . will compete :::'."""' Pqeanl at Santa -t In tlle -~ "crowd ., _. -111111 C<amQ> p_.i ~ by ii upecled"' for tlle c:oai..t tJw •&iop4hn[l!I CJlll> Of .and '--ta · u.. saw., 11oom o1 lhO AMMlm, . .. ,._..~ u~• "-. ~ thlnp, u.. _,_ ~ C_a... from Or-' -Hoy :vice OamlJ dllel .. Terri Batu, a, -VlllleJ and Jelfye B~ll,H,.ntln1ton Blads. > Chancellor At ·Irvine Olbon -~ L ii a Cowltt, II, A-; Elayne ~·· -: J.W Harper, st, CyJ:l'ele~ Linda Prall, .II, Pllllertoa. 'and Ter· rie J'rencb, JI. G~ Grove. C Kathy Nlelsm; JI, L a Jolm ' Hoy, dean !et l!Jil>ra ; Mama Roberts, II, special academic pn11ri11111 at, orange : MaQle Nedrow, !7, W "al e<yan Unlverijfy, Jllld-. PiaOOIUa· P .. ~ Ry•• 10 ~ Conn., will becoine · • ae.r . ..... • vice dianceDor let llludent af. Santa Ana,' and Liilda Hor- !aira •at UC lrvlne nm July ferberl, II, Tultin. · . I Contest Judge& are Mri. ' , ' 5anolra Lym Pn..,,... Mias AS d'8Q for 1P:'te1 a I · Oranp County, 1111;' Mn. academic· pro a r a m,1 at Jir\J,: · Main, Miss Nebrlsll, We&leyan !..-the put ,year,, llSO· ~ Arnbym, Miu Hoy 1""' been ~ for eani,rm. lleld director· Lyle -· approacbM to -Spilman, Mias . LI b 'e rt y r.ducatton,'tn&ernatimal tdUca· Pagunt dlrfJctor; and Eleanor lkn, llri>a!i education, Upward Dale. Mias Loi An g·e l e s Bound, and divelopment ol ·Paieant _,j!nator. ..,.,.doctoral~. He al!o C..teatanb will be judged served . on the pr l m a r y on talent and penonality . ln academJC planning group or eWlln( gown and swimsuit. the university. He was dean of admissions at Wesleyan from 19M to 1968 and fonneily· wU the dean of admi&sions at Swarthmore College In Pennsylvania from 196S to 19M. SANTA ANA ~ Two Hun- tington Bead! men caU&ht In the act' ol taking l800 and druga from a Colla llleA pharmacy were found IUilty or burglary Wednesday In Superior Court. Jodie · Robert L. Corfman onlettd Jay F. Weinberg, II, ol 10041 Fortellal Drive and Artllur Linderman, 31, ol ll'ltl Ranger Lane to return to his court Marcb 26 for aentenclna. 'lbey face a posa.ible state prison tmn or ... to 15 years or, a1ttrnatively, a year in Orange County Jail. A Costa N.:esa police ofl'lCtt found Weinberg and Lin· derman on the premises of Foster's Pharmacy, 511 W. 19th St. last Oct. 10 after notlclng pry marks on the OUW' door. Fullerton High Reunion Slated FULLERTON - A 211-year reunion 1..-!Ml ~ ol Fullerton·Hilh Scbool will be . beld J... • at U.. Anpl Stadium Club ln Amhehn. Graduates· ol U.. !Ml cLw are advised to coatact one ol the following people and make their locatlom ·kmwn: Mn. Rocer · "-••: Mn. Bill P<Uy, 131-1"'-..- Mn. Bob ,,...,,..., 11•1 x..atqtm St., - New Judge Takes Bench On Monday Tllundq, ...., 27, 1969 DAIL V PILOT f) Skull , Suspect Freed LET'S • fl!Ell>l y : . U JOU haf'e Dt'W DlillbbQn 1 or knoW of UJOIW movint ; to our &reL ~ tell UI 1 so that we m11 extend a : frl~ ft'leome &ftd help I them to become aequdnt.ed , ln lhelr new 1WTOUndlnp. Evi.dence Lacking in Elsinore Case , RIVERSIDE -ll1M thlnl slayin& ol Kent D. Davia, 2t, <ii lour .aupocta arr.tad In ol Hayward, Calif., oearll' ooe c:onnoctlan with the ¢1111 year 810 In Jooely Railroad E1alnore --........ cover..i by lhHe Colla )I... Canycm, an eucuUoa llaylng rabbit hunt.rs lul N-ber ._ narcoUca. Animll·llllWed bones -In- cluding a buli.t·blllled skull br<>.ilht back to Cosla ,.. .... police·-and a weathered wat:!' ch led to eatab!Wllng Identity ol the murder victim. . Hunlilgfon llelch · · Visitor boa been ·froed. One man, Rowland J. Berry, ,.,_, 'I'lmoClly llll:IOn, II ol•IOIJ . IO, ol 7M ·Toland St., $anta ~ SL ~ G(ov Ana, now facea jury trial April bu woo d.,;, •••• of ~ 14 for the Davis murder I qa1ml .him .., ~ ol ~=:itylnnocent by reuon tn•lffk:lent evkleaoe, waWng Autboriti~ charge t h a t out ol Jtlverllde C 0.11 ~ t Y Davis headed for the Superior Court MondaJ. Soutbland about the last of InvesttaaUoo and police Jn. ielll&ence ......,.. In tbe buS)' Riverside County narcotics tralftc apparenUy led to a Cosl1 MISI Visitor ~ reconstruction ol ·~:;aJ; pened and names ol 111Spects. HMMt So. COisl Visitor 4~79 .. • • • • Mesa Mom's Sentenoo Suspended Jude< Robert E. Dlllber Mardi, 11111, carrytq 111111 !or oniered Hem>o r<leued In U.. a major marijuana purcbase, but wu murdered for his Psyd>iatristl wl>o evaluated Berry uy be atttmP,tlid suicide ' l>r 'drvl . ......,.. about ...... ,.... . .... bdt• ii compelent to lland trial In the Davil murder. Kll'W Yllllilr · : A Costa ·Mesa mother 1c- culed of cbild oeglecl after she left four ,..... ellfldnn In a home ·t11a1 cngbt fire during her -bu been handed a suspended' 1en.tence in Harbor Dlalrk:I IDUlljclpal court. Mrs. Mma Lisa Van Yur coulCl.have drawn a ·one-year jail term on the misdemeanor count but the oenttnco will riot tie J>m*,.coilrl olliclals _ _,. ' -·' Mrs. Van Yur, II, ol 946 Coronado Drive, wu arnsted after a l1re camed niaJor dllJllle at tbe b o m e • lnftlticatora said Mrs. Van Yur left four of her five cbildrtn, ll!llill8 In a g e from one month to eight years. alone in the house while she went to register for even- ing cliwes. The blaze, which caused damage estimated at $15,000, WIS sparked by a child playing with matches, officers said. None of the children ' was harmed. ' Ex-Marine Convicted In Rape Try LIVELY :rh. DAILY PILOT h,, • "w•ll'l•11'• 11cti111" like to ,.,,, a HARBOR REFORM TB4PLE niaotlnt at Sf. Jamoa Eplacopal Church 3209 Via Lido, Newport luch SABBATH SERVICES NIDAY: HI. 21. I P.M. • ••• NEVER! money after a deal wu ar· ranged. • 494-"611 "Artistry in Moving~ . for ttie BEST MOVE YOU CAN L .. :IEYE n ! Tho on1J difference· between. s & A • shoes 1rid' the ldncflf' expens'ive stores is the price you pay. If wo c;ould'al· ways advertise the names, you'd rec· ognize the. savfncs lmrnedlatel}'-1>\Jt if we did, we _,ldn~ bo'allowed to sell them so cheap. So trust us when we sa7 every pair of shots in every one o S & A's eleven fancy, discount ·, $tores sells fr6m ~to $12,1'5• thl?t • W£ SELL THIS $23.95 liAl.IAN "VERDE" IMPORT FOR $19.99 M1m1 mi• ••• whit 1 hind_, .shot! Md. as comfortable n k Ir hlndoomo. Supple, ..... ooft lea-lnrfch~- with odjaitiblo iNlop -· .••• WOULD YOUBE~EVE $6LESS? • in high priced stores. 'Tis a fact ! Can we fit you? If you've got feet tha~ require anything-from size 6 to 16 in AA to EEE (gents) or 4 to U in AMA to C (ladies) ••• S & A's got 'em,. , by the thousands I Beihe first in your block'to own a pair of stylish shoes from S & A. We'U wraethem in plain brown paper if yo1.1 don. t want the neighbors to know you bough\ them for less. > • • .• • • • • • • • • • • TURI . Off TII T.V. SET Shop today ; • , · •r fully encltlled mall where th• tempera1urc z0ast111t 72 depees. · 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE . IOOl.Y lllW ll£SIQflS10 HAYE RI Wlllf 1llE COOL T JR ""!'-642-9990 ,ltl7 CHRllH lo -n llO'(ll' CMr,,. P'IU:I"" c-... Wlt1 ... r1 ICIYlll CllOllCIY -011' CotTA MIM ' 25 Soc o n d ory A-. 0.-,. rioi fTetn Koplon's o.1-. All ~ by tale·· phone. ' '· lou.fll fo8-?tut BRISTOi. AT SAN DIEGO FREEWAY, COSTA MESA • IOI min 4012W.--moW.l'lcotw. 1915 • ... -* ' SAlllA llOlllCA llOllll MOU"9000 SllEAllM OAIS CMOU PAii lOOOWlllMnlW. 1$12!·--* 14"5...,.. ...... mn __ .,._ 'UIUSIO· SMCIPDMTt:JO·t~ ft1lllll SHOP SllDA YS 10-5 22111ral .. -l'llW • .-M . , l • • • • ' Thundiy, 'ftbnwy 27, j969 • I• D.111.Y PILOT • ' • I ' I Apollo 9 Is Missi~g · Link to Moofi .' Lan~i~ • Crew to Check Lunar Module • SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - 1lt purpbee of A polio 9 is to Jill in a ""'missi.nl ·li~in Ule plan to land AMerican tiBtron.tiuls on the moon later tlYS year.1 Jpollo l's flight in lunar orbit at Clrrlstmas proved the Apollo command · sW, can perform its tasks. But the cGinmand ship will only carry astronauts w?Ulln 69 milts of the lunar surface. ~ second spaceship hi needed for the ~-specialized job of flying from that pemt down to the moon's. gr~y surface aD'i returning to the c;ommand craft Y+lb two lunar explorers. The "miMing liB" was a demon.maUon of this craft's operation with men aboard. ~polio 9 was designed lo forge that 1.. giving the moon lander its first rqpnnec! test In earth orbiL Evtrything elle ln the lo.day mission,.olllclals uy, i:.utly """"'1ary lo that goal. • flOWN BEFORE he moon lander has flown once before itearth orbit with a robot, rather than • astronaut, at the controls. But. a · sj)ace agency spokesman said. "The real tllt of a new spacecrafl type comes • it is nown manned." •U the activities with the moon lander .. be packed into the first five days •the mission, making this period the lfllA ambiUous and busiest t h a t .-.Onauta have ever attempted. ~ything . not accomplished with tl)e ~ durin& this period will have ~to 1fjforgotten until a later flight, officills Because its electricity comes from ries and because or cooling pro- • the moon lande r's Wetime can id_. be stretched past five days. It was cf.iigned to operate only ·about two'days <Sa lunar landing mission. _!fop priority activities during these ~-five' days of Apollo 9 center around zvous and docking of the Apollo and ship and the moon lander. docking, which will be· performed ~· is muCh like the coupling or ailroad cars -but using a locking an.ism boilt with ttie prtvision of watch . .. . ~PRIORITY .:Jiezt in priority are tests of the moon 1#.ler's systems, including its ascent ; descent engines. Apollo 9 plans in· e the only long-duration manned fir· of the descent engine before this _,me is used to la.ec two astronauts -· .., to. the lunar s\ll'face. Low est p r I or I t y goes to. •:11pacewalk, scheduled for the fourth· day <Of the flight. If some major activlt' must be deleted during this periocl, the ~walk will go first. Ttie SpaceWalk•s only pur poses are to 'demonitratiin emergency transfer path from the moon lander to the command ship and to test the moon walk life support backpack in spac;. The last five days of Apollo 9, after the moon lander is jettisoned, are plan- ned to proceed at a more leisurely pace. They include actlVitles similar lo those conducted during Apollo 7 :_ com- mand ship enaine tests, photography and navieation uailfUJlents. EXPECI' JI' AILUllE! · The three Apollo 9 astronauts expect something to fail during the 10 days they lpend )D ear1h orbil on the moat complex !p8ceflight the U.S. hu at- tempted. "We have two vehicles and the chances are double that something will stop working," Apollo 9 Commander James A. McDiviU said in an interview. 1·1 think something is going to fail. You just can 't launch something that complex without so"meth.ing railing." But McDivitt, David R. Scott and Russell L. Schweickart , expect to be able to cope with any problem that might develop, and McDivitt says the prpbability of success is "extremely hiih." "I'd be very surprised if we fin d any kind of a problem wh.ich would prevent the next mission going as plan- ned," McDiviU said. DESIGNED FOR TRIP • . The Apollo 9 command ship and its s~ce partner , the four-legged lunar mOdule, were both designed from the beginning with a wide margin for safety and virtually every critical part in each :;pacecraft has a su bstitute unit that could take over in an emergency. ' "Certainly, the success of the Apollo command modules on (Apollos) 7 and 8 was not just luck," said Schweickarl. "This is the result or all the ground testing, the simulations, the training and care and concun \hat's been .put Into the construction of the hardware. ··That same concern. tender loving care, has been put into the lunar module. "So l would think we have every right to ex pect a successful miaion." YING . TO PAO -The :JM.loot Solum V rocket tbal will launch t ll!O JUay~t if_llW't'd by giant trOlllPOi;t f;p l•Wlah pad • • bugb n.clet welgbfng" 12 fnnllon poundijioves at only half·•mile-an-hour oa anl-li.ke transporter. JAMES A. Mcl'llVITT -Com- mander oi Apollo 9 is spac'e veteran, having flown almost 98 hours in Gemini 4. The 3&- year-old Air Force cofonel from Chicago will be in charge lhroughout flight and will join Sc hweickart in transfer to luna r module. !)AVID R. SCOTT -Com· mand module pilnt !cir Apollo 9 is veteran of Gemini 8, whieh per:(ormed first successful docking operation in SpBce. The 36-year-old Air Force colonel from San Antonio will fly command module while · other astronauts are aboard lunar module. RUSSELL L. SCHWl!ICKAR'I'.. -A civilian, he will be lunar modul e pilot for Apollo 9, The 33-year-old New · Jersey nati ve .will t ransfer to lunar module during orbit and fly it apart from cornmsnd module for about six houi's. He also v:ill walk in space . , . . ~ Spa~e · .Tag' "•Bumper • ID ' . ' I ' ,. " SEPARATIPN..:.....Artisl's Orawing show s how adap-l~r pah~ls will ije jettisoned during Apollo 9 flight, exposing "lunar module still attached to third stage of Saturn V launch vehicle. Command and servic:e DOCKING ,__ In thi!i ar.tist's drawing, Apollo 9 com· n1and and service modules (rigJlt) have done a 180· degree turn to link up with lunar module. Astro· modules move away from thi rd stage for later link· up with lunar module. At this stage, all three astr°'" nauts are in command module with service n1odule ¢reclly bclllnd them. nauts McDivitt and Schweickart ~·ill enter lunar module through a three-fciot tunnel while Astronaut Scott contihues to Dy th e command module. l'hot11 trolfl NAIA ON ITS WAY -Artis't's drawing shows command and service modules and lunar module al"8che.d;<r!&Jl.I). After separation .fl'oD1 ,!bird stage or Saturn y. Astronauts McDlvltt and Schwe!cltan later wlD DUlo~unar module in\earth orbit separated from co~ and aervlce modules. They will then rend ezvous and dock with command and service 1nod· ules piloted by Astronaut Scott. transferring to command mod ule Cor reyirn to earth before .lunar moduli is sent into high earth orbit. Thursday, February 27, 1969 . DAILY PILOT Jl Unknow~s Fill S~pporting Oscar Ra.nks . . 'BJ 808 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (API -'l1le Academy <i· Motion Picture ,\rts and -hu ... naunced nomlnltions for its Im awardl. and one lamen.- table lrond has conUnued : the decJJoe ol the ••P!Ml'lll>I aclo< and actress. . • many are too ptQijd1io make a career ol It, Ao4 the studios no longer have conttact. llata to support 11nd deveJop sup- partlng players. 2. The flllbt ci filming to foreign coiJ.aCrles, F e w e r Hollywood (!lctures m e a :1 s fewer asslgmnenta for sup. parting p~s. To save money and IChieve reaJllm, film maten •broad prefer to assemble t he I r supporting casts In the forolln country. 3. The phobia against f a m 11 i ar !aet;S. Hollywood films in the 19305 and 1940s performers probobly are little had a cozy, .family look known .to the feneral p;ubllc. because nearly all the facts f0r her Scenes. But virtually the whole movl' 11 thrown to Barhra eai SPORTING GOODS Streisand. startling and ir. fective (and es:penalve) though she is, her performance coukl have been enhanced by more interplay with tbe supporting pll'former1. Lots 9f Snow In i.-1 Mou111a1N SllOW ..... lf7·2545 'Ibe 1upport.lng category was insututed for the 1931 awards, and fllled 11 , valid need. The star had long been pre- eminent in the Hollywood syllf.em while lesser ictors did yeoman work. for l i t t l e recogniUon. ~ term "sup- pOrrtiq" was often mean- ingful, ~nee many an in- iezperlenoed star was made to look pod when ·furrounded by a cast ol t~11notch character actors. Do 'yOu recojllize ·SeymoUr had .beeo lffn tn dozens of Ca~I, D~el 'Mas&ef, Jack other plct1aes. 1'qday's direc· • AlbertsOn, Lyan...Carlln.~ ,Kay tors· ·and '·producers rebel Med;ford or Sondra Locft, all sgalnst' castrftg ·the same old up for supporting Oscars this faces. 3 SUPll SPOii' SIOllS ,. Medieval Goes Mod Jay Rayl (center) of Newport Beach and John Crouch ~f Westminster appear with Noni Magdanz in ~pman_ College's mod version of ''Everyman,•: operung torught for four days at the college audi- toritun. Foreign Press Gives Golden Globe Awards The winners in tbese early years read like an bonor roll of claalic ~baraeter perforteen: V('alte( Brehnan (three tlmea), Alfce, Brady, Fay Bainter, Donild Crisp, J o s e p h Sclilldkraut, Jane Darwell, Mary Astor, Olarles Coburn, B arr y Fitzgerald, Ethel Barrymore, Edmund Gwenn, W.rter H'o u 1 ton , Thomas Mltcbell, etc. 'lbelr (aces and styles were known to every moviegoer. Most of last Monday's nominees for supporting Playhouse Dinner Set year? . .. 4. Concentration on stars. Or, from recent y~rs, Gene TOday, when several stars can Hackman, Vivleb Merchant, earo a million· dollars per plc- fl.fqo, Ian Banntn, Frank ture, film makers figure to Finlay, Joyce Redman, get their money's worth. That Grayson Hall, Lilla . Stala, means concfJltratlng t h e Mary Badham? · camera and dlrecµon lime on There are al least four the high-priced star, to tbe reasons for the shortage of neglect of other performances. well known·supporting players. This ls never more evident I. The attrition in character than in "Funny Girt:" actor· ranb. All of tho The story offered four roles abovementloned winners' of which could' have enhanced the earlier .Oscar years have the fllm: Fanny Brice's passed from the scene, either molbei', her Upsy showgirl by death or retirement, ex~pt friend, her tap-dancing pa], for tbe redoubtable Walter and Florenz -Ziegfeld. Most of Brennan. the~ ·.scoring scenes appear •HEAD $115 • All Modtls 1.4.Cld Prkod to Clt1r. • SKIS ON SILE • Kntl1d -r.uher-Volt -Kistle Hitt -A&T -M"'9MI -Volkl •SKI PIROS 25% to 50% Off • SKI SWUTEIS 25% to 50% OFF • RENTALS =:--••• W1 l10l HoM Skis ... 1-loots ·s~n~88oo 111. $115.00 • Sii PiNTS 111. FAMOUS IMIORT .... 50.0o FAMOUS U.S.A. MAM 60.00 DON I.Ma ......... 34.50 fl)B.WllS$ .......... 24.50 -'9.'5 '9.'5 25.00 1L40 ~ANTA ANA 2191.4th Kl 7°5723 FULLERTON 601 l •. IUCUD 171-5981 NEWPORT BEACH #27 FASHION ISlAND 644-2121 Few accomplished to have ended on the cutting. performers have moved in to room floor. Walttr P!dgeon's fill their piac~s. Some fQrmer Ziegfeld . has a few brief stars ar~ wllHng to take oc--moments. And Kay Medford HOLLYWOID (UPI) -The in Winter." The Long Beach Community oeaslonal.~lng rqJes; but , won a supporting nomination Hollywood Foreign Press -Best actress in a drama: Players will celebrate their . Assoeiiltion Monday ni ght Joarine Woodward,· for 40th annlvenary wlth a gala awarded the following "Golden "Rachel, Rachel." dinntr affair at the LaFayette Globe" awards : -'I'tle previously announced Hotel in Loni Beach, Satur- -Best supporting actor in winners in the spec i a I day. a motion' picture : Daniel category of world f 11 m Fonner acton with the Massey, for "~tar." favorites, conducted by poll playhouse, now movie and -Best Supporting actress in in foreign cities: S i d n e y television penonalltles, will a motion picture: Ruth Poitier and Sophia Loren. attend the dinner to receive Gordon, for "Rosemary's -Best picture, drama: "The outstahding contribution to the Baby." Lion in Winter." arts awards include DeForest -Best English Jang u I! g e About 500 per~ns, many of Kelly, Larraine Day, Hugh foreign film : "Romeo· and them celebrities, attended the Beaumont, Virginia Kristine, Juliet. •1 awards at the Coconut Grove Fritz Feld, Robert Corthwaite -Best foreign 1 3 n g u a g e of the Ambassador Hotel. Win-and Robert Mitchum, who wilt film : "War and p eace'• ners appearing in person.!l ~ve his &ward in absentia. (Russia}. were Miss Streisand, Massey Mitchum la in Ireland on Joea. -Most promising m a J e and Peck. tion for bis new movie. newcomer: Leonard Whiting, --~======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Romeo and Juliet" II -Most promising female newcomer: Olivia Hu s s e y , "Romeo and Juliet." -Best original score: 0 'The Shoes of the Fishennan," by Ala Norlh. . -Best television star, male: Carl Betz, "Judd for the Defense." Best television star, female : Diahann Carroll, "Julia." BUtmotion picture, musical or comedy: "Oliver." -Best screenplay: "Char- ly," by SUrllng SHliphant. Best television s h o w : "Rowan and Martin's Laugb- In" (NBC). -The Cecil B. DcMille award for overall con- tribut ions to the industry: Greg<ry Peck. -Best motlOn picture actor in a musical or comedy: Ron Moody, for "Oliver." -Best motion picture ac- tress in a musical or comedy : Barbra Streisand, for "Funny Girt". -Best director: Pa u I Newman, for ''Ra che l , Rachel." -Best s o ng : "The Windmills of Your Mind ," from "The Thomas Crown Af- fair," music by M i ch el Legrand, lyrics by Alan and Marilyn Bergman. I -Best actor in a drama : Peter O'Toole, for "The Lion .. Old World Medite"anean Spaniah Furniture Rocolvod cancellation of $22,000.00 · Spanish •nd MedfterranNn FumltuN AnNewTep._,._...__ Decoreter'1 ......... Otl • ...., Items as follows: Geor1eous 8 ft CUiiom quilted sofa with separate loose ~ilknn with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak ocuslonal tableii, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size niuter ~edroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran- ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spani!h decor dJninst set. etc. Wllele.._....._ ...... S11H.H ~:~~~~~."1~·-··---$698.00 Any Pie<• Can Be PurchMod lndhklually T .,.,. Ayallable -Newcome .. to C.llf. Crodit ApproV.d lmmodlatoly ~,~ F....,.iture At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport llhd. Costa Mesa Olly EvOI')' night 'Iii 9 -Wod. Sat. & s.n. 'Ill 6. .. STEREO SENSAilON! ' The colorful sound or Orange County Music . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island, Newport Beach QPEN STOCK ••• •Y•" PIT PAN ...... uuam IK ,.1. ___ _. t.tl SAUCl'°1/SllYDI 2~ .. ,. 11,tl 3Ji 1111. IS.ti SKIW11 1•• ---~to.ts 10" 1:1.tJ 12" , .. ,, 2VI •· Hl·IOY '''·'' UllllOUI 2K 111t. _ ti.ti :IK "'· 112.tl ~OYDCS , ... . ''" I Ill'· It.ff -BRIGHTEN elegant ) • fade-proof, stain resistant, dishwasher·safe colon • acrotch-reslstant Tefloo II Interiors never need scouring! • aluminum base 1Preods heat fast, eliminates "hot spots" \'qest &nd's 8·picce "Country Inn" cookset puts new color, nC:-W-convcnience in your kitchen! Genuine porcelain-on-aluminum exteriors arc fade-proof and siai n·rnistant, even il you wuh them day·i_n-day-out in an automatic dlshwubcr. Each piece has a '"heart" of <xtra·thick aJwnf • num that 1preads heat fut,· climioates "'hot •p<>ts" lhat la>rch. Handles and lcnobs an Oftll· safe, for rao~e service. Arid ach.utm· . sil is li~<d with scraldt-ttsiJtaot TEFLON II ~ no-stick, never-scour Teflon that welcomes ~etaJ spoons and spitul1s! Come see ·~eoun. l!1 Inn" , •. in Avoado gr«n or new golden H1rvrn. •II YOUR KITCHEN With (]ount!JI r!Ttn cook 'n serveware by . . ••• in AVOCADO 'green or golden H~RVEST ·$ sn INCWDIS: • 614° OPEN m' PAN • 111 QT .. SAUCITTI wllh COYef' lhaf fltt ,,,, .. ,too. • 211 QT. '"9y SAUCIPOf, cowr • 1°"""' SICl1llT o 5 QT, DUT~H OVIN CC-fits-, tool •~llEOPI IOOKL!T .. • / ,I .. ,, f I I I I ! ' ' l ' ' • ' . • ' , .. • . " " wiiiTE - FRINT • See brilliant. life-like color on a tote-about cob xt • Built-in· dlpcle antenna & c-arryiitg handle • All chan- nel Yltf/UHF tuning • Wal· nut grain finished cabinet• •Measured diagonally COMPARE AT31!~5 - ' . ' •• . ' . f, BAYER e.ASPIRIN ' • * STORENOIRS * DAllY12,.t SAIHDU 10 11 t SUMDAT11 lt6 . " ' I ~------------:-----~~----·--------------------------··----·~-·------------__ ,....._ _____ ~---.. •• . . • • .. • I • • j l l • ! ·I .. ' . STYLISH PATRIOTS -Ready for a ~g-wjl~g_fash' ion everrt, the annual White 'Capi benefit spo~~?red by \Voman's Auxiliary to Orange County Medical Associa· tion are (left to right) the-Mmes. Charles Bonnett,. Allen R. u ·Roy 811<1· Frederick Gruet..'.lbe t'l.tnt will . begin with 8Jl ll:SO a.m .. social hour in _AD&heim COn· · vention Center next Tuesday. ~, Newport Confe-rence Attracts Californians · Newport-COSta Mes~ Br:anclt wW-hp&t • cc5nferet1Fe attracting more than 500 members throughout calitorilia of ~th~ Ainetican Association of University Women.in the N~porler Inn Friday and salbrday, March 7-8. . . ' Laguna Beach, San Clemente, Santa ·Ana and: Huntington Beach chapters are ass~stlng with the two-day event whlc~· will teafure speakers. \: roundlables, informal consultatioo, conversation. groilp1· and tours of the UCI campus. ·' · ... , .. Featured spealters wilJ.lnclude Miss Alice Beeman, nowly appointed AAUW general director; ·:Mrs. Meclgar' .E~ers, ,widow'of ·_the slal1{ciW rights leader, and Dr. Daniel G: Aldrich Jr., ehanctlkir of UCt ' Mrs. Evers, now assistapl director1for-pl"!llling·ind devel!JPment at Claremont t:ollege's Center for ·EducatfOl!al OjJpiirtUDtty, will speak at the FridaY, luncheon. ' · , • · ' ' . ' Dr. Aldrich wili talk before particip..ni; al a F)iday e•ening ban- quet on the Academic Conuilunity, and Miss 'Beeman will be the. spetlket at th~ Sattmlay luncheon. · Mts. Robert L. Paradise ol Arc~a. state prelxlent, will pr11¥1•· over·the annual •pring ~ert:nce Vlhlch)• being chairod by .Mn. Rodney O. Riebf witli· the assistanee ol Mrs.·Terrance M. Sniillt. ' · -~; '•. . ; Other~ on tlie plallning committee are: Ille· Mmesc Wllllam .A .• Cle(: em, reservationsi RQnald .K. Arnold,. registi'ation ; Robert Wamef, tr.eu- urey,. and' Nichol~s Pier .. secreta,ry. .. .. '• .; N ~ assisting are. the Mines. Kenpeth M. Lewis, equip111!nt man- ager; Chai;les F. Day, hostess'5 •ncl·pa&es-;_w. Grady Tbom.-,.boapl· talilf,: ThOlllas J. Pekin and Roi)lild II. ·MCliurer, favors; \Vacle S, Mc- Clu!iky, pilblicity.; Clarence K. Suzuki, tits, and Lawrence f:lull, ineals and decora'Uons. . · · : · A.speclil feature will be a tour series· of'UCJ C<lllducted-!>1 ltudenu and coordinated by Mrs. A. Sandy. SUiner Frida)'· morning aboenl a double decker bus provided by Newport National Bank. ' " -•;. .... • . ' .. ' -l • l , "'~,. . ! ~: " : ... ,, -• • ~· '. • 'i •• . ' • • .!'. -' • '· t ,i4...., ~ fll, 1Nf I f . { . , .. ,. ' , . . .. ' 1r.-:.t ':· ..... ' . .. ! -( • ~f ~ I .t\i \ . ! ., , ~t ags~ 'FrYi ng ~ . . . • -1 O ver · .. F ash -~on .·! .. :. ;· 1 • : II ' I : , ! . ; • • ~ ' .' . i .• ' ' . . : .r . . ' . ~ J " ' Dest8"s for Wiini.l!i'oii ihe:igo'.wm· ire 'ml!rt:hecl.through tlie 'Anillieirtl Convention Center next Tue~y in· a Jlag-'Waylng annual While Cap ben .. fit which !Ilia year '!ill follow the theme, America a l;l ,Mode. Sponaored by Woman's Auxiliary to Or'Y'ge GPunty Medical ·Ass<>- ciation, the lunc;llKD and fashion sbow 1 will featur1e d'esigns· by Georgia Bullock aDd Is being coordinated by Bullocks. Sania Ana. The..Celebrated dtfigner, iWbO ajSOils 8 business woman, artist, Wif~; and moth.er, cOmbfbel 'the west~in casual influence with metrow-Ii~ sophisticallon in faahjpns whi~h are. both elegant and practical. Miss Bullock studied. at the University of Southern California and w;hile a student •begiµi tier fashion career as .a · showroom and photograph- er's model She also began designing, creating a few . styles each season lor department and specLalty stores in. her native California . . An i,i-µ1~,With many 'ou:pa·mp.ngs tO her credit, she leaves her artistic stamp on her.designs, wl).ich at'e .notable .for texture and color, and con- stantly eiq>erlments for new eHects • . The aiiriual b9,pef;it Js the main 90\lrce of revenue •for the auxiliary's program lit llqipOr\: 8Jlil. scholarship aid to stud' en ts i>Jannint. careers in . nursmg ~ rillatl!d"inec11ca1 lleldsc . Mrs: 'Robert Ti'BDcis and Mrs . David ilomme are chairmen of . the traditional' event. . .. ; · . '• ' ' . -' . ...... ,t.~.·., .... .; ·, -' :,. .... ' . . ~ '"' .· .. ' ... ,\ ' \, .. t ' i. .. l ' ' ,r • ' ' ' • : • .. " • i ~' . W[dow Smothers Brothers With T 0000,00 . Mu~(Attenii~n ! 1. DEAR ' ANN LANDEifs,. My hU!band was publfibed. li!a publltlllef.'inotted him -my _...,.. ~ ... Ml, ~--.., .......... ,..,. ... ,,"t "died four monlhs ago. Guy wu Ille a small-nuniber-o1 freo. <QPlel , wbtc11 I -,... • •load -. to lle\lt!' lie -Id awar, r oldtn of three brothen. I always sot he autoerapbed ad leUt •to.1*• doleat ...... Yer k •wa lie trllil. ~ , along well with Guy's brothen but their lrieods. F'T Ille pat m \ . ......._ we ·DEAR ANN LANDCRS : l'Olllghl my fw oailar N....., . ..., 1....u, !! cared r . I have "'°" .r«0!vln1 Jotters lib tbJa llD1tr!:'( (ue 17) pal Illa bond where . ' '""l" • ~·wives never ~me; .am younger ooe: •lnrur--:•'lbank·yoa foiJfba ''1t ; ... 1 .:.,w,; .1 •~•, .. t:!_. cool , ..._ than my slalers-)n·law and It so .happens blot. 1 haven'l ~ able to nod JI man --· 't-~ .m:r How far llhould a teepap,~ eof.: I am more allractlve and belter bu!ll. Wb 11ec1.,. u.; nel""bon (or m• 1111.. 111!1 I made II cle.-that be hod Ille C111 . DO<klng lie ,.,.,, When -t\~ y al'.e some women IO edflah, Ann? l)'lllpMIUe, lilt *'-11 )'tlr slater. •" ~ • ~-& too •·• to •-~-~ d 1·~ i than they af'e. Don't YOIJ lhlnk my aister-in•law •bouJd -Of' my uocJe -er my grandmOther) ! wronc number. L ' • .• ~VURI UI,.• •I-en us;., Since Guy died I am happiest when t.law c,.,s11 .. ,,.. I drtlt. U )'Oii an: a 1 w tbe book on tbe table ud t O'O t ffe_jook me to the 'door and asiolotl.Jed Ann Landen' booklet. 'fNec , and Pet•1 , t am with his brothers. There is a ::;v:u,~r:;:i ti!'e h~~ ~ ~~ wllie 191'll rdr'lll ~ M1 ~ Jt to n!ad." .,i r aaML be felt Uke a (Ill' JD4 )lope(I tin& -What An ,the LhlU~T" MC strong lamlly res<mblanco. • I • o their to , Pie --...... -... .,. -......... wall Wby doem~ -· llllonn ._ I'd IOl'flve hJm. Theo 1 '°' fa 1hlnktng your requetl to lat Liiidlrl In -. voices and mannerisms are similar. 11'1 ,.. me . ue take Ill}' part. -i.r -to Ja.ne 1* -llley an people thal autograpllod -tf1ou!c1 -JI w"°i all Illa fault. I hated to of tbJa ...,._. •1o11• •. oanlfi almoot like being with Ooy again. i~~ NI~~~k:'~R :~IN· ,... 1 to..... JIOI be lel ... of Iba -· ..... ....... -K but I bad Jed 1!11!1 .. I UU!e. r~;:: !."'....!... ..... , """"" aell411t Friday I was feeling down In Jhe ol tm. _ abould'..., to tiielr frleNIL ~ Wat 1 -· l ..-.ripd htJn to -·...,.. ~ • dumps. l ldephoncd .my hrothcr-J .. law DEAR BE'l'l'Y1 Y--.ia~aw'1 DEAR ANN 1..ANDE~j'!\ll' !!JI~ :·0o boY ~-' 11'1 wor111 Ille ·PiiCo-:-• (ef1i•h and 1ben I d~ldm .• , ·Ana Linden w Jll bti lad to hol p; and asked If he wooJd drop by alter nlcluwne fw Y'" gtm m. a ,..-11 one whk:h )'Oii wowo r_.iw ,. -REStliTFUL -Ile made me _._ and ""·' J'Jl"ne"' ,;,., with _,. problema Seod ..._.. wort. He said yu. At 5 he called back pod due ,. Ille pnblea. 1•11 .bd I lhaD not sign t111a letter. , DEAR R: Al a..,..~. r11ally do II again. -Giill.TY roQ'· ;;·her In ~ Oi Ul;DAn.Y~Pnnr"J tosayhehadlorgottena50clalenga~e-yoo llirewllln. I Laslmoolhmybu311eqjl'1 .book (oo Jl!lbljd\M_bJ •.~lpt•.•rtRan DEAllG-1:1yw1et1trap11r111 ......,,. a-.. l tnentmt&itwlfee1pectedhim borne. I IHtdmtud your ltltt:U11t11 and l which ht worked well dv!r I year) ....... ·* ml .. klrt. Y• pet dleorf " ... Mn ellel ..... enve·1os;e:.' ) ' ; l .1 I I /r .. - I I I I I \ • • 14 DAILY PILOT ' " • • ·1~ 1 -' "bi • r • , r , ; """ .. , . ~ ... . . BudcJ;"fl, ·~rtists H~tiQTeCI Gay ,;\Ai~el<erid ~Ahead ~ . . .. -' ' . Tbe:o Wil! !>t, at leUt lldf 'brljbt ~Ill .~ ,Me1a next weekend. . Chlldroo'~;Jll'0\14 IDlllu,.a'llolt·oUe~ and a whole gal· lery full of JO)'fUI ~d'illlt'wlllm.a:'~U01il Elementary School cafelerla a b&T.'Jlaee nUt&a~.,lir ·-. For 1he th yu(. tile Jwdof Ebell Club· 'ct Newport S..cb will sponsor tile lmaglnaUv~ World of Qlli4rell'iM a d1lplay of the original art .worlla d 'atudf!\11 from al elem:entar7· acilools. In the Newport-Mesa Unified ScbiJol ~. . ; . . Worki 'wlll be'~en for.their cbarm.ralbe: U>8n arUsUc merit by Miss Jenean' Rol!lberg 11!d' Mils Mltlam 'Easton; art 1pecialistS for the school district,, a~ Mn. Glil Cbabre, fine. ~ cbalrinan for the ju¢ors: Adding ·'°·the .fWI of the exhibit will be continuous demoostraUou .and explanatloni' b)\ the YJ>Utbfui arUsll ' of their crayon l't•ist, collage, watercoi0r, poSter R,lint and.chalk l<!Clml'quu. . DlsPlayed wi!h 1he gallery-hung art :works will be three dimensional -0biects o(pepjer ~cbt, clay and otbermaterlal1. At lhe; conclusion of the shO\V, the 'Jdndergartener through eighth grade cbllclran will JM! even _prouder when they receive slgiied, ribboned certificatea ~ pe~lcipeUon. Everyoae will receive certll)catea because the show ii pot juried. · Even 0fange Coast realdents with no young cbllclren will be delighted with Ute gllmpae into youth's "never-n,ver'' land that the show w.ill afford. Bethel Members Step lnto 1 ~ooking Glass sPl'h>I Wblcins and aaladl the bethel lncllidt the Misses will take tile atltnUoa of tile ~a Glbbo, A r It n a Huntiqton "Beach Bttbel Ill, stanw1, Sharoo CollinJ, Kar· llilernallooai Order of Job'• In Humpbery, Connie Qumph- Daugblon DUI Saturday, In try, Kalin tow. llld Paula Marina llJ&b School. Nuldlke. BetbeJ members ·wUl aerve .. models, and -. with tile lasblon -and ,_ will ht the llloCl>en' Club. Planning tbe deco.rallve them,, Tbroull> • the Looking Glass la ¥i1s Sheri Palmer, junior prJnc:eis lflC! hoopltallly cbalrman. During ,a recent meeting Miss Sharl Brown, p a I t honored queen, was elected as Gr .... Bethel · repftsen- taUve to the state convention taJdni ploct In Lone BUcli in June .. New members initialed to Treasure Hunt . ' '1111 Saroptlmist · Club ot-. Newport Harbor Area will lpoplOf a rummace aale next Saturday at uot Seashore Drive, Newport Beach. NB· Auxiliary N•wpcrt Bwh Pollet Aux- iliary galhtrs tile lut Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. Location is available with llln. Robtrl Wllotler, 175-1129. .. . . ' ' :AHi SUCH LUXURY! Being Boss.-J!f·tbe-year for the Newport Harbor Busi· :ness and Professional Women's Club. is Orville Schlueter's cup of tea. In ad· •d.ition to an attractive engraved -Silver cup, he received busses from Mrs. :John Palen (at left) Girl-of-the--yejtr, ,and Mrs. Jack Broback, president. Horoscope · · . a •.•.•.•.•. ,. • • L&EJC~_,;;.;.1rn•sz•1;;9 • • : The Tee Tattler • • ' Bosses Placed ;. . ' Taurus: Be Careful FRIDAY FEBRUAR.Y· 28 project. ~urprlle due -of top -for you. Act ac· pleuant variety. Purc:bue· ol cordingly. · gift could bring happiness to SAGmARIUs <No•. 22. By SYDNEY10~ ·loved one. Ott. 31): What was an an· ARJES (Marcll ll·AprU 11): VIRGO (Aug. 23-Stpt: 22): noyance Is erased. Debt is CLEARANCE OF DESIGNER FASWONS DRESSES FOR A SONG! DUCK WEATHER'S GONE! In Spotltght ·• OUR SALE GOES ON Day features joy tbroqb. U~ ,1 innate powers o I paid. Way is paved for you creative endeav0n. Be recep-. · ~:t ~ b~!J>Ut:: to complete . basic chc1res. tive to chanp.: Put -acrou · '6 _...... . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan, ideas, personlltty. Mate an· ~~ aoenes. Perceive 19): Check accouuts. ·Be aware ~ru March Ith imprinL Chil4rea-~ need at-·, of what's going out, coming ~/ tention. Break air111 from red l:.IBRA (Sept. la-Ocl.. 12): in. Your ability to see beyond c,1(/11lH(( Orville Schlueter ls number one boss. Selected Boss-of-the.year by the Newport Harbor Businesa and Professional Women's Club. he recei ved a silver cup and honors at the annual Bosses Night in the Villa J\1arina restati~nt. . Sharing honor S with Schlueter was Mfs. ~ohn P a I e n, Girl~f·lhe-ye'ar, who was honored for her service to the club since 1952. The new top bou la a patt tape. Shake ott lethargy. Go plicu, aurface lndlcatj.ons iJ spotlight· fl' exalted ruler of tho Newport TAURUS (April SO.May II): do lhlnp. Med people. Lunar ed. iH ']fllHitJH Harbor Elb Club. Ho wu Sir d sUc U , pt buJY acceDt oo frieods, hopea, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. chosen for bis work with the ess 0i:t'e es, , desire. You can do youneU 1sr: Share interests, ideas. Ill. 4 d. '-'. \.\ "-Balboa Improvement As11ocia· on born~ ~proveme:ntl. Don t a Jot of good. Turn.on charm. Give credit to mate, partner. •4" •q•q .,.,. •tT•q• tion , city beauUfication and be salisUedv with halfway SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Come out of emotional shell. NUMlll ll.IYll · ge'!erOus assistance to·~PW., !!1::::re;~~y olt ~; '·You f~sh Important'· task. PISCF.S (Feb. It.March 20): .The 31st. annual Bos"• • GE•fiNI (May ll.Juoe II): Thero 11 11<1me opPo,llUoo. but You get assignment which you FASHION ISLAND Night was m the ~· llfij' A t tr 1:;..,,. .. 0 t you overcome it.· 'Stress on enjoy completing. Key is to be ,..1wiao11' llACH od ., · ' ccen on s a e»...::nlnti' u · Ir " d ti I Do 't k f """'"' 2252 a. space yssey, w litar-.. • 'tm ts . J j......,g close career, asp a1.1ons an am· prac ca.· n as or too 'I ,.--,.• tians from the year 200 coml~ colam~i eCnh--~•d0.:Y.~. 1..-.,_b_i_tlo_n_s._Th_or_e_Is_r_oo_m_a_t_th_•_m_u_ch_. -------"!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ,,_ ~s• •· Pl 1 · -re 1o1ves. e\:a. -=~IUJ.:I -uicr1_ ;.; pu141.1g l;iu "eve"""· .ans or.. thorough. U mistake was j the event w~re _made ~ Mrs,: made admit lt. Day features and Mrs. Orville Schlueter, CE J 2 .Jul 22) Bar<bara Ritch!e, ch&rman, . shoit 'journeys, visits. SK-¥j-[·'r· ,.114· 'ti co-chairman. CAN R ( une 1 Y : Sh. p I Pall honored bosses at· Day to gain objecttv~. ~cctnt QW QnS lending were Roy Greenleaf on t~come, obtaining: of Jr .. Dr. Arnold Naegeli, Herb bargams. Exchange ideas. Sa.Ions Postconcert ·" •· ' ""Holker, Art Mclr~orri inqu~. Alk quutlonl - Molho, Don SOutbwOrth, Lou obtain an1Wers. Changes due Donalson JaCk · Barnett and -they ,wor:k to your benefit. Members and guesti of the Costa Mesa Womeh~s Com· millee of the Or= Coun- ty Philhannonte ·· y will gather for a cham~ buffet dinner in the home ·of Dr. and Mrs. Johnnie R. 'tBeison Jr. following the~~ 1 con- cert .• 1 . t A work session 1' 'calendared for next Sun.day . for~ the Califo rnia Nati~·, Fuchsia Society's board or·~rs3" . ~1. .' Meeting in the $jiul!J~ w.,i Branch j)f the ~-~elN Realty Board, ~:Angel.,, board members/·~ WW cCJi. solidate plans /,pi1jtOject1 for the year. ..f'!; ~tncl11ded-' Will ' be plans !or the fuchsia and shade plant Fred Schoepl; :i) " LEQ , )July 23-Aug. 22)\ Husbands~· and bosses of Pereoltal c-ro nt a c t 1 PIJ BPW •. rR,mJ!ers a\90 were dlvidtnd1 .. TD:e initlatiye. In-; gues~:· ·~ elude fanuly ~embers m new . " The hairman will hOst the group after lhti I.Gs· Angeles Philharmonic 0 r c h e & t r a performs wilb1 R a f a e I Fruhbeck De Burg~ as guest ~~·U::c~,; ~f:rbr~~~ ·• ~County Fair~ounda. P~I" conductor, · ' CALL FOi flll ISTIMATE AND l"OP AT HOMI SllVIQ: • Our prot...-.lly ff'•IMil 11.c:or1ffr Wll fMle .. .,,.W ht"'4I .. lfflft , , , Oly ... ~ ~ , , 11'1111 m1 -· Q""ltfe ......... tf I~ ., """' Mm •• Mo .-i1ettlM. "' 1*,lrM. :FROM YOUI. A,l~ ,~ 548-8242 01 140-6617 INTllE STOCl 'Of •A.ULOus DUntY PAlllCS . llDUCED TO 20'4 TO •O'Jlt A4d. Colort11L El!clleml'!ll to YOll<' ftg0f!'I ·· Pecor ... 'Wiii! 8Clld Ntw Ideal afld DnivM! • ftrtM:ll P~lltll e Tie ••dll ··-......... ,; .. ..... e Cate.Ides' ,." ..... CUITOM MADE DRAPERIES .. ~·:;: .. ~ NOW ONLY •A !!JblllOlill COllK!lon Of tllQtl ®f'IUV deCO•l!Ot' llbrk• llllcllllflrlll 1ll00"1 of ~rd• Of 111Qh •IV'-boucln. tnl\lrn, 1-. and 11am111u ••• 111 .. i. .-1cm. DB.IVIRY IN 7 DAYS ,..,,111tt l*••M ,.. •'"' "' ._ '*"""" -1111f11P, """" ,.. , ...... ' """' .ifldltll t•nllc&. •• .., .. ,_.. ..... "' .. ~ lllYIW., Ml llfttlf ,.,,.,_.,., 111"'1 •111111trnfl!J 11111 ..... ,..... . OUl WOllMANIHIP II SUPlll HAltDWA-11 a lODS CUT TO OIDll ~ POI Nii ISTIMATI IH9r-.<Toftotll SIRVICI DRAPERY & CARPET TllMS1 UP TO J6,,;.MONfHS TO PAY . ~' __._-- For the Nude Look ....••.•.. $10.00 . Veta's lllTlllATE APPAllL --··!Ml---- Be au.~ y 1-., ON OUR NEW "CAROUSEL.:' CUT ... topped with your CUSTOM-CREATED COLOR I Thanks to ingenious Roux, our ne w push-button• dispenser let.5 us create a literal kaleidoscope of hair color.; -so we achieve preci sely the shade you __ wanL4\nd then keep it unchanged, retouch after . . . retouch ) The perfectfinisbto our style artistry in CREME HAIR TINT creating a !Ofter looking, yo unger looking you . COMPLETE AriMla, Calif, 1"11 .. ....., Martltt .... ~ --· · Or1n10, C1lll . 1$),1 w, Cfl•~mt~ -..... Cotll -· C1lll. 2100 H1fll0i' 1 1\'f, 11:-Nllrt '111• --Coota Mota , Calli. "" w. lfflt ltrtet ""-"' 60-J:IH Santa An1, C1llf. H$t ""' '•!tvltw ... 1 ....... ''".., ,,_ '1W011 With Shampoo 571 And S.t Fountain Valley, Calif. ·--vni.tit CMllf' ........ tQ.all Fount1ln Velley, Calif. -..,,..., .. lwJlll VlllW ~ l'Mfll .,, .... -'--- • • ' t-.. I t ' ( l Rings, Vows Ex~hanged ' .. • Costa · Mesans Wed · Whlto chlysanthemum1 and gladl~ll . and turquoise carna- tions adorried the altar of the Fint United Methodist Church, Costa Mesa, when MRS. GRAHAM In North Carolin• Donna Jean Bagley and Clyde Edwin Graham Jr. exchaneed their wedding vows and rings. 11te bride, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. D o n a 1 d It. Bagley of Costa Mesa . was escorted down the aisle by her father, and the Rev. Rlcbord J. Dunlap officiated during the ceremony. For the occasion the new Mrs. Graham selected an em- pire gown of lace over satin designed with scalloped edging and full lace train. Her white . mantilla was overlaid with net and she carrled a cluster or whiie rose buds accented with turquoise baby's breath. Her sister, Mrs. Jamie Martinez, served as matron of honor attired in an empire gown of pale . turquoise lace over ' darker satin With a pale turquoise mantilla, and she carried turquoise and white carnations. Attendants were Mi,ss Joyce Christensen, Mrs. D3niel Plas- cencia and Miss Linda Bagley. ' Their gowm were ~p tur- quoise lace over satin, styled in the empire line. Jacqueline Mau served as flower girl. The bridegroom, son of Mr. aDd Mrs. Clyde E. Graham of Costa Mesa, asked Daniel Hilliard to serve as best man. and ushers were Warren Cornelius, Martinet and Lloyd Graham Jr., COU3in ol the bridegroom. Carrying the couple's rings was Johnny Posey. 11te lurquolle·anci' whlto llOl- Ung ol the weddinfl ceremony was repeated ln the church hall where 150 friends and relaUves .1athered tot the reception. AMlst"'8 were Mrs. Dooald 1. Whyte, Corona del Mor, Mrs. Thomas L. Fischef, San- ta Ana and Mrs. Lee Jensen, Newport Beach. The newlywe<is traveled across country to l;orth Corolina where the bridegroom ls sta- tioned with the U.S. Air Force. The bride ls a graduate of Costa Mesa High School, Orang< Coast C.U.ge and an area beauty college. Her bus. band, also a CMHS graduate, attended OCC. Home Rites Link Pair --KATHLEEN SNYDER To Marry May Date Selected Our La4x Queen of Angels Catholic Church will be the The Costa Mesa home oI selling for the May 17 nuptials Mr. and Mrs. Don E. W.alten linking in marriage Kathleen WQS the setting for the double Snyder and Joseph M. Roullh ring ceremony linking their J son, Douglu M. Wa1ters and r Mm Snyder, daughter ol Mrs. Eileen Lllleskau of Hun- tington Beach. The Rev. RDger Mr. and Mrs. Reginald W. Walke officiated. Snyder of Newport Beach, is 'Ibe new Mn. Waite.rs, a graduate of Fullerton Jun1or daughter of Mrs. Norma Mat-College. teson of Costa Mesa wore a pale pink frock and pinned on Her fianct, a graduate of pink :nlniature rosebuds. San Diego State College, is Following a honeymoon in the scm of.Mn: Schmitz Roush Mexico, the newlyweds will of San Gabriel and Joseph reside in Huntington Beach. M. Roush of Los Angeles. ' .. , Surprise in Store '· Get-acq µainted Hopr · L ' ; Receives New Look . ' OAll.Y I'll.OT JS• I OOO's el l AIDS • ROLLIMDSI • ltMW:Mnl OPPGOODSt CARPIT PltOM TltACT11 : · ' LOW, LOW PlllCIS Somellllna ....,. awalta the Bil-OW Llltqron ol lllnla Ana ,~arpet. War:tllo- Blb ·n"l'ucw Club ---..i -l'\lller o1 BiJboa. ', 1753 South Ritchey • Santo ~ day eventnc lo tbt Newporter Mf. ud Mn. Hll'Vey PtU8 , fN.-,.n ,.,_.., •• ldlflt". -w~ t• ~1.,...,t Jnn. ol llalboa Jolud _ cllatrmen t ·-·-· ~ .. • .... ti ........ , .... 141-Nn -----. . ...... f!Jrli~ol~dte~ll~·~·k~·-~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the .~ 7 ,:.;.:.· IOClal ' • ' ' li®r, they ,will' ;not· 1alh!:r ot . . . . :ES ta:: :i::: "Jt~: .. ~oe Se~ce · =:~ii.m~ . 'Gfi lCQUAINTED SALE' table. II wtll be located neor the bor and wtJI contain 0 1elec:Uon of hon d'oeuvres, Ill the ingredlenls needed for a gala predance hour. The Warren Barker Orch<stra wtJI provide after. diMer music for dancing. for the remainder of the evening. Hosts and hOstesses for the dance will be the Messrs. and Mmes. Armond Ault of Hun- tington Beach: RI ch a rd Barilett ol Laguna Beach; Lindy Anns ol South Laguna, and Ferris Borden ol Laguna Beach. New mernben welcomed wUI be lhe Mea.m, and Mmes. Vlnee Apostol ol Orqe, CM Auxiliary The first Thursday of the month members ol t h e American Legion Auxiliary, Colla Mesa Unit 455, gather in the American Legion Hall, at I p.m. , ·AT OUR NEW STOR~. IN CbST A MESA • • • ONL YI . 11Tt'f.lr IR:VINE -. • '. NEXT KENTUCKY' FRIED CHICKEN. l ' . . . ' '' • ' '. ' ... SAYE &' .OO:IT-YOUllSILF WITH - SAU lftMS . liEATHIR . . ot' Oii' ....,.1 511\oOlh & Su.de ••• ~Ice Y°"r ~ Clll!l 111111 5:,' ;-;,:, .. .e.Jack~ · ' Coot •·Slclft ~ Vtot I ·-• --' LOTS ()!..,COLORS I . ._-tit.I U.1111 SKIM H • . · .... ow au•s $9 . . ' ' ·SEI OUR NIW 1969 ··~ u:.1 .... :--······· SANDAU: ---··-----; SANDllS · UlllltM 51111 $215 ...... '5 --··········· ----· ------• CLUlCK BAGS • Slllll BUffW • KlWI S1111f BU(KETS - 4 CONVENIENT SHOPS e l40t E. COAST HWY • .Corona de! Mer .• , 673--4640 e l4ll VIA LIDO Ntwport Beach , .. 673-8620 e 74 FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach .. , 644-7551 • J 7th &: Irvin• • Cra1tvitw ·-1r.. ~--~,.,...Pl~ Cosio M•w . • ·• 541-4013 . ' ' ' • TOMORROW ON ~L Y! SAYE 1I3 T 0 1I2 0 FF ••• NEWPORT 0 NL Y! never before adv,rtised by BUffuins' at these low prices ••• aU reduced from regular stock. . . no speclal purchases .• ~ quantities and sizes limited •.• no maH, phone .c.o.d. orders . . . . . SUNCHA.RM SPORTSWEAR 1 ........................................... _____ ....... ~·" BEITER: SP,ORTSWEAR : REDUCED Selection of solid and novelty •hlrts and bloutes in great colors, reg. I 1.00 • 26.00 • .............. .... ......... •.. . . :..... . .... 3.~ and 6.~ Wool and synthetic b I en d skirts in your favorite styles,. reg. 20.00 • 36.00 ...... 5.~ and 10.~ Pretty partt tops in s.olids and, ·prints, reg . 15.00· 26.00 ... :.. .............. . 7.99 and 9.99 Choose from 1 wide array of sportswear , . I separates, dresses, shi#s and jackets~ reg. 15.00 • '46.00 .. . 7.~ and 19.99 ' ' YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP WIDE-LEG SATIN PANTS 1/2 OFF Reg. 17.00 to 20.00. These are the pants you'll lovo for parties and dates. Aceta te satin or wtin-bac~ crepe i'1yon pants in pin~. n1vy, brown or silver; 5' to 13. SATIN OR.CREPE SHIRTS 1/3 OFF Reg . 15.00 to 19.00. Select from several striking shirt-styles in 1c1t1t1 satin or rayon crepe with satin-back. Silver, black, roy1!, rod or ivory; 5 to 13. ACCESSORIES Nylon knit and parma-pross cotton sailcloth pants in 1ssortod colors and silos, reg . 7.00-1 0.00 __ 3.~ LINGERIE Intimate apparel for daywear and sleepw11r to cl11r . .. ................ ·----············· . ........ I /3 off Cle.oranct of rob11 end dusters _ 1/3 to I /2 off NEWPORT • •FASHION ISLMID FOUNDATIONS . . Small group of bras and lig~tw1ight panly. girdlos, reg. 4.00 • 6.00 ............................. :,_ .................. _ .99 : Panty-girdle-hose with opaque stockings in brown, navy, white, red and gold ; reg. •4.50-5.00 ...... 1.99 pr • COSMETICS ligh!Weighl travel bag with zippered sides. Brown tweed,. marshmaHow, black or ·tlrown, reg. 12.00 and 14.00 ·····---·············-···-···-·----·····-·-········ 8.00 J.arg1 travel bag with -single zipper ·in blue floral, or solid white or beige, reg. 12.0Q -·--·-········· 8.00 Scented room freshener Poinanclers odd decoretive touch to closet, bedroom, bath,· reg' 2.00 .... 1.00 HANDBAGS HANDBAG CLEARANCE 4.97 to 10.97 Reg. 7.00 lo 20.00. C.lf, turtle .. If, plastic calf, patent, tapesity, beaded or 'str1w· in many styles. L 1 r g e totes, shoulder b19s, small pouches, envelopes, s w I 9 f • r or clutches in t1ilored or dressy types. Bled, brown, tan, bone, whit 11 yellow, green, orange, red, aqua and mufti-colorings. l~FANTS' AND TODDLERS' SHOP TODDLER BROTHER AND SIST£R COORDINA ns 3.99 Rog. 11.00-15.00. Charming matching out· fits In bright plaids, stripes and sot.ds, For her • . . jumper and blou51 or dress end blouse, For him •.. Bobby.suit end sltirt. . ' Cotton flannel receiving b\onkels i~ prlf!Y pastels, ~I~ 3 -: ;; • 11EWPORT CENTER 0 ~IRl,S'. SHOP. ' . Complete stock of dress : coab;. Joickttl, r~inw11r and al~,.;11ther coats. lvleny sites, reg. 5.00-28.00 ··········-··-··-······· .. ·····---··· ·-·-... ...... .... . .. I /3 off Small group of separates in.eludes sweaters, skirts and jumpers. Some one..of .... kinds. Not an sizes, r19. 7.00 · 12.00 .......................... 1.f3 to 1/2 off Quilted robos in sh9rt and full length styles. Prints end sofld pistols, reg. 6.00 e 12.QO ·-······-1/3 off CHILDREN'S SHOES Girls' p1rty shoes ii. ...,iriity. of styles. Mostly 111,ck . with 1 'few in white. ~t. 111 stylft1in hery si11, 11;, · lo 4, reg. to 13 .00 -..... -'. .. ..:.., ........... ____ 4.99 um.&·SHAVER SHOP ; q Famous m1k1 striped ind paltlfltld slr1tCh crow socks to fit 1i111 6.to 9, reg •• 60 · 5/(.00 • STOii FOR IOYS ~ . '-' ; : .. ~. ' 'NO~RON PAJAMAS REDUCED · .• 2.49 Rog. 5.00. Dacron<S polyosler ind cotton pajomts h1v1 lopg sleeves ind lon9 l19s. As· sorted sot.d colors, e.16. SHORT-SLEEVE!) KNIT SHIRTS 1.49 Rog. 3.50. Moclt """'-l in cemplet.ly washable cotton to fit sites I to 11. Choose from assorted stripes and solids. . ' TAILE l,INENS Crisp cotton na~ins ho n1vy ,Ot lttltht celon h1v1 whlfe.coin dqh .:....ftm for P'.ll'lles ,,,, . .,fll"(d.., t1ble .. Mlllnts. ieg •• 419' HCh ' .17 ' . IOllDAT. 'llllJRSDAY, l'RIDAY 10:00 TILL"Y:!O • -------- ·STORE FOR MEN ": SHORT SLEEVED KNIT SHIRTS ~~ • 2.99 r . ,. .. . . ' Reg. 6.00 to 11.00. ~!eel from mock-turtle $ Of'' thr-J!led:1t collerod styles. Novelty :; # weoves, stripes or solid colors in cotton rn1e, ' • Orlonfll ecryf"oc1 1 ·few in ...+119 knits. ' . . ' Mon'; ~•lkshorts in 1$16r1od sins ind colors ~1 so~ds., Not 111 si11s in uclr color reng1, reg , 8.~ 13,0Q ··--· 5.9f;~ . , •I ' 1MEN'.S:NYLON·RIBBEO ' -$ ' . . .. · STRETCH HOS,E ' ' 1.19' ~/3.00 R19. I .SO.pair. Famous m1ker stretch 1nklets I in clreu , weight fine • 9ougo nylon. Black; b..Wn, ·coff11; d1H< grey; n1'iy or olive. One size.fits 10 to 13. • . • . y I LIGHTWEIGHT , SPORTCOATS . FOR MEN 10.99 Reg. 39.50. SPQlicOlts for y • 1 r 'round w11r in plaid °' lerg1 checb.' Good 1elec • .' tion in colors incl 1i1es. -~ ' YA!lftY SHDP-.. ~ : L~I~ spent com it pleWa Md ler91 ~ Mott ..... fn ,gOOCI colon, •19· )9.50 ......!._ .10.9' • OTHER DA'ts !i:oo TILL 5:30 -----------~------- I I • ' I I .. ' 1 · --.,------......... ·~ . . . "-· .. -. -. ·- , .. 1 Je 0.111.Y I'll.OT 'llondoJ, ,...., 11, 1969 1 I '. I_ Toastmistresses Plan J. 0 . Bean to Claim 'Golden Rendezvous' A Golden -will be arnopd --" Ille Golden Dooert JloCjoa, Jo. t e r D a t1onll Toutml.slrm Clabl, 11tb·er 1n 'the Newportu Illa -SalurdlJ>. Servin& u diolnnu for the meetlll( will be Mn. Anne Cool<, Seal -. npna1 ~.UdMn.Robert E. Roberts, Newlllll, .,.,. ference coordtnatar. Attdeg die condlve will be Toastmlltreu IDlmNn Bride r in August lmlll • tLe • ~oundl .,_ .... , .. '" io rugs WHITE FRONT _.. eedarea ,,, ... 11 '!.'"'"' ••'" -,.u can ... ~ so\4 a\se•\•1' tor S\0 61 '"· tOUllll Use 01 quilt, cowrlet, or tea• with dust rvfll• m a charMlng sproadl 100% washable Colton r. gay prints, IOlld colOI' rvlflod OI' tape bound edil•· S"'Vl 45°/o\ IUMMltl OV1'l '':~\M. \OMG 1' fUll : .. •h• -·· a l. -ib\•· I•'.""' choice of lh,.. ~~111•· eenot loll 9• h d"' of b,.,.,.• 9' s.forlztll91 Di."'vnt's •••• 1>acroa• 88 twia ro_o:", ~-., -_-:o ... -.,"'!.;..~.,~.-,, 19 11119 Size aZllllSS pills -s-J-1 '... . -. full .... ~-' • ,-i-..-1..• con..at$S •• 3.H nnn llD :a:::; ..•. ,, .. ,, ld119alu ~ _, ....... 5.ff ot$4 ~-with Doaon• pofyostw fibor.filL ROl'll 111111 pillls zH. fr1a col1r & coafort to dU Siiis ........... lw1Mlo 1.91 a..-1..w ....... ,_ plot """"' pol)all ..... ~II. sm 47% to 56"1 llrfp-4ry "''" ... , ... , co\on:. a a e•'d · Iv .•. =... $J 1.lllo 2.lt w.rll"....,.. T ...... _.,,..., • ... .......... ~- F1a1L1r/ham Lltlplllews Ideal for kld1, $J ca•pen. cabiM. Rite LEGAL NOTICB • • •I • • • • • ,, " " • • • • .. ' • • • ' ' • • • ' • • • " • ' " • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • ' • • • '.• . • • • ' ,, • ' • ' • • • . • I I • • • • • ' • ' I ~i U , , L : . FUltUMY 27 .. .. e ... -(Cj (30) ........ "1 "' cq (30) ·-.. -(Cj (10) Slillltr kNit, Roni Jiff• .... Ptlll Wlllchlll 1lflll D THE 6 O'ClOCK llOVI '* 'MAN WITHOUT A STAR' COLOR-KIRK OOUGLASI • ....... -(<) .... ..... • ... (....&.ll) ~ Kirt Dolilfft. Mlllll Cnln. llll I "" (Cj (IO) ·-(Cj (30) 1111 ...... -(30) .. , ......... tiic:y M9W!!lln llna• folk tonp d•lln1 wltll Amerie111 hlamfy, ind trau1 ttt. Arn«lun tnk Wiil 7:0011 Cll &rill ... tt> (30) lfilt« Ctonklte. a-· ., ... , CCJ (30) m-CCJ <"• m,,_., .... <3~'"'""' Cliilfda. i. rlllltnldlr ffdrkll 110111 dlrstl etltntioll • ccmct .... fll dlonb Ind -fD ~ ltl1• l!IT,._ (C) fDTl'lll w CG a 4 111 (C) ..... !Ill (I]-·•• CC> (10) A niport °" PrtllcMat MllOlll hml, Btrth1, •lid ...._ follrNICI .,, 1 15-mlftlltt Apofle IX pnriRI, 1:11aaa11111""' tc1 ·--mu.. .... t<> ..... ......,, , ... c.. t"1) '41-1'11• ,..,... Dm DlrJll. ll!l (]) ID (I) II -CCl ll:JI 8 Mt•l1: ...,,_ Ptcltp• ("°""'1) '&II -Yul .,,..,..., Mild D She has monOl>OIY on -· *laughs! Tuno In tontte, lllDlll•H--CCl MARLO THOMAS stars a-..... ~., -<*'· H THAT GIRL mo) ... _,._ -- ~ R I D t. 'r DAYTIME MOVIES -D ll!l (])Qli.. -t<> 1111.Mlo<r • ...,lllll"(idtaAll&f'M _,,.,.. ................ c.,w' -'45--l --~ ....... --(-11---. ..... ...., ......... (ffttM) i:•IJ"Olltlt a. .. ,,_. ... •lj -Mini Stt._ "*'I ...,.. (""*1) ·~ TM. """"' --..... ..,....... <•-> '47-r.m.. -""'"' UI. (Q "1111 -..,.. I*" *'IU "' -t .. 0 •> .., __ - --·-. ---.... • JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Q111llty Pri11tll'lf •Ml Dtptl'llltlile Strvic.• ftr flltN thtfll a Q'";.1rtir tf e C.11Nry. --••• ~ -__,. =---:.::" PERKINS JUDGE PARKER ·l 'LL BO}.T Tl'Dt>YS, IF N-Y BROl<l'J< C4LLS- MUTT AND JEFF GORDO MISS PEACH ~ i-....;n:,. __ _ ~ Clicutet M. Wllll .-~~~~~~__., By John Miies By Ferd Johnson By Al Smith By Ga Arriola By ·Mel • DAILY ,It.OT rt . A LITILE LOST -Marlo Tlt0111'1§..J1boV•, uses the police1 and all the sympathy sbe can find to help a loot Negro boy on tonight's "That Girl" episode at 8 p.in. on Channel 7. The boy, Ted Be•· • sen, far from being scared~ enjoys all the confusion and ~ttentioo. "'-" TELEVISION VIEWS Show Moves . . To. Southlancl By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (APl -"Hawaii Flve-0," renew· ed fcir '·a· sceond .season; moved. ita locale to Los . Angeles .for a cl!ange of .pace and scenery. ti II'•• a two-part tale about a quack. "hea)er" wile> vie· timi11ld•the desperately sick and the gulli~le.. 'Pie wind·up of the story Wednesday nigl\l'was : Jn \be usual TV fQnn. Deterr(lined sleuth stove McGarrett was ·grimly hunlin~ down evjdence , agalt!si the Woman· ''naturolOgist • wb~ he 1bellev· · ed caused the death of hi• young nephew . MOST OF THE hour was spent showing him bunting down families of other victims,. eventu~ly exhuming the body of one man, but alt without r .. sults.' The c~ came in ~e courtroorq when McGarrett trapped her by a trick . The twcrperter was of special interest llecause ' the healer In ttii ;.tory operated in a mabner which · has caused great concern by legal and medical authorities in several states. , The production 'was slick, the acting, skillful. HOW THAT CIS'liu taken over "Gel Smatl." plans are afflP(. to 'Clo something dramatic early next season tO Can· attentJon to the show in its new channel. The fiilt project )Js to have agent Smart and spc>UJe, Agent 99, beco!n• .P1Tents. Present plans call for twins. Over the years TV seriea makers have learn- ed there are two IUr .. lire ways to ilt)prove the Ui· ings of a sltuauDn comedy: a marriage and cliud· birth . DURING THIS PAST season, trlpleu were produced in two aeries, 11Petticoat Junction" and ..My Three Sons." Wblle the birth.of three chlldren baa not tripled any show'.s ratings, some Nieiaen-watcben have concluded that lhe Initial decline In the popul11ity of NBC's ''The Ghost and Mrs» Muir" coincided with the date the babies came to 11My Three Sons," ils CBS competition. · THE BIG DAY·TIME trend these days is toward soap-operas while the once popular game and panel shows seem lo be fighting a losing bet· Ue. In the most recent Nielsen report on' day-time programs, Six of the top 10 are soap,. three are reruns of night-time comedy shows and 1ust one - is a game show of sorts . ·-Most popular daytime program remains CBS's long.playing "AJ The World Turns.'' followed by !Ill ''Search for Tomorrow'' arid NBC' a ''Another World" -all Washboard weepers. Then come reruns on CBS of '0I'he Andy Griffith Show," 11Tbe Dick Van Dyke Show" and "Bevl!'rly Hillbillies.'• Also i'1 the elite group are. CBS 's "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" and "Edge of Night" in a tie, and NBC's "Days of Our Lives" and ABC;:r.:• "N ed Oame'' in a tie. THESE TOP RATED shows have s e rating compared to the evening programs. Each 11 seen by .an estimated 1.0 lo IS percent of 1he naUon 's TV homes while a bot evening shaw like "Laugb- In" gets into well over 30 percent. De1anis tlae Menace \. • ... ~~· .;:;;;::::;:::;: .... ;:;:::;;;;i; .... ==;;:;;:;;IO=;:;;;;:;::=:o===;;:i;;;;;•--=-----... ----;..;;---...;.,--.... -.... --~IC'Z~;;.; :.;---------- - I [ Ja DAILY-PILOT , (S) Thund<Y, F~ 27, nlr Save on Taxes..,7r ' ' . • • .. .1low .·i<>-.Cliiim· Flood Losses ,, ~ '' .\ ·~ '· . ;:t!y SYLVIA PORTER an lnvtltar wbo vUlted his the prepayments, any Inlet-est ... II you invest In tho stoclt . broker primlri!J. loc _ "tape jou prt!')!!d af\ef , Nov. , market you probably vWt ·wat.ching." • l, ' ' i9&a win ,;diflnitely not 'lie' your broker's olflce at 1east Oevetopinints occurred In dedu.cUblt iii the year you patd no.: and then for coosultatJons 1968 lrr the areu· ot interest· ·Jt if tbf: ptepaymeat cove,.. on~'Yout account. Assuming dtducuQns 'and ' inttrest• in-interest for, more than 11 th!t is so, y<>l will be come cl "~ 1"11 'should be months ~.the end of tho p~tly surpriled to learn fully aWwe. • , "'8ble ..,Yffl', U. U>e pcep1y.. • ~a court deCls.lozf:last year In the~, you may bave ~pt coven interest up ;to <"!I help you c-a deduc-'been,.a)>le )cl. uice taxes by, ';l(monlJi! b,e}'ood the tahbje • tioa foe these tripa. prepaying IDCI 4adtletlng ' in, year, a 'fflN.ltlr'y examl'Dbig i~ I.his case, a woman in· terest. not die until a later agent will hive the power lo vill(tor lived and did her. wor.k year .. For exlmp\t, if you owe dectite on the balls ,of all in~ one-room apartmeot in money on a rnortca&e or a the facts whether or not you N.W York City. About ance bank loan, yoU mlgbt have should have the deduction in • jS.eek, she taaied to htt . prepaid your '1t lnleml In Ille year you prepaid the 111· bUI< at which &he had a 'a Uf tddlUon io-paying your lmst. . cuStodial account for her 'A lnU,-est. lf your deducU00•-13 barred "2i:ks and ooce a month she FOR CERTAIN· hltb·bracket under these new rules fOf the ~ to her broker for: COD· in.vestcrs in ,lUI estate, such year in whl'ch lntei'est ' 1s sqHations. 11'1e Tax Court prepayrpentl of interest have prepaid, you wllf atlll be ·able a1.tfWed her to estimate her produced v a 1 u a b I e !4,X to .deduct your prepay:ment cois at $3 a round trip to •benefil.8: Lower.bracker Jo-pro rata over the period of u,;,bank and $2.50 a round ~viduals have used a similar lime dovered. tri•· to tbe broker ana to prepayment technique to save FOR INSTANCE, say that d8luct these amounts as ex; on ta,te,s by p y r a m i d i n g in December, '68, you prepaid ~es in connection with her. item~ e~nse · deductions interest .for the entire two in'listment activities. If, slte · into One tai:8ble year and tak· years '69 and '70, in addition h@, used her own car .'for~ ing the' standard deduction the to paying your '61 interest. l.biijie purposes, this decision next year. ·But late in '68, Jn the past, you could have mJihl possibly have justjfied the Treasury clamped down deducted the interest for all the''deduction of an allocable on usin& prepaid interest to three years on your '68 return. ~on of her car expenses. save ta:xes. But under the new rules, you ~TAX COURT, though, Unless you bad a pre-ex-made an interest prepayment ~-, a travel deduction for lsting l~gal obligation to make covering more than 1.2 months -.;i---------~.---"-+• '---~----• beyond '68. Your prepayment SWILL YOUR SALARY DOUBLE ~ tli1:~.;:~. ':l':u;1t.~:r~: " Y 197 ' a deduction on your '68 return. B S' ' fnsteod , y,ou will d«luct the 4·cou~_ '69 portion of the prepayment en your '69 return and the '70 portion on ycur '70 return . Last year, several banks ad· vertised an offering of a ne\V type d. savings account which deferred the inccme tax on the depositor's interest until some futw:e date. This was based on the general idea that You would withdraw-your prin-clPal at will but you had to leive the interest in your ac· 'count until some pre-arranged t:few hours at the 12th Annual Orange County Management C!)>nference, Saturday, 8 a.m. March 1, can lhow y,ou the ..$1y. Your choice of two sy.mposia fiUed with vital man1ge• ~nt know.how. Plus a stimulating keYnote address by one ~the nation's most 1ucce.ssful business leaders. All for a $5 tli'ket obtainable at the door at C't!ifomia State College, F'111erton. Besides, it's too Wet' to pliy golf or mow' the (~wn. Conlact the Ofange, County Ctia,mber .or Commerce, 7'74·2851 ~ for ·f urther details. maturity date . • ' " PRPilRESS, PROFIT AND RESPONSIBILITY -THE MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE IN THE SEVENTIES JF YOU STARTED one of these accou,nts, be informed that the Treasury disagreed with · the banks about ttie deferment of tax an the in- terest and annotu1ced that this interest was taxable when credited -just like any other deposit account -because the depositor could withdraw the principal at will. At least one bank changed its deposil plan tO bar withdrawal of both principal and interest until the pre-arranged maturity date - iii an effort. to satisfy the l'reasury's objection. • If yoo are a Californian who BUffered property d a m a g e from the disastrous January and ~February rains, floods and mud slides, you will at least be able to get fast tax relief. Since President Nixon designated Calllcrnia as a disaster area because of severe storms and f\oodin1t beginning around Jan. 17, those who suffered property damage from the disaster can deduct casualty losses on their '68 returns. !DESERT AIR HOTEL and RESORT This is so even though the casualty oceuned in '69 and would otherwise not be deduc- tible until the · '69 return to be filed in '70. By making the special election to deduct the loss on your '68 return, though you will get an im· mediate tax savings or a fast ' tu refund to help offset your fly in • . .. Drive in for vacation f'vn .;COPPER lltOILER LUNCHEONS FROM COM,ASS ROOM LOUNGE COCKTAILS ·~· ROOM :t>tNNERS 5 -11 11 :JO " loss. Under !lie p•;ton•I ''P!i~i1ion of BILL WALSHE • • :~ "p,Q .. 101 1017, P•lm.DtJ•rt, ~!if. ,17141 346·10Sl Next: A\·erage dtducUons, support,. refwtda. JOHNSON & SON INI OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS -"*· M.T ...... Miii w,. .it ed. wl...,~flllo9. .................. ""4." ............ . -......... l&M, I'S. ~L flt. aft, Otl ...... )4Mt .. _...._-Ill.., et1f _..,., XOolGI. • $2995. THESE ARE OUR VERY FINEST TRADE·IN CARS. • llCAUSI THl:SI CAIS All: SONI· TIMU SLl.HTLY MOii IXPINSIYI, flNll AUTOMOllLIS THAN THI AYllAGI TIADl0 IN, WI DO NOT ADYl~S~'tKIM 'f'IDILY • • rT IS OUl llLllP THAT THESE OUT· STANDIN& CAIS llPllSINT THI YllY IDT RISA.LI YA.LUIS POI THI UICUTIYI, rtOPISSIONAL MAN AND DISCllMINATIN• IUY· IL 1966 RIVIERA· ...... , .... lte lll'lhll Wllll -rlM .... lltef'tW, ....... •"" ...... mn• .. l'I, l'a, l'W, ,....., '"'• .,,_. , .. 11. 1111 •I-Hit Whtl, !IC.. •Ir . ._.., I ..... ,., rnfllrtlll .... 11111 11tw, U ll!flK. Tl'l ~·· $3195 1966 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE ... ""llul Miiiry ytlltw t•llttw flllllfl w "-, ...._ IR!er'tW • ._. •:•<~ ie.. """"' 1¥11WY "'IJlf, ... ... INM,. ..... ,,_ ,.~ ....... ......,.."'"' -TrM. elr c-.~ ,.., ..... , ,..,, N ..... 1111 Mj111t-1t•....,...,. "'*" $3695 ' • GETS $300 CAS,H, OCC's K1thlHn Elllnor Two OCC Students Six f1lgMs I dly. UO.. Oii --All Jets. ~ II< 11,... Coll RIA or your _ _,1.nc1 ... ·n pu1,... down ·.-- ~..-. allft. ... ,.,,.,., .... , Betnard Schulman~ controller or the Or- ange Coast Dally Pilot, bas been appointed to the membership com· mlttee, . Institute or Newspaper Con~ll~rs and' F1nanee Offlcets. -·· ..., ' - <"I ' 1-1 •• u . ' .. Wednesday's i Oosing J • ... ,_u. ... -.------+-----. Prices-Complete -.. + ' --- '~ . ... I . ' . .... D.\11.V PILOT . l -- . .. ... , . . ~. +~ i ~; r': .,, •• .. .. .. ,. " I H DAll.Y PILOT Fulbright .. Gives.~A' · . ~ To Nixon ~GTON (~ ,:' ,-Po Nlxoo appwa lo haB. ',-.;compllshed in five ,.,_,, . ._~ ~· B. J~,·-In 111' ~~~p.ibUc,,pproval ol ~ lfltilp policy by Sen. J.. . ,..brighl. Ful!JNht, the A rka ns a1 Demcxrat who tields llte Sf#lte' l!'oreip'Re·La t Ion 1 Oqmnl!Uee, has 'llOI • be<n lmOYm'fw getUng ~ with Democralic presldooli. and aettetaries « ata:~u the •spw poinl ol Uoo to'J-'s.•"•" ' ' ,..,... But · the mm:oirial • aenator ii l!lvllii good mani to N"ixoo Ind SeCfelary of Stale William P. Raters at this point. Ht Aki, for example, that he thlJ!t& Nlxoo ls dolni a gr;&t jab in his viJlt lo Euro. peon qap1ta1s. \· DOING BE'ITER -· "He.' 'ii handling himself "'U. lp;'.lact, he is doing better than ~!lot ol people thourlht he •Cllllil." Fulbright Aid. Th"""1, ,,.,...., Z7, 1169 • Guaranteed 30 Months • 'l'hei!J ii -. ~ ~ lhe ~le 1!>8.1 \hf ~ts""' iillbrti!..lli.i. ··~ . with ktbd.nm t0.'~ll '.)· ' they bOld no~ ,·t~l... him j8'l because ~~:a ·· .• >i ~tiUCan. • ry 6.5Qx13 Tubeless Blackwall 88' l)eJJtocratlc Leader Mlke Minsfield of Montana, a mem- ber of•Fulbright's committee, tam every occasion to say &OmeiMng nice about!Hixon. Sen.· EdmlUld S. Muskie cf l\Wne,· the 19!11 ~Uc Jftlldeqtial -· ha I l!lven J>js caulious approval. HOW·,.long this attitude of cooper,tlon will last . baa to be anybody's guess. . ' BAB GRENADE Fuli>l'!&ht ·hu a grenade in the bajket to toss at the Nixon - admhditration in the forJ!J of. hh "Jiational commitments" reeoluUOn. It would admdnisb the ptaident not jll.~oy U.S. trocips ab""8 ·e!Oei>Mor dlteet .naUooal ,.~·q<l.ty pw-. ",, 1be !committee Cbalrman's loog-tillae friend, Secretary of State 'Bogers, hu b e e n aUuoal about committing the admtniltration on thls issue. tiut jew think Nlxoo will deviali\' from the posltioo of previqll presidents thaJ as -m~ade<·~ h I e f he has lhe . rllJit to employ lroops .. he Itel fit. ~pt also ii trYlng to push tbt new admlnistration into ~g inunodl<te. talU -with :1be Soviet -li n (on. · · Al°"".!fh he approvetl~~ Nix· 00'1 Brussell ststemenl that lbere ,,.,Wd be such talU at U:ie pr,ope: time, the com- mtttt_~an ii never very paUelit ' about waiting for !Olllllm•t ol such pltdgOs. ·~1 these are pooslble Irle· ti<m Cf the future. Just now the hlhright line ii CO!)P<ra-uon. ~ · . ,, Enrichment ' Classes Set ' ' n · UCI y 'Ille Univenlty School at UC JrVbJl.:formerly a pr~I cllily,: bl1 expanded to ptovlde an aftehloon en r i c b men t -.1Mi'·for five and m ... yW oldl. }Qwes meet from 1 to s:• Ji.lb., weekdays. 'lllo 'ocbooi, which wlJLstili dler · pre-school c1wes: b ~tell 1n St. M a)I' t' s PraJn1orian Church, 2 O O I EutWf Drive, Newfort .. .• ~ ::Jt ii CCHponsortd by . the UC! SchoOI ol Social Sclen- ca: and the UCI Office of -· EdilcaUoo. Director ii ~ Eleanor Wynne, who f'"""'JF directed • ---ochool In Albuquerque. qar..aity S c h o o I ls *lle!I u a supervbed ...... program for -ben ud ·hU be<n conducting • · -lor children 2\; to five ~·old since last fall. Foes ~ ""'1!ed but the school ti id •con&idertd exclusive. pJinl· ... i><tngblade lo offer ""'"'"'lid!!!' to chlldren ol ---and studenil. An ,additional enri<lnn<nl .~ _. wlII be ofrerid t.r • lifal ,,.. ... children, if lllf . ft,:l•at Interest 11 ·" t'{' :Cldal. mJ atJ! t ~ ~ .... IDL llobat ''l'lft by , -• ' ... ,, ,,....... ... .. ~. I t . 't (• :·•·· . ..... ' ' ' . ' ' ' c.ol-t ,,,. ............ _..., __ .... _..::"'.,:-;,: ........ . ALLSTATE P~nger Tire Giaarantee Tttiad IJfe GU1orantee Gwt.ranteftd Aplntlt.: All faUurea ot the tire resulting from normal r0a·c1 hazard!! -or defee~ tn materla.I or workm&ru!hip, FOi' llow Lonr: For the We ·of th• original tn&d. . \\.'bat Sears WUI Do: Repair nall puncture• at no charge. In ca11e of !M?ure, in exchange for the Ure; replace it charging only the proportion of current regular aelllnc~ price plw Federal Exciae Tax that represents tn¥ used. Tnad weal' 0at ~~ Guarankiecl Aplnst: Trt_&d wUr-put ·, Jo'or How Loagt The number of mmrtha apeci.° • tread. ' ~ ~ What SUn Wiii Do: In exchange for. the tire, replace 'It charging the current regular ~lllng price plus Fe~ Exct.e ·Tax lua the folio\.\'· inf allowance: Month! Guaranteed 12 to 24 27 to 39 . .\Uowance 10 ~0 20 $0 ' SIZE . ' Pius t.iJt_ Fed. Exe. ·1u And Old Tire • l'rtce with l"ad Z:s.. 1'r•d•·h• Ta• Tubeless Black,\-allS 6.5iixt3 I 12.SS I 1.79 7.35x14 I ta.SS I 2.07 7.75x14 I 17.88 I 2.20 8.25x14 I 20.88 I 2.36 7.75xt5 I 17.88 I 2.21 . ·TubeleM Wjtltewalls 6.50x13 I 15.88 I t.79 !7.11Sx14 I 18.88 I 2.07 :iii;sx14 I 20.88 I 2.20 s:2 xt4 I 23.88 I 2.36 S.55xl4 I· 26.88 I 2.57 7.75x15 I 20.88 I 2.21 8.15x15 I 23.88 I .2.38 g.45x15 I 26.~8 I 2,i7 ,, ... ,., (.11ard-rna11 i-' nur li e;! Bu:,:.:. Hen·\; \\"h; ' · ) Big l'atL'l1ti:,1 l.ifi:-Protccting Fcaturr' · Pl.leD~ Paleoleil P&tened 8.t1t1 SiltnM!r l 1ttll'loellin1' lbouldtn Buttoia-T"'.d e:ura .. " "' betw~n rit.. •I" ITlp OD .... .... •lop tb• road f(H' be:t. .... .... 1M1Uealill,I' ''"' trect1Ga, road w1llM111t around tUJU lt&l't Pel a 11.lreh, If and wM11 atop quldlJ.t. ·~ """ ""ktttr. oft. -. ~·ery&an --ln~Dd.NI 2:--' i to 4~' · LL'l1gLT \\'car \\'ith Guardstnan FREE Allstate Tire 1'1ouatinr FREE Clwd<of Yow;,Whed AUpment; FREE Allatate 'lite.aotattoa El'ery GUardsman (Nylon) wears longer than the 4 major new car tires after 20,000 miles of identical testing on our grueling Peros, Texas track.-, 6,000 Mlle• Pre-Season SALE! SA VE $40! A~to Air Conditioner . . NO MONEY DOWN ..• NO MONTHLY . PAYMENTS 'til June 2 on Sears Easy Payment Plan • Faster cool down time for "right nnw" comfort , •. high C.F.M. for. '. greater air circulation ... cools car quickly • Distinctive control selector .. , mounts under the dash ..f' I • • Regular $169.95 77 , ~ludell71T • Trained s~ialists for profession-SA VE an.additional $20 on Regular $50 al mstallation and competent ser-• ~. · · . vice in the future. . , . in.t&lla~oit .... Now Only $30 Dmng Sale ' ' I ' 'f-. : ' : ' ' • ' ' ··-. .; :. i·· -.• .-... . ................. :.""' ·-~ ......._ . ' . . .,... .imr:t:-..... ·= ,,. , ~':£2':"!--~-~~----....... -~ _,_ __ ------__ !I'll ___ - -----···-........ ------.. -~ ---~·....,....,._r:-1rw · ,1 ~~.l~r•TA~,·52li'Sf! l\MORTEGl.3.:191'1 ~ lOHG"&CAOt.HES-0121 ricoWE&..4l6Z sAHrAf!SllNJS.94+801t UPUiHD9U-1927 I ~ ':.: 'G' w-:",::: • · ~PAK 340-0661 Gl.ENt>m Of 5-10041 a 4-4611 Ol.YMC & soro AN 8-5211 ~ ED 2•1145, NA 9•516,, vu 6..g51 MHl'A MOtlCA EX 4-6711 vMJJY P.O 3.a.c61, 914 .2210 :r..---flt~=..;:: ' ·v i ·CXf#l~NE 6-258~, HE ~-57~1 ~OU'l'WOOO HO 9·594 1 o~ 637..2100 lANrA A.NA kl 7~371 ~1JWA..SC0.3!!~3 . 'WlfO« Pl 9·!911 I =-=~;;,!'"'~'1:; . • .L·~.·-1 ..,_ .' """"'iOODS* 8-2s21 •~lloJJ 1.i211. n 5.421 1 " • ~44~.1 .. ,1 ,, · · , -::t#.:-:::'iiiJ=-:r: " .... ----.... -~-~-..-------------------------~-, .. ~-11!"'~.-------r ., • • ' !2. • (> • ., , r :f -•••'-"Satil-iloliGliarantnd or Your Money Back" ---"" Sl.opll,..... M1oiii.,tluugl1'solla•19i30A.M.io9:30 P.M. ._ "'-~ I I 1 1 • .. ~-· ... • • .; . ·, l ~;: I , i r"'ftl. l •. I, fftflE;··AitE tilt BltdEST M1 .o.:~t~SOrt s~ VINIS . YOU'¥E EVER ·SEEN '! - COME IN .: ... BUY ~OW!., 'iRAND NEW 1969 'FIREillio · ···HARDTOP· 250 c~·blc inch· overh_eed ;c•m . engine;, bu~k·• s••t~1 lw.ide ov.tl ·whit9 wall tires, b.lc:k-up lites, windsfiield wishers, hli•d restraints. f22ll7'L6.00196l. , :~119 " ,-? 'A • . • PLUS TAX a .. LIC. ' . . ALL PRICES Pl!US TAX ' A ·LICINsl '. MR.: LOt.tGPRE'S Per:sonQI Car ._ . save.·: •1000 ~:::·:.~: . GRANP : ·PllX Model SJ AUTOMATIC .All\;: CON·· . ,'· · ' .. • · "· '· DITIONIN6. Cordov•.top, turbo tri1nsmlssto.n; St•t•O FM radio, r•llt: 11. whe•ls_, custom it••'l"9 _ w h _, • I, power steerift9, •P o" • I'. • disc br•kes, tinted gl1ss, power,. d~ ~locks, pow•r windowsi, pow• r buc~•f s e •ts,· cornering l1mps1 rill)-9i1u9i' cluster, auto• matic; leVel c:ont~ol,:fiber .. glass. tires, m•ny, many other-•~rts, I ·BRAND NEW ·1969 .CUTOM'S' HARD;TOP . IMMB>IAIE DELMlY! .$· .. 1· .. ,. 83 · All CONDltlONI~ , · ' / _ 1 ' , l barr•I 350 cubie i"ch e"9ine, . • · power 1feeri119 I: brakes, h••t1r, hlrbo hydr•111•tie tr1111,,_ r•dla, . ~ PEI . ~O. tiRf•d 9l•1t, whit• wall tira1, baclr up lit11, wi11d1h1ald. wa1har1, Wltti N~ I /J D•- l 235379·1 ll!Sl&I' . 1'ftt _4i .... . ' ~. ... . . , ' ' • · OPIN i'il~:Y.s. ·e '-.., . . "4ond1y thru ·S.turdty 9:0ll A.I,,!. till 9:00 P."4. Sundty 9:09 A:M;:tftl . 6_:00 P."4. ' . • ! . ' FRWY.. l. • r . ---·------~---~j T""""', F"""1y 27, 1969 DAILY PILOT 21 ' 48 MONTH · FINAllCllG AYAILAIU ON YO~I .. APPIOYID CUDl1' . ' HERE, IT IS! IT'S -~~s NtWEST! AND.~GREAT~Tl COME SEE IT! ORDElf IT NO\¥,LSHOW UP ALL THE OTHERS WITH THE JUDGE . . . '!, . " -'""!'-. . -,Ji-'-L:.... ... ~~ -'.-' ...:..:... ...i...._ '.!.... ,_..-. 'P .. ~ ~ ~· . '. \~ ., . 1967 CAMARO • • -I Poptiac GTO's 68 Fir~birds T 1 ' •• ' 68 Firebird 350's · '&a Firebird 480's ·, :g Catalina's J . ' ; ' • . • !&8"1onneville's 68 -V~Mura's ... ' ! -' ·~ · 1 ;~e Man's .: 68 9 P•ssenger . STATION WAGONS · PLUS MANY · MORE 1961'1 All~ Priced . 8elow Fcic.toty Invoice! · •· • · smia:& m fiirt. • Mondty 7 A."4. 1m 9:00 P."4. Tuosd1y ·thtu· Frld•y ,1:00·'.A."4. tHl Jr.00 ,.M. S•ryic• 0.)M'trffntJ O .oie'd-Sit. ~n~ ·$Un, 1 • . . . ' ~ . ,. . ' . f ! " . r.. :r . ----""----·- . ' • • . . .- l. ' I I ' . • JJ D.'ILY PILOT Thllndo>, F"'°"'1 27, 1'169 UCI Yearlings Ne~rly Pull It Off, 45-43 • DAILY 'ILOT ,..,_ .. 'M D'DMMll Nation's N'O. l Frosh Five . ' . ' . Tops ·Itvine in OvertiJne • .. , <' •'. • • . \ ~ " ., tiRL fD'IDY """' ... ...... it.·"" end ol .... ~~ .... --.,....iatJon. . ~ . l \ ' Tim Tiii -~ hilp bpi wooder "-• M In ~ ml,' -It ...-, UC! Ibo experto .nfo JIU UCI lroahmu -Ibo Tro ·~ prtpUOd, lllo. ·. -etblll -todlJ, Tiii -t Troj hit tbe lhota 'Ahead and bi .....,.n11 for moo&. ol tllllll !Wiuldn't earlier In Ibo the g am e, tbl ~ Anteaters °""" -l ,...._ ·• beauUfulll"""'°'"""'ootrol 1oni'.ol ~· oimly . .. by tbe nur- tbe Trobabeo ......... Ins In O'\... _,_, -"""'' In a ·quiet ......,. ... ..~ ~f'.~ ' ; Amafln&IJ,. ~ tillee a UJnttC ~ ,., ~ tllilce. . .. ~ .,, " is11 ~ il!oa;,~ jurned ...... ,J'Oarf'!.' I>l'1ii.li;.,--plan In tllat .... 1d ,. !!.'. \Ill lalo ~·.J>e ~ . ~·. oetthllll~· .,, .. ~II ~;..I• lelm and I ' . !Jk~ . ..,_ loot 11111011. \• : felt tbe -.. ~ ili'.Could play tbem UCl'1 fmbmen lllllOOlhb' pliytd tbeir personnel-Wile wu to play tbe kind ol Blow-<l.own, control attJck to near perfec-game we did. We proved tooight that tion. They looted only for l1yup1, at you CAN play a super team enn up one lime ki111nl: the ball for four-and+ with that kind of a game." ball minutes belore flndln& ODe. USC was ia the bole unUJ the end. In fact, when Irvine'•. BW Georae When Larry Waaerman acortd to sank a 10-foot jump ahot to tie the make it 12-11, UCI, the Anteaters kept acore at 43-43 In the overtime, ~ was that Jead until near the end of rqulaUon the only ahot other than a layup UCl plaJ when USC's Paul Westphal madt took all night, aside from a dNperaUon a free throw to make it tl-41. Area Tennis Stars Draw Byes in LA The Anlealen had tbe ball for tbe laat 2,32 but wound up without lbootlng room in the final !econds. It wu one ol tbe few mlltakt1 they made all nl&hl Ron Riley put tbe Trojana allead witli tbe f1nt mctet of tbe overtime but George's jumper with 13 seconds left made It ~-Then George fouled f.10 Bill Taylor under tbe bucket with no time left and lie mode both lroe throws. Durlnl tbe middle stages of tbe aecond hall, UCI led by aa much u 10. Wasserman, the 5-t guard who performed Rocket Rod Llyer of Corona del Mar brilliantly, scored to give Irvine a 35-2$ and clauy Roy Emenoo from Newport lead with 1,54 left. Beach have drawn f1nt round byes in Then USC's nuggets went to wark. tbe aecond aonual Loi ADplel lnrita-"I tnew wben we had tbe blc leadl tional tennlJ lnumament whlcll _. Jn tbe llOC:OOll MU that Joe Mlcby Monday at th• Fonnn In Jnal~ood. andWt1tphal woold eve-1Jy tab_ Defending tourney •pion Pancho long shots Ibey were paulnl up and Gonzalez wu not ao fortwllte, drawlng I wa! hoping they'd miss but tht1. South Africa's Boy-ai,o.;e •IP tbe flnl · · -'I." ·· . NICE AND EASY -UCl 's Gary Fox holds the b811. during Wednes-day night's UCl-USC froo~ game •t,Cra1(ifOrd Hall. UCI nearly pulled .. off a staggering upset, l>lit k»I W"Overtime, 4.>43. No. II for UCI is ~ Wasserman, Steve ~·drives the middle, Bill George is at the far end of the court aJ)d Bu, M..ire (4si' Is et lower right: 'fro. babes are Monroe Nash (left), J°' Mackey (33), Paul Westphal (25), Bill Taylor (44) and Ron Riley (3\). day's activities. it ~~"'r,. __ i' ,· • . Tbe ~-· pared UCI'a record to 17..f Laver; top regarW .IA1ft ibe ' wbUli the Trobabes roll along at 17-0. world, will take the court Wednaday But No. 17 ,goes into the boots u against Dennis Rtl"9o Iii i ,..1:10 duet;"">. 4 ·the «>e ~ made 'em sweat. Emer$0n gets ·USeft~vot If the _. ~ ,,...,·~1 vci ,,... C4'I match between Ken RGlfwall UKf Earl · ,. ,, ,, ,, fl tt ,, ., • Big Lew~~;; ,, . All-American · C.age Squad ~· ' .. NEW YORK CAP) :--TqwerlJ>l 'Le'! AJcUidor of UCLA, Pele Maravlch of~ Louisiana State, Spencer Haywood of Detroit, Rick MOunt o?~rdue and' Ca1VI~ Murphy of Nlqara m named '0>111'1:' day as the isio college\ basketball All-' American teanl by The Associated Press. These five Completely dominated the voting by 339 iports writers and broad- casters throuP<lut the country. Charlie Scott of North carolina beaded the second team. Jo-Jo White of Kansas. Mike Maloy of Davidson, Bob Lanier of St. Bonaventure and Dan !Mel of Ken- tucky rounded out the second five. Neal Walk ~f Florida, Bobby Smith of Tutu.. H01t1rd Porter of Villanova, Dave Scholz of Illinois and Dave Sorenson of Oblo State 'were chosen as a third team. Rudy Tomjanovich of Michigan, Butch Beard of Lou1sville, Jim McMillian of Columbia, Bud Ogden of Santa Clara, ' Bill Justus of· Tennessee, John Roche of S o u th Carolina and Bob Arnzen of Nolre Dame Were among the honorable ment.ions. ' In making tbe All -American team for the third striight year, A1clndor, the 7-foot-l!A senior slar of the cobntry's No. 1 college team, missed by only 19 po1NI of achieving a perfect score ol 1,116. Big Lew coUected 334 firsts and three seconds bi the voting. He was omitted "" ju.I two blllnts. On. the bads of five points for a first and three for a second, h1a total WU l,'78, Bealde belng 1 tint class basketball . B -'-'--'~ lllley l I ' 7 Wlllte I ' • ,. Uuwuu;. M•dl:•r •• ' It M•r• ' I ' ' S.~ty at Heart RUSSIAN KIDS END DYNASTY Laver is top seed for the '20,000 pro T•r• J J 1 ' Gtwte J 1 ~ 1 spectacle while Australian Tilay Roche rt:,tr1111 ~ : : : ~:_IM11 : ~ ~ 1l is the No. 2 seed T1111s 11 ' ,, .cs r ... i. 11 11 t o ""'--" • IWtffime: UCt Fro&h 10, U$C l'mfl lJ. ·"' : . ·Davis Goes ·· Sentimental Women's actioo: begins .auw.ulJ ni1ht lft'8Vl•llllfl: UCI Ft'Mll .fl, USC .. ,.... fl. For UCI Season Finale COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - Two young college students from Moscow, Irina Rodnlna and Alexei Ula· nov, won the pain tiUe in the World Fil· with defencllni UUist ... , 'IJlmhledon champion Billie Jean Kini Ille ~· Tiie ICbeduJe for Monllq 'ml1r-wec1. nesday nights: ure Skallnl Champl...,btpo Wednesday night and ended the four-year dynasty of r.f."DAY two Russi ..... compatriots 1-T011V 1toct1t ..... "'-rt-f~ ...... , 1-ic... 11 ..... 11 ... , • "''· E•ri auc1111o11, :i-ram"rttr ..... "'J!J'°'i.' coach, UC Irvihe's Dlck Davls has proved two black eyes durina a practice mishap Skating last among 14 pairs, lh~ areat ~= .... ~~'M::,,J°"'11 ,.._..,.,1111 ·~ . . . . .. -.. Ludmila Beloussova and Oleg w,0,.110.r.v j.o be a sentimentalist of sorts -. which .., lut week. ' Protopopov the wlfe-buaband team wblcb ..... '*1:· ll~t-wtl!Nr, ls certainly not In his di~~., . ', ' FarleJ will mol:e JJok~ appearom:e . hid "OJ\ f.lir llilrld, foot r;uropil>f)'~ 1 , ' 1'· • "":" " •w =.;:: In Friday night's E "aDd nplil" .. -:oo .~ 090r.>'18tt ~-'be f!~ by ,,.:·and~ Sold~ in·tbe , . ..,,,, "'1i':i1:'r•n"F11~•.., season flnale with PIJ'_fdtl6 • • IYb ~ '~ v.mnc tlpqU, ~vii .. · ,.... ~ 1o cmdat :their_, wtlf , , MtrJ.'1 '''*'" Durr . • .. ".:. • .d.. • ~-· ' I • .. • • ~ 1-;Y ). "\.-\ ' , • College, Davis will reun1 ... ~,P'9UP WMt . t'lbe ' Antuter boll sbc*• bUm . •, • ' .,. .. .. 'Ir r ' • ! . ' '4 did him proud as Anlealet ~ touch '&y not (otgetting tbe M u:; S ·. ' i ' Bri-~-;·,.·);· ~ ·~ coa<b lour years ago. ' helped him to lie where be is today ports n, ""' · At that time Davis was understudy -head coach of an NCAA playoff bound •*:*****"******* WHITE WASH "'*"'************ to Dan Rogers , wbo has slnce resigned. The yearling group of Mike Heckman, Steve Foritius, Charlie Brande, Jim Far- ley and Nick Sanden produced a 19-5 record. And Uiat mark certainly did Davis no harm when it camt Ume for con· sideration for the varsity JIOl!lt' •vacated by Rogers. • •. \ Since tben a couple of those players have developed into varsity stars - Sanden and fleckman. But the others fell inta a less spectacular role, being moved Ollt of starling job! by better talent. • However, all five of lhose former Davis frosh aces will start apimt Tlboe Paradise. And that includes Farley, who suffered a double DOM fracture and team. 854,000 Tea: BUI lmqlne the ~ -.i llolmJe a.if, direcior of golf at Coda Meu Country club, when be ~ t1lat mall pief f .... Ille .... ty-llld ..... die bill. Tbat ii, ~... U a llllff fee Jo aJQ'ODe'I boot. It --ltaule'1 C09-tract *8 manqe tbe COlll'R wa1 ~II: ln 111~ a way that lie II rupoulltle for tile tu bite. He ls cunuUy bitinl lall uila wldle tbe city trtes to ftprt 1 way lo 1et him off the book. The Coast Ranger1 "lllicctr team of the Orange CoaSt area baa accepted an invilatlon to play a Santa Barbara area all-star team Sunday 'at . the Coll- seum as a prelim to the duel between Dynamo of 'Jaev and Oatland. The Rangen play at 12 ,15, tbe feature spectacle is at f -with a break from Tlaloc, tbe Aslec rain god. Fhlll arrupmuta kave Mu made for the reunlta .. 1111.. ..... ii redttd Oruge COUi CDlelt ..... JI ceaclll Wenddl PitbM. Baltimore Signs ~lagle; . . Reichardt Joins Angels Former Orange Coast College and ~lier Del High School pllcber Jim Slql> wu signed Jnto professional baseball bY the BalUmore Orioles Monday night. Miami, Fla., March1l4. / Slagle,· a 'rlghthahder:, will report to the Oriolt11 spring training ~ase in The Lido Isle resident had fua most sparkling record while at Mat ' Dei. He had. an 1-2 record in 1965 nd 12-1 In 1966. A5 a senior he was named mo.st valuable player for the Angelus Lague and was an All-Orange County selecUon. ... ,, The Anlaatm placed lhret performers -Mite Heckman, Jeff eumun6am and Mike Barnes -tq the flnt team with Chapman'a Ned ~kert and Cal State's (FU,uerfoni ROn Hughes. · , Sl\COQCI teaqi picks f't'om UCI were Nick $~~.ind Steve Sabina. 'The re- maiilder al t be oecond team Included T6ny Muon df Chapman, aod Jerry Rinker .¢ Rick Shults ol Soutbem Cal eonese. c..1a l\lea.L ,, } Tickets fOI" the ,f1nt eiJht AOltl home ..,. wlJl\ID .OD sale MondaJ at the 'Anahiiia .stldtum bo:1 offtce, wblch will tie bpft fNn. t a.m. to 5 p.m. Play~ff Berth . ' Lifts Load Off of . Davis Dick Davis is today a man who loob like he's just unhooked an anvil from Illa back. UnW 11:15 a.m. Wedneaday, Davia had been bent with worry. -awaiting declaion on whether his UCl bastdball "'laaril (17.f) wiluld be Invited In tbe NCAA playolfl. :But the uril crashed to the floor . w~;,· -Irvine .... offldally Invited ·to the western regionals at W Vegu March 7-3. So far, the University o(, Nevada, Lu Vegas, is tbe only other 't .. m Invited fir tbe four-Ieam tourtwnenl The regionals winner goes to Evansvtlle, Ind., for the naUonaJ final! the followtnc weekend. Davis is now busily preParina: for the Las V e e a 1 trlp. He will. aend reserve forward Dave FonUUI to San Francisco S1turday to scout the sr State-Chico State a:ame. San Francisco·b a probable entry In the rt11111als. Ftesbm~ roao!I Tim ~ will ruah lo Long Beach after his team's t p.m. ladle Frllfq IV!Glnl In scout Cal State Cl.olil.Beaeb) W Nevada.' Davis flgurea U tbe Anteatm win tbeir !Int game at Lu Vesu, they11 play Nevada for the reatonals cham- pfonshlp tbe following nlghl "Since we wm the Hcood tum In- vited, I'm aunmtng we wUl be ~ ~eded, 11 he said. ! Hornets Rip GWC, 99-72, Tbe affair ii Hl for Mardi a, a& Bob lklnu rutavut la Newp«1 BeacL Jt atarta al 7:• IDcl a $5 tlcbl'COVUI dinner Up and gift COlltrlbaUoa. Pl<bm' frieedl llld f,,_ playen ore Invited. informalloa -lie obtal..d from Doo Jacobi CIH-mS), HOLTVIU.E . -Oolflelder Ri ck Reichardt·~. to ocintract terms with lbe CaUfornl• Angell Wednesday, but shortstop Jim FreaoSI and catcher Tom Satrlano remained among the unsigned . Re.lchardt and General Manager Dick Walsh reached agreement in a telephone C011Vet11Uon and \be outfielder is U· pecied at tbe Anl•il tralnlnl camp Sat"'1ay. Tickets wlll also be 1valllble at Wallich'a Music en, 1n Cotta Meia and at all United California Banb In Oranp County. . ,, ,, ,, Should UCI meet Nevada. In the cham- pionship match, its chancea would be far crater -tban"lhey. wm lul year .Jn tbe Dnals at San Diego Slate, wllen UCI led f..-most of tbe pme bllcn lolq, lf.74. Tam Walklnl, the team'•· leadlnf ICIJl'el", Is Ineligible. Davia oplnad IUt Watkins ls "about 35 percent" of Nevada's offenatve attact. E;nd Year :Wit~ 20-0 Mark By JOEL SCHWARZ Of 1M Deily Piltl Ill" Fullerton Junior College tuned up for ILi Saturday nighi challenge round for a i.rtb in the 1lale basketball pilyofts • br l'Ol!llDI Golden West, 9H2, Tuelday niP1 • the Hornets' fioOI". It wa an impressive performlDce by Mot Radovich'• forces wblcll fw~pt. tl!nOP tbe EaslG'n Conference - -a po'fecl 2M record. The >1ct4r7 -tilt illt ln a Mr f..-Fallerton. ne Rometa tumad back Goklen Wiit ... brilfltnt -play al IU"I Cl.ti Smlth and -devastating wart .... bactboll'dl wblch enabled them .. ,.. 105 lhotl, a more than Golden Will. Blelpt for Smith, Fullerton wasn't pat'•'a-11 hot from tbe outside, but Illa Banetl ICOttd m•ny ol tbelr b11kets ... ..,.... oil of ao alladt thal lllced ;M8'{:tf, Golden Well'• dtfwe In • "'*1on broke open the eafne earJy. ~· smashing a 6-6 Ue with a IM spurt that lasted fjve min~tes. Smith had sev- en of the Hornet potnts. The Hornets led. 4$-26, at halflime, and the closest Golden We!\ ever coWd come to the winners wall 15. Smith led m Fullerton playm 'Into double figures with IS polnla. Davt Prather and Mart ·Miller we.re U,. only Rustlen wbo bad sue<ess of· fenslvely1 ocorln& D and II Dlltken. The IOa evfSIOd Gold<n West's EC record 1t 10.10 and the Rustlers wound up the seaaon wtpa an overall 17·12 mark. .......... 1111 .. ....._. '"' ·-·· ...... _ ~" fl• >H•rw S11u llYltMll t2t .,lyt SttU M111W 7 S I It I~ I 1 S 11 KOl'llNI t ' I • Smllll 11 I t tJ "''"-• 4 1 n ai1 .. ,.. s ' t lt Ollllft t t 4 4 Wlholl ) t • ' •ot1'"'9ol t t l •~ ltt• Hat'dlflt JtS •Wrftl't l I''' Wllltf'I t • 10 ~, ••ta \ -'j'' 'tot1li )II If 1S 1' 't"'9(! 4ol I ' ,. • Halfll"" ttor•: Full..-IOll .,. Ootd"' w I •. " ' Reports from Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital say that gravely ill Muwell Stiles ii 11Ull clinging lo lite. ~ 87-year· old sporb colwnnisW.uthor wa s stricken with a severe heart attack eulier thiJ month. ~ ... ,, Uct players dominated the selections Wednuday as Orange C o u n t y sportawrlters picked two county college all-ttar teams. · WEST PALM BEACH, FIL -1-d1J1. LeRoy "Satcbel" Pail• baa finally quallfled for a bueblll ~ al II. Pt,ige became ellllhlt f«I, Iha penllon now because of a change bf'=ttnents that cut minimum lenph el league service from five to four yun. Yaz· Eyes Biggest Salary WINTER &VEN, FIL (AP) -"111 pl la to-tbe ~paid~ in bueblll bWcrf.'' ll1J C'a r 1 Yutrmnati -' a D d appartnllr lie doesn1l haft Vf!r'/ far lo IO· The I~ nutflelder lfgned a two- year Contract wllh lbt Booton rod Sol Wednetday hr a ......, which lie In- dicated wu more than Sll5,000 a aeuon. "t reaU. then'• i 11mit to wbal they can lJll mt," Vu said, but he also lndicai.d lie 1Ull ~ to ao a 111111 hit llJtber. Alked what f111n he -Id ban lo reach to achieve his goal of be<:ominl • tbe , blpelt paid (lla1'r be aid: "I undentand WllHa MoYI l(Ol ll•.000." Yutnemikl ,,.. pllJlnc for 1n llllmated 145,0DO In, 00 -lie won tbe American ~·· 'Triple Qoown aild Moot Valua_ble Player awards while leadlns the Red Sol to tbe pionanl . llil ulary Wll hlted to a ~ IUIO,IOO !cir !alt aeilon, and tben bnocted . qaln Weir-Jay. Alld Yu lllld It ii open Id nqollatlon ti/ tbe -nd year al .tbe new pact. · Gen<ral Manqtr Diet O 'Conn e 11 clecllDod II> llvo llllY lflOCl!lc filurel tn Yastntmsil'a new contratt, but he • said' "He t. tbe bat boll pll)'U In tbe American ~ and aa Iv a I !mow ~~ tt*~ir~pald· ' Y11tnemakl hlmlel! lllld ba bdeva tbe conlracl> makea him Iba ~ paid player In Red Sox hlslorl', aurpus- lng tile 1125,000 llelleved In have been paid In Ted Williama. . Yu fell o1J Jut -1n1111 bla Ian-· taJtlc paoe Iii' tll'I, 11111 .. 11111 -"' up Ill tbe ~·· <m\F JIO hlllor -a .JOI a-far 1* tlllnf llelllna Utle and the ......, -1n a row. • J :..!:;:;;::""---~ -----------------~-------~----·-·-·-.. ' ----- Preemntq San Ji'randlco State mU:a It, th.,. are beJle...r In lie throe re- maining contenden for tbe four1ll berth In the reglonala -W..imlDller ol Ulah, SeaUle Pac:iflc and Puget SOund. The Oddi are with 'IJeatmlmler, with a l'-3 ,_.i, The otber two chibl have playen wllo are !neJillblt fO< poot.cwon play. Tlllim-call w-., that ad•llad UC! ~--Rar 'lllDnlnD o1 the lmltlal:m Clml u a e:1pecttd 17 , ,,._ baf"tallted earllor In Ula _,,. Ina wttJI ,..s.alt eelactlaft cwnndUte cllalnnan Lorry lterftr al Hmnlloldl Stale ad no dadsinn bad --,,__ • -Pavla --pnpand then to nit untU the.weekend• JaW In find oat. bow llCI llOod. It ... med at !hat Ume u U San Francisco Stale'• rune with UC Davia Friday nl;ht woold cleclde It -way « another. Bui,~ .dlscoloed tbe plll()lt ol --Pacific and P.,tt SnUncl wllll NCAA· oflldall ln,Kanau· Cllr and wu l1ld not lo -· tliooe two «hoNr, brealdl\lf open tlie donr fllr UCI. • • • r----w---';'•-• ----!"•-a---·z--a•t-1 e•:-t QL!OLOIL•L LllZll"L"SllL IZ4"'44•2S•lll! "'22!02•1 •LllSOll'lOlt S•JJlll!SJ"i"P ZJ ... _ ... , ,_.,, ,.,,.,, .. , '1'~1"fl""""'' +..-. ,.,,.,..~.'"""'"",.,,'""*-'7'1f"e ff'ifd"l"-,c.,-.,.,.,,,,,,,..,.,"!. ott ,.,.,,,,,.,,,,., ~ .. .,,, W--"' 'In .~,I ;ol ' rr • QIM, Foe -. ' Tliwtdly, F""1wJ 27, l'l6t DAILY 'llOT .13 Oil. City .Duo on First Te aln' After 3 SeallOBll Monarehs • Similar . Barons' Kasser • fu Style Quits Hoop Post Place Two On Stars · : For ; !\ll-~ou ~ty S~l ecti~n s By llOQllR CAR=N Of ..... ,lltlSlilff Coach 'Bill Bloom ol Corona de! Mor Hl&h School makes no bonel oboutll • • • Bj ·EAIU), GUSTKEV I ' Of lllt Ddj , .... Staff John Kouet, 31.year-old hwl buketball coach ol He'd rothtr see hll club Founllin Volley Hllh School, play eecand ranbd and will leave that poet. the DAI· undo1eoledJ ClltUlOolt ffl&h LV PILOT bu 1wned <i· School Frldey night llwt meet cluslvely. st. Anthony Hlglo, runoon:p in ff ~· • ~-the Angelus League. e ww joio . .., ·Groth Cbevrol<t Compoey ol Hun-Bloom, who guld<d hll team tington Beach in Junt. to a rodwnpklashlp in the No ~ bu been nam- lrvine LeljUe and aQ overall ed for the job be v1e1tes. '11cRt llllorinadGm He leaves Fountaln, Valley 11cketl are aow ta Ille after' 10 years of high scbool ol IM s-..t AelMI)' Of. COllcloing. Alter comoletlnr bis Dee at Coroaa del M1f mp · playing days. at Pepperdlne l!cloool !or IM Seo r•--• Collero·lo the late ~. Kai-...,.., ser became hwl c:ooeh ot IJo. CIF AAA loukellooll dul ml-mg1o ln£omptoo. witll St. Anthony Friday Arter one year there, he nl1bt. took oVtt at Downey lDgb, Prices In! $1J5 for adalta where he remained for four and 50 centl for cblldnn Years. He was junior varsity under 11 wit); a 1peclal pre-and Bee coach at Marina for Bale to 1tudents for 50 cents two seasons before joining wl~ ASB canl. Fountain . Valley when the Tbe activity office II optn school opened in the fall of unUI 4 p.m. tod1y ud Fri· 1966. , day. The bos offt~ ta froat In three seasons, bis teams or the gym wtD open II rocorded o 3W1 r«!<ri 1111 7 p.m. Jast two clubs were both wtn- C.padt;y of Ute gym is ners, 15-10 and lf.12. He l,I08. · • started with a 6-15 team. 17-9 record .against some atlff A Huntlngton Beach resl· opposi~ has used the slow· dent. .Kas&tr ~ bis wife, down r..cUc with a deliberate carol, hive one child, twHnd· offense · ·to ratUe the op-. a-half:year-old Kann. .1 position. For the 1987-61 ~1 ye~. Now his club meets the he aer_ved as Fountain Va.U:ey s same type of team in SL -athletic director in addition Anthony. STEPS DOWN John K1111r to his head coaching duties. ·• "I deeply regret leaving ?tlater Dei Hi&h Scbool pl1c-• 1 , , ed two p!J,yen on tbe •II· l\llk• C<!>1tcer11 9' Huntincton -h wu lllilled Ployer Aogelus ·Leo&u.• team, relu~ · of · tho Veor In the pllielol ~ County llllkelhlll ed today' . ...ie<11ons by the COWl!y s~ -Uoa. The t,;o ~ Ralpb Clolllllll! Conlrv11 led .~ lo a llllrd ~ CIF berth, aod Bob Glbeit. ~-•· second lllralllll SGMet L<-Utle and, 41 lllralght leque ....umJWUI, one victories over • ,JP&D fl three years. of two jOlllion lo mob the · Roy Mlllor of -Uncton Qeach made h o oo..two 10-man team, a\ttrlfld 17.3 punch for the Olien on the first team . poin.ls per 11me !or the Coach ol ·tho .y.,,, ii Jim Stephens ol Glrden Grove Monlr<bs. Gibert scored 1t ofter he led loi.s MgOllluU lo o 26-0 reconl Including vlclories u i.5 rate. over a1x eveawal leque champions in prtleague play. Pio r the The Arp lie IOeded lint in the C1F J.A playolls r:r 0 year for lhe and are the only Oraqe COlUlty team to 10 unbeaten ~ 11 Steve Cariaplno or through the ftlUlar season. P AmaL . . Newport Harbor's Lee Haven made the second team League cbamp1Cft Pius X and Jeff Powers o( Westnilluter wu named to the tblrd unit placed two men on the all-to round out the list cf Orange COast area players to make league team, Tom Ferrato, the three coveted quin~. ' a junior, and Bob ·Edwards. Haven was only one ol two undtttlusmen to' make . Loop nmnerup St. Anthony the grade. A junkr, Haven averaged 17.3 points per •ame placed ~Ike Moorehead 1nd In the powerful Sumet 'Lel.glle. Dane Linoel on the all-star Powers tallied lt.t paints per came. club. Biil Boyd of Foothill, a sophomore, made the lhird Chandos was accorded team as the only other non.genior. honorable men,tion oo ,the all-Honorable mentions from the Orange Coast area wue Orange County prep hllloth11. Eric Christensen of San Clemente and Ralph ChandO! All·Ance!UI Le-or M •• Del Steve Carlapino BiaboP Amat &111;r · Sr. _Tom Ferrato Phu X Jr. CO;"clolng '1ul I'm conftooted Mike stonbra Servlio . Sr. with a bpalneis opportunity Ralpil Cloandoo Mater Del Jr. Ploytr that I don't think I can pass lJ<!b Edwards Pius X Sr. Mike Contreras up, Kasser said. Afike Moorehead St. Anthony Scott Magnuson Sr Al Carlson "I hate to leave .Fountain Dane Linnel St. Anthony Sr'. Brad McNamara ya11ey because I think there Bob Gibert Mater Dei Sr. Ro Mill' 11 • good ~ program Jbn Wise St. Paul Sr. Y er there now and \I espoololly Mike McMonus' Bishop Amat , hate to lea ve all the · kids ·Sr. Tom Gregory who woold have been com1ng Player or the year-Caria· Bob Sherwin back ne1t year ." pino. Dave Murray Gene Broom Lee Haven "The ~in reason we have c b ~on as. ~uch u we have ' om· s ts ~: we've been able . Won 't Be Intimidated to take ~· .other teams out of their off~," BIOQJn says. "Keeping a running team B c • l from 111DDJng upsets tts style y entenn.., n and gives UI on advantage. «A< Scare Talk "Agalbat. I team like St. Anthony we won't have any advantage because they rely By GLENN WHITE Lee Wallen, missed three on the same style." ot "-DlllY Pt1tot stiff days of achoo! this week ~ Bloom has seen his opponent Elmer Combs is not a man cause of the nu. But he 's ex- once in tournament action easily intimidated when It pected to be ready for duty when the Saints nipped highly-comes to involving his Hunt-by tipoff Friday regarded Crescenta Valley of inion Beach High School bas-Combs Is not .the lei.st su· ketball team. the Foothill League, 50-49. Utroughout the week he'll , The Corona del Mar mentor read and beard about bow says his forward C b r 1-s stloJll hill CIF playoff appc>- 'I'hompson must ,have ' hot nent Centenni&I ill arld bow shooting nlgbUrOlll the • lcioilh.iFrlcloy night's club at because or · !he i\itt : u.,-o11 City ocbool's gym wi!I the Saints figure to put up ·be for the Orange and Black. in the middle. "Everyone is saying how And, he's ceunting on g..g creat Centenn1al is. But R 're John Doelz to contain th t a 1ood team,.too. We haven't Saints' center, H MI k e , come this far. to be.: Our Moorhead. · kidl.bave been in many toul!l The DAILY PILOT uked games but they've managed Bloom to gtVe a short. analysis to come on and~" he says. of Friday 111Jbt'1 venture wUh ·re~ ai'.!t -Q:~l,Yel'I ,, St Anthony and here'• what ·~ ~e, mg t ~ the Irvine League coach of , to wb, ., ~ts J: boa of the year uld: third-seeded · the Wo .'n'F 5 .irst team to score 30 ~~JCbooJ.playoffs~ m He continues · "I think Ticbt lnf91'1Datioa Here'• a ruodown Oii the ttcbtl for tllle o p e a 1 n c -· CIF AMA louke~ ball playoff pme at Hut· ington High School Friday nlgbl Prices lor adults are $1 .25 and $0 cents for children under 1% ad studentl wltll an A88 card. The financial office on the acbool eampe II open udl 4:30 p.m. today and Friday. The box office will alM be · open in front of the IYID Friday night. slartfn& at 7. Hwstington's gym aats z~oo. 84 83 70 n 5Z 6S 56 fO 45 45 5.1 55 Ila Ma~lia 41 Be ower II Sumoy Hills 65 North Torrance 71 Compton . tll "" Laauen II Montclair 42 Azuso 63 1111 Covina st nu El Rancho " El Monte 55 llD Compton 6S CIF Scores MAKES "RST TEAM Roy Mlllor Area Spike Force~, Vie In S1wrty Smith Meet "If the fans ~ looking for Mike Contreras & ready for a perstitious over the fact that a Jot of scoring they had btl· supreme effort. His lut few Friday's venture happens to ter bring a pillow and blanket games haven'( euctly beat · be the Ilth time one of hia with thtm because there's what you could call great, for Oller teams has taken the going to be a lot of yawning him. But when the pressure court for a playoff batile. ~ I l•-->.AI:l"W.AY between bukets." is on, be seems to be at bis In the previous dozen out- best." In.gs Hunlln,ton bu won sev- Rustler SWimmers Defeated Freshman swhruntr Krii Swenson broke a pair of Golden West Collt1e records but it wu ail in vain u the Rustlers dropped a M-45 dual meet at Cerritos C.Ollege Wednesday afternoon in non- conference action. Swenson covered the 50 freestyle tn 23.8 a n d negotiated the 200 butter!17 in 2:06.2 to er~ markl held by Gary Drent and Mite Haber. , . Swenson, who prepped · at Western High SchOol, 1ot Into the victory ~lumn for the third time ol · the oltmlOOii by swimming a leg on Ute 200 freestyle reJay te1m. C~ (Ml 141\-Wnf «m ,,,.i, r.lay -• Clil"rllilf. T ..... : J:ft.d.: lrw -1 ScM!bleVtr IOWl 2. 'Ciwldtall (Cl J. 1«11;111' ((). 1l!Tlol: "ill~ ·frfol -1. llOblfl~ (C.I 2. J~tofl (GWI l . lmllh tGWl. ll!nt: 1 ·~J:.I. 1 I !OWi ' Mitf' /~-;I J . ~ ... ~=~~(). 'rJnwii • '3• 1N1 mM. -I. O!ftr f(l , J:,ttrs-11 (GWI l. Abntw I· I. T,,,.,.: ''~win. -1. $Wtt1 (OWi. HO "i' l•lllllllftl t. ... -1~1 i"!_~ 11'1;',!l" ... iYj.l.t.t "Jr ct..t1 l. D;..,J' (~} ~ .... -w~~~ lil.l·1~ ICI 1 ~ldMlt~· lW; -· -I. ,,,,,. OCI '· T~ IOWl J ~ !Cl. TllN: '1;(',,... 1'91f't -I. C...... Wtlt. TIMt1 J:J1.t. . Terun lfonored tosuno Beach High School'• basket6'all teams will bt honored tonight ot 1:.i In the a<hool coletorla. . Awarcb trot mOlt valUllb\e, moot Improved llld captoln will II< praet1ted to Ille vml- ty, junior vuslty, lite llld Ctt dtv!Alo!IS. Combs' only 1B'lderclassinan. ea and Jost five. ~ LADIES' TENNIS DRESSES Sale .. Reduced 25% CLOSE OUT • , ic:':k:tb:a· SHOES Sn 95 TIZI u i.ca:91_-sK1 m 1c1so1 Rozvlor 14.ts ••• IALI 8.95 Cl2 IASKmALL ILIMISH-..... ,,!US ••• SAL( 8.95 LIZ IASK ETBALL 2Li¥llH-.. 1utor 1US ... SALi 6 .95 S101 'I ASKETI ALL l .. utor 7.fS ••• IALI 5.91 TETHERBALL sn 4.95 9 PR. ONLY-GOU: SHO ES . • .. -11.H ••• CLOSIOUT 7 .95 'fOIT -.... "" DUCK Fi n FINS ' . 6.95 ;'()iy FRAME SHCIAL 14.95 .... NIYLYANIA 176 TENNIS BALLS -7u50 ------ Rawlings Baseball t.4jltts & Gloves LlnLE LEAGUE BATS Soft Ball-Baseball lats IASEBALLS . BASEIALL SHOI S $9.98-$13.95-$.16.95 · . 11ACK SHOIS $10.95-$13.95 $17.90 ·Convene All Star llcnketball Shots StACI OI WM "1 .•• , : .. • • • • • • . . • . . . . • . • • $8. 95 CONVERSE TE NNIS SHOES Ml.HS $7,75 . WOMIHS $7,25 .IACI tulCIU , TENHIS SHOES ,,..--$8.95 WILSON -IANC-IOFT-DUNLOP DAYIS -1110 11NNI S RACK m """ Tennis Shorts 4.95 t o 1195 _ .. Tennis Shirts 4.9S to 6.00 11NNIS SWIATERS & JACKm T enn ls Visors · 95c RALEIGH llKU & PARTS RA'br:.:=:::. FACTORY BU·YOUT · We bowohf aw 1upp6•'• _.,....-.ct .t slightly b....,ilMd top.of.fhti h "'-. wtt ondet the~ of OM of ......... l.adlng ttr. 11tC1kers, but stnl corry our · notionwlde trip&. gvarantff. OUR FINEST POLYESTER TIRE FALCON NEW YORKER • full .4°pfy polyetil• cord fot Mat. ..... '2r0"9fh and ooft qutot,rldo. • $i1Ytr Safety Seol fot ..w.u.. puncture tOfe protectiofl. ' • New pr91nium cut r .. i1tont rr.ocf ivM>er for Jong corm .. ptrton.. ..... • AO month 11Gttonwide guoronlM. • 1 0,000 to 20,000 MOr• Mil .. than ony ti m you•.,. ewr owned. • DistinctW. 2·miP. 1idewall. IF PERF£CT W0UU> SEU FOii $39 :0 $~7 ANY SIZE . WHITEWALLS NO MoE DOWN ' . ANAHEIM, 535-812 1 -NEWPORT, 644-1212 HUNTIN6TON IEACH. 892-3311 - . • .. %4 DAILY PILOT ,,,,,...,, f...,, 27, 19" Area Swim Rota1delp Sailor Splashers · Tea~mate."s Home Top Vike s, 49-45 RW 1Ptilrt\VlllmY ~ ·i IN fi OAllDN!. ,,..,,,,.,.., , .. I ltOMl.MnCu11wU... ANT SIZE IN STOCK Diablos Bedevil Villa Park By EARL GVSTKEY Tbe llluUon WU --Santa AW ..,,. °' ..,. _.., •* '"" complbted by tbe fact Santa \ alffered aimllar pro, er t y 'l1l¥b to lbe generoelty of Ana Collqe bod a home meet duMge wu Dr. J ob n his ···----Sam:a Ana --. scheduled wjlb UCI al S:llo J..._, Sonia Ana OoUqo Collep '"fl!D Illar Doug 11\al -pt~ wbo U-lfx ""'- Hueitis is sWI a landlubber At J p.m. the rain wu .tlU up1be river from Hpestta · ' today and llDI a resident of falliag and lbe lam WU It.Ill The -•'-of ...:... the Santa Ana River. providing reecue lel'Vicel at ~ IOlfte -.• Because lbe. normally dey HU<Slll' home. to bomel in lbat vlclnlt)' wu riyer was a boiling torrenl. Sant.I Ana owbn coach Bob lbe llrtllol Streot trld(e. Tuesday, HeustU, who lives Gaughran pblDed UCI ·coach Ai peak flooding 'l)JeldaJ, on River Avenue on the rivet's Al Inrin and apprised him CMre wu ·on1y i. rooknd+ banb just six houses from of lbe 11Uuatlon. Tbe meet '•" .... _..;. ~... lbe lbe Bristol Street bridge in waa <211Celed. ..,... ..-..~ -· Santa Ana, was summoned It wu oae of thole rare ·water and ~ bridce. home by his lraotlc parents. altuatlooo whereby • swim And wilb large trea lloating He arrived home to aee the meeti....wu canceled because tonz:d tbe brld&e., nearby water taking away the back of-nin. Normally, only Ughtn-re1ldent1 fe&ftd the ~ion Viejo High School yard piece by piece. ing will cbue a swim team ..-,ewar. would be partially stunned Villa Park, 57.s!, Iii Word spr<ad among llllestis' out of lbe pool. blotbd and lbal wal<r Would overtime to knock the teammates of his pUght and As it turned out, Huestis' go db)Wbtft. S lbe entire team was soon in bacl:yard ts •six feel -It didn't, lbanb to Molber partans out ol the CIF AAA his backyard fillin,g sandbags than it was before the riim Nature, Jud: and 1 om e ba5ketball playoffs Wednesday and building a protecUve wall. hit. teamwork. afternoon at the winner's11--::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:---'- We Cover Boating Best in West DOUILE ACTION Shock Allsorm court. Jeff 11.asterson hit a dramatic 25-foot jumper with 1:%7 left in the overtime period to give coach Pat Roberta' Diablol I two-point lead and then wllb 15 oeconcu PEOPLE Tli1t'1 what it'1 1JI about. 0... af tha Melt 'opul1r cl1ily , f11hir1t of the DAILY PILOT i1 1'1opl1 Sc1t11. lt't 111 1bevt •iRt •· CO#l'lll!Ofl.11'1, koo•1 ''"' char1ct1r1 -peopl1. . 2 for ............. __ ""' ........ 16'~ ·---..... --~ ..... n.y ... -_.... ... ~ .. .,.., -· ..................... lWANT MUFFLERS ...... _.,.. ........... .., . .,.. ._...... ... ,.. ....... , ......... ........... ......... ... 4 WlllEl BIAIE IEUIE • ,_ ....... <.-.......... . ·------_... ................... ,.. -CUSTOM IECOIElll ......... "' .... ,., ............ ............. ,.... ....... .......... ..,...., .............. -- COSTA MESA -Harborlml. -54Ml71 , .............. """"' ... . 10': 15'1 19~~ ...... ANAHEIM 1"5 W. l lnc:oln Phanen~1' ;· No· Money Down ON TIRES AND SERVICES • Good mileage at a low, low price! •Big Edge tread design! •High dollar valuel . $ r ' All Sins Blaclcwoll plus trade-In of _,nd cont body, plw Foderol Excise T 1x of 50c.. Wh itew1ll1 $2. 95 more pe r tire. IFI Olttt•t•lllllHMI PIMtlpr RttrlH TIN l11n1t11 INsr AllfD 11111 COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. 'LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 HARIOR ILVD. l~t layl PHONE 54M343 646 4421 7352 WESTMINSTER AYE. PHONE 193-5s7z . DAILY I 1.m. • 9 p.m. e Sit I •.m. _..5 p.m. DAlY I 1.•. • 7 · p.m. e Sit I a.m. • S p.m. e OUR OWN BUDGE'r PLAN e BA,.KAMERICARD '( . e MASTER CHARGE ... MISS llAll!Al AGI-M-a T_ ...... tt IN Moviel. Thi Name of the Geml, ~ aut.w.. lftd .,,,,..... on HIC· TV. · B.FGoodrich ... .,, ....... ,_ .. '"'' .. .,, ..... , . • DAILY PllbT 2 .Sideline. Glan~e at Coast Area· ·B .asketb·a l PRETTY DISTRACTION-Nancy Ackelsoo, prettr. cheerleader at Costa Mesa liigh School, provided a happy bit of distraction for. fans who turned out to support the Mustangs' basketball team. Her next to last game of the year was a memorable one as Mesa knocked Loara out of a share' of the Irvine League. tiUe, 61-53. •• .. I ' I Checking Out the Most Exciting S·port of All I& basketball the most exciting sport of~ all ? · The pictures on this page and many games which have been played in the Orange Coast area this season lend great weight to that supposJUon. From high school games to junior college and through the university levels, it's been a banner year lor the sport along the Orange Coast. Topping lhe list was the un· believable, fivtH>vertime struggle at Newport Harbor two wee.ks a10 when Westminster; pulled out a 97-95 spine· lingler that stUI has those who werfi there mutterinl to themselves. And there was Golden \Y e s t College's first-e ver victory over arch- rlv:il Orange Coast, 94-76. OCC, however, turned around later lo prG\'e I.he Rustlers had reached only parity, not dominance , with a 92-91 decision. UCI capped its season by being invited to the ,?-!CAA playoffs for the second year in a row and had J\s stiare ol tbrillers along lhe way. Tbe Anteaters had a golden op- portunity to knock off powerful· Cal State (Long Beach) but a last·oecond ALL MALE ROOllNG SECTION -Highl y spirited and al times carried away with their enthusiasm, Corona de! Mar High Daily Piiot Staff Photos •shot bounced In and then out or the buket, deciding a 61-60 Long Beuch ' win. Irvine followers who accompanied their team lo Riverside riearly two · week.I ago saw the Anteaters rally· back from a poor nm half only to loae in doubit overtime to UC Riverside, 92-35. Basketball ls 1· fast-paced game 'layed· in· a confined area, and so by its very nature it kindles lhe full range ol emotions. But adding to the game itself are such ancillary feat ures as noisy bands, coaches and fans who scre<in1 cit of. {jcials or are boisterous. Easily topping the latter group fs the all-male student cheering secUon al Corona del Mar High School. Sitting beside that group al a Sea King home game is like opening the circus doors to J0,000 kids on a first~ first-se rved sealing arrangement. The area has had n1ore than il!t share or outstanding musical en· lertainmenl, most notably the baocl.'I at Huntington Beoch and Cost.u Mesa lli!:h Schools. , . School's all male rooting section h8d add ed a nev,i din1ensiori to the school's highly successful basketball program. "TZGEYLD'S RAGTI ME 8ANO -A great addition to Hunt· lngton Besch l!igh School's gre8,! 'basketball attraction is the nifty job t urned in by Tom Fitzge~;d and his pep. band. The grou9 I keeps fans entertained. o:f! the noOr ?lhilC the Oilers' cla!sy team is not in action. The cage team is ranked No. 7 ln the CJF-the pep band would certainly be rated high iC such rankings were made. PAIN OF IT ALL -Fountain Valley High School cheerleader Andrea Lo Blanc goes through the tortu~ of overtime as th• .liard·l~ck Baron• fall to· · Irvine League C<M:hampion Corona de~ Mar in ove rtime, 4~. Foµntain Val· ley was fourth in lea~~ standings. ., , I 1 ----~----~· I I ., __ ,., ___ ,,., ___ , __ ,., ________ , ________ ,., ___ , ___ ..,. __ ,~,,.•-...,~-·-----•••>-, ... -... ~0 .. 1---•'"o-•-•••~-<-~~•-•-••<'-••n•<-•~•-.....,.r~.., ~··~--...--~---· -·- l • .. Th~; Ftbruary 11, 1'169 Electric Timers Create Chaos · S!7,~-~ ~ · . ' kd R I ~ ~"=i. ;.i ... ""'II:.":: W• I B t aoo~r" -':ti tklon oun t. It l rea owns a e ays ~.[;.;<'..~;~~-~:;; LONG BEACH -Two of 2~l 111e11Y1ttu11 MHIJ't -• 1. 1t1"' the west's most .explosjve col~ ·Top~~ers Vie Friday tHil t·. 0urk• ~"'' ,,, Mo tt.lrd, "·""' r.;:·•p ti.t;"'N :; /u~/i1z ..,. ' . " .. •' 115ULAI PllCB ''CAMELOT" Stey. Mc:Q11•1" "THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" FINAL WEEK l>on't mention the tmn 11elec:tronie timer'' to anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in the crowd Friday night at Belmont mort, u.e Atfooaull wlalpped all eventu1l IUpe cll1.mpiom before seUltoi dOWD for Cardea Grove Wpe action wbere com. petldon b COMldtrably weaker. 'If.:' ~.,,. " ,..,,_ . .,., ,_ lege basketball teams -Cal \':~"I \11., ""), """ •q, "~' State ()Ang Beach) and the 1& ··*'* -1. Emer'°" '(1d1I 1. ,University of Nevada, Lasl""---------..111 Kroon• IHI) J. $tlll1 .,.,,_, T rM: V f 1 ,~1, F,... _ '· MoclrNMe ittei egas -1gure lo engage in 2. KIN tHll l. s1nt1 A111· Time: anothf!r barn-burner Friday ":fee°'~ _ 1 ~SO.:. 01111 night at the 49er campuS. ' • PlaZa awimming pool in Long Beach viewing ·the finals of the CIF Swim Relays. Tbe devicts, with instantaneous timing for each swimming lane, proved a farce as the meet fudabed moments-after 11 p.m. -ill boun after the Initial race. With the electronic equipment fouling up on occasion. bwnan timers with stop watches and _ballots were also fed into the final computation of lhe races and the result ROGER CARLSON ,. ............ ,,. was a five to 10 minute wail between each event and in one case -a 20 minute delay. When action finally continued the bored crowd gave a standing ovation for the con- tinuance. A CIF afficial, somewhat disgusted with the lack of action, said afterwards, "Don't Wok for us to use them (electronic timers) :m the swim championships. They are just too unreliable." Three and a half hours for seven events in three classes is a far cry from the : snappy performance at Estancia High Scboo1 ·just recently. The Estancia Relays, with the same number af events, were hll!tled through in euctly one hour and 50 minutes. It'1 a 1hame there is no way Huntillgtoft , Beacll mp Scltool'• vaunted SW'lset Leape : bukdball cbamplou caa meet Garden Grove lllih apJoo 11!Js seasoa. Hwttlqtoa, meuwlllle, lost a.galo to hfartu la tounley atUon and &hta ran off 11 siraJg)lt wins, JDcludlnf 14 in the powerful Sa.met Leape. 11te Olien an seeded tblrd In tbe AA.AA playoffs ud an cood bell 1n end •P 1n t11o n.a1a 1catast eomp1ooo. Wbea discussing ft•l would happen ii tbe two Oraage Cou.nty powers were to mett apln, a sportswriter for a Garden Grove publ:tc1tion claimed tbe Argos would beat Huntington Beac~ nine out of ten times. Dark horse in the AAAA playoffs; Troy. If the breaks break right, Jerry Hulbert 's crew could lake it all. Fate bas a strlllge way of playing: tricks la aports. U CoreDa del Mar lllgb sllould be au«eQful in Ill •CIF AAA playoff game with St Alldlony ud Claremont b able to defut anderdog BaUett High, It wUI bring tocetlter Corona del Mar'• standout all-league performer Steve Lffcll and bis old twnmalff of jaalor lllgll school days. Seems ·Leecb aUended EI Roblt Junior High ht Claremont as a aeveodl grader. Coach Jack Smltb of Claremont says his quintet bu beta saying for two years, "If we only had Leech, coach." Claremont bartly mllsed making: the CIF playoU1 for the past two seasons and is cu.rrendy breezing: along with an undefeated mart of 27.t. TH Wolfpack completed the regular season la the No. 2 position bcblnd Garden Grove 111 CIF AAA polls. Members of the Los Angeles Rams will be at San Clemente High School March 7 to do baUle with the faculty hi a basketball game. . . , 2. No or "'1rd. T : l:l'.O, The game is a sellOut. -.1011 ,... ll•ll'f -, Hu11Ul)t1cln enct1 IH• .. • ou(lt•. Kr'*"' Pm> 'lbe Rebels prevailed in an Tim.: ':lo.J. · C•' overtime barn-burner at Las """'""""'' .... ,,., (JI S.flo ..... 200 Medlft' lltM~ -1 H11111tov:1M Vegas in their fll'st meeting -jHff'Tff1. 8• 'Kh'lt, '1'1"'"· Hm> last month, 91.a&. Tlrrw; :05,1. 200 ,.. -· 1. 110 ... ,,.,., j"'I •· "·ach Jerry Tarka · • f:·,..1"' <tiBJ • _). fOIC IHI T me: vu ruan s so l=ne -1. Hl\ IH&t ~-tt.rr••• team is %2-3 and hopes a vic-- IH"BI 3. s."" an.,, _ .. Jme: u.1. to..., over Nevada will add 100 lnolv~I -lt'f' ·-'· 8r1un .,, IHl!ll ·2. 11. Klllll l. ""''AM. Tim.: fuel to its hopes for· a bid l:l:·0·Frv -1. &r11111 r•s1 l P. to the National Invitation ri~.' 1H1J J. lodMr • Hll. ime: Tourna.ment. · •OO Free ... 1. Hiii ttll!ll 2. A1r;~11 But lhe Rebels are a (HI) 3. Sl!lll Ane T!rM: ~.f. SD 81<:1< ,.... l. Htrr•• CHI/ '-f 'd '] obs I J . l(INJ 1H11 J. s.1111 ,.~ .. T mt: O!"lll a~ e tac e .. Roland 3Yi'· 1re1s1 _ 1. 1. Kl~ ~HI) Todd's team i,I; 19-5 and ~1.0~•111• ....,.. , l. acrinir 1118 1 me: features ex-Orange C o a s t ,llO Frte R111y -l , Hun11nv1011 "Alie t r B Ch 111cfl cFo•. 111k, P. Wts1, ROl'$dtnJ vu ge s a ruce apman, n~: LJ6.9, one of the team 's leading V.,..itf , Moi1MM111 cn1, "-11111 scorers V10tr (if) aJloll l"I M-91111 !-.,! • 200 Me<ll..,. R11..,. -1. Monfebf110 B u t the m a n Tarkanlan Time: 1:51.4 f 200 Fr• -1. Wurilttr IFVI 1. ears most ts guard Tom J?~.~,IFVl 3. Wltl!Mns tM> TJont: Watkins, who hit 13 of 16 it.ff 1 ,~ -1' \EM~/;\'.,,<MI 2, Smflh shots from the floor against IF~ l11111l=1 (W1'{. ij..io.. N1':~ Lon~ Beach the last t-ime and Tigi~j~'2~' 1. zrmmerm•n tFVI 2. blew the 49ers out of the N~~ _ 1 w.,,111, IFVl 2, Convention Center in tbe J1111ts·fM1 ,_ w1ut IFy1 Time: 1:0..6 overtime period. i~o Fre. -l. l11tmP1011 tM/ "~=;:;;;;~~====~~-,! Noafl (FYI l. COllOllV (M) T me: $1.9 lr' IJack -1. Soll (FV) 2. Jor.M 1! x ~~.~,i:r~~;1.::s;;~lf¥lme~ ~-I D 0 ,,11.3 lOG Breast -1, Ntl•Ol'I !Ml ?. li1mmers !FV) ;). Hlwlclns IEMI NEWPORT 8EACM " Ol.341350' T~: ~~~· RtllY -1, '-\a"lll>ello 1. El Mori~ J. Fount1ln V1lln ctl1-ou1llfled Tim~ ''12.0 ·-""""''"' VlllW (711, MOflleMllf '"I •nd e1 Menlt no ;w Meet 'Y Retll'I' -1. ·Faynlaln V1lley 2. MantttJtllo 3. IEI Monte ISttpleton, Mtrrlctc, N01h. John50ll! l!mt: t :Ol.9 200 Fl'ft -I. ~ CM) 2. Htrboft 1' IFV) 3. Noell (FVl TltM: 1:11.1. , » · Ftff -1. H1~son (FVJ l •• Eidt IFVI 3. DeBotrcl !Ml Time: 27.S 11» lnctlwlctuel Madl~Y -I. JchnslOll IEMl' 2. YO$hlk1 (M) J, JohMOll IFV) Time: 1:10.! 'il Fly -1. MQr (Ml 2. Herbon IFV J. Nt1h (FVI Time: l:V\ll?.- 1 Fr4 -1. Johllson IMj 2. H111son IFV) ). Eich IFVJ T me: $1;~ Bad< -l ,$!abletan IFVI l . casev IFVl 3. Jot111110rt (Elo'I Tltne: l :!&.G Ft'M -1. Johnson fMj < Verlll:1 CM) 2. McAd11111 (FVJ 1 m.: ':~&;' Brull -1. P~llDln IFVI 2. Merrkll: 'FYI ). Cottln (Ml Tim.: FIRST RUN kiln Qrll'lery, • COLOR e "'SHA\AIO'" • Tiit GrUi.st A~v- el Tllem Alll Wiit O!snt1Y'i ''SwM Fo•llv llobl11S011'" In ColOr Fred M1cM11rr1v--ln Color "TM H.,,Mst Mllllo11alre" "I::·., • 147·l59J ,, 1~P V,,ll~ B!~(Y WARNER I ll-111rn ....... Fer A11111tst J lm Brown • COLOlt • "llOT" Kirk Ocw1a$ e CDLOfl e "A Lovely Wcrr Te Die" 1-·µ;:~· I Jt111n:=~ ~:::~ • i "RACHEL. IACHEL .. Alan Miiin e COLOR e "THE HEAil IS A LONELY HUNTEI" · ..... M•t9•.r1t Cowlt1 "JUil BEIWUll US" Ewery Fri., Sit, l Sijn. Till M1rch 2 Tk*th AW1H1lllt et 1111 OHICI .,. HtwJ«I fl•llonlt\ 2116 Ville Wey N1wport l•1c:h 615-1120 BALBOA 673-4048 Clint E•stwood in "COOGAN'S BLUFF" . . r~us . !i's tim•to speal< of ... lf>io&<.~~ EUzABETH TAYLOR MIAFARRaW , mono """"""' • t.h8"I in "'RoeernlrV'8 Bebv9 "'"'.JO+!~~·. ~~ . "SECRET CEREMONY" I RDBERTMiicHUM I ' ·-PEGGY ASl-iCROFT PAMEIA ElF>OWN IN TfCHllflCo..otl •. .•: .. NOW AT BOTH EDWARDS CINEMAS WHY DIO 13 WOMEN OPl!N THEIR DOORS TO THE BOSTON WIGI boll: team• IOwlved In tll• upeomlnc CIF pla,.it1 oil Ganleoo Grove In ll:o AAA ' dlvbloa and Ute OIJen la the AAAA, H's impoulble for Rieb a game 1o come off. Gonlea Grove IJOat Haatlngtoa In ...,.._ mat aetlol, 5141, back in December. What's Included in the Ram ~ent are Roman Gabriel, Deacon Jones, Dick Bass, Jack Snow, Bruce Gossett and Dave Pivec. Prices are $2 for aduib and $1.~ students for t.ht a o'clock-.encounter. l :~2 Fre-AtlliY -1, Fount1!n V&l\e<tl l 2. Monlebello l. El Monte IHtrbon, Or IEl(h, Mini.an. MeAd1msl Tlmt: •:18.l . -· .... STRANGLER •• , .;';;;-;, WILLINGLY? Second Track Loss '"' Fovrr11111 V111t! 1n1. MMl!tlllllo 1411 tlltll I Mini• (161 200 rff -1, G1li.1h1r !FV) 2. Peyne IEMJ 3. Burel 'Ml Time: 2 .,1.~. sn l!lre1st -1. llr-n \"I 2 Grunelv (FVI l. Dere1! (EM T mt; ~- Gauchos Defeated, 8449 I PALM SPRINGS -Sa<f. : 1 . dleback College's tract team acaped from the • o g g y Oraqe Cout ma, but drop- ! ped a , duaJ meet to College I of the Desert here Wedoeoday aftemooa, 16-49. It was the Gauchos second straight loss. • ! Sadd1eback won only five events in a meet which had : · few good marb. Two of those : 1 Saddleback victories w e r e : I turned in by Tim Diamond ' ln the 440 intermediate hurdles and the pole vault acalnst limited compdltion. Diamoo:I was the Only pole vauJter in tbe meet and his two competitors in the hurdles were ·disqualified. His winning marks were 10 feet and 1:14.S. · The most impressive Sad- dleback,, victor was sprinter JelT)' Blackmon who won the 100 in 10-fiat. John Johnson won the 880 in 2:12.6 and the Gaucho 440 relay team won tn 45.a. Crossword Puzzle ' I • 54Ctbi!Mt .. 'Wtsll'I 55 ........ ·l 0.--wll< ·-· SS.all sbclDt to Att11ed l C A• t11iot1o1t l5 Colosseu. .... 16 Bank OD l1 Chief rr~ws ltT......ui!J e 8tK~ O•twMI• -· =i 25e-.. i ·ol-2& Cried· r, r:.:.'11:... 64 ES5ll0Ual oil somu: 2 words '' fsolaled 67 Iott effordenfJ 61 School ........ ., ...... "~" ,.~:: ef ..... " n Silo• fo ...... 00111 130 t.ght I in--: 1 RJionefs . 2 •otd S SOUICe I ~ ._.. . • • "°"""' '"''·~--""3 ·-· "" s:ftu • ·, • LnwtE t•••1 . 1 -"'"" • ..,. • 5 llser's AblJr_.. COl'.lflAkli 139 Certall. 'Bdcite I ksk 7 Olsllmber ·-· •10-41 To's parMtt ~ bttwew. ~ Of ltaflJ Comb. fot9 colors t Utilllr fS ltll rA fll'lt t, C'*PlllJ •-...,of . lristr1111nt •· ..,..... 2 words 41lllrtH111 : to Presser's _, ,u. UI• C.CetQ so-•11 11uu11t 52 ~ tidlllns I, ' • '• ' • ~ .. I • -· .. .. .. " .,. .. •· ' .. <l " . ~ .. " " ~ • • l/Zl/H ..... ct , •• , ,., DHlrt 100-1, lllamori (SI t. Alwll'eZ (0) 3. Edwtrdt, Ti"": 10.0. 'HO-I. Holl1nd !DI 2. Bl1dtmon (5) 3. S!Pft (0). Time: 23.2. 4«1-1. Holl.Ind (DI 2. Motcowlh IS) J, Nelllhbor {D) Time: 53.5. ..,_,, JollnsOfl (Sl 2. Ktlty !DJ no ffl!nl Time : !:12.6. - Mlle-1. Pldcell !DI ?. D1111s !SI no ltllrcl Time: •:31.l. ?·mile-I, Pickett (DJ ?. D•~i.s (S) 3. Jdlnsan IS \ Time; 11;1$.:l.' 120 Hlvht-1. Atv11 (0) 2. SIPn CD! 3. ~or IS) Tl~: U.O. 640 lnd-1. Dllifl>Glld !SI 11t .ecand or third TlrM: 1:U.5. 5"-1. Hardltmtn !DI '· SPr1nkle CDI 3. Edlwrd$ ID) Dkl.tfKt: ~ 01~1. $Pnnldt IDl 2. H1'1111- tn1tt 1D1 3. w.itv tOJ o r111na:: 111..:.. PV-1. Olamond (5) no •econd fll! third Htl&lll: 10.0. HJ-1. Stewlort IOI i. Wlnflttd JD) J. llon.m1n '$) Helfhll 6-2. lJ-1. EOW.rds (DJ l. tffUor ($) l. Biad<l'l'ICln IS) Dtt11nce: 1,_,, TJ-1. Ect-rds '(DI l. lll1ckmon (SI 3. Y~nl (S) Dll11nct: :JJ.1\/t, Jiwlln-1, $1!1 (DI i White (DJ 3. Y""t ISi Dl1t1noe: 127-2. ..-Rll1.,._1, SllCldlebKll: (Yvnt, ,..,,_. <;OWllJ, Johq•on, li.ckmtr'll Time: ..i.1 M!1' l'!ll'f -I. CCllep d Oner! Time; 3:55.1. Kids, 'Ask Andy' I ELKE C!§!!.,~o SOMMER Luconvv LEEJ. JACK COBB PALANGE 111E\'rAME maoa IASWUS ALSO • KIRK DOUGLAS -... ldoo .. .... "11fE BROTHERHOOD ArtflWI' Mil!ln ~ Mltt""'*t "DEATH Of A SAWMAN" l ::it P.""--TMlllD STEP' THl•Tlll! -COSTA Ml!S4-""'1Jl.J CHILDllEN'S THIAT•l-''THE l!MP'EllOll .. THE NIGHTINGALE" I . DHIG,TFUF:::.::.-Tl•EE ........ _. ' . ' ·~ I '"'°"' o• SOUTH COAST GUlllL -PLAZA THEATllE COlllllllTIOll Son DtlP FNOWQ !i lriltol • 546-2711 3rd SMASH WEEK OPEN DAILY 6:0Q. P.M. Sat. & Sun. Open f2 noon WALT DISNEY'S , ~ AUO "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR " WO fMUIS. Fii. MON. & TUU. SWIU PAMILY IOllNSON·,:Jt & 10 P.M. -cou••• 1:41 SAT, a SUN • SWllS FAMILt IOllNSON 1JiJ0-4·1:<fl COU•Al.J:CM:lt I 9:11 .. ._.,,..•,,1.o,,.;;,.;;.;'";;;"';....,;llll THIS IS A TRUE EU11bllh Tavlcr Mia Farrow AND Raber1 M!!cl!11m e CDLO" e "SEc1n CEREMONY'' REMARKABLE Cll"t Eastwood Lee J. Cobb • 1 . "COOGAN'$ ILUFF" MOTION • COCOR • PICTURE. ......... -................ . The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks ii lo You' EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT Outstanding 'Action !·Programl •• • •• ···•••.!.,.•••···················· "* COA•• HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD ... NEWPORT PEACH * 644·D760 WINNER OF: ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR-=.,, BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY BEST COSTUME DESIGN 'DAZZUN&! One! ioo see it, you'll -~ pidure 11omeo&Juliet' quite lhe way yoa did brlore!'" -LIFE ftJAllOO!IT f'ICTUQ;'S ,__ ·--.... FRANCO ZEFFIRELLI --· ROMEO ' ~JULIET Sl'lCIAL SATUROAY MORNING STUDENT SHOW-$1.15 w s1ve1 .. 1 c.d-10 e.m. 2nd Feat•re at Cine-West 2H Dow ot. H 1lltlllfht11 -~ .. I . ANTIIO!ff PERKINS TUESDAYWEW ·~·.,·=· JULIE 01Rl511E · (l(J((l(jJJJ) Gnstll• . EDWARDS' HARBOR at ADAMS. COSTA MESA, PHONE" 546-3102 ' WINNER OF: ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS • Best Picture -............... . • Best Actor -., ............ """" • B t A t /,.__ w_..._ es c ress -......... ·-·· • Best Supporting Actress ltnll• , __ ... lldiel, ltlCMI .. S.11dr'S Loci..-"Hewt Is H .. ter .. • Best Screenplay-.. ,....,, ,....,. .jj@IDUTIUiJ@~lRd] -Second . Aword c:t\laq, Winner c5-\ddJi ~~ jsa~ 'Huntet- Who cares •bout • 35 Y••r old ? Virtil)? . . 11111 NlllE'MIM lftGdotd racheL ........ ' •• and from this man who could notspetk or hear, the girl heard many things. ~.'F<ocn'l1'iticr~·S<la>cMi .._~_,_ ---~.-..-·---· •+..--=~-·0•••0 -----··~•••=-:--•..,.,,,...,, •. ,,,,~ . ..,..••-•"'""'''"_"" .. '''""'"''''""'"-•·""·'"'r'"''"'''°""""-'"'"e""-·"¥WO""""e••••"""""""'"LL'l"»A¥2•"'""'•"""'"""''""'"''=""""'""'"'"-"""""""'"""°'':::;:tV••=""•"'"""'"'n"""''°"""""'•"""'"°'""'~~~~r.~.;..;';l .. -,-.. -....... ,,\ ___ .,......__,.._ ...... ,. LEGAL NOTICE U.11•1*, Cl!ITl,.ICATI ,_ TaAMV.CTIOM TAX COLLICTOll .. Ofl~lel 01' IUSIM•IS UNOl!R COUNTY 0.. ORA.... '"tCTIT.OUI ~ nATI OP, CALll'OllNIA THI! Otlt>ERSIGNED *-..... NOTtC• OP SALi fOll TAXI'S Clrtif\;I Thill M It COl'ldlldlnll Ml E~ Ott U•IKUll!D HOPlltTY lftll'lt A9MICV' 11C111!Mo$1 '-... 1t -' WHEllEAS. Hi1Ald1 HMMft 1111 ltllelll 5. Mlill SI .. Suite •t• Soutfl T-, 1nii1 M9ltdM .., .. y, -dlmeftd. Or-. on.-c-rr. c.llfom ... t1i<t!I ell UMealred ptWef1y 111 Tiii ..... ...1111 fidllltl.ol fltlll -d "'"' ti 0 .1'-fulY _..... for #II IHTEJlNATIONAt. TOM MCCALL & ~ur 1N&. Mid ASSOCIATES AGENCY itN1 thill Nici WHIEflEA$. undtr 1nJ b'!' vlrf\.le fll'lrl II; com"9<1 d the fll~ ,.,_, Ille PITll•ltnt ot Slctlori :itl• ol Wit-. 111"9 Ill f\111 tl'ld PllCI ti mldtrln Ctlllortll9 flew-Ind Ttxltklll It '' fo/lllWs, ,..II: _ J..... Ille follll'wllle .,,._rty "" Min " llruce K. aer-it, '11111 Jtlwrsldt for the our-ol Ml9 It Pllbll(; br!w , $1"'9 AM, CIM. mM. IOI" lht .. lllf1dlDll ol 1•1d llllPllld 11 WllntU ""' Nnd thl$ 3ltl't dtl' "'9tlh1r •With P91111t(H ~ tnd •11111ry, l"t,-or wle; llrvot IC, lle!IMtl NOW, THEllEFOA.E, l<IOTICE IS S Tl! OF CALIFOANIA ) HEAEllV' GIVEN 11111 Ille COl/nlY Ttx C OF OAANGE ) • CollKtor of Clr•not County, under 1nd On rv 30, 1Hf. btfor•· -· the by vlrl\M of Ille •~lhorltv cont.rrtd undlt1ll , 1 No!1rY Pvbtlc In 1nd bv .. w -Mkl dfker, Wiii Mii for Nici Sl1!1, rtsldl119 tntttfii, dulY 11 1>11bllc •uctloll to 1111 hlsl'tlll blcldtr, mmmr11 tnd IWOrn. MnONlllY -far c111'1, i.wtul ~ fll !hi Unl!H l'HrMI ruct K. aeniiett kmwn ta St•lla. di 1111 "venth 111~ of .V..rdl, mt to be 1111 .-wMs<t ,._ lHt, It tfll r-r ol t :OO o'clock P.M., 11 &UbKrlbtd to lhl wltlll11 JN"""'*", of Mid dn. 11 trt E. Srten!eenth ancl tdl;nowltdlltid to "" n.t .. tQalftd st ... t, CDll• Ml$1, C..llfomlt, fM fllllJw. lhl $1t'l!t. ln1 dltcrlbed pr_fy, at 110 m4ldl WITJ'llESS m¥ hand llftd ..,lcltil•-l lhtreot 11 _., bt ftKIUlrY, to wllaly (OFFICIAL SEAL) the llllNld tuft, 1'atfthott" with Hntllles 0.•rlel A. Widen lhtrll:lrl Ind lhl COllS of atnduellnl _,.,., Publlc..clllfonlll • It's Dry Run . for Horse !llld Nie, nl11Mt.d 11 flllP -rl Pflne!M' Offlet In '"""~I Mlh HnOn•t Pnic>el1Y. aiA =-= ~im You can lead a horse to water, but you can't take him into the tavern with '"C...,.1" 1c1 crnin P1r1or~ 1t "" DK. ,,, 1t11 you. At least you can't in Seattle, Wash., so Prince the horse waited outside ,...,.. tddnsa, 1Klucllt111 but not UrnltM l"llbl""-d 0r_. Cont 0.1..-PHol, bll '· thirs tld Do M • t • 'd f ef hm f8 -tlr tlbln , dilltS. Ice cr""'·''"-=~":.::·~'~·~·~·~~~-~·~"'c,.,.,.....:"~ ... -'-11-w--·--·lS---t"y'-_ ... _.-_n __ ame ___ w_e_n_m_•_•_• __ o_r_r __ res ___ en_ts_. ______ _ rMklff _,lp!Mnl Ind fttodltefl ~ills Ind rtftll•ttor ...,1-1. LEGAL NOTICE IThls,\Mlt hi aullled I'll \Ht Ti•••-------------1 flDIVirl-.-..S.I I· Oil . IV Nl''"'"I ol the orl« bid MOTtca O" T•USTl!l'S SALii Ne. 171~, KITTI.Ir for 911Y -rtY Rid. thl County T111 Collector\ .of Or-COUnfy, or lht On Wll(lnndllv, Much S. \Ht, 11 _._ ~11111 Ille Mlt Oft l!ta btMll, 11 o'dodl: , AM., ti lht ~t.-.nc:1 ti wllt dlll!VW 1111 Mid p~ to the lhl 1>1rlllnt1 lot Oii ~71 5outh 8ruokl!ursl IOUl'dleSlt", ,toMll'tlr wllh I blll ol Mlt, SllMI, m11e1m. C..HfomJil, S.ld ell'- 1nd lhl 1,llJ 111\111 . t~ w.t In trance Is locttef i!O lwl S(ll.rth o1 Inf ants in Distres·s u ld eur~. !hf A1me1 MDttSllOe Co. Pl!nnlllf'l'll Dlled: l"illbru.ry 11, Ifft. 1wa POOied iteel slp11, MAYFLCIWEll DOf\I S. MOZLEY INVESTMENT CO., 1 Ctllfornll Coniort- 4 Million Children Need Psychiatric Help COlllllY Tix Colllc;ter tlon, II Tn11l9e under lhe deed ol o1 ()r..,. Co11n1Y 11"1111 ~ by WILLIM\ t.. KITTLE By H. H!lmphrt'f', ()"'ulY 1/ld CAAOLINE A. KITTLE, H111bt/ld Publllhed ...... CO.It D•llY Piiot, 1/ld Wiii Ind f"9(:0rded October 11, FtbrulrY 27, 1 36Wt 1"'5. lft lock 71"7, Ptff •• cf Offlclill ----:'.::l:C:-:-::::::::::=---~j Aeconb of Or1ng1 Count¥. C1llfomt1, 1lven I'll ~ure 111 lndebtodn11& In ,_ of WILLIAM wu:.LIAMS Ind Cc~O~UC.o"rCoO+:C::TCMO•,--l 11LANCHE WILLIAMS. Ho1bend Ind Wiit 11 Joint Ttntnls tlV ru11111 ol Ille Ll,ORNIA Potl brlld'I of ctrll!n obho1tiofw MCUrt'CI TMI' couiTY o, OLUt9• llllAbY. notlu o1 Wflldl -s reainled Ml-A"'"' · Nowmber 4, 1'611, 111 8oOk rm. "'" NOTICS •11AL.a OP alAL JU, o1 Nld Offlct.I RKDl"dl. "111 19n PllOf'IRTY i.T PllVAT• SAL• II oubllc tucilon I'll 1111 hlol!ftl blddtr 111 Ille Miltt.r ~' the &11it r1 FLEM-lol" usll, Pfll'lblt In l1Wllll _., ol IN~ LI!:!!' IClll EY, •IC kllOWll 11 lhl Unl~ Sllle!J ,, tht time of Sille, FLEMING. l . 1(111: :LEY, deanod. wlltlD\lt w11T•n1Y u tD , lltt., ll'»WIS1on NOTtC! IS HEtlEllY GIVEN that or encumbrtncK. 1l>e lnltred <on...,.ed the undvsltnlll. I . ExKWll' ol Ille to Ind now held by Slld Trvdtt under f!l'lllt o1 ,LEM!ftG LEE KIATlEY, .. id Dtlld ol Trull, 111 Ind lo tlllP •Ito k"'°""' 11 FL!MING L. KIRTLEY, lollclwlllll <ltKl"lbed or-rll'. ~I: , dlcu... Wiii •It II prlYlt• .... to Lat 11 of Trod Ne. 31.. IS Mr lht hl9flnl •nd ~ bkldlr I/poll 1111 IMP rtcaf'lled In BDalt ff. I'-.. terrm Ind awtd herell'llfh!f" me!\'-•nd 50 of Mltcel*-'i MMoa. ~ tioroetf, lllltl IUbl~ awoflrrnotlon 11¥ rl Mid (MMty. 111d SW-lor COi/ft,' • ,,,..rdl 15. 19't, for thl ounoose o1 Pl't'I.,. oblll•llonl •' lhl houl' et 'ti o't;IDdc A.M. 01 tKUred by uld DMd lncllldll!I lfts. lhere111'1er wlll'lln h •time •tlowtd by dil1"9es 1nd ·~ ol lhe Tt'llllte ltw, •I .,. ~ et Frritln •nd llnd rl Mii. F.r~ft. ......,,.., l9J IEtti 1 .... 5"991 CMtld: Ftbrotl"Y !, Ifft. catt ~', 't.Nllnla. 111 rlglll, title: MAYFLOWER IN\IESTl,\ENT CO., 1ntw'91t 1nd ntll .. r;il Mid ,LEMING •1 Tt'llllte 731-1515 LeE KIRTI.~. --., 1t thl !Im• MS Soulll wnt.m AWfl~ of his deettl, tl'ld 111 11tM, 11119 tnd l.ol Anollts. C11!fornll tOllOil ln~rtst 11111 111<1 l•l•tl .. _ ~·1'9d 11¥ 1Mrc11 lllslntft" .... -..-. J7UI ::.n-;11'f: c:dd~tn or toO~Maf o~ Publl.tle<I Or11111 CMSI 0.ltw' l"tt(!I, FLEMING LEE Kfll:TLEY, 11 !ht t!mt FtbnlltY 13. 2G 27, lKt !lM' of 1111 <111lh, In Wld .ta the rt1I Prwer1¥ I" lhl County ol Or1nv1, Siii• ol LEGAL N011CE C11!1orn11. dncrlbt<I 11 lollowl: !-----------~-) Lat 21 of Trtcl No. lCIN, 11 11tt P·DW I Family Economics Bureau Think about these children, If you can: A dimpled, aix· year-old girl who hates dolls ••. a roly-poly litUe boy who crawls on bis hands and knees. and barks . , . an emaciated· 12-year-o\d girl whG slinks along walls, and stares with wide, terror.filled eyes. Once they were emotionally nonnal children -and they are not mentally retarded. Four million children in the United Stales need some kind of "psycltlatric intervention," several national organizations agree. The National Com- mittee Against Mental Illness says that a half million to a million children require im~ mediate psychiatric help. NOT GE1TING IT M1• lhlreot rl!Qlrded ln BDalt 15, Cllll:Tll'ICATI! Of' COll:POlllATION P11• 25 Mf1celllntOUI M.1111, rtc0rd!I DOING IUSINl!SS UNO•R But most of them aren't of Ortllft caunty, c111fornl1. nns l'ICTITIOUS MA.Mil • I t ·1 Th ,ullllrlo!I Slrtlll, Co1t1 MI 11, TIU! UH0Elt$1GNEO CORPOAATK>N going 0 ge I • e states, c1111or"t1.1 doll 11erR1¥ ur111Y 1hlt 11 11 condllctlnt Federal government and llld1 or offrr1 ire l~vllld for Sltd 1n 111lomltld mld\hll! sl!ap busl111n .,._.., 1nd m1111 tt. in """r"' ind 11 1w P1rt Awnue, G.rdefl Grow, private groups are preoc· will .,. •ectlwd 11 the 11111cu ot Fr1n1111n C111foml•, lrnder 111e 111;1111ous 11rm n1rn1 cupied with adull mental il· Ind Fr1nlcllfl. Attornev1 for 11ld ntillt. of ANC MANUFACTURING CO. tnd or ""' r.. t11ec1 with fht cim: o1 .,,., *"' Mrnt of 111c1 C"Or"POt'"lllon Mid lness, according to a survey 11kl SUperklf COurt, ti' dlllnred '° ltl 11rlnclP1I pt1e1 of buslntsl I• 11 1111 IE•tMor perlO!lllly, 11 •rr¥ thM to11ows: of fac.illti~ for mentally ill 1fter h flrrt !Mlbllcllldll r;il t!I!• nonet. AUTOMATEO NUMERICALL y children by the F a m 1 I y 1nd befor"I IMlclnt Hid Mlt. CONTAOU.EO M.1.NU,AC- Slld .... Wiii bt mtdf uoan lhl TUAING COMPANY Economic! B u r e a u of fo1WMnt tenN: 7511 P1rtr. Awn111. Clty "' G1rden Narthwestem NaUonaJ Life Insurance ,Co. LeS!: tlian one percent of d1sWxbed (:lpldren r e c e I v e treatment,~ the N .a t i o n a I lnstltute of Mental Health reportS. Mike ·Gorman, executive director of'lhe National Com· mittee Against Mental lllntSS, believes that America faces "a major internal crisis, as serious as any war crisis this nation ha! ever !aced. "The old ways of child rear· Ing practiced by the family, church, achool and community have broken dowti • • • We have exploited, neglected and despoiled our children's personalities • • . In the same way we have fouled the air we breathe, the water we drink and the land we in· habit." Preventing the mlsery of mentally ill childhoods and the wasting away of adult lives In mental institutions and prisons will be the theme of a report schedlJted for sum· mer, 1969, release by the Joint Commission on Mental Health of Children. 1be report will be based c.c:.r,..._.., lf 1.., Gl'O'l'I, CauirtY ttl Or•ntt. Clf!lornl1. I RriScOi!:\I ;ll:ICMAJIO Dilled: J1nuery 1-4. 1Ht. \••·· .......................... . ' CCOAP. SEAL) E11.cwteref The AUTOMATED NUMERICALLV L1s!Wlll1nd CONTROLLEO MANUl'AC· Legislature in Action "l"nlll"lllnl ol TURING FLEMING \.EE KIRTLE'I', COMPANV tllo~ts • -~H L .~ FLEMING L KIRTLl!V Br. R_.., 1rold Ol.l .... ,.r l'rftfdenl DtclaMd. STATE OF CALIFClRN tA -:_::.:,';1:,A~: l'llANKLIN COUNTY Of' LOS ANGELES ) u 117 lli.-t 1m sin« 0n this 14111 .s.v o1 J1-rv. A.D., '•••••m•••••••••..,••m••••••• C.!1 M-C1Ultnlll lN,, be10tl rnt, I Nal•tY Publlc l~I LEGAL N011CE llbil1Y •USI trld !or 111c:t County 1"4 Slit., HrlOINlll'I' 9y TIM AIMdttM P-A"°"""" fir ••KVlll" ,_..w ltobert H1rolc:I L.olllCh•r known ·-Publl1hed 0!"1"911 COlsl Otll'I' Piiot, I'll m• 1D be thl Pmlc:lfnl ol thl ~. l'ft. 26 Febr\lltY 20. 21 21 !Ht :m-# mrioor1non ""' fte<:ultd 1111! wllhln · ~lie Ml\'Ot" JOMClll A!lotu ol • ' lnall"\llMllt on bellllll Ill ttlt ---•!Ion s.n Pr111d1t11 unletolhll hl1 1t"'"9MI 11\lrtln 111med, •nd 1cknowt«l9fd lo lttock Oft AllPVbllc:.tll Go'v. ltHllll"I-""" n.t aucll COOIOl'1lllon 111K1111d Ille ,.,. mtn he ,....., chllllntt for _.,. ----~~==--~=--lllrne nor In 1'70. NOTICll OJI Tll:UST•l'S SAL• WITNESS "'Y Mt'ld Ind-·· TM• eov••NOll: ONMA ... ._,,n M !OFFICIAL SEALI Alltlldld l'Ylettlnt ,,, Sllltl Cotlellr Mt. LC .. 61.1111 Stm.,.I V. Corrwll IDllrd I/II TM'-In LOI A'*les. On A•ll 4, lMI, 11 f ::ll A.M. Not1ry Publlc-C1Jlfor11\1 TMlli ASllliMllY FAIRFIELD SERVICE COMllANY 11 Prlnd""'I Office In •I" ....... lfll!v 1pl'Qlntld Trvsi.t under Ind LOI Al>ll•les CGlll'llY Wiiis -lt""'I"" ""' f<ITT'1111 WUl1 oursu-.nt to Deed ot Tr111t d1tf<I 5'U-OC _.. .., •-o' <>. lMI t •tcUled by DONALD COJIMI LL. AOAMS, Bll:AOY I l<lm!nwu tor Pf"Obllt lllllf'f' prner •-L"DSIY Attys, A<lllfrtmtnll Ill rtldtnce codti All W HENOJllCKS Ind PAMELA J . HEM-' 2lt H. JoflnlOll. O.EI Monr.. oit1cK5, hvtb1uid •nd ""' tnd rlCOl"lled u111 a.-l.tecll ......,1111, BMll 111in.111e1c1 ,_,,,... 17, IHI, 11 lmlr. No. 117't. lllffe nt -Wt"'_ A-0-'"'-Wllef" Ae-ln book 1!75, llllt! m at Offld•l 11:~ LMI a.di. ca .-t ·~· In ti.. office o1 the CaunlY R~r f'ublllhed Ol"I... Coal O.lty Pllol, 10Ul"UI COl"llttll lolrd I'll tdapt tnd .,. o.-county, c.111om11, •In .. u FebnMtY '-1:i. 20, n. 1Ht 21Mf el!foru ,...,.11t1on1 ~"" fftllnt, ., Pllblk ~ hi """"' bidder tor 1a...1 ... •nd \IM of 111¥ llibJl1nc:1 tor et:111lrt1ct for "'91111 or •-1tudlo 1ervlcn be olven cu1._ ol tln'lll of 1ltnln1 controct •IW Pl'm!!tw cen- cellJtlon wlttiln 10 cWIYll All '9!. Z'llerg, o.s.cn.,....to. l'lnfftllltwt -Dellltes provl1'°'1 r1111 --c.tlld ., lo help 11<1111111!11! ton11t llru bf 1191d • ot !floe ledtttl r1to •nd Ollfflorh"IS <llrtt'lar of aimer· Villon to <lriermlrw 1111 WINI All "'· lle1ottl, R·E11m1. H•llflltf -lt11<111l.-.s Fltll trld Gt,..,_ Comml111oft ~ l11w wtr 1111nllf!D pr~ tlott Cff'llflct'-s ind rwou lrw 11111 "'° hullfl"9 llQtnw br lhutd 1111ln 1 1111>11. c-.nt he1 111ch 1 cwrtlflc:.tte ar l'le1 t'lrtd I I~ In "-Miii Al ,.,, Mtc- 0...lcl, CM))ll. on 'a four-year study, the first comprehensive analysis o f childhood ment'al illness. A bill introduced by s e-n . Abraham Ribicoff (0., Conn~) authorized the commission. invitational conferen<:i! on ing her mentally ill children. Further evidence: A two-day to 1966. Suicide is "one of mental health of cbildren sponsored by the American Medical ·Association's Council on Mental ilea!lh, lllalJb l< and Ii In Chlca80o DIBCOVERY TOO ~TE "Discovery" has come too late for many children. The U.S. Public Health Service reports that nearly t,000 youngsters under 19 willed themselves In 1966 -a five-- year-old Negro boy among them. The suicide rate for children more than doubled from 1956 to 1966. Suidide is "one of the leading causes af death among children," according to a 1968 report by the U.S. Department or Health, Educa· tion and Welfare on "unmet need~ of chiluten." Dane White, 13, an Indian boy, small for his age, at· tracted far more attention from white society than he wou1d have if he hadn't hung himself on Nov. 17, 1968, in the county jail at Brecienridge, Minn. Dane was the only prisoner on the se- cond floor of the jail for six weeks. On the belt he choked himself with Dane had let- tered the word "Love."· One undisputed cause of emotional lllnesi ls vicious physical abuse. It has a shat· 'iering Impact upon the psyche of a child meeting hll world for the first Ume. -· ftllNloy "O, 1969 MILY '!LOT 17 Pil·Is for Pigeons Venice .JYot f()r Bir~, Birih Conq-ol 11 VENICE, llaly (UPI) -,,,. .. .,. more plpona than -le In Venl<e and clty ol· Ucials thlnk there's ....,.. tblng. "'°"' In lhll So, Ibey ~ ioday, Ibey will put Venkie's pigeons on birth control p111a. The pUla, mfled wltb grain and -led up by the unsus- pecllng blnls, have cf1mln. lsbed • lhelr numbOn effec- Uvely in Madrid and ·Buel, Switzerland, and Venlet city fathers said ii had better work here too. Not only do lhe 114,000 pig· eons 1n Venice consUWte a maJor health problem, bul !heh-droppings ... rulnfni Invaluable ma rb I e: a11 d bronze monument. all over µie city, the chief of Venice'• health otnce, Pro!. Gluaeppe Boffo; Aid. '!be Venetian Animal Pro- tection Society &as approved the pigeon populalloo control project, Boffa Aid. He said the ooclefy belh!va I h I I f.,..r p.'n.'f" will oot only be a r to humans. but abo wW improve the lot ol the blnll ·wbo remain. Pit_.,. __ .. _ milllt a par1 of !be v ... iW. ..,..,. .. eaoall and IGlilfolao, Hundredl ol tourilU lava town ooly al1er"bavlnf'1bem· ..iveo pbotoct~pbecl feodlnC r:.r"t: In fl'oot oli st. Mark'• This keeps photograpbers w o r k t n & medlcal offleen 1g,.., but they wam It lln'I doinf the real of the-popula- tlOn much lood. '111ey aid the plgeoos ara the source ol virus lnfecilou, and carry germs and para· sites. New Sound Military Bills Fi.icing To Music A Hostile Congress For Strip WASlfiNGTON (UPI)-ldilf. prolesslon of soldiering." lary bUla will continue to Hebert wu lalldng prlncl· pass Congress but the days pally about antiQillitary sen-- PHILADELPHIA (AP) -when they Wled lhroulh ~en:.: J:'!~ ~c': The bumps and grinds are without cut or question, ln the · the same but the music to I I lions of hostility toward the op non or many, are over. military In r •• _. strip by b-• a ---·-,, ......... -. ao u .... 11VUU1.1 "We're going to have trou~ lt~9 on stereo-tape, enough ble with every one of them," NORMAL REACTION to make union musiciam said Rep. f', Edward Heben', Another prominent commit· picket -they are. · (0.La.), a senior member of tee figure who delerlbes Drummers, piano playen the HOU!e Armed Servi~ himsell as "pr1>mWtary" and and horn-men are protesting Committee. asked not to be identified, di&- taped music at the Troe, missed tbe •ctioM u ,lllgbU.)"' Philadelpbia's ancient and 00• APPREHENSION abovlH"IOrmal objectiOOI fron:a Congressional delenders ol "professors and lntellectaala." ly burlesque bouae.. They want the military ore beginriifto to H -"'--· ~lb· a five-piece orchestra to keep --. e saw no P•vu••~•u• "' time with the strip tea!e. =:':n: Tr!:~of := getting military bW. tbroueh "Business doesn't warrant attacks on defense spending ~:':! ~~· It," said SS.year.old Al Baker, and policies. In Ole past several )'W'•, Jr., of AUantic City, N.J., who Members of the 11pr1>mili· particularly since the Viet. bought the Troe last Sep--tary" establishment disagree narn war escalated, mllltary tember and plaM a $40,000 on the seriousneu of the legislaUon breezed r through: renovaUon "for a rlvival of trend. Some see it as a pass-Con~. Those days, Jn t&e the poor man's music.al com-lng thing. Others ·worry that opiruon of many on C.pitol edy." it threatens apprOpriatioM _ Hill\ are over. "f '·d to h' lb and programs of .the armed wani.c ll'f: ree OTHER PACl'ORS m~iam,'' said Baker, "but foHrcesbert. la lb · --r, ottribule ··-=··10 the union wanted five or e among ose view· ••n:: 1.1n:: _ __.1.1_ Ing the 1lt'uation gravely and such actors as dim fJUUWlg. So I put 1n stereo." he detecta a sJ.nl.ster hand prospects for peaci in Vlet- Local 77 of the American behind recent developments. nam, the soaring and eome- Federation of Mlllicians uld "There is lncontrcivertible limes queaUonable costs of it feared this pattern could evidence to indicate an organ-defense contracts,' and even1" spread elsewhen:. ized and determined effort on lik th t f the USS Dam.el •-ton, My•••~ld he f of e e cap ure o nn ""'" ....... -v t part o some ~enta Pueblo, which m.any Amer· drummer picketing oUtlide the our society/' is ttie wa1 he i~ blame on oe1llaettce by theater while the tape played put it", "to discrtdit, dis.par· higher-ups in. the Pentagon. · inside, said: "What can you age and destroy our tradition--Already feeling the effects get out of three muaiciam al respect for the honorable of the antimilitary wave an -there's no sound." the draft law (which maY un- lolost ol lhe strippers, all dergo some alteration thi• memben of the American Quake Toll Up year) and Ille embattled, mul· Guild of Variety Art I at a tibillloo dollar antlbaJll5Uc (AGVAJ, dec1lned commenl on WASlilNGTON (UPI) _ mlalila (ABll!) s,.tem - the controveray -they'd More people lO!t uielr lives future was .clouded When. [)e. rather dance than talk. In earthquakes 1~ the fe111e Secretary MeMn R. But one tall Puerto Ric.an world last year tharl t'n any Laird IUIPC1>ded deplO)'ment gal spoke up strorioly for the and wflich face's mountlrll op-- li ·-e year since 1960, according to ooeltlan in Congress even lroin "ve musician. the National Ear t•b quake lawmakers generally friendly Kay Diaz, a dark-hAlred 24-Information Center. ' to th mlrt year-old who likes to take it:IF~=-=--===.;i.-==~;;e;.;;:;;;;";;'Y;.·;...=--"'l off to bouncy Latin tunea, 1 said: "I can do more different Comln .. M&rc:h 1 types of dances , and put ~ more feeling into It -when there's a drummer and a Po.,.,..l,Jrr T,fT_ eJdy. ptanomanworkingmyatyte." Eb..&&u;iJ rr.te •. The C\L!tomera refuse to 1et Involved. As one • summed It up: "J just came to see the girls, and get out of the cold." Mother, 5 Kids Killed in Fire STEP H ENToWN, N.Y. (AP) -A mother Ind five of her six children d.ied in a fire that destroyed their rural borne in this Renuelaer County community early to- day, fire offlctau reported. S\<Pbenlown Fire C h 1 • f Sylvester CJote Idenlui.d the vlc.Unu: as Mrs. John Royal Upton and five childr~ rang· Ing In ... fnlm tbne to 12 yean. 1' co1f1 !lll-,.ble •I tlrM ol $Ii. In llWIVI LEGAL NOTICE Clllt"""' llP on In stile -twn1 Al fflOlleY of IN Un!IM S"MI) 11 IN llOllllil•l--~=,-,.,.,===:cc::-:::--M7, Pllr1tr, D-CClmllf'llfl. tountvl' ""'911rlcllllll -,.,,....,.. tld ftll'" fT'onl ..,innc. to ... Or•-NOTICS Of' Tll:USTf.t:"S SA.Lii -~anti rel«tld ,,.., •11 ..... Ccll/r1'hou9e, lit lfll Ct!Y of $111!1 /41111, TIUST NO. ,,_ c..llfomlJ 111 r1flll, tltle lfllll 1....,.., Cln ,,,..rdl tl, ,,.., 11 •llYwi o'clock -ttc:.1111 ,.-(llr1m1 Al "'· 1111•· COftYl'J'ld 11 ...., ,,,_ fllld trr h Wldlf A.M. THE FIAST AMERICAN FINAN· '°'i=. F~~=io. cDlt-d-flvlnt Slld DIM r1 Trvst In 1111 ~ "'" CIAL CORPO!lATK>N, 11 frVI...,, er tncn.M for timHlet rK'IMllt old t.i 1111ed In 1'!w CffY If Coll• Mell, In uld ~ """"' w lllbllltw!td '""'*' C·--... Stt!T dftalbtid n : .. 1111! ct'f1•1n Offd r1 Trvst llleartlcl llloendellf dllld~I AB 615. Burton. _ . ., P YLl:IS s--. -OMltls ........ 1,_1 Lot Jl cf Trld No. 45'1 11 -lw IOllEll:T L ARNOLD tfld H ,_0 ,_ -•IMI d "I or almlNll 111~ oa...tw -EIMlll!Ns Stile 0111.- ter ~tletl Fl/fld lo ~It Jlf'-.1Y ~ for di-ctllll'd bv 1191111'111 dlsalwl/ Al "7, Rw•n, O.lllrtlr11111M. .... J'19111 -EMctl "l>urt 1"91 flood Act d l!'ff'' niwfrlrto 11'111Ul1cturtn ot Pf"CICIHl8d Ptf ltlOd f8 be lic-td I P.-ahlbUlnt Cfrllln 1c!J ~lltlftll II ,et foodt1 Al Wf, lrlllts. R-,ulllr'lon, ........... -ArtlNS tnd •dd1 Pi"O' Yllionf ,_lttlnt pft food 111\lllllf!r- en, _ _,_ i-ttrs. '"" ,_ *'"-•"'9 ~ ..-0¥11lon1 ,....,1.1- ,,,. l!onefMl1: Al "'· 111"1"1. T_,.. -Endl W¥1"1 fll ~· Unions to Fight Firms With Plants in Mexico Bow We Are Fighting the Bank Robbery BoOm By ,BJLL SURFAC~ rMP t111!rto1 l'Kllrdlll In loot: 20( M. AJlMOUI, husbe"4 11'111 wffl Ind "' "'"" tt •nf SJ r;il Mllce1~ ,_..... Jul'!' 1. 1N6 In loot ""· -bf lflc.n lo Ille w11MHI AB M•n• In flle office ot fM COlllllY ..... 11' r;il Oll'lcltl It_.-Ill Ort"" ... ltlnOlen, ~ P1rt. A--ot Miii c-tv. tountv. C111toml1 •nd t fp thlto _ _:':'"':"'::.c-...::•:-='~::.-::.c,:M:....cwrlc.;."c~ .. Stkl 11IJ Wiii M rn.Nt, but Wlff!Olll ctrlllll Mot!QI ol Dtl Ind Eilctlonl· C011¥1Nnl Dt w ........... nprnt or llfto I'll l'tll ltlel'Wftdlr r Nowtnbtr LEGAL NOTICE .11111. '"'nflnl 11t1t. CIOl-'Otl. ar -20. 1'61 "' 8oOk • ""' '17 "l~~=====-===:-::=-1 Cl""br"fMl'I. .., PIY "" ,_lnlnt iJrln-Otnd1I RICllf'll1 cf 11>11 COUnfY, Wiii Cl:ltTll'ICATlli OP COIPOltATION clp1I wrn of IM not• IKllr«I 11\' lllldlt"" Md ,Urwl ~ teld Deed rl "°" TltANIACTIOM OJI •UllN•SI Nici DIM of Trvtt, fo.wtt: 111,0ll,tO,. Trwt •II et M ~ for Cllll, UlfDl:lt l'tCTITIOUI NAM lli wllll lnlefftl lrotn J11111 1, lNI It ltWf\11 mantY ot Uh"-<! st'llll fll THl! UNOERSIGNl!:O COR.l'ORAT10N In Nt<I note pr0¥1dtd. illfvlnctl• If Ameflcl, fl tftt-In •w.t ,MfrlllC!ll .,.._ l'MAbv ctl'llfV !hit II Is conckocl!nt Riil'. l>llCler lhl llrm• ol Mid Otld 111 tl'le ll!tSt lc!lfl Til'le '"""r•nc:. ""'llllltc:!Urlft9 ind Mlt ol 11rlcvll11r1I el TMI, ""-dll,.... Ind ·--C--'11 tlvflflnt , fld' tt 9llt IDUfl\Mlt ~let" bllllnHI loc:111d 1! 111 Solllll ot "" TrwlM Ind ot 1111! tni1t1 crfflllll COl"Tltf" f/f Fifth Mt-Ill 9tl'lttl '" .. ,,.,, lrM. °''"" Cou"ty, c1111arnl1, bv 111d Olld ol Tf\111. lhl t:ltr el lilnM Ant, Clllfem!I Ill vndllr lhl tldllloul firm 111me of Ltl- Tht blnef'kl1ry uMtl' llld Oeld ol lhll r1lllf ttltl Ond '"leml • CIOf'nlfl'IW flnr#911 Cl!tlnlul ClllllPl11Y •nd 11111 Tr111t, 11¥ l"tftO'\ ttl I brHd'I er lltllllll fl ..,, ,_. hlld ...,,.. DMd fif TtUsl !hi ntrM !If Mid ~·tlon 1nd 111 ~::...Dbl.!:: 1:;i1:=11,,.~ :.,. ";'h,:C~""!~ "' "" OMllY ,nnc:1HI 11tn of bllll""' 11 •• flllltWI: IN ut'ICIW'lltllld I Wf7llen Declertfllft Tl'lf L"9tlflold £.t... '" ""' to T'*"--•KIVWlrd Chln\IUI C_. ot Oetiult tnd DllMl'llf fof' Slit, Mid lot f'I rl Tred No, 2111. lf'flM NI'¥• S200 Soffllll" Rold, KeMM City, wrltt..i notlel rl ~ 11'111 Ill •ltct"'" Torr-, unn i. u --.. 111 1 IC1M11. fp Utl~ "" lll'dtrtolened I'll 1111 SIM MNI nail"dN '" loGll' ......... "5. WITNESS 111 ll•rld lllts 1elh dlY of ~ .. tittlt:IY Hkl Gbllltl'-' lflf 4 end 41 fif Ml.-.l~t ""'"° FebnlltMb':iOsoM HAYWARD !Mnlll!9'", 111 No¥1rnC!ff lS, lNL IM _.... rl Ol'll'IM C-.W, C.Ullwnll, CH•M>'"L .COMPANY """'"""" C9VMd 111d l!Otk• " w.dl CtMMll "" 11111 certtln """' dlttd .... •nd o1 1ltdllfl ,_ M ,_... In ~ XI, lff7 ltll4ICUliM by" The Rollffl S. T'llllmPloll ti011< 11tf, _... bS. rl Miii 1~1 lrYIM ~' ft l_..end ~ -··· ~~IFORNIA Rfl:Ol'lft,. QtNr"lllefl,, 11 L...-, r-dld •' "So.obltd IN!r""'""" -1ff, 8-iN\11 .....,,_. a • lfS7, Ill lodl 40S1, COUNTY OF1~ot ANGolE';~ u AD "" 11 ... lea,.M teQll"td ""'* _.. NII J:JI f/f Offklll fl~ If OtenN OM ~ dlY,_ ·--· • ~ ICClllll'ld ll'r ,...,..i lt1tlerll'll ~ C-"'• CP11fen1141. ,,.., ...,,..., ..,,., ___., ' A_.,._ ....... 5tdtWI .at: er ... $0111 Mii wt11 M IMde wlft'oll -' Nal9rY M lle In Mid fw Mid C-'Y "' 1111 Jledlffl ......... I """'"" ... .,......,, ..,...,.. flt ilnllllM. .. ... stttt. ....1111... """"" .,,.. '°"'"" Mloet.tflllll o.erttr Att Mii ll'ilretfl.,, ,. b ttttt. ..-i.n or ~ .,.,.. ,_,,., ,.,.....,. ...,..,.... te-wtt. 111 .. pla11M1 I. 1 .... _._. 11 Mllsff' flll NNllllnl ~ ,2!.2-... ~ .. --,.," II\, tnd _.. IC*lf.., "' Tiit ~ .... ., ft'll "°'9 _..,.. .. Mid Oeld •~• "' ~· rnent Nt lloMI M 1 r 19 It I AUKI• r1 TNll to wtt1 t1.ift ... wlftl lflltlf9t ltolt .-.. '" .. _ ••• ---· ~ tlOfl ,ul'Wlllt ,. "" ,.,..... .... ., NbMc ..,._ '""' ~ 1, ,... .. """' .. --' ~ 1111 Lt• ,....., .. Hwll!tt •1111 Urlitn ~ in M1cl nr1t """"'" wlth .... "*'-'....... II 11'11 NI II/di ft.Mltltt It ti Iii. It, 1)M." ..... ~ 91111 ..__ el W.. n-..tlt ~ oecvlllil "" ......... O.tld Fetlr'wi!Y It. "IM 11011 Midi """° -et _., fll'vt IN wtTNlll Wltl lllOI', I flllAI FAllll,111.0 SI IV IC IE COM>"""' odWH'ICH °' Ille -tl'ld l'toldtr twreYlllt M1 ...., l\tlld ...., •m.;" m¥ PA"Y ............ """' ll'rtor91 ... ~ llf\dll '"I """ "' .... "" 111 Thi• I I .... TNlltt In Mid °"" of Trwl. °"""°' .. tint '""" lff'ltl• IY Me,...rtt M. 5Mw•rl O.•• Fllbr\lilrY ll. ._ !OFl'l(IAL SEAL) ~,y THll FIJllT A,Y,ElllCAN l""'IN M. Mc.1'•1111111 WILLIAM .. NAGlliM FINANCIAL CORf'OltATtON, N°'l"I' Publk • c-. ....... 11 A.,_. W ,.,..... ...,,,,.... .FIRST AMERICAN Prlnc:IHI Otltc. In lftl W Olrftl"41 tM. TIT\.E INSURANCE • t.111 A.nit'-COllnl'I' iulll 4'1 TAUST COMPANY Mv COrnml11lon £l11!rt1 Ml ....... Clllf ttt1t IV ALAN A. ICNOX llfb. 4, lt7' .,., AulstMt secm•rr •1..oc 1'ubllll'led Or111M C-t Ol!l'I' Piiot, !"~..,_ ~ "°""" NfWI l"rtU ll'vblllllell Ort"" C°"I OllW l"llot. ,.~ 11 •1111 Mtrca "" ii. "' ._...... w1111 rMtll' l'litt. ,....,..."' n 11111 MMctt "' 1i. te. ,.., UMli ,..,..,,. t7, .,,. #Mdl "' ,,. ,... ~ "" .... fWl!!I ~ ~ Oft Jvri. JI If he ,... lilied I'll llO!lfy "" OC!'l'fnl"'9 _,.., by" Jutry I fll h~ ln~lolt lo ""flollll or 1q..,. tlllP dltlr1ct1 Al '1), l!iurte, fl-Munl""'°" letldl. c. ... -Jt-.r .... O.O.rt-' °' Mo-tor Vetik:'" to llOl!lv by" m t11tf-.d ll'ill1 ownerw ol wll!ctet, ftll'" "11tch ~ or MntllY It lll!Ptld, ol flle cie.tirf• merol's '"fwnt to wlr1 1nd wn 1M Wllk1t1 Al 672. 91/rke. ........ -Mtllts II I ml"*"""°r for ""°"' lllldft" H fp -or <II., -tlcxlflollc brtwa9ft In Irr¥ -111t llt:tnJM 11'1'11'111"1 All 677, ..... Pri'lnt -Pl"Olllbltw tllfolunwftl &. Ioctl Nrklnf '""kl'-untll lllM 1lvl!lf llOllnc.tl'loll '~ bMt'I pt1G1111 Al "'' "°"n' O.S.11 Froncf1«1. k"'9 -°"""''" ..,.,n ' r1 MCI! ....., II Mlrtlft LU!lllr k"" !)rt/ to bf ~ lfl ldtoolll Al '"' Brow!\ O.S.11 Fr1nclKO. .. lo!T'-lolJ BEACH, Fla. (AP) -AFLOO officials aCCUJed major U.S. corporations today of ruMing away to Mulc.o to take advantage of chtap wage! tn a growing ~ that could soon cost , the American economy hundreds of ·thout- ands pf jobs. ''We're pie.king a' light with some of the biggest corpora- tions In America," said a spok"""'n for !he labor f.d- eration In outlining pla:ns to prote>t lo the State Deparl· mint and.Congmo. The executive counctl of the 13.8 million member feder• Uon Is slated to hear a report from ,. special committee on the matter :if American firms setting ap plants on both aides of the Mexican border a n d M!:ndln! thei11 IJtoductJ to Mes· lco for assembly at wages far cheaper lh811 paid In thJs coun· try. "There are il couple of hun- dred plant.: down there now and more comlng where t h e work ii• done at wages ranging from 29 cent.I to a little more than~ oentl ptr hour," said one source • +· 'Ille auembled products are then lhlpped back to the United States and aold at nor- mal American · prices, o(fl. clals s8Jd. '"The thing ls still fairly new, involvlnc · about 201000 Job<," aard. one olDclaf ol lhe AFL-CJO. "But we are con- vinced this thing ls goln1 to e"lllode aod In • couple of Y e I rs It. could be 300,llOO Job<." ,,,. practlco ol'"IJ.& flmu e<labT11bing mMutadurlng planb In lolexlco lifian ...... al yean 1(0 ........ a Mulcai) ~ovmnnmt plan ·ti>· .altno<t Amertc&i{~. Under lhe prngram, the,~ are nol 111_.r io be · aold In 1o1.-. IJOt'lhl ...... •ad< lirt' this C<Jdniiy for·~.,,... of· flclall said. The Mexican -assembled producfl ani llll>Ject lo IQW lmpon duties wtoen they a r • hroootht back lo the United St a i e 1. ledtnUon INlll'Cef' gftf. I 'Ibey Ba1d the practice ,.., bellfl carried oul by tn!U~ and etec::troolc firms 1mon1 lllhen. allhougll no flrml-• named. • , ·r A fascinating" article that describes somll ol Ille JI ' • • ' new. preventi¥t tec .... iques designed to mo~e °"' banks sol..:.<ncluding tear-gas money· W..p- pers, hidden· c'omeras, and mock rob~ts. • AlSO " e ANGELS WHO REALLY FLY--COvor. atory Oii flight nur1es who care for war·wounded aervtce- men ., .. they are flown from combat zones to StateJide for more extenslve medical tnoatmen~ , . e l!ITULA Cl:ARK -An lnternaU~nal sill&lllg aiir's struggle agalul stardom le examined in detail ,Why bu ibe harl1<":td a lifelong hltter- nesa toward show business? ' • '• • ' I e CHANGING 'CHANGE QP L)fl'-llodic,\ n. port'gn bOWl!ol"lDOne replacelrient l1ld piYcbl· try are helptne women wilb setint linol!ODal re- 1cUons get lhrougb menopause. • ,1 All Conllllg Sllurdly la ,.. I ' DAILY Pl~QTi~ .. 1.,i:::.::::::::::.:.:==:=....;.;;HO;:;.U:;;S;.;E;.;S..;.F..;.O_,R..;.SAL=·=-1_·.; HOUSIS FOi( ~ALE · . HOIJS,~,F~¥._. ·j' HOUSl;J FOi SAU •• H<Mts~sJ0~'1At1 I ;.;H;.;;OU=SE:;;S;..;P;..;0:;;.R;;oS:;;.A;:;:Lc;:E;_,, HQUSE$ FOR SALE RE= Furnlohod •;::::,2~.:...;:..,.....,...._.:.:==="---"!"'=_,,..;l.;;.~;;.;;OCI · Go'neral •' ·tl!OO ,0.neral • IOIJC! Gonoral "1o0o o.Mrol • lociO ,Caron• olol .~ 1250 Hu•tl"81on looch 1400 ----.-----•· · · Loguno ri.1d1 ~ .• ·cotlijf PARK. GEM · · DR. y .. .:...... .. lc!ck iay M•!Qn s r:i:~' · · L1~• 11.a $22,51 Te_...,. ...... , BR"""· 16th & Tustin -Cost1 Met• ! Excellent location, uear school~, !.tloPpin:g. f and beach . Only a levy le!t Buy_ now \Vhl\O'. [ interest rates are only __ - - I r1 ... with 20-/. down -7'h% with 10-/. On. l)O 2nd -no points -29 yrs on b1l1nce Prfctd from $30,850 to $33, 950 Exclusive Agent P· a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO ' t~...,4 Mn •--t .. M~ 1'1ve bedroom1, thrte..-U., 2 a1o_p'1i bedrooms. at s 4 on Die Corona Be&ch. Own-util paid. Avail now thru 0 L •"·=-r·JUDumc ~"' '/(} i I) Dfdni Wnle bu.Dt tor a·dt. larp JUuiy. A filU'ble' en.· er will flnabce with '15,000 Cl no dn. 3 li'· BRs 1~ ba, June 15. $175. 497-1025 l.Qan .M . m.c>..!lth L~ .. • WARM criminalinri execotlve aM _try wUh ~. &liu l'l1ib down. ~ trade dow'n fot nlee Cpta/drps, FA tieal, lg I:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:\ clud,l.n&: ~ •~ ~. hll ~,·Wnil)'. DI). ror, 2 Jovety ba'tba.. ~ local proptrt)'.., aw. patlo, 60xl20' Jot. V1c1tlon Rent1ls 2900 Roomy """ """-· 1% lloh!M·decor, IMie ·IMbo '°"" fenced yard A<:r Oro ... Cooat Property BRASHEAR Roolty bath, 1pacloua-dlllina:~nioa'l C' £1)1 i\:lom, tiuae tam.lb' room. NOWi -• • r~;,;l!ciru';;;;";'•~· .. · .. ·..;;673"'550;;;;1· , .. ,.,., .............. -....... s.i,.~ .. 1090 .... 1 FOR REN'I' Furn Mammolb and modern built-ins. Local-LUlft ~ -.tth an ~e to-11 M 0 u n t a I n Condominium "1 neu O.C.C. ·on<I OOSfA -~I> and •Ul' 5'11 o<·t -SAVE TAX 11. unlll '°"""' Assume 5%% loan ~ .... 1. 61S-4llO ~.,,.:'~ ~ ~ AIR mllntenance, 1-"" · on . off. lroolihuitt bide .• llOlld ie-.. , l-'R-ENT~A-L_S ____ _ ·--. ·--l I }Jigb"desert, SUvft V""-. 11 qulet cul~c itreeL· II GOOD' '4 '°BmROOu' 21!_ us.ooo -$1'000 dbwil. 5 BR Sol Vista. 2~t baths. Ho·-Unfurn~·~ ...,.,_appo1n~n o fle'I!! "'""fl!..,. _ ..... ~ a -ooo , ~. 7JI ......_ ~ ... __. ... _t --i... . , v-..o-P.11. East ol Baratow, Woo-you ....... ai.lUI" -bath..' klc:&ted on ' qbiet . .,..,..... oq ..-.-..•u•""" ""~· Eiccellent area. COHVBllEHCE ·PLUS derM oppo!fUnltieo a,..;1 Ilrealn home, ""''d be.., ou...t,~cupet, "-"""1.. Deloney Roof Eotol• R. D. SLATES, Rltr. Gonorol , 3000 th&WISEINVESTORinthil IM(·tbll ,tod.l,y. G~ .~ bu -well landqped. On11 · 613-3710 M7.:WS Eves. 536-7840 Nea1 COSTA .?.1ESA PARK fcrtilevalley!·Ideala.rea.W DOWN!!! ~t yoar Pi.500.' -. ·~.;:::~:=;:;::;::=.==:::::1:;; ....... ,;;.;;;;;; • • andSnOPPINGb!hacl<an ....,..,,. AUallo. nuta. oprl-amaller home 00 our 11W'-· H~ l\ "lotlJS . .:lo;;il;;bOo;;;P;;";i~i;;""';";;;;·13;;;00 l2 BR Condo-....,., relrlg, *WHY PAY RENJl cuotom buUt.tlu'e< bedroOm. ·"""· '"''"'• o1 ""' etc.· A , ~w'"E uleSEF,'>·A H""''E · e•,'...,, ·• wuber. .,,.,, """ <P"'-· ' . -bath .......... lamlly """""M ..... fn Which "' . -~ UM • .,,. ' • '11300 1213) ....,,. N ONE PENNY'lf room home. W.U ,to wall live & eoJo>' )he bounl!Os ol · EVIRV. 31 MINUTES 526-6637 , f613505 ' .MINI• CUTE ' · Q!u.,ing "'"' cab :::J: froct Ph: -.SIU =~':~~~:,"': ~m;:.~ ... ~;0~ Wilker· & tee o.,iy $15,9 a mo.: i:..~H=. .:....:.."':"~~ Foun111n v111oy 1410 ., _..,,,e1,y. From L.A. Call MA S-8034 pl$1ty cupboard a pac e., lakeii NOW 'JN °AR.EAi! · .:i. lncludlna ~· A b\&uraDce i and a ball baths. "fireplace, l EXECliilVE ,, N Ice t y landsc,ped yard, INVESTl.GATE --·-~.weatclJH. ur. - 3 BR. 2 Ba. Rperate ~ tp dble pnp. Near chan-NEIGHBORHOOD Gre1t location In Hunting- ton Beach on Hamlltoo Ave. between Brookhurst and Bushard -close to: the : TRI-LEVEL ' ; Eastilde ~ c;f::!mu~!o~. 211 ~ double patios, e~ tslve carpetl I: dmpn, au~ )nattc -prqe door opens'S, · )PrinlJlleft front i1: rear. can ~to~. I SlZ,500 Newport •sprtnkl.et:1andta~o.O n ly AND INVEST ... ~'1711! ·· OpenEw~. eled den, floor to celllnc net and pub).lc beach.. A 5 Bedrooms, sln&lc stru;-. $27,900 Easy tenru:. Submit In YOUR tom.rrowt . stone flrt~" ~ -bJa'b ·J~!. Reduced to $38.250. •Formal separate d In i ng If peace, comfort, loca"tton Bl'e imporlMt to yell,' looli this Over. Convenient to Newport He t I b ta rrade &Choo!, and all shopping. 2 blks to new park. Only $2.1,500; and ~ these !'plba'' faatures. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, cpta." and F.H.A. or G.I;QFFE;RS!I · ottered by owner ... ~ YleW tfOlllt pile'"""''"-'"""" hardwood .lllJRR WHIYI, Rttr, room. drOam kitchen, over- 347$10 Alta 6 PM 1J). Exelualve lrvinll firT" Ooora with low dtlMI. ANY·. 2901 N~ Blvd., N.B. tiJed praae, uptl'tlded car- drapes, double -~. con--!".' &Ei;""iiii"'ii""iii'.,·Cllliiiioi646-ii;;1881ii;;,· .. crete ddw, large fenced "!' ·back yard Oft ·500.30 tT. R-2 LOT. 'Mlere' ii not· to much available in thlli part of ea11tllde C?.l HUI't')'. OWN· ER, Will. SELL FHA! I 644~7 COSTA MESA . DELUXE 4°PLEx Prlvatt Cove . ' 'at-1019 Dolphin TerTa:ce ONE cln auume this 5%% 675-4630 • EWI 642-225) pet, & drapet, Jillie bed· warm, SPanish styUni loan. CAIL ON THIS ONE! . rooms, kingsir.ed cla1ets. Un. 1ete Barreft Realty Present• Frosh As A Sprln9 Dol•Y All Jfressed up tor a new owner. Cu stom quality executive home: Fonnal dining room, family room, 4 bdnns, 31,~ bath!!, 2 f\replaces, lovely lanitscaping' & a child.ale pool for the little ones. Not lease hold. For $69,500. family room with believahJ.y loW at $32,995. massive brick fiftplace Blyfront Dvplex11 4 .Bedroorns: 3 Baths $100,000 .-2·tbi'tt &R.'1 fantastic c1&y &: nlte ww ORANGE COUNTY'S UlS.000 - 3 ~I: Two BR'• completely· and beautifulb' LARGEST with Fittpl&ces tumbhed • aR lor· 293~ E. 17th St.-646-4494 W1lk1t Rulty 93 500 3336 Via Lido ti15-6200 V1cant/lmmed Pos. Call Wally $Hallberg Eastslde/Westsld9 _ Res· &12-4290 * 3 BR home • ram nn, blt-BY owner 2 Br, 1 ba, trplc, ~ BR 3 baths. 1600 sq ft , · ins, cp,lA/dtp.!1. 10% dn, as-bltn5, playnn l ba, Bffi. t.rplc, blt·ins " dishwasher. sume 5%, o/o loan, $23,300. Wdo buy $+.t.500. cn4J Low down l uswne existing * 3 BR home -$19,500, on1y I.·;;==::=::::::::=::::::::= · 1oan. Owner will pay all $750 dn. Might be option. I· -coats. IUt<. 642-9730 Ev ... 54W120 LI.do 1111 1351 ".TRADEWINDS RLTY. Westcliff Buy MMiOU or 842-51ll2 4 BR, 2% BA home. Large 40' La ......... 9,SoOI beach, I Quality 3 & 4 bedtooms. 2 &: 3 baths, all or» 1tiqty homes. From $32,400/Mon~1 ly payments from1 $2801 including P&I, taxes, Ii: ~ SU!"&flCe. II you are a qualified 'Vel you can move In without one penny down , • ; not even closin&" l."051.!. • Dues to rain, oiler extended ttirough March ~. 1969. \Valker & Lee, Sales ~nt1 Open 10 'til dUlk,dailY. ~;;;;:;;;::a~~ Estate . ;; 1 · ~fagnifletnt"$ Bea.room· ho.me l 6 DELUXE 3 BIL : with "El~'!' Room" -Jo- One. larre 3 BR 2 bath with covered patio ii: Three 2 BR 2 bath unitl. Ideal 1or own- er user for tax ahelter. can ua-for details- ~68,500 · ~2,500 to 3 BR, 2 BA ~. lam It I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ' 161)) Weatdi.U Dr. kitch & tam rrn w/ tirepL Open shuttel'I and \et 1un· fr). l•gun• IMch 1705 NEWPORT BEACH LJOO REALTY, Inc. I• 'din nn., BI· kit. BIG·SoUth-Income Ut11ts 968-3036 SHERWOOD ~TATEf ~ cated on nearly ol'Je acre llNFrS .UKE NEW or tush """'-'""'· e.auu. ~ ,,e;., .,ii % acre, • ful pOot .• "patio, cuatom !»Jete),y block wall fenc;ed. decor •••••••••••••• $189,500 r£acb uni! hp 2 (ull baths. Mn. Huwy . I Ne!'f'Ol"I . • -''I • _ . . . . . 3400 V!i:t· Lido 673-8830 ell.St patio. Son\e· Nrn. ~d t~ , 642-5200 HURRY TO MURRAY Cott"•·""-• Ts!•. ~~::~:..~!"~1·~:,, . ' by the ,su /' o:c=.,..,.~;;....:.• ,._....;l..;l.:00.: 1 "· ' R. C .. GR.£E1'., Realtf 1$0 yda from Beach. 4 Ige That's rii;ht,"~tter hi.V· BONUS. itociM· . SPECIAL. ·3355 Via Lido 613-9300 Apt. units, needs paint " t:llre · A Picture Book ry to P.fufT8.Y Lane. 1-...... "al 1 PO- . . ' . . . ;FA he1.r, fully cci>etei! .l ......... teparate W&lh" ,J'OOl'M· -At.- :Sume 6.6. ~ _ no lo&n . _ . N .. " _ ......... ·---Un·" -·I· Just listed and It \VOn't Imma~-ta · -4; BR home ,auuu aene1 c eanup. = ~ ..,.""' ~ .... lh I u.. ' 2 ... ' TENTIAL INCOME EX-de.sae: Street \Vilh 3 Bed· last. 3 BR PLUS dining w I ~ room, .,..tha Huntlngtan le1ch 1400 CEEDING $10,00'.I ANNUAL room~ 2 beth!, huge cowr-room PLUS 16 x 16 • • larp added bonU!!l room. .-LY Prl $69 950 ed patio; 'block wall liU?'· RUMPUS ROOl\t. Ail Near r ?fcarpe'ta, gparkUng MJ£5ION~T'f 4!»-0731 ... .... ~ f"-' J··-.. the? extras "OU can custttinlud kitchen, heavy Owners AtJentlonl Do you have rental. unit!? \V~ have good· tenants from previous yean and need. • SUMMER -WINTER • and rs'uo/Ma Income ~!r.'£ Co. ). KINIA ,,,_ .. ,,.... •oe uai• greenery. " shak! root &: ill excellent NO PAYMENTS 985 So. Coast,'Laguna 12 NEW UNITS Kitchen features built·ins & t h ink or includh1g residential area. Priced tor For client looldrtt for a load h~ eating area. Priced at HARDWOOD FLOORS imrilediate Ale -only 10% ~='!='!='!='!='!='!='!~I ANNUAL re~ for them. •• ---- P E RRON "J , • .~.·"f 'T,~• • I· ll, HUGE LOT '" 1 5 bdrm.5 ot .. & • dtn, ' top ~lly 1hag ·c~f ... 2 story fioor plan, tiCa\i- l, tiful trees, ·near pa'rk & sc~. Qean through-out. _..,.. ii6.!IOO ·~1· ,"'·.,, .. .,~.~,~· I •• .)1 . \• 1. _ "·' ,. ' 516-59 90 I. GOLD N.U.C.011,. I. DO.RUSH! • 2 rentala (fuml I . e 4 doon fo sand : e Wide lilrfft - ------- CllEAPIE. DUPlEX . " - PERRON ;_11 ......... ·~~. * 64fj771 "."nytlorie"* UNllLll!YA8\.EI $23,500 NEWPORT HIEIGHTS Exclusive. Jocatlon • amkllt prestip homes, Muter alze bedrooln:'. . a~ve den.· Very i.c.pitable llvlnc room. Pool Ille )'lld . .Move in ~ dltlon. ~l'no_ ' . TARBILL ans Horbo< tax shelter pllJS exCenent l'I!-$23,600 and all tenns avail· NO D 0 \V N -LO\V dCtwn. CAIL 540-ll5l (open. •··-on cuh invt"lttd • all able. DOWN -you take your -n __ , . .,._ For Duplexes For Sile 1975 Please call our rental dept. and let us jive yoo the RED CARPET trealnient . you de- lerve the heft! ~" ... p · ~ 950 eves) HttitB.ge .....,_..~tale 60 DAYS NEW Spanish 419 38th St., 2·BR. Bil kitchens. G/D, -W& SELL · A HOME c tct". nee .,..,, .· D"'' ~'d tndlYld 1 EVERY 31 "INU ES A.$UME 4%% GI loan. 4 "Newport Isle. $59,500 Own. '•Y ··"I'" Pl; WI m T • COATS· Br. 1%. ba.. Pymtl $138. .3. 4, 5 Bedroom Hotl'\e1 6'l3-M3.3, 675-5161. RED CAJJPI!:t !U1> :!°'oi1!::~ !.c;:r;;.::: ·w·· al·k· er &" -L.e'~e. . .... QPEN HOUSE 548-ll.61 ,. Coral .Shores ·RENTALS advantlge of the boomlfl£ · WALLA(! Doyle C.o:, Eves ~lSTI Btwn Beach~ Bro;oldl1¥"5t on HouHI Furnished Rental Dept. m.36U 2!125 W. BalOOa Blvd., N.B. industrial par~" UC Irvine. 7682 Edinger . REALTORS BY Owner 3 bdr, l!A ba. ·Garfield, H.B. . Broker will fUmlsJ:i analysill 842-4455 c)j-546-5140 ~46-4141-fam nn, very cheap, needs <n4J 962·1353 Rentals to Shire 2005 IRVINE TERRACE - 2 BR sheet to any Sl!'rlout· pros-Open Dail'y tll 8:30 (Open Evenings) flxinr. $22,(0). 675-0786 a.ft &. den. Fantastic View, ·jiect.Grossing$1800per·mo .. l;;;m;.0.m;;;;;im;m;m;;;;. ~$::;:::;:::;:.::;:;: 4 Imagination & .WORKING girl to shal'!' beautiful conditlor: -$750 Call today: INCOME UNITS iiii HALECREST By owner. 3 SPECULATION. This c~te University prk ho m c per mo. CHILT ROBINE·TT ElDOM FOUND BR Corner Jot $23,roQ.1290 ·2·BR stucco with bi1 fiq· w/same. Days 546--0928, BEACON 00-:-2 BR " REALTOR &1$-0128 Conway. Open' Sun. Sf5.-0225 atone COl."ner fireplace tan eves. 83J..-1531 den, or 3 BR. Community El\m'SIDE C.~f. ~ 8-otle BR , be a decorator' I 0dre&mo1.J;>e-SINGLE Woman to 1hare beach, pier, tennfs cout - Park Your Ark In Collete Park Three' lar&e and snU& bed· rOOIJll. wann family room and COl)' \\'Ood buming fire. place. No down. to Vebl with paymenta of nn for-·piiflci. pal and interest. Needs some redecorating, but fioal by and save. Asking $24.500. · Colesworlhy & Co. Units, U yean old and well. iJ) ·Me&a Del Mar at 1ucll a Mesa Verde .11tO ,aably Jocatrd near belCh-'Townhouse Adams / Brook· $450 per mo. kept. Good lnc9mc of $660 low price. Quality 3 BR T es A: parks on ~autlful"lt-2 1hunt area. $75 -mo. 54().7'5.J John Mcnab Reali¥ Co. qio. $59,500 famtly room, .has high VA OPEN Howe. Lovely 3 BR lot. Euy flnancln& a~ln.500 Woman with one child, share &C-8235 loan, 5%.%. to be asawned, 2 bath &. family room. , B,u;ye:r can rent lt duth11 ea-nice 2 BR home. $70 month. '!!'!!~!!"!"!""'!"'l"""'!'""'~ NEWF'ORT near Beach with 1% baths, 2 showers. step-Assume 5%% loan I" owner . crow. Immediate poisesalon. C:OSta Mesa. 64S-0373 $135: 2 BR., 1 ba: fet¥:ed .M,rllal Ocean View, 2 -. two ~ver bullt:in .kltchtn, large will take 2nd. 546-ll'ro Ted W•y Rlty, !3'-25n WOMAN ._ ... A_ beaut furn yd. W/w: child O.K. BR homes &: Gucat Unit. Dbl sized Bfu, 5hake roof, feno. . SHAK·I ROOF .., ...... c BrokerSJ.4-6980 £81', $34,500. ed yard • rooro for boat M D I M llOS . 3 bdrm, 2 .ba. bonu.s rm, Only $26,950. EZ terms. e1• e Ir BEAUT¥ borne wJdiYOl"Ctt l IOn in Cost1 MIU 3100 9: cg i Be1t This Financing 4 Bdnn. 2 baths 4 hard""'OOd · Univm;Jty park. Sl.l-0027 -------- •• ..,.,., 4 BR. l~ BA, $24,700, rxist-n.:iors, t~! Extra lal'le kit WORKING girl to share new FREEDOl\f HOME I' \l L•\\ II(( I ~I Ill\ I II I\ • ;-, A L\:( i!1!'. GI loan at 6%, $28,500 \VJth trailer gate. ~''n and turn 3 Br. :! Ba. house. 3 bdnn newly painted, OC\\' ll I \ I I ' • '' Near NB Polit Ole. 646-2411 !!O!"!'~!!!!!l!!!!!~!!!! .... I l1193 BabT,;c.M: Q price. $2.000 dn. nr. all sharp, only S2l,: er tor Util pd, washer/dryer. Refs carp, disp, fenced yard for 5Chls & city park, F~ tenna. ~ ooe er wanted. F .V. area. 64&-JnJ baby or pet. Acro11 alley • aose to .slloPPU. e 6% FinaDclJW-can be assUml!d l DE~ux1 DUPLEX-642-1117 o•EN Evi:s. lftO'o DOWN ·New 3 BR Unlta:-Peninsula ··l Oiim;m;iiiiiili"'"iiliim;o l U /C adaJ....,'to 0ceu a. .., CLEAN ~ "J TRADE" . •wp· I J R It l BR in 2 BR apt on Park Vista Mrkts. Adults. Rel. Bob Olson, Rltr. ~ au onn •• y Ave 3 blks to beach. $80 rtq. $160. lsc. Avail Mar ·1;;========1811·1266 .Eves. '3&-n24 . .,.:,..,..,., .... ,.,! 1. _ __: ~ • $36.950. Ir 1 ' . ' : • ! DEO II [I;; -R & .\-L 'l:··Y 2025 \V." Balbc:.-Blvd., ·N.8. 6-7MllOCi ·~-·------ lnei)me Units $72,000 Monthly lncorae. $85.0 ' Wolll'McC1r4l1, Rltn. 1310 Newport Blvd,, C.M. 71'29 Eves. 644-0&M 4 1H:. C!IP' ~od 0,. Saf.arl Room in thi• 4 br,,~-ba Manor with ~r eim entry, tarp 1........ik in cloaet:s, pool able lot. + eX- 'UU. -$M,OOOl I I *"rfn{i. . ·:~SPRING . '::, REALTY l •anv~" 211129 RaJ'bor Blvd .. CM. MESA DEL MAR .C ~' family room. A• IWt'lll '21.0IXI 5" ~ loan. llJS I mont~ "'21 ptke --, ERNIE-.. -~D Reef tor ra l,..dwoy '4$.Cllll 11-"'2"45S 646-457' 'S iJOiM -''POOL'' MSMVERDE ~~-3 bath&. lull •·•12 trte '""" • •\ 11W& ¥!~. 1u.h ···~·· • "l!Wotric ' bulll!la' • Dlllinclm reilititiid ,M0-1-@E~L 2'111 Harbor 159.9511: 1"'" """"""'· llolboo Roel Ealote.Co. 100 I:. Doi ... BJ.ot.; Bolbot. ' 0Rlol•'Mt49 • "~1iN;1~E . Yes, clean ai a pin; freshly painted, newly carpeted plua many extras. 3 BR. Me11& Del Mar home .. Priced to ..u. 13~LIY ON 1'llE BEACH, NEAR P!X· CLU. $.l'. MALO_. 8 room 3 Bh., 3 M S ·yr ol~ -cuat,om . built borne. Unique~ ea. 'de-1 ::.111 East Coast Hwy. tall. Xlnt aandy beach. Cbrona del Mar $87,500. LORETA P.IC CREA. Bkr. 1S16 S: Hill SL <n.ci m.u6l Near Harbar High SUrrounded by beaut lfu I homes. Redecorated, all new copper plumbing, FA heat, built • Ins, double fireplace. new carpellng, shake roof, 3 kln'5iied bdnns, 2 batha. \Valk' to Westclilf shqppin&. Priced to sen. · Rllr. 646-3928 or 642-0185 * LACHENMYER john macnab c.11 ... Pork 1115 ·. GI NO DOWN si;Y;-f,,:,E~ 3 BR " lam rm, 2 ba, $530 COSTC ~::::°':;;1':...:;Ml:::;":__.....:2:.:1 :::00 GOLD MEDALLION DOVER SHORES cpts, drps, gprnklrs. frplc. Ex-model home. Adult occu-. 1st $13,000 at 4~%. Price pied. Immac. Cl o'ae to $75 • WTR pd. Sm 1 Br 28Rduplex,carpetll,drapes, A magniflcen.t custom home $24,950. 2508 Lehigh Pl. echool:t. Q>llege, park & cottage I quiet older aduJt blt·ins. on prime View lot. 3 bed- 1 Owner. 5ID-l57B shopping. s2J,950. Pref. Cls·in, no P e t s, L1rge fenced yard for rooms, 21,~ baths, torma HAFFDAL REAL TY ,&1S--$227 thlldren & pets. !~~w~' 1~1~~le~~~:;)~ Newport Beach '1200 8740 Warnel' 812-44o:> Bayshor•s 2225 ;;;1:-.t~:r,:e· 811 Paul· """' lamUy rm, 3.000 ... BDRM + 5th " d<", lam!. Vacant Rental Buys ===--....;..:= ft. Priced .......... $87,500 Jv nn, 3 BA. Beautifully 4 BR. 2 Ba. avt.il. now. 4 BR, 3 BA, famlly nn. ~ thru J Pri heh all bit-ins, 2 story, like new! By Appt. landM:aped w/ new 38' ?.low _In on credit aproval une. v. · r;m. Close io ewryth1fl£. sm. (714) 642·8'23S Anthony automatic p o o I. FHA·VA teryns. J..5 Bed· boat Al.Ip. $275 Mo. 642-3863. Less tor least. ( 2 l 3 ) --··------·- 1IAcH ft!usE Excluaive Oiina CcNt home • ~fr around livifli: : best Harbar area. 2 BR, 2 BA. priced lo seU tait at • $69,500 JUST LISTED TWIN OCEANFRONT OUPLEXES 2 -2 b:lnn eaCh (Fu:m) T Y~Iµ'! )ooung Excellent rental area SUbmlt·trades.$15.0Cll ea. 901 Dover Drlv~·~ Sulte 120 ·Time clock 1 p :t i n k 1 e r 1 , rooma lrom $21,500. .=;:;:Bo=:,.......~==°'=··=N='B== 256-6252 1 1!!!!!!!!!!.N!!'!!""'°!!i!!"!!!!!~!!'!!'!!h !!!!!~I stereo thru-out. Gar age USTER " storaae. Ma.ny'extru "you ·corona de:cl.:.Ml:;::r_.:22=50 SMALL Cunfurn\ 2 BR bouAe, Watch Your WI••-, own the Jot. An Ivan Weill 842-6633 Call anytime S90 mo. ·Man, wife, one Older Home on Larie ... (a5 J: 95 ft.) R-2 Lot 1 block to Beach IZl.500 Goor91 Wlll.lomaon RealOor 673-4350 Eve11. 673-1564 ' By appl only CORllN·MARTIN REALTORS ·3036£.CoaatHwy,CdM 675-1662 . llDDdiN: REALTY Approlsod $22,2'0 2025 IV. ll«lboa Blvd., N.B. No down to Veta. -tmrnedl-HARDLUCK .SALE 111!!!!!!!!!!!!!6!i7!i51"6000ii!iili!!!,!!!i!I!!!! ----------------· ~ ate ~man. 3 ~ Owner facing pogslble -I~I~ l ' 2 balh>, ,,... 1""'' 11,.;na """'trans•"· s.crlfl"' • .,.. lulldets ·1te' PM$ room with llrepla"'· caJt>OU· C<>lon!aJ 4 ~ Jamlly ~; $1,500 Down and drapes -$1400 down to formal dlntna: room,.lm~s- all $22,200 gov't. appralled. tlve 2 ator,y with curved 4Q..YR LOAN The Real Eatattta ~· · drivewa)'. U.tlnc ,lli $41,~ SPACIOUS &: COMF01t- 646-Il71 548-2313 but any otter consldemt. . TABLE tlOMES. 3, .C & 5 COM ARAB ~ bedrooms, 2 baths, cbeer-IN P LE S46·SllO ful kitchen. New paint. car- $22 500 -4 BDRM ''"""""'-2 tiaths_ .fittptt.ee, isolated OLL~GE REALTY pettng &-draJM!!s. "'" llvlri& room. Larr• l'<ll-•tH•""'·Cll Harry A. l09gs brlc~k. ,.tto with i:U tlred I "!~~!!!!!"!!~!I!\!!!!!!!"'" REAL 1'Y BBQ .. Oru.nl ldtchtn with Newport Heights 962 _,1 1 7199 Brookhun.!,. . ...u,,,. buUt-in ruse own a o cl No other hOme in tbts afta ~ ~ dish~. H>-1120 _ ' <:an bout ol dlnina: room, -Move In Tomorrow TAR9ELL;1'55 H•rbor kitchen nook. dllhwuher 4 Bedroom,• 2 .btttl. 1amttt SACRIFICE! ::,::,: t~ = ",!"! -. kttci><n 1ou o1ec.-• •"'J-lno, u-wpo' rt on·--th ··~--""--~ -doqto ,.. • • ·~ -···-~·-" 1">m LR and Den. -to I 3 BR. 1" -BA, 2~ Cl-fl"· Room for Clll'IPtt .X boat. -cowred pe.Ho,. _ $23,950. Aaµml $1t.l!IO rnA at'"· $21.500 -. ju•! $1500 do\m $lll Month tncludtt taxe1.. 1~. cfolrn The Real.Emtm · Vl'10"• Mo.Jr. Oller. Tho Re&I Ettaten Petitte lttaltor 548-(622 SJ&.nil M&.23U scs.nn 5*ll13 4 BDRM -$23,750 ''0$" DOWN G.I. $13,950 1 BR + dtn er 2 BR, 114 bo\11'· BIJ _,.,,, Jot. Erttl. mmt. CALL ?.tR. N~ 5'o-U51 (open '!'"' Hlritaie RW Eatai. 3 BR 1,, bath, Wnlly nn, hit-Inf. CllrptlS, dl"JJ)C8, 1"ull prlc-e $24,950. . DAVIDSON RHlly Mlj..5*0 E\'fl. 516-Sl~ T 2 1cparatc baths, dtn, dining' room, built.In kltchtn. lirr.· pl&N'. Patio, fruit trtt:11. Col. orful ahnibs and Clowtn. 5'1).171() TARllELL 29SS.,llorbor --------~ ·--- lW ~ Cdl\I COMPL. futn.; newly 1mall child . No lier eyeB 11•ilJ 11parlde when beaut:y. UP TO SO-/. COMM. ~tt. 1 Br. Muse, 3 blb pets. 646-4913 she ,.., th;, lovely brlahl POOL & TENNIS? + BONUS to beoch: walk lo ~om. 3 BR. "°""'· ChildrOo ok. and chttrful kitchen with P1enty of room behind· new R. E. Salesmen or Women· No yd. work. No pet&. ... utln ""~finished cabinets. 4 bedrvom.s 3 bath p]us bal· openJnv· now. Exper. or Adulll only. Ref. req. $1$ Water pd.~ 3 quc-en sized bedroonu plus cony I: forever view of Back new license. Training pn> c':::'o:: . .!."::·.:.";:::.'·· "":::..:1540:;;:.. __ 1~ bath~: A \\'&.11 of a:lass Bay. . 646-44l4 gram. Confidential, C&II l\-lr. DAILY pn..ar OIME-A· 3 OR 4 BR., cpts. clrJm, over k>okmg your own cov· J Kory FIRSt' PIONEER LINES You can ~ them blt·ins; u.;G P"'I" montb emf garden paUo. J....o.ra:e U :::'~ 842-4421 6:lr Jull pemlia a dQ. Dial 545-5ll8 . EXe1. park llke comer lot. An ))ilte J!nl £sta~ DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! "2-$18 DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! adult occupl@d home, and I~~-~:::-~-~=:::~::. ~===~~~~~~~~:::::::;:::::;;~~~~~~;:=;:;; C~11:s:;rt1i;1&"co. ~!~.'.".":'&'::~ STAR GA.'ZEK11 ~ plua f~. nn. plus 3 Ba. ~~'.l!!!l.;~..::~curJ. . 642-mT OPEN EVES. 5\ii% 'Loan. Owner trans. Al.ID ,..,____,,__ .a..a....GWft M L11u so.m Prine. only. 16ll Al ~21 ~ !~~';ih~Jton . ..,-:;·~ rh. -~----- B/B Irvine. Ml--1231 :A.,.,,, .._,, F "d · ' '!)!{Ii 1-lf-tMl To d~lop ~·,or '' oy,, ll-2'2••~~"""' Owner's Special tNOOl\1E Property very close 3 .Br., or 2 Br. A den, cw· • t!) Cl!;)' HI.II ind Udo Shop. tom WeslclW home, man,y Pin& Cenfi!r. Three bttlroom extra.5, nr aton?s & schla. house wYflrepl1ce. p!ua three PboM &f.4-4044 bedrnoTn apartment owr·l.:..=::..:;c.,.::::.:... ___ _ I~. Only 8 yee.rx old. BY OWNER. 3 Br, l~ Ba. Real val11e at only .. $45.0IXI huge fan1 nn. ser porch. I & 8 h Ex c:ond. Harbor Hlahland&. . ay HC "6-rn1 _ R.Nlty, Inc. BA-YFRONT-· ---.,-,-,h-boo_t _.U_p,, 1 901 D0vtr Dr., NB Sultll 221 I.up 4 BR 2 bath. $60,QOO 645-2000 54Mff6 mlnlmwn • "°"" -------------(TI4> 529-8100 DOVER SHORES 3 BR w.-1 No. c De1Janred I: built by tV AN Balboa Covt11. $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 • \VELLS. U~led for qu~ Pmer trade tor ac:reace or tt.y A: elegance. VIEW . .c ... 111 cona\der otbe.r. 54J.ml Bdrm1. 3 bt1IM, 11trhun. '* Bit Y VJE\V Fee: lot 85' Roy J. Ward Co. x w· wl plan~. $34,900 . IBlfcrc.it OUl<!e) Owner 543-7249, S48-4Wf 1"2 Sl.ntlq;n Or. &46-l&io DIAL dlrwct 612·~ Ow-It Need• ~tr 'tOfll Id. Uwfll lll'taldt and 1'1nd It with a wanl 1.d! ' tm to the ,.,..,.. riocl j2 411 NOd '#Otdl Coo.spordlng tG l"UTlbtn iS-60-71 i of your Zodloe blfth tlgn. 1 It'..,. 311<'1 t.I r....d 2YMI 12 ,.,._J.,,, .6lT-1- .J W-" 33 Soor\191 6l ._, ,. ~ 34 Wo11ort 64 bc•~...t 5 ~ l5 f'9IOI b5 Dny • Go.cl 36 No. 66 fot l Oiw!"t 37,,..,. 61 Md T• JI Full 61 ~-~ tn..,. l9M«wf 69....._ 10Ttdot ~--70 i.-11 Y_. .. ,,,.,, 710-- 12r,. 4T.-, TJA-. \JC.. Al,,_ 7J~ ,,~ ~ ....... ''~ 15Ylilit ...,WOfidl 7$Clf ,.~ #.Ard , ... -;. ....... 17,,.,.. "41""4 77Tl1is • ''""" "'~ ''ll!a ''" '90f 7'H :20Y411ot 500, tow-"11 21"""" ~I l.lf'O'I II l°"jr,g 22 ,.._,Hy 52~ 11 ""'• 2J On ,, Uloo,ijof 13 Al'ICI 24 0.....,.. s.wi.o·... ~ ~ 2'~ u~ as&s.. '':":~~~ 26 F'°""' )t iarvv. 116 Aw.:i•ct 1-?:J.. S1 Ntl 87 Sr..., .. ..,,;"9 ,, ~ ,. c;;.,. .. Sot;,,i'1Clboo I 2911 SfWOtTY 19L!c•lttNnl •. u lO Holldoot 60 $pi..d 9Q SutCT>s 17~ ~.@Goo! @!ttme {)Ne~J:1 ------------------------ -----------------------.,..--------~--------·----- , 1lllnMI, ,_, 27, 1'69 DAILY l'Uf l------....------------,--,UHTAU UHTAU ltENTALI li'~'~"T~AL~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ DeifY Pilot Clauified 111 11 Ui1lw:J11t11• 111 11 u.......,,. ~ ~,. "-" """"'"••• ...... CLASSIFIED INbEX COiia -~-Huollklll• ..... MIO I lf8!! .... il! '°"" ~ , ti "'"'l!"!'!M ,- REDl!XXlRUED. ......... I ·1111., ft. 0 lnol ~· ..,. NR · VICTOll ~ '1 -.-ufl'D ...... J. Biii ~ ltDIT ; , bona lor >W•l'llr--'-11•.n.1ot.1<1111<11r,,.,.,s --olrtNra• <K UDl\1--A<•-m-. ,1 1 Aifvef't,_,."'11, .... ....,, •• ..,....._...... it25.aKwac.M. OK. Nr Bwb BL•...., S\•••111r.i.r..-JhZ r. Rd. o.a ... '-:Nawpat Blvd., 0-, .,. ''1t ,~ "'~ PINI •-0 00 51111 ' j BR. 2 BA. -"""' 11151 VM -. I0-9 Ai'iiACijj:i; ... 1.BB,. ! ~, . ' r I~ --llo) ' llltS ..,.. pen I: II.Ill.~ :,.... ,.... end. )d. --.. Vic> 2 =·'' Br. 111 ... o;;;;;i ---...... -I ~ p I .. -.-.., ••••• ltlln. 9 lo Noon s.t.r<lay Clos..! Sund•y DIAL DIRECT 642-~678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540.-1220 Hut1ff""°" 11-11 540-1220 • l.qun1 ... ch 494.MU Hours-Reguletions-Deedlinas tmiL ... '12113 wtbz/fhyw, pool 119-tb, new, Sll5 ..... ... Nsz,.-t ... .. .... I 2 db W -1111 Newpw:t BhlL.~~. l========•f$1a! AdllL Ul -HU; ~tiii01.__ N'1'T -llltl. + IXC~I !Ill-Tl». .,_ Newport...... a:zoo !31M61S 1215 mo. T-low. Mulls. .,., I Br. I~: HAvt! »-' .. iil'l!.llllll 10R -1-= IMMACUU.rE3BRPOOL-iilMAC.sBr.SBL-; N...UAoooclo""--..... -· ..... ,...itr.wANti...__ otlul°"""hJOIO- HOME 1 block llwn WOO! a..il -1ot: nl'L 1119 RINT''I --l'for, ollp. Adullo llo M en. County. . V ... , -""' ..... Newport llot<IL Family ... -th 1211> SS8;(Qll -pofL 1310 IM • ..,...,. * 16 Uttito •fl71c ~--Aoo- Jy. 1$.131)/mo. Brol'er $UIS; S BR. 2 ~ CDe: A,ta. .Unfurnlehed GOUi111f1 111•.,.,t.Blt. J :1t:'i.~ ::.ai:-·• llWfllll.·1 . !WMl(l to ...,...., cpt;. -Oononl JOOO BA. --..... oncl, ' • ' • • ' • I =-=-:--==oo.-::.,.-:-'"'aa=c11· blt-lno. MT.Jal \ ' p;, G10 1111ar1a Way, 'I Units e .m;M 3ii10 SQ tt ........... cjDoo •,:: Jble-....,,,..., lie ""· RINTALS SUS lie. 1113) m-1'139 ·~~""."J:n.r: +.lllO!>OJft .. ~A'- Jot. Lie or l1•'/opt l oJ1 ._.._.. VENDOME orMr: hrPblLtnvt&tmeat )Cl'd. 1&15 l.qut.a CaJO"OQ ••ROtlltl Ad¥tlrliMl'9 "'"'" eh90k tfrltlr,•• •• n, .... "4l*'t , ........... ,, """ ~ Avail Ma.tt:b L ·Aph. ·'""'----... "'" 5242 *~~ ' !«!-.~~ -~. (flA) .,. rftllol...mo.tlona. THE DAILY PILOT._,,_ IJIMHty fw .,,.... . ...., tll .,,._, (hderal _.,_ 1 tllU!"'•tOfpu.,lohl .. tho.._ __ 17 ... tlmo. PANO-&yvlowztr.la3~ ::0~~~ J t~li.W:~~Ul!,1.!, i:.~ M!t-: iiliii DEADL1NaF0RcoPYANDKILLltl:SOP.M.U..RJw.t.,.,W~.-ept,., ~~:r~nn UNT ADULT 6 ,J"AMILY Incl. 11*.,.Dllltr. aulte, din ·_.. UD8 h.u.vea::;:, J w .. ti.91\d Edition •nd Monday MCtlen1 ~ ....... tllM .. lrlO , ..... ~. ' -··· 3 looms Puntftvre SF.CTIONS AVAILABLE rm. I: dbl cuaP. auto. $1915 mo....... .. YOU MUIT HAVE KIL~ NUMIERI Wh'" kllllOI'" a• --Of .,Doti_.., NOWJMl'f Holpls 3210 $25 M9lllfl Clooe195Mpp"'9, P•rlc ---avall.·PDCI'• . NOW. u:,wffG. -11·1 lte lhlN to m•k• • record •• tM klll ftUmlNr ''"" ,..u ., ,..,, .. tMw-. ----nJLL <Pn.Cft TO BUY • s:p.dowi 3 Br', 2 8& rJC. 11'1:&. .Nr. C..tllotic UE. an blW:ls. em Olli Pier. lnm.&w l!IO .,.,. ML v1rffloatloft of )"tur •II. • <llAltMING 2 bedftlcm A: ,it..,.,. __ A~ • 2 Bedroama a.ir.:h .\. ~ I: ·Coftiaa picnic kt, jut. all, wUblnN_ . ~-~ ICNm , den, 2 bath boiot. w/w ....-.. ~-· e Swb Poll. Put/sretn dd Jiu 1D1b. waDdlw dlltua. e "'f::=:::::::::::::i=:::;:=: IYlry .ntrt Is ftladt ti klll Of et"9Ct a MW H tlult has ..._ ........... tMlt wt eu-carpets, drQres.' EuNk1t No depoltt O.LC. e Frp1, lndlv/lndry fac'll e ONLY S2lD e HIPJL" lt,.m ~. by Lets ' ,,. Mt eu•,..,.. to de• untlr th• u hu a,,....-In ttte. ,_.,.. 1 ~ Mtaa.Ooee to ... H;P.lt.C. 1145 Anehelm Aw.. \:~llSl~,~-m~.A~m~p~~W~ay~, N~.11~.-r"~"~-~· ~-~IOll~tn-mr~~ri~~-~;'~~~~~ll DfME-A•LIN&Adt.,.ttrlatl)' ........ ...,..,.., ..... n.r.talQ" ........ ,~ pq le, park. Nicely '""'"" ... Rentals rosI'AMESA • 6do:mt NO-·....... . • """"'""'. ,...,, ..-5111!'· 19th, CJL ...-~--'--' ~, u.. __ "*-·r'-'""""'-c,. .. ,c1a1: a:.e Th• DAILY PILOT '"'rws tt. rltllt • ol_,,,,, edit....,.... . ..,,...._ •"1"""" patio, very fa let 1581W:i.cln. Anhmn+aoo . FORSALE(ft LEASE . ~ ... ,,,..... -Nxa?wttb•IQOd ~-• tJ•tMnt,, and to Ohan" Its n ... and reeulat1on1 wtttteut '""' Htlol. neilhborhDod.~1$195 -pr. mo. '115; 2 ,BR. duplex, w/w, Chlinnet .Reef SJIAJE&I( HIGH WNt 19th st., ODll:a 11e9. Mall Addl'UI: a.x 1171. Newp4rt 11ao1t, ca·nr: A~ kr ~~ oe-atilitiel pd. Avail. now, PentheuM Apfl. -.. • , <>imer amdoua. <uponei" Wdte •e0x•612 c/o -!l34-QlliO rellable ~" ,,_ .. CLAlll~ED COUNTERI ar1 IMatld • foll.W.: 1 n..n .. Pilot ' $550tlet ~.~ • .'.?,_1 c.u .. ~ ,,._ _ DIR., , ftlSIR_ ~ fM Arnold Ir H98w -=-. $1<0; l·BR. -apL FDod _,,, ~~ _, ---· -... ,..,. ''"" 38i E; 17th st: cit D11 Welt ... ..._ ••••4,....,.. ...._ JJt W•.., .....,, C... ...._ ... c::.Nna 41i Mii' s2so yard, prqe, W/w. Realtor. b"13.am , -SANTA ANA Rtaltota • .... .,,. ......................... m .... A-.&.te-..... •:JMiH............. Brolaet~ $155; 2 BR., 1 ba, fenced ONTENACl\ES Outatancfuw:·U5dl0' comer alARMING 2 BR, 2 BA, .. llo: w/W, "'°"'• -1· •I BR. ...... A m.lmo ... aJ1e7 with 2 -oil, ELEVATED Canyon Lillo HOUSES FOR SALE •-'"" • HA""° -"°--~.~ .. ~ -""" ~ c.ito Mooll 4100 Chll"""' • pet O.IC. Bier rr1ilei I Prl I 1'ltlllo I lea hi.i,.. '._. Iha hoart al IOI. ~....., • .,dub ..... w. -lillWPOll'T ... .....,. cne IUICTltcAL ~ ~ _.. fiU.6980 JloolL .,.. • Ollblt'l·• 0ralW9 Coont1'& Qvic ()eJ)o bee, 81,Y, ctwftt: mtl. ·-• ••IA , .. ~.!!',',.--= ·~~:~-m ~~ ... lbc dote 1o lhoppq: a: $25 ..,.. Up flt. I.....,.______ M...1...1 -· ~ -· ----· --' -~ •-""• n• ~__. •. _ 5100 ·.-·---ter • Gmncfol -=ct.1-------...,..... _....OIL MAil 11• UNl'llUrrt PMS ...... ~ -· i.n ,-· _,,. • ~ ..._s.dl.• .. t. -900 h e....!..J bot IM-XIJ. G-' -• -~ MllA ¥90• UM UotltlAT .. .,................. w lll!rflrant:Dr:m.:38 ----1;:;:1:··-,1~~~;--~~~~='I ·-. ~, ________ _ cou.IM PA< 1111 UST iat.wtr C PVla&m1•11, 1..,....,.. ; • . ' • lncl UUll le Pboat .er.. (MacAralm111'; CM1t flwJl flow, $250,Cll>.~ R--~-'lSO """'°" 11.toeM 1* C'OMllA 1-. MU ............. .S t BR. 3 BL, ft!., ra., • MUI Serrice ·TV avail. · -SUBlllT .__.._'.6 TRADESii:;;-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;n '91Wf'OllT M•tellTI Ult aALIOA ... ........ -.. $275. H'ARBOI ·~ I :::::... = ~i:o~ = ==~=-:.::· = =::·:=. ~~~le= MS-'155 ·corolldo AptL Rl(K·~~l:Enl, SAN nMonO ' :~.::.u ~= ~.-:."~c" : :i,...... = 1145 -SlS5 ONE BR. at-CHATEAU Lli POINTE ·QREENS :l~~"ri:'Jee. t10I N. Rail n4/Sn-&t&9 RANCH -. ••ntLll'' tDll POUNT.t. .. YAU.SY ..,. IMCIP •' n tradiw modem Aptl. Don ' _..:.1 .... _ 2 BR •••• OU-~~-l KAltaot: NtaMU.MQ IUI SIAL IUCM .... ~LTM ca. •• .,. v. Fnnklln Rlty. 673--2222 ........ ....., ~...... ........ BA~ ~R UNFURN ldtch. ........ __... mme lwlnw ....... 6060 !Ifill N::te tal1dL. BqOd .... UMIYllUfTT PMUt 11'1 LON• •uat .. MAULIH .,. •trft:t parldqr, carporU. Hld ~ -. • _,_ w/w ......... drapes. -·1--.. t ___... -i•YH4a lUI OtlAtf9I COUNTY .._ MOUSftLIAIU• CJW .. en L--$100 .. ......, -r. 5'1..._ _.... e.1.cx .,.., lMt •.1.•01• .....-. • ..,..a .... ...UTM "" "pool. Adult-. no pets. -· TIVlll J car ~· Pocl.. '170 to HUNTINGTON BEA.en. mater.J $111,IXJO wtlb ....._. ~ ~::.L~uc. ;;: ~r:T~'TJ: = ~TU 9 $ ~ = ~G · uu POMONA AVE., .CM. Al.SO AVAILABLE $200. 'Ollk!ren O.K. f13..3.1'll tory futubbed. Soma ..... coe:ot1.1. oaL MA• 1111 U.WTA """ ""' ,.._... "" ~ Lrs1~ BB..~~~· 1. 2 ll.a BDRM. . 41112 E. Coat Hwy, Olli GOLD KEY SUITES I&" wxlei lirlaaaa.. Hu "'L'°" P•M1uu&..A :• ~;:-~AMAldleMTI ::: =~ :: .Jleaut iu,n. 11r t. Heat,ciPooll.,Qrlld:CU. CHANNEL Reel 1 )Ti. watierl'Wbts.weDA-ir11'» ••.1.eotaU:.".," ,: COASTM.' °" *VDT,..J"Mll...... .,.. JO MMMDJ Wahr, dryr, Pr. on-Center, Adj. to Sboppq:-'800 mo. J BR. 2 BL Executive & SI... ~m. Pawd•l'l*I _,_,. .,.,., " u.•uMA •IACll ..,. MNrroaw:. ""' llll'ftlUl;L i.. N a -11--... Offices Neu a..n..ndl la Jtl9. UDO ISU 1•1 LA.UNA M~L °" llWILll' • .,,,., .... .. Y• 0 pe .....--. Waterlront_ bt 111 p. l(le, ·-. ~l.o.\ .... ...::".DUC11 = UM CLMlirn 4111-~· ... -. = J.9».D1Wallace, C.M. 2700 Pebenon •Wu, .at""" l'75-6a3 '~ eo,antJ., N " .... '°'"' --bor • ,. ___ Coola Meaa. ··--• ---,.,. ~ MUNTIM•TOM MMM41• 1 • TIUl'LaX... -MAIOtMYo'Ha ' • N~u PalmJ •• ~ .• NEW 1-Bdnn., cara1,e; *,,,,_\a•·"'--. .... .:::: --:::.; "'-'-.' :"':i::ciAu.aY :: coelOOMtlflUM .. MO'lfM ·•· .,...,.. !!! 1 Ir 2 BR. '"Pool ''!!11!!!!111-lliiiil"!!i!!l!i!llll! ,....,, dfapea. bl .. $UJO * ;::'.."."-:.!'° -..=.:..... with ~ ~ IVMlllT •IAC• , .. R£NTALS ... ,,!!!! ..... _ •• _..., ... ,.. -17'7 E.. 22nd SL 6Q.3M5j' ~-· • Mui, ftl -1u m-&15 .r...,,;oi: ...... ~-· OA•o1• 011ov1 ,.,, .ae-U fu l-L-.1 . ,.,,T.O, · .... _ 1 BR. UDlurn $120. Aftll --v * Cltanliw le matnt. Eckhtff ,Ii Anoe.> Inc. LOH ••AC• ,.. ""' n m ....... , PNOTOMAl'M'f ... LOVELY 2 Br. 1% ha, 3/1 .. 2 .. 1 Br. tarn suo Ttleplxiiie ~ le ·JJU w. 0.pman Aw. LAXPOOD 1• ep1 AL ... ,, ·-··--..... ... "" .... _. ,._1 .. Uo• 675-1393 H •~ ~ lo, .. ,....... 5300 <'__;..,.__._, "-. 1--a·-" OlllJMa COUlfTY 1• COITA MllA lllt I'\............ , .. ~ . ......,.. ' up. b.IC\I _, DD, pe ~ ..xu~...-... _.rv_ .-. ~. Calif. °"' 01" couMTT •• MIU v••o• int 1'11' ••OOMiq .. 2310 Santa Ana 66-2933 bl.by ok. 18tr .MOmovia. GJlACIOOS Adult ,_.__ Town & Country .an, Ew. wlmdl uum OUT Dfl' ST.I.Ta 'Mlil MIWNltT •llC" ... l'OCH. 11.....c• •1t FURNISHED ......... _ -~ ..... _,. ......... C......_I Cont nMfTOll 1111 Nhl'OllT n:19"" mt NWI• ,...,,..... fflt ••\ll.llU9 .-.<No .,.,.....,.,... Ocean a: s.;, vn. Spacloul -""""nt •r ,, wenMfllllTI'• ''" MIWPOaT IMOllll 1m l'UMI' nav.c• .,. 1 bl!droom apt $UO. Newly IMMAC. It d1x. s Br. apt. 2 BR: 2 . BA., wilk in MIDWAY CITY ,,,, WlllTCLll'fl -ltOOl'I... .. decoratm, 2131 Elden Ave. . ....... .. • 182 a.di Blvd. SANTA ANA M• VMIVallllT'f PA•I m:r ltADtO. • ....,. hi. ... 2 Ba., prb. dilp,, stove. doeetll, be&V.1UU.1 earpt Mount. a_ Delert ,... IAMTA AMA N•n. , .. •AC• ... ., IMt ••MOHLlff ....... ht ... WESI'SJDE 1-Br. bltm. cptl.. Cpts, drps. Maximum 1 ...,.... Pool. Boat IDPI (at EJlts) Hantmaton Bcb 1;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;n OllAND• 1m 11.sT •Lu~ no •aMOHu ... IUTCttl.. M .a-.. _ .. ula only. Avall. .... a .. no pe!L .. 1:11. Aft noon w \tllUtL SUbtlrnnelD fG.'607 1• TUSTlll , .... COil.OMA DIL MAii hM ,_....,.... .. ..._ au ....._ -I Tl.a MO&TII nsT1• ,.. e.1.UOA ,. awtH .... 311. a 546--'Z'J:SS eve f548-81971iifi:i"'"iaiiii:"$ii0iiii0'.lili-~'io-~m;;;;;;illlll!i'3&:TiiL:j'!!!'!S~TO:o!!R~Ei!. S~Ai!L!SO!'ii!~•j ·11· 1119 AMAMllM 'Mii llAY ISLANDS ,_ ....... MoACM .. aaflAIU.. BL "l.VllWIO CAlfYOll ua LIDO dLI ... ..me,............... .. BACH. Apt, tum. $95 Mouth. s BR 1"-a.a.. $150/mo. NEW ~t 3 Br. 2 - ::!:'""-: ::-.:t. ~= =~'°: .. ~~ :: ,.,. . ....,..""'--:: .,.-_..•tilltlH St. ,._ __ newly redecorated imkle a FrpL, dbl pr, laundry. Yr-~TRBRT~OHT1_ ~Eft. WATER~WAlEI 1 --oul ~ Dodta..ilm-&9 ~ ---·"' -·~· ~~~L ,: =:i:.::n .. m::: ~ • ..... = ··--wen.Mceardle Realllln Y· .llodel ~ idml • inlur .. EVERYWHm SAM,..,.., .. CAflrrntAMO ,,. LOlftl •RAC• -nn.• •ntm .. 1 BDRM dplx: ~or,......... .,_ 7729 H--•-·..a. 5400 JWr., etc. (Bet. Katella and .aND LOTS Ofl DR--CAPmuMO •UC• 1121 MMM couwn IM nLaVllM*. ....,. .. -quiet, mature adults refl _. __.. ~) SJ -A -• o.tJIA POllft ,,. .uD•• .... .. .. WllOUTUY .,. ms 0ranae: °' 2 BR. New crpt'I'· ~ . • n.. · ro DRINK-'mm .. ~IJ URLll.lD 1141 llJl:ITMIMS'T'lll l&h wm.stfW Ml ' -i..-, Bl-· .... JDO, ocw·~ az50 IDO. ll1i50 Sadl· Bl\'IJ. " ..... D~= ;: =:~:..m = JOBS a EMPLOYMENT EASTSIDE; quilt; 2 BR. ~ ....... ...-.... 5 • &1IMUO • LOTi or DROPS To nu, I •rn••tD• CCM.IWn' ,. SANTA AMA "''"" ..... w.urno... ,. Eltc. bltnl. pa;Ho. Adultl ON THE ... •cH CHOICE COST' M' e··· E. ·--·TO"_. -'""" --,...,.. - --•·· ~-a~•-W-1296 2 BR. Untum a1oo 2--1 • ..,._ " .., YOUR MAN MAI'.> -·I CONDOMllflllM ,,. C:OAITAL .,. ,.. • ..,.,.D, ... ...,. ...... v.-...... Location· over 1000 lllJ ft. OVfll.IXH 1"011 U.t• '"' LA•llMA llAal ... .." • WDMH .. Br'a. 99B E. Camino Dr. 2 & a Wroom ....... • ... _ lflh St -· ~ . AflAllTM•lfT'I Nil IAl• -u.aulfA 1u•u1L '* DOMNrte'N•" 119 N.wallft" IMch 4200 AptJ.CM.5t&-Ot51 Luxury Uvlnl to . .._ the •tore.in -· , ~LL TO 'IND OUT RENTALS . ,,,,. CLIMnT• me ••••C••t.,.. '* ~ ·-d~ 114°' pins center. $525 Mon~ ABOUT THIS UNIQU!I SAN "IMN CAPISTUHO ms lll:Lfl WAlfT.0. MM 1* AV.o.n March hl 2 BR. 2 BR., cptf. drpl., bltnl. _,,_ .. ,_ a·t .6..--Courtely to llkn,. • .....,. . .aR=-'ND l:IOW·. Ho·-Fumi1hed n.1.•• "°'"' ,,.. •••MC••-. w-,.. ....... --"-Adults Sl.45 3CXl5 aY&lm-"' ~ ·-RE'L EST•TE "" ••"""'-"" 1 b1k to bch. Yrly ""'1115. •--·· . . · JOR'•Jterit".'~-llpt · ~ ..,., "''TEil GINll.tL -"' "' , IOlt-MM • .... ,.. Cool~ 546-40:21., 5&-0f33 11. ... H1nt1...ta11 ' -"" ....-""' ""'•u TO ,..., -Genoral Ml•CtU. -a -,.. Newport Beath R •a I 1 Y • I•· ''II"'" Blvd,-ean.·. 4111>11 'ii" TH RI JS.'UNDIR COSTA MllA ml Tl:ll"LaX. tic. -KllOOLI .. tlUTl.YCTIOfl ... 6'1>1842 NEAR O.C.C.; Jae. 2 Sr. ft. Phone 548-alf. • . G"""'NP~LIAllN M•SA DaL MAil llM cewtDOMHlllVM -1De Plal'AMT• ,_ 2 Ba, Bllnl cpCs, d:rpl. ..,,,_.. M•SA .,.•D• 1111 •••TAU WAllTID '"' neuntcAL _ ,.. BAOIELOR Apt· Util pd.·f7S ' • · QE ' 1afboC1 4iHf ABOUT· T TH• COLLH• flAIK ·- 11 • IOOMS ...... ., ... MERCHANDISI POR mo,. El M.u Motel 3JO E.. Ot114ren welcome ~ PKlflc ''"" ''COVERED w·..-... N•Wl'OIT ••AC" -·· llOOM • llOAID ... • .a •e • -...... , Bal~-Blvd, Bal ..... _ BACK a .... Ret{eatl 1 Br., Oolce Cl! Two. $1$0 I: $1'15. ~ NIWl'Ol:T tteTS. " MOftU. TRAILU COVll'T1 .,,, ~ "'""' '~ .,,. uua ~ Rltr ••..,,... FOLKS KNIW..&.ON9. NIWl"OIT ...ot.11 mt MIST NOMU .,,. l"VlllffTV•I -den, i-,Ho, carport. privacy; . • ...._. . ' 1,0NO' Aftft. .. t f -" IAYIHOlllS !!!? MISC. llllfTAU "" Dfll'fCll l"Ul:Wrnlt• •• lalL...-.11-.i qujieL $12$. 5'IJ..8893 m Ocean Aw., HJ . ~ ,.._,' ! DOVI• IHOl:U ....... IMCOMll fl•Ol"llfT'I' -°"'" HUW•llT •n -~ inc) .._,._1417 Off1 ·~1 -• WllSTtLtl'fl !!!! eUSH4UI fllOl'llTY ... STM:a 19Vll'MmlfT "1t 2 BR, 2 BA_ blbW, c:rpta. -.:---. C9 ___.,. VUIV fl 'TJIE" 'y' -~-1.1 _-;.~ fl 4 UMIWll.Sln l'AIX ,,_ TllAIUll. fl.I.lb -CAffa. •llTAuttNl'T llM •CLEAN Bachekr Apta. ...__ 111 ff ....._lmar A ~ CUI.WI w.&V 11tv1H1 :: •us••••• ••WTAL ... ••• 1eu1flMDT 11i1 All utU ind $15 up .... .,.. · -~ ve. ~ LAGUNA HACH to -Silver' Valley, 1' mL :"~ :tJ .. , nu '""1c1 •'"'"" _.. MOUS•MOLD _.. : 315 E. Balboa Blvd. $145. 5tl-82'7I" aft ' pm. --. ~-.u dtanins :?., Air Ce;nclftlonetl E. of . Sa:ntoY,' . , 11Y1M1 T11uc• nu =.r.:~.1.~PaoHlt'h' : =:"mn::":untoti -BALBOA l73-9M5 DELUXE 2 Bl'. atudkll; cptll, :!.'_,. __ • _.,_,_ ctf FORD'/ AVENUl'J knew there theb ,wOulil COROMA DIL MAI HM-INDUSTl.IAL llN'TAL ... Al'f'UAIKn ... drapes, pool $).30 It Up. .,.,.... en .... _ ,..,,.,. • .,. Ot1t -lvailabla fD y u ••LAOA LOn ., • ...,...,.. 111• 1 ~ ... OK.·-.. MV l'undecka. Adult UvtJw, neu -· -~ at find wat.er. ·can ; •AY ISLAllOI ,_ IU.MCMH ,,. SRIMe MACMINft M• ia..."9&.m-. leech 4400 ... ,..,.. _....,_, .....-. find land 'Wiiier LIDO ISL• ....... emus oaovu ,,11 MVllCAL lftlTllVMln .... !:"~±~ _ ..... , bncbn. 1 ' 2 BR.. 2 BA Dl'ime ):)eatkm ~ Anton - , • ul.IOA "'"'" _ ,,.... ... ,... ~• GORGEOUS new~~ 1pt1. flo>m 11.,·,. ~M •--~ ·~ ~ c·1ean, dry air -"'"' HINf'Tl..,.OM eQClf .. ~:":StlfOlil Gil IUDJO * -1 2 Bft. Fum/UftfUm. ,_.,. ~ ---__, ....... l'OUlfTAlll YAL.LIY r.: ll•IOl.T r•Ol'llTY .. T•LSYnlOel -m. PARSONS;&O-WIO ~-~ aObad.' cupet.d. bllatlful desert aiMt land tavut.-...... •• •,...,,.,•, . ,,., OllAM•• co . .,...,..,.., .-HM"t • na••., •-• .......,,..._ ....:._._. -Two ment, land to ,,...., .L OVT 01' STA'n l'ttOI'. ... TAl'I ••ONUMI a BR. 1~ ba. ""'1lllll"n --·· --.-_ .... ~:t:..,-OIANH COUNTY -: MOVlfT.t.t• • D ... .,. Gii CAMllllAI • ...., •• ....,. ... Mer 162 . •truell: J'rmstaat Oil falfa, nut trees " 'i ""•••TT•M .... ~.. ::. IUIDIYnMlll LUO-flll MOJIY ........ _... ---ee.·-•.•• $1501; '10 • ..: ••. wm.. 18822 Brooldnznt ...... Aft., rear ..... IO cots, flab rabinf, • ., t •• ->o aaAL aSTATI SlllYM:a Ult tl'tllTMe -_, .. -. 11o-"'-of. Adami! ·---~ Jato. etc· , ~ vnup ,awn MIDWAY CITY •..,. It.IL aXC"Alilell 1111 lntOCUUllU. KOl'D -Y.• a-. ........ UWU ,, -""I'' ! . 1 - ...... , ... AMA ... ttm 1711 .... WAllTID -MrlCIUANHUI -Spanilh lt)'le, decorator tum. 3 BDRM. Wifum. ne Mo. (n4> .... Ill*' .... '°' ... Oak laket . ·• . ! ~J,'.,".." 1uCM "" BUSINESS ind :::..:::,•:.._ = S.... carpettaw, etll Ira~ 2 Children ok, crpta, drpl, ud chlft ~ for~ 15. · ' · u.•v•.t. N••v•L 1111 FINANCIAL LVMmU .,. trw OWllill, private en nee bit-Ins. 545--0262. No petll ~ ~, ,~$101111" Call MT..-.0 nn lftll':t·Plf '"". cuM•lfT• mt lutl••ss Ol'f'Olll'VWma ,.. no..-n a: private Fundecb. Adult -. NICE 1 Br. .... stow L.Mun• 1Mch 0 • 570. Mrvlce , u-1 __ . and •·•• to ....-.... .:. l .. .M IUAN CAfllt'nANO 1111,,,. IUllN&ll WANT•D .. eUILOIH MAT'lt.IAU .... 1 • 2 ..,., "'"' ;::;;c · All ~••--l• t -•••- CAl"llTllAlfO euc:M """" we 1w,,... ft livln.i:, near beachtL A: oven. Maturir only, JZl.A .,..,..U'l'IFUL -·--t 2 .... ._ ..-.-G:ep ' · • DANA l'OINT 1141 IMYllTMINT O': 1~ ' BR, 2 BA from $170 to $'J25. ™-~""'""' le1eplicme 11v1as1D• co""'" ... =~"':O"lO:"''D :: PETS MMI l:.MSTOCk RNd Cl•sslfiutlon• Macnolla SL 54Wln BR . lat leue, •Ptci9ul DAiLY :Pu.or Out of---- vAC.1.T10• a1MTALI .,..,,,. flHIONAI. LOAllf .. l'll'lo ••••&Al. •.., 65;.,;6900. 161.JR. ... ;, BACHELOR Apt. putta,Uy Ir tlttplace, prqe. Lale. _ ... -a.-A~-. . " ... . COllllDOMINIUM llhr?ILRY LOAMI .... u.n UV-IJlll\.M.• .. -occ. -· 4!K-64!i3 -·--· ·~,..,.. a ....... .. ouflLU:IS l'U•M. 971 cDLLATllAL LOAD em DOU = furn. $85 mo. ''n. ,111n WUI fUmllh.. LAGUNA BEAOI 5 A. Nr. Jfemtt. ·-:""fi:!:"~ • RENTALS .... ISTATS ..... -...... -In tho D Camino. C.M. -• 100 CLIPP ·DRlVI . -~000' •L Wtr. --• h MOllT .... •S. TIW ... .,. Lrv'lnoat lm22 Brookbunt m:.mo a.JO A.ll. Hov-Unfumls id _,. ••""° ,. CALIFORNIA LIVING 1 u-i No. at Adami) 2 BR m<., cpi;., -hltno. LIJXU1\Y.J'U11Nlllll1Uft!I NIAR AIRPORT 155 Dn. - ,,., .. , -ANNOUNCEMENTS ,.onolD "" -~ Bead> Woll -~.'1 ' Cblld OK )'.oq.,~ 16 2 11!1niL -, '°"'° ft., lots o1 oat f:::..A D~~uMAA ~= and NOTICES =~=-,.... !! {ru~21181 Nr. beach. $1.25. 96Ja5 ltLtps , to 8lpar'f 6 SbCIPI wlnitow.. J4e&I. fee R.E. or~l~=ch=. =,==IL== .. ==.=.;~-~ MUA VllD• 1111 llOUMD IPM W ... AWMlllMif• 2 BR, l~ BA, carpetl, drpl, Oeemme;w_ ftam,,,,., ..... im, .. Santi. Ana -Aw, PaJ.-. h: ... IW ' COU.SH •ARK flll LOST ..., VICAT... ' .. ,__ ,......_, ~_,.,.mo ... -·'- •• ~T '•"'on." ~ .,"'~ ... "" !: TRANS~ITATION ' FURN Bath. $95 with atlL MUiti, Bit, .. , -1 • rm, --Rd., 2lOO Santa Ana BLDR hu 142 alts tn .iWf.OR., ...... , ;; ,.;;--"" wn a·u.am ,... For Expert pa)d. Ooee to bNch. RJtr. pr, $140. Aft 6 Pl:l 5t!M611 aZMt Avt., S.A. Hta. westmbwter uniti!-.,...,. •A'l'INDlll•S ms l'VlllllAU 6fl1 WUMTI = M2-50'll ot IG:iOl2 DlAL d1nct IG.al'll. darp BEAtnTUil. oceanli'ont 2 548-3050 OR 53t-7934 ment • SC,000 .-al tn. DOv•• 11tetaaa _, •AID NTTVdY '411 POWla Clllllftl PD.DJ WAHi' A0$! -ad, tbeD ~ bed!: and BR.' for kul JpmCiouJ d A.&m---WW tnde tD SUD.GllD "'srcu"" .. "*""L D .. ICTOll. "': =~=n : .Aslisiance. DAILY ._.. .. , J'Olll' the--~~-Wm tunitlh. * Mo4'iin -VJTKn .. ~ '-u.. oa OOMh UMIYlllSITY fl.dK mJ' l'l.DlllSTS IMl,.1 90.tT MA...........C• -llRJNG ~...-.,TS! llJten ID: • ....__. .,..... ' C!l-C... -_.1__ ••· __. .,.;. .......,. .. ., tlVINa -CAllD OI' 'nlAlllO ,_ ._.._ .,.._ -_..._ All" .......-IHIJ"'f I.., eACll. .,,., -.,. ,....,,,. .. , '°"' U.UWC•... -40oo ttkin1tW. putdqs. teeretariall=====:=;===;' •MT M.Ul'll" tKI CllMltllY LOTS-"" .. , :.:-:...:-:... -o.n.r.1 4000G.Mral 4CtOO o.n.nt . RIAL IST_ ATI --.· ~-~ I w· --"--~ --llY:N• TIRl"AC9 = ~==:i: .. c,••ro• ... "IOQ .. n.c.. -. General C;--"'-----"~~ l. ' ...... ....., CCHIONA NL MAI. ,_ MmMD•IAL l'.UICI t4" IOAT a•anAU -numrt: ,,, I;,;; ________ _ t.t.LIOA _ AUC'Tiotn .. IMT cu11T1• -C1fi'Q'O .I\,(_ f)"C baQ.• lli"-do.m•nL..i... ....... 2.1Dl:.171b.Slreet WANT modlfttilb' priml ~~ ':.~" m1 AVIATIOll lllVtea = =:;-...=:-: P\!:o J.'<rt..11.\'~ 'ti P<r p ""'"• • "''" now a.ta u.a IO-M&S units or .,,,._ on M Jot. :"~OAJ'a:::. = :v::-,,..,...,. .. notl ... WT """" . ... ~ LEASE hlmtoul· • l!dnn. NEiPORt dvtc CENTER . Prtter Eubide CM. '111! !tUNTINO"* ... AC. .. AUTOftMIJOllT.lT-....... n ~· = ~,aSirapkSentmbled"Wriha:Jc,.,a~Jda bofa rm.·2 .ba, trplc ta omen atltibkt for Com--.'18M ' MUNTIHM lllAllHtrt -LllUL flOTICU .. Aaat.Al'f NI 1 lJhlvenJ.h. _ .. S3QO v.... Dll'dal, Jfedk:ll Da1CaL ;;;;-=;:;,;,,=..,,,~---1 ~"'·"''"'" YALLaY lfll ........ TVTOll... .. l'LY,... ~ .. I. . ....... ., .... ~~'""' v ....... -.~L..... IUSINISS .... "" "'''" -SERVICE DIRECTORY' =·-' '"' "°'-<V ..... lll;ISMm. -.:,;.~ _,.. FINANC••• OAIDIN PG'ia IOI •«OUllT... -•ICYCLft ftll ..... -... ~"'-... lo~,~~~~ ~-.flO · ~ ' 1 LON• la.I.CM ... ...,...,... .. ltVICI .. lli.KTlK CAa1 ... _.... ,_ _.,. .....--'t._ ' ' -5032 ntt f1'5..itM i · ' ~ OflNtea couNTY ~.-"'"''-WKI ,,.,,,... ...,.. d'9 ...... Ith .., I I lent•• W...._. IM SC1 . Y::· 'lua. 0p·ft1r'\a!'-.. u.wra •• -,,~ • MOTtaeYC&.n • WU L T'A N ELUXE amen fllU' Ovio6 ;.;.:: :~i:T;er.:: ::! :vro ~~ .. ::S : :=-:::':.'\'a ""'•b : I I . I I I I' i • .LANDLORDS • 0tsar 1r weat 0rup ''Lfntl IUSINUr U.WTA AMA lfll...n ,.. avro..s-t .... ,..., .... • aVTO "NOU ·a sew•. "" I••• J1UCE RENTAL 8'_:RVJC;X °'11dhwt. 21e am! Ill-tt. •Oprratetramnalda COASTAL ,,. U1nm1.. • nAtL.11. ftAWSI. ,. I _ Brol.r W.-,, .-w--1--.:..1 Ave,, el'UDor,.n.amt U..UlfA llAC" Ml llOAT MA,.,...IUllCS -TaAll.MI., _,_, .. ••~ .,......,.._ LAfilfllAM .. "9..1. = MllCK.MAIOll•Y·• = CMl"IQ .... ~l.OLAS I RESP ... .., ...... "!ntmln*r.-19f.13i'J7 •HJP~ ~:~:=n--... :~:=:.MlmCU . .,,. J::::' = -'r _, I -..... unt· ,.,,_ , .. Jie; MEDICAL ~ Pie l t •I .... upliiiiliao ...... ,-~,, CA,mllMD HAal CATI•-..., owe....... -Xlnt rdl:. ~ . Qdlllltl ... ... c..n.n ....... tl'tJMll ...... DAMA l'Ol:rT H e.t.a1MTMMf• .... IWOllNO 1WYet ,_ • TIJ eEan whit...,_ L';i'*'Oi'Liaiii"'J>IMlllM = CMl'alfTl•M .. .....,. CM1 ... l .,.,BEDP.OOll ~ ....... ,.,IMWI .. awJl. 11 •• $3SOO la'41tr d .--. rRIPITALSrirlPflh. =r-~ 5 ~cu:c' 5 lllYMUM ' I ,.,..._.,.....,,.;,.. .. 1 t...~....,.. llO -~~.J:i" .;:,.i~;!.'':;,;!'.:.., :\C'..:""'lshed : 5F-· ..... 5 5£'£9 5 ~-';1;::1~=1=:·:-...,~~.:::;.~· ~ ...... ..., -;;~~~~):::.·--:::.,. -..... "" _,,_ - -._ -~ PftlV. _.__ -A TV. ~-IO-Oll.,.... Ju!Jw. O-m t0 °!41.lll). ITlllAN ltlooflnl--.' il-:r.• $11..;;b,_.. DW..L --cm ...... """ IOll ftll.'"81-, HAYE YOU LOOKED FOR ""'• ..-, -...,,.,..1...,..1,,.....1-t ·~!"---wCootait...lli/= JIANSMl'TM;llM'1or . . . . . _ t....,--,,:,::. ~ l .:r:. GEN'!WWI; pool. -'aUllttoo lldudod 111 E. mr. a. ! :~rn~r>ru r r r r 1· r r I ~ ~: ~ • ~ .... '= ~ :.-o!:ir°:.~"'lcSil"!'i··cg:;~ .. ...,·~-~ THE HIDDEJ'4 DOLLARS ---ROOll'1or-....... 4iiitl ~.NJl.511-ll90 --1011*.iwou .. IN YOUR HOME -LATELY? •~sc;m.\lfTTOSI I l • f I I I ::-..:::::-:..'t:·: ~=-~.c1&i ._.,.......,....,...., PJ\V "RM 6 ball. atll pl 'llYcmAd .. .wct;,..., -...,. "° ... ._ wlll ba .......... OOI ...,._ !liU• It. Dial IG:sil • SCRAM-1.nl ~NSWa IN CWllFICtnoN IOOO - : • • I af DAll.V ,II.OT -· ,....., 77, 1969 r..s ... ,ii~~iiNas>m-;!At~--j"AN ..... ~IJjNOTltiCMUIM.'r _~'lt'.--·."/Ci-_"' "!,l!i lf .... lf"· •-P-"~' 1s••V1CI DIUc:nil't JOIS ,. EMJILOYMINT ·JOIS & IMJILOYMENT ~·s & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOY MM ' . * ' 1 It!!!!"! ' .69Sjl Htl• WantM. l!llft 72\'0 ~olo w.,, ..... Mon 7200 Help Wonlld Help Wanhld !!,Ml -~ tMG Air Tr•_.,-6MO " -LHb-S~ '°' · ' . w-7400 Woman 7400 HoMI LOANS WOUIJ> 11b \J pt lo car WOri< .............. 5'&l4t< , • 1l!ONE'( AV~ poo1 """iAcllla N.... , ...... , m •uM"(O Ol1l fir_,,. ........... to AU_ ..... _ · . ........ ._ ~ ..... fir .... 21111 '!'DI. . ' • ~ ..... --0razwo Coull'>' I« Auto Tra_.-t 6445 • Spealot 00 ~ i:.=--w..-. .. c.. "'"-~""t' ;: ~ .. · . ~-.. l:==:*,;~=:;o=;*'==::::=J· INDUSTRIAL 604ln3SE.'lllllSl.G6C6ll ,,!, .°'"' .Sat ~ · , 'TILE, C...mlc 6'74 ~ EJllGlJllEER Ewa. m.'lSS G&U57 Tllt1, ·Wed, ·nt AM:, or .. .:.:,_;-::,, a,,,ttmeM-~~._ Morie••" T .D. '9 6345 HAVE $60,000 " Pdvatit m o ll e y 1nvat?f .............. -,.. • :Ind TOI. -blo ..... -l S&ttler Mortaace Co. Ine. SS6 £. 17Ut St ""1n 545.(1611 .,,.,_ 613-1'65 612-1157 \VANTED: SMALL 2d TD, in Newport or Costa Mesa area. 645-0168 aft 6 pm. ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES . SERVICE ~l~ICTOllY labylltll.. '550 ,,._, Whodth1t Want? Whoddy• Got? - SPECIAL CWllPICATll)N 'OR. NATURAL IORfll SWAPPl!RS WILL babysit ""' home 9 SpocNl Roi." ~-'°..!.:."~"':r! 5 LI--5 11-,.:., S ......_ -· ·-111""8 -AD MU5T JNa.U6i--fUJl time. Mc brb' • 13> ~ ""' N"9 II ""9. ~ '°" wtnt 11> tr.._ ~·-541 IS91 b ... YOU•.,,._,....,.,..... ...... .... "Mvwtlf!N. ......... '" ' 6-HO'THINO lio1t &,t.L• -'JtADll '*'-YI •.,..t.,.,.r..-._, N.., Harb 0 r PHONE 642-5671 ~~;;..ING To Pia<* Your Trldor'1 Parodi• Ad In ""' home. N.., Magnolla TRADE' 30' Cabin °"""· TR(J>E' v.,,, IDDd """' and Edinger St., Wfstminl-twin ICl'eW, head, plley, hie drye: for Gu Dryer .... Fe-yard, hot meals """""""' val ·-$l500 ol equal ...... locluded. Call anytime. lor alrj>lane ol olmllar val * Evn. 642·1606 * 347.7187 847-2360 Found (FrM Adi) 6400 BABYSITl'JNG, ""' home Clear 125 x 1111 ""'1eotlal WHlI'E 1nnd. vie Meu del Mat. A"ft1 ap Jot. potenUAJ. Apt alte. Van Monte : Avt., & welcomed. 546-m Nboa~ area.-~~.!_ant ~Beach-3 ~en. tlal lots 126.500. Will trade .., I« ·boiJd!rw 1ullable .u prage, N....U. Aeloclatet. Weitmin.tet Ave., C.M. UCENSEI> d1¥ care. Pftl " a.me .,.....,, v~·-~ ·~ - * Vtmt, tbl' Tile Man * ~ ,r-.,,, in:t = pateh. Leaking 1 h o w e r --"1-1957/Sll-ml Talovl1lon, Repal( 6915 CALL VS FQR COLOR! Houoe call le.95 Guar ... rl< IntemaUonal TV eu.9!11 Uphol1tory 6990 CZYKO$KI'~ Oatom Upholsttry. E 11 r o ~pea n Craft1man1blp.100% Financing, Furo boato 6 auto's. 6U-14$C. 18 3 l Newport Blvd,, C.M. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanhlil, Mon 7000 646-695f wkly 2-4 )TL Hot lanches. 5t6-42ll HONEY & whl coknd doe. balanced activities. 546-1539 Remodeled 2 BR Home on freckled.face, 1ong: hair, hlk BAB.YSl'ITIN5 GH my_ ~~· ~'!! cornttw ~·_,,ru.f!OO collar, vtc OIM beach. 2122 vie. 7th t, unt. """""""" !?m'!:" .... Y.'un··1~.--tk:\~van--e ,,!!!" SELF..,.ptoyod ...,.,,.....,.,, Laauna .Baacb Raido"tial, -·•· add1 k H day ·~ wor , our, • resid~~~ int:OIM, ~ F;ii:perlenced. Own trans. merc-r or acreaa-~. For Box: p.7(6 Dally PUot. property on Oahut Hawaii, I,::;.;;=-;;:,,;:;,=;:=:=== Bkr, 491-1330 · Job Wanlld, Lady 7020 What' do you have. to trade T 675oo33m Reu. n.tea. 53IJ.. '1900 · · ........ -a ~ U'l\I"' BLACK I: brown femal9 pup-YOUNG mother will babysit, 82'lS or gf:'560 Jt • m tap. Vic Balboa ; ~ ~ cl.Qrl, only. W A NT Cocidom.lntum, Pavilion, Bal. 646-45Tl houle, or unl~ .in rood Q.ASS Ring: Year l9'l'O ~ BABYSITI'ING my home ate&. HAVE up to 120 acrta Share Dr Must Identify d8¥I or nitea, Newport ana. at $300 per acre, Matcbam List It here -in Oranat C::C>l).EGE 1tudent 19, Colta County'• lo.rgest read trad-Mesa, wani. p o a t t I o n q: poat -and make a deal answering phone, Ugbt tyt>- ing' (40 wpm), filing, Thurs thru Sun morn or aftmiooit. 613-23311 • • Expermothu&f6.<mf Realty-· p A 1 R dark p:eocrlpt!On BABYSITl'JNG' My home TRADE' -Iola hlr· siauea. South Lacuna. M• Verde VM dfl 2 ,to haven Coemeter)r W 2· .-n. 5 p:efd. ~7 HORSE TRAILER MD pay FOUND 1 patr akil call to BABYSI1TING h1Y bome difference. Phone 549-(835 ' .. _ .~,,,. .._ S.E. H B. da.ya 50c hour. Experienced ,,att.::--5~p_m_._~--,,-::;,n~ '"'"'a . -ther. C.M. 5'8-6721 • . .,..,.....,,. ,., ...... Fee VieW lot Baycrnt N.B. SMA1J. tem. mixed Terrier EXPERIENCED mother will 75 X 112~' value $45,000, Blk/Wht found Brookhunt: cittt tor infant in my home. S31.<Xl0 equity Trade for A Garfield H.B. 962--1369 596-8572, Seal Beach. TDs. amaU Beach Unit.a. SMALL Male nog_Gry/Wht BABYSITrlNG In my homt 1,54_7-4019 ______ _ Studio type condo. 2 very lg br, 1% be, E'lide. ~e tor dbl wide (40") mo~ home. Rq Gault, llerifa&'e R. E. 540Jl51. open ~' 153,000 equity tn 3 bedroom, lane.I, Dln. Rec, 35x50 pool. Cabana w/2 dressing room1, La Canada. Want Npt Bch ies. jean SmJth Rltr. 714- 646-3256. Have bear wheel alianment machine, like new. Co 1 t $4200, Will trade t o r dn pymt on income propert;y or f 549-*4 Found 319' Eut Bay Ave. Meta Verdrt tun or part 1'7 Ft. outboard for itation Balboll Pean. 81$-tD!I time. 5f6-1862 -wagon or auto of equal vat.. FOUND 1-hair Blk. Kit-BabyE-by Wftk, C, M. ue. Phone 642-<980 teo Wider 3 mon. old. Fwn-area. Yoo lumlob !rans. * *-* * * * Wn Valley W-8129 j[Oifflii(i612-~l;;"11;.;;;yo;; I 1il!•!!!!!iil111!!'l!!!iil!!l!!ll.il!i!(I' l!li!!!l"l!!!i~!!!!.l!!!i!i BLACK, female GERMAN LOVING C•r• ·u SEltVICI DlltECTDRY »EllYlcl, DIRECTORY SHgJ>. Found. ~ to ~, mother. _ • --"'""-.._--~- pound NJ!. Brick, Muonry, otc. 0.rdening '6680 lnco..,. Ta• 6740 LONG balftd Groy Mal> ~ 6560 · -----bu Ilea oollar. 841 t518 ANTHONY'S BE A Safis!l<d CU.nt with BUD..D, Remodel, Repair Garden S.rvlti ' lWT1I Tax Service. 9th )T. LMt . 6401 Brick,, block, concrete, 646-1941 locally. Avail. 12 mos. 311'7 LOSTi l&.ck & wfilte crpntry, m job too small BUOOi:I' LANDSCAPING ~~·~~· C. M. fluffy Id Lk Contr. 9G-<9l5 Prune , •• Plut, •. Prepare cat. 1 yr. o -Monthly Malntenanct H. K. c I ark Acct& Serv. mole. No collor. Vic. C•rptntorlng 6590 E/<P-HortlcultuNt ""°..,. 1ax, penonai ., Shalimar Dr., C.M. .R• · ALLEN BROS bualneas. ~home ot ofc. W•rd. CARPENTRY GARDENERS sruDENTS ·lll yn exp, toe llrm. 646-"61 or 541'~, MINOR REPAillB. No Job -their WIY thru ool-64U183 '"'645--0742 "'" Pt11!PLE oo11ar wllll bell, TooiSmall. ~ lo llU" ..... Experieoced, -· e nlE TAX ADVISORS wom by llm&ll black tttten qes 6 other oabbaeta. REAS! 6'M203 Yeu mmd otc. 328 No. named Mold. Lort vicinity 5611~ tr no 'l.nlWft' leave CLEAN-UP Speclaliatl Mow-Nwpt mvd, N.8. Reu? Senta Ana I: UnJVft'lit)' · mag at 6t6-2312. H. o. tna, edg6i& ,odd jobl, Ha:ht can 645-0400 tor appt. Drive, CJ4. ~ after Alidenozl 1 movin&. Rta.11 ·548-85 SKOUSEN' TAX SERVlCE 8:00 P.M. eJAPANESE GARDENER Your b om e, Reuonable. LOST Mayfair C.M. Codcer' QUALJTY Repain: .. Altera-Maintenance • CLeanup Evn. Norman Ma D I 6 Ten1er, 10 wb old, BeJaf Uom -New COfllt. by b:>ur' Call SCS.2.m MS-6328 ~-RN W 12 child. Share yr home. Exchg nite nunlng Shopping, chore1. 774-4322 Do"*llc Help 7035 George Allen Byland Agency Employer Pays Fee 106-B E. 16th., SA 547-0395 Chinese live-ins. Qleerful Penna.nent. Experienced Far Ea.st A~ncy ~ Hale Wontld, Mon 7200 ITT JABSCO INSIDE SALES Rnponalble for support of field sales force and distri- butors thru liaison between marketing, manufacturing, and accounting departments. Provide backup Lor inside sale• manager. Prefer experience and/or re- lated trainin&' In Wide sales. Pleue apply by resume or letter to Personnel Director. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER & Mu 1 t l colored. Ana. or Oantract M6-.UO ' AL'S GardenirJa Se r v Ice -======== "Toni" ._Call alter 15,30. REPAIR8, ALTERATIONS Lawn maintenance, prdon-jl'Ol!lng 6755 l4&5 ~.:::t ~ Meaa 6'1>0175 ' ~ .,,, .... job. Ing" dean ..... -_:.:,,_ ___ _:;= 1-KRYSTAL -. o"1 vie yn........ 54MTl3 (MA·Edgol.own--. • IRONIN0.15c..pc..- Belcb Blvd HB. Nevada 1oe MASTER ~-· M per Maintenance. Licensed You Bring Han91r1. A Marker beel c:able/.12114. hour. Remodellrii -R.epaln. 54M8JS/"5-2!1D aft 4. 642-2058, ~5361 536--2919 64U«l9 br 538-3900 ELECTRICIAN Uceneed, WST, Nr. Alpha Bill,. old Cement, Cencrete 6600 bonded. Small jobs Ma.int. keepu.ke locket I: pin tn & repair. 548-sn1 mONING 15c a piece, bring hanger& Call afttr 6 PM. * 645-0345 * doth draw ltrirla: baa· Re· * CONCRETE work. Bond· JAPANESE Gardener eom- wll'd. 225 Oil< SL, C.M. <d A Llcemed. °"""'" ""'8 . yard -.....,,_;-. ,_ AFGHAN HOUND, Harbor ,.w1ng fltlmalel. 5411-1332 Landseaplng 6810 between Baker A Fairview, PbilliPI (!ement. 5C8-6l80 YARD c I ea nu p. Tree Poor Man's Friend C.M. 546-91188 Cu1tom L•ndtcaplng aervice, nrw I aw••, CUSTOM LANDSCAPING BOX of pink A white yam, BEST IN CONCRETE 11prinklera. rotoUll. (M6..5llG * 646-1234 * Harbor Center Parldn& Lot. • &48-1234 • JAPANESE Gardener I-;:=:;:=====: • .;;"°"';;;.;;;2119=· .;.~"-'7m=---1 ~·~ w·-no job too Com leto s • r v I ca Ex I · •· ~~.. ........ ..-!._..ft·"-~'-.... :.~ .... -Mlsonry_, _ _llr_l_c_k_6_.~ PartDnali 6405 small, reamnable. Free ..--·--n&UAu.a;i ~ _ __ ••Um. IL Stulllck. 54MS15 e JAPANESE GARDENING PRICE & QUALITY LICENSED e CUSTOM PATIOS e Service Oeanup. Landoap-CIJSl'OM LANDSCAPING Spiritual Rudtnp, advtet concrete •wine a removal trc. 5.U-703C aft '7 p.m. • 6*-llM • on all mattm'I. lCIS S. El State IJc. e ~l.OlD Camlno Real, San Clemente. 1 -.~B~EST==IN-CO~N~CRETE=~ -al ........ ~ Paporhanelnt '92-9l.16.1D AM-10 PM Walla, pool cleclca. .._,, CRYSTAL JANmlRL\L l cP;;;•l:;;nn:.:lllng=----615~0 SPECIAL $2 REAPING Pa .. ~ ......____ ., _ _..4 _ -,_ -· . Window <leaning. Compl LADIES: are )'Oil 1r4lla ,or • CONCRETE work, all janitorial Rrvlot. Bualn. PAINT )'OUr ll v er a I e ~ Utopia? You may win typeL Pool decks A CUltom. retlden or conatru. Flu be.throom • $10. I have a S or a 1 yr. IDIMe con-Call SCS.'1324 estimate 548-8'73'7 equ.lpment &: know bow, you tracL Join the swtna to ""'"='====== ===,-,.==== turniab walla &: materlala. ASSEMBLER "8" Exp. required in spot-welding & some metal cleaning, plus ability to !!Older stainless steel. Good Co. benefits with future for right person. A~ ply 11.t: Personnel Offlc• U.S. Divers Company 3323 W. Womer Santa Ana An equal opportunity employer Opportunllf to gain ex. •perienot uDde~ a Sr, 1£ in a.reu ol Ume atudy, eo11t improvement value anab'lil, and atandarda pt'Oll'8mS. Prefer fonnl1 e\(lucation and IO¥l' tlme- study experience. Pleue apply In person or by conftdential reaWne ~ eluding aa1acy ...,,.U.. ments to _Pel'IClnnej. EQUAL, OPPORTIJNlTY EMPLOYER 1485 Dale Way, Coat11. Mesa Pballe: 545-8251 (114) JANITOR EXPERIENCED Excellent EmployN &oneflli APPLY Pertonnel Office Third Floor · The Broadway NEWPORT BEACH · 47 Courts of FHhlon FASHION ISLAND Newport llNch An Equal Oporlwtlty Employer Cook Apply In perion REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adam• Costa Mesa * IMMEDIATE * Opportwrlty for reliable man w I t h previous. lndu1trial janitorial experience. Ex· oellent working conditions, good . pay and all fringe benefits including prof i l sharing CALIFORNIA INJF£1'10N MOLDING 200 Brigp A venue Costa Meu., Cali!. ' - MECH. DESIGN EllGlllER . For design 5: evaluation of illuminated p u 1 h button SY•itches. Experience with miniature •witching mech- abilllJ1 desirable. c.ontact: Marco Oak Indua:trlea 20'7 r.o. Helena, Anaheim (714) 5JS.6037 Tnt Technician . To pcrfom1 prod. tests & trouble shool complex elec- tronic equip, Skills comp. to a competant TV repair. man, tan1il. ,v/ all type1 ot transis tor circuit• A: oper. ot eJectronc test equip, Per- IOn& not possessing such lkllls need not apply. Call 646-9611 * BUSBOYS-Days Apply in perSOil( REUBEN E. LEE The Utoplana. 63$-9291 Chi Id Care 6610 HAULING. Oeanup prqes, 1 coat.~ aft 6 PM. Attroctlve Export ~~ ~~ nL Jim lnhlrlor Palnllng CAREER Ill E. CoHI Highway AN EXP child ceze in m;v home 1..;;-.;;,.;~~-_,,.,v-=•.,..,.-:-A IL ho b job , . Newport Beech ~~ = YoU all lencd yrd, loy1 & activity. Windows LHklng? !.,,,"[,.w ~rate':. OPPORTUNITY! 1 ~~--iiiliiOiiOOiiiil 1a1e11 mpa. can Midi L&ouna l'!lguet. •9'M467 Call ""'5S1 892-8643, Anytime Jom tod&l'S 1aotott -1 • 213: 5.91..m&l·lOPM VINYL wall coverlni protwion-MuhlalF\lndaala R.E. SALESPEOPLE WET SUIT · CUTTER Min. I yr. exp, tn euturc iults from exil!tlna patlems. Good co. benell1' • w«kina: cond'1. Apply to: P1raonnel Office ·U.S. Diven Company 3323 W. Warner ·Santa Ana An equal oJ')portunity employer RN's ICU & 08 Excdltnt workl"f"condltk>ns. above averq& ,aalary .llfld fringe benefit!. Cali ~ nel Dept. bl!t. 8:30 AM -5 Pt.f. Mon. Fri.,!527·1'1+1 Stanton Community Hospital lVN·W Ptrt. tlme mornlnsa. ExceJ.. Jent fringe bc"'fits. can Mrs, Miller Sl'l0T74t .Mon. .... }'ri., btt. 8: 30 AM l S PM. Stanton Com11111nlty Hospltol WOMAN To care for Mmi·ln- valld woman. Lite ntrndrw duties. Sat &: Sun nites 9 l•i;;l15il;;;oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil to 7 Sl.65 p e r hr. ALSO woman for Sat &: Sun, day care, nursing & Jile housekeeping 1 am to '7 pm :~~r hr. Bal Isl. Ass'! Teletype Opr Order Clerk Diversified dutiea, stock bnik • erage experience prelerred. SllARP CAL! G()ODBODY & CO. To assist manager of IJ'OO"r Mri. Luce 54().8121 boutique. Penna.nent · po1" --------1!!!"!!'~~~~~""'""i lion with room tor. ad· Work Near Home vancement, with ~idly m JABSCO TIMEKEEPER AND COST CLERK Good opportunity for man with ~e l!CCO~ting or re: 18.ted clerical experience, to come into cOJ'ltact with all de9artmenta of the company Prefer H. S. and aceoun~ Tra1nee to Eii:ecotive growing organization. Ex· Of11ce Positions perienced gals only, call Fee & Fee Paid for appointment Supeirior Agency THE LOOK Established 1946 S U R G I CA L I f.I EDICAL 644·2400 1857 1-tarbor Bl, Costa Mesa transcri ber needed at once. Call first. 642-7141 Experience in he a Vy NURS S Es • surgical dictation. Hours • E AID flexi ble, Contact Mrs . 1 AM to 3 PM Alagna. Santa Ana ~ Park Lido ·-E w··"'-·· munity, uw '. .........., ..... I . lo Convalescent JJoapltal A s A Ptease app Y in person or 1445 superior 1--"'~"=' 7-·====""' lraholng. writing to personnel depart. Newport Beach 642.wo MATURE WOMAN ment. For telephone survey, our • WAITRESSES. Will train, office. Full or pt time. Gd EQUAL OPPORnrNITY full or J>&:!'t time. Must ,be pay. Ph. Mrs. Pihl 646-~ EMPLOYER 18, attractive y,·ith bubbling 9:30 am-3:30 pm daily, r personality, THE ZOO . 1485 Dale way: Costa Mesa 2344 East Coast H'NY at Wantect-:EXP Maid Phone: 545-8251 McArthur. CdM -Apply in Person ' BOOKKEEPER wanted: ex-SADDLEBACK INN -*~S~AL~i;.,~-~~'N=GIN=E=E=R-,_*-1 per. in payroll &: acct's. 696 \V. Coast llwy POSITION payable. Apply: W. D. Laguna Beach RECENT me ch an I ca I Schock Co, 3502 So. Green-SPANlSH GIRL: Housekee~ graduate who communicates ville, Santa Ana ing & babysitting, need not well. Rapid1y growirJ& 10 GAL FRIDAY speak English. Ii v e • 1 n . year old oommerclal _pro-Fountain Valley are a . ducts finn. spec18Jhlnc In 1 girl office in Naples. Typ. 847--3929 precision m 0 1 d In K of tnz, shorthand des.lreable, l-ACCO--UNTS---P-A_Y_A_B_LE-& plastics com po n ·e n t busy telephone. Call for &P-CLERICAL, for ~ a r a e iwembly. Career op. pointment <213) 43$-0274 homebuilder Construction portunlty withe x c e 11 en t Telephone reception exper. desired. Ple11M call benefits including pro'f 1 t work. Apply betwHn 541}.1620 for appL intv. lharlngCAUFORNIA 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 1626 WOMAN WANTED. nigh! INJECTION MOLDING E. MaywOod, Santa lhift, part time. No up. 200 Briggs Avenue Ana. nee. 25-45. App., Mr. Dohut. Costa Mesa, Call(. HOUS~1IBEPER, live In 135 E. 17th Sf., C.M. lrvine Ind. Tract Laguna Bch. W Id 0 w ~ r . BABYSJT'TER, reliable • 546-4460 Children 2 & 31,i. J.tust Vic. Lindbergh Sch. 1st drive . Salary S230 . grader. 2-5 PM •. Wk-daya. Yoang Fry Cook or Kitchen Train•• 549-11071494-0297 Sun. 548-2868 CAN YOU QUAl:IFY? CURTAIN & drapery Housewives who want to salesladies. Apply Udoff'a wor:k part time, 10 boun Home Fw:nishings, S. Coast per week & make $65, call,1°'P.,:lau='=,C:C,.;.M.c._~-~ Permanent, full Ume job. 838-8321 btwn 2 le 4. MATURE woman to care: fcl' Q.ance for advancement YOUNG, Aggressive & sharp 1 yr old girl My Home. secretary for stockbroker's Laguna Niguel 195-4309 office. For lnl.ervlew call RESP. Woman 1ot church Mr. Gedik between 1 &: 3 nursery attendant in F.V., APPLY IN PERSON Bob'• 819 lloy 154 E. 17th Street Colta Mea at 494-9794 appJ'C!X 7 hr wk. 962-56IM •OPERATORS. Ex-J>ttienced. Good pay. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 • HAND FINISHERS. Gar- REI'IRED pert ttmiP ment experience. 642--2666 -EXPERIENCED- Man8Vr ~~-iffI"'tfii-N.B.. Sportswear Mfgr. frieodlieiit .. roost deluxe AITRACTIVE Glrl to model aelf seti1lce laundry in So. a few hours a week, Calif. Baker A: Fairview, generous pay. Strictly for C.M. Muat be eober. depen-fun, no exp necessary. Rep- dable in ·good health, neat ly to Box M 658 Daily Pilot • . appearing, &: &CC'Wltomed to • BUTI'ON &: BUTI'ON Note Teller • meeting the public. Short Op E R A TO R S ; Ex-Excellent opportunity! hours, not p h ya I c ll I I Y perienced. App. 8 to 3 p.m.. demanding work. Work: Wed JA·Y MAR INC. 2907 S. Oak, APPLY IN PERSON noon thru Sat. Very modest Santa Ana 1 f Naf' I Ba k. ""'-'l" Must liw clooe by. WANTED Pkru;anl woma" S > Iona n See the •tore first, and see to care for 8 yr old boy. John at 11•• ''""' or call Wod-Th=Frl mom. ,,... ol Orange County 644-1307 all 5 p.rn. ll:30 my borne, own trans. SURGICAL JKH. 644-2005 aft 6 pm. FULL time dental recep- tionist over 35, eii:p req. 1650 Adams Costa Mesa Send resume to Dally Pilot ASK FOR: 1 AM. 3:30 PM. Call person-Box M 5.52 Mr. Slarner or Mr, SpriQpr net dept. bet. 8:30 AM&: 5 CURTAIN & drapery Pl\!, Mon .• Fri. 527.7744 salesladies. Apply Udofra Stanton Community Hospital PART TIME SNACK BAR e FRY COOK e Home Furnilhlnga, S. Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa COUNTER GIRL 11 to 2 PM, Mon-Fri. Apply 899 W, 19th St. Costa Mesa, bet 24 PM. e BARMAID e Apply at: 2000 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, Sat. &: Sun. 10 AM to 2 AM. An equal opportunity employer Engineering Clerk 1 _c_on_tr_•_ctwa ____ 66_20 Hauflng 1730 -.M.111t. Kit b th No experience nece!!lary. Progressive young Newport * Selective Sil'W ea'* • .,.,._. • a 1 • Harbor Corp, oilers: Im· Potential full time in Sum· Insurance Secretary WI d 0 w ed-t:ingle-dlvoroed! ADDITIONS.REPAIRS CLEAN Lota/pn.ce1 etc, =~~~! A la;bpr. Esl We train • tu1J or part dme mediate Income: aggres~ve ~r. Must be ~1. Typing &. shorthlWd. insur- Varied duties in eqi. no!ering, opera~ blue-- print n1achioe, mimeo- graph, filing, lite typing, Some experience prefer· ~ but will train alert individual. PUlow Talk, Public 1nv1ted REMODELING tree remov, dump skip """""""',,.-,-,-,.-;-:-:,..-,, Mutual Fund Advl1on, advertising: bonU.!> plan; in-HUNTINGTON ance experience desired , 6G-98"l6 ~10 p.rn. ~l&rdna & .Plmnina backhoe, fill p-ade. 962.-8'745 PAINTING, Inter Io r, e;.c. Inc. surance : vacation, etc. SEACLIPF ~645-0,:::,.:~ll,CO~-----,I DON'T let another lonely Kitchens-&~c. Haulln&-GaraxeOeanups terior, very ~uonable! NptB.1603 'WestcllU642-6422 Re&identlal/lnvestinenta Cou~lub ELDERLY womau wanted weekend ao byt Suc.ceed in Llc'd & Bondetl. est. Trim H-"-....___ Reu. Call 826-5625 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway PROPERTIES WEST . 1100 mo,, priv, room & Ao.H-wl -.11 .. -·· A A: B CONSTRUCI'ION ....... -. "'~ 547 8l3l ......_ thout ·~ .. ,ina:. ··-p ·"-~ CM BIG JOHN • M2-4030 PAINTING, inter •• extel1or 1-----='---1028 Bayside Dr. 675-4130 ---~M~E~N,,_---1 board. Nice 'family. Refs. '_.._ ..... Bcb G4-f479 ~ a ...... ,no, • call •---.-* 5U--4!M.1 * State Ile. : bonded. Free Dana Point. anyt. .. ..., BACHELOR ..... beautllul ...,..,.,,,,....._,....,,.-=-H ...... 1 .. n1-6735 eatim.ie .. 642-0238 1n JABSCO • INSTRUCTORS -"'" 1. .. m & ...... -""'• ;4'.1--4;;;100~~.,---,,,--,-airl CO 40. under 5'f" tor AdditloM * Remodellna ••• Paper hanging, 45 yean or/and part time. Neat ap-week plus. No experlence1Ex:PER. back oWce girl dates and eompenlonlhlp. Fred H. Gerwick, Uc. UTE Hau1q • cleanup. experieooi-. Call Ftedl pearance. Must be able to n e c e a s a r y, Prolea&lonal over 30, non-RN: part.time, Urpnt. 4'J.<B86 fi7S...Q:K1 * SG-21'70 Reuonable. A1tY ll"eL * S4M903 * Turret Lathe ()per/ meet and deal with the training In prestige 'ri,'Ol'k. No progreuing: to full time ln 1-ESl.JE 66•• 1-===Call="-"'~12~.:sr.,.=-:= "==-=-,.,,.-=.,,,..__, Setup public. eood figure. Apply door knocJWW, our eurto-2 mo-. Uro!QIY. 548-2'J4'7 CALLC ~;;;arpo='-t .;C;;;IM;.:;;n:;;l"I;:.._;=~ CARPETS, wtnoow.. tirs, HOUSE Painting. Quallty at Good benellta &. working In penon,. Holiday Health mers call us. Far appl C.aD HOUSEKEEPER STACO, INC. 1139 Baker SI. Costa Mele 549-3041 An equeJ opportwrlf7 employer 6'2-1326 PROFE.WONAL Rue A ~t ~n. a!.1 ~ ~:~~~~Free est Call condltlons, ~I){, 2300 Harbor Blvd., 9:30 to 12. 52M6lS "BEA MORNINGFIELD" ALOOROUCS ~OUI Upbolltu)' Oeanfna:. Top 548--41.ll PAINTING, Papering 16 yrs EQUAL OPPORTIINITY BUSBOY Wanted e JNVENTORY l--,~C~ALL~~64~>-34~Jgl"""_ l---------Paooe so.nit or write to quality, guaranteed retulta. ~~~~-.-~Se-rvke~ in Harbor erea. Lie & bond· E~tPWYER CONTROL. J\L\lDS WANTED p .0. 8o.x 1223 co.ta 'M~sa. Allen'• Maintenance Discount aeantrc 1'85 Dale \Vay, ~ta fltesa 7 to 3 Bhlft. lllust be M~m N.B. Sportswear 2301 Ne"""'rt Blvd., C.OS!a ·-·--e·--... ~ .... -Apts. r..--ta -Upholstery ed. Reta: furn .• 642-2356 out ol achool. APPLY '' r tu -~ ~ "' ..... ~ -..r"' <n41 545.8251 anu ac rer J\.fesa.Appi .. in -P"f.nn. Announ-nta 6410 ~···ET • Fum. d•anlng·, • Fut Servke 539-1456 • DE"'NY'S Rest v ~-·· ~ • Plastering, R•pair 6880 n • SERV STA t-.,AN. Expcr. BABYSITI'ER needed 8 Afll REPERTORY Theater Of lbf! 1ot 1 day stMCi! Ir quallf1 Income Tax 6740 EXP 1292' Beach Blvd., brak<'& & tuneup. Ray tr 5 P~f: Fountain Valley COUECTION CLERK Yi'arld praeni. ··Roa er work. CAil SterUn1 b' e PAT'S Pluterlnc. All SET UP • LEADu•N Carden Grove Carey·,. Chftvron 604 s. 11.rea. 531_3230 Eve!!. ~"'·----• M•-" by bri&htntal 642-8>00 e PllO~~~N., TA X \ype• >'ree • tlme!O. call • • "'" "...._ ..,IQ -'"I """""1l'"' IUo ~ 1 torplutlcsmoldln&abop $18,000 lS NCIT TOO MUOI Coast Hwy.,1.quna lJve.in, -r. vno, •Id Hospi tal experiencerequff'lld, Al~ J-Sat 4 •·-~-A SERV. Hom~_•"' k accura, t<. ;;:;;o===-=~-r call.,."~ btwn 8 --•pm tor """ --r 40 "'Ith .... ~ Hf FI t ,.. , •• ...,.... -. \drpetl.ayl'l --.~968-34m _._,u .. ,.... v•"-•" '-<U• ~· • com11onen No cook orbtavyclng, Exce.Uent fringe benetlta. Jtafd. 1 A 2 at 7:31 p.ro. I 6626 $19. tomplete!f INT. Plaster, ext. stucco, dry ..,, ... ~ 1 to take lbort auto trips near sales tralrfts. e .. 1--. xlnt ~ call .. _ M"'---n<t ~t .. Falrvtew 8eptilt epl r Walter ll ~ P.A. wall tapiflr, acouat1c I/at ~ & a 11.C nm en BMcb Ctftes. Air mall P.E. __.:1, Have other help. 60-li6'7. , ... .,,. wer "'1i1· a.da. 2525 Fatmnr Rd., ,LOOlt COVlftlNGS lnt:!OIQe Tu Senb textuttd celltnp. 56-6003 !~ ~ .. ~ ... ' ~ Pate, Pres., Texas Refinery future. 646-8895 SLEEP In babysitter J AM Mon . P'rl, l :30 . 5 Pt'tS. CM. Don a t Io D 50c:; ,.._~ &0CM uc 13:91 .. " .. ._...... """ u i-vv '"'-., Box '711. Fort Worth,. FULL time po1ition in food. unlil 10 AM for } child -. _,..w (nylonl, -....,.. "'~ .... Plumbing 6890 Yoong A r.a... Tire, 481 -• ~ DELI Stanton ' ta .ten,) Vin;ylt and 1'Uu. eINCOME TA.Xe -·"------' Ocftn Aw .• 1 --•nt Beach '-"""'-.,"'=ot,,,·====--w E. 17th Sl C P,f No week-ends. ~ c lty ATTENTION La"" -aod colon. Done In,...,. hom• PLUMBING REPAIR KrK:H1CN HAI;". 2 dayo" APPRENTICE ·~ · ' ' . MA'IVRf!.1_... Irr ftlld Otnllltlll '. IX-NAVYMIN ~aodRMldentlaL IS And '9' tm-2600 "•job ... ornaJI 1-<, 1 .... '"'" Iii Time SAILMAKER A I w noo on 11 PM .. 7 AM ollllt Hospital ~ out the old _...., Elpert 1Ntllladon. INCOME Taxi• prepared • 6'2-31.28 • DeUClteuen, 495 E. 17th S.il1 by Schock qenc ea. omen Sawyer Hoine. 64G-ST16 and 11111' out • tlOOd .,._ BLANKINSHIP your home, long !..m oom-PLUMBING 24 hr ·;m: SL CM. See TerTJ Lt &-9314 .e t15-18'3 e C.EANING Lodiel ,.......!--------~ ... )'Ot8' old unlfomu: COO· ,LOOflS blned, $15. $-3422 Work cruar. lie, Ins, re~1 SALES.CLERK PART Hrnc pit'~ v.--ork: See Bttt)' Bl'llCt e.I Jor, apt. dt&IUng. Ste&ey REAL Eatat" 51\lf'tpenion for =·=~~_! = 60-l«rl S«).'7262 PERSONALIZED, expert repair, rooter 11erv. 53.1-TIM Full Umt. Apply afternoons di.YI: no hippie,;, trans a m f1 work. Mr, Rogtrs&U-7786 CdM: act1v~ area. Xlnt •II * Mi:S1a Tu llf!t'V. Year round ofc., R 6940 THE TOBACCONI.sr Inc. .muJt. Good p ote nt I 11. I . itU Wee cornn1 + bonua p I an. *MJ* . 0.......-6630 nu. fW&.f'7lJ emodet,, R•lr. Fa!.hton tstand, Newport 64241895 Agcnc:y'lotClml'l'Glrlt '!!tae;:;boms ttme~ ~,1..:ln:.:t""::..:'.:c'w..:'..:~c:.;=---;~ CUI.A e &:AV!J Drap&1es Clll'tOm INOOME .'J'u Sitrv., Not&rY IF You need re.modtlina, NO matter wb1t tt la. you ALCOHOWQ) ~ 410 w, O>ast JJWJ., N. e. DAU.'; ~bmllied TELEPHONE sale1; tickets. ~ -DINCS mldt tor )Oar' SPORT VAN. P\ibUc. Reu. Evtt.. JG.1311, ~ or rep&b't. Call can 1tll ti with a DAILY Pbcllt 50-121'7 ot write to 81 appol:nt. M6-3Q39 ... NOWI Exp. pref but •/train. ~ Cd m -13541& en -2361 Zeni\" 8.A llta. Di<k. 612-1191 P!LOl'WAllT An11 64U671 P.O. Box 121! °""' M-. , M.. Garnett.~ • • ----------·----------------------~)---.--·-r_-· -,,-. ··-,, --,-.-, -· .;c-~;-.... ·. . ...•.. ,_,_ ·~ '~'"" . JOU Ii IMl'L.OYMINT IOIS Ii IMl'LOYMIHt JOBS A IMPLOVMINT * MacMnlsts Required * V1e1Dcie• emt for • number of C11teg0ries T)pbt .............. ,. ICiJ hi mllChlne lbop, wol'.klog on sJllall, stainless Put Tlnle s.c " $UO ,. hr ateel parts to close tolerances : Hand screw RUe Clerk nu. · ·· ·· ..... $125 hine (J Dtaft.aman • • • • • • • • • • $606+ mac operator, lathe operator, chucker &lits ...•............ $650+ operator and 1eneral machinists. Also some Weld~r . .. .• .. . . . . . . .. . SMO vacancies exbt for electronic assembler Mf!Chanlc Trans. •••••• Sll66 trainees. Must have basic electronic school· Merchent1 P1r1onnel big. One year Jr. college preferred. 204! weotcllll Dnv. Lobby Offitt Opportunity for young persons interested !ii a.-!Tth & hvtnc becoming electronic technicians. Work on a , Newport Beach variety' Of' lb.terestlng missile, aerospace and , :='=ee.=m""o=-~"'"=""'== aircraft ·electro-meclianical instruments. Ex-' ' -cellent benefit.: Profit sharing, hospitallza-School•l,,.tructlon 7600 tion, holidays. The Newport· Interviewing 9 a.m. to 12 or call Jim Hyams School of Bu1lne11 for evening or Saturday interviews. DAYS 's~1V0ES. 642-2400 319, Jab1 Gulton Industries lee. 1644 Whittler Ave., Coate Mesa 19UAL OPPOITUNITY 1wn.on1 Men, Wom. 7500 Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 Computer Operator Beauly Salon Manager FULL TThlE Must have experience. Licinse neceuary. FEATURES: • Electric t)'pl!:writen • .ok:tatttv equlpiiient • Modem otace proctdlll't'!! • Brwh Up Greg Sborthani! e ~rsonal Development {Aak obut -nut speclaJ oUer 'which incluoea free typing inatruction.) I 646-0153 LIFETIME Gift, typewritina;. Cbildren, gnndchildren, or yoorselll Individually tutor- ed Chilcoat 10 lessons cyping school. 113 Del ?\-lar, CM, .... 28S9 WE , are starting another wheel-throwing class \Ved mornings. Seavlew Ceramics, 344 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. 497-1820 • • _,, -..., rr, 1169 oAILY ,llor SJ MIRCHANDISI l'Oll MIRCHANDlll l'Oll MIRCHANDlll l'Olt MlllCHANOlll -~ MiMCHANDl5• l'Otl MsKCHAND1•• ""' SALi AND TIADI SALi AND TIAlll SALi AHO TUDI IALI AND TltADI IALI AND nAl)I-, SALi ANO TaADI r •• :> • Fuml""-• .tOOOl'umllUra IOOO lfl.fl Ii ,_ 1210Hl·FI & -1210 --Wwl1-... ONCE A YEAR SALE ~TAX 'REDUCTION ' TUNERS-RECEIVERS F!sbtr FM-21JO $ 18.00 K X'l'l 55.00 Kenwood TK-HO (New) · 299.00 • AMPLIFIERS " PRE~PS. Special . Onc_..a· Year 7 DAYS 'TIL MARCH 1st ONLY Overstocked * up lo 80% ~ngs ! ! DONT MISS THIS ! ! $$ SAVE DOLLARS $$ Bank Terms * Store Cho11e Spanish _ & Mediterranean AUTHENTIC SPANISH: Bedrooms, living rooms, game sets, dining room set&, tables, lamps, wrought iron and accessories, etc., etc. APPROVED FURNITURE 2159 HARBOR; COSTA MESA 12 Years same location-same owners Dally9·9 ~ Sunday 10.S 548-9660 Maranti Model 7 Stereo Pre-Amp. F!Sher 400C SlereO Pre-Amp. '' SA~tooo Stereo Power Amp. " 70A " .. II J. B. Lanstnf. SE-4-01 Stereo Amp. Mcintosh M ~ Indus. 60 W. Power Allee 1565' ~er Pre-Amp. 129.50 69.50 180.00 30;00 185.00 100.00 75.00 325.00 J. B. Lansing SA-000 Stereo Amp. Heath, Knigb~ Fisher, Eico, Dultane & others from •10.00 to 55.00 RECORD PLAYERS Tblll'ells turntables -to 35.00 Newcomb Transcription Rec. Player w I Amp. 19.50 CARTRIDGES a PICK-UP ARMS Ortofon, Empire, Grado -•to. to 20.00 TAPE RECORDERS Tan~berJ Model 6, Stereo Rec. 149.50 Panasoruc RS755S Stereo Rec. 110.00 Others, Ampex, Revere from '451 to 95.00 SPEAKERS· a ENCLOSURES J . B. Lansing Hartsfield System " C-50 Olymf.us Encl. Bozak E-500 Spinet Enc . • Wbartedale W·70 Encl. w/10" dual-cone Spkr. J.B. Lansing C-43 Ends. w/115-AC 395.00 85.00 35.00 35.00 SPECIAL TAX UQUIDATION IVIRYJ!ilNG MUST 00 ll~ORE MAllCH J PUBLIC. SAT. MAL 1•1 IUN, ur. 11:Jt a.a. & MAL W • 61JI trJI "i ~l .' i ) l ~f- °"°" t 19 t Also S~•Y ,'_:,. I for lnspoc1I011 & _, .. nlonco Factory Samples, Finance Co's & Re~·sesslona I CREDITORS DEMAND CAS l * NEW -NEAR NEW * Couch • love-"j seat. • naugahyde couches & chairs • sec> ' i llonals • coffee & end tables • s'fag lamps & lamps • 3 · Mahog twin Bedrm sets (xlnl ! cond) & several other.s • Beautiful mauive ;, cust bUllt new King size bedrm sets • 9 pc .H mabog din rm set • 2 whi~ & gold king 11ze • bedrm sets (beaut cond) • Mattress sets, all · ~ slzes i area rugs, pictures, china, gl,assware. -~t I Color TV's--B & 'N's-Stereos-Combos I , ··~ * ANTIQUES * Grand piano, beautiful "« carved legs, & many, many more itetru I · ~ ,i\ I Refrigerators, Stoves, Washers, Dryers I , •} ~--"""""'-"""'.:...0.'"-'"""~-c..;co.;;;;;'-'1.-""""':..:;.......J ' Wo Flnonco With Good Crodll Mamr Charge & 81nkAmericerd :<:f· AOK Commission Gallery 1 n22 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. l Immediate openln& avail- able. Minimum six monthll tXperlence re-, quired on Model J60.20 or disc, or f¥pe: system plus EAM. Apply to: Excellent Employ•• Benefits PIANO le!!lSCins. BA degree Furniture 8000 FumlfuN ln mu:sk:'. 1 hour $4. Begin· :...o;.;.c.=;:._-------' & Networks (2) ea. 149.50 8000 Allee 515 Theatre Woofers (4)" 39.50 I Block Wes t of Beach Blvd., olf G.G. Frwy. _ ~ I~, Pl1nos & Organ1 8130 Mlsc1ll1neoU1 l600 1~ Personnel Offke U.S. Divers ' Company 3323 W. Warner Santa Ana An equal opportunity employer J. c.""""" ""· FuhlCIPI Island Newport Beach liaa opening for * COOK * Recent successfUI experience in all phues of food indus- try ill requittd. Competitive wagH, outstanding benefits iDcludin& profit sharing. Apply in person 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. M~ tbru Friday J. c. PBlllY co. 24 FHhlon Island An equal opportunity employor BANKING Paying &. Receiving Teller with desire to learn other APPLY Personnel Office Third EJoor - The BroadWay 47 Courts of Fashion FASHION ISLAND . Newport BNch An Equal Opportunity ErnploYCr J. C. Penney Co. Fashion Island Newport Beach Noed• MERCHANDISE RECORDS CLERKS Full or part tbne. Recent successtul experience In simple bookkeeping pre- ferred. Participation in an outstanding benefit pt'Og1'8.m, lncluding tios.. pit.a.li7.ation, discount on purchases It profit £bar. ing. Apply 10 am to 9:3't:im 1rlonday thru Saturday J. c. PDlllFf co. 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer Bozak CM-209-6 Column Spkrs. (2)" IM.00 'Misc. 8" to 12" Spkrs. '3 to 8.00 ~~~~:: FOR 320R~~MM~~~~~ SCRAM-LETS SALE AND TRADE InclLJdes:,Floral so1a It chair /\ ANSWERS c.g~~~c AV12C Receiver UPRIGHT Schwnann Piano I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I ( & Bench. Refini&hed {Not antiques). Good tone & cond. Needs keyg recovered, 1100540-8644 PUBUC AUCTION .• llu"!lture 8000 • walnut tables -lamps · Phillps C.C.T.V. Camera completebedroomwithquill Walnut-Solar-Rwruny-Packard Bell C.C.T.V. Camera 180.00 395.00 495.00 175.00 THURSDAY FEB. 27 7:30 P.M. ed. mattress • s pc. dinette, Beaten -'IWO BARS Akutron " " t elc. AU for . . . A composer'• inhibition: $277 Ho'"'"" to wrH• •drink· JEAN MUSICK CORP. PRIVATE PARTY Wants to buy piano for CUb. 213-817-1035 SpiRISh No do\\'n. Pmts, mtly $10 mo. Ing song, but he nevcr iot , past the .first 'IWO BARS. · 2080 Placentia Ave., Caste Mesa Televltlon-8205 Mediterranean ' WELK'S WAREHOUSE HIDE-A-sED. 1100. -548-1611 •. :...--- NEW l USED FURN: ~ Bednn sets, Llvina: room 1e:t, ,, Received cancellition of $22,000.00 Spanish • •rMI Mediterranean Furnltur• All Now Top Quollty Brand Names Decorator's pream House on Dis play Items as follows : Gor- geous 8 ft. custom qui!· ted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and mat- ching chair, J matchintt oak occasional tables. <2l 58" tall decorator lamps, an 8 piece master bed- room suite In pecan pan- elled Mediterranean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty mattress &. box s~rings. Spanish d cc or dining set, etc. Whole houHful~ was rogulor $1295.00 MUST SACRIFICE $568.00 Any plece ca n be pur· chased indivldually ..• TERMS -We carry our new! 2137 Harbor Blvd., -HIDE a bed, ttcllnlng chr, 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Costa Mesa 642-7930 Muslcil lnlf. 8125 Musle1l Inst. 1125 p.te leg tbl, dre1a form, Open Daily 9 • 9 ========o /----·-· vacuum cleaner. Cd M, Sat. 9 - 6 Sun. l1 -6 Office Furniture 8010 Gulttr HHdquerters DSTRING Hoyer auitar. m..sm • Dinettes, Olestl, Dreaen, Rocllncro, Sofu, "°"' ...... Lamps, Pictures etc. GUARANTEED APPLIANCES: • • • . • MAHcx;ANY ---''--e NEW and USED • like new. Will 1&crWce * Westtrw:house 21" * FRENCH PROVINCIAL INS. Group dispose!! of: steel Fender e Vox e Standel $185. * 6'15-Ql36 O>nsole; Like new $35. Gas slov't'!!, Electric atoYel, -. Fro!lt • ~ Refrl&en,ton, ~ Waahen, Dryers. ~ ' From A Large Estate & wood Exec & Secretarial • GIBSON • MARTIN ~ ... Guitar J: Amp. Aft. 5; 67?>-2022 A fine selection of complete desks, chairs, tables, flies, • WILSON • YAMAJIA _Good condition 21 '' RCA COLOR TV full size b e droom sets. shelving, Jockers A drafting Drum H1tdquirter1 . 646-M56 847 __ room rurnil11tt. . • NEW.,,. usED e ;~~~~~;:~~!====="=~=::::: Dining room set, table & 6 chain;, c bin a, bulfet, McMAHAN'~ m.8450 LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO Pl1n01 & Org1n1 1130 cUHlom made sot a chair, 1830 S. Anaheun Blvd In Luge Rlectlon with new 4 HI fl & St reo 8210 mahog. co11ee & large tables Anaheim talongs.ide s A pc sets and cymbals start· • New Pianos • . • - w-leather tops. 2 twin ma· frway at Katella) uW-at $99.50. Pfdala. hi-hats ·WURlJTZER I:. BRADBURY Sl'EREO 1969 solid ltate con- hog. bdrm. sets. Duncan OHice desk &. chair. and seta repaired. AB small All styiea I: flnLlbes, an sole. Never Wied $85. .Abo ALSO: Color TV's, Slereol etc. Bar & Restaurant equipment. Mlac, Items. ADAMS RIRlllTURE MART Phyfe ta b 1 e &. 6 chairs. 1.1.ke new parts, accaa:;n1,es A cyml.is American· made, 88 note, del 6 ' w a In u t AM IF M MW1t sell all immed. at a $100. 54.a.l'm in stock. w-bench J: tuDld. Pric9: start.. multiplex, 8 speaker audio U929 E. canon 960-3470 • sacrifice. Terins on rood ~ EVERYI'HING IN MUSIC tng at $499. IYliem. Normall.v sells for Hawaiian Gardens 3 blclcs E. "''m Gorog• s.1. 8022 Beach Music Center Wurlitzer Organs 1:u~·""'~~ $200. °' .. F<WY. F..,;..,,, Pat'• . AOK WAREHOUSE FEB. 28th, Mar 1 ~ 2: • NEW • • j Bargairui. 2 Sofu $35 at Factory Sales &. Service Many other makes. Many 2 BIKES, boy &. IPrl. 3 lpd. 7122 Garden Grow: Blvd., $1CIO., &as ~ JGS., maple Dally 12 noon 'tll 9, Sat 9.1 style• " fln1shes. Prices !,•pe Recorders 1220 ::r +ah'~ ;!!,~ ~ · 1 Block W. of Beach Blvd. dlnina: rm. set $60. You 17.fOI Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) start at wsr sell. Tape Recorders. lawn mower + e1tcher, 3 ott Garden Grove Frwy. name it, we've got it. 1~ mt. So. Saa Diego Fwy. $595 SONY 560D, auto revene pc. green sectional, platform Open 10 to 9 Sun. 11).6 ~263Gnd oBalr ~3J3luI; ll2 Huntington Beach 847-8536 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC $250. OONY 225 $130. TEAC rocker, good frame.1 ~ 0 p M I wno ' """"' • 803A 6 head, auto reverse bed with bookcaae bead-2 c:. ap e DRESSERS. vaoum ... ro11... FREE TO YOU Beach Music Cel!ler $215. A"' for V'11 646-8895 """"'· compl•te. '61 Allltate • 3 ROOM GROUP w"'" ,;,gJ, ""'· bicycle _ Motor , Scoo..,., '69 Llc. Includes: Living room set • " & misc Item!!. Aftemoons ORGANIC Fertruzer, aged Factory Saki &. Service Mlsc1lleneou1 8600 543-3668 tables _ lamps _ bedroom & all day Sat &. sun. 92S hone manure comblned Dally 12 noon 'tll 9, Sat 9-!j;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ---------·;·j"j /] set • quilted mattress -ma-E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa with wood shavings. Good 174()4 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) 1• KNJTIED fABRICJ pie dining room. All for •• , H 0 USE HQ. L D Items , mulch. 8J3.5332 or 5464931 lY.r ml. So. San Diego Fwy. * AUCTION * phases of banking. Exper· I •i0ii0ii0ii0ii0ii0ii0i;i; ience required. Please Apply in Person 3475 Via Udo, N.B. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK F.qual Opportunity Employer ACCOUNTANT l>egrtt in Bualneaa Ad· ministration, major in A""""'tlng, pm.md. Plea!it file application by Feb. 28. City of Cott• Mes• 77 Fair Drive P.O. Boie 1200 83<-5350 *DRIVERS* No Experience Nec:euary! ?iitust have clean caIUomla drlvlnr """"· """" YELLOW CAB CO. 1116 E. 16tb SL Coata Mesa YOUNG Engllah Executive engqed in trade w I Europe, requltts Fr'eneh man or MJman for private proreuklnaJ tutoring in on.I Fn!nch; minimum 3 hl'I per wk until DuenL C a 11 646-7413 646-7473 9 Ul 5. OPPORTUNITY for 2 Ucenaed Real Estate people. Your own desk A: phone. Good-pro. .NEW ACCOUNTS CLERK Rtteptionlst or new accounts experience preferred. Re • quires high school gradua· tion. Apply in penon to Securily Pacific . National Bank 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach An Equal Oppnty Employer. Furniture 11 HARBOR BLVD. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (only} Every nit• 'til 9 Wed., Set., Sun. 'til 6 EXQUISITE SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN I """"""::::::::::::::::: I RETURNED FROM I__. MODEL HOMES A fine selection of complete UNUSUAL ::'.,"{;!"-....!':'. ... i::~ Opportunt"ty ~u~he~~~t=n:~~~m: faa &: low: seals, double door relrigeratonJ, wa.shen1, dry· 1be Independent Onler of en1. color TV'• (all &UlJ'&.n- Fort!ste:a have opened a teed) will sacrifice. Sell all new olfice in .soul!' Orange . or part. Tenna on good cred-Coonty. Require intelligent it man or woman ovtr 25. cw. lege not nrct!!S&f')'. Should have experience ln mee~ public. Oignilied li!.e time position. EanUng commenc. es immediately. Should be in excess of S2SO weekly. Telephone: 492-8700 betv.-ecn 9 AM • l PM Mon. tbru Fri. 9 AM -12 Noon Saturdaya for appointment AOK WAREHOUSE 7'122 Gamen Grove Blvd., 1 Bick \Vest ol Beach Blvd., oU Garden Grove Frwy. Open 10 to 9, Sun 10 -6 ITAL. Cotltemp. din. nn. Bet, 2 marble top buffet.; BR. M?t w/dres&cr. m Irr or, night tbles, o'&ize twin beds. irn;.5037 gram. With well eata.bllahed [ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' oHice. Walk in traffic. Good 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Room Group FROM MODEL 1-IOMES Includes: Quilted IOfa I: ctWr -2 end. Ulble1 & col· le-: table -2 lam)>I -~ er -mirror-headboard - quilted box spring I: matt- reu -5 pc. dint,.: room; table " .f hi-back chaln. leads to work on. w. E. Lachenmye:r Realtor 1860 Newport Wvd., CM -""'· 6'1345'7 -bal Estate S.loo -•w-"""""'<v ...... O!!lco # ' _.,mi.-avaDable for Uctn9ed men A womm Jn. --·-Mr Gardner. Sprln1 Ralf¥, - Beauly Oper1tors Excellent Employoo Benefits APPLY PorSOMOI Office Thlnl Floor The Broldway 47 Courts of Foshlon FASIUON ISL.A.NO Nowport llNch An E4uaJ ()portuntty COMPARE AT 174!1.9:1 $399 No dowrt-Prnhl only $16 mo. WE.K'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St., SMta Ana O,..n Datly ~9 Set. 9.8 SUn U-6 Sl!lcrifiCtl s· while Sofa $50. * 646- $449 women 's clothing, size 12, bctw 8 & 5 Mon , thry. Huntlngton Beach 847-1536 "FOR SALE ~ Fri. Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. Fri. · 2128 · Republic &mnanll, aamplu: 6 Mill No down · Pmt!I. only $18 mo. • 9 p.m., 18392 Goodwin 4 PUPPIES Mother Dach. Grand Opening Van & Storage ends Sat. Only I a.m. to 2 I WElJ('S WAREHOUSE HB, 847-TIL! & Cblhu. Father Poodl•. 835 Our new orpn d•partment FRIDAY. FEB 21th p.m. 929 Baku, C.olaM•a .. MISCELLANEOUS ·Items of Darrell St. C.M. ii ~~e~=S 7:30 P.M. SALE. Colina: March 14th. • 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 -9 Sat.9-6 SUn.11-6 REPOSSESSIONS In excellent condition, like new. Beaut quilted sofa $89. chair $49, 3 pc. -199. mfa &. love seat U'l9, 5 pc. dinette set $24, 5 pc bednn. set $89, box sprg It matl.!I (all sizes) $8. ea. King size ~~ ea. SeU all or any part. Terms. AOK WARBIOUSE ~ Garden Grove Blvd., 1 Block W, of Beach Blvd .• oU Garden Grove Frwy, 17 Pc:. King Sin Bedroom Large 9 drawer dresser, mir- ror, :l bl'dlllde stands, king size headboard, frame, quilt· e<l mattreas, ~ts. blank· eta, etc. Choice of Spanish or A1odern Style All For $249 furniture It applhtnce!!l. 7SS * Anylimc * 311 cl··-' ,.,_, __ r-1-BoJies, Cartons, Std room Z>-50% off. I m ports , J Hud10n, 54!Hm6 or 540-0017 = ~;'ve ....uwruw 1ets, Divans, Hide-a-beds, atatues, home decor. Abo f WHT. Male Poodle found 3 FREE Chests, Sewing machines, display Bhelw:1, tables, 1 Appll1nc• 1100 wks ago to home with Dinettes. Lamps, TV's. Pie-rugs, vacuum. 551 w. Dth ·\ • SPECIAL PURCHASE • children; approx 1 yr old. Lawrence Welk family music lures, Mattresaes. Like new St. CM. 54-1914 l n.-ra·-auto-·tic ~ 2/'ll coune, a $100 value, ~ avocadO'e~Iew:I Stove. Ro. FLOOR COVERINGS ~ ...... .._ ...... with eve.ry Thomu Ora:an. frlgerators, stoves, Washen. · washers &. othl!r major ap. FOUR happy, he a 1th y, Prices start at $595. n--rs, catn""" for plck up Carpels, Vinyls, 'met, lat.eat ·~ pliances from model ~mes handaome, mW.I m I x e d C M I ..,,;,.. ,..... styles and colon. Commer-i at fanta.stic clillCOUlltfi! No German Shep pups. 545-7440 oast UI C " MUOI MORE!! cial &. ResldentlaL Elpert 1' Down. We service. See at: ln 1839 Newport Blvd, CM (X)ME BROWSE AROUND lnstallaUon. FOSTER'S 2 PUPPIES 7 wla. old Put C.rnu of Nowport & Harbor WJllDY'S AUOIQN 642-l403 S.'1262 : 17185 Brookhun~ Ftn Valloy """"' & Poodl• 646-0271 M s-•11 !So. o! W""'1') 968-123< * -* ""'I> Newport Blw. ust ., NORGE Automatic w"""'· IJOSTON Bull • 5 ,.,.. """'· Used Organ Sale S.hlnd TonY• Bldg. Mat'i.. Light Auburn F•ll late model, like new $75. neurotic but loveable, &QIXi Costa Mesa * 64&8686 Pd Sl~IC..$25 • • l • . . . " 847-8ll5 home with fenced yard, Hammond Ml.OO Spinet $995 OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 54M537 Aff. 6 p.m. PERSIAN nap 2lt.f S.f. 3x5, &ood with klds. 847-ms 3/1 ll&mmond AlOO CollllOle $1800 2 YRS Holiday Health spa Kirby vacuwn cleaner w/at. • • 4xti $20, 6x9 $33, 8irJ.O $49, ONE BROWN, ONE WHITE Hammond RT·2 Concert with membenblp * price. Write tachmenta. Take ow:r small : 9xl.1 $85. 842-1890 RABBIT 4 PIGF.ONS HR 40 ................ $1895 P.O. Box '183 HB Ir. le.aw: pymnta or P81 oH balance • SEAR'S Deluxe Lady Kt'n· 546-8.346 Hammond C3 w/spkr ., Sl'l50 ph no of $36.12. Credit DepL ,' " more washing machine, like 3/1 Hammond B-3 I Leslie S2l5ll · · KE 5-7289 175 ' .... ,_ Gulbransen Premier only 6 GARAGE Sa.le: re fr I & • • e VACUUMS • new • ,......,,~, ND Gd hm for lovable prbrd. hr LI t Mini month! old , .......... , $3395 ws . v. rm. se , • 110 up. n.-A ,...._ ADMIRAL apt slu relrig. BaASett. ma.le, 1 yr. Loves ALL PIANOS Bike bicycle•· .._ _ _._ &: etc s ...... • •• •••• • ' ' """Ill • RealO.bable. Coe.It Vaeuuna • 2 )'f:U'I old, copper. $85. child, bousplL 6 3 3-9 5 3 20~ or mON Savtnp! ! 10042 Kamuela, HB 962-8452 333 E 17th, CM. IG-1S60 : * 644-4177 * eves. 21'11 ()pen Mon A Fri eves. FIREWOOD lDr ule. Walnut · ' : MAGIC Otef Stove {pal 1 ND GD hm &. Family HAMMOND Eucalyptus, Apricot, $47.50 MIK+ Wintecf N10 ! year old, Xlnt! $95. 962-.1148 Female Cat has &bots Ii: In t'ORONA DEL MAR cord S25 ~ crd. De!. 1: ; eves Altered 646-6740 A f I · 2854 E. Cout Hwy., 673--3930 stack'd tree. (1) 688--0846 ~ PHILC01( cu ft Frost. Free 5:30 311 WE'RE In our new store. DECORATOR'S Uncl&imed • WANTID • : RcCrig. ~ bottom lreewr. UfASO Ap90 -poodles. 2 Our f.antasUc aale of Pianos dnpery, all sizes, light Furniture e Appllances ~ No down • Pmta. only S9 mo. Very good cond $85. S49-J654 darliJll leml\les. 7 mos., le Organs now continues at shades. Color TV1 e Pl1not • LK EH fret' lo good ho m e . 0l'al"lge County's only piano 54(}.8122 10 am-5 pm. ETC. · • WE 'S WAR OIJSE Anti uos 1110 83.>-'266 2127 & organ "'""'' markd". 1r FRIGIDAIRE • 14 o. Cash In l!J how I q 1'"1tEE to good home, al· ~ $l!LS.from JJ,9S. ()rpm Heywood-Wakefield dmaer 541..U31 ' 'i 600 W. •th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9-6 Sun.11 .6 * $29.44 * 3 Piece Braided e OVAL RUG SET e Nylon blend, revel'Bible. Brown, coppertone, rreen. Sizes: 8 x JO, 2 x 3ot x 6 AL'S UNUSUAL FURNITURE 17881 Beach alvd. lluntington Beach 8'12-4-4f).i MUST Rll now! Pullout couch bed & match'g cbr, good cond $50. Round redwood table J: 3 benchel $15. Odds n' enda. 688 Darrell St CM. &U-0146 NEW walmlt bunk bcd1 l.i ANTIQUE SJwlilb and Mex. fectlonate Siamese c at. w••n•g B" nWIN __ 10 $25. Siri&le headboard $15. 1 religious art fnn. arnall pvt J..ovea children. 96U982 2m "'°"" IU4U .,i uu 84&-l+tO coll~• ••111 c patot ~--1119 Newport, C.M. 64i-Ms4 C\PTAlliS BmS want.ed.,.., ! -=uOn . ..., · · ._., FREE to good home Fem. ";f Antonto w. gilt frame; Mex· Toy Tenier soon hair. PIANOS & ORGANS MAGIC Old apt. size enm-pivate party. Good CXDI, ·~ ICM curclfu:, • m a 11 , S49-l3l4 21'll Famoua Name Brandt bin. elec. range, ref. 6a1Qk. Reaa:111able. M&-239'.I : primiUve w. inlet mirrors: trom $529. 215 Gal. aquarl~~~ WANTED: Uaed plvant.d . ~ 17th C. 111 u ir. In ate d 1 PCNE TR~E & 1 ACACIA A110 USED tniitrunwnll stand, etc. Offer. v•..--.... tin & 5/8" exterior plywood. ~ parchmenbl; tin paintinp. TREE FOR FIREWOOD. Gould Muilc Comptny QUALITY king bed $1990 • Senalbly priced or exchange 548-2042 2nt 2045 N, Main, Santa Ana w/qullted mattreae, comp. PETS end LIVESTOCK for good nautical antiques. 7 Mm. old female puPJlY. so. ol Freewa.v 547-Cal Never Wied $98, \\'Orth $250. -------·I . 64:>-2629 Hu had shots, boi*broken. Mon It Frt. 'Ul 9 Sunda.v 1U 842-6536 Cits U20 VAST Stock Amer &: Eur Needii a home, $48-S!Gl 311 J4MMOND-Stieillwa.Y Ya. UPHOtm'ERING -$19.&l. 2 turn Ir clocks. Larry SELECTJONofbeautitulcata mah&. nn A Ulfd piaza pc. (European ml;ftmlen) HIMAUYAN 8 P, h:fb. i Morgan Antlquff. 2 4 2 8 ~ kittem. H.B. a re a. cl all malcet. 8nt bQ)'I In Free est., dcl. plcltui>, 215 male, by ctamp\on. lO mo'• • Nowport fllvd., C.M. '15-1731 3/1 So. Cant, npt """· Main, HB "llm!1'' :13&-Mai ~l, mqntL ""'' : CHILD'S Oak ftlll top deS. GUPPIES a: baby l'WOfdf. SCHMIDI' MUSIC 00., OONY 500 Stereo t • p e =======':O:::I . & chair; xlnt ant. AD In turtle bowl, 25 all to. ll01 N. Maln. reox'der, complete with n..-.. 1125 : -:zm -Ano -• ..-J'lnt:::r _ _.. _____ -'='• 156. -rlher. 178:1tUH."""73 ALASKAN Maloma ... AKC, I ANTIQUES. a.oocs GUINEA Pies -1th care =um *PLA~ LANCE Tuhq Ben •• r female, .f mOL ExceUeat i FOSTER'S AN'I1QUES ~13'70 311 * l7U2l2 * .,, I swedpr • cutter, pn> for mow pf'Oll)eC'ta ud • ~ • 1'Cll .-.....i, 0t "'"'"""· 2" a. 1'1" -brood.,,.. Black wttb wlltta I :.""'~rwa1nu1"': nGER eat--tema1t. HOW'S THE ........-. 64M807 -ei.om • 1: tab! .. 48dl. $10. 644-:mG Sowing Machi-1120 ""' olf<dtooalt, almoot 2 TIME FOR M!Nl·Blb ,...,,. 22, -AKC REO -Tor'• • a.ft 6 pm. • )'Tl. old. 62J..0731, 2/28c MW: Stl~ btlle, ;ood A Mi(ll'i: S35 A pu. ~ ' u A~ 1 TY "'"" bed 1968 SINGER 00111pleta wtlh LOV!NO Home w/ciptC!ttn "'UICK CASH cond. After 4, -:lfl-3Sll or :117-1161 ! walnut .....i.. Due ., a ,.....-..i for ~ 'f' ~ y-~1y 10 ~. "--~·-~-~-~ -, w/qullled mlltreu, comp. dl·--~•-~-1 •-··•·t •--~ 6"" uu~ ·--~,. .. ~.~ ., . ., .. .,... '""".""'&--' £MAI..,..... ......,... N""r"""' I'll • ..,... $200. ·---~-·------·~ •••~-·~ M~ THROUGH A "°" bu..; aood cond. l30 AKC. cbamptoo olnd. -' P!UNTINO.dupllcotoropor- ator Hunt1J:w1m! Beach. Ex· perlenc:e A.B. Diet or Multi. Afust work without supervtl- lon. ll'Tlafl c&men. ~ ence dellred, wlU consider portltmo.-P.0.- ltllltl H-n lleodl, GIT WANTED: Ooupl< lor qml ~plO)'tt o1 odult 31 unit apta. -· I~~~~,,..,.=,.,-,.,,nee. No pets. C.M. 11te DU; For Dai4' PUal Want A4L MJ...65.16 'f-:.: ~:, ~ 1 YR. old Blk .l Wbt. Ml.vd CUI afL 3:t). S4$o3l10 11 W~. ~ 1' PU.CE -...,. Id .,..,. BRM. 1<!, !iv. nn. "~ dlnel· ~ ...:-_....., tic male Doc. 162617 .2t.l8 DAILY PILOT (81 t x lJ ...i rup A GREAT Dw pupo. I ..... 1' ""' ... --DAll.1' .... ., ""'"'" l1lllc. No ..... ~ •••hd.11!EQUJCl<El\YOUCALL, w·NT ·D 'pod~ -ble. alto AKC,-~~ ... PD.DI' d...-ledl 142·5171. -----""'-r_S_PM ____ , Guar:antee OK. 52&-0Glt ms QWOCER YOU U:U. .._ .._ mile. 151X1 Havu plaot Na titmperarnent. 5tl r_, ~ j '· .,... )' -.,i -.i.: "'Ptlot-MAI! . Dial - . • . . . . . ·:ti DAJLV PILOT TI11in<131, Ftbru"7 71, 1%9 ~~~~~ ...... ~----.-·~......_.·~~~--~~.:"'!"~""." .... ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ I RTA N TRANSPORTATION • T~SPORTATION TUNSPOltTATl(IN TltANSPOATA'l'ION TRANSPO~TIOll T~PORTATION loots" Yedlto 9000 Trudio ' • flOO lmport.d·;.t.. 9'00 1 .......... .-..,.. -a. IAMlne 9110l:u'::'._"':"::c.'-,.'-"';;...;.~"°°::::l;::u:"',"".1 ,:0:c.n:""" ....... ..-.=-:::':':"'-'.":~==-:=:1:.;;;:....:;:.i;:...;;___;,:;.::::::,.:1 ....,....,,NEW *s~i:C~:v:• DATSUN '9.MC ...... A'NEW UFE COtillT ~l~!=~• ~l They Art All lift Al '6' DAtSl.t~ ''4 ....e tlJ. · ON LEASE e '66 COMl!T , 29, Col 29 JIB loaded ...., flntutlc Dllcounll !ll< sedan, ill np, o !J>. ~ lJii8 Comara. \v~ .. i -4 D< ca.,;. V"1, auto, lad. ;,, __ ._.i_~, r-; · • cam ~. dlr, 4 atxl. rad~ $4.000. · ................ n..-.._..:."" .... air.. air, P.S., Dtart hftn: w/ ~ ~"llUI.&, absent ownr "'A""-,_ -· ~ .. ater, --.i~ JAa"....il nuu..,.., ,.-.,.-.,..., • ...,., • •Ah.t ..... Int rfo -·-..a......._._ ...... n2-. no:....,,-.....-.. .. ...... ,..,. ........,.,. SUl~U -oo 11-lea11e. tna~...... e r. nAJ:oaM --.-~ ........ , ~ ·-,ieuvm 1200 mlles, under 11c1o1y SOU-TH -c"•·T· $13'5 33· Kattm-•m c...,.. BEA.CH-'CITY wamn1>. BaJ UT>S. Take • , , -·~.ACW,.C~N~ 000 • "'E !15COJ11de1JcrQldu..,., 1969SUBARU 1 CAltLIASING JOHNSON&SON • , ~.,.. --~· "' L.B. YNW~1. Call an.r 10. from f1291; '6·MPG 300 W. O>iot ffl&bw.. l.lndob>-M.m.,. ,. lf<lllr Pbooe ml570 • ••• -~~--~::c;-·· ~-Newport Bcb., 415-2182 1911 Ha'rbor ••~ . 142-1050 jQI05 Boool> Blvd. (Hwy. 39) -· .,, ,,,.._. car-~ -~ 1 ,l'f.,.IWlonner. lllaDdtt . ·6!0-~ K "-,.. · Del.,. 1"0C1e1 <all n0e... aun""'"'° e.ac!i FERRARI · · _.. u...t c 9900 CONTINENT AL gWoJ '~tboald. 0..-'65 FORD i,.;., 5' ..... F·350, MS Baqr, c.)f. l !*all5 ""----'-•I . -doWll ''"""·Big w>eel stake trUck , 'th extra FERRARI TQJM&, "mllllllM\MlTlllll <;IVE""" -all ... -tilt trailer.,$100 or best off• length 12' bed. ~avy duty N'~ Imports' Ltd. Of.. Vil'ft llUUUPVKI llVR appell in the world b er.Pho .. 614-4687..,....7~m ............ good,,. .......... Couptl"• °"" ·~-'69 to. YOTA, '$' . LE =~~~al<, GLASPAR ,.,.,.,. Seda)> 15 -"""cal con d tt Ion. bod dealer. ·•· ' CAR· SA ••-.•• hp Johnson elec start, lrg $1 200 Set at DA l Ly SALES -SERVICf. PAATS Large StlectiOn \\'bl tt!r, full oover. Imrnac pii.nT employe parking 3lOO W. e.ou, Hwy. FOR g Credit problem? ,See UI for COIVAll · 'tiJri.Hlut call 613-6689 aft 6. Jot, Di wen Bay ,Street,, 642-&t(tiN~wnnrt Beacb5t0-l1M lrpmedlate Dilll~-lna:tant ddtvery, low prSceB. --- PRIVATE )arty wants 16' Costa "''"· 642-ml, ·~· AuthOriud MG Deoler SEE US TODAY OIUY Imm. We d<clde·OO ''5 CORVAIR MONZA \Vhaler, muat be xlnt cond tenskm .m, Monday ~ Fri-)'OUl' credit Ca.D or·come in Cope, Auto. Rtil. lilWr blue wHhorwithoutmo .... (805) day,Doys. JAGUAR "~ ...... 5*-4m =w/inatcblnclnterior. = 16' boat w/coven, Jeeps 9510 '68 XKE 2 + 2 auto, chnn "1-BLUE CHIP $750 "''""' ,.ats, 40 hp mo'°' ,67 BllPNCO -whl•, ltbr lnL Belg., AUTO SALES JOHNSON & SON & trailer. $750. 642-02S1 lidtop, radio &. heater, rear under l'l,000 mi. Xlnt cond TOlOTA-Vb~v~ w·21E45.P-A'< c' '::"'H ,,F ... OR ~ seat. 4 wheel drive, red & Priv prty. Best offer 8.39-2438 1966 Harbor, _C.M. 6t8-8303 ,, ,_ 100. Harbor mw. 6«2-'1050 ___ 90_1~Q :"~':'°P~ ::,~n.:: KARMANN GHIA lOYOTI y~~ ~~·ii&:11D 1963 CORVAIR 2 DR. Body LEHMAN 1 O' •'~' ' p.m. 0 ' """"" GHIAS f!EAD9UARTERS ;Newcastle Motors -·.= OFFER. Campers 9520 ELMO'R E Good oo\y lhN Feb. 2&. .=...:...-------: . 67'• Lil" new 'Gl CoNal< Sia. w,.. CO RYE 11 E Fiberglas Sailboat complete VW •·one with S,OOO miles" $15 dn, $15 mo for 24 mos. with sails, licensed trailer 2 _ 6G's Extra Nice 15300 ~~-Blvd.. Wlblmltr Tax &: Uc incl, JAM CH9 '68 CX>RVETTE HT "427" 4 & canvas cover. All in xlnt Bus & camper "One with air conCI." r-M.am ~62 F.alcoo Wagon, auto. speed, ~ milea, raJzy red condition. $2!1i. 8J.1.1'97 SPf(IAU All extra •harp, all with ,.. VOLKSWAGEN. $20 dn, $20 mo "" 24 mos. with blk interio" lJRF251 CORONADO 25 Sailaway dlos I: heaters and one witb Tu & Lie incl QGN 416 ''MR T' price $5995. CORONAOO 34 air conditioning. --• ------21.86 Harbor mvd, c.osta Mesa 645-1"1 2100 Harbor • FINEST SELECTION OF PREVIOUSLY OWNED '68 · CADILLACS IN SO. CALIFORNIA 4 DOOR -2 DOOR ' . • El Dorados • Calais • Coupe de Yilles • Sedan de Villes PRICED FROM $4995 Sailaway price $17,995. Info 'Go Camper ............ $899 ~ YW 1======642--4666=====-,63 CORVETI'E FASTBACK, o~~w~':!o~,,;16.~7; ;5~:~~.;;~.:::::::!fa ft~ i&f Prlc:o Spocl1l1 BUICK ~..;,:'pow':~.;: 5 YearA:r ~;;ON;;. ~:,,anty *CAL 25 * :~; ~'::: ~;:;..;;~ ~ .. \i • s0P :~ :::. ·:::::.'::::::.: :: '67 RIViERA ..... ~;M7l28R r· ALLEN SABOT No. 4739 dacron sail, "'-J" All Extra Sharp beater,--lr b~ new white '66Cl)RVE'I'J'EFB.327,Fac- • • • • • • • . • • nST ' • • DRIVE • THE • • : MINI . : : BRUTE : • • •· , • JUST ARRIVED• • ANOTHER BIG • e 'SHIPt.1£NT OF. • : 1969 : • • • : OPELS :. • WITH AUTOMATIC • • TRANSMISSION • • • • • : OUR OPEL PRICES START AT • • : s1777: • c!1r~~ ~~'h rel.···~··············· $1599 ~e .. ~--·63 Bugs~·75·vw:~·· ~ 1: :::: ~~t~~:;: 645-1'41 2100 Harbor good cond. S285. c ~ $399 Jo SUY¥J wall tires. Todays :~ tory air, power glide, full * 548-3364 * ~ S4f·Dl03-67J.tttD pow". &bring'""'" SVJ. OLDSMOBILE • CADILLAC • 0 1t70 HAUOI ILYD. IMMEDIATE LIDO 14 No. 686. Cover &, ~ s COST• MISA 897. • • • o: ~ "MR r· ;:~ T 0 p "'""· $900. 01. ,J-P MERCEDES BENZ 645-1441 2100 ""'bor 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY •.• REDAEDUYVERFYOR : P C I 9020 '\I' 1~.68=-=co=a"'vE=-r=1E,-,H"°',T""'. = .. 327'=' LAGUNA BEACH • ower ru •trs 54t-OOl-67l·11tO L ~ 4 speed, 9000 miles. Like • ,,. GRAND """"' di•"' '"~.:'s~~":.~s~''· "\ • n.w, "':':'MbrnR""r· :vw"334 494-1084 • 547·3103 •. l!t250021 • ---~ ~, eluding radar. 673-8176 (4 14f.OIU-47J.11ff _ 64>!44l 2100 Harbor "' • • 1 7 I Camper Rentals 9522 1f70 MAllOI ILYD, • o pm. .. COIT.A MIU '6l CORVE'ITE F Jl.P.G. m • SACRIFICE! O)ACH. TRAILER •ee vw. xlnt coDd. 14f·OJfJ-4i7l·11tO Low miles. Sa.ddel tan with === • '62 JAGUAR • 36' "'""" w/65' mooring: RENTA[S fl~. 1'70 HAloql ILYll. mal<hlng lnterio<. VLT«3. FORD PLYMOUTH ••• 4 d , \ • top cond. Must sell by week-It's none too early to make .,....,.,, COSTA MUA M 1----_____ ..;._ __ •I · oor, ,...u 0 • tr•n•., end. 548-8691 Aft. 6. reservations for Spring Hol· 1965 .MERCEDES-220 S. ~ ••• ~vw=""*-·-642-~7229«_~-•• *-,-~"""' '63 BUICK 'Invicta wagon, ~ ... 1 •• ~ '' R 2T100' H-~ H'66. FORD Falrlene 500 1967 PLYMOUTH •::!it~~n:i::~: .. 1~~W:as·;j•. !days! P/b, pl•, auto trans, alr--vo r--• ra.QlaI lull d •-· '-1 1· ht U"w-...u. ou·uuc T 2 dr V-8 aut fa t · • tlreo, radio, ehxaust --tem pwr, e..,.., ..,, ., lg • • . , 'i' o, c . cur. $18.95 . • Boat Slip Mooring 9036 \VEEK-END OR WEEKLY cond. Xlnt oond. MUllt tell, VJ• bei&e, Priced for quick sale. '60 Cl)RVETI'E 4-lpeed 327 . P.4. SUN396 • . 546-0291 will sacrifice. E Ye I• other ex!fU. $1650. 646-4780 $845 Private party. 847-7480 matt, thltrp, buttemuti ye~ $1375 Fury Ill 4 Door hardtop. V8, • ROOM for .4 0. S 0'' I-======== 8.13-2746 '64 VW convertible, new top, * '66 BUI<X ruvtera. full low, black interior. Llc. JOHNSON & SON automatic, factory air con-•'-------• BALBO•A ,,1:E;'~S.ULA. ,,D_u_n-'o_B_u_,g"'g-ios ___ 9_52_s 1966 MERCEDES B • 11 1, ~ ~~· $.<m mi. equ•·p~. Imma-"·-con-OER301. • •--'.:.M--dd~~· po~d,,teeallrillg, ra· • '66 TORC?NADO • OJ.Xt"I....., 1. ........,.,. .,,.,._10 .,..-.. "'4!0."" a..u~ ~·~-,, I~, W1ute SI e W tires. f111! powtt, ftc.fory t i .. 1-======== PARTIAL.LY completf! VW ~:re~: ~u::1 ~ ~ ,63 VW tamper; 1500 eng. =di='ti=·on.=Call==644-="'8=::-::= 1'M(l, ,.., lM1 Harbor" Blvd. 642-7050 CTNB200) •eond. ISBN8121 l•Moli __ ll_i_H_o_m_ .. ___ 9_200_ ~~ 5'i1:_~· ~400. After 6 p/b, etc. Perfect cond. New New trans, Comp. equlpped 6&5-1441 2100 Harbor 1963 FORD Fairlane 500 4 $1895 : $2695 : Bay Harlior "'"'· $3950. 547-61G9 113tx1, Call: """'10 CADILLAC '66 CORVEM'E FAsrBACK. Do-. Sta w,.. R•blt 289 VS. Mobile Homes 58 VW r&aio new paint. --------1 4-speed, 327, 25,000 achial eng. P/s, auto trns. $700. ATLAS •. lS'.20'-22'-24' & 34 wilks Imported Autos 9600 MG Exeell~nt ~. Best oiler ·~,~·ate! ~:Sr ~Id~ miles, like new, Rally Red. ~California St. HB. '66 TEMPEST • From "~ takes. 49f.98ll Lie. THH845. · C11Jfo"' cp• .. R&H, 1ut1 ... • _.,,, 'DATSUN MG extras. Black vinyl top, ''MR r· otRYSLEJt.PLYMOU'tH •r.s .. ftdory\eit cenclitio .... 12 WID.ES Sal Se · Part.II '64 VW, t:Jrie owner, R/H, Arctic white Iower. New MERCUR. y· 2929 Harbor Blvd. , a inv. ISTDl7~ • 4D'-4lt~.oo~:O'f' Do you need a station Jm:~ia;;1~ivtry, engine overhauled, good tires. 21.<XX."I Mi. Have 3 ,,64s.,.1=441===-2100~Har~ho-'11--------Costa Mesa 546-1'34 • $1 9.5 • rnm -~ th t ff AU Models tires. $750, 644--0136 , can, need only 2. $5500. '69 CORVEITES, 4 to choose i62 MERCURY Open 'til 10 p.m. • l>a.rks available in an areas. w • g o n a o ers Be 1 ' !-·-1 p~--,_ So 1"25 Baker St. grtat 1conomy? "66 KARMANN GhlL Top s .-v .... s •n;c i.u • trom: ~I, 127' .. 4-~ Cbt. Parle Sta. Wag. 6 pass 1h block East of Harbor Blvd. cond. Real sharp, Best of-=::!,:: ~ce ~~. automatics, air condJtioning, V-8 auto fact. air etc Ov-PONTIAC ' '65 IUICK • on Ba ... , fer. 536-46S9 anytime. SAVE$$$ ~·~u1-•' FJM592, ' • . •Sport W•9ot1, ftc:hl"' 1tr• = '67 DATSUN awoer .... ,.., ,;MR r· "-= ... $5.,5 '63 r.aalll\ PRIX ' .• Costa Mesa {TI4.) 540-9470 '66 VW, Sunroof, one owner. UIUlftll 1 c:ond., '-1~·.~~r, pow·• AM-FM. Excellen t a» '62 COUPE De Ville, factol')" 845-1441 2100 Harbor JOHNSON & SON .. , st••'· , • N~: ii:1th!~;l ·=-.~~ ~1!-iI ~~td':o~~as 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. dltion. 494-9937 ;!:'iw~~. ~ ~°! ··es CORVEITE RT. "471" 4 LmiXWrMi!reurf \ra. p0~ir.i;s. • $229-~ -• nn. Full length patio awn· the big engine for plenty of 642·9405 54(1.1764 ·~~;W, ~t cond. Best .:'=°'=wk=•=nda===== speed. 435 HP, Headen, blk: 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-1050 Auto tram, Jo lo mllea. , • ing, carport. raised porch pep, retaining excellent gall Authorized MG Dealer w/blk in,t,erior. SWV946, · '67 COLONY PARK Bucket seatt, $885. • '6S CHRYS.LER • & skirt. Ready to move ile t ti trans-'67 MG MIDGET CHEVROLET MR T in. Loe. in new adult park. m age, au oma c Sport C•rs 9610 9 pan. wgn. Air oond., PS. •N•w Yor\•r htrdtop c:ovpec.• Full . . __ , •~-•. li mission for convenie~ • Rdstr, Mark m, 4 spd, dlr, --------1 ~4tl 2100 Harbor PB, R & H. lugg. rack. auto, ~5Cll9 f111f pow•r, f•cfonr air• mwfr~~2...;·.....,. « c. nogearshlUingatall.About excellentrunningcond. Wire '66 TR4A. I.R.S. Bril Rae. '63 (Ul:YRQl.ET trans., rear 1ac. 3rd seat, '67 GRAND PRIX •cond. INHA 3541 ., 28.000 miles with near new wheels cream white body Tr w· hi 4 ~ XI 1 IK COUGAR b' ••o .. dual ct tall • • 'SEE the Dual Wide Road. recaps all around'. leather ' ' n. ire w 1' .,.,.... n ig ,... e.,.., a ' Hardtop, V-8, filr. pwr steer-$1.995 ,,___ plusb black int Driven by cond. Reasonable! M0-7184 ________ 1gate. new ·wsw tirts. Low 1-.~~.,., .. ,d.,N•ar.,w, • . • .V-.-Pan American, Para-seats. Asking $1495. -J.lttle'olemanfrom.Laguna. NOVA SEDAM --~ $24{JO 548-32i3 ....., U\.IU\l moun~ Elite and G<nttal 54Hot>; S85 Cash d.,., will lino pM. '68 COUGAR · ' ' · · . lmd<d! S85 C..b d•b or • • mobile homes now at prty. L. s . UOF S93, 494-9113 Antlqu•, Cl•nla 9615 ' Lime with b1aclc padded top. MUST sell '65 Colony Parle take fon!ign car in trade. • •67 COUGAI • Dual Wide Sales · • DOT • or 54S-<Ni34 1 '36 F rd -en.. 2 doors Automatic transmission, ra-Loaded and air condl.Honing. 9• pass wagon. Full pawer. Will fine prvt prty. LB TSP R!H, •uto., PS, itir tCl.lllff-• o .. ._, rear . dio, heater, power irteeriiig, $2800. ?~. Stotts 842-5581, all', AM/FM radio. 1 730, 494-9773 or 545-0634 •tionin,, I. own...-. IUCX. Olapman Mobile Homes Inc. DATSUN '63 MG Midget Xlnt Cond. complete witb glus, l boOd air conditionlne. Serial No. Eves. 962-7056 owner.. prv prty. $1195. '6' GTO Conv, sunfire red .,12 l • 520 N. Harbor, S.A.. Red w/bU< int. Must scll. slightly beat. 1 bell ~ ll3698W238675 546-3665 531-8571 AUTHORIZED DEALER. Best offer 546-3341 aft 6, with rear <tnd.,1 '40 Ford $2195 '67COUGARXR7,allpc:iwer.1-:====:::::=== w/ white top&: int. 4 spd . .$2595 • HUNT.INGTQN '&S MG 1100,· .,,,.. -d<Juxe & 1 pille .~.. tact ai<, AMIFM;wld< oval MUSTANG •tick, "°"!traction. Xlnt, • • Motorcyc,les 9300 .,_.. luxe. Set of back seau tor tires. Make otter. 644-4117 orig own $13'.lll. 67~1034 , • BEACH , __ _;w.=7922=--v.w. ""'" Pbono 53&Mll ATLAS '67 MUSTANG '67 PONTIAC 2 Dr. HT, PIS . '&6 OLDS "98" • '67 HONDA 100 Scrambler, New and Uied Cars MGI H.B. Ask 1or Bill. DODGE , & P/b, new tires &: brks. •tu~11ry 4 door. F11ll powtr, 2lOO Jnlles, pert cond $375 Co-plete Sa...,ice & Parts --------'47 CHRYSLER 2 Dr. R/H. CHRYSLER-PLYMOtrrH -------·IGT Cpe. V--8, 4 spttd • AM-41."' 000 mi. $1475. 842-8424 •f•~fory •ii. ISUP6121 • or best offer. 540-9113, eves '" ' ' Original $250. '65 PODGE Co 2 Dr FM radio, vwr. steering, see $24""5 • 642-$3 ~:28-~~8 ~EAC~4~.~~~2 ~~Ff79s. ~ ~~~' -===*=54&<981==*=='"° Costa 2:9esa Harbor mv~S-1934 HT, V--8 auto. ~:J.. valu~ ~"':i:..b~~ fact.: air, wide '68-G~. 2 dr, R&H, auto., : . 7 • Auto Service J111t l mil•• So. S•n Oitqo 6 aQ'l lo 6 pm or 540-4686 1 • ()pen 'til 10 p.m. job. full price $600. ~ $2095. pwr sir." Pvt Pty, 540-0278 • • & Pa rts 9400 Fwy. •nd Jud • few minutts alt 6 pm. Autos Wanted t70CI "64 CHEV. '63 DART GT. Gd mecb JOHNSON & SON & ~1962 '62 CHEVY !---"-"-"-'-'-"-•-••--OPEL WE PAY... 4 Dr.Malibu. 6 cyL auto, R& ~7 · ~· ~ bet 5 pm Lincoln-Mercury '66 Pon~. GTO O:invert •. PICKUP , : FOR sal< compl•te 283, '65 1968 DATSUN CASH H, OML169. Lo mil•" very • pm•·~~ r & h, m , auto, $2195 R•d;0 , ,,.,,., 3 ""d short ~block, 40 over the clean. '68 OODGE Charier RT 4i all Harbor mvd. 642-'1050 Excellent 833-1708 ltK 619511 • bore. "-race cam, 3000 mi. '68 OPEL Sport Sedan; 80 $695 spd. MUsr SACRIFICE • '68 MUSfANG 2 dr HT, 289 '68 CATALINA, liOOO mi, I $1195 • $300. 8'7-3300. 1:1sr:~~~'.l:tlio !nd 8= :.0oo ret~i. lic:~1t wacX:~~;. JOHNSON & SON I -:=$2800=·=can==842-3007===='.I :Xtt,.!: ~ P:i,s. 01:i! :~ perfect cond. Fully equip. • • FOR Sale complete "396" er. (\VJJS56l 546--3S2S for used CU'l lc trucks JU.&t Llncoln-Mtmu')' I · 8.f?-J8l3 ped. Aft 6 P1.I, 673-4650. a a Chev eng. 350 hp, Jil" now. $1795 call m '""" Hiima!~ 1941 H"'bor Blw. ••o~ FALCON RAMBLER '65 OLDS Delta 81 • $600. °"best offer. ~9643 '67 OPEL 4 spd, low mileage, GROJH CHEVROLET ~"'""' ._. 0 HT RIH PS vinyl top, $1400 p1i prly. '67 CHEVY II, 4-speed, 327, --------••ir r~o .. difi•nin~. •v~oMov:• ATLAS 673-5246 A'1< fM Sain M•••-• tow mil•" hard to fiM mo-'6~ fORD FALCON OLDSMOBILE 1967 RAMBLER SST • Tr1ll1r, Tr1v1I 18' ROD & REEL VERY CLEAN 9425 4 burner stove, oven & brlr. Dbl &ink, elcc \VI-I, clec refrlg • ice box comb. Nr new tires -spare T & w. A real buy at S888.88. 1900 Inter. Travelall, well experienced, $390. * 545-5694 * * TENT TRAILER. ex- cellent condiliork Sleeps 6. 1969 Plates. $250. 5J6.--0'l69 * 1l2 OIEV. % lon pick-up; M1I, hvy. springs &:: tires; call aft. 5 PM 494-4151 Trollen, Utility 9450 Utlllty Troilor, lie. 855 Joann SL. C.M. T ........ Y500 !'1' J'ORD Econol.irw! PIU. Vf!fY &OOd cond. Radio. new =--.paint. $700.l.I ·1-11511 :.i difV., ~ ton, VB, 4 =-.~-R&U tl9 OMll li' ........ "" dulY .... "" -trans, '·"" ml. -11111 .... -:a amv. II ton pld<-up: "116¥. ""'· ........... ., ... QJ""-· JTTO'Dll OIRYSLER·PLYMOUTH 2929 Jlarbor Blvd. 18211 Beach~~-del • Sebring silver exterior · • l-i6 J PQRSCHE HW>hngton ._ with black ;nle<io<. Uc. STATION WAGON lltlYfRSIJY • $1695 • KI 9--3331 . trrK742. Rebel coupe, V8, automatic. . • Costa Mesa 546-1934 Open 'til 10 p.tn. \Vhite Elephants! -. '67 PORSCHE 912 Coupe AM/FM, headresJ, radials; blk. w/whi~ lnt!r. "300 673-2585 Eves. lmoorted AutOJ 9600 Imported AutOI a~a~a~ ELMORI MOTOU 15300 IEACH llVD. WESTMINS'IO H4-3322 4 1/2% l•n• lintnclnt •v1ll•bl• Oft btnli: •ppro••I of ,,..-;t, FAEE·FREE Lis Veqas Yac1tlon 3 DAYS .. 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO Ho P11rc:~••• Ntc•u•ry 15300 Beach BIYd. Weslmlnsler 89,·3322 OPEN 7 DAYS "MR T' SALES .. SERVICE tactoryaircondition.lnr,pow-• WI: PAY r1ru Automatic tranmn!Mton. ,... er ,,.....,.., power brak.,, • '63 GRAND PRll< na;; uun 645-1441 2100 Harbor dio, heater, a.tr comliUoning. OlDSMOlllf ~cHo,'beater, white aide wan •Auto trini., pow•r ••••'·· • '65 CHEVY IMPALA (1EJ62S) tires. ~ sharp. (SU •r•clio, h••t•r. coHZ 621J a FOR YOUR w Han!Wp, v~. tact .... dtr, $695 2850 -Blvd. 1<938) . • $1295 • local car. Ecellent condition. Costa Mesa $1795 CONNELL 151' Cash dda or take --u ... """ 54Q.888! •••••••• .: CHEVROLET car in !rad<. Will lino pM ATLAS ''5 OLDS 91 ATLAS • · , party, LB Tl<J 484, 491-9113 4 Dr 8"'. Full po•«,. Fact , · • JAGUAR • 2828 Harbor Blvd. or 54S-ai34 OIItYSLER.-PLYMOllJ'H Air. \Vhite w/blue int. NBa. Costa M•• 54&-tioo '68 EL Camino "' engine, 29'J9 H"'bor Blw. m. . am~_.::™m·~t.ITH. •. llADOUA. RJERS •. ---WID--luy---4 speed atlck lhlft. $1150. Costa Mesa., ~1934 $1495 ~ n.tll"U\111-vu Ray Carey °""""' Sta., IOI Open Ill 10 p.m. JOHNSON & SON Colla M•• .... 1934 llC I S I S • Your Volkrwapn • Pwaehe ....... ~ P&ldlor or not. Call ~ 673°1190 IMPORTS WANTED Olup'-"" TOP I BUYER BILL )4AXEl' 'l'OYO?A 18S81 -8IYd. e. Beech. I'll. 117451111 Open 'tll 10 p.m. , omp •f• 1 •• • .,.,.. S. Coast Hwy, Laguna. 1965 FALO)N Sprint Convt. Llncoln-M , ••c• •nd P•rts Depart.• '6l,,._CHEVTI40 :S. ~200'7 Many extras! 1941 Harbor m:i~.7050 64 ~ 6 C)'I .. 4 dr. mant for JAGUARS • <'.i'drive: ~an: nrly new • s~ n.. htiflttt • • ~· &lei ~~~r:r· R/H. ·:. 04IJ)~0:/~p~ tires.S500orotter.5.16-959.S • lt6tJ•1 ... rTo4'ty • ::E~~"'~.R!il~,t~ I * 5464981 * ~~~· Callbnla nMPEST . )•••••••• 1965 EL C&mlno 140 HP, '&O FALCON Rancher o , · • • big 6 '"<•auk> tram RIB. R/11. Now paint $350. 1958 Old& !.ow mile,... "Iii TEMPEST SC VS. auto. 2'' E 17111 SJ • 531-1836 aft s pm. * 54M981 * GOOD COND •. $175. RIH, new lll'lket. abx:k:s. • M • • '86 EL Camino 316/325. "'°" can.,.._ oil 5 -. w/w ""'· 3SOOO ml. ahup, • S48 7765 • .. , ... Int. • ..... FORD ... OLDS .. Convt. R/11. prl ..... 11495. -• • . • WE s.,, """*"' and junk $1595. 847-6247 Wis walls. Very clean! · T-llRD • Mon-Fri 8:30 ..,. • autoa. top prices, faat Chev '64, Imp wagon. 327, '6' FORD sm. * 661583 -------to 9 pm • ptdrup, -117·1381 air, nui. ""°"eon<!. 11088 Econallne Bus PLYMOUT-· H-'63 T ·BIRD • • * 5t5-19l7 * Windows an WlY around. 3 twJ. power, tact. atf, white I S1turday 1:30 am Auto L...r!'f 9110 seats, n.dio. hn.ter. dlt.1-------....,. w/blk tnt. Lie. IYECT . Nice • to 6 pm I ----~---'67 an:v SS. Pwr Slll. auto, exceOent condition. Ra.. '59 PLYMOtrm: cu.<1tom 2 but .. "'-" at w~. at • Sund1y1 lO em • * llllft IWING* RAH. air cond. Landtau d!al tlr!ls. S50 Cash deJS. or dr wagon. pwr •tr, "''"'· .,. ... ....,. to 6 -AllJV top. Xlnt1 Sac! 540-9858 tan b'Me. LB SVE 50t Call RIH. I>Uali button traM.. $775 , • r--- '61 COR Van ... bu •ng A Jim 494.9713. """3S2 JOHNSON & SON ,. .I ALL MAKES I COMPE:l'EnVE PRICES Cort Fox Auto ..... 1 .. 224 w. CbaJt lllrbwaY dutch l'IBM:mbly, c I ea n . '56 FORD Sta waa: auto '63 PLYMOtn'H 4 Dr. Ml. Linl'dn.Merc:ury I / Good ti.res. $750. 548--2938 lrsns, pwr l'lteering: Kooct Stick. $525. 1941 flarbo:r mvd. &C-1050 !!!ll!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lil-... !!!!!!!!!!!!! Newport O..u:h MU440 For DallY Pilot W1uu Adi. rubber, many new partJ. * 5t&-49lll * ""'st T-BllJD $250 Dial -$ISO. -Dial -.... RESULTS ean alt & pm. 642-8652 • t , I • '.o__.:. ___ _. __ 0 .WC-• ' •