HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-10 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' '• • " I ,. ' ·s • - , -8.oW· to.":·IJe$~U~. ' . . , l 1 ' • ' . . , . • ! • .. -·~· ,_.,,.......... r-.E~ld ,Jtrf)~ .. Drugs ,,r_ , !:l ' -. . .... ' . . --·Rody 1)1se•vered ~ - -' :. " ,-:" f' ..... -.,,_ ~ ~ . ' -.L. t • I ,• -1 r ln Duntin.gtoD.Po·· ' • { .,. ' ~· -·~ ,. ,_ ·-• • --• ' ~ ' - -· ' ' .. • ~ lolowl ' • • " ,. " ' '· ··- .. _ ... -' • ( ' Slayer Averts . Death, Hints 0.f; .. '.; .. G:onsp: . , iraci~. ·.) ·••'I'~+!!._,,. ••. o l JJ .... " ·· f. 'l ;vl" l-~:..•• . '1'•t~· !'~ Jff _,, "' f(1 (.' J,J'i . . ' . . . . . . . o \ • ··.i. .,-.. I -f . ·~;Tlno;~)l--Jauiiu•ec ~(l\e• · ~· : . ·: ~· .·i~"· , Jtiit.•~.·filo f'* .. : )>otftiolTo~ '':1tid 8all1o ed· · ......... lloO <!N(iir19'-;1~1eaded gullty; If be ~ '. w·~~ ·bill ' '. • llidi)io1lii'r lhl '11>1lllier. 61 ~Dr". 'Marlin Jilek.• "'1 ·-inl·• •111$ lllt.'~ ~ ~ tulh'ei·it'# 11, .ip(i'jury,:b)'"snar: nomoriFailodl fhi·~. •" • iM!emelit, t1eine11cea .1ilm to',99 yean : Ray waived '11lo "1lbls !or ai>Jjtal:. 1 in Jifiion • l · I l · 1 !. : a new Vtaf'·Or~ 'fof' ariy1 '.~ legal, 'Phe ·siate.. Pr!Seftted ' '8 . hind.fut of ... WllV8l'I' li1_1e1'Change, for the 99-y.e,ar witnesses) arid:·.11.h -bout ~and -55-minutes· terltenc&r--"-whi:b ;k-said!'{ll all ·that' aitu the audden trial started, Ray was had bee11 proDiiled him. ! · convicted. He m8.de. the &UUty ..Plef , in Foreman .asked Friday for. a hearing, relln'n \for the 99-year 1sefitehce, ,ralber and nunoie: :that Raf would .Switch his than take the ·chance of being sentenced plea to euUt~ had~ prevaJent·since to dfe had Jle goqe oo with~ scheduled. then. Ray1entdredt tbe courtroom today. Editor's· Note.» T~is 4, the· /ir&t ;in q 1eTilfl .of qrticln writ£tn· bv: ~­ .prize-w\nnirtu r.eporter .to. inf«?f""T-~ziout -parc~tf a~out the, drug :. ,and narcotic.s ·Sit1ta,ticm and 111gpest J.Dh4t theJl,QJn dp to .g~rd··thnr: .. April 7, 6ial.. · .... wearing . ..tlii sMne dart blue checked' 11 jury must try all cases in Tennessee suit and 'light .blue shirt .. ~bich,he wor11 -even in ~Uy Pleas -since the at earlier. ~~· .. , · fury . sets-: the ipeniilty. All ·12 juroi-1 The. wblte-h~· Foreman :... wh(J -two · of thetb Negtoes -agreed to claims to 1t3ve lost onJy_ one client. to. own cJtildren against jts:-"4z,arcf:5. . ; • the deal of a · l'J.yeu;sentence. before the electric chair -arose and an- 1 ' . j By ALTON BLAltESLEE they were sworn ~ nounCll, "Your honor, we have a petitior. . AHocfated Prus Science Writer 'me · jury . simply voted by hand in for a waiver of trial and a cl\ange ol , '. , · their-Seats, riever le'.av}llg t'.he-cOurtf.oom. -p1Mrto "1ittY.u · 1 • ' ' ·-- - • . • ' -~ 1 _, _ . . .. -4 ' . Settles (for-Life The use-and a~C drUgs -th.at-affect human minds is spreadinl · Raj's attomeyi fanied trial lawyer Battle told' Ray that "this is a com· across the coqntty'llke sniog. • . . Pere)'· Foreman, and Prosecutor Phil pr~se and · sett~ent on a plea of Young Arhttfcans by ·the hundreds of thousands, perhaps by the 'tmlllon, ~ •. ~a1e 1>4?th _told the juoi tbat· they guilty to qiurder in t~E!; first degree . ' PLEAD~ 'GUI~ TY IN .. Kll,IG. ASSASSINAfIOl,j . are lasting, exi>erim7.l or going , still further with marijttana, with LSD, were convihced Ray alone tilled King and 99 years in the_ pen.iteqtlary. witlrthe upp. ies arid ·d es of~ p'ills and. Sedatives .• ·.·with·.S~, aild. eVen with a.rifle Shot last April '4, and there "Is this wha't you want to do?'' Battle rr ht with was 'no consplrtcy. asked. .. . .. . . . . . some ·cases . , . . RAY. DtSAGREES c ,"Yes, I do," Ray replied. · By··,tlie mlWohs, 1pe.renis 1:afe' ·ip-Foreman told'the jurors that ·"I never · ..r-~ ......... 1ed · orr1· ed · · . At that-pornt Ray slbod up. cre&."'1111!;•)' ....-. , w , or even expected, ho~ or had .any idea when downright panicky. ·Most r di.!tur~, "Your ~r, l-'d lllte to say something. I entered Ulls case · that I would be to them, marijuana or "pot" es-, 1 agree with' an tJiese. stipula~, ·but abJe to do anything other than save · 1 · 1 don't agree with these theories~ on peclally is becomlng popu ar among this man's , lite. It took. me a month. junior' hf.gb and high acbool atuden · · · · to convince myself • , ,, that there, was ..~ Rven..yru,~~ ... llaujfi(U '.-cin . fi . . ·-not ir " spell"marijuana;, I, .. vet,bean1 -:o1 uead Man Found A~o':"':11::ro It until I was in· college/' says one Canale, the' attorney general of Shelby' :17-year-old fa'tber: l \ •• ' 1n Muddy Po. nd· County, told the' jury, "We have no , At bigh sdl001s ana •collqes, ar-evidence that there was any conspiracy rests for possession of marijuana "' , invoived.' U at any'tlrne there is evidence and other drugs are ~· Sim, jN ff tin' l ihat IUCb 'a -~•C)' Is Involved we pie pos1e11t1on "' marijuana . .1s a ~ ear · Ull g OD t wm liire pr0mP, acii<!nc' • , . oqy~ p¥Jll!l:&4ble by Jail tmm ,ot. two .• \. .1 , · The ffiit WibfeSf Jqr the slate was to 10..tem or. more. , . ~ body ot in Adesit man -dead' the :aev ~r B . .' K11es, a 1 ~e'1'o (Ed~• nole: Under. Callllll'nia perl>apo lhree clays _ wu cliscovered mlnlster who was ,wltli King !be evening- • · · law Ciin'enUy in elllld,' pnj,ess;oo Sundayl,on.rnoon ha~ 1Ubmerge4· 1n a • of·Ap-ll t.·n; de!Crilled !be Nobel Peace ~ --~J .. ••• u· an "al•-·•· fe~ ' • • . . . I Prile wlhnera dealh. · :.v~.'' ,.,tlsu.i;eam muday pond near Taylor ~10 HI.ID-! He tsaid tliey were standing ·on the •• , liogtoo Beach. $econd ·floor balcony <JI · !be Lortain• -Ille lllspecl Is charpd • Two , Midway City lishennan "Por!ecl Motel,! OG11ide , Klnll•, room, . when ,''t Nnport Beach Police Chief with· the crater or lesstl" .qfeue , the~ to po~ at 3:30 p.m. ~~· -r turned lo Walk away. I got approximately. B. James Glcca1: "AU parents is left to thrdlacretitm ol the fudge • ™. Vibtlm wu· lmtaHvely ldenUf~ five ·or sb rteps aw'aj frbm1 him atid 1houl4 tak• ttme to ,.ad the bearing hia case.) ' · ) 1 · • tj>day . ~Y rth& Orange County C<toci.r • l heft . what .1 now :know lo ·be ,. •rti<t<• , .. Som. hope. of il61o-Drug .,. 11 unqueatl"'!"~i~ IJecom., ~ ... as ~!:~ear .. ld Joe Knight <JI shot Ing tlle acederoted 1"t of nar· Ing • way of life for tome young · "'""""-!""'" hMsligatota Slid 1"' , ... i looked · down [n, !be parking lot :!~b:OOPo~;;t,~!. ~11 oV ~o~t~ .~~ :;! for' ' 'an un:;:m1,~ • ~:~~ ~::e ~ta becal loo~' 'attbouDr &hJ1!!1 •andaa ~ •. car •. as' Tben'.lyln; • , · • . 'nli$1aer1e11"' atortes,· · on:~ . Cobey, 1•"' Jeff •1st .. : ....... ,.,. I a~ • ""~ '":'" &' lol<niew1 wilh dozens ol autlllll1Ues -the CC111114r!', dealt -·o-• lor..Percy, UGI~ St., -tllq ::17'hil ::;, lfyle, .bo.14Ing hia rhandJ Uons such as lheae that confroot l)arents and YOUlll peofle u well: were. fisfilng for ham and cat n.b In lhe "They bad sbOt his necttle right off " ? What can or obouJd ••-nls do to oteer lbelr el>ll.nil· away ln>m 8"lni. Taylor. Lake area near Slater Av.,.. The ,1 ~--d _ ~-'-~-and Golden Weol i!lreel. 1 1 • • ,...,._. an -•,..·--·· """':i~ ~tI!. complele st«y a--drUp" do ,_ poop. mp:"~ *1l: ~ ~ "= ib.1~ ~ere-=-~ and chlldr<B ltnow? • • beCause <JI oOld .-htcludltl( their -· ~ .ml """"dod How can you 1eO U • ..,..... II --. maipu1oo, or 1UhtC LSD or "'1> lavesUga!oh ..thniie U1e man's death on a videotape camera 'before the trial er drugs! • at lbree to lour days before cliscovery. began. Security wu lleavY ~~! Wby did the great tum-On with drup..,. aloal-? A lull htvesllgatlon wu llrll made lot the bujidlng. .. • , Wbal benelill do drug i-s 1oY the7 llllOll 'tlhal llarml 1llq varlool -Ible ~Ide c1u!9, ·"lklit!!'; demc· I . , •. ~s ,cautet .. • um, 'but nme' 1"ft found. The-body .. H, · · • I Jult what ... ""' all theae-dNPI'-aot-.Wf . • -• • • • was ·mnOved wheft lM1ecame appuont . Ca in ' oemta ' ,.1\'blt should parenll, do, !f teen-agen or CODeao -. -depend-the dealh 1'!'i ~· · 1 > < 'l ~ 1 enl on drup? Poot morttm !nvatlga wu -' l!OS'roN (AP) -•Rlchlrcfl~I What ls !be argument all aboat over letlallutloo of mar1junna, or reduc· ducted bf Ibo coroner's clI1ci al Smith'• 'cushlng, 73, arci>bllhlp' of the1 - (5" DRUGS, PlfO 2) Mortury !11 lfunUngtoo Beach. l'llaeral . Ca!hqlk di..,... o I lloltoti, w •• 1rrqgement1 are pendl"I. unW na\ ~lalbotd llGhda, lot roll and -1- ol ~ .... lou..t and DOiii~. ment r ... brUlcblal COllluliOO. • Jam••· Earl Ray ·Gets 99 Ye«rs In PrlsOn' . . '' ' -' Siolen Piils ·,.MaJ:.1llea if·:· ' • . • : ' t • ()lie Way Trip for ·Thiel · . . .. ' Hundie<lir'01 drug piut ..:; e•pable ·or, paratfztng and killing 'abmtone' in ."quest · of what could .b& a one-way trip -· ~re sought today1 foll9w~ .~ "$21565.:: burg~y of ·a Costa M~a medic"al Office Sunday. Officer Chris Bell was· on routine patrol ' '_Yhen he ' spat~~ . a s~a~h~d. wl,ndoyr in the bullding·occupled by Dr~ Lincoln • Q •. Sbe(anl411.. ,al, .lllO. I\IJOer ,&L , ·Jn·. yestlgatora iaid't,oday. .t.' · IronJcally, whoever ba:i;1ed his w~ • into lbe rfiedical o!Clce 'With a two-by-four timber apparentl; slashed hi!l Scalp on ' the jagged window glass and lei! blood. · hair ~,fie,sb at-lbe.acent. 1 , • • NolHl(il of· th.! bW'glary by .'Police., Dr. Sbeialllan.tpok im'intocy afitl llste4; 111ulele .... \aunt ·and . blocid !!'"'"' .. regulalliig, dr111 pills .~. ~ well· as Vlirioul office D}lchlnel)'· , , . .1 He ..Ud. ,ecI<Iess "'° ol UJe pllla 1n, ,.arch al -kind ol·ln\oilca~oo <ould, brii>&., paralytls : ..,.i ~th \o • ._, taking'them • .,: •• •1 , ... , tith .JS ~~ bottle.-or ·the muscle. - . re~m~,pluoia )9tfl <Jl.;Q OU~ ol ~ . pr<1S11H .Pills were taken.· A1onl with+ a muscle 'relaxer machloe., ,1ec1r1o ~··nil othol' Uema. : " )n'll>e1 tnedloal ofijce burglary could l(e to -lj>et brtak·ht OI the • oftlte of Dr.,cprJea S. si.v..S. •~-N""'°"' Blvd., lnvestlplon bellevo. : E:mploye Kltlly ·Ak111t !old Patrolman David Hayti 8aturdl)'·lhat l$ll ht cul! I. . ' ··~ c• I!' and an uni! ' mea q.aliilty ol narcollca ·were· tqen by whoever kiCked lo a . . . . wire·mesh<overed window. ·. CO!ld' . 1 . 1 '' . I The ,weat.hennan'1 getting ready to Open up the dies agaJn, pro~l a'boWers and a 1ew;.(hunderstonu ior Tuud&y, ak>«t with guty winds and . te.!n[><ntµm · dn.n ·111 "1~ 50's, . . ' INSIDE TODAY • The Board of Supenri.iori, tt- plying to \he 1968 Gram! JilTy, reaister1 aoreemne -end & agrnm<nt -with !'tl>Orl.> p,._ • • •• 0,. II •1~ , .. . .. ' . . ~ . .. :=.· ':'=:u•. i ~ . ..,. .............. ~ . 1J ' .,_ c.ri.tr' """"""' ,, . ,.,.... ,.,... ' DHltl' ...... j t ~-·\Mt =-~:r ~l ie...~ q ..._. ' ." ~I p ,.,. C.lft I I ..... I 4 -. " =-. .. 1...-.n .,. .. ..... ... I ~ t , ' • I . , • . I .. ·- - .. • ' • • s u.s~ Bonihs, 1 ··Ai1illery . ' Pourid ·cong SAIGON (Al'). -11.S. l>omhon and artlllely pourided !alt Mooday ··al -ol l1'e Viet Ccog ftgimenls tbli hod· ambushed and bloo<!ied a hat- ...... ol about llOO South Vl<tnatwa ... .._. ID a two<l>y bal!le 54 miles ........ .,Salp. 'Die --force -alima1<d to.total ..... -l ,ll!IO-meo -..treated tonrd the Camtwfian frmtier, five ........ -10,lM --. • Apollo · in Homestretclil Spaceship~(liling 'L~e A'!oW Through Sky' f ISPACl!l CENTZB, -(UPI) -"ll'D get b<ttor," EYW ..Id'. ~ Dave haven't ttopped lllldn( •boal! Tiie Apollo I -paod.,JIP lhelr Tado7'1 • '' I 'rodlll -......... "Maybe we belUr oend a TWX I nu !or a 'l'llunldo1' oplubdowD and Apollo I'• -lo • collllll .C • (talqnm) out Ibero and have lheql t all<d happily dowl k-IO-o>11os and Id)! rt I jll path for a normal niake Ir a ~.'~lloou told the t ay with oee eye "" the ·ru.1 Puao .......,.,. . -' hungry spacemen wbo hid,lo aetUe lor l ud the other ee the weather. "Do you .. a111e that wu .the 17th a ~ m,.. of ..... ge pawa.,, .. Like. •h-.m.. tbe ..... .. propu.Jslve maneuver we have performed peacbel, bacoa. a:quare1 and cocoa. J. an arrow --... _,, this flilb~" McDMtt uled !:Tans. -'•'med JllDIS A. »cllivJ\l ,all« firlog !"By gall)> thal'• rl&hl." replied the .... Ille lhlp'a malD ..pie at 1:• p.m. · tn>lltt • • ~~ Apollo 1•1 path far the to·~::: ~:!"u = "Bo.autllW, ~· r<p1ltd p-m ed lo 15 -" bl cr4<r lo "'° a . ' Feliciano Home · -!nm the """" wtteie !hoy kllled 31 d thl panolnq•p .ad ~ 1111 In the llhupat d. • -ol -·bl« lloaald -""'ol lhe altlil'a !Itel ....... ..,.,.. ' Jilc:llliltl, DmdlL .. llil -"ft -toil lnioilo '-1111 WI!• )., Sdiwelcbrt r~ Oolr Allaolie Jld)tritt ubd and WU usm<d be Windows Shot Out by Vandals ewer the weekend. -·~piled up 11 the """'1'• oi>rmi o11....i ... C:haracleriud by Delenae SecrdarJ Melvin. ll Laird u a "calmt•te:I tlCalatiaD cl the ..-. • adlDued ID ltl tbinl w..t. Allied epotesmm aid ol kart 1%7 Viel Ccog and Nar1h Vle!na.-.... kl1l<d. Follolrb!( a j>llllft set Feb. D OI the ollenilve'1 oi><!>lnc. .....,, - ftlled inore --J5 -111111 allied rollltarJ -~ With -Gr monan .. emlgbt. • 1lte ·u.s. CM>mand again repori<d lhat overaU casualties end damage were light. A s.Jgon gov-sp>lermll Rid -dvilians ..... tiited and n -Heading for Hawaii aft.er" a four'4iay -... v-Lainl told .. airport new conference: '"'!be ~· cakula!ed eaca•Mion ol the war by bis attempt at a new" offecsiYe bu not been~" Be ..ittxa!ed that the neml •ttt• an Salp -lour _.,.. that ldJlod a ctvt111111 and WGGDded 1• --riolatod an ondmlaodltlg with North Vietnam by wbk:h bomhtllg~ the.171h ponlld ended lul Nov.· L .JM be iaid, "I am pleased that..Jhe --.0 did "DOI .....,. and that they _. not llplll- --. -F~P .. el - DRTJG US.E, .. \BUSE RISES • • • -allacb." Ing the penalties !or _.,.tng It?. may at.. Wxl to believe what they lie ..aid the U.S. ....,.... to any 'lbere .,.. o1 """"' no limple. pal~ choooe .., a controversial IUbject. And cmHntiaWxi ol auch attacka could be answer.-to lhea and other ~: Ibey hive tended. lo 1""'11 1,boul drup ei-.mlllWJ or dlplomati<. In his arrival stalanenl Laird hod · wiill hrat» Caa -Do , ~ from their owe companions -not all not !lpOlled out whit U>e U.S. nspoose Bui · bowledHlble authoritlel t n•. · ol them well or fully Informed. miglit: he and hod rdtned onlJ 1o medldne, wiotj&l,y, edu.atian, dntg Parenti are wrong, for enmple, 11 "..-.1 opt1n111." ae-added, boweva: rusrndt. ll!d ·In ~ do elfer they argue that marijuana is a "We wont to D!Ue It c1oar thel no .-. """'"-and .iyjce m . "narmtlc" or that It ii phyl!caJly ad· -lhould mlalake our potinw and spedllc..ll*tp ,... oao do. dlctlve. The ffilllOllJ why It II net, and _..... lar a lip., ,...m;:' • ~~iri ·~ out bl detail bl why --•· could hooesUy '·ve ~ By uyblg that the ·-.. -~ill w. Oerlea. . ....,.... --· ended, at kart r... the time hein(. ond For _ .._ llliJii'.llJ d YGU!!I pi;,ple, milled inlo thinking it is, are explained lhe7 _. ID his opimm not ~. _ . __,_.. the -~•-~• la~. Laird appeared to be Mc:kq alf,;:.ll&-obeta•· ·-.-~. ••~ 'Ille point that au!horluee make here kalt slilbll1-The lul ol Ille --• ~ ~ N'P<I" 11 •. !llrta· Ls that prents get Into trouble 11 they -• the eapital aclllallJ --lion,'• ---ar.~ ""'~ 00 · fnlfst marijuana ;., a nan:otlc. ·or .-11boanbd<n Lalrd'1m!ril .-·an...,.. Jlte1 ean tab.U or ii= lump all dnJg! together u being hwe.JI.. ' hid. -~Ills • -... Bat ___...,... 1111~ _ _;.!.< --~"Once the youngster. tn prove the H-..iDn. Girl 1:;•~oao-1oq........ parent i. "'°"'=~~~be ~--.., -. ... -".l!tcjl'~r.::,..,..,~ • .., likely~ the ,.. 'Now • --Wtt-, ~:-:r: I can't believe • ~ oil say at Held in B~ch ~:::·-:-:·=~ ~ ~.::.; aJI.' .. ..,. ... poydllall'lll. -··Any drug educallcm which Is not Arm. ed Robbery •. ---~F~or~the'';; 1i. ~" ~ :r.1~~=t"~!al\;: = -. eu.uerate, you lose them." • IOdety ii bea'rily a pill IOCldy: 111 (Tomorrow: Why the drug aploslon A man wearing a Hessian !llOl<rcycle Pf"Ple lar yeara bile been "'allowing Ls occurring ..,.. _ end how m.osive dllh Jackel and his female Mlllpukla blDlool ol pilll and capsules. l!lclndlnl 11 Is) ....,. .......S Sunday In Huntlngtoo lnnquillwa. s-11 en chalia o1 otronr-ermed rob-American society toleratea alcohol and l>ery. -nicotine, beth of which technically are Pollce today aid the pair 11 accused drugs, and mlillOOI o1 Pf"Ple abuse beth ol taldng • pair ol black leather -of them. It has loo& hod • carpi of !nm the palml ol a Huntington Beach addldl hooked oo herein or oplwu. but teem,p hangout on Pacif.ic a..st fewer now than 30 or 40 years qo. 111Pn1 ·-llaln Sir.et. --lllo Buntln&loll -City JID n lcilil -Yait«ml .Dore. JI, ol POii f« E+aybo.IJ * * * Sowns Hoping O!:ean landing .... loom! ...... and did. lriDIY, hut c:mlnlllen ..,...,.., .-We ta 1lloir lint ....,. dllya. Vcll!vltl, wee.~ llr1!lr you down m the middle -and Seott dlided ou1 the v...wa td>ot out three window• o1 ol a !nm!." (lldllod SlorJ. ,... -0 ~ Apollo nme -., craft and the home of blind !U>ier Jose Fellc18"0 "Yaa. keep potllllc Ille --set Iha .... for -orJ>il Oigltl !or In. Newport e.acb Salurday nllht wblle 1n1o 11;" aid il!'DiTllt u Apollo,.....,. Apollo IL 11 will lie moved lo the the enterlalner end a friend w,.. ll.ien- lnlo Ill -nel< ol apoot.. w.:11 pod at Cape It-, Tllelday. •·•to u«<d&. "Yaa hive hod toe aiq • liiDo. • '!lie Apollo I -kept an eye Fort<ll Burton o1 Anaheim told pollce · eommunlcator --11111 the m the -!her la ,the AUanUc •here . be and •mcer-gultariJI Fellclane were '1"?"""' -We IOlla .... ,.. jodeol the ftC0"'7 lhlp <'.aadllkanal mamed. 1n the upstaln balcooy ol the Back. up. A llen:e ldmm rated the .,.. Sunday Bay home at 7:45 p.m. when they heard VcDiYltt aid be _, -a .-.0 but Capt. Roy JI. Soddeth order<d • sounds o1 hr<aklng gla11. to ob1erve the watber ca a lmr pass dress rebeaml of the recovery to go Both fell to the floor Burton said. and added. "Brddes, 1 4Ml't .Wllll to ahead as planned. then they beard two more ~ashes. Unify mystl! to set bow blilf it rWly "We-can Re the whitecaps from where Police said no suspects were seen )IJIL"' we are." McDl.viU aid from blgb above around the house and no large tdisslles Sirhan Felt lbt AtJantic. .. U loob pretty roogb." were found wb1cb could bave broken McDlTitt asked Roosa today abc:M a the windows. Offlcen aa.ld the damage !up cab hated aboonl the GuadllleUll wu cauoed by "peliell ol some IOft, r.r their,-.. lo ear1h 'lllunday. not reeks." ~. sm, were you the guy who They said there WM no apparent JDmtionet1 the S50--pouDd cake on the reasoo. for the vandalism, which may . He was Norm .. ] . Gaadllbu!!" Vcllivitt uked Roou. have been random ac:U. ~ "Eftr a-yao. mentlooed II -, 'Ille windows wer< valued al JZ, Others Wrong LOS ANGELES (UPI) A psydlolagisl teatili<d talay that Sirhan B. Sirbaa nhibjted atnme paranoia In which be !ell thal be .... normal but that <V"J<>De else WU out of step. Dr. Martin !I:. Schorr, a clinical psycbologlsl In San Diego County, told !he jury at Sirhan'• murder trial that the U-ytaN>ld Arab al>o uhibiled "'bypornania." Schorr aid this WU • candltloo In whlcb a penon was "very aggreasive, restlese, in a state d. constant turmoil, a driven man, BOmething like a road runner if you want an image.." Schorr was · the first of. ·f I v e psycholog!!Jls and psychlabists to he caJ1.. ed by the def'°" to try to prove Its clalm rl. .. djmlnl.sbed capacity" oo the part ol Slrllm when he shot and lalally WWDlied Sen. Robert F. Kennedy Jmie 5, 1961. Schorr aid be eDD!lned Sirhan In hll «H on l1'e U,. tut N....,ber and -• -ol plJdltatrlc Itta. One WU the lllmf:P.a muJtipbuie penooallty toftlllory In whlch 1168 questlolll ,.... put to Sirhan. Schorr laid a aidf: test abo-Ned that Sirhan Wal ...,.erinl the quesUGOI mott truthfuily than Iha average -would do. Girl 'In Irons,' Freed by Police Laguna Beach pollce tried lh<ir hand at locblmlthinC Sunday to the ,.lier ci an l.1-year-old girl who wu aecu:rt:d by a pair ol leg Irons. Udall Calls Oil Drilling -"Qecj$ion '~ay of Pigs'·· . • . • I I .:WAsmNCJroll'\ (UPI) -F~ Jiiertar, s....et1rJ S1riirt Udall, Aid 'tellq ltla ! ' olakla In l>orwill oil *1JJIDC1 off ;tbe -"""-" -..... • imt d .-......-Bay al Pip.. · Bui 1JdaD· aald If the unda water oil well biawout which coaled the Sula Blrbara ))eaclwoa with black cnade oil results ia new water pollution safety Jegislatioa -"it may have been a very good thing foe the eouetry." Udall said all ol the lnformatioo he received from his subordinates indicated oil drilling would be Ille In the Sula Barbara Channel lie compared the advice be roceiftd to lhat which the late Prelldenl Kennec11 ....i...i prior to the lll.fll!ed Bay of Pigs btvUicm of"Cllba. •• ., "We did underestimate the rllb," '• Udllll told a Senate Pollution Sul> • commlttel!!.. . ' ""The -ol the Budget WU In • the pldure," he iaid. "They were hungry: • for the revenues." In the future, Udall said, "We should alwa11 err on the side ol protection where a mistake could do great damage to the other resources." UdaD said the West Coast was "an . oil defM:ieDC)' area" at the time Ue Santa Barbara drilling was authorized. · · Be aaid recent oil discoveries in Alaska have corrected the oil deficiency and . 11 they had been made earlier might have headed oil granting of the S..ta . Barbara leases. Drug of the Month Club? Mrui Gets Hashish by Mail U.S. Poatal authorlU.. today .,. In- vestigating a myslerloul letter -1ved by a Hun!lngton Beach man Friday con- taining a small amount of hashish. l40 and an airline achedule. authorities on the case, police explained •. A large Jetter, with two smaller en- velopes inslde, was reee.ived by Cole, police said. 1111 :"Jfaltatl A>i., llimtlngtoo Beoch. who pOllce .w-wearing the Jlewll'" jacUt when ..... led. la Orange c.ounty Jail today ii Leona -Ha,zen, II, of S..ta Ana. Miss Baun l1<t1 an adcllilonal charge o1 carrytng· a ·concealed weapon. She bad a pistol tucked in her waistband, police charged. ManY among a huge varjety. ol ctn.,. -tm:n legillma!ely, I"....._ for medical benellll. But there Ls also a great blact mJrket among ..... potent clnip. and Illegal manufacture oe lm- portaUoo. To Stiffen Drµg Usage · Penalties · The pocte~sised drama began. uid SACRAMENTO (AP) -Penaltiea !or LL Robert lfcMarray, •ben !he Yictlm, !Uing, selling and producing c1rug1 In Identified ooly u Joey, round ....., dis-carded leg ..... and handculfs In the Chris c. Cole m. of 3321 Admiralty Drive, reported the letter and its contents to his probatloo officer, Dean D. Evans of Santa Ana, wbo in tum gave the inlonnation to Huntington Beach police. One envelope contained a small packet of aluminum foil contaning that polictt believe to be hashish. On the outside was written, "Have a hit," and 1'Tria11 nm." The pair WU arrested when ii HuD- Ungtoo Beach patrolman recognized their cleacriptiOlll from a bulleUc put out el!er the the!L Both Weft pusena;en in a car ltopped for a trafnc viclatl.on due to ooe headlight out. police added. "l'bey are scheduled lar arralpment today In W..t Orange County Munk:lpal Court, W-er. I • DAILY PILOT ......................... -------CMIOlNIA ~~T' P\IM.llHING COM,AN'f' I.a.rt H. WtH • ,.,.,... ... "'*' ..... JMl L c.t" Vice ,,,........ .. ..,..., MMll ... n-" K•"'tt .... n ...... A. w.,,., .. -·-···' Hl11•• --·--c. .. -..1,. W.t..., ...... .......,. Mcfli m1 "'"' .. -.. ~ "-htc:fl; m ...,_ ,.,_ ............ .._: ........... Each y..,, uya the Food and Drug Adminlstration, billkm: ol aeda.Uve and pep pills are diverted to illegal use and ultimate tnl!use. That means enough pilll or tablela per penoo per year to "keep everyone in the United States awake and jumping for a week, and enough harbllurales lo keep U-In a flupor for a week." No one knows what the ovUuse of pn!"1t drup of many l<1nds Is doing to that priceless powsskm, the human brain, how fnuch it is constihltlnl a brain dram of lnfelligence and slllls. The newer element In the nation's drug problem ls the rather sudden spread of drugs that ~ fantul.ea or ballut1Mliam1 Qr that .. upand the mind." This drug problem Is her<. It is ..... It la big. Ji II appernUy growing bigger. And Jt W set kme a storm of emotion lhat -the ""''"· and \hat blodll effettfvt answers. · .Few GaidellDt:I Part of the problem ts "a tyranny of oplnlon, attitude and belle! In !he absence ot boWtedge,'' aiya Dr. Helen H. Nowlis, Univeraity of Rochester psycbologlst and director of the drug education project of the National A&soclation or Student P er a on n e 1 Admlnlmaton. The re;al ~tent of drug UJe among yoqng P'Ollle b not """""' alth"'l!I ..umafes .,. given In the nut artlcle. · Many parents a,. baffled or alarmed b<cauae the drug scene ls -™og tota!1y out.Ide sny ol tbelt MID Penonal '2J>'flenc<. Many cannot help '""1derlng whether their children will remain im- mune to the appeal ol pment drugs, oc. to a raft of new drup whlcb eipaU: predict will Inevitably come alGOg. · M1n7 parents are far more alanned, aome uperll Nj, than they Rally need be. . But practlcatl1 all ._ u.i PJll'f¢I .,. not likely 1n get cmr rar dnlas they know the Jul lacll abOal dl!ltnmi drugJ. Only with knowledge oao .. th11 .ctvetoundcoun;eJ. . Young11en and atlld..U ,.....all1 know a g* deal mon Ibo pubita 'about mlnd·lnnuenclng drugs. Jlut Ibey • California range from probation to life tra.sb. Jmpris:mnent -depending on the type Joey lives next door to Jennt Ann cl. drug and whether the person ta a -DeBaun, 1005 Dyer Place. The cuffs, repeated olfeMer. • said McMurray, worbd became Joey Several bUJa are before theJegislature U:; ~~ Jenny had ventured to try this year aimed at stiffening penalties out the leg trooa -wow -DO leg for possession and sale of narcotics such iron key. Call the police. as heroin, codeine and morphine and Jenny came to the poliC! 8latlon where all ...trlcted dangerous drug1 Including Officer Robert Remillard !reed her. LSD, speed end tranqullizer1. Cole, oa probation for. a narcotics charge in Musachuletts, told police be bad no idea-who the letter wu from. Police aa1d the return address was listed to a woman In Tucson, Am., but Cole claims be ne\o·er heard of the woman. UsinJ the mail to aend narcotics Is a federal offense, wblch brings In post.al The other letter contained two ~. bills and an American Airlines sc.bedule c, of flights, police sald. "Good luck later," was written on the outside of that en- velope. ) Huntington Beach detectives th.is mom-L Ing aJd the matter is now in the hands of postal authorities. The Tucscon ad· dress hall not yet been checked out, they added. r The leglslsture used the J>!ll8lty for possession ol marijuana by a first ol· lender last year, giving the judge the option ol making the crime a misde- meanor or a felony rather than a stralght lelmy. ... ·.··· .·.·-... :J .. · .. · ,. ·:··-.... ···.•1· .. ··· .. ~ Under prt91!Dt law,• person convicted of marijuana pouessl.111 fcrr the first lime can eilbtr be eent to Utt J:rbon for ene. to ten Jean as• feloay 'dfmder or to eounlJ jail for up to -,.or oa. a miademeanor. · Penom: emMded"af po11es11 n r rutrlcted dangerouJ drugs lace the same penaltles. However, possesslcm o( all other !lll"Collcl euept peyote ii a felony punlshalile by two to ten yeari In stalt priaoo. Secoocl and third olfenclen lace much ltiffer 1entence1 ln all cuea. A person with DO prior convlcUons for nareotict posse13ion must spend a minimum 15 years Jn llo!t priloo with a possible JI'-tenn ol lile lmprioonmeiL Senlenca !er the aate of marijuana and nan:ot.ica are much lliffer than tboet foe poueulon. Thi penalty for ae1llng restrlded dang ..... drup Is not u Ill.ff, tbou.gb a Dlf'UW'e iJ now before the legialature to make U>e tenteoce the wne u the lenn !or aeUlng mari- juana. Finl olfenden coovlcted of oeillng tnarljaln.a. or narcotics face Ove years to lifa lmprilonmenf -with a minimum tbnie-year term be!"° parole. A firat olf..,. rar 1a111ng mtrided dllngerouJ drop, howtn:r, COii be either a misde- meanor with up to ..,. year la COWllJ Jail or a lelaay willl "!"' to .ft!e yean In lll!t priM~ • Sepafala aec:tlonl of the. atate health -. Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICF COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAl"R · e rings sized end repaired e dia monds end precious stones remounted e peerl1 restrung WE CUSTOM DEslGN & MANUFACT\JRE AU TYPES OF JEWELRY [3 ZJOO HAllOI aYD. HUNTINIHON ClN1ft llACH l IDIN5R HUNTIN!HON HACH 1n.sso1 COSTAMDA MS.MIS °""" .............. I'll. 'Ill ' ..... .. " I ,. •• and .aret, coc1e deal with Jl'llllUe.s for .... II .. 1., by mlnon ahcl to minors. • i•c Ui2!& 1 ',1 •• • ••• i.····· , ...... .. r 'IW~ll ll • -. , . • ' •• . I I I " I' . I I I I I I' I I I • p l N.v. St••• · • YOI:. 62, NO. 59, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES "MoNDAY, ~I~ '1969 .. I , ~each Parents Narrow Communication Gap -. .. :.. id Mrs. Ron Schnltger. white plrents and black parents ,gQlna: tt bun't ~ .e.Jay fQr parenls of ootfrl:-~ .. pihe!r. · way to share a; little thi Hllllllqlon Beach neighborhood in ~ Founllln Valley'• tlemehtary school It began with Arevalos Principal .tyltem. . Robert Lindstrom, who spoke to parents Beaidel !aWa1 black" suspicion of the ' about involving themselves in a peop\H\lo white do-109den. white parents have people attempt ·ati blaci..whlte communi- tbeir own f~ to overcome. caUon. , · · ''They ale so~ oJ)eD," ·marveled Mrs. · Three parents and a dozen ArevaJos .Richard: Lacoei1 "I ~lush· ~vety. tiaie teacher• apent a weekend Jut De~mber I aay 'Negro' or 'black' to them.'' with three parents and 12 ttaChers from· But the feeling is coming · lot the · 1112od Strftt Scliaol in Watts. . ·~ The parents llave tQen.lt from tberr, and th ... lnvol\'ed from the Hontington Beach uelg!lborhood now -30. There have been-two vtatu· to lll:nd Street Scbl;>ol and a return vtaJt by 45 hi.ct pattl!il lllCI -to Arevaloo School, the. Fountain Valley Currkultim Materials Cep.tq, apd'Juncb in a'whlie home. . · There has been ' u1ly neighborhood reacUon -accusations that JJ>e ~ts are trying to lljteirate the lldgbborboOd or Pilnn1n& to bwl ,lludeuta. Bui JI bu not .U-U.Ced the lf"UP· • _ '1'\11-best tllin( !'Ve Ftt•l" -e•1t. al tbia 11 llMll)'· belnc able to -nwidc:•te with J1r1 -numlly. I have ~ed that -~ an ~ who care ,al>oul other -1<." said l(n. Alvin Borman. "Thll is the tllinr· !IQlly .. llldl7_ llcl:· 1.ng." ' ' • ,. o.i-•• ' '"l'bere ii •. areat daal • ., comfort In lhat," alfered Mn'. 1llcbard Heo- deraon. "It UIUally , tate. I -Of aometbing conlrovenfal to pl· people toeetber," saJd 1ln. Sclmltaet. Mrs. Ned Penira aid, "1 Udnk tbe thing is N..,_ indivldually. an dlllennl • from Negroes collect1ffly. Wben 1"" aee them poraon-to.pencm ,.. pe llOI even aware of their akin color;'' "W'e m .edqc:atlng ouratlvea IO we can educate our cbDd:rtn and set rid (See WATTS, hp I ) > ' , • ame-s a .. Protecting Your Teen Drug Use, Abuse In U.S. Spreads Edi10T's Note: Th4 b tlie f irst tn a serfr.s of articles written bu a ptize-ttnnning reporter .to inform anxiou3 parents about the drug and narcotics situatiO'n -and 1uggest what they· can do ·to guord their own children ag~nst iis hazards. By ALTON BLAK!;sLEE , A~IMed Pre11 Scieooe WrJtu . , . . '-~'\ -•. : ·J' •• l.ii '1-~:.... ··. ~ ,, ,. .. '.lbt' ~ .abuse-d · ~s _that affect human minds is spreadirfg ""';'.,t;'.:lt~:-=~· ol'thQilia~ps # .tJle•lnllllot). . .,. ~; ~ ., .. g;iiftg atill further with marijuana, with LS!l, w!tli Ille u)>piea Ull 'downiei· of-Pei> pills and sedatives, wjth Speed, and even · · ' in some cues with' bero1n. ml""''.'!!'1'"1 .. ' ~ By the million!, parents are in- Newport Btach Police Chief creasingly pu.zkd, worried, or even downright pan>:l<y; Most diaturbing to them, marijuana ·or "pot" es- pecially is becoming , popular among junior high and bigb school students. · "MY seven-year-old · daughter can spell marijuana; I never heard of it until I was in college," says one 37-year-old father. At hfil:h schools and colleges, ar- rests for J)misesslon of marijuana and other drugs are increasing. Sim· pte possession of marijuana is a rel· ony punishable by jail terms of two to 10 years or more. (Editor's note: Under California law currently in effect, possession of marijuana Js an "alternate fel· ony-misdemeanor." This means whether the swpect ls charged with the greater or lesser oftense - is left to the discretion of the judge· hearing hL5 case.) Drug use is unqueaUonably becom- ing a way of life for some young people -and for an untold number of adults also. B. James · Glavas: .. AU paTtill..s- should takt time to read the articles •.•. S0mt: hopt of 1low- ing the accelerated use of"Mr· cotics and drugs b11 OUT l,IOUU• ma11 be possible.•• 'l'hil series of stories, based on in- interview1 with dozens of aulhorities acro55 the country, deals with ques- llana 9UCh aa thts< that con!roOt pattnll and young -people u well: What can 011 should parents do to steer their children away from using mind-affecting drugs? · How much of the complete story about various drugs do YOUlll people and chilqren know? ' How can you tell if someone ls smoking marijuana, or toking LSD or oth- er drugs? • Why did l~e great tum-on .,vilh drup come along now? Whl! benefits do drag users say they find? What harms may various drugs cauae?• , .. Just what are are all~ drugs,·new-and old? Whi:t alt'-'11d parenla do if teen-agers or college students become deper.d~ ent on 'drugs? · · · What Ui the argument all about over Jegaliialion of marijuana, or reduc- (5•• DRUGS, Pege 2) Ul ' • • Drug of Month . Club? Huntington Man Gets Hashish U.S. Post.al authorities today are in- vestigaUng Fl mysterious letter rec~ived by a Huntington Bea~ man Frid;ay con· taining a small an;iount of hublsb, $40 and an airline schedule. Chris C;-Cole ID, of 3321 Admiralty Drive, reported the letter and ita coq!epts to his· probation officer.•· Dtan D. E9ans of SSnta Ana, who in turn gave · -the infonriaUOli to HunUngton Beach police. Cole, on probation ror . a narcotics chittge in Massachusett>; told police he had bo idea who the letter was from. Poli«! said the return address was listed to a WOinan in Tucson. Ariz., but Cole claims he never beard of the woman . ·Using the mail to send narcotics is a red.era! offense, which brings in postal authorities on the cee, police eiplaioed. A tarae leUer, with two smp.ller mo velopes trisia"e, was received by cote, pollce said. One envelope contained a small packet of aluminum foU contanlng that police believe to he haablah. On the olltslde waa written, "Have a blt." and "'Trial nu\." The otliet letter contained two l20 bills and an American Airlines ochedule of flights, police smd. :'Good luck later," was written on the outa1cte1 of t\l&t ear velOpe. . Hlmting1on Beach·detedlvea thil ~ Ing said the matter ls now in the band< of postal authoritiea. The 'I\Jc8con ad· dttu hu not yet been checUd out, they added. 'Driven Man' . Judge Gives King Slayer 99 Years Doctor Describes · Sirhan Paranoia MEMP~, Tenn. (UPI) -Jamea·Earl Ray, indicating be was part of an unulnatlon CQDBPiracy,-pleaded guilty today to the ri?.urder 'of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and I jury, by prear- lBUgeOlenf; ,aentenced him to tt years ln _prilon. . LOS ANGELES (UPI) A paych<>logist leltllled today that Sirhan B. Sirhan exb!bited esire1ne paranoia li;i which be felt that he was J:!Onnal but that ev~ else was out of step.· and conducted a number of pi~ll1c: teti . • . One was the lllnnesota multlphuic pe?aciaality Inventory in which Ml ~uesttooa were j)ut 1f1 Slrb&n. ·Schorr aald a aide. teat showed that Sfrhan waa al>rw•rlni the qu .. uOnli m. tlllthlull1 !hail tile average -P""ln w9uld. do. The "•le : pre'!"nled· a handful of wi~ aixl, an hour ind 55 nilnules alter the JAldden• trial started, Ray WU coovlct<d. He made the mollty .... in ..... -~ ··-~'jt~~a:a~· Dr. MarUn Y.. Schorr; a cllnlcal l")'.cboleglst in San l>l<IJo COunty, told the· jury: at Sirhan'• mimler" trlil that tlit .U-)'9U~kl Arab ,also . etbl•lled . . . • .. ~ wr)I~~ ~. 1Jead;l\1.thi:fJ>-rihd ' ~-·-' ·~ ... ,,~ A ftly ~ caiil in ~ 1 -even ''in .... iWltJ pleas ..i.. ahie thi jury self llii' penalty. All II 'jurors -two al tllem Negroes -agreed to the deal~ of a tt-yw-sentenct berore they we:ij nrom in. ~~~~-Iii"' . r:.1,t i ~ .... ~ ~,;.;,:.~·~~ . , Mµ~qr:·r~na Scllarr-{WU . tbe fl:rat• '.af1 ·f l t.I ' ~ . : . · • ycbolollata and !llYd>lltrlstl to be calli Jn }l tin at : by the defeme loo try to . p,n>ve ill . un~ on . :: o( o1~;=1be ca~~ t:i: ;The . bod)' ~ an ~~· rD.n :~ (leid The jury llmply voted by hand In their aeaii, never leaving the courtroom. Ray'1 _.attprney,, famed lirial lawyer Percy . F~ and Prosecutor Phil M. Canale botli told the JlfrJi that "they were coo..vinced Ray alone killed King with a rtlle •hot lut April 4, An<! there wounded Sen. Robert F. l<em>ed.Y ,June · wbapa• thr ... daya -. W!ll· dlacovered 5, lie3, . . , Sllnday afternoon ball aubmaged ·In a _Schorr said he Hamlned Sirhan in l?\uddy pol\(! near Taylor _Lote la Jllm. hi! .cell on two day1 Jut Novan~ tin~OQ Beach. · . , ;~, .Midway City fisberlnan ~ lh!,tl!ld to pOjlce-t 1;311_p.m. S~y; . wu no Co~ltacy. , At thatl!C>inl· Ray stood U~. . "Your~nor, I'd like to.say_spmethlng. I ·agree "'!ill>: all these aUpulations, l>Ut I don't qree with thi.e theolles on the consW'acy." · , Judge W. Preston Batlle asked Ray If be was trying to change )lb gl!iUy plea. Ray sll«t '"No air.'' ·and lpoke no more, about t1ie cqupitacy. · ·Ray waived all righla ror appeal,Jor a new trial or for any other legal maneuvers in exchange for the ~year (See RAY, Page !) . . ;,odmohile Coming ' ' ' ' . ,To Hoag H!>~pital An AmerlCan Red 'Cross Bloodln<>blle will be ·at .Hoaa Memorial Ho.pita! tn Newport Beach Friday to help replace blood "rewvei depleted by recent flood dbasten. Donora were asked to. call Red ~· headquarters collect at.7'7*'3182 to'makt apPoinbnenta. The bloodmoblle Vim· be at Hoag trOm 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Apollo !n Homestretch; Smooth SaiJing Reported . .. SPACE CENTER. Houstou (UPf) -trolltr• ' ' · The Apollo I istronauta lined up their .The .lirlnil · orlglnal\Y was : scheduled orblt for a Tbunday 1p~own· and to la.st elglit aecdnds, but It wit lengthen- 1jll!Cf liaPPi!Y doifn. the hoJl!~elcb, to. ed to ~ secoudl in order to , run a day . wJtb one ,eye on, the Wei gauae te.st~~!.-~P'•.flfelg~ugingsyat.e~. and tl)e othU1irtbe weather. , • "We have tbal much . fuel· left?t' , "Like .an urow ltlr<>Uih the: sky,,. M;cDi\.ft"t uftd an;d was ·usUred he exclabned Jamainea A. !'.!f!!lvltl ~'; llr1ng did. the lhlp't m ,,....,.. ia : ,p.m. Jn dlelr 'flnt seven days, McDlvltt~ PST to adjull Apollo l 'a pith for the Schwdckart and Scott checked oot the . J>o.'."=; ~uUCul, .. replied sround bug-lite · Apollo moon landing craft and communicator Ronald Evans. ''1 the •taae for Junat, orbit flight for n APollo 10. It. will be moved to •Uie McDlv!U, David R. Scott and Rms< launclq\ad" 1\ ea .. Kennedy 1'1eed1y. L., Scbweickan reported their -AUanUc .....i. · , ,~ · .The , vlcllm · w11 -tentatively ldentlfied today by the Orllige County Comwr'I orflce as *-Y'4f-old ·Jbe Knlgbl or Arteaia. : Police investigators said the deoth ... r:uled ·~dl:rltll droiminr. T!ie c!iacovery was made by Jillln I.ft Coney~ 14751 JeUeraon. st.,. and Lee T.,- lor P.,.;y; 14'2% Ad.mi St., WJieie iheJ wm fislling lnr bua" and cat. liab· in the Tayler Lake arta near Slater Avenue and Golden Wist Strftt. . Police• said the body was st~ tigbl In the mud. It was well piexrved because of cold water. ;1nv~1ators eS_Uniate. the man'• death at three to lour days before dUcovery. A fWl tnveiUaaUon was first m·ade far . ' pduible borilldde cluea, iald the ~ tiv.., 1iut • ncine ...... roun11. Thi bOd1 . wis remo.ved when it' became appareut the death WU accldtntal. Post mol!tem investigation wu con- dUdt<l by tbe-coroner'a office at Smith'• Mortuary In Huntinl\On Beach. Funeral arrana:ementa are pen4ing, unW nut ol kin are found and notified. • • . ' ' . The weatherman's aettlng oeean tandlng area looked rough and . -,·ne 1Apbll9 t utronaUts tePt an ,eye H \... H Id . R hh R ab ies, . Dog Licen se windy, but controllen promised : "We on the wealbff in the AlllJIUC where es~1an e m o ery :r0:·t,!~' ~~1io:;, ~age~~dle · ~be n:v~~~i~:a~·:!:~~; Clinic Sla ted Tuesday "You teep putting lb• drama bact but Capt Roy M. Suddeth ontered a ready to open up · the akies again, promising 1hower1,'and '. few tliunderstotma !or Tueiday, ' along with psty' wlncU aiid temperituru down in tbe 50'L } A rabi'es and dog licenie clinic will lritolt,''aaidI!cDlvittuAaoUotcouted drw rebeanal of tbt r~very to 10 A ,man wearin& a Hessian motorcycle Jail wu John Patterson Dore, 23, ol 1 into lll lf8CO'ld week of apace fll&hL ahead u planned. ~ . ' . club Jacket and ru1 female companion JIOZ Walnut Ave., Huntington Beach, be held Tuesday night between p.m. "You have ha4 ~ ..n.rJ a time," 1'We can see the wbJtecaPI from where. were arreated Sunday in HunlinJlon who police said was wearini the Hessian and 9 p.m. at the main HunUn': cOrnmurilcalor Stuart . Roola told the we are,"·~(Dlpu 111id fro~.blch abovt INSIDE TODAY ~ on -chir1e1 of stron&-Mmed rob-i·accet when arrNted. • BePalmach 8f,1~ .. e ,' .. ta. lion, comer of Blake 1pa·cemen. "We aorta kff.P you jacked the Atlant .. "1 loob pretty ~.'' Tiit Board of S~faora, re· _, " ~ up.• · · . • McDlvltt alked RaoU tod•7 •bQUt .• . J>lving to lhl . JSA -.i J•"J, Poiic. today aal~ the pllr•ls accused In Oranp COU01J .Jall loda7 lo Leona The clinic, aponacnd~7 1 ,, 1 •lfClllvlll•141d"•Jdldn'I -a•dunce : llll'$bajroil ~=li:'j"I rtgill<F* ngrctmc11I-, and dio- al tdlng 1 pe1r o1 black leather boou Mae Jluen, 11, of Saata .Ana. Mlaa ~h Roiarl' Club, "111; ,. ~ ~'\ht :weather_• a ,.iata!<plM'. I~, thelr'NCl_!rJ!to • ·"' • agr<im<nl .:..... Wh ~ Pilll~ ' from. 1he CJ°' a ff_.h.trt .... Beach" Hum faces IJ!i ~oaal ~~~ .~IO~r snbnaJ~bu en.tl added::.i ·~\ ~ -~"lo ~Std"., weN' JW ~ PY w~ -< 1-, , J\ • • .,, ,, • ·.-" 1 1 =. '. ,.· -p-·-··-c' ~--d · .• __.., • -aloll ·-··She J ' 11':'"'"'"''-irill· .... . ... . ·~ .. -.. ~-" ro -. > "•t "-''•' • • •1Jii ,.;..._. cal< pri .... . • • • • • . '1 ......... ' ' "'' 11\;JJI vu..o• "-'J.u> .._., ~ .,~,_.. "'.:f ""!;: , y-vai:.u ·lfll. I JM&q"""\ , ~ . • ~ •o..!I• ...... ~ t , , ''Cl I 11:! • I 'I,, • ay"!.'"., Mal• s•-eet. • a .W.toJ lucked 1n her·tWalltblnd, Pt,tice'' ' pt'lct: • I j'ii;• . '~ ' . .. l!"h'¥ ~ • 1 ' ' ' • ' ' ~. • GUadalCanialT" McDffttt Una RoOaa.... .... " .......... • 2'e w .,.. • t I'.\"" Wll. *· { 'tt f: Dcil ' · ·..ti 1 1· ::t • Ctilftnllt t _... ft • Bocitec:t• into HunUngton -Beach Clt7 ~pair· •-d... •• H 1 ~er~ .. 1•ft•u i:et befter," Ev.ni aakt. s: .. • , ·' v I'! t1 , you , tne··~~l.it_ ' Clhtlfltf twt :".....,. .. •.i.111:1 wu ....,......._ w11111:n a un-Stoelc ff"• l . Toda1'• 2f.teeoild tocftt buitt1~ed •!!!! ~ve.~ven'f ~ ta.~ a i ~ ;i '""' ::t:' .: tingtonBeacllpetrolmanftCoplr.tdtbe.ir ~·r -~ ' .• 1 A~llo ~'•·chit to--.: ctttlal!of 1• Ji. :, , 1.. , =-,....... 1; =""" ..,,. Cardinal in Hospital BO:STON (AP) -lllchard Cardinal cu.shing, 73, ·arcbbbhop of the Roman Cltholic dloctR 0 f Boston, W a I l>oopltaliJod MOl)da,y for rest and treat· ment for .br0nchla1 COIJi'SUon. .~ deacrlpUona -I bulletin pul out alter NEW YORK (AP ) '.;...wk niol'tet ·' )!Illes and ~ lta paill loc ·-. "Maybe ... llellor _, • 'l'l1X ·-.... • --m: the tbefL --,t:'.':': • 1i.-1.. , <teiecram> out u..r. aod u~e thtsa ..... •••• '' ,......... " B«h w~ pauenaert in I Cit stopped closed on the up.side_~~f, with ~ • ~~;, ~ •. ~ . • . , l maW ~ ' "I.'-' ~ Leid &bl , ,._. "'" ~ 1t for a traffic YlolaUM due to one headlight Dow Jona indu&lrtal ~8~ t ~ YOf· lie \Oil Y• 1 •.'1 l7P. ; '.,\ar ~ CUe 'lot r=..= J ... .... ;. · cul, police .clded. Thet are ICheduJed agood,ainandactv~·~~~' ~~~~~-.,..1!~ •.e. =~ a ;.r "i"or1ia • M iluu • ,•,.J,=:" ,, •"""'....,. " !fir arralSl)IT!ent toda,y in Well Or'"i• ol declmea. Trading \!IP ~ ·"""i.11 l\'!,~.1!1..,-, ' . ~· .. ,, '-'·-'-"' ba ·~--.... ~ ',;' County MW!lclpal Coort, Westmlnater. quota tons, Pagea JMI). B, JOI , 11111' .,., ~ · CCIII .. -w • '. '-'-'----.....,.--.,.....-_,, .. I . t I I I l t: • • SAIGON (AP) ~ U.11. l>amhen aod ort111ery pounded late Monday at elemenll ol two Vlei Cq reg!marta that bad ambushed end bloodled • ba~ talion ol abCllll 300 -Vletmnwli paratroopers In a two<lay blltle II mI1u ll<lribftll of J!al&oo.• • . ,,,. hmled enemy ,_ -estimated to total more than 1,000.men -retreated toward the Cambodlu lronller, five m1lel inm the ID:DI .where they tilled llJ ol the panotroopen end wounded . 1115 In the oharpeol of • -ol lighla over the weekend. Adlons elsewhere piled up u the enemy'• spring. o(f~Ve, cbar1cterlled by Deleme Secfttary Mtlt!D I\. Laird u 1 "calculated etealltioa of the war," c:onllnued In Ila tblrd week. A1lled opol<esmen aald. at leall LZ1 Viet Cong aod Norlh Vletnamea...,. il1led. Follow1ng a pattern 1t1 Feb. %1 at the offensive's opening, entmy gunners &belled mor< than 35 tow.. aod allied military !mtalla11ons with reokela or mortars overnight. . Tbe U.S. Commllld again reported thlt overall casualties and damq'e were Dahl A Saigon aovermnent spokesman aid nine civilians ware l;IIJod end 31 wounded. • Heading for Hawaii after a1 four-day visit fO Vle!nam, Laird told . on tirport news conference: ''The enemy's calculated escalation of the war by his attempt at a new offensive bas not From _P .. e 1 Pair Lose Lives In 2 Accidents DRUG USE, ABUSE RISES ••• Two persoM were killed Sunday in separate traffic accldenll in Anahtlm •·• ••e penalliea for ........ ..1..... It? to "keep everyone tn the United Slat.es ..,. "' ,,,_.,.,..,. d 8nd Santa Ana. ---·-of co·-· no simple, ....... awake and jumping fol' a ,)¥eek, an " A .1ue1 11 _.,. ....... y<Q Charles F. Buttons, 19, ..,anta na, lllllWml to ~ . and other question&. enough barblb.q;atea to · keep them in was dead on arrivaJ at West Anaheim ~ Do a stupor for a weet." alter ... 1 J Wiiii Para• ~ . . No one ·knows , what th! overuse of Memorial Hospital wri:; mo orcyc e But knawledge8ble authorities t n potent drugs oC many kinds is doing he was riding collided wJth a car at medicine, psychiatry, education, drug to that priceless possession, the human JIG n.eudl, and law. enforcement do offer brain, bow much It ill consUtuUng a IHI Comity TraHlc J'1 numerous guklellnes, and adv1ce on bra.lb drain of intelllgenCe and skills. it Deadl Toll specific things you can do. The newer element in the nation's Magnolia and Orange Streets in AnabeJ:m. Tbe9e are spelled out in detail in d~•• problem ls the rather 1t1dder,. nwo1ad tbe d G aid J tater stories in tbia series. ·-•\. Ind 1 tasJ ~r·-A J)Dsetnger on ey e, er • Fol a majority of young ~le, of drugs •uat uce an es or ~ Murphy, 19, Garden Grove, was inj~ oblervtn rem.art, the encounter .with . =~tlbns, or that "eipand the tn the acc;idenl The driver of the car, mlnd-affectlna: drup appears as a Oif'ta.. ~ drug problem is here. lt ts now. Joseph C. Kearney, 17, Anaheim was tlon, a one time or once-in-1·whUe event, It is big. It is apperntly uawina bigger. i not injured. with ~ers sure they can take it or And tt bu let 'loose a·sform of ~moµon . : {fl: Santa Ana, Nelson E. Proulx, 14, leave 1L that c«if1iaes the Issues and th1tlilodo ' Santa Ana, clled at Orange Coun\y But llOIDI autboriUes say _ IUCb ~· ettedlve .answers. ' · . Medical Center of Injuries received when perimentailon can amount to cJrug = ,L, • .~: ;i .._:Giltill 1 • ·he wu atruct by a cYr whlle'•ttempUna: te-thataomeyou:ngpeoplf:)W'ti i•~."'71 •· · ·~·_ .. .,., ~ ... :. · ·&ocroa4tbStreetatFlowel\Slreet. IU!<epllble to •arlous dnlp, ~ beaDO! . • .Pm ot ti ll"'lilmi is a tyranny · Police aald tbe driver of the cor, dependenl, aod get burl, ba!lly bilrt, · ol o~on, 'lltit1"fe llld belle!· 1.-the Dante! C. Alcaru, 39 Santa Ana, wu from what they intended as a rat.her . absetiCe Of knowlecfce, ~ aaya: Dr: Helen al-rested on !USpiclon ~ drunk.en driving. innocent adventure. If. N.Wlla, · Unlveralty of Roch<stB He ls Im on ball today. The "drug scene" ls part of a larger psychologist end director ol the 'drug · one. For the truth ls that American educaUon project of the · NaUon1J soc1etj ia heavily a pill society. Its Al!ISOCiaUon of Student Pe r son n e l From Pqe l people for yean have been swallowing .Administrators. blJlklia: of pllla and capsules, tncludlng The real extent of drug use among truqal111en:. young people is not knowu, although W ATIS VISIT .. American aoclety tolerates alcohol and estimates are given in the nezt article. nicotine, both of which technJcaIJy are Many parents are baffled or alarmed of some of thiJ prejudice," :said itrs. drop, and mtruons of people abuse both ~ the drug scene is something Lacock. of tbem. It bu to.g bad a corpo of totally outalde any of tbtlr own personal Mn. Horman said sbe plans lo get addldl hooked on herola or oplum, but ezperience. Many cannot help wondering her cllildrtn involved by driving a station fnn!' ncnr thin JO or 40 yean qo. whether their cblldren will remajn lm-wagon load of books to the WaUf achoo!. Pllll fir z, IMcly mune to the appeal of present drugs, She sees It u being IOllle~posiUve , .... !.6!_...i.ty ol _,___ or to a raft or new drup which uperts far her children. 'not a. tour· ti. bow lflll1 lll10Cll I.....-•u~ .~ .... predlctwilllnevitablycomtaloog. the other hall lives. : are .!Um~=· ~;~for Many parents au far ,,,.,e alUTMd, .Btoldel tbe aelf 11.tlafactlon they feel, =t~ck niartet llllOl1' Mime p;..~ some aperts ..,,, than they really need ~~ped"':,enb~i. already have dnlp, end mega! manufacture or Im· beBut practically all -that parenla At tbe Curriculum Materlala Center, pc:l'ta.tion. are not likely to get very far unleu where Fwntain Valley voltmteer parents !:acb 1W', "1• . the Food end Dn1g they know tbe r..i facts about d!Uertnt make claaroom aides, the Watts paren1'I ~tion, billions of sedaUve and drugs. Only with knowledge can they were shown ways to beJp therme.lves pep pills are diverted to illegal use give sound counsel. and get parentl involved in a common and ultimate misuse. That means enough VOungsters and students generally purpose. pills or tabJeta per person per year know a good deal more than parents "They were shown what they can do College Girls Move In NEW YORK (AP) -About 100 Barnlnl College girls moved into l1to men'I dmmltorles at Columbia uruvem- ty Sond.ly nlgbt to emphashle demands for -tlooal Iivlng laclllUes. llflll ~ 1·11 01 MANGI CGU'I l'Ulll:M411M <OMl'Mff a.Mft N W-1 ........., ........... Wier" J•t• L C•r':r V"b .......... ._. ........ n. .. ,, ICttt'fl -"'-"• A. Mwtltl11e .,........ •• lilt Al._,.W, a.... wnn ... •••' "-tltM H\1111....._. llldl .... (ll'f lflttr ..................... JM ltlt Str .. t Mam.. Ji,M,._, P.O. a. .. 7'0, •tMI -- • t ' about mlnd-lnlluenclng drugs. But they with very little output ol funcla, Ilke may also tend to believe what they mate flannel board stories," aald Mrs. choose on a controversial subject. And R«man. they have tended to learn about drugs "They couldn't wait to get out of from their own companions -not all that place to talk about where they of tbem well or fully informed. c:ould set up me of their own," remarked Parents are . wrong, far o:ample, if ~ ~ensr;ive to furnish t02nd Street they argue th.It marijuana ii a ••narcotic" or that It b physically ad-School classrooms also is on with Girl dictive. The reuo111 why tt Is not, and Scouts in Fountain Valley, Colta Meaa why parents could boll..U, have been ~ ~ =~· reciprocating misled Into tblnklng It I.I, .,. eoplalned by thtlr enthusiasm llld show ol thanks. la~e -h·t that authorlUte make here The feeUni b coming. While partnUI see ,........ they have come a kmg way since the I.I that parenla get Into trouble II they llnt hurt ol not being lnld "Good-by." DO Inlist' marijuana ts a m=Uc, •• . 'And wbo 1mowo, they oay, how far if the7 lumha·~ ·all drugs together .. btlnt It will go! <qU8lly d. Mra. Ronna bu bop<o "other com-"Onoe tbe yoonpter can 'prGVI the mun! will ct ha ha n•-t la -• about a b'• -•~ he ties pl ap W I "' ve ~--·~ ,. ,....., started Jn our own Iittle, disorganized v.ry Ilktly tat .. the pooldon -'Now way." I can't believe . anythin1 )'OU A)' at an,• " uya: one psychlalrilt . '.'Aey drug educaUon which +la Ml scrupulou!ly hontst will laJI with the kids," a psycbologirt addl. "Once you ezaggerate, )'OU lose them." (Tomomiw: Why tbe drug erploolon ls OCCWTlng now -and how eltensive it ls) Armed Bandit Holds Up Store A m.,iV<r-l>rudlal!ln( robber beld ap 1 W-1mter food mort<t S.turday nliht aod aped • ..., ofter cteonm, <1111 the Jtore'• till. According to Weotmlmter polltt, the urildenlllled 1111pect come Into the 1lort, lo<oted 11 17317 Wtllmllllter Blod., 11 10:11 p.m. ind beld ~ dork Bob Estes .at bay with the gun ·while he ocooptd on Ullknown amount ol cllil from tbe ,..,i.ter. . 'Ille .....,..i t11ta ron out 'lo • ft!Unt automobllt aod made his get.oway. Boy Scouts Take .Tour of Ship Twenty-lour younpten from Boy Scout Troop llO ol lllmtJnston Beach were !reeled Saturday to 1 tour ol a U.S. NaV'! Deairoyw bertbecJ In Long Beacb. From Item lo llm1, tho boys ...... Jinn a detailed l«1r ol the USS Barry E. Hobllanl. 'Ille Hullbard'1 n-*Ive -II Lt. Cdr. ~ s. ,,,.,., or 1sru Cascade Lone, 1fllnlhic!nn -. whoo< IOI!, Peter, Is· I -of Trnop JIO. Tho llllbbonl ncently ftl11nled.lrom a ll1<nonth Weatem Padllc tour ond Is presently moored at the U.S. Naval StaUon In Lq Qeacb. Trnop JIO, led by acou-Henry T. ShlouU, 11 opoolOl'td by GIO Elemen- tary School. • ery • • L...a-IUCCllll\l1 1' ~ •\, He Rltetated lllll'tbe .....i atlJ.lckl on Sallon -loor blrrl(eo that ldDed 51 civillanl aod wounded 141 -'1olated an understandlhg with Norlh Vletmm by whlcli -hlnc above the 17th P.,alltl end,ed Jut Nov. I. Bui "" oald, "I am pleued that 'tho attackl did not continue alid that lbef ""' not llgnlll· c•nt attacks." He ·&&Jd the U.S. response to any CODtlnUIUOll of such attacks could be eitber military "' cllplomotlc. . In bis arrlnl statement Lain! bad not 1pelled ou1 what the U.S. rtlpOll!t mlJhl be end bad relemd only to "1everal options." He ldded, however: .. We want to mate it clear that no one lhouJd mlltake our patience' and forbel.l"IDCf: for a sign ol weaknw: ... ~Y oaylng that the attaW have now ended, at · Jeut for the Ume b$1, ud t.bey were in hil opinlcm not significant. Laird appeared to be backinc off, at least s.UgbUy. 'Ille laat of the four rocket attacks on the capital actually ended about 18 hours before Laird's aniv~. The savage battle wlQI the Viet Cong was one of five major fl&bls reported Jn the pUt 2f hours -at three polnll · near tbe Cambodlao bonier aod 'to 1be nOlih llld 80Utb of Saigon. '!be . dead lnduded SI AmerlC8lUI aod at lea.st LZ1 Vlet Cong and Nortb Vietnamese, allied apotesmen said. Fro,. Pflge 1 RAY GUILTY .. sentence -which he said was all that. bad -promised him. Foreman asked Priday ror a hearing, and rumors that Ray would switch his plea to euIIty had been prevalent since then. Ray entered the courtroom today wearing the same dark blue chected suit and light blue shirt which he wort at earlier hearinp. The white-haired Foreman -who claims to have Jost only one client to the electric cha1r -arose and an- nounced, uyour honor, we have a petition for a waiver of trial and a change of plea to guilty." · Battle told Ray that "this ls • com- promlae and settlement on a plei. of guilty to murder In tbe first degree end !II yura In the penl ... Uary. "lJ tbls what you want to do?" Batlle 11ked. "Yes, I do," Ray rtplied. FomD&D told -the junn that "I ..,., upeclid, bopec( "' bad any Idea when I ent..-ed Ibis cue that I would be able to do any,µ,.Ing o!her than save thia man'• Iile. It toot me a month to convince myself ••• that there wu not a couptracy." Canale, the attorney general of Shelby County, told the jury, "We hav~ no evidence that there was any conspJ.racy involved. If at any time there le: evidence that such i conspiracy Is involved we will take prompt action." The first witness for the state wa! the Rev. Samuel B. Kyles, a Negro mini.5ter who was with King the evening of April 4. He described the Nobel Peace Prize winner'• death. He said they were standing on the second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel, outside King's room, when "I turned to walk away. I got approximately five or six steps away from him and I heard what I now know to be a shol "I looked down in the parkhlg lot because I thought it was a car. Then I looked at Dr. King aod "' WU Jylng thusly," saJd Kyle, holding his bands over hi• head. "They had shot biJ neckUe right off.•• The 41 reporters and 30 spectators -five of. them Negroes -who filled the small courtroom we.re searched - Including thelt shoes -and recorded on a videotape ca.m~ra before tbe trial began. Security was heavy throughout the building. One to Grow On Eddie Howard and Karen Taylor, students at Gill School in West- minster complete planting of California Sycamore, one of 18 trees donated' to school by Golden West Homeowners Association in obser- V1llll:e of Califomla's 200th birthday. Admiral Says N. Korea Sought War Over Puebln CORONADO. Calil. (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher faced a Navy court ol. inquiry today u a volunteer witness aft.er an admiral teslifled he believes North Korea wanted a war over the USS Pueblo affair. Vice Adm. J. Victor Smith, who negotiated with the Communists after the vessel's capture, called the North Vandals Wreck Building Site Vandals rampaged through the con- strucUon site at Giesler School in Hun- tington Beach over Uie weekend, causing several thouund.s of dollan In damage to equipment and materials. J. M. Knapp, building Inspector for tbe H~ ICbool clirbicl, aald tbe vandals put cement into tbe radiators, gas tanks and oil l!W'DPI of a cement mixer, a forklift and pieces of welding machinery. In addlUon; 350' aactJ of concrete ag- gregate were alaabed and aevera1 elec- trical equl)llDent boxeo forced open by the d..truc:tlon-bent vaodals. "It was very bad," aald Knapp. ''The damage I.I probably 13,000 to 15,000 to equipment alone." He added that It would probably take four to five dayi before Arming.Johmon, subcontractors on thf! project, could repair their equipment and resume work. Knapp reported that construction on the school, which will be located near Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue, will not be totally Impeded by the damage. Wert in other mu will pro- gress on aclledule. Koreans "mad dogs." Smith described North Korean Premier Kim 11 Sung and his advi.!ers as "in- telligent people but completely without scruple or conscience." "I felt that Kim II Sung welcomed, perhaps wanted, war at that time," Smith said. "Seizure of a vessel on the high seas has in the past 'been an occasion for war." Smith said the Pueblo's capture oc-o curred ahortly after North Korean elforts to assassinate South Korean Pmldent Park ctn.mg Hee, which Smith called anotiler grave provocation. Smith, a former member of. the United Nations negotiating team at the Korean ArmisUce Center at Panmunjom., told 1he five-admiral court ol inquiry; "Wha t do you say to a Mongolian savage who holds 12 of your countrymen hostage?" He denied the North Koreans had ever warned the Pueblo was subject to ca?" lure. Sm.Ith said also that confessions extracted from Pueblo crewmen that the 8bip had been in Korean water1 · hurt bis pooiUon al the negotiating table. Smith was followed by Cmdr. Peter R. Block, under whom Bucher served as executive officer of the submarine USS Rcoqull In 11163-M. Bloclc called Bucber's performance on the Rooqull "ertremely good, constantly good." "I have seen him under unusual ltreis. He 1.s cool and collected," Block said. "He is a very good officer under strain." Bucher went before the court 1n the afternoon to answer unfavorable teslimooy about the way he commanded the Pueblo. '"1e aim cl his civilian attorney, C. Miles Harvey, was $.<>,put Bucher's case into sound shape before the court begins its deliberations. It could recommend Bucher for anything from a court-martial to a decoration. . ' . , . ' . ( , • •• • ~ ·• • • ·~· ••• ' 1, ,· , , ' • • • f I • Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA 'ff AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE Ii) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rin91 sized and repaired e diamonds end precious stones remounted e pearlt re1trun9 WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU. TYPES Of JEWELRY HAl-SHOW!Ne CINIU llOO~aYD. COSTA MISA 141·f41S HUN11NeTON CINIH llACH • IDJNIHl HUNTINeTON llACH m-1101 ' ' ' . ' ' \.'' I • • ~ • • ' • ' ' ' ··~ "''' ' • ' - ( I • . ' • • ' ' '1 ' YOC. 62, NO. 59, 3 'SECTIONS, 30 PASES . • • .. 14 ORANGE COUNTY, CAI.FORNI.(. ' · .. I · • _ . ..::. t \ • ---·~ ---- " . MONDI\ Y; MAllCH ·10! J"' ; . ~··•·el :N.V. "See •• ' JEN cens 1' .. -" • • : • :Ueach Parents Narrow .Colllmullica'.tion Gap ,.;d Mrs. Ron Schnitger. <B7TB~FO~E ,, .. o.llr PIW '*"' The first time White parents from Huntiqlon Beach met with black porenla r-Walla. lbe blact porents didn 't even 111 goodbye. It bun't been euy for parenla <>I the HunUD«lon Beacb· nelghborbood ill Fountain ·valley's. elementary school Q'ltem. Besidea l.nlUal black suspicion of the white do-IQOden, wbJte· parents have lhelr own (eellnp to overcome. The next llme lbe black pai:enla liked, uWben Can we come vJJit y0&i?11 • After· a vislt to Arevalos Scltoc>1 ln Ille wbit., middle class comn11111lty; tbe black pamils had Wam\ed ,_;derlbly, "We're: tryln& lo eStabliab a ~eellq, • "~ are so oPeft." ~marvel~ Mrs. Richard Loc:ock,. "I blmh every time J N.Y 'N,,ru'·or '.bJac~ to them." .· Bui tbe feeling la comlq , fCM' · tbe am es a ·Protecting Your· Teen " ' Editor'• Note: This fs. the fint in a serie1 of cirtic!es written by a prize-win11iiig rtJ)O"TUr to inform anxious ~rents. about the drug and narco'tics situation and suggest w"4t they can do to guard their oton childrin agaimt its hazants. . . ' . . ' ' ' : ')ly A£'1,'0l'! B~KESW '. . ',' ..A....tilid Prus Scietlee Wrller , ' • r....., ~, , -111'~ 1 '>. I' , f '" --'Fj ... -'~1".1 . · , • ' · TJ!e . use-and i~f cfruis that affect human mihds is spreading acroa the ~ ),i.ke sm., .,. ' • 1 . YOllll( . ......,.;..i,rtji! -..i. o1 -· perlil!ll ll;'lll<-"'1lliooj, · aro tatlni. e.perimenllnl""' 1'!11>8' still furtber with mart).-; with LSD, with ·lbe uppies and down! ... of pop pills and sedaliY!S, with. Spfed, and even · ' · . jn some case.s with heroin. ~ By the millions,. parents . ar,e in- ,"& creaslngly puzzled, worried, or even Newport Beach~olice <;hief downri&hl panicky. Moot disturbing to them', marijuana or "pot" es.- pedally Is becoming popWal' among junior bigh and high scb<>ol' students. "My &even-year-old daughter can spell mm1juana; 1 never beard of it until I was in cOllege," says one 37-year-old father. At high schools and colleges, ar· rests for possession of marijuana and other drugs art increaalng. Sim- ple possession of marijuana ii a fel- on)'. punishable-by jail tem1I of two to 10 years or more. (Editor's note: Under California l{lw currenUy in effect, possession or marijuana is an "alternate fel· · ony-misdemeanor." This means whelber the suspect is charged I ·with the greater or lesser offense ~ is left to the discretion of the judge hearing his case.) Drug use iJ unquestionably becom- ing a way of life for some young people -and for an untold number or adults also. This series of stories, based on In- lnlerviews with dozens of authorities ac:nss the country, dea1J. with que&- Uons such as these that confront parents and young people as well : What can or should parents do to steer their children away from using mind-affecting drugs? B. James Glavas: AU parents .should take timt to read the article.r ••• Some hope of &low- ing the accelerated Wt: of 'iar· cotia ci'nd drugs bt1 our youth may be posfiblt'." How much of the complete story about various drugs do young people and children know? . How can you tell it someone Is smoking marijuana, or taking LSD or o~ er drugs? Why dtd the great tum-on with drugs eome along now'! . What. benefits do drug users ~y they fmd! What harms may various dru ' I ' gs cause . . . , _ JuSt what are are all these drugs, new and old? What should parents do if teen-q:en or College atudenls become depend- ent on drugs'!' What is the argument all about over legalization of marijuana, or reduc- (Sff DRUGS; Pogo 2) Hessian Held in Robbery '. A 01an wearing a Hessian motorcycle Jail was John Patttrson Dore, 23, of club jacket and his fema1e companion l 102 Walnot Ave., Huntm,atm Beach, were arrested Sunday ln Huntington wbo police said wu wearinl: the Heui&n =." oo charges <>I ~ed rob-jack<! wben arraled" • .· • • Police (,.Uy djd·~ -la a~ . hi.~~ COolnty ~all IOiloy la L«>oa o1 !Umra pait'«it *I llatlitr boob • 1lao H....., II,\,,(. Blliil,a AhO.iMlf!' front the ·patron of a Huntlngtoo Beaclt . Haun fact1 an 1adlll11Gnai ...,...,. « tetnage ha~gout on Pacific Cout carrylnl: a """"°"led -· She bad Hllbw•Y near Main ~tr<et. . • pillol tuchd "' blr w~ polJca Booked Into Hwl~ Beach City d>a,.;,riiMir 'WU ll'l'llUd -I lllllt- ' Uaeton Beach patrolmu nc<>plaed their Cardinal in Hospital z:r~~l\1-a bullelln pal oollfltt BOSTON (AP) -Ricbaro Cardinal Both were -•In a car &lopped CllSbing, 73, arclibW>op <>I the Roman fCM' a traffic vkllaUoo due In..,. beadU&bl Calhollc dioce.. 0 f Boslon, " a • oot, potlce added. They .,. acbedultd hO!pllaliud Momtay for real and tru~ for lrTlignmenl loday In Welt Orup n1ent for bronchial congesUon. County MwUcipal Court, Wutmlnster. l .. - whtte ~nts and bla~ parents ,' going out or their way to share a little friendship. It began with Arevalos Prhiclpal Robert Lindstrom, who.&poke to pa~ts: about involving tbemaelvu in a people-t~ people attempt at blaCk-whit'e communl- catto11: . three paraits and . a dozen ,vevalos teachers spent a weelceod last December With t\IJ'ee parenta al\(t 12 teachers ~m loiod Street School ;u lfatts. The parents have la.ten it from tbe_re, aod U1ose _involved fr.om ~ Hunlbtgton Beach neighborhood now number .30. Tbert have been tWo villls to-102nd Street Sc:bool and a return visit by, 15 Wack parent& •nd teacheta io·M_eValos School, the FounUln Valley:Currtculum Matulllb Center, and lunc:b In a while borne.' There hu been u&Jy neighborhood. reaction -.accusatiOM that the pareriU are trying lo lntograte lb• netghbCM'bood ' or planning lo, but ltudtnls. Bui II hu "It 111Ually Ilk" a disultt ot not dlacoorqed tbe croup. oomelhlng conlroV<rllat to get -1 "The beat lhllll I've golt.n ool ol loCelber," said "'8. Schnltger, Ibis la flully betnc able lo communicate Mn, Ned Pengra 11id, "I think the with my comnwnity. I bave dlacoftnd that there are peopie who care about thine is Negroes individually arE: dlfl'~ other'~," Mid l(r~ Afytn RonDan. from Ne/l105 collec:Uvely. Whm ,... ;:'J'.1'1a II the thing 11111alll"'° udJy lack· "' lbem ~ JOU an llOI wg." . •even aware of tbttr Stln eaJor_,. ''There la a -1 dtaJ-ot· -· "We ·are ec!ucatlnc ouiae!wo ao "" In . thot," offered Mrs. Richard llel> can educate our chlldftn and pl rid derson.. (lloe WATT!, ..... 1) • UI ~udge Gives Killg S~ayer 99 Years 'Driven Man' Doctor Describes Sirhan Paranoia MtMPills, Tenn. (UPI):. James Earl Ray, ~I he ·WU part of an assanlnaU<>n conapfra..,,, pleaded guilty LOS ANG!;l,ES (UPI) · A and conducted a.number <>I psycbiaU'lc tOclay lo:-'11< mun!.;:' of , Dr. Marlin paychol0j!;st·1t.sllfied ~y .thalSlrhan 1'~. ' ' . · · Lu. ther '"•• J ~ J · b B. Sirhan e.Jbiblted .extreme. paranoia :Ont Was ·the · 1/Jnneaota multiphule •-re r .... a.,...,a ury, Y prtar-person, allty Jnven• .. ..i. in · .which · 511 ~·~~t, 'aentenced blin to 99 years in-which be felt that be was · normal questlom were put tbSirban. SChorr laid Jn i"-..n. ' ' l:iut that everybne elae was out of step. 3. side· tu& Showed that Sirhan .was . '.Jbe · ~te · pretented .a handfu~ of Dr. ~artln 11. •. Sc~rr, a clini.cal . answttlng the qutstlona mere· truthfUU1 w1tneaaei and.. Ill hQ1lr and .I> mlilules · paycllqtoglit. bl San Diego County Ioli! tbanthe average penon woullldo. , after~ sudden !rial stari.d, Ray•!' llie Jurl''ol•Slrhan'• murder ,irlij that , . ' <)>llvlpled..~·-th!.·1¢11y plfjl ,ln ~'<>Iii ·(;rib" 'allo ub1'"4id ' . ' • ' ' ' · JilltR·•*~ ~,_.,ll!IF.",, ·1tt , ' ·1"~"1 ' · · ~ •• · n· " · .)• M · ~ ... F · · ·d I ~-~elilifiCe <>I liObii ..... id '. sA;d lhl1 •\faOt'i. c!oildJUon fn eau. ftll .. OUD 1o .. 1111 =-"" w!tll hla ICIJOd • which ,J1 .:5 .... 1u~ ' . Drug ~f Month, Club? Huntington Man Ge~ Hashi,sh u .S. Postal authorllits today· are ln- vestigatirig ·a mysterious letter rtetlVed by a Huntington Belich .man Friday con- taining a small.amount of hashisll,,$40 ahd'an airline scbedu1e. Chris C. Co)e Ill, of ~l . AdmiraJty Drive, rew~.tb~ letter and its contents lo biJ pro!>alloia Olfll!er, Dean.!>-Evans of Santa AI)i, who b tum gave the informaUoh to Huntington ·Beach polict. Cole, .on. probation for a n~rcotii;s · charge ln Massachusetts, told police he bad no jde.a ~~ the Jetter was from. Police said , the return address was listed to a WQIDan in Tucson, ArU., but Cole claims be never heard of the woman. Using the mail to send narcotlci is a federal offense, which brings ln postal authorities on the cue, police uplalned. A large letter, with two smaller en-- velopes inside, was received by Cole, police said. One envelope contained a small packet. of aluminum foll contanlng thal police believe to bl hashish.'~ On ·the outside wU written, ••Have · a, bit,"· and "Trial run '' . The otber letter contained 'two $a1 bills and.aa American Alr!1-ec\'edule of flf&bts, pollce'siid.'"Goo<J luck later,'' was written on the outside or that en- velopt. Huntington Beach detectiver UliJ morn- ing said the matter is now in the hands <>I poalal aulhorlUes. The Tucacon ad· dttsa has not yet been checked Olll, they added. ~~ilt:trju~·ht~:~· r:i:. :t~~r~ ln1'Mhd<1y Phna juey ....... ~u;r.11~J~'."'.w:~u..U:: ~~: .. ::w·r~ .. fl•• ·• ''· ·· · · • · -two ·ol tbem .N--•gretd 1o RSYch<>log!JlalQd~lobe call' In Huntington the deal of a llt-y..,....ni.nce before ed by, \ht def-lo' tiy 1q F-Its . . .. . · , , . ' they were sworn in.. claim of "dlminlahld capacltf ' m the The Jlllil limply voled by 'liand In part"Or 'Sirhan wben he Ohol' aiid fatally their seats; never leaving the courtroom. wounded Sen. Rebert F. Kemiedi June Rayri ... iatforney1 famed trial lawyer 5, 1968. ' · ' · ' : Peray ·Forfman, • and Pnlleculor-Phil Schorr said be enmlned Sirhan In M. Ca1\lile both lold the jury that they hjs uli on two day1 Jut November were'. cGiivJnCed Ray alone . kill<!! King · with a r1fie .OOt last April f, and there Was nO conSpiracy. . Al thtt· point Ray stood up. . "Your honor, I'd like to 11y somethlng. I agree .-with a1L these 1llpulations, but J don'tt a·ll'ee ,with thue tbeorlea· On the conlJliracy." )udge· W. Pr<slon Battle asked ·Ray If be was trying lo change bis guilty P)ea.·· Ray.. saJd. "No air," and spoke no more allout the ~acy. ' Rly waived all riihls fbr appeal, for a .new trial or for any other legal maneuvers in exchange for the •year (set RAY, P ase I) Bloodmobile Coming To Hoag Hospitai An Amerlnan JIM· Cron Blil<>dmobile will be at ·u,,., Memorial Hospital In Newport Beach Friday . to help replace blood reserves depleted by reooit flood dllaslen. Donors were a&ked to call Red Crou headquarters collect at 77..m:2 to make appointment.. The bli:>odmobile wW be at Hoag from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. Apollo in Homestretch; • Smooth Sailing Reported ' SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPll -!roller. The ApoDo f utionauta lined up their The firing cn:;lgioalJ.Y was. scheduled orbit for a ~aY. _ apla.sb!fown and . to ta~t eljht seconds, but it was ~ngtien-. sailed bapplli' doWD ·the homeltr<tch 1.. <d lo IS aee<>nd• In 'order lo run a , day wt1b ooe eye ·o4 the , hit:I pup tW ·of thf! lhip'1 fuel gauging l)'sttm. · and the other on. the "'athei. ••we have . 'thilt much ftiel . tetti•• "Like ab arrow · through the sky," Mc.DlVitt ~ laked &M was · aas~ he exclaimed Jamea A. McJnylll alter firing did. . t6e lhip'a 'maln, qialnt at 9:39 ·p.m. In melr fint seven day1, .McDivilt, PST to i djuJI Ap0Do I'•. ~th for tbe Schwelckan and Scott cbec:ked ool the homeeOming. " bug-lib Apollo moOn JaiKUna:• craft and "Beauti!ul, beautiful," nplied croilnd se~ the sta&e for lunar orbft, flicbt .for communicator Ronald Evana. ....n f ill be ad lo tbe McDivlll, David R. Sc<>U and Ruts<li A.,...o IO. 1 " · mov L. Sclnrelckarl re]lOrled th'1r AUanPc la~ P'!d ti Clpc KIDned7 Tuea4ay. 11)e · body of an Atteaia man' -·dead perhaps three days -wu illico.er.d Sunday afteinoon half .Ubmerpi ht • mudd1 pond near Taylo1"Lake in 11111> tmgtoo Be•ch. ' Two Mldw•y City fisherman nparted the find lo police at •:30p.m. Sunday. Ttie victim · was ttntailvely identified today by the Orange Coonty Coroner'• <>!flee as 41-year-old ·Joe Knlgbl of Arteslii. Police lnv..tlgalon said the deatll wu ruled acCldenlal drowning. The tflacoyery WU made by John Lee ConOy; 14751 Jefferson St., and Lee Tay- lor Pen:y, um Adams st., when! lbel were fisbinJ for bass and cat fish ih Ott , ' Taylor Lake '1'ea near Slater Aven~ and Golden West Street. Police llfld tbe body waa stuc1: lllhl ln the mud. It was well preserved because of cold wiier. Investigators estimate the man's d!,Jtb at .three to four days before dllcovery. A full lnvesll&allon wu flrsl made for posnble bomlclde cluel, nld the delec- tJves, but none were found. The body was removed when H became apparmt ~e death Wat accidental. Post mortem tnve,ttaaUon · wu con~ dueled by the ..._ ... oli!ce al Smith'• Morlliory In Hunllngton Beach. Funeral lrtal)g~ents are pending, WI~, neU of kJn are loUf!d ~d .noµn~. ' . Oruge c...e ' Oceon landing area looked rough and : The• Ap01lo .I utronautl kepi an ' eye Rabies, Dog License_ windy, bOI controlt.n promised: "We on ihe weallter In the 'AllanUc wbere wo.1'1 bril!g you <\ow• In the middle ~·recov,ry lblp Gµaclalc&"'1 mamed. The ~ weatherman'• aetuna ready to open • up lbe lkiea again/ promlaln1 1h<>wen and a· few tbunderltorml for. Tuesday. along · with g'uoty '""41• and temperatures down In t6e 50"L C1: .. :c· Slat ed Tuesday of a front.'' ~Retalid Story, Page 4) .\Ii-11onn r~ tbe area Sgnda7 llLL\ "You keep .putlin& the ,drama back but C.pl. Roy M. Suddeth ordered a · into It'" U.idl.fcDlvitt &J Apj:>Do t <routed dreu rebearaal of the recovery to 10 A rabi" and do( llcwe clinic will mto lb aicood loe<t of space hight. ', ' ahead u planned. be beld Tue!day night between 7 !.:.'!. . "Yod hive bad' lo<> · ,111 a time," "We can~ the wbil<c&J!I from,wber1 INSIDE 'TODAY and 9 p.m. •.t the main Huntluawu communicator rStulit Rooaa . told ·.lhe . we art1'~vltt "'!I ·~ bl&b ~e • Beach fire stauao, ~·~Bl~!,~ I .,.~·:iv•.IOllf;k#PI l<lll j¥'~,,,tl!a·A~ '!It lg\!' r~ . The B.oard_·,of S•pcM111or1, , .. pit .~tr:~~~l j ~dk'f~" I . <'Iii.: J;ifii,"!ii~-·· !\.!},_'' ·'il~JI~ ~tiiill.~. I ~.~~<Mli'~, 8'1d!-~ ,;~ 'lo -~ ...... !Ill"•~~= , .for !holr , .... ,, I . _,_~1 ,. , ..... ~~·1t11t· ·11.10 -· . , ' ' .;[ 1111 , ~ • ... -"~..._.,,", ~lo •-· .... .,.._,_,=·<ii"" 'I og>J .. ~, .-,....-> ,.... !l':';-'...:.<o'.l ..._,, I 'I •--~ 1 u~ · f ~~ ..., ,.-... ._.,.... '!I"«. ' 4.: , • • 1 , is. ,Dog lie<nMJ wll~~ ""!" at -l! tiiflly ~lf'lo ,..· ~ .1/Ad.a~• ·,_~,~ ,,.......,,.i ·on '"':.. ' ' replar price. #-~-"., I'• )~·1 wu,'' 1\! 1 :~ .! t . ~: ,• J ~' ~ aw>lY*1-aaked ftoolk , =II t; :"' • J ri .,, l I f " '" ...I~ ,..co .. Y -• • ''E~ abiM '1'11 mutiOaed •it .., ; a..lfllil ..,. ....... -... .,.5 • ..,.L\. ' llw~a...,.,., a'fM-...'M · o'ndlllfthanii\1~>11""'-oiioilt -" --' StHk JQ ....... r ...._ TM-I ~,Wdtt bun& . . ~ ..... , " Cl'Mlirllff '' .,.. """' • ~· ' I~ ~·,, ' '· ; ~n·i .... f~ ...... tt." '~ j ~ f': .;'°I • I .. • o .... ...... • w..... ... .. ----_----.;i~~""'"'iiv.'<-"~.o;~:,,~~"'~"·'' ·=· "'',;.-~~!..:!i;·r.~· .•11ii)'b11'.,.. .wt1a11· ~ :., m 'l, ,1::::::: •• 'l t.!.e-= NEWYORK(AP):;, . ~ ./ftff"!1~"':!'t,1 f.;'1:;;-;1 <~l •""''~j~·~·"'""·· """"'""' " n cloaed on the up.clae ... 'Tllt· I · · · 1.-. • ' ='"'·"'~~'"'.. ~ ~ ~ · ~ ,__ "'1' ,._... " Jl<>w J-Industrial -' ,,.,,...,..., ~:aotraaalflid~lftlo , ,,:-.... ldet, ,.,.,,.,. lllo• I ... -I -' a good gain and adva.;... ~ ~,.·-• w' hall~·~ '1Nnltl'·lfp( Oeliwlla1)\iiil'1o'~.S : ' :::.-::.... , ,:; := = ~ <>I decllnll. Trading w.u llow. (Sae <>0 thla """/")lcDMU aa~ed En~' ~ brea~ut .!Oenu of aa~"'pttldu,· ! ,-• quolatona, Pq" lt-11). "By &<>liJ, lbal'• right," t•pliid Ille ..,.. peachtl, &con oQllll'U mia ~ , :.. -- • • • . ' -· FNtn P .. e J DRUG USE, ABUSE RISES • •• • • • .,, ' -.r.· SAIGON (AP) -.V:S. 1lomben ind arUI1rry pounded late • Maocla1 II eWnen,t• ol two Viet Con& rta1menll that had ambUJbed and bloodied a ba~ tallcn of about 300 -V1etnameae Plf'lroopen In a lw<><lay batik Ill mJ!ea n-ol·Salp. 'Illa harried --r force -eallmated to total more thin 1,000-men -rebated towonl the Cambodian frontier, five mile1 from the OIOO\e whm they tllled IO of the parairoopm and WOllllded 105 In the lharpesl ol a wleJ of filhll over the weekend. Adiool elsewhere plied up 11 the tnemy'1 sprtna: olfenalve, cbartcterized by DefenH Secretary Melvin R. Lain!. u a "calculated escallUon of the war," c:ootioued In Its third "eek. Allied llpoUsmen said at least 127 Viel ~ and Nortb Vietnamese were killed. Follcnring a pallerc set . Feb. 13 al tbt offensive'• opealng, eoeip.y gunnen lbelled more than 35 towns and allied mlUtary installations wtth rcokets or mortars overnight. 1be U.S. Command again reported that overall casua1ties and damage were 1Jabt. A Saigon government 1poli:esman le.id nine civilian.• were killed and 31 wounded. Headini: for Hawali alter a klur-d1y visit to Vietnam, Laird told an airport news co n'f ere n c e: ''The enemy's calculated eacalation of the war by bis attempt at a new offensive bu not Pair Lose Lives In 2 Accidents Two persons were killed Sunday fn SI tes separate traffic accidents In Anaheim .Ing the penalUes for possessing it? to "keep everyone lo the United a .w~i.e and i'umping for a week, and and Santa Ana. Tbere are of course no ai.mple, pat ..... Charles F. Buttons, 19, Santa Ana, answers to these and other questions. enough barbiturates to keep them in was dead on amval at West Anaheim What Parents CU Do a stupor foi 1 week." . M-orlal Htwf'Jltal after the motorcycle No one knows what the OVf.l'UH of ..... -r Bat knowledgtable authoriUu 1 n potent drug! of many kinds ts doing he wu riding collided with a car it medicine, ruruchlatry , education, drug ~ .. -1 '!eel ... n ••• human ~, d ff lo ·~ pr ess J>O"<IS , •~ 1-~--w Traffic Ila reeeardti and law enforcement 0 0 er brain, bow much it , II COOJUtuUug • :-l>:f. Toll 11 numtrOUS guldellnee, and advice on brain dr8ln of lnlelllgeiice and •tlllJ. _:=::.....---.:::=-=-==----"-- speclftc t.bln.p you can do. The newer 'eJement in the nation'• M·-~J'-andC.-angeStreetslnADahebn. Thele are spelled out In detill In . ORldda _..,. .,..... later otorla In this .m... dl'lllf problem b the rather .,._ A -on Iba eycle, Gerald J. For a majority of young people, of dl1IP Iha! Induc:o fmlasl" or Murpby, II, Gardec Grove, wu lajand oblerven remark, lbe encoanttr with ~Uoas, ot that "ezpand the tn the acddmt. "l'be driver of the car, mtnHffectln& drugs appears u a fUrta. 'l1lis drug problem ta here. It ii now. Joseph C. Kearney, 17, Anaheim was tion. a one time or onct-ln-a·wbile event. It ii bi..;. I( ii appemUy ~)>~er. not injured. with users &ure they can take it or 18 1;..__ ..,._ 1. In •·"· Ana N •·· E ~-•· 21 And ti haa ael -a·~~ o emo wn . -~ , e~• . ,....., , leave it. 1.hal -. .Ille tuu<r, •"" llttl •lllo!;tl, · Slnta Ana, died a\ Or.ance COOnty But aome authorities say such ex-•ff -1 ... _ .. ,_,,.._le f s..i .. ....r....-.__1ved when dru roul 1' =tclive anawm. · . , ~~ ~ r o ... ~-~ pertm.entatloo can:aDlOWlt to g~e --:r;"h -ifJ~~?I . he wu ltruck b7 a ar while att.emptlng te -the I acme young people parllc:ularl 1-J I; : ... b ;. -. ta cro11 411! Sin.I al F\9""! Sln!et. iruaceptible lo" •ll1aJJS drap,.tan ' '. itrl . ci! ~ Pollce bid ~ • drtftr".\>I tho car, depondonl, and gel hurl. badly IDt.: ii opl!11on, • and boll!! In tho "Doniel c_ Alcaraz, 39, Santa Ana, wu from what they Intended as a rather a~ ol baw$ed&,;,. II.YI Dr, Helen arreJt.ed on IUlplclon of drunken driving. innocent adventur.. -· H. NowUa; Unlftnlty of Rochealer He Is free on ball today. The "drug ...., ... b part of a larger p;ychologlsl and dir<clor ~ Ibo drug ..,._ For the truth Is that AmertC1111 educaUon projeq · of the . Nallonal socl<ly Is heavily a pill IOclety. Its AJaoclallnn of Slddent Par a on n e I people for yeara have been swallowing Adminlstraton. bUllons of pills and capsules, lncludlnJ The rtal extent of drug use amcng lranqnllben. young people ts not known, although American acclety tolerates alccbol and esUmates are gtven In Ibo nm article. nJcotlne, both of whJclt techn1ca1Jy are Many parents are baffled or a1armed drugs, and milllODI of people abuse both because the drug scene la something of them. II lw long had a corps of totally outside any of their own perlOll.al addicts booted on heroin or opium, but experieD.ce. Many cannot heJp wondering fewer now than 30 or 40 yean ago. whether their children wW remain im- . ' mune to the appeal of prese:ut dnqs, · P1Dt for Evteybody or to a raft of new druP wblt.h aperts MaJiy ·-a huge variety of dnlgs predict will lnevllahly COllll aJonc. · are ·labsi Jealtbnalely, pmcr1bed for u.-•· f alarmed .. edi-• bendlts. Bui then b aflo a • ...., -~an ar men ' ~ some ezperta 111, lbaJt they really need greal black ruartel among IODle potent be. dnlp. and Illegal manuladuro or Im-Bui pradlcally ID agroe lhat pamll portaUon. are not lll:el)' to get very far un1ea Each year, ... )'I the rccc1 and Drug they la>cnr the rtal lacla about dlllmnt AdmlnlslraUon, blllfom of aedaUve and drugs. Only with tnowledge Cllll they pep pWa are d!verted to Wegal use give IOWld counsel. and ultimate misuse. "nlat means enoqh Youngsters and student& generally pllla or tableta per person per year know .a good deal more than parents College Girls Move In NEW YORK (AP) -Aboul 100 Barnard Colle1e girlJ moved Into two .meo'1·dorm1tortea at Columbla Untveral· ty Sanday nlgbl to emphame demands f« coeducaUonal living laclllUes. [ 11\ I! I 1 '11 l 1 I OIAllea c;$l1 f'UM.llHIMe <OMPNft' ...... NW ... ........... ~ ........ ""''" Vb.,......... ........ INMtilt n ... r .... 11 -no. ...... w ... 11 .. ......... """ AINirt W. lat. Willl•• le1d -'-""' tllllltlll9tell ... ell ,_.._ City llftlw ............... 0 .... JIM It~ Slrfft w.111., ~ r.o. a-"°' ''"'' --...... ._.,.,,~--~-C.-.Mm1•W11t ..... UlllllMl\I Ill ..... PALY ,UT, wtlll .... It _..., .. .... ,,,_ ,_ ....... ~ --... -• ---......... L.-N-.... ~...., Oltll --. "-;.;-iiiuiiio ............... Vt JMy, ........ . ......... """ Or .... c.tt ... ..... ~~....,,...,.,,m,..,. ..... •"'!'·-~ ........... ....... ..,....~ .... ,..,,..:c t714' Mt-4U1 ,,_ ..... 1 Tit W 14~1111 a lftNI Moat' t I Mt>.1671 ~ ... or... e.t ,.....,.. '*'-""" .. -• ,., ,... • ....... 4 ...,... _... ...... __.. ..... .., ... 44 7 ....... liM ........ ·--..... -...... ,.... ........... .,. C.,..... ~ MKIJ,.. ... .,. .. ..,, -"""' "' ........ ......,., ........, Mil ... llJI .....,,, about mlnd·tnfluencing drugs. But they may also tend to believe what they choose on a controversial subject. And they have tended to learn about drugs from their own companions -not all or them well or fully informed. Pattnta are wrong, for u:ample, if they argue that marijuana ii a "narcotic" or that It la physically ad· di ctive. The rea90n.s why tt ls not, and why parents could honestly have been mlaled Into thinking li II, an aplalned later. The point that aulhortUea mate here Is Iha! pmnll get Into trouble U they DO lnslrl marijuana Is a narcollc. or ~ 1:f ID drugs togelher u beln& "Once the youngster can prove the parent Is wrona about I bJg point, be very lil;ely lakes tho poeltlon -'NOif I can't believe anything you say at afl,' " says one psychlatrlat. "Any druJ educaUon which Is not scrupulously bonell wlll fall with tho kids," a Pl)'chologlst adds. 1'0nct you exaggerate, you lose them." (Tomorrow: Why the dnlg nploalon Is occurring riow -and how e%teftllv. ii II) Armed Bandit Holds Up Store A molftr.bra_nclll!ilq tobbor bold up a Wes1mlnste load morbt Saturday nJcl>I and sped • .,., art.r cltanln( "'I lhe ltore'• tUL ' Aoc<ninl to .w-.iater po11<0, 111e unldmUfled IUIPflCI came Into tl1e ttor.. located II 11311 W-Blftl., al 10:11 ,P.m. and held IUiro dtrt Bob Eitel at bay with Ibo 11111 whlle ho ICOOPOd Ill unlmon lllllCIUlll of -from Iba ...,_, ' The IUaped tho!n na GUI to a wal4ln1 IU!omoblle and made his geliny. t ' From Pqe J W ATI'S VISIT •• of one of this prejudice," said Mr1. Lacock. Mrs. llorman said ahe plana lo gel her children involved by driving a station wagon load of books to the Wllluchool. She -ii u being IOIDe!bln( ~Uve for her children, . not a tour ·Gt bow Iba other ball llru. ; llesldea the aell aallalldlol\ lhOy !eel, the wom111 lhlnk they already have helped the .black pmnll. Al tl1e Curriculum Materlala Center, w-Fountain Valley vohmteer paroots mate cl-aldea; the Walls _.. were abown WIJI to help tbemaelvea and get parents involved in a cammon purpose. "They were shown what they can do with very little ootpol of funds, like mate flannel board atorie3," said Mrs. Borman. · "They couldn't wait to get out of that place to talk about where they could set up one of their own," remarked Mr!. PengrL ·I A book drive lo lurniltt IO'Jnd Street School classrooma also ls on wilb Girl Scoota in Fountain Valley, Costa Me1a and -c:oolr1bullq. The black pueo11 are ...tprocaUna by 1belr •llmlum and """ of llwlb. 'l1lo leelJnc la COlDlng. WhlJo flll'llll ... tbey bave cosne a long w11 lincl the llnl burt of Dill being told·~.· . And 1!f>o m-.-they uy, how far II will 10! Mn. Jtomwt 'bu hopea "other com- munttlea wUl pkt up what we have llarttd in our own little, di90rganiud way." Boy Scouts Take Tour of Ship 1'11<1111.four ~ lnlm Boy Sccut Troop llD of 1!mz11nc1m lluch were treated SalanlA)' to a -of a U.S. Nrry lldll07« borlhad Ill 1""' llucl>. '""" -to olem, Ibo """ ..... gtven a dllaOed -of the USS H""7 E.llllbbard. The l!Ubbanl'1 execull,. officer b U. Cdr. Jlofer S. FlnJ, of WU Cascade Lan, HUntlnPll Beach, who&e '°"• Peter, b a· .,.,.be-of 'troop 11D. 'Illa S-... rooenu, .-from • 'm-mont11 wesiem l'lcUic llotn' and II -111 lllOQrOd at the U.S. Naval station ID 1A1C -"• Troop •• lad..,, ....... _ Remy T. i!ldalab, 11_ .. 111 Olll time,,. lary Sdlool. '. ' ery • . -· -·~-· ' He 'niter a led 'lbal Ilia nlctol attticb oo Saison -f;.,, har?asu that kllled IZ clvlllnnl and wounded ua -v\ollt.d an undmtandlng with Nortli Vl~tnam by which -bing a hove the !!th 'parallel ended lut Nov. f , Bui ho laid, ."I am ploued Iha! Ibo allaCb did not con11noe and Iha! they ....,. no1 111nm- cant attackl.11 He said the U.S .. ruponse to any cootinuaUon of such attack& could be either milltary or diplomatic. In his arrival statement Lalrd had not spelled out what the U.S. re1poose might be and bad referred ooly to "several oplions." He added, however: "We want, to make ·it clear that no one should mbtake our paUence and forbearance for a sign of w~akness.,. By oaytns 11\it the altacb have - ended, at leut for the time being, and they were In hb oplnlcc not stgnllkan~ Laird appeared to be bactlng oil, al leut sllghUy. 'n>e Iut of the four rocket attacks on the capital actually ended about 18 houri before Laird'• arrJval. The savage battle wiu,. the Viet Cong was one of five maj« fi«hta reported in Ill!' put 21 bours -al three polnto near the Clmbodian border and to the north and south of Salgon. The dead Included II Amerlc.., and at least 127 Viet c.., and Norll! Vlelnam ... , aUled l)>Okemnen said. Fro• Page J RAY GUILTY •• .entenco -which he laid wu ID Iha! had -prmllled him. Fonman uted Friday for a h<arlnl, and rumon that Ray would nllch hb plea to guilty had been prevalent &Ince then. Ray actered tho courtroom today wearing , the same dark blue checked l!lu1t and light blue lhll't which he wore al earll<r bearlnp. The whlte·halred Foreman -who claiml to have lllllt only one cllent to lbe tlectrtc chaJr -arose and an- nounced, "Your honor, we have a petlUon for a waiver of 1'lal and a change o1 plea to guilty." Batlle told Ray that Uthls ls a com~ prombe and aelllement on a plea of guilty to mmtler In Ibo fll'll detP"<e and II :rean In tho penlt<nllary. "IJ this what you want to do?" Batlle uted. "Yea, I do," Ray replied. · Foreman told the jurors that "I never expeclod. hoped 0< had any Idea when I ealered thb cue that I WOllld ho able to do anything other than aave this man's life. It took me a month to convince my1elf ••• that there wu .not a conspiracy." ConaJe. the alton>ey general of Sbelby County, told the jury, "We have no evidence that there was any complracy titvolved. If at any time there is evidence that such a conspiracy la Involved we will take prompt action." nie first wttneu for the state was the Rev. Samuel B. Kyles, a Negro minl!ter who was with King the evening of April f. He described the Nobel Peace Prize winner'• death. He said they wert rtanding on ~ second noor balcony of the Lorrame Motel, outside King's room, when "I turned to walk away. I got approximately five or 11.% steps away from him and I heard what I now know to be. a shol ••1 looked down tn the parting lot because I thought It wu a car. Then I looted al Dr. Klog and be wu lying thusly," 1ald Kyle, boldlng Ju. hands over his bead. "They had 1bol hb nectlle right oil." The 41 r.porten and ao.,&pectaton -five of them Negron -lrfto filled the small courtroom were aearched - including their shoes -and recorded on a videotape camera before the trial began. Security was heavy throughout the building. ' One to Grow On Eddie Howard and Karen Taylor, students at Gill School ill Wee!· minster complete planting of California Sycamore, one of 18 trees dooate<!' to school by Golden West Homeowners Association ill obaer- vance of California's 200lh birthday • ' Admiral Says N. Korea Sought War Over Pueblo CORONADO, Calif. (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd M. Bucher "faced a Navy court of inquiry today as a volunteer witness after an admlral testified he believes North Kcrea. wanted a war over the USS Pueblo allair. Vice Adm. J. Victor Smith, who negotiated with the Communiats after the vessel's capture, called the North Vandals W i·eck Building Site Vandall rampaged lhroug)l the con- strucUon site al Giesler School In Hun- tington Beach over the weekend, caw:lng several thousands of .dollars in damage to equJpment and materials. J. M. Knapp, building Inspector for the Hunllngton i!Chool district, uld the vandals put cement into the radiators, gas tanks and oil rumps of a cement mixer, a forklilt and pieces of welding macbine.ry. tn addlUon, 350 sacks of concrete ag- gregate were alashed and several elec-. trlcal equipment boxes forced open by tho deslrudlon-benl vandab. "It was very bad,0 said Knapp. "The damage b probably 13,000 lo 15,000 to equipment alone." He added the! II would probably lake four to five days before Annbig.Johmon, 111bcootractora on the project. could repair their equipment and resume wort. Knapp reported that construcUon on the school. whJch will be located near Brookhurst Street and Hamilton Avenue, will not be totally Impeded by tho damage. Work in other areas will pro- gress on schedule. Koreans "mad dogs." Smith described North Korean Premier Kim II Sung and hJs advisers as ••m- telligenl people but completely willlout scruple or COD9Cience." "l felt that Kim ll Sung welcomed, perttapS wanted, war at that time," Smith said. "Seizure of a vessel on the high seas has in the past been an occa.s1oo for war.'' Smith said the Pueblo's capture oc- curred sllortly alter North Korean efforts to ....-1e South K....,, Pre!id<nl Park Chung Hee, whJch Smith called another grave provocation. Smith, a former member of the Uolted Nations negotiating team at the Korean Annlstice center at Panmunjom, told the five-admiral coon of Inquiry: "Whal do you say to a Mongolian aavage who holds 81 of your countrymen hoolage?" He dt.nled the North KCftM.S had ever warned Iba Pueblo wu llUbjecl to cap- ture. Smith said also lhat confessions extracted from Pueblo crewmen I.hat the ship bad been in Korean watert hurl hb position al the negotiating teble. Smith was followed by Cmdr. Peter R. Bicek. unde< whom BucbeT oerved as executive officer <X the submarine USS Ronqull In 196U4. Block called Bucher"• performance M the Rooqull "extremely good, constantly good." "I have seen him under unusual stress. He 1s cool and collected," Block uld. "He b a very good c:iftcer under strain." Bucher wert belcn the coon In tho afternoon to &nswa' unfavorable testlmooy about the way he commanded the Pueblo. The aim of his civilian attorney, C. Miles Harvey, was to put Bucher'• ca.M into sotind shape before the court begin.t it.s. deliberations. It could recommend Bucher for anything from a court-martial to a decoration. . . ' . ' ' ., . . , , , , • '. ' • • • • , . I ' ' • ' ' , , ' • . , ' . ' ' ' ' n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE · JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU TYPES OF JEWELRY H.._ SHOPPIN• CIN1ll 2JOI -II.YD. COSTA M_ISA 141-Hll HUNTIN•TON CINTll llACH ... IDINHI HUNTINIOTON llACH m-HOI ' t ' I '• ~ . • .. ' < ' ,,.1' ' ' I I ! -1 I I I , I . I -~Lagor@il Beaeh • • ·, ~Ot:. 62, NO. 59, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PA&ES o c I ' ' ' ' ' " . a·mes· ' • ~ ' I a· , .Protecting · Y o'u~ Teen • ; ' : ,¥ • • ' • • • Dtµg ,Use,_ Abuse ' ' In U.S~ Spreads . · Editor's Note: T~iis is t~e1 tlrst in a series of articles toritttn by a prite·winning reporter to inform anxious ptU'nttl about the ·drug and narcotics situaiian and suggest what the11 can do 'to gut!rd their own children against its hazard!. ' ' By ALTON BLAKF.'>LEE AisfJ:Cla&ed Press Science Writer Th.e use-cind abuse--of drugs that affect human minds is spreading .across the counlry llke smog. . Young Amerieans by the hundreds of thousands, 'perhaps by the million, are tasting, experimenting or going still rurther with marijuana, with LSD, with the uppies and downies of pep pills and sedatives, with Speed, and even in some cases wJth heroin. 1 •• ' Newport Beach Police Chief By the millions, parents are ~­ creasingly puzzled; worried, or even downright panicky. Most disturbing to them, marijuana or "pot'! e,s. pecially is becoming popular among junior high arid high School Students. "My seven.year-old daughter can spell marijuana; I never heard of it until I was in college," ·says one 37·year-old father. At high schools and Colleges, ar· , rests for l)OSSession of marijuana and other drugs are increasing. Sim- ple ...,...,.ion of -ii"'"" h a lf!-ony·'~iilable '~y· jtllr.-~rih.' or two to 10 JWS or mort. ~ '(Editor'•" note: l1nder tallforniJ • law currently in elleet, posBession of niarijaafla· is ~ ''alt~mlte feJ.. ony-m18deme.anor." ThJs means whether the suspect is charged with tbe grealer or lesser offense is left .to the disQ'eUon of the judge hearing his cise.) Drug use is unquestionably becom- ing a way . of me for some young people -and for an untold number of adults also. This series of sto::les, based on in- interviews with dozens of authorities across the country. deals with que&- tions Such as these that ,confront parents and young people as well: What can or should parents do to steer their children away from using B. James Glava.s: "All parents sho1dd take time to read the artiCle.s •• :Some·hope oj slow- ing the accelerated use of ffar· co tics and drugs by' our uouth mag• be possible." rnind-tifecting drugs? . · HOw milch "of the complete story about various drugs do young people and. children ICnow! How: can you tell if someooe is smoking marijuana, or taking LSD or lltb-· er drugs ? . ' : · Why did the great tW™'n with drugs come along now? What .benelits do · drug · users ;ay they find? · What harms may various drugs cause? · Just what are are ·alt these drugs, new and old? What should parents do if teen-agers or college students become depend- ent on drugs? What is the argument all about over legalization of marijuana, or reduc- ' I See PRU!i USE, ABUSE P•u• 3) For Wife's Death N '!UJport Doctor So~ght In Mexico Court Action • ' -' ... . . -,.. ' 1' • • ORANGE couNt(; CALIFORNIA . • • • I" If '! ,,_ -, 1140N!>,A'(, ~RCl'f.'10, "'?I I o' . •. '· ' ' ,.[' t -t ' e: .Ul ,,_ ELUPES PEATH SENTENCE · King Asussin Ray Police Capfure Marijuana, Hold Three in Laguna Suspected marijuana, both cured .and growing, was selzed by La(Una Beach Pj!µ~e .~!µ(day aionJ , \jith tjlr~e.,Y'!'Jnl _ l\llll 't.i!• t.m"slarlcir ' belle IV '~"bi ... "sh and -· t .• .. ~. ·'jC~,, ~ rrJrij, ,_ ~ ' lillte ·moo Were a ' iM!Verat . ' ap-~ted during the weekend on different all~gationi of drug violaUons. Pollee U. Rober! McMurray klinUli'\f them as Robert Lee Andrist, 23 of 250 Woodland Drive; lu~jiard Allen. Moore. It, 'BUeria Park: and Gerald James Padilla,. 21 of Los Angeles. McMurray said the three were squat- ting on the floor around a lighted candle when investlgaUng detecUves smell~·the odor of marijuana Saturday afternoon through a door that was ajar. McMurray said that Moore and Padilla fled oUt the rear but were caught outside. He said Moore had in possessl9n a golden brown substances that the suspect identified. aJ "Gin Sio roots" aad which det.eetives believed ,was j,eyo~. Additionally, said Mc Murr a y, in- vestigators found six .young marijuana plants growing outside. ~ Inside, he said, they claim to have found about a half ounce of hashish, a re11nement of marijuana, and about four ounces of marijuana that , included stems, weeds and leaves -some of them "manicured" (ground up) in a baking dish. The three were arrested on suspicion of marijuana possession and freed on bail, said McMurray. He said police will seek a complaint today. The ·arrests were made by detecUves Nonn Babcock and Alex Jimenez and federal narcotics officers. I Judge· Gives Kmg Slayer ' ' ' ' ,D.'bctor Describes ' ' 99Years . . I . . ' ' ' MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) -James Earl Ra)', 'indicating hO wu part of an Sirhan Paranoia assassination conspiracy, pleaPed gWlty LOS ANGELES (UPI) A tOday· to ~uie ·murder .. ol Dr. MarUn psychologlst ,testlited ., thit.Sirhan Luther King".Jr. and a jury, by prear· B. Sirhan "uhlbited atrime paranoia rangement~ sentenced him to 99 years in which he .. felt that he was ·norm.al ip PF~ri. , , . ' but that everyone else was out of step. The state presented a handful of Dr. Martin · M.. Schorr, a cllnlcal wi~ and,, an hour ·and ~ minutes psychologist in. San Dieio County, told after •the audden trial started, Ray was tlle 'jury •it Sirhan's murder trial that conv!cted. He m>de tbf ·pUty plea In the 24-11-.r-old , Ar~b also ~xhlbited · return for the 19-year sentence, rather "hypomanla." than ,take the chance of being sentenced Schorr said thia was a condillon in to die had he gone on with bis 1cheduled which a person wu "veey aggrtSSive, April 7tri;I. restless, Jn a stale of .0..tant. turmoil,. . A. jury must try all cues in Tennessee a driven man, something llke a road -even in guilty pleas -since the runner !f you want an pnage." jur.y ,ets tbe penalty. All 12 jurors Schorr was the first of five -two of them Negroes -agreed to psychologist! and psychlatristl to be call· the deal , of a '9-year..sentem:e before ed. by the · defeiise to try to prove· Ill they were swon, in. , claim of "diminlshed _!!apaclty" on the The ,Jury. ohnply voted by hand in parl of Sirhan when he Olllot and fatally thelr~ts. never lea~ the courtroom. wounded Sen. Robert r. Kennedy June Ray'a attorney, famed trial lawyer 51• 1988. 1 and conducted a number ol psycbiaUic teis,,. . . one wis tlle!lllnnesota ll)U!Uplwle personality inventory 1 in wbicla Ml questions were put to Sirhan. ~ said a !Ide test showed that Sirhali was ahawtting the quuti0111 inore. truthflllly Qian &be averase perlOD would ~ · ' . ' ' ' Tustin Votes · Tuesday on 5th Tax Issue - By RiC!qRD P. NALL Of ... °""" l'lllrt Miff Percy Foreman, and Prosecutor Phil Schorr· said he . uamlned· Sirhan in M. Canale both told the jury tliat they his cell on two days last November Voters of sprawlln1 TusUn Union IDgh were< convinced Ray alone killed · J{lng School District p to the polls Tuesday. with a rlfle shot last April 4, and there to decide for the· f1ttb time in ~ monlhl: was 'no conspiracy. Udall S ·H • At that point 'Ray stood up. ,ays l.S : a tax iuue. "Your honor, I'd lik'e to say aomtthing. , , The .electon~ .. wltb ~of its votinC 1 agree with all these sUP\llatlons but , J ,, . strenathinpollUcallyconserv1tlvt ~wth ~,,.~~'.~. · t ~ct ,, ,'. , ... ·)'. ·n-~~-:Ot,/~ Ii~ IV:.!:!!tonu:.s.tu. a~ '7i'fl;oN (Jf Jli'll1':::, .. , ~,\.l!Jlt<-i'teji~~...zr.~ Ji ''-~'No .' ~ ~ • · '1""!4'" .t" 1 ""•e : ·, ' . !""!· ~ 4llltfl,I I.Ji . a...., ni> rriiiit IUt IM · aey. , · wAl~r; '(UPIJ , ;.r~· oa • ~ nte• thll dro'' IU1..,; ved all rightl ior _appey,,l•r Inter! , r ··11tenlr ~dli(,'~d·· to ~~•-·. • -·on Jant 30 H a new · trial or for · any other Iesat or . 1 •. nO OYV1'1111111.paUed.. man~ers Jn exchange for the 99-year today 1)11 deci111on t6 pmnit ~II. drlllinl. MAljY CUTBACU Rntettee ':""' T'!1fcb he laid was all that off the Sapta ~tiara ~st 1~U ~ l , '11\i41f.cent rate, II)' acbool olftdals. bad ~ pronilsed him. sort of CODJervaUon Bay of figs. would mean. sweeping cutbacb Jn tht Foreman asked Friday for a ~e.arlng, But. Udall said if the un(lerwater· oil ' whemritball to educate lncl.~ a and rumors that Ray would switch bis ' · ;&~ the •• ta ed··~• · tall r .. t -~ plea·10 }uUty had been Prevalent since well blow~t which coa"""t , ..,.n . r in;won m 1 o "' ea ....... lhen.:.Jby entered the courtroom today Barbara beaches .~i~h bla~k c.rude oll be Tht 1~ pe~ 8'ift reduction would weanng the ~me d~rk .blue checked results. ,in new water Pollut!o~ safety of at:it e:oo w.:re:l'°~ectecl~n:; suit .!nd IJg~t ~Jue shir~ which b~ •ort Jegiala.Uon "it may ha~ . hfien a very has bout 5 300 nd •·-•···-at ewllerlieanngs. l , ,, 1 • ! ... a~ c-. The white-haired Foreman _ who good thing for Uh: country; · MOit recently ~eated in the cUmlct claimB '.to have Jost only one cllerlt ,to Udatf said all of the .. b\formation he wu a ,1.72 tax _proposal. It w~ ~ the -$1ectric chair -arose ana an· rece!Ved !rom bis aUbd'rdinates indiClted la.st November by a two to one mafeln. nounced, "Ymir Mnor, we have a peijtio~ ~l ·d~lWna would be· safe 'in· tile. Sa~ta A1lnnd school o~clals say that dlltrid fbr a waiver of \rial and a change of 'i' 1 anclal reserves an virtually extinct. P.lea..:.to.,Ullty." Barbara C~annel. . . . . . The Tuelday election at leut wtui "B~ltie told~Ray th•I "'this is· a com-Ile c.fll!i>orelf, tilt ·advice lie recd~ n>t bave ojipOelllGO of !lie Tlltlbi Proru.JSi ,an~.settlem:ent •,on a Plea of tothat'Whicli .ihe 1aieP~eJiderltKeMedy Chamber of Commerce u clJd the lut guilty' to murder in the first degree received prior to the ill-fated • Bay of tax elecUon. The Chamber hu enckned.., and 99 years Ip pi~ penltenUary. . . . . the meas11tt. So have the .Mllsioit Viejo "Is this· what you want to do?" Battle P1•~ invasion of Cu,ba. . . Homeowners Association and · other asked. "We did underesUmate the rlsk.s," groupa. "Yts, I do," Ray replied. Udall told a Senate-PolluUon Sub-AN~R FACJ'OR Foreman told the jurors that "I never v•.u.o , • (See RAV, Page 2) committee. Another factor that may be felt was. "The Bureau of the Budget was in the De<:ember realgnaUon of Superin-- Little Leaguers To Try Out Next Two SatW"days the picture," he said. "They were hungry tendent Robert Dahlberg (effective Junt for t.be rtvenues." 30). ·He J1ad 'been attacked by e<:onomy- ln the future, Udall said, "We should mioded conservative elements. Last- always err on the side of prolecUon month hf5 wlstant superintendent, John where .a mistake ·could do great damage ~an. ·aJSQ realgned. to the other resources." In workfttg f<lf passage of the .oVerrlde, Udall said the West Coast .was •1an Dahlbefg h'8 said the teacher employ· oil deficiency area" at the time ~:..e ment-situaUon · and recruitment have "" Santa Ba~bara drllllne was authorized. already been eroded badly in the flnan- He said ·recent oil' dlscdvetie. in Alaska cial uncertainty..-' have corrected the aQ d~iclency .,apd. fDahlberg hu..also Wd be ls ashamed: if they had been 'made earlier mlcht of the district's 1'ra1·taaled" transporta .. 'ln an earlier arrest, J'mes Richard Madden,,•25 Of. U"5 Gavlota Dri.ve, WPS Laguna Beach Little League opening , arnsted <II\. suspicion of ibarijtl&fla tryouts will be held Ob the ~xt' two have bead&! "off grantfng ·of :the Sarlta · don l)'ltem 'with tlie neWut bw: a 1956 l\ar_bara leas~s.. model ·and , some· wJth . more than1 a ' • • 1 -(Se< OYERJW?'1 Ptie J) : , 1-, • Saturday& from . 9 ~a.m. to 1 p.m .. at posstlllfUft.J' • · • 1 ' El Morro and Aliso Elementary schools McM~y alleged lhll,t police found fill' bciyi ·between· eiJhl ·and· 13-ytarHI· about two ouncu of marijuana under age • .--1.-_ .• _. • the· front ·seat .of tbe car ~adden ~was N~onal League tryouts will be at By TOl\1 BAlµ.EY "There would have to be some tangible driving Friday evening. . El Morro for boya llvin1 north· of Thalia °' tt1e EMiHY ,.11., '"" The officer said the car wu stopped Street and Temple, Hills Drive, while Girl 'In lions,' Cou& Mexican authorities today said they evidence that Dr. O'Donnell's presence by police Friday evening beoause Madden the American League tryouts will be were detennined to obtain the extradition . here and his acUons here were in some made an illegal tum at a traffic signal. at Ali110 SchooJ for boys li.ving south of a Newport Beach physician a~used way linked with the alleged crime !>efore Police said they would seek a complaint of Thalia Street .. in a $I millioo Superior court civil we could respond lo any Mexican re-today from the district attorney. Boys wishing to play who have not , La&Una ~h PQllce: tried thfir hind action of poisoning his wife in a Yucatan quest," he said. Two other young men were arrested prevk>u!ly been chosen for one ol at JockaqlithJng Simday · to' ,tKe rtllef Peninsula hotel last year. The physician,' wbO also mainta ins or-on susplcion of marijuana pos1eaalon Laguna's major league teams mUJt be 0£ an 11-yeir,-Old girl wh9 wu aeaired A· Chetumal City police oUicer ltces al 17822 Beach Blvd .• Huntington In Lagulie na 1if"~Y nighl. at;:ey, ·~:: ~ U:-.~~dJ~~~I ~Y a pair ol re; ~no. , , ~ told the .DAILY PILoT that formal )}each, is accu.sed by the mother of a Phao • e aan(~!:.:.., thaoft themary 1f)ounduana a1bou0 at Dioir••t , w'bO wfu ~-;ight , years, c\td The pocket-iiz~ drama btpn, ~aid , aJ'PijcaUon had been made "to American his late w1fe of causJng her death by " ........... 7 t.t. R#beJt Mcft!urra7, wh~ &be vk:f.1m, autborltie&" for the surrender to his "injecting poisonous drugs" Into her car ,containing Harry AUen Merrill, 20 before July 3f' or · not 13 years oJd tdenflfied onl)r as Jdty, ~some dis--, dlvtllon of Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell, while .the couplt waa vacationing in · oJ Los Atamitus and Ronald Ray Pfaff, .onora{te~Aug. t.areellglble. ·, carded .leg. irons and handcUffs .In the SJ, S07 Placentia Ave. Cazu'm·eJ, Melico Maictr 19;1988.. . 22 ·of Coviha. . , filajor league,up~·~t calle~ by trash. 1. . ,, •. • ' ; "It is not lhe first time we ·have Mrs. Gtrtrude Bsrnett of Loa: Angele."· Officers lnvutig1ted, aald McM'urraY, ~ t~~ ~!' ~a.i!'~~ · Joey' ,.,et1 next • dodr to · Jepnr Arin: asked." said Cipt. Javier Chavarra executrix of &be will of Susan Jane because the pair were asleep In a c:ar. Apr)l Jt. . . ~ .. • ,. • ....,. r DeBauft, lqo& 01-er ·P1ace. 1'fe -Cuffs,• throllgh an illlerpreter. "There have been O'Donnell, 311, seeb to nuUlly ant linan· Tl'eY were slill Jn jail thi• )llO!llipg. , NW= ; ~nln• Pin> ..,11 bfi &aid ~M\drly, ilo-Mel1llil J'r'y compllcatlon1, in fhe put ~ul we lhink cial beoent:s Dr. O'Donnell .may receive PoJlce aaki tbey woi&l4¥ Cotn~ta liettt Sltbrda e 1MaV , t'T~•t i ruddM' Field had • tey, · : • ·'3 1 1 • ' thal he will IJj! rflumO<j t• us and from '"-llloo ol the llill :P_IOdlpg today, . • . •i·\l .· ~"· ilt'BHi Ca 6. (:;' ~ ~"""H ll:iOlC , llat 'llfet"ileilny illad •ten-Jtootfy· proseeuted Iii' th!r1ettllO<)I." 'Qulnlana eotat., Alio lilentillod~th lbt'.jlllll!tilt~t-£ ~"W "·iiL.t::; > io t !or"°'"' g!.';! ,. .... -:.JC!, Jill" ~~.~!,;~~" ... ow,· _'.1:-'.00.,~!,: Rao). . ' 'lfttbt'llctidn1'Btntlqgolt0tll'ITl!iiX,I' <;; ,41., !le\. ' "''" ~·-""'"""""" ' 00~-,.~--tlie.DOI ''. But Deputy Olotrlc\ Attorney lllke &llan's fathtt from whom llrl· Barnetl .IH! •. 12i>artntal i:On~nt lonn1 to •b • ' ~ CU111!1o .police-wJiori· C.pplzi. uiraclltions JnvesUgator 'for obtained a dlvor<e. . _1..1. ' distributed' l!!J tbe ._• ;MB ,.,. Offioer ~ RemlllmUr~,bor. ·"-l Distric\ AUooiey Cecil llicU, today Aid 11.,,oit Aid today the queetlon of NEW YORK (AP) -'11\t otock """1'et ' collic\od at tJii• ~' lo ~ Jo-• · : ' ., _' • ;. , ' • no ouch request had been reoe1ve<1 by e11rac11on u llill "•ery .much all..... closed °" the •P"i~IM rwltl!· the ·111e ~e ~ ,1t. -s· I , - hi• omee. "We .,.. fkllliitar with the lk n... to Mexico an.r hll dalilhter'• Dow Jones indUltrial •~vet• ~ , ·~· ~ .. ii!id 11 r« l1illlril M&IWOX. to en cue but we'w had oo req..,t for ex-death wu • -and fl'l"lladed a good gain and advaneu ~iy allead · -"' • fl"*' ;lliltilllJ • • · ,, • • tradidorl," he aiiid. Maican ollleiala to condu<t an autopoy or deelln .... Trading l\ilu;illW', · (k< < ~tr' · '..lli4o .A ,llMI l!lo!lii Im· ~'~ t And Chier Oepu!Y Dlsirict Attorney of bet reDWn1. quot1ton1, Pl&" 1&-1' , ; •· 1 l Ytlll 14i mllJ'PllM'Lllr· ~ ~tJ{q ,filched lrOm ·Ill flt'Oll 9' ·' James Enright said such an order "would Baggott aaid He took thal step bceau11e At ' 1 :30 p.m., the ~' ~rr~ ·• ~~ .:wmJt, · .~·,.._.~ MMI rill .t ..... ,._ ·~ dutl.11 1 ~ ~~ hove to be baclied with very strong he wu "far from satls/ied iwJth tM potntl at 911.27. The Dow, which ciooed Leque, a(01411'1,' l/t. Wall1 Cllrti\J . poUc:o ~ loi4 bjo ·the vf~, lAllirl •vidence.orconsplraey"belore hisof£iee atory told me by 'my son-in-la1", we with a Jou ol l .M pointl Friday, had pretident ol tlll Amtricu '~ • ~bai41.17l3TburslAlllllrive,Lasuna CO\lld act. on lbe matter. (Seo DOCl'OR, P ... I) • been a bead from the start. 4~. · ' · Beach.' ' ' Freed by Police (" I ,_ . .... ... ,, Weadter • ' . ..: The we1therman'1 fetUnc ready to oj>lh UP' th4 olilu •~a)n, ptomllhlg·1~ow,ll;1 and -~ few tnunderstoimr for Tuliday. along willl ~ -.ind• and temperaiUr.1 ~1.1i· la ' ttl1 so· .. ' ' JNSWE TODAY The Boon! of S•~. rc- plying .~.u;, lfflc~.r1U"1/o ""'.~ur·-~''"Dd.·;lior qore.,..nl -!Dlth tfj>ort. Pill/• • . a. • c • r~ : . \ \ j 1 • \. :r 0.1J1. v 'n.or L '11;lM ~poll!l • S.~hip·sai~ '~ A.rraw~~~o~g~ S~y;.~ SPACE ctNTER, Houston (UPI) - The ApOllo t utzonauts lined up their orbit !0t a 'l'l>urlday splssbdown aad ulled lllppi!J down the homestr<lcb 'too day . with one eye on the fuel ga~ and Ute othtt on the weather. •'1Jke an arrow through the sky," exclalnied,Jamea A. McDivitt after lirlnl Iha ablp'I main <ngille at l :ilt .p.m. PST to adjuat Apollo 9'a path for Iha boinecomfDg. "BeauUfuJ,. beautiful," replied ground communicator Ronald Evans. McDivltt, David R. Scott and Russell L. Schweickarl reported their Atlantic Ocun landing area looked rough and windy, but controllers promised: 11We WOll'l bring you down in the middle of a fronl" (Related Story, Page 4) "You keep putting the drama back Into it,'' said lfcDivltt as Apollo 9 coasted into its second week cf space flight. "You have bad too euy a time," CClllllllunlcalor Stuart Roosa told Iha ipactmen. "We gotta teep you facted up." wMi ..... .-~ •·· .._ ~ ,~ ir.m .... liMl.. a.. lo oblme the, ~Iller .. I 'Jaler -Jamich pad It Cape Jtemitdy Tllelday. and lddM ·"l!eoldeo 11 _,_t to Tiie APollo t ulr"111111 tepl .. eye ' ~ · on the weal.bu in the AtlanUc where ·~ ~ 1o 1ee bow bad <ft naU, tbe recovery abip_ Cuadalc•a•• ·~· wu. A fierce atorm rated the area ~ "ll'D ~el ~lier," Eva .. said. but Capt. l1Dy M. Suddeth ordered a Today 1 ll -·rocket bunt boolted dreu rdleanal of tbe reconry lo 10 ApOllo l'I «bll to I ce111!11 (J( • lheld II plallntd. • " mllet ud djallod'lll Pith fat ·• normal "We can see the wblteclps trom wbere • ....,.,1r7; · ' , we ltl," McDlvltt lllld from )l\ib 1bove "Do 10U nallJe that wu the 17th the AllallUc. "11 loob pretly ,...gb." propollllve -we lisve petlormed McDlvltt wed Roosa today about a on thlt flliht," McDlvitt uked Evans. larg8 cake baked abolrd the Guad&lcanal .. By golly, tbat'a right," replied the con-for their return to eartb·Thursday. troller. "Hey, Stu, were you the guy who The fi,rlng ori&inally wu 0JCheduled menUoned the 350-pound cake on the to Jaal eight-· I/Ill H wu lengtheD-Guadalcanal!" McDMtt uked Roou. ed to 25 IOCODlll iii order to nm a "Ever am.. you menu.,... It Rutty test of t11e·llblp'1 flleJ Plllnl l)'lltem. \ ud Da ve haven't stopped talking aboUt . "We have that niuch fuel 'left1" it." McDivitt ulctd and wU auured be ''Maybe we better aeod a TWX did. · · ' (l<!ecraml out there and have the111 In 1be1r llnt aeven dl,VS, McllMtt, ma1e It a 'roQ.powlder," Roosa told~ Schwelckatt and Scetl dMcl<ed 00\ lb• hungry apacemen who bad to settle roe bug·like Apollo moan landing craft and a breakfut menu of aausage pattlea, .. ~ the ltap for hmar orbit flliht for peacbts, bacon sqU1tOs and cocoa. Swlen Pills May Mean One Way Trip. for Thief From Pagel RAY GUILTY •. eipected. hoped or bAd a., Idea lfhen r entered this cue that I would be able to do anything other tban save tbls man's Jile. It took me · ·a mcntb to convince. myself ••• that there was ' Hundred• of dnJI pills -capable ol , paralyzing and klillng ,..... .. In quqt of what could be a cne.way t'rlp - are sought loday,'_following· the $2,51111 burglary .of 1 Costa Mesa 111edical o!lict Sunday. Officer Chris Bell was on rouLine patrol \vhen he spotted a sm~ window Jn the building occupied by Dr. Lincoln O. Sberanlan, II IS30 Baker St., 'In· y.,Ugalorl said today. Ironically, whoever bashed his way Into the medical office with a two-by-four timber lpputDPY° alasbed his scalp on not a consplraey.11 • the jaggeol window giau ud left blood. Canale, the atiomey -al of Shtlby hair and f1eJb at the scene. County, told the Jury, ·"We ·have-no · · · • eVidence that there wu l.ny conspiracy Notlned of· the botgtary "1. pOlice,.. involved. U at any time there is evidence Dr. Sberanie took inventory and liJted that such a conspiracy la involved we mUJCle relaunt and blood preuore-will take prompt a<::tlon." The first wltnes1 for the 1tate wu reguJaUn1 dru& pills mlsllng, IS well the Rev. Samuel 8. Kyles, a Ne .... o· as various office machinery. '" He aald reckleu we of the pilla in minister who was with King the evening .-·-' " -· ~-• of lntoxlcaUon could of April 4. He described the Nobel Peace ~i.:u --. awu Prtie 'ffhmer's death. · · bring para~ll and .death lo anyono He sald Ibey """ standing on the taking them. secol)d Ooor balcony of the Lorraine· Eith U ounct batLlea of the mustle Motel, out.side King's room, when "I ~~~b,~ ~ '!:'e =. turned lo walk away. I got approximately ·•-• ~th a· ~--·•· -•·--ma·"·· !Ive or 11% steps away from him and -.. •• ~ ·-~ ........, I b.,rd what I now know to be a eleclrlc t,Powrlttr a)ld other llelnl. . sboL The medical ollice burglary could Ue ·"I looked down In th• parking Jol·- tnto another break·in at tbe office of because I thought it was a car. Then Dr. Cbatles S. Stevens, 'at 2328 Newport I looked at Dr. King anJ he was lying •· Blvd., inftltigators..belleve. thusly," said Kyle, hOlding his hands Employe Kathy Abne t1:1ld Patrolman over his bead. David Hayu Satard11'1llat $50 In cash "They bad shot bis necktie right off." and an und.~ed quantity o1 ·nmotk:I The 41 reporters and 30 spectators '!> were takio' bJ _'!boeVtr !diked lir'I ' ...:· ffve of Ihm N•"9" -:1'fto filled ' ..... 1'iJ.:.~edJ wlpdow. . ~ .. -. the small courtroo1p were se~ched -. ,~'iar!;\6 ,.,,;!~~. '!i· ~11 .... ~J.o.1..,,~udtn1 their attoeS ..:."and~ ; , .;; r , ' y ! ' · oh..,. videotape' c&meri befOrt" ttie trial • ' j;lestival l ..&!-t •· Securily WU heavy throughout ~ . . aru.e th• buUdllll. Atu•le Lass It's summer time Down Under and secretary Marlene Saund· ers is all set for swim at Double Bay, a suburb of Sidney. !)i',11~ 1'1101 OAAHGl CQMT ~aLllMING ctlM~ANY · .. MW N. W••'· ~-""""""' Jtcl It Clltlty Vici ,~ 11'111 0.-11 Meltl .. • TiiMt• ... .,Ji ·-TkM•• A. Mlllrphl111 """'""" fellltt Alchtr4 r. N1tt P11I Hltt•11 ,.._._" .. ....,. ..... Cll'I' I.._ ~----2Jt .......... . W•IU.. .A.Wr•t11 P.O. lea UA. f2UJ --ot..1• ..... ; • ._....,., "'-' ~ 11itc111 mi..,., .. .._........,. M\.WINt.I .... ; ............. • J~g s1atec1 This Saturday Jurying !or work of artlall fancying a spot at the Laguna Festival of Arts thll summer will be held 5aturd1y Iron! 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Irvine Bowl. Artlats should have three of their works at the judging s1te between I a.m. and 10 a.m. that day for the jurylnf. All results lhou1d be tnown by J p.m., lllld Grounds Cbainnan ~Brooks. The judging Is for arUltl Wbo dl!ln, apply laat year, those who ...,.. turned down last year, or thole who were 11ked lo rtlllbmlt Wllrk following lbe MhibiUon Wt year. Arli!ta applying In more than one medlqpi must submit three works in each fuedlum. -· All artlats must havt been realdtnts of Laguna for one year prteediJli the start ol the !..Uva!, which Is acheduled to run Iron! July II through Aug. 14. , . Judses for the fe1tival are Jact Dudley, George Beau Mann. DUI Hall, WiWam Motta, Frank Jnterlandi, Charla Jlgner and Ann Vein. Lu Murpblne, Nw Butcher and Philip Freeman a r e altemales. From P .. e I DOCTOR ••• had had several conflicting aecountl of just bow and whr Susan cllld, Including suicide, and so did what· any. falbet would have dorie - I asked for anotbet doctor' a opinion." Meiican clinical documents held by Mrs. Barnett's attorneys Indicate that the autopsy revealed the presence of a "large amount" of ulmlnal, a highly tolic barbltuaie. Subsequent investigation led to the namln& of Dr. O'Donnell in extradition documents and the filing of char ... of bomodde agtlnst the phyal· clan and Dr. Antonio Negron Rubio. the pbyalclan aJ>lllmllly caUed In at C<>1wnfll liy Dr. O'Doonell. Dr. Rubio Is allo acctUed of beln1 an acceooory after the fact ud falalUca· ijon of documents, an alleaed offen1e apjnntly -.n1ng 1rom bis 111n1nc .C Iha death cerU!lcato. Docmnenta !lied wtlb Mr& Barneu ·, allomeyl Indicate that Mr& O'Donnell ""burled In the local Mmcan cemetery "'tmmediately after death" and that her huahand on that aame day returned to Los Ang•les by air after ad•lllng bJI w1fe'1 rtlaUvts ol her deaQ. Cardinal in Hoap~tal B06TON (AP) -Rldi&nt Coidli>al CUlblnc. 'II, arthh16op "' lllt -Catholic dJooete 0 f Bola:1 W I I boopltallud Monday for rest and ii'f•t· IT't:Dt for brrn"hial cr"gP~Uon. l C'lemente Jails 6 Youths Sought In Heist Attempt Six youths sought in connection with the attempted holdup of two teqpged tioys Friday ni&ht In San Clement... are in Jail today, u ll'lve.rtlgator111eek f6nnal cotnplalnll ftom the diArld attorney. LllOJUI Beach police arrested.. the llllj>eCls within lO minute. aner. the cue was reported by the alleged victlma:, 15 and 17 ytars old. The 1?Te1tees are Mark D. Nelson, lt, of r1f11 Via Montezuma, San Clemente, James 1. Marchese, 20, Glen- dale, and Michael A. Echeumia, 13, Joseph S. Brandi, 19, Michael V. Hartwig, II, all of La Crescenta, plus an uniden- tified 14-year-old boy. The alleged robbery attempt occurred jn the .J.700 block of "El Camino' Real 15hortly before midnight and the suspects wue caught on South Coast Highway at·Hinkle Place in Laguna Beach. Rains Cost Capo $900,000 Loss · Sin Juan Caplalrano's latm.boqt with the rains cost the city an estimated '900,000 In dl!nage to· public work~ ool lnclndlng w11<r laclUUO!. Thtt was the report given to San Juan councilmen by Public Works Director T. J. Meadows. He noted the price tag may go up as the water '°" down and olllclals g!f a good look all the damage. Meadow• uplained tha.t aome damage is IUD hidden by swollen waterways. Meadows aaJd that the city's application !or leolll"al cllaster .,Uel frO!D the ,_., flnl 11onn•1 11 mllDDll damage bad been approved. lie aa1d he bad been Ii•· .., pennJaloo to amend that application. 'Ille dty loet -brldlea. -the Camino Capll1rano bridge, will cost '30ti000 to replace. In addlUon, 1ewer Jines wn torn out in three plact1, Iba trutmait plant was awamptd, and waler !aclllUOI ,..,. bit. • Bartender Arrested NOl\Tli HOLLYWOOD (\JP!)·~ A 14· yeaMld btr!Mldu. at tht J.,.,. Ba; hm bu -bookeol on ~ ol murder In tht lhootlnc ~ al two 11 .... pa-. ') Police l>*ed C\yde MelUM, flf North lloll1wood. s...1111 after wea1q .. ~a.•tc! Connllll, "' -k; ud """""' Callihan, 25, bad been fatally al>ol In r-.. head with a .n caJlbcr revolver. I DAILY PILOT tltfl' l'Mtl WINS TWO LICENSES IN ONE DAY WhHls tnd Wings for Biii Curl•nd We.II Li~ensed • Youth Gets Wheel.s and Wings Bill Curland of Corona del Mar turned 16 last week. Like most Youths, he celebrated the event Dy getting his auto driving license. But unJlke most youths, he also qualified for a private pilot's license the same day. He flew from Orange County Airport to Bakersfield and Santa Barbara and back asaln to complete the requirement for the solo student flying permit. The Corona de! Mar High School sophomore Isn't yet able to f 1 y passengers, however. He will have that permit in a year. Right now, he's too young. "I really like to fiy," said Bill. 4'l've been taking instruction from Cliff Frazier at County Airport for a year. I'd like to be an airline pilot" The youth said there wu nothing eventful about his three-hour qua.lifylng flight. Bill has been flying with his father, Mel, for years. Mel Curland is owner of Maquis Motors in Laguna Beach. "We fly different places to flab," aaid Bill. "My mom doesn't like to fly but my younger brother does." Fµgbt instructor Frazier taught both Mel and Bill Curland. He said BW ls "an exceptional student." "Dad's getting another plane," said young Curland. ''We want~ to do some aerobatics on our way 'to catching some fish." Laguna Pl~ers. to Study Canyon Road Annex Bid A proposed city annexation of an L- shaped, 446-acre slice of land on La,una Canyon Road will be up for study" before the Laguna Beach Planning Commission meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight at City Hall. CdM Cook Suffers Grease Burns A fry cook at a Corona del Mar fish and chlps shop suffel"f:d painful grease bums in his mouth and throat Saturday in a freak on-the.job accident. Police said Don Wallace Estes, 18, of Santa Ana, suffered the searing burns while siphoning hot grease from one container to another at Mr. Fish and Chips in Corona del Mar. Estes aCcidentally sucked some of the hot grease into his mouth trying to start a siphon. A fellow employe took him to Hoa g M!moriaJ Hospital after the 9:40 p.m. mishap. The annexalion effort, propoaed under state code as an uninhabited annexaUon because it contains less than 12 registered voters, has stirred the ire of some res1dents of the area yrbo feel that coupling with the city 'Will result in increased taxes. The request for annexation comes from property owners within the area, lying north of the present city limit, a quarter mile north of Canyon Acres Drive, to the General Telephone yard. Proponents feel that joining the city will increase Ule development pottnUal of the property because of the municipal police, fire, atreet. and other services then available. lf the city were to annez the property, the land would be zoned R-R (rtsidenUal· hillside). Commercial development would be allowed under the use permit pro- cedure, Al Autry, city planner, said, "\Ve are not in the business of an- nexation/' Autry said. The only benefit to the city would be from a planning of future development standpoint, he said. U.S. Bombs, ' ' -I• . . Ar,@ery 1Potilld Co . . .. .. ' ng ... SAIGON CAP) -U.S. bemben ud arllllery pounded late Monday at elemetWI ol two Viet Coog ftClmeat• ·ibat bad ambushed and bloodied a bat· iauoo "' aboul 300 6qonh -para~• in 'two-day btttle M mile1 nortbwe!I of SaJcon. ' ' ~ bartted fll'lllY force -esUma~ to total more than J,000-men -r~treated toward t.be Cambodian froritier, five miles from the scene where they killed 30 oi the paratroopers and woonded 105 In the sbarput of a series of .fichts over the weekend.' AcUona e\lfwbere piled· up If the enemy~,· swing_ offensive, charactC!rized by Delcim Secretary Melvin l!. Laird ' u a "~alcu\ated escalation of the war." contlnueol In its third week. Allied ipote1111e11 saJd at leaat IZ7 Viet Cong ud Ncrib Vietnamese were tilled. Following a pattern ..t Feb. 23 ti the offensive's opening, enemy IUMfl'I shelled more than 35 towns and allied military imtallatiom with rcokets or mortars overnight. The U.S. Command again reporttd that overall casualties.and damage were Jigbt. A Saigon government spokesman said nine civilians were killed and Jt wounded. Heading for Hawaii after a four-day visit io Vietnam, Laird to1d ID airport news conference:. 11'be enemy's calculated esealation of the war by his .attempt at a new offensive has not been successful." He reiterated that the recent aUtacks on SsJ&on -lour barragu that killed 52 civilians and woimded 148 -violated an understanding with North Vletnam by which bombing above.the 17th parallel ended last Nov. I. Bui be said, "I am pleased that the attacks did not continue and that they were not signifi· cant attacks." He said. the U.S. response to any continuation of such at\aclts could be either military or diplomatic. In bis arrival statement Laird had not spelled out what the U.S. m:pons• might be and bad referred mly to "'several options." He added, however: "We want to make it clear that no oue should mistake our patience and forbearance for a sign of weakness." By saying that the attacks have now ended, at least for the time being, and they were in his opinion not significant, Laird appeared to be backing off, at least sligbtly. 'Ibe last of the four rocket attacks oo the capital actually ended about 18 boars before Laird'• amval. The aavage baWe with the VJet Con.I wu llOl .lll.flve major flghll reporte4. in the put 14 bours .:.. at three polnta near the Cambodian border and lo the north ud -of 5&lgoo. Tht dead Included 31 Alllerlcana and ti leul 117 Viel Cong and North Vletnameoe, allied spokesmen said. From Page J OVERRIDE •.. quarter million miles use. Teachen of the district maintain it needs at least a rate of $1.82 for a sound program. Don Wagoner, president of the Tustin Secondary Education AssociaUoo, 1aid~ ••sporta equipment is so old aome kid might get hurt. "Our newest bus baa more than 200,0IXI mlle1 on iL My blackboard ba!n't been cleaned In a year. 'lbe cam!'"' 1' the dirUe!t one you've ever seen.' College Girls Move In NEW YORK (AP) -About 100 Barnard College girls moved into two men's donnltorles at Columbia Universi- ty Sunday night to emphasize demands for coeducaUonal living facilities. . ·-·.·t·•;, .·.·:, ."•J,• , •• ·' ' .......... ,· ' ••. n OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired •diamonds and· precious ston~s ramcun· .• u • pearl1 restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU. TYPES OF JEWELRY '"3 HA.-SHOl'PIN• CINm UOO HAUol ILYD. COSTA MllSA IO·HU 0,. .... non.. "'· Tll ' ,... • HUNTIN•TON CIN'IQ llACll • IDIN•ll HUNTINtTON UACll ltWH1 ' # • • • -• ' l \.' ,' •' I . • ;, ' • • • • ' < • ' • .,. < ' • • -' I ) ,•I I 't ·--.J • ' F rom Pqe J DRUG USE, ABUSE RIS ES • • • • Ing the penalties ror possessing Jt~ There are of course no simple, pat answers to these and other question& But knowledgeable authorities t n medicine, psychiatry .. educalion, drug research, and law enforcement do offer numerous guidelines, and advice on 1peci(10 things you can do.- These -are spelled out in detail in later stories in this series. For a majority of young people. observers remark, the encounter witlt mind-affecting drug.s appears as a flirta· lion , a one time or once-in-a-while event, with users sure they can take it or leave it. But some authorities .. say such-e:r· pcrimentation can amount to drug rolilet" te -that some young people particularly susceptible to various drugs, can beCQme depeqdent, and gel hurt, badly hurl, from what they intended as a rather innocent adventure. The "drug scene" Is part of a larger one. For the truth is that American society is heavily a pill society. Its people for years have been swallowing billions of pills and capsules, lncltJd.ing tranquilizers. American soc iety tolerat.es alcohol and nicotine, both of which technically are drugs, and millions of people abuse both of them. Jt has long had a corps of add icts hooked on heroin or opium, but fewer now than 30 or 40 years ago. f\tany among a hug~ variety cf drugs are taken legitimately, prescribed for medical benefits. But there is also a great black market amang !!l<>me potent drugs, and illegal manufacture 1lr im· portation. Each year, says the Food and Drug Administration, billions of sedative and pep pills are diverted to illegal use and ultimate misuse. That means enough pills or lablets per person per year to "keep everyone in the United States awake and jumping for a week. and enough barbiturates to keep them in a stupor for a week.·• No one knows what the overwe ol potent drugs of many kinds is doing to that priceless possessiari, the human brain, how much it is constituting 1 . brai11 drain of intelligence and skills. The newer element in the nation's drug-problem Is Ult rather sudden spread af drugs that induce fantasies or haUutination.s, or that "expand the mind." Thia: drug problem Is he.rt. It ls now. It is big. J( is apperntly growing bigger. And it has set loose a storm of emotion that ~uses the issues, and that blocks effective ans\vers . Few Guidelines Part of the problem is "a tyranny of opinion, att itude and belier in the ~nee of knowledge," says Dr. Helen IL Nowlis, University of Rochester psychologist and director of the dntg education project of the National Association of Student P e r son n e I Administrators. · The real extent of drug use among young people is not known, although estimates are given in the ne1.t article. Many parents-are b!lfOed or alarmed because the drug scene is something totally out5ide any of their own personal ei:perience. Many cannot help wondering whether their children will remain im- mune to the appeal or pment drugs, or to a raft of new drup Which expem: predict will inevitably come along. Afany parents are far more alarmed. some experts say, than they really need ·-. . ~. ' But practically all agree that parent.! are not likely to get very far uq}es.s they~know the real facts about different drugs . Only with knowledge can they give sound couniel. Youngsters and students generally know a good deal mon: · th an parents about mind-influencing drugs. But they may also tend to believe what they choose on a controversial subject. And they have tended to learn about drup from their awn companions -not all o( them well or fully informed. Parents are wrong, far uample, Jf they argue that marijuana is a "narcotic" or that it is physically ad- dictive. The reasons why it is not, and why parenls cou1d honestly have been misled into thinking it is, are explained later. The point that authorlth!! make here Is that parents get into trouble if they DO insist marijuana is 1 narcotic, or Jf they Jump a11 drugs together u being equally bad. "Once the youngster can prove the parent is wrong about a big point, he very likely takes the positi<Jll -·Now I can 't believe anything you uy at all ,' " says one psychiatrist. "Any drug education which is noL scrupulously honest will fa.ii with the kid s," a psychologist adds. "Once you exaggerate, you lose them ." (Tomorrow : Why the drug exploaion Is occurring now -and how extensive it ~) Pilot's Wife Watches As Crash Kills Mate MODESTO (UPI) -Tile wilt GI 1tunt pilot Oyde Pm<11t1 b<anl the encine ot her husband's plane falter Sunday and ran to the window of the.ir home in time to set the craft plunge into • concrete irrigation ditch. Parsom, • SO-year-old pl1sterin1 con- tractor who spent his free time participaUng in air shows, wu kllled in the crash. War Try Made on • CORONADO (UP!\ -Qndr, Lloyd M. Bucher faced a Navy court of Inquiry today •S 1 vOluntary witness after an admtral tmil'led be believtl North Korta wanted 1 wu over the USS Pueblo affair. Vice Adm. J . Victor Smith, who negotiated with the Communists after the vessel'• capture. cilled the North Kort IN "mad doe•·" Smttll descrlbed North Korean Prunier Kim JI Sung and his 1dvl1er1 as "1n· tellil'flt people but completely without acrnple or COMclence." "I telt that Kim II Suni weJcomed, perhaps wanted, war at that time ," Smith said. ''Seizure of it vts~l OJ1 lhc high seas has In !he past been I an occuioa for war." SmJth llid the Pueblo'• caf(ure oc- cumd 1hortly alter North KDrun effort• to USUlioate South ICortan Pm.ldtnt Park Chung Hee, whidt Smllh calltd another grave provocttk:ri. • Smith, • fonner membtr GI lht United NaUons ~Uni team at tbe Korean Annflltic<' Center •t PanmwtJom. told lht fivwdmiral court of lnqtJ\rl': "Wltat do you say to a Mongolian aa•qe who holds a GI )'OUT COUllU'ymto hollqe!" Re dttilod lht North KlntN hid evtt warned the Pueblo Wil IUl>J<d to apo lure. Smlth laid al.lo that coafesslons ertrtcttd from Pueblo c:mnnen that I.be ship had beat in KQl'eln waten hurt hla pooition at the n<gotl1t1nr llblt. Srriitb wu followed by Crodr. 'Peter R. Block. under whom Bucher 1erved (LI DAILY ~flOf ft Bridging ~~!llritunication_ Gap . - Whi.te , Black P~r~nts Overeome 'Hangups' With V isi ts BJ TiloM.u FOJITUNE Of .... .,....., . .,.,, Thi first time white partnta from Huntlagtoo Belcb lll<l !llh black parents from Watt., the black parenl.1 didn't even uy gooclbye. • Tbl nett time the black parents asked; •iWJw:n can we come visit you?" Afttr a visit to Arevalos School in the white, middle clau community, lhe black parents bad warmed considerably.- "We're trying -to establish a feeling, .. aaid Mrs. Ron Scbnitger. It hasn't betn easy for parents of tbt Huntlttgton Beach neighborbood in FOUDtain Valley 's elementary school l)'Stem. Beaides iniUaJ black suspici9n ot the white do-gooders, white parents have • their own feelings to overcome. '"'Ibey are so open," marv,ted Mn. Richard Lacock. "I blush every time J uy 'Neiro' or 'black' to them." But · tbe feeling is coming for the wbJte parents and black parents a:oing out of their way to share a little friendship. It began with Arevalos Principal Robert Lindstrom, who spoke lo parents about involving themselves in a people-to- Solons Hoping To Stiff en Drug Usage Penalties SACllAMENTO (AP) -Penaltit• ·for taking, selling and producing drop jn California ran.p from probation to life impriaonment -depending on the type ol drug and whether the person Is 1 repeated offender. Several bills are before the legislature this year aimed at stiffening penalties for possess.ion and sale of narcotics auch as heroin, codeine and morphine and all restricted dangerous drugs including LSD. speed and tranquililers. The: legislature eased lhe penalty for posaesaion of marijuana by a first of- ~ fender last year, giyjng the judge the option cf malting the crime 1 misde- meanor er a 'felony rather than a straight felony. Under present law , a person convicted of marijuana possession for the first time can either be sent to state prison for one to ten years as a felony offender or to count; jail for up to one year on::a misdemeanor. ., Persons convicted a p o s s ~ s s r n g re.micted dangerous drugs face the same pen~. However, ~.!!!lion cf all other narcotics except peyote is a felony punishable by two to ten years in state prison. . Second and third affenders face much 91.iffer sentences in all cases. A person with no prior convictions for narcotics posseasion must spend a minimum 15 years in state prison with ·a possible maximum term of life imprisonment. Sentences for the sale of marijuana and narcotics are much stiffer than those for possession. The penalty for selling restricted dangerous drugs is not ._, stiff, though a measure is noil before the legislature to make the lentence the same u: lhe term !or selling mari- juana. First oflenders convicted of selling: marijuana or narcotics face five years to life imprisonm.en( -wllh 1 minimwn three-year term before parole. A first offense for selling restricted dangerous drugs, however, can be either a misde· meanor with up to one year in county jail er a felony with one to five years in state prison. Separate sections of the state health and safety code deal with penalties for sales by minors arld to minors. Armed Bandit Holds Up Store A nvolver-brandilhinc J'flbber held up • 'Westminster food martet Slturd.11 niPI and sped any alter ciwifnr out the store's till. According to Wellminster police, the unklentifled suspect came into the store, located at 17357 Weatmlnster Blvd., at 10:51 p.m. and be.Id store clerk Bob EMe! at bay with the gun while he acooped an unknown amount or cash from the register. The suspect then ran out to a waiting automobile and made his getaway. Pueblo? as u eculive officer ol. the submarine USS Ronqull In l!llUI. Block called Bucher'• performance on tile llooquil "extremely food , consllnlly pod." "I have seen hbn under unusual atrt.ss. He· ii cool and collected,.. Block said. "He ii 1 very good officer under strain." Bucher went before the court in the: artemoon lo 1nswer u n fa v o r a b 1 e tatbnony about the way he commanded lht Putblo, 1'tle aim of hls civilian aUOrne:y, C. MUM Harvey, WU to SRtt Bacher'• cate Into IOUlld 1hope bt(ort the coorl btgin• Ill delihreratioM. It could reeommend Bucher f(lr IJ1Ylhinl from I coort•martlll to a decoraUon. people atllmpl at black·whlte communl-carlon.' ,_1 :.-in lhat," <1Uered Mra. Rlchard Hen.-~·ere abown waya lo ·help themaelvti dertOn, -and ltl parents ln•olved in a common 11lree'1p&Hnta .. and a dozen ArevaloS teachers spent i weekend last t>e<.-embtt wltb three parenta and 11 teacher1 from 10Znd Stree:t'Scbool in Watts. "It usually takes a cUuster or purPoff:. !50lllethinJ contro"·er.aial to aet people "They were shown •hat they can do .... together." said iv.rs. Schnitier. with very Uttle output et funds, UU t \ a:~h:rt~~o~~e :: ! ~~u~;foe~ Mrs. Ned PenJ.fa aaid, 0 J think the make Dannel board stories," said Mrt. ... thing is Nea:rQes individually art different Rorman. Beach nelghborbood now numl>er 30. Th~rc have bien two vlslt's lo 102tld Street School and a return visit by 15 black parents snd teachers to Arevalos Scht-ol, the Fountain Valley Curriculum litaterials Center, 11ld lunch in 1 \Vhite home. There has been ugly ' neighborh~ reaclion -accuaations, that the parents are tl'Y,ing lo integrate. the neighborhood or planning to bus students. But it bas not discouraged the group. "The best thlna; I've gotten out of thla is finally being able to communicate with my community. I ha•e discovered that there ani people who care about other people," said N.:rs. Alvin Rorman. "This is the lhinl wually so ~dly lack· ing." "There Is a great deal of comfort h'om . Negroe,s collectively. When you "The:y couldn 't wait to aet out of set them person-to-pe.rl50n you art not that place lo talk about where they . even aware of their skin color." could set up one of their own," remarked ''We are educating ourselves so we ~frs, Pengra . can edu~ale our childrec and get .rid A book drive to furnish 102nd StJ;eet or some of lhis prejudice," said li-1r:s. School classrooms also ii on with Girl Lacock . Scouts in Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa t.1rs. Rorman said she plans to get and Anaheim contributing. her children Involved by drivina: a station The black parents are reciprocaUn1 ~·agon load of books Lo lhe Watts school. bv their enthusiasm and show of thankJ.. She sees it a.s being something positive The feeling is coming. Whtie parents .see for her children, not a tour of how they have come a long way since tbl I.he other half lives. first hurt of not being told GoodBye. Besides the self satisfaction they feel, And who knows, they say, how far the women thihi they already have ii will go? helped the black pa.rents. lifrs. Rorman has hopes "other com .. At the Curriculum Mate.rials Center, munities will pick up what ~·e have where· F~tain Valley volunteer parents started in our own little, disorganized make classroom aides, the Watts parenlJ way." ·~~-'--~~'--~~~~~~~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FUN FOODS! ~ at El Rancho: the supermarket where the price is right! BIG VARIETY! ------ • • • • • • • • • • SPECIAL / .,, • " LOW PRltE!~ All YOUR· _fJYDRIIES! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -· • • :i • • . . Stock up on fun foodl ,a.t El Ra:n,cho thi1 tvtek! • • • • Candylal'I Re,ilar 5c Size a for,,,, Candy is fun! ••• and more fun at El Ra~cpo'1 low price'. Choose· from Hershey Ban, Krackles, Al- mond Chocolate, ?tfr. GQodbar, Baby Ruth, Butte1finger, Heath, Abba Zabba ••• and more beside.st Fiddle Faddle .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 ·•· '1 Jollytilne Pop Corn ........ , .. 3 '" '1 :Fun to PoP •.. ~unto eat! •.. 20 ounce cans. Caramely and chewy and good! ... Reg. 3~c pkp, Ice Cream Bon Bons ..... , ...... , .. 59 ¢. Soft Drinks ............... ,., .. 12 '" $1 Bubbly, spark·ling fun! Springfield ... 12 Oz. cana· A bucket of pleasure! Bonibee ••. save lOc '. Pancake Mix .... , .. ,, ........... , .... 39' Jello .... ,. .................... ,, .... , 6 ••• '1 P&0cakcs are fun! Aunt Jemima. ••• 2 lb. pkg. Colorful, wiggly, dellciow ! Bil' f5 ounce pkgs. Super Shopper Meal Makers! Flank Steak ... ~;~;.;;' ..... ~1 2? What make! this fun i11 the "oven re•dy~' feature! All you have to do i1 cook it ••. and enjoy it! Beef Braising Ribs ........ , .... ~ .. 49:. Ham Loaf ..... ,. .... ,, .. ,. .... , ...... , 891. Meaty··. fiavor tha.t makes for real deliahtl Deli1ht!ully aearoned .•• just shape and bakef Fun Fruit! Chiquita Bananas Bananu are fun .•• to slice with cereal ••• with puddinz 1 o C or ice cream, jn a pie or cake 1 lit ... or juat t.o eat! I Pri<" i~ </feet "'""'· Tvu,, Wed,, _ ~far. 10, 11, I!. No 1alu to dealtr1. ,\ Super Salads! Nally' s Salads Salads are more fun when they're ready to serve! . No fuu, no mu111s t Rei, 39c ctn•, ARCADIA: 3 ' 0 I s1 Slnstt 11111 llllllftllon Or. (El R111<ho CMl4ll) PASADEllA: 320 West Colnlo 1116. ·som PASADOIA: f'mollt ... llilli"11 Dr. IRlllTlllstoll IDCR' Wornar and A~ (Bolldllllt C.il!lrl NlWPOIT IEACR: 27'0 Jltwport Bll'd. tnd 25S5 talbluff Dr. IEaslb(uft Yllllp Coflll4 -. .. • • ......,,-10,1"9 • ourt Sets Rules > r j ~ n ·Wiretapping • , • ~ ~ i , • ., • l , ' { I . lN TOl~Y'I 1"911fu.i ., .. c.•tr ,. ......... A Fort Worth study to find out how • watching television affects fourth graders' school work show .. ed some children watch more televliion than parents think possi· ble. One student said be Watched television "80 hours a week in· eluding 2.1 hours on Saturday." • , -~ A New Haven resident has filed ; in U.S. District Court to forbid ·'. SL Patrick's Day parades In the -t city. John f. Curr•n Jr. says the ~ p"arade is a "religious processiop." .:: He argues it violates the freedom • of religion guaran{eed by the U.S. ·~ Constitution. ! . . " • . • \ • Geoff Sex, 40, of Winchester, England, had been the straight man for ;okes about hi& name lonQ e11ougl~ and ftnally peti- tioned to have hi& name chang- ed. He is now Geoff Southern. Geoff said he did as much for his four 11oung daughtfrs a3 for hirmelf, "The mind bogglts at the problems tht: 11amt' could ~ caiued my daughttr.s lattr on,• he said. • A flying policeman landed his airplane to write out a ticket because he said a train blocked a crossing too long. Sgt. Al Ford was flying over Tampa, Fla. broadcasting traffic reports. He spied the train at a crossing and started timing lt. It aat there 11 minutes, Ford said. He landed, drove to the railroad yard and cited A. J. Simpton, yard con· ductor •. for violation of a city ordinance that trains cannot block an intersection longer than five minutes. · •• • WASH!NGTON (UPO -The 6Ujftlne Court· lptlleoj oul a Mt Ill 1MW l\lldellno today In tbt l'UllDlni ~veny over lhe government's use of evidenct ob- tained by eavtsdropplng. ... In a set of compla rullnp, the court held' -The government may uae evidence even If obtained by unlawful eavesdrop. ping 00 otben if tha defeodaJX WU not a participant in the overheard con- versaUon and U the bualnc did not take pllce at bis home, oWce or aimllar personal l!femlsel. -On the other hand, in cuu wbtre ha wu a party to the conversation or hil premlaea l'bu,gged" tbl defendant may demand under proper llf'IUard• that the wir<llp evidence be turned over to his attorney even in cues in- volving naUonal eecurlty. • -An adverauy court procedurt1 muat then be held to determine the rtlevance of the eavudrop information to hla in. dlctment and if th\ wiretap evidence Is shown as being relevant, the defendant may have it suppressed. The Justice Department wanted the trial judge alone to rule on the admiasibillty or wiretap evidence. Solicitor General Erwin N. Griswold urged private inspection by the trial judge to proi.tt lllnoc:eot third partle!, Something Not Fishy; Heroin Ring Smashed WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Bureau or Customa announced today it has broken up an international SJQuggling ayndicate and se1r.ed one of the largest shipments of heroin on record in a raid 1n New York City. Customs commisaloner Leater D. Johnson said at kut lour ponons have bun arrested and "more arrest& are f:!xpeeted." The four were being taken before a U.S. cormniuioner in the southern dlltrlct ol New York, be said . J olmlon said about 62 pounds ol heroin was aeized from a lhipment of canned fish wlllcb came by freighter from Spain and was consigned to a New York Stile importer. The.drug wu in cans labeled fish. "It is upected an invesUgaUon already undertaba fa Europe will eradicate !he -nutOtlcs 1111tJi11!111 orph!UUon and the • add!Uooal seilutt1 ol hm>ln and arrests will be made In tbe United Slates llJld ElD'Ope in the nut few days," Johnson said. and In naUonal -11)' cuu to prot<ct tbe 1overnmen1•1 InteW,ence acllviUo. He said Uthe 1overnJl1"1t wen obli&ed to turn over all moJli.t<nd c:ooverut.iona to deCend&n\I, it W<lUid have to. atop prosecuttni ~Olt •JU' oue1. lie. aatd the· pracUce would mtan turnlng Im- portant informaUon over to unfriendly a:ovemments. ' The court toot these other actions: -Upheld by a 1·1 vote an aotiltU!t de¢slon agal.n.st two Tucson. Arl.z.1 newspapers wblcb combined their ad- Vertislng and cireulaUon departmenta. For the court majority, Justice William O. Douglas beld that tbe TuC>On Dally Citluo and Ille Arizona lltlly Star bad failed to lbow that their combined -·· tJon wu protected by the "failing com- pany dodrlne.'' The decilioo, di.vented ta by JusUce Potter Stewut, could have an important bearing on &lmilar ar- rangementa In 22 other cities. -Reversed the Binni.ngham conviction ol the Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth who with the late Dr. Martin Luther King was convicted o1 parading without a pennlt in a 196.1 Easter civil rights dem- onstration. -Threw out the disorderly conduct conviction or Negro entertainer Dick Gregory stemming from a protest man:h around the home of Cblcago Mayor Richird J. Daley in 111115. Egypt Vows Vengeance For Chief By 11IE ASSOCiATEO PllESS Egypti.ans.J181d tribute today to lhe!Jo army chltrol ataff, Gen. Abdel Moneim Riad, fatally wounded by an hraeli shell Sunday, then Jtaged a demonstration, chanting, "We need arm! foe revenge.'' Preaident Gamal Abdel Nasser and Jrlundrtd1 of thousands of people joined ln maldna it a hero's funeral for Riad. ''With blood and aools we avenge your death,» the crowd shouted as the pr~ cession. one of the biggest in Egypt's history, moved through the streeta ol Cairo. -nteUvts Ill the Palestlnlan Al Falah orpnJzatJon took pert in tbe fu- neral march. Some carried placards which read "blood of martyrs ahall not be wasted." U.N. oliserven blamed Egypl for the otarl ol the artillery duel Saturday. They reported to U.N. headquarters that they observed the Egyptlarni firing from one to 32 minutes before the IsraelliJ opened up along the blocked waterway. I11raell shells hit Egypt's oil refinery at Suez for the fourth time since the 1967 war, and the Israeli! said a petrochemical plant and oil storage tanks were sUll burnlng today. Egypt said three tankl were seL-afire. Israel said one of its Piper Cubs ' LAST PICTURE -Egyptian Anny Chief ot staff Abd'J M011oim Riad (left) sita wilh UAR President Na.ser during the latter's visit to the Suez Canal earlier this year. It was the last picture Of Riad, killed iy an Israeli mortar round Sunday. was shot down, three Israelis lncludina: the pilot were killed and 14 were wound-ed. . Egypt said three of it.a men were killed and 13 wou"nded and ' it lost a MIG jet Israel said lhe MIG pilot was captured. Egypt also claimed itl forces brought down an Israeli Mystere jet, but Israel denied this. ~-=--~~~~~~- • Equipment Lost in Trial Splashdown SPACE CENTER, Houatoo (AP) - Rough windA and seas caused the b!I of three flotation collars and a liferaft SWJday during the Apollo t recovery team's final rehearsal for Thursday'• scheduled splashdown . A weather expert aboard this aircraft carrier, however said conditiom should improve and that he believes the timing of the splashdown to be perfect. The collars, which cost $5,500 each, and the liferaft were ripped away from the boilerplate dummy Apollo spacecraft by wind and waves. Ten.second wind gusts measured at 45 miles an hour. Mission control at Houston advised the Apollo 9 astronauts Monday that the situation was being watched closely. Capt. Roy M. Sudduth, the Guadalcanal's commanding offictr, aald he considered early Sunday calling off th~ simulated recovery operation but decided the weather would permit training with 0 upper limits" conditions. Sudduth said the exercise verified previous estimates that maximum safe conditions for a recovery are seas of 10 to 12 feet and winds to 29 miles an hour. Frank Chihocky, the carrier's actin~ meteoroJogist, forecast seas of four or five feet Thursday with v.•inds of 15 to 20 miles. Charles Filley, h~ad of the recovery team, agreed that the Sunday conditionl'i exceeded the operational limits for a Thursday splashdown . Me 11aid the heroin lhipment was con· signed to one of thole already under arrest. importer ChrfJtlan Ser I e Hy!Ohian of the Panamanian Food and Chemist Co., Whitestone, N.Y. MINER BREATHES ·FRESH AIR AT LAST AFTER SPENDING NINE DAYS UNDERGROUND William V. Jone1_:f.ie1 on Stretcher Aw1itlng Ambulance Ride to Ho splt1I After Rescue "Should they continue, we would try to get an area with lesti winds,•• hr said. Monday would have been splashdown day for Apollo had not the scheduled Feb. 28 launch date been posted to March J after the crew developed colds. -- ' . Jt.ut OM of the spring crop of babies at the Detroit Zoological Park, thi& babu Polar bear Lu"ibered out of hi.I den •home" long enough for photogrophni to record his Press debut. The 3-month·old cub kept close to mom during the picture taking session-;11.Tt like any baby would. The others arrested were listed as Edward Louis Jnnbaud, 48, a French citizen who was picked up at John F. Kennedy Ai r po r t Saturday; Maye> ~asgromardi, 48, of Whitestone, ldenti- f 1ed as the landlord of Hysohian's prem· \.se.s, and Antonio Flores, 48, believed to be a Panamanian and residing in New York C"ny. Black Capital~m Not Only Answ~r? Bejoi~es Miner HACKETl'STOWN, N.J. (UPI) - James Farmer, undersecretary of health, education and welfare, said Sunday night the "black capitalism" advocated by President Nixon is not the complete answer to ~tto problems. Rests After 9 Days Underground ~ • Mediation Continues New Hampshire prides itself on Yankee ingenuity and proved an example wiUt an unusual example of thri!L The state saved ,1,555 by salvaging two late model wrecked state police car$ apd welding the ·two good halves together intO one :;ervi~!!able cruiser. The job cost only $119.89 for towing and parts. Students bn a trainirig project did the work. WASHINGTON (UPI) -Federal mediators met with company and un ion bargainers today in their continuing cf· forts to sett.le . a 12-day-old strike that has halted aJI American Airlines flight operations. "Little is aceompllshed by making a few more black millionaires, as the masses of the black remain where they were prior to civil rights," he said. LARK, Utah (AP) -Tough, grizzled William "Buck" Jones relaxed in a hospital bed today, freed from the tiny cell of rock that held him c~ptive deei; in a Utah mountain for eight days. Jones, 6l·year-old father of II, was brought to safety Sunday night by rescuers who had tunneled tediously through 25 feet of rock to his cubicle. A spokesman for the National Media· Uoo Board was uked if there had been 3111 jll'Ogress. in American's tali.1 with the Tramport Workers Union. "None that we can rtport," he replied. Farmer, the first Negro named by President Nixon to a high 1-0Vemment post, sald he hopes to "give a piece of the action to the black ma.ues through community development corporations and cooperatives." After an emotional reunion with his big family at the mine entrance, Jones was v•hisked 20 miles to a Salt Lake City hospital )or examination and rest. He looked v.·eary, but obviously was in hig hspirils. Freezing Cold Wraps U.S. "I want a shower'." he shouted. "I think I need it." The ec:ho rang down lhe hoapltal corridor. He got a bath instead. Then he shaved himKll, had a dinner of ham and eggs and watched a televiaion rtplay of bi:;; mcue. Lower Florida: Warm Oasis in Frigid South Colllornla V•tf1bl9 cllllldl "'11h ~ 11111 .,,..,,,.~,,_,, "'""'" motl If loulfl· ~"' C.t lflornt1 toN,. .,.."' h1e111,. 11111¥ .... ...,I INI' t llOl!tll' tODle!" fMil'Crtt\irt!l """""· L,. """lft •l'HI vicinity Md oc:C, .. ~iontl t'-n i ncl t11unoecs1orms 1NI' ~ C ly~ CentH hlflo of J1. T119 1haw1~ ""'"' f~PKll!d lo COl'll!fl\jt 11\rOlllh T'-'"111y. LO$ ANGELES ANO VICINllY-5~ Incl ch1nct of lhunderllorms "1.._h T\lflcl1y. WINI'!'. H~I ""' !1. L9Wlo ,..,~, 41. Clllnw of r1l11 - <f'M1"'9 la • JllfUM t.n111!!t tl'ld 10 '° -.unt Tl>tldtY. COASTAL AND INT£"-M£0t.liTI! V"llEYS -~s 111C1 ftW ~ """''°""' liinlutll ll>tldtY. °"""' lll'fftdl. H!lhli 11 .. st. lawt tlal!Jtllt U h "· MOUNTAIN AJl£A! -1-klelllY fllMiw "' ..,_ ~ TUH!l1y wllh cNrtot ,,, ,_ fhunOmfortM. ·-"""91 M01 i.rt. Gutly wlNlr.. (OOltf' lllfllfl'lt. INTl•to• ANO OES&•T •£G10NS -»-n ...,,..... T-1•. "-..... I MIDI fft'I lllrlh 19 •.000 fttl ...,111. O\l1lfy Wl!loh, Hllht. 2' °"""' V1l1t•. ••"-"'~'""'u '-r .,.,""' l-tellftl'ol 11 le JI o.e.-1 "'""· n .. • -... 11tl'I. 21 .. .. ~ Wtlrn. SA.NTA IA"-IAllA AMO VtC l'iltY ~I tl\Nutll 1'°'""'' WlnoY c•tl!\HJd <oot LllWI to111tro1 • i. ,,: CMMOt If ... 111 1'11 ....,Cfl'lt lo<iltM 11'1111 Ill -urtl Tllllod1r. $.MtlA. MONICA fA.'I' All EA-&llO• -•1111 dltllC.• ol ""'"°'""""" ""rwtll l~"· W'l!WJ. COlltlNIH CllOI, i.-11111""' flffr •J. crwuq ti ,..ill .,..... ... ,, • -Cltllt "'"""' t llf I• Ill~ r ............ SAN 'EllMll<NDO VALLIY-11\o• ""' •llCI CfleftClt "' ~"'°""' *il'Wl'I ~'' Wllldy. Uwi ..... "' lll .. 4 Cllfnu _, ,.Ill -..1111 IO 10 ~ '*""'' n to • MrOl'll T"""''· Alkimll'lfll ...,..... f/I ........ tllll ckll,lel""I Miii dlMCt f/I ~ b "'"· Wllldt ..,,..,,,, " .. ,. knttl. T_..,-, hlt'I. M IO U. Y""'*" ttm~l'ft r 1111 •cl '""" • l'llttt • • .. • .... "' .... .,.. 111\f ~ --· 11 .. "· ,,.,. .. ,.~.,. ... se ........ S11n, Moon. !'Illa TlilllDAY P"!Bt Miii .............. ,,,, '""· •.• ,.Int ................... 11:• I.Ill, IA ...................... :;. ''" '""· 1.1 ~ W ........... .,I:•....,.., M ,,... .... 11:1• ...... I.tis t i.ti ··"'· S.. • ._ l :M .,,.,, k11 It• •.Ill. ""' .. """ ''"' .. '•" ~11. II /Mi. lt W r. )I. Altf. t '~ h-11u,,.. ~lfl'd """"" OI "" Nfllfl fodty """' "" llO(ii:lft. GrMI ,.lllft1 Incl '""" Sllrlfl fMllN the l1n111t flf 1111 AN .... , •If" lfl'lln lllll. e""' it•lft "-""' °"'"" 11111 "-• IO MDrlt111e •lllf vi.ii 11M M , ..... _.. ... ,. lei-. ~·· ,_... " ....... ,......, ~"',. lodQ ., JI ...... ,.,.. ,,.... tNl"fllNI Wlf9 ..... '""' --.,.. Gft!nl ,...,... Wlt!I ....... ... _ ....... ~ .. ""' fl'lllf et h Orfli-, OW.le *" ·--..,,..,. ,llrldl, • tNf'llll -" "' h fl'MltTlt ......... fllt Nlllrl'I Jlltfftt ,,.. ll.lf'Wy, ~ Mltml '"" ..,._,llrMll A.,.. ,....,.... • ,.... .... u. ,,..., .............. ,. " ... CM.I~ Mflltlllt •tf .. NfW lllllllld-flfd ff<f,,.....I •-fl\lnle1 tlld ctld tcm..rtlV•t,, l'ettaJN!ratures A111,rq....-que .. " """"'"' " " ""'-"'-" " i•k•rsli.t.I " .. 1.,,,..rn n ., •oM " " .M ... ll " """" n " CllltfnN11 • " CllYWlt nd ~ " ,,,._ " • ......... . .. " ....... .. " lvrftl • • Fort Wd. n " ·~ .. • " ..... " ., ·-· • .. ...... " " 1(.,...1 Chy " ,. LAe 'letfl .. d Lfl A,..lft " • Mltlftl tMdl " " Ml~" " .. Mt~ll • .. Hflll' 0ritaM .. " _y .. • .. Oltlllllf .. n ..... " " ·-lltb~I " a """~i. " " -· .. " .,_ .... • " ........ " " ._,, .. Cll'f .. " "'" llllfl' • • ·-: ,, """"""' • " .... " " ..... .. " kit L.lftt City .. " 1t11D .... • .. .... , __ .. " .. ........ ,..,. .. .. -.. '" --.. " ...... , .. " W1t.lll11tll!ll • ~ "' ·" A hoapllal spokesman said there would be no immediate Interview«. It wu a tearful, joyful scene when ' Fincl1 Supports School Act, But ·~ Hedges on Funds WASHINGTON IUP l 11 E W Secretary Robert H. Finch aa!d today .J.1 he support! the Johnson-adm.inistration- founded program of aid to public schools but hedged on conunJWng himseU to increased 1pending in that Held. .e1 Finch, head of the Department of ·" Health, Education and Welfare, told the Hoose Education and Labor Committee he favors a two-year extension of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act •. Chatnnan Carl D. Perkl.nt (0-Ky.), has 1ntroduetd a bill 10 exlend the Id· os for five years. PMklns asked Finch If he would sup- pol1 nearly doubling of the funding to S:.2 bilUon f« ihe matn part of the •ct. " Floch praised the purpo51!1 of the pr~ .., aram but did not. say whether be sup- ... ported such .an Increase. He NJd his department lJ now ltudylni tht entire act and may propose cb&ngae ln it .M later. the tunnel train carrying Jones to safety reached the surface after a 4~~·mile ride from the shafl in which he was trapped by a cave·in March I. A cheer went up from more than 300 persons crowding the tunnel opening, including Jones' entire family. Her eyes glistening. Mrs. Jones cried. "Buck, I lo\'c you:" His children shouted, ;,Hi, dad :" "Hello, mother.'' the weary, bearded Jones said to his wife .... Then the two spent a private moment in the covered mine car before fellow miners carried him to an ambulance. "His kisses were very dusty," said daughter Velma Jones. ~trs. Jones said he wu "very tired" but had laughed and talked with her. A nurse said Jone; did not appear to hive any cuts or bad bnii1es, but had "awfully red knees, probably from havinl to kneel a Jot." Jones' quarters were about five feet wide, and only high enough ror him to crouch in. The rescue climaxed days or danger and frustration ror workers who risked their own lives in the narrow shart or the lead, zinc and silvei: mine. Officials had feared a new cave.in \\"hich could have. crushed Jones and taken the lives of his rescuers. A direct route U1rough lhc 12·lo-15 feet of mud and rock which sealed Jooea in the tunnel was abaridoned after four days because of cave-in danger. An attempt to drlll an escape tuMtl wilh diamond bits also ran into problems. The rescue wu finally made through a tunnel which "·orker1 be1an chopping through soUd rock Thursday. Unidentified Man Rescued F1·om Clif{ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Coast Guard helicopter lowered ~ basket •nd rescued "a John Doe, white and about 30·• from an «ean cllttskk. The unldenlined man, who hid 11\pped and drop~ to a wall above Sutro &ths. \1,.u taken latt Sunday nlghl to the U.S. Public Health HOlpllal, whcrt doc- tor1 said he w•~ in shock and could not give hfa name • ) W 01nan Loses 75 Pounds to Give Brother Kidney ANN ARBOR. Mich. fU PI) -A ~alamaroo housewife shed 75 -pounds In order to go on the operatilJI table and donate a kidney to her ailing 'brother. "He's feeling u.·onderful and 110 am T," said Mrs. Robert William1; as her brother. David Greenleaf. 36, of Vassar, made plans today to leave his University of Michi~an hospital bed. Mrs. \Villiams. who shared the san1t rare blood type P negative as Greenleaf was told by doctors in September, 1967: that she was the only person who could give a kidney to Greenleaf with 1 reasonable chance of traruplant success. But her bulky 2'1'1·pound frame made her too great an operating risk doctors .said as they rtfu&ed to atte~pt the transplant. HQJtever , Greenleaf. who had 1 history or CJeteriorating kidney t r o u b 1 e throughout hi! life, stood liWe chanct of living a normal life without a new kidney . Steady dieting brought Mrs. Williams down to 202 pounds by January of thi& ye:ar -the same month her brother went on a kidney machine at University Hospital. The operation was perlormed la st month and doctors termed ii 11 success. Search Launched Of Graveyard TRURO, M111-(UPI) -51 ate Troo?e!s and park raneen witb ma~ and mine detectors launched a "yard by yard" search toda,y of 1 macabre murderer's graveyard which has alreadJ yielded the mutil1ted bod.ir.s of at least four women . Truro Police Chief l!arold M. lertftt !iaid sibout 7) troope.r1 aod rana:tn from the Cape COd National Scuhore Part: "'ere making an "all-out tlfort" fn their search or the pinM:lad tandy wultl betl'·een Truro and the sea. Rangers said one man. 1ven brought hls own sho\·el and "Just began dlglna." ~!e 6plained that be wanted to helJ 111 the search. \. ' l I t ,I I ' . ' • . . . --' . ' .. and John Scott T.r.ue... maola.Jiic......,...1e.; '.lbe /ipril 18 Pm;iS.. themed art.ea.ct;oQ•w!th "'""'-11• )lµffet oupper is •poMi>twd' by Newport"H"'¥Auxiliary ol:tbl'~dren'!f.Home. Society, ,. UP F.OR SAl·E -Ready to accept· bids for the first'arl w"!'.k to be a~tioned at the Soiree d'Art is Robert Guggenheim '(a~ left), auctioneer, assisted by Mrs. Merton K. Cameron J r., c~an, . . , . , .... -·.. ........ .. ·' . ~ Words, W ords, Words • " ' Communication .E·xpert • Se~s Understanding Gap . ' l . BY JEAN cox Of ~ ~Uy l"llol Sllff The average person wakes up in the morning to the blar· ing voiee o[ a radio aMouncer and goes to sleep after turning off the 11 p.m. news. In between awakening .and retiring, his day bas been fill· ed with words -declarations, promises, instructions, ques- tions and answers. Yet there ha:ii been very little communication. This is the thesis o ( Lawrence A. Dysart. a com- munications expert wbo told South Coast Club members o( Laguna Beach lai;t Wednesday that the communication gap orten exists because people do not always say what they mean. An example is f o r m e1r governor Pat Brown, who d~4 ing a .campaign speech stated, "The northern California flood situation.ja·tbe worst disaster since f.Was elected." Conversation is often block· ed, sai~ Dysart, by the kinds of questians asked. "If you were to ask your _husband, 'How were things today?' the reply probably wouldn't be tOO revealing. However, if you '.asked 'What is the most important thing that hajipened today?' you might launch a conversation by as~ ~ leading quei,,tion." nad f ~~estions tp a~k, ·~ cording to the· speaker, are "Do you. love me?" or "Is someOtiag the matter?" Better questions would be, "Why· do _you say thait?" or "Would· .you explain· that to me?" turn people off when they ai'1> ~!king." ·,' He said a researcli ex· periment showed tbe average~ person talks 125 to 150 words ' a, minute, while the JisteMr is capable of 500 to 600 wordt a minute. ''How they spend the spare . lhlnking t i m e , detennlnel their listening capability," DyMrt observed. , Television is another cog lo m.o d e r n conversation; ac· cording to the Santa Ana resi- dent, who admitted his faml17 is as susceptibje as the next «Occasionally I throw out e conversational stone, hoping to start a ripple. I tried. the other day during a com- hlercial, but my son said, 'Tell ' me later Dad, I don't want to miss the program.' " . J)ysart, rOrmer director o1~ a ·speakers bureaU' and com- munications for a large oil company, was called on ·to • ....,, .... ., ..... ~ _,, • ' . .. . April, • In • 1 .t~s ··Pari .s ' "F--t belll for 11.l&ht to Pam. CbaDlpap ..-, art ......Uon and soiree ahead." Mornbers and .guestS o.f the Newport·Harbor Auxi- liary ol. the Children's Home . Society will take the P&rif-speci&l flight to the Irvine Coast Country Club Friday; April 18, for the seventh annual Soiree d' Art, a biennial event antic!patecl by artist. and gnesu ~Ute. ;'transformed into a contemporary Parisian art gal· lery willr draw!ngs ·of bl~ck and white accented In ye!· low; the' country club .will· be filled with oil paintings, wallftolon ·anc1 collages 'to be auctioned aa In the past by &bert.Guggemeim, civic leader and philanthropist. F;,.u~;will be&b!.w\th' a g~g from Jobn Scott· Tl'Olter, ,wen..~ composer; cooductor and patron of1iie eris, who' will serve as niaster of cere-Ulllllles. . ..... ~ Gues!J will • enjoy a cbampagne buffet supper be- fore the alktion begins and will be greeted during din-.nor by Roger Armstrong, noted artist and teacber at the lAlguna Beach School of Art and Design, and his wife. ·· .. ~ .1 Mrs .. tfer.ton K. C~erOn Jr., chairmali, ts coordi· natlng plans for the ·art lovers' event; and helping her- ach)eve the ·Paris-style allµospllere are the Mmes. Del· bert Van -Ornum, . deconiticms; 'William Knimjlholi. P.otlt SAim; ·Richard• JOll&I, ·assistant', Petit Salw; Roliert Hci1bon. invitations; 'Donald Swedlund, paint· lngs; a.iii'g .. w. Gurr Jr.,•ptograw; Ira W. Smith, ~; 'Terrell ·L. 11oot,:pn.s;·WllliBJ!1. manton, re.,;valiiJlll; Robert .Me~e, . transportation, and. Willl'am. Harper, treasurer. . . ' 'Horse Sense I Adopted •• •• ·~ • • ... . ·.~. ... • '" ' J\aclng to raise ltakOI for charity are members ~ tbe sea Circle who will be .fir aod runnJnc to Slota Alilli Race Tract .Frktay, March 21, Proceeda from the !'lucll)"' day will benefit the buil4lqi fund ol the Fklmice Cril> tenton Home In Orange c..;;,. ty. 11 is hoped tbs! : h building will be Wider ..O· struction thiJ year. . ... Ticteta:, at· $10, lnclud• ~ round-trip bull fare a: p '.d resuved ~ble stating in.~ track's cllJbhouse. Buses will leave at 10 ~in. at El Niguel COuntry di.iii. Sooth Laguna,' aod al MUO a.m. at Irvine Cout Counf!'y Club, Newport Bw:b; 5anla Ana COuntry Club aod • at Orangelalr Shopping Cen11t lt the comer of H a r I> 01' Boulevard aod Orangelb«!io Avenue, Fulltrtoo. -.-. < l•voo and I both know ••. is a common phrase ~ by politicians. What they really •mean is, 1r know and you don't know and I hope you don't know that you don't know,' " he commehted. Often, said Dysart, people say something by mistake which they don 't really mean. Sile.nee. ls golden, especially to a good conversationalist. "A carelul list.Del' LI ~·beol conversationalist," pointed out Dyu.rt, "however, we tend to 11peat to the group after a _.. la.st·minute cancellation from THEY'RE OFF AHD RUNNI -Whil .. 'Mrs. · Rick Du Brow, a UP.l writ.r. • Clarence Graham •tudles the ricing font1, Mrs. who · was going to dl.!cuSI Ben Deerle and Mrs. W. M. HogUe (left; to •rltllt) televlsJon. get in · the mood for a day at e nces ,at .s.nta Anita. '1be ~ event, 1pamored by the Sea Cin:l• al lie FlorODCe,CriUenton Home, will take pillce FJlday, l(aldl 21. Chairman of the ,..,,t;:i, Mrs. Richard Bert ... :jf Sooth Laguna, and .. ~ on her committee are :Iii· Mmes. K e I t h· Fullerwklli'; James Perkins, w. :e. Hopkins, L. W. Erb, D:.11. McCay, Clareoce Grahlm .. - WtWam Holabinl. .... . :--,.· 11cUtl may be retened ··:. from 1111)' aimnber. .. .. ..... . . : ; ,, .. , ···t ...•. • "'• Wedding · May Go DE•s JANfi I.ANDERS: My husband and i~ beside ourselves. Our college4 cradua~ daughter, who could have mar· ried aiv one o£ 10 sane1 promising yoong rhen, has seltled for an oddball who is causing us no end of trouble. to . the DOgs /f They Do ··Their Own Thing : .. I: ' j • • ····· We wanted a beautiful church wedding but that's out now. Courtney has air nounced that his best man is going to be hi11 dog Blaze. "Why be a hypocrite?" he said in all seriousness. 1•1 have no friend who is as faithful and loyal as Blue." My husband had an ulcer attack right then and there. The best man is supposed to g1ve Qie ring to the groom to place on hls bride's ringer. Courtney ~ys he ' ·' ANN LANDERS Is tralnlng Blaze to carry the ring box in h.iJ mouth and that Blue will open his mouth and drop lhe boJ: on order. Our minister has refused to perform the ceremony, but Courtney found a justice of the puce who wiU marry lbein. Our daughter i> nol the least bit disturbed. Sbe says everybody has to 11do hl11 own thing." , My husband Sa)'! he will atlend t h t> • ceremony but be will not pay for aoythlng. Alto, be Is not p g to lnv1t. biJ business Partner ... any or his bulJness frlenda. Do you !eel he LI being fair? -R.X. DEAR R.X.: Yes I olo, A• I .,_ daqll..,. !Mata OlloenrlJ<, e,..tala RMI ber f-h clolog BIS -tldlf. DEAR ANN : Income lax time is hert - agai~1 Pleue ripel\;~ac!Vlce ol Jul year. ell your rudm DOI to lm- on frleodsbip,o( ..,. """""1iaot or tu Wit. . P,.ple who woolda, drUm ol>"*1n( the butcher ,.,.. "' ll'eo -. ... • bar1'er for a free ·balrcut, think notbfDc of. ¥king a 11oeial acqualnlance to "~ them"· prepare tbelr tu rtUanl 11 a favor. ~fy knowledge wu not ollUined Im It'I the only Wng t baVe to _. for • Uvtnc. &!11'11 tllal your -... I~ the yellow -.-,. "Accounlanta, <Jcrtifled l'Ublic." -TEXAS CPA DEAR TEX: Tllak ;rw for"a tlmel}' bit of 1dvlct. And te .U el 7°" t1l work. P.S. M1 --ddzzait!zc?tl" ud tbs! 61 .-IL ... ... '· ..... : .. :-, ... .. -· ··~ • Horoscope CAU. IOI ... anMATI AD SNW AT NOMI lllflCI ow'"'# ....... ·--:,,::·:-=-~·-== ... ..,. ·-~l --...... > .. ~. ~--I-. .......... _ ''.7 -. "°41• -c.u. 548 8242:' --;'11 1 • IAUTI PLIAT,, Gancef: Check Values -• ' • ' I 1 ) I I : SHIPSHAPE -Modeling nautical ~!tire,. 'l'hich. is· featured in the fashion .: showings at the Western Najional Boat {;hpw, Anaheim Convention Center, are :• ·(Jeft to right) the ~•es Nadlne }Vole~berghe, Judy Geyer, and Earleen .; Magusin, all Orange Coast College ·students.· · ' " ' :~ Sailors' Delight · :: :.-------- ~j 'Fash ions Piped .Aboard . ru.esoAv MARCH 11' BJ SYDNEY oMAllB .&BIBB (Mard>ll·Aprll 11): Strta '<>11 liow JOU bindle ,_alblllly. 8uperloni are , tnterwtod , In P1lll . ,. •• cbanoe IO irove Ui-Ao- oept ""',,...... Be .lhoiougb. Den't·ttlp ,, llltlal~ T~ (April •May IQ): Doll' Po pod 'lo nm away !nm problema. Face lraues u Ibey n1at. Yw get belp f-,_ --Be alert, ·Vital. U eoth111!1stlc, you at· ttact lillet. Keep up with cor- ~i~ SJ.June 20]: Hold ninl -llnancu are coactrned. .Loved 0 D e I , eapeclaUf cblldNtt, m a k e demimds. Haye !rant talk ·-bodpt. Olberwile, there Is wute, dupllcaUon. Gilt Ii.ms make good bl;y. CANCEi! (June II.July ZI): Be pradicll .. "-home repllrs, in\provemenla are concerned. Not wise lo ...,. mll younell lo Iona-term aareemenL Shop for qulllty. Rel\Jle lo be dulled by aupei'Alesman. aioct vllUn. LEO (July 1)-Aq. ZI): 5\>lne around JOU Jact jlellnlte plans, methods. Yoa *°'Pl:tae by coming !IP ,with - that work. ~ c:oolJdenl. Set pace. Oulline patlem. Adhere to prtnciples. You are ap- preciated. VIRGO (A111. 23-Sept. ZI): Finish what you atart. Leave no Joose ends. YOU· get chance to gain grealer r.cognlilon. CreaUve eflorls pay of!. Wbere previously you mlgbt have been rejected, today ac· oeptance Is ~O)'ll«ed. WRA (S<pl. 2S-Oct. ZI): Evt.nts occur Jn sudden ma. ner -lllecbl midence. Family member mate1 aurprlle &MOllnCelllenl. Yao 1"Vlluato pollllaa. New pro. ject It JllCllll&btod. Comblue 1ntaJJoc1 'w1111 Charm. SCORPIO"(Od. l:Wov. SI): One Who ' WU , myoteriou makes con!--It adds up lo rood humOl'. FolJow. lhroulh on btmch. You're goina lo gel money'• worth. Thole wbo opposed you -· are wtlllng lo otrlke_a bargaln. SAGrrrAllllJS (Nov. D- Dec. 21): Frleodl1 penuaaJoo w-i.nl the day. Be gentJe. You gel a ourprjae -al pleaaant variety. Solidity Is laetin(. Plaol are subject lo change. Ride "1111 tbe tide. EoJo1 · youraett -amlle. CAPRICORN (Dec. zz.Jan. II): Sudden._ occur In occupaUon area. Don't map Jewish Celebrations at first offer. YOur uaeta are more vlluabfe than mfibt be imagined. Know this; pla1 cards close to chest. • AQUARIUS ( J a n • » Simulated for Tour Feb. 11)' People al'OOlld you read in unusual manner. Habit patterns are broken. Temple Beth ShoJom Sister· bood will present ils aecond Hom• of Llvina Judaiam tour next Wedne:oday beilnning at 9:30 1.m. with registration ln thio temple. Two celebrations have been ad<(ed lo the lour, • ~ s!ntion ol bow Ila~ the Festival ol LJrbla ~rat­ ed, and a simulated liar Mlto- vah aervic:e. • · Don't be too aurpri>ed by Field, a traditional Sabbath statements, declarations. table. Much is mere vapor -due ' Also, Prof. and Mr5. Joseph to dissolve. Kallr, a model Sukkah com-PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): memorating the harvest festi· A friendship oould grow more val; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin meaningful You receive·com- Sd1111terman, a display of pliment -and a glfl. Show ceremonial obiecu, religious •PPW'lilion without beln& art treesures and rare books, maudlin. -Accent diplomacy. add Mr. and Mn. Jerry Ya-Strengthen lamlly ties. · blooka with a Passover Seder IF TO D A Y IS YOUR Nltlng commemorailng the BJllTBDAY you are Intuitive, Elodul. oenoltive lo lr<nds. SocW Ille At each home a sample of ~picks up steam. You are due festival food will. be served. to be more active. Conakler Guests will attend the slln· ulated Bar MJtzvah celemony home improvement, residence ERY & CARPP, ... •• $195 S4.tl .,.. r.r NOW ONLY y.il •P CUSTOM MADI . DRAPERIES A f•llVIOut (11)11tcllol'I of' l'llfl'I QVtlHY dtc0r111'0f' hllrll:I lnclUlllfls 1000'1 Df y.trd$ of hlull &f)llt bouclu, IO;f\ll"tlt llM!IJ .tnd dllN$1tt • , • .tU nit ·prleed, DRlvllY IN 7 DAYS ,__ .. ,_ -.,....t. -..,. QISltlll' .......,_ 11v-. .,.. fuflr, ...,.. tfttcltllt .-ke. lttly " l111rtt l'IMt fir , ......... ..,. ........ tliMlllf MnhPN. P""' wtl'ttnlllllllilt 111111 ........... OUI WOUMANSHIP IS sunu HAIDWAU • IODS cvr TO OIDll CAU fOI Piii mlMATI SHOP.AToHOMI SllVICI Gueols will depart, !J!i buses at t:'5 a.m. for die tour. Thole opening · their homes will be Mr. and . Mrs. Naee Binun, with a CllsPJ" of the Pllr!m lestivll; Dr. and Mrs., Joe David. a B•nukkah set· ting; Dr. and Mrs._ Sidney In the aanctuary following the ~Ali TENDENCIES: t'Qur, and the traditional lunch-By midafteriloon lunar. j>osi-TOMI: UP TO JI MONTHS TO 'PAT eoo receptlon ,wili follow. tlOll' will em•'••fze """ler''-===================, AAUW Studi.es 'Education' ' C2lalrm.en or the event are ~ ..... Jr Mrs. Robert Aaron of Tustin money. .and "-. Martin • ., __ of Ana· To !Ind 11411. Whll'I ~ 1'lr vou m..a"' O)a,aar In IMl'lfY •Nf ._,,,, orcltr S'fdrwr beifn, . Onwott's tloeki.t., "Ste"°" Ml111S for D---·auons may be made M9n •nd wom111... Slnll 111r1M,1e .lloQCl'V ond JO $ft 1o O!riln" Allrolon <y .... n1 ........ _,;~ ..... A-Jes ~-r sterm. ... OAll. y PILOT. lox 22AO, U ~ DU~. ~ Uol: • Grond Ctntrll Stltlon. . New York. DIMES TO DOLLARS Sp•nd dime•, m•kt doll•n. c.n 642-5671 for h1lp with •n l&.- •111p•nsi ... t, ,ure.fltt DAILY , PILOT Dimt·•·Line •"· :~ • The trend in feminine styles variety of pants styles · are These are lips passed on .:this year is to ~er up and lh~ "in" thing , for this 'year about new styles by Miss "'.dress up. . · · aJong with a ·wide choice· <t. . cMadelil)e Criglow, fashion ex· :; ! This doesn't mean the b~ , colorful blouses ~ *°PB· 1 • ·pert for ;the Wet Seal chain ··Qs out, but on the beach yQ.U'~ The .new fashions not only ot stores in Orange County ·;be seeing the more feminine are more colorful -with red, specializ.ing in d r e a s e s , ::P.IQsuit, or cover-up suit and white · and blue being big in sportswear and swimwear. -i the nautical styles are being the broad color range -they They are being modeled dal- ·: t(lanted the same way. lean heavily towards more ly in a fashion show dlD'ing "1faicb of ~ Ana. f\l,Y. 10017, ·Newport-Cost a Mes•11~·~~~i~~~~;~;;~i~~;-B'811Chi Amerioan Assoclalion ' ~ #4'tl of, Unimi!}'. Women wlll ' . ~"":-• p flll.1/11,. learn about.'Cljrr!llt Leglsla-• __.,,, .,,,~.., tion as. It Affects Public F.du- cation. ... :~ ; Amoog the more fashion-comfortable wear. Clothes will the Western National Boat and :•l'binded crowd, the dress up be tooaer fitting as well as Marine Show, which continues :~fiend will include wearing more deCorative. through Sunday at Anaheim ·: ehain bell!, necklaces and And another important item Convt:nt.ion Center. G i r J s :; jewelry; loading up with ac· mating the new styles popu]ar modeling are student& from :; ~essories of all types. i! .that cJotbet are !MDI ipa~ CXange Coad. Collep. It'• "Instructor" 'will be Dr. s a 1 0 n s Wtlliam Cunningham, IUpertn. tendent of the Newport·Mesa Unified School Dilltict and member of the Admlilfstrative Policies Commission, State ol. .• • Flare leg, elephant and, a wblcb have better ..-itlllty, ~ 'ol th'1r curriculum .lft dryabll!tr ud nquln •• ---training pna1ng er Jnmlnr, Jul! drop cw.... California. The meeting will ~ place II( 7:!0 p.JD. nezt Widneoday in Island llouoe, Flillion 1 .. " . ~l :Fashions ... . •. ~j:Sighted ... ·• · First Mates or' the .Balbo.tl :; heh! Club will be 'taken or\ •· a Spring Fling riext Thursday :: With a luncheon fashion show •· featuring styles from Apropos. ::.: After the 11 :30 a.m. social :. hour and 12:30 luncheon, the :: :fpriflg ensembles Including ·:Rudi Gernreich'1 latest de- ·: Signs, will be presented by :. Mrs. Almon Lockabey, lash- :· ton coordinator. ; Commentary will be offered •. by Miss Marsha Yust and : models Will be the Mtnes . ... William Boland, C b a r I e 1 > f;ddy, Michael Hirsch, Thom· .:: as Kellogg, Jay Linderman, :· Leonard South and David ~ Young. ~-· Luncheon chairman is Mrs . :t Edward Latham, who also ·•· will provide back.ground mu- : Sic, and wardrobe mistress i3 • Mrs. Cooper Johnson. '. : Completing the list or those .; assisting is Mrs. 8. W. Wil- ·t· ""-son decorations chair-,...,.. .. .• man, and her committee • . : :Cashiers Bid " :: · A talk on Variable Annuities ·• by George Strelsfleld. general .: aitnt of Lincoln National Life ·• Insurance Co., is on the :: agenda tomorrow evening for .; ·members of the Life Inaurance ~ Cashiers and Office Man- ·• agers Association of Orange ·• County. ~ ·: The monthly meeting will ·: ~in with a cocktail hour at ~ 5:30 in the Iron Horse restau- • rant. Orange. with d i n n e r : planned for 6:30 p.m. ALL : .UNRAVELED? Jhin& that probl<'m to us , · . . We've solved some of the toughMl ones. Our cx-Perta make them good. The KNIT WIT 'SOUTH COAST PLAZA L.ptu M•ll Att••• frern w •• i ... rth'• lrltt•I •• tfie St11 Dl•t• ,_,,, COSTA MESA them In the lrUllei, IW!tch '!be Fuhion Shows are lo tho ~ and put them llC)>eduled !or 8:!0 p. m , away on :a tiinger, They1re weeknilbtl, at S:JO~and 1:30 rudy lo p l(aln· with no p.m. Satur11o7 and S:!O p.m. '!:w r . · 111e ............ om. cers be elected llld study 1111111 .. !bu by mlJ1dy. only Cllt'doolnJ day SUnd1y. . ' topics for .. a tW<>)'Olif period willbeamiounc:ed. • ' . tu~. THRU SAT. 9:30 r 5 ;.111: true~to-life por:traits IN .COLOR 5x7 PORTRAIT, ora set l 49 OF4 WAUET SIZE PHOTOS ......... e . ,. 2 CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED TOGETHER.: •• 2.98 Great color portraits, as only the ''Pixy'' photoaraphers cap. tur1 them. All portraits are delivered to yau at our store. You have your choice of several p0ses. No malUnr. handlin1. orotherehargos. Ate limit, 12ye1rs. TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 .. 5 p.m. PENNIYS COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BL VD. I • We shape your lightened hair into lovely curls . We caress the curls with •NiCe Change" -no f>6"0ride. In just 10 minutes 7'1flr new blonde curls lake on whi.!per ... ft color-lone that luta through ~I ah&mpooe. With no rulM>ff', no retouch prob1em : we juat renew the color whenever you wiah I Nowioort llooch, Coli!. tlll ............ llW, Mt11cff a1.._ff .a.u... ,..,...,. ~1'11 Costo -. Coll!. 11' (, ,,,... """' .....,,,, C:Wllllr --Oro-, Colll. ~=.." ... ~ c .. 10 Mou, Colll. "" ....... ·~­"""""''" lllt• -...... Santa An1, Cilif. UM W.ll'fllMter ,._ e-.r ........ 1)1.,. PLUS SHAMPOO $i25 AND sn <Moo. """ "'"'"' ...... .. Alhr S p.ftl., $2.50 hidey, SaturdaJ, Saoder ................ .00 Ceoto Meoo, Collf. ,. w. 1ttf\ $1,...t .... """" ' Founloln Valley, Colli. ltnf """"""11 Vll ... C-... ,,.... .... , Fountoln Vall•r• Calif. 't'J t•i-tt IKil!I ,,.:: = I 1 · - I \ 1 · .. Monday. Marth 10, l'J! :w••t,.afnsier Tlaeater _ ........... --~-- . . ~ ·-~'Light Up Sky'· StellaY ·S~~'!:· NY· Awful, But lie Loves it . By TOM BARLEY Of .. D<IJIJ ...... '"" They call Moaa Hart'a.wJtty, wonderful window on show biz "Lllbl Up The Sky" and an Inspired Weatmlnster COJD. 111onlty Theater caat did ex· •clil' lhal Friday ni&hl in a ~tar protluctton ol I b I 1 hardy perennial of a play . . : Hart's dev.,.ta,t;ni dla)oguo ;... and It wa.t gr~rid to• qaln "l.t•HT UP' TM• lllY" ., .A CGmldy ll't' Mou H•tt• dlreetlcl '°' T«n Tttv" "1 *""" IN ttcflo. 11lul dl!lldloll b'f Arvh:I M1l11H, tt1~ ~-Joen H1•rtr, 1u11Md W 0.rl-l.ll!'lblrt, Plftelli.d ,rldlo~ Ind S.~v• Wlroutll M.lrdl tt 1t the Wfflmllllt.r comm11nltl' Tllffi.r. W.ttlrTtltttlff AVWf!U. 1t Golden Wnt Slrttt 11'1 Ille WnlmlMltr Canter Mill •• : THI CAST Ml" Lowell .........•..... J1nlct Mni.r CtrtltOl'I F!l1 .. r11d ....•.. , ... Ed Llt!le l'IOtt lltdl .............. Helene Mii TllrMr ................. RIY Scott s 1 L1v1nt1ton .•••.. Jitn11lffW M11rr1v Ptter SINl'l ........ , .• ,,,, •. RJ<Jc GU!llf Sldfll'Y lll~ ............. ,Al1n 0. Hirt I,_ LtvlM1llllll .••. t.C111>I F1ubtkk 'f'<'ltl' ll:1vbum ....... : •.. Okk J~t wini.m H. ~llft,,.,. .... Jo. o.i 1tott0 . bear one of the crlspes~ scripts in the annals of com· tdy -was made to I1'.'e&sur8 for this hard-wo·rklng Westminster creW. There were few faults to find throughout a long, demanding play and whatever errors or omissions we had noted went in the waste basket in the afterglow of that superb thlrd act. Tbis was,whe.re ~se ide~y cast players really won tbetr . spurs. Harl sets them a fran- tic pace in a whirlwind clima1 to· his clever offering but direct.tr Tom Tims• brigade -tOok it all in their stride to ·~ve ui the mo~t entertaining li!lt-bour of theater that we'\te bad in"a long Ume. · • Full marks ti> Titus for a 1ieautiful job of direction. And he gels our' gratelul credit for lhooe many updatings and touches of thespian p o·J is h Doted during the play, .all of -which did so much to enhance an already glittering and hi ably entertaining show. · You may or may not know, gentle reider, that Titus and 1 are colleagues on the DAILY PILOT. Don't think for one moment that that fact is allowed to affect the ob- jectivity of· this particular critic. He will vouch for the fact that those who merit bricks get eaactiy that. AIL BOUQUETS ... But it's bouquets all the way today for the Titus set and It's a summation that would, we know, win the warm approval of the delighted . au- dience in · that cozy little Westminster theater. · It Seems a trif1e hard on their hard -working and dedicated colleagues to name ! Di.IL T Pll.oi •19ff ....... • 'YOU;LL PLAY THIS SHOW IN ~ ,IRO~ tUNG' . . I Al•n H•rt, C•rol Faulstlck, Dick Jefferis In 'Llghf Up tht Sky'. t . ~ despondent company I n t o parozysms or joy. · Tom Barley thinks it was a terrific . show, Miss Faulstick; ·by far the i>Osl piece of theater we 've seen this season and a clever, fast pacecf play. that' tets o:ur soli~ eOdorseinent. ' Two Nights '• By ROBERT E. ~-WVAN sounds like ·• ~·tive, 'New and nia1'>e _...,. 1 I a le NEW ~ORK (UPI) -Yorker II lhal ba hi• traveled th .. ter, bul DO -JQt B r l t I s a c l or D o n a 1 d between· here and London anytblnl tln. to survive. Broadway ltseU will btcomt Pleasence lhlnkl Ille In New since 1911. bigger and bigger, and-~ York Ctty ls gre"at ixcept for "I feel1mQre at home here and smaller at &be amt theater critlcr, unions, taxicab than In any place I've been, Ume." drivers, telephone operators, including London,·~ the fi8..year Pltaaence, veteran of many landladies, the weather and old veteran actor said, add.in& an avant-garde play hlmlelf, traffic. ha1 nolhlng ttut praise for H1I fondness for Britain is howevar ,. lb.at he prefers Lfln..1.-ol~f·B!!;roa~d~w!!a[;J~od~uc~U~ons.!!!:._, " I )'!'unnyGir4' 'R!Jmeo' Top AAPA's List in About the aame vein. don theater crJUcl. 1 Coming Jn "out ol a freezing "New York c r It t c 1, winter evening for an ln-e s p e c I a l l'y one, are ' the terv:lew, the star of ~e arbiters of taste .•. they mean Broadway hit "The Man m . . the Glass Booth" neatly sum~ _life or 'death. Jn ~n, roed up bis opinion ol ''Fun where there are many more City:" papers, they have the power "l hale New York taxis. to make you, bUt not break I don't think they e:list. It's you." CQld, I haven't been this cold In his own career, Pleasence NEW YORK (UPI) -"Fun· in years. I'm surprised Wben \el bo I · • doesn't have much to com--ny ·Girl" and ''Romeo and . a ep ne opera or lS no.., rude. Traffic is horrible. plain about, He has rectived Juliet" .b'ave· .be-m named wqi. Broadway is a sick sc~e. generous reviews in biJ cur· nera Jn the AU.American • .stage hands. are paid loo rent dual role 11 8 Nazi and Press 'A!aoCiates' a D nu a I much. . .everyone is barn· movie best awards. boozled by the unions. It took his Jewish captor. He al110 Wreclcint (rew ' . . . AAPA menlber1, rtpresen-me months to get my apart· is rumored 'to be in line for Ung \ ·r1 .i;paguiQtS :i nd meat -my landlady hasn 't Broadwa'y•s belt actoi: awapt. 'new:spa~~' picked 2f: winners seen It in years. The critics, The outspoken actor tbhW trom·ll:iiilninet's for English especially one, . are I be that Inflation; blgb wa1es and ~language mu.sical and non-arbiters of taste." overspending producers are rnu.sical jlroducUons and "How do you like New York, pushing Broadway into more Elk• Somm..- forelgn films. Mr. Ple~nce?" financial troubles. Sharon Tate .Barbra Streisand of "Funny "I love it." "The result will be more AUO Girl" won the best actress f=;T~h=e~re~a~son~:P:l:e:a:1~e~n~c:•;="m:=u:=si:,cal:':si,im=ore==la=v=lsh=='ly=do=ne=,]ll •111 ooU•LAs a'Ward in the English langu age ALIX COID musical category while Ron ''The BROTHERHOOD"·. Moody look the actor's honors NOW-Exclusive . '"· stt.w Stwfl 7 P.M. for bls role in "Oliver." , Sh I C.llt. s.t. "-•I P.M. K th . H b Aroo ow n~ ,...., ..._ :rr.11. a ar1ne ep urn w a s rupned best actress for her ~ Origin1I Uncut role ii "The Lion in Winter" nt 1. ...._ ancl CWf J\obertaoa won for hllllN .......... Version "Charley" in the non-musical calqocy. France's "The Two of Us" took the honors in ~ foreign «Im department. 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS llST ACTllSI IDT SUPPOITIN• ACTOI Extdly u Shown 11 ~y .. , L.A. RNdohowl . FOR ALL YOUNG l,OVERS WHEREVER YOU ARE • rachal. ...... =:;:.r::a .. 11 2"4 '~··~ Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Viewpoint i Co111111uni· cation word for "A" 10 Having ntc:essary slr:lll 14 Singer 115 C1n1dlan . lnsurvent 11 ul"' s1 .. , 17 Al posslble :is Femlnlnt name 20 English statesman 21 Round Tab le knight 22 Goose genus 21 From lZ:OO to 1:00, e.9. 25 Sultable for grazing 2& Decelerated 29 Hit hard 1 31 Australian tennis star 3Z Kind of container: i 37 i::;~~n · lnYtntor 31 Sound of .i111ppolnt• .... Jt French departmen t 40 P1ntomh11e character ~l Hit ~l English• man's u111br1ll1 ' 44 Klnd of c11lllsion 45 Waited In ambush 49 University VIP 50 Native of Agr• 51 Diamond merchant's concern 51 Perform anew 57 Tatkrd to little purpose 59 Beg uile bO Frenchman's head bl Uusic1! group ti2 Gay city &3 Dilll lSh . .,., &4 Slgnal float &S U.S. pres ident DOWN l "-on It!" 2 Son of J1coO tnd Le1h l Diii herb ·--Ttrrllorlts 5 The old collegt·- ' Knight's necess ity 7 Teller of untruths I G"""en and T-men s S11urd1y's·Puzzle Solved.:. 9 Strongly hol)pfd beverage 1 O Atlas··-·· 11 ·-··Carman, Can. poft lZ Actors mfl!lory work ll Natural abrasive 19 By's partnrr 21 Man's nlcknamt 24 Pottle contr1ct1on 25 Raiment 26 G11111ent 27 Igneous rock 21 Oast 29 Vessel 10 Business lrtns1ctlon 32 Prepos ition 31 ltfr: 2 words 34 Porntfd instrument 3/10/6! 35 In 1 state of aw1ttneSS 3& ·--1g1r 38 Ple1sed 41 Go·belween 42 Beaufort, for one 4~ Cut 45 Ullk: Corob. fort1 4& Arena ernploytt 47 Cowpoke's ICCHsory 48 Hepbum and Smith 49 Family 111ember 51 Hen's spouse 52 Fatirle} S4 Pound SS Btllevt 5& tndlvlduals sa 011111n1th _59 Busin ess consultant: Abbr. snCIAL SATURDAY .MOIN\HQ. $TUDINT SHOW Sl .21 wnH STUDINT 1001' CAlD-11 A.M. "DAZZUN&! Once )1Jtl see it, y111'll nmr again pidm 'llomeo & Juliet' quite the way yoii. did before!" . -LIPE AUO ·w···~1wa~· ALSO "THE "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME COUGAR" IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" WID THUii. flJ. MON. I TUES. SWISS FAMILY ROllNSON·l,30 & 10 P.M. -COUIAI 1,41 .0 llflucot.011 MGM SAT. I SUN. Ive. SHw StMI 6141 SWISS fAMILT IOllNSON 12130 ... •7:41 ~ 1 lllb,,,,;C;•;•;·~';'';·~FN;;;•~·~·~·;M;·===lll=============C=O=U=G=A=l=~='=''"'=='=''='=='=''='==:±:==:±:====~11JICllt491~ SIUN&AS ••• 1~~~~~==::::;~~1 ?!'=_,_ ...... DON'T MISS ~· ··- THIS PIO•tAM Tou·u ~"''A nu:1cny Dtl.l•HTFUL IYININ& "May Prove to Be the Year's Most Enjoyable Picture!" • • • ... . , ' STEREO SENSATION! . 'the COIOl'flll sound Of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .,. From Fashion Island, N~wport f3each , .. I • I JI DAll.Y Pit.OT H FAVORrru Neti.,.•I •11111 lec•I , ... .,._ ,111, ,.a11 ,,_.. tll• DAILY 'ILOT Clft"l.I .. .,. ef flt• JllMt ,.,..lat c•l•Mfl• a,.4 featwf9 • •••lla•t. h Cllf ,., • .,.,_ le +he U115tM ....... Buick Displays Opel GT a,· CA11L CAll8Tf;N8EN ...... ~ .......... 8ulck. 'M~ .DMll.0 i;._, reJ,ue4 de~ ol the ,,.. OJlel 1GT~ it& racy ·'"' two- ~ l\ilPorl <OUpe which ' ' ' will be avallJlhle In limited numbert later Ulil month at l\ulCk-Oi>el dealenhlpe. 'lbe new mini-roupe wUl hl&hllcht 'perfonnaoet., aero- dynamic llyllng, p o p • u p beadllg\>ls and ai..o feature a built-in roll bar, e n e r g y ab!orbin&: bOdy de s'i 1 n , teleScoplC steering cclumn and tbe other standard equipment accei)table to U.S. safety stan- clar<ls. • • 'Ille !root eocl styling of the GT Is dlsllngulzhed by a Jlop- fng hood with a bubl>le <>Ver ,lf>e aJr ct.,aner, headllgbts that · are Dush with Ibo body when 'not in use and 1 narrow grille, which houaes two turn signal lights below the bumper. • 1be short rear deck is cap- ped with distinctive red tall and stop lights. BUICK INTRODUCES NEW OPEL GT TO AMERICAN DRIVERS Fore •nd Aft Views of R•cy 2·pa11tnger Mlnl--coupe TWIN CAllBS Standard equipment iocludes the hi&h compression version about t 900 pounds of the ()p<l I.I llter SR engine .../~. • . · wiU. twin carburetors. whlcb For easier enb"ari« ,and.e.x· deveJops rr horsepower, a it, the doon ertend 'into the f o u r • s p e e d transmission root section. synchronized In all forward The ccckpit of the Opel GT· gears, and• push button radio features •···• 1 •· .,_. with manual antenna. Optional ~e sea~, Wu~u equipment includes the t.9 have hlgb seat backs with liter S eJlllne. 102 horsepower, incorporated he~ restraints. and Opel's new three-speed Seat and seat back. are ad· autom_aU~ tramrnission. justable. The seats also can "This lll truly a new sports car" said o F Frost Buick'l be tilted forward for easy ac-• • · · • ttSS to the luggage area, · 1eneral sales m a n a g e r . which is direct} behind the "There b n't another c~r like seats. Y It and consequently 1t . has The well padded instrument generated. a Jot of enthus1as.i;n panel and tunnel Coo.wle pro- wherever 1t has ~n shown. vide Wtnunents and switches The sporty design of the both convenient and accessible GT body !eaturea ma~um to the driver. aerodynamic characteristic~. The large t a c h o m e t e r • HeadJamps are nus~ . w!th speedometer ind control lights the body surface to m~ are directly in the drlVer'1 turbulence. For nlaht drivmg field of vision. 1be ashtray the bea~p& are. rotated to and stick shill with reverse the operating posiUoo by a lock are mounted on the con- lever mounted on the conso!e. sole. The parking brake handle A low . Cf!ller of grav1.ty, is localed within easy rea'.ch plus poslbomng of the engme between the Seats behind the front axle, provides · acellent weight diatrlbution The ~ GT features an and road bot"'•• bilit all..teeJ. mtqraled ..,1>•4 ~· ,.,.... capa Y· chassis design With a · rigid DIMENSl~NS . . torsion-resistant ~body. The GT s . dim ensions are Tbe dual-brak . -.ts 'th 41.2 ~ in height, 16~.t booster have ~~ i:nt 1nches lD length and 62.2 10-and drums in the rear ches in width. Its weight is Five-inch rims and radial See our lull·Jlll• ad in thi1week'1 TIME Maguine tires are standard. 1be 12-volt electrical syotem is, fed by an alternator. A h I g h performance ignition coil is standard. 1be new automatU: three- 11peed transmission, produced by Opel,, is available as an YOU All INYIRD mFIRBT CALIFORNIA COMPANY \Vherw the inv•slor TO AMND AN INVESTMENT FORUM MAL 1l·7:Jt ,.M. DIYERSlflED PLANNING . CORP. o/woy1 comes first 3355 Via Lido Newport Beach Phone: 67&-3940 Utt1 ................ t ,,. .... William E. Mcclendon Vice President · LOCll!lild "" no. 9otn1 W•lll Si>oppll!lll Ctnll'I" • Hi.rtln!llOll tt.rbovr AdmlnlOlt Free bvl ~ Llmltlll ....... ,.... ...... ~. 121)) 192-5575 17141 "'"°'' " FLIGHTS EVERY HOUR CALL 831·40n Clla6.E CRBl.E c_,,,.,, COMll(IUTER RIRUNE~ "THf CONNtCTION YOVVf 6ltN WA/TINO fOlt' option wilh the 1.9 S engine. The propeller shaft is ex- tremely short, t h e r e f o r e capable of transmitting very high engine re volutions· wlthw~ vibrations. The GT comes in five body colors -regal gold, !trato blue, metalllc &llver and GT metallic green, all of which are metallic, plus Ra11ye red. * * * CADIU.AC BOASTS NEW RECORDS Cadillac sales records v.·erc rewritten in February as the division reported new highs for the month, the last lo.day sdiing period and a daily stil- ing rate that is the best or any month ever, according to Calvis J. Werner, general manager of the division and vice president of General Motors. By ~YLVIA PORTER Q. If 10 of you were determined to buy "widgiU" 1nd only .six widgils were available on the market, what would you guess the "normal" price trend of widgil! wouid be? • A. Strongly up, of course -1and if 'that lopsided rela· tionships between demand and the visible supply persisted, the uptrend in prices would normally persist too. TRANSLATE this simple il- luslration into terms of the great and growing demand for stocks from institutional in- vestors in conlrast with the comparatively minor e1· pansion in the new supply of common stocks, and you "'ill have a fundamental reason _why the basic trend of the stock market will almost sure- ly continue upward over the Jong·term. To be specific: -The demand for stocks from only a few types of major institutional in\·estors ran at around $7.5 billion In 1968, up from $2.3 billion as recently as 1960 and a tiny $500 million as recently as $950, according to a n authoritative .study by Scud· der, Stevens Clark. one of the world's leading investment counsel firms . This group does no& include mutual funds, w h l c h ac· counted last year for another $1.7 billion of demand. Nor does it include college en· dowment funds and e I e e mosynary institutions. which accounted for another huge chunk or buying. -THE NEW supply of stocks from major sources slmuJtaneou.sly ran at about •·•billion, up from $2.5 billion ln JlllO •nd a mere $900 million in 1850. The aourtts Include : Lawyers ~love Into Plaza The Newport Beach law flnn or Harwood, Soden & AdilMOn hJS localed Its of. fkrll at 550 Newport Ctnttr Drive In the Newport Fina. ci1I Plul, tt WU announced today. Membtn al the nrm are Donald A. Harwood, Mark A. Soden, Don R. ~dklnson. Den- n~ W. ~ Thomas A. Btmautr ind James P • Oevlnt. -A· f \ r / I r l + ~" ••• -: . , ... ~­" . ,. .. .. . • ... Monday's Closing Prices-CoDJRletc . New ' ' York Stock Excruije ' 'List ' .... , -.... a. oie,. -... DAl~Y PILDT_JIJ • ' . . .. ' . ~ List 1 · I I ll I . . .. ' ' • . • ' . I ' < - ' . • " • r 1 · . . , ' tj I . ' . , ' ~I ' • ' I ' " " ,, . ' .. ':'·• . ' \ ... ' . ' ... . ~. •' ' ' .' l .. " ' t . ; ,; . ' . 1..;...:"'"'.--.i-i I ·: 1 ' ). . . , ' ! ·~·. : , •l ' " .. '' • ': . ,,.. r . ' . ... . . . . • . ,. ( • • ' • ,.. (,• I " ... • · newport ba boa savings corona del mar office open now to serve you furn the financial pl aza newport center ) L ' ' - .. ' ' .• , •• • . ' . . . I " From these new Corona def Mar offices we are better able to serve you-with greater personal convenience to you-than ever before. Come in even if you don't bring money and visit us in these attractive, centrally-located new offices. For working efficiency, In the employment of modern equipme·nt, a new standard for California · savings and loan associations is set. We are equipped to promise you a greater measure of "customer satisfaction" with our financial services, skilled personnel and facilities. At the new location, we will. have on exhibit outstanding items ·from ciur half million dollar collection of rare ancient, foreign and U.S. coins. Come in and see the exhibit -and also personally meet the officers and staff members of our new Corona def Mar office. N~WPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION --· • . I I I l • I I t .Ne~o:rt Da .. -.Or EblTIOM ' .VOt:. 62, NO. 59, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAUl'OllNIA • MON9AYt MARCH 10, 1•6'·~ l , I t Proteeting l' our Teen Drug Use,: Abuse I~: ,·1J.S~ Spreads ~ Editor'& Nott: This is t1tt first in a series Of 4rticlt.! totitttn bu a prtu.winning rt porter to inform anxious parent& about tht ·drug and TLOTcotki sitxcti<m and .TUggtst what they can do to guard thdr own childre" again.st it! hazard$. ' -' -I By ALTON BLAKESLEE AIMCJa~ Pms Scl~nce Wrtter " The UJt-and abuse-of drugs that affect human minds Is spreading across the country like smog. · Young Americans by the hundreds of thousands, perhaps by the mllllon, are tasting, .eiperimenling or going still further with marijuana, with LSD, .wiUl Ule uppies and downies of pep pU1s and sedatives, with Speed, and even r· in SOQle cases with heroin. I By the millions, parents are il'h., creasingly puzzled, w9ttied, or e'/fn downright panicky. Most di&turbing to them, marijuana or "pot" es- pecially is becoming popular among junior high llld high school students. "My seven-year-old daughter can spell marijuana; I never beard of it until I wa.s in college.'' says one 37-year-old father. •• .. ·u1 ,, ··-ELUDES DEATH SENTENCE King Asnssln R1y Mexico Seeking Extradition: of Newport Doctor ' ~udge Gives . King Slayer 99 Yem·s MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) -James Earl Ray,. ind\Cathl& ·he WIS part, ol an assauinalioll' censpit1cy, pleaded guilty today 'to tho mun!er of Dr. Martin Llllller ~Ing Jr; and a jury, by prear·· --~ ... tenced him \0 Ill ·years In prlsoo. Tbe state , ~led a handful of witnesses and, Ill hour and 15 'minutu ~w. 111• aiid4<n tr1al •tarted, Ray wu ""1Vlct'!I. He inode the IUlltY plea In return Jot the 9f..year ·sentence, rather than take the chance of being sentenced to die had he gpne oo with Illa scheduled April 7 irioJ. A jury must lry all cues in Teruiessee :-even in guilty pleas -. sit)ce the Jury ·sets the penalty. All 12 jurllra -tpq of them Negroes -agreed to the deal of a 99-year-sentence before lhey were sworn in. · ; ' The JUI')' limply v.oted by hand In their fW.1, nevu, leaving lbe courtroom. Ray's attorney, lluned trial lawyer Petey Foreman, and. Prosecutor Phil M. Clllale both told the jury ·thal they were convinced ·Ray ·alone killed King with a rifle ahot last April 4, and there was l1!0 complracy. · , By TOM BARLEY At that poln{ Ray !lood up. ot .. o.11r r1i.1 s1aH "Your .honor, ·I'd like to Say toinetmnr. ' . r. ' . I • I ' TEN CENTS' ' I I ' ' \ I I J , • I l • I • ' L At high schools and colleges, ar· rests for possession of marijuana and other druga are lncreuing. Sim- ple poaseailoo of marijuana is a f1l· OJJY Pl~ 4111>.pjl,.~ f" t119 to lO ;years or more. Aie.xi.can authorities, today Wei ~ 11 ~ Wi\ll; all these lijpulaUcni, but werede~to ,o~'!"~~U. I doo"i§1.1 J: ~~·'" -~~;:;:i;c!COO?t i!ViL1 ~ ~ ~ t;;; '!W 't\'J.~ /di wife Irr,« Yu~,, .11,h;_'!Jf.ff~to l:ti(p-'*·lliilllr, 'P 1q&ertm~. , ..... 1'9; ~-,No :~~,;~:~ W.M.T.n..9T ......... t'\• ~' ': . -~~$~'·; .· .. · . .-r ~·.-~i ···,, . ·~~-~(;ij~.,~~,.~ l,u;lii " A a.eiimlal c:tt1 -polla! •. 1o111cer "".,'!'._°"' . · ~ COlll)ilriey.~. I aPi>UcattOn bad befln made "to American a new ·tnal, ~ for . , d ~' Ntwp0rt Beach Police <;hfef I ~ri•le: 1V..oder Caliloml' : liw ..,.,,...,. lh euec!!l ,.....lori ol marijuana !• an •attirnale le!; ' ony-mildememor. '' Tbls means ' whether the 8USped ts dW'ged ' with the greater or leaer offense is· Jaft ·to the· discretion of the judge hearing hiJ case.) foc!ay told tbe DAILY P!LoT that ormal •-1;·~.ill.~ or authorlUes'' for the surrender to his maneuveb bl Ucbanp er the 99-jW' division ol. Dr. Merrill C. O'llonneU, ltll-,-wbl<h he sajd' "u all that ... , , I . I• .. , , B. Jame1 Gtav.u: •All 'j'ment.s should t'ake titne to r~qd the articles ••• SOme hope of"slour ing tire ace!ltrated we'of nat~ cotic.s (tf1.d drugs by our youth Drug use I.I uhqueslionahty hecoll)· ing a way of life for. some young people -and for an lllltold number ol adults al!o. 51,. 307 Placptla Ave. . . . ttad been p/ombed him. · . "It Ls not .the fitst· Ume We ?'ave For~ uted Friday for I hearing, asked,'', s&ld ca-Pt'. Javier Chav~n:a ind nnntn that Ray ~ pitch,bls N~wpo.ri ·,A~ Canf;on 'ViCtfnis ·, mav·lie p<,,.ibte." · This series of stories, baaed on in- fnterviews with' dozl!ns of aulhotit'ies across the country .. deals with quu- tions such as these' tha:t controot parents and young people as well: What -can or should parents do to steer their children away from usin& ·~ mind-affecting drugs~ ' , How much cf the complete story about various drugs do Youn& peopl! and children know? ~ How can you tell if ~orneone is ·smoking marijuana, or taking LSD or oth- er drugs ? Why did the great turn-on with drugs come along now? What benefits do drug users say they find? What harms may various drugs cause? Just what are are alt these drugs, new ind old? What should parents do if te'.en-agers or college students become depend- ent on drugs? ~ Whit · Ls the argument all about over legalitailon of marijuana, or reduc- ·( Sff DRUG USE, ABUSE P•1• 31 Stolen Pills May Mean through an tnterpttter. ''There hav! tieen plea, to. fll!lty ,l!ad been ,Prevalent aiuce li .. ., · · th •• ~ •··t ~~· then. Ray entered the c:olt'lrboln today comp ca ... on.s m e .....,., uu we ·"""~ " r'•• the , dart b"·· ·'"·'",.ed that ·be will be. returned to ua and ea ...... · .. B~ 1~ ~· prosecui,d in thii territory " (O.;inlana shit adil light olut lhlrt wllich he ware · ..-at ear)le~ liearlngs. Ra~). · The • white-hafted Foreman ....,. who But Deputy t>~trict Attorney Mike claiml, 'to have lmt only one client to Capplzf, extraditions lnvesUgator for the electric chair -arose and an· District Attorney Cecil Hieb, today said nounced,,f':YOur honor, Wt have a petition no such request had bten recttved · by for a ~ of ftial lad a ctiange of bis office .. •·we are familiar with the plea to .pilt;.'~ case. but ,;we've had no request for ex· BatQe told Bay that "this is a com· tradiUon, he said. promise and settlement on . a plea of And Chief Deputy District Attorney gu.llty to murder in the ftrrt degree James Enright saJd such an order "would and 99 years in the penJtenUary. have to be backed with very strong "Js this what you want to do?" BaWe evidence of conspiracy" before his office asked. could act on the matter. "Yes, I do," Ray replied. ''There would have to be some tangible Foreman told the juron that "I never evidence that Dr. O'Donnell's presence expected, hoped « bad any Idea when here and hi.s actions here were in aome I enteffif this case tha; I would be way linked with the alleged crime before able to do anything other than save this man's life.. It took me a month we could respond to any Mexican re-to convince myseU •.. that there was quest," he said. not a conspiracy." The pbysicJan, who also maintains or. Canale, the attorney general of Shelby fices at 17822 Beach Blvd., Huntington .(See RAV, P11• I) Beach, is accused by the mother of · By JOHN Vo\LTERZA· . ot t11e DllflJ' r 1i.t St•ff Silverado canyon's fiood vict!ms today ma•· nol have much in tlie way of 'I t • , homes, but they hi ye cl~n ,sheets apd .wann blankets, compliments of som.e new friends from Newport Beach. They lii~e Ille (ltWl~cnn, 'iJ>d nluc~ else as the 1 restllt ri a relet caravan fro~ Hoag Memorial Hosplial. The me~cy mission arrived Saturday monr lng. ' I ' ' Three trucks full of food, bedding,. furniture and clothes showed up aloil& with half a doien Hoag , emplOyes to help with tbe unloading. i The clravan, arranged spont&De()usly last TUesday by Hoa1 employes, ended at the Sllverado Community Church, which overlooks part of the fiood-ravaged canyon. , . lfrAY .AT CENTER his late wife of causing her death by' "injecting potaonouS drugs" Into her One Way Trip. for (f hief · =..et"=M::J:.·f.:~ ~ ~ Mn. Getti'iide,B'arneU ol Loi An&•I!'; executrix !J the will of 8uaan Jane· _.,,.,# O'Do!mtll 311, '""" to nuillly lllJ 'flnan. Doctor Testifies 'Sirhan Paranoid, Some survivors. are staying at the church'• communJty center since recor!d fioods wubed · afffy: their homes and tllltd·five'of their nel&hbors. More than ai aCore: of homes were washed · away. Many imlft·wet• heavily damaged·. . The ~.Rev. t.R:E... Burke, Pastor~ and· seve'ral :!\Jl\llTOC1·helped Hoag employes,· rritn . mt women. unload -.the 'donated· articles "'1llcll were11dded loi the growing •tl<IJ._ •!ill coming Jn · li;qm qther partl• HQ:Ddreds of drug pi\11 -capa e'of bur&laey or a Costa Mesa medical office cla1 benefits Dr. O'Donndl may rtcelve paralyzing and tllllng--iomeone ·in que3t Sunday. from dili>oaJUon' of 'the . sUD pending· 'A Driven Man' of What could be a one-way tr:iP. -Officer Chris Bell wai on routine patrol estate. Alao ldenUfied with the pJalnWt are sought today, following .Abe $i,665 wbm be spotted a smashed window Jn the acUon ts Ben Hapolt of 'TotrlnCt, ol tha ;coqnty, . ' ' • Teenage members of. the community Feliciano Home Windows SJtot Out by Vandals ' VaodalJ Wot out three windows or the home of blind si nger Jose Feliciano tn Newport Beach Saturday night while the entertainer ind 1 friend were listen- Utg to reCords. Forrest Burton of Anaheim told police he and slnger:·pitarist Feliciano were In the upstaln balc:on1 of the Back Ba1 bome al 7,45 p.m. when they bean! llDWlds ol hreatlng glass. Both fell to tbe • Ooor, Burton . said, then they ¥4 t"l> "'""' er~. Police a.aid no IUl!IJ)eets wtre attn around the bolJM and no tara:e miunea were found which could have broken tho windows. Olllc<n saltl the damage •u caused by "pellets of some IOl'ti 1 mt rocks." Tbq said then> wu no •P11Went -noon for Utt v1ndallsm, which ma1 have been random acts in the bulldlna: oceupled by Dr. Lincoln Susan'• father from. whom Mrs. Barnett 0. Sberanlan, at 1530 Baker St., in. obtained a divorce. v<lli&Jlora aald toda1·· Ha1ROU aaid today tbe questi-On ol IronicaUJ, wbotver. Qubed hla way ertiacUoo is slill "very much alive.."' into the medical .met with a twe>-by-four He new. to Mexico after his daughter"• timber apparently alashtd hia scalp GD death . wu announced and persuaded the j~gged window glass and left blood, · Mexican oltfclall to conduct an autopsy hair and Oesh at the acene. · · ol bf:r rtm'1N.1 NoUDed ol the burglary by police, l/•r,&•lt said he took that step hecaooe Dr. Sbersolan toqk Inventory and listed he wu "f~ !tom .. Uslled with tlie tnu5ele rtlazant and~ blood prulure-' . ftor1 told ~ bJ1:my .,.._"1·law. ·We regulating drug pilla mbain(, u well had had .. verol l'Oof11cllng •-cil as various ofDce !D&ChintrY· jusl how end why &nan dled,'1ncludlai He llkl recklW" use of the pllls in suicide, and so 1 did what any fatber surch of IOme kind fJ1 lntotlcation could would have done -I uked for another doctor's opinion." ' • bring parll-'" and ~-th '" ··~-~-~ w -v·~ Mexican cllnlc:al clocuments held by U: II .;.;.,. bottlel ol the musclo (See DOCTOll, P• ll · Loil ANGELI'S (UPI) A heli>ed · llsct the· eruclet· ln rooms of Rl)'Chologllll teaUfted today that Sirh1n the church's e<>mmunlty ~ulldlngi nearly full! !mm donated ·supplles. · B. Sirhan ahibtted a:bem& paran:oia Mr. ·Burke · 1?1tef1iU,yt receiVed the in which he felt thsl he Wll normal clonationa,: cll!ng th~ special ·need for but that everyooe e1'e wu out OI step. • 11ntn1· and. i.Jdlng: !'Thi~ Is ooe thing. pr. Martin N.:. Schorr.,. a cUnical ' that the people wtll reilly need wtien. psychologill in S8n Dlell!J County; .191d ' the ~ . ·--· -~1 ts ~-rtul . the · Jlll')' ai 's~·· niiil'der .1r1a1 • that 1.,f ;;,';'.i~";i'.!\· h~'.:ui: "':''."'.' · ' · the . ..,.....Olil µab' l!'.o, .uhlblled ,Ht< tald: 1u., ..._""'n•• will · be ~~~ . . ~~ ·Schorr ..id 1h1. ,.., a dtlon In dl•trlbuted "as equlllblll •• pOnlble' u , which a per8Cln wU 1iftr1 aggressive, 10on as the people start cO\n1ng back." mttaa. In a slate !II COl\ll4nt. tlitmOll, · StVUll grtm.lacecl, bUI de~lned a driven 'inin; i6mellllnt fl~e a r111d . fopllll11, ,,~illli!ll iwr· , eail, runnerU you warlt an Image.• helped] "'"" tbO unload!Jii oo · the Schorr wu Ule first of f I v e .A. .;... . ..A- psyc1'9klglsts llld' paychlatrisb to be Cill· • , >11 '") • H · , ed 1J1 the· clelense to try to prove tis ' • ttluont pilll, plua a toW of • ounces ol the Wilod I"'...,.. pllll were liken, oi.nc wltll a llllllCle "''-macblnt, electrle bpewrttlr IDtl -lle!nl c111m at "dlmlni1hed caPadlY" oo u. J;J~ooc\nu~b,ile . <;oµi ing. Steele 1'11-keU i; ' parl ol Sirhan when he ·ahol end falal11 ' -----..---...... ·.,.v11-.. • ~-Sen. .Rol>ft· r. K~ J!"'O '*'o' ·Ho' a1 g''.rl ~'p' i"tal ,,,. medlc:al -borflary could ti• Into .-_..., at Iba al!lce ol Dr. Cllorles S.-_ at 1111 Newpot! Blvd., lnnlllplon beUovt. Employe Kathy Akane told Patrobnu ll<Vlol 111,.. _, lbal .. In cub llld an Undelermed quantily ol n.auotl., were tallerl by whoever ticked In a wire mesh-covered window. .~ -NEWYOJUQ·W:i ·..:'.,,.,,.:....!~. I $;Sc~ 1a;d he rumfned sllb111' 1n · ,Ji a....., ' closed on the u1>4lcfe tjld~"tr; hii cell on two day1 tul November . Ari ~ ~ er-1 ~~~~' Dow JOOtl tndultrlal 1~·~1 . 1'!'f (<10ducted o. nwnh« of ~(r 1llI1 't>e ll 11oq;M-' lbpltal In a good gain and act.1ncu•1..-~ ' ~ • • , -• llell\*I -Frldty to ilolp ~ ' ol -Tr..ilni WU l1oil • lfl:oo 0.. WU tlJe )()MffD!a mulll~ blood reierJa clep1eled bf -f1eetl ' quotllonl, P .... If.II). • < • " ~' ~ (In lwhldi . Ml cl1lfl!l«IL '. ." • . I At 1,30 p.m., the Dow "'!•"lit qiw11* ftri b<ll to Slthan. 4cllwT"""' 1Jl!ilMln-~ed to lcallrllel 0.. po!nll 11 tll.17. 'Ille Dow, wh .~ j a 11do toot ......,. tllll Slrbm' _, ,,.,.,_llb.J'IW<I a1<11f.tla•to-' with 1 loll ti Jll· pOlntl F ~ l).fd _....the qiwalleior ~~ ' •PP!'i-T)oe ibloocl-1111 Wiii' he l been ahead from the 1tart. ' , , than the aver•---""-·da. J • a• HOlf fn>mZ :IO p.m. to 7 p.m. lrrtd>y. ;.,, .... • •~;f""'I~ ~ .. r •• cb.itth 'which ov!rloo~s fiood.clebrls, Iii· eluding painted wood which once formed homes , bulane tanks, tractors and ruin~ car1', swept down ral}lP:1-ging Sllyer~o Crtek. ! "This Is the best part of the canyon. Jf you could drive up higher in the ~Y\Nl yqu ,woUld ste tbe i..Oni," one 1'an aaid. . ' "Some of lhe residents here are comlng back and discovering that their ho.uaea JUt· lr!n1r\idre ;any more." i Tile donali.;, campaign at the NiWport lk"'!l1:hospltll &tatt!'f' spontloeou!I)' list Tuesday~ 1rtl : won immediate -and unanimous approval by ' the employ1'1 a>uncu. · ' DoiliUo'1i were 90·numerous that Hoag tn,icks t:ould not l\andle all donatl'ons. : ' l I : , ' . OONATED PICKUP . . Sa!bru~kers ~Ut,r ·.,.4 CiCercrin c;.oata , r.l!"" clonale<\ • ·eoo1pany piokup tq ]\elp cart the gpods up to the canyon. • · ·w1e· Pieces' of furniture and ... ipi>U~ ances would not flt. A staff member said a moYing ~van·· will be used for tl)e1 bUlky items. ~ · ! The t;aray111 1 Plfillf w~re coordinated .tJY Vlcq Penlml, IJus!nal office; Lola S;ancbez, a member ol the IJ\ltnalve car~"uoil ataff,' ari<flofri. ·GJOrla Heller of the Hoag purcl\1sing·de1"'\menL -' . ., ' The 1 weith.i!rniab.11 Cettinf } ready> tp· o~n ·~ tber ,1kie1 1 •lain< promillng .1howor1.tod &I I few thund~stor~ Jor; Tuesi!.11, ' along , with , &UatJ. , wiD.d1 .,and I lemJH!fltllrtl dr'h" \II tho &o'L J INSIDE ~DAY ' • Apollo . llPACB CENTER, llcwtoo (UPI) The Apol19 t uttaoatrt. llned up thtlr orbit for a '11>urscfay l]lta.hdown aod sal!ed bapplly 00.... Ille lml..U.ldl 10- day with one eye on the fuel &•Ill• and the other on the wealbu. •1Jke an arrow thtotJgh the sky," erdllmed Jamea A. McDlvltt after firinll Ibo lhlp'I malA <ogino al t ::lt p.m. PS'.!' to 1111>111 Apollo r. pllll fir Ibo ~ buu!llUI," "* pmd' CC1111m11111calorllonlldEn111. llCOivllt, Onld R. ScoU and Russett L. Scbwtlclwt reported tbtlr Atlalltle Ocean landing area looked roqgh. aod windy, but coatrollm pnmiled: "We won't bring you down in the middle ol a. Inti!." (llelat.d 51ory, Pop l) • • Harhoradef Says Newport Marina Smrt Decade Away -If Ever · By JDOll!! P. COLUNB ,. .. to_hk..,Pl:'lJJi1l bl1md wai.w.,.. ..... ---wblch ..... ~ l!!IO boal 111(11 Ud Tustin Votes Tuesday .on 5th Tax Issue By RICllAllO P. NAIL . CH tlll ,...,,. Plllll IM =~';.~~-= to decide far the fifth time In JO moalhl n wm be at leul • clecadl beltn wou1d be MR1iicinded by -QllO the Dnt obovtllUI at dirt IJ lanled al bomeo and .-., lbopplng - Ibo Ille of a tel mlDloa lnlaad marlna al ·lout two')oblle parD and molJlle a tu t.oe. behind Newport Sbora -If ever. -rdtel.-Tbe tledoratt, With mud! of Ill volln1 That'• the view ol Newport Beach Genoo illy'• oatlll to the -would atrength In poUUcally c o n 11 r •at Iv 1 CitJ llarb"!' ~ G«lrle 0,-. be • ......,.. cut tbroa'1> the l1otlPa Tustin, hat defeated three ol the lour He d1'clOoed It U · lie jkeporad · b«dodnC Newport llbom al -lltb to nieet with the U . Ann;, Corpo ol Street. tu meuaru propoaed In the IJst 211 Engineers to begin ta1b on leulblUtJ Oawea uplalned what Amr1 engineers yean. gtudJes of what could yet tum out to would do, at the outlet. A •1.so tax rate will be decided tomor· be an impoulble dream. "First ol an, they'll bave to find ..... Tbe dlJtrlct is ' presenlly opera11n1 .. 1 -there .. • requlremeot GRAND Ol!lllGN for more amaD boat harben. oa . a $1.211 rate but this w~d drop Tbe llJiDllngton IW1>our.Qpo develop. "In detormlng Ibis, they'll tata Into to !he basic Bl . cents oo· June 30 lf menl II wbat rema1n1 ol advertlalng account the whole uu from Looi lltlch m o .. rrlde ts pused. man Stepbea c. Auld'• hrOfll'I l'an<I down through Dana Point and -_,. followlng city .councll :l!Clloa twd ' everything being balll and wbal'1 In MANY CUTBACKS wteb qo. the mm. . 'lbi a.cent rate, say achoo! oftlclall, Auld, .-u u alteNboqbl, had "The · carp. wll1 allo ... jacl the would mean neeplng cutbectl In Ibo' cnmted Ibo lnlml marina jkopooal Into boaUng iioP!lallm. to Ibo -u.i time wberewllhall to educata lncludlna 1 Ilia ...... --ud Wlllotental -Geooo BOJ cOald be bu111, If It 11-. • "'11ictm. In lllalf of ll teacben. 1Chemtlaru-.mar1na.,.i -In Wat Newport -ruatB&il mmm Thi 11 pmei1 rrtaff reduction would Com>cllmen, 1leldlnc to jkOlatll -Dawm aald Ibo NBplalty ol turther be coupled with a ... jec:tod lncreaae _... ol Wat Newport I*_ IJ .. •bltl, ' -and the lllllllller ol _. In-of about '100 aludenls. The cllatrlct now rejec:tod the ofllho<t elev~ w1"ci wou1d make It~ ..._ible hat bout But aniclpal lawmattts noted that to "pmh the !Int 1bcml down unUI • J.31111 aod large classes. no onemaeemed to object to the inland 1979, probably lll0.11 Most recently defeated in the district marina on barren Banning lowlands hard He ""P!Mll.,.._ that need is pi. • Jiii, a $1.72 tu proposal. II wp, bealtn by the Sonia Ana Riter.< Sd lh<r l*'ill!U1• fidtcr. "ll'a P tnlieli!nt pirf' ~t November by a tiro tO oillllnaretn. unanimoomy voted to leek in!IW ArmJ' • GI lhe;,4;llmlnuy Information.-n.. And ochool officials say that district Corps 61udles on lhat phue, of Auld'• ~ · .\fciLwltlt lil ~ ..W-ft ; , clal ~Ire ttr1uill1 ~L plan. -l lh«e IJ,. ........,.hie Wed." • -Tlie Tueaday tlec:tion II-leel will Oa-Aid Ibo . Corpl' ld«tst In not. have oppoo!Uon at the Tu!Un UNOERBTAND!NG Genoa 8q ll<li!l-lwa o( Illa federal Oamber ol Commerce u did Iha 1u1 "It'• !llJ underrtanc!IJJI ol the coancll'I • .....,.; prlndpOJ fundlom: alior.Une tu election. Tba Chamber baa endoned declslon,11 said Dawu, "that the dty protection and the canstructlon of amall the meuure. So have the MilsJon Viejo wants to ... H 'Genoa Boy' can be craft harbors. Homeowner. Auoc:latton and other done wHh minimum Inter!,._ to Ibo He Aid In bla lalb lbl1 week with groupa. elioUng nalaral belch ab<reltne. • Army englne<n lie would oulllne the Gaioo !!OJ IJ lhe name Auld 11rbllrarUy Um1ts Gf the clty'1 lludy 1'9q1101t. ANGTllEll FACl'OR .A. .A. -"-· .A. .A. .A. Another !actor that ..., be !tit .... H ).( H H H H the December realgnalloo of Superto. Irvin S U 0 h ul tondent Robert Dablberr (elfec:tive Juna e teps p ver a :t'::ha!.1::.~~ ... \~i:i month hlo uslatant 111pertntendent,..Jolm J:1uncan, alJo realgoed. -Of Marinas on Tidelands Irvine company men and machinery today stepped up a musiff overhaul and expansion of marinll 1lon1 company.....-d tidtlaoda off Newport Beacb.'1 8'.ygide Drive. A start on tht $U million pn>jed, recenUy appn>ved by Ibo city, bad been delayod by llonnl ID the put r .. -U. All alsthlg boats illps IOUth of the Balboa Wand bridge up to and lnCJudlng docking f1c1Jlt!ea at the Balboo Ylcill Club wtD be reerranged, accon!lng to R. A. "Buck" Ftaber, lrvlne marina manager. DAllY PllO T OlAHOI co.st l'Ult.llMtHe COMPANY -• ..,. H. w ... ,,.. ...... .,., '*""- J1cli ,k. C..rlrt ~ .............. °'""' .. ~ n ... , r .. .,if ·-~'='" ...._. F. C.lll11t Pt.I N11'" ,..._,..... .......,..,. ~lfdltw ~ ---2111 w ... 1.11 ... ......_,. ...... -• .0 .............. . -- ·-=·-·--·-.. ,, .... _.........,....,.,_...,.. ......... _..,~ ..... ............ ~ ........... ...... ................ v • ..,....., ... . .............. ~t.-. ....... ~~ ...... , .... :.:r --:;...... C... ~II\ _, -' %: I lf'l41 M1-4U1 CL1' 1 ..... zrt1""""" i!' J .,,,.. °"'911 C.-r ti 7 I a -..... ·= --:r:..r·mr .......... .... . ..... - ._,ca • •"'"" .. ,.._. ... •c-.-.~·,, ...... :::, fJAr=: : .. -:.:.: ...... The number ol sl!PI In the Balboa Jslaod channel w!D be tncruaed by IO percenL from In to !ft. Fisher said the M lddiUanal 1llpt wW be Installed at the Balboa Yacbt Club. All other docks will be rebuilt '° -at them Ue panlltl to Iha ehor<lloe. Tht 1UP1 ara -al rllbl ongles. Irvine cmo1 are -dredllng out a baa1n between the Ball>oa and Babla Cor1nlhlan yadtl clubs. Qty Harber Coonlblator G«irl• Dawn uld Ibo dndpd .... wtD pnnlde • ploce to Ue vp lempararlly cllllod(ed boat& '"llley'll be atowed ~ u their piers are lhUted lrom lllldor them. Tbey'D be n!led lllC<lher, mocnd ·lid., by-sldL Aod ll'D be clooe In such 1 way IO tbelr OWDel'I CID IUD ue them." Oa1m Aid Irvine worten wtD carry out the project "In -bJ-sequence rlgbt up the line, lllarUn& al• the Balboo Yldlt Club." Thi project -be CGmpleted ..... Ume In Ibo lal1. A rtlat.d p9jocl Cillo !or c:cmtrucllon ol apu1meot --Illa Inlet ,,.,. belnl dndpd ouL 'll>al baa yet to come beln the Plm!ll!r o-•- aod City C«mdl, bowe1er. FW1er .-tba1 -11 doll, ft win blnet no one'• tttw. •'lf• wtn intact the vlinr ol the ~ who ltn ... the bllJ, u hi Wd. Candidate Forum On Schools Set • In worttng r .. -of the owmde, Dahlberg liq •al!! the• telcbtr emplO)' ment ailuation and rec:tuitmem hl.ve already been eroded badly in the finan- cial uncertainty. Oahlberr bu alJo laid he Is uhamed of the district'• ''ra.r-taq:led" tr•lllporta· tion system with the newest bus • 1955 model and &Ome wlth more than a quarter million mlles use. Teachero ol the d1Jtr1ct malniain JI need& at Jeut a rate ot •1.a for a IOODd jkOll'lm. Don Wqoner, Jftlldent of the Tustin Secondary Educltlon ADnclaUoo, uld, "Bporto equlpmont IJ IO old oome kid mtpt (el hurt. "Our newat boo baa mm. than IOI 000 mnes on IL MJ blaclboan! hasn~ ~ clllllled In • year, Tbe caJDDm ls the dlrUest one you've ever seu .• 1 -- Funds Borrowed For Hotel Growth Fllnds to purchaoe furnilhJnp lot the $1.5 million -10G of the Newpon.r lan.'1 111 Terrace ftlOml have been bot'- rond lrom lbe Unllod Calilomla Bant. 1lld!ard 1'llnn, prooldent ol the Newpcrter llotoJ Corp., declJned to "1 how-ii, "The fllnllllllllo are being built to -· deaflllad eopedalJJ for oar uaa In u arlilnal crutlab," ha Aid. A11lloaP landocoolnl wtD DOI be com-Pflled, die .....,,.-wlll ,ha "~ !or llOC1IJ>tl!<'1 by the end ol Mardi, be ldded. Ocmpletlab ol the ....... will bring the total number ol the Newparler'1 rootnl to 3111. Only the lllaleylond Holel In Orani• County i. 1.....,. n has ,,,, ....... Ground WU broktn let the MW ad- d!Ut11 I.Ill OcL 7. It IJ the lu.t In • aeriu ol t._ion project.s pWmecl by bolt! owner, L. C. J1-o1-.. . . • ' MtLY PlloOT "9fl ...... WINS TWO LICENSES IN ONE DAY _,, ind Wlnsi• for Biii Curl1nd Well Lieensed Youth Gets Wheels and Wings BID Curlend of,CorOQa del llar tumcd 11 lut week. Like mo8t youths, he celebrated the event. by 1etUng his auto driving license. But unlike most youths, he also qualifitd for a private pllot'1 license the same day. He flew from Orange County Airport to Bakersfield and Sonia Barbara and back again to complete the requirement for the solo student Dying permit. The Corona del Mar High School aophomore Isn't yet able to f I y passengers, however. He will have that· permit In a year. Right now, he's too young. "I really like to fly," 11id Bill. "I've been taking lnstnK:Uon from Cliff Frazier at County .Airport for a year .. I'd like to be an airline pilot." The youth said there was nothing eventful about his three-hour qualifying flight. Bill has been fl)'lng with hi! father, Mel, for years. Mel Curland is owner of Maquis Motors In Laguna Beach. "We iJy dlilerent places to fish." llid BUL ''My mom doesn't like to Oy but my YO\lngt? brother does. 0 Flight lnJlructor Fruler tsughl both llel aod Bill Curlalld. He Aid BW IJ "an exceptional student." "Dad's getting another plane," uid young CUrland. "We want to do aome aerobatics on our way to catching some fl.sh." Vdall Calls Oil Drilling Decision 'Bay of Pigs' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Fonner Inlerior Secretary Stewll'I Udall, Aid today hlo decialon to permit oll drllling olf the Santa Barbara coaal "WU & I01'I of cooaervatton Bay of Pip." But Udall uld H the underwater oil well blowout wblch coated the Santa Barbara beaches with black crude oil results In new water polluUon 5afety IegtslaUon "it may have been a very good thing for the country." Bartender Arrested NORTH HOLLYWOOD (UPll - A 3+ year-okl. bartender •t the Joynt Bar here has been booked on suspicion of murder in the &hooting deaths of two tavern patrons. Police booked Clyde MeWes, o! North Hollywood, SUDday after Wesley Jomea Coverdlll, H, Burbank, and Richard Callahan, 15, bad been fatallJ ahol In the hem with a .22 c•liber revolver. UdaD Aid aD ol the lnformaUoa be received from hla aubordtnata lndklted oD cifllllng would be ule ID the Santa BarbUa Clwmel He compared the •dv.Jee he rectfved to that wblch the late Proaldent Kennedy rectlved prior to the ll~fated Bay of Pigs tnvaslon of Cuba. "We did underestimate tht riskJ," Udall told a Senate PolluUon Sub- committee. "The Bureau of the Budget was In the picture," he said. "They were hungry for the revenues." In the future, Udall said, "\\'e should always err on the side of protectlon where a mistake could do great damage to the other resources." Udall said the West Coast wu "an oil deficiency area" at the time .:.e Santa Barbafa drilling was authorized. He said recent oil discoveries in Alaaka have corrected the oil deflclency and if they had been made euller ml&bt have beaded off granting ol the Santa Barbara leases. s1111 ra• . . . . ·'. . . . . : ' ... -•mrz U.S. Bombs, ' ·Artillery • Pourid Cong SAIGON (AP) -U.S. bomben ..i artillery pounded Tale Monday at elements of two Viet COOC rqlmlnts lhat had ombusbed ud bloodied I bat· tallOn of ~'!II --para~ In a \w0"1 bellle M !!Illa norlliwesl )l!f Salp>. Tht harried ._, ----to total more than 1,ot»men -...-iad toward the Cambodian fronUer, five miles from tht scene wb<re Ibey tilled 30 ol the paralroopero one! wtJllded 105 in the sllarpesl ol • aeries ol figbll over the weekend. 'Actioos elaewbere piled up u the enemy'• apring olfenaive, cbartcieriled by Oeltn!O Secretary Melvin R. Laird as a "'calcul•ted e:scalation oft.he war," contiflued in its third week. Allied spoke.men said at least 12'7 Viet Cool and North Vietnamese Wf!re tilled. Following a pattern set Feb. 23 at the otft:DSive's opening, enemy gunners ahelled more than 35 towns and •Wed mUllary installalloos with n:otell or mortars cwentlghl 11M u .s. Qlnmand again repal1ed that overall cuualtllo and dlJnap -· Tight. A Saigon 1ovemmenl ~n said Dine ctvlliana were tllled and 31 wounded. Frota P .. e l RAY GUILTY •• County, tDld the jury, "We bav~ no evidence that there was any conspiracy involved U at any time there is evidence that auc1 a cons:plraey 11 involved we will take prompt action." Tbe first witness for the 1tate was the Rev. Samuel B. Kyles, a Nevo minister who was with King the eTf.nllll of April (. He described the Nobel Puce Prize winner's death. He Aid they were otandlng oo ,the second floor balcooy or the Lomino Molel, O!Jlllde King'• room, when "I turnad to walk away. I IOI 1pprmlmalt11 five or six steps away from blm ~ I beard what I now know to be • •hol "I looked down in the parting lot bec•uae I thought it wu a car. Then I looted al Dr. King aod be "" lying thusly," uid Kyle, holding bis hand< over h1a head. '"Ibey bd shot his necktie right off." Tbe l1 .. porten aod 311 1pec:tators -n .. ol them, Negroes -who lilied the small courtioom were aearcbed - includlnir llielr llhoa -and ~ on a 't'kleotape camera before the trial began. Security WU WV]' tl!ruqhoul the buDdlnl. From P .. e l DOCTOR ••• Mn. llllrneU's attorneyo lnd1cato that the autopsy rtvealed the presence of a ''larte E1K11mt" of almlnal, a hllbl1 ton: bari>ltuate. 8ubleque!Jt to...uptlon led to the naming of Or. O'Oonntll in extradiUon documents ud the f1Ung of charges of homoclde against the ph;rli· clan and Dr. Antonio Negron Rubio. the physician apparently caDed in al ColWDel by Dr. O'Donnell. Dr. Rubio is also accu1ed of betn1 an acces.sory after the fact and f.tslfica· tion of documenbi, an alleged offense apprently stanming from bis signing: of the death certificate. Documents filed with Mn. Bunett'a attorneys indicate that Mn. O'Donnell was buried in the local Mezlcan cemetery "imriledlately after death" and that her husband on that wne day returned to Lot Angtles by air after ldvlllng his wife'11 relatives of her de1th. A :ZEST - n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repai,.d • diamonds end precious atones ,.mounted • peorls rHtrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN a MANUFACTURE All JYPES OF JEWELRY HA._ SHOPPIN6 c:mma U01 llAllOI a.YD. COSTA lllSA 1141-MIS • Opoo -Tllun.. "'· 111 ' .... j HUNnN•TON ClllTll llACH • IDlll6a HUllT1N6TON llACH -1 • • • • ' ' . n' • YOC 62, NO. 59, l SECTIONS, 30 PAGE~ , I . • O~~NTY:#~A ' . ' . '/ -. : -I ., ' ' E , S; ) ] . ' . ' I ·a .. m· .... · ·e: :c.1 ~,·" . ~· ' . " Dea~y · Pills . . .. -... StoienFr6m Mesa Doctor. I • ··" Hiandreds of drug pills -capabti of paralytlnt and !tilling llOJ!teone in queSI of ·WbAt could be a ooe-way trip - are ..Ugh! today, following the 1ua burglary of a Costa Mesa medical office Sunday.: . Officer Chris Bell wu on routine patrol when he spotted a smi.shed wiOdOw in the bulldlng occilpled ·by Dr; Liiicobl 0. Sberani.an, at 1530 Bater St., in-' tesUgators llld today. Ironically, Whoever bashed his way into the medlcaJ office with a two-by-four timber apparently slashed his scalp on the jagged window gl.,. and teft' bl<J\od, hair and flesh at the scene. , • NoUfied of the burglary hy PQlice, Dr. Sheranian took inventory and listed muscle relaunt and blood prwµre- regulating drug pills missing, a.s well .as .various office machinery. He said reckless use of the ,pi.Us in Search of some kind of intoxication could bring paralysis and death to anyone taking them. Eith 15 ounce botUes of tht mUICle reluant pills, plus a total ol ,41 tM111C<S of the blood -·pills. w~ taj:,en, ~ !iftlt • ·nlmcll .... .jllaclllne, ~!Jpe~~..!..~ ''~1· ~~ !lllco !!"'-.. ~lie "' 0 :~: l>re&la . at the,_ -.of Dr. Charita )!. Slevem, ,at 1111 NOW)orl Blvd •• inve.Ugaton believe. Employ• Kathy Anne told Patrolman David Hayes 8aturday 'that tlO in Cllb and an uDde~ed .quanUty of nareoucs . were taken ~ by-whoever ticked in a wire mesb-eOvered window. ' Me$a Restaura1_tt, Motel Package Before · Pfunners . . . : A ~1-restaur.ianWervice 11 t a t I o n ]>ICkqe.;., at the top of the agenda ftir the Coota M-l'lalllllo( Com-missiOn, whlch meet!: in regular ...,.. tonight. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will also feature a. verbal workout over a zorie excepUon permit fOr a gymnasium and u.una bath who&e last owner apparently hosted some eroUc exercises. Tbe Bostland Co., of Los Angeles, plans a La Quinta Motor Inn, Colony KJtchen Restaurant and RJchfleld service station on property at GiSler Avenue 1¢ Harbor Boulevard. . Harry R. Hughes, ~ qx,Unent.\J Drive, HunUngton Beach, is Uldn1 a JOO! exception permit to reopen the 11ld Elite Sauna, 2826 Newport Blvd., as Bob's Gym and Sauna. 1be last owner, a Huntington Beach .resident alio, wenr oot ofobusineu after the shop was raJded in connection with prostitution activities, with his wife .mongtheamstees. The cl!J stall r<cqn)menda approval of the 111-room mojal up for '°"' 1ideration, but denial of the zone ex· ceplloo permlt for the gym and """"'· Candidate Forum . . . ,On Schools Set ... ~ fi~ earidldlte forum, In the Newport-MW Unilled achoo! l>il8'd race twill be caoducted al JI a.m. Mucl! 11 1llder the ll!'flooa of the :Women'• ClvlC Leogµe ol'llewpor! Harbor. . " Twtlve candldalel nlllllinf for four boon! .... la llave -Iaylted to the f11J11111 Jn the llar1nsw ' L I b r a r 1 mUltipurpoae """"· 'Newporl lleach. Cllldidales wUI JI•• 1 brief talk. thee ........ queaU-from the ludience, .... cordin( lo program chalnnan Mn, Albert lloupton. Catdinal. in Hospital . . BOSTON (AP), -, Richard cAnsinal g, n. arcllblsbop of the Roman tboUc dloctte O f Bost.on, W I I · tallied Moodll)I lot rUt and trul· mt for bronchial conpation. .. " .. . . . ' .· ' . . Proteellag Y oilr Tun · J " ·nrug Use, ~~U$~. .. ' . ' . . . Jn. U .S~ Spreads: l \ . . • .Edltor'• Nole: Thia la Ille first In a •eriu of artldu totitl<ii bv a pnze-ID1nnmgi nporter to info"" auioua parnit abo•t the ;dmg .. a~ narcotkl fttt&otton ad ruggt"at 101aat they can do to guard thtir · own children agcinlt ill hazards. By ALTON BLAIES!EE -AUodalod l'ml Sdeact Writer • ' • I ' ' ·The ua&--and abyle ol diup that al!ecl human minda ;., spread;;,, acroa the ....,.try like -· · ¥oung Americana by' the bundreds ol lhousanda. ,perbape b7,the mll&n, · are lasting, experimenting ir ..... stlJI fUrtber with marijuana, with LSD, with the upplea and downl• ol pep pills ant!.sedalivea, with Sp<:ed, and even in some cases With heroln. By the million!, par<ntl are in- ~ngly ~ed, worried, or tveo downright paillcky. Moot dlstut~· to them, mart~ or . "pot'" ... Pe<lapy ;., ~ popular IDlOlll Junl<r high and hlP school ·stulfenla. 1'My aeven-year-old da~. Can . spell marijuana; I never beard of. it unW . I WU· in college, tt say~ one 37-yW'<lld lather. . . At h!lh llChools .and cof)eps, ar- reala for pttaltSSioo ol marijuana , • llJ<l .GIIlll"lr1Jr ·alt tic:reaabll. ,sun. · Jt1a~1 i ian •of\~·Wta~. r' , ..,.4 f-"'*~ •~·:•• , .... ,.... ....... ,.: ' . '. ~l!:l~" ~~·~.~-~ N..,,,.-rt BeCICh cP.U.. Ch~f ~fie, Jiet~leuer ~- B. /amu Glat!Ot: "A'll pdTenf.! ~!."' ... t~ IOhlsthe ~.)' of the jtidp •l\Otlld '.lqkt ~mi. to """ th• . ....,. •• -orticl<s ••• Some hope of •low· Drug U.. la unQuNllou,bly ~ ina tlie acctlerattd we of nar· Ing a way of, ui. tor ·aome youna: cotics (1114 drug1 by our youth people -and for an unt9ld number mau -ht Pos.tiblt." • ol. adultJ also. , 'l'hlJ serlea o! storieai baaed 111 !JI. Interviews with ~ of authorities across the comitry, deals with qlltl- tioos ~ ~· Uies;t that confront parents and young people u well: · What can 'or ,ihouJd parents do to •teer. lhOlf children awa)' from_ usin&· mint>aH«tin( drul•? . How: !DUC~ of the CC!~plete story about variatU drup do young peqple and clii4tfen know? · · HOw can you teil if SO{Deone ls smoklni marijuana,.cr tuf.nl LSD~ oth--er clzVll? i .. , . •i t• , • _ \Vey dl~ tlje great~~ ~lilnlr)!ISC:<Jllle al<mi now? · . Wbli: benefits do drug say they tmd? Wbat harms may 'various -.r..,,,.., ' ' ' I . UI. "6'1 cause . . Just what are art all the9e \mugs, new and old? . ~ What s!Jould parent.! do. il, teen-a1era .or college -becoiDt depend-ent on. drugs? · ' What is Ute argument all about over legaliza~on of marijuana, or reduc> (5ff·DRUG -USE, ABUSE Pago 3) Psychologist Says Sirhan Shows -.'Extreme Paranoia' . . • LOS . ANG~ (UPI) A ......ied ,Sen. RGbert F. 1Cem'.11t17 Jum ps)'.$bo1ogist testified today that Sirhan s, i-. · ~· Sirbal! exhibited exfrtme · poranoia Schorr • uid lie damined Slrban In in whlcb he felt that ht wu normal his ctJt en two days iUt November Wt lhat .~ ell< WU out of step. aJl!f coodilctod I nwnl)er of poYcblalrlc: ... ., -iie~t~:atles ·Jµ~e ·Gives . l(m.g ~laye~ . . 99 ·Years Hawaiillunt '. • • t ·~rings Nq. MEMP!lis. Tenn. (UPI) -Jama Earl Ray, intllalllng he was ·port of an wluinat!On -piracy, plwlod guilty No, loalfao·ba~a:..;.,. turned' up ht th. lodaf lo . tho .inurder oi Dr. Martin Hawau.n maainml for a bmllt· tliO Ll/lher Klq Jr. and a jury, by prear· wfio commlttad lht ezecutlon munler ranf...,..4 s¥t•nced him to 91 yeara ~.:/~ti .M~:;. 1111' d~. qe, in prllon, ''..IY~f all,'• ·..paid 1loOolul1l Tile oUI< presented a handful of Poffco LL Jolmny Dkkaon wbeo~· wlll[taaes · and; an ·btMJr and 55 minutes -abool the i'eari:h lot the · after the sudden trial atarted,> u •• wu ol William Poad Jr:. It, Gt -. convlded: He made the ruJ1ty0 ;lea io Place, durlJtl a blWTe rybbciry"'; · retlro( for the It-year sei>leoce,, rather · .lleanwhlle;° the two ldfi,.achoal budoloa lhu tab the dtoce',of bOiq aen••-ed ' 'lihti ~!ti! the Y,OUth \o ~ lallmtl -.. • ' ' . ..:-parodlae on Oihlr ""1,Y _ u , dljl .,. to die had he rone on with bis scbeduled · • ltl'Veil imonJ· hla pan.....,. 'at !Jo1iie Apr!J.7 trial. JiLUDES DEATH SENTENCE: today. · . : ._. ", : ,. , A ;jury must try all caaea in Tennessee Kine AIN111ln Rey· '"It was very nice ••.• u flmlnll1 _ ... -~xen in guilty pleu -since the uld, Mn. Pond,.WblJM ,eldea ..,, w.li juiy • .. 11 the penalty. All IZ· Junirs executed by the beacllboy ~~-).\! -two of them Negroes -agreed to Mexico See, king ~==:~ nmote . ., ,ol the · deal of a 91-year-sentence belc:n .Mm1Juana aa ·well.11 nio:o~ wU t4in the•. were sworn in. . . . - . anu · the . biDdlta 1· ......... , oon' . n.. jury simply voled by band in E~adition of · bet• ... lhO . .,... .. W!ih~ ~.:;: th · •• I gun lo impreu his 'COli>Pmltim' 1"th ell' .aea.:i, nevtr eaving the courtroom. the f~ that they meant,bttstne,i : ' Ray 's attorney, famed trial lawyer • N.ew' port·. Doc ......... · r· slev.·Cbulo; II,~ Meia ' ~· ........ P<rfy F...._, an<fl ~ Phil "" ~ . f ,,_ ' '~1 . . .. 1· ,..,. • ..,..~~!'ft, ~ M. 'Cina!• bolh t9lcI the :jury \lilt .they to·llla ~bar Ar.a ...... , ~ ~ wez:e coovinted Illy alone killed Kini · ':I~~ . Poni'I bOd,. i" iiown• fu the-'Ml~\lnd wlU.a rifle lhot lfll April I, and lhett Mexican autbar!Ua tacflJ Aid their ~~ -····~f' ~ Ii., ,( -:~'lip.::_· .. ', ~~t!i· ~l~ . ~'llT:f; ~ ,~\!'~-ld~~ll.J 1'!.J, fl=IQii'rii!r ~.. ..• IllF.lllllllebial-t, '• """. IL_rn?_ ., . "M11i1 • ,..._ i. )f ' · ' . _, .. ~111 .• 11;·~ I doll) .... with ilieit illeorlea oa. ~ ~•lall j'W .. ~ > • ' •'; • ~--...id/ urf_: • · " the canlPbW·" · • ! k CbetabJ "C\i.I ';odo.;Toiliiir ...... · ' . . . 'jt' " "'' . ·Judie :w. Pm1i>n ~ittte uMd lla1 toUy•told>tlieDAiL~PIWrt11attoi\nal : .. llld,bat;~~~ -~~- lf -lli'wai trylnf 1o ctiaiit• hlt 'ruIItY ipp11Cat1ooiadbetiiiml<it"19·-can tJ":.c" ~"n.' ·.o~m·· :i;:~rs·:·,":···.=.· plea.: .Ray saJd. "No sir,'' and apoke iutboiltfta1'· for tht tumndtf to ·hit ~ D __ .IJC no n10re abOut the conspiracy~ dlv.lslon -of Dr. Merrill C. O'Donntll, Rlli. wlllved lll rights for appeal; for 5Z, 30'1 PlactnUa Ave. '. .l :..~·~i.e'ry· .. ·p. 0 ..... :.:d .. ,' a ~l' trial or for any other Jeial "It is not the lir1t tJme We have 11.rtW U.1.1 m8!J_tuver1 ln exchange for the 99-year asked," saJd Capt. J1vter Chlvarra ... t-·· 'will h h ·-'• .. ll th t through an interpreter. ''Thtte llaVe been r ,..: A b bad ie.,..-~ -w a a compUcaUons In the past 6ut we think \.AiJlgm ,, ushers\ F~ liked Friday' for .a hearing, !!lat 11'! wlll be ptllf!IOI( to •. ua 'and , _ • .. • . • , and 1'llmon that Ray would switch bis prosecuted in lhla territory.• <Quin~ SAIGON (AP! -U.S. bombmr and plea .li> 'gWity'bad been. prevfleot lllnce Rao). · · ' · · . ' artillety · ~ •late !!i"""•• >al the11--.Ra1 eiltmd the courtroom taday J\ul, n.nuty D~CI .A~ 'l\l~t e!emenla GI· twO Vlei cq .,,,....,..,._, '•atl/il, ~ aame dart 'blue cbecke& Capp!Zf;r qt,adlUOoi !nveslli~tbr ·for that'had ll!ibwlhed and bi<odJed"; w.. iiilt .and light blue ahlrl which bo woi-t DlltrlCt Attorney 'CecJI lll<!u; todiiy 'said· lalfon 1.i · illoOll'.M -·"'"': • at~~=· Foreman -who :-::..~;;;· !::-=i::--1: ;t! =.:t=O<fa7,:baiili~: ' c'"'~i lo ltari I'°' . only one cli-' to • '"". ' ' . . . " 'Ille ,_.:.,.;, . . . " . i.ow1 , ua• ciu. cue -we'.ve had no request for a.-lo i-·•-~-~.~. ·-.inY; fQrce r elfi, mete.! 1 the '.cti1c Chair -arose and ,an-tiadJUOn,11 ~i.aald.", ,. : ' , \OU.l'JDOft..than 1~-~ nounced, "Your 1-, we havea.peliUO!l ·And Chlef "DepUfy l>lstrtd .A.u4rne, ~~ .. u.; C'.:an!bi>dlan · f!Gotjeri ~. for a waiver of irlal and a change of Jamu Enrlg!JI Aid l!UOh.an·OfdF :'would m...., ifroili· tho aceoe wher.'lliay, ldllaol, pi.a to guUty." bav• to .be,, ........ with -~ ,....... 30 ,of ' 11\0 --'---s .... ......W BatUe told Ray that "this is a com· ev~eoce .of ~"'bel.;;'bii·.;i;r.;: (95 ·m' I!>< ~Ta ,;;r;. .otJlljita ' promise and 1etUement on a plu of coWd act on the matter. , , over ,!J>e weell:erid. -· '., guilty to murder· tn Ute first degree uniere WQUld have to be aome·tansible flctlt;>n1 ~here plied up.· u 1 t'8· and 90 years in tht penitentiary. evidence th•t Dr., O'Donnell'• ·prelehce enemy's' iprinl: offensive,· charadmaicl "ls UU. what you want to do?" Battle h·-and hla actions h-e·w-e in som"' by, ~r~se Secretary MeJVin,Jt .bi.lid asked."· -.;o., "" "" .., U •/'calculated. acalatl.oa' of tbt wai'," "Yei, I do," Ray replied. way linked With the alltfed crime belcH cot1llinie4 Iii Its · third ·week: ;\llfod Foreman told the Jiiron that "'I never we ~Id mP!IOd to MY Mui~ 're-•Pok-uid at If.alt U7 Viti <:.a, upected, hoped « had any. idea when quest," he aakl, , lnd, lfri V~ese ~ tµled: . I entered lhla cate that I would be . The, Pl\Ysldati, whp aJs0 Jl\llllilolna ol· .P'~ • paUel:a ·ael Feb. ,SS .at able ' to do anything •the< than 11ve fices, at 17111 Biach Blvd, llllilt~ !hr olfl!na!vi's oR<m/n#. 'etlemjl -· lhil man's ule.' It took me .a month ~each~,i.· aCcu.ed. 6y lhO ·moU...:;_OI ahelled .. .-than 1$ towns ancl·allJeif lo COii"""' my'!\f , .. that then WU his -JI,. \oH~ of caulln( lier W .DJ ,.nfllrrn\ ~·'111tlt ·-la .... not-~-· . . "1njictU.,' jlolsooout drop" ·h>1'. heo oi'tara ~ ·-l .canfb;.~ fi.teniey 1eniri1 ol Shelby "blle~tho couple .wa! vp~ooiq !<> 1UJi" U.S.' ::-;: #''" reporlotl , Counlj, iM.111 !~ ,jury,, "We · bave ·na· Cpaiplel,.~co Marcli 11.-1111 .. , •. .• Illdtl. ";:"'~. • ... -.. • ....,. •-that then w'u any -IC)' .Mrc-;~ BameU,of.Lea ~elos, .&id 'nfilO cJ~~"ll"llJi.f~, illvolvod.11-at any limo lhere 11 evldenc< e;tacuiill ',of , the ·wjll · ol.' Sunn~ J-. --. · · ; ,,.. '. 1 that ludl a -1fac:y Is liivo!ved· wi Q'~ll,'11,.'°'u 1p·1 .. n-· Onan-•• ww·tm prompt lctloc-': <Iai~ti Dr.".ollOniidi'..:;.~leeeive ~ . from dlapoo!Uoo of the still ~ Oru1e' : College Girls Move In ,or. Allrtin IC. Scborr, ,a, clinical tetsOne. the ., wu i/Jnnesota mulUpha8'c psychologist in 5'!' Diego County, told perlOllality • invenlof)' in wblch 111 NEW' YQRK (AP) -Abool JOO the iurr at Slrlun's murder trial that questkrnlwereputtoSlrhml.Sc:horrllid Barnard ~I• r1r1s· moted .into .lwo estate. AIJo ldenUfled with !hi PlllliiUll In the acUon is Ben Hqa:ott of Torrance, Sulin'"-father -from' whom Mn. Barnett obtained·a <lf,oroe. j • • H1ggott said tOday the quaUon or ' " ' · the U.felr-old Arib '1allo 'e1hfbited ! 1 a l•M&e 'teat ·•bowed that siri.ri Wu m~·· dorioltotiu at Cl:obmlbil Unlverai· "hYPomanii." • •• ' ' . ansWertng the, que1Uona rn:ort ttuthfJllli ty Sunday nl1ht to emphaslr.e demands Scborr . l.IJd this was a -.mlltteo In · than Ille' IY<TM" -w"'1d do. · for c:oed~tlonal·llvlq fldliUff, blch . . • ' w a penoa wu "very ·agreait"f:, , · ~ • J • • • ratleu; in • state of -tunnOiI M . D .. ' . " . I ' ·:.:.:!r:;:.i .. ~=..~.~·~ ·. ·. esa;Storm 'Dmitne :Set extracUon is aUU "very inllCh f aUve.'' WAatii... · He fiew ·la·Maftil altor blo 4"111hter'1 · '' ~~--:-') •' .,.;i deith Wu-·an~" Ind ~isulded ; The W~I · ~·· t pt~ · . (Seo DOCroll, • .,. I • , ,,..dy t~ ~.. p , \lit atlet .! , a~a. pio"''"ofi · weri 11!4. ' ·.r •' r · . • · ' lew lhllnd~ .. ior 'riihi!a,~ '. S · 1 alon1 'lf!tli .:;._ .,llluta and • , 'li~r' .. ~~: t~r -·.· ~m.~t~:~~·r .. 1a ~:ao\;. '8ebort ... the ·tnt of..-11.. -~ . • 0 psycbologiltl 1114 poyelilalrllla to be call· ed by Ille .W-lo try lo -• Ila claim °' .. 11 , • , , r atldtr1' ·an the ., WilidO~~'lli-.·M~ ·' INSiDE :TODA'Y , I . TM B-.1 •f 111p11'1>1oora, re. port ol --.. allot ... ll&all1 • llEW YORlt (AP) -'Jiit -marW ...... • Illa .,_ todoJ', with the • Dlw --.r ....... _piallnr a.good .. utl -allClllll allead ol decllaiL ,........ -.... (Sia quolll<m, P-lt.11). Al 1:11 p.m., lhll l)ow ..., up I.Gt poin\' al 111.JT. 'Ille Dow, which cloled with a loll 'ol UI polnla 'Friday { bid botn' aboad from the llarl /' ·- '!'lie brunt or the phyalcal d used • \o. bee! up the Santa Ana River hi • January.February ---or Ievee-tlnil ..... ilc>odl"I bt Olber locaUona -bit •laewbert, bu\ COiia Mota ..... ~ 11,fO ~added. ofllclab bt\'t rrmoed llaa. lojl -· I Sonie"l}foia 0 bt tho cl!J ......-fl9odtd at more than 14.!0'. mOattr in~ dUrln,1 .the.~-,two -aco. llul IJll)I. -ol .u. el ~ !he --at; ........ Friif _ .. I . damap llld fllCultJ lllffftl "' u ld munlclpal,work111 ncted ., •• 1 N~1~dl, La,pma,luch and In" manhoan a • total of ff per ...,,_., land , ' . • dUring tho \.: nlnstorDt ·to :bit lbi =-· 111 lti. • .;,.i J1!<b ; wealherbme Soatbland. • ' ' -Uil M hoan hi ' '!'be ... ol sand ml ~ .. ..... U.Clly pnpired for the= • ' • I • •• Jo -~ .... 'A ~ ~lllioef , 'lilio sbOt a , pfflillg IO IM JM °""¥! l"'l',' , -m wfndlfilolifa Iii the N "1t a rt"'"-• .,._,..,,__, ad ~-RJvter. ·-~"~' • ' .. ::i:: • .,K OO ""' ,,.,._,..,. _, , """"" llSdq -I . f" • , 119!' ..... I ,-wi!A, l'eJ!O'I. ~ INaUo.. ,... •• . I ........ "" to 1119111...... " . • • . .. -Olllclr Ncnn iCodl 6lil 0iil. rnaJii:fous =. , M -, J mildHf' ~ ~.l:dl• ~ ==-. .,, :=.. ._ , .... ,,.:e,~ blft .. ;.:!·~, ! ii·V' ·," ·e ~. Mtl Grlnilbla Lano. ' ' ci-·-I , ' ~ 'NO...,.._..._.,~u.~·. l=!".:·,.,d ,_ '· :}, the alllpor 1rll 'be!leMI .. bo " • ... ·-• lllJd InvealfCat«I Mld a Jltl~·P\ 1 ~ • , ~ ... = •of ~ "*' lo -... iboul ;;w;;'""" • . ... ' One 'llnil et 11 lnclri h ~ r: • · ._~'-:..._..:..'_'.:..··-·_· ...;.;.......1'_. • • \' I I I • ' ' D.l.ILV Pf\OT ,_. W ~r'I ... .., THESE POOC HES ARE NO BEGINNERS -THEY'RE READY FOR GRADUATE SCHOO L . Pl.-of Pupo, Complete With SorgNnl ond Guido Foll In for O!>ocll•nco Cl111' M~a Police Find 'Real' Drug fJ1UJt Tlloy bod a na1 drug bust Sunday n!gbt, COiia Mta polJco said today. OfflC\<lf Georp Wllaon WM C11 routine patrol shortly before mlclnlgh~ when he had occuloo to turn hia red 1Jih1$ and llren -a motorist ouspecled of a lraJflc 'riol1tlon. Curlcus lbout the lurllvo inovemeill4 al· the driver 111<1 .....-rs. llllllly llbppld Ill the UGO block al Placentil Avooao, Olllcer Wilton aWd permlsalon to -lbl- Itnal'anled. Seftnl llllall paclS(es of red liJls ...,. dlacovaed, leading to uml 'of line men 111<1 1 woman. the' .latler abapelJ IOlpocl Jl<Ovidlol the rtal drui buJt. "She had '12 ..in. In her bra" said ' .... . ......... 111mC1p1or. -.. •111'1\'!<11 ,.l11,JIO'O'''lo• al ~clnip·Ua wm: 1.-te E. ~ 11, II 1111 11th SL, Santa .ADI." r~ . • c -E. Jlda!il. 11, "' 1111 w; 11th SI. Santa Ana. . . rr-. S.O., %0, of 1!09 E. Flrol . SL, Santa Ana. &bert D. ColkU, 19, of 1!30 W. 11th St., Santa Ana. lovestlgatorl alJo lmpouoded the Drlg- cera cw;pie's car, In case it could lead to ·-evidence al IUU'cotlca viol•· tlans. f.dM Cook Suffers Grease · Burns ' ' k-frf cook at' a COrona de! Mil' !kb 111<1 cbJpa lbop IUflered palnfQI grease hums lo his mooth and throat Satont1y Jn a freak Ol>IJ>e.job acddeill Police uld Don Wllllace Estes, IS, of Slllta Ana , auflered the seuing burn• wbllo llplionlng hot greaoe from one container to another at Mr. Fish and OUps ill ConJna de! Mil'. . Estes accidentallj sucked some of the hot gmsc Into hia mouth trying to llarl a slpbon. A fellow 1employe took him to Hoag Mom«lal Hospital after the 9:!0 p.m. mlabap. Saffuillr lrom seconcklegree bum•, Elles wu Ullder intensive care at Ule bolpltal, whM hia condition ... liated .. 11tiJllCl«y. 111'11 t PllUT ouml: COAU PUILllHINO toMP'AH'f' L.Mrt N. Weel ..,...., .. l'ubll...., J•c\: l. C.rl•'t vi...,..,..,,. .... ~-,,..._ n-11 Xte't'll -.... A. W.Nlhtt MMMlnl 111.- ''"1 Hhlt• _...,._ ---lJ:O W•rt 1ty ltre .. M•llttt ~P.O. a. 1160, t2&2& --.......... ,.,.,..,. ............. ( u... lwdll m......., ,.,_ "'4:r.:c•• 1 .. 0111 • ttl\ ,,..... I~ Growling Grads? Dog_ .Obedience Class Opening ' n. Oleta Mao ~ 0eput. ~ II opeoJnr 'o gradulle ICbool I« ........ ...... . . . 'Called the -,,:..iu.te novice doc Obe· dJence clao ft Js open only to dogs who have pusfij the recreation department'• Beginners Novice Coune. It alms to perfect established exercLses and introduce more advanced routines. Fee for the ten-week .course Is f15. A new beginners cla1111 Us also formJng. RegiltraUon for · both cla..es ..m be held frcm I p.m. to I p.m. Marth 27, and March 28 and 29, from 9 a.m. to t p.m. on the fourth floor of !be Civic Center, 'T1 Fair Drive. Cbwes begin at TeWinkle Park UUlitj Field April 8, with an orientailon session 1t the Community RecreaUon Center (west gate, Orange County Fairgrounds) from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. for beginners, who should leave thelr dogs at home ·for the first meeting. Udall Call,s Oil Drilling Decision 'Bay o.f Pigs' WASlll!IGT9Ji <yr.n . -: . ~QODOr legislation "it may !lave !Jetn a very i-t«· .. ~ .-" 'Udlll;'~', pod thlog !or the co'*'try,1 '1 , , Jill~ raoll·~ UdaU Aid all of tho inlormaUon he •1ilip: Siat.f'JMitida c •'iru ,~' f~lved fro\O;/lll IU~ f>dicated ·~al · · .. _ u:fu ol ., · OU drtWng wtidll .be 'kafj.Ufthe Santa ·-~ conaen~-&.OWJ · •· &rbara Channel · ·Bui1~ aald ·JJ the underwater oil • . He compared ;he advice he received 11eU blowout wblcb coated the · Slllta to that which tho late President KeMedy Barbara beacheJ with black brude oil received prior to the ill·fated Bay o( results in .new water pollutJon safety Pigs invasion of Cuba. l'rom Page l DOOTOR ••• Mexican officials to conduct an autopsy of her remains. ffa&gotl said he took that. otep \>'<•use he wu 4'far from 11.Usfled with the atory told mo by my IOIHJ>.Jaw. We bad bad .. ""111 cooflldlng 11CCOW1ts of just bow and why SUsan died, tncludlng suicide, and so l did what any father would have dorie - l Mked for another doctor's opinion." Mexican cllnical documents held by Mrs. Barnett's attorneys Indicate that the autopsy re\'Uled the presence of a "large amount" of uJmjnaJ, a highly toxic barbttuate. Subsequent tnvestlj:atlon led to the nemlng of Dr, O'Donnell in extradition documenta and the filing · of charge.s of homocldo ageloot tho phys!· clln and Dr. Antonio Negron Rublo, tho ph)'llcian appar<nlly called In at C.rumel by Dr. O'Donnell Dr. Rnblo Ii alto ac:cuJed of betnil an accesaory after the fact 111<1 falalllol. lion of documOllll, ID alleged off'"'' appmtly 8lemmlng from bl. llping of tho death cerU!lcate. Documents 'filed with Mrs. Bmlelt'• attomoy1 lndlcote !hot Mrs. O'llonnell wu burled Jn the local Mexican cem•tery "lmmedtaf011 allet doeth" 111<1 lllat her husband on that umo day retumed to Los Ana<!., by air alter adruillf his wtfe's l'tlativel or her dealb. Feliciano Home .Windows Shot Out by Vandals Vandall llhot oot three wlndOWI al tho home al blind &qer JOOI Fellclano lo Newport Beach Saturd1y night while !hi eolertafner and a lrl<!nd W.., Jkten. tng to-.. Fomst Burton of Anaheim told police ht ucl 11ng.,.suJtar11t Felklano were In the upotatn bllcooJ al tho Bick Bly bomo at 7' 16 p.m. •hen the1 heard IOWICh al bmklnl ,, .... Botll fell to the floor, -,alcl, then Ibey heard two more crasba. Police &aid no 4\llPICls .,.,. - around tho boulo and no large mliillt1 were found whJch could hive broken tho willdow1. Oflicen Nld tlMI clam111 WU C&Uled by "pellets al -IOrl, not rocks." They &aid u.... wu oo aJll)lnllt l'Won for the v111<11U&m, whlcli m1y have been random acts "W~ did Underestimate the risks,•• Udall told a Senate PolluUon Sub- committee. "The Bureau of the Budget was in the picture," be said. "They were hunro for the revenues." In tbe future, Udall said, "We should always err on the side of protection where a mistake could do great d•ge to the other rtSOUl'Cf!I," ... Udall aaJd the West Coast w~ :"an on ddlcieocy irea'" at the llmi ... Slllta Barh\ra drilling wu authorlaed. He said recent oil discoveries in Ala.aka have corrected the oll deficiency and Jf they bad been made earlier might have headed off iranting of Ibo S.Ota Barbara leases. Barmaid Busy~ 'Custom ers' Too While a barmaid was !laving over a bot stove, customers unknown ware llavtng over three hot Pllllttnp of nude fllrll at • Costa MMI tavern, poUco said todly. Harold Schweawesen, owner of the ~ B, !SQ Newport Blvd., told Officer Dive. Hl)'el that the nudes on black wlw!t ore wwth PIO and dlsappured S1turdly, Barmaid JO&lllle Short WU miking sandwiches in the kitcben · when tbe artwork dlsapptared, Mesa Oerk Gets Extra Work Da ys II YoU caol take time, mm time. Thia waa apparenlly the pblloaophy ot the o.ta Mesa O.ty Cieri'• office, whlob nn oot of February laJt -t. before itttfni reldy ftr Ibo Marth -kloid. Documenl8 llSUing lrom C • K , "Charlie" Priest's headquarters through Frld1y were o!Dclatly atamped Feb. 33, '4, and 35, until IOmtone noticed tbe odd dates. Bartender Arrested NOnTH HOLLYWOOD (\ll'I) -" A 14· Y•IMlld birteoder •t lhe Joyn( B>r hft'e hu be<n bookeCl .. IUlpilloo of murder In the ihootinc doetl>I ol two tavern pajnlnl. Police bOol:ed Clyde Milliea, al North Hollywoed, Sunday afle< WllllqJ.~ C.verdlll. II, B~ o\id """'""' Ca!WilD, I&, had been falall1 ahot lo !he ~ad with a .22 caliber revolver. ' -------==- ,Apollo in. Homestretch .· S~IPp &tilin.g 'L~Arzow 'fhr1t>ngh Sky' • , I • ~ • . ·~ Q:NilR. Houstm <UPli -' Thi ,~ ,. -..11 lload. up llletr orbH f« a 'nlltnllay ~ and oeUed happily dowo the llOm..ttelch loo day wllh one eye "° the f1lel puae and th• other'"' Ibo wutber. · · •'Like an arrow throuCh the 19," .. claimed Jamss A. Mclltfllt allot flfli!I lhl ihlta DWn ~Nlao II t:• pJllo PST lo adjlllt Apollo f'i path for the hoinec:omlq. ' ··~, bNuUfuJ. .. replied sround communicator Ronald Evans. McDivlU, David R. Scott and Ruttoll L. Schwelckart reported .their AtlaoUc Ocean llncllni area looked rough ucl windy, but COllln>llen pl'lllllltd: "We wonl brilll you down. lo tho middle !If a frooL" (Related Slo17, Pip .i · False AJTest Suit 'Filed Against Mesa A man who wound up in police custody as a ruult of an alleged mixup in auto qency paperw0<k is demanding •10,000 lo a claim charglos Coota Mesa autboritla with lalle arrat, asaault and bumlHation. Attorney Juli"' Aarons med the ootice Friday in behalf or Garden Grove resl- dent Edward Golub, detaJned last Dec. 5 far lnvesilgation of an alleged auto theft from a dealer&hi)l. "Due to the nature of this claim, I would rath~r have as JlttJe publicity u possible," Aarons tiaid tod-r when ull:ed about ·the case involving hia clienl Coo.ta Mcaa Police Capt. Robert MOOdy aaid, however, that Golub was stopped u the reault of a broldcut illvolvilll a car reported atolen by execuUvea: of Harbor Dodge, 215l Barbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 1'He wu never arrested, just de-- talned,'' CaPl Moody said. Golub, however, cbarpt In the action that he ouffered bodily fnjury, •mollooal dlatraa, humiliation 111<1 domap to hi> perlODll reputation. Golub, wbo bu alnco moved from 252i Santa Alla Ave., Coal& ~ lltll throe speclllc police oflleen •. dden- dants, pins othtr unidentified city employu. . ,._ -loc1uclo Lt. Allltla.sailtlt 111<1 pilrolman James ,..,... 111<1 Charles Jackson. Capt. Mooct1 oald that Golub wu pick· ed up for quesUontng on the buia of a report made by the auto agency about a mining car and cleared.~ af. tlrward of any offense. Capt. Moody said the incident was evldenUy caused by a mtmp jn paperwork at the Harbor Do d I e dealership, leading to belief that the car had been atolen. Burglars Ready To .Throw Party Burglars with a taste for btu bur1larlzed the COiia M... GoU 111<1 Country Club, police reported today, tak· ing 30 cases of tht best Washington and Colorado have to ofrer. . Loss in the window-smash job at 1701 Golf Course Drive wu estimated at $120, according to Virginia Fairrls, who flltd a burglary report with Ofrlett Dave Hayes Saturday. The lou at the municipally operated goU c!)Urse is covered by insurance, invesUgators said, adding that other more ~ve loot wu cot taken. "Ycu toop ,,.W. Ibo dr--on 1bls fllallt>" McDlvltl asked Evons. lllto i~" WI l.lca.tll u ~ •-. ••By ,.U,, thal'• rllbt," nplled Ibo - lnlo 111.--al ll(Jlce !IJlbt, · Wiler. -, · ' · ' · ' ''You have bad too '<111 a 'llme,• I The firing \origi"fUY was stbeduled tommunlcator s\uart lloou told Ibo to laJI eigbl secondl, bu\ II WU l<qthen· spacemen. ""''plla'keep ycu 1acked ed to 25 ltCOllds lo order ~• run a VP·" ' . test of the shfp•1 fuef1auging l)'lteln. MeDlvtll uld ht dido' have_. cllanct... "Wa have ,lhal much fuel ldt!" I' obeirvo Ibo ••ii* cm a later -Mclllvill uni and . wu ' 1111Ultd he llld u.i..t, "l!a!dM. I dido' Wllll to did. l¥rUf D>1lllf to ·,.. bow bad II rully la llleir 'first aeven oays, McDivitt, wu.'' · Sdlwoickarl ucl scou chleted •I Ibo "It'll 1e1 l>tlter,• Evans said. bug·llke Apallo moon landinf craft and Toda1'1 =-&ecOOd rocket burst booSted set the stqe for lunar orbft flight for Apollo l's otbil to a celllng al :!st Apollo 10. It will he moved to the mlloa and~-Ill path for a normal Jauncllpad at Cape Kenn<dy Tu'1day. l'Hl'!.try. Tbe Apollo I astronauts tept an eye "Do you ruliJe 1hat wu the ,17th on the wutber in the Atlantic where propulttve .,._,,.we llavo p11tonned the teco'fUJ ablp Guadllcanal steamed. . . ' Ul'I T...,...,. Auale 1-s 1r 1 1111DD1er time Down Under and· secretory Marfene Saund· en 11 all....,t for 1w!Jn at IJOublt ' Jla7', A IU~arb of Sidney. Man's Body Discovered In Mud Pond The body ol an Artesia man -dead· perhaps thne dlyl -WU clilcovered Sunday afternoon hall submerged In & mno!<tY pood near Taylor Lake In H1111- tinitoo Beach. Two Midway Cily flSbennan ?Jportad the find to poli<e at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. The victim WU tentatively ldentilled today by tho Orange County Coroner'• office as 41.yeaNJd :n.. KnJlhl of Artella. Police investlgaton Aid the death was ruled accidentslJlrownin(. The discovery was made by John Lee Coney, lf7$1 Jefferson St., and Lee Tay· lor Percy, 14622 Adams St., where tbe.Y, were il!hlng for bass and cat fbh in the Taylor iake area near Slater Avenue and Golden West Street. Police 1a.id the body was stuck tight in the mud. It was well preserved because of cold water. Investigators estimate the man's dl!!at.h at three to four days before discovery • A full investigation wu first made for possible homicide clues, said the detec· lives, bu( none were found. The body was removed when it became apparent the death WU accidental. Post mortem invutlplioa WU CCfto ducted by the ......... ofllce at Smith'• MO?Umy' In llontlngt<n Beach. Furieral ..,...,.._ are pendlnc, antD nnt of kin "" found and nottfied. Flood of Help Newport Aids Canyon Victims By JOUN VALTEllZA Of ,,.. DlllfY , .... """ Silvera® Canyon'• flood victiml today may not have much tn the way of homu, bu\ they have clean sheets and warm blaniett, compliments ol 10tne new frleods from Newport Beach. Tbey have the new bedding and much el.le, 11 the r~ cf a rtllef caravan from Hoag Memorial Hospital. 'nle mercy mW:lon arrived Saturday morn- ing. Three trucks full of food, bedding, furniture and clothes showed up along with half a dozen Ho1g employes to help with die lllllOldlng. 'the car1van. arranged 1pontaneously last Tu"'1ay by Hoq employu, eoded at the Sllve.rado Community Church, which overlooks part or lbe Oood-rava1ed canyqo. Some aurvlvon: are staying at the cburcli'1 community center aincl!! record floods wubed away their bomet and tilled five al their nelghbon. M<n than a score of homes were washed away. Many mare were heavily damq:ed. The 'Rev. R.E. Burke, Putor, and severa1 survivors helped Hoag employes, men and women, unload the donated articiOI wblcb were added to the growing stack still coming in from other partl of the county. Teenqe members of the community helped stack the articles in rooms of the chlD'Ch's communlty building, nearly fulll from donated supplies. Mr. Burke gratefully received the donaUon1, citing the special need for Lintn11 and bedding. "This 18 °"" thing that the people will really need wben · they come back. Th.ls is wonderful , • • jut wonderful," be said. . . . . .· ,• -'. ' . . . . . . ' ·., ' . . ' ' Q OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA 't1 AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !i) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized end repaired •diamonds end precious stones remourr;,.; e pearls restrun9 WE CUSTOM OESl6N I MANUFACTUllE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY [~] not HA!IOI an. C:OITA MISA 14"'411 HUNT1,..TON CfNTll llAc:tl • IDl,..U HUNT1M6TON RACH lft.llOI . ; . "''••'··~·-' '· .. •'. ··.,,_, ( t • '. 1· I . I 3Y . WILLIAM REED R9'ti11 ••• In the Wind Carole Wall will never admit'!!, bu\ &be was · no\ \be picture of grace anti poise Th.ursday . night when j.elevision actor Gene Barry " swept her into his arms apd kissed her. I'm not sure what it all meails, but \vtien I mentioned it to my wife she · commented only, "No \vonder." The event was the annual Jaycee Distinguished Service Award din- ner at Meadowlark and as usual it was a fine event. The Jaycees, \vho also stage events such Bli the annual Fourth of July parade and celebration, are getting pretty fikilled at this sort of thing. * Barry delighted the audience with his quick wit, although the biggest laugh of the evening came just after Barry had described his family, spending some time in discussing his three children. Ready to ask another question, a Jaycee officer jumped up and blurted out, "Do you have any fu\ure plans? Although. everyone knew he wanted· ·lo know · about plans for running for the U.S. I Senate, the question came at a time mbst inopportune. Mayor Alvin M. Coen, a past winner of the DSA award, did manage an encore, T b u r s d a y night, \bus upstaging Barry tor a moment or two. However, Bar.ry offered to provide the materlal for the mayor's second talk when. he opened and displayed \be gift given to him by the J aycees -the cur· rent copy of Playboy. * Bill Schweikert was the winner lhls year. Considering that the win· ner last year was now~ouncilman Jerry Matney and the year before that 'vas the then-Councilman Coen, we are all wondering what office Bill has in mind. Bob Dingwall was the first run· nerup and since Bob is running for a seat on the board of trustees of Huntington Beach Union High School District. he was expected to be the winner hands down. Since he did not pick up the top plaque, I wonder now how he will fare in the election. All of those responsible for the dinner should be congratulated. I was met at the door by California Junior Miss Jackie Benington and Miss Huntington Beach J e f f e Blackard. Obviously everything bad to be all right with the Jaycees and the evening. Meet on Cit y Prog ress Set For March 22 Civic, economic, cultural and educa- tional opportunities in Huntington Beach will be analyzed A1arch 22 as the second annual Congress for Community Progress meets at Golden West College. Featured in the program will be Monte Nitzkowski, former Olympic IWimming team member and assistant coach of the U.S. Olympic water polo team at Mexico City, who will lecture on civic opportunities. Dr. Jame s Catanzaro, instructor in history and philosophy at Golden West ·College will explain the cultural and educational opportunities to the 300 guests expected to attend. Also appearing in the program will be Peter Horton, director of planning far McDonnell Douglas Astronautics who will ouWne Huntington Beach's economic oppbrtunit.ies. Following the presentations participants in the congress will be asked to join in 'discussion groups. Mari na Miss Win.S Hom.emaker Title Janet Leverone, 11, ol tsaa Standish Lane, Huntington Buch, hes been namecf Be~ Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow for Marina JDgh School. Tfie high school seolor was presented with a apeclally designed lllver chann troni General .Mills, apomor of. the Dl4 tion,lde «>nteot. Miss Levet'Ohe received her tlUe on the )basis o! her score In a written JmoWlcdge and aptitude test given to the lj:hool'.• "'nior gkls last December. The award allows Jlr;r to compcll! for a WOO college scholarahlp and a tom· plete oet ol tht Encyclopedia Brittanica dufing state f1nals this year . • -------------- ---- $500,000 Pui%le Chicago art dealer Peter Darro inspects what could turn out to be \be most expensive jig saw puzzle in I.be world-the piecing together of a 13 by 9 foo t canvas reputedly painted by \be 17\b centwy master Guido Reni. The canvas, which could be worth as much as $5()0,000, bas been cut into six or •even, pi...s and Dari-o baJ been hired to restore the piece. Measuring Knowledge Huntington Beach Schools f o Enter Testing Program By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI How much does a 17.year old high school student really know? Officials of Huntington Beach Union High School District hope to find ciut this spring when their students take part bi a n81ional testing program. It will be administered by the Measure- ment Research Center of Iowa, a private organization . attempting' To learn what American youngsters and adults know. Huntington Beach students will be among 32,000 17-year olds from 500 high schools across the nation who will take part in the educational assessment -ex- ercises. Only one or two schools in the diltrict will be chosen for the sampling and not all 17-year-olds will take the tests dealing with science, civics and writing skills. Results will be reported in terms of Huntington Girl In Competition For Scholarship Judith C. Presson, 17, a senior at Huntington Beach's Marina High School will compete for a $4,000 scholarship as semi·finalist in the Southern California Edison Company Scholarship Program. Miss Presson, a resident of 5342 Edinger Ave., Huntington Beach, is the only senior from Marina High School to pass the quarter-final stage. T h e electric coinpany's scl)olarship program offers six $4,000 scholarships to be taken at the winner's choice ot 14 private colleges and universities in Southern CalifornilJ. The college attended by the winner receives a direct grant of '3,000 during lbe four years' of the S<tfarshlp. JAU WINNER Top Soloist percentages or students who give particular responses to each exefcise, . r.i.ther than in tenn.s of a score for each individual. Results will be confined to an in- ttrp'etation of responses for large geographical areas and not for a single district, county or state. During the next three years four other age groups are scheduled to be assessed, iocluding children aged 9, 13, and adults between 26 and 35. It is not known yet if the Huntington Beach Union High School District will be asked to participate in these continued exercises. To be included in the later test.! are more subjec t areas, among them literature, social studies, m u s i c , mathematics, reading, art, and voe• lion.al education. The entire program will be directed by the Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education (CAPE). -On the national level, CAPE expects lo derive census-like data on the educa- lional attainment.s of portions of our national population and plans to make the data available to school officials and the general public. Jt will a1so seek to measure what growth or decline takes place in selected aspects of educational attainments of the U.S. population over a period of time. Valley Area Concer~s Sl.ated · Three days, March 23, April 27 and June 1, will reign officially u "com- munity Concert" days in Fountain Valley by proclamation ol Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger. . . Each oC those days will feature mmic by an orche~a, band and vocal group, under the sponson:hip oi the Fountain Valley School District Music Booster Club In lta community concert aeries. Mayor Schwerdtfeger urged the entire community to ~PPort the concert pro- gram. Appearing in the serie.'I March 23, will he Adrian Holland ind his string ensemble; April '27, the cboraleers directed by Sheldon Disrud, and June 1, the Air NaUooal Guard Bond 569 directed by Robert Bruner. . Hunting ton Hig h Boy Wins Honor 14 ' "'Tom Kubis ol Hundngl<n Beach High School took away horKln as kip sololR lo the recent Orange Coast College J bl Ptlllval. . Kubis plays tenor sax with the Hun- dngton Beach High School jau band and al.so writes compoeitloM for t h e bond. In competition' he demon"'11!«1 Ills ablllty wllll rendition• or "A Buckel of Blues" and "Down Basie Street." Today Huntington Beach High hosted 17 high school jazz bands in Ill 1econd annual jazz festival. Tiie jau festival contlnute unUl C ,.... lh .. Ille school auditorium. Public ls Invited and admission 111 free . • Mflldly, -10, lM .t ivin-g With Moon _Me-1 " Pair· Sza~:tt:J .. Work Wi th Apoll-0 9 Crew ABOARD THE USS GUADALCANAi. (Al') -Two ..-..ors· on this Apollo 9 .....,...,. llblp have unique op. ~ wllll dOltiny next llJDUDer. u an -according to pi.,. 111o1 .,..m be 111< llrfl -to ~nie Into ~ coqlaqt ~th m~o woo hive· walker:l on the moon. ..; 1 For 1.,.. or five .i.1s. they wlll be tht only peraons lllowed to enter lhe quarantine structure in wblCh astrOnauts who have rtturn~, from the .moon ~ID • Flood District Land Approved for Sale · Oranp County ~upervisors h a v e authortzed tbe a.le ol 9.5 acres· of surplus county Jl'Jood Control District'. property in Fountain 'Volley to David' ·E. c ... ningham and James D. Beck for '247,100. C.ounty Rell Properties D i rec tor Robert Kn.me said the · two men sub- mitted tbe blgheSt of nine bids on the property loca1ed 630.feet north of Warnet Avenue and Q> feet. west of Brookhurst Street. . • • • • • • eat. 1leep, tfndergo me d 1 c: a I ex· amlnaUons, 'and tell about Uiel:r' Id· venture. . · The ,two men..-Dr. William Carpen. ti.er, .Seabrook,. Tex .• and John Hlrasld, 21, Houston, Tu. -wlll live wl\h U>e ~ astronauts Jn a mobile qµaranline atatiop lhe moi Of • boule trailer. . ' In . set"1l8 UP houaekeeping wllll ln- divldUals ivbii have l\andled luna rocks, lhqffled. tllrougb the loll, lnhaltid ,and "'allowecl t!le ~uSt, Carpenfuir and Hiraski will, br•ve 11)1 mQOn orpn'lsms that intlht Coine back to earth. · Carpelluer concedet that t!le danger Js eJtrernelf ~all. · At lhe~ same -time, "be agrees with scientific. agencies . whlCh have warned there is a· rfst to the 'earth . that ·some lunar microorgani£m •t fltld ill way here : and . -free of natural enemies -flourish out of control Carpentier s,ays ·the cbanc~ are re.mote that any form of life haa survived the near vacuum, extreme h t a t , ullraviotet eiposure and radiation ol the surface of the moon. Neverthelw, because al the possibili· ty, astronauts must tUbmit to strict • • quariDtlne lor·at ----the)' come back from lhe oateUllt. Ill the mobile quaranllnl atatleo Clrpentlor will put Ille -thtou&h ~ nlllllnotloos and mate varlowl teoll nomW1y conducted by an entire medicll staff. I . Hlruald wlll handle lhe rock aampld, film and data tape brought boCk 111 the moon men. He also will operate Q1e atatlonl -management, electrical and other IYI'" terns, and take in tbt ·prefroun cooUd • meals which will be heated in 1 nUcro-1 wave oven. Progressive Banking · Talk . Set for Board Progressive banking aervice 11· tbe topic of Richard J. "Dick" Waldzunil, manqer Of the Soutbe.rn Callfomla 1"lm Natlooal Bank, 17121 Beach Blvd., foe the Wednesday I a.m. brealdast 'meeth>I of the Huntington Beach Fountain-Vllley, Board of Realtors at the HuntinatoD Seacllff Country Club, 3000 Palm Ave. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • at El · Rancho:- the supermarket where the. price is right! BIG VARIETY! ·~ • • • • • •• ' ' • • • •,I • • • • • . ' • 1:'Al / • . PRICE! • " • • • • • • All YOUR FAVORITES! Stock up on fMft f ood4 a.t EI R•nelio tAia ,..,kJ • • • • • • • • Candy Ian Regul• 5c Size a for,,,~ Candy ia fun! .... and more fun at El Rancho's low.price! Chooae from HenheY, Ban, Krackle!, AJ. mond ·chocolate, Mr. Goodbar, ~aby Ruth, Buttertin1er, Heath, 'Abba Zabba .... and more besides I Fiddle Faddle . .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. 3 ••· '1 Jollytlme Pop Com ........... 3 ... '1 Caramely_ and chewy and good! ... Reg .. 39c_pkgs. Fun to PoP,. ~fun to eat? ••• 20 ounce can1. Soft Drinks ..... , ............ ~ ... 12 '•·· '1 lee Cream Bon Ions ............... 59¢ Bubbly, sparkling fun! Spr:;Jzficltl .. .' 12' 01.. cans A bucket o! J)leuure? Bonibee .•. save lOc! Pancake Mix ..................... : ... 39' Jello .................................. 6 ... '1 Pancakes arc f un ! Aunt Jemima ~ .• 21b. l'kr. Colorful, wigrly, d,elieious! Bil : I ounce pkp. Suj>erShopperJlealJ!aken! Flank Steak ... ~i;.~' ..... ~1 2~ What makes this fun is the "oven ready'i ·feat~re! All.you have to do jg cook it,,. and enjoy it! Beef Braising Ribs ............... 49~ Meaty ... flavor that makes for real deU1h t! Fun Fruit! Chiquita Bananas Bananaa are fun ..• to 1llce with cereal ••. with pudding 10 C or ice cream, in a pie or We II• ••. or just to eat! I Prict« in ef/1,ct JIMI., f uu., Wed., Mor.10, 11, It. No..U. lo d..U.n. Ham Loaf............................. 89~· Deligb\f~lly aeasonod ..• ju•t •hape and bake! Super Salads! Nally' s Salads Salads are more fun when 3 $1 they're ready to lel"Ve ! . . • I No fu .. , no lll1la8 ! : · . . Rer. 39c ctn1. ' l I I l . • . . . . • . • 4 IWLYIOllGl" • "' ,c.ii..11 ........ Dtll)' , .... ,...., r A Fort Wo study to find out bow watching televiB!on affeds t jourth graders' school work show· t ed some children wa~ more l television than parents think possi- ble. One student said he watched ' · tele-vision ''80 hours a week in- • eluding 25 hours on Saturday." r • t A New Haven re sident has filed ' In U.S. District Court to forbid t St. Patrick's Day parades in the city. John F. CUrran Jr. says the parade is a "religious j>roce.sslon. n * He atgues-it violates the treed.om 1 o! religion guaranteed by the U.S •. l Constitution. ! • I I I ' 1 Geoff Sez, 40, of Winche.ster, England, had been t he straight man for ;okes about his name long enough and ftnally peti- tioned to have his name chang- ed. He is now Geoff Southern. Geoff said he did as much for his four 11oung daughters <U for himself. "The mind boggles at the problems the name could have caused my daughters later on," he said. • A flying policeman landed hiJ airplane to write out a ticket because be said a train blocked a crossing too long. Sgt. AJ ford was flying over Tampa, Fla. broadcasting traffic reports. He spied the train\ at a crossing and started timing it. It sat there 11 minutes, Ford 'said. He landed, drove to the railroad yard and cited A. J. Simp1on, yard con- ductor, for violation of a city ordinance that trains cannot block an intersection longer than five minutes. • Ju.st one of the spring crop of babie1 at the Detroit Zoological Park, th.ii f>abv Polar bf!a r lumbered out of 1i:i.T den "home ' long enough for photographer1 to record hil press debut. The S-month-old cub kept close to mom during the picture taking session-just like any baby would. • NE'\V Hampshire prides itself on Yankee ingenuity and proved an example with an unusual example o! thrift. The state saved $1,555 by salvaging two late model wrecked :;t.ate police cars and welding the hvo good halves together ·into one serviceable cruiser. The job cost only $129.119 .for towing and parts. Students QJ1 a training project did the work. Court Sets Rules 'l ---.....--- On Wiretapping WASlllNOl'Olf (UPI) -Tbt 8u)ftM Court apeUed out a Ht o1 new auJdtllnel todo)' In ... roimdnc _.,.,. . ..., the government'• ue of evidence obo- talited b)' enetdropplq. • 'In a ,.t <( ._1a: run.,., the court held: ,\ -Tbe govmunent may Ult 1Vldenc1 even If obtained by uolawflll eavudrop. ping Clll others If tbe .defeodln( WU not a partlciplllt In the overbeaM coo- versation aiicl 11 tbe buUlnf did not take place at h1a home,~ office or almllar pmooal preinllU. . -OJ\ the othet band, In c.... "here be wu a party to the coaven:atioo "' blJ prtm1aea ''i>uCAd" the defendant may demand under proper 111_..i. thet the wtretap -be tuined Over to h1a attorney even In cuea ID. volvlng national eecurlty. -An adversary coart procedure m111t tllon be beld to dtlmnlne tbe relevance of the eav...trop ln!OlllUIUon to blJ In- dictment and If the wlrotap evidence la ahown as being relevant. the defendant may have it 1Uppreued. The Jw:Uce Department wanted the trial judge alone to rule on the admisaiblllty oC wiretap· evidence. Solicitor Genual Erwin N. Griswold urged private inspection by tbt trJal judge to protect lnno=I lblrd partlel, Something Not Fishy; Heroin Ring Smashed WASHINGTON '(UPI) -'Iba U.S. Bureau l>I Cuatom1 lllJllRIDCed todo)' 11 lw broken up an lntemalional smuqllng syndicate and .. ized one ol the larpat shipments ol heroin on record In a raid In New Yark City. Cuatom1 -I.eater D. J-llld· at leul four -baft bten arnsted. and 11more arrestl are eSpected.11 The four were being taken before a U.S. comml!sioner in the IOUtbern district of New York, be takl • Jolmoon llld about a poondl of heroin ... -from a ablpnent of canned fisb wblch eame by frelghtar from Spala and ..., «'IJlriinecl to a New York State Importer. Tbt drug wu In cans labeled lllh. "U II expected 1n lnvestlption aJraadt underlata In Europa will eradlcato the aarcotlal llDUUlinl Of!lanlzation and Illa --of hmlln llld mull will be made In Illa United Sta1a and E~ in the next few daya," Jolmlon said. llld In ...\i--~ .... to plVIAlct the_...,.al'1111Wl~-· 111 llld JI the~-.... obil(ed to tum over all twN11tlon1 \o def-. It 111,t, to llOp ..-.unc· m¥ spy ··lie u ld the pracl1ce wiluld 11111\1 -· Im-portant tnlormaUaa over. to ' unfrlendly ·-' The court toot thtto other acllw: ' -Upheld b)' a H nlt an anUlnlSt deci!:lon against two Tucson, Ariz., newspaper& wblch CGmblned their ad- vertblng and ctrcuJaUon dejlartmenta. F« the court majorlty, Jlllllce Wtlliam 0. lloqla1 held that the '1'llclon Dally CIU... and Ibo Arboaa Dally Star had !ailed to ahow thet their eomblned opera- tion WU protected b)' the "lalllng com- pany doctrine." The claci<loa, W-ted !o by Jullice P«tar Stewart, could have an linportanl bearlns on llmllar ar- rangements In II other ctu.._ -Revened the B1rmtncJ>am convictlon of tbe Rev. Fred L. Sbuui-th who with the late Dr. Mwtln Luther Kine wu convicted at parading without a permlt In a 1913 Easter civil rlghta dem--on. -Threw out the dllorderly conduct conviction ol Negro entertainer Dick Gregory atemmin, from a prUest march around the -ol Chica&<> Mayor !Uchard J. Daley In 1111. Egypt Vows Vengeance For Chief :SY TllE AlllOCIATED PIU!llS Egyptiml paid tri-todo)' to ~ 111D1 clllef ol lllf!, c.i. IJ>dtl M~ Rlod, fatally -.ded 1!1' an lll'lell li¥U -,., -otqed • -·uoo. dlanting, ••we need arnis for revenge." l'relldenl Gama! IJ>dtl Nwer and hundreda of thoulancta ol -~ joined In maklnc II a hen>'• funeral for Rlad. "With blood and IOUll we avenge your death," the croWd shouted u the pro. -Ion, -of the blgg..t In· Eapl'• btalcry, moved through the 'atreel& of c.w. ~u ... ot the l'al<tltlnlaii Al Fatali orpnlzalton toot port In the fu- neral mard1. Some carried placardJ which reod "blood ol martyra aball not be wasted.'' U .N. obllervers blamed Egypt far the llalt ol the artillery clue! Salurday. 'Ibey nported to U.N. headquarters that they obeerved the Egypdam firing !ntm ... to IS mlnulea before the 1arael1& opened up alone tbe blocl:ed W81enray. Israeli llhel1a bit E111J11'• oil refinery at Sues ""' the fourth ·Ume -the • 1987 . war, and the Israelis ea.Id a pelntchemlca1 plant and oil at.rage tanks were lllll bumlng today. Egypt said -lanb were Id afire. Imel llld one of !ta Piper Cuhl I - LAST PJCTURE -Egyptian Army Chief of SW! Abdel Moneim RUid (left) sits with UAR President Nasser dnrtng .the latter's visit ·' IX> the SUez Canal earlier Ibis year. It was the last picture of Riad, killed by an Israeli mortar round Snnday. ~-"-~~~~~~~~~ waa shot down, three IBr..U. Including the pilot' were killed and 1 f were wound- ed. Egypt laid three of !ta men were killed and 13 wounded and II loot a MIG jet, Israel said the MIG pilot was · captured. Egypt also claimed IQ fm:es brought dmm an Israeli M71lere jet, but Israel denied till!. Equipment Lost in Trial ~~~~:~)- Rough \tjndl and seas caused the 1011 of three notaUon collars and a lifuaft Sunday d~the Apollo t recovery te~'s final ehearsal for Thunday'1 leheduled sp own . A weather ~ aboard this aircraft carrier, however Said eonditions should improve and that be 'btlleves the timlna: ol the splasbdown to be perleo\, 1 The collars, which cost $5,500· Odi; and the llieraft were ripped away from'. the boilerplate dummy Apollo 1pocecraft by wind and waves. 'ren-seCODd wind gusts .measured at 45 miles an hour. Mission control at Houston advised the· Apollo 9 astronauts Monday that the situation was being watched closely. I Capt. Roy M. Sudduth, th e Guad1lcana1'1 commanding officer, sale! he e-0nsidered early Sunday calling of[ the simulated recovery operation but decided the . weather would permit training with "upper limits" e-0nditions. Sudduth said the exercise verified previous e!timates that maximum safe condjUons for a recovery art seas of 10 to l2i feet and winds to 29 truler an hour. Frank Chihocky, the carrier's actin1 meteorologist, forecast seas of four or five feet Thursday with windJ of 15 to 20 miles. Charle1 Filley, head ol the recovery team, agreed that the Sunday conditions excteded. the operational limit.I for a Thursday splashdown . . He said the heroin lhipment wu con- 11gned to one of thole already under arrest, Importer ChrllUln S • r 1 • JlylOblan ol the Panamanian Food and Chemlll Co., Whitestone, N.Y. MINER BREATHES FRESH AIR AT LAST AFTER SPENDING NINE DAYS UNDERGROUND William V. J-• Liu on Strwtcher Aw1ittn1 Ambul1nca Ride to Hospital Altar RHcua 11Should they continue, we would try to get an area with le.!1!1 winds," he said. Monday would have been 'JpJubdown day for Apollo had not the scheduled Feb. 21 launch date been poat.ed to March 3 after the crew developed colds. The others arrested were llsted as Edward Loui.!I Innbaud, 48, a French citizen who was picked up at John F. Kennedy A f r po rt Saturday; Mayo Masgromardi, 48, ct Whitestone, Identi- fied as the land1ord or Hysoblan'1 prem- Ues, and AntonJo Flores, &I, believed to be a Panamanian and neidl:Dg in New York Cliy. Mediation Continues WASHINGTON (UPI) -Federal medlatort met with company and union bargainers today in their continuing ef4 forts to aettle a 12-day-old •trike that has halted all American Airlines ntght ~~ations. A 11pokesman for the NaUonal Media4 I Uon. .. Board wa~ asked if th~• had betn anJ'~progrea m American'• talks with th& Tran.sport Workera Unlcn. "None that we can report," he replled. Black capitalism NotOn)y Answer? HACKETtsroWN, N.J. (UPI) - James Farmer, undenecretaey of health, education and welfare, said Sunday night the "black capUallsm.11 advocated by Presklent Nbon ii not the complete answer to ghetto problems. "LitUe is accomplished by making a few mort black mllllonalrts, as the mas.!les of the bl1ct remain where they were prior to dvil rlghta," he aald. Farmer, the first Negro named by Pre.!lident Nixon to a high 1overnment post, said he hopes to "give a piece ot: the action to the black masses through commtm1ty development cOrporatlons and cooperaU~." Miner Bejoi~es Rests After 9 Days Underground LARK, Utah (AP) -Touch, grizzled William "Buck" Jones relaxed in a hospital bed today, !reed from the tiny cell of rock that held him captive deep in a Utah mountain for eight days. Jones, 61-year-old father of It, was brought to .!lafety Sunday night by rescuers who had tunneled tedious ly through 25 feet of rock to hi.!1 cubicle. After an emotional reunion with his big family at the mine entrance, Jones was whisked 20 miles to a Sall Lake City hospital for examination and rest. He looked weary, blit obviously was in big hspirit!. the tunnel train carrying Jones to safety reached the surface after a .f'k-mile ride from the shaft In which he w11 trapped by a cave-in March 1. A cheer went up from more than 300 persons crowding the tunnel opienlng, including Jones' entire family .. Her eyes glistening, Mrs. Jones cried, "Buck, I love you:" His children shouted, "Hi, dad:" "Hello, mother,'' the l'.'eary, bearded Jones said to his wife. Then the two spent a private moment in the covered mine car before fellow miners carried him to an ambulance. Woman Loses 75 Pounds to Give Brother Kmney ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI) -A Kalamazoo housewife shed 75 pounds in order to go on the operating table and donate a kidney to her ailing brothtr. "He's feeling wonderful and ao am T," satd Mrs. Robert Williams as her brother, David Greenleaf, 36, of Vassa.r made plaM today to leave his Univer1itf of MJchigan hospital bed. Freezing Cold Wraps U.S. "1 want a ghower!" he shouted. "I think I need it." The echo rang down the hospital corridor. He got a bath instead. Then he shaved himseJf, bad a dinner of ham and eggs and watched a television replay of his rescue. "His kisses were very dusty," said daughter Velma Jones. Mrs. Jones aaJd he was "very tired" but had laughed and talked with her. A nurse said Jone.:; did not appear to have any cuts or bad bruises, but bad "awfully red knees, probably !rom having to kneel a lot" Mrs. Williams, who 1bared the same ran blood type P negative as Greenleaf was told by doctors in September, 1911: that she was the only person who could give a kidney to Greenleaf with a reasonable chance of transplant tuccess. But her bulky m -pound frame midi her too great an operating risk. doctors •aid as they refused ta attempt the transplanL Lower Flnrida: Warm Oasis in Frigid South Calltornln · ·---·-.. , ...... 91-!'dt t•N ..... "-Clflclll!llltf C""""•INI ...... ......... ....... ·-"" """' f-N ...... H-• -Kt ... 1 (fly LnV..n L• Aneitllf .w-1 ke(ll MllM\lllte M f-90ill ~ Dl'k•m _ ... ........ ....... "-.. .... ""' ......... .. -· ·-:="'a, ...... -... -:~ "" lib Cltr ... -... , ....... ----N --· WMl'll .... '" () A hospital spokesman aaid there would be no immediate interviews. Jt was a tearful, joyful acene wben Hltll LN ""°'· ~ n ,. Finch Supports .~ School Act, But .. " . " .. ~ ... " .. " .. " .. • n " " " . I' I J r: Hedges on Funds " " . " " " • ,. .n ,, ., .... .. " " " .. " tJ .. .01 n .JI ·" .. " . " " " . " " a 1, ,, .. .. .. " .... . " ... fl " ,. lf • • . .. • • 1' -'' "' ,. .tt ... • 4t .bl .... ...... .... .. " .. ,, " " ... WASHINGTON (UP ) -HEW Socrelaey Robert H. Finch nid today he supports ibe Joho3on-.admlnistrat1on: founded Pf'Oil'lm ol aJd to public schools, but hedged oo committing himlelf to increased spending in that field . Finch, head of the Department o(. Health, Education and Welfare, to'4 the """" Educatl<n and Labor Committee he favor1 a two-ytar extension ol the El!'Dtntary and S<coodary Education Act. Chalnn1n Carl D. Ptrtins (D-1t3'.), Ns introduced a bill to extend I.he act for flve ye.ar1. : Pttklns uked Finch U he would aup., port nearlJ doublln1 ol tlta lundinc to 11.1 bffilon f<ll' Ibo main ptJt or tll6 act. Finch pralled the JlUl"POl'I ol the pro- gram but did not say whether he sup- ported such an lncreue. He said hls departmtnt ta MW sttldy!nr the <Otlre act and may propooe dwltes tn tt · later. Jones' quarter1 were about five feet wide, and only high enough for him to crouch in. The rescue climaxed days of danger and fru.!ltratlon for workers wbo risked their own lives in the narrow aha.ft of the lead, zinc and silver mine . OfficlalJ had feared a new' cave-in which could have C!'Ulbed Jones and taken the u .... ol his reac11en. A dirett route through the U.to-15 feel of mud and rvct which -led Jones in the ·turlnel w11 abandoned after four da)'I because ol. cave-In danttr. An attempt to· drill an escape tUDnel with -bit. also ran Into probi-. The mcue Wll fin111J made tJriiih a tuMel which workers becan cbopplnc lhrough IOlld 1'1Ck Thurllday. Unidentified Man Rescued From Qiff SAN FllANCl800 (.\P) -A Cout Guard bellcopter -a butet and rescued "a Jolin Doe. white ml about 30" fn:im an ooe.u. _cllffckk - Tbt unldentlned man wlto bad allpped and dropped to a wall a\.;ve &JW Baihl, was taken late Sunday nicbt to the U.S. Publlc lk\lth Hoselttl, where doc- tors 11ld he wu In Shock and could not give his name. However, Greenleaf, who had a history of deteriorating kidney t r o u b 1 e thro~ghout his llte, stood little chance of. livlnc a normal life without a new tldney, Steady dietin1 broughi Mrs. Williams down to 202 pounds by January of thil year -the same month her brother went on a kidney machine at Univenit1 Hospital. The operation wu pufonned last tnooth and ~rs termed tt a 1 auccess. Search Launched Of ~raveyard TRURO, Mass. (UPI) .l. S ta t • Troopers .00 park rangen with maPI llld mine detect.n launcbed a "yard by yard" search today of a macabni murderer'• graveyard which b.u alrudJ. yielded the mutilated bodies of at tel.Si four women. Truro PoUce Chief Huold Ill. Berrio said •bo<it 75 troopda and rangera i..m the C.pe Cod National Seultore Part were mating an "all-oot effort" in tbt1t search or lht pine-dad 11ndy waltel between Truro and the Hl- Rangtn sakf one man, evtn brouiht llll own shovel •nd "jult began dlulnl." He uplalned thet ho wanted to help in the search. · ,' I , i MO/ld'1, Mm 10, 1969 !Wt.Y Pl!.OT 5 ~ ._Nix~;q:, Still St~dyi!!g~ ABM ~ GoUl Pr.ice E_ndal'!_gers Franc -PARIS• (UPI) -The price ln!ematlollal alttmpl to adllilt tllls -t wooJd be _, I From Wire Service• afternoon. IW pl'US aldflo lljike Mansli&I said In an I .KEY BJSCAYNE, Fla. ~ declined to say whether the interview that a cutback in ,. ·r President Ni.xorl scheduled PresJdent has made up bit tbe pro~:I number 0 f arms race. , 1 Even aupponen: of' the Sen· tine! admil the blgb cost, that it woold take 1three 1ean ,to build and ...Wd be ~le of lnten:eptlns ~; iDiall numbers of unlilpblsUc8.ted1 ln- terncontlneotal b a 11 1 s t, l c of gold soared to. another -... the franc. ~ did crudal for Ille franc. recordon~eFrenchrilarl<ett .. f~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;~;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; today ..:.. $48.81 an (IU!lee. 111~11 ; Jast-minute coosuitatioJls ,wAb mind on the ABM. '· , -i~nile •t t• ill tisf 1 his naUonal sec.urttY .. ~mer He is under strong pressure u~ 81 es w sa Y ris~ . reOected g r o w I o g 'uneas~ess over m a s s l v e atrites\which could cripple the ~ 1 .~ lb e • C':IY~;~ an-from. the Pentagon to aPP1'9vt aome people'' in Congress who Ubatllstk:·DWiiiJe;sjstem' a modified program f1~r are worried about ~cost before' retuT11tng \,!> deploying tile ABM ,1nea:r of the' proposed ABM pro- Washington·later today. '/. :missile mies, •'Jl•Y from ~ ' mbsiles, \ natlon Tuesday. -' -It was the filth -comecuilve !rad\ da the . Id ""'-ng y \go t" ..... ' Old World Me<!iterra~n Spanuh Fur~iture . ~ovu. itoo,ooo -1N¥1NT011Y. . ' j '· ~ • ' < • " ., , I ,. . . ". ' ' ' . I I , , .. ' ' ., • ..... r ... ' The Florida W!Ute. H~ urban area!:. ~ Qrlticl fe.ar the system once said Dr. HelU'Y, A. Kissing~· \ Such a move to scale do-ig atatted ~grow both 11!1.cost was en route (n)m Washington pians·for die Sentinel program. andjntent m o!'e originally ·to consult with Nixon on the may leuen opposition to the esliDWed. a '5 billion to pro- .ABM and 11othh matters ." antimisSUe defense s)'stem, tect agijnst: Chinese Com. The Preskief!t planned to especially in Congrea. • Jlllihlst roCteta to a $40 billion · fl:r to Washington with Kiss-Soviet Union.· They see. thll' · .,.wn. geared against the inger and other aides late this Senate OemocraUc Leader •• ., ·a major esc~Uon of, the I . , Trio Cling. to 'Wing ··of Plllne, Rescued . . HONOLULU (UPI) -rtiree seclusion in Honolulu resting men who spent five houfs . ftom ·their ordeal. h0lding onto a wave-swept The trio were forced to ditch . . · their twin-engine DC3 some wing of their downed plane 250 mile east of Hi.wail in the Pac~ic Ocean east of lsland, ~ largest of the Hawaii said they never felt Hawaiian chain, after it they were in grave danger, developed engine trouble on "The Coast Guard was close a flight Crom Travis AFB, b nd Air F 1 Calif., to Honolulu as dusk ,Y a an . or~e pane fell Friday. was constantly circling over For five hours the men us," said Larry Weintraub of clung to a win& of their New York City. floaUng aircraft in the Weintraub and two com-darkness unUI they were •, ¥anafleld Is one of a powerful group of senators. wblcb includes Edward M, Kennedy CD-Mass.), 'lllld ~. W •• Fulbrigbt CD-Ark.), wbo have ' been flglitlng I m m e d I a t e deployment of the Sentinel mbsilesystem. ~~~~~~~~~ . Eisenhower~s Doctors . Plan No More Bulletins WASHINGTON (UPI) - Doctors lreatlng former Pres!· dent Dwight· D. Eisenhower said today he is showing steady progress and they are pleased with bl1 rtt<1very from high-rW: ab do m In a I surgery 15 daya ago .• So well baa the 7&-year-old genetal come back from the operation ~-and a ,aubaequent bout with pneumonia -that Walter Reed Anny Hospilal said there would be no further bulletins: on bis post·operative condttion. The pneumonia in t h e .general's right l~g presumably has cleared. The 111aiest and 18 s t '~ bulletin · by the hospital, was g iv e n after lhe tw~Week ''critical" perlod 0 following the (lperaUon to remove an in· testinal blockage. h~ re&ched a feC!)rd. Today'a price was 50 cents an ounce higher than the last Friday price. The Napoleon gold piece; favored by shopkeepers and other small businessmen to protect th~ir savings, al.so r<>se •harply from 114.14 to 114.15. So many unions have called strikes for Tuesday the naUon Is expected lo be paral)'7Al!I. All are seeking wage increases de'spite t h e govenun~t's statement further inflatl.on could wreck the economy and endanger the franc. Should the franc fall · It wouJd pull the British pound sterling and perhaps the dollar along '!'Ith it and the world would be faced with a new monetary crisis. However, the west's Central Bankers met in Basel, Switzerland, this weekend, and postponed any LOCAL No oth•' n1w1p•pff' h/11 you mor•, .,,ry dey, •bout wh•t'• goi.ng 011 in th1 Gr••for Or1n91 Co•1t thon tfi• DAILY PILOT. pan.ions, Don Wharton of Santa Barbara and Andrew Taylor of Los Angeles, are in 'Empty Can rescued by a small Navy tug. They ~~~~ first U"ansferred to the ~fi'ef~rer1 Hawaiian Monarch .aud.Jhen to a Coast Guard cutter and taken to Hilo on }!Jwaii. A C,oitSt guard spokesman said the· plane went down because of oil line troubles in both engines. T h e spokesman said one of the Screenwriter Brackett Dies at 77. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Charles Brackett, a four-Ume acadfJllY award winninl J>l'O- ducer and screenwriter,. died Sunday in Hollywood at the age (If 77. FACTORY " Removed engines ,conked out about BeforeDl've? midway and ~ men flew • ·for lour· boors· on.· one engine · SAN DIEGO (AP) -CPO Paul A. Wells told a Navy board of investigation that he removed SJ!.. empty carbon dio:r:ide o:ntster f r om a breathing rig being prepared at the Sea1ab site Feb: 14. before finally going down. Smothers Smothered He won.Oscars m~1MS for: ''Lost Weekend " in 1950 for 1 11suDset Boule;ard, '' and in 1953 for "Titanic." The Motion PiCture .Academy of Arts and Sciences presented him with an honorary Oscar f o r outstanding service in 1957. . Brickett came to Hollywood if). 1932 'after writing two no~els and contribUting to the Saturday Evening Post and New Yorker magazine. Among . .. TO CHOOSE · FlOM " DICOUTOU CAMCILU.TIOHS ... RITURNI PROM MODEL HOMll EC ORATORS Dlt~AM HOUSE ON DllPJ,.A Y Items aa follows: Geor~eous 8 ft. Cll(lom quilted sofa with separate loose ~Wows with heavy oak trim decor and matching chair, 3 matching oak -occasional tablet, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, banging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece king size master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Medilertan· ean style with top quality 15 yr. warranty king size mattress & box springs. Spanish decor dining aet~· etc. WW..._., .. NfllSer S112UO ::ro~~~RIF~~~-·---·--· $698~00 Any Place Can Ila Purchnad lndlvldu1lly Terms Available -Newcomen to Calif. Credit Approvff Immediately , Z I /)HFts .... ittwe At Harlior Blvd. 1844 Newpll!'t Blvd. Costa Mesa only Evwy night 'Ill 9 -Wed., s.t. & Sun. 'Ill 6. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -The bis other films we.re ''Smothers · Brothers Co~ "Ninotcbka.'J "Hold Back;·the Hour" 51$eduled fot Swiday · Dawn," '1The Major,· and the night. !VII replaced wiUt a Minoi!'. am,I ''F'.iVe Graves to renm because the tape wu Cairo/' -, .. ' . " . · ttUAlY!·::ONLY 5 DAYS :LEFT! ... l' • , not submitted in -time to be · •'-• . • J t .• . ' ~ . ' '.r • • '. ' The board is probing the death of SeaJab aquanaut Ber· ry Cannon, 33, who died Feb. 17 ·while at a depth of 6.10 feet olf San Clemente lsland. A coroner's report listed the cause of death as carbon diox. Ide poisooing. ~;~ed~Ocal stations, Mrs. N~on -, .-, I ' co:~::~ly ::.:. .. :r: Gets GSA Post I ' ~ ,.• ~ Tbe Navy says that one of the breathing rigs taken down by the four divers that day lacked the chemicals used to remove carbon dioxide but it has not been established ii Cannon wore that rig. political ·and risque humor but NEW YORK .(AP) ...., Mi's.1 •• ~ the network said "The content Richard . M • .Nixon hll4 been Testimony Sunday indicated that a canister lacking the chemicals had been placed in a diving rig ·lo determine if all parts fitted properly. of the broa4cast is not at named honorary' pre8ldent of issue." the •Girl Sc<M.its of. America, "As broadcast Jicensees the . the GSA annoonced S~ay. stations affiliated with the Both daughters of. President CBS Television Network have and Mrs. Nixon -Patricia the right to preview on request and Julie -have been Girl any program before it is Scouts. Since 1917 the wife presented on the air," the of an incumbent president has announcement said. been named t(! the post. WANT-INTEREST ' OM YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT'! YOU CAN'T en IT BUT 'WITll PACDJC'S SWJTCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yaa e111 da almast.11 wall by keeping a lot lasrmamy in · yaar ct.Hag ICCMt and a lot mara ia yaar Pacific &" Pmbiok Acco•nt •• awlfdi11 lllGlllf flack •d forth • oftln • you lilia. ....... ".eYll'J' dollar earns eveq d•J lt 11 la J'Oar Paelllo .Aeeoam- even lor lad ot&e daJ' .. 8 ••llllr 11 Pr bll!Jllclillll -JH .. ld .U, .. 1/4" lfl. ildollll 11 *• J1H .... •• 1 ••11 camlt llllL Snllp 11 ynr ICClllt It ... rtlt'I 11• Im fll• 01 1lt If Hf ......... nalwd ., tli• 18*. l ' NOW IYIVBRll lll'IO COSISl8881 ·, .. ... Juy now. save u11-to *100. SC296C-ln1plrtd Tradltfonal ,cl,.lgn from th• mid.18th century of Sylvania's jorieolm i-Nalvm liicloide: Finest cobinelrY (authenlicolly designed, solidly btJilt, a'nd 1<1· perbly finished! • Gerrard .and Duel Automatic Tum- tobles • "Bravislimo" 1eOled· Air Suspension speaker sysfem • Wide dispersion sound for grecler stereo effect . (see below) • Compleiely tronsislorlzed components • Superior FM Stereo sensitivity 01_1d selectivity • Smooth )NOighled flywheel IUnlng • Velvet louch control pone~ • Compensaled loudness conlrol • Individual C\11/boost bass and treble conlrols • Tape and exlra speaker jads. physicolly distressed Cherry yen~rs and select wood sonds.· Authentic hardware.and rich krltice grilles. Dvol 1015 Automatic Tumtoble. 100 Watt (EIAJ tond lfote amp!Jfier. FM Stereo/FM/AM tuner with d'Arsonvo! signal stren;th tuning meter. SC271W-lold Contemporary ~9• i. ai•- trass•d Walnut v•neer1 and select wood solids. G•"1rd 'Custom Professional Auto· · matJc_Tumtable. 60 Watt .IEIAI ampliJi•r1 FM St•r•o/fM/ AM tun•r, •II solid stat •• d'Arsonval tunin9 meter, Sealed Air Suspen• 1ion •p•ak•r system. · 1 \ $439 SAVE$56 SciJtP :_ Rich Medlr.....,aea• . d11l9•. Deeply carv•d pilasters and frame pen· •Is, Wood grille lattjc•. Garrard Cus• iom Profession•' A'utomatic Turr:it<l!b'le. Powerful SO Watt .. IEIA} amplifier, FM Ster•o/fM/ AM tuner: with d'A11onv1I tuning meter, $650 'SAVE$JQO ..$C2981T-I.... Louis XVI p.iod lfyll ... Butternut V•ne•r• and ·Sel•ct ·wood solids. Duel 1015 Automatic Turntable. FM St•r•ol. FM/AM tuner with d'Arsonval tuning m•t•rc 1,00 Watt ,IEIAI amplifier, 111 solid state. S•aled Air Suspension speaker system. lrlnllla'I lldl W •1•1111 •11br llllM -1111-•H .. .SC256P-A ma1terplec:• ef MediferTO".. neon Mlp Jn hand-distressed Pecon .,.. neers and Select wood solldt. Garrard Custom Dekixe Turntable. Full 30 Wott IEIA) amplirier. FM SloteO/FW AM ...,.,, oH ooHd .. ,., -Man.,-Co1tsol• Stereo sl)eaker .Ysi.rns crowd everyol'\8 tao!!~ to get the full stereo effect ,because sound Is dlrlded In narrow patterns 9iving limited stereo.effect. This would make It diff'itul to place JM console iA the room without rearranging exfsttng fumlMe. Syfvanta Comola Stereo hos wider aouf.d dlsf)ersion"creoltng a lcrger sttteo listening area. No awkward furnitvtt arrongtrnent, no need to lklnd in t.ne to hear tn. fvll ••~ e!od. Enloy full -· ~front •>d-Sytvonlo -ltd >Jr Suspon,;on 1peoUrs. • I 411 -E. 17TH ST. COSTA MESA 1- ,._ • " • l DAILY 9 • 9; SAT. 9 • 6 646·1614 • I • I rl • foAILY PILOT EDffo~ PAGEi ·-·~UC: Violence -as From an Associated Press dispatch: j "Unlvcrril~ o/ Coll/omla Pl'<ridtnl Cloarl<• . Hill:~ and Glenn S. Dum* ~eUor of tile ticrte colleges, ••• .said tM mw1 me f di MVt' overplo1Jtd th• i?icidcnU o/ tnblenc• and thfl helptd produce 4 · dtluge of prote1tl from thi pubifc to ' 1omeChing.'" . From a news story by a metropolitan newspaper's staff reporter:----•uc Choncellor Roger W. H•ll"' ••. report.d lfo ~oo foadt11 m«mbers at an Acadtmic Senate meeting) that vata. daUlm during Che 1trikt (of·rt!UUntt) Nu included 11 orion atttmpu and 20 bomb attemptl. Tut1da11'1 facv.lt11 meeting uw mot>t:d to a different location afttr vandoll Monda11 night imeared ghu on all seat.t in the lecWre MU where the senate wa..t to haw convnud." And so the public is treated once more to the co°" fusion of a thermometer being blamed for the weather, the mirror for what it ieflects and the news ued.ia for inciting violence on campus. .. News" has niany definition!, but the most co~­ mOn cliche is ••man bites dog." Chancellor Heyns, Ul hls own words; told the Academic Senate bow "man ·biles dog" at Berkeley. · · "I think," he said, "this campus ~ unders~nds that it has been the target of acts which are basic as- saults on the idea of a university, and the va1'1es we all hold." If the mounting of this kind of attack on what has been regarded up to now as one of the finest higher in- stitutions of learning in all the world is not news-big news-then a tree nation is heading for the darkness of mlsinfonnt\tion and fear .. ' -By and Jarae. and allowfnt for lnevltal>Je hlllDlll error, lhe print media have doae a COll'Clentlous )ob of ferreting out the facti and keeping the picture In balance. • The publlMnct the coUece,.:..wm be best served by full reporting' cf C811!PUI problema. · . ' '· Rapi~r vs. Scalpel · ·Time Magazine, long noted for llf deft, UJe of the rapier In its ''portage,. bu met Its match ffom an un- expected soorc&-the American Medical AJsoclalioo. Time reported that 11good1 bad or indifferent,0 doc- tors are doi{>g well in the econom1. The magazine then 1clucl<ed and noted lbal the average physldao's Income-had risen ffom $25,000 a year in 1961. IQ, $34,000 !n•l968. ~ · · · • 'Ali!A News, finding a scalpel of Ill own, responded: "ThUI last· month did Time join thoae wtio think that. . d~.ors live .in a ~eparate economy of their own." The. D)edical publij:ation. th~n pointed out that the net income after taxes of Time, Irie.· was, '8, 705,000 in 1961. And that by 1965 this had grown .lo ~.544,000 and was erpecled lo again exued $30 million .for .191111. The· AMA News, finlling more humor in the blaCk bag, added: • 141t cost pbysici.ans 100 percent more tn Febtuary, 1969 to buy ,Tinie so that pati~nts In their waiting rooms ~d read about what's W1'9"g with medicln,e than it did m July. 1961 lo read in Time "Higher Cost of Better Medlcin~How Should It Be Paid For?" . • . . ' • • .. • Top administrators of California university and stale college syn.ms, while taking stiyng stands against violence make a mistake when they try J.o sug· gest that the violence has been any less serious than the press bas reported. (Actually, a rood many inci- dents have gone unreported at the time because no rea porter was present.) The rest of us , unfortunately, are paying ior both -for Time's 100 percent price increase And the pbysF- cian's 36 percent jump in income between '1961 and 1968 -and for comparable jumps In most goods and services. Tim~ inflation-marches on. "GEE WHIZ! I HAD. TO GET. HIS ATI£NTIONI" Central Purpose, of TV Appearances Nixon Is Winning Trust WASHING TON -The Insiders er the Nixon Administration are most pleased, and rigbUully so, that the President is establishing a bond or trust and con- fidence between himaelf and t b e Americao people. This has been the central purpose ol Nllon's television a~ pearances, lnchJding b.Ls recent brillia~y articulate _hour-lorl'g discussion of m- ternational affairs. It would not be ;urprlslng il this were to be followed, at an appropriate time, by a companion piece confined to domestic affairs when the President's sWt studie'S OD critical questions are completed. Once ihe bond of trusl and confid~ has been established, in both J in- ternational and domestic affairs, the President's way will be easier if he fmds himself compelled to take acUon momentarily unpopular or hotly con- tested. TlllS IS ON IDS MIND. He recognizes that if he feels required to take an unpopular . course in Vietnam o r elsewhere he must explain his reasons to the American people and gain their .support. The essential precedent is that the great majority shall have confidence in the President's judgments and methods. He has gone 1 long way toward establishing that pre-coodition both in his trip to Europe and ln his pub1ic di.scussi.on of tbe critical problems cf foreign affairs. The most favorable response has come from those who have been suffering for years from a sell-induced com· prebension gap about Nixon. The remarkable dis,covery has been made by the wilfully deluded that Nixon ' is no( a red-baiter (be ne.ver was) arid that he take{ 1 constructive ·view of Soviet-American ret8tions (be has done so for )iears). Th~ who travelled to Russia with Nixon · 10 years ago, in 1959, noted a ·striking aimllarity between what he was saying ~ in background briefings and what he said in his recent television appearance on approachlng a new and better relationship with the Soviet .Uilioo. AN. ADDlTlllNAL dlac:overy has been inade by the self-deluded that Nixon is firm but" reaJOOable in the e'lercise of American power ln the world and that, in fact, is the way he has always been· in spite of the hysterical con· st.ructions so often placed upon what he bu-aaid. ~ I&, every ~ ol bis foreign affairs discussion Ni'lon revealed himself as a iniddle-of-tbH:oader. He credited the Soviet Union .with a basic purpose cf lessening'tensicru because it was allU'IJl-o ed by the dangers in the Mideast and a widening war ~ Southeut Asia; but Nixori saw, too, the ambivalence of the Soviet Union as it ·supplies both Egypt and North Vietnam With anns, Som'> where between these 'contradictions Nb:~ on is seeking an opening for an ac- commodation based on reason and Russia's concept cf its best interests as a peacemaker,' both in the Mkleut and Vietnam. TlllS IS A TIUN CRUST of hope ' unable to bear the weight d 1 heavy hand or cl._ foot, The fact that !lbroa CO!lid dl.8<:uas ii publlcly '!'II 18 exblhlllon al aklll nelthei: Lfndoa J~ -John r. Kelllledy would have rtlled. In thi• Rroct11 Nixon bu ~ confidence that he can tread IOftJy enough ao that !he Ulio crust al~ wUI sustain him for that time It will 'take ta discover il there can be an 1ccomniod11Uc:n. ' . . It Is therefore Ill the more, fmporlant lo him that he should have · the; ,apecl and confidence of the American people and the leaders ci Europe. 11 ls widely jodgedttlial '"'lill ilready succeeded la i;alnlnc lhll confldenc<. Norr lhal be has done so bl .ljj. lil8Y to be 1111lllned In the atteni]it • lie c Wm mate In bi.I first tfro years in office to brlnl 1111 Ytemm war to lll ·'i<cept· able ,,.. ·11114. reittance olfun .. wlth Russlao.., I less iionlnoua hull,~ IF IIE.~AN N~ .. hrln(lo'lhe domestic pro\>lema ol. race, er , -fn. OaUon and UrbaD collapoe .. the,1;..ume · clarl!)I of thought and ,.,,.,.,.,.., of P"'JlO"' as In forelp affalrs lhll oilenlng period rJ. his administration *1If 'have been a dazzling beginning. Some have been impatient that action has .~ lacking, that the President hu not "done anything" but ~ merely Cried to create an abnosphen and Image, 'lbese lmpaUeDfcrlLica could cooceivibly find that new atmospherics, Imagery andlconlldenc< were required helore ihe Preoideol could act suocesslully. This, it 1pPeari, 1:1. what he believed fellowing the vur· close election of 1968. He has made greet progress in creating an at- mosphere favorable to action. John Leon~rd, 'Butcher'· 11 the pen 11 mlgbtlr.r lhan the sword, contemporary culture Is also a symbolic KJtty Genovese, rulhlealy butcher.ed and funnily fileted by John Leonard on a middle.class subdivision street corner in Long Beach. No one who wades through the con- taminated waters cf our society al portrayed in the young writer 's third novel is likely to flnlsh without an opi· nioo, becaust Baby, he-malts waves. DON'T READ·rr if you can't visualize someone -perhaps youraeH -engrossed by a treatise on triplt. pneumonia and venereal di.Sease, while 1 a t d up with Athlete's foot and the Hong Kong nu. C'"*' M tlM w ........ ~ SW ,.._ t.--. °"'91t•1Y & C... Ille. lM "·' ... ., tea by poe{ Stanhope Croponlos, a crazy cast ol 17 frolics with mur- duous irreverence through a pban- ·tum11gor1a ol Black Humor, laying waste -----Monday, lilarcll 10, 1969 ·Tllo ..Utoriai _. 01 "" Doflv 1'1141 "'"' 14 l!of""" and - '""" -"' pramdng uw ......,,.,.,r. opilUoM and ..... """""" °" l4pla of inlcrul mid dQIOI,_,, br ~ • ,_ ftlr tM e%prt1Mn 0/ ,,... .....,.,-OJ>i•iollr. and bi ,,,..,.,.,.,,, fM dlV<!'IC .i.,.. poiall Of f!o/"'1f1«1 OblrMIC1'1 and OJ>Ok4"""' on loptc1 of "" cfar. Robert N. Weed, PubliJher f cherished beliefs and lovable neur0Li.c1 with equal unmercy for all. . ' The physical and spiritual !laughter r~gee on from the Nu-Pike aniusement mall to Belmont Shore beer ban. The route ,is posted by some devastating turns of phrase, outrageously good poetic puns and casualties ci international plot and counterplot, among them Slanhope's owri-mother, Maud, and his garroted dachshund, Caryl Chesaman. "IA>NG l!iEACH IS a kind of slrl~ mining Ol the soul," says Slanhope dismally, of the 32nd largest city in America, chosen because Leonard grew up there and because it is characteristic of the whole country. "I am mUJCle. bound with the calisthenics of despair," adds the alienated poet he created. Nol only the Establishment, but such crlUcs IS Radio Free Long Beach, a pirate station on a fuel barge, rumored once to have sailed up thE. San Gabriel Rivtt to broadcast scatological iMults at Or~County, suffer too. Survi '""" by lllrcotlcs lg<J>ts on wat the .station which covers Kiwanis Club luncheons-4ive-to hold a mtrror up to bana1 America'• f1ce, 11 silenced by being made a loUrlst auroo- tion. Stsnhope hims<!! becomt1 tbt final aacrlllce lo 1 sodetJ he ... u 14 .._ ~ the manuscript of 1111 true memoirs of life· in Long__ lffach -aucb u it wos-ls accepted for publlclUon: u 1 comic book. - ueur LONG BEACH-" b e B 1 n 1 " Slanhope, trying to explain the awfulness • of 1he city. '1Anl Beach," sneers Gongor, the pub- llsber's representative, "I have seen the world aOd il Is Long Beach." And thus tn a moment o! !'eVtlaUon, Stahhope sees the character of his past Ille and understands the future wiJJ be as ll'Ot.esQU,e as the presenl The fit:tionaliud · Stanhope who tries so earnestly ·and colorfuUy to sh'ake the . cUnY laundry of a comtricted and apol~ getlc existence under our noses might lau<h him>elf al ihe final lnsutt. No less a purveyor ol. conteft\POl'ary culturt than LIFE Magazine choae to rather favorably review Stanhope's story, as t o I d through John Leonard; a n d misspelled the young poet'1 last name. -o\rlliao41. Vlasel • Dear Gloomy .Gos: Somet.Jme in lbe future a return flighl from Mars wtll be requir- ed to assume 1 boldln( pou.n due lo opocoporl C1ll1(eSUoa. 1n other wordl Ibey wtll have 14 p lround lhO -Id a f ... --H. B. McD., Jr. ~ ......................... .. .... ...,.,, ..... ff .. SI:• SW./ .... ........... -.-... DallrNIL (j Join League ! For ~iddl'ing No Magic • Ill Decency Communicating I have been slltlnc bere,c:onleJl1Plaling Misl Barbara Eden'• navel and it'• 1n o¢rqe. Miu F.clen'1 navel -along with much ol the rest of her -ii reveal4!d for tbe . tint time in the anent issue Qf Elqulre. ' ' For lout yeors, Mils Eden, ~I . 1 blrem1 coatume, bu been seen on the NBC television aeries, "I' Dreim . of Junnie." And ior lour :fears, lays Elqulre, NBC has IUCCeU!ully cenaond oot lllJ lhot e>p4<lng Mill Edon'• naV.L What. · --any rlghl-lhlnklng cilllen, al """""· II lhal Esquir< 1'0llld ponder lo the lowd and laacivi<lus tastes ol the Dltlon'1 legton of navel lovers. TRUE, 'J'BERB may be a few jaded voyeiin wltb. IDul! so dead ... to not be eroUcllly orouaed by lhO •sight of a naked female navel I even know ()( a man who can bring off a convlnctng shrug while saying, "Seen one navel. seen 'em all." But wbat al the vast maJori!Y of American men (who are suually e'I· cited) and. women (who are deeply of. fended)! Who will protect them from nude navell? The> bi& word now Is "communication." Jf everyone, ·we are told, ·would orily get together and "communicate" with others, we would feel closer, our disputes would not be so rancorous, and maybe even some amicable solutions could be f<!OJld fat our d.J,sa~ment!:. Well, I am not lhlt hopeful Having , been Wti,i.t is noWadays Called .a pro- feSsionil "communicator" for a quarter- century, '1 don't believe there .is any m'8lc In rolllmunlcalfug -al best, It stinply lets ·y~· know what you are ~about., . INCREASED CONTACI', on the verbal 'level at 1ea!t, ·does-nOr necessarily t>i'ing a~ agreement or understahding ; it only worb this .way among ~sons or groups who already have a friendly feeling toward one· another ai'ld who are not aharply divided on basic piterests and y"1ues. · Whatever scanty sociological data we have available tends to bear out the Impression that clo!er c.ontact between hostile group! only incre,ases th e mistrust, kindles the anger, and escalates the enmity. '.'Peace talks," for instance, almost never succeed eicept when the contending partiel have already come to them seeking peace as their im- mediate goal. THE CURRENT can& about the need for "communicating'' is part of the semantic folklore of our timf. While I am Certainly appreciative of the value cf general semantics in helping us think more clearly and express OUl'selves more accurat~y. I do not hold with the loose extension that "most differences are really verba)_." There are, of course, verbal confusions and ambiguitie,, that prevent adversaries from joining the issue. But this is not to say there .is no issue to be joined, or that ming words in the right way would redy,ce or .heal the breach. This extreme fonn of nominalism is as futile and uru:eallstic as the opposite viewpoint of resolving conflicts by power. WORDS DEAL only with the in- tellectual level of our bei'Jig. But it is ln tbe affect -in the will -that • we are most motiva:ted in basic areas. It is not what we know or don't know that makes Us act as we do -it is whar we want aOO do not want. With most of us, the appetite directs the will, and the will informs (or deforms) the Intellect. The stomach, as Diogenes said, has no brain. What must be communicated are good feelings, not statements of position, if the communication is to have any force for change. When bad feelings com- municate from group to group, or person to person, they make thing worse, not better. The work! needs more lovers; then it could do with fewer com- municators. One can only hazard at the amount of moral fiber llready tapped by Es- quire'• hard.core photograph al Mis> Eden'• navel. TJl.ERE'S THE busy ext!CUU ve, leafing through the magaztnet.. He pauses. He &tares. He teen. He admires the dlmpled !oftnese:, tbe full, bee-stung Ups, .the· !hadowy myatery of Miu ~·s navel. Hb hands tremble. Hb eya glue. Will> a roar of anguish, be leapt: on bis frightened secr<tary, ripping the butloos from her blou!e. Tbe bottcm. thret but· tons. a1 ·c:ourse: And after thali wili, all one can say is., "D9t. dot, dot.n Headstart Needs Help Or Imagine, I( you . dore, lhll tind of pornography· lalllnc ln14 lht· bands Qf cut youth. "What's that1" your son wHI aak perhops lnnocenUy. Pvbaps not. And how can you explaip without gelling lnl4 ouch forbidden 1Ubject& as where bable1 come from? WORSE, IF WE allow such unbridled smut t6 be purveyed on our newlltandl, the decldence will lnevitsbl,y spmd. To the Editor.: Gueu who cerne to dinner?; They were Negro, Mexkan -A m ·e t re a n, and Caucasian. They were Santa Ana poverty area people. They wert pattnls and board member• or the Council for Better Education Headltarl program. After · c11nner, thfy told those or us at St. Mart Presbyterian Chui<!> ahoul the difficulties in teachln& language skills to 30 underpivileged children. These four-year-olds are often inadequately dreaed, underfed, and without proper healtb care. TM parents added .details of Headstart'1 flnancia1 bandiCaps : only $200 1 year for clauroom materials (books, puzzles, paints, paper), $50 a year has to cover paper toweb, bathroom ~ and Door wu:. There is no money at all for parent education, ooe or the blggesi requesta in ihe poverty ¥"'· We wW be faced with sleazy •1m1c1- dlelesa Jolnta." caterliig to drunbn con-, venllOMm and feolurln& middle!.,. U.. A LADY IN the audience sloOO and ttn, mkldltlell wa.itrt~ and mJd. , tnttrrupted the Headstart repmentaUve: dleles& all-tllrl hand!. Umb!Da, '!be "Someone lhould l>eor 1hout this Tbl• Novel F1vorltel" It .U.,.... the mind.' 11 btulnl and 11 -cln't hapPen in So watt up. America, before It'• too the UDited st.ta of Americi.!" latel Join the Leogu< for Middling A Head@art mother repHed, "It llece1cy lod11. ahooldn'I. but II do.• Sbe went on to "Let lhO ellmnlsla ....,., obout lhe explain lhal pteu for help stem from top and bollom," 111 we al tbe w,.., lhe lederal government's demlnd lhlt ''we'll cover the middle IJ'1M.DIC1. ot tbrlr fund! be matched "ln kind" bJ tbt loCal community. If tbe loCal area IN A JOINT I!P'FORT with NBO, we'll ever provided eJ101111b molerlal 111pp11.., wort 14 stem tbe Oood al --· the procram'1 requ6I for pvemnltnl pomoar1phy. Yoo can halp. !undo would no longer be ~· Sew o..trtnp (I quorter-l'ie<t This Is tho Oooncll for Better Educollon s al clotb !or <>0verin( bltlnl-clad ledloL • b!c "'11" pal. al tbe belch). rm 1n the -"' your d..pten t<"wple doll& Burn -• al Elquln. • And nmr l<got lht olln1ng words al tbe Loque'( spiritual adviser. "If the Good •Lord Nil wonted ,. to ro around barH11•eled," aaya UM Rev. Grondview Grorame~ .. ,.. wouldn, ha .. been born with dolbt1 on." • THEN IT DAWNED 011 me. This lo not welfaro, not beu!nr. This ls poUllcal, economic, and inclfvldUal conoecyaUm In lbl ra• fllrm. Wl\y -.1 k work! la lt because many cl ua are not aware that we hlvt MU' O'VD povuij' atta Just II or JO minutes 1w1y! Or Is k juat not knowl!ll wbat to do! Tho Council for Betttt l'.ducaUon ga\.'f! U1 lAtft ... trOl'l'I ~ .,.. --· Nomlally Wl'tlt ... lhtullt fl:lftvW ltlelr _.,. Ir. D ~I W leu. 1'"' rllflt llo ceme-~rs IO tit ~ or 1llrnl- N1'9 libel It .....-ved. Art ltrttrs rnu1t Include al!IM1urt-.,., malllllt ..sc:irus. but ,,_ '"'' bl trltllheld on ~ If lllffklttlt •-11 -t. some ideas : Santa Ana poor people want to learn job skills. They need typewriters and other business machines for a lyPing class and sewing machines and yardage for a sewing class. There Is always a need for clothing and toys and blCycles and books. And one more toilet would allow them to enroll 15 more children. (Santa Ana hu XlO four-year-olds eligible for HeadSl.i.rt because tbelr families are1 poverty-stricken -only 60 ehildrcn are1 being itven a "Headst&rt".) Someone should hear about ULI.$. Don't you agroe! MRS, ED RANSFORD Htad:ftor& mtlV bt rtaehed through Hein Shipp, ttcreta'll, 1103 Third Sl, Son14 Ano -phoM 835·1109. -Editor r---8t1 6N1'9e ---0 Dear Geqe: I fmdJ lhlnk about wrong tblllp wbtn l'ln walchlng girls In bikinis. What can 1 do abolil lheae tbodghla! Deir D. D.: D. D. ·You 'll simply bave lo pul lhem out-Or)'Ol:ir m!OO and cor>eenlrate on the glrlo In tbe bikinis. (Send your problems to Geora~. Ille nailon'1 oru, •-ww In llilything.) ~- ' . " • Nameless -GI;--w~~zz Pay? '.(-,, Mw 10, 1969 tAfl.Y 111#1 1 A lllafO.. ·N11tioteal Preltretn ' . . -~ New Debate His Last Dr,~nk ~ruck$ ~re .Hijacked-;-Too May iDeci~·;:, By JAMl!S E. WQ'!YolORl!i • . ' •• Senator . \ W~ljlN\lTON c fbe FB~ II\"·~ • . 8f'! 1oc~ !!!il1<i ... "'Pl'~ wllh • \ • ~ehiarll)llly alplater )lljacking Woblem !hat, . w le getUng few ~. ls lmmwe(y gr • .•J F r and more cootly . tb411 tb e' ''<c.-..:.....;L...;...;.....:;;..ii:.:;~ . pµh~C(zid.plr.•!bli of airl!o,1a tQ P!ifiii: WASHINGTON -I •l>Onl 18 months 1n Vietnam observing the hardahips en- dured and heroism displayed by Ameri~ can soldiers lhere and rho&t of tbent march acrw my memory as admlted and respected b~t still for the most part faceless ranks of jungle green fatigues. ~ Dlltrlet ,. '. ··-.: With the Unlv,enity of Calllornia budget ~what_~~ r~~ta mad~ by .:.. • ' < • • • <. the regents, a (JN:eachlng plan for finlm. 'This ls the ·~'ti.ljacijng and pillaging clnctly and •cone~)~ it de~ such Q[ trucks, trailers and other-motot e.sse.D.Ual information u ''Pr.venil•• vehicles that is ·now nmolog lnto hun-Me.a.sure,/' 11Wbat To Do tf a Theft would ~ ~ve bl,,i •I drink 1Jf.; ctng bl~ education has been tn. water:· ... · ,.~ 1• ~,troduced an~ wnt be beaded fot debate dredl otmilllobs: of dollars· annuaUy. occurs " "How To Reach the FBI " MarUn Blau, vice prw~t of Babaco ·~~Uoh sod Pena!Uea." ' But there bone-I shaD alw~ remem- ber even though 1 never 'knew bis name. This yoong man is etched indelibly in my memory because I gave him bis last drink of water. JI "medic on IWld .. meet Tommy COili·,.;" in the legislature. . . . from Rlcbmoncl/,V~., ~·, f,t me ov~;·: The p1aii, iS based on the we~ the top . ol this bqy's;_ inqulr!ng!f, • that maliy of ,tho!;e attending. st.to c!W· I had two canteeqs, full water and J,eges a n d universities should ·p a,y 4 would gladly bava-P,ven lhe youth a .~ofthecostolthetreducaUnn."· · drink at any timf ~ w~ aw~ of ... ;,The idea is· certa.i.nly not,.a .~w ~· Ult rule that you dOni give a man '~ subject was one of the in1olc. mat· Alarm.System Co., estimates that losses from 1suCji ~rts last ,year' wei;e nearly . d~u_bleJhoae .oj lhe prev~)leac .­ arOwiii $600 million as compared to '$367 · million tn 11167. ~ • , He wu a Ugbt-halred, nice looting guy, a private or a specialist four, sort of the Jack Ann.strong All-AmeriCan boy type. From the waist up, Below that he was a mass of blood and' torn f1esh because he bad absorbed. a burst of heavy machine-gun bullets tn the · stomach and legs. . shot ir\' the stomach water, or anything \,)ip on . which Governors.Reagan ' cam- . else, to drigl. ,. ~~~ed Jn 1916.' And he was attacked HO'llJever, Tommy nod.lied.~ then 'llltOugbout the' state for his ~.Jeav. I, ·and the other men crouching m that i1.qg the problem sUU unsolved. • .•· trench, knew that. thiS man was going •· .f' · · · to die. ~:'!!IB:~EAKER of the As!ombly.h" ·i INUlOml a measure which calls for an • 1 PULLED A khaki, '}>Wile canteen · f?iji\ st~t f.., on a ~uatod fr.om its canvas P9'1cli; miitre'wed the '. ' • ~er U:US· ,students .wouki ' P8:Y_ THE YOUNG American lay 'In. a wet,· top and placed .it lit' 'the young man's• -::10J:I _ . edUC4tion m proportion to thelt muddy, sandy trench tJtat he and his · )lapd and . helped him raiJe-it to hl1 ·~ ~~1 tr.come. Fees '!°ul~ begih at comrades in A Co., Secoild Battalion lips • .lle ~dtank. Ju.st.a couple of Swallows. · .... ~·those whose family mcomes are of the 7th Cavalry, had 'just torn from TbeD be cbo'ked and the:cantetn 1Upped Ju'.St,."ver '10,000 ~d wou~ ·IJlcrease the hands of 1li very tough North Viet-from his band and roll4d ~own the .to $'1~ for ~ with family ~mes namese regiment. side of the trench. The waler: gurgled exceeding $45~000 ye~ly. . . My young £riend whom t found myself out and soaked into the already We~ Students with family mco~s ~der lying ne1t to was one or ·those who sand o1 the trench and the yoW)g man $10,000 would l not be affected by the paid the price for the trench. Up to died. . 1 tee scale,. nor ""Would ~ar veler8J:ll, and that time in Vietnam I bad seen nµ.ny, But many others, on both sides, died· those farrulies suppo~g more_~ap Ofle many men killed and wounded but I that day and the next in a tiny central ~udent. would be g:iven spec1:3.1· con· had never seen one who was so badly Vietnamese village called Au Thi. s1d~ration. 'Ibey would :pay orily the This looming crime Js naUonWide. But It is particularly r.a n) pit n t in the nortbeasttrn st.it.es due . ta tbe great concentration of populaUpn 8nd 1industry and \he ~tensive shiplJlellt of mercba. diie' by, truclt. In recent qw>ntbs, bi- jac,k;in' in~· area has 1 lnc~.~ ;ihaiply that P.l'fvious est:inialesrof losses no longer hold .,Uter. l!Ei\BEl!T PENSIG, I m p • r li a I chairnlin ·Of the 'New York garmerli center truckiil-' Ind Us fry, Puts Stieb '1~es as now more than $150 million a year. -1n New York City this menacing•sltua· tion r, e a c bed such a c.ritlc.al stage re- cently that tile truckers threatened to · paralyze_ the mul.ti-million .dollar' gannent industry by halting all shipments in a~d ~t of the hea.vily cOngested district. Tfiat brought qulck ac.t1on frqJJ\ police authorities, they announced1 the section WouJd bi 1'sat\lr"ated " with Uniformed patrohnen and detecUveS". · wounded yet had lived so long. equivalent of Mt'. gradua~ fee, no mat- As a heavy rain poured down a,nd ONE OF ~M was the young North ter bow many children are m scbool. t~ North Vietnamese raked the area Vietnamese who kllled my friend. A THE SPEAJ(ER pointed out that one with machlne-~n bullets the young man swirling charge &f cavalrymen ~an hnmedtate Advantage .. Of the titan over ~~uld re.mark 111 .a matter ,of f~ct tone: the machine·gun position. The crew, other suggested tuiUon. proposals is that I m gomg to die. I don t mmd that fighting to the last, died in the blast it adds no burden to the beleaguered so much but I sure would like to see of hand grenades and the sharp spitting families with'iilOomes just under. $10.00I The FBI, in the forefront of the fight against 'this mounting wave or pitacy, ..hat distributed thousands of copies of a booklet titled "Combating Thefts From Shipment.! to truckers and ship~. Sue- my folks again first." . ol Mlfrif!es. ' . Students in tbes€lamilies are cOnsid~ . There was never an~ fea.r or paruc, I liave a photograph of that machine too wealthy to qualify for financial aid 1ust a sort of sad ~esignaUon ~o fa~. gun at home and occasionally I look but t.h~ir fl!-rn)ly i.P~Ines are not l'ellll~ . H.e never acted as if he were 111 pam al it and all the memories of those sulficieut to . sypport. a child 's college either. two days at Au Thi come flooding back. educaU9n. · , I don't need a photograph to remember There would be no "means test" under FINAU.Y, however, the boy groaned and said he was terribly t.hirstj and thal young man. I'll never forget him. the proposal, and ,students would not SOmeUm.ell wish I.could. be forced to show inCome tax 1 rece.I~ or other proof that his family income With Age a Lady Gains is what he says it is. He would just sign a financial statement which would later be spot checked to insure accuracy. . . . ' THE MEASURE applies only . to California residents, u ouklf-state and By L. M. BOYD HOW MUCH a lady should weigh does not depend alone on her height. Hrr age matters, too: That 's litt1e understood, unfortunately. It's frequently stated a woman who is ~feet-4-incbes tall should weigh 121 pounds. But that's oolY what· a girl Sbou1d weigh in her early' twenties. In her thirties, she ought to weigh 132. In her forties, 140. In her fifties; 144. And in her sixties, 149. So when a lady complains of overweight, console her by saying, "My dear, your .weight is not out of proportion., considering your age," or some™'!8 like that. NOW NOTE there's a tough pro- . fessional football player wh~ true name is Smear. Excellent • • • SAID NORA, SPEAKING of her husband James Joyce, who wrote "Ulysses" and whatnot: "I suppose he's a genius, but the man has a dirty mind." . • • ODD THING about pigeons -their feathers Weigh more than their bones. ' CUSTOl\IER SERVICE' Q. "W~ t played roulette, I always bet ~ red. What's the longest run of red ever to tum up in a Nevada game?" A. Can't say about Nevada, but a wheel at the Monte Carlo Casino in January, 1910 ran red for rr consecutive spins, Believe that's the record. .,WHAT'S YOUR politlC'J, boy - Republican or Democrat?" A. Admit to no such, sir. Admit to opinions only. Jn the words of old Artemus Ward, "I have no politics, nary a one." ' . .. foreign student.! already pay a substan- ~ ... l tial tuition, as they $o\!ld.-ll the studeot '. ls supportedby'!ii<P.,eni., lhel?incoi\ie •1 is used fo deter'mini the 'gradaate(f fee~· if the student is &elf-supporting, hll':tn-: co~ i1 lhe !Iasis. • . ~e 'Uie:f.~ u· solefy .~ revepu~:r~ · CAN YOU NAME that article which Ing dev1l!e, ·it bas what t}»ie r auttij:Jr , a convict:s lady friend '&! inost apt to believee-i! an added betlefil'of incretsbtg · try to &moggie to him · In prisein!'-A educaUonaJ opportuniUes for the dlsJl(j:..· i hacksaw blade? No. A ateeJ. file? No. v~ged.· 'J'.he.-~~. derlvecl.:·hm What wardens watch for closest i, that .th~./~ .. e~ .~ be '35. to 1'37 . . ~ millionJ would tie ~anttarked for"'such agreeab~ gU"l with a'. pair of scissors · useS '•aS ·construction and facility ~­ In her purse ••• A SCIENTIST make:. pansiol'I. · . ' '' ... " the pec"uliar cl>lm · t'tiat uM. ·blood of · The·Speaker points out that New York men w)lo live in Idaho Montaila Wyom· and.MJclligan ha~ adopted plans~· · · Col ' ' to his, and .he ~proposed jt in response 1ng and orado Is redder than . the -to ; tipiVe~tf. _ off!~ "Md :QI.a 'n y blood of most men et• e where. tegialators tor 'altimatlye metb<>M ·'of' Fascinating, if factual. Has to do with finan&g higher :tt1ucatioti. \ effect of altitude oo red corpuscles, he IN EFFEcr, .. the "j,r~posed measure says. is a compromise betw.f'fl straight tuiUo.11 , , YOU'VE BEARD OF Captain C'ook, fee · for every~; regarijlfss of 1.ocoine., the navigator. He walked up to an and .a system of .high~ educaUQI} pro. Australian aborigine, pointed to a funny· vided b,.Y the. tupi.yers, for all ,persons looking animal hopping· around the .alike. Iandsc.ape, and asked "What Is it~" The Howev'er ~ one capitol observei ~ints aborigine replied, "l don't know." Not out that the plan drcumventi ,lhe in English, of course. He spol.e In hi& philosophy that in a. democ7ac;Y,· .D o'\fn tongue. Jn aborigine; "l don't know"· persons are ~ · CJD:dU the la~;: ~. ls prooounced, "kang-a-roo .. " sa;'W the'Jtlan ~ be iq conflict"WilA Your questions and comments are welcomed and will be wed wherever possible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Bo1'<f, in care , of the DAILY·. PiiOT,. Bo< f 875, Nfwport Beach, Calif. 9266!. 1 1 provisiOns of J~:~)e. Copstilutiari 'lihlc;ii provld" that no !ndiVldual shall' recejve advantages or benefits which ate· not available to an Individuals. • r:-.: Thtt measure will Certainly &e· bP.en · 1 to cori'sldetable aeba:te f>otli in corirlnltiee · and in the house when it is scttei:lufed · , for hearing. ' ' . • ' Buying a Hat Is The~apy .. · ~ .. At a local party recently the. guest of honor was Mr. J ohn, the distlnguished maker and seller of ladies' hat.s. I was favored to be among those present. Following dinner we went for a drink to the home of friends. The lady ot the house was an old customer of Mr. John, who was VERY big in fashion circles a couple of decades ago .. He is quite as big sWJ, in a quieter, more dignified way. The hatter turned oul to be 8n amusing man , and quite mad enough for a hatter. He I o o k 1 like a dissipated Botticelli cherub, with his long hair. He is saucy, extremely well-informed, and has views on everyUftng. He would make a dandy columnist. When things had wanned up, t asked him the crucial question: "Just what is It like, selling a woman a hat'" I could have added selling a woman a hit, whose husband earns in e1ces1 of $40,000 a year; but we both undentood that. HIS ANSWER WAS t model ol precision and candor: • "The client comes In lool:lng a bk turt.ive, as if she wu visiting JOme ktnd or back-street klver. She ls visibly un- comfortablt. ) she wouldn't tell her pastor, and perhaps wouldn't tell an analyst. "Several have confided in me lhat they didn't have the courage to come right out and be Lesbians." I ASKED HIM, "What do you dt ·. · He said, "Dear boy, I listen." I asked further, "And then." He a aid, "l sell a hat, or two, or more." "Ab ba,''. said I, "then the whole damned Wng II therapy." The hatter nodded happUy. And, of cootse, the more you think ol. it, tbe more it Is ao. Buying hats, and other items of attire, art a woman's way of proving that she 11 wartby: but .il ....,. a nt<ded part of the process for her to prove that she ls unwortby, and pul upon, and _.Uy visited with affiicUoo, before abe can part with several bundred buck.I rl. the old bo7'1 well..f.atned. wo~ W.ho wears it i! unfuh!onablet in addiUon to' being badly put upon: 1 • No doubt' Mt. Jobn exigguated Uie case, ·u · I am doing now. Yet t am ' certain• 11e •. ls closo to the kernel· of truth.· . • ' . There are doubtless women, both rich and .not so,, who are interested in the hlgh, couture as auch, and can talk. 'r knowledgeab?: ab6ut -Mr1 ·Worth of. ~)coo ·' torian times, and know just what Chanel does best, and Ute deeply 11ecret detaili ' or the personal We at senor Balenciaga. . ,. ,, . ~ BUT MOST fashlona~le ladies ~ hav,< known . are that beoalJ48• tbey have _the time . and , .mo~y, CO ·be • inlecure. ·and unhappy. 1'eY (ina ,that blging 11 new drw or I great ha\, II I · g!Qr~1· e if l.e.!n1¥>J'aey, nosti:um tor their amau lleW'OfiS. . , , p ' • ,. -· . ·'Women's ·5dndal closeouts I ' Being ftShiooable is a more refined 1 and pollte way of caring for a mUd case of the w~-whams,, , or even Jhe } plaltt wbhns, thin going tq one of Uue 2.22~ .. naaty U!lle chaps who . wanl to ·lmotr .. ,...,,..,~_....,_,.,lb when ant '°" webt oil 'the breast,' ,..., ..... ,. -..... ..... .. and fint 7® went Ollto the~· , oil )'OU"~ 5ooks. TheM: an · Chasin& Ille godd ... ol Whioll keeps botlw -prlood to ,.R a llOOCI. many worthy women off tllO_ "'"""'-. "'Y..,... streeta. And, !or all men !mow, tbost • ..., ~ _,.., .,jon. bilta. "from 'Qhnain ·may be cheaper ,Womtt1'• brotl'• tlm in lhan "I08l<'olhen !11'y mlaht ,J•I. "'" "*""1r prlood ,.....,. . ~ StylH elmfh"' .. IN A BlU,EF foreword, FBI Dtttctor 'J. Edgar Hoqver stresses the alarming · gravity of this 'far-flung prOblem, as follows : 'jGorribailng thefts from interstate shipme.ab baa reached tremendous pro. portJons. It ls an unfortunate fad that goods in tr8l)!lt are among the prime targets of offenders with all degrees of criminal skill ~experience. Despite the effofts of ihe FBI and other law enforcement agencies, the criminal . onslaught agalrist trans.it goods con· tinues." Graphlcally illU.stratl~e of the nature 3nd eztent of this ' increasingly widespread stealing. and pillaging are · the following ·ex'!-mples front FBI records : . . -$500,000 in dimes and $65,000, Jn quarters from a tf4cking finn engaged in transporting coins. • -$500,000 ln diamonds from another trucker. -A truckload of 400 women's dresses, which within hours after being hijacked were offered to ariother manufacturer at a fraction of their · value. He notified 'the trucking concern and the .folers were nabbed. -THREE BAGS OF registered mail taken from a mailman In an isolated •• • aru near Wuhlqten; Tbe bap l"'"t lalned mail wllh cub and checb. Alltt a year·long .lnvatlption, tbe FBI IJ"o r<lted 24 !ndividuall, mwhlng -ol the !argeat ¥,hijacking rings ln r-•I New York-New Jersey bf.!tory. RObberles Involved inclt"1ed a trad« trailer car- ryina UllO 33-pound.-ot butter valued at more Ulan $25;,000; a 'ahlpmtnt of men's attire and clocU Worth around $20,000: 121,1)(\0 of unproc!eJled bacon a n d 112,000 of pork producls; ll0,000 of usorted cloUUns: for a leadir'!g depart· ment store; truckload of Cbriltmas ornaments; 900 boxes of bananas; 41,000 pound> of corn oil and sbodenlnc· . TllEill OwN FAULT -Aoo>tding to the' FBI, it is not uncommon fOt' • true.ks to be stolen due to Nnlc carelessness of the drivers. Says the • world..famed agency blunUy : · "Some Of the greatest losses have ·resulted simply because driVers handling valuable cargo left their trucks unat • tended and, in many cues, with the keys In the ignition." ' To cope with the rising trend of hi· jacking, the FBI forcefully advises the tramport.ation indu1try to "analyie i t s o w n operalions to ensure proced~ that include sis: minimum safegu8fds.'~ These an! listed U complete and closely supeMsed record systems; adequate security of warehouse, tennlnal 'and dock. night-time I i g h t i n g and enclosures, patrols and alarm systeJ118; careful selection and indoctrination of emp~es;t cautious select.fun of trucking routes ravoring those adequately patroUed; and discreet handling of ah.ipment schedules on a 'need to know' basis llDOlll employes .. By Robert S. A!lea - and Job A. Goldsmllb .. •• • ... ' " •I : . ,, I ' "'She may lltarl out by telling yoo lhat her nose II too long, or that the hu an emoUonal problem about being an lrisJ:i.Cathollc on Park Avenue. She mlfy tell you absolutely hairy stories abOut her husband'• aezual aberratlonti real or I~ or that when ahe waa a child at Newport she never could screW' up enough courage to go to parties 11hc was invited to. She tells you things FOB ALL TBIS, the fuhlon lndultry ls irateful It lmowl that fuhlon II by dellnlUon trlll&ien~ . wher<u the . tllmcots of women are prelty much a.lwayL the same, and preUy much always worse wUh lhe pus.age of lime. F.ulllON, lJKE &Orne oUfer atll~ lllu.t""M"' aclooJ Industries, tends 1o .,,-...,um1te I ,...!::~======~~~~[!~~======:;::====::;:::::;;::::::~Jl lis ·fraudulence • .-B•Y4•--hal ·-·,I, from Mr. Jobn, .please~ -may be. .a ~ lhl"i,lor aocltty Ill around, llwl 1ltting on ttveral worthy hospital boatd1, er al!evloUng the spread'<ll povertr by . I wtien a Uling ls lllllllonable. ii ls absolutely ctrtaln that In a b!Jof period of Ume ii wlll be unfuhlonable. And when It become•~ tmfuhionable, Ule glvinc black·Lle IUppe~ • • .COST.A MESA ·, ' (Harbor Shopping Center) HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH ' (Huntington C.nter) • {Fashion hllind) • I I I ·' J I l l • . < a DAil V l'ILOT ; . . ~ ' I 1 • .. ' ) , ' • For.The -T Record Meeting• c-~"' TMilm....,t. cet1I RIJ!lf lllnleW'lfll, :MU HlrW 8Mil .. Cot!• Mnoi. 1 •·""· ~..,... SCOo.lh. ••bcod: r~ic.. ElCl'lorWI' P111! Ho, 1N, ~ Ei.ctrmks, UOl Hfll'W t!Yd.. C-'• Mne, 1:U ,,m. o.MolloY, Hunl111t'°" 11.HCh ()lejlfW, Muolllc Ttm11i.. 7M L1kt Aw.,. Huntlnl.ten a..tfl, l ::lt t .l'I\. Fount1111 v11iw JUl'ltor C'*""r of Comfl'lefft.. ..,,_r1I m~lil, City H1ll, 1020I Sl1llfr A~., Foul'lfllll V1llrf, 7:• •.fft. • °''"'" Cont Col11 Club, #dlrlnt~ lttw1rr, 2005 Dowtf Drlvt, H.-t ••Kfl. 7:» '·"'· COii• Mftll H1rmonv l.odff No. 2'. '""(!~ Coll9 MeM •• '·'"· ,t,w nu., Hu11tltllloll 8etdl, • p.m. Amt'~n $dllmPl!Nn1' FouNSallOll, Or111t1t CounlY ~i.r, Unlltd Fulld au11c11,., 11(12 Sl1nlonl ""·• 0•,,,.., Gro ..... TUllOAY Colli Mna Clf't' EITllJ..,.,_,, Colo!lltl Klfthln, Jll W, ltlfl 31~ CHll Meu. 1 1.m. Coron• Ml IMr E11t:Nono1 Ckll:I. J.,..t•1 Rett1ur1nt, tl21 E, Co.It Hlttiw.v, Coton& del Mir. 11 MOii. Catt ~ Exdllnge Cfl.lb, COrtl "-'• 2645 Htrbol' Blvd •• COlll MtM, lfll(IOll. Hunllntloll ludl Norlfl Lio.. Clo.lb. Mffdowt11't1 Country C111b, U71l Gr1Pi.m, HUl'ltll'llrton llft>dl, 12 llOOll. Co.ht Mes.a Roltrv Club-HCM1tl, CCllll Mft& Golf 1nd Counlrv Chlb. 1101 Golf COUl'lll Drive, COJtl Meul, 1t:IO p.rn. Corona cltl Mir Klw1nl• Club. Vltll S-.d•,n 1536 E. Cont Hl1llw1y, t COl'Ol\I cit! Mir, 12 ;10 P.m. ..i H11ntlN!01> ltncll Aot1ry Cl~Nartll, '' Four Winds AKt-lnl, 16421 llolu \r-Chluo, Hunlffllllon lleacll, U:lJ p.m. r t1"""'1 Stlc:llff Cou11try Ck.lb, :lOCIG P1lm A~e .. Hunllntllllrl e..11c11, 12:15 • •.m. . 4 NIWPOl't H1rbor Qlflmlll Club, \'1111 MtrJ111, llM! fll)'lkkt Orlv., H~ le1c1t, U:lS "·"'· COlll Miu Klw1nlt Club, COili .......,. Golf 111<1 Counrry Cklb, Coal• """'· 1:21J p.m. DBATB 1WOTICBS NASR Mlf'Wl"t D. Miah. Iii CMIM St., Cl)lt•" MIN. Diits d cltlltl, M1rdl L S"'"""" by ti\!Sbtnd, N-'Ofl O. "-"r cllUOMfl", Mrs. M11111m Morn1 •nd -1111~1191!ftr. Prlvllte 1lll"'lkn •I 1111h' MOrfwlry, 170 $1111trlor, Cos- '' Mllf-I· GOOLEY J111S !'. c.i..,. C.h d dffffl, Mlrdl 1. $11rV1ved by """" tl1!9n, Mn. II:. II. AnderMn, Ind Etfll.er A. Goolev. Slln O!eoo1 two '*"'""'' Wlnll"' Afldar-,,on, $1nt1 Ane Ne19hls, 1rod J1mK Anclef'IOn, $1111 ' 0119o. Row,.., •nd Miii -· COllduclftf Sund1'1' •nd Mondlv 11 $!. JOhn the fl101l1t Ctfh. ollc Church. '"""'"'"!· Good SMP-hef'd Cfft'llt&IY. 111111 Mor1U11'V, 170 SllP«IOI', CCIII• MfSI. Oll'ICIOl'I. ROUSE lleYe!"l'I' J. RouM.. 15'0 "11c1nt11. Ne'#P«f 8-ch. 5urv1Yed bY wlfl, Mn. J•llt Rl.IO.IMI Safi, P111h lWll 1l1!1n, Mn. 0.011111 ci.v.r, Fulll9r'llln, 1nd Mn. lrtne Gifford, I-Pirkl ffll'M 1r1nddllk1,_,,. G111""'10t 11 r V I c I 1, T und1y, 1 poM, ~ Vllt1 Ct~. 01"'°"' by lell llroedwolv Morf\11/Y, 110 flf'Olid'Qy, '°"' Mesi. VOGEI111NGER ~ G, VOOl!llneer. "'' llhlth pJl<e, CClfl• IMM. Sunil\1111 lw w!M', M"1tlll dlt\lttltfr, Mn. Ool'OlllV P11M, Fwnt11!1 V1/IWI bf'altMr, H. E, \'11111~ JI_., 11W tlll9r, INS. M~ hk1r· nev. tlaltl d llltnoll1 ind 1'1119 ,,_!'& IOt"lf. StoNktt, T11Und1y, 11 """' HoJ. \VWOC)d C«MIHY Oi1pel, Entombmlnl, Holl,,-od ,IMlllO!e\lm. OlrlCtM bY flell ......... Md'lvl!Y· 110 •!'MC> _y, C•ll ~. BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona ... Mar OR U4lt Colla Me,. Ml S.!IU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY llO Broadway, Costa Meaa u a.3433 Dll.DAY BROTllEllS I Enrollinent AtUCI On Increase W'l!lter quarter registration figures show UC Irvine is cl~ ing in on UC Riverside ai1· the fifth largest Univenity of California campus b e h i n d UCLA, Berkeley, Sant a Barbara and Davis. UCI has enrolled 3,971 sb.ldents for the w i n t e r quarter to UC Riverside's 4,410. A year ago the figures were UCl -3,330 and Riverside -3,965. Irvine already has more graduate students , t h a n Riverside -1,153 to 1,114. There are 2,818 currenUy enrolled UCI undergraduates. · UCI has a larger enrollment than two · other UC campuses -San Diego and Santa Cruz -which opened the same year in 1965. UC San Diego has 3,732 students and UC Santa Cruz has 2,500. 'Black Scare' Talk Slated "The First White Backlash'• will be the topic of a lecture Wednesday afternoon at UC Irvine by Forrest G. Wood. Wood, assistant profeuor-ot history at Fresno S t at e College will speak on the "black scare" of 1862-1872: and the racist response to eman- cipation and reconstruction. His lalk, sponsored by. the UCI bi!tory department, will be at '4 p.m. in Science Lee· ture llall .. Admission will be free. Buu.ito• Valley • ' Mortuary -r ti 17111 Beach Blvd. Bullnstoa Beach IC-'1'171 PACIFIC~ &IEMOIUAL PAJll: Cemetery e Mortury Chapel Jstt Pactflc View Drive Newport Beacb, Calllornla 144-nGI PEEK FAMILY -; COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 1191 Bolla Ave. w--m.3515 SHD'Pll< MORTUARY 414-1111 -· Swt6.ff7en ..... ~ 10 .... cmth .... "'°"""' h-.... -... .... Reg.54.95 , NOW 4L88 Pay DI little• $.S,.. IMIWh..., V"tbra·becrt ,.,.., ~ <on1...i.Mp1o ·-.- teMctor,Clilo1eudw ..... ll • Ann..i Replfl to Report • Supervisors Agree, .1·Disagree . Wit-h ·Jury admonished ~ the public mun1caUon between t b e Rloch representatives refused directs the day-to.day opera. lectlon and accouotlng ~ By JACK BROBACK Of 1111 .,._ PMit Si.ff ... defender and the dlitrlct ai-airport. real properly services to make such a oommitment. tions or the airport." gram can be expected ts July SANTA ANA _ Agrffment tomey f~ their actions. and buJldlng •er v l c ea: Battin did not mlss the op-The board said it was not 1970 ... In some Case!, dilagreeme.nt Jn Ute: end, private attorneys departments. portunity to exploit this point. aware of 8tif lack ol coordina· -'---'---.....,-----,--- in others Is "P'"'ed In the were bind by the comrty to SANTA ANA -Rancho "Perhaps this fine •-pie tion between the airyort and MILD NERVE DEAFNESS? annual reply m the county defend Lee at • cost, ac· Miss.Ion Viejo has offered to of regard for the public rigbt real property services and Board of Supervisors and cordln( to the Grand Jury, make ar<aJ of tbetr recentfy· to enjoy the open •Jiilces may building services. The two TV · LISTENING elected department }\tads to of tll,000. Acariiag to granted agricultural preserve motiva~ the Irvine Company departments only perform DEVICE findings .of the 1968 Or~e Williams, the colt wu f7 ~9. available fot pu~Uc use. to grant the use of areas work for the airport UJ>O!\ re. County Grand Jury. AJthou.ch Willl.ams aaiCI his Supervisor Robert w. Bat· I requested when they were quest, the boaid points out. for tht tt.41 of H_.1119 The 19S8 jury report was office bu adoplecf 1 new rules tin, who· urged this step during granted over ·so,ooo a.cres of Medical · center flSCal mat· J!REEI mild compared to previous regarding pbyslcal evidence the preserve hearing, an· preserve stafus, .. he said. ters are a favorite target ol r • years and, as a result, most ''whk:h would hopefully avoid nounced the plan. Access to the R a n c b o grand juries. 'Ille 1968 group U you need help in bearing oC tbi answers are "'thank a lhnilar future dilemma" the The landowner requested the Mission Viejo preserve is from found that "one of the major TV (or radio) at a volume VN1 notes." general tenor d. his letter wis of the Ortega '"•b~ay and 1·t f deli I h bee ttin th t is -• tab! ' --of "--gr ment •• the Board , Supervisors t o •uti .. A!'e{lS o c ency as n se . g a co11uor e However the public r:r.· ~ ee -Wnu designate a representaUve·of -is along thls roadway that th@ accounting for services to others, this ofter is spe- defender, airpcl't operation county government to public use are~s are proposed. rendered to patients, Including cially for you to introduce and the county medical center In airport opttaUon, the coordinate the departments The-board felt that such anal~ ~f cost, defining you to Mir-_c:le-Ear.s The got considerable attention in Grand Jl!l'Y asked for a clear that might be involved and matters were clearly ouUined resronsibllity for paYIQe.nt, ultraminiature m o d e r n reply to jury criticism. definition · of the role of the to n~goUate areas and uses by • orilinance .and j o b billing procedures and col· HEARING AID that could Public Defender Frank L. present airport during the as well as a ·--'edule of un· • specifications. lecH"'" accounts" · th x1r· h · Willi J lied t , gth nm five years, advbed that ll'.:ll , ... '6 • give ·you e e a earing t ~ r. rep . nlna ;:: . no capital improvements be plementation of such a pro--The supervisors repliecl ; .The supervisors admitted lift you. need in every day· lo en 1~~E. gLee '"t. made, that night flights be gram. ''Sj>ecifically; the ordinance the medical center probleins situations. NO OBLIGA· .~~ .nuumurd• --• lhea -limited and that a specific Battin suggested that his ex· ezpects the airport com-and said that "every effort TION. w:mt---"' m er case"'"' site be selected and land be ecuUve assistant, F. D, mission to advise the board is being made to implement, HURRY_ OFFER MAY controvtts)' over a pair of \o.aa.....1 ptl I Harber, be named as the on matters pertaining to the on a timely basis, the Grand NOT BE REP" "TED blood·spatt«ed shoes. pure.~ prom y or the •-rt d to d ~ The Grand Jwy took five development of a regional coordinator "to implement the a .. l"' an recommen Jury's recommendations and . paragraphs to coounent on tbe county airport. best possible sites and uses plans to the board for the suggestions for improvement' ~ ~1~W~:-' I case. The Public Defender, 33 'The su~isorf concurred commensurate with the public de v e1opment, maintenance of these activities. Some pro-i °""' CMcnv I to reply. with the recommendation on benefits . while not disturbing and operation or the airport. gress has been made since j P.O. In Ne. 271JJ I 'J1le jury was upset beca6:se jet nlgbt flights and noise the farming operation of the "This leaves the airport as the Grand Jury report was M1••"''•11•· Ml• .. 11427 . three member! of the public abatement procedure5 and ranch." a physical facility under the issued,. according to county ! Pl111• 1111d Ir•• TV Lid1n1, defender's staff refused to pointed to their aircraft noise During the reserve hearing, management control or the supervisors. ' testily before it. They finalJy study. James West, president of Ran· director of aviation. !J'he direc-"Current es l l mates ,' A4dNll ------ did under court order. 1be jury also criticized the cho Mission Viejo, agreed in-tor develops plans for the however, indicate that the lj Homo The argument r e v o l v e d commission and the director forma\ly to the use of some a i r p or t commi!sion's con· earliest date an adequate and City -St.ta._ Zip _ J around the pair of shoes: _o1:!.__!l:!vi!!a~U~on,~....=•..::n~d!.....~c:::om~-__;la'.!nd!!'.'...!'.by~th~e:_p~u~b~li~c.,_b~u~t~(r'6n~·~·:_;-:si'.'.'deo::r."a~tio'.'.'n~a'.'.'.nd"...'.o'.'.rg!!:a~n'.:ize~s _:a~n'.'.'d__;f_'.'.ut'.Oly~f:'.unc'.::".ti:'.'oru~·~ng~b~ll~llng~,C..::co::'.l·~·:.,,,========="· belooging to the defendant, of>.T Viously prosecution material, but which were delivered to the publlc defender by the defendant's family. When the case became en.. tangled In legal red tape, the public defender's office turned the shoes over to the judge handling the cue. Later, the Qistrict attorney's office 00. tained possession of the shoes and the disagreement became mOre complex. Public Def'ender Williams continues to argue that to turn the shoes over to tM district attorney would bave been a violation or an attorney's duty to his client. As to 1 b e refusal of. his staff members to testify before the Grand J u r y , Williams maintains there wu a question as to the "ap- prop r i ate n es sol their testimony." The issue was fmally rts0IV· ed by a special hearing before a superior court judge who ,., • liftt.•$1 ,.., .......... l'#O ct.an.. .. J with the twist of • clGl ••• CICM'l'Wt ~ to -••• lriplo r ..... ..-... $Q .,. nd blw/wtwt.. 00 II •• ~~ •• s.w 10.07" ow"" ... floor condltioMr that fM* Up dil'fy wahr .. ft .... Reg. 74.95 NOW 64.88 ..., .. t1tti. .. t1,.. .... lk. I ._. ................. -. -...... ""'· damp ..... th:wnpoo the carplt ••• w •.... All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday'Through Satufday ' \ IAL BUYS!i Gel yanls and yank "' """io'twh "*"' io -..... knit faliric that """ ._.. trcnfng , •• fwt rnodiine -"no ancl «yloft -10"' .... .._ .,;g;nals of, fhk cotilui...,., aw nsistat'lt ~ty fobricf ~ lov• gingham checlcs ••• Ivy them by the yard at Penneysl Oiecb 00 .,.,wflfn1 nr.... blow, Mttlfnt, ...._...'INt __ h_,...d)ed pretty, practical poplin, flocked !3aocl looking spo-r demands great cotton sportswear fabrlal Hcwyy; lid'lt cottanl in prints cnl told. tfmt ... juot ...... for lli1<hlng up __ , '"'"" .. ....,,... ........ With Giiio tr..,._,...... S!ll'IB'J JIORTUARY .. -.....__•nzmwu!9J"W -. --Scrlorb.od", tool 36''""" io- colon. for fabulous sawing feats! -. fiodood poplin al Awil" rvyon/Avl'~ polyostw ;, J*lnOl••lly pleotablel Ir's abo mochine wmhable ond nteds li"'9 ot no in:lniiv. OIOOM from auomd colors ancl tfll1 miMg high fashion now I "!'-99 ,. llOd< up"" plonly In all your i....m. - nowt Slc,.i. '.mJllllSt. B-.... Beaclo -LE MAI WE8TCUFP MORTUARY C!I E. 17lll 61., c..ta Me,. •••• \ / COSTA MESA (Horbor Shopping C...ter) I C,.i. HUNTINGTON BEACH jHunlinglon Center) ------------- NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion lsloncl} l \ > y ? ' g • • • • n d g_ y l ' -------------- ----- MondlJ, Man:lt 10. 1969 ·D~lV I'll.OT 9 Southwest Profs Ballot. ReforJ!l Urged . · ._ 'Boycott Classes · LOS ANGELES (AP) - FortJ-one teachers at Soulhwest C o 11 e I e in predominantly Negro South- Central Los Angeles deoided to boycott classes today. A spokesman f-Or t h e teachers, Robert Williams, said "we'll ?eturn to teach when the diatrict ad- miniltration ·guarantees the slud.ents, ataff and faculty a aecure campus." He said they were available to work elsewhere in the city's junior college system because condiUons at SOUlhwest ~ Jege have deterlorated lo such an extent that it ls impo,ssible to teach. Jn recent weeka the college hu seen two bomb explosiODJ, vandali&m on automobiles and in classrooms and unrest among studen~. staH and faculty, Tbe problems at Southwest arc related to events which oceurred Friday at . Carver Junior High School when a member Of the Black Students Union from the college was arrested. Police said that following his arrest the BSU called a sit-in and a melet ensued dur- ing which five students were injured and nine arrested . ' SF State Prof Warns ,On Strike SACRAMENTO / (AP) -a Btitlll>Amerlcu lqlllaUve Reform ol. Callfornl.111 ballot conference 1n 0 1. ford , lnltiaUve proceaa: waa: pro-£n&laod. poaed today by a lesi'lator Dunlap's eall to •bani• the who complaioed recent cam-ballot inltl&tlve procedures palgns wen mote a pl'Oduet reflected the ... u-11 of of public relations than grw-dozeo• of lawmakers who ' !Oil. Prop. I WIJ l!pOOlored by Loo Angela County AJSeuor Pblllp Walllln, but foes of the rneunre aald. during the cam· palan It WU I plot by land- lords and otftort,to 1« a huge tu b""1<. roots public sentiment. complained Jut )'tat about Assemblyman Jobn F -Prop. t. Dw;l.lap aid "lbis measure Dunlap, (0:Napa) put forth 1t would have drutlcally cut wu allowed lo qualify under legislation that would mat~ the amow:rt 'and un of the current law without &n)'t>ne it harder lo qualify lniUatives local property tu, fachig -,,. wlio paid to get It for the ballot, and require JegWatora with the tut of on tbe ballot." inore detailed reports on who maklilg up the money that H1a lelfalaUon would require is paying for the campa.igns_ would ha!e beea lolt. It led Nopontnts of such a mealure Ria proposals came as lbe the lqialature to put-a tO reveal their financial sup- legialature began the loth smaller rival propout at_ the port and bow· much it CO!t week of Its session with top of the baDot u Prop, lo get lipaturel lo qualify sevtral lawmakers attending l·L That passed, wblle Prop. for the ltatewide vote. ~~~~;;;:;:;;;;;:;;:;.;;:;;;-1 r 1ne deliver}' Oakland Researcher Claims Rich CLEVELAND, Oltio (UPI) -TM outgoing_~. of · black .wru.s at San Franc,... Frequent Trips $1 Yorty Defends YOUR OWN BUSltlSS . Get 'Lifesaving' Care State Oouege says th a t scbool'sotrikingstudentamust LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wedeli'9ff-dally.900illghtaa-CCIW!Kt-• w • ..,.,fblftdel.-11•w ..... -.... _ -o1~-be granted their demands or Mayor Sam Yorty says he emendnorthemCll .. ~•-MOre•-•lll!J •w- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pa- tients aelected for lilesaving treatment on artificial kidney machines generally c om e from higher income brackets than do persons denied treat- ment, a health researcher :iiays. Prof. A. H .. Katz or the tchool of public health of the University of California at Los Angeles said Sunday doctors pick -and clloose patients Body Discovered SANTA CRUZ (UP[) - Di:iicovery of the badly decom. posed body of a young girl has brought at least 100 calls from distralliht ~ from tilroughout California, ac- cording to the Santa Cruz County Sberi!f's office. However, depuOO said they believe ·the victim wa.s a .. local girl." Her ide:nt.ity was withheld pending ,_., In· vestigation. because of tbe scarcity ot machines. In doing this, he said. doctors thus decide who will survive. Katz said that 46 percent of the patients surveyed na- tionally ~ more than the 1986 national median of $7 ,800, a percent earned above $15,000 and 5 percent had incomes above $25,000. Gangs Clash At Griffith HOILYWOOD (fJ')- Chaln swinging gangs clashed among Sunday picnickers and hippies at the site of the week- ly "love tn" tn Griffith Park and one persoq was hospitaliz- ed with face cuts, police said. Two others were cut about the bead but did not require hospjtallz•tlon, officet. added. One juvenlle wu arrested. the..acboolwillbelost. workl on Saturdays, skips ..._ ...... , '"l!w.ap an ai. ,_; ....._ -l· AllJett.Lowestalrtarn.Wantprornptdllf'vlry "They are fig~ for the vacatiOll3 and would travel a-a .., 1 •• Ozaalt' ..._ FICJIW. toEaatBaypolnta'IOaklandlnternlllaMlle ,..,I of an peopJ to · "-"* lltt .... wt6 .....--4 "-. closerandeulerthanSanFrindeco r'6'. e seJu abroad more often· "if t could power and to control their SSND~AD..,.nD:JmO<llllU.-naUonal,andthecrowdhun"tfoundHyet. lives," Dr. Nathan Hare said get away from Cily Hall." Unl~I Chinchilla Breeders ~-g:......, ........ a lift.' Saturday. "They feel they are Yorty defended hll frequent llll ... Allri Mreelt h111 ...... o..m. r"" I-~ 7-.... carrying on a struggle and tlrl~po~l!~tr~adei;,~mls~sionsr;~and;JL~~-;;• ~rn;CJ~-~-;;·;;"""'";;;_• (UC);~-~-;~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ they feel they have to use J>8rl of hls job, not Junkets. · IWL mm AD whatever means necessary. Many know they will be jailed or kllled." Hart, 34, was Orie of several prominent Ntgr0e.1 attending a two-day coofereoce on black self-determination sponsored by the Congress of Racial Equality. Peebles Blind? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Doctors express fear for the eyesight of Tim Peebles, a freshman injured by the ex- plasion of a bomb police say he WU attempting to put in a San Francisco Sta~ College locker. All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday; • enne~J ALWAYS FIRST BUAUTV Full-size l\nnea•• ·Shop at ALW--mwrrv-. home ! ' ' I I We bring samples! Free estimate! • Free -ultationl No obligation! CCill collect (714) 523-6511 Bring spring indoors with airy sheers at your windows and save 20% ·on the fabric!. THIS WEEK ONLY! let .. C:WtoM ..... )'OW cftaptrlM from thiil ~ group of theen. and 1n1Hheen. Dollaldftll pale-.. and-. w.1 _. ..., _ ond _with _t ,..,k1•anlhl9, """' -,_.. _,., 'lollef' ....... _ ••.•••. ll:eg. 1.98 NOW I .SB yd . 'tl ..... ' ............... Re,,_ 1.98NOW1.51)'11. 'tJeeo0<•' .. -... -.... 2.50UOW $2,.,_ 'Fo .. oef -·-··-· ... 1.91 NOW 1.51)1111 .. '0..0_,. ........... Rog. 1.69NOW1.35)'11. 'K1tmara' -··-·········leg. 1.69NOW1 .'35yd. 'Shim_.,--··-···lt-O· 1.98NOW1 .58yd. 'Sa"°"'' ·----... Re9, 1.98NOW1,58,..l UBEVDUR ENNEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TD DAVI ' Ma11al lig zag.meads, darns and appllq1es • Adjustable drop fffd, stitch regalator • Washable vinyl covered hardwood carrying case • Stop in for a demonstratloa today! NEWPORT BEACH .HUNTINGTON BEACH S-icl9 available la 9NU1er IM Angeles,Orange ond Ventura tounti.1L ______ _:l_F•_•h_io_•_''-"'_"d_:l ________ ---::----IH_u_nt_in_9fo_n _c._n_l•;:-:-l ------:_-::-' • . • DAILY PllOT r.toncfq, M""" 10; 1969 ••MM .. Hews sv .. n ,_.. LIKE A PLOW -Melee, Don Ayres Jr.'s Cal-40 from NHYC plows a frothy wake through heavy seas with winged-out genoa as she boils toward finish in Miami-Nassau ra ce. Melee was Class B winner in the Southern Ocean Rac- ing Conference. Colby Wins Corkett Cup Chris Colby of Newport llarbor Yacht Club won th• Corkett Trophy for Lehman- n, a five-race regatta s3iled Sunday from NHYC. The race was iicheduled several weeks ago but was postponed because or bad weather. Runner-up in the series wa!I Bob Davis, and third was Barton Beek, both of NHYC. Bali Regatta Sailed With Ideal W eather Moderate winds and bright sunshine -the tint ideal sailing weekend this season - greeted the 145 boats in 12 classes which turned out for. the Bali Regatta, an annual event c<Hlosted by Balboa and Lido Isle Yacht Clubs. 'Ibis was the lotb anniver- sary of the Bali Regatta which originated when Marty Lock· l See by Today's Want Ads - • Toot & Scoot: \Varm lium- mer months ahead • . . fun tin1cs on a motor scooter. Just :zip to the beach or shopping on this L.ambretta, alter the man of the house has done a little repair work. •. $50! •Your Cue! Let your family relax around the pool • , . tabl e, Here's a 54" x 98" 1able, with cues, balls. and t"Ovcr, all in beautiluJ con. dltion . , , $150. e People ln Glass }louses ... Need alot of drapes. These are made especially for glass doors, 3 pair, off. white, in good condition. ror $45. • Compact and Comforta ble : A true spacesaver, bed, c:.he.tt " desk au in one, built in • , , $150. ney. was commodore of LIYC and Bill Campbell was com - modore of BYC. Final results: OCEAN RACING -t5J Pin- ta tNewport.-30 ) Tom Bissell, LIYC. PHRF (32) -(I) Aloha 11. Glenn Reed, SSSC ; (2) Gos- ling, Ken Lieber, LIYC ; (31 Kilo, Tom Butler. BYC; (4) Red Devil. Chuck Ullman, BYC; (5) Bonita, Gol~ie Jo- seph, LIYC. RHODES-33 (6) -lt1aruja. Bob Kettenhofen, BYC. LUDERS-16 {7) -Kildee. Ben lfromadka. LYC. P-CAT (8) -(I) Loki. Earl Thornburg, MYC; (2) Hawk, Nick Steele, L YC. CAL-20 (7) -(1) Mischief. Jack Cannon, SSSC. lnside Classes Lf00-14 (24) -(I) Bill Mc- Cord, BYC; t2) Cared Smith, BYC: (3) Don Wiese, BYC. KITE (18)-(1) John Daigh , NHYC ; (2) Carol ~1cCord, BYC : (3l Terri Parker. NHYC. SABOT A (16) -(1) Curt Olson, CYC; (2) Kurt Wiese. BYC : (2) Burdick Ray. LIYC. SABOT B (10) -(I) Mi 1 t Allone. LTYC; 12) Lori Ben- nett. BCYC. SABOT C {7) -(ll John Klinginsmilh, L!YC. FLIPPER (5) -(l) John Redfield, LIYC. ' For Southern Californians ' \ If the recent rains have damaged your home or property, United Slates N&t..ional Bank is ready to help you slart making repairs. We have set up a Special Flood Fund ·just for this purpose. The amount you need can be handled in low monthly payments, pJanned with your budget in mind. Stop in at a United States National Bank and sec a Home Improve· ment Loan officer today, You'll find a wann welcome at all our 52 Full Savfce Officca locattd in Los Angeles, Orange. San Bernardino, River· s~ and San Diego CoUDtics. We're here to help. u.NJTBD Wt malt 11 all a little mtr s=gMiL BANK Boaters Asking For Spectator s Memben o! lhe Long Beach Yacht Club issued an in- vitaUon today for non-boat owners to joln them as spec- tators Thunday, Friday and Saturday for the fifth annual Congressional Cup round-robin aailing aeries to be raced ouUlde Long Beach· Harbor. Ten of the nation'1 top Wp. pers -including Olympic gold > medalist Loftll North of San Diego -will be competing In three daY1 of match rac4'1g Saturday, with Sunday reserv• ed in the event of poot weather. "Many of our members will have room aboard their power cruisers or auxiliary sailboaU for the races," s a i d Congressional Cup chainn3n W. R. Effinger. ,"We are in- viting the genera] public ~o join us as guesU. Boats w1U leave the clubhouse between 10 and 10:30 each morning ol the series." ·tn which every skipper willJ~iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i!iiii compete against each of nine HAL A(llSC:H EI rivals in Cal-40 aloops. HEARING AIOS Racing will begin daily at C•ttom Aurel Amrilificeti-11 a.m. and a huge fleet of HO SALl!SMEN spectator · boats is expected J4ot L C:OAST HWY. on the water. RaCes will be c ...... ""' ~· ~Ucted 'l'hund~y throlJih 'w ,.,,,, ... _., 67S..JIJJ "'Prepare fM '~ School of Business tht tutur& •• , Toda11t• ~ v~ e St cr•t•ri•I e Mtdicel ln111renc• e lookk1epint e Dent•I Attilfint ABC SHORTHAND 111 w. 5th S1nt1 An1 Phone 543·1753 or 543·8721 RECORD SMASHER -Robert F. Johnson's 73-loot ketch rigged "sailing platform" spreads an awsome wake as 1he bombs toward finish to set new record in the l~mile Miami-Nassau race. She followed the performance Fri- day with a clean sweep in the Governor's Cup race out of Nassau, eclipsing another elapsed time record. Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops Itch-Relieves Pain Governor's Clip R aee Fmds Way That Both Relieves Pain and Shrinks Plies In Most Cases Newport Yachts in Top 10 ace) toot pt.e.. TM i!lrieft't Is Pr•J)Gnsti011 H•. There is n0o other formula far hemorrhoiU l ike It. Preparation H als0o soothes jrritated tiut19' an4 helpe: preqnt furtbtr irdeetioD.. In olntmentor'&11pjl08it.orJ'for:m. Two Newporl yachls and one that is soon to call Southern California its home were among the first / 10 <1verall scorers In the Southern Ocean R a c i n g Conference which ended Friday with the sailing of the 3'0-mi I e Governor's Cup race of r Nassau, Bahamas. pleted the course In three----------.....'.===================== hours and 13 mlnute1 to Highest local scorer in the conference ..-was Don Ayres Jr .'s Cal-40 Melee ·from Newport Harbor Yacht Club which finished second in the series behind Salty Tiger, the 47-foot yawl co-skippered by Jack Powell and Wally Frank of New York. t-.1elee was the overall han- dicap winner in the highly competitive Class B division. Also moving up In the fir st 10 by virtue of placing high in the final two races was Don Haskell's 67-foot yawl Chubasco, also from NHYC. Bob Johnson's 73-foot ketch Windward Passage scored a clean sweep in the Governor 's Cup to move into 9th place in the standings. Windward Passage will soon be in Southland waters preparing for her scheduled race in the California Cup in June and the Honolulu race which starts July 4. Friday's Governor's Cup was almost as stormy as the Miami-Nassau race which con- cluded last Tuesday. Thirty knot winds kicked up a Jump or sea outside the Nassau Harbor and stayed with the fleet for the 15-mile reach lo Boby Rocks and return. Windward Passage shot out from the start of the Class A fleet like a scaJded cat and by the time she reached the windward mark was IS minutes ahead of John , B. Kilroy's Ki a\oa II from NHY C. \Yindward Passage com- ecllpse the old record b7 10 minutes. She saved her time over the rest of the fleet for first overall and fir.rt in Class A. Ki.jlloa II was second to finish, 17 minutes beblnd Windward Passage, and Chubasco wa s fourth to finish. Kialoa II was second overall, Salty Tiger was third and Chubasco was fourth. Indigo, sailed by S. K. Wellman of Mentor, Ohio and Nassau was fifth overall, and the Class B winner. Second in Class B was Olseketa, a Cal-40 sloop, and third was Melee. Class C honors went to Scaramouche IV, second was Fairweather and third was Stampede. The Class D lineup was Circe II, Scamp and Hanohan. llere are the [irst 10 in the overall SORC point stan- dings: I. Salty Tiger, Jack Powell and Wally Frank, New York, 957.15 2. Melee, Don Ayres, NHYC. 891 3. EquaUon. 56 tt. sloop John Potter, Oyster Bay, N.Y., 878.50 4. Touche, 48-ft sloop, Dr. ff. Virgin, Miami, 876.25 5. Bay Bea, 49 ft. sloop, Patrick Haggerty, D a I I a 1 , 863.50. 6. Dammit Pat, 41 tt. sloop, Julian Waters, Lavaca, Ala., 836.n 7. Chubasco, 67-ft yawl, Don Haskell, NHYC, 836.15. 8. Nautical (Cal 2-30) O.J . Young, New Orl eans, 127.75 9. Windward Passage. 73-fl ketch. Bob J ohnson, Lahaina, 806.75 10. Otseketa, Cal-40, H. Burkart, Detroit, 806 AMrtilWl'lllflt The only medication that Gets· to a Major Cause of Hemorrhoids Now! Most complete 3-way relief! This importanl deve loiwnent in hemorrhoid treatment comu lo you after five years ol scitntific and clinical teslinf. Nol only dots Counlernoid~ wo1k by lesseninc Dain last. and by coating, soothina:. al'ld protet lin& injtKtd •tissue ... btJt unlike every othtr ttemorrhold Droduc l Counte1nord 1lso wo1ks a third way. Thanks to an exclusive form1.1!1 with OSSJo t 11 only Counter no1d pts to a major cause of h1mor- rh01ds: Painf1.1J hard constip1tio11. Without 1rritatina: laxative effetl. Hate's tiow. In hospital X·ray lists doctors have demonslrsted lh1I lh1 remarkib1e Co1.1nt1rnold formu· " l1tion with DSSJO penetrates In minutes lo tht top of the · rectal are1 to solten lhe stool 111d eu1 lhe bow1I movement. II is this onique 1cllon that does' so much to make natur1I healint possible. So, if you live with the p.1in ind fea1 of recurri111 millOf hemorrhoid t1oubles. 1et temporlf)' rel/el with rnedica!ly-testtd Cottnlemoid. Aclually, used 11 dire<:lfd, ColJn.: ternoid offm !hi most complete J l'llJ relief )'OU 1:1n set without ~ p1escription or without sur1ery. In stainleu er tam « JUppositorin. At all dru1 counters. •r,_ ti "'°""'-·U llMht , ... ' II 12 10 . NO 9 MINIMUM I ~ TIME 8 ~~~QUIRED INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPT TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL ! per annum compounded doily ASSETS OVER $425,000,000.00 • • . I MUTUAL SAVINGS AN 0 LOAN ASS .OC IA TION CORONA DEL MAR 2867 East Coast Highway, Corona Del Mar. Cal if. 926211 lelephone: 675·5010 HEAD OFFICE 3 15 E.. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, Calif. 91109 telephone: 449°2345 I OTHER BRANCH OFFICES Ca<ina, Glendele Y"est ,veadia • • \ MOND A Y MARCH 10 I ~' r N I N 1; J:30 fil MAYOR SAM YORTY * <'LOS ANGELES PER· SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL REP<iRT TO THE PEOPLE 1:00 IJ Th 111 "ews (t) (60) 11"7 Dunphy. 0 m Huntl.,.tlrinkl" (C) (30l 0 StM AUt11 Show (t) ('°) 8ud· ,df HltMtt. Jal MurrQ Ind ,Jtnrt l1wson (Uelt. 0 THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE * "COWBOY"--Olenn Ford & Jack Lemmon-Color! 0 Sil O'Clock Morit: (C) "Cow· boy" (wutem) '58--Jeck Leml!IOll. Glenn rord .. l'J I Spy (C) (60) · m ,., cards <C) (30) m amn •• <C) <Jo) (fl) oo MtrW ;nm11 <t> f.t)Wlllt'• New? (30) "Top Hand." An ll·Ji!llllr·old city boy spend• his summer wo1kin1 on 1 T1x11 rtnch tiid learnt llow 1o rid• ind wur~ With o!Mr rt11thh1nds.. Ctl MllJ•es Sin Amor al Xl'tll .... (CJ 1:30 0 kltBC NIW1tl'Wlca (C) (60) m I Low L11q (30) Q) VOT111 to 61 latt.Mt If tM 511 (C) (60) 911) ~-.... 1Cl (30) ID Rudi Out (30) "'Ill• RlchlrU Allen Slof}'."' A )'OllMI Necro dis- cusses hit experiences In 1rowfn1 11p Jn Wetts 1nd 1.ttr HtlbH1hln1 his own btr.1iness. ~Cll !D!I!al• ... (C) 7;00 IJ C8S Evtnll& NIWI (C) (30) Walter Cronkllt. 0 Wh1t'1 My Lille? (C) {30) Wtlly o @rn mn. ..,_ <•> (fiO) "Hun1 for • limb.• T•mftlJ Grim• auestt ... My Ttud1t1, I lirl .tio HU Earl Cony IO hlllt bank bandit stln SutlOll .. pe ti the border. li)Ru .. f•Uft (C) (60) la (J) ........... (C) IE"'"*"""" * THE 'FACTORY' SWINGS! Tomorrow Nlte at 9 on 5 ~IO IJ ,_., -(C) (30) ,,., lo jealous ol tile ltltntloft Ulen hill pflfl·JMI~ I little b(lf ff'Dlll Bolfril who CICllMI lo l'isit. l'J ''"' (C) (30) T"' • .,.._ ID"'"""""" Eruner hosts. IO:OO II ~([) Cll'll lll'llltl (C) (60> m P111ward (C) (30) Audrey Ross Martin and John D•vldsol Me1doWs end Jmy Uwls aunt auest. ill @ Moncllr Morit: '1111 Ust ol Milin Mmenaar." GllOft• C. Scotl 1nd Dll\I Wynttr 1t1r. om-tc1 (60) o@rnmn..., ,.., 40> (60) ··-,, ....... " rentlna 1 111111 to • MoO'llOI IMI fl) U1111 Ablertl (60) "nit Mex!· u n·Amtrkln Senior Citizen." hi& two Ylfwl • .a.mid Inell• tht Ir-------,.-----.,.. ... ,,, enmity (If 1 bullJ Ind llit pns. Fritz Wuvtr ruats. am, ... °' Att11r cC> m Cml'1 W"1d (C) 0 Mll'lhll Dilol (30) I (!)n.t -(C) (!O) -To 7~0 fJ 9(l)Caumot• (C) (601 0",'," ... ~,","'•-~ .. e.,~ aJ Trd or ~11tnct:S (C) 1hl Good Samarlt111s.~ An en· ..... ,._ -uo-• campment ol former lltves pr!)-Rosnco ttlllL tectt Marshal Dillon from baullt)" ·m TM lrllll: War (30) "StniL • hunters Who ere 111ilHnt to tiM him Tht t11111 It, .ltlJ .a DtillMll' ti for somt papen: ht Is lit.in& to 1917. Tiii Allin. fwinl ....,.., Doda• etty. sroa Petm. L J. tolll• 11imdi anotMr ltll4: ... Jonu i nd S.m Melrill1, Ru In· 1pinst tht W....,. W11L 1r1111 •rid Robert DaQul pat. · IE Dkltl ....d. , 0 ID I Ono• ot -IC> (JO) "Jeanlli• for tilt Oef«111.• A spnd · bap ensn1re1 Tony end Roaer In e lt.JDO....,. ......., ..., c." yu11 I court system stacked e11lnsl (1ft711"1) 'M--1111 Hlllllry. "city lolks... m ..... (C) (30) 0 LOil In Spact (C) (60) ED ln....ata (lJ) "'Unbr11UMI 0 rffl. (.1) &J Tb1 Mt1111r1 (C) Wlndowl." Twa 9""' flOllt S.. (lO)"'f.P1ndo111.• Tari la kidnaped ••I Eledrla dilclm • HW • and tomthoW Miit back to 1917 brllklbll II• fur• In ........ whtrt ah• tSStJmlS th• Identity of strlll llht ,...., IQlcel ..- • (irl W1nttd for m•nfll'. pllu lfld otlMf nelclL 0 Mllliln $ MoN: -nt Mlkll· IE CR Iii ........ .f inllffW (comedy) '58 -Shirley Booth, Shirl" Meclllnl, Anthony 11:111 II D a Ill mm""" (t) Pef\Jns. • W.W .T...,_ (C) m Trwth w Coimqttn1* (C) (30) m Un CW. (C) Rod Strlin1 ID "*"1 MUOll (60) hosb. B«ty ·Whitt. Rllptl Story, fllJ c.do1 di ti Rm (30) Rlchlnl DNCOI anC tut. lie ..... (!)-........ (-)'" ~ Rlymolad. htrkll .... ll!J m at CIJ QI Ill -<Cl 0 NOWI ALL NEW! * THE BEST OF /11:lD II.._. (C) ..,_,.. 1,1i-(b "LAUGH-IN '69" I mal '54-.\Yri I.add. leCI "'911. A REPRISE ALBUM j fil@ (l)ll!!IT .... -(<) 0 Er;) Rowu I M•rtl11 lJIUC'·fn 1111oN:.,.,. 1111.,_.-('"' (Cj {60) Rip WlllOll ruest1. .--uf) '39--fllna CnllbJ, frlllcbU m H.lnl (C) (30) G11L ED NET k•m•I (C) ()! hr) A .,.. 0 11!J ill QI"" -(<) ti1I two·hoUr uperlmtnt hi lfOUP m Dlnfd O'Conlf (C) dynamics extracted lrom 1n 11· hour dlelo1u1 betwffft Nea:ron •nd ... 15 -MoM: "'Fleedl rl fW-<-Jen who probe tfleir OIJl"ll feeilnp "' v , .. .,..- and btlief1 with tt11 Intent of II· llflJ) Sl-ffewlrd x.i. plorlAt the current quution cl 1ntl-1t111ilism ind tilt bladl com• 12:JO ID Acllll nntu: •tady fftllll U. murrity. bon: ca eelllkot: , Citldtl• l:IO 1J /l!] (J) """' ..... (C) (30) Tennessee Eml• fflfll aum a • larmtr •Hln1 help frorn Uncl• H1ny'e 11n"lgymtnt law:J' blclllw TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO U "'fll1 LadJ hJI tr (dr1m1) 'st -Lindi DlnMft. Sttpllen Mc- N111J, 1 .. 0_ '""' (C) ... _ B11ndJ fuab. 11---(C) O-(C) "'" l'J -..... <"""'> 'SO -Qlry Cooptr, l..auM llCIR. U:IO • .,._ ,,,,,,. -'47 -bi~ W001111ry. -r.. Pl•tl12' «••""'') ·-,_ ~"m""" -1..-'S1 -flolt bndtll. M117 P•IW. s:.ma.,.._ ... ......, .. (honor)--.-........ t.Xlll"Hlfl c.. .. ·-· (llllto 4:Gl 8(Q-rlll , ........ { ... akal) '44 -8ln1 Cro*J, 8fttr turl) '55--Qdol ~ Dolu Hlltt011. ""4. .~· ...... * .... . ....... ~ STAR CLIP THIS AD AND SAYE T.V. $7.50 RCA ON TOUl HOT SllY1CI CAU !Oller Erplret ,,...., lJ, IMtl SAUS & SERVICE DNITH , ... bl*" • ll•"*" a.ntotl 642-9742 ' TUMBLEWEEDS GOT A PM:!<AG£ AJR MISS HILPEGMD HAMllOCKER! IS SHE A\UMLE? GORDO I , WAAT """~ mr ~&>J ....... M, it.tlOJ! MISS PEACH ;;-a• • • WllEEEEEEEll IB HERE! MY l'ACIWOE IS HERE!! • I ,._, • #.IS, By John Miles By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson IT'S JUST 7HAT BY Tllo TIME Ho <;ers up, EWP.YoNE l'CSI' IN 7H• Pl.ACE HAS USSD .ALL THI' 'I---~ I llOr W/'TfET'.~· __, By Tom K. Ryan I DON'TTHINK l'VE EVER l<NOWN ANYONE QUITE THAT AVAILABLE By Gus Arriola By Men YOU'RE SICK. l D.lJLY PILOT • " ,,, . SALOON GAL -Tammy Grimes, above, guests toni ght as a salool) gal on 1'The Outcasts" in color, at 9 p.m. on Chann~I 7, Starring,Don Murray and Otis Young, the segment ~as Tamrpy trying to help a bank bandit escape ove.r th~ border. TELEVISION VIEWS 'Bonanza' On New Track By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW · YORK (AP) -"Bonanza," in an episode considerably off its usual track, combined on Sun-- day night many of the standard ingredients of a Weslern with a Jessen based on man's inhumanity to man. The episode was written and directed . by Michael Landon, \vho plays one of the Cartwnght brothers most weeks, but turned the lead in the episode over to Dan Blocker. . It was a story about a Negro farmer, a former slave who had bought his freedom and moved west with his family. Hoss -Blocker's role -encount- ered the 7-year-old farmer's son saying: "I wish my papa \Vas whlle.11 The story Lhen moved in the expected direction. HOSS TOOK lhe boy back to his farm and found the rest of the family in dire straits. He tried to turn good Samaritan and since there had to be conflict , it came 'vhen he returned lo town v.·ith the two boys and some eggs they had for saJe. A pair of bullies picked on the boys and called them names -names rarely heard on television until recently -and smashed the eggs. Hoss, of course, intervened 'vilh two well-plac- ed rights to the jaws o.f the bullies. The bad guys ·~­ retaliated later by beating up the little boy. This ·:;.; led to another round of fi~licuffs, this tune by the ,, boys' father. THE STORY bad an interesting twist in the bit- ter attitude of the Negro farmer -well played by Ossie Davis -toward bis benefactor as well as his despair and resignation about the bigoted town- folks. There were some aWkward and saccharine bits, particularly in scenes b~tween Blocker and a fine young actor named George Spell, who played the smallest boy. Generally it appeared lhat Michael Landon is a better actor than ,a script writer, but he proved that his heart is in the right place. .. •• ·!l .. , '.ii >l ·- CBS, IN A last minute swi tch, substituted. a .... rerun of a two-month-old "Smothers Brothers ::· Comedy I-lour" for the new program originally # scheduled Sunday night. ~ ~· Network spokesmen said the change was made ; because CBS did not receive a tape o( the new •· sho\v in time to permit executives of it. affiliated slalions to previe\v it on a closed circuit. •• "The content of the broadcast is not at Issue.'' i said a network statement. "As broadcast licensees, the stations affiliated. with the ... network have lhe right to previe\v on request any prog ram be-• , fore it is presented on the air." · : .. THE PROGRAM announced originally for the time period had folk singer Joan Baez and comed- ian Jackie Mason as guest stars. Miss Baez has taken a well-publicized stand again st the Vietnam \var and has been th e center of considerable con- troversy. The Smothers Brothers have conducted running warfare agains t CBS censorship policies and oc- casionally have had n1a terial blue-pencil.led, par- ticularly material oJ a political nature. The net,vork spo1cesma11 said, however, that an announcement \vould be made early this week set- ting the date on which the program would be broadcast. · ne:· ·~is tli e ltf~ttnce 'CAN YA 'MAGllJE ~ P\llTIN' 50\IElltlil' LIKE 7Hl.S' llJ 1HE. fllASH ?. • , - LEGAL NOTICE •. ,,,.. CEJlTIFIC.lTE OF •USINESS FICTITIOUS NAME The undenl;ned does certlf'I' he ls (Ol\duetln1 e bu1fna1 11 1330 D N. Cu1ler, .~la . An&. Ctllf~nl•. under tr.. flcfttlolll firm name of ORANGE COUNTY Olt&.lN SERVICE CO. tnd "'at wld firm Is comPoSed ol the follDwlng pPCllOl'I, whose narmi In lull •ncl ~ ol rnldenu it 1s follows: Oon G. st. Clair, nu w. Stanlord, S1nt1 Ant, Callfornl1. D1led Feb. 21, \H9. Oon G. SI. Clair Siiia ol C..llf0ml1, Or•nG1! Counlv! On Febr1,11rv 2a, lttt, before me. • Not1rv Publl~ In '"° h>r said Slat•, "rsorwoll'I' IPPl!•m Don G. SI. C\1lr known 1o me lo be 1!!e perllOl'I whoH n1,... Is •Ub1erlbed lo th• wllhln 1,,. 1tr1,1mftll •nd Ktnowlldlled hi 1xe-cuted the 11me. (OFFICIAL SEAL} Mary Bflh Morton Not•rv Publlc·C11flornir Principal Office in Oran<>I Coonlv M'I' commlS1lon EJ1plre$ Aprll 9, 1971 Published Or1119e Ca.d Dall't' Pllol, Mlrdl J, 10, 17, 24 lff' 380-69 LEGAL NOTICE NOTltI OF NON·Rl!SPONSll lllTY Notice ('!I h..-tbt' l lYlll ffl•I !hi u,,. denlantd will not be rHf'Qnllble tor •n'I' debts or ll1b11lllft conlrtcled tlY 1nv-otf'ltt than my1ell, on °' 1tter this d1le. Piled 11111 7111 da'I' of M1rc.h, 19~. Gll!!ln .l.. C.trdner 290S J1air•nd• Cost• .Mesa. Call!. Pub11$1\ed Orana• Co11t Dtil't' Pl1~1. ~rdl I, 10. 15, ltff «ii-69 LEGAL NOTICE SUPl!'lllOlt COUltT OJ' THI! STATE OF C:ALIFOltNl.l FOR THI! COUNTY O" ORANGE Mo. A .. 2364 NOTICI! O" Ml!AlllNG OF PETITION l'Olt PllOl.llE 0" WILL ANO FOii LETTERS TESTAMENTARY E'11le o1 POlllS LORRAINE MISER, """"'· NOTICE IS HEREflY GIY EN Thal J'rank Oontld Miser 1111$ llltd l\ereln 1 petl!lon for probate ol will and tor luuance ol Lellirs Tn!liment1rv lo P•lllloner, re!eren« lo which 11 m.0. !or furth•r p1rllc11l1,., ~nd fo~t "'1 time ind place ot he11rln1 lilt. same hll bffn 11! for Mtrch :zt, 19o9, at r :lO 1.m., Jn ttie courlroorn ol Dep1rl· ment Na. J of 1&id co11n, 11 700 Wed f lgTtlh Strttl. ln .,,, CllY of Sanll AM, Calllornll. P1\td ~ref! 6, 1%f w. E. ST. JOHN, Coun!Y Clerk PR·10 Pllll'lftxler •!Id LTllCh 1MJ Wlllftl,. ...... Wirf Sulla N'""lltf 511 U1 Anfflat, C1llfor!ll• 90011 T1I 11111 41J.1'41 AIMmtYI fer Plflllll!Mr Publllhed Oranoe Coast D1llY Pllo1, M1rch I, 10, IS, 196' 4469 LEGAL NOTICE Cll!RTIFIC.lTE OF flU~1NE5S FICTITIOUS NAME ,..,,. undersi9~ ~ t:trt!lv lie I~ condudinl t bu1lnn1 II 2052 N~ 111\/d., Suitt \Q, C01tl Me-Iii, Ca11tom1a. \ll'ldf'r "'! flct!llou1 flrm name of TH E "EARL OF ARMS" and "''' wld firm Is compoSecl ol IM !ollctwlr1111 1>er$0", wl'lose nanw Ill lull and plat't of resld•na> II II lolk1W9 : D1wld llou Wln1am1, 2110 Nf'llPOl"I .twd., No. It, COii!• MIY· C..l!I. Oiied Mardi 7, ltff .. David R. Wll!Ttrnl STATE OF CALIFOllNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On Marth 7, ltff, bel~e l'"•e, t tlotlrY Putlllc I" and for said State, Ptf'S(lnlllY tPPflred 01vkl llOS5 wm:~.,.., k-to mt lo be Ille penon wllllse "1me 11 wblcrlbtd kl the w•111:n 1,,. 1tn1m1111 and ecknowledeed he exeQiled Ille .. me. t0fflcl1I St1tl Marv I(. H""rv Nol•rY Public • CatTh>ml1 P1lnc:fpal Olfia ln Or1119e Counlv My Commll$lon EllJllru Nov. ff. 1972 Pvbtllhld Or-• Ca.st Chollr Piiot, Mardi a. 15, it. ft, ltff 4~t LEGAL NOTICE New Draft Proposal Studied WASHINGTON (UPI) -A draft lottery that w o u I d scramble both the alphabet and the days or the year, aod a shift to a policy of inducting the youngest first . instead ()f the oldest feature the Nixon administration's short-term draft plans. 'This was made clear after Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird's state'ment that the present draft law is "not prac- tical" and that "o'he of the first pieces of legisfation which will be sent to Congress by the new administraliif will be to do away with it!' (the law's) inequities." In the long run, the ad- ministration hopes to improve military pay and incentive to a point where the draft can be ended. But there is no hope of achieving that until after the Vietnam war, and even then the draft aut~ority . would be kept on the books for use if necessary. Laird said he has set March 15 as the deadline for studies of the problems, and both revision of the draft law and a complete overhaul o f military compensation favor· ing higher pay for recruits will be sought in this session of Congress. Officials explained that the lottery, if approved, would work this way : -In order to call men by birth dates without penalizing those born early in the year, the days would be scrambled, in a fish bowl or otherwise, into an order determined en· tirely by chance. The 365th day of the year could be firsl on the draft. priority lists in such a system. -In order to break ties when two men are equally eligible or born on the same date, the alphabet would also be scrambled. The men inducted would be the one whose last name began with the letter highest on the alphabetical order determined by chance. -Men y,•ould normally be drafted at the age of 19, unless they obtained deferments. The average draftee is now 20 years old, and under the C:E•Tll'ICAlE o .. IUSOUiSS present system calling for in· • flCTITIOUS N.t.Mf TIM \ll'ldenlflned does certify he 11 duction Of the oldest eligibles eonduttln9 t 111.!tlflf!ll •I flll Untr•L f GMd!ll Grow, c.11for111t. ut'ldft '"~ irst, the average draft age -fktltloul 11rm ,..._ o1 R, J. MAIUNE in peace time has gone as SEll:VtcE •ncl ...._, lilld llrrn II somllOMd of 1t1e 1o11ow1"' per-. w11o1t Mme high as 24. 11'1 tuH •!Id P1IO ol raldtnol It "1-------------.iiows: .tlwnlllf!Mftl It. J. llM. "ll Ctnlr•L Gllrdtn G..-, C1llf, DI'" /Mrdl 5, 1Mt R111HH J. lltfd •TAT! OF CALIFOltN IA ) 11 COUNTY OF ORANGE J How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly ltl Place- • First -1'i nie f or Nixon._ ' " s·PIECE • MAYBROOKE WARDROBE SALE , Regutmty 245.00 199.00 reg. 50.00 Spori coat or blazer and reg. 20.otislcicks reg. JOO.DO May· brooke Deluxe wool/silk suit reg . 75.00 1"1.oy- brooke polyester, wool/mohoirsu1t Calli.; Sgt .. l.C. Willliim .Zabi tosky, 26. of Trenton, N.J .; President Nixon; and Spec. 5 Clarence Eu- gene Sasser, 21 , of Richardson, Tex. get the whole .worl<;s .gµo;I. i;ave .. 46.00 d uring'this once-a-year e vent . . . . ' That's right, fh~ whole works, ali 6 p i€<;.;; will sove you 46.00 .. You get a sport coat or blazer with slacks •• , a polyester, wool and mohair blend suit , .• a ·delrixe wbol a nd 'silk' sliOrkskin suit~ We've . got "p laids, sqlids,. ~t.riPes or pat· t9rns that yoU mix' or match .10.'sUit Your fancy. Fine fabriq;. Careful tailoring. T(iese savings can be had but·once a year, so ··it's ,wise 10 come in right away !or the best choice, Think of all you can ilo with the 46.00 you save;· . . . . . .. may co men',; clothing 2 1 and AS . no money down .,. lake JO mpnt\ls to pay ·no. chctrge for normal·.alterotions . - I' " . "I.I '' ,- hi ~:i .id' :ii< '.}(• I ';'!. c(\,:; .. t;'~f •i:,...· 1 ;··~ ~ °:"1 "" . ~J':.1· lS~· •of, • ..11 'n'' ";j i .. ,';di. ![~. •C":\•" T:'rifo !'I.,, 1·1V '.J."YI ...;.JW 11.'fioli"')- " t,.,. ., t!"D1'~1- ~ •i ~"'' " f'lf .. !.: 11 '1.t:..~~ •d "' n:>.4f co }(!HI $ S?O!t .,,.n .. ,.1 ti-' On Mlrdl s, 1"9, etfore th!• NalltY P\IDllt in •nd f1Jr Mid SQ>lt; NnOlllllW -red It. J , Reed tr.- to -'° tis "" ~ Wl'ICIM 111'"4' 1' tutiKrlbld fO Ille . "'ll'llft ''"'"'"""' •"' ~leclMcl he ex9(11fld lfW ....,,., IOlfklll $till _ ,,,,,.,., fl•"' Morton Nol..,-Put!l!t • Cllllomi.t fllrlrt<INI Otl'l(t 11'1 Or11nM Counlv Do JOUf falle tfeUI l.DJIOJ tnd em-~~71Upplnf,dl'opptna.orwo1>­ bllfll Wbtn JOU M\. 1-ttrb Of t.1.lt' 'l'ben.urltlt.Je a llttle f'MTSJITK oo JOUr platet. f'M'l'JmTH tloldl den· ll'!ra"i:.f..~~.::::~:~ may co south coast plaza, san diego fwy at bristol, co~fa mesa•, :E.~"ii:',;::.:tfir=~?. 546-9321 shop monda y through saturday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m •. l3~.£:1 fo.1 ' l .,.r M'I' Cornmliiktll EJ111i~1- AMll '· lf11 fllutllttMd °""°" C'lolll O•llY Plkrl, ...,,.rdt I. u. n, 2f, lttt '711·ff I I t4 b81th.8ee J'OUI' denU.\ rfC\llAtlJ . c.-r11181'UTB•'alldrul oounwra.1---------------------- .. • ... ,r.1 lhd 'J!..f • l , I ' • I I ) I I ' I • I ' I • .,. ',1' ''.~i "· ··:, .. • " ,. , l • ' I ! ' . ........... ----...---•' .. ·-~ . . ' . \ , . ' . • I . .JODON IWTINGS.,w:qn'. ' ...................... u . . ~· • Fete T.heir An Irish Evenlni is being planned by members of the l\Jen's and Women'• coundls ol St. Bonaventure .Catholic Church, Hunting· ton Beach. . •. . '1be public is invited lo attend the happening which will take place between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. Saturday, March IS, in the New- porter Inn. . . Leprechauns and coleens will ·mingle with the throt1gs atlending the dance,.and providing music will be the Jolm W\nkler band and a singing group entitled SUrbla Six. Serving as chairman of the annual event, which will benefit · the building fund of the church, is Mrs. Giles Meyer, and co-ehairmo i• Rudy Prislow. /' · Ttcketa will be '5 per couple, and addilional information' may be olJtained by calling Mrs. Meyer at.~. .• Honored guett at the St. Patrick'• benefit will be1 ihe Rev. Midlllel Duffy, blmlelt from Ireland. One of two social ev~ planned each year, last year's event in honor of the Irish was a sellout, accord· ing lo Mrs. Robert Lewicki, president of the Women's .COuncll. ' . . '."• ' .. • " .. ..... .... . .. .. ~ . . "~ ... '· ..... .. . ... . .. -. .. • • · 1 .. : ...... .... ~ ··•·· ... '. _, ~ .... ...... .... . .. . ... ,. ··-.. . ....... . ... ..... -· . .· ' . The next major funding event for the'Churcb building fund' will · be niannual fashion &how. A Happening in Fasbicift will take place Ma 7 in tht Anaheim Convention Center. 'Iickt!!s, ·at $6 per ~on, now avaDable.and may be obtained by c•llipl Mrs. Robert.Mor·. A SELLOUT ',-I!'thla year's reoponse equals last year's, the Irish Eyening ¢aruied by the joint M"en's and Womai's councils. of. st. Bonaventure Catholic Ch"'."11 r be a standlng-room ohly affair: Making sure she woo't be turned away at the door is (left) · Mrs. James Shandrick, who•is'putchasihg her tick· ets from Mrs. Giles Meyer, chairman of the W<>- . ?hen's coUncil. . :row, 847-209L , . . } ' . .Benefit Nears Invitations Build Funds • Reurvalions are in order for the thlnl "1J1ual ,. Tiara Bali apomored ·by the Tiara de Ninoo .Auxil./ lacy of Huntington Beacb. , ,./' . / · The gala ball will benefit Chlldren'1,)l0me So- dety, and takes place Saturday, Ma,n:ll 2%. • . Muter of ceremonies for ~··event wfil ,be Al Jjirvla, radio and talevilton . ality and creator Of the Make-believe on KFWB. . . Already . preb8u COCktall parties or .poetball affair• anc!'breakfuta are aumlary mem. !>en, who tO .t!.aU have addnssed more·than·l[&O in- .v11a11cns 1o area residents. . . "· Festlvltleo will take place bog!Mlng with·a·no- ·llc>st cOcktail.hour at 7:30 P..m.in MO.a Verde Coun- :lry Club. Bllftet !llnntr will be 1eti1ed between 1:30 .and 9:30·p.m., •and dancing follow!Dg dinner will be :to themmlc of the Variations. . . · : Centering the ballroom will be a huge jeweled :Uara, and tables, draped in golctclolhs and Cllllered :,Vlth glittering candl~ckl of vMd"lilue, wW seat .Jllembers and. guests. : .; Garlands of fresh spring tJowers in paler hues : !of blue will surround the centerpieces. . Mrs. James Marsh is serving as chairman (or. :tbis y-1 gala, and assisting her is .Mrs. Richard :OllOIL Others· volunteering ·their talents to the 1uc- :eea1 cl the major funding event ate the Mmt1.- :il.obert Onhood and Robert Tony, decoratl0111; :k-oth· Brown, prizes; Robert Ohland, entertain- :ment; Carllon Nippe!, program advertising and ln- ;vitations, and Raymond Ttys, publlcit}>. : : -Respons!Jile for decorat1ons=---are"'""-t11'"'e-Mmeo--.- :1llchard Merrla, JOftllit Blmte, ~art· Easterb):, :Alier~ and Ronald Krogh. ' ;. The aulliaiy' olso plana a l8lad luncheon.to :honor previalonall who will be llCCtlpled u acUv• illambers 'In April. Hoet!nf the luncheon wi1i be Mn. Joupll Rlbll. HAVE A BALL -And planning their third as an •ll!IU8l benefit are members cl Tiara .de Ninos of Huntington Beach, auxiliary of die Children's Home Society. Mrs. Kennetb. Thompeon ani! Mrs. Robert DAILY .. IL.OT",_. .... L9t ,.,.. . ' . T.eddy (left lo 'right) ·wait petienUy .lo leave while R. J. Ols0n, 2¥.i, bids fond farewell lo bis molher, Mrs. Richard Olson. ... Anniversary Coming Mi.dway Club Plans Dinner ' It's going to be a. happy anniversary for tbe Midway City Woman's Club. Moms Bid To Dinner Members already are loo~ .. ing forward to the ce.Jebrat19n -their IOth ....: wblch will take place at 6:30 p.m. Satur- day, March 22. The dinner will be served in the clubhouse, and Mr.: James A. McCalla will jo.lzr husbands as guests of honor.:· Als'o honored during t .b·t potluck will be past presidents of the cIUb. Mother's Key to Safety in Furnlshtng entertai.nmftrt the Home will be unlocked for the evening will be the for niembers and guests of La Paz Kitchen Bapd, : · ~ the Orange Coast Mothers of Members will gather for: Twins Club Wednesday, March their regu1ar meeting and fU 12. at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow id Speaking will be M r s . the clubhOtise. · '. · Robert Wilchek, chairman of Serving ai hostesses for thit · the newly developed program tea will belthe Mmes. Rot>ett s~nsored by the Women's Hazard, Sidney Miller and Tiii DiVision of the Orange County Tibbetts. Safety Council. E tertal f ' The meeting will take place n · nment or the pt~ in the HunUngton Seacllff gram will be furnished bf · Country Club, 3000 Palm Ave., the .Goldenwest Co 11 e S:.1 Huntington Beach. Members Madrigal Choral GrOl{p,,' l()t and guests will assemble at cording to Mrs. E. J. O'Doih 7 p.m. for a social hour, and nell, directine ~e: proaram. ~·. dinner wilt 'be served at a other ac.tiviUea.on the club:.:· p.m. agenda include a baked goOds All mothers of t w 1 n s sale, a tour of the NBC-TV residing in the area are studio in' Burbank, and, lrj welcome ~ attend t be popular demand, a n o the t' meeting, and dinner reserva· driver refresher course. Dates·' tlons may be made by calling for the ~ture events are J:!i;: Mrs: Richard Clifton, 842-3023, be announced, accordlnt :te b.Y. tomorrow.!--_ Mrs. Clair Bunt, presldent.:.~ • .L Membership In the H""un--~Other 'officers include thif: tington Valley organization is Mmes. Fred L. Wolfe ancf· open to all mothers of O'Donnell, v i c e presldenti ! multiples, either natural or R. V. Phillips, recordinf adopted. The group meets the secretary; W i 111 am tit:. second Wednesday of each Schmidt, correspondlnc· month fOr dinner in area secretary, alid CharJeJ; • restaurants.. Barnett, treasurer. .---:· Wed·ding, May Go· to :·t.he Dogs If They Do .Their Own Thing·.: . ' .• . ' DEA& ANli WDEl!S: MY· ~ ., agsln. Please repeal. )'<Ur. advice of !Ml . there wlio ·bve die job yet lo do - . ..i I .. --OUr colllp. year. Tell your riadert,not lo im-ma11y a,,,,...,.., ..... . ....,., wbt could ·bavt mar.. on the friendship ·11. an aqiountant or · , • 11111 DJ -of 11 -, .....mtn. tu coollUltant. DEAR ANN LANDERS : Alter !. got ,_., miD, Jou lllllecL I« on -0 People who wouldJI' dlWn of' asking through laughlng about the mlddlwged a ii e-ms mm tnd ti &roabi,. lhe butcher for a ffee .steak, or a woman who bad ! bubble gum in her 'ft -a -c:llan:b weddlnc barber for • free haircul, think nolhing hair, .on ber glalles and all over her bal tbal'• oat -· CGurlney Im ... Is tralnJnr Blue to carry the ring ~x ceremon,y bul he will not pay for ol asking a IOcial acquaintance to "help I a c e, I remembered that my mother- -that bis best man la pine In bis mouth and thal Blaze will open anytblng. AJao, he la not 1olng lo invite them" pttpare lhelr ·tu returns as a used to rub table butter oo· U. kids lo. 'be· bls do( BlaR. "Why be a bis mouth on4 drop the box on order. ha bulinelr par1ner or any of his favor. and the -came right off. ""°°""'" be Aid In an -OUr m!nlsler hu refulel lo perform bu-friends. Do you feel he is bOing My knowledge wu not obtained free. No charge for the a d.fl c e . •1l . ~. no Jriend who ii u faithful the ctrtmollf, but Courtney found a fair? -R.X. lt11 the only thing I have to sell for NO LONGER STUCK 1111 Joyol u Bu.'' My inliband bad julllce of the peace who will marry · DKAI\ R.X.: Yt1 I do. Alld U r-a living. Suggest that your uaders look DEAR N13: I om glad yva dldll~ en 6br' attack ttpt tbm ad there. them. Our daughter ii not 1.&be least ..,..r ddlb edlenrfle, ezplam dult 1n ~ yellow pages under ••Accountants. cbara:e for ..-.t adY.lce beeaue It'• aot nt bell 'man ii ~ lo ·stw bfl dlllurbed. She llfl .. erybodJ hu lier lad!er 11-, Bill.,.. *"I· Cer!Uiod Public." -TEXAS CPA worlll~ anyUliag. 'two of llll' - Ille rinc lo the ....., to place Oii lo "do bls own lb!n&." DEAR TEX: TbU ,.. fO< a U...17 tried r<movlng pm from tbelr arma 1ia 'Inle'1 llnpr. Courluey llfl he M1 bulband a.,. he will attend t.h e DEAR ANN: IJicome lu time is her< bit of advlct. Alld lo aD ti yoa oul wllfl plabl bible butter 1D4 11 .-1 \, . . I 1/ I • ' •I work • ,,. P.S: My mtlller -du•"«~ . ID4 ,lbal did work. • ~ What '"".sits, you on the oilier aiilO: . of the marrta:ge veil? How can 100. • be sure your mmia1< will worlt Rud Ann Landets' booklet "Marriap-Wbla • lo Expect.'/ Stnd your requeol lo .bft . Landers in care of' this newspaper tldtllo : Ing so cents' in coin ·lftd a lonl, ........, ' se1f .. ddresaed envelope. •• Ann Landers wlll be glad lo helf, you with YO\U' problems. Send. lllaa lo 1>er_ in care of the DAILY~ tnelosing a atlf.addreald1 Ra1P'91. ~ envelope. .v. • ·"· ... ---• • -. .. -·~-· --- • Horoscope Cancer: Check Values' CAU fOI FUI ntlMATI AMI SHOP AT HOMI IUYICI 1 -'!!"!"'"!!! - -......... ~ ..... " ...... ow .'!. r ..,. .. _. .....,.... .tied•)• *..-Y' • '' .. , W ft=~· ....... "' ......... If_,..., I •lOll YOUl AHA CALI 54M242 °t 544>'6l1, BEAUT ' PLEAT - DRAPiRY & CADIT ·~· . ::SHIPSHAPE -Modellng nautical attire, wbiclt Is featured in the fashion ":ahowings at the Western National Boat Show, Anaheim Convention Center, are :: (:left to right) the Misses Nadine Woiemberghe, Judy Geyer and Earleen :~Magusin, all Orange Coast College students. · '· .•. 2 ~ailors' Delight ·--------,---- iFashions Piped Aboard TUESDAY MARCH 11' By SYDNEY OIUBB · ARIES (Mardi II-April U): -00 """ you budle rapoosibllity. 6-lon n inw..ted In livtnc y. u dwlce to JllOft abWU.., Al> cepl urilJllll'QI. Be jbonJugb. Don't aklp epenU.I detailia. TAVllVS (April ID-May Ill)' Does I DO sood to nm ,awa-, ' from IJl'l)bianl. ,.... ...... u they •-You pt ti.Ip from )'OWll· -Ile alert, vital U enttml1stJc, you at.. 1nct Illies. Keep up with "°" I reipondence. • GEMINI (lfaY· ·uJune Ill)' Hold reins Wilen llnancea are concerned. Loved 0 D e I , especially cbildron, m I k e demands. Have ~k Wlc about !>UdCtt. Otherw1'e. there ' II wute, dupllcaUon. Gilt limns awe gooc1 buy. ~R (June 21.July 12)' Bo jnCllcaJ wbere bome J!P1fr1. _ ~provUnenlS m --Not w!Je lo ...,. mil 7-lo loni-tenn --. Shop for quallty . -to be danled by ~Check values. tso (July U.Aug. Z2), Some around you lack dellnlto plea, metllods. YOl1 surprise by e<mfna up with ans;wers that work. l!e confident. Set -OuWne pattern. Adhere to Jillctp9 You are ap- precialed. VDIGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)' Ftn1ab wbll you start. Leave no 100le ends. You get chance to pJn ~ter recognition. cr..Uve efforts pay off. Where prmously you might have beell rejected, today ac· ceptaJice II keynoted. WM (Se~t. 23-0ct. Z2): Eveo&s occur fn auddtn man- ner -aUects rtlidence. FamUy member m a·k e 1 surprise ....,.,.._enl You re-eva1uate paaitloa. New Jll'O> jed .. spoiu,hled. Coml>ine intelled wlth cbkm. SCORPIO (Oct. 2J.NoY. ll); One who WU IJIY-makes confession -It adds up to good humor. Follow throullh on hunch. You're going to get money's worth: Those who oppoeed. you now are willing· to strike a bai'galo. SAGITrARIUS (No•. 21- Dec. 21): Friendly persuasion wins the day. Be gentle. YQ'l get a surprile -of pleasant variety. Solidity ls lacking. Plans are subject to change. -Ride with the tide. Enjoy yourself -smile. Jewish Celebrations CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sudden changes occur in occupation area. Don't snap at first offt'r. Your assets are more valU1ble than· might be; imagined. Know this; play cards close to chest . . AQUARIUS ( J a n • 20- Simulated for Tour ' Feb. 18): People around you react in unusual manner; Habit patterns are brokeQ. Temple Beth Sholom Sister- hood will pret<nt Ill secood Homes of !Jvlng Judaism toor nut Wednelday beginning at 9:30 a.m. with rtgiltration in the lemple. Two oelebratlons have been added .to the tour, I demon- stratiOlf of how lilnnukah, the Festtval ol Lights 11 Celebrat- ed, and a slmulated Bar Mitz· vah senrice'. GU<otl wW depart on buses at 9:46 a.m. for 1he tour. Those opening their homes will be Mr. and Mn. Nace -with • dllpl1y d the Pwim festival; Dr. and Mrs. Joe David, a Hanukkah set· ting; Dr. and Mrs. Sidney AAUW Studies 'Education' Don't be too surprised by Fie.Id, a tradltional Sabbath s t a t e ments, declarations. table. Much is mere vapor -due Also, Prof. and Mrs. JMepb to dissolve. . Kalir, a model Sukkah com· PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): memoraUng the harvest f~i· ft. friendship cO\lld gi:ow more val; Mr.· and Mrs. Melvm meaningful You rk'eive com- Sdlustuman, ~ display . of . pllment -and a gifl Show ceremonlal objects, religious appreciation without being art treuure and rare books:•,. maudlin. Accent diplomacy. and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ya· ~~trengthen family ties. blonka with a Passover Seder \:IF To D A y rs YOUR setting commemorating the Bfl\THDAY you are intuitive, Exodus. sensitive to trends. Social life At each horn~ a sample or · picks ~p steam. You ·are due festival food will be served. to be more acti ve Consider Gueits will attend the sim·. · hOme imp,(,vement •· J't!idence ulated Bar Mitzvah ceremony change ~ ' CUSTOM MADI ... ,. DRAPERIES S4.t5 yw4 HOW ONLY A flbuloul colltcilon ol ti!Qll ~I.Miity deeor•IO<' t•bl'la illcl\llllng lOCIO'I of y.1rdl of nl;ll 11r1e boue""' tullw-. \IMl'tl -Cll!Nlb , •• 111 Wle priced. DELIVERY IN 7 DAYS ,,_... •--.,... • ._ _. ... Qll-_,...,.. f!Yillf .,.. IM!w, """' 9flldlftf IWYkl. ltly .., •tawn ,...., ,.,. ,.,,,.....,.,.. arr-. 1Jt1 t1n111 ,..,._..., 1¥'*' wttUM111111, 1111 1111t11111-. OUI WOIKMANSHIP IS SUPlll HAIDWAll & IODS CUT TO OIDl!I EAUTIPLY DRAPERY &'CARPET CALL POI fll!I! mlMATE SHOP·AToHOMI! SEIYICI 548-8242 in the sanctuary following the ~ TDIDENCJES· tour. and the traditional luncfl.." By mldatternoon lunar pogi~ nlMS: UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY eon reception will follow. t' · ·u Pl\ . r ht '-==================:===; Chairmen of the event are !00 wt em as,iz~ ig er Ir Mrs. Robert Aaron or Tustin m~y. • ~ .~· -· DIMES TO DOLLARS d l\lrs M rtin Skl f .t.-n • To !'Ind •Giit .. ,..,,,.....,.T."" YGU an . a ar o 11.1~· In "*"r ftnd • '°"' ·erdtl' s1dnw beim Ot111rr'1 booir.Jtt, ~s.c,.. Hints lor • . Mill Jllid .,..9fl'l..,," 18\d 'blrtlld1te ReservaUcns may be made alld :50 ~ '° oinlrr 1\A1trok>llY calling Mrs Charles Gf.l'. Secnll. the OAJLV PlLQT, llax 324~. Sp1nd dim1•. '"'~' doll1r1, C1ll 64?-5lW'I for h1lp witll 1n fn. '"P"ll;.,,, 1ur1.fir1 DAILY PILOT Dim1·1-Lin1 1d. :~ The trend in ferrilnine sty)es ' variety of pants 11tyles are ~ year is to cover up and the "in" thing for this year .cl.re&s up. along with a wide choice of :: ;rrus doesn't mean the bikini colorful blouses and tops. ..ls.out, but on the beach you'll The new fashions not only 3>e seeing the more feminine are more colorful -with red. :.,PlBysWt, or cover-up suit and white and blue being big in ~ nautical styles are being the broad color range -they .Mlanted the same way. lean heavily. towards more ·· Among the more fashion· comfortable wear. Clothes will :~oded crowd, the dress up be looser fitting as well as irend, will include wearing more decorative. These are tips pasied on about new styles by Miss Madeline Criglow, fashion ex· pert for the Wet Seal chain of !lores in Orange County specializing in d r e s s e s , sportswear and swimwear. J Sa la• An Grind C:entr1I St1t1Dn. N~ Vort, i~~~~-~~~~n~~·~·~~~"·:~~·;~:"~~~~~~_;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Newport.Co1ta Mesa ~£~ ,:·c:«lkijJ;•~lttl They are being modeled dlJ. ly in a ta.Shfun show during the Western National Boat and Marine 1 Show, which .continues through' Sunday at Anaheini Corivention Center. G J r f s modeling are students from Orange C<>asl Cpllege. lt'a part of their curriculum in airlibe ~wanlw training classes. cation. ~ "fmlnlctor'' will be Dr. Sa 1 o ns -:Chain belts, necklaces and And another import.ant item :~eWelry ; loading up with ac· making the new styles popular .,eessories of all types. is that clothes are being made ·?-Flare leg, elephant and a which have better washability, ~ ~ dryability and require no William Cunnlnldllm, auperfn. tendent of the liewport.Meu Unified School lllslrJd and member of the AdmlnllinUve Policies Coniintuloo, stale d CalUornla. . '1be meelini wjll tab pl1ce ""7::!0 p.m. next w~ in Island HOUIO, F-b-_. • 11resslng or ironing. Just drop (< a Sh IO n S them 1n the washer, swilch . ,, to the dryer and put them :~ ' away on a hanger. They're The Fashion Shows are scheduled for !:30 p. m • weeknights, at 3: 30 and I : 30 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 p.m. only on closing day Sunday . land. DurinJ: the llSDon new offl. cers will be elOctecl and 1tudy \ :~Sighted . , ::. First Mates ·of the Balboa ·tyacht. Club will be taken on ·:a.Spring Fling nut Thursday "with a luncheon fashion show '.le:tturing styles from Apropos. •: After the 11 :30 a.m. social •)>Our aiid 12:30 luncheon, the ~'fipring ensembles including .~i Gernreich's latest de- ·:.Slgns, will be presented by ·jtrs. Almon Lockabey, fash- :l.On coordinator. •Oxnmentary will be offered :J;if Miss Marsha Yust and ·-models will be the Mmes. ~~!iam Boland, C h a r I e s ..-J!ioa:y, Michael Hirsch, Thom· ~)$: Kellogg, Jay Linderman, ~Leonard South and David "'Young. :: )Aincheon chairman is Mrs. ·Edward Latham, who also ~11 provide background mu- ·«ic, and wardrobe mistress is '.)In. Cooper Johnson. •• .completing the list of those )lssisting is Mrs. B. W. Wil- Jiamsoo, decorations chair- ·tnan, and her commit'tee. '. ~· . ::cashiers Bid ... :: :A talk on Variable Annuities j,)r George Streisfield, general c•gent of Linooln National life lrfsurance Co., is on the ·:atenda tomorrow evening for j:riembers of the Lile ln.surance .Cashiers and Office ?.tan-:"afn ~ation of Orange .tO.Jnty. •· lfbe moothly meeting will J>tgin with a cocktail hoor at .fi :30 in the lron Horse restau- . :t4nt, Orange, with d i n n e r .;,,Jenned for 6:30 p.m. ALL ~UNRAVELED? J)dna that problt":m to us ·,,, •• \Ve>'ve solved aom~ of the toughest ones. Our CX· ~ta make them good The KNIT WIT SOUTH COAST PLAZA L..wer Mill "''''' fro111 Woolwortlri', .. ,,,., •• tt..·s·~ o;••• flwJ. COSTA MESA ready to go again with no muss or fuss by milady. !.'iYlt.I~ period TUES. THRU SAT. 9:30 to 5 p.m. true-to-life portraits IN .COLOR S x 7 PORTRAIT, or o "'' l 49 OF 4 WAUET SIZE PHOTOS . • . . . . • • . e , _ 2 CHILDREN PHOTOGRAPHED TOGETHER . : ••. '.2.98 • Great color portraits, as only th• "Phcy" photographers cap- ture them. All portraits are delivered to yau at our store. You have your choice of several poses. No mailing. handling, or other charges. Age limit, 12 years. TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 9,30 to 5 p.m. PENNEYS COSTA MESA 2300 HARBOR BLVD. We shape your lightened hair int.o lovely curls . We caress the curb with "'Nice Change .. -11.0 perozide. ln jt1Bt 10 minates your new blonde curls ta.ke on whieper-eoftcolor-tone that lasts throuib ,..eral ahampoog. With oo 111b-off, no retouch problem: we just renew the color wbenever7ou wiahl (Mii -. C1lll. 11'1' •• ,,.,, """' ~Ir c:..tw --o .. -'-c.111. 11M~, CM--- Cest1 Mou, C1lll. HOI lilrtw ...... k-lil•ft ~lln -- Santa Ana, Calif. I,._, W.ti.!lliltw 'Ttwll ewi ... "'*"-Ot·r.w RO~X / PLUS SHAMPOO $215 AND sn !Mon. tlln1 Tims.) - Altlf 5 p.m., $2.SO , Friday, Satordoy, Sudoy ··-··---$3.00 I Cotti Mot1 , C11il. Fount1ln V1lloy, C1nt.i, "fW W, '"" S1...t 1"31 /INtlllfll "'91111 60.nH Vlllftt (..,.., Santa Ana, Calif. ttJj ~ ''""""' ''"""" (""" """'-~11 --· . I Founllln Valloy, C.Uf. .,, ...... "hdlf "'"" c..... ""*""' ~, .... I • • • • • I ·I • • • • • ! . • • I •l ' I ' . • l l l ) ; • l ) l ; l i ! . . • I ' ., ., 1 l I • . I SONNEE STALLMAN To Join Brides • Late Summer ·Rites . Slated- ,During a champagne brunch aboard the Reuben E. Lee, the engagement of Sonnee Delight Stallman to Ro~rt Alan Weedn was · announced. The bride-t~be, daughter of Mrs. George R. Wiseman of Corona del Mar and John E. Stallman of Saigon, Vietnam, is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and the Uni- versity of Southern California where she is working for her masters degree. - A 1964 Children's Home Society debu- tante, Miss Stallman aHiliated V!ith' Alpha Garruna Delta. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Weedn of Pacific Beach, is an alumnus of University High School, San Diego and attends USC where be is a member of Sigma Chi and the varsity football team. The party, "given by the Wisemans, was attended by relatives and friends who were apprised of the news by reading Uie Qe- trothed names on streamers tied tQ ;cbA.m .. pagne glasses. A late summer wedding in St. An\irew'a Presbyterian Church is being planned. Juniors Choice Evening Ceremony Rites ·Re vealed .. ...... ........ ~--- l'lftJ -ud -.... --· brolbtr b1mdl wt• wed tbt tnlf· ot Oiie ......... June Date Se feC ted For Rites .... cl P.olrlda Alln-. 1lle receptlop -tie d•JP cl lit. mid Mn. evenJnc ... _. 1P''ll!al ,..,., .. -~••! c:erancnlel -'lliamu cl Colla wm Mn. WllUlm• F, --. ·-llMo, ud BSry Jobn Bar-• -.-11r1. • E. W·. · J\me 11 In SI. Pllll's Epilcopll ..U. -cl Mr. and Mrs.' HUion, lbe bride'• Clllfch, 'j'Uatln, John Charles &berl.BamU cl TwlWdld, ..-..,.., Mn. B. D. Llncl. Wasl\ln&lca Jr. cf Newport llaas. , "1 and Mn. Jahn 'lllorltY, a!' Beach will claim Karen L""1 1lle diub'!; ring .. _ the .... book. KBft .. hll bride . !Oo~ place Ill the LyuwOo<l . 1lle newl1wed1 IM>ney-" 1 '"• •1.,.....,-., •• h1in1' cf the bride'• aunL -In Connel ~ """" • ..... ---Bilbop 1fatlaoe Loeb P"""" ~ their J>ome· In Cosl8 evmt w.as mealed by. Mr. cl the ~ewpoct Beach Wild »-, . a D d Mrl. Louil E. Kl'lft cl cl the ~ .cf fl>rl'I' cl , The· pew !!In. BamU at-Sanla Ana. pamla cl !be Latlel'<ley Salnll olflcl&led. !ended Newport Harbor High. brl-wbo 11 a ,..._..,. The bride, gl,..111 malriap llcbool and Orange Coast of Foothill High School .and by tier father, lelected a Door Collqe and ber lwaband wu attended Calijornla St ate lenclb i9°'1' brocade JOWll a lluc!!nt al Ncrtb Mlddlesn <;:olloge al Fullerlon. • with a train' velllog held lo ~I Hlgll S c ~ o c t , • lier f!m, 11011 cl Mr. and a DWI and RqUin tiara• She· lfaaachuiel!I; and Ne w Mn. John C. Wuhtnclon of caiTled. a bouq1:1.et oL. .wHlte Hariipetitre College d At> Newport Beach, at ten d.e d carnaUODB, Uly Of the ·Valley -¥a1 iod eommer.,., ArlJOna State' !Jnlvenlly and and.an~ i • . • Attending ai maid° ol honor .... Miss.. Peno!. Thomal, sister cl the brlie,' In a loog haze blue lafleta gown, Mias Barbara Zierke ,.WU lhe bridesmaid 'and Mias Doonl 'J'!>onw "was the ~ ol· -nt. 'Ibey -long powder blue laffeta ....... Beat man was Ben Newton and usbering the guests to their seals Wert Bob Magnun JACQUELINE FROST To Marry June Plans Revealed SL James Episcopal Church will be the setting for the June 21 wedding linking Jac- queline May F-rort aod Dale Lee Jone!, both of Newpqrt Beach. Close relatives or ihe couple learned of th• forthcoming event during a dinner party in ¥esa Verde Country Club given by the bride-elect'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. FrOsl of !Jdo L!le. • ' . .. KAREN K RAFT BrlcM-- now· G an Orange· Coast College student. He ls an honorary member 0£ Zeta . . Bet.a Tau. MO<ldoy, -10, 1'169 . .. . DAil Y ~ILOT ,f/'l Gardeners Program • • • Reschedule: ...... on Pldntini · . -· Wlllllm ToOe, ,._._ ee11ec1~1or IN .,_ .... lpptatlllC< .... WICll!led doe .-!Ito ... --*'". lo run .... will speak oa Spring l<COnllng lo 11111. --Planllns betorc ineniben and Hanbon, publlcU}' cllmmQ; • guests of SOOtll Coul Garden She aald. Mrs. J._ 11°~ Club at 1 p.m. Wedneeday, nomlnatlnc com nil t t"4'1 Mareh 12. · chairman,, plans td,...-1 a • The landscape arthtteC! and sla(e cl prospecll•• c!llcirO owner of the Gat<len Shack, durln( the . ApHI 'meOt!ifr. Lasuaa seich, •Win' present •followed by ekctiOM Ill lt.f; buq1r'i'am to the Three Arch Mrr. Ward la lielni MlillM Bai Commllllily Clu-... by Mee. v..._ Glllbl -Mn. PllWlp 111rniD will be . lits. R. L. L ~ ·~:;: tea chalrman. ., • ....... ._Y '~ ~· Tolle, a • lfllllm• cl .p •ecfs \I~'-~-~~. Unlvenlty ;,/ Ca 111 or d la rOf · Y-leW~; Berkeley, •bllobed b t I -to Lquna Bach 11 )'WI aao and contribute> regular garden I u I d • n c e. articles to magizlne1 and the news media. An aanujl field' trip planned by the lroup bas been can- .. .. .. • .... Artists Pick.ed I Miss Frost is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and attended Chapman College where abe affiliated with Kappa Delta Epsilon. Four artists representing different levels of experience and interests are the Newport Beach Junior Ebell Club's ArUsts-of-the-month. During the month of March art viewers at Mariners Ubral'f" will be exposed to a variety of techniques and talents by students of Miss Aileen Worthley. Showing art experience ln Judging and uhibiting ls Miss Kay Gray, who likes to reflect the wonderful world of nature. Her lllyle has beep influenced by Robert . Henri and her honors include prizes from the San Mateo Fiesta and Laguna Beach Art Gallery. . Michael Dwaileebe, better · known as M. Michael, h a painting contractor ln Newport Beach who will be exhlbiUng scenes of Monterey, still lifes and qsoi'te<!' original com- ~itlons. ~ • Peggy (Mn. Henry i Mim offers a. variety of paintings displaying planes, sun We and figures. "I only wish there was m~-time to paint11 b the understandable comment from lbe. mother ol fOar actlve children. Helen (Mrs. Mu) McClain was awan:led a .JeCOnd place at the Orange . County Art AsstX:iation a n d • honorable · mention in the Anabelm Art Show. Sbe is president of the Ventura Art Club and the Realistic Painters Group Ur Ojai. ' . WHO COULD SAY NO Her fiance, SM of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lee Jones al Newport Beach. ls a iraduate of Catalina ·Island School f« Boys and attended California Slate College at Long Beach. Unusual Art A demonstration of wii:avlng done on unusual o bj e·c t 1 without the use of a loom will be giVen for the South Coast Weavers' Guild Thurs- day, March 13, by Mrs. Lois Ericson of the San Diego Weavers. The 1 p.m. session wlll be in the Santa Ana Library. ' Save 500/o .. Mediterranean motif fringed de,orator bedspreads 19.99 twin size, compara ble value 40.00 . . full size, comparable value 46.00 22.99 . ' - ,king size, comparable value 60.00• 29.99 • Don't forget the bedrooms in your spri0g red.coraiing. May Co makes . e new bedspread for every b,ed possible for half 9f what you expected to pay. Ta ilored of heavy rayon end cotton upholster)' fabric>-lhey.'re in 3 f"lterns. and 13 colors, ell lavish ly fringed, ;The selection is greet, but shop early 'as they're sure to 90 fest. maY, co draperies ond bedspreads 113 ... . ' ' . I . Wo 11oaiwon1 lo complicate your life by giving you illcb -I rings flbm which to choolo. . • l • • I • I • j -• Wo/llllWll!lyou 10---llytollll-. we have It to ll>u- MuqulMaolltllre, $1 ,025. Peer, $1.0SS. EineroJd cut, $1125. -cut, $795. . . (Pllcoo....,._diomond-J SLA.VICK'S Jeu:lln!iinal 1917 18 F'•1hion Jsl1nd Newport le1ch -644.IJIO Yow Cfli•rt• A""""* Wofco--lo11kAIMffc.'4 / Moritf Chor .. , too Op011 Mo11., Fri. u11til t 1JO ,.111, ' • • ... , M ·.A. ·-Y-·C:: C> lllllY 'CO sovthc-tpla•, san dle«JO fwy at bristol, costa IMIGl 546-9321 · shop monday Htrough saturday 10 am to 9:30 pm ' \' ' . ' , • • • ••• i"' ' . ' . ~ • . --• l , I ',lf;-.YPUr t I ~--:f!oshion Approach TV Host • • • ' ""'~ .. \ ••••••••• •,a Keynotes pit tUf e: ·Dinner peeks~ .~ . Middle of Road Traveled -~ -litlll aad J!!Ckell beadllned the faablon ·Mn re,,etltd bf Mi. -· the ·loac. -nn. with 11111 aklrl aad the almple ll>lll Geqla~Soutbern callfomla deljcM' """ ohow· td-her collecllon durJn( the u.....i Wblle cap beaelli; Eac:b had ltl .... atMy with laterpla)I GI lll>rlet aad ddaJl. fl>I. . lier !avorlte -*"' eel to be a . .,.... and wfllte 'Ille parade lealurad only a !ft bulo alylel, -.. t!i@ .-. jumper, .f'!'lnl. wl>lch abe )llecl In -Ill GI the olylel, aven .-....... .~- ·~· .-~ ... ... .... · Elizabeth Arden face treatment is much more than just a.facial An Elizabeth Alden expert In lllffllllS' Red Door Treatment RQOlll will help you diSCOYer dell~IM beauty secrets. You'll have a face trulmenl lllCI fllll&t with a luxurious new makeup as wall.as• radiillt fileling. Complele'liealmen~·Will111111keup,UJl Beauty6tadio, DOWlllDwn Lm1 Beach, ' Pomona, Newport, La Hain · Mani cum, ]lldiCUlll, flclala IDd 111m!ysis Buffums· ~ OMlil' N P'llNol 1atM1 • 644-zmt ..... ,...a..N. -• "-.... --· 5:11 ---=-=-'°=---------- .... .. FINE BAKERY Hot Cross Buns • cap! eet Sopirfllli jeraey. wrinkle ,_ polyaten, -anc1-..... 11er-cbolca. I All eumpla GI tulag one ' bulc u., aad dw>clnl ii into maey Varlatloal WU the -· II WU ae<n In Ill types of labrlat and colors; printl, nnlu doCa and atrlpe1; with "~." dirndl and atraJaht Utrtl; thorl and loll( aleeva; . button or ruffle trlm down the front, but all were belted. Bells, uaed with most oi .her ensembles, were placed at the natural waillllne. 'Ibey , ...... nol cinched tiibt, and they came in matcblng !abrk:s, chain-types and con- trullng leather. Pockets wete everywhere. They, too. came in matching fabrlct, 1>u1 primar11r ,..... of contruUng colon. ScarYes dominated th e • show. 'lbey were w o t n casually at the neckline. as bead bands, ·tied as ribbons, and one mannequin even wore . hen Indian style. Miss Bullock empha!lled that fashion's many directkml o! today, from the Oamboyanl to the sedate, Ia a cballenge to uy cl<ltgner. "I prefer lhe mlddle<i!·lhHoad •I" ,proa~ offering comfort, d<tal1 and cbnlce of fabrics" · • • • <Udly wbal her co~ leollon espmsed. ·Tbe -· llJlOll'O"d by the WOIDID'I Aus:IJ1aty to the -0nap-c.mrty M'fd!Cal Aaoclatlon, .... pruented In Amhefm Convention Center to raise lltbolanhlp and loan fUadl fir ltudmtl planning ....... in JUn!n& and related meCDcal lleldl. Music, Politics Blended STILL YOUNG -Sii years young is the Women'J Society-of~Christjan SU\'" ice of the 'Mesa Verde Methodist Church, Celebrating the club's anniversary are (left to right) Mrs. William CreighlDn-Jr., Mrs. John Biadshaw and Mrs. Phillip Knouse who are helping plan a birthday luncheon on Wednesday, March 19, in the church . Aiming for Seven The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks ii lo You' ~ lot 111o' -1"' ....,.. ...... ar.. Coal Collop Jolodm- dla&I*' -will bo -eel -...., Jldt 11aU6J fl . Patrlda Niil 1111 -In the 'the •'QWD !Gr a ill1" TV hMdJ!nea for a llll!Dber. ol -· · " . ,...._.wMcb blvt -hel' atop I 'lllf11'dft! baa q Ill I Ille plnaacle ol -picture _....,i· "1 the Moocl*i IUCCW and octual/Y flllitlnl , WOII>AD Studillltl: u 1 u 1·11 1 f(I' her 'ftry life dtitinr 11eges --lio tie 4llO dlaon. ol maaa. I L • -.an,. '"-Mn. llirie N. .., •·· ell ••· Boni, .. ;..,.;we «MD-ofr.. 01f' WI IUIU ~, W oi: u...- dml ldlvlllel·!Gr -roecl to -qam. far, far Thi. ,0... the dimer la ttcm her 111rglcal and medical ad><dn!e<t for W..i-tay, lrilll, bWfng In the l]lOWght -u. wtlll "1Ut c<>Cktalla focuoed ... ... who bu been I being lll'V1lll a1 t:• p.m. 1n poo1ec1 for aom1aatioo u "BHt tbe home eowxmta bnlldlnc Actieu,•• 'rib a poaible ''Os- adl cllaner followlal In the car'' !tr her ll)llmdid portrayal ---. Mlllkl w1D bo ~ by in 11le lall)<d Wee a-. the OCX: <b;nle, and a fuhloa -plaal uo fndl •. Llknlle up for Oocar as coted. ' ''!lfst Supporting Actor" Is Jack . ~ -_,in Marriage Revealed Mn. Belly Jamt.... Swan nie 11o111«1 w• -AU this mqnlllceat movie portrayal cm bll. wide, wld< scnen al the !July C01Y N<wpo<t !Jdo, the movie home th.al lw been around here ror so long that lo- cals feel at home then! and Charles ErnM Magnus ,..... married in her Newport &ach home with the Rev. Dr. James Kirk ol SI. Mark Pres- byterian O>urch · olllclatfng. · 'lbe former Mn. Swan'• attendant was her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Barnes and f/f!tV- inl u belt man wu Cbarlaa T. Magnus, the bridegroom'• IOO. Among' Immediate family memb<n ollellllinl were Lt (j.g.) and Mn. Paul C. Swan Ill ol Guam, ..., and ctaugl> ter-in-law of the new Mrs. Magnus. Following a chlmpagne Sbaw1ng screen-side at the luncheon. the aewlywedl left popular !Jdo with the Oscar-on a Caribt>ftD honeymoon aboard the Pdncal Carla. bidding Tbe Subjed Wu ROlel l~~§§§§§§§~~~~~~§~~ils a funny film that is bringing Strains of Happy Birthday The remalniDI six tables are ff ln kU of Harbor area guys and will ecl>o Wednesday, March being arranged by the Mmes. L CARPET! CARPET! CARPET! I gal1 who leave with loads o! Birthday Celebrated 19, when the Women's Society J. R. Smith; Joseph McShane; WOW , . laughs .stowed on board. of Christian Service of the 1 000'• of Y~ARDS Mesa Verde ·'4etbodist Olurcb William Price and Donald Good for lotl of laughs is T1te celebrate its 1 l i: t h ·an-Stokes; Rlchard Faris b; ROLLENDSI REMNANTSI Imponlble Yun. Based on a Pol!Uca and mU1ic wlll be cunblned when RMera Club nivusary with a hmcheon In Gerald Doan and Henry Blaes, OFFGOODSI CARPET FROM Broedway hit comedy here is members and guest! gather the church at 11:301•.m. and Milton Fabre and John TRACTSI ooe starring David Niven as a far a monthly luncheon meet-Making arrangemenls for Kelly. LOW, LOW PRICES ~: ~,.e hepsylschlatrtsl Y~ ing nut Wednesday Jn Balboa the party are members of 'nckets art $2.~ each and wnu i.iwaaa very mu..:;u Bay Club. the Lorraine ·circle. X.plan'• may he pun:hued by calling Carpet . Warehouse aware of the teen-age problem. Tbe 12:30 p.m. luacheon will of South Coul Plaza will ceter tile 'church office at 54~2719. 1753 South Ritchey • Santa Ana ~ '(~ v~::: llke'Jlace after an ~on.al the affair while Mn. Gwen C11lld care will be provided IN-port fr•-•v •• Edlnt•r -w. t. k.lch1vl leb 'involved ln a tamN• pick· eocl hour •--' -in fol· Willi ill -~•··te •· '"· ch··-1.. ONN: hlty I h 4 s.t. 11 A.M. te J f ,M, 141.UTI r-~~ ww ams w --a w -~ el line. Lola Albright plays· th• lowed by a abort busme.. 'Pring f8'hlon show by ~=:..:::=:_ ___ ...2:=================1-and the side-splitting ~.E:cted. by Mn. merchanis ofHarborShopplng ROB I ·N so N'S film receives a ratln& ol "G" -wl>lch-~~~-~ agenda will · d' di Include nomim.tlons from the Tables will be decorated to au 1ences regar ess age. f1oor for the lt69-70 executive represent the 12 months of Better get to the Lido for a board. the year. Hosting tabtea will truly top film program. /• Ed Henneuy, the featured be the Mmes. Rollild Lampe entertatner, will b& intro-and Phillip Knou!e; John Lar- duced by Mn. Wal!on E. Jar· rlson; William Creighton Jr. rel. He plans a prngram and Donald DeRusba; William atmlinl both lrillh melodl<s, Foy and Harold Simoods; in honor al St. Patrick's Day, Wayne Nash and Marcus and eongl UIOdated with the Stoneman Jr., aod Robert Easter IUIOO. Mammano and W f 11 I a m · Re:lervations may be • Meinzer. .1- lalaed by caDlng Mn. Harold ·-=:::;;::===:;:::==;J A. Deviney, 4tM'752 or Mrs. II" Frtd<rlct L Rlclunan, tit- In case you are asked about "M" movies, pop up with thJs , ansWer, quote -auggest'ed for mature audience, adults and mature young people -unquote. "M" ·u for Th Wrectlq Crew which brings Malt Helm to the Mesa screen. Matt is interpret- ed by ne.n MarJln who ptlys this bachelor role I! a guy en- gaged in internatlooal Intrigue, 1753. 6pring spectacular: No( to mention gorgeous girls. But, please dO not mention the word engaged when Matt is around tbe dolls! Alcmg with this mrprl!e-!Wed, sex-laden !unny film al the Mesa is The Brodtt:rbood. Kirk Douglas takes the top spat In this Teclmicol'Or' motion plct'ure that lurnl an exciting spotlight on the actlvtUe1 of the Mafia. Fillec:I with fru it •nc:I r1 isin1. Topped with a delicious icing. I for 17c . .. ... . .. ... ,,,. ... . -.. , ---· -' . .. -.. ... .• - Blueberry Pie Noth ing is •• all Am1ric1n 11 lluiberry Pia. Filled with plump blu1b1rti11, 9tc Divinity Candy Delightfully smooth and creamy. Tr11t your sweet tooth T.J9 •· ~~~~,~~? If yow bif'tW1y is i11 April, May Of' Jun11 .-top, fn and f!H out M entry ••• a dtcortfecf 2-11y1r ,ti"(') c1•• to 5 lucky p.op.lt 11ch month! ~~L IDO CENTER 3433 VIA LIDO !NEWPORT BEA'CH . 673-6360 ~----------------------------~- • 10 SPARKLING PORTRAITS OF YOUR CHILD, ONLY . ',$10 .· on• &10,'three 517 •nd six W1Uet·siz• ••• enouah tor You ·~•mlly aifts! ·-- I -- t CLAIROL® SUNLIGHT GLOWS IN YOUR HAIR The sun shines brtghtest on the woman who has dlsCC1v'ered COme nin or shine, calm or lrindy, the Mau M.ltinee is bound to give potrom good film eaterLatnmen(. When a new movie ltartl ltl first week at the Men tbe debut Ls made dur· Ing this weekly Mesa Matinee. When there are ~t weeks .the magic of our fabulous color stylists. She's a glovvlng for a line !eeture at the M.,., Cl [ I® bl d onde · then the Mesa Matinee brings a ro • on e, •• the prettlest bl you kno.Y. Be ~e I bact a hit b popular requeat. custom coloring, lndlvidually prlced, Upkeep, less than an hour. Tbe ~Is ;ednesday of .,ch Price lncludlng set, from 15.50 1 cut, from 5.00. Beauty Salon. ...t. time ls one o'clock. SPECIAL: HUMAN HAllt STRETCH WIG, CUSTOM STYL!D, 45.00 Jn blondes, brunettes, frosteds and greys ••• what a wig to wear When your cmn coif droops I Save ctJrlng this Umlted orre~. See our entire wlggery group: cascades, wiglets, long and medium falls. Beauty Salon. FREE PASSES to the Lido or the Mm wtU be mal~ to-- cloy to R. C. Jobn. IJlll Vista Cljoo, N<wpa<t Beach, E, Vogt, Sit Aliso. N'ewport lleach, C. II:, Pendleton, 980-C W. 17th SL, CoS1a M ... and R. D. Addlocln, Corona de! Mar. This quarlel will be guestl ol "Pltcure Peekl" at the IJdo or NEWPORT CENTER · FASHI ON ISLAND · 644-2BOO ~~~our'°'!n~"..'JM:'tZ ---------" · eluded one day berore loo lofll . ' \ f· • • I ' r -~'Light Up Sky;Stella~1Show ' ' sounds Utt"' 1 naUve New aod maybe 1Q1Pt 'ta l e Yorka-la thal ht bu lr1veled thtater, bul DO chlDeO fG< ·---· ' -·-IQYlhlnc .... lo ...... 1 ... between' -· --Broo4WIY ltMI! wW - llnce lllL bluer and"blcior, llld----. By TOM BARLEY ..... Dlll'I' Plllf Stiff ·They call Moss Hart's witty, wonderful window on show bb: t•t feel men at home here 1 and malltr at the aamli' than in any place I've been, time." including London," the •year Pltuence, veteran of mariy old veteran actor Wei, adding in avant-garde play hlmielf, "Light Up •Tioe ~kJ"' and an huplred l'eotmlnsler .Com· rpunlty Theater cast did u . actly that Friday night in a atellar production of t b I s hafdY perennial of a play. haa Mlhlnf bat praise for however, tblt M Jr"ll•• Loo-;, .;of:::;f·B~roa:=d~•::•:u::.:::::::Uo=:.::nt::. . ..., doo theater critic!. • Hart'•· devutaling ~ope -and It w~ grand to a1,i. ''Ll•MT UI" THa SICY" 4 c.nedY by Mou H•rt, dlrwctwd 91 Torn Tltu•, Mt cll!llllll •tld t.m- 11lcel •lrtetlan 11'1' Atvld Mehlu, 111" ""'"'"'"" J .. n Hnerty, nshltlcl by ~ Umllert, ~led FrldtVI •1111 !laf\l..S.r• lh•aut1ll Merdl n 1t the W.tml11ti.r eommu11ttr ThHtw, W"tml11t!ff Avtnue 11 GoldH Wftl Strtet In tti. Wntrnln1M Cmtlr Mall. . TH• CAST _ Mfq ~1 ............. ,.Jtnlce MfflM' Clrietoit 'ltze1n1d ........... all Lltti. i=J'ltllOI$ Bladl: .............. tll'ltfll All! ~ Tunwr ....•••••...••.•. -..,•ScOtt Stellll l l¥1nftflDll .••.•• J-tf!Wr MlllT•Y ,....... 1191 .................. ._ltld: Gwtlt $1d!Wf •i.o: .............. 41111 9.'"-tt 'FunnyGir4' ' 'Rom~o' Top AAPA's "List .· ' mlw YORK (UPI) -"Flm- ay Girl" 04 i•Romeu and Juliet': hav.e J>e!n. named win· aers In the All-American P:'esa Aasociates' a n 11 u a I · moTie belt awards. ' I~ LJVl111llon. ,. ••• C.rol, P"tvlalldl: Tylw Rrtbw11,, •.• , .. , •• Dldl • .Hfflt .. Wf1l11m H. G.l~ .•.. J• Del It ... j ' .. • 1 DA.,i Pu AAPA· member11 represen· ' \ ' .... _ ~ 37 ~pllz}m :1n d . hear one :or: ~ the. ~ crispest scrlptl ln the 1ima1s Cit com- edy -Wu made to JteaJW"e 'YOU'LL PLAY THIS SHOW 'IN ~·lllciN LUNG•1 ,' •• 'ne"•-a..(llCkedMwlnners . Alon Hort, Coral Foul1tlck, Dick J•lferl1 Id 'Llthl, U_p. ~ ~ky' ,from•~ for English • ' .. lariguige musical and non- for this b a r d • w or le l n I names in whit was 90 in· His love affair wilh himself Westminster ciew. niere were dubitabJy a team eUort but was delightfully convincing few faults lQ1 fin!! throughout we muat bring Alan G. Hart and one of the best scenes a long, de~ play and to th!' footllghtrfor a special in the ahow occurs .when the whatever error& or' omissions' ovaUon. As Sidney· Black, the off e n d e d Fitzgerald reluc-- we had noted went in ~ theater..truc'k tycoon whose tanUy allows himself to be waste basket in the afterglow bellef that bis show "la.Id an persuaded to propose a toast desp0¥ent com..m paroafmu ~ joy' musical producUon.s a n d I n t o forolin films. of that superb third act. egg" Ls ~ dellghtfully dispell-to ~ about-to-open show. Thif wu where these ~ea~y 1 ed in that riotous last act, EFFECTIVE CAST cast Q}ayen really \l'OD their be is superb, a b 1 o 1 u t e I Y Ray Scott gave us 8 very spur1.\Hart seti them a fran--superb. effective, low-key 0 wen Tom Barley thinks it was A terfifib · ' show,· M'i i I Fau!Jtfc!li".6y far Ibo best pieCe of theater we'Ve seen Utls season and a clever, f&.I _p.C.Cf plaj tiiif iel& ~ ao~ end~inenl . ' . Barbra Streisand of "Funny Girl" won the best actress "1Wa?d·Jii t1ie Engllsh'!anguage mualcal category wblle Ron Moody toot the actor's honors for hil role in "Oliver." tic pac;;e In a whirlwind cllmu Hart puts some grand old-Turner, the amused and to biJ clever ofti;ring. but fashioned elbow grease' into obsenoant veteran playwright; ~irtc~ Tom Tilus_ ~igade; an uproarious role and he Rick Gunst was convincingly ·~k It all in their "Str~e . to takes our top star on the fresh and uiltarniahed as give us the most e~g merit of effort alone. He-wlll, fledgling playwright pet.er half-boqr of t~ater that we ve we predict, be a very tired Sloan; Dick Jefferis wu very Katharine f{epbutn. ll as named best actress for her role in' 'urbe Lfon in· Winter" and CllH Robertaoit .won . for 0 CharJey" in tl\e non-musical Two Nights ca~ •• "The Two o1 u ... had in~ long tune. . man when this ritn is over. much the u n assuming toot the ho""" In the foreign Of 'Soprano' ..: department. Full ~~rks to. Tit~s for a Not far behind are the lovely Harvard man as Ty 1 er At-Clemente beautifu ]Ob of direction. An,d Carol FaulsUck, as th e Rayburn, Irene's bilsband, aud he gels our gratef~I credit tempermental star, Irene Liv-Janice Miller was a cool, com-for those many updatmgs and . sto d Helene Asb 8 A special twG-performance touches Of lhespian po I i s h tng n, an ' petent Mias Lowell. the ever ...... a-ent of "'Ibe Bald . very competent and engaging t lary ~ •···· noted during the play, all of Frances Black the lee-skating pre.sen secre · Soprano," Eugene Ionesco's which did so mu«:h ~enhance wile or Sidney: Miss Ash has No, we didn't forget Joe satire of English domestic lHe, "New York crltJc1. especially one. are the arbltqn of ...,_ , .~ mean life ·or · d,.th, ·In ·J,olrdoo, NOW--&xclutlyt .... Showl- Orlgin•I Unwt VeralOft Yt1r L.A;Roodahowl roll AU. YllJNG ~ WHEREVER You ME !tighly _entertauung show. show and we thoroughly e,,. perbapo, but what a Joy ' he by the ~ Clemente CoJn· Wl!IT · You may or may n~t know, joyed her sharp, flashing was as the capering Shriner munlty Theater. ~ 1'HI d · ,.I; · , AWUVS 1 are colleag~es o~ the DAILY piece of casting here. into show business. who also plays .. major role _, --=-· ~ already . g_littenng and some of the best linea in the Del Rosso; the smallest part, will be presented this weekend A' MAN 4,)i gentle reader, that Titus and delivery of them _ a fine who ao badly wanted to get Directed by Michael Su~n, ·--"'"''"_f!""M.· ..., AN ._A. , w_.'b ... M_A._N .,Ull. · PILOT. Don t thmk for o~ And very much to the fore He gave us a wild jig routine in the show, the cast includes --- moment that that fact 1s Js Jenniffer Murray, very im-in that wild last act that just Kath)' Martin, ScoU Brown:~~~~~~~~~~~li""'"W~l~Nll=l~S=PO~m:.;tT~A;UA~N~ITY\r~;•;":""';;CA.;;U;NA;l~ll;D;"111 ~ll~~d lo aff_eet th~ ob-pressive in the anchor role about persuaded us to part Josie Chittenden, Kitty Zack Ject~v1ty of . this particular of Stella Livingston, Irene's company with our sea.t and and Richard O'Connell. All are ., ...._ _.. ' critic. He will vouch for th_e mother, and a very elfective bis reliving of his high school 1tudents at UC Irvine, l ltl!lllllll I QiW 1SOU.!fH COAST ' · fa~t that those who merit purveyor in the grand manner ,. Hamlet prowess hi a lhow-The '-.comedy wil b e . ~' PLAZA'THbi Ra bricks get exactly that. of Hart's most acld lines. stopPer. Short but very sweet, presented Friday and Satur-l'1n Dllp ,,..._.ft lriltol • · ~2711 . ;LL BOUQUETS Agai,, thls llo m•-"kent Mr. Del Roo.so, a jewe' of day, March 14 and IS, at 3rd. SMASH WEEK n. ....... characterization. the Cabrillo Playbouse, 202 But it's bouquets all "lhe casting in a perfectly cut "What did Tom Barley Avenida C1brllh. San OPEN D•lll,I'( 6:00 P.M. way today for the Titus set show and Miss Murray and say?", asked the lovely Irene Clemente. Sealing b limited -r A and it's a swnmation that the parr-of Stena were made in the third act as she to 59 and reservations are Sat.;&) ~Un. ypen 12 noon would, we know, win the warm for each other-:-~ so~, delightedly seeu the reviews being taken at 49U181 or m.. . ,,ACAiDQAY :Wi'N:". J. . ' approval of the delighted . au-demonstr.athed so very aptly .that iend a h I the r t o 0'65. , , · "'OMIN • T. tONS · dience in that cozy little Friday rug t. '====================,!! ,. ~ " otlo ---' . Westminster theater. The talented Ed Lit1.1e g llST IUPPOITIN• ACTOI · It seems a trifle hard on some or the biggest laughs their h a rd -w o r k i n g and of the night u the mincing dedicated colleagues to name director, Carleton Fitzgerald. ·" Crossword PuzZI~ ACROSS I Viewpoint ft Communi- cation word for'\,\" 10 Ha.Ying nectss1ry st Ill 14 Sin11rr 15 Canadian Insurge nt 16 l ight: Slani. 17 All pos sible 18 Feminine name 20 Engl ish statesman 21 Rou nd Table knight 22 Goo st gtnus 23 From 12:00 to 1:00, 1.9. 25 Sult1b lt for grazing 26 Decelerated 29 Hit hard I 31 Austr11i1n I trnnls stir 32 Kind of container: 2 words 37 American lnv1ntor 38 Sound of dls1ppolnt- m.,1 39 Frtnch I' .0 d•'"':il''"~"I .. ,. • ch1r1 r 42 H1t 43 En.ollsh- man's · uinbrefla. ' J 14 ' ··lm-t--t'""1t- 44 Kind of cotllslon 45 Waittd in ambush 49 Unlvrtslty VIP 50 Native of Agra 51 Diamond merchant's concern 53 Perform anew 57 Talked lo Ji tt le purpose 59 Btijui le bO Frenchman's head til Muslcal group 6"2 Gay city tiJ Dan ish monty 6"4 Sl11nal float b5 U.S. president DOWN 1 "-lln ll!" 2 S9nof JI.cob ri Leah J gn1 htrb 4--- Tttritorles 's The old 1 colleve- ' Kn ight's ntcessltr 7Tt11eror untruths a G-men and T-men . . ' Saturday's Puu:lt Solved: 9 Strong ly hopptd beverage 10 Atlas--- 11 ·-··Carman, Can. poet 12 Aclo1 s mrmory worl:: 13 Natural abras ive 19 By's partner 21 Man's nickname 24 Poetic contraction 25 Raiment 2b Garment 27 lgntous rock 28 Oast 29 Vessel JO Business Iran sac I Ion 32 Preposition 33 lttr: 2 words 34 Pointed lnstr.ument SPICIAL SATUIDAY MOIN!H IT,UDlltr SHOW $1 .H WITH ~D•NT "IODY CAID-10 A:M. )/10/&9 ==--..- 35 In a stale of i'MNooZr.nlm.u awareness -· · 3& •••• agtr BoMEo 38 Pltased in !llVI' 41 Go,-btlwetn l'.1~_,,_, .... •2 Beaufort, lowi.W ...... •4 ~~tont TECHNICOU>fl•'A~~·P\CIURE.' 4S Miik : l'=====~======~======~I Comb. for111 I; 46 Aren1 e11p toyet 47 Cowpoke's accessory 411 Hrpburn and Smith 49 F1mlly mtmber 51 Herr's spoust 52 Flbric 54 Pound 55 BelleYt 51. lndlvldwals 58 Ofmlnlsh 59 Buslntss consultant: Abbr . I 11 ll • DON'T MIU THll f'IO•UM , lOU'L1 HAYl 'A> . PllHcn.Y .... ,.. Cm& DIU•NTPUL m _!!!N• "Mnv Prove to le· the Y·ear's -, .. ,_ Pl . 1" Most Enjoya..... Ctllre •. ' ALSO 1•m11.1~1vJH~ "THE · · IMPOSSIBLE YEARS' -·t .............. ............ 6141 c..t. S.. Pn• J P.M, • ,. ' AUO • ' i ·1 "CHARLIE, THE LONESOME CoµGAR" wlD THUU. Pll, MO'tl. a TUU. SWISS fAMILY IOllNSOIW:Jf I 10 P.M. -COU•Al 11111 I.AT. a SUN. IWIH PAMILY IOllNSON 12tJMo7HI coue.A1.J:4M:J1 a t :11 STERl&O SENS~TlON! • n.e colorful sound or • ..:.. ~ Orm11e County MU.le. .,,., RADIO !(OCM 103.1 FM ·~·; • .' • · From Fas11ion Island. N~wport Beach ' . . , . . . " · WreCluns C,. t , I .. · El~e Somm•r · Shoron Tote ALSO 1111 DOU•LAS AUX COJID "Tho BROTHERHOOD" ...... Aew SfWtl 1 ..... CHt. s.t. Pn• I P.M. s..-,,,.. J ..... H•&TR ,.._.,,""'-CClllA .... NCIMIMNlll 6 Acldemy Nomlnatiena BEST PICTURE 11 Jf DM.YPUT ISi ......,._._l.., • ta'U'·NOID llta•lt .. 6•r Buick Displays OpeIGT , , . • BUICK INTRODUCES NEW OPEL GT TO AMERICAN DRIVERS Forit •nd Aft View• .t It.a cy 2·p.1•••ntei-Mini..cous- You AU INYITD TO AmND AN INVESTMENT FORUM MAI. 1J•7tJf P.M. FLIGHTS EVERY HOUR CALL 838·40n CR•UCRBU c .... ,,.. COMM.UTER RI RUNES "TM COlllttr:r10N 'rOll'VI! •UN WAfflNfl fOlt • I aptloo. with the u s engine. 'lbe propeller abaft is ex· tremtly abort, t h e r e f o r e capable of transmitting very high tn&ine revol u tions without vibcatiolll. 'Ibe GT comes in five body colon -regal gold, strato blue, metallic silver and GT metalllC gnen. all of which are metallic, plus RaUye red. •. * * CADILLAC BOASTS NEW~RDS· Cadillac s ds were rewritten in as the division report new ighs for the month, the last llklay aelllng period and a daily sell· ing rate that is the best or any month ever, according to catvis J. Werner, general manager of the dlvislon and vice pre.sldent · of General Moton. . °For the month, February domestic deliveries totaled an even 21,700, and 18.4 percent incnase over the former record Feti"ruary, ttea when sales were 11,m," M r . Werner said. ~1n addition, February 21-28 deliveries at 7 ,961 Were 11 percent greater than the fonner period record of 7,179 set , '8. year ago," Werner stated. "Indicative of the fast sales pace of Cadillac dealers ln 1969 is the record 90t dally selling rate during February which erases the former record of October, 1987 when the rate was 849 per day," Werner pointed out. "This brings Gadlllac sales in 1969 to 43,114, an increase of over 17 percent of the 36,64S sales in the same period last year." 'Scarcity' of Stocks Continuing to Grow By SYLVIA PORTER Q. If 10 of you were detennlned to buy "wldgits" and · only six wld&ils were available on the market, what would you guess the "normal" price trend· of widgils would be! A. Strongly up, of course -and If that lopsided ·r.la· tionsbipa bet ..... demand and the visible supply persisted. the uptrend In prices would normaUy persist too. TRANSLATE thlJ simple il- lustration Into terms of the gnat and gowing d<mand for stocks from institutional in- vestors in contrast with the comparaUvely m i n o r ex- pansion in the new supply of common stocU, and you will have a fundamental reason why the bask:: trend of the stock market wllJ almost ...... ly continue ,upward over the Jong-term. To be specific: -The demand for stock! from only a few typea of major imlltuUonal investors ran at around f1.5 billion in 1968, up from $2.3 biUion as recently u 1980 and a tiny $500 million as recently as $950, according to a n authoritative atudy by Scud· der, Stevens Clark. one of the world'1 leadiq investment counsel flnns. 'l'hh group ""°' not Include mutual funds, w b I c b ac- coonted last year fO< another 11.7 billion ol demand. Not does it. include college en- do W" men t funds an d eleemosynary insdtulions -accounted ·for anotJiU bup thunk of buyln(. -'1111! NEW supply of ltoc:ks from major sources llmulllneously ran at about IU billion, up from 12.5 billion In 1MO and a mere $900 million In lllO. The IOUrCeS Include: Lawyers Move Into Plaza The Newport Beach law ftnn ol Harwood, Soden " Adkinlon hu loc1i.d ill of· fl«I at ISO Nowport Center Drive In the Newport Finan- cial Plaaa, H -11111q11DCec1 1odo7, Memben ol the firm an Donald A. Harwood. Mork .A. Soden, Don R. Adklnooo, Den- nll W. Harwood. Tbomu A. Bemauer and James P . Devine. new ttock Issues; sales of stocks from estate.s ; con- vertible bond!. By um, on1y four yeara: from now, SS&:C estimale3 the demand from the selected types ol lnsUtutlons will be ronnlng at $13 billlon and from mutual fund!, at $2.3 billion. In the aame year, the firm estimate!: the new supply of stocks will total f7.8 billion. TBIS SPEI.LS a scarcity of stocks, no matter hOw you appraise it. And what'• more, the projectiom of ~ are exceedingly conservaUve of anything. In the words of James A. McOillOIJ8h, chief econombt of ~. "Most of the rapid1y expanding institutions are to- day under-invested in common stocb by their own staridard.s and most of them are con- fronted by substantial inflOW! of.Cash in coming yean." You may sneer that this was the psychology which preceded the stock crashes of the past. And McCull-Ough agrees that you must also think of the Hseveral hundred billion dollars of oustand.lng shares." Panic dumping of these stocks would "overwhelm the growing in- stituUonal flow of funds Into stocU" and even "something less than panic could." Prices must be right in tmna of prospects for growth, lnllaUon .and other perti nent con- siderations over the long run. NEVE R THELESS, ~fcCullough considers hi s figures .. pn>of that two underlying"forces have emera· ed In the put IS.II yean of enormous importance to the stock market: one is the historic expansion o f In- stitutional buying of stocks; the other ls the near elimina- tion of new common .at.oc:k Issues from the financial pro. grams of big U.S. lndllatrial corporations. Below a re SS&C's major flgum. (In bllllom of dollara). trtaw IVl""-Y Ofl' C:OMMOtt rroac1 ._,..,. ,.,.1.,.1m• Issues .., '1.7 SI.I II.I =. .... , .-1 -... *'" a.s ' .. lbtel u ·• •..• UA 14.1 ' ....... N.1 11.1 SOM• IMl"OtlTAllfT lllSTTTVTIOML IV'YalU Ofl' COMMOfil ITOCQ .,.,.. "" ,,. ,_ ,,,,. ' .... _.... ... •.J tl.1 ti.I lb.11.. llU IU "~ ...... , •• , 1IU ..... l\IMI llD.J 11.t w .... $11 .... lec. NII,._ ...... , IU M.I IW-Ttltlf tu ti.I 11.1 11J.I MltMI ""'* lt.J ... '1.1 D.J Teflll at D.1 ".2 111.J AJ McCulloup concludol: "It ls l'UIO!lable to _,,,. the grwlO( lnstltull-Onal In- terest In -a will be a llly 1upportln_g r1c:tor for equities." • ' l •••• _, .. • J Mo . Listens ,. To Landers? SINCE SHE'S ONE OF THE TEN MOST l~FLUENTIAL WOMEN -IN AMERICA • • • • • • Just About Everyone Does That's Mo Yo u Can 'Li1te n' t o Ann l:anilen Da ily in Th e DAILY PILOT . -• • ' • • "!""""I' •• . • • "!)Alt Y PILOT . . .. -.---------• . ;:--..- • JHIS MATTERHORN • '· . ' .. • • • • • . .. " ' . ' • . . • • • • . ' ,. • • • • r , . . . • . . ' . ' ' ' . • • • • '' . • •'· . . .. . . '. •• • I. ' • . . . i . . . i '. . . . . . t' • . ' j . . ' -~. . .. • " ,. ' . ' . . · . ' 1' •• ... ' ., ' ' I . I ' '\ . . . ' .. • . . . ' ' ... ' ' IS NO DISNEYLAND "". . •. i • • .'· .. . ' . ., ·~ ~. ". I \ ' • ' '' ·•• I . "' ''J Yes, you' re right. There's nothing really funny about · a ·fraci~r~d'_leg. Bui -pardon the pun :_ If does glve ·ouf frJend, here, ~ a • . • . at least one break. He has time to thoroughly enjoy the DAILY PILOT as he lakes a leisurely meal al the outdoor restaurant in y ... • • •• ' • • • Zermatt, Switzerland, in the shadow· of fhe real Matterhorn. · · · ' · ·. 1 I , ,, -. '. '. l • ~ 'f_ • • • • .. ' . . \•' . ·~ .. . . . ... ' Bui you don't have to break a leg; go .la l)1e Mallerhorn ""l ~r:.ev.en.Jo. Dl~~yland,Joflhahnalfer..,..to share our friend's enJoy- 1 T .. ' 1' ' ,-' men I. We' re· happy lo . deliver _lb~;q~ll'~.e Co~sl' s .fin~sl h~~l~w,n; daily: ~~wspap~r~ lo ~~~~n~ of ~o~es full of whole·l'.m.bed readers every day. If II turns o~f· !his ~ason you re not as great d skJ -w~ ~ you lhoug~t you :Y!er,e, turn a bad -break mlo a good break. T~ke lime lo gel e~$ril>itter.acquainted -with the ; • ; ~ · :·-'_.:~·. ~:.;. _;· . • · • ,.,.. • • • t• • . I ... .• I •' • .. . ,, ,, ,. ' .... 1' •• , .. ·t •o • .. A•,"' ~ •1• ~··..J _, ~ i -f ,...-• • ' • .. .--I '. • • • ., •' I 'l. •\ " ) I ,~,1 ,, • ,., • • • • . ' . . .. • . . -·-·-.--~ ,__ llAll.VPUf - /ol ~ • .. " • ' . ·• ' • • ' ... ' ., - J ! ' 10, lM ' • '· ,. ' ' '· ' ... ~. .. ' . '" ' \ .. , .. ,. •t ., .... ~ ,·~:.(.. -:(:.1-. r' . ' ... .,_ ',i • ... (~ . .a.., ,• - • ,. • • • • 0 .... \. ., • ' •• .I; ' .. • ..;' i·; J~-~. .!-· • , . . .. 1 ' ' -t( ' ,1 ' . t: .. '" ' ,. I '' .. ..._..._ ·.-.... •il•iZi> i I 'O ; j ... ... ....... $ t 0 w s a a .. . • • • • • ,. • " < • ' . .... i .. . ,;. ' . ' ' .! •• \' . • • . .. • ... ~ ;~-. i~ ,...r __ .. ~ l. •,-..... \ .. -J ... ' . . . . ~~ . . .. "'- ' . ,..,,~"' '·~ . '.' •'f"" -~·. ', __ ;.·,., ·~-.. . . ,_..,_,." .. · -I . : .r,,-4,•-~ ... ,.~·i? i.... .. ~ ;. ! '' • ' ,.,\,• ~· I, •~, ,, ' ' ., .. ' i • • , .. .<' • • . J . . . " ·> •. • . " ... .. -~-•. ..I \. -·. ·' ' .. ·,._, ~ . "i.I, ' " 'L •• ' .. •• •' t' .• :' ' .. ~;:f . . ,, ~-,. . -' .' • )t: "' .. l ';f;-'-!\r . ,,... . ,, ne\1.Jn·Qrt ~~ ... lb ... ·oa SaVing.S , .... ~-Fromthesel);.eweoronadtt~i:ofr~wearebetterableto"rve · vv t--" RJO you-with greater personal CC!~nie~to you-than ever before. Conona del ' a ffi ' Come in even if you don't' brt.ng !money ariCI visit us in these I ' , m r Q ice . attractlve, centrally-located new offices. For working efficiency, In Open now to Se r\ ~e Q the employment of modern equipment, a new standard for California I V' Y U savings and loan associations is set. We are equipped to promise ~m the f;1·nanc·1al pla7a you a greater measure of "customer satisfaction" with our financial 11 U 11 L.:. services, skilled personnel and facilities. '. ne · rt + · At the new location, we will have on exhibit outstanding items . , VJpQ cen 1er from our half million dollarcollection of rare ancient, foreign and U.S. (•, 1, coi.ns. Come ifl ~nd see t~e e~hiblt -and also persotially meet the ' ;· officers and staff members pf our new Cotona del Mar office. NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION -- ' • • ) . l . . ... "' ' .. • .. , ' ! • • . .•••• . . \ Mond11, Mll'dl 10, 1969 SC 's Win .Gives Bruin·.-Rivals Ne w ., Hope '· JIY -'-llled Preti Hope obce again springs eternal In the human breast, thanks to the Southern California Trojans. They have proved that UCLA's baaketball team is mortal after all. Where only two da,ys ago the teams remaining in the NCAA postseaaon tournament were given little chance of delhroolng pow~rful UCLA, the mucb- beaten Trojans made the once impossible dream come true. use, which is not even m the tourna· Phils' Allen Shows Up, Rips Fences CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) -Rich Allen starred on the Late Late Show -but it · was nothing like the performance he put on once be slipped into a Philadelphia Phlllles''unilonn. The Phillies controversia)\ outfielder, who finally reported to spring training camp after three days' absen~, aired out bi.s bat Sunday with some screaming, long-distance shots out of Jack Russell Stadium. About 15 baseballs left the park. "I'm here in camp now," Allen said, ''I've signed my contract and I'm ready to pve 100 percent. Manager Bob Skinner ls the boss, and I'll do what he wants." Asked if Allen's tardiness didn't have an effect on the rest of the team, Skinner said: "I don't think so. If it has, it had a good effect. "He (Allen) is now in camp and sign· ed. The players all agree, as r do, he is a big man in our situation." The fence-busting Allen, who had 33 home runs and 90 RBI last year, checked into camp Saturday evening. He had agreed to contract terms Feb. 27 by telephone, and told the Phillies' brass that he would be here March 4. The Phillies inadvertently found Allen lYas in Miami when his photograph show~ ed up in a local newspaper along with football star Joe Namath. Allen had an explanation. "I hadn't signed my contract and therefore, I didn't feel obligated to come to spring training," the broad-shouldered slugger said. General Manager John Quinn sad said he thought he had a "gentleman's agree- ment" with· his best hitter. p... ment, did U by upendlnJ the Bruins tM4 Saturday night In a colowl upset, tn tbe laat •,.gu1ar ~ ....... 10< both clubs. • .,... The loss ended UCLA's 41-game victory smak, and 51-game string al home and wis only its second defeat 1n 80 games. While the loss probably will serve to arouse the methodical Bruins when Ibey begin defense ol the NCAA UUe they ti.ve won, the last two years, it ~ baa given ·all ~qers the new idea that UCLA can be tieaten. • ------~ ·---- "th my 25 years as a gena:¥l~~a:uager, ,h when a player agrees to 1'rmr·over · · - the telephone, he never fail.t"l to sign,'' Quinn said. "When he comes to camp, ~tllel.ligning fs a mere formality." , ''It only Pf'OVel UCLA ls morta)," said Lou·Came!ecca. coacb ti S.t. Jobn'1, , one of the teams that advanced td the '"PC!Dalt ·~ Saturday with ar?WS Vic- tory over Princeton. "The loss could be a gr<at thing lot UCLA because It now takes the pressurt of the Jong winning. streak oft, Or it could be that tbe team is mentally and physically Ured. If that's the cue, they could be in for trouble." Coach John Wooden or UCLA fell the J~ "might.help us in tournament j,Jay. I .. We were not fired Up. They wanted It a 'ntue-mort than: we did." use. a m>881own it var wfl!cb pujbed the Bru1ns into double overtinie Friday night '1<fore l..W, • lt-65, beat UCLA for the first ,Um~ in 18. games on Ernie Powell's jump shot w1tn seven Second$ remaining. - Playtng a slowdown game, the Trojans, wb': lost ll games this season. tQOk .only 20 !boll and bit ·12 or them. But ju&t u hnportant,"t.bey·beld giant '1-foot· 1.\1: All-American Lew Alcindof to 10 ' - polnls, laraely on the play of 7-t .Ron Taylor. . New Mui® State, :11-3, a 74-G !\(st. round wtnrfer over Brisbam Young Saba· da,y night., will gtit lhe1 first cra~k" at the top-ranked Bruil1' in·the tournament Thway night I\) pie Fil! West regional. There were several less spectacular upsets in the first round as Mlami ot Ohlo surprised 11th-ranked Notre Dame 63-61), Weber State slipped by Seattle 75-73 •nd Colorado State edged Dayton 58-50. EI.tewbere, the favorttes otd\lanced ·1 ... _ ... Fifth.ranked Dayldaoo \011Sted !Oth- ranked Vlllanova 7M1; Duqueme, Ne.. 1, h•d, a 74-61 brttie over St. JooeJJll't,· Pa.: Marquette, No. 14, blasted MurTl1 State. .SW2,1 and Te:r:as A&rd bombe!l Trfnlty, Tex., at.es. • North CaroUna, No. 4, moved Int<>· tbe tourney by getting by Duke (8$-74) for the Atlantic Coast conference title, and Colorado won a bid by winning the Big Eight crown with a 92-?t rout over Missouri while Kamas lost to Kansas State 64-57. ' Aggie s Still Underdogs Despite Loss LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) -New ·Mexico State's Aggies again f ind. themselves a decided underdog in the NCAA Far West Regional Basketball. tournament, and ror the same reason: UCLA is their first opponent. . The Aggies threw a scare into the Bruins in the regionals at Albuquerque,. N.M. last year, but bowed by nine poin.~ on a last-minute UCLA surge. This year could be tougher, with UM:. Bnilns seeking an unprecedented third straight national title, and with the pressure of that long winning streak- finally off because of UCLA's 46-44 loss- to So\lthern California Saturday. NeW, Mexico State and unheralded. Webet State won their way into the reglon81s with first round victories io Las Cruces Saturday night, the Aggies. dropping Brigham Young 7U2 after Weber State edged Seattle 75-73. ,.., Weber State has no simple task. The Wildcats race third-ranked Santa Clara,. also beaten once in an upset this year. • Weber State coach Phil Johnson calle4 the game "our greatest win of ti. season." He said SeatUe's defense dill a good job of keeping the ball frmrt 6-8 sophomore Willard Sojourner. But Sojourn.er's play, he said, "waa pretty cool for a sophomore in his first NCAA game." New Mexico State coach Lou Henson sAld of UCLA, "They're just a terrifis:. team. Anyone who beats them will have" to play a sensational game." And, Henson added, ''They're goin'g to have to play poorly.'' ·- -l!..tUJOn's Aggies were inspired Satur .. day night by the play or new starter ~llito Reyes, who took the place of ~ playmaker Charlie Criss, the team '1 • 1 second-leading scorer. Criss was in- . eligible for post-season competition. Allen finally put his signatllre· on the 1969 contract, then went ou~ and tal~ed to Sklnner Sunday before the· Phi11les left for an exhibition game at-Bradenton. -WH ERE 'D EVE~YDNE GO? -·Jerry West of Ille Lakers grabbe<I this r~ound Sunday night at the .Forum but couldn't find anyone to pas;; to, Behind him are Baltimore players Kevin Loughery (behind West), Wes Unseld (41) obscure<! by Unseld. U~I T~.lf!IMll! •• and Jack :ti.1a1in (24). Wilt Chamberlain is Reys broke open a close game midway through the second hall with low: otralghl points and the Aggies pulled away from there. .~· Weber State, traitttig through most of the first half against Seattle, spurted to a 39.35 halftime advantage and led by as many as eight points after in- termission. The talk was mostly abOUi Allen's conditioning program . ; "As far as my con'versation with Allen, jt's between Allen and 1," Skinner said. "If disciplinary action was taken. then it's between John Quinn, oWner Bob Carpenter, Bob Skinner and Richie Allen. "I'm very satisfied with his excuse ••. Richie Allen is a misunderstood man." Girl to Ride In Big Derbp NEW YORK (AP) -Now that Diane Crump has been given a license to ride race horses, she's not overly anxious for a lot of other gals to get into the act but thlnks one will ride in the Kentucky Derby soon. "The track pe<iple have to be very careful," the rust-haired, 2~year.Old jockey said today. "They must admit only th~ who have proved they can handle a· horse. Let one girl without too much experience take a spill, and you blow the whole show." · Diane said she's convinced there will be a girl jockey in the Kentucky Derby in the next few years. "I hope it's me," she~. '_'Qwne.rs and trainers in the Derby ··•oo1J. .tak'e any chances. They'll onfy to With the best riders. But a girl · eould prove herself." · · Diane, first girl to ride against men and the first to receive an ipfli-enUce jockey's license at a major track, flew into Ne1' York for a qiiick bµsinesa conference and took righi liu.l .apin for her home In Oldsmar, J"la., and the nearby Florida Downs. 1 •• Diane scored her f i rs t victory last-- Saturday at Florida Downs-on Maey Calumet's Bridle 'n Bit, the same horse on which she finished 10th in her debut Feb. 11. Brought Prestige to County Oilers' Great Record: 79-11 Ninety times In the past three years they took the floor to face tbe challenge of a basketball ·oPponent. On '19 of those occasions they were v~ctorious. Not a bad· r~rd for a b,unch of tal- ented kids who substitqted an abundance of desire for lack of height. DJ.ting that span they won three league championships a n d baggetl 41 consecu· tive league triumphs. Twice they ad- van!led to the CIF quarter finals. Once they made it to the finals before bowing. Occasion~lly they were outmanned. Never were they outbustled. We're talking, of course, about the g r e a t Huntington Beach High School baskelba11 era that was concluded Fri· day night at Long Beach Arena w h e n the Oilers bowed to Sunny Hills, 64-58, in the .CIF quarter finals. ()µring those three years coach Elmer Combs; and hlJ players made basketball an enjoyable way of life for Huntington B!ach followers . And at the same time they brought a great measure of recog· niliod to a county that heretofore h ad been considered a dormant area f o r class basketball. Two 'of those three seasons they "'ere ranked among the top three of the C1F Southern section, which'· encompasses over 300 schools. '1'bis season they were ratct'l seventh. Faos ~ri best recall last year's Cit sentilinJl]s duel with skyscraping North Torrance -a team with two starters over 6-9. Huntington's tallest player was 6-1 Roy Mtller,. But be seemed lo stretch into a 7·2 giant against the Saxons as be spark- ed the Oil City bunch to a 72-71 victory. Another memorable 'game was the 63- 60 loss to Azusa in the quarter finals of 1967. Azusa had a front line that aver· aged 6-61h and its back court duo was also over 6-0. Huntington was at that time a team of underclassmen with junior Greg Sny· der and sophomores Miller and M i k e Contreras the core of the squad. When Miller was lost the week of the OL&HN VWHIT• WHITE WASH ··~···········- game because he steJ)l)ed on a nan, Azu· sa became a 30-ppinl-favorite. Yet the Aztecs we're fortunate to wtn by three. That's U.e only one of thole to games Miller niissed . He and Contreras started for three years -as did Snyder. A 11 earned CIF honors during their ten4re. And they f re the only players in Combs' lengthy coaching 'Career to. start three seasons for him. "We'll just have to come back a n iJ build aoother teJm next year," Coinbs says. "These kidl· I've had the last t hr e e seasons have made coaching the most enjoyable it's ever been. 1bere's nothing I coold comparo It to. "And they've been professional in their conduct. They've &!ways taken winning in stride -never getting over- ly emotional." They took losses much like anyone might react to a family member's death. And they held a high respect for each other. When Sunny Rills outscored them Fri". day night, the dressing. room much. re- sembled a mausoleum. Combs called that the rn06t disappoint- ! ng of the 11 losses endured those . three years. He rated the reversal to Azusa and the four-overtime setback to Esta:n· cia in 1967 e.s the other toughest defeals. Marina ~gged three losses on flunling· ton in those three fabulous campaigns - all in tournament play. But when league action came a r o u n d, Huntingtori· was 4-0 with the Vikings. Compton and Eatancia each clahned two wins over the Oiiers while Garden Grove,' A!usa.' SUnny Hilb and Cresctn- ta Valley aocounted for the others. It was a faptastic run for a conch \\'ho never had a starter over 6-3 or a bench to rely on when his kids g6l in foul trouble. And it was a greaV streak fo"r the players, who often had to give so much extra to naU those reboUnds and shoot oyer the taller defenders: 'Mletr fans owe them a great deal'. An:d so does Orange County basketball pres- tige. · SAM RESPONDS TO 'JONES DAY' Astronauts Get Hot News BOSTON (UPI) -·All rlli)\t, It ·wa& "Sam JOfles Day" a.t the Boston Gardens but the 5an Francisco Warriors didn't have io be that kind. ' SPACE CENTER, Houston CAP) - Apollo 9 commander James ti.tcDivitt, an avid Notre Dame ran and university or Michigan graduate, decided Sunday he's In for some sports-minded ribbing (tom his wife. He can;ie to this conclusion afte1 askina mission control, "Would you find out who's going to wtn the NCAA baskel.ba.n championship?" '" Mission control : Roger, couple of scores on the rtgional quarttr-flnall. Davidson beat VIUanova 75 to IL And Mlsml of Ohio beat Notre Oamt 13 to llO. MCDIVttl: Oh, listen, I'm nOt going to be able to live with my wife. You koow, she's rrom Miami Later MiM.lon control added, "Ohio State beat Michigan 95 to 86. ?.fieDlvlU: Ohhh. Boo! Listen, if ~{lchlgan sot beat and Miami of OWo won, l'm tn trouble w~n J cet home. Mission control: Well, that's the way it shapes up unless we· can ro:-t6e scores here. McDJ\oftt: Hey, you've flxtd everything e.lse so far. How about filing that? ~fission control: Rogtt, ln the worb. J,ones, wbo ls rtUrlng at the end of the current campaign to become coach at a new Wublngton, D.C., college, pumped In H first quarter point. to spark the Bo6ton CelUcs to a 138-39 rout of the Warrior•. Tbe 49-pohit victory margtrrwas the largest In CelUc history, topping the preViOUJ mark by rlJ< potnls. Jones, who received a model of 11 new borne jj:lven blm by the fans, wound up with II polnls, • Wilt Erupts, I~akers Rip Baltimore Seattle battled back, though, and came within two•poiflls with 49 seconds left Weber State carries a 26-2 record going Into the regionals, New Melico State is 24-3, the first lime In the acbool'• history ils basketball squad ha.s reached the 24-viclory mark. Braves Bomb LOS ANGELES (AP) -Wik Cb•m· Dod 11 3 berlain of the Los Angeles· Lakers was ge111S • · criticized last month for his play,. l>Ot ' ' Jn his last two games he bas "rebounded" , superbly agalnst two of the beat .tea'tbs o· . : 'B' Rul in .the National BasketbaU~tl~·', ' .. B . e Before more than 16,0Q!) fan,s SUndaY 1 • night, Wilt hauled down 33 rebodnds wEB1 PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) and led Los Angeles to a 1»109 vldory LQr Angeles' Jir~t brush with National O'ler the 1NBA's top Eastern' team, the Uague exj>erlmei;lal ~le "B" came Sun-o Baltimore Bullets. } day. Al. tar· 0 1the ·Dodgers were con- "Wllt can do anything Wilt wanls to cerned. l'B"_stan~ ,.(ot-!"bombed." do," said an awed WesUey Unseld after , Atlantf.'I Br~vFsi s~ked by a home the game. '!'he Hoot-.! Chamtierlaln .ruil by ,l!anJc ,1:~.' exploded against allow~ Baltimpre's rOoklesensaiJonReJy J¥1'...$Jtton, Joe'-M:'oener and Pete Mlk' ~e rebound~ and fo.ur ~i,. · .' ~~ .fOt" 15 hits en route to an eUY, Last Frid~ night Wilt pUsbed Boston's l~"S.yidoey in an elhibilion cootest. Bill Russell aside and scoo~ .,U.P..,~ , ~rlmental r u 1 e "B" allows botH r~Wlds for a Laker clu~ _r~,, ~e· 1 .• b~U' name a special pinch hittw. a~ ffe~, wa.ys.tq_ help my cl~b bWae.s · • ,fN~frl~, to bat when the pitcher~s shoO\fug, W~lt said. ·" . , regufar turn at bat comes up. Th6 pitcher Cha!'1berla1n.shot only 16 tim~s SWMJay stays in'lhe game bu~ h1l on 12 of them and S@red 25 . Aaron the Bra~es' selection blasted points • l ;-,. • • Ke".in ~Y and EnrJ Moilfoe ~ept ,su.tton's rirst pitch over the fence " t~e Bullelo clooe, aldllli· ·~· tlllllr.e · ,ll!f, 365-fqot 1lgn and walked !Mee befolll rally that cut .3 Laker 'l~ .. t "Jla~ be! was hit by a ~elsen pitch. ~en to 10 al halilllne anCI 16· two'. ate· In w'°t to , t~ hospital for precautionary tbe ll\irij )ierlod. ' , :!; • • X rf'1.S o1 his \eft knee. . Loughery hli a jump.,alibt in,ulo'toovlh . l ~ Aaton s homer, things were •"! ~loot ·and Monroe. !lit yiat,. ' o9\\e or llit ~ves. Sutton and Moeller ucll sensation in tbe bA btbflr ~m: ,1a>Ji! op isJ'x hits and four runs in tbelf a is-foot JUmp sooit 'd~te i double turns a\ P'fl mound in thrte-lnnlng stlnll, covefage from John ~ 1and Jero whlfe Mikkelsen allowed tbr~ .runs oa ·West.• . , • • • '• · . · ,.u J!llµQ' ~Its Jn the final two n1111ngs. That cut. lhe Loi ~·~· )old, l (<) • )(en Jqllnaon-.w .. Iha lop Poi<her r .. IH6. But WUI went Jhfo · blt ~ef~ve ,\I!• ~;)'~ pl4Jng up the victory whii. •cl agaln bloctec( a palt .II °'~' ~ed '"""••' but °"' bit throu(b thnt a shot and Iha Lakm ~~!ff..' lranl<I. Pat Jorvis allowed lour blU Monroe And U>olher] eaCh ICOi'oit it uct.n6 111111 during three lnllln(S. ~ polnb for the loser•· bal WM!, •ho · ' Ced!.]!pabaw wao lb. vlcUm ol lhra had :11 at bal!Ume Wound .p wllb 31.~ • ,BF•.l'O··m'On In tbe nlnlh Inning that •. all!iired the Docfaen !<> ..,.,. lbetr lhreo ' * . "'"'· ., · • ~ : l<>I Angeles named Bill SJnger N ·~i.Tw:o••-T ' ~OI·:·~··· ~T . >-1ls •tarting pitcher when the Dod&en Martn .1 M 12 aayior l w ,, boct the Houston Astrvt todlf. , •• ~.'!... ' " • Gour!ts • l-J ,, ..,....,. 1 w ' oern0tr"l.ti12 1.t tt L.ouoNl"y lt U 2t ErleillOll 4 6'10 14 Manrw ll *-' i1:t Wfll 14 M M l•l'flfll~ 1 ~I J Ctt_.,.. ti 00 2 £111• ~ 1-J 11 llOlft • 'l·I f #tl•fll'lnt 4 t•I t 'Omit • ... • ~ I M t TMeb ,, n.v lot T"'" • •»,11t tl!Umor• 2C 21 » '11-IOI 1.o. Ancl•lt1 q n i.. n -1a fl'ovttd ovt -KMM. TOl~I r&,il, -l tUll'l'IOl't ll, "'°' "'*let :Ill, AUtnclfllCI -1',1,11, . I ·• .. Kings Toppled, 7-2 ( BOSTON -Pbll Elpoolto, !lie NaUonal Hockey League'• leadtns scorer, added • goal and three Ulis\I !<> hio '~ breaking total.SUnday nlibt u the_. Bruin• defeated Los An"gtlea 7.z. ' .. • .. . I ' I I ·I , • I !! DAILY l'llOT Moodq, ll#'tll 10, 196t Lave~, Emerson Clean Up in LA Tournament 87 JOEL SCHWARZ Of ~ D91ft Piiiot St.M lNCt.EWOOO -Rod Laver only made one glaring mistake 1n the Loi Angeles lnvitaUonaJ tennis tournament in the t'orwn last week and It wu an honest one oU the court. After Thursday night's semifinal round Lbe Corona del Mar redhead said he doubted the fans liked slaying around until l a.m. to see the conclusion of the last match. But the majority of the more than 7000 spec tators who cro~ded into the Forum Saturday for the finals proved him dead wrong. They sat around antil nearly 2 a.m. Sunday watching a master(ul ex.hlbJUon ol tennl.s and when it was all over, Laver aod Newport Beach's Roy Emenon bad walked away with most ol the marbles in Uie $2{),000 tournament. Laver and Emerson concluded nearly six and a hall hours of brilliant play by winning the doubles title, 6-l, >i (tie breaker), S.2, over the Australian duo of Tooy Roche and John Newcombe. Earlier, Laver had dispatched upset- minded Marty Riessen for the men's singles title in straight sets, M , JIU!. And Billie Jean King of Long Be1:1.ch took the women's title in a marathon match which was highlighted by a brie! slt down strike, 17·15, 6-3, over. England's Ann Haydon Jones. Emerson told the DAILY PILOT he was quite happy witb bi8 game. "I pulled Ii calf muscle late last year and my leg is now just at the stage where it doesn't worry me to play on It. "I stilll have to get into better physical condllion, but I'm happy with the way I'm hitting the ball." Emerson said the carpet-like surface used in the Forum was good. "The ball comes off of it slower than giass but it develops more rallies and that's better for the spectators. And Irvine Bounces Back, 82· 7 O;· Fontius Makes All-~orirney By EARL GUSTKEY ot l~t O.llY l"lltot Sti tt Just as his team had performed on the rloor, UCI basketball roach Dick Davis' reaction to his club's showing In the NCAA 's far western regionals at Las Vegas ran mi.l'.ed. "We played so poorly on Friday night against San Francisco State that I know our players were embarrassed," be said. ··eut I'm happy with the way things turned out because a team can really roll over and die after taking a beating like we did Friday. But we d.idn'l" second hall Saturday, the coach had an all-junior lineup on the court agai't UCD. Guards Mike Barnes and Steve Sa bins, forwards Jeff CUnningham aad John Farwell and center John Glavinovich maintained a fat lead the first string bad buill up. Gone nelt season wiU be three-season standouts Mike Heckman and Nick ~anden, .PIUS steady reserves Jim Farley l}JC Lead at Stake and Fontius. Gradustes from this year's freshman team, certain to achieve varsity stardom are guard Gary Fox and forwards Bill George and Steve White. But Davis must still C<>me up with a new forward and center from the junior ranks in order to match 19-9 next year when the schedule will incllKie Nebraska, Colorado, and possibly, the Air Force. It was a distinct reversal or form for the Anteaters. Playing for third p18ci before 4,486 at Las Vegas' glittering Convention Center, Irvine swamped UC Davis, 82-70. Rustler Nine to Battle • And as an added bonus, Dave Fontius was a surprise selection on the all-tourna- ment team after starting in only his #iecond and third games of the season. The win salvaged a 19-9 season for UCI. Looking back on it all, Davis produced the anticipated answer when asked to name the hlgh and low points of the '68-'69 season. First-place Mt. SAC "The high poin t of the season was being invited to the NCAA playoffs and the low point was losing in the playoffs." The 81·55 licking tourney champ San J<~rancisco applied to UCI Friday night was Irvine's worst beating of the year. Then the vasUy underrated Gators turned aroond Saturday evening an d won the whole ball of wu, beating University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Tl-72, before a viciously hostile crowd. Davis reflected further on the 19-9 season. "I don 't think that at the beginning U. 1he season 1 would have settled for a 19-9, but we played a pretty tough schedule -we had an eastern road trip and we nearly beat Cal State (Long Beach}, so we weren't playing patsies. "I know this -the players aren't happy with the 19-9." Accordingly, Davis has already helped prepare his juniors and sophomores for a shot at something better next season. }'~or most of the latter part or the Sports in Brief The Grapefruit and Cactusleagues are less than a week <lid, but lhings are already down to the nitty-gritty in the Eastern C.Onference baseball race. the cbnference lead will be at stake Tuesday afternoon at Golden West Col- lege when the Rustlers take on first place Mt. San Antonio College in a 3 o'clock game. Golden West (4-1 ) currently trails the Mounties (~) by one game and shares the rqnne.rup spot in the standings with Chaffey. RusUer coach Fred Hoover will start either Steve Griffith or Gary Marks oo the mound againJt Mt. SAC. "If they look like they 're going to start a lot of left·handed batters like they did in the Eastern Conference tournament , l'll go with 1'1 ark s. Otherwise it will be Griffith." Hoover says. Griffith, a 6-foot right-hander. has :t perfect 4-0 record so far lhis spring while left-hander Marks is 1-0. Hoover credits a Io t of the ltustlers· success to the defensive work of his infielders -first baseman Bill Bowens, USC Aquamen Cruise , Bruins Distant Second LONG BEAClJ -The University of Southern California held its ninth straight Pacific Eight Conference swimming and diving title today. The Trojans scored 484 points in the three-day competition , which roncluded Saturday night at the B«!lmont Plaza Olympic Pool. UCLA was a distant second with 381 paints while Stanford, a co-favorite with USC when the meet started because of its one-point dual meet win over the Trojans this year, finished third with 346. Oregon was fourth with 254 points followed by Washington with 145, Oregon State with 1%2, California with 108 and Washington State with 53. "' "' "' LOS ANGELES -A 1ophomore from UCLA and aoolher from Southern Cal each turned lo good early aeaion performaoc'' to highlight trick i nd field action in Soutbern California this week- end. basketball coach at Duke, reportedly were prime candidates for the position but Daly accepted a coaching job with Boston College Saturday. Duke officials said they \VOulU not confirm the report abou t Waters. CARACAS -Thomas Koch of Bratil downed ft.fark Cox of Eagland '-'• 6-l. U , 6-4 Sunday to win the J4tb Caraca~ International Tenn is Tournament men's singles crown. Australia's IU1&rgaret Smith won the women's title by default when IUaria Bueno or Bralil was unable to C1lmpcte because or an arm in jury. ... ROCKINGHM1, N. C. They say auto r:aces are won or: lost in the pits, and the first person to agree would be David Pearson, who "'on lhe Carolina 500-mile stock car classic Sunday. second sacker Noel Paulson;'shortstop Mike DeGeer and third baseman Ron Richardson. "Defensively, our infield bu been the biggest surprise for us. The kids are making line plays and we are averaging two double pla~s a game." Some of those infielders also arc 'wielding big bats for the Rustlers, too. Paulson leads the club with a .+44 EASTERN C0NFliRENC5. Wlft ~ l"ct. Ml. Sttl AnlO!lio 5 I \,COD Goldtn We$f • I .P Cl'la!l•Y ~ I M,IQO Cltr111 J 1 3 $0 Fullerto. l ' JOO Rio Hondc> 1 2 .SOO Ortngt COllJt 2 ~ ,nl S•nl• An• 1 l .no Cypre11 I .2llO lllwersH:le J .108 S•n llern1rd!no 1 4 .J:» S•IUl'llty'S S«tr• Mt. Stn AntDnlD 9, Orange Coe•! l Tuncl~Y't Otmn Mt. Sen An!OlliD -' GoH:ltn W~I Sanla .-.n1 a! Fullerton San Bern1r<1lno II Cypress lllvtt\ide et Cltalfey Rio Hondo at Citrus •• I ' •• '" • ,. "' ,., • • • average while Richardson has a .375 inark and has collected JO runs-batted-in . Mt. SAC prepped for Tuesda y's game \l'ith Golden \Yest by taking a 9-l decision over host Orange Coast Saturda y af- ternoon in a makeup game . i\1ou ntie hurler John Jackson allowctl J\.tike Paul to double in the Piratr run in the fi rst inning-and then blanked Orange Coast the rest of the way ~·ith a four·hiller. Mt. Sin Anton;, O l Or1n1• t 11st Ill illrhrtli 1br~rtll F r~<l•ll•. t • 1 I o Soboftwsk;, lb l O O O Opatldewlc" s. ~ 1 l 1 Lee<n, 1b • 1 O O JOl\n..,.,, I! S l 2 1 Jenkins, n • O ! o Wagner, lb S O 0 o Bai11y, ct l a I O C.od!rey, r! • I 1 2 Paul, 111 • O 1 I S1kor1, lb • O O o Palm,r, e l D I O srow1. lb -• 1 1 1 Stl~rr. d l o o o R;amot, <1 1 I ! l(lmp'1:!n, rf I o O O J•<-•O!i. p I 2 O Mcroan, cl J O O O Brawn, Jb 1 O 0 0 l(lng,c 1 000 Otm~el~erocr,p 2 o a o Tolell J9 f 11 7 Totals '/I 1 • t Score bV ln,.Jnt\ Mr. San AnlonQi Oran9~ Co1~l . " ' JI010000l -711 0 100 00C 000 -I • • ·Title to Pasade11a FRESNO -Pasadena Cily College retlaimed the California junior col!egl! basket ball championship it lost a year ago in the finals by whipping linperia\ Valley College, 58-52, here Saturday night. Eastern Conference c h a 1n pi on Fullerton took third pl ace v.·Hh an easy 81-71 vic tory over City College of San Francisco. Pasadena, v.·hirh also won the state title in 1967, whipped Imperial Valley b e h i n d the all-around brilliance of George Trapp, who was named the tourney's most valuable player. Chris Smith and Ted Harper of Fullerton were named to 1ht aJJ.tourna- men! team. l think the players en}oy having rallies," be said. 1 ·rhere wer' plenty ot rallies on Salur· day nigh t's lengthy program. In the men's doubles, Emerson aod Laver took charge in the deciding third set right from the start. Emerson held his serve in the first game and then the two Orange Cou t area aces broke Roche's service ·in the second game, to Cruise to the 6-2 victory which netted Uitm ~ each. Actor and amateur tennis player Charlton Heston. who handed Laver t~e $3000 check for winning the singles title, offered the best description. of the , , Rocket's skill with a tennis racket: "lie can even hit the ball well holding the racket between his legs." Even though Riessen played well and forced a Joog second set, Laver w a s clearly his master. Every ti me ltiessen would make a good shot, Laver would come back with a great one. Lavtr's backhand was particularly el· [eclive. He constantly ~hlstled backhand passing shots down both lines by a game bul outclassed Riessen. Laver broke Riessen's serve In the third game or the first set to wrap that one up quickly. In the second set, the pair u;changed early service.breaks and then Jt was just a n1atter or when Laver would break Riessen's serve qaln. Riessen couldn't touch Laver'• 'bOmbs as the Rocket didn't give up point in the the last five games he served. Flnally in lhe 17th game, Laver ustd his backhand to break Rlessen's serve and" then blasted four quick points off his: own cannonball to win lbe mat.ch. Mrs. King and Mr.i. Jones staged their-: br ief sit down when tou rnament offlcia~ tried in i n v o k e the tie-breakrr a(ter- thc two women spl~t 24_ games. The\ officials changed their minds after the two women \\'alked off lhe court ancf the fans booed, demanding the match. be played out. ' DOUBLES WINNERS -Corona de! Mar's Rod I.aver (left) t eamed with Newport Beach's Roy En1erson to capture the doubles title at Sa turday's Los Angeles pro invitational. Their match ended after 2 o'clock Sunday m<lrning. Laver also tuck· ed a\vay singles honors. Lights Go On At Drag Strip Orange County lntcrnalional ilaceway will usher in its nighttime racing pro- gran1 v.'ith a regu lar fuel altered drag show Saturday night and a "Bug-in'' Sunday afternoon. S:1Lurday's f 1 el cl \Viii be the largesl fuel altered field ever gathered at OCIR. Both su percha rged an d unsupcrcharged versions of the short \vheclhase. nitro- burncrs \Viii race in h\'O separate divisions. Sunday 's novel atlr;iction ~'ill Feature V\V sedans and dune buggies competing in 1lrag, slalon1 and off.the-road com- l)('lilion . A display v.•ill be set up to display the latest in accesso ries now ;l\·a ilable for VW 's and buggies. Sunday's program v.•ill be concluded by an air sh ow by na tional aerob atil' cha1np Boh Herendeen in his Pitts SjY.?cial biplane. ·· .Junior fuel and top gas dragster eliminators hi ghtlighted drag action Sun- day JI OCll~. \Vith' Walt SLe\•en.s of H.escda pulling a major surprise in top gas raeini:: by beating favored 1'1ike Snively of Downey. National record holder Don Enriquez t'lf i\1ission Viejo was eliminated in the junior final ~·hen tie jumped the gun. Bill Tklv,·c ll of Loni:t Reach won by dl'f:!.ul1. Bolos B1·eeze 10-5 A11gels Show Hot Bats; ... Sulda, Tl1ompso11 Moved PAL~{ SPRJNGS (A P) -Th e California Angels cracked 14 hits oH four Chicago Cub pitchers Sunday en route to a 10-5 victory in a Grapefruit League exhibition game. The California attack \vas led by a trio of youngsters bidding for starting berths. Righlfielder Jarvis Tatum, 22. slugged two triples and a single. driving in three runs. Third baseman Aurelio B.odr1guez, 21. hit two doubles and a single and scored three runs. Catcher Tom Egan. 22, belted two doubles and a 3inglc and SC<lred three times. The Angels srored four runs off Rich Nye in l h c fifth, three off Dean Burk f. IF Cage Scores AAAA Ventura 118, ~lomingslde 80 Notre Daine 63, Mutr 52 AAA RoY.'land 73, Gprden Grove 71 in the sixth an d three off Joe Nlekro in the seventh. Oscar Gamble, Glenn Beckert and Billf Williams had tv.•o hils apiece for the Cubs. Vetera n Jim McGlothlin was thC mos t effective of four Angel pitchel"S', giving up one hit over the firs t lhrct innings. ·· : The Cubs have now lost lhre e straighL Th e Angels ar e 2·1. Both teams ar c idle today. . ,. The An gels made some persoruw.1 moves Sunday. Former Orange Coast area p~ pitchers Ed Sukla and Terry ThompsOn were dispatched to the Angels' minor league embarking station, lloltville, for further assignment. • .' Sukla prepped at lfuntington Beath High and Thompson at Newport Harbor . Seven other players were sent · 19 HoltvHle for reassignment to minor league teams. · . They a.re catchers John Olerud and Randy Brown; pitchers Dan Keller, E4 Senne!, Chuck Elwis, Jim \Yeever aAd Dave Laroch. ..~ • Vic Davalillo, the Angels' leading hiller Wayme Collett, a muscular C-foot-t Bntln, didn 't open up until the second ball of both hls nat rices but cruised io a 1.6 clocking in the too and to.a jn the t%O for vlcl0rfe1 Satarday. He 1 I 1 • ran on 1 ti.I qaarte_r·mile relay &um and had • 46.1 qauter-mlle ltp OD WJ If:&. Jeff Marsee of lhe Trojans pattd 1 tdtqular meet victory over Arizona SUite a ad Amona "1th an l :Sl.1 two- mlle. Jt wu one of bit Wellmt but t.....ula ud came I• Ms secoed out· door oatlnJ: of ~e year. "We niade 13 pit stops,'' said Pearson alter picking up a check for $16.150, "but the crew called the shots. They got me in and out of the pil so fa sl that I got caught only Ooet! with the race running a lull speed." Pearson, who dominated the race for 310 of the 500 circuits of the one-mile North Carolina Motor Speedway, finished more than a lap ahead of Dodge's Bobby Allison, a prevlOOs winner here. Citrus Titlist Cries for Joy last year wi th a .277 average, was 'ex· pected to leave his home at CaraC'l·s, Venezuela, tod ay and report to t..he Angel camp here Tuesday. · ... .... ... 1'10RGANTOWN, W. Va. -A Morgan· town newspaper said in !ta Saturday o:UUon that Bucky Waten, West Virginia Unlverslly head bll!krtball coach, his signed a five-.year coolract for the same job at Duke Unlv..,tly. Waters, who reruscd to comment on the report In the Morgantown DominiOn- New1, said be la consldtrlng the post. Waters and Chuck Daly, assist111t 1 • 11tlrd place went to Cale Yarborough. .... "' "' SAN FRANClSCO -A 1pectacular tlinul in the final period ic•loed a I.fl victory for lbe C1Wom11 Cllpptrs ovl'r tbe '°'1rinl Ru1slan soctl'r 1Lan, Dyn1mo Kiev. With tlle Sonday game dt.adlocked , Lult Sag1slume pas1t.d tcross lhe field lO 5-foot-5 Edgar P.1artn. He j11mpt.d up bttween taller pltyers ind knocked thfl ball to 5-7 John Kowalik, who hc1dtd the ball· Into lbe net pa I Kiev go111Jr Vlktor \lannlkov. Olll.ANOO. Fla. 1UPI) - lt look I~ years for lhat first pro win and ~·hC'n Citn1s Open champion Ken Still rcaliz:?d he had it in his grasp, he rried. "I started to cry in the middle or the 18th fairway, honest to God I il id.'' lhe 34-year-old, tour-hardened ,·eteran said . "Tears came into my eyes.'' Battling a 25-miJe.pe.r·hour wind tha t sent 1nost scores soaring, the Ta coma. \\lash., golf pro shot a 2-under-par 70 Sonday for a IO·undcr-par 278 total llu1t was good for a om.slroke victory ovC'r ~t illrr Barber 1\·hn had finiShC'd with ;t i0·279 about 30 mlnutes earlier. J\ct uaHy , Still was a bit pren1:itur<' \~hen he though t he h.id victory in hls grasp a! he stood on the fairway leading lo tht? fi nal hole. li e shct.'fl his approach shot into lhe crow d surrouftdlna the green and behi nd a Sl'l of spt.>etator stand s and it looked. al that moment, as though. hC' might bC' forced to meet Borbtr in an 18·ho!c playoff today. Tnurn11ment officials awarded him R free drop and still garnbHng on his puller Instead of his Wl'dgr. rnlled th e h.111 up ln 18 Inches lron1 the hole for a "Rlmmic." 1(1t1 51 II, W ,llOI MUie• 8•tbtl', 1)1,)00 Otv!lll Moedy, M.1'0 Jao11nn1 ~n. 16.1'0 G•y &...-Jr" $4.7':'0 Ill.,. Stod<111n. ii.i n Lft Trr.tl'rtO, SJ.Sn Tom W11i1t.0Pf, u.sn llllol OouoQ ltH, $2,QI Dutt Refram, •~.431 J~~ N+c;-lein, S2.4' Oen ~1•n. U.'31 Borl YIM.,., $1,'31 flob ""''""· Sl,t.a Biiiy Mt•*Yll, 11.&e (f!8rtes ''"""· ,,,.. Tonmy .. a..,,, tl.10111 I r~r~ flf'~NI. Jl.:101.11 Joe c~mo11111, Sl.»t.71 11 .... u1~•10ll. 11,Jll!Jr ll~w! H•......,. Sl.211111 JO"Y ~04'--11, l\i1fl17J B~ Mvrpl\y, 1!,M111 ,, ., .. , , ... ,,. ''·61-n-10-m JQ-f0.7t41-teo m..._,.,.,....__,. ro.n-61-n-111 n .. , .... 1 ... 211 1t·m ... 11>-212 .,,,.n.n-m 12 .. , •. ,.....,.J 11 ....... ,s-.aa ,._,,.11.11-al ... 1Q-Jt.1....,., ~1011-41J 1Mt-11·1~f ,, .... n.n.-n• n .to.11·11-:ia. • ... ,.,,.1&.-:>1J n .... to.1s-as ,,.....,,,,.,S-:115 IWt-11 7)-1lS Jl-)'t.11 71-71\S '' 7).11 n....211, 11 '1 tf·l•-T ' 1.\1 ' 1· ,. '· ~ • -' .. •• • ,. , .. .. ••• "I ' ·• '" ,< .... " istancia 1 Swimmers Place 2nd Beblod the four Individual vi.ctorles by lhe P' u r n i a a brothert, Foothill Hiib School swept ulde Estancla and Looi B<ach lfJlllkan Saturday afternoou in a non-league triangular "flm -t. lbe bolt Jtnlgllu racked up l'I polnU to Eat.nda's 41 and M!Wtan's 18. Eslancla rebounded In lht c.. dlruioo with a first place 1 finish with 58 coontus. Chip Fumbs ocor<d win! will! -..ilng times ol 1 :fl.I In the 21111 me and '9.7 In the JOO free. HIJ brotJier Steve turned In clocklnp ol 2:06.4 In the-21111 U1dlvlduol medley ond ·s1.1 In the 100 baet to dominate the meet for Foothill. E!t&ncia'1 lone varsity w1n- net wu Greg Goodyear with a 1:10.01n the 100 breast. V1nlty "wlfllll (•11 l1l .. 1d1 14'1 MlHl-11 Ull 100 '-'"ltr ltl'lllv-1, Foolll(ll Tim.: ''"·'· n "-'· e. ,ur~h• (I') 2, cnf. ~ (I!) t. 'M!fflllw IFI Tlmt: 1:0 .I ,. ,.,.._,, Summtt'I (l"I !. loctwo.d (l'J S. Sevnct.rt l!'I Time: tu. 2Clll lndlvlclu.I Mfldlty-1. 9. Fvrnr,1 11'1 I. ~ (Ml I. Gool:l.,._r IE) Tlrrw: t :Ol.4. 1111 """ -1. f'tls,,_ (,.I 2. D1vll (El '· Ha-{Ml Tl""': $1,I. IOI F,..._1, C. 1'"""1• !Fl 2. CllP.. fDnf CE! 1 Whl1 (Fl Tl,.,.: n.1. IOI a.ct-1, S. l'urnltl 11"1 1. !).- Grate (l!I S. ~ (M) Tim.: 5:1.1. «10 ,,,..._,, 0-Y-IMJ f, W1tl'lbun1 ! {Ml t . WNtnew (F) T~: •11$.1 lo& ''"" -1. G«ld'Yftr fl!l I. SunwTIWt 11") 1 M1"11tat'I Tl..,_, l :K.I, «111 ,,,.. lttltT-1. FDll'll'lln Trrrw: ''"·'· ·- ~-------------------------·----------·-~------~---~-----·- VAllDON-ovOIA) HAS GREAT lti'KTIV!HESS I 1to1 tha boot ""I' to "°""'11& ,..;, ..... Cl\ tha ahaholt II to ... tt.ev..i.ft,.,_.. ... ,. Thll l'IP ft• ~ ..... t11oth-. 1111111lycnl -·· ....... ... Iha alub dm anyatMr CMtllodaoc gdp. Tho ttiuol> e(tha left hon! His """' llllo Iha P.1'-Of tha ,;., ...... b 112 M of .._ ~iqJe lodtlng of .. "-... 111 ... hall ... ). -thll gr; p If _,j,!nod, you should fool -• ,,_,,. In lho lalt thrH ftngon el your loh hand CllCf tM llldcfl& tw0 ftng&N elyeur ds#I ~ .. ilbdowod or• ln 111 .. 1 ... 100 12). Prep Net Results ' ~ Motlday, WIM?I 10, 1'69 ~PILOT 23 St. Istvan Sones., Anderson Wi1i Gol,d -Puts Down . . Barons 3rd • Ill CIF Finals Rangers BJ STEVE ANDREWS paund dtvl&kn HI "dltd all only defeat came at I.be hands u M1t-• u:1 0•1 "" ...._. & °' ... Datt""'"" ot bis put knowledge ln dtJmo. of Bnlce Perry ot Covina, ~a:_~::::: .. ~ 14 Hard.playlng St. Istvan put Two area wresllen arabbed Lhe eventual runne.rup. .. -v.,..., 1•1el.:: T""" an end to the Coast Jtan&ers' Cl)' cl.mpionahlp b on or s ping the fir&t twQ opponents. MOJTack's t e 1 mm 1 t e, ,., ... ,, "' brief stay in State Soccer Cup Saturday at Cal S ta t e And ln the last match the Jlm McNaughton, managed a 'IM~ 1""1 '*· o-... fl"tc J' hostUIUes, ticking 1 S-l Jou P'ullerton In the finals .net classy Anderaon pkmed Louie rourth place medal, losinf in ,..,.:!~ ,,, .. , •. ""'"' fC• both were members. of the Blanco ot PacWc 1n 1:2f ot the conaolation bracket to Lar-,,,_...,,.,_ ''"' ''"'*' aienc:o on coach Brian McCauPey's lrvlnt .Lea&Ue tltlist.s from the. first round. ry WWeman ot Mira Co!ta, ,,."11 1•:w forces Sunday afternoon at Fountain Valley. Ander a on and Mike s.o. ~1~,. 1"°'• -. H•tt IL• Newport ~h's Mariner• <lu'll Sonet 1n the Jfl6.pound Hartman " Morro Bay, wbo · PlcNaughton '1 only other J,._.,_. iw1 -. ttor!let CHH11 Park. _ ~~·1~ ..... ~~~ /&ndersondedln :~~ ol u i:' =~. loss was to rwmerup Richard 1~:;~J°""'lf> we. brw The 11 ... ,,,en had a chance wiu -,..,_... group wa Zarp ol. Bellnower, f.I. • •• -ltlo• Clt•Ufllldll ftc. v .... .. _... through four rounds ot com-were the. only two to beat Marina's Craig Gephart 1E1au 1s-1 to draw even the last minute. petition and. came out un-their final lots by a fall. picked olf comolaUon booors 1...:,:11-.. ~ 1sn -. leK!llm Trailing ~I they had 1 corner beaten. Newport. Harbor was the by defeating Mike Dean of Ml-H•rttN• IM•I ,.._, """'°' kick. McCaugbey ordered bis . AJoag with the p]Wure ot ~" artthe-•, ...... aqu!Oad ..... ~ ~~. South Torrance, '1·2. The 130-I~~~~ iwm.rr.1 -.. """"' hi.Ying the only area cbam----·--o ....., 1'"5 ,;nuw pounder's other setback was 11,. .... 11 ,,.. entire team in troo.t of the St. pkm, coach Vern Wagner's tallied 14. points and we re binded aut by champion ~~r::.J~r: Hlllt M. tstvan goal. Baroni also had the most deadlocked with Eisenhowu Haro&d Jordan of Norwalk, u . KV-c.n.:it.11 ILMI dK, ~r Then ~ Wemeid toot the cKiampa of any participating tor the tenth spot. l"rn.1 "'" '"""i 111 . e,.wJirv •1 fllw!llllJ ::.S. .... DNlllM kick. 'There WU a cbance it .,.hooJ. t'hris H .. ..-1 1wept through t'll 'tclflc :ki (U Foun1.i11 Vtlk>'I' 91-S.n p11110 (l!!XCl'l ..... I dK, -.. .,.,..._. 2'1 (41 tit'*""-~lie ll'ld ""1TO A-..n (ST ) '-0 mlght go in. But the winners However, Fountain Valley the first tbrte rounds unscath.. a.~ ,,, (•> Sou"' Tornnr.e t11 en 1~1ni 1 !North ltlwnlcM) _., somehow regained JJOSSeSSion fell short in the total team ed ·and met head on wlth """"'-S1n11 Mlrte, 11.911i.ndi •l\d o-a !TorTtne11l1 "" and drove doWn the field. to point standings wlndlng up a Jose Rivera d Santa Maria ~::;-~, ~!'1"'""inl"'1 -.: .. easily score the clincher. respectable third with 29. The for tbe crown. The same two GymnaslI• CS 123 -0r1ec iLamooc1 0tc. R"'t' •·-'ed · the -~• Is J t 1s•1w11 1-i McCaughey was furioul over Baron.1 trailed· f1tst place -''&' ID ,K\;wona as 1»-Ge111Mrt IMlrlrw) 11ec. o.n the Play of the n ...... ers. "It Brawley, whlch totaled _40, week in Morningside with csTH 1.1 •-a · t to b c--. ftl MM (U) IMJ '•fr 136-Clll'f'/' (W.lffn) dee, IO!llrl was pathetic," he said later. plus ~rup ~~ defen~1ng Rivera coming ou on P Y rurn1111~1. J. w11dtt> !CJ 2. P. rF11li.rton11 ,., "Eve~-pi'cked today to 5.~ champion Pacific, w h 1 c b a wide margin. W•ldtl' 1c1 l. Gr1N• 1ci Poln11: 1'·'· 141-wuNm.11 CMI•• ca.t11 .._ Mc· ·•-· ~ H I Jl ROPI Cllmh-1. YOll"'ll /PJ 2. C~ N1uon1on CWwtmlllllwll W off. I won't single out anyone notched 34. marker~._ However; orpe gave a -!'J 1. z111.c191 cPI 11-: l.t. 1oa-M11tt11u «P11°' v•"*l .,.ft., because they all played poorly. Sones posted decLS10ns of 11· battle this time befure bowing i.~on:',~i!'°i~'i" ~:~,!; ;;~ ~1~ Mor1t1110 ceo1 .. Gr•ndll "" - "We could have won the 2, lot. and 11-2 on. his way to Rivera 9-4 for a second Hltfi tier-i. J. Walder (Cl i. 11;o1i1n-157-11r1Y 111;0111.,.. tt11111 -. L- game but we ctrtainly didn't hto the finall ls.Vin! theOguUtlendmatchr p!Daceavemedawl. om m ' e k or -,:,:1 !~:'~1~ 'i' .;~~~: i1i;'· 2. c~~~ ~~~111111111 we. ,.,.'"' d erve to. They completely e . na ed c e o o P. w11cMr cci i,. Gr11« cc1 Polnr•: (R_....t1111 1c..1 es " Pacific with a IIM setback. Westminster took the con-11-'. 17'--0twll tNon dee. ••rm• CH•• outplay~ us. Anderson had had a taste solaUon Utle In the 115-pound o~': ~!\:.t., 't::":::i"n11~c\2.~ "';';~,.~ 1R1nc11o """'''mt •· St. Istvan, a first division ol CIF action lll!t year when class, drubbing JMTV Gana P .... 11et 0. .... 1. 11.us1 tPi '· J . zini.r (G.11r11 w J b f om the Greater Los ~-, W•kllf' 1c1 i. F.-dl•nd !"I Pointi: Hv-H1M11 ti..wndlltl .iec. ...... c u r . he finished third in the 123-of Nogales lf.2. Wommack's 1•.1. 1trorn 1w1rrtnl1 w Angeles League, drew hrst1 ___ '-----------=----------------------------- blood 15 minutes I n t o hostilities when the Ranger defense had ont of its usual All Penney ·stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday\ mixups. "-"'• fU'I ht.11r.i. !ff) Mllt .. 11 !UI 71111 Mtd""1 Jtl'llY-1. "ocrtti111 TllTI": Y1l'll.., j.I; *'· Hawtr.fflll u , Arnell ..o. 1:n.•. <-.: Ml ~ UIM) ln'll 1'•111111 l"tiw-i t-0. However, the losers manag- ed to tie it up three minutes into the last half as Andre Cousin rebounded a :mis3ed !hot. AUTO CENTER\ :1011 l'"iw-1. Smltti IF) 2. Z11'1ett1 11"'191 ~.._.. IE) IOI! to lteY91\IOl'I !Fl IE) J. Llttell IE) 11 .... , 2:05.t. KaM,!Lltl'.f""', • .!, ro.iw:.u;~J Ul ,_,,, Haw'o.1111 14, Amett U ; def. 50 l',._I, Mc1'"1rlll'ld fl!l 7. Mooft wl vT ..... 1'1Mr10n 6-1. (Fl J. w.tier fF) Tlmt: ,..I. W~~,_.:;l.(CdM1 lost to TrlN (l'Hl Bemdl IE) loll lo lllwn&Oft (Fl lat lndwtd111I ~lfor-1. Webilfwf' °"/ ~. Hllr'lfr 6-G. 'f'Oli>tNI•,.. 6-11 N , H1wlo.ln1 04, AIMtt 2°'; llri. tEl I. lll!ltorl IF) i. l'•ullnil il'l w~~'""tCdMI bl lo Tr~ (FHI l'lllnllll '"1• Dll,ibln The invaders pulled ahead far good with 30 minutes left as a St. Istvan man somehow got through two Ranger defen- ders and fired in the deciding Tlmr. l:IM.1. M,1._ .... ._ Ht1dll 6-2. Wood1rd ..0. S<NU" l l\d Emery IE! Iott tot 11• ,.,.,_,, H.stl"" II'} I. l1d'l111~ WI-· ·~ ( Wtltl!t 1nd Mlrfln CFJ ~I. ,_., 'Pill tw (Ml J. MelCl'l¥n' {El Tlmt: 1:02.1. Pltll'l'ltn ICdMl "'' N Trls. l'HJ ... uh Pl1m'-c:k Ind Mtllll , ... 7·5. l«I F,..._1, lmllll IF) 2. Vftl»ltl' S.I. o.vtMt Fotltr 1!>d A111111lln1 IE) '°'' t11 (l!!l S. Lee IEl Tlme~ M.t. Tttt aftd liollff!lll'I ICdMI dtf. lntr!11 W<ltl!I ind M.rll11 J>f, W. f'llml>Kll 100 aadl-t, K1.,.1be (I!) I. M-Ind Lll'Wll ('"~7·5, 6-11 Browr\1119 1nCI M1llli 11-6, 11-6. II') ,, Gift!! (I'} TlmlP: 1:03.5. Incl !chllmberm M. ------=----• • I Nt iHr ~ I( lef1r ICdMI clt!f. .. "'" -1. Allilltr1 (Ml 2.1 l"let"I lnt'l'!n Ind Llr'St<I CFHJ 6-4. 7.5, goal. . (El '· lff "'!rd Tlm1: .f:lt.5. arown1ne '"1."l::rnbl'rn •t. '"°-1ao •l'Nlt-1, Jecour fFI t. Weblr ¥1nltY More Sports Page 24 McCaughey's group returns to Pacific League wan s~ day to play at Long Beach or pick up a ra1ned out game, pending other State C u p results. (l'J s. 'Ja11111111 1E1 TI1111: 1:11.1. helllllt OWll 1m1 c_. •• Mtr «lit LITw h11.,.._1, Ell1ftelt (Mt-\lanltf 1'"'9nd, U.. KP"il:ll'. Wllbmrl Tlmei •1t111ti1 111\ld U7Vtl l'uller'IM ):"'-L c... ltOMttl IEI lllf. $1t'ffMC'l'I fJl '-t. •1t111Cll fSll MUllll1• (Q) ""1hlll IS11 M•wklna 11-l, AIMii (M, PitlerlOll 200 Mftlln' lltllv -1. E•!tncl• '!;lnrwrs IE} lest "' ltntftlOft !Fl (G...W, l ull•• L, lltltHTntll. O.t111I ' _ _:::::::::_::;:,_;;;;_;:_c:::.:_:::.;:,;,.;_ _____________________ _ TllM1 'l:Cll.1. 200 p:,__1, O.llls CM! 2. IC. CIWY IMI t. S'-'" 11"1 Time: 1:11.I . • l'rW-1. soit.1'11 fl'} 1. a.- (t:l L It, 11~11 !El Tlm1: Jl.t. lOf ......,,.,..., Milflrl'-1. SI~ '°" (MJ 1. JCllll'lltatl (fl L lullt 151 T"'-1 1:1U. JI> ~I. L.. llltttn'nt!I 1£1 t. Grtfflltt (Ml J. K. CIM't CM) Tlmt; xi.1. 100 l",,.._1, --~ ll"l 2. S!Klh~ son (Ml I. It. li.tflnNll (l!!J Ttmtt .,_. • ledl-t. Grant Ill 2. Dlvlt (Ml L lfwntl9 IM) TlrMt II.I. • .,..._1, 111119 Ill I. Nowefl (Ml ). _.,.. 11!'1 Tlr!r. M.t. M ,.,_ ltMy.-1. &WIN flin.n.. ...... 0.-It. •t•"9fll'IM. L. 111+-tmMll) TllMI t:a .... Mater Dei Explodes, Wins, 8-3 Mater Dei High School broke Jooet for five runs In the aeventh inning to cap a come- from-behind noo-teague vani- ty baseball victory Saturday with an 1-3 decision over host Ssn CJemente. Steve ~fcMahon's two-run producing single followed four walkl in the seventh frame to wrap up the win for pitcher Adrian Witt. Witt, who allowed the Trttons three runs In the first two Innings, settled down to limit the San Clemente nine to one walk and three scratch singles the rest of the way to pick up his !eCOOd win ol the campaign. 'Ibrff San Clemente pit· chm: walked 13 Mater Dei batters. Y.ater Def Is at Saddleba~r &oday in the opening round ti. the. Santa Ana Tournament. •lw °" Ill ..... " k..,,.,.,., rf Munir. ,. W1rblftllofl. 111 ...,,., . J. Llnl'Mf, 2'o M1Ullfitt, cf -·· SJ~." NI~, If ""'·. .. rltrtil I 0 I t 1 • 1 • I 1 I 0 ' 1 • 0 J t I I 1 ' •• J 1 1 1 l 1 I I J I I I 1 t 1 ' 4 • ' , Tot1hl 2, I A 4 1111 Clln'lttlft Ul '''""" lll!llbtrdl,r.. •Ill o.tm.utfl, lb 4 1 I 0 ""'~",lb 3 010 oi ..... nt,lt ,,,, t"1111er, If I I I I J-·· lltt T-... 1 I I 1 A!lfn. 0 I I I 0 . .,. . . ... . . ' . . . •-.c: , ••• -·-Mcl(f!i9'1t, ,., ' 0 •• Clwf~• ~··· r.i111 ,.,,,, _.,_ ' .. ~r»I ......... s.n CltmlrlM 111 DOI ~ t I UCI Athletes To Be Honored UCI 1w 1ebeduled two April banquet& whkh win honor the university'• swlmm!n1 and balUtball teams. The .wtmmtng banquet Is 1tt for April t and the basket· ball tum cmvenes April IS. lloth evtnll will be held at ~ ClmJIUS Commons. t\nne111 AUTi)CENTER ls that thump-thump lllder the hood the generator? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't And maybe It's kind of foolish to Jet the local garage spend a lot of time {and a lot of your money), trying to find out. Drive iiiiOPenneys Auto Diagnostic Testing Center. Jn less than one hour, we put your car through a series of sclenllflc tests (212 of them, to be exacl) that pinpoint any existing problems -and wam of polenllal ones. Steering. Englne.-Brakes. Transmission. Eleclrlcal and cooling and fuel and exhausl syslems. Expert analysis of everything from headlights to tailpipe. You watch the results come out on an electronic typewriter. A skilled d'lagnostician goes over r'_~t>J the re port with you. If you wish, he'll give you an esllmate of any necessary repairs. You'll be able to take care of small problems now, before they develop lnlo_ big problems costing big money. And; If you wish, Penneys will make lhe repalnt- qulckly, accurately, economlcally. Repairs that could prevent a n8edless highway breakdown. If you prefer, you can take the report anywhere you like. The cost? Only 9.88. Pretty reuonable for an analyst, these days. Chllgt It! ·-"'"' 6111 Oi .I,_,.,.... .. , .. _ 1•0: a Mt ... NulltllllfGft lch. "".._ __ -t;IWlfl -m--19W771 • 3DAYSONLY Our tire life saver special prolongs the life of your tires • SERVICE INCLUDES • EXPERT WHEEL ALIGNMENT • 4 WHEELS BALANCED• 5 WHEELS ROTATED• EXPERT BRAKE ADJUSTMENT • COMPLETE PIT BOSS INSPECTION &~~~~ Q)~~~~~ TQDAYI Not iust a reline ••• but a complete Reliant brake overhaul for your earl We install new bonded linings, rebuild oll wheel cylinders, r-rface brake drums, blMd and refill brake system, repack front wheel bearings, install nw front greme seals ••• morel 29.88* •Meat,..., GMN11t1 Md Awm •••r o *Volkswa9111 and most other Alllerlca1 cars 3488 Free brake adjustment for life of lining NEWPORT 'BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH (Fashion l1lancl) (Hunlinglcn C.nllir) • 1 ._._ ............ -.. ,. '· . ' .. . . . . . -~~-·~~~-~~~~~..,.....~~~~~~~~~~~·~~-_ .... :--. ·~· .... . ........ .., ... .. .. .. ... 1: (' ·~· ·~· ... . .. ... •• ,. .. ... .. .. •' •• ' . .. .. '. . ' , .. 14 DAllV PILOT M...tq, Mw 10. 196t Skating .~onight ~i F~ro111 BROTHER-SISTER COMBO The hard-luck brother-sister combinatioo of Ronald and Cynthia Kauffman will be performing at the Forum in In- glewood tonight as part cf an lee skating exhibition pul on by lhe lop finishers championships. SpiUs in the title attraction denied them finishes. in the recent world Olympics end world possible gold medal Pro Cage Standings Big Year Loo 1ns World 's Top Amateurs ... l:llt.fft 01~111111 1111t1mor,. Phl!..iell>t.!1 ~eW Y~ 110611111 ClllC'llll\l!I ~ ... MltwallkM w 1. •••· ca " ~ .. " .... l l , • ~• n ~l Jl " . " . " ~ W11lern o .. uloft Loi. .t..ngel11o .. " •T11nl1 ., " San Fr1ncl1to " " Cltlcl!IO " " "" ..... ~ ., ,,.,,. " • _,. " " S1tur•1Y"1 1tu111t 9'.tfle 131. 111lllinore 111 Only 11-:i.dledllltd ••• -"' .'93 ••• .no .M, .... ••• .. ,, ,,, .l11 .?lJ s1111111ri ltnulh Ml~H 11a, De!rolt 121 Pfllledtl111'i1 110, N-Vcwl! 101 LOI A-le'I 120, lliltl'll~ 10' PhOMlhC 1~. S.n Oleoo lll llcatorl 131, San Fr1nd tco It A11enl• l:M. c ;r.c1 ..... 11 IOI °""' ""'" Khtdu~ Tod1y•1 01- S.11 ,,.,.nc11eo '' Mltw1ulie• .. Ill,,_. .t Ph<:le'!ll• Cll'ltY _..... Khedultd y., .... ,.. •• _ ~11!1..itlP'lle &I N"' Yon. Aft.,, .. .t Cl'llallo o.trolt ,, Lo. .-. .... r., "'-"'' .t 5.1,, Dlt9o ' ' .. " " ,,. • n " " " D"1 °""' HfM$ KfllQJlt!d • ":::::::::>. ""'""' ,_ -· .. .-. ... v .. ••• ht..,. DfYhlM w L " ~ "n ~ .. n " " . ........ Dl•ll ... SI 12 ~ " ~ n " n " .. It •S .... ... , ..,. ..,, ... ·"' .111 .... ... ... ... "" SI""""" •-lh ti.li.s 111, ~-111 Mln.-.:n lll, HOUl:IOll 1'9, 'OT f+e,oo Yori! 120, LOI A~ln 110 O!l!Y .. IT'1ft KM'dUlecl su•Y'••_,.. bellYel" 111. Lot .......... '" N .. arw.. 1l6. HOllltll'I 1111 K&lll\odrY, 11t. M~ 10ol ,,.,,.... 17t. Mt.ml 1H Oelti.nd 1tt, ~ Yort. lM Onty •• ,,,.. 9dlcdult!G T....,., .. _ 0.11" .. Mlwool ---,..... ..... 0.Mtt t ........... 11o.i.i.11111 1..-.11&MN.W'l'Of'll _ .. _ OlilY --ld'!Nuifd •• -., ' ' 1111, For Diablo Five Added In that •ggcegauon Vie Tonight By ROGER CARI.SON DI flll Deilr Piiot lllft Mission Viejo lligh School. on the strength of a final game upset viclory ovr.r Villa Park ih Crestview League baskelball action, became the firsL varsity team ever in the school 's brie.f history to post a winning record. Coach Pat Roberts' crev.• completed the campaign with a 13-ll mark after .500 clip the previous two years. And despite losing bis best- ever player in Tom Gardner via graduation, Roberts and Mission Viejo should have an even better season next year. Of the starting "seven", on- ly Gardner and Jerry Glouster are scheduled to leave the Mission Viejo campus. Returning are Dan Kratz. a 6-5 center who averaged nine points per game ut the pivot position. He is called the player on the spot by Roberts. "Kratz is the key figure for us next year 1( he can come through as a team leader and develop consistency in his offensive scoring end rebounding, we'll be in good shape," says Roberts. Rudy Holmes will be return- ing at guard after scoring at an 11 .2 pace, behind Gardner's 16.0 average. Holmes, at 5-9. is outstan- cting with good defensive moves. Others back to Corm a starting lineup before the season begins are S t e v e l-lazan, Jeff Masterson 11nd Steve West. Haun is a 6-3 forward; Masterson also a 6-3 forward; and West a 5-8 guard. .lim Schaffer, a S.10 guard. \fill also be back from the varsity. is a junior varsity n1ainslay from the 1969 contingent. Doug Citro. a 5--10 guard who'll be a 1un1or. averaged 27 points per game 1n the last seven junior varsily outings and is counted on heavily by Roberts to fill the scoring gap Jen by Gardner and Gloster. T\.\'O Bees expected lo help out are .Jim Davis and Kevin Shannon, The junior varsity, champions of the Crestview League, became the first litlr. winning team In history at the Diablo campus. Despite the solid nucleus of returning lettermen a n d olhcrs, Mission V i e j o ' s chances for a Crestview title appear sli1n. Foothill, 1969 champion. \\•ill have three starters back in· eluding league play<'r ol the year Bill Boyd. Other teams expected to field veteran outfits a.re San Clemente, Tustin and Orange. Area Sports Calenda r 'fhe skating aristocracy of 10 nations will glide onto the ice at the Forum tonight to present an exhibition featuring champions and runnersup of the recent world chmpionships in Colorado Springs. A total of 25 figure skaters will participate starting at I o'clock. This event brings together for the first time in history. a touring group lhat includes countries from behind the Iron Curtain as \\/ell as Western nations. Tickets are still available. Honors are expected to be divided between Gabri e 1 e Seyfert and Tim Wood. Miss Seyfert, the eye catching pert blond from East Germany, ran away with top honors in the ladies single's event Wood. a prelaw major at John Car- roll University, added the men's singles title to his Jong list of gold medals. The world champions in dance, Diane Towler and Bernard Ford from England. can be expected ta dazzle the crowd with their synchro movements on the ice. Pro Hock ey Standings •• NATIONAL LIAIUI .... 01Ybi9ol W L T "'· ., OA 00 17 It 10 DI JU JI '' lJ " :tS7 Ill l! 71 I 71 1'1 111 n u 1t '' "' 1" ,.,,,,,.,,.111 .J07f7t1JQ211 w .. 1 Owi.l• If, Louis :U '1 ll II "' 1lt Otli: .. ncl H :U lG • 10 277 lM °"'"l!:I )I It t JI IU 174 ""1"69!111111 It ~ 1J ff I~ JOJ Mliwlllolt 17 111 n d , .. m r1~ If • 11 • lJI nt s....,.,.. ... 1111, L11 ,........... J, Mlflfr91l I. 1>1 !' "lillledr11f1LI t. T-!t 1, I~ N.W Yri S. Pll!'°"'"ll ) De4rolt J, a..tori 4 M, L.lllk I. o.tiltncl l °"'' ...,,.... 1dleduled .. ~tltMlh ......,..,._, tr. ,.... Vert t. I~ SI. LOl/k 2. M'-"111 2, tit llottotl ,, L.s A-•• 1 1"1111-....... .. t.o.tlt .... Or.I,. ""'"" MMclvltd TWWI01mtt No ""'" ICl'IMr.lh!d T9"Nr't~IMJ Mclnt'"I M JI, Llllllt llOltOf' irt Ml~11ttc41 0..to, .. !'Mt K'-Olfleo:I Calendar For UCI For Month Following Is the calendar of events at UC Irvine for ~e rest of the month. AU ~vll!)i ""' open to the public. 'l'here ls no admiuion charge e1eept where lndicated. U 'lhnday NOON CON:CERT . "Clarlnette a la M o d e , ' • Sonata for clarinet and piano; 111 Fine Arts, 12 noon. II htday CllElllSTllY SEMINAR "Hydrogen bot.ope Effect in Ab«traction Reactions," Dr. Ralph Weston, Brookhaven NalionJl Laboratory and Vilithlc Profesaor at UC .. Berkeley; !01 Phys Sci, 4 p.m. IRVINE REPERTORY THEATER -"Under Milk Wood" by Dylan Thomas; Studio 'Ibeater, 1:30 p.m. SOLD OUT. Just Like Original . tSS.lanlay "Ox," the St. Benianl mascot of Theta cii1 fraternity at Worceoter POJytecb- nic Institute in Ma.ssacbu.setts, served u model for the fratemity'a lhow sculpture. AAUW SYMPOSIUM "The. Drug E p i d emic •• Science Lecture Ha11, t a'.m. to 3 p.m. Tlctets, '4.75 (includes brunch}, may be olr tained by sending chect and seU-addressed, s t a m p e d envelope to Mrs. S. Dale Stan- ton, 1509 Harle Pl., Anaheim 92802 • IRVINE REPERTORY THEATRE -"Under Milk Wood" by Dylan Thom&!!i · Studio Theater, 8:30 p.m: SOLD OUT. 17 Monday UC! TOWN & GOWN MEM- BERSHIP MEETING -"How Black Students See UCJ " Dr Duran Bell, Assoc p' r o r : Economics; and BSU members Jim Winder, John King and Tom WaUord in panel discussion: Mesa Com- mons, 10 a.m. II Tuesday UC! TOWN & GOWN MUSICAL PROGRAM -An- nual program for all Town & Gown Members· I a 12 Antigua Circle, N e' w p o r t Beach; 10:30 a.m. %0 Thursday ENGINEERING CO I,. LOQUIUM "Trends in Engineering System Research," C. H. Leondes, UCLA; Campus Advance Cont Rm, 4 p.m. F1LM "Dishonored " Marlene Dietrich, Sponsor~ by University Ga 1 J er y Associates and lhe A r t Gallery; Studio Theater, 8:30 p.m. Tickets $2. Zl Friday SIGMA XI LECTURE "Quasars" -Enigmas on a Grand Scale," Prof Harlan J. Smith, Univereity of Tei:as, 101 Phys Sci, 4 p.m. %7 Thursday F'ILM -"Million Dollar Legs," with W.C. Fields, sponsored by U nl ver s 1 ty Gallery Associates and the Art Galtery: Studio Theater, 8:30 p.m. Tickets $2. 31 Students At OCC On Dean's List Names of 31 Orange Coai.t area students who made lbe ran semester dean's list at Cal State Fullerton were an- nounced today. These students received at least as many A's as B's carryir)g a full load of classes. They are: Balboa Island Halter. Diane Corou dd Mar -Rowell Greene. Costa ft1e1a -D a v I d A.gress, Susan A n d e r s o n , Gerald Balgie, Theresa Clark , Earline Gard n er, Alaree Govett, Roy Gregg. Margaret Hall, Carol Kleck, Edward Kleeman, Carole Knickerbocker, David Perkins. William Sparks, Jahn Stanphill and Samuel Wray. HuntiogtOn Beach -Maria Bland, Joseph h1aga .Jr .. Sharon Marshall and Peter Rowi>nds. lrvfen -Jamt.! Tracy. Laguna: Beacll -Diane W.cMahon. Dolores Silke and Elsie Taylor. Laguna N i 111 e I -John "Andy" Martin. " Newport; Btach -Peter Gates, Maryruth Jae ks on, David Love and Katherine Watson. Seal Beach -Phyllis: Lichenstein. Poles Elect 6 Officers A charter slate or six offi· cen cl. the newly organized Orange ~y Polisb Club N were ilmalled recently at a elvport Boy buflei dinner in lh• Newport Beach Elks Club. Wm' S Honor Co.5ta Mesa Police detective Roscoe ''Rock" Broad, re- Steve Winsor, 17.year-o 1 d cently honored as the city's Newport Harbor High School outstanding policeman officat- senior, has been named a ed as installing officer. member or the AU Southern President of the club is California High School Honor Mike Anuszkiewicz, backed up Band, He plays oboe. by Vice President Robert AJ- T h e honor band, made up len a n d Holly Kubik, corre-. of students from JI Southern sponding secretary. California counties, will ap-Mrs. Wilma Wiekamp ls re- pear at the Los Angeles Mus-cording secretary, Dr. Sig· ic Center and perform con-mund K~ick is treasurer certs in several different cit-and Dr. Vincent Stemitzke is ies during April. parliamentarian. Winsor, 0£ 2027 Holiday;=========:::::;; Road, Newport Beach, a I s o will be feature\! soloist at the Newport Harbor High spring concert r.larch 21. He will be heard in Handel's "Sonata No. l for Oboe." PENETRATIO N N•trly 1¥•ryont rt1d1 th• DAILY rlLOT, ho1111tow11 n1w1p1p1r for th1 F•bw- lout Ort1191 C1t1t. Horace Ensign Lists Six as Top Scholnrs Horace Ensign Intermediate Mo1TY O't:Ol\lllll', "*" Pllrntr. Lift- School t N rt B h h di Pitt. 511$tfl Ill...... J. 11 1 n ewpo eac as "-•"""""'°"' J•11 RIN<•· P"I "'"· announced its hooor roll for 1.11111mn R1lnli•rt, K11ttv 11u.,, Lc1u1 .. Rotll,_., Tom Sen!1, lloO l1~10n..1e the first semester. o.v1c1 Smr.a, Ly1111 s.111,.., SllHl"I' S. ( d ls · Shri, Glr. Slmkl11 .. lturl Stl'lull. 1:1 s u en received A's Erl" Smlrh, Kim Sml:tt., W•nt111 in all subjects -eighth gradet ~i"'~ -tr=· ~.~1' Clark Potboil, and seventh g.~ ~l'iii~l:n1,;:v.:=,~ graders Vicki Call, Julie··c;;••0•0•0•0Y0•0 .... 0·0 "';;';;;;"'"';;';; 'Y;;-;;;;;;. iiOiiOijj Holcomb, Holly Montgomery,11 U>rl Nichols and Cody Small. WllMll Or1,..~ -Al•n Atidrl'*t, o.8 Y Antho•w, CYnrni. leckltt, S.MOOI ""-G~t 811tr1mo. S.11\1 8tn1U1, 01le 1111 , K1,..n 811_., 1(1tllv BrlTYlCh, en Brown, Pill! Bilrlr.. Lee Burkt, Scott Ctlctwlll Jin C1r11ey, •,"", '"~ Terri Coll. Brltn Co1<11, ' .,I c. 'r ,,... Collltr. Rot>et1 .,,,n, e<m ftr Conow., Rldltrcl C~1v•vhou1e, Cl>eo'I O.bolt, A~n1 D""'• • SUJY 00Yle, Jim Orl..:011. B•r 1r1 Dunn. Debbie Du1111, Jtmes E11kk LOfl Elkln, ll lU Fr1nkll", JOdy Frl.S.v, Ch1<ll1 GllJ.llr, Clr.dff Ht ll, Jo~n H1rrl1. Bill Htlclbrfnk, Robert Hft'-','""°'' Lrll Hltillltncl, M•rk Hlnsh1w, ..,.,~ Hlnhan~. Kini Hum.nn, Oouetlf Jal'rM«I, ~' Kt er'yP111riclt ~...-11, Krlt -Lit r•wri, f 11I1 n .. ovme.11. 81!11'1 lt'f'!f'tt. Mlchetl McGln,...., LI" M111lkrl'le, Vtlerfe MISWI. Brld Miiier, Tern' _..,, Mlrt Mol'11•11o Mlurwn Murphy, Sieve M~,,.. Mlr111r!'I Hewltnd, S!uarl Hole"' M1rilYn P•lmer, John Pflllllp" Rlcl\trd PnllllPs. Mer9o1ret P"'ltr, JCll'ln R1>u·Du1111o11n, Tom 5.ffrlet. Wendy $ml~ Karl T•hll, G'Q T•ut>e, Gtn' 1horrw, JOHl!h T11oma1. K•rl Von Henen, Ellen =~,~n ~~~.~~IL Offrlw Wundt11ich, S.Ylftllil G ....... -Ptrrt AdlmL Tom Afl.n. _Joy Arrttionr, Svslii B1!tlrl~ TG!'ll llldtWl!h, Jvlll Bennett. Jec-llnt a...,..rct, ROii lll•lack, IC1rtf> Bowmln. K1"' Brv1nt 8f'l!I Bunntll, Tl,,. Bvnu., Nici< Burton. C1P'OI Ct"'""1L AM C•lff. Dout fhlrd, Terry Cline, R~tl\ Clucas, Stitt'!' ~1n. Durlc•n Colter, Merlin c1111, .., • Cr1kl, LN Dlt>n1. La Didi-. Lvndon Dfd<e,, John Oiaer. i:~,i:it:._ rr:~111E~~ J~~~'l'.r1'-.:1, tne ~ ... nelcl, koll fl1r. Robet1 rtN\1.1, Bannl• GHI. Vidcl G•lt, Mwl1 Grlmlll1w.L BtV9f'IY Grots1. Jfffl Gorm111, M.,..,. <.tUnktl, Lturit Htlley, TI~ mm111, Rlth•roS H1mm, Crntlll1 ~'fl.: H~=:-1,~::'::;n l.o:.r:~..;; ,m,l~°"' Andrew Jones, VUtrle JCl/IN«I, L'1 le Jorden. A.G. K•w•mvr1. IClmbtrlY k1r, '"'v r1111rtl KlrT. Thtresa K!inir.r, •llrll K-., Stmhtnl• k"""ntkl. c1,,. "• u ublr, Ptt l•wrlttr. K1!11~llle, Jul l..otlmt"• Lind• Lwcl. n.h• LYflll, Edwtrcl L,..,, OebOlt M abe, Miiton McCord, Ktrert McOouOll M1r111r1t Melt, Tim Marlmon, Oodf Miro.I, Kim Dr a Mllcl>tll, S t t v 1 MOnolco. Tarn Mor"!', Fre~k Nt.S.sdv. Lori N~llOll, Lltl.lrl Nkholl, ~ s. ljlAFECO INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENl: DISCOUNTS on your Family Auto Insurance Bob Paley and Auoci1te1 INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St, COSTA MESA 642-6500 Orange County's most complete Sid Shop Continuing Our Store-Wide SKI SALE 20%-50% off We Will Remain o.,.,, All Summer Featuring A Complete line of Bikini's & HOBI E SURF llOAROS OP EN DAILY M•IMl•Y~rW•r-10.-f S•tvnf•y·Suncf1r-TO..£ 2aos w •• , c ... t "'•"w.•.Y NEWPO RT BEACH 642-8335 • • ~I~ .. ... "M ::"• -~Id :;,~ I I " .. ~ !°. " I ! I I ~ i i t i ' • • - I " ·~ ' ' 1t ·-• • t l • ' I I 0 I i I 100L TIME Come '" tbll rwtmmer'• paradjle. 15 x :SS' pool on lute ecntr lot. Room. for boat AND traller. A11o ~ d-: s Biii 2 ballio, dble ~··--·­q:. It's a 1b!al tor only $30,750 OPEN DAILY l.S 2527 Andover Pl, CM •. PERRON :..1 ""' .~ ........ , ... Easblde Sleeper * 642-1771 Anytime * Terrific Triplex!!!! 3 BR, 2 ba, tam rm, fire- place, bttakf.ut bar, w/w carpefJ, bwd fiOOl'I, plUI eke, Bil, location. ++r Immediate poss! $23,500! ! • "RING" , ... \SPRING ····~ 2629 Harbor IDvd., C.M. LtYe tn one and let the others pay yoUr payments. Onr Wre unit with huge bedrooms and 2 batha, plus 2 • Two bedroom apartments one with fireplace, both wllh built.in nnse A ovens. ear.. pets and drapes. Encloled prqa plus 3 extn. parking spaces. ~b' private pa- tios for each unit Look at this!!! $37.950. SUbm!t )'Olll' home on 01.tr paranteoe salt plan. "For A Wl.se Buy" · Colesworlhy & Co. 642-77'71 OPEN EVES. Immediate Occupancy ~ly custom home. 3Cttl8 living room. Hua:e double Palm Verde fkeplace. 3 bed. room, paneled den, 2600 sq It $54,900. JEAN SMITH, Rltr. 8 HOUSES WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES W E. 17th St., C.M. 640"256 On 105x330' lot with room for Walker & Lee DOYER SHORES ~icned & bWlt by IVAN WELLS. Unequaled for qual· lty a: elegance. VIEW. 4 Bdnn1. 3 baths, atrium. 4 or 6 m<>l'!' unlhl. $960/mo income, Will oonaidu trade, 20a Westcliff Dr. -Call for further infonnation. 646-TIU Open Eves. Look At This ! Roy J . Ward Co. (Baycreat Oftlce) Hua:e R-1 lot. Near Back Bay, 63 x 148! Beat buy and lowest price in area. Only $7,950! ! HUl'f')'! ! 18G Santiago Dr. 646-1550 New Lfttlng * 642-1771 Anytime* • "ring'" l,..,\SPRING 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths on cor- ner -room for boat. trailer etc. Bi& GI loan to take OV• er. Ila a rul buy at $2'2,650. •;.-ercy 546·5110 Daily Pllot Want Ada! I Nffd a Gtrbemtan&le! l'lDd tt w1th a want ad! 2629 Harbor mvd., C.M. OCEANFRONT Lovel,y modem 3 BR. + tam. rm. $5DXl Down. 833-D'T Owner {IU' cnen. theltr!) LUGE REALTY 1500 Adlrns It Kllrbor,CM. LEGAL N(11'1CE c11T111KAT• o" eus11111ss • ll'loCTITtoUS NAMI T1-undtnolfl*f ff artlfy """ .,. ~ • 111111nmn •t l20S Brvu Cr-t, N-1 BtKll. C.llfQ.ml•, unde!' the fktlt!-firm Ml'M Clf DON POSTEl'S SALES A.ND INTl!lllOJl.I ~ 11\al uld llrm II mm....i elf h folkM1"' "l'IOlll, .,,.,_ ... rnetl Ill full •rod PIKH ol l"tlldtl!CI IN II folloWI! Donmld LM fnt.r, 52QS ll'\IOI C,... emnt, NtwPOrt BHdl, C1llf0tnl1 '2660 L-...:1 P'-1 f(lmtw, nl E. Arf.w HlllWM'I'• "-• c;.lltornll '17112 D•IN Merdl 6. Ifft. Don11d L Flllllr Uonmrd Fotnt fa1ttr Slltt of C11lfllfllf1, Or1""~ntyi Oft Mlrd't f. Ifft, 1119, I Notlrr Publle In •rod for .. Id St.t., ,..._nv •PPff•ecl c-ld l" fmt.r ind L_.rd l'orn1 Fa1twl" knnn "' m• to be l1'lt Pll'IOlll Wf'oOtl' nm~ .,. -.ublcrlbed ho Ille wll!'lln ln1trum...t erid ~lecl1ecl ni.v uKVt"' !he u~. (OFFICIAL SIEA Ll Ormafl V. Ull Nohrr l"Uttlk-OlffOmll Prlnc!P11 Ofllc1 In Or111111 Count';' M' Cemmf11klrl EQlr• Mlrdl u. 1t12 l'ubl11Md Or1ntll Cout 0.111 llll!n. March TR. 11, M, JI, Ifft .&'.11.ff LEGAL N(11'1CE ClllTll'ICATI 01' eVSll'lllS PICTITIOVI Ml.Ml TM ""'*"'"·" H etrlfho llllv .,. condl.lell"' • t11i11,,.11 tt nn ••~ BMI., ........,. a..cto, C•f"'°mla. IOndtr 1111 fft;tftlovl llrm "'"" of 11110 IN SEAll:CH OF A CAGE llOOKS1'01E •nd 11111 uld firm II corn-" el llM follOWI"' oerto111. wflOU Ill'"" In NII ~ p1•Cft Ill fft!denq ,,. 11 fol~ l!'ldK, Dlflnll J.Mfff 1r.d Jllc:l\mrd Cn,u , ,,, ~111 st.. NIWllOrt IMCll, C•llP. D•t.d ...... rd! I. ,,.,. Dort Eldlr Dn1nl1 Shift!' llldllnf c- Sl1tt of C.lltorril•, Or..-C-tr: On M1rdl I , 1Nt, t.lot't PM. • Nol•rr Pull>tlc In Md for Mid lttt1, "l'10lllllY ·-·rW Don lldff. Oe!wll• Shtfff •rid llldltrll Cr.I ~ M rM lo bl "" --...... ~ ,,. .ublt;rltl'llll h the wtttltt1 IM"-f .,.. .a-.,... ...,. •Xlt\ltld "" -· • COffl(IAL SEAL! --E. Dl¥1m -Nottrr P11bllc<1llfllnlla Prllldpil Ollln 111 .. _ """"' MV C-IHlen 1'19lm Jun. 21, ll1' ~IJhld Oftfltl C.d °""" Pllef, ~rdl 11. 17, M, JI, 1fft '5.Mf LEGAL N(11'1CE LEGAL N(11'1CE ClllTll'ICATI 01' COllPOllATIOlll llOlll .TllANSACTIOl'I 01' BUllMIU UNDlll lllCTITIOUI NAMI THI! VNDl!llSIGNEO COllfl<lRAT10N din hlretw ~lf'I' 11\al II 11 CllHldUt;fl"' • ~ 1oc111id It Jl• 2tf!I Strff!, N-1 Bllch, C1llf0tnt• UllClmr the fldltloul firm n1mm cf BUSH SOUTIQUE •nd 11'1•1 uld tlrm 11 ~ r11 tr. fdlOJMll ano,.tloll. whatt prlnclPll pltc• of bullllftl II H folkfW1 : JEANNE BUSH, INC, s1• 2'111 St,..!, Nl'WPOl'f a.1dl, C11Jfoml1. WITNESS lb hlf'MI 11111 2'11'1 dll' .t l"ebru1rv. Ifft. (COIPORATI! SEAL) J EANNE BUSN, tNC. By: J11nne Bu.II, Pr11ldlnt l w: Cll1rvl C. F•v. Stc,..,.r'I' STA.TE Of' CALIFOllNIA. COUJ<fl'Y OF ORANGE, n On fflf1 26111 ~y of Fmbnllrv. A.D. !Hf, beforl me l!l'Mlt J. !ldlat, Jr. • Noffrr Pllblk In •nd for u ld c-l'Y •fMI Slit., r111dl~ lnl,..tn, .tu!)' tem- rnl•lonld I nd 1_.n. P1•10Mltv -•rid J1111nt C. BUllll 1nd Clltn<I C. FIV ._ te ,,,.. h bl ttMo P,..,ldlnt •nd s.c .. 11rr flf JIANNI BUSH, INC., Ille aw'Nr.tlon ll'llt •xlCll!wd Ille wllt1ln IMtivrMnl Ml blllalf <II tlll anor•llon tlllrelll "'"""· •nd ·~ t. -""' Wdl ~!Ion ldCllkd 1111 -·· In Wltnn1 W/\trlOll', I 111'19 hlAunlo HI rnr 1111111 •nd •tt!Xld rn'I' '11'1<111 1NI !hi dlY lf'MI 1'91r In lhls Aftlfl(llt fl"' •boon wrtti.11. IOFFICIA.L IEALI E'""' J. sm... Jr. Noterr Publk • C..tlfom!• PrfnclPll Offlno In Or-• Cao.ln!Y M'I' Comrnfl1lofl l!JU!lrn MQ 21, 1112 DUllTSA. CUl'INTll a eAllNIS, ..... "' 0.-Drf'N 111111 M1 II. 0 . Bill 17M ,......,. BNCll. c1111. ""' Pvbllllllcl o,....,.. CM•I Dllll' Pllof, Mlrdl 10. 17, 24, J I, INt <lll7 .. , LEGAL N(11'1CE ClllTIPICATI CW aUSll'IUS lllCTITIOUS NAMI ""' lll'lc:llnlenld .... Clf'llfy ""' Ill (1111Cfuct11111 • buslnew '" "'" S!fruc:• Clrci.. FCIUllfHI V•llrtl, Cllllfll<lll•, VIMIH fht flcl1tlov1 firm n1mt r11 DELTA EHTlllPRISES •nd 11Mt .. kt flnn l1 ....... cf tilt Pollo.in. --· wtill'lt -• IUblcribed " ..... wtlhlll 1 ... -Ill full Ind lllel ol rtlldlrKt .... !Olbwl: Glln o. ~. 1w1• Sl>ruc:e orci.. l'flllntlln V1l11¥, C11lfllmla. 0.1111 Mowell 7, '""'· GIM 0. L-llu s1m " C1Hforlll1. °""'" CINnt'I': °" Mtrdl 7, '""'· btfrwe -· • H<nrr l"IJlblk ·lfl ~ for uld 1!1h. PlrWlll11V •-red Gltn 0 . U w1H1 k-" -to IMI 1111 Nr-......... ''"""""' Md .n-lldNd Pim llUCVllll "" ....... (OFFICIAL SlALl GIHVI o.f!nlt Nfllr'f PllblloClliron.11 ,.,Ille .. ! otllc• Ill Or.,.,_ Countr Mr Cornmla1lon l'.k-1,.. ""11 u. ,,,. Pub11tl!lld 0rlft9m eo.t O.lly Ptlof, Mmrch, II. 17, '24..~1. lfft ~ The Or1ng• Coosl's Most° Compl.te PRINTING SERVICE ---"'-642-4121 Nearly Everyone 'listens' to Landers The DAILY PILOT There's Only One Bucco/a~ tng/i6~ Uf~ Th1I beautiful 3 BR SUn- lhlne boale backs up tG Estancia JU Jllalt• growd. Just made for lddt. No traffic to croaa. Beautiful trees il PalOI Verde ttbnmed planter in front ;yard A Palos Verde fireplace. 5% 9& loan can be usum~ - $22,750 with Sll.4 month payments. 16th &. Tustin -Coste Mew ADULTS Most homes are built with only children in mind. We have five homes designed for the comlortS and tun of adult& •. Beauti!Ul to look at, room for bobblea, private office, separate dining 'rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga- rage, walking distance to churches, Westclilf shopping, and restaurants. 1% with' 20% down -7~% with 10% On. no 2ndl """'7'" no points -29 yr1 on Nl1nce Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 • COATS .. WALLAC! REALTORS 54Ml41- Exclusive Avent IDP,on Ewnlftllll p. a. palmer incorporated . 2377 VIA LIDO Tract Ph: 540-5113 From L.A. Coll MA 5-8034 CORONA DB. MAR l'LL GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT R-2 Jot + house. Rare avail. ability, high investment po- tential; 5th lot from Ocean Blvd. & beach. 3 BR., 1% If you are lntere1ted tn a bath!· some view Alwa,ys good location (Costa Mesa, ted Pricedto~U. N~rt Hflaht:a area), ttn · clDRe to Newport HeJa:h~ $37,500 ...... ochool (!% bllal & new city park (2 blks), shop. Newport ping, 5 min. to beach. a very quiet street, bla•IU lot (room fol boat, camper or rental unlt), 3 bedrooms (or 2 I: a den) l IJi bath&, fireplace, sidewalk!, paved alley, dou- ble garagt!, large fenced Victoria 646-1811 "ll=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i=:i:E\back yard,~ phone me Iii at 644-4687. I am ukin& VA REPO $750 DOWN $25,500 but H you come run- ning (rm in a buny) with chKk book in hand, (&1 low a.s $1750 down) I'll give it to you straight, I'll save yoU We W'le you to Wpect this $100IJ, (Thal'• as strai&ht u VA owned, vacant 3 BR.1,.Iiican.,.iigoiilii) ............. .... home in Costa Mesa that1 • has been completely recon- ditioned in & flUt Near all schools. Large lot, fenced. ·Full price only S17 ,950 • pay- ments $157/mo .• Pete Banell Realty Presents BEST of BAYCREST e Front O>uii:Yard with lovely olive tree I' \I I • \\ 111 I I ....... , \I(\ \II\'\ ~ .... ~1 \1 1 \••' 11:113 Baker, C.M. Four Bedrooms $17,250 Move into this large family home today. Ooae to shop. p ing, schools' and churches. J ust put on the market, thls fllle won't last! $135 p e r month includes taxes and buura.nce! 0 N LY $500 DOWN!!! WE SELL A HOME • 4 Bdrma 31Ai spark. ling baths • Formal din1nc room • 2 fireplaces • built-in BBQ e Child-We pool • en- closed with wrought iron fe~ What more can YoU uk for $69,500! 1 isa; Weatclill Dr. J NEWPORT BEAQI ~... 642-5200 EVE RY 31 MINUTES /'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9 Walker & Lee TAKE OVER 41/:i% GI LOAN 20ll w .. tclill on.e ONLY $93 PER MONTH 646-TIU Open Ewa. without qualllying for this I.,.,...,..,..,.....;....;.,..., I bl& 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. 2 UNITS _ CX>RNER LOCATION wHh 2 car garaae and room for Slip and Pier boat ., campor. N • ., $82: 500 schools and lhoppJnr. BEST CUstom des~. 3 bl'droom, OF AU.. , .$93 includes tax· 2 baths, gourmet kitchen. ea. Or buy NO DOWN VETS fir FHA tenns. Cheerie 1 bedroom apart• ment. Large sun deck. WE SELL A HOME Macy Lem Marion EVERY 31 MINUTES ........,.. Walker & Lee 2100 Harbor Blvd. at Adami Coldwell, Banker & Co. MS-9491 ~ = "~:.:::.. Open 'tU 9 P.M. ICI t4U1 DWlll -Income Units $72,000 Attractive Duplex Near Ocean at 48tb StreeL Spacious lMnt rooms. 3 bedrooms Ol 2 and den, 2 baths in each unit Built-ins. Reduced to ••••••.• $49,500 . Monthly Income $850 Bay & Beach Wollt-McCardle, Rltr1. 1310 Newport Blvd., C.lll. Realty, Inc. 548-1129 Ewa. Sff..<1684 901 Daver Dr., NB Suite 221 j!!~l'!!!!!!!!'!'!!"'!''"'l~~ 64S.2000 Ev11 642-3217 Hoovy Shake Roof OPPORTUNITY Eutmde cul-dwac, 3 bdrm, Jg fam nn, GE kit, dlah- wa.sber, cpt•/dl'plf. $28,950. ERNIE-.. CLEVELAND for 2 licemed Real Estate people, YO'JI' own delk I phone. Good-advertlli1¥ pro- gram. With well establlahed office, Walk In tratnc. Good leadt to work on. R••ltor~_. w. E. Lacbenmyer Real>or 143 Brood~:l4645-0lll 1860 Newport Blvd., CM s-646-3928 Ew:m"'577 Eves. ,.., YOU OWE IT TO YOU)V =N ARTERY SELF TO INVESl'IGATE 8 tree I: clee.r Bachelot' Unlll OUR 4 DI FF E R E NT in Glendale near Los Felh. TRADE 1N PROGRAMS., Owner wUJ tr.de or •ll with ------ ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 L 17th St. -4 -------- 25% down. wm carry fll'lt at 71Ai"' lnterat. 1be price Is 163,SOO but wm mah )'Our otttts. HURRY! llDDM' ·REALTY ON THE IEACH 21m w. Bilbao Blw., N.s. Eld-P>lna °"" home • 67~ ............ llvlnc -best ---=== --.•BR.2Ba, priced )I) IOD tut •t -!09.SOO JUST REDUCED 81 •)Cit Obb' tor Immediate ~ CORBIN-MARTIN Fiim Duplex. 135,cm REAL TORS . George Wllllom- :I036E.Coa1tH..,,,C4M ""''"" 67.S.16'2 6'7M350 E.e•. 6J3.IOl4 U peace, comfort, location are important to YoU. look thiJi over. C.OOYenient to N~ Heigh ta grade IChool, and all shopping. 2 hlka to new park. Only $25,500; and all these "plus" features. 3 bedrooms, 2 balm, fireplace, cpts. and drapes, double prqe, con- crete dri\'e, large fenced back yard on 50x130 FT. R-2 LOT. There is not to much available in this part of eutslde 0.!.I. HWTy. OWN· ER, WllLSEU.FHA!! ........, Less Than Rent 168.00 Total Pmt. No qualifing, anyone can u- 1WDe existing 6% GI }oan. 4 bdrm.s, 2 bath! plus sep- arate den, custom 1loot to ceiling rock fireplace, bit ina:, forced air bee.~. new shag carpeting. Best Costa Mesa area. Call ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 ,If., POOL HOME Perfect 1loor plan for a pool. 4 bdnns, huge game room & large bedrooms. well main- tained. Top bu y. $40,950. bEIOX PoiAf Relax and enjoy thit: 2 Bdrm. and convertible den home in top area (If tine home&. Spaci<>us sunny living rm. floor to ceiling fireplace, white brick, 2 baths, patlD, extra sized lot % bloclc to private Bay beach • Ocean - vacant, t'l!ady to move into, only $41, 750. Good temu. BllCllll REALTY 2025 W, Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 Beautilul Baycrest b o m e wtth lovely pool. 1 bdrm suitable for maid's room. Excellent AntlgU.a Way loe&- tion. Don't mW this one. Amold & Freud 5 UNITS $54,000 -10% DOWN ROOM TO BUU.D Rltr. 6Q..9730 Eves. MS-Om e KBOIEDY All Ploy No Work can be ycun, BeautltuJ. Span. lsh atYlo 2 BRI, l~ bath Cond<lmlnlum. $29,850. DAVIDSON RHlty RJtr. 2150 Harbor m, CM 54&6tllO Eve!, 546-3851 Wont Tho 11111? OJst-blt house oo ehoice 60' iot. em Joe/ • Bd, wn nn, 3 ba, dln rm. St to Sbttt. beaut <!Ord. $1(6.000 R. C GREER, Realty 3355 Vla Udo m.9300 $11,500 filch beamed ceUinp. Gar· ap beautifully paneled I ottd q pme: A part)' room. Pu1b button buDt·lnl. 2 bathl, Double praat. 5'1>1120 TARBELL 2955 Horbor SOUTH OF HWY 2 an home plus 1 BR Rent. al. Walk to all stioPIJ ~.900 Orengo Coost Property 332 MaquecilO 67>-e$50 THE ~/LI\!. E .c:~·r I\ T'ER .. We are u dOR u rour phone -Ne«! lntonnattont •• Wt have It! '46-7171 54t-ll!S ASSUMI IV.•4 LOAN Don't mill this out· at.andlng 3 bedroom Meu. de! Mar borne -2 •parkllna: batha -New carpet.. $161 .... papoll MOYI IN TOMOUOW. 4 Bedroom, 2 bath falnily home kitch-en has elee. built· ins.-Slldlng gl&a doors from LR and Den.-to a covered patio.-$23,950. fust $1500 dow• NEWPORT HEllOHTS No other home In this area ean bout of dlnlna room. kit- chen n o o k, dlsh- wuher and a 15x30 workshop w h I ch could be converted to a mammoth play- room. -Room for cam~ or boat - $26,!)00. - 100/.Dowo 646-7171 546-2313 WESTCLIFf Abandoned by transferred owner. Spaciou1 living room with open beo.m eelllng-2 brick {iN!places. Move in tomorrow - $40,950 MESA Dll. MAI Nestled in quiet, Safe cul • de • sac. 3 Bedroom, 2 b a t h with tamlly and laundry rooms. Blt- ln kltchen all refin- ished. B I g oversize back yard. - $27,500 IALIOA l'ININSULA Large family w 111 have room to roam. 5 bedroom• 3 bathl, 1 block from N.}( Yacht O ub, 1 block to beach. Lob: of prtvacy on thiJ dou· ble R·:l lot. ......... $5000 .. $6',500 LIDO LOYILY Swm,y South Patlfl on a 40 ft. Jot. 3 bedroom, Ch""'Y kit- chen with all built.- in.. $49,500 20 Profeutonal1 To Serve You! INDOOR POOL 3 Bedroom on large comer Jot. Newly decorated through- out Completely en· closed s w I m mln& pool. $29,950 !Ty 10•/o Don HORSES! HORSES! Santa Ana H•lghb. 60x200 with 2 bed- room home + 2 ear garage. Completely fenced. Great term1. $23,500 can or come in. We have all VA and FHA Information. APPUISID $22,ZSO No down to Vet..1.-tmmecnate poaseaa- 1lon. J~1 2 be.tbs, has large UV• ,Ing room with fire. pl..,., .,.,,,.,. and drape~l400 down to a11 m .250 rov't ·-· 9u1n HAVIN 3 Bedroom, 2 baths in a qWet non-traf· fie street -cozy living room with brick Cireplace, kit- chen with all elec- tri c buUt-lns -a dandy buy at $26,. 900 wllh 10% down. ·Owner will conald· er trade for 3 or 4 uni ti. COW!il PARK etw·ming 3 bed· room, ~led and drapod. Hlih FHA loan can be auumed -wllh $163 per mo. ~t lneludln& ...... 646-7171 01 546-2313 • W•N ... 1•'-1 pPEN EVES. TJJ. 9 ------- THE \J1:1\L E S TATER .•: --- 1000 Gonorol • You bave only 2' DAYS to lab ad- vanuge of our 8% % Interest rate on the bquti!ul new homes of Ran- cho IA Cuestl on Brookhunt at AUonta in Huntington Beach. Our lender must increase hla inter· eot rates on April 7, 1969. All that is necesaary to usure your· sell of Ibis k>w interest Is your ~ lection of one of our S or 4 BR, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story bomu & make your lniUal deposit of $500. Call 9611-2929 or 988-1SS8 any day from 10 to 8, 1000 ------------- 1210 Newport H.... 1210 Drive by 328. Aho, Newport Heights Outstanding'Yalae ly Owner $34,000 Lovely corner 3 bedroom home , large lanai, 2 baths, dining room, living room with at- tractive fireplace, lush carpeting through- out, dropes. Beautiful trees and p!antlnp. Call owner for appointment to see. 54B 0 1444, 646 -1711 0-.. 1 1ooojc-- OllLY $16,500 l~~=;;;I -· Swlmmln11 Pool Three bedroom, 1%. baths, ';I Built-In electric range and Hot weatber la comirr& • 9et! oven. dilhwuber. forced air tb11 pool, Nica l BR home heat, attftcttve wall,!O wall :_ ~::.-::; carpeta, Two car l(Ulle, -......... larp Jot, located on a quiet 5% % 1oe.n. SS,950. ~ ;."~~ ,,E>_.'1 .. - wanta qulck ..... Tho tin-~'9-"'M-1.t-C. ancirVisall1etAUwe lfALTY nttd ls $1.650 DOWN. * * * * WTSIDE $20,950 Hidden 2 ltory home. 4 latp Biii 2 .......... baths, ..... family room. fomial """'-· double doored tile entry, gorgeous carpetlne ii: even a fireplace in the master bedroom,ProfeUionalb' landscaped~Uent area - $11,500. CALL SIQ.llSI (open eve•) Nelr NB Pait Ofc. 646-Xl.f a BR. 2 Ba., by owner. Cpt:s., -'"· tncd yud: bit-In eiec. · kitch. w/rd.. IJ -qulet - close )I) ld'1I, -· $25,500. 83'1-&UT; IG-3863 ASSUME <UI Gl Joan. 4 Br. OPEN HOUSE. SG-lllfl Tho¥ Co ...... ClS-D'IT 1111 4 BR + fam1 2 BA, nrwlY .....,+-crpt· ........ etc. $26,900. 540-90.9 Newport a.ich 1200 Like to Entortoln? ... this ' BR, plus ' baths. cmy d.lu.iJ:w/1amll7 rm 2 trplcs plus bup 10D1D for pool table or T Encbed pool with aeparat. P1I.)' yud for $52,500. Wollcor RNlty 33315 Via Lido 61540 LIBRARY OR DEN? + 8ac:k Bay view, ""'" lot. room. for boat IJ trailer. Very Best location. MM414 [D11t.;£~ CHARM GALORE Owner's Special 4 & FAMILY ROOM 3 Br., "'2 Br. A den, ..,.. tom Wntcliff home, maey Plush 1ornW entry. Luse extras, nr stores 6 llCbll. Uvtrw rom with brick wqod * Phone 5K..fOM * burning tlttplace, """"'I ,--=-:,...,-=...:-=--=I •--doon: •aad to free fQrm 3 BR Waterfront No. 62 g-lfC ft-I.._,_ "'--. 150. 0 0 D. prden1. Hua:e tamiq room ouuua. ...,v., with beams. 4 family bed-Prefer tndt for •Cl"taP rooms. Fantutic muter or wW consider odm. 541- wlth private bath. Near Tm ICbool ;ll's Hurry c al I LIDO Sandi l Br. 2 Ba., 645-03(0 walk to beach. Lovtl.y ('!Omo Forest E. Olson, Inc. munity pool Mid Jl)'L ......,., john maenab DLX Condo, !pie, pool-2 br. 2 "'-xtru. Quick -$5000 dn $28,500, a I t . 491-<1CJ11/6'13-mli COUNTRY FRE~tH !=======! ldtal family bome, 3 bed-N-rt Holthh 1211 rootna. larfe family rm. 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ·newly paln<ed, hnma->e. I• Neu Marlnen school ""' Ocean & lay parlr. ............ " $43,911l A vltw Jlke thfl II oeldom af. Call for apopintment. tered. Wide Ocean by day, (714) 6C""5 ""' -llobta by 901 lloYft I>riw, Sult• 12ll Olabt s BR, ti> batho, .... N"7°" Beach Rm tr! I!!!!!!!!!!!!" plact, Hobl)y • pie IV" CARDINAL HOME .,., O!!tt 140,000 00 - f BR. Immed. .....,..,.,,. 9!., ' Randt ltyle, Ulfd brick OI' • ·-....... ,,...,. ------modem titcbm. dbl Q\'ell, • l I A L t y ample -ta. cpta /-N-NII""' Ole. ""2flf bkd waD. fence, VA « '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'! 111A·""·'°"--E111blvff 1242 --=~J's~.:!'. Clrpilta. drapertaa, llrepllce, _.. -DILUXE DUPLIX .wte. Vlcw ot b11ta. 1.oJp New S BR lTrdtl PuimUla back _._. D AI V1ata. adjoc<nt to OcMn a 11a1 •--,. 158.teO. 791 ""'nclnil • ..u. 1or -144-ll.12 lol~ Rul Estote Co. n-s ---. ilii- -I!: BJ·~ ·-·boo plll ........ -.... •UI ' klboa "-'·• ~ DAn.Y Pli.Or "I 'W C7Ml.40 tedkr "ft""'ll • -l\lllY l'llllf - YltSTERN NATIONAL & MARINE IA Find Yo1r Name Amo1g -- . -- ' . , ~lassified Ads Win Free Tickets ,, I• 1.V -r----. ·- ' ' 'Here's .Bow To Wi11: ' ~ ~·• fk ~ .... .I W..,11 .&..IR.4 ~tlttf _..., If'.,.. """"'~•-. ywc,~.-... ffM-tk .... __.. tM w ...... N.tr....I '"' I M•riite SIMw. C•it f• -,isets 1t • ., ef th 1 f•'t" DART ptLOJ ·ffl~· .. ""' Or111g1 c...... . ~ 'lH w: .., "'-' -... ,..... c... ..... • ............ ..... 1111....... m,_._ ..._,_ -- Marcli 8 thru 16 :....Anaheim' Convention Cemer . r Tickets Good Any Day - HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALi! HouSES FOR MLE • ' RENTALS '!RINTALS I EHtbluff .1242 Huntington 8Mch l400 ..... no llMd\ l70S -llnfvmlthM AotL Furnished Ownpngne living and a beer •price. lliost house for dol- •1ar value in the care1ree ~mu11a.. 1850 :llZ ft. 3 BR. 2lt baths, i..tory like new bOme. • Absenlee <>wner used week· a.. ends only. Vaeant. squeaky .clean • and nwve-in fresh. • Better call toda.Y. · , EASTBLUFF REALTY 2414 Vista. Del Oro Newport Beach '4~D33 . EvH. ~ Irvine Terrace 1245 CAESAR'S l!ALACE Income Jnf1s Coote Mooo ·-'. ii~ a.llloo 4300 Can't beat thb, Q>ol ""'l . Hondym~n SPeclolt • $150 MOrun. *' * • • 3.Bedrobm, 2 Bath Pad, lea-t.oc. on Oceanalde ol. HWJ, 'Bedroom,.one bath boule, DOn Colling• tu:ring a loYely stone walt-f 150 ydJ 'tiOm Beach. 4 Jae Large completely tenoed 901 E.1Say Ave. fall Jeadine into thil 30' Apt. unib. ?ftdc> paint 1-;yanL Call evenings or ~k· &.Ibo.I, Cialif. Bluehaven H & F Pool wltb aood ienerat· cleanup. ro endl ,673-6568 • covered patio!! BONUS!! TENTIAL I N'C OM E a. $1'.lt,., 3 bedroom, F.ast .&i®:· You are w!.aner ot a pair Huge Family Room with CEWING$10,<mANNUAL. fenced . yard • prqe. ol tld:• te the Bo.at stooo Clreplace, water aoft· LY. Price $69,950. Cbildren O.K. 24231N Norae, 8bow al the AM.tielm. ner. ,S23.500 Full Price. GI ~ON REALTY ~l .. c="' .. ·=======~ I Clo a~ e.a t lo• ()Mier, NoC!uihSDownL. E 985So, Coast, Laguna. Maf'Q l ,tb.toa·i'AI 1•. WE EL A HOM . M.a.~el Mar . 3105 Come to anr of our t EVERY 31 MJNUTES OCEANVIEW J'..ot $1,000 CLEAN 4 BR t.ba ·bltlns br:ueb <0ffloetJ and pick W I k & L down, ~ 15.508 at 115 • -• "I' yov FREE ....... a er ·ee por mo. o..n.., .... 12!J! """'-dbl• l8!8&"· l230/mo. . .• ' * * •. ;_...=c.,:'-"':;;.;:"'-':=.~-l1 g0wno~~r~Agt~,~546-5580~~==:l~::::::~::=;~s=~;;:; 7682 Edinger RENTALS -H t' 't . B h ••~ ~ o~140 HoUset Fumlthed. Newport Buch 3200 un ing on eac -vv VET'S WEALTH Go I 2000 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. "\; ba. nera w/w cpts_ drps, frpl. 1ncd, BUILD~R $160; 2 BR., 1 ba.,dupl ex. patio, eke. bltno! 2 Car DUPLEX 2 BR 2 bath, 4 yrs Fenced yd.; w/w: Children pr, pool $715. 60-7219 • young. No dn pymnt. O.K. Broker, '2U980 N H • h 3 e R D SLATES RI , owport "'9 II 210 Spanish eyle, ""°"'tor rum. Do YOll ., __ ., 841.i.19 . Eves'. -tfi.t Ro I I I She 2005 Shag carpeting, ,.u cle,.. n.cu -n a I O N NICE 3 bdnn to. respon long ing ovens, prtvat@ entrance . a 4 BR House.? SHAKE ROOF ROOMMATE w ANTED term adlt tenant< $225. No & private FuodeckL µwt \\'@ have two • 4 BR boul@s BEAUTY FEMALE. Balboa lala.nd. dogs. Aft 5 pm. 1513 Clift living, near beaches. 1 & 2 :with pools, Irvine Tem.ce 4 Bdnn, 2 bathS I. hardwood Avail now. 673-2664 afttr Dr 548-7289 BR. 2 IlA from $170 to $225. , wtth excellent financing. floors, too! Extra large Jot 1 :•::P::M======= CHARMING 2 bedroom & ~.cit : Salisbury Realty with trailer gate. Clean atJ4 1 · den, 2 bath home. w/w '.ll \lat\ ""8rp, onlY 123.900 GI or Co1t1 Melo 2100 corpots. <!nopes, Easl>lde TMPl1S . '315 M1r'ine Ava. FHA terms. See this one for Costa Mesa.Clo&e to shop-19822 BrookhW"8t ·Balboa l1le. 673-6900 sure! PARTLY Furn. or furn.. 2 ping' &: park. Ni'cely (just No. of Adams) • • Paul Jones Realty Br., ftp!; no children; older landscaped yard, covered Hunlingt9n Beach ~E,.TAL5 ' REAL ESTATI Apll. llnfvrli!-, a-rel IU.L EST 1'11 IUSINl.~S. ind _,., FINANCIAL -------=---1 EHt Bluff 5242 R-for Roni 5,,5 Office bntil' 6070 llut. OppOmmitloi 6300 • NEW DELUXE • 3 Br. 2~ be.. "pt. fQr lease lncl spec. mm. suite,·p.tn rm. & dbl 1araee. .•JJ:to- door opener avaU. Pool I: rec.· ama., Hr. catholic Oiurch It 9Chool " Corona d<IMuHlgb. e Oj<LY $280 e 837.gn, Amj&:OI Way, NB. Corona del Mar 5250 ~.-~; .. ON TEN ACRES 1 & 2 BR. Furn A Un!um Frplcs I Pli I Patios I Pools. Tennis • Contnfl Sk· fst 9. bole :?utt/Gre:en. 900 s.a Lane. O:IM Mf."1.1 (MacArthur nr. Co•st Hwy) CHANNEL Rttt 1 $600 mo. 2 Bl'. wal.erfronl. Boot .,,..... yr ,,,. 2 Ba. s 1 i p NEW 1·Bdrm., garage; carp., drapes, bJtns. $150 Leue. Adults only 673-0635 ROOM for, rent. Nice, QUltt home; tor working woman, ldtcb.. prlvl 642-41'1H · MutU;al Sovl"''· & ·BUSINESS Loon Bldt .. CclM OPP.ORTUNITY 350 • 800 ft avail now. V(/W Cl'pts, Ll_v . rm, reirig, 11e1W pVt, $15 ,,week. 135 Albert Pl. C.M. ~· - SEPARATE entrance, 675-lalli Evb. 494-32'l3 A RARE CHANCE to lhatt MODERN ofc. !!J)f.ce;. "1f. in the ffiOFITS of a GOINC _.. ,... BUSINF.SS for ,yaur labor. ca~, para ,, aood loc:., rest Borago ~rinas. Calilomia. ~OCG to 1500 aq ; tt. Health Spa and eleven unit .;::°=~~-=,..,=~-·I motel. Putential income tor · private bath, TV. wall to """ oarpeting'. $15. 842-'840 ROOM tOi mit. _filce, qu1et home: for wodl:ina woman, kit priv. 642-t7!K 300 Sq. Ft. Office , qualified operators up to -==°"'="=' M="",:·=64&-=:ml;=, I -$1,000 plus each month. Ex· ~ perience necessary 0 C!hJro.. fn4!Mf~ 'Pi'op. 60IO praetor, tbm>plSt. "" ""f' Income PrOja.M ly 6000 M4. SPA~ -up to 7450 Sq, ft. ne~ MacArttiur and Investment Newport~. Prestl&:e wifh Insurance Bid. 50 parklnc, 9 ol1ices Approx 3 acres, rare R-3 :ton. + reception room and entry ing µi avocados + rental. • all air conditioned. 440 Utilities & sewer in & paid -3 phase equipped. Many for. 400' irntg on paved <>then avaJlabJe. The Real street cloae to shopping k "Eo=ta:=""';::"64&-:=::710:71:==== ;:~ 29c;1l_ be: ..;J Industrial fiental 6090 CaJTY at 6.5%. BANKER FOR leaoe i..gw,. NllUel, REAL ESTATE oe Sano;.,,. Fwy at er...n ~ -. v~. new commercial I. n....-'"4-3760 hxl.ustrial units. Delta Elec- 2430 Wannland!, Vista., Calil'. trlc. Days • 831·1400. Eves • .....,,., seu.1e, and able to orpnizie a health pnicram are essen. tlal. And balance ol Income is protl.t sharifl& bMis. Colesworlhy & Co. 64Z-1TT7 OPEN ·EVES. FRANCHISE SPECIALISTS Franchise opportunities avafl. ·able· locally &. nationally. Cash investments required, ·range from $10,000 to $wt.mo. Eaminga: rommen- surate with price of buslpess selected. I • 1~~~~~~~~~!1847·1266 Eves. SJS..7124 cpl. prefer. 548--7Dll patio, very quiet .(7l~) 962-29,ql _B_a_lbo_• _____ 5_3_00_ f • S • neighborhood. $195 pr. mo. l'!!!!!!'!!i!!iiii!rrriiiii!'!!!!!!!!!i j·cRACIOUS Adu! · -¥4'1'• Interest Corona del Mir 2250 Available fur Immediate oc-1! t Livlfl&. s Br 2 Ba Medallion. lathe & cupancy, Write Box 612 c/o UTILITIES PAID Ocean & ~view. Spacious Balboa Peninsula 1300 LIE on t.each, fish on pier, picnic in park, all within walking distance. Ne w Hunt. Beach 4.Plex. by builder. $65,900 847-3957 3000 SQ tt wareOO!Jse &: <>ttice + 6<XXl sq ft pa.ved & fenced yard. 1855 Laguna Cllnyon Rd. cn4> 4&l-8066 <>r <n4) !i<I0-7680 Business Property 6050 STOR.6GE CA RAGE To companies desirous of. developine franchise pro- grams, we can provide: fea- albility 11tudJes. complete de. velopment of package, mel"> chandiaing assUtance & lranclrl!e ...... I plaster, heavy shake, custom OCEAN VIEW Beautiful ex-Daily Pilot 2 BR &. bach. Htd. pool 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in · Bye Bye~ BUY! crpts & drpll. 2~ car garage, eculive 3 BR., s bath. 802 Knoxville, Apt D, H.B. closets. beautiful carpets & Doll Holwe on peni!lsula concrete drive. tuny land· Available now, $475 mo. Untv8rslty Park 3237 • 536-2914 • draperies. Poot. Boat slips ·J!Oint; three bedrooms, one scaped. Acet>ss to 6 acre References required. MOBILE· Home, 2 BR. S125 for tenants. SUbtemmean 1-«nd a half batM:, fireplace, park trom rear yard. 2 miles Don V, Frank1Jn, Realtor LUXURIOUS S Br., bonus + util. $30 cleaning fe!f!, parking. 673-3003 .Jae dble garage. Near chan. to major shopping. Walk to 673-2222 rm., 2 baths, frplc. f300 53&-1674 - nel and public beach. A schools, college ·& Douglas RENTALS Mo., lease. 83J.-0927 Lido Isle ~ewel Red11ced to m.250. Plant. Located in Bolsa H Unfu ·-L---Lagun• Beach 4705 5351 UPSTAIRS 2 Br. 2 ba. bltns . Cpls, drps, frpl. $225 l'ito. yrly. lease. 673...J8'l4 • 'BURR WHITE, Rltr. Park, Huntington Beach. OUMI mi-Huntington leach 34001-"'---'-'-'--'-"'-0wne.i 89J..1569 -Charmin,g 2 BR. near bellch. 2901 Newport Blvd .• N.B. t -----·----General , 3000 FREE RENTAL BOOK $22.5 mo. Year lease. AduJts. 67~0 Eves 642-2253 DOWNTOWN Drop ln and Browse Newell Auociales 494-6594 ' mVINE TERP.ACE -2 BR 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath, fireplace, & den, Fantastic View, Enclosed yard with Patio. ~EN~ALS lido Isle 1351 BAYP'RONT 2 BOR, Prlvt Bi!ach, Fireplace, Patio, $325. 6T~2837 aft. 4 Corne1 lot 2 BR & de11. 1'4 baths, hdwd firs. $3500 cash -<>wner will take 2nd. beautiful condltior.. -Jm) Owner transferred and ga,ys Apts. Unfurnished per mo. lease at-$165.00 or will option Huntir.1Jton Beach 5400 BEACON BAY - 2 BR &: to purchase. Gener•I 5000 -BRASHEAR Reolty 847-8531 Eves. 96S-1178 ~ BR 1:i. BATH \ $22,950 =~ .. :~~mm=~~ Walker & Lee l~V;!!E~N•o•oi!ii!M~E~- John Mcnab Realty Co. 7sgJ Edinger EXCLUSIVE ON-THE-IEA.CH 2 & 3 Bedroom AplS. LAGUNA MOTEL lO'x24'xlll' h -$45. 0 "' . · ~ m -Ph 673-2654 Prime location, 27 older units -"='=======~I <11. large lot. Great for own. Lots 6100 er/mgr, large e;qulty, .;..;-'-----'---".;.;;..; SUBMIT AU. TRADES OR LOW DOWN PAYAfENT RICK ALDERETTE RHltor 1704 N. Ross n4/547-6469 OFFICE BLDG. 0 1!B 60(X) sq. ft. 15 otfices, Good for: Dr .• Lawyers. Savings & Loan • Bank. s years old. Easy conversi<>n. · R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 84l.J519 Eves. 962-7369 Busihes1 Rental 6060 SALE . Corporation Llquidali<>n, (3) HAWAIIAN LOTS near Hilo $2.000 each. Ed Sharp, Realtor, 300 N. Newport Bl., N.B. 646-7U4 Ocean Front Resideritia.1. , Owner need.I cash. Priced $40,<XX>. Don V. Franklin Realtor 673-2222 For turt:her info. contact UNIVERSAL FRANCHISE EXCHANGE 1617 Westcllff Dr. SUlte 21.{t Newport.Beach, caI. 6Cm3 "LITTLE BUSINESS" • Operate from your home •. Full or part-time • High earnings e NO experience nttftSl.J'J' • Free training program • Earn while teaming • $3500 Investment buys complete! inventory e F<>r informatkm • Call: 546-6740' eves. Real Estate Loans 6340 HOME LOANS' LIDO ISLE BUY lmrnac 3 BR home on 2 over. med l<>ts. One of most beau.. tlfuJ. patio/gardens on Lido. Outstanding value, $79,500. -LIDO REALTY, INC. 3400 Via ~do 6n.8S30 BY o.voer 2 br, 1 ba, fplc, bltns, plyrm & ba. Be1t ,Lido buy $44,500. <n4> 675-0023 W/w cpt/drp & blt·ins. On quiet cul-de-sac. GI. FHA terms or auume S% % loan.. CALIFORNIA RL TY. 642-8235 842~ or 540-5140 1Ml't1ACULATE APTS~ ":ziz:iz:iz:iz:iz:iz:iz::=::liiiPiiuo}O~po~n:;Eve;;;''~·-;;;;,.;-;. IMMED. OCCUPANCY ii . SPARKLING, .winy, walk to <ADULT & FANIJLY Owners Att.nt1on l beach & shopping: 3 BR; ~IONS AV All.ABLE Luxury living to .Please the 1 most disctimlnab ng. l'IW available at HUNTINGTON BEACH GOLD KEY SUITES Executive & Sales Offices VIEW • 210• of Ocean & Oty ll&hts. $29,500 incl plans. 9,000 "9' ft pad. 2417 Harbor View Or., Cd'Pif. 646-2021 PAIR . of 30' lots. 217 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. $32,500 each. 675-3539 MONEY AVAILABLE Call for details on today's rates for 1st & Znd 'I'Ds: Serving Orange County for ,. ,. .... Auntington Beach 1400 No Payments FOR 60 Days r-• 3, (, & S Bdrm Homes · CORAL SHORES Btwn Beach .tr. Brook· hllnt on Garlield, Hunt· • lniton Beach. (714) %2·1353 • • • . James L. Caudle 17751 Altamirano Lane rf;!untington Beach, Ca. •-You are winner of•• pair • ... of Uctets to lhe 8 o 1 I tillow at the Anahelni Conventloa Center, Marcb 1 lllrourh HI. . Come to U) of our t branch orfice11 and pier. up JOGI' FREE pa~. (714) 897-1005 FOURPLEXES 6YJ'1'. LOAN NO VACANCIES $39,950 FIRST PIONEER 847M21 Walk To Beach Sharp 3 BR. home, carpets, drapes, heavy shake roof, atrium entry, quiet cul~e­ sac street. Priced right $28.900 • GI or ffiA terma. Paul Jones Realty 847-12ti6 Eves. s:J6. 7124 fountain Valley 1410 Vacant/lmmed Pos. 3 BR 3 baths, 1600 sq ft. frplc, blt·lns & dishwuher. Low down & assume existing Joan. Owner will pa)' all -·· TRADEWINDS RLTY. 842·5011 or 842-5012 Hava1u Lake 1675 Havasu lake, Calif. Do you have rental units? bltns, secluded patio, pool Clase to Shopping, Park W!! have good tenants from & maintenance; many ex· •Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba previous years and need • tras. $195 Mo. SJS..7954 • 2 Bedroom., SUMMER • WINTER • and 3 BR. 1~ bath, 1 mile from ., Swim Pool, Put/green ANNUAL rentals for them. beach Close to shopping • Frpl, lndiv/lndry fac1s The Huntingt11n Pacific~ Pleue call our rental dept. $190/~ 536-n44 · 1845 Anaheim Ave. ~let us give you the RED • alSI'A MESA 642-2824 7ll Ocean Ave H B CARPETtreabnent.youde-IM~C. 3 Br. 2 Ba; home; (TI4) s:J&.lm · serve the best! avail. March; refs. $189 $159; Dlx. 2 BR. 2 ba, w/w, I~ RED CARPET Rlty l'i1onth (713) 358-0368 bltns; recreational area. J ~ Rental Dept 6'13-3663 . • Broker 5J4....6980 Spanish style, shag carpet. 2Crl5 w. Balboa Blvd., N.B. S1nta Ana Heights 3630 ing, sell cleaning ovens, *3 BR;HOU9e . .:St & Relri Costa Mesa 5100 private entrance & private $155; 2 BR. Aep. rumpw: all util pd. SlGo·=nth. · Fundecks, Adult living, near rm.. gar., 110\"P. Older 546-0347 beaches. 1 &: 2 BR, 2 BA children OK Broker HARBOR from $14-0 to $190. 534-6980 2 BR hoilti, fenced yard. ~.cit $170; 3 BR. 11i9 ba. bltns, Children &: pets OK. GREENS ilY&\ w/w, fncd yd. Children &: References. $125. 546-1980 1'llEllTS pet 0.K. Broker~ RtNTALS 19822 Brookhurst Apts. Furnished BACHELOR· UNFURN. (just No. of Adamsl Co1t1 MH• 3100 fro·m $100 m•> 9'2·2981 -'-=-'-"=---=-,_G_o_n_e_ra_l _____ 4000_1 ALSO AVAIL48LE T·PLAN for rent. Lcvtly 1 l • 2 &. J BDRM. Mesa del Msr 3 BR 1 year RENT lease at $235 -r month. Heated Pools, Clilld Care ~ 3 Rooms Furn1'turo Center Adj to Sho p;~ Vacant & ready, Agt , ' · P -... - BEAUT. new 2 bdnn, 2 be.th . Has: everything! Call 1112.570:> ,.._.,., $25 Month No pots ollowed 2 BR "-._ d Fm..L OPnON TO BUY . 2700 Peterson 'Vay, at Har-Leguna Beach , gar, pauu, crp.,,, rps, bor & Adams, Costa Mesa. 5705 stove, refrig. Tropical set· (R.efrigeraton: Available) ''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!54<-0l!!!i!!!i!!"!i!!!!!!!!!!!' I 100 CLlFF DRIVE ting. For adult11, 1 blk. to No deposit o.a.c. 1~ LUXURY FURN/UNFURN shops. $170 mo. 544-4780 H.F.R.C. . 1 BR. unfu.rn $120. Avail Yeub' Lease.1 & 2 Bdrm&. 3 BR POOL HOME. 1 block Furniture RQntals 31! • 2 • 1 Br. furn $130 steps to Shont '= Sbop1 from beach. No parking 517 W. 19th.. C.l'if. S~Sl up. Heated pool. no pets, Oct!anview !rom every Apt. problem. Broker 54S-41.(J. 1568 W. Lncln, Anhm Tt~2800 baby <>k. 1887 Monrovia. from $lSO mo up. lease Ask ior Don n,35; 2 BR., nicely furn., 646-4753 49'--2449 Assu-• 2 & 3 bdrm homes from 2 BDRM house, avail. 4/1, w/w, fenced yard & patio LN"E"W~2~B~R-. -1-1\_B_A-. -,rp-ti;. LRG 2 Br. 2 Ba. Upper "'"" $12,500. Large R-l lot1 from crptl'I, drps, frplc, adults, Broker ~ drps, all bltns incl dshwr, duplex, fiiilc. $195 or $210 • * * • 51;4 0/0 Loan f.!'!l!li. Call A.gt. 642-4994 or no pet:oi. After 5:30, 642-8268 $lKI. Bachelor apL on the sep patio, sep gar. $165. furn. 494-SOSl, 673-1166 x SUBMIT ON ON PMNT 962.1856 eves. J BR. 2 BA penimula. Utilities pd . Avail April 1. 64U257 21CW 3 BR, family room + dining 1040~ Wlhon. USO Month. Broker ~ EXTRA lge 2 bd, w/w crpts, room . Walk 10 beach. Laguna Beach 1705 * !ill-90l9 * -drps, bll·ins, closed gar. REAL ESTATE HAFFDAL Re llty •fr & Dry Dplx, nr Victor 2 BDRM, 2 ciillh OK. No Costa Mesa 4100 !~:S~~dults. no pets. _.::G.:••::•::'.:':..' ---- "uorn., to Match lnrome" """'' good ,. ~ d ......... R -• ..,.,., ..... d $ ~ "~ "' : nc. -" ~~. ~v• ~•. •~· -e-ZS Wk Up ~tali Wonted 5990 l',,,7='°=W=ame==r,=FV==842-4405=:::':'.!.,13='=·"°""·=·=·=t.=4!J4.51181/===""="='"2.:""'s=:t·=6">"'31:::;::::·~·~·= .. =·==-• Studio" Bach ;pla. 1'10DERN 2 bd, l ~~ ba, All clec. Crpts, drps, GE k1tch, '(NG. FemaJe exec., 'General 3000 Geperat 3000Gener1I 3000 •Incl UtilA: ~Phone serv. encl. pr, nr bus. $140. Adlts, daughters 13 14: yr. old ----:..· __ ..;.;.;...;..:....;.;..;.:.... ___ ...:c;..::.:. • Maid Service • TV avail. Mgr. 124 E. 20th. puppy, b o use broken " -•• , ________________ _ Sotve a Simple Scram.bled Word Pu.zzl« jOf' a: Chuckle Be kind to )'OU< fr;.nd1. If it weren't fOf rhem you'd be atatcl- lrl-E_Y_P_O~N~-~, ldW...,. · f.--,.-..1~' ~1·~1-1-l ~$..t~~'E • PIJHl NUMIUEO I' lErTEIS IN SOUA'ES rrrrr1·1·1 11111 ·11! ·--................... • New Cafe & Bar 1,,0:-;;.=:....::. ::...::::::;___ I Z376 Newport Blvd. 548-9155 2 ~· studw, unf. CpU:. Drps. ovable; need 2 or 8 Br. DELUXE .... ~ .... 1-Bdnn. ~~·~!,,984 El C&m1no. $145. unf. apt. <ll' house N'pt. "'"'"" ~ Hghts. area, up to $150. Furn. apt $135 Plus util. l:"::i:O::-:------6'2-7700 eve. 2 Br. &: den $100 Plllll util. 2 BR., 1 ha., cpll. drps, 1-::"7-~=;;...---­ Heated pool. Ample parking bltns, !gle. gar., 1 child • MATURE, respon. Em- No chUdren . No pets OK, no pets. Sll5. 646-3432 ployed man needs 1 br sgl 1965 Pomona. CM 3 BDRM. unfum. Sl4.5 Mo. story turn apt or duplex. CM , NB oc CdM m.5163 OOIAC. Deluxe 2 BR. patio 2 f'.hildren ok. crpts, drps. Conners "'~" .,._., Adults. No pets. S150/mo. blt·1ns. ~. ~o pets! ' or~ eves. 197 Walla OLD age pen5loner (lady) 4 <-'f'. 2 BR, 2 BA. bltn.'I, crpts, needs fum apt, by April • Nassau Palms • drps , 181 · ll Del Mar Ave. lst. Vic do111ntown H.B. max l &: 2 BR. • Poot Sl4.5. 548-.sm nft 6 pm, S70 , w/ util. $65 without 1'17 E. 22nd St. 642-364.5 2 BR ., poOI, n25 Mo. S36-3093 aft 5. 313 17th Place, C.At e LANDLORDS e _No_wpo~_rt_&._o_ch_.....;4.:.200:..:1~==~64::2-64=9!1:___ FREE RENTAL SERVICE WOULD you like to livt on BA~R Apl : Stove, Broker 534-69112 Newport Isl&nd! Lovely up. refrig, crpls, drps. Adults, PARTIALLY lUm 2 or ! per apt., tum., on IHJt. no pets. S9D mo. 646-W69 bdm me. Have do& & caL Prefer cple .. no children or --n--t -c.IL76()1 • pets. Space for small boe.L Newport Beach 5200 na• .......... v--.y- 67J.-04i2 2 BR. 2 Ba. Condo, trplc. Rooms for Rent 5995 1 • BR., balcony over pool. pool. extnu. S2SO or $275 ~ BPRM. 1% bl. Mesa North Adults. n35. ht .t Wt turn. ~ 61l-U66 x 6#-0637 <>r 548-J'.135 2104 Apt. Pvt pati<>, blt·lml. Garage w/w c:rpts. 541)..3759 BAYFRONT Apt. 3 BR, 1 YF.ARLY Spe.ciom 3 Bdr. or~ bath utll pd. Jo'amlly onJ¥. 2 Bath, Firepla~ $225. Mon. ROOM ~R RENT W/prv SJ.90/mo. 675-2572 Appt. OhQt &2128 ba ir entr, no cooklnc; \i • B1lbo1 4300 EHi Bluff 5242 CLEAN Bachtlor Apta. FOR LEASE. IUXUJ')' 1 view . AU util incl S7! up rpUt le\~I. 2 Br. 2 Ba. apt. blk to beach. $60 mo. Prefer a1rl or lady. 675-0m SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 m E.a.itootBh•d. ~ l--fr-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'t--~~~-BALBOA f!:M'945l-OIARG,:..:O.:C:.~E-y-our~w-1n~t,-d-now-. PRJVA'f&. room, kitchen prfvilegtls nr. 21.lt Stn!et. Santa AM: S15 w e e k. ~U!M before 2 p.m. 'I -• ------ tr Air-cond & utils * Carpets & drp! * Reception Rm * Oeaning Ir: ma.int. Telephone Answeripg & Secretarial Service avail Town & Country Shopping Center 13582 Beach mvd. lat Ellis) Huntington Bch 962-6607 STORES ALSO Ranches 6150 SAN TIMOTEO RANCH 360 Acre ranch. Buildings &: equipment worth approxi· mately SU8,000 with inffn. tory furnished. Some acre- agr under irrigation. Hu water rights, well & pressure system. Paved road front. age, Near Redlands In Riv· eJ:sjd@ C<>unty. Full price $360,000. For further infor- 1 '"""""""'""""""""""'" 1 mation, please call GleM * * * * Thompson with Mt-. John Cheves E '-•off & • -I CIU1 ..... soc., nc. 940 JoaM St. lBl8 w. Oiapmau Ave. Costa Mew, Calif. Orange, Calif. 541·2621. Eveg.wknds 53Mm Sattler M<>rtpge C.O. Inc. 336 E. 17th SL GC-2171 545-0011 Eves. 673-7865 642-1157 Morft11991, T .D.'1 6345 HAVE $60,000 Prh'&te m 0 n e y in~stor wants to buy seasoned 1st &:: 2nd TDs. Reasonable clis- counL Sattler Mortg~ Co. Inc. 336 E. 17th St. 6f.2..2'ln 545-06ll EYtt. 673.7865 642-lli? 12o/tt RETURN You are wi nner <>fa p1lr of tickets to Hie B o a t Show at tbe Anaheim Ceavea tloa Center, March 1 lll roar h 1•. Come to anf or our t branch oUIOO!! and plek up your FREE pa!!MU. $30,000 ht TO, $300 mo, ln- clud-4Ji: 8%, 3 yrs. Level hilltop, ma.gnllicent Ocean V1ew. Large cash down, • strong buyer. Discount will return 12%. 494-1138 _R;OIO;;;;rt;;;;P;-;;;;;rty;;;;;6;2;;0;5 I l2% _ SMALL INVESTOR • ~t TD all due 3. years on Laguna land. For appt to * * * * STREET FRONTAGE Or. Beach Blvd. 1480 Sq, tL 1.lodel home ideal I« lmur., Rltr., etc. (Bel Katella and Ce!T:itos) SI g n 1, lnd.!Cpd., $250 rn<>. 10650 Beach Blvd. . ,,._ . Balboa Island $150 w.w. carpet. Rltr. 642.9555 * Mocleni Offices Slngle or suttH. Afr ooal- llJonmo. -. --· ....... locallon. C. Robert Nattnia Rea.ltor m E. 17th Street Cr.st.a MA!R. 60.J.~ NEWPORT CMC CENTER Offices aullable tor Com- merdal, l4edlcal, Dental. A1t-cond .. crpta, elevator FROM $70 541-<032 OR 6'15-2464 MEDJCAL • Profeaional suites fur kue. CU.tom mnoddlrw: avail. 1 • 7 a 2 Mahl Q., Hunt. Belch U·%pl- lluo. 0-"'nllflO 6300 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE (Part or Full Time) Excellent Income for Few Hr1. Wee.k!y work {Days <>r E\w..) retilllng and collt'Ct· in& Money from Coin Oper-. ated Olspenaers In Orarce 0iun1y a " d •urroundlnc area. No ~. (Handles Name Brand Candy and hckl) $1650 total cash """ qub'ed. For Dl<lre lnfonna· t'c.vl and detan._ siend Name, ,AddrtA. 4M Pt,one Nwnber to: "ROlJi'i: DEPARTMENT" P.O. """ 3M6 Aoabtbn, Cllllarnla !l28t13 DAlLY Ptlhl' WANT ADS t BRING RESULa'St view call 4.94;:1137. I $20,000 2nd TD, 10% 3 )TS, al% discount ($4,0001 ;.14 1l eq. 494-3964 ANNOUNC~MENTS •nd NOTICES Fouftd (FrH Ado) 6400 ' LOii 6401 --------LOST: Block & white fluffy cat. I yr. old - male. No collar. Vic. Shatlmer Dr., C.M. R• ward. 646-5361 or S4M531. LOST: Mole p.,g dotl; hlk. face. tan body, 15 It.. Vic. 3ifX> blk. Santa Ana Ave., Man:h .. 548-:1937 LOST: Blk. mllle. Poodle, red tti.inestone coUar. c11pPed; ans. to "OJ", Vic. Mesa de! Mar, CM. Rew. ~ RED Male De.chund. vie Wamer Ir B<>IH Odea H.B· on 315. Reward. 846-2&1 ,µ..cDHOUCS Anonynlf)UI Phone 542-7217 or write 10 P.O. Box 122.1 Costa Metia. I " / • ANNOUNC EMENTS SUVIC! OIRECTC>aY . -....--M-~ lOrlM'--OIAY -9 - and NOTICES * P CRild CI NI '610 ' * * * I :;v JOBS & lltll'l.OYMINT JOIS & IMl'LQYMIHT .JQIS & IU4fll.0Y-•Rl .ION.A y & lift ! Help W ...... , -nae H~ w .. tod. -7200 Holp Y(~, -7200 Help W1ntod, • Help W-erton1l1 6405 NEED A """"°'8 for °"' ·•PALM & CARO e 2yr. old;--: , * INTllHl<TIONAL * I l "*"°'' ' 7400 1-'W.;.;•;;o•:o;•o..--'-'-7-=11 11 MFG. & 'DlstlllOTING -* PIODIKllOll MANAGER ' T ' Ptychic reader Sister J Ulla tots Of fun! 6t&:829S : ' bu helpod lhouand!. let I;======;=( ~ help )'OU. SPecla1 *<I· Contr1cton 6620 1ilp St Open dally ! a.Jn. • Fl~ • ' EARN bs,oao OR 111--.. kl CITY' or ·~P~NG TO ' MORE AllNUALLY ROltlCWI :..C'":"'1:::,1s~&: NEWl'.°RT l~H to 1D l'·.fl\. 893-9854 701 l\'est-H, J. "J~'" Wood. mlnlter, We1tminstu. • Builder ol ?.tedallioa lfomn ORANG I ' COUNTY ' l ...,....,,.....,_., a!>I< to ACCOUNTING . , , • 1 To pt lorm .i.ctronlc monap ,.i"""""'".... C ~iU I ; NOW HIRING . ·' che<k • ""t .. mlmlwave pie. ,AbWIY to.-... u52 , ....... ,.. __ ..... • LICENSEO . @ Wi:St. Spiritual R-. advn , , M•;\ • U )'OU are a )'OUJ,'C (lO tn 4!'.1 product. and RI" com~ Income trom $11.00I . to .,.. . ......,~ .....,.._ ,. PERMAN\ ENT .POSIT!ONS >'""old!,~, .... •nt.. TecbnliOJ ot IChool lll,000 I ~· Autooioblle , ,...11.,;,."1 ,;._;:..,.,;.... ' Oil all qiatten, 108 s. El. C.am1no tte~. San Cemente. --,.,-±1 ~-~:.:::.=:...__ 492.-9136. 10 AM·lO Pltt Additions * RemOde~ AVAJ:l.ABLl:WlTH aua..iive. p ·' "~e• tralnil!V In~ or tumkbtd 'tO' ('Jllitled per. _ n _,, ORANGE CO~ man, you , quai}ty. Bt related expe~ del1M IOll put·32. U )'Oil fUl the•· ~Hlah ~ -t~i , ASSOCIATES> 6' ' 1uccesittil tn aenq· a e w ~' ' • • · ' 1 ~rementl for interview, ::i;~ .. -ua ...... WE -.... to .wwk In Ill hotpet wl!I>. -· *' EIGI" ~6 . . "11 ...... lillller' at·-and two,..,. ot -nt I ""' ,. ... .. . ' -. SPECL\L $2 READING , Fred H. Gerwick)-Llc.. URGE?fr 1 mom under· 40 · 6'13-6041 * • SG-.2lj0 -..-...a, 1.....,.;i,, ' I Whaddya , Wint? Whoddy1 Got? SPECIAi. CLASSIFICATIQJll .FOR NAT)IRAL •llOJtN SWAPPERS Spoc l•I Rite depta. No tuqierll!noe neeea. Retl Ect.ate .~·· ,u. . , . between 2 and'· ~~nee .... · "'; .. ~ I lllll'Y, u we tr.In. • not-and&._· v...... 1 ..... -U>C -TOP.STARTING PAY ""l" m _,, ""'lV AID£ ''B'' ' '' ' ' ' keepln("""" ability. to ~ .... .,.. ....... er, .... ~ eon 4, 'C • needs • aipcft.e homemaktt ; •rpet ~t .. n_fn:t 6625 to be w/ dad. Call a1t 5 Llftff -5 ti,,,.. -5 bucb , ftut.I• -40 -MVn ltfClUD2 All'l'QMATl.C P~Y RAJSES· ~bt ti<:,~ u,~'.'_"~~ • . • Sec:t>/Dlctaphone \" '' .li\00 ..... te •'-If ol of!• f, P • ~-"•• ~ . ....._....,, • , ~ Xlnt potentill!-I hlltt. incl.U. ·:== · . and bmpitallia&n ~part· ~~ ~ ~ \x. 14&1 Secty · .......... to~, ~ ~ m.t~-. 6 pm. wkdyi 646-6?39 PROFESfilONAL Rug & YOU, Mmt be aoene to be Upholstery aeanirw. Top quality. guaranteed results. sel~. We need people Allen'i Maintenance t-W!\tt "°" ....... ta traclt. • >-Wlltf VIII' ...,.. .. l(HI. )-YOUlt ....,_ W /tr ....,_, -S .... ti ldrmfl1ift9. ._..OTHll+O f:Olt SALi -TAADU ONl YI FOR INTERVIEW CA.Lt. Of thil ~ career. P!'t.leqce ln a..mb1¥ and Ll&ht lhorthand • , ' appllcanbl· lboaidl ~ MONDAY l TUESDAY ' ' ~stina: of e1ectro-rotCbani-lloe:leq, , ••• $400+expe.rwe1 to the ~l Ottice • . of all ~ int. in txp08Ul'e · 646-4063 or eves s42-3s.z for bit pal"tJI in mmme:rc., n4-72Sl . . cal compootnll [llld/or aub-To show model homes Ci~ Hall. 3300 Newport systenis, includina:: ont Sbop :Tftineee •••• $487 br Blvd., Newport Beacb, •PHONE 642-5671 . To Pl•c• Your Tracltr'1 ParadlM Ad 11 movie;i: & TV~ CARPET I: Furn. ~. -c;;--;7-~'-=;.:.;;'--· I for 1 day service A quality Duplex South Laguna 2 Attractive Expert work, call Sterling b blocks to beach, xlllt loca· YOUNG Y{OMAN brightness! 642-85:ll tiou. Trade SU.IDI equity dancer will teach you all ========:lfOI' cll!:ar Jot or land. Sub- latest steps. Call Ardell C 't ,.u oU Bkr 6'154170 213:· 591-4538 l-10 PM arpet Laying & nu en. . . Repo ir 6626 494-3949 .. REDUCE Sa.l'e, simple &. fast with GoBese tablets only 98c. Crawford's RX Phannacy, Costa Mesa * Selective Slng~s * Companionship, Sincerity Intrtidttctions' ·Confidential (""'5/ 642-9676 ~JD PM DON'T let another lonely weekend gri by! Succeed in dating witoout really trying. Laguna Bch 494-447'9 COUPLES, singles; foncly? New in area? We have your kind of excitement! • 6l5-9291 • TEACHER wants daily ride from Costa Mesa to Lakewood. 645-0075 1166 VW' BUJ for VW . Bull •. C\RPETS (nylons, wools, ~·1 dianiond ri!1I'. •fOf' polyesters,) Vinyls and 'ril· trail bllr,e..,Wi.aher A: dryer es. Lates~ styles and_ colors. or color 'IV,..AnUque rifles Commercial and ft,esidential. for camera or ? 67l.ffi98 Expert lnttallation. BLANKINSHIP FLOORS AP'l'S. in Hunt. Parle, 13 642-1403 540-7262 units. 1 & 2 Br., new pl.int ========;I& cpt. within tut yr, Trade Electriul 6640 for income prop. N'pL, ---"'----';:.:.: ICo&ta Mesa. 53-3213 Eve. ELECTRICIAN Li~ 1-------- bonded. Small jobs Ma.int'. 17 Ft. outboard for station &. repair. 548-5203 wqon or auto, of equal val- ue. Phone 644-4687 Gardening 6680 Five year equity in 3 bdrm, ANTHONY'S 1 be.th, laip family room Garden Service home. For mobile home or 646-1941 truck ~ ..... 171 BUDGET LANDSCAPING l-------- Announctment1 6410 Prune •.• Plant ••• Prepare HAVE 3 UNITS; need lilonthly Maintenance Orange County incomr J\TTENTION EX-NAV'VMEN Clean out the old sea-bag and help out ' a good cause. Give your Old uniforms (OU- icen &'Enlisted) to the Sea- ScOuts. ·Need blues whites, sea-bags, etc. 642-5769 Exp. Horticulturist Will eXCbanie up TAKATA Si Slavin, RealtOr JAPANESE NURSERY 642-6222 546-0724, Complete gardening HAVE: Like new deluxe service, Headquarters . fDr Lowery Organ, full key· all your nursery needs. board. ALLEN BROS !RADE: for late Pick Up, GARDENERS STUDENTS car or casb. 642-4610 $600), 113 acre with key to private beach So. ot Santa CM, '!'RADE $3900 ..,Wt> lor d.n pymnt ~ ~ ty land or boat. 499-3611, Corona del liar Duplex Ex...,... up ""' """"" Beadl Home. -• 49f.1330• '67 Mustang V-3 convert; PSIPB, RMI, Kint cond. new tires, lo ml., vat $2300; accept small car· in trade. Pr. PtY. 548-2061 . * :WAllERS BUSBOYS lmmedlai. .......... Expm. ence nec:eauy, Ex~ atatt tor enlarpd ~I *1'· atlon. Contact J, Ravln in persoo. THE 'NE:WPORTER: IN"N . 1 110'1 Jamboree M1 Newport Beach $45,(00 equity in Channe.I Reel Penthouse. Will trade *,---------'-o-* far pn:iperty-·in • Hawaii. Chester Salisbury, Rlty. """"' 22' Century Inbrd,, has all extras, C.G. app. equip. + SIS RT. Sold new $7500. Winter price $3695. Trade for smaller boat 546-9812 Mammoth Lakes • 10 Units plus large home on 1 acre. Tr,.de for )'OW' Qrapge. County property or ! $alis. bury Realty 61l.fi900 2 M-1 tilt-up bJdgs on Pla- ~ntia, C.M. Price $150,000. Trade eqty, $95,500 for prop. T..O. + $45,oo:t cash. s.eoo COASTAL INDUSTRIES NOW HIRING $480. PER-MO. * LaborerJ • Truck driwrs * Sl<llled • 5"ml·skllled NO EXPERIENCE NECEs&\RY START WORK IMMEDIATELY \Ve have 40 openirws for men with all. types ol ,work back. grounds. * CAlJ. PERSONNEL 540-2034 ' * 'NOl'king their \VaY .thru col-'59 Cadillac ($500 value) Will take 16 to 20 ft boat Se!CS Cont1ct Oon .Podtloc:k Coll 211: '36:17SS ' J. C. PeMe)( C.. Fapdon Is1and Newport Beach Has fttll time openinc -.,, ' ' * Auto. Se.,,ico' * Seec\alists Recent experience Jn tirakes, front· end align. m.ent, air<ond1 insulation aqd . l\J.t.e\IP · i'eqtiiied. <'.ompetitive alary ar- range'l'l"lents. Top 4ight wor~ eorkUUona With newest amlfinesL~ rmnt Generous benefit& including ho!Pitallia~n, emplotee ~t and profit sharing. Apply In penion 10 AM to 9:30 PM' Monday ~h Sahirday J. c. PBlllFf co. 24 F11hlon hfen'd An eq~ oportunlty emplo~r ,.... RF• microw&vo,. Abllltlas Unllmlled -•M• ~~ 5 f'd ' QI~, ....,..._~ p.tn,, lat expulonco. ~y . . Fti!Jay, Mud> l~ 19!11. 488 E. ) 1th, Suite '214. Written tHt scb!duled -·TELONIC . EnglnHrln9 Co • LAGUNA BEACH An equal opportunity • employer • WAITER e APPLY IN PERSON . ,A.Ff 5 P.M. KA~M ·s ·' Ollla MeA 642-1410 ,S."""'1-. MltCh • 1 15, 1969. . RN DIRECTOR • : OF :NUltSES ;- Chall'e11&1na: 1198iUon '°1ih excellent potential with multipal convalescent or-- llj!lnbatlon, Lynwood are• • to atarL . Phoho 645-0030 Clerk Typist TypolOwpm - electrlc typewrlt•r d1'11 P,~~i o~p.; Cf14J 494-9401 ' TElONIC BIGINEEllNG CO. I ' • i • .. • I , 501 3tth Stl'Mt Newport Be~ch Bridal Con1ult1nt AttraCtive Woman, amllit- tow:, iood persona}jty, use of tar, over 21. Some eve's preferred. AW.rage p ll rt time. $59, week, full time $124.1 week. No expmence necessary. F o r Interview Cai. Mr. Whitney 5"f550 _ Li guna a.~~ , -1 Equal o~ emp1~ . ~ * BUS~YH1ys Appl.y in JM!l'IOfl · MEOl~AL RECEPTIONIST . 'SECRETARY tlh daya a wk Rani:! written reluqte including aa:e~ phone, Mlftlal f Ill m&rlta1 1 status & previous ~l!'ft • LU experi•~<• to 1617 W""'i!! C Dr., SUite. 203.A, NeWpo.rl 151 E. o••t HlghW•y Beach, ·Calif. -· Niw~rt Beach DOMESflC HELP. --------AI: kinds? , Housekeppers, ' . ADVERTISING .I ' ., Sec.n,:tary/ Bookkeeper . ··• l ' : ' Rt1pon1lblt,· top ltvtl ALOOHOLU.::S Anonymous Phone 542-7217 or write to P.O. Box l.223 Costa Mesa. lege; Experienced, licensed. Trade for Pick Up truck. as trade for equity in La REAS! GW-4203 boat OJ' down on house or Mirada house with $180. mo Japanese Carde.ner ? ? ?. lease. Call evenings I C_.1_m_e_1_e-'ry"-'-C-'ry"p"ts:.....~6419 Ex 646-5486 w--•·-~-. "'"-·" "' YOUNG MAN'S OREAM .. E1 .......................... 11MPORT MECHANICS i:,!:;.:!"' .!.~~~':; edro-Mecflanical B~y "'°P In HunJtnaion P&ld Joo•. Cali Miu .Abo>, Sep.ch offers bJ&:heat Q'.lqtlll\-548-7796 . ; · · · ~1lti0n for th•rp, tak.. J ctiarg9 :1lrl. ,_,u1t.'h1ve exceUtnt · 1klll1 · Incl. \ lhorthand; h1ndlo lit. ,i bkkpg;. bllllng.• l/nder _ _ per, coropl yard service! l;;:::-:==:::::.~--o =~~ ~ NICHE 38, AJrove of De~ Free estimate. 548-7958. San Oemente Income 2 $7700 equil;y 3 Bedrt>Oms, 2 11 you are under 27 and like ti?n, Palm . Court, Pacific . e PRUNING, 21 years exper stores • 2. lots 2 ofll~s 2 bath San Clemente home, talking to girb:, why not &•t Technkh1ns "'euaran•!"'· paid vacatloM, ARG\1$ AGIENCjJiS holiday1 i.nd erouP inti.tr-1869 C Newport Blvd.; C.M. 30. Call B•rbere'. · (n4) """ 642-3910. I View Memonal Park, single, Call Bill Ferguson Apt! • Will take TD 1 or close in.. Submit all otters paid !or It? A ~'ting S140 or offer. 535-9565 54~21ll5 Evenings smaller property. Make oll· on clear land or 1ots. Bier. program. dealirlg with aiJWle SERVICE DIRECTORY Babysitting 6S50 er. Call • 494-3262 6754070 ~ · ! .,_ 15 •-YARD c 1 ea nu p. Tree ' girls or nan J.1101, "'""" ,:"~~~· ~·ce~;,.,~, ~~~~fill~·,ils':..-~w~n~•~· I l~*!l!!!!!'!!!!*'!!!!!!!!!!!~*i!!!ll!!!!J!. ~*""""~*~!!!!!!!!!!~*! ::W+ :m~:: = ':i e!its. Ot119 to 5 p.m. 5M-U1. e BABYSIITING In -· JAPANESE GARDENER SERVICE OJRl!CTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY ••v Cl>mplete yaril servi~. free · * IMMEDIATE * home 5 full days week, nice estimates. Exp. &tG-li'U . Income Tix 6740 Roofing 6950 Opportunity home near Westclill ~ for reliable man w I t b ping 'center. Fenced in yard, JAPANESE Garder_ier, com· IL K. CI ark Acctg. Sen'. A ROofer not a salesman. previous, t n d u atria I hot lunches, excellent care. Jili;te yard service, Jree Income tax: persooal or Leaks stopped, all type janitorial . experience. Ex· Please call Mrs. Smitb estimates. 540-l332 · busineu, your home or ofc. roofing. N.ew or repair wort cellent worldng condiliom, 548-4538 JAPANESE Ga r dener 20 yrs up, . loc firm. guar. 536-8444 good ·pay aM all· fringe l --~B:..AB=Y~s=11=.1 =ER---Complete Se r v i c e 1 Ex-,642-6183 or 645--0742 eves benefita includilV p r o t I t Fenced yard. Meals included. perienced. Reliable. 604389 • The Tax Advlsor1 Sewing 6960 sbarlnz • Week days only, Vicinity • JAPANESE GARDENING Ye'ar round ofc. 328 No. --'------CALIFORNIA Halladay & Bishop St., S.A. Service Cleani:ip, Landscap-Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reas! e Dresmnaklng-Alterations INJECI'ION MOLDING Phone 830-0072 ing. 531-7034 aft 7 p.m. Call t)45-0.;(IO for appt. Special on Hems' DI Briggll Aftnue BABYSITrlNG My home, full-part time nr Pomona school. 6(2..J()Ol LICENSED day cure. Pre.J: wkly 2-4 yrs.· Hot lunches, ba1anced activities. 546-1539 BABYSmING In y 0 u r home.'YoU furnish transportation. 642,.1407 BABYSITTING My home, &-side C.M. Prefer "'-eekly. • 548-1557 * JOHNSON'S Gardening serv. * 64&"'6 * Coata Meu., caliL• . Finest equip, expert yanl _,l:c'°"=in"'g'----~67;c5::S Alterations--642-5145. 546-A460 care! Reas! 962-2035, 1· Neat, aCcUra'te, 20 )'i-s. 'exp. 'USED .CAR . CLEAN UP S ··"·t• M IRONING • 80c an houi' • pec1....... . OW· Pl •-· ha. . ~m--odd . .__ u.d. ease w 1ng ngers U hol ..... --~ . ' ,.~. --t 251-B A""""°· CM &18--8227 p 1t1ry 6990 LOT MAN ,mOVlllg. Reas. 54~ ----'----- cut & F.dge Lawn L•ndsciplng . 6810 CZ Y K 0 SK I'S CUstom ~faintenince. Licensed Upholstery. E u r o p e .• n 548-48M/645-Z310 aft 4 Poor Man's Friend Craft 1 mans hip, 100% e JAPANESE GARDENER CU::ITOM LANDSCAPING Financing. 642-1454.. 1831 Maintenance & Cl.4nup * 646-1234 * Newp0rt Blvd.: C.M. ' Call 548-2572 ' Must have expi!rience. DOii· lenf company benefits W working condltiOl\ll. Apply m per900 to Bob Rogalski. NABERS CADIUlC Progressive 40 plus year old Co. has immediate openings fDr Electro-Mechanical tech- niciana to assemble, wire • teat ekctrlcal '. Meetiankal lnltruments (h)'draulic A: pneumatic). Strong electron- ics education A: experience pretefred. Contact Mr. Jim Cri.Wn, MARTIN·DECKER Corp., 19'l8•.S. Grand Aw., Santa· Ana, Calif. 927tli .. nu .....,,.. J.n F.qual Qppty Employer Accountantl to·$2D,OOO We have been · eetabli&bed for over 20 ye&l'll. ~ a re- sult many company client thruout ·orana:e County Jlst their positions. wiih us. Our service .ill l\X)% free i9 &II maJe applk:i.nts. Prefer col· kge degn!es &: i> to 10 )'TL experiellCl'. 'Inquiries confi- dentlaL Equal oppartunlties. CALL MR. LQIDEN &12-n•r . SuperiOr Agency 1857 Harboi mvd., C.M. CHILD Care, any age m,y b ome. S25. week. Teacher/mother 645--0156 AL'S Ganlening s e,. i"' Mosonry, 8flc~_830 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Lawn maintenance. garden-PRICE & QUALITY Job W1nt0cl. Lady 7020 Apt Manager : • • .. • • • • • $700 2600 Harbor mvd. Live in or out . · mg & clean ups. 64&-3629 CUSI'OM J..AliDSCAPIN.G MATURE woman. t1. I g h t WllL babysit my home, any Gtneral Services 66121 -==='•==:646-::;:1234~:;;:·== employed • will manage shift. One ctuld only. Exp'd _1--complex (Costa Mesa area) ,,m=":"'~'_,·,,64&.=1821===='ILIGH'T Hauling, Tra~tor P1~rh1ri9ing for apartment & util, plus. --· Leveling, Clean Up, Light Painting 6850 Reply Box P662, Daib Brick. M1sonry, etc. Demolltion, Chain Sa wl '-==;,... ___ .:;::.: Pilot. · 6560 work. Interior 'Painting ==~-----* 545-5490 * Apts. or houSea by job or CLERK typist, deperldable, BUILD, Remodel, Repair HA\JLING CJ . room. _Low till aeason rates. permanent Newport, Costa Brick, b~k, con c re t e , · eanup garages, 89'2-864l Anytime Mesa area. 842-1962 crpntry, no job too small odC joba etc. Free est. Jim ·==-:...,:.'-'--'---Secretary wishes position Lie Contr. 962-6945 1=-==-·:=anytlm:==:'::==dVINYL wall cover in ill in Christian work spec:iaJist Kit, b a l h I • Phone 'ZJ4/52s.235t 8u1ln111 Service 6562 Haulini .1730 Material 4: labor. Ert. e SF.cRETARIAL Service! Fa.st, accurate, IBM Exec. SS tu'· N.B. area. 64+2641 847-1659 LITE Hauling & cleanup. INTER or· Ext. PAINTING, Reasonable. Any area. IMMEO. SER.VICE. LocaJ Call 642-2657 ref. FREE esL 548-1677 CLEAN Lots/garages et~ .• PAINTING 1 n t er Io r ex· C•rptnttrlng 6590 tree remov, dump skip 1__.,... ' ' , Domettic Htlp 7035 Georp Allen Byland Agency Employer, Pays Fee 1()6.8 E. 16th, SA 547--0395 ---C,,.=Ja=..:Mc. ... =--RAD Technkian ••.. to ncm Flbrgls Plastic tube CAREER· . OPPORTUNITY! Q.A. Manager ....... , Open . Microwaye Engl' • • • • OJ>en Bonder, boat yard ,_ .. , Open Factory Tmees •••• SI.fl hr l oin today• fastest srowinl profession-Mutual. Fund Wei No expertenee n.eceasary-. We train • 1uD or part time Mutu1I fund Advisort, Inc. Abilitie1 Unlimited Agtncy . 488 E. 17th, SUite 2'M Costa Mesa, .642-1410 Npt B. 1603 w.,lclll! 64U422 IF $1 ,500. IN A MONTH S.A. 1212 N. Broacfw,q Interests yoU. , ,you interest ~--· :;.54:;.7-8331='----·I us. Open,ing for min over 40 r.niwL -iD beach cities area. No ex- "'" perience required. Cash bon- uses. Air mail H. H .. Dlcker-UNf MECHAIHC .... Pres .. Southwestern Pe-trol-""1>., Ft. Wonb, Tuai 76101: &nee", 5 day week, It you are A'l'I'RAC'fl\TE Women to a top man, we can give YoU train llS oountelon for all the work you want. Call Gloria Manhall f i g u re Art ThomplOrt> at 347.a555. Control Salon-·MQSt have NEW CAR a slim fieure and enjoy DETAIL MAN -with ...,p1e. "!'· T _,,_; u t · Z-9 PM. Age 25 ~ over op ......... J'• exce en _, _.> ..,. . "--nt workll!e conditions. ~u.i. ,.or ap~muuc MAl{cWrs t~'rORS 1".'"'e-M«J,;,..:,,i-<tl-S.C:..-taey--.- 900 South Cout Highway Experience in cOnvaleacent Lquna Beach .4~1"".iOO home or Blue C ro s 1. · Krl)wledge•of Medicare· and DISHWASHER '. :':~.P=~ ~~: f~ll Tim• Top wages. Prefer older Appl,y in peraon penon Ol" handicapped •. Box THE RIGGER M-"'8, t>au, Pilot . 16 Fashioh lslahd Sharp Carffl' Galt Newport Beach , Sectys, Clerk Typists,' Gal Fridays~· Recplt, • BkkJra, e HELP WANTED MALE RNs & LVNa. Hoth lee.& lee e paid jobs. Top co's! Call . RN's ICU &·01 Stanton CommunlfY 'Haipltoi . ' . " file . Cltrk. " ... Day ahill, McDonald'• 16866 Doris, 543-1795 • Major ~· Coun non- lloach Bl•d. R.B. Appyl I ARGUS· AGENCIES • .. ..... I> td 5 MM.Fri. Fr I n I• 1869 C N ......... rt BJ. d CM defenae ~~~· ~Um an ~ fib •--Une e~,...,.. v " · · excellent oppOrtunit)I: in ~no • = n. Pl!RT TIME NewportBeoch. ' · BAND DIRECTOR Need 2 ladiet for special Dutlea will'liiduide the sUper. Teach brus It 'woodwliida work. 12 HOurs weekly. $60 vWQll of vaults. printlrW and 2 Evenin&:s a week per wk. Call Mrs. Nelson fillna', • ' Beack MUl\e Cen(el" at 642-8560 .between 2 and 4 Lile experience requited. HunUn&ton Beach 847-85a6 for personal interview. with some typJ.nr. nne com- M A N A G E R TRAINEE pany benrfill. ' WANTED. ·over 25. Profit • f.INANCE . Send complete rem.me with sharlna: with bendlts. Apply DI> Cashle-r . Deeded • aalary. req\l.irements to: tbe THE BURGER. 4501 W. Contact H.E. Sutton Dafl,y Pflbt, Box # M-85f. CoQt: Hwy. Newport Bef4. Del!a AcceptM<:e Office FRY Cook, rtllef,1hift. Start -1500 Adami 'Ave., C.M; 8ECBE'l'AILIAL $2 Hr. 18 or Over · 54C).J!i60 l.ocal Iniiiia'.rip A a e n c 1 , Cottage ~tt Shop I-...,--,-..------Harbor· area, des1n1 ·flill 562 W. 19th·St., Costa ~esa Ttl•..&.lne rec.ptl0n time Girl Friday with . top EXP ORN ···~AL IRON .,... skill.!. Pfe8.Miit otnce. lt111. l'UUJ;<l, ~ work: Apply bttw .. n exp llelpful. 'Salary open 1o man. Steady employment. 1 p.m. & J .p.m., 1626 right peraoh. Call &eV. Bll.ADFIELD MFG. .... S LI &-254l E. may'.¥oo:d, erttii ~7'370'~6flpt. Ana. • SUPERVI&ION A . EXP. HI·FI component sale1 · ' SALES. WORK. trainees. Salary, xlnt future. CLERK-'I)l;pist; if you type Full ti M .. -ha t 646-8895 ' 60 ·WPM on &n dee:. A me, .... L ve nea ~=======oi prefer to work in a' a'?pearance, able to de~ Help W•nW pleasant, ·small otfice tn with people. Appl.y in per- W 7400 Newpoi't, call: 642-6667 Bel son. • , , -'"°':;:c'":::'°':::":..---.:c:.==1 10 & 1 1iolld1y H11ltli Spo W ... .....,.,.,. _ 2300 liarl>or Blvd., C.Y. woRKERs Receptionist/ . i:;;;.1.;;;,. ":'=~·• · R .. 1 E11110 s11oo 1-~---"-----backhoe. fill grade, 962-8745 cau"''...,..;.... ~ Y reaaonable. Otlne9e'live-in&. ~ ~..., Pttmanent. Experienced Must have 'CadWac Expert. CARPENTRY H:fluling-Garage Oeanups EXT/InL pntg. Aver rm. Far F.ast Agency 6CW703 ence. -Excellent company * * · 1 • ·' HARD WORKERS ?'OP-PAY · 12. Occasional ~k~. Mtn ' Women . Pa)I on CO!Dj)lotlon ol •ad> Typisf Mu.t have ttl'"'nce~ ' ExJ&ndl>v ...... OUlcl # " Job. No experience nect. · 548-7927 ' openifWs ·avaO..ble for " ..,.,.. 0 P T 0 R licenlled mei1 A women. ~ MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Trim Hedges, Trees.,.Reas. S20 + good paint, neat . benefits etc. Apply In pel'90n Too Small. cabtiiet 1n gal'-1-..:::81:.:GoJOHN • 6C-«l.'ll~ worir, Joe refs. Roy, 847-1358 Agencits,~ Men 7100 to Bob Roplaki. ,.., & •th" cabinots. Housoclo1nin9 673S PAINTING, Inter. • extorlor 1 ~~-~--~-'-'-I NABS CADIUAC $68175, U no answer leave State lie. • bonded. Free '""' al 641>2312. IL O. CARPa'S. -tin, .. umate. 642-0238 TEMPORARY ....,....,, etc. "''"''"· ~ c.mc·1.1=::<=· :;:::.:· :;::.:=....,=-TAX. MAN . Xlnt work Reas! Refs. ~..-INT. Aooullt. Ceiling QUALITY Repairs ~ Altera· 548-Ull Lie. lnl. 11' Yf.J· El:p. Free Uons -New consl by hour .IRONING. my home; xlnt1,""=.·:543-.1325=':;:;:C.--,;,.-,-or Contract 64&-3442 work, fast, reasonable, HOUSE Painting. Quality at ltea'f)' experience needed for CPA o!f1ce tor remain- der of Tax Season. 962-2110 a fair price! Free nt. Call REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS WlLLIAM'S CJ.NG. SERV. Rlck. (;4&..2215 CABINETS, Any aize job. 25yrs. exper. 548--6113 Catpets-fum<0mpl ltse. PAINTING, Papetjna 16 yn: CALL ANNA STEVENS 642-3870 NEWPORT Personnel Atency 833 00\Tf;R DR, N.B. •; • -1( t .,,. And Apt clng. 642-816f In Harbor area. Lie &: bond- MAO) 1 L carpcn er, ~ per· · .ecf Refs fUrn. ~2356 -· "'modeling • "'pain. HOUSECLEANING, lloncl~ 1.=;;· ==:=;;·:=:;:='==I $f2..6f09 or 536-3900 own ar. Dependable, $18. Pl1sterlng R..,.ir 6880 ======== ==~*~G0-~1371~~*~=·=1~;;;;;:.;:;~· ~;;:;:~ IH•IP W1nltd. -noo Citment, Concrwte 6600 . INT. Pluta, ot. ltucco, Uy • lncomt Tu 6740 wall taplna, acoustic I.lot BRAKE A: alicnment * CONCRETE work. Bord-textured cellinp. 56-6003 mtclwUc, up only. many ed a, 1Jcensed. Concrete MACK HARRIS Tu Sen'. e PAT'S Plasirrlnc All oompan;y beneti~. Apply A.will&' 9th yr., 3117 Roosevelt, -.. ---· • ..._.n Y~ A: lAne Tttt, 482 Phillipo Cement. 54iQ8Q C.M. Apl)Olntmt.. 5fG..29'11 ~.......," 1"""" -=-wuN1te. ....... ;nu"UIM,I' Ocean .\ w., lAl\ma Beach Custom Landu1ping e PROFESSIONAL TAX e PART·tbne tire man. A~ BES!' IN CONCRETE SERV. H......,u~ ~ ... Plumblnt · 6l90 ply Y"""' a Lone Tllo Qi., e 641>1234 e $19. Complete!! ~ -·"-"---_;.;;.;..;: ·-~-A • -·•-· Walter H. ~ P.A. PLUMBING REPAIR ;;ach .._... ve., ..,.._ e Cl(STOM PATIOS e cooc:rete sa'llirlg A: mnova1 State Uc .• 842-1010 fe DESI' IN a>NCRET& Wilks, PoOI dtd<s, !loort. PaUol. Pbone MUS14 e. .aJNCREl'E ;;;o;J(, all \>'»<& Pl>ol decks 6 cuatnm. o.u 548-1321 CEMENT Work, no Job too am&U, ""'°"" ble. r r e e etim. H. Stuntc1r:. ~ , Income Tax Service~ No Job too amaD -it.MBULANCE DRIVER 642-6204 or 545-1398 ew. • 6C-&2I • ExpuiencechMust be fully e INCOME TAXe PLUMBING 24 hr ·;. Lk:'d. Tup pq tor riehl Done m )'001' bome Work flUU', nc. ti.. remod, man. potttact Bob, 837.(1931 $5 And up. 6:B-2600 ~lr. roottt 9tl'V. 531r756& KENNEL Jielp "kBnted: Part INCOME • ,.._ """'"""1 Romocl1I., llopelr. 6~ timo, -mornlntll 0"11 3 to your home, long fonn com-1:=::;;;:;;.:;;;.;.::::;;;.;.:....;;.:..;;: 11. Write O.Uy Piiot ¥ btned, SIS. 494-3422 tr You neecl remodtllng, 313. tNOOME Tax ~tv., Notary pe.lntlng' or ftpairs. Call EXP'O. Serv Sta Atttndant. Pu .,. .,_ •&M bk!k. 60-1791' ' _,..r~ ,...,_1DQN ~:t"s.A~~· DAll.YPriiri'WAfiADS! m;'N. Bl.~;:(. 2600 Harbor Blvd. e E R A S e atant lbcorM I: tratnb'W· Mt' - --c,,.==ta:.:M:::eaa=---I * C,ALL 540-2034 Operate e:l«tronlc switch-Sportawear. Ft.~ pt. tin)e. Gardner. Sp r t n c iu.I~, * •--~ t "-'·t -•-Expd.. TQP . .... 4001 G. ••• •-• P.-RT TIME .:=..-~-~---" ~u, accw. e ..,,,. .. ,.uw .. Birctl' St., N.B., 1 blk. E. =-="'""..,.,=--==='°' WE NEED 25 MEN wrm Account•nfl ~wnte•.60 wpm elect. t;)'pe-of o.~. olrport I . TF.i:F.PfibNE . SOLICITO'fts AIL TYPES OF WORK Credit M•n.eer• .... ·~fune· OOr oftkiet BACKGROUND FOR PART Admlnl1tratlvt Tmffl . BOOKKEEPER. Posting on HowV n.t~ plus bonus CALL BOB, 543-7796 C•ll Porsonnol O.-'. addoix po.ting lilacb. ~!npenon TIME WORK 6:30 P.M. TO .,. "'' Bl"-""' Imo bow •·· 10,30 P.M. -ARGUS AGENCIES . 1711 494-9401 -~··• w ·-· H ""Hoalth Spo · TOP STARTING PAY 1869 c Ne~ Blvd., C.M. , , , , but mtnoc. 540-9373 • o Pb. Shoppln( °'""" WE TRAIN e 1Nsm0t..-roRS .. Full TELONI( MATURE Woman to be.h)'alt 1111n~Beach FOR, INTER.VIEW C1J.J. rr/and part time. Neat IP' ' Mon thNi Fri, 2 under 2. SE'AMS'i'Rt.SS.· Experienced MR. JAMES pearance: Must be a,ble to ~~ Hl , Scl'll atl'L ' on i.ll WomeD·· WW' a1tera. MO~OAY .il Tl}E.g)AY meet and deal with the • tlons. Good Wa&eL FuU n4-7151 ,.,bile. flOOd !lgutt. Applit Engl-Ing Co. WOMAN to · care .... --· Stt'ad, ............. PART &: FULL TIME in permn. Bolldq llnlth 1-l)t, m WnaldnC-M~Frf. Apply Bouae of Tallorin&+ CAR WASH HELP Spo. 2300 Harbti. 'Blvd.. Lagun1 Beach ' l2lll""" JIB.,. .. ,.,_.., So. °""'' PlOJ&. S333 lo. c.M. ' • COUNTER GIRL ' ""''°'· °"'" M-. EXP'O. P~LiSH and GOLF COURSE SUPT. An """'1 opporluntty NJPt -only.12 per bour. COl<BINATION, Sboro Bar DETAI L MEN Malntenonco l openitlon· ot • '"""°"" c.u 83>-0lm 'ert l<l3ll .Maids l co co .,._.,, Top pay. 2 loc. l'\ill wurlf wk. two a.hole ~ Pitut · MATURE I~ chU4 cart ~ WIPI '$3,(11.$3.!'ICI tt METRO CAR WA.SH tOeapplbdoaor~b)' * •* * * ~lttpa-.'$ P.,Y 'wttk;· ltlrl. .f'h. tr int. 5683 29511 llatl>or Bl,,,., Cll, MaCITYtch 2ht.OF -· -•• lefty c.,to • prlv. ""• F.V. &!T-2226 C.SASSYM, LASSY, 2901 lfol. l>or. ~~·~ ~ 2115 W. Hlowatlwt A-77 Fair O.. ll3+&15tl Atl .... lm C1llf, CHILD CARE. 4 da wk, "" TtlepbonW-for I SECURITY GUAROS Newport Aroa Apply .10t6 N. 'l\lstln Aft. Sidi< D, Orange, Colli. JOAMto4PM . PART TIME • • -downtoWn c . M . girl -MUii --JW'L own tranap. 548-3581 cr:Dent wk. lor ......-. $250 PER MO. VOf..,. -·o1° '°" TEACHER' ...... -kl><' It\"' bo an....,.,. tnloL • NO F.XP'ER.IY.NCF; NEC. ~~ :.0 f'rle ~.::~ be.byafttu, live-tit; atart . Pl'Dw: Mi'. Andrew 1 , CALL MR.REID _ C•••e•t l •• Qiater, $lJIOMonlh.~1881 615-3:151. 540-2034 Ma .... I fHo 9 I • I~ TIO!: HUB ol lcttVI!> ,., Y~O~UN~G'-~~-~-.~ ...... -· I 9 \M 10 9 PM · Come tit •at of '* t lm'fce bullnelltl · : • U. ~ta& fvr slot.k:brdilr'a -c:===-:,-,,.-,,==-SER VIC£ S i a t lo n " At-brdcl• o~ Ml pld 0-uled Ma. DJaJ IG•' ofOce, For tnmvllw ml f _GENERAL LABOR tondant..Agply2l96Harbor .;,.,,........,.,_ tootler,....-1'CJW, Mr. Cetlllr-ll AI l'l.00 hour •1286 Blvd. OL 6*a'M '+ * *· 1" DAJLY P2fDl' '!fANT •ADSl ar ~ • f I • . ........ -10, 1'169 a 'U"> a IMl'lOYMfNT -Ho1P .W•-w ... n I J•llll Mtft. ft--. 7JOo ·7400 SR. STENO $l40. lo $545. Xlnl -It.· l£r ~ ,..... strt. El«t. typnrl• er,~ tyn. ~ --...... PUBLIC AGENCY FULL llENEl'ITS MJWCO INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER . : lmmldl1t..Oponlnt• In the followlnt ., .. , CaD Mr. S)'tvater, 540-2910 or 963..utl Mott. thru Fri. only. _...,ity .. pin ... perltnce under a Sr. IE: iA attU ol time atudy, c:ort tmprove:tl)et value analyols.and- procnml. """' lorm"1 edw;:adon &nd some rune. study ~eoce:. Please apply iA penon or by confidenllal resume bt- : STAnSnCAI: DATA Experienced or trainee in fitt, and/or casualty statis- tical -· -.,,... putet in-put data in our op. mi.tions unit Detail figure ...... illwlved. • POU CY SERVICE • Prefer at kut one ~ar ot fir@, cuualb' or multiple · llneratlQr~.Pl~ sant pbone penonatity f!. lt'n~ ExeeBent opportun- ity fDr ad\lancemmt. l'OUCY TYPING Elcperlenced or ttaioee, mul· dple lino po11cy typist ro+ accuratel1 on the. el«bic. The Idell po&ition for aome- cme who likra to t;ype. * HOSTESSES FUU. OR PART TIME Expand1rw atatt for enlar(ed hotel operation.· Contact J. Ravin 1n perl(IQ THE NEWPORTER INN llDT Jamboree Rd. N-Boclo Hostess I Cashier EVENINGS RfllBEN E. llt 15 I E. COlll Hlghw1y Newport Bnch Work Ne•r Home SECTY'S 151 -By Apoplntment- Superlor Agoncy Established 1946 -oalazy ......... 11W1ta to Penonnel EQUAL OPPORTUNITY' EMPLOYER (Male or Female) 1485 Dale '!~~ta Mesa Phone: ~1 (TI4) UNUSUAL Opportunity The Independent Order or Foresten have opened a pew office in South Orange County. -!ntdllgent man or •'Ol?Wl over 25. C.ol- lege not necellW')'. Should have experience ln meeting public. Dlgnitied llfe time positioJl. Eamlng commeno. es immediately. Sbould he in exceu of $250 weekly. Telephone: 492-8700 between 9 AM • 1 PM Mon. thnl Fri. 9 AM • 12 Nooa Saturdays tor appointment. 18S7 Harbor Bl. c..ta .......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ c.all t1r1t. 642-TI41 1= like lo Docoret.1 l!<lp --tbelr home, Good income-train. -EXPERIENCED - : .Exoellent free betldih:, Pel-- Ing provided. For a ~uon­ able fee, you can be in bus- iness. Phone for appt D1clr w-. '3WJ61. Commercial • Teller • • manrnt,. steady work. Oar PUBLIC atenograpber. Must bequallfled.•- haw rderencs. No 1n- wstment required. Laguna Beach ottloe. Send ruume to Box M-706 Dally Pilot HOUSEKEEPER, Com- pan Ion for elderly gentleman 11 v I n &' on peninsula. 646-8520 aft 5 PM. • ...... " ........... from ' within. Your fUtuft 11 deter· ' mined entirely by )US. New : modm1 ottice, friendly, : pleuant ... -. APPLY IN PERSON hi Nalional Bank of Or1111e County For Deblila and App't. Call C<>lloct PERSONNEL (213) 384·1213 1650 Adams Cost• Mes• ASK FOR: Mr. S1uner or Mr, Sjirtnger : UNIGARD a.EANING WOMAN For Tbunday ~'777'2 or evn 644-W! An equal opportunity em....,.. ' INSURANCE GROUP Jobs Men, Wom. 7500 ' i • : MISS EXEC AGBtCY 1-------- ' j FM P•kl MAINTENANCE MECHANIC *Waitresses *Busboys Cook ! F /C Bkkpr !,.UO •••••• S600 : ~tary ••..•..•.....• $500 • Accts. Pay Ok (split) to S500 I Secty <splltl ........ to S450 I Jteceptionlst, Deg , • , • to $400 Appllcont Peys Foo , Executive Sedy • • • • to $500 ; Legal Secty .... , • • • to S500 , ESCl"O'!" Oilicer • • • • • • to $500 Bookkeeper , • , • • • • • to $500 Sea-eblry ••••••••••• to $t1S . Acctg. Ok/Keypunch lo $450 Loan Processor • • • • to $400 (II) W. Cout lllgbway Newport Beech 646-3939 HEBBIGER Experience required ln ma· chine tool maintenance, elec· * trlcal ....... oarpentry and plum.blJW in tndustrlal pl&nl Nine hr. day, 45 hr. week. Profit-. J. C. Carter Co. 671 W. 17111 St, Coste M.1• 541-3421 Apply in pemin COCO'S REUBEN'S 1555 W. Adema Cost• Mesa Ancient Mariner *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! MUil have clea1. CalUornla driving record. Apply Exec Secret•ry .... $500 To Produd:lon Manager. FEE PAID 2607 w. c.ut Hwy. YELLOW CAB CO. Payroll Clerk ...... $450 NEWPORT BEACH lB6 E. 16th st. F/C, NCR expu. Now takUl& appllcatlons daD1 CoatA Mesa for REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't • Lunch Ho1tts1 you be selling the hottest FEE PAID Clark Typlat ....... $375 Manufacturlr:W exper. FEE BY APPLICANT Recoptlonl1t ····•• .$380 • D•ytlme kitchen help area Hunttn&ton Beach? • M111t type. FEE BY APPLICANT HEBERGER ' Poraonnol.Agoncy 9al W. 17th Sllttt ColltaM~ ApplJI d&lly .._. 10 4: 4 p.m. WANTED : PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD SCREENER A FABRICATOR Experlenc:<d only. Good "" SARAH COVENTRY hu and ovm!me. operu,... t.>r full or port TRANSICOM time aa1es. Pleasant work. 851 w. 18th St., CM. no Investme nt, no ReelE1t•teSele1 deltvme&. Fbr intuWw <:all 541><1614 Mon A Women Photom•t Drive Thru Expandlna qain. Office # 4 openinp available for Photo ules, pe.rt time work. licell9ed men I: women. tn. D8.1 A ewnlng ahilts. Age stant tnc:ome I: ~. BW U to 22. 201 E. 17th St., CM Gallow;ay. S p r In C Realty, &G-5101 54(M82f, BOOKKEEPER. rncdlcal of. w=ANTED==,--:-.,,-,,;oldu=-,,,..,.,, fice, Laguna Beach aru. pie to help manage llml.ll State aae & quallflcationL motd on Colorado tuwr. Box M-701. Dail1 Pilot. Apt. tum. f>Jua utll. I mW1 uENTAl.. .Ml't. I: Sect'y. A.Lary. Tree we ol boata. fOr deDtal attlce; exper. or P.O. BoJ: lf7, Bullhead acy, ~ tra1ned. Send iaume Arlmna lo .Box M..nt. Dally PUot. CO.,;.;.Ul'~LE,;;;...-J-anl~ ... --,.-o-r~k, "ANTED: Babygitter, olHp .,_ Th<o ... 1881 Newport w/J cbUdren., Mo n-Fr 1. Blvd., C.M. See: Mr. or 11: ~ pm to I: 30 am. Mn. Qiapm.u. bdon 11 -AM dally ar eall 5'M1tl1 Vlllage RaaI Estatt> 962-f4n Schoola-lndructlon 7600 MEN Tr•ln In Your Spart Tim• for Pay up to $4.21 per hour BIG FUTURE! ''2?.6,000 HEAVY EQUIP· MENT OPERATING EN- GINEERS MUST BE TRAINED, 1960-70 .. -U.S. Dept. of Lalxit! Go mo.ort anywhere for top wagt"s In heavy con1trucUon. Earn while you Jevn-keep yoUr present job whll~ preparina yuurseU for a better future. Start al horn~ in spare timt, then get two wcekl' re1tdent tralnlrv at BrJld- wood, DJ. No speclal re- quirement& to take this course. Both grade 11ehool and colleie gnds we've trained are top.paid oper- ators. Leam how to read blueprlntl, 1et grade stake&, tnake CDrftCt cut and tills -how to operate graders. IC""8.pen. dozen, etc. Na- JTDPI kl) U :XI 'pPl. EXP. Ll.ftdsc:l,p!! -.men tlonw\de placement anlst-~ 9Cbool ao cbldrn. or tntnm. !alu7 + mnm: ara. Thla tra1nin& can be Vic WtfDft' I: Newland, HB. quallOed lfild:L 1' f ID I a )'OUr firlt al -to mnploy· N7""'17 hendlta. Cab 5t6-(J8tl merit tn the Heavy F,qui?-_;:,..;;c:.::_~-----) men! fndultry. Mall c_ooupon -DENTAL ualalant, ~ n:-RESfAURAHT Hll..P TODAY forIDUltrattd P'old- perlencf: MJ 1 rt. 1'ull * 8Mdl ""-* er. No Obllp;Hon. ~~Part-~..: =blifnU liW. OYER 21 CALL Exp. prtl liut w/)nlo. u..., Eq.-nt Trahiliw -Mr Gamin. -Dept. IGQ. Box M561 · p ll'ol c/o Dol11 Pilot I ROUSl:KEEPER/OID. care BLU!:PRINT SHO requ N&n'le •••• , • , • , , ••••••••••••• I lftebndl only. ff . B . delivuy drtYttli. blue line AddtW • , .... ,,, ....... , ... , -..oo trlnuner operalor. !Hl>-8373 OU' •••••••••••••• ztp •••••• 1W1! owt JI. --OPERATOR tor •-Stal> • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • Act···· ' pui.fune. I "*>'s _... -. """"'"" prll. llalar)I N..-t Phono •••••••••••.• , • 11.'1!1 br. -t comm. o.II Ko.I' SJMlCI !In. Wlol: t-. ..... to ...... .. , . '°'5 & IMPLOYMINT IOU & llMl'LOYMINT MERCHANDISE ,OR MERCHANDISI l'OR M!RCHANDISI FOR M!RCHANDIS! FOR "':;'"lolJ 11\111 & , · './oM -· Wom. 7500 SALi ~D TRADE SALi AND TRADI SALE. AND TRAD! SALE AND TRADI --?550 .~ ~ 0penlna Iii 2 Furnlturt. 8000,urnlturo . 8000 Pl•-A ~n1 1130 MllOlll•-UDO n..un.lt wms: qoen... !! ll ii ~ ~>. v ~ . l(_ew .Pianos • SR(Y!'GUN, new lthac& ~ ''""l'l' ' k>llow1n( ..... Guart111l<o ~ wutUm:ER a BIWlBURY p. j -......... SI!>. Ou -Pe'"onnal plUI OOUlm. • eoo<f .wt.Ing boarn new ln>lllnr molOr •• cond. "~ .... 11on. Spanish All itytes • llnl,,,.., all &II h.p. sro. New boat agency 830-.lOlOJar Jnte"'"' American made, 88 note, dd anchor $2 Drill prns. new Mecll,erranea~ w·bench "'""""· Price st.n. tabt• mode1 sss. +..,.t., ~EW'=: Schoola-1nattvct1on 7600 . ,"-"' Monutac1u,.,,.. 'w~:i~er Organs ~. =:7 ":.' ~ 6tW870 LIJ'E'l'DIE cut. t)'pewrltlnl(. 69 ,showroom S1mpln \ • NE\V • Vista Torito. San Clemente If you 1re lnte.....,... aUJdnm. ~n. or , AIT.mtk~IS,.CW~•~ Many other makes. Many ATTENTION 9d In 1ny of the fol· )"OUJ'leW lndlvibuall,y tutor-8 Wood carvre arm divan, lg. man I chair 51,yiea 4 finiabes. Prices TREASURE lowing position• ed Olllooat 10 leaobs tJ!plng or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set start at HUNTERS plllao come In i nd IChool. rra Del Mar, CM. w/black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR $595 Ganliner w.ctron~ -.. t1lk to our counteJ.. S..2'59 set 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser( lg. mirror •. 2 EVERinnNa IN MUSIC tor metal detector, mod~ ora. Thoy will° be NO>;·PROrn Chlldrens Art commodes, decorative headboard In Sparush , C 200. Max ...,,.. , rt. ww happy 1o i.11 vou -mr. b • • 1 n oa1r design with matching bo• springs, mat· Beach Music enter ..-.,, "" fl5. Call 646-~-I Marcb .17th. Painting, Clay tr •-,_ 1987 aft 8 •n. plf11cu 1rs •• ~ & Scutpture ~ 5. yean, ess ll(. ..,.ame. Sal8 Ir: .Sirvi er 11.m • fob description, lo-646-65ll i; info Items Sold lndlvidu1lty Factory ce EXCEU.ENT T b t c k. pile cation, benefits, up_. or · Shop Around-Before you buy ... USI Daily 12 noon 'W 9· Sat 9-5 Sand colored carpet, Ap- etc. 1::;"'..?-.~ i:.~ VALUE S1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.95 V~ .:11:: :';,,""c;,:;,~~ prox. 16 x 16, $50. Apt. One-Glrl Office $500 home, CdM 673-5849 or terms u low 11 $4.66 per w"k Huntington Beach 847-8536 me Rtl $~. Coffee tabJe, 11 r.. paid. Thl1 ~"" ae Use Our Slore Charge Plan or Bank Financing HAMOND ORGAN lnlald Wood. 11.50 :nu •ttracti••>.puoonabl• MERCHANDISE FOR No Faocy Front -BUT Quality Values lns[de LESSONS "'""" Road, SaL Noon - attractive, p ersonable SALE AND TRADE _<_P_-'_1· _____ _ people l""' Will man-ENROLL NOWI * AUCTION * age otfi~, """"" typing, sh It 8000 • •• ' ' • S16 rot 8 week coun;e 80. 5 """ Fum ure • . You do not have to ov.11 an •--$4'0 EPF• • instrument. Free practtct ..,...ty " · time available. CLASSES DlversWed and interest-~-I¥ ''3' . . , , : . , . SfART: Beginners. March ing job, type 60. ah 80. r----' 18, Tuesda,y, 7 PM. Inter· Exec Seely $600 EPF Spanish m«liare. Mareh 13, Thun- Hourl; 9-6, must have day 7 P?.L Excellent teach-f""..,t!t:' ,!=: Medilerranean 20 PC. "MADRID" An11;;;-81io "· 10me aharp young lady. Received canctllatlon 3 Room Group VA.Sr Stock Amer 1: 'Eu;, REGISTER NOW: run. En- F /C Bkki)r to $800 of $22,000.00 Spanish FROM MODEL HOMES furn &: cloclC!I. La r r y tertaining, Knowledgeable. EPF and MMllterranean Includes: Quilted sofa & Morgan Antiqu@fl, 2 4 2 8 Rent organs available dur· Cub or restaurant expert. Furniture chair -2 end tables & co.f. Newport Blvd., C.M. Ing tenn of couI'U'. Sign up ence belptul, Must have All New Top Quality f~ table-2 lamps-dreu-ANTIQUES & CLOCKS now! AV?id the lWlh: an eXceptionally g ')od Brand Names er-mirror-headboard-FOSTER'S ANTIQUES loqwre for details: work record,• Decorator's Dream quilted box ~ A. matt-642-6138 e 1903 Federal, CM •~ OORHAMMONA DONEOL MAR Personnel A11l1t1nt HoUse on DISplay ress - 5 pc. dining ~m; ,,, to $450 APF• Items as follows: Gor· table & 4 hl·back chairs. Sewing Machines 8120 2854 E. Coast I-Iwy., 67J..8930 Must be well orpnlzed geous 8 tt. custom quil-COMPARE AT $74!1.S'S l968 SINGER, toucb-0-matic THO~lAS Organs -all styl- and irilli.ng to learn. Typ. ted sofa with eep&rate $399 oompl -'•" wal ,.•. lllne" es, exclusi_ ve color glo and 1 .... and sh'.. loose pillows with heavy ".u1 ..... u "• oak trim decor and mat-No down-Pmta only $16 mo. forces repo. $39.SO full price automatic rhythm. Large Dictaphone Sec ching chair, 3 matching WELK'S WAREHOUSE 7-. . assortmt!nt of pre-OWned or· $525' APF oak occasional tables, (2) ~$4. ~u:oo~ A1~fc~ti~: ~ans at bargain prices. Come Front ofice quality w/mln 58" tall decorator lamps. hcn'ts. overcasts. so~e fan: m-and compare. • •--'·• , an 8 piece master bed· 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana C M 2 years secreuu-1.ll.I uper.. room suite-tn pecan pan-Open Daily ~9 cy stitches etc, No attach OGSt USIC enee. Good spelling a eUed Medlterranean style Sal 9-6 Sun 11~ needed. Guarantee good. 1839 Newport Blvd, CM mu•~' Jn.....,... baok-w;th top quality 15" Y'• ""'616 646·0271 ground helpful Excellent warranty mattress a: box SPANISH Rt!turned from benefits. springs. Spanish decor Model Homes on sale al B h u-t $'85 dfning set, etc. less than wholesale! Group Musical Inst. 8125 PIANOS & ORGANS ranc .... r 0 ~ Whole housefull was includes beautiful 9 6 . • -----~~--1 -Famous Name Brand• Fee reimbursed. Minl-....,ular $l29S.OO Guitar Headquarters from $52!1. mum 5 yean adminis-MU'S'T SACRIFICE quilted so!a. & love seat, •NEW and USED • Also USED Instruments trative background with 3 Spanish oak decorator Fender • Vox • Standcl G Id M I C ·•l•• fo--and service $568.00 tables, swag or table lamps, ou us c ompany -·-all la k. e GIBSON e MARTIN 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana ..... rsonnel. Position oilers w P cque, ing, queen, • WILSON • YAMAHA ~ full · ~-,... So. ol Freeway 547-0081 o~rtunity !or -•• Any JI-can be pur-or size """-"""m flu"' r.-g•v""" ...... I 1 i cl box -Drum Heedquarters Mon & Fri 'ti! 9 Sunday 12-5 F /C Bkkpr $500 chas tndlvldually • . • comp e e n springs, e NEW and USED e Oxnpa.ny pays 11' fee. TERMS -We carry our mattress. linens & boudoir LUO\VIG ROGERS ASTRO HAMMOND • steinway Ya- CollStructlon background own accounts. lamps, Spanish oak 6 pc Large seiection wtth new 4 maha • new &: used pianos helpful for an ~ce1nent ' l I /] ~~P~~ri~~:wh~ pc, sets and cymbal; start· ol all '!1~s. ltest buys in tion "°m·pany in a ti""" oca-FOR ONLY $399. $20 down. ing at $99.50. Pedals, bl-hats So. caiif. nght here. and ~.... nn;-.f All all SCHMIDT MUSIC co., k II $4.99 per Yl'eek I out ol -.... ,. re_.,.,_.. am 1907 N M' - FC Bk pr/P1yro state credit OK. W 11 1 parts, acces.sories & cymbals Sant~ : $425 + EPF Furniture separate for quick sale. 20th in stock. Some acountq, payroll at HARBOR BLVD. Century Furniture. 917 2 EVERYTI-IING IN MUSIC PIA.i~O TUNING & Repair experi.,.,. and knowledge 18 ff N rf Bf d Garden Gro"' BI• d • ' Be h M • C I Expert. re8"'nablo! o1 oomplt" helpful Must ... ewpo y • G&nloo c..... Daily '~" ac USIC en er Albert ........ '"""' be able to work well with Costa Mesa Sat l~. Sun 12-5 Come PRIVATE PARTY people. ' in or call ,7141 530-5240 Factory Sales & Service \Yant& to buy piaoo •~ $500 EPF Dail)' 12 noon 'til 9, Sat S-5 for Cash.' 213-877-1035 _., ( ( } BUNK he<b (2), metal. «>~ 17404 B=b 1 ) Muat be a ae1f atarter with Oft Y plete with foam rubber mat-1 · B vd.,_ (Hwy 39 WANTED· Pianos &: Organs. gOOf;l telephone techrU. Evtry nlte 'til 9 tresses, bed spreads & fi~i:~· ::!ieg~~ Cash paid que11, good 1h1•1 c"rking. Wed., Sat., Sun. 'tll 6 sheets. 839-1427 after 5:30 ~::~!Nr:Er:;. J·~ik~e;ne~w~. J""~·I ===*=-===*==: Payro pm. Excellent condition for T $325 cellent condition. Paid $225. eom..:':'1m,,...,.. '"· 17 Pc. Kin<J Size '"'' $50. Sell \'O. 96>-7516 Televi1lon 1205 Beel EARLY American wing·back Good typtrv a must. data room e COLOR TV, RCA 23" Xlnt ............ ulng knowledge chair, beige/green/brown. ~n_!I & Org1n1 8130 condition! ... ""'. 673-1339 eves r---Large 9 •-we"_._,,._., mi" XI.NT conditioo. $ 4 0 , .,_, helpf\Jl, Must be able to ...... ' .... ..., .. ,,.,,., •• S46-lJ9t & wkends. oommunlcate. . ror, 2 bedside stand~ king: ( I ARE SALE I I Setty to $540 APF size headboard, frame, quilt-GOOD brown club chair $35. 1 , Hi.Fi & Stereo 8210 Acc:urate sh &; typing eri mattress, sheets, blank-Lime club ch + ottm, with ability to compose t!ts, etc, casters $50. re-uphol ?i1I Our gorgeous new store ------- burned! The pianos &: or--1967 PORTABLE .f..speaker gans suffered no water dam-stert'O • beautiful 2-tone age, but they are .smokey cabinet w I stand. $50.00, , dirty, dusty &: scratchy, w~ . you won't believe this until moved them all bJCk to our you hear for yourself! old location It marked every-Includes headphone jack. own letters. Must have a Choice of Spanish 6-2323 mature Rttltude. ol' Modem Style Stat Typist $350 All For $249 Office Furniture 8010 Company reimburses f~. Type 65+, ah helpful but not mandatory. Work in exceptionally lovely of. fices with fine opportunity to advance. Ktypunchl Acdg Clk to S450 APF Knowledge of timekeep- ing and 029 or crz6, Mature attitude please. Mrktg Secty $500 APF Good typing, 1b prefetftd, must be mature, sharp & public relations mlndt!d. Girl Fri $450 APF Engineering background helpful. Extc Sec to $650 APF Type 70, sh 100.120, must be discreet &: diplomatic tor a very demanding position. Glamour Stct"etary to $500 APF {Long St!ach). A great job for a young lady with business acwnen. No down -Pmt5, only $9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Dally 9 • 9 Sat.9-6 Sun.ll .6 INS. Group disposes nf: steel &: wood Exec &: Secretarial desks, chai~, table!, files. thing at FIRE SALE PRJC. OlsoD headphones w i t b sht!lving, locken & drafting ES~ So, if you dig that "Old separate wlume control, room furniture. Time Smol-ey F I av 0 r", brand new $15. 546-Sl!n McMAHAN'S TI2-M50 come & get 'cm, and at STEREO 1969 Solid state 1830 S. Anaheim Blvd. In priL't'S you \\"On't believe. deluxt! console stcrt"O, 4 20 PC. MODERN Anaheim Ca10..,ide S.A. WARD·s BALDWIN srumo •pd ""-"'· Loft on lay 3 ROOM GROUP -""=·=ay=a=t=Ka=te=lla=)===, ,=...,.,N.,•wport~~·~C~.M~·~.....,..!!!!!!laway. Pay ou remaining bal--1 . ance of $76.00 or terms. Include" nora1 -• , .. ., Ollk~~qulpment_!<>.!_! PIANOS ere<tt nept. 53>-7289 • walnut tables • lamps • complete bedroom with quill ADDRESSOGRAPH ed mattress • 5 pc. dinette, Rerond., w/supplies 714-520'.I etc. All !Dr .. , $277 No down. Pmls, only $10 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St.. Santa Alla Open Daily 9 • 9 Sal9.6 Sun.11.tl 20 Pc. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP Includes: LMng room set • tables • lamps • bedroom set • quilled mattress • ma. ple dining room. All for •• , $449 No down . Pmts. only SU mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE Household Goods 8020 COMPLETE house of furniture: color TV-stereo, 3 BR.s, rattan den furn. Redecorating • everything goes, tables, Jampg, etc., custom Italian l.r. suite & World bar. 1004 Katella, La,guna Beach. 494-8828 KIRBY vacuum • late model. Like new, full price $79.95. Terms $7 per mo. 638-2247 Garage Sale 8022 Fabulous ~lectio~ of new M' cellaneou aOO ust!d pianos in all sty!· 11 I 8600 es. Grands start from S~95. Spinets from $395. Practice pianos !rom $150. Silver Fox Jackel Coast Music eo.t SJSO -Mu". "'" ;so 1839 New rt Blvd CM OO-t'mS evenings po ' QUALITY king ~ 646·0271 w/quilted mattre,._ romp. \V ALNUT Spinet piano, like Never used $98, worth $250. new. Cost $195 Sell $400. 842-6536 548-3904 F"'I"R"EW=oo"n~, • .,.,-..i-,--•. -ow",..,1,-:ut E11calyptus, Apricot. $47.50 FREE TO YOU '°"' S25 "' m1. ne1. & ---------I stack'd free. (1) 688--0846 FREE Rllbbil!, 2 adorable UPHOLSTERING -S'7'9.50. 2 pets 1 grey & y.·h .. 1 blk pc. (European craftsmt!n) & \.l!h. &\gin. Ideal fOl' Free est., del, pickup, 215 children 54(}..98'24 3/10 l\taln, HB "Berny" 536-6405 RECORD player, crib mnt· FORCED to sell everything! tress, \\lashington n1achine, Furniture, camping, much needs work. 141 l Lincoln ml5e! ! Any reas oUer It YoU will .ell or buy give Windy a try Auctions Frida,y 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction Dem Behind Toey'S ffidg. Mat'l 207511 Newport. CM -e CUSTOM DRAPES e Manufacturer to you. Save on rnateriall; guar. work. Free Estimates. ~1431 CLASSIC DRAPERIES 3853 Birch st., N'pt Bch. Adj. Orange County Airp't. DESPER.ATE • Forced to sell .. -complete household furniture, applianc'es stereo, record player, tools. 2 tra111portation cars, knick· knacks, odds &: e n d 1 • Reasonabl~. ~7300 MAN'S l;4 carat diamond ring in beautiful Oorentine gold and brushed silver set. · ting. Was $210.00 new. Will Mttifice for Sl00.00. See for younell. 546-5197 BELOW Cost; gift!, home decor. Last week! Also display tables, I h I'! Ive A • desk, rug, vacuwn. 551 W. 19th St., CM 548-1914 CUWGAN W a t e r Sol· tener, fully auto, used 2 yrs $150 or trade for Upright Amana treeur ol eq. val 963-3650 LIVING rm sectional; 2 chairs, new $900, very reasonable. G.E. ref r I g , seU-defntg w/se.p freez.er. 962-5691 CARPETS. Vinyls. Tiles, lat. est styles and colors. Com- mercial & Residential, Ez.. pert installation. 642-1403 SPACE.SAVER bed, ched & desk built-in. $150. Refrlg/frttzer (300 lbl. $100 548-3904 Mloc. W1ntod 1610 WE PAY MORE CASH For any near new or used furniture, appliances, C)!or.. ed. TV's, s~reos. piano~ or. gans, stoves, rc!rigeratora, bedroom sets, dining room sets. oUice furniture. 1 piece or houseful. Day, night or Sunday. 636-3620 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV'1-Pl•110'1-Sler10'1 I p;,,. or Hou10 F111l CASH IN lO MINUTES • 541-4531 • WANTED to buy • 40"' v.ide gas range with double oven. Must be good condition. Prefer O'Keefe & ~Ierrltt ~1879 PETS ind LIVESTOCK C1t1 8820 . MY name 111 Boot&. I am a beautiful black &: \\'hlte Persian house cal. I am FREE to someorie who will love me. My mommie can- not keep me because ahe is alJergic. I sit up for my dinner, am well trained and have had all my shots. I am 2 years old. Please call 494-1586 Se<rotary $475 Fee negotiable. T hey want a real beauty for this position. Good typing plus l\1tht sh. PBX Optr1tor to $476 EPF Must havt front oWce 11~ pean.nce for busy 555 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana ()pen Daily 9 • 9 Sal9.6 SUn.11°11 * $29.44 * For 3 Piece Braided e OVAL RUG SET e a.use items from DecOratot"I trade-iM. Furn.lamps-teak cbest & coif. tbl. 54" round n1arble tbl top. 6 Chnir Spanish Din set. lklund onk table. Carpet remnants & lOO's of small rug samples. Some items y.•ater damaged. 215 E. 16th St, C.M. Lane, NB 1()..5 Sat. only. &~7JJO B EAUTIFUL C il o co I ate FEMALE Gennan Shepherd p~ru=v A~TE=-_...,.-t,-WM--~~16' Point male Slame!le cat to 3 yrs old good \.\"alch dog, Whaler, mwrt be xlnt cond mate with your female older children or adults. To with or without motor. (805) Siamese. Owner wants pid: good home. 645-1993 3/10 831-8155 or litter. &tl..JiSl between -------~ 9 At.I &: 5 PM, aftier 5 ND good lfome Blk/wht fem FULL membership N'pl. PM 642-25S9 boarn. Rocpt $400 EPF MWlf be attracttve. ch&rm- ing I: ln~lfltnl Will also do liaht ""'"" end ...,. eral ollioe duties. Acctg Clerk $370 APF Securttl~ blckz r o u n d helpfUI. Must be detail mlndtd le very acronte. •EPF, employer p•ysfM *APF, Appliunt poyafoo 642-3870 newport . personnel agency TEMPORARY DMSION For the t1J11.bl9 wotnan lo,.rest<d lo top - loool lemPl""Y jobo. Nylon blend, reversible. Brown, coppcrtone, ~n. Sizes: 8 x JD, 2 x 3. 2111: 6 AL'S UNUSUAL FURNITURE 1'1881 Beach llivd. Hunlin&"ton Beach 842-4464 ~UAL l TY k:i.'11 bed w/qullted mattress. mmp. Nt>ver used $98. worth $250. 84:i.<536 Appli1ncn 8100 e SPECIAL PUR.OIASE e Re~tcn, automatic washers &: other major ap.. pUancea from model homes at fant11st1c dlacounb! No Down. We service. See at: FOSTER'S 1TI85 Brookhurst, Ftn Valle:y (So. o1 \Yarner) 96S-12.14 kitten. MittC!n Toed Adults Beach TC!nnil Oub '"'======== Pref. 543-41119 3110 644-0031 or 548-2035 1 Dogs * To good Home * Indian Well! Country Club Cute 5 Puppies 9Jn. only membenhlp for sale, save 642-1432 3111 $1500. eau ~rm BOSTON Bull 5 yr. male IBM Standard Model C still avallable to lo-Ang xlnt cone!. $295. adult home. 847~7il8 JIU 6'75-2133 BOXER PUPPY 5 Mo. old MONTGOJ'r.ERY Ward Fem. Yard Ir a In ed . pov.-er mower: rotary, used 545-4346 3(10 l yttr. $00. ~ 182.S ALASKAN Malarnutf!, AKC. female, 4 mos. Excellent fur show prosi>@Ctt arxt breed.Ing. Black with white marklrws. Cl2-0403 BEAln'IFUL -lovab l e . Beq:le and ha.I( 1 1 Wkl old, trl"<Olored. $S. ... "'-'l014 KELVINATOR Auto Wastling machine, 3 yn old, 0US11SI: 1n1&Neqila0t 1D $7S. AKC ~tale Germ. Pointer GAS refrlg, $50. 23" TV $-15. + LAB PUPS + t:owa. Thi DAY.or PD.Or * 839-5092 * Short llr. 1 yr. Older Oill. FM conv, UHF oonv. $12.50 AJ<:C. champion stoct. OJwdfted ll!Cdtn. 51" KENMORE Au Io mat I c dren. 536-46'19 EVcs. 3/lO each. 644-<lW71 alt S::I> Huntcni, 9fi2.5i3T ~·time A effort. i.GOt wubrr. Lt.te model. ~ HUGE genUe cat needs Jov. NB TENNIS CLUB SK\..,. Ttrrl ·---=',.-··===~--·I eellent condition. $ 4 O, Ing Mme. Mov\.na to Seat· membership/Ale. 673-1384 dy i:. er•• """ ... !JU" N'T JU...,. uneu ...._ ....,15 ti -· "162 3/ll -O:wnp. •~. Rare, calm, <">~ ,,..,.., -llJn~ 847""0• e. ,"""" DRAPES. 3 pr. ott·whlte, for Duffy: pet & thow. ~l •\Mn.: ~~urnlah ~ .. borne EXCELLENT beige f,.11NIATURE Pnndl aUdtng &lass doot"ll, $45. TOY Poodle""" 6 - • • • • unu creat .......,.. to-F"-id•'-11 ~· IL 6 , • .,., \\' __ ..._....... wtth Children. --i condition 644-W "" day'• Claasilied Ms. • .. ..., .... .,,...,., .. IM _.... • 2 A~! femaka, l blaclt c~, ...... l~P~P~E~N=o-A-L~E-.. ~"'-1 aid. $35. 846-1440 646-8402 3/10 POOL Table 54"X98", cues, male. 84&--21.88 COWTed in anti~ t'al silk Kll.VINATOR Rf!frigtra\Of LOVABLE 4 mo old male balls, eovtt: beaul eoDd. LABRADOR Rttrlewr pup-' ._...IV!)!, xlnt cond fl.r,Q, tn good condition, $63. mixed pupp)' free to good tm. 6#-0096 pits btack. dul..I <:ha.mp M9-Z34 MS-7890 home. &U·lOOl. 3112 LAMDREn'A needs rtaplr bk).>md. AKC. 64U6JO EnlAN Allan llCllld M•ple Nftld a GarDent1an11:le! FREE To )'(Ill {S) chickens $50. I 'P000='=1.E"$,.-~AK~c" • ...:.;,M;,;_,,U~s -T ao.ta .\ matching arm cbalr, Find it with • wut 9111 2 mon. old 64J..!7ll !Ill * 644-01$4 '*' SEl.L! Ve!')' l'l'aaonable. 100C1 cond. S6S. ~ White tlephantt! Dfmt.e.tfne> Dial ~ for RE&JLTS White El.epbanta? 962-'.w:s , _____ __, __ _ . ". PITS tnd LIVESTOCK ~SPORT A TION llondoY, MW 10, 1969 DAILY PltOT TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 1_o_':."----....:•.:.12;:5 I Motorcycloo ~ lmpomd Avteo 9600 Imported A.vt., 9600 ~eel Avlot SCRAM-LETS AUSTIN HEALEY PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN ------·-AKC SQ.KY, PUPPI.&S I W-old. Aodouo for .w homea &: lots at: Jove. A valllible u peta ar fer sOOw. Terms. 548-4957 ANSWE·as .1.\. •!!a'"· ...... .._, 1m PORSCHE 912 New: lnttricr, wood duh Awb<d.-•u.-IDp. Overdri~. $1100 11 r m . AKC Silkie pupp~ 9 weela old. amclt;q kr MW hornes_ and loll 0( kwe, &Vall U peta, er for &how. Te-nna. ·-1 MALE 1 ~malt Poodles. J4&1e $25. Female $35. 4 mo. oJd, have had sbots. - Factor ~ Grt.pe -Slute - ()pon'1 -STRANGER Be k1nd to )'01lr lrilndl.. It tt wem:i't tor them you'd be a tola:l STllANGER. '65 MATCHLESs 500oc 1n a baal<et. F.qulpped tot DqtT Beat offer over $250 complete set of metrle wrenches &: SIX:keta $40. HorlOI 1830 Priv, Patty. 531-<387 E:XCEi\i £r.rT HORSE CARE '68 HONDA 350: must sell. Dry safe pipe paddocks. best Uke new! $450 hay 1-: &rain. Groom service, !J62...378l 6'13-!1811 5 to Ct.-Froml All In Top Shopoll ======;::1 =iStortlng it! , ... $3995 DA 1SUN 534-2214 or n1 m~~s1 ' OPEN SUNDAY '69 DATSUN I SIMCA Bia ...ian. 98. bp, I overlteld :!,".";!",i! .. ~.•·\::; "'•6"'7~S"'IM=c""A:-:1"'00=:-0 1200 tnllel. under factor)' G.4S.O.L.R., 4 spd. W 111 warranl;)'. Bcl1 $1715. Take ~ $50 ca.sh. to det, take $'T5 cub dela or elder car. pa.Y,menll of $.30.86, LB UJB L.B. YNWIET. Call alter 10. 984 \Call Pat after 1D:30 AM 494.9773. • '94-9773 1===-=== 11 ... u ....... 2 ml •UI .. '66 &SA Ll&htninr 850 cc. SPRITE Santa Ana Frwy on Ortep Beet offer O\l\'J" $700 ---:=~:::----1·---"'-'-"-'---- FERRARI Hwy. River Oaks Training 546-1STT FERRARI '60 BUG EYE SPR1TE. Stab~. San Juan Capistrano Newport Importl Ltd. Qr. Original throu('hout. XLNT \Yestern show horse Trailer, Tr1vel 9425 an&:e County'• only author-(IFE854} Only $895. Dealer, ---'-''-':="'--_;_;:;::.:I Ued dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt for exp'd rider. 4 yr old SALES. SERVICE • PARTS "'A-ch. ••• .,.. geldini; 1A. horse It Ara· 1B' ROD It REEL H -~ blan. 5100. 67J.-0629 VERY CLEAN Sl.00 W. Cout wy. 4 """"',,.,.., oven & brll-. N'""'°" Beach SUBARU •. BEAUTIFUL 3 yr old-3 bar Dbl sink, elec WH, elec 6(2.9405 54().1764 YW TRANSPORTATION CAR SALE FALCON '63 FAIL'ON Rancbm>. 21!1 V1, 3 apd. Xln~ ..... ii 6G'4i094 bet 9 a.m. or att Prlw Sp0clol1 • IRANll Cl'edll problem I See "' '"'•-.:.' ,:;P·=m.'-::::,..,,:-;-;;=--'ISO Bua •••••••••·•••• $389 • • lnsta.nt dellvtfY, low prlcts.1-'61 FALCON '61 Bup ••• •• •• •• •• • •• $49J • NEW • eaBY term1. We dtt:kle on 4 Dr Sed Auto. so.coo mL 't3 Bup • •• •• ••. •. ···• $599 • • your cmilt. Call w come tn $265 • IV~ ~:i, • 1969 • ...a,.. ~m . * ..,.iao; 1199 to 11999 • • BLUE CHIP • BUICK • AUTO SALES FORD Q '• $2444 ·: Z1<5 Hul>or, COila Mo.. '6.1 FORD COUNTRY WE PA,Y CASH FOR YOUR CAR, PAID i SEDAN FOR OR NOTI Silo waa. db-, V,!. """, ..... IMMIDIATI DI YllT • ~ ~:u:~~~ f:. • BUICK •Ian.,.,_ Fine pnrt p..ty. '39 I Moolli. LB UEV ""'· Call Mt-IHJ-6n.11tt • • '63 BUICK Slc;ylarlr, f apd Pat, 56-0634 a..· 494-9773. ltJt HAllOI ILYI. Dllft tT HOlll TODAY stlek. bucket Rats. Xlnt '6S FAIL'ON Futura CouverL COSTA MIU ~-, • eon:t, Or& owner. $900. \11, RH•. f spd. new tires. '66 vw ~ • 646-.5622 Xlnt oond. AWka 'bound - 1300 2 Dr. Md. 4 1pd, dlr. • '65 SKYLARK Grand Sport m111t eell. 545--0733 R&H; owned by little old • • Auto tram; R/H, full pwr, '6') FORD Sta Wag, rum man in SUI D1ego. Se• blue • alr-alnd. 1-owner. Top cond. good $150, ,53 C&d gd! Jl5 • Speedometer read• 16,800. • • 1S67 RIVIERA, all JIO"-'tt, '' exter.. plush white lnte.r. • $2444 Prv prty $1600. 54&-1.970 . or trd' 968-2605 $50 Cub deli. TILke p.,yts. • • 6 way seat, AM/FM slereo, '68 FAIRLANE wagon, 8 Cyl. 1969 SUBARU ot $l5.86. Call Jim L.B. usv. • 8 electro cntise alr cond a: Xlnt cond. S1!lOO JAGUAR from $1297; 46 MPG 419, '94-9773, '545-0634. • e 1 bea<..-. 12995. •548-8414 675-7'15'1 bred qua.rtef. hone gelding. niliig ice box comb~ Nr AuthorlU!d MG DeaJer __ ...;..;..:.:...c"--- Gentle, "1.<eU .s I a r I e d, new tires -spare T &: \V. pleasure bone. 544--5601 A real buy at $888:-SS. -----~--Complite foreign car euvice '64 VW Sunrool; chn>mfl • s"199 • '61 BUICK 2 dr hardtop I.A '61. FORD FaJcon Station JAG '65 3.8 S sedan, silver Kosta Kustom Kars whls., tuned exhaust, radial • DOWN Sabre, or1'='1na1 owner. New Wagon. New tires, aood REG. Thorobred gelding 6 1960 Inter. Travelall, yrs. aid; spirited, but good well e)(perienced, ~. natured $450. 54>2600 * 545-5694 * grey I red lthr int, auto. 1 :845:::0llaker;::::::;·:;;C;:.M.:::0='=54<J.591S== tire!. reblL eng. Kon I • . • pa.int & upholstery. Excel· cood. $325 673-3179 ps, wire whls, air, AM/FM. shocks. l\.iust !!ell. Very •Plus tax A h~me on •Po• lent condition. 5494149,, TRANSPORTATION Trucks 9500 $3595. Priv party. 714, clean 49'-4428 pcovcd c.cdlt for <h~ LINCOLN 1.:.;:.:.::..::::..::.:..::::..::::..::~-I:.;...:.;:;.::.. ____ ;_:;;,: I 1523--0669~~-~=~===: 1---::T~O~Y~O~T~A~:---I ==~;;;;;;;;:=== 1•New Buick Special. No.• '63 BUICK Riviera; clean,,,---------I Bott &y h~ ~ 4••279••~••9 • newPolyglasGood)'ear1· . 1 IC •• 7vvu IRAND MEW 196t VOLVO • U..J ~ • tires: $1,000, 96S-5046 '59 ~lNCOLN Premier, 4 dr; 172 Ton Pickup KARMANN GHIA TOYOTA • BRAND NEW 1 * '66 Bukk ruv1era. ru11 white::::;;'~;,,.. NEW KmENBURG 41 $ Save Thousands $ 29' Col 29 1/8 loaded $9950 35' HerrescboU, absent ownr derpera~ •••••.• try $12,000 38" Kettenburg '65 Gray. e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe 3446 Via OportD, Newport 24 Hour Phone 613-1570 17 F"I'. Performer. Islander Deluxe model Call fiber- glass) outboard. CUstom snap down cover. BiJ wheel tilt trailer. $100 or best off. er. Phone 644-4687 alter 7 pm 25' OIBIS O'nighter; new pwr., paint & tanks. $2,350. 675-3683: eve 675--0841 S.llboots '°10 OLYMPIC Otw Sailboat Finn No. T/1. Excellent con- dition & racing record. All extras $1200. Call 673-8148 or 642-0022 ~99 DN. plus T&L. oac CONNELL CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor 546-1200 C.M. *SPORTSMEN$ VAN* * TRUCKS * They Aro All Hore At Fantastic Discounts Read)> far tmmedlale delivery BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 Beach Blvd., (Hwy. 39) 54<).2660 Huntington Beach' 1965 VOLVO 12'l S. Xlnt . • '69 OPEL 1 """'ip.....,,., Immaculate con-I::===·===== GHIAS HEADQUARTERS $1777 .. ,. •-~ I' ELMORE ~~: :;:'· 5930 w. eoa.1 1 1 •ttton. cat1 ..._,.... MERCURY ! . 67's Like new I Orlfer Yourt Tod•rl I CADILLAC "One with 9,000 miles" 15300 Beach Blvd., Wltmnstr Antiques, Classics 9615 • 1 1 '01 ltfERC. hdtp, pwr str/ 2 = ~ Ni-..,.__ -... -I brake!, Af.l radio, 2·1one, -""I ....,...,. "''" ruuue ~ CADILLAC 1964 Coupe de "Onewlthaircond." BILL MAXEY 1 '36 Ford srtlle,2reardoors I I Ville fully l oaded, \V/W,31,00lmi,$1800, All extra sharp, all with ra· _ complete with glu.s, 1 hood 1 I w/leathcr, must ucrllice,j.;"'"'~~l"'7:;;·====== dioa &: heaters and one with slightly beat, 1 bell houslne $1750. 541-4574 eves 645-2653 air roo<Littontng. ITIOIYIOIT!AI wilb ,..., '""· 1 '40 Fonl I '65 IUICK I ~ d I rlll d I '&: FLEETWOOD. clean, uuuu e uxe • 1 g e e-I Eltctr1 coup•. F11ll pow1r, • --------- BLY l •-1 ·• ...... ts f f · power, extn1. Below blue1· 18881 BEACH D. uxe, -.... \;& sea or I ictory '"· I bk. must sell. D a)' I '66 MUSTANG, 289 cu. in. Q~ ~ Hun!. Bo1ch 847-85" V.W. BuL Phone ~ 1 $1895 I .,._1321 ... 8'J3.-0350 New "''" ( o v e" l u d l 0 3 mi N. of Coal! Hwy. on Bcb H.B. Aak for Bill • • • ' Black interior, auto trans. ~ s '59 CPE. DeVllle. xlnt cond; 7l,OOO mi. Excellent con-.ft ,o, '69 TOYOTA'S Aulot W1nlod 9700 I '66 BUICK I new """'" ballery, 11'"' dition $1740. Ttu. ~ l""l 11 .. ;,,P Large Selection wt PAY WH •wiJd,•t 4 Joor. Foctory• $3.'iO. 644--0lTI' under blue book. (Pri. Par- "\ FOR ft&; ••ir, e11to., powor 1teorin9,. / SACRIFICE tyJ, 962-7689 549..0101.--.471·1190 lmmediat• Delivery .RIH. ISVX 0161 • 1962 Cadillac Sedan, fully 1969 MUSTANG Sport roof, .,,. ••noa '''"· SEE US TODAY FOR you· R. W 1 $2595 1 equlppod ""'· Ph 548-5508 low mileag" v~. R&H. COST MHA '62 CAD Sedan DeV!lle; good $2595. Will trade for late A ejWl Llmi6 CONNELL : '66 TEMPEST : ~~fice~~541~~39pwr. ~~;1;;~~~ Camino. MERCEDES BENZ ~ CHEVROLET I C"''" ,,,, RIH, """" '65 MUSTANG V"1, autom, ~ IMPORTS 2828 Harbor mvd. .P.S., f1cfoiy oir condition·• CAMARO pwr. strg, vinyl top, wide MUSTANG TOYOTA-YOLYO Costa Mesa 5f6...ll00 in9, ISTDl771 • ---------1 oval tires. Xlnt <:Gnd. $1450. '68 Olevy % ton pickup, ra· 1966 H bor CM 646-9303 • '67 CAMARO 646-8392 eves & wke!WI 1966 TARTAN, 27' &loop, dlo I heater, custom cab, ar ' · WE PAY · · · • $1595 • 2 Dr. hdtp, V-8. RaDy spt. ,65 lla.rdtop, auto, p/s, lnbd. Aux. Sleeps 5. Fully 1700) mi, turbo-hydro trans, OPEL CASH 11 dlr. Sky blue exter., blk. on chrome rims xlnt cond. ~-=·p=pod=.="'"=2336==== I 327 V8 engine . a real husky ,66 T-lllD W blk. inter. Car has had xlnt Sl49S 4M-5!124• truck. ns&9. 4~ ~ Opel Kadett Rally. Less care. $75 Cash dell. or willq,;;;;:;,· ;;;;,;;=;:__~.,,,.-= 1;Pc:OW:;:.:l:.rc:C:;r.:;uo;:IH;:.:.;rs:__:.902=0 '65 GltfC Panel Handivan, than 6•000 ml. •F11ll pewtt, f•c.tory •it.. tAke foreign car In trade. ''68" MUS"l', air, be~ seat. A to -~-_.,;_ "A ter ~.,,. _ for used ears&: tnlcks juat 1 tSLI 491 I 1 Will fin. priv. pty, Call Jim disc brakes. Cl'uisamatic, 25' TOLLYCRAFT, 65 210 u · u"'"'"• ~,.....,, _.a ; ' $2200 * ~ call us tor free ntlmate. $2695 L.B. TXJ 48f, &9773, lo miles. 642-Dl7 V8 elec ~r. auto batt £&.<:.. $1050. 642.J!l'i6 ~==::=::=;::;::;::;1 GROJH (HEVROlfJ 1 I°'~=~~=,,--;,-, ;; • 545-0034. · '65 MUSTANG 289 V-8; air, .,,.tern, SS Rad, d•plh ""1. '63 FORD EronoU.. Picl< MG VOLKSWAGEN · -========I --·• = ~1rond. $6<i00. ~;, = ~ .:;'~ndio, ----=M~G~=----1·-:L:--"a"s:.t~O::f-:T=:h:--e-""'~ :.-:h ~~ :1--.,-5-C-H-RY_SLE_R_ ... -CHEVROLET ~co.~,~l<.: rally~: SACRIFICE I •N•w Yotktr htrcHop c.oupt.8 · Sal<s, """""'· Pam Hun_.,. Beach '65 CHEVY IMPALA OLDSMOBILE 36' Ctbiser w/65' mooring; Jnps 9510 lmmcd'•te Delivery, '68 VW' Kl """'" I FvU po••t, f1c.tory •ir• ... ~' c.oncf. INHA 154 1 Hardtop, V-3, fact air, dlr,•---------top oond. Must sell by week-1---------AU Mode~ S • ,. •=• W/··"··• bit · '68 Wiii B I $1995 local cu, Ecellenl condlllon. end. 548-8691 All.~ ~ ••~: " '° • UJ I ~ ~-'d I lilil •-eng, &Oft top, clutch, brks, BANK FINANCING I -· \..45U e I or ott'6" ••• ••= I car 1n trade. Will fine prvt Spoocl-Skl Bo1t1 9030 -•=le=. ,,11150=·,,~==== 1199 Total Down PymL y--v·•~.,. or l'onche -· ,.. ..._9773 UlllVERSRY SALES & SERVICE 12' BOAT, 25 hp motor trailer. &: ~·~~-"'-----95_2_0_ 1 -36 at "''.18 -~· '66 PLYMOUTH 1 party. LB ·~ ~ ~ I-p.y top dollars. Paid for • or 545-0634 J?rtuµort 31111µor1 s + l final payment for title or not Call Ralph · 1 4 door. A11torn1tk, t1clio,. ·""°=="'°'oc-=::-.-:: AVAILABLE ONLY AT: lh•tftr. ITEZ 612 ! I '59 CHEVY Sta Wgn. 4 on OLDSMOBILE * 642-5488 * Boat Trallers WANTED BOAT TRAILER for 21' Inboard * ~173 * Boat M1inttn1nee 9033 YACH1 ?ttalntenance I: Repair at YoW' do e k • Rea50n. Exp'd. 673-1916 Mobile Hom•• 9200 vw Bus & Camper SPECIAlS '64 Sunroof Bus ...••••. $1499 '65 Dlx Bus, 9 pas, •••• $1699 '67 Dix Bus, 9 pas .•••• $7199 '01 Camper, split scat. elee. ref. • .. • .. • .. .. .. • .. . . $2499 o~,@.soi41 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642--9405 540-1764 Authorized MG Dealer MUST sell '01 MCB GT, Chrome wire wheels. $2395. T & M 673°1190 $1395 floor. 3 ca,b, new'""" 2850 Had>0rBlvd. • Good car, mu11t sell $350. Costa Mesa ~ ~~ : • 547-1078 alt 6 wk.ends. 540-9640 Used cars 540-8881 Motors TOP S BUYER '67 CHEVROLET 1 1963 U..vy 11 Nova SS '85 OLDS, 442, 4 •J>d. Y•llow BILL MAXEY TOYOTA • Take over pymta/ + '!'? '!' v.·/ blk int. Must sell • 18881 Be1ch Blvd. •C•pric• Cp•. F•ctory •ir,i 54&.fi665 best oiler. 1 ownr, 5i8-9527 96~127 Carden Grove Blvd. at Beach =========ic1J 892-5551 or 534-2284 PORSCHE OPEN SUNDAY 1ul•,, PS, IUXC 0721 It Beach. Ph. 841"'555 I $2295 I 1959 EL CAMINO. A> i•, aJr. =af;I ,,"====== 8 • cond, R &: H, $450. Private Auto Lo111ng 9110 1 .-. 64U336 PLYMOUTH .t. • '63 CHEVY Impala V8, good e LEASE • • '66 PONTIAC • aux!, RJH, w/i/w, blk w/ 1966 p LYM OUT H Bar· '69 Camaro, air .... $89 mo. a St1rc.hi1f 4 door. Fie. 11•.. red int. $450. 675-4253 racuda. F~t back. VB, 4 '64 C&d CdV, air· •.. S89 mo. 1ulom1tic., pow•r tft1ri~g . speed, radio, beater. Sharp. '67 Le Mani cpe, air $75 mo. • 1VT' 1471 • CHEV Malibu. SS, VS, R&.H , Less than 19,000 mllea. '01 Corvair Monz cpe $52 mo, • $1795-• auto trans. $1195. 842--4085 Bala.nee of 5 yr, or 5(),000 SOUTH COAST • • Pvt Pty null warranty. Will sell CAR LEASING a below retail or will trade HOLIDAY RAMBLER Invites : ' YouTq_· COMPAR•: AND . SAVE BRAND 11W '69 RAM~ FuU Slii Stats 6 128 H.P. $2043 Pl1u T I ........ rl~ toclty BRAND NEW '68 JAVELIN BIG ENGINE BIG SPACE SMALL-PRICE $2386 Pl11• T & l-127tt69 BRAND NEW '69 REBEL THE PEOPLE CAR $2436 Plw• T I L-1175212 BRAND NEW '69 AMBASSADOR AIR COND·V8 TINTED GLASS etc., etc., etc. $3286 Plw• T I L-5110219 Red· White & Blue ·SALE FREE-Car Radio Power Brakes VinylRaaf SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES 'H DODGE W- Auto trans., pwr, 1teer· ina: !r: brakes. TRD 676 $1595 '66 '°ID STA. WAG. Country Squire. 9 pau.- enger, auto. trans., pow· er steering. Bay Harbor Mobile Homes 16'·20'-22'-~4' &: 34 wides From l"'l5 12 \\'IDES 0~;- 549·001-'7101190 1970 HAllOI ILYD. 300 W. Coa.t Highway 'M CHEVROLET 1 CHRYSLER '"' plok-up. Phone ~ Newport Beach 645-2182 a lmp1l1 4 llloor. Autom1tJc.,• 1966 CHRYSLER Cr ow n '65 BARRACUDA, good '64 VOLKSWAGEN *AUTO LEASING* 1 ,,.,. ''"" tOTU Olt I oond. Mtcholto Tire•, new te wall $1775 40' -43' -45' ·50' -55' -60' -64' From $399S Parka available in all areas. 1 t25 Baker St. ~block East of Harbor Blvd. on BRker Costa Mesa lTI4) 540-9470 SEE the Du.al Wkle Road. liner Pan American, Par•· mount, Elite and GeneraJ mobile bome1 now at Dual Wide Salts Qiapman Mobile I-Jomes Inc. 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. 53t.a571 Motorcycln '300 '64 XLCH Sportster, fully chopped a: customized. $1100 Call: 645-1078 SOCK IT TO 'EM! ( COSTA MESA '67 CHEV Van caniper, 108", V..S, auto, air, awning, head, crpt.s, top rack $2595, 548-3373. 837-8351 * FOR Sale-Camper &hell for 8' wide bed Pickup. $150. 518-5114 Dune Buggies 9525 1968 DUNE Buggy, chrome bumpers, bugtires., carpets, metal blake body. Top side curtain! ready for the ro&d. Will trade for plc:k-up or 11ell below going market Phone·525-JC63 VW Du~ Bulgy, blue fibergla.!i body, T~ tire!, ni.ns perl! $1000. 642-2255 aft5 549-0lOl -41l· 1190 '66 V\V Van, white panel, 1970 HA•IOl ILYD. clean, rear sound proof. COSTA MISA Priv party, $1795. 548-70'l"l '64 PORSCl{E. Silver beauty '67 vw Bug. $1.350. with black In I er I o r. Call after 6 Pl\1, Blauplunk AM-FM radio, * 673-6847 * disc brakes all arouncl, l"",,-,°"".:;::,-::7=-~"' chrome y,·!Jeels, factory air 1968 V\V'. auto trans, ~ conditioning. Must Sl!e and w/s/w fln>s, 18,000 miles. drive this one. (OSS9'171 on-Sl.850. 67s.-6Si6 ly $3295. DeaJer. J8S3S '68 VW Bug, sunroof. grftn, Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. extras. Stereo . S4i).-O.W2 $1750. 546-3167 I $1295 a Imperial. $3200. or best of. brks, R/H, hvy duty su.sp. Radio, heater whJ . • fer. Xlnt cond. Or 3-9574 Posltractlon $995/highest HMR 54$9 995 ,/ ALL MAKES a Days, af~r 7, 54~1446. Pvt U ••• ,;~ ,/ COMPETETIVE PRICES a ';;~======;, l _;o~e::;'~· ~-=~=,~~== Cort Fox Auto Lo11lng 1 '63 GRAND PRIX : J"'· '66 AMBASSADOR 224 W. Coast Hlahway 1 Auto frtns .. powtr 1t1tt., COMET PONTIAC 990 2dr. hardtop, auto. Newport Beach 642-8440 r1clio, ht1t1r. IOHZ 625!• __ _::,::::;:.:.;~--1-------:'.:'.".-:---l {tram. power iteerlna A 9900 1 1 $1195 • 1 '60 COMET, aulo., good body '67 GRAND PRIX bl'alces. Exb'a clean . & ""'' $50. '"6 MGA paru 2 Or. hdtp, PM. ''"'" dlr. $1795 1 548-7410, 548-6177 aulo-matic, Loaded, XI n l Newcastle Motots '6] O' DS CONTINENTAL rond. Godd•." gold exl<r.. '67 OPEl; • Good O·•y "·· M••. 10th e I • I plush blk. mter. $50 Cash '" """ -C ti t IWFH ---------1 2 door RnUy pol't, 1 ' 'Gl Ford Cntry Sed, 3 sea.ti. • " 111, '"' o. p.1. ·1 dell, or take foreign car In ,~ v1.,1 lop radio, 1151 '63 CONT. Cream hdtp. Lo Call p B TSP730 "'"'"'.. IO 2 123Lidn, S23 mo. 24 mos. rax648 1 1 $l95 1 1 mi.: flneat cond. Loaded! ~sfrn. ~~· · heater$. H14E 9s15 & 'o Incl. L~ No. I.XO · 64>-llll '59 Chevy 1ta wag, ~ dr, $18 • _ -· '64 PONTIAC 1 Brougham. UMd Cers dn, $18 mo. 24 ITIOI. Tax le URY F\ill powtt and factory alt '64 - C ·~ VW. new ie~. $375 Ii incl. Llr # QSJI lll. I •62 MERC • CORVETIE conditioning. Landau top. SHARP! $2895 -962-«i38 or 962-2273 2186 Harbor Blvd, CM 642-4666 1 Mtnl1r1y. Fie. •ir, 11110.,1 --From original owner, $850. 'M DAIT GT 2 dr. hardlDp. Auto. ~1 n.dlo, beater, 0Mw95 67J...9339 or ~58JS ~-n..n •. ....,_I Want Ad&. F n..u .. -·-· W ..... _ P·'· fWEX ltOI CORVE'M'E 'Qi, 427/'25, 4 $100 Jlnder wholesale price. '64 PORSCHE C: r .... t •~ ...,Dl.(642.srn or -DlarMUmlnl -1 1 $695 1 1 <J>d, 2 -· ....-wndws, (rvKSB'l) Dealor. 18835 green $3,000 'I=====~;;=='.==='==~::=:== AM·FM. Must sell $2900. Beach Blvd. Hunt Beach. .. AA ...,...,. 0 _,, _.... ~ I • ~ f>1S-J489 540-0442 _, or 54~~ lmoort-Autos ~ mportod Avlot 9600 ••••••••.•• =======-cj,.~66°;!'0;;.,NTIA~'Mc""TEMP;;;;;;c;;E;:;ST.,-;;SC ELMORE MOTORS 1 SJOO llACH ILYD. WISTMINSTll H4.JJU 1 JAGUAR • COUGAR VS, auto, R/H, new bnllres ---------1 1bocks, 35000 ml, 1balp, prl : llUDOUARTERS : '68 COUGAR pty. $14915. - Lime with black padded top. •Complete Sales • Serv_. Loaded and &Ir conditioning. RAMBLER •ic• and Parts Dep1rt.. $2800. 1'. Stolts au.sMl, IMU·-ST--Se-l-l,-.68--R&m--bl-.,. •rn•nt for JAGUARS. • Eveti. 962-7006 Amer, xlnt cond. $400 under • S.• Th• bclfillf • '67 COUGAR. alr-oond, Rlll, B.B. S1615. Call 646-5850 &ft. • lt6t Jtt111r Tod., • vinyl top; lo Ml. Full pwr. 6, all day wlmda. .......... 12T"°. 87l~ll: ....,T.ll ... '63 RAMBLER 4 Dr • ...tan: I I DODGE 6 cyl. Auto., new ....._ $1045 '65 MllCUIY Marauder. Factory air condltloned. $1295 CAMPER SPECIAl .,.,~ '595 ....,.,.,, .. ... B .,_ s1n5 llrallM ..... . ,., ..... ....... 111111'. fin1nclnT ••1ll1b1. •11 N11lr .,,,..,. •' u •tlll. FREE-FREE las Veqas Vacation 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS fOR TWO T!optc ... color: ....,, good : 234 f. 17111 ST. : :;o,;;j., Dart Rill, P/~ oond. $685. 64&.os83. HOLIDAY ~o. ,!.,°'.''~ oonc1. $1!i). T ·BIRD : 541-7765: ~~~~=:l;;:;;;;;~::;;-;;;;;;:;;-1 \ 15300 Beach Blvd. Wesfnllnsfer 894-3322 OPEN17 DAYS FALCON 19 T-BIRD • BEST OFFER. 1 OPIN 1 °"· ""' "°'"' ' bb """·· • I • '60 FALCON Wa,on, zg q, ~~na. 7000 mt ooly. • 7 DAYS I 4 1pd, mw pa.int, clutch, • .;;;;:..:.;;::.,,=--==,---. AND • """' 4 ...,..._ 13 IO , 1851 BABY T·Blrd oonvt. • -MNINGS 962-8'727 au.to, luU po'ft'tt. ttnmac. • •s.i FALCON V4, Flmllbp, ~ OWTll!C' $l750. (2U) auto trans, pt. outatandl~ .-':':"="::'.-c.,--:::-:---:- cond. M~7t0. 962-6168 'ST T~Bmo, blue: Xlnt cond. '63 FALCON • F'Utun 6 Auto 1-0wT!er commuting car; 2 Or aean. ssoo. CUb Aft. alJ f'xtru. $7.600. 6734615 !/JM& BUICK r1~r I UICM COl ~(Q I SolOI & s.mc. .,,..,_._ ,_ , .. C••:_,a ... 1969 lflrbor Bhl COSTA MW 642-6023 «: 6'13-4970 Whf~l!'_O !~~ep~han~l!~l'_D!:"l~m~t'-~a-~lllte~l ~~~~~~~~ ~f ~ COSTA MESA --------------------------;..;....;;;;.;___.;,_~'-'------~--==="-"----=----·----- " • 1 • DAil.i' ftLOT Moodt), M1tth 10, 1969 \ \ '· • Ask :About Sears Safety Check .at N 01Cos~ tO= Y ouI It; s Free! No Obligatiorl!-. ---- -:-qUJET! SMOOTH! SAFE! The Road Grippilig . . ... r \ ears \ . \ FREE ........... --FREE Clrieet •f Tev JV ........ ~·· At 25% Off You Pay fo 3 and Get 4, Whitewall or Blacl<:Wall Tires For The Price -Of Tires Buy 3 Blackwall or Whitewall Tubeless Tires at Regular Price Plus Fed. Exe. Tax on 4 Tires with 4 Old Tires Wheel Balance Including Weights 5q Pu .,, lVheel When You buy y o u r n ew tlres, let Sears experts balanc e your wheels" for b ea\ Get All Yoar A•to Needs and Ser•i• .. at Sears ••• NO lllONEl' DO\VN oa Sear• Easr ParmenC Plan ~~~ Installed Regular Trade-In Price $18.95 Per tire .•• at 25 o/o off you pay only SIZE l ~tii\ 84Vl: J 'l'.::!~i.jJ'.E.T. Priem SIS l'riH· TUBELESS BLACKWALL a 1 18.95 1 t 53 1 u.99 l 1.s1 8.93xlf 1 19.915 I U% I 14..96 1 1.91 ?.s5xl4 I 21.115 I u3 I I&.ta l z.01 1.111ixlf t u.95 j tlli3 I 11.00 I z.zo s.!5xJ4 I 26.95 ·I 253 I 20.21 I 2.30 'J.'75115 I U.95 I 25% l J'/'.96 I 2.2l 99. ""'"" IJSOxlS .......... .......... PllM L'l'9 Fed. Exe. t'aK ..... Old Tino SIZE I "''" .. I I ""• · 1 · Trade.. ta 8A VE Tn.t..b •.E.'l', FrlN 15'5 l"rlee ·~ TUBELESS WHITEWALL 6.50xll r Zl. I Zo3 I 18.48 [ 1,:19 s.usxlt t 2z.ss I !53 1·11.:1 ·1 1.91 . 7.SSxt4 I U.95 I 253 I 13.11 I Z.01 7.1sx1t 1 zs.ss 1 zsr. 1 io.z1 I z.zo 8.25x14 1 29.911 I Z33 2%.48 I Zll 8.Mx14 I SZ.95 I 25'7• U.71 Z.57 1.1liua: I 26.95 I zs3 :tO.Zl ~-a.15x15 I ta.95 I ZlS"l. ..... 8.45x15 I SZ.915 I !5% I U.71 I Z.67 Ullill I,._,. I "530!~ I ~,. Check the Life Protecting Patented Features Pateate• 81lfct7 8beal- ftn llelp yoa rldt back !a- h ti.. road. wltlt.ett • lllMll, tr :r•• 1tn17 •1.l. Pateate• Sllcaeer B11t- lon1 betweea rlb1 1lop Uie 111acall•I' •• • wit.a a brakh•r. .. , .. , .. 11tf,r•llla1t tr~ uerl• .1 .. -m.:.. srip •• read. fer IM!tter tr•c-tlea, 1tart . . . . .. ' 11alitkl7, 28o/o to 48% Longer Wear with Sears Guardsman . . Guardsman wears longer than the 4 major new car tires after 20,000 miles of identical testing on our grueling Pecos, Texas track. ~ 4 Ways Better! Quieter, Smoother with 4 Full Plies of DYnacor Ray:on ' 1. Gives Silent, Soft Ride 2. Quietly comers, easier steering 3. No thump, and no bump! 4, No harsh warmups. ALI.STATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tread'Life Guarantee G•uuu1ed As•l••I: All failure• ot t he tire reiiulting rrorn normal road bazard.5 or defect. In material or woilrn&ru1hlp . Fer Ho" IAn1: For the life of tha orlg\- nal tttad.. What 8"11"1 Will Do: Rep11.lr i:uttl pullCt-urte et no charre. Jn the c""e of rallurt, lo exchange tor the llrt, n:place It. chark-ing only the proportion ot current ,...II'_ ular Mlllng prlCfl Federal E:rd 11e Tax I.hat repreaente trtad UBed. Tread \Vear-Out Guarantee G11<1Neteed. A11h111: Trtld wea:r-ouL •or Ho" Lo•it: Tb1 nun1~r of mo11tti. •PKlfied. Wbat !;ear1 '\\'Ill D•: Jn eublll'l(l! !M U.1 th'tl. rl'!place It. charg!n11 the current reg• ular ae!ltng prlee pita li~d&ra.I EiclM Tu ICSll th• lollowlng allowance: ll1nlh1 Gunateed 12 to 24 27 10 39 Honored Wherever Yoa Drive North, East, West or South Save $6 Regular $21.99 Wllh Trade-In 599 14-!6-Sl -!S·M·M-4-f S-96-45 Installed by Sears Experts \\7hile You Shop in Comfort Fits 97% of all 12. volt American Can • • • Sears "Satisfaction Guaranteed orYourMoneyBadt" Shop 6 Nights Monday th,...,gh Soturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 p .M. ,, ' • • ' . . • •