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1969-03-11 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
. . . . • • •• • , ·an In ~, . . ' .Beatles·~ IJast Baclaelor ~ • -1 ' • • ' • ' -" . -• ·ff'.ill Marry Ana·erican I :ruESD>.Y•AF:rERNOO .. , MAR.Cl+~J, 11:969 'i ' • -. ... - . Race With Dr.ugs Product of · Era EDITOR'S NOTE: This U the secoiid in a serits by a pri:""1Dinning icimce writer who provides parents with backgr.ound on tM nar• cotia and drug situation and suggest! ways for them to help guard· . 1htir children agaimt itl ill effect.3. By ALTON BLAKESI.EE Auoclated Press Sdeoce Writer "Our earth Is degenerate . , • children no longer obey their parents." · Thia: lament was inscribed in· stone by an Egyptian priest 8,000 years ago. P~t.11 }lave voiced similar complaints about the younger generation ever lince! Now parents have a keen new concern -why should so many youths be experimenting with drugs that influ- ence the mind? Later in · this· tertes we }ViH offer a .program for parenta: on what they can do abOOt the situ- ation. SpeclallJto In educati~. studi"'t rounsellrfl. · 1aw: , . enforceip~L psy- chiatry, medicine, piycliqlogy and 1 ~ r&f ~. veridy..,O( ~ that may help 1!'1"'11~ ulidentiid the present drug apt-, .- Some .point Oii! that· !Mlrl Is ~l reidy a dntg-oboeswd foclety. In 19115 alot)e, llllM !IT mllllon jft- 9Ctiptioos ..... wriu.n fyr dJitp that affect mood er behavior; adult.I were the main consumers. - "When parent& have a medicine cabinet full of drugs,. the kids can 1 make a big thing out or that,'' one psvcholoRist mnaJks. One doctor adds there's wkle- c .. , ta Mesa Pol• ... \chi<f spread popular opinion that there ......., must be a 0 magical pill for every ·~, Neth: "I believe this woe from constJpation to worry ova' 1eriu will be of great"oolue i11 the H·bomb." To some youths, alertmo the parent!' of 'Our therefore, ·"mind" drugs may seem cbmmunity to the' verg serlmu to offer solutions to major problem dnlf1 problem that e:ri.ftl. • of life. , YOOth ls an age of questioning, of learning for one's sel! what is rea1 and true, a time of keen concern about ~ am I?" For some youths, drug's offer new possibillUes. !": this . qu~~ And this is an era of ra~id revolutionary change that leaves a4Wts aa well as youths bewildered anil uneasy as to what tomorrow may bring. Ttlere are crucial strugg]es over civil rights and social injustice. The wu in Vietnam is unpopular with many citif.ens, young and old. Cities show obvious decay, pollution of air, water and !an<f is increasing. Offstage is the menace of obliterating nuclear war. Rapid social change widens the "generation gap," says Dr. Kenneth Keniston, Yale psychologist, ~ the here-and-now becomes more lmpcrtant to the young who "can no longer commit themselves unquestionably to·the life styles, attittides and skiUs of their parents. To do so ls to condemn .ooe's lelf to obsolescence in the modern world." Many youths live Under ·~ pn!S!ure to excel In school, and to some, school work seems contfiv~,. a form of marking Ume, and hence tr· (Ste OUTGROWTH OF TIMES, P•ge 3) . • Shell Action Heralds Third Phase Of Offensive . . SAIGON (AP) -Heavy fighting raged ~today at four Points northwest of Saigon, ,and Viet Cong forces shelled more than 60 allied bues and towns, lndudlng the old Imperial capital of Hue. U.S. officen l8id the1lncreased action signaled the start of the third phase of the sprj.ng offensive the enemy launch-. ed Feb. 23. They said the perind from now until Saturday was a "critical one," and the a1ert status at some American bases was increased. Military analysts said Saigon stfu ap- peared ~ be lhe Viet Cong's main ob- 4 , Arrested i·-,,,. Crackdown jecttve. They said the main bodlea of _ four enemy divisions -poised to the west, northwest, north and northeast of the capital -had lnade no serious • · move toward .tht city but that local OnDr«g Smuggling :(ling ~:a::e ~~ta~;.= • ~ .. 'When it's) time . to attack Saigon,", NEW YORK (UPI) -The !Jbelclon . A-ltllOUtlCed .mire of tbo said one analyst, "tht subrqlanal lon:a ·~ ... --" '"Hsh," but U.S.' CuatGml ahi. '---"' u ....... • and•<lald"fliur men '!fil..speubeod \ ,tJie \ attack, wllile the -~ -......... ___, fin:ta'fmn'UiO dlvislona will try to 1119* aaid they contained II pounds, bad been amotad In the ttrt of a mWuv« 11 tbe opportune moment and ol heroin which would )lave brought crackdown on an lnlm>ltiooal smuggling . try lo follow In." · $1 mDJlon ~or rnon' when cut and retalfed operation. The four figbts in which American to -· · Mlft ahipmeot.I were reported already forcea reported killing 120 North Vlei· en route and autbcl'iUes stood ready namese troops centered in a relatively to cooflacai< them when tber arrived 11111ll area of Tay Ninh Pn>Vlnce, as Bo ·~TING SCENE In thia couatry. Some hod been: delayed "did • large number of tht rocket and 4 by tbo rec<nlly-taded dock atrlft '!filch -mOrtar attackl. U .~ caauallltl In flit ' lieor up ahipplnc at tht ocrt fer nwly ....,.. llcMlnl were r<portOd 11 ltve UNFOLDS JODAY two -iWed end···-· all ln.a.,strooc .wt. U.S. AltonlQ WIIlllm Ji4, TmdJ lnfllllry attac1: oa an A-1!:f1n - • Aid t11t .....,.,..,_ 1111! fi1ia11o>11 u m11ea oortlfwe11 o1 SaJaoo-~· l ' A=_ 'maT:' :-,c!~ ~ device ol peckll!nl tlle -lo ...,. Tbt North V-Jjl Dlvlalon ,._ ~•n y PILOT. Bott. """Editor ,,__ ~~lood!"8,'•11wblch wn psi' ol lll!llmate aeol about· 0 troopa illalmt e .Pltrol --~,. ......,.. ~ 1mt by'-...... j'roductl -ol 1111! U.S. Ill Air Cavalry Dlvlalcln i...-,. lnahiy returned from tht 91 Spain. Tbt _., jr. ~.. called l.a'l"lni 7-Grant. 8-f.1 bum, S..-.. 0-. Rldng Conference in whal ·wu bappetlfnc. "' , .' the lleld --•Herth Vlelna!nete • 11'1.nda ml the Bahama Islands, tello Tbt heroin w11 --for the ,..,. tilled In l!ie oecon.I altempl In ll In pic:larel on Pqe II. at ·a cl-cllllllinc fJc1'n lour nlghla to OV!mm. tht -under And oo paaa lollowln1 Locltlbey'1 In Bpai!J and i..d wtllhU _.. iddtil cover of a bee\')' barrqe from 120 mm boallnc-. tht DAILY PIWr pre1t11la to o:omj>enlM lot the dllltrence . in mortara. special ...., ... ol the Western National we)&hl.. The CIDI ...,. thtD mealM The attacbra were driven back altor Boal and Marine'Sbow, currently under and forwanled to the Ul\lted St.Itel wllb two hours of poundinC by gunship Wlf et the Anaheim Convention Cenlfr, ali<red ahipping documenla. helicopters and artillery. Lui Saturday, and a look at boallng and boa! lacllltiu MOii ol the 'IUO c.,.. In the shipment lM enemy troops and 11 ArnttlcaM along tht Orange· Coast aad elsewhere. • c<>ntflned only a combination ol codfish, ,,.... reported killed In Ill attack on IL'• all Joa.id! today, on Pages 11 throuP clamsr peas,, pepptr1 and oliff oil, ,but the base.~ 2L five cues contained htrOlii. said to be U.S. officers said patr<>ls from the (See HEROIN, Pqe 21 (See VIETNAM, Pere I) \' ... • VOL. &--.. I lllCnOIQ,. , .... • • . ' • * * * * * ' .. p • • • 4--•' ) • ,. ' B.ases, TOwils Over Wife's Death Mexico Asks Extra.dition Of Newp.ort Physician By TOM BARI.EV Of tfM ~HY P'llot Sllff An extradition order demanding sur- render of. a· Newport Beach pbys~clan accused of murder was being prepared today in MeIJco City. A Mexican Foreign Ofli~e official told the P.AIL Y PILOT that the complete paper! will be presented at the U.S. Embassy in the Mezican capital "later this week." They will level charges of murder against Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell, 52, of 301 Placentia and 2011 Westc!Hf Drive 1n Newport and 1782% Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. • · Mexican officials believe that .the de-. mand for utradltlcll) '°III follow JI.I usual course: aubm1Jsil)'1 to Wuhington1 for State Department · approval and then local action against tJm Newport doctor. 'Meilcan officlals eipJ8Jned1 that an earUer' extradition order, aigned by Judge Jesus Leal ·Munoz in'Cbetumal City last Feb. 13 was for .;intenia( 11((! liri.ly. · · "We n<nt have oUr case fully prepared and we ·will seek the Immediate sur- render of Dr. O'Donnell," a spokesman said. . Dr. O'Dooilell ls accused In Mexico of the murder of hls wlfe, ,Susan Jane. 38, on March 19, 196$. Mexican police authorized the jssue of a warrant after e1amlnation of the remains of the dead woman allegedly showed . the presence_ of a lethal quantity ol lumlllal, a highly . (See DOCTOR, P11e I) '• 'I .. I ' . -• Weather Question ·Mark · • For Apollo 9 Spla$bdown SPACE CENTER, Houatoo (AP) - A. weatherman on the' 1Ctne dlaagreed with· Jiltssiotj ContrOI meteoro~ to-: doy ll\<l pr:<dlcted that wlndJ. would · ha .too high for a.111~.~·ot.the . Apollo· 9 1paceohl~ In )he. mllln AlllnUc ·0cean recovery zone on 'lbunday. 1 ' A report from the prln)e recovery ship, the carrier GoadaJcanaJ, saJd alternate landing plans were being con. sidered. By firing &heir· re~ rockets ao orbit Qf~Q arly or tote, the astronauts 1i!llllt"land elsewhere in the Atlantic and escape the bid , weather atea 200 miles aouthwut of Bermuda. In HOtiltoa, weather u:perta: stuck wJlh an earlier forecast that a ·storm In tht area was abating and that condltiGoa looked aood for the> ·,.lllnl of '1111 astronaut.I lo earth Tbunday. I ' "We 1tlll l>lan on landlq al the slarl of tht · 111'1 revollllloil 1 a~ ,7:tl Lm • PST 1trunday," .Wd a apoblman for ; MWJon,. Cootrol: Bei aaJd '• wuthtr reconnaliaance 11lane· WU surveying the : ..... ani! Uial -«Did chaJiie. As ,...th.,. reporta 'Du-ltd, Alt Fon:eO>LI. Jam ea A.·Mcl>Mtt and· ll&vtd R. Scott and' Clvtllan Rirlsel L. t SChw<lclwt sped thrnltgli ·• lelaurely eighth day In space. The Dlibt plan called for plcture-taktnc. navl(all<>n checks and plenly ol J'tll u , the as.tronaula continued to test the Apollo command llllp to P!O•• Ila . durabll\lY , for 110..W.man-to-lljO-n\oon I"~ Franii ,Cl!IJlocky, 111t!eotoloi\!! al>Olrd . the G\t.,ialcanal, _.Id the .rwon• for thli clltnp Jo forecall la 1 low prusure {ille APOU.O, Pll' I) · f I . ' L3$t .Bachelor ' . ' Beatie. io Wed . LONDON (Af) -'Ille last bachelor. member of the BeaUes, Paul McCartnq, is' getting mirritd. 'Tbe .26-year~ld millionaire musJCian '8id today hoi bad tilleil out the ' olilclftl ' ' • ' I ' A forms . to marry a, swinging . blonde American photographer, New York divorcee Llilda Eastman. She.ii27. The wed<fini will ba Wednesday. .McCarlney and Mbs · Easlman have been going steady smCe Nove"1be'r., when she wu staying at !\fa home in LoOOOn: wilb her daughltt Heather, 5, biit (he Beatie bad C?"''•tently cknied they were planning to marry. Today he 'aaid: 1''It's, true -[ am getUl)g married. Bu.t I have DQ comment tq ni&J,;e ~,that.". Miss Eastman a voided talking W new.amen. Ml.u Ea.Iman filled out the fonm al 'Marylebooe regialry office lMonday, Orn_. tfti I !.il~ n.MUl'el"• Forget those dire predJctlons of rain. The Weather BUreau'a resi· denL Casaandra.-now says it'll be ~alt« .u; wllb 1-••-m 1tbe 1ow •'• loc&Uy,· 7 1 t I j ., • , , \ INSmE TODAY Jame1 Rav1 adnUttld a.ssauin of Dr. Martin Lu~r King. t~ I day began 11 flt• of llOlotion In I cdt ·No. 4 'In tht• .,.........,,. aicvritg block o/ Tn""''' Sfa!t Prl.on. Slorfl POiie 4, • • \ \ • l I • ' ' . ' ' • DAil'( ,n.or s. 11(; .. tl.' · e~~~qj. ~cites~: ·~stu.delit--.-ldealisdt . -·~ . . ..., ... . ~ , ' . ' . . . ,. ' . . .. II •• ) ~IPro~ing Conspiracy . . . In King Death ! I ,._ Wlrellenlces" • Rllcb develo,J>ed Ille theill Ilia lludenta ·today ... dllterta1 th!m( ~ .,,,.,. in . 'bis ~eraUon ~ tiii ioMill!len. 'wh"1 lllOll of his llstenen •tioff['the World . .. ~. • Aflair> Collncll w ... ""co!les•. He referred . to a · receiil .r= ,magazine survq 11\ft ~ U of college lludenta, to be ldeallatlC than career oriented, '!not relny con-. -ctrnM with:-the praeticll .benefit.s Ot colle~e but something ~,in\anglble, . Jlerhaps the.opportunity to cbange things rather than make .out. well . within, Ute existing system." . • it t' . Hitch said, "There •ii',. always II the bait' of IDY dlalurbance I CIUH' "Student actlvials oftea dealan !heir with~ mw •tudeii!o .U ld<all!y.,._. ,,.actlp spec:JD~lly,to al>o4 and~er peace In Vl<lnam, Iha liij;cj~ .OI tho 1 -placent and self-rlgbleous SOclety.• draft, racial dll1Clml111U..on the cempus Thus Hitcb answered the qutsUoo be « in .the surroundfrc··community, or 1skld as dae UUe of bis talk, "What's unlversily lnvolv~ ...-the students Wh)og wltb Hlgber EducaUon1" by call.It complicity -In weapons develop-saylnr, In effect, lhqe' 18 rully nothing ment." .... , , He said, "St\11'.fents become angry and so .... wrong aa it ,aeema -to be wrong_ emotional · o~ ~ety•s failure to do ~ause students arj diff.erent. . wli'at they feel is morally right con-He also, took some pains to explain cerning these. issues. They see -·too that the va'1 majority' ·91' su,de.nts, oft<n """''"'""°hiy ~early~ conflicting al~ many',enulnely believe In some value1 and IJ,ypocrlly In ' IOclety's In. GI the causes. doi DOI dlfter from the sUtuUo... mijority ol ldiilii 1 In' dejlorlng dlsrup-. . • tion, vloleijce and coercive ta1dcs. He also as,Jced lhe aumence not, to ~Onsider him an 8pologist for .th• students -"I find some of the l~s of the student activists 'intolerable." But he pleaded that the problenl Is complex tnd slrnple solutions won't wOtk. Asked if be had a Dlueprint for solv!ng problem of violence on campus, he saUI: "The answer ~ very clear 1 don't. Tt wolild De as hard~ have a blueprint for the eooi problem ot crline in the streets. probJem on CIJJlpul is not going to go away fait. I suspect It jg.going to.1el wor1e." ~Shillelagh Tankless Joh MiS'mi" W~r.ks Fine, But Mounting Difficult . . • . Froni ft, ·,semea · firm which makes the tanks, WASHINGTON -The FBI 11111 II tnveotiptlng the i-!blllly ol • ''coosplr1cy'' in the ~SMssinatioli of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. neorly a year alter bis death, according to the Justice Department. Philco Ford Aerol)U\ronk'1 S!>llleliih mlslili can poke a~ 1nld a.J ·armor knowii;· but 1be u .s. Ai1py -ldmiitelt • this weef ,that·111s baviJ\g tfoubl; fin.fuit something lo put the weapon on. Until the turret assembly can be redesigned, the tank wtll be equipped with standard armament, an Army spokesman Said. · . ·· The prob!~ Army source> outlined, centeri on . the .,.1 excessive ' field .ad· justinenta needed .on the turret, which is supposed to let \he missile be fired while the tank is in motion. missile, even though the Sbllle~ghs are bought and paid for. i The MBT'/O superlank's problem Is in its engines, not with a;mament. The Army has relused to uy how: much the . problems are costma: Ju:· payers, but price comparisoos betweta M60s armed lVith missiles and ' those with conventional guns are stgnilicant. Dt. KW&'• widow says bis ~atton was the wort of mere than one person and jg otill .. the COllllCience of the naUoo despite the sentencing of Jama Earl Raj to 99 years In priaoD. The Rev. Ralph.David.Abernathy, who look ..... lea<lendilp ol Dr. King'• civil rig1U orgaalzaUoo, ,.)'I be II em- by Ra)"s -1sslon of guilt lllell thal the murder was part of. "' conspiracy. · "There are the unanswered questions," cxmmenta: author Wllllam Bradford Huie. who wrOle Ray's biography wblle Ray wu awaltin& trial on the murder charge. Bui wbllo lbeae and other dluentlng volcel w.re being beard Dill. Atty. Pblllp M. canaJe relleraled at a post 1entenclng In-In Memphis, Tenn., Monday ' nlaht lhal the stale bad uncovmd .. evidence al all ol conspiracy. ' C..ale said the sums of money Ray open! bopping a?OW>d the United States and Canada and finally to Europe, which eeemed to aome suspiciously large, pro- bably came from the assasslll's <1wn -erron. as a smuggJ<r and holdup man. City Hall Burns . ·-. Westminattr firemen are burning dow.n the old city b!lll on Olive Street in" e)ctioo_fas part of their training program. Original por- tiolll0of·o!d building daje back to 1929. II served as city ball ICilrting in 1957 when city purchased it from Westminster &bool Diil,rict. Btiilding was retired in August 1968 when .city government moved into new civic center. Ray .. got money from 1evera1 awrces," c.anale told newsmen, and sav~. ed a "fairly mbotanUal swn ol monet wblle In prb<e" In MIJsouri before iii& · I escape 'Whlcb led ullllllli.Jy Jo ~·• 'I' Jlr.9111 ~e l ~~=~_;==~u~oR,~CC~D ... i Ray malled the -out "' the prllClll • -. • • " , "I ,._.. ' • ·- befGre be escaped. .. toxic borljturate. ;: slated, told of!lcers that she hJd. slrongly Canale added that the in\l't!UgaMn "'· Also lliained In the extradition.. dOCU· advised her daughter not to i> on the believe Ray obtained funds in "one~· · ment sfglied by Judge Jesus Leal Munoz Mexican trip with her busJind. She ed robbery ,,am. mayl»e two rob~ in. ChetUmal City is Dr.r Antonio N~n ' ·'ts reported to have said she w@ "deeply in Montreal, one in Lcmdon, and profited ..Rubio w~o faces cnaries of h9'n!c:1~e. shocked but not'.at aJl, ·surptJ&ed" by by ""}Jllllq jewelry'-•~~~~ ~ls!fication of d~nts a:od of··bem1 · 'th news ru-iM!r dau ghter's death. the UJJi¥!d States after UU1 ... -UI~-an accessory after tbilffad. e iT HQ'• llatanents In court Monday lliiacianomcers laid Dr. Nesn>ii flod P~ID TRIBUTE .., coofu.ed many who beard them. from Cozumel -the Yucatan' Pen1Dsu11 -Mexican police today paid tribute to vacation spot where Susan O;DOnneD lbe.."crusadlng .zeal" of Fernando Gon· From P11ge l HEROIN •.. Ill per'*'1 pure. n.o heroin was cooslgned to Serge ObrisUln Hyaohion, :ZS, a native d.. Paris, -ii~ with the Panamanian Food and Cbemlll Co. ci New York, agenta said. He was arrested Sunday after a hlgb lpeed cbase on the Grand Central Partway. Along wtth him was Eduardo Louil Rimbaud, ff, of Sa1oo, France. In WMhlngton, Customs COmmlssioner Leiter !). Jobnsoo llald the men were beaded downtown In a taxJ to cooceaI lbe heroin In a locker when arr<Sled. Others arrested were M a y o r MastrooanH. 41, a New Ycrt bulld!ng cmtractor, and Antonio F1oru, 31, of New JloCbelle, N.Y. Bond was · IOI al 1100,000 eacb for U,-and Rimbaud, ll0,000 for Fl«es and •.ooo for loluinJnardl. l DAILY PILO T ........................... i..---·---CAllPOllllA _ 01Wf09 COl!IT PUt&.tlHING C:OILU'ANY lM.ftt N. W ... PNll-.it .... l"utlfWllr J••• a. cm., Vkt ~ .. o.wel Mtlllttlf TH1t111 lt1evlt ·-T1t1111•• A. Mu.,hl111 ......... fl .. P111I Nlt"" ... .....,, ..... 0--C.. MeM! DI W..I .., ..... ........ a.tdl: ttll *-ti ..... """""'"' , LAitlilfMi letdl: m ..._ •- lllllOWI• IMdl: -1111 ....... died on March 19; .1961 .. -shortly aftec-zales;°editor of Mexico .City's Ovaciones the deat.b111'the attractlve wotiian. Mex.-Wormaclcin.. ••No: one has done more lean .~-tooay·.11147they belltv~ Dr. . thU 'lli1S1iiin ·w Compel us.llii . pursue N~'lshidilig"suriewhere in southern ~ OUf 1Dqu1ries into the deatll':llf S:t Mm~':"· • O'DOonel~" .an .lrivestigator said. Co!)tinujng M~can effort! Jo bring .. G<Hl'"1es toldllle DAILY Prrur Dr-O'Donnell JOuth ol the border were that his paper'i series of ailicles on· hlifill&b.te4 in Orange County with the Mrs. O'Ponnell's death follcr,ed froar ft~ .. 'cil, .:.:.1'omi1Jion--"'u!C death • 1\)s-''very early, COl!vJc\iOI\' that ,ill was inll· ' 6 .... ,,,_~ "''"'".!'.' "• ' , nol•U it e~IO be," . . --· ''"'"" • · · , · rloniaies coi\!inrted that Mal.an of. Jn a .rare use.of a CIVIi action, the' . fl ·a1s --·th f · -.;. •~-'""' comptamts~chargesthe.plastic Cl _were .,.. ..... "6 e IJlls .... .,_~"'' surgeon,Vilih a111S1n1 1he deaUl ·of bis ~~ell' formal ·demapd f!X' ex";8fJlt1on. wif&.b~'lrijeetipgipoisooous ·dr\lP" Jn1o And I ,8;"1 sure that Dr. _Q,Donnell her : · · • • . will sodli be . making another !r;p to • 1 M6Jfc0;" the edltor said.·· NAMED PLAINTIFF Named as plainlilf, In the ·suli l~ Mn. • Gertrude BarneU of. Los Angel.. and idenUfied with the plalnlilf II Ben ·llag· gott of TOJTance, Susan's father and the dlvor<ed spouse of Mrs. Barnett. The action seeks to bar Dr. O'Donnell from galniog SJJl financial. ben<Iit through the proba1e ci hll lit<. wife's estate. It was Baggott, Mexican police officers confirmed Monday, who really aroused their ln!eresl In the death ol Mrs. O'!Jon. nell. And Baggott !old the DAILY PILOT from his Torrance home that hi! first reaction to the news of Susan's death bad been one al "'immediate suspicion." A ClJeWmal City lnvesllfalor, speaking throo«b an Interpreter, sald Monday that an investigation was already under way when Haggott flew dOwD. to Yucatan but that slatement. made by the girl's father "really . decldecf us to go into this matter with aur eyes wide open. FILED DIVORCE "Mr. Haggott told us that hls daughter had filed a divorce action against her husband and that he sought to achieve a reconcillaUon," he said ... He told us that his daughter had made statements to her family about the divorce acUoo that made them wonder if h was wise for her to go to Mexico with her hus· band." ~ lm•est11ator w«lld not comment furlber on-tho! sla!<menl. Dr. O'llomldl left Cozumel. the In- vestigator uld, immedlat<ly aft.r ilhe burial ci hll wife. He said pollce deport· men! ftCClrdJ lndlc.m that the pby11clan gavt 1everal accounts of tbe manner in which hJ1 wife died before Haggott arrived In O>iumtl. TOLD OFnCIALS Haggott ta rtpcrted to have told Mtl'· Ian olficen that O'Donnell attributed h1a wile'• death . to an auto accident wbfle the COt.1pl•· wu on the way lo vilit Mayan ruins In the Yucatan atta. Ht told Cozumel police th1t the pb)'lictso -him a telqrun to that tffect. And Mrs. Bumd~ the lnvestlgttlor From Page l APOLW .•. area in the northwest Allantlc ~at hasn't moved:ei.st ls rapidly u exp«.!ted. High wind! rited the area .and r0ughe4 up the seas into eight foot waves. Chihocky said a reconnaissance flight would be made over the area and a decls1on made Tuesday afternoon about when and where to land the spacecraft. Chuck Filley, recovery team leader aboard the ship, said if Ute space agency st;icks to its plan to land <ln the 15lst revolulion Thursday, the only alternative would be to extend the landing point farther east to escape the high winds, The decision would have to be made soon enough to permit the Guadalcanal to steam to the new landing area. Earlier, astronaut Stuart Roosa, the capsule communicator in Mission Con-- trot, told the Apollo 9 crew "the weather looks like it's shaping up real well for Thursday mOrnlng. It's gonna be pretty good." Commander McDivitt replied : "that's fine and dandy. Stu, you dkl.·good work.'' Roosa reported a forecast of "winds or I~ knots and seas four to five feet with a few hiljber. swells." This II well within the liml1! ol 28-lmot winds and elgbt·fool ....... that filsJil controllers consider acceptable. From Page l VIETN~f ... base wore lnterrupllng enemy oupply movements. They sald the North Viet- nameo. hi Dlvlllon holds War Zone C, tho northml ball ol Tay Ninh Pro- vince, wtth the apparent tul< or tying down alll<d f..,,.. lo 1llow 1he North Vietnamese 1th Di\rision to slip down the Saigon River toward Saigon. In fact, the Anny's entire tank develop. ment program is in serious difficulties, a legis!alor bas divulged, bec!ause ol exlrem~~cal dl!llcullles in mowiling' the mJll!ile qn1be M.00 tank. ' ~ laissue, however, works just.'fine-, Ill manufaclurers gay COllfidenUy. The. Sh!Uelagb is built In Aeronub'<lnlc's Lawndalt:..._'.~mplex. The company also bas faclllues In Newport Beach. Despite the difficulty, production of the missile is continuing without in- terruption, a company spokesman in Newport said. He added that the hangup wlll pose no problem for plants in Newport or Lawndale. • Chairman L. Mendell Rivers, of the HOUBe Armed Services C o m m 1 t t e e disclosed the Army's tank problem. Rivers aaid the Army next week wilt give its official explanation as to why jts M.$> and MBT70 tank programs are going so badly. JUvera charges that serious administrative deficiencies could result in loss of hundreds of millloos of dollars from the two programs. The missile is earmarked only for , use on the M-60 vehicle, Aeronulronic spokesmen said. They stressed there is nothing wrong , with it, but in the turret and mounting ' desiJD, which is being handled by another . Meanwhile the Army is "postponing indefinitely" orders of M~ with the With Shillelagh the tank costs $335,000. Full price for tbe regular tank -and gun is 1188,0000. Sirhan Ha~ No Identity, Psychologist Testifies LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirban B. Slrban milled and shook his head in wonderment today as a psychologist described his merital state and said he had 'illusions that people were chasing him. Martin M. Schorr, a cl·fnlca.t psychologist, said Sirhan was a paraooid and that bis behavior was like a "puppet on a string" -he felt he was being influenced by forces far outside him. The psycbologlsl told a jury .trying Sirhan for the murder of Sen. Robe.rt F. Kennedy that the defendant "has tho illusion of . being ,PllSU"4 by real . . ••• . .; . <lr Imaginary people." Sirhan frowned in concentration at U:llt statement then smiled and whispered to hls attorney. The jury was shown a series of slides of pictures which Schorr had pu~ before Sirhan when he examined him in his cell 13.!t September. Sirhan was asked to tell a story of what the pictures meant to him. A!Ler looking at one picture, the psychologist said, Sirhan sai!i it was a man thinking about the events of the day -a loner with the world qalnst him. .. Your child c,an receive Remedial Reading 0 Help REMEDIAL READING FOR GRADES 4 THROUGH 12 Specie! Clnses for Adults REGISTRATION- Friday, March .lH:oo p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15-9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clas11111e&1n Monday, Mardi 31 Par.nt or Guanlfln Must Accompany Each Child to R-on ,~ . . I The Open Colirt Reading Center ~ . 12112 Broolnnt A""ut • Gorden Grove, Clfflomll 92..0 .. ' ' ~ 'f • ' • ' • • ·~••ntington Beaefi __ EDITI O N YOI:. ~2. NO. 60, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JEN CENTS ; . Ra~e With Drugs Product of Era EJ?lTOR'S NOTE: Thii ii the second '" a 1trie1 b11 a prize-winning sc:unce writer who provide• parents with background on the nar- cotics and drug_ lituation and iuggests tOaJl.t for them to help guard their children against its 11l effects. . By ALTON BLAKESLEE .u.dated i'r<n Scleeoe Wttt.r "Qur earth is degenerate .•• children no looger obey their parents." :'J1lla lament was ViscrJbed in atooe by an Egyptian priest 8,000 years ago. Parqts have voiced similar complaints about the younger generaUon ever aince.. . N01t. p~ents have a teen...uew coocern -wby should so miny youths be aperimentlng ..,th drugs Utat lnfiu- ence the mind? Later Jn this aeries we will offer a program for parents on what they can do·about the situ- ation. Specialists Jn educaUon, student counseling, law enforctment, psy- chiatry, medicine, psychology and sociology offer a variety of reasons that may help parents understand the present drug ezplosion. Some point out that our1 Is al- ready a drug-oboeased society. Jn 1965 alon·e, some 187 mlllion pre-- scriptions were written for drugs that affect mood or behavior; adults were the main consumers. "When parents have a medicine cabinet full of drugl, the kids can make a big thing out of that," one psychologist remarks. One doctor adds there's wide- spread popular opinion that there Costa Mesa: Police Chief must be a "'J!l&gical pill for every Roger Neth: "'I believe thi& woe from constipation to worry over 1erics.will bf! of great val1'C i» the. ff.bomb." To _,.,,,, youtu.. almTng the parent< df .,.,. Uternt, .._,... -... m.t ~ c...,,.uni!JI to the ••TJI atriOUI lo o!fer -to n!iJ<r .,..i.tem; drvg problmi that erist:J." ol· life. ' · . . ' Youth Is on age of qo~. ol ltll'tling for one's seU what is real and true, a time '1l Den cobcetn about "Who am I?" For some youths, drugs offer new possibWtiS In this quest. And th.is is an era of rapid revolutionary change that leaves adultl a.s well u youths bewildered and uneasy as to what tomorrow may bring. 'I'h4!re are crucial struggles over civil rights and social tnju.sUce. The WU in Vietnam ls unpopu1ar with many citiiens, young and old. Cities lhow obvious decay, pollution ol. air, water and land is .increasing. Of!stage is the menace of obliterating nuc)ear1war. Rapid social change widens .tJ?e "generation gap," says Dr. KeMeth 'bllstM, Yale psychologist, and the here-and-no" becomes more important IO the young who "can no lonJer commit themselves unquestionably to the life styles, attitudes and skills cf their parents. To do so is to condemn one's R1f to obsolescence in the modern world." Many youths live under tremendous pressure to excel ln school, and to IOl'l1e, school work seems conbived, a form .of marking time, and hence ir· !Saa OUTGROWTH OF TIMES, Page 3 Newport to Join Coast Public L ihll"'t ry Program BJ JEROME F. COLLINS Of 111111 D9Jlt' PU91 Sllfl Newport Beach will soon join Costa Mea and Huntington Beach in joint me of public libraries. Newpod ...,.,.,umen, cm the tmaaimous ~pl city library trustees, -!lie-move MO!lday nigh(. '!'lie tbarllii ·of'Ubrary lacl!Ues 'l\'fil be crl!fl'!ll tJiroylb· enr<illmeni in tlie S..tilp-Ubrary SyRmi, • f<deral and 'Iii"~ _all .. !bot loclllda the llunllQjlw -. Ol'IDp (Comly, Ptieenua ml y-'LIDdL public llbr.-. . ,. Co.la lltll Is ~· by the' OOODICJ library l)'llem. : BJ ~ tbe -au ... said C111, Llb(ory Boon! Chairman Jolin Hopwood, Nl.1l]IO!t -.Id mate It •aller. for ltadtmis In tbe Newpor!.Mt11 IChool dilllicl to checlt out booa 1rom putiua lllnrlll, oo-mattar wbere !bey Uved. '· ~YRlll . 8'< "J11 • Uvlnc in CON Meu --::.:i:. ,_., , .. to -~ "\: tlllt -aiolle.. said ' )l'a1or -· 'lllnhall, l'I lhlnk thll _,, Is "'1 D11Cb -lt'1 a wonolerlbl JdlL" •. ? t :: M faloied out uother major .... "'" Iii said intlllbenhlp In Ibo s.u ... .,_. -mah tbe city ..... ,.. a -lfOll! to llnanoe ...,..... Illa coll of a -cealral ....., al Nawport Center. Ell1maled cost ol a 11.000-ituar .. root main Ubnq, be said, ti l t.3 mllllon. Tho federal grant !or' d<li((D and - otructlon would llll-OUnt to 1429.000. He aid the library propooed b1·city c:onsuJtanto meetl !he crltorla established by lbe federal aovemmenL Qranll are • administered by the :!tale director of libraries. Hopwood cited several ottiei-benefi ts that would accrue to Newpbrt u a member of the SanUago System. Among them: -Better aervi<e lor resideata, lnclllding laster ind wler acca. · io "'8!<!' UPI T......._ Finch Testifies Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert F'lncll, testi- fying before House Education and L<iJ>or Committee Mon- day, said he could "eHectiyely use" more than twice as much school aid money as Congress provided. He declined to ask for the funds, howe".er. Weather Now May Hamper Apollo Plans SPACE CENTER. Houston !AP) - A weatherman on the scene disagreed with Mismon Control meteorologists to- day and predicted that winds would be too high Ill' a sale landing of the Apollo t spaceship in the ·main AtlanUc Ocean recovery .zone on Tbunday. A report from the prime recovery ship, the carrier Guadalcanal, said ~al~te l.andiJ!i plans were l!eiJ>i, cm. -81 .. llring lbeir ~ -an Orbit or two earty oi; lat., Ute astronauts 'could labd el9e1p'lleH In the AUanUc and escape Ute bad - area 200·Jlllles IOUtlnrell GI Bermuda. Jn Hou.stoii, weather aperts stuck with an earllet forecast that a storm in the area was abating ancf that conditions looked gooil for the return ol the utronauts '°earth Tbunday. "We sttll plan on landing at the start ol the l51st-revolution at 7:Jf a.m. PST 'lbursday," said a spokesman for Misiion Control. He said a weather recounalssance i.olane was surveying the area and that coOO!ti""' could change. As weather reparts fluctuated, . Air Force Cols. James A. McDivitt and David R. Scott and civilian RUllO!l L. &bwelckart sped through a lWarely elgbtb clay · In space, The flight plan called for pJcture-taking, navigaUon cheeks and plenty of rest as the astronauts continued to test the Apollo command ship to prove its durability for a ID-day man--to-the-moon miulon. Frank thihocky, meteorologist aboard the Guadalcanal; said the reason for this chaNe in f0ttcast ii a low pi-easure area in the northwest Atlantic that hasn't moved east as rapidly as expected. High winds raked the area and roughed up the seas into eight foot waves. Otihocky said a tecoMai&sance night would be made over the area and a decl.Sioo made Tuesday afternoon about when and where to land the spacecraft. Chuck Filley, recovery team leader aboard the sbip, said 11 the space agency sUcb to-,111 plan to land on Ute 111'! revolution Thursday, the ooly~lltemative would be to extend Uie landlng point fartbet east ·to e.cape Ute high winch. NEW YORK (AP) -'!be !lock lnaft.t Wll ahea4I It Ute clo!e tocliw, although down lnm· Ute *"' !Ovtls nacbed ~rljet"' in .the dly. lradlna slowad nw Uie ond. (See quol4tlons. I'agn ~II). 'rbe Dow Jones lndustrlal amqe .. t l :311 p.m. Wll up Uf pointl to ftl.Q. • Mu·r -der ·Trial ·· Set • . . " Swpe~~ P~aas . In~nt in S~hing . Hwy. Lope'> Slanei ol Huntington Beach today pleaded not jplllty to Ute murd'<r ot Mn. Hester M1rU.. • Rejectm, a motion tor d!smlauJ of cha'l'l' qalnlt Slanez, .. Superlar Coun Judge Roliert Gardner cirdered bim to appear for jury trial April 21. He Is accused of murder, possession of a sawed off shotgun and auto theft. Al.so thrown out by Judge Gardner was the argument of Dr. Seawright Ander.son of Fairview State HoePital, Costa Mesa. The psychiatrist refused · to otter h1a conclwiona on the resUlta oC his recent uaminaUon of Sianez unless . ~ the court WU pr<pond .. ~ l plea of not Jlllllty by..._ .. lmul!)'. Judlt. Gl!dDer ipade .Jt'.)1lata that be elpeC!ed a plea today but Wal not prepored ~-accePI .!bat p1..,; . Court atttoa 1plnlt Edward Roy Hargrave, II,. of I7312 M*km Lane, Huntington Beach, was delayed unUI later today. Hargrave facesr cbargu or auto theft · after the proael'\IUon aban- doned earlier murder charges filed qalnst him. Hargrave admits that he was wlth Sianez last Jan. 12 when h1I companion allegedly slashed Mra. Markee to deatb but that be ramined In tbe car thtoulf>- out !he hlcldtnl. ' Police claim that slinu, 11. or 112 Clay St., got out of his auto and attacted Mtt. Martee alter the gray balred grllldmotber purlllled the two youtbl. • Police belleve·tbat an Incident In wblch the cir.driven by Sianez and Hargrave struck the ....,...., car. -ted ber pursuit of Utelr auto. • 'Hargrave said fn mwtlclpal· court th1t he sat in the ltoJen car u a horrified specialor while Sianez plunged his lmlle into the screaming woman agalD and again. Coast MD Sought In Wife's Death Beach Deputy Found Slain By Own Gun B1 TOM BARLEY Of tfMI Dl£lr Plllt Staff An eitradltion otder ·demanding sur. render of a Newport Beach phy~clan aceused of murder was being prepared today in Mexico City" · A Mexican Forelrrn Office olllclal told the DAILY PIWI' !bat Ute complete Papers will be pruented at the U.S. Embassy 1n the Mex.lean capital "later this week." They will level ·chargea of murder against Dr. Men'ill C. O'Donnell, 52, of 11117 PlacenUa and 2011 West<lill Drive in Newport and 11m Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. Mexican olllclatl believe that Ute d .. mand f<l' exlradiUon will lollow~t&U!Wll """"'' llllbmfsston to Waiblqton ·1or Slat.· lleportment apprOY&I -·~lllcal.actldn·qalnlt Illa Nt)'l191'1'dnctnr. .liexl*1 '~ ~·,tl!al ~' · G/lltl! Gtn.iltlcia Cll'der, ...,..., tij Jilllla J..U. Leal MUllOI in Chdnmal Cl!J lul Feb. 11 'Ii., f<r "ldlenlal ioa'e!llr. i ·"We -have 4"D' CUO l!llb'~ and we ·'"11 seet Ute lmniedliil.t .,.._ Baek Miiitants? A Loo Angeles Coonty Sberill's deputy render of Dr. O'Donnell," a spokesman was found . lbot to death Mmday a{ .. aaJo'!:. O'Donnell Ls aCCUHd In Mexico temoon in fils parents' Huntington Beacli home. ' ot the murder of his wife, Susan Jane. 38, on March It, IMS. Mellcan police Police investigators said that Roget authorized the luue of a WIITant after Goodspeed Pfaff, 24, of 3522 Gilbert e1amination of the remalns of the dead Drive, died when bis .45 calibt.r wo~D allegedly showed the presence automatic ~l accidentally discharged. of a lethal quanUty of luminal, a highly. toxJc barbiturate. 'lbe body was fo~ at l :IS p.m., Also named in the e1tradiUon dOCU• Mooday, by William Alan Hays, 17071 ment signed by Jud4e Jt1111 Leal Munoz Grove Circle, Huntington Beach, Plall"1 in Cbetumal City ls Dr. Antonio Negron brother-In-law. RUblo who faces charges of boniiclde, Hays told police he hadn't seen hi! fatllllcation ol cklcumentl and GI being brother-In-law •inct! Frid•Y nigbt. Police an acceaory after the fact. • eltimated tbe time ol death aa aometlme during the ~· , Maclan o!llcen said Dr. Negnin·Ded .Plalf1 -~ ...... arr. iV<d home_ Mot> liom COzumet -~ Yucat.an.PenWuli ..---•-· vacation' ·l]ldt ,,. .... 8-1 O'_U, di)' alter ·a "'°k'• stay to Carmel. dled oa ilar<b If, 1111 ~ ,!hcrUJ alter ijlo fatbereoc::t ~ "1l!>q_ I ~a;.;:., Illa lfeaiit ef•i:.alliiedff'-)kl. ~ ' l!Jd&e ;i'! ,Liq ' L~C , , , , and; Jntematkllally knowp fer Ilia JVUD- lean pOllca'. Y lill l!iij believe Dr. c11nf lb! work.With Ute ec..clll-Court -~ lsllldill ·-·-.... -• ...,~(id Doaiestle Relali.m 11:e.-:: ... ~ M-~'.-~ ' -"'-·. ~ br'-• , Olid uiw;HH-Colal in Loo Anpleo; -..,... -·-w .,. ·HClliiJCide lnY..tlgaton !nm• the· LGo (Bae DOCTOR, Paflt I)• :An(elel Counly Sbetlll's llejMIDent allO Jnvatjgai.d the tragedy and ruled it acCideatal. ' • Detectives found ,Pfatt'a ,45 pilltol M a1 cb8tr in the bedroom where hil body Hitch Tells of looalism was found. They a1IO discovered an ex- pended bullet from . the plltol In the celling and tht!orized the weapon must have dilcharged while be wu leanini over tbe chair. Among College Students By THOMAS FORTUNE Of .. Dlltr .......... University of Calllomla President Chartes J. Hlt.:b said in Newport Beach Monday nlgbt ho believes large numbers of today 'a college students are lileallita ' who sympalblze wlUt !he causes espoused by campus• mllltlntl. Hitch gave thl.s view of campus turmoil In a talk before the World Affaira Council of Orange Ccpnty. It dlUers from the view expressed by Jr.any ltlt. olllciatl, Including Governor Reagan, that a small number ol apnllu1 ai•· dlsruptlng college cam- puse.o,, while the vut majority of studeDtl simply want to get on with ·their educa· uon. Hitch wu ~~ed if there bas been any pronounced counler activity b1 moderate ttbd~ts on campua. "No. No (ll'OllOWICtd activity,• he said. "A UUle acUv:ltyj But no major mo%o ment on any campua I know. This tr one o1. the p 1m1nc things. Tbere bu 1-plenty ol reaction oil campus, bu~ llttle.reacttoa on campus. "One ~ the l!UOU, I'm sure, ls this bond o1 sympatlly with what man1 Optimist Clr.arter Sougl~t in Beacli Huntington Beach OpUmlstl toot aJ>o lither step fonnard Man:h 4 by boldinC the !Int predartlng meeting of I p .... poeed Optlmlat Club. ~ opelftn at tbe or1anlaallonaL meeting wtn Dale Danway, repraen-. taUve of tbe Huntlniton Jleoch Cbomber of Commerct and Ka1neUt WlllllmS ol the p~ _rjstrt<t, Opllmlll lnternllUonal. ,,,,.. additional prKbartlq -... are ICheduled to be held before Uie chartering ol the Huntlncton Beach Club. 'l'be meetinp wm be held a.t .-each , 'nlelday at Jl'nncnll' Ratiuranti lNL Beieh 'bfVd.; Hlmllnllon -. 1'UrUter1nformaUon about Ute~· chib Is available from D. E: I Cilrtlo, pruldent of tbe COsta Mesa Optlmlot, Club Ot ltl-IJl7. ' ·6 • • students conceive to be the alms of the militanta." Hitch developed the thesia that atudents today are different than tbey were in his generation -the generation when most of hi!:· listener• from , the World Affairs Council were In college. . He . referred to a recent Fortune magazine ltlrVey that Showed 42 percent of college ltudl!nll ·to be Idealistic rather than car~ orleDted, "not nally con:- cerned with the pracUcal benefits of college but something more iritanglble. perhapo the opportunity to change tblnga rather than make out well wlthin the emtb)g l)'Jltm.;· Hitch said, 0 Tbete la almost always at the base d any dJ1turbance a cause (Bae HITCIJ, Pqe J) Count y Shaken Up, But Cau8e .Topic of Dispute · Tl>Ere wu lhlrp dllqreement today over whose fltilt It wu that Orange County rot sboolt up Mooclay allf>l Tow.,. operaton at Oranse Cowity :An,m. poalbly smr!Uve to crltk:lsm ol J<I traffic operating out of that field, lmmedlalely labeled the vlbraUona an earlllquaie. . But llelllnoJostsll at Cal Tech Jn p-lndloantlY -that Ute earlb wu nojiomlble. 'l'bey lool:ed to Ute lty. .. We aaw nothing recorded.'' llld eelsmologfcal ulistant Mn . V I o I e t Taylor. "We rot call.I from 11 tar away .. Santa MonlcL ft could beff -a tonic boom. We r<cord onty earlJ>. quakes." RaUled mldent& ol Santa Ana, HIOl> Ungton B•e·& oh, Gardea Q,r.~v el .. r=;~~.;;~~.~ 7:11t to 7:1l p,m.'1:;;....,.bo.11, ""1"8d tb Utliit lriwJtn --lhallln( wlni!Ow1' ~ .... ,pollca llpoUmnan In Sant.\ Ana ,llld. . • ' • Ji• llama(• ... ~ . ' Haya told police that Pfaff wu ex· peeled at his houae fer dinner Sund11 afternoon, but dldn' show up, and-~ amwer his phone. Anolller Loo Angeles Counly Sherlll'1 ileputy, Tom Overton, allO told police !hit 'pfaff !ailed to pick him up fer work Monday momtng. BOATING SCENE UNFOLDS TODA Y BoaUng -from, the Bahamas to Anaheim -makes the: scene today in Ute DAILY PIWI'. Boating Edltor Almon Lockabey, fretbly returned from the Southam, Ocean Racing Conference In Florida ad the Bahama l!lands, tolls it in plctma oo P•ge II. And on pages follow.ing boictlbey's boatln( -..Ute DAILY PIWI' praentl special coverage ol the Western NaUonal '°8t and ~ Show, cumnUy uncla way at the ANheim Coawmtion Center, and a look at boaUng ani! boat laclllUea aloog !he Orange Coast and elaewbere. It'• aU inside today, on Puts II through JJ. ' , I Oraaf'I ' Weadier Forget thole dire prodlctlon1 of rain. 'Ille: Weather -·1 mlo deot caaanctra ,.,.. aaya It'll be "'11111' alter a11, w!Ut ._.. ..... in tbe loW I0'1 locally. INSmE' ~DAY Janus Rau, odlllllkd cwouln of Dr. Jlarlio l.llfAtt King, t<> oou beg.m a life of ilolotlQn In cell No. 4 ito . tllc --ucorilv block of r,._ State Prilq!!. SloTJI PG!/e 4. • -. --" __ .. --. ......... ,,.,. -.:-""''' =..::-.... -:: -. -== i: FBI Probinr . -eonspiracy- In ~Death · "-Whllentcet W AlllJllOTON -'llie FBI still 11 lnrtlllplllt( UM pOll!billty al a ffa1111plr1cy" tn lthe LUW!natlon al Dr. Jofartla Luther Kin& Jt, oeltly I ,,... alW blll delth, 1~ 14 the JUlllco ~-. Dr.}da.•1widow11)'1 bk assasajpetkw wu 1111 wort: al more than one - llJld II stl1I on the consclence al the oatlon desfllte the oentencing of Jamel Ev! Ray to " yun In prlloo. Tile an. 11o1p1> D"'ld AberDIU>y, w1>o toqt ..., leoderllrlp a1 Dr. KIDC• c1v11 rillU orpnbaUon, 11ya he Is convinced by RaJ'• ldmlllioo of tuilt 11 .. u i1w .. --part al • COlllj>lrlC)'. '"lbln ... the -queatlooo,. c<llDlllellll -Wlllllln Brldford Bute, wl>o wrote llly'a blolrlphy wblle 1117 wu anlttng trill oa the munler charp. _..,_ City Hall Burn• Bui --ml other di-., -..,. being helnl Diil Atty. Plllllp M. Canl1e r<ltel"lted 1t I poet oenteodng Interview tn ·Memphis, Tenn., Monday nlOt tbat the ltltl bad uncovered no efldmoo at Ill al Cllnlpiracy. Canl1c -the 1111111 al lllOllO)' 1117 -bopping ......r the United States and C..ad.o llld fioaDy to Europe, irl>leb &eemed to IOIJle ausplcioualy large, pro- bably came from the aaassin'a own elfurtl u a IUDUU}er and holdup man. Westmin!ler firemen are burning down the old city ball on Olive Street in 1ectlon1 u part of their training program. Original por- tlona of old building date bact to 1929. It •erved as dty hall starling in 1957 when city purChased It from Westminster School District. Building was retired in August 1968 when city government moved into new civic center. RIJ' "'Sot !Dall!IS) from 1 e •er a 1 llOUrCei," Cwle told DI! wsmen, and sav- ed a "fairly IUblitantial tum. of money while in prilon" in Mlilom1 before ihe OIClpe w1*:11 ltd ulllmately to Kint• death by I rlflt bullet' 00 the bl!conJ Sirhan Had No ldentitjr, al a Menipblo motel. Canale Ille! 1111 inveatlgllorl helieved Ray IDllled t1ie lllOllO)' out al .. prllan before be etcaped. Canlle ldded that the lnveatlgaton beUne Ray obtained fmlds .tn. "<me arm- Psycho~ogist Testifies ed ro!>l>ay llld maybe two rol>berla LOS ANGfilD (UPI) -S1rb1n B. In llm>lrul," -tn Loodoo, llld prollted Sirhan smiled IJld ehook bis held tn by """Ullng Jewelry llld drup Into wonderment today u • poyebologllt lhe ~~ ~ tnllll !!f' =1 deacrlbed his mental mte llld llld he coaluoed .-rt who helnl them. had lll-tba1 -le were ebulng -entering his plea " pl!ty to him. flnWelree mun1er be -up llld Maritn I(. Schorr, a cllnlc1l told the Judge be d1aqreed -the peycbotopt, aid lllrl>ln -• ~d _.,. that DO """PinlCJ' WU 1tnbd llld that his bebavtor Wal lib I "puppet .wlu~~ ~ ,_ the __ on a ltrlng'' -he felt he ,,.. being. ·-•-• "' ·-' 1nllaenced by Jorca for outside him. however, Ray llald be wu lllll Pleldlni Tile poyebologllt told 1 jury trying guilty. Slrbln for the mmder al Sen. Roher! r.::"ed 0::1~..,,i:;~prlloner WU I'. Kennedy tba1 the defaidant "bu ·-~er •· the ••· at the Wllllon ol hefnc pureued b7 rel.I "'-' "" .~.. er lmqinary pewle.." Nlllmlle. Autboritlel -to give any clue 1'ben ht 1"Xlld be moved. · Sirhan frowned la concentration at that ml llld no -00 t1ie lllbject ltatemerrt then llmlll4 IJld wbllpend """1d be made until Illy hod ,,_,,. to~= lho!m a lerlea al llllda ~a:' iooit al pictulll wbldl Schorr hid put before A llllllct Depaninea1 llP'*"'"JD tn Slrbln when be eumtned blm In 1111 Wllhtnafoe Ille! Ray'1 plea of gu11ty bed • cell lul September• Slrhln WU ul;ed DOI -tho -00 ltl~ID-14 leD a M)' o& 'Obal the plcturu ...iJpt1oa ot a pmlble . meant 14 blm. In Atlanta, Coretta KJng. tba 1 Alter lool!nr 11 one picture, the psychologist aald, Sirhan aa1d it was a man thintini about the eventa of the day -1 loner with the world against hlm. "-._._ "That Is his own perception al hlmlell u an Individual," Schorr Aid. "He 11 a aemtt.e but not a Jew. An Arab but DOI a Moalom. Tbere II 1 family but no lnlber. He II an lmmlll'ant but not ID American. Nathan Hale was a man without a coantry -Sirhan Js a man wJtbout an Identity. n Schorr led off p!ydliatrlc testlmooy at the trial Monday. '"J'hll man bas lost control,'' Schorr told the jury. "He I• gol08 to act out what be will without any concern for reality. He tal<es die poeiU.O -'nothing is wrong with me. I'm okay. Everyone ~lae Is wrong.' " .Deputy Dill Atty. Lynn Coq>too told newamen Monday Schorr cert4lly could use psychological testa u ~· tool but he fell the Pl)'cbo hid reached 0 far too sweeplna" Olll. uld llly'1 plea of 11>llt7 .. _ be allowed to cJoae the, .... to eed the -for the....,. ftnprl 'lll>Jeb helped From Page 1 puD the trfatt." She added: "For the moment, we -been opared • trill -ww!d c:on>pd Ull to relive the fellfully trqlc events of JUI dtalh. But we na1lll that tldl fa bid a retpite.11 But. Mn. Kin( ·~ed. "All .,... cerned ~ mmt pna the mte of Teaaea1ee and the U.S. pemment to • ••llh+M unUl all who are rupoutble f« tJda crtme are apprehended." -Not until then," the widow Aid. "can tbt coneclence of the natiol! rllt." l'ro111 P .. e I LIBRARY ••. library parking 1pace1 will> the new courta. Qxmcllmen, on Robert 8belton'a mo.- tloa, unanlmoualy 1utb<lrhed Hopwood to lppiy to Ufe llld federal qenc!OI for membenblp In tlll S..tlqo S)'ltem. When the 1pprovlll come tllroug!I tn the nest few rncdlll, the ......:11 will tohl!nll-. OMNOI CMl1 ""l\.tlfflM9 <OM"A#T leMrt N WM41 _ .. _ , ..... °""" ... ,....... ............ .. n." .: • ..a -~~'" IJW W, ..... Wlltf•• 1114 ........ ......~..... leldl .,.. or''"" M•-W"••l•ail:O,.. '" ......... W.11 .. """'"41 P.O. t.. 191, t:tMI ---,_ .. , ..... .,,... -----.,., --$'-.....,.....,_ID ·- e1.....,. ....... 1c11 ........... -.·~-==-.:-:.~ ---.. ~ ........ ,,, :. .. ..-;:-00-:....,._~ -~--···-*'~ --·' -.... ......... , ..... T 'A f m•1 "4.t-4111 ,._i' , sw Cll Mt.tm « FJM Mf;M.Utfl ~--CMlf .. ..... c;.,.... ......... , ........... . ....,.. ...._. • 4jlfeldllw.,..,..,... ....... ,. • ..... ~i.t ......... -~-----~ .. --we.---. ,..,.11111t1111.,. --·:r~.-:..._...,., -. t .1t" • DOCTOR ACCUSED ... Dr. O'!lonoell ""'°"al the bonier ..... higbllghted In Orange County with the filing of 1 ll mlllloo wrongful death suit In Superior Court. to a rart UH of· 1 dvll action, the complaint specifically· char1es the pl11Uc surgeon with causing the de•th of his wile by "Injecting poisonous drugs" Into her. NAMED PLAINTIFF Named 11 pllinUll tn the suit 11 Mrs. Gmrude Barnett al 1'>11 Angeles llld ldenllfied wtth the platnUff 15 Ben Hag· gott of Torranct, Susan'• father and tbe divorced spouse of Mn. Barnett. Tire ectlon seeu to bar Dr. O'Donnell from gaining any flnancl1l benefit through the probate of his late wlle'1 -le. It wao Blilott, Mexicao poUce offle<n confirmed Monday, who really lrOUled their 1ntem1 In the d .. th of Mn. O'!Jon. nell. And Baggott told the DAILY PILOT lmn his TorrlOct home that his fin! ruction to the news of Stllan'1 death had been one of "immediate suspicion." A Chefumal City Investigator, speaking through In lnlerpr<ter, said llondlly that • an investlgatfon waa already under way when Haggott flew down to Yucatan but thal -made by the girl'• lather "relll1 decided UJ to go Into thia matter with our eyea wkk open. FILED DIVORCE "Mr. Hauott told UI that hia daughter had filed a divorce ICUon against Mr luaband and that ht 110Ugbt to 1chlev1 a reconclllaUon." be 1ald. "He told 111 that hll daughter had made statements to her famlly about the dlvorce action that made them wonder if tt wu wlat ror her 14 go to Mexico with her bu. bind." 'llie lnveatlgalor woold not comm .. t further "' that mtemenL Dr. O'Domell left Columtl, tha t.. veallplor llld, lmmedlltely Ill« the llarlll of 'ii• wile. lie Ille! pollco depart· ll1f!ll recoi'dl Indicate that the phyllclU $6,900 Blaze Caused By Bad Floor Furnace A flulty Door fUn>aco WU b!IJlled fo. dly for, I tl,IOO fire tn tho home of Mil' IJD V. Torodo, Kn Zefth An., SIDta Ana Heljhtl. County llrt department alftclall uld the blm eY!dently mrted about 10:11 a.m. and wu reported at 1:21 p.m. They uUmated ' fUOO d1111qe to the ""1ldlng and IS,400 to eoatenll. t -gave 1eVera1 aecounts of UlE. manner In whlch his wife died bef0tc::Haggotl arrived in Cozumel. - TOLD omcIALS _ Hoaott II reported to have )p!d Mex- ican olllcen that O'Dom1ell Ittrtbuled his wile's death to an auto=accident while the couple was on ~ way to visit Mayan rulol In the Yucatan area. He told Cozumel police that the physician sent him a telegram to that effect. And Mn. Bumell, the lnvatlgetor stated, told oUlc1!rt that she bad strongly advised her daughter not to 10 on the Mexican trip with her husband, She li reported to have sa!d she was "deeply shocked but not al all surprled'' bJ the newa of her daughter's death. PAID TRIBllTIC Mukan police today paJd tribute to the "crusadtn& &eal" of Ftrnando Gon- zales, editor of Mulco City's OVaclones Informaclon. "No one baa done more than this man to compel WI to pursue our inquiries into the death of Susan O'Donnell," an investigator aald. Gonule1 told the DAILY PILOT today that his paper'• strlet: of arilcltt on Mn. O'Donnell'• death followed from hil "very early conviction that an was not II H appeared to be." Gonzales cooflnned that Mexican of. ficlBIJ wer< puttin( the finishing touches to their formal demand fOf es:traditlon. ••And 'I am aure that Dr. O'DoMell wlll IOO!\ he mUlng another trip to Mellto," the editor aaJd. Citizens Group Meets Thursday Mn. Bartletta Suter will act as chaltmlD of the Huntington Beach Union l!lgh School Diltrict's Cltlzenl Advilory Commlttft oa Mulmum Use al Scbooll when that body metll at I p.m.. Tbu. d11. In the district boW room, 1902 17th SL, Huntlnifoo Beach. Subcommlttoes m expected to give their lint Pl'Ol1<ll reporll 11>unclay ntght u they launch p11ase ... of n •• phue1 dt~gned to study the complete ocbool aetup. Dr. Elhan Fullmer, anlatant diltrtct auw!nlendenl, will lddr'31 the COl1> mlttee In I IO minute tallc outlintna • study al tcbool .... he made. Robert Dlnpall, ebalrman al the ICl- vtaory commlttft, realped hll poet llSt month to run for a seat on U>e ICbooJ bo>M. Committee membera wfll allG dlsC\111 hb repl1cement Tbunday. ' • • ~hil_lel~h Ta~k)ess Joh Milsile Wor:ks ,Fi'}-e,, B~t Mounting .Difficult ,.. ""' ....... ... ,.. ~ "''' .. ,. ...... Plllleo r..i ·-·· Shl!!elllllo > Newport or Lllw-. inlDllo eail pOh a bole Into any armOi • Cbalrtnan L. lko<!ell Rlwn, of llll known. but t1ie U.S. •-lilmltled House Armed S.rvlces Com ml Hee ~.... disclosed the Anny'• tank problem. tbll week that It 11 blvinl trouble l1ndlllfl ruvon lald the Army nest -will something to put the weapon on. give ill official esplanatiotl as to why In fact, thfi Army'a entire tank develo~ jts M-80 and MBT'/O tank programs are ment pn>lfllll II In aerloal dllllcult!ea, going '° badly. Riven charges that 1 leglslal4r bu , d!V1Jl&ell, bet-al serious admlnlsiraUve deftctencles could e1treme~ldllllc:ultlelln-Ung retult tn loll of bundnidl al mllllm» the mla1le oa. the M-tO ~ . , of dollan from the two programs. 1be milllle, horifer, worb jUlt floe, The missile Is earmarked only for Its manuf..Ua; IC1 cmfldenUy. use on the M.a> vehicle, Aeronutronlc 'lbe SbDieJaa1' ii;bullt ID Aeroautronk'a spokesmen said. Lllwnda1e ~ Tile C0111J1101 lllo Tiley stressed there 15 nothing wrong bu llcl~t!M In Newpor\ lleacb. with ii, but In the turret llld mounting Despite the 'dllllcultJ' productloo • al dealgn, wbleb II being bandied by·anolher the mlul1e II cooUnGl.i -It>-llrm which mates the tanu. temrptloo, a company ~ In UnW the turTet uoembly ·can be Newport aid. He ldded tba1 tho ....... p redesigned the llnt will be equipped ' ,-,.... P .. e 1 HITCH CITES ,IDEALISM •.• with wbleb ...., atudeotl can lde!tlfy: peact in Vietnam. thi ln@qulU.. of thl drll~ racial _dlroCtm!nltloo pa the C<JllPU! or 1n the iurroundlnl MQJtnanU,., ' or unlvenlty tnvolv....m -.tho -· call tt complicity ....: In ·-plliil cleft!o!!. ment." . .. . He saJd, 11Stude!ita become angry and Symphonic Band Concert Saturday Memben al the Golden Weal College Sympbon!c Bllld will preaent their third annual concert at I p.m. Saturday at the college center, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach. Director Tom "'ernandez will !tad the band through Verdi'• "M""""'1 Re. quiem," "Valdres March," 0 Trumpet Serenade," uConcerto for Horn," Glanfn. nl'1 .. Sympboay No. S," and .. Voice ot the Guns." Heroandei will allo ploy a trumpet solo as the band plays t•vtrgtn ol Macarena." Other aoloilta 11attd to perform are Glenn Darter, trombone, Steven Lewis, French horn, llld Din Sliva, clarinet. Admlulon to the cooetrt is tl er 1.50 with student body cud. emotional ovtt IOdety's failure to do what they !eel ii morally right con- cerning these issues. They see -too often uncomfortably clelJ'ly -coofllcUnC valuu IDd bypocriJy in toeiety'1 fn.. atltuUOD!. "Student activists alien design their actions speclfically to shock and ana:er a complacent and self;igbteooa 90clety." Tilus Hild! l!ll1fered the ~ he uted u the title fJI. h1J talk, .. Whit'• Wrolli with H!Per Educatlon!" by saying, In effect, there II r<11ly nothing so wrong u tt• lffDll to be Wl'ODI because studenll are dlffettnL He allo tool! some palm to uplaln that the viii m1jorlty of .-n11, although DllDY ~ helle'ft in IOIDI of the causes, do not differ from the majority of ldultl In deploring dllruP' tion, l'loJence and coercive tactie1. He allo utl<I thl audience DOI to consider him an 1pologtlt for the students -"I find IODll al the tlctlca of the student 1ctlrilll intolerable." But he pleoded that the problem 11 complex and llmple aoluUoDI won't wort. Aalced II he bad I blueprint ror oolvinl problem al violence ai campm, he Ille!: ''The mswtt 1' Ver)' dell I don'L Jt would be u bard u to bave a blueprint for t1ie complex problem al crime In the lireets. This problem .. campas la not IOlD& to co away fol I IUlpecl ii 11 10ini to pt _,., .. Your child can receive .... .... 71~. Sr•.~ apotesman 111<1 .. The problem, Arflll! aourca outllnld, cenl<ra oo the ucualve field ICl- j--needed .. the turTet, -II au_.t to Jet the mlul1e be llrtd whiJt the tank is in motion. Meanwhile the Amr/ II "postponing lndelinilely" orders al M.eoa with the miuile, even tbougb, Ult 6blllelaghs are bought llld paid for.' . The MBTlll a>perllnt'1 probh!m II in· its engf.MI, not wUb lnlUUDellt. The Amr/ hu refuled to say bow muth the prob1eml · are cosling tu- payers, but price -imi-hetween M&<lo armed with missiles llld those with conventional gum are slgnlfkant. With Sb!llellch the tank coots $335,000. l'ull price for the regular tant and IUD II 11a,lltl00 . Last Bachelor Beatie to Wed LONDON (AP) -'!be las! bachelor member of the BeaUea, Pant McCartney, II gtU!ng married. Tbe •year-old mllllonaire mUllcltn oald today he bad filled out the o!llclal form.I to marry a swinging blonde American photographer, New York dlvcm:ee L1Dda Eutman. She Is %7. Tile wedding will he Wednead17. McCartney llld Miu Eutmu blve been going rlelldy llnce November, wben the wu stlying: at bis home in London with her daughter Heather, 5, but the Beatie bid coo.!isteatly denied they were planning to marry. Todiy bfl uld: .. It'1 true -I am gettine married. But I have no comment to make beyond that." M1ll Eastman avoided talking to newsmen. · Miss Eastman filled out the farms al Maryh!bone registry olllee Moaday. Faulty Smog Device Starts $20,000 Fire Fire caaaed by a faulty --1 device did ID eatlmlted 12J,000 Umqe early thla m«ntng to the Ludlow Corp. plant tn Clplltrano Beaeb. Slz COW1ty fire d-bna>I unlU raponded to the l a.m. blaa at Ml Vlcl4rla Blvd. . Remedial Reading REMEDIAL READING FOR GRADES 4 THROUGH 12 __ ... _ Help REGISTRAT!ON- Frkia)', M1n:h 14-4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. Slturdly, Martir IS.:-9:001.m. to 4 p.m. C-lllPt Mond17, Man:h 31 Ptrtnt or Gutrdlan Must Accompany Each ChJfd to Rtifsb1tlon ~ . I I The Open Court Reading Center '-12112 lltoolant A""uo • Ginltn Gron, C.llornll IZMO ( i • • I .. • Fo iain Valley • EDITION • ... ' voe. (2, NO. 60, 2 SECTIONS, 2'8 PAGES ORAN&E COUNTY;.CALIFORNIA DAY, MARCH rr.-:1t69 ~ JEN CENTS MUrOer ·Trial ·Set • . . Race With Drugs Suspect.Pleads lnnoc~~t.in Slnshing . ' . Product of Era EDITOR'S NOTE: This is tM second in a 1irit1 b11 a prlze-t.Oinning science writer w'1o provide1 paritnts with background cm the Mr· colic$ and drug ritu<ition axd .suggests wa11s for th.tm to help auard tMir children against its Ul effects. UP'IT .......... Finch Testifies Henry Lqpez · SI.... of Hunliqloo Beach today pleaded not gullty to the murdlr o(Mrs. Kesler Markee. RejecUJig a ·m'otlon. for dlrmisaal of c:barges apinsl Sianez, i;uperior Court Judge .Robert Gardner •ordei:ed him to appear for jury trial April 21. He Is accused of murder, passesslon or a sawed off shotgun and auto theft. Also thrown out by Judge Gardner was the argument of Dr. Seawright Anderson ' of Fairview Stale Hospital. Costa Mesa. The ~chiatrist refuseil to oUer .his conclusions on the results of his recent eu.mlnation of Sianez unless the court was prepai1.d • tq "'!11111 ~ plea of not gullly by reuon ·a1 lnailty. Judge Gardner made It pIUi: that he expecled a plea today but wu not prepmd to accept that plea. Court action aJainst Edwanl Roy Hargrave, 18, of 17391 Marken Lane, Huntington Beach, was delayed until later ~ay, Hargrave faces charges of auto theft after the prosecuUOn abao- doned earlier murder chargea: filed agalnlll him. -Hargrave admits that he -was With Sianez last Jan. 12 when his companion allegedly all.!bed Mrs. Mirkee to death By ALTON BLAKESLEE Asaoclated Pnn Scieace Writer "Our earth is degenerate • : • children no longer obey their parents.'' This lament was inscribed in stone by an Egyptian prieat 6,000 years ago. Parents have voiced similar complaints about ·the younger genhation ever since. Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert Fin<!h, testi· fying before House Education and Labor Committee Mon· day, said he could "effectively use" more than twice as much school aid money as Congress provided. He declined . to ask for the funds, however. Coast MD Sought ' Now', parents have a keea ne'w concern -why should so many youths be , experimenting with drugs that influ .. ence the ?hind? Later in this series we will offer a program for. parents on what they can do about the situ- ation. In Wife's Death Specialists In education, student counseling, Jaw· enforcement, J>SY· chiatry, medicine, psychology and sociology offer a variety of reasons that may help parents understand the present drug ezplosion. J Some point out that ours ls al· ready a drug-obsessed society. In 1965 alone, · some 167 million pre- scriptions were written for dtugs that affect mood or behavior; adults were the main consumers. "When parents have a medicine cabinet full of drugs, the kids can make a big thing out of that," one Pt,~~d~·~re~~ .wide. Costa MeM Policf. Clllef ~il°l'i~Gai~~ °l: ~~~ Roger Neth: "I believe this we from constipation to worry over aerier will be of great oaltw in. tMr .,H~b. '' To teme yGhtba. 4ltr~tng the paTenU of our theftfore, "mind'' drqgl may seem community to the very seriou.: to Offer aoluticm: to major problems dnqJ problem that exists." of lite. · · Youth is an age ,ol qneat!Clllng, of learning for one's self what is real and true, a time of keen coocem about "Who am I?" For some youths, drugs offer new possibiUties in this quest. And this is an era of rapid revolutionary change that leaves adults as well as youths bewildered and uneasy as to what tomorrow may bring. Weather Now Mari Hamper Apollo Plans SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) - A· weatherman on the sceue 'disagreed with Mission. Control meteorologists \o- d~y .and predicted that winds ·would ~~9~!.~~1~:1it.2~t.t C>cel!!:~Cf!:ei-rwne on 'Jbdrsda.y, "A rtporet fiolf( ther prim'e recoftry Jbip, the, carrier Guadalcanal, Hid alternate laodJng plans were .beinJ con- sidered. By llrlng their retro roc:Rts an orbit or two early or late, the astronauts could land dsewhere in the Atlantic and escape the bad weather area 200 miles southwe.st cf Bermuda. By TOM BARLEY Of ...... .., "'"' tMff An extradition order demanding sur- render of a NewPort Beach physician accused of murder was being prep.red today i:n Mexico City. A Mexican Foreign Office ofllcial told . the DAILY Pllm that the c:Omplele papers will be pttsented at the U.S. ~ in the Mexican capital '"later Ibis week:" They will level· charges ol murder against Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell, 52, ol 307 Placentia and !Oil w .. tcllfl Drive In Newport and 17112 Beach l}lvd., Huntington Beach. ~~~JC~l'..t .,,,~.~G locQ actllin qalnrl Iba .Newport ~· M'.'mw .offlclals erplilned that an earller estradlUoo order, signed by Judge Jesus Leal Munaz In Chetumai City wt Feb. 13 was for "internal ue only. "We now·bave our cue·fµlly prepared and we will seek the Immediate l!Uf· . . Back Militants? . render ot Dr. O'Donnell,'' a spokesman said. . . Dr. O'Donnell ts aCCll!ed In Mexico of the murder of his wife, Susan Jane, 38, on March 19, 1968. Mexican police authorized the Uue of a warrant after examination of the remains of the dead woman allegedly abowed the presence o! a lethal quanUty of luminal, a blgbly toxic barbiturate. , Also named 1n the e1tradiUon ,docu· ment signed by Judge Jeslis Leal Munoz In Chetumal City, la •Dr. Antonio Negron Rubio wbo laces dlargea o! homicide, fillalllcaUon al ~ and al bem, ··~-~11'"~·,1 n.,""~ . ~cers salc!'br. _,ieiL ·~~-;~~:= died on March 19, 1111 ~ oborll1 alter u.i death of tlie altracUve woman. Mex· lean police .today said they bellm Dr. Nesroo la biding "...,.where In aoulhem Mexico." , Continuing Matean eUorta to bting (See DOCl'OR, Page II There are cn,icial struggles over civil rights and social JnjusUee. The was in Vietnam is unpopular .with many, citizens, young and old. Cities show obvious decay, pollution o{ air, water and land ii increasing. Offstage ls Ule menace of obliterating nuclear war. Rapid social change wldens,the "generation gap," says Dr. Kenneth Keniston, Yale psychologist. and the here-and-now becomes more important to the young Wbo "can no longer commit themaelves unquestionably to the llle ,styles, attitudes and skilli of their pareDts. To do so is to condemn one's sell to obsolescence in the modern world." In Houston, weather upe:rts stuck with an earlier forecut that a storm in the area was abaUng and that condJUona looked good for the return of the astronauts to earth Thursday. 1'We still ,Plan 00 land.Ing at the start of the 151st revolution at 7:24 i.m. PST Thursday," said a spokesman for Mission Control. He said a weather reconnaiSfance· }'lane was surveying the area and that condJHMs could change. Hitch Tells of Idealism • Many youths live under tremendow;• pressure to excel In sch9-0l, and to some, school work seems contrived, a form of mlrking time, and hence fr .. (Seo OUTGROWTH OF TIMES, Page 3) As weather reports fluctuated, Air Force Cols. James A. McDivitt ~David R. Scott and civilian Russell L. Schweickart sped through a leilurely eighth day in space. The lllgbt plan called for picture-taking, navigation checks , and. plenty of rest as the astronauts continued to test lhe Apollo command ship to prove its durability for a lo.day man·~the-moon mla&i.on. Among College Student.s ' By THOMAS FORTUNE Of .... DtlfY ..... Stiff Newport to Join Coast Public Library Program Frank Chihockf, meteorologist aboard the Guadalcanal, said the reason for. this change In forecast iJ a low pressure area in lhe northwest AUantic that hasn't moved easf as rapidly as expected. High winds raked the area and roughed up the seas into eight foot waves. University of California President Charles J. Hitch said in ·Newport Beach Monday night he believes large numbers or today's coliege students are idealists who sympathize with the causes espolfsed 1ly campus militants. Hitch gave thiJ vtew of campus tur.moil in a talk before the World Affairs Council of Orange County. It differs from the view expressed by many state official!, inclu<llng Governor Reagan,· that a small number of apoilera are disrupting college cam· pusu, while the vast majority of students simply want to get on with their educa- By JEROME F. COLLINS ot ttte 0111r f'Uot S"ff Newport Beach will soon join COsta Mesa and Huntington Beach in joint use of public libraries. Newport councilmen, on lbe unanimous recommendation of city JiJ:irary trustees, au~ the move Monday night. The sharing of library faclliUes will be arranged tbroogb enrollment In tbe SanUago Library System, a federal and Stale spoiiacind cooperative that Includes Uie BllJlllqllln Beach, Or&"ie County, Pla<entia and Yorba· Linda public . ari • libr ti.I' ,· ' •• Colla Mesa is encompassed by tbe coiinty hbrary system. . · •Dy joining tbe C.OperaUve, said City Library Board ChalmWI Jobn-HOflWOOd, NewJIOfl would make It easier for llllllfeilll ·tn the Newport·M~ acbool dlllricl lo" check oot books from public ~l>rarleo. no maller whero Ibey llveil. ~\'l'EE . •.Studoois !Jiving In Costa· Mesa ·mllll .0.. PIJ-a ~ yurly fee to.uae Newport city Ubrlli& , '10n that bUll alone1" ~ Mlyw Jl!ireen Mmball, "l thlnlc' this ....., ld.:_~,Y _mud! ~· ll'r a w..-..:ul J!opw<iOd pOlntod oot aooth<r m«j« ' ai!Vantage. NJ said membonhlp iii lbe 5'!1Uqo l)'Jltnl, woold makr lbe city •Jll!ble IDr a federal srant to finance ..,..uiinf tbe cool of a new cantral library at Newport C<dler. Estlmatod cost ol a 18,000.oqum.foot main library. he said, is fl.3 mllllon. The federal srant for design and - struction would amount to $429,000. He said tbe library proposed by city oonsultanis meet.< the criteria established by the ftdeial governmeol Grants are • • administered by the state director of libraries. Hopwood cited several other benefits that would accrue to Newport as a member o! the SanUago System. Among them: -.Boller aervice fer re&klents, including faster and ~.;. &CCt!' to ,....ier resouroes. . Chihocky said a reconnaissance flight would be made over the area and a decision made Tuesday afternoon about when and where to land the spacecra'ft. Chuck Filley, recovery team leader aboard the ship, llid il the space agency rlicb to lts_JJiaJI to land on ~ Ulst revoluUon Thursday; the only altmiaUve woold be to est.nd the landin( point farther east to escape tbe blgb winds. -A V<lldance of dilpllciilOn ol Im- portant, apena1.e; aptidalbwl ~ Bandits Sorry -PooIJna ol eledmilo: dlla ~ng . ' aysleml and -~cally .. ·=~~=-iha1the1oca1 B~t Take. Mpney ~Ir= =.:"':i ~-::~ Two apoJo1et1c ·bandits took jig .. t and equlpm~ "Wliat we buy, ft would kbliq,olnt abool 10:56 p.m. MOndqfr<>m keep," be 111!1. Party Doouts, Adams -Aninue and AA a Santlico -member, II& ·added, Brookhunl su.et In llunliDgion Beach. Newport wwld llave -ol flw votea Truman -· ~ ol the on oYllfm.Wlde Juaao. lfott, ,told polke ·the two men first tion. , Hitch was asked lf there has betn any proobunced coµnl<r aclivily by moderate student.. on campus. "No. N·o pronounced activity," be said. "A UtUe actiyll)'.. Bui no major mov .. ment on any campuJ I know. 1bJs is one ol tho puzzling things. Thore baa been plenty or reaction off campua, but Utile reaction on campus. "One of the reasons, I'm rnue, bl this bond of sympathy with what many Optimist Charter Sought in Beach Be alto • DOied that the dly coold enlerell the rlore and uted to use 11 .., 11me pull out ol lbe -auvo, the phone. They Iller relume4and palled Huntington Besch OptJmisis toot a .. ~-~--lfll •··--~ 1·~····· ~· bl he said. other llep lormard Mardi 4. by holding a,_, wow ..,, notice. rw -uuves on m, the r. 1 ·-·•·••· ting ol ' ·· Ont.bandJl-quofedarllYin&.'Tm .irs .. ~-~01 .mee a pro-c:' :,1::, ~:!,do 'this. to yoo, but lhll la ~eal ~~lu:i the organizatipnal "'lbt coat ol -., rlllD& alindarda j.~ described both m.n 11 about meeting were Dale llunway, re~ and lneJr ol llbrll'J' aervlcO will coat ll yun 0y They toot about 1111 frem taUve of the lluntlngton Beach OWnber atgnlfic.tnlfy mora for a ltl>rary that lbe uh and II,~ p ~--· ol Commei:ce. and Kenneth" WWlams JI! la Doi plrt ol Uie IJl(em." . · c rt; " uvw ar~ 1 tho• Pacilio.soutllwesl· llbi.rld, Oi>Uinl.i "You've doile lft oullllalldlnf job with Willet, polico ~: I = ' thla r<port." said Councilmu Ed Jlli1h, • --------""'.'"~::-1 additional ;,...,hartml i'neellngs "I thlot H'a coming at this Um. la . St.elc /flcrlce'-' ., uled to be ·held ~ the very -· ii mJcbl help_ to Influence " Gharterlng ol the Hunllngton Beach Oub, tbe county'• court site decision." NEW YORK (AP)-~-marktt ·. ·=·· eetlnp wm lie hiold al -liClr County aulborlUea are c:umnUy slu· was ahead at the close today, although· • ay 11 Froncoli' Reslluron~ lli51 dying a (ll'Opoeal from N""flOrl for the down from the blgher levels rtached ·, ~ Blvd., Hunllng\on Beach. relocation o1 municipal court faclllttea earlier In the day. Trading slowod near j Further.jnlorll#IOn ~the lll'Gt>oeed at the Newport Center civic center siJe. the end. (See quotallons, Pages 111-ll). ~ ll lVali~."""'1:1il< E;, OlrUo, Tbe city hu (l.'Omiled to share. main Tbe Dow Jones industrial average It I ~· ·rt·ti~'~"~lpt~l:t! (See UBl\Al\Y, Pa1< I) 1:30 p.m. was up f.29 points to 921.U. Clllli ' • ' \ t .• students conceive to be the aims of the militants." Hitch developed the thesis that students today are dilferent than they were in his generation -lhe generation when most of his Ustener1 from the World Affairs Council were lo college. He referred to a recent Fortune magazine survey that showed a percent of college students to be ideallstlc rather than career oriented, "not really con- cerned with the practical benefill of college but someUUng more Intangible, perhaps the opportunity to change things rather than make out well within the existing &)"stem." HJtcb said, "There is almost always at the base of any disturbance a cause (See mrcu. P~ 11 County Shaken Up, But Cause Topic of Dispute There was sharp disagreement today over fihose fault It was that Orange County, gol shoot up Monday night. Tower operators at Orange County Airport. possibly aenstllve to criticism of jet traffic oporattng out al that field, immediate]S labeled Jhe vibrations an , earthquake. • But seismologists at cal T~ In P&Sadena Indignantly d<l)ied that tbe earth was ruponsibJe. They looked. to the ll:y. . · "We saw nothing recorded,'' said seismological asllllllanl Mn. V I~ It I Taylor. "We ogot.~ from aa lar .. way as SanUI Morilca} It could baYe )leen a sonic boom. We record only euUt-cruakes."'' ' f RatUed residents of :Santa ·Ana, H\lo. li!lllon Beach, Garden Grove, Westajnller, ·eypttll, Tul!ln and ~ callfd pollce on !he lbab from 7:05 to 7:15 p.m. "Evel'ybody eeemed to think f>l'OW"'I ...,. ab&lln& wlndOwl a11d c1qo,,, ". a·J!Ollce spot.umaii 1a '"1'i, ..... said•, · ' -".:.i ; I ' . • No damage wu rel"'IW\I• • ' bul Iha~ he ramlned In the car tbroqli-"'fl ·tbe incident. . ' Pollce claim tha,t Slantt, 25·, fl #12 Clay SI .. got oot o! bis auto and attac:lled. Mra. r,larkee al1<r the gray ba)rad grandmother pursued the two youths., Police believe that an lncident 1n which the car driven by Siane% and Hargrave struck the woman'• car sparked her. pursuit or their auto. .,. Haigrave said · 1n munlclpal C®rt that he aat in the itolen car as a horrifieil· speclator \ilille ·sliD& p1ujjged bl.-imlfe into Uie icrWnlng woman again and: again. Beach Deputri Found Slajn By Own Gun A Los Angtles County Sberttra ~ waa found llhot to death ll{cnda1 af. lernooo In bis parents' Hllilllngtoo lleocli home. Poli(:e Investigators said that Roget Goodspeed Platt, 24, o! 3522 Gilbert ' . Drive, died when his .4$ callber automatic pistol acciden~y diacliargect. The body was found at 1:15 p.m., 11.onday, by Wllllam. Alan Bays, l'lll'IJ Grove Circle, HunUngton Beach, P{aff',1 · bfotber~in-law. 'Hays told police he hadn 't Ren bill brotbe~·in·law since Friday night. Poll~ ~toe! )!ie li!Df o! death u ""l'etimc aur1ng the W..ttlid. ~·1.poreola ju!I arrived home Mon-dV ~!er, •. net'• !day Iii ~ !Ill .father la Jqer Alton Pllll, • SUperlor C<>!lif .. Judge In Long Beac!1 and lnternallonally known for bis f .... ding and wort with the CoOcillalloo Court aac1· the c-olidated Domesllc Belatioos aad Cooc:IJiation Court in Los Angeles. . Kopllclde invesUgators from the Los Anoia County Sberifl's Depaiimentalso invealigaled the tragedy and .ruled ii acc:i~al. Detectiv., found Pfaff's .fl pirtol on a chair in tbe bedroom where bis body was found . They also discovered an a · pended bullet from the pistol In lhe celling and theorized the weapon must, bave discharged whlJe be waa leulng over the chair. ._ Hays told police that. Pfaff WU U• pected at his houae lcr -Sqnday aftel'llOOO, but didn't obow up, and dldnl ...... r bis phone. Anolber Lot Angelea County ~·· deputy, TCllll Overton, also told police that Plalf falJed to pick blm up .... work Monday morning. BOATING SCENE UNFOLDS TODAY Boating -from the Bahamas to Anaheim -mates the scene tod~y in tbe DAILY Pllm •. Boatuig Editor Almon Loctabey, freshly returned lrom lh9 Southern Ocean Racing Conference In Florida and the llabama lslanda, lells it in pictures on P.a;e 11. And on page. following Loctabey'f boaUng page, the DAILY PILC!r pruents special coverage ol the Western National Boat and Marine Show, currently under way at the Anabdm Conftlltlon Center, and a look at boating ..a boat faCillUea along the Orange Cout and elsewhere. It'a all inside today, on Pages lt through %1. Oruge Weadtu Forget tbooe dire predtclioils 'of rain., The Wtatbtt. Bureau's reat- dent Cassandra ~ aayl 11·11 !JO sunny afler au, with temper...., in i1Je IC!'f eG's .locally • INSm~ TODAY . ' Jame.1 'Rav, CMfrnitcccl 4UGl.tfn of Dr. Marlltt Llllllcr King, lo- doy began 4 Ufa o/ floicdiotl in cill No.' 4 i• Jlle' moiim.m ••cVfitv blOC~ of . T~ Stote fri,on. Sto'f/ l'llfo' 4. ' I . : . .' :=. .. ' '~ = e.11 : ( .......... !># ......... .._ .. C"'*9 ~ ,, __ .._ ...., .• (,_-f " .... ..... ,.,. .,.. ...... . ..... ""'' ....................... tf.11 ............. , • ~ 1t ,.,._ •n ,.....,.. *' ,.._c.11 • ....... 'f ........... If ... Mlle 14 ............ , .......... " ·-' ' t M\.Y PILOT -M " -FBtProlting-· · C.Ompifacy . ln-,Kmg~&, . ' . -. ' ... _ .... ~ ... s...u. ' ~ W~ -Tilt F~l stlll ··li ln...u.plliil • t11o -1b1UIY ol ~-• ...,..,....€!'"'!ft lhe a.....i..uon o1J)F. '. • Mortin .J.Ullllr King. ,._ nw!y a ,,_. · after bil_ dealll; ~ to Ille Jullioo : De~ _,,:;. :; ... .. ''"' '~ ,. llr.~Wldoi!~bJa~lmll!m • .... !bi wort ~--.... pmOn and 1":..11ltn"'on u.: ~ of tile naUon despite the sent.encln& of JameJ Eat! Ray to II yean In pr1-• '!be Rev, Rolpll David Abernathy, who loolt over leaderablp of Or. King'• c1vl1 rights or&aniutlon, saya he JI convinced by Ray'• adm1aaloo ol IUill ltoeU Ul&l lhe munler wu part ol • COMplraq, '"lbere are the unaniwertd question1," , mnmenta author Wllllam Bradford Huie, who wrote Ray's biosraphy •hlle Ray was awaiting trial on the murder clllrg1. City Ball B•rns ---·Bui while U-and other -., voicea were belnl hw-d Dis!. Atty. Philip M. Canale ttlteralod •I a poll senlendag Interview In Mempbla, Teno., Mooday nlgbl !bat tile lllale bad WlCOVtnld no evldellce at all of consplrocy. Canale aid !be IUJlll of -:\111 lpml hopping l1'0Wld tile Unllod Slit.ii and Canada and floally to Europe, whld> seemed to tome suspiciously large, ~ bably came from the Ul!lusin's own efforts u a smuggler and holdup man. . Westminster firemen are burning down the old city ball OD Olive Street In sections as part 'of their training program. Original por- tions of old building dale back to 11129. JI served as city ball starting In 1957 when city purchased 11 from Westminster School District. Building was retired In August 1968 when city government moved into new civic center. Ray ••got moot) from 1 e Ye r a l sources," Canale told newsmen, and .. , .. ed 1 "fairly substantial sum of money While In pri.ooo" In Mluourt belOl't! die escape whldt led ultimof<ly to King'• death by a rifle bullet on the balcony of a Memph!J mGtel. Conale ll&ld hll lnvesUgatorw believed Ray matlecl !be money out of the prilOD beloro be ercaped. Canal' added that the Investigators believe Ray obtained funds in "one arm- ed robbery and maybe two robber! .. in Montrul," me In London, and profited by smuggling jewelry and drug• Into tile Unllod Sletos altor his prison break. Ray'• llalemenu In court Monday confu:sed many who heard them. Aller entering his pies of l!ullcy lo lirlt.<lqree munler be llood up and !old !be Judi!< be dbagrud wtlb !be lbeory that no complracy ms linked wttb.tbe uu•sinaUon. Under qu<Slloning by !be court, however, Ray aaid he wa.s still p1eading gullty. ' After aentenclng, the prlaoner wu removed to the )llemphi1 jail pendlni transfer to the state penitentiary af 1 NuhvilJe. Authorities declbled to give any clue when he would be moved, . and aald no l!ltatements on the subject would be mede WlllJ Ray bad become a state prbone:r. • NOT CLOSED BOOK A Jlllllco IleparimeDt rpokesmsn In Wuhlngton Aid Ray's plea of IUllty had no1 c1-i !be boou .., 1u original In· veollpllon of a poulble C0111J>lracy. In Atlanta, Coretta Kini, the widow, Hid Ray's plea of guilty "cannot be allowed to cloae the cue, to ~ the oearch lor !be many fingers whld> bdped pull tbe trtgger." She added: "For the moment, we hace been spared a trial "'11ch would compel use to relive the fearfully tragic event& of hi.s diilh. But we ·realize that this la but I respite." Btzt. Mn. King continued, "All COD- oemed people mUll preu !be llato of T-and the U.S. government to conllnue llDW all -are 1'sponlible for this-crime are apprehended.'' "'Not Until then," the widow atid, "can the comcit.nce of the natlon rest." • Fro"' P_,,e l LIBRARY ••• library parting spaces with the new courts. COuncllme.n, on Robert Shelton's rrur tlm, 1man!moosly authorized Hopwood to apply to state and federal agenclea far membership Jn the Sant1a10 System. When the approvals come through in the nm few months, the council will take flnal act.Ion. 111\11~ 1'11111 o.MOI CC1A11 l'UlllltUNO ~AN\' lt•Mtf N WM '"'""" 1111111 ........ Jet~ I. C•tlft 'lo ..,. .......... o.-J MNltMI' n--=:.:••"'--f T~M-=I•• AIMrt W. l•fM WIUl•lll le.4 ..._.... """' ........ aMQ ui. City a411or " .............. .. JtflttiStr..t M1m111 .A.Umtr P.O. a.. no, ''''' --"""""'~"'·--·-~ c.... .-.1 • w..t ... '""" ""-._.. . ,,_. ....... Sirhan Had No Identity, Psychologist Testifies LOS ANGELES (UPI) ' -Slrhsn B. Sirhan smiled and shook his bead In wonderment today as a peychologfst described his mental state and said he had llltmionl that peopl~ were chasing him. Martin M. Scharr, a cllnlcal psycholollit.' aid SJrbu WU a psranold and llui!;i.i.·beblvtor wu llke a "pumt. Oft •a •string'' -he felt he WU being lnlloa>Oed by fm:esfsr outside him. '!be psyc:hologllt !Did a jmy lrylng Sirbin for the murder of Sm. Robert F. Kennedy Ibo! !be defendant "bu lb•\fl!ualon d. ~ punu1•-llr,raJ or imi!llnarY people. ..... frowned In concentration at that'· llatom<li\< -Ille• smll'41 and whlspe1'CJ: to his tttome;.-~""' "-' 11WI Jm¥ wu shown a series of slldet d. plclUra whlcb Schorr bad put belore Sirhan wbeo be aamlned him In his cell last September. Sirhan Wll ·uked to toll a story of whal the plctuns ·meant to him. After looklnt 1t one ·picture, the psychologist saJd, Sirhan saJd It was a man thinking about the events of the day - a loner with the world against him. "Thal II his own percepUon of himsell as an hxliYidual," Schorr aaid. "He ls a semfte but • a Jew. An Arab bat not a Moslem. 11ee ls a !arnllr'bul no lather. lie II an hlunliranl but bot an Amerlcan. Nathan Ha1' wu & man · without a country -Sirhan ii a man without an Identity." . Schorr led off psychiatric testimony at the trial ?iionday. · il"t ''Thi• man bas lost control.-"' Schorr told !be jury. I• He Is going 'iii •ct C¥!i what he· will without any c81bem for reality. He ulL the position ..:"nothing is wrong with 'me. I'm okay . ..::lveryone else ls wrong! " -;. Deputy Dlst;-Atty. Lynn Col!tton told newsmen Monclay Schorr certafily could · use p!)'chologlc;ial tests as a dlagnostic tool but be lell , the PSJ'cl\Olli!il bad reached "far. &oo'sweeping'1 Com:IU.s.iorui. Fro111 Page I DOCTOR ACCUSED •.. Dr. ~D aoUth <i lb• border w~ hlgbllghlod In Oraoge Co1D1ly with !he filing of a It . million wronglul d"'lh s11i1 1o S-1or COurl "In .a rare"" 4 a dvll_ acUon, the complaint specifically charges !be plutlc surgeon with caµalng the death of h.is wife by "Injecting poisonous dlugs" Into hu. NAMED P.LAINTIFF Nsmed u ,plllnUH In !be sull II Mrs. Gertrude Barnett of Los Angelft and Identified wtlb lb• plalnUH ·ls Ben· l!ag.· gott of Torrance, Susan's fa\ber and !be divorced spouse of Mrs. Barnell. The acUon seeks to bar Dr. O'Donnell from gslnlng any financial benefit lbrough !be probate of his !Ito wile'• ~Isle. II was llaggol~ Mulcan pollce olllcera confirmed Monday, who really aroused lbeir Interest In the deolb d. Mrs. O'!Jon. nell And llqgott told !be DAILY PILOT from his Tor:rance home that hit first reacUon lo the news of Susan's death had betn one of "immediate suspicion." A ChefumaJ City investigator, speaking throogh an interpreter, said Monday that an invt9tlgaUon wu already under way when Haggott flew down to Yucatan but Iba! statemenu made by !be girl'• father ''really ded<led us to go into ' th.is matter with OW" eyes wide open. FILED DIVORCE "Mr. Haggett told w that his daughter had filed a divon:e actlM agllnst her husbsnd and !bot ha ""81>1 to achieve a reconciliation," he said. "He told us that hts daughter had made statements to her f&mUy about the divorce action that made them wonder U ft wu wise for her to go to M"1co wllb her h11>- bancl." The invutigator wculd not comment further on that atateroent. Dr. O'Donnell left COlumd, !be 11>- vesligator uld. lmmedlattlJ ifter Ibo burial ol his Wife. He ll&ld polk:< depaFt· ment rtcOnb Indicate that !be phyalclao $6,900 Blaze Caused By Bad Floor Furnace A faulty 0oor fllmace WU blamed to- day lor a lf,900 Ort In Iba borne of Mar- tyn V. Torocle, 2431 Zetll> A,.., Santa Ana Helg)>u. County lire department olftclall aald !be blue evidently lllarted about 10:!11 a.m. and wu reported at 1:11 p.m. Tbey .. Umalod '4,IOll damap to Ibo building and '2,400 to-~ g;Va . Mveral accounts of thi: manner In-'which h1s wife died befd Haggott arrived in Cozumel. _;. TOLD OFFICIALS -= Haaott ii reported to have1old Mn:· lean Oiflcers !bat O'Donnell ittrlbuled his wlfe'1 dei.tb to an auto -accident while the .couple was on tbe way to visit Mayan 'ruin.I ·m the YaCatan ana. He told Ccmnnel 'police Iba! !be. plzyllciao sent 11Jm a teltctam tO that effect. • · AnCI Mn. Burnell, the · 1nves11iator stated, told olHcers lbJI abe bad lllu!gly advised her dau@IU DOI to . go on !be Mexican trip w:!h her husband. She is reported to have saJd she was ••deeply shocked liut not at all aurprised" by the news of her daughter's death. FAID TRIBUTE Mexk:u police today paid ~tribute to the "a'1111dlng zeal" o/ Fernando Gon- ialer, editor of MuJco ctty'a OVaclones Inlonnaclon. "No one has done more than this man to compel us to punue our 1nqu1ries Into the death of Susan O'Danncll," an investigator said. GOOZlles told the DAILY PILOT today that bis paper's series of arUclu: on Mrs. O'DonneU's death followed from his "very early conviction that all was oot u it appeared to be." Gonzales confirmed that Mexican oC- ficlalJ were puWng !be finishing touchell to their formal demand lot estradlllon. 1'And I am l'tll'e that Dr. O'Donnell will O>On be miking another trip lo MerJco," the editor uJd. Citizens Group Meets Thursday Mrs. Bartletta Sute.r wiR act as cbalrman d. !be Hunllngtal Beach Uofon Hieb School Dlstrlcl'a O\llem Advisory c.mmtllee oo Mulmam U• of Schools when Iba! body m<els al I p.m., 'lbus- day. In Ibo district hoard -ll02 !7th SI., Huntlogtoo lleacb. Subcommlllees aro upeclod to clve their llnl Pf'ltll'.., 1'porll Tburaday nigh! IS Ibey l.tunch phue ..,. of five phuea designed i. study the complete achoo! ..cup. Dr. Elban FuU-, uslllanl district superintendent, wUl address the com- mlltoe in a :io minute ta11c oulllnlns a study d. achoo! -be med•. Robert lllngwall, ellalnnan·of Ibo ad- visory commlltff, mtgnecl hl.t post 11.!1 month to run for a seat on the dMlol hoard. Committee memberl Will alao dlacull his rtplacanenl ~- ' ·· Shil,lel!\gh .Tankless~ Job Milsile Worm Fim;, But Mounting Difficult r ' I flta ._.. S..tlta " wtl1 Jlllle"no problem lor planll In with 8landanl orma-t. an Ar'!fl1 ' J'ldlco l'Gnl -.1ron1c•1 Shillelqll Newport or LaW11dale. spokesman uld. mllllle can poke a hole Into any arniOr C!Wnnan L. Mendell Riven, of !be The problem, Army sources oulllned, -......;.. but tbe IJS. •-_,_,~ Houae Armed Services Comml(le.e centers on tbe exceaslve lleld ad--·• ' -•Y ~ disclooed the Anay'g tanll problem. jlulmeoll needed on !be luml, which lhll week that 1111 hiving lr<luble llndlni Riven llld !be Army nm week will II supposed to to! !be mlssiJe be fired something to put the weaPoQ 9'1· give Its otndal explanation u to why while the tank is in motion. In lad, !be Army',.nUre lank dtv•lo!> its M.-0 and MBTIO tanll P'"ll"llllll · are Mesowhile !be Army is "postponing men! proaram 11 In -dllllculljel, going so bldly, Rivers charges Iha! lndelinllely" orden ol M-aJs wtlb lb• a Jeablator hu dlvule_ed, becai. . of serioqJ admlnlstraUve defldencles could m.issile, even though the ShlllelagM are ulr<me lechnlcll dlffloUlleo In lllOUlltlnc resull In losl d. hundreds ol p>llllonl bough! and plld for. tile m1ao11e 'on Ibo M-io tan11. ' of dollars from !be two prncums~ The MBTIO superlenl<'1 problem ls 'lbe m1llUe. boftya-, worb just floe, 'Ibe mlssUe is earmarked only ror in its engin~ not with armament. Its manufaduren 111 coatldent17. use on the: M.fiO vehicle, Aeronutr.oruc The Army has refUled to aay ho\f' Tbe Sb!DeJacb ll bulltln Aeroi:iutromc11 spokesmen said. much the probletm are costing tu~ Lawndale coqla Tbe company allo They atrmed there is nothing wrong payers, but price comparisons between bu ladllU" In Newpcri Beoch. wllb ll, b'I In !be tumol and moontlng M60s armed wilb missiles and !hose Delpttt the ~~on of design, wNch is being handled by another with conventional guns art significant. the mllalle lo coo ·-Jn. firm which makes !be lenks. • Wllb Shillelagh !he tank costs $3.15,000. ~ a company spokesman in Until the turret usemb1y can be Full price f1lr the regular tank and Newport uld. lie ldded Iba! lbe bangup redesigned !be tanll wtn be equipped aun Is 11111,0000. Frott1 Page l HITCH-CITES IDEALISM. • • -wtlh which 111"'1 atudenlll cu ldenll/y: peoce In Vletnom, the lnequlltol ol tl)e draft, racial dfadmlutlcn on the campus or lD lbe IUff<IUlldlnc communlly, or untvenh'y lnvolvtmen! -!be llludenu call 11 <DlllpllcJIY -la -4evelopo ment... - He aald, "students become angry ,.nd Symphonic Band Concert Saturday Memben of the Golden West College Symphonic Band .will present their third annual concert at a p.m. Saturday at the-college center, 15744 Golden West .Sf, Huntington Besch. Director Tom Hernandez will lead the band through Verdi's "ManzonJ Re- quiem," "Valdres March," 1"Trumpet Serenade," "Concerto for Horn," Gianin- nl's "Symphony No. 3," and "Voice of the Gurus." Hernandez will alao play a trumpet solo as the band plays "Virgin of Macarena.11 Other soloists slated to perform are Glenn Darter, trombone, St.even Lewis, French born, and Dan Silva. clarinet Adm!saion to the concert is $1 or !:Ill wtlb lludenl body card. emotional over soclety's failure to do what they feel is morally 'right con. ceming these issues. They gee -too often uncomfQl'ta.bJy·clearly-conflicting values ind hypocrisy In aoclely'• In- stitutions. "Student activists oft.en design the.it · actions specillcally to ahoc.k and IDltl' a complacent and self-rlghteou& soclety." Thus Hitch answered the question he asked as the title ·of hia talk, "What's Wrong with lDgher Education?" by saying, In effect, there ts really nothing: so wrong u it seems to be wrong because students are different. He alao took 1ome palu to explain that tbe vaat majority o( atudents, althoocb many genuinely believe In aome of the cause!, do not differ from the maJorilY of adults In deploriq disrup- tion,. violence and coerclve tacUe1. He also asked the audience not to consider him an apoJogi.st for the students -"I fiM some of the tactlcs of the student activists lntoltrable." But be pleaded !bat tile problem lo compla and simple aoluUgna: won't wort. Asked H be had a blueprint lor oolvinC problem of violence on campus. be Aid: "The answer is very clear I don'L It would be aa bard as to have a blueprint for1 the c:omplu: problem of crime in thti streets. This problem on campus ls not going to go away fast. I Mpecl It II gothg to 1•1 worse." Your child can -receive Last Bachelor Beatie to Wed LONDON (AP) -The l"t bachelor member of the BeaUes, Paul McC.artney, Is getting married. The 26-year-old millionaire muslclan said today he had filled out the official forms to marry a swinging blonde American photographer, New Yark divorcee lJnda Eastman. She is tl. ~ The wedding will be Wednesday. McCartney and Miss Eastman have been going steady since Navember, when she wu staying at his home in London with bu daughter Hesther, I, bu! !be Beatle bad conmtenUy denied they were planning to !llltl'Y·' Toda1 he said: "It's true -I am getting married. But I bave no etlllll)eDt to mat:e beyond that." Miss EutmaD avoided talking to newsmen. Miss Eastman filled out the forms at ~farylebone registry office .Monday. Faulty Smog Device Starts $20,000 Fire Fire caUled by a laulty imq c:oatrol device did an estlmated $20,<KM> damage early this morniog to the Ludlow Corp. plant in Capistrano Beach. Sl1 county fire department units responded to the 1 a.m. blaze at 25*>1 Victoria Blvd. Remedial -· -. - Reading REMmlAL READING FOR GRADES 4 THROUGH 12 SpadalC!aasa for Adultl Help REGISTRATION- Friday, March 14-4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. Satunlay, March 15-9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. C ...... Bt01 Moitcrl)', Mardt 31 Panint or Gulnflln Must Accompeny Eath Child to Rlllstratlon lj The Open Court ReBiling Center "' 12112 llroolant A-• Gmltn Omt, C.fffoml1 t2640 · • -~----l· .,......,.,...._, ._...._.....,_-w~·"1""1":""'""' rr".'!r.'~7:".'';;-·""'·---'!.~..,,.,~~------..__ ....... .,"'41 ' . • 1Lagon·a n ·eaeh EDITION ' . ' YOL:. ~2. 'NO. 60, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE C!:OUNTY, CAUFORNI~' . -TUESDAY MARCH · tr, \196t · ; · • f ,•I ·• ,., • ' -. -.. .. . . • • TE~, OENl'S . - School Candidates Agree I l 4 • Tax ov·erride . -on Galloping agretment marked the first l!llretch of tbe Laguna Beach School Board race of seven candidates for ijlrep; open board seats. Browne, Wis on the school board when Jt unanimously agre¢ to ask the votera for the increase and he ii presi.rmed to be in agrtement with the request. ln their first. public statement on the lax override, perhaps· the most concrete aChoo1 issue, 1all sb. candidates speaking be{ore the Laguna COoidinatiDg COuncil ehdorsed the 58-eent tu increase. Two ol the candidates, however, ln-- dicated that their position on the tu increase WSJ quli;tly arrived at. The seventh candidate, incumbent ~1 bqard ·· m·e'mber . Dr. Norman .Mrs. Catherine MacQua'rri~ and Mrs. Eslher Lockway said that their minds on the tu override ~d been swayed by a talk and &Ude · presentation given on .. Race With Drugs Product of Era •• I EDfT.OR'S NOTE:' This :u the second in a serits bt1 a prizt·tbinniftg ICien'ce 1Driter whb 1J>r0vid.e1 parents toitlj. bdckground on the tu1T·· °'.l!R ~ d"'IJ fi!l!f!!!on qnd iuggerls "'"Ill /or: Ch• lo help gtlllrd tJUrif' children ogainsf its iU effects. . Jly AttoN 111.Adsijg A.-Pi..~ Writer "Our earth is degenerate •• , children no Jon&er' obey thetr1 pirents."' · ThJ1 lament was inscribed In stone by an Egyptlan priest 1,000 ~ ago. Parents have voiced similar complaints about the }'OUD8er generation ever .mce. Now parents have a keen new concern -why should llO many youths be experimenting with drugs that influ- ence the mind? Lattr in this series we will offer a program for parenta on what they can do about the situ- ation. SpeCialists in education, student ~. law enrorcement, psy- chiatry, medicine, psychology and sociology offer a variety of reasons t~Bt may help parents understand the present drug explosion. Some point out that ours is al- ready a drug-obsessed society. In 1965 alone, some 187 million Jft- scriptions were written for drugs that affect mood or behavior; adults were the main consumers. "When parents have a medicine cabinet full of drugs, the kids can make a big thiDg out of that," one psychologist remarks. One doctor adds there's wide-- spread popular opinion that there Costa Mesa Police Chief must be a "magical pill for every Rogef' Neth: "I believe this woe from constipation to worry over 1eries will be of great value in the H-bornb." To some youths, alerting the parents of our therefore, "mind" drugs may seem community to the very serious to offer solutions to major p-oblems dntQ problem that exista." of life. 7iouth is an age or questioning, of ]earning for one's self what is real and ftue, a time of keen concern about 1•Wbo am I?" For some youths, drugs offer new possibilities in this quest. And thiJ is an era of rap1d revolutionary change that leaves adults as well as youths bewildered and uneasy u to what tomorTOw may bring. There are crucial struggle! ·over civil rigbtl. and aocial tnJustice. The" was in Vietnam is unpopular With many citizens, Yomia and old. Cities show ol>vioos decay, pollution of air, watet and land Is ~I· Offstage b the menace of obliterating nuclear war. 0 _ Rapid aocia1 clJange. widinl tbe "generation gap," says nr. Kenneth., lteniston, Yale ~logill, and the.~ beconies more lmporWrt lo the )'OUD( wbo "can no lonpr,c:ommit IMmlelva unquestionably lo the . me 111y1 ... attitudel and 'o~.d tliOir parept.s. '!'o ~·'°It lo condemn one's tell' to obsolescence m the modem world." • l\!ll1f yolilhs live Wider -_.,. lo escel In llChqol, and to oome: io:booLwor~ seems <OQtriyeil, a form of matldni Ume, and hence 1"' ' , ~ • I. " • • (Seo OUTGROWTH OF TIMES, ..... JI • < ~ ,. • ;i • Seeping .Water '.Ca~es ~ag~na ElectriC Ou·kige • 1 A w1ter-indacecl pow...-!ailuro clat¥r>- ed 1 ceolrat potllon ot i:.,.... s-b M...S.,, Including pll1 ol the clownloWn bua1De11 district and tr111lc 9lgn11L Larey Walbridge. local manager ror SOuthcrn catilomia F.diaoo c.,, said w1ter hid mpt inlo uoderarouod equli>' ment near the Laguna A veooe pOll of flee bulldlni. af!ected. Power, wa p1nlally reslor<d to • 'hair hour IOd fullJ' -lo about three boun, he tlllmlt.d. He said """"" wal br<IQeht In oo a dlllei'tnt circuit peodir,.; replacement of the soak· tdunder~cable. JH .. jd 1bout 500 customers were • Areu lnvolvtd Included one side of Foml Avenue, 1 portion of Mermaid Street IOd IOll16 of the blslomen ti.- tween Park Avenue alld 'l'halia Street just prior to their addresses by Or. William Ullom, distrlct superintendent. That pr~ntaUon d~scribe<fthe Laguna district's unlque poslUon in that costs per student were high because of the great numbft of high school students in relaUon to el~menlary students, that inflation has caused costs to jump, and that more state lid cannot be counted on (presently the state pays about 20 ' percent of the liudget) ~ ~ · is a 11rlch" dlstricL -' Dr. UlloDi concluded the prOltl!UUon \>I. ~ the dtstrtct I!',! the reoourcu tO"meel 11be lncrelie, '\he' 1eography of the -forced bllh <Olla to ,.... cases and that the c&araeter ol ~ Laguna ·Beach students. wu aood· He pl<oded with tupeyer1 lo 'loot at. the Li;una dJstrlct separate from. districts , Hl'!'lenclng UllJ'al and not • • penallu Laguna lludfDts for 1111 adlool . ' of otheni. ~ ,.. Following Ullom's talk, the caodldate1 each hid thr,. mlnam. lo give their opinion o( the override. • ·Here, to brief, is whit they .Ji: C.tkrtae MaeQurrie -"I ·have always been more Ql Jess against tu overrides on ~.ba&is cl. my ·~ library admi¢1Uatlve eipeflenCOJ.; JI u ( 1 • t 1 uSUill¥'cariy a, Utile !afand r:!!''ll.,'ays 1 bit ou.splciGUJ that aomethlnc eould -' be t>ltnmed oft. But In tills putieular cue. • .perhlpe this year we should vote for ~ tax override." Wuuam .WlkGu -"I am committed lo # <lhe!i...mdel and I •am 'Vtt'f happy. lo be eommifted · to il M(isf of the money .will go.for peraonnd and aalarieS.i The · ultiml&e rtllance-ls on the admlnistraUon •nil ~~ whlCh looks ~·'See CANDIDATES,:,P .. 11, nnex1n 0 e MERCHANTS LAUD HERO David Greene, an elderly Ocean Avenue l"f:&dent who single handedly pulled out debris damming Laguna's main stonn channel and saved the downtown basin from inundAtion, recelv· ed a hearty '.'thank you" from businessmen today at a bteakfast In his honor at Hotel Laguna. The Downtown Businessmen's Associa· lion presented Greene with a plaque and portable televi!ion in recognation ol his service Greene , who lives at 312 Ocean Ave .• said .when be approached the task, he said, "Lord help me, .because there's M one here but me and. you:• f~iiing _ ~£ 2 ·'· .. ' ~ Tied to Arrest Of Chiers Son By JACK CHAPPELL Of "'°' !Mllr Plllf Stiff The narcotics investigation which resulted.ip the ~t of. Steven Murray, 21-year-old only son of San Clemente Police Chief Clifford Murray, has been linked by authorities with the arrest of two ~ brothers accused of posswlng and selling marijuana. Robin Green, 22, and bis brother Gary, 20, were arrested by state narcotics agents and Tustin police Thursday at their Tustin home, 115602 Pasadena Ave. Tbe brothers were reported in Orange County JaJJ Monday awaJting a conUnued court arraignment Friday. Ball· is $8,250 each. Robin Green, a UC Irvine student, and Gary, an Orange coast College stu· dent, are accused of possessing 10 pounds of marijuana at the t;me or arrest and previously selling 2 pounds of mari-, juana to state agents. Dalton Newland, area state narcotics supervisor, indicated that the two men were involved in the same investigation as young Murray. However, he declined to elaborate and said that the state had no intention of filing any conspiracy charge. against either the chief's son's case or· the Greens. At the time of the Tustin arrest, Robin Green wai free on a $5,000 surety bond stemming from a U.S. arrest Feb. 15 at the Tijuana border involving 200 pounds of llllriJ>!Mo· worlb about $9,000 on the retail ibarb:L · . U.S. Attorney Mobl!'Y Milam of San Diego aald his office-is now awaJUng a rtP.9f't f1'JD the Cu.toms office and w~ teet a grand jury 1myallnc in· dlctmenl agalnll Green and 1 Laauoa Beach man, Richard Lee· Jack90ll, of 3U ~Neitall Rold who wu arruted at floe lollJJUIA~, hp I) , BO A.TING SCENE UNFOLDS -TODAY · ·. {~ Bootlnc -lroin .lhe ~-to Anallelm -l!\lkes "' ~.~ to the DAILY PILOT. E:.-r.:!~ AIDlon Locbbey, insbly ~~ k<ln ihe • Soulhenl Ocean RaC1'iir cmi......,. In Florldl •nd the ~ ... J1l11ndl, '""' It lo plctureo oo PIP ... ~-- And .. -~ LocbbeJ'• bootlo( pqe, the DAIU.ftM!l' ~ta opeclal coveroge of lho'<W,....,. N1Uonal • Boat Ind Marine Show,~~ ... "11 at the Anallelm ·C.Ovdiir~, I and a look at boaUntif,ud ·llcia\·f~ 1 along the Orange Collsl llld .~. , 11'1 all Inside today, on Pages II lhrollgh II. ' ' Laguna Plan Disorderly - Or Logical? By RICHARD P. NAIL or • o.•r Pli.t st.tt If ·you look on a map, the land an· 1 neution Laguna .Beach is ~ently eying looks like, a ~. . 1 , ' . ' . ' ' Storm ·causes, Deary · toss . In Lag-rm.a Public Works City coffers may be squeezed a touch by lhe cost of Laguna , Beach P,Jblic woru damage from the ..... lloim. '111e squeeze "1ould be temporary at worst, however. with state. l,nd federal disaster lunU eventuaDy picking up most ol the tab. , . : '· r. . "We've 1ot. ~.cu~:: ai>wne.a.Clt}l Min>gel"7-D~ IVl>e•toil'. ""Ille '9111)' problem Is .u,. eapeblllly, .of , ~g those reserves before t fl e next fiscal year." . The city manager referred to reserves that be said ordinarily amount to 1215,111111 lo !230,000 for "dry period" llnanclJ1g. Tbe time gap between spending the reserves for reconatructton and recover· ing state and federal funds to replace lhem Is where the oqueeze might be felt. Wheaton said that Jhis might be worked out by carrying budgeted reserves in the nert budget as _account!. receivable but did no! feel lt "woold wlouSly reduce any other ~ltures to be. budgtted, '0 , • • I State funds; he said, .go tow1rd repair ol "'-'• • madl ·oc ·brld&<s while. the. •tai;",i;.rJ;i handle JJOod ~c!<introt: ihd' public 6uUdlog damage: Wheaton noledl that the -ltate doesn't r1imbune 100 per- cent while federal funds ~e, suppolld· lo. The city ls sUU aUempUng to come up with a comprehensive picture of its dalnage IOd the oe<:essary llatlttks, During the storm Joseph sweanr .. public works director, estimated roUgbJ,y that damage to public works 'miiht run more thin IS00,111111. . M~A k "E _;i ... _,7 _xico ·s s: xtru.aitto n Of Nwpor.t PhysU;.ian • , The boOt is '46 acres. I~ sole stam,, <¥1 the nmthf,rly city boondllrJ.· lls toe ls !onned by Big ~ ot Laguna c..,.. Roil!\ . 1 · "I f ;.~~~ . ·~~o1'L4Cuna ~ l!Old~ the~ laces' weoterly. lla:J!ofrt1'·-r~~-, ·. ~ ol. lb& ~ ·"' 11h~lloai· dO 1IOI Wini to beCome part Gf Laguna Belch~ of 1ddltlonal tuOI, Other land -s do wnat to join the city . ~ ol ~onJl lf!!l'VJces. . ~ . Billh aides alied tilelr vi<wpolnts lilon· · day night during ·a study ,.-of the Laguna Beach Planning Commias:ion • Planners are eipected to make a recam. meiJilMm lb the Ctty C-Otmc~ 111' Its meeting next Monday. :.1 Dr. G.R. Ekeberg, a veterinarian and past opponent of ahoeution to the city, spoke ·agailllt the propooaJ. Her prupaty at 2113'12 La,una Canyon Rliad b beyood lhe top of lhe boot and not lncludod land owners do wan( to join the city boundary closer to her. · • "I'm for orderly develo0nem d. the C!'J!Y9n. Thb ,b nol -.onlerly .clmloi>' ment;" Dr. Ekeberg milnlalned. She claimed .Uiat one large ' property owner "stands to Dllke. a bucket" by tbe anneutlon but would not llelp poy !pr .. -Improvements. BIM!· ~ of "work, sweat aod W&n" of otbera. Dr. Ekeberg said, "You lbould hive a specific plan for that whole area • It's bodge poc)ge. That'• tbe lllOll boqe podge thing I've beard. of." Dr. Ekeberg and ot~ers worted lo 1966 to defeat an annexation ~I that was defeated by voten. It invblved about 1,250 acres. The. presentJy propooed mmeDtion •It part cf' tjle _defeated 11111 .. __ but would not go lo the, votm beea-. desp!t<! Ml ..,,... lt c:onlaiDs less thin (See CANYON ANNEX, Pa•• I) . . . __ s~ ,,_ti.ca ' NEW YORK (AP) -'l1le lloe1< market wu ahead at the clote ~ although doWJt from . the higher ,level.i readied ' earlier in the day. Trading slowed near !he encl. (See 'quolatl6M, Pi(,es llHI). The Dow Jones tndustrfaJ. average at 1:30 p.m. was up t.29pointsto121.l\ Oraage " .... Forget -dfte intldlool ol rain. The ·-Bm ........ deill C111lllldnl _._,. li'll be ..,.., Iller all, wllb ~ to the ""' ••• Jocall)'. • INSmE nDAY J....,, Rau, odlnl•i<c1 auos.1.i of Dr.-llard!t Lo._, KlftQ, to- • doit ·btpon ••life •I i.or.uoo. i. l c,U Nor 4 in IM • ....n..- Rcw1ty block o/ ~ !.bilrir1r1I StoU Pril01t. SI0!1/,l'OQC,' • • 1 • ' ' ' Baeklng 1tJllltanf$1 Hitch Tell..s of Idealism . AnwngCollegeS~ts ' ' ' .. . ' . wm nported killed In .an attack on ~~-aal4 ....i.:...: -!he we were 1niernlpU!i,"'_. supply movements: 'l)ey ukl u:te North Viet.- ~ae 181' DMslon holdJ War Zone C, the northern · b!llt ol Tay Nill!~ vinOe, with the appmnt talk of lylnr down aDJed '°""" to allOw the 'NO!'llf Vlelname<e 'Ith Division to alip. dowJI the SaJgoo River toward ·Saigon, · I ,, Shillelagh 'Tankless Joh Missile W or.ks Fine, But Mounting .Difficult From Wire Se..tea Philco Ford Aeronut.ronlc'a Sblll~h mlssile can poke a bole Into any annor Is supposed to Jet the mlallle he fired while the lont Is In motion. Th• Anny ba.o refused to ay bow much the probltmll are costlllg tu• pa.yen, but price . eoimparisoos between , · MflOI armed with inlssllu and ttic.t By TllOllAIJ !IOllTVNE Iii~ sald, "'nMn Is ~ always known, but the U.S. Anny admltted .,.,___ 41·1111buo:of1111·-a...,. thlsweekthatltllhavlngtroubteflndlng Meanwhile the Anny la "JIOllponlng tnde!inltely" orders of M.SOS wilh the mlSlile, even though the Sblllelagbs are bougbl llld paid for. with conVenUonal guns are a1gnillcanL ' With Sbllleiagh the lank costs 1335,000 . Unlftnlly of Callfnla Preaident with wblch m111y Ibid-can ldentfly: something to put the weapon on. Cblrlel J. Hitch aid In Newport Beadl peace In Vlelnam, the tnequltla of the In fact, the Army's entlre tank develop- Monday D1gbt be believes Iarle numbers draft, raclal dbdm"l":"tion on tbe campus ment program is 1n serious diUiculUes, of todaJ'• college students.are ideallstl or in tbe «UJTOUDdlng community, or a legislator has divulged, because of who l)'Dlpathile wltb the causes espouaed univershJ involvement -~ students extreme technical dilficulties in mounting by campus mllltanta. call it eompliclty" -in weapons develop-the missile on the M-40 tank. Bltch pn th1s view of campus turmoJI ment." The missile, however, Workl: just fine, Tbe MBTIO supertank'a problem la in Jt& engines, not wltb annament. Full price for the regular tank llld gun Is 1118,0000. Jlrom Page 1 DOCTOR ACCUSED •.. In a taDI: before_tbe Workl Afiaira Council He llid, ••studenta become angry and its manufacturers 11,y confideaU,. ol Oranp County. emotional over society's failure to do The Shillelagh Is built in Aeronutronic'1 • Mr Jt differs from the view upttiRd what they feel i! morally right con. Lawndale compla. The company also authorized the iaaue of a warrant alter Named as plaintiff in the suit is 5· b tat 'o!ll 'als · Jud' h ch Gertrude Barnett of Los Angeles and Y many s e Cl , me 1ng cerning these issues. They see -too as facilities in Newport Bea . examination of the remains of the dead Gov •••• that a s-•U number Des 'te th difficulty rod cti f tdeoUfied with the plaintiff is Ben Hag· emor .. '""""6an• ,...... or.ten uncomfortably clearly -connlcting Pl e , P u on o woman allegedly .,showed the presence d of spoiler• are disrupting college cam· values and hypocrisy in society's in· ~\ -the mlssile is continuing without in--of a lethal quantity of lum.inal, I highly gott of Torrance, Susan! 'Ms fathBer a~t pJSel, while the vast majority of students aUtuUoos. ""1 T•IP"""" terrupUon. a company spokesman in the divorced spouse o rs. ame • slnlply want to gel oo with lhdr educa-"Student activists often design their Finch Testifies Newport said. He added that the hangup toxic barbiturate. The action seeks to bar Dr. O'Donn;ll uan. actions specifically to ahoci: and anger Health, Education and Welfare will pose no problem for plants in Also named in the extradition docu-from gaining any financial belle it Hitch wu asked U there ba.o been a complaceDl llld aell-rtibteou11octety. • Robert Finch, w Ii Newport or Lawndale. ment a!gned by Judie Jesus Leal llWIOI llirOU8h the probate of bis late w e's · llllY proaouaced . c:oUnrer actlvity . by Tlnitl lllldr-U.Hrtd Ille 'qufsuoo he Secretary H Ed Jo. Chairman L. Mendell Riven, of the In Chetumal City Is Dr. Antonio Negron eatate. moderate ltude:ota: oa campus. amid 0 tbt tfUe cl bll talk, "What'• fyinf ·before ouse uca n House Armed Services comm i ~tee It wu Haggott. Mexican police officers "No. No Jir'lllOlmced activity," he Did, Wrq 'wllb Hlgbor Educ:alloll!" by and Labor Committee Mon-disclosed the Anny's tank problem. Rubio wbo facet Cllarges of homicide, conlinned Monday, ·1who rully aroused "A UtUo 'activity. Bui no major mov.. saylng,"ln <lfect, Ibero II really. nolhhlg day, 1aid be cOuid "effectively Rivera sald the Army nul week will lalsilication of documents aod of being their lnteml In the death of Mn. O'Don- ment on any campus 1 tnow. 'J'hls i.! so wrong 81 It teem1 to be wronc use'' more than twice aa much give Jts oHlclaJ explanaUon aa to why an accessory after the fact. nelL And Baggott told the DAil..Y PILOT one of the puzzling .Wags. There has heeime mvSenta are different:. schObl jiid money aa ~ogress ill M-60 and MBT10 tank program.1 are Me.i:clan officers Yid Dr. Negron fled from his Torra.Dee home that his first been plenty of reacUon off campus, but He a1ao tool aome pa1Ds to aplaln . y.:rO\j4ed. He declined to. ask going so badly. Rivera charges that from Cozumel _ the Yucatan Peninsula reaction to the news of Susan's dealb litUe -·ction 00 campus. "·t .-....... t-itu J ..... J-r the funds, however. aerlow: admlniatraUve deficiencies could be S O'Do u had been one of "inuned.iate suspicion." un.: .. -ol ·~ -·-·, I'm ~-. •· -al.*""-=',,,,;!=-~!:.::"r....1'1: •ln-_u ll, : . .;..~---------reeult in loss of hundreds of mlllions vacation spot w re U5&D nae VU11:1 U11J .. ..._......, ..... ~ m ~ ... ._ ·~·~Ye' -· • -of d Dar f ·~-.... died on M•,.,.h 19, 196& _ shortly after A Chetumal City investigator, speaking this bond oI. !)1mpathy with what many ' of. the 'Came.. do-not differ from-th:. ~~;~ o s rom WJ'C ,.,.o programs. the death of:ihe attractive woman. Mex-through an interpreter, said Monday that studentl conceive to be the aims of majority of idiilll in deploring dllru~ l The missile is earmarked only for tcan police today aald they believe Dr. an investigation waa already under wa'J the milltantl.'" Uon,· violence and ----ive ta.Jt.. Fr0M . P89e Ule on the M-eG vehicle, Aeronutronic I hidln ,, be . the when Haggott flew down to Yucatan HI,_, •-eJo ""'"""' 1;~ .spokesmen aaid. Negron 1 g somew rem sou rn but that statements made by the girl's u.:u ucv ped the thel1s that students He aJlo uked the auclience bot to CANDIDATES They stressed there is nothing wrong Mexico." father "really decided us to go into today are different than they were in consider blm an apoJoslst for the • · ' • • with it, but in the turret and mounting Continuing Mexican ejforta to bring this matter with our eyes wide open. hll pneraUon -the geor.ratioa when studentl -~ find IOIDI of the tactlCa design, which is being handled by another Dr. O'Donnell toutb of the border were "Mr. HaggoU told us that his daughter !DOii of bis -from Ille World of !he __ ldlvlala Intolerable." al II (Ille bud(et) With a llal>eye.• firm which makes the tanks. highlighted In Onnp County with !he had filed a dlvorce action against her Affalra Caunctl,.... In college. Bul .111--"'8decl .Illa! the p-oblem II J.r-Kirt -"We Jmow lbat costs Until the turret .....,mbly can be filing of a It million wrongful death husband llld tbat he sought to achieve He referred to 1 recent F...-~~i111f1fmpl11olulloos""'~-t. 11e colni up,lor_everythlng,'!l lives redesigned the tank will be equipped 1ultlnSuperlorCourt. a reconciflltion," he said. "He told u.s "'181"• llttTe1 tbU lhowed a percent ~ I bt. bad • blnepint foi-IOJvtna: a min1ml1 apreuloo of. trust to the with standard amwnent, an Army In a rare use of a civil action, the that his daughter had made statements of coUete ltudenta to be 1dealiltlc rather ~ 411 '1olmce on CllDJJlllt' helald: manqement. M an a cement now spokeaman uid. complaint specifically charges the plastic · to her family about the divorce action thu career oriented, ''not really coo-. --Jibe· IDl'ftr. 11 very ciea' I don't. ~ting with a noose ~ U1 neck The problem. Army sourcea outlined, aurgeon with causing the death of his that made lhem wonder if it was wise aenied with the practlcal benellla \If. ll~woald be u lwd as ._ have a ~·I 1111pect that inflation haa cauaed centers on the e1teaslve field ad-wife by "Injecting poisonous clnip" Into for her to go to Meztco with her hu.s- collep but something more Jnlanglblii• b-.,nnt for 1111 eOfuPlex ~'"!Iii or' i ee rope to gel short." · -illlla!Onts needed on tbe turret, which her. band." """"'8 the apporllmily to change thlJl&! crlnia lo the ,-.tbJs P•'la on J-Boyd· "Tbe t!oa ba.o 1.;..-'---------'--------------------------- ratbet ~ mike out well wlthin th caDilis -iJ not aetnc to ~=ly ·-'done a fine W, stretch1ng • Tee ealsllnc ,.,mm." : J"'itlijitt It II IOlnl to 1t1 " admlnlatralion now needs I t ' ...m by the cltizena. Es """" In Fl'Oltt Pqe 'l , edw:aUon r<qllires flnanctng Ille needs " of the achools. . ~ CANYON ANNE. X •••. ; ,!~M,: ~;r;.~ro1n~ vote >"'·" lits. McCaila tlin liated ,her three ~"'!lie dllOmf of Lquna BeaclJ ,can otand the addiUonal lu, Ille tfald, "Our YOWllJ>"Ol!!" deeerve lbta." u~ ........ It W'OUld be a "short form" anneuuon b.t could be made by the city with _.val of !he County Local Agency F«matlon CommtMicm .(I.AFC). Walt Ctllon, rtjftltlltlng Telaolc EnP...,ln& ma 1..quna c.n,.. Road, faftnd tlle -..,, He said county fin! -(al Leisure World) Is too far aWfY, There Is dilliculty getting ..-i, ._.. !rem the' aherllf'a olllce In curtalJ thievery llld vandalimt, he lald, He Pio epoke of lhe dffflculty of ileWnc -from county government and aid !he COl!IPIJIY for orderly devtlopmetS would like to be as clooe aa poaslble to Ille governing body. Cellan sald bis company originally requeated amoutlon; lllill favors lt; eipecta add!llonaJ taus but also expect.o additknal services. JUNDIAN OPl'OSED Junk dealer Charley Peddicord did not want to be annexed. "I want to Jll1 Ille w-bW lint. I just got a water bill for $1,700," be said. Ed Hernandes, with about ta aero on !he ""1le of fulure Pullie Coast Freeway, oppc>aed 1nclm:1on m bis pro. pert)'. He said tues are mr and there 1111.llt l'll1ll CMUJitta COAn ~ktlMI ... CQMnM't' ......... w ... ---Jae• .. c.,1.., Viet,,...... ......... -. ... n....1 kM•U .... n-:::.:;_ =''" llcfler4 P. til•ll P•11I NltMll i..-..... MMirffl!N CW,..._ DW.. ---111 ,.... ...... . W.lb.t u..1, .. , 1.0. ... 6'6. t'IUl --oe.. ............. ...... ......... :ll'llW.t ............. ,. .... tUIA W I . M'""' II no ...,..., "rm tlUlng Ibero with iiolhlng,• he Aid. · Wllllaili' J. Well; earlier llsloil u a proponent of annual.ion. spoke agalnlt il "rve come to the conch.Won It's not the. right way to annu property to ~ d!Y• Too -people an llllhap- py, !ilcli! •f preaent,wllh my financial h1ml•••>'l boul<ln'I mate It." · lilcbard Mulen fllvored the an- DexaUon:.· ''The mOSl agonWng lituaUon ls lrylng.to deal with the cowrty," he tat~ "Y oU can ;t Jincl out who mites d~ -~ if )'OU .-Clo, someone· above· them changes Jt two weeks later." · The 1ioot contains two areaa of property -looklng"1n the map lite clawab allced out-lhal:are·DOl lliducled. _ • AREAS POPUl.ATED Although the area! are pqpulated, it II paostble they might be . !!l<bd up larer wlth>ut election ti pending otale ltgfslatioo on anneaallon of uniD> corporated 01slands" sbould ~· Commlllllooer Howard Holden aair:ed if di.acu.slioo involved people at .._ho haa the moot land.'' City Planner Al Autry said the annenUoo proceeding was lnlUated by land ownera qualllled to do ... He said Ihm are 28 parc<la In the annexation ranging In aliea from about 5000 square feet to 100 acres. Autry said the land, if annued, Would come tn to the city fn!Ually with residenUal· hillalde zoning. He said Ille general plan consultants are studying the area with an eye to future zoning recom- . mendations; Large owoersbips include tht Crosby property, the W alnwrigbl property and property of the Cb.lnea Church of Christ. Autry told plan-. he felt the ae> quisitlon wu "• JcckaJ. annexation to take to the Local Agency Formation Commission." Boys Club Notes Decent ' Juveniles The l!ot'I' Club of Laguna Beach nHt week will be doing Its part to apotllght "JuveoUe decency" u l)O dubs oblerve National Boyt' Club Week. Tho oboervance runa from Ilardi ti throuP J2. In a """"t speech, l'retldenl Nl'°n ,aald, "Of all the thlnp I have done, no4hlng has 1-1 more hwhrarmfng. no4hlng has meant mort to me than to be chalnnan of !he Boya' Club of America." . Now banororJ c:halrman, tho Ptaldenl semd four yeara u the ..UV. board chalrman. Est!ler Lockway -"In the past 1 've ha4 to U.e .oo a shoestring and learned to ~ ~nomlei bec:aUJe of It. Now., ·.1,teallze we beve to u1let rising ooill'." Sha<ild Dr. Ullmn's tall< changed her ·mlnd. ' Frena Page 'l MURRAY ..• ,. , the ame time. . C\l.9Com!I officers allege that 200 pounds of marijuana were found In a staUon wagon as the men came •crosa the border. . · Mmray', alrested . by State and San Clemente narcotics officers Feb. 2, Is tcbecjuled for a Superior Court ap- jiearanCe March 21 In connecUon with five different narcotics charges. Murray waived his right to a prellminarY. hearing Friday In San aemenie Municipal Coort. YO'IDlg Murray'• counsel, Robert Law, said that al Ulil: time he doe! not know what plea will be entered in the case of the chief's son. "It's a little early yil in th•l regard," Law sald. He said he foreeaw no special prob- lems arising from the fact that lifurray was the son of a pollce chler. "As far aa I'm concerned. it's just a routine narcotics case. In Orange County, everyone gets a pretty fair shake," he said. Pifurray was arrested by agents as he stood washing his car in the driveway ol the family home at 225 La Esparanza, San Clemente. Agenb claim to bave seized !500 worth of marlju1111 (It pounds) aod 110 worth oC heroin. He ls charged with possession of heroin, ~aion of heroin With inent to sell, .,......ion of marijuana, .,...... slon ol marlja111a with Intent to sell and transporting marijuana. Cambodia Releases Four U.S. Fliers WASHINGTON (AP) -Four U.S. fliers held in Cambodia for a month were rtleased todtJ an a d1reet request from Prt.sldent Ni100, C 1 m b o d I a 1 , Prince Sihanouk announced in 1 broad- cast monitored hen. Al the ame time, U.S. olllclala -flrm!d that the United States baa tx• p-.-1 ..... to botll "-and c.m. bodla for IDY Jncunlont Into tllelr neutral l<rTltory that may have taken place u tilt ruull of bonier aclloos In the Vletna.m war, L Your child can receive Remedial Reading Help ·REMEDIAL READING FOR GRADES 4 THROUGH 12 St)ldll a.a. for Adults REGISTRATION- Friday, Man:h 14-4:00 p.m, lo 8 p.m. Saturday, Mon:h 15-9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cima Becfn Monday, Mardi 31 PINnl: ot Gulnllln 'Mm: Accompany Eac h ChUd to fttllsbwtion ,~ ' I The Open Court Reading Center ~ 12112 holtlnt A,..uo • Ga>don Gmt, C.Rfomia 112640 l ' • I • . -Tuttdly~~·-MMll-'-l~t~l~!69~.~_,,-l~L~l ~~~Mll-"-V-~-""-'a-, ·People 'Chase' Sirhan _ ~--- Psychologi$t Says Slayer Lost Uis 1~i:itity~ • LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirhan B. Sirhan omlted and shoot 1111 bead 'ln wOOdennei\t : today as a' psycbolosht de~lbed hii mental state and aaid 'he had rnu.!Qlll' that people w .... <bWog him. . . . . Martin . M. Schorr, a c 11-n I c a I psychoto1ill. Ill<! Sirhan was a paranoid and that hls behavior wu like..a "puppet on a string" -be fe)t be .waa beini influenced•by foUlel fat _,him. Sirhan when he examined him in his cell lasl' September. Sirhan WU asked to teu a story or. What the 1p-r meant to him. • • · Alter , ~king ·at • one plcjllre, .• Ille psychoto~t said, Strhan s~ It Wall a man lhfnking 1bout the evehta. cf the day -a loner with the world against him. . "That i~ his own• perception of himself' as an ill4fividual," Schorr said. a man wltboqt ~ cOuntry -SlrhaD v ia a man without an identity," u i\<horr Jed Off poychlatric lesliJnonY. . . . at llHi !rial Monday. " CONTRASTING TIMES -Parents of today sur· vived the Great Depression of the 1930's when un- employed workers hawked apples on the s~eets of American cities {left). Their children are growing up in an unprecedented era of affluence and suffer froqi a "depression of the national spirit." The poy'~ tbld I jw'y U,ing Sirhan for the murdtr. of Sen. ·Rdliert F. Kennedy that the defendant "ha! the illusion of being pursu'o.( by real or imagfnary people." "He is a semite but not· a Jew. An Arab but not a f.toslem. Tbde Is a family bul DO falhtt. He ts~ Immigrant but not an American. Nalh4n Ha1e was "This man hu ki.t cont.z:ol," Schorr 1 told the jury. "Ha. is going to act out:. what he will wJthout any CODCEm fM reality. He takes the position -'nothlng is wrong with me. 11m ok~. Every°™' eJ.se is Wl'Olll-' II • f ·Deputy lliJl. Alty. Lymi_Compton told '. newsmen Monday Schorr certainly could use psychological tests as a-diagnostic tool but ho felt the poychologbt had reached "far too sweeping" conclusiom. ... Beach Murder Suspect Says He's Innocent Henry Lopez Sianez of Huntington Beach loday pleaded nol guilty to the murder of Afrs. Hester Markee. Rejecting a molion for dismissal of charges against Sianez, Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner ordered him lo appear for jury trial April 21. He is accuaed of murder, possession of a sawed off shotgun· and auto thefl. Also thrown out by Judge Gardner •as the argument of Dr. Seawright :Anderson of Fairview State Hospital. . Costa Mesa. The psychiatrist refused to offer his conclusions on the result! of hiJ recent·ei.a.mination or Sianez unless the court was prepared to accept a plea of not guilty by reason or insanity. Judge Gardner made it plain that he expected a plea today but was not prepared to accept that plea. Court action against Edward Roy Hargrave.. 18, of 1739'l Marken Lane, Huntington Beach. was delayed until later today. Hargrave faces charges of auto theft after the prosecution aban- doned earlier murder charges filed again:;t him. Hargrave admits that he was with Sianez last Jan. 12 wheu his companion allegedly sla6hed Mrs. Markee to death but that he ramined in the car through- out the incident. Police claim that Sianez., 25, of 312 Clay St .. got out of his auto and attacked Mrs. Markee after the gray haired gra~ther. f.!="'~ued UM: two youths. Police belle•e that an incident in which the cV driven by Sianez and Hargrave struck the woman's car sparked her pursuit of their auto. Hargrave said in municipal court that he sat in the stolen car as a horrified 1pecl'.ator while Sianez plunged his knife Jnto \he screaming woman again and again. Pistol Accident Kills Policeman In Beach Home A Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy was found shot to death Monday af- temobn in his parents' Huntington Beacti home. Polic;e investigator.s said that Roger Goodspeed Pfaff. 2-4 , of 35Z: Gilbert Drive. died when his .4S caliber automatic pistol accidentally discharged. The body was round at I: IS p.m., N.:orxlay, by William Alan Hays, 17071 Grove Circle, Huntington Beach, Pfaff's brother-in-law. Hays told police he hadn 't seen his brother-in-law since Friday night. Police estimated the time of death as sometime during the weekend. Pfa!f's parents just arrived home ~fon. day after a week's stay in Carmel. His father is Roger Alton Pfaff, a Superior Court j'udge in Long Beach .and international y known for his foun- ding and work with the COnciliation Court and·the Consolidated Domestic Relations and Coociliation Court in Los Angeles. Homicide jnve.stigators from the Los Angeles County Sheriff'• Department al.so investigated the tragedy and ruled it accidental. Detectives found Pfaff's .45 pistol on • ,cRW in the. bedroom where his body was found. They also discovered an ex- pepded bullet from ,the pistOJ in the ceillng and theoriied the weapon must havl! <discharged while , he was leaning o~ ~ cl}alr. ' · )Ji.yr 1told, polioe that Pta£f was ex· ~ted. at hls house for dinner Sunday' , but didn 't show up, and dldn1 hirpbooe. Los Angeles County Sheriff's d 'rqm Overton. also told polfce Plafr f&ilOd tO pick' hint up !or wltrrlllanday morning. • ,f I'' I ~ssia~s Prepai:ing 'Jip Host Red Summit ' MOSCOW (UPI! -'nit Soviet Union confirmed today that eitenslve prepara- tions art under w.y for .a workt Com- munist summit in Moscow tbls apring. Tass, the Soviet news agency, said that represe.nLiUves of S3 Communist pwt.iea met in Moscow Monday to begi11 groundwork for the conference. reported· ly set ror mid·M•Y· •• I . OUTGROWTH OF TIMES ..... Sirhan frowned-In concenlratkin at that statement then smiled and whisperod to his allomey. • • Beatie · to Wed f'rotn Page J i'elevant; 1' says Dr. Dana L: Farns- worth, director of University Heallh Services .t.Harvard. Marijuana or oth- er dru&s offer a form of relaialion to some. Never in history have so many o( a nation's youlh been so .accust.omed to affluence. wilh no worrY' about starva- tion, unemployment or depression. Parents who survi ved the Great Depression of the 19305, and ·worked hard lo· ge:t ahead and give Uleir ch.ildren a better break, find tPis view difficult to take. Further, they find many youths protesting that the society they are grow- ing up in is malerialist.ic, com· mercialized, infpersonaJ, automatett, full of social injustice, making I i t t I e allowance for the individual and bis inner leelings. "There's a new notion tbat you can want experiences w)),icb are purely esthctic, purely on their own :nerits, even if they don't lead anywhere." says a psychiatrist who has talked with many university students. This youthful ~ttlti.lde collides head·on with a still·strong Am~rlcan sense of Puritanism, a sense that work is the road to sa1vation. As one physician .ex- presses it, "We are agairu;t anything that is per se for pleasurable activities. lt's all 'rig'bt to have a cocktail after a hard day. But marijuana fOr pleasure is somelhing else."· The drug problem is intertwined "with many of the things that are happening to us in our society~" says JoM·Finlator, associate director of the federal Bureau ol Nareotics and Dahgerou.< l>iup. "We . ' • ,! cannot separate lHe drug problem and the alienatjon we are having with. the young. T1ie great majority of them are serious and smarl, a~ often they don't want any part of. a society they didn't create." T)le pressures on youths who are poor, particularly the Negro poor, art dlf- rerent, Dr. David Gottlieb of Pennsylvania State University points o,ut: "He wants a change ol status, and he wants it now . He wants o\d of lhe slums. He '!\•ants out of unemployment. He wants out of a physical setting which restricts mobility and maximiies feelings oI personal defeat. "Given the choice and a similarity In opportunities, many would gladly change places with the di senchanted or Harvan:I, Vassar and Yale." Dr. Gottlieb adas that il 's rem arkable so many oI the poor don't gi ve up, or tum to drugs. "The fact thal drug taking is illegal reveals its function as a form of rebellion and protest," Dr. Farnsworth says. "It is tempting to write · it off es a typical 'phase of youth tbat sbould be ignored because inevitably It will pass," he adds. "It would be wrong-head- ed however to 00 so ; the young people's rebellion is meaningful to them, and constitutes both a response to their situa- tion and a way of dealing with it. Furthermore. their judgments are often more valid than older g'enerations care to admit." The real extent or use or abuse or mind-and-mood drugs is not known. Esttdi:ates vary wklely, and new research studies ate trying to pin down \he fa.eta. Marijuana is the prime favorite . Its use is apparently increasing. and reaching down now to younger age! than before. Dr. Stanl~y F. Voiles, director of the National Institute-of Mental Realtb, cites an esUmate that about tw• , million high school anil college student! have· had some experience with marijuana. Aboo) 85 percent ol surveyed students wd they htd used ft !Jess. than 10 times: -the DHit com.man answer wu only once or tirioe. Dr. VOiies thlnb It Is lil<elf tho! fOlll' tO five million AmeriC&ns, aduJtl '.inclod«I,.. have. tr;ed marijuana it Jent onct. l..8D, a vlltJ1 l'l'JOr! po t e n t Mlfuclniition-priducing dtul. appmntfy hu become i... popular within the list yur u yciung ~ ba_ve btsun to hear of its serlqua dqers, U1iJ survey fin<b. • - Heroin, callliDg true eddiction, Is I dillettl\I story. In flJI, it WU estimated there were 250,000 heroin and opium addicb in thi1 country. In 19'7, ap- proximately IZ,000 addicb were known lo federal authoriUe1, a sUght lncrtalfl <1ver Ul66. Consumption or pep pills, sedatlvts and tranqull~rs Is apparently still in- creasing, among adults as: wcll as youtl\,1. Little ii truly known about the e:<ttnl I of use d pe)'of:e,-mescaline, morn~ gtoey -. and olh<r drugs, ~ding "glue snifllng" by some youngsten, ~ The jury wu mo.n· a arieli ~ slides of pictures which Schon: had put bt!fore (Tomorrow: The nµlin mind druj, what they do, how they differ.) · F.ess Parker Buys McCa_rtney Marryi,ng A,merican '' } ' LONDON (AP) -The Jut bachelor been going steady since November, ·When~ Boone Countr ·Site member o1 the a.au.,, Paul McCartney, she was stayiog at h~ home In London ~ with her daughter Heather, 5. but· lbe•~ (For a large illustrated booklet LOS ANGDXS (UPI) _ Actor {e~ i5Tihetting2 marrietdd . milll·. • 1 . Beatie bad consistently denied they were ~ * * * contatntng this series in ezpa11d· Parker has purchased 320 acrea in Boone e &-year~ onall,'e mll3 cian planning to marry . ed form, and sui~bte for read-cOunty, Ky., u the site of ·an $11 mlllion said today he had filled out lhe official, Today he said: "It's true -t· am ing by 'both parents and young amusement park, Frontier Worlds. fonns to marry a twinging blonde getting married. But I have no comment 11 people, send $1 to "Drug Book· Parker, star M the "Dani.el Boone" American photographer, New York to make beyond th.at." Miss Eastman :\) let" in care of th is newspaper. television series1 sald the park will in-divorcee lJnda Eastman. She is rT: avoided talking to ne_wsmen. Jt· will be moiled in ploin envet· elude ·an indOor Sports arena, 13 major The wedding will be Wednesday. Miss Eastman filled out the fOnns: o ope.J rides and attrKUons and ·a~ter. Ml'Ca"!1ey and ·Miss Eastman have at Mirylebone registry off fee Monday • .,, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---..C...~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'~~~~~~o . , Pay your tax-and relax ' ' use our money. Payyourtax bill now~ith money from Morris Plan. You may borrowfr0tn$100to$5,000, or·more, for taxes, blil consolidation, home or car repair, any good ~ Payments scheduled to flt your Income. You may have your money the day you applv-···" .. repayment for 45 days. Morris Plan, the people who like to SS'f "yes." SAMPLE ~EDU LES YOUR CASH $ 453.93 $1 ,018.57 $1,518.99 $2,122.38 CN•Ule and dlsablllty Insurance evallab~ MONllil.Y PAYMEITTS $24 $53 $56 $76 NO. OF MONTHS 24 24 36 36 Morris Plan ' ' • I l • ., • • .. 0 •' a • d ,, ,, ~ " . • .. " •• " • u ' ' l I • • i I I • • ' ,,. ' l .. I ,.._, -11, 1'169 Stndent Strike Closes Two LA Sch_ooI·s • ' Vi olence Flares as .B lack ¥ ouths Protest Prese nce of Palice .. {~ W ... ~ rtw St.ff) Pbotoeriphers willed eagerly as the hlonile Dutchess of Kent, wife of Queen Ellubeth'• first cowin, .sat down at a machine for mtar urlng tlie stllfness of leg joints durlnir a vi.sit to the Rheumatism Research Center at Leeds. The r. rospect of some royal cheesecake brought them to the alert. Alas be- fore the l'Oyal legs tried the ma• chines escorts lorbad pictures lo iJ .J>e taken. •• •: • A retired coal miner named <Volin Halfpenny found his luck l'th:ooilJlderably more than his aine 11DCllcated. He was seare:lr g for flslilng worms near Mans- 9ield and Instead found 450 13th i:enf.1UY Irish , Scottish and Eng- ~h ~~iris wOrth several hundred unds. ' . Herbert Carl Herman Auguit Wilhtlm AU:m~r Reinhardt had a problem. He told the judge in Se a t t l e Superior Court hi.t friends had trouble Te1'Mmbt'ring his name. The court aUmoed him to change it to Robert Hmat.. Herbert Carl Hannan AugU1t Wilhelm Ale:t· antUr Reinhard t said Hindle toa1 a family name. ) ' tm-Kll:l""'!!IO!!'Dl=i:~ • • l : .,; Somebody stole J ohn Glav•'• ~; orange pig. The five-loot high, ~ f.Binled metal pig vanished from :;::1 the yard of Glave's Richmond, Va., ·:.~home. It once adoi;_ned the en- ... !J trance to a novelty shop he owns. ·,'Glave vaJued it at $500. ... • ~ ;;; .. .. • _, t I :1 -l 1 :l .. ., ·' • . ' :i ·I • . ·• ' .. l • • Sff'Ofce station attendant i3 an un- wual occupation for a 11oung lady - but the job is financing a worthy came. Dianne J\feyer, Western Mich- igan University senior from St. CL.air Shores, pumps gas tn a miniskirt ae a Kalamazoo service station to pay jor graduation expenses. She said, one man came back the day after a "'fiU·up" for more ga.s -even if it was only 80 cent& worth. • ·! ·( A London court rejected an :~ American company's attempt to ~ register the name "Tarzan'' as a , trademark. In its ruling, the court ·•, said that even the dictionary de- . fined Tarzan as "a white man of J prodigious strength 'and chivalrous , instincts reared by African apes," t and that his name has ceased to , be an 11lnvented'' one. l LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Two city IChooll were wclered cloeed IOdoy and Wednelday by tho lloerd GI p;d..,,tton In the lace ol a ttudent llrlk• call6d by Ntgro mllitanll protestfn& what they cslJed pollce brutality. . A rllh of small firtt, broken windows; rock throwlna and iwaulll on teachers were reported to a greater or less decree at all ta junior and senior bJ&h achoola in predomlnanUy Negro artU Monday. Two atudentl were arrested aod one- cut by flyfnl ·cws. Tbc Bl.a Stndenta Alllancl, a llttrln( Ni xon to Rule . . . . On ABM Issue ' Later in Week WASHINGTON (AP) -Tht White House said today President Nlzon will announce his decllion on the antlballlstic mWllt (ABM) oontroverlJ' later ttlil week -but not before Thuraday. Press secretary Ronald L Ziegler said that, before mating any announcement, Nix<f wants to confer on the matter with Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird who will return from an inspection twr of South Vietnam late Wednesda y night. Senate Republican leader Everett if. Dirbe.n of Illino11, aft.er meeting with Nixon, said he ttiought announcement of .an ABM policy judgment by NiJon might be delayed unUl next week. Ziegle;fl however, said he had rechecked with Nixon and that the announcement would come this week. • He uld be .could not rute out a possible teleTision·radlo appearance by the chief executive to unveil the declalon. In another development, the Whl{e Howe agreed quickly to hear the views of three prominent scientists opposed to the Sentinel antimissUe system, before ht announces hil declllon. Sen. C!lllord P. CUe (R·N.J.), said their views abaaJd be presented at the bigbellt ...... .and atranged a White House meetlnc (5 p.m. EST) with Henry A. KJaslnger,Jlb:on's top adviser on natlon- al IOCllrlty. 1\1 White House said that Nlxon would pertldpate personalJ,y In \he SOS5ion H at all possible. ~ 1bc elevtntb-nour eriort to put ad- dltlaililf oppo91Uon •tew1 beiore • ll1a Pnlldm:it arose unexpectedly at a hear" ina: GI a Senate fort:lgn relations sub- committee that ls exploring the forei,n policy upects of the ABM. Colombia Hij~ck Try Thwarted; Police Kill One BOGOl'A. Calombl1 (AP) -Police shot and kilted one of three men who tried lo hijack a Colombian airliner today and force the ptlot to fly to Olba. One more was captured and the third apparenUy wu wounded. The three 1UJ11!1<11 .wounded at leut five -when the7 opened !u. ,Wltll 111bmadlfne gum lft<ID -atlempt The plane, • DC -of .the alrUne Sociedad A.....ut!ca de Medellin, wu on lhe runway GI lhe alrpOi:I al Cartagena when the three men · with submachlne ..,;. told the· pilot to tab the plane With JI penons aboard to Cuba. The passengers Included Adin'. Alberto Veron, deputy chief of Cokllnbla't navy. The airline said the pilot told the control tower at Cartagena that three men told him to go to Cuba when he was preparin& to take off for Bar- ranquilla, a 15-mlnute lll&hl · lll'OUP for lhe militant Blact-Student• Union, call«l lhe strike Mooclty lo.bock demandJ that police be prohibited from enterinc school grounds. The 1r00p oontended police used baton• to clelr some 200 youths from the , hallways of Carver Junior High School lat Friday when otncen anived to .....i BSU member J"""'1 Jones. Pollce Cblel Tom Reddin denied lhe bru.talit)' cbuje at a new1· conference Monday and aid there were only five ..U. !n)urles FT!doy. lie aid 1' penon• were atTMted but none al them wu hurt. Reddin illd alltcers woulcl conUnue to •-ICbool ll'oundl lo llllWOr calll lor help. , 'Carver WU cl!>sed MooclOJ and Mandal Artar fflcb Sebool •u shut down at noon becaue of '#Dda111Ql arid ..-u milllnl arGUl,l\I ..Wcle. A-vtrtually shut ilOwn four oilier ~ Tbc -boonl met llooclay ni&ll and dldded lo -clilwn Carver and nesrbf Jelfinoo Hieb School for two daya to gain. Ume "to organbe •Po proacbu agaimt militancy and acta of ··-~--" ·-~· . Dr. Ralph Rlchardaoo, llCtln& ~dent ol. the boant, Aid lher6 would be a · aerlea GI moetlnp bet_,, faculty, ad· min11tiaton · and parent.I on ubow belt lo Inyo!.. the rupoolible ""1UDunity lo.....-approochel iplnlf mllltaney, a&afnat the 'closing GI llCboola by acta of vloleoee." JUcbardlon aa1d "other public qen-· cits," praumably pollct, would be uked to help In -1nl the two camp<WS would be cloled lo an but thoae Involved in the discus&lons. He appealed to atudtnls at Carver and Jefler10n "to 1\1.y In tMlr home netgbborl>oods" rather than roam the itreeta and 11cauae trouble elanhere. We hope dlsruptlve f0&"«1 can be kept ort by le&al tomes and legal mean1," be sal~. · Reddin said the black conununlty In oouth C.ntral Los Angmt hid been atOU!Od by falae reporta t h 1 I _P.>fic• critically Injured or killed '°""' milent• in breaking up the 1lt-in rpay at Carver. He branded the reports. 1pread In part by handbllla, .. u ... * * * * * Won't Quit Publishing SF St.aw Student Paper Defies Hayakawa Order · SAN FRANCISCO (UP[) -Editors of the San Francisco State College cam· pus new1paper the Gater today defied a suspension order by actina Pruident S.J. Hayakawa and vowed to continue dally publication. Eight tbomand copies of Tuesday's Gater rolled off the presses containing a statement by editor D i k r a o Karaguezian which said : "'If Hayakawa want:; to silence U!I:, he'll have to throw his body upon the wheels of our printing press." North Koreans . Machine011n J "-~ University spokesman Chandler Maloy said Hayakawa had no immediate com· ment, adding "Xaragueiian is a foreign national htrt on a villa. He's an· Arab, and very emotional on these issueii. They tend to be very emotional. I thought that (Karaguezian's statement) was a Wallace statement." Hayakawa's order came Monday - one day before the Bank or America, appointed receiver ol 1tudtnt body funds on Feb. 17, aought permiuioo to allot $40,000 lo varlom student groups, in- cluding $8,200 /or the Gater. ~l U.S. Troops Superior Court Judge Henry Rolph was scheduled to hold a hearing on the bank'I proposal. today. Hayakawa ordered suspension or tbe newspaper on grounds no . board of publications exists to supervise Jt. His assertion was rejected by the student editor and two facully members of the board . y l Ul'I T..-.n MAXIMUM JECURITY CELL AWAITS RAY Convicted Murdirllr to Llvt in Isolation Cell No. 4 Waits Ray Faces ~nely, Monotonou8 Days .. . NASliVILLE, Tenn. (UPI~ An un- made bed and 30 years or:' lane.liness awaited James Earl"Ray today In cell No. 4 1n the Maximum Security Buikilnl al the Tennessee.state Prt.lla., On an If-cell corridor wlth'11lesth, Row at hla back, Ray .,.Ill be permitted to.leave the cell only on three occuloM :....... when he ii lick, wb'en he , ahower1 and when he 'e1:ercW!1. There ill' a Cold knocker on the heavy .,. ... door which opens 1J!!O tjle lotiby ~ the white, one·Ooor biiildlqg. Ray will be taken throUgb thlj door into the lobby and through two more locked doors before he ienten the corridor leadinf to his cell. .' celtNo. 4 measures six by nine feet like the 33 other cells on three of the corridors. It has two bunks but only one is ever used on this corridor, because only one man is boUled In e11ch cell. The bac.U and sides of the cell are eighl·inch thick, steel-enforced concrete painted green. Besides the bunks lht only furniture is a metal combination sink and commCK!e. There are 11 heavy bars across the front of the cell. Once a day 'Ray will be taken outside to an exercise area enclosed by high y,·alls. Twice a week he will step out his cell door, take a dozen steps to his Jett and take a shower . The door lo Ray's cell was open late f\1onday and newsmen were permitted to inspect it. A mattress lay on the bottom bunk but the bed was unmade. A clean white sheet and a clean white pillowcase lay on top of the striped mattress. PANMUNJOM, Korea (UPI) -North Koreans opened fire on U.S. troops with machinegun.s acl'Oil the Korean truce front today, touching off a two-.hour fire right, U.S. military officials reported. The fight occurred a few miles southwest or Panmunjom where the 2&th meeting of the Korean MWtary Armistice Commission was being btld. There were no U.S. casualties, and Communi!t k>sses were not known. The clash first was reported by U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. James B. Knapp, United Nations Command (UNC) senior delegate to the commission. The UNC °"tpost returned fire, mostly with Ml4 rifles. U.S. oHiclals said both side1 fired eeveral hUDdred round.! . Knapp suggested a joint oblt.rver team of the commission ~ convened to con· duct a j(lint investiJ:atioo of the clash. North Korean Army Maj. Gen. Lee Chun-Sun, the Communist chief delegate, aaid Communist 10ldler1 had taken "self- de!ense" measures, but did not mention casualties. Lee also demanded the U.S. stop a acheduled military exercise and take all the involved pttSOMtl and equipment out or Korea. A massive buildup for the .operation dubbed Focus Retina, the longest direct paradrop operation set for March 15 through 20, was under way IO miles to the IOUth. A 94-man vanguard of the 2,500 men of the S2nd U.S. Airborne Division to be flown from Fort Bragg, N.C., landed at Suwon Airbase 20 miles JOUlh of Seoul about four houra before the out- break of the firina. Tht newly arrived men were not involved, however. * * * Mangled Hands Of Bomb Victim Opel'ated On SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The mangl· ed hands of bomb victim Tim Peeblt1 were operated on by surgeons Monday, but there was no speculation as to what use he wUI be able to make of tbem. Peebles, 19, a member or the Black Students Union at San Franciaco State College, was injured. last week by a time bomb which pbllce said he was planting in a campus building. • The Palo Alto youth's eyes were badly damaged by the blast, but officials at San Francisco General Hospital said he could "aee allghtly" Monday. Meanwhile, police issued an all·pointJ bulletin for William Pulliam, 24, alleged to have been Peeblts' companion wben the bomb el')Jloded. He is believed to have fled to escape arrest. The warrant charged Pulliam with conspiracy, Pl&S'sslon of a bomb and exploding a bomb -the same charges which have been filed against Peebles. Authorities said the injured youth has refused to discuss tht incident with them. U.S. War Analysts Say Red Offensive Successful launched the biggest offensive of the war during the Tet celebration of the lunar new year. I t I I I c Vegas Gets Snow Blanket Warden Lake Russell and Slate Cor· rectons Commissioner Harry Avery said Ray would be isolated. There will be no prisoners in adjoining cells. Nixon Appoints Special Emissary On P el'u Troubles SAIGON (AP) -U.S. military analysts say the Communist command baa been "relaUvely .!UCcessful" in prolonging its current offensive. The official view of tht U.S. Command ln Saia:on is that the offensive bas been a failure. But analysts at lower level! of command see th11 orrensive as more prolonaed lhan any In the past. One prisoner, a deputy operaUons officer, told interro1ators the offensive wa.s plan· ned to run unUI the summer. "To limit the influence ol the South Vietnamese government by reauerting Ute Vitt Cong preaenct. "Prior to the offensive," said one analy1t, "what dld they have to bargain with? Tbt ofienaivt ill geared closely to Paris. Any projection of how long Jt will last is hard. It appears they art initiating actions , then pauaing to assess them in relation to the peace talla. One reason the enemy is pro- Jonginc the offensive is to be able to adjust his course." • ' Sno w, Ice Make Mucli o f U.S. an Icebo x Teniperatures .l!llutlutr1111t JtillC~Ol' AIT•i"• l1k~1l!lld erur11ret1 8011! IOllOl'I CMc.l'I Cll'lcl,,111•1 (ilwllnd ... _ 0.tl'Oll """"' l'ort Worltt ·-....... M/tll L.w l'Nt, l> 'O OS . " u " " AO ,07 " 4 q .. ,. ,. " " " " " " " ' .. ,. " " .. " -"' -" ·" n n .e1 u ·15 WASHINGTON (UPl)-President Nixon today named John N. Irwin If, a New York lawyer with diplomatic e1perience in Latin America. as a special emissary to repair America:s deteriorating rela- tions with Peru . "It appears an attempt to llmlt the Jnfluence of the South Vietnamese 1overnment and to lnrllct U • S • casualties," said one e1pe:rt. Analystl Sly apparentl.Y the first phase or the olfenstve ran from Feb. 23 to Feb. II, the lecond phl1e from Marcb 1 until Marcb 10, and the o!ftnaive bu now swung Into ill thinl phut. -\ l1 \(()Ut\ \ .. ~··· MOl'IO!vtu ........ "'"'"'' (1ty .... _ L• A~ MIMll Ifft'! Mt'""41w MllW••10U1 ......... "''"" N~" .. II: " .. n " " .. J' ,, ·"' P ., .n ... Irwin, one or ~ chier U.S. negoUators drafting a new treaty for the Panama Canal, wu charged specilically with resolving disputes that have arllen wJth Ptru over the seilUre or U.S. llshing boala in international waters claimed by Peru, and over the eJ:J)l'OpriaUon or lheprtmarlly Amie r le an· own ie d Jntermitlonal Petroleum Com~ . One captured documpat u.11 a victory at the ne1oUatlng tablie In Parla depends on victory on lhe blttldleld: It 1100 eaUmatu American c1pab11IUe1 and polnll out that miew1l of tho American bombing of Norlll Vlelnlm la 0ot posllblllty that mllll be conafdered. The 181l)'lla Nici M¥tral priaonen of war reported thit thty were tokt the offtMive waa In aupport o( the Paris negollalonl. Fight Aga~t Litter Prompts Blood Offe~ " ""'" lie ""'"" f1lr l!Mlly, -tlll'tll ., ~ ,...., rnau!llllM. McmtfJ l•lr \Wdlfbdn. T~ tOKtld tto.y •*" tllt Or.-<otf,I wll "'"" "'-" 4-1 '9 ... •119 Ml9IMI ""' ,..,... w+A M • -il. ,,.,., """"""'"' b J1 • -s .... "'-· 'l'Mle• ··~°"" lifCOlld """ ....... ' ..... ,:. '""· 1.1 9'09l'llli ,,,., ..... , ..... , ti• '""' J.I WIDfillSOAY ir1r11 l'lltft ............. J:a ,;m, &.• !"!"' ll'w ............... U !O 1.in .... S ht..W !'Ii.ii .. " ........ 7:• "·'"· J.J _. IOW ............. 11 :• 1.11'1. I.I ~ .,... •·If I .Ill. .... l :R 1,m, MMI ..... l:.U 1.111, ktt ll:M 1,111, ••• .. ...... ""'"' l~ll1d•ll'l'lll '"""''" Pttl\buttlfl l'ortl1nd lt•kl City "" lklff ··~ .... _ t i, Leul1 S.ll~t Sil/I 01"9 ''" J'llllClK.1 Sl,,11 lt,_.I, ..... s.-.,. -· W11'1t'*IOfl • II II • • " ~ . " • n " . " ~ . " .. " ll IO " .. " . . " . ,. ... " " . " ... .. SI ,. .17 u n H :JI .01 u " )1 ,, ., . 4j Jt Irwin, who will be the Presldtot'I per1onel repreaentaUve with the rank or 1mbassldor, wnt meet with Nixon at the Whltie Houle Wednesday alternoon and ~ave for Pttu on Thursday. A White House aMOUncement said that Irwin's mission was the mult of an 11gree.ment bttween Ptru and the United States "to hold wide ranging talk• rcgardin1 the relatlONJ between the two countrle&. 11 J AllllYJll 1t1ted lour enem,y alma In the olltn1fn: • "To inruct American casualties. The ma!Orlty of the atta~k• hive been on U.S.baltl. "To Jtamrt the ~nee of Vitt CMg main force divisions and reglmenls which moved Into border aanctuarlu wh-,n Prelldent Lyndon B. John90n atopped the bombing of North Vietnam last Nov. f. "To 1how they art cap.1ble or dolnr what they did a ytar ago when thr~ I EUGENE, Ort. (Ul'l) -P 1 I r I j k Mooney, :to, Pleuant HlU, 1111 be !llli donate 1 pint ol blood whenever ....... coUcctt a pickup tn.tek k>ad of littr rrom Ortaoo Hiahwa,1. 1 Mooney Slid he hoped the oller Wotld aet more people Interested In ti• bi&hwey litter probltm1. He aald r$""' collectlna trt1ish could have his dC111ated to )he Individual or the heap 1 rf lht:lr cholet. .. ' S A C R AM E N T 0 -A ob)e<ted Mooday wben ~le mwure pralalJJI the Le-Juder HuP ll. Bums (I). ol Women Voters und'"'ent Fremo), um! permJJolon to rHxaminaUon today ln the' have the ' namet of-evft')' Senate . attet a member of aenat.or added as ciHuLbor1 the John Birch Society com-. to his reaoluUQD CGmmending plained the league was con-lhe leafUe. troverslal. Such tt(_l,uests ·an routine Senator John Schmitz (R-ond nr.I)' stiroppooiUon. 'I'UJCln), the legislaun's tole Schmitz complained lhtt member of the Blrdl SOclety, leaiue membul ' 'a I w 1 11 teitlty oplnsl Ille Llbetly Amtndmenl oo I'll be dmied if I'll vote ior It." He said the lugue w a 1 "COA· troversi.11'1 in his Oranae Cciunty district. The Uberi'y om<ndmtnl 11 lnlroduced In Ille Leg!llatur. yearly and proposes 1mend1n1 the federal Con.stituUon to pro- hibit the covunmut from le- Dimes March Advisers Add New Member Pat.ent Library Gift To County Attorneys SANTA ANA -Dr. Josepti S. David of Senta Ana ha! been appointed to the Medical Advisory Committee ol Ille Orange County Chopter, Na- tioftal Foundation -March of Dimes. , The thirteen-man committee meeta monthly to give the chapter professional guidance. In Ille local birlh defect medical and educational pro- grams .. Dr. E>avid, a p e diatri c surgeon, is a graduate or the University Of Buffalo Medical School. He is Surgeon-in-Chief, Childrens Hospit.al of Orange County; cruet o~ Subsection of Pediatric Surgery; and Ahistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, University of CaWornia, Irvine. 80th Year Celebrate4 By County SANTA ANA Orange County will quietly observe Ill 80!.h birthday today with the planting.of an orange tree at the new county courthouse. The Valencia variety tree was to be presented at 3 p.m. by Orange Mayor Don Smith to Board ors u p·e r v Is ors ehairina.n'Willim H. Hirstein. -On March 11, 1839, the ~ ty secured poJitlcal in· dependence: from Los Angeles County. BALTZ MORTUAJUEll C..-ddMar.Olt,_ C.Ola Mfla llU WIU BELL BROADWAY , . MORTUARY 111 Breadny. Cotti Mell u Wiii DILDAY BROTHERS H1111jlqtoo V alloy Mortury 17tlt lta~ Bl,d. HootllllflOlll!el<b 141-TTll PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAU Cemetery • MortaarJ CUpel lie! Pacllle View llrlvt N...,.n .-. Coillenlll --' pug FAMILY ClOLONIAL ruNEIW. HOMB !IOI Boloa Ave. Walm'•*-llNUI SANTA ANA 0r"1C• County's attorneys will have . !heir patent research pro- blems eased by the donation _of a complete .patent llbnl)! -One an(I 0De-half I tODS of books to the newly· established George A. Pat-ker Law Library Foundation. Highway 57 Is 'Orange' SACRAMENTO The A s s em b I y Transportation . Committee has passed a resolution to change the name ·of State Hi&hway 57 to .. Orange Freeway." The resolutioo, aulhored by Assemblyman John V. BrlQ!I (Jt.Fullerton), .. ,. opposed hy A11emblyman Willlam Campbell (R·Hacienda (Heights), who presented a resolbtion to name t h e Meetings The huge collecUon, which anived loday al the llhruy'1 Sonia Ana ware~. wu ctowited by Mn. 'Jilllce Boer of Santa ,t.na. n · is the library's firs! acqu!jl4on. · This will be the firat time that countY lawyers will have a p a ten t library available locally. P1evi9usly, patent research entailed 1trlps to Los. Angeles, tuverside or San Diego, ofiicials said. The library ls named in honor of George A. Parker wbo served as secretary· treasurer ot the Oranae Coun· ty Bar Association for 41 years. Parker is chairman of the boar& o'f First American Title Insurance Co., santa Ana •. Black Author To Talk at UCI SAC Coed 'Woman SllBJPBll MORTUARY 1--4M-IAI ... Clem.-.... ,. STEREO SENSATION! DllTll'I! MOBTUilY • ., -II. y.r1 ...... Lil:~ WESl'CLlfT MORTUARY U'I II. ll~ Ill., Coola -- • Tiie cororru1 soand of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ~ From Fashion Island, Newport Beach Tilf"'1, M11<~ II, 1969 DAILY "LOT p • Complete Prinffncf Senice •• Top QuaRty -Fast Service~ • 642-4321 • I I le DAILV l'!lOT H I ..,., annum pe>Undect dailY. • .ASSETS OVER S•.25.000,000.00 HEAD OFFICE 315 E••t Color.do 8ouf..,.rd ~ f'•••d•n•, C.llforni• 11 lOI -' _ _,_,_ -·---- I NGS' OTHER BRANCH OFFICES W.s.t Areadl• • Covin• Qlend•I• ltlT!RfST rlOM DA TE Oii lllCEIPT TO DA'ltQF WITHDUWAI. ' ' --JI IJ.. New York Stook Exchange List ' • , • • • ' T ...... Mlldo 11, 1969 • 1 . . ' _..,, -- WlllJ . ..... ~ ... Mcj;~· ii•ffari' 8 · 7 , IG ... DAY•I·. • . I • l• ~ • l • ·~ .~ .. · ;·.· .-: · ·of$c.auNT .· su·PERMARKETS . ~ ' ·' . ; . . ' ' ... , •' ' ' • ' -• • I ' .. , ·'. :,•". . . . , ' • ' •," ' • ; : -~·.' '. ' I • BONEWS s109 LB • . ROUND STEAK u.~~~01cE 79ft. .Chicken L•GS, BREAS!,S' . 49fi, SIRLOIN TIP STEAK c'!4~~~· ·tar.. SHANK. HALF HAM ;ARMER JOHN 49ft. . C"9Bi St"'K L~~!N~~~~:· . 981. ··llAM SLICES . FAIMER 0 .IOHN . 98ft. LONDo .. : ••OIL STE•K '$1°~. '"TT HAM PORTION FARMER JOHN 59ft. ROUND. STEAK IONE~~s o~.s~~o~HOICE 98fi, . FRESH FARM PICNics ~~~H 39ft. ~~=~:AL AMERICA SPE~CER STEAK ~1 .. c':i't,~~' > !~1·.:. P-ORK SAUSAGE HOME·MADE 29ft. BANANAS 9c CLUB STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE ' 89.~ .PO.RK STEAK'-' tt::~~I~~': 69ft. . . lb . CHUCK STEAK U.S.D.A. CHOICE 401. PORK CHOPS FA:1~1:N~OHN ' 69ft. -A-LL_G_R_E-EN _______ _ RUMP ROAST u.s.D'!N~~"olCE 69ft. POR-' CHOPI FtE~MJ: ~i~N . 98ft. FIRST Ofl THE SEASON ROTISSERIE ROAST u~~~:~1cE 89ft. PORK CHOPS FA~~: ~~N $1°.:. RUIW\P ROAST .,_: : ,u.s.:~:J;cE .79;,_· SPAR.RIIS ~~t~~ ~~~ 69ft. FRYiNG CHIC~i~ ' ~~OLE IODY 33fi, PORK . C"°PS ' FA~::: !~:N 79fi, c ICKEN Cut-Up . 35fi,·, .LAMS SHOULDER NiW ~LAND . 49ft. ASPARAGUS APPLES· • ! ' • · ' " ' ' · EXTRA FANCY ; .EVERYDAY LOW PIUCE EVERYDAY LOWPIUt;E: 0f:VER~.Jt~Y f.O~,pRl~li: ,:f)"V~RYDAY'~W1;RICE 0 ' WA=~~:~ON s~s9~1 PKKW ::.r. .. "::i., 33• SAllEIKRiur ~:::: 21 ~ SMoiii> i4uts ::..~ ..... 36• UCKJTY sPllis :.:.·:..+:--49• DELICIOUS s · r -------------t SWEET REUSH ·~·M0"" 34• MARGARINE :~;:.~"" 16-DRY SAlAME ........... 83-COOKlfS :;;:.>;:"c;:~ 37-CANDY SCOT ; I j ' CATSUP ,':!.~0"''0 24• LONGHORN CHEESE ~:;" • 79• WIBIERS ~.::: ....... ' 63• DRAIN Cl.WiR ~~·.. •• . CHIU SAUCE :~.' 36-BUTTER :..-::.·, 79• ~H~~ §:1}:-..":·· 31• RITZ CRACKERS ~::·Q 43~ 11/2-lb,' Package .9· (:; M GRiii BEANS ~0'"0" ... f3• PARTY DIPS =:.::.:~ 3&• PICNIC ~·.=:~ $35' SPRAY STARCH :::.::::; 43• ·DRIED PRUNES • DISCOUNT SUPERMARKE.TS - 19th & HARBOR COSTA MESA STORE HOURS: . Mon. lllru Sal. to 1._m •• 9 p.m. ' " S.1. f 0 1.111 •• 7 p.111. • " . r , " ' . .. . .. , .· JEAN, COX, 494-9466 ,......,, Mlrd>fl, I"' P.. P ... U .UCI Dean .. Stud·ies . ... " ' . ' '; . ~" .. • .. Edu~·ation~l ·c~ises ' Current Crises in California Higbee Ed\lC~tion will be vie\ved by Robe~ s. Lawrenpe; dean· of .student.< at UC!, ll>night al 7: 30 in San Clemente High Scbool's little Theater,· . . . 'The 'special event, open.to the P!lhlic, is sponsored by Ameri· can Ailociat!on .ol Uhivei'sil)';•Women, San Clemente-Capistrano Bay Brancli ln keeping With I~ national study topic, the Politics of Public Education. . . La1nence's explanation of the master plan 'Of California higher educatlon'will be followed by" ·Meet the Press ,program of quest.ioos and answen between the dean and a panel of branch members . ... DiSCDSsion is expected 1o foCus on financlal 1aspects of adminl· stratlon, Implications of tuition a-4 an expandedscbolarsbip program and special problems of student minority groups. Lawrence has beeµ an instrµctor at various Calif6rnia .colleges and wa1 regbtrar for San F:emando Valley SUjle College. He-aerved as associate dean ofiSonom.l. suite, bollege befs>re. iating bis post at . ' UCI three years· ago. , .. ,,• ' ' ' • 'f 4• •• . ·The dean was graduated from Callfoi'nia '.Ill.ale ,College .at 1'9• AnP,!fs wqere be majored in speech aii<l ~ He obtained bis masler's.degtee in counseling and guidance from the saine coll•f• • • • • I before taking coursei at UCLA. ... • - ~ A native of Toronto, Canada, be r~elved Ilia early education in Europe and attended high school in Beverly Hills. Lawrence and fils wife, Marion, have three children including a married daughter, 1 IOll in;<»Deke and another son in high school. I ·-. • r ' 'T ,_ • . • . ., I sn;olull ~t. an .... mllle affilated wUh . the c~ Plllllll-1~ Orch-.tta, Jldll perforin in n.cuna Beadl ·Hl&b Sc1l9o1'1 ouditorlam -t Sunday at'Bp.m. , 'UDCler-'ausp~ 'al Ille Lagwia Beaeli Chamber Mllslc,' . Soclotr.. .. . .' .,. ' • , .. 'll')ie c.elebtlted quartet i. ti\~· tilird group b~ught tq Lacuna BeeJ:h during the society's ninth sea~. The pei'19nnance wlll·tak~ place after a 7:30 p.m. concert preview. · ; HONOR BESTOWED ~ . ""¥ -• Th• q~ w~ founded l"ll •IM3 when . Jhe four musicians ,....., stiideni.. JD the CQOSezyatory of Music in Prague, After appearing in public as the Quartet oJ . the Prague :consmarory for two successful years, the artist.< were bestowed Ille honor 91 calling th.•iL en· semble after Czechoslovakia's mOst: outs\Udfng co~ poser. ' 1 ~ The principal proponents of Bohemian musical tradiUoo, they specialize in Dvorak, Smetana and Janacek. However they ~so give notable performances of western European-repertoire. an~.have played in th~. · .200th anniversary li!~rt.• Festiyal in Viell!!!l and the' 20th Beethoven Fe&tival in Bonn .> .. l' -> " f '\. Th& ensemble, Composed oI Jiri NoVak and ·L~bo~!:~· -. . mir Kostecky as violinJsts,'Mil8n Skampa on tbe viola, . , and Antonin Kohout, cellist, gives about 100 concerts •. ~· ',:J w 1 .'0 '; tT,11,. .,ft • .'tl·r ,, -1 •• • ·: l, tAJ<•l!P ·l!O'rES ·-Dr: Wilu!!lli Uotmes; ,wlio ivill . · · ' give a con.cert. preview at 7:30 p.m. ne¥ Sunday before . the appeiirance oil the §ir!etana_; guilrtet, studies-music to -6eipe>(onned~·~aklaa · " enStmbit. The aclihg Ch·airmah'of UCl's.muSic d&-· • ' ' • !. part111ent is joined. by •(left) 111rs:, Rbger W. Rus-· . ;.;; ~-• sell, .secretary of th.: 'Laguna. Beach Chamber Mu-. • .. sic Society' and (.rjght) Mrs . ..Itoy L.~.mes, whos.e, .... _;, "'. husband is a Ooaril,.nierhber,ofth~1·~,iet.Y. The s~ 1" , ·cie1'y'·i~ preseritlllg ttie COnc8ift·whicli 'Will begiJl ·~at '., • . ~~ '8. j).m'. ¥t Laguna Beach High School's auditorium. ••· • : • 'Ticked•are $3.50 for adults ili,id'~5Ci;for sludeni.,.~. "' • " , :Further JnformatiOli ipay q~.i obtjinld" by calling, ~ · _: ! ' .._ Frederick M. Lang;.545.7S35;:Mr4'1.W•ll, 494-~ {• i,. ' ,or· Dic):·Lewis; 67&-2153. Tue··Concert fs-the thin\ ()f. ~ ~· ·. ,fo~r'(9 ·be.,pieS(\llted during tlie society's ninth .,.... · · spn which .will close following.•,.-presentaUon by·thet • -~ Alma Trio Aprll 13. ·' . , • . " .,1 ' , . ) .. . . ,. ,A*. )'early. They "'record . ...for,, Colqrnbia and. Westminster. , ~·. . . . ' • ' "• ~-'. PROGRAM -. The program 1or the Laguna recital will include Mozart's "Hunt '! Quartet (No. 17 ift B-flat Major, K 4$11), the Dvorak C·major Terzetlo, Op. 74 (for two vio- lins a!1d viola), @nd a late Beethoven ·quartet, No. 15 in A minor, Op.132. · . Tiie society, which. currently bas"a. membership of 325~brtngs four concerts each season to·Lagunil Beach. Members pay a subscriptiQD prlce of $10 which en· Uttes<tllem to attend all performances. . 'Ille ninth SeJISOO will close WiUi a performance by the ~· ·'i)io on '>~~ni 1~. P.ast presen\lltions 'have ·in- cluded 111• Ci>ncintus Moslc~. ii ;yje[\Jlese .:haJCi!>er ·or- chestra, in November; and the Borodin Quartet from Moscow last month. " . ' r . · .Sl>C.IETY OFFICE.RS · . Clayton Garrison, dean of UCT's School of Fine Arts, ia p)'esident of the society. Assisting him are of~ ficers DiCk Lewis of Balboa, vice president : Mfs. Roger W~ RuiseU of,Jrvine Cove, secret ry, and GcOl-ge Gade of Emerald 84lf..treasurer. . , · ·: 5.('iUter bpard . members include Dr. Roy L. Byrnes .. Of ·Capistrano Beach; .a. ~· purenberger o~ San Juan Capi!trano;' Frederick M. ~g of .South Laguna ; Mrs. Edwilrd Ne11 "<it Emerald Bay · and LIOyd, Seilset and Colin Slim, both of Laguna Beach. · Tickets for next Sunday's. performan~e are $3.50 for adults. and $2.50 for stadents. Further information may be obtained by calling ·Lab(, 54S-7535 ; Mrs. Rus- oe!I, 411.5262, or Lewis, 675-21U, ·. · ·~_'. - GOP w'amen Mapping Luncheon-·: Campaign \ I Laguna Niguel RE!pu'blican Women's Club Federated hopi!s to dou- ble its present enrollment, of. 60 V(ith a membe,rsbip drive lunch .. eon ho$ted ;by Mrs. F.red Briggs of. Monarch B8y. It\fonning their friends about the 11:30 a.m. event ne1t Thursday are (l'eft -to -· • ,· .. ' _. ' ,'I,• .. right) the Mmes. Lawrence R .. Howell,,'I1aniel B. Boyle and Gat- dner Swen.sQD. Furt21er information is available from Mrs. Boyle, 837-2885. .. t • ~:BFoad' .. MiD~·~d · M~n :·~e~p.:·F~s~1on· .Desig·n.ets ·_,rn ·th~ ·G,re,~-r.1 : D£Aii ANN:'-nt/b for U... womo/i : ,, ' r. -· ; ' · ~-;'. ~be!~ you prinlid u.l 1.~ Ki.ow1n&.iWi well !1111 t canlioi curb ....aim, i...._.ui., bot ....ii whale buaband loves to put on her t , si&nld. "Bobette'• Wlfe," my wite my dea1rea,. my wife• now leaves tbe &bey' •'L · • 'W!I .ond high bee11 and !ala eyelashes· ~ .; --..,,. ptlvate cllclle ol ~· -.,,. tft!J1DC a ....t, wbJk. I play· u,.... wile uadtnlaadJ yov ..,_. ~'bi Ian." So .tie thiltb he .ts nonnal,, ' •. wear. She be<ule ~. --lad)', I prelet lo be alone W liDoboerved Ull_ .... pts I~ ll'• .-Y.ebe'! _,,,, Jk>e1 ft? We.0, 1 bid a llOl'l·in-law wbq me of .. beJna a JlorDOIUUal and' made and she i&bes -;nvtded, of eetnt,. JOI dlJ II .. ~~~':;~er~~ . · • ~ , :"dii~lmfJ't !JI see a la'f)'er ~\ rn"e :\:"chi~: art. !.i~~:; ltoate ud on Ute troe& law1. '.a bllnnleu Uttle. game tbey"were playing. word led ' lo another, fista began to -ORLANDO Alter she read your column she cancel-draw the draperies and do not answer How will you ~w wheo the real S went alona wilh it and evri 11\\8' fly and he was arrested. The story DEAit OR: 1'hnb for a report from ed her appointment with the lawyer the doorbell. thing comes along? Ask Ann LIDdlrl. girlie gUta for hi• birthday. got jnto the papers and disgraced the Ute rrWt UM: -or perialps 1 Ueald and made an appointment with a doctor. Since l\!e ·~n abl( to cafr/ out Send ror her bookie\\ "1.rewe pr 8a and ter 10 yeara ol marriage and three entire family. uy tt&m Qte rronl lawn. ne foHowlnr She tooJt your C9hnnn along. ~ i 11)1 little charade wl"' my ;wife's How 19 T~l . lhe DlfJereoee." Senll 3S id,...., he. wasn' saUslied to keep · Dancing Boy now is roing lo a , l<ll<r """"°" aaolllu vltwpolllL . Tb!' doctor sal<I you were right -, knowledge and approval 'I feel tllO per-cents !it coin and a IOog, so11-.....i, secrtt between the two ol them. psychiatrist, WbJcb ~11 what he &hould .... • that most transvuUtea are not homosex-cent better. My nerve. .. eettled andl stamped ~vtlope whh yom ~ · llarled · dancinf on the' lsont lawn h•ve dooe a long time ago. So,. Ann. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your column uala. They enjqy drtssing in Jemale I'm' oil U.nqiJlll~1. 'ni.int yOd for-Ann Landers wltt -be l*t to ltlp , ' ' I• ; ' r I , I ' his ''tun clothes.'' People stopped iC lbe wives of these null know what's doea a world of good. You· touched atth't1 but bave ·no Clesire to· engage bein1broad·ml~-ANN'S,FAN you with your prqbiemL 1Send ~"' Ir cars lo watch. Pretty ooon the good for them, they'll recognise this on i taplc, recen\b> that · hcl~ me in -•uil activity. Some llomoseJ· DEAR FAN: Lui Y'" leJlt• a......... to her in care ol lla DAILY P~ • ghborl e1lled the police. The pOUce peculJar behavior for what It is and tremendously. tjm one of tho8e men uals 1rt,•however, transvestita, which l"'PfHSIO., tt• H•e tireJii'll m trfjliil enclosing ilq, self-&aarewd, stamped-:"' . ,.,, ed hlm to go In the house. One see to it that their husbands ect help who W.:cs to drtss in .,.,°Omen's clothes. la whal Cl\&IU tbe-confuiion. •tl&alllllt. Tnu•adtes 1 re 1, t envelope. • .. ' • • -. ---------~- ' j I Horoscope · ' ·-• ·, Leo: Pa ce Y o'urse1f .. · 'WEDNESDAY Be fair but finn. •1 ·MAR.CH I' TAUIWI ~]ldl IO.Jllay'211): ~ ' Punue lal'Ori~ subject. Add '.SJ IYllN'1' ot!Al8 ' i. toowleqe. Gain ahown ;.,,,_ wlae -coalioll hit ' ftolll • ,..dinfl, writing, ad- deltlny. , .Altnlolr palilU the : vortlllng. Fin~ day t. C<ment Wlf.'' · ,.' famtJy_ re1lat i ona . Cotn-- WJ!ll (Mardi ll·April ltl: m1mtcato with loved OI\" who PqjiotarltJ ......_ y ... are may be in trans.it. 1 ~allad upqa .to llWe-. ,GEMINI (l\lay 21.June 2111: lf&Dinl ~ 'lie flexlble, -Chock acc4m\s. Be aware of Don't itlt8t cbanae" ~· ' tax requir'1lents. Handle 'joint Act tn authorttatl'e manner. money interests. 'Don't be ' " 'II ·coed Estancia· " Cited ·by· 'Club · ' alA&= ~·~::I c: been named Mlsa Teenage ; Citizen by the Co&ta Mesa · Junior Women's Club. ~ Miss , Rosemary S z a b o, ,, daughter or . Mr. and Mrs .. Fred Szabo of ' Colla Jllesa . baa been chosen for the honor · and will cOmpete for a '100. scllolanhip offered by the Farmen Insurance Group, Salai)o FoundaUon. -dec<!Ved by inllaled vatoes. ~ Be realllllc. Mt flir fact.,> not SJ)IJCl!latlon. CANCER (June Ji-July 12): Some ~ to you wjth r~ blem&j' spec.1191 ~uest,. Be sympathetic ..... bUt sensible. Mate or · partner n e c d s rea'.ssurance. Permit others to set pace. Your time will come. L1!XI (July 23-Aug. 22): Pets, w~. · claim al· teoUoo. You art able to eom· plete a project. Accent on work. service, health. Paco yourself. Avoid ei:cess fatigue .. ~ moderate ln what you eat, drint. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): View familiar situations in fresh light. Stress originality. independence. B~ak w i t h tradlUon. Spotl ig ht on romance, creative activities. Featured are variety, op- portunity for travel. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ci. 22): Attend to farnlly and property affairs. Protect assets -build for secure future. Learn by teaching. Means s h a r e knowledge. Parent, o Ider person plays significant role. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Name of the Game : Ra ising Ch arity Fu nds The Ertancia senior is AFS p'rtSldent, selliot' c l a s a lttasUW and VOIUO vice president at ber llChooL Her· rnembenhipl incluile Pep, Spanbh and Gi!nnu ' clulls, drill team, GAA and Girls' League. Burden may be lifted. Keep communication lines open. Flurry of activity occurs around you. Avoid confusion. Be versatile. Take notes. Study memos. Remember re· cent resolutions. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Buying, selling ac· tivity Ls stressed. Watch budget -It wiU only stretch so far. Be thorough -check details. Fine print could co~ tain clause that might prove costly. ,Ra ising fund s for Hope Haven &boot, Garden Grove and the Lend of Dr. and J.1rs. Gaylo~ Tohill. Trying their. luck at a band of a Hand Agency, Walker, Ky., is the goal of Lambda Zeta Chap-poker, obe of the numerous gam .. to be played for prize1, are - ter members of Sigma Phi 'Gamma who are planning a Game (left to rlgbt) fir. Tohill, Mrs. Joel C. Tate and Mrs. Dale Witcher. CITIZEN Rosemary Subo Night at 8 p .m. Saturday, March 15, in the Costa Mesa residence Admission tickets, at $1, may J1e purchased from any member. ~~"--~~~~~..:.:....:..:....:...:__.:....::.:....::..:.:....:...c...:.:..::..:.=..:::::'....:::::.=:::..:.:.:~ Mi9S Szabo a1ao ls the AFS Americans Abroad candidate and was an ah'emate for Girls' State and a Junior Mtss contestant. Conf ere nee. Has . Double Purpose Horizon Club members from all ove.r California will help San Diego celebrate its 200th anniversary when they meet In Mission Bay's Bahia Hotel March 14-16. . along wiOt the work s.esslons, and Horizon Club members will be able to enjoy boating, swimming and browsing. Saturdpy activities will be climaxed with an f: a r l y California Fiesta, complete with banquet a n d en~ tertainment. Newport.C o s t a Hobbies Seen After Comedy A hobby show and one-act comedy were enjoyed by Mon- dl),y Morning Club of Laguna Beach members "hen-they met yesterday in the Hotel Laguna. She is enrolled In the CoOl· parative Culture program in Europe for the summer and will attend California State College at Fullerton next fall, studyiilg psychology a n d speech th erapy. 1-r er eztra-curricular ac· ti vilies have included teaching a Sunday School class and belonging to Tri-Hi-Y. Auxiliary· Presents Gift to CHOC Clinic "Spreading the News," a one-act c omed y, was presented by Drama Section memben of the Wednesday A gift of $3,000 has been from Mrs. Allen V. Cole of Club of Laguna Beach before given to Children 's Hospital Santa Ana, current president. of Orange County by the The dental clinic Is one of CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 ·Jan. 19): Display quality of in• dependence, leadership. Much or what you need is made availa ble. Circumstances turn in your fa vor. Your timing improves. Cycle is at a peak. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2G-Feb. 18): Be positive of privacy dur ing business conference. Don't tempt others to spy. Be discreet. \\Th at you say could cause emolional bruise, Temper rem arks with diplomacy. PISCES (Feb. 19-r..tarch 20 ): The high school-age Campfire Girls will arrive Fri- day evehing for the Horizon Club event and program ac- tivlUes will begin Saturday morning. Mesa Okiponka Horizon Club l~<Jli~· members will provide part of hobbies shared by c I u b women's Au:l.iliary to the 28 specialty clinics at the membe.ra *~ viewed. Orqe County Dental SOciety, chikiren's medical center. And Mrs. Wllllam Hobson en-to be used for operating room it handles such problems as tertained on the piano prior equipment for the dental cleft palate, mental retarda- to the IUDCbeon. department and out-~Uent tion and neurologically han· Some who flatter may have less than noble moth•es. Kno\v this and respond accordingly. Cooperate with groups, socia l organiza.Uons. Career income can be increa.!ed -study Wl!YS· Workshops will be offered In the mornirig and afternoon Saturday and lhe girls will attend 1ess.lons of their choice. Topics for the Besslon1 will Include Are You B e l n g Brainwashed, Changes i n Learning; Sex -It's Meaning to You, the IAlxury of Lelaure, Problems of Pollution and People, Ca11fornla 's Archaeological Heritage and Woman in Space" RecreaUon will be offered the program, celebrating the anniversary of Ute host city. Ro11nd table discll!Sions and a bulret luncheon will close the conference Sunday morn- ing. Area girls and advisors at- tending will be Mrs. Ralph Short and Mrs. Donald Rieck and the Misses Molly Brecht, Wendy Dorchester, C a t h y Cagle, ~laine Kew, Debbie Kew, DavetteChambers, JoAnne SOuthard, Janet Rleck, Michelle Soza, Wendy Soza, Cindy Parker and Cori Short. Leisure World Club Assigned Host Role The Woman's Club of Leisure World, Seal Beach, will assume hostess duUes for the Orange ·District Council meeting of California Federa- tion of Women's Clubs Friday, March 14. ReglstraUon will begin at 9 a.m. in the Santa Ana Elka Club with Mrs. Robert D. Reilly and her committee making arrangements. Mrs . James Mcca lla, district president, will call the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and the invocation will be given by the Rev . Harry Felmly, assistant pastor of the First Baptist Church , Fullerton. On the agenda for the morn - fng session will be the Mmes. G e o r g e Youman, national anthem; William H. Christian, welcome: William Cheney, TeSponsei L.E. Schermitiler, California h i s t o r y and landmarks, and T h o m a s 1 Moora, art exhibit and fine artl feaU.9aL Following the U: lS p.m. Juncbecm, Mra. Dale Mowery, . -vice pruld,.t, will 'preJODt u;. lllternoon pro- gram, featuring a dramatic ' Musical Date The musical comedy team td Ken Dtlo and Eugene Dorian will pr.,.nt th< pro- p m nezt Thunda7 for tM Meta-Harbor Club when it moell in the Sheraton Bud1 Inn, Huntington Beach. The 12:JO program will b e ,jldCtded by a 10:!01 a.m. Oodal ll!>ur .IJld 11:30 hm· clleon. reading titled Claudia's Lell.er, by Mrs. Gwen Willson. ROBIN KNOWLES Jenuery Date W inter Da te Picked The engagement o[ Robin Knowles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heald Knowles of Huntington Beach. and Peter Charles Merandl h:u been annwnced ~)' 1be parents of the brlc!Hiect. . The couple plan to be mar· ried next January · in SI. Booaventure C a t h o 11 c Church. The br1de·l1>-be1 a Marina High School graduate, now at- tends Calllomia State College 1...•t Fulltrton. Her Ila.nee, IOl"I of Mr. and Mrs. Looft Metan-- dJ of HunUniton Beach, also was graduated (rom Marina HilJl School and -altcndl Gold•n West Colic~•· 'Upcoming activities includes clinic. dlcapped children. Fees are tia!:1.r,-,;..$v;:r11 ~;:;-{•.._,~~ a meeting of the Facts and Most of the amount d-Onated charged according to the ••rod !O cen!s '" Om•rr aoo1ti.1, "-r 'ly' b'lit ·-DAI L v PI LOT. Sax .12<40. C.~•l'ICI ce ... Fantules group in Laguna was raised from the ·a\lX• am1 s a I Y w pay. m1 s1.11on, New vork, N.v. 10011. Federal Savings and IAan illary's annual dinner-dancel-------------=-=-'=--""== Celebrities Meet building at-7:30 p.m. Thurs-which is attended by dental During a visit to Universal Studio, Miss Hunting-day, March 20. For the ~l>l'O-couples and their guests from ton Beach Jeffy8 Blackard meets Robert Stack, gram, Col. and Mn. William · all parts of the county. star of the "Name of the Game" TV series, and H. Bruggere Will show pie-Dr. Howard Tucker, chief secures an autograph for her mother,. one of · tures of their trip around the of the dental staff at Ute Stack's most avid fans. world. hospital, will receive the cheek ·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'--~~~~~~ Potters Whee l De monstrated Jack Taylor, ceramist and owner of the Golden Kiln, will demonstrate making pottery on the wheel before Niguel Art Association. The meeting is scheduled for 8 p.m. next Thursday in Crown Valley School, Laguna Niguel. Further Information t s available by calillng Mrs. J,. E. Jay at 49$-U62 or Mrs. David Graham, 4~. Members feted Wi.nnl.ng sales team of Newport Harbor Alumnae of Kappa Della will be dinner gueall ol the ll'OOP nHI 'llrunday. The' event will take place In the Corona del Mar horm= of Mrs. Raymond Harvey. Honored guests are members who sold the most magatines '"hich raised funds for the national philanthropy. If lhe new cleaners explode dirl- wbat must they do to your bands? ' Traditional hand lotions are little protection against modern killer clea ner1. New Vedra "'·ith A~, the descrt'a moi11turi1ing plant, was rorm ul atcd ex- prcsaly lo offaet the dc,·a. stating efJecu of harsh cleaners, It soo the!, smooths, helps restore a aort tcxture'to h1nCls. Vedra Lotion, l .00, Cn:1m, I .SO, 1 Phone Collect 213· 728· 7283 • CHARGE IT We'll clean your draperies for only ..... $ 00 $ 00 PER WIDTH PER WIDTH $ 00 PER WIDTH Unllnetl up to l ft. long Unlined 3' to 5' lont Unllnllll S' to f' lent CHARGE IT ! C.HARGE IT ! CHARGE IT ! . PRICE INCLUDES Takl,ng down and rehanging!! 48 hour service! Po nn1y1 exc lusive now process ct.ins •II fyfKs of draperies bo1utif ully, clr1peri11 th et cculcl never be cl11ned before !1ven beauty pl1at1 et no extra cJ..1rg1.) M1k11 them look and foo l 1lmo1f like new. WE ALSO Rf4.INI AND UMAKI AT UASONAILI PRICIS. ,.-----PENNEYS CLEANING SERVICE ___ _, DRAPERIES e BEDSPREADS • BLANKETS DECORATOR PILLOWS e ACCENT RUGS Instant Spring! Sew Fabrics from Slager and SAVE. $122 yd. OIUllJ ., Silllfl'. Couturier look for after 5 dreS!OJ. 74% rayon. 26% ace- tate. 44/45' wide. Rei. $1.98 yd. l oft• lllda 11111 ., Slllllf. Easy-are wrlnkle resisbnt Sollds to coordlnatL 55% cotton. 45% CUpioni rayon. 45• wide. Rer. $159 to $179 yd. Cllllby Cfltl ilJ SioJtr, Tutul!d cot· Ion and po~ester blenil-treat for chi I· dren's clothes and sportswur. 50% polyester, 50% cotton . .s· wide. Reg. $1.79 yd. n.ti _ _.,..__,, .. SINGlll,,,.,,. SINGER For telephorte nLWnber of slor1 n111tst you, see wtiite ,.,., under SINGER COMPANY I UlllA f'A•ll U3t Oii Tiit Mell TAl·7J41 IUWlf Pl!'ll Clift• IAtifTA AllA -·-as W. ltfl ·SI. ICIWf4 ' . .. -• -. ' 1 1 ' • '· ,. 1 • ' I " ' '• h ' v ' ,1 e y • " • ~ '· .. ' . '"' -· \ '~ • .< .; I ~ 1; • < ,,. ' "'. • • • • • ~ 1 VOL:. ~i. NO. 60, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES . . ' -i:.·~-:. •. ~., ., TUESQAY, MARCH 'I f,.'.lf6t .. • 1.... • • -.. JEN CE~ . . Bay Club PJeads ·for ~ .·.~ ~-~ Early .·E!I¢eti@~~n Leas~ Balboa Bay Club officials Monday .. ~. ed the Newport Beach City Council to P1lh ror·a May er Junt opecial decllon po a multi-million dollar lease extenaion.i. plan. Couocilmen, eager for new revenues to.help finance civic center construction, indicated aupport for Uie eirly balloUng. They dlttc:ted the City stall to r'ecotn. mend as soon u possible a real estate eoo1ultant to check the club's new lease proposal. Bay Club Vice President Rlclw'd Stevens said the corporaUon, Whlcb oc- cupies 13 ,acres of city.owned· property, would be willing iq_ pay fa< the coat us." he said. 0 Constructlon costs went up 10 percent this year, 1and will 10 up between 5 and 10 pecoent arinually from DOW OD." of the election. • He said he hoped the city wouldn't The club bu offered the city a c:Mip1a· delay' the election until other new lease proposal tba~ WoWil yield 'an estimated proposiiioos from -the BeaCOD Bay $315,000 in salts tax and lease revenues residential atea and the ]Jalboa Yacht yearly to the city. , , Basin are polished up and formally sub-' Revenues ~ow are 11.bout $156,000. mitted. 11le boost 10 city tncome wOuld be "Time ii definitely working against -in exchange for a 20-year extension of ' ' the present lease's 1991 termlnaUon date. SteYent said the exteilaloo )s Deeded before the club can embark on ·a $5.S .nillion expansion program. Finauclng, he explained, would be euier wtlb the longer lease, tevens said the ~on,~ would not only ~re the city of mare income~ but-it would also provide the local unified school district wllh $1.5, million "over ~be remainllfg 30-year term at tbe ... · . .. !sting lease by vim. ol the IUrtber devolopinent ol the_propertf." , ~ lie relemd to a l)AILY Pnm: ~ last. week 'that --the ~ • of the city. financing It& new civic cen~ at Newport Center .through new leue arroogement& wtth his club, Beacon Bay an<l· !\>< Balboa y ~ Baaln. Tb;)' all· occupy city landa.· : • "When I saw thaj ~le, I thought that's logical. Then I talted to some people at Beacon Bey and .... ol tbeµi said, 'My God, that means 1'11 be paying $3,000 a ~ar .on my lot."" • The article had . quoted Vice Mayor Linds1ey Panons as~ aayille eUcoQ, Bal ttJ>relenlatlv., were Consfderbig aeetini a 211-Y"lf 'Jeue, -on\ by olferinl ~ city. paygien!S alilounting to $ll010llO armually. 'lbe pfesent lease, 'whlcb u.- pi<es In *' year•, proYidea ie,ooo: "l an. eee horrendous diacua.sioal ·hi : (S,, BAY CLUB, J>OiOl Mexico Demands Doctor ' ' Race With Drugs Asks Newport Man E~tradited in Wife's Death By TOM BARLEY Of .. DllllY PIW lllff 52, ,ol 30'1 Placentia and 31111 WmcUU lll'.ive In Ne~ and l7m Biacb'"BIV.!., Huntington Beach. Feb. 13 was for "internal use only. of a lethal quantity of lwninll. a· higbJy: toxic barbiturate. Product of Era An atradition order demanding 1ur• render of a Newport Beach pbysil:ian accued . or murder was being prepared today in Mexico Qty. A Mexican Foreign Office official told the DAILY PILOT that the complete papers will be presented at the U.s. Emb&MY in the Mu.lean capital "later this week." They will level cbarces of murder against Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell, Meilcan officials· beUere that the_ a._ mane! for extradition wlU follow ·lb uaual courSe : submission to W~P.n fot State Departm~t approval .and then local action against the Newport doctor. M~can offtclalS eipJained that an earUei:extradiUon ord~, '1gnf/d by Judge Jesus Leal Munoz , in· ~umal Cl!Y, last "We now have our cue fully prepar.!d .,00 we· will seek· the immedJite :ur· fender of Dr. O'Donnell," a spokesman said. Dr. 01o0nne11 ts accused in' Mesico Of the m'urder of hli wife, SuAan Juie. 33, on "!arch 19, 1111. Meaican po8ce autliortzea the issue of a warrant lfter esamlnaUon of the rt~fts .of the dead woman allegedIJ: showed the pre!ence Also named in the ertradiUon !d~· ment.!lgned by Judge Jesus Leal .MUD<!& in Cbetumal City is Dr. Antonio Negroa Rubio wlio faces ctJarges of homicide, fawtlcation or documents and of bein& an accessory after the fact. Mtxcia:ri offlcers said J>r. Negron fled from Cozumel ~ the Yucatan PenlriJula (See DOCl'OR, Page Z) EDITOR'S .NOTE: This is the second in a series by a prize·toinnino aeience writer who provide! parent! wtth background on 'the nar· cotics and drug situation and suggest. WOJIS for them to help guard their children against it! iU effecu. By ALTON BLAKESLEE Associated Pnas Science Writer J~pur earth is degenerate .•• children no longer obey their parents." ·This lament wrui in.scribed in stone by an Egyptian priest 6,000 years ago. Parents have voiei!d ·similar complaints about the younger generation ever since. . · Now parents have a keen new concern -why should so many youths be · experimenting with drugs that influ- ence tqe mind? Later in thiJ series , we will offer a ~ fqr parentl bn wtiat they can do 1ib0ut the alto-_ ... ation. • .. , ~' In educai\cm; slnd811 counseling, Jaw enrorcemant, ri'Y- chiatry, medicine, poycholqiy and f!Ociology offer a variety· of reasons that may help parents understand the present drug eiplosion. · Some point out that ours ia al· ready a drug~bsessed~ soeiel)':. In 1965 alone, some 167 million · pre- scriptions were written for drugs that affect mood or behavior; adults were •the main consumers. "When parents have a medicine cabinet full of drugs, the kids can make a big thing out of that," one psychologist remarks. One doctor adds there's wide- ,. • 1 spread popular opinion that there Costa Mesa. Police ChUf -must be a "magical pill for every Roger Neth: "l believe ·thU woe from constipation to worry over teries wilt be of great value in the H·bomb." To some youths, altrtTnQ the parent: of· our therefore, "mind" drugs may · seem community to the vent terio~ "' to offer solutions to major problemJ drL.g problem that exists." • of lilt. -. Youth is an age of questioning, of learning for one's self what is real and true, a time of keen concern about ''Who am I?" For aome youth!, drugs offer new possibilities in this quest.. And this is an era of rapid revolutionary change that leaves adults u well as youths bewildered and tmeasy as to wh;lt tomorrow may bring. There are . crucial struggles over civil. rights and social injustice. The .was ln Vietnain is unpopular with many i;ltizens, young and old. Cities show. obvious decay, pollution of air, water and land is increasing, OUstage 11 the menace of obliterating nuclear war. Rapid social change widens the "generation gap," says Dr. Kenneth Keniston, Yale psychologist, and the here-and-now becomes more Important to the young who Hean no longer commit themselves unquestionably to the Dfe styles, attitudes and skills of their parents. To do so is to condemn one's aelf to obsolescence in the mooem world." Many Youths tive under tremendOUB pressure to excel In school, and to tcme, -echool -work seems contrived, a form of marting time, and Hence ir· • (S.. OUTGROWTH O.f TIMES, P ... 'l Suits on Jet Noise Pass $28 Million . . . - Jet noise suit. flied by ·'!VY Jlarhor r· ' Area .............. ha" broljiio --~-' ~tiirfier. ' · · superior~ clerks today al'\~lng to. the bulky dossier five more ~ons representinf claims agatnat. Orange County by 11 hoineoWner11. They add $S07,500 to a tally ol,.damages which now stands at.$18,J45,t4U5. ' All the . complaints filed by 919 homeowners allege . that the county is i responsible for '1tle rpreValenee -Of jet noise, smoke, odors· and co~etion 1 damage in the area surrounding Or~e County Airport. Nam~ in the action turrenUy being processediare: Winifred LI Voegelln, 32 Harbor. Island, Newport Beach, $100,000; F, C. Schnelder, 1907 Glenwood Lane, Newport ' Beach, $30,000; C. Paul Du Bola, 1829 Glenwood Lane, NewportBeach, $30,~. Also Jack Jones, 13712 ,Carlsbad, Santa Ana, $50;000; Finn Konsmo, 13831 Carlsbed, Santa Ana, $60,000; Lloyd Rasmussen, 13652 Yellowstone Drive, Santa Alli, '4S,OOO; Michael TerliBlli, 13731 Rushmore Lane, Santa Ana, 155,000; F. Gordon · Chytraus, 13803 Rushmore Lane, Santa Ana, .-;,ooo. Other plaintiffs are Frederick A. and Marion Trevor, 1561 Indus St., Santa Ana, $15,000; Arihur and Roberta M. Thom]>!On, 2420 E. 22nd St., N.Wport Beach, $23,500 and James L. ~ Doris A. Kelly, 1601 Indus St., Santa Ana, 'lt,000. • The homeowners state, as wu claimed in earlier actions, that the county in- curred responai~lllty !or damage ouf!ered by allowing Alr Weal Ind Alr Calllornia airliner to lntrociuee jet ttaflfc tO tbe county terminal. I I '.C' !.: T .. '·1 u,.'.n...... :Fine.f! ·. Te~lfles . ' · ,ffeaffb,.EducaUon and ·Wellare . SecrBSry •Robert Flncb1; testi· . f..vin~befoi'e House· Education and °"Labor Cotnmittee Mon· ~~i. 11\14 be ,~o!11d ''.effecjlvely ~''1'~ 'thari1 tWice ·as .JPuch sc~<!!!l ai{•J110Qey as Congre'8 provided, ·He declined to ask for ibe lunds~rbowever.' . . Council Approves $10,000 to Hold Back Tide Waters .Newport Beach city councllmen Mon· day night allilcat<d 110,000 to help hold back the·tldel In West.Newport They Ulllnimouaiy appr6"" the Ol• pendl!ure to.blillil: · ~ · Cook Swallows -A :iew bullhead, tide gate and otorm drain outlet a~ tliO end.of' Short m.;eei. Thil wort will pf.-flooding 11 !Ith and Short Stre<la during lower bay tidal . . . . 4 Arrested in Crackdown ~ Searing (;rease . . ' ' ' . f{ . • 1 • -• • -.i. ·A fry coot for a Corona del Mar ' . !lilt and chlpo •llOP loday .... ~ OnDrugSmuggling~ing =:~m:~by·f·~~~ Don Wallace ~let, 11, ol Santi Ana, llll!ered Iii, oearlng burns :while aipbon- ln& hol cooking -lrOm ,.... con- tainer to anlllhet' 11·Mr. Fllh q Chips . . - "NEWt YORK (UPI) .,.. Tho label oo cana aald "l'lsh," but U.S. ~ · iakf they cootallled a pouiido ~=.:~=.:~= ~Ila >~ ..W. of the Moailay • and aakf !Our men ~ In the ltart OI I .. Ill International llllllQlllli of SpaiJI. 'l)e COIDPlllJ .... .... ...... • wtial Wll happening. · The borolD waa 111bltltuted !er tbe fish al a clandeotine cannlD& fact«y In Spaln and load welibt& Wtre added ,to com~ for the difference in weight. The cana were then -•led Ind forwanled to the Unltod Slata wltb ill<riillhtppl.,~ tn E~!°* :u1ce aa:;d, accld~u;" sucked too hard on a siphon .boae and ~ew ~ ~=-'"':!~ ~~ .. , )lemcifj) lloljiltal after the llatur.!ay nicht mishap. He wu reported in llllalacloey coadlUon In; llol:C'• lntalve ..,.. unll . backuJ>I. • -A tkle gate 1n a new manhole at lb< north end ol Clubhouse -· 4'lis will prevent flooding at Shor! Slreel and 'C!UbbouK Road, · . . -TwO' tide gates In new manholu In the alley north ,of !Ind S~ at the aoutberly end of the Rlvo Al1'4. This will prevenl !loodJna in nDd. SUM between Newport Boulevard ~ Marco• Slnej, In the lntttlectlon ol l"lnley Slreel and Newport Bo!J!evard Ind In tba· first alley to tM ~ Pu~Hc Woru -DlfaciCI< Joaeph T, Devlin, who, recommended, the ll(llon. said the pro)Oet& will aiop • ~ flooding ca....i by mool hlih tldei, bu! will not prevent lloodln( from "''" !Moot tkfea, aud> u.U-lall llecCnher. . . N~~p~~~ to Join· . Other ·· Lihrarie'S. . ' ' : ' ' ' . . • • • ! -~ • ' I . . ' ' • ' ' • • ' • • ' j. : • • . i ' ' . ., .. , ,o·~owi~:~·,... .. !'"''-. ~ ~-·~ 111- ~-. ... .. --.-... ~"='~· r"'*·Jl!>ill'1'"'-"'"'· , . • ~e,wpqrt . Jl-:Jl; "1fl ·-,.... ,_., . ~dod · emplwiud thit Ibo lncal . ~--.1.~ ~[W.rJc!IDI llltmjlioirdwould<etahliti ·~ ~ ,,i P.J"!I" H,.'I'_ , • : : , r. Jn tho·pm:c1we, and .~edion· or 1>oo1rs, 1 ;~M1JDC••1 oa.i~·~, ~,equipment. "What we buy, we would ncommendllion ol cll11 ~brarydrust~. lrH(i "·be aald. . · aqtbpr1Jed1lhe IDOY,'!'.ljoplfy1rilfllL, , Al'· 1 Santiago member, be, added, · The, llharlnl· of, ~ liclljliea Will NewPort wooiH Have one of live votell ,be: arr~ UJrouc1t-enrollmt;ft~ tn . the on system-wjpe issues. Saqtlago_ 41!rary Syllllll>i a ·!~al ~ He also noted thal> the ciiy could state 1pomored cooptrative thit bicludes at any Ume pull out of the cooperaUve tba(lluntlngtoo Beoch,c<l;anl• C!>qiity, (See LIBllAJIY, Pap Z) l>J~cenU1 and , Y~ha · Lind_., pu1illc ' )tbr~. ' '' . . · Costa Meaa lo · f!i<;ompalled by •the county library oyaiam. By ,Jotnlit1 tbe ~1Uv1,. aaI<f ~ .Llbc:ary Board Chairman John llo1"!0od, Ntwport. would make il , eaaiet. ,for slndent& In the Newporl'illei1 ' scboOJ district to check ~ hooD !roll\ 'public llbrarit1, no matter where tbey Uved. YEARLY PEE Student. living In Costa Mua mast now pay I '8 yearly ! .. to UH Newport city llbratle!. · "On· thit .buis alone," said Mayor Doreen ·Marshall, "I think thi~ move lo ter)i much needed. It 'I I Wonderful idea." · Hopwood pointed out another major adv1ntage. He uJd membenbip to the Santiago oystem would make the cily eligible for 1 federal grant ·to 'finance one:.tbtrd the COit of a new central library It Newport Center.' . . Estimated <:vol ,of a ·se,000-oquare-lool main1 ilbraty, he saJd; is •L3 mllllon. Tlie federsl grant fonleslp ana -struclion would ·amow1rto IUl.000. · , "• ·aald tJi< libru;r J>l'Jl>O!ed by city ~tants meets the diletil eslablllhed by the"'f~al ·IOVertur\eDt. Gran'.ta ·are admlnl~ by. ihe state dlreC:tor of Ubfiru!s. · ' HoPwood cited "nral other benefit& tbal woold accrue to ll>wport lit , 1 membar!ol the Santlalo Systein . .Among them: ' -Beller service !or resident&, including faster and easier access to greater nsourceJ. -~. -Avoklance of dupllcaUon of im- portant, expensive, speclalW!ll materials. -Poollng o1 eledtonlc dita proc<ii1ft« BOA.TING SCENE UNFOL"IJS TOQA.Y Panel to .Probe Future of 'Arts ' t ' ! .. In. Harbor Area The future of cultural artl in the Harbor Area wUI be probed by a -( Wednesday, during the Harborf Area Coordjnfiting COunclPs Wed~ es d a 1 meetllig. Scbedllled for 1:80 p.m. at ,the Hoag Memorial Hoepltal conference center, the meeting will include a varied art ahow. featuring papier .mache by Mn.· Mencl Schonlhal · and metal sculptun by Ed Herulle. Council President Mrs. Gwenda Watlon iald the panel will include five Periorui active Jn or associated ·\flth . the . field of cultural art. They-are Tom Garver;or the Newport Harbor Art Mmew:n, Joeepb· Pearbnari OCC orcheJtra"cOnductor, Walter Pbe2_ps1 managing dJrtctor ol the. Open "°" Theater, Mrs. Barbara Rabinowltsb, of the •tua Zall Ba)iet 'center aoo·'Mr,. Edgar B. Whitmer; prealdenl a< Ibo Council of Art!! ~ Oraaire Wea&laer Forget those dire pr<c!lcilona ol rain. The Weather BurtaU11 resi~ clenl ea.8andra now aaya · 1111 be aunny alter all;-wilb temperatures Jn ihe·kiw IJ'a locaity. iNsmE TODAY ~;.~ .. 11--reported 0 a1rtidf • J route ind alllhorllles stood • ready Iii c:oqflacate them wben they anhed In ihll cowtlr)I. ~ hod been delay«! by the recentl)' .. nded dock strike whl<h tied up ailipplng at the port for owly • MOii of Ibo '1'I eueo In !bf ~ contalDod ooly I ,combination of codfish. clam.a, pea, ~· and olive oU, but five eueo contained heroin, WI to be •-tpan. lie aikf conlricU . will JJ'Ol)llJ!y. he awmMc! In liJne, !or . work . tq 1>qin by.I~ 1; · • . I ' ')'•• ,.~ ·~·-· . .J •L ~ .. .SCffk 11411i°1' .. .,; I · • ·'~ ' ,.r .. ., ~; , ·; · ,+t,·· '"J '.F8filht s' -' .. , ne ,. ·( Jame• Rav. odmitttd aucni" o/ Dr. Martl11 Lvthtt' King, too clay began o life o[ laolaUon lt.. cell ifo. 4 In lllC , "'°"""""' ncurlly ·block ot r ........ Stok Prilon: Stotv ·Pao• 4. . . -'• ;}~-' .. ' two monthf. .. • ·Asst. U.S. Atlorney William IV. Tendf aakf the smuJ!lllerB used the Ingenious dlWict ol packaging the beroin In Cll1I tJ.. food which wert part of legitimate sl>lpment& sent by Rlb0$ Food Product. ( . • Tho beroln -WU ""1Siped to Serp Chri!Uah1Jyl0hion, U, a natlve « Parra, -lo conneclfjf l'ilh the P~ Food 'Ind Chtmist. Co. G(,·Nelf York; agents 11kf. a, was amsted S.OOay alter a hilh •peed chaae on the Grand Central Parkway. Along wllh him was F..duardo Louis Rimbaud, ft, ·of S1lon, France. . ~ roRi (~)..;cm;...~ . nii ~~.r:i--.... -~ "-.... ~ -llhml at ilie ,~ -ghl , ,ca , ..,,,. $'1....,.. ., down from the · hfaher · Ceach<d ·~ dfd,111 ·~ ,lllO ,.,.. earlier In ihe day. 'l'radlill -near .-.rb. tlill iilom!"i io-.,, _ _.l.udlo'iof-O>r)i. the end. (Seo quotations, ·i>...-II~ 'ji\llit=ln ....... 8"'~1 The Dow J ..... lnduttrtat .. _. ii 'Ult i : ·1iillt& j'ioponded ,,,.!Iii I :30 p.m. was up UI points lo tzl.43. J.t:m. at llSIOl \1ICIOria lllvd, ' ' , •• • ,,. .. "f:C ... · t • ,.... .... ' Qlillkt ' ~, ( = ., ~ . .. ,.,. o.Mll, -t _,. , .. 1, . ........ .... • ""* ...... ,.._.t ............ ,......... u ,.... •ll ,,....... • Plrt Cllll t ..... • ........ .. ............ " .. .......,.., 11 ...,,. .... ... """"' ' ' ·'\ "" ' .. • ' I ., I I \ ,./'--llAIL_V_Pll_OT_· ____ N ___ T_. -''4"'-, -U; lM UC ··Presi 't _ -I-Iitch Cites student . Idealism ........... l BAY: CLUB -•• -·. ::.--~_.. '"': ..... -Bay o ... this," aid Ste.-..,,. .. tbetr popcwal. not oun,11 tald p.....,., "We be-~ -~ olnc!il pll' •·"added Mayor Dorem Manball. Stt'Yma tmpbailllld: .. We don't want to 1et boaed down witb our offer wbile • other leoae problemt ere wresUed with." O-mdlmra rwlled oo decl.ton cri siovw• prq>o111 to finance tbe l!*laJ dtdlon, " -ol the -" 00 . tlle ""' -la requlnd by Ille city ~. '-'¥ Paul Gruw, ..,,,.,,.., Aid be Is cippooed lo aoy 1..,.. payln1 frr an1 elec:tkm, as a matter of principle. CllJ ~ Harvey L, Hurlburt llid. be could nblm to. Ille counclJ nm Moodiy wtlb a 1111 ol rul ellalA! con- oultonll ..... ml&lll aid tbe cilJ In llu- dylni the Bay Club request. The -y would be r<qulred beforo the COllDcll could IOI u -dale. Campaign to Rid Storm's Debris Over Lido Isle ' Boy Scout!, Cub Scout.I and residents will be plctln1 the beach clean around Lido Ille tbls week. Leddle Redly, I director of the IJdo Ille <>amnntty AlloclaUon, aald the cleanup campalp Is alm<d al getting rid ol all tile debris tbat wubed up darlni recent llinmul. lie IOld apeciaJ city lruckl will collect tbe junk oo Frldoy, startlni at I a.m. 11 needed, tbey'U be baclt qaln Saturday, Redaf uked all -· lo plldl 1n oo tbtlr private beaches as well 1 a& their lldlhbora'. Eltra barreb and saclt1 will be available at tbe Lido Ille CluliiouaeW-ay. _, aald !lie -debN abould • be ataclted ID ln>ot ol bom" lalA! 1llllro- • daJ alPI at eorlf Friday """"""· Miuine, 19, Dies In 3-car Crash A Camp Pendlelno Marlno wu killed early thll morning after the car in which be wu rld1ni In San Clemente -two ptrked can. Clif!onl R. ThomplOll, 19, of tbe Flftb Marine Divllioo, wu dead on urlval at South Cout Ca11umml1J llolpltal, South Lquna, the coroner'& office reported. 'l'homplon wu a pueena:er 1n a car · driven by Cpl. D. D. Tarberl wbo wu injurtd and treated at Camp Pend1eton ho1pUal. The acdd"'t occurred In lhe 3100 block of El Camino Real. 100,000 Women Sought WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. Of· flee ol EducaUon la looking for 100,000 colltge educlted women between the qes ol 1$ and II wbo may be former ieacben er who may ntver have taucbL A spobsman told a confereoce fll< the leaden of I> nattooal women'• or1aniu.· Uom Monday that many women ara needed to the nest three year• to meet a o1t1cal teacher sh:rtage. DAiii PllO I OIWMI CQUT PUIUltltJtt CCMPAHY hMri N. Wee4 _.,._ J11k Ill. C1rl.., ................. lftll 0-11 IMMeff n._, 1e...,11 ·-'"~~111• J....-P, e.rn... P11I Nk1tn ,..._,...... ~ tltfN• ~ ---1111 w ........... ,..,.N Me"-9 ...,.,_.P.O. ltrl171, t2"J --l c:-lil ..., .. ,,.. ... .... .... lflltdl1 m l'Mll? ... ...,.. , ............ :••- ·-Oll&.Y.....,. ..... ..._ im _.... .. " ··-" ......... ...,..,... .... -·------'--.... ....... ..... c.e. ..... !!i""!'!"•o! ............................ ................ c..t,.·= ="'~ ...... , -.. -:;,..,o:;,· .::--... -'l''! r cn4' tAMDt .... I M1 1' I MNQI ............ .,_ c.... ,,,,,, ·-= --...... , I ... :.:.·:==:--..... ... ._. .......... .._._ • <..-. ....... ~--· r a •II•• w .,,., .. ,a....,,., ... -...,.., "'""""' ......... ,. .. "" .....,.,.. I • I • ' ' I --' ' ~ lloo, -• -d"'tadi<a. .,, , ... -.... lk--·"f ..... adlGm •pecl/l~ to '1lock and _._ cooslder blm .u apoiollif fer tlle a ~ctnt fl'! 1ett-<tpteou11••\lll'·" students -"I find IOIDt ol the ~ '1'11111 Wtcb """'ered the ~ua\lc>a be ol !lie atud<lit ~tMsta Intolerable." a1ked u tbe Utle ol 1111 ~ ""!*'• ·But be plelded -that tlle ~ ti Wrong wltb m,Jier F.ducallon!" by eomplu and llmple IOJlltlarD woo·t-t, 11ytJig-, In offed, tbm 11: ruUy ·-c Alked H be bid a blueprint for .IOMo( ao wrong aa lt aeeim to be 'WTOlll probltm of violence on campt11, be a.Id: bec•l.lM studeall are different. ''Tbe answer is very dear I don't. He allo toot iime pallll to , dpl.\IA II would be u bard u to bav1 • tf.tt tbl •all majorlly ol iwdenta, · bllleiirlnt for the ....,plex problem o1 t altboucb many 1mutnely bellete la tome crime in the ltreetl. Tbls pnJl>leJJi on ol the caUJei, 1lo not dilfer from the UMJ>OJ Is not going lo (O away tut. majorlty of adulis In deplorinf diJrup-I suspect it is going lo 1et worae." Re4s Bombard -60 Bases, Apollo Crew . :r . • Tourist Fund Assai'led; Newport Aides Dis_agree Towns in New Assaults SAIGON (AP) ,,,; lla'f DgbtJoc rqtd today at four polnlA! norlbwell of Salloo, and Viet Collll f.,.... shelled more than ID allied baaes ·and towns, Including the old Imperial capital of Hue. U.S. olllcers aald tbt """"-octlon. algnaled tbe otart of tbt tblrd pliuo ol tbe sprlric ollellldve the'°""' launcbo eel Feb. 23. They aaJd the period from now until Saturday was a "critical one," and the alert statui at some American bueswas~. MWlaly aoalylll Aid Salloo .UU ap- peared to bt the Vlei Conl'a main ob- jectlve. They uld the main bodlea of four enemy dJvisions -poised to the ....t.-""1l>W9l, ·nortb· and oortheuC of the capital -had maide no aertowi: ..... toward tbe city but tbat local regkmal ftttea were "sravttat1n1" from the ooutb and east toward tbt capital military dlstrtct. "When lt'1 Ume to attack SaI&on," llid ..,. ~yat, "tho oubnclooaJ forces will --tbt i!ltaclt, w!llle the ...... fraai· the· dlvlalOno will.' "7 'to maneuver at the opportune moment and try to follow 1n." . The lour fliblA! In which AmerlCl.fl forces ,.ported kiDlng 1lO Nortb Vie~ namue troopl cen1ered 1n a rdltlvely miall """ of Tay Ninh Province, u did a ~ number of the rocket and mortar attacks. U.S. casualties in the grQUnd fighting were reported u five k!Qed aod 20 woundJd, '11 in a 1tronc Jnl~ .aUact on an Apierican hue ii miles nortbweat of Salgoo. '!\le North Vleinamese IBt Di vision senl' about 400 troops aptnst a patrol base Of the U.S. lst Air Cavalry Division called Landing 1.one Grant. Reports from tbe Peld llid about 50 North Vielnamese were killed In 1be aeeood altempt In four nights to overrun the hue under cover of a heavy barrage from 120 mm mortan. lbe · aUac.tm were. driven back after two boura of ~ by guruhlp bellcopten aod artillery. Lui Saturday, JM enemy troops and ll Americana were reported killed ln an attack on the bate. U.S. olDcera laid palrols from tbe bate were lnterruptJui enemy aupply ......,..11,, They uld tbe Nortb Vlet- n&meat Ill' Divlilon bolda War 7.one c; tbe northern hatt of T.Y Ninh PrO- vlnee, wltb the OpPllf'!lt last of ty1nB down al!Jed forea to allow tbe Nortb Vletnameee '1tb Dlviaion to slip down lhe Salgoo Rl•er 'toward Sa~on. •• From P ... l DOCTOR ACCUSED • · •• vacation spot where SUiin O'Donnell died oo March It; il!I -1bort!J Iller the death of ~ attracUve woman. Mez. lean pollce today uld tbey believe Jlr, N-ls "1dlnl "~ In IOlltbera Mexico." ' .. Contliml!ir Malcan elforlA! to 1rlll( Dr. 01>0iinell ooutb ol tbt -.... blgblijbted In Or .... COm>ty wltb tho fl1lq Of a fl mllUon """'gfnl deatb .suit 1n super1 .. Court. • , In a rare me ot; a civil acUon, the ~plaint opeclflcally cliarge1 the pla.Uc oUrttoo wHh callllng tbe dUtb of 1111 .wife by "Injecting poisonous drup" Into ber. Named u pltlnUI! In tbe ault Is Mn. Gertrude Baine« o1 · 1.o1 "°~ and idenlifi.nd wltb tbt plalnUll Is Sin U.,. g:ott ·or Torraace, SUsan'I father and tbe . divorced . ._. of Mn. Bamejt: 'Ille'· acllOo ' ... ta to bar Dt. O'Domlell from plnlng· "'' llnaoclal benefit ~ t1le probate of 1111 lalA! wlft'a ~le. . ltwu Haaott. Mealou pollct-. """1rmed ·MOnday, wbO reallr ........i their lnterell ln tbe death. ol lln. O'llon' nell. ·Aod.Jlaaolt told the D,uLY P.ILOT fr<m hlo Torr...,. lane tllal bla flnl reaition to tbe iiew1 of ·Sll!U~ ,deotb had been -of J'immed.11te tnqlldao/' - A Che<umal C!IJ blv..Ugator, ...uint tbroU8b .. inl<rprelei'' llid' M<ililat tbai an tnvestig1Uoa wu already under. WlJ -llqgoll fiew down to· Yucatan but that llalemellll made by tbe airl'• faJber ''tUUy decided UI lo go Into thlll mattar witb our eyea wide open. . "Mr. Hqgoll told UJ tbat his daughter bad filed a dlveect -qalmt her buaband and that be l«lgbt lo achieve a reconcJ.Jiatka," be NJd. uHe told UI ttiat 1111 dllllhtoe bad made lllalA!menta to her lamilf -t the divorce action tbat made tbom wonder U tt WU Wise far • to 10 to Muleo wltb ber bu>- baad." Dr. O'lloontll atlll cannot bt found lot eervke of subpoenas in c<mnecUon wltb tbe fl mll1lon lawault lalA! today, atlomeJ Franklin llmer told the DAILY Pnnr. llmer II • parlner In tbl law Orm of Hurwitz, Hurwlt> aod Romer From Page 1 LIBRARY ... syslA!m, wltb UO daya notice. He. ccncluded; '"Thi coot ol -Una' r1aln1 llandanfa aod leve.11 of. library aerv)ce will tOlt siplllcantty men for a lib.-.17 tbal Is nol part ol tbe ayslA!m. • "Y'"''ft daoe a outitandlnJ Job wltb tbll'nport,. u1d Coundlman 'Ed HJnh. "I thlnt Ha eom1nc at tb1s time is ..., fortunate. n mJcht help to 1n11uenc:o tbe co.mlJ't court 1Ue dtclaion." c.uni, -.,. cumnU, allJ: dJIDg a -1 flom Newport for tbe nloc•Uoo ol muoidpll -fac!Ulles al tbe Newport Center clvtc ceoter allA! • ,,,. city bu prmilltd lo aban llllln llbm)' partdq """" -Ille --c..ndlmel. eo -l!lltlloe'a mo: ta. "laalDWlllr autbortMd Hapwood lo •I'PJ to lllata and ftdenl apoc!es lllr membonblp In the SantlljfO S)'llA!m, When tbe approvall come throu«h bl the .na1 f"' JDQnthe, lb! counc11 wlll take final action. ol Newport Beach • retai!>ed by Mn, Barnell ID ber dvil actloo. The blvelllptor w<Alld not commct luriher ... tllel statement. Dr. O'Domlell left eo.z-; tbe in- vestigator ..lit, lmmec!IA!IA!ly alter tbe burial ol 1111 'l!ife. He aid po~ deparl: -reconla indlcale that tbt pbfalclao gave aeveral accomita d tbl' manner bl which bla 'l!ife died bef-llqgoll arrived In C<iMnel ' • . Jlago(t Is nptlrted lo baw 1iitd ~ -tcu olllcen that O'Doonell attl'1buted bla wtte'1 dtiitll to u auto._t wblle the couple WU On the WIJ' to visit Mayan rulna In tbe Yucatan erea. Re told CcmmW.~ that the pbyalclan -1 him 1 lllqram to tbat effect. And Mn, ·.Barnell, tbt lil,,,..U,ator atated. told-illi.tn that-at>e bac9tninaty adviled bell daughter not .to &ion ihe Mexican trip -wilh bet tmbal. She is reported to have sald she w!€'1etply shocked buf not at an · itii pdlild" by tb• -ol ber daulht«'1 dealll: llal<an pollce today paid (i!bulA! to the "ausedllW zeal" ,of ternaDdo Gon- aalel, idltor it. Meai<O .City'• ovadoi>es lof~cloo., "No ,qot ,ha! ... ,, ...... tbin tbll ' ll\IUI 'lo compel "' lo pulsue ..,, 1nqu1:1es · mto tbe c1eatb ec &iaao O'DOnneU.'! an inftltllator: ..W. Gonzal .. told !lie DAILY PW today that his -paper's series ~ artlcles on Mrs. O'Donnell's death followed from his "very early conviction that all wu DOI U 'lt 'ippea:ed to be" ' Gonzalea confirmed that MeJ:lcan of. ficlala were putting the finishing touche.1 to tbeir formal demand fll< utrad!Uon. "And 1 ani sure that Dr. O'Donnell will 9000 be maklng anoU>er trip lo Mezico," the ed.ttor aald. Mother of Three NB Residents Dies in Pomona Mn. Helen M. Ficker, mother ot three long-time Newport Beach ruldeflts, died In Pomona Sunday afternoon after a brlef Ulneu. Mrs. Ficker WU the mother ol Newport arcbltecl·yacht.sman William P. Flcter, Mill Swan L. Ficker of Balboa and MMI. Anrela Whit. ol Newport. Mrs. Fld:er WU a naUvt ol. Budaptlt, Hun&MY· She came 1o America In Jill and 1ettled lil Pomona in 1125. She bid been a frequent ..Ultor to tbe Hari>or ara for the past 10 years. Her m, l\'Ullam Is a fonner NeWport plannlnJ commlalooer, cbamplonshlp Star clasa sailor and for'Tner edinmodore ol tbe Newporl Harbor Yacht Club . Buld<s her Ihm chlldt<n In the Newport ma abe leaws a son, Chari., L, Flcttrof Grttnwlch, Conn.; a brother, Stesftn V. Sasicb of Aurora, m., and a grandd1guhter, Miss Deon Ficker of Newport Buch. Requiem Mus will ht ctlebrated W-11 It 11 a.m, In Our Lady ol Mt. cann.1 Catbolic Church In Newporl wlih lhe Rt. Rev, MW· Thomu P. l!ingllsb of Pomona ofOclatJna. Burial will be In Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del liar. F'rltndl who w!lh may make memorial eontrlbutlons to their favorite charity. ' Faces Sto~y Splashdown SPACE· CENTER, Houslno (/.P) - A weatbtnnan on the scene di!:agreed with M.lst!On Control meteorologists to- day and predicted' that wlndl would be too hJib for a aefe landlni ol the Apollo t 1paceoblp In tbe main AU..tie Ocean recovery zone on Thursday. A report from the prJme recovery lhi.p, the carrier Guadalcanal, said altemate 1and1ng pl&nl were being con- . .sldertd. By firin( their retro rockets an nrbit or two early nr late, the astronaut.a could land ellewbere in the Atlantic and ucape the bad weather area mo miles southwest of.BermuC:.1. In Houston, weather experts ltuck wilb an earlier forecast that a storm in the ·area was abating and that conditions looked good for the relurn ol tbe astronauts 1o earth TblD'aday. "We atill plan on landing at the atart or the 15lst revolution at 7:24 1.m. PST 'Iburaday," tald a a:pokuman for Mla:a!on Control He aa1d a weather reconnaissance 111ane was surveying the area and that cond.fUons could change. Aa: weather reports fluctuated, Air Force Cola. Junes A. McDlvl.tt and David R. Scott and civilian Rusaell L, Schweickart sped through a leiSUHly e.Ighth day-in space. The flight plan called for plctute-taklng, navl.gatlnn checka and plenty of. rest as the astronauts cooUnued to le!t the Apollo command lllip to prove Its durability for a lo.day mtzMo.tbe.moon mlukm. Bf JOHN VAL~ Of .... DtllY ~11.t Staff Orange County is spending almost $50,000 too much to help Newport Beach cope with swnmer tourists, Auditor Vlc· tor A. Helm reported Mooday. Newport Beach officials tbint be is wrong. Jn the first of a series of special flnaoclal audit.a of ali Orange Coast cities, the county auditor reported that alter "extremely fair and accurate lhldies" his staff found that !lie county II spendins '411,142 too much each yeu In Ill contrlbuUoo to Newport for belch services. The services, Heim said, range from police patrols (bolh re.serve and regular officers) to beach cleaning and some lifeguard aervica:. The result.I of the three-week audit marked by several "amicable" meetings to try to !Olve differences between county and city staff were made public Monday, 'Heim aald. The audit was at the request of the county admlnlJtrator'a nUk:e. Newport offlclA!is ay that tbe re1Ults of the audits have erron and that the nearly $50,000 whlcb the city spends for increased policing of the belch uc.h 1Uinmer alooe justifies the exla:Ung total of county money. · City Finance Dirtctor George Pappa& said the 1nc:reued eosta f.or police are directly attrlbulA!d lo DOIU'tSldenll com- ing to lhe city aod using tbe beach. He and City Manqer Harver L, Hurlburt said the police costs are not iDcluded in the~ figuring by the county auditors. Heim 1ay1 they are. Heim nid the pollce factor, along with maJ!Y others w~e U£ed by the audltcn, who "Wert 1e11t to Newport to determine the actual nvenue th• cotmty redden~ bring to Newport com- pared to tbe colts incurred by the city.'' The comity bu been milting up what ft believes is the difference. He said that the auditors reported that the tn111ly should pay <J11iy $1C,llll to cover 1he increased costs instead of fa,330. The: difference between the two alloca. lions amount to city revenue gained by 2in: cents nn the tax rate. U the report is heeded by county. officials and the allocation pared down. Newport wlll have to raise the extra funds lbett. The county cf !ate ts balking at in- creasing allocations for Orange Coast beach services. This fiscal year supervisors approved a 5 percent Increase because cf inflation. Indications for nert year ahow no in- crease a( all, or else a decrease. City c:Jffk:ials have attacked the audit. saying that several city services which cCJ9t more because of nonresidents in summer were not Included in auditon' studies. They include street sweeping. Heim agreed that service was not considered. Heim promjaed "a meeting with offi- cia.ls of 'Newport Beach so that we can work tbiJ problem out amicably.'' Your child. can receive Remedial Reading Help REMEDIAL READING FOR GRADES 4 THROUGH 12 Spedala-..la'Muftl REGISTRATION- Friday, March 14-4:00 p.m, to 8 p.m. Satuntay, Man:h 15--!l:OO Lin, lo 4 p.m. C-llacfn Mondly, Mm 31 PINftt of Guardian Mlllt Ac:company Eich Chlkf to ""'11b1tlon ,..,, The· Open Court Reading Center ~ 12112 ~ A-111 • Cllrdtn Gmt, CIHfarnla t2MO ; • ... . . SO .tlilDERSONi Editor . ,......,, ~ 11, 1Ht 1111 .. _ ,. . . . ---. • . Legends of the sea abound with won4er and my-, Jtery, such as the identity of the. king of the iiepths of the ocean, King Neptune. That there really is a King NeptwJ.e cannot be doubted for a moment, as his appearance once every year 'for the ball h~ld in his honor is a recorded fact. Sponsors of the b8.ll; members of the Newport Harbor Spastic League, Inc., have revealed that the date of his·appearance-. this year will be Friday, April 11, and the scene will be the Balboa Bay Club. Wbo will be King Nep- tune? As in past years, he is an outstanding citizen of Orange County. Ballgoers will be sprprised when King Neptune appears and his name, a cloself· guarded secret, ir announced. · 1Ssuiilg jnvit8'Uom· from their shipboard vantage point are Mn. ·Rob-' ert D. W~wanl (left), invitations. chairman, and Mrs~ William P . 'lllomas~. reservations chairn'lan: . - Tri De1ts Follow Fund-raising i Recipe • To swell their scholarship coffers Tri Delta Alum- nae of Uu!' Newport Harbor and Eastern Orange ~ COun!1 areas will sponsor a spring luncheon •and faablon..-Ow We&esday, Marcli.19, in the Santa ' Ana Saddleb~iflin. ,:nie, luncheon and show Will follow an 11 :30 a .m. social hour. ''Cooking up" ar· raugements for ·the annual event are (left to right} the Mmes. Lyle D. Jacobson and Ronald Ward o( Huntington Beach and John Hewitt of Newport Beacb .. Jllrs. Ward ls taking reserv.aUon> at 96:1-5272 . , • ~ l'ASHIONS ABLOOM -Dressed in Easter . finery which Ibey will model during the , fifth annual children's fashion show are {at -!Alp, left to right) Diane Carter and Kerry ' ' . ... OAIL Y PILOT l"llitNo W, ltlcllt" KHllllr Clevidence with Dale and Diane Carter . They will join the mannequin parade Sat- urday, March 22, during an Orange County Philharmonic Society benefit. F,or . Tots, Teens and lnbetween s ' Show Styles Spring Salute Styles for tots to teens and inbetweens · will comprlse the fifth.annual fashion show- .• ing, entitled Spring Is ~ New Beginning. Sponsored by the Mesa Verde· Corn- Jnittee' of Orange County Philharmonic SOclety, the show will be presented at 11 :30 a.in. Saturday, March 22 in Santa Ana Saddleback Inn. . Fashions will be from J. W. Robinson's . . Fashion Island, and commentator-coordi- nator will be Mrs . Flor.ence Van Wagner of the store. Harpist Harriet Wood will play background. music. Proceeds will benefit the IOciety. Members' children who will model in- clude the Misses Diane and Laura Carter, Kerry and Kim Clevidence, Connie and Janet Davis , Judy and Janet Herschler, ~aren Johnson, Joyce Johnson, Daphne and Stephanie Mitchell; Kathryn Miller, Becky and Susie Peyton and Jill and Karen Tracy. Others are Dale Carter, Tommy ·Doyle, Eric Johnson and Stevtm Miller. · Mrs. Thomas B. Doyle is chairman, and assisting her are the Mmes. John C. Adams, decorations; Robert Moore Jr., tickets and reservations;· Richard Tracy. models; Richard Johnson and Richard Newell, publicity; Gerald Miller, prizes; Charles E. Lee, programs; Jule C. Mar~ shall, invitations ; Oscar Clevidence Jr., Matthew Mitchell, Michael Carrico and James W. Peyton, special events. Mrs. Moore may be reached at 54&-8733 for reserviltions and further information regarding the show. . ' t . I "I •' • '' ' ~' . ..,. - • • I ' , : ~ ~Bro.ad' ·Minded Men ~eep fashion Design.er's in the Gr~e11 . f. 1 . j ' ' i;i>EAR. ANN: This ii" for· the woman · • .. Shortly blfore you printed the letter Knowing full'-well that r cannot curb oeeeuarUy llomOlel\lall, 'bat ......a !--ltu.sband loves to JM. on her signed "Bo6ette'1 Wife ," my wile my desires, my wife now leaves the die)' ain't. i6c and hiP heels· and fal se eyelasbes • • dlicovered my privltO cache ol ladles' house ooe ever\lng a. week while I play U,.., wtle uclentuds ,_ pnw..i \7oi' IUn." SO 'he thlnb he If norm•l, wear. She lleeame hyt(erlcal, .aceu>ed lady I prefer to be aioo< ind ~rved """accepll H, II'•-, ebe'• liablesa Well, l ltad a 10n-in-law who ~e, of be1nc i 1homose.lual ~made and ·abe r.;, ......... my wiahes 1 alway• -prmded,"ol CGWM:,()',W ttaJ 11 ~ the 11me thlni!.· Furthermore, an appoJntirient to ,.. a lawyer about -·• .-the·-cbIJdr. • ,_ lloue""" oil tlle lnol lan. convtnced mrf4Jaugtlt{!' that lt..1'11 ~ .,. 1 • ,., ~· .. a dfyotce.··,. ,wu.e,IW'I en are u._.,. I UUle gime they were playing. word led to anothtr, lilts began to -of<LANoo Allot the rUd )'OIJr column she c1nctl-draw-the' draperl" ancr do no! arwer How will yoo know when the mi ....i aioog with it and ..,,. ga,. Oy and be wu a~. The story DEA!l OB• TUob fer a report !Nm ed her appololmeot with the lawyer the doorbell. thing comea along! All< Abn Landolli him girlie gilts f<r his birthday. got into the papen and disgraced the the fnlll llle -or per¥pt I Uolld and made an appointment wilb a doctor. Since I've been able to CllTY out Send for her booklet "Love or So ed Arter 10 yeanfot marriage and three entire famllJ. .. ' HY lniia.""a. fio9t lawi. ne~r....-.. She took your column along. my little charade~ with my wife's How to Tell Ule Dttrermce." Smll 3S children, be wasn't satisfied to keep Oa.ndng Boy now is going to a htier re~tl IMtMr Ylewpellt. The doctor Aid you: were right -tnowledge and approval I feel lOI per-, ctnll in coin and a tooc. teU'.4ddr 11ej. the secret between the two of them. psychiatrist, which · ii what he ahould that most lraniveslltes are not hom69et· cei:it better. My nerves .are aeUled and stamped tn•tlope wttb yoir reqoest. 1fo atarted dancing on the front lawn have done a long time ago. So, Ann; DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your colwnn uala. They enjoy dressing in lemale I'm off trinqullizm .. Thank you for Ann Landers wll bl 1lad to help In his ••fun clothes." People stopped if lht wives o( lheae null know what's does 1 world ol ;ood •. You touched attire but hive no desire to engage being broad·mlnded -ANN'S FAN you with your problem. Stnd lheril thelr cars to watch. Pretty soon the good for them, they'll reoognlte this on 1 topic recently lhlt helpe4 me in holllOltlUAI 1cUvlt.y. Some hamosex-DEAi\ FAN: Lest yw me 1 wrtn,g to her ln care of tht DAILY PILOT neighbors called the police. The police peculiar behavior for what it is and trernco4ously. I'm one of those rnen uals are, however, transve.stites, wltjch lrnpru1ilon, l'd like le rtput my triJt,111 encloslng a long, .elt-«lc1reutd, stamped ercd him t9 go in the house. Ooe see to it that their husbands get help who llkes to dress in women'1 clothes. ii what c1ux1 the confusion. statement. 'rrlDl\lttUta a r a a' t envtlope. • ; .. ,.. .. . -· I r l t ·-.... ~--.·-~ --· - • DAll.Y PILOT . Horo$cope Leo:-· Pace Yoursel f WiDNESDAY MAR.CH 12 17 flYllNBY OllWIJI 11Ttie w.lae man contro1I bis delllny. • .Altrolol)' .points Ibo way." · • ~(March ll'AP<ll .11): ; ' l'CpuWify 1nctt1101. You are 1 called UP9D to make contract. .. llplnc declalon. Be flulble, · 1 Dcm't realst chan1e, PfOlr• Ad kt ' authoritative IQIDDer. ·. Be fatr bot llnn. TAVllUS (April IO-M•Y 20): Punue morito 111bjecl , Add to tmowl.op. Gain lhown fr9Jl1 rudlng, wrJtln&, ad- yertlslnl. Fine day to CM>ent tamlly 11el1tlon1. Qm- munlcate with loved· ones who may bt tn transit. GigaNJ (May 21.June 20): Check 1ccounta. Be aware of tu requirements.' Handle joint money intereltl. Don't be Estanci,a Coed ' Cited by Club A talented and actJve coed at Estancia High School kiu ·. been named Miss Teena1e Ctllun by the Costa Mesa Junior Women's Club. Mill Rosemary S z I bio," daughter of Mr. and Mts. Fred Szabo of Colla Mesa . b"aa been chosen for tbt honor· and will compete for a $100. '.llCbolarablp offered by the Fanncn Insurance Group, Safety FoumaUon. deceived by Inflated valuoo. ! Be realistic. Ask for facts, not specul.aUon. CANCER (Jupe 21.July %1): some come to you with. pr<>- bleml, special requests. Bo sympathetic -but senaible. Mate or partner n e e d s reauurance. Permit others lo set pace. Your tim e will come. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 1: Pell, wardrc:. . clalJll at· tenUon. You are able to com- plete a ,project. Accent on wort, service, health. Pace yourself. Avoid ucess fatigue. .Qe: moderate in what you eat, drink. VIRGO (Aug. ~pt. 221: View familiar situaliom in frelh lighl Stre.u orillJWl!y, independencei Break "I t h tradition. Spot 11 g h I on romance, creative actfviUes. Featured are variety, op- portunJty for tra~l. LIBRA (Sept. 13-0ct. 22): · Attend to family and property affaln. Protect uaets -build for secure future. Learn by teaching. Means l!I h a r e knowledge. Parent, o 1 d er person plays .significant role. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nav. 21): Name of the Game: Raising Charity Funds Raising funds for Hope Haven School, Garden Grove and the Lend of Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Tohill. Trying their luclt at a hand of poker, one of the numerous games to be played for pril:e1, are (left to right) Dr. Tohill, Mrs. Joel C. Tate and Mrs. Dale Witcher. Admission tickets, at $J, may be purchased from any member. ~ Ertancla senior is AFS prdldlnt, senior c l a s 1 treasurer and Vogue vice pr.,ldent. at her llCbool. Her membenhlpo Include Pep, Spanish and • Gemwl clubs, drill team, GAA and Gkb' League. Burden may be lif_ted. Keep communicaUon lines open. Flurry of activity occurs around you. Avoid confusion. Be versatile. Take notes. Study memos. Remember re· cent resolutions. SAGmAIUUS (Nov. 22- V.C. 21 ): Buying, selling ac· tivtty is stre.9Sed. Watch budget -It will anly stretch so far. Be thorough -check: detaili!:. Fine print could con- tain cla•1se that might prove costly. a Hand Agency, Walker, Ky., is the goal of Lambda Zeta Chap-CITIZEN Rosemary Subo te~ members of Sigma Phi Gamma who are planning a Game Night at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15", in the Costa Mesa residence Conf ere nee Has Double Purpose Hobbies See n Afte r Comedy A habby show and one-act comedy were enjoyed by Mon~ day Morning Club cf Laguna Be&cb members when they Miu Szabo also ti' tho AFS Americans Abroad ·candidate and WU ID alldta for Girb' Stole and I Junior Mus contestant. She is enrolled in the Com- parative Culture program in Europe for the summer and will attend California State College at Fullerton next fall, studying psycholagy a n d speech therapy. Her extra-curricular ac· tlvltles have Included teaching a Sunday School class and belonging ta Tri-Hi· Y. ·Auxiliary Presents Gift to CHOC Clinic CAPRICORN (Dee. 22 ·Jan. 19): Displa,y quality of ifloo dependence, leadership. Much of what you need is made available. Circumstances turn in your favor. Your tlminc improves. Cycle Is at a peak. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18 ): Be positive cf privacx during business conference. Don't tempt others ta spy. Be discreet. What yoo say could cause emotiona l bruise. Temper r e m a r k s 'vilh diplomacy. Horizon Club members from all over California will help San Diego celebrate its 200lh anniverury when they meet In Mi&sioo Bay's Bahia Hotel March 14-lS. The high 1cbool-age campfire Girls will anive Fri- day evening for the H<rizon Club event and -proeram ae-- tivitiea will begin Saturday morning. Worbhopt will be offered In the morning and afternoon Saturday and the girlJ will attend mllom: of their choice. Topics for the seulons will tnclude Are You Be Ing Bralnwubed, Changes i n Learning, Su -It's Meaning to You, the LU""Y of Leisure, Problems of Pollution and People, CalJfornia 's Archaeolo1lcal Heritage and Woman in Space. RecreaUon wlll be offered along with the work sessions, met yesterday in the Hotel and Horizon Club members Laguna. ,. will be able to enjoy boatlni, swimming and browai.Jig. "Spreading lhe News," a Saturday activttles will be one-act c a m e d y , was climued with an E a r 1 y presented by Drama Section · California Fiesta, · complete members of the Wednesday A gift of. $3,000 has been from Mn. Allen V. Cole cf with banquet a n d en~ Club of Laguna Be.ach before given to Children's Hospital Santa Ana, CW'Tl!nt president. tertainment. Newpart.C 0 s t 1 of. OrarJie County by the 'Ibe dental clinic is one of Meaa Okiponka Horizon Club hobbies shared by c I u b Women'• Auxiliary to the 21 spetlalty cllnlcs at the members will provide part al. members were viewed. Orange County Dental Society, children's medical center. And the pragram, celebraUng the Mn .. William Hobson en-to be used for operating room it handles such pioblems as anniversary of the host city. tertal.ned on the piano prior equipment for the dental cleft palilte, m<!ntal retarda- PISCF.S (Feb. 19-l..farch 20): Some who flatter may have leas than noble motives. Know this and respond accordingly. Cooperate wilh groups, IOClal organizations. Career incmnt can be increased -study ways. Round table discussions and to the luncheon. department and Out·pltlent tlon and murologlcally han- a buffet luncheon w1ll close Upcoming activities includes clinic. dicapped children. Feea are ..!:.t""'Th.s~~ ~':::''A•~=- the conference Sunday mom-a meeting af the Facts and Most af the amount donated charged. according to the HNI JO cmt• t• Omtrr 1GD1t1s1, in. I I the famll • abllit t DAILY PILOT. lox J2«1, Grind C•~ ng. / b M Fantasies &fOUP in Laguna wu raised roo1 aux·,_~..:Yc..• __ Y:.._O..:pc..a.:.y. ___ .:;"'::'.:;M::•.::'"":::..· .::•~::.._Y:.:"'-:::._.:•·::.Y·:..:_:'m~"· Area girls and advisors at· Ce e rities eet Federal Savings and Loan ill1t1'• lllDUa1 dlnner-dance•- tending wlll be Mr•. Ralph building at 7:30 p,m. '!bun-which ti attended by denial Short and Mrs. Donald Rieck During a visit to Universal Studio, Miss Hunting-day, March 20. For the pr~ couples and their guMts from and lhe Misses Molly Brecht, ton Beach Jeffye Blackard meets Robert Stack. gram, Col. and Mrs. William· all parta of the county. Wendy Dorchester, cat h y star of the "Name of the Game" TV ser,ies, and H. Bru1gere will show pie-Dr. Howard Tucker, chief Cagle, Elaine Kew, Debbie secures an autograp~ tor her mother,. one of tures of "thelr trip around the of the dental Btiff at the Kew, Davette Ch ambers , Stack's most avid fans . warld. · holpltal, will ncelve tht check JoAMe Southard, Janet Rieck,-------------------~------------;_-'-------I Michelle SOza, Wendy Soza, Cindy Parker and Corl Shorl. Phone Collect Leisure World Club Assigned Hos t Ro le Potters Wheel Demo nstr ated Jack Taylor, ceramist and owner of the Galden Kiln. will demonstrate malting pattery on the wheel before Niguel Art Association. 213· 728-7283 • Instant Spring! · ScwFabrics from Singer ·udSAVE. The Woman 's Club of Leisure World, Seal Beach, will assume hostess du ties for the Orange Dlltrict Council meeUng of Calilornia Federa- tion of Women's Clubs Friday, March 14. Reglstralion will begin at I a.m. in the Santa Ana Elks Club with Mrs. Robert D. Reilly and her committee making arrangement.I. Mrs. James M cC al I a , district prt.aldent, will call the meeting ta order at 10 a.m. and the invocation will be given by the Rev. Harry Felmly, assistant pastor cf the First Baptist C h u r c h , Fullerton. On the agenda for lhe morn- ing session will be lhe Mmes. G e o r g e Youman, national anthem; William H. Christian, welcome: William Cheney, response; L.E. Schennltzler. California h i s t o r y and landmarks, and T b a m a s Moon, art exhibit and f.ine arts feltlvaL Following the 11:15 p.m. Juncbeoo, Mrs. Dale Mowery. -vice prealdent, will praent the afternoon pr1>-cmn. featurini a dramatic Musical Date .. 1bc maPcal comedy team d Jtoa Delo and Eu,... Dorlu W1ll preaent the ~ iJTllD -.'l!lunday for the M-Club when it meell la Ibo Sheraton Stach lllll, HUlllfqloa Stach. The IJ!ll pro"*'1 will b. ~ bJ a 10::10 a.m. ooell1 hour and II :30 lun- cheon. read ing titled Claudia's Letter, by Mrs. Gwen Willson. RO BIN KNOWLES January Date W in ter Date Picked The engagement cf Robin Knowles, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heald Knowles of Huntington Beach, and Peter Charles Merandl bas been anoounc:.d bf the parontl of the brtdHled. The couple plan to bt: mar· ried nett January in St. Bonaventure C 1 t b o 11 c Church. The brldHG-be, a Marina High School craduatt, now at- teodt California State College at F\lJlerton. Her fi.a9 son or tttr. and Mn. Lewtl"Meran- di ol Huntington Beach, also wu iraduated from Marina High School and 1101Y attends Goldtn West College. The meeting ls scheduled for 8 p.m. next Thursday in Crown Valley School, Laguna Niguel. Further information l s available by calillng Mrs. L. E .. Jay at 495-4262 er Mrs. David Graham, 495-4622. Mem be rs Feted Winning sales team ol Newport Harbor Alumnae of Kappa Delta will be dinner guests of the graup next Thursday. The event will take place In the Corona de! Mar home of Mrs. Raymond Harvey. Honored g u e s t s are members who sold the most magazines which raised funds for the national philanthropy. If the new clea ners explode di rt- what must the'y do to your hands? Tr1d itianal hand lotions are little protection ag1in1t modern killer cle1ncn. New Vedra with Aloe, the desert's maisturising plant, was (ormulated ex· preuly ta off1tl the deva- stating effects of harah cleaners. It aaothes, smooths, helps restare a 1oft texture ta hands, Vedra Lation , l .00, Cream, l.SO. We'll clean your draperies for only ... $ 00 $ 00 PER WIDTH PH WiDTH $ 00 PER WIDTH UnllnM u' to :t ft. lon1 Unlined :t• to S' lont U1\llntil I' te 9' l•ftl CHARGE rf! CHARGE IT ! CHAil GE IT ! PRICE INCLUDES Taking down and rehanging!! 48 hour service! Pennoy1 t1clu1lvo new proce11 clotns •II typ.1 of dr1pori11 b1aufifully, dr1perios fh1t could "'"'' ,,., c:leaned before I oven b11uty pl11t1 at no extre ch 1rge. I M1k11 them look end fee l al most like new. WE ALSO RE·LINE AND RIMAKI AT UASOICAJLI PRICU. . ----PENNEYS CLEANING SERVICE--,...---. DRAPERIES • BEDSPREADS • BLANKETS DECORATOR PILLOWS • ACCENT RUGS $f 22 yd.1 lldllilr ilJ SI...... Couturi1r look for ~· S' dresses. 74% rayon, 21% ... Illa. 44/45" wide. Rtf. $1.91 yd. .... -.... llJ Sllp. r.ty.care, llrit1kle rnllllnt. Sollds to cootdlrote. 55~ cotton, 45% ~ <IYGll. 45• • wide, Rtf. $1.59 to '1.79 yd. C-1IJ Clolll llJ Sllpr. Tutured cof: ton end polyost.-bl~for chil- dAn'• clothts 11111 spoollwear. 50% pa!yat1r, 50" cotton. 45" wide. Ref. $L71yd. ""1 .,.,,,,.,,,_ lr•l I NGI • """r SINGE • ""llltploono -ol ,..._ .. 1tort -t ,_, Mt Wltl --1 SINGO OOlll'.W .Ulft'4 PAltll 1311 °" Tiie Mtll l A •7M l\04INI Pll'k (~IW IANTA ANA 0.WfllO~ JOJ W. olt!! SI, Kl J·JfU eAJIOIN •IOVI COltA MIU nil CfllOtN11 '* Htrtoor l lf'lll . fllMlll IU f.lltS Ct•l!ft CN\tJ l'i.ia H1110t c.,.., COSTA Meu, l tlti.I .. •11t11i.-.... ..,, lwlll C..Jf Pltn J I I . ' • Cosia Mesa ' ,vot:. ·~2. NO. 60, 2 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ' • ORANGE.· cou·ilrrv. "c.4Llf9RNIA' • -• . . TUESDAY, MARCH. If, 'lt69 .. ... -' ' • ., -• • ' .. TEN.tE,NTS -' Mesa .. Gets Say on History and the hllbway opert& will determine the final outcome, but the Costa Mesa Cl!Y Council will have its say tOnl.ght in ·select'.ion of lbe 4.S.-mile Newport Freeway swath through town. eight days ago suaestfld the so-called Red-Blue Route alignment, but only CliD certain, crlUca1.coo<HUons. The crucial bearing. could be a suc- cessful mandate of the peqple or merely a token • exercilse in the democratic pro. cess, depending on which among five routes the state adopts. A full house is espected for the 7:30 o'clock hearing in City Council chambers, . with pro and anti-peUUons, plus a parade o( speakers from corporate execu.Uves tG individual bomeoWne.rs. Voting on · a narrow, 3 to 2 majority, the Costa ·Mesa Planning Commission No matter what the coun~il chooses to do, a fmal answer won't be long In comlng '-the Stata Hlgbway ()om. mission, which may well stick to it..s Race With Drugs Product of Era EDITOR'S NOTE: This 4 the second in a series by a. prize.winning science writ.tr who provides parents with background on tht nar· cotics and drug situation and suggests ways for them to htlp guard their children against its ill effects. By ALTON BLAKESLEE AssocWed Pre11 Science Writer "<Air earth is degenerate .•• children no longer obey their parents." This lament was inscribed in stone by an Egyptian priest S,000 years ago. Parents have voiced ..similar complaints about the younger generation ever aince . Now parertt.s have a keen new concern -why sbou1d so many youths be experimenUng with drugs that lnflu- ~·the mind? Later 1n tbil. series we will offer a program for parents . .., wbat.thq ... lip ~ tile all .. , atioa. . ~ ' Speclallots In edll<Jllon, student counseling, law enfom!J'.!).ent, psy· chiatry, medicine, psychblogy and sociology offer a variety of reasons that may J:lelp parents understand the present drug explosion. ' JM{ Green Route choice down Newport Boulevard. The clinlce will probably be Wed on economics, ultimate and temporary effects on the community and would appear to•~ eithe{ the Green or Red- Bllie Route at this stage. Commercial ·business-versus-residential properties is the basic developmental consideraUon, with a -...a million price tag on the Gteen Route and a $10 million increase for the proposed Red- B;!neM.,. Planning DJrect9r '!'il)itm L. Dunn has analyt.ed the · lltuatlon and recommeoded tile 15-year-old Green Riute, a cbnlce very nearly vot<d by commissioners at their Maret!: I meetin&. Arguments q:ainst the. Green Route, or a :rarlaUon .thereat Which would .UU •pell doqJn for. the dnwnlown l>!ldneu ~·· lflTe been well explored 1t 'prior heerlnp .and studio meetings. · ' So have the objections of -nen · whci wuuld be forte<! :O move al slate espe.,. Utile -ord·looplng Red-BlUe Routa Is seriously caasidered and ..... tually adopted by the Slata W&Jnn1 CommlJS!on. - Emotional attachment to-· homes and potentlaf economic looa to Individuals fon:ed to deal with tile mess!"' ~ of the atate 'are ll)e pri)llary pleu ·by thosoraldenla. " ,. Plannlng Commfsslnner Jact HllDlhelt bu .compiled a repit oa the freeway route altamaUvu and Its m points ore included: in nlinutei o!1he study tessloh of eight daya ago. The document can! for City CounCil assurance that Newport B o u I e '( a r d be~een i7tb ·and lttb S:treeta .will,rt:maln a free, clear. thornughlare, prior 16 poai· ble approval of the Red-Blue Rolde. Gradual deterioration of jh&.downtmm.. ma due to the hanging r......,-.- question may be dratnatlcallr reverll!ici (See FREEWAY, Pqe I) ' Mexico · De.ma.nds ·Doctor Asks Newport Man .Extradited in Wife's Death An extradition order demanding IW'· render of a Newport Beach physlciaD accused of murder was being prepared today in Mexico City. A Mexican Foreign Office offi,cial told the DAILY PILOT that the COC>plete papers will be presented at the U.S. Embassy in the Mexican capital "later this week." They will level cha.r&ea of murder against Dr. Merrill C. O'Donnell, 52, of 307 Placentia and 2011 WeatcWf Smts11 on Jet Noise Pass $28 Million Jet•noJse ltdts filed 1>y angry Harbor Area ~ have broken tlle m mtlllOi'WN.let':..... , .i,-~- Superior Court clerks today are addi{1g to the bulky dossier five more acUoru: representing claims against Oran1e County by 11 homeowners. They add $507 ,500 to a tally of damages which now stan.ds at flS ,245,445.65. Drive In Newport oud nm Beacb Blvd., HunUlljton Beach. . Mexican officials believe that the de- mand for extradition will follow Its usuaJ couge~ 1ubmiuion to Washington for Stata Department approval and· then local action agaln!t the Newport doctor. _ Me11can oUlc;lals uplahled that an earlier utrad!Unn onler, 11gned by Judge Jesua Leal MultOI in Cbetumal City last , Feb. 13 wu·for "Jnternal use only. . . "We now have our case fully prepartd and we will seek the Immediate ."W'· render of Dr .. O'Donnell," a spokeSman said .. Dr. O'Donnell is accused .. in Mexico of tbe murder of bis wile, Susan Jane, 38, on Mardi 19, 19(111, !t!exlcan r.PQlice authorized the lslue of a warrant after WmlnaUnn of tlle remaJna. ol tk.dead woman alleged1y ahowed ttie ~Ce ol •a lethal qilanUty of lumlnal, a-hfel>!y ·-- toxlc barbiturate. Also n&.med tn the extradiUoq docu- ment signed by Judge.Jesus Ja,1 Munoz In Chetwnal Oty ls Dr. Antoruo.Jjegro11 Rubio who faces cbarges or b<>miclde, falsification of documen'ts and of beln& an accessory after the fact. Mexcian qfllcen said Dr. Negron fled from Cozumel -the Yucatan Peninsula vacation spot where Susan .O'Dormell died on March 19, 1968 -shortly after the death of the attractive woman. Reds Bombard Sixty ~ed Bases, To~s ' ~GON (AP) ~ ~ tichlu\~ teaed joday at fpur pnints northwest o! Saigon, 8111! vlet· Cciig lorces ibellecl mare than ~ aJli1" 6m and . ioWns, lncludlil1 the old·1mperia1 capital of Hue. ' ' ' u;s. officers $aid the-Jncreaaed action signaled 'the start . of the third plwe of the sp.rihg oifensive the ·enttny launch- ed Feb. 23 .. They ,.jd the perlnd from now untir Saturday was a "crlUcal one," •. S me point out that ours Is al- re a drug-obsessed society. In 1965 · one, some lS'l million pre- All the complaints filed by 119 homeowners allege that the county is reSponaible for the prevalence of jet noise, smoke, odors and construction damage in the area SWTOWMling Orange County Airport. and the alert status at some AmUican '-' bases was increclsed. , scripti were written for drugs · that aff mood or behavior; adult.s were the 'n consumers, "When nt.s have a medicine cabinet full drugs, the kids can n\ake a big g oot of that," one psychofogist ks. One doctor a s there's wide- spread popular o · on that there Costa Mesa Police Chief must be a "magi pill for every Roger Ntth: "1 believe thi! woe from constipation to worry over 1eries will be of great value in the H-bomb." To some youths, alerting the parents of our therefore, "mind" drugs may seem community to tht very strious to offer solutions to major problems drug problem that exists." of life. Youth is an age of questioning, of learning for one's self what is real and true, a time of keen concem ·about "Who am I?" For some youths, drugs of~er Del! possibilities in this quell. And this is an era of rapid revolutionary change that leaves adults as well ·as youths bewildered and wieUy as to what tomorrow may bring. 'There are crucial struggles over civil rights and social injustice. The war in Vielnam ls unpopular with many citizehs, young and old. CIUu show obvibu.s decay, pollution of air, water and land is increasing. Offstage Ls the menace of obliterating nuclear war. Rapid social changes widens the "generation gap," reports Kenneth Kenl!ton, Yale psychologist, and the here-and-now becomes more important to the young who "can no longer commit themselves unquestio~bly to the life styles, altitudes and skills of their parents. To do so is to condemn one'& self to obsolescence in the· modern world. '1 Many youths live under tmneodou.s pressure ~ .ei:cel Jn school, and to some, acbool wort seems contrived, a form el martmc time, and htnct ir~ IS.. OUTGROwTH OF TIMES, P.. 3) ... ·.~. Named in the action currently-being procesaed1are: Winifred L. Voegelin, 32 Harbor Island, Newport Beach, ltll0,000 ; F. C. Schneider, 1907 Glenwood Lane, Newport Buch, $30,000; C. Paul Du Bois, 1129 Glenwood Lane, Nl!W]l!ll't Beach, '30.000. Also Jack Jones; 1.37az Carlsbad, Santa Ana, $50,000; Finn Konsmo, 13al Carlsbad, Santa Ana, $60,000; Lloyd Rasmussen, 13652 Yellowstone Drive, Santa Ana, f45,000; Michael Terliui, 13731 Rushmore Lane, Santa Ana, $55,000; F. Gordon Chytraus, Uto2 Rushmore Lane, Santa Ana, $85,000. Other plaintiffs are Frederick A. and Marion Trevor, 1561 Indus St., Santa Ana, 115,000; Arthur and Roberta M. 'l)inmpson, 2420 E. 22ud St., Newport Beach, $23,500 and James L. and Doria K. Kelly, 1601 Indus St., Santa Ana, 114,obo. The homeowners state, as was claimed in earlier actioas, that the county Jn- curred responsibility for damage suffered by allowing Air West and Air Calllornla .airlines to introduce jet traffic to tbe county terminal. ... ,. Mesa Historians Hcf,rhor ·.Are~f Res~aurant~ «._To Hear Lecture . . S_.ave Cans f~r Cooltielifi . On State~lndians . , . Biology odentlst IJnyd !ti. Smith wtll be the fealµred apealer at·an illuotraled ')'be Helm food comflll\Y coald hanlly Neu' CliJ Hall o.r.uihnat April lot leclure on Callftnla ~ 1-·-u Harbor Area. rettauronta.wblcb ~ in which to pact the ol!•recMooiCfil by the Costa Meaa Hit--~ -lot abl VJ-.. 't<l'ical Society. . lDlll1 ltt offering 17 vorlctfa of !ltlp . ~ to • He 19 to dlocuss "'J'be Calllornla to )fro. Jom w. OUYer'• vtitnam Radio ._....,ta are to be&in llmert Ca1tulUa DXfiaM," emplwlzlnc cootlelllt. . • • = = =~u:a~ , Uielr ~ ol lllrVival and tllelr aae I. helper In ~bi& projed llld lila&r iS repnrtedlJ tnwest<d la bnnatiDI the ol Jll\ive' plontl and animal<. that 17 eatablilbmenla ha'" v.......,.i cooklellft. 'Illa 0r,... Cout Collqe'lnllnlc;I«'• to ave cans la which the -Ode He told Jioci.err ol the .-....-ung talt will bt at 7:IO p.m. io the oudltor- cootda will be airUJtld ~ the war plan be will ult an Air Far<e -·• lum ol the Coala Msa· P.pllce Facility, -. r · •' bud<b' •bout ~ -1bfllty of lettlna It Fair DrtYe. Mn. Otiv.r, IOTI Yma Dme, Colla -ol the cciokles lblpped Ina Ir Jnteoo\ed .,_ and lludmla ID par· Meu, lo drawilll aid !tom all -•SAC bomben. ' . ' llcular are bW!ted to tlle Ina c111c>.m and It appeor< donaUons fer poatage featuring the widely traveled. educalor, are tu-deducUblc. ShH!Jc /lf-fcets ...... The Internal Revenue S er v J c e , who b also I noted pbo(ogatH..,. • bnwever' has not Clearly eotab"·hed ~• r The lormer fore&l raqer WU dlrtctor ~ "~" YORK (AP) -The stock marke whether the donations Indeed quality, wu ahead at the cl01e tod1iy, although of the Palm Springs Desen Ml.lffllm for but a declalon is expected soon. down from the higher leveli reached nine years and spent a recent aabbatlcal Women volunteers have been promised earlier in the d!Q'. Trading slowed M.ar· leave retracing naturalist Charles Dar· the vacant fourth floor of Lbe Cosla the end. (See quo~tlons, Pages 10-11 ). win's voyage around th~ world. , ... DAILY PILOT ....... n let P•YM' ' CAT STREAKS FOR HOME AFTER JO.FOOT DROP SI• D1y1 lo 1 Long Tim• to Spend In a TrN Pilot H~lps Cat Paper Go es to City Hall for R escue By ARTHUR .R. VINSEL • Of .. O.llY Pllilt stiff Nenpaper edllon In blgh places•muat not misuse tbe1r power, but the DAILY PILOT tudl,Y , went to the filth floor BO A.TING SCENE . UNFOLDS TODAY ' ' BoaUhi r from the JlahamU ID Anaheim -makes the . scene tnday In the DAILY l'nm. Boat!ne F.dltor .Almon Lockabey; frelbJy tttllmed 'f!om the S<iuthqn Oceall 11ac1ng .Coolerence in Florida and. tho Bahama ~. tells · 1r1n plcturea on Pac•.11. · And oo -foUowliia Locbbey'a bolling pace, tlle DAILlll PIWI' ~II apedal cnwaga of tile Wulml National Boll and Marine Show, c:urmrtl)o under way at. the Anahe1m Convention center, and a loo1t It booting ind· bolt faclHUtl alon1 the Orange Coaat .and elaewhert. fl'• all fnalde today, on Pag .. 18 throqh 21. - of the Coote Mesa City Hall · tO &et a black cat out of a JO.foot date palm tree. · Huddled among the orange dates like a grotesque'Halloween dlaplaY-unlble to go higher ·and unable to get down -: the cat had proclaimed Jtla pr.,.nclo for llix d&Ys and llix nights. ' lloWllng and yowflng .lnJm bllhi ·-.tile 1>11)' Jni.nedlon · of H a r b-o r Boulevard and. Vlc:torte .Street, tlio ml!erable feline ahared hiJ misery with Ill the 1'0"ld, ' ' I llOOnded by tlle cal'•· crytrw, Mn. Brooda ~. o1 the r.hju lllll Malel, 450 Victoria SL. noUf.led v,a·r'lous authorlUea, U various \eptn~ u.nabltli to ileep cooUnually nowi.J her. 1'8o)', he WM Joud:t aaid'llaid Sandra Lane, "Ind when~ raloed be &<11 lqoder." Nlclinamed Ugh~~ thee "XI he dlaa_...i elter on tlle (lb>. ooa~ lawn at to 1.m. iodayt the ·1!111- ·hour ordtll WU (>!Obably tho eiporlence of nln6 lileUmes• • Conflicting Jwllldictlon led pollco to notll,y Humane Society olllclall, •nt ol wbnm peered Into aky aud declared (See CAT, Pap II Military analysts said Salgoo still ap. peared to be the Viet· Cong•i ma.in ob- jecUve. They 1ald the main bocUea: of four enemy .divi&ioos -polsed· to the west, northwest, north and ~ of the capital -.bad made no. aertous move toward the city but .that. Joca1 . rtg!Onal fotUS were ''gravitaUnt' from the south and el't toward tile capital mllllary district. Panel to Probe .Future of Arts The future of cultural arts 'In the .Harbor ·Area will be probed by a p.1nel ·Wednesday; during the. Harbor! .Alu Cooi"dinatioi COuntil's· w·edne1<f11 meeliDf. · Scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the Hoag Mlmonal Hospilal confer.nee -er. the qieeting will include a varied art show, featuring papitr macbe by Mrs. Mencl Schonthal and metal aculpture by lid Bendle. Council President Mrs. Gwenda Wntaon said the panel will include. five ptrsont active in or. asaociated with the field oC cultural art. Oruae w~er Forget .~ ~ prediclJooa GI l rain. The Weather Bureau'• nsJ.. ,dent Casaludro .MW aaya lt'll ,be 1unny after all, 1¥111' ~in Uie lOw IO's loci.Uy. INSW.I TODA~ Jamer· Ra11o '*"'lltt.d ~ of Dr, Jr-loilM!l !Cito;; lo< I ' daU beOCft a life o/ llol4-In ,<tU No. 4 ia Ille ~ ' 1<'11ritJi btoclo o/ T .. _. 1 :State ~ Storr Pao< 4. ...... ,.,, -I -•' "-..:. --" ,.,_ --.. ,,_, .. :::::' • ,,. ,.,: I ·-· .. --' "'*"" ,.,, 'hlltriel ... ' t.::...-.._,. ........ .. ·-..... ~ :1 '" c.n. ' :,J•.....; • -" .. , ... .._ 'I --.. - - I I· \ Mesa Chamber -...,_./ Memhe:rs :Pick ~ Red-Blue Line Only 31 per<enl <JI Cosla Mesa OWD.ber or Commerce members replied to a .mail ballot on preference. for Newport P'reeWQ' route, but they fl:vor the Jlel.Blue Roule, II wu anllOllllOOd tod.fe ' 'l1>e • ..ting per<enlage of 176 !or the Red-Blue Route to 73 for the old Green Route iftdlcates a lkl.7 percent preference for the aniiiment swinslnl lurtbell awaY, from the downtown ateL Mayor AMn L. Pinkley said today, however. that such light respon&t to the survey Wtiated lut week hldlcates · llO l'UI majolity of ;>Ubllc: opinion OD the ollernata. A oprfnkJins •of vota for U.... other pollible altemato locations of the path of the Route 55 freeway were received, bul oeJi 290 of the 741 chamber members palled ttplled. Chamber of Commerce Executive Manqtt Nick Zlener Hid the ruull.o will be welshed by the or1anJzaUon'1 Encutlve Committee at a March 20 meeU.,. Fret1t P .. e i FREEWAY ... . . --• Student Idealism . . J + -. • 1111 •l!!ta~l1,• • • • lDlcll ... -la a"'1i ai...111 .iJllidtll& : ~ · ·' lion, •lolenco °"" cioordve tltllcl, ll!!o:lldtf•lopodlltl...,1'11°'" 111 ., ii 1111 ._,. 1zf'~'1ie!s•~•~·f: '' Bo lllt -Ille 1•111 to tillli .... ..._ ~~-· .. .. wlliila ...., .... ,, -§j • -11'1' .... .,.\o ... ...... """"" lllm . Ill -lot the Ill. porttloo --4lla --k N 111•. Ille ~"""" it.'fi a complaN,.._ oell-r'""leoo" "6l:llly • studenla -"""'l'flnd ..,.. ol 11>e loctlcl moot o1 his u.steMn !Jun the World .,all, ;,w'd!l!;PiolnatJoa-;;:,~u;.,aiipal Thua Hlidl'""""......,... ii; ®-·b. ol the atudciit'lcl!vlala lntoltrable." Alf In Counc11 In coll or to. the ~ ~ or aaked u the Utle ol his !all, "Wblt'a But be ploaded thot the problal! 11 Je referred ":'a ~·· Foctune •nlveni(r invo!Yeineti( • .:.. ·l!lof ;tU:ii.ti Wrong "with Hlgber Educolloll!" b1 c:Ompl<:r ...i lbilplt oolu1looa _,~ magazine ourvey thot -thowed 41 percent call II compllclll< -Jn "'pona develop-sarlnl.Jn,.off~t. there ii reol)y J>Othlnl Alked if he had o blueprint f0< IOlylns of college students to be ideall!Uc rather menl'' i s& """' u it seem.a to b& wrooa problem of 'liolence on campus, be iald : than career oriented, "not really con-He Alcf. ~'Students become an&rY and because lt;Klentl are different. "The ln!Wer 11 very clear l don't. ctrned with the pracUca! benefits of emotiCIDll over society'• failure to do He a1ao 1 took aome pa1m: to explain It would be 11 hard as to havt a coUe,e bu1 oomethlng m«e lntanJlble, whit the1· lee! ii --111 rlahl coo-that ti, yut mojori17 of 111-.. bl-Int for the complex Jl'Obimi ., perhaps the oppor1lmlty to chailRe lhinP """'"" these isluOL 'nley ,.. -too •ithoolh many 1enuinely -.,, In oome <rime Jn the -'11111 problem .., rather than make odt.weU lrTthin t&e elteouncomlorlablydearly-confllcting ,ot ·the>ca-..do not dljler from the campua Is not lolDI to co .C"'11111, uJatinl sy•tom." Yoluea and hypocrily· In 10Clety'5 In-majority of adutl.I In deploring dlarup-1 ""J>'CI it Is Coins to 1et worse." Apollo Crew Faces Stormy Splashdown SPACE CENTER. llouaton (AP) - 'A weatherman on the scene disagued wit.h MiWon Control meteorologiats to.- day and predicted that winds would be too high fat o aale Iandlnl cf the Apollo I 1paceahip In the malu Atlantic Ocean recovery zone on Tbunda,y. A report from the prime recovery ship, the carrier Guadalcanil, said alternate landing plans were being con· akfered. By firliig their retro · rockets an orbit or two early or late, the astronauts could land eliewhere in the Atla.nUc: and escape the bad weather area 200 J!llles southwest of BermuGA. In Houston, weather erperls atuck with an earlier forecast that a atorm in the area was abating and that cohditions looked good for the rtturn of the astronauts to earth Thursday. . "We still plan on landing at the start of the 15181 revolution at 7:24 a.m. PST 'lbtasday," aald a apokesmah for MW:lon Control. He 8&ld a weather recoMalssance 11Iane wu surveying the area and that cooditioru: could change. Planners Approve Mesa Restaurant-Motel Deal WhippinB through a 211-mlnute meetln&. the Coota M.,a Planning Commlsalon Monday polished off a four-page agenda of business, aided by a few holdover items and withdrawn applications. They recommended approval ol a motel-restaw-ant-senrlce ltation package propooed by a Loo Angeles firm for the ncrthwest comer of Gisler Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. The BO&tland Co. is developing a 1374 room La Quinta Motor Inn, a Coton1 Kitchen Restaurant aod a Richfield Service stat.loo, on land adjacent to the busy San Diego Fl<oway. Executives agrffd to a planning department request to dedicate -when needed -an eight-foot strip of land Drug Problem Topic At Thursday Meet f<r a rigbt<um pocket on the boulenrd. The city will get ""' land ""' and bear the cost of the riglll-Of·W!Y develop- ment. M expected, the cmnmiss:ioners voted unanimomly agaimt a zme exceptiort permit allowlnl a new owner to op<nlo tbe old Elite Sauna, lll2S Newport Blvd. ce:rter ~ a cbeckered past. Harry R. Huglles, 988& Continental Drive, llunllngton Beach, aougllt to open the facility as Bob's Gym and Sauna, after it was closed under other ownership last year by police and city actioo. In otber action comm:issjooera recom- mended approval by the city OMlCil of, -A rezoning petiUoo to change a parcel of land at 1969 and 1966 Harbor Blvd., from R-2 to commercial and pro- fessional land use. -A zone exception permjt for Robert J. Phelps. ol !Oii Cecil Piece, to build a three-unit apartme11t complex in an R-2 20De at 180 Cecl1 Place. -A zone exception permit for F .B. Roane, d 1'7391 Beach Blvd., Huntington The drug problem in schools and In Beach, to develop 49 Iota on Newport the community at large, will be di.scuased Boulevard :!lOUlhwest of Palisades Road, at a meeUng at 7:30 p.m. 'Mrunday wjtb minor size and setback reductions. In the Costa M,.. Hlgll School LJ<tmn. -A woe eaception permit for David Parents of high school students, both L. Taylor, of 1741 Missouri St., to build P.T.A. members and non-members, as 1 family room onto his home, cuttine well as parents of students not yet into the minimum lot setback re- in high school are Invited. quiremenl A member of the Costa Mesa Police -A zone exception pennit for Harold by the u!Umato choice of tho allpment t PIREMEN ATTEMPT TO SURROUND TREED FELINE · Yowllng Brlngi SPHPltu N!tfito fer Molt? Ttnonl1 As weather reports fluctuated, Air Force Cols. James A. McDifitt and David R. Scott and dvllJan Russell L. Schweickart sped through a leisurely eighth day in space. 'The flight plan called for picture-taking, navigation checks and plenty ol rut u the sstronauts continued to test the. Apollo command ship to prove its durability for a lG-d1y DllJHo.tbHnoon mlaskm. Department will be on hand with a Mundt, ol 21151 Newland St., Huntington display on narcotics and drug mq;e, Beach. to house two families and operate thtougb ttaidenllal areas. ' Rlmmett'a plan ur1ea that the City Collncil most be aaU..Hed that lh1I will indeed occur H the outlylna freeway route is to be choam by the cltr Ovt1'. the one aa<:rlflcinc the downtown atta. Some dmmtown mercllanll, bowevtr would like to -the Green Route ~ ed, .-11 ~" .. diem. (?ah liar\ on a Cllll1jlOlltlve bull In more oewli developed ....,,,.,.W ateaL A lhlnl alt.mall" la _,aged by Planning Comm-• Cllarlel Beck, one obvioualy pr<femcl ,by Newport Beach officiall, who have not tp0ken dltoctly on a rout. through mlcl.costa MOIL 'l1>e 1lne In qn .. Uoo, the Green-Blue route. would run don N e w po rt Boulevard to the dly 1imHs around Superior Avenue, then 1bift westward aloni Superior Avmue. TbiJ route would tie into the Paclnc Coast Freeway and spare the historic Ardla lntmhana• at the head of Newport Harbor, plus provldins a local lint between the beach and the mesa dQea. One of the truly undbputecl polnla of consideraUon is that a route adopted ail along existing Newport Boulevard will create a miserable mess for up to two yean. especially In amnmer Inf· fie. The Newport Boulevard-following route now on state blueprintl wu adopted without a public hearing when the Harbor Area had 100,000 fewer residents and ft WU tbe natural route choice. The quesUon of re-rooUng Involves only the NewpOrt Freeway link lro!ll the end of Ba1 Sitt« to !Iii aoulhem terminus at the alrudy-adopted PacWc Clout Freeway. lll\11 ~ PHO! OIU.Rltl Co.uf PUll.l&HOI• COMf'Atrr a.Mrt N. W..J ,,....,, ..... N:lllthw J1c• I;, Cv..Jey V'la' Pnlldlrll ..... Oenolrll ....... n ...... ic ... u ·-n..... A. Mllf'J\fn• --, ... NltMft Mwll1""'9 OfrMW ---lJf W11t hy Str..t M•°'*t ~ r.o. a. 1160, t2624 --~ .._., m1"""' ..... ......._. .....,. ..,.., m,..,.... • ...,.. """" .... leldl1 • "" ..... ( • .-From P•fi~ l J?,JLOT RESCUES. CAT • • •. . . . I ~~. hlvo to be abot oo9,n and the acoredy-cal eluded llm. lib in !l!ltm1 iai.a In a jungle tr.et41>. "Jump," '°'".,_ied, \flit neither ·~ -lilm," pleaded Mta.. LiaJdnlnl, Laddonnan Rltt.r~ Lad-~ •1 · dennan Hatcb -naw clim up Ute "I eouldn1 do Iha~" aaid the bujllane other side of the •l.ltely ~ate palm IOciety aide uncomlortably, alnce It -seemed Inclined that way.~ . would 11eem. a most inhumane • way to . Flalllng ,way with sWlrDming pool 1et the cat bact to earth. . . . equipment owned by the morel, the two ucan the fire deputment," he Ill.&· firemen anC1 . a photographer fina11y ...... • . . petouaded Llgbt$( -.. couldn't "We don't do this aort of thing routine· understand for six days : ly," Hid IOOJ.eone at the Costa Meaa Namely, that the Lord and the Com Fire Department, IO weary-eared Mn. . Mesa Fire Department helps those who lladrla1I turned to the DAILY PILOT • help themaelves. 1n . .i-p..:1uon. -"Sli ~ la a lonl time to be up TOOK NINE IJVES : . . ID a . c!lte··i>oJm " DAIL y PILOT staJf . Sum>unded by firemen, their IWJDllllg .,.,...,. agreed .,awln& on the wldel1 awlnnnin& pool sear, and -beroome varied ~ of years In the clumps of dates, I.Jgbtntng toit hiJ nine nenpaper·1in.1DMI lives In his four paws and :l>alled out . of what had been home for nearly a .lJIUll!ll llPFORTI week. Cll1 Mallqtr. Artllur R. McKenale waa He landed running, a mert blur In COlllactoil ID bll l1fth floor ol!lco to a pbotocrapb ahot with the camera urp efforts on 'ec:mmon groandl 1o set set for oDelSOOtb of "one second and LIPtnlnl out <JI the ay. departed for sreener P8stl\"' and "Six daya la a lo!!l "tlmo to be up 5hort<t treea. in a date pelm," -be .. exp)~, min& "I heard a thud as ... he hlt and then Llihtnln&'a Plllhl wu ncit a . ~ )le "II &On•," .aid Mila Lan<, the co~ln-a-trettop caae and the c:ity1nllht ttliend mild. conalder intervening. , ~ · :'Gee, they do ·land on their feet," Soon hllb..ititude ' arllala l\llka Ritter marvetod a byotlander. and Rulon Hatch arrived by ·fire truck • "Ul'• get back to pollahln& the to purrue. IJ&btnlnl. u Laddennan Ril· engines, 11 sa.Jd firemen Ritter and Hatch, ter ahinnled up one side of die tree or at lea.st words to that effect. Newport to Join Coast Public Library Progra·m By JEROME F. COU.INS .. ... ~ ........... Newport Beach .wm soon join Costa Mesa and Hunttoston Beach in joint uae ol publlc: llbrarlea. Newport councilmen, on the unanimous recommendation of city librarY trustees. authorized the move Monday night Tbe abarin& ol library faclllUes will be man&ed UmJgh enrollment In Iha SanUaco Library Syatem, o federal and stat. ~-ottve that lncludea the lldntlniton Beach, Or•••• County, PlacenUa and Yorba Linda public llbrarlea. Otlllll )ifesa II eocompaaaed by the COOllly lllraty 111tem. 111 jolnln& the cooperaUvt, aaid C111 Library Board CbaJrman Jobn Hopwood, Newport woold make it easier for stud"11a In the Newpcn.M... school dlatricl to check out boon from publlc llbrollel, no matter whera they Uved. Studeola IMnc In Coota Mesa must :; r:.:i!. yearly IM to use Newport •'Oft thlt bu1a alone." Aid Mayor Doreen Manball, "l th1tlk this move la "'1 lllllCb neocled. tt'1 o wonderful Jdea." Hopwood pointed out another major 1dvantqe. He 11Jd mtmbenhlp In the I ' Santiago gyatem would make the city eligible far a federal grant to flnanc.e one-third the cost of a new untral library at Newport Center. Estimated cost of a 58,000..square-foot main library, be said, is $1.3 mllllon. The federal grant for design and con- lb'ucUon would amount to $(29,000. He said the library proposed by city consultants meets the criteria established by lhe.t federal government Grants are admirustered by the •late dlttctor cf librarieJ . Hopwood dted several other benefits that would accrue to Newport as a member of the Santiago System. Among Otem: · · ~ -Beller sen-ice for res~ent.&, lnCludlnJ faster and easier access to ere•tu ............ -Avoidance of dupUcaUon of im- portant, ~nstve, specialized materials. -Pooling of electronic data ~Ing syatems and other tec:hnologtcally ad4 vanced library proceduns. Hopwood empbaslzed that the local library board would retain it.I autonomy in the purchase and 1election of boob aod equlpmenL "What we buy, we would keep," he said. Al 1 Sant11110 member, tMi addf.ld. Newport would have one of five votes on system-wide Issues. I \ and will be available to answer quieaticJm . a tdepbone answering service at 1S5 about specific drugs or problans. . Rocbelter SL, Colt.a. Mesa. Your child can receive Remedial Reading Help REMEDIAL READ/HG FOR GRADES 4 THROUGH 12 Spedal C1n1e1 fat Mutts REGISTRATION- Friday, March 14-4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, M11ch 15-9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cluies Becfn Monday, Mlldt 31 PllWl'I: OI OU.rdlln Mult Accompall)' [Kh Child to Rehb•tkh1 ,-., The Open Court Reading Center J'9 12112 lln>olnnt "'"'"" • Glrdtll G,,,.., Cltllfomt1 t26IO ( I • I I I I • r I I I AAat;qa~t~r! OUTGRO 'fH OF TI~S ~~~ r~ I: ••••• ' .. Decade . P.ff " -HEver rFlevant,'' says Dr. Dana L. Faros. worth, director of Univeralty Healih Serli\!el. at Harvard.· Mirljuana or·oth-, er dt4igs Offer' a knn cl relixaUon1to some. NeVer ht ht.story have to many of a naUon'a .youth been SI) ac:cuatomed to affluenCe~ wJtb no worry about atarv• tiojt, ,un"mployment or depression. By JEROME F, tOIJJNS Parenls who . survlved the Gmt °' ttit ~ "''"' ~·ff Depression of the 1930s, and 'WOrked It wil1 be at least a decade • belore hard.to get ahead and give their children the {irst shovelfhlfof dirt is turned a( a better break, find ·tlill View diffithlt ' the site of a $65 million fnlatld .. marin a to take .. Further, they find many youths behind Newimt Shores -if evtt. · pn>t.estirlg that the· sOcietyitbey ll'e grow· That~s the view of Newport Belch ing. Up in is materialistic, com-- City Harbor C'.oordinator Geor&e Dawes. merciali.ziedJ impetsona:I, 1ut<imated,' fUll He disclosed it today as ,.·prepared of ·social Injustice, making · little in: allowance for the lndlvldual and his to meet with the U.S. Army Corps of inner feelings. Engiheers to begin talks on feasibility "There's a new notion that you can shldies of what could yet turn out,. to ~want .1exper~ w,hicb ~te ~ly be, an impossible dream. ' • ~ 1 .' esthetic, purely on their own !nertts, GRAND DESIGN -even·if~ttley don't' lead-anywhere,.,_ says The Huntington Harbour-type.develop-• a J?SYC~iatrist who has talked wtth rr: ··~· ment -is what remains ·of advertising uruvers.ity students. , • . ma.A Stephen c. 'Auld'! tW1>-p~ grpnd . -FOt" P.:oor. Jt1 DUfftlnt design following city council action two This youthful atti tude collides hea d·on weeks ago. with a still-strong American se nse ~r Auld, alm°'lt as an after;thought,1_ had Purita~ ~ sen&e ~at work is the cranked the iqland marina prop0:5a1 intG -~ \ his iih3gina1Uve -and controversiiil -• · • • scheme for an offshore marina and Juvenile C:Ourt breakwater in West Newport water~. Councilmen, yielding to protests from Ch S h scores .of West Newpo't property.owners, anges OUg t rejected the offshore development. But municipal lawmakers noted that W • } N Bill. 'no one aeemed to object to the inland Il l CW · · marin3 on barren Banning lowlands hard by the~ Santa Ana River. So they unanimous ly voted to seek initial Ann y Corps studies on that phase of Auld's plan. UNDERSTANDING "It's my understa11ding of the council's decision," said Dawes, "that the city wants to see if 'Genoa ,Bay' can be done with minimum interference lo the existing natural beach shoreline." Genoa Bay is the na~ Auld arbitrarily gave to his proposed inland waterways. which would contain 900 boat slips and would -be surrounded by some 1,200 homes and apartments, shopping areas, at least two public parks and mobile home sites. Genoa Bay's outlet to the sea would be a channel cut through the sloughs bordering Newport Shores at abou t 59th Street. ·naw~s explained wha( Army engineers would do, at the outset. "First of all, they'll have to find out wh~ther there is a requirement for more smaJI boat harbors. "In determing this, they'll 1'.ke .into account the whole area from Long Beach down through Dana Point and cons.ider everything l>eing . built and wha.t·~ in the qillL . : "The Corps will also projecl the boating populalion to the earliest time Genoa Bay could be built, if it is needed." FURTHER STUDIES DaWes said the complexi.~y Or further studies and the number of agencies in- volved would make it virtually impossible to "push the first shovel down until 1979, probably 1980." He emphasized that need is the primary factor. "It's an inherent Pa.rt of the preliminary information. The Army won't fool with it further unless there is a reasonable need ." Dawes said lhe Corps' interest in Genoa. Bay stems from two of Ule federal agency'& principal function's: shoreline protection and the construction of small craft harbors. He said in his talks this week with Army engineers he would oulline the limits of the city's study request. , Senator James E. Whetmore (R· Fullerton) has introduced legiSlation authorizing the clerk of the Juvenile Court to serve notices and petitio~ . .on minocs-.by~cerUfled mail. The. present law ' states that these notices· must 'be personally served if the minor resides within the county. "If the minor fails to a~ar in\coUrt after-having been served b)' mail," said the Senator, "no action will be "taken by the court in the disposition of the minor's ca.Se although a warrant will be issued ror his arrest. The minor definitely will not be deprived of any of his right.S and a considerable.saving will result to the counties. · "Personal sewice on persons residing in the county becomes extremely costly, and this measure will save the taxpayers of Orange County (about) $60,000 a year." . ... Little League Site Proposed Establishment of a Uttle League baseball site at the . Fountain V.alley 1 City Yard wiU be di&CUMed at I p.m. . Wednesday during the regular meeting of the Fountain Valley Parks and Recrea· lion Commil!ion. Commissionet's also will act on a re. quest to provide playground equipment for Harper Park. Commission meetings are held at the Fountain Va1ley City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. Community Resource School Program Set An appeal has been sent to Fountain Valley residents urglng them to share any special knowledge they have with children of the Fountain Valley SchOol District. Those interested to participate in the conlmunity resou~ program may con. tact Bobbi Dolph at the district's Cur· rk;ulum Materials Center, 842.a&SI . flt' Rocket's Glare Old Glory, solidly sandb~gged lnlo place, flies overheard as unident· lfied American soldier removes artillery 1hell from it< protectlvo ""'"inr, during recent fighting near vil}age or Bien l;loa. r....s to Rlvalioo. "' Cllt pb)ollclla ... priuel I~ "We are agalnll aJiithlng that Ii per se for pleasurable aCtlvities. It'• all right to bave a cocktall after a barcl d'f, Butmarliwma for tie~ ts~ else."-f "'l The druc problem 11 intertwined .. with many of the things that are happening to us in our society," ""11 John FinlltOr, asaoclale director <>! the ·federal 'Bureau o1 Nan:ollcs and Dangerous Drup. "We cannot separate the drug problem and the alienation we are having with the young. The great majority of them are ..,looa and· smart, and ~ lbey 00.' Willi any part .ol a society' U.Oy dldp't create '' -' The .pressures on j~· who ate poor. particularly the Negro ' poor, are dil· ferent, Dr. David Gottlieb of Pennsylvania State University points out : 4'He wants a Change of status, ai:id CON s ' . .. ' . Ile wants jt now. He "'.ants out of the TRA TING TIMES -Parents of tpday sur-AmericaD cities (left). Their children are growi,ng sJums. He wants out of unemployment vived the Great Depression of the 1930t~ when un· up in an une_recedented era of affluence and su.ffer .! He wants oo.t of a physical setting: which employed workers hawked apples on the streets of from ~ "depr.ession of• the natiQ:nal spirlt." , ,. restrJets mob'ility and maximizes feelings · ' ' ·Of JierSOhal defeat. ·'" -· Furthermore, their judgments are often times -the most ·common answer· waS 0 Given the ~hoice. alid a slmilafity more yalld than ol~er gener.ations care only once or twiCe. Dr. YoUe& thJnks !n oppartunJties1 many woUld gladly ·'to adniit." Jt, is ·likely that "four to · five million change places· with the 'disenchanted of Otber 'Drugs Too , Amertcans, aduJCs · lilchtded, hive, tried Harvard, Vassar and Yale." · The r~al· extent of u"se or aliusc ·of rnBrijuana at lea.St ·once. · Dr. GotUleb adds that it's remarkable , mind-and·mood 'drugs is not known. -.LSD, a .vastly . mo,re po ten t so many of the poor don't give 'tlp, Estimates vary widely, and new feseQ:rch · halluoination-prod~'W drugt ap,parently or tum to drup.' stucl4'Shi:~g to pin down the facts. · has.become less pOptilar-wlthin the last .. The fact thl;t drug taking is illegal • Miri is the prime ~favorite. !ls year as young people have begun t() reveals it.!I function .as a form of rebeWon. use is apparently incri!asing, and . ·hear ¢ its serious d~gen, this su.rvey · and tranquilizers Is apparently still tn~ creasing, among adults'as l{elLa~ youths. t Little is lru ly known about . the extent.1 of use ot peyote, mescalirie, morning clory seeds and other drugs, including . "glue sni!£ing" by some )°O\lflgste.rs. : (Tom arrow: The main mind dTugs, ~ wha t tb~y do, how they differ.) * * * and protest," Dr. Farnsworth aays. ~ down now to younger ages finds. · la lll t ted b kl t "It is tempting to· write it ol.t as than before. ., Heroin, ca\lsin~ true addicUon, rs ·a (F'ot a rge us ra 00 e '!· a typical 'phue of. youth that ihoUJd Dr. Stanley F. Voiles, director of the diffef'ent story: In1'1914;·1t.Wls eJtµRat+<! containtng th.is uties in expand-• .... ·• be .. ignored because inevitably it will Niti'onal ·lristltute of Mental Health, cites there were. 250,000 heTairl and 'OPlwri ed form, end suitable for read-•IV• -pasa-;"1leldM. "It would be wrong·head· an estimate that abouj two million aQqipS in this ~cow1tiy." 19 . !91!7,,. a'p-.' ing by both parents: and .11oung tl .ed however to do so; the young people's high school and college students "have proximately 62,oOO addicts ' were ltnown people, send $1 to "Drug Book--·,.,~ rebe~ion is_, meanJngful to them, and had some experience with marijuana. to federal aUthOfitles, a · slight · incl-ease Let" in care of this newspaper. coostitutes bOth a response to their situa· ~bout 65 percent of surveyed students over 1966. · , -1 ' It wiU be mailed in pLai11 e-nvel- tion and 'a way of dealing with it. said they bad used it , less then 10 ConsUmp.Uon or pep pills, sedatives ope.) ~~~~~~~~~-"~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~.C...~~~~~~~~-""~~..i._;__;_~~~~~~--'~~~~~~~~~~~-,,nr ' ' ' '· t Pay your tax~and relex . "' ! .. • ' .. use our mooey! Pay)'Ollrtax bill now with money from Morris Plan. You may borrow from $100to $5,00Q, Of more, for ·~es. bi/I consolidation, home or car repair;.any good. reason., Payments ' scheduled to fit your. lndome. You may have your money the. day you apply-with no repayment for 45 days. Morris Plan, the people who lik e to say ''yes," SAMPLE LOAN • SCHEDULES YOUR CASH $ 453;93 $1,018.57 , $1,518.99 $2,122.38 C"9dll Ufe and dlsebility lnsu""""! anUable. • MONllilY'PAYMENTS $24 • $53 $56 $76 NO.OF:MONlllS 24 24 36 36 " Morris Ptan , " . ... . " , ........ " I ' I .. / • " ., - ' • " . ' ~ .... .... •I ' ~ "' ,. ' ,,., ' ... •• '~ ... .> it .... ... " ., .. , < ,. ,, IJ ,, " 1. ~:, 1· .~ ' •• !, •• .'t l•l I ) ' I l I I I I I ' I I l l I I I I t •i ' ( ' 11 . . • ! Student Strike Clo·ses 'Two LA ·Schools· Violence Flares as Black Youths Protest Presence of Police ~· ... a.er ..... _ PbotoaraC;:alted eagerly ai Ille blonile 1 of Kent, ~ of 0.-El...-'1 lint cousin, aat down at a macblne for meu- urinf the stiffltess of leg joints during a tisll to the Rheumatlml Research Center at Leeds. The 'J prospect of some royal cheesecake ' • brought them to the alert. Alas be- fore the royal legs tried the tna• chines escorts forbad pictures to ,~be taken. • 1 A retlrOd coal mlner named «Joi. H•l'-y found bis luck ~worth considerably more than his •name JndicateCJ. He was search- J ing for fishing worms near Mans· !Ii field and Instead found 450 13th century Irish, Scottish and Eng-~lish coins worth several hundred 11pounds. .. . . I ' Herbert Carl Herman August Wilhelm Ale.tander Reinhardt had a probl~. He told the ;udge in Se a t t I e Suptrior Court hU friends had troublt! ramnnberlng hit name. TM court olloJDed him to change it to Robert Hindle. HerMrt Carl Hannan August Wil!a.1l'Jl Altll- ander Reinhardt saia Hindle f""a.,m""'.,"llU:loSm•ialJl•ualll!!m•••· .. 11111111111::11111 I . Some~y stole John Gl•v•11 orange pig. '!'he five-foot high, ~pain1ed metal J;?ig vanished from ' 1 the yard of G!ave's Richmond. Va, ~ • home. It once adorned the en-~ ~ ... .trance to a novelty shop he owns. t r Glave valued jt at $500. i ' .•. !t ~- • Nixon to Rule On ABM l:SSiu ' ' LaMrin Week .. WASIUNGTON (AP) -Tht White Hoiise .said today Pmident Nixon will announce his decilloo on the antlbollistic miaile (ABM) contro"""y later this wtiek -but not btlore Thunday. Press oecretary Rould L. Zie&ler said lb.al, before mating any announcement, Nixon wanta to confer on the matter with Secretory of Defense Mdvln R. Laird who will mum from an inlpection tour of South Vietnam late Wednesday nighL Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dtrben of Illinob, after meeUng with Nixon, said he thought announcement of ao ABM policy judgment hy Ni.on might be delayed unW nut week. Ziegler, however, said he bad rechecked with NJ.Ion and that the annowicement would come thil week. He Aid he could nol rule .out o possible televllloo-ndio oppeoronce by the clllel executive to unveil the declslon-. 1 In another development, the White How;e agreed quickly to hear the views of three prominent ,acientJsta: opposed to the Sentinel anlimisalle 1)71lem, before he announces blJ decision. Sen. CUlf<ri 'P. C.. (R·N.J.), said their Ylewl -he praented at the hlC!mtlenl IDd . ..,. ... ed • White lfmse · m..tlng (5 p.m. EST) wltlr ~ A. , Kisalnger, Nison'a top adviler on nation- al oecurity. Tbe White HOUJe said that Nixon would putlclpate ...-.Ur In the session if ot all possible. ' l ,. . ~' . ' 'll>e deventl>hour effort to put fd· ~· dl'tkiill ·opposition views Were,, tie Preildeiil arooe unupoctedly at'• tieif. ing of • SiQte lor<ign relat!Gos .Ub- coromltt<e that is uplorlng the·fortign pollq upecis of the ABM. MAXIMUM SECURITY CELL AWAITS RAY Convicted M'lrderer to Live in Isolation UPIT ...... ' i ~ Smrice station attntdant ii ma 'lln- 4 usual occupation for a 110Vng lady -·~ but the job is financing a worthy ' ·cauit. Dianne Mtytr, W€sttrn Mich- 1 igan U1iiver!ity stnior frma St. Clair ~ Shorts, pumps g<U tn a miniskirt at • ·• a Kalamazoo service station to pay '. for graduation exptm.!es. She said, ., one man came back the day after a ' "filL·up" for more ga.J -even if it .,. was 011ly 80 ce11ts worth. • '( I IJ A London court rejected an ! American company's attempt to I. register the name "Tarzan" as a 1 11 trademark. Jn its ruling, the court said that even the dictionary de- fined Tarzan as "a white man or prodigious strength and chivalrous -insUncts reared by African apes/' J and that bis name bas ceased to i be an "invented" one. t Colombia Hij~ck Try Thwarted; Police lruI One BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -Police lhot and kllJed one of three men who tried to ' bijld • Colombion airliner today IDd fonie the pilot to fly to CUbo. In more wu captured IDd the tl!lnf -!1111,r ... 1lllUDded. - 'lbe.Jbr<e --al, leut five pmom -Iller Gpllled fire wi1h IUbmocbine -In .. --'l1le ~. a DC t ' of the airline Sociedad Aeroooutlca de Meddlln, WU ... the l'llmnl' of the airport •t ean_. -the thnie IDlll with ••bmachlne -told the pilot to lob the plane wi1h • -aboord to Cuba. The passenger. Included Adm. :Alberto , Veron, deputy chief of Colombia'• navy. Th•• airline said the pilot told the control tower at Cartagena that three men told him to ro to CUba when he wu preparinc to toe oU for Bar·. ranquillo, a 15-minute llight. Cell No. 4 Waits Ray Faces L,onely, Monotonous Days ' NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UP -An un-eight-inch ttuck, steel-enforced concrete made bed and 30 yean '! ~ness painted green. Bf;side.s the bunks the awaJted James Earl Ray ,i(idly in cell only furniture Ls a metal combination No. t in the M11imnm ~ BofldiDc . at the Tenneuee state Pif.i, . s1nk and C1>mmodc. There are 18 heavy On an 11-cell corridor wt• Deeth Row bars acros.s the front of the cell. at bit back, Ray will bt permitted Once a day Ray will be taken outside to leave the· cell ooly on Uftt occu1ons to an exercise area enclosed by high :... when be 1J alct, wba '8 abowen walls. Twice a week he will step out and when ht exerclle1. -There ii Id knock the bea his cell door, take a ·dozen steps to green door aw~ openser1n':1the Jobb~ his left and take a shower. of the white, one-floor. _hftldln(. Ray The door to Ray's cell was open late will be taken throulb ~ dOor into ·:r.1ondsy and newsmen were permitted the lobby and throoih two more locked · I doorl before he , enters the coPridor to inspect it. A mattress ay on the leacUn'g to h1s cell. bottom bunk but the bed was unmade. Cell No. 4 measures six by nine feet A clean white sheet and a clean white like the 33 other cells on three of the pillowcase Jay on top of the striped corridors. It has two bunks but only mattreu. one is ever used on thia corridor, because Warden Lake Russell and State Cor· only one man ll: hauled ill each cell. The backs and sides ol the cell are I Vegas Gets Snow Blan~et rectons Commis.sioner Hsrry Avery said Ray "'ould be i.!olated. There will be no prisoners in ad;oining cells. Nixon Appoints Special Emissary On Peru Troubles I ~ t I l Snow, Ice Make Much of U.S. an Icebox Temper11t11rr.s ' v.s. s--=.~.t Mwtl ., "" ...... ... k ltlel! Mfft' ,,..,.,,, Wnfl -....V.. .. ..... ~ '" ,.,. ...._, ..... "'" "' Ille .....,,,..,,, MNW '""" eM t~ W.1'11.,._ -· Ill tffect fir llllMr ....,.lllfll ., AllMN, rnwll (If ,... ~ ..... ,... -"""" ......... c.ior-. ·-··-"'"'"''• ltlttnfftld l lJl'Nrd ·-· lie.IOI'! "-Clrw:rn._11 c~i.nd .. ~. ... ~. ...... "Ot'I Wotffl >M .. ..... ·-· _.., ...... en.. .... v_ l• """"' Mlllftl ltedl .... _ M""""llell• _.._ ff-ew V·-t .... ...... "-"~ ~111...,.!llfli. "-" ......... ........ Illa.Id City llted • .,,, ·-S-Cr•1Mftto SI. l,4u" ....... $11'! ., ... len llr•11C1'n S.nl• l•r1Nor• "'"'" ....... ·-· W1lll1Mllfl l. HI• LN ,,.._ .. " M .. .. " .. .. ~ • • • n M " • " .. " .. " .. .. • .. • M " • n " • " • " " • " " .. M • ll ll " .. .. • " " .. • .. ,, .. " " ' " • • • ... • ., " • " • .. • " n • • .. M " .. • I .. • • " " " • • " " • " ·" ·" ·" ... ... ... ... ·" WASIUNGTON (UPl)-P,...ident Nixon todl)' named John N. lnrin 11, a Nt\Y York l1wyer with diplomaUc ei:perience in Latin America, as a special emissarJ to repair America's deterlor1Ung rtla· Uons with Peru. Irwin, one of the chief U.S. negotiators drafting a new treaty for the Panama C....J, WU charged specifically IOlth moMng dilplilel that hove ori,.. with Peru over the llel1uro of U.S. lbhlng boltl in inlmlational waters claimed by Peru, and over the expropriatkn of Utt primarily Amer Jc an-owned lnlernollonll Petrolewn COmpsny • Irwin, who will be the Pmidtnt'I pemnal n-Uve with the ront of ambusador, will meet with Nlxoo at the White Jlouae Wedne!day afternoon and leave for Peru on Thursday. A Wh!te House tMOUDCtmtnt said that lrwin11 mlllldon •as the rtsult of an agreement between Peru ind the United Sta~s "to hold wide ranginc talka rtgardlng the relations betwetn the two countrl"." * * * * Won't qatt .Pabllshlng SF State ·Student Paper Defies Hayakawa Order SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Editors ol the s.:~-Slote Collep c.m-P"' new tbe Got« toda' delled a BUlptlllion order by acting President S.J. Hayakawa and vowed to continue doily' publlcaUon. Eight thousand copies of Tuesday's Galer rolled off the prtSlel containing 1 statement by editor D i k r a n North Koreans Machlnegun U.S •. Troops · PANMUNJOM, Korea (UPI) -North Koreans opened fire on U.S. troops wlth macbinquns acrou the Korean b uce fzOnt today, toochlng off a two-hour fire fliht. U.S. military !)fflcl!'b reported. The fight occutTed a few miles southwest of Pllllllunjom where the 28$th meeting of the Korean MUitary Annlst1ce Commission was being held. 11Jere were no -U.S. cuualtiea_ and Communflt -...,. not -The clash fh'lt WU reported by U.S. Air F~aj. Gen. James B. Knapp, United . Commond (UNC) nor dclq-ate the commtsalon. 'lbe C outpmt returned rire. mostly with Mlt rifles. U.S. olflclall said both sida fired MVerol lsundr<d rounds. Knapp lllCaeated a joint oblerver ttam ol the commflsioR be convened to con- duct • joint invmtptlclll of the club. North Korun Army Moj. Gen. Lee Olun-Sun, the Communill -ddqate, said Communlat IOkUen had taken "•H· defense" measures, but did nat menUon CIBUl.IUea. Lee ll80 demanded the U.S. stop a acbcduled military exercise and take all the involved personnel and equipment out of Korea. A muaive buildup for the operation dubbed Focus Retin1, the longest direct paradrop operaUon set . for March 15 through 30, was under way to miles to the south. A tf.man vanguard of the 2,500 men of the &2nd U.S. Airborne lltvilion to be flown from Fort Brqr, N.C., lsnded at Suwon Airbase io miles IOI.Ith of Seou1 about four hours before the out- bttalt of the firing. 'l1le newly arriv<d men wm not involved, however. Karquezlan wbicb said ' "ff lloyaltaw• wonts to lilence us, he'll ho" to lhn>w his body upon the whetll of our prtnt1ng press." University spottlDWl Chandler Maloy said Hayakawa bad no Immediate com- ment, adding "Karaguaian is a foreign naUonaJ bere...on a visa. He'• an Arab, .and very emotional on these Wues. 'Ibey teod to be very emotiooll. I thool)st that (Karaguezian's statement) wu a Wallace statement." Hayakawa'& order came Monday - one day before the Bink of Americl. oppointed nscdvu of studenl boci1 funds oo Feb. 17, llCJUlhl penniasioll to allot .-,ooo to various lludeot ....,ps, io- cludlng $8,JDll for the Goter. Superior Court Judge Henry Rolph was ocheduled to bold • hearing on the hint'• propoAI today. &yakawa ordered suspension of the new5J11per on ground!: no board of publication& exists to supervise ll His auertioo wu rejected by the 1tudent editor and two faculty members of the board. * * * Mangled Hands Of Bomb Victim .. Operated On SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -The mangt. ed hands -of bomb victim nm Peebles were operated on by surgeom Mond1y, but there wu no speculaUon as to what use be will be able to-mm ol them. Feeble&, tt, a member of the Black Students Union at San Francilco State College, was .injured last week by a time bomb which police 1aid he was planting In a campu1 bufldlng. The Palo Alto youth'• eyes were badly damoged by the hlut, but officl1l1 •• s.. Francisco Geoenl Hospital •aid he could "tee sligbUy" Monday. Meanwhile, police issued an all-point! bulletin for William Pulliam, 24, alle1ed to have been Peebles' companion when the bomb exploded. He is believed to have fled to eacape arrest. The warrant charaed Pulliam with COl'llpir1cy, poqeaion of a bomb and explodina: a bomb -the same charps which have been med 1pinst Peebltl. Authorities said the injured youth has nofused. la dlscu.u the incideot with them. U.S. War Analysts Say Red Offensive Successful SAIGON (AP) -U.S. military ana171ia say the Communist commond bu been "relaUvely auccessfu!" in prolonlinl its current olfen.sive. The oHiclll vi<W of the U.S. Cammaod In s.r,oo is that the -.. bu -a flilure. But anoJ:111 at low« lenlo ol. command a: um offemlve u man prolqed -001 lo the put. One prisoner, • deputy operotialll olflcei, told inlerrolaton the olfenolTt WU plu> ued to nm unW the sununer. 0 lt appear• an attempt to limit the lnfiuence of the Soutll Vletnamue 1overnment and to 1nfllct U • S • cuualUa," 11ld WJe expert. One captured doi:ument 1111 • vle!orJ at the nelfOlloUOI lo\sk In Pano depends on lictory oo lbe bottldleld. It Illa estlmalel A~ eopobillti., IDd plinlo out that -al " the -· bam1>ii1c tf N«1h Vlotnam b ooe ,..WIHJ that-lloe•-'11\1 ...q,u. Ald .oanral ...- "' Wiii' ._-. that theJ wwt told the olf-WU lo "-' of tllo Paria a111tl&1 t 7 Aoal1N llMl ,_ -oiJnl In tbe o11..m: ''To liOld -'-Icon cu..aJUa. Tiit mojorHJ of the _attoclll ban be<1I on U.S. bua. ''To noawt the .,.._..,. of Viet C.., main fo< .. divisions IDd rqlmenb wtsldl moved lnto border 11nctulrit1 wh\!11 Presldenl Lyndon B. Johnson stopped the bombing ol North Vlttnam last Nov, I. "To •bow ""' ore c1psble of doing whit thef did a year 1(0 when lhey lau:ocbed the bigest offenalvt of the war during the Tet ctlebr1tion ol lbe J\IW' new year. ''To limit the infiuenc. of the South Vletnimese 1ovemmeot by ruuertin& the Viet Coar ..-nee. ''Prior to the offensive," said one •M!Jlt, "whit did they hove to hlr11ln witlll The offensive is lured clocet, to Psris. AtrJ projectloo of bow long it will Jut is bird. It 1ppun Ibey .,. initlatlq actions, then }lllUlinl to .,... them in relaUoo to the peace • talks. One reuoa the enemy Js pro- 1!'o11111 the offtmlve b to be able to adjust bit -.0." Ana!yllll llY 1pparen14' the fint phl!e of t)ie ollensiye ru fn>m Feb, 21 to Feb. II, Ille MCOod phue from Mll'Ch I unW March 10, Ind lhe offemlve bu now ......, into ill lbitd p11ue. F~ht Again.et Litter Prompts Blood Offer EUGBNB, OR. (UPI) -P a I r I c k M_,, II, "'-nt !DD, U11 ba wfl1 dooote •pintol ___ _ -a pickup truck food "' -~ ln>in 0rqOll llllbWIYL Mooney aakl ht hoped the offer would Jet more people interuted In the bi"1way Ulttr probleml. He Aid pertOnl coll«Ung trssh could hove hll blood donotOll to the Individual or the hoopik! of their cbolce. r '• ., ... •• ... ·' ./ '· " • '1' ' " " • ' ' ·' --f I Tut'"'1, Miid! 11, 1169 DAll.Y PIUIT J . •• -1,.\crpu. Sa.ez~ l ' Is rael ~'iul Egypt . ' . '. Intensify Battle . . ' United ~ !JlleJ'lladoul l.sraoli and E I)' p t J a n artlliery thundered across the Suez Canal tonight in a series' ... __ .. ML MUM • •• • Bucher Pours Out Hatred CORONAOO (UPI) -'Ille Pueblo skipper pwnd out his hatred for Norlh Kerta b<fore the navy COW1 of Inquiry • Jn aptlvity, althousb ft WU never wed. Bucher was ques. tioned earlier by the court on reports ol pen11111allty clobes with Murphy, Bucher said he encouraged the North Korean general who ran the prison to bold news j con!ettnces IO that his· meri could inltrt rldlcuto:u1 material Into them. Be Aid he toot the same awtude toward the lelters they - homo and the @Of~ written Wider Norllr Kili'ean dlroctlon. Reorganir.ation Bill Considered WASHINGTON !UPO - of heavy duels from Port saJd r ........ ~ Jn llle south 1o El Qantara Jn the north. Israel sald Egypl had apmnec1· a United NaU~DJ ''These p e op I e ""' JU&I bulcally cruel Jnd brutal savages," said Cmdr,_ lJoyd M. Bucher. Toda7 the court'• five ad- 1'e HOiiie Government Operallcnl Committee wlll c:ooslder Wednesday a bill 1o ,give Presldent Nixon authority &o f'Pl'lanlze the e.zecullve ~rap.ch, 1ubject to ~nal veto. A INl>- ·C:ornm!Uee unintmously •i>- proftd the bill· lfond>y, Tho Senate alreaob> bu paHOd it. ceasH1re. . The firing appeared to· be at least as heavy u the major battl,. wbich took place Satunlay and Sunday and • "hlcb W\ mucb of E~s • oil stor8ie facilities in flain1iig ruiri!. Each side was making fiery statements of "revenge"' mlrals b e g a n questJonint Bucher about the capture of W. uplooage ablp Jlli. 23, 111!1 and llle fallur< to ...... plete df.Struction of it.I aecrct documents. Bucher WU 1o testl/y In open COW1 this mornilic· The <OU<\ """ Into --during .itemoon, l\lllUDOOlng The · across-fht-ctnal battle and' threats to reply jn ki.Pd. ~· . the 41·y~kl Nl'f oom- mander ,and Communications Technlclan J.C. Dooold II. Peppir4. ,I, Bremerton, Wuh. fqrpeople gomgptaces . 521 :rRAVELER ~, Ul"IT ......... • • NEW PREMllR Mrs. Gald11 Meir Golda Meh· Takes Top Israel Post JERUSALEM (UPI) - Mrs. began with what the Israelis ... said was Egyptian sniping. It ,...;;......:,...;:._ ___________ ..;V.~ Strug1Ung to keep his • ...,. tlona in cbetk, Bu c b er . teillfied for about five hours jllonday, mosUy ·about hll ef. forta to hold the Pueblo crew tbgether during tta ll·mooch ·capUvity. He read many ·of his answers from a tbuf of typtwritten notes, with his civilian attorney, E. Mllea built up during the day into excb~es·or mach~ guo Jnd ' automatic WeaPofl firt and b1 late alternoon had escalated into a series of artillery bat- tles. The officlal said the Jsraefis opened fire at the solll'C9 of the Egyptian fire and that the battle conUnued tonight. With both sides reported buikil,ng up troops .a.kmg the banks of the canal, EgypUan war minister Mohamed Fawii called for more hatred of the Jews "and a determination to Cilnquer ltim." 'A quanau·t Said Tir~d ·Before Fatal Plunge· SAN DIEGO (UPI) -A ~avy aquanaut d~lbed by bi!I teammates as exhausted :md incoherent was given the go ahead to make his second deep dive iJt siJ hours without a th<rough phy~cal checkup. too loog." Harvey, uking the questions. Capt. Duane F. Bond, senior "These people are just medical officer far the Navy's hl11Jcally cruel and brutal u.va1es," Bucher said of the Se:alab S project al which CaD-North Koreallll. He told of non wu a member, testified watching soldiers and women 1.fonday before a bo&rd oC whO wofked at the prison ••pull officers investigating the fatal leis oll baby birds jll!t out dive. ot Qie nest, and pull toads ..: Bood said it wu ·bis nieilical •part by splitting them.• . 'The pl8ce is anywhere! Old Crow inm it a little more special Old Crow Golda Meir tearfully accepted with "awe'' the premiership or Israel today and promised lo form a new cabinet quicldy. ' The '1 0-year·l)Jd Acting Israeli Premier Yigal Allon warned that if Egypt "renews its aggression" on the Suez Can.al Israel will .. reply in strength." Berry L. CaMOn went into convulsions and di~ tlO feet below the surface of the Pacific during the. second dive Feb. 17. One of his com. panions testified earlier the dive ''never should have been made" because the aquanauts were Hworked too hard and He Sa.id the anti· American JMLICU ITUICIT IOlllCllRJSl!'I' UrtOI'. t!ITIWllll IOTllEDIJTll <UCIDlllSJIWnt&,hlllJm. lf,: opinioo at Jhe time that . it !ndoclrination of Nor t h11" ____________________________ _ was safe for Cannon ,.D.t hLs Koreans starts at childhood, 11 Allon will serve as acUng premier until Mrs. Golda Meir, designated premier to- day, forms her own cabinet, three comi>anlons to mab the and tola of seeing movies in second dive to repair the whJch children would uy: "I heliam teats that·p1aguec1 the want to till an American when ...... b __ ,_ I grow up." .:JQlQl 'ca~._, parktd on the ocean floor. Bucher read the court a grandmother, who appeared robust and sprightly at the ceremonies,. said she would lead the country with "an awe or responsibility in view of the serious problems facing Israel." Mrs. Meir replaces Levi Eshkol, who died of a heart altack la st month. Officially, she is still premier designate an~ will not ~e the formal step to the premiership until Nine Million Workers But. because ~ aquanauts ·list of names of five officers w~"~ted~aoomJressjon and enlisted men who showed chamber on tlie llJ!f~ lhlp marbd ll<IU at outwitting the bet..,een dives, Bond U;id it North Koreans and another was implos&tble to gather U.t of men 'who showed specifi< medico! data 00 the "slrong military leadership.• divers, such· as. tempeca.ture, 1be only Pueblo oWcer blood ~e and (apira. 'Whose name did not appear On Strike in France she completes hr:r cabinet. She PARIS (UPI) -Nine has 21 days to do so. million workers went on strike President Zalman Shaur', today and tens of tbousand3 ~eked b~ ~arly all ~ na-c them paraded in Paris to hon's poht1cal fact1ons,. 0 . . formally asked' Mrs.1 Meie tq . d~an4~ r~ m the face accept the reim: of power. ' of ~& poees. "We give you our blessings BaSlc servlc~ were shut and hope that you will be down or curtailed and even the leader to sign a puce the Bourse, the French stock treaty wilh our neighbors," market, was unable to operate Shazer said, alluding to the as workers called a 24-~ur fight against the Arab nations general walkout to dramatize that border the Jewish state. demands for wage increases Mrs. ?tfelr, looking down at as high as l.2 percent. The the floor and brushing tears De Gaulle gove"!ment count· from her eyes, replied, "I ered that thett demand,, draw much encouragement threatened the already shaky from your words, and although franc. t am overwhelmed at the Thousand~ of w o r k e r s seriousness of thi$ as.sign· assembled . in ~ Place De ment, I shall do my utmost L_a J:lepublique m a workers to fullill it.·• district and paraded 5 0 The premier designate then abr~st towar~ P~ce .De La said she would maintain the Ba~e 1 ~hantrng, Raise our current composition of party sa18!1.es . and individuals in her govern-Militant students flanked the ment workers as lbty marched · under a slow rain. It was Donn Eisele l{it ,~y Suit For Divorce the l a r g e s t demonstration against the government since the labor-student demonstra· tions and riots of last May. Thousands or students gathered in .!ide streets under \Vfioli Guacamole ! ,.p, fftlk lng etKhtladn , •• CMll•liZfnl \KOS, , • ~ refttno , •• la51V 1amalf:s,,, amf otl~r authentic SCMJ1h'·of.fhe· lof'dtt spedllties, ~ M'lid lht cobfvl M"'°9pl~ of old Mb· ico. Defithcfwl wine c:edQik Md beer, too. f\1911 If )'Ol(tre...,. • llidoNdoolMatk:Ma.J. .... '°""' ..... lo .... ow Not1ll! AMeric:MO lwori.,.., Ha.,. l•Mlli °' dhtMt at ANfos,,, ifte Wetr1 91oA a....w ...... Mb, , 1COST4MUA-4llfallll1aa,l6Q..Cl&J: .... ~_. ......................... -~ --- tion. or on either list wu Lt. Edwll'dlll..:=====;;.. _ _..; red baMers for conimuni.sm Bood ukl be.baled his Jude· R. fl(~, 31, Bucher's a--,__ and black flags ror anarchism.. mo.that ... JeCODd,1 dive was ~ft 'officer LAST 4 D~· ~-, 5. I The strike aUects both. U. tiii'ftle ,meu'1 own verbil -djd ·credit Marphy · ' :naJ 8~ pri':.~°'l(<l ':' . ~"'~io: ~S:·=~ ~ Jl?O: , , , .· ; I ,;, · •, •' i e1ectr":.f'.J:.:..d,11>llflh .J.1~.;J-11 ::·-· L. 'EL'Y,~~":' • u I ID '100 .,~·!,,n_·",ln-· •. . bus, taxi, airline arid lnaii We hacFa 'periOO IS long ' as servi~ as well as' closing four ~ for the divers to Th• :OAILY ·PILOT "•• • school!, most industries and r~tute themselves ... It _. • ctT " tele.Uion and ramo mauoM. ~ff ~it~~ EJ~:::"':::~::·::.:::''=tt=·= .. =·=m=·=·=11 on SUD' arb cs·· -, .. , .. ,, .. a.·11ia· ' Liz Serenaded coinlorl·l>ehre the aecond dive · In Hospital. HOL!.VWOOD (UPI) Elizabeth Tay1or was serenad-' ed Mondly in her hospital roo111 by a violinist hired by husband Richard Burton. The actres5 was expected to be released from Cedars of Lebanon Hospital later this week after tests for · a degenerating spinal disc are completed. The Burtons will fly to Puerto Vallarta, Mez.ico, for a v1caUoo. Shock Waves . CO Dr TV . Major Quake Hits New Guinea JET .,, , .? --. '· · NOISE ,, II • Llloll'aa. -arhl.!lnNJI 'llllilef!JIO&i:lm. 2.Doo,!Jd• 'll'llh-11odio IDmeoctlil. 3.Doo't•tiaRI mUi&Maraar t.riaewidlmelll jnic. 4. Don' fly• ldte amTVa:ndio ......... ~.Dooi'cSranJe ---liaoi sod don\ ..,. O> ftUine' I tire aojj!Jclo- lims. 6. Don'.,. 1 ltiae illdloalo. 1111n 100 ao--. Ioli ao nnt e1111. - NOW. SYLVANIA cErs YOU DO IT ON A TOURIST BUDGET. ·•Turn your set oil and off • Adj!-ISt volume .• Change channels and fine tune each automatically •.Adjust tint and color, •• all from the comfort of your easy chair! SAVE $100 NOW $599 lllli-Contntl Color TV model CFiZ!WIL Smart Contemporary design of oiled Walnui -Ind Hlect wood IOlldl. Fun 295 aq. In. ~bla ~a "Picturematfc" AFC Aull>- madoflne Tuning 111nes 1h1 piclure 11 tho IOucll of I button.• SAVE $100 NOW S&49 R-Con1n>I Color TV model C"'411PR • Eleg1nt Spani1h Provincial styling In Pecan ·-ll!d HlllCI WbOd solids. Full 296 aq. Jn. vlawll>lo P1c1u1e area. "Picturomatic• NC Auto- mlllc Fine Tuning tunM tho s>k*nlltho11>Uch of •but!Dn. . . .. 41l -E. 17th St.-Costa Mesa . . Dally ~·9: Sat. 9-6 -Ttlepho~e 646-1614 I I J l j ., ~ " ' I 'I I I • .r -f l~~;y PROT EDITOJllAL ,P~GEj 5 Th~· Great Wh~te Lady For mBlly a Calllornlan, and visitor as w,u, a trip on the S. -S. Catalina -tho "Great White Steamship" -to Santa ·Catalina blBlld Is etched In 'meJ110ry as one of tho hlgbllgbu of youlll 8Jld summertime. From.her launchln~ In 1924 until last May, the 301· foot, 1,000-passenger steamship proylded the only pub- lic traJ!Bportatlon of this type aod class between the mainland and Avalon. Then seven labor unions insisted that 64 of their members must operate the ship. 'The company said It could be done safely with 43 crewmen, and more wouJd be uneconomic. And so, in ·common with all strikes, everyone lost -the unions, the, owners and, in this case, the vaca· tiOlling or weel\ending public. The great white lady lay idle all last season. It's good news that negotiations are under way now to settle the dispute, If the seveii unions will.con- cede the right of management to manage, and if man- ageinent pays the going wage for the crew it needs to meet government requJrements, then perhaps once more tlie public can enjoy a local miniature of a trip to Hawaii on the S.S. Lurline. Politics and Tomatoes California-Florida rivalry, mainly in competition for tourist dollars and citrus sales, has waxed and waned for many decades past. Sometimes it ha·s taken on aspects of the ludicrous. For example, a recipe in a magazine advertise- ment for' a major food company more than 30 years ago called !Or a thick·skinned orange. 'lbe midwestern home economist, in her innocence, specified 14Califor .. nia onisge" in 1the ,.recipe.'s small print. Such a hull· abaloo was • rais~ .in Florida that the food company felt compellecMo· apologize to all !be chambers of com- ~ morce In the land of alligators, tarpon, flamingoes and thin-skinned (~ut juicier) orBllges. . Now, however, FlorJd&: 1}81 gone too far In itl com· ~eUtlve drive. This time the .tomato, not the o~Bllge, ls involved. It ts at the center of what bas become an international incident. The U.S. Deparlmenl of Agriewture, on January 8, at the urging of Florida tomato grower•, slapped a set oC minimum·size resJrictlons on all tomatoes sold' in the United Sta tes., This sharply reduced imports of Mexican tomatoes. It also drove U. S. prices up to 30 percent higher than a year ago. Even at the higher prive level, consumers are get· ting mosUy Florida·grown green tomatoes, which ripen on the way to market. They also have a flavor inferior to the vine-ripened Mexican variety. 1 The reslric\ion has barred at least 30 percent of the Mexican crop so far, and this will go to 50 percent in the months ahead. Qnly 15 to :m percent of Florida production is affected. . So the Mexican vine-ripened tomatoes which Calif· omia homemakers, and those in the rest of the nation, could be enjoying now at a reasonable price, are rot· ting by the roadside or being fed to livestock in the "salad bowl" area of Mexico just below the border. Our Mexican ftien~s are~'thraged Over the'Florlda .. induced discritnin3tion, witli ~ts catastrophic effects on their farmS and farm labor. . And homemakers in this area can't be faulted if they react to the artificially.-created higher tomato prices and lowet quality by reducing consumption o( ( tomatoes until our own California crop -ripens. In the interim, it would do no harm to tell the U.S. Department or Agriculture in blunt terms what this form of discrimination by government order does both to our Mexican neighbors and the household food bud- get -not to mention the aspect of bPtf.er tomato .ns- vor. . Laying Out Two-term (;ourse Nirut Pr~bes O.f .. 'Ma~tian Nixon Peers Far Ahead Myster!£s . . WASJUNGTON -Pral8ent Nixon'• / ·· ,...._ .., stable elemenls of the Catholic · com· recent moves in certain fields are of · t 1 munily. , keen interest. to .the Kennedy<~lan. These } Ri.ch "'." d It still remains a facl of life l!l politics moves also indicate how far down the ...,... that the majority of the Catholic c9m• roa~ Nixon is peering. • • ~~ 'munity is oriented to the .DemDcratic Id the middle distance, mttelY three Party, and more.so when the Dellij)Cf'atic years from now, Nixon may find hlmself nomination of Gen. Mark Clark as U.S. Patty offers for the presidency;., can- ch&llenged for a second temi ... by Sen. -ambassador to the Vatican. If it has didate of the Catholic f~~h. . • • , Edward M. Kennedy. Therefore it . . For three decades, Dr.,Georg~.Gallup . .·, . becomes of special .interest that .lj!J~ changed enough to pernut Nlx~n to pick reports, Roman <JeQH>lica, h:avf: ~·failed For about 70 years; we1 have . suffered is now considering send.ing"'11n~ ·envoy up where .Truman. left off 1s yet to to givt t~ Democr~~c ticket·~',JFgest from that bope-fearc ~t · there is life to the Vatican, that be em~s .tl!'t be determined. Nimn has ha~d.ly share of~ vot¥,.1Tbq...~~ in on~t thatg,e; U~e. Jrisb ancestry ol bis wife, P.at, ihd anything to lose, however, by sub1D1tting • 1968 lhooi~ by a, mllch ~piargi!L,. Most. ol tbe ,,.,, ,was concenled that be bas """'1ded tbe pftsident ol a l!OOllDllUon e~en il the senole ~ ' ltuln In ~ Ila.~ v ·With Diiie,.-'""" clvjlizattOns Notre Dame's tough atti~.:VW:ar!I,.. not act upon 1t because Cll protestl Seventy-eight percent ·~ the . tholic beyond .our r To · astronomers, rebellious students. -r from the Protestant clergy. , • • vote went to Joh/l 'f. K~y ii 1960. ho!"~er,, ~ ti,is .\it~ ·nonsense. They There js e:w:tly as nilcA to this But in 19&8" th'at perce~tage . r~ to · :;9. th!>!Jght . th~e m.ilht. be somet~ng u meets the eye. To begln with, there· THE WHOLE PICTURE is larger than percent !or Hubett H. Hump.hr~~lxon resembµng lichen there or a bacterium is no reason why an envo ~ not merely sending an envoy lo the Vatican thus received in 1968 19 percent.ii.more or . two. !h'Y cou ldn't explain, though, be sent to the VaUcan. Tbert attrcertain as asmirance to the Catholic community Catholic \!Oles than when he -.r.an in the waxms and .waning of blue-green advantages from a diplbm@:ij~ standpoint • of its parity in the religious scheme • 1960. j markings on the orange surface, or Mrs. Patricia Nixon is, in Cic:t~ of Irish or the· nation. The· Catholic community +: ephemeral clouds or haze. But . these ancestJ')'. And Presider:i~-Hesburgh _of as a whole, and notwithstanding its IT TAKES NO mathematician \O)figure '1'e not :nec~ily water vapor clouds Notre Dame bas slruck4 a rtsponSfVe revolutionary movements, is a stable ele· out that, all other things bcing'!equal, such as we know, but dust bodies. The chord in the Protestant-~ well u the ment of society. Its personal, religious Nilton would Jose to Teddy lf!ennEi:ly atmosphere is exceedingly thin, perhap's Catholic breast. • .. · and educa.Hooal discipline is rigorous in 1972 il Catholics voted for Kennedy thinner than that at the ·summit of THE PARADOXICAL part ts.that Nix· on can constructively conalder sending ar. ambassador to Vatican City without the inhibitions affecting a president of the Catholic faith. John F. Kennedy avoided the subject, for there is a long history of Protestant ecclesiastic op- position to recognition of the papal state. Kennedy was content to have surmounted the opposition to electing a Catholic president. The national atmosphere has changed a great deal since President Truman was forced to withdraw in 1951 his and unpermis.!ive, at least among the in the same strength as for his~er Mount E•erest. older genetations. Some Catholic politi· in 1960. Other factors, of co~\Y could cians as w\tll as the Catholic hierarchy cancel out an increase in Catho~,wort THEN ·FOUR YEARS ago we sent now TtQtq tJi1a in their instant reaction for Nixon's opponent. out a :Pttan p'robe, Mariner 4, for a against dlaorder, demonstrations and the But this is enough to illu , ·te to fly-by aboUt 6000 miles above the Mar· modwn ,Plrlt of rebellious youth. the Kennedy clan as well ~~ the tjan , c~. This returned a strip of President. Ni.J:on can identify also with Nizon supporters that what ~ is 21 pictures, about 1 percent of the this reacU~ by associating hJrf\self with doing in this field is of primtfy and surface. They suggested a dead planet. Pres.ident'.;Hesburgh's doctrine of giving farsighted political importance. 1, , pocked like the moon , though not so campuS rebels 15 minutes to repent The wonder or it Is that the ,Nixon sharp and rough as the lunar craters. before th~ ue falls. group, amidst all the other tlJln~ it So they said, well, no life! But not is doing, wuld be thinking ~-these ev~r)'body. Some pointed out that I per. SO,. TO BE QUITE blunt about it, Nixon, has lost no opportunity to illustrate his philosophic c:ompaUbllity with the terms. There are other indications that cent of a sphere's surface is hardly President Nixon is laying out a d~~ate conclusive, that you can photograph the course as a two-term President. i Sahara Desert from 6000 miles and reason the earth Is lifeless. • .. The Easy, ·Lazy, Futile Way Now we have successfully launched Mariner 6 to take 74 pictures of 11ars in the equatorial region, and Mariner 7 is due to leave March 24, aimed at the south polar region. They are due in August, when the plariet is about 60 million miles distant, and they hope to televise 20 percent of the Martian surface, They are also equipped with sensing Instruments which may yield approximate surface temperatures. With depressing regularity, my home city engages in a "traffic drive" to crack down on motorists who violate lhe law. For a rew weeks, tickets are pro-'· .. miscuously handed out, offenders are or tvdce as wtjusL strictly fined -and then the program 1 W beJi v "' t be!' th t collapses into apathy, traffic again · . e e e, ~ wt.e o 1cve, ~ becomes as heedless and tangled as writing o:ft copious num~s o{ traffic before, and motorists display !be same . Uc~el;S w I decreas~ vlolall~ns -when Impunity toward llghts, signs aM" alL~ evidence. pomts apinsl lt. The regulations. motorist bas a short memory and .a By this time, you would think that· tull pOc.ket; he spends more oo his police officials might know better. But.. clr t6an on h1s rood ln the U.S. either they do not know or do JM>\ PtiBuC EDUCATION is the only way care. All they seem to care about\· /.s to prevent disease; and public education the "record" -that is, displaying ,lJ?e .1 i., the only way to cut down on lrafric large number of tickets they have wrltttn ai:cidents and fatantles. which are once out during the crackdown period. more ominously oo the rise. And our obsession with numbers ls AS A NATION, we are obsessed ·With equaled by our obsession with money. &ize and volume and number. We naively We blindly subscribe to the notion that believe that a prosearto~ V.:ho gets twice • fihliig a motorist wUI reform his traffic tbe number of • (OOV1ct.ions as his · · cohduC'\; but, to many pt0plc, a fine prtdecessor b tWJce as good -when la less th~• ncabltc. he may merely be twke as over-zcaio.r11 # . ' , ~ • ·IN~u OF urging trafrlc cops .--------------.. to record .a meaningle:s.t "quota" of tlcUll 'lml<d, police oEflclals need to .c.'00Ctritr1te on such matters u plainer 'markinp, more rtallstlc speed llnUll, untfortn regulations from arta to area, and 1 syrtem of warnings whlch educate, rather than merely penalize, t h e motorist. --~--Tuesday, March 11, 1969 I ttmembtr readfn&, some yean ago, thot molon:jlclo poilce In Yugosl~v!a Quotes Towntend Uoope11 UDde:neetttary, Afr Forte, oo Calif, ~ lour -"I am opti'mlsl <DOIJgh to believe lhat through human wisdom and rutraint Ille genie ol atomic pows-can be harnessed to t h e pt.&OOuh ,aod con· ltnlt'lJve hnpul!U of manklnil'' would not ticket or arrest flagrant speeders on the highway. Instead, they were authorized to curb the offending ' car and deflate all four tires. The an· noyance and lost time made a deeper imprint on the speeder than any 1nonelary punishment might. FOR EVERY ONE motorist who is viciowly negligent, a hundred are ig· norant of basic traffic law:;, Our traffic programs must develop driving skills, inculcate \a sense of responsibility, and simplify the chaotic vehicular pattern in most communities, if our highway death rate is going to be permanently reduced. Writing out tickets is the easy way, the lazy \Vay --end the futile way. It may make ·the police commissioner look good for a few weeks, but it only delays the enactment and enfor~ment of a sens1blc trafiic system, conducted by expert.s \\'ho are not relatives of nn alderman. Dear Gloomy , Gus: About U106:e Crech linmo!Jtions : or Joe Stalin would REAU.Y have IOCOlllm«lated them. TM,1'd never have had a chance '1' light tbe match ! -K.J.B. fll!t ........ rwflKtt. ......,,.. ..... ... lltC'.tlturtlt ,.._ " ,... ----· , .. -... -· .. ~. Ga. Diii" ..... • !\1ARINER 4 SHO\VED craters down to two miles in diameter, but 6 and 7 will have ten times the tesolutioii, showing objects 900 feet wide. Mariner 4 pictures showed craters with white rims contrasting -wllh the surrounding terrain, and this poses a question. Martian polar caps i~a.se and decrease seasonally. The . b\µe-g~een are-as expand somewhat and darken when the caps decrease, indicating melt ing and something akin to an irrigation pro- ~"· . The astronomer Percival Lowell (1~ 1916) popularized a belief these v.·ere "Canals," but astronomers no longer con· sider the Martian markings as artificial. The composition of the polar caps, comparable to our own, is 1 mrstery. lf they are Ice or snow it indicates water vapor. -po.ssibly supporting life. But many astronomers believe the caps and white crater rlms are r~ carbon dioxide. TUE BLUE-GllEEN markings have • vague river Corm aod lie Mlttt-&kelter .on parts of the pl1net. Some run intO tbe polar caps, and criss-croa, ap- parently at f~I. Lowell saw them ·as straight lints (htncc! hb theory !bey were enginetred), but · mod.er n photoirapl!.y does not show this regulari· ty. Whether Mariners 6 and 7 can con· tribute to an txplanallon of the markings ls' probltm.t~al. If not, we will have to wait for fulurt unm11.nned landing craft, now on the drawing boards. It is possible thal In the 19'70I we an acquire 1 pretty good idea of Iha Martian landscape. and soil, and whelher or not thl ·ton corn'ainl mkroorpnlsms -not, we hopt, so ~ty as our native Hong Kong crlttti\:. DeGaulle • Ill Role Of Big Deadbeat \VASHINGTON -Rep. L. P.f~ndet RiverS}J>.S.C., chairman of the power(ul House Armed Services Committee, is taking the Nixon Admihistration at its v.•ord that it is pursuing an ''open government" policy in making signif. icant inform~tloq available to ·the public. When a . top oefense' Depaitment of- ficial attempted to suppress Ciata relating to De GaJlllt.'1 eviction of NATO from France, · Rivers, without further ado, brusq'uely "declassified"• it. The sharply rebuffed official is Ralph Earle, acting assistant secretary for in· tcrnational security affairs. The in· formation he sought to secrete relates to some $378 million in claims for· a v.·ide variety of military installations the Li .S. left in France when De Gaulle booted out _NATO tv.·o years ago: NO SECURITY OR any other sensitive n1atlers arc involved. Earle's insistence on secrecy was ,just another instance of quite common bureaucratic high· handedness. It nor only got short shrirt from Rivers. but be tersely rebliked Earle for the government's prolonged failure to 'ligorously press for paym~nt of the huge French obligation. Said Rivers : "You .have clasiified this infonnation as 'confidential'. I can see no reason for .such a classification. It seems to me you have failed completely to make any progress .with the French govern - ment concerning this problem, and I think the American people are entitled to know ." For that purpose, Chairman Rivers gave a copy of Earle's letter to this column -which initiated the inquiry :about the long-pending French debt. AS FAR BACK as ?i-1arch 1967, this column reported that the Stale and ·Defense Departments ·~are still dragging their feet on obtaining payment from France for the scores of airfields, naval bases, pipelines, w a r e h o u s e s , com- munication systems. hospitals, schools, machine shops, offices, con1missaries, depots. printing plants and other in- stallations left there that rost U.S. tax· paylrs approximately ~I billion. "Written agreements between the U.S. and France explicitly provide for the ·recovery of the res.idual value' of NATO facilities vacated in France . . The U.S. has yet .to obtain a penny for this immensely costly property. Largely responsible for this is the State Depart· ment. wh1ch has persistently dragged ils feel on th~ matter." THE SECRECY PJ.OY -tn his reply to Chairman Rivers, .Acting Assistant Secretary Earle did two things : (I) Disclosed the hereto!ort unknO\\'n f11ct that total claims bv all NATO t.'Cluntries for vacated properl.y in France exceed $671 million. Of this huge amount , u.~. claims are $378 million. Following is what Earle said: "The UnJted Slates has presented 1 claim to the government of France in the amount . of nearly $276 million for the loss of use of various ·U.S. tnstallatiorw plu1 approximately $102 million for movement costs pertaining to our reloca- tion frcim France. In addiUon, lhe U.S. has worked with the other NATO allies in dcveJopln' 1 similar claJm on behalf· of all of NATO, totaling appro:timately $293 million for loss or use ot NAfO.fund· cd facUltle.s and for related movement costs." (l) lN SUPPORT of his claim for .mr~, F;ar)t rontancled "our l'ha- to 'cOnect would be dlmlnilhed. U we now alr the delaJls in public. f'or this reason, UaeJe details should, we btUtvt, nol be ~ public at lhls partk:ular time." " . Allen-Go ld s111i th l . ' Rivers promptly and flatly rejected this specious argument. Earle also thr~w down jwo other report.a the A('med Services Committee chairman submitted at, the requ est of this column: 11) That Russian paratroopers are beng trained at a French base. According to Earle, skydiving teams of the lwet countries exchanged visit.S. (2) That France is training Egyptian and other Arab frogn1en and saboteurs at the Toulon naval base. Replied Earle, "We have looked Into this matter but have no informaLion lo support the report." AN OLD STORY -Significantly omit· led from Earle's letter is any hint as to what is being done about requiring payment from the De Gaulle regime for the numerous vacated NATO pro-- perties -from which. the French are profiting handsomely. From other sources, it can be nuthoritatively reported that no\hing is being done. TI1is is an old story : il has been going on a long time . For years the State and Defense DepartmenlS have been donvd!ing on collecting for such property that cost U.S. taxpayers hun· dreds of millions. Last year the Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Aid Ex- penditures, following an investigation, issued a report blasting the two departments for their "e~traordinary dereliction". CAUSTJCALL Y noting that Fra~ ls the largest recipient of U.S. military aid -totaling more than $4.1 billion -and that as late as 1965, France received more th11n $80 n1illion in such assistance, the committee disclosed that the De Gaulle re,Rime had stll not paid for upwards of $21 million in NATO installations that had been vacated as far back as 1936. Although all of these facilities were quickly put lo use by the French, lt was not until eight years later that the State Department "finally raised lht! question of payment by suggesting discussions on the matter.'' Commented U1e committee wryly, "De Gaulle didn't even bother to say no.·• , JT CAN BE reliably stated that Presi- dent Nixon did not raise the payment question in hls recent discussions with De GauUe. The ad m In is tr at i on's "open government'' poncy in making in- formatkm available to the public was vlgorou!IJy avowed by Herbert Klein, director of communications for the ex· ocutive . branch of the government, at a meeting several weeks ago of the Washington chapter of Sigma Delta Chi professional journalistic society. ' He criticized the wklcly assailed "credibility gap" that prevail!<! In th(! Johnson regime, and em p hat I ca 11 y asserted that a ntw "open government" policy would be Onnly adhettd to. B1 Robert s. Allen aDd Jotm A. Gokkmltb ~--Bu 6eor9e ---,l Dear George: I am bald. Should I \1'ear a toupee ? Thal ls my problem. W. T. Dear W, T.: It doesn't seem Uke much of a problmi to me. If you weren 't ti.1kl and wanted to wear a toupee, 1W'AT \VOUld be a problem, . ' Tllll4q, MJtC~ 11, 1969 CHECKING •UP ·. . No Headw~y '·in Fre-eing Priso~e·r~ • I ' ' . . WASHINGTON (AP) -The personnel whose pianes were are presumed to be alive in vlolated the rulea ,of war by one •hall b~· ~: N ix o a admlnb:traUon ap-shot down over the north due-.North Vietnam. refusing ~ permit aervicemen year when Hanoi inf~ "parenlly' is making JltU.e ln1 nearly four years of bom-Hanoi's refusal to release to send and -receive mall and U.S. representatives at the beadwoy 1n winning fr<edom bing. names of Americana held is by refusing to permit Im-Paris taJU llJat Chrlstma.; The actual number held ma" a violation of the Geneva ....... nat intermediaries such u gifts sent from the .UJtlted or ·ev..-improved conditionll ~ 1 .,.... ... , 1,.:.._ for '~di • ol , Americana be triple Iha~ defense olficlals Convent on to which North the llitunatlonal Commlllee Slates '!""• w=ibuled_ tq say. Hanoi 'bu never· siid.bow Vletnam1 is1 I 1 I g J\ a t 0 r )' I of the Red <;fOS! to visit POW .\merlcan J>ris:oners, I held" prisoner ln North Vlet· many AmericllJIS It has. •Pen-defense officlala say. camps and see how lhe men In previous "Years • ~orth - 4R=tffRITIS? If you are tufferln9 from •p•in, '°'•"es' or 1tlffn"' ,.111.a by Arthritis, Neu- ritis or Rheum1fltm, I think I c1n ~•Ip. Write m• for fr•• information. KAYE SMITH 2301 T•"Y Road CO Jeckson1 Mi11i11ippi lfZ04 8th Marriage His Last, He Hopes nam. tagon ~rds list 9U qien The United States · also are being treaiea, • Vietnam turned back all Mail w j u A new memorandum signed missing,, and mQSt, of the.. maintains that Ha~ol has The United States achieved lnclud~ Christin~ Jlll(<eli. . r le lo ncle Len by .Secre:~ry m Defen1e•r-~--'-'-~~---''-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'-~~..:...::....:~-,-~-""-"''--'.::_::.;;::.;;:....:::..::~ By L. M. BOYD IN REGARD lo bis own matrimonial history, a retired policeman named Leon S. ·Lawrence o! Roslyn, Wa5h., writes: ''I wu first ·married in 1923, and in the eniuing ·years, lost seven wive..s, some : to fatal illnesses, others I surplussed through the legal machinery of the courts. Is this a record? Your Love and War man's comment, please. Incidentally, my present mar- riage, which 'took' as we say of a vaccination, is my eighth and last, I hope." It ls the polict of our L. and W. man, who as you may know is usually a bit stuffy about divorce, to pass no presumptuous judgments on the romantic activities of citizens of retirement age. He wishes me merely to com- mend your faith and tenacity, and to report. no, sir, yours Is not the reeord. An excellent average. certainly. But not the record. That is still held by Glynn de Moss Wolff, who a year ago last J une 4 in Las Vegas, Nev., married his cighteenUt wife, one Ester Katz, age IS. ll-1ENTIONED David Canary of TV's "Bonanza" started out as a singer, but failed to men· tion he wa s once drafted to play football for the Denver Broncos, which is also a fact • . . DOESN'T SOUND like so much to .say the average S1\·c::Jc u.scs a pound of coffee every two weeks, but it's a lot. That average counts in fnnts and aquavit drinkers. The Swede put.s down more coffee per capita than anybody •.. l\lRS. TlRZA GONZALES of El Paso, Tex., announced at the age of 106 that she always drank a little wine before breakfast and smoked three packs of cigarets a day. CUSTOMER SERVICE Q. ••WHEN is the average man Nixo11 Sho,vs He's Not Good as Spy WASHfNGTON (AP) -Tl may be a good thing President Nlxm chose politics for a career rather than spying. He visited the Cent ral Intelligence A g e n c y head· quarters at Langley, Va., last week and promptly revealed one of the organizalion's secrets. "So there are 8,000 of you here," Nixon said while chat· tjng with a group of women employes -with reporters I liste ning in. ' He apparently forgot the CIA tries to keep the number of its employes qu~t. He look note of the secrecy v.·hen he told a crowd of about 400 top workers that "since the CIA isn't supposed to be here, I guess I should say it's a pJeasure not lo be here." Nixon said that although the mission of the Intelligence agency runs counter t o idealistic feelings of mahy citizens, it carries out an im- portant function in keeping top government o!fJcials infonned about what is happening in the world. "It is nectssary that those \\'ho make decisions at the highest level have access lo the best facts," Nii: on said. LET'S BE FRIENDLY lt you have new neighbon or know of anyone moving lo our area. pie~ tell u.11 so that we may extend a friendly we:ltome and help them to become acquainted In their new surroundinp. Huntington Be1ch Visitor "'"""'' Costa Mesi Visitor '61-4149 So. Coast Visitor 0494.0579 Harbor Vlsilol at hJJ tallest?" A. At age 251 according to tbe insurance statisticians .••• Q. 11'TBAT 'RIGHT, that Uolted States senators and rei)resentatives get free flowers sent to their oCCteeS every day if they want thenh" A. They do , . Q. "HOW MUCH did Henry Ford make per year at his peak!'' A. About $70 million. · lf YOU'RE OLDER than 55, you were born before that legendary lumberjack Paul Bunyan. Surpris~d to hear it!- Likewise. But HarVey Ein binder, who investiga~ the matter, says Bunyan was the brainchild of one W. B. Laughead, onetime advertising manager of the Red River Lumber Co. Mr. Elhblnder also anawers that question as · to the whereabouts of Bu- nyan's home town. In 191•, he says, Mr. Laughead created a promotioral pamphlet for the purpose of selling his wares. It was call· ed "Introducing Paul Bunyan of West't'•ood, Cal." 00 YOU Tim;K you'd make a pretly fair fighter pilot, young fellow? J mean the kind who knocks down enemy aircraft bang bang bang. Studies of four wars show 5 percent of the United . States combat pilots made 3.5 percen~ of · the kills. Further studies show said aces to be remarkably alike In their histories. Almost all of them, for instance, came from large families. And almost all were suspended from school at one time or another for skipping classes to bomb around in. hot cars. RAPID REPLY: No, sir, Mickey Rooney never a~. peared in an Our Gang c:oin- edy., He was in a ~ries .()f Toonerville cowedies, tbo. Your questions and com; ments are welcomed and witl be used wherever pos· si ble in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Hoyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663 SPECIAL! MelviR R. Laird aays North Vietnam ''co ntinues to dii.regard lhe humanitarian p.-UOOS" guaranteed by the lNt Geneva convention. ''Our men are ~ing denied baalc rights, Including the rigbt of their. famlltea ·to know that they are captured, the ,;iht to correspoOd feely with! their families and the right 'of Impartial Inspection o( prisoner <1f war compounds.'' Laird said. All three things hav ~n major goals of the Pent,gon's Prisoner. o( War Policy Com- mittee which was' organiied some months ago' to handle POW problems. 1 · DATED FRIDAY Laird's comments are lq- cluded in a document difected to the commltiee and· dated 1 last · Friday. It talls for a I "new review of policies and 1 , practices" a'P p I y i n g to families of imprisoned servicemen. I "l want to be assured that' the military services and the office of the secretary of defense are doing all that we possiblf can for the next of kin," Laird said. "If our preSj:!:nt J e g a I ·authority. to . assist th e 1 e families lll inadequate please advise me ~ately.11 The memo was ·interpreted to mean the Pentagon expects It will be sometime before U.S. prisoners wil: be return- ing home and that new efforts should be made to Insure everything is done to ease problems facing their families. GET ASSfSTANCE Specifically, Laird said he wanted to assure "that these families · are receiving a11 assistance to which they are · . entitled."· He , called f o r recGm- mendatlo°', within 30 days., of. "any courses of ac~n which -will better serve the Interests of our aptured and missing servicemen and th~ir families." By latest U.S. count,· Hanoi holds 333 U.S .. servicemen, most of them. Air Force MOCKTUKTLE KNIT SHIRT 5.99 Reg. 11.00 . Shirts or luxurious . Nome11e•orlon 'acrylic. Each illmmed with a cooilasting coloi that will COiii>' lemenl your entire wardrobe. Putty with ~lue, lettuce, 111eadow, black or honey, S·M-L·XL. SIDie far Men. .. • _. , JOIN THE · TREVIRA ERA · BREAK THROUGH WITH EDWARDS 0 F CALIFORNIA It's a revolution-a dimension or comfort and easy-ca re that's changing the whole concept or knits. It's Trevira" polyester, the knit lh3i's all thines knits have ever tried to be. Are you daring enough to revoll? Join the Tuvira" Er1. . Short-sleeved 3-btJJton placket Trevira •polyester knit with the new ' Italian style collar. Solid light blue, lemon, mini, meadow, bl ue, white, letluce and .honey; S-M·L-XL, ll.M. Washable cardigan is dyed to match in blue, letlucc , .. c:,: ·. i. ·c~. black and·honey, S·M·L-XL, 11.M. • Short-sleeved Trevira polyester mockturtle has viv id hoiizon ta l stripes on while. Blue, lettuce, meadow, black, lemon and honey; 5-11-L·XL, ll.11. Store for Men , • • u .um - 494-9361 I -----·HE1i'ORT • #1 FASHION lstirlND • NEWPORT CEHWR • 6'4-2200 • ' MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY'lO:OO TILL 9:30 • • ' r '' --.., . . ., •• •• ... • OTH!R DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:311 ., " •:' ~ • " " u. ·-••• l· ,. • "" ·i-, , . • •""' }_.~ • ' \• .. • )' - • • t • • I I I ' ' ' • I • t • j j 1 '· • (• .. ... .. • DAILV PILOT r Trespass Law Seen QUIENIE SACRAMENTO (AP) - Ttihtenil!I the tttspass law l'"'t'-..:1. a&ainst lawbreakers is the least the 1969 letiJ:lature will do to stop campui violence, the chairman of a special in- vestigating commJttee said to- day. Assemblyman John Stull, (R.-Leucadia) made the prediction after his Education Subcommittee on C a mp u • Environment wound \IP a probe ol diJorders on the Cun- puaes ol the Univenlly ol California and at the slat. collegeJ. "There is a need tor some law to prevent student.s from ' 'lnevliahle C:lash' '70 Primary Race Could Hurt Denis SACRAMENTO (UPI) - State Chairman Roger Boas tried today to head off an a 1 m o 1 t inevitable collision between two Democratic party leaders for the right to face Republican Gov. Ron a 1 d Reagan in November 1970. Most key members o f Reagan's own stall erpect rum to bid for a second tenn next year -and all signs point to that concluaion. Reagan has satd repeatedly that he doesn't want to leave a job only haH done. copyrlghled story that Unruh had already made a dec1']on to run for lbe govemorahip -and expected to llll10Wlcf his formal candidacy wilhin three weeks. Unruh was in London •for an Oxford Unlversltk lecture series and not avai ble for direct comment. Bul political sources in Sacramento agreed he had made up his mind to run but did not ezpect his announcement for some months.' coming back; on campus once .... :=:.:;;;:::.:=.:;.::..:::.:::.:=:..:.....:.:.;..::::::;::=!_! they have been arrested," • Stull told a newsman. The "I have & c:anp1aint to ma.ke--are you. F1uff or ue But Boas, whose party still ~ a f.:3 ~ajority In registra- tion, said m an interview that he hope~ to avoid a bruising 19'10 pnmary clash between Assemblyman Jess M. Unruh and Mayor Joseph Alioto of San Francisco. However, Unruh told a television interviewer in late February that he wanted .to be governor unless "I'm so controversial that I will tear tbe state apart ... " Senate has already passed you. Fold!" legisladoo giving campus au--------------------- thorities wide autbortty to re- move PotenUal troublemakers bdure Ibey break the law or campus rules. '!be bill is now pending before the Aasembly, and will go to a select committee on campua disorder that will take the recommendations o r Stull's group and others, and combine them into new measures. •Litany of Lies!! Negro Witnesses Blasted "As state chairman, it's a sltnation I woold like to see resolved," Boas said b y telephone from hill San Fran- cisco office. '.'I t h i n k a bard-fought prunary would be most dif- ficult for the Democratic par- ty," he said. "I think Girl Thought Strangled ByK.idnaper Stull said he hesitated to predict what would be &be malimum step taken by tbe legislature, wbk:h bu, bef.-e it more than 70 blDs directed against miUtants. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -truck driver George Baskett cauiucaUy condemning their last September after an argu- tettfinony as 1 "litany of ment over a minor trafflc ll11,". defense attorney J. W. accident Wfule the offlcer wa1 Ehrlich Monttay described the off duty," the flamboyant Negro witnesses at t h e lawyer aaserted. Governor Reagan is going to SANTA CRUZ (UPI) -The be tough enough without a body of a missing girl, who major primary fight in our apparently was slain by a kid- own party." naper, was identified Monday Ironically, Boas used words as that of 12-year-old Deborah remlniacent of the Republican Lee Shelton of Aptos, Calif. party's leadership statements The decomposed body, found between the 1964 loss of Barry Saturday in Big Bu.in State A!· Goldwater and the 1968 Part, bad masting tape ever Victor)' of JUchard M. Nixon. the mouth and around the Stull said the hlltlngs had convinced blm. that campus officials have enou,b "rules and regulaticm, bat they don't 113e them." manslaughter trial or suspend-. Gombing through pages of ed policeman Michael R. testimony, Ehrlich remarked, O'Brien. u ••people of little "I'd better stick to the record. or no moral honesty or In-Otherwise, I'll be accused by tegrity." the paper1 d being a racist ''They have abeohrteJy no · or IOmetblng." Hi wu asked if h ls handa.. Deith wu attributed .t&ttments meant he wanted · to apparent atrUgula.tion. aoly one major candidate in The g!r~ daughter o/ Mrs. tbl June 1970 primary. lie Marcia Lee Shel1an had been rtpll~d that he hoped to avoid mlaalng since Jan. 3. Her body a primary fight. was ldenUfied throogh dental "The admbdstrafioa h a s hesitated to move against these people," he said. But Thomas HOllChlns, chief of the Alameda County sher~ iff's operations at ·tbe Univer- sity of California at Berkeley said he believed the td"°'tor' are now cracking down on Jawbreakers. m:pect for an oath, tbl truth~ HlJ voice. rasping and rising, or for common decency," Ehrlich accused the black Ein'llch declared. 11They would reaidenta of Bruah Place, just as soon aacrlfice. you as where the shooting occurred, they did this boy here," he of putting together a "fain said gesturing toward O'Brien. facade of lies, chicanery and "No sane person would trickery." "I plan to ~tinUI talking records. · alq ~ llntlt'' he said. Mra. Shelton told sheriff's "Jr thly (Unruh and Alioto) deputies Deborah left home locked horna It WClllld be to go bicycling with friends h&nntul to thllr carters and and never returned. Officers poulbly to the P I r t Y ' s said Mrs. Shelton received two lortune1." anonymous telephone calls believe their testimony that Ehrlich accused prosecutor O'Brien counted 'One, two, Walter Giubblni of "patchlnc three' " before shooting Negro up all the1e 1torl11' of the ' Mutiny Trial Effort To Call Chief Fails SAN FRANCISCO WP!)" - The defense In the mutiny trial of si.I Presidio GI's bu failed in elforll to bring the Sixth Army commander to the witness stand. In a court martial, the defense cannot call its own witness without apptOYal by the presiding Jaw officer (judge). It was turned down Monday during a 70-m.imrte hearing closed to public and press in efforts to bring Lt. CNAReveals 'Mental' Cuts SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mentally-retarded patient! at s~e state hospitals are get- ting less attention from regis- tered nurses than Medi.Cal regu]atiOM require, the Cali- fornia N u r s e s Association says. The CNA reported Monday a teletyped message from the. state's mental hygiene depart4 ment orders hospital supervisors to s c h e d u I e registered nurses only on weekday shifts. This leaves the patients un- protected during the evenings, early mornings and over the weekends, the nurses said. Gen. Stanley Laraen to tesWy about the "Major Jentml" mysteey. Defense attorney D a Y I d .Lowe had wanted the ltMfll to ezplain published reporta that a Major Jenkins bad trltd on Laraen's behalf ta make a deal with the defenH. Tht Anny olllcially denlod the reports and law officer Col. John G. Law held that the Army's statement tndld the matter and that Mittmony from Larsen would have bttn "irrelevent." The delell!e plallnod to make at least IM dllmluaJ motions today, lncladJna Clflt that the defendanta have not received a s1*d7 trtal to whi ch they are corwUtutiOT'1Jly entitled. A ruUnc on a dtfw. change of venue motion ta expected Wodnoodl)' _,,.., or after all, the other moUonl have been hllrd. ' th~r c~ = =., "::d resume about Wt d-n t 1 d a y afternoon. Th< d-111 acCltlld or talti., port In on Oc!t. If sit-dowa dtmonltraUon at the stockade, allelo<GJ to pn!tllt the fatal _..,~ ol a fellow prisow duttni an ucape try . Four ~lm ah'114J havt drawn 1mN of from 4 to lly .... Old World Mediterranean Spanish P~e Ovtl $100,0Gf llin9TOIY. TO CHOOlll! l'llOllt DICOU.TO~!"f!!._.-DECO~~~"o~~S D~~ 'ml' Fl.IPl.AY Items as follows: G..,..... • ft. cutom quilted sofa wilb separai. ==:• wtlll heavy oak trim decor and I.Ill Cbalr 3 matching oak occasional tablet, (I) H" WI decorator lamps, hanging UalD ..., lamps In wrought iron, an 8 p1~ett _,... -ter bed.room suite in pecan JltdJttrfan- ean style wilb top qua 1S yr. wunnty king size mattress & bos 11prlllp. Spanish decw dlntni sel etc. ..... .....,,.. .. ,..., ....... MUST SACllFICE $698 oo FOii ONLY ---·-·-e Any Ploco Con 81 Purch-lndlYldually Tentt1 Av1ll1bl1 -Newcomers to Callf. Crfflt Approved Immediately ,--, , J] F•raiture At Harbor Blvd. 1144 Newport,""· Costw Mfta only 1--, nlfllt ,II t -• Sat. A S.... 'lft 6. witness11 .. to make them flt one mold.11 Ehrlich particularly trlod to diJcrodll lht tettJmoay " Corl v. Jlawkinl, w1-car bruaJI. ed qalmt O'Brltn'1 boat trtlller and touched elf lht • ...,.,, .. t that Jtd•to lht --tlnf ol B11ntt. He calltd Hawkins · • • a unctbnonioua Utile 1 i (r 1 ' ' rt!trred to hhn U 0 the deacon,'' and 1'old Mr. Prayer MHl!ng" 1nd nld J!lwkhil reminded him of 11th1 old prayer meeUna1 down home." Tbt Lona 11 a ch 1n4 asking for $500 ran.som to be d I pndel:H, Prta-Telegram brought to "Trout Gufch nporttd 8undaJ i n a Road" near tht Shelton llome. YOUR OWN BU~NESS ' I ......... t ._ OM1•,,.. .. ,_.. ..... ..... •• la•t. c.,.... tvhhs ,...,,.... , ' W•'tl I ............. naa ... .. W ll 0 """"..,. .ui-nn-a.... , C 8 pen . Univ-I Chlnchllla lre•den ToHalt~akl-~~-~··~~~·-~1 t;~;-~.:~~~;:_~:~~~:"'~i'"'~ru~10:.~·~,.,~~- sANTA BARBARA (VP!) -• Union· OU co. 11 -nulftl ... •••••••••••••••••• 111 Jll'Olf•m or ntumlni '""' :" wet> ERN umnui1 to production tn hopts ti.: ni;QI 11111~ •••••••••••••••••••••• lilllllJ bllttnJ lltJlll• In the • Stnll Barbara Channel, of. : flclall Aid Monday. : • • • • • • • • • • • • A 1m11l amount of oll sUU • li 1ttpln1 from the oceM floor : nw PlaUorm A, they 11ld. : A wtll blowout Jan. a coated : the ocean with oil that waahld • .._ ~~: ubar1 olon1 S o u t h or n =-----~~~4-....!(D~•!!!!IEl~'ID!;Ul~Oll!!!ll'l!!!~TlClml!!!!!!,_ cautarnla blaeha. :- '!'ha comJ11117 lloJ>I• to end • tht ...P.ft bj' fMIYIUnl : w1Jll in the area. : lntarlor 81crttary Wolter J. : llkktl bu lfllltod &II U• • IOlplloa from his bin on pro-: ducUon and drilling on federal : land in the channel. • • • =>-I $1 M·u· s : · -'IDtllOl-1 IOU et ·~•••••••••• As Rain Damage t ~MAR 1& LO S ANGELES (AP) -_..., Mayor Sam Yorty said Mon-JllBlllD: day the raln9torms ct. January .• ,._ ~ 1 and February . caused $ 7 -~ million damage ln lAll'l Angeles 12- -and Utat figure could double by the time a tmVey i5 com- ple(ed. • tANKAMEllCARD DAILY 10.7 • Flt!. 10.t • SAT. 9-6 • MASTIR CHAlGI AN OPIN llTTll TO All MIN'S WIAl RrTAllllS, Send UI your hard to fit customer, we carry name brand wearing apparel tor the Tall and Bi; Man Only! \Ve do not compete with you by carrying regular merchandise. The newest, the latest, and the largest inventory or big and taU wearllli apparel In Orange Co.Inly. PHONE 642-3177 • 1912 HARBOR BLVD. • COSTA MESA . . I Call or stop in tho Huntington Buch Sp• today ind reserve your Cl11rter Membership. - CALL NOW 842-1451 HUNTINGTON BEACH SPA m WE ~ HONOR ~ FACILITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN r ~~~d©\~ . . H£AllH SP OPEN 7 DAYS A WtlKt frff Parking • HEATED ROMAN SWIMMING POOL • Romin Ste•m Rooms • Finnish Rock S.iun1 Room1 • Flori d• Sun T tn Roomo • V/hirfpool a11h1 • lltctronlc M1sstgt • Condirionlnt F1tllifltt CALL 011 STOP·IT TODA T FOR TOUR FREE TOUR AND RESERVE YOUR CHARnR MEMBERSHIP '~"1~1 helol HOLIDAY HEALTH SPAS HUNTINGTON ANAHEIM COSTA MESA ORANGI llACH 826·0381 149·3368 142·1411 11515 Main St. (at-) J "'"'" .u.,pti, C.• 510 s. lea<h IHltJi-.1 ,ffJ PloyeP1- 5"oppln1 CtnNr 2300 Harbor Bl. Harbor Shopping Center 622 I. kot•llo Plora Real Shopping Cent., SACRAMENT 0 ~ A objected MODday when Senile ' meuuro prlialq the Leque lelder Huslt M. Burm JO. ol Women Voltn underwtol FtelllO), 'Wed J>OnniJslon to rHnmlnaUon today ln, the have \be names of every senate after a member ot ~tor addtd as co-authors the John Birch Society com-to his resolution commetldlng plained the league wu con-the leaaue. trovenlaJ. Such requeats are rouUne Senltor John SChmltz (R-.. and rlHly • .w;, 0ppollllonr '1\J.14jnJ, the tes1s111ure•1 aole Schmlii complaint<I_ lhat member of the Blrcb Sociely, Jeque ~ben ••a l,W 111 / . tesWy against the Liberty Amtndmenl so I'll be damed U 111 vote tor It.'' He uld lhe I league lroYersial '' in his Cous,ty dlslrlct. . The llberly amend ment Is introduced in the Legislature : yearly and proposes amending the fedual ConsUtuUon to pro- hibit the government from le- was Dimes March Advisers Add New Member Patent .Library Gift To County Attorneys .SANTA ANA -Dr. Joseph S. David o{ Santa Ana ~ been 1ppolntod to the Medici! A4•1sory Comipiltee of the Oronge Cqunty Chapter, Na- tionll Foundation -MU<h ol Dimes. -. Tbe ~man1committet m..i. inciOtbly to sl•• the ch:lpter professlonll gul~ In the~ local birth defect medical and educational ~ grams. Or. David, a pediatric surgeon, is a graduate of lhe University of Buffalo Medical School. He is Surgeon-in-Olie!. Cbildrtns Hospital of Orange County; Chief ol Subsection of Pediatric Surgery; and Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, University of California, Irvine. 80tli Year Celebrated By County SANTA ANA 6range County will quietly observe Its IOlh birthd1y today with the planting: of an orange tree at the new county courthouse. The V aleneia variety tree was to be presented at 3 p.m. by Orange Mayor Don Smith to Board of Supervisors chairman Wlllim H. Hirstein. On Marcb 11; 1189, the eoon- ty ·secured political in- dependence from Los Angeles County. DEA'l'H NOTICES FICKER BALTZ MORTUARIES .eer-de! Mir OR Hiii C.Ota Mt11 Ml f.Ul4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 lroadway, Ctltl Meu uwm DIU>AY 8IWTllEllS Hau.po Ylllley M.-,. 17111--· Blntllpo 11eoc• ta.1'111 PACIFIC Y1EW MEMORIAL PARK C...tlel'J • Mll'IUl'J CUptl 1111 hdfle View Drive Newpert Bud, Clllfonll -PEE& FAMILY OOLONIAL FIJNBllA!. HOME 7111-Avt.- WethnlM1tf' m.wi SANTA ANA Or1nae County's attom.eys· will have their patent research pro- blems eased. by· the donation o( a complete pategt library -·one and one·haJf tons of books to the neWJy. established George A. Parter Law Library Foundation. Highway 57 Is 'Orange' SACllAMENTO The A s s e m b .1 y Transportation Committee has passed • resolution lo change the name of State Highway S7 to "Orange Freeway." The resolution. authored by Assemblyman John V. Briggs (R·Fullerton), was opposed by Assemblyman William Campbeil (R·HacieO'cia (Heights), who presented a resolutiOn to name t h e highway "Diamond B a r Feeway." That motion failed to carry. The Briggs resolution. now goes to the full Assembly for action . Meetings \...-"The huge collection, which arrived today at Uie library's Santa Arul warehouse, was donated by•.Mn. Janice Boer of Sanla Ana. Jt l! the library's first acqul!ltlop. This will be· the first time th~t. county la'lt')'er1 Will have a patent library.aj allable locally. Previously, patent Te$earch e:nillled trips to Los Angeles, Riverside or San Diego, officials said. The library · is named In honor of George · A .. Parker who served as secretary- treasurer of the Orange Coun- ty Bar AssocJation for 41 years. Parker is chainnan or the bGard of First American Title Insurance Co., santa Ana. Black Author To Talk at UCI Noted 19 I Ac k writer and speaker for black integrity, John O. Killens. author of vyoungblood" and "And Then We Heard the Thunder," will si>eak at 8 p.m. Thursday in t'l e Writ i ng Center . Humanities Building, at UC Irvine. SAC Coed lllllll'IM MORTUARY ~-•1m .. QemtW MMl• STEREO SENSATION! lllUl'll't MOllTUARY ' 117 -Ill. -.....-U:Mm n:m::LIJT MORTUARY 117 E. ml 111.1 Cooll M-- Tiie colorful soand of Or•nge County Music RADIO KOCM 10~.1 FM • • --From Fashion Island. Newport Beach Tvesd.-y, March 11, 1969 DAILY ~ILOT I) Complete Printing Service • • Top Quality -Fast Service 642-4321 '. ' .. I I I JO DAILY PILOT !SJ I i ' l I pounded daily :M:UTU ASSETS OVER 142!5,000,000.00 . ' l MEAD OFFICE ".'~ ... ~_:; 31 5 E••l eotot .. do 9ool•111•rd • .. Pauden•, C.llfoml• 91109 _ _.... ING$ .. OTHER BRANCH OFFICES -,.... W..t Arudl• • CovlM 1 Gl~I• NOMOIMUM TIME JtEQUIRED ' INTUEST flOM DA TE Of llKlll'l 10 DAR OF W!THoRAWAL • • ' Closing Ameri~ Stock List • " i ,.. -DAILY Pll.Of 7 6 1 -. ' ' . ' • " \ I l l ' \ 1 I l 1 ' 1 I )) I . • .. . ! ' . .. ' • • . UUlllV'61 f•ESH, LEAN · GjR,O:Ul.ND .. - BE:E·f . . / / ' DISCOUNT . SUPERMARKETS I \ -· ~ ' '>' • r .,. . ' ! ·-• -.. ' ... ' . ' ~-' c ·I~ -'PAPUIACIC BOOKS ,, · 10%0FF STORE HOURS: Mon. lhrl Sit. 1 o· •·•· •. 9 p_.m. SIL 10 U.· 7 p.111 •. 19th & HARBOR COSTA MESA . ' • - I ' • • --- : _,_ .• ' • JODEAN 'lf'AsTINOS, 64Mn1 .......,., IMrdl n. 1Mt • ,_. u third T aurnament . ' ,;.:...~~~~~~~~ ' ' .. ·1 •• €1ub . . Fishin g )Xc cents ¥6.ut R • • ·, ·Tb.,..~ent will be on youth wh.;, the•HQ!ll!ngton llaibour FisJ>. ,iil('Clul> sponson its annual .derby, Saturday, March 22. • According to Commodore and ·Mn. Earle Colee, Ibis year's erby is aipied at encouraging lishipg 8Q>Ol!C youU\ful ~esid~ts of the marina co~unity, although all ·~sidep\,s .and guests are mvite;d ..• td participate. .. , · _ ... AU fish must be caught trom shore, ·sun decks, boats or docks \Vithin the arM. between sun-up and 3 p.m. Weigh-in st8tion for the third annual iournament will be on the gangway nearest the Beach Club~ and trOpbie:t:will be presented in the adjacent Parking lot at 4:15 p.m. ( ~ · " · • Presentations ..,:ill be made fpr lh.e three lJrgest .fish caught in the junior, sub-senior 8.D(f ' senior divisiOn'; 'and special trophies will · be presented lor the largest fish caught by bOth mafe ahd feminine anglers. Following •tlie-tournament members ' of the fishing Club and tlieir gut$. wlll gather for· a' c<ick\aii perty and dinner 111 tlie Town ;mcl· Count()' ~staurant, Huntington Beach. Tbey .. will ,begin with an hour of socializing an4 11fis h tales" al 7 .p.m. ,vfth. ~oner to fo.llow at ~ p.m. I~ c.hat~e of dinner ~rrange .. ments are Mrs.~ John Silver an·d Mrs~· W1ll1am Ekbera: social ce>- chairmen. Deadline fo,r reservations \vill be 6 p.m.· Tuesday, Mllrch 18, and cltJb members and, guests wishing to attend are requested to cont8ct Mrs. Silver, Tickets will b.e $5 per peribn. • r ! BRIDG ING THE GAP -With all fishing lobe done on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway bridge, Commodore and Mrs. Earle Colee and Vice Commodote Mack Crank ·~left to right) plan to acc<11t youth during this year'$ Huntington Harbour Fishing ' ., -' ' Derby 'laking pl&CI> Salutday, MarCh'.22. n;;, derby is open tO Iii Huntington 'llilrbour remdents end-ju.-.,. anc1·1119 IJ,<!phy Pr0. sentatioo wlll·talfe place at 4:15 p~'adj-to fie·'lleach 6lub •• · Following a recent combined yacht dub and fishing club tour- nameeyt, trophies were presented during a dinner party in Meadow· lark Counby Club, · " Braving the deluge of rain to win were Mrs. Charles Nelson and Mn. Colee; Art Brent, Cliff Bick,' Ed Wendko< and Ed Lewis, and juniors;,Nancy Nelson, Bobble WaraOn and Michell« Baker. In West minster Delegates .. Pac;k For Convention Delegates for both district and state conven- tions-of the California Federatioh of Women's Clubs will be elected when the \Vesbnirfster Woman's· Club meets at 7'30 p.m. Thursday, March 13, in,.the city's civiC Center, 8200 Westminstet Ave. Other activitieS~on. the agenda include the an- nouncing oI winners from the high school and club's sewing, contest who will represent the organimtion in Ille •.Orange Distrift contest taking place Mon· day;1-1arc1117. · , ~ art workshop is being planned by Mrs, Ed· w!n,,AJ<aMder, arts and crafts cbauman. An art teacher will .demQl'Jstrate how to form papter maChe arid decoupage prod'ucts Tuesday, Apiil 22, in the Peek Family Colonial Terrace Room. The works~op is open to the public· and there is no charge !or the demonstration. The ciub is completing atrangemenlrS fo.r a·C'ul· tural Arts Week to, .. take place beginning t.fond~y. ·, March 24. During the week there will be many examples. \n art, dancing, drama and music. / 1 ... Club members ·will be in charge of1Ul art ex- hibit completed bY, students from Westrliill's'ter And La,>Quinta High Schools. · . The club recently made a donation to Pennie's far Art, a district project which sponsors an vi tcholarshij>, and the Servicemen's Center in Orange Oounty. . New members who were welcomed with the presentation of year books and corsages recently are 'the Mmes. Henry Hansen, William Knowles, Ssmuel MOrkey and R. E. Paee. -·,,.-, ! . \ _. •• H '• '0 " Tri Del~s-Follow Fund-raisi~g R.ecipe To sWeU thelr·sdiolarship coffers Trl' Delta ·Alum- ~· of the Newport Harbor,, and Eastern Orange Coµnty areas WI sponsor a: spring luncbeon and fa.hion show Wednesday, March 19, in the Santa Ana' Sadd.1eback Inn. The IUncheOn and show \vill .. ~. ' . follO"!f an'l1:'30 a.m. social hour. "C:ooking up'' ar- rangements for the annual event are (left to right) the Mmes. L'yle D. Jacobson and Rollald Ward of Huntington Beach and John Hewitt of Newport Beach. Mrs. Ward is takil1g reservations at 962-52?2. Surf Sounds -I L . H . f . eag .µe u.nt1.ng , BJ JODEAN HASTINGS looklna foe them lo be guests I or ,.. Dllltr ,.,,.. ltlft oI honor at a luDCbeoa: tUint LAST CALL -for lmner. Suf-place nexl S&lwday. ~ ' (ragettes! Mrs. Ken Martyn former "Bloomer Girl" -or I and Mrs. Herbert E. Johnson anyone knowing of. one in the Jr., members of the League I of Women Voters, atill are area -is invited to contact: i t the league, post-balte. I INCIDENTAIJ..Y -the l C II • All Johhsons have been en-a I n 9 tert11Mng , \iouse guest, Mn:: Fre<j Shaw, who has J>eeO: 1 1 Classmates ·:: rro=. wrn: Travel ' iS the clever tU.le: Calling all members of. the selec~ by Belly (Mrs. Jolin)· clue of 1959 are their fellow Silver for ·her pi-eSenbUaa1tO: l graduates from lhmUngton the Covlha Women'• Club,: ~ HJgb School. , Betty is a friend of tbe club'•· ! Plans now art being-made program ·chairman, and after: · for a reunion which will take hearing Betty's ta1es of the'. place Au(, 23 in \l>O:........,..w ' coupl~'s trave~ a~ \he; I IM. .~':"'"'T ;:-· WilCf' Goose In Baja California: The 16-year· re\lnl~ wW and the Sans Souci ~: begin with cocktalil< it'i7:3ii from Newport lleach • t <> p.m. and contini.:e through the Acapulco, the club chairman: • evetdrtg With' dlnn·er and dan-. invited her to appear' af their: • clng lo music provided by meeting this m"1lh. Betit. the Variations. plaris la lllullrate 1ler lallc· All graduates are invited to with slides. . make ff:Rf(&tlona: wjth Mrs. BUS INES S A N·D· 1 Ronald Miller·( R o 1 em a r y Professional Women'1 Clube in: ' Ferguson). MS-G871; Mr a. the area are . collectinf eo1-· Gitry Sutton (NAl'IC)' Dod90n), mellcs and toilet articles foi. ' SU.11791 or Mrs. M a x tote bags to be praented as· Bowman (Judy Jlllhb\lm), small but Important -.· l 962-3003. ing gifts to women beihg The group's mailing address paroled from the Callf4lntia~ t ls P.O. Box 118, Sunset Beach. JnsUtutlon for Women. ~ l 'Broad' Minded Men.,t<eeJD Fash.ion Design~·rs in the Gree·n: :1 DEAR ANN: This ia 'for the woman ... bulbend loves. to put on her wif ad high heels and false eyelashes ''for hlD." So abe thinks be is normal. does: lhe! Well, l bad a son-bt-law who thoagbt the same thing, Furth«rnort, he.-OIJllYlocod rny daugbter !hat II wu a hamilea Utile game they-were playing. She went along with it and eve]l gave. him girUe gi(ts for his birthday. Alter 10 years af marrh1ge and three chiklreo, be wasn't' aatisfied to keep the seer.el between the two of them. He started dal')j::ing on the front _ lawn in his "fun clothes." People alopped• lheir cars to watch. Pretty .bOn the nelghbora called the police. The police ordered bim to go In the house. One " • . ' •· Shol'\17 before you printed the lell<r ANN LANDERS ~ signed "Bobette'• ~" my wife ~. ~ered my private cache of ladies' r·~~~~~~~~ • ;.:~ •• ......!.t .\.~· 1 "r Won! led to anotl.er, f11ts ·bega~ ,to -~"'""""" · fly and he was arrested. The story DEAR OR: 'l1unW for a report from got Into the papers and disgraced the the front line -or perbap1 I 1huld entire family. ..,. fi'ont tlw frtnt t.n. ne ro11ow111 Danclilg Boy .now is colng to a leUer rtft'titab aao~ riewptial. psychiatrls~ which if· Whal be should ' ' have done a loog tbne ago. So, Ann, DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your CQhmm ii the wives of these nuts bow •hat's doe. a wwld ol cooct. You .touched good roc lhem, they'll r<eognlse thl• • on a tqpi. recenUy that ,bdped mo peculieir behavior ,for what it is and tttmendou.Jy. J'm ane of those men oee lo it lhat tllclr husban<ts eet help who likes lo elms in women's clothes. • an ~tment to ,.. • lawytr about a dlforct., ~ Alter 'she Niad your column slk: 1 cancel· ed her appointment with the lawyer and made an appolntment with a doctor i She took yoor columo along. The doctor "l1<f you were , right - that most t,ransvesUtes an not homotex· uals. They enjoy dtwtng In female aUlrt bat:"':have no deslr~ to engage In ...,_xual activity. Som< homos<r- uaJs are, howtvtt, ttansvesUtes. which ii what cauaes the confusion. Knc!,wing fUII well that I cannot curb. ri\y desires, my wife now leaves tbd.' houJe one evailna a week while I play lady. I prelor lo ... alone and unobwved and abe respect.a my wishes. I al•111 mal<e 11tJ!8 -Ole chll~· .,e asleep. I draw the draperies ihd do not' answer the doorbell, Slnce I've i!!een able to carry out rny little cberadt 'fllh my wlle'• tno,.ledge and•approvll ·I !eel IOI per- 1 cent better. My nerva ire settled apd I'm off traoqtllllzen. '!bank yoa ~ being broa<kninded -ANN'S FAN • D!!AR FAN• Lal,_ lomo a.:;! 1mpm:1fon; I'd Ulce tt f'flMllt my lll'-tlt. n.umd&el a r • • • & .. -.uy --1"'1-: &hJ~'L U ~wife mden&udl ,_. J11llt• ... a,c-epU Ii,•'•....,. tlae'• ha' ~· -jnvldn,., -,.. .,., ..... -aed elf~ lrool lawo. ... How will you know when the r• thing comes 1longT Alt Ann Landlft. Send lot her bqoklet "Lovt or SQ aid. How t4 Tell lhe DQ!erellc<." seld 3' I ctnta Jn coin and a king. ~""lddr •••d, ~ stamped envelope Wiii your~ Ann Landet1 wlll be &lad lo )lelp you with your problems. s.nd .dteiii lo her in care of the DAILY 1'D.<7r enclosins a loo(, ..U-<tdllreaed, liimped envelope . " l , ' ' I l I • ---. ~Leo: Pace Yourself ,_ 8o fair but liml. T.l.VllUll (AllrfUO,)Cay 20): Punue fovorfte subjecl. Add to -leclle. ()aln lhbwn lrom rudlng, Writing, •d· verlJlln&. Fine day to cement fmnily relations. COm· mun~te 'ltitb loved onea who may be lo lranslt. GIMINI (May Zt.June 20): Check i.ccounls. Be aware· of tu requlmnenta. Haodle joint money inttrestJ. Don't be E~tancia Coed /. talented and acUve coed at Emncia Hl&h Sdlool 'has ' been named Miu Teenage · '. Cltlun by the <;oota Mesa Junior Women's Club. Mia Roaemary s z ab o, daughter '* Mr. and !in" Fred Szabo of <;oota Mel8 bas been chosen for the booor and will compete· foe a $100 acholmhlp offered by the Farmers Insurance Group. s.tety Foundation. . .. ,, dectiv<d by lnllallld vtlaes. !· Be --"~'-·-· f .. ._ __ ,. ~. naa or~ •. : not opeculaUon. CANCER (June 21.Juty 21): Some come to YOJI with pro- blema, -lal req\1M111. 1!e sympatbeUc -but a<nslblc. Mate or partner n e e d s reassurance. Permit Qther11 lo . set pace. Your time will come. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Pets, wardrt~. claim al· tentlon. You are able to coin· plete a project. Accent on work, service, health. Pace yourself. AvoJd excess fatigue. ne moderate in what you eat,~ drink. VIRGO (Aug. 2.'h5epl 221: View familiar situations in fresh light. Stress originality, independence. Break w i t h tradition. Spot Ii g h l· on romance, creative act:lvlties. Featured are variety, op· portunity for travel. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22\: Attend to family and property affairs. Protect assets -build for secure future. Learn by teaching. Means s h a r e knowledge. Parent, o I d er person plays significant role. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-N°'-21\: . Name of the ·Game: Ra ising Cha rity Fvnd s The Estancia senior iJ AFS president. senior c Ii s s treasurer and Vogue vice president at her school. Her memberships include Pep, Spanish and Gennan clu~. drill team, GM and Girls' League. Burden may be lifted. Ktep · • communication lines open. Flurry of activity occurs around you. Avoid contusion. Be versatile. Take notes. Study memos. Remember re· cent resolutioos. SAGmAruuS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): Buying, selling ac~ Uvity is stressed. Watch budget -It will only stretch so rar. Be thorough -check details. Fine print could co~ · taln clause that might prove Raising funds for Hope Haven School, Garden Grove and the Lend a Hand Akency; Walker, Ky., is the goal of Lambda Zeta Chap- ter members of Sigma Phi Gamma who are planning a GaIDe Night at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 15, in the Costa Mesa residence or Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Tohill. Trying their luck at a hand of poker, one of the numerous games to bt' played for prizes, are tleft lo right) Dr. TO!illj, Mrs. Joel C. Tate and Mrs. Dale Wil<:her. Admission tickets, at .Sf:,:roay, be purchased from 3JJ.f mem:ber. • CITIZEN Rosem1'1' Szabo College at Fullerton itext fall, costly. studying psychology and CAPRI OORN (Dec. 22 -Jan. Conference Has ·Double Purpose .Hobbies S~n , After Comedy Mls1 Szabo alao ta the AFS Americans Abroad candidate and wu an alternate · for Girls' State and a Junior Miss coo\e!tl.Dt. speech therapy. 19): Dillplay quality of in- Horizon Club members from all over California will help San Diego celebrate its 200th anniversary when they meet In Mission Bay's Bahia Hotel March 14-16. The h.igh school·age Campfire Girls will arrive Fri· day evening for lhe Horizon Club evenl and program a~ tiviUes will begin Saturday morning. Workshops will be offered In the morning and afternoon Salurday and the girls will attend sessions of their choice. Topics for the sessions will Include Are You 8 e in g Brainwashed, Changes I n Le.arnin&. Se.x -It's Mea?!oing to You, the Lu'lury of Leisure, ProblemY of Pollution and People, California 's Archaeological Heritage and Woman in Space. Recreation will be offered ' · A hobby show and one-act .comedy were enjoyed by Mon- day Morning Club of Laguna Beach members whefl they She la enrolled In the C6m· paraUve CuJturt program in Europe for tbi 1wnmer and will attend Clllfornia Stqte H e T extra.curricular ac-dependence, leadership. Much tlvltles have Included teaching of what you need is made a Sunday School class and ~vailable. Circumstances t~rn belonging to Tri·Hi·Y in your favor . Your timing ' L improve,. Cycle is at a peak • • AQUARIUS fJan. 20·Frb. A • 1 · . p t 18 t: Be positive of privacy along with the work sessions, met yesterday in the Hotel and Horizon Club members UXI 1ary resen s uri~g business conference. Don t tc1npt others to spy. Be discreet. \Vhat you say G'ift tO (HQ( Cl 'ini'c could cause cmotionar brui~e. Temper remarks 1v1th diplomacy. will be able to enjoy boating, Laguna. swimming and browsing. . t "Spreading the News,'' a Saturday activities will be ~ • • one-act c o m e d y , was climaxed with an E a.r l y ~ •. ~ presented by Drama Section California Fiesta, complete ·~t;,;. members of the Wedoesc;lay A gift of $3,000 has been from Mn. Allen V. Cole of with banquet a n d en-T'V~i Club of Laguna Beach before given to Chlldren'.1 Hospital Santa Ana. current president. tertainment. Newport.C 0 s t a ' . • .• of Orange County by the The dental clinic is one or Mesa Okiponka Horizon Club it:~ hobbies share:d by c I u b Women's Auxiliary to the 28 specialty tlinics at the members will provide part of .. 'i]., . members were viewed. Orange County'·Dental Society, children's medical center. And the program, celebrating the Mrs. WUHam ·Ho~ en-to be med for operaUq room . it handles such problems as anniversary of the host city. ~rtalned on the piano prior equipment for the dental cleft palate, 'mtniat retarda· PISCES (Feb. IS.March 20): Some who flatter may have less than noble motives. Know this and respond accordlngly. Cooperate with groups, social organizaUons. Career income can be increased -· study ways. Round table discussions and tO the luncheon. department and out-patient tion and neurologically han· a buffet luncheon will close . Upcoming activities includes cllnit. dicapped children. Fees are ~ie~~M;~s"'?~i~ ~'::';''..,~~~: the conference Sunday morn· • · .,. ' .a mee. ting of the Facts ·and Most ol the amount donated charged according lo the $'"'1d 511 ,en11 ta om1rr llOGll..,, ,,,.. ........ "'*'9 .1 •• ~ f 'I ' b'llt t DA ILY PILOT, llax 32«1, Grind Ct11-ing. » Fantaslea group in Laguna was r1UMU' from the aux-am1 Y Sa 1 Y o pay. tr•• s1111on, Na .. vortr.. N.v. 1oa11. Area girl• and adviso" at-Celebritie s Meet . Federal Savings and Lqan llfiry's .annual dlnntr-dlllicel----'---'-:....:----=-==..:::::....::::::..::c.:::::: tending wlll be Mrs. Ralph ' building at 7:30 p.m. Thurs-wblch ii attended by dent.al Shorl and Mrs. Donald Rieck During a visit to Universal Studio, Miss,.JJ Uniing· day, March 20. For the pro-cOuples and tbelr guesta from and the Misses h1olly Brecht, ton Beach Jeff.ye BJE.ickard meets Robert Sfack, gram, Col. and Mn. William all parts·of the county. Wendy Dorchester. Cathy star of the "Name of the Game" TV series, and H. Bruggere will show pie· Dr. Howard Tucker, cblef Cagle, Elaine Kew, Debbie secures an autograph for her mothet,;' ·one 'Of tures of· their trip around the of the dental stall 1t the Kew, Davette Ch ambers, Stack's most avid fans. · •>"' • world.• hospital, will receive the check JoAnne Southard , Janet Rieck,----------,, _______ _, _____________ _.: _______ _ Michelle Soia, Wendy Sota, Cindy Parker and Cori Short. .. Phone -Collect Leisure World Club • -Potters Wheel Demon strated Jack Taylor. ceramist and owner of the Golden Kiln, will demonstrate malting pottery on the wheel before Niguel Art Association. 213· 728· 7283 • Instant Spring! Assigned Host Role The Woman's Club o f Leisure World, Scai Beach, will assume hostess duties for the Orange District Council meeting of California Federa· tion of Women's Clubs Friday, March 14. Registration will begin at 9_a.m. in the Santa Ana Elks Club with Mrs. Robert D. Reilly and her committee making arrangements. Mn. James ~1cCalla , district president, will call the meeling lo order at 10 a.m. and the invc:ptlon Will be given by the Rev. Harry Felmly, mist.ant pastor or the First Baptist C h u r c b , Fullertoo. On the agenda foe the morn· Jng session will be the Mmes. G e o r g e Yotnnan, national anthem; William H. Christian, welcome ; William Cheney, respome; L.E. Schermitzler . California h I s t o r y and landmarks, and Thom as Moors, art uhibll and fine W festival. Following the 12 :15 p.m. luncheon, Mrs. DaJe Mowery, aecond vice president, will present the afternoon pro- J!am, featuring a dramatic Musical Date reading titled Claudia 's Letter, by Mrs. Gwen Willson. ROBIN KNOWLE S January Date W inter Da te Picked The engagement of Robin Knowles, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Robert Heald Knowles ol. Huntington Beach, and Peter Charles lt1erancli has been announced by the parents of the bride-elect. The couple plan to be mar· rled next January in St. Bonaventure C a I h o I i c Church. The bride--to.bf. a Marina High School graduate, now at- tends California State College tl Fullerton. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. lAuis Mera~ di of Huntington Beach, also was 1radualed from lt1arina High School and now attends The meeting Is scheduled for 8 p.m. next Thursday In Crown Valley School, Laguna Niguel. Further Information I s available by caliling hfrs . L. E. Jay at 495-42fi2 or Mrs. David Orafiam, 495-4622. ' Membe rs Fe ted Winning sales team of Newport Harbor Alumnae of Kappa Delta will be dinner guests of the group next Thursday. The event will take place In the Corona del hfar home of ~lrs. Raymond Harvey. 1-lonored g u e s t s are members who sold the most magazines wh.ich rais~ funds for the national philanthropy. If lhe new clea ners explode dir l- whal musl th ey do lo yo ur· hands? Traditional hand lotion11 aro little protection against modern killer cleaners. Ne\\· Vedra with Aloe, lhe desert's moisturiling plant ~·111 formulated ex· pressly to offset lhe deva. 11t111ing effects of harsh c leane rs. It soothes, en1ooths, helps re111ore a !oft te xture to hands. Vedra Lotion, t .00, Crl!1m, 1.50. The musical comed.1. team of Ken Delo and Eugene DorUm wlll present the pro- 1"1111 nat Thurldly for the MeN.ftart>or Club wbtn It meeta In. the Slltraton Beach Inn, jlunilqton Be>ch. The U:JO pnllfam wlll be ...,.sed 117 a 10:30 a.m. aoc1al lrour ilnd l1 :30 lun- cheoll. OolMn West College. , __________ , • We'll clean . - your draperies , for only ... 00 $ 00 PER WIDTH PER WIDffl 00 PER WIDTH Unlln9d Ull to J ft. lon9 CHARGE IT ! Unlined :r to 5' 1.,.._ Unltntll S' to t' lent CHARGE IT! CHARGE IT! PRICE INCLUDES Taking down and rehanging!! 48 hour service! Penneys exclusive n•w proco11 clo•ns all tyjKs of clr•pori•• be•utifully, draperies that coulcl never bt elttnecl before I oven beauty plotts at no ox tr a eherge. I Mekes them look encl r •• r tlmost like now. - WE ALSO H-L!Nl AND HMAU AT RIASONAIU PRICH. .-----PENNEYS CLEANING SERVICE ___ __, DRAPERIES • BEDSPREADS e BLANKETS DECORATOR PILLOWS . • ACCENT RUGS ' ' Sew Fabrics from Singer and SAVE. $f 22 yd. llllllllJ IJ Slopr. Couturier look for after 5 dresses. 74% rayo~ 26% "'' We. 44/45' wid1. Ref. $1.98 yd. 11111 llade. Diii bJ Sil(ll. Easy-care, wnnk/e resistant. Solids to coordinate. 55% cotto~ 4.1% Cupionl niyo• 45• wide. Rer. $1.59 to $1.79 yd. C111try Cllrtlt bJ Sllpr. Textured cot- ton and po~ester bl•nd-ir .. t forchil· dren's clothes and spGrtswear. 50% polyester, 50% cotton. 45· wide. Ref. $L79yd. n.ti_}tr,_.,..lrmtSINC!lt,.,.r SINGER for t1J1pbone rnrnber of :stor1 1111rt1t you, "' wlllt• P•iH under SINGER COMPANY GAJIOIN eltOVI COSTA Mis.\ ANANllM "11 CN111'!1111 »oo N1rW l lvd. llS H. lOlltl .._HI 1(1 •HtS j,U.UN , hlNll PAJIK 1130 Oii fllt M1U TA a.IMO l lllM l'•r11 te11t., Ot'l "9t Covnty 1'\111 Hutor (.,lft ANl~tl"' ('"Ill' ,J.. SANTA """ Oawnto-. llS W. 4111 St. Kl 3·1fd COSTA MISA NUHT IHG'PON llAC" t l rl•M! .. ~lo ... ., Edlnfer II lqc~ SfO.MU lt7·1o.ll """' Coe11 1"1111 H1111tl119ton Centw ., TUESDAY -i lrWICH 11 l'llO 1J 1k ·~ -IC) (!O) Jory Dunphy, D fD he'.,.•*7 fC> (30) ·-Mot .... IC) (10) ""' Ciint, Jun Shtphertl, Klt!IY CMby, •nd Blrlll)' Keu.I iuest. • 0 6 O'CLOCK MOVIE-"FM * FINGERS"-James Muon! 0 Sil O'Cllcl Mtirit: "'F1M ,... ,.,... (mystery) '52-Jlmes M1ton, MlcMel RelMllt. B I _, IC) (00) m.., "'* <Cl C301 m w .. <C> (30J @(I) MIA Sriffill (C) m WW'• 111 .. 1 (30) "folk Sonp.. • T..cy NMmllft pll1p nine cllfftrtnl lnatrulllllltl used tll• "'' folk mu· lie, klciidln1 tM lZ.strlnr pltlr, 1utohlrp Ind Woo. @Elll ... Sil hit' !!llPUI -IC) 1:30 0IJllC In M (C) (60) 10;CID9QICIJW••, W•1t, Wll11, m I IMO L"7 {30) .....,; WliJ! IC) (30) ...,., .... Ii) YIP&I " tlll hlhll tf ... • Will" tt.Rl1 attber Llllll lfr· s.. (C) (60) linl ltlll the .... .., " how Flonnce, llllJ, ...... Its IDOO•-(C) "'"'• ,,_ """"' bJ floods . In 1968. kcerdlnt 't. ,.. ED Rndin1 Wltll Yllf ClllW (30) "Gettln1 Re1dy To Rud." M1rio11 Mul.lla11 1oob In on 1 class ol first·rraders \eamin1 sounds ind r9CO(llizin1 words. ~rn mmm• ... ce1 7:00 f) cas Evtnin1 Ntn (t) (30) Witter Cronkite. c:J wur1 MJ U.! (CJ (30) fi m,_. ctl (30) @@-!(t) ID 1k •-CW (30) -n. £n. divt Show.• (R) Ql) 11) lk ..... .,, (C) m1si.ldl 11 •• s. (CJ m Trudi tr CoMeC•ta (t) dLIClr Pttw Dnis, the ldllll llttC· m " NflllMnl: I fr.at fro111 I wtll Us llMI' Nfon blt11 filmed. am._ <Cl <"'> 0 ill) Ill !fl Tiit'• Lit IC) l"'I "'Ctlllt c.1 • SGJ." "71rd DIRer, Jldt caadJ 111d 1ol!R .,..,. ,,,... a--(30) m 11o1 .... 1<1 l30I ..... , "' YOll know Mio11t Sodll s.c.tty1" £.d BeM 11'11 Ala a_, flllll. fll) ...... _ 130) - rrtlll ..... --' ll!ddlill .Id ...... .,..,., " ........ .~ prod'ldlori CllftlllllJ. m Dlcllll ....,, IQ;30 IJ lllXT -(C) !301 '11M Misllbeled MillorttJ." All Wlllilll- tion of Mnleen·A-it1111-1n Slluth-. ern Clllfomla. lll:MXT Newsmn Bot! Mmrro Ind a.ti Rublrb rtflOfl (R) JUDGE PARKER , VOW ICNOW, ALM, TME NEXT" TI41M6 Q'lf 60tN6 10 T!U ME IS 1'0I llEYEi MeT" LIZ~ 7:30 I.I QI Cl) Lat1ttl' (C) (60) A wtll- metnln1 1ttempt by Johnnr .and1 Scott Uncer to flSCUI 1 youn11 bride-to-bl from tht dutchts of1 lier miner boyfriend !'Ids thrm •1 sound blatln1 1nd llnds th•m ln1 /ail. Shtlle)' fablrn, Dennis Col11 ., ... o-!Cl ..,.., -.-lr----------;;:i D@ 00 m,.,,., -tCl !601 Connie Stevens and Tht Osmond Bf'IJthen ru&st. 0"" lo -IC) l60I o ITll rn m ... -ct1 1001 ''A Run Tor th• Money." Pitt b.- eomes rom1ntlcally lll'f'Dlved with 1 1ir1 whose f11her iS Mf'lllll I pris- on term for robberJ. TOlll Bosley ind J.tsley Ann W1r11n 111tsl (comedy) '&O -MlrilJ'I M"""-YYll MOlltand. m-ICI 130) o ""'"" s """' <C) -11:0011 a a 11> mm -ct1 Jan ... (comecly) '53 -Doris Ofy, 1J ~ Nltdacl · How1nl Keel. m Trwlll • Coli..-IC) (31>) m-•-1!0l 11!1 c.-.. """' 1301 Ill u ........ !' , .... * NO "FACTORY" WORK TONIGHT AT ~TV 5 '"° m""" ce1 l30I ID lhfW -CCI 1601 f!) l'fttlfer Orfeo1 '9-C1 "3009CIJ"' -(C) (601 Rot" Riirws tnd Diie EY1n1 auat. ·--·-1-· tur1) ~di l"""9, SIM Coclt- '"-. 1:3011-tCI --(...,.,.) '11-.lottii ,..,.,.., DIMllt ........ 0113 Cll lllT--(C) a-"IW ... ._c_ cal) '3'--8fllr CfolbJ, lDUbt C.~ "'I DalJCillB"" -tCI m-..-(C) 0 ID@m: J11lll (t:) (30) "II T1keSfwa to T1nala." C.rrylnf out 12:251J 1i1tN1: ..... ,..,. ( ... Dr. ~· do-fl0t-distu111 ordm. n11) '61......fl'ldllrd Todd, lltll'enc:t Julil 11akllowini* IHdbiOCb the "'"" one """ wtio could Sift thl dot· · tol'I clllrlty pf'tlitd. Ptul Wlllfilld iu• 12;311 m ...., n.h: "Nclt!M11 er.. ·-M ..... (C) (30) •uni." O@l]J mn1 ... 111rill CC) (60) ·~· F'iiiiwal 11 on Mundy.• Julie """"" sue* n $\IMMllh sutton, Mlichw fl •• lmnsin .wiltl~cotrfflct ot .Nu.nder MtmdJ. m ...... Crilf• (C) (901 Ill"""'_ IC) !JOI . OAmM~ MOVIES 1:aoao-1<1 BCI• , ..... ._.(t) m-•1-0ottC1 '50-f'911 Alttltt. ltttJ lhtlol. IJ:lO·--1-) ... ........ Rww ... l11l11Jf' ( .... ) • ..._,. CamdiM. STAR ·1.v. 57.50 " ' CLIP THIS AD RCA AND SAVI ON YOUI NIXT SOYICI CAU 101111' fWplttl M•'I' ti, 1Ht) SAW & SIRVltl ZINITll Fii' b pWt a •e111Mt tlmct l 642-9742 215 E, 17th ST• COSTA MESA 000! I !'AN IWllll.V .Wf>Tr 10 OPEN MY PACKAGE ! Mun AND JEFF t DONT81L1£VE rr! :t JLl9T 8EUEVE rr1 G91lDO ., " . MISS PEACH • • • • j .11 'I • .\ d IJ ,. ., ty C..._ M: Schulz By John Miles . By Harold Le Doux ly Tom K. Ryan ~ ~ By Al Smith r1 IF yOU i!llNK I'M GONNA SIT HEREANOTAKE "THIS, y0U GOT ROCKS IN YoUR. HEAD! ' I By Gus Arriola :rw1SH r SHARet> 'lt:>UF<: oPTIMISM ... 1y Men ") (__ ~ •• 1, --i:. •• , . -·. ~ .. ''\ v J-11 l ~ ......r T .. sdoy, llmh 11, 1969 ,. • ITALIAN AUTHOR\-Lulgi Bamnl, above, ~~tho!" or 11Tbe ltalfans," will t~ll "the ·,d.tamatio Bl.Ory Of how F'lorepce, 1laly, ~vaged its p{iceless frescoes damaged in t)\~ flood ot 1966 ·In "Once UPoD a Wall," tonight at 10 0. .Channel 2. Film shows ti)• flood, some resloralli>n and rocent exhlbit of frescoes. · ... " • ' . TELE.VISION vUwS· -. What'$· Dirty, . ·' What's Not By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) ~-The cancellation o! ABC-TV's new "Turn.oh" series after one broad~ ca· st -with at least one station calling· it "dirty" -has b.rought numerous letters tO tl1i5 vi ewe;-. . Som~ of the letter·wrilers·couJd not understand the reasoning behind tpe swift cancellation. O~ersi applauded· it. Most interesting, ·however -Jsmce 1'Tum-en'1 was an offshoot of the"l'op-rated 0 Gaugb- ln" series -was th~ expressiOQ of strong feelings concerning the allied ,attitudes toward ••Laugh·In': and its cohort in video irreverence, the Smo\Jiers Brothers show. 1 ' • A READER in Lexingti;in; Ky., wrote: "I'd like to know. bow it.is possible for 1Turn- on' 'Laugh·ln,' The Smothers ~ers, et.c., to be dirtier than 'The Oscar' (a televised movie), than the sadism on 'Mission: Irrlpos§ilile,' ad infinitum, ad naueseam. There is nothing more qbscene than the 'Children's' cartoons of hysteria, violem::e and sadism on Satunlay~." ) A reade'r in Bethlehem; Pa., wrote: "I was very happy to read of the scrapping o{ 'Turn.an.' Freedom with this kind of gru:.bage is no freedom at all. Sex, perversion, suggesUveness, nakedness, etc., have been around since the be- ginning of tirna. Since when have they t>ecome eligible as entertainment for the family? We no longer view 'Laugh·lh' or the Smothers Brothers. They have long slopped being in good taste." A VIEWER in Santa Barbara, Calif., wrote: "Some people have the decency to di slike such shows as 'Turn-on' ... if they all had the guts to say so· the controversial shows wduld be out and irreligion, wJ.garity and satirical barbs at churches and people. The 'Smothers Brothers are born enter- tainers, so you overlook the dirt under their finger- nails." A reader in Gettysburg, S.D., wrote : "I can't fathom the over·reporting of recent TV shows such as •Laugh.Jn,' which is produced by idiots for idiots, and other shows such as the Smothers Brothers. It is nothing but back-alley scrawls and the language of men 's and ladies' washrooms -and that is supposed to be TV's best." IN HOLLYWOOD, Fla., meanwhile, a viewe r wrote: "If the Smothers Brothers or 'Laugh·In' Were taken off, I would not revert to te1evision. Because of the lack of more programs like the Smothers Brothers, most people I know don't watch TV. "My ll·year.old son was allowed to watch 1Turn-on1 with us. I never thought ... of him not watching it. Why shouldn't he be allowed to know what really goes on in thi s world? My family wa s shoeked to hea r 'Turn.on' was thought of as 'dirty.' \Ve wondered if we-saw the same show." THE CHANNEL SWIM ' NB C·TV's April 20 broadcast or Broadway's Tony awards will feature scenes from dramatic plays for the first time ... one scene will be from "The Great White Hope," starring James Earl Jones as the legendary black boxer Jack Johnson . . . there will also b~ \ sequences from the musicals "Hair" and "Zorba." ' ' . . .. • l l I I I r l I I I ; . I, , I I • DAILY "LOT ~€oacµes • It's That Time Again Dodger first base hopeful Tom Hutton concen· trates for a moment during spring training 'action in Florida. Hutton had :a .999 fielding average at Spokane in 1967 with one error in 1,079 chances. In '68 he made four miscues in 1,081 chances. ·Sports In Brief Walsh Says Senators Have to Trade Hondo PA4f SPRINGS -The Washington Senator! are commit\ed lo trading Frank Howard, general manager Dick Walsh or the California Angels said Monday night. ' Walsh said he talked lo Washington owner Bob Short about a trade Monday. The Angel general manager said ·he added $100,000 to a package of four ~yers in a bid to land the 1968 American League home run king. Dodge r s Bouta.,ed traded to Houston with Alou in exchange for Staub. Lakers Play Pi•tons LOS ANGELES -The Detroit Pistons may be sixth in the National Basketball Association's Eastern Division with a dismal 2M6 record. But there are few teams the Los Angeles Lakers take more seriou~ly. That's because the Jowly Pittons, who · visit the Forum tonight, are one of only two clubs to hold a winning edge this season over the Lakers, the West's leaders with a 49-25 mark. Loss Doesn't Tarnish Bruins ~ NEW YORK (UPI) -UCLA was vic- timized by slowdown tactics the past week but the strategy which ruined a perfect season failed to halt the Bruins in their drive to com plete the reguJar campaign as the nation's top major college basketball power. The Bruins, upset last Saturday night by arch rival Univeraity of Southern California, wound up the regular season being acclaimed United Press In- ternational major college champion for 1968-69 by unanimous consent of the UPI coaches rating board. 'MM 1. UCLA !:Ml l. Norltl Clrllll<'W !. Dllvldtort '· S.n11 Cl1r1 5.. ll;e..tvc:~y 1. L1S11i. 1. P11td""' 1. sr. Jottn'J IN-"' J '· Hew "8fKICO Sltil 10.~M 11.-.. ,..,..Ii 15-1 , M U·l 1 241' ,..} 221 1'-1 n' n -1 IU 1l, 154 10·• IJJ u.s lOt ,,.J ~' ... . ' .., th< llnill 'be .,,, w. u... a -- "' you would .. ,. nothlof men tllu nmand_ol_ , DON LEAVEY (Wet&mla1tu) -I w;uldn't want .to see It. MM t,.w get lh<Jr .0011 oU wllhln Ill ~ , anyway. Mt I believe thal a_....,. game is adVl11ble str1tegy in IOIM ~ stances. ·With a time c)ocll: the Wented leam1 would have the total advantage. HERB UVSEY (c;aota ._.) -I'm definltely qojnll IL ~e'a no '!'17 (See COAa!ES, Plfe 17) 'Won't Reveal Strategy t • ~.Wooden ~Say_s Bruins .Ready 'I For ·New · Mexico Slowdown LOS ANGELES (AP) -New Me1.ico State can be ex~ed to use ball control tactic/. against UctA on Thursday night, , )>ut the once-stung Bruins will have a .surprise for the Agies If they do, '"; The two clubs meet 'Jn the opening round of the Western regionals of. tbe National Collegia~ Athletic ~tion tournament . Weber and Santa Clara clash tn the other at UCLA's Pauley Pavilion. . UCLA, already vOted tbe 'nation's No. • 1 l .Club in The Asaocip.~ Pi'tS.S po~, ' • misied an undefeated· ~ when 1t : . .,fejl .' !P. Southern c~ -· on '~· d~y night. ,_,., ·l"· ' ~vi9us eYJ!nint. .f.:be !I'rojans forc- ed Uclan1 'lnlO lwo..ovtrtimel before . Joaing 11~. I i• ' -\ \ • Wooden a-ed at ~ SO.them C.lllorn\a Basketball Wrl~ °funcb!<Jn Monday and w,1 asked I.I he hil tliought 'of a method Co ·attact the ball control I game. ' ;'Yes," he replleC!, "I have. And I'm not _going to tell you." • He ·did note that New Mtl.iCo State under Coach Lou HelllOn Uled, ball con- trol a •year ago in the regionals when It lost to the Bruins, 58-49, at Albu· querque. GoHing,Pros Deny,Ch~ge ' They're Cheap . PENSACOLA , Fla. (AP) T"" Goll's tour- ing pros say charges by a profelSional caddy that the pros are "by and large_ a bun.ch of stllfs" just aren't true. The caddy, a 22-.year veteran who calls himself The Baron, said in a report ,published by The Associated Press that the pros will "spend $100 an evening to entertain some doll and pay their caddy $120 a week." The Baron thinks caddies should get five percent of what a pro earns in a tournamen t and claims Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. pay better than the pros. · "We resent the Baron's Charges," said Gardner Dickinson, • member of the PGA tournament policy board. " [ average better than IO percent myself. The Baron had better stick to caddying !or Dean Martin." "It might be a little hard for the Baron to get a job lhl.s week ," said Dan Sikes, another board member, here for the Momanto Open, which begins Thursday. "I don't think Dow Finsterwald will be looking for him any more." The Baron caddied for Finsterwald at the Doral Open in Miami two weeks ago . He claimed Finaterwald, who failed to make the cut, gave him $80 for live days work. "You can't print what 1 have to say about this thing," was the only comment from Mason Rudolph. "I used to caddy for 25 cents a day ," said veteran Uonel Hebert, "and now caddies are getting f20 a day. When you comlder the job they do, I don't think any caddy is worth five percent." Bert· Yancey and Tom Weiskopf say it's no one's business what the pros pay their caddies. "A lot of us are playing for nothing, too." Yancey added, The Baron said caddies work a 1i a.m. to 6 p.m. day which begins two days before a tournament when they walk the course and diagram yardage and pin placements for their man . "They gave us trouble last year and it's Henson 's style of play," Wooden commented. ~ "I hope I'm riot raUonaliJing or. taking anythlng away from USC, but I think the defeat will do us good," the UCLA , eoach continued. "I don't believe· we have been real sharp and we needed something. The overtime -a 1 a i n 1 t ~lilomia and dooble _overtime qainst USC apparently didn't do the jcb. ·Maybe th is will." UCLA seekl its third slraigbt national title and probably will be favored despite the IOSJ to Southern CalifomJa. Asked if the style of play exhibited .. ' by the Trojans surpr~ed hJm, 'Woodtn answered, "The style was what we ex· ~d but we were surprised they_ ez:. ecuted as well as they did." . Coach Bob Boyd of Southern Cali,fomla said the Trojans had practiced fAe ball control game through the season 1argely to use late in games to protect leads. "The players were well conditioned to play that way and had grtat co.n- fidence in that style of a gaip_e." - Now that his Trojans have finished their season, with a third place in ~e Pacific.a conference, Boyd said, 0 As for now UCLA is my favorite: team to win the national ebarilpiomhlp." Lions ·On Hunt ! Schmidt Says He Won't Resign ' DETROIT (AP) -T~ Detroit Lions ate hunting ror a new chief · talent sCout, but coach Joe Schmidt denies a report that he iittends to resign · as a result or a front~fflce shake-up. . . ' Owner William Clay Ford confirmed Monday that the National Football League club bas fired 38-year-oki Call Brettschneider, the former All.Star , linebacker who as director of pla31!r personnel for the Lions helped bring the team three ol the league's most talented rookies. ' Schmidt pooh-poohed a statement by Brettsdmeider to Detroit News · • columnilt Pete Waldmeir that General Manager "Russ Thomas and owner Bill Ford have as much u told Joe Schmidt that he is going to be fired alter nut season. So Joe is 1oing to beat them to the punch and quit." ·• "At tbia time I have no idea or quitting the Detroit Lions," Schmidt.; told a ne.'!I conference held jointly with Ford and Thomas. He also den!ed ' ._.that he bad been planning on ·reiigning in June. Schmidt said, however, he had been discouraged because of the eight losses and two ties against only four victories by the Lions last season,. c:oupled with the 1967 record of 5-7-2. • .. . He said the discouragement at times "probably has come out by me 111.ying I'm gonna 'quit or I think J may quit or what's the use, or somethlhg of that r.ature." · Ford asserted that Schmidt has three years remaining on his five-year ·· cootract and it "neve.r entered my mind .to fire Joe Schmidt, never. · 1'That contract· sUD stands, and if Joe wanted to tali about a renewaf- at any time that would be fine with me," Fotd said. Brett.schneider was· in the last year of a three year contract al $30,000- a-year. Talent Vp for Grabs ,. OCC Must Find Coach To Fight Recruiting W 81'. Pressure comes to bear on Orange Coast College 8! the basketball recruiting battle suddenly swings into all-out war with the revelation that super stars Mike Contreras and Roy Miller woold like to play together for another season, prestimabty at OCC or Golden West College. Orange Coast Is at a distinct disad- vantage because a rtplacement hu not been named for coach Bob Wetul. And ................ WHITE WASH alter all, you ca n't expect to land talent until the kids know who will be aulding thei r destinies. . give equaJ footing on the salary ladder to new teachers. * * * Did USC coacla Bob Boyd do 10methJpg FOR basketball or TO basll:etbltl by stallin1 his way to • · 4'-44 UPlet win over UCLA Saturd1y night 'at P1ulty Ptvlllon? • By rttorthtc to sucil iacdcs tlte Tro)ll bots did (I) achDJt Ids teem llad Werter taint 11) set basketball blct It ,, .. (3) mate • lravestf ot the sport jJ) but the best team m tbe ... uon. What lie did wu wtildn tbe leg~ framework of basketball. But yos wonftr how ethical It wu. And yo. woncftr how mitcll self satl1factlon Boyd rt.ft, cot from aucll hollow victory. •' * *. * The 9,000 fans who flocked to the Forum Mond•y night for th< trtm~ world amateur ice skatinJ edllbitQJ. Were warm in thelr appreciatlOa ol ill performers -Americans, C 1 e c h I . Russians or whatever. VERO BEACH, Fla. -Houston ex· )loded for five runs In the filth inning at the expen!le of Los Angeles rookie Mite Strabler to beat the Dodgers S-Z l P •apring exhibition &ame Moridey. Monqer Walter Alltoo ol th< llodgen didn't appear too unhappy despite: the Joa. Red Sox's Lonb~rg Sha~p Miller and Contreras, starters for three years at Huntington Beach High, would be. a great haul for Golden West boss Dick Stricklin or his OCC counterpart -whoever it may be. Certainly you'd bive to AY Illa& having tbooe two would be enoq11. to mate a school · a cllamplOOlhip conleod<r. Between them they """"' ~141 points for Oiler vmiUes. But it was lhat glowing brother-1isler team from SeatUe that" broupt down wall--shakin1 applause. In f1ct, the Kalf· !mans (Cynthia and Ronald) ,. ... greeted with • boomtnc n>Uod ol .. plause when the •DDOUDCC" can 1ny lhelr identity In bis ln~IOl'll they . ...,, appeared on th< Ice. Astros Bit K•ltR COCOA, Fla. -H.B. ' ' S p e c 1 ' JUohardson. general manager of the -Allros, said MoodoY th< bueball commilsioner and the praldent ol the Natlonal League m1y be wlthboldlng irt- lmmatSon on the rtt!rtment of Donn Cltndenon. 4 Commialoner Bowle Kuhn said l1sl -k Illa& Rusty Staub 111ould report to Moatrul and Jetu.1 Alou to Houston ·foe ~ tralnin1. Warren 01\u, Ne- tiooal '-pruidtnl, uld be-was not .....,... I.be nquelll IOf voJunlJl'J retite:raeDt ice Citndtoon, Who WIS WINTER HAVEN, F1o. tAP) -Jim l..ooborf, th< Boston Red Sol' 1167 Cy Young Award wiMer, is rounding inlO form at 1 rapid pace, spelling bad news for American League hitters. Lonbor1, hobbled by a knee injury suffered in a skJing accident and then by shoulder trouble last season, made an impreaive debut Monday Jn a 7-4 exhibition victory over the Ne·w York · Mets. "I was nervous, and that's a good sign," the big righ1 -hander said alter a two-bit, shutout performance for thrt!e lnn1"'5. Loobor1, wilo .Upped to a !HO record last ytar after wlnnln1 22 gamt~ and I • adding two World Series victories in 1967, had Ill shake off chilly weathe r which held the Red Sox " home exhibiUon opener to 1,06! fans. He gave up a pair of line singles In lhe lirsl inning, but setUecf down and sailed through his brierstlnt before retiring to the outfield warning path for wind spriol.:'I. ·•1 was up high with my pitches. but I threw hard," Lonborg seid . "I'm satisfied. That was what I needed. I didn 't throw many breaking pitcht11, but my fast ball moved." Lonborg complained only about the cold. However, he had plenty of company in that department. ' .. "My fi ngers we.re cold and l had trouble gripping the ball," he said. "I wanted to io to my mouth to warm them before a pitch. "I asked the umpire (Larry Napp ) if t could. He uid it wu okay wllh him if Hodies (Mllllge.r Gil Hod.get of the MelJ!i) gave permission. "I guw Hodges said no, so I had to get along without blowing on rny fingers." Boston Manager Dick Williams, pleased with thrtt straight vktorles, was cheered by Lonnie's performanct. "He was bumming the ball in there ... Williams said. "He looked very good, particularly for this li~gc or training ... Oronp Cout !\II• • baodltap In 6oclinc ·• new coach. Wetzel is staybtc in tbe pl\yllcal educ1tlon depar\m<nL Thal means there is no openlne: for a P.E. man ...-the new COICh will have to teach inside. SllCh restrict.ion 1'0Ukl drastically reduce the fi eld of CMdidates. Too, most quaillled hi&h school coaches have been In -bing lone .,,..,.h to be high ou the olary scale. Moving to OCC would probably cool thtm 1 lalr hunk of clU\n .. bctause the Jayete does not usually Tile K.aullmllll! w.,. victlms of he.,., ,..ashing spills in their bid r.r OIYlDilc and World Cwnplonalllp ril<dili Jliil ll>ey -..,. coftaJnly on lbtlr' t•me -at th< Fonun Mondly night, daDllng .. crowd with their rouUne. With sucb grtats u Gabrltle Sei Tim Wood, DilDI Towler ind Be Ford, Jo Jo Starbuck aiid Ktn Shel at their but lt turned Into a more memorable than any Olym Garnet, World Series, Rose Bowl, around the world or anything ela d great magnitude. rr These fabtlloua skaters arc amateur In technical ~tus only. ; , ' • ' ' ' ' 1 • • . ' ' ; , ~ I I l j l ---------------~-------• C0ache& Say No, 10·9 !,Shoo~,~ Five~ouls iPut Out Player? •.. , . · By EARL GUSTllEY ' Of .. o.ttr '"" ... ff ·J. 11 it·fair ot baaketball's rules to require . that a pi131er with five personal foul< ~ dlaquallfied from a came! For· years, many basketball coaches have felt the rule was unfair and a DAILY PILOT poll ol Orange Coast aru coachea seems to bear that out. Eleven of the 19 coaches and officials who expressed opinions were in favor of not disqualifying a player wllh five per...W.. . ~ 1SuaesUcp range Jrom awarding a teal!l i bonus fne, thrpw .aJJd-<r the ball out of bounds after a player commib. hiJ fiftb foul, to benching ·a Player aUer his third foul.in each half. The most emphatic critic of the rul~ &f it stands now was Orange County's c:ommissloper of officials, J o h n McDonough. Re would ll-e to see the free throw r...,e_!iminated except in eases when a player .. " f'l"led while missing a field g11al .. aue~pt .. Coaches opposing the idea feel it would ,._,~ncourage "hatchetmen" and excessive ·J ougbness. •.. Here·~ how the coaches voted : BILL ARMSmONG ·ceomptoa) -I'd . ...,.a:ther tee them mate it sli: fouls instead ~of five. The game has progressed to the point where it moves too fast for ~live fouls. Also, I don't think the quarters '"ilre IOng enough -I'd like to see -~resmes play more. •· BILL BLOO,.f (former coach, Coron• .. _del Mar) -I'm against any kind of ""'. a rule like that An extra free throw )for the other team Isn't nearly as 't valuable to a team as its good players. ~The kid bas to be made-aware that rwhen be gets his fifth he's of no further ·i value. •} ELMER COMBS (HunUniton Bt1eb) ~-Baaketball is the only Sport: ·wh• !1~xcessive ·fouls eliminate a player. That ,:fifth foul ·can kill your whole season. ,. Any rule would be better than kicki ng 'j the kid 'out of the game. . .. f DI~ DAVIS (UCI) -I don't care ; .. tor the idea. It you do that, then .t.hereis ~ no restriction on how physical a team ican be. It'd lake too much finesse out rt()f the game. ,. • JOHN XASSER (former coad, Foa• • 1 tain Valley) -I don't like it. The ; game would be even more controlled •by free throws. Players would take ad· ·'vantage of the rules. If you had a : Wilt Chamberlain on the prep level, ·the other team would foul him at every opportunity. ' . DON LEAVEY (Westmi nster) -, I'd have a negative viewpoint on that. In ·many instances, the team that must .Jely on One player isn't the best team 4 on the court. Bul. a teamwork-oriented · team wouldn't be hurt by it as much. < :· HERB LIVSEY (Costa Mesa) -t , Jike the idea of letting a player with ;five fouls stay in lhe game but his .. (earn should be penalized somehow .. But t like to think of a good team ~ being one with more than five players. JOHN lt1cDONOUGH (Orange Co11nty commlaalooer Gf offlclalt) -I would be in .favOl' of such a rule. J>ut I'd rather see them just eliminate the free thrGw altogether. LlmiUng a player to three Couts per half would' wort better -be could play In me second half if he fouled out the lint ball. '. GARY NORTON Cl..oiu• BHcb) - t'm not for that at all. It would take the finesse out of basketbt.11 and turn it into a foo\ball gam~. . LUTE OLSON IMuhoa) -It might be, a good idea, but l'd be ·InOl'e in favor of raising the limJt to &Lr: fouls. It would take some or lhe control 'or • tbe game away from ·the officials. Rais- ing the total to s.ix would pe a good idea, then a few bad calls won't :hurt a boy as much. PAT ROBERTS (l\Usslon Viejo) - Leaving a kid in the game with five is a. good idea with the extra free throw. Maybe six fouls would work just as well, lh6ugb. l just ·don't like dis- qualifying a kid because he has five fouls. · .ROY STEVENS (Saddleback College) -I can see the pros and cons or it,"'t>ut I Uke the idea overall. lt'a an advantage for }IOU if you have just five solid players. DICK STRICKUN (Golden W e s t College) -I like it. A lot of fans <;ome to games just to see one C'Jr two good ·players and when they go out on fouls, they're getting cheated. It hurts the <'game. JERRY TARDIE (Mat.tr Dtl} -Five fouls put a definite control on the amount of roughn~ -in a pine. I don't like the idea. 'There wyuld be more hat· ch$men in the game and the official.! would have a hard time keeping the game Under .control~ BEN TAYLOR (former co a c .. , Westminster) -I'm in favor of it and I'd also like to see a boy get an extra foul in each overtime period. I played five overtimes against Newport and bid six guys foul out. TIM TIFT (UCI 1sslstant) -That might be a good idea, although I'm kind 'of a traditionalist and don 't like to see the game changed too much . It's a pretty good game the way it U lJC7W, I think. DAVE WAnlAN (Newport) -I just couldn't say whether I'd like to see -it or not. With that kind of a major change, I think it should be. experimented wjtb for a whole season before adopting · It. There 's just too man y possible ra.mificat~ns that you can 't predict. .BILL Wt'TzEL (E!lia ncial -I'm ~gainst that entirely. The fifth fou l is · .Just _ part of the game. Take it away · and you hurt the coach who tries to stress pressure defense. BOB WETZEL (Oran1e Coast College) ....:. I'd like to see the guy with five fouls stay in. It detracts from the game to ha ve good players sitting on the bench, and it's nearly always the good players who get in foul trouble. COACHES FAVOR RULE , 12-8 . ••• (Continued from Page Ill USC beats UCLA without the stall. It 'ioves team! a chance to win when they ordinarily wouldn't have that Chance. JOHN McDONOUGll (Orange County 'ifrltlal&' commissioner) -Basketball need! the 30-second clock. The way it Js now, a team can win a game by not playing. I 'd be willing to stand ~fl a box and stump for it. ;_;, GARY NORTON (former co a c k , ~na Beacll) -I don't like it. The strategy of a slow game is often mecessary. I'm partial lo the fast break «tense but I also believe there's a qdace in the game for the slow game, loo. LUTE OLSON CMoriul -I'm in ~vor of the 30-second clock but the .pit defense must be outlawed, too, ,:iecause it just takes too much Ume ·10 penetrate the zone. That'll why the pros have banned the zone. PAT ROBERTS (Atl1slon Viejo) - :, don 't want lo see it. You have lo riave tempo in basketball and I think ~ :JO.second clock would take it away. ·Tempo on ' the high school level ill very Important for kld11. problems that a 30-second clock would solve. . TIM TIFT (UCI as1i1tani -I'm not in favor of the 30 second clock. \Vithout it: a coach has more access to different avenues of st rategy, game planning and different game tempos. DAVE WAXMAN (Newport ) -I like the idea. l played al UCLA, so that has some bearing on il, naturally. But it'll be very hard to get that rule in now because of USC. More coaches are going lo realize it's the best way to beat a superior team. BILL WETZEL (t:ltancl1) -Looking at the total view, I'd probably be in favor of it but it woUld a.It depend on what k.ind of personnel I had. JC you have a running team. It's great. Over the Jong haul , it'd" be good for the game but harder on the -coach. BOB WE'rZEL (Orange Coast Colle"geJ -I would like to see it come In, although delay and stall games are vital factors for outmanned teams. The knowledgeable basketball fan can ap- preciate a disciplined oUense, but there aren't that many around . President's £up Winner ,. • Mrs .. Ral ph Coinptoll' (center) receives the gophy symbolizing her triumph in Irvine Coast Cotmtry ~Jub~s ;P,rnident's Cup play from Mrs. Gordon Peterman the presentation. (lefl). R~nnerup· Mrs. Bob ·Arnold watches Costa Mesa Victimiied Bv No-hitter . . ' lt was a black Monday afternoon for Or<inge Coast area high school baseball te ams. Costa Mesa dropped a 3-1 decisio n to visiting Fullerton and in the proce11~ was the victim of Duane Harrison's no-hit pitching. Mater Dei lost a 3-2 decision on the road to Saddleback in the opening day or the Santa Ana tournament. Two other prep games -Estancia at La Quinta and Loara at Marina -were postponed by wet fields. Harrison overpowered Costa Mesa In his no-hit effort, but fielding lapses and his oW'n wildness cost him' a shutout. The Mustangs didn't come close to getting a hit off Harrison. but the v averted a whitewashing in the third inning when Dave Barton drew a walk. He took second on an infield error and then came around to score on a pair of pa ssed balls. Fullerton did all of its se<>ring in the top half of the same Inning, bunching .a walk, a sacrifice, two doubles and a single for its three runs. M1t.r Del UI .ti> r h 1~1 Hamltlot>, If I l O O Enc1,f! 00 0 0 MCM•tllln, If J a 0 M11nl1, lb l 1 a W•rblngton •• , J o 1 M1yrr. ~ J 1 o M•Uptllt, cl J O O J.llnMr'I, 1b J 0 0 G111i.,c loo ol.Pll1hln. rl J O O Frltt, rl I I 0 ~.,. •• 0 •• T .lltlNrl, pl\ 1 I t J1d1Ht1Nc-!ll •~rh~I l a o o 3 I I 0 J o a o J 0 0 0 I l 0 0 l 0 ' 0 J o o a , 1 ' 0 J l • 0 Elill ld•, (I l .S!lv11. lb liollTlfS, 11 Kell, 111 Ke•1~. c Orwldr., rl J!,Sfl¥1S. lb O,Knighl, -. Ala~~:n, p Tot11s n J 1 To:11s 2S ) 4 • kwl lty '*'"'-' ~•lltr'IM U) • r h,.,,, Mi.an. :lb • 1 2 I P1vt. :lb • l l I M1honey. 111 J 0 0 • Cox," JOJO Htrn1ndt1. d I t 0 1 H1UQ11n, rf l G 0 I DelPO?I, c 2 0 0 0 Elllof. II 1 1 0 I H1rrlson, 11 1 o o• ~ F•rQu.llr, I! 1 0 0 0 GU"'°'t, t 1 0 0 0 ••• 100000 1 -'JS 002100•-J 'J Cltl• Mnl 111 .. ,.,., Fllldotr, 1" J I I lllrton, 11> 2 ' • Hlmley, c > I O CL.Irk, !i I I I SP1llmey!'I', n I I I Alkloma"' lb J t I l'ar~ll, rl J I t Plurnmer, cf J O I IC"lgllt, p I 0 0 Oubr<1tr~'Y· p I I 0 'feth, p 1 I I ToWtlfr, l'b 1 I O 8;ernhinJt, II 1 0 O l lstner. rf I 0 0 1'l•1 Tolils Ult l lc1r1 ty 11\ftlftlJ• ••• otlDOOl -l • J 001-0 -1. i .-' r~ . Top G~asts Massive Rebuilding Jt;>b Vie at·,ucI; . ,, . ·--·, . - Next hage Season For. Golden West Coach Banquets Set ~y JOEL SC~WARZ 'tf 1t1t Dalt't i"li.t lt11t The 1oos'.:it basketball season wU the moSt succ~ul ln Golden West COUegejs brief athlillc history, but coach Dick Stricklin ,ffl1 be faced With a massive . rebuilding .job wh~h,is,,cliJb moves_into the · new Southern "CaHfornia .Conference next year. At most, Only lour men off the Golden West-team ~hiCh pbsied a 17-IZ record will be . ~~k., '.strlcklin will have blit three vetefarls in camp next year because guW Mark Campbell, who now h.11.s freshman eligibility st.anding but is a sophomore scholastically, will transfer Lo a four-year school. Stricklill will have one outstanding re- turnee in forward Brian Ambrozich, who was the Rtlstlers' steadiest player th is season until he was declared scholastic- ally ineligible hallway through the Ea s- tern Conference season. The 6-5 former Huntington Beach High star . wOund up with ·the best scoring aver.age on the club (13.9) and was a rugged performer on the boards. Golden Wes! had a 14-5 record while Ambrozich was playing, but dropped seven of its last 10 games when he wasn't available. Also expected back in the fC'Jld will be reserves Dave Harding and Ron Johnson. Standing at 6-9 and a solid 200 pounds. Harding could play a vital role in the Rustlers' fortunes nei:t season. As a freshman he was an up and down perfonner-who ahowed occa!i.onal Dashes of solid potential His best game was at home against Citrus when he came off the bench to give the Rustlers a boost with · 22 points and a big effort on the boards. Unfortunately he was never able to come close to matching that performance the rest o! the season. ,Johnson Is an unknown quantity, •le only played In eight games th is past season and averaged !·.3 points. The remainder of the 1969--70 Golden \Vest squad will have to be recruited from 11 fine crop of graduating high school seniors. Reflecting on the last season, Stricklin gives the lmpre11slon he thought his club . cou,ld have.. gone further in the Eutern Conference. '''We were a !Olid.club in our pre-season games, but then (D<\ve) Prather came . dOwn' with the flu whcn 'the conference ~ season started and we were never" the same. "By the time Prather was back to run strength we lost Ambroz.i ch and that really hurt us .. "Sure I'm happy with_ a 17-12 record, but I think we could have done beUer if we had everyone for the entire season." A.s it was, the 1969 Rustlers were a .e:Ieasant improvement over the school'! two previous teams ·which were able to win but nine of 56 games. They were an entertaining run and gun outfit which had torrid hot streaks and agoniziag long cold spells froffi the floor. Unfortunately Slricklin's club didn't attract many fans . They posted their first-ever win over arch-rival Orange Coast , a team they had never been within 25 points of before aad roared. back from big seCond half deficits on the road to trim Chaffey and· Mt SAC. Those three victories were largely the result of a three and four-guard lineup Stricklin developed durllig the conference season. Guards Mark Miller, Ollie Martin, ~pbell and Randy Olson teamed with Ambrozich to give th\ Rustlers a small but potent . group which swarmed all over the opposition to forct repeated turnovers. Unfortunately, only Ambrozich will be back next season and the Rustlers will have to start the 1969-70 campaign virtually from scral:Ch· • a r11" Amllroilci'r .,.,. ....... ,.!l Ml1'1: 11111111' ................. ~ Dive Prf!lltr , ................. n OHie Mlrll11 .. , ...... , ••• , •••• 1' J!•ndv 01,.,.. .............. 1 • .,1' M•rk~ Call\llbell .............. 21 O.vt P1vnltr ., .............. t4 D1w J!olllnton ................ it D1~ H1rdlflto ........... ,. ... , 21 Piiul ll:ordl~ .. , , •• , , .• , , , , .••. II "°" Jollflst<I .................. . ~ll TP "' ""'· IU M t6'1 U.t ue " at"'llt 1Y " 'llo u.• 101 " '" 10.0 n " !Ill 1.0 " JS U) '·' " 2) ,., t .2 ., ., 112 '·' 61 " ,. J,J 32 ,. 'l J,6 ••H t.I Twelve o{ America's greatellt gymnasts will •be on hand ·al UCl's Crawford Hall Friday nigl)t, Ap.rll 11, for a gym· nasties riieet benefittliig the \fayne Crawford MemOnat Fund . Proceeds accrued from the event will be used io help finance--1.:JCI'1 in~ tercollegiate'. &th&eUc, program. Tickets will be available at the ~r, Among tho6e signed up for the meet is Dave Thor of Michi~ah Stlte. the 1969 NCAA ali.;iroond cli1mpior) and a member of-the U.S. Olympic Teain. Steve Hugg, a Chatsworth High School junior who ts ~ed America's No. 1 hope for an Olympic gold· medal io 1972, is .also eatered. The gymnasts will · comJ)ete in sit events -side horse, rings, long horse, parallel bars and high bar. * * Newport H1tbor High School'• annual Winter Sports Awards Banquet will be held at the school cafe'terl• this evenlnC at 7. The van.lty baskelball and wresWn& teams along with the weight dlvi1Jon1 will be honored. Newpor&'s wresding: team captured the Sunset League c:b1mpionatiJp for the se· C@Dd year in a row. ' * * * Costa Mesa Higli School will honor Its varsity Ind junior varsity wresiling teams toaigbt at the &ehool cafeteria. FestiviUes get under way at 1:30. * * * Marina High Scbool will honor Iii baseball and wn:1Uiq ~· WedaeldaY, ntpt at 7 at, tbe uaull wtnttr Sporu Desert In the .Cbool clfettrla. • * *' * Sadd leback College's first ba!ketball te:am will be honored at a ·'7 o'clock awards banquet Thur8day night at Courf 1s Restaurant in TUstln by the college's Bench Club. ..,. ROY STEVENS (SaddleUck -CoUe1el .:1 -1 like the idea very much. The m.-second clock wouldn't affect the game ~at much -most team1 shoot much Wore that. l think it has 1 kit ol 1nerit. .. ~DICK STRICKLL'l (GoldtD Wet t l)Deae~ -I'm In ravor ol anytNna ,tliat'Ji apetd UJ! the game. rm for either ·Alie s.econd c:loct or mating fouls o"1· -.I-bound• ptay1 and 1<Wnc the free Jlwoo oot of the II.Ill<. Newport Ciigers Look Tough for '70 1 1\ward11 'Will be mada to the Caucho of the year. team capta.in1 most Improved player and most inspiraUOhaJ player. Playing as an independent, Saddltback recorded an &-20 record in Its initial basketball campaign . .L!t:RRY TARDIE CM•t.r lltl) -It'd ~ pod for the game and I'm in favor e it but teams like Compton woold eally be something with It. But it would ke tOmt of the coaching out of the pme. too. i BEN TAYLOR (fonntr ct at ti, Weatalia1&erl -I like the Idea, but l · '\htnk the real IOUtce of the problem Is the zone de.Cense. Get rid of the wnc ind you'd be rid of e lot of " By ROGER CARLSON °' .. ~ .......... The ,ener1l conatnlUI ll'OUnd the SUnset t..eague is that Newport Harbor • lfigh Scl>Qoi will ~ &l1lOlll the lop three candidates for tilt loot> balketbatl crown in 1970. Uppermost in e\teryooe.'1 mind 1s the fact Lee Haven, 1 ~. forward-center, will be back to lead the Saiio,.. Haven wu--named on the first team All-Sunset Lelgue Ind An-Orange Cout area team! and s~red a birth on the second-team All-Orange Cnunty tt":am 11:s a junior. • ,_., Utile doubt if Newport Harbor had' 1bown better than ila: tJ.IJ 'matk for the year tbai Haven would have fared better on lbe AU-County team. To go along wltb H1vtn, coadl Dave Wannan bu anot.btt returning ltader In Jell Maliooff, a ~ gum!. and two othet varsity lettermen. Dave F.ccles, a W (orwanl who'll -poaibly see ICUOll •~ cecter, wlll be back along with Nei. TahU. 1 $.I giiald, An outstanding candidate fOr the 111tartfng five ne.xt year iS sophomore nil) Beckel, wM led tht junior V1r1Uy. He's a M center with musc1ea: to go With it. Deon1 Bean, the top scorer oo the ~junior varaUy will be a candldatc ror a forward position and junior varsity the llst 1oc1 on. Olhtni are Steve Kent. who averaged tn double Ogutt.a. Ken\,Ja ·a &-0 farward. Mite Hill and Tara• YOl!.fli show a )ot ol proml!C according to Waxman. Pthel1 ire Steve Saxon1 1 ~ forward and Bill Shedd , who see• dou6l• duty •II I quarterbaCt dUrlog the tall. B~e prospects will most lfkc ly 5(-C junior varsity action next year as Wai:· man dislikes seeing underclassmen on the vanity beoch gathering dust. John Ka1ltler ls given a chance at making the varsity by Waxman. or the season ahead. wax:man thinks his club will be stronger. . ' But he says there 111 a lot of work ahead before the seaJOn staria that will determine juat how well his To.rs can fare against Huntington .Beach, Marina and t.be rest of the rugged Sunset League. "It depend.! on how • few key players come along. Ha vtft -c11n't do It tlll by himllelf,'' says Waxman. AAA SEMIFINALS SLATED TON IGHT CIF. playoff basketball action conUn~ea tonight In AAA hostilities with 11 pair of semifinal contests, Santa Marla HJgh SchoOI and wrprblntt Rowland, conqueror. of once-undc.futed Carden Grove, meet st Rio ·~., College and Bishop Arna.t, winner over !!ectlnd-setded CJaremoot, and Bevtr\y l-1.illll collide at Cat Poly ·P()mon•. Both g1mes are tel for a. , I " I I !· ( l • ... -~... ~ '"''""'' ·~·-·-~ -~~~·~-~--~, ... -.. ·..,.........-------·---------:~------=------------....,.---------------.,,,-,,.=,.,,,=-,. ... ....... ......... ... .. ~..... .... ... • ..... ,................ •• " " ,, ... • .. ' •• ,, • j• ..... • ••• T11t1dq, Mlrdl II, 1169 -•• . - Bahan1a ·waters -Test-Snipes~ Goldplat~rs- -' • • GOLDPLATERS AT MIAMI A portion of lhe ·· an8y of ·$6 million in sailing yachts is strown rafted at ·1he DU Pont Plua Marina before lhe start of the Miami to Nass.au race. SNIPERS IN ACTION -Tom Nule o! Mission Bay Yacht Club (No. 17518) leads clubmate Earl Elms (1755) around mark in Snipe Re- ga~ at Nassau, Bahamas. SEEKS NEW HONORS -John Kilroy's KiaJoa JI prepares to douse ~s after finish of Miami·Nassau race. After a brief respite she Will enter the l\1iami to Jamaica race ?\1arch 17 and then return to the East Coast to prep for TransaUantic race to Ireland. [1..Tri-Island Race Bid s Out Race announcements end lnvlt.aUon.~ have gone out for the annual Tri-Island race, the lhJrd feat~ In Los Angeles Yacht Club'& Whitney Series. Tbe Lillie Whitney ra ce on the same v..·eekend is the Eagle Rock (Catalina Islar.cl) rac:e wh1ch starU on Saturday al 11 a.m. This race i1 limited to ti.fidget Ocean Racing Fleet yachts measuring 30 feet and under in overall length. The dl.stanct ls 48 mHes. New Offshore Power Boat ' Race Tagged An offshore poWer boat race linking two leading Southland and B a j a California recreation centers has been formally named "the Long Beach- Ensenada, lntemational." The tag was hung on the rice al a civic luncheon held last week in Ensenada. First race jn what is ei:pected to become one of the sport's most important annual events is March 22. It will be the fir st race of 1969 in wh.ich drivers will earn American Power Boat Associa· lion national offshore points . • The announcement was mac:\e by Sandy Kemp, president of the sponsoring Paciric Offshore Power Boat Racing Association, who also represents the City of Long Beach as director df jts annual California lnlernational Se.a Festival. Also representing POPBRA at the Bahia Hotel luncheon in En.senada wu industrialist Bob .Nordskog, whose high- powered Holocaust will be one or th• favored boats among a field of as many as two-dozen entrants. Ensenada officials takina: part In tbe luncheon were Emilio Mendez, director of the Mexican Tourist B u r e a u ' , Ensenada office, NicG Saad, president of the Ensenada Tourist Committee and Bill Soisson. commodore of the Ensenada Yacht Club. Start of the 80-mile race will be off Belmont Shore Pier in Long Beach at 9 a.m. Leading finishers are expected In Ensenada about three hours later. For the big, powerful boats of the official APBA offshore class and for the big boats of the cruiser class, the race will be a straight run to Baja California. For the smaller boats - the development cla ss limited by fuel c~pacity -there will be a mandatory pit stop at San Diego's Mission Bay. .The ra ce will be one of three on the West Coast for national points, and a number of leading Eastern racers are expected to come west for the evenL \ ,_....: STERN CHASE -Displaying her powerful wind· ward ability, Robert Johnson's Windward Pas·sage (7099) slips away from John Kilroy's Kialoa II at SNIPE SAILORS ASTRAY -San Diego Snipe Sailors proved they were equally at home in Ba- ham.an waters as they are in the Pacific as they won top honors in the Bacardi Cup Series at Nas- sau recently. Mustachioed Tom Nute (center) and the start oC the 30-mile Governor's Cup race in Nassau. Windward Passage beat Kialoa II by 17 minutes and set a new record for the course. his crewman Jon Wegand (rear) won the five heats of the Dudley Gamblin Memorial Trophy Series. Earl Elms (right) and Dan Goodwin (left) won lhe three-race Bacardi Series and placed ·second Nute in the Gamblin Series. Columbia Reveals New Yacht Design. Columbia Yacht Corp. has released details of a new production fiberglass yacht to be called tht Columbia-43, from the design board of navaJ architect Bill Tripp. The first hull is shceduled for launching in September. Tripp is the designer of the Columbia· 50 whi ch has been meeting with success in ocean racing campaigns in Southern California and other parts of the country. Classified as a light disp\actment (111,900 pounds ). lhe Columbia-43 will feature a high sail area lo wetted surfa ce ratio, aCC<lrding to the designer. Reaching 53 feet above the deck, the lofty rig wilt be only two feet shorter than the Columbia-Oil. Her extruded aluminum mast is placed well aft witb a "J" measuremenl of 17 feet 8 inches, permitting the use of large heads'ls. The ''J"' measurement comprises the fore-triangle between the mast and the hesdstay. The new yacht will have a revent transom similar to the recenUy in- troduced Columbia·S7 and will have a waterline length or 32 feet. Weather, Design Co1nbine to Set Sailing Records ... Blustery weather and boat detlJll5 have combined to e11t.abli1h new sailbolll Ji peed records on both coasts this year. While Robert F. John10n's powerful new '13-foot ketch Windward Pasaaet was smashing records in the Southern Ocean Racing Conference. off Floridl last week, a new ~ellf*d ·time recoi'd was set in I.As Angeles Yach& Club\ 68-mlle Midwinter Catalina Islapd rai;e the first feature of the Whitney series. A steady 20-Knot breeze sent lhf: ~ boat of the Catalina race around Ul9 course in sligbUy more than eight ~ besting the record set by Corntlim Bruymtel's 73-foot ketch Slonnvocel • 1967. . \ The lsi.mile blue-water clasaic wlll 11art Friday. Man:h 21 at S p.m. from . LA YC. l Ftrtt mark oC the course Is Santa Barbara Island . The Oeet wHI thcttraail down U\C 1t:1w1rd aide of both Catalina and San Clemente islandii bclon! turnln1 for the finish bllcll: lit LAYC. The entire Whitney Series this year is licllcduled during the months of March 11nd April. It concludet with the Sa n Clf'mente Island race April 27 which i.t1 al90 the fir11t race o( Newport Harbor Y.1cht Club's Ahm1nson Strle.~. LEANING TO WIND -Escudero, Columbia -50 'loop ow ned by George Sturgis o! NHYC blasls through smoky seas on way to winning handicap honors in the first race o( the \Vh itncy Series. Overall winner in lbe Catalina r~ was the Columbia-SO Escudero\.?~ by George Sturgis of NewJ!ort Hli'bct Yacht club, and sailed by Bill Ltwbol\1 or Balboa Yacht Club. Sturgis Was th\ overall Whitney and Ahm1n110n Sen• winner last yea r In another Columbia-$f", Rclrasc. l I 1 --·------· -~.......-.--· -... T"sda1, Mw U, 1969 DAILY PILOT J9 !J Clubs Merge , By ALMON LOCKABEY DallrP ......... Mltw Two merged -thon uiett 1fh ·nine. • 1 '111at a about the lltoatllln ort' ihf,r-yaebt club aceoe . as anotber eeason of ~~Uon and. IOclal actlviUes • A year aao 'When we wrote a 11Jmmary ,of the lOcaI ·yacht . clubl aild theit actlv!Ues, · tbi(e were 10 active clubi r-.,me with owned or leased clut.bouse quarter! and others of-the so-ealled "letterhead" variety or "paper clubs." "Tbe merger of Bab J a l:oripthlan Yacht· Club and Orange Coast Yachl Club in lhe waning nionths , of 1968 reduced the total to .nine but aave prospecl.s of a sort of super yacht club with faclllties that would match the sparkle and luxury of any on the West Coast The merger came about through the Irvine Co. 's new policy of expanding and con- trolling all of its waterfront facilities. When the Richardson Yacht Co. lwe expand~ on . the choice BaY!ide Drive locallon in ~ de! J,\ar, it was promptly snapped up by pilme mqven in Bahia Corinthian Ya:eht Club, such as Thomas Patrick Dougan. · QUICK ACCEPTANCE What !IYC wound up with was a lease on the watertront where 61 sliP5 will be buJlt, but Irvine retained the street- front and land portion for bousinf devtlopment with an ~ement granted BYC to the Waterfronl ' What this ill amounts to la a drastic chaflie In the JIYC waterfront portion .of its pr.sent boldtngs with the ad- ded mintage "" having slips available for yachts that are now swung an moorings tn front of the clubhouse. It also means that ere another year passes, two ma~ jor yacht clubs will lie side-by. side on SQme o1 the choicest land in the Harbor Area. Choice, from a yacht club point of view, because it has quick and easy access to the ocean ~ without the long 5- mile-an hour drag from the upper reaches of the bay. STORM CLOUDS SIGNAL·ROUGH WEATH•R FOR OCEAN-GOING HOUSEBOAT '. -New 46-footer BFM1t1 35-foot W•ve• on 1,900-mlle P•clf~ Cruise Otherwise', things have re· .mained about the same on the yacht club front: OW-IN AREA Houseboat Changes Image Newport Harbor Yacht Club, the oldest 1n 'the area, dating back to 1911, still occupies Jts aging quarters on Bayside Vessel Makes Los Angeles to Acapulco Trip .Drive on the B a I b o a Anyone who sup thinks o( c;ountered on the first leg of Peninsula. F r e q u e n t im-a houseboat as a wired--'the trip, when UJe boat ran provements keep it looking together shanty bobbing in the into a driving r8instorm just "mod," backwater along the shores south o( Los Angeles and the Shark Island Yacht Club, of an inlar.d river should be big seas, rain and wind con- the harbor's only club devoted brought up to date by this tinued intermittently all the exclusively to 'the pow er boat story of the longest open-ocean way to Puerto Vallarta. rubbe r tanks on dec)t .. and .24 five-gallon Cans carried on "the stern. ' After Vallarta, on the Mex· ican mainland, the houseboa t pul in at the town of Manzanillo, about 150 miles south. Zihuatanejo, further down the coast, was the next stop, and finally, Acapulco. Boating Capital " . -· '_,_J..,.. --- 'Moves Inland The boating capital ol the Southland has llll>Ved ioflnd this week. That's where the Western National Boat &: Mar- ine Show ls. From now through SUnday, It's at the AnabeJm Conven· tion c.tntet) at the J8nd.tocted Intersection of .aarbor lloul .. vard and Katella Avenue, at least a mile ff91D. the nearest navigable waterways -the rivers of DisDeyland. But water ls the only thiDI the show is missing.-It has boats of every size and des· cription -from trailerahle outboard skiffts to big ocean- going sailing or power cruis· ers. And the show ian't.. realll missing water, either. 1bere s a huge tank in which in!true- tors give ·salllng lesaons with an 11-oot 4'ragtop" as Part of the claaroom. One of the d11mtnant lea· lures cJf the, show -open weekdays a& 4 p.m. and week: ends at noon·-ls.the. Whlttak er Corp. display. lt includes three big sailboats and two large power cruisers. Also featured In the Whittak- er exhibit in the center of the arena is the new Brucker Life Capsule, a completely enclos- ed spherical "lifeboat'' which is virtually indestructible. It \\1ill hold 28 persons and the necessary survival eauipment. !ood, medical supplies and power to ketp lhtm alive for a lllltatned period. Among o t b e r show high- lights: -nie new 14-foot Mustang Super Sea Sled, a slflek ski boat which has reportedly top- ped 50 mph with a· standard 50 horsepower outboard motor and "little brother'' of the Mustang l&-footer which hold!! a world speed record of 68 mph set by driver Tu:r Mc- Auley with a standard 126 hp engifle. -Daily fashion shows !ea· luring Orange Coast . College coeds as models. Clothing furnished by the Wet .,5eal. . -Twice· daily sessions or water ski clinic (7:~ and 9 p.m. weekdays: same time weekends with added 2 and 4:30 p.m. matinees) featuring discussion o1 leclmlques; lnrm. safety and boat rlalng. 1st Victor Magic:, the ftrst American yacht to defend the America's Cup against a Brit is h challerlier in 1870, was design· ed by R. F. Loper and built in the T. Byerly & Son shipyard in Philadelphia. Magic, a schooner. defeatt!d ·Cambria, the challenger, over a 35-mile course by 39 minutes and 17 seconds. BCYC, whose headquarters had been at the plush Balboa Bay Club, invited two let- terhead clubs to share the windfall. One, the Orange Coaat Yacht Club, was quick to accept the oHer since its prospective facilities at the Arches Marina was running into-logjams. set, acquired c I u b h o u s e houseboat trip on recQrd. "We had plenty of power facilities more than a year The boat weathered rain, with the twin 230 hp engines ago on a waterfront site and storms at sea, SO-knot winds and she's a strong craft, so occupied by the Hirth Harbor and 35-foot -waves to complete broaching was never a pro-- yacht marina. The club has the 1,900-mile cruise from Los blem," said Ga1e, "but we an acUve predicted log racing Angeles to Acapulco. And she were glad to make a port fleet -an activity of still made the run in 17 days. at En.senada after laving San into the opeb ocean, with a 40IJ..mlle nin across the mouth of the Gulf of Californla to Puerto Vallarta. Lights that were listed for ·the Tres Mari as Islands, f;bout 100 m i l e s northwest of Puerto Vallarta. were not working,· and there were several grounded ships along the course to further complicate Dijlilers. With no navigation aids to rely on, the men depended entirely on their compass. Catallna Lure 'M'le other, Voyagers Yacht Clu.,·-= the oldest.letterhead yacht club in the Harbor Area -lfas split down the middle on· the proposal. A majority of the mem- bersbip . decided It would rather · retain its identity u , the oldest paper cl ub in Socithem CaWornia than to be '-lost in the shuffle of reorganization just for the sake of being a "property- owning club.'' The new club would doubtlessly cost more money in dues and assessments in order to finance a proposed pawerboaters that places the John Gale, a west Coast Diego." importance on how accurately y a c h t s m a n , deep sea As they proceeded down the you get from hen-t~there in-fisherman and aircraft pilot, coast of Baja California, Gale . stead of hOw fast. The Shark Islanders also was skipper of the new Chris-and his crew a! three stopped Craft houseboat which he at Bahia de To rt u g a s , have 8 dedicated group of delivered ·to Herbert J. Siegel, Magdalene Bay and Caho San fishermen who yank their board chairman and president Lucas, at the very tip of the share of Junkers from the of Chris.C raft Industries and peninsula. deeps, not to menUon those owner of the twin-engined The houseboat is a specially who like nothing better than craft. ouUltted si.stership to ooe that boarding their yachts for a The rough weather was en-was intro¢µced to µie public weekend or a week of cruising. -----------at the National Boat Show Lido Isle Yacht Club, once in New York in Janilary. A the exclusive hfmg-out of Lido "home afloat,'' it is fully Isle resident yachtsmen, still Joseph A. Beek, known 2:5 ·equ;oped With full g•"-. and · its •;vtU f "Mr. Yachting" in Nenm11rt ,.. ~3 c~ on ~"'. es rom · .. ,... can sleep up to 10 people. Lido Isle Community club-Harbor. After leaving Caf.10. San ~.:~?.:' BIYC is active on1y iR. µle Lucas, the voyagers veqturtd ACTIVB. cilOT' summer with a varied aquatic "It's a good thing we had additional controls topside," said Gale. "In the Weather, visibility. was poor and the added Jferght hjolped a lot" Fuel is the big problem when cruising Me :ii can waters, according to Gale , With the absence of shoreslde marina facilities, they found that the only way to load was to bring it out to the houseboat in 50 gallon drums in a sma11 boat and hand- pump the fuel into the tanks. In addition to the 240 gallons in the regular tanks, the houseboat had 200 gallons in Family Cruising P~p~~t With an ample scattering of marinas now dotting the South- ern California coastline, and with the ever-inviting coves of Catalina Island and h e r sister Channel Islands to the 'Vest, family cruising aboard has taken on added dimen· sions. T h e question confrooting many families upirihg to t})e 1 highly popular sport of l:fet~ water cruising is: sells for several thousands oC dollars less than many com- parable models. Produced by Columbia Yacht Corp •• the Columbia 36 Is one of· 10 models built' by the Cosia Mesa yacht build· er. Others range in length. from 21 feet to 15 feet, and of· fer all types of cruiatng, as well as racing, for the asplr- lng saUmg 1amJ1y. . deluxe restaurant and bar ia a new clubhouse -not to mention a proposed swimming pool and other amenities designed to make the new club the equal of such plwh organizations as Long Beach Yacht Club, California Yacht Club and Marina de! , Rey Ya cht Club. South :shore Salling Club is program ranging ·from swim- one of the most active of ming to paddle-boarding and the letterhead clubs in the small boat saiijng. Some o! community, although it does the areas top adult skippers have rented water fr 0 n t are products of BIYC and ~uarters on Coast Highway. other yacht club junior pro- The club boasts some of the grams. hottest sailors in the small These are the yacht clubs: boat circles -particularly · acti ve in Newport Harbor. dinghies and the midget Ocean There is another with close Racing Fleet group. It also associations here but whose has its share of large boat headquarters are at Huo- owneis in the 40-foot and up tington Harbour. lfilYC has Boat Moving Includes Interstate Licensing How does one select the optimum boat for safe and pleasurable cruising? With several hundred mod- els to choose from. and with dozens of manulacturers vying for the neophytes' first pur· chase, this can indeed be a perplexing problem. The change in the Irvine Co. 1and policy also prompted expansion hopes in another old line yachting group-Balboa Yacht Club-which has for many years occupied facilities adjoiningtheR 1 ch a rd son Yacht Landing and bard by the Orange county Harbor District headquarters o n Bayside Drive. EXPANSION, AT LAST The growing Balboa Yacht Club had long cast covetous eyes on the parcel of land that Beparated it f r o m Richardson's but the latter firm had It tied up with an option. W J th Richardson's moving out, BYC had visions of acquiring the property and adding •llP5 for its growing fleet of large yachts while using ,the land portion for ad- ditional parking and dry storage for small boats. cl~~~ilic Yacht and Balloon ::s a:n~v:t~:~t !!~~~i~tr. Club, organized by yachting plus an active group of fans with a passing interest predicted Io g contestants in hot-air ballooning carries among the powerboaters. on most of its business at Yacht clubs are the life the Stuft Shirt Restaurant, in-blood of the sport of sailboat eluding the planning for its racing, generally t e r m e d one annual rega tta, t h e yachting -whether the action · popular Sail of the Sabots for is in small dinghies or 73·!oot young sailors. The Sabot event gold -platers. draws upwards of 100 of the As a general rule, one can't unique little "wooden shoe" participate in the sport unles!I prams so popular with the be . holds membership in a young sailing set. yacht club. Most yacht clubs Balboa Island Yacht Club in turn are t\lfiliated with the ls the area's only exclusively Southern CaTifornia Yachting junior yacht club wi th Association or the Yacht Rac- membership limited to young ing Union -or both -which residents of Balboa Island in turn draw their author ity whether ori a seasonal or from the North American permanent basis. This club Yacht Racing Union. was the brainchild of the late The tab for joining a yacht club varies from a modest $10 a month for a small let- terhead club to as much as II you want to move a boat, you call a boat mover. "But If you want to move a boat from one state to anoth- er, you have to caJI a boat mover who is licensed for in- terstate operation!!. That narrom the choice down to two, according to of. ficials of Boat Transit, Inc .. headquartered in Newport Beach. Their company is one of them -and has been for 37 years. Jn 1932 Mrs. Helen Slocum of Detroit. Michigan obtain· ed an initial grant of operating authority from the lntentate Commerce Commission, which was subsequently revised let include the movement of boats, boat parts. supplies anti equipment throughout the 41 states. contributing to the war effort. In 1967, Boat Transit Com· pany was incorporated and sold. The present manage- ment (C. T. Jewell, chainnan of the board; Byron M, Tar- nutzer. presidtnt; William Von Essen, ex .. tive vice president) assumed control of Boat Trsnslt, Inc. in Novem- ber ol 1967. Since this time the company has grown from approximately 10 trucks to well over 60 trucks and has an additional 50 on order. Boat Transit. Inc. of New· port Beach bas additional terminals in Corinecticut. Florida, Michigan, New Jer· sey, Texas and one soon to be opened in Delaware. The firm now handles a lar~ portion of the boats moved for such major boat manufacturers in the Orange County area as Columbia. Ericson, Jensen. l~uhrs, MacGre~or, NP-WOOrt Boats. W. D. Schock, Willard al'rl others. II hand1es the transportation nf boats and marine supnlies for manuf11,cturers in nlhf'r parts of the countrv 111hi,..i, The advent of fiberglass as the favored material for boat ·~ building bas revolutionized the industry. Thanks to the ver· satility and economies of this relatively new material, It is possible today to buy a small "cabin" sallboat with galley, he ad, and sleeping accmnm~ dations for four for about the same price as the {amily sed- an. A ~ood rule to follow ln the selection of your family cruis- ing sailboat is lo stick with a well known manufacturer and a clJ:1ss with proven popu-ladty. Service. ii requ~ed, STAINLESS STEEL WHEEL OPTIONAL and resale tum out to be much Columble Puts Yachtsmen in 'Driver'~ S.•t' simpler. Off.beat brands com·!;:;=====;;===========;:;;===:; mand lower prices: and are llarder to sell when the fam. ily decides to step up to a lar~er model. LAICOUT MIRCRUISll SllYICI IN ·TNi ' HAUQI ARl4 - IOllS $2,000 transfer fees plus dues ranging to '15 a month and more for the old estaLlished pniperty-ownlng clubs. Mrs. Slocum onerated her authority under the name of Boat Tran~it Companv. Up until the time Mrs. Slocum sold the companv ,she moved hoals for virtually eve,.ry m:l· .ior marine manufacturer in tlie countrv. With the :ldvent o( World War II &at Trans- it moved innumerable boats Include Bertram. Chri<:: Craft. for the government and sub-Hatteras. Lyman, Morgan, sequently received awards for . Pacemaker and others. Ty-pical of larger cruising auxiliaries which have "cau~ht on" In a big way is the-Columbia 36. Since Its fn· troduction less than one year ago. approximately 30!l of these roomy, well equ1oped yacht s built in Cos ta Mesa, have been sold. Capable of sailin" anywhere In the world, the COiumbia 36 COMl'UTI REPAIRS ON ALL M'AICIS AND MODILS 'OF OUTIOAIDS II STl!INDllYIS. ,, DIALll '°' lt\UOT DOISITT mNRUDl SU.fUTI SLICIClA'1 STARPIU MES'A BOAT C·ENTER ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST BOAT SHOWPLACE Complete line of new 1ncf u1ed 80tts • Motors e Triiilen M1rine Hardware & Elec:fronic.1 A Proftt1ion1I Shop wlth , mec.henic.s to serv ice 111 m1~ts of in boerd & outboerd motor1. OPEN 7 DAYS 1519 NEWPORT, co'STA MESA 646-6269 646.0539 Ahoy t THERE! DON'T BE A LANDLUBBER Ill US PUT YOU .01 THE i.ATH! WECARRY- ·EVENRUDE BOATS &MOTORS ARENA CRAFT STAR CRAFT CALIFORNIA ~HOME OF THE STEURY FUN Fl.EET :J.inancin'I Our S,eciaft'I •LOW RATES e UP TO FIVE YEARS TO PAY • NEW AND USED BOATS 1 Atk fot _ •.SANDY G~EENBERG MMlbtl' fl,D.l.C. FIRST STATE BANI ' 11277 $, >,TLANTIC AVI .. LYNWOOD, CALIF. &l•·l1•0 MESA MARINE SERVICE_ 220 Victoria Street (tt Newpq_rt llvcf.lt Co1t1 Mts• 64%-HOO • . I ' \ ------~-----------------~~ I ' /. l·l ~ I I I •• __ ·~ 2tp DAil Y PILOT T.....,, Ml(dl 11, 1969 ·'Fiberglass Circles Globe .:. 1be Int llbtrglau ullboat the-world trip. He vls!ted over _ lo •lrcw!!navl&ate the globe toll anchoragto, traveled 31,DOO eompleted Its vOyage ln lMl miles and wu under sail tor. ""rh1a was a »loot Se1wind a full yei.r of the Ume.. Except _ptcb. Apocee, aal.led by Alan lot a short period oU Africa, .-,, ol Scarsdale, N.Y. -:"'It required three years for Eddy sailed Apogee , single Eddy to coniplete his around-handed. WI HAYl.IT -'.MARINE ' ... ' >. PLYWOOD \o AL50,: HARDWOOD & SOFTWOOD LUMIEI 11 • DOOll~WIHDOW5-PLASTICS ' t MOULDINGs-HARWAIE-PAINTS BAKER PLYWOOD CO. 771 IAICD ST• COSTA MESA 2 BloC~s West of Bristol 549-3073 I 1 e FAIRLINER ! e CENTURY . j ' ' e PEMBROKE ARCHES MARINA 3333 WEST COAST HIGHWAY· NEWP,ORT BfACH (714) 642-7711 NATIONWIDE · BOAT HAULING ANY PLACE to ANY PLACE! • MAJOR ICC CARRIER . BONDED AND INSURED • LocQI Boat HQuling EXPERIENCED DRIVERS-'. , " -4 DAILY'PILOT It_,, P""9 ARMS OF NEW DANA POINT HARBOR JETTY SEEM TO REACH SEAWARD BECKONING BOATS Now 'Dry·lond Dredgi09' Technique Uaood To RHdy Port lo< 2,100 PloHuro Craft Dana Har-.or Done by 1971? By JACK C!W'PELL ot Hll Dllify Ptllt Sl11f Now a very large mud hole surrounded by deep sea and majestic cl.if{s, Dana Point Harbor very soon Will become the snug borne ol 2,100 berthed pleasure .craft. It will have berths, launching.ramps, and. repair yarda -is doe for complehon in mid-1970. Some launching ramps and .boat Oil Field Hands Need Boat Skills slips could be• ready as soon as this July, however •. 1be harbor should be COtn· pietely finished in I 97 I , Orange County H a r b o r District officials said. Cost of the· project is expected to be about. '22.5 million. In construction of t h e .harbor, a tmique "d6water· ing" method is ~g ~ While the sea is heid back by a series of temporary cof- fer dilms, water Within them is pumped out. · The first area, a 30-acre lake, was recently emptied and exca vatioa . will ·soon begin. County supervisors believe lhe complete facility will pay for itaelf. Annual g r o s s reyenue is estimated a t $865,000 and operating ex· penses are put at about $160,000. Berthing 2,100 boats, lhe finished Dana Harbor will hold about one-fourth the number now based in Newport Harbor. · ~ng Distance Racing Brings Food to Fore When the area ls completefy dry, land excavation equip. Deep water racing sharpens of provisions. The 150 entries ment will be used to carve appetites and when sailors set ranged from 32 to 73 feet the harbor bottom instead of out on a long distance thresh in length and crew members using the traditional but their craft carry a formidable totalled around 1,395 hands. slower and more costly dredg-1 ing method. supp y of edibles stowed Most race cooks stocked --d . aboar<t. Overnight or other fre sh meat s fru its Oil field hands out Robert 'ur; e-watenng operation contests of short duration do . • ' COWMllA:22.24i-2a. 36~·•111150 ' AVAILABLE FOR DEliifONSTRA TION AT OUR OFFICE EDDIE ~RNOLD S~OOATS , 642~786 ·· 200l WEST · COAST <HIGHWAY, N,.1. . . The Luxurious COLUMBIA as · Economic'al at $18,950. • • l : When YoU tlkt·posltlllon of a Columbia 36t ft'• • proud day two ways. You'W acquired a ~ that's tuxurlously stimulating. • • • 1 • • :rlla co.iurribli 36 hll scoted ·m" Im,..,... wt"' lft, her first fftl m~ of· oceen racing: • 1st to flnilh & 1st in Class A ·K.w Orteans to Gulfport. • 1st In Cius C San Clemente Island Race. • lst In fleet & Jst In class. Ti"wU·to Bay City, Michlpn. ~ • Ist Class A. Cat Harbor Race. among many olt}ar wins. . If yau value winning~ Cotum.bla 36 ls l!"IY one at the most exceptional values 1n yachting. Espec:all)' wt:en Yoll consider that the modest $18,950 price includes many ••extras" that are usually added. onto the base price pf other boats. Such as: • O Stainless steel bow and stem pulpits. 0 Sb11nless steel lifeline stanchions and lifelines. D l7 feet of l 1A·Jnclt stainless steel genoa tniCk with 2 adjustable cars, 2 blocks and 2 #3 top-action winches. O One #2 top-~on Jib halyard winch mounted on mast. 0 Complete navigator'• comp•trtment with chlrt table, cushioned seat. shelf, ftol'> age bins and overfle~· liaht. 0 ComplN galley lbc.lui:lj,nl simbliled 3·burner stave and own. 0 Many other bis ~t futures worth investigating before j'Otl bu)' your next hit. More than 150 luxurious. high-performance Columbia 36's h'aw been sold 'to date. Shouldn't you be amoric the next few proud owners? For complete Information, lndufoi Jng our a.pap color brochura. ·send COUP.OD W·ColU~ Yacht Corpor.iton. . . ::-... ' Lee way in the state of Texas will be done in three sections. not present serious food sup-' vegetables, dairy products and must now add another skill a marina-hotel, launching, ply problems but where the other perishables for six or to their repertoire. That is sport fishing, and small boat event stretches out over the seven days and stowed canned ___ ..i,.__ . safe boat handling. repair facilities. open oceans for an in-or dried er,nergency rations I -:Wt:11: " ~ C2ltt. C2Ztt. C211t; antt. J: Part of ·the I. A. Bird oi1 The first phase of the harbor determinable number of days, to com~ly with the three-week II II .a.a;-tt. O~tt. C•La11a.1 Proi·eet -construction of the th lo regulation field near the village of Robert en the gislics become a · 1 • I 11 Lee is being inundated by a major race factor. In addition there were such I cei.-..Y:c....-. c-. ftlM I dam across the Colorado Hi h • ....:1. '.l'he lllbject of provisioning auxiliary items as ice, cooking I ~~1.~l.11~f:f:.O.~ Sh'Mt I River (Texas) which will g est I...KUtt.e a large ocean racing fleet was fuel and bottled water. I '•ml111ttatad1111 cover IOme 17 producing wells The highest lake in the brought into sharp focus at 2,800 loaves ol bread 0 !rc:T~!:';l'ld color brDtJmrt Cllf'--------, with water up to a depth United Slates is Lake Waiau Newport, R. I. last June when 700 quarts of milk I o rre1dt111C1111lllffonl111Coluni1113I .Stitl'------- of 50 feet. near the summit i of Mauna 150 . saHi.ng yachts we; e 465 dozen eggs I :!~t1~;1t1r1111G01 011 otl!lr cotllmbl1 21'pCode-T•l•pbon• I The oil wells to be covered Kea in Hawaii. The elevation awaiting the starting gun for 1,400 heads or lettuce L----------------------1 have been elevated by man-ls 13,Q20 fee.t. , -the, biennial 635-mUe run tCJ 300 gallons bottled water WOtld'•IMffflM111X1M~1111itr•ilhl*flll1"Co1i.1rttw,c.111.nl'otbmoUUl,V .. made mounds which will Lake Tahoe at 6,229 feet Bermuda. A hurricane thre:it 2·500 gallons cooking fuel The ·coLllMBIA 36 will be on disPlliy ) ' MODERN E9UIPMENT become islands when the im· bthehlgb~stalongtbeP.acific postponed the race start ior lS,OOOpoundsice at 1'Anaheim Boat Show1 ' Mirch 1·16 pounded waters rise. These Coast. . · 24 hours and the seas and No estimate c~uld be reach-I~--, .. -.:::.... • ._...::.:.: .. ::,_=.:::...=::...;:::::::.....::.:::.::!!..:;:=... __ ~ "heads" will continue to pro-Rated tops in the east ls winds ahead were ol an ed on the pounds of smoked 2001 wnt c.o.11 HliJh••'I' D9M~ ~= ~!!'"'" BRANCH OFFICES duce oil and the pumpers who Lake-of-the-Clouds on 6,881-unknown factor. and fresh meat; potatoes, "'~~::'.;,~~~nwa ~~i35::1;r' check their operation dally foot Mt. Washington in New Race rules require that each cheese and fresh vegetables 2ll2' Uttte ........ St.CJoloo--Jll·SJ7.J611 will be forced to give up their Hampshire. The tarn is just craft entered must carry other than lettuce . that went ~~ .. f F~ .:.-: <;:'':"m!:'=." trucks and late to boat! for below the mountaiii.''s peak. aboard a three-week supply on board, along with bottled ""·~~ ;::iJ:~ 902'1 R~~,~~~·1 r2" their in,,pection tours. Vehicles:<;========'============~ beverages. required for well servicing [iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m .. ....., .... ATCONn-......., 6ot-767.001Z must be barged to the islands People. who know • , • Buy and landed on specially con- structed rampe. 111 w. 16tll STlllT NIWPOIT IEACH, CALIF. 714 '42.0ZOI 1975 hllrnM ... _ ... _ 11M74-l4tl The Robert. Lee dam even- tually will create a reservoir 11 miles long with a width of four miles. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •• '• • • • • • ;. •• • • •• WESTERN NATIONAL • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (DlllllHIES TO LUXURY YACHTS) • :.~--------::-:~--r-.;.. _ __;....;.;..;:,:.;,;,;;;..:..:.;:::.;,;,;:::.__. ••• • -. ? • .• =>- : (CAllOES TO OCf.All CllUIS8IS) ~··················~ : NOW thrv SUNDAY • • • • • • • • • • • • ' . • • • • • •• •••••••••••••••••• ACCESSORIES DISPUYS SAl1.1116 I BOATING ~ESSONS LEATMEI: OX,ORO H-lf'd.C••li.IO Elli:·T.,,..... °"""!doe Dt ... Soft. •l'ld R-lnl Soft wllfl p"'"" c.n.. ,,,.,..., bin Suppi!1 "Toor IUlll-ln StMI ~,., "Tllldt c .... ( ...... 101t Wlrh F•ITIOlll ~ 11111, So LlohlwllOht, ,,.., Amlllly F:o.11 $24.H 0 For Safety Afloat, Colllflrt Tao! Sn Faallll cmrt On ADJ Type Cemt! HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER {On lhe Miii> 540.1500 SH OUR 3,000 SO. FT. OF BOATS CONVENTION CENTER BOAT SHOW THE MOST WANTED BOAT IN SO. CAUF. 23' "l.M.P.'' DAY CRUISBI, HARO or SOR TOP JOHNSON BOATS MOTORS SEE -"LSO REINELL FORMULA THUNDERBIRD CHRYSLER BOATS MOTORS 20' '1.Ml;n CRUlil_.RJU &AllfY & HEAD OPEN MON-FRI 9.9 SAT 9·6 SUN 10-5 537-4499 Complete Parts & Hardware -Full S.rvlc:e Dept . ''HARBOR BOAT HOUSE'' A 1 Bloc:k So. Garden Grove frffway On Harbor llvd. I "-----..~~~~_:;======-_J·------------------.................... _. 2300 HARCOR BLVD .. COSTA MESA " _._ -----...--·· ~----·· ----·-r----• · ~--... -~ •• --...-~,_,..,.,.,""_' -·~"~' _,,.,.,, .. ~,sq~•-••--. .... ,,.,.,,,,,,,.,_.,, "'s-"c'"-"'1""·"'-"'""""'-"''"'-'"B"'-";;zc....,,,..,,,,,. .. .,..,.&SJ,,...,>.,&..,c"'t"11"'·"'""'""""'"''"""·'"•c.,..;s'"u"'"s-1111 " . - DAILY l'ILOT Sltff l'MM l!LENTY-!)F ROOM AT SUNSET PARK'S LAUNCHING RAMP , SunU~ Treil~r ~e1ior1 Float Bo.fin B11y'1 Backw"9rs DW.·POINT BOAT & SPORTS . ' -. " ' -. . Mercury _Te'l~.· Pl!i!l~ . --· · I I ' Stern Drive Power Pac~ges Announced . ' TUfldio>', Mo~h II, 196? • --FeaturH ·•I the "AllAllflM ,(fMYBmOll CEITER BOAT SHfW" ~ : 14' GLASS BOAT- M!RCURY 7,5-plus Trallar • A total' of 20 MerCltil!er Uon !It cubic lncb, 500-hp Mere 811t, lob-hp Mere llMll, marinf! poweJlllanls-ffJ! stern engine for eJtbef stern drlve · and l~p Mere 1200. 'I1\e drive, Inboard , and h I g h • or inboard pow<r. well-lialanced power choice Ill perlorll>lll« installaUQ!ll has -l'bny new M..Cruiser .avalliible In both 1tandard and WEST AHAHBM MARINE SERYl(f been announced for 19'9 by stem .. drlve and inboard ac-' 10ng:~t versiom and, with ' 120 NOITH MANCHIMl. AlfAtlllM -PHONI 72:-4111 Kiekhaeier Mercury, t h·e cessories ~--neW power steer-the . vilrlous starting options,!~~~~-~~;:;:::~~~;:;:::~~·~~~~-~~-~~~ )'orld's largest producer of ing _new rotary Ride Guide , provl~ ~:dttferent modetsl;: t ' drl for it\e jOlit60ird buyer's con-s em ve power ,~ckages:' . ~inl• more compact than • &ider.,tihil. , lllghll_ghts. . of . the three . ever -• ..., V ~ fresh. w•\e' , Otiier. big~ts or thO 1969 MerCruiser lines tnclilde_: , 1 cooltng •ys~. : Mtreury oulboard line,, wbich -An all-new 140-bp 4-111-lme .. , Mercury also has introduced ann ·offers! the widest range =~~,'=-=peclf'~y , u Part ~·the 1969 line _an . of bone)l<iw~ In .the ouU>oard · P9Wt • all-new~ IO;hPt four cylinder indusb-Y, ~.. . -Numerous l'mprovements outtioard kicker. · · . · ~allow:·watdr Slant on the made to the M-C I_ stem dl;ive . Alic.' a~tng in the lineup . Meic 110, Mere 15 .and . Mere unit q~ wi~n~ in ·the 'are two flstiing motors with 40 models to. make fishing 120 thrOugb ,1 P ta~~· " neW' ho~w:er r3tings : th~ , ·~. ·shallOws > troublefree· and . -Ad~~on . of the 200-hp 6-1.n-1~. ~ -75· hSs a two-~ site! .~ . ·: , ··sony's . iand'ns8a Port~ble .. . . • I. ,, ~ · -te&tunna.r.... . 1Ht Joh"'" OVtbollrda e iosten WhaleH Jlrn ~•Arc & H"eli. Arc W91ding Sp1ci•list Ed 'Gtnert ·Motor Serv~ce Specialist Sunset Park U°iicrow.ded ~ne ~gu~ to me 1¥erC~r · cylinder 11-ciibic Ulch engine . -New· fuel econoi:nr on all • m~ hqe. . W!tlle ·M~'s smaQts;t out~ m~ .. mm. Mere ,500 ~P -MerCaUrode . A·n t i.COr· ~~-,has ~ived a host of ~use. of e~i~llon, ~f fliel roslon system instal~ea as . imgrovements and has been bleed fr:om the crakltckSe. st'andard · e q u I p m e n t ~ . up-rated, from 3.9 to · 4 -New noo-fQUlio('-.hid pwpp MerCruiser Ill ste'm drfv'8': . ·ho~Power. · with1 1.ar~ge · nirinlrload.e<f Sony's 4 band FM/AM /Mitrine/Weathtr portable-ls 1-TIM! lubber that seafarers wisll •they had. Jt features . the most advanced solid state ,clrcuitfy you'll find around today, CnJc1,1 weat~er for&east's, marine reports, music and news, th& 7F-8ZW pulls them i~lth a flltlfof the fi!lpr.,This fine radio hi supremeJstnsltivity and selectivity and i~ivt: 1.6 .-atts of output~ to deli~ big 'SOond,'lt fea'\wes a 'full '4 speakel: AFC Switch fo "IOck 1n•'FM statioos; a larp stid ruje dial to .select statiClllS with pinpoint accuracv. aod.e dia lijht for night. use. ~citln11·looking too In kool~ s1mulatedHeatt'ief' with smert chrome accents, marine, 11ay ' colOr.·.eompltte '4ritti.Jietteries, earphone and AC cord. ' IOATS .. -.. OUDoARD .. -(.MOTORS PARTS:.-.:SERVICf ' . . 34091 Coast . Hwy. "'" •• 1,1 196-5797 MARINE & BATIERY SHOPPE West Coast's la1'9est Marine Discount Store . . Boat Oasis By TERJiy COVD..LE Of IM DIVr Plllt Iliff Within 'minutes from the teeming freeways and bo8t launching ramps where Su~ day sailors wait in line for their turns to back their trailer boats into the water is a small paradise for small boater>.' One reason for i t s "paradise" classification is that many ,Orange Coast , residents h a v e n ' t yet discovered Sunset A q u a t i c Park. It can be found -with a little persistence -in all of its uncrowded glory at the extreme western end of Edinger Avenue just northwest of the Huntington HarboUr area in Huntington Beach. • Check ou·r discounts on everything , . for Y~f. boaf. Eventually, Orange County Harbor District officials plan to create a J.53..acre regional park on manmade islands and land spits within the park's boundaries. . . . Our. Pri~es Cannot Be Beat!' · (7141 642·9201 2340 W,.Coost. Hwy., Newport Bead;, Ca.Iii. 92660 But, for now, it offers boat Jauncbers an almost wiused service -even on weekends, Phase one of the park development is now nearing . . . SEE ·OUR Extiii'fr' ': . . . ' •t ·"Western Nation1f Boet Ir Marine Show'' at ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER • Esquire • Regalla & Las Vegas also "Ifie famous T 0 40" BELLFLOWER MARl"E CO. 17623 LAKEWOOD ILVD. lellflowor, Call!. pli. 12131 614-5608· completion. " Construction ol five public restroom facilities is now complete, and sewer and ,,..ater facilities are expected to be ready before the sum· mer season. An overnight camping area will soon be built to make the park ready for its initial use. Harbor District com· missioners have called for bids on construction and lease of the recreation facilities for the park. ' Plans call for 1,000 slips for berthing boats, boat repair facilities, 500 slots for camper trailers, a public beach and picnic ar~ for 2,Q people, boat rentals, public-fishing floats, 500 boat launching pads and snack bars to feed the people. Pleasure boating potenUal hinges on a plan to build a bypass channel from the park to the ocean. 8'f:m11pere Mmacury UJ With any other Dutl:iDBPd r et the Boot ShllWI . . c..,..1 wt•••1t-.1N.-""'e _..._.. f'Mlkll'-" _,onc.tCIWOi111-rM-.t :n::;~.,:i-....:: .. .,..,.. OINct t;Mrgi~ ff.. L1•• -l119,.... .,W llMI c ............. .... ...__&., .. Mlrc.b: 11u11t•• .....,_..,,., '"D. ........... 1119'1 _,.... fSlill l c• will! "°".,....,..,....._ ,... ... ...,. .... ... , ........... ... ...................... .. ....., ......... c ............ ..... ·~ ............. °' ...... "'--..... ...__.. ~ n.it.....,..n,._·w c:llooM ~ Mwc.,, 'ti-..,_ ... __,,.. ""°" Ill ,..,_ li8ClWr .................. ~.,.. •• u-.u ..... .. .. ,,,,,,l.,=- R7ERCURY .....:::-------~ , '', ~, :.::,,;,.J ~---. ...... ~ ................... ~-....., .. a...w ..... __,.,,....._'*'L. C.llfomla'o Lar..,t Volume Motor, Boat & Sid Dealer HARRISON'S BOAT CENTER · 2327 S.Utft. Main at WarMr, Santa Ani, C1111~7141 540-6555 .. , .... "" ..., 5""' • e ..... , .... ttay, • ..,.,... ""' ...... e• ...... ----------------------·-----------------·----- -Gr e a t e r c o r r.osfon . . ·Mercw;'sJ 'latest outboard . val Yes, •1 previ~y:~ 4 feature ~i!itance in all stem drive . offering Conaists of ten dif· of· MercuryF from 35:hP up, umts due f.o new Kiekha¢fe.r . ferent power ratings: +hp has been incorporated mto the Mercury "XK" a I um i n'u.m . Mere 40, 7·¥dlp Mere 75, t .S. design of the four smaller alloy and improved . ~aked bp Mere 110, 20-bp Mere 200, motors. enamel finish. 35-hp Mere-SSO, 50-hp Mere ....Still stronger shafts on 4-. -Addition, of a special op-500, 65-hp Mere 650, SO.hp · aOO 6-cyllnder models. BIG WATER NO l'ROBLEM FOR THIS STERN DRIVE 23'FOOTER Fly Bridg' Cruiser Power• d with. 250 hp MtrCNiur on.in fOf I iand'n '• demonstration.t · SOU. l '• •• . TJie Sony ibq.pJilb~. ' SINC_E, 1'947 ' ~D A VIS -BROW N 411 .E.' 17th St ..• Ccisia. Mesa ' · I I Daily 9-9, Sat, U -Tel1phoM, 646-1614 · ' CHARTER 1,000, MIL·ES t N WCOUVER BC 14'M.1LES 'OF '.ADVENTURE . 'IN THE Pacific Northwest · ~00' pe~ Person Per Week! ,..,, INVESTIGATE the meni islend fjords,,. end secluded C.n1di1n-Gulf lsl1nds. E1tplore the jnf1nd p1ss•9es in the lee of British Columbi1's V1ncoqver l1l1nd - Cruise north to Alask1 for big 91me hunting •nd f1bulous fishing. All within • few cruising hour.s of Se.ttle. -U-Drive ·loom opening hatch . for Northwest holiday afloat SEATTLE._ With the U·Drlve Bo at in g Boom, sportsmen can now have their own yacht without really buying it. Here's ti.ow it works, explai111 Phil Slm- on, president of Northwest Marine Charters, Inc.~ Now Oil@ can rent a boat, cruiser or yacht to 56 feet for $M to $150 a week per person. Sound COBtly'! Con- aJdcr this: A 'Z1 foot 1968 model cruiser that 11~!>"' six is available for juat $300 per week. It is completely equipped for live aboard cruising, fncludlng insurance, charbl, shl~to-shore radio telephone, etc. The only ex-tra needed is fuel. Thil 111 actually only a UtUe over $7 per day per person. When one_ compares $7 per day wJth theSoSt ot the average vacation,. tt is not ditficult to see why bolt chartering hu become so pQpUJar. When you charter you:r own eruiser, yacht or &all• boat, yau have overnight e°"· _, comodations as well a& your first claq mode of trans- portation an d ·1uxurtou1 lounge all combined in One unit. -. Larger cruisers are often chartered by eeveral couples · and cost shared. Many 36 foot and QVezt cruiaen will acoomodate three and four ·couples in atyle. A NorthWHt holiday afloat now becomes an es(X!C\allY attracUve way to vacatJon when one ~nslden the pri· vacy pqssible aM the many areas to exP}ore that are ac· cessible OJ1ly by boe.l . You can claim your own private beach, investigate that se· eluded c:ove. discovf!r an un~ Inhabited island. awlm, akin and scuba dive, water ski. bunt wild 4'Y•-~era and cia.,,., "° --llld·lbh· Ing at Ju.rt relU'ln the sun, wh<Nl and'·-the UTge appean. AU Y9Q need do h up anchor ' Ind move your ,exclutive quarf«t wit.ho .YOU. . ' FOR INFORMATION . AND, RESERVATIONS-CAL~ WE&TCLIFF SERVICE ..... ., .... ' '4 I 'I 10 ' ' I TRAVEL 109 Westcllff Dr., Newport leacll, Calif. 92660 t •• _ ~~Wbs . ' I 1 I I ' eJ MILV NLOT Tuudq, !larcll 1l, 1'169 .rA.,1i1-C~rt Ai .ocl..iton . . ianist Latefuer Qoses-Otit Season With Splendid Recital Ill' TOM BAl!LEY Of .. DA!tr ''"' l .. ff IL b the common bul nonethd.,. h I ch I y COOJ- mendable custom of concert • «aaniuUons to seek to 'end the sea.son oo, as it were, • hl(hnote. Whatever triumphs or trlbUlaUonl may have proved to be the fruUI ol earlier perlcnnaooes, a to~fligtit final offering does much to solve the wo u nds <lr, alternatively, add a. little extra luster to a golden season. And it ci•es the organiiaUan brm 'I1ilil muddled, mennif16less misb-masb of modernism was, to ' our deep sorrow, known to us before the program and we found that we h a d predicted .almost to t h c handclap what the reaction of tbe audience would be. It received only scattered and Readings Set In La Mirada ENDS TONIGHT Petrlcla Nffl ,, "THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES" ... n..w "'"" ''THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" STARTS WED. =---,.. -Oil snwn• ---... -• RODSIBGER stuNSAS,,1 lHE SERGEANr ~ ·-· AUO New Play Opens at Ah manson NOW-Exclusive Arn Showfng- Orlglnal Uncut SPECIAL SATUIDAT UORNIN• STUDINT SHOW $1.25 WITH STUDINT IODY CARD-10 A.M. :"----flw.ooZmimn -· RoMF.O 8'JUUfil' No o-rdlnAry l<M111111ory- - -~-..,.. r _.,. ____ ,, JMI. ,., W111_. ' . tAJaq, cMil1. •1Je,'Heart isa'Looely 'Hunter' -~· St.!$-We••• .... StantW~ .... : ; ..... ' l!J ~--........... JllCl\NI ..... GREGORY• EVA MARIE PECK SAINT ......... " .. ""--" The Stalking Moon TECHNICOLOR. PAN.A.VISION ..• -..... ftlChaL....., ... -. .. ., • iii .... ''THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER" TV WEEK Tells it like It'll be DAaY. PILOTi 1 WANT ADS ,_ HOUSU fott SALi General 1111111 SPACIOUSllSS IN EXCLUSIVE UP,PE R BAY • ~ .... c:onaldorollon WU ctven when ~ thia FOUR BEDROOM, ~ lb' room. dlnln& room breakfast room eu1tom home. The kitchen 11 electric 1ncludine dlsbwu er. EXTRA LARGE MAS- TER BEDROOM with pri- vate tNl.th and three aets wartlrobel, The family roo • all ... ol m' ls extra larle and makes ideal HOME FOR A P,OOL TABLE artl-enttttainme of friends. Lar&e pna: with el~trlc door opene All of this can be yOun this spacious Vi ACRE cul-de-sac street 1Dt onJy $52,500 • Financl.ns Js problem • CALL NOW! an "' •• ,, ., Oii "' Pele BaneH Really Presents A Circular-Drlv• \Viii lead yoU to this well ch?signed 3 Mrm home, }l~ dining room. Dad will smile when he ·~ ~ darkroom/workshop ~ signed for him, A great buy in Baycrest'• best area. r A '"" Weatdlll Dr. J NEWPORT BEAC'I ~... 642-5200 Cor-del Mar Duplex · Owner will finance thi charming duplex -NO LOAN FEES! Buy the e11.sy way SOUTH ol the Hi&bway. Bedrooml each. Heavy IAake root carpets Is: dnpes. A great buy! ! I ! Only $t2,500. By appointment onJy, sub- mit your srnaller propmy: on your guarantee sale plan. ' ! 2 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2Gl3 WestcllU Dr. 646-Till Open E~ . B/B JUST USTED! Attractive home on ,Ocean- front close to Newport Har. bor Yacht Cub. 4.bedrooml. 2 baths, bullt·in kitchen. Spa. cious living room w/hlgh beamed celling and used brick fireplace, Owner mov- ing to northem California. $67,500. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Dr., NB .suite 2'Z1 645-2000 Eves 54119'6 $500 DOWN! On this 4 bedroom, 2 be.th family home, Oose to every. thing. Juat introduced tG the ~ti Won't be around ions I I I $110 per month Includes principal ~ Intel"' est. , WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 20l3 Wet:tdJU Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. 6°/o YA LOAN S bed.mom Hunthwton Beacli Home. Near Brookhunt le: Adams. AD t111!Ctric kilchtn, built in ~tor. 1Cbc20 ~ patio, Ganp pan- alled .I: lhe:lved with food pantry oU kitchen. O>mplete-- ly carpeted. Mo ~nt $134. It onlY take1 $4,825. down. By owner .. private party tFtrm). rtz.'1689. 4 & FAMILY & POOL $25,300 Fantastic value. Del.lghtrul living room with phiah car- pets ' dnlpa. ~ family room with bearm.. f family bedrooma. SparldlfW heat@d pool Take OYtt 5"'% ttlat· jng bn. Ct.II now 66030). FOrum E, OLSON INC. "99 Harbor Blvd. c.M. 4 BIDROOM -$U,7l0 NO DOWN G.I • ~Ucnalb' bnmaculate, 2 betlla, den, dlnlnf mm. All bullt-lnl. FlreDlace. Patio. Fruit lifts. 540-lTZI TARBELL 2'55 Harbor TRADE Ri\'tl'lldb Iott • $12,000 San ~emf.nte lot • $20,00> Etllnor& boule • iota. $12\~ each for Joca), DAvlDSON RNlty --.. 546-11169 . • HOUSES fOll ' SALi _, 1000 Champagne Taste And leer l'odletbook We can 11.Hlfy both with thill super clNn. adult occupied home, l..aree corner Jot with mature trees, 3 queen sized bedrooma:, 1~ bath&. Lovely brleht cold'ttry kitchen willl satin wood finished cabinets.. A wall ol Klus over looks your own private rarden patio. $21.750 with paym~ts less than rent. • "'F« A Wise ;Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. &G-7771 OPEN EVES. Rock Roof Modem Cute &: clean 3 Bdrm. k Fam. Rm .• open beam celling _ dual • center Door ~o ceWrw slump stone fireplatt. in Lv. Rm. &. Fam. Rm. Natural finish flush cabinets in beaut. tiLl t!tchen. all elect. blt. ins. Fine wa l l /wal l carpeting & custom drapl?s. M!ll'ble Pullman baths · w/colored t'w i n lavs. :xlnt.' covued ~tiG • entertainment set upt Only $26,950. Narile )'O'ir ienM! I ~· I' \I l • \\ 111 l r ~ I Ill \ I II \ ' )I f \ [ I \ • ' Hardwood floor Be1uty 3 brl&tit • "'""., -roo!Ill'., family room &: sunken livin& room sparkle like new. Out· standing land~aping with Hybrid Bennuda front lawn. Has hi&:h Fl-IA Joan assumable at Sl74 month. Zero in on this one. Only $27,500. lfii.. co:rs ~WALLACE REALTORS S4Ml41- (0pon Evenings) -STRETCH OUT AND LIVE A LITTLE I I n this 4 spacio·us bedrooms, 2 luxurloua bath jewel \Vith BIG 15 x 18 DEN &: FIRE- PLACE plus FORMAL DIN. ING ROOM ! Exciting kit- chen with built ifll. Large OJVEREO PATIO! And get this .• _Roomy 177 foot deep PIE SHAPED Im. Auume FHA loan at $156 per month includes taxes. Or NO DOWN GI, FHA Sl.900 Down to total 25.900 price. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Wa1ker & Lee ~ Harbor Blvd. at Ada.ml. 545-9191 ·Open 'Ill 9 P.M. .. H I 4 beclrm & fam 21/2 baths Newport He ights Ar•a This lovely ranch style home altuatld in the Newport e:trbta area. Your mothe"' n-law wlU enjoy lep. 1 bed- rm with private btth au la he.f'lll!ll There h alao a dbl. ft.replace, pool aimi lot and m any men extru. Aski~ $34,!00. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2 93 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Commerci1I Bldg. Nt Small 3 unit ne11ir 17th I: wport Blvd. only 6 years old. $fXG. down A owner will ftnt.nee balance far )'QU. eal 1or Ulltt· • fuU price 14 $21,500 Newport al Vfctorf1 646-1811 oc EANFRONT Lovely modttn 3 Bll. + tam, nn. $5IXXl Dowo. 833-:1)87 °"""' O:IARCE Y'OUJ' wtnt 11.d now. """"· -11, 1~ OAll.YPl.lf Bere'• Beec Te Wi111 J.t -... ,.._. •f +.Ny'1 tl...tflM M •erital .. tt•tl"'· If tM WESl ERN NAlllllAL & lWllNE Find· Your Name A'8onr fiN ,_. ..... .,.. wl• tw ....... h+t te fhe We1"'1nl ... tf•11•f .... ., .. ,.. s-... Celt ,_ .. , .... •Y--•11~ 1f"'"'.t\t ,_ ....... ,-..---' flLOT ~ Ill .... Or .. C.11t, . -Clalsifie• A•s • • Win Free Tickets .. ..... ..,...... '"""' .... c:......... ....... ... ..... • aa'• -.... .... au .... •-_,... ._. -- T~kets Good_ An~ Day -March 8 · thru 16 .... Anahei-M...Convention Center . ' HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSES POR• SALE . -.... - HOUSES FOR SAL& HOUSES FOR SALE HQ\ISIS FOR $ALI HoUllS fOll SAU> HOUllS FOii SALi HOUllS FOil SALi HOUSIS FOR SALi Gen1r11 10000...er11 1000 °""'"' 1000 ~-1 • ...0.4 : jf;~;11ew,..1-H.t.. · · 121! L .. 1.io Im Ll1uno INch . 1705 . I Drive by )ft ARao, Newpert Heltlm ~~~-~~ HI= ~:r.r. 1000 /Ju,ccola ; tng.fi,,£ U//ag' 16th & Tustin -Costa Mesa ADULTS Most homes are built with onlr children in mind. We have five homes designed 1or the comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful lo look at, room for hobbies, private office, separate dining rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga- rage, .walking distance to churches., Westcllff shopping, and restaurants. 191. with 20¥. down -7112'/. with 10-/. Dn. na 2~• -n;o points -29,yrt on Hlanct • Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 r.: Exclusive Agtnt p. , a •. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Tract Ph ' 540-5113 From L.A. c;,,n MA 5-8034 ------------------- Gen tr al 1000 Gtntral 1000 P'*•--$64.950 Rambling Wrway sln- rle story, shake root. den with stone fi.te- pl11.ce, deep pile carpet, view of fairway k mountains, Vacant. Jusl reduced to S64,950 Home/ Investment 911ly $15,000 ! ! 2 -BR_ Eutside location on Hup Jt.aJot;Walk to sho~ •pipg'. ~I lnve1t. Won't lUt Ione at $15,(XM)! POOL TIME Come lee this sWimmer'• paradise, 15 x 35' pool on Wye corner lot. Room for boat AND trailer, Also in- cluded: 3 BRs 2 baths, dble frplc Ir lush, lush landscap- ing. It's a !!teal for only $30,750 OPEN DAILY 1-5 2527 Andover Pl, CM. "' PERRON .. --~ ... ,~ .. CORONA DB. MAR . You have ·only 25 DAYS lo take •d· ~ vantaae of our 6% % interest rate oil the beautiful new homes of Ran· cho La Cuesta on Brookhurst at AUanta in Huntington Beach. Our ltnder mu.st Increase his inter- esl rates on April 7, !969. ' All th•t is necessary to assure your· self of this low Interest is your se- lection of one of our 3 or 4 BR, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes & make your initial deposit of $500. Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 any day from 10 to 6. -------------· -----·-- General 1000 Gtntral "-"'-'--'----- Eastslclo Sleeper 3 BR, 2 ba, fam m;i, fir& pla~, breakfast bar, w/w carpets, hwd noon, plWI elcc. Bil. k>catton. ++! bnmrdiate pou! $23,500! I l!~sPmNo ····~ 2629 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. $150 PER MONTH tncludina: taxes. 3 BR 1% bath. $1942 down. Medallian home, bit-in elect. ~. oven Ir 1arbaa:e dl.!iposal, gu FA heat, water beater. W/w cpbl/drps, dbl 1araae. patio, fenced, sprinklen, """"'""""· l'LL GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT ll yuu are interested in a pod location <Costa Mesa. Ne~ Helabll are al, clo&e to Newport H~btl crade school Cl~ blks) It new cily park (2 blks), Ibo~ ping, 5 min. to beach, a very quiet street. big R2 lot (room fo1 boat, camper or rental unit}, 3 bedrooms (or 2 & a den) 1'4 baths, fireplace, sidewalk!I, ~ved alley, dou- ble 1a.na:e, lara:e fenced back yard, then phone me at 6"-4687. I am uklnc $25,500 but if you come nm- nina O'm in a twrr.f) with check book in hand, (u low u $1~ dovm) I'll cive it \!MMW F€~~rn~:: • "ring" R-2 lot + house. Rare avalt. ,.. ·:SPRING abmty, h;gb inve•tment ... _. D'P AT,,.,,, tentlal; !5th lot from Ocean ~J. J. Blvd. & beach. 3 BR., 14 ....................... ... w• "<rnytime" baths; Mme view. Alway• Country Club Est•••• .... ..-............ - 1 n come Units $72r000 MonllllJ Income $850 rented. PriCf!d to sell, Immaculate 4 bdrm + din-2629 Harbor mvd., C.M. 1111 I: family room, pooWzed REl'OSSESSIONS $37,500 ,.,. & 1uot aero...,., ... , 10% <fn. 61A:% int. 30 yelll'S fro m one oi' the Mesa Verde No loan fees. 2'187 sq ft of Newport C.Ountry Cub F'reewQ"•. Thi! living area. 3 1:. 4 BRs 21~ it won't lut long. pletely redecorated. Some c .. tkllllll thlfbl) baths new cpts/drps, 1..-om· Victoria ~ s.4'·5110 with view. ou1ce: 518 San 646-8811 LLEGE REALTY Wtlls-McCardle, Rltra. -Juan, San Clemente. !Models 1500AdllnsatHaitlcw;cil Blvd CM 1310 Newport ., · • open daily). Phone 492-9'288 ,....,...,..;;;,;,,.,..,..,,,.,.1·""';~~~~iiiii:::i1"'1548-7729 ~ 644.o684 or 5'5-3483 OPPORTUNITY W E L h RI YOU OWE IT TO YOUJt. • • ac •nmyer, tr SELF TO INVESTIGATE for 2 Ucerwed Real Eatate UNUSUAL OUR 4 DIFFERENT people. Your own dnk A TRADE IN PROGRAMS. phone. Good ad~ pro. t bdrm Baycrest home with formal dining room, break- fu t room & large family room. Ow-ner movine East. Wanta quick sale. Arnold &. Freud ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 !RVINE and 388 E. 17lh SI., C.M. WESTCLIFF 1.R,.•al ... '°~"'!""!!!!"~""646-""!lSS"" I $26,400. NO DOWN 1~ N LI • Exclusive area. 4 bedrooms, IW tting 2 baths. Built-in kitchen, new 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathl on cor- llt'.1' • room for boat, trailtt refrigerator. Detached ear- l age. 54().1720 etc. Bis CI oan to take ov· TARBELL 2955 Harbor er. Its a real bey afS22.650. 4 BEDROOM & DEN 546·5110 $25 soo fnurcinlrNthlltrt) ' WGE REALTY Isolated rear living room with I500Ad""51tH:fbar,Clif, fireplace, walls of alaas _j cverlook a manicured' lawn &. artistic landacaping, Built. 8 HOUSES 2 Bedroams. Each On 105x330' lot with room for .( or 6 more units. $960/mo liwx>me. Allina: 189,500. WUl conalder trade. Call for fur. ther information. .. ,.-- PERRON .,, ... ·.·~ ~ .... * w.1m Anytlmo * in!!. Prestige area 540-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harw JUST REDUCED for immediate sale Furn Duplex • $35,000 Georg• Williamson RQltor Evts. 67?rl.5M rrs °"'"' ._ -· m. ... -.... 1S..tllc D41LY PllDI' a...lllld lt:t'HoD NOW! enun. With well e1tallliahed oUice. Walk in trattk. Good leads to work t>:"I. W. E, Lacbenmyer Realtor 1860 NeWport. Blvd., CM 646-3928 Eve. 673-4517 5 UNITS $54,000 -10"/. DOWN ROOM TO BUILD · Rltr. 642-9730 Evts. 5CU720 e Kl:NllEDY --· ------- Harbor Island layfront Home 55 ft on the Bay with pier It dip !!pacloua horn~ with 4 bedn>Oml i: R?Yanlll comfortlble lanai roam next to lwimminc pool 1 beautiful 1arden:: $2<5,000 Call John Abell "'" 613-7365 HA1tao11 ·REAL TORS 673-4400 -··-·--- S@\\~lA-~f..~s· Solo• a Slmple Scrombled Woni Ptizzle /or 4 Chuc kit O·-....... ol .... fovr KJO_... 'Mlfds b. r~~·~-1 .' I' 1-I I 1~1Fl11 I' I HARBDR ISLAND" The only available home· on heaUttfuJ. ~ I Harbor Island. 3 Bedroorn8, atuc!y, Wp li\ring rm, pier a llip. Priced under cost for im· mediate ale. Appt only •• .................... $1~000 (7141 642-1235 901 Dovtt Drtve, SI.Ille U0 Nj rt S.ach MA ARTEP I free I: cln.r Bachelor Units In Glendale near Loi Feliz. Owner will trade or aell with 25% down. Will CllT1 firlt at 7%% interHt. The price 18 $63,500 • but will mUe your ollen:. HURRY! • IBCiltr REALTY = Iv. Balboa mw .. N.B. '~ . ·~----=-=- • TAX SHflllR Four 2 BR triplexes that the OWMr must tell~. 1~ bathl eacb, c a rpet• A drape1. prqes. North Co. ta Mesa area. Prlee S3l,l50 e•ch. Call tar ~ I ' \ l I • I\ I 11 I I ~I\!("\ Ill\\ ! I 'I \ 4 ' 1093 Baker, C.M. ~- Exclusive Ortna Cove home • year around liviiw • best Jtarbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba. prlCed to •11 tut at. set.500, By appt ooli' CORllN·MARTIN RIAL TORS -1.c:...tHwy,CdM 17S.160 'T'l1I' ~J i·/\!. i·:.'" fl\1"f,J, ; We &tt u cloaau phone -Nitd r:f'ormaUon!. :W• bav'li Jtl '46-7171 546-JJU ASSUM I 5¥•'" LOAr, Don't mil• thil out· t1tandin1' 3 bedroom Mesi del Mar home -2 IQ&tklln1 bathl -New carpetl. $161ifta.rr.i°"' MOVE I ' TOMOllOW- • Bedroom. 2 bath family hOme kttch· en hu eltc. buUt,. In..-Slldlna llau doon fror(i LR and Den.-to a eovered patio.-$23,950. f1nt$UOO ...... NIWPOlT HllCJHTS No other home tn this area can bout or dlninr room, ldt· chen nook. dllh· waaMr and a 1Sx30 worltshop w h I eh could be converted to a mammoth play· room. -Room tor camper or boat - $26,!500. - 10•;. Dew1 646.7171 $46.2111 WUTCUPF ~bandonc4· by tran1ferred owner. Spaciqus ·UvlnJ: room With open beam cellini·2 brick fireplacd. Move in tomorrow -1 $40,HO" MISA DIL MAl NeaUed in quiet. aafe cul • de. sac. a Bedroom. ·2 b a t h with !aml1y and laundr.J rooms. Bit· in kitchen all ttftn.. bbed. B 11 °""rslze back yard .. - $l7 ,i00 IALIOA "NINSULA Large family w 11 1 have room to roam, 5 bedrooml 3 baths. 1 block from N.l!'. Yacht Club, 1 block to beach. Lota <>l privacy on this dou· ble R·2 lot. lotloca4 $5000 .. $69,500 LIDO . LOVliY Sun.I\)' South Patio on a 40 !if. lot 3 bedroom. d>my kit· chen with all bullt- j>jl. $4t,500 20 Prot'H1ional1 To Serve You! INDOOR POOL 3 Bedroom on largo corner lot Nhvly decorated throuch· out. Completely t n· cl01ed 1 w I m mln1 pool. $2f. tiO try 10°/e Don HOUIS! HOlSISI S.nta Ana Helrhta. 60x200 with 2 'bod· room home + 2 oar prag•. Compltt•lY fenced. Great tenru:. $ll,IOO Call or come tn. We have all VA and fllA JntannaUon. AftllAISID $22,JIO No dot:m to Veta- lnuncdlat• -alon. 3 BedrOoml •. 2 bothl, hu ..... i\v- Jnc room wtth ttre-ptaoc, .,..,,.,. ed dr&l>'H1'00 down to all $22,ISO ...... -9u1n HAYIN 3 Bedroom. 2 bothl in a. quiet non·traf· fie ltreet -COQI Jiving room with brick nret)lact, kit· chen with all elec· r.~bu~J;'":. "i26~ '900 With lO'Xi down: Owntr will eonatd-er trade for a or 4 unlb. ' Outstanlll-Valle 1y OWMr $34 000 -.-Cl!'e., _ ,,_, Loe. 00 0cuno1c1e "' 11wy. -.. ' '!1111. to&'.-.,. Lido. "° >di ..... -... a .._._ b •·· '-•al Outi-.ielor·-. $19,!00. Apt. ·uni~ • ....U point A Lovely comer .....-~m ome, -1• -· • LIDO·'lllALTV, INC. •""' .... n1 -..... "°" 2 balbs, dlnin( room, llrinl room with at-""° Vil Lido 113-ml TENTIAL 1 ~ c 0 M., El<· tnctlff 'fireplace, lush carpeting tbrough-CEEDING ll0.000 ANNUAL. out, drapa. BeautlfUI tr.el and plantlnp. -•-•-• 1,_ LY. Price 189,!ll!O. Call owner for appelntmenl lo lff. Hunt!..,... --MISSON REALTY 4'1-cm 541.1444, 64, 0 1711 No Pa~ntl 9115 So. cWt. t.aauno Custom Home a a 2 s... by ownn'. epu:., drill ..... """ yvd; hlt'ln elec. ldtch. wfftL I: dlahwuhtr; il\llet 1trett, close lo IChll, Eut1ldt. iz.500. m~11: 112-3863 ASSUME '"" Gl loan, • Br. OPEN HOUSE. !ll~ll!S The Doyle Co., ew1 f15..lt'Tf 60 Days 3, 4, i: S Bdrm Homes CORAL SHORES Btwn 811.acb ~ Brook- blll'll on Garfield, Hunt- tnaton Beach. (714) '6i·IUS OCEANV1EW Lot s 1, 0 0 ft down, balanee $5,SD at $7!5 per mo. Owner 497-1210 HI 'A -Dry [)pix, ..-Vlchr Hup'1; sood Inc. ~ dn 134.IJ60, .... 4946m/m.US6 RINTAU -Furnlahod Genor,11 2000 llOO: 2 BR., l hL,dupl '"· Fenced )'d.; w/w: ChUdren O.K. Broker. - Ramble thou&h tbls ~ fuil1 built • Bit home -~ .<! 1n Rd..,. Eutllcle Io--port lolch 1200 • catiOJ1. Oventzed lot. heavy 1.;~~;;~;;~~ SEE th1I one befort )'CIQ t.iuy, Rent1l1 to Shire 2005 ahake f'QOf. 1arse k:\tchen • I' 1 In"' By owner. Takt over m,y mpaive brlc:k flreplp. Pl1-Like te ntert• r 1% VA Loan on· this 3 * * * * "" !or Immediate Ille 1t See W. 3 BR. ,... S ...,,, bodJvoal home. $134 per !llck Lang $3"1.SOO c>.u. ,.,_1151 C--dJllbW/famllY nn 2 monlll. Thil lo Ill ~ """ 111 St. Anna Dr. eves> frplca Jliu hup ro0m tor -prlncllW, tntfttlt a taxes Lqunm Buch, Ca. .... tal>lo .. f -wlth jmt 11.m down. All pool with Mpal'l.te Plly electric kitchen w1lh built-in y .. are .,...... err a pa1t ;ard for $52,500. ref. Food pantry aft kitchen of Uolets e. ttie B •at Walker Rutty in cmnplttely panelled 8bow at u.e •• ....,.. 3Di Vi& Udo m.52m ~. 10x20 covered~ Cl o•• e·•t I••· o.tmr. Less Than Rent Cari>ellna -t By ...,.,. a t • r • • 1 • 10. 161.00 Total Pint. OWMr's Special owner • PriY&te ..,,,. """'° ,. -., -, No quallftrir, anyone_ aan ..., S Br., or 2 Br. I: den, cu. (P'trrn) 9G-'1689 llnaDdl ornoe. uct p&al: 1ume ex1at1nr 6% GI i,an. ...,, w,.tdlll hom•, m"'ll' CAESAR'S PALACE ., ,.., """' -·/ 4 bdrml, 2 ti.the pllll -~ extru, nr 1toru I: sehll. can't btat. th.la,· Cool Pool. * * * * arate den, euttom floor to * Phone ~ * 3 Bed.room. 2 Bl.th Pad, tea• GIRL Wanted to 1han 2 ceUinc rock fireplace, bit 3 llR Wattrtront No. 12 h1rlnj a klYtl¥ atone wattr Bk. apl. w/ pool -• mo. inll, forced air bt•tina. new Balboa Coves. 160 ,000. fall leadlna 'Into th1I 30'1..;~=:u;t:;S,;'ac;.M;;·;,,__=:;;,.= shq ~tine. Beat Cotta · Prefft. trade . fmo &en• Bluehaven H I: F Pool wt th 1 • Mesa area. Call or will oonaldtr other. $48. covtred patlol! BONUS!! Corona del Mttr 2250 ml Hup FamJly Room w i t b ·""""'""=::-:-;:::-.-;~I atone ftrtplace. wattr IOft.. OCEAN VIEW Beauutul. ex-LIOO Sandi 3 Br. 2 Ba., ntr. $23,5()1) Full Price. GJ ecutlve 3 , BJt, 3 bath. walk to ~ Lovely com. No Cuh Dcnm. • Available now, $f75 . mo. OltANGI COUNTY'S municy pool. Mld $20'•· WI SE~L A HOME "''""..,.. """'1'ed· 2t3 E. 'i::~~ 64M4M D~o. !pl~ poot..2 br. EVERY Sl MINUTES Don v. = ~ ... ' BALIOA PolilT :..:-:Up,~lck :::: Walker & Lee 1·M"'E"'N"'1 .. ~L~,---- "'1ax and enjoy thla 2 Bdrm. '91-001118'B-US6 "" ,,,,,,..r ._.!!...,_ Unfurnlahod ind ~rtible dtn home -~ or ~lto General 3000 in top &rta ot fine hornet. Mtwpert Htllhfs 1210 Open Evt:1. Spa,_ 1WU1Y llvll>I rm. 1.;;~;;;;,;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;1 So/4% ,lnlerOlt IRVINE TERRACE . 2 BR floor to celltzw ftrtp\ace, 0•-n & lay 5 Sr 2 Ba Medalllon.1'.the I: Ir den. FantaaUc View, white brick, 2 baths, pa&. -pluter beavY lbake CUilom extra ilud lot 11.. block to A vSew lib Ulla 11 .eldom o(. ' ,J_ ' beautiful condlHoi:. -f75D I~ Wide~--~•···, ~A..,,..211cu..,...., per mo. private Bay beach • Octan • ""......., ~· .,, .....,. concrete drive. Fully land· vacant. ready to move lnto, and 1parltllnc JJcbtl by acaped. Acceu ' to 6 acre BEACON BAY -2 BR A only $41. 7SO • Good terms. nlsht S BR, 2'il b&tbl, fire-park trmi rear yard. 2 milet den, or 3 BR. Community Ir ' • ' : • lllJ RI ALTY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 11~. place, Hobby ttrn, triple pr-to major lhoppltis, Walk to beach, pier, tennil cout - qe, Ofter $«1,000 on thll. .choall co1leae a: Doui1al $450 PH mo. a Plant. ' Located In Bolu J ohn.Mcnab Realty Co. tfa'MI-. ~ ~~n S.acb W-8235 7:'1 A L T Y FOURl'LEXES Owners Attantlenl Near NB Poal Ole. M6-2'14 • •¥1% LOAN ·Do you have mital unffl? ThNe ~ ' PERSONALITY PLIJSI NO VACANCIES = =-~ II ...... com1Drt, ' !!on 3 Br. 2 Ba. N•w erpta, cir><, $39,950 SUMMER· WINTER. llld are Important 'to kx1k bltnl, ltoo IQ' ft. Dtlchd P'I1tBI' PIONEER. ANNUAL rentals for tll9m. ttlil. over. Coremlent, ~ dbl 1ar w/elec ope.ntr; NUC21 Pleue caD om nnW dt:pt ----------- N•_.t H•l1!h ,;.de ailey acceu. By -· PRl"E REDU"ED andtet .. ..,,..,..lboREll >1Cboo1, and Ill ......... 2 Prtncoaly.61Ul1TafU. .. .. CARPETtraalment.,.. ... blkl to new park. Ol2b' -5~ % loan avail. W/90me aerve the belt! !Z.!00; andlll-'"plm'' laltbluff 1242 CUh. 3 BR Ill bo, llil3' RED CARPET IU'1 teaturu. 3 bedroom.I, 2 ~C!>I' '·-11.. Well .rp, tam rm. trplc, cov. pa. Rental Dept. 113-3663 baths. ftrtplace cpta. and ~ u~-.~ ..,......., aru. Ho. Owner ~-VA 2a2S W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. dlQa, double ian... c:on-deqned 5 Bit 3 bath ~ or niA tenns. "'" drive, ilrp ......, CalpelS. d 'a P or 0 ~ BRASHEAR REA~TV $ISO; 2 BR, "P. """""' b&clc )'ltd on SOx130 IT. M firtplact, private muter ••1 ....... Ev au79 nn., pr., itove. Older LOT. There il'"Mt to mucll suite. Vt.w of h1llL I.up "...,_. "· children OK. 8rolt•r avalilhil tn w. par1 o1 bock yvd. 2131 "''" Vllta. Walk To leach su.- eutaide· CM. Hurry. OWN· For appolnbnant 8"-ll.92 Sharp S BR hQrni, carpt:tl, $1"1"'0,,..· °">""BR.;:::-""1"'11-.,.bL-,hl°"tm-,1 ER. WILL SELL FHA!! drape" heavy lhake root. w/w, fncd yd. Chlldrln Ii; '""687 lryine; Terrace 1245 atrtum entry, quiet cul* pet o.K1 Broker S3f...6MO HHvy Shiiko Roof .. , ,.., .. Pri«<I ...,,.t · -=======:::I Eub:ide cul-de.uc, 3 bdrm. • • $28,900. GI or FHA term&. Coste Mtu itOO .. lam rm, OE kit, dill> Do You Need Faul JOMI RHlty T·PLAN for ..... I.owl!< wuher. cp .. (drpo. S28,IJ60. a 4 IR Hollie? 147.12641 ,,, ... ..,..~ -de! Mar 3 BR,,.., ' IRNI! \Va have "'° . & BR iiouon POOL ANYONE? 1,.,. at 1235 P" month. ..:l·--. • wttb pool&, 1rYine Ttrracf! Spanilh ellter:lor. P r l c e d Vacant Ir rw1,y, A 1 t . Cle Vl:L.AND with ....U.nt ....__. "'ht! &tt looatlon! Aasame ~S4Ml=-•-1 ----- -7RHltor Salhbu R-11u FHA loan. llMll• 2 BR, lar. pallo, ..,,,., dr><. ' ry -· J , ~ ~~~ J ·-· ........ Troplcll .... 143 Broo~:z .~ tlli 115 Marina Ava. . }ilta lln! £stet~ ttnr. For adult.. , hlir. ,. Evoa. c :•lllMl11t. 6~ _ ----lhopl.U!Dmo.514-4110 $11,500 · ' V , nt/D at S BR POOL HOME. 1 block HIP --""11!P. Jl-. aca aper • I!... boach. No """'""' qe ........,.og ~ A C-.. dal Mor 1211 SUBMIT a DN PnlNT problm. -• -11 ....Su pme A Wtf--~ 51'% LOAN ;.;"'::;k::;lor;;..Don=---- Plllb buttoa 1'!111t·lnL 2 OWNIR MUST SILL '::t ~ d!nlna .,.., ' ~ -avalL 411. bolbo. Doub1o ..,.... """'"*' 11~000. 2 BR. 2 HAl'FDAL REAL TY "" ' cir><, ~· -... S.O.l7'0 bath home cm CdM Buch no pets. After 5·~ fO.GBI TARBELL 2'55 Harbor Ownor wtn ltnanoe. . 1140 W.,..r, FY 842-4405 2 BDRM, 2 Clllldrtli OK. No D"LUXE OUPLIX Or-C..at Proporty . $20,500 • 4 IR ~·~'a':!'· $125. S3l5 de-e m Maqverite ma50 Downtown area. Clpe COd .,_t, ~· &ft 5. New a BR Unttt Peninsula Stucc6, 2 •ton' on 1a.rst lot 2 BR. DUPLEX $M1 mo. 2JOO adjacent to Octan le: &7 . ntar HI tchool , · i..1ce Park. Anaheim Ave.. Call 8\ftl. SS9jltl0. T" nnancl"i avail. lalbN fwllnaula llOO Hu 111ey aooe• for trllltt 6<6-M la llM RHI latate ~ or boat. EU)' ttrm.. · 2 BR. bolllo, 1130 Pa mo. I~ E. Bal=.,~:., Balboa lye lje-IUY I Toti Way Rlty 53'-217' Ltt 4 Lui mo'• ro"nt "''d. ""!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Doll H-.. ...~.ula . $13 500 + IZ an. 4'p. -:;:; point• thftt bedrooml. ine I ' n• llld ~ bait boihl. l!nplooo. , ... can't !Ind -..... Mota dol Mar 310$ ·~====~=F lie dblO -Nw-. "'°"'· Older """" far ntlr--; net 11>4 I>lli& ......._ A td, Ilmlltd """°" ......,. 4 BDRM, oul>-ltue. MOJ 1tt J:'!.:!:'!.!;~ ... 'iii~:=T'it!I.= 8R: lf sLATIS, Rltr. ::..,~~$310. Can ... t>ll pool. -S Bit -211!1 ll<wport IMI .. N.B.' 117-1119 Eftl. 1131-71111 a.J!AN & BR" 2 ha, -, ICHlll I r I cterk to Q'UISh "Sorry, tht hotel 11 aowded, but t!iort•1 · ~ z::. ..:-:. : 67,_ ·•-•'213 ~ •11.b.~.srTH ~ ~ ':=o.,_ J UN"5 ·-&46·7171 511 " 10 '"· ""·"°·. L .. Ille · JUI ~ ~::.!_ blcii~ Mau VaNo 2110 Slip 4l1ld Pier ,,1,~· 1 and Ntw Llatr.., 1nrm1 or"""""' Ill" loan. 3 BR. hm/otn -. tncd h ··•om ,_Sl2.1~*. , ~•--Ol..... ~ c11an l Wmm, CALIFOltNIA RL TY. )'d; dbl "'1<· 1.., loo 1111> -~ .,_ • -546-231• I I 4 LT Y ' beanMd oeOllWI. Poll (714, "7°100$ wtr pd. Avafl fn. -· l baths, rourmct kitchen. -• fftir NB 'Pait Ole. fl&.>ClC eupttl, dfPI, South A J:ut Cheerio l btdtoom ...,... patios. °"'1 141.ICIO Havoo~ Loki 1675 -port leadl ment. IAtle sun deck. • C G•••• •··• --.;;;.~l~':::":::~~;,;..~=::1 ...,,. Loo M-• • .,,. Nooll .. ~I II. ,_,, -ti' u. • ... c IH TOWNHOUSE I Br. 216 .. <>nN~ 'TIL • • = v1o Lido l7U!OO noYISll .,..,, I • w/w -clrpo, !'»I--. -Tbo D41LT f>llh1 llY owner 2 Ir, l Ill. flll<, 111tlo. elec. )ltm. s Cir =, =u==o::::__,1'."1woys "'°"'for --;.11 T GN E c-i...,,,. chuclto .._. I r I I I' ! t:t:.::. ;:1 = • ;ttik.~~"\E"Ets r r 1· r r r I' 1 -0 1 1,.. --111.., p1yrm • .._ Batt 2 • l lldrm homes 1rom ..,, poo1 im. ffl.1111 • ~~ lfTIEts I .Celtlttoll ..... I Q.. . , . iJdo ...,, $44;IOO. ~714) 112JCJO. Lup IW loll from llAD A iiiii6 11 iiilllli •gs e"~ . -""::<-_ . -· -• -. 1-m.11121 12111. can A,11. -.. qp..,.,.. .. --. I I • .__l.__lu.:..R 1 ....... 1 ·1 111 : i.,J l.l\I. 1.!:. fA .:,1.; • ...._. ..... ~· "'o'"'A1L='=r-=PllDl'==w"mr='•"'.m"' 913-USI ""'" .a ~ tw cM w11111 • • SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIRCATION 8000 1 ~11!!!11·111• -11111111111-~,..~~~~~~~!..---'_11_-.,==,,,l·=;;-~~llllllll.~~m~...,,.!_O!ARGE~~,?;-~"'~'n~u~d~•..,~· ~r;..,;_ __ _._J L-~:.=;;.=...:.;,;,;..;;;;.;,.:_"==..--===-==~-=--. ---- . -·----·--·--·-·---·-·-=-===:::::::::::::::=::-:::-:::::::= . .,. ... __ + ____ .,. __________ ,., __ ••-~ow••·-·•·•,.*-•"•~·-·•••••..,,.~,,.·••-· •• ..,..,._ ....... -~.. ..,,._ = .. .,, .... , -~·· ,,.,.. __ _. ___ ~ .._ _ , ~_,,~ __ ...,__ -· _ ., .. -· =--____.._ ~ TioO!dl/, -11,.l'lflt irnllY~"-~-:-lliiNiTiALlLr---'"--~f:; .. :;;i,,r~LS lllAL"ISTllTI " . • SIRVICE Dllt!c:nMIY Aph. Furni....,. -U~; -• ..UL mATI • ...... ... * ·1 * * * * snYICI Dllt!CTOllY lo!7'1!'I.. ~ Gordonl11t 66111 --..:._;,..:';;;II;;•• ·-.,-.1-... ----,...,...,1•·1 CWW1111 Mor 5 ....... •, •Pro,11!trc40IO -___._--'....--'---~ -·--iiiiiiiiiiiiiim l-~-±::'.-:7"':-:-::::-;.;.t. _., !" IF I rt' BAYVIEW Bta•IJ; 2,rm, I --LAGUNA MC>ftL ' e BABYsiTn.NG in m1 --AllTHO----N-Y-'S ~ Ill'-w/all ""' amcllllllo. 1-BDRM •• util. ,..,; ..,.., , ~-: Prlmo-tion.ll--P1a1•/Pl11111re , Jtool.-1$1(. ....-.. $!SI J adult, no pe:tl. $1.SO. '-lo., fJ,. • •• '6--1111 , )-tarly. &13-083? Ew . ., •rw• 0t. Jara:e 1ot Creat • ._. .. TJDnPaa• • ~ er/.Ulir, 1qe equity. "!"'-" , SUBMIT ALL 'l1WlD Lia ...... ~t·inot -• IUll d&YI--Pico GardM Sorvlco -.... w .. tdlll~ _,,.. Pine cenUU'. Ftooed i:n yard, BUDGET LAJ«)SCAPlNC bot lunchtt. exmllent care. P1-call Mn. Smitll Pruno • • · PW>t · · · ,.,.._ ~ Monthly Mainle.nabct No•"" Holfl<ts 3210 Huntington Beach 4400 a!AIUllNO 2' -• den, 2 bath Mme. w/w carpets, drapes, Eutsicle ~ta Me:la.Clo&e to 11hop. D1nc Ii: park. N lce l)' ~ ,.,.i, """"" pa.tto, ver)' quiet Mlahbothood. Sl!J pt. mo. Available' tor bnmediale oe> cupancy, Write Box 1\2 c/o ( Daily POot .NICE 3 bdrm to respon lonr ~ adlt tenants. $2%). No 4iitis-Art s pm, 1513 aw or ..... ,,., 2 BR.. w/w cpts, drps, bltns. ]~ Ba.; adult& $16S Mo 3IJ E. 15th; 54-2414 University Part< 3237 IOUS 3 Br., bonuS ml., 2 baths, trplc. ' $JX1 1 Mo., 1~. 8l3-0027 Spanish style, decora&« film. Shag carpelire1 self clean- ing ovt'l\ll, -prtvate entranee & privato Fundecks. Adult living, near btaches. 1 • 2 BJ:i, 2 BA fmm SUD lo' S2!$. ~~.Lw.~~ 1!1322 Brookhurst (just No. of Adams) Huntington Beach {TI4) 962-2931 UTILITIES PAID 2 ·BR & bach. Htd. pool 80'l Knoxville-, Apt D, H.B. • 5J6-2914 • 3250 ======= ·l1gun1 Be1(h 'corona dol Mar CHARMING· 2 Br. 2 Ba.; frpl., new shag eartp'g., ' wood pUiellng; beam cell., ' patio: cloee to shopping &: beach. $300 Mo., )'r. lease ..,,,...,.. 4705 Huntlnl!On Booch 3400 Channinz 2 BR. near beach. $225 mo, Year lea!ile. AcJulls. Newell As!IOCiates 494-6594 I BACHELOR, very nice, utilities ine., good location. $95. 494-4925 FREE .ftENTAL BOOK "i:1'4 1 AL:> Drop in and Browse Apts. Unfurnithecl 3 Bedroom. 2 Ba.th. fireplace, tnclo&ed yard with Patio. 1 ~Go~n~ar!i1iiliiiiiiiii5'iiOiiiiOO :-::::~~:op~ VENDdME Walker & lee 1682 Edinger 842-4455 or MO-S.140 Open Eves. FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM ~ 2 be:lh: car· pets, drapes, built 'ins, '.Cbv· e.ttd patio and fenced yard. Near sehools and shopplnl:. i;irk;;,& lee rl9o Harbor 8htd. at Adams ....... t IMMACULATE API'S! lMMED. OCCUPANCY ADULT &: FAMILY SECTIONS AVAlLABLE CloM to Shoppinf, Park • Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba • 2 Bedroom... 't Swim Pool,'PuVgrecn • Frpl, Indivi'lndry fac'ls 1145 Anaheim Ave. COST A MESA· 642-2824 $159: DIX. 2 BR. 2 ba, w/w, bltns: recreational area. Broker 534-6980 ON TEN ACRES 00 LOW 00\VN PAYIO!il'r 2811-- I' 11 2 BR. l'llrn 6 Unl\lm RICK ALDEREnE . wftb qualltJ ....._ I'~ I priv. pallol/~. ~ \. i I )'GU ean tH A Jed, Ytu- T<ull • O>ntnt'I B~ P!I• •' R 0 lo< ......i mW&<D><nt, Uric sreen. t'lOt N, Rou n4154t.&ll.9 rtereatlonal comple.1C toO""' Lue. QIM """'11 OFf'ICI ILDG.•HI """"""'" ,......,.,,_ "'°'· IMacArtblU' nr. Colli .Hwy• ~ sq. ft..~ oUicel; Good wblrlpaol,111w.. and for: Dt .• • Lawyeri • S.Yir{p rc<natlon hall. w_.ru. Whoddyo Wont~ Whoddyo Got? '. SPECIAL<C:&.ASSIPICATION FOR. ----------- NEW l 1Bdnn., t,.•r•1c: itoan . B.4nk.(5 )'ea1'I okl. ' ~~to~ carp., drapes. tna. ·itM Easy conttnion; tramw~. $29,Rtio or '!Or rent. NA 'l'UY,L BORN SWAPPEllS, Splclol llAhl , Leuo. Adulb onlJ,......,. It. D. SLATES, ltltr; l'tl.Ol'lltTllJ WIST liiilboo S M!.1519 Ew1. 1162-'1388 11111 ~ Dr. ""'1311 ' GRACIOOll Ailult ' Uvior-1:•:•:•1~·-~~ll;ant~al~~-;;;;~·1 ;/t"~11;••~l;~~D~1~1 i~rtt;;~•• . . .62 ... Ocean & Bay view. Spacious 2· . BR. 2 BA., y,..iJc ln HuNrlNG.TON ~Cll 5 Linea -5 'ti"* -S bucb flVLlS -'1IJ lllVIT INCLUDE 1-Wl\M 1'911 Mvt .. ...... ./ 9-WMt rrN Wint Ill tr10L :t-'f'OIJlt ..._,,tl'ICI/... ........ ..., -.... ., ...... trtllln• t-HOTtOHG FOR SA.LIE -nAO£S OHL 'f't PHONE 642-5671 clouts, beautlfUJ ...carpeb I: JirarperleA Por>I, ~I "iPI fOl' tenanb. Subll!1nL.'1Ull -· 6'T.>J003 • ' ' LI/lo Isle , llS 1 Ul'S'l'AIRS 2 Br. 2 ba. b!Wt- Cpll, -IJ'pl. im· J\io. )l?}Y. 1ease. 673--3824 BAYFRONT 2 BDR. Prjvt Beach. Fireplace, Patio, isz. 615-2:831 afi., 4, ----~--~ . Huntington 8ti1.-;h 5400 GOLD, KEY SUiTES E'xocutivo I Sola ,Offlco,; '* AJr-cond 6 -utils • " Carpeta • """ * Reception Rm •OeanlnrA,..mt. .Tdeptlone Answerinc: .l. Secretarial Service •Vail Tow~ l Country ShGPPli>I Coil.tor 18582 Beach •BJvd. Cat Elli$) !Juntirwbm Bch EXCLUSM • tt2~ ON· THE·IEACH /~~S!!'!TO::!!!~~E~S~A~LS~o~ 2 & 3 Bodr-Apto.. STREET FRONTAGE, Luxwy 11-to -... Oc Beacb Blvd. 1480 Sq. ft, 'S'IOSt dlacrimlnabrll· NO'fl' Model home ideal for insur., a\iillable at . Rltr., etc. !Bel Katdla and To Pl1c• Your Tr1der'1 P•r•tUM Ad first Time Offered APTS. In H.;.., Par\<, 13 ·~ • • unltl, 1 I: 2 Br., new paint Conunerelal acreq:e, small •cpl. within lut.yr. Trade or large ·~ Havuu rot incoote Jinip, N'pt., Lake. caw. Alt. 6CM9IM • C.O.ta .Maa. M9-321l Eve. 17 Ft, ootbovd fol'· station t's"A!'.". Nr!!"'.~H!!'•".,.,""t.~.~Hldea!'!""..,-l waeon «auto or equal vat. S,000' cl. IV1r,·...,. ll6QO. ue. Pbone 644-4681 •• 161-1'56 ..... ~ pn. , 63J...Tll0 -.i.o 'A.IL Five year equity in 3 bdrm, ac;t' · 1 bath, Iara:e family room Corona dcl Mar Duplex Exchange up for 'Lq:una BeaCh H~: Broker • ... !330 '61: 1itustang V.S convert; PS/PB, R&:H, · xlnt <.'Ond. new tires, lo ml., val. $2'JOO; accept 'small car in U'8.de. Pr. P\)'. 548-2061 aU::.INliSS 9fMI , home. For mobile home or .$~.000 !quir,y in Charmel Fl .. AN(IAL truck eqult)r. Reet~Penlhousc. \Vil! trade Call 142-3tn for property In Hawaii. IUL Opportunlfi9!...!!! HAVE 3 UNITS; need ~= Salisbury, Ricy. FRANCHISE Orange CoUnty income 'Vlll exchange u'p 22' Cel)lury lnbrd., ha! aU .. SPECIAL)STS Si Slavin, Realtor e."tru, C.G. app. equip. J"l'anebi.se opponuniUea avail. 642-622'l + SIS RT. Sold ~\v $7500. ~-'h r~?'_-~. na~~ •. l'HA=VE=,"""1"'tk-e-...,.--.~,~,.,.-e Winter p~ $3695. Trade ....,. -·~""'"''""'""' .~ .. u1.1-a..1 l.awe ~ fu1 for smaller'boat. 546-9872 J'&l'lie f r o rd. $10,000 to-board ry ' I key-Mammoth Lakes • 10 Units $100,000. Eamirip com.meJ). ...... ...:.E. f "t Pi k l •·-bo . ---BABYSl'ITER Fenced yard. Meals included. TAKATA wOek di.Ya only. Vicinity JAPANESE ~URSERY • •iaJJada,y" Bl'lhop SL, S.A. StG-Orn. Omplete prdenlrit Phone S36o6672 scrvic_e, }'leadqU&rt.ers for all your nurset'Y ~11. WIU.. do bab)raftl1fle in my ALLEN BROS home, dayt only. Reliable GARDENERS sruoENTS & experienced. 646-219&. workinr their MY thru eol- Call Mller ~ )ese. Experienced. licensed. , UCENSED d8.)' care. Prd REAS! 646-420.1 Wkb' 2-4 )'I'S. Hot luocbes. ..1&-A ba.lanced activities. ~1539 J•p•ntM Gar__..r ""'YSJTl'tNG My hOme, E:xper, compl yard service! ~ Free estimate. 50-795&. E-cide C.M. Prefer l\<etkly. * ~1557 * e PRUNING, 21 yean uper Call Bill FeJ'IUSOn OIILD Care, any age my ~2'805 Eveni.np hom e . $2 5. week. Teacher/motheT 64>-0U& YARD Cleanup. Tree service, new I a w n • , \VILL babysit my home. any "~" c.,.,. shirt. One cblla onl,y. ~'d sprinklers., rotoUIL .,........_ motber.'64.S-1821 JAPANESE Gu,der.er, com- BABY.SI1TING My hOme, plete yard service, ~ estima'.tes, 54~133S fuU.part time nr Pomona scbool. 642-3001 JAPANESE G ardener Complete Service. Ex· perienced. Reliable. 642-&389 e JAPANESE GARDENING ServJce Cleanup, Landscap- ing. 5.11-?tlM a¢ 1 p.m. Brick, M1sonry, etc. 6560 Bl{ILD, Remodei, Repair Brick, block. concrete, crpntry, nn job tOO" amall. Lie Qlntr. 96W945 BUil-llosYice 6563 e SECRf;T ARIAL Service! Fut, accurate, ffif\t Exec. S5 hr. N.B. area. 644-2541 JOHN3lN'S Gardening serv. Finest equip, expert )'ard care! Reas! 962-2035. CLEAN.,-UP Speciallst! Mow· .... ·-.odd Joba. lilbt moving. Reas! 548-6955 Cut " F.<lp Lawn 1.faintenance. Licensed 548-«B/'45-2310 aft f The Hurillnvfnn ' ~=~ :r!i ·~~alt<: ·~·. aurate with price ol busineu •n.tU.r · or., e c Up, Pus .... 5 .., me on 1 a~. selected. . car or cuh. ~ Trade -for )'Ollr, <>ranee C•rpenterlnt 6590 Tb companies dealroul of. '59 Cadillae ($500 vi.lueJ County property or '! Sal.is--'-"''----"'---;.,...; e JAPANESE GARDENER Mainteoanoe 1: crnnup Call 54&-2572 dewJoping Iranchile p~ for Pick' Up truck, bury Realty m.6900 ~ w.w,-carpet. ll'9JllS, we can provide: fea. boat or dawn .on boust or 2 M-1 tilt.up hldas on Pla· . rutr. ~ libillty atudies, complete de. ! '! ! . centia, C.M. Price $150,000. 7U Ocea.D ~vi-1, H.ll ~pment of packqe, ~ 646-5486 Trade eqty, 195,500 for prop. {714) 536-1487, Office R1nt1I '6070 clWidwri& asslltance i San Clemente Income 2 T.O. + $45,000 cW\, - . · franchise sales. tores • 2 k>ts 2 offices 2 548-1542 S LAGUNA .IEACH Fpr further In fo. Contact Apts • Will take TD's ·or Will take 16 to 2U ft boat . ~ll' · "' c;aroe• Alt Cond~lonocl UNIVE RS •L Pacific@ Balboa Island CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small .. Cabinet in gar- ages I; o t he r cabinets. 545-8175, II no answer leave mar at 646-2312. H. o. Anderson 1~, sell deani.ng ~m. _ Oi:i FORDi'1.' AVENUE "" smaller property. Make oU-RS 'trade for equity in La pnvat~ entrance ~ pnvate D.esk sifra,ces available in FRANCHISE er. Call. t94-3262 Alirada hou"se with $180. mo QUALITY P..epairs _ Alten- Fundecks. Adult living, near newelt office buildin& a1 EXCHANGE Oce•nfront lease. Call evenings ll tionl!I -New .cons!. by hour beaches. 1 ~ 2 BR, 2 BA prime )peation In downtown '!-6l17 Weilclill Dr. Sui.te 210 Lge. buplex 'veekends. 54IMLl16 or C.Ontract 646-3442 from $140 lo $l!:lp .. r Laguna Beach.. Air condj. Newpoi;t Bt!lch. Cal. 642-21µ J.1'1,000 equity. Exchange $7700 equity 3 Bedrooms, 2 \.s.'1u;..~An. tioned, carpeted. beautifuJ CANDY S~PPLY for Baytront. Units or Sail-bath Sal) Clemente home, ~~. ~~Ti~s ~~~ :t.. paneled partitionina:. T w 0 R.OUT,E boat. Balboa Bay Prope~-close in. Submit aU oflen: _ 548-67l3 ~.·-entrances: Fl'ontq:e ca (Part or FUll Time> ties. 6'13-7420 673-9187 on clear !and or Jots. Bkr. yrs. eXper .. 198'12 Brookhlirst FQl;'est A•e.,. rear ltadl to Exc!llent IncOme for Few TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2% ba. 6T;i-4070, 494-3949 MASTER carpenter, $4 per AL'S Gardening S er v I ee Lawn maintenance, ~ ing l clean ups. 646-3629 Gener1I S1rvicea LIGHT Hauling, Tr a c tor Leveling, Clean Up, l.ight Demolllion, Chain Sa w Work. * 545-5490 .. HAULING. Cleanup pragea, ode: jobs etc. Free est. Jim 548--5325. anytime (just No. of AdanulJ MQDCfpt1 Pllkinl: kQ. '50 Hrs. WeeMy ~ {Days or Beaut, appt'd. Priv. patio. Duplex So. l..tguba 2 bl. hour. Rernod~. Repairs. SPARKLING, mnny, walk to 1714) 962-2981 per month for .,._. Dr1!M Eves.) relilllnr and collect; pool, dose to bay. Val. to beach, xlnt location. r=64>M00==,.:"':=5,10,1900===="' beach .l. shctpping; 3 BR: and chain: avallablt. for,SS. iazr:Money from Coin Operi. $32,000, low dn. or T.D., Trade Sll,OOJ 'equit)' lor Open ti! 9 PM 5100 Hiulinl 1730 LITE Hauling 1: cleanup. Reasonable. Jury area. bltm, ...iuded patio, pool HARBOR 2 BDRM •• 2 BAJH B.W..u °""" ....... aleil °""'""" In o..n,.. Car 0, ? Owner ,.._ d<a< lot 0, tand. subm;t C.mont, Cone-6600 I: ma!"'enance: many ex-Sttrice availlble .for $10. County a 11 d ll'IUT'OUJ1dina I""'='=~.:,_,...:.:,,..;."-"'::..: oilers. Bkr. ~O 494-3949 CONCRETE "· eo-• "T All uHlldet pajd dcept ll!'ell., No seJiin(. (HandJet ~ lot 85 .x 300, * wo,-..._ ,..,. tras.$1.liMo.838-~ GREENS $150/Mo. Sl25 U Sia)' 1 yr, telept.one. 'Name Brard C.00, and Desert Cteat mobil Jot, \Vhaldoyoohavetotrade! ed l Licensed. Concrete LEASE w/option; 2 sty. 4 Pool. carpe~/drapee, bit-ins. DAILY P(LOT Snacks) $16.50 total cash re-ltie~ Trailer ~ark. Box List It here -ill Orange sawing ~ .• ::.. 2nnl> ·,Bibi;~~ lg •. d~~vb', .... ~. BACl-lELOR _ UNFURN. patio. Kida OK. Fenced. 222 FOROO' A VENUE quired. For more Worm•· 1024. 29 Palms. _ S48-9832. County's largest read trad-Phillips Cement. 548-6380 ....... um -""'" f $1 OO Delaware Studio Apts. LAGUNA BEACl:I tion and detail.a, send Name; Want: CAmpei' Ol" eXpando ! ing post -and make a deal Custom Landscaping $255 Mo. 9182 Annik Dr. fOm 2620 Delaware, li.B. f91.Hi& • A""-nd Pbo N ._ BEST IN CONCRETE ~1447 ALOO AVAILABLE 642-2221 anytime 536-1816 to7:"~as, a , ne umue&" * * * * * * • 646-1234. • IMMAC. 3 Br. 2 Ba. home; 1 • 2 & 3 BDRM. BEAUT. new 2 bdrm 2 bath. * M"~rn, Qffi~es "Rtn.m: DEPAR'n.lENT'' l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!!!!l!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!l!!ii. e CUST01' PATIOS e Call 6«2-2651 CLEAN Lots/garages etc., tree remov, dump sJrip backhoe, ftll ir;ule. 962-3745 Hauling-Carage Oeanups Trim Hedges, Trees. Reas. BIG JOHN -642-4020 --...-. Hou11cl1anin1 avail. March; ref's. Sl89 Cellcalcd Pools. Child~ IIas: everything! ca't1 Single or suites. Air cond-P.O. Box 3846 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCt1'\\ENTS concrete sawing & removal ~onth 1213)'358-03681 nter, Adj. to Sboppinf -M2-57o.l ltionlng, parltlng, lll!Cretarial Al\ihe, irn. Calllornia 92803 and NOTICES ·Ind NOTICES State Lie. e 842-1010 No pet5 aUQ\v@d ,;;;;======I service, central location. CARPETS. windows. firs, Santi An11 Heighh 3630 2700 ... ,. P•"Adam"'°",,WCoaysta, at~lfar.esa. L-un• Beach 5705 C. Robert Nat~ Realtor ''LITILE BUSINESS''. Found CFrM Adi) 6400 Personals 640S e BEST IN CONCRETE etc. Rcsiden. or Comc'I. ro -• --'-""-'I 2'30 E. 17th Street • Ope~te.lrom your home ------· \Valks, pool decks. fil'.N)l'S, Xlnt 'vork Reas! RW. *3 BR. Hol18e. Stove .l. Reiri-'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!54!!6"'711!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! 100 CLIFF DRIVE C.Osta 1itesa 642-1485 e ,F\111 or part-time FOUND: Small, .lrtam col-* Selective Singles * Patios. Phone 642-8514 548-4.lll all ufil pd, $160 month. 1 • LUXURY FURN/UNFURN NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER e ~h earnings ored, sbaay Aap~type COmpanionship, Sinct'rity e CONCRETE work, all WILLIAM'S Cl.NG. SERV. 54fi..03.47 f BR. unfurn $1.aJ. Avail Yearly Lease. 1 ~ 2 Wrma. Ollices lllltah\e fDr Com· e No expe;ience necewiary dog. Vic. Palisades Rd. A Introductions Confidential types. Pool decks~ custnm. Carpet&-f\im-compl hse. 2.BR house, fenced yard. 31:. -2 • 1 Br. furn $130 steps to SboN a: Shope: mercial, Medical, Dent.a!. •I}'eetn.inillcPfOl?'am Tustin Ave., Newport (2&-55) 642-9676 :>.JO PM "Ca:=U:,,.548-:..:.=13:::24;..... __ ~-And Apt cl~. 64Ul64 Childtt:p & pets OK. up. Heated pool, no peta. OceanvfewfromevrryJ..pL Ail-.Q:lnd., crpts, elevator •Eara while leamlnc Beach. Cail " identify OON'T Jet another lonel)' CEMENT \Vork, no job too ==="'======I References. $125. ~1980 baby ok. 1887 Monrovia, from $150 mo Up. lease FROM, $~. • '3500 Inva~ent b\U's Ei13-8435 . weekend go b)'! Succeed In small, reasonable. F re e _ln_c_o_m_o_T_1_x __ ~6_7_40_ I 646-4753 s4J """" OR rn ... ,,~ complete lnVe'ntory -Kr:N IALS .f.94-2449 ~ >-UW'I •tor Wonnatlon PT. Collie/pt sheep dog, tan dating without really trying. eatim. H. Stufllck. 548-8615 _Apts. Fumished WYELY, Laree 3 Br. apt.; LRG 2 Br. 2 Ba. .Upper Mutu•I Savings & •Call· 5'6-fMO ves color, 10 mos. old. Vic. ~i.a.,.,,.""="'°'Bcb;::o..;:;".:,' .:.44::;!9:_~ 2 Ba.: patio, sundeck; nr. duplex, trplc. $195 or $21JI LNn Bldg., .C(IM . e ' ~fonte Vista It Orange, C.M. t'OUPLES, singles; Jonely'!' I -'C;..o,;;n.;.tr-'a;.;cto;,;" ;.;"~---'66;.;;;;2..:.0 I Generil 4000 WestcliU. Adults on I y. furn. 494-00llJ, S73-llfili ll 350 • 800 ft ava.il MW • IF )'ou ~'Ould like to be 548-8993 New in area'!' We ha~ your H. K Clark Acctz Serv. Income tax; personal or busi.Dess, yoor borne or of.c. 20 yfs exp, tor. firm. 642-6183 or 645--0142 eves RENT 642--0810 or &IS-5542 2104 ~D Eves. 4s4-3zl3 =as~ >'~~· : rou=~N~IF.~.-Dl<.--.,..-y-&_bro_wn_ kind of excitement! NE\V 2 BR, l~I BA. crpts, REAL ESTATE MODERN ofc. space; ail'-pc..tunities with Huskie, out of state tags.1===·=635-m~=t'-•'-- 3 Rooms Fumiture drps, all bltns ind dib\\T, G1n1r1I cond; park'g, good loc., l'!'llt C.Btlle ·Cosmetics 541-9417 yic. ~boa Island. Call & REDUCE Safe, simple & fast $25 Mo:lith sep patio, sep gar. $165. rm. 1,000 to 1500 sq, tt. 1denti(y. 646-2926 with GoBeae tableb only Avail April 1· 64U257 Rent•ls Wanted 5990 54M761 Refil Estite LHftt 6340 MIN. Fem. do& mix. ,vrre. 98c. Crawford 's RX =~~NA~::; ~RA:u!.bd~=a:~ e MATURE, ~spon. Em-:a.~e~~·~;: : HOME LOANS ~abe!:~~~~.:,_i: ::::·~~':sam be ' No depo&it o.a .c. $125. Adults. no p e t , . pl.o)'ed man neede l hr sg1 'MONEY "AV An.ABLE • 6'2-9360 selected. \\'e need poople H.F.R.C. sts...am story tum apt or duplex Call for' details .on tod--'1·'··~--------of all Int 1n R c~1. NB or Cdl\1 _.. '"163. Industrial Prop. 6080 ~ GREY To)' Poodle Blk c.onar ages · exposW'tl Furniture 1ntal1 l\lODERN 2 bd, 1 ~ ba. All "" • ..., rat.el: fOl' ht Ir; 2nd TOI. Male Vic. F~tw Rd. CM for bit parts in commcrc., 517 \V. 19th, C.P.1. 54S.M81 eJec. Crpts, drps. GE .kiteh, Conners, or 642-6380 eves. M-1 SPACES -up to 7450 Serving Orann County for ~514 movJes I: TV 826-3460 1568 \V. Lncln. Anbm 714-2800 encl. gar, nr bua: Sl40. Adlts. EMPLOYED lad)' wlshea 1 sq. ft. near MacArthur and 20 ~ara • t--------- $135; 2 BR., nicely tum., Mgt . 124 ~· 20th. BR1unturn Apt, beach area Ne,vport Freeway. Prestige Sattler M,are Co .• Inc. ~~ ~ ~:.: ~~ w/w, fenced )'ard l patio I ~~=~,,..,,-~--to 110. Carport Ol' garage Blcl. :ill parking, 9 offices 336 1:.. 17th St. · es: Broker a34-6980 'l BDRM, 1% ba, Mesa North JIC(:. 642-0086 alt/ 5 p.n1. -I reception room and entry 64:1-21.n 54:>-0611 _64_6--6536_. ______ _ Apt . Pvt patio, blt-lns. .:-..--., .. , S · · $90. Bachelor apt. on the Garage \V/W crpts. 5<10--37".19 • LANDLORDS e • all air conditioned. 440 ""'"""•· vu>-oo.> 6CJ.157 1~LLtlfyB•1kt. Owner call & peninsula. Utilities pd . or 642--3936 FREE RENTAL SERVICE -3 pba.sc equ\pped. Man)' u'-· -TD, -63,5· w:n a tu six. 54!>-0684 ~ker 534-6980 B.roker 534-fi98'l otherl available. The Real .._., ..... , • • I ,. 2 b~t~:~·;11~i1;!;.~: PARTJAlLY tum 2 or :I Estaters. 646-TITI *HAVE SSO.ooo. Private mon. Lost 6401 1< ,_.,_t•_M_o_,. ____ 4100 96Z-0050 bdrn1 hsc. H11.ve dog & cat. Industrial lentil 6Q90 ey investor wants to buy sea. LOST :. Black & white $ Rent open. 6~6-7601 soned. lst. It 2nd TI>s. Rea-fluffy c•t. 1 tr. old -25 Wk Up 2 BDRM, 2 Ba. crpts, dtps, · bl d 1 1 • adlts, bit-Im; lndry rm gar. -FOR lease La.a:una Nigucl, sona e »SCOWi • male. No co l1r. V~. e Studio I: Bach apts. Sl40. aller 6 pm S40-StilS Rooms for Rent 5995 of! San Diego FwJ at Crown Sattler336Mort&E. 1a_:~ StCo .. Inc. Shalimar Dr., C.M. Re- • Ind Utila Ii: Phone 9U\'. Valley, 11ew commercial It 1u1 nf f Maid Setvioe • TV avail. $}lj INCL. JJliL 2 Br., nr. ROOM F'OR RENT W/ptV lndustri&t units. Delta Elec-642-21n 545-0Sll wa • AnnounC.m1nts 6410 ATTENTION EX·NAVYMEN, Clt'11n out the old ltCa-ba~ and help oul a good cause. Give your old unifoims (Off- icers l: Enlistedl lo the Sca- Scouts. Need blues, whites, sea-bags, etc. 642-5769 ALCOHOl.JU. Anonymous Phone 542-7211' or write to P.O. Box 1223 Cosla 1'.1esa. Additions 1t Remodelina: Fred H. Gerwick, Lie. 673-f.041 . * 549-21'10 Carpet •Cleaninp 6625 PROFESSIONAL Rug l Upholstery Oeanl rig. Top quality, guaranteed results. Allen'& M.a.intcnance 6464U63 or eves 642-3526 CARPET I.: FUm. cleaning: for t day service I:. quality work, caU Sterlini for b~hlness! 642-8520 Carpet Laying & Repa ir 6626 C.'.RPETS fnylon.'I, \\'001.s. polycsterH,) Vinyls and Til- es. L.stest styles and colors. Commercial and Residential, Expert installation. BLANIONSHiP FLOORS 642-1403 540-7262 e The Tax Adv isors Year round ofc. 328 No, • Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reu! Call 645-0400 far appt. MACK HARRIS Tax Serv. 9th yr., 3U? Roosevelt, C.P.I. Appointmts, ~2971 e PROFESSIONAL TA X SERV. Home-quick aCt:Un.te. $19. Complete!! oos.J'103 \Valter H. FahrenhOlz P.A. Income Tax Scrvict' 642-6104 or 56-1398 eve. e INCOP.1E TAXe Done in your homt $5 And up. G.»-2600 INOOME Taxes prepared your home, lon5 form com- bined. $15. 4!M-3422 INCOME Tu Serv., Notary Public. Reas. Eve~. 549-1340, 2361 Zenith. S.A. Hts. e New Cale I Bar Harbor Shop. Centei-Dais)' ba I: entr, no cooklfli; ~1 tric. Daya. 831.1400, Eves. Eves. m.-18C5 ~· 6Q.ll51 646-5361 or S4M537, 2376 Newport B!vd. S4S-S75.i 5U-8881: 838-t.m Eve blk ID beach. $60 mo. Prefer aJ-4198. 12,_ RETURN ALCOHOLICS· Anonymous ELUXE. spacioul l-Bdrm.. DELUXE Apt dean.ted a: girl or lad)'. 675--071i. _ 300J SQ n "'areh<Mt .l. office $3:1,<XKI lat -m, $300 mo, to-Phone 542-7217 Ol' write to Cemetery Crypts 6419 ::E:;lac::t:.:r:;i'":::;,l ___ ..;6:;644:::0 I lronint 6755 ... J'urn. apt. $13,j PIUJ util. temLOe. SlOO. lst I: la.st adV. PRIVATE roon1, kitc~n + am sq tt paved I: fenced cludl.Oi 89':, 3 yrs. Level .P.O. Box Im Costa Mesa. 2 Br. I den $160 Plus util. 548-2039 I 646-4760 4-6 PM pr1vll~ea nr. 2~1t Slrett. )'ard. 1855 Lquna c&nyon hilltop, rnqnificent Ocean --· 'Jieatt!d pool. Ample parkh\a 3 BDRM. unfurn. U"5 Mo. Sa_nta An&. Sl~ wee II. Rd. 1nt1 494-Mlfi& or Cll4) View. 1Arce cash down, Petson1l1 6405 No chlldrtn. No pets 2 Oilldren ok, crpts, ~ 645-1294 before 2 p.m. 540-76SI strong buyer. Discount 'Yill • PALM & CARD • 1985 Pomona, CM blt -iru;, 545-0262. "lo peU!! SEPARATE c n trance, --return U %. 494-ll38 Ps)'chlc reader Sister Julia 125 1t10. Dix. Mobil Honie, :J UR. 1% ba. Children private bath, 1V. wall to Lob 6100 LARGE OCEANVIE\1/ LOT has helped thousands. Jet (Omp. furn.: hut. pool. "-elconlt. $150. Mgr. 862 w. wall carpeting, S7:i. 642--2840 Ocean Tront $2,00'.I do"'"-balance $T:JOO Mr help )'OU, Speclal read· Adulta only, no pets. Ct-nterApt.1 : 10a.m,-4p:m. LRG Rm. Lovely hOrne; Rciidcnli&I. thvncr rieeds at $75 mo tncludil\r 8% lna:a Sl. Open daily 9 a.m. our Seuons f\:1obil Estates klteh.priv: tep n!:I.rig, in\io, cash. Prittd $4.0,COO. Full,)· improYeO • W> -to lG p.m. 893-:'854 701 West- Ncwp011, Of. 54S-63.'t2 Newport B11ch 5200 gar, 646-4»39 evc11.. Don v. Fr•nklin deraround utill. 491-UlO n1lnster, \Ve'stmin!ter. NICHE 38 AJc0ve ol De~ E L E CI'RIClAN Liceruied, IRONING, m)' home; tioo, Pahn, Court, Pacllk: bonded. Small jobs Ma.int. work, fut. reasonable. View M~ Par:k. aln&le •. k repair. 548-52D· 962-mo SHO 0' oiler . ..,._ Gordonl"f '6IO L...iscopl"f 6110 Travel ... ,.3• --""--__ -;,: . NEED RIDE fro1n Int. Oen- mar Ir Newport Blvd, C.M. to ColliM Radio, N.B. hlon-Fri 8-5 shift 548--0350 JAPANESE GARDENER CC'mplete yard llel'Vlce, fl'tt estimateA. Exp. SotG-1332 11IE QUICKER YOU CALL. TlfE QtlJCKER YOU SELL Poor M1n'1 Frlencl CUsrQM LANDSCAPING * 646-1234 • White elephants! Dlm~·line Dial 642-5678 for RE&ILTS e NA8&llu Palms e ~nbn 2 BR..2 ROOM for rent. Nice, quk!t Realtor ' 673-2Zl2 $2l<XKI 2nd TD, 10% :J )'l'a. STARTING New cluscs in . 1 A: 2 BR. · Pool BA d bl 1 honic; for \\'Orkin& \\'Oman, PAIR ol '. 0. '°"· 211 ~ dit1<.'00nt 1$t,OOO\ $34 n1ak"-'•",' a tint tn Oran~ S TA.R GA'ZER:"M,.. 11 E-22nd St. 642-JGG ' cpU. rps, tru;, ('!\(· • kit -' 64" ·-~ ·' v 4'" """• -....-,... r-'T': """'" ~...,,. l{ilaroa· \V•v, S'"" · pnv. _,.,.. lltllotropo, Corona dcl M•-. ~eq. ~ County. Learn how-to look ""' •--... ~ -"""' 1-(W ... !.!!"'----•r·CLAY l. POLLAN ""' ,.so VERY n""" hHchelor lst'. i213) 981-703:9 G-::: Ho--$32,500 each. 675--3539 NOUNCEMENTS your best Ji jw;t_ a f('\Y Apt. GenUenui.n onl)'. -=~~-~--- 1 _-_. __ .. _____ 5_99....;I , and NOTICES • 11hort hours, at a very io1v M v-Ooifr J.cti..;fy c;.,.;J. ' H '.1au W Wll'*>n CM .c:.•o ""'77 2 BR. 2 Ba. Condo_. bi>k. , SO > -t Tan•ht ~. 1~· ,......,..... Y Attorfl;,., to th o Ston. Y !11'';.2' rti • ' ' . '".,....., pool, <'Xltu. $25o or $27:1 PRIV Rm for elderly lady-Rina• 61 .. .,.. . -. "~ '"" ~.,...,.., oo ~ ~ly J-BR. Trailer Jurn. 494-6081, 67W.166 a In Uc'd rueiit home .. Good FiluMI fFrw Ads) ~ S:~~ st~lle Cosmetics ~"=':=iZo~~ ir~~ m.so ZOI food ,,.,,,.. lam. "'"' SAN TIMOTEO ' L!J'ELY Duk brown;.. LICENSED of-Zod;.,;1!'"'"9' f."="' l3S E., 1'th St., C.M. 642-00 646-J391 -f .~ ' RA~ u YoU.nc em....:: cat · 1 '·-'---'1. 31....___., '' --·. v--l·BR. Int Bluff 52 2 .....n · ~· ~ ' Splrltual ~ advic:o -~ _. ... ,, .~ -_. part Bunnese or _.. 2Drhln l2.For AT..,.. n.Iln". Xlnt location e HEW DELUXE e J l~n;c;om;'°;~p~,;-~~ty~~6'~0-~00~1 36D Acre rucb. 81iJdJnas 1: 9ameae7 collar Vk. l9tb Oll a11 matt.a. HIS. El "','"-"""'..,, 1 1, ~~-••:.-. ~ .. ~ ... w. WU-Cll $41.83TI I· equipment ~-_., A Park, CM. "6-aXl9 Ca>!ll» Real; llln Otmettte. 35;c-~ _ 3 1,:-~~~ .=e~ lnv,strMnt ~~ : ~ 3 'MO. Old BlK Pup Fem. =. i:, =:c ~::' 1J= ~~ · 4200 WOUU> JfO'I UR to live on NllWJIOl'1 lllud? Lovdy up- per apt.. tum.. on If' ... Prefer qik., na chlldrco or ~·for lmlJJ boat BAYP'RONT ""-3 8", 1 loo& util pc!. Family onlr. Slln'nw. '1>251! nn. &: dbt pnce, aall:). JW"itb lnsurMG1 ...,.,,, • hd Vic-F.dtneer ' Spr-.1 • .,,===-,..--.,-~ IL.. .31 ~ """" door opcoer "avail. Pool A Appnm3aern, rare Main. l&' under in'lpHon. Hu hpr.19'1-7067 URGE:tn''l mom under 40: 1:~ :~,., nf~ N Ca-.,;., 1_ ln avocadoi + rvi'f.al. wattrrlahta.wtll&press~ lkll'Hll'JClku, lonely IOfl 4, 11v.., •If........, 110.. rec. area. r. "f'A"" .,. • J l)'llem. PaYed road front-need& ainctrt-l»memaktt 12 Vw 1.1~ 72Smile Dl~h I ICbooi Ii: O:>rona. VWI~• le: ltWtr n le: pa.Id ·-.Near Redlands bl Riv-NOW'S THE to be ,.., dad. ,Call oil JJTo .ov_---7Jo,. dci fdar fflah. for. 400" frntr on pawed _... ,._,-L.. •You ••A 1• DlltW ' e ONLY $2M • 11trttt cloat to shopplnc A enlde _....'I· N pr~ Ii pm. 9.icdyt 648-01!1 l:~ ::~ ~~~ m.m· Al.> ... w.,, N.B. -· Can'I ""lopped ot $360.000. , .. """"' '"'"" TIM. E FOR Allroctlvo Export "'"'-"""""" ,,....., sst.51Xl. 2t'it dn. Owner w1U 1'1111.t1on, please CIU Glenn: YOUNG WOPi-IAN 11w... 4-Tot... 111rw, roR LEASE . hixul')' 1 y]ew. carry al &.5'>•. TbomJ*lll with., "Ul'CI< CASH dancer \\'111 teach )'OU all ~~ ~~ ~~ spill leYel. 2 Br. 2 Ba. apl. B~NKER Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. T latest al<'ps. Call Ardt'll ''Mott s1 ,,,.....,.,[p ,,...,,.,,._ 50A10 REAL ESTATE • 1818 w. Oiapm'-!' Ave. THROU"'H A .tU: 591AS.1a 1JG Pi:ll gt.M i~f:""'"'"9 ~~':"" ~ ~... Ql'anet, Cllil, . W' 2•Tocloor;'i !i4V-MA.., .. lo 7Jt/i'2 _ _, • WOMAN Wrtttrv rl n 1Ie1 1l5GoM SSJ.ot asQi,_11- 24.lO Wannlands, Vbta, Call . S<J.2621, E.,..wknd1 !l3M!2! DAl''Y PILOT cookbook. ...., mal• hoit '""' ""•"'~ .. _ '""""-<--"'! .. 2,~ !1 ......... ' ,,,,_ ,.. LIUN'1.JUS1WJSHUauuJV-a.nrle.146-4616 '2t!..,. ~Ot llflViltlOl'I i:;.;;;;W:;;•;..... ___ ~ C:..-411 Mar 5250 yr lae 1 Ba. s 11, •NEW FDUR·PLEX* N'e..r bet.ch. Huntq:1on S.•cb. ,.,~ •• , .. , _.._ 2ttl.. ,gn..-. ., ......... thlnll to funtllli,.... -· WANt AD TEA~ -tlaDj< ride ..,,,, "''"'-.,,..,._ ,.....,. . •••• find -at buys ti to-"' trom Cott. MC. Io ® & () "" O'" o>W, Gaoif ,\dTmc: w-eoJ.i d.Q'.I o.udllod ..... L&Oio-. -, ___ ,,,!!~~!!::~~;;;;,,,!gf,;;:;.~~~~ ~1_ .. ~ ___ 61_90_ PLUMBING REPAIR No :job too limall . . .....,,,.~ PLUMBING ·x hr~ Work quar, lie, los. .remod, repaJr, rooter l!'l'V. 531-7566 Remodel:, Rap1lr, 6940 IF . You Deed ?emoddi.ni, pointing or ,...;n. Call Dick. 60-1797 Roofing 6950 • Roofer 'nOl a salesman. Leaks •topped, all -type roOttrw. ~ew Or rerair work guar. 33&-8444 Sewing 6960 Alt•r•tlon&-642-514.5 Neat, ~ccurate, 20 yrs. exp. Upholstery 6990 ' CZYKOSKl'S Custom 'uptiolltery. Eur o pe• n Craftam an sbi p, 100% F;nandng. 64>-1'54. lB3l Newport Blvtl., C.M. JOBS &-EMPLOYMENT Job Wonted, Lody·7020 THE NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jambmft Rd. Newport Beach *Busboys *Cook Apply 1n person COCO'S . REUBEN'S 1555 W. Adoms Costa Mesa CAREER· OPPORTUNITY! Join todlJ'I tutest crcwinc MATURE ~man, n i g b t profeaion-MlrtUal Ftmd aa1es employed • will managt No expmence necessa!)'- complex <Costa Mesa areal We train • tun or part time for apartment &: util. plus. Mutual Fund Advisors, Reply Box P662, Daily Inc. 'Pllot. Npt B. 1600 WestcliU 64l-6C22 Secretary WisJles position S,A. 1212 N. Broadway in Christian .WQJ'k II '541-8331 Phone n4!523-235t MECHANIC Oe-'lc Holp 7035 George: Allen Byland A&tncy Employer Pays Fee 1Q6.B E. 16lh, SA 517-0395 Ollnese live-ins. Cbeerful Pemw:ient Experienced Far East Agtncy 642-8703 Help Wonted, Mon 7200 *INTERNATIONAL* MFG. & DISTRIBUTING FIRM EXPANOING TO ORANGE COUNTY NOW HIRING PERMANENT PDSITIONS AVAILABLE WITH ORANGE COUNTY ASSOCIATES WE need men to work 1n all depts. No @Xllerie.nce "'neces- sary, u we train. TOP STARTING PAY AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES . SJ'ARTWORR'. IM:MEDIATELY FOR im:ERVIEW CALL MONDAY & TUESDAY . 174-7253 GENERAL.LABOR , 12.00 bout 495-1281 For DaD:7 PDot Wat ML Diol &l2-S1I Jo!,D"f1ey!tUUt mttbanlc;-<!X~ peridlce Forefgil oi' Domes- tic. One of the oldest For- eign car service department! In Oranae Co. F1at rate Ir wuranty work S8.00 per hour, pay based on 50.1'J0%. Excellent ' working condi- tion& Must have own hand tools. Call Mr. Kelley. 494- 9771 or 545-0634 e JONF.S' e TIRE SERVICE ls expanding ,and requires experienced • Tire Serviet: Men e Front end and brake moclwrlcs Company paid, benefits and an opportunity tor . ad· vancement Apply: 2019 Harbor Blvd. C.M. See Mn. Jones PRODUCTION WORKEIJ. with mechanical ability, to work small production machines. Apply ln person 1981 Placentia Ave. Costa Mesa'. LLOYDS NURSERY Wanted ext, nuneeyman, call fat appt. Gt&-7'41. BRING~! l Screw _,a~hl,ne . Setup lt\en Thr•• to fiv• ye•rs ••p1ri1nc:1 11ttin9 up end optretin9 Ac:m• Griclley or D1v1nport 1c:rtw machtft11,· •bffity to 11•• mic,.r:pmirter •nd r••cl . bl_u.print1 •• s.c:oncl 1hi~ op~nin9. ExceUiur lenellts lnchldllMJ •aour:inDlcAI. 1.'WI ""41UNCl PAID SICI ~VI ' PAID HotlDA YS & VACATIONS · l'ttOflT SH.AllN• /Ul'IUMINT Pl.AH CUDIT UNION UCILIJllT WOlllND COMDITIONS ....,., ......... °""' KAYNAR MFG. CO., .INC. .s.. ..... C.....•11. ,. ...... ,INTIRYIEWIN HOURS: h4111. t1 Fri. t100 1.111. +. 12 "1.ii1 1:00 11 l :OO ,.m. Aft.i-k .. t lt1M"i-• lll•Y lt1 1rr1119etl ~ c•lli119 J 17141 171·1110 SECURITY GUAROS Niwport ArN .\"'1 IOI& N, 1'utln A ... SWte D. ~,c.JU. lo Alito' PM . . . fl' $1,541!1 IN A ~ONTH lnterel&a you. • .)'q\I 1nt.orHl "" Openhw for m&n OYU' ~ in beach cldn area. No o· ~~CubbM. .... Air mtll H. 1:1. DlcJctr. IDn. Ptta.""SoytbWe1tem Pe.. trolt:um O:Jrp., Ft, Worth, Te:xu 76101. ' NEED 2 men 10 "''Ork run t1me Smlke Sta0on. MUil be exp'd and ovtr ZS. NO {>hone <Ill<. Rlchll<ld Sta· tlon, 19th • -· Colla Mesa, Callf, --. ·- ··'· ST I'll.OT _a JOU a_. . . .. "[> Melnt. M,ch1nlc $6211( Experienced ia p 1, II fl equipment , l ' I I I ' ~111/Cmllltr EVENING$ t:llllBI l LEE Sl I . .CO.t'H ...... ey r Newpott -h *1 * ~. J' c. J:Uney Cl>. Fuhlon hland N"!'J>O" 8e&<:h Hu opeib&: 1cr * COOK * R«:ent IUCC."eSSfu1 6J1Uienoe .r..n ...... ot•ood-ut Is -Oxnpotitivo ~ outstanding benefits 1nt1001rw profit ~haring. Apply in penon 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. , Monday thru Friday l. C. PENllEY CO. 124 Fashion Island I JuJ iqual opportunity l em,plo)'tt * * AINTENANCE MECHANIC ~nee required in ma· ~-tool maintenance. elec-work. .,..,,.,.,, and bin& in indU5trial plant. "'· day, iS "'· week. ·-· IJ. C. Carter Co. • ll ,671 W." 17th St. Coda Mou I 548-34~1 I Anequl~ty _emplayer ' lUNUSUAL ppportunity IndeperMknt Order of en have opened a oHioe in South Orange ... -'""'"""' at woman ovu 25. Co&- Dot necaAJ')'. Should ve ape:rience' tn meeting DJcnUled lHe time 'Hon..,Eamhlg co~ lmm<dlatelY. Should be emt9cd $250 Wftkiy. epbone: 49U700 between 9 • 1 PM Mon. thru Fri. I AM • H .J'foon ~ appolmmenL *DRIVERS* No Experience 'llec~! ,mw deal• Ctllllomia ........ A .... Lpw CAI CO. lJI E. llilh st. Cooto- Ancient M1riner 2917 w. Cou:t l:lwy. : NEWPORT BEAot New takina" appllcaUOlll dally r.-•1 Lunch Hostess e; Daytime kitchen holp I Apply dally between I lOA<lp.m. WAN ED: RINTED CIRCUIT I BOARD I SCREENER .. FABRICATOR """'rienced only. Good ..., lliid overtime. ' TRANSICOM + 851 W. Utb St., C.M. Real Estate Salas ' Meii ... woman ~apln.OUi«# t opentrwl available for ~ men a women. Jn- atant lncomll!: I: tra1nq. BIU ~· Sprtnc Realty, WANTED: h&bdY older o» pie to help manaee small mqtel bn Colorado River. ,+pt. f\u'n. plµs util le small -1ar)'. Frte uae ot boW. e 147. Bullhead Cit,y. OOUPLE, Janitor work, lies& n-o., 188' Newport l"vd., !=-M. Se<: Mr. °' Mn. ~ before 11 AM dan, or call 548-4791 ijiP. LmlocoPe ..,....,.., «trainee. S&Luy + mmm: t-u.6ed le&da. F r l n 1 c '-'!IL Call - • t RESTAURANT HELP • r * Bt9cb Area * ~ 61U103 JOiS" £MPl.OTllWU JOiiS .. !¥"L0YflllNT MEllCHANDISI FOii MERCHANDISI 'Oii MERCHAHDISI l!Ol MllOIANDISI POil SALi AND TRADI MERCHANDISE FOR ~ -~· 'A9ondeo, -& SALE AND TRADE SALii AND TRADI SALi AND TRAD• SALi AHO TbDI MalCHANOISI l'Oll ~L'E AND TfADI M Women 7SSO Futftftu'1t IOOOFurn1hlre IOOO Ftlmltur. .... IOOO M1t..U1~1I• ... Ml11sftarl11ua NGO .MiSC9fl•neoul · l600 ... ~--~-Dfln-if-. M91HAMn ~~1 1 'l Span1: '.~~ ~E~~-* 5 AUCTlO)IS * agency M_· .. ,.._ qu11~ 2'°~ ~ · ~ Caotlt•,_ Domantle Fl,..f CIM-• ,. ....... rran-~ -·.. . .-w. h...... llty NIW, NIAii-NEW .. P£RSOlllftl · Sough! Manuf•cturer'1 ~.!".'.:'!,~-~ ANTIQUl-l'UltMW\llil&HOUSIHOLD ITEMS e CUSTOM DRAPES e Muwladurer to )'OU. Saw on matttWa;guar . ...-. Free Eltimales. '545-1..fSl a.ASS!C DRAPERIES 3853 Blrcb St., N'pt Bch. Adj. C)ran&e ()Junty Airp't. 833 DOVER DRJVE NEWPORT BEAOI 6'><3810 If you are fnte,.st· oil In onr of tho fol. lowlnt positions plNH come lo Jnd t1lk to our counsel· o"° Th.ty wlll ba h.tppy to Jell rov the pM1lcul1n ••• lob dncriptlon, lo- cation, benefits, etc. !:)n..Olrl Office $500 ~ fee paid. Tbls ts for a11 1ttractfve p-er1on a bte attractive, 'per ·1 on able people lover! w'ill. man- age office, good typing, sh "' .. Seely '$450 EPF' Divt'IJilied and interest· il1g job, type 60, sh 80. Euc Sacty $600 EPF Hours 9-S, °'"usi. ha¥t" good skills &: background. A golden opportunity for some sharp Youn& lad.Yo F /C Bkkpr to $800 EPF Club or restaurant experl. ence helptuL Must have an exceptionally g o o d work ftCOrd. ' Personnel Assistant to $450 APF' ~fust be well ~ and -to 1e-. TJ.. ""' ·an<! oh. ' Dldephona Soc $525 APF Front ofice quality w/min 2 ~U'S &eeretarial ~ ence. Good speJlin& a m U I (. inlumnce tiack· ground helpful. Excenent beneflb. Bronch Mgr to $585 Fe e reimbuned, M~ mum 5 years admini.s. tratlve background with· Ale1 f~rce ' a!)!\ ie.rYice penonnet Position 6tfen: opporturuiy for growth. F /C Bkkpr $500 Company pays 1iS fee. Con!truction Qackground helpful for an. excellent company~ in aff,loca.· 'tion. • • :; "1-... l .FC Bkkprl.P.•rroll $425+ EPF Some aoountirig, payroll experience and lm:n¥ledge o( complier helpful Must be able to Work well with people. S.dy $500 EPF Must be a .elf starter with good telephone teclmi- ques, &ood Sh &: typ1t:w. Payroll C'k Tm" $325 Company reimburses fee. Good typing a must, data processing k n o wledge helpful. Must be able to communicate. Socty to $540 APF Accurate sh &: typing with ability to compose own letters. Must have a mature attitude. Stet Typist $3SO Company reimburses Jt!e, Type 65+. th be}l>lul but not mandatory. Work in exceptionally lovely of. fices with fine opportunity to advance. Keypunch/ Acdg Clk to $450 APF Knowledge of tim~ lng and 029 or 026, Mature attitude please. Mrktg Seely $500 APF Good typing, sh preferred, must be mature, sharp & public relations minded. Girl Fri $450 APF Engineering background belpru1. Exec S.c to $650 APF Type 70, sh 1()1).120, must be discreet & diplomatic for a wry demanding posilion. Glamour Secretary to $500 APF (Long Beach). A great job 1or a young taib with bW!iiness acumen. Sacrotery $475 Fee negotiable. T he y want a real beauty for this position. Good typing pl,us light sh, PBX Operatar to $476 EPF ~tust have fronl office sr- pearantt for busy S."il board. Rocpl $400 EPF Must be a ttractive, charm- ing & intelligent. Will also do lighl typing and gen. eral olrice dUlit•. Acctg Clerk $370 APF Securi ties backgrou n d helpfUL &!wit be detail minded It. Yel'y accurate. •EPF, employt.r JWIYsfM •APF, Applicant paysfoo 642-3870 newport . personnel agency TEMPORARY DIVISION For -~·Ci,.b&e woman ln.......S"' top~ IOcol .... .....,. ]Obo. • • 21)fJ W•ttcllff Dtl .... ltib~ Offlc• '69 Sl>o.W"'°m Sompln ,..n "'""'"'.'ldBr, .-..• COMl'LITI LIQUIDATION AtTmlftc """""---.. or 11t11 she -. -l'Oll<CJUll lllCORDSI MAN'S lif. carat diamond rlJ\C in beautUul fiorentine gold and bruahed silver ml· tins. Wu $210.00 new. \I/Ill llftCr'ifi<'e for $100.00. Set rot yourself. 546-5l9'l Corn•r 11th I Irvin• N•wporl lffc.h 6.ts.2110'-141-i ••s 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair c:ompl<t• l!lcl boo -. WID •THURS· l'Rl.at 7 PM or lovetseat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set ;;::''~ ·!i, "°f"" Satvnlay nlte 6:11 and $wlday 1::111 PM w{black or avocado framed cbalrs: 8 Pc BR •= ,.1 pricod -':! ·---------------~et. ,9-dr Mt. & Mrs. dreSSltr, lg m!rrqr, 2 at .,....._ $11S6.00 ALL I Color TV's. B & W TV's commOdes,.del:<>n'tlve head,board ln ,Spanlsh n>R ONLY $399. $20 ·-Stereos·Combo's oak"des!gu \vlth. matching ·box springs, mat· $4.99 .. , _. I out "' •----------------' BELOW Colt; gilts, hon1e decor. Wt ·week! Al!o display tab.Jes, a h e I v e 1 , deak, nag, vacuum. 551 W. 00 St, CM 548-1914 'It's Not Luck It's Know-Howl LET US PUT OUR EXPERIENCE TO ,tress&: frame: ' st.ate credit OK. -w 111 We have several D1nlnl Room sets, finest Items Sold hidlvlduelty · · """"''' ""' quid! '""'··-quality, with chlnal, bufleu le aerven. These Shop Around -BofGr. rou buy -USI eentw-y FUmlbn, 9T 12 llems are top of tbe line. VALUE.Jtlj9f.95-FUL PRICE $S29.9S Guden c..,. Blvd.• Spanish e Mat,..any e Maple e Modem or tormo ... 1ow H J4 '6 per w0ok Ganlen c ..... Dall;r ~ i'nndt • P-lt!clal •.-ltwrano~ CARPETS,'Vinyla, Tiles, lat. est· stylf!t and culon. Com· merclal 6. Reside11tla1. Ex4 pert inatallation. u .. Our Sfore Charge mn:~r Bank Ftn'ancing ~:.. ~ <:.:-S::.., Oline CUSTOM MADE, Hardwood Bed:oom sets, No Fancy Fro.nt· -BUT Q\la1l!y Values Inside . maltreuea, couches le love seats, sectionals, WORK FOR 642-14"1 YOU-- THAT'S WHAT Off,.. Eqill_..t 'IOI l (latest duigns 6: fabrlco), naughaltyde couch- ADDRESSoGRAPH Recood., w/SQJ>Plies 114-UI> Hovsahold Goods 'l020 co~ ·house of es, chain, coffee Ir: end tables. FIRST QUALITY mahogany furniture. Din- ing room sets with chinas. Bedroom sets, leather top cofiee & end tab~es. WE'RE HERE FOR -WE•RE OPEN EV.ENINGS AND SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT 11~;';;;~~~~~~~~==::=::!i:l=::!i:lmm furniture: oo1or TV•lfteo. I I 3 BRa, rattan den turn. Refrigerators, wa1hers, dryers, dishwasher• • bronze, yellow, white, turqoise • UPHOLSI'ERING -$79.50. 2 pc. (F.uropean cvftinnen) Free otr det. pn!kup, 215 Main, HB "Berny'' 5J6.-M05 SP ACF.SA VER bed, chest .i desk buJlt 4 1n . $150. Refrlg/fn!ez:er (3oo lb) $100 ......... FREEZER, Xlnl cond ~. RCA color TV, eood $125. 062 Grand Prix I 6 S 0 • 64&-12Ill Alleqffon ladies! *OFFICI M,l.NAGll S.R.O. for mature gal with adminlatnltive bk· grnd. Run whole ahow for expanding company start $585. and fee pa.Id loo! * F/C IOOKKuPu help hold the plll'5C st.rings for A·L . com - pany with beautiful of· fices and beautiful boss 5SQO. Fee .paid. * SECRET AIY Director ot marketing ls looking !or you 1r have good skills and Quick mind to $550. l,ii fee pd. at start and % -EXPE~l ENt~D - Commerciai' • Teller • APPLY lN P ERSON 1st National Bank of Ora.nge County 1650 ' Adams Casta Mesa ASK FOR: Mt. Starner or Mr. Springer • An l?f(U&l op_portunity ' employer In 90 .iay,. 11=~=~==~~ e FULL CHARGE BOOK· *PERSONNEL KEEPER, male or female, with restaurant experience, SECRET ARY to "'Oi'k otit of Corona de! TRAINEE Mar oUlce .•• ,to handle Start at 400 with exef'l· rcco11'1~ for three locations. Jent skills. This pogltion 675-()4.10 1. is_ paradise for people who like people. Start NEW Salon o~ In ~ at $400. raises as you \Vccks: operaton w I th learn. Fee reimbursed followi111: pre[, G~tee for r ight girl. plus coinm.: good working: cond. & paid vacation. * GAL FRIDAY 830-1010 fod nleMow S.0.6. from Robinson MEN Or Worn. who have Crusoe for gal who likes a few hrs. a day. to tum variety and wants to into incom<'. Call t.tr.4 Cook work for stable co, $400. 714-894--4401 · Fee paid 11==~===--=~~ REAL ESJ'ATE. ~ShoUldn't * A/P CLERK Young pretty ambitious world beater k nows dol· Jars from donuts to grow with c om pan y start $500. Fee paid. yoo be selling !he hottest area Huntington Belich? Village Real Estatr 962Mn GOOD Hair Stylists '"anted Jor busy salon 642-7800 <!l" 642-1m WANTED Dinner waitress &: *RECEPTIONIST part time d is h wa s her. Meet 'n' greet type ·will Phone 615-0100 get y ou $375. and good 11=~======= raises. Fee paid. *JR. HOME ECONOMIST Degree in Home Ee. to $475.00. *LEGAL SEC. F /0 type for local Per· ry l\1Mon, calif. l'!xp u•ln 'you $500. Attention Men! *CORPORATION ACCOUNTANT Degre() reQUir~, expcri· enccd Fee paid 13K. *DRAFTSMAN Architectural exp. Tracl exp. helpful. De s i g n ability pref. Starl $600· 67. Fee relmb. * lllGMT DEVELOP TRAINEE Bl A degree req, younR man looking for career opportunily $675. Fee paid. *ACCOUNTANT Degree &: c.p. A. I 1cenR required to $900. Ftt job. *OUTSIDE SALES At least 2 yrs. <'Ollf'RC. minimum of 5 yrs. 51.\es exp. to contractors, t'ni:::4 ineer!I' or bullder!l $650 plus t ransp. Fee job. * ENGINEER R&D De~ nol nre. Exp. fin\shrs .\ t'MHnss fnr tubub1r flb<'r i.;Ja.c;~ root· lni;:-s to $121<. Ftt job. *QUALITY CONTROL 2 )'81'S o>lh•a;f' J"('q. 1-2 years f!XJ>. as production line supervsor. MERCHANTS PERSONNEL 1041 W•1tcliff Drive lobby Offlft Cor11•r I 7th I lrw;~• N•wporl ltt'h 6<&54 1110 -6'41·.S•IS Agencies, Men & Women 'i 7550 * * * * Moody Bescanson 1620 Skrl,rk Newport Beach, Ca. You are winner of a pair of Ucli"~ls lo 1he 8 o a I :SMw 11.t 1he Anaheln1 C onv e ntion Center, l\lattb g throu'h 1&. Conle to any of our 4 branch offt«!I'. and pick up YOW' FREE passes. * * * * Schools-Instruction 7600 LIFETif.tE Gift, type,vriting. Children, grandchildren, or yot111Sc\f! Individually tutor- ed Chilcoat 10 lessons typing !«:hooL 173 Dcl ?-.tar, CM, 5-18-2859 ~ON-PllOFIT Childrcns Art \Vorkshop <'lass b'e g i n ?.larch 17th. Painting, Clay & Sculpture ~-es 5 years. up. 646-55U ior info. PIANO lc~ns. BA degree tn mu~ic. 1 hour $4. My homt-, Cd?lt 673-5M9 MERc;;HANDISf: FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 8000 17 Pc. Kin9 Size Bedroom La~ 9 <lrav.-er dresser, mtr. !'Or, 2 bedside stands. king size headboard. tran1e, quilt- ~ 111;11tress. sheets, blank· els, el<'. Chol('(' of Sp.wish or r.1odern Stylt' All For $249 Nn down • Pmta. only $9 mo. WELJ('S WAREHOUSE 600 W, 4th SL, Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat. 9 • 6 S1&11. ll 4 6 BUNK beds (2),'~. com. plet•·witb fOMJ rubbet-rnat- 1~~. 1xod IPn:'ldl Ir 1hccl8. '39-1427 alter 5:30 pm. Exc:d.ltnt condition for ool.Y ISO. ,..UALITY •una ~ wfquiltlXI mattrt"a. comp. N~r tlfied $98, ~ $250. R'IZ-4).16 PAIR Matching n111t lounge rhah'!I, Jaod ((Ind, S40 Eich £73-3732 Altl'r 10 AM Fer Daily Pilot Waot Ada. Dial 60-!m Splnish · Mediterranean Redecoriti\11< •• everytblDc goes, tables, lamps, etc., custom ItAllan l.r. suite I: World bar. lOOI Katdla,, Laguna Beach. ~ KIRBY vacuwn • ta.ta model. lJke ne w, full prlce $79.95.' Tertru1 $7 per-mo. 638-2247 We allO have Plano•, dinettes, g~e sets, desks. bunk beds, lamps le paintings. Mirr· ors, china & miscellaneous. "goodies.'' PRIVATE )IU1;Y wants 16' Whaler, mU1t be xlnt cond with or without mo!or. (8'.15) tm-&55 R.tceivMI c•ncell•tlon of $22,000.oo Spanioh •nd Mediterr•ne1n Furniture Appllen... •100 e SPECIAL PURCHASE e Rel:rlge:rators, automatic wuben &: other major ap- pllancea: from model hom!S at 1aotutic diacounts! No Down. We service. See at: 2 DecoraUve Dining RDOm sets w/bullets I AOK Co111111f11ion Gallery ORIENTAL & Penlan rup All 1iz.es, most $4 to $50. 842-7890 7722 Gardon Grove Blvd. All New Top Quality Brand Nemes Decor•tor's Dre•m Haus• on Display Jtems as folloW1 : Cor- gcous 8 ft. custom quU· ted sofa with separate loose pillows with heavy oak trim decor and mat. china: chair, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (~) 58" tall dcoot;ator lamps, an 8 piece master 'bed· 1 Black Wort of ieach, off G. G. Frwy FULL membership N'pl Beach Tennll Oub FOSTER'S 17185 Brookhurst. Ftn Valley (So. ot Wamerl 96S-123f. K S LVINATOR Auto .Wasbine ma.chihe, 3 yrs old, room suite In pecan Pllfl4 * 839-5092 *, elled Mediterranean style I '===~~...,--~~ with top quality 15 yr. KENMORE Auto J]l at t c warranty mattress & box washer. Late model. Ex· springs. Spanish d e co r cellent condition. $ 4 O , 115. dining set, etc. -8115 Whole housefull w1s 847 regul.ir $1295.00 Kenmore wuhing machine. MUST SACRIFICE Good •bape. 135. • 673-29«9 • $568.00 Antlq-,1110 Any piece can be pUr· , __ ,__ __ _._--.. chased lndiVldually . • • VAST Stock Amer &: Eur TERMS -Wo carry our turn k clqck& Larry own a ccounts. Morgan Antiques, 2 4 2 8 Newport Blvd., C..M. Plenos A O.,Ono • 1130 HAMOND ORGAN LESSONS ENROLL NOWI $16 for B wttk CCNne You do not have to own an .,._ ..... _ tifM available. CLASSES START: BeiiMen, March 18, TUelday, 7 PM. Jnttt- medla~. March 13, Thurs- day 7 PM. Excellent teaclJ.. ... REGISTER NOW: Fun, En- tertal.nin&, Knowleda:eable. Rent organs availablf! dur4 inc tenn or COW'le. Sla:ri up now! Avoid the rush! Inquire for details: HAMMOND tn CX>RONA DEL MAR 2854 E. Coast Hwy., 673-8930 r/l/J S.wi"SI Machlna 1120 THOMAS Orpno -all •'11- 644-0637 or 548-2035 FREE TO )'.OU IBM Standan:I Model C xlnt cond. $295. BOS:J'(>N Bull 5 yr. malf! ==~-6'1~0-~2l33~~~atflr available to loving CAMERA • Contatlex SUper adult h>me. MT-TT18 3/11 B. F2.8. wlll5 MM Pn> HUGE gentle cat nttds kw-Teuar l.r. case Sl3(1. ~49 lng home. Movine to Seat· LUXURIOUS off w b t t e tie. 491--0l62 3/11 carpet, $40. MS-2394, 3Xll v•--Roarl. 5 BLK. Puppies Cocker A ·~- TerTier .f Wks. 0 l d FIREWOOD tor u.Je. Walnut 548-2780 3/U Eo~ptus, Apricot,. $47.50 TO GOOD HOME cord $25 11' crd. Del. '= Darling Cocker Pu PP Y itack'd tree. CU 688-0846 1~7533 3113 Miac. Wanted 8610 PART Cockapoo Ma.le 1 yr old nd gd H ome . WE PAY MORE 842-2617 3/13 LOVABLE 4 mo old male mixed puppy free to good home. 642-1,QJL ;•, 3112 COCKER Poodle Black Male 8 mo. old. 892o-1369 , 3113 FREE To yoo CS) cbickf!ns 2 mon. old 64U-3713 3/U CASH Furttiture es. excluaive color &lo and 1968 SINGER, TCJUCb.o.matic automatic rhythm. Larse oompl with wal cab. Sav1ce U10rtment of pre-owned or. ;'l'::•lo;;;.;.•l::•::lon:;:.. ___ 1::2:::05 man leaving area forces pm at barpin priceS. Come repo. $39.lS Full price « ib and com.pan:. For any near new or used furniture, appliances, color- ed TV's. stereos, pianos, or· gans, stoves, re!rigeratora, bedroom sets, dining room set!I, ollio! furniture. 1 piece or houseful.. Day, night or SW>day. at HARBOR BL VO. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (only) 14.10 mo. Automatic zig.ug. Coast Music button OOl.es. blind bema, overcasts, 30me fa n c y 1139 Newport Blvd, CM '""""s •le. No attach...._ 646-0271 ed. Guarantee good • I ---'-'-'-'-'--- 526-6616 PIANOS e CXX.OR TV, RC.A 23" Xlnt CObditton! $Ci0. 673-1339 eVt?S I: wkends. Hl°FI .. Stereo 1210 lS67 PORT.ABLE ~ ateno -beautiful 2-tone 636-3620 $WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Every nit• 'til 9 Wed., Sat., Sun. 'til 6 1968 SINGER, To u c h. o ~ Fabulous selection of new cabinet w I stand. $50.00 •• matlc, auto zig4 zag, button and used pianos Jn all 1tyJ. • you won't believe th.ii uritil Color TV'to-Pi•no'.-Sl•r•o'• G--• lrom ••~ •· f ,,,..,,_u I Pi•c• or H•111• Full 20 Pc. "MADRID'' holes, blind hems, overcasts es. nuKII 1tart """"' you •lll'&r O!' ., ............. ! CASH IN JO MINUTES without attachments. Illness Spinets from $3&5, Practice Jncludes headphone jack. 3 Room Group '""'" repo. $38.01 ,. IUS pi&no< ln>m SlStl. Obon .,..,, ..... .,.. ,. i I h • 541-4531 • FROM MODEL HOMES Week. Guaranttt still good. Coast Mq,sic aeparate volume control, WANTED to buy • 40" wide Includes: Quilted so.ta .\ Call anytime. 893-""44 1139 Newport Bfvd, CM brand new $15. ~ gu range with double oven. chair -2 end tables & col· I I I 1125 646 0271 srEREO 1969 Solid state Mu1t be good condition. fe<i table -2 lamps -dress. Mus ti nst. • deluxe ronaole 1tereo, 4. Prefer O'Keefe &: Merrill er -mirror-headboard -Guit1r Headquar1ers • New Pianos, • a=:.~~-~~ 546-1879 quilted box spring & matt-e NEW and USED e WURLITZER le BRADBURY PETS and LIVESTOCK ress -5 pc. dining ~m; Fender • Vox • standel All atyles &; finiahel. all er:.:. $76.00 or ~- table &: 4 hi-back chairs. • GIBSON e MARTIN American made, 81 note, del -=='=p'-L:====:o7289o=, I ~C::•ts::._ ____ _:8~8~20 COMPARE AT $749.95 e \Vll.SON e YAMAHA W·bench &: tuned. Price atart. s I Good l500 $399 Drum Hoedquerton ""'at $499. ::c;P"::"="'--=c:.::::':.....-.::::.: No do,vn-Pmts only $16 mo. • NEW and USED • Wurlitzer Organs SURFBOARD Manufacturer WELJ('S WAREHOUSE ::::!~~~th~ • NEW e :;,"'~.:,.m~!;':.:.,~ pc sets and cyrnbala: start-Many other makes. ?>.fany alus ~. maximum. 815 w. 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana in.g at $9!J.50. Pedals. bi-bats st:Ylea 6. finiabea. Price• 18th SL, Costa Mesa Open Dally S.9 and sets repaired. All sma.ll ltarl at .==:;:;=:=:;:=== I Sal. 9-6 Sun 11-6 parts, acces10rie1 lc cymbals $595 SCRAM-LETS ln~YTHING IN MUSIC EVERYTHING IN MUSIC · ANSWERS Beach Music Center ~~ ~~ ~r &calm -Proof -Birch ~aclory Sale~~ Service Daily.12 noon 'tU .9. Sat 9-5 _ Tongue _ ONE BORE Dally 12 noon lil 9, Sat f.5 1740t Btach. Blvd., {Hwy 39) Ocrk to guest: "Son"Y, the t740f ~ Blvd ... (Hwy 39) lift mi. So. San Diep fwy. h t 11 d·• b I 1 .. _ . 1% m1. So. San Diego Fwy. H1Dlttnaton Beach 847-8536 o e s crov.· •:u, u ncre 15 H ting! Be h 847-8536 always room for ONE un on ac PRIVATE PARTY BORE.'' CLARINEI', like new. Ex· Wants 10 bu)' piano ctllenl condition. Paid ;225. for CUh. 2U-177-1035 20 Pc. Maple s.u $90. 96Z-1516 WANTED: PtanM • Orrans. l ROOM GROUP Plonos,. Orveno 11:io ea.v. pe1<1 Includes: Livin& room set ·I;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;; * 6.1&36>1 * tables • lamps • bedroom I• set • quilted mattress • m.n.· pie dining room. All Jor , , • I I FIRE SALE I I $449 Our .. ......,. n•w s..,. No down • Pmts. only $18 mo. burned! The pianos 6. or- ELJ( W E OUSE PJ'll sattered no ...,..ter dam-W 'S AR H .... ""' ... , .,. ..... ,. 600 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat. 9 . 6 Sun. 11 • 6 * $29.44 * For 3 Piece Braided FREE TO YOU ro roo< home with i.nce<1 yard. 1 ~ii year old female doe. bu had all abota. Loves chfldftn. ~788 SIU 3113 5 ?>.10. old Iarre mixed breed dog. Very flftndly Uled to small childttn hu boltl. 546-7fOI 3/13 S Fluffy Kltttns 6 \Vee1':1 Old * 96Ul8G • Mlac1ll1neous * * * * Gr09 . Burke 17940 S1nt• Marian• Fountain V•ll•y, Ca, Yott &hi ~ of a pair ol ticket. lo tile II o a t .a..w at the Allabelm C•nve•tlo11 Cealer, M&relr. I tbr oa111 1" Come te an7 of .., 4 brarid. office• pd pick up your FREE panes. *' * * * SHOTGUN, new Ithaca 16 p. 5 lhot ttpeater $85. Out- board new trollin& motor 3~ h.p. $GO. New boat ancbcr $1 Drill press. new table model '85. 4-poster 4-pc bedroom ~e. xlnt cond. SlSO. ShcricUffl, 314 Calle Vlata Tortto. San Oemente ATTENTION TREASURE HUNTERS Gudiner electronic transis- tor metal detector,· modcl 20J. Max ranee t ft. Will • OVAL RUG SET e Nylon blend, reversible, Bl'OWn, coppe.rtone, ,rccn. Sil.Cs: 8x 10, 2x3. 2 x 6 dlrty, dUBty I: scratchy. We moved them all back to our okl locaUon A marked eW:f')'-- th.ing at FIRE SALE PRIC ES! So, U YoU d.IC that "Old Time SmottY F I a v o r", come Ir aet •e'!'r and at prices you won't bltlleve. WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO 1801 Newport, C.M. 64U484 3113 acrifice fer $75. Call 646- W-ANT--ED--l.ovlnc---.-0"m.:.:e 1987 after 8 p.m. MY name Is Boots. I am a beautiful black & white Persian house cat. J am FREE to llOfTleone who will love me. l\1y mommie can- not keep me because she is allergic. I sit up for my dinner, am well trained arxl have had all my shots. J am 2 years old. Please call 494-1586 BEAUTIFUL C ilo c olatt Point male Siamese cat to mat~ with your femnlc Siamf!SE!. Owner Wllflls pick of litter. 642-3751 betwee n 9 Al'lf &: ~ PM, alter 5 PM 64l-2589 Dogs 8125 ALASKAN Malamu!e, AKC. female, 4 mas. Excellent for show prospects and breeding. Black with white marldngs. (92-04m SKYE Tf!rr ie r s , AKC Champ. sired. Rare, calm, fluffy: pel & show. 549-2547 POODLES AKC, M UST SELL! Very ~nable, ""'5115 * )lEG. Toy Poodle puppy, '4 mos mfle (Wh it e). Already does Ir I ck 1 . 54&-<6811 1 MALE 1 femalr Poodlc11. !tale S2S. Female $3.'i. -t mo. old, have had shots. "12-1882 AL 'S UNUSUAL FURNITURE 1T811 Beach Blvd. LAB Pu.Pf, 1lrcct by ch. PIANOS .. ORGANS wl•lderljl ..,.... for Toy * AUC110N * """'"•Id S...L So e Famom Name Brandt Boston Bull. 5 )TS old. u )"Otl wtu' .en or OOy ped'lll't'e'lo 1 p pr e c I a te. Hunttn&ton Bead!: M2M64 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP "°'" -5!&-1993 3/U ..... -a tiy 6'2'"""'1 Abo USED -PUPPY, Mele. JO ""°' -J'llilor 1:30 ..... M''ALE="M"'lnta,..,-..,,:--~Da~d>lh-,-nd Gould Muolc Cempany amu1. ha Ith,. with Windy'• Auction Bam AKC r,.. will"" u ••lid :toll N.,_M.tln, Seate Ana .......... plua. OWl'tis -,.,,,,.. Bltlt. W.t'I lot on. llPPY. ""-1736 So. ol ,,...,.., 51'1.Q611 --I'll~ QI -l1USll Stt Jncludel: F.loral aofa A chair Non I Fri 'tU 9 Sumq U.S 4 HAMSTERS. No Cqe AJl.C. btll In ::. ~:~ • walnut lables • lamP1 . HAMMOND t:•-'-.. crammu Sch:d Ac-Onb'. SllYlr fol 1...S.ef -plote bedroom with qullL ~ • ...: -.;;;.;:.~ ~ M"""" A Fart.n OnQr la& Maleo only. ~I! td maltre-.s • 5 pc. dlnelk , ol all make&. Best 1'a)'S 1zl ean. 67$-2445 Sill Oat $350 • JlllJI Mil "$50 HOl'MI t lc. All lot··· So. Ca1IL rt&J'lt hen. GRASS Mattinc. Larre IC«l!ll ~ 1830 $277 SCHMIOT MUSIC 00.. Sheet.. sult&bt< lot Woll UCI T"'1lt Sele • IO AM EXCELLENT HORSE CAR& No down.Pml1.only $.lOmo. 1901 N. MaJri. Coverlns for Stach Pad. March 1~15. Newport Blvd Dry p.feplptJpaddockll.bed WELJ('S WAREHOUSE Santa A.,. 615-""5 3/U 19th CM. llehlnd Me" ""' A rraln. Groom .,,.,.,... PIANO TUNING A ~pair Al.SINO Parakfft w/ cap theatre: 11! rtu, rat~•. 2 ml ~ut oJ • ~.. bl Sanla Ane F'rwy on Orlf!I• 000 \V. 4th s t .. Sanla Ana .._,....., reuona l'! • suppUei lo aomrone who QUA LIT i kina: btd Jlwy. River OaQ Tralnlrt Open Dally 9 • 9 Albert I.Amen 615-6967 c&rel. 8f6..0287 3/U 11,·/qUilted mattrtM. comp, Stablr, San lu11.11 C.plslrano Set. 9 • 6 SW\.. J l • 6 WALNUT Spinet piano, like * To laod , lbne * Newr u!M!d $98, WOZ1h $2!IO. X\.NT Wn :tl'm •hnw •hon!lll 11 PU:CE Mahopny dinlQI aew. Colt $795 Sell $400. Ollt 5 Puppiu &m. only It~ for ~·d rider. • yr oW l'OOl11 ,., Incl. pod& Abo -M2-1432 ' "11 NI TINNIS CLUB ~••--" uphol choir. a.lM&19 Wil!le tltphut>t --SOCK IT ro • ...,I mm>berohlp/ule. '13!1384 dy ~';4oo:" ~ 4 An· • • • ' PITS 1n4 LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORT.to TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TltANSP~ltTATION ;.:...;...;.,;;;.;._==:::-=I ~1--~~-~1--~~~~,--~~ ··-Trucka 9500 lmportod ·"'"°' 9600 lmPorted Autos 9600 lmportad Autoo 9600 ~N~ow:;:;C;';;":;;;;:::;;;;;;:;:';l4;;00 Uwl Caro ~Can ffOO .._ ..... ·1111 a..vy i; ton p!Cku.,, ~ •• Mi ' ' -V-0-LKS--W-.A--G-.-N-VOLKSWAGEN 1 CHIYIOUT -FO:... . --! QUAR.T!:R HORSES: dlo I btet.r, CUltom cau.1--------1 " HOCIDAY: . ,,... ,f 1-ll'blto ft« w/ wbt -11IO! ml, ~ ..... llG ... VW-llu(, -...... . i il!O. 1-&dmkl• J111riCq '2TVl•-~lb"'1<Y s;;;:-llefV1ce, ,,_ exlron Stereo. , '61 CHIVY IMPALA ... fORD CoUNTllY , $1l0. Appaloooa ~ ir.tt 1210. \ lmmtdlale Dt!lveiy, $1'1111. ~61 RAMBLER ,l!IN• ... tut air. ollr, • ' ...... D' .. SIDAN ~ "" V"'1 aood •lodl l8lO. c t520 All Modola I -· ., i.i-. --• -· I ....... ollr, v.a. pwr...... I 887·!3!0 I '!!!!"" ' VOLVO :c:-..:n~= • L-.. 8 ~:..":...." .. ·!..~-= BEAUTD'UL 3 yr okl.3 bar vw flli:QAL PURCH1 'E I . _... 'Ill' ""' '--- --_ ...... aeldU>I. .w, IU lll6$ VOLVO 122 s. XIOI. • nv·tes ~::.-... • .................. '"'· 139 1 ~.:;,.;!,~•d. lus Ir Camper l9&8 ~~:~ IPI w. 0out "' 9'a..yililMB' •, 190 1 ~~.~~eau • Ta•uSPORTATION SPfCIAU . ·-'You To ,Tllo-....,+'" I IUICI I 'il'AiRUl<E-1c,1. t 1-------..,, .'64 SU?\l'OOf Bua: •••••••• $t499 f.12.91)5 '40.l'i&t 1 '36 Ford arllle, 2 reo.rdoon ~ -_,""" -... -"1~'"" J ~ !100 w. Oiut Hwy., N.a Volkswagens Antlq-. c!!.u1 .. 9615 ..... ""~=-.:"--~ ,1 1'2 444 . •,. llllll .!2""..;,:IUOO _. -i ... ,. a. Y1chtt 9000 '65 Dix Bua, 9 P,ll. •••• $lf$8 Authoriztd"MG oe.Jer complete wtth a:lw. 1 ho9d COMPARE eqnd, R ' H. MO. Prtvatt • • • ., roao Sta Waa:. v.a.. Auto 1--------'67 Dia Bta, 9 pu, .... S2Ut MUST iifl ' '67 MGB GT. lllabtly beet, I bell -party. 64U336 I , I """ rood S150, ...... 'tt NEW 'IT Camper, aplit -~ eloo:. Chrome wio'e wbeeb, $2395. e Vinyl Interior with ,.,. end. 1 '<-0 Ford 'AND OIEV Malibu. S& VI, Rid!, I KmENIURG 41 rel ................... lllll 9'2-'UI , e Radios hood·deluxe • t 1rillc de-auto trano. $1195. W-<085 I IMllDIAll Hlhlrr 1 MERCURY ' $ Savo Theu11nd1 $ OPEL e H.1ators luxo. Set ot back ... ,. '"' SAVE Pvt Pl;)' I e 1 --------:19' 0>1 29 l/B looded -' -V.IV. Bus. Phone "1UCll ' I I rt.a· uain_lll y 15' He,,..,acbo!I, abient""" , • Remaining ~ Alk 1" BW. C .. ~ I DIM IT -THAT I M l'U\.Ull < 38' Kettenburr '!5 c...,., ~ Station ....... idnt cond. I Fact. Warranty &utoo Wonted 97GO ' '67 a1--~· ci1Ms 1Wlln£ l e PACIFrc YACHT SALESe ., . ...,, c11r. radio, hffter. Soa e Large Choice BRAND NEW ' •--• • ·:, ,... V"-0po11o, Newport blue ex1erlo1" All onalntl Of Colors WE ,PAY CASH. '69 Ufilllll ,111111~· · ·a -•" , • . vz. nc11o;, blater, _., : ) 2• Hour Phone 6'B-1570 interior. $75 CUh dell.. Will ,1 " M I • ~ nWttoe:i1. clean a: -i 11 Fr. Perlom>er. Wander ,., ... ._.,,.,,,. 11nc •tvt pi;,. LB swc "' e All Under FOR yOUn W Fd Size ~ • . I · . 1 ""8al toel.198> • , D<l•t<e modol raU ""'~ "'° HAUOl ILYD. Alk '"Jim 494-9773 l l,OOO Miles It Seats 6 vt, ....u.I. haate" autornaile 1 '2444 1 • $995 e l lliwJ out_board. CUstom COSTA MIU 68 Opel Kadclt Rally • .Leai · NN ~ tranamlallon, power tlffr-. } snap clown cover. Bl& \vheel * PAM-TOPS, all 1 tee I than 6;000 ml. We,_ Oir v.1_. .CO • 128 H.P. fiw,· power braktl, factory • • ~ W• trall .... ITIJO " boil of!· ah<llL Sales • renWa, 1119 $2200 * """685 ''"" -....... '" -c HeVRO ;. .,,0-43 air _ ........ "'"''""" I • I ATLAS 'i er. PhOnt 6"-07 atte~ 7 pm up. Buy flctOry direct. 1010 ... . . -sl 95 s59 2328 Harbor Blvd. tip . a1l.Y fine Coodltion. (UPXl&l) • • -So. HoriD, S.A.• PORSCHE DN. MO ~-·· Meu 5*1"" , $2395 •199 QlltYSLER-PLYMOUTH • S.ll~fa 9010 '67 CHEV Van Cam~r, lOI", ----'t>• ~,, ... 111 CfH!.!_. U»uo Plui T & L-ord•r tH1)' • iii' DOWN • 2929 Harbor Blvd. ~ OLYMPIC a ... Sailboat V.S,auto,air.awnlnti,hffd. '61 PORSCHE 'SAVE on VW's IVEPACY ., ... SH ATLAS l p1 ...... u ...... onap-,• ~~'lil10 ... "*-l9M ; _ N m Ex 1 •• t -n-crpts, top rack · $ 2 5 9 S, ., 8 p-ved "'°"t. 1 .... th.II "I""" ,,_ • Finn o, . ct ..,n "" M8-l31J S37-835l Very clean, tnuat see lo •P-BRAND NEW '• -I dition A raclng record. All ' · preciat.e. QIRYSLER·PLYMOUTII I Ncw Dulek Special. No.• M 9 UST Sell '65 ~., .!:' j" extrall $1200. can 673-8148 * 1''0R Sale-Camper •hell $22 ONLY 36 Month• '68 JAVELIN 29'29 Harbor Blvd. 1 433279Z60CXW9. • _._PUS, AM~; S" .... radio~.-.. ,· 1' or 642-0022 fo1· 8' wide bed Pickup. $150. IOI LONGPRE for U1f!4 cars & tNcltl ;J\Jlt ...-tz-•u 548-5t14 eaJl us !or 1ree eatlmale. llG ENGINE Cotta Me1a 546-19M I IRANO NIW I ...,,.,, I"" P'I;)', $1195. "l Pow•r CruiM'1 9020 8 --, 9,2-5 c ~ PONTI Ac GROTH CHEVROlfT Open 'tll 10 p.m. I '" OPll. • ..:.-::...:;.::..,.....~----J I Dune ugg H ~ · ,,... ... ,h ll•d. BIG SPACE 1'tlb CHRYSLER Crow• $1717 I '81 MERC. h<lip, pwr str 25' TOILYCRAFI', 6' :no 0 6U-2500 SMAL' PRICE . lmperlal, !3200. "' bo•t of. I I b<altH, AM _radio, ~lone, VS elec ref, auto beJt 1968 DUNE Buggy, chi-ome • s I----=;~=---Ask foi" Siles Manqer ..,.-f<.r. Xlnt cond. Or 3-9574 a Order Y11i1r1 Ted1yl W/W, 3l,ooa mi, $1800. ~ system, SS Rad. depth snd. bun1pers, bua:lires, carpets, '"' -·; YW · ··='~=· , i9,·,3, 86 p~a. after 1, M0-1'46. Pvt 1 1 1 1 1182-leoT. . .. ~ covers, mint cond. $6500. n1 ctal hlak(' body. T,o~ skl~ Jt· ~L. .J P , .......... 9 ..,. :i Q\vner, 968--4257 curtalns ready for the load. · ,,, Price Spect1f1 la t.3331 1 I MUSTANG ;~ J SACRIFICE I Will h'•dc 1". ~iok·uP °' '60 B"K .............. S389 Wfll lonr ~w T' I l-127''69 CONTINENTAL 1 ' '' j 36' Cruiser w/65' mnorin&; s~ll bcl<~_1v gomg market. S4t·OlOJ -6ll· 1 ltO '61 Buas •••••. ; •• ,, •••. SOI .. VlllJ I J)EA11J in tamUy torcet bno !-: , top cond. ""'t .. u by week. Pho"' """""3 lt70. HAllOl ILVD, '63 B"I• ... "l'._'"" 1111 y-V-er........ llAJI) NEW 1969' UlllW Ill I '65 IUICK I medltte aaleof '16 MuslanK. ~ l end. 54&-8891 Aft. 6. V\V Dune Bum, b I u o COSTA MISA Over 79 VW'I A,P111Dp doUan. Paid liar l'UUU\ • Electre c•~''· f11ll pewer,I 289 yg enctne. Ntw wide • J _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.=o= I fiberglas body, Tel'rr tires. '6~ PORSCHE. Sliver beauty Ali Extra SllarP « DOt Call Ra.lplti ~" IEBEL fectory '''· • oval tiret. Black lnterlor, l Boat Triilirs 9032 runs per!! nooo. 612-2255 ""'ilh black l n t c r Io r. $899 to SUIB 673•119-O ~ (OtlTJNENTAl I $1895 auto trans. 21,000 ml. Ex-1:::::::...:.:..:=;.c..---I aft 5 Blauplunk AM·f'M radio, _THI· PE&P:LE ~ • I j:tllent condition. RelUll! l WANTED BOAT TRAILER -di.le. brakes 'all around, IMPOJl'J'S V.'AN'l'ED CAR -~ 2 Door hardtop. Full pcl\.\1!r, • aubmlt ofter. 1152-7819 far %1' Inboant Imported Autos ~ chrome 'f~ls, factory_ air ORnp Countlel factory air. Landau top. Less • '66 IUICK • 19159 MUSl'ANG ~ roof, J * 541}.6113 * -<."OlxliliC?'llni· Mu1t ltt and TOP J BClD:Jt J'i 1 '2436 than 3COJ rnilet Shov.'TOOm n&.u I========--~--=-AUSTIN HEALEY drlvo tlrlJ ~' (0SS9971 ... . I WH•ut • ..... • .... .,. low mil..... v.a. ~ I --r1n.v, -·..... BIJ,.L MAXEY TOYOT• , , fresh condition. IXSR956) i ir, au!•., ••w•r '''''i"l •I ~. WW trade fer late Mobile Homes YMN Jy ~. • t>ealer. 1~ , 1IM1 ~ Blvd. ._ . $ $ 1 - '58 A. Hea1ey, ~Ira sharp! Beaeh Blvd. Hun t. Be,ch. H. Beach. Pb. an.... ""' T. C:.111s212 SAVE $ RlH. (5VX 0161 • model trur:k or El Camino. Bay H1rbor New: Interior, . ~'OOd d11.sh 540-0442 • $2595 5tG-62m or 646--3346 ' Mobile Home1 -&. wheel , tonncau. th'C~. top. ------A. 'lo L I 91' 1:ti · 'liatMI\ NEW ATLAS • • 1966 MUSTANG, yel/blk top ' ' & 34 Ide 1956 PORSCHE 912 • • .. nt . • 9"""" I . L Rod LI -'6'-20'-~~:1 ~ w s ~~~~ve. $l!OO fir m . l~~~o~~~~~·~:::. -• ~[iAil ~.· ty '69 -1 .. AS, •ADOR ,• '6' TIMPEST -a t ~~. $1650~•o:y 1 ;. J 12 \VIDES -----~~-5 t Ch F o -• al •• .,.. J ClffiYSLER-PLY?i10UTH 549--3389, Eves; 49f..636T ' ' ·59 A. HEALEY 100-6 Clean., o oose rom. . COSTA ~-'69 Camaro, r ·•·· -mo. """" H 00 Blvd Cu.torn cp• 11.IH euto I , 40'-C'·ilJ'.5()'.5.l'.fi(l'-&l' S675. Call aftel' 3 Pi\l All in Tep Shipe!! ~L--1 Of Th '6" Cad CdV, aff..., ••• Sit""° AIR COND•VI Costa"~J~sa ar r 546-1934 I P.S .. l1clory0 1ir co,"dltio~:. '6S l\1USTANG V-8. autom, l FL'Onl $3 985 54s-JGS:; Starting at .... $3995 as e '61 Le ~la1111 cpe. air $75 nlO. LASS ... l i"9 ISTDl77) pwr strg vinyl top w Pa<ko avail•bi< in all .,,., 1-======== 534·2284 " 111 892·555 I 'G1 °'"''" "'"""' $52 mo. TINTED G Open Ill 10 p,m_ I . $1595 I ::' .t': Xlnt '°nd.' 11450. 1425 Baker St. DATSUN AY '68 VW's SOUTH COAST etc etc etc 'M CONTINENTAL 4 DR. • tws"' wktndt j l ~;blockEastof Harbor Blvd. OPEN SUND C:AR LEASING '1 ., ~ Sedan 55,000 ~I. Full pwr I · •i u.o..:..1-.......\. auto, p/a. i"t on Baker , ·~c -300W.eou1Hlahway $32!6 &air; newpa.1nt..Xlntcond. a . ,66 T·llRD . .~~-...int cond.' _ ~ l:::'.''.'.'.'.-::::O:;_,,.:.:;Wo;Jde;.:..:Roai;=d-BJi -1an, 96 lip, overhe~d ~;'"13--;,9339~"'°',067l;;';../;83'~:.:.·= $1i8 Total DO\vn Pymt. IWPol't , • 'iJ CONT Ctt hdtp Lo fllll ,ewer, ftctery 1lr.. f1A J i Costa MeSll (71•) 50-9470 .69 DATSUN SHARP! 12S!lj BANK FINANCING M Bl&cb go:' . 1 $1550. 531-4153 eves • 1 • ~ 0 , ~r ~~D:......._ p.,.._ ::'thoiw;;:•~?'\:0~! I '63 PORSCHE s, new ,+' 1 ~ ~~ '" dU. *AUJO. l£ASDI& , ""' t ' l-S! It al.; rm.;. conc1"'." Loade.i1 1 iSLI 4tl I I ·~ ~air·~·~! mount, Elite and Genual ..,,r.u., unde; !aolocy '""""· Xlnl "'""· M"'t · AVA1UJ!LE ONLY AT; ' ., , "··--Red. Whl.._ • 66-llll 1 1 $2695 1 lo -~ l)llO. 642-2301 n l, mobih~ hornn now at 'wuftnf)o Bai 11775 Take sell. $249S. 494-323? T & M ;/ COMP~~ •• • Dual Wide Sales 115 ... hd•la "old;,.,.., '64 PORSCilE C; '"''' A L •• Blue CORVAIR •• .,, CHIYsLU I OLDSMOllLE ~ ~ CbaJYman ?tfbbile H0m1j' Inc. L.B. YNW<m. Call 'after 10. creen $3,000 • Cort l'ox ~ •• ::.~ .. ~~ - 1 520 N. Harbor, S.A. 494-9773. . 644 • .:;;.Q63;;;,7=--==o='="=~;:-;;:;;. Motors 2U w. Cout ruptWI)' s A LE 1980 c 0 R v A IR. Must New Y1rkar h1rdt., ceu,... ~ ~ 531.a571 '67 DA-TSUN--PICKUP -· Newport Buch MU440 1tll10Qd trana car $270 or a,.,11 ,_.,, fact•rr •''1 lllVERSllY ===;;;.:=::==o::= SPRITE best oUer. m.3585 1cencl, INHA 3141 . .,.C,· 9300 \\.,T·Ex"ce""11·.~1 • =~:·::i c(lan1l ~ ~~1 'B0 1;d. ·~~~ u,.d Cara ___ 9906 FREE-Car Radio -----1 $1995 1 SALES & SlltVICE ' 1 : I. Mo•••<Y<'" • ., c E SPRITE .,.~ --Powerlrak-_cORV'.••*-· • . ,• !1 OlDSMOllf ""--'------original Ownt'd by little 'olc '00 BU EY · OPEN SUNDAY TRANSPORTATION .. ~ • '65 MATCHLESS 500cc jn man in' Lagona. s;o C&ah 00i'iginal I h co•>< h °" t. I >! a basket. Equipped f~r dell 01 take foreign car in (IFE8541 Only $895. Dealer. '00 \'\V, Rill. 2 mags, Vinyl Roof Corv1tt11 '57 thru '69 ''6 PLYMOUTH 8 lttlCl'I Harbor Blvd. '' ~ DIRT Best offer over 1~ trade Will fine prvt prly. 18Sli Beach Blvd. ltunt. special rat'lng equip, COCO ... CAR $Alf World's Jara:est independent 14 door. Avfornatlc, redre,• .. ._,Cotta Mna ~ complele set or TJ1etr1c La ire 904 Call Jim 49.J. Bench. :~2 ;;;~~ \\'ood strg. wbl. . ( ( 1 SPECIAL Corvette and Ht·Pat. dealer •haefer.ITU llfl S«J..9640 Used Carr 508111 1 wrenches &: sockets ~ 9773 or 54s.o63.f , . Credit probtm t See us for ~. wrlaet'Vltte"n .. ~a~l!,•_ , Jfl I 1395 11 -o• ~ "", < ~ Yeh-' Priv. Party. 531-8387 SUllARU £i6 V\y 1600 Fas Iba c If, = .. ~••--i~ , ... -. ...., ........... ..., ..., ......,.,. ...... ...... uow , '16 BSA Li1hlnlng 650 CC. F&RRAlll -nroo , • , ~~· • -wnna w. doclde oo o.. l • R/11 ... ~ -·-" ·-·~·~ USED CAR ', MISTER ''T" ·-•w/ blk ml M...i .. u • I Best oiler <Mr $100 ~ 1969 SUBARU cltanl Re•11.: Org. owner. ...... ... ~·l· n..11 or come tn CM • '67 CHMOLIT 1 ~ otm. 1 ownr, 541-8527 q -G ~ _,. •• , .. ,.,.. ~ "-" 2100 Harbor Blvd.. 1 -~ <. , , jn 546-7577 FERRARI from $1297; 66 MP ··~ ~ '· 1o11a1. VALUES US-144 -· ., !\Ill ~ pl t r 1 -"°, --·•ce •oo V\V 8 .. , 9 pa•• ·•nt ~ I 1 Ceprlca Cpa.XF1cto 7 ry alf,_I I .. '64 XLCH SporlllU, y Newporl !mporll Ltd. °'" ~m .. "" .. --·. .• .. -· ~ coi\ilETTE '(16, <27/12'!, • ., •• _ .. PS. IU c • 21 PLYMOUTH i chopped & eu1tomized. moo ang• County'• onb' eutbor. Kosta · Kustom Kars nicchnnlcnl conc1, ~ • r Y ILOI C .,, i:pd, 2 tops. pwr wDdws, •, $2295 • 1 • Call: 645-1078 b:ed deal&. o ... .,A._,, c.•r. · 540-5915 clc::in, good pnt. $ln:i. Aft AUTO SALES '66 DODGE Wotn M··~ u ~ '"~=-="="=====1 • .... 263. AM·FM, -.. -·I I '67 PlYMOUTH SALES· SERVICE· i>ARTS 1.. ' 2145 Harbor, Costa Afesa Auto trana., pwr. 1teer· .SS ,. 1T,~r=:tl~le::_r,_, T!:':.:•:;:VO::l_..,:.94.;.:2;;:5 3100 W. Coast Hwy. TOYOTA '07 VIV Squa..,baek 1600 WE PAY CASH FOR ln1 A bn.JtOI, TRD 676 5<8-l I , 66 PONTIAC I ! 1• . N•W"O•t Boaoh. AM ihon·wa"' udio; "at YOUR CAR, PAID $1595 COUGAR •s+mhl•f 4 '"" ''" .1,,I FURY IH i IS' ROD I. REEL 6(2..9'05 540-1764 belts front I.: back; top FOR OR NOTI '" ' VERY CLEAN TOYOTA ••ulo'"etic, p1w1r 1fe1ri"t·• l Authorized J\'fG Dealrr . cond. Ca11: 67~5200 ------:----;---WA~ 4burner stove,ovenl.brlr. * '* * * '66rvRDSTA. •· '68 COUGAR •(VTP' 147 ) a Hardlop.VJ,automat1ctrans-~ Dbl ''•nk. elec WH, elee , 'G3 V\Y Cam~r. 1500 ('n~ .• Glle1 Ka'vana•h Counlr)' Squire. 9 pass-$1795 I lon, ...... "'lo beater -r 1 rerrig • ice box comb. Nr JAGUAR lE,r.L.,rMh··o' OTRJo:rE·~ ne1v trans .. co1np:,!'l!~E~d. 3077 Madison Ave. ~,"",'t'ee' ,.."."•·'trans., pow· ~1~"..,.wlthandb~ =:i:.!: 1 1 , 1 • ~-.';w~r ~f;~ ~,i ne1v tires -spare T &: \V. ' -i\1ake offer. a""""°"'"' "' u....w ~ u• tory air condillonlnf. Bal-~ A real buy at $888.88. JAG s.; 3.8 S sed~n, i;llvcr '6-1 V\V C(lnverUblP, new top, Costa Mesa, Calif. $1775 G800. 1'. Stotll IG-6681, • ''4 CHIVROLIT • &nee of factory warran~. ~ 1960 Inltr. Travelall, gl'e~ r;'hl It'* 1~;:· ~ Beach Blvd., Wlltlnnstr Pflinh intcriQr. :~.{QJ rni. '\loll a" wlnntf' of a 111tr Eves. 9G2·7!S I lmpela 4 .. oar. A1tem1tic,• (TJU'60)~ 4 \\'ell~ QIO. ~ Prive.~-n•:' Phone 391-3322 · •'.Sharp. 646-Sm ot *kits eo t"'9 eoati '65 DODGI CORNET 'S7COUGAR, ~~RAH. 1,owor 1te1r. IOTU 4JJJ •• .$1195 * -* ,,..00., B(IJ.. MAXJ;Y ·n VIV; blue; radio, htr. "'°"' at ... ......, 2 Doo' Sedan. VS. pow· =· ':fi'..:i~ 6'&sm i;,-:· 1 $I 2 95 r.. · 1 l $1395 • Vr offer C • 11 v 11 n t l • • o.ae.r, er steering, radio, heat-~ Trucks ., Y500 '60-3.8 Scd. Auto. Pwr S ,lt 1 ~ 675-Pf • Marcia 1 t•r••JJli Ii. er. RRZ·661 I • ATLAS ! -B, Xlnt "'~· puly. IT,IAIXJO. T!AJ MUST sen '18 vyi ~"" Come to ..,. of -< $1295 DODGE I ''3 GRAND PRIX I j IAAND NIW 1919 i.a 1"111~1. -• ..... ILVD. • ,r ~~-1!._~.-.1Pa1.l1t '9J(I. branch ornoe-and plot .;-r;;;dge Dart R/H, P/1, IAuto tran1.,' ,.war ffe•r .. • Oll\YSLER·PLYMOUTII ' 1/z Ton Pickup KARMANN GH,.. ·-~" ~·~ ~~ •P yoor FBEE --'66 AMBASSADOR auto. 6 <yi. Xlnl cond. l150. •""'· hut ... rOHI '"'• 1111 Harbtn' BIYd. • '2195 $99 iJN. plus TAL. oac tONNELL CHEVROLn 2828 Harbor , , CM, JM&.UllO • '60 STUDIAKER ··--V!,4 ~ •.. ' anica.I ccit. tM4TlmJ ~~,s ATLAS ----I Hunf. Buch 147.a555 .81 v.w. recentl)' rtbullt • • • 4 990 2 dr. h!ll"dtop, auto. PN rty ,..,...,. $ ColRI ...._ StS-tsH l ' mJ·)j. ot Cotti ""'· on flc!o end.. P>d ttm. R/11, P>d U.ns. pow" •"<rlnK A P · I 119 5 • °""' 'tll 10 p.OL GHIAS •69 . tOYOTA'S conc1111otj1000 ..... -___ 1_u __ 1c_K,,.,.._ bt'ak"s· Extra179"•5 .. · FALCON • • l9tltl PLYMOUTH ..... ,l L •·1 tlon '16 VW But oriKln&I ......, · I "l OLDS 8 ruuda. Fut bacll. VI, 4 t arge· .. ec ' . • '65 SKYLAl\K Gnhd ~ '63 FALCON Ranchero, 260 " • ipeed. n.cUo, htaf2f. Sharp, i ~ .:: FOtl ~19fl8 bdt cond. $WO. Auto trans; R/H, 'tun jWr, '67 OPEL V'l 3 pd Xlnt, sreen •cutl111, awto, , .•• IWFH-Lr1t1 Ulan 19,000 mUea. \ lmm•cll•te Dellvery ;;;;.;.,,,=~...,,,,.--.,.,. alt<Ond.1-owner •. ToP COlld. 2 door RAlly Sport, 4 • 9 • aft w1111 • Blllilm al 5 yr or 501'.Kl! ' SEE ' us; TODAY ·~":;::;::-= =:: :; =~me~. ' ~~ .. VII'J~ ~~ radio, :"!!" be! 9 a.m. or I $891 I ;::!.. ':l''!t: ·: ~ !: " L , !'\iv pul;)'. $1'95. S<t,71712 I •'&Y ,..t, AM/FM itereo, $1495 '63 FALCON V-3, ~lop, I !or pl<k..0. Pbone .,,.._ ' Ill\ ~ l8GS VW, auto trans, RIH. elect:o crui8e, a.Ir cond' I: auto trans. pa, out.tandina: • '62 MUCUIY • 'D Y~/6 stick Wq. 1 • , • .w/i/w tli:i1, 11,CQI miles. beater. $2995. ~4 '64 DART GT cond. SU-6740, 96i.61li8 • Me"t•r•y. '••· afri ••··· Ntw, '111"1 I: riiWL atanl IHPOllTS mso. 615-6576 ' '61 BUICK, 2 ilr banltop"" 2 d" hard.... Auto. '93 FALCON. Flt-. AulD ..... 161X "" • •llMm ~ TOY01A-VOLVl1 'fi6 VW; new eng. '315 t)atft, ortcmaJ owner. New g:f~i'.~~o, beater. :: =· $850. Cub Aft. • $691 • • . AAUl'I ac j 11111 ·-;c.i.i, ,'46-9303, ,.._ or -1162-2273 point. uobolltl<Y· ~ $1'045 I I , ,.. ..... ,,.. ,: , ,_,.-,. Aui. NOD Import!'! ....., -14o~°t'9a:-.:.::. -l!'()RD ........ , "' l'Ol<T1AC - .... •il1---~ '·M '65 MlllCUIY -I ' I Ftlll -Ml......,. air -... ""' r MU'aude" ""'""' al< '6S FORD I .IAGUA I ._.., LanOau top. r Dm[irnrJ C ADn r AC cond!Uoned. RJllS I ,,,_ ~ OWlltt, Sll!IO. 1 14M IOS-67J·lltl .. ·-$139~ I Ll!IDQUA .......... ...,I_-· 1' "" HAllOl ILYD. • , I 1 iJ' 6AlAXlf 500 I nui 8 IFVJam-Oooltr. 11 us COSTA MIS& . : ' CAD1'LAC 1111 Ooufa do 1 Complel• Stier • Serv.. 8"d> Bl>f. Hunl l!oach. '68 GHIA. 1~000 ml. Cbnn ILMOll MOTOU VII It fully 001dad, 2 !loo< hanltop, VI, radio. lei ond Pam 0..."11 ..... _ , whb, ~~·!ff:" =':'.ts~...,= CAMPER SPECIAL heater, mac wtwil, -~ 1mont for JA•UAkS. I ;I O'fO &J. < -q OIRY!LER.-PLY?>101!l'J·I · 'iUOOllACHILVD.WISnllNSlD:....,.U ~ 4hf'c.o.. ,595 k!nt condition. tWX1'052> • SeeThre.... • lo,11r, :xlnt cond Cosi.~81~ MERCEDES IENZ ' '!.w~-~ ~."c~·:• 'l775 $1195 I '"'J•e"''""' • ·-~ 1 *SPOOpuJRT~·~;~N*' • . 4 1/2._ :':i.=."":.a:--D•!' ·=.:::·....... ATLAS )•••••••: WBID '"' .. CPI!: Doi~. ililt _, ...... --Dr Ti!, z:u;1~~ A1 t;~ ::;:::r:i~. .. --·~ ba"l"· .,, OlltYSLER-PLY>IOUTH • 23' E 17t 'n • ~•Ml'~ en..: , ........ Dl-•h ~!llO-:m;.o ... ~.;;Ql;;.IT ____ I\ HOLIDAY 2S'l9 -Blvd. I • ~ • I ....... -. -flJ.'1313 nJ,,.-i. NO•FRll ·_ CAMAIO . n.ta=-·m10p.m~l!:M 1 541•7761: T.-1ip, ~ -· las·Ven1s V~11ff~" w.. r. s.mc. Newcastle Moton 1 BEACH CITY 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS '67 CAMARO e Goodonlythru Mar. llth • 1 OPENS PRIVATE l'Ut1 "an (I FOR TWO 2 Do-. hdlP. v ... Rf.II;)' 11>I. 0,.. 7 °"" A Im. '61 F°"' Clltry 5'd. 3 ota1' I 7 D'YS DODGE W "'... 1 dlr. Sky blue txler:; bJk. on ,.., y.., C.••••fl11e• ,. Mt!l"Ct!des 250 SL-W ~ Ne '•rcha1• N1c1c1ary blk, Inter. car h.u Md dnt $23 dn, $23 mo. 24 mot. Tax a AND 15"'5 -..::. CllW7· ~l oe lnlde my "'1 SE Coupe. care. 11' CU1i dtl1. or will 1fff u • .a.., lfyd A lie Incl. Lk:,No. l.xD 613. • IVININM Mun he lmmaeulat.e. (IXU 15300 .... .._,,_. take fOrtll)1 car 1n tradt. ,.,~ 'SI Qwvy •ta WU. :. dr, $18 • """""' .. -• 131-115!i I.II tu, WW 11n. prlv, pl;)'. oCa11 Jim f0" l UH I oln. llJ mo. 21 -Tax A ·if'Ci"m"•iii r-..-i.ia, W.rstmlnster L.B. = .. 491.tm. ,.. "'"" u 1nc1. u. "QSH UL OD: Slep-..... <>K; MG ft•3322 se-0634. 642 6023 m&-Bl>f.Cll-S5.IO !Inn. 67M8l5l5*-3IS .. '61 CAMAAO SS !l50 Oold • 'li7 FORD: F ......... 2 Doar; '!5 OMC l'Pel Htndlvan. '16 MGB Roadlter OPEN 7 DAYS W/Blk Top, nWt> 1J!U. -aood! Flat~.""'- Auto. ttanr.,radlo,healer; -~~Ul~W~M~l~I.E~•G~&~-IJ.,,..;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ ......... .., ............. •I MUotSell$Zlll!.64J.9365 ~~~~~~!!!!!~I _n_._642-a! __ T _____ , aac. nmo. 5C.J956 rn.-tn• or "2-m -= !J.riifR UUICk "> 0 • I " > COS T·A MESA ' • • • • • • , . . • ----·-~--------------------·--·---• • U.S.DA CHOICE OR.FAD "lEND&Ul" CHUCK .. BLADE ROAST c~ l • . ~ • : . ' ' ui;_i ~a OR FAD "TENDERFUI." ROUND FULL ·STEAK CUT U.S.DA CHOICE OR FAD "TENDfRfUL • Sll'OUl.D-R•, CLOD , ao~usr~ . " u,s.o""' CHOICE OR FAD ''TThOOIFUL" STEAKS T .. BONE or, Porterhouse •,iinv·LBvioii&ai:is . ·.• LIBBY•303 CN'!•SAVE3.5< • • . FRUIT ·coCKTAIL SEA BRE£ZE o 4.0Z. 1'(111DER • ASSORTED FLAVORS \: FRUIT DRINK Ml·X ~ ·" '3i'1 00 5:•100 5:s100 Al UMINiUM FOIL• 150 FT. ROLL • 1·2·1NCHl!S-WlOE ALCOA WRAP SAVE 60c ' ., . . . ' lv.YMATl e 2-PIK! l(f , . mi.iii'iiOLD&S 88' ' ~·-- . ' STORE HOURS . AllY 10•00 AM TO 9,00 PM ' . ~T.' SUN. 10 AM TO 7 PM ~ ' NO·STAMPS, NO GAMES, NO ' GIMMICKS, JUST MRYDAY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES PLUS 4 STAR SPEC.IALS ' FAD OI FAAMU JOHN SLICEI ~BACON . . . 3-0UNCE • 6-VARIETIES 1-LB. PKG. ROYAL GELAftNE SCHllllNGS • 1\1-0UNCE •SAVE 6' SPAGHEnl SAUCE MIX 2-L8. •SAVE Hie ANTHONY'S SPAGHETTI 12-0UNCE • 3 VARIETIES • SAVE 1 Oc ' . •SMUCKERS SYRUP.I ' : SWEET AND JUICY .. · · ·ouNGES . ' I • ' ' C· FlORIST QUAllTY DAFFODILS . FReSH CUT SANTAANA ?1 20 SO. IRJSTOL AT WARNER COSTA MESA 2200 HARBOR II.VD. AT WILSON ' c c .I I I '