HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-03 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• •
• r1.
.. • fl '· ·Lahore.r :, Slashea
. . ~ ' . '
' -' . '
In Ma~het.e ·u ·eath
Try; Sought
• . .
' •
' .
• • ,
-Dal lsla_ndJ W 01nan . '
. '
Burns ' to Death
In Ho111e
• • ... ,
• ' .
. '
• YOL. U. MO, SJ. i l l CTJOHS, n f'A••S
~Prayer· andTawn
Sirhall's ~Mother Pra·i·ses
• "
• "---
U.S. as~ Defense
Bitter Life
In Palestine
T~Id Court
IDO, oo bial for his life, buried his
head in hi~ hand&, Mary Sirhan gave
an emotional tribute of thanks today
to:. the United States, which gave her
fa!nily refuge.
:we •re lucky in thir> country
we are blessed In Utls counlry •.. God
bliss America •• ' ' cried the mother
ot:Sirhan Sirhan, on lriaJ for the murder
oCSen. Robert F. ·Kennedy.
She dewlbed the Sithan's family life
ln.J'ilestiJo belor• portitloa al ~ coun-
~ in lMI' -when they were forced
to ;:tnol'e from their home to a refua:ee
"It WI! !booting, bombin&, the tu-
rorirm ol tht Zionills1 •• abe said when
~ why they moved. "We couldSl't
stay, we coWdn't even open Window « door and shots Would come to ua."
• '»s. Sirhan apeaks good but heavily
acCented Eoilish. ~lrllao, who elecU:ified !he court Friday
with an emallonal demand that he be
al..,.ed to plead• guilty and die In the
ga1 chamber, lieteDed attentively as his
rntther spoke. Mhi. Slrllan bad barely
tallet !he stand Friday after the outburst,
when ltlt broke down in tears and court
wu adjoUmed lot the weekend.
When the Sirtan family -then six
boya and one daughter -move&tfrom
' their home In the okt city in 19'8 "we·
were like the rest of &he. people -
... bad nothlnl," Mn. strbon said.
1f.We dJdn't hive bed&. We didn't hive
mattresses. I cHdn 't eftll have blantetl to put tin '111 .....,,, we lllpt an ..,.
They moved first to i.a convent. Jtbea
ln!i> nne room In the Jewilh. quarter
In the old ctty; •
''It WU very ~d, 900 )'Mrl old, .an
wrecked 1n>m boolblng," Mn. Sirhan
&aid. "We Uoad to p thinly I« -1
dlfl for we eot.1ldn't get ·the water.
Even when we came to this countr')"
,•e_(l!IM) we were IO ha.ppy to have the
water. My daughter used to Dush Ille
toilet over and over."
Atlanta Falcon Official's
Wife Slays Self, Son ,
ATLANTA (UPI) -The wife and
son of Atlanta F,'alcom' general manager
Frank E. Wall were foond shot to death
in .their fashionable northwest AtJanta
home early .today and police said it
appeared the shootings were a murder-
Eight-year-old Cbrlatlne Lee Walli a
daughter, Was found alive bot badly
wounded. She underwent emergency
surgeey for a head wound and was
in i¥e:Mfve care · unit it · Piedmont
Hospital. Fredr~ Samuel Wall, 10; clod only
in his pajama.s, wu found stretched
aCl"OS8 a bed In his bedroom. He had
been shot in the head.
Mn:. Mary Johnsoo Wall, 47, was found
on a bed In the master bedroom. She
too had been shot In the head.
Investigators eald threre was no sign
of a. struggle. The deatb weapon ·was
in Mrs. Wall's hand, pointed at her
head, officers said.
Wall, named vice president and general
manager of. the National Football League
club In 1917, discovered the shootings
when be returned to his home from
an out-o1-io,n trip,.club olflclal& aald.
~al Island Woinan, 76,
Dies ill Fierce Home Fire
' '
By JOUN VAL TERZA ., ... .,.... ............
. -
of the body's condlUon and the damap
to !he --A 76-year-old Balboa Island womarr Flrt invesUgatoR said t h e bl11e
burned to death on the bed of her started in a couch in .the ll'('ing room.
small frame -'on Balboa bland The vlcUm wu fOWid In Ille bedroom.
Sunday nJ&bL . Members of the woman~• fandly said
Mrs. Marie E. Whitelaw, wbn lived she bad a blstory of minol' ~kea alone" at DI~ Onyx Ave., wu found ind was a chain-smoker.
. dead by a -lhortly altor five Two nelghbon, George Campani1 of
Newport -· lln unlU. nlpollded to 2111> Onyx and Jamea Bradley of DJ
the llen:e -Onyx tried to -Into the -but ...,.:N~i:LMH ~ wu~f names diove them bid:: Both told ~
_.... la llama wben Dremim arrived -1catora ,tbe>'.-dlil pot --
S 7:M p.m.-~ ·.. . ' . Wu ld&ide. '
Two ~ bJ"'fPhn to entlr -Two nearby dwellinp were dsmaged
Ille lililil lffri llilliitii!Dflji-Oii -111-.--
Mn. 'llbltelaw'o ba1f17 bon>ed body A total of 11,000 In damage was dona
WU -Oii her bed. , ... bad bumad to l -at m Onyx. A house l UuwP paN of 1111 ""'and waJio. 218 bad llOO In darnap.
The ~ of the woman'• death w.u Mrs. Whi~1w'1 house, :'l'hlch fac..
pouible ~tloft. Coroner'• in-an alfey, had '8,900 ln damage to the
vestl(ltora, hoWevtt, said lt would be otructure and lt,500 to lb coni.nll.
dlfftcult to determine cb'<umltances '""' The body was taken to Baltz Corona
rounding Iha accidental death b<caule del Mar Mortuat)'.
Mesa Eahorer
Slashed in
Murder Try~
A man whipped once ln a barfight
-only to •invite his opponent out of
a Costa Mesa farm labor barracks for
a rematch, -is sought today after
a machete.slash murder attempt which
hospitalized tt.e victim.
Felix Serwln, 38, of Oxnard, Is listed
in satlsfi.ctory condition at H o a g
Memorial Hospital today, with knire
wounds in the head, arm and groin
area cf the abdomen.
Costa Mesa Police OeteeUve Capt.' Ed
GlasgO\T said investl:;ator.s are hampei'P.d
by the fact that no names tre used
In the ;rurlng of empl?Y.~ at S~~o.ka
Furna Inc . ..,. .14850 E., SWlftowef, t\ve.,
only lime card numbers.
Seijin and fellow employes were ••3bl to idenUfy the knife attacker,
exce to · describe him as a stocky
M · an NaUon81, about 40 years old,
who Jived aDd worked at the Jabor camp.
Eihptoytr Roy '.T. S3kioka told Officer
James Farley he was watching television
early Saturday night when he answered
a· bock •\ the door and foµnd an
enfploj'e half-carrying !he bloody slashing
vfcUm. ·
l"He was cut on the bead, arrrl and
f between the legs," said Sakloka, who
nnsuccessfully called three ho.!pitals for
help befor' finally driving Serwin to
get medical treatment. after bia laborer
comparunn )led.
The )>owlded farm '..O..'kel"'l9kf' police
be bad' been In ' 1/111,t wlili Iha «her man while both di&ni earlier in ~
dn at the Bomb Sbeltir bar In Santa '
Ana. ' -
'lie 11ld be won the fl.Ulgbt, bl; il!e
rnan reappeared at the barracks early
Siturd17 evening and Invited him Gut
to resume the combat, tbia Ume allDed
with a large knife.
Police said the w~pon la believed
to be a machete used in agricultural work.
·UPITt ......
In Seabrook, Tex., A Pre-la unch Prayer for Did
Apollo 9._GQes in· Or~it ·
On Comp.lex' 10-~y Trip :
' .
The Apollo 9 astronaut!> rod e a·flawless
launch into earth orbil today, starting
a complex lo-day flight whlch will put
America• on the threshold of a moon
Jailding or slam the door indefinitely. .
Air . Force Cols. James A. McDiVi'tt ·
and David R. Scott and civilian space
rookie Russell L. Sc~welCkart, strapped
jn 'lheir command module couche1 atop
the 36-slory Saturn 5, .were punc:,hed .
througli . a, 'l)eavy 'cloud . coyer into ·an
orbit or about .118 1miles. • · • · •·
,TM' Apolto.-l '<X<W'I ~b·ls ·the·•mosl
dtmanding1ever. shouldered by American .•
spacemen .. During .ihe, next f~r· days tttey: Will test the luna~ module, ·o~ ·LEM, ·
a fragile, spldU·like ~cccraft deaigned ·
to Jlln<I' men 001 the i moon, , bur whiyb
has riever'betn flown .manned in 5R1Cfl. ,
1If te;!ts ·tit, "the A Pollot I: crew . ;rove 1
the craft's• design, an American crew ,,
is to land on the moon, ln mid-summer.·
If LEM falls In Ila debut, America'•
gQll of landing men, en the mcop ,ln •
Wa decade could be 'iel beck for.many · ~~~·a'Oncb ,Wis Feclsety·:u pla'nned,· .
with,lhe hUge first state Satwli 5 engines '
Igniting and scr<amlng· up to !hell full
7:5 milllon l>ounda of thrust u sclieduled._
T!le huge rocket wu fettered to' earth
momentarily while lhe engine& roared
to full power, and then It alow1y started
to lift aw-ay from It. launch pad, ridlng
a tall of fire twice Its 163-foot length,
The roar or the world'• mtghllelt
rocket ratUed wind ows for mJles arvund
the Cal?' Kennedy launch site u the
3.J million pound monster left lt.s·earthlJ 1
perch· and roared out of sight through.j
the clouds. Roads ·and ·other vantage
points in lhe area were jammed wflh.
persons who gathered to watch the
thundering start of tbe marathon fli&ht ..
Uftoff came exactly at 11 a.m., the
(See .APOLLO, Pace~)
, Orange .
' l SUMy skies .lnd .cbllly .. temgera-
tltPes are the picture for Tuesda)',1
wilh 'lil&!i readiDp ollt olong' the
coast arid 62 further inland.
Six. monthl toithout attending
a trial ta worse than thre·e daus
in jGU. cpmplaiM grandm9thn'
of penalty aiven her tor recent>
couri outbur1t. Pag1 JO..
~~ 1;
c•..iRM U.JI c-lt• ,,
0..111 Nttlffl " 01~ It l•ltlf'I.. ...... ' •llWIU !NI
''"' '8"' 11 -.. A1111 L.nOfft 'S
Mllltin ' MMT .... U.M111
:J ' .
An Alobama·bom labour who .Uegtdly
copied the lamed exploits ol FerdiDllld
Dellara -the GIUI ""--II Jailed tocray, alter one month of practice
as a heart speciafut, ~urlng wb!dl four
patl<nts died.
Robert E. Brown, 33. Ls Mid at Orange
Coul1(y Jail on 1U!picloci ol viola:Uon
cl the state BuslneSIJ and Profe&&lons
Code, with preliminary hearing set
WedDe$day in Superior Court. . I
An autopsy ls scheduled to determine
11' Brown may have contributed to the
Feb. 21 duth of William Noel, 75, of
Fullerton, whiJ.e autboriliu coDlider ti.·
E'rom Page 1
'lime of day planned months bef:ore,
but three days later than upecled. The
launch was delayed from Friday, the
originally schedu1ed date, when the crew
-"· Mardi J, 1969
burning bodies of 1wo other former pa·
lleot.s. . °"'"" Counly DIWlct Attorney' Cecll · A. Hk:U' Jnvestlga1ors charge t h a t
Brown commltltd JS to 20 violations
cl the it.ate code wbUe auociated wllh
the lnlemal Medical CUnlc. Fullerton.
A suspicious nurse finally Upped oil
polke while the man identified as Dr. ·
GleM L. Foster Wai treating· Noel, who
subsequently died of bis heart ailment.
lnvestlgators di.9COvert<I that Brown
-·who th~y aJlege held forged crtdenUals
from Loqia Linda Mecilcal School· -
had apparently worked five days late
Jut year ll the Miami Heart lnlltitute
in Flortda. ,
11Dr. Robert E. Brown vanished about
an )lour all.tr-we ,.atarted checking on
him," said·· Jan Miller, a<lm.lni$traUve
BCCret.ary af the heait,clipie, where staff
phystcllJll began to wonder about their
Leaming of the brilliant yo u.n g
specialist'i talenta one.or the other staff
physicians said he had never heard of
him bef6rt.
Authorities laid Brown ~alned employ·
ment at the Miami Cacllity where doctors ~ been given a $250,000 research grant '"
for work In connection with myocardial
'shock units, M Jqed credentials. ,,,. pltterU "" llmwn) hlzam put
WU quJckly eslablislled:
·Afltt his 1955 grad\lalion r' 0 m
W'!"dlawn High School in Bilmlogbam,
Ala. the suspect worked u a labortt I~ ka» Inlematlooal. ati alroralt plan!,
then quit llld dropped from llgbt.
lie returned in 196& wtlh -allegedly
-masters' degrees in electroo1c1
enpi~ring and business administration
from UC4, and USC, inve!ligallon
disclosed. •
"He wu ooe ol the fineat engineers
who ever worked lor ut," sakl an unldtn-
Ulled ,pokesman foe Ille Jinn.
"I Mver hid any reuon to suspect
hlm 11 a phony," added MJke Perry,
a bonalldo engineer lot ~ l<IOarcl>
company, who lhed additional light on
Brown'I modus operandi.
"I do remember he wu an e..,ert
at picking bralna," Perry said, "he could
ask hundreds or little questioru and Jattr
you'd realize you'd given him a complete
coune ln a subject." ·
Brown'• alleged lmPoStor scheme ls
reminiscent of Ferdinand De.Mari, wh06e
excellence ln the unautborhed neldt be
' • ;
'· ,
ent.ered -mtdlcine, tbe mln1stry, Jaw ~
and 8\iu<aU.O -led lo h1I ~ ;
upo.sure. ; • 'Ibe style also matches that of lewr. ,,.
known impostor, Jack K. Brown, arrest~ ;
in lhe Looi Beach area l ttltkl m~ ~
than one year ago, also while poslnr" r
u a doctor specializing in heart prob-~
lema. ~ ~ Featured once in a Saturday Evening
Post article. "Dr." Brown had PoSfd su~
cesslully 8! a high U.S. Air Force of!iclal •
several Umes between federal prlaoa .. ·
terms, on forged ·credentlals. ,.
Red Rockets· Hit "
Saigon Hospital _contracted severe colds. Flight surgeons
said Monday Uie crew was bellthl... and
ready . • •• . . . .
Al the buge rocket flll!hed Into IJllC'l,
Sdnmckart, a 33-year-otd who's waU.ed more than five years for his first apace
trip; u:clalmed to the ground: "And
the rookie says that looks beauUful:." •
The LEM, a fragile space virgin which
is helpless against the brutal forca.
ol h1glHpeed tnvel 1!Jrou3b Ille earth'•
allnoOphere"""' protected clurlni launch
by metal shrouds enclosing it like
shJelding hands.
nie craft rides attached to the top
of the StB, third 111.aSe of the Saturn
5 booster. Above It in the spaceship
b the command service module. carry.
ing the crew.
Once in orbit, Scott, the command
module pilot, separates the cwnmand
and service module from the 1auncb
vehicle, turns the spacecralt Al'Ollnd and
flies back to the LEM. ··-Scott, like a driver carefully putUng
his car in a garage, then pokes a probe
on the nose of the CODHhaped command
module into a 39-lncb docking collar
on the LEM.
. ~ Ul"ITI .......
APollo t Wives (fr?m left) Pat McDlvltt, Lurton Scott, Claire Schwelck1rt
Ni•on Telephones
SAIGON (UPI) -Guerrillas slammed
three 100-pound rocketa into Saigon today
and one of them hlt a hospital one
block from the U.S. emblissy. American
Marines threw o(f a North Vietnamese
attack below the demilitarized zone.
At least 12 South Vietnamese civilians
were killed and more than 20 wounded
in the second Communist shelling of
Saigon in eight days, most of them
iD a direct hlt on a riverside shanty
where they slept. The rocket triggered
a fire that destroyed 31 homes.
A· sedfircll2%mm. rocket-blasted ffito ·
the courtyard of the French-run Grall
Hosplta1, spraying the walls of a materni·
ty. and pediatric pavilion with shrapnel
and wounding ·three children. The
hospital is a block from the U.S.
their attacks on cities U the United
States stop·ped the bombing of North
From south or the demilitarized zone,
North Vietnamese soldiers tried to· over1
run a U.S. Marine encampment about-
four miles south of the border zone
but were thrown back and lost 17 men.
American casualties were given as
The f1igbt b~tUe erupled not fu from
where Oilier American soldiers SUDda1
killed 105 North Vietnamese, some of .
whom bad-swanned onto their tanks.
near Cam Lo. The U.S. 5th Divis.Im.
troops lost three killed and 21 w0unded-
in the lighting.
Lamb said tbe battleship New ·Jerllf!y,
had softened up the Communist base.
camp near Cam Lo with its l ,~pO\ind·
shells before lhe U.S. soldiers moved
in aboard tanks and overran the base.
'Ibe probe and collar tock together,
the LEM Is spring-ejected from Its .•
orblUng nest, and the IJlldery space-age
ship or exploration starts a test run
ol the job it was created to perform.
The Apollo 9 LEM faces a brutal
test of its mettle. During the nut four
daya McDlvitt and Schwtlckart will
transfer from the command module
through a twmel fonned by the docking
collar into the LEM. Scott will be left
behind lo Dy the mother ablp.
Apollo Wives Get Pre-launch Message
SEABROOK, Tex. (UPI) -Ttie wives
of Apollo 9 astronauts James A.
McDivitt, David R. Scott and Ru!sell
L. Schwelckart saw their husbands roar
into space atop a mighty Saturn S rocket
today with a telepbooed message of
"admiration" for the astronauts from
Prtsident Nixon fresh in their minds.
" 'We have a great admiration for
you and your husband.' "
Science Students
At UCI to Hear
About. Misuse
The third rocket landed on a Saigon
riverfront near the. Majestic Hotel, a
Saigon landmark at the . end of Tu Do
Street. It kil led a 3-year--0ld boy and
wor,1.nded four adulta asleep on the quay,
the South Vietnamese police sa.id. .
It was the fi:J'st bombardment of Saigon
since Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky
Reinecke Backs
Advance Notice
Of Drilling Bill
McDMti and Scbweickarl w1l1 tat Ill
the LEM syllems. They wlli llre the
9,870-pound thrust LEM deaeenl engine
oo Wednelday while the <ommand
module 'rldes piggy back 1top the moon
On Thursday. Schweici:art will open
the lionf batch of the LEM and slep
out into apace. For almost two· hours,
the red-balred apace.man will "walk"
in space.
The LEM will aeparale from the corn·
mand module for the first time Friday
and fly on its own. McDlviU and
Schwelckarl will guide the flJmsy craft
through a comple.x &eries of rtndezvous
which will carry the LEM more than
100 hazardous miles In space away from
the mother ablp.
McDMtr and Scbwelckart will be be~
ting their lives on the ability of the
LEM and the command modalt to come
back together again. Should the LEM
or the command modu1e be unable to
complete rendezvCIU!, the mGOMhip duo
would perish. LEM is too fUmsy ta
return to earth.
Only the command module, with its
heavy heat shield is able to make an
earth landing.
The rendezvou s sequence is a simula-
tion of the maneuvers planned for crews
who will fly the LEM from the moon's
surface. The lunar module is designed
to ferry two men from a 19-mUe orbit
of the moon, land on the barren surface,
support the crew while they explore
on foot, and tben return them to the
still orbiting mother ship.
Ne..-,111 lh.dl H•111tl111tff1 Ifft\
L•f'•• kMll ••••tel• t .ney
'C:•llf• ......
0111.11/.l(;C C:Oli$f ,Ul l.Ll.I0/.10 (OMP'-,M°f
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Prf tlleM IM P'llblitM~
T~•m1 1 Ke1~il l:tilO(
Tll•m 11 A. M~r,h!~• Mlflttl~I l:tller
P1~! Niu•,.
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l""''" tl.J1 tll'4r'lfflltl " -11 ". """'"''' ~, ..., .. ,_ llJJ -11r1Y.
" •
The Preilldent called Mrs. McDivitt Jr.lot to the launcfi and uked her to
convey bla message to the other wlvu.
Earlier in the day Mn. McDivltt and
~. Scott attended separate church
eervices -both amall groups of close
family ll1d friends.
Mrs. McDivitt said she wu stUMed
by the Pruident'a call.
"It WU ~ lut thing I e.1pected
this morning," she said. "Everything
wu · happening at such a quick pace,
I don't remember his exact words."
But she parpbrased the President's
Nixon who returned from his European
tour Sunday night, told Mrs. McDivltt
that because Frank Borman, commander
of Apollo 8, was so enthusiastically
received in Europe, "all Europe is in-
terested. Please convey my best wishes
to P.trs. Scott ~ Mrs. Schweickart"
(the other two wives).
Friends and neighbors of-Ult astronauts
had planned tD fly the American flag
durJng the miMion; raising the flag at
launch and takiDg it down after
splashdown, to show their support for
the crew. There had been some queston
o( whether to put tile flags up, since
the mission had been Postponed for three
days already when the crew caught colds.
But McDivitt called Sunday night and
"Please tell them to put up the flags
because I'm going."
Science students al UC Irvine will or South Vietnam warned his air force
be dismissed from classes Tuesday lo could resume the bombing or North Viet·
hear a program on "Misuse of Scientific nam if lhe Communists' nationwide of·
and Tec hnical Knowledge." fensive continued against population By JEROJ\1E F. COLUNS
The program will be in conjunction centers. 0t "" 0.111 P'li.t 11111
with similar discussions at universities In Paris, allied peace negotiators had SACRAMENTO -Lt. Gov. Ed condemned the shelling of Saigon Feb. Reinecke said today he favors legislation
th{oughout the nation. Profe~rs at 23, opening the Communist offensive1 that would compel the State Lands Com--
Massachusetts Institute or Technology as a violation of lhe Washington·Hanoi mJssion to give coastal cities advance
(MIT) Wued an appeal for the programs agreement that the Reels would itop notice of all offshore oil survey proposals .•
to lbow opposition to a multi·bllllon Reinecke also disclosed that Gov ....
dollar antl-ballistic missile system Reagan supported tbe Lands Com--
favored by Secretary of Defense Mel,·in N ixo·n. to G;ve miss.ion's revocation last week of permits'
Laird. " allowing Shell Oil Co. and seven associate
firms to sink test core holes in state·
Speakers scheduled so far for tJfe UCI B d R waters off Newport Beach and San
program are Rep. Phillip Burlon (IJ.Son rOQ. CQ.St eport Clemente.
Francisco), who will speak o n .. "The governor," said Reinecke, a ·
"International Implica~ions of the Anti· Olt Europe Tr;p member of the Lands Commission, "11-
Balllstic Missile System"; Dean of " very much environmental q·uallty mind.-
* * * * * *
Physical Sciences Frederlck Reines, to ed. I checked with his office befor.-· WASHINGTON (UPI) -~resident we took up lh 1· ti d t.alk on "Anti Anti·ICBN.'.,, e revoca ion ques on an Nixon will hold ,an unusu al Tiighttime was told thal he fell qw"le Ir •ly .... Al!io, UCI biochemist C. S. McLaughlin. broadcast Tiews conference Tuesday to s one What's Done 'Up There'? on "Biol"'"cal \Varfare," and Chairman rl 1 lh 1. h" E about 1t. It (the decision) probably
of OrganJ;~ic Biology, Grover Stephens, f:~. 0 e na ion on is uropean ·wouldn't have been made, otherwise."
on ''The Population Explosion." White House press secretary Ron.aid f Rei~eck; said he is "very much in·
The program is being put on by the Ziegler said today the hour.Jong session avor' o a measure introduced by;
Here's Apollo Highlights
faculty of the schools of physical sciences with newsmen will begin at 6 p.m. Assemblyman Robert E. Badham (R.."
and biological sciences "to communicate PST in the East Room of the \Vhite Newport Beach ). The bill would force
their concern to students and to draw H the Lands CommisslOn to advise coastal
the attention of lbe community at large." 'r:~ddition to his tele vised report to municipalities well ahead of time before
Deans James J\1cGaugh of biological the nation on the Europe3n trip. Nixon commissioners consider offshore survey
the highlights of the l(}.((ay earth orbit
flight planned by Apollo 9 astronauts
James A. J\tcDJvitt. David R. Scott and
Russell L. Schweickart:
Flrst Day
Saturn 5 rocket hurls Apollo command
ship. tuner module (LEM) and third
stage into 119-mile high orbit. Nearly
three hours later, command s h i p
· separates, turns around and docks nose-
to-nose with iEM. Third stage separates
and ground stations fire Its engine twice
in tests that send stage into solar orbit.
Second Dey
* * * Apollo 9 Bringing
!People Together,
' Nixon Declares
Ni.ton saJd today the Apollo 9 mission
-was a milestone that could brlrfk
"humanity closer" together.
A White House spokesman said the
chief executive telephoned his but
wishes to Mn. James A. ~tcDlvltt, wile
or one of the three astronftull, just
before the Apollo I lilloff from Cape
Kennedy Fla.
In a statement arter the launching,
Nb:on 68.id : "The succwful launching
of the Apollo 9 spaCe craft marks another
mlltstone in the journey of man lnlO'
"Th< hope.s and prayen ol mankind «• with Col. Jam•• A. McDivil~ Col.
Devtd R. Scott and Mr. Rus se ll
Schwelci:.art on the courageous missio n."
The President added : "We are proud
of this American adventure; but this
is more than an. American 11dventure.
1t Is an adventure of. man, brlqlna;
the aC'C\lmulattd wisdom or his ~st
to,t.be-ta&k ot shi pin1 the rwturf,
• sciences and Reines of physical sciences arranged to discuss it wit h the con· requests from oil companies or other
Astronauts check out operaUon or com· issued a joint statement saying, in part: gressional leadership of both parties at agencies.
bined space ships, Including three firings "Scientific and techn.ological ef!ort that the White House Tuesday. Badham's bill -AB 122 -arise.a.
of main engine which shULs path of might well be directed toward solving Ziegler said questions at the evening from vigorous protests from Newj.prr;~
orbit to elliptical between 132 and 311 pressing human problems such as the news conference will not be confined Laguna Beach and San Clemente against'
miles high. increasing pollution of our environment to the Nixon trip, but tbat inquiries the Commission's approval last Jan. J:
Third Day and the marginal existence of millions will be limited to internaUonal matters. or the Shell Oil Co. permits. , ..
In !irst space ship transfe r by of people due in part to the explosive The President returned to Washington No advance notice was given oo thf
American astronauts, McDiv1tt en~ growth of population, is directed instead convinced that his eight-day tour helped since-revoked permits, except for routl~
Schwelckart crawl through three-foot into the development of weapons solidify the Western alliance and Improve -and apparently unnoticed -con».
connecting tunnel into LEM and activate systems , such as biological and chemical prospects for reducing E a s t • W e s t munlcations to legislative reprt.Se~
its systems. They televise a program warfare and the anti-ballistic missile." tensions. talives. _;...
from the LEM nd fire the LI':M descent J~!lilliiiiiKjll8r;ii5ir.!1i;i;i;lfjN;tjjyi11iilaliiMlinlitwiliMi~~~mlili8iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!~ engine whll~ ill docked. This engine's 1•TSl•WtCU.ISl'£!11ll~!Wll ----l~llrll&WllUllllAll•'.
designed t er the craft to the moon. J ..1 ~
The through tunnel to the com·
mand modu .
Fourth Day
McOivttt and Schweikart return to
LE~. Schweickart dons sell-supporting
back pack and 2S-foot cord, opens )latch
and makes hill way hand-Over-hand on
ratlings lo the command module hatch.
Scott helps him get lower part or his
body into command module. Then
Schweickart returns to LEM along
r everse route. He stands outside on LEJ\t
plaUonn, taking pictures and seiid\ng
a television broadcast. Total lime
outside: 2 hoW'S 10 minutes. McDlvill
anct-Schwelckart return to command
F'lflb Day
Returning to LEM through the tunnel,
McDivltt and Schweickart 5eparate the
vehicle and rly 109 miles away from
the command module. E x e cu t i n g
maneuvers that two astronauts will make
in laking off from the moon, lbey !ly
a comple.1 rtndcivous back to a linkup
with Scotl They return to the malo
sblp and kick the LEM free so that
ground Controlltrs can test-fire Its ascent
engine, the pawerplant that will nn men
oft the moon.
Sinb lhroup Nlatll Days
RelaUvtly light schedule. with crew
makin& exttnded checks of the Apollo
systems. 'J'My conduct navlgaUoa checks,
take pictures and perform expulmeotl
wtth earth..tlmed cameras.
Tentb Day
Astronauts fire spacecraft engine, re-
enter atmosphere and parachute ·to a
landing In the Allantlc Ocean 250 milu
east aoutheast of Bermuda.
I .
e rings sized and re paired e diamonds and precious stones remounte d e pearls restrung
2300> HAHO• II.VD.
• Opt11 M .... Tllwn., FTf, TII t p.m .
lllidfHlllMXWBWIB au lftlllft a• 11
' '
, ,
' ,
• •
·!Uontingion Beaeh.
~ . . .. · . ' ., ·.•
VOL 62, NO. 53, 3 SECTIONS, 32' P,t.GES
' . . . . . ' .. ~.
Apollo Soars Into Orbft
• •
. :pock~ng Completed; Lu~ar Craft~ DebuiPrej_Ja fed
:. ~ :.-. ~
·SPACE CEN:l'ER, Houston (AP) -
i1)t Apollo 9 astronaull, circling III<
earth after ~ near-nawless launch · to-
dQ" from Cape Kennedy, turned their ~eecraft around, docked with the lunar
module and prepared to jive the fragile
craft its space debut.
Alr Force C-01. David R. 'Scott, nyjng
tbe command module while his team-
in.ates, Air Force Col; James A. McDivitt
1Dd Russell L. Schweickart rode beside
New F.ight
On Hospitals
In Huntington
Of tM Olllr Pll91 Stiff
. ,. The baUle of the hospitals will continue
toolght before the Huntingtoo Beach City
Council and Tuesday night before the
Planning Commission as P a c i f i c a
HOllpita.l apparently is to be opposed
·l>y Huntington lntercommunity Hospital.
Councilmen have been inforriled that
the medical staff executive board at
Huntington lntere<1mmtmity Ho s p it a I
~er expansion of that facility rather !Mn the expansion ol Huiltington Coo-
Yll<aceot "hospital to a goi>eral or _.,u....i· ~ital.
him. separated lbe spacecraft from the •
third "4&~ booster and ·moved 1w1y aJ>ciilt 50 feet. ·
Scott turned the command craft around
and the crew observed the lunar module,
wblch was exposed for the first time
to the space void where it was designed
lo fly. ·
Then Scott, using a· gunslghf device
on his \vindow and aiming at 1. target
on the lunar module, inched lhe six-ton
.. • • ' 'I ' •
command module i..,.ijd. iqd lnlertff landln& ""!' llam·lhe door .lr4d1!!Hely,
a dod:lng prob!; .., 'lhe -rt lhe wu .puncheol by lhe Jklory satuno 1
collHllape !J>lle<cralt Into a lf.fuch roct<I lzito ;,.bit ·thn>lllii a he&Vy cloud
docking collai on the lunar mocttiie, run cover at the precise m.iftute aOOec!Uled.
attached to the booster st.ace. • G-··-" lrtlD · ..-....t th b" The probe locked to the cOUar, J<!ining •VWl!I ~ m ,re..-_.,,.. e t11 1•
the two space vehicles rigidly t_iseiher. varied only allghtly from the .119-mile
"All right, Houston," Scott 6nnounced circ~ orbit planned months before.
happily. "Hard dock." ApoUo 9, a com· 'lbe Apollo I crew reported two minor
plex 1(1..day mlssion · Which will put problems early in, the flight, but ground
America' on the threshold of a moon (See APOU.O, Pap J)
*** ***· . .
Douglas -Watches Mrs. Sirhan .
Gives Tribute
To A~rica Saturn Perform
"01' Reliable," u the third at.q:e or
the Saturn V lunar launch vehicle is
known in Huntington Beach where it
is made, is playing a critical role in
the Apollo t missl.;n today, engineers
at the McDonnell .Douglas AstronauUcs
Co. llid Ibis morning.
Th<,-S.IVB third llage began the day
by inserting Into orbit the Apollo lunar
module -the manned apacoc:raft ud
the foyr·legged moon landing aaft.
LOS ANGELES (Ai') -While her
module then turned around to dock with son, Oil trtaf for his nre, buried his
the lunar landing module which is at-head In hi• hands, Mary Sirhan gave tached to the S-IVB.
Once docked, the e<1mmand module an emotional tribute of thanks today
and the lunar landing • module were . to the United States, \\'hich gave her -
scheduled to move away from the S-IVB. famlly re!uge.
Then came the second firing of· the "We are lucky in thi:; C<Juntry .,.,
S-IVB, bur~ for 62 seconds and sendin.g we are blessed in th.it country , , , God the rocket mto a l~autical ·mil~ elliptical orbit. . bless America •• ' •· cried the mother
H. E. Bauer, who directs the Satum ct Sirhan Sithan, en trial for the murder
Apollo program fur the McDonnell ol Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
Dougtu AstrnnauUcs Co., said lhe ..,. Sbe ·descrtbed•the Slrhan'1'faniily llf«
precedented tblrd' flrlllg .ol lhe s.LVB In PalEStlne before partition ol the ....,.
was ·acbeduled tO,lut ·aome-IU ....on.II, try lb !Ml -· when --they were f<>r<ed
propelllngtherocketlnto'ID·orbltuoimcl · to .move ·from 'the!r home to a rdugee
, __ ....... ·
• ··---··
' '
In s .. brook, Tax., A p,..11unch Pnylt' for Dad
Calls A•t~6n.ut's Wife · .<:oon:ilmen also have been Informed
that the Boon1 ol 7.ooing Adjustmenll
•JIWOved a permit for an 11-bed coo:-
nrsion of Hunllngton Coovaleoc:alt
Jloopital to Pacifica HOSRital and .,,..
lfructicn of1 a Ju.bed convalescent
lioopital nearby.
The S.IVB fired flnt for about 112
oeconds, its single 200,000 pounda thruat
rocket engine consuming some ~.ooo
gall<m ol liqu!d oxygen and about 75,000
gallon5 of liquid hydrogon to puaJi the
Apollo iIM an earth orbtt ol about
100 nautical miles high. aCCOl'dinc to
the engineen.
the aun. • camp.
Engineers at the Runtin(ton ~ach . ...It~ ns shootln~, ~ ~ing, the ter· 1 • • • !
plant ·aid· lhla mornillc that lhey are rorism oi the ZIOOistl, sl)e .sald when l'\f • · ~ · A,. ll T •
'!'ht JDftler --jllt ~ In a me<l1ng beglnnlng at 4,311 .and
coalinuing a1q,1Q p.m. today In COl!DC1I
"'41nbon ol Memorial Hall, 5th -tld. Peden _Avenue.
-Attorney ~ermne M. Bame, acting for
lluntljlgton Interomununlt}' Hospital at
l!ooch, Bnu!Jvanl and Newman Street,
'1u sent to the city a · legal argument
favoring reopening of the hospital
i>ermJta gnurted to Robert Z-mngrabe
lat Pacifica Hospital.
· ·'nle lawyer claims that the planners
have a legal right to reOpen the case oa the basil that the type ol hoopltal
8"e<J by Zlnngrabe is not a penniti<d
~ in the office-professioaal zODe; the
llOml of Zoning Adj.-.rrt.s did not
ioate a written finding of fact u re-ghtr.d by lhe city ordinances: the Pl>n·
!J)ng Commission lw orlginJI jurltdicUoo
0., granting me pennUs; the plann"'." ~ e a Wtf to renar· use penmt ~'...!'nu fur pennill lslued by • ~~~ate body and that the use of ~ land is intended to be ~erent
than asked for in the use penn1t ap-
~aUon by Zinngrabe. ~nngrabe and his group, the HBH
Corp., have maintained that they ~ve
llfally oblalned permlll and are gomg
~ aMad with planning for conversion of
tt.e convalescent hospital.
Councilmen have stated that they feel
the matter should have come to the
ctuncU for a final dectskln, holding that
a holpl.lal ls a quasi.public use. .
''Plann«a ordered • pUbllc hearing to
b1i'beld on the mati.r after the pennill
1iif -granted, but the auuelled ~nn appears to be .mer a legal clood,
.. which attorney Bame hopes be has
., .
A,rined Man Takes .... .
$150 From Store .. . ,,-
,;Aft anned robber took a 7-Up and
t "' fruit pie £rom a Westminster store
~ night, then decided he wanted
ii!I to go with it. Nee said a man with a two lneh,
llktle-plated revolver held up the S~
~ 1tqre, ~ Hel1 Ave., at1 :25 p.rn.
S(l!d~ •
• ' llOrf: clerk said the man wandered
ai'oond lhe stort until ill the customers 11f11 pie. then af'P'Ol'ched the counter
:::~ a 7-Up and a fruit pie, but pulled a revolver and aated
~;Ille mnney;.. -• r
J;be bandit left U.e store on foot wlth
U,1 monty in a brown paper bag, police
Short Power ·Failure
SMkes Harbour Area ' . ' . A power transfonnu failure 111 Hwt-
lllfllon Harl>our KCUoo ol llunlington Jleach cauoed a minor lnLerruptinn of
elittrlcal ,.rv1ce at 1,:111.m. saturoay.
8ervtce was rutored ·at t :S4 a.m.,
~ to R<berl Burbank, dlltrlct r.DmenuUvo of Sout!Jem Callf«nla
EdlJon Company.
• •
Later tlie ~ comm.m moduli wu
-ated from,lhe.1-IVB. '1111-bd =~.:.~t,;m~n:-~, llkt!l-ir~i(di;~. ~ ,1;.~~pn ,h'~Y.&. :4P..9 . P. rip :
IPoCe. Mn. ~ft:u 1oo<1 but -11oavil1 • ·
G "lla n . ~k -t s1 al-:.i _A :~=~~ Brings Huµ)amfy·. Closer uerri noc e ui11UJ allowed to Pie•d iult11anddie1n lhe gas chamber, Us~ed, attentively u his
Into Saigon Hospital
SAIGON (UPI) -Guerrillu-alammed
three 100-pound rockets into SaJaon today
and one of them hit ·a hospilll one
block from the ·U.S. embl>uy. Amerlctn
Marines threw off a NOnh Vietnamese
attack below the demilitarized JOne.
At least 12 South Vietoamt.ae civilians
were killed and more than 20 wOlintled
in the second Comm1Dl1Jt shelling of
Saigon in eight days.. most <JC them
in a direct hit on a riverside shanty
where they slept. The rocket triggered
a fin that destroyed 31 homes.
A second 122mm rocket blasted into
the courtyard of the French-run Grall
Hospital, spraying the walls of a materni-
ty and pediatric pavilion with shrapnel i
and wounding three children. The
hospital is a block from the U.S.
The third rocket larxied on a Saigon
riverfront near the MajesUc Hotel, a
Saignn landmark at the · end of Tu Do
Streel It killed a S-year-old boy and
wounded four adulll uleep.oo the quay,
tilt! South Vietnamese police uld.
It was the first bombardment of Saigon
ainct. Vice President Nroen Cao Ky
of SouUt Vietnam warned his a.Ir force
could resume the bombing of North Viet-
nam if the Communists' nationwide of-
. fensive continued against population
In Pins, allied peace negotiators had
C<JDdemned the shelling of SaJgon Feb.
23, opening the Communist offensive,
as a vi!>latlon of the W.ashingtoo-Hanot
agreement that the -Reds woWd stop
their · attacks . ·cm cities •tf ··the · Uniterl
states stopped the bombing · of ·North ·
From · south -oI the d~litarized zone,
North Vietnamese soldiers tried to over·
run a U.S. Marint enc:ampme.nt 1bout
four miles aouth of the bordir mtte
but were thrown back .. and lost 17 men.
American casualtie:i . were 1tven 11
"light." •
The night battle erupted not far from
where other American soldiers Sunday
killed 105 North Vietnamese, some o{
whom had swanned · onto their tanks
near Cam Lo. The U.S. Stli. Division
troops last three killed and 28 wounded
in the fighting.
Seal Beach Council
To Consider Drilling
Oil drilling off the cout of Orqe
County and Seal Beach in particular
fonns a large • ltctiop of the agenda
for tonight's I o'clock meeting of the
Sea\ Beach City Co"""°.
Councilmen meet in council chambers
of City Hall aiid will face five proposals
for (lealing with oil exploration on both
•late land& and the far off-tihore federal
mother ~ke. Mrs. Si,han had barely
taken the ll!Uld Friday After lhe outbqro~
wt,en she bro• down int tears and court
was 4dJounieil !or 1:1\e week~nd.
When lhe Slrban rinlily ..:.... then siz
boy a. a~.: oqe1 daughter -· mo:ved from
their home Jn I.he ofd city in 1948. "we
Were like the rest ol the people -
we had nothlni:, "'Mrs.-Sirhan said.
"We dldn't'have be<U. We didn't have
mattresses. I didn't eWn hive blankets
to put on my baby. We Slept on stone
They moved first to a convent, lhen
Jnto one room in the Jewish quarter
in the old city.
"It was very old, too years old, a11
wrecked from bombing," Mrs. Sirhan
said. "We used to go thirsty for many
days for we couldn't ge.t the water.
Ev~ when we came to this country
(1956) we were so happy to have the
water. My daughter used to flush the
toilet over and over." ..
That's when N.rs. Sirhan ~gan lier
emotlopal tr19Ute to the United States.
The dtfense Is trying to show that
Sirhan's childhood experiences -he was
4 years old In 1948 -crippled him
mentally, leading to the senator's
a.ssal3inaUon. -
' Mrs. Sfrhan's voice was choked by
tears Friday when-·she began her
'itock Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -'ll!e ,tock mar·
ket closed with losses holding a very
slight edge over gatn.s today. Trading
wu fairly active. (See quotations, Pages
20-21 I.
Galm: had been In the lead from the
opening but their number dwindled as
the session wore on.
WASHINGTON CUP!) -Prlsldent the ......,lated wisdom o( lliJ pat
Nixon ,aald today the Arllo t m11s.lOn to.the talk of shaping the future.
was . a. milest~e : tha . ,~ould brlbg ·.. "Tbe I<k!ay ' nigh~. ol. AR:>Uo • t ')will "~umanlty·closer•: toa:elh:er~ . we hope, do something more~_.,
A W!'ltt.e House rpOkesman said_ the America closer to. the • moon : Jt1 ca1
chief ·executive 1 t.e)ephoned hi• best serve to bring humanity closet· Pt
wishes to Mrs. James A. McDlvitt. wUe • dramaUcally showing, Wbat·men ,«;aa: to
of one of the three aetronauta, · just when they bring. to any ·tan ·the but
before the 'Apollo 9 liftorf ·rrmn Cape of man's mind and heaft." .
Kennedy Fla.
In a statement after the launching,
Ni.Jon said: "The 11uccessful Jaupc~lng or the ApoUo 9 space craft marks another
milestone Jn th-e journey of man into
''The hopes and prajers of nwitlnd
go with Col. James A. McDivitt, Cot
David R. Scott and Mr. Ru sse 11
Schweickert on the courageous mission .''
The President added : "We are proud
of this American adventure; but thi!
ls more than an American adventure.
IL is an adventure of man, brlngina:
Murder Charged
In Infant Death
Los Alam~ po}.lce have f\led mw:der
charges afaln!L Lhe father ol a baby
girl' who died Saturday of head Injuries.'
The charge was change4 from felony
child beating to murder when Deborlh
Olson, L'ti months old, euccwnbed in
Los AlamltOll General Hospllal.
Held In Orange County Jail ia Richard
Allen Olson, 21, ol 4111 Green St, The ·
baby was taken to the hospital Wed-
nesday nlght suffering from a fractured
skull. After investigation, police arreated
Olson Thursday.
Slated ~t ,UCI
"The Slate of Artificial Int<llig<nce•
will be the topic of a public Jedurt
by computer lheorillt Allen Newell
Wednesday night at UC Irvine.
Newell, professor of systems sciences
al Carnegie-Mellon University, also will
give three technical ta1ka during a three-
day visit on campus.
He J1· the flrst of five penon!
diatingui1bed in the fJeld wbo· wm be
brought .to campus , this a!lriM by the
new Department of Jnfofmalion ·and
Computer Scieoce.
N....U's talk on arCllcia! lnlelllgenee
will be .at a p.m~ ln J71 'FJne. Art1.
Tbere.wlllbe no admialGo.cllarp.
f -... 1 ~
Iililnt for Lost Scouts
BIG BEAR (AP) -A .0areh contlnu~
today fOr four Loi Angeles· Explottr
Scout> and their lealiell mlsling nine da7> as hope sun waa held out ')bat they
ll)ight have found ahe!ter fr om
Huntington Reve;~ls F'oodi .ng~ P~an~·
• ' I , 0 • i • • f
By TERRY COVILLE t;...,;atlon centm . will bt Ml up at
Of .. D9lb" Pl... .... 6k. cl tJon City offlclala Ibis mamtnc dlicto..d wic Ly '*"'a building on Orange
extensive emergency p 1aa1 for and 17~ streets.and at the l>JPYer IChool
~CUaling Huntington Beach residents at Palm Avenue and 17th Street. .
near the Santa Ana RlVf'r if levees aboul<t When the alarm IOI.Inds, for furtbtr
give way under heavy wlter pressure. information residents should tune in radio
U the rlverbanb lllould mat -not stations KW1Z (11111) and K&ZY (lttoj.
a likely altuatiOn at pr.,...t -fflidel1tl "'ll!e police department 11UI hav1. tta
will bear a -~ Lnne handa full direcllnc tralflc,• ~aed COl-
emonaUng from the clly !IR ataUMI lier. . • l · > ~ ~; '
homo, llid Vines Cotu•, 1..W1nt Cl.tJI~ • The emer~ ~
Defense dttector far U. clty. \. 1h1I' morning i,.. ' : -~
' "Followtoa lhla natural -alirfli fire and poll~ 1cia s al'd ~·
rtlkieci.I Dea" d119 r1Ytl' lhould im-of the prts!.. _.f.~~ 1 . ~ medlalol)' ·biad -. toward ~htp Coiller empltaslud that ._..,.
graonod," lald Oolller. ! were being nleeled to~ tilt~ aa
"Do not, -"'1 -·bud a matlor ol lnformatJon•aitd~. 1a.Ultriver,'' be empbulted. ''We are tn ·no J.mmtnenf"iinaer of
·HuaUncton -fimnen and per""' flooding at.°IM ..,...at," bi.. . net fnlm lhe hlrbon and '-II clepart-Tile Slllta•Ana lllnr flow Illa ~
ment will allo-11fYe deer to ctoar nOCJce been redAcld. 101Dewhat thlJ ·~w. -
ol lhe impeodlna "'"t'ICDCY· . . ~ tordln( ,li>--Jlob.. Wlit,· ol Iii . (lo
~ '
I • ') I '
I •
Ftcard added· that' While dint""".
·c0ndlU0111 .UUftlat aroond·the Santa •
Ana River, ttie deportm<nt ·z-i\I: di.laster .warnlfll altena for ' • 1
but a· flood mieraency. ' .
An uUmaled 21,oot~ reGdeD
be .olfec:Led by sanu•Ana ~er-llaodlni
in .111 area bouftd:td by NtwJand Street, ,
Gir!leld Avenue ..,S thestn~~ River ·
down Lo Paciflc-Cout lllC!>l'"• ; .
Collier warned ieahl~ta, not lo; phone
city agencies U !lie ~ ~
IQUnds. ~·It wlll mun a rJooCf, aAd you
don't need to know anylhinl o1ot esoept
to mote llfl." tt!i llld.. ... -... ; r• ~-Emer&<nC!' piano were ttleaoed todty, ·
<;9U1er eJPlained, . ~ ~-die .. ~ ,
proved,1 ,w11~er •?Cl ltkl ,cblrp: 1ol,
rrl&ht...inl.aru uoidai11.. ,, ··-i"_:_.:<: ·He .f,e'pe~at61 ,ttiat~ the .Atta. 1t ~. Ii Iii no Jmmhlent dan,... ol Ooodlng, • •
. ' .
Weedier .. '.
Swmy !kle0 .iii_-._,._,
tuns are ·the plcttn for~.
with blgh relldliltP aC U 'ateq lhe
cout and II futtller tnland.
1 •
. .
' •
• J
• l! 1Ml1.V Pl or.-· N ---lliiiii: lM-. .• • , .
linpo~to!-'Qoct_or.-:.J~il~d, Afttt .. 4 Patients Die ·l
~. . ' •• • ' I '
An.AlablmH>clnlallororwho= lllmlol -ol iwo otbor llrlllli'.' .... Wl_,.i: ll'ule ll1aml i!iin tllitltut. tor wort ID~· pUh myocanllal
.....,.Glol_ ._.., ~ • . -.':~ .. ;.Ill""'*-""" i. · • .... .....,;. cnl'ol!alo.
De'Mm -tlle Great 1-"" -Ir ond. ~ D1atr1c1 AllarMw ..Qllll '~ ...... ~ 1!1"11 ............ ; '""° ..... II 'I lliDm pool jailed today, lllt!" .°"" mooth o1 prlCtlct ~-HICD' In~ diliu"l,!la.t-ID lloiar aftlri ,i..•otarta:.bieldiis aii , .,.. 'l1ildlJ.....,,...
u a heart •pectalisl, durma whlcb lour Bi'o1rn cammllt<d 11 to IO • Vhilall'°' ~." allfd Jan Mwir, ldmlclltnU¥e ;\f!or' ldo Im .,-aduallon from
paliellll dled. ol the state code white .-Jaled i!Ull ....... tary at the heartclinlc, where 1llff WoodiaWft fflllr'Scbool Ill llltmiJ,,iJam.
Rober\ E. Brown, 33, i! held at Orange the Jnlt:rnal Medical Clinic, Fullertori. physiciarui began to wonder about thelr All., the 1uspeet worked u a labortr
County Jail on suspicion of violaUon A suspicious nurse finally llppe(I off colleague. • for Hays lnternatfonal, an alreraft plant,
of the state Business and Professions police while the man Identified as Or. ~arning or the brilliant y o u n g then qult and dropped from light.
Code, with preliminary hearin, set GleM L. Foster. was treatina: Noel,wno specialist'• talents orie of the othfr stan He returned Jn 1966 with -allegedly
\Vednesday in S1.1perlor Court. 1ub1equently died of h\1 heart ailment. phys!clan11 said he had never beard of -masters' degrees In electronics
An autopsy Is .sc~eduled to de~lne Jnveat11alor1 dlacovered that Brown him before. ' engineerlQg and b111tneu admln.lstratJon
if Brown may have eontrlbulld to the ...:who they allege held forced credenUall Authorities aald B~wn pined employ· from , UCLA and USC, investigation
Feb. tl death ol. Wllllam Noel, 1$, of from Loma IJnda Medic.al School ·-ment at the"Mtami faclli\y whert doctors disc~.
Fullerton, while: autbortUa cauidw U· had apparently worked five dl)'I late had been given a $25(1,000 researeh grant "He was one of the fineat engineers
Asks Earlier
Pl~ Ch&nge
Ch1rltt.John Trautwein of HunUniton
Beach toda1 aouaht to wl~1W · an .....
earlier plea of cullty to chlr1es or
assault with Intent lo coniiiUI rape.
He uked a Superior CQurl Judi• .to
strike ~ the record all court actlon
from Iha dala of that plia.'
In alloct. Tnutwalll'1 •• !ecol action
-tp wipe oat blo pllly plu an4
ltaJt tbo CUI a11 .....
S-* Judi" Jlolllrl -G a rd n or,
·--· -lo raie ... the -petilJoa. Ill -nlwrld lbl -back to Ibo Judi• bllcn Wllom Tr•-,
bad plllded pflty -Jud(• W1lllam
Spain b now occu~. wtut anolblr . ul'• T.....,.
. the1Trautwlln moUon ~· ApOlro t;Wlv11 (from ltft) P•t McDlvitt, Lurton Scott, Claire Schwelck•rt t accepled, U.1 pot!lloli by Nnport '
Beacli attorney ~: Hunrill WOQlcf
canc:tl an Atucadero 8tala l!oopllal
report th1t labolld TnUIWeln,. II, of
2029S CraJm1r lADI 11 1a 11daftlerous;
mentally dilordtted Ml cftenderr'1
'1'111t '-'· !tied llflir Tl'llutwiln epent
three· ~nthl It the f,.ellity for possible
certificaUon ,at 1 ~ dllordfl'.ld
se1 offender, 11IO, ati&ed 'that Trautwlln
ls "not amenable to · tteatincnt ·ml Is
a danger lo tlle beallli and Alely of
others." · ·
Atucad!"O doctors Olio dJlinooed
Trautwein as a "~ l*"IODll!tJ
disturbance, sezual'lkV!aUon, aaressive
eewallt7 and rapt." . ·
Traul'll'lla. W.. prOIOCiilld lollollfnt a
Grand Jury· lodldmtlll which ~
that he aUei1ilit'c! Jut Aug. % lo lip.
.a Balboa Island ?'O!Jlan In her ~parbtlem.
Setting ol !>all /or'tlle lunUnilGn'Beacli
man wen~ •SllQ "9 )'llto11 bc>QkCiwhen.
Judge spf(ii '•et the figure ••• , •• 000.
Ttautwein1s wealthy lather brought that
amount in cuh whJch was Ila.sh~ in
mall bq.a; '
Trautweta'1 chani• of cour1e today
ma1 C9lnclde with • .....,t chance of altomtyi.
He file3 hla Jllillty plea under the
dlrocUon ol Marabll l!clu~man ot 5anta
Au bat Ull famllj' tnmlemd tbo CU&
lo &ll<noy llurwtll While Tn-.WU
ID Ata11C&dero. ·
Glen View School
Dedication Set
. Trultee1 of Ocean View School Di.strict
in Huntington Buch will bear flnal plans
for dedication of the dlstrlct's neWest
grade sch.ool «luring the 7:3(1 o'clock
meeting tonl&ht In Iha district board room, 797'J Warner Ave.
Glen View School, WI Olen Drh•e
is scheduled for cornentone Jaytni
ce:remooles at s p.m. S.tur.day by
Charlea A Gl'Ollll1an ol Hunt!ncton B<ach
Muonlc Lodp llO and Robert A. Cri1ler,
grand muter ol MallOO.I fn Calllornl1.
Nix_qo Telephones
Apollo·Wives Get Pre-launch Message
SEABROOK, Tex. (UPI) -The wives
of Apollo 9 utronaul.s James A.
l\lcDlvltt, David R. Scoll and l!Ulsell
L. .SClnlofekarl aaw tbe1r husballdl roar
into apace atop a mJ«hly Sa-I rocket
today with • telephoned message of
.. admiraUon" for the astroneutl from
Prelldent Nixon !rah in Ulelr "'1nds.
j'he Ptulden\ .\Celled /,In. !ilcDlvttt
prior to the launch an<f asked her to
convey his message to lhe other 'fives.
, Earlier ip the day Mrs, McDititl. and
•trs. · 5cot.t attenct.i arparatJ' church
setvlces -both small groups or close
family and friends.
Mrs. McDivitt 1aid she was slunncd
by the Pruident'a call.
•1Jt Wat the tut thlna: I expected
Utts momlng/' ahe said. "Everything
was happening 1t 1Uch 1 quick pace,
I don't remember hi• e1aet wordl."
Bui oho parpllrued the PrOlldent's
"'We have a a:reat admlraUon for
you-and your hulband. • 11
N!;Pn who returned from hi1 Europe•n
tour Sunday night, told Mn. McDivllt
that be<:ause Frank Borman, commander
o( Apollo 8, wu so entbuaiuUcally
received in Europe, "all Europe la In·
tereated. Please convey my best wishes
lo Mra. ·Scott and ~trs. '•Schwelckart"
(the other two wives)'.
Friends and neighbors of the astronaut'!:
had planned to fly the American flag
during lhe mls.11lol'"\, rai!;ing the flag at
launch and taking it down after
splashdown, to show thelr support for
the crew. There had been some queston
of whether to put the flags up, since
tbe mlaalon had been poetponed for three
days already when the crew caught colds.
But · McDivltt called Sunday night and·
saJd :
"Pleue tell them lo put up the flap
because I'm going."
*'*'* *** What's Done 'Up There'?
Here's Apollo Schedule
the highlights or the IQ.day earlh orbit
fiight planned by Apollo 9 11tronauts
James A. McOlvitt, David R. Scott and
Russell L. Schweickart:
Firat Day
blned lipace llhips, Including three flrinas
of main engine which shifts path of
orbit to elliptical between 132 and 311
miles high.
Thin! Day
Nixon. to Give ·
Broadca~i ' Report
On Europe Trip
WASHINGTON (UPI) :.. President
Nl1on w1ll hold an unusual nlgbtUme
broadcut newa confertnct Tuelday to
report to the nation on his European
White Houae press aecretary· Ronald
Ziegler said today the hour-Iona session
·witb . new11men will begin ·1t 6 p.m.
PST in the East Room of the White
Jn addition to his lelevised report lo
the .natien on the European trip, Nixon
arranged to dl5CUU it with the con·
gressional le1dershli> of both parties .at
the White House Tuesday.
Ziegler said questions at Ule evening
news conferenc1 will not be confined
to the Nixon trip, but that inquiries
will be limited to International matters.
Tbt President returned to Washington
convinced that bis eight.day tour helped
solidify the Western alliance and improve
~ for r«luclng E aol·West
Nixon's 1st to Take .
Chopper to Vatican
ROME (AP ) -President Nixon
became the first world leader to land
by helicopter at St. Peter's Square when
he wound up his Western European tour
""'Ith a ?~minute meeting with Po~
Paul Vl.
After the longest audience the 71·year·
old pontiff has ever bad with a visiting
head of state, Pope Paul said he a11sured
the new American president of "our
complete help and cooperation in solving
the problems of war and peace and
all things of brotherhood on Ulla planet
of OW'f."
wbo mi: '""ked !or aa," uld,. Wlldeo-tilld llC>'WM fer thl llrm.
"I noter hlid 1111 ......, lo ~
him u a phonJ'," added Mike Peny,
a booaflde englneor for the ~h
CQIJ!pany; Who sheer addlUooal · Ulht'M
Brown'• modus -anct.!· "I do remember he was an es-pert
al picking brainll," Perry sald 1 "he could
ask hundrtdll of llttle queatlonll and later
you'd re:aliu you'd f,iven him a complete
cour.e in a wbJect. '
Brown'• alleged imp01tor scheme is
reminfscent ol. Ferdinand DeMara, whose
excdleoce in the unautborized fields he
eo1'nd _ medldne, u.. minlatr)', law ~
an4 odocalloo -led .-... lllllloqlllnt : • . expoJUte.
The style also ma tches that of leder· ~
known trnpostor, ,iack~Jl.,W!•uj! •
in lhe Long Beach area .a ltltle more
than one year ago, also while posing.
as a doctor speclaliring in heart p~ l ' I ems. . Featured once in a Saturday Evening :
Post ·article, "Dr.'' Brown had paaed sue~:.-· ceufully u a high U.$. Air Force official
several · Umes between federal 'pr~n
terms, on rorged credenUall.
• From Page I
c:oaWlltn Aid lheJ ..... not concerned.
The. oa-bolrd computer !&tied ,to 1lve
the propir readings on the spacterafl'a • speed aod position, but II wu updated
• and c:orr~ed from the around. Later.
Mcotvitt reported that a helium pressure
Lank waa triggerin1 the master alarm
system on board whenever its tern·
perature dropped to i:.S low point and
' before I.he heaters turned on.
The Apollo 9 crew's Job is the mOlit
demanding ever shouldered by American
spacemen. During tbe ne1t four days
they will test the lunar module, or LEM,
a fragile, spider-like spacecraft desigited
"to land men cm the moon. bui wblcb
has never iNn. Down manned tn space.
'li tall by the ApoDo I crew prove·
the craft's design, an American , crew
ii to land on the moon in mid-aummer.
U LEM fails in its debut, Ame.rica's
1G11 of landlnl men on the moon 1n
th1I decade coUld be set back for many
The launch was precisely as planned,
with the huge first st.age Saturn S engines
igniting an<t screamtnc up lo their full
'1.5 million pounda of thrust u acheduled,
The huge rocket was fettered to earth
momentarily while the engines roared
to lull power. and then It slowly started
to lift away from ib launch pad, riding
a tall of fire twice 111 383-foot leng_th.
The roar of the world's nilghtlest
rocket rattled wjndowa for miles around
the Cape Kenrtldy launch alte as the
3.1 million pound monster left. Its earthly
perch and roattd out of sight throu.gb
the clouds. Roada and other vantage
point.I in the area were jammed with
peraon1 who gathered to watch the
thundering start 'of the marathon flight.
Liftoff came exacUy at II a.m., the
time of day planned months before,
but three days later than expected. The
lau nch was delayed from Friday, the
orlg\nally :scheduled date, ""·hen the crew
con1tacted sevcr9JC0ld:s. Fllght surgeons
said l\lond::iy the crew was )lea\lhy and
As th~ huge ro:'kcL fhii:hctl irto space,'
Schwelckart, a 33-yca ~·old \,·;1o's 1·.r itc~f
more than fire yc~n> for h:s fir.ii ~p·.~c
trip, exclaimed to the i; ·011ntl: "And
the rookie says that looks b~:.:1'ift:1. ''
The LEM, a fragile space virgin 11•hich
is helpleas agaln1t the hrutal forces
of high-speed travel through 1hc enrth's
atmosphere, was protected during launch
by metal 1hroud1 enclosing it like
t1hielding hands.
The craft rides attached to the top
of the SIB, third stage of the Saturn
5 booster. Above It In the spaceship
ill the command service module, carry-
ing the crew .
Once In orbit, Scott, the com n1a1;d
module pilot, separat~s the comn\ard
and service module from the launch
vehicle, tu™ the spacecraft around and
flies back to the LEtif.
Scott, like a dri\'cr carefully pulling
hill car In a garage, then pokes .a p'robe
on the nose of the cone-shaped command
module into a ~Inch docking collar
on the LEM.
1be probe and collar lock together,
the LEM 11 spring-ejected from ill
orbiting nest, and the spJdery space-age
ahip of eiploratton 11tarta a test run
ol the job It w11 created to perform.
The Apollo 8 LEM facu a brutal
tat of Ill metUe. During the oext lour
day• McDivitt and Scbwelcklrt wW
transfer from tht command inodule
through a tunnel formed by the docldn&: .
collar into the LEM. Scott will be left .
behind to fly the mother ship.
t.!cDivitt and Schweickart will test all
the LEl\1 systems. They will fire the
9,870..pound thrust LEtiI descent engine ,
on \\'ednesday 'A'hile !he comm9.f\d , c
module rides piggy back atop the moon -
On Thursday, Srhwelckart .will _open~
the front hatch of the LEM and step ~
out into space. For almost two hours,<
the red-haired spaceman will "walk't,_
in space. 1.. . · . The LEM wlll apm-ate from the com~ '
mand module for the first time Friday
and fiy on . its own. McDiviU and· _
Schweickart will 11Jide tlle fliml1 craft
through a complex series of renduvoUI
which will carry the LEZ..1 lll?"e than c
100 hazardoUs miles in space away from·
the mother ship .
McDivitt and Schweickart will be bet. .
ting their Uves on the ability of the ·
LEf\.t and the command module to come
back together again. Should Ule LEri.l..:
or the command module be unable to :
complete rendezvous, !he moonlhip duo
\\·ould perish. LE~t is too flimsy tO ·
retura to earth. . ~,
Cl,t,ILY l'llOT lltff l'M i.·
Bucking Oiler•
1-Iuntington Beach High School
mascot Stan Peterson will be ~
on hand Tuesday night when
Oiler basketball team meets ~
Torrance High in second round ~
·of C!F play-offs. . Game is ":
scheduled for 8 p.m. at West f.
Torrance High. · Although the school ii not complete,
clUIU becan on Feb. JC at the new
. Saturn 5 rocket hurls Apollo command
ship, luner module (LEM) and third
stage into 119-mile high orbit. Nearly
three hours later, command s hip
separates, turns around and docl<s nose-
to-nose with LEM . Third stage separates
and ground 1taUon1 fire Its engine twice
in tests thal send stage into 1olar orbit.
Second Day
In first space ship lranafer by
American .utronauta:,. McDivltt Ind
Schwelekart crawl through three-foot
connecting tunnel iilto LEM and acUvate
its systems. 11iey televise a program
from the LEM and fire the Lr'.M desCtnt
engine while sun docked. nu. engine's
designed to lower the craft to the moon.
They return through tuMel to the com·
mand module.
·' .·•• ·,· .'i,,·,.· ••. ··.,.,'···· ·.·. l~i
fl•b•r+ N, Wtt4
,,..kStllt anti ll'ubU.,..r
Jtclo: R. Cw'l:T Vial l"rnl~r 111t1 Gtner ,....,.. .. ,
Tlio,.,11 K,,.,;1
tk1rn1• A. ll4urphi111
Menetlllt ld!!Of
Albttt W, l1t11 Willl1111 ftt14
AJ10Cl1l1 H""°'111t1• IMCPI
Astrona uts check out ope.ration o[ com·
Scoville Sworn
As New Judge
Judge Hannon G. Scoville o f
Westminster today was sworn in as
Orange County's llst Supei'ior Court
Fourth DAy
' . t ;s
Edllof Cit, E4'tw
H111 ............ 0M.
Fllleell ol hia new coUeques loOked
011 as the formtt West Orange County
Mtmlelpal Court jurist took tile oath
of office from County Clerk William
St John. Orange Coudy Bar Allsoclatlon
omcen were amona those wbo paid
tribute to Judge Scoville in colorful pre-
roblna: ceremonies.
~1cI)ivitt and Schweikart retu rn to
LEtit Sch'A'eickarl dons sell-supporting
back pack and 25-foot cord, opens hatch
and makes his way hond-over-hand on
ra ilings to the command module hatch.
Scott helps him get lo\\'er part of his
body . into command module: Then
Schweickart returns to l.EM along
reverse route. He stands outside on LEM
plaUorm, taking pictures and sending
a · tele"vlsion broadcuL Total time
outside:~ 2 hours 10 minutt1. McOivitt
and Scbwelckart return to command
Jot ltlt Sh1tt
.M1lll111 Ad4rtttt f'.O. lei 7'0, t2MI --"""""" ... CfIT ttl1 WM! .. ~ c .. te Mttol~ .ue w .. 1 ,.., '""'
LMiU!W IMdl1 m F-Jt "'""""
Judge Scoville"s wire and five children
were also present .at the. Department
One certmonles handled by Superior
Court presidJng Judge Samuel Orelren.
RectnUy named to the hightr court
by Gov. Ronald Reagan, Judge Scoville
takes over the general trial be~h
vacated by retired Judae Ron a Id
Board Meets Tuesday
A reauJar bualntSI meeUn1 ol the
1o,.mlng !>om o1 Westmlnrur School
District will be held Tueaday " 7,30
p.m. at the multipurpose room of the
VlrclJll• K. Boos Schoo~ 138911 Hammon
St., \Ve.'ilminsler.
Flllh Day
Returning to LEM through the tunnel.
McDiviU and Schwelckart separate the
vehicle and fly 109 mJles away from
the command module. E x e c u t i n g
maneuvers that two astronauts will make
in taking off from the moon, lht)' !ly
a complex rendezvous back to a linkup
"''llh Scott. They return to the main
i;hip and kick the I.Ehl free M> that
ground controllers ran test-flf't' Its a.sctnt
engine, the powtrplant that wUI lilt mea
off the moo.n.
Sixth lhnM>p Niu~ Daya
Re.laUvely light schedule, with crtw
m1ldn1 extended checb ol the Apollo
S)'items. 'Ibey cohduct navigation checks,
take pictures and pcrfonn uptrimenll
with earth.aimed cameraa.
~°"1 A!lronauta fire spacecraft englnt, re-
enter atmosphere and parachute to a
landing In the Atlantic Octu tie m.llu
ta11t southeast of Bermuda.
. '
! .
• rin91 sized end repaired ..
e diamonds end precious stones remounted "
ep11rl1 restrung
,' # •• ' ••• •(······~·:~ (" •• ............ _,_,
• •
• . • . . • • l • .
• . . .
YOL:.-62, NO. 53, 3 S~ONS, 32 PASES
\ "·
• -.
Apollo Soars Into Orbit
. ' _:/)~eking Completed; Lunar Cralf s Deb'!'~Prel'!lred
·IPACE CENTER, HOUBton (AP) -hinl, separated the 1pacecraft from the
Tbe Apollo t astronauu, drcling the third stige ~er 1Dd •moved away
eiitb after a near-nawles! launch to-about 50 feet.
day from Cape KennOO:y, turned their Scott turned the command craft around
1paeecraft around, docked With the lunar and"lhe·crew observed tht 1unar module,
module and prepared to give the fragile which was exposed for the first time q.an its space debut. to the space void where it was designed
• Air Force Col. David R. Scott, flying to fly.
Ute command module while his team-Then Scott, using a gunsigtfi device
fiiates, Air Force Col. James A. McDivitt on his window and aiming at a target 41 RuS3elJ L. Schweickart rode*beside on the lunar module, inched" lhe sl~·ton
command ·-fonrard ..a -
a doclolng probe cio' the -of ·the
COile-shape spacecraft fnio , ll Jt.locb
doclolng collar on the lwiar module, rtlll
attached to the booster stare: .
The probe locked lo the collar, JoWDi
the two space vehicles rlgldly together.:,
"All right, Houston.~t Scott anbounced
happily. "Hard dock ." Apollo 11 a com-
plex llkiay mission which will put
America on the .threshold of a moon
landln( or slam the door lndeflalt.el;, . . . '
' WU ponched by the 15-ator)' Sabn' I
rockel Into ortiit ......... , ' bee cloud • ..,...... V'f
cover at µie preclae minute scheduled.
Ground controllers reporttd the orbll
-varied only sllgblly from the n•mlle
circular orbit planned month& before-.
The Apollo t ~ew reported two minor
problems early in the flight , but ground
(See APOLLO, Page II -,.
e..New Fight
On Hospitals
lnH untin.gton
'* * * * * ij
Of 1M O.Hr !"lift Stiff
The battle of the hosplta1s will continue ~ht before the Huntington Beach City COunciJ and Tuesday night before the
Planning Commission as P a c i f i c a
JJ'Ospital apparently is to be opposed bY. Huntington Intercommunity Hospital.
'Councilmen have been informed that
the medical staJf exetutive board at
Huntingtoo Intercommunlty Ho a p i t a I
~er expansion of that facility rather
i&an the expansion of Huntington Coo-
~aleecent hospital to a general or
opOclallzed hospital. • -
-·()xmcllmen also 1bave been informed
tllal the Boan! of Zoning Adju!llnents ajiproved a pennit for an 11-bed con-
..,.ion of Huntinglon Coovalac:t;DI
lil>opiW lo Pacifica HosplW IJld C<l!-
IClilction of a 143-bed convalescent
. ,,,. I -WV 11111 _-U In a =g beginnJDg at 4:30 IJld
cGinuiq at ~ bJdoJ' lnilmcil ........,_ of . Hall, 5tll strut '* Pecan Avenue. Altorpey Jerome M. Bame, •din& fur lllmtl!>8ton lntercommunlty Hospital at Beadi Bou1evard and Newman Strtet,
bu sent to the clty a legal argument
favoring reopening of the hospital
Po?Jlllts granted lo Robert -Zinngrabe
tor Pacifica Hospital. .
The iawyer claimJ that the planners ·
l!ave a legal right to reopen the case
o& lhe basis that the type of hoapital
asked by ZiMgrabe is not a perm.lt(ed
Ult in the office-professional zone; the Bciaro of Zoning· Adjuslmelrts did not
.,Ue a wriUen finding of fact u re-
1(1!1red by the city ordlnancel; the Plan-
.... Commission lw original juri!dicUon
On granting use pennlts; the pl111J11tt1
tiive a duty to rehear use pernut
~ents for permits Issued by a ~le body and that the use of
Uje: land is intended to be diffennt
tiian asked for in the use permit a~
jil1caUon by Zinngrabe. .
'linngrabe and his group, the HBH
~-· have maintaine;d that they ~ve ~ally obtained penruts and are gomg
illead With planning for convecsion of
~ convalescent hospital. · 1
Councilmen have stated that they feel the matter lhould have come to the
council for a final decision, holding that
1 ho&pilal is 1 quasi-public use.
Planners ordered a public hearing to
W bf:ld on the matter after the pennits 11¥ been granted, but the suggested
rctton appw-s to be under a legal cloud,
cne whlch attorney Bame hope.a he has
removed. -,
Armed Man Takes
' -9150 From Store
Dougla~ Watches Mrs. Sirhan
Gives . Tribute
To America Saturn Perform
"Ol' Reliable," a.s the third stage of
the Saturn V lunar. lalincb vehicle is
known in Huntington Beach where-it'•
is.._ made, is pl.iyirig a critical role in
the Apollo 9 mission today, engineers
at the McDonnell Douglas AstronauUcs
Co. said this mornipg.
The S-IVB third stage began the day
by inserting into orbit tbe Apollo lunar
module. -the manned apacecraft and
the four-legged moon landing craft.
The S-IVB fired fint for about 112
seconds, its single 200,000 pounds lhrust
ra;ctet engine consuming some 20,009
gallona ol liqajd OKJltll ·and about '15,000
g"'1ona of liquid hydrogen lo pu'1l the
Apollo .into an -earth orbit of about
100 nauUcal miles hi£}1, aceording to
the enjineers. . .
Later ·Ibo ·commlllld modulo WQ
..,_,fnm ~·MVL ,,;.·c.mm.nc1 -·
LOS ANGELES (AP) -While her
module then tu!'"ed around lo dock ~ith son on !mil l2.t....ruLJill. buritrl-J!is .
the lunar landmg module which is-av fieidin,.his hands 1t1:ary Sirhari tached to the S-IVB. . • gave
Once docked, the command module ·an emoUonal tribute or thanks today
an!l the lunar landing module were lo the United States, )\'hich gave her
scheduled lo move away-from the S.IVB. familY refuge.
Then can:i.e the second firing of the "We are lucky in thia country .••
S-IVB, burm~ for 62 •seconds ~nd sen~ing we are blessed in this country . • God the rocket mto a l~naut1cal miles , , • elliptical orbit bless America • •. cried the mother-
H. E. Bauei, who directs the Saturft of. Sirhan .Sirhan. on trial for the mW'der
Apollo program for tbe McDonnell of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
Douglas Astronautics Co., said the un-She detc:rlbed the Si~an's family Jife ~ented third flrill( of the 8-lVB In Palestine before parttUon of the coun-
wu-acbodoled 1o 1u1 .,... au -· try In 1911 -when they were forced ~run1 the rocket Into -an orbit aroOnd to move from U>tir ho,me to a refugee r·-r~ camp. ·
the sun. . 111 .1. • • -Engineers at the Huntington ~ . t wu ;,uooting, ; ~.mbm&, the ter.
p1-ot said· this monW!i thet they are rortsm,of the Zl~, she said wljeir
CfOl(ldent fi. the-opeJ11tiGG of the·S.IVB . a.<ked irhy they moved. -"Wt C9U1dn't
11ioee I~ bu -leWtJnoW lit . ll<)o, wt COllldll= -· w)lldqw IJllCO.', .•~-_-,_,-~· rr-·-~ .: -~-... "'"!'!'~IP!' ' · Mn. Slrban ·.,..a 'IO<lfl bUi heavily • a<#il!i!I ...
Guerrilla Rocket Slarm · Sjr!IU, "11\i etaclrllle1 the court Friday
"'1th an lmoil"1al d<ibllld lluit he be
allowed to .Plead guilty and die .ID uie
gas chamber, listened attenUvely as h1a
mother SPoke. Mn. Sirhan had barely
taken µie atand Friday after the qutbunit,
when she broke down in tearJ and cOtn"t
wa1 adjourned for the weekend. Into Saigon Hospital
SAIGON (UPI) -Gue:J:l'illas slammed
three 100.pound rockets into SaJgon today
and oae of them hi.t a hospital one
block from the U.S. emblissy. American
Marines thmf ·off a North Vietnamese
attack below the demilitarized zone.
At least 1l South Vietname,,e civilians
were killed and · more than 20 wounded
in the second Communist shelling of
Salgoa in eight days, most of them
in a direct hit on a r iverside shanty
where they slept. The rocket lriggered
a fire that destroyed...31 home.s.
A second 1Z2mm rocket blasted into
. the courtyard of the French-nm Grall
Hospital, spraying the walls of a materni-
ty and pediatric pavilion with shrapnel
and wounding three children. The
· hotpital is a block from the U.S.
The third rocket landed on a Saigon '
riverfront near lbe Majestic Hotel, a
Saigon landmark at the end of Tu Do
Streel. It killed a 3-year-old boy and
wou~ four adults uleep on the quay,
the SOuth Vietnamese pollce said.
It was the flnt bombardment of Saigon
since Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky
of South Vietnam Warned bis air force
could resume the bombing of North Viet-
nam if the Communista' nationwide of·
fensive continued against population
centers. •
Jn Paris, allied peace neg0Uator:1 had
condemned the shelling or Sl.igon Feb.
23, opening the Communist offensive,
as a violation of the Washington-Hanoi
agreement lb.at the Reds would stop
their attacks on cities if the United
Stalet stopped the bombing of Nortb
From south of the demilitarized ione,
North Vietnamese soldiers tried to over.
run a U.S. Marine eoeampment about
four miles south of" the border zone
but were thrown ~k and lost 11 men.
American casualties were given as
"light." •
The nig~t battle erupted not far from
where other American soldiers Sunday
killed 105 North Vietnamese, tome of
whom had swarmed onto their tanks
near Cam Lo. Tbe U.S. 5th Division
troops lost three killed and 2S wounded
in the fighting.
Seal Beach Council
To Consider Drilli»:g
Oil drilling oil the coast of Orange
County IJld Seal Beach -Jn particular
fonm a large secUon of the agenda.
for tonight's I o'clock meeUng of the
Seal Beach City Council.
Councilmen meet in council chambers
of City Hall and will face five proposals
f0:r dealirit with oil exploration on both
state lands and the far oU-sbore federal
When the Sirhan Jamily -then six
boys and One daughlU -· moved from
their home In the old city in 1948 "we .
were like the rest of the people -
we had noth'lng," Mrs. Sirhan said.
"We didn't have beds. We didn't have
mattresses. I didn't even haye blankets:
to put on my baby. We slept on stone
They moved Jint to a convent,. then
into one room. in the Jewish quarter
ln the old. city.
"It was vuy old, too years old, all
wrecked from bombing.'' Mrs. Sirhah
-said. "We med to go thirsty ror many
days for we couldn 't get the water.
Even when we came to this country
(11166) we were so happy to have the
water. My daughter U6ed to flush the
toilet over and over .10
That's when Mrs. Sirhan be&.,an her
emotional tribute to the United States.
The defense is trying to show that
Slrhan's childhood experiences -he was
4 years old In 1948 -crippled him
mentally, leading to the senatOr's
Mrs. Sirhan's voice was choked by
tears Friday when she began her
teotimony. .
Stoek Markets
NEW YORK (AP) -The stock mar·
ket clO.!ed with lo&el holding a vuy
slight edge over galns today. Ttading
was fairly active. (See quotations, Pages
20-21). •
Gains had been in the lead from. the
opening but lhelr number dwindled u
the ~Ion wore on.
" ..
~y!a, •••.
UPIT ........
In s .. brook, Tex., A Pre-l1unch Pr1ytr for Did
Ca~ il•tronalJt'•: W~fe
~~o~· §~ys :~p9ll~ ~tjp
·Brings Quni~~i"!Y Clo~er.
Nixon saJd todar tbe Apollo t mlssioi;i
was a milestone that could bring
"humanity clos.er" togethet.
A White House spokesman said the
chief executive telephon.?d J?,11 ·~s~
wishes to Mrs. James A. McDlvltt,, wife
of one of ~ Htre~ d'&onauii, just
.. before the .APl>llo 9 liftoff fz:om Cape
Kennedy Fla.
In a statement arter the launching,
NI.Jon said: "The successful launching
c.f the Apollo 9 sp.ace craft marks anothtr
milestone in the journey ol. man into
SJll;Ci!. .
"The hopea and praym of. rnankJod
go with Col. James A. McDl\lllt, Col.
David R. Scott and lilr. Ru 1 s e I I
Scbweickart on the courageous mission.''
The· President added: "We are proud
ol this American adventure : but this
is more than an Amerlcaii adve'nture.
It is an adventurt of man, brlngln&
Murd er Charg~d
In Infant Death
Loll Alamito.s police have filed murder
charges against the father of a baby
girl who died Saturday of head injuiies .
The charge was changed from ftlQny_
child beating to murder. when Deborah
Olson, two months old, succumbed In
Los·AlamitOll General Hospital.
th!~· l Ct:U11lulated 1rlsdom of .bD '.put
to the task of shaping the futurt;
"The Jlklay flight of Apollo I , wlll
we h0pe, do Somethlng' m<ire than ~
~ica'. close r to. the . mOln ' · Jt .rJa ~rv'e to . bring humanity cloatt· . ..,.
dratrtaµcllly showing wbJt men can do
when )hey ~ring, lo any task the llell
of man's nil.ad and heart."
Computer Speech
Slated . at UCI
"The State of Artificial Intelllgenct"
will "be the___topic of a public lecture
by computer theorist Allen Newell
Wednesday IDght at UC Irvine.
Newell, professor of aystems sciences
at Carnegie-Mellon University, allo will
give three technical talkl during a three-
day Visit on campus.
He ia the first of five pereona
distinguished , in the field who will be
brought lo campus tbls sprina by the
new JAp•rtment of In{ormatlon and
Computer Science.
Newell's talk OI! arti(lci>J lntelll1ence
will be at I p.m. in 171 Fine Arts.
There will be no edm.iaion charfe, •
Hunt for Lost Scouts
BfG BEAR (AP) - A search conthmed
today for lour .C.00 -Angeles Explorer
Scouts and their leader mlaalng nine day>
as bope still wu held aut . that they
might have found abelter fr o m
Held 1n Orange County Jail "i.! Richard
Allen Olson, ft, of 4111 Great St. The
baby was ta.ken lo the hospital. Wed·
nesday night '!Ulfering from a fractured
skull. After lnveailgatlon, pollce arrested
Olson Tbu"rsday. • r--------~----. An armed robber took a 7-Up and
&"fruit pie from a Westminster st.ore
Sunday night. then decided he wanted
$15o to go with it.
folice said a man with a two lnch~
nlckle-plated revolver held up the Speede-
?li.rt store, 8501 Hell Ave., at 5:25 p.m.
Silnday .
• A store clerk said the man wandered
~ the store unUI all the customers
}\Id gone, then approached the counter
to' buy a 7-Up and a , fruit pie, but
Hnntingto_n · Reveals Floodi:ng Plan~ Oruge
pulled a revolver and a.sked
bandit Ielf the 1tore on foot with ~d.money in a brown paper bag, police
' Short Power Failure
Of ... O.ltr ,, .. Stefl
Cily ofllcJala this momin( dltclooed
uteos.ive emergtncy p I a n 1 for
evacuaUnc, Huntiqtop.. ~ raldeols
nw the Santa Ana ruver if levees abwld
give way under heavy water_prpsure.
If the .rlritbeb obould break -not
a litefy llh&IUon. at Jl'IM!l -rhl.denta
""1 hear a three<nlnufo lteady tone
JQWllting !tom the city fire ctallon.I
• homo, said Vinet Collier, llllllllnt Clvll
Q ik H h A. Defense dlrec:W,for the city. . q.lr es ar our "'ea . 'Tollowlng,thll naturat_d1auter aiu:D\,
· -......_. -"" riv,. . _.., • A_poftt ttansformtr.fallure Jn Hllft. _...,.Jut ~m -hl&b
· 'Uogton JJarboiir section ol Huntington .......,.liilii~ -_
-lleich caUHd a minor lntemiplion or "Do.; llolllr ...,-....,., bead
JectrJcaI _aervlce at 1:31 a.m. Saturday. ac:r. UM: river," bt emph•llud. •
'Service was restored at 1:34 a.m., HunUngtoa Belda..firtmm and penon-
_..itnc . lo Roberl Bwi>ank, d~trlcl ne1 from the barbon and beach depart..
rflnlontaUve of Southern C.!Ucrnla men! ..ut allo ;t .. door lo door notice
~ Coolpany. o1 !be im""""81 emer1tocy.
' '
• -.
. SUMI' stlil and' i:liillf lemperO< tim are the 'pictur..for -,,
with ' blgh· ....tine> of •, alc!oc lho
-and a fwthtr 1n1ancl.
• ,
• • 2 DAILY PILOT -H ~ .
lmpos~or ~:Oo~tQf'_ J~iled ~ter 4 Patients -1 Die· i
Aa Alal>anlH>onl -who IJ!oo<ll1 • ...... 1111 ,..... fQlollo "' ~ Dtlln -tlle a-lmpootor -Is
jailed today, after ooe month ot practice
u a hurt apeclau.t, dlll'lnl wlllch loor
pallenb died.
Robert !;. Brown, 33, Is held at Oran1e
County Jail on SU!picion of \'.iolation
of the state BuslneS! and Profess.iOna
Code, wilh preliminary heartna: aet
Wedne>day In Superior Court.
An autopsy ls scheduled to determlne tr Brown may have contributed to the
Feb. 21 death of William Noel, 75, of
Fullerton, while autboriUea COD&lder ti•
Asks Earlier
Plea Change
Charles John Trautwein of Huntington.
Beach toda7 IOQlht to withdraw an
earller plea of guilty ~ cbirgea of
assault wllh intent to commit rape.
He uked a Superior Court judge to
:strike from. the record all court acUoo
from the elate of that pita.
In tllect, Trautwein'• new legal action
R<b • to wtpa out hta l'lillY pita and
start the cue all over.
Superior Judp Robert Gardner,
howner, relmed to rule on the new
po-. Be lnltud rtlemd Ille -baclc to tlle ju!lp be!<n whom Traut...in
bad pleaded guilty -• Judp Wllllun
• • ~ • .... I! ., •
I .. J° ~ r I ~ ' •
.... bodlot·DI tn .-ror-~ JUI yw al ,!he Miami liar\ ll>lt1lulo
·-••• ;;.,~; .• · 11116rtdL .
.• Ol'l1'll °"""1 Dlllrld A~0Cd "Dr. ~ ll. ~ .__ -
'A. llkb' llrNlllploh ....... ' ... (" .. """' allet ... -............. Brown committed 15 to IO 'riolat!oltl him," aald Jan M!llw, admlniltrltm
of the state eode wbfle· auoclattd ~th ' .ecretary at Uie hear\ cllnf'c, where ataff
th~ Internal Medical ClinJc, Fullerton. · physicians began to wonder . about the.Ir
A susplclous nurst ftnatty tipped off colleague. ' , ·
police while lhe man ldenUfied u Or. Learning of the brilliant young
Glenn L. Foster was treattns Noel; Who apeclali.!t's ~ents ~e of the oUler stiff
1ubaequentJy died of his heart allmeflt, physicians said he had never ~ard ol
Invest.lgators discovered that Brown him before. .
-who they allege held forged crecJentlall Authoritiea 1,Jld Brown &ained employ-trom Loma Linda MedJ cal Schobl -ment at the ·1'-fiami flcility where doctors
had apparenUy worked five days late had been given a $250,000 research grant
"' lift lo -lion ~th myocaidW
-wlla, • lareed -··'· I •'Jlia polln. ti ........ blairie .poll
-~~ An. JU 1116 sradulUoo I r o m
Woodlawn Htah',scbnol"ln BlmllQlbam,
All., the 1uipect 'worked as a lal»rti
for Hays lntttnatlonal, an aircraft plant,
Ulen quit and dropped from sight.
He returned ln 1966 with -allegedly
-masters' degrees in electronics
engjrieeMDg and business administration
from· UCLA and USC, investigatiOo
"He was one or the finest engineers
'Who ever worked for m," aaJd IA un.ldtn-
tlllid .... rian fllr U. !km.
-"I neTer had ID)' ""°" In IUIPec! hLm as a phony," added Mli& Perry,
a bona.fide eng.IDMr for the rese~
company, who shed addltlooal tJchf oo
Brown'a modua operlJ\dl.
"I "do remember he wu an expert
at picking brains," Perry 11id, "he could
ask hundreds ol 11tlle questions and later
you'd reallu you'd f,lven h1m a complete
courae In a subject. '
Brown's alleged iinpostor scheme is
renpnlscf'nt of Ferdinand De.Mara, whose
excellence in the Wliuthorlzed fields he
entered -modlclne. U., m1tt11tcy, Ju R
all!I educaUoa -led "' ~ ~ ~ upooure.
The atyle also matches that of le.ssu-;
knownimpQStor, Jack K. Brown, arrested ~
in the Lona Beach area a !title mort j
than one year ago, also while poalnlll
as a doctor specializing in heart probft :
lems. i Featured once in a Saturday Ev~µii ' Po.st article, "Dr." Brown ~ad JIOSfld !ue-~
ces.s!ull.Y as a high U.S. Air Force official
several umes between tedelal prison ·
terms, on forged credential&. , -... •
J, . . ·.::
From Page l ...
c:ootrollm uld Ibey were DOI coocerned.
The on-board COIPP'MJ failed to 1ive
the proper read!ngs on the spacecraft's
speed and poo!Unn, hut ii wu upda\ed
and corrected from I.he ground. Later,
McDivitt repotted that a helium pressure
tank was triggerlna: the master alarm
system on board whenever its ~em·
perature dropped to Hs low point and
before the heaters turned on.
The Apollo 9 crew's job is the most
demanding ever shouldered by American
;, spacemen. During the ne1t four days ~ they will le!t the tuner module, or LE~f.
a fragile, spider-like spacecraft designed
to land _men on the moon, but whicb
has never been flown inanned in apace.
If tests by the ApolJO t crew prove
the craft's design, an American crew
is to land on the moon in mid-summer.
U LEM fails In its debut, America's
10&1 of landinl men on the moon in
thla decade Could be Ht back for many
test of It! mettle. Durin& the nut four ·-~
days McDivitt and Schweickut wtU · ·
transfer from the command module" ~
thiough a tunnel fonned by the dockinr:,,
collar into the LEM. Scott will be left .
behind to fly the mother ship.
McD1viU and Schweickart will test all
the LEM systems. They will fire th~·1:•
9 870-pound thrust LEM descent engin&· :~ • o~ Wednesday Y.'hile the command •• :
module rides piggy back atop the moori ··
On Thursday, Schweickart will open . -.
the front hatch of the LEM ~ ate~.l~
.out into space. For almost two hours.•
the red·haired spaceman will "walk''·~"."·
in space. ~)r,.
Speln ta now occupied with lllOlher
trial and will be llJ!Oble to rule ...
the Trautwein motion today. ·
The launch was precisely as planned,
with the huge first stage Saturn 5 engines
igrtiting and acreaming up to their full
'1.5 million pounds of thrust as scheduled.
The LEM will separate from the ccm;...,
mand module for the first time Friday
and fly on its own. McDivitt and ··~
Schwefokart will guide the flimsy crall
through a complex series of rende:IVO\J! ,.,,
which wil l carry the LEM more than.
100 hazardous miles in space away from
II a<:<epted, the petHjoo) by Newport
Beach attorney Rober~ J:lurwita would
. Apello t Wlv11 Ctrom left) P•t McDJvltt, Lurton Scott, Claire Schw1lck1rt the mother ship. "
McDiviU and Schweickart will be bet.. •
ling their lives on the ability of ~
LEM and the command module to come
back together again. Should the LEJ\.l ..,.
or the command module be unable tO' -
complete rendezvow:, the moonship dull;, ...
would perish. LEM is too flimsy tt_ ~
return to earth. •
cancel an Abl!Cldero lltate Hoopltal
nopClrl that labeled Tr~iltweln, It, o(
20292 Craimer Lae u • ''dangerous,
mentally dilordered aq_Olfenller." NixQn Telephones
That report, flied after Trautwein 1pent
three months at the faclllty for possible ~~::;:.. ~ ~~ =:~ Apollo Wipes Get Pre-launch Message
ts "not amenable to treatment and is · ' ·
a danger to the health and safety of SEABROOK, Tei:. (UPI) -The Vj'ives yoo" ·~~ ybouraveh0a8bangl'~~;"admiration tor
others." of Apollo 9 a1tronauta J8.lllf:S A. •uu
Atascadero doctort also .u.-.:.-..1 McDivlU, David R. Scott and Russell Nh:on who returned from his European ...........,._ L. Sclrinicbrt 11w their hwlbandl roar tour Sunday night, told Mn. McDivitt
Trautwein u I "aociopathic ptl'IOOl.}ity tnt.o space atop a mighty Saturn ~ rocket that because Frank Borman, commander
disturbance, almal deviation, agressive today with a telephoned me5'age of ol Apollo a, was so enthusiastically
aeniallty ·-.a raft. '' -''admlrat1·00" for "e -~-·uta ~-all E . . ~ :a:-Lit ...... ....,.. UVUI received in Europe, .. urope IS ln•
Trautwehl WU proteCUted foDow1bg a Prftident Nixon fresh in thdr minds. terested. Please convey my best wishes
Grand Jurf~ which aDeced The President Called .Mrs. McOivitt lo Mri:. Scott and Mrs. Schwelckart"
that he ·~ last_ Aug. 2 to tape prior to the Jitunc.h and ' asked her to (the other two wtVes).
a Balboa~ woman Jn her apartment. convey his message to the other wives. Friends and neighbors of the astronaut.";
Settlng of bail for the Runtinlton Ju;ch j Earlier in Uie day, Mr$, McDivitt and . had planned to fly the American flag
man -~·. ~ bJ.story boob w.bea . M;;, SCOtt atleOOed separate church during the miss.io~ · ral~dng the flag at
Judge S , . tet thf figure ~t SllO,('l(X). l1ervices -bolh small groups of close launch and· 1takfug it .down after
Tn:utw . wealthy father brought tbl,t family and friends. splashdowp, to-show their support for amount.~ uM which wu st.ubed in Mrs. ·McDivitt said she was stunned the crew. There had been some queston
mail bJll. _ by I.be Prei;Jdent's call. ' of whether to put the flags up, since
Traut)ffin'1 change or course today "It was the J~t thlng I expected the miss.ion had been postponed for three
may'..~e with • recent change of this mominJ." .she aald. ,"Everything days already when the crew caught colds.
attor"Myi. . . was · happerung at suclt a quick. pace, But McDivltt called Sunday night e.nd
He filed his gnJRy plea under the I don't remember h1a exact word1.11 said: '
direcUon ol Marm.ll Schulman of Santa But she parphrased ,the President's "Please tell them to put up the nags
Ana bat the tamlly,.tranlferred the cue message: because I'm going.''
to attcney Hurwitz whlle Trautwein was
in .Atascadero.
Glen View School
Dedication Set
Trustees of oCean View School District
In HunUngton Beach will hear fwal plans
for dedlcaUon of the district'• newest
gtade school during the 7:30 o'clock
meeting tonight Jn the district board
room, 7972 WamO""'Ave.
Glen View School, 1621 Glen Drive
Is scheduled for cornerstone laymi
cere.monles al 3 p.m. Saturday by
Char lea A Groasman of HunUngton Beach
Masonic Lodge 380 Md Robert A. Crigler,
grand master of Muons In Calilnrnlo.
Altllough the scliool II not complete.
classes began on Feb. 24: at the nel"
OllAMGI! COAST "Ullll/'41NG COM .. AMY
R•Mrt N. w •• ~
.,,..lctlnt •tllll "llbllllltl'
J1cli: II:. C11rl:r
Vlu "rnldlnt Mid ~r Nl•nt...,
Th•~•• k11•il
Th1 rn •1 A. Murphi11•
Mltw•l"9 fdll'Dr
Alb.rt W. l1t11 Willi•ttt ll11d
A1-l1l• H\mll11.tfl:lrl ~ l!Ol!Oi" City EO!tor
Hutl ..... a..tr;OM.
JOt Ith Str11f
M•;li~g Add,.111 P.O. a.. 790, 92MI --~ hldtr mi W"' ... IMWlrf c;..,. Mftl: -W.1 ~ '""" ~llF'4~m......,•-
1 ..
* * * * * * What's Done 'Up There'?
Here's Apollo Schedule
the hlghlights of the to.day earth orbit
flight planned by Apollo 9 astronauts
James A. McDlvitt, David R. Scott and
Russell L. Schweickart:
First Day
Saturn 5 rocket hurls Apollo command
Ship, luner module (LEM) and third
stage into 11&-mHe high orbit. Nearly
three hours ' later, command s h i p
:separates, turns around and docks nose-
t<HlOSe witb LEM. Third stage separates
and ground staUons fire 1ts engine twice
1n teats that send Jlage Into solar orbit.
Astroqauts check out operation of com·
Scoville Sworn
As New Judge
Judge Harmon G. Scoville of
Westminster today was :sworn in as
Orange County's 21st· Superior Court
·uc1ge. '
J Fifteen of his new colleagues looked
on as Jlle.for:mer West Orange 'County,
Municipal Court .jurist !ook the oath
of office from County CJerk Willlllm
St John. Orange County Bar As90elaUon
olftcen were aDlOnl those \tho paid
!rlhule to Judge Scoville In coloriul pr ..
robing ctremonieor
Judge Scoville's wife and five children
were also present at the Department
One ceremonies handled by Superior
Court presldlng Judge Samuel Drelien.
~Uy named to the higher court
by Gov. Ronald Re.ag1n, Judge Scoville
take& over the aeneral trial bench
vacattd by retired JJJd1e R o n a l d
Board Meets Ttiesday
A rqular buainus mttUna of I.he
govotnlni board ol Westminster School
Jlll1rlct wtU be held Tue>day at 7:30
P:.m.. al the mulUpurpose room of the
VIrglJ\la 1<. Booi Schoo~ 138!0 Hammon
St., Westminster.
bined space ships, including three firings
of main engine which shifts path of
orbit to elliptical between 132 and 311
mjJcs high.
T!ilrd Day
In first space Jbip transfer by
American astronauts, ?.1cDiviU !U1:f
Schwelckart crawl through three-foot
conn ecting tunnel into LEM and acUvate
its S)'items. They televise a progran1
from the LEM and fire the LrM descent
engine while sUll docked. This engine's
designed to lower the craft to the moon.
They reWrn through tunnel to the com·
mand module.
Fourth Day
A1cDivltt and Schweikart return to
LE~!. Schweickart doru self-supporting
back p&(k and ~foot cord, opens hatch
and makes his way hand-over-hand on
railings to the command module hatch •
Scott helps him g~t lower part of his
body into command module. Then
Schweickart returns to LEM along
reverse route. He sta.nds outside on LE:Xt
ptalform, taking pictures and sending
a television broadcast. Total time
outside: 2 houri 10 minutes. f\.fcDivltt
and 'Schwelckart return to command
Flltb Day
Returning to LEli-1 through 'the tunnel,
McDlviJ!. and Schweickart separate the
ve.hlcle and fly 109 miles away from
the command ·module. E J: e cut Ing
maneuvin: that two astronauts will make
ln taking off from the moon, they !ly
a complez rendezvous back to a linkup
with Scott. They return to the main
lhlp and kick the LEM free so that
ground controllers can test.fl.rt its a.scent
englne. the pov.-e.rplant that will Wt men
off the moon .
Sl>:tb -I~ Nlnlll Days
Rclatlvt:ly light 8Chedule, with ere"
making ei:ttnded checks or the Apollo
SY$lernB. They conduct nav\gaUon checkJ,
take pictures and puform eiperlmeatl
with earth·almed camtraa.
Ta.HI Day
Astronauts fire spacecraft engine, re-
tnler atmospllert and parachute to a
landing in the Allantfc OceaD 2$0 miles
cast .autheut of Bermuda.
--. I
Nixon to Give
Broadcast Report
On Europe Trip
Nixon will hold an unusual nighttime
broadcart new1 conference Tueaday to
report to the naUon on his European
White HOUJe prus secretary Ronald
Ziegler Bid today the hour-long aeasion
witll newsmen will begin at t p.m. PST in the East Room of the White
In addition to his televiSed report to
the nation on the Ew-opean trip, Nixon
arranged lo di.SCUM ·Jt with the cOn·
gressional leadership of both parties at
the White House Tuesday.
Ziegler said questions at the evening
news conference will not be · confined
to the Nixon trip, but that inquiries
will be limited to international matters.
The President returned to Washington
convinced that his eight-day tour helped
solidify the Western alUance and improve
prospects for reducing E a 1 t ·We s t
Nixon's 1st to Take
Chopper-l.P Vatican
ROME (AP) -President Nixon
became the first world leader to land
by helicopter at St. Peter's Square when
he v•ound up his We!tem European tour
~·ith a 7&-minute meeting with Pop:
Paul VI.
After the longest audience the 71-year·
aid pontiff has ever had with a visiting
head of state, Pope Paul said he assured
the new American president of "our
complete help and cooperation in solvlng
the problems of war and peace and
all things of brotherhood on this planet
of ours."
The huge rodet was fettered to earth
momentarily while the engines • roared
to full power. and then It slowly started
to llft away from Ill. launch pad, riding
a tail of lire twice its 363-foot length.
The roar of the world's mightiest
rocket rattled windows for mile! around
the Cape Kennedy launch site as the
' 3.1 million pound monster left its earthly
perch and roared oot of sight through
the cloud!. Roads and other vantage
points In the area were jammed with
.persons who gathered to watch the
thundering start of the ~arathon _!light.
Liftoff came exactff at 11 a.m., the
time of day ,planned months before.
but three days later than expected. The
launch wa.s delayed from Friday, tbe
originally scheduled date, when the crew
contracted severe colds. Flight surgeoM
said Monday the crew was healthy and
As th! huge rocket flashed'inlo space1 Schweickart, a J3..year-old who's waited
more than fi\'e years for his first :space
trip, exclaimed to the ground: "And
the rookie says that looks beautiful."
The LEM, a fragile space virgin which
is helpless against the b'rutal torcU
of, high-speed travel through the earth's
atmosphere, was protected during launch
by metal shrouds enclosing it like
shielding hands,
The craft rides attached to the lop
of the SfB, third stage of the Saturn
5 booster. Above It In the spaceship
U the command service module, carry-
ing the crew.
Once in orbit, Scott, the command
module pilot, separates the-command
and service module from the launch
vehicle, turns the spacecraft around and
flies back to the LEM.
Scott, like a driver carefully putting
his car in a garage, then pokes a probe
on the nose of the corie·shaped command
module lnto a 39-lnch docking collar
on the LEM.
The probe and collar lock together,
the LEM is spring-ejected from its
orbiUng nest, and the spidery space-age
ship nf exploration id.arts a test run
ol. the job it was created to perform.
The Apollo t LEM faces a brutal ..
DAILY "llOT lllfl """"° Bocking Oiiers
Hunt~on BeaCb High Sch~!
mascot Stan Peterson will be ~
on hand Tuesc:tay night when ~:
Oiler basketball team meets r;i.
Torrance High in second round r.; ..
of CIF play-offs. Game ;, l!l
scheduled for 8 p.m. ai West ":'=
Torrance High. t;c
,' .• '.•-·. ·-.:· ,'1,.·,, . '• .,.,'.'· .. • "
I . •: ·'
e ring• sized end repaired e diamonds end precious stones remounted
•pearls restrung
HAlllOI SHOl'PINli crNna
2Joe HAI-avo.
COSTA MISA 141-t411
llACH • IDIN ...
• '·· • t ~ •• •.· ...... ••• • ,· .,., •• "·-......
I 1
• • • I
: • • I
. .
T • •
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. -~-
VfL'62. NO. 53, 3 SECTIONS, 32 PAGE TEN ~
j ', f . . ~ .. . ,.... -...t-• •
J •'-.., "' a ' ,; -' ~ •
, ;
Reinecke~ As k:s Oil· P.lan.--AdV;ance
Notice Law
<. -•
Of ... DllJJ ~ ... ti.ff
llelnecke ~d today he favors Jeglsla~On
IH&t would compel lhe Stele Landa Coo>-
mlsaion to give· coastal ciUt! advance 1
l)Otice of all offshore oil survey proposals.
R.$ecke · also disdo.sed tbat Gov.
Reagan supported the :.ands Com. ·
ml'51on'1 revocaUon last week of permits
'l'ells of Trav ail
allowin& Sbell. 011 Co. and seven associate
firms to link test core holei in .slate
waters olf ·Nel'1port Beach· and San
Clemente. · ·~ goVernOr," said Reinecke, a
meynber ol the Lands -Commission. "is
veryimw:b envJr0mnenta.1 1quality m.ind-
td. J 'checked wilh. h~ offi<e helo
we:took up'tbe rtvocrattca quesUon'and
wu told· that be fe~ quite strongly
aboul IL II (lhe .declflon) probably
wOuldn't have been made, otberwiae:" ·:
. Rtioecie said -he is "Very mUcb In
favor" ol a ·m.Wure ·introduced by
Ass<mb\ymu Roberl E. Ba~(~·
Newport Beach). ~ l!ill would '-
lhe Lands Commission @ advile coutal
· munlclpaJIUes well ab<ld'.;lll l!me llelor•
eommluledl'I cons.lder"oftlbl:n aufvey
• . . "-.
requests from oil CQIDpaJlles .or ·otber
ager.cies. ,
Badbam'a bW -AB m -arlles
from v!gQf®i_ Pn>\>!te "°"! l!lrlJ>Or~
Lquna Beach and San Clemel'lte qalnlit
the Cornmlssfon's approval Jut Jp. J
of 1he ~.on Co. permits.
No advance noUce was given on the
since-revoked pennila, except for rautloe
and apparull,y 1111110Uced -com-,.
OC _;Ill
munleaUons lo lectslallvi repr-
0 1 would t.eatlfy Jn faVor o f
AssembJyman Badham's .blll,0 aakl
Reinecke.1 "~t lhcu.kl 'be adequate
notice ~ pulillc ~-pul •P for drllllng, esptoration Of !hatever."
Reinecke wu not a mCnmer of the
COll1Jlllsli"'1 wheo 1ht orltlnal Jan. 1
acUoo graoUng the permllio was tebo. . ' .
He did not -(Grl!IOt' LI• Gov.
Robert Finch unUI later in 1he m«llh.
Lisi Thursday, R<lnecke TOied wllli
two . other acting COllllnl.ulOn<r ,in
11111D1lllQ!J41yrev-g 1ht permilL
> •Bajlhlm ·MJd today bla bll! 'II -
in committee. II wlD be out of committee
late ~ IDOlllh. .
"l doo'f·anticlj>ote &111 trwl>lt Wiiii.
Its pa111~''be.aald. • '
' ·•
·sirhan's Mother
Spacecr aft
For Debut Praises A-merica .SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP).-
The Apollo 9 astronauts, _circling the
earth lftet a near-Dawless launch to-·
day from· Cape Kennedy, turned• their
spacecraft around; docked with the lunar
module and prepared to give 1ht Jrqile
craft its JPaCe debut.
LoS ANGELES (AP) -Whlle her
q, on trial for his life, _ buried his
head in hiJ hands, Mary Sirhan gave
an emoUooal tribute of thanks today
to the United States, which 1ave bet Ulnlly nluge.
•11we are lucky 1n UUs country •••
wt are hlested in ~ c:ouatry •• , God
Weather Nice
For Surf Meet,
Catamaran Race
Of lit EMlllY ""' Sltfl Brisk winds Saturday and Sunday's
calm proved blessings f t 1ht two<fey
IUl'flng con.tut and . ratatn•ran regatta
that-wound up Laguna'• Winter FesUval
~ Second Annual Winter FesUval
Surfing Cooteol, sanctioned by 1ht World
Sar!lng Association (WSA), hrooghl 135
OU!fera into 1ht four-fool surf Saturday f"I' lhe first ol two deya of ellminatiOllJ. 'l\t event was held at Thalia Street
.,..ch. .
·While offshore winds affected lhe rides
Sablrt!U by Sunday noon the eontest
CNDe to' a successful close in a light
breeze. Bill Lane's bot surfing earned min first place in the men's division.
_Surfers were relieved with the let
up-of wind, but action slowed down
ceml.derably farther out to sea as tht Fint Annual Hobie Invitational Cat
Re&atta wu staged on a five mile coUrse. The t:w~bulled, single sail boals,
etiuuning aCI'08S the water Saturday
WW. speeds reaching 33 knoll!, sat
10111etlmes motionles.. in lhe calm sea
,..P.aul Allen of Dana Point finished.
fint in a field of 25. Second pl.ace
.,. won by Jeff Prindle of Santa Ana.
Jot'Neale ol San Diego, Bobby Pattmon
of Dena Point and Dick W androcke of
N~ Beach finl!hed 1hlrd, fourth
aq4 fifth respectively. .:fwo races were held each of the
tlfO days. Out of the four races, points
w}ft eounted for the be!t three races
for tach boat. ~p worked out rather well /' aaid
H!lie Alter, surfboard and catamaran
mmuficturer who sponsored the event.
·~ liglil winds Sunday balanced 1ht
~1 (See SURFING, Pap I) ..
bless America . _ ' • cried the mother
ol Sirhan Sirhan, on trial foe the murder
of, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
She described 1ht Siihan's family life
in Palestine bef<n partition of the coun-
try in lMI -when they were forced
tG move from their home to a refugee
"II was shoollnl. bombing, 1ht ter-
rarism of the Zionists," she aaid when
aaked why they moved. "We couldn't
1t..y. we couldn't even open-window ~-ml ...... -""'-•"lom:" Mia. Sirfwt""7_.,~w 11eavi1y
aecoplell Englllh. .
Sll1iaD, who ileclrifttd Ibo <GUrt Ptiday
witli an emOuonal denwid tbl be be
anow.d to plead guJJty ml die in 1ht
gas chamber, U.tened attentively as his
IDother spoke. Mn. Slrtum had .barely
taken 1ht stand Friday oiler 1ht outhunl,
when she broke down in tears and court
wu adjourned far the weekend.
When the Sirhan family -then iii:
boys am one daughter -moved from
their home in the old city in 1941 "we
Wirt file the rest of the people -
we bad nothing," Mrs. Sirhan said. ~We didn't have beds. We didn't have
m1ttresses. l didn't. even have blanketl
to put on my baby. We slept on stone
'Ibey moved first to a convent, then
Inlb one room in the Jewish quarter
ln lbe old city. "
1It wu very old, 900 yean old, all
wrecked from bombing," Mn. Sirhan
sakl. "We used to go thirsty for many
days for we couldn't get the water.
Ev'en when we came to thls country
(1956) we were IO happy to have the
water. My daughter used to Ouab the
toilet over and over." ·
Art Center P icks
Havas President
New officers have been chosen for
the 40-member Art Center Auociation
comprialng buglnHitl in the ltOO block s. Coast HJghway location.
.:e_aul Havas, ol the Indian Room, has
been re-elected president: Ernestine
Allerhand of the Fktral Arts Studio is
vice-pre!ident ; Sam Compton of tbe
Country House I:: secretary; and Diana
NieJ of Collage Q-aftt Studios U
New directors are Harry Lawrence
of Wtl'l'en's Imports, Arul Raj of Water
Colon of India Sludloo and Vic Stuart,
realtor. -·
SALUTI? -No, just a space-
man's ~' Dtaria Sc:b-
weickart, telling us how old
she is.
Newspaper Say s
Seized Yachters
Seen in Ch ina
Yachters captured by Red Chinese
gunboats two weeks ago, among them
a Laguna Beach man, have been ·15een
alive and well in Communilt custody,
a lfong Kong•newspaper rePorted today.
A peasant who asked not to be iden-
tified for fear of reprisals said he saw
the group exercising on the roof of
a three..fitory building near a new prison,
tmder armed guard.
Speculation since Stmeon Baldwin, 5e,
ol 1»9 Cliff Drive, and 14 other persons
detained Feb. 16 by Mainland authoriUes
has indicated they might be released
"I dared not pay too much attention
lo them," the man interviewed by lhe
Hong Kong Star aald, adding that
People's Liberation Anny troops with
submachinegum were supervising the
Three yachts carrying Baldwin 1.nd
other lunar new yeai: holiday voyagers
were seiied Feb. 18 on a cruise from Hone Kong to the Portuguese Island
colony of Macao,
Baldwin Uva ·in Hong Kong, where
he operates Air Stoen JJd.; whl!<' his
family malnlalna a home in Laguna
Air Fortt Col. David IL Scolt, flying
the comlnand module wblle bis tea.m.
mates, Air Force eoi:-James ·A. McDivitt
and Ruliell i.. Scbwelckart rode ~ide
him, separated lhe ipacecraft:fr1im 1ht
thlrd dage booster aOd moved 1wa1
.about p feet. · · · · '
·seoi,lumed ~-and mn ·~
and tbt crew..-... the 1.-·morlole, •.
which ·was e~ed fU' ttie -first time
td fir~ 1paot vOJd wlitre H 'iu desfp;d
1o nt:
Then Stott, using a gunslght device
en !µs window and aiming at a target
en the lunar module, inched the six-ton
command mOclult forward and inserted
a doCklng probe on the nose of the
cone-shape spacect:aft Into a ~inch
dockini: collar on the lunar' module, rtill
attached to the booster Stage.
The probe locked to 1he collar; joining
the twO space vehicles rigidly together.
"All tight, Houston," Scoll announced
happUf. "Hard dock." Apollo 9, a com-
plex tO-day mission which will put
Ameri~ on the threahold of a moon
landln* or slam 1ht door lnd<linitely,
was 1'9nched by !lie l><tory Salum 5
rocket fiJrito Orbit ~ a heavy cloud
cover It the precise mli:lute Acheduled.
Ground controllers reported the orbit
varied only aJJghU, jrom lhe 119-mlle
circulat orbit planned months before.
Tbe Apolle 9 crew reported two minor
problems early in tbe· flight, hut ground
controllm uid they were not concerned.
The DA-board computer failed to' &iv t
the prQper readinp 'mi the spacecraft~1
speed and pos!Uon; bUt It wu updated
and cwrected from the around, 'Later,
McDivltt repcirtecl that a helium pressure
tank Was triggering the mastef alarm
system on board whenever Ila tern·
perature dropped to I~ low point and
(See APOU.O, Pase Z)
' ' ' 1 . • 'UPI~
'ATRICK, ·McDl'llTT, t, Cl,H'T'<. SUPPRf SS YAWN' . I ', Ip ha~ Tex,. /. Pit'~ PrayW for 0.,. ·
Y oung .Lagun(i -.Athlete.
Dies l)uring Sleepou t
• a . :
Cyrus 11Cy" awliberi, co-captain ot
the Laguna Beach High School Cee
basketbaD team and a top student, died
early Stmday after an all-night sleep
out on the beach with four buddies.
Ch~ Laguna 'Beach wi1h Shaler'I
Laguna funeral Home in char1e of ar·
.Jle was 14. .
The family has suggested 1enem-
brancea in fonn of dooatlolll ·to' the
Laguna Beach Boyi' Club.
Coastline Cities
Set Joint Fight
On -Oil Dri ning
Of!lcials of the Orange County Cor·
oner's Office said today that despite
an autopsy , no precise dettrminaUon
of cau$e . of death was made. Further
teslll are pending, they said .
Young Chambers, a member of the
freshman clas:i, was rated an excellent
student at the high school in add,tlon .
to hla athletics. ·He wu student body
president at Thunton Intermediate 1
City ' ol'llcials ·will attempt to knit a School· and was acUVe in tbe Boy.1 Club 1
chain ;,of ~fenx 11alnst off-shore oil of La~a Beach. .1 1 , ,
explor'ltion and exp)Oltatlon at an in-'Mr. Cliamb&t Is survived 6y foUr
fonnaUon githedng sesricn in Santa brothers, Chrl!ltopher. Andrew, Steven Barbati UU. mooth. and Thomas ;· his mother, Kathryn, all
NEW YORK (AP) -~ alock mar·
ket closed with lossea. holdlog a very
slj.ght edge over gains today. Trading
was fairly active. (See quotations, Pages
Gains had been in 1he lead from 1ht
· g . hut !heir number dwindled u
teSSJOD wore on. .
' .
' -Sex Classes Stir Furor •
MaY.Ql'I, C01111Cllmen, City m&n&1"'8· of the·famlly ·home, UM ~ic;apa Way.
county ofllciallt state lyil!,at.on. and Laguna Beach; and bis grandmotber,
other Qfflcla)I wl)l be invited; aald James Mrs. Mary Cham~ of Bakenritld .
D. W)leatoo •• Lagona , Beach 'e 11 y &ports Indicated lhtllhe lrtlffl400> , ,
Manal"J'.. He aald 1ht meeting will' begin CUTI'ed lohlle young Chimben and hi• )l'elitlter , probably March 14 or 21. friends were on a cam.pout.at the private
Capo Parents Bann to P Wheaton aald there wlll be bu& toun beach below' Blue' Lagoon VVJu .. They Sunny aldet .and chilly 1-• Oppose District. rogram to ...... 111e damag• call5ed hy 1ht camped .. 1 and -arlaJng -., ._ .,. 1ht pldure 10, Tueldey. disa!Mtoua Sanla Barbara off-<hore oU morning were unable lo rwse Mr. wltb blgh ruc1hlp of Ill alone Ille
' b ., · Chambers. ' C011t and a ""1her inland. :oammllllfly reaction lo ~ sex
4iOlatlon · ii being faMed in the °'!l*l'ano Unlfied School DlstrlcL ~ pamlll m making known
thalt dllliln> for-a Family LUe program
""""" just ...,. a m<mth ... hy the
1:4p11trano IChoOI boord. • ~ who let ltl" education u a
r.ociPunist menace, those who aee Jt ~· el'Oiion of the preroiaUves of lJi ~. and those Who tee it IS
fl!lpllltlng loo mucll knowledge. too soon.
__nty.t to a meeting a Fnrster Junior
Ht;ll.School Jul we<t:
'Ille group of 100, calling Itself •c-emecr Pa~" heard aeveral .,,.um, oarlidpaled 1ii a preyer, look
ujl a eo1fect!oo for 1l>elr caus' and ...
recdved.lileralllre. Group apobameo aay ,.. eclucallon •,.O are c<llldonlng Ille rea'I.' · Tiie yi>ulhs rin to Ille home of, R.
Ibey plan to have odlllllooal meetings. production ~ pervutl." re:;a:! .~~l\\,.be ~~ ~ N. Bowman wbo· ""1Ulli>nOd to am.' INSWE TGD,\ Y
Scl>ooll Sup(. Ciarlel ~. wd He aald Ibero la no4hl1!4 wrong ·w!lh gresa' toward protecUve teiilaiaiion al bulance. Mr. Chamtiera wu pr<llHJUl1Ced Siz ,..,.1~1 tOllll<>lit al!Clidlng
:J::I,;:.:,, m,::;..'!., U:.:::O: • ~'.1" !~~!.1TU"fr.:'.it-.e ho!1'~ J lala an4, fideral levels:. :. ., =~I;' n:.';l;.f ~ ~= ·~ a ' trial la' ICOftC U... thrtc do,.;
1ht medlaofel, of Ille iU kt; none ..-.inmeot,mda.-....a..~P.<o-s>!d~·u!!:'fit!~:tt'=~:::,!;!. ·Ma11 t;,r,1o1r.1~!Slr<.,..lt!1•field ' 1 ~nr~!:iz~_e.,~ 'dw u,, -.11 ~ 4INll wllh _ pie" ~id, • 'P<I' :i:'.! ~~lir• . , dot~ \ha:"<llJ pO;t~' ,.; ~. 'TU~oy, ai. JO 1-.in. II 1111; ~·· , i co,:;.; ,~ti!J.&i'W) , .•. ~ ii. 'f~.,'"1r 'Liie ~'..tor =~licit.~ .. ~.~ ,.. ·~r il>e Jpbl•m wtlh •olll6 .1.ype « ·unlllll! ·v , . . , _ ,, _ ,. · .,.dJD'.:,,....., Jt ;;;;nJ°' ... ~lhe ' Dl.....,on modera~.i>Mt F~ .. • 4 . ~ ,._ :..00 d·· eel '..:..«-.. • ~IQ8c0w Ripo,rfS'O..Jn"f"' ~= ,,..: =. -:l reoull cCadloa by ~·-,at he can't find fa•H wltli'.~Jptt!IOl!nel, Wlltal4o•, -~ ~ • , • y • ,_. . " - -,.,, over blir the diltrict lcbools, and was who do whit tbe -~ want.:,JM • m~tfNI of _city all UL~,. MOSCOW (UPJ)-'l't.e·Sovltts toftAOd,• Dllll _.. 1• ...., ._ .,. • .._
• A yt#W' tn ~ wltb welul at· questioned w~ther tuDaftrl~•aot ·str ~dou'*td tr fbFe would be ~mlJY rt~ed .,P,Uo1*-ortlt ntn belft :.;:;: "'¥ ': ::: ,..._ := tf:Dtiont.~:aDdlntaadSnemucullni--education. }';I,(#.,.. .. -.,Jnfa.-of[*allfclala.llatl H..-=s ·· . : i . ......, .. ,, ,...,_ '':
ly and . IJ'. ' He Aid Ibo people~ <, oJI " U°"<loroi!<!Jlo , , '1 j'ui .7i!I p;pt.t,\1:19 a.Jll'' ~ :: = ' ' -'I ·
AnU-ses edlJCIUon ipukera lnc:luded BM educaUon on the : -.. i 'l l "ISo~, '; .. J1?).,'' ~1 ~aft\Apoll0 I wU--::-~ '! :-.._.....,.: :n.M~~~~ .. ~~ tnowa ~11~ciU ~~ .;r1n" . {, · ' "~~:?#.~~~*"" .. ~·._-_ _,.-__ .. _ ..... __ -__ ._ .. =-'
' )
·Recent S.torm
The cost of San Juan Caplst.rano 1torm
damaa:e from ~ recent rains appears
to be geater than the $l million In
damage resulting from the year's first
deluge, city officials Aid today.
As the flood waters recede from the
city cbannell, officials have determintd
that 75 feet of the clt'y's main sewer
line have been &om out, a sewer syphon +
~t the San Juan Hills area had been
ripped out, and that between %,Cb> to
3 000 feet of sewu line have been smash· ed just north of lhe Ganado Bridge.
S~rpiuses. ·P~w~Vamq,ge
I rr:.-~-... .. ·r • • ' .. . . . . -
'IW bridlt and 1Jlnl Otboa I ~: tnlllillc. mve -rii'l..,.i !'!Ill a
made lmpwablt tht rqinl.Dociiwalm. -Ceilblt aolslng oonilecl<il to the main
,_,_ •'--• • ... 11 24 lnclt w1ter line. City ofnc~ say ..... t they now uuieve Rtaldents ::Of thti Dana ~ develoP:'
the Camino C.pl!lrano Bridge, the Oso ment had been without water pressure.
crcming, and the Ganado brid&:e'. )lre However, a jury-rlgged firehose con-
complete losses and will !lave Jo be necUOn from Ure hydrants restored
demolllbed and then rebuilt. 1erYlce there. •
The fourth bridge, Ortega Hl&hway1 CJplltrano Clly Admlnistralqr Ernest
was rtporled back in service today A. TbomPscn said . lll water wllhln the
following weekend repair wot~ by cow'lly •city la quallfled for domestic use.
crews. • Thompson said no firm estimate
City water supplies, for a time periled the costs involved in repairs in
by the sagging Camino CaplBtrano bridge city la available )et.
Atlanta Falcon OfficinF s . ' From P .. e l
Wife Slays Self, Son
ATLANTA (UPI) -The wile and
son of Atlanta Falcons' general manager
Frank E. Wall were found shot to ·dUUr -
in their faahionable northwest Atlanta
home early today and pol~ said It
appeared the sh0<6\gs were a murder·
suicide. ·
Eight-year-old Christine Lee Wall, a
daughter, was found alive but ·badly •
wounded. She underwent emergency
aurgery for a head wOund and was
in int.enlive care unit· at Pledo)ont
too had been shot In the head .
Investigators sald threre wu no. sign
ot a atrugle. The deatb weapon was
iii Mn. Wall'•· hand, pointed al ber bel4, officers uid. •
Wall. named vice president ud general
manager of the NaUOnal Football League
club In 1967, .discovered. the shooting:;
when he returned to bis home from
an out-of-town bip, ~!ub officialll said.
ye·ar1 and are well ~g~.
Fales said the m~Ung wu the firs~
attempt to coordinate opposition in the
Panell!t Dr. Francis J. Williams said,
"Meo wbo · m ·actual CommunlN and • men who ~ actuaJly associated with
Ccmmunlst are behlnd this.
"It's all· a part and ~arctl for the
dertruction of maJ'.rlage, foi the destruc·
tion ol our society, for the destruction
of our country."
A few persons were there to protest
Ho>pllal. ' Fr<drlc Samuel Wall,• IO, clad mly
In hiJ pajamas, WU found ttrelched
aCf'Oll a bed In hiJ bedroom. lie bad
been abol In the head.
the meetln1 and ~aITied signs saying:
Arts F ti• a} "lsn't it better to Jeam about it in , e8 V the classroom than In the streets~"
Mn. Mary Jollmoo Wall, 41, w~ l<land
oo a bed la the mute bodnJom. Sbe
. \_
JurY!ng Slated Statue Stolen,
For March 15
Easter Va~tion
Ski Trip Slated
A second aki trip lo. Mommolh la
ochedulec!' for EPier ~ by lht
South Oran&• County y douncll ol lht.
YMCA. .. • • -
A 1411 admil8loii.1te. will inc!Gcle lhe
bua trip bolh. wa~ (lia\'lni Wci&ldly>
April I) accldlii '·-we, -llfCbla
lodglni 'and .... :~ wlll
be avallal>lt fraal &'private lodge lo
lhe 1kl un..-'ll>e ljqt wlll return late
Sunday~ -r_. , to alleod Euler
aervices ' ·ih"en,.J¥-bdo ~
JuryinJ fii' Lquna Beach Foallval ol AN enlriell will be held Salunlay
March 15 ftOm 10 a.m. to s p.m. at
lht Irvine Bowl on the F..Uval .,ouo.11.
All arllata and craftamen -In ·entering worka ahould have .three ·
aamplea .at lhi .bowl between I a.m.
and the lllarl ol Judilne.
Unlfll.a very 1arge number of artists
aPPIY. p'oundi cbalrman Riehm! -1>tllevea ·all ICOrel!I lhould be known by a p.m. that day. .
'Ille lf.trdl 15 JirylnJ la for artilb
wbo did not tpply lut year, -not ~ lul year, or thole accepted
but und lo re-tpply.
'lllrte aampiel tre needed for each
medium the ut1lts 1apply in. ,.
,..;.,.. • t
for eerv!ceo Sunday mOmlni -.
returning bomt. . Recovered From Crash '11>e~ lkl trip, held -i . • ' ' ... ' ' the ,ncatlon, attracted......,,-) WASHINGTON (UPI) -Undlrwater
than 40 teeaa. Mori tho I01 are iearclter• ·hive ncovered the CQCkpH
expected •thia trip. · voice recorder from a United Airlines
A flO tii>oill la requlred by March jet whldl cruhed In lhe Pacific Oc<an
28 al lhe :TIICA, 191 forest Ave. Further on takeoff from Loa Aligtles Jan. II, wcrmaam mo, be oblalned by oalliJll · kl!llnl an· ·31 perlOlll aboard, 11 was
~-i;. dloclooed toclly.
.. -
Turns Up Later
At Hig~School
The cement statue or a woman stolen
fCom .a Laguna Beach yard during the
wee&fwl turrled up at the· high school yAtlai-_~d been burgled and vandalized.
POllQi Lt. Robert McMurray said the
thieves unscrewed the back of a juke
box and· look about 80 recordt: and 25
aelecljon labels at the high school.
Obecen.ltlea wue sprayed on walls and
the cafeteria had been entered through
a broken window. McMurray uid him
and eggs bad been cooked in the
cafeteria. The burglary was reported.
to poUCe by Ikiug Scbhlitz, student body
pre.&ldent. ·
McMunay said investigating officers
discovered part.a o~."' 400 to 500 pound
statue that had been stolen earlier from
the home of Patrick E. Cory, 52-4
Bluebird Canyon Drive.
The five-foot statue resembled a ship's
figurehead with yellow face and arms
and the remainder painted orange.· It
was valued at noo.
HOTTEST SURFERS -Alter two days of ellml·
nations in four-foot surf, these four finished tops
in the men's division of the Winter Festival Surf-
ing Contest sanctioned by the World Surfin& Asscr
elation. From lelt are John Heid (fourth), Mike
Wilson (second), Festival Queen Cbnsly Mikels,
winner Bill Lane .and Gary Diss (third).
l•btrt N. Wt•'
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From Page l
heavy winds Salurday. We only had
ooe Incident lhat marred the affair.
One man, who assembled. hia brand new
cat rlghl on the beach, forgot to put
Arthur Ligthart
Funeral Held
Servioel far M)'·YW Laguna B°'"'h
resident Atlhur John Ugthart, wer< held
Friday at the Padfk View Memorial
Park Cbapel. Mr. Llgtbart, a self-employed
landJcapt prdener, died ti H o a g
Memorial HOlpital Wednaday after a
lenaihY W... He WU 71
11• came lo Lq\lla Beach wllen tht
popullUon waa 2(KI and household wate
had lo bt drawn from wellt In 1.a....,
Survivon Include his w:lfe. Alke, ot
the family' )lorn<, l6lMI Clul Blvd., Soulh
.Lliuna: three IOIJlt Jack of Corona
del Mar, Arlhtr ol Newport Belcli ind
Wa)l'M ol. C.O.ta MtN; a daughter. June
Proctor of Sactamtnto and f o u r
irandchlldr<n. Dr. Dalba 'l'lm« ol lhe Community
PrHby1er1an Clnlldl, officlaled a I
tenicu. Interment followt'd at Paclfic
View Memoral Park. _
his drain plugs in. lt> waan"t too long
before his hulls filled with w1ter and
his cat was under water."
The catamaran wu surfaced, and tt
came \>Bek to ahore on 11:' own.
Finalists Jn the men's IW'f!QI division
Include winner Lane ol San Diego, Mlke
WI Ison oi' Seal Beach, Gary Diii of
Downoy, Laguna's John Hehl . pl1cln1
fOW'lh and Mike Fischer of Lone Beach
capturing filth.
In the premier MIMie division, Kevin
O'Sullivan placed firlt, with Hobie Aker
(the manufacturer's aon) gr1bblog se-
cond. Third w1s Ke!tb J(tmch, tollowed
by Gary Wuraler and Mike Crlckshank.
Lee Pope won In Lhe jwilor men'1
division. Second w11 Randy Slujb, follow·
ed by Marlt Rasmussen. Fourth was
'st.ve Holt, aod Mike Galnu piJC<d
In lhe boys' division, DA'\ Lllton plaCfJd
flrat. St.cond w11 Tim Whelan, followtd
by George Hanson, Peter Popplv and
Lonnie Huhn.
Carolyn Storti won the •-omen'•
division, ahead of Barbera Oughten.
Kalhy Balley, Pam Hom and Judi
'Jbe i.aglllll Beaoh Sur! Club WU
honored aa the best team in competlLlon.
• •
Award Received
Civ.ic Ballet Company dancers Hope Sogawa, left, and Kristi Moor-
head hold Disneyland recognition plaque honoring Ute COJ"!ljlany's
all-round contribution to the cultural enrichment of ·orange County
youngsters. Company director Lila Zall displays the $5QO Check also
received from Disneyland for the group's comm!Ullty SeTVICe. The
awards were presented to the cOmpany in ceremonies last week.
From Page l
before .the heaters turned on.
The Apollo 9 crew's Job is the most ..
clemanding ever shouldered by American
:iipacemen. DUr!ng . the next four days
they wilt test the lunar tnodule, or LEt-.1 ,
a fragile, spidu-llke spacecratt designed
to land men on the moon, but which
has never been flown manned In space.
If tests by the Apollo 9 crew prove
the craft's desigq, an American crew
is to' land on' the moon in mid-summer.
Jf LE~f fails in its debut, America's
goal of landing men.. on the moon in
this decade could be set back for many
The launch \\'as precisely as planned,
with the huge first stage Saturn 5 engines
igni.ling and screaming up lo their full
1.5 million pounds of thrust as scheduled.
The huge rocket was fettered to earth
momentarily while the engines roared
to full power, and then il slowly started
to lift away from IL!. launch pad, riding
a tail of fire twice Its 363-~t length.
The roar of the world's mightiest
rocket rattled windows for miles around
the Cape Kennedy launch site as the
3.1 million pound monster left its earthly
perch and roared out oI sight through
the clouds. Roads and olher vantage
points in the area \lr"ere jammed wilh
persons who gathered to watch the
thundering start of the marathon flight.
Liftoff came exactly at 11 a.m., the
lime of day planned monlhs before,
but three days later than e1pected. The
launch was delayed from Friday, the
originally scheduled date, when the crew
contracted 15evere colds. Flight surgeons
said Monday the crew v.·as heallhy and
As the huge rocket flashed inlo space,
Schwe\ckart, a 33-year-old who's waited
more than five years for his first space
trip, e1claimed to the: ground:. "And
the rookie says that looks beautiful."
The LEM, a fragile space virgin which
is helpless against lhe brutal forces
of high-speed travel through the earth's
atmosphere, was protected during launch
by metal' shr9uds enc'losing It llke!
shielding ha!lds.
The crafl rid es attached to the top
or lhe SIB, third staa:e o( the Saturn
5 booster. Above II ln Ule. spaceship
is the command service module. carry-
ing the crew.
Once in, orb.it, Scott, the comm.and.
module pilot, separates the command
and service module from the launch
vehicle, turns the spacecraft around and
flies back to the LE!\.1.
Scott. like a driver {'arcfu!ly pulling
his car in a garage, then po~es· a probe
on the .nose o( the cone-shaped command
module inlo a 39'inch dock.fog col\3 r
on the LE!\f .
The probe and collar lock together·.
the l.EM is spring-~ected· from its
orbiting nest. and Utfspldery space-age
. ship of exploration starts a test run
of the job it-was created to perform.
The Apollo 9 LEl\1 faces ;i brutal
test of its meltle. During the ne:-:t four
days fi.fcDivltl and Sc'liweickart \\'ill
transfer from the command modul~
through a twmel formed by the docking
collar inJo the LE:!\-f. Scott will be left
behind to fly the mother ship.
McDlvitt and Schweickart will tesl a!I'
the LEM systems. They will fire the
9,87G-pound thrust LEt-.-1 descent engin.e
on \Vednesday Y1hile the command
module rides piggy back atop the moon
On Thursday, Schwelckart will open
the front hatch of the LEM and step
out into space. For almost two hours,
the red-haired spaceman will "walk"
in space.
Of t1M O.ltY PU1! St•ff
Aceu.utlona that the mass medla I
not communicate. and that bad a.W
Is presented u the only new~ 1 lf~
brouabt during a weektOO seminar ~
1'The Violent American" at UC Irvine.
Television publicist Garth Hintz s~
of one cr!Uc~ often directed at m .. .._
newsmen. , . · _ . :ar •'We Ire 111ked, 'Why do you ~
you;:tlD).era• at idario SA,vto, or Oe,av.t
or Rip :Brown! Why do you show ~
thlng.s?' " be said.
HtnU.. director of community relatioM
for KNXT-TV Cha~el 2, said hll answer
is, i·we show what ill dillerent, out
of the ordinary. We don't ge it
out of lhe news."
Bul others in a Friday night pan
dlacussi on felt television, and other'
m'edia manage violence into the newa.
Coordinator for the sem inar Joseph
Boskln complained that when 50,000
marched on tbe Penlagon only 300 threw
them!tlves against federal troops but
television cameras focused on them and
l'W'fed the 49,700 others who marche9
non-violently. . , ,
Principal speaker, UC Sanla Cruz ,
Urolessor Edmund Carpenter, men: ·'
tloned the disparity sometimes betwee\1 ·
whal is viewed at home versus actual ...
attendance at a public event. ,;,.
He said the person at home Chink..,,..
1'l'm glad 1 wasn't there, l would hav•. r
been crushed by the crowd," while
penons who are there react, ••Ja that.-~
all? I wlsh I ..had stayed home and.··
seen it on television." -k
The reason, he 1aid, ls television '
JoCuses where the crowd Is greatest:·
and often the crowd is cheering the
He \oo said, "All news is bad news.
Can you imagine a newspaper that ju3'
prints good news? You can't,· it wouldi
be bankrupt in a day." '
But the professor's chief complaint
\\'as that the mass media does not c~
"It is a form of incantation -a'~
repeat, repeat of cllcbes," he said. "If ..
you've seen one Readers' Digest, you'v~
s~n them all. Worse, if you've seen.
lhem all, you've seen one." ·.r,
Carpenter also presented his OW1l...:
theory of violence. , •
He said it is a peeuliarity of sight •. -
among the senses, that it leads to detach-
ment. .He said a literate .society iJ
capablt of pr:r.seollng great "Violence ~1 a form of entertainment without creating.
involvement. ~
"In an electronic world I don1t have ~
an· identity," he aaid. "I am Romeo~
Now I am Juliet. Now I am a cat ·
cowering behind a garbage can. ll'* ·
very hard for me to have a position, ·
to keep a pOint of view."
He suggested that violence becomei•,
a remedy for the socially invisible ~
a way of proving that they exist. Thus ~
the Black Panthers became visible whelf ,
they walke<l into · lhe State Assembl7 •1
armed. Young people without idtnUtf '•
become visible by lettinc their hair grow.
Televlson'a Hintz aald that with•·.
mlniaturlution it ls beroming pos.sibJ~i ·
to take Cameras anywhere. , •
He predicted, "Pretty soon all n~
v.•ill be like Chicago -unrehear!ed ~.1 unedited. The.. camera will be over Viti;..,.
nam, or wbere\'er there is violence.,.:
or negotiatien, or human drama." ;:
Hunt for Lost Scouts '
BIG BEAR (AP) -A. search coritinued
today for four Los Angeles Explorer
Scouts and their leader missing nine day ..
as. hope still was held out that they··
might have found shelter f r o ra -
., ...
e rin91 1ized and repaired e diamonds and precious 1tones remounted e pearls restrung
0,.. Moo., no...., "'· Tll f p.a.
' • I
'' 1 ·) •' -'• I •• I.'••" :··~·."'···'• ,· .'"' ' ~I • ·~· •'•• •"•. ,, ...
... .,
' -,.
.::.• ;.
I \
' ..
I • ·-.~-.
. • ,. I 'I "" • •• • Ul'l,T, .......
Apollo t Wivn (from loft) P.•r Mc.Dfvflt, urton Wit, Cfelro Schwelckerf •I • • . ' -. ,,... . .
~ives . W ~J~h fA pollo. ;B,ast·
:~ ., . '
Mrs. Mc Diviti R~ceiv~s N~on's Congratulatio ni .
SEABROOK, Tu. (UPI) -The wives Mrs. 'McDtViti said she was atunned
1 ol . Apollo 9 astronauts James A. by \hi;Preddtnt~i ~.
McDiviU, David R. Scott and Russell "It ,wu dte •last • thing I erpected
lerested. PieaSe coovey my_ best wishes
to .Mra •• Scott and Mn>, Schwclckarl"
(tbe otber tw,>•.wJ,..).
L. Scbweickart aaw their husbands roar this morning," she said. "Everything
inlo space atop a mighty Salum 5 rocket was happening at such a quick. pace,
today with a tel~ned message of I don 't remember his ex.a.cl words."
"ajfmiralion" for the astronauts from But she 'parphrued the President's
PrWldent Nixon fresh in their minds. -message: "Die President called Mrs. McOivitt " •we· have a greal admiral.ion for prilr'~ to the launch and asked her· to you anct,your bmband.'" . .
cOOvey; his message to the other wives. Nlxon who returned from hi5 Eutopeftn
Earlier in the day Mn. McDivitt and tour Sunday nightt told Mrs. McDivitt
Mn:. Scott attended separate church that l>ecause Frank Bonnan, commander
services -both small iroups· of ctoSe ~ ()f'· Apollo a. .wai so enthll!lastl~ly
facily and friends. received in Europe, "all Europe is 1n-
1 I Impostor J!octor Jailed
After Four Pdtient,s -Die ...
An Alabama-born laborer w1:xt1Dtgedly ~rl., .work in ~ with .myocar:dl:..1
copied tbe famed exploit& of -'FtrdialDd ~'1itiltr.OO:fOfglcr~nUat87:·~
DeMara -the Great lmPostoi' -ris 'lbe pattern of Brown I biwTe past
jailed today, after one month of practice was quickly established. ~
as1•l beart specialist, during whlcb,four After his 1965 graduation fr o m
paUents med. · . - ' .. .. Woodlawn High School in Blrmlnjlwn,
)Jobert E. Brown, 33. ls held: at Ofange . Ala._. the ~ worked u a laborer
C<i6nty Jail on suspiciOn ~of Yiolatloa #' fQI' Hays lntemallonal, an'lircraft p~
of -t.iie state BuainUI and · PrOl'es.siotls ·. theti quit and dropped frmn sight. · •
Code, with preliminary · bearing set He re~ ln 1961 lfl!b -allegedly
\\'ednesday in Superior Court. . . -·in.u:en degrea IJ1 eleclronlcs
An autopsy·is scheduled to determine engineering and buslnessr admlnistra~on
1f ·Brown may hav~ contributed to the · from· UCLA and t.j'SC, investigation F~-21 death of William Noel, 75, of discJORd. 1 •
F'4!"'1on while 8utborlllei consider ex· .. He· wu' one of the finellt ·engtneers
humlng bodies of tWo other former ~ wboo.eYtr.worked for us;: said ln.unlden-
Ueats. · Wied spo'kelman for the firm.
·0range County District Attorney eeCil "I never bad 'any reason to sus~
A: ... Hicks' investigators charge th a' him-as a phony," added Mike Perry,
Brhwn "committed 15 to 20 violations a booafide engineer for the research
of the state· code while usociated with company, who shed additional light on
the Internal Medi.cal Clinic, Follerton. Brown's modus operandi.
A suspicious nurse flnally lipped off "I do remernber he was an expert
police while the man identified as Dr. at pi~ng brains," Perry said, "he could
GltM L. Foster was treating NOel, who ask hundrtds of little questions and later
subsequently died ~ bis heart ailment. you'd realize. you'd given him a complete
InvesUa:atoni discovered that Brown course in a ~bject."
-who they allege held forged credential& .Jkown•s alleged Impostor scheme is
from Ulma Linda Medical School -rtminiscent of Ferdinand DeMara, whose
had apparently worked five days late excellence in the unauthorized fleldl be
Jaat year at the Miami Heart Institute entered -medicine, the ministry, law
in Florida . and education -led to his subsequent
"Dr. Robert E. Brown vanished about uposure.
an hour after we started ch~~g .00 The Style also matche1 that of l~·
him," aaid Jan Miller, ~dm1rustrative · known . M.t ..... J ck X B own arrelted secretary at the heart cllnlc, where staff . tm.,....-., 1 · r •
physicians Degan to wonder about 'their m the Long Beach area a ttitle more
colleague. thap one year ago, abo while posing
Learning of the brilliant y o u n g as a doctor &peclallzing in heart prob-
specialis\!s .talents one of the other staff lems... .
phJaicians said he had never heard of F~tured. once in a Saturday Evmiog
him before. Post article, "Dr." Brown had posed·s~c-
Authoritles aa\d Brown gained employ· cessfully ~a bigh U.S..Air Foret official
rnent at the Miami facility where doctors several times between federal prlaon
had ~ given a '25(),000 research g~ant terms, on forged credentlals. .... • • f _,
:irederal Subsidies Blamed
"' I<
lior Off shore Oil Problem ,. .
::i. .. . QNTA BARBARA -The real cause 1. The depleUon .allowlr(Ce. It cuts be\id lbe disastrous Santa Barbara by about half the tax rate oil producers
o8ieJ oil blbWout' lits in a tan3Je would otbenviae pay. lnlended lo slin\ulate exploitation ·of oil resources, of guided subsidies -paid for by it ~ worked AO w_eJljhat if ·all U.S.
th pfess taxpayer -makiifg lf' pro-Oil tesefvu • Mre tapp;ed a\ tfllcient
.fOr oil 'Companlei 'to extract hi&h· rates, oversupPiy would force down
I thef"Would Othtfwise teiive alone, prices. 'l1Wi hu led to a second in-. _.J.., terftrenct with the free market. ·::ie.'!.alt\':.J!ii:~~ :i'Caru~~ i: Pr.riuontng. At oil comprny urging,
I at ' ta Barbara. &late governments have restricted pro-
"' halt to drilling lftd.-tighteft anti·· duct.ion to ket,P up prices. For uample,
cm lilJe& wnl ~y lli't oolj' outp¢ ia Tena la limited to 42.1 percent
un public outcry hu died down," Dr. of efficient rate.
M Aid. "But fin"! 1bat may dellgllt 3. f'.o~.oll. Roy~ ~ to for<ign In-·"'~ will respond gnv.,.-lft -... Income quilkly to the --1 G( tllefr profit toes, ruultln( lo <Jii&lll1 prollteb1e ott
.,,..._" .. flrJnJ \paj ih1 little or ne U.S. mcome
itJ6' autbor1b' on economk:I of oceap .a:n income tu rate of about 50 percent.
mlnlral resourca llld ihole oil pro-But Standard ol New Jeney, larg~
d.-. Dr. Me-' WI the._,,_ ,of -U.S . ..U company, pays aroundl perc<nt; =" oil tn the 'ii:s. II ~ by · ~~ ol Callfornla pays lnl than
aullldie1 at an artlllclall)' hill> level. ' i $' and Ibo ZI largffl .U -''tllla resulta (n ml5111ocatl6n ol ... Pllll'" a14ibll1 mor. thaD I .....,._ U~resou....,, weakenJna wr nation Thll yer..u~ ~ .oll'«I·
-' udinl naUonal c1e1.... -and 11lolt1 la oo ,....an11q -lod 'the
de lni the standard or living through U.S. eovmunen1 -lo Ilk• a • --•
l upon lht taxpiyer •nd coo-termeanre. .,.
4. Import quotas. Finni with Utile
ad 1U111martied four wan In or no J6tttgn supplle1 prevalled Upon
w U.S. JOveriunenl llolpoia wilb -eonar... in llltlt to ·-lmporla, m•Rl again to teep up prices.'
Friends aftd'neiglibOrs of the istronauts
had planned to fly the Americap flag
during tbe mlssion, raising,, the flag .at
launch and taking It down after
splashdown, to show their support for
the crew. Thert bad been 10me quest.on
of whether to put the flags up, &ince
lbe mission bad beeft·pootpooed ror u..e
days alreadf wbaLthe a _ew caught colds.
But McDivltt called Sunday night and
!aid: .
"Please tell them to put up the nags
because I'm going." ~
President Sets
Report on Europe
Journey Tuesday
Nixon will bola an unusual nighttime
broadcast news conlerence Tuesday to
~ to the nation on his European tour. . .............. _
·White House press secretary Ronald
ztegler sa1d today the hour-long session
with newsin~n will begin at 6 p.m.
PST in the East Room oi the While
In addition tq his televised report to
the nition on the Eur0pean trip. Nixon
arranged to ~ it "with the con-
gressiOflal Jeadr.rship of both parties 1.t
the White House Tuesday.
Ziegler said questions at the evening
news conference will not be confined
to the Nixon trip, bul that inquiries
Will be limited to intemaUonal matters.
The President returned to Washington
convinc~ that his eight-day tour helped
solidify the Western alUance and improve
prospects for reducing E a st • W e 1 t
Ne w Oil Slick
Creeps Closer
To Shoreline
slick frOm a leak at a aecopd olfahore
well has slUhered to within a mile ol
shore, the COast Guard reported.
After an aerial survey, the Coast Guard
said Sunday the new slick, miring with
what'• left ol the giant slick fed by
a nearby 'well . a· monlb ago, drifted
in from a Union Oil· Co. platform 5'12
miles from shore. It was up to t'\o
miles long and 100 yards wide..~
the leak wu estimated at to gallons
an hour. about a tenth <I. the now
when it WU first' diJCOVered last 'fu&
day, -After decreailng a bit Saturday,
the Dow seemed to increase Sunday,
a com~ 91)Qkesman II.id. In an attempt to reduce the flow
a hole was drilled through a 30-foot
concrete" plug Saturday and seafmg cttn·
poonds were pumped into tbe bottOm
of the well ot aeal off tht lower zones.
All geological .11AJTVey· drilling In
California 's off Shore are11 has been llQp-
ped by tlie State Lands Comml"!lon
until ·a study of state drilling u.fety
slendards can be made. • .. .,
'I1>e Leommihlon . also postponed ,fn..
derlnttety the opening ol bids on a drilling
lease o(f Point Conception.
The first leak started Jan". 28,
, spreaping I ·quatttt·milllon gallonl' of
oi"I into a slick which spread up , to
M>O square mi,les. Huodreds of water
birds were liilled 11111 miles G( beaches
blackened beloro that ltU wu capP.f
Feb. I. -· Official& Ill' stemming of the lo!est
leak ts proba.b.IJ due 16 pumping from
other wells Jo rodu<o undtrground
p~uure. .
.. Spring Thaw Threat
P lans Being Qutlinetl
WASHINGTON (UPI) -The eov!rn·
ment plans a 11m~ effort" to deal
wtlh 1 the threat ·of Ooodl broDght on
b)' heavy llnOWfaill this w I~ t Ir ,
parllcular}J In tbe-al'l!er Mld,111. The
tlfort will "'"1111\ mainly ol coonllnated
review by IO'tll'llP1~t aBtncla on the
111ppq11 G( aoail~. ll!r!li. •. -pc and
on Ille concltuon of nOOcl aat ...
,. '
i \ 1-•
HER 6AM t fT FOR SPRl!16 ... DW&ATIC
WlllTE , .. TH6 FASHION DOUILS·TAK ' ' .. .,.
~ • l .
PLUS PAJlTS ... Fl!O~ JHE (,01.LECTlOlf, •
·-· Mlldo S, 1969
• -' .
IL! -. -
I •
' ~-•
• . ' . ; ..
' -· • I .
I I • ' •
~ •
PActSEmit. INFOIMM; MODEUN6 OF . . : .
. . .
• •
?HONE S....,_
(Qf!W!1MI "' ....... "" """'
An advertisement in a personal
column of the Times of London
said: "An llging<roue with a pen·
chant for kippers with wbite wine
over tile crossword puzzles for
S~ay brunch, seeks lady wi~
similar tastes. O)>j ect matri-
mony." • A bill introduced in the Colorado
___ ... • --
Ret•"'3 to •V.S.
Nixon'7 ~~e~ New • •
'U nde~~ta~d;ing.'·
. ~---·I ~
WASHINGTON (UPI) -'Pr.lllen\
Nixon wu back In the White"' -.
today comlnc<d thet hiJ etsht.Qy Euro-
pean toot helped oolidily the W......,
alliance and improve prospecta for redueo. ~
ing Eae:t-West tensiOl'ls..-• · · J ·
The President told a crowd of sblvu1na
welcomers at nearby Andrew• Air Foree
Base Sunday night he return~ confld~1·
America and her EurQ.pean atllea "U'e
going to be able to. develop ~ ",~·
understandings wlth those who in the
past have oppoged m on the ollier'ilile
of the world."·
Nixon said he was most impressed
by the "new senst of trust" .he.4~med
dW'ing hi! travels to fi ve l),8Uoinl ·lut
"I sensed . . . a new trust on the
part of the Europeans in themselves,
growing out of the fact that they've
had a remarkable recQvery, economically
' ... ~' . ...: ,;
the United SUtes """"" out ol the lac\ tbal they fed lbel't are ""°" chan-Jids ol eommunlcatlons with lhe United
Stites aft!i a new 1f;ft11 ol coosul~Uon
with !be United Stetes."
Tbe l'relid ... t ..... clearly pkal!ed by
the' reaulta of his trip. He waa , in a
l!a{ll<rilf(, ,...,i.n.aturiec mood during the
nJ.ne..bour flight bopte .from l}orne, wbere Ke mil wtt11.Pope.l>aU! VI.
And he 'I'll dellghted wllh the warm
receptloo he ....i•ed at the allport
d .. plte the . biller cold. Vice President
Spiro T. Agnew, heading an official deleiailan el cabinet members and con-
gresalonal leaders, &aid" the President's
trip algnaled "a new maturity" in
American forelgn·pollcy.
Moments before he spoke, Agnew slip-
ped on a patch of lee and cut his
nose but the Injury was not w iooa.
state legislature deslgned to ban
minors from pool halls was shot
into the side pocket when Hou••
$puk•r John Vanderhoof sent the
m,eaaure to the Agriculture and
Liv.Stock Committee. Legislative
expert& explained it was a tactic
1ometimes used to kill a bill. •
• and polltica11y as well u in their mili1ary
ltrf.ngth sinee the devastation of World
W.ar II," he &aid.
Nixon planned to devote most of his
attention today to donlalic work such u
1igning official papen. He scheduled a
meetina Tuesday of the N~mal Security
Girl Scout Linda Plake; 10~ feed.I
thi& boby elep~I ,..,. <>I th< /am-
ou$ < M infamoti.-dlptnding cm what
sill< ot th< buvma Voll'" 01li coolrif•
i• hope• th4t" if -1>rocluc'e con-test winning Tlaultt...B.,r troop· /rum
Ft. L<iuclerdalo, Fla., suggsmd Ills
n4tM "Cookie• tUr. ~ 5-fl'lonth.old __ .,__ <
....... i:f"K'. .... ---·• • ••
The Vi•-• •-went Into an eiclmlve Mayfair Jewel-
er's and wu abown a brooch she
had lost ,,,.,. thin nl!i• months
ago. A cbeclc with tho jeweler'•
records showed they purchased
the brooch -from Mrs. ·P1tr lclo
Rolckut. Mn. Reickart admitted
&le-foupd the brooch, valued at
$1,440 under a car outside Lady
Stormont'• London house last May
and later 'sold it to the jewelers
for $960. · •
Tnaulator /or l'l'uidenl N~
Ofl °" "" 'Dllit to Rom.I tDOI (l Pt11!1111loanla liomMft-/llr<ll
by Ills Ito!""' g.,..,..mcnt. S~
ii Mn. Vivian Bonoceorri Lewil~
mother of two, who toa1 bom it&
Italy and 1DOl'ked /or Ills goo-
nnnwnt there before Mr mar-
riage four vtan ogo to EdtDCrd
Daoid /Awil, a Pllilade!phta 41'
chiteet. Even though she Uots fn
A.mtrica now, th«' ltalia?J ooo-
ernment kfepa her cm caU ai a
fr ... !mu:• tromtator.
• Brituh comedian Johnny Poco
doesn't mind people stealing one
of hi• jok11 occulonally but now
someone has gone too· far. Pace
filed a complaint· with London po-
lice that a thief had 1tolen all hi•
jokeo-3,000 of them-which were
locked in a suitcase in his car. 4'Jt'&
worse than losing the tools of your
trade," Pace 11a1d. "I'll have to
:managt on the 200 0< oo joltes I
can remember oft pat"
"And also I aenstd a new trust in
Border Clash ·worsens
USSR-China Relatiom
MOSCOW (UPI) -Tbe Soviet Union
charged today lhat more ~ IOO
Chinese Communill iroopl ottacked
Rusoian border poota north ol Vladivostok
. Sunday, tuUna or wouDding a n
unreported number of Ralllon border
In a note .to the.Peking government .
the Kremlin warned ''The Soviet IOV6'>
ment reaeves the rtgbt to take re10lute
.........,. to bait provocaliCllUI on the
~ bonlera." Peking rejected
the mte and womed ol countenneaoures ot Ha own.·
8-week Teachers
Strike Ends at
SF State College
San Franelsco State College teachers,
warned to return to work immediately
or face cancellation ol their clU1t11.
...,ted Sunday nJ&ht ta end their elgh~
wfft walkout.
Gary Hawkim,. pregidenl ol the local
union of the American Federation of
Teacber1, uld details ti. the vote would
be announeed, at a news conference to-
d111.11e P'" no further lnl«mation.
Members ol Ille AFT, wblch reprerenls
about lllO ol Ille ocbool'• l,300 loculty
memben, went on ltrik1 Jan. I to
back demands for Improved lllllarles llld ben0fl1a,
* * * Berkeley Strike
Sanction Okayed
BERKELEY (AP) -Stud<nls returned
fOOll' to the University of Calilornla
after a quiet weekend during which strik·
ing teachen won full ltrlke 1&.ncUon
from tbe leaden of their statewide group.
The uecut.lve commlttee of the
California Federation of T e a c he r s ,
meeUna: Sunday. night in Loa Angeles,
voted to NJlCf.lon the strike by Berkeley
graduate teaching assistants be1ong'ing
to the AFL-CIO American Federation
of Teachers Local 1570.
Text of tht note wu published today
by the news agency Tw. It described
the most serious Sino-Soviet batUe ever
officiaUy reported and it told the Russian
peOpie the attack was a "gangster raid"
on Soviet frontier guards. •· ·
The flgbtil)g Sunday on a frozen section
of the 5,000..mile border was one of
tt)e most critical developments between
the two Communist giants 'since thtir
ideolpgical split nearly 10 yean ago.
Ea'Cb llid the other wa!: responsible
for the club near Damansky 1:9land
on the U 11 u !' j River in far ea.stem
Russia, aloog a .U.puted llld undefined
aect1on of the Soviet-Chinese border. Both
lidea auf(ered casualties.
For the first time, the Kremlin told
Its people Soviet troops used tanks and
artlllery in the "extrtmely grave armed
<Peking, in a broadcast monitored in
T o k y o and Hong Kong, warned the
Soviets: ''ll you should wilfully cling
to your ·reckless course and continue
to provoke armed conOicts along the
Sino-Soviet border, you will certainly
receive resolute counlerblows from the
Chinue people.")
Ike Snaps .Back
But Still Weak.,
Doctors Report
,WASHINGTON (AP) -Tbo right
medicine and l tough constltuilcm seem
to be effectively comballng th e
pneumonia that attacked former Presi·
dent Dwight D. ~ise.nbower dw;ing hil
recovery from ntaJor surgery.
But "he's still quite weak," 1 high·
ranking Walter Reed Army Hospital
11jX)kesman said. "He's got to ut and
get 101Dt ltrtnitb back.''
And hia doctors ttported that "the
area of pneumonja in the right lung
base la markedly dlmini.11hed."
He ate a solid, if 10ft meal Sunday
-his first after nearly two weeks of
liquid nourishment.
Pneumonia-the kind often contracted
while r«uperatJng from surgery -was
a setback for the 78-year~ld general
as he was recovering from high·risk
i:urg!ry, to releave an intestinal obstruc·
ti on.
Snow Buries New England
Coast Weatherman Say: 'More Rain Today!'
California Temperatures
,....,. .... dol.lolil'le5i ., l\f'IM ......
,,,.. fl~ Gl~faoi'll• todff •l-
wl'lll """' """"" •rid °"""' "IM\HN.. tvrw. A ,._ lffl\I lll'l<Jlft'l _,.. ..-_,.. -r h '"°"'11"1"" wlffl ~ """""' ......... ·-........... l• .,...... fl.f ,.rttv elliudY tt1" Wllh • CM-fl • .... ,..,Jnld• ..,.;,..
1Y llMI' tM -..M1!na. II .... , 1lltMIY
Qlllllor' ""' ..,..,., """ ., n.. c1 .. 1c; °"""" .. •s. dow!I .,_ 5\lfld1y'1
_,,,...,,... ., ... Tiie tow '°"""' will "" ...... a. T-. -. 911.ty wll'ldl ....... UIT'l"flll ~-ti~ ""'lirt>I.
T"'--· .... -"" dlll"'t "' .....,..... today. d-1"9 to lest ,.,.., 10 .,.,_,. ""''911'·
8oll'! ......
c"ie." c1..c:1",..11
""'W' OH Moina ......
fl:ort Wortfl
"'"' t.w "'"· .. " " " " " " ., .o: " ·• " " 31 • .2'1 . " " " ~ n
31 H ,\7 " ' . " 51 n ·" ~ &I .»
' I Dive
' . 'Mis-take'
• eiilab~Leailer-:Says Team -'fired
SAN DIEGO <(UPI) -Tilt dive lhat
claimed Ille Ille ol 8ealab. m aquanaut
l!t"1 M. CWoD cin 1he ..... floor
or the. PatlOc ~·iboWd.~'itr~MVe "'°
lntlde," the leader ti· the four-man team
told a N...,. board ol lnvtaliptlon.·
"We,.... pulbed to.Ille Polnt -
mlstatea 'ttN tne•ltab1t,'' aquM.ut
Robert A. Barlh teatllltd Sund., nJcl1I.
4'We were worked too bud and ~ • Ion&·"
1be late\ _dive flU the ~ In
12 boon tor lhe 1 .. m. 'J1fe meo were
Jryin& to l<aj helium Jew in Ibo t:oubl ..
plagued yelftw capoule 110 feet below
the surface off San Clemente IJJand.
wu not tnown which of the aqumauts
ul!ed the faulty rts.
J!lrlh leltl/ied the J<am WU eJhluated
after the f1nt dive to lnv .. Ulate 1ht
leau. He -experielioed dllllcultY la
brealhlna durlni lhe !lrst i!lva In 1ht
41klelfl"" "(later. I
"I penonally felt I eould hl9t hsndled
the second dive but I wun't sure of
Berry,'' Barth said. "When be ~
from the flrat" dive to repair Ibo 1'lk
he looked w.eak and wu tnCoherent."
Bsrtb aald ' he told lhe two ~
member• of the Jeam, Richard ll)aetl>Um
and John F: R.aYOI. ht felt he W~S
-coing to 0 pasS out" after \he.lint. dive. ~aver and Blackbum teatWe"d Bll\h
wu incoherent when he rttumed to
the transfer capsule from the dive.
r · · UPIT .......
Rotvrnint Prioldtnl Hixon
C a a. n o n liled of carboa mobcoode ~g a~h, aiid the other ihree
• aquanauts ~ -w awimmlq from &
·1ranspor1. e ·to the laboratory·
habitat· P'eb. • 'I1ley were to 1pend
Barth al.id €apt. Walter Mazzone, div·
Ing operaUons officer for the Sea.lab
Ill project, told the team it was their
decision· on whether to make the second
Council and a meeting wiU\ congreuiooal
leaders ol both parllea to brief them
on hiJ trip.
He apecled to l'!poli to lhe American
people Thursday by a one-hour televiaed
news conference from the White HOU!e ·
East Room.
12 days in 1-lle 70-foot long chamber
to test man'• abilitY to Jive and_ work
in the ocean depths.
The N•'l' haa admltiOd lhat one of
the diving rip uoed by the team had
a canister empty of the chemicals used
to absorb exhaled carbon monoxide from
*4e recycled air. ·sut officials aaid i~
dive. ,
"We are not interested In heroes,"
'Mazzone said, "and to hell with the
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Barth said all four aquanauts a&rftd
to go down again the neit day because
the habitat was in bad shape.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
at El Rancho:
the supermarket
where the price is right!
• • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • •
SAYE 10(!
• Libby'1 • , . from vine ripened tomatoets .. ctn. of 6 convenient 5¥2..bz. cans at a !Uper·shopper price.
Cut Green Beans .................. : .. 5 "" $1 Fruit Codi tall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 "" $1 •
'StokeJey'a ••• crisp cuts •.. t.ender beans! No. 303 Stokeley's , •• morsels of ripe fruit! No. 30S. •
Solid Pack Tomatoes ............ 3 "" 89C Gala Toytels . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 3 "' 89C •
Hunt'•, .. the people who know tomatoeo! No..21-t The soft °"f with decorative border! lumbol •
Spray 'n Wash ................ -........ 79e Sun Country ........................ 59e
You read about it in Home Magazine ! ~ve lttc! ·no away with unpleasant odo.rs ! Johnson's
' ..
Super-oolues for first of the week tnenus! •
La . b Ch SIKWBI 39c ROOND $109 m ops .~. . Ill .~ ••
lJ.s.D.A. Choice iamb ••• tender, ta.sty, and so natritiotia! Serve 'om broiled for deligbttul dining'. '· Stuffed Lamb Breast .................. 49~ Lamb Stew Meat ·····-·········29f. ~
Reody for the oven ••• and Yl>•r enjoYmenl! Lean piecea of choice Jamb .• expertly trimmed I • ••
Super-Delicat.euen ~
~ .. "t·
" •
' 1
Tiie Air '""lltlon Cefllrl!I tll1lri(i ~""-1!1 11'19 LOI A-lt1 . .., .. ~. """' ..,...,._, ·-""' """' doulW PIM wtltl P IY wlricl1.
Tht MtM " ~ ~ -'"'°" "~ ,,. .....,. ~tu ... .t ...
c-ta1 11.s. su .. _,,,
·~~ .......
ICtl'IMto t !IY
l it v ..... Lo.,.,_ .. M-Mllw'lo\!Qe
"' •1 ·'' n ·• " .. .lt ,. 4S .'1 .. " .. . ....
.,. '' .Ill
Garden fresh ••• and the
freshnNS tells in the fl.&'ftlr !
Bob's Dressings ,
1.9c Yovcholceotanyofthe 3 · • 3~ nrleties at th i 1
pnoel · : $1 ~-
~ -..... flurrlft ., ""'"
"" ""' """""'"" wll'lt """"' """' .. ,...,,.. l!lllh _,,,, _, .. ' n. ~ tlHI .,,.,. .., w!llA ... .... "'°""""" ..,., .... 119'11
......,. '"""""' ... """""" ,_,!'lo-..,_ ..,.... _, lfl t1111 IOI 111 ttili
-"9llwl 11'111 111 h 1111'11 IOl II ,,. .......... , .....
Tiii -llY Ill ,,..._I --fll I'll "'"""'• ~ IHIJ Sl.ln!MY wtlll
• tllllt "' n. T1ll U.S. """""'' lll~•u k •JCt.
"" "'"' .,.111 ... ••te thv!'MtY .... P"'*' .Cfl'I .-Ill 11\f -ll lrlf ""' ........ lllftt ....,..,,,,. two to ......,, ......... """"''· 1M1t Ii""' """''"" •l'llf f~1t _...llWl'l'll•lilldt'Y 111(.luW(I: '--••*"" ~ s.ttt• MMlltl IMO, turM,. ...
'4 Ill. WI.., IMI. ,.,.,.,It "·U. .......... ... "•"" """"" """'· 111:a p;'llAf "41. r..11 Olffe ,, ... ,, ,..... ..,..,.. ,,..,
NwJtflY ~ """ • tl1tlM .-lb!~ lty' "' ,,,..,_ .,..,,. •• ...
-t tois1y. WINts ,...._"'1f, H
• ,. 11..tt. TMolY't fllt'I, I' .....
Y"ler!MY'1 ...,.,..Ill,.. M II t f d ..,.,l'IWl ., ....... et .. "'' ... *"'"""'"' ,.,.. -..... . TM -M~ ... 1 .WA -. -Stu•, M-. rtm
MONDAY ................... ,) ..........
hcetld Iii.ti . . .. t :U ''"" 4,J TUISOAY
,lrsl llw ........... ,, f :41 •.11'1· 1.I
,lnl """' ... . .. 1:51 '·"'· f.I S«:Ol'ld -... ..... • J:l'O ··"'· t.J
ketnlt 11111'1 ............. •:# '·"'· '"
M.-•IMI 1::11 •·"'-Ith a:ll '·"'· ,.. . .... •:• '""' ..... •:• ''"''
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S-_.,... h "'ldift. Al!...tk
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·--""'""' ..... -'" ,,,,.. Mew York, C-1\tvt end ,.,,,_.. lffw
£1111t.N ..... 1"81,_ _,, ''°""
"""""'' rel!I ....., tflCIW to .._ ftf' wttl-
*"' '''"" ,. 11:1111 1•...Cl"t ,,_. h PteHk °"'' -· • .._.. lit _,. IOffl' lllV"'"'11 C.ill<lr"ll ~.
T!lfr. wn rel" '" ""' "' AtlbtUTll.
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•"If _ ..... M<lleo'! ol ""' ltKkr.J.
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JIM". I , i , I . No oa/u lo d<akn
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.,-JIAN "Cc'>X, 494--
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EacJlt_Y -Wives
Laguna' ~each Faculty Wives' Club, a group formed last September,
is staginr.its first fund-raising event, a White Elephant Sale, in the Laguna
Bea'ch home of Mrs. Thomas Chesley .at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13.
Mrs. Edward Bowen will be a_uctioneer and Mrs. George Garey and
Mrs. John Wilkerson will be co-ho.~tesses. ·
Funds raised will go towards upcoming social events including an
end-of-the-year family potluck dinner and possible Easter Egg Hunt, said
Mrs. Bowen. •
Just a year ago a group of wives of high school teachers initiated
the id~a of composing a clu~ with the major goal being "to get acquainted
with all faculty. wives, husbands and children by having faculty social.
"The philosophy was not entirely tQgetherness, but more of combin-
ing all individual interests and personalities to further a closer relation-
ship as a fatuity unit,'~ said Mrs.--Bowen.
Three mornillg .coffees, where idei.s· and, plans were discussed and
an Introduction Tea at the beginning of the school year took place before
the Club. Was formulated under ~e leadership of Mrs. Don HaUght, wife of
the high school's vice principal. ' ,
Meetinfis take •place at 7:30 p.m. thei second Tbllrsday of every
month ,\\lith a short• Dusiness discussion foll,O\~ed by a program \Vhich
.ranges.from gourmet cooking' instructions to a fashion wig demonstration.
Dllring the fall, get-togethers wcie enjoyed during football games •.
and a faculty-family Christmas party, complete with a Santa Claus \Vas
offered in December.
' !
, I -
.... -·
' •
• •
' l •• _!_)} :
•' ~ ;
. . , . .. . )
'N.OT TEDDY'__. Try·~ to recruit; a teddy bear for the upcomin'g
W!Iite Elephant Sale d ring a meeting of Laguna Beach Faculty
Wives' Club, members (left) Mrs. Edward Bowen and (right)
Mrs." Tboiites""'cliesle'Y .. ,...ruo· iAt~' int~rferen~e from "'protective'"
Aplil Wahl, 3. Mrs. Chesley will host the 7,30-p :m'. meeting Thurs-'
day, March 13, a11d Mrs. 'BOwen Wil1 be auction·ee'r. ·
Famed Pianjst Closes ·
' ·' • ' ' --' I
LB Conce ·rf ·-s.eason ·
Pianist Jacob Lateiner, an artist of international renown, will close
Laguna Beach Coinmunity Concert· :\~$\)ciaii~~·~ cur1ent cGncert aeaaOri
v..·ith a performance· in Laguna Beach' High School's aUditorium al.8:15
p.m. next Thursday, _·
No stranger to acclaim~ the pian~i. ~Js cyrripared by--Tiine maga·
zine to a very great \Vine ready for decanting. · -
"The pros," said the magazine· ·in a review of his career and . the
Beethoven ·"·he plaYed so beautifully" at· the Aspen Musical Festival,(11call
him one of the finest interpreters of -~eethoven since Artur Schnabel."
He won .similar accolades in reviews of his perlonnaflces in Carne.
gie Hall, Europe, Austfalia· and in annual coast·to;.coast rj!Citals \Vith every
major orchestra in America.
I Born in Havana, Lateiner, the son ?f ,Polish i~grarits began his
pi3:00 lessons in Cuba at the' age of 4,and 1,ter continued in the Curtis In-
stitute of Music, Phit8delpbia. •
. His talents led tQ early re·cognition ·and solo · appearances with Or·
111andy and the Philadelphia·orch~s\rk ~~"with Ko11sseviWcy and the Bos·
ton Symph~ny before hi,! c.arne~~i1J!').1"~but 'ath lk,age of 20 .
. ,Hi.s . career was int~rrupted wti~p,i~ .u.s ... ~yr "booked him'' for
three ye~s,. but since Utat "comirlaJl~/~~~ce''"his years have been
{illed with Concert tours from co8§t ta C!ifest.·'H6 'al'o is a member of the
..:.plani>-facully of the JwU_iard Sch0ol. ·hi M'u.sic, ,New:¥ork .
...... ,.,.. ... . :"."T)t~ 'al'jlit counts among the highllghf,oi·'~f )is diSJipguish¥ career
the four · series ·ol chamber music conCerts in which.liei·_.ppeared \Vith his
eminent collea~ue$, Jascha Heifetz ~d . (\regor, Piatlgorsy in i:;alilornia
and New York. The .tfio has roade seYer~ tecoi'ds tot RCA of Wihich the
first relbse,B'eethoven Tlio, Opus .l,'.No. 1 woo'lhec·Oriunmy Award for
chain.bet: miis'i~~ · · · · • )-'~· ... ~ .. • ,\~' · '-,,:, •.
' •
. .
. '" ... '· . '
..... ' , :.-'
. '
Although best known !Qr his' cli.ssloal ·lnterprefattons, Lateiner is a
charrtpion .... ~.,,_®ntem1>9raty .,wiefi~ IJ\llaic,;' ~lllot Cl!it't;e~~s fir.st piano.
concerto, • ~sioned. by !tile .tam ea i>ianist~.thtou:gb a fellowship from
Ford FouJldai.Ioli,.h~shhad;-!t#. wot\~, p•~l~ < \Vi~;'.'.Bosto'n Symphony
Orchestra, under· Eric · Le.1nsdorf •and\ \¥Ill .. ~ ~rfbl'ltteH sub&eijuenUy by
Lateiner \vith !lie, Pittsburg~ and. lpdi;uiapoli~ snnphonies and .' with '0th.er ·
~~J.Cjob' Lateiner , , .···
. .
orchestras 11bro'ad: • " ., r · l _, 'l·.. · · 1 '
• ' ;'\'•' ... 4
·' • '-• '". • T . . '. . . .. . ,. .. • .1 • I ... •, ;\ '' . . ......... } . I
'' ' • I " ', ' I' . '
' '
• ~. , 1 1 ,,,, ~; '(f{ , ',•,, I ••
I' "••'-'
-/ -' ~-.J.-.. ~ -. f ' • '-' ' ._.. I • • ,, . ....,..,.. -· •_t~;· '. ••
It's a,.·trave .Mista .k~~ .t9-~ .,F~.ghit~:·: .. Over :~-.lr:b.~'1·(t?~t~e .. R.ig 'b,f~'.. i
" ' I '1 • "?--,: • • J ~ ¥ ' '" l I "' '" ' ' ' '' ~ •' ' f• I 'I>•
DEARr ANN LANDEM:. 1·. w~a.s •. · · "' ', 1 ~~ ·:-. .• ;. ' -\. '.: 1.' ~ , ' • •: bJ ill\'PI'~>· la'" ,~t .·~ ~ ,'~FlD~N'I'IAL ~~1 D£anl;
'especially intereal<d in your .advice lo ' ' ·QE:<R"ANN .llANDERS ' Jim ~,J '.tliatI ,havenot}f!!t,llke ,~~eo ·r"'Ilie 'ralluri to ,mab ,a choke;, In
•the parents who Were ·a'bout to ·wrtte ~e · · haVt been ·married.11• yt.ar..._..e. Is andJ"'i..t~orliYtrfl~"'r~h : . 1 ii.&elrachoi~More~·are '--.1.._.w
.. ·111 Thev .... ~ ... three c~1~eft". .. afta ·.· a.--..i·-me·Mbuanoutgoi"'"·-\~~alal~· ,•• .. ~,''' -~_J · . '·' ·• . -. ,.,w~-.. :~inted to le~vifllor;~:;ili\0 -71, .. -~-~ •·-;hft dr~ people U~e'~"'..et .... §'!'<1->~·~YtJ"'!~·-l!llln(' by the inability li'make I ~+:
'to the eldest child who had ,beej\. '' ' .... ; •'-'•' ',. : r E1POC1any•wOl!i ... , r '11'.' .. ,m~'at )Wt l'.'f:ilihWl,,,.~~!i'1.~~by,~ l\"l '.'1'111 1~ 1'1'1'
thoughtful and kind. (The l"'O .younger · · 1 "" ' • • ..J::,-.,. · 1 • At'" a · recent office par'ly ·.1 . ne.,r cute tlfe ,new tfr{ 1* aMM'~~~ + , '. tlitady. t , ;. ·•' "' . ~ lit •
. on.es had been selfish and inconsiderate.) · ftlatiOllihlp With my brother and sisters. rtaden felt _..,.DU J.o..ld divide tlletr' stinogfap'f>tr caught my . eye. _She w~ .. -ih~t 1.'i\.pn tl~ri .. Ayir~J';ife ~ ~.~ _.._ ~-.t1 ~-• ~~ You told them to go ahead and d~. •
•J;w , -· easily the •most attractive prl-lhere be ,wtderllandlni )OdA~ t •"l't""'!:" WUt 1111nsm..,.,. It .
It. . NU"J'ballley ha!e_~ll the lll0!'•1 but they u1111 eq1•f'-1mon1 tbelr chlldrta _ and the most aggressl~e. 1 ""' tint way~ard iJlite' '!ltlt~ iniia." mo abeuld ,lft ·111& Mdlq hdtl .;,·
. Well. this very thing h.appened hr·our a "" te m~·-· , .... ~-. regardltll: ffw tliey we~re treated. tier go over and uk JJm to, d111~ .• ~ taugtt it ofi -~ 'll')'•'to· ~ r-·1~ the boy er U.. Pi' C. • ---···
, family. 1 wu the-cblld who was favored . ......, So 11e1t·ume Ann, please adv11e the Mtny wrett t.o 111-\be chtld who. \Vhile they were dancing she maasagtd ~. but-ft bOrts. J Mt ~ct1 ...... weddtag. tUCOllll? 1'eM AM ~
My brother and two aisltrs became parents to write, a will ;that treats all 1-' favored ii deaplltd by t.be elben~ the back qt his neck, nibbed · bJs cheat· ENG{.NEER!S WIFE • · boolli:t, ,.,....... la -· Ta W ;
uclY and resenUul and instigated pro-children equally &nd la ironclad -one Tltey ·~-•peaking ind lWr children under his suit coat, and at timt3 l DEAR WIFEi Jim 11 a aet& artltt. It Ctol IL'' Se.Ii • _... II M •
ceedlngs t~ break the will. When I beard . that cannpt l!e b;oken or altered, no grew •P u &truCUt. was sure if s.he got any clo.er, she'd ~ Tbe faC': lliat ~ talia aboit Miu Bu_sy • 10n1_; ~ ..................... ••t11fa;'.
of it I went to my Jawyera ·and told matter who .says what. -smLING la apftt of Uit criticism J 1m 1llcklJl1 be behind him. Fingers It a ,foW ,11p 't'U' llOlllla' Ml ~· Wnl M .... , ti=
'them I didn't want anything and to SORROW by my erti1n1I lilvic:e.. PlirtttU do itOt , I am .. etgtit montJ\s pregnant \Vllh our Is coOklng. Doil I rile tt tltt bllt,.'lloMy. yoa wt&h ftlr -,,.W.• Mil ~. 1
please divide the estate three,, ways and DEAR S.S.: Tile letter you refer ts owe tbeir c!klldn!n an Inheritance. An sixtbchild. J sl\Ould-say «ixlh.and sevenlhi If you keep ft Uglt Md fil.ll)', eUata '9 Iler ii care el Ill, ~y :
k:ave m! out. Tbe lawyers follov.·etl nty produced an u1expected deluge or an1ry lnberitanct 11 '1 gUt ).acf sltould be llt becaUse It 'feelt llke t\\'ins and looks 1tt lat wUI, too. tldollaf •· -ttaqaped, .., $'' "II i '
Instructions bUt It didn't tmproye the proU:sts. I wa1 1urprhtd that 10 many regarded. like twins and lhe doctor says, "Don't ttveltRt. • ' . • -:
~· • i ·t I 'l ' ••• ~
• ' •'
. ·--·-. . .. _ . . .
• • . . ... . ' -·.. . . . ..... ' ...... . . . . ____ , ..... -..-... ....---·~-·~ -.-•-+-.... ~ -••••••.• -.-,-: •• -...••.
Malzahn-Webb Troth
• Boole. Review "series . ' Revealed Durililg ·Party . ,
f---riioul~-AJumi,ae Glub-el'Pl-lleta-Phf w!ll-elose ill-cwrent.booL
review oertu at IO•a.in. Frldly, March 7.
· ·Critical revlew1 .of current and comln& bHt sellers will be given by
Mra .. Carlotta WIWIDll, director of the series who also will present Patty
Ntw~·._uttior of "Pau the ,Poverty .Please." '. Mias Newman coiild not remibi qulelly complacent about what-ls· Jialllienfng Jn. Out CouJ>try, Sbe ts I flhn believer in the free enterprise
11yi!em and her charges are 1erlow but well balanced by her sense of
Ji.wnor. · • Her l1oolt wu so well documented li\at ahe was invited to testify be-
fore the Conirtl•!onal Sub-Committee on the War on Poverty. .
Boob to be reVlewed by Mra. WllllamL lnclude "The Seekers" by
Je11 steni; upap1 t. Bai," John Dlcld.nson Carr; "A Treasury of Humor-
ous Quotations," Herbert Prohnow; "The Good Deed," Pearl Buck; 0 An-
•• tn the Snow,'' Derek Lambert; ''The Glorious Burden,'' Stefan Lorant,
arid •"nJ:e Vines of Yarrabee," Dorothy Eden.
• Informa*'!on ~d reservations may be made by contacting Mrs. FFank
Ta¥lor. at ~75. __________________ _,,,.,,,,,,.._ __ _.. •.
Aries: Accent Health
....... ,.,..,.
May D•t•
Maturity Topic
In Clubhouse
Appreci8tlng Your Matur~
Years will be the topic ol
varlr.ty. Be on pard aa~ surface ind.icaUons. psycholot{st Or. Arthur L.
one who attempta: ta. deceive. SCORPIO-(Oct Bletz when he speaks before • %3-Nov. 21): Laguna r~ach Woman 's C!tJb
GEMINI (May ·21..June 20).: If practical in requests, they· next Friday in the \Voman's
Houaebokl ei:penditures could are fulfilled. Spotlight on Clubhouse. By SYDNEY OMARll
· 'Ille en.iuement .ol Sladra Jeu MalWln al TuaUn ud.
:W-Dixon Wl bb ol Leo
• Aqtlls hu been IUlllOllllCtd
l>y -1116· bridH!oct't. parenll,.
Mr. and Mn. Roland Albor\
Maluhn ol Sacramento.
Neft of tbt engagement wu
revealed Wring a party in
the Ne~ Beach home of
Mt. and Mrs. Dixon John
Webb, 'parents of t he
Among-those att.endin& Wilt
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neubert,
Mr. and Mrs. Warrtn .CbaJ>
man and their ~qhtu, Mary
.Louil.e:, Mn. Joan Low, Mn.
Michael J .. Wolpert and Mr.
and Mn. DlJUI Webb Jr.
1be bride.led ia a gi:_aduate
of Abraham Llncoln Hlah
School, San J1>11e, and San Jose
State Collece Where s h e
received her degree I n
medical technology. She is a
mtmber of Alpha Chi .Omeaa
Her fiance was graduated
from John Muir High School,
Pasadena, an d California
State Colleae at Loni Beach,
where he rtCeived his BS tn
markeUng. ._
He Is allillaled with Pl
Sigma Epallon, n a t 1 o n a l
marketing fraternity. The couple will exchsn1e
wedding vows in the Church
of J_esus Chr1!t of Latlu-daf
Saints, ~acramento, iq May.
:::. SYMIOL OF fRAYIR -Han&ing a ~er lll prepar ation for the Harbor
;;: Ar-. ~-·of World Day< of. Pra1'1' .Ji:rlday,.March 7, are Mrs. John F.
.,.., Doin, ..atnnan (ltll). and Mra. RobGS Bernard. Community Church Con·
ingMIOllll_ lll ·COl'C!Da de! Mar w!llJ10.it1i!i~ 10 a.m. celebrat!Oll.
"The wile man C011trols bis
desllny ••• AstrolOIY poln!J
the way."
AR1E11 (March 21-Aprll ll):
Accent mi health, wort. rela-
Uom with t!toie who perform
specll! aerv1cea. Key Ix lo
be diplomatic. Avoid tr·
-Stady pate Cell. you
there --lpeed could
CIUM Joea.
rite. Be sure of llfety deslr.et, frlendshfµa. S o m e The program will follow· a
meuures. Accent security and rutrlctlons could be lifted. U:U luncheon, and reserva·
comfort. Older f 1. m l I y PaUence is required. Be lions may be obtained by call·
member does need attention. thorough -check f o r ing lttrs. Charles Muller, 494--
Added responatbllity 1boakl be loopholes. 4332 or Mrs. L.J; Thomas,
gracloualy accepled. SAGl1TARIUS (Nov. 22· 4*1!111.
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii
;~;-Churchwomen Unite -. . . ....... .-. ·,· .. ·~ ....
• , ·,.
DenominaUonal, racial, nl· 'the Rev: Dr. Philip G~ Murray
' tlonal and cultural diffettnces from the host church.
·~ .i:. will' be pot aside Friday, Scriptures and prayers were
,;", Mar~ 7, when Newport proposed by women in Sierra :· Hll'tior Church Women United Leone, Ghana, Nlprla, 8ou!h ·~~~L cane.for -observance of World Africa, Congo, Zambia •Dd
· · Day ,.!Prayer. Kenye. These will b • ':·: The---Uon preamled aloai wilh apecial ~·~~ of the worklwkle event will music by Mn:. Kennet b
. , btllln at 10 a.m. In tile Com-Hamel, IJUltariat, and Mrs.
" ' munlty C b u r < h CallJrqa-llid>lrd Go1badl, ctpoill.
tlLllal, Conina del Mar, with Tb• c:oll·lo pr~ will be
the theme lo bo · G'°""" ·1 presenfod by a pOlll1. of
· ~ . · Together lruChrill. I t>sllmony lnclildlllg tbe -.
,·;" ~ in leadin& the 'Merle Sparrow, Bertha
..... • meditatiDn will be the Rev. Harvell and Ned Hill
.... Arthur Tingley of t h e ~ commitment oflering
::. · Lutll<ran Churcll of the Rtsur-will 'further contb11ilnc'. pro-
.. · reeliQD. Huntington Beach and jects •in Christian colleges.
' '.. .
San Clemente Senior
Vies • Art' Contest
Art work by San Clemente Women's Clubl, 0 ran I e
High School ...Uor Pa u I Dlltrlct, for juc!&Jq l!onC
Arblaster has been aelecled • with enlrlea lrom other dubs.
1~. by El Camino Real Junior District winners will com·
Woman's Club to compete in pete in tbe · ltl1e Krtening
~· the naUonal t• Art Talent March 15 and national honors
~ .. , Contest s po n s o r e d by wtn be awarded April 15.
Federated Women's Club6. The national winner will
Arblasler's pen and ink receive a $1000 scholarship
drawing, "Eyes of t h e from Hallthark Co. The second
Beholder," won for him a cash place wi.nnet will receive a
award from the club and a J'15o ·1 cbolarship , and
,... Hallmark glft from La Tienda ~bolanhips for Uiird place
de Pape], San J u a n wllt be ,$660 and for fourth
Capistrano. place, •. certificates of eJ:·
'The drawing will be sent cellenct wtll be awarded to
lo California Federation of eich state winner.
Cuddle Pets
CANCER (J ... 21.July 22), Dtc. 21 )' Prestige rises. Showir~::==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sbon:trlp la favored lo ·com-Iha• you are eapabll of bandl-11
plete nriOnl!lbecf bQ.llneu. Deal ing difficult assignment. Be
glnaerlJ wtt.b close relaUves. confident. Ei:change ideas.
Some are. apt to be State your case with authority.
ultrutnalUve. Mln9r t.uks ]Velcome cltange. PromuUon
multiply. Handle one 'ob at may be In offing.
Christian literature, mlgrant
ministrf, int er n at I on a I
TAuKul (Aprll 20-May lO)'
Good lunar alJIO<I today
highlights love, 1 mp r o v e d
relations with c h 11 d r e n.
Pursue creaUve endeavors.
Welc~ change, tr ave I,
a Ume. • • CAPRICORN (Dec. 22..Jan.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ac· 19): Domestic adjustment Is
students, American Indians ""'""""""'**""'m,_,•..,.-ll'<"l!itw""" and -church and community
cent on money, Person a I nectsllary. Smooth over dff.
pos.senlons. Collect essential rerences wlth family mem-
jnfonnatlon. Dot1't be satisfied be rs. Catch up on cor·
~·Ith haph3zard m e thod s · reipondence. Keep promises
Concentrate on quaUty. Be jn-to those at a distance. Adhere
dependent when it comes to to principles.
ltreulng values. ~~ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. relallons. ·
Two new are&! were added
lo Ibo 1111 al c:aalimlilllf pro-
jects u a result of the ftnt
Intermtional World Day of
Pr•111' Committee meeUnc
which 1ook place In Slockbolm.
The nallonal nrbon c:r1all In
VIRGO (Alli. 23-Sept. 22)' !!)' lntettsl In unusul! :rub-
Cycle high; circum!tances ject ts st1muWed. You make _
... tum in your faVor. T1me your valuable discovery. ·Follow
moves. See import.ant people. through. Don't ten all you
Get going on pet project. know. Wrong person may have
Hunches are accurate. Your big earL Act accordin&ly.
ESP wwa overtime. > PISCl'!!I (Feb. !._March ZO):
America and the cmcem for---------LIBRA (Sept. »-Oct. %2): Cheet with ona In aulhortty.
Favcrable for work in charity ·Heed ·vuJce of experience. Ac·
drives. Visit one confined to c e n t o n m a r r I a I e ,
home, hospital. Secret may partnerships, leaal decisions.
be confided. Be discreet. Be reallsUc· tn appralaal of
Broaden horizons. See beneath financial proposlUon.
the ecumenical reconciling
ministry 1n Vietnam wiU be
Memffrs of the committee
making arrangements for the
area observance are the
Mme1. John F. Dean ,
chainnan, James Moor, Cecil
Hoffman and Carl Boswell.
The public Js invited and
baby-sitting aervlcu for young
children will be provided.
Tips on Travel
Told for Club
Tips for Travel will be
shared with El camtno n .. 1
Woman'• Club members when
they meet in Dana Point Com-
munity House next Thursd:iy
1t noon.
Mrs. S op h I a Derbyahire,
a1socl1te profe11or ·of
psychoJoa at Orange Coa1t
College and a professional
travel guide, will be the
PAMELA Mosier, who won
a $100 art award while at·
tending Corona del Mar Hlah
School, is the recipient of
another $100 art contest
She was selected first place
winner by the . California
Nurses' AasociaUon and Stu·
dent Nurses Aaoclatlon of
California. The announciment
was made in the San Fran-
cisco Hilton Hotel.
OUTSTANDING a c b le v e-
ment awards tot· the United
Fund Drive were presented A prtvlew or apring fufi!oos
durini the <>ranie COmty Wm be off~ this week in
Dunery luncheon. Maklna ~ ·\,.nous type shows a n d
presentations wu J a me 1 . d!sPlaya, enUtled New Dlrtc-
Francis Cardinal Mclnijte. UOM. ·
Orange Coast I'. e a I d t ll t 1 Ihcluded will be 1wlmsui1-1 recognized were Jhe. Mmes. costumes, jumpers, w o r le
Richard Ingram and. T!d cloihu, the b!ouson ind middy
Feger, Costa' Mlu:1 Jarnu · loob; tranaparencles · and
Davies, Corona dtl Mtr1 ~d pant.a dreulni·
Gordon Wilson and Vincent F.utlona also wlll feature
Schenk, Huntington Beach:· • · the baie mldrlll, tunlca, Ould
.lhapU, the shirt dress, he
speaker 11 the lunchton where Emblem Cfuf:j entertainment and door pri&ts
and she dr9slng and Easter
are planned. Gathering for bu 1I"11.
ReServations and further in-sessions and protraMi are
formaUon about the \Vays and members of Newport Hifbor
means project.. luncheon may Emblem Club the second
FORE.'VER ••••
Let IJ• ehaN you how
easy It Is to remove .
exc .. a hair with
modem electrolysis,
medically approved •• ,
aare, ft.st, gentle.
You're Invited to
11-.ed technician,
in-cur ~uty Salen. . . ..,
F ill baby's crlb with playful
petS in eye.-~_~llng colors.
· on-hand gifts. Pattern 1179: be oblained by calllna P.11'1. Tuesday at 8 p.m. In the Elks
Concludina: the w e e le ' 1
featura will be awlmweir
JriodeUng from noon to $ p.m.
and teen styles from 11 :30
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday,
March 8, Jn May Co., SOuth
Coast Plaza.
.. . . ;.
> •'• •,
I .
· .. -
·. '""
.. ,.,
. · ...
; ..
Pe1U1y1avtr slfts! -
Scrap-happy pets -2: pieces
plus ears for each! Great for
bazaars, baby showers, have-
<' 1
transfer four 5 x &"toys. Anthony P.fancuao, 498-6141. Lodge, Newport Beach.
FIFl'Y CENTS (coinl) for'lf~~5~~~5~~S!5~~~5~:::~5:::~~5:::~5=:S::'.:~~
etcb ,pattun·-add 15 cents
for ucb pattern for fllll-elau
malling and apecll! hlndllni. .u..wlle think:IJIS delivery
wU1 lite three weeks or more.
.send to Allee Brooks the
Needlecraft Dept, Bor l63,
Old Chelaea Station, New
York, N.Y.10011. Print Namt,
Number. Giant,-new ltlt
Needlecraft Catalo1 - over
200 dts.igns to choose, 1"' fret
patltrM printed .inside. sehd
50 oeritl Ddw, I
GIFTS" -fabulous fashions,
. loYI. decora!Gr .-. Mak~ II today, give It ........
..,,, ldUI .,.,. all ---
,. cents. "11 JUIJ ...... to
tniw, crochet. WMVe, ffW I
hook. 50 cents. Book al 11
Prlre Al~ 50 eenll .
Barpln I Qollt -I bu
Jf buuU!ul patttrn1. 50 cents.
M-Qwlll -I -pal· • terna for U tuperb qullt:a. 50
cents. Book S. 1lQullt1 for
TIU7'1 Uvl.fl1." JS pattern..
50 cenlJ.
LADIES ••• Plttorna Unllmltad, Inc. I•
for 4 days In ANAHEIM
A Pattern Cutting Show
An em~ matlled wbleh IOUllds unbelievable, Jtt
cllmlna\e.t yeen cf 1tudy -Just tt:ad a number
.'&114 dn.w •dot.
No ne.d for yeen of Jeamirlf. Give u1
al\d. ... Will abOW' J'OG "°9 ..,..,.. and. Jn&thDa•
Ud&U Now crMt.l a ~ to enable JOU to drt.tt
paltmie wtUl ODJ,f ,.,. ~ta for J'OU -
ud ...,. m..it.r or J'OG1 famJb" 1n an:t' allc!
1tds..,._ te a pron11. ~ tbli wocid: cwar and ...... ta MSt. to .. Umt.
, ''SUING IS llLlmN$" I I !
•.:I 1 rJ-j·1 A ,u Zqulpm"'I .t...Oa~la at Clua Dtmonatn.UOll.I fee ~
•I ~ l1•nionstr1Uona three times dally.
I .---.1r,.$ 10 A.M. -2 P.M. -7:30 P.M.
Tu ... , March 4 thru Fri., March 7
proves two heads a re better than cne I Be
an elegant a ngel ••• a wily-windblown devil,
Change your personality with the kiss ot a
comb ••• every ti me you change your mood,
nie aecret's a new contour shape--and-,,,_.
tapei:-technique ••• cut, ou~ alone, from 5.001
shampoo & s et, from SSO.' Beauty Salon.
In blonds , brunettes, frotrteds and g1"9YS , •• what a
wig to wea,.. when your-own cotr dl"'OOps I save duriRQ
thl• l lml ted ol'ftr. See our entire wlggery g r'O..lp:
ca.scact.s, wiglets, long and medium falls. B.auty Salon.
T~• DAILY PILOT 1111 •
-W-•11'1 ••,tle11" • ..,." flltll
tllt1 +. ,. .... :;;:;;:;;;;::;;:;;;;;;:;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;:H;;;;arbo;;;;r::;;1;;:;1
v11;;;;;. "::;;;' s;;;;;an;;;;:t• ;;;;An:;;•,;;;;;An;;;;;a1ie:;;;im;;:;;;;:;;JI NEWPORT CENTER • FASH ION ISL AN D • Q44-28 00 ,,
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UI 81111 Ma -JC) (IO) Jo J!iio,,.,,
• • ltwMq....., (C) ()0)
·-... -(C) (IO) Sil ce..r. ht MlrrlllllOn. Job• 1)'1111' ..... _ ......
,,...,.__ ___ -----
t:tl. --.. (C) C10) ..... ......., __ _
-. ... -""' ..... ..,_ ..... .._..._ __
B&Cll•W•rl• Prt•ltrt
ilMI:" ccr ""' • .,.. <*-> ·n -i.u• Jou"'•· ""' DIJ, Ii.::= lradfonl Dillntu. Mlllhl Klllll TM
ltotY " • '°"" womtll't· ... liOft with 1 "'tlllll'lltd llllrnr." ·--... -· -JC> (IO} --• ""' 1-...b-::::.: ::m:;, l'U_ ....... -. .._... .. MONJ llllllt.-Slm"'1 low,
Gn ""°" lN f'arW 1nC 1f1:17 Kllft. lllllicll lliall'AIMI .,. ,.._ ..Wtll .,, ....... ,.. • .,,,. .. s.. ,, ..... . e 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE-{C) "'llll * "MARNIE"-hrt I. S..n ........ I!.'\.,~ o:i "'-, Tippl Hedren t:'.1-_. _, °"" ,.,.., ~-1 _ .... _.,._,... Blllftlocl_CCI __ ,.._,, __
iii-Pait I (dn1n1) '14 ;,_ Tlppf .., .... I'-~"
Hldr111, S.1 Coll'tll)'. m .. 1w Y• lh CC) (IO) m 1 .., R (60) II •n ...... (IO) . ..,. .. •• • m ...._ CC> 130) ca111pi.. • Fonw wtc:.Pffllldlll "~
IJll(J) ... lllllo (Cl ""M-_, ... '"""' g W1111'1 .._, (30) -.t11tt II· D11nb Ill lllaellnt« c.ri._ 11
rw." A 12,..,...w N1¥1io 11t1r 1111· st. P..C, M!Mnota. HI 11• ,.,.
bft "' Ills cenmonltl )Oun111 to ~ "' • •Ullllon W ,...,
.......... Ht CllUlll d..rt t!MI .... wltfl 250 "*"'*' " ... 1.----,.-llllUlllttlll ll ftlll1 Ill N<'t fMtbtf lb.idtnt ..,, II ll'fl fl h IOl-
1111 I llDIMI fnwll I MCftd apria&. i.'t ,oiltk:ll ........ wwt. ·-::u QI(() .. --.: (C) .lll'IM .Lt ... -
.... -'(IO) ·-··-ti P8--tcll30lT"'""' iii 1C1 (IO) ..,. -• """ .... MJ • (I) ..... •llU::f fQ (IO) ..,....., ..... " .,... ...
.... Ill (30) .,.. ftl c.-.. attnct • .., ........
.... Gn h6' pelb.. • trltnll llory, • A roun1 11111
&It LA. "'* Ml:m 11 1 COUfto II"-' (C) (3D) TH M11111. ~ •llr fOf the Yolllll Tnhlllll ~-• llliltl M'*'f ~· plorment l'ncnm. • atC1J111111m-tc> 1,,...aa<li..., _ tc> <60l !'---:---------------------..::.::~
1:11 • CIS blllll ._. (C) (3:1) Eiiel Mn11t IM Tin C:...,
,,-_ --'' • -1111, ••... JUDGE PAR~R By Harold Le Doux II""" lfl IJll1 (CJ (30) W1 .-t ;.,. • ,.._ , ..,, ... "'-.... .,..._= ....... e.-:i (JO) -=:--..:... ·,~":illtrt": = 7 • M1r1h11 • • .... mm• ...._
!11(1)--(C) ...... • ·-tel {ti!)
li 1*" Jodi .. ~ --~&"""..!'-~.: ·--(JO) ...... -... ,...-
lllCll• ... -CCI -·-·-·~ •---JC) -~ .. Niii -fw •• peopM. ~· IO'lll tllll 1t1tt1J llr· 11 Tnllll « Ctaa,1111111 (C) nr l'Jlllt.
1:111!! !"'"' """ - -~ ,. -hll Dlull• ..
....,.) 'SI -Wlllla111 ,,.,,...,
~· ....
12:J1 m ....... • tu" f4r1,..l 'U
-DM KllkNIM. "Tllll tf'llt
"'-'-" ("11M) '41 -OM ......
.. !."!, -Ml -· , ... ~44--MllJ ............
tOfMf l!IPll"tt May J1, IMtl
'"' bJilrt & -~ ...... ltMcil! -642·9742
275 E. ·17111 ST• C°""' MISA
By Tom K. Ryan
HOl.17 our FOR 1llEM
By Al Smith
., Mel
'" ~· '. -· ... ~.
MUL Tl0 TALENTED-Alejandro Rey, who stars in
"The F1ylng Nun," takes an aCtor's holiday tonight
to show another side of his talent. He will lie seen
at 9 p.m. on Channel 1 in ~'The Outca&ts" in which
be plays a cattle rustler. Stars Don Murray and
Otis Young;
Blue Mondays
For Network ·
new .series next :season, one-.thtrd will be devoted
to making the public aware that the networi: II on
the air on Monday nights.
h of now, ABC-TV is simply being obllter-
on j\IOlldayS. The CBS-TV c:Ompetlt!OD II devulat·
in&: "Gunsmoke," Lucille ·san, 11Mayberry R.F.
D.," uFpmlly Affair" and Carol Burnett. NBC.TV's
Monday shows, meanwhile, include "Rowan and
Martin's Laugh·In" and a weekly movie.
AGAINST THESE programs, the ABC·TV line-
up of "The Avengers," upeyton Place," .. The Out-
caats" and "The Big Valley" has turned out to bt
merely sacrificial. None of the four series will be
back next season. ·
One o! the way ABC-TV will iry to throw-the
two other networks plf-balance on Mondays JI by
breeking the atandard pat!ern o! n<>n1l"5lengtb
shows: That II, programs that are ei.ther tbe ball·
hour fonn or multiples of II. Instead, ABC.TV will
start off Monday n!gbts with a couple of 4S-mlnute
THE FIRST of these series, "The Mtlllc
Scene," will focua on hit records and theif per-
formers. The . satirical comedy troupe kno"\> as
"The Committee" will serve as hosts and lfPd•
for the .,bows. And tbe producers are Tom S.-.
ers and Ken Fritz, who abo· have two other.)iltt.,
work aert .. : the Glen Campbtll mualcal hour and
the Smothers Brothers program. •
Following '1The Music Scene'' will be a fl>.
minute adventure .series, uThe New People," which
is set 1•on an i1olated island in the South Pacillc
where a planeload of young Americans on a cul·
tural tour to SouJ!iea•t Asia are stranded when
their aircraft. cra1hes-." The network add•:
"THE GROUP contains a broad crou-sect!oo ol today's Alr)ertcan youtb with yoongsters from
every level of IOclety. The deserted Island wu Ille
aite of an atomic tool years before and Is. thu1 IUP-
plled with food and makffbilt houslnf. How the
young people survive in a society o! their own mu·
ing Is the focus of thU! series." Rod Serling wrote
the first show.
Alter "The New People" on Mondays ABC.TV
will present an hour-long series conceived by
Harold Robbins, "The Survivors," described by in·
!iders as a sort of jet-set 11Peyton Place,'' and
starring Lana Turner and George Hamilton.
ABC·TV'S FINAL Monday night hour series
will attempt to bring back a lon~·missing !ngred·
lent to vidoo: Romance, love, stuff like that there.
The series is called 11Love -American Style," and
It l! 11a romantic comedy which stars love: Love
among the young, love set in the city. the small
towns, the resorts, on the campus." adds the net-
work :
"This one-hour contempor~rv pro(ram · will
contain separate love stories within each program
-two. three or perhaos four separate segments -
with connective vi~nettes between P~c h .segment.
The prOjfram will feature an array of bright yoong
people but one continuing character -a large '
brass bed."
Detanis the Menace
' l
' ' • '
' ,
· 1
.. J--~
: I
I • • I • I
'I • I • j ,
I l
LDIAl·NOTICS ·--CWlm,K&,.. °' cw. .... .,... '" ~ .............. ... ""'"''IOVI ..... "" UMDa1ts._IO COUOUTIOtf
.. ---~ ... , ... c ...... -"' ................. ...., ........ ~-...c. ............ ---
H • Moodor, ..... J, 1969
Ecoµ.omic ·
Forum Set
ForMarch4 ......... "' Ml.Plt•CtMON o•INDINO "" .,., .... ""'" .. ~ . .__........,. .,......._ ..... ...-..i Amauncemeela .,.. DOW
..... ., ................. ! ""'"""""' -, GnTilCMIC ~;----;;;r.;.rr_.,....--thC::-JJll ...... lrnft, C... MM. ClllfwNe M~ wm.au .. .... 11111 II" • ., "' Oran,se CowltJ E c 0 II 0 m t c ~., ... ~':&':~IC co•'°"-ATION Forum ICbedu1'd for the even-
., _ ... ,,_ "" " Mardi ' In the :r=:. I.MU'-auclitorimD at O\apman Col-_,,
STA.Tl CW CAL.t•Ol:NIA. Jta:e in Or-.. t:.OOllTY OfrORANO .. a. °" -lht -• »"'*""· .... o. General t.1Rieu, ~ llMm'1 ... ....... .... .. .............. • __ ,.., ,i;..;.,u-" ... ~-· ......,. ......ie "' ... ""' .... c-fY _..,..., ,...__ ~ ~ 5--=. =11w•:.,.:; mll'Ut, and the bodnea ·
M. ....,...... -l'flV!ltl ~ .. i __ .. • ..... h-.... t .. 11-to ._ .. ..,. " ._ tl'lt UUMVl.ltl ....,. na £~1
..,....... .... ~ "' ""' (Ill'> local -···--~· ' e .....,... tMt ._,,.,. .. wttlllll .. ,,,_.,.._ 'lftq "
;.:;;:-~!,,.., ~''t: discu.ued by Unt leading M· -,._. _,. '*""'""'...,.... tN tlonal 1a1lyat1 and T.,... wW..t. I ...... ,...._,. fotec&stera.
• -..., ,..... ...,. .-fft*" '"" · llfncLtt Persoos iDWnlted in recei'v-* .. ..,. .... ~ ""tfllt ~ w ..._ ""'"911. Ing an in.vitatkla to the Forum C011l'te~t1,.~cdll ~ call Qi.apm.an Collq:e at
~11W11i. , m-m1, extemioa •· .. ~C-'Y '
• "'-" c-1111'" ~· Th.ls is the thlrO annual win~:" a "sc~10.,, ·~· economic forum to be
1111 ...... MN """ • prest.\lted by tbe Chapman ............. <*""""• ,.... Pr-"·"t'• ~---il. NblllilMI Or•llM Coest D•lllr f'\lol, ~ VUWJ1W MWUi a. 1e. ,11, M. 1Ht ...., SpoDJOra .of this year's
'" ... Iii'"-
' Of ........ ,. .... ...., ~
The 'llYlnll In n.trott 11 lbat wben .ttibn ~~tan •t011
.-things. begin to happen.
DeLorean II the~· pnmJ
manager for Cbel'rolet
Dlvisloo ·Who eatablished
bimsell u 1 1c>cetter ~
flf(ce competlbr wblle nm.
ninj Pontiac Jot the past 4
Under hhl leadenhip came
the "wide-tract" Pont J 1 c
windshield wipers, h I d d e n
radJo · anttnna, and last but
not least, fourrs of con-tinuoul sales r'~ for Poo--
tlac Division.
Two weeks llO he toot over
Chemilet from E. M. ESt<ll
who was promoted to the cor-~':o1~~ve~~~ :t:. ~~~ forum are Beckman
Instruments, .Inc.; Cal-Om·
pact Foods, Inc.; CBS Musical
Instruments Division; Chevron
'Research Co.; Coalson C.
Morris ; Cril!Ollden & Co.;
David L. James; Empire
Insurance Co.; First
American Title Imurance Co.:
.Firat NaUooaJ Bank " Orange County; The Fluot Corpora-
tion, Ltd.; George M. Holstein
& Solll; Tb e Irvine Co;
Orange Savings & Loan Assn.;
The Towmend Co;; Unkn Oil
Co.; and the Willard-Brent
Co., Inc.
sPorts-utQ!ty market wit!:J . a
new four-wheel-drive model
called the Blaier.
Basically it b a recreatiqn desire for more po w .e r ,
or business vehicle that , can Chevrolet will offer a 155 hp,
be used for either m or "f 250 cu. in. six and 200 bp, -
road driving. Natura·lly, 307 cu. in 'va. A 35 Ocu. in
DtLorean had nothing to do 2SS hp va will be optional
with the design or planning in eight.cylinder models.
Save on Taxes· 9 '
of the Blazer but never the In addjtion to the standard
less things have a Way of column--motmted J.speed fully.
happening faster whezi be sync b ro·n 11 e d maDUal
steps in. · lt~ion, a 4-speed
Mortgage 'Points':
Profits Dip
How to Deduct
To meet the wide range of manual and 3-speed automatic needs of sport.utility vehicle are ,optional. -'B~ SYLVIA .PORTER
buyen, Chevrolet baa d-ifn\.. FClrl severj u.Sa'ge,.bea.vy.-du.-·The neniwed upsurge in in-~.. ty • · shock ................... terest rate:s liu q:ain~ made ed_ . the Blutt as .a.-simpJf: ~sprangs, .·~~ .. , • ____ 11 • , bMic· open unit with a single clutch, and radtat.;ir· .are the ust pC ~ea "points' ~ for the drlver. From that !vailable .. Trµck:t~pe and • common in · home mortgac!s.
bue, the buyt.r can tailor the tubeless tirfs 'llao . are ~ To ei:e~:
unit to his particular desb'ea tional . ' If-you needed a 115,000
from a wj,de range of options. * * i mortglje to' finance t h e
'Ibose wanting a station OFF-ROAD RACE purchase of. a houu, yxiu
Traffic and revenuea or wagon type vehicle may ENTRIF.s POUR IN might, gel a $J5,000 mortgage
United Air Lines rose to new specify an Optional attr:ictive Erltries for the 2nd-Annual at 7 percent but the lender
high! in 1961 but earnin&s removable fiber Jlass hard'top· Mint "400", Del Webb Desert would Jctually advance you
were down from the previous wittJ, full side arid rear upper Ralij have already far only $lf,250 in cash. Th't other
year. lift gate windows. The lbWer surpassed the initial "too" of $750 would be for ·points kept
This was mainly due to tailgate swings down for ~ 1968, according to race direc· by the bank or· other lender
further decline in unit r.eve.nue ktading. tor Mel Larson. which would amouat to ad-
yields with only a slight OpUonaJ passenger sin;te The $.10,000 off-roed racing dilional costs to you.
decrease in unit operaUog cost front and fulJ...wldth rear aeat& classic will be held March THE TREASURY has shilly-
and a substantial Increase in are offered. to accommodlte 23-25. Last year's premiere shallied on just how these
interest expense, G. E: Keck, up to five adult!. 'I1le opeit r'l'ha~e drew 1011 contestanhts. points are treated for tax
president, announced in the rear passenger or cargo com-is year's ear Y nsponse as purposes. It has said that
annual report. parlme.nt arly six caused · race officials to place points on VA loans paid in
Tbe. company's net earnings feet behi e drive seat a ceiling of 300 on the race. Ji"eu of service charges are
totaled $41,750,000, equal to and is '"' feet wid ' the .Not only is the number of not deductible as interest, that
J2.1l per common ~ com-largest ered by an y ·contestants · flocking to the they don't add to the cost
ed 'th m 819 000 ff manufactur·tt,. ~-J rugged desert racing test of the property and that llley •lo'laio.'~:·J:;. .,. TM• par WI • • •or ·1' With its l<K-in~ wheelbase outstanding: the glitter of
-J!AT• .,. CALlf'CUttUA Poll per ·•hare in 1967. Earnings and new shorter turning lront-some of the name drivers aren't ta.ken into consideration
' • TM• couNTT 0" ~~,... per share are after providing end steering design, the Blar.er drawn to the Del Webb Classic in ,determining gain or lo!t!
Calf :"'~N':' for prele?Ted dividend! and a pp e 1 r 5 to be high reads like the current "Who'• on the subsequent sale of pro-ClOEI' JOltOAN, P191ntlf' \11. HAZEL ...... ..i M. omnci 1 are based on the average maneuverable. Jt is con-\Vho" of the racing world. .,....y. ;:~+.: .... :::"!:.,. :I:.:."0.::. number of shares outstanding. structed with 1 heavy chaMel The ~1int "400" boasts the This hu left in utter con· ~. " An average of 1,192,000 more steel frame, tingle-unit body, top USAC drivc:,r in .. Bobby fusion how to treat the ...,"'~ '':IHd~ 111 dl'::::!..t. t!1 th! shares were outstanding in and other heavy-duty chassis Unser, and the top NASCAR "poinls" that are not paid
vffln.d <omP111n1 "' ttM ·~~ ,...,.,.,.. 1951. components to withstand the driver in Cale Yarborough. instead of service char1es :-:!~::' ::"r1 ":: C.:-.~ltl .,,j= punishing demands of oH·road Add to that Pamelll Jones, but that are used to give
•cflCIOI ~-hi """'' '°" 111 w1c1 (l)llrt, driving. Payload capacity is Al Unser, Scooter Patrick, Ed the lender a bigger return
wlll'llll Tl!N dl'l'I aflw lltl ""'ke IDll'-------------J vou "' ttii. 1Um"'°""' If ..,_. wlltil11r approxl.mate1y 1200 lbs, Leslie, Bob Bondurant> and on his Joan . ;:,.~.,.. "r.":irv:.bZ~. w1tt1
1 ____ LEG __ AL-;;;;~N~OTl--C-E ___ 1 __ To::__:_m:ee::::l_:t:he:._~""~P:':'ssed:::_~M::,:arl:.:Oy~Ro:::h:bill!:·:::· ______ _:Las::::'~Y:•:ar~,~·:.::loc::•~I ~Tr~•:•:•:ur~y'..
You 1te l!tl"tbY llOtltled hi ""'""I *55
nu .. file 1 wrlttelt ,_,..iv. plndlN, NOTIC• TO C•IDITORS
.,. ... pll!11llff w111 !1k1 \uclefMtll fot ~\ll'IUtlOll COUIT OP TNf
•flY ~ or ,_ ... dtmandtd In ST&TI Of' CALll'OINIA POil
the wrlfltf ~111111 M 1rl1l111 VPOll THf COUNTY 01' OIAHOI a11trtct. or wllt "111PIY ID lfll CCII.Ir! Ne. A-QIJt·
""" lllY otfltr ... net defMnded Ill "" E"•le of HELEN GE. T. u DE • "'11"1td -lllftl, -~~-_ Ml HOWELL. 1ka HELEN CHAll:LENE , Y• _., ... 1111 -Y>A" ., HOWELL, N.1 HELEN C. HOWELL,
_...,, ell ...,-111t1tor -W 1wl1: •k• HELEN HA.SK.INS HOY/EU., '1k1
...... _.. ... W •II """""""-"' HELEN tjOWELI... 0.Ce~.
,.,..,_., .......... _...., wlllll• ""• t+OTICE 1$ HEIEll'I' GIVEN to the
"-..., ...... .. !Ml --r cn<fllorl of ltll 1bllv9 .,,,.,... ffc.edtnl flhe I -""'""' , ...... 19 ""9 C"'f!.,\(llml, 11111 111 --l\IVI ... <1111¥11 11111\tl
DlllM Odollw II. IN&. It..-"Id deadel!I 1r1 tttUtred kl ftle
(SEAL) 1"'1rl, with 1hl llKaSll'Y voudier1, In
W. I!'. ST JOHH. Cllrt. Ille off\« Ill Ille tlertl of """ 1bavt Ill' w 11111m P. ~ f!lltll1ed ceurl. or to ,_, them, with
Dl1tUtt' CIWtt tr.. n1<tU11Y voucMn, to t1>1 ""' l>tT•I P•UCDf'I• clersltnld 11 11w otfl<ie of C. "•ul
"""""' ft Lr# Ou&oi1, Allcrflf'I' for Pdltloner, I» D<l¥er 1•1 ~ !!',~~.. Drlvt, Nt'W!>Orl lle1dl. Calllor11 l1, wll!ch
Sllltl AH. ... --11 IF\11 llllCt of buSll>@tt of fhe llndM'llltlled ,..._., '""":lelllllfll In 111 ITlllhrl "rl1l11!"' !ti the ftlllt A""'11W Por c 1 0 llY Piiot of .nld dttedenl, wilt.In loot months ="*' 11Dr'{~' 2, °':!Id 'Mitch ,: el!tt 1111 flr1t wt.1;c1tlon of lhl1 111111~.
F... ry ' ' 24'.., 01tlld Febnl1n< 2*, lNt.
Vl'llll 11.Llll~ll Howen Executor of it.-wl 11 LEGAL NOTICE of IN! above nunld llttedtnl
------;;-::::;------1c. PAUL DV SOIS 1>-mM m-Dr•vti
c••Tll'ICAT• 01' SUSIMUS N-rl •ncll, Clfll9rflll t1UI
f'ICT!TIOUS NI.Ml T9!1 7H°""'N11 n.. 11-nltntd do <arl)fV ftllf 11'1! AltwM'I' "" l!UC:lllff
(OfldUCtllll t buslntH 11 '"' • 2f20 l"\ltllllllld Or1,..e COis! Otll\r
O.llw9"1, 26\l 1. :Klt E"'ll!ld, Hllll-Mltdl 3, It, 17, 24, lHt
ti .... ••1<11. C.11fomll, uncMr ""' fl(> t ltllyl llt'l'I ... ,.. of OEL&WAIE LEGAL.NOTICE
STUDIO APAll:TMl!NT'S 1!1d ltllf Mlcli------,..,.,,cc------tlnn II -.cl of tl>I totlewl.,. ..,,'°"', ,. »"• ...... '*"" lft NII 11'11 PllUI (If •Al·lftl ""~.:~r:''::r.or•ft A. Mon'!t.. CllTlf'ICATI! ~ SUSOllSS mA Cll/tll'IWle N--' t 11c.h. f'ICTITIOUI ,TIM M.IMI Chtr~ M, lultlrfl•ld Ind The l/ftde<1l•Md does htrebw cerllf'¥ an'°""'' sutterll•lcl ,.. E '"" 11111 IM is eotldllctl111 • l1rbrt ~ = ~ """" c.'n'°"'"' Wmlfm touolMll 1s "" IMf\rldl.lll '' 1t11 w. A. ~llrf end (~Ill E. Srnllrf, ''°' Fourlfl StrHf, S.nlll Anl, C1lltornll, r Mal9 t9f Dr1¥9. H-' .&Mdl. \lndlll' tht flctlll-flMI nllM 9i' HOUSE Cl~LI OF NATUIAU Ind th1t .. 1d firm OfW ~ ti !Mt. lt CM'IPOted of the lollo'fl/IM JH!nOll• Jld; H ,11111rrk ......_. Mme Ill 11111 I nd 1111« 'If rtslclellc•
Jtou.n A,. Mwri. i. 11 lotlows, to-wit : ~ M. $<1fl9fflfld 11111¥ K.lrtw, 1611 W. Fourth St.,
Vllfml L. 1"'""1111<11 11111!1 ,...., C1ltfotfl\1.
WUl!tm A. Stnlllr Dlted FtbnltlrY K. Ifft.
C1lll E lmlln' l lll'I' l(ll'tlT
lllM (If C..11'°'"11· Or1"'t CIUlllY: STATE 01" CALIP'OlllNtA. OA OenmW JI IMI ...,.,.. ma, 1 COUNTY Of OllANGE 1 IS frto1 PlllMk 111 'Ind 0fot ti"' !Ille, 0.. FebnllfY ff. 1Hf, MIMI mf, ...,::.fl'I' -rMI WUll•m A. $m!llY t Nof1ty PIJ<( Ill 111111 tot' Mi:,~
.,,., Qll• IE. a.mlleY k_,. 111 tllf 1nd Slllte, IN"°"'ll'I' 111.,..r
.. .. ,.... -.._ MIMI I n! IClrtw knowft le m• to ... ""' """' ~ to f111 wlltlln t.-frwr1tnl i nd ~ "'""' h 11/bKr!bed le 'tie wllfllll 14-11tlltf fltw t'lt<Vted I l'I I 1Mlf\lmanl, lfld 1di.....wlidltd tf IM ,_,. tMI M execvltd ltll tlfflt.
(Ol"FICIAL IEAll Wllft"1 mv IUll'll lftll' ,ul. W~ f , 11.,_ (OFFICIAL $EALI
.... IT l'vblloc..llr.nil• Cllllrlts ll. w'\6tll Pr~I omc. 1,. Nollrv l'ubll<-Clllloml• Or-c-!'f' Ptlnc:'"I Offleto In \
MY CMrlllailll EulrM Or~_c:..-,..!!. E••lrl.!I .1-1,, 1m Ml' ...,......, _,
11'Afl ~Ot"~"::IA l U p~= :n!: (Mii Dill'/' Pli.t, ~M~ :W Jl, ""' Mlorl -· Mord! S, It. 17, U. !Hf llUJ
........... ._... • Holll'Y PW!k "' ~AL NOTICE "' ., ........ "'-'" .,....,.,, . J.t K. ..... NII •-A. Mon11I --=:.::::i:::;;-;:;-;;;;;;;;;;---1 ....,. tr. IM .. illf llM --wlleMI" Cl•TIPtc:AT• Of' •UtlMllU ~ -"' *' ... fr9 the ll{_.ltflltl f'ICT"IOUt MAMI ,,,.,""'*"' .... .._...td ID "" T1W 111,..,.._.,._.. "°" ~ Ill lt
... llW _.,,.. -..,...., ~ • pi-.i 11)1, D M. wmt11,,. ._...,. •1~1 ... 1, cww s..t• ,,,,., c.~. .,,..,...
(Of"fKJAL IULI . 11\t t1dttiw. """ -fll OllANGI -~· COUMT't' O'tCAN Jl•VICE CO. tf!e .....,., 1 !fl.II t11d fir"' It ......... fll 11'11 ~-...... ltltowlfll --· ..... -Ill Ml Mt •I'll Pi1C11 ff ,.w.-II II ....... ! .., w.=...&A 1 0911 G. $1, (1111", 111' W. 111 ..... ~°'.-Ull AM«l,R I II kollll Afll, C.llflflllla.
Oii ,,_.,... ...... ~ ~· Ille Otltcl~aG_..,_,. .. 1' '
'•• , •-• ___ .._.-111 ~= s11i.,,, 0.11....._ or-c~~
.W -= Oft F.,_.... .. lttt, MfWe. TM>
·CMl"n .. .......... .., .. • .~· • Nollry '""lie: "' .... "1lot .. "' '''"' ,.,,,..,.. ...... -I M ._ Hr-tr.' _,.. OM 4. st, Ci.Ir .,._...__ ....... __ "_,. ................
..., wflllllll ......,.,, ..,. • a .o ,.._ h WblCl"lt:.11 te "" 1Jl'lfhk'I '"'
11..t """ ~ ........... -· """"""' ..... '"-*'"" flt .. tQl!ed Wll'NIUI ..,., .... !ht wrne.
o(Of,ICIM. HAU !OFFIC IAL SfALl ... -=-Mio.,. .. !ft Mw1l!I ""9rT " Hol1ry f't,tbllc;611tot'llll ~ 1tr1nc:1H1 omc. 11:
lAlil ......._ C#lltlt o'"'" e-tr Nir C ..... .... MY c:-t1111l9'1 a.WO. · ~m ....... K,lm . • t•w'f~ir.' :-:.--"'-:: Pvb(t"*' ~--C..d D•I" ' M9tdl J, It, ,,, , .. lNt
Sometimu you can become so preoccu-
pied meeting day to day obllgatfon1-
tax11, bills, etc.-you can forget there's
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Wllshlre Federal Savings Would llket to
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Start providing fur your futura today
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List .
. I
1r·11AJ1.y ·"LOT -· Mm11 ,, 1 ....
•My Pledge~ ,
Her.e's Skelton's Way
BJ JERRY BUCK though It ts becoming
monotoooua 1'I you. U I moy.
NEW_ YORK (AP) -It_ lllllY I ~ie It and lrf. 1'I
lt6llii't iti>W on the chartl explain .to you. the meanl"I
among the teen.age rock of each word:
tunes, . byt qne of ·the hits •i •r -me, an tndlvldual,·
co ndio across the country a comrrUttee of qne. ,
11 lied Sl:•lton reciting an in-· " 'Pledg• -dedicate all of
terjfttalloll d lb< Pledge of my world!y gooda 1'I give
Allellw-. without ,.If.pity. '
Sl:llton's vmlon bas been '"Alleglance -mylov<,and · n.t into tbe Congressional my devotion.
Recant. · u ltfo the nag -our alan-
llla productlon company In dard. Old Glory, a aymbol
RoltyWood bu been inundated ol freedom'. W?erever she
bJ''Dt~ requesta for copies waves, there · is respect
al. the pledge printed on a became your loyalty bu given
acroll. "We've got 10 boxes her a dignity that shouts
of Jetten we .haven't even fttedom ls everybody'• job.
., opened yet," said a n " 'Of the Ul'liled -that
· UIOclate "and Jl's still com-means that we have Ill c<me
irig In." ' • .· loge(her. , , • The recOrdlng it a versioo -u -srates -lndtvldual eom-,
of the pledge Skelton learned munij.ies tbat have united inlQ
from a teacher while a 48 great. states. Forty-eight
schoolboy ln Vincennes, liid. indlvklual communiUes with
°He -lint recited it oo ltll pride and dignity and purpose,
televlsioo llhow oo CBS Jan. all divided with Imaginary
JI. · boundaries, yet united to a
· The ltudents at Dwight common purpose, and that's
Jtlnior High School in San love for country.
Antonio; Tex., eent Skelton a " 'Of America.
four-lncb-thlct 'bound volume "'And to the Republic -
of letters. One aakt: ''The a state in ;whi:ch &averelgn
words now have more mean-power ii invested in z:epresen-
lng." taUves <boaen by the people
An associate said Skelton to govern. And government
.,. hid been thinking about the is the people .and It's from
p;1~e for some tµne and had the people to the leaders, "'not
d ed it would be ap-from the leaden to the people.
prVpriate to ~.lte it on the " 'For whlcb it stands.
program nearest th e In-" 'One nation -meaning,
auguraUon of Richard M. Nix· •o blessed by God.
on as President. 0 'Indivisiable -incapable
It mlght have ended there -oU>einjpflvided.
eiCept that the CBS prom6f.lon " 'With liberty -which Is
department malled record.I of freedom and the right of ·
the pledge to disc jockeys power to live one's own life
aroand the country. without threats or fear or
A Columbia Records aingie 10me sor) of'ret.aliaUon.
61111< pledge will be Jn"'°"' •'And J!JSl!ce -the prin-oext·-i.. ciple ol quality ol dealing fair·
Here ii the pledge: . Jy with olbers.
••1· remember . this one "'For all -which means
teacher .. To -me, "he wu the it's as much your country a1
greate.et tea.cher, a real sage it is mine.• "Since I was a
of my -t1me. He bad such small boy, ~wo states have
wildorD. ~We were all reciting been addei! to our country
·the PMdat of Allegiance. and and two word.1 have been 1d-
he, walkfid·oftr. ·Mr. Luswell ded to the Pledge of !• hil name ... .He 'said : Alluia.nc; -'under God.' :.· U've been ll9tening to you "Wouldn't it be a pity 1f ...a:_. and glrla recite the someone said, 'Tbat'a a
~-(If Allegiance a 11 prayer; and that would be
.,.,..,.. and tt seems u elimJnated from schools, too?"
Repuolicans ~kin
.rjTop Secret' Drive
WASHINGTON (UPI) -O'Hara, (D-Mich.). a leader
~Ileana have devised a of t he liberal bloc, said the
•top' secret" prograln for cap-"program'' soilltded like last fall's pre-election c 1 a I m s .
turing control of the House Wilson and other Republlcan
of RepresentaUvea in 1970. leaders predicted the GOP
The plan Is so husb-hlllh that would pick up et least 31
even potential cuntributors to seats from the Democrats and
the party are not ~ told take over the House. They
what It 111. gained four seats.
"Trust me,0 Rep. Bob Wilson's letter c·ame to light
Wilaon, (J\.Callf.), wrote to after Rep. George Brown, (D-
150,CO> prospective donors on Calif.), inSerted it Into the
Feb. 9. Congressional Record. He said
.. Details of the nrnaram· t twas sent to blm by a coo-r· -i:t" athuenl
must be kept top secret,'" Brown suggested that his
Wilson aald. "The plan would fellow Democratic t a r a: e t s JoSe m~ of Its vote-getUng might find it interesting how
power if the Dem~ats le~ the Republicans wen able to
ed about this new approach. · finance a variety of servicts
COST MORE not available to Democrats.
wu.on, chalrmao ol lb<
Jt J>P u b llcan Congressional
COnunittee, did divulge one
fact .about the strategy: "It
ts going to cost more than
we have spent in any -119n-elec·
uon year in our bis:tory ...
: Questioned by a reporter,
Wllaon said at fltst he could
not even hint Whal the plln
mlght be. Later he spgke of
•'better organlzaUon, better
Democrat.. seemed unim·
pressed. Rep. Jam.. G,
Gets $1,000
A· 11.1100 donation~ been
given by Mi&!iion Viejo Com·
paoy , 1'I Saddleback College
for 1ts revolving studeru loan
Students needing money for
their education may borrow
from the fund. The mooey is
1'I ~ paid back without inter-... c:l1arP after duatioo. Mlaiion Viejo f!: mp any
dalml the junior college as
-.pert of ifl .. new town" devel-
', •
Earlier in the 1 a m e
Congressional Record, another
California Democrat, Rep.
Lionel Van Deerlln, Inserted
an announcement from the
R e p u b lican Congressional
Committee detailing a host of
services -from helping to
improve a member's
television image jo putting out
press releases a lawmaker
might find too aeH-servlng to
issue hlmself.
"For ln!tance: Houu: GOP
leader Gerald I\. Fon! prais-
ing the member for his •t-
tendance record er leglslaUve
efforts, etc.," said the an-
. nouncement.
Van Oeerlin said he was
liUbr.iiltling the inforinaUon "in
the manner of a hungry waif
pressing hls nose 1galnst the
delicatessen window."
Democrats have made much
of the disparity between what
they and the Republic.an can
lay their hands on. Tbe GOP
congressional comm1ttee bas
budgeted U million for lb<
'170 c1mpaign 1 the
DemocraUc campaign com-
mittee, f2 milUon ' 1 1 n d
anything •else we ~an let,"
uld one fund ralaer.
Now Possible To Shrink
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of tlae Jafla•ld 11 .. onbolcll
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tootht1 lnlt.ate• u ....... .
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7777 Edlntor An. 192-lll 1
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keineciie · As.k.1,,, .,
Oil . Pla • • • ..
::.; jj J~ JI'. COLLINS . , allowing Shell Oil Co. ancheven :i...oclat~' bout ·u: It (the declilon) ptobibty
1 .• of'•°"" rw '"" · firms lO :alnk test' core ."boles :ig slatt . ldn't fiave,.be;en tnade otherwise."· ~~ ~ Lt. -Govt ::" ~d w~tera ~ N,ew"port 9!8-Ch iM San ' Remec.e. said -he· is '1'J/ery much. in e rsaldJ,oday he fayors legi.Sl,ijiQ.11(. 'Clemente. : . . · , , . . ·~ .r 1 U.~ wQUld cornpe;l t6e State'~ COm· .• "The .governor;'~. ~aJd, Reine?e, a fav.or of .• meas~ 1ntro4uced ·by ~ .to-fl(vo .coiislal ctu.S-~vance m'!l\bar or the ·L1ll4s 'Commilslon, ."i• · ~mblym~ !\oberl E. ·8-m .(R·
Ditlce Of all Olfshjlre oil surley f>!'ollO'Ris. · ver}'"mllCh"ei!vttontbentaJ, quality 'mtnd-' NeWporl ' 11e84b),. The bill w«Jld lorce
· ~· aJio ~loaed, that (\o~, . : ed. I cbeC~ed with'. his • o(!ice. Wore Qie; 4'1~ Comml8'ion to adVl!e ~
Keagan · sUpporttd tbe' 'Lands. Com· we· took up the revocation question and municipalities ·Well ahead-of thne before misliolt• revocation last week of peUnits ·was ~told that he felt CJuit'e. atron1I1· Commissioner! consider oU~ survey
. .,. ~ ... , l
•.• ---.• j ~ ~ .
;ApolIO S0arS
. .
n " . , . : \.. . .. .
Orbit ' .
• P~·k1ng .Comple.ted; Lunar Craft's De·but Prepared ·
"""'~ ...
''.$PACE 'CENTER. .Housw~ (AP) him, ~pirated th• opacecralt ~ ·tl!t 'Sfie· Apcjllo . .I astronauts, ~ircfu\g the third stage boOster and movM:· awiy
aitb· after.'..a near.flawlw 1aµnCh ~ about !iO feet. ·
di)o freiz)' Cape K~edy, turn~ .. their' Scott tur~ Ute command Crjtt aro~
"!i"cecrlfl around, docked wtth the lunar and th• crew~ed_the llln'!;l(>OOill•, l/l!><!ul• and .prepared to II'!' the'lraiU#· wjrtCh 'W..·:· ' for.Jhe :msi time llJ~ ~~ .. : . • ·• ~"-.f.!:' . to:.l!le'spicec" ... ~'Jt .WU diiiigned
FOrtiicCoL bavid R. ScO!t, fiymg to fiy. .
coriuna~ module while bis team-Then Scott, uaing a gunsilht device
s,,Air.Force Col. J{lllles A:·Mc0iv1tt on his window .and f.iming · at a target .;fl ~n. L. Schweickart rode beside on the lunar module, inched the six-ton
. eommaDd mOdule forward and inserted
a doctlni )irobe · on the nose , of the
cope-smlPe · space'cran into a :st-tnch
docking collp.r on lche I~ module, ,rUll
atµl;ched to the booster stage.
: The. probe 1<>4ed to the .J:!!ll&r. ~g
the two spact'Vehlclentglllly togotlli!r.'
"All right, Houston," Scott announced
happily. "Hard dock.'' Apollo 9, a com·
plex Hklay mission which will put
America on the threshold of a moon
.. ..
lal1dln( or slam the door tndeftnltely, .
wai punclled. by the lk10J'Y Saturn s
rOCkel Into 'orbit thrOilgh a ~Vy clilud
cover at tlle'preclst nilnute oclieduiecJ. !lrOund. con!ri>D.r• reported the «bit.
va!fed G!llY' altll>UY l!"m the ltf.mtle
clri:ular orbll'planned monlhl before.
1be Apollo· I crew reported two minor
probl<ml early In the fllgh~ but groomor
controllers aaJd they were· not concerned.
(See APOILO, Page J) '
Balboa Island
.Woman, 76, '
Burns to Death
• ,, .,.11.,J~f.J~,lits.~ '*iJf':'I
A · 711-J>J&r:oJ.I Bf~ 'hlaJitl ,.._
· burned ·to death pii., the •. ~, GI, ~
•mail fra.m• llouae .. Bilboa liWid
Sunday n!sJit.
Mrr .. Marie E. Whitelaw, who Jived
aJone at 220':-i Onyx Ave., was -found
dead by a fireman ahortly after five
NeWJIOl't Beac!l fire unita: responded to
the-fierce blaze. 1
The one-bedroom house was completely
engulfed in name when firemen arrived
at 7:ol p.m.
Two attempts by neighbors to enter
-the house were thWarted by lnlense heat.
Mrs. ' Whltelaw''1 badly bur.nett body
wU found on her bed. Fite 'had burned
through parta of t6e 'roof and waUJ.
Th6 cause· of the1'ivomani1 death wU
possible asph)'Xi8tlon. Coroner's in-, "ti, vestigators,. hoWev&, •said it would be
i..>.:; 1/· .. ' dlfficUlt to determine clrcumstince11 l!tll"•
romKUng UJe Accidental deilh. because
of! the body's condition and the damage
. Mr, .. Morl• .E,'Whltolow, Who Ll'!"" Alone, Dlod ·-Flo'1'" Englllfod Hor Homo ..
Inn .,Comes ,o~~
~ . . . -
So Do Visitors:
~5,000 at Beach
' .
. -.,, ._,
Sirhan's Mother Lauds
America for 'Refuge'
to the house. .,.
Ftre lnveStlgators said the blaze
started in a couch in the liVlng room.
The victir.t was found ih the bedroom.
Members of the woman's family said
she had a history of minor strokes
1Uld was a chain-smoker.
I .,...,.. .••• .r -
1'."L,:: Sf••· .~.;;,.
• ~· -I ' I ' • ~ • • UPI T .........
;1n Saab(011k. ~~.; i'! p,..JliUf!Ch :Prayw I'!' Did. . '
N;ixott , ~a}';s .Apollo, Trip .~
· Bt~~s ·:!J~#tr·,Q(}s~r
' w~HiNGToN (UPI) -Pruiifent
Nlxon..1aici ·todaY !lie Apollo I tpioston w~a a 'mUnione that could· br.lna ,
"humanltf 'cloier" togeth~.
f~ combination of warm sun and the
Wach.comber's urge brought a n
;Sttmated 25,000 visitors to the sands
(,f, Newport' Beach over the weekend. I I\ br ht andals too LOS ANGELES (AP) -While her an emotional tribule of thanks today
oue: some v ' · son, on trial for his life, buried his · to the United State!, Which 'gave ~her I ·~•City lifeguards said Ille warm weather head in his hands , Mary Sirhan gave family refuge.
Two neighbors, George CampanJs of
2161h Onyx and James Bradley of 120
Pnyx tried to break into the· hoUse but
flames drove them back. Both told In-
vestigators they did not know anyone
A White House spokesman aaid the ·
cfilef e1ecuUve telephoned his best
wishes to Mn. James A. McDivitt.,wife
of one of the three astronauts. jm~ .'
bef ... e ·the Apollo i liftoff from Cape
Kennedy Fla. . .
In· a· statement after the launclfing,
Nixon sald: ''The' successful launching
of the APollo .t space craft marks another · mUesion~ in the journey ol man J lirEo
apace. ~-·-. ~ •
~ piles or beach debris kept the visltors "We are 'tucky in thii country ...
aniused, even thoush water quarantines "'" ed In this try God
of the be ch tW .. 1 we are ...... ss . ,coun • ••
along patu a are ~ n Coastlm' e Ci't1'es bless America •••• cried the mother ea,cte. of Sirhan Sirhan, on trial for the murder ;.'J'he guards were not amused, however, of Sen. Robert.F. Kennedy.
lilj:ause their compelilioo dory, a 20-!oot 'Set Jorn' t F" 1'ght si.i deacrlbed thi Sirlw>'• family lif• btqe vessel uaed in lifeguard com~ Jn Plle,tl.J'.lf! before "parUUon of the c~
E, ·u' ns was destroyed by vandals who try in 1M8 -when they· were· forctd
1 it out from under lifeguard 11 • to move trom, their home to a refu&ee
uarters Saturday morning and On Oil Dri ID g camp. •
· it into a derelict. "lt was shooting, bombing, the ter-
·•The smashed craft was found at noon City officials will attempt ·to knit a rorlsm of the Zionists," she said when £6t same ·day near the Wedge at the chain of defense against off-shore oil asked why they moved. "Weiiocould~t
'!est Jetty, "completely smashed up," exploration and_ exploitation at an in· stay, we couldn'\ even open windQw
• auard said today· 1 · s ta or door and shots would come to us." . ~he damage, ilfeguards agreed, was formation .gatheylng sess on tn an M 8 Sirhan peak ood b t h Uy t.IO severe to have been caused by the · Barbara this month. ~ied Engiui s g u eav
~t smashipg against jetty rocb. • .. -· · · Mayors, councilmen, city managers, Sirhan, who electrified the coua Friday ~y· ju$t took a blunt instrument county 9fficl~ls, stale legislators and • -··-' aid th ff! 1 ,_ lll"-A · .• _, ·dJ , with .an emotional. demand tha he be met smashed Jt up," a., ......... 5 · 0 er 0 cam w uc mvt-.., sai ames a.llowed to plead eullty and die in the .. The boat btlped guards win several D. ··Wheaton, Laguna Beach C I t y -"-6 ~·.i ... -....-....tiUon championsbin•. Its Manager. He aaid the meeting will be'"ft ' gu,i,;uomber,. listened attenUvely u ,his -~' .... ...,.. ~ •' mqther •iioke. Mn. Slrlian had balely
was inside. ·
Two nearby dwellings were damaged
by the flames.
A total of 11,000 In dfllll&1• waa dooe
to a home at m Onyx. A houae at Zia had mo In damage. · ..
·Mrs. Whltelair't house, which facea ·
an alley, Jlad · 111,000 ·In damage IO the
structure and $1,500 to its content.'.
The body was takeri to Baltz Corona
de! Mar Mortuary.
Lidp Burg lars
Make Ofl Witli
$2,500 in Loot
• --.... ~ino:• \ ....... -~--
SALUTE? -Nq;l!i~t:~~
m1111•1 daughter. -~a .: . • .
weick.art; • tellilll-0.~ ~~
she is. rb.Onelar)' value Was aet at $500. , probably Mm:b lt or ti; taten the lta:nd Friday after the outb\int, -.... less d tnri:Uve• beach visitors Buretan Sunday stole $2,500 in Jewelry, · • ·-·· . .. 1 ~• "~ esth of torm d. b . Wheaton said th8l'e will be bus tours Wben ,ahe'broke doWn.in.tea:rs Ud cowt furs, cameras and luggage from the ..._.,... · !u:-~:~
ned among . e tons 5 , e l'.15 Ip a511ess the d'mage cauaed .~ the. wu adjOUmed for. the ·~kend. ' ~ bed of Lid Jale home • ·" ·-v-·--
" on the. be1 am. On~heof t~ ?"tar dbasUJoo,. Sarita Bmara od..,..,.olt When -lhO Slrhu fanilly .:. Oien .m will:t'·N.~llaf~ of ni vta Udo T.· r.usteeS . Sbidy., ... for vi• tors. over wee en ,..,. breat<c.. ,..-' boj>s and •ooe daugbl«-movOct Irvin Soud, told ~•ce Sunday ·n''"'t •·· ' · w0es at the harbor entrance where . •"-...1-horn In th old. It In 1 ..... '' i""' '"6'1 uv · ' • 1 , ·~ofpersonsilsbed or just walk· He said there wlll be,..,meeUngs and I.Ital" e e c 1 .w we discovered the .theft after coming home Airpoi;t.y· "IU'.o'. ; .... -.-,..,., .......... . . ' . . reporl8 to acqualil~ the ¢up With pro-·werehadllkoth• 1111e,..,.i ,o1s~~ people -al 8110p.m: 1,1 '"""
' • II'"" towant -'~'"" "'"'•'•ilon at we n DI( Mn. ~~said. Police said the thieves· pried of( a iterways were ctbWded; too, with · • ~~!".r~ ~ "We didn't bare beds. We didn't have • ' ":iiii6oau clippin1 •lotli In fresb breezes . botll the ~te.Jnl10djl'a! ie.,11. . . 'mattr..,.., I dldn~ even have blankets _.n and opened a toovered window Newport·Meu l<!hool -.wtll take•
....;, brt••1 sun, Cl!a.ngtn~ COW'9e quickly After tbe illlormatlm eatjlanie, • Ke to n•t ... niy' ......... llept on st . to enter the· t ..... tory home, then went . t ,;:'0m:· to avoid junk· still fioating said.,, ~re w!D be a.~ .~ .. · 1Jle1-;, -~ • : ~ ~;~'.to the beslroo~ to tlkt the up ~rport nols,e,;~derWbietber to· cu
!Q:the bay. ~· . detemune.the city poallo'el lo meetUI(, 'lliey moved ftrst 10 a COllVM~· .. ..._ ~·-. back on the ·k~erp~ ~aJ1i,..apd
i;Harbor departinent em ployeo worked the prol>lem willl -In\< of .~-Into · one room tn 'the-Jel')lli'.;~r~ ~Ybprn m ~ .. ~·' ~ ~liler Olllif for ll1',G90 bl fpilerat theenUr8week~.tryingto~etabtad fr~ ' • ·~· _ ·~tntheolddJY,::;-.. -';" c;_J•,.t-,J .... ~~~~ lf!~~~.,,·~,~;·i fu!?U~ . .,_.( ~·1 .l'••· ,
·Id!: the •torm debris, ·which 11 slowly W!MltoQ; who',1tmlded ,the t'lefllt • "It wu very~ ll!O yeart'o!d,/~, .'tr:.,. , .. ...,, . • ,-.'~·~&rli"~~'!IH
cl!artng from the harbor. meattop of.city olflrWl ltr:U:~. ......,ked from ~iii." -Mn.'lbi*n ,.,., , ~"l"1,~L.' ... 1!t ,17:!0.jhm. in't)ltoi.yceum 11 Coit•
• Orie of Jhe many phenomeoa cauaed dAllibUiM! ~ bt. uilininuty oald. "We •-ltr-«Olthlrtl1 'for"mai>l' •:. ,., : • • I. ' " ' · ' ,-Mei11'111!1b:Setlel>t. :iilithlk'IW~ I ~ the record ftoodtng .,., ap~rent m fn• tli~ol leglalatkln prohlblUng dayi f~ we couldi\'l:.i.t the ' water. ·1 ·NS! YoMt tAPI Tlii.11.Jct mar-' IMn ,giniry,-chalrriu!fi· of tltie'·All)>orl ill the d<bris cleared -"'°"" or ilead all uploraUoo for oil In~ waters. Even when··wa -to1"1},jl ~ kdi<led"JIQ -~a, 'V¥Y Nob< A'be~~'reo~,.wtll· l)>lak
catflah, floaltng in the bay, ,.uhed oot Hesatd, bop'ever, there !rould probablJ (1958) we ,.....-11 happy to ~I"-, 'tJll!it";ettce 'ft~er tns 'tdda ''l'l'llll!ni • w•the lloitd' and"pqo -, of · (
'ol their froih ,..1er homt1 by torrential be-a majorllJ aptnloo mortog 3UCh ••ter. My! dlUlllla''-' to Ji!!fi' 1"-• .;,..ftltl• odl : . ';PiPi ' n::so!btlotl~-:1iddlllon" Jer~lllalrta
:"Tbe hope5 and prayers of mankind
go with-Col.. 'Jamea· A. MIDl'lltt, Col.
Diavld R. Scotl and · Mr. Ru1u.ll
SChwelckart on the eottrtgeom ·Jblsslon.9'.
, The President addec!:, ''.We ,a;e Jl<0\1&
of this American, . ad)"~e; but this
ii more than an Ahlerican. adventure. ,
Il is . an adventure of man,-bring:lnc
the 1ccumulated.-wisdi>m of hla past t9 tho i.st of shaping <hoduture. • · :
&mny stdtt·~ 'ditJll' tein.,.,.. '
1ure1 .Ire the ~·ror·~.
with high .-.., ol ll·llooi the
I · cooit and a llltther Inland.
INSWlil •TOD.4.Y
Slz mb11tlil WilliOul attending
a .l\1al is 100rH l1IOfj lmr. claps In jail, compfali)J gnindmot~er
o/ pf!IQllJI glt>tn her Jor !'fcmt C9'it1 0U1bur11 .. J>iige JO. ........... ~ . .,,,....... "
~ '~--. ·-. .,.... __ .. ~·r~ >-w .,._,Cel9ft ... ,, --·" ·e ..... IJ.ll ...... • ,. ' U.11 . ---·~-:::L•, --,... -........... " .... alt. 'It ' ,,....,, • • • .......... 11 , .. ...._. 4
.... ~ ., ............. 17 ......... , ..... , .... ..
~....,...,. ........... . -· rliN. ratrlctlon. tolitl onr.-1....., .v.;:;.,, T; •; 1N1):J•~' " -. ~. ,.. • ·" • o&I orUr...,.·~.Allprt, • I .-r'\.U~ •+' 't l'l ~ ..:::.,.,1·1,t, f-j~~ ,\I ~, !l ',lt, I\-~. . • • . ..... .. .. l . ...~-' '· ; -.
I I l ..
~I 1 ti , ~ , , j tl!! ~ • 1 ~ 1• • ~ , t ' I, ... " ~ ,. \_.' t' \ . " ~,\. ...., .... .._
~ • •
' ... -' ·. 2 DAILY mor
-..,.-j~~•-Y'" -, • I • . • •' j. ' . .. • ,:M~ss~,M,ed~.Rapped ats~nar i
... . , -i
WHERE TO UVE? -Orange Coast College foreign studenu Jo-
hBMes Soffian (left) and Mari Ogawa have place to stay but Hobart
Koy (right) is looking for family to live with. Many foreign students
could use homes, says their'OCC adv~r. _
Foreign Si~T:tts at OCC
Seek A:merican Homes
-lly TON FORTVNB to Uve. °'., - --T0111ponrl!y he ii ltaylng 111 the home Hobort Kif, CI0\1 11 ,,_. old, ii -· ,ol U K;faw Win, COWllOlor ind I~ ;...,:i:t ~~..,~ ~~ 1=1 ~ li~~ ~lhcoll.:geA!':\can • , lainlly
Sincapare, K&7 ii look!nf lot • piece J ~ ·uk Marl 0 -Id ho • , ua~ e gawa, .w-year-o nor
student in computer aclen~, .from Japan.
k C lis Miu Ogawa ltay1 with Mra. Mary OC y ye t Nlcliol, 17111 B St., Huntington Beach,
· ' and does b'aby sittint and housekeeping.
. Another foreign student, Johannes SoC-Sought in. Mesa ·fiih, 11, (rom Indonesia, lives with his µncle, Fritz Ha.rtnankok, 564 Plumer St1,
-Cocta Meu: Bank Rolihery · · .'!be Judder ol Orange COut College's
• forelp tludenta live wilh famlllu, . ..,. Win. A~-... man Iii a motorcycle · helmet __, ~-" 'T'LEARN is ooqbl throqbcullhe Southland .today ...,._,
tor Ibo f17,00D hand .,....i. holdup "Olle o1 'the wont lhinp lhal can
of a Qllta llalf bani: 1'ridq nlPI. happen ls for them to come her• and
four1h and ,_._. IUCb ......_. In et~ live In an apartment wtlh ot!ler for.lin . -•.,. ,_, , " --II," Win nld. "They don't learn ~capt. ·Ed awlow llDI today obout American horn~.'.' _
Iha! the mfia_ wbo omubecl · b1I ,.., He lllll only about 15 ol the foreign
into the clofi!L'BW'al Ainerka tdnch ~,Jloldentl are llvg wllhJ,.1l!"t Moll
at -l!libor Blvd.. la probably not ~~ olhera ai'fl"<ll--IJ; lfvlng
the mne ~~-whi> robbeol 11 .ol '10,00D wto;• Blll'!lles• by hi"" and 'O!!CO ·• last.A~" _, , • I ' , ~ aludeill bJni<OJfTilld ''P'lilJh BJJ1rre methods and ored. • · · • •
oto · -1~ • -it' uied 'to malt facial the commu_n!tY ";would make Mmes open m rcy...-= ~ io them. or mvJte them out."
features:· charaderiud both jObl, . but What are the fore.Ip students like?
the d~~ and procedure differ Kay, Mts.s Ogawa and Soffian all plan somew~ he aald. to continue their stud.Jes at 4-year coi..
Immed1ately ~ter the case wu leges after completing OCC. Then they
reported ~~y flllh~ the FBI clamped will each retW'll home to their n<ftive a tight lli:I of secrecy on 1!1e .amount country.
of !Mney taken by the bandtl who ter-Kay Yid 16 is normal college age
rorized the bank at.lff. in Singapore.· He is studying business
Federal investlgaoln are called Into beca.,. "wit!l ·buatn. .. background you
bank .robt>t;ry ~s and generally can etpand wherever you want to."
supervise ,c.1ty Poli~e in handling the MiS5 Ogawa will transfer next fall
subsequent infOf1118t1on. lo UC Berkeley and study computer
The r?bbery occurred shorUy after progranµnlng. "In future years it will
cloalnl lime w~:the lDU:OOU amubed be very usef'UI. We haven't bad too
Jiis way Jn to the . bank with a crowbar much yet tn Japan ,, she aald.
and th~•tened to blow it up with a '
hand grenade. ' EYES OIL CAREER'
The explosive used may have bee11 Sofflan, in his first semester at OCC,
a dummy, but no one took the chance is studying engineering. He will make
of chaUenging the bandit as he scooped it mirrlng engineering when be tran.sfers
up cash from tellers' tills. lo Long Beach State because "in
Police were:ftrst notlried of the cue · Indonesia there is much oil."
as a po.ssible attempted burglary or All of the foreign students have a
malicious mischief after two women ran good command of the English language,
into a neabry ~bowling alley to tell clerk a requirement for their admission, Win
Jim Wenski a man was smashing the said. There is no class Jn English for
bank door. foreign Students.
By the time investigators arrived, the Otherwl!e, any . foreign student with
1wift holdup had already taken place -the equivalent of a high school education
and the mf!terious robber bad left the is eligible to aUend OCC, Win said.
scene with )oot later totalled up to Finances have to be arranged privately.
a bit more than S17,000, CapL Glasgow There are only a couple of small
said today. scholanhlp. available.
lh • ..,., l(,,,;1
Tli•"''' A. J.,4,,,,hi111
Mtn'91nf lti'91" J•''"'• F. c.ni111 ,,,,1 Nin•"
H-1 ttKll ••-1~!<11 ,,,, llfllo< 01'"""
.....,,... .... Offl••
• 2211 w.11 ''""'' ••ul1wtr4
MaTii11f'Aitlr1111 P.O. In 1111. tJ66) ...... -... C:•,. Meu: JJf WHI ... y Slr .. I ... ...,. ttec1': m ,_ ...... _
• twil~t!Cifl ktdl: »t 1111 Slttfl
-,..-! ·-~~-
OAH. Y l'ILOT. ,...,. -le~ 11 (fl'lblMI Ille H-•·"''"· '' O\ll>ll.,.,.lf dtHv ••(ff! Sw"" • .. , 1,~-fttt tt•lio111 19f L .. -lktCll, H~I ktcll. Coo•• Melt . """''""'"" kadl .... ,_!l o'\ \'1!.,,., ....... W1!11 f
O~fllo<\.ll "'''°" Ori~ .. (&UT "'*'h.l'lftl '°""""" "'"'*inf ••in1, ••• 1• 1111 Wtll a..1W.. tf\of., NfWWI tNl:ll, ,,,. ). w1.a ,.., Sfrttt, c .... -..
, ......... 17141 '41 .. Jll c..iw '"4""'1""• ,, •. ,,,,
C:..,..ltflt. I.... °''""' Col .I """" ... (_.... ... ,., .. , \!erofl, '"""''''/tll" _......, -u• • ~ ... ,_._ .. 11 ,,.,, .. ....... -'~ ........... -~ """ ,,.,i..-·~-~·· .._ '"" -..... ~ .... ~"-' ..... .,,. CUM #lrM. (lol"-tlt, keic'lel"" W Ct,..,., ll)S ~ft"I .. .,,.11 O JO -ll'lffl
~""f -1N1 ..... t l,U ._.1111,.,
The COWll01or 1&1TOrange Coast 1eta
itJ foreign students by word of mouth;
there is no organized recruitment pr~
gram. Kay came to OCC becal15t his
mother knew Wm, Sotfian to attend
scl\001 While living with hia uncle, Miss
Ogawa because her sister, Mrs. Chlzu
llUyake, lives in Coita Mesa.
· Others hear about the school from
former 5ludents retumlng home.
Win urged anyone able to provide
a foreign student with a home to
telep~one him at 83U860.
Science Students
At -UCl to Hear
About Misuse
Scltnee rtadtnts at UC Irvine wl.11
be dl1mlued from classes Tuesday to
hear a program on "Misuse of Scientific
and TechnJcal Knowled1e."
The program wlll be In conjunction
with $lmllar diSCUS!ions at universities
throuahout the nation. Professors at
MauachusetLI Institute of Technology
(MIT) Issued an appeal for the programs
to ahow opposJUon to a mulU-btllion
dollar anU·balllstic mlslile 1 y 1 t e m
favored by Secretary of Oefenu Jf.et,·Jn
Sp<du1 acheduled to far for !he UCl
fl'Ogram are Rep. Phillip Burton (0.San
Francllco), who wlll ape:U o D
"lnlemltlonal lmplJcaU001 ol !he Anti·
Balllatlc Ml11ile S)'ltm": Dean ol
Pbyalcal Sci.,_ fr<dtrlck !Wn11, to
tall< on "AnU AnU-lCBW.." _
... · V~n~ ~~ricp~ Weeloolld (Jt· l)f:l IJlmts ~~s -C~ver.age ._ l
~· IJ = .. ~~· , ,~· kfr ,ttie atmlnar JORpb camera. ·';j "In an elecfnlnlc world ·I don't haveJI •
ActuaaUoos thlHbcr mass· media-do ~ ~ Ula_\ .... w~ jh_800 -"-... Ke too-aald1 "All news is bad news. ct an idcntlt~" be said. "I ~ Roµieo.
not communicate and thlt bad news marched on the Penta son only 300 tbrf.w Can you lmaiine a ntWiplptt lhat just'. Now l ~am Jallet. Now l am "'.'"-"
ts pre!~nted as the only news were themselves against federal troops but Jl'inta iooct newt? You e1n't, it woukl ! coweririg btblnd a garbage can. Jt!1 J
brought during a weekend seml~r on televlslon cameras-roc~ed on them and be bankrupt in a day." very hard for me to have a position, l
''The Violent American" at UC Irvine. ia;nored lhfl 49,700 others who marched Bl.It the profwor's cblel complaint to keep a point of view." . ~ ~
Televl!lon publicist Garth J!inlz spoKe nan-violently. was· that the mass media does not com-. He sugge!lted that violence becOmu:
ot One criticism of to dlrected at media ~Principal speaker, U.C San\,a Cruz munJcate. a remedy for the soclally invlaibJt =i
newsmen. Prtlfessor Edmuod Carptt1ter, mtb-''It is a form of incantation. -a a wa~ of proving that they exist. Th~!
''We are asked, 'Why do you point Uoned lhe 1Usparlty someUmes between repeat, repeat ol cltches," he saJ<l. "tf the Black Panthers became vlsible-wtiett<
your cameras •f .t1ari0Savio, or Cleaver, what is viewed at home versus actual you've seen one Readers' Digest, you've thef walked into the State Assembly
or Rap Brown? Why do you show '\hose attend'ance at a public event. seen them all. Worse, if you've teen armed. Young people without identity 4
things!'" be said. He aald the peraon at home thinks. them all, you've seen one." become visible by letting their lJaU: f;l'OW. J
Hitl&I.. director of cominunity relatiom "I'm 1l1d I wasn't there, I would have C&rpentei alao presented bis owa Telivison's IUnlz . ~ -~l .. 'Wilht
few Klllt'r-TV Cbanoel I, Jald.l)ia answer been cru1hed by !he crowd," wbUe lheory of violence. , minial'!,'flallpo ij is _becom)ng pooolble j
is, "We show what lJ different, out penqns who are there react, "l1 that He aaid It h a peculiarity or ai1bt, to take cam,eras-annrh~e. , :•
of the ordl.nary. We dOn"f manaee it all? 'I wlsh I had stayed borne and among tbe aemes, Ulat It leads to detach-He predfcled, 0 Prttt7 soon 1U:-11,ews
out of the news." aeen It on televial.on." ment. He u.Jd a literate aoclety ls will be like Chicago -unrehear1ed and
But others in 1 Friday-night panel n.e reuon. he aaid, ii telnlllon capable o( preaentlng great violence aa unedited. The camera will be over Viet..
dlscUl!.ion felt televialon, and other maaa focusa where the crowd ii cruk4t a fonp ol enterta4m>ent ~ creating n&JD, or wherever there ls violence,
media, manage violence into the news. and olten the crowd 11 cbeerini tbt lnvolvemeaL or negotiaUon, er hum.an drama."
from Page l .
APOLLO , ...
The on-board computer failed to &Ive
the. proper readings on the spacecraft's
speed and pOsllion, but it was updated
and corrected from the ground. Later,
McDlvltt reported that a helium pressure
tank was trigering lhe mailer · alann
system on board whenever Jta tem-
perature dropped to J:.S low point and
before the heaters' turned on:
The Apollo 9 crtW'a job ii the molt
demandlna ever ahouldered by American
spacemen. l>ilrlng the next lour days
Ibey wlll Itst the lunar module, or LEM,
a fragile, spider-like spacecraft designed
to land men on the moon, but whlcb
bu never been flown manned in tpaa! •
If testa by the Apollo t crew prove
the craft's design, an American crew
is to land on the moon in mid-summer.
II LEM falls in ila debut, America's
goal of landing men on the moon in
this decade rould be set back for msny
.The launch v.·as precisely as planned,
Guerrilla Rocket Slams Trautwein
· Asks Earlier Into Saigon Hospital
' SAIGON (UPI) -Gue~m .. slammed n waa lhe firs\hombardmenl of Saigon Plea Chan·ge ~
three 100-pound rockets into SaJ,<ln tod17 aince Vice Pres.ldent Neuyen Cao Ky Charles John Trautwein of Huntington -,
and one of them hit a hospital one ol South Vietnam warned his air force Beach today soughl to withdraw an ,.11 block rrom the U.S. em~uy. Amert~ could resuine the bombing of Nor;th Viet-earlier plea of guilty to charges ofrr1
Marinet threw o(f a North Vietnamese nam U the COmmunllts' naUonwide of~ assault with Intent to commit rape. ,;;
attack below the demilitarized zone. . tensive cpntlnued agalnat populaUon He asked a Superior Court judge tO'\q
At least lJ South Vletnameal clvilians centers. ' J strike from th?~ record all court actio~'r.,·
were killed and in1n than 20 ·womxled Jn Paria, allied peace negotiators had from the date pr that plea. ..,J.
in the 1econd Communiat shelling of condemned the shewn, ol. Salgoa Feb. In effect, Tr1utwein's new legal 3clioqi
Saigon in eight days, most of them 23, opening the Coninumlst .Ollemive, seeks to wipt out his gullty plea and"ffl
in a direct hit on a riverside shanty as a vlolaUon of the Washington-Hanoi start the case'au over. .... •.
where they slept. The rocket triggered acreement that the Reds would stop Superior Judge Robert G a r d n er 7"""
a tire thal destroyed 31 homes. their attacks on cities If the Uniteti 11owever, refused to rule On the-new
Stat t ped h ho bl f N rth petition. He instead referred the case,.. A second l22mm rocket blasted into es sop t e m ng o o back to the judge-before whom.T_rauh\'~irtt
lhe courtyard of the French·run Grall Vietnam. h d I ded ·it J d w·11· From south of the denu"litari:t:ed zone·, a Pea gui Y -u ge 1 iam)
· with the huge first stage Sjlturn 5 engines
igniting and screaming up to lheJr full
7.5 million pounds or thrust as scheduled.
The huge rocket was fettered to earth
momentarily while the engines roared
to full power. and then it slowly started
to Wt away from it& launch pad, riding
a WI of fire twice its 363-foot length.
Hospital, spraying the 1,1•ells of a materni-s~;rs · ' North Vietnamese soldier• tried to over-,..-: . . . ' ty and pediatric pavilion wlth shrapnel run a U.S. Marine encampment about ~peirs 1S now occupied with another
and wounding three chiklren. The four miles south of the border zone' trill .and will ~ unable to rule oa
hospital is a block from the U.S. but were thrown back aiid loll 17 men •.• the Trautwe!Jl i:no.uon ~ay.
Embassy. American casualUes were &lveD as U accepted, the petition by Newpo~ .. The third rocket JaDded on a Saigon , "light.,, Beach attorney Robel : Hurwitz wo~l~ ~
riverfront near the MajesUc Hotel, a The night battle ........ not f•• from C&DCel an Atascadero Stale. Hosp1tal Sai(oo landmork at !he end of Tu Do •--report lhat labeled Tr utw 31 l Street. Jt tilled a 3-vear-oJd boy and where other American IOldlers Sunday a ein, • 0
" killed 105 North Vietnamese some of ~ Craimer Lane as a "ducerou..:r-, wounded four adulta a.sleep on the quay, whom had swarmed onto thelr tariks mentally diJol:dered sex offender:" i~.
the South Vletname:se police llid. near Cam Lo. Tbe U.S. Sth Division ~t report, filed after. Trautwem spent1~t
troops J011t three killed and za wounded three montba at the facility for poaatble .;
in tbe fightirf&.. certification as a mentally dlsordered-..7
•• . 1u offeDdtr, allo stated that Trautwei4.
' ~ la "not ·amenable to treatment and iJr-Mrs. Peck, 91,
a danger to the health and safety of
olhen."~ .
I ,,
The roar of the world'• mtgbtie1t
rocket raWed windows for mlles around
the cape Kennedy launch site as the 3.t million pound monster left its earthly
perch and roared q of 1ight through
the clouds. Roads and other vantage
points In the area were jammed with
persons who gathered to watch the
thundering start ·of Uie marathon flight.
Liftoff came exiCtly at 11 a.m., the
time of day planned months before,
but. three days later than expected. The
launch was delayed from Friday, the
<lrlginally scheduled d1te, when the ere"
Contracted. severe colds. Fllgl:lt 1urgeons
said Monday the crew wu healthy and
Dies; Flmeral
' .
Service Slated
Corona del Mar's
Mr. ·Paine Dies
Of Heart Attack
Atascadero doclors also diagnose&·/~ j !
-r:autw~ ·as ·a "sociopathic personality;-
disturbance, sexual deviation; agressiv• '
seXualitY and rape." 11i
As the huge rockel Duhed Into space,
Schweickart, a 33-year-old who~s waited
more than five yean for his first space
trip, exclaimed to the ground: "And
the r<>Qkle uy1 that look• beautiful."
The LEM, a fr!'-gile space virgin which
is helplesa qainst the brutal forces
of hl(!Hpeed travel throogh lhe earth's
atmosphere, wu protected during launch
by m~ shrouds enclosing it like
lihielding 'bands.
Thi craft rides attached to the top
of the S4B, third stage of the Saturn
5 booster. Above it in the spaceship
is the command service module, carry-
ing the crew.
Once In orbit, Scott. the command
module pilot, separates the command
and service module from the launch
vehic le, turns the spacecraft around and
flies back to the LEM.
Scotl, like a driver carefully putting
hiJ car in a garage, then pokes a probe
on the nose of the cone-shaped command
module lnto a 39--incb docking collar
on the LEM.
The probe and collar lock together,
the LEM is apring~jected from its
orblilng nest, and the spidery 1pace-age
ship of · exploration 11.arb a test run
ol lh6 job It waa cr04)ed to perform.
The Apollo 9 LEM laces a brutal
test of Its mettle. During the next four
days .McDivitt and Schwelckart will
transfer from the command module
through a tunnel formed by the docking
collar inlo the LEM. Scott will be left
behind to fly the mother ship.
McOivitt and Sch,veickart will test all
the ·LEM systems. They-will fire the
9,870-pound thrust LEM descent engine
on Wednesday while the command
module rides piggy back atop the moon
On Thursday, Schwelckart will open
the front hatch of the LEM and 1tep
out into apace. For almoet two houri,
the ~·haired spaceman wW .. walk"
in space.
Mr. Hudson Dies
At Forgit Home
Robert Hudaon . uncle of Mrs. Al Forglt
of Newport Beach , died Friday at the
Forgit home after a brief illness .. He
\\'SS 97.
A native of California. he wu a com·
merclal artist who illu.strated boob and
m11gaiine ltOrlea.
Mr. Hudson had made hl1 home with
Mr. and Mrt. Forgll al !IOI W. Balboa,
Blvd. for the past 2' yeara.
s;;;.\.ivon Include 1111 nlece, Mn. FOl'(ll
and a alater, Mrs. Myrtle Smith ol
Sonia Marla .
Arrangement! are under the dJrectlcm
of WestcUff Chaptl Mortouy. ' '
A funeral service Is acbeduled Tuesday
for a Corona del Mar woman who died
Friday after ·a long career in which
she wu a newspaperwoman, a telephone
pioneer and a World ·War I ambulance
The· ritea for Mrs. Josephine Peck,
91, of 1014 White Salls Way, will be
held at 1 p.m. in the Church of the
Recessional, at Forest Lawn cemetery
in Glendale.
The British-born widow of the late
Edward G. Peck, printer and publisher,
died after a long illness.
Mrs. Peck was the la st surviving
telephone operator who worked for the
old Home Telephone Co., which later
became the Bell Telephone system.
Bet1,1•een 190$ and 191%, she "'as chief
or the bindery section of the Times
Mirror Co., but went back to England
at the outbreo;k of World War I, where
she was• ?.c:d Cross auz.illary ambulan~
Survivors lnelude Edward Peck, of
Corona del Mar, Mra. Harriett
Cavagllere, of Beverly Hills, and 1%
grandchildren. ·
Corona del Mar savings and loan ex·
ecuUve J. Robert Paine died Of an
apparent heart attack at the wheel o[
his car Thursday nigbL He was 74.
Services were held at 2:30 p.m. today
at Fairhaven Memorial Park, Sanla Ana,
with the past exalted ' rulers of the
Pasadena Elks Lodge officiating.
f\.tr. Paine, who made his ho1ne at
the Balboa Bay Club, was vice.president
and public relations officer for the Mutual
Savings and Loan AssociaUon .of Corona
del Mar.
He was vice president of th~ N~vy
League and member of the Chamber
of Commeree and.~asadena Tournament
of Roses Association.
A SO.year member of the Elks. he
had ~ved as past exalted ruler of
Pasadena Lodge anQ past district deputy
grand exalted ruler of the Elks.
Survivors include two sons, John R.
of Inglewood and Robert of Honolulu,
and three grandchildren.
Interment w i I I be at .Fairhaven
Memorial Park.
Tr~utwein was prosecuted following f l '
Grand Jury indictnlent whlch i.1Jegecj'i1·
that he attempted ~ast Aug. 2 to rl°'$;I
a Balboa Island Woman in her apartineO&
Setting of ball for the Huntington Beacb 1
m0:n went into the history boo kl when.,,.
Judge Speirs set the figu·re at f250,00G .. .._
Trautwein's wealthy (alher bfought that~"
amount. In cash wb.icb was stashed ~
mail bags. · :. :.
Trautwein'• change of course today ···
may coincide with a recent change or""
_He _filed his guilty plea under th~.,.
direction of Marshall Schulman of Santa ·
Ana but the family transferred .lhe casr:~·
to aUorney Hurwitz while Trautwein wa5 ..
in Atascadero. ·•
Hunt for Lost Scouts ·:.~
"· BIG BEAR (APJ -A search continued'· ..
today for four Los An~P1eS Explore!":
Scouts a~d t_helr leader ml~ing nine day:o1•,.
as hope· still was held out that the~··.
might have found shelter f r o m .,-:
snowstorms. •
... ·.·,·I'·. ·1 •• • ••. • , •.• '.''·,•· .• ..
• rin9s sired and repaired
• diamonds and precious stones remounted
•pearls restrung
, , , .• r .••• , • • • • • , '· • •. . ..... " •
( '
-I •
-· .t ..
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. ~ __....,. ...... ~ ...... -'•"·--·· -
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-• • BIA AHDE~N, Edllol' .. • • ..... -........ ..,,,P .... Q
Art Works Dramatize Fascinating History
An unusual glimpse into the fascinating history of China will be
brought to _the Lido Isle \Voman's Club by Geor ge Stuart, former
dramatist-hi storian of th e Smithsonian Institutiop. He will present
his collection of lifelike figures. ,.,.earin g authentic cos tumes, ,.,.bile
telling stories traditionally included in history books and little-
ki:iown tales of pers9nal drama. The program "'JU follow a luncf>·
con Tuesday, 11.arch 11 , in the clubhouse. Setting the mood for th1
event are (left to rigl\t) .the Mmes. Terrance Moran •. Frink 81
1'1:eier Jr .. and . Ger8.rd M. ~huc;hter \vho admire , Ghinese atf ol>-
jcC ts.
' MEXICAN TRADITION - A del!gbUul-Me;<ican' custom is breaking a
pinata, filled with candy and,.money. Anticipating that Soutb-of-the-
bo~r treat and others planned or a dessert coffee-b.ridge-by-Aftiliant
Ch'apter of the Au.xUiary ot·ttoag lt1emoria1 Hospital, Presbyterian are
(left to right) Wendy Miller,.Mrs. James .Blixt and Kelly Rabbitt.
Dedication Pays for Mesa , Juniors
No goal Is !ver reached without many
hours of hard work, both jn front and
Mexican Theme
. i
No Passport · Needed
For This E~c;ursion
The gaiety of ~1exico is..-just a ~JMp, skip and jump away for
members of Affiliant Chapter of the AUXiliB:ry of Hoag Memorial 1-Ios·
pital, Presbyterian and theit guests.
For those maltjng',· the short trip' to· t)le hospital 's conference
center \Vednesday,. March 12, for a benefit des sert.bridge, greeting·-
of "buenos tard€s" will be followed bY a parade of fashions fro1 .
Nelly's of Puerta Vallarta. (
Affiliant members and their c!Wdren will model the colorJ
Mexican ~yles.
Dessert, an offering _of a varlety of home-baked specialties, \\
be enj,PY~ to'the inusic of a real, live m~iachi group.
Bridge ·will be enjoyed,next, wii). tbe gaily wrapped packa(
· seniing as table centerpieces being giv!fi• tab.le prizes.
· Other highlights of the event include a $25 money tree, to c.
taken home by some fortunate guest, and other door prizes.
Mrs. Brian Zenz, decorations chairman, has been hard at 'vork
planning the South-of-the-border decor, assisted by the Mmes. George
Logan, Lawrence Brixey and Pete Rabbitt.
Tickets for the noon benefit, priced at two pesos, may be ob-
tained by calling Mrs. Michael Rog'!"', ticket chairman, at 646-3560
or 645-4w.I.
Hasta luego! l
" l
• MEMB ERS HONORED -Repres.,;ting the
golden keys of community service for the
Costa ~a Junior Women's Club, four mem·
hers were stleclechfor highest honors~ Re:cei v•
Ing the awards are '(lelt to right) the Mmes.
be~ the scenes. . .
The Coilta Mesa JUnlor Women's -Club
also CQ1Jtd_f!Qt have reached ·its · gdals
lhis year without the work of many
declicatelj members. . . : (
· Four women .have been~ selected . by
the ~l!Ul to rceelve honors for-their
efforts in promoting the ·club's · theme,
Our Golden Keys-Community, Youth and ' Federation. ·
Cited this year are Mrs. 'Howard
Mitclu;ll, Woman-o(·lhe-year; Mra:.,. ROn ~tenge. Citizen-of·tJl~year ; Mfs... µOn
Ba(rlcic, CQainna!Hlf·the-year, ud Mrs.
Robert Raciti, Speci~I Award of ~gm..
Uon. ,
The Womao-of-the-year, M'rs. MJt,che11,
who received the ' club's highest 'honor,
is second vice pf~ident and m~p
chairman. She lnCludes every club acti.vi·
ty in her family-centered Ille and · is
the mother of three· children. , ,
In commemoraUon of the honor, the
club presented her with an engraved
ffl<Jeratlon medallion, gold disc on a
charm bracelet and an engraved silver
'Mrs. Barrick, Chairman-of-the-year,
.... the Ain'ericanlsm chairman, headed a
drive to collect ilems for servicemen
and ~ .~~f~ts for the Danqy Davy
~ar~v~ ~dMerchant t.fario~ Library .. . Nllnierous hours have been donlt-ed
'> · IJD 'qnRa .. ~ as l!1e March~ Dhnts.
1~.'"'' ~, ~o~ A an~, <(osta Mesa M~Orial
., , .-.HQl!.l!ltal wuliary by Mrs. Seoae, ~ · . CIUzep.of.the-year. She is club treuur ..
er and civic a(fairs chairman.
• .-• , • • , J .~ recipien t of the Speclal Ap-
Don Barri~~ Chalnnao-of-the-yeat ;'iHoWa?d 1 '~ preciation Award, Mi's .. Raciti, .ia third
Mitchell, W-Oman-ot-AJe-:year: Robert,-R_pcit.i, "'· , · vice. president and ways and me.ans
Special Award of' RecognitiO D', ·-an~" ,Ro1n: 1 • .cJairman. She too delv~ i:iJto etety
Stenge, Citizen-<1f-the-year. r ·? ~pect or club work and ·fouad ti,me
1 • tor aervice to tbe Costa Mesa Memorial
.. · Hospital Au'111ary. Her Ille also is
. ._ 1·, centered around her home and sbe bas
r •• :' one daU1hter. ' . '
\ ' ·.'.
Fi9 .:h.t .. : Qve.r ·~, lnhe;r~,t~n .ce It's a· GrqYe · M.istake to Right~~·
especially interested in your aQvice to
the parenLs who were about to write a will. They bad three chi)dren and
wanted to leave the bulk ol lhelr estate
to Ule eldest child who had been
thoughtful and kind. (The two younger
ones had been selfish and incons.lderate.)
You told them to go ahead and do
Well, this very thing happened in our
family . 1 wu the child -.-·ho was favwed.
My brother and two listen became
u1ly and resentful ond instigated pro-
ceedings to break the will. When I heard
ol tt 1 went to my lawyers and tol6
them J didn't want anything .,..~ to
pleue divide the es\ate thrte way1 and
leave me out. The lawyer1 followed my
.in.structions but it didn 't improve the
"·-r<itUonshlp with my brother and 1btm.;
Now they have all the mooey l)tW oley
llill bale me.
SO next lime Ann ,. advise the ~-l.O wri~will that ~ala all
Children -lly and ii lrooc:lad -one lAct annot be broken or altered, no
ftiitter wbo 1111 what. -SIBL1NG sdllaow •
DEAR S.S.1 T .. e letter y 111. refer to
prodatetd u unexpected deluge of angry
protesl8. I wu surprised that '° many
rt1den fclt parents sbovld dJvlde lbe\r
est.ate eqully 1mon1 Sbtlr chlldrn.
re1anlle11 ll bow tbe7 were treated.
J\11n7 wrote to 117 tlwt otl6 wb:o ·
Is favored 11 desplted by the ethen.
They stopped 1peakJn& pd l1rltlr cbll4rea crew 111p a atr.ugen..
Jn spite of tbe crlUclnn I am 1tJct1nc
by my orl&lnal advice, Pare:nts do not
owe their t:hl].drtn 1n Inheritance. An
Inheritance II I gilt a.nd d091d be lit
. " •:... . '\ . ~ .
"oEAii' ANN UNDERSo Jim and f
have been mariied 14 year,, He. is
, handsOme and has an ~going personali-
ty. He dra~s people like a magnet.
Eapecially ........
At a reoe:nt office party a new
stenQgrapher caught my eye. She \fas
easily the most altracUve girl there
-and the . D\Ofl aggressive. J saw
her· go over and ast Jim to dance.
While they were dancing. 6he tnassaged
the back ol his neck, rubbed _his cben
under hil suU cdat, and at times I
wu sure if she aot .any closer, she'd
be beh4id him.
I am eight montbl pregnant wilh our
sixth child. I should 11ay sixth and sevenlh
because it feels llke twins and looka
like twins and the doCtor says, "Don't
1>e StlrJlrlsod." It roes"Witboul ·"10>&· · . CONFIDENTIAlrTO CAN'T DEt:IDI!!:
that t llave not ltk lilre pJaylllf'ROmeO •. ~ •wliire to ma.Ire a dioice ii in
and' JuUet for M!vehl !DO"thll· ' · , 1 itaelf a choice, More' uloen,are produced
Since the, partil lin!. !* '!""lli telliq by lhe lnabillli IO jlllke a d«illon
me al least thrk ~ ~etk ;i!O'! . than by makinl lhe 'wrong one. Mov,
cute the ne• glrl i/I aiid he bi.1(·)'1k·. already.
ingly,."Ann Landen"aay1 a WU'e ~· . ,
be underllanding and wekol'\• • r>Peo· W..t Is r..-ldal•1! h k 'fl'tO(?
tant ·wayward m~Le· ~witb(Optc\', arm..'' .._ 1boald let. tlllt l«kl•.Jllliiltl ..
I laugh ll o11 and .try ;to·be .a ''aood !lie ilo7., lM Pl! Coo a •tpi
sport, bul It hurts. "Anr ad\ttct? -we4dll1 lllttftd? ReM Au • nd1,..
ENGINEER'S .WlFE • -~. ''Teeaap Sex -'ho w.,.
DE.\11 \ID'E: ~Im b o -atlbL .. Cool IL" .Jltacl M -.,la e,11\1 ...
Tile fact lb1t ltt &atk1 aboat Min,_.., altll(,.,lf·lddrultd,a&am ...........
Fi ngers 11 1 &ood 1lg1t ••t todllna An LandUt will M &1111 te '*"
11 couldnc. Don'I rlM to U.e 'ball. HtMJ. )'Olil ,..it11 1ovr problem. a..t ..._
U yo• keep 11 llJjit and funl,y, ell~ .. lier la care of IM DAILY P11,ot
are lte wtll, ioo. e1tl01ia.& • 1Umpe41 "~ e:avtlope.
• I I '
l~ '
. ·•
' "
• :•, -•' --. ~ I ~--......---•
SYMaoL OF PRAYER -Hanging a blJli>tr-1n preparation for tlie Harbor Aiu Observance of World Day ·of Prayer ·Friday, March 7, are Mrs. John F .
Dian chairman (left), and Mrs. Rob ert' Bernard. Community Church Con-
gregit;onal in Corona de! Mar will 'bo i l tl!e 10 a.m. celebratioo.
·· Churchwomen Unite
.. ~-~f ~~~!~ ~~d-
.• tional and cultlD'al difference! from the ho.rt church,.
. . . . . . -. . . . . . •
Malzahn -Webb Troth • Boo k Review Series
Re v.eale d.-Duri ng Pa rt y
South Coast Alumnae Club of Pi BeLa Phi will close its current book
rev1ew-1erle1 al 10-1.tn, Frldlly, Mardi 7. --
Critical reviews of current and coming best sellers will be given by
Mrs. Carlotta Wllllama, director ol the series who also will present Pally ·
Newman, cc;autbor of "Pass the Poverty Please." ·
Miss Newman could not remain quietly complacent about what i!
happenl)ic In our country, She Is a !inn believer in the free enterprise
1ystem ·and her charges are seriOus but well balanced by her sense of
humor. .
'Her book was so well documented that she was invited t<j, testily bo-.
fore lb• .Congressional SUl>Commlttee on the War on Poverty.
• Boob to be reviewed by Mrs. Wiiliams include "The Seekira" by
Jess Stern; "Papa La Bas,'' John Dickin!On Carr; "A Treasury of Humor.
ous QuotaUons," Herbert Prohnow; "The Good Deed," Pearl Buck; 1'An-
ge!J in the Snow,'' Derek Larilbert; ''The Glorious Burden,'' Stefan Lorarit,
and "The Vines of YatTBbee," Dorotby Eden.
Information and reservations may be made b)' contactlng Mrs. Frank
Taylor at 548-M75.
Aries: Accent Health
Me y Dito
Maturity Topic
In Cl bhouse
Appreciating Yoor Mature
Yean will be the topic of
vai-iety. Be on guard against surface lndicaUons. • psycholo t Dr. Arthur L.
one who attempts to elective. SCORPIO (Oct. l3·N Zl). Bletz w he speaks before
'"11le wile man controls hia
destiny ••• Astrology point.
the way."
ARD'3 (March 11-April II):
ov. · Laguna ' ach Woman's Club l GEMINI (May 21~une 20): If ~cUcal in requests, they next y in Ute Woman's
Household expenditures c:ou)d are fulltUed. Spotlight on Ci b •
rlse. Be sure of safety desirtr, friendshiJll. S o m e nie
meuures. Accent security and ~ons could ~ Jilted . U :4$
comfort. Older f a m 11 y Patience ls requi(td. Be lions
member does need attention. ~ough -check 'f·o r Ing M
Added respooslblllly should be Jotpbolea. . 4332
The t11111ement ol Sandra Juo Maluhn ol Tustin 11111
Warren Dl:loo Webb of Los
Aqeles bas been llllllOWICOd
by tll6 bridH:lect's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roland 1'""
MaJubn ot Sacramento.
Ne\VI o[ the engaaement we
revealed durln1 a party in
the New])ort Beach home ot
Mr. and Mrs. Diaon John
Webb, parents: of t h •
Among those attencj!ng were
Mr. and Mn. Jack Ne'Ubert.
Mr. 'and lolrL. wam, Chap-. man and lbelr daupter1 Ma~
IAulle, Mn:. Jou Liw', Mn.
Mlchael J. ,Wolpat ad· Mr.
and Mn. Dixon Wellb Jr.
Tbe hridHl<ct II a ...-.10
ol Abrahim . Lincoln .lllih
SCbool, San JOll, and .San Joae:
State College where r I h e ncelnd •her ~ 1.n
medica) lecboology. She b a
member ti Alpha Chi Ome11
IOl'Ority. •
Her fiance WU IJ'lduated
from John Muir 1l1P School,
Pasadena, a n d California
State College at Lona Beich,
where be teeeivid bis BS· in
mvketlnc. •
He II >llUWed with Pi
Sigma Epsilon. n a t I o l'l a 1
marketing fraternity,
The couple will uchanae
wedding vows In the Cburdl
ol JOIUI Chrlat of Latlcr'dl1
Salnll, Sacramento, In Mq.
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii Accent on bealth, wort. rela-
tions wJth thole who perform
!peclal aervlces. Key ill to
be dlplomlUc. Avoid ex-
tremes. Sltady J>OCO 1ets YO!I
there -...... ~ could
graciously accepted. ' U.GITI'ARIUS (Nov. zz.. 4M-698
CANCER (June ll.July :zi), o&:. ll): Prestige rtses. Sbowlr~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short trip Is favored to com-that you art capable of bandl-l I
plete unfinished businesa.. Deal ing difficult assignmenl Be
·gingerly with close relatives. confident. Exchange ideas.
Some are apt to be State your caae with authority.
ultrasem!Uve. Minor tasks Welcome change. Promotion
multiply. Handle ooe joJ> at may be in offing.
cause loss. .
TAURUS (April 20-May 10):
Good lunar upect !Oday
bigbllghla love, I m p r o v ' d
relatJorw with c b 11 d re n.
Pursue ereailve endeavor1.
·Welccn;ie change, t r 1 v e I,
a time. · •CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan.
will be put aside Friday, Scriptures and prayers were
' March 7, when N e w p o r t proposed by women in Sierra
· Harbor Church Womtn United Leone Ghana, Nigeria, South
miniltry, I n ter n a t io n al
students, American Indians
and church and community •--------
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ac-19): :Domeatic adjustm.ent 11
ceot on money, p.ers on a l nece.ssary. Smooth over dlf-
po!SeSSiona:. Collect w ential ferencea with family mem-
information. Don't be aatWied bers. Catch up on cor-
with haphszard m e t h D d s . Tespondence. Keep promi!es
Concentrate on quality. Be in-to those at a dililnee. Adhere
dependent when it comes to tG Principles.
ltrts~ values. ·; AQUARilJS (Jan. 20-Feb.
Let us aha.Y you hCIW
euy It I• to remove
excus hair with
modem etectrolysls,
medically· appr,oved •••
sate, tllat, gentle,
YCU' re Invited to
conautt with our
llcennd ~clan,
· call for oblltrvance of World >.frid, Congo, Zambia and
· Day i/. Prayer. Kenya. Tbe!e will b •
The Harbor Area celebration presented alOll( with 1pecl>l
ot the worldwide event will music by Mn. K e n n e t h
. beCin at 10 a.m. In tile Com-!Wnel, ~ . .Mr•.
munity C h a r c h Coogrega-Richard Golhach/<>rpni!t.
tianaJ, Ccrona del Mar, with Tbe call to prayer will be
· tha them• to be Growing pr.senled by o panel ol
. Totethll' m Chrlll testimony tnchMtinc the Mm•.
Aallllng In kadlq the Merle Sp a rr o "• B«lha
mldllatlon will be the Rn. &orven and Ned Hill.
Arthur 'I'1DIJey of t b e The commitment offering
Lolheran Chorch ol the Resur· will further continuing pro-
rection, Himtlnglon Beach and jecls In Chn.tian colleges,
San Clemente Senior
Vies in Art Contest
Art work by San Clemente
Hl&h School senior P a u I
Arbluter bu been stlected
by El Camino Real Junior
Woman'• Club to compete in
the national 1• Art Talent
Contest s p ons o red by
Federated Women's Clubs.
Arblaster'• ptn and ink
drawing, "Eyes of t h e
Beholder," won for him a cub
award from the club and a
Women's Clubl, Or a n 1 e
District, for jlldglng a!Olll
with entries from other clubs.
District winnel. will com·
pete jn the llale screeolng
Match: IS and national baoon
will be awarded Airl! IS.
'· HAllmark gilt from La Tienda
'lbe national winner will
receive a $1000 Jdiolarthip
from Hallmarlt Co. The second
place winner will receive •
$750 !cbolar1btp ,4Gd
scholarships for third place
will be $650 and for fourth
place, $600. CertlOca.tel of ex-
cellence will be •w~td to
each state winner.
de Pape!, San. 11 u a n
The drawing will be sent
• to califonUa Federation of
Cuddle Pets
Fill baby'• crib with playful
pit. in eye-appealing color1.
Penn;y11ver llflal
S,crap.bappy peU -2 piec"
plus ear1 for each! Great for
bazaars, baby sho'ifers, have-
oo·lwxl gifts. Pallern 7171 :
transfer four 5 J 8" toys.
FIFI'\' ~ -(coina) for
each pattern -add 15 centa
for each patterc for flnt.clais
mailll>g and special bandlln(,
otherwise third-class delivery
will lake three weeks or more.
Send to Alice Brooks the
NMdltcralt' Dept., Bo1 163,
Oki Chelsea Station, New
York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name,
Namlter. Giant, new llU
Needleeraft Cltaloe -over
200 designs to choose, 3 free
patterns printed inside. Send
so centa now.
GIFTS" -fabulous taab!ons,
tcys, decorator accessories.
Make it today, give jt tmior-
row t Ideal for an oocuions.
50 centa. "11 Jtff7 lbr,p" Jo
kniw1 crocbe l, weave, saw,
hook. SO cellll. Book of U
PrlM AJpau. 50 cent1 .
8qaln! Qolll JIOol; I ba1
JI beauUlul patterna. so cents.
M-Qlllll-l -pat-
lmll for u auptrb quilts. so
centl. Boot 3. 0 Qui.lts for ,..._,,, um,." 1s patterns.
50 etnll.
Two My l reas were ldded
to the list of conUnuing pro-
jects aa a result of the first
International W.orld Day of
Prayer Committee meeting
which took pJace in Stockholm.
1be naUooal mban crisis tn
VIRGO (Aug. 23,5epl 22): ·11): Interest In oououal oub-
Cycle high; circumstances ject ls sUmuiaM You make
tum in your favor. Time your valuable discovery. Follow
mov ... See lmp<rtant people. through. Don't tell all you
Get going on pet project. know. Wroog person may have
Hunches are aceurate. Your big ears. :Act acconliD&ly.
F.SP works overtime. PIBCES (Feb. 11-March 20):
' In our S..Oty Salon.
America a'!d the cancern for ---------IJBRA (Sept. lWcl. 22 ): Check with one In authority .
Favorable for work in charity Heed vGice ol experience. Ac·
drives. Viait ·one confined tG c e nt o n mar riage,
home, hospital. Secret may partner!hips, le1al declaioM·.
be confided. Be discreet. Be realistic 1n appraisal of
., the ecumenical reconeiling
minlltry in Vietnam will be
included. ROBINSON'S
Members or lhe committee
making arran1ements for the
area observance are the
Mmes. John F. Dea n,
chairman, James fl.Joor, Cecil
Hollman and Carl Boswell.
PAMELA Molier, who won
a $100 art award while a!-
tending Corona del Mar High
School, is the recipient of
another $100 art c o n t e s t
Braaden horizons. See beueath1l~fi~·na~n~ci~·a~I ~p~ro~posi~·u~on~. ==I!~!!i!!i!!i!!i!!i!!i!!i!!i!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~il,
The public I! Invited and
baby-alttlna servicu for young
¢illdren will be provided.
Tips Ol'l Travel
Told fo r Club
Tips for Travel will be
shared with El Camino Beal
WGman 's Club membera wheJ)
they meet in Dana Point ~
munity HOU!t ne1t Tburlda,y
1t noon.
Mrs. S o p h I a Derbyahire,
aS10Ciate profeasor of
psychology at Oranae C91st
College and a profeasloqal
travel guide, will be the
speaker at the luncheon where
entertainment and ·door prizes
are' planned. '
Rtwvatlon!i and further in.
fonnaUon about the ways and
means project luncheon may
be obtained by calling Mn.
Anthony Mancuso, 49"14J.
She, was seleclt.d first place
winner by the Cailfornta
Nunes' AuociaUon and Stu-
dent Nurses AasoclaUon of • F h . California. The announcemenl,
WU made In the San Fran-as tons
Cisco Hiiton Hotel.
OUTSTANDING a c b l e v e-
ment awards for the UJilted
Fund · Drive were presentf\I
during the Orange County
Dwteey luncheon. Making the
preaentaticm w-u J a m e s
Francis Cardinal Mcintyre.
Orange eoi.st re. i dents
recognized were the Mmes.
Richard Ingram and Ted
P'qer, Cotta Mesa, James
Davies, Corona del Mar, aDd
Gordon Wilson and Vlncmt
Schenk, Huntiniton Beaeh.
Emb lem Cl ub
Gathering for b u a I n e 1 s
se1t1ion1 and programs are
mem~ of Newport H*bor
Emblem Club the second
TUesday at I p.m. in the £lb
Lodge, NOWJ>l!'I Beach.
. A preview of spring fashions
wNr"be uffered this week in
varioua type show! a n d
display!, enUtled New Direc-
Included will be swimsuits,
costumes, jumpers, w o r k
clothes, th• blouson and middy
looks, transparencit! a n d
pants dre!sing.
Fashions also will feature
the bare inidrlrf, tunics, fluid
shapes, the shirt dress, he
and she dressing and Easter
Concluding the w e e k ' s
.features will be swimwear
modeling from noon to 5 p.m.
i:nd teen styles from 11:30
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday,
March. 8, in May Co., South
Coast Plaza.
LADIES ..• Pat terns Unlimited, Inc. i1
for 4 days In ANAHEIM
A Pattern Cutting Show
An am&dn&' met.bod wbtcll•IO\ll\ds unbellevahl1, ,-et
dlmlnatel yean ot ltudy -Juat read a number
. and draw a dot.
No n.eed tor yun of ltamirlr. GI•• u.
• APl'OlD TO MISS ~v<, "SUING IS ID.lmNG" 11 l
.i 1 JL A All ::.~:a::.:. OU.
~]--Domonatratlona. three tlmea ·daily.
0 .---"*.$ 10 A.M.-2 P.M.-7:30 P.M.
· Tuts., March 4 tltrv Fri., March 7
pl'OVes two heads are better than one I Be
on elegant angel . , . a wily-windblown devil .
Change y our per sonality with t he k i ss ol' a
comb ••• ev ery time you change you,.. mood.
The s ecret's a new c ontour s hape-and-
taper technique, •• c ut, ours alone, from S1001
s hampoo & s et , from 5 .50. Beauty Salon.
7179 LIVELY HOWA!!P JOH!ISON'5 M010R LODGE n. DAllY PflOT ~•t • r t,fl&.B...£ '~-····_'":_~·-·:,_,1_.'"_''_" _"_"~M_"_ L~:;:;::;:;:;:;;;;:;;;::;;;;:;;;;::;;;;:;;::H;;;a;:rbo;;;r;:l;;;;lv;;;d.;;•:;1;;5a:;;n;:;;la;;;A;;:na;;,;;;:A;;na;:;he;;;lm;;:;;;:;;JI NEWPORT CENTER • FASHIQN ISLAND • 644-2800
• I
. .. . .
' •
• • -..
l •
I " I
• I -
• •
• 1
I .
• •
, .. '--~-.~ "'.:>·~-=-'-. VO~ 62, NO. 53, 3SECTIONS, 32 PAGES ·ORANGE· COUNT:Y, ~~IR?~NIA
J • ) -.
Apollo . Soars Into ·· Orbit .-•
• 4 ;r • .. . f>ocki~g ~ompleted; Lun ar Craft~s Debut Prepared
SALUTE? ~ No, just a space-
·man's daughter, Diana. Sch-
j weickart, telling us . how old
-:she is.
' . ... .SPACE.. CENTER, HOU!lon . (AP) -him, separated the spacecraft from the coqunand -ule forwlld llld lnmled
~ :A~Uo I -~1trona~ta, cirelida; the _ third atqe ~ and moved away a docklnJ' probe on the nose of. the
earth ·after a near-flawless launch' tc:>-about ":iO feel _ .. conwhape .,spacecraft into l -,..inch
day from Cape. Kennedy, turned their Scott turned the COlnnldd craft IJ'OUDCl docking collar on the lunar ~ rtlJl
spacecraft around, docked wllh the lunar and the crew obatrved the 1uoar module, attached to the booster ~. · •
module and prepared •to give the fragile which W8' ezposed tar the flrst "time The probe locked to the cOUar, Jolnlnc era~ its spaee debut. to the apice'void wl:)ere IL.was designed the two apace vehlcles rlgldly together .
Air Force. Col. David R. Scott, flyilli to Oy. "All right. Houston" Scott annOunctd
the command module while ~ team-Theb Scott, uiinc a guoslght device happily. "Hard dock.:' Apollo t , a eom-
mates, Air Force Col. James A. McDlvitt on hiJ~wiodow and alming at a target ple1 to-day mission which will put
and Russell L. Schwelckart rode beside on the lunar module. inched the ail-ton (See APOILO, P11e I)
Auto, Air Routes
Traffic Under ·M~sa Study
Automobile and possibly airplane traf-ts scheduled to consider the application the question arises on jet age travel.
fie will be under heavy discuss.ion t0night for filghts to Portland, Ore., and Seattle, "I've had quite 1 few calla about
as U....COsta Mesa City Council and Wash., for which 10 airlines have ao it," he aaid 81ler a story appeared
~lanning Commission meet separately far applied, wilb partial Harbor Area on the possibility. of Coeta Mesa ~pport
in Civic Center chambers and conlerenpe backing. for the Increased jeWner· .ervict-
rooms. Tbe C-06ta Mesa Chamber of C'Am-The calll, be said, were not e:iactly
Planners .will be studying bard in their merce has passed a resolution urging complimentary.
7:30 p.m. ,~on to come up with 1l approval of the 080 and 1,006-mile fights, ",And you know what?," he said, witll
route recommendation for one of five vehemently opposed by both county and typical candor 1n the fa~ of organized
possible Newport Freeway alignments Newport Beach city officials. ' ops)osltlon, "It really bothers me a lot."
on a 4.5-mile. stretch through town, Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley The mayor added that dty offlclaJs
Rumors cireulated, meanwhile, that said last week that if any presentation who fly back to the Washington hearing
foes of any Orange County Airport is made by the inland city at the CAB may make no recommendation at all,
jetliner 4'!rvice expansion mi&bt go Maring that be will make it, hinting depenciirrR on how things shape up before
before coonclhn$!0 at their 7:30 o'clock strongly at a request for approval the federal board.
Mesa Labol•et•" session~with a protest presentation. AU: California is one of the 10 Pacific TheoceUcall)', ~ means how tJie The city so far has taken no stand Northwest route ·biddefs seeking ex-strategy will be handled if Newport
on proposed Pacific Northwest flights pansion of jetliner service from the coun-Beach opponents of the Paclnc NQrillweat· •
, ' • \IPI T
PAT111CK McDlVITT, I, U,N'T 51,IP,Rl~-Yt:.N
In Seabrook, TeX., A. Pn-l•unch Pr1yw' hr
SI originating from the COW1ty facility, but ty airport and Co8ta Mesa olficlah are mg1111 appear totnnuence the CAB. panel T'---4ifies for S-· . . h d • may ask federal officials to grant the likely to back-thelil up. · in speaking qalnst them. · . ~, • n ""'""·'. as e ID servk:e at a Mardi 25 bearing in Mayor Pbitley laid lut -week that In any cue, Costa Meaa hu a ....... :: " ' . . ::. • ~ . ' ~urder-T~y·. , .. w~ A".°nauUcs~ (CAB) ~~~;:-day.~ onthe~~4.}r~~ ·~ .-._,,,.. :r~e.~··v.' . .!'"""to"=~.d!!.t~~ S..wcky·-Cyclist S.ong.ht ··.··~~sins ·-~0;·;.-~1· '-1.r; ~11~-~ _,, ~~-· · · ~~:, ~;
2 c!~~ ~ ~::~,1: . )P(Wple 'Eo gt!iher,. .f' 1
.1· b't. ~ ... '. , . ._, y:J;t~rut;
:.:~1::i'\:b v~:~ attempt which In $17 000 Mesa H e1Sl LOS "ANGELES (AP) -Wliiie· her .• -ol the Zioalltl.'" ~ ;aald """"
Felix Serwin, 31, of Omard, is listed · ' · . Nixon •IJeclar.es " son, on trial lor· h~ ;pie; biirled hil aai<ed why they moved. "W• caqldnl
1n sailsfactory con4ltlon at Hoag ' j I head . .iri liJS hajtds, Mm;Y s&-h'in r¥ve I star:r.we .CDlildn't ·even, open windoW'
Memorial Hospital today, w:lth knife •\,~t th ho sm--lo...a , .. 1. WASHJNGTON (UPI) -Prelll~ebl an emQtloqil tribUtt ol 'thin~ ·t¢aJ • orlobf1izklabots.'WOllJd.icorne toua ... r~ wOunds in the bead, arm and groin A stocky man In a motorcycle helmet w10 e man w ~ uae war Nb:on said toHay the Ap6llo 9 misslan : . , · . , , r r · • . ...
aiea•ol the abdomen. ts sought throughout the Southland today into the cl08ed Bank o1 Am\!l!Ca branch w1,o a nillejtliae that ·could bling . to the .United States, whlcli .1ave , l!tr ·. Afl'I. Sirhao _speata 1ood but heavily
:toata Mesa Police Detective Capt. Ed for the $17,000 hand grenade holdup at 2t99 Harbor ·Blvd.; 11 ~~bl1 · -not • -"b_Wna'.niiy C~" toielbec.; · 1
, • '-"??J1~ retur· .' , .. ;, . , _ . -. ' . ~-~ ~ 1 • ., • '
Glui:ow said invesU~ator1 are hampered of a Costa Mesa bank Friday n1ght, the same bandit who robbed Jt of 410,000 A White }touse 1 spokearn~, 1aid tbe 1 • We ~re _Juc~1 ~ ,t!t~ ·~ · ~ ·. · Siiban, who ·eiec.\rifled the~ rrtda7
by the fact that no names are uaed 1 urth-and lar t uch robbery l ·ty last August. chief executive 1 telephoned i~ h1S belt, we 1re .blessect .JO lhll country • -• ~ · wUh,. an, ~oti~ ,~ th•t he •. be
In the -luring ot employea· at Sakioka hlstory. gea 8 n et Bizarre robb<ry metbods•and a vilor<d wish,. to Mn. Jam,. A. McDIYltl, wile bless" Am~·'·.•• cried the mother . al\"';'.:r~111~;4~ in the
J'..arnui Inc., 14850 E. Sunflowek' Avt., Detective Capt Ed Glasggw said today motorcycle ·belmtt .med "to mat faei&l ol one o! the !bree astronauts,. jll5t: . of.filtban.Slrban, 'Ke=or lhe'Piurlfer ~. • , · ve ~ .hll
eiJJyUmecardnuniliers. features --·botb •jobs, bot before the .Apollo t liftoft.ftoln Cape of oS,en.)lobertF .. · · , · . takenthe~,lln. 5!.'1: bad ·~
Serwtn and fellow employes wert the description and proced1rre diller Kennedy Fla. • · '. ~ dncr!J,ed Ille 5~'.• famJI;. ,JJ?' w!len' . F'{idaY . the~
... ble to identify the knife attacker, N S somewhat, he said. In a statanent aner the JllADehing, 1n PaleS\ine,before ~~ rJ. the,°C'OUlf .' abt! broke doWn Jn~ , ,court
•xOepl, to describe him II I stocky ewspaper ays lmmediat.ly after the case WU Nixon said : ''111e auccess/ul JiWtchlng try in 'l941 -When thejl w~.f.okeil W~~tllew..,~ then lix
Mes1Can 'NaUonal, about 4<t years old, reported Friday nigbl, the FBI clamped (.f the Apollo. apace craft marks another to move. fro111 their ~ to ~ mua~ . ~:mi!hOiie'"if"Jii';tifW~mOVeCI from
WI\<> fived and worked at the labor camp. s e:zed Yac hte rs a tight lid of -on the amount mllestone <In the journey of man into ".~P-.. . . _, ' 11\elrliiiiiie in the old city In 1941 "wt 'fmployer Roy T. Sakioka told Officer 11 of money ta~en by the bandit who te:r-ape«:. It wu shooting, bombl.DJ,. tho ler· ~; were like the rest of the people _
Jlmes Farley he wu watching television roryzeci tbe bank staff.· "The hopes and prayers of mink.ind , · we bad DOQµng," Mn Slr.han aaid
ear1y Saturday night when he aniwered Seen :n ch:na Federal investigaotrs are called into go 111·Jth Col. Jam6 A. McDivitt, Col. ' . \ ·.. ) uw~•·t -~Ve ·~ fWe ~1 hive
• IU1ocl: at the -and found· an· ~ ~ bank _robbery C8!<3 .• and 1enerally David R. Sc1ttt and Mr. Ry ... 11 Cha rles . Edwards. ·ma-. I didn't ev.;, have bllnhtf anploye half-carrying the bloody slashing supel'Vl.!e c_lty ·police in handling tpe Schwelckart on the courageous m!*ion.'1 , • .. , • • •• · • to ~l Olt my J»Uy. We aJt:P{~pa,,--~ Yachters captured by Red Chinese subseqqeot inf!?"Jllilon. The Prdden\ •dded: "We are.proud . · ·, .. · 1 , .ttlH." .... , ,. ·.' ; •_.
· ;ue wu cut on the head, ann and gunboala two '""' ago, among them The robbery OCCUtted shortly after of thi• American, adventure;. blit tlils · To •f)rr' ""t " 1"~1h '1! i• , Tber. IJlOVed ,IJrst to ,a. conv,ut, Ilion ~een the lqs," said 5_:akioka, who .a Laguna Beacll man, have been seen ~OllngUmewhenthe~eramasbed is more 1t1wn ·an,Alrierlcan advenµite. . ~ .:Ai~Y.fl•'n ~nto··o6! roOm'.Jta ·the ,Jewilb ~
UftlUccessfully called three hospitals for alive and well 1n Communist custgdy, his way Into the bank wl~ a crowbar It Is an' ildveftture or man,· ~ni · ,. •',ln•\he' old 'clty. ' ·• ~ • i • • • ...
tlelp,._before finally drjving ~in: to a Hong Kong newspaper reported toclay. and . threatened to blow 1t up with a the accumulated wisdom or his past The board of directors of the' .United~ "It 1\f'ls Ve:Ty old 91111:·;.eira oJi! •ll
1t:t.medlcal treatment, after his laborer A peasant who asked not to be i_den-hand grenade. to the task ol sbapllig the futdre. Fund of eqsta Me1e hu lllDO&i~ the' wrei:~· frGhi boJD°bl.nc/' Mrl! &iiban
_contpanlon Oed. . tilled for fear of reprillls said he uw The ei:plosive used may have bee.n "The lo-day fllg_ht of Apollo I wilt election of Charles_ E. E4wardll to auc-sald: "We used' to go tbinty 1oi-'m.QJ.
Tbe wounded farm worker told police the group ea:erclsing OD the roof of a dummy, but no one ,took tht chance 'we hopfi, ao something more than bring ceed 1969 UF President dl!M v~ .B:a?~ ' d~I fo/ we C9l1ldn't pt ·the (~-:
lie bad bee.a in1 1 ftCbt with tbe other a three-ctory buUdlng '1lW' a new pri.lon, of challenging the bandit aa be ~d America closer to the moon · it can who resigned: • -E~en •When ...-e c. ~to thit CO\BJ'1
J1\&D while both drank earlier in the under armed guard. "IQ> cash from tellers' t:ll1i. serve ·to brlrig hlJDlanlty doter by Ba~~. a Crocker.Citiiens National BaDk (1958) •.-e were so-~· to' hirvi ''fbie
day· at the Bomb Shetter bar in Santa Speculation &iqct Simeon Baldwin, 56, Police w~re first noWieid of the case ctrp.maU'cally thowlna: what men can do executive , Who wu m~ef '· ol lat , water: My dlb~· Uled ·to-· Daidlt ra. ~ ..\08. of 1359 Cliff Drive, and' lt other persons aa • posslble attempted. burglary ~or w~eni"" Qlt~ .:bljnl to any task the be.st ' year's UF tampaign which r~·' tqilet over aod~nu:'.... ; 7"""'T--,;..
• ~ said ho won tho li!tfigbt, but the detained Feb JI by Mainland authorities " !"alicloul milchiel alter two wmien ran ol mao'r<.,U.. and beali." $1110.000, ·.II ·being lra!llfemd .4n<L !"-'!'• 1'lllot'1-.m,..11.rs_Sftlwl 'her .
111111'. reappured al the .bariacu dt]f has indicated they might• be releued into a neabr)' bowllh1 alley to i.n dtl'k ~ • • . • ' . moted with a"'" us!pment,. l\IOOii-~ em!!ll9nal ~--::&::: . I Sa~J ev··••• and .Invited· him .•ut . Jim Wenlki a man w• ~ c1IM • §•-""'-!If •· tab\ View: , · .· " • ' l Y j rl1e· defwe .. 11·. 'lo .._ that .... ....,. • IOOn. bank door. ' ·, ~ " . / ...:w ,, •r a eU' · Edwards, ·elected 1riday dtirlna ''I': 51r'baa'•cbllilboott" · :L heWas
to me the combal, thll tinie armed "I dar.ed not pay too much attention By tbe time inveftigakn ~tbe-1 • 2 ¢ I~ , tunmecin· at the Oleta Maa 1 ~try.~ f ! Y,8*ri .,, ln 1141 ...._ er1pp1et1<~ 1
wifl1 a latge knife. to them," Ille man interviewed by the swift holdup had alread1 -~ : NE\1\' YOM c.f>):.. '!lie atoct nial' Club, ls'.mknager of .tl!i Auto, C!Uli<of , .\a!IY.• ~. to the--·1,
P\l!lce aald the weapon is beli<ved -..llool.. . .Kimi Star said, adding ' that and the myllerioas robber llotl left 1he . ket clooed with . ioad bOldfftl a Vtl'f Southern Calllonlia'1-C<lota Mesi Qffl<le! ::· ..,.W.ation., · · ' ,
to be a machet. uaed in · agricultural Peoi>le'• Liberation Anny .._ with """" wllb loot laltt -uP to slight ed(' over' p1n1 l!ldat. Trading Edwanli, hia wife and • u.tr two :MrL. Sirhan'• vojce wu choked by wn submacllineguns were superviat111 the a bit-.,... 11\aO $17-"°, Capt. ·Gluf>W ""' 1a1r11 aetlve, (llet quotatleila, Pigi!S chlldrell live at GQ1 Trumbull Driv., ' 1W1 Friday , 'wlle!I 'aJie 'bepn lier ' ~ persons. said \oday. • .. 20-21). _,,, .• ·-·.Huntington Beach. , , . ,. 1.elltimonY." · ." • "~ '1 l Three )'aclJts cattying Baldwin • .Jd I ; ) : . r -
M:nrder Char ged
In Infant Death
other lunar DeW year holiday voy•gerl . . • 0
' I • • i ' r ~~~~~~b·:·:::.::: Red Rocket · ·Hi~· Hospital ,: : er.... .. ..... ~ :
-Lof-Alam'ltoe: police have filed murder
chif(es . .,atnst the father of a baby
tlrl who died S.turday of head inJuriea.
he pperales Air Stocki Ltd., .While his ,...,. · ·. ' · 1 , . ) . . .
· 'lbt charge was char!Sed lrym felony duld beating to murder wheo Del;torah
Olsc!p, two months old, succumbed in
Loa :Alamltoo General Hospital.
family malnWns • home • in Laguna
Tr ustees Stud y
Beldin 0...,,. County Jail is Richard ·Airpo N '• .
.A]len"Olloo, St, al 4111 Green st. The rt Oll!C
bO~ WU taken to the bolpiW Wed· . ~ nllht auflerint from a fradllred Hfwt>ori.llal --wW lake
alnlll.; Att.r lnvatlption, police .........i ....._. -· .........: .:....... _.... oi... Tbuiad01. • up -..... • • ..--w-to ""
· bodl oti the ldodqarta llfll<llD, and
~ . .......-llllol for ti,,,. lo 1-.! Recovered From Crash lullll 'l'Uail.; nllht-. ~ __ n. ftlU1ad1 echsltdld m••• will
11ASHJNOTOll (UPI) -Underwater be .. 7:JO p..W. tllo ..,._.,.. 1t c:o.t.
,._,. have ....-the c.ckplt M• .. HIP SChoo~ -ralrvle!J Bood. ...... '-<I« !rom a United AlrU..1 Dan Emory,-dlalrman o1 the Airport
jo1"11111<h cmhed In the Pacific Octan 1101'" Abatemanl Committee, wUI ·apaak • tt•toff trom Loi Angelu Jan. 11, ' to \he board and urge passage of a ldlllil: all a ._. aboard, ii' .ru raolutioo to -additlolJ1I jet ntghta
~ ~ay. out of Oranie County Airport
GuerriJJ.m AUack · Sai~·on B , From U.S. ~mbaSsy ·:
hoapltal is a block from the· U.S.
Embassy. 1 •
The tbW rocket la~td on a Saison .
riverfront near the Majestic Hole!, , a ~i,.. 'iaMmark at tilt end of Tl! Do
street.' 11 l<l1led a s-yeal"Old bo.Y a!!d
I wounded 1 .... ad!'ll1 '\'l"P. on the 'l"ll•
tk Sooth -i>o\ICt aald. 'II WU the..flnl'bom~ ol Silam
I 1~ ylcl Pmldcilt NllJIY<n Cao l1
al South Vletoam warned bia--alr '°'"" couJit """"" tile bomhlna of NO{lh Viet-'
J\am If the Oommuobta" naUoawlde ol·
fonalve, ....,Unu!d qalnat population
cootm. .
In Parla. allled peace ~ton lild
condemned the altelllnl ol 5a1ioo Feb.
23, opening the Communlat ollelllive,
aa a vlolllloa of t!lo Wilbhistoi>Banol
. .
' .. ............ •' "
. ' .
' -· .... __ '" -.. . ~1 .. • ' • '
. . ---.
JDAll.VPflOT C .~ .... \l ...... , • ;_, , ~ . I
Reinecke . .Ask·s Oil _Plan Advance Notice ta-WS __ .,. __ ... """' -J ......... --J
-to Jtclal&Uve ,._ Ho dld -IOl ~~m~':' ·'
'. • • .,,._!!.........,. •, _loc.,.oa~•-•d o1t11
• ···----• -......... a.11Mo.1o·11o11 SACRAMENTO -LI. <loY; Ed • w.-i 1111 · lfoo,.,t -lllld 3"i ~ke Aid today be favorf JealallUon tlt11•ta. · •. 1 •
that would compel the State Land1 ,Como , "The IOI\'~,'~ uld RllMcke, a
mWloa to itv• cohtal cities advance member of lhe J.and1 Commtalon '"ll ~ or 1U offlihore oil survey.J>ropouls. Ytr/ much envlr0nmectal qua lily-riilnd·
Reinecke Abo d11~osed that Gov. ed. 1 c::hccked wllh his office before
Reqan aupported the Lands Como we took up · the rt vocation que11tlon and
mlsllGG'l l'IVOCIUOO lut walk of permlta WU told Iha! ha felt cjulle •tnm&ly
Balboa Island
Woman, 76, ..
Burns to Death
Ir lOllN' VAi.TERZA ... 119Jfr ..........
A 71-yur~ Bllboa lllancl woman
bumecl lo d<alh ... !be bed of )1<r
1m.U frame -on Bolboa Jlllln4
Sunday nl1ht.
Mn. Marie E. Whlttlaw, who livid
•lone at noin. OnyJ AVe., WU found
dead by a l1mnon ~Y after five
Newport Beach fin \111111 reapallded lo
the fia... blue.
enaulfed bi flame when flmnen urlved'
•t 7:m p.m.
aw I~ II (tbe -I · J1ribo1i11 . \roUtdn'luve-~ "'1Mrwla.• ~ llld hi! 'bl 'lffrY -In • J k. • favor" of a measure m~ t.y
.u..mb1yman Robert E. Badluun <R·
Newport Beach): ni11-bill would forte
the Lands 'C9rnml11slorf to advise coastal
-munielpaUtle1 well ahead of ,time before
commlas!oner1 consider offshore survey
_,..,,* rr.. oil or:ap1n.ln Gr\. ·otblt
..-,laL • .' I '
8adham'1 blD -•AB m -ariRs. flam· ,.... pr.it.si. from Newport
LlllU"• l!ucb' anil San Clemente agai;;JI
lh1 Commiia:ion'I' apprOval lasl JU. 2
O! tho Shell Oil Co. peimlla.
No adv1nce notlc.e was given on th!
since-revoked pennlts, except for rouUne
-and apparently ugnoticed -com-
DAILY PILOT f'lltlf .... ,,... '111tttu
tau.-. •. ; ·lloblrtl'lillllllllll l!il · ·
••1 .would IQWy In favar n Laa! 'l'!tundiy, h yoted wllll :
Auembfym•n Badham's bUI," said• two other lcl1PI conunl!aloneta: 'h\.r
Reinecke. "There ahou.ld be adequate' una.nlmoualy revoklna lbe permJts. "I
not1ce anytime public assets ar-e put-up >-Badbam aald-today hll bl.U. 11:,JIO
for drllllng, ezploratlon or whatever." · in committee. It will be out of coml'(fittee
Reinecke was not a member of. th&-' late this month. ·»I
commlssion when the original Jan. 2 "I don't anJ.icipate any trouble wl~'-
action aranUng I.he permitl was liken. its pawge," be aald.
At lJC:I $eminar
Media Criticiz,ed ~ • .. s
For 'Bad News'
Of ... Dtlly ,, ...... "
AccusaUons that the ma11s media do
not communlcat.e and that bad news
i11 presented a11 the onJ:r news were
brought during a weekend seminar on
"The Violent American" at UC Irvine.
Television publicist Garth Hintz. spoke
of one cr1Uclml often directed at medla
The reason,
focusea where
and often the
-he said, ls television•
the crowd i1 greatest
crowd ls cheerin&: the
He too said, "All news ill bad news.
Can you imagine a ne.w1paper that just
prints good news? You can't, it would
be bankrupt in a day." .
But the professor's chief complalnt ... ~
was that the ms1111 media doe.a not com-· ·
munlcate. :· ·
Two .U.mpta by neJPl>ora to enter
the bolll8 were thwuted by inteftle beat.
Mn. Whitelaw'• badly bumod bod1
WU found 00 her bed, Fife bod bdmod throulh puts of the roof and wan..
Mr1. Maril I. Whitelaw, Who Lived Alone, Died When Flam•• Engulfed Her Home
"We are asked, 'Why do you point
your cameru at ..riarto Savio, or Cluver,
or Rap Brown? Why do· you show those
things?'" he 11ald.
Hintz, director of community relations
for KNXT-TV Channel 2, said bis answer
is, "We-show what 11 dlllerent, out
of the ordinary. We don't manage it
out of the new11."
"It is a rorm of incantation -a"·•·
repeat, repeat of cliches," he 11aid. "U ' ·,
you 've aeen one Readers' Digest, you've
seen them all, Worse., if you've 11een
them all, you've seen one."
The cauae <i ·the woman'• death w11
posaible upllymUoo.-Coroner'• Jn.
vestlgatcn, however, llid it would be
difficult lo d•lermlne cln:umllanc:ll -
rounding the acddentll dOllh -
of the body'• ....Ulkll and tlle •clmnqt
FIA 1nveo11111on Aid -1 h • blue
atariecl In 1 couch In Ille llvfnl room.
The victim wu found Jn the bedroom.
Member11 qt the woman'• fa.ndly said
she had a history of mlnor 1troke11
and was a chaln-amoku:
Two nelghbon, George Campanls of
,2161/a Onyx and James Bradley of 220
Onyx tried to break into ·the house but
flamu drove them back. Both told in-
vesUgaton they did not know anyone
:WU inakle.
Two nearby dwtlllop .,. .... dJmqed
by lhe Oamu.
A toW of tJ,000 In dlmage wu done
to a hou11e It m Onyx. A house at
218 had PIO bl ~I<·
Mn. Wblleln'S. boua<, whldl ~~
an alley, bid .. ,000 Jn damqe to the
l'!truclure and $1,500 to it.. cootents.
The body waa taken to Baltz Corona
del Mar Mortuary.
Co~ta : Mesa High
Slates Swap Meet
Students of Cott.a Mesa Hiib School
will hold a 1wap meet from 7:30 to
3:30 p.m. March 11 at the school's park·
Ing lol.
selling permits, priced al 13.00, will
be aVallable at the location.
Funds ~abed f:om the aale of permila
will be used to buy furntture rar the
istudent cafeteria,
Con.servative Union
Unhappy With Nixon
WASHINGTON <UPI) -The American
ConservaUve Union, whJch endorsed
Pre11ldent Nixon during his ca1npalgn,
is now di11appolnted. Jtl monthly newslet-
ter aald Nixon "ha11 shown no wnt or
de.ire to do much more than rearrange
thlnga." Jn particular it 1tt1cked hl11
cablnet choices and hil decision to end
patronage In the Poat Office department.
' . .
lt•llttl N. Wee4
Pru1R111 '"" M U.,,..
J1ck l , C1111lty
Vin ,rtli<Hfll 1"'111 CMllfrtl MtNttt
Tlr.1"'1' Kt1•il .. .,
Tt.11011• A. M111r,lii11•
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Pt111l N!11•11
AIYTrlllln9 DkKler
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>JO Wttf lty Sl,.tf
Mtlll11t A44ttlu P.O. lt1 ll•O, 9261• --.. ,..,...., ••-c~' nu w"t -. ... a..iH:•11• LAI ...... INKltl nl ,._tt A-
~t'-k.Ur • Jiii '"'"'
Robbery Thought
Motive in Mesa
Baker Shooting
Robbery was mentioned a11 a pos11lble
motive today in.the llhooting of a Coata
Mesa baker, alleg'edly by an ex..employe,
ThurSday a11 the hunt continued for the
armed suspect.
Detective Gerry Thompson went to
t b·e District Attorney 's offlce today to
uk for a warrant charging Eug'eiie
Smith, 23, with attempted murder and
possibly attempted robbery.
Smith is wanted ln connection with
. the ' •hooting of wmam Cronacher' 53,
owner of the German Home Bakery,
134 Commercial Way, who was wqunded
·" a Single; ·..31 cllJber bullet. lrhe victim, of 204 Albert Place, Costa
Mesa, iS -·iisted tn aaUsfactory condition
today at Hoag Memorial Hospital, folJoy,·.
left elbow.
tng 11.1rgery to mend a wound Jn the
Poli ce aald Cronacher identified his
assailant 11 Smith, a Santa Ana resident
who lived for a Ume at the Elecutlve
Suite Mot.I, 20IMl Newport Blvd .• Costa
Mesa, while employed by the victim.
An anonymous telephone topgter sent
Patrolman Bob Al'rlOld to the bakery at
closing time !J'hunday night. ifter hear-
ing voices in violent argument, then a
single gumh<J!. •
Cronaeher told the officer he \~as about to close up, but went outside to find
Smith loitedng and 11ald he was ahot
aft'!r asking the suspect what he wanted
in the area.
Detective Capt. Ed Glasgow said today
that it appears Smith may have shot
Cronacher during an unsuccessful ro~
bery attempt, but t h I s theory is n o t
Investigators have not revealed lhe
circumstances uhder which the ex·
emp\oye left his job, but Capt. Glasgow
said Frklay that there wu no known
ill will between the two men.
From Page 1
to urge the CAB to grant the fiigbls,
v.•hich are twice the distance recom·
mended in a 1tucly on the airport's
The Pereira master plan foc county
aviation lists the present facility a11 a
Metroport, which should generate fllghta
of about 400 miles, but no Jong,range
service. .
Most of the other agenda Items to
be covered by the council In tonight's
session are of much more local impact,
including rezone pet!Uon1 and a ma11ter
plan of bicycle ways.
Just a few feet away in conference
rooms, th e Planning Commission wlll
be sbldylng what route they will recom,
mend the 11tate to adopt for ~ Route
SS freew ay throuih the elty.
No action was taken at a public hearing
Thurllday on the Newport ·Freeway route,
which present pl1n11 Indicate to run right
down q:istlng Newport Boulevard, an
allgnment generally opposed.
11'1e plaMers adjourned until tonight's
meeting, .. klng city ezperil to have
complete data rudy on the impact to
the city of. trafnc now caused by the
»<1lled Red Roule.
The R e d Route 1wlnp o u t westa-ly
f1"ll\ the pr-.tJJ odopttd n>Ute, IWly
ltom the downtown bualntu district.
and would take out mOltly houaf3 and
aporlmenll If adopled by the state.
Hunt for Lost Scouts
BJG BEAR (AP) -A 11t1rch continued
t.odly for four Loa Anatle.s Explorer
Scout.I and lM lr leader missing nine d1y1
a hope still waa held out Uiat they
mlgtn hl\'e found sheller f r o m
Carpenter also presented his own
theory of violence.
From Page 1 But other• in a Friday night panel
discussion felt television, and otliec. mus
media, manage violence into the news.
He said it is a peculiarity of sight,
among the sen11es, that It leads to detach-,
ment. He said a literate societ3 is ."' APOLLO COMPLETES LINKUP • • . . . . capallle of presenting great violence Ill ··
a form d. entertainment without creatin&
involvement. Ameiica on the threshold of a 'moon
Janding or slam the door indefinitely,
w~ punched by the 35-story Saturn 5
rocket into orbit through a heavy cloud
cover, at the precise minute scheduled.
GroUnd controllers reported the orb.it
varied only slightly from the tl•mile
circular orbit planned months before.
The Apollo 9 crew reported two minor
problems early in the flight, but ground
controllers said they were not concerned.
The on-board computer failed to give
the pro.per readings on the spacecraft's
speed and position, but it was updated
and corrected from the ground. Later,
McDivltt reported tha~ a helium pressure
tank wa1 trigg~C...J.he mas~ alarm
,system on bolird f'wheoever JI.II tern.
perature drop~ th i;., low ~int and
before the heaters turned on.
The Apollo 9 crew's job is the most
demandlng ever shouldered by American
spacemen. During the next four days
they will le.st the lunar module, or LEM,
a fragile, spider-Uke spacecraft designed
to land men. on the moon, but which
hall never been fJQwn manned In space.
If tests by the Apollo 9 crew prove
the craft's design, an American crew
is to land on the moon in mld--iummer.
If LEM fails in ii.II debut, America's
goal of landing men on the moon in
this decade could be set back for many
The launch was precisely as planned.
with lhe. huge first stage Saturn 5 engines
ignJtlng and !creaming up to their full
7.S million pounds of thrust as scheduled.
The huge rocktt was fettered to earth
momentarily while the engines roared
to full power, and then it slowly started
to lift away from ib. launch pad, riding
a tail of fire twice its au.root length.
The roar of the world 's mightiest
rocket rattled windows for miles around
the Cape Kennedy launch site as the
3.1 million pound monster left its earthly
perch and roared out o[ sight through
the clouds. Roads and other vantage
points ln the area were jammed with
pe:rson11 who gathered to v.·atch the
thundering start of the marathon flight.
Ll£torf came exactly at 11 a.m., the
um·e of day planned months tietore,
but three days later Lhan expected. The
launch wu delayed from Friday, lhe
originally scheduled date, when the crew
contracted severe colds. Fll&ht IUJ'geons
said Monday the crew was healthy and
As t~ huge rocket flashed into 1pace,
Schweickart, a JJ..year-old who's waited
more than five years for his fir11t space
trip, exclaimed to the ground: "And
the rookie !Jays that looks beautiful."
The LEM, a fragile space virgin which
i11 helpi4!S11 against the brutal forco
of higti..speed travel through lhe earth's
atmosphere, was protected during launch
by melal ahroucb: enclosing it like
shieldin1 haodll.
The craft rtdes attached to the top
of the 848, third stage of the Salum
5 booster. Above it in the spaceship
is the command service module, c1rry·
ing the crew.
Once in orbit, Scott, the command
module pilot, separate11 the command
and service module from the launch
vehicle, turns the spacecraft around and
fl ies bAck to lht LEM.
Scott, like a driver carefully putting
his car in a garage, then pokes a probe
on the 1l05e or the coDHhaped command
module into a 39-i.nch docttng collar
on the LE~f.
The probe Ind conar lock foCelher,
the LEM is spring~jected from lb
orblUng nest, and the spidery space-1,e
ship of erplor1tlon start.s: a test run
of the job It was created to perfonn.
The: Apollo • LEM faces I brutal
test of lta mettle. During the nen four
daya Mc:Dlvitt and SChwelckart will
transfer from the comm•nd module
through a tuiinel formed by the docking
collar Into the LEM. Scott will be left
behind to fly the mother 1hlp1
McOivltt and Schweickert wlll test all
the LD.l systtms. They will fire the
9,870spound thrust LEM descent engine
on Wednesday while the command
module rides piggy back atop the moon
On Thursday, Sci11~cickart will open
the front hatch of the LE~1 and step
out into space. For almost two hour~.
the red·haired spacen\an will "1··::1lli"
in space.
The LEM will separate from the com-
mand module for the first time Friday
and fly on its own. Mclllvitt an4.
Schweickart will gllide the flimsy craft
through a complex series of rendezvous
which will carry, the LEM more than
JOO hatardous miles in space 1way from
the mother ship.
Coordinator for the seminar Joseph
Boskln complained that when 50,000
marched on the Pentagon ~y 300 threw
themselves against federal tn>ops but
television camerp.s foclil!led on them and
ignored the 49, 700 others who m!l.rched
Principal speaker, UC Santi Cruz
Professor Edmund Carpenter, men,
tioned U1e d/sparlly someumu between
\\'hat is vie1ved at home ver11wi actual
attendance at a public event. ·
He $8.id the person at home thlnkll,
"I'm glad J wasn't there, I Would have
been crushed by the crowd," whOe
persons who are there react, "ls that
all? I wish t had stayed home-and
seen ii on television."
·0 1n an electronic world I don't bavt ~.
an identity," he 11ald. "I am Romeo.""
Now I am Juliet. Now I am a cat
cowering behind a garbage can. It's
very hard for me to have a position,
to ketp a point of view."
He suggested that \ iolence becomes -.
a remedy for the socially invisible -
a way of proving that they el.lst. Thwi
the Black Panther11 became visible when
they walked into the State Assembly
armed. Young people without identity ¢.
become visible by letting their hair grow, -
Televison's Hlnb said that with '
miniaturization it is becoming possible .....
to take cameras an~·here. ~
McDivltt and Scbweickart will be bet·
tin'!'. their lifflll on ,the ability of the
LE~1 and the command module to come
back together again. Should the LEM
or the conunand module be unable to
complete rendezvowi, the moonshi.p duo
would perish. LEM i11 too flimllf to
Fo1·eign Students at OCC ··
return to earth. ·
Only the command module, with its
heavy heat shJeld is able to make an
earth landing.
Seek A11ie1·ican Homes
The rendezvou11 sequence is a simula·
lion of the maneuvers planned for crews
whn will fiy the LEM from the moon's
surface. The lunar module is designed
to ftrry two men from a 69-mile orbit
of the moon, land on the barren surface,
support the crew while they explore
on foot, and then retum them to the
slill orbiting mother ship.
Burglar Gets $200
F1·om Cash Register
A burglar pried open the front door
of a Costa Mesa gift shop and stole
neariy $200 from the cash register, police
discovered Sunday ni&ht.
Elizabeth M. Olson, owner of Memory
Lane Gift Shop, 2300 Harbor Blvd.,.
notified GCncer Jame11 Farley oC the
case, saying nothing but money was
Hobart Kay, only 16 Y'ars olrl, !~
a 11tudent at Orange Coast College.
Rec~tly arrived frorp his native
Singapore, Kay is looking for a place
to live.
Temporarily he is ataying at tho hon1e
of U Kyaw \Vin. counselor and ror~!:'n
student advisor at the college. But he
\\'ould like to Ji ve ~·ith an An1erican
~Jost like Mari Ogawa , ZO..ye.ar-old honor
stu'l!!rrt in compute?: scitnce, from Japan.
Miss Ogawa stay11 with Mr11. Mary
Nichol, 17112 B St., Hunt ington Beach,
and does baby sitting and housekeeping.
Another foreign student, JohaMes Sof·
fian, 19, from Indonesia, Jives with his
uncle, Fritz Hartnankok, 584 Plumer SL,
Coata Mesa.
The luckier of Orange Coast College'11
60 foreign students live with familie11 ,
say1 Win.
"One of the worst thJng1 that can
happen Iii for them . to come here t1nd
live in an apartment with other foreign
students." Win said. "They don't learn ·.
about American homes."
_ He said only about 15 of the foreign:,·
students are living with families. Pttost
of the others are, of necessity, living
together. •
Win, Bunnese by birth and once a
foreign student himself, .s.aid, "t wish
the community would make home5 open
to them. Or invite them o~ . .,
\\'hat are the foreign sluuent:; like? .
Kay, Miss Ogawa and Soffian all plan ·.
to continue their 11tudies at 4,year col;. :,
leges after CO.Iflpleting OCC. 'Then they
will each return home to their nati ve
Kay said 16 is norn1al college age
In Singapore. He is sturlrtng busineM
because "with business background you . ,
can expand wherever you \\'ant to."
Miss Oga"·a will tran11fer next f11\l·
to UC Berkeley and stutiy con1pi1ter ,
programming. "In future ycnrs it \Vi ii ,
be very useful. We haven'L had It.IOI
much yet in Japan," she said.
'' •• ·~·· •,··. ·,,,·' • • • 7 ••••••••• I
e ring• sized and repaired
~ diamonds and precious 1ton11 remounted
•pearls reitrung
COSTA MISA 141.9415
, ' I •. • ' I • ~ I '•. • • • • • .' \ • ~ ' ' '' "<\ • 'I
' l
• . ' ••
. • -·
d ,., ·-
. :•
-. ,
. . ' Tougher Rt1f1!s . . '
• • BY "
1 WILLl~M,
Coastal_ Cities ~ --
W~--lil flie 1nu-
·~Jo~n Oil ·Ba~tle
· Sometimes il apptars th'at cer-
tain 'topics are go"!g 'to be dis-
cussed into oblivion or :studied to
death and certainly ~the civic cen·
ter is one of those topics.
Yet, there ,fs an encouraging
sign because loday the city ad"
ministnrlor is asking the council
to apprQVe hiring a firm to-make
a study of the space needs in the
future civic center. Cost is $15,000.
It's a lo( o{ monef, ·to be sure.
and yet whaf would be the cost of
finding out after the center is built
that it could and should have been
* Huntington Beach has amassed
an excellent city staff, well quali-
fied persons who daily accomplish
much for the city. But they can't
qualify at every task and some-
times an independent review is a
good thing.
The city planners have looked
al the space needs as have mem·
hers of the ULI Committee, but
Miller is doing the right thing in
asking for this outside l'eview.
Mayor Alvin Coen observed re-
centlrtftet establishment of a new
ciVic center may well be the out ..
standing accomplishment of the
present council and that the job
ohould be done well.
* Bill Brazney, who is known as
many things -from the potato
chip man to civic leader and for·
mer president of Golden West
Homeowners Association -now is
peddling baseball bats and stuff
over at Brookburst and Garfield,
I discovered by accident last
1· Was out looking at0the ~ect .
of all the rains and decl~ed to .stop at the shopping center there to
see how the new building fared in
the downpour when I saw Bill in·
side this store pra~icing golf.
.He told me to go a~ay fearing .
that his wife Ruth might find out
bl)W he really operates the busi·
nesS, but being half~rowned I
went in anyway for a cup oC cof·
fee or two.
* It seems the place is becoming
the east side social center and Bill
claims he is giving away more
coffee than he is selling sporting
goods, but. I suspect what Bill is
giving away is h i s btand of
hwnor. That ought to crowd the
place every weekend.
• By .JEROME F. COLLINS /"; c:oolerence of ..... :ioo city llllllqVI. or .... ~" ,, .. ,,.,. 1 J& tncluded a speclaJ meetlna on
MONTE.REY;__: Encouraged by the oflthore qi!. problems jointly c.Ued by
state's revOiCation last weel" of all Newport .City 'Manager Harvey L.
o£fJbore oU eqilorallon permitJ, Newport Hurlburt and Laaima City Manqer
Beach and Laguna Beach authorities Jalhes p, Wbea~on.
have tined up support from all California Tbe session, attended by coutal
coastal clly managers for tougher drilUng mamlclpll administrators from F.ureka
prohibitions. · on down to San Ditto. wu aimed at
The" campaign WU taking place here diJPell!Qg "a falle le.Die cl aecurity"
at the Calllomia.µasue ii Cltlea' aooual lllOllY'city officials have about IC>CllJed
oil lallduaries, Hurlburt esplalned.
Wins Heritage
Essay Award ·
. '
A seventh l~vel student picked up
the Februacy sweep_$lakes prize in the
American ·Heritage ~ay contest at
Wardlow SCbool of the Fountain Valley
School District.
DairyJ Robbins received a PS U.S.
Savings Bond and an American Heritage
book for hif. effort titled, "I am the
backbone of .Amerlca."
Students were asked lo write an essay
on the theme, "Today's Youth • Tomor•
row's Backbone or America."
The contest wu <»-sponsored by
Wardlow School and the parent-teachers
group. -
Other contest winners include : fifth
level, Kathy Eisenzimmer, Lind a
Grushoo and Don Whan ; sil"th level,
Jim Mahan, Jeffrey Diercksmeier and
Mari Vaara.
Seventh level, Sheree • Huber, Jett
Galland! and Debbie Whan; and eighth
level, Vicki SbaW; 1'iJD Weiss and Chril
J arrett.' .
Judge:i were MrL Douglas ~eyer11,
district trustee; Robert Sanchis, educa.
tional services administrator; Dan bolan,
Lamb S<hool principal; Miaa Pat Taylor,
coordinating teacher at Wardlow School,
and Mrs. Robert Wyman, PTG represen-
Marina t;aptures
Sclw.lar 11 onors -
M>tina High SchoCl'1 s'choiar Bowl
team took top honors at the 1st DivtsioD
of tlle 1969 Jt!~8fls Bowt competition
held at Brea-Olinc1J UnlOn High School.
The Kiwanis Bowl, sp;>nsored by the ·
Kiwanis Clubs of Orange County, is pat·
terned. after the General Electric College
Bowl seen on televi~on.
The Marina scholars • Shilt Cairn,
Chris Leland, Rhonda Martyn, Pat
McMahon. and Judy Presson ·answered
a barrage of questions concerning a
myriad 0£ subjects, including history,·
literature. the arts, current affairs, scien-
ce and sports.
They clinched the 1st Division cham·
pionship by deiealing ~ from Buena
Yark, Savanna, 4 Quinta, Brea-Olinda,
Pacifica, Rai\cbo Alamitos and Sad·
dleback High Schools.
The Marina students won the right
to compete in the Orange County Kiwanis
Bowl finals to be held in five weeks.
Hurlburt and Wbeatoo 1pponnlly Kl
them rilbt-. · .
"111ey just weren't aware of. what'•
going on behind the aceoes and dldn't
know the implicaUOlll of oil expiollltlon
in federal waters," aa1d .ffurttlurt later.
He and Wheaton pointed. oat to the
gathering that ooce oil ls pwnped from
federal waters adjacent to s ta t o
sanctuaries, the state, by law, could
be forced to move to protect !ta own
cootiguous oil pools. This means drilling
would be permitted within lhe state
"We brought e~eryone up to date on
what Orange County is doing, and we
told them about (Assemblyman Robert)
Badham's bill," &aid HW'lburt.
Badham. oloog with &ale Sen. Jobn
G. Schmitz (!\'Tustin), ls &pOMOring
legislation that would require the State
Lands Commission to give. advance DOticl
to coastal agencies on all future requests
for. "geological surveya" In waters en-
c:ompass<d by the Shell-Omnlngbam Ad.
The Lands Commissioo I as t week
r e v o k e d ·permits granted Jan. 1
to Shell Oil Co. and seven otLer firms
for core hole drilling off Newport·Beach,
San Clemente and other cities.
The coastal city mJJlagers agreed to
present a united front agaimlt oij industry
intrusions into state tidelands, Hurlburt
A full·fiedged convocation within a few
weeks in SantR• Barbara was also ap-
proved. "We will invite state legislators,
city councilmen and municipal ad·
minlstrators to the affair, which wlll
probably last two days," HurJburt 1aid.
"We want everyone to know what'• going
on and what ·hU to •be ~done on the
&late and lederJll level to obtain greater
cootrols over ihe oil industry.
"And we want tbe convocation to take
place in Saota Barbara so all those
attending can 1take field trips and see
the "'1Jlls of the problem... '
Hurlburt said he and Wheaton we.re
toextremely pleased» thit the LaJids
Commission •bad reacted so swifUy to
protesls against the Shell Co. pennlls.
''This: should lpW' us on, knowing that
the state ii so responsive to our con-
cerns. ''
Professor Blames
Subsidy Program
For Oil Problem
SANT A BARBARA -'Ibe real ea use
behind the disamoua Santa Barbara
Channel oil blowout lies ln a tangle
of ml<guided subsidies -paid for by
the hapless taxpayer · -making It pro-
fitable for oil companie:i to extract high-
cost oil they would otherwise leave alone,
says Or. Walter J. ?t1ead, professor of
economics at the University of California
al Santa Barbara.
"A halt to drilling and tighter anU·
pollution rules Will probably tast only
until public outcry has died down," Dr.
Mead said. "But firms that may delight
In cl.rcumventing rerulations will respond
quick1y to the reniovaI of their profit
An authority on economics of ocean
mineral resources and l!ihale oil pro-
duction, Dr. Mead said the price of
crude oil in the U.S. is sustained by
eubsldies at an artificially high level.
"This results in misallocation of na·
tional resources, weakening our nation
--including national defense -and
depressing the standard of living through
buroens upon the taxpayer and coo-
D. Mead summariz.ed foor ways ln
"hich the U.S. govemmenl tampers with
the fne market.
I. The depletion allowance. It cull
by atxiut half the tax ra:te oil J!f"OdUcers
would .CJtbenrise pay. Intended· to
sUmulate aploitation of oU resources,.
tt bas worked ao well that If all U.S.
oll reaerves we.re tapped at efficient
rate1, oversupply would force down
priCt!I. This has led to a second io-
terference with the free market.
2. ProraUonlng. At' oil company urpng,
lta1e governments ;have restricted pro-
ductloo to •eep up prjcee. For ~pie,
ootput In Ttxaa ls llmited to 4U pen:.nt
of efficient rate.
01' Ladfl Hipbott.om
3, F0ttlgn oil. Royalties paid to foreign
governments are offset . against Income
tai:es, rmdtbur: in highly proCitable oil
flnlu paying 111Ue or no U.S. inc:ome
an income tu rate of about 50 percent
But Standard ii New Jereey, llrgest
U.S. oil company, pa)'ll ltoollld 4 pen:.nt;
Stand1Td of C.llfornta pa)'I lea than
•I percml; liid tho• llr,..i oU c:om-
ponla pay 111ghtl)' more than l·pen:.nt.
-tupaier..,beidlled lorefcn oU ... plol\l'Uon II oo .-Ing tt led the
U.$. iovermnmt to 1a1!e -• '°""" &ermfUUre. ' I George Arnold of Huntlngton Beach dlsplays trophy be·W<>nin-Watts
Parade for clown characterization of 01' Lady ~Hlpbot!oln. The ..,.
dent art of clowning has becorIM a.lull Uma thing w11h George, a
familiar figu re in downtown secllon.s of Huntington Beach.
" i •
4. lmPol'I quo1u. n,. with mu,
« ·no forelcn IUjlplles "'°'ailed -
Conlrw In 11111 to -lmporll, again to keep up price"
HER liUllT"fO~ S)Rlfl6;.:DUAATIC
OF THE SWOll ••• .( REAi. DRESS •
• WE FQTURE, RIGHT, OBl·SASl!el, . ' ' NECK·SLASHED DR1ii9$, 70.00, OVER ·~• I
Oii-iNFLUENCE, 70.00. 6-IZ
FROM lm>'TO 4tOO P.M.AT •
' I
' ,)
PHONE e.u-aeoo
• •
An adverUsement in a per&onal
column of the Times of London
said : "An aging roue with a pen·
chant for kippers with white wine
over the crossword puzzles for
Sunday brunch, seeks lady with
1imilar tastes. Object matri·
mony." • A bill introduced in the Colorado
state legislature de signed to ban
minors from poo1 halls ·was shot
into tlle side pocket when House
Speaker John Vandarhoof sent the
measure to the Agriculture and
Livestock Committee. Legislative
expert& explained it was a tactic
sometimes used to kill a bill. •
-Girl Scout Linda Flokt, 10, feeds
thil ba.by elephant tome of the fam.
ous (or infamous deptnding on what
side of the bu.Ung 1101.f're cm) cookie•
in hopes that it ma11 produce con-
test winning 1't1tdt$. Her troop from
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., auggeated tM
name "Cookie" for the 5-month-old
pacyderm. • The Vl1countu1 Stormont went
into an exclusive Mayfair Jewel·
er's and was shown a brooch she
had lost more than 'nine months
ago. A check with the jeweler's
reconls showed they purchased
the brooch from Mra. P•trlcl•
Re ick•rt. Mrs. Reickart admitted ·
she found the brooch, valued at
$1,440 under a car outside Lady
Stonnont's London house last May
and later sold it to the jewelers
for $9611. •
Trmulator for Prtrid.tnt Nix·
on on Im vfait to Romt WI a
Penmyloonta houstwife-hirtd
by the Italian goVtrnmtnt. SM
is Mrs. Vivian Bonaccor1t Ltwir.
mother of two, who was born in
Italy and worktd for the ooo-
trnment thert before htr mar·
rio.ge four t1ears ago to Edtoa:rd
David Utmi, a Philadelphia ar·
chitect. Even though rht livt1 in
America now, tM Italian ooo-
tmmtnt lutps her on call aa a
frte·J.ance tram:lator.
• British comedian Johnny Pact
doesn't )1lind people stealing one
of his jokes occasionally but now
E.omeone has gone too far. Pa~
filed a complaint with London po-
lice that a thief had stolen all his
jokes-3,000 of them-which were
locked in a suitcase in his car. "It's
worse than losing I.he tools of your
trade," Pace ~aid. "I'll have to
manage on the 200 or so jokes I
can remember off pat."
• MondOY. Mm,, 1'!69
Retu,.,.. io ··v.s. •
Nixon Sees· New
• ' WASIDNGTON !UPll PJ'ffldenl ·
Ni1;on was back in the White House·
today convinced that his elght-Oay Euro.
pean tour helped solidify the We11tem
alliance and Improve prospect, fot rtduc-
ing East-Wut tensloru.
The Pre!ldent told a cio~d of shivering
welcomerl!I at nearby Andrtwa Air Force
Base Sunday night ht returned coofldent
America and her European allies "are
going to be able to develop some new
understandings with. those who in the
put have opposed UJ on the other side
of the world." ·
Nixon i!ia.id he wa1 most impreised
by the "new sense of trust" he det.ected
dtuing hLs travels to five naUons last
"I sensed . • • a new trust en the
part or the Europeans ln themselves,
growing out of the fact that they've
had a remarkable recovery, econblcally
and politically as well as in their lnititary
strength since the devastation of World
War II," he said.
"And aiao I sensed a new trust In
the United Slates lll"OWinl out ol lhe
fact that they feel 'tn.<e .U opil1 chSll·
nel' of,.coromunfcajjona wJtb the United
Statti and a new .enee of consultation
with .the United Sta tea."
TM Pruklent wu clearly 'pltaaed by
the 1'Sulil of bi.I trip. He WU in a
bantuln(, good-natured mood during lhe
nln<>hour IUghl holne from llomt, where
he met with J'opc Paul VI. .
And ht was dellght.ed wJIJ\' the wann
reception he received at the airport
c!MPlla the ~Htor cold. Vice President
Spiro T. J.gnew, ~g an oflldat
delq:aUon ol cabinet members 4l>d con·
gttaglona1 Ieai:ters, s~d the President's
trip signaled "a new maturity" in
American foreign policy.
Moments before he spoke, Agnew sU~
ped an a patch of ice and cut bill
nose but the injury Wai not serious.
Nixon planned to devote most of his
attention today to dornntlC work l!Uch as
signing olfidal papers. He 8Chedule<t a
meeting Tue!day of tbe Nollonal Security
Border Clash Worsens
USSR-Chinn Relations
MOSCOW !UPI) -Tho Soviet Union
charged today that more than DI
Chinese Communist troope: attacked
Rlwlan bord.,. poola north ol Vladlvootok
Sanday, kllllng or wounding an
unreported number of Russian border
ln a note to the Peking government
the Kremlin warned "The Soviet pvenr
ment reseves the right to take resolute ·
measurt1 to baJt provocaUons on the
Soviet-Cblnese borders." Peking rejected
the note and warned of countermeasures
of Ila own.
8-week Teachers
Strike Ends at
SF State College
San Francisco State Colle1e te11.cher1,
warned to return to work immedJ11.tely
or face cancellation of their cl11.SSe1,
voted Sunday nl&ht to end their ei1ht.
week walk®L
Gary Hawkins, president of the local
union of the Amer:lcan Federation of
Teachers, said details of the vote would
be announced at a news conference to-
day. He gave no further information.
Members of the AFT, which repnisents
about 300 or· the lldiool'• l,300 faculty
memben:, "Went on atrlke Jan. 6 to
back dmands for improved salaries and
benefits. • ·
* * * Berkeley Strike
Sanction Okayed
BERKELEY !AP) -Studenta returned
today to the University of California
after a quiet weekend during which strik·
ing teachers won full &trike 58.nction
from the leaders ot their statewide group.
The executive committee of the
California Federation of T e a c h e r s ,
meeting Sunday night In Los Angeles,
voted to saneUon the strike by Berkeliy
graduate teaching assistants belonging
to the AFlrCIO American Federation
ol Teachers Local 1570.
Text d the note was published today
by the news agency TaM. It described
the most serloua Sino-Soviet battle ever
olllclally reporte<J and it l•ld the Russian
people the attack was a "gangsUr raid"
on Soviet fronUer guards.
The fighUng Sunday on a frozen section
of the 5,000-mile border was one of
the most criUcaJ developments between
the two Communist giants since their
ideological spilt nearly 10 yearg ago.
Each said the other was re11poneible
for the clash near Damansky Island
on thfl U 1111 u r i River in far eastern
Ruula, along a disputed and undefined
secUon of the Soviet-Chinese border. Both
•Ides suffered casualties.
For the first time, the Kremlin told
Ila people Soviet troops used tanks and
artillery Jn the "extremely grave armed
(Peking, in a broadc&t monitored In
T o k y o and Honi: Kong, warned the
SovJets: "If ycu abould wJlfuUy cling
to your recklm course and continue
to provoke armed conflicts along the
Sino-Soviet border, you will certainly
receive resolute counterblows rrom ~the
Chinese people.")
Ike Snaps Back
But Still Weak,
Doctors Report
WASIDNGTON (AP) -The right
medicine and a tough constitution seem
to be effectively combating t h e
pne umonia that attatked former Presi·
dent Dwt&ht D. Eisenhower during hill
recovery from major 1nJrgery.
But .. be'a sUll qui~ weak,'' a high·
ranking Walter Reed Anny HOllpltal
15pokesman said. ''He'• 'Jot lo eat and
get IOIDe otrenglh bacli; 7
And his d<>ci«s rej>Ort<d that "the
area of pneumonia In the right lung
base ls markedly dimlnlsbed."
He ate a IGUd, if soft meal Sunday
-his first «titer nearly two weeks of
llquid nourishment.
Pneumonia-the kind often contracted
while recuperaUng front surgery -was
a ~ for the 7f.year--0ld general
as he was rtCOvering from high.risk
,iurgery to releave an intestinal obstruc-
Snow Burie·s N~w England
Coast Weatherman Say: 'More Rain Today!'
,.,_ ...... cloudln!H n IJ~ -· "'*fl! Sou!N!'ll c..tlllornl• lodtv ,,..,..
wit,, IV'l'Y WIMs Ind <°"'"'< '°""" ...
f\ll'ft. A ~ tigM 1"~•1 Wfrl .... ~ llffr h "'O<l"'91ns wllll 11'<1W flu.,,., eiir.. Ille J,CIOll fool ...,.I.
L111 A"9•1et. 11111 io.r11v clouctY si:le1 wlfll' (None. er, ,...., 1P<<nt les .,,.1,., .... -r "'-" mcio.inttl"'· II W.• ttlth!f'.t ~· wlfll to111v•1 lilt'h •' Tit• Ctv•r
("""r tf fJ, "°"'" frl:lf'! Sundt~
"''";"""" ti/ t•. f~ '(J'OO ,,,,.1,,,, "'1" t.. t rot.tro:I U. l ""re W'ltft 1U•lv wlfldt l\191ow tt'lt <tnv-do!'c...-11119 lorllth'.
'tl'le.-e W'ltl • '° ... rc~n1 cM"<• "' ~ .. \«My. d~1n1 to ltu flltn 10
ptTUl'lf h•'"'~' nt. Air Poll~!<o~ (:l)lll•tl "lt!rkll
~ n& Im&:! '" !kt Los Mtelt t 111)11 flldtJV.
Tho! -~'"°"'', J•tll hid Hrlll' UluCIY 1~1ft w1'11 10AIY wlll!h.
Tiit hi• 11 Ill• l>ettiw. -"9 1blut
I! wltlt n,. w1•t1 !t"!'llltrllure t i Jl.
'"""" ~ ~ nu.,.,., ,, ti.,.
"' "" ~"·~· w '" .,~,., '""''' ... ,....ni. ,.,...,, ...... !"' ~··· .,_
,,. Mttrh h.cl ,,,,,,,, ....,,.., "'"*
wffll IK1t blow'"oM '"'' •"If Ii.Ill ~ •fW"d "" ~ .... -Utfflt,, Mllht W'ltfl 111 1'>t J)I 1~ ""' 1,1-.,.n.n ,,,. I" *"' ~ tit tell lilt .,.. ..,.,,.,. 'Nllfvl.,
f .. cemmuttll'f ef ""'IT'i i Wt' !!'!II
f!1' "" tMlklo!'I "°' _,, ~~ ........ 111
Tl'lt U.I WMll'ltr llil'f1t•• ... eM!cf·
Jolt r1t11 attlll illlr 1111 l~v·•d•~ •"" ~rjd.ay wtl't Vle'I' lt tt.. mov~1,,~, '°" ~,..11.t .. t ,,..,.,r,,, ""'° ·~ l"''"
0etree1 ti.low -1. ~ hlfll:I SimHv •rid •·~11•
~·'"""""' l'O'Jtv l11Cfildlol~ ~ 1•1!11 11,._, ... "'' M..,lu 416& turt..r~ ••
..._ Ml. WllWI ,..... '''"'"" ~, H. lt!w"lft u-Jll, ltt lm JtPlflft '' 111.
hl.:.tr"llltld tUf:. "" Olfto ,1.,1, $e11!1 t 1l'tllr1 ,.._.
Metfty '"""' ... ,,. • l !ltl'tt -·bl~ llY Ill tf~ .,.,,.,. ,.,,,,. ""
m.11 tolSIY. w1~·110r1tt-llr1Y. Jt • tD kii!lll. ,.,.,..,.., ,...,., ll lo '9.
YlllwUY'I ...,,_..lu .... t I II t t d
'"""" • hWt Ill • .. • lew Ill .. 1'11111111 ~tfllrt ,._ ..... ~ .. .., •.
'"' ....... "'"""'"',. ..... , Jl..e .... -Sun, /lfooN. Tiiie•
~ '°"' ..................... 11 ~ hi9ft . t . u '·"'· •J TUlSllAY
1<111t low •. 1·11 ''"'' 1 t ,,.,, """ M('ll'llll IOW ••
~ flltfl .
' l ·l.1 •1¥1.j.l
S:10 •·""· a.l ..•. ,, •·""· . ,
M.-... .,. J.J7 '·'"· S.11 1;11 '"'· IUft llJMI 6;llt t ,m, h~ J:JO t .11'1.
''" Ltt! •. Mtr. f /Nt. JI "" flint •• Mlt. II /'Mt, ,.
v.s. Summa.,,
s-~ lflt mlOOi. .\lf•llfk Cont 111!11 -.otl'ol"'I p,;..,.. 11191111!1 ,.._
d""1 .. -n .-1'hl ...,. t e11tr11
Pltlftl, wlltre •1 11WC!1 H !ellr lrlcPlf,J
11141 f<C\l"'ltll"' '" N rft flf ""'
,_ '•l'lhllldlt, lr:tlllh '"" Cit ... ·-·
l olse ·~"' Clllct to
Clt,...lt M .,.,,_
De. McllMt De!toll
Fl)t'I Wortto
'~~ """" H-IUllJ Houstoft
k t n.tt Cllv l •s v.,..
l • "'"""' M11m!
,Mltw•~~ MtMM~;,
.._Or~ ...
0.•19 "'11
°"""' ''" ltet11n
·-"""'"'• ~ _.... tor PftW 1'11Re4tf"'l1• Yort. C-1lcvl ,,,. 10tll!ltftl N-,..,_,,,,.
IE11911"4 11'1111 tl'ICll"'tr «"!ff' 1lo""' 'lrbl:M.trttl
IM'e!ilf!ll .. 111 "" s-lo 1111 Ptr MS!> '°""""' em ti.ti.a. lt.,.W Cl"'
lttl~ ll'rMdl"' tlont ltll f'K1'iC. lt-
Cot1l wi t •~lti! to l'Mdt teMV S.c~1-IO
kll/IP,.,1< C.llllirft141 flldfV. $1. LOI.Iii.
Tiit,. _, r•t" '" 11<1111 ef Altbt~. • s.n..,.1 Lovltlt,.. t nd ""111.w.11 F'-'ld• W!'llls Stlf l"t C!tv
ltl• 1111\n b!fl~ rN>OI ef ltot .....,.... 5-~ 0""°
"''· Ml"""'! 11111 !l'Wo Grt•I l tt!ft $~~ 1'r111tftu>
•n4 -''"" W<tlt!I c' .,,, lloc.tlt•· $•"'' .. ,"',.. Htvn, Mewl!~ Wlof 1'11, COIWll fltoef lffrtlt
"' "" tOl!llNlll91 U!!!Mll ,,..... •.II• ..... ,.
t1111h•9 ti/ Al•P:•. ""!Ill f l'ffdlllt fl 1J T""""t l
lkt1HI billow ftnl. Wt11\lfllil0n
• Mttfl lft' f'lft. .. " JI J?
" " 61 II .0'1
,. •!
n " ll !O .:o . .. . " • n J I 11 ,17 " . u " 11 n "' 46 31 '5
to f1 ·" n ·• : : ~~ ... .. " .. " ,., " .Ill .... . .. .. u ...
S7 J'I .lt .... . ~
" n 21 SI JI ....
15 lt .e:t . -·" "' ,, .11 . " .M J'f .16 u ..
S"I .tt JW . " M H " ... ·" ~ " " . .. fl ,, " .. ,, » ,(kl
'""',.......... 'DELIGHTED' IY TRIP
Rtlurnlnt PrHldenl Nixon
'Dive· a 'Mistak~~
Seal.ab LeQder Says Team Tired
SAN DIEGO (UPI) -The dive that
clalmed Iha IUe of Sealah Ill aquanaut
limy M. Cannon on tho ocean floor
ol the Padllc "ahould never bfve been
made," tho lead" ol the four....., !<am
told a Navy boanl of lnvelJtlg&tloo.
"W• w~e pushed-t.;t!M! p<>h!t wher:<
mistakes were inevitable," aquanaut
Robert A. Barth tatJlkd , Sund.ay night.
i·we were worked too bard and too
The fatal c:Uve w• the second Jn
12 hours for the tum. The men were
trylnJ to aea1 hellwn leakt In the troubr ..
pll!.g'Ued yelloW capsule 1110 fett below
the surf ice off Sin Clemerrte Island.
w" not known whldl d the .IQuanauta
uxd lhe faulty rlg .
Ba.rt.b tu:tified the team wu elhauated
aft.er the first dive to ln\'tltllate tht
leaks. He ezptrlenctd difficulty in
breathing during the first dl'9 In the
U-degree water .
"I personally felt 1 could have bandied
the second dtve but I wun't 1ure of
Berry," Barth said. "When he returned.
from the first ·dive to repair the leak
he looked weak and wu: incoherent."
Barth aald he told the two other
members of tbe team, fUchard Blackbum
and John F. Reaves, he felt he w1s
goiilg to "pau out" after the firlt dive.
Ri!aves and Blackburn ~stlfltd Barth
waa incoherent when be returned to
the trarisfer C&Pflule from the div'il.
Council and a meeUna with congreulonal
leaden Of both parties to brief them
on hla trip.
C a n n o a died of carbon monoilde
polsonlnJ u he and the other three
aquanauta were swimming from a
transport capsule to the 11.boratoryJt'
habitat Feb. 17. They were. to spend
12 days in the 70-foot long chambtr
to test man's ability to live and work
in the: ocean deptM.
The Navy hp admitted that one of
the diving rigs used by the team had
a canister empty of the chemica1s: used
to absorb exhaled carbon monoxide from
the recycled air. But offlclals 1ald It
Barth · said ClpL Walter Mu:r.one, div-
ing operaliom officer for the St.al.ab
Ill project, told the team il WU their
deci!ion on whether to make the leeond
"We are not interested la heroes,"
titazzone .!iaid, ''and to hell with the
habitaL" · He etpeCtod to report to tho American
people Thurlday by a one-hour televised
news conference from the White House
Ea.at Room.
Barth said all four aquanaut. .i;reed
to go down again the nut day because
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
SAYE 10c!
the habitat was in bad ahape. .
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El Rancho:
the supermarket
where ·the price is right!
4'/::. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~S QUALITY! :
Tom&o JUiee SIX
Libby's ••• from vine ripened tomatoes. Ctn. of 6 convenient 51h-oz.. cans a.t a super-&l.opper
Cut Green Beans ..................... 5 ,. $1 Fruit Cocktail ................ 5 .. $1 ;
StokeJey'a .•• crisp cuts •.. "tender beans! No. 303 Stokeley's ••• morseJs of ripe fruit! No. 303..1
Solid Pack Tomatoes ............ 3 • 89e Gala Towels ................ 3 "' 89e '
Hunt's .•. the people who know tomatoes! No. 2~ The !!Oft ones with deeorative border! Jnmbof
Spray 'n Wash . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ... .. . .. .. . 79C , 5-1 Country ........ _ .............. 59e
You read about it in Home Magazine! Save 19el Do awq with unpleasant odors! Johnson's
Super-values for first of the week menus!
Lamb Chops T. 89~ ~ .s1o.9
U.S.B.A. Choice lamb ••• tender, wty, and '° nnbitiOUll Serve '<ID broiled.for deliptful diniJilr!
Stuffed Lamb Breast .................. 49~ Lamb Stew Meat _ .............. 29f.
Ready for the oven ••. and yonr enjoyment! Lean pieces •f choice lamb •• expertly trimmed I
Supe,...produce! Supe,...Delicateasen
ITALIAN SQUASH Bob's Dressings
Garden fresh •.• and the
freshness t.ells in the navor J
I )>ricu i• •fled M011., r,...., Wtd.,
Mor. 3, 4, $. No ..Z.. 14 lka1on
Your choice of any of the '
J 9c varieties at th i a
3 ,
anat ..r "'llm""1if1ttaam.t.. ~IS lafloCllllt
320 West Colnlo llllL
r11111011t 11111 IMllil!lllillr.
HllllTlllTOM IUCl!r
""""""' ~ 01 l • Cm1o!! llIWPOIT IUCI:
2127 =81111. .. 2555 D'. ,.... •• Ci I d
' '
• • • -.. • Dajan,~ Golda Meir Garrll!IO• Uader. Fire .
• · viridicat£d Shaw . Dispute_, Arises~: . ..
On Israel Chief Asks DA Changes .
~ -,_,; ~
..,.,; and'tllal he woold ~
.• conspiracy J84 I" !he fall!
aliol ftrtd !r'om tho fnmt
.JERUSALEM-fUl!l)--Ir 1pllt ID llrul'1 ruUnc labor
party, WIS 4bcl-toda,f
with oue faction 1upport.lnj
Defense Mlnlater Mo 1 b e
lley1111 aplool-1'1"· Golda
Meir !or the pmntenblp. ,
AU but ono el the Lalfer
P'rlY -. ,., !be ca1lll\ot
Sunday -the . CU>
dJdacy ol lln .. i.klr, Ille Fini!
old woman ct 111'M1 pOllllol,
.. the -te the Ille Premier Le•l El!lkol_ I
Tho lone dlutnler -wu
believed to be Dayllll, lltbcllj[b
be WU, not SdenWied. ', I
However. Labot d Ip u. l.Y
11tCrelar)' -a1. s:ii lm\Ji
Peru. alter a meettnr .tf
former memben ct Ille Rill _,.., which '""'1od lu! 1'!ar lriih u.; Mapol . and AAl\ii!
Bu•ocla porl1oa Ip form ·ti.I
Labor party, iuuid .....
ment Sundq whlcl\ aldi .
-Dayan would .mal:a lhe
most suitable premier.· ,
-1111 name would be ..,,.
milted to a moelin( of tho
Labor party <telrll com-
mittee nut -.,.,
-Rafi wtU .appott no other
-Rafi will back the con-
"tinued existence ~ the Da·
tional unity 1ov~. '
British-French SST Flight Successful
Clay L. Shaw 11id today hls
cue bad convln<ed him !'«'
roct1ve action shl;>uJd be taken
tn Louisiana to ljmlt. ''!be u ,
cealve powera granted to a
district attorney."
Shaw, "· a retired
buslnessman who says the
coat of maintaining h I 1
de(tnae 1ince hir Mreat two
yean ago MW will compel
him to re.tum to work, wa1
acquitted Saturday at 1:02
a.m. on the 40th day of his
AD .all-male jury delibe.rated
leis than GO minutes before
find.inc him innocent by a
unanimou1 vote on Ute tint
He had been at liberty on
bond for two years but under
the onu1 of a charge by Dist.
Atty. Jim Ga.rrbon that he
had coiuplred with L e e
Harvey Oswald and David W.
TOULOUSE, France (AP) feet Sunday lostud 9f around Neverthele3s, chief test pilot the flight a ·~s 0 a r Ing Ferrie to murder Preaident
-After a successful maiden 12,000 feet. Jncreaalng ground Andre Tuttat, 47, l&ld the triumph." John F. Kennedy.
flla:ht, the British-French Con-winds cut the acheduled 1G;, Concorde "bthaved perfecUy" Turcat said be plans to nv Garrison aaid the "f11:iry corde, the west.em world's ~ t8te" Warren report had been firJt IU~ alrlJner, began minute fli'ght to 27. And the in ber 91)...degree sweep around again in a few day1, but the fraudulently wrong in coo-
a thret-)tear program of tests ·plane did not get over S50 thl1 area of aouthweat France. mO!t critical tests ol afl -elud ing the Nov. %2, I96.1
today. miles an hour, though she ls British government offlclal1 for sotUc boom -are still &SAMl.nation accomplished by
S!Jiw WU uked by United
P!<SI l,nlematl0!18l to com•
mtnt on. editorial oplnlon con·
demnlna Ganiaon. The New
Orleans states-Item called for
G_arrlson's µaignation for his
"witch hunt" and ShaW '1
"persecution.'" anll said "Mr.
Garrison himse}f 1hould now
be brought to the bar to
answer for his conduct."
1be Times-Picayune salcf
the background of s o m e
wJtneuea: Was such that it
was "almost unbelievable'•
they bad been brought to
testily and that the charge~
were baaed on "unreliable
verbal llatement.. and flimsy
docamentary evidence."
The New York Timea uid
G~'s "emotional final
. appell to tho jury showed
once qaln Mr. G&frlson's real
purpoMi In holding !be biol
to prove hit obsessional con·
victlon about the fraudulent
character of the Warren
Reporl : • , tills fantasy l"°'
duced !be vii:timlzliUon ct Mr.
The Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) has
cleared the lhree television
networks of charges they were
unfair in the way they covered
the Democratic N a ti o n a J
Convention in Chicago.
Labor party sources 1aid the
Rafi move took them bf
surprbe. 'nloy nld they bad
hoped to tell Mn. lllelr 'l\Jes.
day that she had th•
un$Ililnous support of f.he
cabinet mlniaten ana !be par-
ty ctntral committee and that
the solid bacttng would con-
vince her to accept the post
of premier.
Advuae wealhtr delayed designed to fly at 1,toQ m.p.h. · -and alrcraf~ e.1ecuUvea called more than a year away. Oswald atone, firing from the.
th• first flight 1lnce 'nlunday,l~--------------------------------'--.::._~-----.--i------
At lbe same time, the com-
miMion ordered the networks
to provide de.ta.lied report.a on
charges they "Nged" news
events during, the violence-
marred convention last &um·
and the huge four-engine jtt ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~ .....
was forced to fly below 3,000
Ruling Chile
Party Slips
ht Elections U.S. Soldier; Familyi
C I E B l • J HouMrivts irked at rilin1 ross nto . er in ~ food pricet were citod today I ., one reuon for the sllppqe
· · of the ruling Chri1tl1n
BERLIN (AP) .-A U.S. ed, a U.S. 1pokesman ]: ,Dsnocral party and !be
Army sergeant, his Wlfe and today. · 1 , ~I ab<rNlng of the rightist-
lhelr two-~onth-old i n fa~ t American. av.thoriUeil i 11. NaUonal Party in Sunday's
crosaed into East Berhn West Berlin have ' co~ elections.
Satarday and have not return-·Soviet officials tn Eut Bir Political obler'Vers II.id the
.~ and have asked that a · c CbriJUan J>emocrat party of . . Pnsi4ePt ~ Frei JOit Nixon "' !de' s ~th!'" ,.,aoi.:::. ... ..u ' · .. much lfom.l!il-111e 1u1
• l ~ . · . no 'JftllClll"t u. . ~ It iP,JllllJiave to ,..k
A t Uld,' ' anilllWlooWithanolbefparty •
.I Kin Killed . Bi added.'tbat thi =~~~.=i-=
-Beverly Waters Blount, 2~ ·
daulhter-in-law ct Plll1muter
General Winton Blount, WIS
killed in an accident early
I Sunday.
The pnatm•ster general fie,,
1 from Wuhington to attend !.he
· funeral held later in the day.
The accidMt involved a car
I driven by Mrs. Blount'• hus-
band, Wtntoo M. Woon! Ill,
and another veblcle. .Blount
wu not: 1triowly Injured.
II being )loted u Uon.
wttllout leave ~; • , ,11 'l11t Naliorlll party, formed
Ml< tryin& to "!' ln 11165 by a merger oi the
lie went to the Comervative and Li b er al
side of Berlin ·•'willlnllt or parties vaulted from l ....... m•••I " .. --------, ' .............. Y· relative oblcurity into 1econd
The family croaed over via place.
Checkpoint Charlie, t he With ovtr IO percent of the
spokuman disclosed. -Th e votes counted, u no f f i c i a l
checkpoint is used by 1llied rellllts gave the Christian
military penonne1, who are Democrats 28.5 percent ; Na-
clemd through without con-tionaliJta 23 percent; Com-
trols by the Eut Germans, muni1t.s 15.4 percent; Rad.lcal!
and by non.{;erman civllllns 13.1 percent, and SoclaU.ts
u well. lS.7 percent.
rain. storm. flood.
he men from KWIZ 1480 Radio are there
fore it happens.
T e KWIZ news staff, during the recent
st m, was on the scene reporting the
ne s as it happened. During a time of
app rent danger, the men from KW I Z
have one job: to .report to you
and to-the-minute information
that will .,
better noble you to protect your property
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I ~A.IL v plLOT~mJTOlllAI. PA.GE ·1 -. ,
Back It-Hp -With Law ,
OU exploration within the lhre ... mne llmlt ·ou the
Calilomia .coast has been slopped by the State, Lands
~1'. -/ ~... ...._ ~ ·, .
The action is :OspeelaDy welc<ime , ~· the Orange 'coast, where Ibo Shell OU Com~Y w,as prepanng lo
coilduct "geoJoiical exploraUon' off Newport Beach,
publlc oulcry notwithstanding. ·
Shell, lncldenlally, mlsse'cl an opportunity lo win
public goqil. will by. failing to back ,OJit gracefully after
.the Senta Barbara tragedy. , , ··
The. l&nas comrnis'ston•s revocati9n of existing ex·
ploraUon permits is fine .as· far as it goes. What Is
needed now is . a<:tlon bY the :Leg!sl,ture lo prohibit
further such acUvity'~y.law. . . · . .
A commtssion's action can btt reyersed as a Yesult
of a change In membership or philosophy. Legislative
action would make such a reversal i!lfinitely more dU·
End I.egislatme's Hypocrisy
, California's Legislc).ture took on the aufa of virtue'
wb~ it passed the Ralph M. Brown Act some years
It was :S.ying to the people•of California, "The pub-'
lie has the right to ·know the public's business. Thor ...
fore we have decreed that meetings of elected and · ap-
pointed public official1 shall ~ereafter be conducted in
public-except in such special ci.rcumstances as per~
sonnet matters and leg Bl affairs."
The Brown Act, even with its looj>holes. has had a
salutary effect on the conduct of county and city busi··
accustomed to acting In-secret that they apparenUy
consider this tl!efr bu!IMn prerogative, and the desires
and lights of flfosewlii)'erecrea them be damned.
Al long ago as 1953, an Assembly lnterijn Commit-
tee on Judiciary reporl..i unequivocally:
"The comntitfee .is of the ~ton that Uiere~· is a
genuine and compelling need for legislative acUon ol
a nature ~•signed .to curb thls .misuse of d~au~
process by public bodies who ·would legls)ate In secret.
In pursuit of ·this goal, A""emblyman W'illilim. T.
KelC!illlll (R·Bakersfield) hlis !ntroduCed a. constilU-
. Uona! amendment to extend the provWons of the Brown
. Act to the Legislature lt$elf. .
And. to his credit, Orange County Sen. Jollll G.
Scbmltz, (11,TUsUn) has lntf<!duped a.ci!mpan!on anti·
secrecy ameildment in the .Senate.
Senator Schmliz has been beclutopped in bis ef·
fort by Orljllge County District: A~ey Cecil Hicks,
who has sent a letter lo all slate leg1Slalors recommend·
Ing a change wblch would permit criminal prosecution
of "flagrant" violations. of the anti·secrecy act.
Hicks' action was prompted by a violation of the
Brown Act by four members of the Cypress School Dis·
trict. They could not be prosecuted. because of a loop-
"'°"hole in the act involving "erroneous information from
the .school superin~endent's office." No proof of intent
to violate the act could be established.
SO what is involved in current action in Sacramen·
to is two-fold : First, to extend the anti-secrecy provi·
sioos· to the Legislature itself. Second, to close existing
loopholes and permit meaningful enforcement -again
to protect John Q. Public from actions in secret by his
own representatives in government. -
But !he Legislature itsell bas maintained a hypo-
critical_ ·stance. Its appearaiice of virtue on the subject
of the public's right to know.its own business has heen
falte. Committees of the Legislature have b.~come so
The press is concerned with the outcome because
it serves as the public's eyes and ears. The public
should be more concerned -and .make itseU beard in
support of Ketchum and SChmitz on this issue. ·
.(Ol!l-D I ~tl!{,~ fo R LESS Ti.tAf'l A sl·6UN SAltJTE?"
BUfJe Benefits F rom Exploration
Space: 2,500 ~~Spin-offs'
As appraisals of the Apollo I fllght
around the moon begin to filter out
aCTOSll the country, they make clearer
than ever befOO!-the--true nature of
space exploration and what it means
to the U.S. Many-have opposed the
apace program. on the gounds that the
billions of dollars it has required could
better be spent on such things as slwn
clearance, medical-~, college en-
dowments, more aid to the poor and
&0 on. AJ a wtter of fact, opposition
to space uploraUon follows a pattern
that ii .. old u )DIDkind,
Adventuren into the' unknown have
always faced ttiff ~tion. But alny11
this oppolitlon baa given way to man'•
innate curiosity -a cwiosity that bu
driven him to climb the highest mountain
• aimply because it .is there. Early scie~
tlsta and explortr11 who defied the dogma
of their time endured persecution and
impr!lorunenl Still, the quest r,ent on.
If It bad not, man would sWI be buddied
In caves.
THE FIRST e:rploren to land . on· the
moon will come · home with no richea.
At least tn the early otagea, the benefits
of space exploration wUl come from
the tact of oploring rather ·than from
new lands found, and thole benefits
an pnivlng great lnd<od. OI the fllght to the moon, ooe ol Its strongest criUca,
Britain'• Sir B8nmd Lovell, conceded
tbst the U.S. mlla!on of December 21
to %'1 of 1161 WU a big step toward
"understanding of the early history or
the solar system." In U.S. News aild
World ,Repori, one observer from Latin
America is quoted as saying: "Jt is
difficult to overestimate the enormous
intangible importance of the · U.S. feats
in 1pace. People the world over see
with 'their own eyes t\he closed and
barren toelety of the Soviet Union."
The· tangible buefits of space ex·
ploration, even at tllil comparatively
early stage of the game, may be even
mort impressive than the intangibles.
Dr. Edward C •. Welsh, executive
secretarY of the National Aeronautics
8nd Space Council, said the Apollo pro.
gram '~. • .is a seedbed of invention,
a spur to our productivity, a source
of ~ for our national aecurity,
a sUmulua to learning." -'
THE tu BILLION that . it may take
to put a man on the moon ls beins
spent In the United States, not on the
moon. The program bas provided
empl9yment to hundreds of thousaMI
of people, and the stimulated research
and development that has acCompanled
the proi:ram, according :~ National
AeronauUcs and Space Adminiatratlon
officials, bu resulted ~1 2,500 "spin.offs"
of benefit to society generally. These
"spin--0ffs" include technical Innovations
in medicin,e, in manufacturing, in new
products and materials too numerous
to m~ntion.
One or the mosl significant by·products
Of the AJ)ollo project has been the
development of a maniigerial capability
\l'ithout parallel. An official of the North
American " RQckwell ' CorflOration, whkh
has producefr major components <?f the
sp3ce flights, says ol the management
groups responsible for the success of
the program, 1.1'ltese groups are
capability-oriented rather than product-
oriented . They are competent to design
and implement large-scale systems to
help overcome crlUcal shortages of com-
munity facilities, critical overcrowding
and congestion, criUcal pollution and
accumulation of wastes, and critical
changes in the wor\d ,balance of military
ASIDE F.ROM all of these tangible
and intangible benefits or space ex-
ploraUon, the basic re ason why it will
be continued has been well expreMed
by . .a cohimnist o~ the Fossil, Oregon,
Journal 'It will be continued, he believes,
''. · •• with tJ»e ob~ive of finding the
solution. the answer,,:;t.cr theveternal ques-
tlon as to wl)at Wt·~, where we
came from and where we are going.
lt.!1 a splendid challenge and make no
mistake we have alre¥1y accepted it."
Iadlutilal New1 Review
Replacing J. Edgar Hoo~er
WASIUNGTON -Not the least of
Mr. Ni1on'a looming problems is that
of finding a replacement for J. Edgar
Hoover at the FBI when he retires,
an event apparenUy now scheduled for
the end of this year.
At a recent meeting at the Justice
Department of a number of state at-
torneys general, the impression was
strong that Atty. ~. John Mitchell
was leaning toward a recommendation
to the President that be urge Supreme
Court Justice Byron White to step down
from the court to take the FBI direc-
While there ls no indication of any
kind that Justice White baa been ap-
proached about the job, nor, for that
matter, any reasor. to belleve that other
men art not also under consideration,
the WhUe proposal is an interesting
IN,. THE FlRST place, 1 number of
t Justice White's former associates at
Justice, where be served as deputy at-
torney general unW Pttsldent Kennedy
appo!nlod him to the high court In 1961,
Monday, March 3, 1969
The edltorftll ""°' o/ 1111 DaUr Pilot nib to inform att4 1ti&
ulaU rtadlra bp J)l't1enffng thia
lt41Dapapor'a oplnjmla and "°"'"
...,,14TV .... (opfcl 0/ '""'-"' tmd "rigldfi(>Gllu, btl providing •
for1lm far Ill< "'Pl'•ulon of our rtadm' oplnfoitl. ond hr ,,,..,..ung I/If dmnu or..>
,,.,,... Of lnf.,.,...i oln""""
W '1"'k<1mn ot1 topJa o/ tllf ...,:
Ro11ert N. Weed, Publl&ber
will urge him to take the FB:I ~t
should the Mitchell·NiJ:on offer become a real one.
Secondly, White has not been entirely ·
content on the court, many .of his friends
believe, although he has never indicated
in any way a desire to leave. : His
"record," to the. ertent that a justice
'can ha ve one, has been moderate,
somewhat between the s o • c a 11 e d
"permissive" and "strict" extremes that
have so di vided the court in recent
year! on questions involving the rights
of persons accused of crime.
FINALLY, the Mitchell musings about
White suggest, at the very least, thal
the Administration ls thinking seriously
about ta~g the FBI succession out
of the agency itself and appointing JI
distinguished outsider to replace Hoover.
This prospect will delight those who.
while respecting HOover's achievement
In building a professional agency w1th
immen~ esf_l'lt and Internal loyalty,
nevertheless fear that the FBI -and
particularly Hoovu -tends to regAf'd
II.sell as a ~lly independent duchy .
neither a part ot the Department of
Just.Ice nor .-for that matter -of
the U.S. govemment.
IT WILL DISPLEASE the bureau and
Its friends on C.pltol Hiii, who promote
aMuslly 1 piece _ol logi>latioo to require
that the director of the FBI always
come from within the aeency. It will ~larly C!lspltiae FBI A5'0C1Ato Dlrtclor Clrth• (lleke) lleLoach, al this
writing the heir apparent within the
Deloach Is not without enemies on
Capitol Hill. And he was tnvolv~ two
years ago in • curious epilOde lnv/tlvlng
aomc lut-minvte eUorts to save Jimmy
Hoffa from a jail term .
New Hampshire publi~er William
Loeb, his support or Hoffa not notably
diminished by virtue of a substantial
mortgage loan he received from the
Teamsters Union, filed an •ffidavit in
·the Hoffa matter to the ~fleet that
DeLoach had told him of wte tapping
and other eavesdropping praCtices used
by tHe Department ol Justice against
statement and added that Loeb had of·
fered J . Edgar HQOver, penm.ally or
to .a designated charity, fl00,000 for
just such inrorrnatlon. · •
The matter rested there, a1lh~h the
charge comes very close to . on\ ot at-
tempted bribery of a pu}llle-liflcial,
and the entire affair did not \renect
particular ciedit ori anyobe tnvolveil.
One thing ts clear. Pruld~ixon, who came to office on lhe la ' nd-
order issue more than anY other will
ha\·e to make some enemk!s when it
comes time to name a new FBI cllief.
Hoover's act, as they say, ts a tough
one to follow.
By Frank Manklewfca
aid Tom Bradh
-lloundt-Illte..UC, !nine la turnln1
Into an agricultural <OU.,.. They
-have a few old goats, IOmf: young
asges, a nock of sheep and a
whole lot ol bull. u. s. c.
TMt .... ,.. ""'ch ,.....,.. ...... "" ___., ~ " ... -··~"· ..... ,_ ,,.. ,...... tt ,._.., .-.. o.nr '""'
Dr. Hiawatha
Finally Wins
At Skarewe U
To everyone's delight, the seemingly·in-
terminable strike at Skarewe University
finally came lo an end.
It ended when the last surviving atu·
dent striker drew his first Social Security
check and announced he was abandaiWig
his life-long goal of overthrowing the
None was more delighted than the
distinguished president Of S k a r e we
University, Dr. S. I. Hiawatha.
"I confidently predlcted I would win
this strike if it took 50 years," he
told 14 victory banquets, ll television
panel -show! and 13 press conferences
in the first three days. "and I'm proud
to say I won it with seven years to
SO IT WAS a happy Dr. Hiawatha
who bounced into his office the following
Monday morning. Adjusting the purple
<tQCkade in-his gr·een top hat at a jaunty
angle, he leapt atOP, his desk, executed
a few pracUce .steps of the Maori .War
Dance and, striking a pose, informed
his &eeretary :
111 am ready for my pre-breakfast
pre.IS conference, Miss Delilah. t "You
may Send 'in the television cameramen."
.. I'm sorry, Doctor," said Miss Delilah
nervously, "but there aren't any."
"The press is always persecuting me,''
shouted the 'good doctor angrily. And
he called -up the editor of the major
local daily.
"DOCTOR WHO'!" said the editor.
''Oh, yes."
"l shall make an announcement or
major importance," said Dr. Hiawatha
with dignity, "at my daily afte,rnoon No-
Host Tea Dansant &: Pres! Conference.''
"Fine, fine. What on earth about?"
"Well, let's see," said the good doctor,
shuffling desperately through the papers
on his desk. "How about new regulations
for parking lot permits?" ·
Hls next call was to his Academic
Policy Advisory Team , which had stuek
by him through lhick and thin. But
they'd packed up and returned to
Madison Avenue.
He thought ' of JeacUng the Tactical
Squad on a charge across the campus,
which always restored his spirits. But
the Police Chief failed to re~ his
\\'HEN THE LOCAL Wigwam of the
Unimproved Order of --Redmen called
to cancel his speaking engagement at
their weekly Potlatch Dinner, he took
the news with resignation.
And he spent the afternoon · staring
moodily out the window, only oc-
casionally using his public addre"
system to announce : "THIS JS A,WARN·
the yahoo who dropped that gum wrapper
doesn't pick it up, dire conaequences
will ensue."
IT WAS THREE monlhs before Dr.
Hiawatha'• name appeared in tbc paper
again. He was arrested In i minor
scuffle while trying to crash the network
panel show, ···Face the Press." The two-
paragraph story on Page 32 began: "Dr.
S. I. Hiawatha. one-time controVersial
figure .•. " .
Friends said he never recovered from
this bloW. He .spent his declining days
wande.rlng about the campus buttonholi.ng
tvtry student who was black, bearded
, tr LaUn looking.
"Psst, kid." he would whisper. "Wanna
Start a riot?"
But the studenU, with that terrible
vlndkUveness Of the yowig, never did.
Nations'· Idiotic,
Suici-dal Rivalry
One of the persistent strains running
through lb.is column over the years has
been the world's preuing need for a
common enemy to unite us. Only. if
we are threatened with attack from
tittle green men on 1'-1ars will we give
up our idiotic and suicidal system of
rival nations.
It pleases me, therefore, that a. fecent
issue of the jOQrnl"Buuetln of the
_Atomic Scientists," nds its pages to.
.che same wishful f I}', in an article
by Dr. Ernst' Hass, a .district medical
superintendent in West Germany. -.
IF ova EARTH Jred an extra-.ter·
restrial invasion, be yt, ·"l';am ·cert.am
th.ilt ·the quarreling ations of all five
continents would ve soon have· at their
Qisposal a common 5taff o( g~nerals,
perhaps even a ·World government,'
whlch wouJd be responsible for all glo~l
problems. Obviously. riothing at all could
foster an improvement in the rela-
tionships of the big powers as much
as an aggressive, common opponent.''
Dr. Hass goes on to say what I have
pointed out in-the past: "We would
place ih the hands of 4 sovereign world
organization the'1handlhig of•world peace,
nutrition, population, questions of
training or evei;i edEtion; pressing_
socio-anthropological is . wen · as
economic-technical tas of the most
varied sorls."
ABOVE ALL, he concludes, such
dangerous "pressure from the out.side"
would quickly put an end to the mutual
ambition of destruction which today
poisons the atmosphere of international
relations. Only a comnwn danger can
inspire us to a common effort -as
we have s~n in all crises, from :floods
and fires to shipwrecks and mine
But it in.ay .not .be ·~ssa:ry t.q 1 Jbok
for lhe fijttle green ·men. Edward Teller,
the scientist, :sqggesis ·lhltt in the next
20 YeafS we may ~ abl.e to produce
weather conditions on which our har·
vests depend. This means that any. na-
t.ion could aUect the climate· Qf any
other nat.ion, which \fOuld .be an intol-
erable situaUDn. Tener estima~ that
within a decade of this aceo'D)jJlishment,
a governing body with Worldwide au·
thority would have tQ be constituted, in
order to stabilize climate and .crop con-
IT IS Al.SO possible, Dr. Hass poinU
out, that a new Ice Age is in the
making. The antarct~c ice cap is
unstable, and a huge antaretic ice slide
is being discussed seriously by many
geophysitjsls. Such a slide could create
tidal waves destroying the greater part
of life oa earth -.and no one knolf•
when it might happen. I
This is the kind of common eniy
that mankind needs, to deploy
resources, our energy, our imagine
and our passions. If we think the w~ld
may end by freezing, we just mi!bt
halt Our efforts to end it by burning.
l(indergarteners Ari-se! ,
To the Editor:.
This is an open letter lo all kin·
dergarten students. 1 •
You must test the latest Supreme
eoUrt ruling, on the basis that it is
gross discrimination against the litlle
people of this country.
If it is legal for high school students
to demonstrate, why not ltindf;garten
students? To discriminate becii.ise of
race, religton, sex or age, b Illegal.
You must be heard -you too have
a message and you are the futwe of
this great country, so DEMAND "(our
right place in this society.
WHY SHOULD you tie your own shoes?
Demand the teaclter tie them for you. n your demahdli aren 't met, kick the
teacher in the shin!.
Why should you w~Ik to tbe dri~king
fountain? Demand that the ~Cher'bring
you a glass of ice water. U she refuses,
spit on her.
You need classes in the art of eatitlg
Ice cream and cookies -a dtlinlte
must in all kindergarten classes. The
penalties for not complying 'Nilh tWs
demand Is paint pot3 thrown at the
YOU CANNOT allow your dig'nity to
suffer by standing in line. Rebel against
this reg.lmentaUon. ,
Demand Jd~er recesses in order lo
find your identity. ·•
This I> the beginning of th< long list
-of ln)usUces you have been sullerlng
for ye.an -so aril(!: now and be heard,
you have been oilent too long.
Remember, the Supttme Court and
your grandpal'fllts Wm he with you an
the way.
A1•e11or• A111merer1
To the Editor:
Rtgarding your editoriil coocuning
,;; "' ~
L l
Hinshaw's use of his nfllle wben
(telephone) calls come to his office: •
• . how petty can yolf g~t?
You ought to be ashamed (If
yourselves! ' -
Mai1bo% is fn reoelpt of two
letters bearing neither signa.-
'"'e 'nor m4iling ad.dres1. The
t~d names art Ruth Johnson
and William T. ~m;1h. /f th•-
l~tjers art bonafldt and th.11
writer.s will verify the fact 6v
\ mait, tht11 wilt bt publ~hed. .
I -Editor. I ;
\ .. ' •• fteof'fJf: ~ar George:. '
l couldn't disagree with you m<>r~ ~ when you $lid It was O.K. for an art cl3.8$ tq allow a model
to nude. J think It's awlu1.
can't Al) arUst paint an apple
Instead or an andraped fe.male?
!)ear Shocked ;
I'm painthig an apple, I'm paint-
Ing an appJe -ju&t stay out of th&
way, you're blocking tey vi~-
.... ..__
DAit V I'll.In' 'r Reagan
' ' R_aJp~ ' .. $914 M-illioil~ in Tax Urged
' "~
• ILL OY AllBK ' -Another 1210 million In a kll«..ltlle.u@n ' · '-i.x boost In ~ !.--B~ ... B,,. Wrttiiit aid to eitJes JnCI counties-' If Reqan swallowed his ' tradon. Jn 19'7, tues wer• ~On-,Taxes "" .. ~-AP) ' OnNWlUon to n.1yroll deduc· J ailed fl billion, with some of. SA~uu· ( -·~ tbelr lbare ol jhe ullllUOI ood 1rc;; ol •1~ taus-and Ille money going back to loeil
$91t mnlioft Increase in slate services sales tax. approved the enllr.t-report, it g1>V~ent. .. · ., taxes was ~ by a spO--A tolll ol $2' million ad-would m ... Ille ~d ...,,_ (SO. TAX lllXE, Pqe I)
• " T and llU mllllon to' oChool clJI. r P • E • N, O ( Ul' I ) -cial goveroor·1 study com-dltional lo cltla aod. ""'-nUesl~~======:;:=========j E., ht~Nu.d'e Girls ' ~bly DemOCl'llU~ leader mission today, .. ith the lllOll' tricts tbrouih • phaalq out . , -~-Jea M. U!ltU!I Id todiy JI'• ey ~oing Jor . ._mammodl,ro-ol the property tu emnptlon PSA • r-. """"Id duction and reform of local now ~·ven veterans:. They Call • , · , t . JeglS:la ur_ e anu V>t-V .. ~~ , rt •·-
' prope Y ~"· wduld ellgtbte for Ille llan-• · • , Reagan ':have an obligation A total « $4%4 mUli(IQ 'wonld dard property tu eittmPllon, , , . . . Bat 1~~per~ick~l ' ~~~~f.~:::~:: -.. . . E~~m1 ~~r::r~ tor·. L-----_ ,J , •,. .. :..,l .for J Rotary ctub tUnch, Slid 3 Boys Held, 11onar witbhotdlng o111a1e per-the _.i IDcooie iu.. o1 lftJI I ftj
L M. JIOYD' COURT' REJ¥\~· I · sooal income iaxes-oppoeed nilddle--income Calitomilns. · · ~~EVENlfic .• 1 1 ~.1 ~:imen wiin'l'<' . .;i,,•l'I~, ~~·~t,be.g'~"\h~ On Murder, by~;:,1~~ =~'F1=y~~ 11e1•M11'
nisked cham~ds, four · tq, faster than m~q witne:Ees.. pment tax struct~. sion 00 Tu Reform also ~ ~ slon chairman told' the GOP
• aide, nre comPeI•ect ioi bpt' Much r~er. '"the people· m the otlddle-.. R posed extending the 11ve peJ'.· go\Jernor that · "we hope you
• loaf !"-~eke!~ I oow, DO voil . !iii ,_ -· braeketa are paying .Drugs, ape ~I sa1 .. tu to many cur-,.m approve our recommen-back and forth .cross. >a lirie' ~lee?. J take a lift.le sllglJ tues out of all proporUon rently ta:r-free categories-dations. '
draped wtLh ,t be i r _ ~ Jn·,mine ·l( J<iu~please, Q:ib' tO their!· abillty to pay," he CORTE MADERA. Calif. utility bills, personal services-"We believe that they pr~
derclothlng. ~1~ FreJ\cl\ ~ one couJe drin&cJn 1~ ~ ail.if. "l woukln't surprise me such as haircuts, auto repairs, vide concrete, soeclflc steps Louis XV'• .prison .com~, wide-does ~. it'' ""-all 'that much if the ~ple (UPI) -"Spe'1d has got in my amusement admission tickets that California can take to
that WUi lJrw!er ~ ~Uon Two in LO ti...rer creafit 0 Y. tn the suburbl· started tbetr way," the teen-~ged girl wrote . and eve~ club and Internal ~ganl.ze the burden on the ~
of a 'coort -~· uisit~ n.amed Four in 10 •Zant both t owil demonstrations and alt-to one of tliree yoU:Uls accus-dues. nus would rabe "'75 California taxpayer and to ~ " ~ """ncy 1L ,. -d million. look to.the adequaey of the ex-JJCQUtS ~ ·" e , '!""', and. cream. And three 1 crowii.:str .... ~s. ed of her rape and mur er, C 11. 1 h 1 for finan-d
1 pla~. at-those ... _ g !_allies .like Jt black , :: , NO · 'l'R.. t ..... 1e"ft'ooc1 bemocra{'!i . "I want "Oil to be my boy-a ing or e p . -isting state an ·Ioca revenues
is kDofm to~ ba:lf ~teiested \'OU knOw' Dela..,.re' 11 ~h-foiiowed release ol 8 friend .,, ' ~~aJILl:;11b~trk~~ili~ :: to meet future needs," he said
the m~led o_n ~oke.r·•:. state'to whid:a extfuii',. report , by the: governor's Willeen Harper, 17, wa s mission proposed the money
Greatfy. ,..Wbt!J ~-~ e ~A inost apt to ,travel ror AdyisOry Commlltee on Tu be given back to local govem-~rniCket-..:wu b11't» u1w purpose of se_Uin& Up I, ReJom.. It ~mmended found dea,d Saturda y in a mo-ment in "bloc grants," with
plq too 5~ ~ ~· tothe· . pbration. But dill ' yout k~ payroll withholding for in~~e tel room where police confis-no strings attached. This is
maids ~ ~ttd _"" 58 it is also the st,.ate .to~ wtpch ta1es, a• sales ta:r on utiliUes cated a bottle of liquid mor-how the lu dollars wou1d be
Jt to -the: mmates f~~suppe;'. lovers .art leastj.apt to tra.~· and ·some-services and a phine and the note written to spent :
Oceasl_onally, \be 'ft';l'ls .were· for lhe purpose jl1ot aetting statewide property tax for one or the arrested youths. -Massive aid to loca1 school requtred~to.1tage their ~ntest married? Wbat's, Jfur~'oj:>inion scl)ool.I. 'The report said Its "Speed" refers to the drug district'.s1 with the $424 million
with the bead of ", decapitated of .a state .with ,in: law so recommendations could pr1>-from the new state\\•ide proJr ... H~....... but Je:t S' drop that 1r methamphetamine, and police erty tax poured Into local ............ r, • -· designed to ~: ·cammerpe vide $539.1 million for local schools. Poorer dimicts would 011 THI -
San Francisco
WATER ' We deliver fresh dajlx, 900 flights a week connect Anyhow, ~~ au\,bority called ahead of mi t f' mo n ~-f.. property tax relief. said the glrl had a nd'r'cotics receive more than richer Arthur Kopit says such iS the Heartles.s --,;J-record.
lrue origin of volleyball in-· ~ if"' unrub, expected to be a ones in a "share the wealth"
ID ASTER deed named after-M. V~llet, , CUSTOME!' SU\VICE: Q. Den1ocratic Candidate Io r Arrested were Wllllarp plan certain to attract contro-U, ame toda is not 'DOESN'T your Na!11' Game governor in 1970, favors John Helms, 20, or San An-versy. a~<!l .~ :Sed ·to ~-not at man-have an anaJyslS of g1rls withµolding. Reagan opposes selmo ; Curt.13. Lyru1 Ross, II. -A radically new program "flirvat-lcKltCollor" j a
• • called Frances?" A. He does it. San Quentin Village ; and Ste--of the state .shari ng 10 per-·TOILET TANK BALL
a I. indeed. -Says they are bl 1 · t phen Carl Ellsworthy, 20, of cent of its income tax rev· ,.......,.,..._.., ....
southern and northern Califomia.)Aore than any other
1irline. All jets.· Lowest Bir fares. Call your travel agent
or PSA for prompt home deJivery.
IT IS AMONG the heavy particularly gifted in creating The As~m Y m n ° r 1 . y San Rafael. They were held enues with the cities and n.. ,......, w-....._ ...-..., ....
smokers that you find the th ·n . that t h e i r leader again called on Reagan without bail-on charges of counties-a $130 million rev· ...._ ""-"" -•"-_.. .,.....,
largest number of people who g~tle~~:onfriends are jn to '.'return to the peopl~" ~t rape. ·murder· and po.ssession enue gein for local govern-75r AT HAIDWAlf 110111
never eat br.eakfast .• , .• TUE ch Q 'tDOES· ANv tnt11e surplus rema1n1ng in -~o1[i;n.~rcc;ti~"~· ~::::::::_~m~e~n~t.::;~~=~=-=d::==~;==:;:=:=~~::,::;:~~=:L::-:-;;;=-::-~~L;:~=:a:=-
HOUSE BUILDER who foils ST".:~ ;11~,; a ·13'year-0ld g!l'1 the state treasury at the end All Penney Stores Open Every .Night Monday Through Saturday to put ·a full-l~ngth m1~r to get married ?'' A. New of the fiscal year next June , , .
in the ba~oom is overloo king Hampshire does. If parents 30.
a stron~ mdu~n_ient to the and the court say it's all right. ---------.---1
prospee11ve rem1n•ne buyer. . -N I E
. , WHY ARE Gl!US ,eal\ed Your questions and c9p<· ear Y veryone
Judy elWays short? Never met \ ments are welcomed and
a tall Judy. . • • CLEAVE wilt be used wherever pas-1 'Ch k. u " 'L1'stens MEANS both join a n d siblt in ' ec ing p.
separate. Invaluable . means Address mail to L. r.r.
both worthless and priceless. Boyd, in care of the DAILY to Landers Can't ·think of any other words PILOT, Box 1815, Newport
of such opposite meanings. .. Beach, Calif., 92663
'.' ome.
CALL COLLECT (213) 625-0461
• We bring saruples! • free consultation!
• Free estimate! • No obligation!
Have custom dr~peries
of 'Regal' antiquff satin.
Save 20% on tl1e fabric!
Decorate for spring! Bring elegance and ric~ color to you r
rooms with out handsome royon /acetotef antique satin. Over
lOOc:olon! Weil help you achieve ·the lock you wgnt, Call today
and let oor trained decorator consultant show how beautiful
your windows con be!
-NOW 1.99yd.
Service available, In greater Los Angelos,Ori;i~\9 and Ventura Counties_ NEWPORT BEACH
(Fashion lslend)
Your best buys doy 1n and· day ovt aN Ptnneya •wn
brandd We ttsl endlessly to ensure what we say In our
slogan: "'a!W'Oyl first quality". We shop constontfy to
"'..;::"' aswra competitive prices.
,. ,._;
Get organized!
Steel st~rage
shelves will. do· ·
it fC,r you el.
36"x72"x 12" unit
Reg. 7.88
• Silver pebble grain finis~ shelves, 23 gauge
grey tondem posh, 300 lb. topacity.
• 23 gauge grey tandem postt, split to permit
alternate arrGngements of an, unlimited number
of multiple unlb1 extra shelves, toa!
72" x 72" x 12" slielves
_Re9. 13. 98 NOW
36" x 72" x 18" shelves ·
Re9. 9.88 NOW
Big Penney value! Four
foot flupre.cenf lfght
:1ulbs Included 99 Reg. 10.99 NOW 9.
• This big iour foot long ftuort>ttnt light is ideal /or ho!ne
-1tbench, -bhop or offkol M a new light on your
work at savings now!
(Hu~lioglon Center) ,
• •
82 IaJured
.. .. , ..... ~
' • . Worrvof ·
QUllNll ly Phi! """-II TAX HIKE PROPOSED ..
New Year Parade tC•t·tf "* Pace 1) stripped down after the voters 'Some IChoo1 dlatr~wttb ' ~
..0.Tlllt yeor, Reocan ls uklng defealed 1 bond boue 1 .. 1 few chiJ6"n and · pleoly of f'ALS£-TJ'.s. Ll'I,
I« 1 fll» mllllon income tu year. tuable Industry or weatthy Sllppl19 or lrriMtllit?\
rebate, effective Jn t'79. [n Just as controversial is~the hool~re-abfe to-provide i>oii'\••~•--r
lMI, the legialature, wit)\ ~fs proposal for the statewide quality ~at1on {~ their ?;:r.r=t.c:f'!':: =
l.PllfOVal, pulhed lhrQUaJl 1 school properly tu -Sotne-~l~ ~I 1 loalwd ti~ rate, ~;.:,:~ ci:.::U: Turns I nw Riot Ull milUon property tu re-thing that has been advocated we _P,ADm1a OD 1 ~ ~ , ~ _. d idicW ..,_. ~.~~ plan od b ot by edueaton for ye an u a uoen-with many cbildri!ft ..,, .-ut'1 W MldUlf p&a.•: ;;;'~Prep~~_! ~ !. · '."•Y-of equallzin& the~-but low aueSKd vatuaUon-:2'-:.0~'!:'·~ ..0
SAN FRANCISCO~UPI) -Festivity turned into [right in
America's largest Ina town
early Sunday when ·ce bat·
tied youths anned wi soup-
ed-up cherry bombs and Molo-
lov .cocktails after the aruiuaJ
Chinese New Year's Paradt.
When the smoke had cleared
at least 62 persons were in-
jur~ -· including seven
policemen. Forty persons were
placed under arrest following
the huge celebration for the
Year of the Rooster 466'l.
The parade drew more than
200,000 persons into the nar-
row streets and back alleys
of Chinatown. •
The lrouble first began
along the world famous Grant
Avenue when si:I plainclothes
police tried to arrest a
juvenile who had hit a seven-
yea~ld girl with a wooden
A band of teen-age r .~,
estimated at too by one (If
the officers. began tossing
cherry bombs coaled with
glued-on BB shot a n d
thumbtacks, bottles, rocks and
other missiles at t h e
Members of the elite tac-
tical unit, who specialize in
handling troublesome crowds,
arrived on the scene to rescue
the plainclothesmen who had
retreated . into a doorway,
Four oI the plalnclothesmt.n
were amoog the injured of-
Addrea1 .... th i m 1 e I v e 1 lC differences between rich have a hllth tu rate that stm ~\Zl.. a.. J'lll'I' MAM ~· "• •""poor school districts. -can't procfu_c ce enough mooey. ..NITDI'll••.ittl'UI ~ · oqumly 1'o 11a11n'1 oppoe1, -""-\-'"'----------'-~---=-....,......:..--------=
tlon, the ···-offfclala, scholan and businessmen on By Lfle time the vlofe'nce
had subsided, 50 officers were
oa the ICtllt.
Oil Workers
the coounlaslon oald wllhbold·
Ing would tiring more money
into the state JrtUIJry by
spt<din( collectlons Ind catch-"11 income tu evaders.
End 1Strike
Of Standard
It alao wool4 be mor• con· venieot to tupayers, the com-
missionen sald.
And if wtthholdinj: went into
effect on Jan. I, 1970, the
state treuui'y would r~ve
I OM-time Windfall of fUO
m1lllon. 'nlat's beeause tu:·
payers would being paying
RICHMOND (UPI) -Some .. aa.'"-~.._... thelr 1970 toes Jan. l, and
L __ ...;._.;,_,,_;;;-=...;:;...~-:'·::-::.::-:.:-:.,.:....--.1 then be required io pay their 1,300 striking oil workers un-"-· -•-'" " 1989 tazes on April I, 197Q, -ve3...._nm1J1yt• voted today on a tentative 'Die money, the COIIl(lli.salon
contract settlement aimed al------------------.!laid, could be used for the
en•ling their t w o -m o n I h ) 1 t a t e building program -
boycott of the Standard Oil F miJ £ F • Di
Co Refinery. a y 0 Ive es Hurt in Blast
'fhe orfer provides an Jm-~
mediate 6 percent pay In-Jn El t w k I C HR t S TCHURCH, New
crease and another 41\ per· , fi f0 fee Zealand (UPI) An ~t boost next Jan. I. icebreaker today was making lta way to the remote
The company's negotiation.!! EL CENTRO (AP) -A stationed at the El Cenlro Antarctic Palmer station Base
with leaders of the local couple and thelr three children Naval facility; hi! w i t e , to evacuate a seriously injured
chapter of the Oil, Chemical died in a two-car colli!ion Sun-Patricia, and their children, Ameri~an Naval <(fleer.
and Atomi<; Workers Union day. Teresa, t, Jill)my, &, and
(OCAW) solved a major The driver of the second Denise, 3 months.
stumbling block during a nine-car and his five children Injured seriously w I r e
hour session Saturday. Stan-riding with him all were in.. A.dolfo Niciachea, 48, of
dard agreed to put strikers jured. Cal':Jico, and two of his
accused of picket line violenct oOead are James E. cbildrtn: Three olher1 were
back on the payroll. Olmsted, 31, who had been listed as uUsfactory.
• Clutell'I Aurel Alf!pllFicett-
MO IALasM•ll
J4" I. COAST HWY. c-.iMM
hr ..,__67S.JIJI
Houn: 9:30 1.m. to t :30 p.m.; s,t. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Thrc1ugh Saturday
and low price
72x101 or
twin fitted 1 64 bottorn 1h• e
11 xlOI or
full fit..O
ltettem 1i11 1.84
..... ........ 2/94<
"ock up°" 1turdy
\'Ot+on llQSift lhettt ond
pillow c.MS'" ~.
(Harbor Shopping Center)
Quilted ...... , ..... ,
prints, sollds
:speclally priced .
:~,\"" 12.99
::-.. 16.99
COllN on ,......,,. to hew. b11autiWy puffy
..... ~ WI cobM prWI or Nit
tolcll al Mha .....SOU. ,natl c.i,hra•
your '*-· no mattw '#llOI H i1 ••• choole Iii•
....i ..ion ""'"""'""1111.,.. ....... ........
up)"llJl'MifiBllNMJW .. AiiliWMj ..... f
' (
2pt9ce lmp•rt•• ............
shift gowns,
sleep coats
P1etty p...,. rr... gowi-. of-~ Koci.I• ~/ ...... lhaf't ...ochine ..t\ ft dry-I
obi.,_. .... ~ ChooM • complet•
~i..,..... wdiobeof light lotyc:olor eo-or-
dfnMM ...... t.iby doll pajClll'IOI ond 11.p
..... ., ,...,. We ..n ... .., p;c:.!
• L1•• ........ ,
10.88 2.99
Get r9CMiy for ~
'IOC'Otion ill 11y4il
Stts indudl 1s•,
16' ond 17°' COH$ ...
look like tt.y c:os1
l'l'UCh, lllUCfl IMl'll A
I fon+cJltic bvyl
""""°"" ,_......,Jon "1im fw ... IMIOl'I ..
at thil unbeatoblt price' .. kl
l:iolk .. mo<k turtleneck Py1
O...tr...kolicft ....,,......._cokwt.
!Huntington Center)
Glrl'1 Pena Pre1t
lreezy polydw/CDtton ts.by
dolt pajomol. -iii.., .......
orl machine --a~le, ..........
iron Penn'P,...-. 0... h'WI
'°" '""""' """ .. -or tolicfe. SIM 4-14.
' .
. '.
'"·'""''"_,'"!"_~~--.-.---.---.-.. -.. -.-.. -.. -...... -.-. -=--==-::_::_:::_=:=-.=.-.-.:-:_'?_r_·~-~ ..... _ •. __ ~--.. 4;·-· -~-----• . •
' DAll.YPIUT 9 • • •
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday. Thro~gh SaturdcW
; •
REG. 36.99, NOW 2 9 o 99
II "'· 'OMp ...... d ... lopo MOO and 1800 11M. N.n. MCI bnwin &*w M.rinp. tool Ntt, 11uxfliary
henclr., polbhiftg boftnet ond 2 1ncling_G11CS.
, '
REG. 39.99, NOW 29.99
Powtrful 1': HP, IY.i oml' meter dew.lo,. 34$0 RPM.
AdjuNltl• tool rwsb, aofety ey• *"itlch, w.:tter trey,
drrll MorPl"inv guicM, spark orrmen. wheel ft.IOT"J•,
Pey ot littte as $5 ptr month
Pfl'/ u Jittl1 GI $$ per mentft
16" 1'1.ANER, ~.HP MOTOR
REG. 36.99, NOW 29.99
REG. 36.99, NOW 29.99
I' "'· 6 ... p -...... 630, 730, 2200, '2"°°
71'M. NIOdlo G?ld broon boartnp. ~Int lrifte• I"""'-010111;0.y handle. 'Como ...,. today! .. ,
~tty 01 littlo as $5 per montlt
11HP,6 -_, dowlops 14,500 11M. -
''"'"-.rings, 21,i• eutting width, deptt, 00jurtabl1
to )(,•. Gvidti plot• odjusb to "5°.
Pay as little en: $5 P9" month
REG. 36.99, NOW 29.99-
l l.4 H1', 10 omp mot« develops .5200 RPM. 90° to 45°
C"fll• adjustment, motor IO'f'I drive, chnt chute, rip
guide, retnovabi. outboard shoe..
REG. 36.99, NOW 29.99 ' ,,
!I HP ,.,,., do¥olop 20;li(lo RPM. ..._ ond Mii I
"9•;.p. lol" collot I« 1tondottl bib, ad'iust dop1h
cut te , .. il'l •IOHllflts of .o:w·.
ra, • r"""., $5,., _
Pfl'/ es little es $.5 per month
(Fuhion lsl1nd)
Yow boot buys day In d doy out are Pon...,.llW!l . ......,dd Wo
Iott •dlosoly to re what ·-ooy In oui olooOlh "alway.
Rrs! qual11y." Wo. op constuntly to a...,. CCllllplltltr.. pfl<ot.
Th• J. c. l'•n-v Co.
""--. tti.r thll oroc1-
u1:t wlll ""'°"'" OM eo•t ~ .... wtMn ... , .. _, • ,....,.,,v """ ....
.url.c• .. --..1... '"
dlNCdOfll ... ,.,, ""'"
•llc.tloM '""" ftot •I(· cM .. 1\ori ~ .. ttirt·
eel Ml-for Meh IY.11' ot
-.irl-. If fhJ. PJ6duet
d-riot &l9rfonn •nit· eel, me J, c. l"enriev, eo.
Wiii 1upply, fl'99 •f ch ... , enouth 9ddltJllNf
Jlllrit t9 -·~ -· qe, er Nful'ld tt.. 11ur-·
ch-Orlc:.9 Of th9 hint.
COVEl'tAOE: Not t• ,
E11Q99d: ~
·• f'1'9Y!Mn!V 1Ml11tM llUf•
f_ .... 00 •111. ft .... , ... ~
•l'oreus,...._nry-100t • 2ao.sq. ft.,.... ..i10..
J. c. ,._., c-..-riv .,_,_ tMt mi. Jll'M·
ti« •fll Jlf~ •M.COl't c-. ..... will .,.
wlll'lmbl9 fOf .,.... .,...,.
from th• dlt• of put·
ch-when .ippll•d· ov ....
• pr°"1rly pr~•red 1ur•
f1e1 .. d-..:1lb1d In dir•G·
t lon• Or> lt-b91. AppllC•·
tlon mll'lt nol 111:11td t1..!·
ton eev«9'11 u1t-d btl&w
for I K h tyllt a f llUrlK •.
If thi• product dOllt not
Plfform n 1t1ted. Tti1 J .
C. l'1nn-v Go. will .. p.
JllY, 1 ... of cti ..... ,
.,,outf'I lddltlonll P91nt
.. COll'IJl1fl• C-l{llt (If
'9CO<ll, 8f It thl CU1•
tOfOI••'• ootlon r1fund
di• j'lurc:tl-orlc• ol th•
COVEl'tAGE4.l1t to
• l'T•IOutfV palriteel 9'1f·
f.cn -400 lfl· ft. "'"' pi Ion.
•l'orout M-'"Y-100 10 250 9<1, ft, Jll' Gallon.
1-coat paints
Penncraft• Premium
· interior latex
REG. 7.49 NOW
forget about a bothersome sec·
ond coat. Penncraft" latex covers
complotolywith tho fin I coat I This
smooth-flowing, diipless point
GOii on fast, leaves no pGirity
odor, dries quickly. Brushes wash
clean In toap and waler. C"-
from many room brightenino
PremiuM lnteriet lotex Tint ac.. ..
Reg. 7.49, NOW 4.88
Penncroft• Premium
1-coat latex
semi-gloss enamel
REG. 8.99 NOW
Amazing semi-gloss goes on
smoothly withoul dripping. Finish
remains bright, won't brisfef ot
peel. Besides covering in 1 coat,
it's guaranteed washable for $
years! Easy SOClp and waler dean
fup. Jdeal for oll interior~: waHs.,
woodwork and trim, furniture. -
(Huntinglon Center)
I •
• • • • ' • -~
I r-
' ..
J• DOILY PILOT M.Gq. MN s, ll)f)~ •
For The R ecord Lively ·Gra n dmother B·arred Fr om Con.rt
_f .
• * ,. •• ••
" HAUK c l!dlllt M. Kwit. AM 16, ot S 81n161
II vn-... ,.._, •9Kfl. SurYIV9111 IPI'
-. ~· w mi.m1 ,.,., 1toblrt1 •11111--
.. ''"" Mrt. W1I"'" !". ~'°"' Hew-• .., laChi ' .,..Nld!lldl'WI •lld -• -f1ftl!ddllldr911. ,.,,,lea, Tuetdett.
fj t PM. le11 ,,.,..._.,. °""''·wflll Dr.
• lll'l'!Mllf I. •ra111rm efftdltl119. 111-
• ~. S11nnnlft C-"'r"I, lo119 .. flltdl .... r •l'Mdw!IY M.,.,.ry, 110
llf ·~y, COii• MeN, Dl~Jrol'll.
,. M11"Nt A. Soui.. Age N. fl "' W. • lflll St .• Celtll Mltll. Prlwofto_..,...k• -"' """""*"' .,... lwlll hdly, M-•-.... •.i1 •roedWtl' Marl\l9ry, Dir«-
. , •~
" fl""" l11111f. "6 A111tt St., lM-_. ... °'" fl ... !ti. Mlf'Cfl 1. Su,. -"'* 1rr-..,...._M11,.,. ~ wlll -a ..... T,,...,, J PM. f'9Clflc, VllW
.,a.-i. wltll ..... °"' ... """* ....... ... cletlrw. 11111,_,,., MtWlllWll'I .. "" w hdk 01ACttll 11¥ PKlftc V... Mer-. """"'· • WAU.ACE :r.. Jotwl O.Vld W1l1Ke. 1""1111 ...,. ot Mr.
:. i nf Mn.. Oonlld W1li.t. .. Tu,lln.
_. Prtwtlt _..k" •I 01111n" •rotMn
1o1 H~ V1llrY Mort!.111"1'• ta-7771.
•'Eftln 11:. Wtllkomb. 550 A VII Et-
.. ,, ... , lffUllOI lft(JI. Dat. Ill ... ,
•Merdl 1. S.Ur.-1...., bY wife. Dfln!'fWI
.. •utto1'1t1'. E lew« HUMYI -tl'UOI 1111nf Alttlfl: brdlllf, AMII Wfl~I
..... tltt.n. 11...n1 ... "' ..... v.rw •s.~. kn'k:a ..-flnl, IMtfW ~
•111111 (1-1! Marf\lery,
• WILLIAMS * J•-111w1e11 wmi."' ,,_ n. ., ,,, ~st .. ~ hid!.°""'., .. ,,..
trn.1 de.I Mar OR .....
~Illa Me,. Ml Nlitl
I -tny, Colla M-
u was
• : • • • • e
l'llll Bella BM.
Bndlitt• Bt1c•
• ~. MorlurJ'
• liill Padlle View Drtre ~lleadt,C.Wonda i "'-1711 i PEEi: FAMILY
. 1 ~:;1=;:
: iitliW'I MOlmJAltY
: Cl Mabo Bl
: a .... ~ : l!mWn MORn!ARY
117 ll. Ullt ... CMlo -. .. , •. , . ..
• • • ....
-~·TOM BAN.EV -111---cblt .... J • judp.~ • •• ' I -I had iildh. rm VI<)',,.,., 'bffl coming to thete courts legal way• to .... tcnnand
• """·""...., Anna 's faux pas OCCWTt:d • SOlnl aaJd Judg~ vcMlllin sorry and J usure you lbat • for u &on u I can remember Judge McMlll&'a arden. • /
SANTA ANA -Thor• wen at a delicato sta&• of~llle ow.ftac~. U lit dW; ond I wouldn't do aucb a thing-aiiil-Y can Ii<lP'"btJI aamfre "Do )'Ou lhJAk" !..,. golrig
thole ln. Superior Court taat trial aod while a key w1tneu newsmen were lftlty wtll deli berately." a woman ol 85 who will get to put up with Ulil eovt and
.....t who "Uioo,bt they "had was belDI clooely <iuMloo<il ·•sr-t that ho clidn be bad JUdge McMillan aectJ>led olil to tbe courthoule to spend the munlctpal ""'1'11 f« tl)e
ui; In ~ti\;~ lawyer asked the Witness to of two Netto natllmlllta who I~ clear m wa commenl1 and u-~ • a wu •V>-__.,~..... . ,... tbe lut it Anna Sprinaer, by dde.,. attorney Frank good caUJe, Ho l'U pm!4111C tbe explanation. But he mJci. ~-it time at a nat six moclbl," abe 1111ppecl ~-d d~-•--Evans. 'Ille Loa Angelet over a -trial, tbe trial . . .,_ ·~-• t .... __._~ • ..1~1111
•like were canMent U,Wt the recall an incident of long a would eveidually face murdw his sentence that Anna SPl'inl· ' 8drnire blr eptrl~" the · "Doa.i BtlD4 there · · me -"!~ ~ .! lod1 1 ·aJ>-that seemed, certairily t> i:. chal'll'S" aod-he waJ · lrYinS" er had b • t I ,LL JIC!! ief )! Mi< Jald. "Sbt may have all tbls st11!f a boo\ boW the k. .. ~ .. ulllan _,:"'&"d ~-~yrhoner wrl~er, lo ~ave. no bearing to control a heavQy JU&l'dfd ... .ham· vpopenluntarag1atn1y , volunt:aril.Y or .got lnto ......... Jltile' trouble -time will pa11, Anni; 1'(1d
»y;.";" c&ree;UUlof ~~ u r t on the present trial. court that bid been threatened~ • , -. slle has in my court -but before you know where you
watching. Tearful, trembling Anna thought so too. She with \liolence. Sbe a kad several warnings I hope we haven't seen the are you'll be back again.
F IR Calls. --~--·-"'""*.I< •Milt, • ...,·~· -·· J:a '""' ~-P ow httct!
):If •.t11o Gt.-,_ .. ., atftl, & E i.etrfc: * • ~ ,,.,os '-"'--,c.r fl,., .. .,. 1"'4. .. , __
1:a 1.m. lle.c:"', MU ..Mmlmf
lO:U •·'"· Stn•tf\H'~. c ... ""· Slort' 11 :lit ,,11'1. C.r fl,., GolN w.st & ·--...I . '\.,
I:~! ,,m, llest.u., Mcf'Mcle11 l'•rt
l :SS it.m. 11tesc111, WftfMlmtw I,
A:IO p,mf T,_•11 ti.-, 13'0 H1mmon
f :Q p,111. lllftQMI, ''°" H9111unt Clrdt Mtor. I
l :H 1.m. lltftC\MI. 0'200 lolll
l :lO 1.m. "--l.mt ,.--rid,
""'· 2
F""*'Y 21. SUl"ri'IMI W ftllfle<", Joe
'M. Wini.mu motl\er, OINI I . WI~
11-1 lM'ollllt'. J• Ill. Jr.: 1l'1'en,
511$111 Ffllter ar"ll P'.trkl1 Wll111.,,., 111
~ ""9tlflm, ~' Tuetd1Y, 2 P'M,
hlh: °"""'' :mo E. C-rt Hl .. WIY • c.,_ dltl Moir. 1...--1, P'rlv1h! .
.. Jti: MOrllltrv, Dlf'K'lor'l,
AnlllonY A. $bnl«o. ..... n. ol ,,,,
H•rtlor llMI~ C_,. Mew. Services
1Nlldl1111.· le-II llrl9CIWtv Morru1rv. lit
lnNldwlYo Cotti Mft9.
Ell:t~ H-n. 2iU F1lrw1v Dr .. eo.1a #Nu. ""'i.. ..-111111. a.11 8r"Mdwll'I' Mort!Hry, 111 Br01d'w1y,
C•ll Miu •
Helin O. Fllei, kNkes .,,.i ~I wlll bl lltld Ill Afui*. ,._ Vert. 8911
.,...,.,.., MortllttY. 111 ll"OMlwn. c.,. ,_.,~l"dtN-Dlrtders.
No9tl .. I, Hubw. $11. T-stlll ..,.,.,. ...,..
-' a.di. ~ .,. ,.....,.._ Mr. C11ff!Drd Hublr1 ,,....., Mn.. Mar1-
ty11n l1Y111, CW-I ~. Jel'lll
lt..,.....lo "-*'II llJWs, Mn.. M!l-
*9d Gfww, 1nw... .,. Mrs. ldttri
SrollM, "IOrldlu ..... lnnckhllllrfn.
11•rt H•,....r 111d G.ry lr'l\11: tl'M1-
tf911dd•lllfller, Jiiiie Hel"MI'. Gr1wtlcle
MfYlma, W..tllftd.riY, 10 AM, PKlflC
View Memorlll P1111t. Dlredwcl b'I' •ell ,......,,..,. Mott~,.,. 11• ll'Nd'Q,,
Coll• MeH.
CMl'IH 81odtett. M !. C1lle "''"°"' LfflNI Hiii&. Det. of ._th, l'el)nltlry
:tt. "'"'* 11¥ wife, f!vth. SWVkM .,,........ If Slwffer LArl!Ufll ~ Mot-
Cyr1" CMmbtn.. AH U. of 1211 An1-c.,. Wt!Y, ~... lie.ell. Sl!rv\«I
~IM •I ~ L"u.,. •Helt Mo,.. .. ".
D111er.r. OMM. lllf•nt delltt11'>f of
~ •M Merldlltl OW-. ot Sl1~"1
L"'-k, lhll Gtirlltlll.. Dete of deeth,
l".iitv41'Y B. l'm 1i. ..vlcn w;n ~
...... fu.Uy. 'Mt:ICJifl' ClllHI Mo<·
fllMY, ~. Dlr9t;lar\,
ll:tlltl1 Hvdloll. 2205 W•I 1•1-
.""'.. ~ llMdf. 51.1..,;...., by
llltw, Mm• Sll'lllll. ., ""'• ~rl1 1 Nor, Mr1. Al Fenti, .........., e .. dl.
l"rh'•le ~ .,. "'"'""'"' w\11 "" flllW Ill ....... No.!'i9 to9y, MOlllf1r. w.fl:lllt 0-.il Hiert\I.,..,., .,...,.., -
and seemingly on the point loudly 8(:0{Ied and shrilled: Eyery peraon In the public from several judge.a. But, od· last of her."• "I'm here but I'm not going
of collaP'to the heard the "I doo't ·see wha~ that'~ got gallery was" beklg carefully dly eqougb, not one of those He need haVe no fears. Anna to stay here," she shrilled
'jqdgl aenteoce br:r to• three' to do with this cilae.'' · ~~. And tbe'tesile, stiff jurists has anything but kind BIJt in his "'own departptent as the newsman headed for
diyi in Cianff: Codntt J•U. • She got 00 chance to ex-facet' ol the juron' rev~ W~ for a woman who muJt Friday listening with care as the corridor. "You'll see. I've
Just as quietly Judge plain. Judge McMillan 'red that the tensiwi WUl'l't con-cause them many anxious the seAlor ~Url.st called the bttn sitting in these courts
McMUlan stllpended' the jail and angry immedialelf set fined to bench+ bar andpubUc. moments during the long criminal calendar -in the for nearly 30 years and no
tenn foe the l>year-olcf'Santa a date for her contempt bear-Anna'a dtfeMe wu that she boura ol a major trial. secoQd floor courtroom. juda:e is going to.·-" Ana~. He handed, ing and -.ppec! a sJuui! and didn't -!bot lhe'd 11111JJO:, ~Judge Samuel • ~ Uke John Paul J...,, , We loit the restmindof .'ts~~
her a ""tonee Uwt U-Jl!lll< too pleasant "Y4Xl'te the remut. "Al God la ID1 ~ 1"""7 well -med ' pie 1Yi! only jllal be&1!lt !" we dldli~. really ~ pr-la the """""'°"' Im-welcome", la r.aponoe to her witness," Ille told Jud(t It up •1 ihlnl alle'1 an .,.... flpt. Iler _,, all\lnl'J 111a·, -d!!IJy. things •-ed a Jot
mediately lhoUlbl IO bo apprehenstft."'l'hank 100, McMlllan,"ldldn't-thlt 1ng..;.....,besaid."She'1 onHrod·~fmd ,.,_ ·~.
-· tlllllbtoned. definlt .. ly llOfti and corlalDiy in Mrs.
Springer'• boot laloresta -
her ordend her, to not IO
above the third flocr of tbe .
county cour1boUle fer the nezt •
alx months.
It had onlookeri
newsmen wondering for e
while until it was realized that
the ruling wou1d effectlveJ.y
bar the brisk, blro·Uk• Anna
from the trial courta -the
very court.a to which she
devotes most ol her days and
in which she can almost
always be found, nodding at
a 11ge ruling and tut-tutting
fiercely at a gauche move
by couruel.
Mrs. Springer, q u I c k I y
recovering her customary,
crackling compoliltt, 1 e ft
onlookers in no doubl about
how she felt once she got
out into the courthouse cor-
"Six months away from the
courts?'', abe guped in-
cftdWously.-"Why tt'I Ttei'·
riblt RDteoce. Why didn't he
just leaVt it at three days
in jail? That would have been
over soon enough apd I could
have got back to my trlalJ."
She pushed her reluctant at.
torney back to J u d g e
~1cMillan, but the jurist was
adamant. "I said six months
and I mean six months," he
said. "Thia thing has gone
far tllOUih."
Mrs. Springer'• Rl06t ardent
fan (and she has many of
them in the courthouse) would
have to concede that the judge
had l point.
For acid-tongued Anna bu
run into a welter of cautions
from the bench in recent
yean. Judge McMillan recall-
ed Thursday that he had
warned her on at least three
p.-.vtous ocoukm · to keep
quiet in court and particularly
ttminded Anni that he
delivered a special warning
at the start fl that particular
trial -·the trial of, George
and Lury Stloer on attempted
Entire Staff
Of Goodwill
SANTA ANA -Presiden
Robert Chambers of AnebeL'tl
and the entire llaff of officers
and directors of Goodwill
Industries in Orange County
have been rttumed to office
for another year.
A new member of the board
is HUTY Meyer, Santa Ana
public relationl erecutlvt and
fcnner mayor of Santa Ana. 1
He rtpl1ce1 Robert Hitt Jf ~
Orange who baa moved to
Washington D.C. to accept a
post in the Nii:on ad-
Re-elected y.rith Chambers
were Paul Cook. Anaheim.
vice-president ; the Rev .
Walter Vernon, An ah e i m ,
secretary; Ray Sm it h,
Fullerton, assistant secretary;
James McCulloch, Orarwe,
treuurer, and Lyle Blystone,
Santa Ana, 111Jstant -·
Electric heat is gt'eat
if you don't mind breathing your
own breath over and over and •••
• The only medication·that
"It's clean heat!.' So say the ads. And they're right.
The heat itself is clean. But the air? .
Whet the ads don't say is that air from radiant elec-
tric heat is stagnant That's because it hes no place to go .
(Unless you open the windows. And who can afford
to heat the greet outdoon-electrically?) Gets to a Major Cause
. of Hemorrhoids
Now! Most complete 3-way relief!
lhis import•nt development in
tlemorrtlold treatment comes to
·"" 1n11 flu '"" of KI01111ic "" dlftlcal tlstlnr. Not onb don Counttrno~ work by lessenln1
polo Ill~ !!!!I bf alltinf. SOOllli/IL and prottctiq lajurtd tisM ••.
belt unlike ewry ether •rNW
prOlt.lct Counternoid lltl WDlts I
,tlllnl way.
~~" actusivl jolnu~ with OSSlo •only Co1111ttrnoli
pls to a major uust of btlnDJ·
Witllliif "irrilltinr iuativl 1lr1ct. Here's howt In hospital x.,,, tests
doctors lltvl demonslr1t1d th1t
the rem•Qble CounttmOid formv-
l1tlon wllh DSS,,. penetr111s h1
minutes to the IOjl of the· rttlll
1rea lo soften the stool ind e1s1
tlle bowel movement
It is thi1 unique Kllon ltlll dots
sa much to make Nlllf11 ht1linf
. So, If you livt wl~ tM paift 11ld
f • of rlCIKrinr ntlnor hemorrlWlW troubln. rtt temporary relief with
-l~tul1d C....tll!IOld. lclua ined n dir1cted, Cotm-•
ter/'ICllcl o "' tht most cornpl1t1 1...., 111~1 you "" 111 without • prtWlplion Qf without SUf(tFJ.
In stalnleucrum Of Jllj)p0$iloriu.
At 1a c1ni1 counters. .,.,_,of-.. i..t ........
!i .. >
Gas forced air heat is circulated heat Look at the
little sketch.
The clean blue flame heats the air in your furnace.
A fan blows it into the room.
As the warm air heats you, the air itself cools down.
And out it goes-to be mixed with fresh air from the
outside .
The air then passes through an air .. ----cleaner which filten tlie dust and ciga-
rette smoke. Then on to be toasted again
by the clean blue flame and back into
the room.
The breath you breathe may be your
own. But it's last minute's. Not last
night's. Tum on the clean blue flame
and get y'our circulation going.
• ' •
·----• •
-. .•• ·y
• ; . . '.t. ..
' . , ~ . . ' ,;( : . ·~ .. ··1 : .: . . ... ·.;·· .··~
:2·100: A.e~es·,o-ntived . ~: ' . , . ' \ ' ~. '•· ~ . .
-. F()t· CQu~ti~k~~~~,,~~ 1
: ~ AN~ -ii,;; ~ ~\,. Uie s.;.i_ ~lllv·
.2,'IQO-...... a1 er..,. County . "'"· i;J:."': ~ land-bavo -appi.Veol for . • acra In the San · · · · · are•· the
. ....-n! ·-· •tahl> Altco in., ranc11, ui ..,.. _bJ the CGonllY Boord al Sup-f1 the '5asA Alla Mountain&,
----. -and thO 8-tt proper!J, 71 . Tbe boilrd .Jpproived ftve ~P-acrtS near ~n Toro. ~ f~ tl)O tu-it Not grinted\'!_l'IWO"ai WI I
alaliil and dlsajlproYod ooe ap-the Francis 'C. Tomllnoon
plicinL Supervtoor . David L. property of 40 ac:m neor
BUB and Robert W. Battin Brea. This land Ji ued for
·Jild ·..-.a\IOril --·1;, o the growing of \plan&> and
.perceta .approved. trees in CIDI wbJch WU dlem--
1.lrielllaiid l>oldlnr ploced ed oot an agricultural -11y . tn 1he pn.eerve status wu 2,· superyison.
GOO 11m1 of the Noh! Ranch lo-Lui week the oupervbon
'catect lellth of. the Santa Ana .approved preHn'e status· f<r canrm Rood -nd l}O"th· ol vu. ·almost 100,aoo """' ol ·lht "'
:la Put. Both Ballin and Bak· vine Ranch and Rlncho. MJo.
er lliolJChl that this property sim Viejo land. "
·m1g1i1 oot QualUy becauae tt Unlea !late leglal~ ,II
wu -Giiiy for gruln( pur· enacted ell<ndiJI( the ~
-· bill .only Battin voted -for granting ttllol on ~iagalnat approval. '10 tu peyment&. no more.
Aho approved werit tht preserTe applicatjons w9J be
Dougla..sunklol prnperties, com!dered this ~· """"~
. 100 --In the wt Anaheim olliciala said. . i j .
N~wp0rtManltefdori f6
$ecriritj:es Tbeft\\fit..;.t.., . .. . .. . . -. -. / -. -~~~"?-' . . ...
tos · ;\Na!i.Es -Ii min Aqel~ -~ Caui!. He
..ho an!Pny Uied a Newiioi't is cllarpd-Wlill 'u -a1 lleicb--~ .. a rront .'grand ule!l . . m•'ompecled.!raud~tlqn , .Alliltanll ~ ~1
.~ma-.~•. of.· ~e:cunues ·Geor1e' .Rbodu uid ~
and ~ Iii a deluntt · faCOI .charP!I of bilkfPI llj-~ --pany laces arand • · • _. tlitft charge. hett. . · . vestqrs .of It leMt '80.-w.
. ·James M .. H~ wi:io ·w~ Rhodes ·~~~qed-
-armtaS-lal---ln 'l'lburoil;-..;ly--contacled 'f"'eatlil Jn.
a smill, Marin ,County town, .vtstors, i~ludirW ~ L.una
will aPJIO" al • prellminacy Hills ..rWdents, and offered
hearlni · March 4 bl:· Los to invest thtir funds in
· · -sed1HU.., land ioles and, In
· · seteral eaa..n.;.~ nooalstenl Costa: Mes an ''".ti:!" ~ a11ePit ... ~-'
Hllis_ • .<:;;'_. ·n...,__.,_ ~-•• .cIIP. Wirt E:n~ furv -:id Sues. . · . : K.u....P. ¥D inade dl\111 Wttll
• ilJnlen Jn .tbe-·
SANTA ANA . -A Cos!a to invest ~ '"'"""· Tbe Mao -man baa IUOd the address ol thll Newporflleic:h
C&Ulcrnla lllcbw•J Polrol lor apartment wu not cllicl<loed.
more than $50,000 in damages Other investors, 10 in all,
In a Superior Court complllnt "" from other Onto(• County
which alleges that be wu locations and Loo Aqela and
falsely arrated, lllcUd and san Bmllfdln6 -...
beatu by two potrohnen. The lhtte flrml uader which
David J. Van Der Gracht, HaNen did business "¥"
:1417 Rlcbmood Woy, Identifies James. M. 11an1at, Inc.,
the two olllcen aa John Irvin Caldn Corp, and "Finmy-Ott
and M. Giiimore In bis !»,214) Corp .• accordJni to the Ulb-
complalnt. He clalma that .his , wt diltrlct"a"'*iley.
arrut on the Santa Ana The latter two ft rm 1
Fr!eway near Buena Park Jut Rhodes said, have not ~
l.farch t wu "10ley to bar· recorded with' the state 11 ua" 1 n d that the off'lcen: bona fide corporations
u11ulted blm and "kicked his •
feet out from undtr hlm."
lllunlclpal court recwcll Jn. ---------cllcaled that Van Iler Gracht
WU arrested CID drunken drlV·
ing cbar1e1. Acilon against him' WU dimni&sed last Junt
10 on ' motion to the court bJ• the clbtrld atlor!lei"• of.
TV WEEK Tells it
Like It'll be
I See by .Today's
Want Ads
, ,. . ---
. .
----... __
' • ' I •
I '
W elloaloy l'lot-
imt."ll, reg.
120.00, H.00
~ _.,.._
' '
I • --
rog, 200 00.
·-.. ··-•
• .. \ • -tt
• • •
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~ . •
• .. ,'W .. I I •, • •
-~-~~~___, -· ·~--~---'"-----'< ..... ~~ ~-. l • •
Gorhcim ·celebrates
Cqantilly:a 75~ year . . ' .. .
with· 8av.ings of 25Cfo
"'~ \ I t
In ,1895 Gorham introduced Chantilly ;·. , cme
of the mbot .popular and beautiful "1i.rling
pa1tems ~ all time. _Now, 75 years later ft lllill
mainta!N ihl popularity. Now i. an ·.,,ciollei:it
lime tQ. add lo yo_ur proaent ervice er ll1art !'
aparkling new ,oet. All open lloc:k ii en oa1• .. , ' . . . . many, olhM pioceo <n<rllcrbte, but no! I/ate<!. . . . ' "'-., '"fl· ICll• pl-rig. ,llale . . . teaspoon · I 0.;!5 7.69
pla~ bille 13.7510.~l
place fort. 15.50 11.63
spoon 13.bo t.75
1preager 9.25 5,9'
1alad "lor~ 1100-t.7S
cold m..at
fork ,
'JfttVY lc:ir:lle
"l500 11.75
buy on May Co'a .30Yer CNb Plan. No Clo-wn
payment, -no CXJIT}'ing dlarv-. no lnterez t. Up
to 24 months to pay_
may co 1ilverware 48-<ill 17 1 lores
save 20Cfo to 40~o on ·
Mikasa bone china -45 piece service for 8 -
84.00 to · 1s2.oo
--~ requ)mly 120;00 lo 240.00
Enjoy great 1avings on line, tran3lu~t Mlk"""
bone china. There are four teen lovely patterns
in the group .. ·: many with 14 kl gold or plati-
num lriin. Get <;'CQUainted With this lovely cllb)o • ·
now. 45 piece set includes 8 each dinner plat•,
1alad plates, cups, aeruoera. aoupo plua platter,
vegetable bowl. creamer and covered 1119ar . .
. ••
. ..
-·· -· ' •• .•. •• . .
' .
' ..
... .. ...
' .... . '
. ... ..
Btearly, r.g.
150.00. -,>em.brok e, reg.
200 00. 110.00
All OP,On atocl: now of 20'/. to 40%' oovingo. .·
may co china 46-all 17 1tore>
. . .1
. •
may co sout~ coast plaza, sa~ dlego fwy at bt:l1toL costa _mesa;
, 546-9121 shop monday through saturday _10 a.m. to 9;30 p.m._
I '
JI DAll.Y PIL'l>T '
DARY 10-.10 San. 10-7 Prices EffecllYe Mon.· Tues; Ctsll Mesi Slor.e Oily
Black and bdge. llU 07
LAMP DEPT. ' . .
~·11-'1.27 96¢
'These attractive' bowls have many
HOUSEWARES DEPT. -Clll•lltlllll .....
Reg . 78c 57¢
·Cleans and deodorizes automatically.
12-oz. size. .
..... ' ....
can be used for hair rol\:i;,
need!, cosmetics.
.... _, ... .....
Plastic Assortment
Reg. 2 for 97< 2/88¢
Bowls. cups, mold, silverwal°f' try1.
WllH• .....
Qva~lltlel I · 4 • J .....
Reg. 94c 64¢
Assorted t:ol<1rs and patternf..
Wlllll> MAR.
Q111""flll I · 4·J .....
20:-.'26 Pink and blue. Patterned
w ... .. -'"' ROUNDED
Bolster Pillows
J')urahle fabric in (11shlonable colors.
.... -....
Reg. 2.14
J . 4·.
l~ Eipped white rol lon COYeT.
72 coUni: p&cilake .
' ........ .......
o.uti-1•4·J ~ ") .
Ree· 1.43 96¢-·
Spray-on-Wipe :off. One quart alze.
w ... -... ..... ... 2 LB.
Reg. 61c & 7Bc
. t_~:iis_ peach, grapt and other
w .... .. ...... .....
20 LB.
.... -...
Reg. 1.37
I· 4·1
... Assorted checks, plaids, ginghams.
----~YARQAOE DE~. •
wt.Jtl MAR.
OIMtlllet I• •·I
• Rat-1.97 $1.44! yard
Assorted prints and color•.
Chllafilltl ..... .....
1 ·4·1
Reg. 3Bc
Asrort.a! colon and print.II.
.... ........ ....
AMorled rol<1rs. Slut ~x-14
LA.Diii' WEAR 01'1.
Wiilie MAii. °'""~ 1 · 4·1 .... ,
Reg. 7.lt $4.88
Price: tnduMt: lftltlllaHon.
l(o llles 1o:De1Jers • r ..... , -....... . ' ' •MENS''-~
SU:es 2843. Umlt 3 pair.
. ... --.....
Sizes 8~.J.v..AJ1 Colon
IMO! Dl1'1',
..:.. ....
650 watts. Fib all super 8
w ... --.....
CAM~ Dll'T,
Aa8m'ted. cOi'on .
Reg. 49.95-0ur Price 39.97
Adding Machine
w•" O...a11tlll• .... ,
Deluxe ?ifodel "809"
'Handy-Hannah' Perculator. H<1lds 10
Tether Ball Set
Reg. 6.93 $3.87
omci&I me includes poles a.nd r"OPt;•·
-~----------.~ -~
Endi.ng Pos!al~ ~huse
Blount T-ells Reason for-oranges
WASHINGTON (AP ) President said in a mwage inherited • • • We are tn-
Portmasttr Geoeral Winton to Capitol Hill. "I consider vaUgaUn1 It ouneJves to see
M. BIOW1t sayi the ad-it essential as a first step, jusl wbal the s!tuaUoo is, lo
mlnlltrat100'1 propoaall for that-tbe Coo&rm remove. ta.-see U ~ u.,..any .decWons
ending postal patr(mage are last vesUges of po 11 tic a I . to be~ at th.ls time.:'.
but a flnt step \award "un-patronage in the Post Office · One flrm with a subcontract
doing decades of abuse, and Department." on the New Jersey project ' . I mean deca~s. that have BlOUDt expressed optimism has a mu who bas been
culmlnat<d in the ,09ndltil>ns that Congress will go along P11bllcly • ldentlned .. a
that we have he.rt)' · b u t added that "T h e thing . member of tiae Mafia on its
Polltlcal Wiuence pla)'Od a that mil>! be understood is payroll. Biount was asked il __:_.:..:,. ______ _
role even in 1 ~Une pro-~t what we're talking about firms with links to --. .. 1 ... ...t moll.om wllhln local post of-., •• ---
llc:a, Blount said 'In ,an in-dt>in( is not BOlni to bring · crime lhould be allowed lo
temew. any oymaiab:L~matic im-bid on government cootncts.
"ll'a beeo doCurnelled u\ne provemeotlili. "'t whole postal'-I "Well, I doo't !cnOr. ~t
and p obOut the CO& servicer' I ) . I/>< ~w ~ lo this ·l""d,"
-ol the periPle who . "U '' ..... ever gomg to lie laid, 'If I "'"', ~ Ud poaliloM ol nspomil:tUty ' get t~ it.ht/ tmlness of lm· ~ 4eti.slon, I wouldn't Pmnit
lllOWld her<," he. laid. " proving, the poe\al ..,.,;.,. we tti<N to bid." ;
'l'lmllnc 1o the 11 po11a1 bad ~ stoe.lhe polillcal In-t 'lbt 'New •Jeney project is
ngkmal olDcel r~ tor Duence and1: thint'that's the ~· built : by a pnvate ~-Ofthecoun-real.~ or this·,... r "11o .wiU ·J .... it
try, B-laid "Politlcal in-deciiloo7' -to_,., osl QIJlce ~
fluence within these regions Astedif or comments about for l'.I years at an annual
bal bOeit almost oomplet., and disclo9Uf!s bf The AMoclat..i· rent or $1,9115,0lJO.
II '1 going lo have lo he chang-Press of l>Olilieal and .Mafia, Bj>lh the General Accounting
ed." influence.: in contracts for a .; Offi,ce and. the Ge n·eT a I
President Nixon ha& asked $fO milUon mall · prQ!:essing Se r vi c e 1 Admlnistra~on,
Congreas to abolish political complex. under construction. whlch builds most. government
apf!Otntmenta of pc:l$imasters in. nortbem New Jersey, 1>4Jl~. ~ve criticlze(l 'tbe
and rural C¥J'ier'S and set Blount replied: lO:year~ld program tinder
up a system of appointments "As you know, we also are which· the Post Office Depart-
bued on merit. studylq that problem. It's one ment has leased ~edl of
"Reform of the postal of ~ messes we inherited, ~.oUlceJ,across th ~try
syatem ls long overdue," the or ~ or the problems we ~ private bullcter . ;i 1
. ~etti·P'oint
Pique Prints
No Iron' . .
·cytskay .
Prints & Solids , ' . ; . , ..
ell cotton btiutie1· 1" ·•
spring fresh r e n· tJ • ' o(,
color11 de signs. · • w1sh1 'n weer ell ~otto'n .
clr1s1 end blouse fabr ic,
41 .. wWe ....... ....... ... ......
that sing of spring
;iri~N(.°EL'1.~00PRINTS .
polyeater and cotton
100% cotton _
36/4~" wldt~a _. ~-~ ~ g· 8¢ guarl~f,.d w11h1ble ' • -yd,
rayon •ncl reyon blends
a r.oih collection of prints ind solid
co or1 with the look ind feer of linen.
colors gelore ind e1esign1 delight ell
spring end summer.
44"/4'5'' widths
little iron 111 w1sh1ble
Easter pretty sh••rs in blends of
polyester, r•yons end cottons.
tremendous selections of n•w spring
f1brics. .
l •" to 45" widths
littl• iron w11heble
1 v•s.t s.election of s.olid colors, checks, plaids, novelties
and textures in rayon & acet1te
VALUES TO $3.98 & $4.98 YARD
59" /60'' wide
hand washable
1 ?tll t i IR ISTOl
EDINGElt t i lfACH
197-101 ]
Estaocia High School In
Costa ·Mesa baa anoouoced
Its honor roll students ·ror tha
first semester.
Students receiving all ~'s
were ·seniors Geraldine · FUet
and Janet Matson; Juni0r1
Carol Cappello~ RayleM Cow~
Jey, Sue Jundanian, Belh
Tipper, and COUeen Well!; M
sophomores, and freshmm
Joyce Anthony, Christy Btanc,
SuzaMe Ceccooi, Sig Fldyll,
Kristie Krisher and Matt ~
Other ho9or roll students
who received at least two A's
and two B 111 are :
"""" -Joel Mimi. Jllllr I.WI. 00M. l1i<Mln. lr1 .. xttr, NI~ eridtl'MIW> TtrtY arTtt, P•lll 1111-.
JN-c..ttr.y. Ed Cl!"ord. SlllotM<t CodtnlM, Jlld1anl Dllt1ale, Jlldy Ed-
wardl. Lindi Fl'Mdl, 1..Gn!tl GG.tln.
Karwn Gr•llV· K1l'tll Grimm. Otwld H111e-s_.111, Ed Htdr., Tl'lorrllit Haft'.
~ H-"'911. Step/MR t+ovt, lYl'I,,,_ ,_
Noel line, $1111a Mt1VV911'141. Jt•" . M~kl, Ci ro! Mllhlr, II-OIHrt,
G1"9 Pltrtt, Wt..,., ,._, Sln-
POW9'1t, Don R111CN1!, llobeorl 111\'IT'Ofld, Dftllle RoWm, D1vld ldMiln; MM
Sltawln, Je1nnln. Smlllt, IWltrrY Ste-
~. o.bt>V Stol1rolf, R-rY
Sul:lo. sin. Trtr11ve: Ci_., Wilk ....
N1ney W!'l'Tltl".._8n.oc1 Wllllltne. 1/Mf
JOhn Zuonkl.
Jvnhlrt. -JIMf Anlflorrf, Glt:M
!111dwln, Dtnlellt lllfl,.."4, Wr1
•~w. Na11CY tr~, OMor-111 C11T!Pb!!l1, ltanald C1-Un. lllta C.u-
dUI, Cor\net Cutlen,, Me,., Otwl1s,
GIOl'1ll-Dwlel!I, Mlr1MI l!nnt,
Aild!w Filly, Frri ,,.,,.,.. T'*"'9
FOii, Gt1nl l"ree1-l'ld', IMdn GMl5, Yva1n1 Gomu. Mk11911 .,.._,, llalltrt --Grell H11vonitn, Gll'I' H1"'1, Mlu-
fftn H1""8n, M .. HIVI. lind:I Mei·
t.1<*. Vlc.lllr11 Hlt9tns. .. ,...,. HOIN-
loo\, S1111n Huff-, Kil"l"I J~,
K11rt Kemrtti. J1rn• Kll'Wlft. An!!.
k111pp, Jdtn line, ""°""' l...,, c ...
olVn Llu1', T"'"' l-n.dtw, Ml .. ........ '-Marsa\JODn• lllc:Mnf Mtrtln, Candice Ml'tllwwl, ~ M~u,.,
Juli• M(Comb, JIQ: Moon; WU!laflll M«'Tl'!fl. .
Sltffrr Ortitll, Dlant Jt1Tmer, Mirr Jt1rter, Donllll P1rtlM011, Nldl Pl-
uno, Dfbra P!'la, S~nll-CihJhw,
LIUA ll-ulllo. Tf'rrl 11111,19'1, t>l-
Sll'ldffs. Merk Siu...,,, d!rt.ttn. Sdlmldl, Lawrtno1 Sdlroedll', Mkt!lff
$mllll, C'Vnfhla $11,,_,., tcmt1,.. ~'· Gell Tv*', '1111111 • ..,_,.,,
Tom w-. John W•"""' 11'1d'
K1llllHn W!llckfon.
IDl .. _11 -ll:aNn A"°"""",
Can1r ~r, P111i.111 t °'low, T.,.u
11~ ••itM11t e~. Ju!_lt 1y111.rt1, laOeen• aurcllllt, Ila..,., (1rMnler,
Aa<"ll DolhOrl, O!!borlll Dwltflt, at~
Flll1'. Mire Fntlv) Jll'IWI Gllllodr,
C1ndV Gltlbonl, SuNft Gordon, l1110.
Hilt. °""'"' H1rt11n, Jan Htadlfv, sva-H\llbfttr, NlflCY J1nair, TI!orN1 Jcfl,,_
son. O.Yleo K1mwn. Milt 11'..,....bt,
~ Kint, A-lft, Dlalle Ulakt.
~ L091kft. A-Metfl ... ~n Nwmln, 81rbtt1 OIM!I. Mtn1tft Of. -. lloOlrl Petrini, llr.N!1 1t....t1 •
Ward 5111,....... ·em S1n91, Jlalldoho.,
S-, ~ STKY.
Rl1' Stltldd11'd, Mlr1111 !19nf, 1-n Stvart. Edwlirf Swiss, 1111 T..,ilr, S!Mal't
TlfTY, oetitoi. TI1om11, Ju111 llwnll-
HA CMrv1 Tornow, T-... TOl"rWICt•
TerTV T~r. ICalltlMll Trldl;ert, lVflfl
Willett, Wtndt Wini, S'-Wf!"81'f1', Dot19 Well«, Tltom11 Wld<llnd tlMI
Wlll!1m WH1l11m.
l'l'MlllMll -O.rv AlfllrlllJ. ICl!'M
!11'*•· El1r1bt!I! '""""·· Mllodv l1n!Ofl, Liu lnourudorf, Judl!h Cff.
"""'· Cher'rku Cl!Tll!Oltl. CS.fl Cl ... _.1tr, Ala" Cocllr1ne, Mldiael Cll·
Uson, Vfv.lhr CrvrnHdt•r, At1twt
Crv1, (rllo Olnnft, Jllltn ()Niu, Jdln
F1,,._, P1m Gordon. stewn Gr~ •
Oenld Grolen!lult.
DIYI' tla!I, Vldor11 H•ltr, JN""' Hoeft. c-1<1 Holm, Gll'Y Holltr, Mlf'Y
Hun\PtlNV, · Owftbl' Hvtnfn. lletlerl
IAld. Jlm J1n1M11. LN Joofa, Kim
leers!""-Ottlorll! kew. M1""r"• la
VHH, A~ L-l"llllltl. J1"la
Lmv, M1rc11 la'll'l'll'l'IU, sin. let.
M1i1r l lttJt., l1~r1 M1.,,,1nv, S.!tr
McGff, P1trtcla Mlt"Cldo, Jffnl MIJ..
let, Klrnbel'lev lteltOll, Aud!TI' N-
l!'Mtn. Cllrl1 O'Hal"t.
Mt"""4 Olmedo. 'Eric OI...,, L•now
Owen, Do!!llH P11 .... r, OWr1'I P1rlrl,
Tlm Clv!ro:i, M1rtl; lllCIWJ, llnd.t S..wd'M.-"'1:11 Sdiwertl, ~1trk.ll
SOii!, Mll'Y Sloler, o.r.... Sflmrra,
•10: St'""°"' l lfllll S~ Robert
ShJtlcSwll, Ourvfh1' T1y1tr, Tl'lolnl1
Wlddell, JIM!tt' Wt"""-Ml"""' WIW·
"""' Mft'llM Wtl:lbrr 11111 Can! ~ ... .
Book Trims
Vehicle Code.
A simplified., mo r • at-
tractive handbook for
Ca1ifornia drivtn ls now being
printed at the State Printing
The new book ls a slimmt.r
version of the vehicle code
summary which has be<n
available to ~pplicants for
three decades. Jt now contaiM
48 pages in!tead ol the farmer
Verne On:. motor vehicl"
director, said the printing of.
flee b now turnlnr aut u
million cop~ nearly 1 yur'1
supply, at no additk>nal COil
By lnsttucUoo of lllt
Legislature the handbook tr
now '?e\nc trt.Mlated into
The new book attempt& to
Interpret the law rather than
paraphrase Jl and avoids the
legalistic and d e t 1 11 e d
1anguaae of lhe older venion.
Not All
S~udeJ!.t Fares Preferred •
... ·~ .. ~-------..
MOllday, Marc~ '· !CJ69
I : ,
Protest-. St~tus Quo . End-1
~ •• "' . • •
\VASiiINGTON (UPI ) -In 22 be dropped ba!ause they Another glrl. who slgned one, he ~et.s a 50_ percent &he wrote. "I'll &Ive you more One even threatened lhe life stand. The courts ordered °I~ 1
something of a turnabout, stu-discriminate against o I U er herself "an average Am~ricnn discount, but i!"plactd on a nut year when I am out of President NI.loo unleu he CAB to review the case. .,. 1
WASHINGTON (UPI) dent protestors are urging one folks. college kid,".1 mlide it plain standby list an~ can get a of college and can. afford the did aomet.hlng. Another To ·aitd to the CAB's--pr ~-:
F"orrner Prtskfe:D.tial adv ise'r go.vernment agency lo n1ai~-The OOnrd~ says Tt wm-W'he'l'e hes~·~ take" it s-eat cmly lf the-plane" !..-not full· price:-.. ' Ulreatened1o b1Jack a: pla'rre. tileth.S'; eonvess·ls taliffig upM-=
Arthur Schlesinger Jr. said tam the status quo. Jn th11 review the examiner. Arthur lhe man who submitted this sold out. Under plan 2, be Then. there was l he Both letters were turMd over the controversy. .:~
today that President NiJ:on case, it's special, cut-rate s. Presenl's action. bul the foolish idea does not have any can .buy a. reserved seat at pessimist who w r 0 t e : to the Justice Department. Sen. Charles H. Percy (~ ~
had bttn 1 , r 1 0 u 0 d e r in g airline fares for young .J>OOple. st udents are not easily sooth· daughters '(!Way fro1n home. one-thlrd disCOUQt. "~tudents don't have a Jot The board, which wUl hold Ill.) plans to introduce a bU •
around" thus far and was The Civil Aerona1.1.tics Board ed . But . of course, you men are This has proved a boon to going for them, but the youth hearings this month on the that wou1d circumvent the-·
becoming ''an alm~t invisi ble is being flooded with up to \Vrote.cme girl from Detroit : all so rich ye~ could buy yo~r students, and parents alike, fare is better than nothing." matter, does not like its villain CAB by legally allowing tbc ,
President." · 500 letters a day frOm angry "I have gone to Cali(orn ia daughters their ·own plan~s. who see if as a waj' to cut An obvious fun-lover from role. Officials Point out that airlines to offer baU"fare
"No new President i n students attacking a recom· six time.!; in the last seveit, Under the youth fare expenses. '# \Yisconsin wanted to koow b01v tbe case actually stems from tickets to youths. And in the "",
memory has made so little mendation by a CAB hearing months. U lhe youth fare is system , th,e major airlines of· A Swarthmore college girl he was expected to ae~ to a suit filed by the Transcon-House, 30 members signed a ~
effort. in his first weeks in examiner that the rtduced ~ntinued I will be lucky fe r two cut rMe ticket plans trl~ feminine wiles on the Florida between school terms. tioental Bus System after lhe resolution urging that the
office tci define his pur~••," fares for people from 11 to to go twice." to student:: up -to 22. Under CAB. "Pl~as~ let me fly," Others were more seriow. board allowed the fares to reduced fares be kept. ~
said Schlesinger' natio~ce --:---;•••;•••••••••lliiliiiili!liiiiiiiiiiiiiliiirJliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilililililililililiiiiiliiiiililililililililill-.. chairman of Amerk:ans for
Democratic Action (ADA).
He predicted that the Nixon
administratioo, ".will ~gin ·to
face an identity crisis."
Schlesinger, a presidential
aide in the.. Kennedy an4
Johnson administrations, said
"in view of the absence of
a Nixon administration pro-
gram on foreign policy," the
ADA was presenting one of
its own to Congress.
It called for total rejection
of antiballistic missile (ABM)
systems which Schlesinger
labeled "phony."
Other points in the ADA
forelgn policy program called
for prompt ratification of the
treaty before the Senate to
prevent spread of nuclear
weapons; establishment of a
permanent subcommittee of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee to investigate the
influence or the American
military establishment o n
f o r e i g n policy, and a
quadrupling of foreign aid.
Schlesinger charged · -that
"pressure" from the niii1tary·
industrial complex is "stalling
negotiation in V i e t n a m
holding up. the nonprolileratio~
treaty, and demanding a cos.
Uy and impractical iovestment
in a phony antimissile J
He said the "continued pro-
mise of the Joiot Chiefs and
others that we are on the
brink of victory (in Vietnam )
is perpetrating an illusion and
stalling Vietnam peac e
Schlesin~er, a Pu Ii t z er
Prize..winn1ng historian , gave
his assessment of the five-
week-old Ni.ton administration
although acknowledging "no
one bas asked me.'"
lin 9 occ
Students on ..
Honor Roll
About one in nine Orange
Coast College students made
the dean's list for the fall
Flgures released ... by the
Admissions and Records Of·
fice show that 765 studenb
·earned a B grade average
or better.
Of these, 38 students earned
straight A's for the fall
semester. The previous fall
semester, just 22 students
earned straight A's.
Fifteen stud~nts h a v e
perfect A averages for all .
their semesters at OCC.
Making straight A's were:
One Semester:
Balboa Island -Bonnie
Costa Mesa -Arnold
Broyles Jr., Kenneth Bryant,
Hollie Double, Paul Fielding,
Stephen Harsany, P a m e I a
Hutchinson, Simon Kubala,
Donna Martin, and Joyce
Fountain Valley -Carol
Lundgren, and Susan
Hunlington Beach -Ray-
mond Arnold. Gaye Walker,
iind Richard Watson .
• Newport Beach -Barbara
Hankey, and Ellwood Youngs.
All Semesters:
Costa Mesa -\Vi\liam Ber-
ry, Dl>n Burdsell, William
Howe11, Phyllis Ratti, Ter-
rence Ryan, and M. Allan
Fountain Va11ey -Pat
Gilbert, and Jose Louzao Jr.
Huntington Beach -Diane
Newport Beach -Elizabeth
Hoskins. Kenneth Slanford,
and Mona Warmel.
Seal Beach -\Vill iam
Life Savers
Publish Book
The National Surf Life sav.
Ing Assoclat1on of America
hu. publi!hed an oight page
book.let listing telephone num-
bea of emergency ocean res-
cue strVlets for buch cities
along the Southern CAiifornia
Coples of the pamphlets are
available· free of charge by
writing to the association at
P.O. Box 366, HunUngton
Beach, 92643.
.. ; •'
. . ........
. ' ,
If control or lilanket proves de·
fective within 5 years of sale, return
complete unit and·we will repair or
·replace, at our option, free of ch11rge.
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$34.99 Full.Size Double Contro 2197
$59.99 King.Size Double Coniro,._ _____ _ 3997
$44.99 Queen·Size Double Contra 2797
•Soft, Lightweight Orlon• Acrylic for Year-Round Beauty
and Comfort
• 33 Temperature Settings for Individual Comfort Control
• Single or Dual Controls to Let Each Sleeper Select Hi1 Own
Warmth Leve!
•Easy.Care; Machine Wash and Dey
,------~~-~-~------------------------~------------, I tU1NA rAIKTA M400, 521..C530 n. MOM! GI 3-3911 tONc; UACH HE 5-0121 l'ICo WE 8-4262 --SANTA" SPllNGS 9-U&Oll vMm PO 3•8461 , ft.4..2220
CANOGA rAM "'°'°661 ooNow 0t 5.1oo.c, a .C:-46t 1 01.Yimc a. soro AN 8-5211 POMONA 1:0 2-114.5, HA t-516l, vu U75t SANTA MOttcA EX 4-6711 VOMONT n 9.1911 I I COWTOH NE 6-2511~ Hf 2·.SZ61 HOUTWOOD HO 9.594 I O•ANG£ 637-2100 SANTA ANA kl 7-3371 SOUTH COAST M1A 540.3333 I
• •
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.I -• ' • ... • ' COVINA 966-0611 IHGlfWOOO Cit ·-2521 ,ASAOENA MU 1·3211. fl $-4211
s· .
'CIOANa 542·1'11 '~ - - - -- - - ---- - ----- - -- - -. ears. - -------- ------- - ---_,ii "Satilfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Bock" """'"""""'""''"' Shop6 Nijhts ~day th"'ugh Sotvrday 9,JOA.M. to 9:30P.M. • ~·' ' -•,
• ----•
• •
... . ::.:'n ....... .. ..
Mondly, Marth J, 1969 ..
------·-' • -
\ ., •
• •
It .,
newport ba boa Sa · Q ·· FromthesenewCOronadelMaroffice,wearebetterabletoserve Vin . S you-with greater personal convenience to you-than ~ver before.
Conona del ma ffi Come in even if you don't bring money and visit us in these •
I ' r 0 /Ce attractive, centrally-located new offices. For workiog efficiency, in
Open now to Ser\ ~e 'JOU the employment of modern equipment.a new standard for California ·
I V' savings and loan associations is set . We are equipped {o promise
frnom th1e f;1na· nc1·a1 plaza you a greater measure of "customer satisfaction" with our financial
I ' I 11 services, skilled personnel and facilities .
t + At the new location, we will have on exhibit outstanding items newpor cen1er from our half million dollar collection of rare ancient, foreign and U.S.
coins. Come in and see ttie exhibit ..:. and also personally meet the
officers and staff members of our new Corona del Mar office.
I .. -
. •.
--' '
• f . ' • •
• 'I
--.,, Mlr'dl " 1Ht -• , ... u
Jewels , Sparkle
At Tiara Ball
Tables draped in gold cloths Q.Dd centered with glittering candle-
sticks of vivid blue surrounded by g!t_rlands of spring flowers in' paler
hues will provide the glamorous setting for the thifd annual Tiara Ball.
The semifonnal dinner dance, sponsored by Tiara de Ninos of Hunt-
ington Beach, benefits Children's Home Society, and will take place Sal-
urday, March 22.
Serving as master of ceremonies during the evening will be Al
Jarvis, well-known radio personality and disc jockey 'vho for years Con-
ducted the Make-believe Ballroom on KFWB.
Invitations have been mailed to more than 350 guests who are ex-
pected to attend, and auxiliary members already are pl~nning preball
cot:ktail parties or will entertain guests at postball parties or breakfasts.
Festivities will begip when members arid guests gather in the Mesa
Verde Country Club at 7:30 p.m. for a no-host social hour. Bu!fet dinner
will be served from 8: 30 to 9: 30 and dancing following dinner will be to
the music of the Variations.
A large jeweled tiara will be the Center attraction in the ballroom.
Members and guests will be presented with a souvenir progfam
made possible through the contributions of area merchants. The program
also will serve as a recognition for th§ many business firms and individ-
uals who Contributed funds or prizes and must remain anonymous or are
unable to be present at the ball.
Mrs. Robert Vernon, president, has appointed Mrs. James Marsh
as ball chairman and assisting her will be Mrs. Richard Olson. Others con-
tributing to the success of the major funding event are the Mmes. Robert
Orahood and Robert Terry, decorations; Kenneth Brown, prizes; Robert
Ohland, entertainment; Carlson Nippe!, program advertising and invita·
tions, and Raymond Teys, publicity.
The decorations conunittee is comprised of the 1'.imes. Richard
Merris, Joseph Blaikie, Stewart Easterby, Alger Clark and Ronald Krogh.
Other activities being planned by the auxiliary include a salad
luncheon in April for provisionals who \Viii be accepted as active mem·
bers. Mrs. Joseph Ribal. will host the luncheon.
MAKE-BELIEVE BALLROOM REAL -Al Jarvis, disc jockey
\vho entertained during the Make-believe Ballroom on radio, will
serve as master of ceremonies for the very reaJ Tiara Ball.
nLajor funding event for Children's Home Society sponsored by
Tiara de Ninos Auxiliary, 1-luntington Beach. Getting in a musical
mood !or the se1niformal dinner dance are (left to right) Mrs.
R. E. MacDavid and l\1rs. Stewa rt Easterby.
Dinner Preparations Simmering
A saucy evening is in store !or members and guests
who attend a spaghetti dinner sponsored by the
Gina Uhrlaub Chapter, City of Hope. The fund-rais-
ing event will take place between 5 and 8:30 p.m .
in Ute Lake Park Clubhouse, Huntington Bea.ch and
dinners will be ,1.35 for adults, 65 cents for chil-
dren. Serving will be (left to right) the Mmes. Ed
Uhrlaub, Frank White, Tony· DeFrancesco and Jack
Kilpatrick. Proceeds will benefit City of Hoj)<.
Les Femmes Lear n Ne w Skill
The perfect martini is the
ultimate test of a bartender's
skill, and learning how it's
made will be members of Les
Femmes Continental, t h e t
woman's club of the Hun-
tington Continental Townhouse
M~mbers will gather at 8
p.m. Tuesday, March 11, In
the clubhouse, and following
installation of new officers, .,...
a representative of a well-
known distillery will show a
film and oUer a program on
preparation or 1.he perfect
Following the program each
member will have the op-
portunity to apply her newly-
acqulred knowledge by mak-
ing one.
Selected to lead the group
are the Mmes. Harold Hughes,
preside nt; Albert Zotti, vice
president: Clifford Keller, se-
cond vice pre6ident; John
King, recording secretary;
Julian Monteen. corresponding
secretary, and Kenneth
Roudebush, treasurer.
01.hera who will M;rve are
the Mmes. William Wilson,
ways and means clltl~an;' Aldon Ander.son and Harry
B r e m m e r , tete~hone com·
mittee; Harold Brown and'
David ThOmpson, publicity,
and Clifford Keller, sunshine
• JUST A LITTLE DRIER -Practice in making martinis wiU be part of the Any women residing in the
townhouses are invited to at·
tend the meeting a n d
partictpate In olher activ!Ues
of the social and philanlhropic
program when Les· Femmes Continenral R1eet to in stall new officers. Seated
will be (left 'to right) the Mmes. \Villi am \Vilson, Aldon Anderson, Albert
Zotti an~ Harold Hughes.
It's Grav~. Mistake ,to . Fig·bt Over Inheritance Rights a
especially interested in yoUr advice io
the parent! who were about to write
a will. They had three children and
wanted to leave the bulk of· their estate
to the eldest chlla who had been
thoughUul and kind. (The two younger
ones had been selfish and inconsiderate.)
You told them to go ahead a00·-0o
it. i
Well, this very thing happened in our
family. I was lhe child who was favored.
1i1y brother and two slaters became
ugly and resentful and Instigated pro-
ceedings to break the will. Whet) I heard
cl it I went to my lawyers and told
them I didn't want anything and to
pltase divide the estate three ways and
leave me out. The lawyers followed my
instructions but It didn't improve the
relaUonahip with my brother and sisters.
Now they havo all tl!e money but they
sUll hate me.
So next time Ann, please advise the
parenta to write a will that treats all
chiklien equally and is ironclad -one
that cannot be broken or altered, no
matter who says what. -SIBLING
DEAR S.8. t 111 e lelttr y o'a refer tt
produced u uatipecitd del111e of ann
protfftl. I Wll larprited Ullt 10 D1U1
readers felt partnta sbotkl ~vtde their
es&tle equally among thelt chlldrtn
re1ardle11 el M tbey l'tr.e U'eated.
M••1 WJ"Gte to ll'f tlle cbild who
11 favored Is despised' bY the Gibert.
They stopped speaklnc ud Utetr cbildru
p-ew •p as IUu~n. /
la 1pl(e tf tltt: crltlc11m I am 1Uckln1 by my orlpial adm., Part•trde llot
owe thtlr children an inheritance. An
laherltance 11 a tlft ud should be 10
. be surprlaed." It goes wiU1oul say ing
DEAR ANN LANDERS: Jim and I th.a't I have not fell like playing n.omro
have been married 14 years. He is d J ll t, I ~ao.D::ui and h8s an outgoiha pe:rsonali· an u c ·1or sever a months.
r L)', He · draws people like a magnet. Since the party Jim qas . been lenioit
• E~lally,. w()men. me at !~st three Limes a week how
At a i'tibent office party a new cute the.new girl is and he adds, half-jok·
stenographer caught my eye. She was inglyi.._ "Ann Landers says a wife should
easily the most attractive girl there be tmaerstanding and welcome a repcn-
-and the most aggressive. I saw tanl wayward mate with open anns."
her go over and ask Jim to dance. I llugh It off and try to be a good
While they were dancing, she massaged sport, but it hurts. Any advice? -
. th< back ol his neck, rubbed his chest ENGINEER'S WIFE
under his suJt · C11at, and at timts f DEAR WIFE:.Jlm la a needle artist.
was ture if she ... gpt an-y closer, &he'd Tbe fact th.al be l.alka f'boul Mi1111 Ottsy
Qe behind him. Fingera 11 a good sign lbul nolhioi;
I am eight months pregnant wilh our . la cooilnc. Don't dte to the ball, ffflDt)'.
(!ixth chUd. I should say sixth and seventh Jf you keep II light and funny, chances
because it feels llke twins and looks are be will, too.
like twins and the doctor uys. 11Don1t ·
The failure to mak e a choice is in
11.:;<!lf a choice. More ulcers are produced
by lhc ina bility to make a decision
lhan by making the wrong one. Afove
\\'hat Js Frueh kissing? It It wroos.!
Wbo 11h<Kild S tt tbe necking UmU1 ..+
the boy or tbe cfrl? Can a shot&UI
wtddinc succeed? Read Ann Lander&'
bookle1. ''Teenage Sex -Tea Wan
lo Cool It." Send 50 cents In coia anl
a long. self·addresud, 1tamptd eave.lope.
Ann Landen will be glad t.o belP
you whb your problems. St.nd tbedl
to her in cart of the DAILY Punt
enclosing a 1tamped, seU-addressef t'nvelepe. . .
• I
I .
Book Review Serie s
Edition .Completed
--south COllst Alumnae Club of Pl"Bet.11 Pbrwill close lls current book
review series at 10 a.m. Friday, Marcb 7.
Cr!Ucal reviews ol current and coming best sellers will be given by
Mrs. Carlotta WIWams, director of the series who also will present Pal!y
Newman, co-author of "Pus the Poverty Please."
Mill Newman could not remain quidly complacent about what is
happening 'in 9\1? country. She ls a firm bellever in the free enterprilo
-~y4iepl and .6er charges are ~erfous but w~ll balanced by her sense of
humor. .
Her book W8$ so well documented that she was invited to testify be-
foref the Congressional Sub-Committee on the War on Poverty.
Boob to be revle\"ed by Mrs. \Vllliems include "The Seekers" by
Jess Ste;:n; t•papa La Bas," John Dickinson Carr; "A Treasury of Hu!'TIOT·
ous Quotations," Herbert Prohnow; "The Good Deed," Pearl Buck; 'JAn-
gels in the Snow/' Derek Lambert; ''The Glorious Burden," Stefan Lorant,
and "The Vines of Yarrabee," Dorothy Eden.
Information and reservations may be made by contacting Mrs. Frnnk
Taylor at ~75. . .
Aries: Acce.nt · Health
varl'1Y· Be on guard against surface lndlcations.
• "
MARCH 4 one who attanpta to deceive. SCORPIO {Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
GEMINI (M,ay 21-June 20): If pracUcal in requests, they
Malzahn-Webb Troth
Revealed During Party
l'IMlll .. ~ •
' Mtiy D•t•
Matur ity Top ic
In Clubhouse
Appreciating Your Mature
Years will be the topic of
psychologist Dr. Arthur L.
Bietz when he speaks before
Laguna Beach Woman's Club
next Friday in the Woman's
The eng>menl ol -· Jean Ma!Uhn of TUJtJn and
War:ren OiJon Webb ol Loi
Aniele1 h&! J>een announced
by the bride-elect's parents,
Mr. •nd Mrs . Roland Albert
Malzahn of Sacramento.
News of the engagement was
nvealed during a party in
the Newport Beach home of
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon John
Webb, part:nts of t h e
Among those attending were
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neubert,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ctiap-
.man and their daughter. Mary
Louise, Mn. Joan Low, Mrs.
Michael J. Wolpert and f.1r.
and Mn. Di1on Webb Jr.
The bride-elect is a graduate
of Abraham Lincoln High
School, Sah'Jose, and San Jose
Slate College y,•htre s h e
received her degree I n
medJcal technology. She ls a
member ol Alpha Chi Omega
Her fiance was graduated
from John f.tuir High School,
Pasadena,• and California
State College at Lon' Beach.
where he received his BS in
He is affiliated with Pi
Sigma Epsilon, n 1 t Ion a I
m;irketlng fraternity:
The couple will exchange
wedding vows in the Church or Jesus Chrisl of Latter-day
Saints, Sacramento, in f\.lay .
SYMBOL OF PRAYER -Hanging a banner in prepar~tion for the Harbor
Area observance of World Day of Prayer Friday, March 7, are Mrs. John F .
Dean, chairman (left), and Mrs. Robert Bernard. Communi~ Church Con-
gregational in Corona de! Mar will host the 10 a.m. celebration.
''The wise man control! his
d"Uny ••. A!tr<Jlogy polnl!
-the way."
ARIES (March 21-AprU 11)'
Accent on heaJtb, wort, rela-
tions with thooe who perform
special services. Key is to
be diplomatic. Avoid ei:-
tremes. Steady pace gets you
there -excess speed could
cause Joss.
Household ezpendJtures could are fulfilled . Spotlight on
rise. Be aure of safety desires, friendshi!JS. S o m e
meaaures. Accent security a-p.d restrictions could be liftei.I.
comfort. Older f .• m i I y Palience Is required. Be
member does need attenlioo. thorough check r or
Added rupooaibility sh9u1~ be loopholes.
The program will follow a
12:45 luncheon, and resen-·a-
tions may be obtained by call-
ing Mrs. Charles Muller, 494-
4332 or Mrs . L.J . Thomas,
Gloomy Gus Tells ii
As You See ii graciously accepted. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 2Z-
CANCER (June 21..July 22): Dec. 21): Prestige rise1. Show I·~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short trip Is favored to com-that you are capable of handl-1
Churchwomen Unite
Day of Prayer Called TAURUS (April ~May 20)'
Good lunar aspect today
highlights love, i m pr o v e d
relations with c h 11 d r e n.
Pursue creative endeavors.
Welcome change, tr ave 1,
plete unllnlshed business. Deal ing dllficult assignment. Be
gingerly with close relatives. confident.. Exchange ldeas.
Some are apt to be State your case with authority.
ultrasensltive. Minor tasks Welcome change. Prom11Lion
multiply. Handle one job at may be in offing.
a time. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Ac-19): Domestic adjustment is
cent on money, p er a on a I necessary. Smooth over di!
possessions. Collect essent~I ferences with family mem-
informaUon. Don't be satisfied. hers. Catch up on cor·
with haphazard met b o d s • respondence. Keep promises
Concentrate on quality. Be in-to those at a distance. Adhere
dependent when it comes ·to to principles.
L et us sha.v you how
easy it ls to remove
e xcess halr with
modem ele ctrolysis,
medically approved •••
safe, fast, gentle.
You're invited to
consult w ith our
Denominational, racial, na-
tional and cultural differences
will be put aside Friday,
March 7, wllen Newport
Harbor Church Women United
call for observanei! of WorlCI
Day of Prayer.
The Harbor Area celebration
of the worldwide event will
begin at IO a.m. in the Com-
munity Church Congrega-
tional, Corona del ~far, wiUt
the theme to be Growing
Together in Christ.
Assistil')g in leading tl\e
meditation will be the Rev.
Arthur Tingley of t h e
Lutheran Church of the Resur-
rection, Huntington Beach and
the Rev. Dr. Philip G. Murray
from the host chutch.
Scriptures and prayers were
proposed by women in Sierra
Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, South
Africa, Congo, Zambia and
Kenya . These will be
presented along with special
music by Mrs. Kenneth
Hamel, guitarist, and Mrs.
Richard Golbach, organist.
The call to prayer will be
presented by a panel of
testimony including the Mmes.
"Ptferle 'Sp ar r ow. Bertha
Harvell and Ned Hill.
The commitment oUering
will further cootinuing pro-
ject! in Christian colleges,
San Clemente Senior
Vies • Art Contesf .
Art work by San Clemente
l·ligh School senior P a u I
Arblasler has been selected
by El Camino Real Junior
Woman's Club to compete in
the national 1969 Art. Talenl
Contest spo n so red by
Federated Women's Clubs.
Arblaster's pen and ink
drawing, ''Eyes of the
Beholder," won for him a cash
award from the club and a
Hallmark gift from La Tienda
de Pape!, San J u a n
The drawing will be ·sent
to California Federation of
Women's Clubs, Or an g e
District, for judging along
~·ith entries from other clubs.
Districl winners will com-
pele in the state screening
March IS and national honors
will be awarded April 15.
The national winner will
receive a $1000 scholarship
from Hallmark Co. The second
place winner will receive a
~~ scho larship, and
scholarships for third place
wUI be $650 and for fourth
place, $600. Certificates of ex-
cellence will be awarded to
each state winner.
Cuddle Pets
on-hand gifts. Pattern 7179:
transfer four S x 6" toys.
Christian literalure, migrant
mlnlstry, intern a t ion a I
sb.Jdents, Amefican lndians ••••••••••• and church and community
Two new areas were added
to the list of continuing pro-
jects as a result of the first
International World Day of
Prayer Commiltee meeting
which took place in Stockholm.
The national urban crisis in
America and the concern for 1•C%;<-•ll:•m•••••-th~. ecun:ienic_al recon_ciling PAMELA Mosier, who won
!"'ll81stry tn Vietnam will be a $100 art award while at-
tncluded. tending Corona del Mar High
Members or the committee School, is the recipient of
making arrangements for the another $100 art c 0 n t cs t
area observance are the award.
Mmes. John F. Dean,
chairman, James Moor, Cecil She was selected first place
Hof!man and Carl Boswell. winner by the California
The public is invited and
baby-sitting services for young
children will be provided.
Tips on Travel
Told for Club
Tips for Travel will be
shared with El Camino Real
Woman's Club members when
they meel ln Dana Point Com-
munity House next Thursd<iy
at noon.
Mrs. S o p h i a Derbyshire,
associate professor of
psychology at Orange Coast
College and a professional
travel guide, will be the
speaker at the luncheon where
entertainment and door prlr.es
are planned.
Reservations and further in-
f ormatlon about the ways, and
means project luncheon may
be obtained by calling Mrs.
Anthony Mancuso, 496-5141.
Nurses' Association and Stu-
dent Nurses AssociaUon of
California. The announcement
was made in the San Fran-
cisco Hilton Hotel. ••
OUTSTANDING a chi e v e-
ment awards for the Urllted
Fund Drive were presented
during the Orange County
Deanery luncheon. Making the
presentations was J a m e s
Francis Cardinal Mcintyre.
Orange Coasl residents
recognized were the Mmes.
Richard Ingram and Ted
Feger, Costa Mesa, James
Davies, Corona del Mar, and
Gordon Wilson and Vincent
Schenk, Huntington Beach.
Emblem Club
Gathering for b u s I n e s s
· sessions and programs are
members of Newport Harbor
Emblem Club the second
Tuesday at 8 p-.m. in the Elks
1..o4ge, Newport Beach.
stressing values. AQUA RIUS (Jan. 2G-Feb.
VIRGO (A ug. 23-Sept. 22): 18): Interest In unusua l sub-
Cycle high ; circumstances ject Is stimulated. You make
turn in your favor. Time your valuable discovery. Follow
moves. See important people. through. Don't tell all you
Get going on pet project. know. Wrong person may have
Hunches are accurate. Your big ears. Act accordingly.
F..sP works overtime. -PISC& (Feb. 19-March 20):
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22}: Check with one in authority.
Favorable for work in charity Heed voice of experience. Ac·
drives. Visit ooe confined to c e n t o n m a r r i a g e ,
home, hospital Secret may partnerships, legal decisions.
be conflded. Be dilcreet. Be realistic In appraisal of
1 icensed technic ian,.
in our Beauty S alon.
' .
Broaden horizons. See bene.alh'l,cfin~·~-~·~a~l ~p~ro~po~~~'l~lo~n~. ==JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~
A preview of spring fashio~
will be offered thLs week m
varlous type shows a n d
displays, entiUed New Direc-
InclOO.ed will be swimsuits,
CQltumes, jwnpers, w o r k
clotheJ, the blousoo and middy
tooka, transparencies a n d
panl! dressing.
Fashlona al.so will feature
the bare midriff, tunics, fluid
shapea, thtJ shirt dress, he
and she dressing and Easter
Concluding lhe w e e k ' s
featurea will be swimwear
modellng from noon to S p.m.
and teen styles from II :30
a.m. to ~ p.m. Saturday,
March 8, bl May Co., Sou1h
Coasl Plaia.
Fill baby's crib with playful
pets in eye-appealing colors.
Pennysave.r gift!!!
Scrap.happy pets -2 pieces
plus ear1 for each! Great for
bazaars, baby showers, have-
FIF"J'Y CENTS (coins) forif~5~~5~~~:5~~5~~5~~~~~~:5~~5~~5~~::;()1
each pattern -add 15 cents
for each patrern for first-cl<iss
mailing and special handling,
otherwise third-class delivery
will take three weeks or more. . . . .. .....
Send to Alice Brooks the
Needlecrafl Dept.. 801 163.
Old Chelsea Station, New
York. N.Y. 10011. Prtnt Name,
Number. Giant, new 1169
Needlecraft Catalog -over
200 designs to choose, 3 free
patterns printed inside. Send
SO cents now.
GlFIS" -fabulous fashions,
toys, decor<itor accessories.
Make it today, give It tomol"-
row! Ideal for all occasions.
50 cents. "16 Jiffy Ra&•" to
kniw, crochet. weave, sew,
hook. 50 cents. Book of U
Prite Afghans. 50 c e n t a .
Bargain! Quill Book 1 his
16 beautiful patterns. 50 cents.
Museum Quilt Book I -pat-
terns for 12 superb qullts. 50
cents. Book 3. "QoJltl for
Today's Llvlng." 15 patterns.
50 cents.
Th• DAILY l'ILOT ht• •
"wo111t11's t1tli111" •"lft "''~
1:•· •• '''"·
LADIES .•• Patterns Unlimi ted, Inc. is
for 4 d1ys In ANAHE IM
A Pattern Cutting Show
Aft amutnr met.bod wblch 90undl u11bellevabte, 1et
elbnlnatea year., Of atudy -juat nad a tiumber
.and draw a dot.
No need for yean: ot Ju.mJ.na'. Give w
and n will 9how 10ll "bow d~ and mathan•·
tlciana ha-ve created • 111tem to enable you to draft
patt.etna w1th only two meuurcient.s for you -
and an1 member or )"OUr family 1n any alze!
This ayatem la a. prcweA IU~ll the wor1d over a.nd
a .. vtnp in next to no time.
•' "SUIN~ IS ID.lmN~" 11 l I c.-T-. 1 A AD Eqalpmtnt .A.ftlllJml at a... ~11/ l it-Dtmona:=-=. ";:. dliQ·.
~ .--..."(r..,s 10 A.M. -2 P.M. -7,30 P.M.
Tues., March 4 thru Fri., March 7
H1rbor Blvd. •t Santa Ana, An1heim
Pr<?"es two heads are better than one! Be
an elegant angel ••. a wily-windblown devil.
Change your personality with the kiss of a
comb .. \ every time you change your mood.
The secret' s a new contour st-.ape-and-
taper technique ... cut, ours alone, from 5.00,
s hampoo & s et, from 550. Beauty Salon.
In blonds, bn..ir'\ettes, frosteds and greys ••• what 11
wig to wear when your ONfl coif droops I Save Wrlng
this limited orrer-. See our entire wiggery gt"'O.Jp:
ca.scades, wiglet!., long and medium falls. Beauty Salon. ..
" ..
'· rt ..
'" •
•• r.
" e
ch .,
Double Ring Rites
' Nupti:af Vows .Exchanged
Gail Marilyn ~If and
Davlcl la '"Moore excJiiiigeQ
their wed<Jing vows and rlt'lfls
during a late afternoon
cereJDOO)' in the Garden Grove
Community Cburcb.
Conductlng the s e r v 1 c e
uniting tht daughter of Mrs.
William Dougherty of Nev.·poct
Beach and the late Mr.
Dougherty and th!:! son of 1'1rs.
Allan Moore of Oceanside and
the late Mr. Moore was the
Rev. Robert Schuller.
Given in marriage .bl h<r uncle, Arthur Heinema n of
Brentwood, the bride w s at~
tired in a gown of her own
design. 'J'.he white empire stylf'
featured a stand-up collar and
long sleeves accented with
venise lace. Her ve.il was held
by a matching \ace band and
she carried cascading white
roses with miniature ivy and
The new Mrs. Moore asked
Miss Carolyn Geiken o f
Hamler, Ohio, to serve as
maid vf honor ,c-and ,
bridesmaids were the ~1isses
Ruth Moore, the bridegroom's
sister; Marilyn Weisert of
.Newport Beach and Nancy
Brink of Anaheim. ~
Their gowns were peacock
blue in an A-line design with
detachable t r a I n s , and
ma~ blue bows held their
short • veils. They carried
caseading carnations.
Attending the bridegroom
w·as James Holt, best man.
Ushers were Josh Heinemann, ""'"-"
the bride's cousin from San
Francisco; Philip Moore, lhe
brldegroom's brother; Robert
Rubin, Tustin, ~nd Barry Hon,
Sacramento Home
• Mr. and Mn. Steven A..
LlpshsnttY ol Elcoad'"° bave
aDDOUDCed lbe tnplmlellt ol
tllelr d,.Pler la n.d ta
Lepshllllly to Barry D.
Monlon of Huntlnglon Beath.
The brldwlecl, a Loni
Beach resident, la a graduate
of M!lllken High School and
catlfomia Stale College at
Long Beeoh.
Her flence, '°" ol Mr. and
Mrs. David E. Monlon of H1111-
tingtoll Beacb, WU graduated
from Watsonville Hlgb School,
Orange Coast C.ll•g•. and
now is attencllni CSCLB,
where he is a member of
Sigma Pl fraternity.
The coople plan to be m~
ried July 5 in St. Hedwig's
Church, Loa Alamitos.
The engagement of ChtisUne
Roessler and M I c b a e I
Laurence Seely bas been an-
nounced by Mr. and Mrs.
Fram: G. Roessler of Hun·
tington Beach, parents of the
The couple plan to be mar·
ried July 12 in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Newport
Miss Roessler is a graduate
of Marina High School, and
her fiance, son of Mrs.
Thomas W. Vanek of Hun-
tington Beach and Robert G.
Seely of La Crescenta, is a
graduate of Huntington Beach
High School.
Emblem Club
,~ ........ , , ' .......... ..
• • • p1~tture:
·coup.le Ma 'r-r-ks . uP1. Critic
· . · Tuning In .·in Santa Ana
EJ:cll•~ ..... ml rlnp
during an aitemoon wedding
in the Fint CoogreaaUonaJ
Chureh of Santa Ana were
Deborah Katherine . Boney of
Long !~and, N.Y. and Michael
Jiihn McCorry ol Costa Mesa.
The Rev. Lester Smlth of·
ficlated al the double ring
nuptials. Pink and white
gladioli, carn,uona · 1a. n d
~ adorned the church.
Given in marriage by her
father, Uie bHde selected a
long white satin lolfeto gown
with a high lace collar, lace
bodice ariil Iona: sleeves featU&
ing ruffled culls. She .chose
a lace mantilla and Uluaion
net train and carried a ·
c I I cauing ctescenl~ped
bouquel of pink · ml white 1-....:.~ ...... _.w .._,..;;!j
camaUons, baby's breath and
greenory. MRS. M. J. McCORRY
Mexico Honeymoon 1be daughter of ?.tr. and
Mrs. Marvin • O. Boney of
Tustin asked Miss Barbara
MCCord of Whittier to be her tlon for 100 guests ' in the
maid of honor. Mrs. William church hall~Were Mrs. Steve
,Wertz, the l:!-idegroom's sister Novotchin, -Mrs. ·Robert
and Miss Celeste Boney, the bride's sister, were Erickson and Mrs. Dale Jost,
bridesmaids. They wore tong the bridegroom's sister, at the
pink crepe empress style guest book.
gowns with poufed sleeves and Following the ~ption the
held bouquets of pink cama-newlyweds left for a honey·
lions, baby's breath and moon in Nerto Vallarta and
greenery. Acapulco. They will be making
.; peeks:
Televi&loa, M 1111 View, lty Mtnry11-' • • • • .. will be givt\1 by Rick lllUltow, • · I 4
a UPI televillon critic, follow· Everyone talkl about the
Ing a luncbeon meellng of Malle, but It bas l>Otn 11ld loo
fi<JuU1 Coast Club ol Laguna f.., do l!lYthinC about it,' t1·
Beach at noon in tfie Towen cepting the memben. N..,
1estalll'ant next WEdnesdly. cornea a motion piCture delvln&
IJllr\118 bis talk OuBrow will deeply into the actlvltlea of th!<
look al the future of television infamoua !natltuUon: Titled T1ae
and pre4111 wbethor in tomor· . row's homes entire wall:I Btotlttrbood. t h I 1 Paramount
will become ~reens. Tech,n1color , product1on intro.
He also 'wut dl!cuss why ducts you Into the mystorlcs ol
''Dice pe6ple hast longer as lllil mesa!
st.an" A ........ ~ Robert 0 11 h m a n Kirk Dougl"3' )o'Ul 1ray1 a Slcil·
hospltillty chairman, will host Ian settled, in New York In the
the 11:30 a.m. social hour with late 1800s. A.Jex Cord plays bis
~ beJp.of her committee. brother. Susan Strasberg, lrene
Reservations may '1>e ob-Papas and Luther Adler co-star
lolned by calllng Mn. P1lillp in Important rol<0 as the story
Towne at 4&1531 : M,rs ·about lhe New York. Syndicate
Maude Luc~! 4f9.2889, or IS unfolded with plenty of IC--Mrs. Fredenct Nfcbols, 4M-. 4.BM . Uon. And wait until you ace
·· the actual climu with 1'lhe
\Vell it found dls way here,
and we have the "know·
how" to rctum It to its riahlful place : ..
. Phon-
Adrian Claudetlc Boney, their borne on Long Island .
another sister. donned a pink The former Miss Boney Is
organdy Ooor length frock a graduate of Orange High
with an old·fashioned collar School and attended Orange
and long sleeves trimmed with Coast College. She is a
)ace and buttons when she was stewardess for TWA. lier hlJ&.
flower girl. band was a student at Costa
The son of Mr. and Mrs. 1.1esa H.igh School, OCC and SOUTH COAST PLAZA • Edmond J. McCorry 0£ Costa wi.U be supervisor for Swiss ·Lower M.11 -''•011 frorn
P.f es a asked 0 en n is Air al John F. Kennedy wo.lworik'1 So you have oodles or action
\Vestergard to stand as bis Airport Jn Ne w York. lriitol •t th• S111 D1•t• frwy. in Tbe BrodierhOOd on the blg, •·t Uh ' It COST-'MES-' uo;;B man. s er1ng gues s o Special guests at the wed· wide Mesa screen. Add more
Following the c e r e m o n y
guests attended a champagne
reception in I.he Greenbrier
Inn, Garden Grove, and later
close friends and relatives en-
joyed a buHet dinner in the
home of the brldC's n10Lher.
their pews were Patrick ding were w. c. Brookley of Vermont, and au.ended UCl The Elks Lodge is the set· McCorry, the be n edict , s Long Beach, the bride's great·. lo your movie menu ,in the
and California State College ting for meetings of the brother and Peter Fioresi. I M 'l K Bo f LOCAL companion movie that says
Altending the ceremony was
1.liss Edwina Hein'emann, lhe
bride·s aunt from St .
Petersburg, Fla., and P.lr. and
~1rs. Stanley Harris fron1
Baton Rouge, La.
unc e; rs. 11. • ney o at Long Beach. Emblem Club 201 of Laguna Michael J. Jost, the Michigan, her grandmother, No other 11•w1p•p•r te lls you They Came To Rob Las Vegas.
Her husband received his Beach. Members gather the bridegroom's nephew, was the and ,,_tr. and 1.trs. S.M. Coats "''''· every d•y. •bout whit'i This crimf-thriller stars Lee J,
fl d third TuAP.iASl • bearer f Tw · p-'-· h g1in9 on i11 tho Grt•i•r Or11191 degree in agronomy from Cal rst an ...,....,. al rmg · 0 entynine <S.111131 er C111t ttion th• D-'ILY 'ILOT. Cobb, Elke Sommer. Gar Y
• ..:B'....".:p.'.'..m'.:.. _________ A'.'.:ss~istin:::' ~'...d:::ur'.'..m:::· ~g_:t:h•:...:.rec::::•P-~_!gr~an:d:!'.pa:'.re'.'.n:ts:::_·.---~-~=========-1. • -~ .. ood nd J k p I · Poly, Pomona where he was1_ """"' .. " a ac a ance.
active in Alpha Zeta fraterni· Here is a tale of guys and
Assisting with the guest
book was Miss Katherine.
}leinemann, niece of the bride.
ly. gals hijacking a gold·laden van
Following a wedding trip to as it moves across the deserted
Lake Tahqe and skiing at ,, desert on a most unusual run.
Squaw Valley the newlyweds
J\.1rs. Moore is a graduate
of Green Mounta in College,
will make their home in Talk about double cross and
Sacramento. intrigue, this one keeps you
Stewardess .
.?.1iss Sandra B u r n s '
daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Burns of
Newport Beach, has
graaualed from East·
ern Airlines in-flight
training school, ~1iam i.
She now is based in
Las Vegas · Cerer:nony
Unites Coast Couple
'fhc marriage of Teryl Ann
'11cKinney and P.·1 i c h a e 1
Thomas Frisbholz has been
announced by the bride·s
parents, A<Irs. Virginia McKi~
ney of Huntington Beach and
John W. McKinney of Costa
The bride \Vas given in mar·
rtage by her fa ther for the
double ring ceremony con-
ducted in Las Vegas.
ti.lore than 100 frie nds al'ld
relatives congratulated the
newlyweds during a recent
reception in the McKinney's
tlunlingto11 Beach home ,
which was decorated for the
occasion with red tulips,
clusters of red and white
balloo ns and white streamers
held with flowers.
Assisling during the recep-
tion were J\.1iss Patty Frlshholz
aod James and William
The bride is a graduate of
Huntington Beach High School
and her husband, son of Clyde
Frishol.z of l;iuntington Beach,
was graduated from Hunling-
lon Beach High and Orange
Coast College.
We call it "Q uick Change;, ..• and wht1t more
delightful woy is there to go from daytime career to
even ing bewitchment ? We do it wit.h our soft basic
perman ent for day . In th e Solon, 10.00 ... lnthe Studio,
I ~.50 ... Both complete with cut and set. For even ing,
add o bit of ha irpiece magic with ou r 100% human ha ir
pieces. Cascades, 20.00 value, 9.99 , Wiglets, 17 .50 valu e.
8.88 , Foils. 45 .00 value, 29,99.
Appoinments not o!woy s ne cessary. Phone 735-3113; from
Newport, 644-1212: from Huntington Beach, 892-333 1:
fro m Anaheim, 535-8121 . The Beauty Solon , 601.
Crepe. Almost liquid in
feeling. Moving. Motionful.
The silhouette. Lean. Pulled
down and spun wilh pleal>.
Sashed wilh a flutter of
haberdashery prlnl The
jackeL Lenger. Lined 1n lhe
same refined prinL The total
costume in toriiorrow's
absolute: black and white.
All of rayon and acetate.
Sizes s·10 14.
Pali Ltd." I I 0,00
may co fo!9CC111tlhop 20
shop monday through saturdciy 10 am to 9:30 pm
may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, costa mesa: 546·9321
guessing not only who is on
first, but is there a first! All
on the Mesa double bill.
The Lido presents the motion
picture version of a Pulit.ze.r
Prize winning .Broadway play.
In Metnx:olor The SabjecC Was
Roses stars Patricia Neal with
J a c k Albertson and J\.1artin
The story concern,, the poip.
ant, heart-(ouching dram a,
when a-war veteran returns to
his unhappy home and tries so
hard to make peace between his
battling parents.
'Ille Sabjeet Wu ROlel shares
the . ..Newport Lido $Creen with.
The l.mpoaslble Years, s~
David Niven heading a sterling
cast that sparkles with Chris.
Una Ferrare, Ulla Albright,
Chad Everett and Ozzie Nelson.
Lls"ten to this timely tale of a
coUege psychiatrist who thinks
he is in, that is, until he finds
that his very own t'een-age
daughter Is a campus character
with all the rebel stuff . and
things, and flower power and
you know, er, you know. You
know ~
their very merry way each
week. On the Wednesdays of a
new movie week ·at the P.1esa
here is the. mid-week, aftem6on
debut of the brand new film. On
repeat weeks for P..1esa features
the afternoon session wlll show
a very popular recall. The pro-
grarrui start pfompUy at one
o'clock with tree refreshmenU.
FREE PASsES to the Lido or
Mesa will be malled today to
Fri.it: Karge, '52 Mendoza Ter.
race, Corona del Mar, Robert
Avdeef, 2'.0ll Raleigh, Costa
Mesa, J. D. Walling, lll3 Kln&I
Road, N"'JlO't Beech and M. It
Rohen, 202 Coral, Balboa Island. . . .
Each of the above quartet
wUI be guests of "Picture
Peek"i... tor a fine film at the
Mesa or Lido. We do hope that
your name is lncluded here one
'by real soon .
------~~~---~ --~ ~-~-~--.
I .
'-> .
• .
. .
Polynesian Decor Co//eded for Ba-Li Party
The lotll anniversary of the Ba-Li Regatta will be celebrated dur-
ing a dinner dance Saturday, March 8, in the Balboa Yacht Club.
Traditionally, Polynesian theme is used, and gathering .appro-
priate deco the part~ e (left to right) Mrs. Robert Grow-
er, Mrs. illi Gauls d Mrs. B. W. Williamson. The re-
gatta, sponsored joinUy by Balboa and Lido Isle yacht clubs, will
take place next weekend With BYC in charge of oat.aide races
and LIYC in chnrge of inside racing. Members and guesta of
both clubs will be greeted at the party by BYC Commodore and
Mrs. David Smiley and LIYC Commodore and Mrs. Roy Woolsey.
Full Calendar
Club Members· Offered
~A. Variety o f -Interests
Alla' the luncheon meet1nc cba1nnan of the section. Wood will uallt the holtels.
of the Newport Buch Ebe11 Bandwrttln( analyll Mn. I>.ldley Cue ol Bolland will
ClubJIUI T!wraday, • n rlely June Duncan wtD be auut . Instruct member• ol the Boone
of event.a awaits mtmben of ............ er fer the Tblfrsday, and Garden SectioD ill the the;'vtriOWI HClicml. .,......
On the program for the noon March 'ZT, meetlng of Booll: art ol flower arrana:inc and
hmcbeon are Coroa del Mar Section Six, to be hosted by making coraaaea when they
H1'h School American field Mn. C. R..Focbel ol Newport meet Wednetday, March 21,
Strvlce studeatl . M1u .o\nn Beach. Mrs. M a r a a r e t in the Jiome of Mn. Lion
SmJlh.KleJland ol Norway and Hampooo, chairman, lw uk· Rudd of Newport Beach, A
Dej Bulluk o1 Tba)land, the ed memb<ra to b r I n 1 aandwlch hincbeon will be
E-Belle-Tc:me cboral Ir o u P cauero\es, 1 a 1 a d 1 and aerv~ accordiq: to Mrs. RIJ:'.)
d1rected by 'Mr,· Holly Lub dessert.I for a poUuc.k Jun-Nielsen, c:ha1nnan.
Vllel and a SAJ.t 11'0\.IP from cheon. Goren Counters have plu-
Lel5ure World. The Ebell PM Section bas ned an afternoon Of bdd&•
· Mrs. Clayton Thompson, plaiined electl.on of offlcen for at the clubbowe Friday•
prealdent, wlll eooduct the ila March 11 meeting. Also March lt.
meeting and membert of Book calendered will be a dinner Members of the Travel Sec-
Sedkn Slz, headed by Mrs. meettna: on.Mens Nlgbl tion will enjoy a performance
Margaret Hampson, will us1st Lucky Book SecUon Seven of "Lion 1n Winter ,.0 atarrin&
wilh luncheon. will galher Monday, March Kalherine Hepburn. For the
Coming Milch 13 for Bopk 21, In the Newport Beach trip, to be hl1hligbted with
Section One will be a meeting home of Mra. Joseph Cralego luncheon at Farmer'• Marktt.
In the home of Mn. Raymond to hear Mrs. Sheely present the group will depart from
Kent Harvey, Corona del Mar. her BoimWul Ladles program. the Costa Mesa Theater at
Co-bo!tesses for the 1 p.m. Mrs. Henry Vaughn i 1 10 a.m. Wednesday, Marth 11.
....ion will be Mn. Cbarlea cbainnan and Mrs. Rudolph Mrs. Raymond Hl!l1DI la mak·
Dewey and· Mn. M. L. RabblL Vanuek and Mn. Raymond inl 1rrangemenll.
Mrs. W1Dine Woldenberg wml--------'----'---'------
present a review of reeea.Uy
publlshed books.
Book SecUon 'J1iree will
meet next Wednesday In the
Corona del Mar home of Mn.
CJyde Johnaon, with Mrs.
Howard Roberds and Mn.
William Thayer assl!Ung thell·---~-------------------~ hostess for the 12 :30 p.m.I•
gathering. Mn. Nlcholu Bro~ j
tner Is chairman. • · •p, t Meeting In the Laguna HUis tpef"f or
home of Mrs. Roy Armstrong l!lbJU,,JI~ the /utilrt •• ,
Thursday, March IS, wW be --.,..,.7..,, _.
members of Book Section r .i __ 1 f B •
Four, chaired by Mrs. J. v. oKllUU 0 USlnesS ~--Sest-d ressed List 'Cardinal Sins'
your age. 'lbe advice comes
. from some of the women on
the lntunational Best-<!re5'ed
Asked to llst the ••cardinal
sins" women commit in
fashion, the women apoU' of
dresfilng to the dictates of
the very young and of follow-
ing the fashion of the moment too precisely.
Or, u Mn. Hartlao1
Theodoracopulos of New York
and Athens, puts it. "dressing
too young for their age. With
WOW 1000'1 of YARDS
Carpet . Warehouse
1753 South Ritchey • Santi Ana
IN1wporf Fi:••W•Y t1 Lfl111•t -W. t1 IUch•yl
OllN1 hlJ I te 4 let. 11 A.M. t. I P.11.141-1071
Buffums' magic lamp cut
will coax your hair to curl
SlllllJJOO Limp Qi~ .. ,. S,50 •••
Radi.it hut can detect'"" t11t sllFlnl tondltlcy
yor tl!lr 111/f hM to curl u ..,.1 T1tl skllltd
hands d "'' strllsls c111~ned wilb this ..,tcClll
indo:w will sltlpe '""hair Into 1 swirrmr. ...,.. to
c:arHGrhalr slyll. Cell fu an eAioiat.e111Gll
BuuiJ Sbllo, 1ll 1tms except llllill • ,
Mlllicu11s • Pllllans • F•il1ls • Electrolysis
Ntwport Ct11ftr ff F11hlo11 hlo11d e 644-1100 •
Moft., Th11r1., Fri. 10:00 tlll t 1JO t Oth•r Doy1 10!00 till l :JO
Blackman. They will bear ~ the moment too precisely," And as for their reaction Mrs. Marlin Sbeely, Newport JZ . ~ •
said Mrs. Ahmet Etergun, to belng named to lhe best-Beach librarian. review lives
whose husband owns a l'eC1ll'd dressed ratings, all said they of prominent women in a pro.
company. were "flattered." Or, they gram ti tled Bountlful Ladies.
"The women don't look in found It .. amusing." But Mrs. Boot Section Five will enjoy ABC SHORTHAND Uztelli summed up the think· a destert Juncheoo. Thursda y,
e Socm1MI e MMllul
• looli:li:Hpfnf
today's fuhlons, which are
so becoming to teenagera, the
over-30 woman has to be more
1electlve.'' Mr1.
Theodoracopulos was t he
model Betsy Pickering untl1
her marriage to the Greek
ahlpplng magnate.
"Trying to look mu ch
younger than they are" was
the cardinal sin Mrs. Gianni
Uzielli Usted. The blonde
young beauty is the former
Anne Ford, who one year was
paired with her sister,
Charlotte Ford Nlarchos, on
the bell..ire..ed lilt. on the
latest ratings, Mrs. UzleW
made it on bet own.
a three-way mirror before ing when she commented, "It March 13, ·in tbe Newport 118 W. 5th Phone
they go out the door,'' said0-.!certalnl~~y~ls~no~t_!th~e~m~os~t~lm=-·~B~e~a~ch'.:_ihom~e~of~Mr~s~. ~S~ta~nl~ey~~~~·~S~1~n~t~1 ~A~n~·~~~5~4~:J.~.1~7~5~3~o~r~54~:J.1~72~1 ~~ Mrs. Wllllam (C he" y) portant lhlng In my Ille." Statia. Mrs. John Jakooky Is
The women were asked, all s~ 114'tl of whom can afford the 'P"9Jllf'4' couturiers of New York, Pru-is WI ;•
and Rome, how much they
figured they spend 6n their
wru-drobes each year. Be au t y S a 1 o ns
All elected not to estimate, t:. -
for as Mrs. Ertegunsaid, "No CAPTJVATJNG CURLS ••. CAPTIVATING COLOR .. .INSTANTLYf matter what you answer, it
would be interpreted as in-
correct." ~1n. Rayner said
she spent "very little': on her
clothes and when she did
splurge it was on evening
1be two were among five
on the current list who were
cornered for a talk one early
afternoon when all showed up
to. have their hair done by
Marc Sinclaire, a P a r k
Avenue hair stylist with a
jet aet lollowtns.
All five grac10U5ly filled out
questlonnalru on assorted
lashkin topics.
"Beln1 too faahiony," was
the sin Mn. Liberman
(Loube) Savttl listed.
"Following the fuhlon of
'The idea of man and woman
dressing alike, or the fad for
"uni.sex." drew only derision
or a h1>-hum reaction.
"It's ridiculous,'' said Mrs.
Ertegun. "I don't even know
what it is,'' said Mrs. Savitt.
"I haven't given lt much
thought,'' ~aid Mn.
ow tnHs.-..,. ....... ...,..,... wtll -.. Piii' .......... lltln
•• , .. ,. ., --, •• ""II "'9 IM4I ampllot• MlecTIM If .,..,.., ., ct,,. .. ,...... Ne 9111191>1'""" " aowrw.
flOM YOUI AHA CAU 548•8242 01 ....... ,
UDUCID TO 11'11t TO 41'11t
Add C.lol'ful
t•cl...-it ta y-lllOflll
Dlcor ••• Wt111 loN Nn _, .. ..... , ··--.... -·-........ -. ..... ··-
CUSTOM MAii ..... ~ ,., ..... $195
NOW ONLY yll.,
11.. ,...,.. eo11eo:t10o1 " 111gtt .,.11ty ,._...., tetra
lrldl.IG'"' llDf's of y1nts el llllfl 1tyle bouclM. t-iw.. l"*'t Ind IN!NsQ , • , 111 H'4 ll'!'ll:W.
DnlYERY IN 7 DAYS .._... ._._ .. .,.,... ..,. .,..
~ --..... ......... ,.. ........ -trflC .... Ml"ltc .. lltly ... ...,, .. ..., ,... , ... ~Ml .,,,..,, .. ,..... ................ _. ........ ., ....
SHONT·HOMl lll'flCI 548-8242
,· -.
Curio to caress your head ••• and imt&ntoolortio;
caress rour curb with son g!owiJls beautrl
It's our "Fanci-full" color ; in rich, nataral
look ing hues to cover gray or refresh dun bair-'i
in soft pastels to tone lightened hair. No
peroxide, no after.rinse, no waiting: ~anci. .. fuD
works while our atyliatMts your hair!J
c1>t, •et i nd .....,ac. eew1pkbi. ~~; i~~~p~-~--------·-$x~
ArtHla, C11lf.
11111 ,~ M<>Atl •1111.t Clftttl" ,,_. ..,...,.
Monday thru Thur1day
;(Aft., 5 p.m, -·---·-$2.2511
Fri., Sat., Sun, --·-····-,l.50
Costa Mota, C11lf.
17' .. 171!1 S'ITftl ....... """" ...........
oranr, c1111.
lJM ' CM'°""~ ...... ....,,.
Cooll Mota, C1llf.
-HMtlar .1¥11. IC".-.,,, .... --Santat,.n•, Calif. ,,.. •""""'-... T ... c ..... ,.,,.,... lJl.nll
Cost1 Mota, C11if. * w. ''"" llrtet
Santa An1, Callf. USf ,,,.. ,.1 ........
"""""" c.ww ,.,_ 6»Jlll
Fovnt1ln Valley, Calif.
lml Ml-It .. _.,..,.. --· Fovnt1ln V11ley, Calif,
50'l1 ~ .. 111(111
V1llly C9llM' ..,..,. Jtt•IGU
' •
' -·
•• 111.>I • .. -(t) (IO) Jt ... ...,.
D •"'"'"',.,. .... Ill_"' lCl (30)
B---tel (10) SN Citiltr. ht HlfrillltOft. .toh11 lyntt
•nd Sue bMJ" autll
11 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE-{C) '* "MARNiE"-Part I. Sean
c.a-J, Tlppi Hedren
.... """" -· lCl ..... iii" Part I (dn1111) '64 -T\ppl --"'-· 1111 ... tel (IO)
·-(C) (30) ~(J)--lCl
·---(30) ......... ,,,,, ... A 121tllr..W ,.,. .., •·
.......... 1 1 .. )ounMlf .. ....... Mt croaM; dtwt .,.,
............... t.thtr
•ftd I ... tn. I eKnil aprlllc. ·-·-1111111.1 -tel
t:Jll 11 flllltJ' And (C) (30) Told thd. "" ... ~ ........... '"" '"'-""""""m""' 1r1d• to lttrttt • ..., ah• Ilka.
ID (I)._.., Mowlt (Cl "Dooms·
liy Jileht" Jlf:k lo1d It.Ill
ID ""' -(30)
• _.. """ (t) ., ..... c lllfl t• (C)
.,. .. mama-.~. <c, <10)
Dtput,r Filtut H•llll'I Ind M!Und·
ed ,,-. Rf1'y Shlrp (Qtr1•
Aidrnan) find rtfLtP loc th• nfiht
1t 1 nnch. wtllch tums out to bt
the llomt llf Hit wlf1 (Gill Kobe)
and IDft (£rlc Shel) Sh1rp Ifft bt·
hind when ht wlftt to prbon f
• $25,000 lmltdw·lllbbwy.
11111 Alfll M Ill F•p
••am .... a MlrV• ~-11 CC) (60) .lllllU Gtmer ind The
Gtry Budin .......
CJ II• (C) (¥1) Ted Mt)'lrs. m-•-
wi.t• Bnithen JUtSt. •
m .... ~ ~) 11:3011 IMi« "1111 111111'" (mys!llJ) , .. , \""' 'SI -Broderick Cnwfonl, Ernest
• I ld'iaC I u.u.r " 1111 Usti· BorrnlnL
-(1161 l one-min lhow l•tum B 9 00 m Tllli&M .. (t) P'ltlf IJstlllow'• C01111111nllry on his lrtbtlc Ind tcalltrlc ftmily. (R) 1J Mlfil: ............. (a0¥tn-
llt c.iclll ' c..ctMs ~~ '51 -JIN 1'*"4 WtJM
omimm...,...., <t>
m1 LM lac,
Ill (!) ""' ...., (t)
"'° n a m-· ..., <t> (30) tiilnrd T•I puts u S:tlnllY Lh'·
11\ptDnt, 1 prvfmio111t hunter hlrtd
to uptufl 1 .. pboon1," 1 r1re
111kul ttllt naiped lrom th• zoo. n. Mldlolfll llunttr mentions to 1Z:OO m 77 5111111 Strip
Luq tM be's nMr m1n1td be-
uUM "° 111'1 could rtPltc• t111 Mlf-
ntl•llf. dMtld mlnlona!J'1 d1111h· 12:20 fJ Mfril: "F"' Dnperdl Mtn"
I• 111 llnew ill Al rlCI, 111d L1lcy (1dve11tur1) '60-Aldo R.ty, H11lh•r
trM tit comet lhrt situation. Sears.
1J Wiii """ (C) (SO, "Bi1
fri11 to Tlllf Dll'llmlrt." IZ:lO ID ktio1 1'11ttt: "'D•P Wilen."
D ll!l m &I ..,.,. ""' (t)
(30)tt9G orclen C.rolyll ta IUJ l:OO O-'""' IC) .. ., flOlll Lew; t>r. Mil• stops ·
l.IW'1 ltlnDC • W the trvth by O C.••ltJ l1tlttin l oud (t) -···-"""'"" .... ... -.. " 111derJtandln1. IJ .... (Cl
A5 ,, ... ...... ..,.. .... ......
Ta.LS MUl ... .,.........
Miil' M! s;JP, 'JHT' ~
Mitt. IF ME ~IERS WMAT S..TE nllS t!>' !
1'111" />J.WAYS WANTEt>
"TOG> 10 H>\WAll ,
JI . ., ..
·--(t) (10) __ ...... (1:1(301 1:151) ...... """ ..... ,.,, ......
(Pf!) 'M -Pull Doutln. ht
lllllbUt) 'Y -Wl11la11 2'oldlft, ..........
LUI m .,_.. ti IM" (drtm•) '41
-bM HUtdlllllOll. ~ lrut
fll__. (drt1111) •45 -Dai , __
2.111 ID., Atca ., Plftnb" (th'•
N) '44--lil•ll lklll ffufhts, Johl
(OUlf' If_.,. Mtoy ,1, 1fttl
lfor E11pwt ~ Rtt1-bllo hn'Q:
275 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA . . ~-* . ...... *· . ~
• ly Chcirfes M. &hub
A&OtlTlMIS ll'ATelllAT'l -50 Lm J\ISf.
Sl~IFIC.ANT •• IM FOR6Er rr •.•
IJf'I WAV? !>MA.LL M t
By Tiltn K. Ryan
By Al Smith
By Mell
I '
Mond'l', Miid! J, lM • DA>lV "LOT J9
MUL Tl-TALENTED-Alejandro Rey. who stars in
11Tbe Flying Nun," takes an actor's holiday tonight
to show another 1ide of his talent. lle will be seen
at 9 p.m. on Channel 7 in "The Outcasts" in which
be plays a cattle rustler. Slars Don Murray and
Otis Young.
Blue Mondays
For Network
new series next season, one:-third will be devoted
to making the public aware that the network is on
the air on Monday nights.
As of now, ABC-TV is simply being obliterated
on Mondays. The CBS-TV competition is devastat-
ing: "Gunsmoke," Lucille Ball, "Mayberry R.F.
D.," 1'Family Affair" and Carol Burnett. NBC-TV's
Monday shows, meanwhile, include ''Rowan and
Martin's Laugh-In" and a weekly movie .
AGAINST THESE programs, the ABC-TV lin.,_
up of "The Avengers," "Peyton Place," "The Out·
casts" and 0 The Big Valley" has turned out to ~
merely sacrificial. None of the four series will be
back next season.
One of the way ABC-TV will try to throw the
two other networks off-balance on Mondays is by
breeking tile standard pattern of normal-length
shows: That is, programs that are either the half·
hour form or multiples of it. Instead, ABC-TV will
start off Monday nights with a cou ple of 45-minute
THE FIRST of these series, "The Music
Scene," will focus on hit records and their per-
formers. The satirical comedy troupe known as
"The Committee" wULserve as hosts and guide
for the shows. And the producers are Tom Smot.b--
. ers and Ken Fritz, who also have two other net-
work series: the Glen Campbell musical hour and
the Smothers Brothers program.
Following HThe Music Scene" will be a 4S..
minute adventure series, "The New People/' which
is set "on a n isolated. island in the South Pacific
where a planeload of young Americans on a cul-
tural tour to Southeast Asia are stranded when
their aircraft crashes." The network ~dds :
"THE GROUP contains a broad crosk-section
of today's American youth with youngsters from
every level of society. The deserted island was the
site of an atomic test years before ·and is thus sup-
plied. with food and makeshift hoµsing. How the
young people survive in a society of their own mak-
ing is the focus of this series.'' Rod Serling wrote
the first t bow.
After "The New People" on Mondays ABC-TV
will present an hour-long series conceived by
Harold Robbins, "The Survivors," described by in-
siders as a sort or jet-set "Peyton Place," and
starring: Lana Turner and George Hamilton.
ABC-TV'S FINAL Monday night hour series
will attempt to bring back a long-missing ingred-
ient to video: Romance, love, stuff like that there.
The se ries is called "Love -American Style," and
it is "a romantic comedy which stars love: Love
among the young, love set in the city. the small
towns, the resorts, on the campus." add!i the net-
work :
''This one-hour contemporar.v program will
contain separate Jove stories within each program
-two, three or perhaps four separate segments -
with q>nnective vi~nettes between each segment .
The proa;ram will feature an array of .bright young
people but one continuing character -a large
brass bed.''
De1anis the Me1aaee
(S) ..
Economic la B lt•O.r
Forum Set Chevrolet
For March 4 B lazes
New Trail
-Annwncemeota a.re 009'
being malled for the 1919
Oranae County E c o n o m i c
Forum ic:heduled for the even.
I"" of "·-• 4 In the Dy CARL CARSTENSEN • ..., MMUl " Of t111 Dlll'r Plltt lltlt
auditorium at Chapm.atl Col· The sayJng in Delro1t la that
lege in Orange. w.ben John DtLorean ta~
Ctner•l-businOM. the money over thipgs begin to happen.
supply, directlon of the stock DeLore11n is lhe new general
market, and the business manager fdl' C b e v r o I et
• Division w h o established outlook and Its relation l9 himself as a go-getter· and
Jocai conditions . will b e flerce competitor while run·
discuued by three leading oa· : Ding Pontiac for the past .f
tional analysts and years.
forecaster~. . Under bis leadership Came
PefSOll:!I mteresttd in rece1v-the "wide--track" p o o t I a c
ing an invitaUon to the Forum windshield wipers, b i d d en
may call Chapman College at radio antenna and last but
63U!'21,_extens.ion ~· not least, roul-years of, con-"'1!'19 .....
nus lS the third annual tinuous sales recorOt: for Poo-
economic forum to b e tiac Division. p~ted, by ~ Chapman Two weeks ago he took.over
President s Council.. , Chevrolet from E. M. E.ms
Sponsors of this year s who was promoted to the cor·
forum are Bectman porate level and next month
In.struments, Inc.; Cal-Com-Chevrol_et will enter t b e
pjCk Foods, ~-.; pBS Musical sports-utility market with a
Instruments DivlSlOP: Chevron new four-wheel-drive mcx:lel Rese~rch Co.: Coalson C. called the Blazer.
4-wh.-I Drive Bl•zer Offered in 6 and I Cylinder Models
NOTICE IS HEREll'I' GIVEN tt\91 ,,,. lolklwlN ,._ of follrld or .,.vlld
r-1Y lie.,.. bffn ,,.Id b'f tM Pollet be,..rfrlletll o1 "" cnv o1 eo111 ~
for • ptl'lod 111 uctH af 1>lnelV tte)
MOl'!'is ; Crittend~ &: · ~-; Basically it ill 1 recrtation desire ror more p o w e r ,
David L. James, Em~ue or business vehicle that CJn Chevrolet will offer a 1S5 hp,
I n s u r a n ~ e Co.; First be used for either on or off 250 cu. in. six and 200 hp, Amerlc~ TiUe Insurance Co.; road driving. Natura 11 y, 307 cu. in VS. A 35 Ocu . in
Fltst N_aUonal Bank of Orange DeLorean had nothing to do 255 hp VB will be optional ~unty, The Fluor Corpor~· .. with the design or planning in eight-cylinder models.
Save on Taxes • 9
81\M olrl'1 blkt NOTICE IS FURTHER Gl'IEN 11'111
II llO 0-IPP<'lfl Ind pro~et hll
""'"'"''"1"' ol thtl o~ will!"' HV911
111 da't'I to!lowll!t th« 1ubllutlon ol
"'II t+a!k:t. tM Tiiie lhefllO 5"111 YH!
In -l lnder, It the!'9 be -· 11r 111 tM C'llV of C•I• Mew. ln which
tlM tl'lt i>rciperlY 5"111 W ll>lcl 11
)>ublic illcilon II I lllM UICI Giit
?It be 1nnounced.
t1on. Ltd.; George M._ Holstem of the Blazer but never the In addition to the standard
& Sons ; The Irvme Co '. leSs things have 1 way of column.mounted 3-speed full y·
Orange Savings & Loan _Assn .,. happening faster when he syn c'h r on i zed -manual Tb~ Townsend Co.: Union 011 steps in. transmission, a 4 -speed
Mort g a ge 'Points':
OATEO: ~ttl'l l , 1Mt. ll. E. NETH. CHIEF OF l'OLICE
How to' Deduct Them
~bllshed Or•-Coe1f D1ll'I' "llot, tl/liJrd't J, ,.., l1Mt
Co., and the \Villard-Brent To meet the wide range 'Of manual and 3-speed aµtomati c
Co., Inc. needs of sports-utility vehicle aJ1: opti9nal. ·By SYLVIA PORTER
LEGAL NOTICE ...... •:.,.t CERTIPICATI!' O' •VllNllS .-:, "ICTITtOUS NAMt: United's ,;
Profits Dip
buyers, Chevrolet has design· For severe usage, he.3.vy-<iu-The renewed upsurge in in·
ed the Blazer as a simple ty springs, shock absorbers, terest rates has again made
basic open unit with a single clutch, and radiator a r e the nse or so-called "points"
seat for the driver. From that available. Truck-type t4be and common In home mortgages .
base, the buyer can tailor the tubeless tiri!s also are op-TO exP,lain:
unit to his particuJar desires tlonal. If you needed a $15,000
from a wide range of options. * * * mortgage lo finance t h e l 111'11kn.ltntd -ttrflfr M Is • lldil9 I butlMM .t J:tD lltllJOl.
-C•IHoml1, uncle< ttle flc· ti,,.,.' MrM ol "FAT JACl('S ~EHTURES IN HAMllU}IGEllt Ind 1'lif · wW I!"" 11 ~ ol tht ......,.,.., ,......_, ~ ,..,... 111 tull
..... olace ol raklerw;t' II II follcwl: ..-J.JOHN J. DWYER, 1132 Vldor\t,
-.eo.11 Mfte, c111ior..i..
ThoSe wanting a station OF'F-ROAD RACE! purcha.Se ~ a house, you
Traf£ic and revenues of wagon type vehicle may ENTRIES POUR IN might get a $15,000 mortgage
United Air Lines rose to new specify an optional attractive Entries for the 2nd ,\nnual at 7 percent but the lender
'*9 F~r'Y' 17, 1Kt
._1 JOHN J, DWYER -9itt o1 C1lllornla, O<'•lllltl CDUfllV: ~ f1brueno 17, 1Mt, ~,.. mt. :.,. ,,......, Publle "ln and tor ""Id Sl1t1,
highs in 1968 but earnings removable fiber glass hard top Mint "400" Del Webb Desert would actu.ally advance you
were down from the previous with full side and rear upper Rally ha~e 11;Jready 1 f a r only $t4,250 in cash:-'rhe other
year. lift gate windows. The lower surpassed the initial "400" of $750 would be for points kept
This was mainly due to tailgate swings down for easy 1968; according to race. dircc· by the bank or otheJ lender llY ._.rec1 .,IOMN J. OWVElt
lo mt fa De tM --wtlos9 11 1ubKrlbed to the Wltllln In•
I Ind adl.nllWlldttid ht 111.eolled
further decline in unit revenue klading. tor Mel Larson. I ~ which would amount to ad·
yields with only a slight Opt.lonil passenger single The $30,000 oil-road ra~ing ditioi;ial costs to you. -· IAL SEAL)
Joseph E. D1wl1 Nol•..,. Putillc.C.tlfomi. •!II f'rlnck>tL Offlot In °'"'"" Coun,., ~ M' Commlulon Ellll!rn _ June 21, lt1D
decrease in unit operating et1sl front and fuJl.width rear seats classic will be held M¥ch . THE TREASURY has shilly·
and a substantial increase in are olfere:d to accommodate 23-25. Last year's pre~re shallled on just how these
interest expense, G. E. Keck, up to five adults. The open .race-drew IOI contestal_lts. points are treated for tax
president, announced in the rear passenger or cargo com· This year's early response bas purposes. It has said that
annual report. partment extends nearly six caused race officials to place points on VA loans paid in ~ Publlll'ted Orl"llt Coa1t 01111 l'llol, t.~ 11, -u 11111 Mur;h •• JI, ,.., .,.., 1be company's net earnings feet behind the driver's seat a ceiling of 300 on the race. lieu of service charges are
totaled '41,750,000, equal to and is 51h feet wide, the Not only is the number of not deductible as interest, th"at
LEGAL NOTICE $2.23 per common share, com· largest olfered by any ('(lntestants flocking to the they don't add to the cost ed ·th manufacturer. rugged desert racing test •A•·l»l par w1 $72,819,000, or $4.19 w·th .•• 1., . h b Iba ou•~·ndmg· .• the glitler of of the property and that they ••••• , •• GOUltT 01' TMll sbar . E . I l~ n-tnc .... ee se ....... sTAT11 o11 CAL1l'o•NtA 1'01. per e in 1967. arrungs and new shorter turning front· some of the name drivers aren't taken into consideration
THI! couNTY ol' ottA,..t: per share are after providing drawn to ... Del Webb Classic in determining gain or loss c.. .._... INt\U for -··-ed diVl'dends and end steering design, the Blazer LUt: h bseq l I r O\.OEM JOR~:~tttl ¥L HAZEL b;'~' the appears to be high reads like the current "Who's on t e su uen sa e 0 pr~ JOt!OA.N. 0eteN11nt. are on average maneuverable. It is con-Who" of the racing world. perty. ~-••OPLI! ol' Tiii! sTATR OI' mnnber of shares oul.5tanding. strocted with a heavy channel The M1·nt "400" boasts the This has left in utter con· j!t.L>,l'OltMIA ,_ 1111 °"" ....... Dlfw-An of 92 ·• average 1,1 ,000 more steel frame, single-unit body. top USAC driver in Bobby fu sion how to treal the ~ IA .... ""' dlredlld ,. 11141 • al.a-• -ere 0 ·~·nd· g . " . ls" th l ot a'd ~ p1t-aai,.. In ..-tci JM ~~ .. ULO)LA ID in and other heavy-duty chassis Unser, and the top NASCAR poin a are n P 1
"""'"'~ c:i:'-;::! ~ie: ;ix:. n:::: 1968. l-Omponenll to withstand the driver in Cale Yarborou,gh . instead of service charges -
..-11e11 court r.. ""' 1ixw. ent1f1M punishing demands of off.foa:d Add to that Parnelli Jones. bul that are used to give im:"'"":.'1~·,~~ou~n :::1;.1111~•----...,,,--------I driving. Payload capacity is AI Unser, Scooter Patrick, !cl the lender a bigger return
o1 1t111 ,r,,nmons. ·If ,.,...Id wlthlni LEGAL NOTICE approximately 1200 lbs. Leslie, Bob Bondurant and ' on his loan. •bow n1m9d C011n", or wntlln TV av• 11 .. rvec1 ,.......,.,_ 1-----.,...------I To meet the expressed Marty Robbins:. Last year, a local Treasury
"t'ou IA MAbt ni;illfi.d 11111 unlffl JUJJ ---------------"-----~-----------------~ '° flle. written l'ftp(ll'Blft plledt.... MOTICIE TO Cll•DITORI
_111d plflfll\lf w1LI t1k1 llldtfn9nl for t\ll"l!RIOR COUltT OP TN•
-~ or d-demlndld In STATE 0 1' CALll'OltlOA 1'01.
""' .,1rlfi.d Clll'llPlllnt " •rlt.l"' UPGfl THI COUNTY 01' ORAMO• ="~· Jr..,W~!u;PPZ,.,:.,.,.'c.,. In ea:! E1t1t. "" ~:f1~ E II T I. u 0 E -"ltd comPlllnt. HOWELL. 1k1 HELEN CHAI.LEN E
i.-Y .. -y lift lllt pf\llCI ti P11 HOWELL, 1k~ HFLJON C, HOWELL.
l)flr11t1 tll anv •-"« -'" w1111, 1kt HELEN MASKiNS HOWELL, Ill•
911 -111111 ... tllls Mlln,,__ lllC HELEN HOWELL, 0.CNH'd. ~y IMulll M nflWllMI wlllllll ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to !he
tlfrtl M1111t 1t1!MI I• !Ills ~-,_ O"ld1ton ol tn. 1bow nam.e.1 dead1<>t ,11• ... • wrl"" ,i..,.1,.. hi tM -1411111. !Ml 111 pe.-.o "'""" cl•I-1111lflll , 0_1-.i ~r 2t, 1'6l. Ille 111d dec'*"I art rlQlllrtd Jo file
(SEAl I "'°""' wilt! tl'lo! llKMll...,. ~fl, In W. E. ST JOHN, Clerk IM offln o1 111t ci.rt ol llw lbove r a, wrni.m P . .)on&> ~•llltd uour1, or "° Prffl<ll ,,,_,, wltll
.,_. Dt!O\ll'f Clert. 1t11 nl<_...,. ~s. tio llw un-•PSTEI. l'ELKOl'filt 61r1klned .i IN olflct of C. P•ul
·A....,. II U. Ou&oli. Attorney for PlllllONr, Ill Oover
"" _,. ,_ .. Ori.,., NtWPOrt kKll. Ctllfornl11, wf'll(h s.ta ......, ClllMnl I• Ille pllo Ill tiuslfltu of 11\e ulldenl1n~ P ... : MJ .. 1'1 I" •II 1Mflefl pert1lnl ... hi Ille flllt. .,.......,. 1'91' l'l1l11llfl of 11kl clec~ent, wlfflln four rnontll1
P .. n..,.., Orll'llll Cols! D•llY Pilot, ,,.., ffll ftr•I P\lllllt;ll!IOl'I ol tll!I l'IO!lct. .l'rtirult'Y 10, 17, 2• Ind Mlrdl J', Dlted Fetlruln' 71, It.It.
;"t6t 2"'"" v111111 ttuuell Howl'U EalKUlor of tllt Wiii LEGAL NOTICE ol !hi Ibo .... lllmtel clKeOl!ll ------,-=,,------I c. l'AUL OU •ors l'·HMll IU 0.....,. Drln CEl.TIFl(l.TE OF IUSINESS N_,i IHtll. C1Hf1rRll flUI F1CT1YIOVS NI.Mt: T1I: JU-t.«·'621
The u-1l1Md do te<tllw lhe-t' are AlttrftlY fW E•KulK'i <onductlno a 11<11!~11 11 26U a. 2'l'll Publlll'll'll Ortl'l!lf Conl 01111 o.11w1r1. 1113 ., 2611 E"'\1nd. Hun-Mirth J, 1~. 11. 2•. 1'6t
linvton ae1c~. C11\!crnl1, ullde r IM Ile· LEGAL NOTICE 1111ouo jlrm n1me ol DELAWAR E ST!JOIO APARTMENTS tlllf t111I Ukl'l-----~-------titm Ii cvmPCi..:I ol !he tollowlnl penon1, p ,11,.
wllcJte fllrntl In lull and p11ce1 ol IAlt-1'15
rakM~ 11e It toLlowi: 1 CEl.Tll'ICATI! 01' IUllNlll JICk H. Morris llllf llo11n A. Ntrlrf 1• l'ICllTIOUS l'HIM NAME °"' ClubflcuH. ~ew-' '"di' Tht Undef1111nfod lloet ~Kiib¥ cerl!tv C1lltoml1: CN rltl M. sunlrl~ld 1·,;: tll•t "' II tondutll"ll I lhrbtr si-
¥e1ml ~I s::l•~·ui:i.· Wmi.m tiuifl'lffl 11 "" lndlvlclu•I 11 1'11 w. ~lrH~llt'/ • nd c~n •• E Smilt"f. ,.111 FDIWll'I Strtf!I. $1nl1 An1, C1llfom)1,
,... ' · • h Ul'ldtr ttM flct1tl01111 """ na,,... <11 MOUSE .V..r11arel Drl.,., NtWllOl'I ~ ' OF NATURALS and 11\il 11ld firm
Ctllfoo'nl1. 1 Ml 11 COl'l\POOtCI of lhl! Jo11ow1,. Hnon,
0.1" December 3. · I · ....t.mt Mrnt In tuH ..,,. pll" of rnlclenct JICk H, MOrroi. 11 _, followl, fa.Wit: ttoun A. Ntrlr•ot entv Klttw uu w Fourth Charin M. Su~rfl•ld • · \lrlml L suntffitlcl S.nl1 A111. C1llfoml1.
w11n .... ;.. Sm!ln' Dloted F~•n' 2', IN•. BU!f Klrtrr Cellt E. Smlley STATE OF CAL1FOllNIA $1111 o1 C1lltornll, Or-C-iY: COUNTY OI' OJl:ANGE ' ' ... C)ll ~ Jl, I ... , ~ 11\to I 0.. ,~. NOfan Putllk In I nd for .-Ill Sllll, ...,,u,...,. U. lNf, tlli«t m!, 111 iPPHr"" WIUlim A. Srnllt1 I ,,....,., Public In ll'd !or Mid C-1\1 ~tlll E Smlle'f k-ht mt ll'Mll St1t., P9frPM11¥ IOPelted BlllY :::::T bt ,,,. ~ ....._. "'"'" art Klrbr k-. lo mt lo be Ille "'son :...U.1bl!d Jo Int wltl11n 11111.,,..,~nJ 1nd ..._ n.me Is lUbKrltltd to llw wJtllln ·--"""' tlK:Vtell I ht ~. I ncl 1Qi:"°"'llltllld h .... ...... -lhll lie !Jl.KU!ed ttle flmt, -,.,·,,,,, •EALl Wllftfti mw hi"" Incl Hll. I '" !OFFICI AL SEl.LI • w1a E. ''"'" Cl'lllrlei R Wld"" • "', ,1!2... l"ubUc-Gi' Offlc• 1~1111 Not•..,. l'Ub1lc-C1llfotnl1 • ,..,.._ .. _..... Prl>'ltl!>ll omu in • °''"" ..._.... Or1"9t c-.1¥ MY c-lslklfl Eulrt1 MY C-lulool EJU1lrn
JUM u. itn OIC lt lrn i fe OF (,t.Lll'OltNIA. I l'ubllil>ed. o:.-Cotd 01iLr Pilot, NTY OF Oii.ANGE ) H .. -> >O >J 2, '"' , -~ JI, 1 .... ~ort m1, '"'' ' ' • .. tfi ufdtAltMCI, , Not1rr Public 1n;1----LE-=G=AL-,-N,,.,O~n--c=E,---1
_. ..,. a11d s111e .... .-•h' ·-red
J4111t H, Mertll Ind llOUl'I A. Moff1•~1----,,,,:=:'."',,-,.,-===:--I 1111CPM1 to me to bt lllf __.,, w!loM CtrltTll'ICl.TIE 01' •UUN•ll -,,. 111btcrlblcl IO ffll wltll!n l'ICTITIOUS NAME
fl'lltNmtl'll 11'111 ~lilllMd hi mt The unclil'rtllnM c1oH artl'"r ht II 11'111 ... , t!l9CWhd "" -· canoudllll I tlulll'IHI ti l:IJll 0 N, WITNESS mY 111111111'1111 olfkl1l 111t, Cvslt'f. ....." An., (1llfornl1, llft$el (OFFK:IAL Sf:AL) tM '1clllloll'I fl"" .,...,. Ill' Oii.ANGE -... , ... "-7c'1!-COUNTY OltGAJC SEii.ViCE CO, Incl ·• tt11t Mil firm h _... ef 1111
C-tr fl ~ fOllowlfll ,..,_ ,,,,_ """'' .In f\111 Mt C-l..itll Eulr'H 1/1111 ..... ti m~ II at ,..!At, STATl'~/1.:=.MIA s!:: .!.,~1~,!1U W. SftnfOl"ll,
COUNTY OI' LOI ANGELES I u 0.lt'll ...._ .. tNf.
Clll J..-. JI, tfill', .....,. ..,., "" °"" G .._ c .. 1r
Ul!Otr'l>lll •• I ~ Pu9lk Ill tnd St110 fl Cl.,... Or-c-tr: fW .... .... __..,, _,,., Oii "...,......, .. ,,.., ............. , =---Ill.~: hYI-:-~ 1 IWht'I' ~ ... 11'1111 "' Miii Sl11t.
--......... .,. -.ct' .... =''= .:":i"':. c:: _ :.,,.:· ~ ... wttl'llll ~ .... --IMHcl l'I ..... fa .....,.., • lt'lt ~i.. lf'I. "':!m:. "",..: .::""~t -\. ITl'-9 _ 11'1111 ~ flt l;11ICl.fltd
Of"fllCIAL ~ lt'lt -· M!IOrR ·.: ·~ lOl'-,ICW...SllJ..I ,.....,. ~llfllfftll ,_,., ..... M«i.i
PrlndtNf °"'°' '" ,....,., h!IJk-Qillhfllll
"-• .. ,....,. Cllfll'Y .... ....._ :=-t: lft • M., c-111 ,._,,..., Ml' c.nmi.111'1 l!Ulrn ~ '· lt71 ~ ,_ ltn
Sometlm,!S you can become so preoccu-
pied meeting dey to day obllgatlons-
taxe1, bills, etc.-you can forget there's
Wiishire Federal Savings wouJd like to
remind you ..• and suggest the best end
11feat way to asaure the avallablllty of
"'!oney for future plans, or just future
security, 11 by systematic saving.
Wllahlr& Federal pays the highest re·
turn on lns11red savings allowed by law
. . . 5.131/1, when the current annual pass·
book rate of 5% ls compounded dally and
held for 1 )'!!lr.AddJtlonally. you can earn
1 .25% bonus on 36-month 1;ertltlcate
COSTA MESA, CAI.If. 92627 • 642""711
-Offieo.loo~ OUwom-a.--.
accounts In nlultlples ot S1 .000.
Start providing for your-future today
with a savings eccount at Wii shire
Federal •.. then add to It regularly,
*Accounts Insured to 115,00o b7 •Federal • agency.
*Funds received by 1he 10th e•rn from the
f!t. After the 10th from the d•t& rece,.,ed.
fll>EltAL SA VINOS ---......
Come in for your FREE
p e r sonal inco1ne tax guidebook.
office of£ered an answer. lt
said that µ you are a buyer, 1
you can deduct such points
paid as intereSl But It didn't
say wben to deduct them. U
you pay such points in ·cash
out of another bank account,
this should be deductible in
the year you pay. But if the
points are merely added to
your mortgage, your interest
deduction for the points would
haVe to be spread over the
pericx:I that you pay the Joan.
IF YOU ARE the seller of
the property and have to pay
the points, you simply reduce
your selling price by the
points. You don't get an in·
terest deduction.
Fees paid to retirement and
nursing homes continue to
pose a ticklish·tax problem.
What portion of t h e s e
pe.yments, if any, is deductible
~a medical expense?
Previously, the Treasury had
ruled that if a retired couple
pays a monthly lifMare fee
to a retirement home and a
specific portion of the fee
covers medical care, that por·
lion is deductible as a medical
expense .
Io a new situation last year,
a retirement home was con·
structing apartment facilities
and an associated infirmary.
A couple made a lump-sum
payment to the home for the
right to li ve in one pf the
apartments. The Treasury
barred a deduclion for any
portion of the lump-sum pay.
.ment because no allocation
was. made for medical ca re.
WERE YOU among Ule
lucky taxpayers who last year
found that you had siJ\·er
certificates -in denomina-
tions from $1 up -that you
could sell for more than their
face value? U so, it's likely
that you didn 't actually bother
to go to a Treasury assay
office, get silver bullion aod
sell it to a precious metal
dealer. Instead, you probably
so ld your silver certificates
to coin dealers who paid you
m.ore than their face value.
Regardless of what you did
however, in 196S, the Tre.asurY
decided that you have to
report your profit as capital
gain -just as though you
had sold stock at a· profit.
You treat this gain as long.
term gain if you held the
silver certificate for more
than six months, or short·tenn
gain if you he1d It for six
months or Jess. Your tu will
be reduced if your records
are good enough to prove you
held the certificate for mort
than six months .
. If. you served as a juror
in ·68, you must pay taii:es
on your juror's fees. fiut what
if you were paid an ertra
amount to cover your com-
muting expenses io and from
the court? Are these payment.s
also taxed as income to 'you?
No, said the Tax Court last
year : these reimbursements
to a juror are e~s to
facilitate the propf.r func-
tioning of the jodlciary.
Next: lactlme Al·uaciJis .
Merger Set
Inc .. the former Phillipa Elec·
troniC! & PhannaceuUcat ·Jn.
dustries Corp .. bas bought the
business of Leffingwell Chem-
ical Co. of Brea.. Calif .• a ma-
ker of agr~ltural chemicals
and adhesives ln business for
lht put SO ytars. Lefflnpell
will become part of Pepi's
.--~· ---
j •
Mo listens
To Landers!
• • • Just
Tbat's Mo
You Can 'Listen' to Ann lenders
Deily in The DAILY PILOT
.... "'*' Or""' OOul\fY Dtltr l'I~, PIJllllll'lff ~lt' c-t Otl~ ,Uot. Y*-Y tt, 11, tot tfll MtrCll S. Mflrdl J. >t, 1, '"' .,.. lMt 01"'1---~-·--------------------------------------------1 '"'ompson • Ha)"'ard dlvblon Jn Kansas City. l, __________________ J
• I•
-~ ---~---.--·--------r-oo--------.--~--r ------. --.--. -. ,-----· ·-All 1,000 · o(. lJs ff~d · l:l :_Busy Day Today •
,"; • • I l
' . c J -
We created and-dlilive.red another fi-esh ~ ~d.,iion of-The DJ!IE¥ PlEOT
---;-:-:;:::::=;;:::::;:::;:;;:: -~ "
~-. ..
TEAMWORK produt:eS each day's all-new DAILY PruJr. Often special-
Lsts like 'f1>0in~ Fortune (left), whose beat is education, work with a
staff pho'®'apber like P•tr\ck O'Donnell to get the story both in words
and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures last year to illustrate the
v~ied st.Qry. of Orange Coa!t life. Nobody knows how many local stories
we wrote. Not even Wl.
CREATIVITY helps advertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in
the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford
(center ) of display advertising department discusses with la)'out artist
Suzie Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff Artist .. Bob Noyes an ad which
will be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours aftet" ~oyes puls
final touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re-
tail merchant.
QUICK HANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates used
to reproduce pictures) into page forms as the day's product begins to
take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of
printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work-
ing against the clock to bring readers the latest available infonnation in
each edition during the day.
DELIVERY of the oewsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyor belts carry
the papers through the mailroom where they are automaticaUy tied in
bundles of 50 and toSsed to waiting circulation district manage.rs <like
Blaine Roberts, shown here, right) who speed Uiem via a 40-vehicle
fleet to carriers for delivery, _Mailroom foreman George Arauz (le.ft)
and bis Cl'f!'1f can move 20,000 newspapers an hour.
VOLUME iB Ule word at the Copy ~k. DAILY Pfl..OT Copy Desk Chl.tf
_ Horman ·Anderson (right) aid.-;by Tom Titus (background) and other
copyreaders every day sills, checks and edits more wire reparts from
worldwide news serviceis than the average weekly news magaiine pub-
ll!hes. :Editors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every
2f hours. Speed, born of experience, helps thex-. keep it all fresh, too.
THE WORDS are ready. MarjOrie Jackson Ceeds them Into a .. .$25,()0()
computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses
a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of
1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine
for automatically setting type at high speed. The machines can aet type
at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour. ....._
l'lfACHINES hasten the processes of preparing plates Jar printing 'the
pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground ) and Ed·
\vard Quinn operate a casting machine which molds · curved pla~es to fit
onto high speed presses. The DAILY PILOT keeps in stock more than ·40
tons of type metal which is used, melted dow11 and used again in the
continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day.
P.fOOERN equipment helps the accounting department keep up with the
"today" pace at the DAILY PILOT'. Even as the day's newspaper is
being sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin begins feeding figures into a
computrooic , bookk~ machine that help& ke.::p lrack of billings f«
ads and 1UbsQ'ip\l.oM. The machine, forerunner of a brace of computers
soon to be added, bandies 5,000 accounts a month.
' .
,,,_ '
RAPID communication is the name of the g~e. Supervisor Juanita Frey ·
and her crew .of "ad-Visors" handle 1,000 transactions a week by p~one,~·
rtsulting ln publication of 5,000 classified ads -words which help people ·
buy, sell , rent or I ea s e ••. even find lost dogs. Many of the DAILY ·
PILOT'S 150 Phone lines are plugged in here, the classified advertising de-.
partment, home of "Want A~s" and Dime-A-Lines.
PICJ'URES, too, get the benefit of skilled . efficient handling by master·
craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a
sensitized mCtal plates which are used to reproduce the ,photos as read--'
ers will see them in. the newspaper. Here, Chucic Ryan takes a really
close look at a negative which Will be used tO etch the image on the
metal plate. ·
FINISHED ·PRODUCT ts.checked by Elwood Anderson, press crew chief, ..
even as higb·spef.d presses cor.Unue to roar at 60,000 impresslon,a per hour
completing the day's run on press units which represent an investment of
$.1.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will feed into these machines the
equivalent of a roll of paper one · page wide and 110,000 miles long iri
printing the DAILY PILOT this year.
• • •
ALMOST bef'ore the 1Qk is dry, the product ()f our busy day is toSMld ·
deftly . on your lawn or porch by one of our 700 newspapcrboys who are
importanL links in the chain of people it lakes to bring you today's new1
and features today in ttte DAILY PILOT. And as our young independent
merchant.I, like John Melton here, make their deliveries, we're gearing
up for another busy day -all l,000 of us.
The •Now ~ Newspaper for All The Co111munities '
Of The Gr~wing Orange . Coast ,. DAILY PILOT ~
\ J
--. ....
~==~-----------·-----------. -· ·--·-------~~~--...... ·------··--"--·-------·--••
. . -'My Pledge
Here's Skelton's Way
. .
N&W YORK (AP) ---it
dotlll't !how on th< charts
". lmmll the teen-aa:e rock
-but -ol lhe hlll • ., radio """"" the eountry · 11 Red Silcllon rocltlng an in-____ terpr<tajloa ol the Pl~e of
AJlt41 .....
Steltan'• veralon hu been
rue! lnlO -the CongrOISlonal ·--. His product)on company In
" Hollywood bu been inundated
though It b beeomlna
moootonous lo yoo. lt'l IDIJ',
-may I reci!Lll -~ l;y lo
explain lo you the ...anln&
ol elCh. word:
•• 't. -me, ,an ladlv1du.a1,
a COMmittee of one.
•• 'Pledge -dedicate aD ol.
my worldly ROOdl lo ~"'
without aell-plty.
" 'Allegta.nce -my love and
my devotion. ,
" 'To the nag -(,)Ul" 1tan-
qard, Old Glory, a l)'lllbol
of freedom. Wherever 'She
waves, there ls re I P e c t
because your loyally tm. given
her a dlgntty lhal shouls
freedom ls everybody's job.
by 200,000 requests klr coples
' oC the pledge printed an a
•IC!'Oll. "We've got 10 boxes
of ~ters we haven1 even
opened yet," said an
usoclate, "and It's sUlI com-
ing ln."
The recording Is a version
of. the pledge Skelton learned
from a teacher while a
schoolboy in Vincennes, Ind.
He first recited it on his
televis.ioo show .on CBS Jan.
" •or the United -that
means that we have all .come
'together. -•
" •states -lmtividual com-f
muniUes that ha.,e united into
" '
.; The students , at Dwlgilt
Junior High School In San
Antonio, Tex., sent Skelton a
four-lnch-thk:k bound volume
of letters. One said: "The
words now have more mean-
An associate said Skelton
had been thinking about the
pledge for some time and hact
decided it would be ap-
propriate to recite It on the
program nearest t h e in-
auguraUon of Richard M. Nix-
on aa PresldenL
It m:1gbt have ended there
except that lhe CBS promotion
department mailed records of
the pledge to disc Jockeys
around the eow>lry.
A Columbia Records . single
of the pledge will be in stores
next week.
Here U the pledge:
· "I remember this one
teacher. To me, he was ~
ire.test teacher, a real sage
al my thne. He bad such
wisdom. We were all, reclUng
the Pledge of AllegllllCe, and
he walked over. Mr. Lasswell
y.ias hiJ name .• :He aald :
" 'I've been listening to you
boys and girls recite the
Pledge of Allegiance a 11
·aemeJter and· it aeems ·as
41 greal slates. Forty eight
individual communities with
pride and dignity """ purpose i
all divided wjth imaginary
boundaries, yet united to a
common purpose, and that's
love. for country.
" 'Of America.
"'And to the Republic
a state in which sovereign
power is invested in represen-
tatives chosen by the peo'ple
to govern. And government
is the people and It's (rom
the people to the leaders, not
!rom the leaders to the people.
" 'For which it stands.
" 'One nation -meaning,
.. blessed by God.
" 'Indivisiable -incapable
o( being divided.
" 'With liberty -which ts
freedom and the right of
power to live one's own life
without threat! or fear or
some sort of retaliation.
" 'And Justice -the prin·
ciple of quality of dealing fair·
ly with others.
" 'For all -which means
it's as much your country as
it is mine.' "Since I WU a
small boy, two stat.ea bave
been added to our country
and two words have been ad·
ded to the Pledge o f
Allegiance -'under God!
"Wouldn' !I be a pity II
someone said, 'That's a
prayer; and that would be
eliminated from'achools, too?''
Republicans Plan
'Top Secret' Drive
Republicans have devised a
"top secret" program for cap-
turipg control of the House
of ~presenlativea in 1970.
The plan is ao hush-hush that
even potential contributors to
the party are not being told
what it is.
"Trust me," Rep . Bob
Wib:Qn, (R.Callf.), wrote to
150,000 prospeetlve donors on
Feb. 9.
"Details of the program
must be kept top secret,''
Wil!on said. "Tbe plan would
Jose much of JU vote.getting
power if the Democrats learn-
ed about UliJ new approach."
Wtlson, chalrman of the
R e p u b lican Congressional
Committee, did divulge one
fact about the strategy: "It
Is going to cost more than
we have spent in any non-elec·
Uon year 1n our history."
Questl'oned by a reporter,
Wiison said at first he could
not even hint what the plan
might be. Later he spoke of
1'better organization, better
effort." .
Democrab seemed unim-
pressed. Rep. James G .
Gets $1,000
>.. $1,000 donation has been
given by Mission Viejo Com·
pany to Saddleback College
for IU revolving student loan
fund .
Students needing money for
the.ir education may borrow
from the fund. The money is
to be paid back without inte~
est charge after graduation.
Mission Viejo· Com pany
claims the junior college as
part of its "new town" devel·
O'Hara, (~Mich.), a leader
ol lb·e 'hberll.bloc,. said .lh_e
"program" sounded like last
fall's pre-election c 1 a Im s.
Wilson and other Republican
leaderS predicted the GOP
would pick up at least 31
seals from the Democrats and
take over the House. They
gained four seals.
Wilson's Jetter came to light
after Rep. George Brown, (~
Calif.), inserted it Into the
-Congressional Record. He said
I twas sent to him by a con--
Brown suggested that his
fellow Democratic t a r a: e t s
mlgbl-find it-interesting how
the Re_pµ~licans were able to
fmance a variety of services
not available to Democrats.
Earlier in the s.a me
Congressional Record, aoother
California Democrat. Rep.
Lionel Van Deerlin, inserted
an announcement from the
R e p u b lican Congressiona
Committee detailing a host of
services -from helping to
improve a member 's
television Image to putting out
press releases a lawmaker
might find too self-serving to
issue himself.
"For Instance: House GOP
leader Gerald R. Ford pnis·
ing the member for hls al· ·
tendance record or legislative
efforts, etc.," said the an-
Van Deerlin said he was
submitting the information "in
the maMer of a hungry waif
pressing his nose against the
delicatessen window."
Democrats have made much
of the disparity between what
they and the Republican can
lay their hands on. The GOP
congressional committee bas
budgeted $4 mlllion fer the
1970 campaign, the
Demc>craUC tampalgn ~
mlttee, $2 mlllloo • • a n d :: f:: r:Seer ~an get, ..
Now Possible To Shrink
Painful Hemorrhoids
And Promptly Stop The Itchin(,
Relieve Pain In Moot c-
21• T.t; ltY. (BJIO<lall: Sri· oUb btfl....Slmonloltt
-ilufondo....U..tioo took~ _
-IWolJlllt1, I• -i.,... Tllo!-Jo-t1ooue. -te :.N9Ptl1 stop ltthtn1, Tll1r1'1 no other formula nllnt..._...actuD71hdU lit1Jtt Pn,.ratloa B al10 > n s1W... IOOUli11 irritated tl1nu and _ .. ___ ....,._t_laf.dlon.
ta-.a.r--. while swntli' l• olabaot tr 1QJ1po1IW11 ... , • ...,_ro4_ -
.. .
!J ,• l
f [
. -'
' • ••• •
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15.99 1
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20.00-30.00 valves
e Once a year event •• ·• ·lamo'us maker .slacks at price s
so low you'll want to compose . en entire spring
wardrobe. ~ . e T reme,ndous selection including wool worsted, wool
sharkskin, wool tw ists, Dacron® polyester and wool
hopsocks, Oocron® po lyester ~nd wool tw ills.
e A comprehensive selection of traditional and current·
styli ngs .•. including ploin fron t be ll loop or lop
pocket models, oll impeccobly loilored ond feoluring
Benchle~ ·or Deluxe trims.
·• An imposing choice of solids or' ·patterns with
distinction. ln neutra(s or spring 's newest shaOes .
e Excellent ronge of sizes .
e All stocks feature Bon Roi® non-curl woislbond .e Men's Sport Clothin9, 48 .
I lCl·
44 N. Euclid &U-1121
Mon. thrv Set.
10 •.m. to •:lO ·p.m.
47 F•shion fsl•nd 644.1212
Mon. thru Fri. I 0 •.m. to f :lO p.m.
S•t. I 0 e.rn. to 6 p.m.
7777 Edinger Av•. 892.Jll 1
Mon. thru S•t.
10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m .
-·-1---~--~··-----·-----~·---·~~-~-~· .. . ' ,
• • ---•
,....., .... ,,1969 • DAll.V I'll.OT p
11 Killed as f unily ~~r SlamS -!nto ~p~~tat~rs
-------------:-~ -----' -
CO\llNGTON, Ga. (UPI) -Il'1 called
the "funny car" in drag racing c1rc1ea
becawie a special re.ar-ule constructlon
poqalll !I .to reor back and do trlcl<s
on two wbeell.
The '!winy <11 is light, 1 ... than 1,000
pounds, and very fast, re.aching speeds
ol clooe to 300 miltl an hour.
Sunday it was the instrument in one
of th& ,worst 1 tragedies In U.S. auto
racing lllltory ,-
A blight, orange fWUl)' car. driven
by veteran J.acer BoUston Platt of AUan:-
ta, swerved out of-control tlear the '
finl!b lioe ol a rurll drag ·race strip
In north Georgia 11111 llammed Into ._
tat.ors lining a chain lint fence.
Eleven persons· were killed and about
50 othen Iollnd. The Yeno.. RI..,. llrl( Strip ,._
CovlnglOo bed DO lllOld rail belwem
1be q-..0. track and lbe' l,000
Bec111M it lacb tllil 1JW'(Utor pn>o
tectloo, " ls not -by the Amencan Hot Rod .usiidattoo 01" the
Nallooal Hot Rod Aaoclallon.
Platt releued a ;arllChute rte oo the
back cl the car tn an attempt to &low
his, 110 mph apeed, but 1be ~ .hot
up a gruay hint and crubed. tllto
the fence, bowllna over mt1J. Women
and dilldrtn ilk< 'l<!D pins,
''The car juol d111ntegrated," Aid En·
ni5 ~.a 1pectator. Platl WU DOI
..... , .......
EAST MEETS WEST -Valeriy Porlruyan (right) of l'bl,.ia's
Dynamo Kiev soccer team, makes an unsuccessful attempt at ·acor--
ing against California Clipper goalie Mirlto Stojanovic.during Sun-
day's baWe at the Coliseum. Two players were ejected from the
brawl, which ended In a 1-1 tie thanks to a Dynamo goal in the final
six seconds.
In Soccer, P.olo
Russian Sportsmen
Prove Unsportsmanlike
American soccer followers got a
glimpse of sportsmanship a la Union or
Soviet Socialist Republics Sunday after·
noon at Memorial Coliseum in Los An·
And frankly, RuS!ian soccer manners
don't 1etm any better than the USSR's
lntemallooal way of doing tblng.s. The
Soviets dkin't have any tanb to parade
tluoygb the Coli..wn as they did when
they "liberated" Prague and Budapest.
But the Dynamo KJev team that tic~
the caii!ornia Clippers, 1-1. did Indeed
resemble a Commando unit working
against the enemy. · -
'lbe RUMians were about as well man-
nertd as a man who belches loudly or suca his llnt!en at a royal baoquel
They played ilk< a mob ol trained mug
ortl>ts. They elbowed, tripped and.kicked the(r
rivals from the Cl1pPers, much to the
dtsgust ol the sparse throng (10,287) that
turned oul for die duel.
Jt was a tk:kenlng thing to watch .
will be able to •~ a11 etpt AAAA qall'-
terflnallsta &Iii.a weektnd a& U.c Beath
Arena ta anprecedented Friday.&blrdly
It'• not taly a fablllou brat for the
fans ud press bat It alto clva reltd
to ICOUtl for tbe YarlOll pla7off 1cllool1
whO never ~ to tee tbelr on vanities
T1tket prices are fl.SI for adult co~
era] admb1lon eadi nJPt or St for a
limited number of rue"ed aeatl.
Too, t.be CIF is makln,c preferred
reserved 1 e a t 1 for Its clwnpkml&lp
gam<s avalbhle thr .... Coqtlcket to
accom.modate hayua la lite CMldyinc
aru1. De foar dJvillea' dde pma
.,. bWed !0< Ille Sporia Are11a la LA on
Man:b IS.
Earlier tbat tame af&emool tt will probablf be ua.A llld Sala <hn'loclc-
tng ...... In the NCAA rqlGuJs at
Pauley Pavilloa ••• a ltllomt dlow that
wlD be teJevlled at s p.m.
• • * Ray Allen, Marini High bueball
coecb, rtp0rtl that hla llellior ploYen
are hitting a S.S average. cUp for their
four years to blah 8CbooL 'lblt'1 better
than a B, converted to Jetter ,radel.
Vince Moll ls the leedlnr acholar with
a he«y us. ADen Is rlgbilully proud· of
the scholutle performances ol his
Ano111or -·•· 1lo!lo<t 00, •A Ill-OWOJ. At IOelt 1t ... hMpfl"!iwl, llnc In tlle ,..-w, aid be ._... about five ol lheal In crilfcel •• lltloa.
B~ 1W1 QJIDc lbnqh Ille air Nile o1 t11e -,,_ -by • .. 11111 l IOW • piece bit • lltt!e -lleDr)' ~ 'Ibey ..... Jim
boy lo the -)Ill .. bit felhtr -·· of La~ Fnnt ·-picked lllm up." ...,.. o1 ~ a.iaeld J-ot.X...
C., took IOme ol ·tbe l$nid lo' a nloaw, Jell Watkloi ol DocellA', Harold hoel>ital ' • lluffner ol Eu! Atlante, Edwlrd Lo11i1s
''jbe little boy died In tlle cor It et Millon, N.C., Kenneth <.l\tldol ol
the fir.II red lllht." be old. . Gl'lhlm, Ala:, Dolly Harr-·o1 Attuia.
"I HW I man go atiout IO fed Into 11111 .llDIOI Richard -· • 4, ol
th& air and lad .·• my fee(." aald' Gft/Wbafo.. · , . ·' : ' J~ Smallw<li>d, 11."He wu.Cbokiiii . A ~-boy 11111 prl ""' not
... blood... • ~-"'!elf ldeotified. "!Olt ol the 1oJon1 _.. 1111ated 1t 'Jill lllller ol Atlanta, a spectator
the Newtoo,Coo!ntY .... ta! II Covlnlton 1t the .nee, Aid -ol. the !IDS
11111 -. Tbe ---... ~ bol•-die ~.and ' -.. -to Allanta:bolpltall. • mlla ·Ibo !:eek ml lboJ ... ' -....,
tbt 1oo:-c-to -· bock. '"111t7 lhreai-d to llep tlle race
....... JllOllle pl out -lnaJde tbe fence, but J didn't tee anyone ~''
be Aid. .
Rl<:k-.L7lldl ol !Maplil~ Teon., dlJoeo.
tor ol · 11<1e-.i rodnc . for tlle
Amoricln llot Rod "-lallan, ..... ipeclator, 11111 be calle(llle Yello_w Riv~
tract "m 111111DCtloned drq: ltrlp."
·~tt11 a outlaw ltrjp •• , becaute lt's
\lftllf' .. be llld. 4'To ncelve a aanetlon,
thon lll!ill lie ..-ion belwetn cars
and apedma. 'Dal ·mlnfmum re-.
qub-llL • paid rail al leUI U-
fed teU --spec:talorl 11111 tbe cars~.· . In AUUU, Go>r. Leoltr Mlddo>< <1Iled
!0< bnmedl.ie loglslatloll requJr1nc dr.,
llr!po to install the neceallt)' llletY.
devm to ellminate the •1buard ot.
llKSdm death.'' •;r thinL-the 1ovemmeot.i has betit
negligent in this area," be aa.ld.
A ,boy WU' killed at a drag 1trlp
i~ Dallas, Ga., In lMS when a c~
driven by Richard . PeUy phlftied Into
a ~ of fans, 4nd lo 1'81 an a.year-old
boy'ditid. in a lim1Jar mi&blp. I
5everal members o I 1be Georlfa
leg!slatun, """"1Uy In oeuion lo AIW>-
ta, llllid a bill eaJllni for nfety dev!cu
at -drag &lriJll ... bably would. be In· troduced. .
Recalls Mantle Era
NEW YOlllC (UPI) -Cuey Sten&t1
piclcod up the newlJ>lper, llsbed out
tbat same aedlOn be alwaya doei and
coWdn't help IOina back to a lot ol
tblnp when bis eyes caught the "'" black beadlloe, "Mickey Mantle Quii.°!•
He went blc1t to that lint Ume Manlle
reported to the Yankees for lflrlllll
tralning at Phoenix II years ago.
". .. And the oaft thing wrong with
him was tbat be got embarrassed when
he couldn't do 1ood ••• "
Casey also w e n t back to that World
Series with the Milwaukee Braves when
Mictey'I arm WU IO an: he couldn't
comb hla hair and R..i ScboendJemt
made matters even WOl'll tiy falllng
on ManUe.'1 arm durinc a nm-down play.
' • •• , He didn't tell anyone IO nobody
tnew·bt couldn't throw at aD. He never
asked out, tboua1t. 1bat. wun't In him .. ...
And then Steog<I went blck to iome
ol lbole unimaginable abots Mickey
bluclpmed over distant bW!dlnp.
11• • • He ~d hit the ball furthest
of anybody who ever lived. I know
Ruth could bit 'em. too, because I chued
some ol the baDa ·be hit, but be never
hlt any u far u this here felll .•• "
From bis home In Glenda!<, wbei.i_
he'• nearly complet.ely recovered .froui
HCellt llomacb lllllgerf, the 78-yUMld
tenner manqer ol the Yankees and
Mell 1poke llowlngly about bis nllrtng
ooe-llme C<lller llelder wbo played under
Aaron Bordering
Landmark Goals
Hank Aaron needa 308 hlt.s for a carter
total of 3,000, and when be gel.1 them
he just might call it quits.
"I've always said I'll play until t
get 3,000 hits," the Atlanta Braves
•100,000 superstar l&ld Sunday. "When
Lhat comes I'll have to give · terlous
consideration to whether I will play
any more.
"That has been my &oal since I started
playing," Aaron said. "If I can hive
a &ood year; the tind I llways antJcipate
having, thh could be it."
The 35-year..o1d Aaron bu had three 200-tt seasons in 15 yean with the Br es. He had 200 in 1951, m in
195 and 201 in 11183. ·
"Of &iurse, the 3,000 are goJng to
come, either this year or next. U it's
this year, well ..• I have some Sood
business lie-ups in Atlanta and I'd be
all right financially,'' Aaron said.
But he added that he ls most concerned
with helping-the clUb.
"I seriously believe we have a 1ood
chance to win tb1s thln1 this year, and
I want to play a part in it, a bl&
part," be. aaid.
Although getting 3,000 bits ts AllOll'I
ma)ir goal, there are nwiy tblnp within
his rucb. His fint home nm·lbla aeuoo
will give him a career total ol lit,
tying him with Mel Ott, !......,. New
York Giant, for seventh on the all·time
home nm list.
Within two seasons, he also ia within
rtath of third place on the list -
the 53Ci career total of ftfickey Mantle.
Aaron anticipates a good year because
Russians Tie
Clippers, 1-1
LOS ANGELES -Someone once Hid
a tie in football is like tluln1 ywr ais-
ter but a tie in soccer -thatl1 aome-
thlni else, eopeclally when one ol t b e
teams b the ·chunpion of the Soviet Un-
'lbe caii!omia Cllppera, a ~ft
soCctr tum tanned Just to play the
touring Russian "team, led for • minutes
54 -Sundoy but a goal with m
seconds left by a Soviet player earned
a 1·1 tie for the visitors.
· los~ Sabo ol Dynamo Kiev lunged !or
a free ball In front al the Clipper n e t
and 1laabed home the fylnf foal.
T h e Loe: Ange.lei acore b a d come at
the SS.minute mart al the pme when
Edgar Milin fired a -down Ille mid-dle to John Kowalik, a Poltsh World Cup
veteran, who blasted the ball put Rua·
sian JOiiie Yevge.nyty Radakov.
he feels that oppostna pitcben will not
be able to pitch around him as they
dld last year, w~ be 1lumped to .217,
below b1a Wetime averqe. of .Sl4, which
lead!: the active major league players.
Aaron hu one teqUtst for this year.
"U I'm to be u productive as I've
been the tut few years, 111 have to
get a rest now and then," be 1aid.
"After all, I'm 3S year1 old. If I could
sit out a lew games, it would help."
Shaw Claims
$30,000 Haul
For Doral Win
MIAMI (AP) -The Doral Open wu
Just another toUmunent but it )>l'Oduced
golf's newest penonallty boy -26-year.o
old Tom Shaw.
The nuberant sun-bleached blood from
Golf, m, chlJRtl up his nm tour victor)'
&mday throUgh a comblnatloo of
gameneu and super!J play thal eluded
Jeck Nlc"kla111, Arnold Palmer and 1be
other big names lured by the $30,000
first prize on the first stop m the
rich Florida <ll'CUlt.
Shaw's talent showed on the front
nine ol the par n Doral Country C!ub
course w h e n be. fired 1iJ: birdies f o r .a lb:~er par 30.
He ahowed hla coot when he !ailed
to 1 e t a triple bogey m the tilth bole
rattle him out ol the !<Id.
••1 don't believe Jt, but I Jove U,"
Shaw qulpped after finishing with a 70
despite a 40 on the batt nine p a
72-h o I e total of 278, U strokes under
par · over the_ 7,Q21.yard, sun-washed
layout. ·
T~N~'fJ;J:, Dol'll 0"":
Jw;tMkkl.,ii!I ~~ U.4001 Q;;"'i,_ I
T...., Jldlllit (S4111J
-c"~, eili=:.•u, Mlltlr ..,_ mAfl
..... '"""' CIU251 --·ir<'!ll WeYM \IGll!Mr ~ffi11 '.e"GVN ... .' Ari! .. 111,Jlt)
t:.:'l!:J'l!tl.!: .:;·~!!!!..,,rm,
'""' t;;;;J ,., .. , l'.l::".="!s.'.llt'' ·=·"' l l
i:r~ ..
~~:.I ,'
Casey toaed in a couple of revelations.
"In ·il perlOJlll way, lh1J fella wu
timid ·you know. I . mean aot bold. I
wa.s very sorry for him when be first
come up. He 1ot hit en top of the
bead In praellce once.
"He just misjudged the ball and tt
hit him square on the bead. He :woulda
liked to have gotten outla the park
the back way but there wu no back
door IO be bad to come on in. He
WU SO ne.rvous. ... he Jhook."
Stengel remembered something else
"You know. aome people said things
because he didn't go to war on account
ol hla plJyslcal condition. Well, be went
to war twice that nobody kno•s about.
I know about it though.
"He wanted to go so badly that twice
he went to take exam).nations, once 1n
Bartlesville or Tulaa and the other tim9
in Jacksonville. They faJled him both
limes. He -was so mad he didn't pus.
you'd neve~ belieYe it.''
Casey th.en talked about Mickey Man.
tie, the ballplayer.
"They always ask me about the
greatest player 1 ever had and I managed
some great playeir.Don't forget I had
DiMaggio, loo. They don't come much'
better. 'But ManUe was an amuln&
player. Easy to manage.
"For a fella his site be wu the
best base runner I ever saw."
SLALOM STARS -Reinhard Triscber (top) of Austria won !ht
men's giant slalQU\ at the lnternati0'181 World Cup Raees at Squaw
Valley Sunday while !~year-old F1orence Steurer (bottom) won the
women'.s giant slalom.
U.S., A·ustria, France
Nab World Ski Horwrs
Aultrla and France sbared !he honors
lbla --In 1lafoml and gianl alalama-ol Ibo World Olp.ski races.
On Satuntay, the men'• atant ala!om
WU WOO by Austrian Relnbard Trltscber, the ....,..., afanl llalom by Florence
Sttarer d Fronce.
Jn addition, the. AustrlaDI won Jn com-
bined resulll ol ·a11 ""°' 11111 were
presented the Alt x a a de r llcF.cldlQ
TrOpby, named after a man ldllecl in
an avalanche in. IHI..
And after having the displeasure of
observlol the dirtf RUssian water polo
team In the Mei:1co City Olympics, I
must conclude that sportsmanship ln the
Soviet Union i5 based on how much you
can abule the other guy.
Baseball's Cards Have No : Aces
The lavorito to win the Individual
World CUp ls Karl Schram1 JQ pM.ts. _
The Austrian veteran placed teventh
in the giant alalom and fourth ln the
alalom here.
The women's race bas lightened behind
the favorite and )fader, AUltrian
G<rirude Gabl, !Jt polnll. Tbe final
two cup racea are at Mont-Ste. Anoe,
Qudlec, March .15-11., and Walorrille Frankly, 1t le!Dll to r u n band in hand
with Russia 's methods ol dealing with
the C»dll and Hlmlarlans. We don't need to spend American dol·
Ian to bring In the likes Ill Dynamo Irie•
or that incredibly dirty Soviet polo team
that slugged and foul<d Its way to an
Olympic gold medal.
To the promoten who are tr)'inl to
bring tn fint class lnternaUonal soccer ;
Ld. us have decent tea ms. But unto the
USSR cleans up her filthy mlMm on
the field of sport, forget tht Rilssians.
• • • ftanb le Ute CIF'1 pntp'f:llive Idea•
HlardleC I t I bull:tUllD pla)'O{f1, faa&
Whit -ol Clnl ..... ti thlll wllb
DO aces?
That'• the q-the St. Louis
Cardinals might well be a I k t • I
tbemaelves J>e<allle ll .... ol -aces don't lbow op by opening day,
the Cordi could be playing a loslnC
Eight aces still we miuin1 from tbe
Cardinals' spriOll training clack, cleman-
dlni a aweetu pot -a $500,llOOi>lus
pot. -The m!ssfnl Include Bob Gibson, who
Is tryl"ll to trump the Cardinals for
$tl$,00t; Lou -and Ollt _Plood0 ciftar l!-,-"1 deadlilJo ~ -II-. and Bna Leek l!Qoday, but the
wbo wallt flat,•-": Mika · ......... · all .,_....,... ollldal>l.,llhU. -ti -a catcbor 1my.Zlm·
Jlll,OllO; lltl 11...m, fl6,000; Julian Ollllr dubl allo .,. bavlnl tr.oble merman proved !00 lllUdL
Javier, fe,GllO, ..i N ...... Brllel and ~ "11 wllb--. but -ID ...... II WM not -wbat -
Ray •-. wbo each want a~ aa the Clrdtnals. alea 11'1 --1ot $11,llllO last year, wu uklng
raise. Tbe Twloo Jlllll in-millinc lJ piai<n,-aft« a .:IOI-lllSOll, but I! """led the
However, M""""' R..i Scboeodl-lncludlna IUcb llarl<n aa_Dean Cbanca, Twlm to .. n him condltiooally to San
shrugged olf bll card problem1, Hylna· Jim Kaa~ Ted \Jhleandu and Jo ho Dl•ao·
"I play the band rm deall r .. u .. a Rooeboro. · . The biggest llgnu ol the day wu too tong to let worry get to me.'' Sonny Siebert is boldin& out with _ Al ltaltne, Dotroit'a l&-year ttandoot who
'lbe eight, ol coune, .,. bis acea Cleveland, Joe Tom with Atlanta, Boos . ended a one<Iay boldouL by s!fllllng !0<
counted on to help win a third -Powall with Baltlmort 11111 Rk:ll' llooday an utlmated '81.000, the highest contract
1ecuUve Natkloal League pamant lo< and Refgle Jacidon with OUland 111>q In Tiger history. ltallne received about
the cardinals, -dJd lnlllllf to lip the Olber well-lmown aboantaea. · flS,000 last -· pitcher si.ve ~lion sunday, pie day Tbe Twinl dJd lip Bob Allllon, Rich Noqn CUh allo tlptd •lib the Ti&m-
,Valley, N.H., Morch Doll. •
There w11 noth1n& to beat tbe women'• • race for spedaclilar splll&.
Tbe third Die '""" Ibo -llad' been lot to forte the ,,..,... to -
a harrowlnc ~' l»dep-ee tura ! to the lefl
It upset a half doltn lklen before
the rest .got wlle lftt( w.aminp wtn
radloed up the mountain.
Among the girts who were •pWed In
a wlod.mtlllng 8hoW of arms, lep and
skis was Ameriel'• women'• cup pojllt
lender, Klkl Cutter, II, Bond, On. She
bad 11 points.
. I
___ ... "'"'"
VC:l DN1e1 SF St•te
' ' KANSAS CITY -The National
C.llepte jllllleUc ~laUon completed
the :it.team neld Sunday for. lls colle1e
Divtsloo BuketliiQ tournament opening
Frid131 at elll>t regional Illes.
Three telllll were awarded berth! Sun-
day -San Francl.9CO · State and uM!
University of California at Davis, co-
dlampions of the Far Western Con-
ferenct, and Illinois St.ate oI Normal.
San Ji"ranciJco, IM for the season,
plays the University of California at
Irvine, while Davis, a1ao 18-3, meets
the Univenlty of Nevada at Las Ve1as
in the first round of the r egional at
Las Vegas.
Net Star• Collide
INGLEWOOD -The $20,000 Los
Angeles invitational tennis tournament.
featuring the top ·pros in the world,
g e t s under way today at the Forum.
The starting time has been moved up
to 5:30.
Veteran Pancho Gonsalez cf Los
A.n«ieJ.es and Billie Jean King of Long
Beach a r e the defendlna: men's a n d
wome!i.'a alnglet: champions 1n the second
annual tourney.
Tonight's matches pit Tony Roche of
Australia against Marty Rieuen of
Chicago, Ken Rosew,Jll of AUltralia
again.It Eatl Buchholz of St. Louil, Tom
Okker of the Netherlands against
Au.!tralian Frtd St.olle, Pancho Segura
of Los Angeles 1gaimt John Newcombe
of Australia and Gonu.lez aa:linlt South
Africa 's Ray Moore.
Rlel'ae11 Wliu
CURACAO, Netherlands Antilles
Cllll Richey DI San Anplo, Tex., .,..
the Clribbeaa. . Internationll T e n n i a
Tournament med'1 ~ titJe SWlday
by deleatlDI Mark Col ol Eqland M,
6-.1, ...,_
Julie Heldman DI New York ml Nancy
Richey DI Sm Angelo djopooed DI Judy
Tegart ml Marpnt Smllh Coor!, both
of Australia, Mi 1-1 for tbe 18d.ies doublu:
1Jet19er Ara l•lt
V1':Ro BEACH,-Fla. -'l1>e Los
Anplel llod&en ...., at lull ltrqth
todllf wtlh tbe anlval DI lllrtiaC pitdiera
Don Jlr1ldale and a.am ~ -fi.-Boa Fairly and -Tam
'l1>e !...-cbecl;ed Into tbe Dodlen'
lpriDc tnlnlni camp Sunday.
The Dodlen dllclooed that John ll\lf.
fie. a 13-year~Jd pitcher, hid been sent
to hll home In Decatur, Ga., for brealdnl
curlew l"f' and mlalinl a plane Dight.
P__. Olea111 l't-oda
a Conference Smx111 announced tt will
adopt tbe NCAA rule · perm ti tin I
frealunm to compete In all vanity lporla
except football and buketball, effective
Sept. I.
Rustler Nine
In 3-0 Loss;
Plays Today
Golden Weat and Orqe Coast col-
1ege,,' butball teams are at home W. ,
afternoon makln&: up a pair of Ea.stem
Conference gama that were rained out
, earlier In the season.
Orange Cout faces Rio Hondo while
Golden West II pla}'lnl Cyprul. Both
games started at s o'clock.
Golderi West managed to make up
""· SAC c11r.,.
GolCI .. W~I
$111111 ......
Or1nt41 C-1 ··-$111 .......... 1 ...
J • 1.00I -
1 • 1.000 1
1 f 1.000 I
1 1 M7 1
t 1 .JOO 1V.
I~ 1 .JDO 1V. r 1 • .soa 1.,..
I 2 .W 1
• 1 .a ' 01 .IOt 2
' J .a '
Sf!M1y'1 ·-• S..11tto Me 2. Gt>ldir! W•I I CMl'tpt 4 ,YI..,.. S °''"" CMlt 11 1t11 11r111rdlno lr1lllt!ll oo,111 •1wnldl 11 Cyprtol (fl lnlll w!I
TM•r'••1-tt1e Her.cit 11 Or .. C-11 eypr-It Geld .. W•t
another of Ila rained out games Saturday
afternoon, dropping a 3-0 decisioo at
Santa Ana.
Oran1e Coast, however, wun't able
to play It! game at San Bernardino.
"-rood condltioN and a atlll sloppy
baaebalJ diamond lotted another delay
in that game.
Goldtn West starter Dave Paynter
-~ llnllh the fin! lnnlnC aplnat
Santa Ana. 'Ille Oona shelled him for
two nm• and that wu all Santa Anl
pitcher lloS•• w alt• needed.
fie went on to blank the R u 1 t l e r s
on theree 1in&les u the DoOI evemd
thefT EC r.cord at M. Gold<D Wut
bu the aame mart. .,..,_,n .... ._(,,
, ....
.. ,..... .., .. ,..
Jiii~ ... •110 ,,, ........ 1. •1•1
J ll t•i....rt 1•1• • t e I IUc11en1-. • J t f t
J i I t •1u1Nft. • 4 t t I lfll ClrMll,lf S itt t t ll llCl.,,lf ,,,,
t t t t SlltllM, e ' • • • t tlt M-frldltl,rf lf l t '''''•Y'ltW•·• •••• J t lt "'1ti:Pll"Nfl.•llll
WMcl, • I f t f ~,,, ''"'' .,,, .. , ·--., ....... toOOIW OOll-1 J I
:ll»OOI GOr -1 t J
Awaits CdM
By ROGER CAlll,80N
ottM o.llr '""ltti"
When the fin•l bw:m' soundl at Chin&
Hlgil School Tutlday nlgilt, Corona de!
Mar lllflh School will h've bad tho
diatlnctlon of mee,ling the top two seeded
teams in tbe AAtA and AAA bracket•
at one Ume or ano1ber durinl tht course
of the campaign. . •
It's at Chino where eoacb Bill Bklom's
Sea Kings will face unbeaten Claremont,
kingpin of the San Antonio Lelgue and
possessor of 21 victories in the second ~
round of the C1F AAA balketbaD
Compton and Muir, the firlt two see&
In AMA hostlllUes, and No. 1 aeeded
Garden Grove iii the ~ are the other
rated schools Corona del Mar bu met
Corona, with an 11-9 overall mart,
has shown it.sell estremely capable
against flrst·rate oppoa:lUon.
The Sea Kings extended Compton until
the final momenta before loaing by 12,
had Garden Grove down by U at the
half and beat Cenlennlal twice.
The latter gave third-seflded Jfun·
tington Beach (AMA) Ots before falling
by four Friday night.
Of Claremont ·and it• unbeaten team,
Bloom fiaUy predJcted hll cltib would
win and move into the quarterfinal!
for the third straight year.
The Wolfpack hu relied on the speedy.
fast-break style olfense. However, coach
Jack Smith 's outfit has the belgbt to
go with it.
The San Antonio League champions
are led by M Rolland Withrow at «nler.
who averaged 18.3 per game, and
forward Craia' Ducey, at 1-4, wbo'a pop-
ped in 14 per game from outside.
4he other forward pollUon is allo
m8.J)lled by a M athlete 10 the Pack
indeed bu the height II needa In the
front line to control rebounding.
SUNSET LEAGUE CHAMPIONS -Huntington Beach High SchOQl's
classy varsity ~uketball team lengthened its consecutive 1eague win
string to .41 this year by going 14-0 to take the Sunset League title.
Now involved in the CIF playoffs, the OUers are 25-2 for the s eason.
Standing (left to right) coach Elmer Combs, Mike Contreras Alan
Hart, Bond Nichol s, Roy Miller, Bruce Wise. Kne'eling -Larry' Jack·
son, Larry Walker, Mark Whitfield, Tony Bonwell, Craig Harrington.
Claremont moved Into the aecoad round
of the playoffs wlth a 93-71 blaatlnl
of Bassett.
Apprabing the Corona del Mar style
of slowing the game down wttb a
deliberate offense and -tough man·to-man
pressure defense, Sqllth says this :
Cage Upsets
Leaves Many Ifs
For Tourneys
lf tht various college basketball con·
ferences will kindly settle the.ir cham·
Pionahips, they would oblige both the
tUonal Collegiate Athletic Association
NaUonal Invitation Tournament of·
The .NCAA Regionals get under way
Saturday, and the NIT a week from
Thurllday, but at the moment both fields
are cluttered with "jf" tenns.
The conference that has the NCAA
entranced ls the Big Eight, which at
th1a: stage has managed to eliminate
just three of tbe eight. '
Mi.saouri a n d Kansas Slate coll ide to-
night 1n the first cl five crucial games in
the conferences this week. The loser
11 mathemaUcally out ol the chase.
Kansu blew ils clear title chan~
by losing to Colorado Saturday, 7H7.
The Western Athl etic Conference came
up with co-champioos in Wyoming and
Brigham Young. They'll play Wed nesday
on 1 neutral court in Phoenix, with
t he winner going NCAA, t h e hiller to
the NIT. The teams split their two
meetings, this season, Brigham Yourtg
winning in Janaary, Wyoming evening
the count with a 1 'lt-19 victory Saturday
at LaramJe ...
On Saturday D.tke caught secon<f·r ank·
ed. North Carolina napping and won,
17-81. Kentucky suffered a shocking
defeat at the hands ol Vanderbilt, 101·99.
The upset of the year almost cam e
to pass, but UCLA batUed bac k to "'hip
California, 84-77, in overtime.
Tt was the 87th victory for the Uclans
in 88 games since Lew Alclndor became
a varsity player.
Form stood up for third-ranked1 Santa
Clara which wrapped up the West Coast
Athl etic conference Ulle by squash.int
Loyola of Loa Angeles 89-86.
Purdue won its flr!t. Big Ten cro\vn
since 1940 with a 97-85 triumph over
Iowa. Rick Mount tossed iii 43 points
for tbe Boilermakers.
St. John's, elghth-ranked, and Notre
Dame, both headed for the NCAA , wann-
ed up against each other, and the Trish
prevailed, 71-67 in overtime.·
LA JOLLA . (UPI) -UCLA senlon
Roy Barth and Stove Tidball upset U.S.
Davis cuppera Stan Smith and Bob Luu
Sunday en route to victory In the 80th
..annual Paclfic Coast mtn'• . doubles
championships 1'Mll tournament.
After dtrpostng of the former Unh•eral·
ty of Soulhe:rn Cal1foml1 teammates In
the wnlfln1l1, Barth And Tidball topped
Aie.tico'1 Joaquin Loyo-Mayo and
litarcello Lara 6-4, 6-3, 4-6, a.10, UH
for the Ulle. ,
Smith ~ and 1..ut.t· wert seeking t~lr
lhlrd slraight title.
For Antelope Valley
Estancia High's Lowry • To Leave Football Job
01 tllt Dell' ,lltt Sllll
.John Lowry. 37-yftar~ld h!ad football
coach at Estancia High School in Costa
Mesa, is the third Orange Coast area
prep--coach-1o-.reiign-from his post
this week .
Basketba ll coaches John Kasser of
Fountain VaUey and Ben Taylor ·or
\Vestminster quit last week.
Lowry, disappointed with his 10-24-i
record in four seasons at Estancia, wi ll
become h e ad coach at Antelope Valley
High nei:t fall.
Kis replacement at Estancia has not
yet beeQ. sel~ted, although varsity assi&-
tant Dave Knott is believed to be a
leading candidate should the post 10
to an Estancia staffer.
"I'm leaving Estancia because t feel
I have a much better opportunity at
Antelope Valley," Lowry commented.
Lowry began his football career as
a two-year, all-state end for Seligma n
High in Seligman, Ar iz.
He played tackle and linebacker fo r
the University of Arizona.
Lowry's first coaching assignment
Lakers Romp
Over Warriors
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jerry \\lest
ls back in the Los Angeles Laker lineup
and. even though ht: can't play a full
game yet, he's the main· reason the
Lakers art on a four-game winning
"Just having Jerry Jn there enables
us to do more things better," said Laker
coach Blll van Breda KoUf after Sunday's
107·92 trouncing of the San Francisco
\\1arriors in a Nationa l Ba.9ketbAU
Associa tion game.
''We're able to run better, pass better,
move around more and play defen.re
better when he's in there,'' the coach
came al Camarillo Higlt in Camarillo,
Calif., where he coached for two seasons.
Next came a two-year stint as line
coach at Northern Arizona Uni versity.
. He was head co a t h at Azusa High
Scltool for five years befo're tak ing over
the Estancia job when the school opened
four years ago.
Hi! fi rst team recorded a 2-8 season.
The Eagles posted 3-5-1 records the next
two seasons and a 2·6 last season.
Estancia'& Joss ~'ill also be Cos ta Mesa
High's loss. Lawry 's 16-year-old son, Jim,
would h a v e been a junior tackle f or
lhe Mustangs next fall.
A blossoming star at tilesa. young
Lowry will play for his dad next season.
"I imagine they·n be sorry to s ee
Jim leave Costa Mesa but I 'll be glad
to get him where I'm going." Lowry
John Lowry
Torrance Tall
In Front Line,
Has Two Stars
OI 1111 O.Uy •Jltt Sl1!1
Torrance High School will throw a
t~ll front line at the shorter Huntington
Beach Oilers Tuesday ni ght when the
two CIF Class AAAA baskelball playoff
suvivors loc k horns at \Vest Torrance
tfigh School at 8 o'clock.
The Tartars, ru nnersup to potent Morn-
ingside in the Sky League chase. will
center their attaclt around 6.fi senior
center Bruce Baker and S-11 guard Bob
Fen ley.
And coincidentally, those two 'stars
To reac11 WHt Torrance H I g h
School. sltt of Tuesday night's CJF
baskelbaJI playoff game betwttn
Hun lington and South Torrance, fol·
low these directions:
Take San Diego Freeway to Car·
son turnoff, go west on Carton to
Hawthorne Blvd. Go nortll on Haw·
thome 10 Del Amo. Go west on D e I
Amo to \'lctor. School is on Victor,
just south of Del Amo.
The game wa1 originally billtd for
South Torrance: but has since been
chan ged.
\11ear the same numbers as Huntington's
t"'O su per heroes, Mike Contre ras and
Roy Miller.
Baker, who likes to wheel and deal
under the basket, sports No. !2 -as
does Mlller. And Fenley's jtrsey is No.
30 -same as Contreras.
''We're not antlclpaUng any bi& pro-
blem with Corona's man-~man pres.,
or tbe slow down tactics. It's not that
I'm overconfident -I sweat every aame
-but I figure our team can adjmt
pretty well to different situations.
"No, we haven't met anyone thla year
with the style of Corona de1 Mar unless
perhaps Chino might fall Into that
'Ill< Wolfpaclt devoured Citino, 11().53,
and 56-43 during the league campaign.
CllrtlMfll IZMI
" Eiwrlhow., 15 AzYH •
" Glttb!OM 5'J G1r1Y
ff CCI~ 13 Bonlt1
11 Roy1I O•k
SI Glfndort
,. RO$tll'IQd
71 Dvirll
6( Gtneth1
1• Templ1 City
'' soum Ht111 ll &o.!lto
a U Uplfnd
... 7S Montt:11lr
" 6S 01rey
.Q IO Clllno
Sl II P-1 ,
S2 1J G1M11h1 .
JI 7S hftlt•
C 5' Upltnd •t J7 MOnfc11rr
3' 'l G1r1y
'9 Sl Chlr.o so 7S Pornon1 ,, ... Gl,...hl
S2 fl .,utn
» .. ..
" " .. .. .. .. »
" " " "
Mater Dei Tops
Garde11 Grove;
FV Bows, 13-8
Mater Dei posted a 2·1 victory over
Garden Grove while the Fountain Valley
Barons were dropping a 13-1 decision
to the La Quinta Aztecs in baseball
action Saturday.
01rM11 ..... 10
'" , h rill "'ridr11tn, lb J o o o
C1nd1u, :lb J f 0 0
Son"er, t i 3 o 'O I
Shtro11, rt J f I C
R.lt11m'1'" cf J I J t
Jonn ,11 JO O I
lltcr1m111, lb 2 t o o
J.lll$fl'!'l'ft ph I 0 I I
Schw•"r., t 2 o o o
ScMft r, p 1 f I I
Rost,p 0 0 0 0
Mil., Otl IU
L!"Nrt, :lb l I f M11111t, lb 1 0 I Mt Y1r, lb -J 1 I
W1rbl"8kln. H J 1 1
G•bl9, c J O o
AoPlt lori, If I I f
McM1hon. II I I 0
H•1tbwl, cf t f f
EnDI, cf 1 I O
'rltl. rf 1 t a
io:: ........ " • • • Wltl, • 1 I f
Sl"'Pl'HI· • I 1 o Totlli 2( 1 5 I To!lll If 6 1
Sart llW IMlltft
C1rdt11 G,..,.
Mtll' Dtl
LI Ouloot1 (Ul
". OOll 000 1-1 J I
ICIO 002 •-2 6 I
""""•Ill "''""' Ill ••rllr\I
Baker carries a 19 point per game
ave rage inlo Tuesday's hostilities and
he "'as a vital weapon in Friday's 66-46
demolishing of Pacific League champion
ff II llom't'rcr. P He is aggressive, passes o we , l<•n, .,
1• r 111'111
2 I I 0
l 1 1 •
j ' • • s 1 ' J 5 1 1 1 s ' 3 1 s I 1 I
( I 1 I
I 1 f 0
l I 2 I 1 • 1 1
J I 0 0
~.tr Good1kt r, cf
Ollfle, cl
Shirnlll, :Ill
c 1,,..11, tt Arttlgt, rt
IOV1t, 111
V1lbWlll, 1b
ll:obtrh, 211
Wlllr.1!'11111. c
H11111n, p
StanMy, p
Hl•, 11
s • ' • 1 • l 0
1 O I l
5 I J I S' I ! 1 I I J O
blocks shots and bits the boards. Mir. ... " H• Dtrt, If Fenley 's cup of tea Includes deadly K11d1r, 1~
accuracy from the corner plus 0... 1>11•11• rt Y AIM'Y'-· lb portunistic drives along the baseUne. J11n11. c
He averaged 14 points per tilt ln leagrre. --~~~~· .. -.
Joining Baker on the Torrance forward e 1r11-1ch, • S.PP'Ot'fl. rf attack are two 6-3 stars -Bill Sousa
and Greg Jasper. That gives the Tartars an ,, 10 tottl•
Seer. •r l11nl11t1
J 1 I 2 • ' . . . I 1 I t s • J •
I 1 I t
I I I 0
~ I I f "'"1
an average of 6-4 per man In the front
line while Huntington averages 6-2. L• Oii!"!' P:ounlllft V1!Mr
••• 00.S 1)42 4-lJ N '
2t0 00.S 1-I It 1
"And wc >Played very well defensivel y
tonight Everyone contributed to a team
But. it was West. playing just over
30 rrunutes. who hit eight of l I shots
from the floor, scored 20 points. grabbed
three rebounds and had six assists.
Newport Driver Wins Title
He also took UJe pressure off opposite
side guard John Egan, who, at I-feet
Is one of the NBA 's smallest playeh. ,
U.H •ltANCIKO l OI AHOll;ll
9'T eF T
Attles 4 1·1 t •1y10r I J..4 It
L•RINM I Ml II C~llt I J..t t
L.. ' •I t COi/fi" 6 l•I 11
Mulllnl I N U £..... 1 '"' l t 'Tl'tvl'INfld ' N 10 Wftl I .. , ,.
'Tut""' ' :t-S 11 And""'°"' O M I
Wlt!llmt ' 0.0 U C•rty I H O Allwi I H 0 Cr1w!Otll J M t
1'11!1 J ,., • E•ldoson , 11 s
Ltwi. ) f.O ' MtWlll~ J I•' I ~fllt\l!tr I !.) l tttwltl '~ 10
to•1l1 li )!).,. " rot~!1 '' "·" 101 SI" l" ... MIJCO J4 JS 11 ,. -ft
LOI ....... ltt ll 11 I\ 11 -107
l'O\llfd O\lf -N-
Tolll /o\lh -S•" ,,."<11CO "· Liii ....... In Je A.!IO!ndl Mt -I0.141
ot tht D1!1r f'l•T ~!If!
ternaUonal! clw champion Tom N'ja
of Newport Beach scored his first major
eliminator championship Sunday in the
lltb annual U.S. Fuel and Gas Cham·
plon~hlp~1 ....... -·
Neja took the stock eliminator title
by wading through five rounds of com-
petition erter qualifying by v.inning his
I~ .stock 1n a 'fl7 Che\'y. In the final
round NcjR defc11ted Larry Walker of
~lountain VI~"' In a '57 Ford.
Neja was clocked in 1 ~.54 steonds
lo 13.06 for \V11Jker. The difference in
lime v.·as accounted for by n handlc:.p
sys le.m ~·hlch allows drivers or slo"''tr
cars to ra~ competitively.
Two othtr leading Orange Coast area
drag raclng teams weren't u lucky. •
Dwight Sall.9bury. driving the Beach
Boys dragster of Newport Beach, a car
sponsored by tomedlan Dick SmoU>ert,
won the first two rounds In top tuel
compeliUon In startling upsets.
ln the first round he eliminated local
fa vorite Jim Warren with a run of
6.85 seconds and • lop 1petd of 217.39
rnph to Wa rren's 6.98 and 222.22 mph .
In the sec1:lnd round. he beat NHRA
V.' n r I d champ Denny Osborn of Sand
Spring~. Okla .. 7.38 to 7.91.
As Salisbury blasted through the speed
traps at beuer than 200 mph, however,
the super charger on hll l,600-horsepcrwer
Chrysler engine erplodtd.
"Did t win?" Sall&bury asked, as he
came to a atop, somewhat in aboclc
from the accldenL Auurtd that he had
woo, Sali.sbury and bJI crew beaan mat-
ing repaln lnuntdlately.
However, they JOit tbelr race q alnlt
time, failed to have the car ready for
a third round match and w e r 1
automatJcally ellmJnatfld.
Don Enriquez ol Soulh Laguna Be•ch
reached the final! of top gas ellmin11Uon1
before I01lng to Walt Rhoades or Los
Angtles. Enriquez :i:uffered mech1nlc1J
dlftleultle, on the final round.
I -I
, , ,
' ' , : .. , , ,
I s
~ • ; • ' .
• ~~g Wit~.
rnold Palmer
When he addresses the ball, the low handi.cop ploy er
usually hos his wrists high (see illu$tration). His ·hoods
arit. alert and ready for action •• The duffer's wrists sag ot
'address (see inset).. •
. l'he major function Of t1fff full swll'SI is t9 r&turn .the c:lubfac~ squarely to the ball -to retUm it to the same
po5ilion it was in at address. Conversely, o player's ad-·
dress position. ~Id closely approximate th~ position t.e
will he in at impact. Since the wrists must be high ot
impact, it stands to reason that You will be better off if
they ore high at address. · ,
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Service special! Save big on a
set of 4 Premium shoclc: absorbers!.
Foa111cst9Ptuw:iU11 hecnydaly.ttOdt
.a.in.rs gm, extra semce. eXlra
IOldy °" ll<o rood I Up to 43% _,, _,,.
lac!OigpWmcna....,atdmryohods ---cf 'wt.eel i.-: mcl for Cl --.., ..,..c:owbtab&e ride.
1, laggec;I upper 111onts
Z. Stlaootli, aper ha1 d•ed
1/2• dlaa•fw shaft
3. Malff.llp seal
4. '-'Coll sprillCJ
5. TOllC)la. heny.chrfy walls
6. Larger piston
7. AB·weafflel. ft•ld
8. 1·3/16• uia-oolli cylinder
'· 12"" -sliack ti.id
10. Special nserwir YGIYillg
11. Color apetalion
..., • -• $S,... -"'
Get an expert motor
tune-up at Penneys!
Prices lacl1de all parts a•d
labor! Yoo get nerpoiats, plugs,
rolar, eot..i,i11ar and distributor cup;
upert adj......,t of aun-dwell, tlm-
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the ............... poriod. Yo•
pey ~ or 25" ,_ 1hM 1he
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'Tl\is --.. --p 11111911 tires .. ..; on trudrl,.
u9d tor .,.,.._, « driwn _..
~poo mi.Its in one YW. .....-. MW.,_. ..........
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l50%fllf ..... --=--2'140 ....... -
" ~YmM ... EN ev. ~H.&me ACCOUNT
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3" ........ ··-----31-40 .....
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Chec~ing .Prospects.
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Rangers 4 Qualify for State Classi~
Shut~Out MOORPARK t our ·t~I!7.plllndUUe,pinnealwo tunc1eDOS2land Mm Cblil·
ror At-ea Pr.e,p .eo · Orailae Coasl area junior col· foes anti scored two declaioua. · tiansen (II~). .. --=----=---l•g~ead ' b -~ :~~~~~~~~~;:::i;5l1-1 Stars 2•0 Golden w..i College'> Jlaahy lie pinned Jim ,McKay o1
' • KatouJi Nerio, quatlfled tor Antelope Valley •nd Crall $fihil -DIO~I ~ . . . thls week'• state tournament Astofin in Santa Monica. il ~. -:.111.
........ Dl\lllltll WLf>c1el
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tndl•N 12'. Hou1ton in
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for specia l
DISCOUNTS on ' your. Fomily
Auto lnsuronce
lob Paley
•nd Associalu
474 E. 17th St.
COrona del Mar H i I b
School's' blalor an Irvine
League chariiplonship in goU
will hbiie around four return-
ing lettermen.
Back for coacb M i k e
.Kilboume's ouult -are Mike
· Reebl (a tme-bandicapper),
John Frees, Brad Kleuwer and
Jim Adams.
Freshmen competing for a
starting role are Jim Cote,
Buddy Cox and Jeff Johnson
while Chuck. Carroll, a
transfer from, llllnoia, is look·
ing g<>od.
Kilbourne sees his club as
a defmite threat to defending
league and CIF" champion
• Estancia with eiperi'enct hls
only major weakness. •
Only two players are seniors
-Reeh! and Adams.
Co•to Jlfesa
Five returning lettermen
are on hand for coach Larry
Smith and hls Costa Mesa
High School goil team, prompt·
ing the coach to give an
()ptimistic view f()r the up-
coming season.
Returning are Bob Randle,
Dan Rosauer, Bill May, Mark
Watkins and Ken Deaton.
Other candidates for
starling roles are J'lDl Egger4
Shane Dunn, Mike McTlernan,
Glenn· Brooks, Jack Morris,
Don faige and Terry Wood·
Estancia High s c Jl o o l's
defen'ding CIF charqpion golf
team will be relying heavily
on three nturilini lettermen
to keep the Eagles atop the
livine League. •
Returning from Jast year'1
juggernaut are Walter Brown,
Gary Schulte and S t e v e
Robertson. Brown is a senior
while the latler two are
Coach Wally Chute says
thert is no question in his
mind his club will be relative·
ly strong but fears lack ()f
depth could hurt its chances.
The fourth, fifth and sixth
s.pots -the vital vacancies
-are up for grabs between
returning junior v a r s i t y
players Jim George, Jim
Feemster, Dave Dickel and
Lee Doud, along with a couple
of freshmen, Jim Janssen and
Dave Hall.
Gone via graduation are
Crossword Puzzle
ACROSS .. '. SI "Afl!.illtl't
l -Llttlt, i ';ords
·TV trlt«· 54 Gflllls of
Ullltt sport fllhtl
5 l'~er 59 letal Of "Sliwie• 62 Ulll,.ppy
• lii'rlttd 05 Isolated l• A-.t of fettllt atta s~ "" 6& Perl to
l:S.Clf • -: the fleu. At all 1.8 Flag: 2 ... ,
polats: 70 lnstruMlt
2 wofds 71 "It's a ll. fltbulct --1'* '
17 Ttttliet n .... Deata
"· Sal&lf'd1y's Puzzle Sol•ed:
313;,, 19 Dlatlk aart in the 20 hlstaKt of • Faafiy• 10 lrudishm1in's 39 RiYt• of \llNSUll ..a. •llor c ge France and b•l'fiot • "7J IM's.,at 11 Short for 8119111111
21 Golfll'fl alnrsll'Y tlloOflll 43 NeU11rt1nds
fund•· 7C Dnllltt •t. 12 Old lcelft.. export
..... , 75 l lsttr:. le •Oft "' In tht 23 AllOlnt Genta" U Real eslalt natural State
of •orlc contract 48 Fall'lt
24 Chtcttd 0011 11 lkmtllaew's 50 IJll:b
2• toarufy tool: 2 wtifds SJ Dlscafd 1
ttOUl'ld l N..,...ay ll Glrt's 1_f111M c1r11 ctteal ,..-ot nktn•e 55·E. ndTan 21 Y•ttai~ 4ft'kt 25 Stdlatl'lt VIP
JI Statisllc•I 2 F•flilM 21 Plrt of SO lltlvtr lo the portrayals .._, 1 cin:tt Mlsscurl
35 ht' an l l•fl'ieaJ 2' Fot11er 57 Mott infonnl ,renx Britlth pleu•t
•anner 4 Throw Olt11 ptOWC:tont.e 51 Glaclll '40 Bio• •ith JO 5'1fftf a ridge
\hf h-4 "" tflr rftr. he11ontllft' 59 lhves will
41 Htbrt9 2 wof11s 32 EH ol -speed
Mhotrs.r 5 Map111altf'1 e.Ws axis 64 Certain tt Binfs abbre•laliM 3) City• UM bones
44 Isomeric ' • -in OUIW'a lll1'et 'l Trig · •s Flower a pokr: 34 Set of organ 63 Sil'glt
47 ls in 2 words fiMS .. ,4 Hydrous
houblr: 7 Fr. JS Ufvla\t sillcatr
2 wo1ds f1shi0fl 36 Ciilrt's UH 67 -•ore: J
49 College dtslgntf 37 lafft• str-, , Ttnderly
<:heer: I fabric: of wood 6t Formtf 2 word5 ' -of ' 31 A NU•'• Glll'lt
51 Card game Canurest lort great
Paul Brown, Larry RallOOm
•nd Don Hookins.
Fo-teite 11.uev
Jim Rankin and Hoab Huer.
fmler told ~ key to Fountain
Valley Wgh School'$ varsity
golf title hopes 111 .the Irvine
. Th~ duo leads a contingent
of five returning lettermen.
Others . are Ron West, Steve
Age and Charles Rigdon while
Jim Laufenburger, from the
junior varsity, and Ma11y
Fulton are expected to fill
in •t varsity posilions.
The Barons were U overall
Jast year. Coach Scott Weaver
sees an Estancia.Corona del
Mar batUe for the title and
place,i his own squad in co.1·
tentt6n for third plac'e in tile
Lasl year's top four .players
are back for the Barons with
.Rankin and Huefimier scoring
1n the middle 70s.
Hutetbagt-Beach •
Huntington Beach H i g h
figures to run 'away with the
Sunset League golf title and
is· a strong contender for Ltie
CIF cbamPions'hip wtth a soUd
corps of returnees from last
year's Sunset titlists and fifth
place finishers in the ClF
John· Bit Ung, Steve Hates
and Larry Eynon are the btg
guns fighting for the number
one position and the Oilers
have Tom DeGeulle, Paul
Moro and Bob Sheldon also
returning from lii.st year's jug-gernaut. ,
Coach Bin Ridenour 6ays
~'!fO candidates capable ()f
pushing aomeone out of the
starting lineup are Ted Finley
and Phil Bouse.
Htintington lost only one
regular from last year -Ran-
dy Karcher, wbo Js now at
Cal State (Long Beach) on
a four-year goli scholarship.
Ridenour says his club
figures to be at least as good
as last year's team. The 1968
aggregation placed f o u r
pl8.yers in the CIF individu<il
In the team playoffs, the
Oilers led by nine strokes at
the halfway point but faltered
badly in the stretch after 1
long wait in 100 degree·plus
Laguna Beac/1
. Jackie and Harry Ogilvie here Saturaay n1411t in one Ju the semifinals he seored
divlslon. teamed with a tough Coast of f~ regional meet.$. .a 21·1 decision of Fullerton's
Brian Wainwright and Ranger defense to ·btank the Powerful San Bernardino Ralph Appy and then whipped
Jipeoce HU?lbut-.a~~ Jon•-e entnt---Cout ._wgut-Alt.: _Va__Ug __ CQ.Uqe w_on.......t _b_e 'Cyprw• W-Jactson,2.1:5. .
returnees with Owen Stuart Stars, u , Slinday 1cternoon regional t!Ut •• expected with Nerio · declsloned Jackson 124 point.s. Santa Ana was la.st wffk for the Eastern
and Tom Gru:_man eJpect.ed at Memorial COllffUID. second with 74. Orange Coait Conference tlUe.
to ~up~fy a great deal to the . Jackie notched the first tally Ued for eigtlth place with 27 Other area qualifiers, all ()f
Artists cauae. for coach Brian MeCaughey's while tic>lden ~est was 10th Whom· pl•ced third in th~ir
· Coach Ed BQwen ls hopeful .,,_ac.ific Soccer Le~~ue leaders. with 25. .deci&!ons, were ,Golden West's
of gain1n'..s: the services of hitting a shoJ in the first Nerio, who won four Bill Harris (123) aod the
three baseball players when seven minutes of play _after matches Saturday. t:!l route to Orange CQ&ft duo ()f Whitey
they aren't on the dJamoDd. taking a pass from brother
Those are DOug and Denni Harry.
Schn'titz and Dave McDonnell. pie la!ter go~ his goal 18
Sture Edvardsen ·also figures ml!lutes mt~ the sec_pnd balf.
in varsity plans Leif Werneid set up the play
Bowen 'c: 0 n ; i d e r s San with a nice drive through the
Clemente and El Modena the defen~e, then passed " t o
big g~ in Crestview com· Ogilvie.
petition and gives a slight nod The first attempt ,at goal
to San Clemente far the Utle was knocked away by .the
· goalie. But Ogilvie picked off
the rebound .and slammed It
into the net to give· b.ls mates Seven returning lettermen
bolster Marina High School
golf chances for a Sunset
League title.
Three seniors -S c o t t
.Davidson, TOm Linley and
Gene Policy are joined 'by
Bbb Abbey,"l!Ob Markin, Jay
Policy ~ 14lte Kamppian.
, Up from the junior varsity
are Curt Amb'rose, Larry
Muigison, Jeff Wakeland and
Duffy Ws.
The Vikes were >7 in loop
compeUtion last year.
Abbey is the top player for
the Vike.!, aver~ging 7~ last
lllission Viejo
. a 2-0 lead.
The Santa Barbari area
group had few serious jhreats
at goal. thank, tO
Mt"Caugbey•s tough defense
and the former's inability to
put a strong. attack together
()Dee it neared the Ranger
1'Je most 1ikely goal for
the losers was a penalty shot
with eight minutes to play.
However, the attempt mis.:>ed
.the goal, going wide to the
Mc:Caughey 's forces return
to league hostilities Sunday
at 2: 30 to host Dinubia at
Newport Beach's Mariners
Park. l<~ive returning lettermenl_.----------
.anlt'--two trtift.!fers bolster
Mission Viejo chances for a
wipninl season in golf for thel,ailllml
1969 campaign. ·
Back for coach Bob Minier's
outfit are Don.FrO!t and Rod
Wade, two golfers \lSU&llY in
the 70S, along with freahman
Greg Sciarrota, .a sul>«l
player from Indiana.
Chip Reading ii the other
transfer. from Garden Grove
High. Other returning let·
termen are JefrY' Bue, a
sophomore, Jim Holder and
Mark Shaw.
Another player hoped to he1pll~~~~!~~~!~Jll out by Minier is G a r y
Fohnnan from the junior
JVle~a Angler
. Given Award
r ~ •
Out st and Inv
"Acll0n PrO.r•ml
•••• ••• • •• ••••••••• •• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. *
NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760
Winner of 4 Academy Award Nominations
Best Director -Franco Zellirelll
NlllOIOt Fiif'souTH ~oasT · GllllRN. PLAZA THllATRK
CO"°'llllll Sal\ Q1tp f-~ Bri.tai • 546-2711
OP~N DAILY 6:00 P.M.
Sat. & Sun. Open 12 noon
CD lM#"fl!lif&W .....,..., . ____ .., ..
Only two returning varsity Cogta Meiia angler Umberto
lettermen are on hand for Caporrimo bas been awarded
Laguna Beach High's_. go!f a 1968 citation for California
season an~ the Artists \\·ill for catching a 4Q-pound, 11-
be scratching to keep out o~unce white sea bass off
lhe Crestview League s~ Laguna Beach last October.
P1·0 Hockey
Ntw York
Elll D!Yltllll
W L T ftct, 01' OA
J1 ll 12 " 2'4 170
»171N226l .. -~'''''2a11n 33 '' ' 72 112 161 '21 21 ll ff lit 110
:If 29 ' « 232 2°' W•t Olvlslllfl
SI. Loul1 33 20 n 71 177 130
01k11...i 2• JO. 10 5' lJS 2U
Los A119tlel 21 JJ I 50 lJI 20)
"1'1l\1delpt\11 ll ll 11 '4 l:M 191
Mlnfl'l!lOll !6 36 10 '' 151 217
P1thbvrtll !l lt 10 JI l d lll
• •
S1tur11tJ't 11111111~
MonlrHI l, SI, Louil 0
P 1Thbur11h l.-TOl'Ol'llo l , Ill
8<:>1ton I , N-York s
Detn;il! 4, Mlnnew!1 1
PlllltM!Pl'll1 2, Los Anttle. ), lie
Olllv 01mn 1cllfl!ulfd
5v~lllJ'I llttvlh
8<:>1ton •· P111Uvrth I
Oo!roll •· M°"l~1I t
N'w Yatl<. 1. St, LOUii f T<>n;>n!o 1, Chlc•vo I
Pllli.delpl\11 '· 01k!11'1d •. lie
Only ''""'" l(IW<l\lled r ..... ,., ••-No ,,,.,,.. ld!tdulld
T-•'1"1 01111•"
Ho Nll'lll Kllldlllld
•• • • • • • • •
673-4048 .,,..
,.. ....... •141 ..............
-lofh I~ Color-
1i11 #lllUl20'I WID THURS. Flf. MON. & TUES.
i ,,_ITORY I .. ,,. ......
• Staf'ts Wednesday e VVUi SAT. I SUN.
I --;i SWIS_S PAMILY IOllNSON 12:J0""4·7:4S -~ ..
ORJGINAL UNCUT ....... ~·~air....i I COUGAl·2:4S·6:20 & t:SS -1lE
ROAD SHOW VERSION 11=========='-'==================olll llOSTOlf
• .,.,~,0$ ""[I ~.
• • • • •• • • • • •
STRAHGU!R -e-.. o.. ... ~
hrf--4-+--+--lll : TOGETHER • •
• • ~IHQHIES TO !JIMY YIC1111I • :~~~~~~-~~-l-~.:;;;;;.:;;;;::..;.:.;::;:;:;::..:::::o:.:::.._ • • • • • • • • • •
MARCH 8·18
'""'""' Wt:rwn 41'111·WCOOllOS1211ot11 M'J-· tl.91).llldJ, u '"'4
·-OlllUYS .
s.ll.tl!l l IOAYllltl ~
The colorful sound of
Orange County Music
From Fashion Island. Newport Beach
-~·--nt& llOSION S'1IANGUR ,_e-.. --..
KIRK DOUGLAS -... ••• .. .....
Ketch Leading Race
Windward Pa.ssage 1st in Circuit
MIAMl -Tbe eyu of lhe and U.... IOeJllS little doubt
fachtlnr world today ,..,. on Windward Pusage will rel
Robert F. J-·· new n-there first. fool btdl Windward l'uoap-Ja 1111, ~Ibero b a -crntle
u lhl ltd a nett ol nearly mesu.1e trom owner 1tf Pper
100 <Tlek nlllll( flCbb 1U01A Bob Johll!on OD the llll~"s·
the cull ltream t o w 1 r d bulletin board wblcb reads :
Nuaau In the fifth race of .. IC we don't cet thtre flnt
the Sou them Ocean Racina we shoul~ not have started."
clrtult. ' Windward Puuie. Nlling
Tb race ls the JM-mile under the bur1~ of the
Miami to Nauau, Bahamas, Lahaina, Maul Yacht Club bas
Trophy Winner
Holding the hardware for hil: win in 'the annual
Cabrillo Beach midw.iriter regatta in Mercury
aeries is Jack Nerdrun III, son of. Mrs. Eveb'n
Sherwood of Newport Beach. Nerdrun, sailing in
Radiant, represented !h• Santa Barbara Sailing
Escubro Wins First
In Catalina Series
George Sturgi s' Escudero
from Lo.s Angeles Yacht Club
canied home the winning
honors in corrected lime in
LAYC'1 Mid-winter Catalina
bland 1lace Sunday.
Following Eacudero were
Banma, John Mcintyre,
LBYC ; Persephone, George Grltnth. LAYC; Rascal,
William W)bon, SBYC, and
Gyp I y ' Harry Molo.5Cho,
·-~~Qnnplete result11 ·
BARUNA, John Mc int y re
(LBYC); 2. Rascal , William
Wlboii (SBYC); 3. Weatward,
Willanl Bell (LAYC).
Escudero, Gec..'ge St u r g i s
(LAYC); 2. Per s ephon e,
George Griffith (LA YC): 3.
Gypsy. Harry Molos ch o
Sundowner, Edward sUndberg
(CYC); 2. Damooelle. Steve
Desky (CYC); 3. Four Winds.
Lester Baldwin (SBYC).
Scorpio, Roy Cundiff (CBYC):
2. Balclutha. John Kincaid
(BYC); 3 •. Odin, James Parks
(CYC J. OVERALL (corrected time)
-I. Escudeo; 2. Barona ;
3. Persephone; 4. Rascal; 5.
BCYC Spring Regatta
DMws Heavy Turnout
More than 70 boats turned
out for Sunday's Bahla Corin-
Utlan Yacht Club spring reJal·
ta ln Newport Harbor, "1th
the largest entries in the Sabot
clusea and the Lido A cla ss.
Complete results:
Sprillf Regatl.1
LIDO A (19 entries) -I.
Rufus Audlorium, Blair Ben·
nett (BYC); 2. Viva, Gibb
Marallall (ABYCJ: 3. Lowly
R o m an. Rowland Lohman
LIDO B (I) -All's Well,
Pet<r Parker (NHYC).
KITE (II) -l. Tile Bender,
Ted lllnlhaw (LIYC); 2. Wiley
Wilard, Slit Barne so n
(NHYCI; 3. Litlle Fug!Uve.
Terry Ann Parker (NHYC).
SABOT A (9) -Humllia·
lion, Kini Humann (BYC).
SABOT B (10) -I. Gre<n
Phantom, Tony Perei (BYC);
2, Lufferly, Laryn Carlson
(BYC). SABOT C" (6) -
Fireball, Rob Slee! (BYC).
FLIPPER (51 -Ambu311.
J eff Weiss (llCYC).
PHRF A -1. Go!ling
(5.5), Skip Elliott (NHYC):
2. Vela (K--40 ), Dick Hayden
(BCYC); 3. Sanderling (Cal·
36), Bob Pool and Morrie Kirk
(BCYC): 4. Fug!Uve (Soli"IJ ),
Warren Parker (NHYC); 5.
Savage (5.5), Al C a s e 11
PllRF B -I. Zephyr (L-11),
Ma1 Warner (CBYC); 2.
Mischief (Chesapeake 20),
Jack Canno1f (~); 3 .
Edelweiss (Cal~), Dave Lana
!BYC); 4. Maya. (18 ), Whit
Janas (VYC).
All Races Meet Nam~d
After Jerry Gleason
• ("blown ruel") hydroplan,,
owned by Ed Willi ol Fresno,
at Lake Ming in Bakersfield
been fll'lt acrou the finlsb
llne In UU... ol Iba SORC
races. She d1d not enter tht
Miami 1o-tuc1ya race:
Tilt only yacbl tbal has been
able to bop her In algllt Is
the 11 meter Amer~an Eagle
sailed by f°""' Ted Turner
ol Atlanta. Ga.
The pldUtt: is r;nore than
a Utile gloomy for 1uch
Newport-based yachla U: Jim
Kilroy's ?J.foot yawl Kialoa
u , and Don Haskell's 6'1·foot
yawl Chuba.sco.
Before Windward Pauaae
these yachts were accustomed
to bein& up troot when it
Newport Harbor Y .1 c h t
Club's hrlgllttt 11do b being
upheld by Don Aym Jr. In
the caI 40 Melee whlcb ii amooc Jh< front runners 1n
Class B. Melee WU the c
winner in Saturday's Jl..mlle
Lipton Trophy Race out of
the Biscayne Bay Yach! Club,
ptactn1 her close to the top
of the c1us in the overall
FlR8T TO FlN1Sll
Wlndward Passace wu fir1t
to finisb Saturday's race,
American Eagle was second,
and Kialoa II was third.
A quick tour, arouod tbe
Miami yacht hArbon would
lead one to believe he wu
jn Newport Beach, ei:cept for
the balmy weather. With frorn
eight to 11 crew memben
on local boats, everybody who
is anybody In yachUng is hue.
'lbe same goes for other
yachting capitals or the Ea.st
Cout and Midweat.
The wealth of plush yacht!
here, includln1 many from the
boards of the world's Ieadln1
designers, would make Com-
modore Morgan's famed crack
about not belnc able to afford
It It you have to ut the
price, a masterple« ol un-
den tatement.
'Ibis series has come to be
known a.a the world's largest
y1cht testing tank.
The six race aerie. provides:
everytbjng from comfortable
day salting around the buoy1
to hell for leather gear bustera
in the turbulent IUlf atream.
The aeriea ends nelt Friday
with the Governor's Cup Race
out of Nuuu. After that tome
3$ lo ~ ol J!le yacbb will
parllclpata In the MJamj lo
Montego Bay, Jamaica race
before returning to tbelr home
The Jamaica race will pro-
vide the flr1t leg of a voyage
through the J:>anama Canal to
Newport and Los Angeles for
yacht1 starting in the Honolulu
race in July.
Windward P a s s a g e Is
scheduled to make her first
West Cout 1ppearance in the
Callfomia Cup race at '-fari111
del Rey agalnst Huey Long's
Ondine ll and Ken DeW.euse11
Black!ln, two other new 7J.foot
speedsters which have been
raising yachting e y ebrow 1
throughout Ute world.
Windward Pa111ge will have
a c r e w of about 11, many
cl. them from Newport Beach
IJ1d other Southern Callfomla
area s~ Among the
Soutb1ander1 on the crew are
John Rumsey, San Diego 1nd
Chip Cleary, Newport Beach,
watch captains; Ben ~ltchell,
Marina de l Rey, navigator;
Bob Hanrattl, Joe Cronin,
Irman Stawickl, Paul Cook
and yours truly. Also aboard
will be JohnlOl'l'l IOD Mark.
Hert are the winners 1n
Saturday'• Upton Cup race:
Overall: 1, Stampede
(Merw-t4) Roland Becker,
SL Petu1burg Yacht Club ;
2. Windward Pa1111e: S, Bon
Chance (Cal ~) Cul Hadden,
New Orleans.
Class A: 1, Wi n d wa rd
Panage; 2, American Eagle;
3, Salty Tiger; 4, Chubasco.
C1111 B: t, Melee; 1, Indigo,
S. K. Welman, Cl eveland,
Ohio; 3, Touche, Dr. Herbert
Vlr1ln, Miami.
Class C: J, Stampede; 2,
Bon Chance; S, Banshee.
Cl.1" D: I. Tr1vesty, Ray
McLeod, Mentor, Ohio ; 2.
Scamp, J1ck Duane, tllami;
3, String of Pearls, A. J.
Pe1rl, 1'-iiaml.
LONG BEACH -The first
aMual "All Racers Meet,"
scheduled for the n e w I Y
renovated Loni Beacb Marine .
stadium, March l-9, will now
be knoWft 11 lhe annuaJ J my
Gleuon Memorl•l Race. The
evtnt Is sanctioned by the
NaUoaal Drac Boat Racine
Qleuon. 31, lhe National Draa: Boat Aaoci1Uon'1 world
·~ .-.i bolder It JI0.29 m.p.b., ,. .11 ktlled Fob. 28
during .1 world champion drag
net at Marine Stadium.
?.lore than 200 fuel·1as drag
boats, ran1Jn1 frQm the 70
m.pll. bracket to the fantastic
,..ofe.uional drag hydroplanes
that (()Vet the mta!Ured
quarter-mile water raceway at
1us1 under 200 m.p.h., ha" Hobie Cat Race
reaiitered wiUi race promottr
The one-time undJot first
baKmlD wlth not q u 1 t e
enough power for the )>ro-
fwlonal bdeblll rank.I "!'s
tht first man .evtr lo guide
1 hydroplane betltr than I~
1to or better m1rk. He ac·
comptlshed hb t ea t tn Mr.
Ed, 1 1lttk superchlrrtd
and dlnctor, Clnlck Pierce. At Llpaa Btach
Conquest, the fonntt Na· t. R. Paul Allin (BCYCI :
Uonal Drag Boat Aaoc:l1lloo'1 2. Jeff Pr1ndlt (PYC); S. Joe
world reoon! hDktar will lud N.llle (SDYCI: 4. 1lolMrl Pal-
a bevy of compct!Uon lbat tmon (PYCI; I. Dick Waa-
ls capable of 11JMIO( at ;:::::drocll::::=';;:(:;:;Wl.l=l.::::).===:::::;I · Gleason'• record 1pted.
Salllrdiy (Marcil I), b<1ln-
nlng at a a.m., will be de.voted
to clus ellmlnatJon.s of boats
that run undtr 100 m.p.h.,
plua check-oot runa for the
100 lo 200 m.p.h. SundJy'1
racing begins al noon.
Th1t'• wktt 1t'1 •II •b•wt.
011• •f th• "'''' ,.,.,.,., 411111 f11l11r11 1f #ia DAILY fllLO
11 1t.,,1, Sca111. lf't 111 1bevt
•111t1, C•l'llllt ll•I.. li•ab •Ml
1h1r•ct1n -, •• ,r •.
2 -.5
A s s
.,.,.,, .... '· 1169
DAILY PllOT J'1 . -----·--. -
·--~___...-·------~ --
Adv9rtl•r. ma1 1111809 tttlfr ••• ~ b l1pMn.,
Phones Are Opeti 1:00' a.111. ~ 5:30 p.m.
9 to Noon S1turd.y-Cfas1d Sundoy
DIAL: DIRECT 642·56 78
Huntln91on BHch 540.1220 Laguna Boach 494-9466
'""01111: Ad¥trtl"°!f'I ll'IGP11 theck t!Mtr 11• Gall)' 111d rtp•rt lmmldlattlJ .,,.,..
Ir ml1el11"f5utlana. THE DAILY .. ILOT ..., ....... llaltllfty f•r • ..,..,. enly t.
tll• •xtlnt., pultU1hlrtt the 1•v•rtlltm1t1t Mrrtct:IJ •n• tlm&.
DIADLl"I l'Ofll C0:PY AND KILLl1 l1IO P.M. th• day ltlfoN pultlteatl•n, ... pt f•r
W••n• ldltloft 111d M1nday MOtJtrt1 when el•l11g tl1M 11 l 110 ... M. Frld1y.
YOU MUST HAYI KILL NUM•IRI Whtn klllhtt lft 1d btt11119 Of 'IVlek result ..
bt turt t• rn1ko a NCClrd ef th1 klll number glvtn r u 11)' ytur ad t1ktr a•
Vtrtfleati91t If,....,. Oltll.
lvtry efhrt It m1d1 t• kill '' aornct 1 new ad, that hu llttll trdtrtd, but we ean-
119t eu111rai:rt-ta do aa untll th• ad hu appeared bt th1 paptr,
DIME-A•LINI Ads.,. 1trlctly OI•" In 1d¥1net lty malt ar at any en1 Of eur effleea.
NO '"'"' trdt,._ Th• DAILY ~ILOT ,...l'Ytl tht right ti •l-lfy, tdlt, ctn10r tr Nfull •ny adver-
tlNmtnt. and t• ol\111111• ltli nta1 and "1ul1tlont without prier natlc ..
Mall Addrt•: aox 117Si Nawp0rt INch, Callt.
CLASllFIEO COUN'lrE"I lrt located 1a tol1owe1
Daily Pilot Classified
Gonoral 1000
Costa Mesa
S BRs + family room, 2~S
baths, double paliol, expen.
1lve cit.rpell I: drapes, auto-
matic ean&e door.opeaen,
sprlnJden front i-rear. catJ
now to iff.
ThrH Wishes
If peace, comfort, location
are important to you, look
this over. Convenient to
Newport If e J a: h ta a:rade
llChool,• and all shopping. 2
blks lo new park. Ooly
$25,500: and all these "plWi"
(eaturee. 3 bedrooms, 2
batha, fittplace. cpts. and HOUSIS FOR SALE NlwPDIT IUCN ffMlltAL 1111 NSWPOIT MIMIMTI
.. .,. Dll;AllTIM• 111\'ICI ~' drapes, double a:arqe, con·
ILaCTllCAI. .... d ·
C .. T Ml r>• MIWl"OllT SHOllS A Ui WllTCLl•JI M&IA OIL MAI 11• MIU. YllDI Ult UMNlllITT 'ill:
.. IACK IAY COU-1 I PAlllC 1111 IUT llLU'" NIWl'Ob •l.W:M lttf MIWl'OltT HlllH'tt 1111 COltOMA 011. MAI
IAl.AOA COVIi 111J ~·~.t..MDS
MIWllOllT SNOltlS Im LIOO llUI IAVCIUT 1111 IAYIHOllS UU IAUOol ISLAND DOVllt SltOl.11 Im -M"'"111111T01t llACM
WISTCLll'll Int ~::...ln:~~C~W..Y H.t.ltMMI M .. HLAMOI IQI UMIVlltllTY ,Alli'. ltW L.OltO II.ACM llVIHI U:JI Olt4Hll COUlfTY I.I.CK ... ,. IHI Ult.DIM OltOYI
OltOWA DIL tUlt .. lut SA"1'A AMA
IALIOA llLAlllD ,,,. LA.UNA NleUllL
111,nntNITOlll llACH ... UM Cl.IMIMTI
"UNTl ... TON lfM!IDUlt 14" T11DAIO•ALll'Jllln•<· l'OUNTAIN YAl.LaY 1411 "" 1a.M. IUCM 1• CONDOMINIUM
UJIDIN ••ov• 1fl'I
•• -.., •• .... ---.. , .... -M" -... -M• M" MIO MH --.,. ... ....
4111 •• --
L01H1 11AcH 1• Apts. Unfumi1hld
DUT OJI COUNT,. 1611 MIU. VlltOI lllt
DUT OI' ITATI Mel H~T lllCN '*
ITAllTOlt 1•11 MIWf'OIT MlllKTS 1211 WllTMINSl'llt 1•11 MIWl"OltT SMOltll Int
"""'" AHA lut UMIVllSlrY llAllC sm SANTA AMA MITS, 1 .. IACIC 1.t.Y 12•
OftANll 1'9 I.UT ILUll,. na
rorTIM 1441 COIDNA DAL MA• s?M
wo•TM TVITI.. 1141 l.t.U0.11 s• ANAHllM 1111 IAY llLAHOS Hiit
LAIUMA Mtus 11tl MUlnlff'TOM llACH MM
L.AeUNA IUCN IJlll l'OUMTAlll VAl.U'f' MU LAtUNA MllUIL Ut1 u.LaOA tlLAllO J ...
U.N a.IMl!lllTI '"' IUI. llACM MM SMf JVAN C.VISTIAMO 1''111 LOMe la.t.CH JMt
CAllllTUNO 11.t.C:ll 11111 CHU.11101 COUNTY Wit
DUA Hllr1' Int eAltOIM elOVI Ulf
... _._ I MIDWAY CITY "" ...,._ tm INITA AMA NM
OUl"l.IXll PM l.t.Llt 1t1f L.AeUMA II.I.CM IN
RENTALS SM Cl.IMINT•. '"' HouHI Fuml1htcf i~:u~~~.f.llllTliNO ~=
11MTAU To '""'' 2• Gener•I COSTA MllA 2111 1,. MISA OIL MAit 11• TIJPl.IX, tic, MllA \'11101 1111 CONDOMINIUM Int
COLLI.I 11.1.ltlC 21U ltlNTAl.I WAMrlO Ifft
NIWHIT II.I.CM »M •OOMI 1101 llMr 9'ff
NIWHllT Netl. ~ill IOOM I IOAID ltt'
MIWllOltT SNOllS '"' MOTIU. Tll.l.!Llll cau•T• '"' IA'f'IHOlll m l O\lllT HOMIS ....
DDv•• SHOltll mJ MISC. •S:MTALI ""
1qu1•M1Mr &IMTAU .... ~te nw, Jar&e fenced
•1Mc1M• MH back yard on 5Qi('.l30 FT.'R-2 ==~I 11111.1.111, '"' :;: LOT. There la mt to ml,leh
PUltMITUltl llUTDllH available-in this part of
a a1111MtlH1N1 "'' eutside C.l.f. HU.IT)'. OWN-1.uo1N1... 6"' elNllAI. 111\'ICll 6612 ER, WilL SELL FHA!!
IU.DINe. OllCINe 669 6"-4687
It.A.IS • j ~~~-..,.-----OlllN THUMI mt
IUN SHOii 1'1t
HI.I.I.TM CLUll 1111
lltOM, ~ lie.~ 17"
lltOWIMe "'41
IMSl.ILATlwe 4''9
INVllTIOATIM .. DltKtl" ,,.
l•Wll.AY llPAI .. lk .... U.MDSC.t,lllff Ull
LOCKlMITH 611t MASOHllY, lltftlC Int
,AINTIMe. ........... -... PAIMTIN .. ._..
PATtOS .... 'HDTGellA,HY 611t
llLAITllllMI. 'er.ti. ....., ...
llLUMllMe "" ,_, ettOOMIHe lftf
llOOL llllVICI 4'11
l'DWll SWlllllNe lfU
llUMll llltVICI ....
·~I... .... UDIO, &tp1ln. Ste. .... ::=~i::. ·-=~=~:. ::
k1MWw lllolf.-'"I SI WUIO 4MI SPIMI MACHIN• ltlPAlll ltll
11,TIC T .. MJl.S, ~ lk. ~
TAll.OeJMI ltN
Tit.a. C.-. "1t TILL ......_ a Mlft.i. Im
ft.II lllYICl ... Tll.mYISM*, ...... bl. ,,..
UllMOLITlllY Int
Joa WANTID. ... ,01 WAMTIO. ......
JG• WMTID, -. ..
NIU' WANTID, Miii ntl
Ao1Nt11s. w....... , ... HILi' WANTIO. W_.. 1411
IOI~ I W-Hff AllMCllS1 ,_ • W.. 1SH ~:o::-:.!·.:::~~UCTtOM :::
TM1.t.T•1c.t.I. 1"I MERCHANDISE FOii
llUltMrTU•• ..
011111CI llUIJUT\lll 1911
Leu Than Rent
168.00 total pmt.
No qualltyifl&, anyonf' ca.n as-
swne existfn& 6% Gl Joan.
4 lxlnns. 2 baths plua aep-
a.rale den. custom fioor to
ceWnc rock fireplace, bit
ins, forced air he1tina:. new
•bite carpeting, Be!t Costa
Meu are1. Ctill
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
Cute older units wiU1 largt-
detac:hed double r 1 r a c r.
Near schools .r.: shopping.
S220 mo incom P. Alsume 6%
prlvate loan.
' ~----
J . • .:.·. • , •• * 64:t.lnr A•ytlmo *
Terms & Emotion
S bedroom, 2 bath, family
room. Loli.i:l1 or UJed briCk,
bu11t In bar·b-Q., 1haJut roof.
prof. landscaping. Owner
lrlln8ferrtd. Reduced to
$26,950 . Only 10% down!!
Gonero( roe»
•. ---
l .11 .. • ....... ,. "' * 642-1771 Anytlma *
Instant Appeal
For the family that wants
$Olllelhifl&" mott than the
ordinary. Newport Height.
c~nn with IM-upoaed
beam ccilinga and wOOd
burnin.c fireplace, brlcht
1..'0Untry ki!chen, and privat.t
garden patio. Three lJtd.
rooms plus a JrUett aparl-
ment \vith private 1cces.s,
per1ect for the in-law. The
owner has bouaht out of thf!
area and the price hu been
reduced to $2.6.900.
Colesworlhy & Co.
642-777? OPEN EVES.
john macnab
Larae 4 bedroom home new-
ly painted Inside .l out. Wllh
beauWul panelled family
rm and COllrtYard entrance.
ACJ'O!U from Marinen Park
&. libany .......... $46,5a)
By ·1ppt,
(714) '42-1235
881 Dover Drive, Suite 101
Macco Realty c.o, Bldc.
Newport Beach
Income ·Units
.. $72,000
Monthly Income
W•IIJoM.Cardle, Rttrs.
1310 Newport Blvd., C.M.
548-7'729 Evts. 644-0684
Wooded Retreat
Spacioua 2 bedroom, 2 ha. + huge paneled den. Nesu: •
ed amorl&' the trees on a cu].
de-aac ltrttt. Big yard, lots
of closets. Now $29/2SO.
f "ring"
,..,\SPRING ····~~ 2629 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
VHIVlllllTY llAl:IC m r llJllMll S ••o•••n ... fltVINa rut TU,Llfl llA.KS ... I.I.CK U.'f' tt• llJSIMISI ltlHTAI. ....
IMT 11.u•• no OP,ICI llNTAL .. ,. llVIMI T11t•ACI nil IHDUSttlAL PltOPlltT'i' ....
OlllllCI ltUl,JlllMT 1911
ST'Dll lllJlllMIMT MH
CAlll, lllTAUIA#T •1• IA• IOUll'MIMr 1111
MOUllMOLO eooot "1t .......... ....... tm
•!i·SPRING 'HARPLUCK SALE .:.., Owner laclfll' pouible Jmm ..
..... .., RJ!:ALTY "'"' """"" s.crilk:e """ •.• "ant1time" Colonial f I:: lamlly room,
formal dlnin& room, imptts. 1.1.1.IOA UM IMDUSHIAL lllnAL "" ~f:o ·~:Dt = ~C:Hll :::
POUMTAIH V,l,Ll.l't r: ws:.;a.:~':~~ :: ~~~ :=~ ts• OltAMGI co, ,.OPlltn ••
COAITAI. t1M I , a . W.t.lnln ., ..
uouM.1. 11.1.cH ms BUSINESS 1nd
C&ll'ISTltA" IAACM 1UI IUSIHllS WAJCTIO •JM OAHA Hllff n• IHYllTMINT °'""°91m.1 &Jll
VACATION llMTALI ..... MOftlY TO 1.0Nll '"' CONOOMIM1UM tne 'JllOMAL LOAll ltU
OUll'LllCll ,UlM. tnl 'lnl.ltY l.OANJ 4UI COUATlllAI. 1.0ANI mt1
RINTALS 11.1.1. 1n.t.TI LOANS me HOUMI Unfumlshed MOllT .... as. '""' a.. ,,,.. MOellY WAJfTID -
Mau. 011. MA• 11• and NOTICES
Mlt.\ YlltOI '"' l'OUMO P'rM AM ._ COl.1.101 ll'Allt 1111 LOIT 141t
Ml'l#Hl1' JIACN l1M HISONAU ..
MIWl>OIT INOlll .Jnl •llTMS '411 IOATS I 'f'AC:NTI "" IA'f'IHGlll ntl '1.llllllAU '411 SAll.AOATS ttlt
DOV•• IMDltlt m J PAID OllTV.tlT '411 row•• CIUllllll '"' WISTCl.IPP JQt PUllllAI. OlltlCTOltl 1414 lllllD<-Sltl IOATI ... UMIWllllTY ,Alll IUt ,l.OlllSTS 4411 101.T T91.ll.lll •f11
IACI IA'f IHI IN MIMOltllltil 64'1 90.t.T LAUN(HIMI 'ltM IMT 11.Ulll" l ltt CIMSTll'f' 1.0TS U\I WltlMI IOUI,., ,• 'IUt
11\'INa TlltltACI 1M1 CIMSTla't Cl:Yl'TI Ult IOAT SLIP, MOOllMI tlW
COl ... A OIL MA• ... Cltl~TOllll fflt IOJ.T lllVICIS d
Ml.IOA -MIMOllAI. llAlkS 6m aOAf llMTALS tnl IAY llL..llMDS nM AUCTIONS UM IOAT CHAllTllt .... UDO Ill.a JUI AVIATION ll:IYIC• 64*1 llllMld .OATS tMI
NIWPOllT WllT ,,,. AIR TU.lflHltT .. TfOlll .... IOAT nouo• ....
1tUW1'INOYOM llACN MM AUTO T1tANIHl1'ATIOtl '411 80*1'1 '#ANTAO ...
NUNnfWf'Olt NAllOlll ... LIUL MTICIJ ... AlltCllAllT •"••" •OUNT.i.IN VAi.Lal' Jiii •tlMAH I TUTOllff ' ... 111.'f'IMO 1.ISIDNI ~%'i,,':"::..,. Ml Sl!RVICE DIRECTORY ::;;t,• =-~1 l:
LONI II.UM = ACCOUHTtNe -llCYCLll nJ OIU.Nel COUNn -AMSWlllMO 11111\'ICI .,. 91.ICTJllC CAii -IAHTA ANA 1fte All,Ll"Mt'I 11,AlltS. ,.,.. '51• MINI llKll ., ".. • mt
WllTMfNITll 1111 Al',IAISINl '11' MOTOllC'f'C:Lll ftll
MIOWA't CITY lllfi Al,HALT, Olt Ull MCJTOllCOOTl«S ...
LtJITA ....... Nll•HTS q AVTO lllPAllS 6SJ9 AUTO SlltVICIS 6 llA•TI .... cu,n.U,. AUTO, IHI .. ltl, T'"' l ie. IMI AUTO T'OOU I l ot.Ill', fftll
LAel.lltA •IACM 1111 U.IYllTTINf dM TllAILll. TltAVIL NU
LAel.IM NllUI~ = IOAT MAINTIM.IHCI 4S.St TIAll.lllllS, Ullllly , ...
AllJll.IAllCU 11•
AHT,.Ull 1111
SIWINe MACMINft tlM MUllCAL JlllST11UMINT tld Pl.t.ftOS l OllO.t.111 11)1
U.DIO fttl
To\,I lllCOICllll mt
IPCllTIM• 900DI .... ilNOCUl.Altl, 1cor1• dN
MllCll.1.ANIOUS ....
MAClllMllY, lk. .17,.
JllTS. llNlllAL ''" CATI Inf .... -HOllll -Ll¥1JTOCK ... CAL!FORNIA LIVING
MUllllltS 1"1
26:19 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 1ive 2 story with curwd -~C~H~A=R~M~E'°'R~-1 .... ,.,....,, Lbtlng b 1<1,500
but any oUer consklered,
3 BEDROOMS· ~ .. c.saao .
$22,500 c---
Fantut1c value. Imagine Ji~ '~U
only $2'2,500 in Costa Me1a. l'""""'"''"''"'""'"'""""'"I Completely redecorated in-
side &. out. New buill In
11tove It oven! AU new cabi·
net'g in kitchen. Jutt listed
won't lut -Hurry -Call
645-0303, Forest E. Olson
Inc. 2299 Harbor Blvd.,
Colla Mesa.
$22,S00-4 BDRM
2 baths, flftplace. i.solated
rear llvt.nc room. L&rre
brick pa& with eu fired
BBQ. Orf!am kitchen with
built.in ranae, oven a n d
diahwuher. 541).1120
New 3 BR Units Peninsula
adjacent to Ocean '° &y
$59,9!50. ?% financin&.
Balboa Rtal Estate Co.
... E~. Bal!!l!!~!!!"l'l!'~~!!"!!···~·al!"!!OO."' I QUICK CASH
SOS lrvlne, N•wport
3 !lR, l !l BA, 2i,s garage.
Astume $19,150 FHA at 5'4.
$16e: Month inclucttt taxes.
Vacant. Mlktt Offer.
Petitte Rellror S.0022
M N C&.aldlfTll 1ftt illKK. """°"IT, ortc. 4J# CAMPl«s ts•
USIMISI tlltVK'll ISO n uc:tts ,.
c.t.•11tt.1.No u1Lo11s "" i11:1'1 "" Westcliff Buy CAl'llTIAMO 11.t.fN Int CATllllNO '-'" OUMl'IUGGlll mt 4 SR 2'" •• hornf' i.A""f' WANT AD
&.I.Ho\ l>OIJCT ,, .. CAIMtlTMAl<INI &Ml IM,OITEP .11.tYOS ..... ' "JS """ ,,.
COMOOMIHIUJll -CAJ:l'IWTlllllf• -''°"' CAlll "'" ldlt.h l tam nn ,,,,.; li~p{. OVPUIC,_11 UNP:UtN. ltJJ CIMl:ln, ~ .... UTtOllll. CU.llKI tt11 $$2 ~
RENTALS • CHIU C.t.l:L ~ '41t lt.t,CI CA•S. llOltl ... ' COICTUCTOU ... AUTO SYIMn -UDO REA.LT\", lnr.
H ....... FumJah1d U •NT Cl.UHIM .. A\rTOI 'lfAlfT•D "" 3400 Via 1Jd6 67Ul30 ld\u,a, -CAl:PllT LIY .... l ll,AI• .... Ntw UIS ,_
COIT& MfM, 4'11 OllAPllUIS ..... MtTO l l,l,l lNI frtt _.. ¥1111• .. ,. 01MOUTIOW ...-vno uar-Mt Eathlde/Wetts~~ I;===----'===='----...;;°""=;..;;=----.;.;:;; ' • 3 BR home • rim • ..n, blt-
fns. tptl/drpl. 10* dl'I, ..
mime 5lt ~ ..... 12.1.!00. * S BR hom~ , $19,500, onb' mo dn.. Ml&bt lse option.
,fUtr, 6'Jl.9730 Ewa. 54l-0720
DAU..Y Plurt DIKE-A·
UNES. Yau CM uu then
lor juJt pennl• • ..... . DloJ -
. ;
t I
,. . -. .:;~::;;;;.;;..;;;-;;;;;:;-~;;;:;;;;;;;:;~;-::;;;;;;::;;;.-;;:;;~;:-;·:;;.-;:.-;;: -. ----·--~----.---~---------.• 'Iii••••=••~• ·-"•••f•••••• .. i,., . ..-., ... m .•. , ............. , ,,,...,. ..... ,. ...... . .. .... ·-----·-·--·-·~ . ,..,. '_ ...... ... ... •
HotlfE1 f OR SA[E HOUSH FOR SALi· HOUSU l!OR SAi.i llOUSIS 1'.0ll SALi l:IOUSIS FOii SALE HOU515 FOR SALi Co.w •I Mor 22SO 11.ENTALS I"'-'==---~=;._-""'-"...-..~---General 1000-1 1000 -•I '--0..orol · !iii H·......,--•·-"-•1400 · ~ u.tuml~ ~-----1-------1 ·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-~j"...-. -..,. .. ,.._ . .....,,., CONPLETEY funL, newly ---·-. L I' •, :J:!l,'~l>Addltltn? WHY RENT? ........ 1 Br. -·.,bib H""""""" ...... J400 ·2 DT lol,.Ulr 1Nn..blf.~!:. !',~TOTAL PRICE IO beach; walk t~ !II!; 3 BR,_ 2 BL °""
fASl'SIDE COSTA MESA • S2! fXXI ; ner 5f8..mT thll 3 Bf<:lnlom. 2 Batfi No fd. wort. ""J)ets. 10 tiiiii1U: esita. arapes,
' • · -E>\«U.nt .,,..111on Mui~ only. Rt!. ,..,. lllG bu.Ina. SfT,IB,?! ~~ntskeandU» :.ef' = I Cotti MMa 1100 with completely enclo9td ?tlo, )'T-. lte• l'IS-1540 ~ VACANT 1U&t. 4 BR 2 t.tb
dear • owner wW conallJet WARM yard with block wall on a S. 0 f.!25 I mo vm.ie Real
16th I. Tustin -Cost• M•s•
Excellent 1ocation, oear schools, shopping a~1 beach. Only a few left. Buy now while
hftere1t rates are onJy ---
one half down. r U t;L! LARGE FOUR BEDROOM ~:Lot. Gt nq money n CltrMnft 271 Elttle ~·n
PRICE ONLY SU,IXXJ, QUN · ~ or;i tmnef' lot. Family down. ntA $900 DQwn. No 4 BR, 2 llv· nn, n11tic ' ,, • * * room. all built-Ina. 2 bathl, Clollrc Cblta. $165 per modern, 2 b1.ka 1r'Om beach l ENTALS
TRIPIO ' AIR ... ,,. ·""'"' root • """' ::",'~.'::":.'ow~~· 1n ....sed. _.... i.eu.. Aplt. Fumlihod
7% with m. down -71h% with 100!. On.
no 2nd -no points -29 yrs on bllanc•
l'ricecl from $30,8511 to $33, 950
Exclusive Ag.nt
p. a. palmer incorporated
Sales' th rough the Multiple listing
Servic e of the Newport Harbor-
Costa Mesa Boa rd · of R~illtors
totale d $4 ,5~5,250 for the first
month of 1969. Th is represents
114 un it sales and an increase of
33113 °/0 ov er January of last year.
Li st your property with a Realtor
Three bedrooms, two bathl
and sundeek PLUS two-two
bedn*lm units. All unib•&re
c~ted, have forced air
heat, fireplaces, gu buJlt·ln
appliances and private pa~
tlos. Shown by apoplntment
only. Priced to aen at
Evenings Call 646-llliO
YOl:IR cuP-oF TEA?
Then thh atately beauty with
towering shade trees and
gorgeow landscaplnc ·aur-
rounding massive covered
patio, Is for you. Tasteful
llving room adjoint B I G
FAMILY ROOM, each with
its own SEPARATE Fm.E-
· 4 bedrm :!!!:~~~i
ROOM off the exciting built. in kitchen: Lu.!lh carpets A
drapes throughout. F o u r
sumptiowi bedrooms &: 3 + bonus room
This home is .lililualed on a
quiet l'ul-de-sac in a real
prestige area. n has 4 king
11ized bdrnu • 2 beaut. baths
plus a ·450 sq. ft. bonus rm.
up' stairs. l ts been complete-
ly redecorated with new car-
peting, panelling & bit in
book cues. Owner is leaving
area and must sell for a re-
duced priCl' of $27.900, go
VA • FHA or assume exlllt·
ing 51' % loan at Slli8.00 mo.
Make offer.
293 E. 17th. St. 646-4494
$5000 Reductlonl
.( bedrooms uppe'r
2 bedrooms lower
Ow-ner must sell -
will help financf!.
Now $80,000
8'!• 2CUS W. Balhoa Blvd., N.8 .
R:l lot·
View of Bay! Balboa! Price
ol $25,00l includes' plans for
2 or 3 bedroom home.
25x95 lot close lo City Hall
Tenns .............. $24,000
Bay & Beach
Realty, Inc.
001 Dover Dr., NB Suite 2'll
64S.2000 Eves. 541-6966
143 Broadway 645-0111
E vos. 642-8453 646-4579
Older llome on tarp
(35 x 95 ft.) R-2 Lot
J block 10 Beach
George Willia m 1on
Eves. 67J.1564
Luxurious 2 BR studio, load-
ed with extras: solid ash
cabinets, electric built·ins,
corner tireplace, mirrored
wardrobe dOOT'5, scads ot
closets space, tint w/w ear·
peting throughout & custovi
drapes. Here's real $$ value
in a TOP location &: setting
for only $25.000.
fJ• 1003 Baker, C.M., 546-S440
One large 3 BR 2 bath with
covered patio &: Three 2 BR
2 bath unit!. Ideal for .own-
er user for tax shelter. Call
us for def.ails.
Qn1y $750 Down required to
i'\'ove in!O this large Jamil,y
home. Cose to shopping,
schools and churches. Just
put on the market, thl! one
won't last. $16.l per month
lnclude1 taxe!I and insur·
Walker & Lee
200 Westclitf Drive
646-m1 Open E\.res.
Canyon View
Immaculate ·split level cu11--
tom built 4 bedroom and
panelled family room. Low-
er sun dcck, upper balcony.
County Corrtdor Newport
Beach mailing address. Ex·
cellent buy $42,500.
400 E. 17th. C .. M. 646-3'255
luxurious baths. Best Buy
BY FAR in Mesa Verde at
ONLY $41,S(k) with exoel-
ll'nt financing.
Walker & Lee
2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adam!
Open til 9 PM
Come alon& • see honor-
able beauty. 3 BR, din.
ing room with built-in
table &: china eabinefJI,
lara:e covered patio with
Ii.replace. lush tropical
landscaping. 0 n I y
$22,900 • $S50 down to
Jfia,,,. \ COATS
~ WA{i..ce
IOpoo Evoninp>
A distinctive addreu
In fashionable Baycre1t
luxurious 2-story home
\vilh 4 bedrooms, 3 baths.
tamil:Y room wilh
2.-story beam ceilini
and massive stone flreplao-
Jov<!ly well kept garden
call: John Abell
Rea: 673-1365
Exclusive China Cove home •
year around living • beat
Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba,
priced to sell last at. $69,500
By appt only
Owner says ."Sell"
thil lowly 4 BR, 2 ba, beach
home, 7 YJ'I young, Priced
$34,000 • submit all oHen.
CAYWOOD REAL TY m _w. Coa.!lt Hwy., se1200 by iVAN WELLS
With "Forever View''. 4 BR
3 ba, 2 dinillg rm areas +
fam. rm. "L" shaped pool.
J11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1J!!!!!!'!!'!!!!l!!l!!!!!ll / Roy J; W1rd Co.
CHARGE IT! 1842 Sanliago Dr. 646-1550
JOIN tbe ~ m tbfl
GeMr ll lOOOGenerel 1000Gener1I 1000
· I I
I' I I
· I I I
r I
r I
When a man hos a birtk·
day he tokes the day off, bu!
when a woman has a . birth-
day she tokes o -·-. 3·3
• -..:. doudl• -by fllllno In tt. 1niilit!o words
Y"" ~ ''°"' •• No. j below. e ~~':fs'?i~~.~rm•s I' r r t I' I' I' I
_.,.,.., r ... oe .. sce ... ~ ... · .. ~-w_"_" ..... l _I..._.~ ... · ... 1 ..... • I I I
'':.°u': =i: Hig!Jd ..... ,SllverV&ll•yll :.~.~&~"st WE SELL A HOME 4'1-l8T5llom •?litt -··I 4000
3100 1sa. ft. ot l\t.X· Ml. East ot Bantow, \Von-lli1 Copen ~l Ht:1rlt11e EVERY Jt MINUTES V -2900 ~tr~~tedu:\::. ~~~rtu~~:; 3~~:~balbs, ~Walker & Lee ~:~R;:·~th ~ms.i~y ctI: fertile valley! Ideal are~ .. ~ patio. ·buUt-ln stereo in-· 7682 F.dinger MO q'n t a1 n CondomiNum
3 Roomo fumlturo
r o o·m. Immediate growblg AUalfa. .nuta, _.... lercom, fully carpeted & 842-4455 or 540-5140 ah!eps l. tlS-tl30 ~on wit h COU, ral.llng of tiah, etc. A draped, newly pa I n t e d ,
"$25 Month
FUIL 91'1'!oN TO BUY
(Refrtgeraton Available) " do k --•-~·• I •'-• to ()ppn Dally Ill 8:30 ,., wn .-Al • ~··'"'area n wim;n $23,500.iBy owner. 646-6'143 i---------RENTALS ..
ina 173.500. live Ii: enjoy the bounties of HoUMI UnfumitMcf MESA VEIOE ·your own MAN M AD E ASSll.~ 4* % GI loan. 4 No dep:111lt o.a.c.
POOL HOME LAKE C1pproxlrnalely U0 ~~~O~SE ~~ir:8ii Repainted RedeooJ'. takes NOW IN IJtEAl1
NO PAYMENTS Go I 3000 H.F.11..C.
ner1 Furniture llent•I•
at.eel, s hin es like INVESTIGATE 0oy1e-eq., Eves ~1977 For - - -517 w. 19th, ~ -*WHY PAY IOO! ~w.Uclo.An&nn .. ,.,, new. 5 bedrooms 3 AND INVEST BY Owner 3 bdr. 11> ba,
baths In the popU· I YOUR T fam nn, very cheap, needs la'r 2 story model. n omorrows Completely fenced Ottered by owner · fidJls. $22,lm. 675-0786 aft
60 DAYS DELUXE. tpaclowl L-lldrm.
Not ONE Pl!NNY. down .Fun>. ·•pl 11.15 .,.,. ulll.
Qualil;)1rc vets cu move 2 er. 1: den ~60 Phu: util. pool and concrete IWT-¥40 After g. PM ;;'==....,=--=...,.--o patio. $42,500 -HALECRfST By owner, 3 Lr: im~atd,y. Hea~ pool Ample ~ 3, ( 5 Bedroom Homea
Coral Shores 10% do~ 0wne, ,f'LL GIVE BR, Comer lot 123,900. 12!ll
.TnaY accept ,,. trade. r~-·-·· Ope •·-••• -
~ No chlldrm-No pell
Btwn"Beach & Brookhurat on Greit •location In H°Untillg-l96S Pot'Mna, CM ~OISE LOVERS IT TO YOU ~··~· n -·· ~~ Carfiel(1, H.B. tan 8eacb oo J:lanillton ~~·· • •
(714J 962-1353 behl.tetn.. Brookbunt ~and Cotti Mes. .. 4100 A giant lot 60x200 STRAIGHT MeH Doi Mar witl1 2 bedroom
home and a 2 car
garage. Lot com· p~e:t<!ly fenced. $23,•
500 -Great terms.
1105 ·. $12,850 l>Ullwd -clole to ... 1--------1
which area is just
rla;ht. It might be
Halecrest in this
neat, bright & very clean 3 BR, big
fam. ho m e... Only
$24,950. -Flexible
3 Bedrooms, 2
baths in a quiet
non-traffic street-
cozy livlng room
With brick tireplaC!:
kitchen with au electric built·ins -
a dandy buy at
$26,900 with 10%
down. Owner will
consider trade for 3
or 4 units.
Nestled in quiet ..
safe cul-de·sac. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath
with family and
laundry roorru;. Blt-
in kitchen all refin-
ished. Big oversize ·
back \'21.soo
4 Bedroom, 2 bath
family home kitch-
en has elec. built·
ins.-Sliding glass
doors from LR and.
Den.-to a covered
just $1500 down
Beautiful remodeled
B/l kitchen with
walnut cabinets sets
off this choice 3
Bedroom with block
.. ·all fence. -N" dow n to vets -or
IBA -$1150 Down
4 Bdrms. + 20x30
playroom plumbed tor bath or wet bar.
4 yrs. new, near
schools & shopping.
Sparkling ~ight
clean descril:ws this
3 bedroom plus tam·
ily or dining room.
Large fCWimming
pool completely
fenced plus large
seP.Bratr kiddies
play areii.-
Decorator's delight
wlth 5 spacious bed·
rooms '"'ith closet.'I
galore. 3 luxurious
baths. AU plus pool
with board and slide
--$51.900. a real ex-
ecutive home.
No down to Vets.-
Immediate f)MSeM·
slon. 3 Bedrooms. 2
'baths. has large llv·
Ing room ."ith fire-
place, carpets ·and
d.rapes-$1400 down
to all $22,250 gov't.
JOI' 2 lictnsed ~al &~1.ate
~e. Your own desk k
phone. Good advcrttsln;: pro.
gram, \Vltb wtll ntabllshtd
office. W1lk In !rattle. Good
leach1 lo wo1i< Of\.
"'· Jo;, 1 .. che"IR)-'tr RcallOl' 1860 Nr\vport mvd .. CM
fi.16-.1928 £\'@, 67:J..457'1
It yo1.1 are lnterested in · a Beat This Finincing ?'BR new nylon shag carpet· \ftch. . $2~ Wlc. Up
good locatlnn (Coeta Mesa, 4 BR, l%. BA, $24i700, exls1:-inc, very clean, built • in 1 e Studio a: Bach apl$.
Newport lielghb a re a), ing GI :ia,.n at &%. $28,500 range· & oven; garbap d1&-Quality 3 r a: 4 bedrooms, • Incl Utila I: Phone IUV.
close to Newport Heigblll n . '$2 (DJ d all posal, themlMtatlcally ~ 2 Ir s. baths, all one story e MaJd Seryioe •. TV avail.
grade l!Chool (1~ blkl) Ir; acJ~· cit). par:.-nr. trolled FA heat, double gar-homeS:.From $.12,400. Monlh-, e New Cafe Ir; p,ar
new city park (2 biles). shop. "I TRADE" age with boat door, fenced ty payments :ffom $288.21 2376 Newport Blvd. 5tU'155
ping, 5 min. to beach, a very Bob Olson, RUr. 546-5580 Ii: Jandscaped. lncludiiic Pld, taxea A: in.. CHATEAU , _ POINTE
quiet street, big R2 lot (roonr ~ ll\L'"8.l>Ce, um
tor boat, camper or rental 5 ~_·: mu Lovely tum. 2 BR apta. Ofl.
unit), 3 bedrooms (or 2 &: M'-'-'o"s"-•-V'-C•.rdo'-"''---1110 T"!!i113'J1r' U )'OU art a qualified Vel 1treetparkinc, carporll. Htd
a don) 1'4 bafuW!teplaoe. • BY OWNER ··I -~-~-~~~ you ""' """" Jn without pool. Adult.. no-P'~. $150.
...&1de\\'8.lks, paved alley, doo-Imagination & one penny down ••• not llM1 POMONA...AVE., c.M.
ble garage, large fenced 4 BR + lam, 2 BA, newly even cloaing C05bl back yard, then phone me redee + shag crpt'g, patios, SPEC'ULATION. This cute ' 1-BDRM. $95; 1-BR. SllD· (or
at &f,4-4687. I am askll:w" etc. $26,900, 54().9410 2 BR stucco w.ilh, big flag. Dun 10 ·rain, offer extend~ unfurn. $95) both cleanonly•
$25,500 but if yoU come run. I =========~ 111.one corner fireplace ca.n . through March 15, 1969. quiet; mature adult! • ~ (I'm in a hurry) with Newport Be•ch . 1200 be a decorator's dream. De.. Nr: Shopping. 548-2407
~k book in hand, (u low sirabl.y located near beach. Walker It Lee, s&lea Agents . $99.50 1 Br tum, ulih pd.
u 11750 dov.'11) I'll give tt Like to Entert•in? es &: parks on beaulitul R..2 0pen· 10 'til duak daily Adults. Cloee to stores.
1o you straight, I'll aa~ you lot Euy !inanctn& at $21,500 968-3036 qU:let. 1985 Pomona. LI S-072B S.. th1' 3, BR, plus 3 balbs, B I ·1 d · ' $ll00. (That'• u alraicbt u CO%Y dinifll'./lamlly rm 2 uyer can ren I unng es-1-BR., Very nice; !lltns.
1 .,.. get). crow. Immediate pasgession. w/w ....... d-~: ..,,;... .. e. frplcs plus huge room tor Ted W Rlt 536-2579 ~, • ..,.. ·" .,,-.... LUXURIOUS pool tabl• " ' >'.ncl""" ay y. SHERWOOD ESTATES $125. 64&-0l08
pool with separate Play SHAKE ROOF e Nasaau Palrn1 e MANSION· , .... tor 152,500. BEAUTY by 'he n:i 1 • 2 BR.. Pool
$36,000 4 &Inn, 2 ballu & hanlwood t &A 177 E. 22nd SL 64'""'5
Walker Realty floors. too! Extra large Jot ~0 Bachelor Trailers
r;. "-"'rooms. 3 baths, Dream 3336 Via Udo 6'75-5209 Jth trailc t CJ nd I :z::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::==/ ,, Dl-"\.I w r ga e. l'an a 11 Men Only
home built {or a discrimlnat. sharp, only $23,900 GI or Owners Attention I 133 E. 16th st., c.~i: ~J-1265
ing executive &nd hil de-LIBRARY OR DEN? FHA terms. See this one 1or
serving family. Dellahtful Plue terrific Back Bay view. sure! Do you have rental 'unita? BACH. Apt., util. paid.
decor. Large l.iW. room, Large lot with room for boat Piul Jones Reilty w~ have good tena.nta from Eatibilde. i oo
huge family room. Land-• trailer. Veey Best loca· 847•1266 Eves. SJ6..7l24 previous Jlar!I and need • 54G-4431
SCftped with an eye towards tion. 646-4414 SUMMER -WINTER -and 1 BR:
beauty and easy majnten-UP TO 80"/e COMM. ANNUAL renlala for \hem. 998 El Camino Dr.
a.nee. Located on quiet,. cul-+ BONUS Please call our rental dept. Costa M N 1 546-0Gt
de.sac street. If you ean af. Dille B11l £st1tl R. E. Salesmen or Women. and let us give you the RED esa 0· ·
ford a $36,000 Dream H~~.1 .. ~--~-~-:-·~·-"'.'.'.~t:;~::;~-1 opening,. s now. Exper. or CARPETlh ""11e'tm,, ent • :you de-~·lrigBAho~ELOlat• n, .. ,'manRmon-" you'd bettl'r see this toda,y. r; 0 . • s . I new 1cense. Training pro-serve e 5 . ... • 'I' . '"
GI NO DOWN!!! Subi;nlt wner s pecta gram. Confidential, Call Mr. RED CARPI:r Rlty ly. 642--5040
your smllller home on our 3 Br., or 2 Br. & den, CU8' Kacy FIRST PIONEER Rental Dept 67J..3663 l=========cl
guarantee sale plan. tom Westclitf home, many 8424421 2az5 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. N~rt Be1ch 4200
WE SELL A HOME extru, nr stores & schl.!I.
IRVINE TERRACE -2 BR spacious 3 BR. 2 BA., gar .. Walker & Lee
2043 Westclill Drive
646-7711 Open Eves,
Pele Banelt .Really
New Bliycrest Listing
stunning 4 lxlrm &: den.
home p L U S family
room & formal dinlni
room &: a \moat new
pool with ouUtandlna:
yard for children or e~
tertaining. Many other
exciting leatutta. Call
to Att.
160:> \Vestclill Dr.
BY OWNER 2 YR .• old S I: den. Fantastic View, balcony_ Between beach I.
CU.!ltom b!L 4 Br. l ~ A SUME St/4•/. LOAN beautiful conditiot: -$750 bay. Newly painted. No
lam + din rm. 2400 st:(. Submit on Down Paym,ent per mo. pets, no .children under 7.
ft. Beaut .lndscdP w/ trees. 3 BR. fam rm + din room.. BEACON B-AY • 2 BR & $188. s.t!J-3643
642-<603 HAFFDAL REAL TY ,.-,=~~_,.--,-,.,.--,: 18740 Warner 842-44(5 den, or 3 BR. Community MODERN 1 BR. prv' patio
3 BR Waterfront No. 62 ~ch, pier, tennia coot -carport; adulll, no pell:
Balboa Coves. $ 6 0 , D 0 O . $22,500 $450 [l<!r mo. 2620 Awn $100. 613-0066 Prefer trade for aCl'l'age or John Mcnab Really Co.
Ill "d th " .... .,..,..... .,A., """" ON The Bay, nr. Lido; l w COl1 er o er . ..._,. , .. GI no dn. 3 Jg. BRs 111 ba, ~ ~ ''!""""!""~'!"'!!!!!""!!!!~~I Br., priv. patio, utll. pd. Newport Heights 121.~ ni ce cpts/drps,, FA heat, lg 15 BR, 2 ba, Furn $275. Boat space avail. 67H450
I ;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I cov. patio. 60xl20' lot. Unfurn $225. Jmmed oo, BACH apt w/ gar, nr Hoq.
11 BRASHEAR Realty eupancy. Dana p 0 Int. Adult, nice areil; oceanvlew ARTIST . · 847-8531 Eves, 536.7090 49G-3833 or 492-1818 $100 mo util pd. 548-Cl554
$95: 2 BR... garage; fncd. BACHELOR Apt Util pd. $75
yd. Children &: pets OK mo. Fl Mar Motel 310 E.
Broker 534-6980 Balboa IDvd, Balboa
FO<' Art~! or Hobblst FOURPLEXES
this very large room with FA '1h% LOAN heat will please you. Prime
Helghtii area. Cozy 2 BR NO VACANCIES
horn• w;th DR. plua slab• $39,950
utils arc in for addition. Obi }'IRSr PIONEER
.gar is on alley. Askin& 842.4421 2 BR, gar, patio, crpts, drps, LGE. Bach., cplA, drpg,
$25,000. 1---,$"1"'3",~5~0~0~--1 stove, refrig. Tropical set-beam ceil., relrig. I:
ling. For adults, 1 blk. to hot..plate only. $1 OS . E> ~ JU.&! can't find lhe!M! any. shops. noo mo. 544-4780 673-6904
.,,... n10l1!. Older home for retiJ". 3 OR 4 BR., cPts. drps, $1=40~: """'1.'°B~R-. -• .,....,---.-,~t.':I
1 E A l T y ed,' limited income person. bll-ina: $150 per month fncd. yard, garage A: w/w
3100 Coron• dol Mor 4250
See this. SoiS.Sll! Eves. Broker 534-6980 ~~'!°INear NB Post Ole. 646-2414 R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 3 BR, hdv.·d On, furnace. BACHELOR APT. Fumi!h-
1 ~~~~~~~~~~ /84T.JSl9 Eves. 5.16-7840 OU Tustin Ave., 434 Esther. ed, 2 nns $80 mo. Adult,
I ' 2 BR Condo-stove. rel.rig, Adults, $1&1. no pet. 644-2562 Newport Shor_•_• __ 12_2_0.1 washer, dryer, drps: c-pts.
Great floor p l a n,
lxlrmA 3 baths, Ate p
down fa1nily room \\11th
stone fireplace on the
kitchen, fonnal din. Top
P.lesa Verde local Low
')I".,·""\·.,, ··f", · ,, t1· .~:-.,\, ··-\••
$17,300. (213) 430-8226 BY OWNER: Open Sal/Sun
Charming 4 BR 2~i ab. steps Fountain ,Valley 1410
to beach. $36,500. 642-3014 1=====1=24=21 Yacanl/lmmed Pos. Eaatbluff ---------13 BR 3 baths, 1600 Mt ft,
IN ONE of Newport's finest frplc, bit-ins &: dishwaaher.
family areas: large lovely Law down a: assume existing
5 ~Bedroom. 3 bath home. loan. Owner will pay all
Calltora p polntm e nt. rosts.
644-1!92 TRADEWINDS RLTY. e VIE\V HOP.IE e 842·filll or 842-5012
4 BDRM, 2% Bath, large
family room: fully cri>t'd
k ..,, ••• Owner. 644-2338 legun• Be1ch 1705 STEPS TO BEACH
MIND YOUI Corone del Mir llSO Income Units
3 bedrooin.s up, 2 bedrm 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I H1ncfym1n Speci1l1
down. (Fumished) Aaldrc I 1 Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy. TINY HOUSE 1"' )'d• tro Bo h < Jgo $55.ll<K> ti I t m ac . on ny o Apt. units, needs paint & llllQlll '$24,500 good general -cleanup. f'O..
· Ora"ge Co•1t Property TENTlAL I~ C 0 ME EX·
• - -~ 332 Margueri. te, CdM m.8550 CEEDING S10,fXXI ANNUAL. REALTY -'boa m d N B LY. Price $&9,!l;(), 2025 W. B... v ·• · ' - -MISSION REALTY 494--0731
675-4000 81lboa Ptinlnsul1 1300 985 So. Coast, Laguna ____ Q& --
Custom Wefts
Home • $59 ,800
Btlt Baytrell slrftt and
prof. land!Cl.l)l"C MICl'ibe
the settlna tor th1a 3 BR. 2
BA home w/FR. • FRM • OR., hi&h celll11r, beaut
decor. w/many txtra..~.
Gn!$l: \Yohl
Doll l-Iouse on penln.!ula
point; three bedrooms, one
and a hall batM. fireplace,
~ dble e:arage. Near cban.-
nel and public beach. A
Jewel. Reduced to $38.250.
2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B.
'15-4630 Evos 642-2253
BY owner 2 Br, l ba, lrplc,
bltnll, playrm • ba. Beat
HouM• Furnished
Rent1l1 to Shire 2005
WORKING girl to share new
film 3 Br. ~ Ba. house.
Util pd, washer/dryer. Reta
lll'a.nled. F.v. area. 6t6-13ll
1 BR In 2 BR apt on Park
Ave, 3 blkl to beach. $80
mo: Roger. 494-9'31
Udo buy $44.500. m<> S.yshoros 2225
CeWwell .... ' Ct. _m======= 1---------L c .. • HW-~ -4 BR. 2 Ba. avail. now.
..._, 8e«ft. C•tlfonli. Lido Isle 1351 thru Junt. Prlv. heh. am. eu Na1 o• ..,., boat 1'!1p. $275 Mo, 642.-3863.
ASSUME 6% 61
3 BR 2 be,, 11 f1n1 rm w/
trplc, bit-in kitch. Ea.Ny
pon. poplblf'. Sl-1.$0.
5*.'460 E:Vh, $4M.169
OM • siory chaniiu. 3 Bd
3 BA, pler/1\lp, Gortreou11
telTllce A:: beaut prlv111te
1ardt!n .. rood cond. $245.000
R.. C. GREER. Really
USS Via Udo 873-9300
21161-Dr .. NB
PLACE yoor tV811t ad wheno
ttev are lookf~ -PArLT
PJWT cl&Blltled 6C2-S6'11
DIAL direct &12·56111. Ciillii'f
VOW' ad, ttlen •ft t.rt t1nd
11"!"'" fft "'" ~ rln-t'
Nowport Boech 3200 Bolboa ____ , 4300
HOME 1 block from West All util incl $75 up
Newport Beach. Family on. 315 E. &Jbi>a Blvd.
ly. $330/mo. Broke r BALBOA 673-9945
ELEGANT Bayview, xtra lg Huntington Be1ch
3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool, golf. grdnr.
Cd1.1 Hi. 66-llll
198'12 Brookhur1t
.(jus! No. of Adami)
HunUngton Beach
f714l 962-2981
Coron• clel Mir i250 FURN Bach. $95 with utJI.
paid. Qoee to beach. Rltr.
CHARMING 2 BR. 2 BA, 842-5011 Oft 842-5012
lge patio, new shag crptg. &>am ,.;Ung, wood panel· Laguno Booch 4705
Ing. cl09! to shoppitw Ar awini. 2 BR, near beach.
beach. $325. Yn be. %Zl2 = mo. Year 1eur. Adults..
Waterfront Or. 673-3456 Newell Aa9oclatfl 494-6594
Huntl""°" llNch 34GO RENTALS
Free Rent•I Book Aptt.. Unfurnished
Drop In and Browse Gener•I 5000 2 Btdroom llomu. ~ Good1----------
Condltion. Beaulilul Pool $12); 2 BR. trlplti, pr ..
with hurt cowred patio for bltns. 1ncd. patio. Child
that bla party, For Re.nt at o .K.
Sl.60 pr:r month. Gm1 Lo-Broker 534-69117
ct1t1on. WE SELL A HOME Sl35: 2 BR. 4-Plox. Potlo,
EVERY 31 MINUTES 1111'1""e;:;, ..,._
Walker & Lee ·~..,.. "'~:~ .. M
7fiR2 Edi~r OualW lledlon. S a ••
&42-4455 or 541).5140 ft'IOIWJ fltM a .ttart.. l.oall
()ptn fkily tl18:·· ~'l '
----,-~_...,.,.-.. -.,-'r"-.... ,:-_-""""""I'. __ .,.,...,.._ ... .,..,,...,.."".,.--;~:; -.... -..:-...... -.-~· . ;;,,.,,,.""~""C"'~<F·li ,, .. , • ..,.""'. :-"'""·· ~""=-= ....... -~~i .-;,-;-#·-... v~.1 -· -----~----7.•~~-~ . .,.~, ... ~.------;-·-.-.. -~ -.. ~<·;;-·:::.;...· -;o-.. -"~"'-~ " ... ...,., . ~ .
~ \
: l~AL•~~ ........ ,_~ • lENTAU , -•· , RIAL IST~Tl lus1Hm ,.., AtlliotllicEMENTS
, .....-~--"""' Un.......... -•II ' • _ FINANCIAL , ~OTICES * * * * _,,, _ 5000 Hurli1-lwh MOO Office a.n1a1 .6070 1u1. !)ppo!tvnltlel 6aOO -~~ -6401 .4.Ffiiir =--··LAGUNA lilAC:H' : -LOST:-li..k•&--White
• .....,~. Mar.11 ;; .. r. 1~ , ... ~ .
rusrow 1ANDSCAP1NO-,_ --·LEA:DSll 1-t·-I EXC 'Ai• Conclltlontd 11v11y col. l y r. old -ON•1"E-I CH.' OH>i'ORl!S'i AV!:Nllll ' ~lo. 'lo collor. Vic. • • 646-1%14 * NO NllO TO ; ,.
, IMMACULATE APTS1 21 3 Bedroom ,_;. • Delk ..,.wi •¥1D&blo 11 lmpolf1nf lloffce Shalimar or., .C-M. R.-IMMED. OCCUPANCY "".. ........ otnce bu.1\dlD& at watd
AOULT A FAMILY Luxury livlnc 1o pl-the -loc1tlon to dow'°"" 611,5""1 uo ... 7
SltCI'lONS AVAILABl.£ most discriminatllle· hW lApna BtllCb. Air coadJ. --... ~· •
C .... le Shopping, Park avaUablo at -cupet..t, "'""1fllll • • • • :-:=!.Br'•.2ea-lhe-Hunlfnll~11 . -:=;.~T-~.: . ·
., Swim Pool, Put/.,... r...., Are, "" lladl ID CANDY SUPPLY
• npl, lndiv/bl<Uy tac'b p ~ MllllCIPll porldna lot& ijO ROUT E 1145 Anaheim· Avt atifiC . per ,_Ill tor ._ DeU
COSTA liE$/l 642.ieu and <Wn •¥11kblt b ·$$. '
Mt10nry, Brick 6l30 ------PRICE & QUALITY
• 646-1%14 •
Su.Wctent -.ipolntmehb
YoU need to eatn $7,!iOO to
$15,0XI + t.Mually u an
aa:ent, More. at a maDa(r
' • .. _ ~ Paperha ngl"t tr. We have an unuaual
~ .. A · -Painting 61SQ commllsion .chedule. e NO DEllT5
, Whoddyt Wtnl? Wh1tlcly1 Got? PAINT your av•. r • 1 • e NO COLLECTIONS
' • •
I~. !!!!!!!! 'Ill Oco!an Avo., ~-:" ,!'::,. ~ l~f ~ 5100 (n4) 5!6-UST • ~ .... """ -
• • • •
Splrihlal Reidlogs, ad-
on tll matten. ice S. El
Carnlno Real. San Clemente.
492--9136. 10 AM·lO PM
LADIES: are you .Miss or
NATURAL IORN SWAPPERS equipment' know bow. you Spoo<! IOO'!I. ot your
Speelal Rate ' turniah wan. A maltriala, time dally maklnC Alea l • · . -= ,:;t, ;;:; ..,,..t DAILY PILOT Wt Hive: HARBftlR Ing, ..u 'de-.,...., m -FORESI' AVENUE
ltfn' Utopia? You may win
a S or a l yr. mov~ con-
tract. Join the swtrw to
The Utopiaot. 635:-9291
S LfnH -5 times -S bucks 1 coat. 548-6690 aft 6 PM. and earninz money, Car
, 1tVLEt -"° NLVST 1MCLuoe • Interior Painting neceaary. Ap no bar-
,..,"'' vou "-"" te tr•de. >-WIN• '°" ""' "' ,,.,._ Apts. or houses by job or rier. It will Mv you to J.-YOUlt PlloN •tlld/Of """'' ~ line. tit tdVtrtl•ltl.. .......,
. ~ l!_tj_Vate entrance Ii; prin.tt ~LA.GUNA . ~QI
GREENS """''""" Adult living, ---beactte.. ,1 A: ,2 BR. ~ ¥ DELUXE ottle6 11!'1' Civic
trorn $140 to $190. • Center Ii: West Oranie
from $100 1r.12 wntminsi.t .. A v• ..
An outstandinc oepor-
tunlt)< for a · dlltributoc lo
eam excellent income for
few houn we;ekly work (daJ'I
or eyes)
Attractlv" Expert
dancer will teach you all
latest' steps. Olli. Ardell
213 : 591-4538 1·10 PM
,_..OTHtNO l"Olt SAL@ -TltAOE$ OHl Yl ' room. Low Qft season n:tes. get the, dttalll.
-PHONE 642-5671 ~-Anyrtme "'8e.-.buocompte"'
TO Place Your Tr1d1r'1 PtradlM "Ad VINYL wall eoyerlna: life and A .l H Kit b.
s:peci,llliit. Kit; bath a. eluding' denflst.a a: fran. ~-· TRADE: Double Jotl Fair.
haven Cemetery for 2
HORSE TRAll.ER will pay·
Salton Sea lot boµghl oper.. Matei-lal Ir . labor Est. chlse groUp-policie1. We
ing wknd 195$ (Val ~) 847-16&1 ' also n e e d· Frinch.De l't•
for aililboat or Powet bOat. group 1peclaliltll. Our en-.
BAOIELOR ·Jl!'rUllN· ~-Cour1boulo.' 29o per ... tt
AJ..ro AVAILABLE .. W....._. ~7 •-1 • 2 I: l BDRM. 191122 ~ t MEQICAL. .. ~ We A ... Looking Fot:
H9~ Pools, QUld Care (Just No. cd Adami) •&d,"8 1or .kl.lie. cu.tom
C'OUPLES &:: Singles -don't dltterence, Phone 549--09$
go around "mopian", be a aft. 5 pm.
Reliable party to devote UTOPIAN., Join the swing l--'-...:...-----
2 to 10 boUn Jlt!lr yne.k re-to more enjoyment Fee View lot Baycrest N.B.
filling & collecting' money --==~Coll==' ~635-9~'9,.--"1 ~~ 75 X ll21,1 ' value $45,000, from n1q 7 $31,W> equity Trade 1or
R.W, Carson, lS81 Waaatch PAINTINC,lnt.erior,ex· tire kit eovtrs pl't'-6iat·
Or., Salt Lake Cit;, Utah. terior, very tta80~ble! ing conditions.
801-328-:lO'lI ' Call ·826-562S GENERAL AGENTS
Center, Adj. to·Sboppjllg -lh4) 962at · remddellng ' aVaB. ·111 f 2
No peta allowed I i!!!!!!!IJ!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!!i!' •I. JfaiD St.,.Hunt: Beadi ~··:
1100 Pelel'50n Way, at Har-Want Privacy? Newl (1·213) 436.s2'JB
bor ~ Adams, Costa Meaa. ON'E B,R. NEAR OCEAN OFFICE'In Ins offices avail.,·
546-0370 $132 )no ($141 Furn) garage W/recept. rm. All gla&s. ll!!!~~~~~l!~r l !202~;;-~"~tb.~530-~lll>~.:.,,_~~,,..~ GrWith Bldg., downtown I NEW GARDEN APTS. LIOO. poo. -
1 • 2 BR. Modern kitchen w/ Lagun• Inch 5705 NiWPORT National Ban1t
range &. oven, dbihwasher, 100 CLIFF DRIVE Bulld'lnc 135 sq Ft, avail
etc. Enclosed pr. Qtympic LIJXURY""'n:.••nn.Tr<1m11.• '4/l/69. ~. 54().4469 size pool B-B-Que & laundry .c u.J\,I.,, uJ"!l' u~-.
new & u ue coin op. M"l'RACTJVE girl to model TDs, small Beach Units. erated dispensen in Ora.nie a few hours a week, 541-4019 · ·
County & 1urroundl.nr area> generous pay. Strictly for
(Handle• NatiOnal Brand 1un, no bP, neceuary, Rep.
Candy&. snaclcs>. To quality ly Box:-M-658, Dilly Pilot
)'ou mu.st have good car, ref.
erenees & $1,650 total cash
to invest. No selling requir>-
11 Ft, outboard for station
waeon or auto of equal val-
ue, Phone 642-4980
-----.~--'-!PAINTING, tntet. -exterlor u · -• $53,000 equity in 3.bedroom, State lie. • bonded ~ . you are a ~, ..
t · o · I\ ')1:-..cn ....... 1 • ~ • .,., aeent or have a gtneaj ana1, 1n • ec, ......._, _... estimates. 642--0238 cabana w /2 dressing rooms. agency and are aper\.
La Canada. Want Npt Bet. HOU~E ~ting. Quality at enelng Pl'.Qblems in fin.-
1-es. Jean Smitb Ritt. 714-a fa.tr price. Free est. Call would"""""'•~ .. 1~~'. .. ! ~-Rick, ~2275 ".,....._..,, uac u ""
Have bear wheel alignment PAINTING, Pa~ng 16 yrs opportunity of diSCUAinc . in Harbor area. Uc .l bokJd. thll r:patter with YoU in ~~~il~~:w; ocro :~ ed. Refs furn. Gf2.2356 =t:~~-1~! .
pym t on income properly Plaatirlng R.....,ir 6880 tact or eaU for a confi.
fac. Elec & water pl. From YHrly Leas&. ·l • 2: Bdnna. 3qO ,Sq. Ft. Office1
$135 mo up A.dull.a only. steps to ~ A Shops Costa Maa. ~
* SelectlYe Singles * Companionship, Sincerity
Introduetion11 Confidential
(25-55) 6U.967li 5-10 PM $'l6,500. Baker • Fairview
DON'T let another lonely Area. 3 BR.. 2 BA, lrplc, alt
weekend go by! succeed tn dbl gar. Trd $6500, eqty Ior
dating without really tryina"., lot, TD or ? ? Prin. Only
or ? 549-2044 ' -.--d tlal • ·-• I •-en ... perso..-.. n..,,. .1:.
12 Rancho siie lots near • PAT'S Plasterinc. All view,_Ralph Eva& Area ;.;
241 W. Wllson.. CM 642-5401 Oceenview froJP every Apt.
t BR. un!urn fl'O. Avail !nm $1.IO mo up. 1.... REAL ESTATE
311 " 2 • 1 ar. furn $i30 a.2449 6-neral
Lake San Marcos. $900) types. Free estimate. Call M&r.
each. Clear, Exchange all 540--6825 RESERVE LIFE
or part . INT. Pluter, ext stucco, dry Monday, Tuelday
Wo Oflor:.
LagUna Bch 494-4479 ~90• 64.2..fi045
up. Healed -00 polx, REAL ESTATE lnduotrllf' Rtnttl 6090 ~~~ 1M7 Monrovia,l -~G~tn~t~ra~l~~:..::.~~-1.;;;;;;;::;:::;;;::;;;;;;;:~
An unpanlleled oppor·
tunity to join a leader in thl!
field. Financial aecurity fof
you & your 1amily can be
yours in this proven&: OOom.
ing field.
BACHELOR seeks beautiful
girl to 40, wxler 5'4" for
dates ai1d compar.tionship.
Urgent. 492-03!!fj
What do you have to tnute?
List it here -in Orange
eounµ.·~ largest read trnd·
lng post -and malte a deal.
BKR. 494-1330 wall taping, aeou!!tic &/or or Wednesd~
HAVE: s uniL~. $44,000 eqUi. textured Ceilings'. MS-6003 9 a.m. • 12 and 1 p.m, • .f 1
ty, room for 4 n1ore. At 646-7753 ~ '
185 UPPER dplx, 2 BR. Condominium . _ 59SO 12,000 Sq. Ft• ALt'OHOLICS Anon)'n'loas
'Phone 542-7217 or write· to
P.O .. Box 1223 Costa Mesa. •
WANT' Howe -, local ~11111 6890 *INTERNATIONAL* • •
"'"· PLUMBING REPAIR MFG. & DISTRllU.TING ' c h i I d r e n OK. Ul8% Sprinkled. 91nc Per sq. rt.
Palisades Rd. can eve• 8-LEASE luxuriQus 3 bdnn, CSmaller units available)
IO, 548-0776 bonus rm. 2. be., frple tn WeU ... McCardle, Rltra.
2 BDR, 114 ba, crpts/drps U~venlty Parlt, $300 Mo., 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M.
Adlts, blt·lns lndry rm. Gar {Vil. II) .. 833-0927. 548-1729 Eves. 644--0684
$1.40. aft 6 pm 540-8616 ' Rent1ls W1nted 5990 FOR lease Laguna Ni,guel,
Reply In -Confidtnc• -
For more information I:
details, aenct name, address
A phone number to:
2 M·l tilt.up bldgs. on Pia· Perron Rlty 642·1.m No job too mruUl FIRM
centfa, C.t.f. Trade eqty. Magnllicentexecutive home e -642-3128 • S9S;S00 for T.D. or prop. + $45 000 Full Pr S finest ~1esa Verde Area. PLUMBING 24 hr ·;
Annountements 6410 54&.i542. · 150.ooo. • 1-'abulous view. over 4500'. Work quar, lie, ins, rernod,
BE A RE.SERVE DEP"-. T111de,~e eqty for land, repair, rooter serv. s:n-7566 u ~ ~ Houses & Units in Santa T D -' Bkr ••7-
~--County Sheriff's . . ., ' ' "" ' ...,,..,'Ii"' Ana Heights & Costa Mesa. od R I 6""" Dept. Needed now to Trade for land in Louisiana. RU~TIC 3 Bedroom hoip.e Rim el., 1pa r. ~ PERMANENT POSl'nONS
' assist in patrol, jail, Chl.'ller·Agent. Newport Ii eights, extra need mod 1 AVAILABLE WITH
; :
" 2 BR. New crpt'g. F'l'eshly WORKING Woman looking of! San Diego Fwy at Crown
painted. BJtins. $125 mo. to 1hatt home w/same Valley, ~w commercial &
646-SMS CdM or Npt area prel can industrial unit&. Delta Elec-
2 BR. Drps &: bltns. $12'.l. 839-1775 tric. Days. 831-1400. Eves •
m Shalimar Dr,. CM or 1-i•LLAArNiiiD5iLCiOO'RRiiD'5S4•1 l ~'~!l!M198~~---o-:_-~~~ ROUTE -court, rescues in rugged room in 3 car gar. 14 M eq· IF . You re e Ing, ORANGE OOUNTY
tetTain, technical ser-545-2209 • uity. For I o c a l condo. painting ot repairs, Call .;
vices. Volunteer work. Laguna Motel, prime loca· 642-5776 or 548-S240 eve!!. Dick. 642-l'l97 WE need~~ in all ~ '.
call 893-4487 FREE RENTAL SERVICE 3CXXl SQ ft warehouse & office
3 BR. 1% ha. Children Broker S3U982 + 6000 sq ft paved&: fenced
welcome. $150. Mgr. 862 W. =========I yard. 1855 Laguna Canyon
monthly meetings. law tion, 27 older units on large , HAVE 8X35 ft trailer, A·I 960 deptt. No experience necea-
enforcement tnining lot. Great for owner/mgr. condition! \Vant 10x40 ft Sewl!'f 6 •-• ~-sary, as we .,.,n, •
Center Apt l; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Rooms for Rent 5995 Rd. (n4) 494.fl066 or CTI4)
GORGEOUS new adult apbi. 540-76.tf
Sgt. Evans, 834-3096 Large eq. Trade for land, trailer will pay dlfference. e Dres.!making·Alteri.tiona TOP STARTING PAY
AnENTION T.D. or ? Bkr. 547..&169. Call betw 2·7 pm 548--7189 Special an Hems AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES ~:>l,
EX·NAVYMEN * *. ·• 646-6446 * srART WORK ,
1·2 BPt.. Furn/Unfurn. CLE A N 1 Quiet room 200J SQ. ft. M-1 apace with
2000 PARSONS 642-8670 wLhome & kitchen TJrivil. front office; drive in reiir
Phone in room. 646-1393 door. 1308 Logan St. C.M. BACK Bay Retreat! 1 Br., 11'5 64S-tl68l den, patio, carport, privacy; COLJ..EGE or working girl, mo. qmet, $125. 548-8693 . live on Bal I.sL Kit, recrea· NOW LEASING • New M-1
$90. NICE 1 Br. un1, stove tional rm incl. $55 mo & Industrial 1350 square feet.
& oven. Mature only, 122-A up. 615-3613 U55/mo. Agent 642-1485
P .0 . BOX..-3146
Magnolia SL 548-2171 LARGE Room, lovely OOme, Costa Me1a,1 leading Orarlge
BACHELOR Apt, partially kit privl, sep refrig, patio, Lott 6100 Julius, Gross $35 to $40,000.
tum. $85 ·mo. NR occ. 984 gar. 646--0439 '·" 1:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 30% net profit. •
El CamtDo, c.M.'"""""" GENTLEMAN; ..,,, t'"""" Commercial Lot JEAN SMITH, Rteltor beach. Vic. Beach Blvd. &. . • . · 400 E. 17th St. LOVELY 2 Br. 1~ ha. E-· Pacific Cst Hwy. 536-85l8 Mxl4n with good potential on Costa Mesa 646-3255
' side; pool, patio. 675-1393 West 19th St, Costa Mesa.
Cl""" o"t the old "'a-bag ~;;~;~;*~~~*~;~*~~;*~1~A~lt1~r~a~tl~on~1~6~42~·~514~5~ IMMEOIATELY and help out a good cause. . Neat, accurate, 20 yr!!. exp. FOR INTERVIEW CALL
lctn>"&: Enlisted) to the Sea· . Upholstery _6990 ____ n_4-_7_25_3 __ _
&out.a. Need blues, whites, C1ment, Concrete 6600 G•rdening 6680 ==="'-----
sea.bags, etc. 642-5769 · c z y KO s K I • s Costom Qual Assur Mgr
ALOOHOLlUi Anonymous * CONCR_Et'E work. Bond· CLEAN-UP Speclallat! Mow· Upholstery .. E u ropean Microw•ve En.t1r
Phone 542-7217 or write to ed & Licensed. Concre~ ing, edging ,odd jobr,-~ht Craftaman-s hip.100% R&D Tech:·•
P.Oi Box 1223 Costa Mesa. &awing I "liloving, l!ai! ~ F\Mf\Cing. 00-1454. 1831 Phillips Cement. 548.6380 e J.t\PANESE GARDENER Newport Blvd.; C.M. Plastic Tube
Custom Lindscaplng Maintenance a: Cl..eanup Ph1rm1ceutlcal Rtp
BEsr IN CONCRETE Call 54S-2572 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT W•rohoo Inv Cont Clk W~~ =-C:~~~ • &tS-1234 • AL'S G~ening Service DomMtlc Hilp 7035 ._.~Int' ~!-n
Auto' Tr•nlp0rt 6445
23~ Santa Ana. 645-2933 -Owner anxious A TIRACTIVE B E A U T Y Misc. Rentals 5999 · SAWN Lido area.
2 BR, 2 BA, •11m. """· --------1 Arnol.d & Freud * .,,.,30 •
Lawn maintenance. garden-1;;;.==::...;=-"--,;,;;.o.;. ..,. ..,.
Tues thru Sat. 548-9737 c:C::•::.:n::.:l•:.•:.ct:::•::.:":...-....;66:::2::0 Ing&: clean ups. 646-3629 George Allen BYiand Agency F•ctory Trl1fft ,a1 Tues, Wed, Fri AM, or Employer Pays Fee P1rt Time Sf\NNnts ~
drps, 181. H Del Mar Ave. ~ ... DOt UBLECIGARAin.GE 388 E. 17\K SL, C.M. WANTED : Off-Sal& liquor ~S1~';";548-8278~~;aft;.;•=·::m~-~~ I :=~=· ~· ~· ... ~·~-~ ... ~=::. Realtors 646-7755 1-======== Coll S<S-5227 I~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!"!• I ""'""' '°' °""'8 County SERVICE Dlt<ECTORY
N••rt a .. ch 5291! ELEV~TED Canyon Lal<O c.n, 642-8139 Bab · 111· 6550 ~ lncom• Property 6000 lot Panoramic view ot club YI ·~---
anytime Monday ADDITIONS.REPAIRS General Services 668.2 UJ6.B E. 16th, SA 547~ Both fee paid by appllcant
REMODEIJNG · -and tee by -~·• po.i. Designing & Plannini: CRYSTAL JANITORIAL k e HSEKPR. 5 day wk. Top Uon!!. ..-v
Kitchens·Baths, etc. W~~ Cleaning. Compl rel.s! Avail tmmed. Abllltles UnllmltH
Lic'd & Bonded. Free est. janitorial service. Bulli n, Agcy. 642-8703
. N'PT. Island Dxl. upper Real Estate Loans 6340
d I 3 B
Ba C •• UE ~ ch •-• · hse, Bay, channol, m"'-· BABYSITTlllG up ex; r. • p..-, on ui::a , ..,.,. on pier. 646-5481 HOME LOANS bi mY-~~ Neir-M~
drps, frpl. Elec. bltns, picnic in. park, all withln•l:;======== -•
A _& B CONSTRUCTION reslden or constru. Free Chinese live.ins. Cheerful Agency
-U22~P-aulat'irio,-CM.-estimate·&48-a731 ·Pmnanent;-Expetier,ced~ -48:8...E-17th, SUi~ffii --* 545-4941 * HAULING Cl Far East Agency 642-8703 Costa Me11 . 1•1•111
refrig. Pier, slip. Adults No walking dlstance. Newl MONEY AVAILABLE 81~ Edinger St., Westmins-
___ .___ builder. $65,900 841-3957 • rates for 1st A: 2nd TDt. included, Call anytime.
AdditioM * Remodeling
Fred H. Gerwick, Lie.
61:J.-.0041 * 54~7170
. eanup gat'al'es.1:;::=:==:=::=::::;:::;:; odC: jobs etc. Free est. Jlml ·
54s-s325, anytime · Help W•nted, Mtn 7200 pets. $350 Lse. 542.3425 ~H~on~t.~Be~a~o~h~4-~P~le~x,~by~rR;•~n~cfh11;;:;;;;~;;6~15~0 Call ft>r details on today's ter. Fenced yard, hot meals
2 BR. upper dplx. wuw·u, Serving Orange County for 847.7137
1170 Yrly; gar, ,-deck, SAN TIMOTEO H II •7••
ail .'I 311" 36th St 8 1• 111 Pro-rty 60SO 20 yean;, WILL Babyait, tny home, · ,;c1:::•=n._o ____ •::.:.:-::: 1 * BUSBOYS Av · ,, · u in ,.-RANCH Sattler Mortgage Co. lne. day.11; nr. Edinger &C ::.:•;,,•pe=t,.;C:..:l;;.11:..:n.;.ln;.;g:..,._66c..;....;25 •
(2l3) 248-l.921 LAGUNA MOTEL 360 Acre ranch. Buildings Ii 336'l!. 17th SL Edwards, -Hunt. Be a e h · CARPET &; Furn, cleaning: CLEAN Lots/garage!! etc,
East Bluff 5242 Prime location, 27 older units equipment worth approxf.. ~:_~n.,,__. S45.(1611 ~":..:';..·,::79.13=._____ for 1 day service & quality
on large lot. Great for ow~ mately $118,000 with ·invm-""'vq . ,._. 642-ll5l BABYSl'ITING, my home work, call Sterling for
e NEW DELUXE e tr/mgr, large equity. tory furnished. Some acre. Mesa del Mar. Any ageb ·;'~'g;;htneM;;;;;',;64;2-85~20===
3 Br. 2i;S ba. apt. for lease SUBMIT ALL TRADES qr under inigation, Hu Mortgagu, T.D:'1 6345 welcomed. 546--3003 ;: --
lncl. spae, mstr. IUite, din OR LOW DOWN PAYMENT water rights, well & pressure H VE $60 LICENSED day care. Pref Carpet Laying &
rm.. &. dbl. garaae, auto. RICK ALDERETTE zy1tem. Paved road front. A ,OQO wkly 2-4 yrs. Rot lunches, _____ R_o_,pa....;,;lr_66'-'--26
door O"""'"'r avail. Pool &: Realtor sge, Near Redlands in Riv· Private mo n e Y invt'ttor ba1 ~--waolS to bu> ......,.. lit anoed ,actlvlti.,, S4S-l539 FLOOR COVERINGS rec. area. Nt. Catholic 17M N. Ross 7141547-6469 erside County. Full price & 2nd'""""". Reuonable dil-BABYSITTING ho -
tree remov, dump skip Immediate opening, Experi·
backhoe, fill grade. ~745 ence required. 10 am ahifl.
LITE Hau!in&: & cle&J'!Up, Apply tn penon at ll:30 am.
Rea::-:.bte. Any area.
~ ~2657 M a rin• Re1t1ur•nt
Haullng.Carage Cleanups
Trim H~ges, Tree1. Reas.
BIG JOHN • 6424030 The
NEWPORTER INN Church & school & Corona =======-==! $360,000. For further lntor-... ..,.. my me Carpeta (nylor11, wools, poly·
del Mar Hlgh. Buslneu Rtnt•I 6060 mation, please call Glenn count. days-;~ hour. Expetjen~ ·ester1,) Vinyls and Tiles. .H,;.ou'-'--'11'-c"'l1,;.1"'~"-ln_,o,__-"-"' e ONLY $280 e Thompson with Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. moth;ei'. C.M. 548-S727 Latest scyle!! and color!!.
6735 U07 Jamboree Rrl.
Newport Beach
1 837471 Amigos Way, N.8. HUNTINGTON BEACl-i Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 642-2l71
336 E. 17th St~ LOVING Ci ra ar.y ate Commercial and Residential. C~~ide:.~~wseo:~:i--------
P ART TIME 6:30-11 PM ;. I
New company Deedl 40 men :
on all 1hiftl. No ~ :
necegsary. Compllte COM•
pany trainlnl:. We will pay
top starting waaea to men
willina: to wor1l and learn our
trade. ·
1818 w. Cllapman Ave. Teacher, mother. 645--0156 Expert Installation. Xlnt work Reas! Refs.
C d I ••· 5••• ~-cam Ev.,, 673-7!65 642.ll57 BLANKINSHIP c k RE1'IRED mao •u port rtme · • orona I -r -GOLO KEY SUITES v•-·•'· ' -548-4lll .00 Ma---r k Hoot in the l • . & '-I 541-2621, Eves-wlmda 538-6127 $20,CKXI 2nd TD, 10%" 3 yrs, Irick, Ma sonry, etc. FLOORS ..., __ .. a ,_ Se-"-· -~-
Executive -es :ll% di!!count ($4,0IXl) $34 , 6560 ..,_ --='4<11=====540-=7'62= LJ"""""nt ean .. -& <v"-"' friendliest & most ~luxe •Y Offices Orannt Co Prop-6207 M eq. 494-3964 .. ~t;.~~~ ~~:e~ self service laun¢1'Y In So. ..., ) ti, · • ' ' -BUILD, Remodel, Repair ::D:.;••:.:P";;;;.;'l.:;u;_ ___ 66=30 Apply In person Ca!U. Baim' o\ Falrvlow, : •rt_ • * Air-eond & utilJ LOUISIANA Land wanted; ANNOUNCEMENTS Brick, block, cone re t e , · WIWAM'S Cl.NG. SERV. C.M. Must be aober, depen-~
*carpets&: drps prefer East er West Cam>1 and NOTICES crpntry, no Job too am.all. •HAVE Draperies CUBtom Carpeta-furn.a>mpl hse. REUBEN'S dable .in &ood ~th, neat '
ON TEN ACJtES * Reception Rm Pa.ri£b. Wilt trade houses 1--"';,;;...=;.;,.;,=;;_--Lie COntro ~ • made: for your SPORT VAN. l=A;od=A=p;t =el="<:,·;:64;2-81,;:&li==I appearin&,, I: &CCUStomed to 1
1 & 2 BR. Furn Ii Unftzrn * Cleaning &: maint. &: apartments in Orange Co. Found (frH Ada) 6400 Call 54~ I meetine the public. Short i
Frples · / Pri / Padol / Telephone ~ !i for La. Land. Call OWner. Buslnus S,rvice 6562 Income Tix 6740 COCO'S ~= .:.::_ ~1,;: ~~ 1 PoolL Tennis • Contiit'l Bk• Secretariat av Broker. ~%1D9 . FOUND: Lido Isle, N.B. Elfftrlcal 6640 .,. . Town & Country Cream, colored. I a r g e B US INES S CARO S H. K. C I ark Aectg Serv. 1555 W. Adami noon thru: Sat. Very modest . •
fst. 9 hOle ~Grten. Sh I C t Mount. & Desert 6210 Shepherd-like doa;; call A PRINTED EL E CTRJCIAN Licensed, Income tax, personal or C .._._ salary. •Muat live dose b)'. .;e ~ ~::rtbx:e~.~ut ':wy~ opp ng tn e r identify, 673-3310; ~1177 Mon..Frl, Afternoon!! only. bonded. Small joba Maint. business, your home or ofc. osta m.I• See the store tint, and t:iee '
18582 Beach Blvd. BIG Bear hideaway • near eves Coata MHa. 540-2888 & repair. 548-5203 20 Yfl exp, lor. firm. • rNSTRUCI'ORS -FuU John •t the store «' call • !
(at ~"-) """tl""""" n.h 1tore1 and two ski lUts. -·" 642-Glg;i or 645--0742 eves or/and pa.rt time. Nut ap-Gff..1307 att 5 p.m. ,
. ~ ............ go.; ,,,._, f . ...... .. _.. FOUND: lllllAll white dor, .,..... .... ..._ ·---'-----''--~-. d 962""'°7 .....,£¥ umisho:u two ..-iroom C•rpenterfng 6590 Gard,enlng 6680 e THE TAX ADVISORS pearanee. "' .... ..., a ...... w 1-BR. new ept.a. k rps.: house with huge living vie. of N'pt Blvd. A Harbor Yearroundofe. !mNo. meet and deal with the * BUS' 90yr· l\ftt ''
stove 1: ref., gar. fine loe. STORES ~LSO room, water, eiedriclty and mvd.: wearing co 11 a r . . ANTHONY'S public --' figure Apply ,,..-u.,. l $155 + util 673-6904 675-0131 between 8 a.m. lo Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reas! ' &"""" •
STREET FR=TAGE ~-Well located on 30' MINORC~REPPEA~!RYNo Job Gardin Servfc1 Call 645-0400 for appl in person, Holiday Healtll SMALL STUDIO UN x 86' lot. Willi sell tor S p.m. · """"" 1.1..1.1941 Spa 2300 Harbor Blvd. $110 MO. LEASE. util's incl Or. Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq. ft. Ill,~ equity '","""" ,_ FOUND: 'Ladies 'Wrist watch -·n · ~ SKOUSEN TAX SERVICE c.M. ' Apply ln person l
l•·a1 f•• •-·ur _,,. ~ oNIJ .,. Too S1rnw. Cabinet il'I pr-BUDGET LANDSCAPING Y-·· b 0 me , •-uona••-. l ,,,...,, e ~ -....... de for ...... propor1y, vie. Daollh Cott .. Sbop In .... " • t ber eabf<>cts. -~ -PART TIME REUlll E. -m Rltr .le (•·t ~-tella ---' • ....._ .. _, M -'""" •. .. .............. !I no ••••-'-lea·-Prune ·•· Plant ·· ·Prepare Evea. No-•• Mao i NEW !·Bdrm., guage ·, ., i 's~! _)n<bePd ... .,., Let's dicker. Call 642-6250 ........ na ~ a.r ........ • ~,.,, ......... , ,,., .... _. eem'°' r n 1, •-~·· Mol!thly Matrtenaneo S45-632ll $250 PER MO. carp., drapes. bltn11. $150 $250 mo. 10050 Beacb: mvd'. after five. identlf)'. ~....,. ' :tfe~~ 646-23, ~· H. O. i;x:p. Jlortlculturist : ~ MACK HARRIS Tax Serv. NO EXPERIENCE NEC. ~· Adulll only 673-6636 e 636-fl20 e 5 A. Nr. Hemet. ~way <:~ .... ~18th !oN~ GAROAU.EENERSN ~~~ 9th yr'.; 3ll7 ~t.-. CALL MR. REID 151 E. CNtf Hfghwr1y
,.. SA 3,000' el. Wtr, game IS500, ~N a ··~· o•uu~••• CM in S4" _ ·--•• Newport -Balboa 5300 CHOICE Cv_. TA ME $S5 on. tm-mo 1-10 A.M. 2/26/69. 642-4422 QUALITY Jtepaln • Alter. working their way thru cof. · · Appo tmts, ,,....,... _.,,,,_ ·
GRACIOUS Adult Li·~-UX:ation; over 300> 911. ft. qt 3 MO. Old Blk Pup Fem. Uons -New eonst. by .hour lege. Experienced, licensed. e PROFESSIONAL 'l A?' 9 AM to 9 PM NiW (A" •••· '"'"in -l1th St. abot> Fnd Vi<>Edlnpr • Spr-., Contract 646--3442 REAS! 646""13 SERV. -ck aooun>ti'-APPRENT ICE DITAIL .. ,., CkeantS.,.vlew.Spa,,_ ping oeottt. IS25 Month. IUSIN"S' ,~ M" Complete" 968-J403 MAKER ~· 2 BR. 2 !IA., walk "' Cowtesy"' bkn. 646-""6 FINA.NC.IA-L '-· 397-11!67 REPCABINAIRSETS, "f~T!J!'S YARD C'" rl' p. T"" •~· .. SAIL Thp ialluil ... -el0&ets, btautHul c.rpets A CONTAtT lenaes in cue vie • ,,..v .air: ,.,.,. service, new I awn a, Walter H. Fahrenholz P.A.· Salls by Schock workq COlldlU...
-.. Pool. Boal slips Balboa Island luo Opportunltleo 6300 ec.an w.,, & Ruby, t.quna IS yrs. exper. S<Mm ........,., rototill. 646-6841 !"""""' Tax Service • ~-• cti,!. Boll'
for tenants. Subterranean OK:li9$ ot TWo, l150 • $115. • Beach. 494-4157 MASTER r:arv.-ntr:r; S4 per JAPANESE Gardener • cmn. 642-620i or SCS-1398 evt. EXP MAR°"l.J ft'ciTOlll:S
pArktft(· mJ003 Rltf. 612-S6!55. ''.LITTLI BUSINESS" -hour. R<modellftf -Rtpaln. plete yard """'"': 11<t •INCOME TAX• SET-UP & LE ADMAN ·901J llou1h Oiiui itlsll...,,,
-5351 •Operate from )'OW' home Lott 6401 &12-MOO or~ e1ttmates. ~1332 • Done in your home 'forptutlca moldlni shop IA.cUna BH:tb •75tD
lldol1lo Offlco ltont•I 6070•Nl,..paJ1,time PURE white ' "'°'old C C 6600 JAPANESE Gard e n•_!. l!!Aodup. 639-2600eanM6-.'11!70btwn1-am-Spm MEN
UPSTAIRS. 2 BR. 2 BA.' , ....at--e High tarnirCS HU3k;Jt.shep mixture iirue tment, onu.t. , Comi)Mt. Serv C e ~_§. JNOOME Taxes ~ lJOOKKEEPE;ft, exptr"d. ,Ltarn a. ei&l'D $1504250 per
blt·ins. crpta, drps. fr(lle. * Modern ~ •No upflieoce neceuary boy'& q. Vie A~ CEMENT Wortc, m job too .perlt~. ~µtble. 642~' )'OUf home, long tonn com-Qmtact: Mr. Steen week plut. No .,c~
t22S. mo. yearly· Jeue. Sircte or w1te1. Air cond= • Free traiNna: ~ Magnolia HB. Rew a~ small, rta90nable. F re e e JAPANfSE GAilliENiNG bined, $15. 494--3422 Standard PtcUic Co. n e c • 11 a r y, ~
m-3824 ==:ticn.tarill ==·~~ D62-GfO edlm. H. SM!ldt !i4M815 ServLce _0.tAnup, ~p-PERSONALJZED, ex pert 1!i6$ Talbert Aft.. ,Cotlta ~lnprt.UC.,eork.No
Huntington 8eMh 5400 C. Robert Nattreu !tealt:or complete il'Wtntory FEML Collie "Patebn",M • CUSTOM'PAl!JOS • tnc. 531·7034 llrt 7 p.m. Tax~. Year round arc .. Mesa. 54&-USl door bock5nc. our ~ ~ 230 E. 17th Strfft •For JnfonnaUon Wl'"lto tap. Baby'f pet. v·1 c 'COOCl'!te 11~rc A i;t~ CUT I. Edge lawn. Matn1e-nas. 6tG-3'ZU WANTING E111~ ync mert call• Far appt. Call
2 B!:DROOMS 2 BATHS. a.ta Meu 60-lCSS e Box M-469 Drally PUot Magnolia St. le Prelldtnte' Stale Lk:. e 80-1010 nance. Licensed. 548-48(8, INCOME Tax Sent .. Notary man ))art time, 9:30 &111 9:30to12. ....
C'lJ1)tts. draptt. builWnl. NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER SACRinCE eltab \ttndlnc F.V, Reward! M1-3U$ • BEST JN CONCJtt'T'F. 64-5-2310 aft.. . Pu.bile. Reaa. Eve1. 50-lUo, to 1:30 p.m, $2 per hr. PART timl 'Piece 'fmltc:
best klcatlon. l blk to I S OfrlCff aultable for Com. Roule. 10 Units. lteq'1 2 hrs GER. Short hair pointer, Wa.Uts, poOl deck3, Doon, JOHNSON'S Gardcnlna; serv. 236l 7.ien.ith, S.A. J1t&. ~lG86 da,vt: l'IO hipplec. tna a ~ti, theater, atores. ec. m«cw. Medictl. t>eikal. wk. St.200 c.ih. C.M. area. llwr color "pet"~ Vk c.M. Patk»~l' &Q.8St4 f'lnett equip, expert )'&rd _ 6755 sm.v SfA MAN. Ex.per. must. Good p1tent l al . ~u:; pr. mo. :11 !:~ Air<Ol'ld.: crpts,_t}tvator Olll betwttn 5 &: 6, ~ Jteward. SA-Gl8 e OON work. all car91 Rau! rn lr"Onlpg l:irUu-4 tuneup, Ray $Q..4l8!JS
' &4~ FROM $'m ts YOUR AD Qt <l-'SSJ-BOX of plnk It white y1rn. type& 'Poo1 d A custom. Pt.ii)' l'llot Want Ad&! I (RON'lNG .. Alterations A Carey'a CllC'm>n '°4 S. EXP~~.~llt,,.~ -Ft~.-.-m-p-.-,-, \--.~II
6(2....2835. . 541~ ,OR 6~24M f'IED? &om«M wl.TI lie Harbor dtnter Pariw. Lot. C'aU 543-1324 Netd a G•rbeomftlle? taW9Vl"I· ·• Coall llWJ'., Lacuna· Alu tn1nett. s:.i.ry. 1Cinl
L tu. QUJCX!:& YOU CA1J... DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ~ ftw tt.. t>J.i IC2.tiln. ~. M&-1211 ClHJJUiE )'UUI' want aa now. F\lld It wtth a want ad! , f40-00'75 ' Whit~ tltpbantll DimH·lloe futum. 616 ll9S nn: QUIOCER YOU SELL 1t I• t •
""'~ ·-···-· '~
• 1
l • I • j
. I
' 11
M..ny, M_,h J, 191>9
-~ • •
M!llCHANDll l l'oa :~
IWo W ........ -7100 Help Wtntld, Htlp W1nlld Hof,, W1nt..i J... w•~ \¥!!!!, 7MO J .. t -· w-7 .. = · •400 w-7400 w-7400 PW111tvre IOOOl'umlturo IOOfl ~I•-llOO j
e SPECIAL PUllCHASE e · Jteb1ctnbn &utomatkJ .;.__
wuhtrl A: other intJor •Po ;
pllancel from model borne•
--WDmM ..,, T-IR-~-.~-;!~-c~-~R-~-p -ICURM~s 01 ~~~.~~ ~p~~::, a::.:on ~ ~ .. 5::e~ J
OOMMUTE 1' Secn!tary, :ms •••••• S500u,p
at tantuUc clllcounbt No I
Down. we ltl'Vlce. SM at: ~
ll<opoo&lbk for -of
lltld -fO«e and """'" buton. thru llallM be~-een
marttUna, rna.uutactwing,
and abODQntlJW <SepQ'trnents.
ProYldt -for lnllde lllts mam.ser.
Prefer expericl'ICt and/or re-
la~ tnliltlna ln bulde Illes.
PlePe apply by reswne or
Jetter to~ Oire<:tor.
1485 Dale WQ. C.oata h!esa
Cllifomia 826l6
u'ni,ant lnaunnce Group ii itxceUent wortdrc condldaal. Stcretaey P/R •••••••• $500
now b1rlnr I.or our new di· above averap l&lar)' aad Stcrtt.U)l/Slltt ......... "°"
vision oWce optnfn&: approx. frinee benrOts. Cllt Pmon-Gbi-~CiPUO~ ••••••• $0)
4/lS/'69 In 1-l u n t Jn ct o II' nel Dept. bet. 1:30 AM. • 5 Secretary, Ml •••••• to~
Bellch, just' off tbe-San Dl--PM. Mon· n-t. '21·1144 Reception!~ nea ,, •• to $400
ego Fwy. These positions Gen Ole (split) ,,,, to SS6fl
wiu reciutre a ·•bort train1nc Stanton ~b Ttch <1pt1t> •••••• S350
period ot 2 months 1n our C I A.P: Citric (tpl1t) •· •••• $325
i.. Ana•f., oltk" "''"' ommun ty Apptlcont P1y1 FH
""' m .... M.t .... wUI "' • Hospital s.c....., ............... sou
paid d~ this period. E1crow Otllcu •••••• to 101111
lmmedl•t• Opening• In
the followfnt •rea1
--------Aut Bldcpr .......... to $500
....... Cll</Ktypunch .. $4ll)
Seely /Gt~ O!c •••••• to $450
E9crow Sedy ••• : •••• to $450
Clrt Fr1day • ,, ,, ,,, to $400
Escrow Tra1ntt •••••• to $3511
410 \V. Cout HilbwtY
Newport Bead! 6*3939
RecepUonllt .•••••••• to iiZ
-lata -avafl. abl-. Mlntmuln abc
montha experte11cw No -
quired on Modal !80-"1
or dlte. or type l)'ltem
plu. EAM. Apply "''
Peraenntl Office
U.S. Diven
3323 W. Warner
Santa Ana
Experienced M' trainee In
fire &/or caauall;)' atatilU.
cal coding. Math aptitude ..... ...,.,.
Responsible, top level Clerk 'I')'pist ••• •• • • • • • MSS --------ACCOUNTING position for ahorp, l•k• Aooto Cluk •••••••• to l<!O J. C. Penney Cl>. , C &RE£R I M h Bkpr/NCR exp •••••• to $Ollll Fuhlon liW>d ,. .,.,.. 411 to !O aocurat<ly, charge glr • uat avo Many othtt llltlno OPPORTUNITY! Some"""'"" or aptitude 1xcell1nt 1klll1 , Incl, RUTH RYAN AGENCY Nowport Btacb
.Join tod&¥I ta.stat crowtns I with fliurea helpful. Lla:ht shorthandi hanch1 llt1 1793 Newport. CM. 646-t854 Needs
proteulcn.Y'utu&I Fund Illa cuatomer contact. bkkpg; bllllnt. Under rmi Btach, H.B., 847-9617 ·
No --• ..,....,.. 30. Call Barbart. (714) lOC W. l!OI, S.A., 5'1-M!I MIRCHANDISI
We lnlD • fUll or part-• RATING • "2·3910. RECORDS CLIRKS
Mutual fund AdvilOf'I, J>Mfer at Ieaat one year ol ---------IJobt-Mln, Wctm. 7500 Full or put ume. Recent
Inc. firo orcuwoltyratin<"'P'•· GI~ Shop ao~llM """"'""'to
Np< B. l<m w .. tdfll.....,, ,,,,,.. Opportunlty to ed-Salesclerk .unp1e hookk"P"" ...,.
S.A. llf2 N. Broodw&1 """" into multipal lint nl· ITT JABSCO femd. Partlelpatlon In 5C7.a331 ini;. Five da,y1, no nla:hll, no an outltandlnc bendl.t
Sun'•. n.95 . $2.121,S per hf, procram. includln& ho.-
PART TIME KEY PUNCH Good btnetiU & ~ p!Wln.t!on. d"'°unt on
WE NEED 25 MEN WITH conditions. JUNIOR t>Urehues 4 protlt -"·· ALL TYPES OF WORK Carttr opening fDr operators -.. ._~
BACKGROUND FOR PART with at ltut one )'ear ex-Richard's ACCOUNTANT '""· TIME WORK 6:30 P.M. TO perience on Alpha &; Neu·
10'30 P.M. m•rfc IBM equlp"ml Day Home & Gill Shop
TOP STARTING PAY •hill L'do WE TRAIN 34.13 Via ' , N.B.
FOR INTERVIEW CALL Exctlle.nt free be:nefita. Per.. 67J.t36o tor appt.
MR. JAMES mancnt, steady work. Our OUice _
1.SONDAY A: 11JESOAY policy ii promotion from SECREJ'ABUL
n~7251 within. Your fUture ii deter-Local ltlllll'&tlie A & e n cy,
mined entirely by you. New· Harbor area, dealre1 full
Apply 10 am to 1:30 pm
Monday thru 'Saturday
J. C. PEHllY CO.
24 F•thfon l1l1nd
An equal opportwllt,y
rou. ruu:
Must h.lwt t aperlence.
LlcenM necnsary.
Excellont l mpl..,n
P•rsonnel Office
Third Fleer
The Bro1Cw1y
47 Courts el P1tlolon
Newport Buch
An Equel Qworlulllty
'6' Show1 ..,,., S1mpilit #T __ .,_...,_.._
8' Wood cuved ll")n divan, IC. mtn'• ch•lr
or love ... ,l S Pc Octagon dark oak din set
w /bllck or OVOC;ldO frllllod chain; 8 Pc BR
oet. M r Mr. lo Mrs. dr-r, 11 mirror, 2
commodes, decor•llve belldboard In Spanish
oik design with matching box springs, ma~
tren lo frame. .
Items Sold lndlvldulfly
Shop Areund -Before you louy -USI
VALUI $109S.9S -FULL PRl(I $52'.95
•r fermt •• low 11 ... 66 ptr week Ute Out Store Charge Plan or Bank FlnanclnC
No Fancy Fron~ ~ .llUT Quallty Value1 Jnalde
11115 --Fin Vall«> : \(SB. jf Wll'Ollr) &1234
' GOL D-MID:li'.l10N I ~ BR durilu. c.rpet1, drape&.
La"' lonctd y1rd for
chlld .. n & pets.
Private lll'llt· 8ll Paul-
arino. "~141 --I :A:::nl:::kii:""'=----'•110
VJ.sr Stock Amer .t Eur •
furn &; cloclai. L a r r 7
Mortan Antiques. 2 4 21
Newprl Blvd., C.M.
""138 e 19113 fedoftl, CM
S.wl"t MochlriH · 1120
SINGER complete with
walnut o:maole. Due to
dl\U'Ce action-rtpouHllon!
$31.81 or uaume ll paymta
of $!.85 mo. Button tda.
SHIPPING I Pumltv,. aooo 20 PC. MODERN blind -.. ovorcas~ •tc.
RECEIVING /~;;~~~:;,13 ROOM GROUP ~~:.':i:_ ~·•· CLERK/~ 1 lnclud•" nora11o1a •chair I.=;;:=:==== I t•·-•• ~-.. walnut tables -lamPI • Muilc1l Inst. 112.5 ......... bedroom with quill rn;1~":~as:::: Spinish ed mattrna • s pc. dinette, 6:'~~~rt:"·
to """' rooting. order Medilerr1nean •tc. AU fors.277 Fonder • Vox • S1andt1 checlcina etc. Must be e GIBSON e MARTIN
able to operate lift R.celved c1ncelletlen Nodown.Pmtl,on!y$10mo. • wn..soN •YAMAHA
truck or •tack<r. Good of $22,000.00 Sponlah WEU('S WAREHOUSE Drum Headqu1rl1rs
opportunity tor right and Medlterran11n • NEW and USED e
person. Furnlhlre All Now Top Quality IOO W. tth SL, Sanl& Ana LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASrRO
TUNITY NI Open Dajfy 9 • 9 Larre lelectlon with new 4 EQUA!: .. ~PPOLOYRER lr1nd 1mt1 Sal • -6 .sun. u . ' pc, sell and cymbals start-~. O.C.r1tor'1 Dre•m lat' at $99.50. Pedala. bl-hatl
,..._ HouH on Dl1pl1y REPOrrrrruwr and •ts ftp&ired. AD aman
1485 Dale Way, CoSua Mesa lte,mi u follows: Gof.. JJU.11\mJ partl, aceusorlea I. cymba1a:
11141 5'&825l 1eous 8 (t. custom qull· In excellent amdltion, like in stock.
ted aofa with separate .,._ quilted -"' EVERYTHING IN MUSIC loose pUloWI with heavy new. D<:a.Ut. ..,...
modem office, trle.ndcy, time Girl Friday with top
pleasant atmosphere. skills. Pleasant office. Ins.
Responsible poa!tion, re-
quiriJ11 ~enenl led&U
and payroll eXJ>erience.
Prefer person with a-
perience. worldni from
report& produet'd by data
proceMlnr. Will 'be re-
sponsible for hourly and
saJaritd peyrolI, -ly tax return, 1enttal
~~~; ~'\.':,~ :;: ., ~.'.!i· n": s ~ Beach Music Cent
oak occasional tables. {2) dinette set $24, 5 pc bedrm. --------1Agonclu, -& Womon 7550
newport .
833 omrER DRIVE
'"' Seely $500 Minimum 2 years uperltnce
..;th ..... ah • typing, good
location. s.c .. tory to $550
For Details mi App't.
Call Collect
12131 384-1213
FUll time, days.
exp helpful. Salary open to
right per90n. Call Bev.
546-7370 for appt.
lecfatr entries and relat-
ed report&.
SHARP GAL! To assist manager o1 &fOOYY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY •
boutique. Permanent posi· EMPLOYER
.T. C, Penney C.O.
Fashion Island
Newport Beach
Haa openinl for
tlon with room for ad-1485 Dale WQ, O:>sta Mesa * COOK * vancement, with npklly Pbont: 563251 &J"OWing ora:anlmtion. Ex· Recent succa&tu1 operiance
perienced gals only, call ln all pbue1 Gt food tndu.
tor appointment 1---------1 try Is requln!d, Competitive
THE LOOK 6«-2400 wqK, out1tandl.nc benefit.I
Work Nur Hom•
• Accountln&IBkkPI
• Secretarial·
• RttepUon
• Typist.
Superior Agency
Establlshed 1946
1857 Harbor Bl, Colta Mesa Prtler 15ome experience
lncl•di!!i profit "'"""'·
Apply in penon
10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
l'i!onday thru niday
J. c. PBlllY co.
See. split tle .......... S325
Junior acct fet paid •• $500+
Gal Friday • .. .. .. • • • • • $450
Le1al Ste. Trainee •••. $400
Co:p Acct ftt paid •• SlS.000
En&foett R.lD •••• $U,OOOK
Machln.ltt , • , , , , •• , •••• , $6!13
Driver, younr ...... • • .• $286
Merchants Personntl
2043 WelltCUlf Drive
Lobby Office
Corner l Tth It lfvWr:
Newport Beach
645-2770 -545-S685
58" tall dttarator lampa, at $89, box 'Pl'I Ir mattll
an 8 piece muter bed· (all lizn) $8. ea. Kill& size room suite tn pecan p&n• elled Mediterranean style ~ ea. Sell all or aAY part.
with top quality 15 yr. Terms. ·
wammty motlttH A box AOI( WAREHOUSE
Factory Salts ~ -Dally 12 llOOrl 'til 9, Sat "'5 1746' Beacb Blvd., (Hwy !9) ..
1% ml. So. San D"11o ......
Huntlnlton Beach 847-8538
'· 1prlnp. Spanhh d ecor
dJnln1 set. etc. Whole houseful! w11 m: Genltn Grow Blvd., PltnM & Orw•nt 1130 i
regul1r $1295.00
l B1oc1c w. o1 Btoch mvd., e New Pianos e .
off Garden Grove Frwy. WURLITZER I: BRADBURY "
Offlc.e FurnltvN IOIO AU atylei le finlabet, all ; American made, 88 note, del ;
Any piece can be pur· INS. Group dispose• ol: 1tttl w-bench & tuned. Price 1~ :
chased individually , . . le wood. Exec I: Secretarial In& at $499. t ~!:~n:~ carrt our deakl, chain, tables. fil;es. Wurlitzer Olgans :
sbelvin1, ?:kers .l dn.ffu!&: e NEW e ~
' I f /] room fum1ture. 1.,.,._, .... _ __,_ u--· McMAHAN 'S ~ .,......,..,. Owe'" '~""""''· .. ~..,. •
,1830 S. Anaheim mvd. in styles & finishe!. Prie9 .
- - ---Anaheim (aloopide S.A. atut at
Old company in New Hunl·
lnlton Beach location. in·
surance back&roW'd help!ul,
front ottlce appearance with
iood telephone technique.
Company benefits.
Apply penonnel Office,
3rd floor • Call fin1t. mnu ln manufacturlna :facll\.
• WAITRESSES. Wtll train, Ue1, operates fork Wt.
full or part time. Muit be Good benetlta and work·
18, attractive with bubbling in& conditions.
Sd-fl.fnatructlon 7600
Thi Newport 24 Fatlolon ftl1nd School el Bu1lno11 An eqoal opportunity
11arti1t•re Frwy a• Kat•Ua>. $595
1! HARBOR BLVD. OUkt d"k l cha~. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC s.c .. 1 .. y $500
Tor new P.R. department BadciJ"oUDI In copywrltlng,
writi.rw or edltinr· Must be:
.a.tractive .I: well (l"OOmed.
employer FEATURES: ,,....,..,.., ... ...,.., ... •I e Electric ~pewrlters 1 BU Newport Blvd. , ===$100Lfke==· 540-="'==1-;,,=='=
Beach Music Center :
personality, THE WO
2344 East Cout Hwy at AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY
McArthur. CdM EMPLOYER F.C. Bkkpr to $525 No. 47 courts of Fafthlon
Omatructlon backgrowxt Ute Newport C•nttr RECEPTIONIST, )'OUJ1&'., at-
ah 1: typlng, knowled&e of tr., typing helpful. 1485 Dale Way, Colta. Mesa
ITif) 545-8251
compute1 helpful. An equal opportunity Contact: Mr. Stttn
Leg1I Secty to $550 employtr Standard Pacific Co. Receptionist or new accuunts
~ 11.w • .Musl haVfl good 1565 Talbert Ave., Costa1---------~Iienee p~fft'Nd. Re-
apearance. type 6S +," 5b 1---------1 Me!a.. 546-ll61 quire,· h!ih-achoo!. &raaUa.-
lflO+. s u RG 1cAL, M m1GAL LADIES u to.,·-Sarah Beauty tlo•.
Secretary to $450 tranacrtber needed at once. Coventry spilna & all
Front oft1ce appearance, abil-Experience in he a v Y season jewelry ta&hions,
tty to wortr with the press, surgical dictation. Hours absolutely no Invest we Operalors flexible. Contact :rt-1 rs , some coUeae. Sh. not nee-train M7-l!i671522-7128 Alagna, Santa Ana Com-
eV8_!Y but helpful. munity, 600 E. \Vaabinaton BOOKKEEPER wanted; ex·
S.Cretery to $4S!em Ave., s. A. per, ln payroll & acct'•·
Rapidly ~na firm Wented-EXP Maid payable. Apply: w. o. a gharp carttt minded ~ · Schock Co, 3502 So. Creen-
retary tor a very nice bosL Apply in Person ville, Santa Ana
Secretory to $400 SADOLEBACK INN wm train bright girl with 696 w. eoiut Hwy Telephone reception
sood skllla. Higher salat)' Laguna Beach work. Apply betwHn
Excellent Employff
Personnel Office
Th ird Floor
Apply ln person to
Security Pacific
National Bank
550 Newport Center Dr.
Newport le1ch
An Equal Oppnty Employtr
• Dicta.tins equipment
• Motjem ottice proci!dlln!s e Bruab up Grta Sbortha.nd
• Penonal Development
(Aile obut our special offer
which includea free tnlna:
Costa Mesa I -Factory Sales Ir Service •
G1r11• Sile I022: Daily u noon 'til 9, Sat 9-~ • (only) ANTIQUE furn.. fw I n 1140! Buch mvd., !Hwy 39)
E I spn·lll.'I .I: matt., desk, l Y.i mt. So. San Dieao Fwy. ~ very nit• 't I 9 Huntinrton Beach 8'7·1536 , W_, S t S 'tll L typewriter, add. mach., sm. IMll., 1 " un. • mbe. 345 E. l!nh. CM
W-1269 I I Hllf SALE I I 17 Pc. King Size HIDE a ""'· 1'clinini chr,
LIFETIME Glft;t,ypewtl.~. Bedroom ptf! Jes tbl, d re 11 form. Our 1orzeow new 11ton
Q:lldnn, arandchlldren, or vacuum cleaner. Cd M . burned! The pianoa A: or-,
youneU! IndMdually tutor-Lara:e 9 drawer d~sser, mill-673-5733 sans suffered no water dam-
.. ~·-·t 10 1 .__,.,.. ror, 2 bedside &tands, ldnr; ,:=::::;=======I UWQ1ll euona .,....,...., q e, but they,are smokey, --•--• 113 · ... _, ........ ,,..... 1tze headboard • .trame, quilt-00 ac1....... &.n:&. ....... "'"'1li, ADDllences 11 dirty, dusty I: scratchy, We 54&-2859 l'rl mattre!ls, abeets. blank· z..:;. moved them all back to our
WE are at&rtina another eta, etc. NORGE Automatic Washer, ol.d location &: marked eVft)'· ·
whHI·•'--·""-clau \\'eel Oiaice of Spanish late model, like new $75. thlni at FIRE SALE PRIC · ..... v....... or Modem Style 147 ~,. m ornln11 . Seavlew ~ ES! So,ilyou dl&that"C»d
C<ramlca. 3« Ocean Ave., All for $249 ADMIRAL apt''" rtfric. Thno Smok•Y F la vor'",
Lquna. Beach. 497·1820 No down • Pmta. only $9 mo. 2 years old, a:ipper, $85. come &: ret 'em, and &t
ELK'S W E E * 6'4--0.77 * prices you won't believe. PIANO ''"""'· BA •• .,.., W AR HOUS WARD'S s., ~WIN sruo 1n music. l hour $4. Bqtn. COLDSPOT c h e 1 t • typ e ~ IO
Pref 6'f3.5M9 freezer: excellent condition 1801 Newport, C.M. '42-8434 -"'-"--·---·---1600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana S35 :>48-8048
,..,.,. ...... ..,. ... ...,,_. Open Daily 9 • 9 ' UPRIGHT Scbumann Piano 1• MERCHANDISE FOi Sat 9 • 6 SUn. 11 • 1 KEN Mo R Eat o m a t I c &: Bench. Retinilhed ,..,.0t
for ex:perlenee. Insurance Stcr.etary 1 p.m . & S p.m., 1626 ~Recpt/Typlst to $375 Typine &. lhorthand, insur-E. M1ywood, S1nta
Pleasant attitude to greet anee experience de11lrtd, An•.
The Broedway
the public, accurt.te typing, 645-0110 "c~A~N~Y~O~U~Q~U~A~L~f~F~Y~?" 1 47 Courts of F•ahlon
Newport Beach
An Equal Oportunll)'
SALE AND TV.DI --•--u t ndltlon "' SPANISH Returned from WIUOUCI, exce en co antiques), Good tone I<
ahi1ity to type figuru. PRACTICAL Nuning need· Housewives who want to
Clerk Typist to $360 ed. J)Ollsibly live-in. 546-5880 work part tin1e, 10 houn:
-,.-m-ltv-ro ____ IOOO __ I 1'.fodel Homes on sale at $35. 347..aus cond. Needs keys recovered,
---------1 Jess than wbol1sa.le! Group S ERV E L Tu r q u o i 1 e $100 541}.8644
Accurate 55 wpm, outj;oing (eYCs. 549-1366) per week & make SGS, call
personality, to work ln sales 8,18-9321 bC'twn 2 & 4. Employer Attractive, permanent posi·
Uon for pel'30ll with iood
typJna: akilil! and experience
In purchuine function in
manufacturin&:, Profit lhar-
20 Pc. Maple Includes beautltul 9 6 • • rebiaentor, late model $40
quilted sofa Ii Jove teat, or trade. 642-6929 department tor top South BABYSITTER needed 8 AM I ~=~~-~~~-I
Santa Ana tlnn. to 5 P?.l; Fountain Valley y=~:..~~~:.o~ -~R-.. ~,-E~.~t-.1-.""s"".""'1.-.-3 ROOM GROUP 3 s,,.-°"' """"''°'
Tr•lnH area. 531-3230 Eves. ....., t...1~ & W oUiCt". For intuview call mimft omen
1nc100,., !Jvlni room "' • tabt .. , ,..., oc table tamps, FREE TO YOU
table• • lamPI • bedroom wall pla~. Jdn&, ciuttn.
.et • quilted mattreu • ma-or full me bedroom 1ulte
pJe dlninr room. AU ior , • • complete incl box 1prinp.
Acctg Clerk to $315 MATURE woman lor relle! Mr. Gedik betwttn 1 a: 3 Expud.in& a.pin. Office #
Schoollnc or lla'bt work ex-on 11 PM to 7 AM &hltt at 494-9794 4 openftws avaflable for
perience In accounting. \Vill Sawyt.'1' Home. 6f6..6'116 lleensed men & women. In-
tra.In brlsht &\r1 with flaure FULL Cbarae Bookkeeper &: WANT bftbyaiUer, I i I ht 1tant Income" t:ntnins· Mr
ablUty. typist part time for con-housekeeping, my home. (8 Gardner. Sp rln1 Rea.Icy, J. C. Carter Co. $449 mat"'"· lintns l boudo~ Jamp1, Spanish oak 6 pc
Ne down • Pmtl, Otlly $1! mo. dlnin1 set priced elsewhere
FREE to home with fenced
yard only. l 'it ·)'t!ar old part
Fox Terrier female do(.
Hu bad all 1bots. V1ry
lovable. M&-1716 313
MALE German Shepherd, 2
yn. okl. Good watcbdos: and
cOOd with children. 5'9-3888
M•ny of our posl·
tlons •r• fH p1ld
by t h• employer,
tom• or• fH p•ld
by the •ppllcant,
you mey choose!
struction Co. Sf0.3444 yr old,) 2 P~t to approx. 540-4824
• PM Mo• lhru Fri. BalobLI===.~~---671 w. 17th st. WArntESS, Part ume 615-3466 aft 6 or wknds. PRINTING. duplicator C>Ptt· c .. tl Meu
WElJl'S W AREHOlJSE al ap.,... ID95.00 AlL FOR ONLY $399. llO down,
$4.99 per week I out of
ltate credit OK. W I JI
aeparate for quick ale. 20th
OVER 21 CALLl;;;==-;;==::----.-.,.,1 ator ltunUnaton Beach. l:x-11 ,..1 •• 21 IOD W. 4th St, Santa Ana
5'5-986.' WOMAN WANTED. night perienct AB. otct or Multi. ---Open D&lly I . 9
Experience Not Neeeuai:y
&18-2082 Between lG--6
SITI'ER My home after
IChool & e~olnp,
Shilt, part Ume. No exp. fo.fWlt work without auptrVt&. Sat. 9 • 6 SUn. 11 -8
nee. 25-45. App., ?-.fr. Donut, ion ima.11 camera exp!l:ri-An equal opportunity *· $29.44 *
135 E. 17th St., C.M. ene'e, desired w1lJ' consider employer 3 Piece 8r&ldtd
WANTED: Full .I: part time part time. Reply P.O. &ox,.,,...,,....,..,..,_ ... 1 e OVAL RUG SE"l' e
BARMAID, NB, Golden 1006 Hunttnaton Beach, 9264.TI• Nylon Nend, N'fttlible,
Anchor. 675-2375 btwn s.u • EMPLOYMENT • N Brown. ~. anen.
Help W1nted am. Small Newport 8etLcb otnce, U USUAL Sina: 8 x 10. 2 x 3. 2 x 6
W°""" 7400 DlaJ &l2-5678 for RFSUL'nl DAILY PIWT WANT ADS! just opened, Meda sewn.I .• AL'S UNUSUAL
i-=="-----H11p W•ntod Halp W•ntod Z':em~!. ~~ •. m:, Opportunity !,~":!lu:~.
Century Furniture, 9 7 7 2 ADORABLE black mix Jl09'
G&rd•n Grove B 1 v d., die and ter. pupt (11'1\Jes\.
Garden G~ Dally ](1..9, Pleue call 89f-4575 "or
Sat l!Mi, Sun lU C.omf! 893-Qll 314:
ln or call ('n4) ~ FREE to SoOd ho m e '
20 PC. "MADRID" Gtmw> ""'"""'· Samoyed
3 Room Group :':iass""" "'" ""'i:;
WON ON TV; KimbalJ spinet ,
piaoo \v/ryth:m section and ·
bench $750. 547-3798
\Vanta to buy l'iano
tor Cash. 2J3...877-1035
Famous Name 8nndt
from $529. '!
Also USED Instruments :
Gould Music Company :
2045 N. Main, Santa Ana •
8.>. or Freeway 5'7-0081 ·
Mon A: n1 'Hl I SUnday 12-5 ;
" Tofovlalon 1205 ; ff osleSS Women 7400 Women 7400 s110. wk u YoU meet our The tndepe!14..ent OroMt or Hvntlftlkln Beacb ~
nq'i. 6Q..SllO Foruten hive opeMd a NEW wain.rt bunk bed• I:
• OOOK • top_ oook ofJ new oUice in south On.nit: mattrtnes. pniect cond,
Saturday and Sunday Colmty. -lntoflfpnl paid -Walmrt end
Indudes: Quilted Ga A Female Kitten Mitten.toe 6
cha.lr -2 end tablea A: cof. '"~" ~-te-1tabk-2 lamps-drfft-Mon. Adulbl Prd • .,......._,., * We1tlnctw>u1e 21" * ·
er -mirTOr -headboard -AnerOOons Only 314 ConlOle; t.t~ new $35. ;
quilted box IP~ 11: matt-ADOIUBLE Codt4-poo PIP.-Aft. ~; S75-20'22 Apply In fl'rnn
1W W. A.dim•
C11t1 MIN
1 .Ml to 3 PM
P1rlt Lido
~etoolt H0&pi.tal
144$liuptrlor H..,.... S.ach 642·2llll
W.ut'TllD Ple&atlt woman
IO C9rt far II 1'f" old boy.
Wecf.,,_..J'rl mom. 8:30-
11, ID ""' hOmo, own ttaN.
Interesting position requiring one'to
three yean o f f I c e experience.
PJeuant ptnnnaUty pt u s accur11te
skills on electric typewriter and short ..
ban<! required.
COnted P1ul Aiwohl
(714) 546-IOOO
3JJJ Horbor Blvd., Coll• Mua '2626
Mla&lle Sptem1 Dlvltlon
Aff antic Research
A Dlvldon of the
Suaqueh1nn1 Corp.
An equal opportunity emp.J07tt -
Mt.I• or remat1 m17 11ppl1
~ -5 pc. dlnq room; pin to kind homea. 2316 ======== table • c bi-back cMJn. Dela...,.. HB 311 HI.ff & Stor.. 1210
(l)ftfPAJtE AT $1e.91S GOOD HOME NEEDED For ·----
$J99 5 PupO~• part Poodle SfEREO IJ69 Solkl •tato
96).8918 3-3 --deluxe CONOie attrto, fi
No dowr>-Prnta only $11 mo. I ;';;;ii;iio;:;;.::;;;;-;;i;;-;;;; spd chqer. ten on Ill;)'
WEU('S walWUlllfE 2 PUPPIES I wU. old Put away. Pay ofJ ,...,.,.,,,. bal·
UPJUUM; Cockv • Poodle ance or m.oo or tmns. * 5'&-519 • Credit Dtpt. 535-1219
• GENER.AL KitcMn htlp. man or woman owr 25. Col-table• 4bXI, $10. 6t.f....2Kl5
For MW Omvale1etnt le&e not ~I')'. Should &ft I pm.
Home. Top Aluy. Call have experlenoe ln meetizw GOOD brown club chair $35.
lofon .• Fri. onlY 646-t601. public. Dta:nlfied Ille time Lime club ch. + ottoman,
REAL &STATE. SbOUidn•t position. Eirnlnc commenc-cuten $50. ~L MI
)'Oil be Rlllna the tiottm ea trnmediiteJ.y •. Should hi 6-2323 area Hunrtnrton Bt1ch? in ex.eta of =a weeldy. •wurr="E'na=-==-:-=•,,..=.
Villa.at Real btatr-SIC-44n white cootour chair, A
.• ".,.,5'&&113==-_,,..-.,..,,,,_=,l~:~Pr-~~ footatuol., all for S 3 S · SOO \V. 4th St.. 'SantJ. Ana FEMALE Wclmaraner, well
WANTED' Couple tor ,..mt 9 AM • 12 Noon Sa--962-5031-===...,,,,._-:-:--Open Dally ~• tftd. 4,.. old, 1'tt lo good !.•f" R-rdora l220 • of adult l6 unit aJlt+ Elper". tot appointment. Simmcmt RJde.e-bed. Sal M Sun 11-5 home. -.itG Jl3
nee. No P9t&° C.M. The W lJJee Ntw. $9TBI. iANTN'i'IQi1iiiUi'E-Btchoom;;;;;;;;:;;;;;--;;•;;t;:-;3 i ,,:;:;;:::..,.;;:.;_:;:;;==~C:;'-I AIUST lfll ·Tape R.tcorden. l)' PUot Bos: M.fl.9 54S-«M4 ,... __ _.. __ .rt.. .. .,,, .. -, BLX. Mb:td Bua1e Mai. SONY 56QI), ~uto n.,....
...... ~..wu wiu.nu'°"'•·~r Pupplea l'""'C\to·rab!: D R APER Y wona.om * DRIVERS * .; u • L 1 Ty tWtr .,. ta to v-. ltth Century. _, ~ -SONY "16 1130. TEAC tn.inte t.at.ic cutter. 900 1'/quiltld mattrta, comp.· Double bed, I dn.wr chat. SD.A I bNd. -.ub:I nwnt ~ ,.!";h-O>sta Me•• No s-rlffce ~.!':-Uld Pl. wcrtti =o. dtt11tt •Ihm• Wt mtnor FREE C"'uwtta to •~rt>' $275. Aak f« Van~ ~ -..--wn..tltd -· 1100 . or tnvalld on!>. c.Jf Mon.· TELEPHON~ ..i .. , u...... Necessary! HtoU·BEJJ, sl!O. ..... ll4&-33Sl Thwa. on1>. ~ ii! Mltcoll•-"°° ~. Jm!f but w/tftln. Must have clta.r. c.Jtfl>mta nnrl 21J7 Harber Blvd.. ANTIQUE bed; pew minor, (2' JO ft. Palm tftft.. J'rree' PERSIAN RUGS: h:4, $4 b:5, '
·"Mr. Gam111t S.!MJ051 drlvtna rec:ord. Af'l)ly emit.a Me1a '42·-n:Kl dlnlnr table .t. chain. for dlatn&· 146-6122 $-4 tx6 $20. W $33, 8'4.10 SU. .u. 'H~A"J°'R,..-1,..ty"ll•.,.t-w/'°"fo"'l"low=tnr-I Y!LLOW CAI CO. CUST. ma.de 4av1n p 0 rt , --=...,,==:--==-== .\OORABL!.: K:ltteM, wh!M IO h.12 $8S. 142-'mO
to rent in Udo Shop. Call lJi6 E. 11th Sl. cha.tr A oltom&n; btaut. iiiE QUJOCl:R YOU SEU. and blllCki. 545--0Dl 3-3 Far 0.Uy Pnot Wut Ada,
~30 Calta M.u. eond. 875-72915 Aft. l PM mE QUJOCER YOU CALL 9XK rr l\J 'EMI Dial &e.5171
'I ,,
. ,
'I • ' .
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----~~---~----------------------.... ..--_.,....,, ...... _. ..... ~----------------------..-
SALi AND TRAQi' SALi AND TRAbl Boolt a Yichlt 9000 Mo!,~I• 'no0 Imported Aul" HGO I ;l::m::pot::rt::°":::::'A=lll=°'==-= A.VIOi Wa-'700 Uatd Coro tl01I __ C.n t100 Ml ... 11-• l600 Ml1cell1n..Vt 1600 1.
'lllK&t bo)' • xtrt. j 'Jl!!, 10" T.Alll.I: ... w w/ ' exL, SCRAM·l"'T-• oeswmJ.;'.'"~~~; -FEFERR~RRll , ' SUBARU Will BPJ COl}GAI H'OllDAY 1 pt alrls """ .......... •l&nd ....... $200. Early ~ .. ......,_ c~ -~ ..... Your v.-_ .. -'68 CoUGAR
6\1 + ca"1'l!w ..... HaJld Amakan ..... uu bock. -ANSWER·S ~m '·-~ J~~ftodl ~?". ~~ •. ~.!'l.d. •. .:!!:_ 1969 ~UBA~U • Pill ~ .. dollan. Paid tor Limo Wllh bi.ck podiliif'top. -R 1·u1cER <I--~~~~ ct.~~~ ~~pat.lo tbl A G~D ;; 7.'"Qlpe~Honda ~ ~': _.., _,,~ c!°3!t•$f'!~ : ::t or not. ~ R&lpb Loaded and air eandltionhv. Hiii
""""'· Kood frame. I •Ina>< AJ!oat -roreo -llnlt -_ ior '""· """· xini -· SALES . sm111ct. PARTS Kosta' KustoJn Kan =:=:"=7=3:=·=11=9=0=::;:J~l2800.~~r·~ .. ~Sto~11a=1G-=608!=, bed wtlh bookcue hoad-Sliver fox Jackel ,.,,..,, -YEAR OFF lt!O '"'· htII CODIJIOtltlon noo w. Ooatt Hwy. 845 llabr, C.M. 540-SW ~ Evea. 116Z-111!6 lnv;tes board. cornple~. '61 Allstate \Ybtn a man hN • ~ 1alrin&· must tttl belt of· Nt.-.rt !kacb Auto luting 9110 II
Motor Sa>oter, )Hli !Jc, Coat l3lO. aacrillee $Ull) d"' be taltf'• tho""' oll, bu~ let. ~24811 ~ ..,.1'164 TOYOTA ~~~~;;;;~;;:1 __ _!DODGE S&a-3668 &C-0086 eveni.t when a w hu a ~ Au.thOr'lted MC Dealtr ~ y T
SOI.ID ..... •ii bed, ........ 2 YRS UollilOy '"'it.i!th ... ....... • 1'EAR On'. 1:..~ ~""lo.~ :;;;;;;;;;;;;.~~ __ ...;;...;..;:..;..__ • A NEW LIFE • ·~ "'!~E ~~---: 0 u 0
:e:,.;.-i:·· ... "'.'~O: ~.~".""eo~fs...11~ ~~.'.: S.llboolt 9010 Many extras. Recently _.;.· ~JA_G_U_A_R__ TOY.OTA ON LEASE i .;P~M1;;21:;25;;1h;:,;;St.;,;;;;;NB.==· I( COMPARE bed ~--roblt. $250. 6'f>.222'I 2 + hrm 1009 eanwo. v~. 2 -·r ~ ... 1; pr 1m mahg ph. no. 61 HOND t!O •--bl '68 XKE 2 aulo, c lf'F./\nf.'111AR'TF.RS Hardtop, Pwr •lffrlna:, air.
end tbtt. Nev new antique ="""-~~ LET'S SAIL'. ' A 1 ~=u "· wire whls, lthr lnL Sol..,, ELMORE FALCON eold qle titted bedsprea.d FIREWOOD Jor aale. Walnut m mlles, perl rond S315 under 17.00J ml. Xlnt cond S89.00 24 mo. leue. AND
&: MJac. ltem1. 6"-24ll Eilcalypt\111, Apricot, $47.50 NEWPORT 20 SLEEPS S.S or bet! otfer. S4Q..91.l3, tws Prlv prty. Best oUer 839-2438 SOUTH COAST -. '60 FAUX>N Wqon· 289
cord $25 \I cnl. Del . & Dinette, Groro bead, Btrlow,-=642-'603========-15300 ... ch Bl>d., Wlt>Mll1 CAR LEASING ens.,• opd., new pain~ dut-SAVE WHIRLPOOL Pl rdrig., 5 lltack'd fret. Q) 688-awG wincln, Genoa Track, 900 lb. I· JAG. '60, A·1 Phone 194-3322 300 \V. Cout H!pway ch, brkl A abocb $350.
yrs. old, wu $650, now JUXI: Fbced kttl, 018, Bracket! Triller, Tr1v1I 9425 $995 Priv. party. 962--4964 Newport Sch.. ~ 962-8727 Smitb·Corona elec Mlsc. Wanted 1610
typOwrllu, like now lt!O; 1:;;;;:;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; READY TO GO!'"" $3495. 18' ROD&REEL KARMANN GHIA VOLKSWAGEN ·~ FAIL'ON •·door , Dllllll\ lllUI Smit h-C.,ona aa1ax1i • John Gronath, Yochts VERY .CLEAN *AUTO lfASlllG* automaOatnuwnlalongood UllAftll n•n
typew?iter $50. Kodak • WANTED • "'6 Vb Oporlo. NB ~70 4 bu""""""'"'"/l'brlr. GHIAS VW -tlo•. $1.!IO, 962-0197 '69 RAMBlfR Cal"OUlll llllde projector $50. Fu rniture e Appll•nces Dbl alnk. elec WH. elce ./ AU. MAKES
&19 ~CM. Sl2"11J3 Color TVs e Planot lfHMAN 10' "'trla -l<e box comb. N• p I ' S • 1 I COMPE.TE."1'1VE PRICES FORD Ful Sin * AUCTION * ETC. ~~~~ -ats:;.J. 1 w. ..0:e· !:~ r~ :l'ea" '60 BU:~~-.. ~~~ ••• S399 c: ~~xc!~tt~=~"' 1----'-C-----Seats 6 • u will ..U ..,, Cach in 1/z hour Tra Ni "' """' .............. S499 Newport .. .. -'65 FORD·COUNTRY
-:: Windy aor try • 5'1..f531 ~~rz:t., Sall~ com= !ff e:~·enced':°'1:oo. ..~ ~~1~: 00:·· '63 Bup~~· is··vw:~·· $599 a SEDAN 128 . H.P.
Auctiona: Friday 7:30 p.m. & canvas cover. AU In xlnt * 545-5694 * All ex\ra shlirp, all wl!h ra· All Extra Sharp Used Cart 9900 Sta wq, dlr, V-8,~~tee~ $2043 Windy 's Auc.tion Barn Pns ii!"CI LIVll!STOCK condition. $29!'.i. m.1497 '62 CHEV. % ton pick-up; dlo1 & beaters and one with $399 "'$1999 • ---TI--~ ~:1:.n~ amail t°"" .
=N= ~&: Cab , h20 *1 ~'!Id* :rdf,..p~~~ llru; TRAHSPORJA ON ~1::1'~~~ fM~·c: Plwi T & L-..:erd•r t.d•y
HIMALAYAN B P, hyb. Colt 644-<171 30' AIBSTREAM CAR SAlf Pal, -or '91-9713. FLOOR COVERINGS male, by charnpkln, 10 mo's $6,lk'Xl. After 5 ·PM
Carpet&, Vinyls, Tiles, latest old if t. LIOO 14 with trailer & cowr, * 0~" ~.,.,., * BRAND NEW
styles and colors. Commer--4sii-~ul, magn • coa e:lassed center board & rod-~'"
cial A Residential . .EKpert 1.:=~====== der. 67S-U63
illltallation. D 1825 SCHOCH' Sabot, New sail I Trucks 9500
'67 Ford F1irl1ne
500 2H E119.
Credit problem? See us for
lruitant deliveqo, low prices,
easy terms. We decide on
your ettdit. Call or come lD 642-l4tl3 ""-7262 0::
9!!.'----...:::: d,,11y, $11S. *SPORTSMENS VAN* '.J
FOR Sale • sow. brocade AKC SILKY PUPPIES 67$-2227 * TRUCKS * J' S4t·OJOJ-67J-11 tO
be.ige,.1'. Loo5e pfilow buck .. 8 \\.eeks o I d. Anxious fol 54t00JOJ-...i7l·l 1t0 1970 HAllOI ILYD. 54M392
Power StMrlng, R&H.
Sat A Sun 53M306 SMALL PRICE Very iood condition. ?.1aple new homes & lots of love. Power CrulMrs 9020 They Are All Here At 1t70 HA.1101 ILWD. COSTA. MESA. BLUE CHIP
coffee &: end table, wroUJttt Available as pets or tor F1nta1tlc Discounts COSTA. MESA. · AUTO SALES $~386 board ,~ T rm 543-4957 SACRIFICE I . '" ........ ~ GHIA, -•-t VW DELUXE""' '67, wood 2145" bo n---M iron head . 546-1879 ,...,,v. e s. .,.. .,.,..,.._,.,~n•~ Ml• panelling, ........1 tires, new ... at r, ............. ea.
ALASKAN Malamute, AKC, 36'. Cruisend rMw/65'llmbooringk; Ready ID~ tmmedlnte condition. 675-55
battery&: b~;';,, Split front WE PAY CASH FOR '65 4 DR. Loaded! Xlnt cond:
APPROX ... 40 yds. nylon
carpet &. pad, 1 yr. old;
$40, or will trade tor bunk
beds in good eond. 01 ? ? .
top co . ust se y wee • delivery 1•-YOUR CAR PAID be'-I lthr In' 12100 female, · 4 lllOll. Excellent _ _. ~~o""" 1 6 '=~=·======= scats, :dnt cond. Best oUer , '6" w " · l I
and •·~· ~1 A 1. · BEACH CITY FOR OR NOTI Owner "'"-· or S\OW prospec over $1800. Call alter 2:00. =~~~~~~==J;:::;:=;·::~======
Pl111 T I l-1279\'69
breed;og. Bind< wtlh whit• DODGE MERCEDES BENZ 54J.Jl4l ~ marklog•. "'2-0403 Speed-Ski Boats 9030 BRAND NEW
MORRIS Minor Series IOCXI,
xlnt trans $150. Single Bed,
$35. Golf clubs cart &
bag $50. 545-ti033
AKC REG Poodles, Toy's 14' GLEN L family boat. 16555 Beachs:i:o· (Hwy. 39)
& fi.1ini 's. S35 & up. New glass oveni.1JOd. New H ,;,.,...~., Bead:
5'17-38.51 or 547-9591 paint. Wide bean1 for open un.......... -
A.KC Tiny Toy Poodles water safety; Good 30 mph '65 FORD 1-ton, Serles F.JSO,
while male puppies, Champ plus ski boat. Overhaufed stake truck with extra
background. $75. 564340 Evinrude 35 electric \vith length 12' bed. Heavy duty
gt!nerator. New battery. throughout, good rubber &
QU A LITY k1ng bed
"·/quilted mattress, comp.
Never ueed $98, \\·orth $250.
M2-6S36 NorwegiM llinound pups, Good trailer With new titts. mechanical co n d i t i o n .
AKC. champion sired. Shots. Excellent buyal $495 temu. Sl,200. ;:iee at DA IL Y ~=======
UPHOlSI'ERING -$79.50. 2 __ · ::11:...::W::"::"'::·..:"'=·"::":.:...-642-4321 ext 270 vreekda,y1 PILOT, employe parking
pc. (European craflsmen) or see at Action Boat lot. 330 Weat Bay Street,
Free eat., de!, pickup, 215 TRANSPORTATION Broken, 21622 Coait IDway Costa Mesa, 642-4;121, ex-
Main, HB "Berny" 536-6405 at Beach Blvd., Huntington tension 276, Monday • Fri· Boats & Yachts 9000 d D REFRIG. $50, TV $45, Bed Beach, 536-8891 . !..::"'"'-' ::aya=·:_ ___ _
set $35. 314 Evening Canyon Newcastle Motors DORSETT 16' \Y/ Jhhsn 75, '58 CHEVY 1~~ Ton, Van
Rd. OiM. Sat & Sun 1-4 Amer. trlr & all equip. incl body Reblt motor. Good
Good only thru ~farch 3 ladder & skis $1150/offer. cond. '69 Plales. $950. '61 Corvair Sta. \Yag. 64>248& 642-9012 IANCE Tubinl: Bender $15 dn, $15 mo for 24 mos.
w I swedger & cutter, pro-Tax & lie incl. JMt 049 14 FT. Dumphy, 25 hp 69 Gl\1C % ton, heavy duty
grammed. 2" &: l"'., dies, '62 Falcon \Vagon, auto. Johnson, trailer&: gas tank. susp, ps, auto trans, 4,000
reasonable. 642-5907 $2{) dn, $20 mo for 24 mos. Sacrllice $350. 543--7476 mi. Must Bell! 962-7909
p.m •
DRESSER & miITOr, $35. Tax & Lie incl. QGN 416 -'62 OIEV. ~ ton pick-up;
Electric cart for street 2186 llarbor Blvd, Costa Mesa Mlrine Equip, 9035 R&:ll bvy, springs & Urea;
transportation $100. 545-TI61 ---.:;"':;.;"""';;:----i6'DQRY _ 25 hp J., $400. call dt. 5 PM 494-4151
'61 MERCEDES Benz model
220 SE, immac oontl -SEE
TO BELIEVE! $ 1 6 0 0 .
Sale's. &1 ... i<-c. Par1s
1Jnn1cdiate Delivery,
All l\Ioclels
31111 po rt ~' WON ON TV: \Vhite bolero NEW Bendix F .• Meter, $300. J
mink sto1, I""· KmENBURG 41 a""''· ""· 1.oc• ... +bait "P' 9510 3100 w. "°"''Hwy., N.s.
5!7--3798 $ Save Thousands $ box, $200. l'lahlng 'ea. r. MILITARY. Jeep • Chev V4J, 642-9405 &40.1764
NEW'PoRT Beach Tennis 29, Col 29 I/B loaded $9950 Reply Bo" M660, Daily Corvalr Bucket' Seats 23 , Authorized f.1G IX'aler
f.tembershlp for sale. $400. 35• Herreschoif, ab!cnl ownr Pilot gal gas tank, SwTey 'top, '58 MGA: new paint, xlnt
Call 64Z-13ll desperate. , .•.•. try $12,000 1 td 9050 new llOOx.15 ti.res, many mech., R&H. \vire wheels, 6, 801b Want -----I mo-ox•--O• ~-1 co·-r PRIVATE .>arty Wll.I\ts l 38' Kettenburg '65 Gray. '" .._..,., uvsi ~"' S575. 675-2"l27 Eves.
Whaler, must be xlnt c:ond e PACIFIC YAClIT SALESe l2 • 14' Flberslass sailboat Feb. I 1 sue "f...wheell'r'' --,i;,;=,::.,G::.>::l.:Kt::go-l,"noeds'-"~
with or without motor. {805) 3446 Via Oporto, Newport wanted. Maguine. See-at f.1eS& \\"Ork. Has new engine.
831-8155 24 H'our Phone 67l-1570 548-7357 Union Station Cor. Fairview * S800. 675-~7 *
PERSIAN Rug.a 2x4 S4. 3x5 17 FT. Perfonner. Islander ========0 I & Newport Blvd:-645-238()
& 4x6 $20. 6x9 S33. 81'10 S49. Deluxe model (all fiber-Mobile H"o';m:;a::':;:::::-9_2_00_ l!C:!a:!!m!!~!!"!._ __ _;9!:5~2~0 9xl2 $85. 842-7890. glass) outboard. Custom ..
8. h 1 Boy Harbor DECORATOR'S Unclaimed snap d0\\'1\ cover. 11 w ee
1100 ... t •• , Mobile Hom•• dra-ry, alt sizes, bght tilt trailer. or uu· ,..... 15·.~·.22·.24· & 34 wide Shades. er. Phone 64(..46,81after7pm From $6995 __
Bus -& Camper
?t.IGB-GT, '67: yellow;
whls, JU.H, xlnl eond.
$Z 750. 546-9941
'66 VW, xlnt rond.
• 642-229' * * 'EB Buick Riviera, full '67 Mustang GTA
·61 v':W. recently rebuilt equlpped. Immaculale con-Convt
eng., good tires, R/H, good diUon, Call 644-2448. Bright red; 390 eng. Auto
condition S600 cash. 546-4128 ---trans wide ovals radio le
'66 vw ""'· 7 -·.radial __ c __ AD_l_L_LA_c __ , ,,.,..;,, P/S,. hr.;..
tires, radio, ehxaust system $2195 other" extra.II. Sl650. 64&-4780 '67 CAD. El D o r a d o. 548-2061, 276 E. 20t.. St., CM
Ph11 T I t..-11711 12
AM/Fla! stereo pl~s all the ,68 MUSfANG 2 d HT 289 '63 VW C1mper e1tlras. Black vmyl top, r ' BRAND HNI
Good cond. Call 548-240'1 Arctic white lower. New V • 8, R/H, PIS. Lota of s;,n
"--21 DOO Ml Have 3 e:xtras. $2600 or o 11 e r • '69 AMBASSADOR '64 VW coriv"Qble, oew '"•· ~.s. ' · 847-3813
paint, Interior. 55,0CXI ml. can, need only 2. $5500.1.:;:·=::::=====
Slwp. 64"'218 ... , • low•st prko In So. OLDSMOBILE AIR COND-VB
65 vw ""'· 0
,.,,, "''' ~eai;so~.000;•~1~1. ~ .. ~rv~"~·po1:;:cyJ iiiiiilrm~~n;iiii• I~ TINTED GLASS transletTBble. '69 L I c .
rond! CU.tom ''"' ''" Owner 646-7"9 BLUE CHIP t t ..... $1650 oog.,.,,, • c., • c., ......
~ CAD Coupe DeVWe. $3286 '64 vw. 0"• ownor, RJH. XInt "'"'· Full powe"'"" AUTO SALES
eoglnc 0"rhawod, good air. tilt whl, !"-lnl I · 1=--~•• ,.,...., "" '62 Olds F~. automat c. tires. roN. \NTV&..:IU AM-FM, $2600. H n t &
'63 vw Camper; 1500 eng. Harbour, 8'6--0261 $99 Pl ut T & l-S11021t
N•w "'"'· Comp. oqu;pped =o:=======I Red • Wh1"~ & Moke OU". Caito 59&6830 CHEVROLET 2145 Hubor, Costa M•,. ••
·:,;;~;:';!:'"' rond. ""'I iiiiiiiii!;iiiiiiiiiiiPii!i~l""!!!!!!IJN!iiS!!i!4IOYERSIJY!!ii-4!!!!3!!!!9!ii2!1!!!!!!!1 SABlueLE 1' BLUE C!RIP I'!!
'67 vw $1295 'AUTO SALES Privot• party 54>816,;
'58 Cbovrolol, ><Joor, aur.. SALES & SERVICE FREE·Cqr Radio $199 OLDSMOBllf Power Brakes
'66 TR<A -I.R.S. Brit. Rao. _ "-~-Bl·~ Vinyl Roof \v. ••-4 pd Xl 1 2145 Harbor, Costa Ptfesa .-.... ~......-vu. Tm. Ire W111..!l, S • , n
'°""· ........ 1,. 541>-7184 1 '!!!'!!!!!!1l!!s!l!!40"'."'41l!!3,92~""1 540-,... 't'!. ~ -SPECIAL
I 9615 11 1950 OLDSMOBll.E 394 cu Antlqu11,~H" '65 CHEVY IMPALA In eog., 4 ipd hydro. 1300, USED CAR
1 '36 Ford a:rille, 2 rear doors Hanitop, V-8, fact a.lr, dlr, or best otter. 646-~
coplplete with 11.aaB, 1 hood local car. Ecellent condition. '61 OLDS 4 Dr. hdtp. Pwr. VALUES slightly beat, 1 bell housln& $51' Caah delii or take forelln steer., brk&; a ir. Vuy
Sport C1r1 9610
54()..912210 am-5 pm. SHARP 16' boat w/coven, 12 WIDES
DAll..Y PD.DI' WANT ADS zw!vel seatl!, 40 hp motor 40.43•45'.5()'..5,S'-60'-64'
Alwa.Yt • Go-Go! &: trailer. $750. 642--0267 Fro 13995 0099 m '60 Camper ............ ..,.
with rear end. 1 '40 Ford cat in trade. Will fine prvt 1 ·ele~an.~E;::""~·=646a!S'.;;~==d / OOod deluxe &: 1 grille de-party. LB TXJ 484, 49'-9773 1.: '66 DODGI w ....
OPEL luxe. Set of back seats for ~oir i54>-0634~~jjiiij!ii!ijjjiim l __ !P~O!N~· ~TI~A~C:__ __ J j Auto trans., pwr. ateer•
'67 OPEL.'""· low mlkoge, ~·~·.'!~'ion:~ 5J6.84ll • BLUE C!AIP '63 ·GRAND PRIX ,,,. $1aks9S 676
lmDOrted Autot 9600 Imported Autot 9600
l1nlc fh1an c:ln'il aYall abl1 on
b1nlc •PP'OYtl of c:redit.
Las Veqas Vacation
No P~teh111 Naca111 ry
15300 Beach Blvd.
Parks available In all areas. '6' Bus .... , .......... , $999
1425 Biker St '64 Sunroof Bus , ,, .•••• $149!J
% block East of Harbor m vd. '65 Dix Bus, 9 pu. , , , , $1699 v;eyt top, 11400 pri prly. 9700 AUTO SALES '66 FORD ST• WA$. ,,,..,., ,.A::"::':::°':...;W~an::;l~:ld;:__.;.;_;:.: -
9 on Baker '67 Dix Bua, 9 pas. •••• $2199
Colla 1'.fesa (714) 540-9470 '67 camper, split seat, elec.
SEE the DuaJ Wide Road-ref. , ..... , •• , .... , •• • $2599
mount, Elite and General
'68 Porsche 912, Tangerine
w/ blk int. Xlnl cond, lo
ml. J\.1ake offer. 645-1J19
linar Pan American, Para· ~
'D~:i"0wiclew Sa.es ch od
Cbapman Mobil• !tom .. ""· "~ o:S ., 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. ,. "id"' l-,65-REN_A_UL-~-0-.-.-.-h-1-,.
531..S571 Wk. aulo, gOoo eond. (New lie.)
NEVER lived in: '&.I Buddy " . $400, ~91l!> aft 3 P1rl "
24XOO; 2 baths, 2 Br., fam. 14t.OOl-f7a.11to
rm. Full length palio awn-1970 HA.1101 ILWD. SIMCA
ing, carport, raised porch 1 -===c;:o;:•~T=•="=D:=•:,== 1 __ _;,:.__,:.__ ___ _
& skirt. Ready to rnovel ·
Jn. Loe. Jn now adwt pork. Camper R1ntal1 9522 '67 SIMCA 1000
Full price. incl. tax & lie. COACH . TR.All.ER G.L.S.D.LR., 4 spd. \V l 11
SU,081. 962-9869 RENTALS take S50 cu.i. 10 de!, take
.~..i.. k payments or S30.86. LB UJB Mini Blke1 9275 It'll none too .,...._,. to ma e 934 Call Pat alter 10:30 APrf ·.::;:;:..:::.:::;:.. __ _c= reservatlo111 tor Sprinc Hol·
9773 * Mini Bike -$79 * Id.,..! '-'-------Good cond. foot brake. 3 hp. WEEK-END OR WEEKLY MANY W\JNUt.Jtio"'lJL OP.
646-3440. 1930 Olun::h St, CM 546-0291 PORTUNTTlt.s ha•e !>HG ~~~~~~~~;l,========I dl1COVered ln Claul1\ed Ada. Mo=='=---.!·~ AUSTIN HEALEY Tum boo• to .... .,,,.u ~ _ torcyc u • nnrtun11ie11·· NO\ll! ITl,.::C:!E.:::.SU~N""-N~<~V~ER~S~ET~S-oo
ClMSifietl 'll action power.
For an ad to 1ell around
\he clock, dht.1 64:ui678.
1969 Honda Scrambler,
846-2680 or 67$.2430
1960 AUstiN.Healy 3<XXI,
RfH, O.D. Rebuilt engine,
:ll,000 ml. SSOO. 675--2120
t • 'Jl Chevrolet, 6 cyl. IMMACULATE! Countr;v Squire. pau.. WE PAY •••
CASH $99 V8, Power Steering&:: Brakes. enaer, auto. trans., pow.
Auto ll'anl, lo lo miles. er 1t.eering,
Buckot ,. .... $885. $1995
for used cart & trucks just
call WI for free estlmn1c .
2145 Harbor, Cost~ Mesa
540·4l92 ••1.:itll!9
'66 EL Camlna 396 engine, Sky blue ext, white top, V.S,
4 speed stick 1hltt. $1750. dlr, pwr 1tttrtna, bucket
Ray Carey Chevron Sta., ~ aeatl, Excellent cond. Qwn.
Ask for Sales f.lanagcr s. Coast Hwy, Laguna. ed by little 'ole lady in San
18211 Beach Blvd. 494-7140 'Oemente. $50 Cash delii or
Huntington Beach 62 CHEV Impala SS, R/H. take forelg'I car. Can fine
-==--'KI""•c.:333=::-lc=,,--I Very clean. $695. prvt prty. LB NRC 208, Call WE PAY CASH 4""3666 Pat<94-•Tl3.
'83 CHEV. convt., V.S auto., '64 GTO Conv, aunllre red
FOR YOUR CAR R&H, PS/PB Bost oHor. w/ white IDp & lnL • apd
673-2236 stick, poailraction. Xlnt,
orig own $1200. 675-108t
CHEVROLET __ .:__:..;;.;.;,_ ____ ,new motor, good tires.
'Sil CHRYSLER Hlghtandor 1 ==,,;;*,,:84~7;:-6355~=*== 2828 Harbor Blvd. Runs good. needs atr.rter.1::
O>lta Mesa 546-1200 New ttres. S75. 675-Zl27
Qrana:e Counti"
l.88Rl Beach Blvd.
H. Beach. Ph. 841~
1 Owner
Carefuly maintained
leather lnlcrlor
'59 T-Bln'.f. full power.
Radio, heater white wall.
990 2dr. hardtop, auto.
trans. po\ftr 1teertna It
brakes. Extra cle».n •
Holiday GT 2 door, :C
~M5'dio, heater.
Roaue 2 dr. hardtop,
auto. tran1., bu ck e t
aeata, puah button radio.
'67 OPEL
2 door Rally Sport, ~
..... vinyl top ndlo,
heat.rt. HOE 912 ·
'64 DAIT $T
2145 llarbor, Colt& Mesa 2 dr. hard.to~ Auto.
$299 · COMET $1293. 673-7549 9600 Imported Aurot 9600 Imported Autos
'63 2 DR, 6 cyl, auto,
custom. new lread1 &: Ile.
Good cond. C.M. S48-8234
e DOT e
N•w •nd Used Cari
Complete Servica & Parts
1181 5 BEACH BLVD.
142.7711 ~ 540-044 2
J11tt J 111il•1 Sa, Sari 0111•
fwy, all4 lint • f1w mln11t1•
Nerth of M am."''---I •--,69 DATSUN
BIS aedM, 96 hp, CIY'll1Mad
cam ere .• dlt. 4 iipd, radio.
hetttr, W1W Ur!&, ICM1dedl
1200 mllea._ ttndtt factory
warnnty. 8&J $11'75. Tllkc
STS c:agh tlf!lt or okltt c:u .
L.B~ YNWIE'I'. C.U a.Nf.r JO.
CORVAIR 540-4392 ~9Sradlo. ,,....,.,
iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiP!!ipiiiiii 11!!!!!!!!!·~-1 1 $117 5 BLUE CHIP '6J T·BIRD '64 FOID 4·Dr. s-AUTO SALES rwt .,.,....., 1~");.; ""'N'~ Auto. trans,..-. si..r. w/blk Int. Uc, •i."'9o1• • -1: brt.kft:. Q::;K 770
'61 Corvalr, 2-door, abarp! but priced $'n;o""''• at $7 45
2145 H!~;., Mua JOH~.!;ON CAMPER SPECIAL
540-4392 1941 llorbor Blvd. 642-!000 .... c.Mhw '595
'60 corvalr, 4 dr TEMPEST
==:::::;l1l0:;:::,· =-===ol -'00 TEMPEST SC VS. auto,
CORVmE RJH, ,,... """'~ -__ ;:_;;,.;.;..;,; ___ ., W/W t1ta, 35(0) ml, sharp.
00 CORVETTE Ooovt tops.I J;"";;·,:;P'1=·=1=1'95.;;;,-==== Xlnt rond. t!O,OOD ortc ml. r:
$16'll """"· m.25111 VAUANT
_...,,,"" . .... _ '1775 --· ,.,.. ..............
HOLIDAY ...... -. -·--·-"", •• Cw•••··· 1969 Harbor Blvd
. I · 1
• ~
.. ,
• '
• ......... .. , .. ,..._ __ ., .... ..~ • .. ----·
:r1 DAll.Y PILOT Mondor, Mmll 3, 1969 •
• Satisfaction· (Mirariteed _ ~. Your M~ BackJ I ~ . ----• •
Eftr7 Sears
FREE ··-·n.. lr.Bllnc
~II 'l1n
Ratatl ... E.ery
or Blodnnlll
• lllo7 % ,,,...
or Blackwalls
BDJ' 3 Tires
Your Wheel
Wheel ilellnct h ' • I WllPts -a-. Per '2 ~
,..._. ... -.. ... .......... ,
, ,.. ""'~ 9fthJ• '° ~ , "" pwobue 'If blit ltJ'1 prot>• ' I ddectl.._ Alter 90 daY!'. •• r.... I
I ~ U.. Mlter)',· 11 ~flldtl'"' I
• ~.,.... )'o. oalJ' !<'If' u.. ' , at ~p, bue4I -• , ....... Jl"let. ... tftd&.la , ' • .. um. .r nhr-. P!'ONt• , , ..... _ . .,,__..,._.. , . -. ····~ •........................ ---...1
1'1•• J.11 T~.T. ... 1ld U.N
T~de·I• •
Fits Most 6-V olt Cars
18-Month 999
Guarantee "'·" · Wilt! or ....... 111
Fits Many 12· Volt Cars
Wh y Risk Costly Failaro 7
Sears Ru • Battery
for Enry CU,
i:...,. Badget!
FREE T'9tlngl
Whitewalla or BlaclnvalJa
Fiberglass Belted
Buy4 Tires
\Vhea J'oa PAJ Too UWe POI' .A. Bnb I-,.•
l' OU Gtll TOO Ll'l"ILE !
Sean will not Ji•• you a "Too Little" Brak• Job
11t A.DJ price! Your driving SAFETY 11 too Im-
portant. Sean will price yoor Brake Job u ttM·
on&bly •• pouible ••• comlatent with SAFETY.
Se:&n1 Brl.k& J obi provide what you 1hould haV9
to m&k• your brakes work ~st and Jut tonger.
U you want "txtru'' they're avallable at utn.
c:05t. You baYe sean aasu~ ot "Sauatactklll
Gu:;.rut&&d Or YOW' Jlone1 Back". Don't wall!
Let SMn fMp9ot )"oUt bralte1 tor ll&fety • , ,
at no d1arp.
AD 4
Wheels Only
.... Inspect; Huter Cylinder
an a..ku ... Vf~Can
.... 8-ded Llalap INltaDed -' Wbeeltl
.... Rm.&14 AD Wheel CJ11nk11
V An Orl9d BfMe Sbom
V B..arf.K'9 AD ' Bnb Drmn1
.... l:upect Brake u-
.... lnllPfld MMI AdJad PMtinc llnkel
V Bleed AD U.. and A..dd ndd
v Jmptet GftlMll SH.la
.... ~ Fl'Ollt Wltflel lkBrlllp
.,.. FrM Adjutateat for Life of UAlllp
V .~ TMt for~ ReUabUJtJ
110% Stronger than 1968 new <:ar tires
122% Better Mileage than 1968 new car tires
14% Larger Footprint than 1968 new car tires
Superior Construction Meam You
Get More Tire for Your Dollar
The l\i;o fiberglass belts beneath the tread give yo u be~
t~r tractio~i and sta~ility. In addition, two nylon cord pliea
give the tire exceptional strength and resistance t.o im.
pact and puncture damage • , . which means longer. life.
Fiberrla"" Belts Mean a Big
Footprint for Better Mileage
Conventional tire is di storted by high-speed .1quirm and
wiggle. The fiberglaas-belted tire -stays flat against the
road for superior safety and traction • , • plus more than
double the mileage of pew-car tires.
~, .... ~.I • ., !..:"" ~ •• , l • ., ,,I . SIZE rrMle-1• l r~. :I Tbn I 'rltta f; rlno1 F .E T l'rle. SA.VB VE IU &VB Ill AVE 131 • •
6.50xl3l27.95l22.95 21.95 ea.12Q.95 ea.19.95 ea.12.02 ....
7.35x14130.95125.95 24.95 e;o,, • .,_95 ea.122.95 ea. 2.18e&..
7.75•14132.95127.95126.95 ea.125.95 ea. 24;95ea. 2.36m.
8.25x14135.95l30.95 l29.95 ... 28.95 ... 27.95ea. 2.44ea.
6.50xl3130.95125.95124.95 ea.123.95 ... 22.95 ... 2.0•.'8;.
6.9Sx1413!.95 26.95125.95 ea.124,_95 ... 23.9Sea. 17'1&..·
7.:l<x14 l33.95 28,95f27.9&ea.126.95 ee:.~.95 eL ~,. ...
7. 75xl4135.9 130.95'·~.95 ... 28:95 ea.127.95 ... 2.36·ri.
8.25x14138.95 33.95 32.95 ea.131.•5 ea.!30.95 ea.12:44 ...
8.55xl4l41.95l36.95 135.95 ea.134.95 ea.133.95 ea.12.68 ea.
8.85xl4144.95139.95 38.95 ea.137.95 ea.136.95 ... 2:86 ea.
7.75x15l35.95130.95 29.95ea. 28.95ea. 27.95ea. 2.50ea.
8.15x15138.95l33.95 32.95ea. 31.95ea. 30.95 ea. 2.68ea.
8.45x15141.95l36.95l35.95 ... 34.95 ... 33.95ea. 2.77ea.
"'5xl5l44.95l39.95l38.95 ... 37.95ea. 36.95 ea.12.~· ...
9.00xl5147.95 42.95 41.95 ea. 40.95 ... 39.95,CIZ.9.1· ..
9.15xl5147.95142.95 41.95 ... 40.95 eo.f39.95 ..;,~94 ...
SA VE 25o/oi, 10-Ql Can
Regular Motor Oil
Regular $2.&9 OD
• 100% pan riJtia
• Non-cleterpnt
• For older can
and add ans
' 1-·-- - - - ---·-- - - --- - - - - - - --- - -~ ---- - - - ------- - -"!II---- -" I -PAIK TA 8-4400, $21"'530 a MCN11 GI 34911 lllNG lfAOI Hf J.0121 PICC WE 8-4262 SANTA l'E -9#$111 --1921 · -
UNOOA PAIK 34().0661 -Of 5-1004, a 4.c • 1 OlYMnC & 9010 m a.n11 ?OMOW. ED 2-1145, HA 9.s161 , "111 6-6751 "'"'"-ix 4-6711 YAll!Y ro a~1. '94-2210 I I -Kill HI 6.2581. NE U761 -HO "'5941 OIANG£ 637-2100 , SANTA ANA kl 7-3371 SOUIH COAST l'WA 540.:!333 -Pl 9-1911 -.
-~1 -OR a.mi ~MU '"211, a 5-1211 1ClllAH!2 U:Z..1511 ~----------~---------------~--~--------------' UJa .. Gaufu.•1d~MORi)9adc" -a•• r-cn. .,.,.-. •• , t~ll112uLS411~aluy9:IOA.M.llMOP,,J