HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-01 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa~ ' .
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sA TURDAY;'t.fARCH· '" f969
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JI! f· M.~ PCUJk lfobbea · '
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Newport · "h~'s'
Death :Blamed on
~·~· -.,,,_"\..!.• r \ .. . •· Drug· Overdrise
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NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -. Tll!o years and bOaaled ·two years ago • liad'"solv-
to the day after he waa irru1ed~ Clay L. ed" it and would· arrest .evtryon~ tii.volv-
sbaw'waJ loUnd innoceht WIT tOday of ed. "' • · · •· " •
.. ~lo ·assasalnal,e Piealdcnt John Shaw, the retired nianiglng" ~r of -the New Orleans In~nil ,T' a d e
F. Kennedy. , Mart. was itbe,first man.:arrated.'. r.
·. The verdict ·dealt a shattering blow to Garrison used his trial~not ~ to try
Di.St. Atty. Jim Garrison's attack <1n ttie to Prove h:e'l>lott.ed: ~Ui J:M1 ilahrey.Qs.. warren RepOrt. Wald and DlvklW .. Fefrie"in 198.'l:bUt·al-
' Garrison was .not .in the courtroom-so ihat Kennedy waii killed!bY a croufire
lt"&n the silver-haired Shaw rose to'h.ear and a eomli>r'~ in-Dall1S·Nov,.2i,, 1963,
----:~m-.read-~t!rdict reached in only • and"'not -a< the WatreW-Cammilsl.on .... ,.. • .u..pou. •• 1-... _ __: __ .. ..i ,,__.:-e::~··:.·~~~ ..... 0swlld1a!outi1 · ); '.' .:.1
.. ,--.--..-~. ---. • I I '
"We the jury fmd the ·defendant not '· ' · · ' : ; pllfy." ' •, . . ' T
-n. ... ur1roomkupiedln•pp1a-ana p · z · · Bl' cbeen wblle the 51;-year-old retired buai-· 0 ~ce . . arne
nelsman went tO the jury box and abook ' : . ·
b band of eacl;fjuror. y · h' D h •Then Shaw was whisked , out ol the .· .0. ut S Dn't coQrlrooni, llln'OUnded by security men. .,_,..,.,
and into a.car which roared aw8y, siren > •.· # ~. out of the huge green iron 0 ·o· d ' . ga~s<ii.the'O'rle~ Parish· Prtson b\llkf· n . 'V,er. ase '
ing•wbj!re tbe coortroom.ls locale4.
Gattiaon's grim-faced wlllut pros-
ocuttn brulhed ~H rcpodan· quesllons
ODii.-out.lato tbe-~.
'"ft-w• i.:tur-eatutropic hlOWJ.to:t he
lllrribt;lrit :New. Orleans iroseeufur wlio
Nid·tbO Wamn Comnilalllon lnlaled the
na1 !Ida GI tho KeonedT --l!Gn ' t .... ' .... :
ae's HeartUnaer: , . . ' . . ' . ,.
ijeavy Pr~itre.
'·wASilINGTON' (4J>) -Fornier Presl-
4ent J;lwtght D. Eirenbower.'s doclors oay .bil ·alllng heort II ..... "~
tlile" strain from tho. Jl100lllCX!lli. that
Jw compllcatlil bis r.covery fniin In·
~nal 191l'iery. •
"Constdetable"'wu Uit ~-w~ reply
of ·his Army doctors when 'asked how·
n\adi of a strain lhe •1>11eum-. whlcb •~nUy deveiopeli Tbunday nillrt, is P!!linC on the 71-year-old gtneraJ'• beart.
,. Tbe..doc~ors,..howeyer, Jn t~.1',te bul· ) . .tin Frlilay at )Vilier Reed General IJOlpitll, , ~id ."i;»e8rt action i& being
conRanUy , monitored and his cardiac
... tu& remained stable throughoul the
' , .
'Mle-'U.y~ld -.man whose·.body w~s
·foon<I Frk!Oy lllOl'lllDl·benealh a N""J"'I
Beach· JUDde(t WU identified ,j Jlilits
Williams d 111 23rd St.,. de.ad of ll:lffoca-
tionibrought on by a1 pOsslble dru1 ~ov~r· d . ~ . ooe. -
11'1111---~ !f.-~ illa!-lily Ill!!!' ~~.J'dd;;.'"!'.f ••
~·· !D~tcn !oiil !bl 1"91>: abl{•ea..e ,ii Wll>'l''°')..tt"~'..i
bnlJilh("'1 liJ ·~ . • . . .. ' T!1' victim. who wu !Oomd al ) a.m..
Friil had lift<! in t&e' blpjiie· dilti'lct
ol .;:•N""PO!t beachftoiit>lcir lbe i>UI.
two years. • , 1
Tesla oo . the body are cootlnuinC to d~ il, ·willlams u.,i .dnlp . IJ6. tore bl.a death.' . r .! -'
Two yooing lrieDds cl W1111ains: were
laktn to beadquarten 'far qu.,tlonlng In
the -cue. Neither .w .. •ideoillled •. One
was rel-·_, ""d'" ........... aller qu ... t1·••·-'°'.::'ll::r,;v .,..,..._,.~ -.. ........... u3 ,Ull:~WV~, . , , ,
One ol the youlhl; 1lioih~ rut, told
police>1hat WlllWni bid !old lliends be
was PDc to lnJtct heroin. ~ : · ~ body. •clad In corduroy panla
andomcies and. covered qwtloll)"'"tth •
car coat. wu J,m, under, tho -k
cf a rooming house in a dlltrict of New4
port Beocb where beavy dnli .... bu
been J'l!ported. by pollce. .
' .. -
. :.!'~~· ......
.. ' -.. : 1' ~ -, ~-. --r , , . r-·: ..... -. ~ ... ' -. -•• -..
.• --. ... _ ..
• -e
Mesa .Heis,t~
... ~ J • • ·-. ~ ' ,_ ---" . . .
Nets. Haul· · . .
' Of t1M DIJIY l'nM ltlfl _)'
A bandit ·armed· wltli a band. grenade
~nd-a crqwbar bashed llis way thi'oy&JI:
the locl<ed door of a Bank of AlD<(lca
branch in -eosia.. Mesa Friday~·evenmc
and IOoJt.an 'estimated tt7,0\IJ ·ln casli._ ••.
•· ' ··'!'he -bi'aun holdup coincidentally wu
the .etond In the llhiory. <II. Costa 14,._
and the secqnd a\ the same Harbor BOW-
evard and Adams Avenue brancb.'ln,J>oth ,
..-caseS ·the robber wore· a motorcycle he\ ..
met..__........ · '_ · .. ,
The holdiip ~ ll!lnutea'aft6 tbl.
tiuay bank wai closed fol'I the tveninc
and._ (l<t!Ollllel were inllde dofnC tbeil!
paperwork. There wen no rept?rti of in--
jµ:rl,1. . / ' ' •
· Both loca~ and -federal aµJhorities. gaye.
II.tile informaUon about the •Vt:nine.bOld.o
up, wblcli a<cUITed lhort1y alter _tlle
bank's a p.m. Friday closing hour.
Source1 &t the xona T,ianel ' bowlinC
alley near the bank at 28fi Harbor Boule-
• , I'. ~-....:,· .l-.' .'' 1 •I '• , '1 • DAK.Tril.OT• ..... ..,Wllilfll .... " v~, Saki two . WOmen ran lnto tbe:-00.
1neu ·111or11y alter a·p.mJ and aai.r0>;y ·
saw a man beating on the bank's front
Bla•Erupfa Friday u Cuot.mor·Movn Car With Goa HOH Still . In Tonk. ·
. . r ~ \r . · ~ I . . ..,
Jim. Wenslt, tij:e clerk at tht de 1 ~
call«! police; · , . . . . " Niiqn,,:De~~uQe 6pen
. . ', .. , ... , , .. ~· rtis'"· -F nk C a·'" .l'"'F . l ., . r.a .. ·' o.r za · -~ -: .
r PAJUl'(-AP). _:After a ·"good star!~ ..._, . . . . . ~ N1zon and• Prtaident Chlrles
de GatJUO .conlliiiied tbelr,lalks lodoy at
-Versallles P,~ -F8w 1.clemonlllaUons . . . '
marred hil_llnl day•ln"<France.
The . two ~to .ptnr more. than
two houn ·tosetWer 'in 'pr:lvAte !lleuiOl\s Frillay•and-'tholr~ aafd tlie -slilit we "frw ml'~lil .•. A' good·
start," 'F!M!1 ~ •of 'ihe convetsa-
Uofr was· bOt 1d11e10Sed.· •
Nixon J'l!lanlli:bls ,...IOlll wlth 'tbe
French le•der . u the most imporlailt
jlbaJe of the eight-day trtp,that bu tak-
en him. to ma)or Wert European1cip1tala.
He wants to close the gaj:t of ·misunder-
standing that has plagued American4
French rtlatlonl -in i'ectnt years.
NiiOn h0pr!1o for&e a·freah start with
De Gaulle, lor&elllni the' pm In -wblcb
' ,
the· Freneh· !eider bU callid rfor: a les-
Rninl of Urilted stata iavotftnient in
Europe, a ~¥' rOle fdr. tlie North
Atlanllc Trealr· Orgnlu.Uon and forma·
ti(h of1 a , l{tder ~alternaUve to tbe Eu--·
ropean Common N'.arket: · •
,. NJXOll> llrOrigly baClll NATO aod the
Coatmoo M~ 111 well al · Britain'1·
effort, oppoaecf.by;JJe .Gaullt, to gain en-
try·to-the mark~. U.S-. olfldall aafd the
Alllerica\t · Pmldent woul4 llilte tbelO
p;osi.Uonil directlyJ to• his .Fri!neh Counter-· parl ' '• .. ' .
The ~tUnS r for tire aecood 'Nixon-De
Gaulle meeting wa1 the 'Grand· Trianon
in· Versailles, a palace built tn .168'7 for
Louis XIV ~and restored to Jts otlginal
grandeur by De Gaulle.
De Gaulle was host to Nixon at a
black· tie· olllclal ,dinMer _Friday .ni('11
-(See NIXON, PO(I I)
. . . . Sewage; DebFis Polluting . Harbors Aiong ,-Cq~~tliite
. • I . ,
( .. t.-1
· No ~· hiliinnatkui ~· tho ...... . bn411'1i .~ In Ibo liU ... ne • • ... ~ . ..;.,,. '
;~r.vl, • ~.· '"l tati .. •. t•.• .. · "~=r;. ";:k. rtfeued by~ ~.., ~J ~ ~I l!le·l"lll'• tos AiiieJis'
F. -. p· · . oflJCi.1114 press relelie lnlornlation bid' . ire r uces no1 been wthor1sec1 by °'"""' eoonty, bued inVatlptod: The latter agenll
Clouds Of :smoke ~:~::·;= Lt. Avery Smitli
-• " .. aafd • bullalin·bad been --wlth
Fire •en\ h111e bill~ ol blicl: IDIOke
aboYe the st...Moor Oji Co: amicc
station at·Tth lltreel lnf!IP>clllc Coul
HJpwaY.-lii Huntlngtoo Beach ntday.
Firemen lald • the blaze · bepn al I
.p:ril.. 'Friday 1when a custdmer moved
her .car froni. one gas pump' to ID.other
WUh the gas bole in tb'e tahk. • · ·
1 SPWed gai on .. the paveinent wu pro-
ba1>1y liniled by. -ks· lrom.>lbe :Olec>
trlcal . wiring In the ]lUD1p; •aid. Cpl.
R.' Hoorruir ol the HliDUngtoii : lltacb
Fire Depl .
. About 15.llOO in . damage · to· the gas
pumps. Pf,mnent area 1ft!1 a van parted
near another. pump, was caused by the
fire; Sak!Hotmer. . '
No OJI& was seriously injur~ in Uie
fire. Mrs. Edward . Cate, of'. 227 12th
St., Huntington Beach, acraped her legs
and kneel as ahe scrambled away from
~.'car when tbe bl"!' ll!irted. ,
. Hi:r car· 1JU ' not-damaged ' as she
quickly dro.fe 1\ away wtten· ,she saw,
the gas'hoM! an'ap, flrUotn &aid. . 1
• ~ -''~ j>roprt.lor. ol Qie &talion
11 Mfll'l<:e Chisholm, ol !U 11th St.,
Huntington Beach.. . .
Fl.relilen aald there was no danger
of ' exploslori because the ataUOn had
underlf(?Upd gas ·tanks. · · · · -A illght dan'ger to ·, nearby crtide oll
tanks·• wu nert'ed as ftremeil poured
• atelldy •if-of waler OO'tlfem. • . Tlie, SiVe MOOr , 1t.artian · wal · bWJt Jn
1iijo.ilid wu 00. of thO flfit a:eU·aerflte \
slaUona In Orange: COUntr. II : II not noW•ielf• 8'i'Vice~ ; ; .-, . . I
· !Hool: ~~engine · companies, one
lftortel ~ uilit; I . tqUad ud ·four chief
olf1i:ers throe · mlnUtes'to · -I< the flrt and' eight • mlnUler to compleleif
· exUngWlll It ·
Youths · Tossing
Set oil· Fire ·,
the deocrtpllon <ll,lllO robber, wbo w a a
· 1tocty, about Mool-t, about 110 ·,...m.
wearing • llibl blae motorcycle hebilot.
Tbe'bandlt _.. wlillt .-and ....
rled a wblte lipper liq to cany I b e
money, Lt. Snplb uld. Tbe ...poet .,....
a blue nylon jlcht. · ,
The lieutenant, _,....., 1111& .,..,.
yardwlllch. aafd Ila dopor •W not
received ,approval by Ila l It It -
lnl!)fll\aUon In tbl -. "°"' ,....
by clly poUcc. ·
!fe ~!Oted only ---
had been'broodcul to ---clea deocrlbln& tlle bondlt.
Ironically, the alllef boDdlt, wbo hit
the same bank ln August, allo wort a ey.
cle helmet, a white one with 1 dart, wind (See HOLDUP .. Pap I) .
Cranston Raps ..
Drilling Permit .
WASIUNGr<JN (AP)-Sen. Alan Cran-
1lon, (Jl.C~llf.), aafd Friday that o 11
drilling a1iou1d never have been pemm.
ted In the ·sanla Barbara channel,. !Jo.
cause of the known-blJtory of earthqllat.
es·in that area.
"l am cOnvlneed, that neither the fed-
eral government DQt the oil industry la
'reacl,Y for d~p waler oil production In
the San~ "Barbati .channel," be told a
~wa coQference.
.. w'eaaaer
Believe tt. or· Dot, there'• fair
WeaUter in .COre this weelend
-If you'll Wlil'-a .,,h11e.-And
Sunday Jt-#ti warmer llon&
the Orange Cout. _
.. s .... •f:Ule blli11•ll 1lar1. jn
~hotD. burlt&tst art tumlng o"t at
1111 ,i .. 1'fim CO!l.,nlicM Cnlft'
SUndoV liighl to ll<lp a 0"'11Qc
potltl!i flitl11d • '1'~1 ~ncv I lnmlpl!in~ &tt .l.'!olmoi!IMI,
Pw<"lt. ' ' • • • • , ' ·~ r -Clllff'dl JftWl 4:f ... 1...-n • " (....... ... ==-..... Cllllln' \a 11
~~--· ........... •11 om '"""" w ...,. ""'' ....,,........ 11 ..... llliMWI .. .. ._ .. ,........ " ~ . " . .!.'*' Ltl u
,t....i,\ILY l'llOT ·--(5)
Tkt111•• Kw•il · • · ""~ Tli•111 tt A. Mvr,lii11•
M.t" ......... . ,,,, .u ... ..
.. •wtnlllflll
Oll'K"' -~Mt Mts.: ln Wf .. ..,, I"-'
H.-tf ff_ltll: )Ill *-'' OtlbM ............
l-.. KIO: n:I '-•t ·-H1111!!"'1911 ltd; »f Sit! ....
··~ '
A ·Colla Mwc woman bu Md th•
clty for 12$,000 In 1 Superior Court
acUcn which claims lhal ell)' ne111ience
led lo b<r lnjurlet Jut Ocl. U.
. Mn. ~-Bllhop •Illa ~I she auflertd lpJarles,, lhal ~ pc'ov1 lo be · •..em-1: and· JutJric . In an aulo
accident. She 31tlege1 thlit htr ctr ran
Into HI deep bole, one foot In dlameter0
In tht vlclnll)' Of Fairview Ro•d and
sunnower Street. an ~ con-
• 1truct,10n wort wu beln1urifed out.
ll *" llii clt1'• ~billty lo of. fecllvelj cordon off the a'tti and prevent
aucb accldentl, Mn. Bishop 1111<1.
I •
v I
.. l
• • -.
' .. ··-..
' .
, ,
~ ........ ~ ..
. After Iowa State Son. H•l'.014'
::i Thon:IHn, of Davenport, made~
• '1 floor speech urging .his colleegues
'to vote against an abortion bill, he
~got a call from a female constltu·
ent. "She had been listening to the
radio," Thordsen said when he re-
·-turned. "She told me she didn't
like my .last few remarks." ~e
.caller was Mrs. Thordsen.
. ..
Somtwher e ip, Spain there i$
11 thief who won the ;ackpot:
But if he dedd~.s 10. cash in he
toiU wind up in jail. The thief
stole seven lottery tickets from
a car belonging to an unidenti-
fied Elche man last September.
~~~~ .P~ttbes .. ~:
For Ball ·Club •
. Over T~es
. 1 '
Anaheim's California Anpls have put
theb' lawyer -on the mound wtth ,r
apeclfic p1tcbina: instrucUons: ltrlke·out
Coonly Anenor· Andrew J. lllnshaw's
.. trroneous and UDlawful" demand for'
IZOl.171 in iaxes.
· In one stnSe.. the · asseuor· has the
.,_ )oaded. The American League
b~ball ~lub bu already plid the ~· ••wxiet ~u and the UlllllMnt a~
peals bOiicl rectntlY uplleld. ~w·s
-argument Ulat the club must pay taxes
on UfoH: areas of ~im stadium
that are nqt under ita ..,1rot
The Lu:ea paid ·by the ·GOiden West
Baseball Co. -the corporate atrur.tµre
of the Ana:els -pertain~ to ftlCal year
1968. · And the amount •t .luue was
paid, the club charges, over ·ud above
the normal ta:a:es for those sectors of
the stadium ldually conttoDed by· ·the
Anit~ · ·aw ahould be claimlnc bis tu,..
from -the city .of Anaheim, .the club
contends. ..
The llli~ whl~ nam"' Oraop County
and "the .illelsment. •PIJeJll . .board ..
defendanU, ota• ~t the IZOl,000 ll
levied over stadium F,tu adm.ln1$red,
' in terma of revenue, by the ctty uoder
the An(el>-Anahelm constni£Uon agree-
This second came of the Hlnsha.W..
AilieJs world Nrlei wljl" be pllyed_ On
• dlte yet· to be aet in Superior ~·
· The tickets have now 10.on a
1h4rt in the fiNt prize of the
National Lotterv end mv.at be
cathtd in toda11. But if the maft
trie• to collect on the tickets.
he will go to ;ail for theft.
Funeral Slated vouliG~ MisA ARr~sr ~APTuRes_ w1ND AND"wAv1s ·
Scott Koftnidy Points llNll fo Eorn Money• m Ono of His Dwn . ~ ,_,. ,.....,_ ...... ___ T'oday· for Mesan · -.. · . 1
.. · · · 11eet :dae.~ Pett 1 .. ;
_ Pub .owner-. Eddi• -Phllllps of D! U .:1• 85 • " · · "' " " " h · . :,::-::;:.=:"~ . ~:.c: ·.=:: -~ y .nu' ·ng·· . . . •,4 \:p...:~t nu· :is· s· .. ·a'· i"l"
'"after closing oiie'.n!Jhi and ·found da• foe •Jonitlme Colla Mesa mldeot .., -' .Lt:~r~llld F ·. . . .
• his Alsaliiln wa\cli~oJgTn a di)riik· R~ I. HolfwhO'd!Od·at ~ qe GI IS . .. -en heap.on the flOQr in lrOnt.~~e . in a Gl!'den"GrotJt conYaleteent bolpltal . ···~ .• ~ .. I• • • • • • • •
.. -fog fire, his rump hairs on fire. ·-:.=.~~=:~'!:"~ C·a· · n· vas Onto Oil Canvas . ·"Phillips :explained that Rex -had retired flrmtr. He hid "Jived in Colla • . ·
••.the habit of lapping up the small Mesa for the · ..... 32 'year1. ·~ piJddles of cider and ale spilled on Services ~for JO:SO a.m. Satur-' .. ·By RUDl "NIEDziEL,ltl
the floor of the pUb. Fbilllps bas day at Brown'• ·Celonlal Funeral Mor-or~-DIHF '""''''" declded"lo send the dog away 'for t\Wy, Santa Anl. B1111al-1rill be at· Mel· Abbe M--~~· .p .... -•-·'-'-. s1 .. k. saillni· ablll!> their brightly col-a "cure.'' rost y cmunu ...... ~. 'o1t .~ -·-• eel b d ""'l treCI • 1plnnater1> filled to the bunting ••
Four bandits ordered customers
.in a cocktail Jounce in Ganlena to
''.strip doWn." The 17 men and
women complied at gunpoint.
'!'bey piled their clothes in a heap
r< on the floor and lay down. The
" gunmen escaped with $3,568 from
wallets, punes and cash registers.
. , Noliody immediately tried to.fol·
• • Jow the holdup Jl!en out the d~.,, • ....
_ Mr. H ~ •~ .. v . y..two 1..,. en, ..... t lth ~ .. ~--~-k ·~-h Mrs. Beute E. Cantwell of Costa' Men ~· .w a •111U '""~"'"• •w-wuuul
·and Mn. Ora Mle lloblon or.sam.· Alla; • • '!bi~~·walers •m the palntlnp and
f<m iitandd>lJdren. and cme .,...t (rlDd-the1 .._,lloii ¢ Costa Mesa artist
child. Sa>U •Kamedy •
Ksmedy, a higb -IChool aenlor who
SCenic Project
R:~port Slat~
. A "ptoject roport an Ille South Coast
Scenic' Improvement Prolect will be
given members ·fl the Dan'a l'olnt Civic
Association . at • pul)llc ritffUul Mai'cll
13. . . .
mUte: hil home at 2273 Ruta;ers Drive, = ~·:~~tithe-~!
~ ~.who sail. to the South east
and to pl1ces With stnD(e IOWldlng .aniei. .
·Yet ownlnl one of lhtst sbipo 17-Y.ar
old Kennedy places on can\1U hat elud·
ed -b!m ao far and has remained only
in hiJ JmagtnatiOD.
•11~w~-tol lei a skipper's' Jit~e ,
arld So into the> charter busln<n as ~ u I.can," said KeMedy Wistfully.
sloop which took aecond place In Claas E. . ·. . ..... .
First on hi~ qenda, Immediately after
his J une grldllaUon, la to fipd a erew
slot on • 1hlp partlctpaUng in the Trans-
Pacllic Race to Hi:Wali., : · '
KeMedy also owns a' boat of his OWJtl,
a 10.5 foot Penguin ·dciclitd ·al Newport
bland, on wbich he· haull up the llllla
whenever he can, crulsing the waten
and thlnklnf about the th\le · when the
canvaa on· bls easel will · be . replaced ·with'• much'larger one on the mat.
• Archi~ Bl)rl<!o H. WU"'° wlll ll)>tlk
on the study for eathetlc Improvement
a1-111e 'arta 'from Three Arch Bay to
Dana Pdlrt. '
"I , want to . do1 a Jot of tr4velin1 to _
the South .Sea, Alric._ maybe around tbe·warld:• . Could this .. he
~· .
The netlng Will begin al 7:111 p.m.
In Pena Point'& Communi!Y Hi'J'l<·
.Tlie 115,oool>eiutlflcaU.O stddy 11 beln(
flnaDc.a jOlnlly lly t1* county 11"1 ~vale
-· JI ls .upeC_ted lo become a . pilpt projoot alf..U.,, future beautlflca-
:!:J..~ for Onqe Counly'• U-mlle
. ~ . '
. The day KtMedy wears a 1ldpper.'1
hat on 'his own· ocean.1oin1 .craft may
not be too far in tlae lo.tare. Tb date
he bu palntecf'~t 100 oil!, :lllO pen fMCI . ink .cfrlw~p:. produced ap-
• prolimalely 1,000. lithographs of bis ut
•.orb, ·and ha· managed to »ell most If.them.. . .
Four 'Husky M : ' · Tbe .. nimey 'bl' earn.· fn.b. biJ artistic en -..... which range ·in ~ from 115 'for a pen "and ink-to $loo fi>r . . . ~
-NahLagunaRock a lll'1e . oil; 11· plac!id"ln apeclal lund
fof 'tM "·bit boat.. ( . . .
• "A: lot ol 1 boei · owien In· the arq
conuililsloa "me to paint lbelr boat..
There 1re maziy people who. buy my
...,.k too because they Just like old-Ume
aallltlg lhl .. , .. he explained. ·:. Evu-..., notice hot.O .sbmt ~le
:. --nnn get· rattkd flO fM(Ur.!*°"·"'""
~· tic thing• o•ti' Thil coed ,...,,,bf one
of thole coot calm types ai 1h1: gets
i• ""'"' ttudv nnlf a/kr about 200
l Uniwrritr oj Wisconsin idi:n' on a
'f'O:mpa.ge breaking window1, thnnritto
actnk bomb1 and tumfno over tfah
·bim in m buildings Oft the camptU. • · · At Watton-at-Stone; ~land. the
village rectbr dedded tie woald
, aive up his. sertt>ON for Lent 1hll year In an etfort, to tncrulo at.
tendance at serv"lces." ltov. l>oMW
. Thom-.aid h• !!<>~.his idea
1 of not preaching durl!>l"Leht would
iJlcrease attendances al Mal!DJ
•'and Evensong ori Sunday•. "Tiie
healing system has not been worlt-
• Ing properly lately and I thouJht
• \hat without sermons, people
'-iouldn't have to 1ufftr 90 long/'
',he said. ~
Four rather huaty men with • flldna·
tion f<r roct may one! up breakinr
it .. pert " • debt to society u Lqun.a Beach police catch them. ne theft of 500 pounds " llva r«:t fftm ~Vacation VUlage ll'ound• were
reported this wett to pollco.
A nef&hbor. reportedly AW four men
eoch . pick up die nick In 1.... cinmkl
and lood it into • pie~ truck. '11\e wttnm Cllled owner Loren
llmwline who then reported the theft .
'Ite klM WU lbout SlJ. •
Col11irihia to Drop • •
Controversial Gym
NEW YORK (UPI) -llowlnr' to "a
-field al oplnlco in lht com-munity," Dr. Andrew W. Cordier, ICilna
pretidenl of Columb41 Unlvenlljl, bu
recommended droppl1I( pillnl to build
a centn!Yml>I -ll1!Mlllum. The plan to build Iha l)'IMUium in
Komlnplde Park wu ..,, GI tht facton
In lait 1e•'• aludent dioturblnces.
•:! l!fcame interested jn painting lbipo
aoon Iller.I took up lallln1 and:tfound
thal few pei>ple palrited'll!lpo. And thoee
whO did cwldn't put enouF foellng in their palntlnga 11 I thought they could,"
Kliniedy reCalls. ,
"I ·jtut love a pod ·Ille 'ffhen rrm
aalllq -It rully -· the -of Ille ... and tlm't •hat I "like to "Jl'h'lt." . • ' ' -.
Kennedf'I ¥.! WOfk bu .lotlan .a lot " -e in Iha irti and his ~l!DP
have -abi>wl) at the N~ Nillbiiill
Blhk, lhe ~Arb Show, Iha Stnta
Birbira r'dilTll GI ,4na. Rlclm'1'• Man<t. ancf In Buena Part, ......,
W1len Kennedy is not palnUng, wbich
II rarely~ be worn the f«edect and .
handlet ' the halyardt for other boel
...,,.,.. wllo cnmpek in distance raca.
Dm1n( the Put ytar he crewed on -tend races lo San N1cholu Island
-lo EOJenada on "luanlta," a 1$-foot
' .
Jack Bidweli · · ·
• \
I ••
~ ••
' -
• . , • •
. . .
" • ..
• ' . ' .
; .
' 1
" .
" ·~
I .
~ J"
' •
• . •
• •
I i:
• •
FAIRVIEW~~ ~!'!,.UR~l:I
t UL '""°"" CltUltCH ICtlOO\. •Ill •.M. Jt. NI a Ir. Ml ..... ,.... ,. ......
111111._WI&.1 .. • •M 'A
-.; ' ..... ~----~ ...... c..':"f'..... • :;i~' '. ~~-'. ~-' .~ .. ~ .... -~1 .
I .•• '1'1-;1DI>)~ ··~· ........ c.... ....
; CHRl$TIAM ·sclENCE .'
. CHURatES --· ·"' .. " -~ .. t-~f -',;
llAMCllD or-THI tt0TMn tNUICM~ •
TMI rim CllllaCltOf CNI"'; -
.. w.1...,;..y,.._
sr. olAllll. -·•·lw.. __ ._. -____ ,...,, ......... ,_, .... ..:._..... '~
...., I I ,,. • ,.... ....:..· • I,/
Newport H1rbor
luthtr1n ·Church
1!111 al!f Dr. u H293 .-. .... .-•. -...... ..................... --
Luthoron Churcli
of the Muter .
!!900 Paclllc View Dr.
........ OR "5022 ·" • ) 1 ................... 11a~n.1.w ...... -__..:
. . ' Phof!ii '1N210 ' .... A.M..-~•·llr ·--
"CH RI ST JES .. U.$'',· · · · IT. MICHAn ·a .ALL ANGILs· ""'""'"""'aftllallle ··~· A.M.-s'"""-
. Pacllle View .Dr. at 'lliriuerlle. Corona del !Illar -.t Ill -s.1..i
':..·1 •. 1.; .... ~ .. -~ ......... ..,., ' · 5-·i.iioiit't :4t LID.· Morning Wonhlp -11:00 a.m.
' ~I Unloll I p.m. Evenln1 ..m .. 7 p:m. ~ w •• Slud1 • PrlYtl' .... -.. ;;;'.1 7:00.p;m. I ~ • • . , ... -~ ·. ~ I
Subj'ct of Leuon -llllai<h t · ·~. . . B1lllllql: 8:0(), e:ir...:;. CblJcl Care ·at 9:30 WILCOMI 'I hOO A.11..;_"'d!M ..... ,,_ • .' BOil Dl,JI. aa 111110UD<>ed . • -llwfli • "
e .. ,~· ~,:... P1ril Clturdlof chr11t, S.Jeftlltt . ; . ...,.,, .-. ... -----'"'"'" 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , . llSO M-.Y,;. •··--: """ • ·' · .T.,JOHN THl'DIVINI, 204S·i>ranp A".; c.M. .. . ' ·• · s.~ .... ,., : ''" A.M. " · · ,. • " · Sund111 7:30 ·• 9:30. Churdl Schi>ol-9:80 · · · = S::: ~:O·~ ,_if; · Tltun4a11: 8:80 • 1cra.m.; Roly Diys as annouilced , ......_ CHRIST LUJHllAll CHIJl'"U .--' ..................... re ·-....... MMIH . --.-----· _...
RJtSl" SOUTHERN 11,APTIST CHURCH Huntlnpn B..cl>-fJnt Chutch of Chrllf, Scl1nllat IPISCOPAL ,,,_. :s= ,
,,. liAiiil.1'011. COSTA MIU. ,all.O... .. . , 111;=::i::::::::::::i::::::::=:::====::;~~·~• '==! ~ 7~ ~T~. --·• .... , '";"L .. '::;'... .... ··-t.--1 L' f ' -.--...,. ... _ ... I 'JI',,.. _,_. ... "".".""'."" ... ......... "" '• ' --tt11ep . -~ ... " "10 J::... I , ',· ' " ' ...... ' . , :i, ~'""''. ·¥-r' •1'41 "Tt•lftlAf U11t•i.·.;;· ......... •:oo ---,. ~.. ~· ............. llW .•n·~-·. ,, ........... fl.~ 14tnilf w.n11, ..... ll•OO ._ ....... w.Mt, ........ ,,.. I ·-·na' ___ :._ _: ... ,~ c· hu-L of -Ch~-'-. $ch-•lst • ' ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL UI' ""H . ·Cit·-· ....... -._-..... ,,..... ' .• , . -till .WM. ln11!111 ·S•Mq ••• -. 7:00 __... ~ r ••• ~ nH nm\ .. &119!!!-'_--... -........ ,_ ~ ~-,i.~?WIT-1 ICllOOL . . '_l41•1f'' ~ .... ~..l9-f1~1 ... ..,, '!--t ...... ~·'!111[1[11•! '(_ ' ,,, " ... Dr~., ' ,_ . . --CWilllW -'l~§ij~~~~~~iiiliii~~' ...,.,.,ClltQ • ....., SU.11 ttll l 11:ot •• ,, ' I .,_...,,,.._C.CllW...... ~ ' . --· . • ... , .• _, .. •• • , · • t ·1·, ............ IM.....,Aw. , , -· -~ Sund sefvl · . 11 . ' · ~ ·-• __ _ •
· · · t.i'ewoort ~h-Flrst l'l.u..i. ;,fChrld ,Sdentltt ••t!!-"*--"Y,...,.c:..,_,. . ._. · .-~ffuawnt11:~--!~ ·11 .1.f:-.1 t :hti.~!w. -l~;~;. •-· ·:~'t;.,..J •'"T~• -~=~:::-=·. 1. ~ ....... ~.~ _ .. ) •• /J .\ · ·•llN5·0llP1ACILvnwH:'CHuacM1~·,\
\ ''f'C" .. 9-9'~ ~ rr= ~ . ~i •. ~cww -as.w.rs······· t :11it1:00 I'",·,... ~ y--· ~ ....,tn,........ ,·' \\.: t.c-.vwlf ·D.tt.·,:hk.'Str'-'.r~~~~·~tfr.
'. : . • ..".~L • • 5/5~ .. • ...... _ UllYloJ.Uo · • 11~==========::::;;===~~~1 " ' .... .,.._ .... _ ,_ ... .
~· ' ....
l Mlbi'r' ""'°" ............ ~~W·~v .. !.'':;tr ftit Nowpo' rt. 8udt.· ·Se~ftd Church af Chris. t, ·Sc1en1_f.t Ill ~ .. Mtn11r11 ~ t:• •:a• n:tt lllNllY SCMilft t:tt. t:•" n:•
-_,.,, ... _. ................ _ · 11w Flnt AsMlll~of Goer Church , :·•...., " ...... """"""'"'....;M1 .. M .. llf .... ,..,,,," ft'PH• '=='" ~~.'.!._.:1.!.~':l!!ii .......... ; .. ·~· I' · · .• J1 .. hdftc,Ylew !"-C.,... .. .,_ · l" I 2lnd ' · OHM. PH11e1 14t.ol21 · ' S.L-• ..,_.,'..t.Olll _ MtDW.•K ••• IC8 WDllD8aT .• : . .,, •• ; •• ; ...... :::11-..' . CllillfCll & S-..,., lltiiel 11 ~M. "9 • II., ce.fl 541-'7'1 .,..,. .,.
l .,._ t. ...... ~ '!> • ..-;~-.,...t ... ;... /. . , • . ~ ...-.....Zl61 L c.-HW,. M. C. Cronic, Pa1tar ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
l , ·. . All are cordlaitY tnvite4 to attend the church ser.vtCa l'•y Nlch10.11, M!niit1r '' Y1111th
and enjoy, the prl'flleges of tho Reading llooml ICMUULI Of S11Y1cn. -
_ l!l,IST .FtRSf ·CHRTSTIAN ' ---ArMJ.sUYlca •·--w"!'A;"''""""'1'1"11""""a' ',,.."'-A "--di'-' w:._,, __ ""--
IAPTIST c:HulcH CHURCl:I . " '" . -. . .......... ' --.....,. '"' .......,. """' ' ·-· · .. l!la•••••--•••••••• .. •-:! °'""" a.i.~s...,. '"'-., .. ,,;. THE lllllftl\ METHODIST ................ VlctonaA:PlacentlaAve. "' "' ' ,......._ .. _.,.·-A-UIWIW ' PIURO:I . ··,·14.·~.j,a··, . COltt·lll ..... ;.. CHURCH oF. CHRIST ' ITA1I-----I , '''"" . ., .... H1111tl11tU• ..... ~ertl'
,. ...... .. ~ ' • ~ ...... 141'DJ
·r -~-~-·'~•-·1 .... -.Ul •'l(,WIL.SOl!IST~COSTAMISA
s.i.., S.hfff , , , ••. taJt AM ~·v-:C-~• I •" llTWllN HUIOI .. PAllYltW M.,,.1_, w .. h1, ,, 11:0I AM ,_.., ~ ........... 11• 1.111. , SUNDAY MORNING lllLI STUDY ••••• •••··•••••• t:41 ~ p, s ~-6 tt "" 111161 11ct1111 ............. t1•..,., 1 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP" l COMMUNION•• ID:-41 AM ..,., 1""'"• • •• • : ,""'1lkll ~ ........ 111• &.111. SUND~Y EVENING WORSHlf 00 PM .... llllflf ·W.rdll, •••• 7111 PM YMtll ""'9 ........ 1 ....... , •-W'"N••o·,.., ,. • ~.;.,:•••••••••••••• 6z • • .,...., ....... -""..... :~··care··provkt;d -u "J iVE~~~;~~~:.om•······· 7'10 PM
147 MMnt -· -0.-·•Mloo ... AloW.. ' I . ._ H-....... ~ ·~ ...........
w ........ 111 y,, ..• Phone: 541-5711 Illy or Night
CHURCH CHURCH I 11H V1ct.rl1 St .. C..f1 M111
Mein &: Aclem• Str1et1 · 11)$•'!1'':""~._!l....._!"i"ii'a"'5646-46"'5""5"'2~jj Hunllnt!Oft ·lo1c;li, II .
M ... , ........ ,. •••••• ""'' •, "'.8AHA'IS . i l lbl1 Sc.""4 • ••••• t1IO PROCLAIM '--L....1!-'.-t,
y .... 6'flp1 •••• 6100 PM B h I I II h ...... ~... r;: Eve1tlnt W1r11tl, , , 7101' PM Q Q U 0 . Thi Plin.ol God i
.... ...,., ....,. -..,. - , ,..... n. rmon a1 airat . .. '~~·~·~·~·~""~'~'.,~-~~-~,.~-~-~._~·~;;:~"T(,~, ~··~··~t~H~d ~0..~·~·~~~ Tht Pawu of the Holy Spln1 ~ , OMo11 ~ •• DllilDf ans... M~Jll !I" l~t:2001 s-.i.y SdlOll ! AM • ~
• MomJq: Wcmhlp ' 1,,d 10:30 A.I.A ~
Ewrillla Slmca 1 ~ -
GO AHEAD! , · • · ":::.:.::;~. ~
A full Yodo -.,.. ~ ... 1:11'..... ....... em.J _, (~
. 1111111"1 11
St. J1-Epltcoptl Church
3209 Vii Lldl. Nnport .. ..._
Miii aa• L•..... Hfl •NaMATIOlh CAu. ~
15th I Monrovil, N1wpprt leach
'"" ''"' Wiit " Mite ""''""' 646-6620 or 54'-7066 ·
fllllNI ......... .... -~ ,. .......... .....,,
tl41A.M.-...., ......
·1tiM AM.-..,.._'-ti ..... C.....-N.:.1
. t-~''"'"' ~ IUNMT-7 P.M.
SINGSPIRAnON --hvlhl'1!."'llf. V1-nl Choir
Pr..,... M..tf11to S1h.N1y t :io A.ti ·.
'"•'VARY CHAP'IL -~ ........ ~ :unt. 51. ...,..,.. . • Cotta Maa ••
.............. • ' 1 Pdl!WH.L ... lfCA..._ -,
111 At1t1 675-0tSO
1:11 l11f-•I W1rdtlj.
' :t :lOiTtMltl1111 W111hlp
' "'"''' "'-'
I .c..t.MN. fllST .UNmD
lffh II I Htfkr IMI. w.,....1, a c._.. s&1i..r
141·7127 . .
. COll!MUNllY
6662 Hin A•i •• ~142-4461.
W1nhi11 I ctwrah kM-1
t I I01lf"AM • .. ,,.,_...,.,"'
W....W, •••• 1110 AM
Ma.ti!'fr .. 111,...1rlly 1-
St. M1rlr ~ril111
c"'"""' h-Do.& J•~IW. . ' Cod1 Mo,.· . Neri\.. • ....... h1dl ..
MHI Venh I labr St. ' 21611 Wnley Dr.la ...
14t·271t t s .. u,...
W..Wp I ctnuU Sch... wn1, t 1IO. I 11 AM
t!Otl lllJIAM ~ w...l t 11e NA ... ~~ , .. -.. ... ......... '-"' ~.... . '
2721 17" St ••••• 111-)111 1400 W ...... 1M1. Wt• -t1>f I II•.-. 671·1• ,,~1fftlin.J-'p1Je 't ll • W--"' I a-'lli....., Ckr.h Sek.I -t 1JI..., , t 1il,I llttl AM .
-----· , e 740 W. WJI....; Cotti Mota .,. .. "" --- -......... _, --' '611 HILJOTROPI. ¥. L HlllWICi. -CAIL .. lllllf ---• .. • "" "" - -,.. INTINllVI w~11111 A.M. • 114M7" ,._ " -·PRESBYTERIAN ,CHU.RCH·ES. -.. _. Wiii ,_..,..." _....,.... D•P-tl'll DAD.Y Pll01'$ -~ !~ ' tfU7a . ~. 9512 . 'tlmr4 •••••I' 11:11 ... ....
. :::5if~· ~~~~~~~~~=-~-~~~~-~·~t= .. ~-~-~~-~-llCll~~ .. ~ ... ~ltoj~"'~· :"'~-~~: ... :·:.,~· M: ... :w~J~ SUNtAY lllYICU of ' the ,Coastal A~s ' . . OU.,,...., Urtl M fftu$. ' • ._...., ...... .:c,1. tl4tA.N.--t•11ICl111,2Mol--.. __ ,...vou .... : ·· 67'>4000 Cllrlst ·-_..._ , _ . ..,.. . ., _ Jf..!_H A41. -"CM!.tt ftilt .. ., A111a•"' 1-Wll'Ui fN9l'flllall
11 '''"''~·"' r.11.,. Ifill 11p111 , .. -w..t ............. -~
'. J/aJ,;,~ C/wiian C/w,J. S.ve~Day Aclyi_ntllt ·Ch!i'clles . ~= ~:::: !.:":.;: _ .,_,.. _. ._ :.:·,,:,-;,: ::~-:::...""::. A.M.
1 t t $11111•11 .., ,...... -111 .............. tf;4I:.
Of NIWPOIT llACll-1 .... _ .. , -M-&otw'Nltwl COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ci,.rcll llf tM 'Covin•
f, ~ I ;111" ..... W rat .... 171 ........ SftMt .......,., It "'-••1-•••,....._. ,__.., _ c• cw.
411 L ,., IA.I C... .._ "J,11111 Shw1Mff. P1llet ....... -,....., CIMtm a..,,'::,~,~ .. ~::-;,,~ •
.. • 1
.. Chiirch Sdioo -t:4s A.M. ""•"' ..... "' · · uni er...,..,......., . ....., ......, • a..ti .....,, ,,11 t'''' MM ..
WOhhlp -'10:45 A.M.m · ,_ """' .... ''" ""' "' t. 1oft.., .,.,.., RRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH St A..._., ._.i....;..i_ c• ..a. ......, c..-........, _ ...... w.-.... 11...... "'•"' ••2-"1' "" r-... -. r;.., 1 ,,,, ••••· fOUNT~......, • ,.-• ,.,-Ii-A 1 ;;·~-,_ ...... _-2
----17' -15 --IWol "" to)t AM UNIFI-lllVICI 1--• •-'-·' t • ~;a .... r,_..,.. _,, . ••.....-............ Jiii ......... ....., •• tt:H AM .., • .... .., -iJ-WOlSHIP • lltll CHAM• I d i~l!!l:U. PAM1:
Mlnbter. Dr. D. w. McElro• . . . wwi,&YHftt._,..,,,,,... ' ,.: •141~-!t~·.,•·ltl••ilAM i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~· ~~~~ . ...,.., ,. .. w-4 •• •• ..,....., -. -' 0 lEMPLE SHARON ·11~==·~<.. ;''"=· -==-~-=-=§'"'·=-5-~====l· :. St ... ii iiytllli• Ci.tdi . ur c...• •• , • .,, • ..,,....._c-.,· ...
' ST. ·M>.TTHEW. LUTHERAN ~HUR(;\1 · n. ....... ~,"~1nH•""','~. 1 ... th Trinity . ' --1111. -, '"''"-' s,..,, . "'" -M ~ UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH • ..,.. ·--· 114
'1* ,,. """' f, • w1nhl,.,., tt th1 , &\7W,.HaA1iictt..W.. .• "" , ~ i UNIVE-.tTY PAIK SCHQOL I .. ·-....... -...... ... • • ... ........ . .. n - - -.... COlll~nlty ,,. s~I!,....... 'Clian;h
S1ndhr9 1t M.titthews ht u~ ,.,~ . IMUtH mNIH• samca NIDAJ -~ll!P.Mt.,..' I WORSHIP AND 1.S.P. "' ...... A:..il. ...... lt.J. i..--.....
I WOUHIPI lt:Jt A.M. • .,.,......~-.-... .......... _ ....., ..... -1:::.r:u . .. Mi.ili _, .. PAl'ftN: I ~~~·~~~ .. -·_·_H~.N_1 .. ~~~·-·~.;_ .. _u~ .. -:·~·~··~l2~\·=--~-..l...'..Jll_: ... :"":•L..~~"~·=··:·~:.:::~: .. :.:""'::.·~~~·="'::'~:··~:··~~_'.'. .. ~·"~·~-.tl~~~_:w~·~·~~u.14~"·~ .. ~?:·~"':N~·~l~Ul~·~·'4~!~!~'~~,~·~--.;_~·JL~~·~-~ .... :::.=·~Cl~J= .. :.:·:·'~':"~T ·~"'-""'~:·:.:·:-:'*":::··~ .... ::.~..J I
' , • f'J~. ~ f'llTJlll ' 4 -.
'c ' ' ' I ' I ' -. ..
. .
. '
P~.µ>IT ~. PEW ~ • • , ; ~ ''J .• . _ .......... ·-.. ,_,,..-. 1tetter-· 1t1era . .. ---; )
(•i··-~ .. ,., .. -~~:-~ = ~~-":ii:~.r= •• _, 1
•• ·~is· ·N· ·e= eil: :·M ·1·n· · ··str-y· ,-·~,.~i;.:; ~onlll»-<..UllAllu....._~.eri i.fl'!!iW1.. · ..:::·--• -b . .. . -U, -~ . • -·· _-. -<•• •-~~ . · •W'41'trdif· ~·oiiliill.-i :•ll~'liiliGil iJiOdnL , .
..,,...,. ... l!!N•~ l ·:· ~ .... ~.nu wett 'tbt ~e ~ __.;:;........ .,.-. f ~ \.
~' · ' "'1J M '1'*> ' NOi A tray=. /tlll'IL iil>J!h , ' , _ . i·I ' ' ·llf.t'blllpO..~,..... ....... " ' • · .• • o1i'BLw-•ot .lloc!ili. . ' '' •1-, cX*JlllLL 'tllo inoed fotcn, hu tumid cor,aald-""--·'°"' "'c.. '\.i~··· II ,,.,.... ·-I • Jhn'rJI ....... Jj "' • ~ -~(lP)-aourdl GUI a .... nwwal, under ~mllll ".;;p;-..:ithhll;Nn.
Coioao del JW, -, ,....,. "Iii tha"'llllil• --__ ...,...ptloo. He "'11 .• ~. ' ,...i. lidaJ --IW· • 'and Catbollc 11eqclel, to mOlphlre o1 pltllelo equality
~Ill A .... ,,,;ChrlllJ0..."k lM1111Jjeet Iha ·~ -V.:.a -o~ • · .~bolhol-rich lftd poar, la an 11-
a otrmon OlllllJld • So Thll "' be heird at ~ tpialt SU!Mliy, 1:111 p.m. *' • nepilve vtt w ol mllltary ,Welt churi:h wort 'relaU,. 14 '.where performance.It the llOlo·
lJt a Liberal Qrilrdol" at ·II Se-. cBurcbes tbls Sjlnday. "ilndpranc6 Leot!s to GOd'• · -. bul a Nlllloua np'1t Ille mllitlry sphtre. crltala. A nwo.11 "'1:.:1;." .
....... _..._._QllW, _.I> ,., ,_. -' •. ·. ~" = ' -the _. ........ II caa lhert; ....,.U.. ol • ·
Pl'Mdtdo Cbul<h ocbo6I II . ...__.... -~· Dottt •tr '"the klftadom ~Is Ioca1ec1 -' ,_,, ~-' "It'll .l lllG and ...... Uy co!tuni «1!alloa. lt•Jlllildmi' bel4 al lbe ..,..11our .. ..,.. at 1llO ~ II. -• IDM'I cap&bW!IM, i\Mded p>lnlaloy. lavolvlllC a .-the f 'ltraot ol l11411C, --:7"·.' '., ,. ·~~ = .:. :;:""::::..:._,· . ~'andflllb. , . blf .~ o1, modern oq1 wtiat:ll!n4 o1 •amft"lll'a'
PrMcblnr • "Woidi JI lbe -m J'rldiy, 1:11 j.m. ........ a -.... k Jlllslloa . I "Ho ~ -tot ol 'It -!Iii;" lie, tald; llOllai ,.i In ·him." · .· er.-~ Wliat Illa lpaclal«I at lbe CommullllY OOofrtp-ompbaaJo. the ~ a 1laller ._ .. ..,. tbe llev. lltal :!i;niQHon • .--Falher Swam0a'lald...,..
SIW," .the -~· Jo11ph llonal~'llllCllalla'nd-VllllJ ...... IJireli, l!!t EdWard,1.-plul dlpendan\' 11111'0 lndlcalt f11at -10llanod
Mcfl!ilpe ,Jll!l ,~ ~ I :11-llald Av-·;• to·1 ll1ater ~.t .. FllUntaln Valley, . "!!JIM Mll!v,e yaJoes thot !, ~ ~ &Oft\ ~ .....,..., ar.
Jll!!. 1e'll! 4'~•-.:11 ~_\'"ces: c_:..,. · > ..,:··:::.:..:..:.:~. ·~-~ .the11, l°"abr"J~11 : 1111111 dtfQm.. -day1 a ' . w ~... more m&llu'e, _. .,.. el Mt...... _ _,, -~ ~~·w -~ •r M hlv• ~IQ ovtrlook. By mllllbd. lllemlel"9, llllke belle.~
• a.ltl, .l'ltl llabr SI., Cotta by Jlabbi 'Btm&ld I!. .a.m. lld I p.m. -· · llltlr antapollm Iowa r 4 Thm are 4,100 clerlYJ1IOll otu-, ¥' ifta'waH;..,..
M.._. , ' Qoklsmlth ,jn,~!lllet!i!l:o.\ili SU""'1 IChool cl_, are mllllary-lllt, they've allo.hurt "'"'on.d\117., ~lalnl, and more lll!d.,. llklrt *laplallll ~·-tor H="·-... .h114 .111 ,1:_4I a.m. lftd,· yculll lhalr mlnlilty "' a ~I•.~ llli "nlll\loil yOUllf men to ......_,..nues. · •
U _,_,,_ .~ ....... -~'"~ ... ·--....,_ •• • • .. -.... ~ ,_......... • ....... !ot ... d~' lftd ·-.----... " : " k -re•--· --The .um '• "Life Bellfti: . ...,. --. ...-p.m. .,.... ..... ~ .,.__ a :,:,_, .....:J;, coNCIBIGNG'. ii..~·
la • taP P Clol*I M.,. 1140" """'wlll moef llhrcll Nunarycirail·provl<ledfor-·-~ p•-"' ""°'_-,.,_ -:rrr-........ -~ ~ -. !lit 'Vie-,..... aH·ICllodlllld -... _.. .. -· Wllltlllle , ••• •llW' 11111uaUy lo • """"' Fatbtr aw--•-~ II, al I l!-111-•l ::~·l!Om .' ·• · -..::::.,·-)lrll*wboo_ llOldlm.wtreac-clvlllmllle. , lw been _,....._._. ·a• torla St., tl)ls -.,., ~· ~ Mr •. aMc•'. MN.· )I a• . . . "" ' -· , -I ho ·--"r"' vw. Kauatoowlll[Mdthe_.,.. NUdelman, .tl3S Ave.aide · llallbl .. ,J!alal .~ Ma ol "11At · '""'" ·-m. '1n tho fitot <0111Probeoisive ICldltn ~of Ila • .,... ,,,... •lltncl!oc the stnjce ~--·I ,.___ . · F\llltrtoou.. Temple 8 e.t h . 11ys 111111 bac111oe o1 estwlvt .. ~ "' how u • -"*'•ho llld llllJY."'O ....... ara aiUd It ~ 1o the -·-• .. ,,. __ ,_ · .'.' ~. wll1 11e·.ti.i .... w · i.--~ • <>PP"'lilon It the Vlllnlm wat, . -• . "mllad, lpll-upqn, -.ir'.
tO:IO Lm.-ll ''object, ., ..,,-•' ' " ,plrucl« I Ito "Jntrpduction" . llllicb. ol the -baa . ~ c.:,. .hli> Jll r-1' llllll 1'Pi!:W •·m ol t
-tbime .. ,_, ... .:::..::s~"~=~ ·:i.·J~· ~ ollertd F1·gh. t -Set. t~l .. :--....ea~-"'!'~ ~ ~-1 " ..... rOlallllf ..... "~ ..... .-. ....,....:...._ ............ lodlvt&W 1'!1Ues) at Qr1tl Qoordl ._ ... ..... to J..,. Ind . .....i.... lft . Z' on ·~ pldlen -"'· PalbOt -p.r o , I d e 1 Wltboal llldnc· fJl:f ,_...,., or ....,.m" to llW'e wltlo lbe United Mllhodlll~' HOO w. Oranp COWlty. . ,. . . _ _ · • '"l'ho)''ve -tnated lib . dOWled lnfpr1Jlilfon' and ad-about · 1..-·!tr Ille concr•plloll. Balboa Blvd., . in Ne--' ()pan It .U who wh lo secOlld-tleu ' cllllw and ""'8 tor .rvtns mtn be!.,. war: ho -lllal '1IJlf ~ •ChurclJICboolh~I Beach. E;afly won111p"';d :~;the bulc ltntll lftd Dec·: .. :nn M-..1-. on lssun• outsldm,lllldmadt·le-cloiiiis• lftd allel' mllltarY sboold:.."'.'be p;la .. e:d: .. 1 "Procram ol lltllliOllA Ex-. ch ell ·!JOOt will corilli>enct .pncuc.. ol contemporary ..,..., tlUe '<"" II tllO)l'n allnl le tlJolr .... 111rv1ce. · IO'/tl1mwnta;.mua1Uoa1•
_.._ .. for adulb. The_ .. •t"'i "a.m., •• ; -•·· "Juclalsm,lheclmltdbyllab-CGUnttymen," ho tald la an · " · • mUan. ·mi11"1••1 .in-~ lloc!a1 Concern• ~p WuJ 11eiho ~tiO.;, bi AA will be of!.ered at !:IO WASHJNG10N (AJ')-The clacillon, wrltlan '1 Jllllice lalervlew. "IF .l MAN 11 l!lsnprded· leodooalt ond "let ·• a1oar9 -.·~• llll llald lllenday ·· · ' . p.m. Tu••••-, b11Inni n I U.S. "--reme Ccurl -WllUam J. --Jr., ruled r· a••·· •w••••• ~ ••· by hil churcb durlq two or In II, llnct lben ii ....W.
"-• nw a.m __,. ...,. Epllccpll""":' Qourc!J• u-:'1'' -"'.... ~I-three Yllrl ol serv. •-, lftd la -·· ~. but Joi< lilt GI It .Iba home ol Mr. lftd Mn; · ,,;_ v n.~. God' 1;; ~·· Mardi 4, at Temple -'·"'·· quelllooa ol nlllleut that nu,Ious 4llpuleo OUSl>I w~ ~ ~~ -•~•..., -· "°" ~ ""' ......, ~---sell no lttten lrcm·hil...,. ••• be lned-the'""'""' -'1.:"'~iie=. ~ Lane •• bt the it... llavtd Dll'rollo'• ·=-Tua~~ ~r-c.=.· = .:i=. ":l:e1~.: ::ucii:i. =· ...... lbe ,,...11on. or c1er11.' bt'i not " ............... · l\11 -~ •• ,..... • ~-• ':omn"" lllbjeclfor the ... .,,,..·; Tbe 'two-l>OW! ..,,;ons will strengthen denomlutm 1.., The paitnt badllt In oueh li)lely lo .come llinnllll bocl< 1*loraliJt prol"'1oa) and II
,,_..,. a.rtll, '15 '.1111· ' lun tor 17 •weeks under · 1ng local breakaway• ,,._.,_ hierarchical den«nlnalioN ,. NY Catholic lo the cburcb· a!Wward," olJol!ld.bt mptCtld."
Lake St., Huntin,ton leach. -, ~ aQfPicel of . Ult. Union ot such aocia1 i!suts as civil thePre1byter l an1 ,the Falherhulon.1ald ... nm11r;:::;;:::======::,
wlll.boldaaamdc-Sun-,. sermoo 1 ..... 1or-$ww!•)' American H•bnw Coner•••· rlghtsandthiV!ebwnwar. Epi1copallan1,11Gman Layme'n·Get lhenbeloolalelo u y,'.'W•. ·.·,.._··pel Mus'1c day, 1 p.m., leslolring the 10 1.m. al Nnport .~!111 . tioU, which serves more thlft Another result from the Calbollca .ond tho LulberlM core aboui you.' " UC
Claibctne Contmentm. The CUrU ls enUtltd Your 100 Reform temples in the decision may be to encour11e alre'ldy have areat control The ,Wdebook,' c a 11 e d --I
publlc Jo Invited le -the free Persooal Progreso," by Paslor nation . national relliiout ludcrs ~ over locel church afflin. . R "Mlnillry to· thq A rm·: d Spectocu ar ....,am. Loree Dale F1ic·tin1•r. ~ . --. their churcbtt le be even Thed1chfon,lhertlore, New ole r or.u:: Jo belnc d!Jlribu
-. Wldneoday 7.IO p.m. ht l'ill l·Remlnixere Sunday the more oulapclten on llOClal mat-would ... m to mike It alm...t under lllSplca ol the Int
Father Fem. of , ;;~.;;. IM_d 1 ."'~o~mu'~t_t y ·~ Lotbar V. To~ will ters. · · impoutble for diuid!nt loCal NEW yC)JUt (uPI) -The Protutant General Com-
g ~ w *' 4' 1 · C ls u r eil .; T*ti~. .0 bl held U1e the theme, "The Strength The decision dealt with a branches to take church pro-Roman Clthollc Archdloetle mllllOn on Cblpli.ins and : w--. wlll.bt.11»~ ... la Ille ~U:,. lliilldlni " cf .raltlo" for both 'the 1:15 -move in lllfl h)' 11'.• pert)' in a bnak wllh nallooal "' Ntw Yort ls wtD on the Armld Foret1 penonnel: lllld
opeabr. at a Lenlln .. _ -. ! ISth ml lnlne lll!ll 11 a.m. Hrvlcu sermon Presbyterian ....,.111tlono in cburcbto. rotd' 14 a11ow1q l&ymtn ie com1111111ll)"ll"'1cc lllld yout1J
1Uppar held by Ill. . '• loc&ted 1 . • at Q:rUt Lderu aoarc., S&vllllllh, Ga., lo -any Obvloualy, Joe 1 l ...,. parllclplle la admlnlllntlve qonclta o1 1be U.S. Cathcllc
Eplicofel Oard, Cb a pa I N~ Blach. 7IO Victoria, Cotta Mesa. from lbe Presbytlrlm.Cburch crepUllll, lmowlnl tllO)I can1 and nllpoua dad-, a COl!fmnce, i::h.°~En:~~ Church oci;I b:tiW at t ~"' wllialso be of. ~:. ~'!:'1 u:at:"1oca1 ::-~~:ii:: ::: =~"='I:!: FATHER IWAN!ON,=
held W"11ltsda7, t :IO p.m. . ~:...'t ~.•1 °111~.~A 1, , " Wedntlday • t e ft In r , 7 church properly with them. tblnt lollll lll!d har<l before The 10Utce, said that PariJIJ t'e .• ~. · ~bolllllliY" '~Ad Has o••f liJo
. -~u,·.-..a UUJ.WU v .•. o'clock, the ltCOnd chancel A Chatham County jury colftfaffonUtelrown. Is ... -,...~ Ci s·
A pulpit guest will preach . -!fttntlngto~)5eacb .. ,witb morn~ -drama will be P~tnted. Both found itself judging whether Tilt lame would appear true counel were in the formatl&n tow~d mllltaty Ufe t n Mu1ic ty it'lt•n
at I:~ and 11' a.m. wo~p mg worship followina at 10:30 the ~an.eel drama and the tbe parent church h • d of the Methodists, • con-stage; some have already rellJi!)UI cirtlu,. sll:d the. ex-iMPulALS -
t'1vieM at. the Flrtt u.-a.m. Pa.star ~ R: :nngley , smnonette by· .the Re v . depatted from Presbyterian nectional church with tome been fo~ed. The ~nclla in ~'::i~. ma~e. ~•''pol;!:: COUlllU
Me-Cltud',ir-111a ·wUlopeat·~".(J>'°1nonind ?Tori-. will be .the lbeml -la au~.dvil local aui-y but ad-~:,::;.:='!".:"= mlll!'tllmetotibllll7. .N.OllDA·IOYI •. ,
Vallif, 11211 Bulllard. He·;, . • Compullioll." 111'1t1'Y car• . "Tile Covenant· That Never. • rfc1o!s ..Uvlllao, clvll -lllinllllnd In a hlmtclllca1 ' local admlnlllratllan lftd some ·-· '-'ii 1 ;S~ SAN DDS usoclate oiolnlllet . ol Com-11 provlilld. ewes." -· ; · dleiii:e . u • tut.-taclk: way. Lib Ille Prtrbyterlam, . "~ --., 0 r munlly United Me I hod i I.I ... Lenten Mrvlce b be l d -, . _ -''"" ) and VlelmmJ --· the Method1'1 I ae e a rellflonl decis!OM. educational advall(Oment · lftd LONG · IEACH
Cl:nudi Jn Huntington Beach Wednesday,' 7:IO pim.i 'ftie ,. "'Dr. Charlt1.:H.""~ .~jQry.~·.r:hufch-, breabway in Alabama , ,TU ~uUon;of such~ cblracter dJYel~t ·~ MUN AUD
and l!\11 opo~ .., Iba the!J!O .. armon .. l~. entitled " .. Th • pallor; will 'bepi,bll~ . !lad otrayst1 and awarded the Mt..inlppl amt South Cfrollna ci\l llU baen m the pleM'"' _,,,..,.," ~ llld. · TbJa..11 .. . . '· . ' • "~,tbllle.'~. w--~~oclP~lil ![1~J\',!"'kl.; .. ~. ;...nes o1...--~mda) .. .t ,hr.iloc&lkb·-wslh;. callled by 1 ·'1lllerence bi 'lllftlCJ,~i be1ald. not -DJ·•~· by M'i,.h 1, 1"9:,'-7llOPM. · · -~:.llidt ~ -· -------·-------·:st. -w·• .~ .fl)taoo.... . . pcllcltl , ; ......... Bui tlii..!!PltorliOnment o1 lheclfllluchan:b. ·fo<lnti.t"on.;:..,10-o1u. 'llnGCJllll:-t.:.....:~..::..:JlqpliOate ~m.) Clmd, IOO SL~~· c ~)Uinma Comt, lftmit-i c.onoNatld Jahn w.i., ,;,~, Hmaiu a touchy o. Fill\!.i' Piblbfii'lf;'l-Wilf!d '. •ilii1 .. "'"li1&h "
ni&flta,•!u*"J ~and ale -.... ,,~~; Nt'lrplrt ;l!tlcll.,'1Jo.iillloi'li<,'\Q a.;,,a,jef..,.;t~-'·tbt· Lood, ·w~ llllbop laaot._ Wh<lhor the !lllbo11 wµ l! ... 11_ ~ oll!-~.5-;;;~;iiiiii~;ij~ • 'll'edn61W_~_,Jll!l\or, ... 11,aJ!li' _,....,t> .. Finl_ ent!Ucd "WQrc\! ,~._Ufa:,,llll¢a bearln, !iof,~ec;l . o11be Ulillad Mtlhodl1t '"!)114 ~!""ti iiieln'tier .~ _ .. :ienior-Ulil~M~\'.C!Ulh .U~l\lelM~ll·°"""'m•: By,'' and wll1 ~ • .,_al lale .•tbt··.., care ol •: Cllircb: '1!lls ,.Uq ol-tht ,llli'Cltuiiaili.orremalnouliide • eooupsmaetQindiy,.i :IOf.m. .SoventHnlb St., HuntlJlllol1 ·-1,.1:1111ftdJ1_..m. .... ,·=-:---~'!c,..,'<1111rdt~clactrlae 9uprame Court ...Wd :Mtm lhom:wilh a v6lo power~ --
.. · --Beach. The Rev. 1); lln>sell w ..... cf the· cbutth· will~ml'tbmby •llllulOC-tnto ID. 11r1ft11boii lbe r!lht ol nol 7fll been decided.
'_'Vhw l n1 1.,ife From Sh&w will ,j"'eacb "Tiit Big hold tloelr lllOl)lhly W-'• .an ·-declare4 :-' )ll'eat~-loconlroltbt 'On 'al)l(ller'ievel;·plllsare
Spirltual Jl.eltbls" is the Flahmnlll. Church IChool Fellowship I u n ch eon lved· le, IOYernmenl { by I h • equll)', tho ,.._ty, la tbt underway for ellablllbment of
aernion lo be dellvered at . ~ lllltl al lb•. lllllt neaday, 11:30 a.m. al the Conllitutlan. ', event ol a mov..,..t . ol llll .. Arcbdloc:aoan Puteral
-. an.tlia a.n "°"''· . cbllrch. . ~JllY P.JI, the high COW{ --In local cburcbel.'' . ,Council "' -· .._..11 (Dilclplol ol Chrill) by Putor Inquirer• clw blClns at • " · · · · · · And ytl 'the nllln(• pro. with tht arcllbllbop. .,,.,..
D. W •. McE!roy. IJ'ba con-10:41 a.m. and Youth~ Group ' . . hib!Uen m lbe ae1111nc o1 .ioc. co I Jl.c l I 1 ...,Y -,,...11on lllltls each Sunday mtell at l :IO p.m. Wed-Stat; ot:-~s-1~ J; ~ate trlae cllopulM In civil eourt m. m b tr. 0 f, lh. at Harpor !:ltmectar)' School, Jllld&y, the women cf tho . .,,., .,.... rm.,.... -1d llllll lo apply It ttrur-ArdJdlocueon Coun!!ll. ,...,.
GS E. lltlo ,II;. Colla~; ~dlurcb -Jllll hold. a sprint ' · · · . • 1Ieo --two 1..U...'ol pcoed..cf_prtesll ad 1-~~c--. . wtll ch11rc1J l<hool bf~ "luncbe9n. . . .. · · • • c-Uon. -'Ibale, loo, lll!ll planned for estabU.i-1 :£ ~:~:~;::;: cel~:r~i:: "i~ :;.;i, .:. ,,= ~'hurch Interest Dips. ;:;: lo~-::;,·~ iibyiiii.iiOcteberiiiiiii.ii1iiiimii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_,_,_,_,_.
Nurmy ~e,pmided. •n<I 1:30 ,i.m:· •<rv\c¥ at St ... A. , ... Ilion ·or public Jn. 14 church wttboul bothorilll a pannt lftd branch clMdo
,,. bis lint Ltntin oermon,
lhe Riv. Vincent Goltuso, Jr ..
putor ol lhe Cltardt et IM
~ will -" on the
IUbJtct, 'lGlttln& IDftMtid" at
the 11' 1.m. wonbfp 1trvlce.
The churc!J meelt in The
·Chapel,' -·Paclie · Vi.,.
DrlVIJ °""'"" de! 'Mari
Jib °' Dll'IM Jplocop1l . . . . .. --two cbarcb fac. Cllarolt, JOU ·orange Ave.~, West ·Jn ·ReltciDl'l 111 rtnected io remove tbe1r nim• from ' lbe roll!. · U-can bf Hiii~ In a <our1 Colla lies&, with the Rev. in the lat..i 1ta¥.Uc1l rfpcrta . . . so tone 11 the civil CGUl'll
Jolln W. ~!dllO!l !P:<O~inl from U.S. churchel,, . . la 1111, wlolcb m.r~dOll'.l inject lhem11lvu lnlo
.., "Can You Bl a Chrllti~ 'The 1111 .. 'i:eirl.oot ,1, 1ppearsie.liave-llla.paat what Br••••• ca11111 WIU...t,B'\"lll~llll! 'Am~an cbuicbeo, l••I )'llr ol Illa pcttnr-'~' ··"•ubetentlvt occllliutlcal
Evllllnc · ~P _..,.,. publ11bed, """° tlo&I !Alia! ,..,1 .. 1, lhe Gallnp ,..., foan,d .. niattm.''
11·7:111 o'cloct. church memberoblp -d1lt-lltal It -t ol Amwlca 1 For WIJ!Plo bt llald, courts
Sunday aclJool cltaes meet tnc the put yur by •.14S adult pcpclaUon a I.to• d • d don · ·~ .'.....,._ o I
at 1:311 a.m. · IA> • an all lime bllh of cburcb'"' a l)'plcal Suooclay. "fraud, • co I! 11 lo n or
Dr. Robert Lomn, pastor
" ci-LllllMru -· hu -elected prtlkltllt cf the RWJllqtao Btac!J.F°""'
Wn Vallty Ill la II t ar.1,a l
"'*1atlan for Iba eomlnl
,.. ... llectld le ...... with
ll!m WV1 · Iba Rev. Ken McMlllln, ~ ol ,_
VllllJ Witt 111tU1 •II I
Clmell, .......,.. ad Felber
--...-. ll!l,141,110. • . . ~~.: 0 :!~~o ':. ~ atllllrartneu." ..
"The MUltt Plan and You" · 'JIUt tho ·'-"'· I ' ... ~. ,_._.... -Or u Justlea John M. lJt lbe -lo be dollvered .... ..,.Ill! ...... pel<tnl In 1111 ml remained Harlu pointed GUI In I brief by the lltv. Norman L. •bout theoe .fllm'es II that at thtl level I« three years. -., opinion lhe =:.,.S::-J• Ill ~Ill ~ey~~\:..~t~ '!:: It l!ld IA> 41 perc19t in· 1961 enlorca -. or 'w1ui =
• -~ II ' pemnt. A srow,th nfAi 'at' . ud.11111, lo 4' Jll(cent Jn II)' dowo -llmlllnc rain. storm~ flood.· ·
John Glnl, el A -...
J ... Q\lld. -..
Nnport -· DIS Btoad laul twice lhel ~ Id 1161, Ind _IA> 44 percent In the "'' a cburcb UJe& the St., Newport' Blach. lit wlD bl -' , .. m:.:i:.ou lo 1185 Ind 'l!fl. There WU a _.iy ...
prllcb al 10 a.m. Babylllllns _.aary or c · brief increut fo e -' ·
ltrvlce 11 proviM. teep Pl<" with the lMn•I . In Ill'/, but in lllfl the decline ,
llanday.scboot II a11o bekl . 1!'C't11e 111 tile U.l. pcpul• -relUmed, with aH...i-e ""'unty Rabbis ..
ti 10 o'clocL lion. a~ 43 percent. ~. . _ • Church attendance . figures p~ 'the amt -itlve . ·R. ., H ·
PutGr .. lleoq> E. ~-. cf. ara mn man lndlcatin than · fndn . oi public Interetl In f)Cejye OB Or CtolrOI lllWO . ~ . .,. : llllmbtnhip alalt'1lcs, amce" 'ffiiilcn b &mday lcbool
Co-111 mu a.l O a wll1 bf · SlftCI and Oranp Aft., Colla many people 'fllo1 lqoe in\9"11 enNllmect. Many par• n 11
ctlebnllil at bo4h the. I lll!d Mes&, .wlll •tpeal< ., "Salll1a In rell(lon slmp Y, lltp cOmlnl teep .. 1endlnl their chll<!ren
t :IO a.m. oervlcll at "' IJld 8es" at • and 10:111 ..... lo Sund11 lchool, "" " I =c::...~~:i:; ~-~p,:,t ·0 LIBERA_,_ .L · ~~th::.!'•~
Vliw Dr., ~ de! Kar. will -the fl•in...i , . • • hive penooally loll lntartll A. p ......
Tbelle'r.Jdmft410nlllflt'• -· Hi'fls ~oo\ ""nilrt7•' lnlbeclJmcb. _.. by a.. ~ -.ltplcatbillb.Mn'lc;es --ol~" (~,-Papf) Stmd&ylclloo,l.....-ill lloulhWilll ~ d
will lie baMc1 "' Pall!'• ltllir ' 1be loilr'CI the cburc1M tldlJ not Clllly lalllns !" bop -. Ulllal ol Aalfrltall R-
IO the GalaU.. · Put.. Jamu G. 111a1n Jiu may be ntl jQll one ol wllb pcpultllGa fintll: ·It hao C4ol,trlplloeo.
A apacla1 IAnlen pot1ucl< .._, 11 b11 -lltle 'ndlcal' crlUcllm, lll!ll tll'· nsllf<nd an a"'"" 4acllne llablU IWltarl 'l , lltlMlll! ouppar w1U lie bjld by the ftlr bo4h the 1:10 and 11 a.m. ta1n1J not -el leliUrqtilftl evll'J', )'ttr fer tloe' . .PUI five ft flanta AD& ad JOllJlll Kallr
par1all at IP,m. !iflbe (ltdali . 'WG<lhlp -''Ltl•1· Prolecl ....tuu.o. Tha tut <I the ywa. o1 Tultln, who load TOllfla hill. Allor lhe 1iopper. J-!" lined onr"allbew cbul'chtl 1oda7 I& IA> call hick Althoup cbm'cb hadero 1lltl l!hlea ft~ C:-
l:Yen IOftl will be -d in lhe · 11:~·!1. Coninmldolo will bf •"''ioclety le wllat ls best naiurally are11onctrM1;1boul _I)'; Ha/Jn A. Au ,ol Bn•,
church with a talk about 1he ctlfbrat.AI at bo4h 1trv1ct1 at in 111 valuet. . • lhe rec:Wlon, they am't in 'irho btid& FDl1e1lio I Tlmplt
Prayer Boot by C ID OD-. ~ --L • U ar a a r "II thay obe7 this Im-I j)Cl!c. They -that the -TlllVal, lftd llirnatd II.
Jlouilu Stewart. • I . ~ 2901 Cllll o r Iv •( 'pertllve, lbe chun:hel ·may cfturcb his aperimced far Goldlmltb et Lal AllllltllOI
The . "'I"* "•'.~ r .f, ;'.',·N~'lltlch. .....,.. \Jlal they llill -mm Joan )'Nrl l1oan fol · lll!ll. ill TaQll -Dml, "~ .W Yo." ,!1!11. ~' .. LOaten --.,.. Pftl -~· -· yaan dm'lnl Ill !Oil( ldilolj: wera -· thlolt Wadllll!dlJ, 7:1t p.m. · .. c • ·
with . a ,..., -.. • . • ~-...., ...... =r....:= -.i :· " ::, . ~'=·~.not>., ... ~ :~· on~---·~··· ·~-..-~ ~---~ '1.'#·~1 M#I .BJJti'ru"U ...i n •.m·~:..,. 1-°""" ti .. ' ,,,,..,;"'
• c =
· prat11la A DrallMflJ l'ral•rt"" "RO•n WIWAMS 1AND li!Aar· ..
· ht Albert JoblilOD
DlrldM_lly Tlitatre In 'Ille Worl4
S.tvr4ay..., Sun4ay, M<t"" t• ._,,. l'.M;
UU l'AlllV!IW llOAD, C~TA MllA PaeHlc Vltw DI!... c.....
dtl llllt, wUl ltalurt I
11 bolb ~la by •
Wllllllll II. Ellor"aniHW "'
Pt1)'1r·l<ir Guldllllcl." "
, · Admh1ian Hil · ry.;~1TREES of ~WORLD Rrfreshmtnti-Pttlte Alt S•ew .;
-e. ,... F0Uowln1 Each Produetloe ii ... .;..:.._ 3 ..... -":::!:' =============· :::::;::.::::::== Mld-wett Ltnten worillip ................. a.-,..· ·;
-~ --.. ,,
.. ,. ..
............ t•• •
the men lrom.. KWIZ 1480 .Radio
• • • • .. 1 ...... '" are there .. ,.
,/ ... ~ ,, 1· ,,. •J.,: -. '
~.fore it happens.
The KWIZ news staff, d11ring the recent
storm, was on . the . scene reporting the. . ' .
n•yts as it happened. ,puring a time of
apparent · danger~ the men from KWIZ-'
" h~ye one job: to report to you c;omplet9. -·
and Uj>to-the-minute information that will
better enable you to protect your . property . __...._ _,_._ ~ ,. -
. i ' -and life. · ____ ... -
• . r,
-.read your newspaper-
• /isten to KWIZ J'8Q. '
.. '
1' •
! ••
• ' '
:II. Can .. ;.
• ·. " •••
. '
• •
•I '-• -. 'f I
I • . • . .
:I 11:,_:
. " -....... ~·
.. . ' • I ~ . . • ~ • I ~ . ~. ,.
• · 'ltaflle ~ety !11 topic no._. ---.---•''l'!te)''re Ploying Y'""·long," saya I who l)lt !be~~ .. It, slarjed Rt~°!Jl!VO :lft o ld UJ'lnl t!'"I "You can help keep >,.. nllte,'!.lie
'crlUclzed for jil'omotfnl •(Id 11111,11 . collnalii·d ihe •"-rrow lou~er. a left~turn..alinGot'""!llf!lll011,; lnsllts the !OOll!el,l lol! of~ ii.writing your had 1!>14hll1'1Unlesl -·who .i-d
......, o1 announc<ment Ind ,,.nee., 1 · but;. 'cGodillolled by tinle to ihe ·fain,.11 he wu dj>in& 35 mil~ per bour,."tiut· bll_t lrJP.<11 oblluarY and l'OO: f,til!f to !Ill 9'I ihe IUI beokie him;~ Iller
upon Amerll•'• IMUll llwnl ~ . . • •• ' -~ ')'00 ... afrad¥ 00 the phone lb< rear ·'·U of !he ·~·~--I • led cooald~ It a !Olkla!e oHbe ~calm. • (lredawn eolfee atop, " -'·-·--• • w: deaih,' dls&bluty and deolnletloU ..;; Aj!ITHUll IO !:lioel<-octlm:. • · , ,.. · · -•f s •!Ill. unlll lhijlayyoulind Hcomei IM· ~ tb<'clock and c ......... ...t
... lb< hlibWIYL .. ~. " ' °""" thtm!"tbe' ....... may be 25 yardi.. ' I tooUo p1io1oc1;1p11s,11u11 .. 111oc!d at !or ihe first f!meral in • fimlly ·°' 'Tue Nailonal S.fety Councli .lnd"Olbtr . .~INSiL ch'_an9ilic, ~tlldic, 11POCllcu!ar "7 or I 4 • the caste~ oudolia -t 1'hb corilbld' U,·tht man wu over!IW.by l1tilill ~ps release the Lally of a prior ,;. ., .;.,..., "'"' ,,... ,all tJ\(ee -bot never nlce; and 10me 1 • his bait io b&dty ~ wonderinc Wbt *tes .. east ol ·~llJup, NX., ·~ Jlmiary-to-Dewnber slauahttt . •n,d ·,-emaia . in 1 ibe~ tninil· ~long afte·r ..._ • the Marlne ;was tn 1uch .1 huny·tha"11
• tive for a aplit-Mcond, \hen hit lll1&lYu the factors htbinc!-l~~dala used ~phs lllve ,_ fl'<>ln lb< ...i ,., A New. Year'• party b beint. hosted be ~ad to run a 8IOp aign. · lirHeo ad-turned, to avold· lhoollnl
lmW the following Febnw'y brtnal' . dly'' ""'IPl1"1-·,, . 'bi' frtendtf. b u·I w,-u be 111 e, llOcailse 9 oil ihe bJib-b&nked' road. ~
freh, roconl...ulng m1ter!IL ' "Tbil ·11ory b no p~ o1 cnlaadlng tbe ....,q., !'-. body coob under u d>. Tbett be iaf in tile bl&bway.
Mangled, en1shod and oomeUmts burnt !:'5 .• ~~Y.,'.'~~ wlllt 00 -drup joiclnalllm,. llul "1/1 melll! to gl~ lUe, "tbe plUliC lhtet 'bellide · the' freeway l lllve llCOl'tl of llCentS In mil>d at "I doo1 want him to bl, but I tbhllt
offerings to lb< 1ods .ol mobility, prot--~~ ~~ .,._,. In a seme -' tO tht meininglui prlated .Ja Nilmber One ''"' tlle-.year it !2:%0 . 1 mopien\'1 notice when, a s1!<7. needs be'a dead," Ille oJdee kld 'mumb!e\( timid·
-•Uy and fashion. however, ca O'mlke Tbil atbry, · bow;.er, 'b Dot euctly nwnben from . ta -and, _...__ · J 1 1~ •·• -'•~·-~-th< added" -o1 ~.-.... bu• ,... 11 lo a tall.man~ dido'! )l>o!r. • dull readlnc ol lW1t putonal impact ~ av~ pepple. . · . · L'I eoi:ure a lift Or two in U&t by -;;ti;i a.m.,~ an. • ""' • 1 -~"'~'· 'reacMd 4fieper u;;;,....~ ... "vtn · to .. Ah think. 10 &90;" 11)4 ~ COWJlle
when presented ip dr(•llUstlcs. 11 II 11· blood, °"'"iah Ind, lrJends .......,. l1tl0k~ • · 5 underline lb< linpoct alwayt loit fn pillll who ~ :0 ~· .
:; uo air wbO ~w ~ · Ride 1lq'Jn t;me with ,ne "on Code sllllsticl.. . Thi kid colll<hl'I Jfop 11tlvcring,
ONE MUST GET blood on his bandl ol "" . . lllYl'?..,. -;:,;_.. :zo nw and op.,r ~experience" Grim b11111Q1', ooiiietimeJ, lies behind , Somtihlnl •bout It cornmw!leates. T~ng to oorl ... 1 die t.mbl< ..,,.
and btor ihe qonlzed 1Cttama -thto Y""' bowledgt ~ ......... -'1"0· , • death: CUld deslnidion. ~· . " , ",J Jt<f1t ~p by . the .""1<111 of, pr<!$1Dl13~"·"""' ~· ~I lo
li"'n to ·tbe ~"1 ~nee -.oL a .P.CS .-.bul li>ol .W. d~. ~, lJ'-J , " , '". •-~•-' · . . . : ;"1.1. lliellJ ctJnci1siC .. .,,...-burst lhfmlll" ,.,,_,~I of 1trl ~. v; 'bt .l ~pled· 'du',• ;)'Dlf•~altll wtiiltl*, " ' "· , • · ",.; ; •. , • ~·ibal pllo·iil shattered, scatl.,.,,· ·;r;;i:ai · ~ " ,•11M1oiini ·boy shock; ti.. :w ~.;'arou_nd ·
to trull" . ~ i algnillcanee ia. lortomd11:.~ • ' · .,.;::-->:... ! · Duh board tiic~' --~,..,. ' f!!le!~~·l!><-inJtrum!Dt panel shows ' b/ilineel!'li.iol\ fl#'to ~-1galnst picking UR b~Q#,a.,l0,.4!(!>111' lnm,
misery-PJ.tl». ally roster: ·Or w .-..-. oi:.\hll.'ftialllli'. • his chin like a ,.~.;Met" -~ -ii ' ~i~ SA)'Ulll Unlawful the wlndtiwa .. tJie -....... rolild cllildre•'• boolil, •°"1Mlif' ·9114 .... Dell!! 1"""ti4'l91Jel'tOllS. Behind ea n._~~ ~~ .tfte· college youth looks almolt ul-~..ll ' Sti'tetl, a vlo!aUoo cancelled over tbrei \im~~"l: ·. -f : , '.· teYtd clothttig. ' '""' ,,;~
Disatilld ~000,000 more bu~~ cl~-~ all!-~-~~· on except for the streams ~ bloOd: ~-;."""'J1brlca~ ~offender~ dead. The 'Nt10,lli . 0 dtsert toa3 ·cold C:ittraU11, he Wal pictf@"~ tangf·
Destrdytd.l-111,ioo,000,000 llJ> ,;lJle,,.~ 7"~ mtlililli. wu a bis n.,. moulb, eyes~ ea"' A'em' ~ J·racmg another bljih-performance nd f millor ,j;h, mOOft "'"'" h•. ble pitcu of a11. ,;' ., ' ptrt~. ti_:;' , ·~ . , , ~ • ; "~ PPI ,fatalliiJa Matte~ he! ~· . ' • · ~.~ , , his vehlcle jumped the center divi~er :rawle~ oui itJi.,o the: block silence:, US 8' the Driven ~ l,Ol!._000.000.llO,,.,t.l,e,,,.l!x .. ·~·ajldmetal,?f~dlllcl.-llnnalllotl.,. Tb 1 .. ~be~·•·•"" •of,,,. into tbe path of two oihers and the b " _,,1 ·b · .,_ f h'· Westward, down ·b·ul ·~tioned all moCa'ISts on 1111 V:S. .tbc!l'oUaftiiiP 1 inl8:eternity bJ. a•~-car. . e ace ~-~ :~ oui. ~ ~ ·tt~pound driver Ut on his · head too ron.B v•M"" 11 w .. -~rs rom_ "" siren scream ot an am a•,.~ .Llk~milltary s:taUsta,.tltt•overitl)elmo -i"( ... 8 ,· ~ . . . r--.-:;; . , picture by11. ltaf!·~ but the Corv~ .. ifar down tbe pavement to see from hue mothe:r,. cr~ed sometohf.:re: near-ooe hour's drive tram· tbt fa~el)t
Ing fliplr"· are rouilded'· oil 19r : .t1!9 , siJmil:N, Vl~clt;alh. may come rtjluced by ...:third .111 knlih In i in tbe darlmeu. Tho engine, torn from· bY;,'<llk1ng f:i> ;All fathtr: scent, w!wJ five IUlvl....,,, ... ,-Y
lab ,of conve~ i Art. ~Q. Jn difttftint WIYJ le.LI~ accident headon. co~ .wttP a truck ~~' ill mount.I; rtltl in a lawn crater on Can you ~ar ""1. H~1 Hone:11 inj~. waited with hlP.11 PAtrolm~
homicide has killed f• more l;t Q'.'.&, . vktilDl;"but netriJ all1fotms are tra1k:1 . m:iver &Def ~ were pas~ ~ a sc;boOl campU:a whm' it landed 40 • • · Oh Loidf Lord. · and •spectators.. . · .,
resldmt$·t ha n all CCIJl!_blt, fr o:m•Jtl!a -...~i trqedy··by dinnlUon iAis an ~me botUt ~ alck,en_~I e~ fettiaway. ~ · lce:wat~r /~Ea" oott'turned camp-I continued gathering .debris ii though
Indian massacre el thole wpo cor~ .~ etiOice: 1M'~ ol IPfled• . ~ I i nq re:/naera ioakid hi.! thin '!· it really mattere4 bUt .there w•nothln&
Roanoai;e Island, N:'C., in 1515 i-W. the· , q, ·hlYIM uotber -befi~jaywalkfni, or .2 6 slu rt at'4 c umps of .mow lay _in else l could do ap)"fay. . ~
present moment In v~:-, ·;,' puttq:,alf brake adjiistment. downtofnd ho~Uow• .~ th~ baii. o/ dim Thirke" ~ort OQO thil {.Sunday,
Liki militiry casuattlel l<I' •ff i C •The ·ctiOlce reN on~ the ·indivkluaJ. No 'body, "~ at the nut· aceoe, The 'uwig that makes UW nen photo coctu.s •haPfl while his bruiii.s be· thev were plqiRQ' mv aong'*1t4 I've
statistics don 't mean much urilw •)'OU 110t God. . ' ' bat• the b!ue shoe circled in cha1k ~r In my collecUon so 'nicely graphic is P0?1 to •ti/fen o.<t ache under the been hearing 'it· al1"l08t doilr G1ld
knew ·one oC thoee: numbers who ooce God IU~J aeis all lragtdles, bµt · the ' pamn:ent· and the aecond..gide the w2v the Swmyside Cemetery sign •kin.· mort.: 1·mper.sonoUt1,· .dnce nfM. and
ble ol "' · llf 1. --'-·1 · rtader stained crimson are more than ..., • was a person, capa . ..ving e .i&WID~ ~' ~-.iuuu..ianct, ~wmen _,,,.,._to tell""" a little ,,..,.1 died. .and ii!.~ frame the big shade tree. His, aunt sJJ d d~e n I J1 loomed in thi cptfttldet.lt.dJM.JnJo the~ ---=!-~-:::~;:;.";;:::-.....::-·•i..... ~-~·-~--U.U..-.'.t .,....~ ~ see-them ofWl 1m the _....... 6.. the Pontiac wrapped around it and the--darkness; sta&P.i:ln&: back from whertver man's ;ob. _
'dead. _ . , ~·1 ·their otm. .. ~al work, 1!1hts 0 -bo&e-1':-'"" , ;-.. .:!'.:'.-(-.-.~~~ --.>!?=:!:A-~...., .!! .. :Ahli~Rse:Wm~*!!!?'.!;<='""·~ tmt"~aettll';dll"i:mlty ....
I. ..
v~ous soURCD . ~ve ~· ·-~=~~1:'~~2'bat .,,. ~-. · ' .,. .. b ~r~~~;~i;~ac~· she. :me~ andoJ;::c"~~tUtatchlJJ:1 IOUnd
formillon on .the averqe U.S. JD(.t(r~l. the atatlltlca: can't tenf r • ' Can You belltve boW a Must.ant con. 7. ~ UttJ~, aJster ,cried .O\lt. acreammg haa chanitd since March 2, 1911, when He, ii aafest w b 11 e Jll'OPerlf }Sri~' Tbty . ~ it_ a~· ~e • 20, -;-olflcial · vertible C'O u I d be snapped so neaUy in I was not lit the scene of 1 anolh~r and alone m tpe demolWied car. it underlined the ftnaJ, fatal I.facts m1 a mechanJcally IOUnd, late model. c~r' · reporter lMif photwaplier ~ -. and half ju!t behind' the front seat that au1o-versus-motor ~~r · fat.ality , And Dawn came , slowly ·and with it, the child's mind wa's ·not able •*' dige5t
and :w-1ne a seatbelt.ch .. ii( dayll&ht it generally begin! with the penetrating pai:klng arid' interior· ligbt1 sWJ .gleam J'nf glad, becau.se of what .was dlfclosed . curiow, wbo stared at the quilt.covered and 1 threw up into the r• desert
houri and &OOd weaiherJ ai. a Tuetctiy. iiren .ICl'Nm of an anergeney vebicle softly,· the1i clicUlll .unbroken by the about , tfle Marine charged w·1 th fortn in the roadway and the pudding-like soil; .
P.rovided, d courtte. tblt:•.Jle ' 11 ovei· ·en roUie·· ... io the JCeDe of bk>ody pain impaci? _..._ manslaughter after the victim died nine river of cold, Jelled blood sUcky Ui:I
25 but-not e~erJ¥, ~~· 11'1~ and~.~ need. QuaUoatd"at the bOspital, the driver days later. lbe'aspbalt J)avemeqt.
" .
IF YOU COME to this eo1.1ntty from
•nother land. as t·have, y~ may ~tter
realbe and appreciate what it • has Jo
offer i:o· thole who ~re willln& lo seiie
lhe opportunity. Ai1d ""'' I woold like to say IUt fam lick and tired ol foreign-. m coritllllf to U-abous, · takll\c ·
advantqe,of •ll tbal Ame'ica has to
offer, ·l.Dd .then denotlncing everythint
tll&i ii American. It may ·liirJrile rou to know that is
"fl'Y dlfflCUlt to tmigrate to America. U
7ou rilf;l(came here to Jive and Wbrk.
)'OU mull 'qualify in one of thrtt ways.:
Jou mialt. have a speclflc job 11t·i.lting for
you , a l})omor, or enough money to sup-
port. yourself until yw can find .. 1 job.
1lbe latter ll • rather arbitrary iped6ca-
1t1on, determined by the American £1D.
, ba!sy in your native land. · • . ,
'Tho ~Tor lljicomln1 a nauitaJ.
!zed Citizen la 1n ardtaowl ooe. Alter you
have filled f.!l ~orma than y~· evtr lbouiht~hl>OJI! -GIOct, and pa1lirilly w•lted " • ......,· une1 th&n
,.. eould paalbly lln'llne. tb<y ....i
'I!" hoilte to 'I'll .And YOI! ·~<lit ·iiextm weelo*"11111b\c'4lowrl1o Uio.IJWI
• b9x, hoping to ,.. lb.It ·envelope fflfl1
':liie •U.S.-li:!U"~· Then one dly it ii there. You na1 uy· scan the letter,
ftnally focuslnc upon Ute "''Ofds. "Your llflPllcalion fcir ldmlrslon to lb< United
staill ol An>ett<:a hll l>een pnted •.•• • . .
1'Jl'AT DOES rr mwt to be lldptitted liltO Ani<rka T To many R<!J,Plt tJtrou,111:
GUI lb< world H ii tht cllnlb ol yun Of hard work. To almost all If is the ruJCUJ.
ment of a dream. For me it 1'U like WnC idmJtted into heaveo i~f. .
TM atlttsticl clear;ly rtvW the edge
111&1 Ameiic1n1 lllve ovffllil -ol tbe
fttd la JbelT IWldard " iivlnl, arid ..... .,, 'theJ lend ....,Illy to bl 6orttc.
IGIM may ltn'e to remind us ol , our
-Ullled good fortu"".
A<cordln1 to tht lllO .. ....,.~-· bnt spent Sl31 per yttr for evtrV man.
woman. and child just or.i v•cat!Onll Tbls
lll!IOllOll to !DOA~ fl6 bjlllojl. fod )I
'IDlaJ!t fUrprlle 1'oi 11>1 lt!iow . AA tll>t 1 .,.m. 'o1 Genml ~I.I bRllOO
lie. ... not-""" Ille comblntd •
-( .. . .
WE Musi determine who our friend!
really are. We .mi.ist stop sendln& goo:d
... nroney pier bad. I am very much both-
B:UT NEEDL~ to say, such stat,lstJcs ·e~ that we continue to support coontrils that couldn't care less about us do not tell thl! whole atory. America has -and I&)' IO. Charity begins at home,
presery~ tht. freedom of lndtviduala to aod lt',1 ,tfme that we reinvest scime Of
make 'their own decisions along with: oor money ht thoat who have provided It.
providing op(>Ol"lunltlea for economic U wi. value Our fteedow:, and if we
growth .. The difference between commu· . want .them lo survive, we will have to
iil.sm il1d\..~pltall1m may 'be 'lb e 1 t ask ourselves l\ow much we are prepared dlacerned ,,, .,,a1yz1n1 w-·111e decl-. to do lhdlvidually to see ihat America,
slom ~If!.~ ~r ~~"' ~ ' •anct an,tbat it atal?d' tor, re~ Iner . .
Roy Le• Hunttr, Futur• ~"':r ·
. I Lo·~eli~st · Pitp~I
' . . . . ~
" . . . \ ·~:~·IP~?,q~~dilla~ ~!ah
'~. j ~i!', c:duced by tilt distributed throuJ1tJ . ·'.16cal •1en-
N AACP~·~·;..t>«ft'nst.: and Educa. cies, comes Jarcely ·rrom: life federal
tlonaI Fund. -:, .: · eoVernment. . ~. i\'
I ' . r ~ .... UNADii..t,JJ,""Georgia _La.st May, Roy l'l Mrs. HWlter's first IJ\tlrview she
Lee Hunter .(became the first black aays the \Veliare lady asked ~ whether
graduate of U~dilla Hl&:h School 1he. was the' mother of the children
-:· 1 Roy Lee Hunter attended his school regist~ecl for Ult ~hlte schools. Then
commencement despite an offer by a began ~ long .senes oJ del:ay• and
·ported sClibol official to ••mall him (!bstructions that would not encl-Ull seven-~ dlploinai tloce he had done 10 well", teen ~n~. later, after Mra. Hunter
He was placed in the blct rOw · Ori had received wlstance from a Legal
the end, wlth a vacant cli.alr l9 spa ce I>efense Fund .lawyer.
him from .the nearest boy. The SUnday
before. at' the baccalaurute sermon 1
delivered by a Christian minister, two
spaces inte.rvened.
Thul, Unadi~ protect. ilself agaipst
"black power;." Fat the ijunter family
ls the mainstay of.the battle' for equality
In Dooly County. '
The story be:Sanin 19fl6. Mrs. Elizabeth
Hunter that sw;nmer enrolled seven Of
her eight chlldren tn Unadllla's "white ..
A3 sbe. says now, "They wanted to
go, ahcl l thought they had as muCh
right .as· anybody else. I was brought
up on a farm hen In Georgia. Lord
knows l have worked hard. Lota-of
the'se same white people I have worked
IN THE MEANTIME, scboOt opened.
Some o( the , Hunter boys were beaten
by classmates. Tbelr home was atoned.
One night a dead bear'• carcau wu
dumped in front of the house.· An -older
friend and neighbor, ?t1r. Manie Lee
Howard. often spent the night in the
Hunter home during lhil lime of fear,
He and his wlfe lwd known Mt&· Hunter
as a little girl. They "praclic.flly reared
me" she aays.
.. .. ,. Ottr M•• fn Sen 'Frmtebee -----------•
~or her~ . in Uqadllla. And , now ~they
ac1 like they don't.~ me."·NO one
wol\ld · hfr! · Mra. ,J!p!iter .cir "'Y ol ihe
4t~lldren oo<:t ~it was known they were &Ollll to go to ihe wliJle' ochool.
Word reached the wellare lady that
"a man" wis slMptng ·at Mrs.• Hunter's.
The police chlef wal' atked lo verijy
the rumor. Neither. Mrs. Hinter nor
Mr. Howard and h11 wife were411esUoned
about their !elationsblp. The Dooly Coun.
ty Department of Family and Children's
Serllees ·~w l\<IP1 Jllllng that
the Hunter· Cbl1attia hid 'i ·,,substitute
father" who w~~·~ to .upPort them.
In March of ttsf, arid ap1p lh January
ol 19'8, Mrs. Hunter mpplled lbr AFDC.
Dwing.tltf! winter of tM'l..a.··tbert Was.
no heat lln the 'Hunter~-,Ser Plllbt
was tr<klghl to the attenOon: of Lq:al
Defense Fund Attorney T6nl Jackson
ot Ma~n. He appeared fot "'her at a
"fair. !iearini" and made a forinal re-
quest for invesu;auOn byJ~the u.s.
lltp&rtmeftt of HllU!i, Edu••Uon 1nd
.. dy ut:RB CAEN
SAN' FRANCISCO • -. Silly·lhrt'e
•affonds .with Cory . Gr~ now ••.
. uiec with Faberae (stUlf UlJt smells
., pod):• ~·1 fie# here in our company's
~ , 1 oSabN~ Jet. We· have a Fal"°n,. too,
and Wt're eeUJng a bJg Grumman.
. -'lbat~u make lt alee.for poP.J>ln& 4!1Vll'
. 'U.'Elli'OP<· Have you •tol>i>*t ombklng
,yet1 Qyah tries and trldi •but sbe'1
allll hooked, poor • d._r.:Our ~tile
l!ltl •li1'f'~floday. 1 ... 11)' sbOUld ~ wlth her , 10 clve het coura{e."
Arrive, 1 lady who tuSlles: "Oh.
Mr. Grant. tJut loYed yoo. u Rhett'·
Butler In 'Gooe 'with the Wind.' "
cary, brukln1 out in a dimpled
lrillle: "Tbanlcl; diet!" She left hap-
py. a& do most people l!'ho wandct
into hls IUMY prfKnct. . .. ' ~ . '
NO'll RE'S 1one too far dept., Tbt
lconoclutlc • Howll'll G<\lnae · i 1
·writ.in( an artkle for At~M~ )
that -oh ·citl r -bfilli" SmOltey
tbe Bur 11 a caua ct rnajor forest
11tts: Jt's a com!•ted lheoty (I.e.,
by prtY"11lna llD Ort&, which clear
lbe' underbrulll, 1et ,..,.. bil one
evtntually) but coniervaUonlsll attm to aaree . . . 1 also think It '1 IJt. •
·~ ih•l Sinok•y..., ...,(" -
') ..
F .irehng? a
able to find a mate .. Maybe it's lhat
Boy Scout bat.
JE'Jp.Y JOllNSTOl'll'B, last of the
saloobaUc1, wandered-out to the Cirtle
Club and reports ' ""mere · were tiO . ' man:r: iuys having' hmch at the bar,
I half to have my drinks at. i ta tile."'
The Clr¢1e, he adds; ,Serves such
spetjalUu a.s Onions apd Uver ~
la Clrt~ ... and Steak__ and We.alt-.
Kidney Pit and is altbogether colorful
SoundJ llke.
OVER AT COlLEGE of fltarin in
KentOeld, PollUc•l Science Instructor
Sam Schwarb: found one of hJI
stude:n\I In the men's room brush.Ina ·
h1a teeth. Sam : "I've heard t)f bnl&hlh& yoor tffth after every JJ'lt!l.
but after t'!Q CJ151Tf.,,. SbJdtalt ..
foami-moolhi<I: '"l'..ooli, U yoo 'lli~
to 1Wallow the stuff· we have to ,.
IWBilow • , .~ • (/uld r"f" \your
psydllatr1st twice a)'e11 ).
' 0 WRAT HAPP£N'SD to 'you ?" •.t-
ctal med He.nil Lenotr at hia Vc.suvio
whtn Poet Allen Glmberl hobbled
In oil crutches. ·1 Auto accident," ei-
plaihllJ Alltn. 118roke a leg -and a
few dbl-~ I never fell ~tier."
llenrl: "Howz.at!" Allen. "~ly dogor~
made me quit smokin&." '
' FUN ~ DIE Kearny St. business f
community? Ob,· decided~. Iir'"Ole •
big ·insurance; olnct of· L: K. Uoy,d .. t
Vice-Pres. B9b Maroney I over~ear~
a lt(:retafy · refer . to 'Ute x,~ '.
machfue as "U" and griooed: "Since
IL reproduces, llhotildn't it 6e calltd
'She'?" "Oh, I don1l-"tnow," .• ~pUl!!d
the secty .. coolly.1 "Since tbe red light
olwa.ya Siu-'* 'Rt:ady,' 1 belleV~ _ lt'a en.ale.'' ' . . ' . '
.TH Ii BEEM S old4ashiooed. ~-. 'bur lhe fortyish' son o(
a' rtuttd 'mtl.1'onJlrt js· CIO'f a Skf(I
· Ro'w(\le, panhlodllnJ on fake1 crut.
cbei. '"nle old mU.:...ends me ten ...... ~-tel" he _.. "but that ~ -I -·• only{ pa the room HnL l've got:a *°'t. tar the wine money. If . yOll
nm IDM! l\lm, alvt ~ wont." • •
AT' A GOLF tournament 1 couple
of .. ·etkendl 110. the sreat Jim lt1ut'·
riy walked up to the crt•l Joe Na~
math and aatd "llello, I'm Jtm MUr.
ray, I write a column ror the Loi
'ngeles Times." Joe: "Nobody's per,.
fecL" ~,· 1 .....
DES~l'rE TllU hostlllty , Roy L<o
Hunter dlcl .a~ Unodllla Higil' School
foi' l\110 Y~-·and earned the right
to graduale.'0 Even at the end,1he bad
no euy tlIJ\4. A whltct boy wbO failed
bl• tests and :"j>uld not anduate acuflied
with Roy in r ·~-Tbe principal
sent Roy home.
RoJ wants to be a doctor, and he
now studies at the BmY Academy, a
colleae preparatory llCbo!>I in Rome,
GJOrai:L )ill expensts lhert are being
met .~ a special grant from lhe
Herbert, Lehman Education Fund, the
sch91arsblp .Jl'Oll'am the NAACP Le.gal
~fenst and EducaUonal Fund (LDF)
dlabliAhed to Increase tbe enrojlment
of N~. In · Southern institutions
formerlY ~~ded to whites.'
Help for the~ nef4ly from our welfare
ay$ttm Is olttn slow In mooy parto
of ihe coonttY,. But when • family
challenges kln&·•tlndlng separat1st prac--
tices In the South -and then asa~ ...
for public a.ulstance -this delay can
bl compouoded.
THE lll!ICIS!ON of ih• H1111ter Chlldreft
to enter the wblte IChool ~ a
criSIJ 16_,llll lamlll''•· ,.._., whloh
had depeRHd: Ii p&.'1 on Mn. lbmtu1•
eamlnp. • No willte Jamliy In U!!Wllla
would biri her. ~ •
M'1. Huma 1P1?lled for Aid lo the
FamlUeo ol"Qtpend1nt Cblklrtn,(AFOCI
In Alfau1t 1111. She IJl!l'UI to have
been, cltlrll' ell~t:. ebe ~ fol ·""
WOl"k aiid .~, hall elrhl cltpend<nl
children. AFDC money, tbou11
Welfare (REW). ' -.; . . " . ~
FINALLY, In .-APIP'l!i!lo ·a ,monthly
alJowlflCe of.i m ·~I sran~ for th!
eight Hunter' $1>1ldr"" This·' ha! -
1>een lninaecl to 'lite' ill~itnF1tM.
Belote any Wtlf;are '18S]SlstaiiCe was
given, the Runlet • chJ)dnJn ; had been
In the white ' aC!iooil for allnost t'j'O
yeal-1, and Mrs. Hunter wn: travelllni
86 miles ' day ~to earn SS far a day's
~O(k. ( .
•....... ·maw . .Y ~ --
• Sa!Qrday, Mardi I, 11119
'l'.b,e. Colllll!'!l Pqe ol the D~ !';tot .-. IO Inform
ond sllmulate readers by
preseotlnca ftriety ot com-
mentary on topics of tnte,...
est and alglllficance from
Informed . ob;i rvtrl a-a ,. spokesmen. . . t . • ' ltdhrt N. w.... P'ubll1her
' •
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~-Awuds, .I?reseni~d ?
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L9cal Ex~hai;igo~
'Die Oraole Cout E•· Newpcirt Beach. preslclenl <f '
cbanpn, • n or&enhatlon tbe -P· compooed o1 uu rw utato Recipients o( the MlUioD
brot'a aM 111etmen who-Dollar Club aw.ard for. lMI
MrY• cll..U by ezchaniJng were lien Muato,' .liewport
teal eltile, rec<11U, pr ... oted Beacb ; Milt Hamon, Lqw\il
awanll to members named Buch; Bud Zander. ?;.;pqiP
. . to the· MllUoo Dollar Club, Beach ; Robert ... · ~le,
accordlnlto an announcement Newport Be&chi Jae~ Klltlei',
'1!11de by Cbuleo Callison of . eooto· Mesa; and, ~Y
Wh!to, Loo AJilelu. . .
\Vb•l~I • flood rtll tlflt.f l~ve1!~90t' ~t: thl1-tlmfif
How do 1 •rwilyu • pr:opertyt 11 there • formula to.
follow? Where do I boflln? I will nol · h1v1 a lot of . ., ~
To Design
Eacb wa.s peraonally i..
volved with rul .eswe a•
changes, which cloHd etef9W._
having a volume of at Jeut
one mUlion doUar1. A :a award was made to Murl
Zlegler,.Regents Elcrow"Ci ,.
pany, Colt.a Mesa, u er..
change ""°" offlcer ol !ht
year. ~
money, Mtt w11nt to .. , starttd. I hive 1 duplex I ..could
ulrlf I nHd mor• m"ori•y to 1U"t"i~.d"e1I or'woulcl
th•I.~ ,,1 .. ~. · ,. ·. : · ·
.. W.T.~.-N•wport IHch
. Tbomu. Ricbard1on • Many would.& inves!ou look BlliQnd , unW the)I ' AHoclatos, the Coot a Mesa Jind $Om~ng that "'looks. good". to .. ~~.~th~.~tar' architectural finn, bu been
making offeu, f>eliev!Dg that iftliey eali l{el ·the .prop-retained to de1lgn a $3.5 ~ 'd';.l~nt"of~;,~l:iu::itb~l~l\m::,; ' 4RTIST'S CONCEPT. OF PROPOSED 'FLOAT.EL' DEStGNED .l:Y HUNTINGTON BEACH MAN :::"~ eo.~:'°;:. ':"..:!.i
ill selecling..ah investment; t!>et_!s• an jn~"'!t !!'•I <.· by A. J. Hall, pruldeot of
is persOll'!)l~ed to do t!ie belt job ""' •. YOU. '.; : : . ·~· Da•ren ~o· r B oa .. erllli:.1 ~.;,:.b!: d~oP.,th' San
·. ,P!,:il; you must determine wli•t ~ Yl"" go~· ltilrhor View .. .. " ~ Dealgn details al the
Orange Cout E'lchlnpi
meet weekly to irofenionally
exchaq:e . ideas -an a m.
formation relating to the et
chan&e of real ploptrty. N01f'
three years old, Lbt IJ'OUf
is composed of 3l mem~
who are dedicated to the ~
philosophy of uClfanllnl.
and .oJ>jl!C\iY.~s; Second, check all your a.11eta·; d~iferi:n·· · , .... , development w e r e subse-
ine <tl:u~tOtal amount .ol. ca&h, trust deedl, 'oQle.r."teil' or .s~~WI a--l... ' . quently revealed by Walter ~-property Ill.at· yi>u can us~:to icqJlir• •n 1n-".......... UJ/ Huntington Designer Creates -~F'loatel' J . Rlchanl"'"· p.rtner i• vestment. · . ..• .~ .. • ·· : . . ' charae of design on the proi·
In 1968 the total vol~
of closed e1changes exceed~
$15.5 million, an increase ~
$9 million ovrr lt17 :fohmie.
.• ' Boalin lh I I · fl u.... 1. ... 1 ect. M yet UMamed, the LEGAL NOTICE A word of caution here, too mapy. llfe .u.alJtg DfOSt u d w· g eo UI utl p YID& oa ... ._ ·-system con-Alfred S. Bloomin&dale, townbou9e community willl---'---------
of their cash resourees to acquire the p~y. and . n er a y tho coastal watera a D d liatlng of palented docks . Diners Club 'Chalnnan, aaid have 121 unit>, all wilh two .... , ..
because of this are· Josing : tbeif ataying ~er.·'.Wb~n r ...r.t-...tion l....t. L·anft -motorists l 0 0 k Jn' for Moored to the dockl will be that be envi&Jona 500 to IOO bedrooms, but of varying 1izes :¥:~:·:: (~~~::.::. ::: ! use4-piyperly,~ l~v~ge ·is,greet ~.mticfi Jevetake, '""'lJOM""'' u.sa u.::o-· VI• !4'!'1=it d!::O~~attl! about 50 stationary houseboat of the float.ell around .. the and dt1lgns. . , Ttt•c0~~;rv ..... ~01WM• :
J:iowever, can turn. your trtvestm~ .mto a tiger that 'the.~ Harbor View Homes can look forward to a sen·es units, each IO feet longo con· country including Iocatlonl on Richardlon indicated that NoTic• ., ....... 1,.. o' ,.,"'°"
R al ta iD.'.L.. . d---0 A th \ wJm Cl b lnJn f to~-h I l'O• ll'•OllATI 0' WILL ANO ~ will eat~)'OU alive. e es te V01.mg i:a..i11UNI a CablnJ: and S u -of "floatel!:" aloog the couts ta & our aa. ote room1 major lakes and rJver1. one unusual.as~ of the com-LSTTa•s T11TAMllf1'A•Y
you llaVt' ·e9.equate amount&· of cB!lh or .sufficient re. a private club reserved for eventually,· accord.Ing to the each. Thom p 1 on bas been munity will be the way each E•t•1• "' JOHN ·J •• coNNOLL..t•
sources io meet unexpected ca"1J requir~ents: I have the Dtlghborbood'• families, Huntington Beach designer or In addition, there will be responsible for the design and of -~~~ ~e 1sroul"t odf :E~r'rtE ~7:•~Y ,1~v:r.1!¥.!
seen too inany .jnwe6tors ·sell because they· did ~ have and which promises to offer the new .idea in hotel&. . . . a limited number of single construcUon . of .aver 10,000 towuu• .. •u,llc::s is c u s e r e pe1111on fflt ,rot..11 ., win ,,,.. 't
the staying poWe~, when if they could have remained nearly ·every I m P o r t a n t ~me.um~ i n.Auguaf Uie 11.tst cabin, motorized houseboats. boat sUp1 and hu been en gag-=~:ed a~ ~: filt~o! sc:i 5u;~~ .. ~n;_~~~~£'i:1'.7-t1:
in ·title for a sUghtly longer period, their yield could ·family-oriented "fun" acUvity. of-the fl0;&tels Is ' de(hfltd ' Central noaung units will ed in.deslp of many speciallz... plaza in a European resort ttm• ,...., ,11ce of ,,~1,.. n.. ...
have. been muoh· gr.eater ••. a,n~ ;l ~u~ ,admit I hhye . The new c!Ub will be lo be' opened Jn 'Mtanh wlUt house the b~riels offlces, ed types tof marine facilities. community. ~~ ~,;.. ~: J: ~,...,.,.'"., ':;.:.!
'.beeri ill that position myself and 1t hurts, . !thin 1.. a second to 'be built' in · the co c II: ta~ I 1-J u n g e and ~ The company has !..1.five E b 1 ·u •-11 t· ... """' "'· 3 of .. 1• _,,, ,, • . , · . ··. . · situated " a IO-acre par. Long Beach area aoon after restl\fl'ant. Even the swim-yeer _ contract wJtb Diners ac P aia w1 uc ea cu wm t:llMll 1trM1, 1n ""' c1w ilf ;~ei:,e ai:e :w~ys or avOldinf this;_ on.e of w~ch is to · which 11 within "al k 1 n C said Ken Thom~ pttSideni mine pool will be noattac. Club, for tti part in ~ individually with dlffermt 51&:,~"'";~~:·,,., 1
harig Oil· to your cash by using trust deed< or other dlatance ol hom .1 o/ Ye Dock Muter,. of 11115 Aid members of tbe Dock lllructictn 'ol the half million paring matoria!J, including w. •·" '°"~ property you own as · the down peymenL. A. iecent evf!rf e n Algonquin S t • ; · Hunilngton Muter firm and of Dlnera dollar mllts, aecordlng to Dock cobblestone and brick. TC!_ ol>-"""" Alfoc~~t'.~..,._
example; An \nvesto1 came to. ~s with '1,(J,000 and. was Harbor Vitw __ Homea. ~ , Beach. . . Club Inc., which will build, Muter treuurer N{flDa s. taln an tnfmnal chm(\er, ::; ~!i..,~.:.:S=:.";'.rc...
concerned' that. with· ·this amount ~ moliey he .would . point of the facWty 11 a tar&e 'Mle local finn desigqed the and !ranchise the noatels. E1!ds.l!Y Ot Hqntlnstqn Jteadl. each wm have · tta own ~ ,,,.,.. NlllMlr .....
not be' ·able to· buy the type of 'propert)' he de&fred and outdoor olJinplHlied swim-· ~ , = :J= :f11r;:~;~ I:::?~ ~Ti':::.'"
needed,,"fqr ·,a w ~elter. After a !Ong counsellng aes· ,min& pool.. Adjacent to the 2 T • M k' • LJ '· Thrif. D · ... ¥es"' . \ · ·.· l"11b111111c1 ort"" '"'' 0111Y 1"tt11t, sion, we decided to create a '22,000 aecon4 trqat deed' big pool !., a toddlen' wadfnc'· · ·i • t 't .. ' • -· . th Fet1r11t,.,, 22. 14 •M Merc111. 1Mt ~ againsthisbome.and a$13,500~t.trustdeedonsome pool. An abundance o/ con-'• ·-rac s a ing se . .;: .. · y rug 1o2::00:, • .1';:;';;' p~~~idl: LEGAL NOTICE .'.
Arizona p~rty. h·e_.had awned forever. )Ve then ex· crete decldng ring• both pool• • B N · sweeping views of the La ( P..mt11 . chW~~thi• ~. ·.soo. Ul trust deeds plUJ.a .. fr~:and cle~r to ·=·mm~-t. rowa of patlO Of L. -.J ~ d p k ' eDin• ew Cost& golf course. In addition ~ c••Tl,.IC:ATI 011' •UllN-11 lot he O!Nlled lD Big Beer for the equity iri 8 22--unil furniture \NO q,, ~. ·' . cape . ar s· ' ..... , ~-, ., to offering goU , the spcirts-TM _,:.~~~10!!. If~ ttllY ... apanlneb.t bundlng. Tbole uni ti are . nflt1i -'ta Vina m. . . I . oriented community will have C'DMlldlrie • llv•!-•t JD~
. come •-cloUars a-s: well · as. bui1d.ing' ·an elt:ate for ou11 • Ov~looking .the pools1d~ , Valley Store three swimming pool!: : and :r n!~Ci1A~~"".w~11 • i
r-""' area 11 the club s f 000 11nuare ·.An ingdrl.ous land use plan for the . conlin. uing populari!Y: ... 1• • ,· . , . other r.ecr~al J1cWµes.. . ~..,, ... ~,"~·,,.' fie~-" ·invesl9n He's happy becauae he has cash for aome itn· ' ., -,. · ellling for 44 acres of. :...ivate or u t p k t lL r/J -"" '"' ..... 'provements ·be feell ·are necessarY plus a' healthy re-foot country clubbome. 'fhe landac..-.1 1.. l'''·ha ruve,-& Y. ar ' '"le .. ConiirJcuon t ~ •• ,~· 1.EGALNO'PICE · ; "'. ftlll ·~I'll '~ of rtsldltla ~ ,,,_...:;. ·1 • .....:11n~ -..o1;' n-1_ hl• + ... -·•" . t clubhouse will aerve u the a""" par. ams I Stanley 'C, Swartz: CompaJIJ .,,._; :..-·~ s er !11 ·. ·. . . -. . , ':: E .~.,..IVllMt Dr""' •~ .... or·~ .e.,..es. oang a._ ..... ,...,.e.:-;mves • . been no<od aa a major n.uon development in ·Jrvlne Rall~ ~~ IM,l'aonWn V~y Piia. · ·• · · &-'· · ;It; '1 ~M':'::~ii.. m -·m~lQl~ .. Jlirn -~~~-"~ itn~t,~g " .. a'ccom· center of importan~·~ ,· . 1 :' :-' .Accqfding to-A. P. Lench, comer'OtF.din1erAven~and ··,.~~TIT~::M~ia~r1••• Orlw,Cotl•'";.,,...,(lllforlll•. ~-·aiuJ. haYil\l·th~ CaSb•OOillilMQo g'atJ.e lU}n and neighborhood civic and IOCii) '") . . t•· firm'I Vi"e-president-4f .... _~--n-·'-·llrd ..... W T ... 11lllllr.llMd 11at <lftlff Ill le~ •t1.1AN OAVIOION, IDQ M9..,..,.
hl wi! ! · d · ~· "• · · · · · hi · . . . <l . · uc, -.. .;. · nmwor Pl..l\Wl:IV a'k'oun n •~n-• w.i-. ,1 Jlf ••v•~ or .. """'",,.., '""" C•ll191'nl•. • s e peace o mm . . • . . ' · . activlUes, w ch will be con--R y · .... market.Ing Village Three .i.'.r.t at' ""!~'a · .. ~ ~.d..~-, -· llnditr tM DANA o.r.v1010N, 1u.a Mtnltlll. n_\l':.!tr'' 'I~"'•• ·' .,. ocor ea1• 1~' • ~t. , ,,..__ ' i'fitn-Gll'• / •Ff.WAY 6' Hllnlll'llfon fl1•dl, Cll~rGI•. _,,.-..~· l>e ·to ~ 81\Y prci>er,t1, diie()Ytfr r ducted in a comforta.ble and "' · ~ · • The Pat& homu will be c ~-~~· j ' tj •,. ~ M°'1Ylf' " , 1111 ,,.., .. 11:1 "011.c1 filbr11trv 21, '"' ~,. own -· · ~otl·-"'.;._·', ~p~illtl~, and, 'Nmj.: attractive Io d I e.· l 1 k e a. t.. . . j 3tructed in . a 1avI 1 b y 1 t • "" 11 ~ i.w1,... "..en. w1L1..l-'M "· MOL.MEI ,,--ui ·~~ y. ml.' ,..,,.. .....i.-t1on ' OrniroUtll:tl.-Nt1'1t lt',ulr:' lollce ti retlHftce GllACE·L HOlMEJ ta~.,..4,ru.1e:w~tQllow.tfl~pfOP.erlYand ·thePuri:flas· m .... I"""."'· In addi to I~ Fo1· Escrow land.leaped area featurlzit•. ' . ·-·, Wlil folllWt:M'... •RIANOAVIOSON ers · rq1Uj: ~-wdl :to oae another on all bnportarit handsomely furnished main ln!~lined pathways and vast Ernrit W. Bah« In ~ . • t.!'9:111'"': 1m H•m,• Avt .. ,,.:~N~.~:,~~P.~~'"'' c-.,,
factorS ·_.·or we baek· off i' .DOO•t fbrce a . traJl!~OQ. lounge, the club will b~ve stretc~es of. grasay parks. general contracton!.. who built c.,... :.':i:1.i~"'· • ':ot•~*,.U:~1c :!' ,!,"'-":!:9 ,.=:;
. '-. ,. '• . -· . . . . private lhcwera and dreum& .. Fll'lll' . . Told' . '-r'he rural atmo1pbere of the Pilla'• rrn unit, a Zody'• Stei. .. C•l1191'n1•. 0r.,... Covn!Y: ........-11'J' ·-•rM ..!!'.':'",'•""•····· .A real . estate inVMtment can do·1evenl t.hingl. It room areas for pool UHl'I. . . °" '•b.. ,, lfft, Nfor• ,,,., I Nof•P'Y HOLMES, GRACE L .... ~ ,. Can provide 8 Shelter .aga1Jiii .. .1Dcmne tax ea, , crtetl .an CompleUorf of the club ls . ~is:~eth ~h raa ~l?unt department store, :;:~c~n ~r~~ r11~,.~~,:' ~A~~N a:.nd..:A~V= !:I
estate '-· building · an ---·"ty· •"-e", be ·a h~•e -•~u1-• for May 1 of thia· w t Or•_.. "--t ..,.__ s n e eve op-"''' pnnplete ·the structure td ... ,,,. .,..._ wtio•• 111,.., 11 iublcrl• ,,. wbtcrtbld "' "" w1t11111 1111~1 "1 a.u.wu-~y:au UUe .,,;.llo;\I i::u es ........ """'11 1-.v" mem while it al s 0 m. neit March The HI h .. ta ,,,. wllllln h11lrum1tt1! •nd •IMI ~ .... -""" ~\ ...
against our inflational'y economy, or be' a develqpment year. It will be a further ~ w ~c E ) I • 0. ~:o u t h ' corporate• the conveniencea of Organlzailon ~ill also build : ::..77tm.":E':LfK\ltlil tlte -· ro'n·tc!A~ 51!'Al) • "..
opportimijy. Ydu mVJt decide what is mo«t important attractlon ol the already· 31roo urst. ~' .hadtha-urban livin& with the pro-V • M k ' ban" d ~,~,..,, K.,.~~~1tton11e •· t::iZ., K.ltW~;._ .. ·<:! to yoo-·es· no one -ft'Gl>erty coven ·all-Ult ba!n. popular Harbor View Home.a percent """"eue . \D e Ihnlty of schools and shopping on s ar e.., a • an . ,.,.~1,,1 onic• 1~ ·"''111CiJN1 OMq 1n · 1 . ··-"""•g tiie p.._.rty can ··i,e tri. ·-•·,but 'is· not tneylghhomborea-d-·"1im~~bul1lllt· number of escrows proctssed ireai•• sald Lench . several small shops in the f..'.,'"l:...c;:i:,~ 1.-1r11 -~·= .. i.i ·aS,1ra1 ....... -...., ...... • ~ --l .,.. e"--auu during 1988 over the previous "H Ill ha · center NO¥. ""' 1m --N......-... ";' .~ · ~ -1
diffl,,..,-.,. '"'e important factors you will 'wtnt ·to Con· b ... ~ Id 1 _ -.. ,,._ . 1 In omeowner1 ~ ve Ull· ..: 'ubnlhltl Ot•ft•• CM•t 01111 ll!irat, ,utin111td or111tt ~ ,a,_•• "" ......... .,. ·"ff · Y wi.: uuua ~· .u:•"'11 ""111• year, accord na to Kay Lop • mediate access to University The new 2{1800 square foot '"'"'' t. 1s. n 111d M.n:11 1,_,,., FIOMI,,. tt •IMI M•rdl_,. t."'11 .,.. ""'
cefll youneU with .are: pany. Harbor View Homes office manager. . Park Shopping Center' store Is the ;_nd to reacb nut : , • ..._., ·· ·(1) Income, actual· and scheduled. currently offers sli: model all Um ""'"" (2) Ex-.. ... , forget fonnuJas and rules of thwnbs,· homes: on display in one and "Last year wu an e Untverslty Park Elementary the construcUon stage in ... -. record for WOCE, the ittOnd School and the sprawling cam-they're just not reliable. two-st~ floor p1am: with oldest independent eacr.P,'f PU! of the .. UnJverlity of Fountain Valley Plw. 11>e
(3) Net lncomt, pne of the best yard sticks is what two to five bedroom a. company In Orange CodMy California at Irvine." chain also hu two rtona in
is left ove1 after ell the bills are pajd, -Prices range from $25,995 to whl~ opened for buslnes:'I in The Park homes wh!cb are Huntington Beach and two in ~~mp.ovom1ril1, age, size, ~eslgn; qualily •. and ~~Ina to Dulfle Fryllog, l~I," Lopin aald. antlabl• from -132,m offer eo;:P~:,'· .. ntor ucl!ltecta
·: • • r I • . . Harbor Vfew Homes Sales ~ '5'Vel1 person staff .at a uniqlie concept Jn indoor.out· Ainsworth, MCCieUan··ancs Str-..... (5), Loc•t~, ocation·locat.ion·lcx:ation.. Manager "In &. ... a few lhort WOCE has been in business door. Uvlng through the use . b
(d) Flnanclnt, what it is today and what it JJllY montiui, 'r:.:;~"°View Homa at Its present location for Or -enck>led aide, front and ~W ~ua~~ooo ~
be When you go to sell.·. have achleved a reputaUon for · tight Jtll'I and attributea ita rear paUos. The ulUmate in outlet... cf ipllt·face muonry
(7! ~everage, a healthy ratio that Wears well on ortrlnaUtJ, iml&inlilve UH: of Increase In busintu to privacy has been achieved block•'wlth ornate flbertlus you. . living IJ)lct, 11.well u com-"professionalism and we 11 through the ctnslructlon of pane18 along the ca.nopY ~
(8) Jax ~~i.qutnce1,.'])~jt'~ct yourself \rtlo .the peUtfve prJcln&." trained career employes." walls whic~ offer secluaion ported by. pr«:ut concrete
new prope.rty. C911slder depreciation and amorttut1on. .Harbor View Homes aft "WOCE. noted for its high and • ltyllsh touch to the columns. The store's tntertor
(9) Price; nOt "a:s import.ant as· You 'might thinL located near the Newport escrow , closing ratio is Ute homes. · will offer the latest in Thlrfty
Belt.er to pay more and obtain the property that w'otks Center and Fashion Island onl~ow company w}lich Univert.ity Park models may mercfltndlsln& and display . besl .fOr you thin U> buy a ''bari$." 1hoppln1 mall, the Unlvenlty ~.. daily c o u n t y · w I d e be visJted dally unUI dusk by techniques. · .
1 of Calilornia at Irvine, ..the d ery Jervlct: ·picking up ta~ the Santa Ana or San The' SO.year . old Thrifty
. •• ' ••
:.!llr-:~s.:;~ :=-i!. --~~~!' .r~ 1;r.s,:'£!1~':'•,.:==::: Corona. del Mar HJgb. School, • dellvertna: documents to Dlip' Freeways to Culver chain· Ja the Weit'• Jarcut
ltn 1tttt. T_,,_, llltll9r of "ll•tt t:•t•i..,. c.1ffiwTl1•"· 1tr111~'11..-the Orana:e County Airport broken. and cllents," 1.Gpin Drlvt 'lnd following the 11,U ·~~~tor bd juDkt' t1-~11111 ~" 111 t19"dlH 11· McC1n11e.. c~ t1te 0•ttr ''rtt.'. ... IMO. and the beaches. said to tti 'd .._.nt · ,,sJJ1M ·• ~~ .• fHlti.' ')•··. . , . . .. . . e eve....,.._.. ·Y · '""---• UTAIUSH
... . ' '. . ., . ' ,. ' ' " '
.• YOUR PRESTIGE .. ' ... ' '
Turtle Roc·k ·Hills Wins National Award ··· Complete Modem
Plaljl. F1ciUties For.
. EVery Job From .
Bual:n• to Soeia1
' ' . ·4~ . ..
' ' . •
• ..
Two naUonal award 'Winning
modela at Turtle Rock Hills
luxury home con\munity ad·
jacent to the Unlveralty of
CalllomJa .IrvlJlt ·talnpul have
aUrtcted HCcri · numben of
·visitors in ~ pUi , two
0tonlhl, nmrtJ Middlebrook·
Anderton cOmpany, Anaheim,
builders of this newest Preli·
dent-Homes developmeDL
· "\ttsitor1 hive come. from
all ovtr Southern Callfoml•,"
!laid Gordon Tripp, eaclUJlve
salu qeoL
Desplto . the storma. tralllc
of viatton comlnl out to IN
!ht -.~i!DOdi-eli bai Ill-
" c:f~. Sales at the davelop. meat bavt conllnued atroog.
· · •'•Foti outatandln1 value and
' i•cttAnct 1n dt1tgn11 w11-tbe
cltallcill by A-Jean Builder
• .~In ....... u., !ht n•·
• ,~al srand prlae and the
~. naUatal runner-up 1Mard ot
ittellence in the medlUm atre
' classlficaUon to Middlebrook-
Anderson Co. The compeUUGo
WU conducted for bullcltf'I ln
all ct North America. Thia
WIS the llrlt Ume in its
history that tho two top
1ward1 In one cllsaiflc1Uon
was taken by one buJJder.
ForMal pruerltation w11
made to the Anaheim firm
at the NaUona-1 Auodatlon of
Home Bullder1' convention in
HOUiton .
The models ln the eight·
home model complu were
dulpod by Richard R .
LeltdJ ct N•wport.Beoch.
The prbe wlnner1 and otbet
Phone 6"2·011 ' For FRl'E' r ·,
Pick.Up -Dollwry -----r-
. . .
.•· ' ' ·< :· f"' I ~ ' "I .. • f. ./ • 1·· "' "' t ·r ; ·•)·. .. ' . ...... ,, '
• •. ,t
" : "' ' '1
I "' .. ,
model.a ate -dall1-from ~
10;00 A.M. to duak. Tbey cao 221 1 WEST. UIJOA Bl VD,, tJ.. • ;
be raached by turning off the ... • · , • 1 '
Santa Ana Freeway· or San , · • 1::r ,1.,
Dleco Jl'rffway It Culvtr·111. ...... 'I"',...,,.,.,.,.,...,,.,.,. .... ,. ...
Drive and proceedll)I aouthlf
to Campus Drive"' by tum!J>i
off Pacific Coul· fflllln1 on
Mac Arthur BoUJtvlrd ind
procetdlng north • tho .....
• '
•• • ••
. "
,. . .. : n •.
'. '
. '
-. \ .. ,; ',\ -
··-. •
• ... . . .. . ,.. • .. ' . , • . -. ... _ ... . l : "\" ....
t . ' • . " . '
• •
i I ..
' •
' .
• ' '
' . ' •
' ' ' .
And:right arqund the cornerdrom e...ything·e!se tliit .
makes Southern California· a great pla:c.e to live;' -
n .. ~ The Beach, in Hu.otington B~ch,·is'a location you'll'~
· • never·warit to·leave ••• and you'I~ never have to'" . ·,
· · . '· · -Because The Expandable can be you~ !mt • · •·
·' -' and second home. · .
dabl The ExJ>indable's one-story design is planned so .. a I. . . . . _· . .e that two or more .rooms.can be economically added . as your family Grows. ·
What's more, unlike some. "l>Onus spaCe" homes, • · • · . ·t '.The Expandable is a c,pmple~ly finished.home when you. Is JIS ,mo~ in. You're nOt paying for unfinished space •••
j or for space you can't use now. It's the beSt new
, ; born~ investment any young f'lmily can-make.
Come tOur 5 new model homes at The Beach. Wh ile
2 · • ta • · ·• you're looking, remembtt this: You get a f'we· Yur · 111 I I s Wanantr. on a K & B home (something no. other builder · · · in the 'countl'f offers). You get our C...tomei Service. .
· • • ' . . . ' ' ·Division, too, which in!P"Cts every home 12 different
...._. ~ · ~· · . · · ... • • times during construction. And they're still readY to ·
. ,.
" .. -
I ,. ...•
;; . \._ , . . o:::.,.
,. ~.·
.. . . ' ' ·s ' ..• ..., .. -.. Put the' kids •'Ill cals<af)ll doP in the.tar •
.. nd come see all The;Expandables today. You'll
understand why'we understand living. A •
""" • . .. ·: • r· spt 11· ""-h' . ju'!'p ~f Y?U ... "!~isfle, even l year ~fter you moye in .
' ;·No Down Payment V.('~d 1,owest fHATerms.
•ro qualified ~1eram.
' '
• " . ~' ,; .
' ~ "' ' . ' .. ' } .
'. " .· ... :" (: .('. ~ . I ~,·.
,J • '• ... ' '' ' ". 4 ,
' '
' '
' • ..
' . . .. ,. , . ' \
' ' ~~ _,;;.. ' ... ·"' .
. ,•_
' .: ! ~-,
' ~ '
' '.' ' ... '
•'I' I:
., . ' \'
·~ ..
• I·, ' . '
'" ' ' ' .
... : . ,; ' '
' '
.•• ~· l l . ' ., ~
. ,.
• •,
I• f l
'. \.• . ,,
, . . '\ • ¥•111«>'.. Mm I, IM
• ·r
- -----<.----y--.----;-•
• • ----
I • • ' '
' '
., : . Lists Ccut
·For _Comedy
, *~.-y KIDSlc+ ,91i -....... . · ~ t:*'• C1a:::dt1 P.,I
........... 1 ............... ,
Washington "backstage poli·
tics" will come under comic
"'"1tiny \..next month when the Udo ~e Players present Sit¥• McQuaa11
Louis VeroeuiJ's ·comedy "Af· "THE THOMAS
fairs of State." CROWN AFFAIR''
Pat Moran and JosephlF~~
Charles, both familiar faces
in past Lido productions, will
play the leading roles of a •
--DAILY PILOT Sl•ft lltlltt
Irish Toast in Laguna
Enjoying a night of nostalgia and revelry are (from left) Ed Van Deusen.
Betsy· Paul and Doug Parmentier in this 1eene from "Philadelphia, Here I
Come," now playing on .the stage of the LaMa Playhouse.
Gr,e~k Beauty Irene Papas
" -. .
Living in U.S .:. Self Exile
-' By BOB THOMAS "They lry k> win me over.
HOLLYWOOD (AP) _ She Every slx months I must
fs like 1 modern Juno, both renew my passport, and when
~ In figure and style. She ia ... , go lo the consulate, they
lreoe Papas, a_ living symbol ·say to me, 'You are a .pltrl~,
cf Greece a country she dares Irene ; please go · to Greece
not ret~ to.' and meet these people. You
Tht dari~yed beauty is will like them.•
back in Hollywood after an "And I reply, 'No doubt they
absence of 12 years, thi1 time are marvelous, but wby1don't
playing a Greek-American in they let the Greek people vote
"A Dream or Kings" opposite for the government they want.
the noted "Zorba Ute Greek," Perhaps they even want a
Anthony Qulrm. who Is ac-fascistic regime, but at least
tually Mexican-l~ish. give them the chance to voice
Irene Papas lS Greek, no their opinion .'"
doubt about it. She has her So1 fir · the actress has
countrymen's curious com· resisted all invitations to
binapon or ebullience and return. She even decllnee; to
aadness, thou1h she has more fly on Olympic Airlines owned
reason to ~ sad nowadays. by her friend , A r i s t o t I e Th~ reason. Con~.1 ol her Onassis ("I actually know his native land by a mibtary jun-wife beiter"). lest lhe fll&ht
la ~Ith wh1ch she dis~rees. he mi.!direded to Athens. She
Like Melina Mercou;1, she d 1 _,, she would not rtturn has been oul!poken in her ec 81 l;\4 • . opposition to the G r e e k lo Greece until free elections
regime. Unlike Mercouri, she are held.
has received no retaliation. Her return to Hollywood ap-
"1 still have three or four pears to have pleased, though
houses In Greece, as well a~ not overjoyed her. Asked if
200 olive trees which will soon she had been able to renew
be producin&: oil " lhe remark· acquaintances :with frienda,
ed. "They have' not been con-she re.spooded : "I have no
fiecaled, unlike Melina's pro-friends."
perty. I 1lglire-'that such a After riiaking an bnpresslon
·big fuss was raised over witb her 'cial.iic ·beauty and
Melina that they do not want intense dramatic style in
to risk more trouble. European plays and films, she
' ? ca~re for 1 contrfct at
MGM. The timing wa~poor ;
the studio and the irttlustry
in general \t'as entering a
period ol tunnoil. Her one
·film was the ill-fated "Tribute
to a Bad Man.••
, brillia ~tl
, , 11niq11•I I
, , tll p•rb! I . ' d•1ly I
M••t•••t C•wlat
EY1ry Fri., Sat. I Su11.
Till March 2
Tldllls Aw1U1"1 •I ••• Of!lca .., N _ _. ll•llMtrt
2115 Vill a Way
Ntwport laach 6 71-1120
secretary and a senator united
in political marriage.
Other c·ast menibers are
Jim Hitchman, Ladi.slaw Re-
day, ·Lynn Harris and Dave
Wells. Ruth McCulley is direc-
Ung the prop.ucUon.
"Affairs of State" will be
performed March 25-29 on
the stage of the Lido Isle
Clubhouse, 701 Via Lido Soud,
Newport Bea~ .. ·~ r,i
Elvis Sigris
Vegas Pact
LAS VEtl~ (.\P) ...., Elvis
Presley pJIJll hla fitst 'public
sta1e appearanCt in eight
years itter signing for four
weeks at the lnternaUona.I
Officials of the new $60-
milH.on hotel said Presley and
Barbra Streisand, who ap-
peus first, for four weeks
at the hotel in July, will be
the highest. p&id supper club
performers in history. The
hotel did DOt nveal the
amowil. · j ·
IELKE ~ SOMMER """'nuvu
IASW&A& --•
KIRK DOUGLAS -... ... .. -"THE
-•lbCaOl'/lP-1 ~l'iill --
OllBll THUi D4)0lll
TO nm~
STRfllQI ·-...-,:
WWIMQl.1'.t TID•A,_-,.,_.
Junior Matinee
s.turday at 2 p.m.
Sc ience F iction
All S.tts 5°'
# --'
. --...... ....... ·-·-..... ,,.. I l!.11ublftl T1ylor Mi. Farr-
litobert Mllct111m e COLOlll: e
"SICllT CllllilONl"
Clln1 E11twood t.a. J. Cobio
• COLOlll: e
Action Program I
A!Jo Shock Car Racing "TRACK OF THUNDER"
S•Dtopf-allrillol • $46.2711-
Sat. & Sun. Open 12 llOQn
·~.ot ua liu lo beck up, ud 14'ill't ~a.•
ICllUtDOVGtAI -..... ......... -:-... -... A~-;;'I
.... : 111111• ~,..,.. ! r.=.-=. V':-1 IW&
ALIO • -
WID THUU. Ml. MON. t '1'UU.
SWiii •AMILY I OllNSON·61Jt & 11 P.M. -COU•AI l t41
IWllS ~AMI.LY •OllNSON 12110-4°7:41
cou•.a.1.i~s.~:20 !. 9:1S
ll's liM 1u11Utot.•••...._ .
~'e!W tt-.nn 1'W 1 w...-~
I _...d4w..___.....a:u:::tDot
I. -~ J•ll;M!,_CI --r,;t . l11m1ariifcHl•l
-~'a CAJFr' AIWEl..A~
; •IIZI __. _J.
'DAUUN&! 0nc:e J!ltl • i~ 1oai1 nmr p. "iiifm 'llomeO&Juliet'qaiteiJiewayyOI did ~!'1 )~
IWIOR at ADAMS. COSTA MESA, fllONf' 5464111
• Best Picture-··-·-· ' ' .
•.Best Actor-~ -·-. ..
• Best Actress .;,,,;.· .O:::..~=:-,.
• Best Supporting Actress ----·-....... s...~ .............. "
~Best .Screenplay-.......... _
S.cond .
Wlnntr ~
-..... -•Upar.W
vl'lln? ... _~_
il'llal '. •
~'1...:1 jaa'Lxdy
~1a~ '}. • ' ·~1 .... 11111 ___ _
__ , ~ .. .t-.hctil'-'1-1111!1!,
~·..tor.'llln~Booa·lio •"-
' Nearly Everyone 'Listens' to Landers
' ...
!f'llO ljier.;boys .1111! ~Ill
and welc<me to !be finl ~·
of March In . Uncle Leo'• ..
Cqr.ner. • . i •
We bad quite a few pd,
_e.Jn <M' •11.in like'; lion"
' lit -tliil "'"' but tho ... mq.& knWna'l.v~ WAI Grep')' f\ ' llVl!'I!•"·~' or'lhe !loo • _,, t\ I cari71ng an1IJ11li'ell1• ' -' t\' 'It • 11iin'I'. ,ab,, to' i. Clflila :: 'I. .. I °'•·· !II. CAiio ~; '<I'·
i =b~~~~~:~·tot ' ~ {'' ·~' ': t1"' /r<iq ·~!¥· A•d•' , ll." ·• "
ii ~j}~ittfr:~? ;. . ".'~ ' • .!' ... ;
' " Fountain · van., ldr '°lllf .
, other good drawings. · ,
UNCLE LEN wlSheA a h~I)-·~·-____ ;_ ___ _;, .... ___ _,. ..... , .. • ... ,~····:,__----------.! • py birthday to Pa '"f \c, J a • t • -.., "'". ••
Halloran, one of the con-• * PRIZE . nlNN_ .ER
-.to our poetey coolest . •' r-* ·.
today. This weelt's' ~ 'tlinner !J Greiory Daymon, 7,
And conirihDltkm to Win-• 1"5, Palau .Place, Costa.)Mesa . . .
dy Eastman, 7, Of co.ta Mua., I _.,. ,. __ , "'~-~~·~
! wbo has won a World Book Any <)lid under 12 eta enter u.,.... ...... Art ........ ~· ""'I .U JOG
globe far her queaUon In the • · do: (1) Draw' ptcture on pio<jo of plabt, "!hile, pli>eJ>.~ • wide anil
! Alk Andy <00tat -"When , 4 inc:ht1 deep. Uae bla(t"liit'dd~~ bllck. (2) D<tnot c0py or trace
does a pet desert t«to!Je · · picture. It must be y<iiit Ofm work. •(1) Put your name, age· and address
hi~,'' -')fblch oppean on hack· of drawing, Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY
,.. ·~ 00 thll paje toaay. PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winna will receive Kennedy half dollar.
-·-Marcil ,.mds usually Jll'°'L----------------------,-,-----'I :r. a fot of kites in tht •1 . ' •,·Ind. th•l 'a-wha~~· ........,..., . ·-~---~e.. ,.,;_±c~-·--.,,--=-:--.--~ .--M nJ• K-'--· I Hun ~~TWO GIRLS '•'d, "Oh, brother"·, . ~Wl•' att eont~ WllJ be all . esa ; uo::i.u ~· 1 · • l.u.o ~ ...
t : artOut. Let's really get high t1ngton 'Beach, Anne Mon· There were two girls, Some said these (ills were I On ihls-One ·£ids teleone, 7, Colta Mesa, and ~ey had a lot of curls; excited
f ' · 'Joeb Peuley, t, SU! Beach. One wu very llDlll, So, they blted ;
BONOJlABLE mention win-And the other VUJ' tall; That 1'•1n~l very nice,
nm: tn tb1I week'• art contest MARCH They d.Jd not lib ach other, ~or dinner they ate ni~.
: are: '· The ooWen ire bfoominc. And when they fought they -Mtt'y ......... '· ~· M-. • CathJ· Houston, I, Balboa The graa..Ja.gff!I;
,. Island; Pat Deneher, 9, We'll have" the prelUelt /J IJ' c:
Newport Beach: Margaret weather ,-----l_.a l d ;·., ----·ol Deneherr, 8, 'Newport Beach; That you've ever ieen; ro· 6 Orne,
Lynne Thomas, I, Irvine; Life will be gay, RIDDLES AND JOKES ' Craig Thomu,i1 Jrv~; Heidi So full of fun filled day•;
: Van Triet, J!:· ~ .. Mesa; Marc4, is a,IOQd ,'month • Diana ~ 'ii,,~n With opr~iao\d buds, t Beach; J."-':· Ni,\r,-i; Hun-The days are Clear '
: till~~~;.Tfni~er, And11nmner;ja'.our;,
• . all; ·~. ' M~ J oh n Oh, that fl Ille beluU!u1 I ~.7, c.r.aa de! Mar; Month of March.
•. ~ .. Jlodteleai, \e, eoeta -NWr•••..,.,.., ..............
..... ,t""'Mr"" ••• ,. ii ,. ~-. . '
= .... ' -·-·
t ~ . . .~ .. • . ~llff,.,_l l, • w ·~ w·:a.. J • , ·~!1' . • ~.: RAIN
'! .offiJiab;, rain, rain;
I • i
· • It really is a pain;
'We really want to play, ,
But we -have to 1ley in oil day ;
It really is a bOre
When all it does is pour. . .__ _______________ ..,...._..,..,
: '. " • • • • ' Crossword •• Puzzle ·
I AtaOSS 41 c .... 1,. sabdhil.._. 1~ 50Plwit ddut: 5ZSee31 I BtlLll... ...,,. 6 lnwlaa; 5) Ciht's ' ....... ...
ID Gall In ... 5U.-Clil111 Sra bel'lile ll 5aolp ... d 51 V•lll .,
15 PNPOlhkM 60 Atfcatt llW:
16 Color • Z 90fds
17 Gfflt ... or 62 L•ill: V•.
·1 ,'J,~ i.JLJ_Jt;. l :L~l L'L :J11no r~r~1tn n r'~rr
.J.JIJ..J ULJ!.lL l'l~L l!l' •J :J:•J .J [JIJ~U 1:1l~l;I ,.,
'.J UUG UL·:t. ll
l.'1 .l'li"J -~u r11.;nr· n:=nt:
<•>1 -J,•Jl.I l 1 U '1 .J .~ l·l I
CJ ~J 'J;J n 11 t1;r·1• c1.l ••
J .'.J.J ULL~W.! l tl~lll l •
J J.J:JUUL..'-J lli4Lll'l'l.
"°'..:J..Ji..1 I H-•111
.J.t.J.JU<( l:ll1J!.IL.JL.!lll1l!
•" t .11• n~1 n 1 j H f!Pfi
.lll.JU..J .Jlllj,j l-.:UUI;
.J:.JU.J..J :.1u:t!,l [(l.iltL:
Dear Carol : What IS the definition ol
was\ed ·energy?..,
...... ,.,..~ Pf "I •••
A.1011 lu!•J•.1 .11•1f w _luflf'l.L :1•.•SUW
--""'I' ........ , .... w. , .. It .. ... · ........ ....
" -:r.ilry~ (lli!Wi'e ate 1or \. Uif>'f wt· Ill•
score? r·~·"l· , .
Ricky: Nothing to nothinf."· '~. .
Mary : Oh, good, then haven't mi1Sed any-
thing. ' .. · .
-M¥r ....... I .. """""'"" ... di
Dear Carol: Wby js tennia a noisy sport?
" -'lfelpt.1 •'fl •tJIJ •'I• esn•:>eg :JeMtuy -OI-f"t9", W.. C.... MtM
Dear Carol: Who driv,es all bis cuatomers away?
•.1•~~ 1•=-1x•• y :1e.M.1uy
. .....,, 11\\. """""' ........
Dear Carol: What do you know when three ele-
phantl walk down 'lhe street ail in pink •weal-
. shirt.a?
•wnt ewn •'ff ue 11• ..,,A•i.c.&. :.1•••uy ---"""""" -}
,_..,.. ,111"-.. M ....,,
•I• 0.-.. c... hly ~· ._ . .... --Cd!. I "''"' -
of old 6f Busy a --:
11 EM:fluU•a a wOtCs · -
I 20 E111lo1tw U Faint 1111" 10 ..,~r~"'r:...:i.:-:. 7.i.:. ~= view them through a . piece 21111 a ecmpe-Hftl~ 11 S&t'ld a.age 41 Trlnra MtM. ce111or111t. ,.,. ~ ~1911, of. smoked atus. i ..
tent• ... er 66 Enta.b lZ 11--: ,..aU,. · W1-doe• a pet duert '. A couple ol sundog~• can -· ' 2J O~~ts 67 Tear 1Way LtvlM I 6111 4' Porc•llt ~ : zc Bog , 63 -P•k Hf«: I Wflds rm.re COrt.obe hlbera1te? indeed predJct the weather ror
' zs 1.chlltt .-69 Stwte-1:! Dl11mn11 4' Afrk• The true desert tortoise is . the next two day1 and may I 26 s.ote 111enhfY 19 l•lftlt MIMk 1 •--•-·, !"Inch fellow live lll 1 hint about whit 30T.. 2Z--lfll... ~-·~ ~ t .~ I I d ' • 341 Snfef DOW z4 O..IM ftllllW witb a blah. humptd abtll 00 o -..,..,... or severa ays
••• l ·-~ "•• a.E~""t -"'n ~.-his hick. H• dines on plants mort. They also tell a high--"~Mt ~.. ._~t• .--• __ .. _.._ ·n-•·•~ he can flyiq pllot that he may e__. 3fn:ir >•-.. 71--tf ...,..111to -w~-;-·-li' '!bout afrootlngoflceoabla~'. r cf""°' ....U..• 5J bnctfWI ro for 911:ya..,. wee 1 "1 .-.:. .. ~ almost alwaysappear ... ·-J__.wfll 21'--IWtlls -tfiitll-water. U he lives in our ........vi;• • JI i.k.-, toic• 2t ~rf :::' 54 ._..... IOU\hem daerts. tbe winter whai • warm front ia moving
I 3' Iowa Scotia 4 Sel,..._ ~ :n d '*' Wlow weather rulta him fine and in our direction. The nm day
tee• ail)' S RestoNs"' e-r 55 ..,_ -~ hlbemat may brlna aeattertd &bowen • •1 V'-" so.II _.. n Si ........ he bu 00 PCICU to e --.1 thue are fo"-ed by I . -·v--... ' --tha Um of Howe er UM MMW •1 ~--,. #, -· / at t e year. v ' ..... .1., r·•·. Alter the' rain, " '-'a 7 Jnt · . COllfD t157 ~' the hotteJ ks "-... .....
I Q1
,: ef ante I Stll'-7: 3' 5-":r ,.. _ :; ~ f~ ~ff too the 1kiel clear and 1Ye may
• ft t ~-·. • • "--u ... •--the -···· of mo•ftV .... ' i .• ~.-, • '=• twtc • ~ ft::.=:· much tor hlm. Then he buriu aet a kmgiahther warm spell of
46 kp' a.....-"ICCft"'1 'IUllR WIQU ----.... of U '"'ti•· 11 rn '"' a _,_.,..... rock and -Sundop form when the oky •~*~•·~~n.?"•••• . u Ttr11•1 t.o ;p-:.w the ,,..u. 11 veiled with a cln'Oltratua I,• cool& off. lllbematlng anllllal• cloud lormallim. 'i,.,.++-+..+-_..,. 1rGm the winier cold. • Teeming <I IL molecullt,
\,' ,,_ 111at hide to _..,. 111a -1<• of .c1ua1, 1ct c:eyata1a
summer'• hut IN' llld to and dtopleta ot mollture are
estivate. Tortolles llvinl In small enouah to bend the more northern dfftrt areu 1U11belllll, tbatter and 1e1tter
IUCh 11 thole In utah do them and bounce them llUlnd
hibernate: often c om In I the sty. The ti"1 l c e
•-ether In groups and finding frapnents In clrn>ltratut cu
-· ...... bend them aroudcl In -• 4lta -_, can escape and nfrad lbelr lllhl Ult•
lrGm Ill winter cold. llUfi &laR prlama. When thll
----~ --~
~'C.~.::11:i'. !':~ .. ~ u:.: =-c:
•· II -!Ml ...... ...,~ M limes·--II -the lull moon. ,,.,. allo ... Jll"Mlel .. a aalllll'f add Wider .balol ad frt..
/u a rule, amd<p _.. = clrcla Tbett ... t llke twin n ........ -.. each _.__ be mil"-~..... ~"-n _ •• _ ...... , .,
tide of \he ouli TIMy occur wruw lhl or llneod with redo
only °""" In a great whfle and yellows. Sometlmtt a bl&
and when they 'do the •kJ circle cull throulh the center
la p.tntly hazy. However, this of. the sun and lnttrltCtl a
c1uzy veil does no( mU:e It ba1o at two polnU. The e.tr1
11fe to 1taro dlracUy at the Ught whlrt the .l1nel ~
sun. So when IUndotl make creates the 1parky little aun-
thcir rare apPearance1, please dogs.
> "
PEANUTS ..----... ,..<:WT ' Fe!
M!$S r'EAC:H .
... ~;:_o,·
• ~ -i I' 4 'I,
.. ,1-4,. ... ,""' . ...... . •. ' ~ ..
. "
' -·' , ,.• ,'I
' -·
..... ~-·~·
.. ' , '
' ' •. ••
By Al Smith
By Gus Arriola
• ly Mel
\ .
................................ .-..--"1-•• •. , •• •·n-.-ri:;--;,-,--,-. -. ---···-···--:=r--:--:-r-:-:·-:-~-::-;:-;--:""";-:-::--::-::-:-":':"-::--.....::::-:::-:::7:::77:::"::":".":"";:'~:-;-;-------.-------,-c-r--.--.---------··-··-·· ., .................. -........ +'···--·· ......... .
J4 1 DAl~V i>1~0l --
.... • •
lie _@range· ,t:oast
• -L.!-
'51111t1<1" will~· ... •
; .. -·-'"" --.. · oacl, flil! ••• '"'' nn 11111· .....
· 'Man~Power'
"Similac" ·,_; oa
• • '~Excedrin"
' . , 'TAILDS
htr• ltno!D'"" hl\fff<
let's 99'('
11< Di1flwasli11
IH fl11 l1lrics
lllSTAll' cotm .
11% Calf1i1 Fr11
hz. 69( JAl -. . .
•• ·"Ivory"
19.«1100% ,., •• :it
Finis. Meji1• Siz' his
"Kello" Alarm Clack
., wmwx -Kf)"MOtlf'.d
• ' .. ,
·; -~ .,.
' "° lloor-dod w1lll large-1 98 tiSY-lo-n.ad foll li&lll~ d.;il.
Ct«ter lltr111 intlicator. • .. -·
""'"411111 J, Hool!. Ito L1burM1m, Fltllft-
flllt v1n.r. S•l"tlvld by wlflo, ~
G. "°"' PMtMr, Mn. l"vl Wlnftr, -el L.ic~ C1IH1 11 1l1tws 911111 -llnthw • ..,.,left, MMd..,, 18 AM. DH-
...., .,__ Hunt"'9*' V1l"'1 Cll-...1. Mr.
Hook WH • IMmbolr .. llet•lt Cl1rt.1
Un"" No. JM Ind fflt "-••I~ v11i. .. s-OltteMf .... Ol'*Y ll'OI. Mor-
Mry, 1167111.
ltobe!'t HuClllM. t20S W. l1lboti l lY<I.,
H-rt BHCfl. Svrvtwll 11¥ '"Itel, Mn.
Al 1'11"111!, N-rt IMdl. StNICn
,..,.i1,_ 11 Wt1ttllft Cll11N1 M1rflllfy, ......
DeflOrt~ OW.,,1, lntMf ll1111~tw et
J-..w Me....rtltl o-, au"' L....._
.-. I.ti • .,..,__ Dt,. of ... 11'1. ""'
Ner'f "· ler't1'H .-!lnl. WMtdlft C"-"' ,..,.....,.,.,, .,....._ •=• ......
C.... Ml -.OB i-tlM
c.ta -'Ml Nat
UI ltrwlw11, QNta Mea uwm
DILDAY llllOl'llllllS
'B-p Volloy M.....,.
17111-.llM. ........ Biiia
. I0-'1'171
C)p t I J e ller1wy
--~Nta,.. a.a. Clllftt* -rm FAMILY OatoNw. FUNEBA:.
1111!'11'1: MOJmJAl\Y
117 -Ill. PW',._.._., u:.-'11---'1111 .......
llDl'CUIT llOll1'JAl\Y ca. nai 11., co... --
~ v
#llll lllodel
&aille-tnie Control wll
positive •eat!. JZr!S-
temovallle cotton 111111-
tiel cover.
•11.l.ll 2;49
:&OUGH ·
•ul Te 1111 ClflllMIW Ill.• WITIC
Cheracol o·
Cough Syrup
C011tai11& thiee e•peclor-
111ts II llelp dis.wive
111.::rs . cont'!_tiol. JkMI..
narcotic w1ffi dtkioos· •
wild dl«ry llilor.
ltz. 8~
fS nil lillllel
.,..,,, """" ... -3 comf!Jf-tlelt vlril-
tioos. Col""' "". . al ~ip. •• ,. 5.•t 4.98
4 II 1,49 I n.1.99
• CAPSULES l4's 1 49 fGJ tempny ttbef of IYfl'IP-
toms due ta tll~ comll'IOll cold. •
'PlAllTWS "Snacks"
C~st .ffllm ¥~1111111 peckecl CIM 11
Potato or C«a Stklt!, Ccx11 Chips,
Cheer Balls '"' 41 00 c ... , Cols. ' . llf.Sk • •
·"Chips A' Hay"
Ch11ltt1 CM' CM•iu 3t ltt• MUISCI. .
14'ft II.
Bathroom Accessories
............. -llOW \IDll Ull chat• your ~bl1IOlll M "W..,. ti '*" ii lnillltc. So
dmit tNy *" .. tlDnM .tiqan, Gllt .. "'°"-"' '•ily, • . .... 9 .. 'Priass
-~ 7ff 7t.
'Swirl .. .. ,.1.49 Hiik
~ •
1 -..
1 1 89 21 o • • L •
1 1 98 117 • • • •
1~· ... 3.79
POLA101D "Big Swinger"
CAMllA -the inexpen:11~e ~ thlt 1it11 )'Oii bi&
tltack ..nd white pictwres secolllb: after 19 88 yoa wp the 'tlurt. [r.;y "dfo,-1ft"
loilding • , • built-in lla3h. •
GE flasllcils
"'ll111nt" witll "*-tic
........ 1111 ....... k
::.·~ .. ~119 (11f)nMI) •
Tape Recorder
CUIC -IOii oGz-~' wit!! •klrrri: level costtol.
Batteries; mM:e, Sll)lw, tlpe
·;;-... im •· 39.95
"SONY" AM J:IDCk Radio RadiD8-ries
5r5" tobe·Shaped !let
comes ift a wllnut-l*ie1
l1nish that's ve1y ritl
::~1 2i1.00
LmllllC "Tweed!'
COllClli'na'1 -.
Cliapelist • ._ ....... 2 ·50 • at,, .... .
-Ill 2-.1111 •
·''Soft-White'' aulls ----iwo. . ·-4 97c : ~= ,. ·111-
• -'
•Ill .,
. Pusll-Batliin Bleader
~ stat! .jiji •· nlic tiw ••. l-wll ' . . ....
h!al:-resislilt &Im Pr 29 '88 wil!I built-i~ hllld!e. ·
Whitt aml IX!lori. · •
· "Woolove"
!'.old·Wator Wasl •••
"' ""'· ''"""'" and 4 ' 1 00 o~ fine fairies. 1
1111, I •
"Bllbblove" .... -.... ~""'=. 4:1 -·oo 1111. I •
"T.S.P." Cleaner
~:n~ .. ~=:-· 4:1 00
"' wi111nr. n 11. 1 •
' I
AIPllWPIRMl, _. 2'4 1W1 MUCll ill .
-I <lnl'lt ltllllUIAY '
DRUG STORES · . ' Opoot A.IL to 1'PA-7Do!tA-
1020 lllVINI IN
.. •
• n
: I.
·~ ~-
·~ •at .... .... • •
;u' ,,
• ' <;,,
•• r ..
"" ~
• .•
. '
' ' l
~ • I
• ' !.
' >
s •• ! • ;.
' ! • I
I • l
' I
• S•t....i.r, MW<I 1, 1,.. • DAILY PILOT .IS ..
.... -·' i
.#. ... ·il'·M Btl~: ·8igri~ .1:~da -
-..1. --• ---• • -~ I • '• Clendell.on -=·~Reti.re£· .. :· ·· ... ., r -· • BJ tk A11:1d.lt1• Pr-. StauJi ot Mootrtal.-wan, BuDUr tt a.Maoa wu traded by; Mlakiill
, Tl)e)l~)'<rk)'~Gl*!ll\la.. ~ ctt,, Booe P°"1 lld· Tom wllll J-Aba 10·-ln 1111--
Mlcke)< Montie to lip 11111• -IC! Pboobul ol B-e, Frank Bowltd "-8111' doaf'lllll pve the ~
. soniellmt 1oc1a1. bal _.,... -jollod o1cwu111nc1oo, Al ~ Nomi Cub Sllub, 111e -· -J1!111U1ar ~ Friday by tho -. -ol 'and WUUe -ol l)eli'olt ·...i Deft . and • IOlld ~ the ... iw..,.....--Hou.stbn'1.Donn (hAemn • ~. ~ Ol&llD and ~Len ~ IMd \I. dW M lailW ... ~ i' .'l'bete.Jll<l -'-1•11•11 lllll ·Mtn-OolirlellonolLCllAqeleo. lhlu_'!"'14_tllo_ '-'(l!•l;~·:~=~· ··""" -.011\11'MJaWj ..... ,,C)UYO, -~Looulii:9 • 1'\\ILl!il~;:-ldl , llot -ltolihlt'. '!bl cardlnlJa =:himplon. lljold IW Iii ·-
, bee; .... ~ 1t"la~' ' . : ~· ~ !pilillBob(la-,,i:.t~ •• nllo ol lh!lul ...... ~E lh»rm" w e ...,,...,.. .. ~WJo..-thlnl· la "lhe ~ IIi 19' -ltf· tliO . lliock 11\1. Dl><J!ll ~ ..... ·~.. .• .. ·-• . .... ... '"'°""...... · ~~ i\ltdlen. ., ~ r • no led lbt. AL la 1ai11r1 CJ..at-~ hy ~"4 ··:~~wore bamr:.i 'lllllr · -nportadlf Ii..-w
, "then tadOii to llouilon llnce lasl ...,.., llieii ~ •. :11!\l ~.,Dive ~ 1fOI' -11 $100,llf"• "'1, ~-bf..,.~playlor-. J(llla!IOoel>«o,C<llrT°"",Bob~, =-Bob-·"'° ' th~~~':'.:"'..:::: ~Ttd ··~~~· ~ J i .,·~.-. 1&0.,-.,... ..
·~.::~~·a.~:~i ~· .:· .'.:'~·;·.~.s· ·rs ·Wl.~-Mi ·-~ .. . · .:
· .. ·Pitts~-·i'be''bld b1eo • t :~ t '\. ' . ~
• vicl )prelideDE if' In Admti ' .. '--· .. _ -' ' .. ~ · =.. 'i:i.. ~~": .... land jobl G·-i · · a · I"~ Qi · t -:-J '"' "t.}-~-\l!'!lllt•i't'i.~. ~-. ·if11-""the IIl1l.t • ¥. r zy . . u·1 s
"""" ~. 'l ·~ 'biUebl:it new1. lllvolvln1 . bOJ!loiitl • ~ · . • · I.' : . .. , . ' . , , .. '
{ff ~1 :,. r~\tbt SI~ ,deodllhe . , '.. . ~' 1.,,,-,, ·~ '· . ,
,. :·~:ir~~~!~uE Take .~·Bllger ·'Joh
and1.C CGltbe1Metrudsw=t • 1 1 ' • -.. ·i r1•V .'1 '"· '' • • ·'
Wood l1ior1o1cetaw Woodle lleld"and ' ' • ~ :"\}'; · ·~ ; .
Tairu:ifhliiio11l!O;Wblle5oL .. ' A$WA1JIW, Wit, IAI) -EJrO;,~i 'tal :AIO r.. ol J'nnoe, ··-Amanl the alher' pllyen wh! ifiiie4 ·~· lllrtCh, IA ~ ~-· . ..,llnl nm hlol onlibtd with • ~
were Tony Oliva ~ BOb Mlller of elecUttve 'lftd former lllr 11b1lftt, ML ·· 'Jlini of 11.11 llCOftdl. • · • ·
MlM'""11o, -Orlando C.!ieda al St. Laula, ceptod .tho jab u -~ ·111:. d'otric'k a-11 ol Franc• ·WU ·lblnl
Jim Bunning ol PltllbuJ'lh, Jae PepilQDt.' lhi U)liw~ ol Wlsconlla Frld'1 li!oll'I see lporll.Brldo p 11 ·--. Houce Clarke and .stove lls.mlllon. ol Hinch 1111DOOllCed bf· hu ...,.,.I~ lf IP
the Nn ,York Y'""°', Mae DrlhowU:y' li••year COl)trlCI WIU.f ~ ~ ·.,•
of KaniD City, Mu.ab' Mota ol Montruf, to be about $30,000 a jiW> ~.:. ', . · , ·
.. Pa.ul Cuanov1, Berille Alliil;OO u-J Hli'lch; "'ho'-ltft whili; . clllld';" Griff1·m~'s Ge-iild Tjm Cullen Cll ,WllhlnCloi\ aild ToaJ "lifetime J6b u 111•!11nt lo, !111111' Prtll· . .._.:.. .
• P•ra iiid Alex Jelmoon ol Onclnnati, dtnl.cDaolol Belva, ~ .Ille llta • . \ ·
> • and Jo.. Sontlqo, a-p -. ·lllcli I.tli! >. Wiii-. who wu OUlted K "R tJ ,. E~':'.~~~·~..., :~io. .... ,.. . eeM US er
V.,.te, but "1her bic IWD• ...... rtlll · •' ' .. -. " . .. ' n~,~tii. -w~ ... -;:.._' c :-i:i; ~t.:'.t~f!1 . Nm· e u· ·~L,;,.:...te.n' . . . . ,_., ~ I'-hubW duiplo.-.. . npt;n .
. . • ~'""9 Frtdq IJPI Wttll M•euy '1· ·, :, : , .
S • t Ki k ' • ~ ~ llallor.i. Frtshm1n hurler Sllve Griffith ptlcbell -~ <l'; .QVIe ' c ers :1'" I ~.. .. ... • I tw~hltler and ltrUck out .... la
., ' 1 •,., • __ .._ . lead undeleoteddlcilden West Callq•
·cl A~.. · lise 1 LOS ANG~ -The ·Loi Anaeles to a rain-lbbrtv:lai.d J.1 verdict '1'/tr : : :.. ·"& ' ;£10 • -tJm . eslendiil lblllr )VIII Dtvlllj>o l"d • Citrus In Frtdly'a Eutll'D ~ : ,. ~~ -----. .. 11 . . . Butetball. Al*lauoa ·, bue11.u ldlal o1 u.. -llold.
':;' ~ ' ·""" : ' I . ' '~ IO..tcl1r lllDU &'~with. 121 ... ) '\ Today~-West !I at Slnta.~ ·~· · ····~ · d ·· 'fjf{' •Jl11vlclwJ-the. • · ~.ln'llla.·11 <S p.m.) whUt ()rap Cooll triee to . 1m·...,un ay" . """""·~a.u ·~polnll. but th•'-lh!lr, bptlll!l llu.~ • ,. " ' , . ··-B~~J; ..-, -,._,.. . at ·S. -n· -; . · ' ~# . ~ . -... vii;~~ 1 ~' k" r . · . ~. ~ COut'a~J.' *'ml!~ lilt •
. l i ..... ,•tr'··'-'"•'! ·i.···· 1 · ;w;. · •1 .. ~. · ~I-n,nuno Kiev, '• ·-'nt~tl-SAC .wu ro1Mc1 !l'lt i111t !ft !8il!I'
'l lt I· .-· •r'1.~,1~.'.~"T .... ,..,.:"J!i.•oace:tltompiool,10oller~-enColll~ ..... llt Frlbr~ wlththel\lamitlot~,.,l~l-. T~E cr.TCHER'S VIEW _'-~s i•· tAe, view San far the Mets last year and fini~ith a l!-10 lili&Jibl!Vlclorf over Ibo ~<*Jp, Jiu bl,, clllof hukellllll -l!oh ljli"hlll.lor Goidili· lfe..:. OU,.
Diego re c era •. "lill .ll~ ot,pll<ber Dkk • record and a 2.75 ERA. " • ;. ~. u the Soviets lece tllE c.s: 1qa14,• wllll o•I '1ctury-Cllllhnlo.~ V.uka' 315-!qal baole··run In 1111. bOllom
Selma s;vear · •:l1urler·wonhi1first sixslait& · .. , . , ••.. , •. , -. · "'. ·•l LoC Angeles Colleeum Sundly ,11 .2 ,'lllo w,. tlle ~llnt"it'ilit " al tire second IMm,'lo "tle the . ....,
··'· • p.m. ,.. •,o Frtc101 IIfP1. .' ', ·~ Noel P1uleon'1 11ns1e · 1n tbt lul
. " 1 I th JI • I •' ·"-'-·-i' ~u ' . ·-· · " · Git thltd lo hrioi·ln M,_ Plmr, .-n e ococ •. pr ......... -1 ..-~. -" .., -.;.,, 1n· -'dtri ledlo~ .i.-.... n ... · · be the iCoast Ran,er1 of the Orange . , -_ . es... P ,-.upJ.09'"........, •. S . d ..,i ff t Coast are• against a Santa Barbara SAN FRANCISCO -'Bob Johnson's· l • Pmes ltd the Rustler o(fenae with
. -. .
1V'orld lee Titllst -· .. an ' eu .ur . .all-slar,cqntlngent. . ' live-lllOI jump sh!>I at lhi buuer •• y.. hiJI threH>aueo ond·. llnll<._ ~
Lasf sUntraJ, Dynamo's big Illar WU lhe .Cal Aul• o a.«I mrUm~ '1cloly Wut II U I« the complip.
A An -:i • ... Anotoliy Pl.web, who ICOttd the operint 1 • TMday _over the San. Fr~ It a t e ..._ ..., cu . c.."t n• . . · ... s· trate1·s -al ·on • Dying headsbot with lisl Gatorl! and at least I tie for the FI r o.o-. • I ,. • • 11..-.... • a ..... , •• . w-~ ~-L ti 1 ._, ,~ J • 1 , klr!MdY. 1, s , , • t!J~ t~mlnute played fn the brutal -u~efQ \,AlllU::reDC'e ! ~· ' P'lntl,, rt 1 I 2 t l'C-111 'I • t • e~lL zich a'dded t w o more In t h e . ""' 9' ""' , =.'=°"it. a ~ : ~ ~ . ~'!;.,rt er ~ · } : !
W. Io'' 0 85 first lf ·for a .:'hat trick" before . " I . >"Mtftl. c' l 1. 1 I O'~h. a 2··· ...
.s~~rt ~eign Predicted
-..'.'. --=... " ;. . .
; "•· •· •· I ""• :m,· ' -halftime. ·85 his" team edged the ~UAW VALLEY -Olympian " Blllt ='.'·, 11 : : : : ~= .. ,·. } : ~ :
Amet:icans 3-2. Kii!d of Stowe, Vt., shrugged oU an '""Ol'ttt1111, , • • • o ltlMf, , 1 • • •
Coach Vllftor M .. 1ov employs me "ac· ankle · injury and a bliJ;utlnl·snow storm ~tu:'·:,. ~·: :·:
UC Irvine closed oul HS regula'r bas· cord.Ian syai.em ," which emphaaizes mus to ICQte a spectacut;i-r vktory Friday warrM, , 1 1 1 ,
, For East Germart S"tlir .
' .. :
' co~;pniNllS, COio. ·cAPl ~
Ga!t'1'1e ~ iii ~t G<rminy b
the new fl&lire . skating queen ·~ ,the
world, but it probabl1 will be a short re1'4 ·
"I ~.~ .. .to ~~ one ~ )ear/'~
the lt-~l.r'btoode Ice ballerina from
Karltlai'J-Stadt Rid Friday w h I J e
receittnl . (pngratulatlons around the
BroafmdOr ·Arena for her apectaeuJar
victofY in llte~Wcirld .pi~ps.
Thfte are recwT~ . reporta 1hat the
attraetlve~ldiss Seyrert will accept an
offer·: froui1 an international iCt show, with ·~ p/ln~pil· base In Europe.
;l. lot. be!: _)olults ore reparled la
run lo l!00,000 ~Ing In .a C<im-
m CQWltry, a ~ls bot easy ..
"1:~1'>J~e • t.acOO-. I doo't
,.. k~t.b~ll season with ~ 100--85 victory over attack and "immMiate recovery into in the World Cup,men 1 11lalom at Squaw T•t111 a 1 ' 1 To1t11 It 1 i • l~ I Will skate ln a show," .Gabriele v~sitmg T~hoe·Pa.rdise College ~rlday strong defensive play involving u many Valley. · . .,. iwt W 111111191
6 -er. Sh d!dn't -. positl eJ night, but il may;been a costly wm for a~ ~t·playeri at one time. Kidd, 25, had ~, combined . time ol crtrui 11, ._r ~ ~
at · . e sa,, , . v . ~· the. Anb!stets. • 1 rn: · BdilWon to PuzAch, the Russians 91.55 seconds for lila two nw m ed,g1n& c;oldtn W•Jt 111 ~ • a
·. ~Tun .~~ °! Detroit· ga~e a dyna· ':' '. !~g g.uard Nick Sanden ~as taken fe-&~I in141e ,fc:nrard loaif Sabo, the ....... ~1c exhibition m free skating ·F~lday • ~9i. the hospital after the game· wJth' an ' llUn~,n· born playmaker, and speed1 ·
rught and brouglrt the .work( men's figure . iiljured toe. The 1 leam · doctor believes · winger Ahot.ollj Borgovik on olfense. Wini A . · •. Sik .
skat!J\I dl11npl011Sbip·back1o the United • ffimden sprained !lie digit, bul it's being Tbetr def..,. ,..mo vlr.lually Im· .:_ ess ar_ on, es sta:~ iOr the first time ln 10 yeirs. x-rayed as : a ~ecaution. possible to crld: and is led by Vadim
With Miu Se fert bo · 1.. UCI coach Dic-·n.vls statted ·an ·an ... Sosnlkhln, a world .elus fullbick, and Y ' wJng 0 ~ m 8 senior lin~p ag•t the Northerns •nd Radakov. SOlnikhin b a World Cup ·
yea,r ~d Hana Moskov~, the Jlt.fated , thi .Anteaters coUldn't pull away until p!dyer with anbellevable ~itiOOal sen~ D al op· . T~· ~ d.
former 1European champion · from the final 18 mioolas of play ... ': Built like .an Amerlcan ·fout1illl.playe!~· , .JJtare or. '.:i ' en ..xa CuchOs~.Vakia weighing _pro · offer1, At~that time the. score · was knotted Sosnikhin uses his brut~· Fenfth· ta , ,
-world. fiCW"e sbtinl: attention of the at "'811, but UCI •tnt oh a scoring ~t advantage and relies ~fi;!Y on
future WW. be be~ed .on 'a, pair of binge,.: netllng .~ points, to record JUI tbeRahd~ba~ '1!1_8-illdld~ ta~ 11111 ;. MIAMI (.\f°) -Tommle Aaron, Gardens, G1 .• liad .... 17 _ .1n the. tint ·A . • · · . 18th Ylc1ory of Ule season against only. a.ov 11 "~ Y o. · oond • , m~ncq 1irls who appear destined to eight losses ·. . · · the §II.eat Lew· Jaschin. Radltov t 1 winlea on UI! tow' but always ·a o:m. r ,-.. . ·
ultin!ately lo.take·"°"·wadot.and Olym. .... , "'i'h . ." " j · · ' virliiilJy biibl!atsble.., high shots te"!1!!'• lff~. 0 laur-Wider·~ar II ond The wind began la whip . Ille plush pie .honor,. e Anteater . had a .J:inely-bala~ ,/, ™ cu~ bout what ii r~ted •• Dan ..... A.... Tom Shaw both A""' . course, which is I.ac;ed with . water
..~3 are ane Lynn, uic IS.year~ d in double flgur", ")M!aded.by Mike Hect·· ·.~,..,.' · 1 J::1 -.... Y"._. 1oiio-ablnth..teemd-rounc1 tdct Friday · ~Shaw and Sikes, wOO were amonc ......,, . J t • «. · 1 allack with seven dHfereni men "'°""' 'J E' , 1 __._ ~-• ---h¥"'11• lolAI In ·the d11, bIII did liol
U.S. and North American cbampl4n front man's 19 pain!I ~ ;· '·' •-' '°" .-· Kowollk ml .. with ·•~-'--11!1 In the '"0 ,oeo lhi eor'" .fliilolien.. iii 'Ibis -•-Rockford, Ill., and 17-year--old Jul.it Lynn ., ~ ·, . ,. lnstde fGrw Cirilo "Ptpef' Femand~· ---.""Y-..-v ch -r ~ -;. . Hohn~, , formerly of Pa.!laden.i, Calif., .. ll;olll>~ ~tn ,tin the scormg column and Dija Mftlc. . Doral Oplli'Golf'~t. · ''1 mpro 1olf'1 rt FlOrlt1i dttulf. : ·
Ar' ea· ET.•J..n" ts now al COiorado Springs. . . Jlt ~~.·~= s:a:r; (17), Mike B!lJ"lltl Mllicl " In 1111 llilrd 1!11011 ,wjlh the Ap,' pl11inf Ille. baclF ,...,, -.u:!· hit" lhi iP'toils buf the ·ball )1111
'f C ·. The de!endlng chea!plans, I> I an e .114}; 5 , : ,:ti? \" e!~S.wmln_gham U), 196~:11.S.0Jll> dWii~, whUe F~ fa~ u ..,i. J ,,. lbe ~)llril; za!ye~'.!1.l°~= :al:i. i=::.
_ " Towler ~.Bernard Ford. of Britain, ·:~1 ;.uc.t n"1n : ~ T ..... ,..,..,.. ctsi and~\~ 1tbe California ald~ par'I ftnf ho)e of the wfnd.twtpt f•' l«)' W~ d 0 got off to ' a commanding lead after s..;.en ~ 1 :Pf ,~ ·· Fi.0: ~ ~ ~ ~ in.~" ' · ' e ut . ' the first fol.lr dances in the Tee dance Fontlln J 1 t I 11 Colbtrl "7. 1 • ,, , '; Jeored • .,.is_~ the ebicaaq y~ 71 Doral COUnb'y Club eoune Sit~. J8.year-dd ~· attorDIJ IDd
' ' compe"tlon I I UU lo bed lded HlldtlNn • -.. ' 4 It Wr.tt. 7' ,1 ''' M Jut .uon IUN Fernandes when he bJ.l bl.I No. 4,. •""", ____. a veteran on the tour; wu-d.lltrtued ' · . •-.i , · · , " • as e ec _. llr•roae _p 1 c ;t. .w111,,_, ! ' 1 14 ___ _. id .... 1 ber 1 ..-. Sa.ii """' .-..-, about hlf mamb1'°"* ... t ... u4 beaded ') ~ . ,,( ' ' ' 'M.lli'•:free Skating final lJ scheduled l&rne~ f I l 14 ' .W~ 1 l 1t15 SCI~"! -duren-::;: llllftUDl ~---..,. '*.r" flit: fnm dJe JU lllf"latid <. ·1'-~ .r-3 'Rt11. ~tbii~ptionablt that. Cllilor • ....:i'!U-: c11nnlflllllo'" i ' l 12 , ..._,. s :t , 13 D ego I ,...,...,. .... . '\u .,_ ~ the prac:tlct• MIS-· • ·
.. , .. -..11 . ·...:11=, :,..,,A ·--·. ~ winding up the five:day com· c11~~.., ~ 2, 1 10 P•llllt 1 o a 1 Said n......_.. COICh Mulov after tM t. , ;Jibaw md S!lu> flrelt • tn tbe lint
wans .,. .... ~ .. ·~JU' ( ' -·· ' S.*9l ~{· •• J t-11 ..,,, • .-UV II "J p1aitd about u .... I did Nund. to equal tbt toura:ament rean ~I• tel0fsloili fl':•.IJ!ll1*, \*·Hi ... ., "tlfte···--lso d and ~~:tJ': :·1::: ~ San~~ .. WI apected u.. in the flnt",,rilmd" MroD as. Mid. lilt ma&cbed bp•Jdifedlnl· cbampkn tonapinon~COUtmuatbletlcs, ~.;r .... , compu ry : -~~. F•, •. 'a ,., Am~•to 1 tie lti'anf, but J dSd not . '"bul&blwnl 'ltldar,.• OardntrIMcklnlorlil&
washmg out molt ·ot ntda.y· lfterboon'a • · ~~..,.... ~~E· each ,~ting 15 To111.1. 1 , " n 11111 Ttta11 ,. ·11 11t'tt anticlpl,.te their ~ ~ ca~ 1 ·WU,. ,' . . : DictinMJn, who fire 'al=· U:. +='-• qenda. , • ,...,_,oltbe_!...,scor~g,.the .!lrllons .JI!'"'"'·'""',,..• . , , .-ec1.,Pfu6111111lntbo " , .Jio!I."' ·. , ,.,.,.,,,,. no pl111 M o1 C-., ..... ~. lhol 071_1_ ••· ~
On ·the bU<holl lroot the fellowln hid. I lotsl ..clll.l palnls ·Wllh .7.i , .. ~-' ' .. i . .. .. . ~lind ---~-·wJ•l-11 ........ . g ordinals. • .... -.. .-. ....... -... ~ ... • • --.. ......, ·e7:~~~.~,!:.,~~~~~ ~~:r.t~;~;,;~~7~. ·49ers Rip"· :Nev~1da .. 111~82. ~:.,a1.a_1~r:n::~-~~ =
y followed 'b~ the American cbamploris, ' ,· 7 . """ '1'be> Estancia ll1t ~ol Wl\\et Judy Scbw'!"'•Yet _or [Mi"1.'poUo, Ind., . " ,. .• •. •In al Ill wlllt • .., "' the ·-
WOJ, ~urine tw<rlnnlnr .-:.~ lfelnl and Jim Sl!idkY o1 Rocllesler, N,Y., both ' l • • rwnd, loclodinc a SI <ill !he lraal nlae,
tallecl Eslancl.l's Clu:k ~hid np. !ludents at$yr10CUSO Urllvl(1ily, By EAJIL GUSTKEY . . NCAA, callel" dlvslaii w .. 1em-.,.1ion1' flcl1b' wbiolJes nor lhe PA llJiiwJncer wu vetann BW Cullen.
»eel qr and slam ind matt Bob COrnul:e They bad.:1.aS paint4 .,. trict.iob·more'" \ .. °' ~ l"'r" "'Mt staff · . at Lu Vegas with UCt. . could bt be~ ; Arnold Palmer, WftG bis ntf'll" woa ~ .!!J !'.,. hoaMr l>oltft' ~ the ' ilimtont and · r...et ordinals . I.ONG BEAtl'llf-In their own gY1111 There Is no othe!''...;.., 111\t nmnt • And Wiien Liq Bead! r111led' ,...,.., ,:.. ~:..flrei • ~ lllr •• ii> llolo
-~ ........,. -r Ill o lo 211.l. ft! _,....,. thltd hoca ' :M •Wtlh 2,200 roaring fans ralslftg the '---~•-· ,--, , •quiet buckets mldw11 tlnoP the -w w• ·~-·-·· ~ ....... --•t v-. .. : ' . , .. ..-. . ... .. raol wllh ev·-liuckel Cal Slalt (Long •. lo""""""' .Lang.Beacll Friday nlghl. A~ ond •• u II> m-~ It M .U Ille n.~ •• call-TD.tlmo Deni ....... llolif-. w::r::':ll.d:""'"' --Rus'aiJllll hid• !""lllrily ol oecona; lieaclt) 1oot;d'Uke ~ tecand b81 "Cof." so • ...._ wu llll~tur< lll tltt od a"ihn. .. i.""suia;'bodlam"""":u,. _._th• !Ndo-·-
ln ......._ Ute ~;,11etw-pl ... -._ ~ le.P basketball t""" lo 1be Unlt•cfSllles 49erl' crad<erbo>, wltlcli hid to be • deal ..... lhen jt no .,.1 *<II Holand ol I'll. -....... Ille 71 ,..,,... '11111 --... The Bntlah team ol JMM Slf•bndge f'rliliy nlg!lt. "-· · • , cM.,.... · • ' Todd could htift i.. liMlf i.. lili lalled lo mob llie:tt11._
Corato del Mar Md ' llllor and JOI\• l;all6 wen In fourth place, It was, llghln fng an the har<lwaada. The Nevadjl ~ art wly 4-1 lead bII1 o11et P1-o In the """'"-hudtllO.' llo'.:pvo Sanden IOUOd IO O 74-71-llL -
lltl apd Saletbul lill(Valley followed b)l'lht ""'\ Gmn11111, ~gella 4~•. In 'lbtkd~al bid la gal~·•l i.frth' II w., M.tbe llebelt were dead. Jn two up Ind oenl ~on U\l llol>r. llowHer, lllGll ol ,.U-. -lill ~.~ ";:'::,. ;.,••:t~ But!and~lc BuCk, ll1ierond ~ In lhe Nal!On1I ~nvltsUan "l'ourlWlltn~ ·minullt Ind 20 *°""'· LGnf Beach ru Tartanlan,loQk ,bl1 rqulan oul Wiiii ::'!:~to. tbe nIImhis (fir tho -•-· 1bt other two Amtrlcan teami" were desl(OJ'td talented UiU.v«•lty of Nevada, it U,D;tO SU and tbe joint went tnnzie. a 21-polnt lead,·~ with 4:0f to pt.y. ~t-ur•~
field mots lot Ill llmUod progrom. ~'!'II the 1111. Debbie Jerken and. Ray· Lar'ttgas, lll.Q: Tlil'fll'll hill score reached U·lll •'ll!' Brilll1nl Sam P.-d<olll*l In• JIClt ._ lo ot Ill,' Sam
The ~-li<tweeu ~ -mo.er ·1'1odmulnii ""'11'd YW·w.,..~·.". fi 'mlt·«n.es ·<oidl J1!ttY -.. ~·brJtolltlmt•h w,. !IWI. • • .,. •· po1o11 with llllheotable Jump :Iillolt. E>· lll>tld •-por Jjj udTom Wt't.,,, ~I' aod Antelope Valley wu abo ninth. and Joan Bitterman ·and Fred -lad's juggernaut a U.3 record and Neva· ~ crowd'• roar wu ao ·Intense Oranie Cout COllep 9ce bruee Cha}>-~'411' ber tut 'IW· bid a -.....
called. lti!loP of StatUe were loth. da l.!1 19-6 going into ncrt \\'etkend'a throughout lht aame that neither tbe of· man had ti for Nevad•. total of 71*14"
• ' '
• ' ·1
If SatUfdQ', Marth 1, 196' . ' . '
DAILY PILOT,~ b ji•t O'o.ittliM
Hl!)H, • FL YIN' APACHE -Cen tennial · High's Lee McDougual (SO)· crashes down with a rebound
while Huntington Beach's · great star Mike Contre--
ras comes up empty handed. Standing by for t h.e
Apaches is Rick Shofner. HWltington Won .the CIF
·duel, 50-46.
. , . .
Taylor Vacates Post
Leavey New Lion ~age-Buss
Of 1~1 0.llJ' Plllll SlfH
Ben Taylor , after four seasons as head
basketball coach at Westminstet High
SchOOI, has submitted his resignation.
the DAILY PILOT learned exclusively.
Taylor gives up only · his basketball
position. Re remains as the cbainnan
of the performing arts department at
Westminster. He teacbes music and
drama. .
His successor is Don Leayey, 32-Year·
old Lion, junior varsity coach for the
past two seasons.· ,
I think that in four years lhere have
been noticeable improvements, , largely ·
to the efforts of ·my assist.ants. Leavey,
Bill Gibbons1, Bob Fcrgusori and-hick
Taylor said his senior star of the
, just-concluded season, Jeff Powers, was
. the best offensive player he's c:oached
at Westminster i He •identified Mark
Campbell from the 196&-67 · season as
the bes~ df!fensive player.
Dan ·Broderick, a junior this seasOn,
is the best. all-round performer' iri the
past four Years, Taylor siiid.
TaylO:r, 33, and .his wife, JO:{te, are
\Vestminster residents. He and his wife
ha've four children: David, Lisa, Dana
and Julie.
'. -ontreras (23) . .
To Spa~k HB . .
' .Of "'9 .o.it!W Pllllt ttd ,
. tt had been' ''""' by u-rn the klfow that blghly touteil Hunt!ngton Beach
High basketball player, Mike Contreras
had nol. been play"1c UP to h~ polentill
this • ~ar because i!ie occasioo never
.really arose wbere the Oilers needed
his many talents.
But Friday ~ght they needed them
when they h6sted Centennial Higb's tall,
tough Apaches in fOW)d;one of the 'CIP
t-A play9fis. . •
And when the call ,.came forth, Mr.
Contreras was there With his handy kit .
of precision tools. • • 4 •
· Col)tref,s .. wu fantastic, scoring: 23
points abd ·leading his mates in ·rebOund·
ing with 11 as coach Elm~ Combs' PJ:I·
ers held off the Apaches, SM&, to qualify
' ror a shot at Torrance in Tuesday's play.
off tilt.
The latter ripped Ai:cadia, 6646, Fri-
day and will be the host for rucsday'1
It was Contreras hitting from all ang·
Jes as he pumped in hali of the OU City's
halfUme total of 28.
He canned the long shots and the short
ones and was deadly at the free throw
line. Too, he had three fouls for most of
the game and picked up his fourth with
5:27 to go as the Apaches made · their
big move.
They were down 46-36 at that point,
then got hot wi.th outside shots. At the
same tim.e the Orange and Black hit an
icy shooting spell. ·
Centennial scored eighf straight poinl.9
to trail, 46-4-4, with· 2:28 remainirig and
Combs reflected obvious nervousness.
HC>Wever, Roy Miller picked up two
crucial free throws with 1 :24 remaining.
But \hat was offset rT seconds later by
Stan Chapman's shot from the corner-.
Then carne two big plays for the Oil
City. Bond Nichols went up for a shot
2nd it was knocked away but goal .tend·
ing wai called. and the two points w e n t
to uHntington with 49 seconds showing on
the clock lo make it 50-46.
And the Oilers cut off the Apaches un-
derneath seconds later tO regain pos-
session aml run out' the clock.
Centennial ·coach Jim Nev!man wa11
furious that the official did not call a
rOuI , on 'Huntington during the fr~zied
plaY underneath. "My man was clobber·
ed on the play and they didn't have
guts enough to ca) I it," he told the
"But I don't want to take anything
away from Huntington. 'Mley have a fine
team -lnd I think µtty have a ~hance
against Compton U they meet 1n, the
finals .;'
Combs said the key lo his team's come-
back from Centennial's 27·22 lead in
LEAPING LEECH -Going in for a layup in .the first half of CIF
AAA first-round playoff game with St. Anthony is Corona del Mar
forward Steve Leech. Sea Kings blasted St. Anthony, 64-51. and Leech
s.cored 17 points.
the first half was tough rebounding .and............c .
getting the running offense untracked. . orona "To win we have to rebound and run.
t thought we did that the last half~" he ·
del Mar
Hvnlln1M• IHI Ctftllllllll l '"' h,. ,1 ,. II II If I•
:ontrtras " ' '" "cOou .. ul ' N1llt " ' ' i ' Sl>otMf ' Jonw•ll • ' ' ' M«• ' '\\!!lee ' .-~u Clll~INll
NlllttlelO ' ' • , ... _
~1Cl>olS • • ' McQu~n
·~· Johnson • To1111 " ' 11 50 lo!1b " Set rt " Qu1rt1ri
Centennlll " " ' " --'1unr1n11on •••ch " " " " -
Pirates Lose
86-76 Finale
To Moilnties
' ' " • ' • ' ' • ' ...
' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' I ll •6
• "'
V..' AL.NUT -A four·minut' scoring
drought in the early part of the second
hail undid • fine first-haJf ·effort ror Or·
ange Coast College as !he Bucs dropped
an 86-76 decision· to Mt. San Antonio
in the basketball season finale Friday
Triumphs, 64-51 --
01 lh• 01111 P'Uat S!tH
.John Doelz, 1vith four personal fouls
hanging over his head after JO: 30 or
play, and Steve Leech, with super b
clutch shooting in the fourth period. led
Corona de! rt.ar High School t o a 64-51
opening round CtF AAA basketball ' win
Friday over Angelus League representa·
live St. Anthony.
Victory sends the Irv ine League t~
holders into second round action in AAA
playoffs with undefeated Clare1nont (28-
0), winners over Bassett by a 93·71 tally.
They'll play at a neutral court Tuesday
Befor' a packed house at the Sea
Kings' g y m, it was Doelz who returned
to actir ' in tbe third period t.o help
bring coach Bill Bloom's forces from be·
hind with a ·six-footer and his presence
at the low post lo stiCle the St. Anthony
offense under the basket.
buckets began falli~g r.ight with pattern
The deli berate style CdM likes to use
suddenly camefnto focus in the fourth
period when the Sea Kings hit the first
six shots from the field to salt it away.
* * * Car~'"' lltl Mtr f'-11
.._ti ll 1t t•
Le•cl> ' ' '" Thamo-.on ' ' ' " O<i~ll ' ' ' ' Wllbttthl ' ' ' •• McWllli1mi • ' ' " Wi~SP ' • ' ' o .. • • ' •
Tol•I• )IXJll6'
s<11... "' Coron• dtl Mar
SI. Anthonv
'" .. ~,......, U1l
1S 15 16
t 11 15
h"'''' ' • ' " ' ' ' • ' • "' ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • ' • ' • ' • • • • ' • • • ' • 1~2l2lSI
" ~ 10 -lJ
CIF Basketball Leavey is a41raduate of UC Santa
Barbara .. He (nf'merly coached junipr-;,
varsity team!'i at Santiago in Garden .
Grove, Paramount and &ellnower high !
The loss ran OCC's Eastern Confer·
' e(lce alate· to a-1: alter two. year s or
·· ; ~inatiiig the cOnfe renc:e in the John
lie finally went out with five personal
in the foul-plagued contest with 5: 14 left
in the game -but by then the Sea Kings'
were breezing, 55-43.
Playoff Scores
Le3vi!y played .prep baU at St: Anthony
In Long Beach and in juhlor college ,
at Compton.
He is also 1 geography instructor· at
"I'm not leaving coaching betause or ·
any disenchantmenta." Taylor told the
"It's just that 1 want to <::hannel rnY
other interests in othet ways. Basketball ·
roaching jg a demandjng job, lime-Wise.
J 'm not going lo seek another coaching
Taylor's team just completed a 14-1%
keUon . His four:season won-loss record
with the Lions is 38-60. He came to
Westminster in '965 from Hemet, where
his record was 56--36. Overall, he's 94-96.
Taylor was a high school star at
J..oog Beach Poly before. bc<::oming a
Resigns Post
thJ'ee.teason starter at Red I and 11. .. ----------------------------Univenity. Ile began his C9aching career
aa ·1 player-coach for the team at
Wbidbey .Island Naval Air Station • in
Wubington. .
He began hia Hemet tenure in 19«1.
finillline thin!, ,...nd, second and llnrt
in lelgurt pt,y Jn that order. His 1964
team .ttached the semifinals of the err
dooi>le-..• fii~·· ' Tayklr Nyl he leaves his coaching
poot bl.PPJ with the progrw basketball
lw mad< at Westminster. "BUketblll he.rt was on the botlool nmc of . the athi.tic ladder and had
a trtditfcwt ot being 11 k>$lng PFOaram.
I• •
ConUnutd·(rom Pait ts
wilh 97.17, while Rick Chafret, 24. or
Rutland, Vt., -1obr fourth --wtth ri.20.
Herbert Huber or Au stria was fifth \\'ith
Austria'• Berni R.8uter. skiing In 111
blinding snow storm, won the y,·omen's
ilalom Friday.
She had a com bined l11»c Or 89.16 ·
seconds for her two runs.
Gertrude Gabl, World Cup leader frorn
Australia , had the best time on the
rirst run, but missed a gate on the
second and was disqualified.
Ingrid Lafforgue or France wa! .sncond
with 89.95 seconds; just ahead of Judy
Nagr~ J7, of Enumclaw. Wash., with
90.03. -.,
Vallely era. .. ·· ..
The Pirates staye(f'.ivi.to the taller hosts
: throughout the first 'half, trBlling 37-36
· al · tile break after leaditig most of the
first 20 minutes. Mike Flaherty, who fin-
iShed with 19 points to take Bue scoring
honors, banged in l)ine. ol the first 14
Bue points. ·
The lead changed hands six limes
in the second half belore Mt. SAC broke
it open with a pair of easy fast breaks
and took a M-S9 lead '"·ith 7:50 to go.
Or1n11 Ct11t Ui) .. " .. ,,
l 2 s 1l Jora1n
Ml. JAC flt)
"It''" • l ' 21 Ford
llllmset ...
' ' ' l ~ 19
I 0 I )
1 , ' ' 1 0 l s s • ' ,.
' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' '
' , , J
J I S 11
t I J 11
11 o • n
l ' 2 • 2 0 1 •
Tol1l1 11 22 11 76 To!tl1 JI 1J '1 6'
Hlltrlmt: Mt. SAC l1. Ot-t Co.11 »
w ... ""· Ful!trtoll 70 O 16"
, ..... ,,.., u 1 ""
''"'• ,.,,. 11 • 1'5t ltlvtrtlllt H • IU&
Golflfl Wnl lt 10 l.U
M!. $AC: If 10 I""
CtPr"tU 10 10 lt16
Ort .... CH H I lt 16J7
Ai......... I 1t ltJI
CHNI t IS t•I '1.n ltrt1anilliw ' 1• I~ . ............
Ml, SAC K. Ot-Cull H
II i. HondD II, hrllt AM 1'
c~ n, c'""'• •
CllM "-$ltfl llfMrihle •
• I \
.. ,., . .. ...
"" '"' '"' , ..
1161 ....
Artistically the game wirn-miserable.
The officials, who arrived 15 ntinutcs
late for the game, dominated action from
start to finish, assessing a total of ·43
fotils . , "
Corona del Mar, despite holding the
lead virtually the entire cont.est -it
trailed only. ·once at 33-32 -was , able
to maintain o n 1 y a ·iive-point mar~n
after three periods. .
It was here that Leech .did his Uiing
and the Sea Kings were hQrne free.
He hit a picture layup at the outset' or
the fourth quarter, took a rebound off a
missed Chris Thompson ·shot from the
corner aod put it in and then. foJJoy,·ed
with a free throw with 6:37 left .to give
Corona del Mar tt 51-43 lead. Nine of his
total output of 17 came in the vital
fourth stalita.
Thompson complemented t h e scoring
column •w I t h 18 markers for t h e win-
Bloom assessed. t h e turning point ol
the game as when his f>.6 center Doelz
rt-entered hostilities in the third period
to intimidate the smaller Sl. Anthon y
rront line.
When advised his club would be n1cct·
Ing Clare1nont Tuesday in the second
round. 9100111 , in typical Bloomese re-
sponded, ''We'IT Win."
Corona shill poorly in the flrs( hell(,
canning only nine of 26 from the field ,
bOt when the Sea Kings flnttlly garnered
the rive to seven point margin. the
Upptr lr•ck.t
Arroyo ll. Sovlll H1!11 '1 lr<>y I), Che!ley ,.
lltllflDwer 56, Anaheim 5.1
Ven1wr1 14 Palo• Verdes 5' lll~r!h Torr1nct 7'. Loyohi 6'
MOrnlngslde 11, Pl•adltrll oM
Pol¥ 14, Pioneer U
comp11>11 "1 N°""•lk noe11y)~
Ltwtr lr1clu1l
•Muir fl, San G•brltt lt
Lakewood ... Whittler IO
Soul!! TO!'r1nc1 -"• S.nll S.rbilr1 .CS
Hunt11111ron 6..,ch 50, Cwile!wlotl .if,
Torrin<• 61., An:adl1 ol6
Paejll(' IC. S..nte F• "
s"""Y Hlll1 u. CovlM ll
Nart• CM"" llYt ...
Uptttr lr1ckll
ilvi1t1Gn H , Ptlmd•t• n \
Rlv1r11d1 Poly Jt. Cll!no ••'
ltowland '1, Giffin 5'
P!w1 Y U. El MOd...,. M
M19rio!!1 11. G1neJflf Sl
CMOM cltl Mtr ... Sf. Anll\On'f 11 ~
Foof!!lll 11, M1yt,lr "
etlll!Dp Amal n, (OIM ftO
Sin M1reo1·1o1. Serr• 1•
c11r-1 tJ, 111u-t1 11
NOglla 11, Rlm;f!O Al1mr~ 7l ..
V1rbum Del to, Sallcllebldt 11
~~ Luis Obi-1'1, $.tn!1 f.i!1r1 h
Vuc1l~t "-El Ctnlnl .
Hem•l. ~ CaJe~lco 57
T-lt C!IY 100, Ylll':CI V•!l~y U
Hert "· t1r11.n .. ril $l te111111 It, aosw Te(;h 7t
• Elllf'IOFI tll. Ca1lp11111 ..
"'••tl<hir• n, c1tt .-vui.v Chr1Jt11n 7\, C~tr!'ltn• '1
ll:os1mo<H1 0, Not,.. 01mt llllv) '1
0..!1rlo Chr11ti..-ti, AmOtu.cltr ..
P1nl1 "-Holtvltll ,.
• -•
. ' Stagge~s ;_·Coro~i;· ~ ~5 ~~
J1t1et t.y,u,, the new unJted
Sllta,_Women11 fi1ur1 ibUU champlo~, will be amo"l the
lar1e contl!lc!lllt ol fot't!lp ooa
domealfc amiteur 1 k a t I n I
champlOl)J !Pt will appear
at 'l'Iie F"!""t I o'clock MOD-
d"1 nJihl, March 10. '
Mw !$In, o pert 15-yelT·
ol~ blond from Rockford, Ill .•
recently captured the senior
ladles' singles crown in ~·t·
tie, replaclng PeU;y Fleming
as tbe besl in tlllt eta# 1n
the USA. . ,
· Also, scheduled to $,'°loW: Po
The Forum ice will be 'the-
brotber 1lsttr' combinatloll· of.
Ronald·and Cynthia Kauffman .
froqi jeattle. Ear~er . lhis
year, the Kauffmai:is.~on 1bt u.s,, pairs title 'for Uie fourU'I
~'tralght 1ear. ·"T" • ...
Ov.er.:"3o' world champi.ansi 'ii•
will be on WM for this flp(_'
time;onir-·•Vtrit•tTheFor~: ,, l' 1.. , ,.,. •• • J~}will .be reprisenletl ' Co11tn Jtfe1a' "--.:.11e,,.LOf -tL-.Year \vlfeit . the champions appear ~ , U~ -, •~ al~ F~ .Yam~la, .Aimo P~oni;11 (rightl, h~lds-tr0pby earned for scorlnf ·a 77'H8" to win 19e8.
ladles' alngles fi~ skating Goller of the· Year hOl)Ors at Costa Mesa Golf Biid Country Clull. Palonen beat
champion or J&JIO!''. is regard· out !%other golfers of the monUi for . the title over a wlndJwept;raJn.Iubfil
ed ao the beat young staler" ~ Course. At I e f t s Bob WlgiMre, president of the Men'• Club maklni
to be developed In Japan ·tn tlie presentation. _ manyytan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,~~~..,..~~~~~~~-
A pert~tionist, ~f i 3 5
Yamuhita is a fervent con-
ditioner and spends a5 much
a1 four hours per day on
the ice when she ls not con1-peUng ..•
QJoice Uckets remain in all
prices for this exci~g-one
nJabt; event. They are priced.
ar ... 14. j3, and $1 They
are A\!allable at The Forum,
all TRS ou{Ieu; and all ~utual
and W allacb agencies. · _, -;/
Africa (AP) -, .Kauo Muir,
South Alrtca'11 1g.year-old
swimming~wonder, clipped
three secGDdl off her own
·world · record "for the ...
yard individual medley Fri-
She clocked a time of
5 minutes, 20.2 sewnds at
a South Alric.i n cham-
pionship gala held ,at Cape
Town's Newlands Baths.
1'1os ler, Baird Baek
Strong in '70
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • E WESTERN NATIONAL ;
~. -·-
' . ' Hor•'• • Tlf•MIQ _....11y. u :yoa.want .
cereer that comhinel faat-crowm1 opportun·
ities in who!Hale martelillg with job atabll·
ity, come talk with Humble.
As yoo D!AY Xnovi, we're Amert•'• Lead·
ing Energy Com~y. Literally No.'~ llDOll(
all U.S .. oil comp8nlee. OUr new ,.,nBt!f, to·
be completed in '69 at B;nlcla,, 'l!W ~lly
expand our West Coast' marbl11 So ft're
stalling now with people lnterelt8'! in i. mar-
keting career. r •
. You'll eell and &Ive buainus coanHI to
·Enco deal.era, the.people who "Put a Ticer In
YourT ... !"
You'll have speclallud training. And the
klnd·of Individual respomlbllily and challeng·
es that make• a •ales career solidly reward·
1;, ~elm ·~1 the Disneyland Hotel for In-
terviews Is P. T. McKinnt)" of oil!' PIClflc
Region office. He will be available for Inter-
views 'fr<im 9 a.m. on February :18 tbroush
Mar_ch 2. Call him collect.at (714 ) ~29'2.
·I t-t\
Tll• •lortul sound or ~
Grant• C•nty Music
RADIO KOCM 103,1 '. FM
·From Fashion Island, Newport Beach
/ .
' ·.Was. :t ·Worili r' • • • _,. w~ito Dat ... 1/.~ .. '.
• r
Jack Albertson
Marti1 Sheen
' "
IXCQJ$Ml , .... , ... ,.,... -' 11 Actllcssr "-1-----PIUI Dlvkl NJYH MIMPOllllLI ftA.11• ..
TV WEEK T ells'.it r ,
Like It'll be
I ,,
-"..,.-t .; ·"·' ~~~ . ..
Sunda11 Onl11
251Ai"H x 46%."L x 191Ai''W, moatly aluminum truli cart
' rn.i1~. 21 20 • pl]on cam. Con-, alr\.ICteo with 7"x1%'" whe& . ~ ............ .
,.> • I• • '. •.Ii
Sundau Onl11
816 20-GAllON . ..
Our Reg. 2.J 7
·~JMir,e.lt -., ·
.. •
Our Reg. 2.22
·.: 1 .. 63.
·Charge I t' . -
Boy · ancl--llt)s', nylon. .tdfetl.
lined,,~ hooded' jackets. Choice
of adractive colors. In sizes
~ 12124 · months. On ule irt:
Kmait. ~-It.
iou.~ UlllJS , •• ~ · • · HOUSfll~it-· ·~·
.Our Reg. J ,97 ... _
Sun~!I Onl11
Roll-out plastic unit wjtlJ 32
mar-proof p 1 as t I ( wbeel1.
Ideal ' for qirusehold ' ,appli·
anee~ Will ·support 2,000 lbs.
Llmltelll Otlafttltln -
N-Mlll .... lln
Reg. 2.77
Sunlla11 Onl11
~ . :
Unconditionally guaranteed. Can be shut oH at
·noU.le. · $:-i comtnicted, 20 pl-• Ion ' vlidied prbqe can
-~ CUftf with ' =========;.;;====---==---== Mnlne. "'Olilrie It!" ... ,. •
, SOft, Fluffy Cannon · ·-
~. !
8ur. R!r· Ille .
. . hr IJ~. Ilk
-• 4 ..
WASH CLOTH · • ' -' Otlrft•~
. .
Solid cotOr. cotton tmy ~<e1 ·sets b7 cannon. o-r....n . 12"12" Wub
Colh. J5x25't ~ 'l'owt:J; 24x46" Bat.h
'towd. Rk:b IOIJd· c:o)on Jndude: cold,
1rttn: blue; pink and white. BQ.J MV·
'°'rat eets ln tn1x or match cokri.t
. \ f ' ' ,;, sl.li tipper,. proporUoned1'~rth.
1iUs 8-IB ·in .!sorted col~. ·····
' )c·
<':! .. , i
• •
. Our llq •. T-.97'
• Stmu11 011111 --
. 15.66 Reg;
. .
SPiJk~;: ·~ D . . . ,;1i£1 -1'3-0l•~--A~ . :." • I
, D~Pri~ 5Bc ·-· '38(!
· Jumbo siJe, i3 oz. A.Qua N~t
in .Reitulir ()'(-Hanl-l'o-Hold
fonnulil.' Hold& ·Ottll cloud
soft. Chan:e ft.-· -•A¥W. wt. 0..---~·~. ~ . . l ,.. • ...
~:.jade;, d"'a! powered AM/FM portable 1 ~adlo
wiQl ~uJ}t.in line ;co~ for AC curr~t or .. (Jlay1 :m '4·ji"1!lghtba~; .rugged Joatherttw.~•;
eazll!!one and earphOniO _atµichment. ' -, ~ .. ! . . ...
• L
" ~
~ ' .. ,,
•• '· n
. '
•• ,, ..
' l;
" II
11 I: ,.
. ,,
' II ...
" '. 11. ,, .. :r -
... -l
.... -.. -
I • . ' , • ,
. -
\ --.
. lilh:_ t ··~ . ... • s;.....,. Nar«.r, l969 : • _ •. ---.· --·I-
• ~ti.··1 -'•
---· • • •
I -·
• '
0....:.a1· "I _, 1000 Gone<•I '' : leoO (Unar~I , ·, , '.• ', 1, , 1!9"•••( : . lOOOGawo~· 1~ t·°"~-~nto~n~iil iiiiiiiil!~iil~O-~DO~Gana~,,~·~I iiij~ijji--··1000 HOUSU 'FOii 'S.lLI J!O,USI S FOii SALe
'8/1 . , ., ~B/B .-11 ', hRY.i ' nlll:R~Ax.l£1!~4.8~ I! ·: 'v~luE L:owDOWN . . ~ .• ,, . . ~r . ,. ,; .·546-2313 _ • . 646-7174 • $5000 Reduction 1 . A HOME ·~, -· . ··WARM , . . 4 Bedroorn1-s_23;9so " oci,...FRONT
. . , Means many things to many pepple -• This damlr. 2 bat!\ ho.me With many added OUPL&X
a roo~ over your liead, or your family man-ruAJf e~tr.as, buil~m elec. range. Only .8 mos. old •.
sion _ 8 modest retreat or your Ivory Tow· • Slidi!tg ~.lass d.oor~ from ll:"'g room and d@ 4 bedrooms upper
er-a ref~~.•! 8 status symbol. Regard· AlR tocovered patio.~winner. 2 bedrooms lower
less of your cl)o1ee·or i:notlvation you, have Hl&b deaert, Silver Valley u Beauty On 11te Eastslde Owner n;iuat sell -
another J!JG FACTOR m your fav~r, e.spe-, M\. FAit of Bantow. w.co-. --. . will help tlqance
cially In 'th,is area .. , and that 1s -An· ' derftll opportunltlel a..it Ch~mg ~ustom 3, bedroom ~ dining .. -· • -.f:..
INVESTMENT. WITH ALMOST CERTAJN the WISE INVESl'OR In this room ID 'llE:cturesque eastslde setting. Open N $80:000
:\SSURANCE OF APPRECIATION JN.:'I 1trtlle valley! Ideal atta t~ beamd cede l>g~'-gl~e~g b~rdw~h fl1!"'vlnrs, a . ow 1 • VAL UE -;: 'i . 'IM\'X1g Alfalfa. nuts. apa-an us r11,;.& ~~Place gives ·'" e 1 g Al•t• K11•pp
· ~aoti; raialng ol fish, etc. A room a 11copper elUe" style. $26,500 -"" ,.. '1.. .... " "• •• u0ne good real estate investment can equal ~wo1*f'fli area in which to Terms are easy ..:..::.,· ~ . GOLD NUGGET -DO RUSH I
a lifetime of toil." live & e$y the bounties ol • 2 rentalt ' (furft) •,
t;enaral • l~Ganor1I 1000
Pet~ !Ja;re_ll , J<~'!·/t'J
f • p;;~;nl6, ..
CLIFF. Newly listed -excellent
condition. Homey kitchen -family
room, 4 bdrms, 3 b8ths. Well priced •t $43,000. .
ly tlle> best buy 'in Baycrest area -
just liste<t>S bdnhs at mtly $47,850.
IMMACULATE -LIOO CORNER. youc own MAN MADE · 5"iedr0Clms Blig 2 Story • 4doorsto.Hnd
""0RCHIOS.TREETOUPLEX ,2 + 2Bed· LAKE'"'""""""'"" U0 I' ·u -~I'M • ni t 5b dr 3 b e ·Wkla'1i i'Ht ~,• . ' ' l t' flaket•Now =l! . m n,esa ue ar s ces e oom alb • CloM,to , ..... . rogms .• T~p Con\lition. Clos.e-i!t · oca wn, , NVE.STIG T.E , home. My owners say I've gotten too big fo r '"""'
$43 500 • th B t f .,. 500 I Im I' j t lght • 6'!. fln1ncln1 cen be a1sumed I
" Move-in condition, vacant. 3 bdrms,
dining room, 3 car garage. Large lot
with sunny patio & maximum pr!~
' . ANO INVEST em. u or .-, ' ow m ug r e $36950
· "CORONA HIGHLANOS -3 Bd"nns . + Din-• . 0 QUR Tomorrows! 'for you. I'm warm & friendly and just love 1 • · • vacy. C~ for Bill Bents. .
large R·3 Jot, close to 17th Street
Shopping Center. Our bargain listing
, ing Rm. 2 Baths, Rdwd. Flrs. Try $401500. ;, ·r Off~· by owner ... kids. Please ask for me. . '
:. ""'IRVl-NE VILLAGE -3 Bdrm. + Family ~l-ti640 Aftor 6 PM 'I , '": .. '~ ·r DPV•C:;,Shorft ', ···~·i'
Rm. Single Story. Price reduced $26,950. ·:Custom designed for the discriminating buy-
""'507 AVOCADO -Irvine Terr. 11 -4 ad· 8/B ~er. -.4 Bedr09ms;"fiinily room and formal'·
d ed to , l 1 dinilif7roaQi. .perfect "for the executive who . ;~ Huge Fam. Room. Price re uc • ' 0 ,EN HOUSE !l· •. entertains( Asking' ~~.500 -Immediate pos·
Sat & S 1 5 , session with 10% down.
-""CANDL ESTICK 'LANE, BAYCREST-4 Bd· un • ? . • I I
rms. 3 Baths, Hid . POOL. Quick Escrow ! 908 Chestnut "· · •· Gardff~Home . '..
bl E bluff I Surrout!ded by 8 fl block walls to msure ab-. ""729 CAMEO HIGHLANDS ORIVE-Fres Y ast • solute privacy. 4 big Bedrooms .Plus a terri!ic·
· redecorated. 3 Bdrm. VIE\V! $38, 750. J bedroom home on large lot -. ~family room. ~d _an ajl. elec. tric garden klt-'
Many extru, vacant and , ..... 1'.l"i ht d ch t J .,. · ""'EAST 510,.E_COSTA MESA:::!.?'in. '.J.]"iplexes available for Immediate oc!· '-tt~-;Yl~--!& .ail e~ry t g ows._,,...,,1501 !~ ~!::i~s.•$sa.~t. Xlat. mcome. EB!y '.".'.~:.~~'.'.'."..'.";'.~: '46·7171 • Open Sunday • 546-23ll
Bay & Beach Realty, Inc~ aaz .. ~Y-~:ch · ·" .
C HI ·h. ' 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 221 ' . 2407 E. oast CJ way . 645-2000 Ev" 541-6966 "
Corona del Mar ·175.3000
Owner deserted and ready for Immediate pos· . .
session. True Spanlsh styling with Muican We
entry, huge formal dining room, rT n. living
room with maS1tve fireplace, 4 sparkling baths,
' stunning veranda, balciiille&, separate break·
fast room. ~1uch more.
'6 45 -0303
Lovely Model Horn.
with 1. &Ol'ltOUS '"Forever
View" ol lhe Upper Bay. 4
BR 3 ba, formal I: informal
dininc areu p I u 1 family
room with parquet noo,.
Every decontor touch 1n
diapei'les. cupetifw, wab.
papers &:: fixtures. Unusual
.. L" shaped pool l full ldd·
M:apinf, Tids borne haa b!en
one of lhe most admiMI
tvu Well'• models, NOW
available for sale. $84,500
complete lnchxll"'" lcernak·
er l'lh-igerator.
Roy J. Word Co.
( Baycrelt Otflee)
1842 Santiago Dr. 64&.USO
Cozy Colonial, massive
U.'!ed brick fireplacr.,
lafll:e panelled family
room. 3 bdrms &: over
~ aq It in all. Top
cul • dl" • sac nel&hbor..
hood. Just listed, only
~)l~•.:-•t\~1~, ·1~, li t '
2-2bdrms .each (Furn)
7 years young • • • • Excellent rental area
Submit trades. $75,000 ea. Beautiful 3000 acre Sonoma Co unty
ranch. CatUe, sheep & grapes. Good
buildings. Clear. $1,650,000 -good
3 bedrooms up , 2 bcdrm down . (Furnished)
Asking '55,000.
Saturdays & Sundays
DRIVE ." '
Newport Beach 642"5200 .R E A L T y
202.5 w. Balboa BIYd., Newport Beach
Rant1l1 -6734~, s.1 ... -675-6000 -' .,. . '"' WE'VE MOY.ED ·lARGE SPANISH
&reels )'OU the minute you
drlvt up. Exterior & inter-
ior appointments speak of
com!ort, ease a.qd dignity,
Lovely Mesa Dtl :r.111.r J BR
family room home, 1 %.
baths, stall shower, love-
ly island kitchen, built·ins.
Sparkline hardwood floors,
beautiful landscaped Yard.
Room for trailer. Asking
$27,950. Call now.
)riC' l'\l I 0\\llll l
~' \l!\\11\\
!! I A ( I ' < ,
Pacesetter, 4 bedroom, hill.
dining, 2 tile showers
new carpet, close
to the country
club One lw."ie 3 BR ~ bath •with •
covered patio l Th~ 2 BR '.-•
2 bath units. Ideal tor own-·
er user for tax shelter. Call
moved. us !or details.
$68,500' Pric:ed to ull
at $34,250. Brokers prol
4. Br. family Home
Impressive Newport cor-
rier Jot, u-shaJ>e? hoipe 1v/
Cuiitoin s\ereo It vacuun1
system thru.out. Step do.,..·n
liv rm, 2 frplcs, elee ki!:
crpts, drp1 complete. Im·
mecl. occupancy. \Vil! con·
sider 2nd. $56.000 • Owner. -N•wport
28-0'! Europa, """""' 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!~ I
Bay Crest ~.THIS WEEK-END ..
Victoria i;·9· ~!""'"""~~...,.. Exclu5iYe I; Big 4 BR, 214--i>ath, family
646-1111 ~j Three Wishes nn .. ronnal dinina: nn, +
l093aat!er, C.M. Jf' peace comfort location 1-t/F pool. Lo1v 1.11alnl. yard.
5'16#10 ·~~\!'!'l~~~~~J~.&re im~rtant to 'you, lool• prol. landscaped, Al\t/Fl\1
WOULD YOU BUY"? this over. Convenicmt 10 intercom. Best location. All ·-~-
lo purchue this cozy East·
side 3 BR 2 bath home J.o.
cat!!<! close to shopping &:
school. An exce1Ient buy.at
" --PERl=ION
·~,, ...... .,...--:-0 ,.-• * W.177! AJtyti-*
WOoiled Retteat
Spaclo\11 2 bedroom, 2 bath, + huit paneled den. Nesti.
ed amona: the trees on a cul.
de-Mc streel. Big yard, lots
of closetf. Now 'fS,250. . . ' "ring"
•""•REALTY ~-"anylim<"
2629 Harbor Blvct., C.M.
Westcliff Buy
4 ·BR. ~ BA home, Large
kitch l fam nn w/ lirepl.
3400 Via Lido 673-8830
A,li{ueaky clean 3 :B~ Jwd· 1 Newport He lg ht s .i::-~.i.cl~ this + more 1or ~.SSl!!
wood floor home wUll ~.bl&" school, and all shopp1n.. • •• "ring".
1,\1,400, 514% FHA UIOin-'bl" lo now puk ... O•tl~ .•..,:SPRING ·~ loan tor only S2.1;150! .'25.500; and all these pl us •"" 'D.1" AT mv Of course you would ,., i.ut features. 3 bedrooms, :! '.A~ ~J. l.
you'll have to hurry. 'beth!!, fireplace, cpts. and 1 WW' "an~time"
, drapes, double gdrnge, -~~ 2629 lfarbor Blvd .. C.?-1.
p-•ERNIE , crete drive, large fe, .... ..,.. I :::;::;:;:;:::;::;;::~j
CLEVE' ,,• .. •,,.-. ;back yoro oo 50xL10 IT. R·2 I•
~NU WT. Tiiere is not to much CHEAPIE DUPLEX available ln thill part of
edit.side c.J\[, 1-Iurry, OWN-
143 8 g>1 way 111 ER, WILL SELL FHA!!
EvH. 642-8453 646-4579 _ .. ~'"""'~~-~~~~
Yes, clean u a pln; freshly
painted, ne1vly carpeted plWJ
many extra!';. 3 BR. Mesa
Del J\lar homP. Priced to
aell. .. 13.,uur
Builders Re Poss
$900 Down
T ABLE HOMES. 3: 4 k 5
bedrooms, 2 baths, cheer·
,ful kitchen. New paint, cat·
pc ting & drapes.
Harry A. Boggs
REALTY 3411 Ewit Coast Hwy. 962.li637 968·3505
Co"rona del J\18.r 6Th-3745 -------..,..-
Older liome on lltge
(35 x 9S ft.) R·2 Lot
l block to Beach
George Willi1mson
E\-es. 673-1564
Dial 64Uibi3 for RESULTS
tor 2 llccnst!d Real Estate
people. Your own desk &
phone. Good advertising pro.
gram. \Vlth well e1tablished
olfice. \\'nlk in traffic. Good
leads to work on.
W. E Lachenmyer Realtor
1860'-Newport Blvd., CM
64&-39'l8 'Eve. 673-45n
\\'bite E1ephants?
Cute oWer units with large
dc-tached double gar a g c.
Near schools & shopplug.
$220 mo income. Assume 6~~
private loan.
$18,950 .,,
. J'f f ... -...~· ~ * 642-1771 Anytime *
Terms ./k Emotion
3 bedroom," 2 bath, family
room. Load11 o( used brick.
bu il t in bar·b-q, shake roof,
prof. le.111:lscaplng. 01vncr
transferred. Reduced 10
$26,950 • Only 10% down!!
l!\sP RING •"'!..• REALTY W.-"an11tin1e"
2629 HJbor Blvd., C.~f.
Immaculate! Formal slate entry. Large living
room with brick wood burning fireplace. Huge
family room with used brick fireplace + bar.
Room for table. Mothers dream kitchen with
b uilt.ins plus dishwasher. Big dining area. Fan-
tastic master with private bath. Forced air
heating. 3 baths, Jarg.e· heated pool with divjng
board perimeter lights & lull deck. Near South
Coast Plaza Shopping •. Very close to schools.
• 645-0303
2299 HARBOR BOULEVARD T •le hone 645 • ~303
G1ner1f 10000.nerol 1000 O...roi 1000Genort1• 1000
' .
HARBeR i_sLAND -Tbe'onlf'" avallaD!e
home on .beautiful wooded 1iarbor Island.
• 3 Bedrooms, otudy, large living rm; pier &
slip. Priced under cost for lmmecliate sale.
Appl only ............ , .......... , .. $17~,ooo :
BEACON BAY -3 Bedroom home in thiS'
desirable ~commqnity. Pd.vale ~@ch. com:: ...
munJty pier, float, tennis court. Apartment
may be adotkl, immacu1ate condition. •·
Asking " " ' " " . . ' " ... ' . . . .. " . . $59,500
DOVER SHORES -Panoramic View home,
4 bedtoOiris; 3,,_ baths, lamily rm with wet •
bar, n~w carpeting, luxurious window treat4
ment. New Anthony pool, .,solai no outdoor I
heated. Exciting terrace on bayside. $112,500 '
' '
HARBOR HIGHLANDS -Large 4 bedroom
home newly painted inside & out. jVlth beau-
tifuJ panelled family rrn and courtyim!_en-
t:anc~. Across from Mariners Park & li4
tirary ............................... $46,500
iohn macnab
901 Dover Or., Suite 120
" <Country .ctub'• !nest ]'~fer 4 •
di'OOJiCOD\y 2'1l!Oc s l?om M:V: --
a>untry·Club. Jloman l~b 'jp master
bedroom, lovflY 'kitclien, double
patio & boal entrance-liiSl<fe yarQ.
Assume high FHA loan with P•Y·
men ts' of only $242/month. . Out·
standing y • r u e in top localion.
$37,500. "
You will be delighted ,.l!th the 3 ·
.large bdrms In -each unit +. pe<1.t·
house pati0<, beautiluJ Cape Cod · •
design & just 4 yeara young. 2 blocb· ') to the lieadi (Newport that is\. Dust'
off your bikini & get down fo SEA\'
$56,950. is the fee. ' " •
TRI-LEVEL Your Dream Newport Heights
·House 3 Bdnn. blt-in's, elct, gar.
L(rus c~k your eligibility,
You may be eligib1e to buy
again under the G.l. Bill of
Rights, even though you
have used your G.J. once.
Find out where you
itand???? NO COSf. NO
Costa Mesa
Has just been listed. This two door opener, choice loca-
bedroom ahd "den or third tion. ONLY $29,500.
bedroom borne is in like new .
3 BR.a + family room, 2%
baths, double patios, expen.
slve carpets & drapes. auto.
matic garage door openers,
sprinklers front & rear, Call
condition. Many extraa such Bayshores
as~ new-aluminum .cov:red BAYSHORE DR. 2 Bdrm +
patio. Even the price lS a extra rm. elect. blt-in's • dream at $21.950. . · $42 000 ·
Gorgeous Sunsets · ·
now to see_ "
" -Victoria
Cnvn the land. 4 bedrooms, 3 ingJ puy now tor summer ·
bl\ths + guest apt. Secluded Lge~ 3 bdnn: lie: liv. rm. at.
patio and pool. 2 double gar. tractive blt-1n kitchen, \\'/W
ages, Lot size 126x140x1.8lx & drapes • ASKING SSI.:.00.
151. Rose garden and green.
house. Corona Highlands. OPEN HOUSES
$117,500. SAT. & SUN. I· 5
64~811 JEAN SMITH, Realtor 2731 BAYSHORE DR. 5 Bd-
400 E. 17th St., C.M. 646-3255 rm. 5 bath, near beach.
j!!!!!!!!!!!:""!!!!""'!!!!""" 2400 SQ, FT PRESTIGE 420 KINGS ROAD • View 4 NEW ENGLAND 2 sto ry. Bdrm! den 3 baths . POOL. MISSION VIEJO Huge Living Rm, Formlll • '
3 bdr, 3 ba, large fai:n rm,
wnna1·i;t.ip rm, ~scaped,
air cond. 200o+ !lq ft. $36,450
Owner 837-7449
Dining Rm. Sep. Fam. Rm. 1200. SOMERSET LANE -
4 BR. 3 Ba. Reduced $4000 WEm'CUFF • 3 Bdrma. +
to $41,500. Own·agt. w/help sleeping room, 2 baths, din.
Finance 646-7205 for appt. room, t6x35 PoOL.
Coldwell, Banker .
Lido 4 BR. Pier & Slip
4 yr. old custom Spanish built as builders
own home ori 2 lots. Pool • terrace & slip
fc;r 50' boat. Immac. throul ..• $149,500
Joe Clarkson
Custom Wells Home.• $59,800
Best Baycrest street and prof. landscaping
describe the setting for this 3 BR, 2 B.~
home w/FR & FRM & DR., high ceiling,
beaut. decor. w/many extras
Greg Wohl1
CdM Duplex For Land Value
Splendid inrome units close to ocean, on 2
lots - xlnt loan available. Both lots worth
price of $56,500 ..:. See this today
Walter Haase
Pric1t Reduction -Lido Isle
Reduced $3,000. 2 BR home on corner stra-
da. 53· lot. Plenty of room to add. Thi,!! h.as
. to be best buy on Lido al ...... $48,500
Mrs. Raulston
Reduced In Price
But not in charm. Large walnut p.anelled
den , 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, beamed ceiling
tJuoughcut, I am i I y room, 2 fireplaces.
Owner anxious ................ $43,500
Mary LOu 'Marion
Exclusive West cliff
Excellent value $42,500. 3 Bed room with
convertible den, Creshly painted, profes-
SionaUy decorated. LOvely covered patio
Mary Lou Marion
View Lot,-Emerald Bay
In Laguna Beach. A wonder ful place to
Jive. 1.-0t located near steps to beach. Plans
for dreamy home avail. Fee land . $35,000
Mrs. Raulston
Income-Corona del Mar
2 lovely homes on Llh lots. Prime·tocation .
Larger home -4 bedroom, study & pool-
s~aller home -3 bed.room,. dining rm
Maiy Lou Marion
View Bluffs Open House
2019 Vista t:?udel o!! Del Oro -best bay
view 3 BR, 2 batlu plus powder room &
welbar-immediale occupancy,$46,500-
1·5 Sat& Sun
Walter Haase
: Bayshcil'es By Tht Bay
Summer fun -sailing. swimming. and sun-
ning in this private beach area .. We have
listiJ1gs to show you for great homes start-
ing at $49,500 ' ·
Mrs. Harvey •
View Homes On Fee Land
Boating activities spread before you fl<>m
your arm chair view. Short w:atk to fipe
swimming beach. Call for appl ·lO see this
Mrs. Harvey
224 \V. Coast Hwy 548-5527
Newport Beach Eve. 545-5643
In Exclusive Irvine Terr
at 1019 Dolphin Terrace
wann, Spanish styling
Jamily room with
massive brick fireplace
-4. Bedrooms. 3 Baths
fantastic day & nite View
completely and. )leau~
furnished • \11 lot
Call Wally Hallberg
Res: 642-4290
Less Than Rent
168~00 total pmt.
No quililying; an)rOii«t cail-83-
sume existing, 6% GI loan.
4 txlnns,, 2 baths plus ep-
arate den, custom floor to
C1!.iling rock fireplace, blt
im, foreW air heating, new
sha&: carpeting, Best Casta
Mesa ~a. Call
293 E. 17th SI. 646-4494
Income Units
Monthly Income
Wells-McC11rdle, Rltrs.
1310 ·Newport Blvd., C.At.
548-7729 Eve11. 644-0684
. polphln Terrace
Irvine' T.,,.. Wnt
Price Cut-$42,900
SpollH& 2 BR Ii: J;>en, 21Ai Ba
minimum maintenance • ov-
t:rshed garagt PLUS large
eoveml boat-port.
J730 w. Coast J.fighway
642-G4Tl EVES. 673-3468
Executive ho~. 3 baths, full
dining room, 26x42 free form
pool. abundant d~kinJ. lush
tandscapiJV. All eltttric
bhiJt.in kitchen. Diltinctlve
midenee. 540-1720 4 TARB.ELL 2955 Hubor
* * * * OMl.Y. $21,SOO
ASSUME 5% % V .A. loan and
ow11 this spacious FOUR
HOME. Ceramic tile kitch-
en,_ di;ai.master and dish-
washer, draped, and com-
pletely carpeted. Come:r Joi,
fenced rear yard with access
from either 1treef. Submit
low down, Jet Us arrange the
payments for yoo. This will
self fast. Acy NOW!!! •
Great 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,
home with charming 1' bed-
room guest home (or mother
in-law. Buill·in electric ·kit-
chen, includin& ~hwaaher.
Wood burning firep1-ce. Al·
ley e~~-t or trail
er. '41~· " . @lo ''""'°· SUbuijl"".)'O;Uf bomt on our gu&'.rah~!?itra·de i)!an. ·
Walker & Lee
2043 Westcliff Drive
64&.-7111 Open Eves
Formal Dinning
$500 tatal , down
t!I vets
on a street lined with 40 It.
pine trees, this charming 3
bedrm 2 bath home has a
sep. formal din. nn., 12x20'
covered enclosed patio Ooor
to ceiling fireplace, enorm·
OtlS kitchen.and wa.11 to wall
carpeting. All !or only
$25,400 call today.
'.193 E. 17th St. 64~494
Open Sal/Sun 12·5
2121 Sterling, CM
Assume large FHA lo a. n
6~ 'JI> int., payments $166
P.I.T.I. 3 BR l~:batm, lge
Jiving room. dbl garage.
Priced to sell fast at $23,500.
Rltr. 6~ or 642-0185
$22,SOO -4 BDRM
:? baths, fireplace, iSolated
teal! Jivlns room. ·Large
brick patio \\'ith gas tired
BBQ. Dream ki~n. iwtth
OOilt·in range,. oven and
dishwasher. 540.11'20'
TARBELL 29S5 Harl>or
A Dirty Bargain
3 bedrooms. 2 bath:B, double
garage, palace verde •tone
fireplace oversized lot and
its near schOola and shol>
ping. No money down to
Veta or nu. Below market
at $22,500. Farrow Rea:lt)r
293 E. 17th Sl '6f4494
·Large View Lot?
Big enough for tcnnla court.
pool, boat Ir trailer storage
plus new 4 bedroom 3 bath.
Exclusive! M6-4414
&.1i. !;\Estau]
4 BDRM -$23,750
''0$" DOWN G.I. Prime Commercial 2 ....,.,. ...... .i.d, '"""-room. bullt·ln kitchen. fire.
Kl 9-3351
Corner ll)l_b It Pomona, C.l\f. place, Patio. fnllt treQ, .~
nl"xt to JS story bldg. f'lw orlu1 1hn1bs •nd 0D"Nl'n.
1tott1 luUy kucd at Slim/ 540-1'720 ,
1no. Potential tmllmlltft. TARBELL 2955 Harbor
SU0,000 r IP • 29% down ' DAILY Pll.m' Or:ME-A-
ownu will <'art)' 1st TD. · LINEs. You can ae tbe:m
Cenco JUty Co. 642-4il2 for fu&t penntea a d1.7. Dial
D,\!l.~ PllCJ".WANT_AD8!1 £G.$1I
r .....
Satu;dQ', March 1, 1969'
HOUSES FOlt SALE HOUSES FO~ SALE, Gonerol -1000 c;..,oro1 1000 O.nor•I
c;.n.rol )000 Gonorol • 1~\·~~;.;;.;~~~~~i;~;.;~ .. ~;;;;;.;;;;;.;.;~
· From n.,. Dra~in9 , Ta)le
Of, a ,,Re~gnlzed Ardd)ec:t·
s ~mi·ai!'a"$ lfaths oeSigne<Fli~Tomr
Therakaur to take IUll advantage of eV.r-·
_. cl)li\ginf bay and' ocean view l>y da , and 1
DY nigh a. thousand twinkling ll&,hts.1No el· 1 • fort waa spared in making this a ·metca for
_ relasation and recreation. Tbe large living •.
rooni and dining room o~•ning to a beeutitul
lanai by the oversized pool "m a k e s an un· .
pareUed entertainment home refl~ting qual· ·,,
it): and simplicity. For an appointment pl~ase ·
call ..
Vacant And R,~dy
5% % F.H.A. financing available wJlh.. total 1
payments of $191 per m.onll!. Ali lr"3hlY
painted for the new owner with an the Work
done. Dream kitchen featuri!lg electric built· • '
ins Including dishwasher. 4. king sized, bed·
rooms·plus·family room. Easy maintence yard
with trailer 9f boat space. Fast possession.
Close lo ·Sl Joacbim·s Church. ·
Coles.wortliy & . Co.
· · 642·7777 OPEN EVES·
SOS Irvine, Newport, 1
3 BR, 1% BA, 21,i garage.
Assume $19,lSO F11A aJ. 5*·
$166 Month Includes taxes.
Lovely 2500 sq rt hotru". 2
bath.'! frplc, din mi, elect
kitchen. $39.?SS.
546-5460 Eves.. 546--3851
Vacant. M'ake Offer. ,
Petitte Realtor 548.-0022
.Open Houses
K.., this handy dll"Ktor with you this week-
ond ai JOU .. ho~ntlng. All th• locations
ll1tlld IMlow .,. described In gN11tor tl•tall lly
advortlalnt olMWh.,. In today's DAILY PILOT
WANT ADS. Patron• Jhowln1 open housn for
ulo or to ""' •re urged .. lat •uch Inform•~ ti• In this column Nch Frl4ay,
' . ,: ---+--• (2 81dr0om & Dent
1518 Dolphin Terrace !Jrvine Terr) .CdM .'
. 642-6472 Eves: 673-34.68· (Sjlt & Sun 1·5)
·(3 Bedroom)
:iiJ42 Colgate (College Parkl CM,
• 642-9854 (Sat & Sun 11·4)
*4621 Fairfield, (Cameo Shores) .CdM
675-3331 (Sun l·5)
' **I® Linda. Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 (Sun 12-5)
(3 Bedroom & family or Den)
1290 Conway (Halecrest) CM
545-0225 (Open Sunday)
1107 Goldenrod Ave., Oorona del Mar
644-2867 (Sat & Sun 'til 5)
1206 Pembroke Lane, Newport Beach.
642-4251 · (Sat.Sim 1·5)
1518. Antigua (Dover Sbores\ 'NB
· (714) 642-8235 · (OJ>en Sat Onll')
1912 Deborah Ln. (Harbor Highlands) NB
6~731 (Sat & Sun 1-5)•
2607 0ce4;ln Blvd., Corona de! Mar
_675-3000 -675-5764 (Suri 1·5)
232 Evening Canyon, (Shorecliffs) CdM
675-3000 -673-0554 (·Sun 1·5)
1401 BOnnie Doone, (Irvine Terr.) Cd¥
675-3000 • 548-8868 (Sun f:~)
729.Cameo Highlands Dr.
(Cameo Highlands) CdM -;
,.,• · 675-3000 -673'.-0554 ·(Sun 1·5)
'*1329 Sussex I:ane (Westclifl) NB
642-7711·9138 (Sal & Sun 1-5)
(4 Bedroom)
3036 Garfield, Costa Mes~
548·1168, 675-1977 1Sat & Sun 1-41
2871 Ellsmere(Mesa Vfrde) Costa Mesa
774-6201, 546-6726 (Open Sunday)
*IOI Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle ) NB
(7 14) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
~18 Puente, Costa Mesa
546-4159 !Sat & Sun)
2211 Vista Hogar (The Bluffs) off Hidalgo
' NB, 675-3433, 644-0990 (Sal & Sun 1·5)
'255 tugonia St. (Newport Shores) NB
642-3014 (Sal & Sun)
(4 Bedroom & family or . Den) "
1354 E. Oceanf!ront, Balboa Peninsul3
615-2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Daily 1-5)
* 1642 Sa ntiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB
646·1550 (Daily 10·5)
1218 Polaris (t>over Shores) NB
(714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun)
3079 Roanoke Ln .. Costa Mesa
540.1720 · (Sun 1·5)
2531 Buckeye (Eastblu!!) NB
644-2338 (Open Daily)
507 AVocado. ~Irvine Terr.) CdM
,675-3000 -673-0554 (Sun 1·5)
*~515 Gorham. (Cameb Shores) CdM
; 675-333Ji ~' " (SUn l-6) -
3081 Oibraltor (Mesa Verde) CM 540-941~ "· , (Sat & Sun)
*1720' <;andlestiq~ Lane; (Baycres~ NB
'. 675-3000 -~ (Sat & Sun 1·5)
363 Vlsta Baya (Back Jl'ay) NB
(714) 642-6603 (Anytime)
18514 Santa Andrea, Fountain Valley
842-6691 (Sun 1·5)
2807 Europa, (Mesa Verde) CM
54-0-3380 · (Open Daily)
*J930 Commodore. Newport Beach
~24 · csun 1 to dusk )
(S Bedroom)
008 Chestnut Pla ce (Eastblu!!) NB
645-2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
*2ll8 Windward Lane, Newport Beach
642-2698 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
(5 Bedroom & Family or Don)
*1997 Korn~t (Mesa Verde) CM
540-1~ (Sun l.S)
711 Marigold, Corona del Mar
&73-855a (Sal & Sun) ..... ~
** 'w~"'
\ ' '':1.' . '.! .
l -
~· -.-,,
----· • TO-THIS
think of P-w..;_c
Is ,a.p111fesslonal career man. He is trained as a representa-
tive 9f,.our firm to advise you in bow best to sell .your home
or other property. You may have complete confidence that.
your investment 1s in good hands.
1. Give you an accurate ap.
praisal of what you-can ex·
peel for your home.
S. Maintain an individua1
rg®.agemtW:t file on your
property & keep you · con-
stantly advised as to the
sales progr.ess of yo._ur
2. Oller experienced lldvic
relative to decorating and
'presenting yoUr home in
the best possible manner.
4. S~d our an attractive «Ii-
• rect mail piece on ycur
hom e and otherwise prtr
mote its sale through tested
Tax Shelter
I•'our 2 BR Triplexes that
o\vner m u s t sell quickly.
1 'h: baths each, carpets &
drapes, garages. North ·Cos,
ta .Mesa aiea. Price $33,950
each. Oall for particulars.
For The Executive
· 'Tht.•3 ·BR >t-• huge'!°ej>arate
rumpus room with wet bar
is designed for out of town
entertaining. It's unique &:
differen..t & completel y re-
decorated. Has real charm.
Extra-size kitchen + · din·
ing area. Also-beautiful Ta-
hitian ro c k , heated pool
with lush tropical landscap·
ing. ~, it & fall in I o v e _
again. Only. $39,750.
Near Wntdlff
Beautiful S BR home \viU1
hardwood floors. Walk lo
schools & shopping. 2 baths,
spacious living room, fire-
place. Fenced rear yard
with lovely covered patio.
Lowest priced home in Har.
bor Highlands r only $28,·
500. Call for sh?w lng.
Just Listed
Vacant 1794 sq fl home Z
story 4 bdrm & family
room, completely repaint ..
ed interior, rich nyJon wtw
carpets & drapes, terraced
kitchen with built-in elet·
tric eye-level range & dou.
ble oven, di!lhwasher. Huge
master bdrm with own
bath with white pullmari
top &: oval basi n. KimStock
seamless shower, / e x 1t r a
large wardrobe ·· closets. ..
Buy on no down VA terms
or 10% down . Price $30,·
750 -great value.
4 BR/Dining · Rm/Den
Open Sunday 12:30.5:30
1184 Dorset Ln., C.M.
See this fine home on nice
·quiet street, cloo:~ to shop·
ping &: schools, 1 o/, baths,
spacious living room, fire·
pace, w /W carpets & drapes,
built-in o v e n &: range.
Fenced yard, ~vered pat ..
,.iQ, room for boat or traUer, !J PriCe $25,900-sel l VA/FHA.
$750 Down
We urge you to inspect th is ·
VA owned, vacant 3 BR
home in Costa Mesa that
has been completely recon·
ditioned in &, out. Near all
schools. Large lot, fe~ced.
Full price only $17,950 -
p,ayments $157/mo.
Bargain Hunters
This 3 BR 'f-family room
home in Mesa Verde is to-
day's best buy. Functional
floor plan has I% baths, all
electric built· in o v e n &
range, nice service porch,
spacious living room, w /w ·
carpets & drapes, fenced
rear yard. Good location
near shopping center. Only
$25,950 • VA or FHA terms.
of Catalina Channel, Ocean·
and Bay. Designed to de.
light and extend a real
welcome for high level en--
tertaining. This 4600 s·q ft
custom designed home by
Ellerbrook has ~·~rr.thing
desired. 5 bedrooms, all
custom built closets &
drawers. specially de--
sign ed wet bar and com-
plete built-in 'Flleher-
' ~stereo syJ1tem. Lovely
kilChen .w)th Nu .. Tone food
and automatic control cen ..
ter. 31h baths. 2 separate
dressing rooms P-lus work ..
shop & dark room. Price
$139,500. Call for appoint·
C1rnr in Reel 1E1tett for both men & women
Tra'ininl pfog i1 m,....._ proHt-th1rlng pl•'! ..
Call Art Gordon f~r.confidenti1J Interview
Paul· White,· Carnahan
--------' ·-•
iautN11 ·Uth l. l'l."1 4 ,m~~~~·C::!!!~~~~~~·=~TI!RllU!1! SIS..f.Oll IAL.I: -HOUll.I Ull U.IJ,, HOUSU ~oit:W.1 I HOUSEl1'otUAt.a"'-<· •HOUSES. P.Qll;SALI: • RINTALS • ,AiNT ALS . . . !:! . ' ' ' I-' • r.;...._ ' '·' ,. ., ~· ~ ·' _.. . -,. • '"'•• .u ..... n.i.._ ~~~) . t~:5~==="~1~iir~e~Gen~~ .. ~·~a;1 ~~=~la;G~G . ·o.Mr·• . IOOOGtMWol _:._ -"'-· .o ....... .,,,,.::, •. IOOO ---·~. IGllO ....... !..,4705 . •100 , Oonoral : JCIOO Ceola MMe .~
-<{) · 'A A ·~:'J..{) ·11 ~'~ ~ ~ ~ *.;,-• .Jrfw. faqJ,u -· ~ • ~,-~_.... .. !iii( *··lt::J IR '/'c
--' · • • ., ' ·:·· "··... f/.)iUt:o.la'"J . '} h 1 Iii . ir I> ' · • -.. ..e.al!».,..._ -* _L 0 O_J(_·-. ~ ,. . -;_ .· ·-. ·"' -~'1'7.'···"J~"'.t,i. ·-=-fi'·I -;_u· .. 'I.~,-· ..... ~·· !.._,,. .:• j!I. ~I\. ~d!W..-·~i!r:
H I.. '·~ ~ 12 <5 " "" -• • "'. . ' . ~-...... '100 .. .,....,. ... 20!1.JI Qioto ~ Home Newport ~ tfS-\ ' u.llaihf. Drlv.t' ~ • :~~ ·•;I ·-• • • t • r .~·" il' . ,, ........ '. • -I "'' ......... ,St..~ ... JICl
Brand n•w, CUiiom Just the .place f.rli. a ' ' ' • • ..j,. • ''·~'ltlfi A'T.,.}ln -Colta ·-. I.'·• I ' a .... !!.'I!! niEEDoJI HOllE • ~BDRM. I05:'1·BIL Slltl (or
bullt 5 b«!100ID Bay-coupla, Price redi!<td A 1-,-·f:!ll!I on Wate~ E~t )QCitlOI!, Peb lehooli, &bopPiiig• · • -:=.-s l>dna. -p&iotod. ,,... unlum. sso> --a
crest home. All large for q~lck ~··-~uat comp~ lavish,. 3 Be<lrOom, 3 B~ ena ~t.Jl. l)\lly . a lew.,llft,-1811~.~~ .!~-,. · ~' "494•1m• =: ~;..:'."'*' ~ .J: ~'~~ ~= ~.
rooms. Vacant. ·'single' .wrr borne 52' lot: Large,opaclO..j h\tetO~l'J'lel ~ro 0nlr;j -;; • .. ; '"b',;:' ·' · -. . ..,,,.,.,. Ad"'!I.. GUEST,.,... 1 er. 111nr ..... , htfll View Home • roollll, Fllinbh sauna, wal~ ln;clofeta. fidlY . '~ •ltl(·~ ........ :--·1 .. v., with 10'~ \ . JRVINE 'OOVE -quality. ~ '$10>. )le. Avail -Utll paid. GN>p. Nr . .,... g 4 bedroom borne '\'Jib carpeted, iandJcoped &. CODl~-!>ltb ~ • lr llO' 2"14.,.,,,.,poinls -'.1f Y!i. ~· INlllftCa: Jle?roo!Jt ....... ll>··ll1>9i. L . • ' , onnge. A •11111. UO, I Baycru~ 4 bedroom n· ice pooi. *' nl..Uo. float~ 1llp. PrilJ'l!i•t C>llJY)loq;QOQ.·: "'tiil!.'' '' ~-''' '·s30 a··5~ i<~!•s""'""'~-'? ¥A»Y .s.i .... i..t.,...,w. ...L~REALTY . ..._,.,. bomewltblormaldln· ~ . ., . '· ,. - . ·rnCICI' rrom · ' u."' .J.1,YllV.· -il\ootry.0 ... be"'1 ·S!S'W.1,.b,54$-949!.. -.~1e---~
Ill• groom le lar•e •·-. Good terma or ,migbt · LIN~ ISLE DElfELOPfolENT. !:0. -. -~., . , .. , " . :1•. , ~. '.li <" · ;;·:, ;·::-Z; .. '· ·-·,...,,, -dbWW NO"' a·-" 4 BR .tm ,_, ~u1"':--::;.::·,,.:-_~ • ~ lo BILL GRONDY . 675.nJO . • •••••••••• ,.111t. . . -. . : ' 'mi, 3 ...... -.... ,,,.. w -• ~ ... --~ Uy room. •..• • lease with opt n. ~ ' · · • -· .... · ·b -' .. . · · ~ ·· •' · ' • < ·• wu.r" oabm.bi 1'9,SOO a... SU5/lno. l6S w. m fUl<L --ll.Mnl 1
JIRRY FiEUD-CHARW ARNOLD: ~ · .. ~.'.~ ;ni.im•r ift'Corpor··~· "ch~~ ~AY·~ ...... ~:~ l,BR., V<r1 lllcl;.......,
•. -. R··LTOR·s '·. ~··ElttulYeCameo ·Shores:· ,;r;.,~; . .r\,' .... VIALIDQ'.'-·~·..;,,.'..~,'Oe.uV!e.i!nDn a ..;,• .._,..., .... ,,.=--~-
5"' ., r..."J r. _,,' '; f~ t ~ 1 jledroor:Q bome......couvet'tibJe MONTICELLO Townbouli 3 .
6••7755 4621 fa"irfi'e' (d' ·. Tr~'f'liJ' ~1~.: · ,,...,, i:~ -c.1t,,,,..·~ c1en, .... ..., .. ..,. ttrro.n. ·"'· , Ba. ll<hwr ·atldl'• • N-• ~.•.-...,. ~ • -7., "~""--•·· v:· • ant ... 9500 · ' · 1 A 2 Bit.· ..-vw _ ~ 'ililw deek. 1 en •• ~ , pr, ~ ,.: Ope1' Homie tn E. 22nd St ..,... --·-=-·-'OPEN HOOSE SUN I 5 .TURNER ASSOCl~TES Sun 1>0. -or · ' · ,. v--------·-----.-:: · j81No;.c;.;..\llf~· 646-IW. _ ... l&'flU.Bacbdor.'l'rallon ' 3 Bedrooms, 3 baths, ·dinlng. room " .. '"~U-ASU<~~~ "'., ~ ~acil:tWl -.un , BR. i BA. family rm. Men Only. . VIEW ~ Pool, ~·l oondlti'"1-$8S,OO~ · Se~;!,tJ!r.~.ugh ·the Multipt\i:,IJ.itill'S'··; , , , , .. , . . g::;•-:-:.:';l'o:' ;;'. 133 .'.;;~~ ;.'. ~:: :.-
Wm. Winton, Reeltor . "''" · Servu:e~of -the Newport •.fietb-or• Pu~0•·f~rSalo 197~ Leu tor ,..,. Ulll .,.._,·I'll
Executive-View Home
229 Marino, Bilboii 1111m.1 ' 1
• , .. ·c""t•' ,.... · · '8 · d f R It"''~·'·' '.' '' ' ' , ,,~~~~.....,,.-· +=, l---.=.54G-443l"oii"'---
SpartiHng Pool. '
4 Bedrooms, 21> balhs, $88,500
-. . .,75-3311 , 0 'ill 9' E~';V ~1 ' -... "-mi.Iii N f ""° ' M . ors ; NEW ........ •'19 38th st.,i, · · · . ,,...-..._ ....... _,_P!,l ,_,~..;J,!..._..,""' tqte!i..1 tf5652!iO 'f.oi-the f111t 1 Newj>urt1'11. ""·"°°"""'•BR.pr, ........... ,..,.., •998 .,.1~Dr OPEN HOUSE SUN I • 5
4515. Gorham,. C1m.O Shares, .c~M ~z......-u..r..L,. ........ ~"(', .. ,, » I m ..... --';,__,.;-·~ .... mM33 m<l· stove, reb1g, Troplc&l. iltt.-6,s' N L~
· • ·ltSo " ,ritontl\ of.· ~Y69. 1 n11;.r~1?r•s•'1!S. R TAtS'··. ., .. tin&· rat·adul"· 1 btk. to ta Mea o.
Nawpor! ~~ . l200 ~"" .i,t:Mor . ;, 1.J;~,llJl.lt .~11~~.·~end aii inlfi!~· ~f .:~o-Fuinhhod,., 3""'; re::-~dlps, ~ap~l'.: ~ Win. Winton, Roaltor
229 Mlrlna, B1ibo1 Island . , .::~1'! P6rerJi~.: -G~E'S GE'!'S-. _3~.'h % _o~~~.:..i,en1H1ry cif :l~s ¥Ur.:: Rj•t111 1.o'Sliar• 2005 blt·lfio:~.1::':'.' .. , ~~cit:,:-;"~.: 675-3331 Open 'Iii 9 Ev~ry . Nl1ht
)>0auttluny d'ecorated, pn~. ~~np ~ost P'°"':rt.Y · Lt st. 'jOli f. Property .~h 11.,. ~'i!l+.~r, WOMAN ,. --boaut tum 3 BR hdwd !ln _ -· '"'"•· m1pt&1e. Weiman ... ~
View View .View
ciatoni 3 SR. uoobstrcc.ted
ocian vn. Maaslw-atone
fireplace, hiiie mulft ~ room, COYef'fld patio. -low
maJnt. yaro + +. M-prlced for area at '49,950.
~:..sPRi'Na -•REALTY ••• .. .,...,,...,.
below area, 139.950. Clwlc •. , 111 .. N•rwU. R••r:r . ·+ I · · · ·3· bdrn · •·•· 00 · · = ' ' · ••• ~.. " so.czs.t . · • ~ t'<• ~· .;r ,._ ., , ... ·. ,. Oaay. _·,.~ • . ,,, -.. ' .. , ~ ·· ·· t · . 1, " ~· nus '"'' OU Tustin Ave .• 434 Eatber.1_,,IY:..· -=='--=~~I Coll ... •ark 1115 ... t • ·* s. .... l .. 9 1"1 ·"t ~· .. ' ,,. \~(1 !;\i ~'i\.'.: ' . I •, -.-.... ·-• . ' ,, ' 'honie "{/<ft~ A: son hi Adults '"UI ' BA~ A••t .. _ -u-~ _,.. BL~lBR~·-1'A:T•· .• t.n . ~--·-·----------~.-..--.-....,.(). ~---133.-oozr ........ ......., •. ..,._ ......... --.... lBDRM, 1% Ba. 'Coll.ep 1)'1'.oldCus~~cor.SpUt'.. . c . r~. IS • ~~:::. ~'f~~;:;C ru.v~ ty.~ TOWNHOUSE C Br. 21i_!,be.. incl. utillUet: 548-na .
Plrl< """" tor 1 ale "1 le9-l mmed. o cc up an q , • ' erop~rr fruif --' ~··-''IMIM. -• •·".·. " .,i400 ~--.. ach . l40o l'ORKING str12 IO,..,. ""' blbu, pool:~Ud,.. • pots 355 '"'""°Ua St. °"""· Uf,500......., · l'S.j!Xk>....,. M<-l039 '' of'J<lioWl'edcje'":· um~-"· . . • ... -: · '-~ .!. ~.,~~ o.K. "'°· IM>:3965 NriijiO<I llAch .,. •
S ijit· Waterfront· No. .'2:, · . · 7; • V.A.:NQ•~ ~l?J)''clean wantrd.f'.V,area.-6*-Ull
Newport llffch 1* =~i.r'a~~ ', OPEN~T, & SUH.-;", :'fOtllPlfXB ·:· !.;'~!":,; !r'~ f BR'" 2 BR apt on Paitt Nr#po.,l!Oech 3200 ~:.:.y2 ~';;.:
"S""" I Dry" :wlll;;:;0 :.,="'='"";::-=::··""'=1Tll='i ..... :.J:~ ,;·. fuk~ I'll>\<!>. All 2'11R Aft.'· ~lfU~.,HB, Aye, 3 bllm ..',o .~ $Sil IMMACUIATE J BR POOL-balcony, Betwee" bead> • ··-.., -· , 711 ,J'fllll'"ICJOKI, 1 .;;;; ~ ....... 2 Bft..;Qm:b..;-llow!'; fti'rig, mo. Ro&er, ---.... "MOME 1 block from West bay. Newly ~ No
4 BR• 3 laths N•wpert Ho!Ohta 1211 · CdM • .,.,,,.,,; drapoL No ·...,.,,. """'1', ...,.... -cpt.. . ,.___ 00 Newport Beach. Fam'Y ... "'"· oo clrildnm -T.
Just the home for & t.arae . . .. Clt ..... _.··,611, "loon. M, n•t.,ee Stf.JOD,•· •f'2U).~ Cost• m9ffl '21 'ly. $330/mo. Bg oker $188. 549-2643 .
A charmilW CUiton) .. built r .546-4141 I BR. . ~ !amliy, Beamed cell"1g Hv· ARTIST · home and JJlcOm• • 0.., 2 to ap)>nela.,_ .• -· . ·· · 115 . WTR pd, Sm t Br • MODERN pry .. _
2629 ·Harbor mvd .. C.M. lIW nn. dWn& rm, plUs ·lam-For Artist or Hobblst )'fl old. For 1hMe who wibt ~\.ONLY ~$3t,9SO" Fo:urttiln .V•lleJ. , ' lfJO cotta,e .1 qUiet older adult E~qANT Bayview, ~ .. ~ cail!Ort: ~~~ta.
ily rm oft c.hildrens Bdn:na. thll very Jars• room with FA -the beat $62.000. , • , F'IR.ST ~ .... ; .· .. ~-. •ExECUr:aVI ;" ;_:. pref. Os-ln. no Pe t •. !CdMBr. '111"";.~llllgolf, ........ 26J:i Avon .........
COltiMnl 1100 J..ee -corlot _-roomforpool, heatwillpleueyoo.Prlme-"'"· .... ,__.; ti "_*·· PIONEER .. _. ..._.EIGHIORHOOD · 548'5227 . .....,... ON The Bay, nr, Udn; 1 r:::;;:.;;.:=----601 St. Jomes Pl. Heiehll .,.._ c..y 2 BR • •.. · • , 9..v r .-• ' . . ''.' ~ . . .. . . . . ~CH ~ & dOOii .to Br., wtv. petlo, utU. l>d.
LARGE FOUR BEDROOM Cliffh•ven; N.B. bom1 with DR plus al.ab a •1 • 5':~. ,slnB_ld'.•'ttoryd · B1yahorff, 222J OCe&n. 2 BR. patlo, rar, Boat apact avall. '13-M50
lot. Family ........ s I " s I 5 •. ' T SL ..... , Now ·-a.. "' Ctll Tlrsr' ........ ·•.patalf·· • • • .... v n., -"5-4U) bJole on corner -....-n a un • utlla are 1n for addition. PW. ·.. ax ~ .. . . -~:_-••• .,. •zl . .. , ;.;;;-dream ldtchen. -O"f'tt· 4 BR. 2 Ba. avail. now. ..,.., ~ ·mo. · BACH 1pt w/ gar, nr Haq, rooril. .0 bullt-tna. 2 baths, or by appt: Mr, Roblnson pr ts on alley. AU:in1: Bdrm ~plus·l,BR ~~( So. .,.......,.. lbed ~,··~ c:&r. thru Jline. Prf\t. be~ .mt. . •••. r Adult, nice area; ocearMew 1 ~~-~'p.!,. ';!';: Davis Ro,lty 642-7000 $25,000. of q~, $4500 down.· . 11m Bei<h Blvd. ,....,. •.. ~ ·;i.~~ ~~.bod· boat o1lp. w,,·Mi>: ·~. Newport Heights 3210 1100mo11til pd, -~-ollly $27,95o~cAµ. 54G-~ • *' ·. *.. °t , *· • comer Sla~ ln H~n.:Bdl.} mdbia, ~~Uri: 2861 Bay_ai~orfDr.; Nfi . ,, . , BAdiELOR Apt Util pd. S15
mi 10.., evetl H•ri'av * 11le Bluffs * 9: 0 J .Tiny ,H~. · · ·. .,.uova~!l<·"'"·•.t ll'if.l5.··' . . . • . . aL\lUaNG 2 be<f!i>om . • mo. n Mar· Mold ala !!;, ,..,u:.ta"' . ~ · ,.11,,,.·.lot•U<,lt» . ·WHY.RWNT? ' .(i &m~·p Col-.!nod!f,,,..r · · ~50 ~"· 2 \"'th mme. w_iw Ba1boaB!vd,Balboa
3 BR 1., baths, """'""' Ex~PENpti·-·':",:-, ·B6r SIJN(3 ::. !? I E ;.. l T Y * 11' i• * $19..HQ_ T9"C.Al..._f"~J~I . __ Ji_ OOMPl.ETEY !um . now'.. ~ta~.._~~~·-~e C . ..1: .. 1 u.. "250 ~ ,. w~ o· .. . .. • ·-• tuo .ihho" -. .. Bath " . .·' ' ., ~ ~"' m-.~ w ....... ..... ~ _, •
patio, ~~in .. !!_~ -~ Den) 2 -Ba. The~pu1::_1~ Ne,ar NB POii···-' .O .. '.'· ;· ~.c ~ Wfter m .USBR ~-.... Rancho.~Elre*Dent cdndltion . -, ~ . . , -redec. lh Br.~hotltk ... .tr bllal ptit ' :o-paft. Nfc e 1-y · , 11 -terco1t4 Y __.,.... plan. Crpts, ... .,.., ... ..,... ~ .. ~ l\eductdfl.0~000 .. 2 •.f'-w with' completely.-•enc1aft'd NO.,DOWN4:.I. '. to beac; wa to ores. JandsCa~ Yard. CoveredLGE. Bach., CJ1, -i""•
draped, mwly pa l nte'd. BtkfllSt .area in kit. 2 en-tiotn~'on C:dM beach:·~ yard with ·block: wa11 ·an 1 . Shaip<S·BR, fbaths. blt-i1'S, No yd.· .,,wk: ·1'<' pets. J.&llo , very quiet beain ·cell., retrlg. •
$23,500. lly owner. 64M7'3 closed patios-. Pools, c.a))ao. Newpo~hores. 1220 er will ~-cul-de-sac Lot. GI 00 money dishwuher, fam· rm. ~le, ~Cits only. Rt!. ft4. $155 neighborllood. $195 pr. mo. hot-plate on)y. i 10 5 · c BR. 1~ BA. Hdwd fin, na. Walk to ato~· achl!. * * • 'k· · &rim. .nL\ $900 ~,No CO'flftd patio, ·wtll .•land· Mo, yt. be. '75-.1540 Eves. ·Available n: immediate oc-0=-==~---~
b I t 'n. • l r g y a rd • tennla club Ii: parlt. ,$30,950. BY OWNER: Open Sat/SUD OCICllJ Blvd. Cosbw Cm&. SlE5 . per .C.ped, us.~~ .. no down • 2705 cupancy, .Wlite Bos 6U e/o '$140; 1-BR. 1arace apt;
p.t,5(11)...owner. 2218 Puente By_owiier. 675-3'33, 644-0990 ZS LUGONIA ST. Finest comer Jot with charm. month ~.-ewryttW:Ja. GI or $37&1 down a1'ld .. Llgun1 ~ch Daily Ppot· tnod. yard. pn.gt a: w/W
or 5f6..41.59 aft g pm Cbarmins 4 BR 2% ab, atepl q older hamt'. See nda om NOW. Call· ~ iume·~ ..• -: ~ : · TemJ,onry bamt.. J BR~ NICE 3 bdrm to rt1pot1 Jana: Broker 53U9llO
/,SSUME 411% GI ·1oan. ' Llloo19·£td~lnt 10 ~ '311.SOO. IG-3014 : · " • ' • • WE SI~ A ~OM.I! ,.: W,.QQDWARD ; · uti! peld. ~val!.-)ht< ....... adlt -..ta. $225. No BACHELOR APT. ,_
Br, l'IO ..... ~,.· S138. .,. tll!a l BR. p1u1 s-. laycrost 1m • 180" Ocoan"'-. r.•v:.~ MIW1L•' . , • · "'"1·~ · .. 1, JI? 15. 11'15. "'1·1bl5 ~..:ii.,' pm, 151l.Qll! ed, 2""" S80 ~Mui~ OPENHOUSE 541-11U -·d"1lng/lamlly rm 2 . . • , ,. ,. ·~.'T ;,n.er· .. ·ee llBGAdum,H-~ . .. ~ nopetM<-2'!2 '
Doiile Co...,_ m-m?' 1r!>ka plus -room lor BY oWMER ', .• , L0t '" 0 .ll . • lllJ . . . ~ ··~~·, ~ ;. $1£ Clo~te . 2710 · :._.12. .:,..,. ,
BY" Owner 3 bdr -.1% bl, poOl table or ! Enckl9ad BAYCREST. PCXn. bl ln1a 'Ot~mt 1'iilnlts. · --~ -· . Vi' •• · · • . ,. Corene .. ,.... • .._ Balbo:a.
' --.1 .. wl .. W}th aeparaW D'l•v • · -..... ~ "J.l~~!i.~~ ·--.;i~-.-.. ~a'llA•"' 4 BR, 2 Ii¥"""rmt rustic =::::::.._,....;:,__.,;;;;,;I ...,._...,,. ""'"· -;;;t.,; '".!till. · ' .... 5 ..._ •Ii ha. ~1 ,,., °""""'Ir~ • .,...... ; . tttitD .r~.. ICimt-w rw.· -.,.,,, 2, --""°" boadl ~G 2 BR. ·.• BA; • CLEAN ea.-Ap11. fixinl." S22,CI00.-615o07M:lfl: r-•' ~try, Ill Uv, rm wf!iip)A 1 .naUon.-~7~ · · ' Opel.DafJY ,tl i;lO, -': •:.~ ·.~ •,-,.1.-· r·:· izi 'wooded· caeyon. Leaie. lie ~tio,_M"lf' shat crp'tg, All utll Incl $75 up 4 ! W11ktr RHlty RPV&ta din rm, lam rm. • -,~. s·· BR ,J ' ~,HOO .. 11!1 It, ~;181511 am .~ pm , Beam celling, wood PfUlel· SISE, Balboa Blvd. H.ALECR~ By ~· 3 3lM Via Lido ~ ---~ kitchen •<d' area, . . . · .' · ', '• · · ' trplc, blt·iN Ii: dlab~. _ · . Ing, .close_ to shopping I BALBOA 673-11945
BR°"""' tot $2!,91Xl. l2IO · l&Ul!dly '"'· > !"" -... NO PAYM&NTS, Lowd-~-·.~ V~llon *ontal1 2900 beach. J325. Yn ""· 2212'1'==""'"'======1 CnJ!way. Open Sun. M5-<l225 c BDRM + s~ or den, f8.r4 ==~plush CIJlfl. • _ . _ -··: . ~· loan. Owrtff · .~:~·-~ .-... _ .. _ -~.'-,~·-. Waterfront Dr, 673-3456 Huntington IHch 4400 ,,
Mm:Ditt M•r ~ 1105 ~~I~~ -fi;~ ff 41 ~ ... 3.rl.111~~ Cdl\l . ~-r. : .T.;QjW1ij~·~rv~ Wo~~l~~ \i.~3. ~·pa~; -FURN Bach, $95 with uUL
•-o'.tThl•Flna"cl-· Anthopy autOJ?atlc pool. •It u ,, . 12 · ·' __ -··-6IDAY·~·... M2-S011·· ·•---· ~ al....epa8.m-&130 .~ia;no'.·,eu.£75-521B ~:...?>-.!°r:m~~Rltr.
P'!I' n ""• Timeciockap r lntler;•• IN ONE ot: NewPori'a nnelt :SY OW~_E.~ •. ••!fl~ · · ~ · · ,: .\ .<t:NT~~ '· _ _ ..... ~-or·_..,.,,..
•BR. 1'10 BA, $24,'IOO, ex!.t· 1t.,.. tht'u .. ut. Gar•1• lamlly ariui"larp .,._.. ~tod view homo . ,.,'\'BedioOin u..._.. LaguM INch 1705 .Ho1W,Unfvmlahod l!•ntlngton INch :MOO ch .•
705 in& GI loan at&%. '28,500 storage: Many extras I: YoU I Bfdroo111; tJ bath home. ~ &normoe, .. lam ~ '#1'--1 c:....:i~··· -: , : . Lqun• .a.. ,. ·1
n prtce. $2,00J dn. .Ill', all own the lot. An lvap wens Call1or1ppoln t~e n t, w/frplc, aep. din ~-·Hy~. . ~.~.~ • ~ ~ : · .... D i''. Geo.er•• -FrH Rent1I BoOtc Charmine 2 BR. near beach. '
acbls • •• ~~~· beauty. MB-4598 644:-:1192 nn ,w/frplc, S BR. 2-. be. ~~ch ls'~il:t:lunton lf'l'C ,. Drop In •nd Browq $225 mo. Year lnae, Adults. ·
obo,;Rltr. 546.l5!0 Owner's Speciql_ i VlEW HoME • ~·t::;:,<::"s1::': a~n~i8962.cl ·-. BIG"tr.'.E . *)YHY,PAY llfllTl '~!::."' e'!:i 'i::: Nowell Anocta.., -
3 Br., or 2 Br. Ir. den., ~ C BDRM, 2~ Bath, ~ 1ppnt 1107 Goldenrod Aw. VII . . • with hure covered paDo for KfNTALS r~·::•::•c...V::•~;rd=•--..clcol"'IO tom WutcllU born•, MU1Y !amlly, room; hilly "'l't'd . ......... . . . ,"'°''""1011 Iii. . Not ·ONE ·Pl!NNY ...... !hat big pany. For "'"t at Apts. Unlurnhhod
B 0 extras, nr stores " achls. I: drp d. Owner. 644-2333 SPECUL,\TION, Thil· cute "":i ~r uZ r:= Qualltying ,Vets cu m~ $100 per month. Great Lo-"""" J wner * Phone 644-4044 * Coron• del Mir 1250 lilboll Peninsula t300 2 Ba 1tucoo 'lrith, bl1. tlq-~n:~ iioin'e--De-r. imme<Uateey. cnHon. . Gener•I -~
Pacesetttr. excellent location BAYCREST Bargain! Ideal alont ~ ~ce. ~ tailed arChi.~. ~cyled , . WE SELL A HOME
M•sa V""'. 4 BR, 2 b&. .._ hom•: • BR • d.,, BROADMOOR MINI• CUTE ~~:·.:~.::· "1 NEIV ORLEANS motif Groat locatkmdn Hant"1i· EVERY 31 MINUTES ~ts~ot"D.~~~ lm= plus farn. nn. plus 3 BL liarbnr 'VftHflls.MostpoP:, DoD ltowie Cft_..,.. .. ntnwl•-... -.... on-belutthzlR.: ~~·t~~-use.mooNi ~-~'" ... :oo.m. Halnil:A~ Walker &'lee ~" 5%% Loan. Owner . trans. th.t plan w/vlew. Excellent --.. u-three bedrooml. ODI k>l i::;;inandns iit'$2l;S(ll .. ~""6" llVll ........ q. ......
6'4% loan. 28Il Ellesg:lere. $42,950. Prine. only, 1m: cond. wimpy ext?la. By :;;;j'';_ baH baths. ttreplace. --~CID intlt dui'tn&"• GRILL GATES O~ TO -Bus~ .... close to the . iMMACULATE AP'l's! =y~ ~OPEN Irvine. 6U-l231 ::r'c.!w: =ed~o:; 1p dble Prae· Near chm-;:..~·~tepaaeulon. FRONT O)URTYARD, :~atb. .~l '.'. ~ ~-~=l40 . IMMED •. OCCUPANCT
BY OWNER• 4 BR 1% BA. BY OWNER 2 YR. old net &M publlc bead>. A 'fed W1y Riiy. ·"6'217t OOMPIETELY ENGLOSED Quillty 3 A• 4 -~ Ope" D:illy ti! 1'3" ADUL~ • FAMILY
family, trplc, Cb:llce loca-euafum bit. 4 Br. 3 Ba, appt. Princ~Q Jewel. Reduced.to $38,2'0. . BARGAIN 1tUMT-c W/MASONRY WALLS, AND i. a:·s battw, all one story IMMAC. 3 Br 2 ~ ho SECTIONS AVAILABLE 1
tion. Walk to 1ebla. Owner ~ se~ut ~s:· .;~a:: • _BURR WH.ITE, Ritt •. s .8R 1% .bf.th. $16,~~-~·.-:!;'A_:"~ 'hclJMs"From.$32.ct'O. Month. av,~ March ist; ~t·a. ~ C~pa~io~lr~:'i ::•rk •i
trans. Aasume 5" % raA. 64~3 -. sAVE TAX it llnlll comm. ' 2901 ·Ni!wpckt Blvd,. ~.-~· ·move' 1ft.. 1 EJ.tctrk built-tn ... Approx.-·~-SQ~~Fr .. :~ ry ·. paym~ti" ~ ·$288.21 Month (213) 358--036& e 2 Bedrooma
$27,:0J. MO-lTIO =-==-=-"'""",-...,,,.,....,,.... bl~:ild_~·down. '7$.4630 Ev,•~~ nnce•~n.caipeb,dtQ,. t1\t:aM,·feab.wt:"4'BDRM. :bJt:!!.udfnr:P•I,<Uxes. in-H K; 3 -BR: 2 Ba. Oose .. Swim ~1 PuV-c....'-------~ I BY OWNER, 3 Br, 1%. Ba, ............ noed land aurance ..-.. "'........ .. ....... • llY OWNER • hlll" lam nn, aer porch. Shm\-n by appolnbnent only.· BY owner 2 Br, 1 ba. ifPI~ "'~ Ml~·!~i-•. ,,,,,~ I: FAM. RM. n.ooR Pr.ANTI!, : · to Douglas: cpb:, drapes. e .Frpt, Jndtv/lndry fac'll:
Ex oond. Harbor Hlghla.nds. DeL•ncy Riel Ert1t• I: bL Be t IC8v=-i • .,. ..... -·i . · Olh...., SERVICED BY 3 BA · .. · · ' '1 blt-lna."'847-1627 1145 -An•befm An. C BR + tam, 2 BA, newly 646-6731 ~. 67J.3770 bltrJa, plB,YI:m """ tn:) 1araa:i'wl~.l:l6at.. \i06t.. , ROOMS. Spaclowi entry foy-, li ·YoU ·~ I quah~ et VACANT •·-4 BR. 2 bath COSTA MESA 642-282.f ttdcc + aha& crpt'1, patioii, Lido buy iu,;.1\111. > er ,wlUi jloor-ot &'tued We. you can· ~-~ without ... ~., Real
etc. $26.900. 541)-9410 THE QUICKER YOU SELL THE QtnCKER YOU CAJ..Lr, m-50'23 ••.i:ti!• , .!di OPENS · TO GRACIOUS ~ne penny doWn • , • not S2'J5 I mo.. VU!qe
eve" ·t---·-~ $120; 2 BR. triplex, pr., I,;.. Gonera·I ·-. fGRl,IAL LIV• Rl(.;l AT·. '-~ ·-~ · b!IM, lncd. potlo. Qllld
Gener•I :===IOOO:::G:•"°::.:'":::'=====-======---1:..:000..;.:,, Lido lite . -135.1 ~--• -• -:· TACllED DINING··RM.· J.! · · EN ALS· O.K. · • " • . ' OU..torabo.off<roxtended · SHAK~ -ROOI' . .i•r.,. LOlf&. ···' · • • . through .....,. 15, 1969. . ..APta. flirnhlMtl . . -.,._ Fixe~ ,uppers,. aiu.m . ., u_ld ....... i ..... ..., . .· , . $135: , BR. '-Pl ... Patio,
Uill.2 .hlllho. 35' lof . '~~~·-• ~~u;::~ .Watkor• i.ee •. -...... 0.-ot · 4000 bit-Ins, w/W
•tcps to .... ee.i!! .. :. ·~~~te lot ... ~T-IN RANG>l. °"'" 10 'ti!"""' -. RENT --
' pot~,t1a1~.at «.•·.~~., .... · : .. -....... ~O...c1": lll!U'·;CL&\NING, .Pillo . ~c 9&1··11)M~ 00 ' ...-iffAJ"lttma.Seethi:nnetor OV EiNS.--:D~ _· ~WU 3 Rooms Fumlture C01te Mliu 51
, LH Schotiok, Roal!Oi' • · , ' • · · GARB ·DISP. BREAlll'~ · ' · $25 Month' '"1==:1-l!·:=i"mi.3515==~ P'oul J-o~Hffy llAJl,hu .STO<>..NE..:U.!:'.,~;~ :SHfRWOOQ'. EST~JU FULL OPnoN TO BUT HARBOR I' Mt"" Ev<L 536-112• "=<~~ l!Wriaera-A~}
l Sop. Boyfrom Lots .. ' ci~ T6 ~· c~MM:. ~ ;"~~ ~ .. by ... SU -' No ~·l'"",,'1t.'"c·.a.e. GREEJNS Hou11eon ·f5'.lpoolen -, • I .. • 1•· ; ...... .j "' ·• • 30' ..... bulkler ,.llQ +.L•C . . . . w /SINK, LI QUO~ . ~ . -. . ' ......,,_ bntoh . • ~ -· ; R. E st'J~ or ·Womtn-Ntt"I: MIRRORED WALL. ' 1
1 w\11 W,. l lot I: build openjnp !Pf'.1: ~·-·Dr ·~ cuetom..quality ho11ne , ... ....___ ; z t l :slf W..1Dth, CM. .548-3m BACHE:LOJt. UNl'UIUt .,..,-,u;o.tl)O_ -. .,,w 11,,_, '1'l'aln"1t..., l~l•P•!ri~•.'w11v . ....p.,.,,:;"""°'·'Atf."°'~'· · UIBW.Lmcln,Anlun7T....., ~ $100
R.C GREER, Rtal1J ~·Call Kr bii timi.w,;,. · hoi. E 1!0~ liaw. renlll, ..,.tar DELUXE, ...-.1-Bdrm. • AU¥J AVAIL.UJU:
¥!6VkUdO,·NB 6734300· ,=;·FIMl'PIONEm ' ·Otcoklr.iih.·:lc~~=%•.':i~ """-ai>t. .$135 Plus . .utfl. l·Jl:SBDRK.
14M121· • ACES ,wrtli . A'!TACHEI> llliMMER W1N'l'El\ .,.i , J I."'· a dte '1&l Phi '!Ill--PouJo, a.n.t Cam Huntl~gton'INch 1400 VET'S W"t:"° LAliNDRY RM. y..,-~ ANNUAL;;.,..,, !IJt it..m, ·U.aled )!09l. -peddal Oontw, Ml. 10 .....,.._ ' ~ ·In upttt a home cf this lfR • ~ Clli-~-~tal dept. No cblldm>-No ptt:I No peta llknrld
FlllTUftl' VIEW . . BUiLDEif ' • qua!lly ID "'11 many thou· and let .d Jiw,... tho RED 1"" Pomooa, CM :mo Pote-. w.,., at Hll-•
MllUll\ 9'11 DUP'L&X2BR'2'bath:4JTI wxl,&bJ&ber,,thab.the.1~ve.. CARPETtrtatmMt-youc»-bm-I Adam.1. c.o.ta Mna. 1
.... )'O\UW· No dn pymnt. away price of ~ the bet\! ~
Ftomtaotuticbilllld<horno. 'R. 'D, SLA'flS, rtltr. $17,960 . RED CARPET Rlty $
tinmacidatJ' bdrm JM.us den 141.as1s L\o•L Mi-7369 FUil PRICE Renta1 Drpt. m.3863 • 25
plus lamlly/dlnlna room. 2 . • ·, IQl!I W. Balboa Blvd. N.S. e, Studio 6 Ba BRAND NEW La<t< Lmrul7 ~ ~~ ~,:; VACANT-MUST SB1 $3795 DN. PYMT. -: ~aldu~ ~'::a At>IJ. ,,..,.n.,t -
-·· -\-···uMI ,., .. , • ~·u O\VNEA ~ CAAAY IRVINE TERllACE •• BR • N .... Ca!• .. Bar . . ...... 2 BR, "'Pia. drpo, -l '°""""' tio d--. -~" ~~ A !ST T.D. THE A 'din. riouaUc Ylro', 11!1 NtwpOrt Blvd .0-blt·lns, '1oc hfttbW $111}-l'll ·.oNL-: ... -..m4,tso ,lli>l>roll.'!,,,,Dowll+~ru .. = rou.BALAl<CE , liootrtttuJ ·-11o1: ~·f!IO . SBR,2 ..... t ... _ ..
'I .... r llR, '-· ;; MISSION UAL TY.I »«. -. ' . . . CHA TEAU. La l'.Q!NTE bit.... radiant boa~ ""' I l'IRST · -. l'IAl'".DAL R~A£. 115 So. Caul Rwy ......... BEACON llolll'.--' Bii ·.a i.oYoly tum. 2 BR ...._ Oii· CODI, pvt p&tlo, ll65. ·PIONEER -ITll W'I"\" • ' • """!"1· !!'9 ~ dell, .,. i ·ilR; Oomn>,. unity .,...t parld!ll.,carJIC!l'll. R!d ..?.".-M~.!:"!.. I
'..;..__ ~ ... ._ ,,_n Pint·:' -• m· £1A rn .\ ·tliflu 1(1 11u.n bc&Ch. pJ.tr, '~ CDQt "'. pool. Adults. DO peta. SJ.SO, ~,,..._,, "' ~
'.-,,; """" w ..._. """' trP to)rl yon no IOtllW Med, HW per _mo. 11<1 POMONA A VE., C.M. i•t!!!!IBR!!! .... unf"'u"m""'1"llll!!!.!!!!!A!!vall""' 84;!-4421 GI "° d". ; Jr. Bits l!I ba, Id! them .. cash wtth Jotm Mcn&b RtolQ> Co. $125. Lrg 1 BR, cte.,., .qultt 3/l • 2 1 Br. -$130
114n Beach Blvd. <Hwy 39 nke epta/4l'PJ. ~A heat. II todtJIJ ~ · ' .642-8235 Beaut ~ nr maibt. up. Healed. pool, rio pet.a,
cornti-S11.ter $n l~tn, Bch.I eov. pnUo, 61ld.20 !ot. la Your Ad In our cl.u.albedaT 5 DR 2, bl· Futn $215.. !*• di)'rt IU'· . .Adultl on-btby ok. "1.8n MomMI, · BRASHEAR Roolty Som""• wtU ,,__.fol 111\!..,:. 1225 '. lmined ..,. .,. fl6.<1!3 Whit:.:iepblnt1! rn ,,.'M$3t E'm. ---tL Dial 642-5611 ·~. ~DI ·pot•t. .~-Wallact, C.M. 1.Dlal:.:::...:.:-=---... -Rl:&U141l---
Dtal IGml !fr. Rm!LTS 0l4l'\I! ffi , CHARGE m -!'1•92.'!lll \\'bite .•sho•af ~ "'""' tleiioollt .±. !£' ••
I I 1 I I
ISERllC I j' I '·11'1
I I I I I I I . .
' ' "
' " " ..
, ,
·~--......,-..... ---------------------~ -------------· -·-·-···-----··--• I
ON TEN' /.atES
1 &: 1 BR. Furn " unrum
Frplca: I Pri I Patios I
Pool& TemUI • Coctnfl a.
ht. 9 bole rutt/Grwn . ooo &a Lafie, om 6'4-2611
(MacArthur nr: Cotitt Hwy)
Corolldo Apts.
2 BR. Ul\fum. Pt:nthouseS-
street ievel••tudiol-All tlec.
Jiltch. diehwa11hers; IOlM
frplct, w/w carp. & drapn.
2 car c9.f1)011. Pool, $170 to
;200. Children O.K. 673-3.118
4102 E. Co&st Hwy, CdM
RMIM for Rent '"'
CHANNEL Reef 1 yr lse
Sil);) mo. 2 BR. 2 Bia,
\faterlront, boat 111 p •
For lnfarmlltion. 6734.lJ)
CLEAN, Quiet norn
I w/boTDe A kitchen prML
~Phone ll room. &l&-l'm ,
16 2 ihdr.n-2 lla!ll Apia.
Fumlllttd llld Un!Wnilllod
AilUit IMiil--........
se1n;1..,1111 Oiiiil
PiiYlli Eilll--
Now Renting
19122 lrookhun( SI., JUI! "Ol1h of Adlllll
Hunllnaton 8-h-(714) ~t
' .
• .
• MS-1234 •
""'"""""'"' Pllntlnt
PAINTING, inter, • uteior
Stt~ lie, • bonded. !'rel ........ ...-
Paper,twirtrw, e yean
~rie~. Call l'ftdl
,lf ·~· , I
Studio type co.Qdo. l; ·~ HOUSE 'p-~ ~-" I 11 br,.J~ ba,~'idde. Trade: ....... ,. • ..,......ty •
for dbl. wide ( 40') mobile & faJr prlei!"' i'r'M est. Call
,a • .-~-~ ~-~~ . '. . ' · ---~'·-.-~ P>3lfijNc Pi;;Mrilli R, E, S<).fill .• .. n eV<S. ID_ • ....._ Lie 1 . .,x:
1$1,000'equll> ... -. ed.--: .........
-. Din • Ree, -pool. C.bana'IOA_ ....... _
~ p.nadao .Want Npt-Bch
res. Jean Sm.Ith RI.tr. 71 ..
'4&.3255. ' .•
e PAT'S ,,,.._ All
....... _,,.. ........... Call -INT. Pluter, ext. "1JOIOt d!y
n.11 ta~ t.CIOQM:le ~textured ceilinp. 5'5-8Dld!
' Hive bear wheel alipment
machln!, lite DeY(. Co 1 t
$4200. Will trade r Or dn
pymt on income property
or '! 5ti-2>H "'12"'""Rancbo-~-... -1o~ .. -.. -.,,-~""'"---......;"'°=~·
Lake San Marms. $9000
each. Clear. Excbanp all
or part.
BKR. 4,!K.1330
HAVE: 8 unitl, $4t,OO'.I equi.
ty, room tor 4 more.
_WANT; Ho\19ft .. Jocal
No job too cnaD ·-· PLUMBING 2' hr .rv.
Wirk(llar,lle, ... -repair, root!!' ...... 1!1-'1511
Remodel., ~r, 6940
Newpt Btach
~fy In po.--
. I
' I .. '. I .
~ I ;)
... I
,. .. .. I ,
I · ! I:~
·~ I· . !'.
1 ·-
·' !,
I' a• DAILY ~l<OT , . S.twdq.' Mlttlt L 1969 •·
iOii. ~OYMl!iT olOaS a IMPLOYMINT •O!IS "•IMPLCIY~fill· '?•s;• llMPl:OYMEN,T iOu' l-iMfLoYMliN1'·JdlS .. liMPLOYMINt ·JOBS &~MPI nVM~llT .IOIS. e/i\PlOYMIHT MERCMANOISl-l'OR
!!!IP w ........ ~ JP Htl~nlo4. -~m.11 -·noc:i. fulp,W1niiil ;·;·•-'-,..., " -• 1 I .J• ~ ·w-·ra. J.... -~ Wom. 7500 ..,,..,.,_, .. 7600 SAL?I ~ND TRAiii. ~. =v, ·Wo""'n ·•• 7400 W• . 9-,,bOz..._.~ .............. * trs ·-•-l'umlt\;l'o -bw'ance ; .. '· ~.m.ReompoDent l r . , J'"' t:_·-·7 ~ * •~ ......,,..,.~i.. •. LEADSll ~ . ._ trab:1ieea. Sa.WY • .-w ·· . . _ ,~f ~,,~ .. , ~. A, .. • · • .Cllldren. ~or m:w .. walnut bwik bed.I • ~No--Neeo-To· in .u•rtA Murt. ~ L ~v1101c-•J.,-.~ , -Com .. ""ter: ..... Slloa. -. -uan, ...... .,._ --.
11UN\V l'llLL-tlme pqotllon In -~ S r ·r !iiiiiCi'!b<i• .... ,'!1£ ome. pU ~· td•CllUcoot JO---·· paid p)041z.-W-· end
KNO(K ON oooR ., ....... ow • ·: ·i· :e:. .. """"'. ,. ........ ~-Opera· tor.. ·Li~--· 1n Del -· CM, IAblU """°' $10. -TO DOOR • ·m E. n111 a . c.1o1. ' ICU -.._ i.e.. ' .-.ger 51i-28S9 ,;:alt:.:.;,.& :,,;Pm.;::, -~---• SUUlclent appoln_,,~ Jr,.;QI ~bk. ~ • ,l.Lr 1 • ~ >ii • • · . WE are -amlher OOOD blown JUb cbalr $3$.
y<>11 ....i to..,. $1.lOO to INDUSTRIAL Help w....:... • J 1. 1 Alap&. •tlfnlio -e-. ~· L *-,t, ,: 'i · whee-.C duo Wed Lime dub eb. + ....,..,
Sl5,GDo +&nmWJJ¥asan 1· EN.GINEER tr11~ ExctllentworkinacoricUUona, muAity, taOE. W~ I edlallll'<>P"'nJlll•vail-rt.ILL11ME mornlD&L. Stavlew cutrrs $50. Re-\apbol. MI
qenl.More'.,allW'I&:· WIHMtl 7400 above average~ sM Aw.,S.A. fl(" MfJ\frilum· •Ix • Ceramics~ Octan Ave 6..J323
er: We Mvt an u.nu.sual fringe benenu. Call Ptrf~ GENERIC PRODtJcnCii monthS Gperienee ·reJ .M~tt h•n experltn'ct. Lquna Beacb. m..:• · "1..:.=::,...-~~----1
commission Jtehedule-, Opportunity lo gain ex-UNIGARD net Dept. bet. 8:30 AM. s FGR..~ ~ on Model ·361).20 Llc•nM nec.1Mry. PIANO le BA A~ "= '!i~ =:. ~ e NO DEBITS per1enct under a Sr. Ii': PM. Mon ~ Fri. 527·1'144 APP11 in ptnon .or dl&c:, or ~ system llOns. .... ., .. e e NO CdLLECTIONS in areu ot time atudy. lnsur_1nce Group l9BT Plaoentia AW.. »l• EA.At. AJpJy W: j Excellent Emplo-fH ~ ~i ~~· Belin-=· all for I
3 5
•NO BOOKKEEPING ~~ ... :p.ro~~::r:1r: TJRED-OF,.ALONG Stanton-Cotl&Mtall -~----! .Benefits 1..,==_..,=,..,==.,-1 Spend 100% of your .,......, ·coMllUTE t w1.;,,,_..11!XP ,._,.. Personnel ,OffJce • THE-SlJlrrf ·h!:VER SETS m MOVING--Mile fllmitare,
.•• prognnlJ. Pttl.r fonnal .. . .Com.mun. ity ... --~ Ouaillad'1 ·-....... oouch. Br ·~ .... "' time daib' ma>tinl: _.es education and some time-.vniprd lnaurance Group ls >tPP1Y in .,.raon ii s -APP"-Y · J'or an tad to tell around houlthold items. <No retrfl)
.,,. .. ..,. .. money. Car ''"'' ..,,.nenc .. p~... """ -'"' OW' now dl· Hospital SADDLEBACK INN Dr"'vers Personnel Olflco Ibo dock, ""' -6jll-47'7 _....,.. .., no ba~ 1 · b vhlo• office .P.o"1i •PP•""· 0~ w ~--~ u • • T~'rd Fl'!"< rier, It will pav """' to app y m pel'llOn or Y 4115/'69 ih Jf \I n t j ri I t on -' ~' . .,_.W)' _, 11
# #¥~ eonfidentia'J. resume in-._ lAgwla Beach C .. t tbe detaib. clOlding oaluy ....... Beach, just ol1. the .San u> . om pa ny Reeervtbuaoomplete ments to Ptl'!Ol'Ulf!I. eao Fwy. Thei;e positions ADVERTISING WANT babyaitter, l irht
llf• and A & ff Kit ... will""""" a short training • ... .. ,..,.,,, my borne, (I 3323 w. Wamer
cludino dentisti & !ran-period of 2 months in ,.,,. s t I -)'I' l?!d.) 2 .fM tn approx.
cru.;(roup-pOllde•. w. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Los Angele. offi.,.,. ... ~;; ecre 3ry 6 PM Mon -Fri.Blloba. Santa Ana
also · need F'ranehi.se EMPLOYER thfl tnove. M:leage wiU be S'?s..34611 I.ft for w.knda.
group apecia.liJlta. Our en-1485 Dale Way, Carta Mesa paid during· this period. . B"okkeeper Clean up rtrl. WIP;ted for
tire kit coven _pre-ex!St· Phone: 545-82Sl <nf) " , work in beaut, aaJon. 3• Ina conditions. ~enings week. "The Hair
GENERAL'. AGENTS lm"'!•diate Openings in Responsible. top level -Factoo"' 66--0.lll
U you are-a general the foUowlng are11s position for sharp, tikt-MAIDS WANTED
.. eht or have a -neral h -Ne~ Blvd. ~-•-c •""• nJrl. Must h•~• ~M.'" . ~....,. • ......aia ageney and are experi· . CODING .• • eli..A-1 .. in -n. • .,..., .... ,.,.. in fin. m JABSCO , . ••c•llont ·skills 1nc1. ·~ ~·-.
ancing your qency, I Experienced or trainee in shorthand • handle .I~• BABYSITl'ER. neede<fS AM
would especlall.9 like the .. lire Wor casua)ty staliiti-bkkpg• billing ' Under to-5 PM;, Fountain V.U.ey
opportunity of discussing cal coding. Math aptltuae 30. Ca
1li 81rb1~1. (714) area. 53l~ Eves.
An equal opportunily
J, C, Penney Co.
Fuhion I"tnd
Newport Beach
· Hai. openq Jor ..... * COOK * this matter with you in INSIDE SALES nectssat)'. 642""3910. MATlJRE v.-oman for reliel
person. We have a 1007' on 11 PM tn 7' AM ahift Recent aucc:ealul experience ~nancing program. Con-Re•po"'b~ '"' '"pport ol ACCOUNTING Gi~ Shop Sawy" Home . ..,_.no in all,...., ot food """'"
tact or call for a confi-field sales force and di&tri-Type 40 to 50 accurately, Salesclerk CLEANING Ladies nljeded try is required. Competitive
denlial & persona] inter-butors thr1J. liaison between Som\! experience or aptltude . . for apt. cleaning. Steady wages. outltandine benefits
view. Ralph Evans Art!a marketing, manufacturing, with tigi.ires helpful. Li&:ht Five; d'*'s, no inght.s, no 111-'0rk. Mr. Rogen &f2-7196 includin& profit ~
Mgr. andaccountina~partrnents. ClllllomPr contact. Suns, $1.9S _ $2.l2'iii per hr·l====·=====I
RESERVE LIFE Provide backup for inside Good benefits &. working
Monday, Tue.,.,. oalf' manaaer. RATING """'1ti=. . Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500
or ·\Vednesday
9 a.m •• U and 1 p.m. -~
At 646-7753
Prefer experience andlot tt--
lated training in inside sales.
Plea~ apply by resume or
letter to Personnel Director.
l~ Dale Way. Costa Mesa
California 9'2626
Min. 1 yr. exp. in cutting * 1MMEDIA1'E *
1u.ita from existing patterns. • Opportunity
Good co. benefits &: WO~ for reliable man w I t h mnd'1. Apply to: '
Personnel Offlci
U.S. Divers
3323 W. Warner
Santa Ana
..•. All equal opporturuty
previous, industrial
janiiorlal experience. Ex-
cellent working conditions,
good pay and all" iringe
~~ inclµdjng _, r o 1 i t
200 Briggs Avenuf.
Co11ta Mesa, Calif. ,. ......
Join ... .,. ....... ........ __.... .. _ ...... .....
ASSEMBLER ·:~I" No........,........,..
We train, ftiJJ ar part ttin•
Exp. -in tpOl·W'1dlng Mutuol Fund AdvlHn;
I:: aome met.al dea.ninr, pl111 Inc.
ability. to solder &tainle111-Npt B. 1603 Wfttcllft 642-Si22
steel. Good Co. benefits with S.A. l2U N. Broactwa.y
fubmi for right person. Ap. 547.g33f
ply •t PART TIME
Personnel Office WE NEED 25 MEN WITH
. ~O~ ~~ARtlNG PAY
Prefer at 1east one year of
_ fi;l_ or casualty rating exper-
~Ce. Opportunity to ad·
vance Into multlpal line rat-
Career opening for operators
with at leas! one year ex·
perienct on Alpha & Neu-
meric 1Bli1 equip'mt Day
Home & Gift Shop
3433 Via l1do, N.B.
673-6.360 for appt.
Local Insurange A g r n c y ,
Harbor area. desires tull
time Girl Friday with top
skills. Pleasant office. Ins.
exp helpful. salary open to
right person. "'Call Bev.
Excellent tree benefits. Per· · 54&-7370 for appt _
manent, .5teady work. OUr SHARP GAL!
policy is promotion from To assist manager of groovy
withi.n. Your future ii deter-boutique, Permanent poai·
mined entirely by you. New tion with room Joi ad-modern oflice. lriendly, yancement, with rapid!y
pleasant atmosphere. growing organization. Ex-
perienced 1als only, Call
for appointment
Responsible poaltion, ~
qUiring general hlger
and payroll experience..
Prefer person with ex·
perience workl.n& from·
reports produced, by data
processing. Will be tt-
gponsible far hourly and
aalaried ~ ~r
ly tax re&QJ.,.' general
led&t'r entries and felat-
ed reports.
For OetAi15 and App'i.
· Cail Collect THE LOOK 644-2400 EQUAL, OPPORTUNITY
(2131 384-1213
Full timr:. days.
Apply peraonnel office,
3rd noor •
Work Near Home EMPLOYER
• Accounting/Bkkpg
• Secret.aria:!
e Reception e Typists
Superior Agency
EstatiUahed 1946
1857 Harbor Bl, Coat.a Mesa
Call first. 642-7141
• WAITRE.SSES. \Vill train I
full .or part time. Must be
18, attractive ·with Wbbling
pel'90nallty. THE ZOO
2344 Ea.!it Coast Hwy at
1485 Dale \Vay. Costa Mesa
Phone: a45-8251
·cleii :'
Varied ' duties in eng1·
Mering, operating blue-
print machine, mimeo-
graph, tiling, lite typing.
Somr experience prefeJ'o
red but will train alert
1139 Bakar St.
Apply in peraon
10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Monday ,lhru Friday
24 F111hlon lslend
An rqual opportunity
Receptioniat or nevi &ttOUnt!
experience prtfttred. Re-
qUires hi&h lcllool 'padua._
Apply in persoi to
Security ·Pacific
Nalional ··Bank
550 Newport Cent., Dr.
N1wport BNch
An l!:qual Oppnty Employer
the Broadw1y
47 CO!lrh el F11hlon
Newport Be1ch
An E<juaJ ~lly
. • Ea!ploytt
Pre~r some .warehous-
ing experiel1Ct!. ·Ability
· to team routin&, order
checltlng etc. Must be
able to operate lift
trock ot stacker, Good
opportuttlty for rta:ht
148.5 Dalf' Way. Coat.a 1.-Iesa
{TI4) 545-8251
.. ~ --
J. C. Penney Co.
Fuhion Island
Newport Beach
Need• ..,
Full or part time, Recent
auccesaful experience in
' simple bookkeepi.ng pre-
leITed. Participation in
an ou!!tandlng benefit
program, inch,tding ho5-
pita!W.tion, discount on
purchases &: prolit shar-
Apply 10 am to. !:30 pm
Mt;inday thnt Saturday
J. c.,~ co.
-24 F11hion l1t.nd
An equal opportunity
No Matter What-It Is
... f<>
U.S. Divers
Company WE TRAIN
No. 47 Court! of Fllllhion
Ntwport Center RECEPTIONIST, young, at·
tr., typirig helpful.
Contact: Mr. Steen
Standard Pacific Co.
1565 Ta1bert Ave., Costa
Mrsa. 546-1161
C01t1 Me11
7114! Independent Order of
Foresters have ·opened a
new oilice in South Orange
Coun~. Require intelllgtnt
man or woman over ·25. c.ol-
lege not necessary, Should
have experience in meeting
pµblic. Dignified lile J:ime
SM>sltion. ·Eandiis commenc-
es immediately. Should be
in excess of $250 weekly.
Attractive, permanent po1i-
tion for penon with aood
typing akilla and experience
in pun::huing function In
manuf.actw'ing. Profit lhar·
I. I • r--• • I,
k l·
.. ' jt
I· I .
r= I'..
3323 w.
Art equal opportunity
WE need men to work ln all
depts, No experience 1'eCeS-
sary, u we trai~.
-·------'* BUSBOYS-Days
Apply In pel'l>011
151 E. Cffat Highway
Newport Be11ch
Top salary, excellent
worklng conditions.
CAIL Bob! ,
900 South Cout Highwa,y. .
Laaana Beach 4~ 7503
Ao eqWll oppnrtunity
Apply in person
An equal opportunity
LADIBS 18 to 60 show Sarah --------
Coventcy Spring & all
Sf'ason jewelry J.a:shions.
absolutely no invest we
train 847-1567/522-7728
BOOKKEEPER wanted: ·ex·
Telephone: 492-8700 between
9 AM • 1 PM Mon. thru Fri.
!1 AM • 12 Noon Saturdays
for appointment.
J. C. Carter Co.
671 w. 17th 51.
Cott• Med
An .,quaJ oPl>ortw>!I)'
REUBEN 'S per. in payroll &. accrs. MATERIAL • COOK -top cook oU payable. Apply: \\'. D. Saturday and SUnday
Schock Co, 3502 So. Green-HANDLER Please Apply in Person e GENERAL Kitchen help. COCO'S ville, Santa Ana Prefer lfOme experience 3475 Via Lido, N.B. For new Convalescent
,SP.ANISH GIRL: Housekeep-in manufacturing facili-Home. Top 18.lary. Call
1555 -W • .Adams Ing & babysitting, netd not ti.es. operates fork lHL SECURITY PACIFIC Mon .• Fri. only 640-!llKlI .
Costa Mesa · speak English, l ive-in . Good benefits and work· NATIONAL BANK HAIR stylist w/ following
• NURSES AIDE-5-.-rountain Valley ' a re a . in& conditions. to rent in Lido Shop, Call
7 Ar.1 lo 3 P!-.1 ·';41..;-3929:::;----~-F;quaJ Opportunity Employer 673-5930 'T I ph · AN EQUAL. OPPORTUNITY I======== Park Lido a • one recaphon EMPLOYER * DRIVERS * , . Convalescent"floJpital work. Apply betwffn Agencill, Men I 7550 1445 Superior 1 p.m. & 5 p.m.,. 1626 HB!I Dole Way, eo.oa Mesa No &perlence Womon
MEN ~'"""" B<ach "-'·"'' E. Ma..,.ood, 51nt• in11 SIS-8251 Necessary'.
CO · An Sec. 1plit fee .......... $525
uam Ir e..rn $1.50-$250 Jt'1 ¥f>.NION r 0 r ron-a . Mmt have clean California J unior acct tee paid •• $500+
111--eek plus, No _e~rience valeticent -!ady ! yr rtay CAN YOU QUALIFY?•---------drivina record. Apply Gal Friday ............ $450
n e c e •a a r y. Profess.Iona] . Mon lhru i"'ri, no hsework Housewives who want lor YELLOW CAB CO. Legal Sec. Trainee .... MOO
trainitig in prestige work: No or pemna i;are. AJk'r 5: 30 \\'ork part time, 10 hours Beauly . 186 E. 16th st. Corp Acct fee: paid •• $15,000
door knocki!lg, OW' custo-~~~~~ Sat & Suh. per week " make $65. call . Cost.a Mna Engineer Ri:D ••.• $12.000K
mers call '18, For appt. Call --~-----838-9321 betwn 2 A: 4. 0 I YOUNG Englilb Executive Machinist ••••• • •• , •• •. $693
9:30 to 12. 5261616 e BVTI'ON &. BUTTON JIOUSEKEEPER, live In pefa on engaged in trade w I Driver, ypung , ···•. •· ·• $286
$18.000 IS NOT TOO MUCH 0 P E R AT 0 R S ; "?: x-:. Laguna. Bch. w id 0 w c r . Europe, requires Frtnch Merch11nt1 Personnel
tor 40 with perienced: App. 8 to :I p.m. Chlldnin 2 & 3%. Must man or woman for private 2°'3 WeatclW Drivt
to t:a1:" .=raut9.biP1~ , ~~:~INC. 2907. S. Oak, d r iv r. Sa I a 'r Y $ 2 3 0 . · Excellent 'Employee profe11lo11A1 tutoring Jn oral Lobby Office
Beach Citle1. Air man P.E. 54~1107/494-6297 Sun. Benefits French; minimum 3 hfs per C.orner l7tb a Irvine
Pate, 'Pre• .. Tena Refinery WANTED Pleasant i'Dman YOUNG, Aggressive & 11h8fP wk until nuent. Ca 11 Newport Beach
Oorp., BOX '1ll. !'wt Worth, to care for 8 )'t' old boy. Sl-'Cn!taey for stockbroker's APPLY 646-7473 ' 1--~---
SH tho Humble Oil APPRENTICE !!i°~~mp'.;,."wn trans. M,r;.~ be....,n I• 3 Thlr<I Floor R11I Estate Sain-n8'1f1JO!l. Te:xu 7m.01. Wed-Thun-Fri morn. 8:31). olliL'e, For interview call P1rtonn1I Office 646-7473 I til 5: ill
& Refining SAILMAKER a ·~·~ Min & Women ' pBISOllnei
Salli bf'Schock CURTAIN k d·rapery BABYSITI'ER For 6 &. 1 Th BIOld Elcp&ndlng 11p1n. owce t Company • f!S.18'.tl· • oalesladiM. Apply UdoU" yr old otrt•. 5 d.,.. wk. e way 4 openings a .... blo tor IQBllCY
d h Home 1\irnlshings, S. Coast N 1 El. hi d' · ti -··• & ... I in t • IXP Pla,..a, Costa ?ite1t11 WfJ I!' M" 1~trict. 47 Courti of Fa1hion ce·~ men women. . Prof11sfonel S.rvic.
•· · sport• sooto·on. SET·UP & LEADMAN COUNT~ G L 646-~225 Jo'i\SHIOJ".1 ISLAND sG~~ incomes A _frlllniReng.aJMr for the employer ,.. luUct "''" IR 11 10 2 \VOfltAN WANTED. night 8e h ... .,ner. prit11 ty, and the 1pplic11nt
6 -RE:I'IRED man tit part time J.f ~To b=d~n:~~ PM. Mon-~!. Apply ~9!'1 W, shift. p!U't time. NP C'Xp. A~•=[' ~~icy 540-4824 l> 833 Dover Dr., N.8 .
Jdanql"r 'l Holl! in the BOOKKEEPER, e•,.r'd. !9!hp•St't, o~111 M~1. hel nee. 25-15. App., Mr. Donut. EmpJou.r PRINTING. d¥J>licator opl:t· 642-3170 .549-274.J ndl•-~\ • del .. -...., "· 135 E. 17th St.. C.~. ~~ ~ ator ,-Hun••-tori BeaCh. Ex-;t Irie n:iu ...,. mos! wee Contact·. Mr. Sl"n -~ If teTVioe la ndry · So '• 'BARMAID .-w NTED F\J perlenc,e A.B. Dick or Multi. L----ae u m · Standard Pacific Co. ly A : II A: part lime REAL 'ESTATE. Sbouldn't Most-·* wt. ·~·t .. --... Scnuul•ln1tructlon 7 C.alif. Baker le. Fairview, App 11: 2000 W. Bal.boa BARMAID NB Golden ..... ~ ._. .. ~"-
0.M •a-be -~ .... 156S Talbert Ave ., Co!lt& Bl·~ N' n. Sa ' · yoo be selling the hottest ion, small camera ~'""--'. Th u. mi.\ ~ n. ._.,_ .,,,,11r. vu., ewport ..,..,ach. t. Anchor 6'7!>-2375 blwn S-11 .. _ ~~·· e nwwport
.... ~ ,_ -...t L--'·'-noat rwn:lill • .,...,... ... SU 1 M 2 · area Huntmcton .... achr e~ d··l--' will consider School el •--~-,......---........ -.... I: n. 0 A tfl AM . am. VWap, Real EltaCP 962-4fn ""'" .. :-:.·~ D~ .. P.O. ·--~ ;.. ~. le. aecustorned to WANTING En~rprilitlJ )'1'IC 1. ... .1 .... ...,"" •-...r OVA ;: ~ tbl p.ib\k. Shott man part time, t :SI am n1ur1nce .,._,.. 1ry SITTER M,y home af or 54U103 1006 Huntlnlmn Beach. 92641' FEATURES:
, h:lu.ti, aot pb ytlcallJ to 1:30 P.IP. S2 ptt br. ~ltw !r,e-'!:1,:ma=. tchoolleveninp. WANTED; O:iiijlefii'mcmt • EMPLOYMENT. •Dectrk:typrnnitm
·,; dimandtnr wor;. Work Wed 545--1686 , &6-01.lO _ _ fi73...S5.14 of. adull 36 unit apts. Exper. Sm&ll Newport Beach ofilce. e Dictatlrw equipment ~ -lhnl Sat. v.,,. modnl DRILL PRESS FULL°"""'-· -. No peO.. C.M. Tho°"" 'J"'l-°"""1'> "'°"' ,....,.1 . .Jt Modem olltce ,,_ ....
a1ery. Must llw cloH by, • OPE RA TORS e LIVE In ne«ted to ttl.Y with ~1111 ,,_n tf'mll! tor con-ly PUot Booe M.ftt full time Ml\PIQftct. male e Bl'Vl.h up Grta Sbbrth&J94
;it ,see the 1bn ftnt, and let Pt.on. 646-9'1 I woni11.n, no care required, strucUon Co. 54!>-1444 REAL Estate Sa1tsptl'IOl'1 for .t. temllle, 20-28 yrs old. \Sal. e Pflraonal OtvtlOf)ment
: .Toba a t tll« Store or aU LUt hlk'p i melt.I~. 548-5110 WAITRESS. Pt.r1 !lme CdM: actlw ara. Xlnt $110, wk tf )'OU meet 1mtr (AIJt obut.our .spedaJ oUtt
T' _.].J)'1alt5p.m. SERV STA P.fAN. DJ>rr.-,or~l6 OVER21 CAtL comm 4-bonua plan. n!Cl'&.642-.S))O whkb Includes fi'ff typlrw:
k PART ,time piett v.'Ork; bnlcn I tunt.up. Ray PRACTICAL N11nlnr 00<.'d· ~~ lnttrView, fJ75..,3581 ' 0 RA p E R y ,Vorkroom instruction.)
,111 ~ da1t'; no ~pplea. 11'11.m • ~~wy~t.!:~ 604 s. ;:t:,s~~~f'-in. ~ * BARMAlD * TELEPHONE M.le1: ticket&. .trainee fabric Cuutt. 900 646--0ISS
WlTH A '
AD! ,·. •
•,,tr . -m~t. Good po l t n I I a I , Bxpertf'nct Not Nl!<.'t!llltY EKp. pref but w/train. \V. -17th, Colla M e s a tbtJ .,_ ~ -DA~"!
O!ARGE J'O'lr wtnt ad now. DAILY P[L(7'1' WANT ,WS! ~."\8-~ BetWffn 1D-6 «.fr. Cfll'Ofttt. ~I 540-6464 • Pn.or dawM'iecl! ~·I-:==========:::;::;====:! ""' .
' 11
I ,,
' ~1 ,,
--;-,.-~,,..-~-~-. .... ..----.'"!" .... .--~...,.,.,.,....,,.m.,.'l',"·.,.,.,...""'...,.""""' .. ·"·"'~""·"'·'"• -.::;:o-:----;-;.. l -. .----; -·;~ • ·~ .... •·. • • .... ., ... -...... •;:;.;ot . -... -~.
SiillfNt, MMClt 1, 1'69 OAJLY l'ILOT ----\
•• H-'• How Yn C:.. U~
· -our ·Fa-Dlme·A-Unes-
e lllW'Olf llACH llll ...... ...._.
• COnA MllA ,---·~·--m Wm '"' e · HUNTIN•TOH 'llACH _ Jpt·fllM StfHt
• ............ _""" __ .._,,_._, .............. _~_
.... -COllLM.1111 ...... ... " . ___ ... ,,,.-... --e LA•UNA RACH ..... _ m -A-$25. . . _".._..,_or ...
BIDE-A-BED, $25. Phone P~REDO\lbuahua~ ELrot'RIC coffee tot $C. D~ •"2 pa.it, Neu.tfttPOLAROID ~ SlO: VANrrYm.trwltbmlmJr. PACKARD 11f:i.L antiq. MAN'S bi.M $10. Print llOfa HarPOINT ant~matl e ~2392 -Pitl, 9 .fttklt. Do .Pl.lltrt Punch bowl eet $2.$0. coloi' '(2",..Jonc. 112" and Dnp JUits $3; Pole lamp' $10. Upript ·vacuum.' ,T.V} wry pod picture ls $12.50. !f'win bed complete wuhtr, ~ aood $15.
2 PAIRS,.ol wood skis wi~ $25. ~~ 371 W. 8q. Chrome bre~ box Jl.50. ~" wide with_~vene -$1; S~rst !'811 clock $5; deann' 15. Older portable llOWld, btautit\llqbiMl'$15: ~~ttff tabk1 13 • 'AUlmnat!C Wiiblr ba wry
blnctinO, .1 ·pair for pertim. C.M. -Ouoome ca.mil&ter ee:t:l2.f(l. nxla-.U.~l48S ' ~tw carpet s1veeper $5; typewriter with stand $5. Two 8" 8ohm 1pe~ MW ST. '&n4 . tablH ' $2 • $4. aood .oond!UolJ -p. Bl~
5'4''. and 1 pall' t~r penon. TWO 30 •tore l'OOIQ divider. · Kitchen clock SL Man'• Hard cover books 10c -$1; Slin\ Une eonaoJe TV, fteedt mounted '6. each. 22 .; Wtcben tables with 3 cbain NP clWr, UM 1WW -
S'I", $15 ~aCh. 837-9505 $15. -$25: 'Ootbl!i'~ $3; •ult, siie 44. $5. Mtn'• auit AS NEW -meat slil;U Sltl. 100 ~r bacb; lOc; SW. work:·f1.: O!der ind.lo 78 rt eenrnlc tile• srout • $ll.SO. ~ with motor Pali ot Wider *k'ta for
JEEP e~ f C)'UOOer Oat ·Lawn mowtt S3; 20'' fan ~ $4.: Suitcue $1.50. 2'" Electric, m~ set ni.. tcreen prints $1; AptlqQe IJ)lted record ~13. Vnl-. toot. SI.SO;. Girlt Scbwkm $7. LamPll $2 • $S. Bed 'Cl Ford. new $5 Jillr; AD-
be6d for ~build or Pfrtl Cl speed cm whetbs), $19· ~ ~t atorap box S 1. 5 o. Table ·saw . ~ 5 piece lee cream chlllr $3; Antique t\ie bathroom 1lnk on bike $8; Roll-a-way bed • tranwa $3 each. Dlabtl le kmda: Of uted wubm. putt
$15. ia s..3349 12" rattan pok1 SS. ~I :.Handmade: Wool Nf, 21'' bedrooni'stl $10 each piece. iron headboard S15; Sbe U. pedestal $5. Table ftiodel mat~u $Ut1 Two tori:DaJa. • lOc. eou!e pot $2. Sat $1 to $10. ••()pa lbwt''
MET AI., step fDr trailer with M A s s A G E Belt ' $25. !1~::. Doral des!p $15. Boo~ M ~:.._~hoe·s· ~-.. • 3 pc bU!:usil!:wool suit cosf T.V. $5. lMl On.nee Ave. me 10, ..eood $&. a.ch. " SUn ~ 2:622 ..&nta· Mia stgn, new $2. ~t..aus land.inc and guard rail $25. Wettingbou.1e wa b I ·-'t"',. txdts, ~···les. and 25e . .1.111 ,_r t., .......,. i..'K>O .. ff ...,; Brand new 6C2-S66S 'Several .Wts • dreuea. .._ ' AW., COit.J Mesa. tut Bmat Step tabla $30".ach.
W I ~ u ••• ,_. ·~. ---~ ... ~ .. • best..ellen l OC -$ 1. Meaa ' ~n brown wiglet $8; BOY'S •ti-· b''-..,., ,,, 6 or T, $2. • $t 546-3745. hou&e In drtw. Birch double hYdboud $1!i. ater c oeet .,.,,,,,..ter -4", •-.iw1e ..., .-'"_.,,.. .., Recard. 25e Bad-'-'--A tnm tic prinkl 12 .... ...., un:r ..,,..,....,.. neW $15. 5t3-o3Q , ~ rests $4. , Pobold Camtra ' nur•wii ~t u a 11 er ; Kid'1 lkil. potft:. blndlnp POIJ.CE recetvtr 147..172: me. WVELY niapte twin bed Birch caf.fd' table $20. 81D
$7. Head Skii.I $2.5. Guitar $1.50. Maternity clothes, 1966 qrmou:r Corvette N~w tie• lOc -nsc: Bad· $5. Ski boob! .U,. g~ $3.50. worb aood, ('(J(lt $60, tell and mattreu $20 each. 1 $15. 543-8'195
26 GAl:LON aquarium $20. SJD, RCA Portable TV $15. 11:lie 14 and 16 n . $2. cam and aolkl lifters $18. nunron set $1; Ma~ 11 suit Pair skil and bindtnp is. $25. BB aun. lewr action amall round ma,pl.e end ro=R"T"°A"W"l-;.Eo-::1V::;--and"""-.=~I
Hood and light $5. WfO\llht Ski BOota: li.ze U $10. Stereo Car bed $5.. Infant seat M6-38a 40. re~ar, perf~t ~.50: 546--7052 $5. 4M-185t tahl4 $IO. l end table (an-works fine $25. Sol\4 wood
iron stand $5. All used 2 record ... 1 •• _ .. llS n...., n• $1.50. Baby clothe• and ZENITH Ty 20" portable -set china $3; 40 J>l(eCe .. .-.. 'ti-~ hit ) l3 ~ Lowly •-blnet .e. MolDr'Wa
months. Large ncl..· ~ ...,cle ll. Pink-.:.::-~_:: blanketl 25c •. $1,.._ Diaper with ie~te·· t'Ontl'bl, also Oatware $5: Cl\ifcl.'s fltt 1"c." shoe lltates lile I $10. :I)" GIR18 bicycle $111; OYa1 """'"' w e ·~· ,..,.,_ea ..,...
tails, 50e each. ~8 . ~n ii.le 10 ss:-"~~i bar,75c. ~dllh $2.50. ~. wor~. $25. M&-2584 tnt~ $1 : New I te reo Small coldapot Retrlpratol' fUCI 5xll SS: Rack auto maple wall rack (Jarae) $20. tum table $5. ~Xll
2 SEWING machines ~ Wool SUlt llze 40 $5. ~fotmcy. Boy• clothes sue 1-4. 25c APARTMENT &lze stove $20. albums 50c • $1 : Portable ~~&»c lprinp and mat. top M; Bed ftll $7; Drea Maple lourlP, ca Plat n' 1 STEJUX) recoiod. a1bluna.
each, twin .mattren and tiO,c· cit .Helmet fl11 . ., ....... ...,.., • $2.50. Toys 25c • $1. Bed ll'K.A1'2 thermador heattt $5; Ski tl'eel. $10. Roll a..,.y bed fomi adjuNhle $15; Metal chair· with matcbill&: f«>t large ltlection, ja.u. dan-
-........ U4U1.1.,,~ •·-•"-n .. 912 Pea-··~ boots ta-al•• 9 •11:.. frame· $4. Dreuer $12. d··' ·~ •. Va-·-·'." ··-·~ Floral PJ. 1 black ..:. .... , duaical, (No roclc). spring $20. anare·drum"S25, '10. MotoW-Je ,.,.,.,..,;,_ ... ~ ...,., • ~· ""' -'""'• ""' ' ....,, o:aa ....., ......... goo:--~-'-'••all th~ • -~ stand ·$5, 3 toiletl $10 eaCW. RacJt, 1ni:.:~Tuw ~-., .. ::_ Place, Rancho ·-Me&a., oH CANARY bird and cli.ge $5. Girls quality clothes f7' Small cheat $5. Car -coat $S. to $10; 16 volume en-e;.,...,_ ~m,.. 1wt• w Q 'A-1 condition. no scratcbel,
tape reeorder __$25, belly .\Vei,,.bts....,llO •-o 1~ ... ~-Paularino, O»ta Me1a. 1958 Maple, Cnsta Mesa. 25c -$3. Lawn. edger $3. U.Ul-8179 cyclopedia $8; ,Fan belts ~ $5. grey._ T.J.Brau,M:anta•anl
.. ..._... Lo ~ 546-c>44 64s..2769 after 5 PM 2041 S"•an DrlVt' Mesa AQUAIUUMS. • 5 •--each 50c; Dog basket $3; l car-coat, white u~.. Satchmo. Sacrifice at !IOe board $20, Hi Fi radio. Radio $2. Hard Hat and Lin. ' ' "" -(warm) $4 Assorted throw · ....,_ ,.__ recon(. player S25, 201<n er" n..,.,,. .. _ "'·-,.._,,,,., •H: GREAT books of the Weatem OIL paintings, IOme valued Verdt area oU Eatancla. gallons, $10 • $2$ all week. Draftlnc table $10; Snow . to $1.50 each. -•• "._ .. ...., ..,..., ~.., -•c -....i.· , .... ,.., .,..... 5'6-7868 847~92 ski SS; \Valer •kt S5: rug• $1 to .$2. Heavy oH (l"ell') C.M St.turd&)" bdure Imperial Cove HB Wall Heater $25. Power World Year Books $2 iach. at $75. Will sell SS ~o $25. Crutches•$$; M-"-qulltl white-Martin men's cat coat 1 p.m. '
Lawn Mower $5.-Cooler $1. Dictionary $9. Excellent Bi· Slzes 8 x 10 to 24 x 48. 10 PATIO Table $2: Picture $2; HANn knit dreu, ·size 12-14; II ....... ,. aizt J8..fO $10. Also Martin 1~""°==,_-..,...-,-,1
'55 CHEVY Parts St: to $25. Odds and Ends $1. Men's ble S10. Larie Atlas $9. &eas,fl&P(!S, 3 l~pes, 4 Desk lamp $2.50; End table nutmer color t5. Hand knit • each; 5 gallon fire ex· rain coat whit& knee length 111;1% WOOL carpet and pad
'57 chevy Block ju1t tanked sweaters Lar;:e $2.. Rear 809 Miscellaneous Spauldine 1Ull-lttes, 1 abl!ltract, 2 1ur-$2.50: Coffee table; 2 end sweater $5. '2 CoOd metal tinguishel' $10; Projector with belt $12.50. 5f6..3341 12'xlr ~ent condition,
and Maanafluxtd $14; Bil North Garfield, Santa Ana, golf ' clubs $3 each; Golf realistic. 20 paintinal in all, tables S15; 2 cius ~P• tronJnc tioard• $2 each. table $3; Dresses a: lbortll aftu 11 coe;t '16 a yard, ~ 3 pa.In
For;t'Carburet?r air cleaner Sat. only 8-4 bag and cart $13 each. all ~ orlginal ·Saturday each $1; Couch, chair and Cuak»n made braided statt .SOC: Pocket boob • drapes M". SS each. Heinke
al)ff Adaptt to flt Chevy. I;-=,,._;,.....,.--,.~-~ Children'1 and adult M. and Sunday alter-11. ottoman $25; 2 twin mat-treads $1 each. Sinter elec-ma 1as1 n e • 20c: ft@. n" TV $25. lT' TV $22. aid boots, aood' condition,
$12; Chev Parts $1; to $10; LAMP Shadea SL up End cyclopedia $25 e a~ h , 531~793 tresses and sprinp $5. each tric portable, old but rood frlat:rator 2 • door 10: Both ~ fine. Pair en-men'• 11Je I $15.' Electric
Ford Flathead new full race table• sa. Curtains $1. up MilcellaMOWI text bookl MA'PLE iable $25. -4 chairs set. Twin m&ttreuea, spring $15. Hatwinc· lamp $2. Four Intercom sets ot three $20: tlque ·end tablea $20. 25" ~" drill $4. Custom made
Cam with aprinp and Toya Ganies boob Sc up from OrM&e Cout College SUI ee.ch, 1 chair $1 T.50. and frame $20; Bicycle, new black hardWOOd eottee table End tables & . coffee table1 clrl's bike $15. 646-1525 maple acallop valanca. r
L i fter• $15; Super $'.ioes Mena 9-ll Ladle• $1 to $8. Alm0$t new tool 1 rug $7.50. Lamps $10 and tires $7.50; Odd dishes 5c lep wll.A ~ tJpg $2. Fur $8; Ltvinc room eha.ln $4; T.V.'• $l . $5. Parts and $15.14' $20. Cblld'a trainlnl
Tri ... Power set up 9'1'11 ;= ~·~~~ ~sll~p chest $6. Book c~1 $5 to $15 each. Electric skillet .S3. to $2.50. Chrome dinette set collar, fur hat. $3 each. ~~ .Jig0 ;:,!! rs~'. tubel le -$3. Transmlttinl typewrit.er, like new fl.SO.
Manifold llnkqe Block US: $10. Encloffd Hl-F1 speaker Double bed spread and $25; 434 Esther, C ost a Straw bac• from Spain lo.lid M5-007T mt ~ceiver for parts lOc Vac·U·Fortn $3. Metal doll
Ford Parts $1; to $8; 3 All goes March 1 Until S~O. Briggs &: Stratton mtnl canopy, light blue:· S3 each. Mesa. 548-7586. MexiCo 50c. New Mexlcan1--c.;.. ______ • SlO. Sat and Sun 1().5, ho11$e $2. Slot car $2.25.
Car Jacks $4; each Tlrea March 9th. 309 Coronado bike motor 2.S hp $6. 2000 CWal p111~. Newport ANTIQUE stlver ch a 1 in g wovtn 11 toles, $4 each. SAT &; SUN, 1.J. Antique 2G22 Santa Ana, Costa Mesa. Girl's coat, f party dftssea
$2; to$9; eachS#-6669 Ba1Jx>a 673-l856 · Ba.min. LI4-fo669 Beach. 64$-1103, Sat and dish $2S. Sculptured head Dishes SOc, glass,vare 50c, clotM1, jewelry, lingerie, Iastbouseindrive and nck of sweaters,
BICYCLES 3 speed $l6. STORAGE Cheat $5, new Sun '>"' S 11 __ ,, plant containers 50c each. purse!!, comb.!, hall $1 .• I •21= ... ~TV="'$'5=.~543'6.'I==,.,....--al~ks, aD tor $15, lliae 5.
ttalt and embroider kits S 0 UT H WIN i> gasoline· · · $;Q. · ter ... ., .,_,ver ·compote Black· wroua:ht iron eleClrlc $25. Desk-hutch ~: Dinette I ~""'~..,......,.----,,,,..-, Shell'• blMl9 coin 11t 110. 2s~20.=y srf' 24" S~ .25-$2, class top wrought heater for rlg, boat or 20" GlRL"S bike $7. Apt. $5. Candlesticks $'1.50. Bud wall clock $5. New quart set ns; .Antique trunkJ $15. GOOD chord ora:an $20. 1 Toys, ~. pmu, dolls
Motorcycle tire 2.75 x l9 iroit dining set $25, compll!'te' camper, Instant hot a,ir sile ~ineUe. 2 ch&:lrl $15. vase $2.50. Silver platter $6. and a halt ice cream freezer -$25; Fabric $1.50 • $5; metal cal»ljlet $10. 1 25c $5. White bam.}100 lbade
Pmlli (like set Fr a o c l·.1 c a n $20; heat.• New 9Ul'plU11, 20,000 ~alnut speakel' cabuiet $l5. Revere bo~I S 1 2 · 5 O · J2, New Adelle Davis book, Folding screen $15;~ Chlneu: typewriter $Zi. 548-4816 8' $1.50. Ball _trailer hitch ·
. new) s10. Pedal allverwa~ in chest $5, BTU, 24 voe. $25. Con-Boo'kcase/dlvlder $4. cam. ~rgeous •ilver water CO!t $6. sell n. 67 ~1 .. ;.,:;;,,.;;i;:..,,;;;;;.nat!;a;;"';=i'i>ttiiiiimt''iii"f~~!'"~;..,~~~-DCr-car (boat) $3. Men'1 rink c•-··w .. ;..:-.._ -.· -. lci'-h•n ~'-I"· KI• .,.9 plng stove $3. Weller 90lder· pitcher $25, Pcttecy floftr · 11 110 Pe 1 1_ 0 ••• _ and •th" ---su~-roller lkatea sizt' & $10. ~ m>" "" •1 "" ... .,loll ...._ __.. .._ I Sl id I at •--BUNK beds, maple • 1-.1 ye mv, SNen : rs an ..,, eao . .,.._ u ...... ..,. .... ... and i;e...nn... piece•-.~$3. ing iron $2. 56-0963 <NW 0. Go e ll!IUl.ll" .....,.. tuJ 117 = WI k BBQ with botu. $3.50. BBQ Larre wood doll cradle $2. ..-.. ..... ;·-... i-n d-..... -REFRIGERATOR •. Phil-ROYAL bl·-print c•-•· plus $10. wan clock $10. Polaroid condition $25. &nk bfd s~~:_ ru15r .., .;,,..AJ0; k ch ~r NEW lampa tz1 each. Uvin1 _,...._ 1,.._ ..._ .., _ ~ 54()..2841 ... ......,. ""' _........ ...... ""' ,....,, o. • .i .. -112= Ik 11 mattresses 115. Ke-c ........ ,. "., ........ : R c Ill' -.. t-Sllde ...... ~ ............. , ..,." _ .. , ...,... ....... ,.., items~,hardcover $25. Excellent • 962.-3576 ottoman-. Mat .. i..i ..... dou· ...... .,..... ·~-0 ex _.., 15 J rted b~d cJ .. _ ......... ~ ••Y,,.......,. mattreM $2. 1930 Model A
969-S Proof Set $20. 1968-S
Mint Set $6. 1967-S l Mute.
k:a Finland 50c 6Th-5258
books like new 50o-$2, after g and weekends. ble bed ~ad i ... 2,. piece camera $8.50. Antique .plat· cabinet 1ewtnc machine $20. $5; J'r:' Be l-~ ot,,. $6. Tape deck stereo $25. Ford ndlatar shell $1. 3121
womens clo•i..1-iizl 12 aectlonal Kroehler, ilntique ter $6.50. Glanware lOc to Beautiful maple colon1a1 •~H-... 1~~-" e~_!-5_: Antique• cb:>lce ~ End Rooseftlt Waf, a.ta Mt'llo
uuu6 NORGE wringer washer n. Cooldne te u. lOc to style table QI. 4 colonlal N;J..,.....-P awi:-• ml.J'IW"• tables $S. Cottee table SS. ~. linem !Oc42, SaL __.. ndl"--120 n-' while $25 each. Gold and Sl c•"· ud ns . "'-...... 1~ ma+ .. h i ... cha'-... $1. • $25; Posters 25c • •••FJ -. N•w vacuum ".,.;· Nortbpte, North ot PaQI.. ~Sun. Mar. 1-2, 9 am-9 -. """"" co UV<I ' Dl:'&m antl""e white -i ... chair · •umbnu ecorationl"'" "':! ........ u• ...,. .., """ ,...__,_ -->. nt-....., ..., arino /
MASSAGER Wahl Electric •·~ llCales S25 548-8236 "" .,..... to $1 50 Ham $1 Cott T · V ·, 2 1 ' ' Port ab I e _ . .iv; "''"'",.tmaa: ca,1.111 l ,0e~,k~l20~. -~:.'.!~>XI'.'._=-=-~ 1--·--.-------1 Vibrator ss'. 646-4384 , ·:18392 Goodwin Ln, H.B. 2 . atmleu, $15. Round t&ble 15· La. ~ •• _;_,pl ee u Gnnavox with itand, -··a decorations 10c • $2.50; Old ,..,
blockiE.otBeathonEUil, UNICYCLE 20", $12. Shu1'· $5. 4 eold velvet pill0W1 pot • rce ... -..... il:l!U ant ~.need•r'-··SJo.•:::e 1 new bookl 25c. $3.50. MANX cats, YoUn& $25. Pet .COUCH Sil! J'loor limp
WHIRLPOOL washer and 847-mS Deboard set· aJumtnum $6., 11.50 each. Twin box sprtngs $20. Corner table $20. Ll.rge 6........ ....,. -.ig M t Ii 11 i.~-•--chickens, large and small base• $1.75. 25 pi«o Mt •-· 120 C!-·· M l<l'I ... _ T v b'-t $20 d In In 1 foldt---............. , us ae a , uugau111 .... :1er ·"'ti•..., &Un..,......... Dresser • draWl!r, $6. al>d mattres!e1$5. 548--8644 , ma .. ..,gany · ·ca un: • ... ,. ,.,...,_ .... , -1 .,...., Ced St banlle1, baby chlck1, apode $25. Round table S10. Li•"'"' room chair real nice BARBIE And frlend1 doll """' ,,......, FoJ..i• ....... ---.n no. LamP' table $10. Encyclopedio, 24 ..... ore. ,,..,.,, ar • • ·-• ii · II= cb all ~ ..... '6 ........ " Ne .. -Shores pigeon&, ducks, c age•, Wiclu!t"""racker $3. Metal "'"· Night •land $ 5, co ectiOn •-"' ea • sm BOY' •. _,_ En 1. 7 ·3 SPEED btft. $10. Car .~ 14 , 16 . 5 o and 18. volume. '53 11ear edl"-n -~.. · ced •-15 -~ s ~ h $1 ·"th,..,•"', :,__,1,nt ,::',._ ...,, STRAW filled ..... .._. brooders. Pri uvm bookcase $2.'3. 4 i:ne:taJ Woinen's clothes and coats uull furniture 25c lo $1. . icy 8• • -g.11 • $2. Black slate $1. fiaptone Retrl£erator $12.50. Box ... , ,,.., "'""~ ........ ""' -..w .. ••.,-to 125, 546-DIS toldin& chain 50c each.
Zic to $5. Bai..· clothes to '842-7023 after 11 am Sat. , AU1trW1 Racing Bike $25. pit'ce1 S2 646-5482 1-''""S and mi.ttreues $8.50 dition. Beautltul sun dial target & 20 lb bow $15. "'"''""" _ ..... 1, 3.~ ""
ui Both excellent condition. 617 "°°'""~~· ====-=:"! ., .... '6 hatt ~ 2 7 75xl4 GOODYEAR tire• ..,.,..,., ......... , ..,.... JW ..,..., siu 5, IOc to $2 .Baby car-SINGLE Maple bed, box Narcissus, CdM. 675-2752 $150 .. New "Livinl" Wig. $25
; and $10. Books! Bookl! 580 t:r'Y clock; Hke new $8. 46. ·&th tire $15 M4-29Sl Coffee table $4. 3 bohtm
rier SOc. Potty aeat 50c. 1prln1 and mattress $25. 410 t ·,,= .. -T=v,....;•=',.~1~7~ .. ~P~m1able~~ DecoratOI' I am l' S9: Boob! lOc to 75c. Siamese Hamilton St., C.M. SCUBA par, 72 cu ft tankl • 1 · $1 each. Wood chair $1.5o.
Men'• clothes 25c to $2. Knoxville H.B. • · _.. Magnin Fa.shlons $2. _ $15. kitten $15. 199ll ~r TRUMPET with case $25. $25; Double hose re;ulatnr W It.SH 1 NG m. a c b In e End table SLM. Metal patio ~e,e:• !~atbeolr laced booti '9 FORD For parts, rood ~·Y· 54s~ ..... ~1 So. Briltol, 67~5924 Lane, Huntinrton Beach. Bonco drum1·.no. Ski boots, $20; Back pack S s; I We1ttncJ;aoule, fmnt load, chair $2. 3' maple corner
..... _,,,. .x:t 3 paintings ..._. · • ...........,., 3 "' ~0 -·~-iJJJ·, 2 1.-.... ~ , . 1lze. 9-9% $23. Electric Refrlaerator, double door, $15. • Stereo with 1'tOll'd table*". •,._,.· ... -cutter on li1k tti:: Ta"""'" elec .... "" "''6'ne and transmission, -...,,.,,, ~• .......... .. .i. .. -$25 'O>llch. ~n to "' ....... ., .....,... -$2 .. ,_.. ... -~ paes no oil $25. 1BQ6l BLUE,chlp ~tamp books tor SiO· :ftoX 'sprin'p'and mat ~ · ater220V'I'bermador$25. iz;. USt Belfast CM. ....,,.. • -.-$12.546-1890-642-6045
warmer 575 Victorii, Ale $2 50 646-4JM • • SCI AM LETS c -h e s t Of ttifee dra"Wen, 54l-3TJ> '' ' ' · make · bed t25. 'Aml chair
Apt. E, C.M: 6f5-Wl .,_ ~; ~~ Circle "llf...t6l..t013 ~~ Underwood , ~';t~lu;~ta"t • wbtte tormica top, Chinese NEARL y new double mat-. p). Foldfnr lied 12 O~ TO~~et.; $io. Bulrt
6ILVER Railroad apik~I···---------just rebuilt runs like new . -. -ftd drawers $25. Uiw 3x3 tre.. $2:1. Box lprinp to Breakta1t ta\>]e $25. $5. Doon $2. $5. Redwood ~Plated nickel 1ilVer $2.50. BROWN wig $25. Women's $22.50 548-n65 ~ ... !,?CO!aure• &!us $5. ANSWER·S coffee table, wrouaht iron match $15. 2 table radios Phot'o1rapher'i light, lxl2x8' 10c: per J;oot., 4x4T
6f6...43M golf clubs $10. Brown and """""""" $12. ~ bolsters, foam 5• $3 to $5. U C.F. Blon:!e portable (2) $10. Dreues, 15c per toot, 2xtx8 8c W
TWfN-ma gold tweed rug $25. Small, AP ART MEN T SI :r: e KELVIN ATOR ~tor, lolll', arttn $7.50 each. Lounger UHF convemr $12 almott new, ilze ~ 10 .19 toot: Wlndowl and tcneii.
. ttreues $~ each. round ped.!ataJ marbltt, table Refrigerator $20. Workl Ex---"' conditSon now run---• . 81acJc light with fluorescent FM •te----~-117, ,· 1:5 • $10. 5'6-2209 Sl • SS. Light ·~·-· " Dinette set, 6 chairs ~· $4. Hair dryer $S. Dbhee cellent. 724 18th St. Costa •""" · ' Tyrant -Scribe -Teacup ""' •"" ....... ,.co..,~-u.o1.uu.-""" Sf,~2031 lOc • $2. O•th'•• 25c • Mesa nlng, $25. 548-1890. 18f Mer· _ Casino _ Before _ Wea· d~tor Items $25. Tahl· apttd stereo . record turn DESERT alr beat lamp, COit • $5. Pipe tittinp 5c .. 50c.
" "'6 rilf Place, C.M. • pon _PAST FORTY tlan carvinc -1n tree stump table $10 • .NIO slaa: Items $75. Sell $25. 642-J1.63 2622 Santa Ana Ave., Costa
ONDA C50l motrnoqcl., 15, .. m_ Larkspcr, CdM, COLEMAN Caty!etic heater, MOBIL Two-way rad Io• The only time she ever 1 foot high $15. Chine1e n . $7.50. 314 Eventnc can-REM ING T 0 N Rand Mesa, last house in drive. J:lffda license and minor ad--Saturday and Sunday. SOOJ.BTU $15. Coleman oven engraved brua p I a t t e n...... Sat and s 10-5 juibnent $25. 19091 Wall~ mllitary model TSC-9. 1SOO PVfl her rlght age Wlll on a r • Yon ~-C.dM Sat and Typewrittt $10. Sq 11 are . un. Lane H ti .. ...-Be·-'" ~.,.Y CRAIG l,i Track Auto Tape $5. CbiJd'•· 16" bicycle $10. to 12,000 KC, 12VDC, ex· l&fart when lhe wu capfur. dragon dnlp $20. 1933 Sun 1-4 pm mesh ptan>en $15. Like new
' un ''li .... , ....,, $25. • VW Wheels and Tires ,,4,,.,...,,,.7_os.,...,,.,......,_,,,,,..,...,..,.1 cellent -condition; receiver @cl by a tuay cannibal who Wallac.!, Apt 1, C · M • FORMICA dlnett. table $20. ltroller $10. Cmnbo bit.by &l<I pantl • tadlel liff 8.
UBLE Bed. box ".~ $25. Neew Pirelli Tire and ~IN 1et (Llnalln 1941-dltel $25; 'tfan.mlfter $25;' Power Ukfd terxler mt'at and never 80-2932 3 bullet floor luDp $8 swini and cer teat $8. Pie-Cost • $35. Sell fer $5. Ski
and mattft!M 12!>'. 5f~ Wheel fDr VW $25. 336-3184 $3. 545-2529 1upply $20. Kl 5-3349 ate anyone PA.SI' FORTY. 3 PJECE CUrwd Proviriclal Formica i tier COl1lel' ta bl~ nic table and benches $10. pants, boy's 1be lt ff.50.
sectional, worth recovertnr $8. 4 foldin& chalrl fl. El~ Nesco electric router $4. Boy'1 tberma1 dra~ 14
NEW raw 1Uk original full ~. 168-B Scott Place, block .trlc stove top $&. Golden Blqe! Swet:pet $2. Antique .. 50c. Sid pants atrl • Ihle
lined dreu, site 16 no. N. of 18th oU Placentia. book encyclopedlu $5 Set high chair $5. Trike and 12. $4.50. Fleece lined tl&htl. USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID
Beautitui 3 Piece hand •knit MI 6-2323 1'l1lk • w a 1 na11 ~ tr). pedal car $2 each. 185 a:irl's 10-12, 50e. ·~ lined
suit sl:ze 14 $25. Lovable 58 YARDS gold e&rpetina cyclopediu $8 tll" x ?9%" Flower St. C.M. l41--0937 stretch pantl clrl • me 10,
white and brown Japanese $25. 540-(J289 · !ntenor door iJ. Toy che1t COCKER pup • female -$10. ~50isc~iri~ ~ =
Chow. Young female haB VW mow chainl $6. Ba'-· $3. Flexible. aluminum lire A lovable pet. 673-7533 N.B 6'6-'1535 ,
record of shots $25. 962-4311 Itroll ,,_ "3 escape ladder $20. Window 3 5 HP n5 --·--.,,,..----! er, excewrnt ~lion tan wtth 17,. diameter blade . power mowtr . 7po~ ~bindings and $8. ~731 SU. Foldtna ICl'Mll i5. !%'' 1 HP hedge ellpper $3>. o:>FFEE table 12''-38'' ala15
GOLF clubs $2 • $25. "6--0304 *ZUan aluminum pole1 with 546-1115 top and lhelt $10. RCA 12 ..
PORTABLE Stnrer old but ORANGE Nauph:yde club shelf brackets thrtt SS" G!R.U and ·OOya Schwinn Portable TV S25o·-GE sood $20. 2 new lmpllment cbalr$25.Matchingottornan lone and three 72 .. Iona Stingl'Q' Blba $25 ,each. Portable TV :it•• $10. 1----,.------------------.. ·····-··-·· .. ···-····· ................ ,._.. ____ 1 wheels aiid ijres 4.80/4.t.la-8 $5. Bay'a 24., bike SS. $5 each. La:rp llau awac Girl'• 24" Schwinn $20. Motorola 19" Portable TV 5 SHORT WOllDS MAKE ONE UNE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 UNES 2 ply $6 <aoh •. Marbi• olab Planlel' lt!itl. Ch"! ol lamp clobe $2. Girl'• Ice • Men'• nW., bike $15. $'5. T,.. ft<m!er a<><>d 18.
3 x 6 feet Ul. T.V. monitor drawera $10, Towel itand 1katt1ilie1 $5. Alznot new ·546-1T75 Floor polilher.$8. Ru& &Dd no. Spool barbed wire $l $5. M"x54" picture no. cowboy boots size 11>-i SS. NORGE drytt, 220 con-Pad 7 feet b)' 1 feet • 2''
J End table $4. 2 aid dresaers Hanainc Uabt $20, -··• 54g..2430 vetted to UO. Ute either. $12. 2 Rem.lngton Elec:trlc 1---:-1----1----1----1----l-..!Tl.!!M~U~-l--"~!....-l-..!!:~'-...l-.!!!!!!_I ;10 and $4. Recliner $4. ..,,,,. r.u:on 25c -$5. 4 TV ltands • 1 " TIMU TIMU TIMU 1 Ptpc nipples $1 and $2. aiie 12 ~•ten P. ~ APARTMENT retriprator SZ. 60-'1958 $2 -$5. 6 Electric alarm
Electronic and radio plJ'tl' • Aleppo St. 64f..ai?t (5t"x24"x24'')' $25. Storap ANTIQUE commode ~ clocks $2 • $5. ~ dee--1-----J·----J-,---J----·J-----J·----J--...::C..J----ll----l 10c to $L Stationery ttem1 10 KEY addin1 machine •helve• (24''XM"x68") Navy blue and white crepe trlc clock radio $8. Sunbeam
$4.50 Sc tc 50c. 4 filhlnc poles electric $25. Ice lkate1 like heavy duty on rollerl 425. cocktail dl"eu. I Mqnln, hair dryer $8. Lawn momr " $6.IO $10;65 $15.90 1----1----1----t----·1----11----1----1.....:---1-~--I with ....ia U and 13, Fbhin( new $6. -ilntr ball and Twin 1""' ,_, and loam $10. Sin 10. m-ros1 $8. 39JJJ11 Olannel Placa,
$5.1 0 a:ear and box $2. Clothlnc, baa $8. Electric broiler $8. pad $5. ~PY beat Jamp BLACK ralcng 1 teer l n I NB. 873-1603 $1.21 $13.10 $20.10 ..... punes, hats toe • 75c. 2316 Floor po&ber $8. BeauUful $20. La.rae livln& room chair wheel $5. Guitar $15. Bird 1---------1 '~---.L----l----L---..L----1....::$6::;:.00::_...l...::.:..:::.:.....J...::~::....!...::::::::.....:i-De-l_a_w_att....-,H_.e. ____ ~~-~boneyco!ftb ~nvalh•lrant toWand cage··$2. gy car radio $5. $0, .!J1EREO . l"fCC!l'd• T5c 1· ""''"''"""" -Beautiful can-.......... ~ c a Cnewl $25. 2805 T.V. US. Water 1kl, no eaeh. Baby stroner $12.
•55 RAMBLER ttation wqon d1 dish and uh °'7 eom-IA Salle Ave., C~M. 545--25211 bardware $3. !W6-4981 Blue and white antique
$9.76 $15.55 $24.30
l'uDli•li f•r •••••••••• cley•, 1i1,in11ln1 ••••••• ••• , ,,., ••••••••••••• ·•••
) C~n11fltetle11 • •• •••• ••., •• •• •• •• •• •• •••••• ••.,, •• •.,, ••••• •• , • , • •
N•me ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·••• . . AJ,,.. • ........................................................ .
Cffr •• ••• •• ••P•·• •• •• •• •••••• •• o l'hOM • •• ,, ,, ••, • ,, ••, • •• •• • ••
ro •1•u11 COIT ~ ~: ~~ '1: '~ :!1:! SL mo~: ;:, ENCYCLOPEDIAS' $15• DI» 21" WESTINGHOUSE TV ebatr su. m-&ll6 ••
•-·---•· ~~-~ ---. Et-bSS.ie .":;! .!!!-Ladle1 bloycla $lli. 12" RCA $15. "'""'48 . , I , I ' """'Utt 14'' Co-u1e $2(:, ""',....""' -........ "'6iJ .... -.,..,..., ,.,. vf o11 r .... wer• II ••c ~nswlck bowllnc 1boeg.. tric '1Peirrtter $25. 2135 STEAM bm $1 Toutmuter
•P•t• ebo••· lnct!Hlo yo11r women'• 1~. Electrle Collep, Costa Meia . MAN'S 3 speed bike with $2. 36 .. ch1cbn wire lOc
SLACKS, ~ 1W1t.ten
It mallll 1d4r••• •t phen• flVMli•t. ...~ .. -rack $20. Boy'• Sti!WtQ' $18. ..... r al·-'-----perco~tol'. aB In 1 Chrome _...-.. G~ wv~ llUUU"'1f\,oQI• Tlit ct1t ef your .. ~ 11 at the canliter set, u:a1ed pi~ QUEENSIZE headboard and 6t84S80 SaM Uniform , '1 trM wttb color wbef,l $7. p~ Bell maple con-
e11d of tlie lb1• e11 wlilcll tt.e tures. Bird cap, Vanity bedframe, n1aht atanda $25. 1Nnr electrSc bean coobr. aolit' AMJFM ftcord pJa1a
latt wen! ef ye11r e4 k writ-lamps, All Hema $1 each. GJ pllolt National electric HEADBOARD, m&bt 1tand P. 2 brus bar atoolt $4 $25. Webcor recnrd plqu
·t,11. A•' t2.oo •irtra if t-• ~ wattt i.aw $25. Lionel m. Box IPl'irlil. mattrea. et;cfl, 1 bo)''• bib n.. a,:ao. 1 Human Kar don
411lre 1n• •f DAILY PILOT 1----------train 11t ~ new $25. Sl5 e&crh. Nqualt)odt ehl,lr lm-'1653 "-A¥/Fll Qter, D'.l. Phone
lex ••rvlte wlffl 1111•llM ,.._ FRENCI Pr<wtndal coffl!t Dan!lh modern chair $21. SJO, Stingray boy'1 blks $15. NEW W&lher-u b pO S7J..4978 .
,11,1. table $25 ... Two end tables 38'• tqQaN teak table, low Girl's 3 lpeed a'' bllct $20. Pmftr mower' $20. I.a~ -'-''-'"-------!
$21. Tobie 1._ pi. O>ain 15, Table lamp no .. Ohcilo Gu ~-Jl5. Pelt lamp """"' 15. 'fypewritu Jl5. MEN'S !be -Ille lD1I hanrJrw "1np no. 1 nlUnd -and pad IS. """""' SS. 1W111~ lamp llJJ. Drapes; Ml llJJ. a,,. $10 18. W""""'' wblte ll&Un
loot otool 15. 2 chain PO bleycla -15. Boy'• -Diabes 25c to 16. -8oy'1 bib $1D. Swq •t ,b.., Iba .. $6. CbaMal"' 1-----------CUT ""' -•Am ON TOUI INYll.OPI -~ .. ··--------1 and J]5. Mt.pie coffff table bench wtth Yilt,ftO. f73.0l1M 54MI017. 7S5 HodlOD, C.M. $5. ~ plan.ta 50c. '171 for den flt dl'ealnr . room
$15. Syroco Battery 7'ii' BROWN 90fa · Ql. (2) W. '0th st. C.M. 3 tarp blue IP.. &lobel
fhtO.,.,..lil.11.a.. ..... ~c•1•
~ . ON11 .. C1nt DAILY PILOT
I'. o .••• 1560 .
COiia ·Me., C.llf.-92626
optrated ftD clock tz, AtrrOMATIC RCA Whirlpool aqua chairs $10 e1ch, (2) 12), Rock: fountatn wttb, M~ntx Stereo 4 track cost clothel wuhtr $25. New atep end tables fF et.ch. DOBERMAN 'Pinscber pup, drculattnc Pump. tntk1e Cl'
Sl1i • ..U for 125. '>II Chevy -and •!ft y I (l) end tal>i1 $7. (I) a>llff lemale with papen 12!!. .. -J15, 8#4169
lmPAla bocb' $20. Two c6ve:red OUT)'hw CUI la. table J1, f2\ table lampe Pick-up camprr &hell $25.
spe:aken tor auto..Stereo $5. ~ In C&ll9 • WJe $7 tacb. fl) Pole lamp $4. 341 Chny motor eompJete BIRDS and etulpme.n·t.
4 1tel"f0 tape1 4 track $2.50 dew $24. Heavy dot)> portft' Seip r111 t'4"x10'&" .. SlO. Ol. '58 aiev., body parts. Breeder O>ckatlell 1 malt
""'· Saturday -.. ,,,. electric dt!ll -Ott .. 1.. "" 11"lell'S'' Chevy --Ion 3 -" .. cb, -and Sunda>. IBli!1 °"""" and polilblnJ kit l2f w1ib no. ,..,;... ..., ..,..,_ 131: o..,,, ••er h 1 .. mbiMJ, 1 bllle -$12.
Ln., M7•110 1 • acr"'IWiel bt' cue, Oki and: floor ,olllbe'I' m. Uy. tnnunlNSon $)l. 389 bJ1 1 black muk til. I CUllll7
. new. Piano ·· btl>Ch 111. q room wall clock $11J, Pmrti•c bead PJ, DoUble c<' Sl.50 MCb. T~;t;i1 T.V. $21; i blllos 112.lO tadL -ii -U Pf, DQllla Ba!Mm mfmlr with Dal! mat-13, 0..,. 'I ..... IOc to ~ ~
tuwe ~ ...., $12. --$11. ~ .. -$4. -cyllnder -lor parb, suo. -bml .. Book~ $1. Vap:dne racll: rods $1 ,. SS. ~ mo« . Ford g eyUndfr mofllf tor an I ma 1 t ~a p SJ .
$2. Pi..,pen$21; ~bod ""'°' dothes -p Zl"TV$15.-parll. 6 andll ..it ..,,lo!_ ltt4e.ro, se. m.ms ·SI. l4W935 nd""" l.50all" c"" r -. """" ....,..... Sc ~jij=~;;;==;:~;:-;;; II ;;;;;;-;;:;;;:;;-;;--;;:: G~. domad a di> dock lllc:b. -125. st&inl... 1o SI.· Nnt -. * "' & MM Movte $JO. TWIN mattreu • bo x S15, Chime rnanUt dock 1tffl dynamic mla'OpboM 40c. 2 ~Uel b1:1x1ea 1!5c a MM Movie Pro1'ct« $10. 1prtrv $25; Nauphydt tota J_t50. Toutet, 2 aUct Jf. with 25 feet of cord fl). eaeh. Gourd 11t1tl-.: eadt.
4 J!pt 8U' ·ss. Hllld laW'l't SS; Bird• E)'t Maple wnit)r 4 allcl $6. 54&-9870 Ford t ruck 3. 1 peed 2 11eta pe.m>t cape on T
mower $1. 4 M.aa Type Spin-A ht..Sboard SZ; Jee cheat tr a n 1 m I • 1 lo n • O . & stands ii &DIS M. •
ner Hub et.Pl 14" $10. 15442 fS; Quiett sin headbotud WHtrE twin book CUI het.S.. refrlgnator, lib new $25. E 1 re t l.atlt. lhllltbw•
W•hllel' St., Wulm!nalel'. 13. ,1111 Pao!-, CM board -ncial U O. M Santa Ana Aw .. a.ta -(hdllo Ii o •a )
--54t-m1 ---•
--. -· •
• • DAILY PLOT ' 51-. -1-l'lfll • • • , , • •
J &Al.JI AND TRAiii SALi AND TRADI IALI AND TUDI .SALi AND TRADI • SALi AND TRACI IALI AHD1'1AM IALI ANO TRADI -& Y·-9000 11.,.i-_~ .fl2&I lr--1~~~~-~-~~-~~-l'·furnl __ Purnllwe -IDOO Hl-1'1 £!'iri . ··nr~ ~ liw. • p10 ,MllooU1111111 • 'NOOMlaool..,.o• • uoo SHARP 11, boat .,_ ~ bikJ 26,. -~ . j(-J ONCE .A YEAR SALE ~i%o. ~,..~ ~· iant Cltld-131; ~~ 'iii' J Spalllih ~ TUNERS -RECll~RS •Completf" Tax . S.llloootw 9010
I '
I ~
, ,
I •
'[w...se!..ii!_) ...... Meclltenan-~ f£ia200iJ,~r1-w... '!.5 ~~ .. u~!!',~-• w·s SAIL! ';:~~~~B'ik•-'$7992; .. ._,..,,1nean Boutht Monul-•
Kenwood TK-140 (New) 211t.to PUBLIC AUCTIONS NEWPORT 20 SLEEPS 11-5 ~~ ~s,'. !!:i ~.h."""t0t< .• •~!J!'1!~ '69 Showroom Samploa AMl'LIPIERS & P..RE-AMP,S. • • . Dinette, G,... hood. Blzlow --' ..
-....... ~ .,, ____ --M ~Mod I 7 SI Pr Am 129 so l'llrnlliiN -APll11•-· ~ .. ~!"~~ck lb,,· ,Mo:;;:;;1;:0;,;•cy;,,;.ci...::;;,. __ ..c,.;.300;;.;;1 aftd MecUterranaa n 8' \YoocL·carved ann divan, Jg. ~I chair aranw. e ereo &-p. · ~ Cotor TV -St.reo ,.,t_... .._., ""°' ai• e 1 •
• Pumllwo J p 1l •• ··-· -~ ··1 . et FiJher MJOC Stereo-Pre-Amp. 69.ilO ------..,40y TO GOl .... -.. HONDA SCR. 125,-tflOll _, All-.,,.oj>Quollty . or OYO-""'l~ "c 0~ion .... o..,.n • " SAilOOO Stereo Po'ler Mfip. 180.0lf • · , , I .Johft'Gr-Jll, Yochfa ,mu.., xln( ~nd. '1425.
, , >n•Ml,Nimos w)black or avocado framed cbaJ";~-B~ " 70A " -" " 00.00 ~TUROAY -MARCH 111 _, 3446 Via QJIDrto, ~ s=10 Weekday&. P"°"' """'811. !! o.-.:..w1 o ... m set. 9-<lr Mr. & ldfS. drtiSer, g . S ~l. ' J.B. Lansing SE-401 Slereo Amp.. 185.00 . 10::10 AM a; 6::10 PM .fJI., 4 pm. ~')''"...,.,.. ., .,.. · commodes, decoraUve headboard Iii. paw.h Mcintosh Ml-85 lndu.. 60 w. Power ·100.00 lfllMlll 10' 542-SnI Aak ,,, . ....,_ ' 11o., ... .., Olspliy oak d.,lgn .with matching box •prinp, mal-Altec· ·~ Mixer Pre-Amp. 7'.00 · ""-GRAND Prix .. .,.. .. Honda ~ lteim •. '= Car-. ' &A.Ni.I " '
; f!\""..,T,1'11bw11~,lh-..~°!!J;, tress & fr~':,. Sold lndlvldu1ily ~e~th~=~t~Pl-:J.1'kk.,;1""P: :!25.00 I SUNDAY-MARCH 2nd-1:io PM I !'lboraJ,u s.Jlbolt """"''" imlor ~~-;:· :,;._:=; ' '°""" olllOWI ~ _vy Shofi Around-Iii,.,,.. JOU buy -USI DuKane &°others fnim flb.1111 to SIS.DO · ' . . with ..... , 11ce....i traner, Wrino: mUfl ""' ~• al·
. oak trlm"""'1r °""mat-VALUE $1095.95-FULL PRICE $52t.9S _ Dealt:n and -Apt. Owners be wre'to atlend A canvas oowr. ~In x1n1 1.:1.,::.·:.cMS-=2'88=----·1
· :1k~J t!':~2f or terms u low•• $4.66 _per wMk R·ecO,RD PLAYERS this aale: Ev g will ho sold! Special condltion. $295, m.1er '64 HOND,A lliq, trail a
58" tail decorator lamps., Use Our Store Charge Ptah or Bank Financing Thorena turntables -to 35.00 consignment for Sa: te sale. . CORONAOO :ZS Sallaway street. Equip 1Dt trail. Xlnt ' ... ~ :'Jlt: in~==-No Fancy Front -BUT Quallty Valuea1 Inside Newcomb Transcription Rec. -19.an • 60 NEW Living Ii · Groups, all, kinds., price $59!15. CORONADO 3' ~2sss $380. Aft J pm:
elled M~terranean style · · ' •· Player w/Amp. . <N • 35 NEfW BedrOom , all sizes. ·S&.lla~ price $1~9!15. Info
with ,., quality 1~ yr. , .. , , . CARTRIDGES & PICK-UP' ARMS • NEW SpanW> end te)>les , latnps, on new C.,.nado 23 & 30. ; nti ma(treu & box 0 f G d 20 00 d , Sabots $280 Jl)mplete, •prinp. Spanl!h d e c 0 r rto on; "Empire, ... ra o :-$10. to · . ecorator acce!sories. Open'tll V 645-0810 1"dini"• "'•et<.. . . ' . TAPE RE.CORDE RS • USED Mahogaoy dlnlng rm sets, bullet, ' Whole ~ousefyll waa carved . china, 1eather top end & cofiei ; rotulor $12'S.OO • . . , , · TandberJ Moder 6, Stereo Rec. 149.ilO tables, 4 Pc full mahogany 4 poster ·BR
, MUST SACRIFICl! Panasowe RS'ZMS.51ereo Rec. 110:00 set;"S-Pc twin mahog BR set, Splnet-&
, r•CAL25• 1 year old
Call 6t+-077
1966 Sl.IZVKJ. 150 dirt i:
street, .~lra tires, aeat.
Many emu: Recently
~bll $250. 675-2227
~ $56'8 00 Others, Ampex, Reveie fnim f46. to 95.00 Upright Steinway pianos. Pool tables,
· . ~ • SPEAKERS & ENCLOSURES ' mattress set.s,, pictures, lamps, 6 True
furniture ' · .. ' .. eooG Gor1go S.le I022 J. B. Lansing Hartsfield System 395.00 French BR ~ts. office furn, chairs, desks, Atty i:ileoe can ·"Se put·
AQUA CAT w-ncina-u.ils
i: traller. $750 or make of-
fer. '94-7~
'67 HONDA 160 Scnmbltt,
an> mllel., perf cond $375
or beat otter. 54t)-9113, eves ......,,
1969 Honda &rambler;
-cttlsed indMduall.Y .....
•BERMS -We carry our MAHOGAl'fY , ... , MrSC. Furniture & Apt size " G-50 Olymf.us Encl. 85.00 filefs,. drafUng tabl~ 10 Hospital beds,
FRENCH PROVINS:IAI., Rel. Call Alt. 12 Noon Ii'' Bozak E-000 Spinet Enc . 35.00 Lincoln generator, Vox •ound equip. From A Large"Eitate \. 1 -& Sun 548--0352 , ~ Wherfedale W-70 Encl. w/10"
• 165(} ••
SABQT No. 413'9 datton,W. 846-Dl or 675-243()
good cond. $285. I=,..,,:.;,:,:'+'+:-=.~.:;:;'---* 548-3364 * , , '67 HONDA 305 .&rf. Cond. ·~;·1;1J A fine selection or complete MISCELLANEOUS-Items or. dual-cone Spkr. 35.00 LIDO 14 N.o. 686. Covet l $400 or be1t '1ter • New Taga.. 6'6-2579 trailer. T o p eond. $900. -full tlzei b e d r Qom ·sets. furniture & apptianceJ. 755 1 J·~ B. Lansing C-43 Encls. w /115-AC
Din.Ing room .1"'!4:, ~.6J«:Jj Hud!Ofl, 54~ or 50-0017 & ~e.tworks (2) • · ~a.. 149.50 Aute Sel"iic'es 549-1236
35 Applianc .. : Washers, dryers, relrig's
ranges, ovens -_Color TV's, Stereos.
144 Newpor1 Blvd.
Costa Mesa
Every nit• 'til 9
Wed,. Sit., Sun. 'til 6
MODEL HOMES ~·fine &election ot com.plete
bousefulls. Brand names,
kingsize bedrooms, beautUul
7 pc. dining rooms, chinaa,
hutchf!1, custom quality se>
fas l. love seatl, double door
rdrigerato~ wasbera,. dry-
er., co\or TV's (all llJ&Rl1"
teed) will A.crililll!. Sell all
or part. Tenm on good cred-
lrm Garden ~Grove Blvd.,
Bick \Vest of·Beach Blvd.,
all Garden Grove Frwy,
17 Pc. Ki119 Size
Large 9 drawer dresser, mir·
ror, 2 bedside stands, king
size headboard, lrarne,'qullt·
eel mattress, 11beets, blank·
eta, elc.
Choice of Spanish
or rtfodern Style
All For $249
No down • Pmts. only $9 mo.
6 chain, chlln~ "i Allee 516 Theatre Woofers (4)" 39.50 LIDOl.Cwlthtrallerl:cover, &. Pirts 9400 custom·~ • o t:a .i.c . Appllinc" 1100 Bozak CM-~ Column Spkrs. (2)" 180.00 Binks -Fl~nc• Cct'•-;-2 Ett1t11 glassed center board I: rud-1-~.:..::.;:: ___ ..:..;::;
mahog cottee "-l!UJEe ta Mis 8"'1 12" S kr •• t 8 00 Housefull.s -Partial Full. Rain Damaged ~r. 675-tl63 AUSTIN Healey 196.i, xm. . e SPECIAL PURCHASE e c. O p s. "" O . Co I t b -1ea~r top&. 2 twin ma-. • " Warehouse Lot -Several Consignments. SCHOCK Sabot, New sail • mp e e eng., car •
ho(. bdrm. .w:ts. Duncan Reftiaeraton. aUtomatlc C.C.T.C. i-Large Repoiieaiions ' dolly. $175. distributor $90. Front uliiJ
Pll,Yh! lab I e & 6 chain. waahen A: other major ap-Conrac A V12C Receiver 180.00 ~ 675-2277 $65. raar axle $5!'· Doors
Must sell all lmmed. at • pllances from model Mme• Philips C.C.T.V. Camera 395.00 AOK . Commission Gallel']' Inc. GLADIATOR 24' Sloop; rig. s,~·71· ToGnneau covers Hns.
sacrifice. Tenns on eood at fantastic discounts! No Packard Bell C.C.T.V. Camera 49•.oo ' ' ..l. ,ii{L v' UV 'reen t., B . • · 7722· GA1<0,.n GROVE BL D. ... 1,. racing ·& cru;,;ng, 8<JG.0430
credit. Down. w~GSSee at : Akutron " " 175.00 (1 BIOck w.e~t Of )each Blvd. oll G.G. Fwy.) $4500. 546-9453 -·'='"=='======'
AOK WAREHOUSE 11185 Brookbun~ Fin Valley I_,.;,,.' . · · · -Power Cru'-·rs 9020 1.T:.:•:::•l:.:l•:.:r...:T::r•:.:•:::•1 __ 9:.;4=25 1s..01warne•t ,..."" JEAN MUSICK CORP. 1= ~ -Tm Garden Grow Blvd.,
l Block W. of· Btach mvd.
oll Garden Grove Frwy.
Open 10 to 9 SUn. J().fi
I •L-M -• "'10 18' ROD&. REEL GOLD MEDALLION 2080 Placentla Ave., Cotta Mesa Miacel aneaus ._ lie. Win.-SQ 32' GRAND Banks diesel VERY CLEAN
2 BR duplex, carpets, drapes, 1=========54M6=-=7=1========12 BIKES, boy I: girl, 3 spd. cruiser, Fully equip in-4 burner &tove, oven & bit.
blt-lna. I· 1 pr gfrla shoe lkates size • WANTED • clilding radar. 673-3176 (f Dbl sink, eJec WJI, elec
Large fenced yard for Antiques 1110 Pianos & Organs '1130 6~ + ~ case. Hand F · e A II to 7 pm.} retrig -Ice ·box comb. Nr
children & pets. ,..;,;=;;.;;;..._~--'-lawn mower + catcher. 3 urniture· PP ~nc.t SACRIFICE I new tires -spare T A W.
Private garage. 811 Paul· VA.Sr Stock Amer &. Eur HAMMOND. Steinway Ya-pc green sectional, J$tforin Color TVs e P11na1 36' t:ruiaer w/65' mooring·· A real buy at $888.88. •
arino. 549-1746 turn &: clocks. Larr Y maha -new 4 used pianos rocker, goo(\ frame. I single .ETC. top cond. Must sell by week'.. 1960 Inter. Travelall,
Includes: Floral sofa & chair NORGE Automatic Washer Morgan Antiques, 2 4 2 8 or all makes. Best btlY8 in bed with 6ookcase head· Cash lft 1/2 ~our end. 548-8691 Aft. 6. well experienced, $300.
• walnut tables • !atnpa ;.. ~late model, like new i75. ' Newpo11 Blvd., C.M. So. Calil. ri1ht he~. board, complete. '61 Allstate 541-4531 -* 545--5694 * .
complete bedroom wi~ quill "M7-8llS ANTIQUE clock from · Eu· SCHMID'f MUSIC CX>., Motor Scooter, '69 Llc. l '!"'~~~~!!!!!""'~'!"ISpMCl-Ski Bo1t1 9030 ed mattreh • 5 pc, dinette, rope. Shown Sat &: Sun. 1907 N. Main, 548-3668
etc. All for . . . ADrt1lRAL apt size relrig. * 4l2·2llfi * Santa :Ana /.,:,~~~~~-~~ ~AINS BEDS wanted by 14'. GLEN L family boat.
$277 1 yean old, '°""'· · 185• PIANOS & ORGANS SOLID maha dbl ""'· Mbnl, """"le party. Good cond, New glw owrwood. New * 6#-4177 • ANTIQUES&: CLOCKS frame; match'& dresser &: ~uonable. 549-2392 · 1 Wkl ,_ ___ 4-FOSTER'S ANTIQUES Famous Name Brands he llass 1 ---~----.-pain· e ~n wr open
".AGJC Olet Stove Cps) 1 &U-6138 e lll03 Federal, CM from $529. ~ st~es·, prt~~ 3mabg... Wtin.A>jTE& 5/SD;, U~~1~ water sa1ety; Good ll mph
year old. Xlnl! $Sa. 962-3148 Aho USED Jns:trumentl ex 1"1.7 .. .....,.... plus akl boal Overhauled
No down. Pmtz, only $10 mo.
'62 CHEV. ~~ ton pick.Up;
R&H, hvy. 1pringa & tires;
call alt. 5 PM 494.4151
$6,000. Alter 5 PM * 839-4375 •
600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana
Open Daily '1 • 9
end this. Near new antique 499-'1990 'r'."-·d 35 I trl 'th Gould Mu1lc Company .1:.vu11u e e ec c w1
PffiLCO 14 cu It Frost . Free 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana r~:1~te~f"8'1 PETS and LIVESTOCK generator. New bat~ry.1 T_ru..;..,c..;lcs'------9-SOO.:.:
ho free So, of Freeway 547Ai&l Good trailer with new tires.
Rcfrig. Lrg _ ... 11$8°m, l:A rer. 1968 SINGER complete with Mon & Fri 'til 9 SUnday.J2-5 lfUITTED FABRICS c.t. 8820 Excellent buy at $495 lerms.
Sewing Machine• 1120
Sat.9-6 Sun.ll.fi
, REPOSSESSIONS Very good COnu • .n9-3654 walnut COllliOle. Due to M -642-4321 ext 270 weekdays
COLDSPOT chest-ty p e divorce action-repossession! TI I I l20S HIMALAYAN B P, hyb. or see al Action Boat
freezer; excellent condition $37.88 or 11SBwne 12 paymts •IV 1 ~ "FOR. SALE male, by champion, UI ma's Broken, 21622 Coast Hiway
Thoy Aro All Ha,. Al
F•nt11tlc Discountr I• <Xcell•"'· """lltion, 1;Jie $35. ~ ol $3.85 mo. Butt<m hole" • Remnant., aampl" & Mill old, neut., map!!. coal at Beach Blvd., Hu"tinglon
new. &auL quilted 110fa $89. KEN Mo RE atom at I c blind hems, overcuts etc. LOOK HERE I -end• Sal oiliy 8 e.m. to 2 494-2376 Beach, SJ6-8891 Ready f«"' lmmedla.te
clWr $49, 3 pc, llttt. $99, washer. excellent condition No attach needed. ~ !:f,dc 6: whlte p:m. 929 Baker, Oollta Meil&. Dog lnS ooriSE'fi' 16, ,w/ Jhhsn 75. delivery
sofa I: ~ve teat Sl"' 5 ~ ~ $35. 847-8115 Guarantee·QK. 526-6616 Walnut, 'like-new$!50. WHIRLPOOL p5 telrig., 5 -=·---------1 Amer. trlr &: au equip, incl BEACH-CITY
dilK'tte Rl Ut 5 pc be<lnn. ~,~E~R~Vc'E~L~Tu~r-q_u_o_i ,-e -642-Cm'"' )Tll. old, was $650, now $100: AKC SILKY PUPPIES laddeT &: lkis Sll50/otter. · DOPGE
set $89, box sprg &: malls ~lrigerator, late model $40 Muslc1l ln1t. ____ 1_1_2_S SONY ~e TV w/bal· Smith· Coron a e I e c 8 \Veeks 0 I cl. Anxious for MS-2483 , ,
Call sizes) $8. ea. King size ._d .,, --G-;-H--~.J rt tery P,&clr: plays on AC or typewriter, like new $Ill; new homes & lots of ~.1 ,1-,;,;.,~~.~Du-m-p~hy-.-~--hp 16555 Beaeh Blvd_, <Hwy. 39) -•· all ....... or.u .. e . .......,..., u1tlf' t91:11qU• .el'1 /batt' -·• S Ith C Gal . :r• "" "'"''"""" .,_.ea. ~11 or any.,... .. I========== w ery _.... 4 chargtt. m • o~ona ax1 Available as pets or for. Jobnson, trailer& gas tanlt ..nv-_, Term~. FREE TO YOU F~Je~ ~ ~5i~ 673--0079 typewriter $50. Ko d a.k :show. Term!. 548-4957 Sacrifice $350. MS-7476 Uuntington Beach AOK WAREHOUSE * w ting ho 21" Carou.el slide ,ro;ecl" ISO. I 'iI:ASii:ANM&W. nut.7AiKC.I ~;:;;;~~;;;:~= '65 FORD 1-lon, Se<ies F-350, e GIBSON e MARTIN • ea UR * 649 Da1Tell. CM, &42.Sl03 I ALASKAN M mute; AKC, ..,,. FREE Jo home with fen~ •WILSON • YAMAHA ConsoJf!; Like new $35. female. 4 mos. Excellent M.rlne Equip, 9035 stake truck with extra m: G rd G Blvd yard only, lt,ii year old part 0 H .... rt Alt: S: 675-3122 * AUCTION * for :show pro.specta and -length 12' bed. Heavy duty. · -a en rove ·• rum •-qua er• b-·•m· g. Bla•k _,. white 16' DORY • 25 hp 1., $400. throughout, good rubber, I: 1 Block W. of Beach Blvd., Fox Terrier female dog. e NEW-~ USED • -u -u will -" "'"' '"""' ... ..uu
..... Hi-Fl &·_s_1e_reo 1210 •'"•·-Wlndy~a°1;.:"' markings. 49Z-04Q3 Bendix F. Meter, $,'JOO, mechanical condi tioD, ott Garden Grov~ Frwy. Has had aJI shots. Vel'Y LUDWIG; ROGERS,.-ASl'RO ... .._J GUnet, $50. Locker + bait $1,200. See al DA IL y *' $29.44 * lovable. 5'3-1786 3/3 Large aele<:Hon with .new 4 STEREO 1969 Solid state Auctions Friday 1:30 p
.m. MIN. Silver Poodle, m~ box, $200. Tishing gear. PILOT, employe parkir¥
3 Piece Braided 4 PUPPIES Mother Dach. pc. sets and cymbals atart· deluxe mnsole 1tetto, .c Windy's Auction ~m wk&.: no papen:; pure Reply Box . M660, Daily Jot. ~ West BQ Street, e OVAL RUG SET e &: Oiihu. Father Poodle. 835 in1.at $99.50. Pedals, hi-hats spd changer. Left on Jay BehJnd Tony's Bldg. Mat'l $30.. 56-0UB Pilol 1::oista Mesa, 642--021. l!'X•
Nyk>n blend, reve~ible, Darrell St. C.M. and sets: repaired. All small ~way. Pay oU remaining baJ. 20'15%.Newport, ,°'1 646--8686 AKC REG Poodles, Toy'a ========= tension 276, /l-1onday -Fri-B-... ..... -no"' -n * An·,.;me * parts, acce:ssories &: cymbal:s f S76 oo t & M. " .. ~" • u •--1 y hi d D 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana •u•\ .. , ..... p,,... 'e·-. JU 3/1 ln•tock. a~o . or erms. FLOOR COVERINGS 1n11._ p, -• •c . 1 ~::.,e.:·.:::.:""'::c::" ___ _ Size11: 8 x 10. 2 x 3. 2"X 6 Credit Depl 535-7289 547-3851 or 547-9591 Chirt-1 9039 -1c u ' 1 k -.-Open Daily 9 • 9 AL'S UNUSUAL ==---~-~= EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ====· ====-'-C&rpets.~Vlnyll!, Tile1, latest •• ..,,. ,. on Pc up, r • ~ Sat. 9. 6 Sun. ll. 6 FURNITURr' FOUR happy, healt h y, T R d •tyles a.ncl colors Commer AKC Tiny Toy Poodles l--'C-AL-24-'-'1'----'-= h. 6 cyl stick, 3tXlO mL
t c; handsome, small mi" e cl Beac·h Mus"1c Center __ .,,. ecor •rs 8220 . . white male puppies. Champ or CHARTER Sleeper camper ; 2 4 9 5. ' SPANISH Returned from 11881 "·.••h Blvd. S .,.74 cial & Residential. Expert ~·.,•~.IA .,.,,,, d•• $ISO wk °" ... German hep pups. ~ 40 · · background $75. .,..,_ _. ._, • ~3 222 w \Vil:son, f.todel llome11 on sale at Hu ntington Beach 843-4~6-I 311 MUST sell · Tape Recorders. installation. • * 842-7528 * . • •
less than v.holcsale! Group !------~~--"' Factory Sales & Service SONY 560D, auto reverse 642-1403 • 5-10-7262 Norweg1an lJxnound pups, I-'========
:1 includes beautiful 9 6 '.' 20 Pc. Maple MALE German Shepherd, 2 Daily U noon 'W 9, Sat 9-5 $250. SONY l2S $130, TEAC FOR Sale . sofa. brocade AKC, champlon aired. Shots. Ba•t Storitge 9041 '58 crfEVY J1,1' Ton, van
,. quilted sofa· .4:-Jove .seat, yrs. old. Good watchdog and 17404 Bea.ch mvd., (Hwy 391 803A 6 head. auto· revene beige, 8 .. Loose pillow back. • 11 Wttlal. 892-~79 body Reblt motor. Good
l.,. 3 Spanish oak decorator 3 ROOM GROYP good v.·ilh children. 549-3888 l'iii ml. So. San Diqo Fwy. $775. A.sic for Van 646-8895 Very good condition. Maple lRANSPOR.TATION BOAT STORAGE cood. '69 Plales. $950.
tables, sv.·ag or table lamps, Im:ljtdes: Living room set • • 3/3 Huntina;ton Beach 847-8536 -coffee &: end table, ,vrought "-"'---'-------Sail or pov.-er up to 3)' Fenc-1.:642-IJJ12c:.=::._ ____ _ '.t v.·all pl.a.cque, king, qoeen, tables _ lampt1 • bedroom ADORABLE black mix ~ ELEC. Guitar&: Amp. Sporting Goods 1500 iron headboard. 546-1879 Bolts & YKhts 9000 eel yard. Newport Ba,yfroat. 69 GMC % ton, heavy duty
: or lull size bedroom mite aet • quilted mattreu _ ma. dle and !er. pups Cmal~\· Good condition 31 E . 1 APPROX 40 • ...i 0 1 n ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I MonlhI,y rate• include. . • ausp, ps, auto trans. .C,cm
"! complete incl bo:lf. aprinp, ple dining room .. All for, , • Plea11e call 894-4575 or 646-5456 •hol~~"U·GEx:..u'e'n""t !.ndi"'°llont, carn.ot & pad, J]s.""· ~I~; • ~~ .. ~:."°, ... 1st mi. Must !ell! 962-7909
. mot ..... lln<ns " boudoir $ 9 =· '" .. .. -·r· ,. * SPECIAL * ~--
la s · h oak 6 44 & O 8130 $30. 536-mJO $40, or will trade for bunk Columbia 28, 8 mos old, bow Call Anthony's '62 CHEV. 1~ ton pick-up; :1· mps, panis pc M'·· BCSI'ON Bull • 5 yr, male, Pl_•_!!~• rn_1_n_1_. -=========I ~•, ,." good --• or " R&H h'"• •Pring• & t;-•. · • dining &el priced elsev.·heTe No do11'n ·Pm ts. o • ...,. $18 nm. -~ • --""" ...,,JU. ' ·• pulpit, life lines, inbd eng., 8J9..2281 • "" • ""'""•~ :1 ·· '"'"· Sl195.00 ALL WElK'S WAREHOUSE ;:::"'..:::,' •;=:.:·· :.~ • New Pianos • ~M:::i"=:':::ll•::"c:"::us:.:.._..:•::600:::1,....,..;;;RlLn;"'=..,,,==-== •!diO, mai" jib ....... !-======== 1,63caUFOa!tRD. 5 PM '""',. !51 : FOR ONLY ·$399. S20 down, .....-wllh kid!. 847_7718 3/l WURLITZER&: BRADBURY HT Pl Curt.Ji Mathis AM/Frtl B LlANT Diamond Ring; Plus ground tackle & aalety Mobile Ham.s 9200 Ecooo 1ne P/U.
· $4 9'J per v.·eek I out of •"""" -. • 14 karats. ye 11 o w gold equip etc. Ai:JM'ntee owner Very good concl. Radio, new
' i;t~le credit OK. W l l I 60C \V. 4lh !'I .. Santa Ana ONE BRO\VN, ONE WHITE AAUmer't~•''•'ma.de."ssnishenol'e'. dalcll STtev"°19·., ';!~1•.,. c:~rnet good$'70, mounting v.·/up to date ap. must se.IJ ••• , Asking $10,500 Cost• Mesa's recap~ new paint. $700. LI
:, c"',"'n1ur~e 10,;,•,"",·i~~ W. ',· T20tlh' Sat.Orn6 Dail~u~.-1~·-g RABBIT ~NS w-bcr,;h &: tuned. Price start-sios·. Rec:'i7ne:r' ;~ m'. ~!! ~-· &acrilice $350. 2T Kinis CnlJl Slp Year Round ~"'="'=======
'" , ... -.:: 311 lng at $-1!19. Coffee & end tab I!! 1 , _..._,., lmmac ·•··••···· $7400 Mobile Home Shaw
: Garden Grove Blvd ., -Sim1not1s Hirie-a-bed. ==,..,,-..,-,-,-..,--..::C O nevamar fops, pi, Lampe MORRIS f.linor Series llXX>, 38' Farollone Sip .. $15,500 16'-20'.zl'.2-f.' &: 34 wKles Jnpt 9510
Gardtn GM\"t' Daily 10-9. Like Nf'1I·. m.50. FREE to good h 0 me. Wurlitzer rqans $2. -55. 548-7543 xlnt trans $150. Single Bed. 40' rtlarconi Nwplr '. $26.900 From ~ ~ Sat, 10.S, Su n 12·5 Come 5~s.si:»-J Gennan Shepherd, Samoyed e NE\Y e SALE_ Clo~lng March 14th. ~· Gol!.ccl"~~ • cart & DAVID L. FRASER C.asa Lema, Bay Harbor Kit, ~;~~tRYB~~:t -~.Vi ~. ln or call (714) 5.?il-9240 A • -... mix. male pup. shol5. Many other maims. f.tany ...,g S50 .,..,,....,,,.,,, Call ; Oiuck Ave ry Caribee, Roll-Away, Tmvne J
k SU . 20 PC. "MADRID" Ol-:.;f'.:;ic::e'...'F.:.•:.;rn:;:l,::1•::,.;:.._;1;:0.:,1•!1,j 499-2395 314 styles k finishes. Prices »SO"i:.. or!. 1 mP0 r t s • · 34'24 Via Oporto, Newport I-louse, llomette, Celebrity, ga ga:-; an • tTt'Y' top,
--•!art al 11tatues, home decor. Also ADORABLE Shepherd Collie 67J...~2S2 * 494-3916 e'll!!. Sahara. new 1l00x15 tire~. many 3 R G OUice desk & ,chair, ND GD hm & Family display shelves, tab I es, Mix plippieri. 7 \\"ks 17J more exl:rn!. On Cron! cover 'f OOm f0Up Lik" -w Female Cat has shotl &: $595 n1g•. VA'""""'· 551 W. '"th Unusual colorlng $ 1 0. ll WIDES Feb. Ii; s u ~ ''4-whrel-'' . "' ,.... ~ Newcastle. Moto-40-"~"''"so·.ss·.m·.r.1· "' : F'ROM flfODEL HO~fES $100. 540.ltn' Altel't'd 646-0140 A f I · EVERY1lrtNG IN MUSIC St. Ctii. 5'8-1914 _962-~l"ll!l~--~---•a folagazine. Sec a t Mesa
•• , Includes: Quilled sofa k -5:30 3/1 B fi-M • C f 0 • I R • Good only thru fota.rch 3 From $3005 Union Station Cor. Fairview :~.chalr-:-J end lableskcol· BE I 8015 ADORABLEBlk/Wb eac USIC ener lO"TABl.EKWW/2ext., nenta u'-s .. Co. s w Youca.npaymore &NewportBlvd.645-2380 ·~· IP. '"'bJe _ 2 lam,.-dress-ir qu P~•.:.".c'--'--· . Ml 6 atand ·" blades $200. Early 9X12 ChitlC'r.e &. Vatio\11 115
1 1"'15
111r 1 ta. 14ag. but you can't buy better r Female Kitten Ueo-toe Fact......, ,._..__ *· .,A1_..__ Americo" ~r._ tilt '---k t n, mo or mos. pn .. M av•ilable ,·" all ·-u. '67 BRONOO ... er -rnirrar-headboard -BOTI'l.E Cooler $t), 3 tahll!s n-• ~~ A.....,_ -J o">llK'& ... ~ -v,..,, Ulll.: • l\lze1 Call OR 5-3353 T & 1· t 1 JAM 049 --0 ~· -·••~ box -• & chairs s~. 1 ·-bambbo Mon. Adults rna. """"'""''" Daily, 12 noon 'ti! 9, Sat l).5 v.T<11.ight iron patio tbi &: ---'-· ----""'--a.x · ic: nc · Sey Harbor lldtop, radio & heater, noar
.. -.. uu....... ..., .. ng & mall· ..... 11"' Afternoons Only 3/4 11,_ •·ach Blvd .. !H..,., 391 4 chr.<. 6~&-59Jl QU A L J 1· y king bed '6:! t'alcon \Va,gon, auto. M seat, 4 .,,'heel drive, red 4 ;! l'hlli -5 pc. dining room; poles S2 each. 67).-6989 'IV'I""' "J --'--'-~-'-----! v.·/qullted mallress, comp. S70 dn. $2{1 mo Jor 24 mo5. obil• Home Show white exlc:r. i:&n ti. 11ttn at
·:; table ~ 4 bi.back chairs. ----ADORABLE Coctt-a.poo pup.. l Y! ml. So. San Diego Fwy. s·11ver Fox J--Lef N~ver UM!d $98, v.'Orth $250. Tax & Lie: Incl. QGN 416 1425 Baker SI. the ,[MiJy Pilot -..&.;~-lot ,., CDfllPARE AT $1-19.!r; G1r19e Sale I022 pia?1 to kind homes. 23!6 Huntington Beach 847~ tn.I. 842-6536 2186 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa % block ~111 of Harbor mvd, _. .... '6 ;~ $399 Delawa.tt HB _ 3/4 .::.:::..::=..._____ &12-4G66 on Baker after 4 p.m. or 879-6088
" Sal & Sun GOOD HOME NEEDED"'' 11 flRf s••E 11 U.i $350 . sacrifice 1100 UPHOLSrERING. 1l11.50. 2 NEW Olota M... !7141 541>941" . =~ No dqwn-Pmta oiily Sl6 mo. f'umlhn'l', Plumbff1K U.xtun"s, s Puppies ·part vPoodle ,,... 642-00SG evenings pc, (European t'l'aflsmenl Cempen
.,..,. WElK'S WAREHOUSE """"'"'· ,ROCOl)I , • .,... ,..,,..,. "' DEMowsHJNG Hnoae-good ,.,.. ..... -~·· ·'.~1ra,. "' KmENBURG 41' s.:, ~ .. ".:..:'.:. =: • 9520
-1 Cam!'ra, Klt ehf!n it e 01 s, Our ....,.-IA n e v.· slore ,__, .,. ...__ Main tlB Berny 536-6405
•, • 7 P.fos. did female PuPPY. bu•ne.-d•.'6~~ ... ;..... • o-rug a, ..... -... r £ ....... ce, • · $ S1vo ~--.. nds $ mount, flit• and General Lill'hti,.. fixtute'l.. ca111p1~ • 1111.' ..... .. ·-sto , dr"• "·•·-f•·-REFRIG •~ TV 14."\ 0 -' ·~ :•, 600 W. 4th St .• -Santa Ana ..... 11\p~nt. n.... HllU!&. LotlJ lla1 had shots, housebroken. gal\!l aunerert no v.-ater darn-1\' '-""s" ~ .. ·.~~ "'Bal'~ t.,. ·,,~, ,;._ . ea' °"" 29' Col 29 1/B loaded $9950 mobile homes now •t
• ~ ;~ ' ~ N~ •• home. mom 311 --~ m "'· ·-. ,.~··· " -o•<"'"tl -... I -~u ~-l D I Wid Sal ~ ..,,..n Da..., S.9 ol ~lis<-. 2017 Maple Ave., ~ agl', hut they are !lln._.::y, ts. 67>-(214 Rd. CdrtL Sat 4 SUn 1-4 ~ lerre""''"' • l.....:D OW'l'lt' UG I • el
3 Sat. 94i SUn U.& C.~I. SELECTION of btauUf'Ul cats dirty, d1"1) A Kralci'!Y .. \Ve 2 YRS llolit:l"f HeAlth spai,.:;':;,'m'=.'-------1~pc~1~I ·~· ~~ $~,mo Oi.pnian tiloblll' liom" tnc. ~ ANllQUE Bed.mom lltl; 3 Movine-Gu-.. s-;19 &:. klllens. H.B. area. ~=~~"!.':::~'t-: mc1nberahlp is pritoe. Write 1.ANCE Tubing Bender ePACl~I~DYACHTSALE.5~ 520 N. Harbor, S.A.
1 pc.c:&ll'ftt Walnut BR a:roup, SUNDAY OHL Y fi"m-ft311 311 lhi·~ ,1 -E SALE PlUC P.O. Box 18$ li8 A ltave w I aw~r & cutter, pro. ~ • ..., v •· 0po--N~ , "'==-c-53_1.,.-1.,.5_7~1~"""'"'" !: late,~ •• 19th "··1u,,,. -2 PUPPIES T ··"-_,_. --.... rut "'"" .,.. ,..,, .... _, i; • .......,._., ~· \\'a~l'ler/d""tr. bl.r II .,.,.... ......, ..---.... r 01 ph. no. .....mmed, 2" &-l"''" dl-NEVER Ii ed I '69 ~~ •. Double bed, I drt•'f!r chellt. '3 Cocker,\ Poodle ES! So, It you dig thf ' d .. --·· -" ... .., 24 Hour Phone 673-15'70 v n; ._....,,-;~ dfellrr "'"/tramt tilt mlmlr :O!· .!'.~~~;,,:! b c r * 5*6689 * 'Mme Smokey r I av or'". G.\ft.\GE Sale; re r r i I·' reaaona.ble. &O-litl01 Ii l"T'. Performer. Islander 24X60~~ r-~~~ 2 ~ lam. ! w~'ff glug. SIOO.. ,-..... •ti'.••ton Ln. H.B. come &: 1et 'em, ahd td. ~-Liv. rm. eet. llini-DR~ER It mirror, 535. Deluxe modd (all fi~r-~· ... ...:.; .. u.:_E_. ~
Mlt..2""' ,._,"' " ·"" t'EMALE Welmaraner. weU priea ;you won't bet~. .Blb, bicydes; belh A etc Electric cart far 5treet •---) t"'-·.,.. '""·-•--"• .• ,..,.., nullliOQ ....,,,,.,, ......-·~ t I •~ 4 " ld ~-to~ N STUD O ,....,,. 00 .....,,....., ............ •--'"!rt. •·--.lo m .. ·-,..,, !QUE furn., VI n ut~. Y O • u-.:.: """"' WARD'S BALD\\'t I 10042 K&mutla, HB 96U452 trllnlportatlm SlOO. 545-7761 d Bl-_..__, "' .... n.ea....,. .,, • ., =~ _.tlAJ..lTY ~ bed I d sk ~. 494-8445 313 11nap own cowr. "'-·~ in. Loe:. In new aduJt park. :,:1 ~tm mattrea. comp. •Pf' ngs & matt., e ' 1801 Nt\\,1l01'\, C.M. 642-8484 FIREWOOD' Jor sale. Walnut MINl·Blke Taeco 22, a1moet Wt ~.;..!~~~Toti• .f\lll prk:t, lncl. tu il Jie.
i 'Newr UMd 191. worth szo. Qpel'>Tit!'r, add . ~chh ·• ~; GUlNEA Pip with~ Eucalyptua,• A,.;mt. $47.?:Jo ne111.•; Stlngrv" blk@, aood er. ruunr:: D'n1111tl .. 1iu pm $l2.txll. 962-91169 L:.:"11~8'USll:;,::;:::.,,~~=-·~..,.1 ~m le E. "" . ""'" &KJ.370. l/1 ~~:. =--"st!t ~ cord S2J 1,1 ci'd. Del. " c:ond. Alter 4. -...e: GLASPAR Seafare Sedan 75 1966 10X50 GREAT Lakes 'l '~ lflD~BEll. JJ«I. brud =oRESSVtS.===-vacu-m-.~..,-"111.,,.,.-, =.=, "~M"'~-·'""&,,...•"'il<,.-"'MaJ;:.;e antiques). Good tone •. A itack'd free. (1) saa.a546 WON ON 1V: White bokro hp Johnlon eke •tart. lrJ Br., porcti w/ ·~· $4UXl
!"' Dl'll1 nJ7 Harbor Blvd., ---linok! bed, bl-~ ~ l ~";: d bl cond. Needs Mys rem .. -ered, DECORATOR'S Unclalm1!d mink 1~ $450. wN. IJit, full CO'ftf. lmmac a T.O, Pa,ymp_nljl $63 mo. ~ a.ta liol~ 642-79:11 ---·~ ..,.... rvPP t'• v a or a e $100 ~.1 ctn.~. aJI slug, lijbl 547-3798 lhn.M>Ut call 673-6689 aft 6. Oiut Ro-•·. •11 ..... ;m.t • ~::::,;o..,...c;;:;_,..;,;.:..c;:;;..~ I • mllC hen11. Af!emOonl &C-J812 3-3 I'°'=~~"""=·~~..,...__, hMlt -J.. o ni•.., ..
• CUST. made d ave ll po r I , I all d&1 S.t l: Sun. 925 \\.ON ON TV: Kimball gplnet a I. 1 ~~\\/PORT Dfacb Tennis PRIVATE .•rty "A>ant111._16' Lane, S.A. $43-:6726 aft 3 dlalr~ A ottom3n; Ma~., ..;i:.:;· .;Bal="°"='-,B_h•_._Bal~boo-'-~ <2' JO ~.·Palm tn-r>s. F'n'ti pmllO "'/rylh1n ~Oon and ~ lO •m·~ pm. I _...1em~hlp for aa1c. $400. Whaler, must be xlnt c:ond pm.
ccn!. Q>i2Ji Aft. 3 PM r iUDE a ~. n'('!ining rilr. .for dfn\113. ~22 3-4 bench $7'".JO. :.47-3798 8&.\vnruL 1'i BnaJe 11 Call 6t'i-1311 with l'.lr wtthout motor. (805) BA""v"'rn=o"NT~A~ll~ra-,~ti~ve-:-l~B>~
pt«1 ~ t.bl, d re•• lorn1, .\OORABt.E Kittens, whitCl\ I ""'-'p'"'n"i°'v"A°"TE:.C.'-PA"R"'T~,~. -Casaanov" pllPP'"°· 6 wk•, 9x·~12-"100=\\~N"'YLCJ=~N--n1-1 331-8155 trallcr t.. aibl\na. $9.000:
,,.cuum dicaocr. Cd f\t . and blacki;. ~lOl ' N \\'11nb to buy piano l<M!iblt!. $.i each. !Q...iOlf bh;/l(f'l"f'n tv.'ttd, hi-lo pat: f'tr 0.lly Pilot Want ML New tarpt"ting I h r u . o u I
6n-413S ot.I 642-.'i618 lor RF.SULTS 16r CA&h. 2IUT7-too:I DAILY PlLOT WANT ADS! ttm. $40. MS-4.'J.IO DI.al M2-S67'R retrl1t Ir~ 1tove, 542516
• ! AJrn'{QUE bed; J>"IW mimr. I d'"'"' !>bl• • cha! ... -
' . .
Bus & Camper
'60 Camper •.... , , ..... $899
'st &1! •• " " • .. • • • • • • • $999
'64 Sunroof Bu11 •.••.••. SI499
'65 Ob: Bua, 9 pu, •••• Sl699
'61 Dlx Bua, 9 pu .••• , W.
'67 Camt>t:r-. IP!lt acat, eJec.
ref ................... $25811
o~,~-' ~~ .
J4foOOl-67J.11 tO
1970 HAR.IOI It.YD.
---'C'-'OST A MISA
DAJl.'J" 1•11.1 l'f \>y11t.foi l-A.DSl--I
-·-. ----·_--...,.--,.------,-,.....,=------~--... ---------------·-·-
• '66 TOIONADO •
•flill pOW9r, f1ct.ry 1lr.
• naL .fSIH1121 •
• $2695 • Ir-------•
• '66 TEMPEST •
Cnte111 cp•, R&l-:l, •irfe.,.
. • ..... f•dofy •Ir uaditi ...
•1111. ISTD177, •
• $1895 :
• •is -IUICK . •
1Sporf W•ijio11, F1cf•ry 1tr•
I cefMI .. · r1dio, lit1t1r, pow•I
., ....... fVZX241) •
: -$2295 •
1 Nw Y .,i:., li•Nftp co•pe.I fiiH pow1r, f1ctory 1lr1
lconcf. INHA J541 • • • . $1995
• • '67 COU&Al •
UH, a·11t• .. PS. 1fr coftdl·a
•t1ott1n1. 1 owntr, 1ucx.1 •••2• . • $2595 . : ., _____ _
• '66 OLDS "'8" :
•1.mtry 4 '"'· "" pritr, lf1dory 1ir. CSIJPll21 I
• $2495 : ··-------. • '6Z CHM
• •R•dlo. lle1t.r, ) 1pt1d1 ••K """ -163 VOlKSWAGBI : $1195 :
•.•u OLDS D• II:
• 4Dr. H.T. RIH, •et.., PS,8 111r cortditio11ln9, (MOY·
·•46l •
• $1695 :
• '6' GRAND PRIX :
IA1t1 tr111,. ,._., it.•'··a .,.4lf,. li11t.. IOHZ 6211 .
'63 VOWWAIU --CMPC-all $695 • .$1295 :
•••••••~ '63 VOWWAGDI .. --·
: :::s : ~1'mg4"5' ,
C:-plel• s.i.,'-: s .... : -. -. .
"ice 1MI ,, ... 0.porl·•ll -------
.... nl 1 .. JAGUARS. • • DOl • • ,.. "" lhlt!'f . -
• 1 ... ·-; '"''' • ' ' . • '
"•••••••: DATSUN
• 23' l 17111 ST. : AUntOlllD -
: 141 .. 7761 • Huntington .
· Moil-fr! 1:30 om •
• • •· 1e """' : -~each i Slhli::z 11'° am • N.w •nd u;M C.n Su;. ~lo'"' • c.mpl••• Servic• • ,...,. ••4 h t:t•
' 11815 BEACH 1111'0.
:hotl ........ _ ...,, . "" ..... --"-
'' IN .COSTA tMSA ...
·Annual Red-Whit" & Blue SALE
FULL SIZE, SEATS 6,_ 121 .H.P •
:.':~.~.,. . $2436
A~ CeMlltM-., $3286 YO.-.-pl•TlLSllOZIO
BRAND NEW '6t JAVELIN ...... ,.. . ·$2386 11t .,_. S..0 pm. pl• 1 I L 127ff6t
'66 Dodge •• ..," $1595
'66 El Camino $1775 -------... ~Ford ·STATION WA-$1995 UV COUNTll' 19UIU'
' ••••• ..., ............. ,..... .... .,.. 2J7
'64 Volkswagen ::::. $995 · 1·
'66 Ambassador=:.: $1795 ........... -................
'67 Opel !~~':: $1495
.. • ,...._ ..... KOi 911
'66 Rambler a.:.:.,-$1695 . ____ ..,. __
'61 Cortina , ~ =._ $1495 -.m .. , .
'64 Dart GT .!,=. $1175
..,.......,,. '111-. .......... 0MLltl
'64 Ford • ":: .:· $745
~---"""' ~:5 . -!!,~D!~ ..
FOa Siles & Serilce
YOUI -1 t~n -, CAI ANt-niM .
• .01 TOUl C:ONftNllNCI
1969 Harbor Cosll Mia 642-6125,
' -' •
. '
FOR 19'9 I
~ soles expensi charges • No prepa:
ration ckar911 • No dellwery -~
YOI payONLY $9' ... actual factary
: lnYOicel Compare wfildow itlcken w:ltll
oilr ~ prices to c011.¥•rt llleM lnlly
unuiial dlK°"ds lntci actNI doU-
GT 0 350'i ·: ·· ,
4 Sp1idl, ·
Aiitomallcs .
, .
Glllkents .-vl!!IJS on these ~nal foe.
tary shipments of 1968 mo4llL ·
$99 OVIR ACTU,ll;.
' . .
Thoodore Robins Ford, Orengo eo...tf'.• 0 1N l Y -Shelby AmeriCin
Dealer, proudly pre11nts tho uncommon' GT fw '691 GT-350, &T-500
•. • s ~,,_,·~·: ·' ,, J'" " ..." ..
... ,, .
... ~
8El-JE,.-~QT.~IAVIN8S QN ··-" ,
· ·. ~··ospre~~'tlY · EJUIPP,Jt :>.: t:: '·\ :5. j ' -•
. _ ...
. & · GAllXIE~ SI'S ; .,
l -
. . . . --.
mouldings, etc., etc.
. ·-~ . '· '
;/ ,,
R oUAllllllSI lllRY WllRE 1llY wn
. F.lfy 111•lpp.4, r1•ll•, ho1ter, fTUP 0411,
20% d""' or lr•41. 1111 look price $1610. $1395::. $39:::.::.
'61 FOllD WAGON:
.Cftntry Sff1n.· Y·I, 1ri1., r1dl•, J.11t.r.
IJGH 1711 Tn & Uc11111 D•-· , s295=. s19:::.::.
• ,'65 T·BIRD ~ANDAI/
Fully 1q11ipptd, 1lr,. ,aw1r wi11tlow. 1114
111h. (0Y6 •211 . 20% 0-11 or Tr1dt •
II•• look prict $2270. 1 ... $1395::. S48 :.-.:.
IA Sabro, t P1•L flllfy 1te1•lp,..., P.S., ~H,
ario, 1Ufl/n7J 20% OIWlll •r Tr•4•. 1111
1 .. k J11:'~-•1it.o. · $7,5 ::. $28 :.-..::.
"'64 T·llllD HARDTOP ; "
hll )tOWlr, ,,, ~~n41t1M. lC?MK 0741 •. ioY.. \
Dos j 095~;!:"$]9' Z:::
V.1, 'a11to., RIH1 P.S:, fee, air. IUJI 1171.
• 20% OW1 tii"Trlff. ll1i loel price $2411.
$1695::. $47 :.-.:.
'64 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '64 OLDS CUTLASS 2 li<>OR ,.n, 1«plp,M. t.n ,_.r, '''· llllf77tl. v.1, •11to.,. •:s .. '·,e11-. bl1ck t11t. cuvw.
20" D•wn•r Trad1. II•• IHk pr(c1'$lfll 1001. 20.% Dowt1 0( Trade.''"' look prlc•'
$1295 ,. C.A~ ,_.. t1201. , _ ..
. 'II!", ·~"' ~ ' ~ $695 ::. $25 ;;.
WHY WArr7 , ""1" ... ,,.,..., •wsx '"'· 1•~ °"'' ...
IUY .. "NOW·PAY LATER .''""$895 ?i sa1· .. _ .. ,., .. ·EllJ ',Flnonc)ng .AYlll•blo . ~ ._'""'..":u:su:O:ca::1~1:.,,:;,;,.;;:,ca;•::;;4:;;,;;!.n 41 HoUn U~~-~ILY ~L»
ALL PAYMdl'I ... ~-ON ~OYID anrr
;,,:;:...,~.OPEN SUNDAYS -· . . ·'
............ ~ °"--c. -·
--. '
SUPEl.0111EI ' . r.-100 Pickupl '9 Heavy . . DlilJ CUs1om Rigs. Spe..
dol Fleet U.S LiUo 0..
portmento. °"' SIAIOll .CAMP.Ell
llAND ,NIW , IHtl
NII PICIUP 1 :eJ~1 .. 1 1 ( SCOTSMAN dii M '=' 'M95 ' -.... ..._ __ ,
1 &!Gt:nln Canpl!r II eom-~~ --... . r:mo---.. . ,:fG:-=-~L~. ....tu ........ '-•. :r-dlfNiteo;W. 11u:r:· ... J ·.·--·--
. . -,
. !:.,~,':-=-:::t°T~·.' , ... , ,....,......,.,
• ~. ·' ,;..,. . ..J ... I •·"" t. t p.111. M11·M e Sit I ,:.._ .. 4 , ...... • • PARTS '& SlltVICI ltQUU, _ l'Am ONLY.·
......... , ... s.t Sp 10 1.111. t• 6 ''"" 7 •.111.t• t p.-. M111 e 71.-.t. 6 ,.-. T•1 .. M
. ' •
. -
• DAILY PllOT -· """' I. 1969
T1l4NSPORTAr1otf ..
' ~ ... -. . . , ::;yltJi·NsMii A 11oi~;~S111 · ·1a-Q .;9 :.~
' ...,. ' • > A ' ' •
· • ,DIVORC£D ,
• E·Z BUDGET TaMS • No · RED .TAPE ' '
~··•••••·••••'••···•·· . r••••••••••••••••••• • ' . ' JUST A SAMPlI OF SPECIALS AT ,OUR LOT IN ·COSTA'MfSA . I .JUST A SMiPlf OF SPEOAl,S AT OUR LOT IN SANTA ANA I .: ~'::.L::::, · $49 ~'!::.ORD STATIOll $49 1 .. · '~~om WABON '49 -~:MOBILE Z·DR. $49: . I 'AiltlJMlfc ..... """' ......... fUIW.~...,.... UC. .... rY'l':i.. ............... 11..,,_ r111tr'4fd0rY ......... UC. .... I •. . ........................ ICN"D JHJ. \I ........ II'"-..,...,.....,., CKKH ml.
'_xe·.e, . T11191 l"rb + T"' • Lk. \ • ·., T1191 "'1c:t +Ta • Lie. I · Tth( "'lot+ Tu • Uc:. Tola! l"rlce +Tu a. Uc. I
I ~e::Rq · '9f -~e:::::~P , '9f. I : ~~OTO J . $49 ~S:o~Hra::: $99 I
: '"'':"'·""C'.--"'-'"-J:.l.'1:' ..... ,. •. ~U< ~.'i:..tt'1'.'."l'tlr.lll."""'""'"::;::::~~:": I I ... _.....__.......,_, ... .,,,.,..,_._, .. , .. "'"'-'""'"' '"""""'""'""I
·I 1960 Mftft ,10.00 1981 CHEY. "99 $10.00 II I 1961 -sn9 1958 $99 II . ' 1-BIRD . 17"1 $~ BEL AIR . I ,";:,, RAMBLER 7 THUNDERBIRD' . I Allla, ~-r-tlt ......... , ..... , .•• IXNlt MONTH '"'"" tr-., rmlt, --· Lk, Ne. LAH m ~.......... • • .• . v.a. ..... tr-.. -•'-l11t. -windowl. IKIOl'Y •Ir.
"5}. t-.i,.,.a+T••&Llc. • '~ • Tot1l,rleeo+l•&L ....,...," -.•evllndlr,...._~ fll'VtSIJ Tllflll"r~+T11r&Llc. (llEB 471• Tlhll"rb+T11r•Lk:. I
I 1982 . s299 $20.oe 111112 DODGE $299 $20.00 I I 11115 FORD ,, IB PoniliC'~flf9t . $!;~ • ·-
• COBYAIR . $";:, WAGON $";:, I I 2 DOOR H1nlkip . ,12.oo I I w.. .,,..._ """ ""91'. fOIO IM). MOKTM ~-f r--. ......,., -........._ LIL MONTH I Au.. ,,._ lf'JM 7JU V.& .ilia. ,...,.... -stwin.. IHXS eta MOHTH :;!~~j_!i;; ;~~~i~ ~ i .:;!__~!!·~··. ~~:-::·~·-'299:
• .,.,.. ,rkt + Tmi a Lie. . -__ • _ Tlhl l"rb + T• & lk. I Tmt l"rkt +Tu & Lk.. '"''1 l"riao + T•~ & Ck .
.,..;;;;. ••••••••••••••• •••••••••• • ••• Mlftlhly '''"'""' ..... "' 24 MM. lodude T u & lk. & CarTyillg Chlrgn en lppnovod CMit
"' .. y •
. '
. . A-w-
ported Autol 9600 WE PAY •••
9700 Uood Cert 9900 UMll Cara 990o
Yaar YolQwacen or Ptnebt :S:·53i"'Bsum1CKCKO!m0~cta;-;wago;;;; .. ~liiiii~iiiiiliii!iii!i!iiiiiiil
• .., 1ap dollan. PU! 1or lull pwr, de!xe mt, light BLUE CHIP
, good lire1, new
1. brakea;, Split front
U, x1nt CODd. Best otter moo. Call after 2:00.
""--·-""' call UI for fnrtl estimate.
.. not Coll Ra'"' .. , ... Pric<d tar quid< ..i.. AUT.O SALES
673•1190 lS<SPrivaC. ...... ~847~ _ __ '58 O>evrolet, 2-door, auto.
Orange Cbmtie1
Aak for Sale. Manactr 'IUP S BUYER '67 CAD. El Dor ad o . 2145 Harbor, Cotta Mesa
lB2ll s..ch Blod. 8llJ, MAXEY TOYarA AM/FM 1C.reo pl"' all Che 540 A]92
Huntington Beach 18881 Bea.ch mvd. extras. Black vinyl top, _,
--=:-:=-=IO="""=--=-'=:-H. Beach. Ph. MT-15$ Arctic white lower. Newlll!!!!!!!~!!!!'l!!!J!!!!!J!!!!!!!'I
WE PAY CASH tires. 21.000 Mi. Have 3 '67 OJEVY Il, 4-speed, 3Z7.
Auto Leasing taro can, 1lffil only 2. ~. low miles, hard to find mo--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Best &. loweat prl.oe in So. del -Sebring silver exte.rior
FOR You. R (A'R' ; A NEW LIFE Cal"'·"" Ml: ,.,,,1.,, policy >rith . black iotorior. Lie.
transferrable. '69 Li c . UTK742.
TR4A • 1.R.s. Brit ""'· CONNELL -ON LWE • Owner 646-7349 "MR T'
Trubo charged. Xlnt concl. 4-spced. 327 fuel inje<:lion,
$950 549-3726 365 horscpo...,·er, Daytona
. orva r, r ~'°ls: 1 4 d blue. Lie. 7128
. """""' "Mister T'
645.1441 2100 Harbor
4-speed, 327. 25,000 actual
'69 OORVE'ITES, 4 to cboose mile!, 100-new, Rally Red.
lrom: 4Z7's. 327's, 4-speeds. Lie. THH845.
automatics, a.ir oondltloning, ''Mister T'' SAVES$$. "M' t T'' 645-1441 2100 Harbor is er
645-1441 2100 i-rarbor DAILY Piwr WANT ADS?
Used Cars 9900 Used C1n 9900 Wire whl .. 4 11pd. Xlnt 1969 Camaro. y.g 2 door 1965 CAD Couee DeVll!e. 64.S-lMl ,2100 Harbor
. dint!. J!<uonablO! 51>-'1184 CHEVROLET Hanltop, Pwr otftrl.w. air:· Xlnt """· Full "°"""'."" •57 CHEV. 2 °'· ....,, , 2828 Harbor m'ld. $89.00 24 mo. leue, air. tilt whJ, lthr tnl. $250 CASH '68
Costa Meea 54&-tt!O · SOUTH COAST AM-FM, S2600. H n 1 g 847-1516
Cl111la 9615 -------CAR LEASING "H;;:or~bour~·;;-~~==:1 ==;;;;~;;;;;;==1
-- '
8~ •11111~ • -W "-·~ H'~ ~ CHRYSLER '6"'1d&rill"2nord""' ....._ 1"" DAILY PlWI' -· ~· •""" EVR ooml'k1'! with e!us. 1 hood Claailled -s • •• Now-Bch., 64&%182 CH OLET
tdigbllt boa~ 1 bdl -"""" -a -. Lool i '"'""""""'"'""--!!!!!!!!! '65 CHEVY IMP with ..., ""' 1 ... Fem! -" *AUTO LW1116* ALA boad delaxe i: t pille cJe. -------Hardtop, V-S. fact air. dlr,
'50 OiRYSLER Highlander
Runs good, needs !ltArtu.
New tires. $'15. 615-2211
_ SH-ol bad!: aeata for PLACE l"O'tt want lid wt.m. </ AU. MARES local car. Ecellent Condition.
y.W. Bua. Phone 536-lill tbry an looldne-: DAILY f/ COMPETI:I'IVE PRICES $51'1 Cuti d!.11or take foretgn l--------1
H.B. Aait tor Bill. . PlWI' <I-'CC-5678 c rt F •ut L el car In Ind•. Will fine pN< . CONTINENTAL o ox ~ o .. ftl party_ LB TXJ 48-t, -4!M-S7'13 , -------I . __ ......,. a , ~ %M W. Coast Hlchwey ..... iu" ...,~4 • -
9j001,,.,..,_ ~-· ~ N.,....-t Beach 642-8440 i-iii~!!i!~ii!iiii!iiiill 1'63 HARDTOP ~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, .
BWE c AIP earu~, ":.:~'"...i
Uiod Cars AUTO SALES leather intono• sms. m,,.,
CAR Sill
~ t>roblem 1' SM UI fur
'53 Chevrolet, 6 eyL
• S99
Zl.45 Harbor, Cost:i. f\leaa
GIVE )'Our wife all the 5110b
appeal In the 'l\'Ol'td for
$1100. 1962 Con~nental. air,
good CQ]ldltlon. 67J..23'!1
!meant dollvocy, [OW•""• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I\ CORVAIR
euy tenns, We decide on ·66 EL C&mino 396 engil'lt!, iiiiiijiijj!iiiijjii!!iiiiiiiil """""'"L c:.u "'"""" 1n ' .,... •tld< "'"'· smo. BLUE CHIP '°""'. Ray Cvey °'"""' Sia., "'4
54Q..4391 s.-Coul Hwy, Leauaa. AUTO SALES BLUE CHIP ,,._.,, ..
AUTO SALES 62 CHEV ln\pola SS. Rill. '61 Corvalr. ·2-door, oharp! 21~ Harbor, Oona-~ Very clean, $695.. $399 WE PAY CASH FOR • ..._
• El Dorados • Calais
• Coupe de Villes • Sedan de Villes
AU Carry New Car
· 5 Year or 50,000 mile Warranty
Yet11s Vacation
FOR OR NOTI ·~E~~·e.'::~~;';: 1145 5'40.:.i3't2M"" 1150 SOUTH COAST HIGHWAY
------m-2238 . LAGUNA BEACH
•• •
He Ptirch1_H N1c.1111ry
15300 Beach BIYd.
BUICK Chev '64, Imp......,, 327, '65 CORYAIR MONZA
ak. rad, good·rond.11088 Cpe. Auto, R&H, •ilv<r bl"" 494•1084 • 547•3103 * · '66 BUJCK Riviera, ruu * 567661 * melaJic w/ma.tchtnc interior.
equipped. ImmaC1Jlate CM-'61 COR van. reblt enc il NBZ953. $750
dltion. Call &44-2441 clutch URmbly, c I e • n .
II lOIJlt AD 1!I Cl.WI· Good ""~ """ "'"2933 JOHNSON & SON
n1%1f ::U.1www wlD bt DAILY P1l.DT WANT ADS Uncoln-Meh::u.ry
iOoldnr b' IL 1>&al MU6'7I. Alwaya a Go-Go! 1941 Harbor Blvd. &42-'1050
. .
68,972 HOMES EAat WEEK •
Groth Chevrolet's
Th_! rains came and customers stayed away
in droves! We've got to move these fine
cars and haye drastically re¢uced prices in
order to do so!
1965 IMPALA WC19on
V-8. power glide. t;leer., air, loaded
with extras. OSX 986.
1964 IM,ALA 4 D-
v .s. power glld~. pwr. steer., rJr.
sparkling blue in color. UJC 489.
19'5 FORD C-500
v.s: automatic, power steering .
NRB 983. Weekend Special.
1961 IM,ALA Cos-Coup<
V-8, power glide, steering. rectory
11.ir. bucket M"ata. VTI' 810
19'3 CHEVROLET 4 -
V-8. power glide, steering, factory
air. VAL 301.
1964 l'LYMOUTH
4 door. V-8, automatic. power
l'tttrina. air. nrc 691
1'64 IMPALA Sport C..pe
v.a, power 11~~.JIDwer steering, factory air. JL.w 442
196' CAPRICE Coupe $I "'99 V-8. poWtt gilder, power 1leerihg. "I
SPO S43. •
11211 Beach Blvd.-Hunt. Beach !Hwy. 39)
545-llU-Opon 7 Days 'Tll t P.M.-M7"83t
' '
• ..
' ' ..
,. ,. ... # ' ..
. • •'
----· --. OVER 80 QUALITY ·AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT fROM .....,---,-...,------'---....,., .•
' . " ' -
. I
., ' -~ . ' 1' ........ •• ..
A beautiful 'Chetlnut bro\.\TI automobile With aancllewood
lop and matchinf cloth and Jeat:tier 1nter1Qf, Hu"all the ' popular· power features including power steerinR, power
I brakes, power WindOWI, po\Yer seat, ft.elOt'y afr Condi• I tlon plus premium tires. This lovely cer has been· driven , very fe-w mlles and ill in exCellent condlt.lor .. (0117)
19'9 FORD
Shov.•room ff'ftih with only 2600 mil.es, Lux--
urlous LTD Hardtop Coupe finishf'd In metal-Jlc gre<'n \vith black padded top and pllllh black bri>cade ®luxe interior. Full power,
factory air conditoning. Stereo AM-1'Jl.f Multi '.flex. All deluxe interior. <XIT 421)
SALE PRICED '--------
CouJ?!! DeVille. ThlJ ma.i•Uc tuxedo black Cadillac with white leather interior has al-
most all of the deluxe features that Cadillac
ia famous for including" Power steering. power
brakes, ~wer sea.ti and poWtt windows. Aho
h81 Ca nae factorY,; ·air condllionlna. You
must dr ve this one. ~(JRH532) .
1966 BUICK
c u.tom 1.esab" < Doo• hudtop. s,.,.•unc 1966 CADILLAC
teal blue wilh-matc~I!terlor. i'~-air -j-~--,,,·~hat ls abaolutely iOr&:eous.
condltlonlna:. automatic transmiision, power. .Finl&hed ln SPMlih Silver with matchin&:
steering, power brakes, radio, btater, etc. clo.th and leather interior, fully power· ac-
Truly a.. .fine automoblle that ml.lit be seen cented. with powe.r steering-brakes-wndaws-
nnd driven to appreciate its fine value! CSIW· • seats-door locks, AM-FM ridfO; auto. crul£e
499) control, premium white aide wan tires and
SALE $1888 PRI~ lactocy m condl$tl2onJnr9.91a9GN297.'
This lovely Sedan'' OeVille has aO poitular
poWcr assists including power steering; pov.·e1·
brakes power \vindows, power seat and Cad ·
lilac's famow factorY air conditlonina:. This bcaut:llul automobUe 'has been very carefully
drlyen and shows only the finest of care by .
its previous owner. 14445)
SALE $3777 PRl~E
1967 JAGUAR MKll ..
1966 THUNDERllltD
TI1e 19Ql'IY 2 door hardtop ii ,fully equipped
with µov.·er steerliia. power brakes, power
v.·indow1, power seat and Ford's famous fac-
tory air conditlonin&. A beautiful satin silver
. exterJor with black vinyl jnterior. Must be
seen and driven tO fully appreciate! CRnJ-
SALi $2222 PalCI
.. . ~~ .'
HAS Tt:,tE
IN 1
' '· r :.•• f •
\C'OiWt.DeVUle, Beautlful Jlol:oq\.M! GokJ·wUh ~.cloth
leather interior. Thl1 'car la Ocepti°"'1b' equJpOM with
factocy. air condJUoq.ln&._1.po~r 1teepna.. ~er_ 1n.lw.
power aeatl, power windowz, tilt wheel, lloor ~ ll&ht
sentinel Stereo J\M·FM r.ad1o. (VEW 556) ';.,..
FleetwOOd BtoUgh.lm. Ma.its.tic r'aal silver ~th black ~ded top and blac~ ~try and
leather inbirlor. All ~I 1teerlna:
brakes. window&, vent windows truck Jld re-
leue. Stereo n.dlo, tilt and telHcoplc4'teer-in.& .wheel plus factory air conditloniria. (UKV µ9) •'
.• SAU $4333 PRICI
The po~edan DeVllle model finished in lo~})< with. blac.W~-vtn.YI top and
blaei: leather terlor. Hu power ateerin&,
power brakes, power wind~ tilt stee'rln&: wheel, AM-FM radio and factory air condl-
tionin&:. Tb.is ii '-bea\ltitul automobile that II
prlcid for a quick, l&le. (NQX5lt)
. SALi $2333 ra1C1 . . . .
. ' .
Hardtop Muxe. Emerald lfttn·uterior wttb' rreen cloth interior. ·Full ~•incl~ power •~r. PQWft' bralia, power '
dowt, Ult· ateerlna wheel, factory air
Honinr. LOw""'tnfieage and u.olutel)< ~
ous tbroushout. ($VX120) ·~I
1964 CADILLAC t,
Coupe oeville. Stunnln.-•old . ..,_ wlt!i I
11:old cloth and J.eetber lnteriol' and ~'
Vieyl top. Hu JIO"'.tl' at.eaina, powft' ~
-· wlndowa and ol cooneDi:""7 al< -dltiOntna. Lovely car. (RirJ53) ~ -·
SW $1777 PllQ
l 96"B EL DQilDO .
Th• ..... DODUlar' El Dando. l'lnllblll In -00"'1 1olof With bel1• podded root· and iolol ' tnte~or~. TUt Wh!fI1 ~er, ·~ ~ A very sporty hardtop that Is flnlatred In brake:1, power WUXIOWJ, ' se,t, pow.,;
1Hver with black all vinyl bucket seat Ip-. vent wtndowa, poWtr ,.l)d. nleUt, Sterftli'1 ttrlor. Fully loaded includin1 Bl& VS tuklrie, , AM-FM radio, and tnar:i)'' m~· 'l' powc trl-power 4 1peed uansm.l.sslon, power sfeer-features lncludln& cadi~ ~
in&:, p0v•er biakes, rad.lo and heater. Factory Uonina:. Better get ht?e ftrat. ( ) -~ '!
THESE CAPIUAd All£ All :!;..°n~~~~·· You won't want to -lhla ' $ALI $6222 n.C.
SPECIALLY PRICED SALi $1999 raic1 1967 RMERA "
•3.8 Sedan. Arctic ..,.,•hite exterior wrui black leather intrelor. Fully ~uipped with .'a""uto-m1,Uc tra~miulon, power steerin~':"".AMmt· ndfo, chtOh'le \Vi~ v.•heels, less thib 2t 000
mnes and h a lc¢al_ one av.Tier ·~~ 'Je.
Now '1963.-CADILLAC , ,,.,.an ~rt Love]]'-· -~ '960 MERC.EDES BE.,.. ' · ,. w1t&'b11ii:•a11 -11ntmar:RM ~~ ., n• . · ' Thll Is a Hardtop """"" lhaH1 sold In col,. ,. bill..~ b.-a1<11, _.. -Ult 1 ~opuLu 190 SL R .. i!li.r with both to ... • FqR. T)t;llC: SA~E ,,0, N, L-Y with bell' 1i>p .. d "'"' clolli and • l,.t11'1'l' Inc ·~1. ,pecW blah Jfyle <lnn S weed tran11mWlon. radio and hea~ pltis ,r: T et interior. Hu autorn--~lon ~ J ~~l~..coune ~ air CODlll
!many oth~ deluxe.ii. M.llll •ell'this one ~-~ 11S TO 1· •· 1., ft' 1t~~~er, bra.kit,;. radio and be& 'Thlii' motille shows the flDat d . '1Dr a,Jow, Jaw price. ~ • ~>ft'"'IV aDd air ~tio~g. (MlN7C&) , .-• Ill 01mer. MJJrt' tee. ( :·:,1,·~-·: .. '¥Li,'$ I. 5$i:~1c:1 . J • .•.. ' ·~ t> · ~ ,. .. · .} ". ~·$ ·~ii1cai._~:~·~ '.. ~; . ALE PRICED
.JXS.103.lt • ... . SALE . PRICE
~------r-,......_----SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN.._,. ___._...,......_, -'------'-_.____----'-.,......<.....,..' .-
sAL'E Pl\JCES EFFECTIVE TfiROU&tj TUESDAY, MARCH 4, lf~t;-:'° · ,j.f'f . "1
I .. ' 8_:30 AM,_ to 9:00 PM MQ.NDAY thr1,1 F~l.~AY -9:00.AM t~ 6'.00 PM ·~~lU~~f'Ya ~d ,S~l\t!D1
F •
Your Factory A11t1thorfzecl Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast ·Harbor Area
2600 IJarhor Blvd.,_ Costa Mesa
' 540-9100 ·
9900 Uood O.ro · · · ,· : 9900 lhotl C.. ---·
. ..
CORVETTE -------·I OLDSMOllLE . PL ™Q"1°H, · , · PONTIAC:~ •
_ uiii· Eiiiiiiiii=,iii~pii' iiii l·rr PLY. Vllll&ht :200: g C)t. 'rt' Hlliili ......... ,
'66 CORVETI'E FB. 321, Fac-
tory air, power slide, full
pov.·er. Sebrl~ silver. SVJ-•11. "Mister T'
645-14.t.I 2100 Harbor
·~ CORVETTE H.T. '1327"
4 speed. 9IXIO miles. Like
new a4ec bronze. WWY!l4
·"Mister T'
645-1441 2100 Harbor
'63 CORVE'(TE F.B.P.G. 327
Low mlle1. Saddd tan with
matching inlerio VLT.f43.
"Mister T"
~1441 2100 Harbor
'60 CORVETJ'E, Mpeed, 327.
map, lharp, buttemuU yel-
l<>"', black Interior. Lie.
"Misfer T'
645-1441 2100 Harbor
'86 {l)R\TM'E HT. "427" .f
speed . .f35 ltP, Headers, blk:
w/bD: Interior. SWV946.
''Mister T''
645-14'1 2100 Harbor
''8 CORVETTE lIT "ar' 4
speed, 1aw miles. rally red
wtth blk interior. URf251
"Mister r •
&U.1441 2100 lfarbor
POR'l\JNI'rll3 blfe bHq
dlKovmd In O..llled •""
,,.,, bod< .. -°" -DOrtunld•" HOWi
1962 CORVETTE Convt·tos-.
Xlnt cond. 60,00J orl& m1'
$1695 owner. ~2567 '
' • • •
L ee 4 Dr. 1e:ooftin: Still' under . N ...,_,..,.A'•' .>·· ' e ·~ "f\.• AUTO SALES worranty; practloally now. ' ·IMMACui.An:1 .,;
l1800; ~121 Vl,--·1n1 .. Aadci trans. "lO lo ma...,
'62 CMa 1'-85, automatic.. $99 -
21'5 I-Tarbor, Colt.a Mesa
.. -
e , • •
~. . .. •
-HADOll:DODOlr -·
""' ""'" --·. ' "· 'fYCN 1'm • .-. -..• ·--'"911t
• 1, ' lt:_
~:s_t ~•s,-
rAY(ll(llJ• •2.011' . TOTAL ~!11,1 , ..
· -----+ TAX i-IJClllSI
VCHEV -.........a. c.ttlM r-.v.,, ..,,_..._.,.,, ,_.,_....,. $19· ....,.....8_8~ ·~ '""'''''"f6j Dn~
.· · W~ ..... -$67 Mo.
m~~ _ _ Sl_t Dn •• .,:.y .. _.. $19 M ' o.
' I
_ V.I_ 2-Door ·lflidtap
• • ' . ---
' . .; ' . . J .
-· Ftclen All' CONDITlo+llHG. ~ m•!k. tr~•. rMllo a. htelir. fl.Ill ;· ~-~$29bn .
• !Ji"'"-$29 Mo.
ri;:~, ,=z ---lfld " ......
~r.N-· . -543 Dn.
+r'u .. ~. $43 Mo.
' "'I""' W91.__ llH'lo ...... ,_. -.. tfre. CVJT»ll .
Iirg $40 Dn.
+'t~&Ltc. $40 M o. '
. ' '
The Agonies at;td Triumphs Her Lif efime Fight . . 41ow We're ~ghting the
· . Of a Flight Nurse . · Against Stardom · · Rising Tide of Bank Robberies ..
Ask Them Yourself
Hotc1 .... ,.,. ,..._. are
Ila.ere IA ale. F~ B_...P
'" •""' roo• tlU 10• ·~"" MIMI of J'OIU ~1
-Mr• • ..4. M. IA•krl,
Roae, Co.
e The White House haa 132 rooms. I
spent most of my tjme working in a small
11tudy off my bedroom. It has a beautiful
view of the Wuhing1on Monument and
Jefferson Memorial.
FOR ..4LDEN BERBER, chief txtcu·
tilJI', f!oy Scouts o/ America
Flud Jamily laoU. IM
record /or ho~i111 lhe
1no•I Ea1~ Sco•H•?-
R. D., Laiu;aNr, Ptt.
e As far at1 wt know, 1he record for
Eagle Scouts in one family is seven.
jointly held by the following families:
the W. D. Neal family (all son~ I of
Lancaster. S. C.: the Raymond V. Bot-
tomly family (all ison11) of Helena, Munt.;
the Reed Warntr family (father and aix
sons I of Salt Lake City, Utah.
FOR JOHN HOLDEN, t11 make-11p u ·
11u1 /or a11ima/1
fJ'hal la 11'.e -..1 tlificull
Job /or an ortlM4tl •alce-
up man?-1,.. M. Kau~
Rnpid Cily, S. D.
• As th~ make-up man on .. Dalttari,'' I
found the· mot1l difficuJt problem is dull-
ing do"n tht shiny 11pot1 on the variout1
animal~' coatt1 80 they do not glare undtt
the lights and reRecton.
FOR AL K...4LINE, uu1forlJtr.
lJnroit f i«l'TS
Dtw• a #HueboU player gel
Au choke U. .euclini a
ani/orm . n,u1nlier?-Tom
Coo~r. K.in1•porl, TelUI.
e He un with the Tiger11, al leal!t-pro.
vided thf' number iii not already being
ui.ed by 11notht'r µlayer. When Ro.:ky
Colavi to Wll" with the Tiger~ for in-
11tance. hr wort: numbt:r 7. That wa11 the
numher Charley Drett!4<'n had always
worn, hut when ht' l,lecame manager of
the Tiger11. he didn't gtt number 7 until
1ther Colavito hud l~en lradt'd.
FOR LIS..4 HUGHES, uctrn1
Do you OMJft aU Ila# elodefll•
you H>ear on dae ~lnuio• ' 1hoto, ••,4 • '"e r orl4
Turn."~-MarU.A lAU&fe,
P rila.ce ton,, I U.
e Y n. I buy my own t•lothes and wear
them on the 11hfiw.
Yetuaru Adminutrtlllon
If ' ... ,. la lllaelMirfM
fro• lftiUlary •~"'iu •/·
~r a •Mrl Ii~, r~h>inf
an, honoi-able .U.Cltar1e
on 111e4knl or olher 1rourul., mny
~ e11joy Ille lfl~ rifhu and pri11i-
le1e• •• H~rt1ru?-M. Picken,, Lo•
Aft6eu1, Coli/.
e A man releaaed from a short term of
mmtary aervire" with other than a di14hon-
orab)e discharge may he eligi~ll" for tlit'
varioll! benefits and riRht" of vdt'rll"tj.
If the di11charp:r is a mrdiral onf'. it would
depend UI"'" "'h,.thc>r rh,. di11ahiJity wall
incurred in the line of duty or not. If
. tMre wf'rf' other rf'al"lnl'. 1hr matter would
havr to hf' judtred on an individual basis.
oJ •lassar/1u~et1.1
Could you plea# ex-
p1a;,. hotci Soci.Gl Security
N1orlu?~Mr1. Etlt11arJ
Zeni, Indianola, OldA.
e E.~ntially, Social Security i,.; 11 nation-
al ~ystem of insurance 1>aid by mol't
KB.laried employtt's in thi~ country. Once
the individual retire.-. he know!l that he
may draw on !hi" fund for a,.. long as he
live14 and that hit< devendent:i may l>ene-
fit from it a" well. The important thing
aliout the fund i11 ih11t the money iii there
for those who need.
11 il lriu you Ultrn.ed l.o
piny 0 lftWkal i ... lruMelll
tltrou1la a correapo•
.knee aclaool1-JU.. ..41oa-
lino, Nia1oro FalU, N.'Y.
• My father owned an old accordion, a
family heirloom, and the instrument faa·
cioated me as a young chiW. Wblle 1 wu
recu~rating .from an illnea, be allowed
me to play the instrument and later
bought me a mail-order accordion. But I'm
self-taught, playing completely ••by ear."
('Oamttirs t'JCflffl
If' ltnt is the be•I nd11ief" /ur
•ltin C'flrf' (be•iJf'1 dea"1~ ru>•• anti prorr tli#il) nl
a1e 40?-Mrt. ROMtMnry
Mawr, Ab,rJ"""• S.D. e I I Avoid t'lh"t'"-"ive <lrinkiu~. which
dullt1 the l'<>mplnion ; 21 1m1id tht i<un,
which thickens the iokin and make11 ex-
Jires,.ion line" dttlJC'f: 31 h11ve a regular
nercL~ program to improve t ir<'ulation;
4) if you have dry 11kin. it may be necell·
s.ary to uae a night 1·rum c·ontaining oil-
and humet"tants.
w ... , •• Mil • 1-pnwon a qwat&o.f Y-e.11 tll,....ta .. '-eol11m1t, ... we•n pt
•IM aMWft' f,.. llw llf'Oftohae-at pttMe ,... de. .... te. Se.. 4antleR, 91ttferabl7 -a
poet f'aMI, .. A_. n-Yo11rMtf, Fa•lty Wttld,y, 641 IAJdlljJt°" A•e., N-Y«li, N.Y.
10022. Ye H.-t Mk-•W.«' .-.. .... , Ml S5 wlU !lot' paW for euh -~·
This Ghost Stoys Oiohn Williams~the "un-
lcnown"-·up for the tirie role in "Myra 8redten-
ridge," her competition being Liz Taylor and
Anne lcmaoft-doesn't like ghosts tramping
through her house. "tt hod been Elke Sommer's
and up for sole cheap," the furmer Ford model
explains, "because of the ghost. All I know
about it is that the ghost is o man, and he
makes noises llke a raccoon rattling around a
. garbage con. He drops things and slams doors.
A lot of ghost specialists have Insisted on com-
ing in and studying. it, and Hans Holzer wanted
to exorcise it. But I prefer my privacy, and so I
made peace with the ghost. t don't bother him,
and he doesn't bother me." Diohn William•
Whfat Was That Address? While
conSfrUdion costs ore flying out of
sight, the building-moving business is
booming. At a cost of $125,000, a
four-story, •;200-ton hospital clinic was
moved an inch a minute, 29 feet 2
inches, to. malce room for new construc-
tion, without disrupting elevator or util-
ity service-or its pharmacy. Movers in
Los Angeles are bidding to move a
295-by-300-foot hangar, and, in Phila-
delphia, on 11 -story office building.
Most movers believ.e they could even
"move the Empire State building. The
hardest port is the paperwork and get-
ting the f*'l!'its."
Pet Facll' lost year's fad pet, the
gerbil, ii now "out." The toy company
which changed the image of the mouse-
lib gerbil from just a lab animal to a
beJowed houtehold ~t reports that this
Is this a pet?
year's "In" pet is the hermit tree crab.
Why? "8ecoute it's clean, active, eats .
little, doesn't reproduce In captivity,
and ho"o cUte little walk." So if you
pNfer your pets to be the latest model,
toke o hermit ta your heart this year-.
My Brother, the Doctor Since the
13th century, there hQs been a physi-
cian in the Roman family of Enz.o Ce-
rusico, costar of ~BC's "My friend
Tony." In fact, cerusico means surgeon
in Italian. Rather than tamper with
CoJfors Jomes Whitmore,Enzo C.wico
sacrosanct tradition, Enzo did start med
school. "But I quit. t wos the black
sheep," he admits. "1 wos already in-
volved' in acting. My brother Naz-
zoreno was studying enjineering, but
I penuoded him to toke over. Now
he's a mouth surgeon." Would Enzo
use his brother's medical services? "No,
I don't trust him."
Hypnotism-S.rious lusiMH There
should be a law against entertainers
using hypnosis, say Or. Frederic;k P.
Zuspan and Erika Fromm. ''The psychot-
ic or prepsychotic person is in danger
of being overwhelmed by his unconsci-
ous mind. A hypnotist ideally should
know something about medicine, psy-,
chiatry, and psychology.'' Night clubs,
take note.
Family~ ••••' ...... • ·· Marelt !, 1911
LIOIM8 L DAV.OW ,..,.....,
wMm c. Dll'llUI ~ o.-.u."'
JOllf'lt I. IMZP910 S..... A4~ Ila_,.
~ L IPAID W--A~ 11-..r
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Fainily ~/March 2, 1fJ69 ·--..
How -we Are .Fighting th
Money enclosed in tear-gas wrappers, hidden cameras, mock robberies-these are
some of the new prevention techniques designed to make our banks .,qe
I N ~~HV1LLE, ~enn., two
gunmen strolled into the
Fh'st American N atlonal
Bank, sprayed blinding chem-
ical Mace into the faces of
every employee and customer,
then escaped with $169,950.
In Northlake, Ill., three masked
gunmen robbed a bank of $88,000
and fired such an int.enS'@ barrage of
bullets from their submachine guns
that they killed two policemen and
wounded two others-be! ore two of
them were shot.
1 n Seabrook, Md., three armed men
forced 16 of the Equitable Trust
Company's employees and customers
to lie on the ftoor while they emptied
the cash drawers. Then they threw
a tear-gas grenade into the bank and
drove o1J at speeds of up to 110 mph
for 11 miles before police shot out
their tires and captured two of them.
Violent Incidents from the Roar-
ing 20s? A typical day in t he lives
of Bonnie and Clyde? Not at all I
Bank robberies such as these now
occur an average of 10 times every
weekday in the.U.S. Another statistic
underscores this disquieting trend:
robberies of banks and savings-and-
loan associations rose an astonishing
278 percent between 1957 and 1967
and la.st year nearly doubled over the
previous year. The increase in bank
robberies is five times higher than
the nationwide rise in all other types
of serious crime.
Specifically, a bank in Oxon Hill,
Md., that was equipped with new,
sophisticated a_larm systems was
robbed so many times (six) in a
two-year-period that 1) its employ-
ees eventually refused to work any
longer; 2) many customers withdrew
their deposits; 8) the insurance com-
pany cancelled its coverage of the
bank; 4) as a result, the bank wu
forced to close.
This bank is not an isolated ex-
ample. Branches of the Bank of
America in San Francisco have been
robbed with such alarming frequency
that ·the bank now purchases full-
page newspaper ads offering $1,000
rewarda for information leading to
the arreat and conviction of any of
it.I "ftve most-wanted bank robbers."
4 Far1til11 Wukly, March I, 1111
Asking why men rob banks bu Noetra," was recently sentenced to haul of ,5,95ttteieh.
been futile since Willie Sutto11, ·the 50 years in prison following bis con-There was little similarity, tboashi.
master bank robber, explained, "Be-viction for mi.sterminding six bank in the FBI'a techniques of ideqt)..
cause that's. where the money ia!" robberies in New York, Maasacbu-tying ~nk robbers and reeoftrinc
But th~re is reasonable agreement setts, and Utah. $2,7i5,216 stolen from banb in ftllca1
among law-en!orcement pel'80nnel on By contrast, the novices have in-year 1968. Conaider the cue that
one reason why bank robberies have eluded a 21-year-old barefoot man began when a man wearU., a ttoek-
multiplied. The numbeT of 1uburban who wore Bermuda aborts as he ner-ing over bis f.ce robbed & dri'fe..in
banks and branch offices have dou-vous\y robbed a bank in Delaware: bank in Council Blu«a. 1.,.., and
bled in th~ taat 10.tDH: Sucli"Bmu;r~ear:oT~riiioner-"Wlio~--iett. .. ilh-$12,.61R.Jli.:L.hr.own abop-
which account for 4-0 percent of all an Eastern bank of $3,637 and left ping bag. An FBI agent detected a
bank robberies, are structurally es-in a ~b: and two college stuaents resemblance between the .teecrlption
tbetic but often more vulnerable to and th'eir girl friends who took $69, of the robber· and Stev~n Orval Stiles,.
armed bandits. 441 from three banks ·before being a convicted car thief and e9C&pee
furthermore, it is eaaier for apprehended. f rohl a Federal penitentiary.
would-be robbers to "cue" these What type of person is committing The Fii'• suspicion 'WU beight-
banks, then ..park their automobiles the vast majority of these robberies? ened the next mornin1 wben 17 ftn-
and subsequently escape onto an un-As FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover gerprints matching thoee of. StiJes
crowded six-Jane s~perhighway. maintains: "There is no single per-were found on ahopping bags inside
At the same time, however, armed son we could point to and say he a stolen automobile that had been re-
robbers have intensified tlleir assaults is a typical bank robber, just as there covered. A review o! Stilet' back-
on banks located in the most congested is really no typical bank robbery or ground, meanwhile, showed· tnat he
downtown areas. FBI statistics show method of aolution." enjoyed being a big spender in·Oma-
that, in one 12-rhonth p~riod, 586 A Nti'MH'koble uniform profile of ha, his home town. Interviews With
bank robbers apparently sensed that bank Tobbers' working habits, clerks and cab driven confirmed this.
r.oads were too crowded and simply though, has emerged from th,FBl's Furthermore, one driver said he took
walked away from the banks that study of 2,200 recent bank robberies. Stiles to an apartment houae.
they robbed. Four such robbers es-Most bank robbers are men between The building's au~rintendent said
caped on bicycles or motorcycles, two the ages of 26 and 36 who, in 53 that a man who "sounds llke your
(luickly abandoned their panel truck percent of the cases, prefer to wor~" fellow" did have a small apartment
and eacaped by motorboat. One even alone and, in 75 percent of the rob-and bad telephoned that he would
used the subway. beries, walk into a bank between 10 "wire the rent the first th1ng toiqor-
A sec'Ond reason for the_ increase a.m. and 2 p.m. on a Friday, wearing row morning." By ·this time, FBI
is the unprecedented emergence of ' either sungluses, phony mustaches, agents had learned that a man malch·
both organized criminals and "ama-or ski maaks as dis1;nBM. Almost ing Stiles' description had purchased
teurs" as bank robbers. John "Sonny'' 65 percent oL the robbers are armed a plane ticket to Los Angeles. Where.-
Franzese, for example, who the FBI with pistols, and 86 percent of them' upon,-FBI agents hid iii every West-
calls "a ranking member of the Cosa leave with money-with an average ern Union office in Loa Angeles and
· arrested Stiles within five hours. He
. was convicted of bank robbery and
sentenced to 15 year~ in prison.
Stories of FBI investigations such
aa this are legend. But what is being
done to stop bank· robberies f>ef<We
they take place?
l>erhaps the most succeufu\ method
of reducing them bas beeQ for police
to urge'bank employee. to report any
suspicious-looking person aeen in the
vicinity of a bank. Simply consider
the results of such a report in down-
town Washington, D.C. Two patrol-
men used the ••atop..and·friak" law
to question three "auspicioue-look-
ing" men as they appr09thed tM in-
dependent Savinp and Lo9a A-.:
ciation and arreated them for llle:pllJ
carrying three .Slkaliber re.olftn
and a tear-pa run.
84"4tt i..ti#lid.ate• tuto.Mr i• Atlat1t.a robbery t01t.U:1' utted. "'ore tM." $61,()()(). Even more protective Aepl are be-
By E
Avthor ot
ing tak4
ing the
to' revie,
to .robtM
glus on
lowed S
seek clu
to restr
and, ei1
are she
miglit p
his wea
ho'!, if
note a1
FBI in
tear gae
clear pl
by tellE
the moi
when it
B01iak Robbery Boom
Av~ of '1Mlde IMemol .... _ .. and "The ,ol_d Ivy''
ing taken-inside banks. The Federal
Reserve Board. for example: bas just
stipulated that any new vault con-
structed· within a bank under its
jurisdiction must have doors con-
structed of special "drill and torch
teaiatant materials."
Many banks are auddenly augment-
ing their aecurjty systems by 1 )
employiq more armed uniformed
guarda with tbejr revolvers plainly
visible; 2) biriq former FBI agents
to review tbell' security meaaures and
determine ~ow vulnerable they are
to .robben: 3) keeping only a small
amount of currency in the tellers'
drawera; 4) installing bulletproof
glus on tellers' windows.
Such banks, moreover, have fol -
lowed J. Edgar Hoover's advice that
neal'ly all ban.ks are thoroughly
"caaed" before they are robbed, and.
therefore, employees should be
trained to~ watch for "loiterers and
suapicious-Jooking individuals who
seek change or attempt to open small
aavinp accounts and even uniformed
workmen who don't offer proper iden-
tification when they request access
to restricted._ bank space."
I.:aw-enforcement agencies have en-
couraged many banks t-0 stage mock
robberies in order to alert tellers to
the aodu openattdi of actual bandits
and, aipiftcantly, what to do if a
ban.k..robbery doea occur. -~mployee.a
are ahoWn bow ~ give a robber
"bait" money in 1Vhich the serial
numbers have been recorded without
taking an unnecessary risk that
might provoke the bandit into firing
his weapon. Then, while obeying a
robber's orders, employees are taught
how. if poesible, to keep the robber's
note and observe facial fe,atures,
clothing, and any scars or unusual
markings that would help police or
FBI in identification.
A van.ty of implements that eject
tear pa are being installed, too. Some
smaller banks already use mon~y
wrappers that discharge tear gas.
Another new device being used is
clear plaatic vialaJ!tidden in money
wrappers that. if" secretly oroken
by t.ellers during a robbery, cause
the money to emit a sickening odor
when it is carried outdoors.
After the chemical was used in a
robbery of $1 ,600 from a West Coast
Teller tripp«I Iii""" noitch for photo of t1'ia 1"obber i" Holrolu, Moat .
bank, the two robbers' cetaway car
smelled so badly thit they abandon~
it and ran. Though the men were not
immediately caught, bank officiala
maintain that the money "smells so
awful that it will never be spent."
Furthermore, Congres8' new Baok
Protection Act, and subsequent or-
ders on Jan. 6, 1969, by four Gov-
ernment agencies, will require all
Federally insured banks and' uvings-
and-loan aaaociations to take certain
protective steps that, surprisingly,
had not always been done: ·
1. ln11tall, repair, and maintain
equipment that can secretly notify
police if a robbery occurs during
banking hours or if someone breaks
into a building at night. Many bank
officers assumed their burglar alarma
functioned properly-until they were
robbed! After the banka were robbed a second time, police frequently found
that the banks hadn't connected the
alarm after the first r obbery.
2. Use lighting devices that will
>illuminate lobbiee and entrances to·
vaults at night.
3. I natall cameras that photograph
anyone who walks up to a bank tell-
er's window.
Although such pbo\ographic equii>-
ment doesn't necesaarily frighten
away all bank robbers, it has brought
legal dividends when the bandits have
been apprehended. Take, for example,·
the recent cue of 2'7-year-old Ray-
mond Clardy who entered a plea of
.. not guilty'' in a Boston court to the
charge of robbing the Suffolk-Frank-
lin Savings Bank.
Whereupon. the prosecutor re-
queeted permiasion to show a film
of the robbery. After Clardy watched
himself leave the bank with a pistol
in his right hand and a bag of money
in his left, he changed bia plea to
guilty and wu sentenced to a term
of six-to-ten years in Massachusetts
State Prison. •
Famil11 WHkl11, March I, J.9110 s
Can't read
a note
of music?
At Conn Organ, we've in-
vented something for people
just like you-people who
want t.o make music tDilAoul
a liletime of learning.
It's a completefy aut.oma tic,
visual playing guide called the
Conn "Show-Chord." It shows
you how t.o play basic organ
chords without the aid of a
bOok. With "Show-Chord," a...
~~--~ bekinner's
simplest melo-
dies enjoy a ............. ,,.
rich chord ac-
compani ment.
&.. ......... ~.You actually
..._,... ...... create music in
minutes, yet "Show-Chord"
never restricts or limits your
ability. It's like a built-in
teacher that Mlpa you gain
proficiency faster than you
ever imagined.
You'll find this amazing
Conn exclusive on Models 482
and 460 home spinet organs.
Both oft'ersolid state circuitry,
with such dramatic features
as a two-speed built-in Leslie
speaker system a.nd repeat
percussion. Both come in your
choice of popular decorator
Conn models start at $895.
Your Coon dealer can ar-
range convenient terms. And
even if you can't read a note
of music, we'll have you play-
ing familiar tunes in minutes I
Made by C. G. Conn ltd,. Elkhart. Ind.
WOfkfS llr19St lnllMlflctUrtr of i.td llld
ordltstrll imtruments ... siia 1175
CUP COUPO• AllD MAIL TODAY ,.----------------, GET BOTH raD:
1. Record of orran music,
"Caprice Capen 11."
2. N8'LbrocbUN, "Conn Orran
Decorator Handbook.''
Name ________ _
Clty _____ County'. __
State Zip __
MAIL TO DEPT. "'1-11
E1&1U..RT, lNDlANA ... ! .. L--------------...1
• I
I' I
I . .
Fine Bone China has
always been a prized
pofj9e88ion of collectors.
These superb roses are
made petal by petal in
exquisite bone china by
skilled ~rtisans with a
proud tradition of their
craft. Read how they are
now available to_ you
for an amazing low price
in this special ofter!
Long Stemme
Imagine, if you will, the most magnificent
roses you have ever seen capturd forever
in the exquisite, hand wrought beauty of
genuine bone china. It's a decorating mas-
terpiece! Working with proud artisans we
have combined the superb beauty of the
rose with one of the most pmed decorat-
ing possessions ever created-genuine
bone china. The result is almost unbeliev-
able. Each roee is so real it seems still wet
with dew ... and to it.s beauty is added the
valuable collector's quality of fine china.
Whether you choose to display them
individually in a bud vase or grouped in a
bouquet, they add an incomparable touch
to any setting. Unfortunately it is impos-
sible to capture their delicacy and glowing
color frOm the black and white illustration
here. Only when you see them in your
home can you fully appreciate their charm
and beauty.
Because each roee must be hand made,
supplies are limited, so we urge you tn
order now. Each china rose is approxi-
mately 7" in circumference (about the size
shown in the photograph) , and is mounted
on a 12" st.em with life-like, velvety tex-
tured leaves. Each rose is just $1.50 (less
in quantity) o~ full money back guar-
ant.ee if you are not absolutely delighted.
Hurry, order now, this offer will not be
repeated this season
• • ~ctit 1"9. c.t.l.t SWIM
~--------------------COLONIAL STUDIOS, DEPT. 88·27
20 Bal\k Street
White flaina, New York 10606
Pleaae send me the Bone China Roee for j
$1.50 (vase not included) on full money
!'Ua rantee iC I a m not absolut~Jy d elighte
(Please add 25<' po&tage and handlin« with ea
O $1.50 for 1 O $2.75 for 2 0 $4.00 for S
Encloeed ia $
City State Zip .
0 SAVE MORE! Order 6 Roees for just $7.
Extra Roees make a perfect gift. .'--------------------
•A. n
ning a1
If clam
sauce rt
2 cu
2 do ...
8 en
Yi cu
3 cle
2 ta
~ to
1. Brio1
a large
Add clat
shells a
2. Draii
the coolt
from sh
and set
3. Cook
water i
drain a:
4. Mean
and ga1
ring oc
5. Mix
bly. Ad
ually, w
Bring r.
Mix in
heat; d
6. Serv•
Clo.ma, noti11e to tM New England
Coaat, go into a. aauce for lingitin.e.
• A. mueb at home on our t.ble11 ae on thoee of New Englandere are
di11bes using native foods from Down Eaet. Modern teehn.iquet ln ean-
ning and bottling, f ~zing and 11hiwing make it eu"f to stoek our
shelves or f reesers with maple producta, eranberrie., JOO.ten, and
clame--to name only a few.
White Clam Sauce
for Linguine
If clam a11uce u one of your fa-
vorites, be wre to -double this
sauce recipe.
2 cupe water
2 doz. cherrystone clams,
wuhed; or 8ff note
8 oz. linguine !4 cu,p olin oil Yi cup chopped onion
!4 cap snipped parsley
3 clons rarlie, minced
2 tablespoons rerular all-
purpoee lour
~ to Yi teaspoon aalt
J. Briog the water to boiling in
a large saucepot or Dutch oven.
Add clams. Cover and steam until
shelJs are partially opened.
2. Drain, reserving l1h cups of
the cooking liquid. Remove clams
from shelJs; coarsely chop clams
and set aside.
3. Cook linguine in boiling salted
water as directed on package;
drain and keep hot.
4. Meanwhile, add onion, parsley,
and garlic to hot oil in a large
skillet ; cook about 3 min., stir-
ring occasionally.
5. Mix ln flour, salt, and a few
grains pepper; cook until bub·
bly. Add reserved liquid gra.d-
ually, while blending thoroughly.
Bring rapidly to boiling, stirring
constantly, and boil 1 to 2 min.
Mix in the chopped clams and
heat; do not boil.
6. Serve clam sauce on the lin-
guine. -' aertJinga
Note: Canned minced clam11
(three 7%-oz. cans) and the
drained liquid (about 1 Yz cups)
may be substituted for the whole
clams and the reserved liquid.
Cranberry-Apple Mold with
Lobster-Stuff eel Celery
4 cupe tranberry-apple drink
2 tableapoona (2 en•.)
unt&Yored 1elatln
Lobater-atulfed C«lery
(see recipe)
I. Sprinkle gelatin over 1 cup of
the cranberry-apple drink in a
heavy saucepan. Set over low
beat and stir until gelatin is com-
pletely dissolved.
2. Remove from heat and mix in
remaining cranberry-apple drink.
Pour into a 1-qt. mold and chill
until firm.
3. Unmold onto a chilled large
plate. Surround with crisp salad
greens. Spoon a ~narrow ribbon
of lemon mayonnaise (% cup
mayonnaise blended with 1 tea-
spoon grated lemon peel and 2
teaspoons lemon juice) over the
greens. Arrange stutfed ·celery
around salad mold between the
greens, radiating from mold to
edge of plate. 6 1ervin111
Lobster-Stufred Celery-Mix to-
gether 1h cup chopped cooked
lobeter meat and 2 to S table-
spoons of the lemon-mayonnaise
(see step 3). Diagonally cut stalks
of Pascal celery into twelve S-in.
lengths. Stuff celery with lobster
and garnish with a sprinkle of
grated lemon peel.
Famil11 Wetkl11, Marolt. I, 1969 7
· Mymanwasa
King-Size Problem .. ~·
(Conf essions of a big m an 's wife)
M• y HUSBAND is big and handsome-any woman
wouJd be proud to be seen with auch an escort.
l'vc_always en~~ces-withirbn. Except for
one thing-the clothes he wore never fit him correctly.
They weren't cheap clothes, either -my huahand
males a good living. They just weren't designed, pro·
portioned right for a man his sise. Most of the smart,
new styJes they're wearing didn't even come in h~ ai.ze;
bia shirts and slack.a were always skimpy, his jackets
never looked right and his shoes were juat not in style.
I tried going shopping for him myself-hut I'd just run
myself ragged, come home close to tears.
Then one day a friend showed me the new KING.
SIZE CataJog. It was a revelation! 96 pages crammed
with smart, stylish clothing and.shoes ... aweatera,
slacks and jackets -all specially designed for TALL
and BIG men! Inseams up to 42" ... neck.a to 22" ...
sleeves to 38" ... sizee to XXXL ! And the finest brands
-McGregor, Arrow, Manha,,an, Jantzen, Weldon.
Shoes in sizes from 10 to 16, widths AAA to EEE ...
including DuPonl Cor/ani; Hwh Pupp~s. Bata Floal-
ers and otltus.
Best of all, this beautiful full-color KING.SIZE
Catalog doesn't coat a penny. And every it.em
carries the famous KING-SIZE Money-Back
Guarantee, "You mu1t he completely satisfied
both BEFORE and AITER wearing, or you get
an immediate refund or exchange". Could any·
thing be fairer?
II your huahand (aon, brother, i>9yfriend ) has
the aame kind of King.Size problem, that prob-
lem it solved right now! Juat sit down and write
for the FREE KING-SIZE Ca~a )jVllen it
coma, you and your BIG and T man will
diacover how much FUN buying the right
clothes can be!
KING-SIZE Co. 2029 King.Sise Bldg., Brockton, Mass.
------------------, ne KJNG.SIZE eo. 1
2029 ~-Siae Bldg., Btocktoo, Mua.. I
C...-..: r. tind of~ fne .eore to ltore uable to find
..._ 1cw •J J11ia-. P1eMe Niia me "*'FREE ruJl.
Colen·, 96-pep Cataloc of Appa'U aad Footweer u.clu·
.ml7 tor Tall ud Bia Mee.
~~~ I
Cily S,.k Zip I
' . -·
·Can't sleep?
~: J!'!:•: ........ . ~l, ~,,. ! ,-t./
4 -·J .... .... , ,.;... i" 71 ~ • ~~-. ... ... • . . , . ,·
~ft.the ·
-• Relieves simple nervous
tension to bring
sound, restful sleep.
• Contains no barbiturates,
no narcotics.
• Not habit forming.
• No "morning after"
drugged feeling.
;>• H~dreds of sleep
\-inducing granules in
every Sominex capsule.
• No prescription needed.
"Change of Life"
Made Easier?
"J DEFINITELY w ANT this girl
fired. I can't work with her,"
Edith, a supervisor in a big com-
pany, clied hysterically to her de-
partment head.
"But why?" her superior asked.
"I won't discuaa it!" Edith exclaimed .
''You'll have to diecuaa it," aaid her bo88
"Two Q'irla have already left beca'uae of
you. What's troubling you!"
Edith calmed down enough to confess,
"I feel ready to explode. I'm only 42, and
~menopause has• already begun; you'.d
be pset, too." .
e department head, a kindly, charm-
i g woman of 50, smiled. She, too, wu in
her menopause, but wasn't suffering nor
causing anyone else to suffer. Why were
these two women ao different! Here' a
what new research has revealed about
menopause-and waya to eaae it:
Predicting: An early prediction of men-
opausal reactions is a relatively new dis-
covery. According to psychiatrist Edwin
Dunlop, director of re.search at Fuller Me-
morial Sanitorium, North Attleboro,
Maas., the way many women react is re-
lated to the ways they have adapted to
the problems of lite. Those who experience
a rocky menopause have already reacted
to life with great tension.
"They are often the club women, the
leaders in a community, the vclunteers, ..
Dr. Dunlop~aid at a symposium cospon-
sored by the Academy of Paychoeomatic
Medicine and &herinr Corporation, .. or
women at the prime of their careers ...
What they have in common ia that they
all J\ave a need to feel important. Their
ambitions and drive are self-centered.
By the time the menopause hu started
-the early 408 ~or some, lateT for others
~some of these women are likely to have
become aggressive, angry, defensive or-
equally difficult--eweet, suffering martyrs.
While the woman experiences a pro-
found psychological and physiological ad-
justment, the family doctor can be of
enormous help. The time to prepare emo-
tionally for menopause, theq, is long be-
fore it happens.
Hormones and Other Remedies: The
advancement of hormone-replac~ent ther-
apy is a menopause discovery which baa
made the change of life easier for numer-
('IUS women, overcoming many problems.
As the Information Center on the Ma-
ture Woman explain& the physiological
process behind menopause, the pituitary
gland "signals the ovaries that childbear-
I Familfb lVeeklr, Marolt I, 1111
ing time ia up and the ovaries atop pro-
ducing estrogen." Except for the rarely
fortunate woman, that once meant "abe
would soon Jose her figure, develop wrin-
kles, lose her sex appeai and femininity,
suffer hot and cold ftuhea, cheat pains._
and myriad other maladies attributable
partly to her fears and largely to her
diminished 4!strogen levels. Today's syn-
thetic hormones, individually prescY;ibed
by a physician, have been the answer to
many of these problema." .
Dr. Sherwin A. Kaufman of the New
York University School of Medicine re-
porta a study of 200 patients using es-
trogen-replacement therapy= 98 percent
achieved lasting freedom from hot flashes;
95 percent from sweata; all showed relief
from vaginal irritation.
Psychiatry : Some aspects of the meno-
pausal syndrome may have a psychological
and emotional basis only, requiring medi-
cation other than-or in addition to-
estrogen. Among these ""Y be a belief
that anf unfu161Jed hopes bid aspirations
are now Jost forever, accompanied by feel-
ings of worthlessness and irritability,
For those women whose emotional reac-
tions are severe and persistent, short-term
psycbotherApy is· now recognized as bene-
ficial It can also help a woman come to
term.a with the panicky feeling of "the
closing of tbe gates" ( tnd 'of childbearing).
Edith's prob~m was in this category.
Fortunately, her understanding boss had
a talk with her and suggested treatment.
This woman, basically intelligent but un-
able to explain why she turned on her co-
workers, gained a new insight: she~~ al-
ways had-but covered U}>-'-a deep..aeated
resentment of the many women who
seemed to get more out of lite than she.
Self-understanding and medication com-
bined to make a new woman o.t'Edith.
For about 16 percent of American wom-
en, the menopause is relatively trouble-
free; simply t he beginning of a new as-
pect of living. And now t hat so much has
been discovered about menopause, it should
be easier for millions more.
Authoritative Family Health Guid a nce
Famil11 W11kl11 r1aa•r• dHirittg m1dical guid-
ance on liow to Mftdu all common f a.milt1
health nurrg~a 1110.v ae'fld for an 869-1>4'1•·
fact-filled book. '"tlu N.w Modent. Home
PAii~"·" Ma.ii $6.15 pbc• 354 ahippittg to
F. W. Book.a, D.,,t. A.U/6, Bor 707, Grand
Ce?ttral Station, New York, N .Y. 10017. Two
complete aete of a.1uitomical tnairtikin• rnclwde.d
Where to get
a wide selection of Grushoppers. an under $11.00:
Yum• Family Dept. Store
J. M. McOorvld Co.
Elllson's Eagleston'• Balboa Island
Wet Seal Boron Oyson's Burbank Al's Bootery Morey's Shoes Camarillo Earl Joseph Canoga Park Stevens Bootery Compton Kerr's Shoes Corona H1snson's Corona del Mar Hansen's Fashion Footwear Costa M11sa J. W. Relnert's Downey
Kerr's Shoes Tnrlfty Shoes
Escondido D'Aeosta Shoes Granada Hills Rancho Hill• Huntinaton Beach Wet Seal
Kernville Westerner Shop La Canada
Ivers o.s>t. Store l:amont
County Fair Clothina Lompoc
Linnett's Shoes losAnaeles Henshe)"s Dept. Store
Ivers Dept. Store lees Shoes
Marina del Rey S•ndpiper Sportswear
Montebello Youna's Shoes
"1orro Bay Moore's North Hollywood Rathburn's Dept. Store Northr~e Northridge Bootery Ontario
Bootery DKnard
Llnett's Shoes Paramount Bootery
Paso Robles Bob's Shoes
Paso Robles Mercantile Redlands Bootery Riverside Harris Company Henson's San Bernardino
Harris Company San Juan Capistrano
Second Boot San Marino
Eberle Shoes Santa Monica
Henshey's Dept. Store Sepulveda Norwood Jr. Bootery Sherman Oaks Monie's Shoes Solvang Jensen's
Solvang Shoes S\<lmar Young's Bootery Taft Bob& Vic ThouSM1d Oaks Chalk Talk Bootery The Bootery Ventura Paramount Bootery Westlake Westlake Bootery Whittier
Earl Douglas Shoes
Woodland Hiiis Woodland Hills Bootery Yucaipa
Denny's Casuals
las Vegas Vegas Villaae Shoe Store
A product of,
l I .
•asO Sizes: Small, Medium, Large, Ex. Large.
Now Available: tp Guaranteed Non-run.
~sin Panty and Girdle washes like a hanky.
Sizes 30-44. A · bl t · '-------------------' va1la e at your avonte store.
Rtaf..Fonn Girdle Company, Dt1t. F-1, 351 Fifth An., New Yon, N.Y. 10001
Ber Struggle
, A FT~ 10 years in show business, Petula
fi. Clark wanted to call it quits. The rigors
of the profession force many would-be stars
to do that. But Petula's case was unusual-
after all, she was only 1 "l'"then.
"I just wasn't getting along with people," she recalls .
...... :~B~u~J .. w§ILiJU.b.Dw.bu~iness since childhood, I thought
I knew everything. I was becoming snobbish. I suddenly
discovered that I kpew nothing-nothing about love, about
real relationships. I wanted out."
The fact ls that Petula (Pet, to her friends), who burst
onto the American music scene with the smash rock-'n'-
roll hit, "Downtown,'! never really wanted in. "I was sort
of pushed into a career in the first place," she says. "I
waa seven years old when my father beard me singing
around the house. He thought the radio was on. Right
then and there be decided that I was going to be a profes-
sional singer. He never even consulted with me!"
Pet can't remember much of her childhood except per-
forming in front of an audience. The teens were no better.
"I missed a lot of things. I wasn't allowed to go on dates
except when boy friends were picked for me."
Then came the first hint of rebellion. "I really wanted
to quit, but my father kept after me to go on. So I com-
promised by at least starting to go out and live my own
life." By this time, Pet was making movies for Britain's
Rank Company. "By the time I was 22, I already bad
m:ade 20 movies-all terrible-and then I knew I bad
enough. So I quit Rank and left home. I suppose I over-
reacted by goin&' in for fast cars, but they made me feel
independent and free!' -
What money Pet had saved soon ran out, and she had
to turn bac' to the only thi~e knew-singing. She cut
a couple of recerds which werelmoderately successful in
Europe but unknown here. ThJ..records did get her in-
vited to perform in other countries, though-and, indi-
rectly, got her a husband, too.
"I was working in F rance," Pet remembers, "when I
met Claude Wolff, who was a public-relations man, and
we married 18 months later."
More than anyone else, Claude is responsible for
turning Pet intO an international star. "Claude gave my
career direction," Pet admits. "I lose confidence easily, but
Claude has enough for both of us. That's one of the ad-
vantages of our marriage. There are others, too--Bar-:
bara, 7, and Kathryn, 6."
With Claude directing her career, Pet now finds herself
back in the movies. She's now getting star billtng in
such big-budget films as "Finian's Rainbow" and "Good-
bye, Mr. Chips."
When you talk with her about her children, some hint
of the old bitterness toward show business comes out. "I
keep my career separate from my home life," Pet says
stiffly . "I won't even mention it in front of them. They'll
not go through the same things I did."
And that includes a lifelong struggle to avoid stardom.
10 Famil11 W,.kly, .Uarc1' I, 196g
The Brit.ish Miracle ·That Creates
Yes! From the great.cit prdenina nation
on earth -Enaland -oome3 a Cant.astic dis-
covery! Developed by Britain's leadina pr-
dencr -winner of the famed Victoria Medal ~ for horticulture! Already ueed today by
OVER. THREE MILUON British prdeaenl
And oow released to you -throuah thil ad-
vertilement only-to try in your own prdcn
Think of it! Here is a prdenin' develop-
ment that almost defies belief! ll 11 a CON-
pared in the form of tiny pellets! 11 costs only
pcM~s per treatment! And even a child can
drop them in tbc around in as little .,.t.co
But onoc thete tiny pellets arc placed near
the roots of your starved plants, diey perform
a scientific miracle tbal has been every aar-
dener's dream for ocnturiet! They SLOWLY
... AUTOMATICAU.Y feed your plants
the life-givina nutrients tt)cy need -CON--
Ju11 picture this t;realhtakina 9Clene to your-{
eelf. The ftnt result you will notice -almost
immediately -la that theae anpzina English
• pellets aive your plants a tremendouJ new
burst of arowthl Whether your plants are
new or olcf -1bcy eend out dozena of hidden
shoots and buds! Some of your plants may
actually DOUBLE in bciabt and breadth in
the very first month!
But this is just the beainnina! Within one or
two abort weeks -without you e¥en touch-
ing your plant lbetc amanna pellets AUTO-
&fA TICALL Y aid your p .. nu in the leamd
vital stages of iu ;rowth! Automatic&Uy -
still mor~ wonder-work.ins nutrients ent.cr in·
to every ceU of your plants' bod~ thole
oclls with bcalth and amn&th and sturdiness
and wonderful new rcsillanoc to ddcale and
peau! Great, lAU st.em1 stand up with military
pn:cision! Giant buds beain to swell with
viaor and vitality! Even ti~ old shrub& that
you bad almost siven up for lost -beain to
atraiabten out -fatten up -1end out the
youna a~n arowth that you had never hoped
to 1ee apin!
And lbcn -the most ~markable part of
aJI! When thelC fantut.ically beautiful plants
have reached lbcir fuJI aJorious hciaht and
atrenath. simply droe another Maaic Pellet
next to them! Thete tiny Enalish pellets auto-
matically liberate still morr wonder-worltina
inp-edients! 1"bue final coocentnted stimu-
lants pour into your roots -carried up throulh the seems and trunb and bnnchet
of your planb -are finally delivered to the
put aiant flower buds at the top of th0te
And when thole ~ioua inaredicnls reach
tbOle ripe buds -THEN YOU WILL BE
flowers So a.ovtfful You Con Hardly
lelleve Yeur lyesl
· Yes! When you follow this Streeter plan,
you will wait throuab that prdcn.u tbouah
you were in a d~ml You will ICC rote
bushes weiahcd down by muses of blOUOfll.S,
of a richness and perfume and color that you
have never imJJincd before! You will walk
past solid, bladna rows of chrysanthemums
IO thick that you c:u't even ICC a leaf in be-
tween! You will tee dahliu, and asters, and
aladiolus and zinniu so massive, IO uquisitc,
so brcatbtaltinaJy beautiful that you hardly
beliew that they a~ the same plants that you
put into the pound. And when your ne•lh·
bors beain to pour into your yard -when
you watch them bend and touch thc9e flowers
to acc if they arc real -THEN YOU Wl LL
Guaranteed For The Full Season
Thae M1sic Enaliah Pellett -called FRED
cost ooly $1.98 for I pecu.e of 125 pellell, or
$4.9S for cbe auper<eoaomy aize, or JOO pelleu.
Since oaJy a few pellell are requ.in:d lO t.rcat t.bc
aven,e plane, thu u "" lnY11st'"11"1 of only o
/111111 /Hf'lrtltts o p/0111 for tM Moll utoultllJrt1
~ty yo&i hav11 "11tr #elf/
A"'I t#ttSlll ru11/1s ort C01Hplt1t/y 1uarontttdl
Here ii what we uk. you to do, when you receive
your M1aic Pelku nut weeltl
FLOWEJtSl Pl1ee one tiny pe0et beside eacll ol
your hydran,ers, zinniH, chrysanthemums, 1
couple beside your roees-aQY kind of Bower lhac
you want super-blooms! And ii you don't see
fantastic new powth wit.bin ~ a few lhoft
weeks ..• if you doe'C watch witb amuancnt
while handlula ol mqnificeot new b&o.Jmt
burst forth Crom tboee old plull -/Mn a"'ply
rrt1U11 tM •'"Pf1 fHIC~" for _.,,.,.y ""' of )'OCAr
""'"!' 1 l»d.I
USE 11ll:M TO CllltA TE GARDEN o.ua
ROICI, Dahlias, Oayliliea, Annuals and late
bloomins Perennials will tab on added me and
color. Your aardm this Fall will be thc envy ot
the neiahborllood.
DEN! Use t!Mm oa hard-luck pla.nu where
you've almo1t liven up bQpel Ute them oo the
bardesHo-crow .._ ...... t1ult you kaowl Ya,
even '* than in .and, and at.olutdy astound
your friends! And if you don't •aree dw this
Bririlh illftlltioa ii a true aardeaina mif'Kle ...
if your prdea ilD't the llhowplace ol your adp.
borbood at t.bc ead of one lbort -th -f#N,, llm"1>1 m"'1f rlre 11mpf1 peclul111 -f<N ll'H'1 cert/
of yow _, #Mcie/
Thia suanuitee is U'DCOnditlooal. It pl'OteCtl
you for the entire first montb -entirely at our
rilttl You have 1blolutdy not.bias to loeel M
.._ ______________ ........... ________ --~------------
NOW 200,000
PROVEN IN 188,080 .
•• u.-I n-r enet. ••llf' ...... ORO w I De •9' ... di-••· WARNING If , •• a re rtll•l•s •• .. rf ••••&e1 II• MOT ... U-f'tlf' •..U• Pell.ta
'"• T•• wl .. ••Hr-M-alas llJ .... , .... efftde I 'l'W. waralaa" la
"111 ... lt<'M .. U... lut•• C'•Hr ef H•l'J' t.ex I .,
ADDll~l!IS---------------------------------· CITY--------------ATP------------7.0NB.._ ___ __
0 ~ ..... IO ... _.._ Eadoes dMc* with JOW Otdft lllld .. _Jl!lJ )IClmtallt. Yoo llYe 11 9UC:11 u S1c. Dealilr iitd llOr9 iltqwktel lavfled. C "1 Putt.Ill a-'dt eor.. IMO --------------------------------------J
I ' -------
--Fades those Horrid
j\gegpots~ .
-famous cream for stubborn
skin faults
Those ugly brown surface 1
spots• areveryatubbom. Some 1a-----:-
' . .
Airliorhe · Angels of
to Our
A IR FORCE Flight Nurse Donna
fi Cleland of Kearney, Neb.,
was administering medication to
a wounded GI when a choking
sound came from behind her.
think... even hopelees. No ordi· -..---wy~·.~ill remo"fi-t-t....,.,,---r , 3 1'1D11tA-
•pply, Q.OO
7 oz. Economy
Another patient--a civilian woman
whom the Air Force was transporting
because poor weather bad shut down com-
But Eaoterica does-for thou-
sands! Because thoee spots of
pigment are in the surface
.kin, and Esoterica h83 a med-. .
ication to penetrate, to reach, to break up tboee spots. Witlun a
week, you should see those spots begin to fade. Then, HaJ:!PY
Day! Steadily, you1;,hands become clear, 81DOOth. young-looking
For the same reason, Esoterica has been used by millions for
akin faults that defy ordinary skin care -to make ~ull, muddy
akin look clear ... to rout blackheads and su.rface pJmples ... to
reduce coane pores ... to lighten dark, neglected neck or dingy
drab, lifelesa skin ... even to dim fine lines.
Esoterica -the one best answer to prob~ akin. From the
trustworthy 55-year-old Mitchum laboratories. Satisfaction
guaranteed or return the unused pdrtion to store for refund.
At your favorite drug and toiletry counter.
• • persp1rat1on
solved '"' for tlteus11•s wh 11enpire lle.avily
An antiperspirant that really
works! Solves underarm
problems for many who had
despaired of effective help. Mitchum Anti-Pttrapirant
kee~ underarms abeolut.ely dry
for thoueaoda of grateful WM!rs,
with complete gentleoeas to
normal akin and clothing. This
unusual formula from a trust-
worthy 56-yea.r-old laboratory
ia guaranteed to aatiafy or
dealer will refund t>1:1rchase price. So pt the poeit1ve pro-
tection of Mitchum Antl-Per-
apirant, Liquid or cream. S3.00,
90-day supply. Available at your
fa vonte drug or toiletry count.er.
Rip · Van Winkle
Couldn't Sleep wM
Nagging Backache
Naaias ........... ~and mqa..
cular aelM9 ud palDa mar -wtth onT~erUon. ~ upmeta, or ...
.,,...,. ·~ aud etraln. Jr th'9 nas-ains bacbelM, ~ 1WtJla. -*P,_ nlshta, i. -nas ,_ out, malit.a 10u
mlMraW. ud irritable. ctoR•t wait, \TJ' Do.•'• PW. -aa a~. a palJI re-
liever. 0-.'• paia-reilevi1ts aetkm on aantas badladMt la oheD the an••cr.
G« o-it'• pm. -uot • hablt-fonnlns drQ but a well-li:Dowu etandant rem-
edy 1-.l 1-1Ull7 by mWlona for ovu 70 :ran. S.. tf they don't brins
J'OO the .. --1eom. relief. For COD• nnlence, alwan bu1 Do.In'• larse alu.
Mail on. f rem f •ily Weekly allllllJ "' FllllllJ Wttllly, loo. If -~ lllY
, ........... t. ,_ ""4ls "' .. ..,. ~ ... Mill "*'· jll.tl •Its: Strvlct
Flight Nurse Donna Cleland auu wcm1'tkd GI 1tp special
ramp to air amb-ulance. In
flight (right), ahe is calkd
upon to administer ~ica
tion, intravenotu
feeding, tra.mfusiou. ·
--mercial airrme8-was gaspfng'Yor breath.
With two medical technicians, Captain
Cleland rushed a special pump to the wom-
an's side and performed an emergency
tl'acheotomy, opening the woman's wind-
pipe and allowing her to resume breathing
~ck and skilled reaction to medical
emergencie8 is c'1aracteristic of flight
Before any medication is given, Captain CUUind mtut
v erbally C'heck tecords u,;th. patients (above).
Patients, being /foum to hospital& neareat their
homes, are served bo:r lunches en r oute (right).
Tiit lft -Ill'* "1 ........ CllllPMIH. ~. FMlllJ W•IJ, 641 l.elllntlOll Fatnil11 Weekly, March. t, 1069 .~~~-~~A===~.l~------------------------------------~-----
.Wouiidecl ,.
Photos and text by THECLA
nurses such as Captain Cleland, a member her even when viaiting.
of the 12th Aeromedic Evacuation Squad-It's a tough job emotionally and phyei-,
ron. Her unit shuttles military patient&-cally (Air Force nu rses are assigned flight
mostly wounded from Vietnam-to medi-duty for only two years). Donna some.
cal centers throughout the United $tatee "times !eels she walks as many mllee up
aboard C-lSla (Convairs).b Casualties from and down the aisle as the plane lop. "But
Vietnam are transported acr0ea the Pa-there la no other job quite ao aatiafying
ciftc on larger C-14la by other Afr Force to a nurae, .. Donna says.
medical teams. That, too, was the feeling of Flight
fllglit-:n~u::-::r~se=s-ro-::-:n::-:g=--r,;:o:u""r=-o~~ur.:y=--=ia""""'~;.._-4iini-,...J-,,~hnon, baaed in Yokota, 1 apan.
with gathering medical recorda of her pa-When 1be NC4N~ :Onll'lll)Slld,::-----'--J~
tient&-usually 12 litter patients and up a ~ht.er-bomber pilot, bad been loet in
to 120 walking wounded. On the basis of Vietnam, ber commanding omcer told her
the records, she assigns poeitiona on the she would be relieved o! ftight duty. Major
plane and continues treatmenta-medic:a-Simon refused.
tion, intravenous feedings, and plaama "More than ever before, I had to stay_
transfusions. Off flight: duty, she muat be on the job,., she recalls. ''Helping them
on 30-minute call, carry d!gbt clothes with (wounded Gls) kept me alive." +
Ba.by ( a.bo11e)
a. sailor's child,
will be e:a:ami"ed
fur po11ible
lu4rt rurgery.
The C-181
(right) iB rpe-
cio.llJI equipped
for ifll-ftigltt
conaiitution ~re
rMxico city. mexico
\ hospitality plus ••• · · -em 030 fifth •ve. suite J:JOB. new york, n. y. t0020
210 north michig•n ave. chic•go. ill. O<XJOt . 119111
paseo _de I• reform• no. 45 m1bioo 1, d. I. n.fionel '°"""" coundl
•OllU MO•UITE f• Mty 11Mll
fOf .... u...,.. ....... ,., .. tnilef Nik Mt.
,.. CH "" row ow M ·Act• Florill9-Wtt.r· froMflllMleltio•••• .... ,....~----tile ..... St. ,. • .., ,..-. Jnt5 ........... tlll ............ ,.,
..,. 0..'• en...,........, .....
'•rcMM l•ltJ ,,.._... " MON(Y· IACK GUUANTEISI ... " ......................... -. _, .... 1111,.-........... .........
St. Johns 1Uveni4e Estates
tot S ....... Awe.,.,.,._. ..... flt. Jall .... ..., &Ute INMf .. _._ .... ,.,.,. ~,
. -
Common Kidney or Bladdtt Irrl\a-Uona all'ect twloe u many women u
men. often caualns ten.MU and nervouaneta from tr.Quent, burning.
lt.cblns url!laUon. Secondarily, you may loee sleep and have Headaches. Backaches and feel o .. er. tired. de-pl'ftled. In such ca-. CYSTEX iau-a lly brlnp relaxing.comfort by rurb-lng germ.a• tn acid urine. and eulng pain. Get CYST EX al druHlllJI lOday .
Cover: 1'lledo.
P'oge 21 AIC1 Ct$; N&C; Ivon Tou . 'oee• 4 & 5: Wide Wortcl.
f'age I : H. Arnutro~ •obe111.
Science Finds Way
To Shrink
Painful Hemorrhoids
And Promptly Stop The Itching,
Relieve Pain In Most Cases.
A scientiftc reaeaTCb institute
bas discovered a medication
with the ability, in moat caaea-
to promptly stop burning itch
and actually 1brink hemor-
ln one hemorrhoid cue after
another very atrikinr improve-
ment was reported by doctors
who conducted the teats. Pain
and f tchinr were prompUy re-
lieved. And while gently reliev-
inc pai.n, actual reduction
(ahrinbte) took place.
Te8ta coedueted OD luaDdredl
of patlenta bf doc!ton la New
York City, in Washington, tr.C.
and at a Midwest Medical Cen-
ter proved tl\ia so. And it waa
all done without narcotics or
stinging aatrin&'ents of any
The secret ie PrfP(JmtimaH•
Tb ere i1 no other formula for
the treatment of hemorrhoids
like it t Preparation H al10
lubricate1, 1oothea irritated
tissues and belpa prevent f .ur-
ther infection. Preparation H
come• in ointment or aup-
pa1itory form.. No prwrlptlon
ia needed.
~:o...------~---~--~--~--~------~--~~~--~~--------------------------.... -------------
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK! r------------------, I.MA LO•ll, ......,, ,_. 17S31 le,t.11444
"""'------------~ M*lls--------------Clty S1at. ____ n, __
............ tile ..........
ltJlt # a... Ila ht Color 2lld Color ~
.. 23093
hJtl!Mt MCleeM. AM -JOS'-' ... lllMlllll clllrats .., Int .... Md ~ tor tKtl ..
... ltleul i-. '
C.O.D.-tlM .,.,_,. ..ctoted tor uclt lttM. ~
0 ~ lllCtMM flf c.r.t ,_. of AU. COUlll ._
O suo llM:...., tor ON v-·· 54mcri,tioll. ...
TOTAL ~ eUM ~•.t• ~------------------~
-Scefli.c apleJulor of our
covnt,,, bri11ga beautr mto
11our home-·eolorft1.l prinu
of .f aetUOM paintings b11
Hanard. °" Aeavt1 f>4per,
eacA iB 17 ~ 11'. WitA free
old map of Americ:a. $1.!8
Wutport'a World Art &
Gift Shop, Dept. '3 FW, 60~
Poat Rd., Westport, Coml.
Kodacolor film det1eloped
and ;vmbo prints art onl11
l1..f8 if you aend tAil edi-
torial along with your film.
Guara1nteed u.cellent qwl-
ity I Failu1·es credited. Lifllit
1 roU per customer. Off er
~Tt8 J1'l1/ 1, 1969. 8~
land Photo, Dept. FW, Lake
Geneva, WiB. 58147.
Weekend Shopper
minutes or your money back !
Harmonica has solid brass
. ...-,. . plates ·and tuned bronze reeds,
heavy nickle plated covers. Complete with instructions
t hat show how to play right away, 200 songs (words and
music), plus 50 extra for 2 and 3 part harmonizing. S3j8
ppd. Ed Sale, Studio FW-8, Avon by the Sea,-N. J . 07717.
CURL AND WAVE HAIR wit out permanent
waving. Ideal for straight and hard to curl
hair : Stir 2 spoonfuls of Rinsa Rams Pro-
tein Riruse in gl888 of water, comb through
hair, pot up on curlers or pins. Hair
takes on soft casual waves and curls. 7th
day neat as the 1st! Enough to make 2 gal-
lons. S2 ppd. Fleetwood, Dept. R-54, 427 W.
Randolph, Chicago, Ill. 60606.
tank trouble is a problem, this nontoxic re-
activator powder keeps septic tank or cess-
pool clean works to prevent overflow, back-up
and odors. Regular use can save costly
pumping or digging. 6 months' supply, $3.95;
1 yr., $7 ppd. · Northel Distributors, Dept.
FW-3, Box 1103, Minneapolis, Minn. 55440.
STYLE AND SIZE for the man with a wide
foot is combined in this smart Geor ge Boot
made in England. Fine calfskin,· leather-
lined, with leather sole, rubber heel. Sizes :
5-13 (no 12%), EEE and EEEEE widths
In brown or black. $25.85 ppd. Also, Free
catalog available showing 100 other ·· st yles. Hitchcock
Shoes, Inc., Hingham 4ISC, Mass. 02043 .
READ TINY PRINT very easily with
these handsome half-frame magnify-
ing glasse8. All you have to do is simply
"look over" the top for normal view-
ing. Specify men's or women's black
with silver thread; brown with gold,
black or brown tortoise. '5.95 ppd. Joy Optical, Dept. 871,
84 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10011 .
14 Fomily Weekly, March f, 1969 •
RENASCENCE Honey and Egg
Formula -a helpful beauty
aid! Works inBtantly to tight-
en, ftatten out lines, wrinkles
around nose and mouth. S
months supply, 'S; 6 months,
S6 ppd. Elanco International,·
Dept. NS6, 200 East Ontario
St., Chicago, Ill. 60611 .
FREE color cata1ogs and dis-
count prices show big savings
on famous make accordions.
Write Accordion Corp. of
America, Dept. FY39F, 6685
W. Belmont Ave., Chicago, IlJ.
SEND photo or negative ! Order
two 8 x 10• b&w enlargements,
or 26 wallet photos plus ope 1' x 7" enlargement, or 12 wal-
~ size and three 6 x 7• en-
largements. $1.26. Add 60¢ for
colqring enlargement. State
color eyes, etc. Robin Art,
Studio FW-3, New Rochelle,
N. Y. 10804:
FAKE diamond dinner ring is..
about 60¢ a carat size. Center
about 11h carat size, other 4
stones make adjustable rho-
dium plated ring total about
3 carats. $1.94 ppd. Terry El-
liott, Dept. FW-8, Box 1918,
Grand Central Sta., New York.
N. Y. 10017.
,,...,_. s..,_ "-• -l'IOf'-'-_..,.,... If~ .,.. INC ...a. .. llfiWW, ~ , __ , ......
ThouNnda more trained IQiW\ needed wery v-w In ••
electrlul repair. You've teen It yourself. How many ( ..,.
times hu a tral!led electr1clen nipelred eomethlng In. ;:; I ·
your own home tor $5, $16, $351 It ia ao eaay WMn ~
you know .hoff. One of the tMteat trade• to team ~'
In ..,.,.. time. we glw you the lnf011Mtlon to repel( tO~•
.,,yttalng. wNhere, clocb, mvea, switches. Do lnelde -~ ti 6 end outatde wiring, wortc on new homea. Repelr PoW9' tools. ~ ~ •lepttone.. Hundreds of f~. dHlerent ~ paying
jot.. W. gl¥a you all of the necffUry training equipment..
It co.ta you nothing to find out! Send tor the big 5-4)1.c.
valuabi. tact pack. Abeolutely frM. No obffOetlon.
-~~-----------------------------------------·-------------· INDUSTRIAi. TRAINING INl11TUTE \
W ... Dept. 1517', 200 Vartdr SlrMt, New Ycft. ..... Yottl 10014
Rush fact
pact to:
~--'------------------~ Streeta..u.__ ______________ _
lmport..i Rolland bloo"'l"I med. aiae Glad-lolv1 Bvlba. We 111lll red1, yellow•, pDrple1,
white•. c:r111l&On, •lolet\ lllDltkoloN, etc. H a ... rtable. OnlJ 2' a bo1bl Any b1&lb fa.iltD1
to lower 5 1.an replaced fne. 60 Glait. Sl whh I Peac:«lt Orchid Bulb1 free of ntl'S
eo1t. 100 Glade, I Pur«k Orchid B1&lbe at . .18, 200 Gladi. 11 P-k Otthld Balbe ~.'76. C.0.D. poeta1e u tra. C..h orders
add •Ot 1hlp1*1 PP4. llllchlpn Bulb Co., Dept. GB~ee. Graad Jlaplda, lllch. •H02.
Pay Attention?
with lo'lety and cleco..-ttv. Prayier
Gntee Sett and
-~WWWllW•~ ---..-T•IDaut Ld ___ .. ,_ ___ .,.. ...
141 CAllf <or •••~II ...., -....,u,. .. =~-r:.: --.,._ ATNO TO YOO! , ___ .. _
-- -MIO --· 111 ---.., ,,. ... __ ......,.._ ........... .,..,. __,_..__ ......... ...
... la CAIN to,_ -,--..
YOU .-wa ..... 1' Olf YOUlt ~ lllOMPI __ ............ ., .. -....... c. ... of :zri,.. .._,.,,.. o-It -,_., ~---n:.: ."'.r:.=.-: ...... = .,_.., ____ ..,ICC ... -
:.':'-::::-::.-::=.~~"""' __ .. ··--•• -&-s ... of~ =~~=::--"· - -.. -nb ..
r .-n::..--:2,::'~ ~';;., •, =-=---.=.:.:: .. •:..i;_ ,' .:--..__ ....
1:,.., -• I
l..! ----;J
COM,W.te prlclne of A11t~ Md C.rloal
oll'9 meny OIMf'll 3.000 CUAAIER I IYE$ PfllHTS
-.... o.s q -WILM Ml.D PW, G.P.O. llOI 1111, M.Y.C. 1I001
Nowl Silver DOiiar
Over 80Years Old
brtah t oa au.er
Dollar Just M It
e&ml' from Mint onrlOranno.
Limit: one to a
caeiomer. Alao
llh11crated coin
ca t.aloc. pl Ill se-
lecUona of llne COIDI
from our ap.,ron.I MrYlce. retuniable
without obUPUoo. Send tJ. name and
PANT, Dept. •M-IO. LIUletoD. ,. ....
BamPthlN IJMt
EY£CUSSES ., MAIL a. lllr a SUS ......
wltll 14 •••••• Laaa
./ ~, ,, ~
I ' t '
~ MA&llfla • WAL ..... ,_ , ... .-....
u.teld ...... ............., 40,,..... °' ..., wllo do Mlt .._ lltltlnatilm or
... o1 .... .,., ........ d~ ................................ •• ••n:e ....... Eat lt31
-"'--" .... _ .._ ............... _.,,.. ... ..,_ ............ c.. .. .... ____ ,,
=:.: :c:..-:., ..... ..:: ...... _ .. __ , --------·-,__, _____ _ _____ ..
... ..,, ~ ..-'1 fir .... ......... ., ............. ,c ... ................ ~--"' ....... ....., ................... .. ...... ,.. ............. ..,
.......... .., , .... ,,... ... ,;...ct-
................. AIMftca ...... .... --.... ..,. ............... .., .... ~ .......... .,._. ... .....
c..a ....,, ..... tllllaJ .... .... ........... ~........,.-ceme.
... ....... ,.. ,_,Al ............. ,... .............. ,.. .... . ,.. ......... ,_ ..... ,,......
.........,., tM 9< I I lc.MJ, la .... I flw
~--. •nli.wt • ......._ .._ .............. " ... ....., ... ......, ........... ...,..._, .......
S '! n d tt11 s c o u p on Io c1 a ;
2 to 13, MM to EEE ...,. "' nu COUii CATM.Oe 11t .. tt1U.1 _ .. """ .... ............ "'Hf ....... .... . .......... .. ..........
.., .... ~ Ctlb ..... '*' hlilllCJM25 su.•. """'llllc' Oitrtcl PlUA $10.99 ....... ........ ,,.. ......,.,_ .
2AI Craceat St., WaltlwD, Maa. 021'4
........... .,,....... .......... , ...... ........... ., ..... _... ........... ............................. .. ........ ,.. '"""'·
' . ' '
. . . , l ' '. r ,, ·---
• 7 '"" &11 • • 12701. ._. ............. --• • • • •
..... ~-l:'fl&IOCllC. ....... ........... ,.~ ......... ...... ..._... .......... ..
LM*lfUCf. ·-• :-
.N .. Foot
Comfort PICll ................. .................... ................ _ .................... ................ ......... u ....... ............. _.. ............................ ........... ; ......... .... .... ......................... ,
~ ..:-::. :. =· ;'... ·:i. ... ,. ... ..,,,, • o ..... ... ...... , .................... .
"9J PlllLUI ctillfl.NI ............ Y.U•
Liii PIT 111111111 tit =..· ~ ~ -.:-.a:· ·~·t,,.: ... .. .,,.,.~ ... .£f; ..... .......... 4-.w. ............ , ..
t::::: .... :?rt::!'"' .. ~ -Sl oo -.. ~.JJM-"!J~ -
J:::': "-....:.'"t!....~~ PPD S&S c. ..... f.Ut
23 .. f ilth A•• New Yori., N Y 10001
ltch .. ltch ~~~~
POI' Jurr-ra.n relief from annort.na raw tlft'J Itch cauaed bJ ac&l•. dJ'7 ~ "older •••" akin, cllattns. acaema. rub•, allusia-ot.beJ' l\eh troubil-. sat D.D.D. l>ttacrtptton. 8ootblns. cooUnc. &Dtlaept.le • • • a.Ada beallq. Don't acratch-cton·c auirer. AM rou. d.ruatat for o.D.D .. Uqutd or c.-m.
.... ,,. ....... ......... . •l.: "* Jlr JUI. lftCW. WHlt ...
P.w -=._ft..,, ...... <• .... ). LM ':::Jt 1LM1 ....... I
I .. ., .......... ""'
----~ ~-~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------.-..-. ................... .
I •
Dr.· Joyce Brothers'
Personal Fulfillment Program
Millions know
Or. Broth•ra throuah
Mr TV •nd r.dlo
•nd articles. A r.cent
UPI poll hH n•med her
one of the ten mo.t
lnflu.nti•I women In
Amerio. A wife •nd
mother, Dr. Brotti.rs'
counsel hH Hved homes,
m•rrl .. es. w.n lives, She la
consulted by st•t"men,
lndustriat t.eden,
tlM>uHnds of m.n and
women In every walk of life.
H t:H.: A 1' 1.A~T is an authoritative yet in-
expensive new plnn that can help you
solve everyday problems of life and love, and
increase your social und business success.
through a deeper undcrsmnding of yourself
and 01'-crs. As n rewarding introduction to
Dr. Joyce-Brot~rs· Personal Fulfillment Pro-
gr:iln. you muy accept her fir:.t volume. What
Yu11 Prohnhlr D ,m't K11oll' A/>0111 S<':c Rt'la·
1io11s, for only 10(' ... yours 10 keep whet.her
you decide to continue or not.
Or. IJrothcrs' new Program is comprised of a
~ries of \tep-hy-MeJ\ colorfolly illustrated
monthly Guidcrooks thut can give you more
needed knowledite of yourself and others than
many people g:un in u lifetime. Herc. to free
you from fenn.. self-doubts and tensions, Dr. ·Brother~ answers a host of-questions you might
hesitate 10 asL. anyone. She supplies solutions
• to prQ.bkms thn1 shnttrr your joyi. and confi-
dence. And &he exph1ins helpful new findings
you can Wit'" at onee-Ii>" brintt more-huppinc"
10 your home, your murria~. your children.
Each month you may examine, with no obli·
ga1ion to buy. n new 10,000-word Gui<kbook
in which Or. Brother!> deals in depth with a
differerat vital urea. Together you'll explore.
through rluin worth, pictures and ~lf-anutyt·
teal t~sts. ~irtually rvcry question that might
trouble you ubout love and marriaa;e, child
care and training. in-laws and quarrels. house-
work and budget!>.. family planning and udop-
tion, alcoholism 11nd infidelity, divorce and rc-
murriage. dieting and appc;mincc, success in .
c;,i~rs. muny more.
Month by month, together with Dr. Brothers,
you·11 find ways to era.\e little problems one t'ty
one. and to ca~ the big one" if they can't be
eliminated entirely. You'll learn how to build
personality. self-confidence. better appear-
ance. friendships ... a brighter, more useful,
more meaningfuJ life. In short. if you apply
yourself to this Progrnm as sincerely and scri·
ously as Dr. Brothers has herself, it can, in
astonishingly short time. bring u smiling new
world of fulfillment to you and those you love.
Herc. for example. is ju!>! some of the specific
practical L.nowlcdgc you c;in galri llnd profit
from through the next few G uide hooks, dur-
ing the nc't few month:.: How lo correct bad
habits ... How to help children :idjul>l -to their
father's faults ... .How to keep your wife
within the budget ... How 10 be a mother to
your daughter-in·law ... Why husbands be-
~ lazy lover&. und wh:11 to do about it ...
How to care for aged pu,c.cnt:i ... How to get a
job promotion ..• T:1king the tensions out of
toilet training .•. How psychology can help
you lo..c weight ... Making sure your date will
ask you out again ... Solutions lo problems of
people who live alone ... How 10 be your hus.-
h;.nd'1o mii11ress instead of just his wife . , .
Hridgin~ the Jeenage communications g:ip ...
Wh:i1 a man looks for in a womun. and what a
woman looks for in a man.
Al the st:irt of e11ch Guidebook u hrief quiz
will indicate you.r strcnglhs and wealtncMeS in
the subject: al the end of euch volume another
self-i.coring test will measure your progress.
N4 f®
And. along with each Guidebook, Dr. Brothers
will include a special letter relating a true case
history of particular interest. Here you11 be
able to compare your solution to the one she
suggested. This way, as the months go by. you
can gauge your gradual progress in practical
psychology. as well as your increasing knowl-
edge of human relations ..
When you start a lriat subscription you do not
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Otherwise, return it wuhin 10 days. your sub-
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• lttllevlna tenslotlt. one by -
•How to handle te11191r tantrum&
• ttelplnc JCMI' lllWllnd aet ahead
• How '9 111111t a lllOllllll HY yes
• How lo have a suc:usslul party
• Makin• ltlends of ro11r ln·lllW'I
• How to deal with alc:oholl1111
• loslnc wtlcflt Ule sensible way
•Can you c.lw up clprettes?
• How to lfl a 1ood 11llflt'1 slttp
• T11dll111 your child ltlout 111
• fl111re cCMllrol for mt11 and women
• Makllll rour heir-do flatter )'Oii
• '-tpln1 toms; uhlbltloftlat women
• How mucl1 TV thould cl1lld11n see7
• Three stcttb of ftml11lne charm
• Ho" to help clllldrtn In school
• How not to hurt the ont you low
• Ovtrcomlnt tear of public spe11lln1
• How to adjust to sorrow and loss
• Do reconclllations t'flr work?
• Slloutd you tell him 1bovt your past?
• If 10ur wife w111ta sln< beds •••
• How to win tht alrl you loft
• What to do wlltn chllclrtn stnl
• Can you live al-111d llh It?
•The by lo uvln1 10'1. of inCOllll
• Can nursery school "'"" your c:tllld?
• C--.1ln1 tHNCf rtSpollslblllty
• l'n>blelllS of tilt 11nmarrltd parent
•Alt you a 111111 In a WOnlln'• eyu?
• If yollf son cits 1 ~rl In trOllOlt ...
• Hive roll e "1111m1•s boy'' llusbln47
• Wh•t •bout children 1fter dlvorc.?
• How to atop worryl111. step.by·slep
• Coutclln1 lmpoltlKt llld frllldlty
• How lo I~ younaer .,,sttp.by·step
• Slyln1 no without tosln1 him
• HIS )'Ollr ~ a "rovln1 eye"?
• Mlllin1 others do whal you want
• Tiit ntllhbot'llood bully problem
• la JQUr tlllld an llabltllll 11117
• How lo be allrac:tlve to -
• Sh1rln1 Interests wlttl your wife
• tmprovln1 memory fist
• Eleven "!•Ys to hep phyaiutly fit
• Keys to sparllllna converutlon
• How to control your ancer
• Sewn ways to lost a llusblnd
• Conquer ln1 fear~ ste~by..slep
•Carten for wives 11141 MOtlltrs?
• Are Htond m1rrl1ps happier?
·What about Ille "loo tlrtd" wife?
• Is your marital sex fun?
• Protectin1 your tetna1er fl"Ofll drup
• How to lncrust stlf<onlldtnc:a
• Is your dauallter ru dy to date 1
• Must you llttp ttlrtah to c:lllldren?
• How to 111 a man to propow
• If JOUr husband becomes 11nfalllltul ...
• Two !Alie thln11 • woman appreciates
• Twenty little lhlnp • man can't at111•
• and m1ny. m111y otllt rs • . •
Sajid Khan 1tart with Barhara Stanwyck
on ABC'• The Big Valley
.Monday at IQ PM •
...... c
tr• ~ + ,_ • J.&_
........ ...... " .... , ..
· l
I V I \ I •, (,
>u we ..... ., -..111.,. tc> L•I"' ~ .... (C) (60)
.... .. °"' (C) (30) Bob Luman and Diana Tmk are f•
lured, •lone with L•ror Ven °"9
and TM Olbom Brvtlltra. ! =.. Qtr (C) (60) Sam Rid·
I .... ,........, ...... (C)
) Clint Walker hosts this betuty
pa1 .. nt that futura lhowsir1• from Lu Yeps. (R) l:JOI DIC ...._,b (C) ,(30) llelodJ Ralldl (C) (60) Waylon
Jennlnp pests.
World ~.UP Sk[IJL •• --, ____ ,-+-'="'US vs. Wot'ICl's best'
from Squaw Valley
I tHl Cl) GI I ii!BIM.I Werl• &., .......... tE5160> For ttlt
first time alnce ttlt 1960 Winter
Olympica, lift telwblon C0¥11'111
ot • sports tvent will orilinatt from
Squaw Valley. Top U.S. Ind inter-
national Alpine slitra compete f11<
World. Cup points wtlen ABC airs
the North American Grand Prix
World Cup. JI"' McKay Ind former
Olympic ski COICh Bob Beattle com·
11 lAlle L.11CJ (30)
............. (30) (R)
llWtC...a. .... (C)
7:00 41 Cll Cll &.111 ..... (C)
i ) hiii Mudd. ale ,.., (C) (30) Bob
rfattl B DMa Yan., Dara (C) (30)
•'IJ>n1 Nlsht 1t fort Lonely." The
a:oo 119 (I) m w s-t (C) (30) ·~ lttoMt.'' A mad ldtntllt
e1ptures tht Smarta for Ull In his
eltctricll experiments Ind pub
thtm Into a fift.YMr lletp. D UCU ,....... (C) (2 hr)
Oiiilch John Woodtft'a BruJna battle
tM C.llfomla Bears from ~.
l (IZ())l91-tlk•b• .....
lltl .. ()WI '30> A focus oa
tht duh between Nmtr 1nd 8tft. Gurbt .
18 ...._ Wiil (C) (30) "The
&n That Became 1 Dtllrt." A
tour of Palm Sprinp ind ttlt
Ooadltlll Valley. (R)
I IE f ....... (C) (60) (R)
..... Cite 11.-cal &:lo 6 Cl) .., n. ........ (C) (30)
Unclt <i'ir1ey starts datlni the
,,andmottler ot Chip's l)rffrlend ·
Janet. much to the ch11rln of tht
,ounptea. who think such •con·
duct Is IClndalous In ptrlOllS ot
that 111. •
d @ (j} e 11lt lllMt Ind lln. ir• (C) (30) "Jonathan Tells . It ~· l~ Ii Wis." Jonathan wins flf'lt
prize In an · may contest at school
but the committee d\anlft Its ct.--cislon wtletl tht C.puin makes
some "comctlons" in tht boy's
lb>fy. a ~CJ) m n. lnftttee w.a
ili9W(C) (~
m ·A FACE OF WAR Dev-* astatine, Discernln1 Doc· u;;a, of Vietnam Wu m flCll tf W• (90) A
devuta Ill and dlamlnf docU· .
ment:ary film has Its tlllYiaion pre-
miere tonllfl\. Crlattd uclultvtty
Paul . Newman
story of 1 confrontation between 1 c I •
frontier couple and the. Ute Indians a1-re
WIS filmed at Pipe Sprtni National
i~ ~ .. A.a (C) Bloom ~) ........... Wtftd (C) (30) ~ Bunnies ot Jamaica." The
Unlltfl tmtf to Jemalca alld vblt
plrat. and buccaneer hldeouta. ~ explore myDjous .. .,. houW'
and stay at t6. P1aytloJ Club.
I ltad ...... (60) (R)
1:JO a Cll Jadlt ._.. tc> <&0>
Ralph Krlmden Is cast u • public
hero and a p0Utle1I candldlte, lfW
his eccldtntal participation In the
capture ot e®llc 1nemy number
one._iR) D U (J? ID .._.lZ (C) (30)
"Wt Can t Just Walk MIJ. From
It" Ilalio, and Reed flcht •llNt
fhtle to thwlft I 17·Y'llr-old boft •Idell. .
I ..... Ml I (C) (30)
t\1 ... ~•:-=' ... 'Th ~·~ i ...:.: ~ ..,,.. e tt Taa" (weattm) 58-0on ~-.r~1~ne-= <ct cao> ...... Outrage
milds on Skis." A tour ot Cypress · 1115 PM . Gardens with Ulla Fl'lderikaen, I :
=~'nlah "•tional watdl Saturday ~
• Etelllrtl ....
-Homes •
The best of Disney, nature photo9raphy and anima-
tion, are combined for a sparklin9 hour of enter-
tainment called "Nature's Better Built Homes," on
Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (NBC Sun-
day, 7:30 PM). Delving into the world of natural archi-
tecture, J. Audubon W oodlore, a cartoon forest
ranger, hosts a tour of the structures and dwellings
animals build for themselves.
The progr•m begins with the most conspicuous
builders in nature, the beavers, and goes on to birds,
squirrels, spiders, bees, ahh and even more exotic
crHtures like the jaw fish, which burrow themselves
into the sea floor and then construct a rock wall around
their home •.
A major sequence allows observation of life in a
prairie -dog community. Through the creative Disney
n•ture photo9raphers we are taken inside the miles
and miles of tunnels and underground dwellings. In
the struggle for' survival, there is the constant danger
of intruders like gopher snakes and ferrets, that like
to move into the prairie dog homes and eat the in-
' SATURDAY (Continued)
throup on-location filmlnc 1ftd
sounds of the tenifyinc nr-torn
1tmGsphn of Vietnam's helrtt111cl.
the "90 minutes of pure heJ1" 1i
I ... 0... (C) (30)
-AlttJias Mam 9:00 Heplt's ........ (C) {30) lfEm111e~ ....
It: .. s... uu It """ (~
'59-M1rilyn Monroe, Tony Curtii.
Jldt Lemmon, 6eorp Rift. Pat
O'Brien, Joe E. Brown.
Ill Andlr9le (C) (30)
C~• (C) (60) "The Music
Peter Mennin." Josei>h Fuchs.
one of America's ludinc vlolinistl,
1nd Beveridce Webster. 1 noted
pianist, perform Mennln's "Sonata
Concertante for Yiolin and Pi1no."
@II Necll8I T1p1tia
9:30 fJ 9 (f) Petticoat JUKtiN (C)
(30) Uncle Joe decides it Is time
to enter his "golden years" ind
announces his retirement-only to
be met by the hoots of his bud-
dies who wonder "retire from wh1tr' U Ci1J CD &> 11e1ywe1d
(C) (60) Bini Crosby hosts. Guests
on th1t bill ire Victor Borie. Guy
Marts. Frank Sinatra Jr .• Gary CfOs.
i ind The T emptltions.
...... (C) (30)
Tiie ....... F••ilJ (C) (30)
Les Cludillos
10:00 ~ (j) Mbllil (C) (60) Hired
to locate buildinr contractor Don-
ald Jordan, Minnix finds the maze
leadinr to the missinr m1n even
more confusing when Jord1n's sis-
i.r. wife and business ~rtner live
conflicting reasons fOf his dislp-
pearance. e n. 0etenc1ers <60> a Movie: ':'Wild stiawbenill" (dra·
ma) '57 -Yictor Sjostron, Bibi
News (C) (30)
bnest Tabb (C) (30)
NET Playhouse (90) (R)
Box de Muico
10:30 T.H.E. Cat (C) (30)
M1urice Woodrvff Predicts (C)
~ Hollywood ind tile Stirs
11:00 0 CiD NIWI (C) 1M World TOlllOITOW (C)
Rnennd Freel Jordl11 (C)
11:15 F1buloul 52 Mowil: (C) "'MW.
Lice" (suspen.se) '60--0oris
Day, Rex Harri.son, John Gmn,
Herbert M1rshlll, Roddy McDoWlll. U PAUL NEWMAN & CLAIRE * BLOOM-1THE OUTRAGE' 0 SitsdlJ Nlcjlt Mewte: ..,.._ o.t·
ra,.-(drama) '64-f'aul Newm1n,
Laurence Harvey, C11lre Bloom, Ed·
ward G. RobiMOn, Willl1m Shltner.
u :30CJmNews <C> IJ iOwil: "Tiie Cnlel See" (Id·
venture) '53-J1ek Hawkins, Oonlld
m 1nslpt <C) II) Movie: "Clve Mt tile Sten"
(dram•) '49 -Lenl Lynn, J1ekle
@I) Tea1ro Fa•illlr
11:50 G Movie: "P1nlc In tile Yt1r z.nl'
(drama) '62-Ray Mill1nd, Frankie
12:00 Im TonlPt .. (C) 77 Sunset Strtp • -12:30 CinetU SlblnllJ': "Mlr1eulous
Journey." '
1:001N ... (C) All-Nipt Slllw: "Apinst the
Wind," "Psychom1ni1," ind "Lillrt·
:ation filminr ud
' terrifyi 111 · nr ·torn
Vietnam's hearttand,
!S of pure heir 11
s (C) (30)
pets..... ('C) (30)
I NIC~...._ e It Hor' (comedy)
'1onroe, Tony Curtii. 6eorrt Raft. Pit :_ Brown.
.. (C) (30)
:) (60) "The Music
ni n." .Joset>h Fuchs,
•'s ludinf Yiolinisb.
1 Webster, 1 noted
m Mennin's "Sonatl
' V°10lin and Piano." patila
lticoat JUKtila ('C)
e decides it is time
"aolden years" and
retirement-only to
e hoots of his bud·
er "retire from whatr' .. ...., .....
Crosby hosts. Guests
re Victor Borie. Guy
)inatra Jr., Gary Cros-
f emptations.
u1 Fa•ilJ ('C) (30) ...
111111 (C) (60) Hirtd
din& contractor Don-
annlx finds the maze
e missina man even
g when Jordan's sis-
b u$i ness partner rive
isons for his disap-
den (60)
ild Strnbii1ia" (dfl·
Vector Sjostron, Bibi
>II (C) (30) •ae (90) (R)
: (C) (30)
Wooclrvff Predicts ('C)
• nd tilt Stirs
NI (C)
IT....,... (C)
Frid Jordl11 (C)
52 Movie: (C) .. MllJ.
(suspense) '00-Doris
arrlson, John Gavin,
ull, Roddy McOowall.
iltlcht Movie: "1111 o.t· ) '64-Ptul Newman,
1r,, Claire Bloom, Ed· nson, Wiiiiam Shatntr.
J1'e Cruel SW' (Id·
-Jack Hawkins, Donald
'Slve Me a. Stan"
-Lent Lynn, Jackie
•Jllar .. nlc la tilt lur Z..,-
-Ray Miiiand, Frankie
lit .. (C)
t Strip -Satwdlr. 1'Mlraculous '
sa.r: "A&ainst the
homani1," and "Li&ht-
'.' ( I f c r, , •, I .
lutlon on "RMlutlon or Rtc0n· atruct1onr• Guem today .... the
Rev. Leon Modeste. Executive Coun·
di ot ttle ~I Church end
~ Innis, Natlcwl Director of CORE.· @ m , ..... _. Al..m
.. ,.., (C)
All stations reserve the
riaht to chanp procram·
mlng without Mvance no-
..... HJa11 (C) /'Be
l {i)Alm F..-..
10:55 Q! NIA lmldNlll (C) lldet~e ~6ers at Detroit Pis· tons.
NI ,,..,.._, Wlr la ~ " .................. " .....
... ., "•hh1t ....... trip " &-............... , ...... 11:0Dlrllfmetlt (C) lWs •• 'Ult lift (C) .._..,_,. Quide (C)
llewle: ,...... •• lit tlM
(drama) '46--John Hodlak.
Apele II lilt Mata .t S:JO ML Nancy Guild.
1:50 7:GO
·~ n.llble-......
llw Ut nit Def /NfWI (C) I a.rdl II tile ..._ (C)
Ci) fint ... Qurdl
ilii (C)
T• a.d JtrlJ (C)
7:JO ~ (C)
ll:JO fit tdJJ... NHL Hoa11 (C) Chi·
caao 81~ Hawb vs. Toronto Ma·
pie leafs. Dan Kelly and Bill Mazer
~rt U DEIUf CrHn le1¥11 (C) Dr.
William Stew1rt, Director of the
~Ide ai.tl' (C)
~.:: .. ~
7:45 1'lii Q~
l!GO e ........ ..,Feet(C) Qri1t1p11 .. (C)
el Teaerrw (C) cw.,..
0.., llld lellftll (C)
.......... (C)
' ~:~rtG:~:1of ~r~~n:n:f ~
Anatles examines the new develop-
ments in artloreta today. a llewle:.........., w..r (drama)
'TI-William luncflaan, Arth1,1r Ken-
AFT f RNOON e Allll ......... (C)
......... (C) 1"'° I DWepes .. Art (C) 1:30 ~Up ... Uvt (C) llplill .... flltwa (C)
cm (]) m n. ._.... <C> 1nte1Nrent Pnnt
iiiwit: "!• CNd KelbtcQ" (co~-JI Cf.I. Tl'IWI (C) "Two Weeks I~
-drama) 35 -Will Rorers, Bill ~a.,. • S. Cm RoblMOn. Uil
.....,,.. ...... (C) 12:301 ... Ceftflfttlee (C)
Cl) Fill "-tt.wivll (C) C... Alrtry Eiaela UIEl (C) • 9 00 Sports s,edal (C) The
• TM Almftr (C) .a final two rounds of the Doral Open
t:OO ea..,. Dr• (C) · from Miami, Aortda.
llJ Fawerita Str9911 1Q m TV WORSHIP OF ~ ef Dileevell (~ * THE WEST ~~f:Cc> > WITH REV. DAVID RAY
00 I WM ltt Mirada (C) "Why Do People .. Suffer?"
Cl) T .. and Jeny (C) m 1V _.,, ef tlle West (C)
•llPldtl ...... 1:001m11• 11e Press <C) • New T...._.. IM .._ llliwle: ..... rfleus JowMJ" (ad·
t:lO II Celwnltien Wltll a Plfdia-venture) '52 -Vera Ralston, Scott trtat (C) ''loneliness, Deprmlon, B~
and loss of Self-Esteem." Dr. Rich· D ~ C11 ti» DlredllMtt (C) lead·
ward Stainbrook hosts. Ina blacT church figures discuss
II Apicldhrt USA (C) black theolOty, black power end
s,..11 Special (C) UCtA meeb tht future of the black church. use In a omnestlc event I Ceablt (C)
I rIJ EBlilll leftl <C> ..._. rim <C>
6 ,.._ 1:30 D 0. ea.,. (C) "Onoe You're
••• (C) Real, You Can't Be Ulfy." A lively
ti Mefte review of a Pitzer Collete confer-Tllll 11 tlle Ute (C) ence held for entering freshmen. 10:001 Ciera ..ct lie Nlwl (C) The conference presented students YMti IM '*-(C) with such questions as: "Who em CHI (j) EE ........ (C) IT' and "What can I do with cny-• il"evie: (t) '"Be Otlatllllu" seffT'
(western) '56-Joel McCrea, Gloria I (fij (]) m Discowtry (C)
Talbot. Yoic:e of Calvary (C) l!faitlt for TMIJ (C) • QHat for Adwttmlre (C)
1... Hall Meetiq (C) 1.'00 8 Qj Cl) C1S Qilclrn'a Fiia F•
• Sia ~ tlllt (C) "Adventure in the Hop·
Wiqs e. Adm:tMe (C) fields." British motion picture about 10'.30' Stlps " l.NnMq (C) a younc gir1 end her experiences · m ff91tien ef l'aftll (C) "Cri· when sht runs away from home.
s and Challenge: Economic Pow· Mendy Miiier, Rusaell Waters and
er." flrst of five pn>frlms on ttlt Hilda ftntmore atar.
National Council of Churdles' rao-D llltiwie: (C) "Nlw I s,..t MJ
Su11 .. Vacdell" (mystery) '67-
RObert Warner, Lola Albrtrht
I RoU. DwbJ (C)
Un Anpl •el fuao
MdleMr anct tlle Colone( (C)
2:10o@mmA1C ..... llMdal
fipoft (C) A live telecast, via satet-
lltt of the lest lef of Pmident
Nixon's trip to Europe. Newsmen
sum up and evaluate the Journey.
B Miiiion $ Mevlr. (C) ~
F'tlttllf"' (western) '55 -Robert
Weaner. Debra Pa1et, John Lund.
@ @ Fil•: "Outside the Llw."
~ Danton stars. W The Pit Patrol (C)
3:00 tJ Fica Ult Natioft (C) West Ger·
many's Willy Brandt auests.
8 Talts of tlle Coldeft West
Movie: "Clloppen" (drama) '62
-Arch Hall Jr.. Marianne Glba,
Tom Brown. A petty theft marts tht
bagln nln& of a criminal career or
Cavalcade of loeb (C)
CJ) Spolta fut9fe Eilsip O'Toele
Merv Crtffln (C)
3:30 tJ Insider/Outsider (C) ''The New
Black Woman." m SllftdaJ Mltla•: "Two-Gun
lady." .
i RlD Review (R)
The Dakttas
lnaiatit (C)
•:OO I Viewpoint (C) • ~ Up. (C) Blll Leyden hosts. llll oo m n. Alltria. Sport> tun (C) Bobby Richardson hunts
duck in Utah; John Saxon stalks
elephant; Grits Gresham, Joe Brooks
fish for Coho salmon.
5:00 PM Sunday~
I Miii Fro11 UNCt.£ (C)
m 11't World Wt Li. Ill (C)
face tlM Nltitft (C)
..... Sebrt "' """ ':JO'° N...Ulf'I (C) -~•lfttlaTtl.._(C)
·• our Days to Om1h1." A fictional
documentary written and produced
by John lord about the son of a
WWII GI who died on Normandy's
Om1h1 Beach who aoes to Enif end
to m9't and t1lk with people men·
tloned in his father's diary. Blain
Fairman, Isobel Black star. (R)
INtwt (C).
Ci) I DrtHI of Jt1nnie (C)
llfstna-rs' Ntipbofllood (R) (i) ,. •• hrldt (C) '
Jr111iu y '•t.lllu
4:55 8 Wonderful WOfld of Sports (C)
5:00 I News (C) Clete Roberts.41
Tllt Killy StJtt (C)
Movie: "'eoplt Will Talk" (dra-
ma) '51-Cary Grant, Jeanne Crain.
I Country CtrouMI (C)
Tiit Lucy Hour
(]) Seven Am ThNtrt: "Call
Me Madam."
I (6) MMt tbt Preas (C)
What's New? (R)
Run for Yoar life (C)
· QJ Ci) m Frant McSff (C)
Polb Perldt (C) "Folk Sonp ."
5:30 I blateur tto.r (C)
• Skippy tbe lush ltlncaroo (C}
' ara." Part II.
I McH1le's NIVJ
6 ftltvre ~ City Mun (C) (R) • VfNING
6:00 ! !>Cl) Prnldtnt Niaon'a Tour p, 'ttc li) m u . Coll11e Bowl
I ~~~tt (C) (30)
Pay Cards (C) (30)
The-hwaders (C) (60)
Coapel of Cltrlst
Bltcll Pmpectlvt (30) (R)
Man froni UNCLE (C)
&:30 1J R1lpfl Story (C) (30)' The trl1ls
and tribulations of San Jacinto, a
small town that tried to become a
megalopolis-but couldn't-is re·
counted . 0 0 (i) @t) NBC News Sptcql Report (C) (60) An evaluation of
President Nixon's trip to Europe.
JOHN GARY and the
favorite songs! GREAT!
8 Jolin &try (C) (90) Shelley Ber·
man, Lesley Gore, Prof. Irwin Corey,
The Lemon Pipers, Peter Hurt\os,
Bobby Goldsboro, Leigh Spear 1uest.
11 Sn (C) (60)
Haiti (C) (30)
Merqutt 22
Tht Frend! Chtf (R)
9 CIJ Skippy (C)
7:00 IJ a Cl) Lmit (C) (30) Lassie
leads Turner to a runaway teena1e
girl who hu become trapped In a
small eave. Hilarle Thompson guests. o (ill rn m LllMI or ttM e1ants (e) (60) '"l'irget: Elrth." Mart.
Valerie and rrtzhuch help a slant
scientist complete 1 pow11 plant ••
for ~ sp1ce ship, not knowlnc It e
will be used a1alnst Eerth. •
frutll or c.a......-(C) (30)
PtaC*t to TtMI (C) (30) •
wye(s Africa.'' Put Ill. • m St*Ullt*I (60) (R) • ii) Deltlnios lt.dez
7:30 ti ~ CJ) 5tntle ltn (C) (30) •
Chris Robinson auests u a wrtt11r •
whose trickery theatens his own •
D tD@ m Watt Ditn., (C) •
(60) "Nature's Better Built Homes."
Combination live-action and anima-•
tlon nature film showlna animals, '.
blcds and waterlife buildlna and •
llvlna In their various shelters. B Million $ Movie: (C) "FlfttD.. •
..... (adventure) '66-Jean Marais, •
Mylene Oemon1eot. m Mll'V Qriffin (C) (90) •
Q) The Chlll1nK1n1 Sea (C) (30) • "Harvesters of the S11." Biii Bur·
Fits ali ball return tables-Automotfcally racks
balls foster-Saves wear & tear on bed cloth.
Onfy $22.SO. aawun. a11ny -
You .won't
believe It
tll yov ... itf
rud shows practical applications of •
how the oceans of the world may •
be tile •nS'411fr to man's critical •
food problems. ·-----• fB Ii& Pictu,. • AMI ,... , ....
1:00 ti a ~ Ed S.lliw• (C) (60) •' ~tt.11 v.i.
Alan Kin&. Gwtn Verdon, Flip Wil· • $199.00 ron and N1ncy Ames 1uttt
IJ ROLLER GAMES-LIVE! (C) • .____ * T -BIROS vs. DETROIT • • • • • •
1:000 ..... (C)
1:15. Mew6e: '11M , •• .., Sectlt'
(SutPtnst) '51 -John 0.ek, lM
J. Cobb.
M 0 RN IN (, 10:30 (j) Dick Van Dytt S1tow I Ii Sunny Todat (C)
J @ m Hollywood Squares
6:10 Qlvt Us Tiiis D1y/Ntw1 (C) ( ) Peter Marshall hosts.
6:30 Sunrlso Semester (C) I from the Inside Out (C)
Education Elch1n1• (C) Robin Hood
Ttachtr ln.S.rvlct 11:00 ~~love of lift (C)
Educational f11turts 6 m Jeopardy (C)
Ttchnlcal Corner •lloplng Gourmet (C)
J·OO Odyuey {_C) Graham Kerr. . , ~ ~ m Tiit Tod11 Show (C) ISheritt John (C)
Huah Downs hosts. Romper Room (C)
I E1ercl1t With Gloria (C) 11:25 9 Ci) CBS News (C) Douglas
Mr. Wishbone (C) Edwards
ftllx the Cit (C) 11:301J a (j) Search for Tomorrow (C)
fl) Commodl~ Report 0 ~@ m E1e Guess (C) Bill Culleh hosts.
0 The Anniversary 81me (C) Al
Hamel hosts,
Untll Monday, March 10, 111 pro·
lfllllmln1 Is subject to r~lcal
cllln1t without notice, due to th.!
Apollo IX ln·space 1111n11mrs.
11:45 News (C) I America! E(:)
11:55 . @@ m NBC News (C) Ed·
win Newman.
AFTFP.NOON ~:15 1 Stod M1rttt 7:30 CIS News (C) Joseph Benti . &'Ill • Tiit Mornlni S1tow (C) Ed Nel· 12.00 -Bovtlque (C) Whitney Blake and Steve Dunne host. s~n hosts. O @@ m Hidden faces (C) B RtllslMs features 0 Cartoons (C); Cooking With Cor· I Tiit Flintstones (C) ris, m Wednesday.
Hobo Ketty (C) I @ CV m Bewitched
1:00 ~Cl) Capt.In Kangaroo (C) • te111po -4.C) Dornan and Elwell .
• h Bob Keeshan. lD Ntyts (C)
A Bl~ Babysltttr (C) Office of the President
1.151 ~t.~0::.!f > (C) i linldttter Show (C)
,: ZS ~;,.unity iullttln Board (C) 12:30 Ci) As the World Tums (C) : . . I . @ m Days of Our lives 1.30 Cartoons .~C), feature. Wednes· ( ) Macdonald Carey stars.
day ~~ly. f Makes a Funny 8 Stingray (C)
Sound. . @ (]) (!) funny You Should ! Popeye (C) Ask (C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts.
Advtnturn of C:umby (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. ~ Webster Webfoot (C) Dialing f«K Dollars (C)
9:00 IJ Tiit Lucy Show , Ttdlnlcal Corner
' D @ m S.ap J~1111tt1t (C) 12:55 @@m Children's Doctor
Ed McMahon hosts. Ricardo Mon· ( ) Tuesday.Thursday. Lendon H.
talb1n end Carol L1wrence gue$1. Smith. M.D.
8 ~· It to Btaver . 1:001J ~CJ) L0vt Is 1 Many Spltn· ~Ovit: S~e Dayti•e Movies. dored Tt11nc lC)
Jackie Joseph IS hostess. I @ 00 m The Doctors (C)
@ · Jad la Linne (C) @ Cl) a) Dfe1111 House (C) I Th lttal MeCop National Velvet
hcly and His friends (C) ""lllile Daro'# hosts
dler S1tow, Fri. 1:30 ~ The Guidinc .LiaM (C)
Andy Griffitll (C); Ann Gut· I CoMllOdity Ind s~ M1rt1t
9:25 0 @ (6) m NBC Ntw1 (C) Nan· @ 6 m Another World (C)
cy Dickerson. Dobie Gillis
9:30 R ~ Btwrty HiUbillits @ rn m let's Malle I D .. I · @ 6 m C4Htctntratlon ( C) (C) Monty Hall hosts.
Bob Clayton hosts ID World Advenblrt, (C) Mon .. 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Wed.. Fri.; Travel With Don and
Johnny Grant hosts. Bettina, (C) Tues.. Thurs.
I Marsll1I Dillon I 2:00 II Q? ~et S10fM (C)
Dennis the Mtnact 0 @ (j'" m You Don't Say (C)
Educatlon1I features (C) Tom Kennedy hosts.
Hayden's H1pptnin1 (C) JJ love That Bob
10:00 II Andy Griffitt\ @ Ci) a) Newlywed Game (C) 0 Q9J m Ptrsonality (C) Host Bob Eubanks hosts.
lmy Blyden welcome.s Steve law· I Movie: See Daytime Movies
rence. Rocky Grulano and Tolle 2:30 el! 00 The Ede• of NiaM (C)
'" Fietds tc ttte show as they discus."S · Q)@ m The M1tdl 51m1
the inner personalities of Shelley ( ) Gene Rayburn hosts.
Berman. Zsa Zu G1:>or. Bob Crane. O father Knows Best; C:OO.ing
Georae Ralt. end Carol Burnett Ar1Mlnd ttle W«Kkl, (C) Wednesday. G Mowlt: See Daytime Movies D @ (!; m Datin1 G11ne (C) m Tnrttl Of Conaq11et1C11S (C) Jim Lange hosts .......
2:55 0 @ @ m NBC News (C) Floyd t ~ rn Mlkt l>tqla (C) Kalber. Shallty's Pim P1rty
3:00 I Th• llnklttter Show (C) • own Talll (C) . P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. 5:00 KNBC Newservlce (C)
~war Patrol KT1.A News (C)
(11) CV m General Hospital (C) The Gniovy Show (C)
Felix the Cat (C); Zoor1m1, (C) The Addams family
Mon. only. w Jimmy Thomason Show (C)
8 Dialing for Dollars Movie • R em1n (C) I~ Matin•: Don Rodewald. Tiit Lucy st.ow CC)
1tintt: Don Wilson. 5:30 @CI) ABC News (C) frank
3:15 0 News (C) Reynolds.
3:30 tJ lucky P1ir (C) Geoff Edwards 1 'J!:.~;t0r;ateo~0~0~C)(C)
I Mike Douglas (C) ~ Gillig1n's lsl1nd (C)
Divorce Court (C) This Day 19&9 (C)
@ (]) (!)One life To live (C) News.ye (C)
Movie: See Daytime Movies. i..--,-.-Schol--Pro-... -am_lll_l_n_.--l'CT--
M1 favorite Martian •· ~· Hobo Kelly (C) Channel 28 otters air tiM for tM Los
4:00 tJ Mr. Ed; Movie: See Daytime Anceles Cfty and County Sdlooll for
Movies, Monday and Thursday. dlildren's in·sthool pro1111m111lq. In
I Ozzie and Hanitt addition, the station broadcatl in·
@ (3) (!) Dark Shadows (C) service programs for tudltra. Pf•
P1y Clrds (C) Art James hosts. 1111ms art schedUled a feta...:
-4:30 II Movie: See Daytime Movies. MOf'lday S:lO AM·2:30 O Mister Roberts (C) Roger Smith,
Steve Harmon and Richard X. Slat· 1 Tuesday 10:20 AM·3:30
lery star. Wednesd11 9:45 AM-3:30
m News (C) Bill Bonds. Thursday 9:45 AM-4:30
Geora• Putnam News (C) j frid11 10:00 AM·2:30 Bozo's Bi1 Top Show (C) ...__ __________ __
Sean Connery
Tippi Hedren
In Color on The Six O'Clock Movie
Monday, Part I. Tuesday, Part II. 0
' (C)
In· >ro-
Sales A: Service
W ashers-Dryers-Refrlgerators
Service Spedallsts!
1Sft Ora,._, C•ta M .. 642~75
Home Appliance Service It
Repair. Also Heating & Air
Conditioning. 24 hour service.
SUI E~lne-r, Huntlntton aMch
142-7217 or 147-5611
All makes, all models. Work
guaranteed! See Rusty
17115 lrookhum
'ountaln Vall., ftl-12M 546-2 ..
'42-5671, ext. 325
Free estimates, licensed,
Insured. Small jobs welcome.
Interior -Exterior
Any size job. Excellent work.
References. Free estimates. call
642-4669 M6-J74t
Apts. or houses by job or room
Low otf season rates.
Quall ty work!
192-MU anytime
Painting, papering. 16 years
in Harbor area. Licensed and
Bonded. References furnished.
2237Avalon It., C•ta M..a
alks pool <I.eeks, fioors, patios
Any size job, work guaranteed
Servin" Harbor Atta
Replace asphalt with concrete
~rlvewe.ys, patios, sidewalks
Custom work,• Laguna, LAguna
Niguel, Mission Viejo areas.
Ail types concrete work for
t he home. Patios, drtveways, pool decks, sawing, etc.
Licensed -Bonded
Exoert work. Reasonable.
541 '*
Concrete Speciallst-all types.
Pool decks and custom.
Work guaranteed
30 years experience
call JOHN
Plwnblng Repair
No Job too ~mall
24 hours. All problems.
Worli guaranteed.
Licensee' -Insured
71~ W. Floy,. Clrcle, Santa Ana
SJl-7566 anytime
~4 hour service, Beach area.
Licensed bonded. Expert work.
20 years In Orange Cuunty.
Discount prices!
Ill c....-a.v ·-~·
ltw-Plumllen, Inc.
271 aucknell C•ta M_.
Students' working their
way thru college.
Concrete SpeciaJlst-all types
Gardening, lawn renovation.
Complete garden maintenance!
House Cleaning
Call Us!
1111 Clay It., ..._,..... e.ach
642-2112 anyt11M
Complete Janitorial service.
Business, residential and
constructjon cleanup.
1tJ02 lalM• ....._ ---1-----11>~~~~ ... J ••
Huntl"9f0ft a..ctt tt2-47M
Reliable yard care, home and
commercial. Also cleanup.
ltM Arneld Ave., Coeta M ...
Cleanup. Specialist-mowing,
edging odd jobs and light
mov\fli. Reasonable.
call DICK
541 ''" 2114 , ... •ral Ave., C_.a MeM
WOODY obNSTRUCTION Com~"Y W 'euntaln Valley
Licensed contractor. Build.
remodel, ,repair. Brick. block,
concrete carpentry. No Job too small.
Any size job. Expert work.
Any size job
25 years experience.
Work guaranteed.
call aoa HlllEY
Remodeling -Additions
Fine work. Uc. and Ins.
(Licensed Contractors)
627 1'. C.oest Hlthway Laguna lleech
4'7-1"5 ., 4'4-4151 .....
Carpet, upholstery speclalllta.
Work guaranteed
Fa.st Service!
call "9-1456
Complete cleaning, carpets,
noors, etc.· Reaidential-
Commerctal. Speclal rates for
apt. cleaning. 8 years tn area.
Many references. Call Dick
T.V. Sales A Service
Expert, reasonable repair
in your home!
15" OrHte, Ceeta M ... 642~75
Laguna Be&ch to San Clement
Complete servi~ and reoair.
Warranty station tor RCA.
South Coast Area
M1J5 Coast Hwy., O.na Point
4ft-1144 4"-M"
Quality work for 16 years.
Home or shop service.
All makes--Color or BA: W
1tsJ New~ alltf4., C•ta M ...
aAYVllW T.V.
Complete Color and
Black A: White service
20l56 hnta Ana Ave.
Santa Ana J.46.4615
I i § *I I i ; i ~ i ; I ltf f fif i' ; n•11.:,11r11111111•.•@ •!J'•11•liS~·1· 1!•f•J!lilMf!lf9 li9 .i It •1"' 'J 1 11~ r~f r (!)af I !f i ... ,9,fr s'W · r i!S •. ' ~! i ~1 .,(, ~1' ,, ,~, ~ ,,. .
I 'If r 1• '., "11f a! f: I J l f f s ; ~ ., I I , i IL ~ ' l r ~ i
B! J:~.I~; !; !i•i!i ra 1; 1~~; j 1~.: r! ~1-"1)~ 1: ,1: ,:,
i •If r J 1.,' tf f i ~ lf 1 St I f f r ft. . '•' S · -:c
I ; I i •11 • ~111l!Jil!' i!f lii1l"f II' 111•• ri ''~'! Jl'Jlf 1".iU~•:•¥11L!l(.:~11r!f ~II ··~~·~lei' ~if 1~'f~tr;•'ir1:~f 1!·rs !1 1~hj1•h 1 ~1~!1t lr1:'! ··-~1-•!;~•11~ H,iq ild 'tf: 1!!:,~!11 ff r"J·1i1IJl1! f IJ"IP11.. !"a!f tll ·~f rllff! !~('h11:1t•d f !1!:1 1a i hb i!Jf r;l 1 ·~ 1'1 llJ' ,11•i i I• II i ~ ~ .wi' h 1111~11~1 111-·!Jf1 .. 11!d 1., a ta Ii ~ r • i " s .. r . r. ~ . a ' -l a i i l t I I B s r! · 1 • r : n a fdJ I.I.ta i ilh.Hlfi s,(s rf ~ i h .nlH1~I •h~i nlrdle · f i.I I
_, ...,
I ; *' •11i•11 • ;r11111• ••EiJ'' ''!ll·f·'°f !i•••1Ji~11rr1 11 r• "~~~i 1·1i'r:· l t 1i'Hjf If~ I JIJ; tJ '"81 i rnh rr:· • f faf (llilS!jj I• 1 ~ 'i!!1H ,.if ii!i 1;1~~'! i ;1!:Jr1· 111 i !:,~,, 1!·1!;1 :mi~i fitJ~ 1hj~!§ lnJ~sl ~ 1 :1~ I !f 11 •!r! J•1!1 fdfif 1 ~pd·-l!~~: !{ti~I ~J! ~I~ l !·'i ah,..tirlu ilil! iJ 1 s.·f i!!. ( ~i~l-i i ~ ~ r-~& ~a s.f lt~ § JIJi ~rl~ .-if: lli~1ta illf~lr 'iJ .... ; ~ ........ ,; i::;i ::: ::: :::;: ~ t; 8 ~ l\t ~ 8 . i!i ' :! ~~· 11 GI e ciG e i e I f3 ~IQ ~~-I§) ~ge i ;'.IS 11 e l~'i ~ee il~a '1 i. ~if :!~e !i:feG ~
gZ!f f iJ r j;;Clf ::1 ~-@ .--,e~l f ss ~--,i'~ .. :t~il l .,3q!·--r· r 1-c:•:sa="=i·!;•11 ,..~~ I . 1·. i~· r I i sfO ~~·@ ~·m .· ie . ~~ ~~ea-ii, i~·1e:~1-·~--. '~i:;1;('1~ . !
i i a ~ i i ~ t ! J i m ~I ! j. '· t!J f i : ii I I'll : si. B i ~ f ~ • f ~1! i fl~ l{I I ~ l I & I ~ •. I :I l l!J , Q. j a 6) I ! i a._ --1 I c: I.,.. ra t:
II . a t ;1 a I I 1, 1~ f J;i In r :;ii~ j; ~i~ -~ u~ ~-
l I • f -· i ~ f !1 z~ a i-ril l ~r I r'J;a i~ :. S'~ l1 ~ {' a ff :9 il _ i l~J ~~fil ~~ ~ ~f;il: ft 1
9.' -.L. "' !l'
..... -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ on~==--«='"" --~-_. .... _,,."'
D You
I Dan-
• April,
•rd u.
1 Lusl-
" and elec-
I (t)
For mornin1 and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 U "lec.tae ti YM" (drama) '52
-loretta Youna. Jeff Cha!Mfler.
9:30 D "ledJ llld Se.,.. (drama) '47
-John Garfield. Lilli Palmer.
10:00 fJ (C) "Toward Ille U1kaon" (Id·
venture) '56 -William Holden,
. Lloyd Nolan.
lZ:lO m "Sabotap at Sea" (drama) '42
-Dave HutchlMOn. "Tiie lr...t
f'll-loa" (drama) '45 -Dan
Duryea. 2:00 m .. , AcaM My ,.,.... (dra-
ma) '44-Mary Beth Huahes. John
3:30 D ~ (lr!Y1tery) •59 -Forrest Tu~r. Allison Hayes. •
4:30 II (C) "OM Desire" (drama) '55
-Roc;k Hudson, Anne Baxter.
f './ f N I '\ (,
6:00 IJ Tiie 111 ,.... {C) (60) Jerry
Dunphy. D m H"""'-lrlltld.J (C) (30) u DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, I * vs. PHYLLIS-DILLER!
look for the winner
tonight on STEVE ALLEN! n Stiewt Allen S11ow (C) (90) 0ou1-rn Fairbanks Jr., Barbara Bain
Phy:lis Diller, Paul Smith Trio 1uest u Sil O'Ci.ct llfttt: (C) ...........
Part II (drama) '64-Tippi Hedren,
Sean Connery.
11 S,, (C) (60)
latllu (C) (30)
CI) Men Critflll {C)
n.t'a ,._? (30) "Folk Sonp."
Tracy Newman slnp.
I ..... ...,
IPlll ..... (C) 6:30 DIC ...._._ (C) (60) v.,.,. ...............
Sea ~) (60)
CI) H..a.,.lrWleJ (C) ...,,... Wftll ,.., ClltlW (30)
e First Sttp Is I Giant One."
M1rion Marshall and Maxine Youna.
a teacher In the parent-pre-school
d\ild obsemtion proaram of the
Los Anftles City Sdlools, point out
steps for par.nts to follow in teacfl .. ;a thtlr dllldrtt1 to rtld.
1:0015 ~s~::: <~ (30)
Walter Cronkite.
I ..... My U..? (C) (30) ,_.nl (C) (30)
Ci) Amna! (C) ~ f'9td CW (30) "Steal!
Dinner in Half an Hour." (R)
I (I) Tiit ..... ..,. (C) ......... s. (C)
T .... tr Cu11,111m (C)
7:JO Qt (I) UICW {C) (60) Scott
saves a connivlna medicine man
from a tar and featherin1. but the
film.flam 11tlst later shows up tt
the llncer ranch posln1 u en lndi·
an a11nt and starts a phofly land
,boom. Guest Is William Windom.
II 9 Ci) m lll'IJ llWll (C) (60)
eoftnle ~ al)d The Osmond
Brothers ruat.
aeliat who heads the anti-Com·
munlst Ctiristian CruSlde, is ..n
in Rhoduit condudln1 one of his ·
"anti-Communist" PICUlt tours.
fl) lllcl Ptnpectlve (30) A pantl
of locil bllck newamen quation
City Councllmtn Robert Wllkl..-,
one of tfle andidlttl for ""10' al
and McN~IR present
@l)DicU ....
10:30 fJ Mowle: (C) "llead alld lllCl
Lace" (horror) '6S-Camen1n Mlt-INlll•ds and show tunes! chtll. Eva B1rtok.
DON'T MISS IT! News (C) {30) ....... s {C) (60) "Tht Gor-............ c..r...-
don MacRae Show.'' Wltti 8ar11ara '""' Sin lfl*fil
McN1lr Ind Rich llttlt. ll:OO uHek,.._ (C)
Im Ill .... y ... Utt (C) (60) Liars Club (C) fD NET flllwal '·(60) ''The Rim Mtwie· ''loo..,an(' (mytbNy) Gtntfltion on War." Rut PfOirtm . -0 · .. _ ... in a atrits on todl(s filmmakers is "'' ....... rews. Jane Wyatt.
a look at the youna filmmaktn' In· ~~!..@ID News (C)
dlct_m~nts ·•Pl~ Wlr. Ft1tured 11:30 'IJ Mowlt: "lo•bardltr.. (ldven· !"· 'The P.-rt' by Janusz K~lk; ture) '43 -Randolph Scott, Pat ()pu.s 007 by Gerald Belllin; 'Oe· • O'Brien
currtnce at OWi Cr~ Bridtt" by 8 ~·@ m lOftiellt Sllow (C) ~~ Enrico; and Star-Span&fed Movie: •'file Leas Nlallt" (.,.
I ~:.: Mcl..auahlln. pense) '47 -Htnry Fonda, Ann I Alllaltt Dvorak.
t:30 . S~ Didi.., CC) (30) Doris l(j}) (J)al..., llllltp (C) :: ~-;; :;': ri:r~, l~lAM LllCJ
I Clptive of a COUrtl"• hlllbltlw rut Ha!WJ (C) ... .,. 12:00 S..t Strip
U .EXCELLENT POLICE 12:10 • .,._: "fer 1or a llllef' (m,. * ACTION MELODRAMA ttrYH>avid Sumner, Susan Trawn.
WA vw AllD WAGGEDORN -I (HJ (}) m lffPD (C) (30) 12:30 m Action .'!"*tre:. "King of the ~··(~~-:.:u:~ :;' (C) (30) Ted M8"f$. l:OO UI~~!,. (C)
a Moeck (Clwdn Hale) wtlo _,. 10:00 QI (I) 60 .,..._ (C)-(60) CO•••nit.J lullttia 8eard (C)
nltely IWt b.11 wife ta dae. lulla IT'/ Rt11oner, Miu Wall1ee. fre11 tlle 1119idt o.t (C) ~=n:e~ :! ?J'°~{u~; a~ 11-(C) (60) · 1:15 fJ M.wit: "lncll111 UPftliftt" (Wiit· 1:3& PM. PHJ)a> 1"rt Ufl (C) (60) em) '52 -Georae Mont(omtry, , Mlnill 'liltea (30) Aodr.y Lona.
IJ l.olt la ~ (C) (60) I TW ... (C) (30) "Pf'Oll't9' 1:30 m All·Mfcttt Sllew: ''The Yount D (ft) Cl) · Jacquaa C01ste11 sivt vs. Traditional Education." Sem Lovers," "Strawberry Blonde," ind
Sjedil (C) ( ) "Sunken TrNSure." leveMOn auests. "Genie of D1rknest."
The stO(J of famed undenrattr u -------------.;...._------------
plorer Jacques-Yves Coustuu's
search for a wreck btlieYed to bt
la Nuestra Senora de la Conctp·
cion, comm1ncl ship of the 1641
New Wor1d Annada of Spain. fJ Mllliol S Mowie: (C) '1llny
llaci IM Ille ~ (actventur1)
·~Stewart Granier. Barb1ra Rush.
Tnitll er eo.u,_ces (C) (30>
""' ..... (60) • CMdell • la bu (30)
UnAftpleellf•P 1:00 Hant (C) (30) . w.w ...... (C) (60) rr.i. OrfMI &.le
1:30 Qt Ci) Red Sllal"'9 (C)
Ser&io Franch I auests. D9@8'Mla <C> (30) "I thovlfit I Saw a Two-.Tfmer." Juli•
spies nelahbor Marie Waqtdom's
husband In a cafe smoochina
1 ~ blonde and brlnp back the
wronpd woman to • for hentlf.
Chanin Halt Is featured.
I ....... Adlell (C) (30)
(fi') CJ) 6> It Ta._ a T1litl (C)
( ) ''The Baranoff Time Table."
With the help of an American ~·
lir1, Mundy attempts to steal 1
document divul&1n1 the master plan tot a Communist takeover of South America. Jet.9ica Walter and Rey
D•nton auest. m ...., '"""' <C> <90> m ...... Oddi <C> <30>
t:OO II U (6) m flnt ,....., (C)
(2 hr) 1fAC News' monthe, mtl·
azlne f•turtJ: New Yl>B City policf.
man on his Job In Manhattan and
In his home In Smithtown. Lon'&
Island; tfle Count Jean de Betu-
mont takes viewers alonl to hla
vast astlte In Al11Ct; Or. Blllr
Jamft Harala. an Oklahoma even·
M"1ny adults and chlldrtn d•
• , • un-neceuarllyl
fHURTONE MS ~n. In -
21 years and 450.000 cases, ttlat It
·can "op bed·wettina (Enur.,11),•
""'" Mt eauaad Illy •rs•ftlc .,.,.eta
., "'" .... In just two to four ..... Not a dru& Of diet, Just •
simple exercise technique. ENUR·
TONE Is the ori1lnal and only
method developed by a doctOf, llC>-
provtd by many doctors. Recom-
mended llH 4 lhru 50.
Miii coupe>n for FREE INFORMA-
TION without oblip tion, end r•
c:.lve booklet on bed·wettlna written
b)' 1n eminent ramily doctor.
_,...11161, TllC IJlllllTOll( COW411Y
NAM'"-------------------AOORESS, ________________ _
CITY-----------" AT..__ ____ _
PHONL __ Jlf' __ ---
1. r .._ r.: i ••I l 11 rt 1 ' ;. • 1 ,,. • , • t f •· 1 1 '
'• 11
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 0 "Mrs. Parkiniton" Part I (dra·
ma) '45 -Greer Garson, Walter
9:30 0 "Artists and Modefs Abro1d''
(comedy) '38 -Jack Benny, Joan
10:00 O (C) "Sift of L.ve" (drama) ,,58
-Lauren Bacall, Robert Stack.
12:30 m "P1ssport to Pimllco" (comedy)
'49-Stanley Holloway. ''The Wom-
an Who Came Back" (myste,Y) '45
-Nancy Kelly.
2:00 ID "Crow Hollow" (horror) '52 -
Donald Houston, Natasha Parry.
3:30 B "Fittiter Squadron" (adventure)
'43-Robert Stack. Edmond O'Brien.
4:30 IJ (C) "Destination Inner Space"
(sci·fi) '66-Gary Merrill, Sheree
North, Scott Brady.
1:00 IJ The Big News (C) (60) Jerry
0 m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30)
U Klnp Hockey (C) (21/z hr) Ji&11s
McDonald calls the action as the
L.A. team meets Toronto in the
Mapla leaf Gardens, Ontario, Cana·
0 Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) "Bid to
Sod's Country" (adventure) '54 -
Rock Hudson, Marcia Henderson.
0 I Spy (C) (60)
ID Batman ·(C) (30)
@ (1) Merv Griffin (C)
tll) Whit's Ntw? (30) "Junior Rock·
etry." Hifh school students in en·
gineering compete In a rocket alti·
tude contest with models that reach
speeds of 400 mph.
el Mujerts Sin Amor
aJ KPLM News (C)
6:30 CJ KNBC N~ice (C) '(60)
ID Vo11ge to the Bottom of Ult
Sea (C) (60)
Qj 00 Huntley-Brinkley (C)
fI1) Tala With Parents (60) "Growth
J'"Moral Judgment." Anna Bing Ar·
nold, parent education teacher for
the L.A. City Schools. lectures and
talk1 with an audience of parents.
t1I Cl) fl) m G) News (C)
,. .. 12
Back To
God's Country
Wednesday in Color on
The Six O'Cloek Movie
7:00 1J CBS . Evenin& News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
fJ Wh1t't MJ Lin• (C) (30) m Pnsword (C) (30)
QI @ You Asktcl for It
~ Ci) lwtrlJ Hillbillies (C) m Wandeflust (C)
GJ Trvttl or Con1tql!=lietl (C)
7:301J Glen Ca•pbtll (C) (60)
D @ @ m TM Ylr&lnlan (C)
(90). "Eileen." Clay Grainger and
his Shiloh hands thwart a kktnap-
ing and help a youn1 lady "grow
up." Debbie Watson, Richard Van
'Vleet 1uest as Eileen and her fiance,
who hires on at Shiloh incognito.
O @@O)Here Come th
Brides (C) (60) "The Crimpers."
On a business trip to Port Angeles,
Jeremy and Joshua Bolt are shang·
haied, leaving Corky to return to
Seattle with the news. Rosemary De
Camp guests as Mr; Fletcher.
fJ Mllllon $ Movie: "Hip Noon"
(western) '52--Gary Cooper, Grace
Kelly. m Truth or Consequences (C) (30)
ID Periy M1ton (60)
tll) Candon de la Rua (30)
~ Ci) Best of Hollywood
el Un Anatl en el Fanp
8:00 m Hazel (C) (30)
@\) The City Millers (C) (30) Geor·
gia legislator Julian Bond joins Dr.
Kenneth Clark for a look at the
political power within the nation's
urban areas.
el Mlercoles Musfcal
1:30 tJ Tht Sood Guys (C) (30) Rut us IJ Wratllft& (C) (60) blck lane la
is driven to desperate measures to rln&Side.
guest when his buddy, Bl& Tom, ' News In Perspective (C) (60)
get rid of an unwelcome house ii Run for Your Life (C) (60)
moves in after a fight with his wife. SJ1vl1 y Enrique
Alan Hale &Uests. 9:30 IJ ~ (j) Green Acres (C) (30) U Win Wlttl the Stars (C) (30) After re·readlng the fine Hungarian
Cliff Robertson and Roberta Sher· print in their marriage license, Lisa
WOOd guest. and Oliver Douglas discover they
O @@ m ABC Wednesday Wefe actually licensed to pra~t
Movie: (C) ''The Youn& Lions" (dra· dentistry instead of marriage. Lisa
ma) '58-Merlon Brando, Montgom· orders Oliver out of their bedroom
ery Clift, Dean Martin, Maximilian until he makes an "honest woman"
SChell. Based on Irwin Shaw's best· out of her.
selling novel. this film Is the story O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
of Christian Oiestl, a dedicated . officer in the German army whose 10:00 6 Q.?J Cl) Hawaii F"ive-0 (C) (60)
destiny is intertwined with the des· An assass1~ fells a student protest
tinies of two American soldiers. leade~ during a confrontation I~
I MlfY Griffin (C) (90) Hawaii between a group of studet'ft
But the Odds (C) (30) peace demonstrators and a proml·
Book Beat (C) (30) Authdr Wll· ~ent general of a Far Eastern ~-
flam Manche~er talks about hi~ ;·@ @ m The Outsider (0 ne~~~:!· 'The Arms of Krupp. (60) "Handle With Care." On al
el signment for an insurance compaft1
9:00 IJ BevetlJ Hillbillies (C) ~30) Sam facing heavy losses in a rash Of
Drucker wins a trip to Hollywood, truck robberies, David Ross poses
but Granny assumes that he's come as a hood and infiltrates a hijack·
to many her. When Jethro fears ing ring,
that Sam may carry Granny and her I m News .(C) (60)
home cooking back to Hooterville, • Marshal Dillon (30)
he tries to scare off the visitor That Show (C) (30) "And Then
with tales of Granny's movie-star He Wrote . . . " Jule Styne and
sllitors. Phyllis ·Newman guest.
0 KRAFT MUSIC HALL tlll Guten Ta& (30) * Robert Goulet, Phil m Dlchi Robadi
Silvers--Le.ttermen 10:30 0 Movie: "Cry of BatUe" (drama)
'63-Van Heflin. James MacArthur. 0 @00 m Kratt Music Hall OJ News (C) (30) ~ (60) "A Night Out With the fE Art and Artis1s (30) "The Eng·
Boys." Robert Goulet hosts. Guests lish Country Church." A film study
are Edward VIiieiia and The Letter· of the church's relationship to Eng-
men. Phil Silvers is special guest. lish history and its architecture's
Dean Jonet baedles dlt lloeda&
dllora on ABC's Wbat's It All
About, World?, die coatemporary
comtdy aow wldl occuioaal musk: ltUrfas a caleattd array of youoe
perfonnen. Tbe prop"UD, created
by Saul 0.0• and Ernest Cluun-
llen, alrl '11111nday1 at 9 PM.
re~ationship to church history.
Shown Ille churches of Norman,
medieval, Gothic and renaissance
design. el Gente Sin Historia
11:001 0 el News (C) Alfred Hitchcock
Liars Club (C) (30)
Movie: "81rl From Manhlttan"
(drama) '48 -Dorothy Lamour,
George Montgomery. I tfj f.:ews (C)
11:30 IJ Movie: "Count the Hours''
(western) '53 -Macdonald Carey,
Teresa Wright.
0 ~@ g;, Tonilht Show (C) e Movie: "Spin I Dart Welt" (dra·
ma) '56 -Faith Domergue, lee
O @ @ G)News (C) m I Love luq
~ 00 Paul Harvey (C)
12:00 0 @ (I) aJ Joey Bishop (C) m 77 Sunset Strip
12:20 fJ Movie: "Girl In Room 13"
(mystery) '61-Brlan Donlevy. An·
drea Bayard.
12:30 ID Action Theatre: "Spies of the
1 :00 0 0 News (C) 1J Community Bulletin Board (C) m From the Inside Out (C)
1:15 IJ Movie: ''The fortunes of Cap-
tain Blood" (adventure) '50-louis
Hayward, Patricia Medina.
1:30 m All·Night Show: "Road to Glory,"
"Night Unto Night," and "Blonde
for a Day.''
~ l, 1969
ck line la
:) (60)
(C) (60)
(C) (30)
:ense, Lise
:over they
t1 pra~e
·iage. Lise
r bedroom
;t woman"
(C) (60)
!nt prot•
itation In
of studef'lt
a proml·
astern nt·
&id« (Cl
" On al
~ compa~
a rash Of oss poses
, a hijack•
'And Then
Styne and
" (drama)
"The Eng·
film study
ip to Eng·
' Lamour,
e Houn"
11ld Carey,
how (C)
fell" (dra·
!rgue, lee
oP (C)
•oom 13"
nlevy, An·
ies of the
loard (C)
••• Clp-
to Glory,"
d "Blonde
Paul Lynde and Smoky ¥ Robinson (.17) (I) Spotta KLYD-0-Scopt (C)
end The Miracles euest. fll) DOUT It Yoo Wn ,,, uHn1 D ~mm Tllat Girt (C) (30) (C) (30) LrNn Kl~petrlck holtl •
"Fly Me to the Moon." As Mls.s Air sef1es that asb -.perts with lharply
Force, Ann Is caulht between )et· opposin1 vi1wpolntJ whet ttiey think
tln1 about the country end redeco-President Nixon's policy on 1 My
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY.
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
ratln1 Don's apartment. Series star netlonal problem should be.
Marto Thomas will be wearina the new duty uniform that some 8,000 Im 8en1ll Shi Hldlri•
Women of the Air Force wlll wear al Twill&M Zone
this sprln1. · m ttaz• <C> <3o> 11:00 a o u e> m,..... <C>
EI!) NET ,.,,_.. (90) "Talkina lo II Nlred Hltdlc:od
1 Stranpr-The Innocent Must Suf.
fer." The final part of John Hop· m Uan Cllb (C)
kins' quartet of ~r1mas is told from QJ Mov .. : (C) ... adlancls et .....
the mother's.point of view. Mar11ery talll" (western) '57-Rex RHIOn.
Mason, Maurice Denham, Judi Dench
and Michael Bryant star. @CI)@ 00 m NNI (C)
g;) ftlldanol (C) to
9:00 0 "Mrs. P1rklnrton'' Part 11 (dra. 1!25 0 Wonderful World of Sport (C)
ma) '45 -Greer Garson, Waller 1:30 0 Q> (I) m Ironside (C) (60)
Pldeeon. "A Dru1 on the Market." Stranae
9:30 O "Dtspente Moment" (drama) voices from an unknown source
'S3--0irk Bogarde, Mai Zetterllng. drive an attractive widow to the verge of madness. .Terrified by
10:00 B "five Golden Hours'' (comedy) threats •&•inst her life, Karen Mar'·
'61-Ernie Kovacs, Cyd Charisse. tin calls 1 ronslde for help. Betsy
12:30 m "W1tertoo Roed" (drama) '45 Jones· Moreland and Victoria Shaw
-John Mills. "Aisi1ntd to D1naer" E G guest. (adventure) '48-Gene Raymond. ' TH I RL e Boxin1 (C) (60) Tom Harmon
2:00 n:11 "U1tllnown Island" (horror) •49 and Mickey Davies are ringside for
u:.. WHO HAD a 10-round welterweight bout be--Vlrainia Grey, Richard Denning. tween Oscar Alvarado and Miauel
3:3011::.~'c:!t~~~it:;;le~~i·fi) EVERYTHING ~l~~Q)Btwltchtd (C) (30)
4:00 ~ (C) "lell, Book end Cindie" •'fabathe s Weekend With Grandma." -Th d Sim finds herself In the middle (rantasy) '59 -Jacil Lemmon, Kim UfS ay 00 as Tabatha's two 1randmothers vie
Novak. The Six O'Clock Movie flor ~:~ f~~:·<:t~} affection.
.Q Beat UN ~ (C) (30) \U Muslcl y Estrella (C)
6:001J The Bil News (C) (30) Jerry -----------9:001J Qt Ci) C8S Tllundly Movie:
Dunphy. § ® Mdtlle's Nevy (C) "Gooclby., Chlrllt" (comedy) 0 m Huntley·Brlnllley (C) (30) True Adventure (C) '64-Tony Curtis, Waltitr Matthau, D ALLEN IN SALAD BOWL! Truth or to11aequences (C) Debbie Reynolds, Pat Boone. CR)
* TOSSED BY LADY O @mm w11ar1 It All About. 7:30 tJ ~@ Tiie QtMtn and I (C) World? (C) (60) Kate Smith guests WRESTLER. look for (30) The feud between Duffy and with regulars Scoey Mitohlll, Gerri the dressing tonight! First Officer Nelson forces the crew Granger, Bayn Johnson, Dick Clair
SURROUNDED-Peta Grant bu aooct reuon to en)oy hi. •we•~ an(e on N BC's lbe Deaa Marda
Sllow, Thursday •I 10 PM.
IJ Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Gig to take sides and soon no one Is and Jenna McMahon, Maureen Ar·
Young, Gayle Vance, Beth Brickell talking to anyone else. Commodore thur, Ron Prince and Dennis Allen. 11:30 ! Mevie: (C) "Greet D11 In tM
and Henry Mancini auest. Dodds (Reginald Owen), owner of Dean Jones hosts. omln_.. (dram•) '56 -R-.. -• the Amsterdam Queen, plans to IR f y Lif (C) (60) • -~ 0 Six O'Clock Movie: "111• Girl brin11 a wealthy banker aboard the EJunMu°'ndo o:~-L'oco Stack. ~aymond Burr. Who Hid EvtfJlhlnt' (drama) '53 Q · k Ill ~ -Elizabeth Taylor, Fernando Lamas. ueen in the hopes his ban w 9:30 0 ~IT\~ Dr11ntt (C) (30) 0 0@ i°m TonlPt aow (C) invest some money in the line. It ~ ~ 11 Spy (C) (60) is every important that ev91Yone "Bur ary-DR-31 ." Friday and Gan· II Mavle: (C) "S-lnOat U,....,,.
B1b111n (C) (30) aboard give the impression of a non search for • buralary suspect (western) '55--Georae Montpmwy,
(3) Merv CMffin (C) "happy ship." Captain Washburn dressed In a bright areen cape -and Karin Booth.
What's N ... ? (30) "Folk Son1s.'' enlists the aid of Nurse Wiima Napoleon hat. The thie~ only st11ls D @ (}) m ..., lbl9ep (C)
Tracy Newman plays and sings fol-Winslow in an effort to make the photos of an old com1cstrlp hero.
music from 16 countries in the Ian· crew begin ~eakina. nm Donnelly auem
guage of each country. 0 @@ m Daniel Boone (C) 0 Ntw1_ (C) (30) Ted Meyers..
g;) Mujeres Sin AlllOf (60) ''for Want of a Hero." Daniel EI!) Wul11nrton In Review (C) (30)
m I Low Lucy
9 Ci) Paul Hamy (C)
al llPt.M News (C) •becomes involved in the payroll 10:00 0 @ (!) m Dt1n Mertln (C)
6:30 0 KNBC Newservice (C) (60) theft plot of rrve survivin1 30ldiers (60) Peter Graves, Pem Lee, Min· 12:00 m n SunMt strip
ID Voyiae to tht Bottolll of tbt of an Indian attack. Richard Ander· nle Pearl and ~tanley Myron Han· lz.lS B Mwie· "Tiit lllttle of Blood i.
Sea (60) son and Arch Johnson auest. delman. and Omo, Desi and -Billy • land" ( ~ t ) '00-Rlch rd 0..
@ (!) Huntley-Brlnllley (C) IJ Lost in Spice (C) (55) 1uest a en ure I ~Mort for Your Money (30) "Flres fJ @rn m The flyln1 Non (C) Im News (C) (60) von, Ron Kennedy.
a:1 (30) "The Breakaway Monk." Rich SUl99nM lllHtrt (C) (60) Are Expensive." Marion Marshall Little guests 15 the accident-prone • Merahil Dillon (30) 12:30 Q) Action Thtltn: "Tell, Derk and
talks with a lire Inspector who Brother Paul who makes a return Th1t Show (C) (30) "The Price Handsome."
demonstrates ways of preventing visit to the convent to help the You Pay for Divorce." Barry Sulll· .~~o~f~ I.'!' News (C) Mother Superior straighten out the van and Attorney Si dney Siller guest
1eJ \Jt.l l:W ~ i;u bookkeeping. @ (}) fhe Kiiiy Style (C)
7:001J CBS Evenln1 Ntwa (C) (30) 0 Million $ Movie: "Tht D.I." EI!) Theatre Beat (30) ''You're a
Walter Cronkite. (drama) '57 -Jack Webb, Don Good Man. Charlie Brown," now at B Wl!Aft My Une? (C) (30) Dubbins. the Ivar, is discussed. m PUIWOfd (C) (30) I Truth Of Consequences (C) (30) m Dlch• Robld•
@@ Hip and Wlld (C) Peny Meson (60) (D P.....,ort to Tr1¥11 (C)
Ell) P11Jin1 Ule Guitar (30) "Art>tl· Candon de 11 Rm (30) 10:30 0 hfov!eY. "Brukflst In ltd"
gio Techniques." Frederick Noad Un Ansel en el fln10 (comedW-'63--lex Barker, Ulo
gives the final lesson on basic teth· 8:00 tJ Q!) ([) Jon1Ul1n Winters (C) Pulver. niques. (60) lainfe Kazan, Shelley Berman, ID Newa (C) (30)
1:00 0 U Ntws (C) 1J Cotnmuntty Bulletin Botrd (C) m from Ult lntJdt Out (C}
1:15 f) Movie: 1'111e Bniln" (horror)
• ·~e1er Van Eyck. Ctcll P1rklt.
1:30 m All·Nlcht Sllow: "Death on ttlt
Four-Poster.'' ''The Beet Geneni·
tion." and "Remember Pnr1 Har·
hp 13
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tlons reserve the right to
change programming with-
out advance notice.
t:0D U "'Rt•1lu To le Seen" (mys·
tery) '53-June Allyson, Van John· son.
9:10 &J "Odtttt" (drama) '50 -Pet.er
Usilnov, Trevor Howard.
10:00 fJ (C) "The M111 In the Grey An·
•II SUit" (drama) '56 -Gregoty
Peck. Jennifer Jones.
lZ:JO m "Strlntt hnpenonltiol" (mys.
tery) '46 -Brenda Marshall. "Tbe
lreet D1a Patch" (drama) '48 -
Dennis O'Keefe.
2:00 OJ "I'll Sell MJ Uft" (drama) '41
-Michael Whalen, Rose Hobart.
1:30 D "CNftttrfeit Plan" (mystery)
'S7-Zach4ry Scott. Peule Castfe.
4:30 II "Mr. llandiftp Bailcb His
Dne11 HoUM" (comedy) '48-Cary
Grant. Myrna Loy.
6.-00 II The 811 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy.
0 @D HuUey-Brtnkley (C) (30)
D stwe Allea (C) (90) Gert Mehr.
Jayne Meadows, Tony Martin and
Pat Harrington guest.
0 Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) ''Wal• lie Proud und" (adventure) '5&-
Audie Murphy, Anne Bancroft.
fJ I !t1J (C) (60)
OJ latJllan {C) (30) .
(1j) (I) MtfV •iffln (C)
fD Wllat'a New? (30) "Horse Cen·
ter." Two young riding students
demonstrate techniques of w1lkin1.
trottini. and canterinr th&lr horses.
II) Mqjeru Sin AIMr
E!)lPLM Newt (C)
6:30 D KNBC NtwSef'Vlee (C) (60) m v.,.,. to the Bottom of a.
See (C) {60)
Huntley-Brlnllltr (C)
Absurd Arts (30) "The Ab·
of Talkln& Pictures." Dr.
Clarence Sandelin discusses the
aesthetics of in$tlnct employed by
Onon Welles In "Citizen Kane."
9Cl)fl)@D@Ntws (C)
7:10 8 CIS Evenlnp News (C) (30)
Waltet Cnwlklte.
fJ WIYfa MJ Unel (C) (30) m Paaword (C) (30)
9 (l) cm.a Showcase (C) "Gun-
.,, point" Audie Murphy st1r1.
~=llllf.i World of ~ll4r111 (30) " l R•dtnus for 1.t1mlni."
Mrs. Emrn• JlmlMZ Illustrates Points
...... 14
of specltl lftttttsl 10 pattnts lboUt
their child's normal .physal dew!·
fa (() M"'*'7 RfD (C) m AIHrba Wtlt (C) m ,,. °' eo-.uenci. (t)
Acclaimed THE spontaneous party
of 111 time, Hef's bash has s-t
Datts at his unstoppable btst and
sinaer·compom AIUHJ ll1wf1J, enterllinlna whe11 in drop party
crullers J1nJ \.twls, htlf llwfln
and 1111 Cldf. Sammy and Nmey
never let up, until 1 clumsy
waiter (lewis) upends the hors
d' oeuvres. lewis, Lawford and CosbY
all join In. Non·slop excitemenl.
7:10 R 9 (j) T1lt WUd, Wild Weat (C)
(60) Guest Patrice Munsel plays 1
tempe.stuous diva who becomes in·
volve4 in a New OrluM operatic
punt. when llidn1ppe11 atttmpt to
abduct her durin1 her sin&lnl per.
formance. Artemus Gordon ente11
the case when he accompanies the
temperamental Rosa Montebello
from Washinston on tht request of
President Grant Gordon and James
West discover tt)at every diva, In·
dudin1 Miu Montet>etlo, to sinf
"Lucia di Lammermoof'' at the New
Or1upi opera house In the last five years has either dlsappeel'ld orl------------------------
1uffered 1 mishap and that the
chain of circumstances durlni tf\et
period uems to stem b'oln~·
parent death of opera star Carolyn
Mason. (Rescheduled) a m HIP QaparTll (C) (60) "A
Felli Named KJI~." Buck him
saddt. tramp Onllllt Kiiroy, who
hides his crimJnal put and quick-,
ty becomes the most popular hand
on the Cannon ranch. Ron Hayes auests. D ,.,om~ll"ll'l'l'm'"'J Tiie Stitt or l1linp
Ttc;;;(C) (60) The official
launchin1 of the California Bicen·
tennlal Beautification ProlJ'lm fea·
turu Bat'ya, Paul Andrew, Vina
Harmer and Ral Malus.
O @()) 0) Tllla la Tom Jona if) (60) Shirtey Jones, Dick Cavett
and Dusty Sprinrtield .loin Tom to-
nl&ht Also 1uestln1 are The Found•·
tions, and Enaefbert Humperdinck. e C..,.tt Tllutre: "ExptrilMflt la T.mr (suspense) '62-Glenn Ford,
Lee Remick, stefanie Powers.
m T~ '!K Co111equences (C) (30)
Ii) Ptny Muon (60) •
m CUdon de la Raza (30)
"All Hands on Ded" (comedY) '61
-fat Boone, Buddy H1ekett. Dennis
men Jr., Lisabeth Hush, 1nd Simon
~ ~;eat. hfdon.-1-:-=---~,_,,,.....,..=-.....---(30) •1JO·v:oo:::o=-==
A bit of life aboard an LST, the •llY Know How to U• a Camen?''
crew of whidl Includes II\ Indian Tab Hunt« and Norman Roth1thlld with a live turkey and a YetY hi·
r1ased capttin. Also on board is a auest. &lrl reportef. fD UD _..., (60) "V /STOL Alr-
pl1nes.11 Pert II. A continuation of D COUNT 'EM-SAMMY th• discussion of the development * DAVIS, JERRY LEWIS, of alrplanes that have th• 1ctv1n·
PETER LAWFORD, Bill ta1es of h&llcoptera H well 1s 111• hl&h speed of fixed·wln1 planes.
COSBY, ANTHONY &>·Dldla Rtbadl
II PllJboJ Att.r Dlrll (C) (~} lt;JO Gl News (C) (30)
Sammy Davis Jr., Anthony Newtey, ti> ltnta Sill HlstDril
Jerry Lewis, Peter Lawford, Bill 11:00 II D u ., m ..... (C)
Cosby, The Checkmates Ltd., ..-id .,. • .._. H.....,._..., LeRoy Neiman. .., Nnw ,_.._..
0 CllJ (I} 0) Let's Malle I 0..1 m U.. Qtlb (C)
("C) (rO) Monty Hall llosu. m ftlowlt: (C) "Clptalu of tilt
Q) R1111 fet Your Utt (C) (60) ~ (1dv~ture) '42 -James
ft\ Capey, Oenl\ls Mor1an. ~ Speallatlon (60) "A Convma·
lion With James Coburn." Host Or. ~ Cl> QI Ci) @D News (C)
Keith Berwick dl~usses a ~• u:JO IJ Movie: (C) "Sll&llUJ Scartlt''
ranre of pnwocattVe topics. Wlth (mystery) '56-John Payne, Rhonda
actor James Coburn. He debuls his Aemln&.
wor1l with the Los An1tlea Free et Un Ani91 en ti F1nao Clinic. his aenaitive attempts to D ID @m Toalpt Sllew (t)
1:00 .n Ha (C) (30) understand ~n& adu~ and !Jle ni Mowlt: (C} "Ylrpla" (dr1ma) .., ewlution of his own actln1 ability. !fi'~adeleine Carroll, Fred Mac-
fD Rainbow Quest (60) Bessie Jones t :30 U ~ r1""I Wc The 811111 of WUI Murray. and children from the Downtown \W \1.J Community School ruest. Softftltl (C) ( 0) "One AnJJY Juror." u (j1) (I) m ...., • ....., (C) Jeff becomes 111, forcina Will to sit
@I) Noche de Estnno In for him as juror at • murder 0 News (C) ,
l:JO'B 9 (f) '-« ~ (C) (30) trial. The jury Is Intimidated by the m Collep a.utball (C) Tom Kel·
S.raeantCarter feers he will suffer town's leedin1 citizen, .most son ly calls the action between USC and
a neMXIS breakdown unless he pts wu killed, and Will deadlocks the UCl.A.
away from Gomer, so ht flies to jury In ~etr that the defendant Is Qt (j) Pul ftamJ (C}
Wichita to visit his mother~n· belna railroaded.
aware that Gomer Is aboard the fJ Million $ f!1ew* (C} "Tiit Dtvtt 11:359 (I) Friday Sllclw
same aircraft. . at 4 O'Clock" (drama) '61-frank lZ:OO fJ Mer*I Dllon
II @@ 8' Nutt of die Came Sinatra, Spencer Tracy.
(C) (90) 'Third Choice." Glenn , 12!30 D Movlr. "Tiit s.tnclW' (drama) Howard Is lured to Africa by a Jet· lekOO 1J 9 Ci) @D ~ Tret (C) 'The 'M -Broderick Ctlwford, Richard
set beauty in leaaue with 1 revolu· Sava1e ~rtaln. A battle to the Basehart
tionist who has kidnapped a How· d81th is ata1ed with Capt.in Kir1t .. ,, ard editor. Shir1ey Jonu. Ossie and Mr. Spock as representatives of OJ Adlea n.utn: Red ll&hl
Davis, Roscoe lM Browne and &OOd ind evil. Lee eerier• iutSb i ·oo 0 U .._. (C)
Janet Maclachlan pest. H Abt Lincoln. • n Mowtt: "lor11n htret' (drama) ·~lc:hard Emory. &J aa._ Ult S... Sia (C) (30) 1J m ..... (C) (60)
'1A Trlde Wlt11 Three Tribes." 0 (l7) CJ) GI) Judd for t11e 0. m ,,.. u.. 1...w. 0trt <Cl
1"11 r.-i ft\ &tneration G {C) ,_ (C) (60) "The View From the
( O)IUJOen~n· 1• l:UWholev h....... Ip Ivy Tower." Judd finh ... to pr--t ~ 1 ~<6. • ,., "''""' 1:1511 Mcwlt: ''Tan'*" (mystery) '46 • riot from dwelopln1 at a univer· ~aria Monter, Kent Taylor. m MlfV Qrfffln <C) (90) sity ind 1lso to protect the ri(hts
Q) leat tM Odds (C) (30) of • PoPular professor there. Den-
nis WHVer, mr of Gentle Ben.
t:OD 8 9 (j) CIS frictly Movie: (C) guests. Also appearing are Al Fne-
1:30 m Al~ldlt Slllotf: "rt.. Hitch· hiker," ''fhe Prime Minister," and
"Ont of Our Alrc11ft 11 Mlaln1-"
~ r·
4\t n-
1nd ..
•.• () D \ I '• ( i
1:50 .... u. nil .,.,, ..... (C) 7:00 him ...... (C)
Mt .... , .... (C) 1:0019(1)...., Dkl (C) 7:30 S..llt ....._ (C) ,,_ c..r ... (C) ea.,. Prtfh • Mewia: "f'lfW If · kS' (dra·
• M*-t t111t Melt ti Mats'-' ma) '51 -William Holden, Nancy ~Fl -OllO&. 7:45 • , .. , ID Mewia: CC) "MaricH ,..,._ 1:00 ,, = ~ (C) hl t11t ,...,,.._.. (adventure) '50
tJj m ~~ 'ccf ~= =1To111 Ewtfl .
.... : Wte u.. cc> m n.1 ,.,. ""''""" <C> Tai• of Wells Farp 1:30fl9(1)·1'o U.. IMJW {C)
Slturci.J MathNt: "The Third D .,.. (C) "Sembrlfe" (ldwtn·
litof'' and "The Slasher.'' ture) '63-Rieardo Montalban, Pier
l:JO fl Qt (I) lup IUllllJ /load I• Anptl. . --~~ EB Merw Clffftn (t) ~ '
Ci"MJ!!' Mowio: (C) "Tiie KW f,.. 19 · Top Cat (C) Z:OOl 111o .... Sodetr (C)
(J7J (}) GB C1tlllwtr (C) •II" (western) 'SO-Audit Mur· .... : l1f1M Prtnu and tlle phy, Gale Storm.
t:001"1i~;;;c~ A,.L ~JO iii it~"=-:~
Morie: ~· Q9ttft" (Wiit· 3:00 em) '51-Marlt Hart, Drake Smith. II HIGH SCHOOL Basketball
(ii) m G> SpWtr Man CC> * GAME OF THE WEEK-
Jact Ii Lan• CC> Quarter Final of CIF
:-' ..:;:"' Triple A Championship.
t:30 91 >F. ~~!fl~ CC> 51~.:<c; labtban ea.. ~ tJ1 &> F1nta1c ~.,.,. (C) ID Clllltr (C) .
GI AM l'Mltre (C) "C.thorino of I luRJia .. {C)
Rl!Uia" I nd "The Cobrt Strikes." M .... Sil A-
l luitlrru • Sot tlllt USA (C)
10:00 I~~= s:-.. <\... 3:15 ~ hclftc I c.nf1Mm
tar Of U.. Ell-a (C) I I (C)
D Movie: "ltttllm of U.. Tmlfl' 3:30 I So. 1 Hllllt
(western) '5Z-Dale Robemon, Jo. a!,~ "'°<C) lowta' T• anne Dru.
I Plttln fir 1.Mn1 3:55 IJ ..._ {C) .
Ln Estrella J Ultld 4:00 8 Movie: "It.di Patdt" (western)
10:30 !(I) a.t.111/S.,..H (C) '51-Georp Montaomery, Sabutitn
@ Im U ... (C) C.bot, Di1ne Brewstlf'.
ovio: (C) "Dtlel on tlllt Mflail. 8 WICH Trll• (C)
ppf" (adventure) '55-lex B1r1ler, m 1roca·
Patrici1 Medln1. 4:30 l ~LO>~ Fow <C> a SANTA ANJTA RACE OF
CMlllNlta * THE WEEK-$100,000.-
11:00 9~t.l)NW c.t1ta1 a.. SANTA ANITA HANDICAP ..air CJ s.11ta Alita 1ec1t CC> u ~ · m ''°"' cit u.. ,.,. s:ao a wOltd ., ..... CC> fll Award lllHtre: "Breakdown." IJ RICHFIELD PRESENTS
11:3019 (I) n.. ~ (C) * LOS ANGELES KINGS
@ ()) a> u.tcan lanclst.INI VS. MONTREAL
( ' ICiftp HtclllJ (C) fJ Movie: (C) "lnln1 Hilll" (ii) Cl) G> AIC'a Wide w.w
(western) '56-Tib Hunter, Natalie H
Wood. . OJ Wlln Ira .........
', I • I i) ~ ( l () .•
12:008Ql(I) am.111 (C)
First of pre-season
Tomorrow for 2nd Game!
IJ RmJRN Anpls Warnt·up (C)
With Dick Enbera .
lq-(C) Bill Bunud likes
vlewm on 1 f11cln1t1n1 Journey
back to the hlJdey of tho Suntet
Str1p, Yttltn it was the world's most
amorous street
· l•novltiofta (R)
• ftetm
5:30 Rafpll St1DrJ (C) (R)
' DEIUT trs AcMMlc (C)
• AD-Mtrican Colfott Sltow (C)
Mtn Fn111t UNCLE (C)
: N-. In hc'lptdM (C) (R)
Thi HealhkR
··aaonla·Blka" ...
The 111-saaion
Trall Ind snow Bike
Power from the entJn• il
trensferred by chei11 to
thl• 11 • 1.50 tllbeleu
floet•tion·type ti,.., The
ruult h hl9h lt•bility end •
remark.bit ~•ction under
•lmost •ny 1urf•ce COii•
SHp on the optlo11el tkl tcctuory
and the blh Is rHdy to run over
1urf and wet sand, u well a1 snow.
The combination of
the .GT· ll's 5 HP en·
9lne, 2·speed trans•
min ion and 9i•nt ,..,
tire gi•• It remarkable
~action, ev•n up rt••P
hlll1 ~ cf peth1. ldHI
for hunten, fishermen,
or lust plein fun.
No nHd to put the 6T-11 away
for th• winter . . · . jVst mount
the optlon•I Ski Acce11ory.
-5.n•p• on In Hconds without us·
i119 tool1. UH it for winter hunt-
ing, fishin9, towing skiers •nd
FREE Send for Our Huge Catalog
lt'1 ,.._ to v .. f-tile Alllhtt·
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To rHc~ HHtttkit Eltctronlc C•nter t•k• H•rbor llvd. to a.ti Ave •
a•1t on a.II • few short bleclrs to no hat .. II or t•ke Su.ta
An• frHw•y to Hubor llvd., Httbor llvd. to .. II. • few 1heft
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776-9420 no IAST IAU.. ANAHllM
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PRICE ONLY., •• ·•
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SONY of the WEEK!
THE 355~
s 50
Connect this superb solid state in strument to your stereo sys-·
tem and in an instant virtually a ll recording technque.s will
be at your command, The 355's three head desgn permits
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sional techniques. Also features new noise supressor circuit
and improved rewind. You could pay far more for a ta pe
deck, but you could hardly get a f iner performer or a finer-
ulue. C>mes compl.te with w'alnut base.
atlantic 111usic
445 E.17th St., Costa Mesa
sundays 12-5
salurdays 9-6
da ily 12-9 p.m .
closed wedntsda ys factory direct prices!