HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesai · t • • t f ' . ,,. I r ' • • , . • I ~ . ! t . . . ~3 Miles • I -. • " .. ·.• ) ~ THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 13, 1969 YOL A NO. c. I s•CTtoHS, • '""•u . ' ' Narcotics: What . _·-· . ., ' Turns On Teens? _ .. _ , l "' ,· . ·;•" . .._.. r \ •i'~ jl""f1 ··'~ .. !fr.tt--~·~ { . . • -.. j •llJALTON~ Aaodaed Pna 5d.... Wriler To cope lntelllgmlly wilh drug problems, one needs to know more about what. kind of appeals <lrui• oflu. • Here.are some of the-ways that collq:e students have described their re- act.ions to .. mind" drugs. "I could lose all my worries and imagine many things." "The mind is rnagni{Jcently delighted by very simple situations or memoirs." Drugs "are our only means of feeling love (in the general perhaps Chris- tian sense) in this debacle of .sell-destruction. It is a return to Eden." "I have stopped taking drugs ••• It became too easy to 'groove' on aometbing • • without ever coming to terms with real problems, without ever really thinking. 11le herders of illusion and reality became hazy ••• " "I consider it now a part of the growing up procw, It was an ans- wer. It no longer is. I am still over- whelmed by the madness that is my country, but I must find another way of eomlng to terms with it." 'I1lese answers came from stOOents asked, in an anonymous question- naire, why they bad used or might sUll be using drugs: 1Uch as mari- juana and LSD. There are a host of TU10D1 why these and otbor drup are considered appealing. Parents can benefit from knowing what-these. attractions are. i~..,·A .Jat~··st9rf,·teJls.~~, aii:le' ofh ·. the· coln--lhe .numan pr!"''~ var!-< . -~ drup ~anocollect. · . • .. . ; • • ., FD<'! ....e·'llntnown percenta«e of ·fuuntlim ;Valley Polic< Chi•!'. · ""8·,y.ers, "JI is• a w~y of hilting CJuirl., r.llcha£1il: '1t's '!'"'' baa)! j11J1are11i,, ta >hock them, looo- mtm knotdtdii-thatr.Rarc:ptict'"~ . 'Q\~ upa tilt,"i~ya;a.Wfft ~· ar~spr~'G'nd it•te~n-college ~.enl \ ~~g ~s ltt,~-~~~?~Mi'• ~i;: ~and"J.:; i;:,:;::· aaw~~ ~ ,:.,..., ".':1111..'"'7' 'oS ' ; '.Oiaf.', 'l'hO :.i;:;!· geliriucn;~ir;e.i io ht co,. ab11tH !hf"-. problml. shock the middle c1au with its ac- (This snits is) Wf'l/ intfreat-tions and words. Now it is with ing and informative and Cff· drugs." to~ly shoUld be.,/il th• pUO-· A psychiatriat ._., that for ~~ 1ti ... \. )~ ·'.\ 1; ~--,'·, some. young peop1e, .~udin& high •· "-~"\ ' .. ~;· f-··, "•'~, r '1.scboolefs "Jt ii fun •lo!._•illeii\ruar .. ~J· ~on. ~an\(s' lliiyobave somelhing ,wlth.which~io pi.'&'ir • '-~enrai.ed a\ilt~·~ Tho tlds·cfll~~'~""" mta1spUml. T druis ~one way of ~·the _OiJ man~noH!o ~ -· ••. e tlsds,say'they find'an.oecasionaJdtick of marijuana a pl~t Warl .~~ ... ith•mllihdepressloo(.'rof whmirlg '.brlef ,.1 .. ,. from demuds of, ~,w r~ •. or.\of."*"1>attiug !eelinga ,~~ hemmed in or;~a~. ' ~ltl!l>!apd;~~. ~i !II":!· also, ... ,ofler«eocape from ' . COil\ ~t·~t~:.ti'~'ta do,"~in \hermldll,ol, plfoiY' . .;.,.. ~'::IJ!i<Derti .... ~~ ·, • thahf::t-" "Tbe,w<rJd " dulJ loCa:" of''dmes; we~re un:r'itdbted," a ltulent -•· Dr. Keniston, the Y11e psychologist, puts lt anQtber way -a person can (S..'"DRUGS PASCINATE TEEk-AGERS •• P ... 3) ., ~ * * • I ,, Slick Taints Newpor~ Laguna Sand 87 JOHN VALTEllZA .. .. ~·---The lbick. "°l'Jib clobl o1 crude .oil mJhinf up .. llia<hol lil Newport Belich and Lsguoa Jiitoeii are still dotting the sand today, w!tlt one big do! In LqW1I -a dead wllale ..-deoth mlgbt be related to the goo. While state ft.sh and game officials are contJnulng tests to detennJne the source of the oil other scientists are expressing fears that the large quantities of oil at sea are killing the already sklmpy herds of whales migrating off the coos!. . M.UOR CATASTROPHE The dIICOvery of a dead pilot whale in the surf oH Laguna coupled wlth a San Francisco scientist's diagnosis of an oil-eaused deeth of. another whale nesr San Frandsco are raising fears of a "major catutropbe" to marine life cauaed by the oil slick off Santa BarbarL Dr. Robert Orr, a whale expert with tbe California Academy of Sclenct, said he fouJXI patches o( oil inside a dead young gray whaJe. He also cited two other dead whales to wash up on California lhores wJthin ooe week. He said ttiat since discovery of whale C81'C8!Sel is "extremely rare, It seems ~gnlllcant that tbree (now four ) dead .Whales have been found just now when the gr_ay whales art beginning their migration ncrth through the oil slick at Sant.a Barbara." No cause ol death for the other whales hos been delermlned, be said. LINKED TO TANKERS 1lf the oil ii alarming whale experts, k,, Jsn't causing too much concern with · ·Newport Beaclk ofllclab, -.say that the probable «tgin ol the oil Oii the beaches ii tankers at aea. The quantity of the oil Oii the beeches now ii not ar-t ->P ta ca,.. .,..t concern, they ..,..i, .me. the -t .-can be raked Into the llDd -damqc. , ' The oil IWUd coming uhon In =~~mJT:,~~tbe weekend, At leut ..,. oll-oooked hos been found on Newport beodia. I more have been lipted 11 .... Several memben of the Newport dory 1 • fllhlng 11eet -al&bllnc the globe at .ea. n.e ·on. floatinc over a wide. area, wu repoded by one fiaherman ta atrelcb from the ljewport Pier l<I (~ OD. SLICK, I'll' I) • .. ro:rn Shjp • ' ea . ' on eac· es .. .~~v t! ~~-,; ~· • ' . . . ,t .. '>", •Jl' .. I l ' ·~I ; . ' <: • .... _ GAS-MASKED WOMAN AVOIDS STENCH AS WHALE CARCASS LIFTED OFF BAY AREA BEACH "T'hrH Dead Whal" Wash Ashore NHr San Fr•ncl1co~ln WHk; 011 Sllck Respon1lbl1t PerfectSplashdownEnds Triumphant Apollo -Trip ABOARD THE USS GUADALCANAL (UPI)--Apollo t'a prec~lon pilots rode a sheath ol flame to a sale, but wet splashdown today In a triumphant climu to 10 days In ortit that put Americans within four months of walking ·on the moon. . uHello, Guadalcanal, tb1s la Apollo I,". ndloed commander James A. McDivitt as be peeked through, a1 t.iny window o( the rpoce· capoule< at the flBt decked recovel')', alµp lteal:qina to"'ard him. "We Just 11w you out. there. You look pretty gOOlf... . McDMtl, David JI. 'Scott and Ruascll L. Sdlwdclwi new billtoey'• thlnl lOOJ· est space trip perfcdly and bn>11gllt back four spocefllgbt -and tnowlodge that they c!Mred the way for. a--lunar Orbit fllibt In• May and 1 moon ' landing In July, Wfth borhe viewers watching on Jive televilloo, the spacemen dropped sofUy into a calm aea of dull green at 1:01 a.m. PST. '!'bey landed about thret miles from the rebovery sJ:Up. F911y-eight mJ.iiutes 1ater, they were safely on the deck of. the Guadalcanal in !heir ~ helicopter. , . ' The~ had lllOl1' trouble getting inlo the hellcoi>ter than;theY had,ai any Ume ciur· lng their lOt days in orbit. One ol the'. pifo!s was ~rigged through the 'rull!!'I, sea ln a cage u be wu bollted to the hellcopter and another was sosked when, a raft overturned 11l!i1 ta 1he rhlp. "F think. tills -!he· moil 1.......,fur lligllt we've ·had," Sdnr'lctWt told the crew of the oblp oo the Ofllll decli. "! ha""n1 go! Inf ,..·!edor my land leg> either," 1-·McJilvfit. Electrical Fire Lms At Country Club $500 Sparka from ~ electrical tran!fonner lgniled a amall lire on the roof al the HunUngton Beach Coontry Club at 5:45 a.m. today ca"'"" lllGO -.ge. Minor llDOke damqe 11111,de the club was also ._ied by llrcmen. Io- "'~gaton Uljl the fire be(Jan when the transformer which operMes the neoa sign tn ftont ~ out-1 ., "' . 1 . l"•a.er We've bad enou&h rain for a while, IO the ' weltbernian pro- mises fair ak!es .aild l.llgblly wanner terrfperaluni for Friday. Such as llklegree -lber on the • coast, diP&I ta a low ,of 45. . l)VfjlDE WD4Y Se~hoard Moving to Newport Ce:n,ter : The first lhlnD ,lbe -piloll ..... <when they splulied down rfllrtslde up,. WU a ireetln!i ln yellow tape * feet ab6ve Of'I tbe =~ + I + . ''lteilo den. .'"Gumdrop wu• the nlcknome Jor the .......i ehlp .m- lnr •!he mlulon. Wt<tf"JI SUv1rado Con 11o1i flood retugdl,,qnnng •p lh<it'. own home• °' ld;ft. rt.tcued thl 1 ••CO!ld ,lai'gal. ..,.. Cl'!lllGI co~ 1'cllon In Amerti:a f1'am a !"'ghbor's "°"'"· l'Gf< II. Seaboard Finance Co. will move llJ lntcmallonal hcedquart<n Imo a lktorJ tower to be. built in Newport Cents', \be Irvine Co. anaounced today. The world's tfliM.IJrgest conlumtr linanc• company, Seaboard'• bead olflces will be moved from downtown Los Angeles and will occupy the fint ln- lernatlonal hcedquarter1 of a major !Inn to be located. In1the hilltop commcrda~ financial complcJn Newport BelcL re 1-8 WU -II ., !May at a prtU conference at the Newparier Inn. Tbe ""' bulldlnc. adi<duled for com- pletion In -IY 1111, will hlM a quuter· million -feet ol olllco rpoce, It will be the !ar,..i structure In Newport Center. ~ Balboa ,·Inwrance Co .. one of the Seaboard Insurance 1Ubsklia:ries, will own aod build the tawor. Tho Jrvloe Co. will be Iha dovolopcr. More than ISO olflcen ~~ employet of the llnlnot firm will ...,..k In Seoboerd'a ofl!ca, aod apoce for other -lit the 1ow;,. will 'be available. . Thc bulldlng al lull occuponc1 will bou,. 1,000 penomcl. Groundbrceklnt ttollllvely II set for the coming ctnt.r, Jrvlne Co. 1poke1men said. It~~='!::~ suiting deft!_.-for thO bla!Hi,. pro-. ject. Conlractor C. L. Peck w!U build. the atrudurt. • Welton Becket ind Allodates wtU design II, and Coldwell Banker and Co. will terVC .. the I~ acent>. Thi SU.board Cirm, founded 42 yeer1 qo lit ao old frame house in dowrtown Loi Ange.JU, has more than 1,000 branch ollJca In 41 slates, elg)lt provinces ol Canada and In A~ 'Ille . mighty ¥ and machines rl ~poilo • perfonntd-lllllWful teala durilJtl the m!uloo '1bat whirled them around the earth 15j tl\DfS. Their mlln tu.1..,, .. testing 1n r11g111 ii>• rour,l•ued lunar lander that will drop ttro merr10llr monlhl from -ta the sandy cruai of the moon's face. At the manned s~ce tenter in Hows· ton, the head ol the moonfl!lht progr11m, Lt. Gen. Samuel Phlllipl, Aid Apollo t wu more succeaful thin _.... (9eo,,W>,Popl) ::.... ,, ........ " ....... ..J = ..... ~ ~. tJ ........... .. c~ ~~ -~ n .,..... ...... " ·~ ...... . DI"""' l N ..... ... 1).11 ·~ ,... • --M4t .... .. ,,.,1111 .... ~ ~ .., ,..... .. !.... ,, ~.f:.t ~ ::::~ ~I AM L-.,, 11 .... WM1 M ==-~.: ---.. I 2 llAll.Y I'll.OT s '"""""'' -D, ?-. Bucher Blames Navy For Capture CORONADO (UP!l -Clllllr. Lloyd N. lllldMr bWned the U.S. N•YJ t<JUy far """'8qualoly ~ the USS Pueblo and said be did not ha'e the .-.r lo r..mt its sdzu1' by the North Koreans.. Tile ilipptt ol lhe iJl.fated OSJ>iooace Ablp made • final pie. .. the fivNdminl Na., court ol Inquiry -mild....,... -• court martial If li decid'5 Bueher -ba.. pd . "" • fiil1I " tried lcmpf' lo defJ Cnmpumjd; gunboats last, JaJ11W7. Bucber was sharply aitical 0 r supmc.-s in the Navy far. p-miding ooly a "jury rigged" destruct system lO a:et rid t1 secret papers. He said many of bis suggestions !tr Ollti!W.. the v .... 1 had been disrqankd. The commander said it was his opinion that articles IV and V of the Military Code ol Coodud should be ,...- because "they are difficult to reconcUe when t.brtata to the lives (I( your lhip- mat.es ce involved.,. lluc:lle< lellified earlier llW be lipod a "cmfessim" and then appeared on Conummisl Ide-_..xi. ahaws titer bis apl<n Jllreat....i lo ohool his men ooe by one. The code of conduct irovides a prisoner b bound to give cmly name, rank, service number and dale ol birth and "mallo no oral or writtm sta1eintntl disloyal to my country and its allies er hannful to their caUBe. .. Bocber'a d Yilian alt«ney, E. Miles ltar'n:J, was lhe last witnela al the t-.noolh beoriog. Be said Bucher'• bringing back II American ftgblin( men was an "outstandi.Dg performanct of leadenbip" and askl be sbould be ... warded by being returned to lull lime cluly. Sirhan Hatred Of Father Tied ToRFK Slaying Ul6 ANGELES CAP) -Sirhan Blaban Sirhan'• balred of bis lather led him .. in • Jll)'cbotic. .iDIDt .. of mind .. to 1a1atnate Sen. Robert F. K!nnedJ. UJI a psycbologilt. The tilling was for Sirhan a com- pnimlle, Dr. Martin Scborr told Ibo jury trying the :U-yur-old J ardanlan for murder. "He finds a symbolic replica of hi1 father ill the form o1 Konnedy, ldlla him and al!o regains the rehlUOMhip that -between him and bis DIOlt Jft!Clous poaesskn-his motber'1 love,'' the ...,m.1og1st uid Wednelclay In bis lhJrd day u a ddeme wltnas. ill ber llecood ,,,.. -Sirhan'• -Mary 51, murmured "I don't like this." Tile jury bean! f(Jr !!>< lint -Sirhan'• voice on tape re&rdbip mede wltbill • ball boor ol _,. •• ohoolillg early June$ ol last year. Thole early momenta ill !be police staUon -all<r po-bustled him away from a dlslraugbt, ~crowd -had been described ~ y. But !be ~ demcmtralld more vlvidJy than any testimony bow genUe, almost 50Ucitously, Sirhan was treated by police. He was told several Umta of bis right to remain &ileot and exerclaed that right even to the extent d not giving hill name or agreelng that the interviewing 5ergeant was recording bis money and property properly. Sirhan's )e£l leg was bruised in the acurne to subdue him in the kitchen pantry of the AmbassaOOr Hotel. "I know you have been checked, but I'm checking you for weapons only," said Sgt. William C. Jonlan al one time. .. I'll be as gentle u pmible. otay? You're clean . . . U I gd in an aru that'1 wcomfortable, you ltJ.l zne ••• " I DAILY PILOT ............ lllNC .. 01 ..... ---·-,,__ CAUPOlldA a.-.".W-1 ,,....,. ... .......,. J,,. a. c.rr.,- "u '"'....., -0-111 ~ n •••• .c....n ... Tlt.11111 A. M.,,1rii.. -....... 1..- '''' Nl•P • ...-. .,... --c-i. Miu~ DI """'' a.. ...,.... .......,. ~' m1 -· ...... ...,..,,.,. .....--...:m"-'"-""""•1M""""'1••1hlt UPI T ....... APOLLO 9 SPACE CAPSULE RIDES ATLANTIC WAVES Beck from Orbit; Next Stop the Moon ,.,.... Pqe J APOLLO SPLASHDOWN • • • • But M said Apollo 10 would not be scrapped in favor of an earlier moon landing. The flight was just a sour stomach away f r o m flaw1euness. R o o k i e Sdlweickart got sick twice-ooce in the mcthenhip IOd ooce in the lunar lander. He recovered quickly and be and his dlLUns settled into the sweet mission that was America's last orbital flight before lhe natkin"s final space stalk of lb< mooo. 4 SPACE RECORDS The astronauts brought back au~ graphed dollar billl validating four spacelligh( r«Ords, and the kllowledge that their mas!A!rlul t..is of the U.S. moon lmding •pa-all cleared !be way fer a inoon orbit Q.igb( ln May and a landing in July. The astronauts left tbeir orbilll path at 1:31 a.m. PST with a jolting n-secood braking blast from their main engine. "The bum looks good," McDIYitt re- ported .as Apollo t swept over Hawaii on "" 151SI and final orbit. From tbe he1icopl<n cJrdillg !be spacecraft as it ..uJed illlo !be ocean came word that the cap«Ule was some- what scarred but "it looks pretiy good." Frogmen quickly attached a flotation collar around the capsule. CRAFI' SCARR ED "Recovery three (belicopler) reports that the spacecraft ls somewhat scarred. but looks rather good." reported ml.9sion control spokesman Terry White. Control· lers at Houston broke out cigan to celebrate the third straight ~ul Apollo fliglll. A pilot told the astronauU! at 9: 15 1.m. PST, "the (flat) collar is inflated around you al this time." "Roger," reported McDivitt, soondi.ng as calm as be had throughout the entrre fiigbl. . The whole recovery was ieleviled lh·e via a communications satellite to the United States and Europe. The picture WM as clear as if it were in a studio. The cap.1ule's hatch was opened at 9:%7 a.m. Scott, wearing inflated water wings, was the ri.m astronaut out. He dove head first into a life raft. Then Schweickart emerged, and finally com· mander McDlvitL Retired Patrolman Held .In NY Slaying of Wife (From'lilnBmlea) A ntind N.,. York City policeman who came to Santa Ana one month ago, lbeD flew home abruplly last week .. held today ... amplcl<n ol killing bls wife and ahootlnl a W'CJIDaD friend. Authorities In !be aubur!J ol Norlb lllbyloo, N. Y., aaid retlred paln>lman l'nderlck H. Just, 47, turned himsoll in voluntarily after the alleged murder. Suffolk Coonty illv..U,aton aaid he was formally charged with the murder of Mrs. Theresa Juat, 34. on Wedneaday, and also accused of woundln1 Mn. Geraldine Gerhold, 30, in the leg. No motive was giTm fer the double shooting, which occurred at the Gerhold woman's home, accordiDg to t be homidde illvestigalon. Just, whose Santa Ana addrw wu not lilted, retired a mC11lh ago from t~ New York City force and had recenUy been hired as a Los Angeles City School Di.strict security guard. Border Patrol Jails Six In Marijuana Smuggling Six men iDCluding one from Orange are jailed today, after a U.S. Border Patrol plane chased a hotrod aircraft crammed with 800 pounds ol smuggled Mexican marijuana through desert !itie.s over lmperiAI County. One of the arrestees was picked up \. p•t~ an airstrip outside Indio alter his buddy suddenly look off, leaving him stranded, as Border Patrol officen rolled up in 'squad cars . Robert L. Brooks, 21!, of Orange, and Paul A. Van Riessen. 28, of Santa ' Monica, will be arraigned today in Sacramento on federal s m u g g 11 n g charges, along with four other uniden- Ufied men. Henrr c. Fekhlln, chief -patrol Inspector ill El Centro, dh1closed details ol the biia.rre aerial and ground chase which occurred Monday, after the four addJUonal """ta. Bonier Patrol pilot John J. Evangelist began to crack \he cue MODdQ when he apotted a plane speeding low over the desert noar the MWcall Border and began • purauil. The fJStu alrcraft eluded Evangelist's Bonier Patrol plane. l>JI !be martinp were cartfully noted, broadcast, and a &imilar orie landed shortly thereafter at Bermuda Dunes, near Palm Springs. Rolling up to the rural lirporl, patrolmen aaw the plane roar olf qain, lea .... Brooks, who said altu bJJ arrest that !be speedy alrcrall carTled up to 1,lOO poundl of marijuana u carso. Van Riessen, was taken into custody. Investigators questioning the men widened their hunt to Narthem California and the four addlUooal suspects were picked up in Sacramento, where the cargo was evidently to be sold. f'ro1n Page J OIL SLICK •.. the 14-mile bank. Fisherman ~fel Fleener aid be tilled at least one dying bird, foundering hopelessly out al sea with its feat.hen covered with oil He said he saw .evtral otberl alreed7 dead from the oil. The crude la not !looting aa 1 slick, but, Instead, as thouJandt Of globs resembling tar more than ol1. A spokesman for the Coe.st Guard tn Newport said that the oil attml io be from tankers cJtaninc out their pipes and bilges. Tests on samplts of the oil IU.ll 1rt belng conducted by the Deputmenl ol Fish and Game. The dtpertmtflt Iliff ar~ trying to establish it.s source through chtmilcal ttst.s. Vatican Aide Given Per1n ission to Wed Fannlnf out OYtt !be remote territory, illvestifll<n checked an abandoned VATICAN CITY (UPI) -0.. of Pope mllltary alnlrlp belw,.. Blythe and Paul Vi's honoury chaplains ill the Indio, dlacovtring HOO.GOO wort.b of the Vatlncan has been granted p a p a I srass dumped ln IOme bushti. permission to leave lbe priesthood and Ftlchlln estimated tht total contnband marry, Vatican IOW'Cel sakt today. recovtrtd al that polnt to be 1bout Allhough the Vatican decllntd offlcl1l m poutlds, but It was not knawn whether comment, church aources confirmed that this wu tbt enUre marijuana cargo. ,. lht ponUff re.luctantly agre~ that the A plane matching close~the descrip-Rt. Rev. Mqr. Giovanni Musantt, &O, tJon of the smuggler aft landed could renounce his vow1 and m&IT)' 5hortly 1n Palm Sprtn and the piJot, in the church. J Saigon-Control Slips Com1 nunis t Of fensive Costly to Allie$ • SAIGOH (UPI) -The '"'"""'""' ol SOulh Vlqam loot COlll/W ol 350,000 -la run) ...... durJoi the lint Jhe dl;1J ol tt.e 19-day-dd Qmm1mist olleoslft, U.S. mission ...,,... uld to- dlJ. ... tbe llnt ..... -ol lb< offemift'.COlf: more American casualties than the fnt two ...... of the Tet offensive « i• A rural paclficalion program survey al the md ol February showed thal JIOW'llDl<UI ~ CM< the populatioo ill the nalillo • haOlk!a cJrapped from at to 65.< por<Olll -whldl meant lhat 350,000 peasants of the country's 10 million ptniOlll no longer are living ln relatively secure areas. Tbe loss of cootrol emphasized the scope ol the Comnnmlst offensi•e which Viet 'Coog and N<,'111 VleWmese .delegates to the peace t.alb in Paris have VO'llfed would be stepped up untiJ the last American has been driven from Vietnam soil. ~ Although the Communists have not scored any major victories such as their capture of Hue in the 1968 Tel olfensive, their current drive is eipected to cut further into the areas controlled by the government. No figuru were available yet. The government's control over the en- tire population, including the towrui and cities, was estimated at I0.3 percent. This was a record high but thet 1.1 percent increase over January was the smallest gain registered since the govenunent's accelerated pacification campaign got 11Dder way. The figure Windo'v Smash er 'Tests' Police · ··r l\·anted to see how long it would take you to get here," a Los Alamitos Air Station.based Marine assertedly told Garden Grove police early this morning as be surveyed five plate glass ztore windows he had smashed with a shopping cart. Police found Bruce Kuzhou!e, 32. of Westminster. in the shopping center at 11873 ·Valley View St.. surrounded by the shattered glass of a e<1ffee shcip v;indow he had just smashed. OthE'r place! damaged ine!i.1:icd ;i medical office, bakery , cleaners and automaUc laundry. KU2.llouse ""'as charg· ed with being drunk and committing malickm mischief. (ease-fire Re j ectcd LAGOS, Nigeria CAP) -A Nigerian spoknman today rejected Biafra's new call for a ceao;e-fire and peace negotia· tions, saying it was based on conditions "we ha\'e already rtjected." would be expected to drop whal f.loal returns are In. Commwi.1.st Jos.W!s for lbe ppenlq 14 days ol the DOW l!klay-old olfeaaJff have be<u J;gbt.r tbaa daring ·Iba tint two weeb of. Tel -lo,176 tbls time -par«! with 29,221 guerrillas dead iD Tet The figures appeared 1n the weekly U.S. casualty report which showed a drop-Off ht casualties on both aidu laat •eel: from looses thal hit a 10.-'h higb in the opening weet of the off wive. Communist gunners meantime st.ppod up their rocket and mortar att.lcb overnight, bitting about a targeta ~ the most l).ightly attack! in three daya. The weekly casualty report diadosed that 789 Gls were killed and 4,287 WOlJDd.. ed in the first two weeks of the CWTtDt . ollenaln, c:ompartd with Ill kllled arid 4,251 wooncled ill lht 1~11 lwo wee~ ol Tel. 'iJ Tile Alli•• .... klllilll ..... Com' muniN for e•ch AWld IOldler 11 thlr time, compared with 1 10.to-ooe ratio during the Tet offen1lve, according to the weekly report. Jn Saigon, lbe Viet COng pushed a terror campaign app1renUy planned to ••toften. up" the cs:pltal for a Communist au.ck expected not week accotdinc to U.S. Intelligence. In ooe incident, a Vletitailltlt plainclothes policeman w11 crltlcaD;J wounded in a booby trap bl.a,t u be tried to rip down a Communist fba: frmn 1he ledge of a downtown buUdlDI. Two .other persons were wounded in !be blast . * * * * * * Con g Warn Against U.S. ( • ' \ -' , I 11 . . -' . . Rftalidtio'n~l6r Offe~it~ . ' . ' PAlils cuP1> -nie P1ris pe..,; i.ra . pretut of Ii> •._tate 'Ti;t ~Jidlod•:....~-+ daJ ~:;..,a::; ... 'th.~;;,... .. ol "00. ~evuo---•. • · • ID Jl'O:- gres,,." The Viet Cong warned against allied retaliation for the current Com- munist offensive and Saigon said "We cannot stand idly by ... The session lasted just over four hours, one 0£ the shortest yet, though South Vietnam did not cut short the meeting in anger as it did last week. But lhey agreed to rneet again next Th~ay and diplomatic observers called thiJ a goo:I thing. For the third consecutive weelr: there were atlacks on President Nizon and the Haooi representali\'es told him to ]ook. at historv and see "the ignominious failure" the bombing of North Vietnam brcu ght lo former President Lyndon B. Johnson. L'.S. An1bass.ador Henry Cabot Lodge s.·ud ?.f1er ti'!e ~c.;sion "There ha\·e been n:i s0hd r~goti<?:ions and. in that sense, no progre;;s." Hut he said h' st.Ill felt there ls .. value" to the meetings. Tran Buu Kiem. the chief Viet Cong delegate to the talks. \'Owed to newsmen as he left the meeting in the Majestic Hotel "\\'e u·ill rontinue our \1•ar against lhe aggrei;:sors. ·• He y,·as joined by Hanoi delega:e Xuan Thuy ""'ho said if thml is no pr;:i;:ress it is the fault of the t.;nHet. S.:;:·r~ "If the t· S ;,.•l'11_n;~·r1:ion com mits ne11· adl'C!ii'Jru.:11 ;,·_; r.r war under the Police Jail Mesa Barber in Raid For Pills, Guns A Coata ~fesa barbet whose Santa Ana shop may have offered more than tonsorial treabnent was arrested by San- ta Ana police Wednesday, along with a man seen to leave his &hop sbortl.7 befcre and drive away. Pol.ice stopped the erratically driving motorist, William L. Yates, 25, of 41$ S. Huron Drive. Sanla Ana. which they claim led to dl.scovery of 3,000 pills in his car. The invesligators returned to the shop ov1rned by Valentine J. Fortuna, 34, of 3149 Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa, where they said other unlawful materials were found. Several guns, marijuana, a n d pornographic movies weu allegedly coo- fiscated fNm the shop at 110 W. Com- mercial St, as evidence against Fortun.a and Yates, beld oo narcotics charges. Fortun• was booked on suspicion of possessioo of dangerous drugs and mari-- juana, while Yates was booked .only on the pill charge. investigators said. al .JJ. J. (Ja rrell ~_ SALE CO NTINUES OUR . ONCIE DA • YEAr. WARE H OUSE AT THE REA R OF THE STORE UPT06 • CHAIRS SOf.AS TABLES • BEDROOM • PIECES • e LAMPS DRESSERS e DESKS e HEADBOARDS • • • DINING ROOM PIECES NITE TABLES PICTURES • MIRRORS • SCREENS • • BOOK CASES DISCON TINUE D FLOOR SAMP LES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.G ARRETf fU RNflURE PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Opn M••· Than. ' !'ti. h -. • 2111 HARIOR IL VD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. '4M275 '4M27' ' I 11 I 1 ' -. ,. ti . • • • ,• .. "\ ., Bua:tiDgtonBeatth __ 'EDITION • IVOt:. 62, NO. 62. 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY,.CAl:JFOR,l'<IA ·13, '1969 0 as MWD to 'Go It Alone' • Water District Pushes Bolsa Desalt Plant By TERRY COVILLE , Of Ille D•llr l"lllt Sii~ l\1etropollt.an Water District (M\VO\ Mficials today said the agency would "go it alone" on plans to construct a nuclear desalling plant on a man-made island off Sunset ·Beach . Wednesday, MV/D officials learned that the ~ederal Government is backing out of the expensive project. Jack Hunter, director of .the federal Office of Saline Water, testified before the Senate Interior Committee that the &olsa ·Island project is simply too ex· pensive for private firms to show in· terest. Cost estimates for a combined nuclear water desalting and electrical plant had soared as blgh as $'f65 million. Federal agencies had · a I r e a d y guaranteed $72 million for the project, but when private interests dropped out, the MWD hoped the government would increase its participation. But that hope is now apparently lost too. When informed of the apparent decision to withdraw federal funds from the Bolsa project, KWD officials replied, "O.K., we'll ga it alooe." "Of couse it will take longer now," explained an MWD spokesman, "but we plan to stick by our Dec. 11 resolution to follow through on a delaytd basis." Originally the project was scheduled lo begin abou! 1970. "Now we won't start until mid 1970s and not later than 1960," said the 1'tWD spokesman. ~ The government has given the M\VD until June 30 to clear up the details on who will pay for certain funds already expended on studies conducted for the project. Estimated cost of $765 million might go down if the electrical portion of the project is dropped, gaid the MWD representative. · Originally plans called for construction of a 40 acre island off Sunset Beach to contain a combined nuclear water desalting plant and electrical plant. Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric and the Los Angeles Departn1ent of Water and Power were to be partners with the MWD in it, but the former companies dropped the idea when the cost estimates escalated. "\Ve still plan to build the island, and perhaps just the water desalting plant alone," said the '-fWD spokesman. The plant would produce 50 million Narcotics: What ~ 1 Turns On Teens? By ALTON JJLAD1iLEE As5ocfated Prell Science Writer . . To cope intelligently· With cirUg problem!, one nffds to know more about what kind of,appeals drugs offer. Here are some of the , ways that. college students have described their r~ actions to "mind" drug!. "I could lose all my worries and imagine many things." "The mind is magni!icenttr delighted by very simple situations or memoirs." •1, Drugs "are our only means of feeling love (in the general perhaps Chris-,., tian sense) in this deb~le of self~estruction. It is a reb.im to Eden." ~ "I have stopped taking drugs • • • ll ~ame too easy to 'groove' on . I ,, .. . something •• without ever coming to '~ ·,._,, '>~ . terms with real problems, without Fountain Vollty Pollet Chi<! Charles Michaelis: "'It's c~ mon knowZtdgt that Mrcotici aTe widt'spread and it certain· ly would be to everv· ptrson'i advantage to read as much cu he can about tht probitm. (This series is ) vtrv inttrcst- it1g a11d infoifnative' and cer4 to.inly s1tould benefit the pub- lic." ever really thinking. The borders or ilhm.ion and reality became hazy ••• " "I consider Jt now a part of the .growing up process. It wu an ans- wer. It no longer is. I am still over. whelmed by the madness that is my country, but I must find another way of coming to terms with iL '' These answers came from students asked, in an anonymous question- • naire, why they had used or might still be using drugs such u marl· juana and LSD. There are a host of reasons why these and other drup are considered appealing. Parents can benefit from knowing what these attractions art. A later st<ry i.u. IJlOlher' aide <i the coiD-the human price that vari- ous drugs can collect. For some unknown perC91t.age or dnq: usus, "Jt is a way of bltUng back at parent.s, to shock them, 100&- en them ap a bit," aays a West Cout college student. "Taking dnap marka an ex&emll rejection of mid- dle • claa values and IOC!ety in gen- eral. 'l1>e 'beat generaUoo' tried to -the middle clus with 113 ... tlons and words. Now it Is with druga." A J>lychlatrisl agrees that for somt young people, including high schoolers, "it la fun to see their par- ent! get pu\ on. With drugs, they have something with wlllcb to get. their parents enraged and Incensed. The kids can Sf.lid their parenta Into apNmt. Taking drugs is one way or tweaking the old man's flO.'le." Some users say they find an OCC8.Sional aUct of marijuana a pleasant way of dealing with mild d,Prosslons. of wlnnlng, brief r.i .... from ~emand• ol school work, or or comballlnr feellnp ol beli'f bemmed in or fl:!l'Clftod. Marl)•=: LSD ~nd 'Ollfer ~_. ~ a1ao :""'~eiii -· _..,_,i,,;"'1~~ ~ ... ~~ . . plon17 'Md' ...,..,...., !!("""'.._ lo..e:;,ell'~-· •' "The world teemt dull lot! of llmfll: we're over titillated," • student remarks. Dr. Kenmton, the Yale psJthologist, puts It another way -a penoo can (S.. DRUGS FASCINATE TE!N.AGERS, Page 3) , . gallons of de-salted water per day. Federal authorities indicated they are looking for alternate sites for a similar project -perhaps off Santa Barbara or the Texas shoreline. Oil Splashing Up on Shore Along Coast By JOHN VALTERZA Of 91141 O•llY 'U•I Stiff The thick, tar-like globs of crude oil washing up on beaches In Newport Beach and Laguna Beach are st.ill dotting the sand today, with one big dot in Laguna -· a dead whale whose death might be related to the goo. Wh.ile state fish and game official! are continulng tests -to determine the source of the oil other scientists are expressing fears that the large quantities or oil at sea are killing the already skimpy her<ls <i whal<S migrating oil the coast. The: discovery of .a dead pilot whale In the surf off LalUJI& coupled with a San "ancisoo .scientist'' diapolil: of an ojl .. aQled deetb. a( ·""'°"" _...._ ..... Saft Prueiooo•*·'rai.m, ~­"! a "major c~~ $p, marble life ca*'1 by Ibo off ·Iller iif.,c- Barblra.' J,. , . t Dr. Robert Orr, a wbalt erptrt wlth the Galifornia Academy of Sclenee, ia.ld (See OIL 8LICX, Page I) Huntington . Eyes Ocean, as Slick Threatens Beach No evidence of a new off-coast oil slick has been spotted near Huntington Beach city beachel yet, but Harbor and Beech ofli<iab are keeping a lookout. A slick was d~vered yesterday about two miles off Huntington Beach by Newport Beach City Lifeguard Chief Robert E. Reed \\'hile conducting an aerial survey. Max Bowman, assistant direct.or of the Huntington Beach Department of Harbor and Beaches, said that he has heard of the slick being near city beaches, but added that his department will have to wait until evidence washes up on shore before they can do anything about it. "Should the slick move in, we will dig a trench at the edge of the 1hore to allow the sludge to be t.rapped, then use a bulldozer to cover it up/' Bowman said. IJl'I T•..,,..,_ APOLLO 9 SPACE CAPSULE RIDES ATLANTIC WAVES Beck from Orbit; Next Stop the Moon Tax Bike Foresee.a Bond Election Rejected 1 Br. de.Jc 'District Botra ,. . . Br THOMAS FORTUNE Of ftMI O.llr '""' Stiff A deci$10n not to hold another bond e 1.e c t i o n was made Wednesda;y by Orange Coast Junior College District trust.eee. Two board members favored holding a bond election June 17, but a majority of three did not. In cutting off the bond election option, trustees by all odds committed themselves to increase the tax rate on their own withoi.Jt a vote of the people. It can be done once a permlssive tax raise law goet1 into effect. July 1. At the moment it looks like such a tax increaSe would be in the neighborhood of 21 cents. The present tax rate of ·57 cents per $100 of assessed valuation then would be increased to 78 cents. The 21 cents would raise $1.9 million in needed local revenue to go with $LS million in carried forward reserves to buy $4.I million in federal and state funds. The total of $8.2 million would pay for next year's building program on Huntington Beach's Golden West and Costa Mesa's Orange Coast College cam· puses. Juni<l' college district officials say they are behind the eight ball because of three ta1 try failures in the last three yea,n:. Now they must move ahead with a inajor building program to catch up wllh escalaung ..,,..11snent. Here is the way trustees reasoned in their vote whether to , call 1 bond elecijon: WilUam KetUer {Huntington Beach) -"I favor another OOnd election. It was so close la.<it time 1 feel we should try again. It is the fairest way for all concerned to pay." Robert llumphrey1 (Costa Mesa) - ••Newport and Costa Mesa I think wou ld give substantial support again. The pro- blem would be in the other area (West County). I Jean tow'ard the pennlssive tax increase." Donald Hoff (Midway Clty) -"If you get the community aolldly behind you you can move ahead with greater confidence. I think we should give tile pe<iple one more chance to say, 'Yes, we're with you.' I'd rather spread it oul than a big tax blte. But if we don't go for the bonds I still would go for the other." George Rodda Jr. (Corona del Mar) -"l don'l think there has been much change in voter attitudes. If there has been a change it's been in the negatie been .a change it's been In the negati ve of the news media's approach to higher (See NO BOND TRY, Page %) County Board Approves ()(;j(; 1Jistrict Vetoes Alternate Meetings at GWC: A proposal to hold every second board . meeting at Golden West College in Hun- thigton Beach instead of always at Qraiige Coast College In Costa Mela w"" voted,down Wednesday night by Orange Coast College District trustees . · Annex of Sunset Beach , The vote to stay put . at OCC wa1 . • Annexation of . the eOOn community or Sw1se1 B<lach to llunttng1on Beach w.ai given the green light Wednesday by the Locsl /iif!Dcy Formation Como mission (LAFC), The maU« now goes to public hearing and eventually a vote of the rtridenta of Sunset Beach. Seal Beach last month had forced • consolidation of two annc1aU0111 pnipoeed by HIUltington Beach, hinting pooslble opposition to the merger, but no objection was raised at Wednesday's hearing. Th1I , a decisive 4. to J, with only Robert mlntstrator Doyle Mille< the city's wll~ Humphreys._ who suggested tbe Idea, i:ngnen. to.take OVW" the cowt)''• ~· d.ls9entlng. ol the beach replenimment program Hwnphreyl', • Co1ta M.., r-. coots. sold 'he thoug!lt IOl)ltlblng ahould be dooe to -llu the dtstrlct. -Riwell ' of the County Ad-· "We're missing a dlance: to bulk! ..... ~ olll<e oald his group favors __ ,_.._ .,_,,,. , .(Jn ~.M,.M_ the ..O.iatlon &I the s.-Beach ll'e8 -•-•W_, ~N., ·--.. -• ia ci.,iily within ,the Hu¢niton Beach !leach)," be sald •. ''.•i ..ideoced by oplltre or influence end that the citr oer ·· ' voe.i rlg)lt arGW1i1 Goldtl)'West cOu1d liandle the beach parltlng problem in st bond electioll." · exilJlini. c ..... ct admliilmton, with · ofnce1 Both the county Planning and Flood rlghl ncx~ to the OCC board room, ConUol "-·-eml add their a-val oppooed the Idea of moving the lhow .Olo..& -..... w.. rr.. on>tbt roed. may canuo later In the voting ?""""!, · lo ·~-· Ooe -· a ohow It 1sn·~ The first ol Huntln(l<>n Beach'• an-AC«<dlng to Huntington Buch Clly "I'm DOI ~ure how thrilling 1 board nexaUOOI appn>vecl incluc!H only U7 Clerk Paul Jontt 1 public bearing will m..tlng ieally ia .. supt Nonn111 acres and ls on lhe eaattrn border be tet oo the matter u required b1 wataon Aki a);e~lly • of .s~nset Beach ad · · ··'!"~ 1 la!•.ThJl·!"i*. l>to ~Pl)llJeci wJl!il~ , Goldoen Weo<~ ~llldl<1 ~It aeels off il\" . ,~1 1, ~~'ll .. ,,.....,,.~ ~yoo'r4mlir1Mdit·b•I the~ \ii<'M~ '\1\1\!i'Sl >' ;,:;,..,:•~1'.·~i.:! ~...:I. wtthllt '-?i ~~·c..mcJI jili<e~~"'~ hi . '"-'''~·1' 'I.• WY;'...,,:\••>..:..~ ,, . .,.Goldeii1'Veot1Forum.w•~,..111111 \, Tiii ' • ,__..,....,, ,..,.,., MW, • ' ' ll1d -&n auiHtr\co •of 11, Warner Avenue lo Md ' ~ ...S \, ften ~.,.~,,..from s.-\ That ""'1)«flo clDtCb II. con.llat& <i ~ acr.._ 'i'. ·•. /lflcb lndlcallni Iha! as GI"°"· dtsplto "I think 1i Is 1 wmderful ldeo lbal ~ David -~ ei<· lllJll lndlciiti<IOI, Ille "le of the atea won't work," said Wtlllain Ketller, 1 lracttd from Huntin(l<>n lleoob Olt.Y Ad-'"'°"" tloe annenlion. · HunUngtlin lkil<b rulclent. , TEN CENTS own Astronauts End 10-clay Space Trip ;. ' ABOARD THE USS GUADALCANAt (UPI}-Apollo 9's preci.!lioti pilots rode a sheath of flame to a safe, but wet splashdown today in a triwnphant climu to to days in orbit that put Americana wlthin four months of walking on the moon. 0 Hello, Guadalcanal, this 11 Apollo 9," radioed commander James· A. McDivitt ., he peeked through a tiny window ol the opace capsule at the nat - recovery lhip steaming toorard him. ••we just saw you out there. You looli pretty good." "'cDlvitt, David R. Scott and Rtmell L. Schweickart Dew history'• third long-- est space trip perfectly and brought back four spaceflight records and knowledge that they cleared the way for . a lunar orbit flight in May and a moon landing in July. With home viewers watching on live television, the spacemen dropped softly into a calm sea of dull green at 9:01 a.m. PST. ·Tuey landed about three miles from the recovery ship. FQrty-eight u:Unutes lat.er, they were ulely on the dedt of the Guadalclnal in their rescue tiellcopter. They bad more· trouble getUn1 into the hel!CoPter than they had at any time dllr· thg lbeir 10 days'in erbi~ One o1 , the pnota. -.draned ,tllroolll· the roDJn& ,.. 111 ,f can u he ,... llolato<l,1o the bell~ ant1·anolher -IOIUd -a raft over!ufned next ,lo the lhip. "I lhlnk_ thfa 'OfaJ tlie m<Xit IUi:ttillllll ~ we've had." ~"1~ Ioli! the ,_," the lh!P Oii the lllgbl ~ -. "lhaven't g~ my !tea Jeg:s or m1.tand legs either,'' joked McDlvltt. The nrst things the thm fjlOCS ' uw when they sptaShed down right!ide up, . was I greeting, in yellow tape 40 feet above on the helfcopter. "Hello dert, Gumdrop." Gumdrop was the nickname for the command alllp dur· ing the mission. The mighty m·en and miichi.nts of Apollo 9 perfonned masUrful tests during the mis.!ion thai whirled them around the earth 151 times. Their main task was testing in fll8bl the four.Jeaed lunar lander the! will drop ~ moa lour months from now to the aandy cnll( ol the moon's face. At the manned space center ln ~ ton, the head <i the mooofllgbt. proghm. Lt. ~-samuel PbllliJ>I, wd ApOllO 9 wa:s more . successful than expected. But he said Apollo 10 would not be scrapped in ra.vor of an earlier moon landing. The flight was just a 50UI' Stomach away from flawlessness. Rookie Schweickart got sick twlee-once tn the mothershlp and once in the lunar lander. He recovered quickly and he' and ·hil chums settled into the IWfft mission that was America's last orbital Dilht (See APOUA>, Pap I) Stock Markets NEW YO!IK (AP) -The ttock markel clo§ed_with ,a llharp Joos tocl!ly, .,,,. trading pace alowed neat the end. (See quotaUMll, ·Pall<' 21-a). The DQw J<m1 tndtlltriaJ average at 1 :30 p.m. was off 9.118 polnta at 908.«. Oraa'8 'Weadler We've had enDlllh rain for a while. IO tbe weatherman p mbes fair akita and allgbtly warmer temperatures· for Friday. Such u eo.degr<e ,...lh<r on tl(e coast, dlppinJ to I lQw of 46. .. INSm£ TODAY Weo111 Silt'frcdo Can v o n flood refUQtU, Qfving up ihiir oum homes ai Jolt, rescued the atcond Jarge•t ror. crv•tol cOl· Jection in Amnica ff"OM G n1ighbor11 homt. Pao• 11 . ' '""" ,. .......... ,, C.....,... t Mt'l'M ~I CMmtfitlf D-# MfNtl ,,__ 1' C.ln It llll!llNI ...... .. c .... _,. n OtMM ct-tr u OMtfl ..... II 1 .,._ _,... • ='·"= ;fte ... ~. = :!;... ~ ............. -11. .... tl4t ,.... -~ ,. ,.... c... " "'-""" ...... ......... .. ......... 4 _.._.. 'I --M Mt.IMll . WWtl """' ... *"'-'" ...... " • • % OAI( Y PllOf " Bucher Blames Navy For Capture CORONADO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd it. Bucher blamed the U.S. Navy today for Inadequately out!ltt.ing the USS Pueblo and· said he did nQt have the power to resist Its se.lzure by the NOrth Korearu. The skipper of the ill-fated e:spionqe ~hip made a Una! plea to the five.admiral Navy court of Inquiry V.'h.ich could recom· mend a· court martiaJ if it decideSBucher should have put up a fight or tried long" to ddy CommuniJt gwiboala lall January. Bucher was !harply critical 0 r superiors in the Navy for providing only a "jwy rigged" destruct ll)'llem to gel rid of secret papen. He aald many of his suggestions for outiftUng the veuel had been disregarded. The commander said it was his opinion that articles IV and V of the P.Illitary Code of Conduct should be revi~·ed because 0 they are difficult to reconcile when threats to the lives of your ship- mates an involved." Bucher testified earlier that he signed a "confeasion" and then appeared on Communist television propaganda shows tfter his captors threatened to shoot his men one by one. The code of conduct provides a prisoner Is bound to give only name, rank, service number aJid date of birth and "make no oral or written atatements dialoyal to my coontry and Its allle.s or barmlu1 to their cause." Bucber's civilian att<wney. E. Milea Harvey, was the last witness at the ~month hearing. He said Bucher's bringing back 11 American fighting men was an "outstanding performance of leadership" and said he should be re· warded by being returned to full time duty. Sirlian Hatred Of Father T ied To RFK Slay ing 1A5 ANGELES (AP) -Sirhan Bi>hara Sirhan'& halrtd of his father led him "in a psychotic, in.sane state of mJnd" to assa&!inate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, says a psychologist. The killing wu for Sirhan a com- promise, Dr. Martin Schorr told the jury trying the If.year-old Jordanhm for murder. "He f111ds a symbolic replica of his father in the form of Kennedy, kills him and also regain• the re!aUonship that alands between him and his most precioua possession-hla mother'a love," the psychologist aald Wednetday lo hi! third day as a defense witness. In her second row seat Sirhan'• mother Mary·56, murmured "I don't Jill:e this." The jury heard for the first Um• Sirhan's voice on tape recordings made within a half hour of Kennedy 's abooUn& early June 5 of last year. Those early moments 1n the police alalion -after policemen hustled him away from a distraught, menacing crowd -had been described previously. But the tapes demonstrated more vividly than any testimony bow gentle, almost eollcitously. Sirhan was treated by police. · He was told several Umes of his right to re.main silent and e1erclsed that right even to the e:rtent of not giving his name or agreeing that the interviewing sergeant was recording his money and property properly. Sirhan's left leg was bruised in the scuffle to aubdue him in the kitchen pantry of the Ambassador Hotel. "l know you have bttn checked , but I'm checking you for weapons only," ::;aid Sgt. William C. Jordan at one time. "I'll be .a1 genUe as possible. okay? You're clean • . . If 1 get in an area that's uncomfortable, you tell me ••• " • Oft II V 1'11111 O..+JIOI COAn l'\oll l llHIMO <OMIAlf'r tlekri N 'WeM '"'"*"'""1'1111111 ..... J•c• JI. C•r1:r VQ ,.,..lilltrd erMI o.Mf 'Mllf"" 111•1!'1•1 K•e•ll ·-T•-••.A. M11111'•l~1 ""'-•Ille 11•11tr ;Jff,rt w .•• ,,, wuu .... ···' "--l•tt tl""'llll91'D!I I.WO Ulttr Cl"r l~lltt "--Jff llll s,, ••• M•llt111 A.Ur11u P.O. ••• 7911, 9JMI --,...., ... di; '711 W..t ............ ,. C•la ~1-wt.I 11'1' 111'111 ......,.,. 9tlC'I; m ,..,. .. •- -· VALEDICTORIAN Richard VI· Darby SALUTATORIAN Krl1tln1 E. Diiion . Derby, Dillon. Horwred As Beach Top Scholars Two near-perfect scholars who an highly active in school affairs have been selected 'Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the class of 11169 at Huntington Beach High School. Richard William Derby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Derby, 9121 Mediterranean Drive, will carry a perfect. -4.0 grade average to the podjum whe.n he addresses the June graduation ceremonies aa school Valedictorian. Kri.tlne Elaine Dillon, daughter ol Mr. Juan Dillon, 1728 Park Street, wW speak to her classmates as Salutatorian. She carries a 3.92 grade average for her four years at HWJtington Beach High. Derby has excelled in foreign language, mathematics and science, 1n addJUon to demonstrating ~ing musical talent on the piano and aa a compoter. In 1967 he won the Carl Fisher Award for setting I.he "IOOth Psabn" tO chair, organ and piano mu.sic. He was also winner of the 1968 Diltlngui!bed Oiler Fine Arts Award. He plans to attend either UC Santa Barbara or UCLA. Miss Dillon showed her brightest marks in upper division science classes and last year was honored as the DlJUng. uished Oiler on the pwllor level in Uber· al arls. She has served this year u senior class treasurer and president of the honor society. She is hoping for entrance to lhe University of California at Irvine. Valley Ask s Approval Of Little Leagu e Fields Two little league baseball diamonds on the city's corporation yard were recommended for approv al Wednesday nlght by the Fountain \'alley Parks and Recreation Commission. City equipment currently occupies only tv.'o of the eight acres of the city's yards located at Ward Slrtet and the San Diego Freeway, so park com- missioners recommended that the city council approve COMtructioo Of the ballparks to aid the city's mushrooming little league program. City officials don't foresee expansion ot UlCir use of the city yards for several years, said Sta nley Stalford, Parks and Recreation Department director. A substitution on playground equipment for HBrper Park was also made Wed· nesday night by comm issioners. They decided to purchue "Crusty and Crawdad" to go with the park's aquatic theme when it was learned "Lob- sta-fund" is no longer available. Stafford said the park, and its playground equlpment, will be ready before this summer. From Page l OIL SLICK THREATENS • • • he found patches of oil in.side a dead young gray whale. He also cited two other dead whales to wash up on California shores within one week. He said that since disco very oi whale carcasses is "ertremely rare, it seems significant that three (now four) dead whales have been found just now when the gray whales are beginning their migration north through the oil slick at Santa Barbara." No cause of death for the other whales has been determined, he said. If the oil is alanning whale experts, it isn't causing too much c<lncern ·with Newport Beach officials, who say that the probable origin of the oil on the bea ches is tankers at sea. The quanti ty ,of the oil on the beaches now is not great enough to cause great concern, they agreed. slnce the present amounts can be ni:ed ioto ·the sand without damage. The oil started coming ashore in significant quantities over the wee kend, dotting beaches for miles. Al least one oil-soaked bird baa been found on Newport beaches. Several more have been sighted at sea. Se\'eral members of the Newport dory fishing fleet reorted sighting the globs et sea . The oil, floating over a w:lde area. "'as reported by one fisherman to stretch from the Newport Pier to the 14-mile bank. Fisherman 1'1el Fleener said he killed al least one dying bird, founderlng hopelessly out at sea with its feathe rs co\•ercd "'ilh oil. He said he saw several others already dead from t~e oil. The crude is not floating as a :slick, but, instead, as thousands of globs re11embling tar more than oll. A spokesma n for the Coast Guard in Newport said that tM oil seems to be from tankers cleaning out tMir pipes and bilges. Tests on samples of the oil sUll are being conducted by the Department of Fish and Game. The department staff are trying to establish its source throuih chemical tests. Frona P age 1 APOLLO SPLASHDOWN • • • before the natlon·s final !ipace stalk or the moon. The astronauts brought back auto- graphed dollar bills validating four spaceflight records, and the knowledge that their masterful tests of the U.S. moon landing spacecraft cleared the way for a moon orbit filgh r in May and a landing to July. 'I1le astronauts left their orbital path at 1'31 1.m. PST with a jolting ll·s«ond brlling blast from thelr main engine. .. 'Ibe burn looks good," McOlvitt l'f'- pcrted as Apollo I swept over Hawaii on Jts 151St AOd final orbit. From the he.licoptt:rs circling the spacecraft as It settled Into the oce1n came word that the capsule was tome. what scarred but "it looks pttlty good." Frogmen quh::kly 11ltached a flotation collar around the capsule. "Recovery three (helicopter) reports that the 1pacecraft la: somewhat scarred. but looks rathtr good." reported mission control spoke.mtan Terry Whitt. Control- ler.;: at Houston broke out cliars to celebrate tJie lhlrd straight succeSlful APollo nlghl A pilot told U1e ulronauil at t : 15 a.m. PST. "tht (flat) collar Is lnnated around you at thls tlmr." ,, ''Roger."' reported l\lcDivitt, ~oundlng tis t'alm as he had throughout the entire flight. 'l"he 1vhole recovery was 1'elevlsed Jive via a co1nmunications satellite to the United ~tales and Europe. The picture was as clet1 r as if it were in a studio. The capsule's hatch was opened at 9:27 a.m. Scott, wearing inflated water winp;s, was the first astronaut out. He dove head first into a llle raft, Then Schweickart eml!?rged, and flnatty com· mander McOivitt, Vatican Aide Given P cnuiss iou to Wed VATICAN CITY (UP!) -Ont ol Pope Paul Vi's honorary chapla.bu In the Vaiincan-has betn granted pap a J perrnlssion lo leave the priesthood and m~rry, Vstlcan sources said today. Although the \1atlcan declln~ official rommcnt , church sources confirmed that the ponUff reluotantly 1greed lhat the Rt. Re11, J\!sgr. Giovanni Musante, 50, roulrl renounce his vowt and marry in the church . • • ' Saigon Control .. Communist 'Oflen~ive C<1stly to Aliies 1 SAIGON (UP!) -Tht govtmlllont d SOuth Vietnam lost. control <If SS0,000 persons In rural a.reu durlng the first live days of the 19-day-old Communist offensive, U.S. mission BOUrces said to- day, And the first two wee.ks of the offeplve co.st more American casualties than the first two weeks of the Tet offensive ot 1968. A rural pacification program survey at lhe end of February showed that government control over the p6pulation in the natlon's hamlets tl.ropped from 68.t to 65.4 percent -which meant that 350,DOO peasants of the country's 10 million persons no longer are living in relatively secure areas. The loss of c<lnlrol emphasized the scope of the Communist offensive which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese delegates to the peace talks ln Paris have vO'lt'fd would be 1tepi;ied up until the laat American bu been driven fr.om Vietnam soil. Although the Communists have not scored any major vi ctories such u their capture of Hue In the 1968 Tet offen&ive, their current drive is expected to cut further into the areas Cilntrolled by the govern·menl. No figures were available yet. The governmtnt's control over the en· tire population, including the towns and cities , waa estimated at 80.3 percent. This was a record high but the 1.1 percent increase over January was the smaUest gain registered since the government's accelerated pacification campaign got under way. The figure would be expected to drop when final returns are in. F rom Page 1 NO BOND'TRY •• education. \\'e'd do much better spending the $25,000 an election would c<lSI on a calculated public relations program." Worth Keene (Seal Beach) -"The chairman breaks the tie. Is that it? A bond issue is the best way to divide the burden, but I rather doubt in 90 days we could put together the type of program needed to sell the bonds." Keene referred to the call for a bond election, or a tax override election, hav- ing to be made now if the election were lo be held before July 1, when tru.!tees must act on next year's budget. However. he was reminded by Orange Coast College student Chuck Conway board members themselves are to blame for acting at this late date, since they have been discussing whether to bold another bond election for the past six months. "We offered to you !ludent support Jf the bond illsue had been at an earlier date," Conway said. "Bui now I couldn't promise much for a bond election after graduation." Cornmunilt losses for the opening lt days of the now 19-day-old offenilve have been lighter than during the first two wetks of Tet -10,871 thls Ume compared with 29,223 guerrillas dead in Tel. The figures appeared In the weekly U.S. casualty report which showed a drop-off in casualties on both sides last wetll: from losses that hit a 10-monlh high in the opening weell: o! the oUenslve. Communist gunners meantime stepped up their rocket and mortar attacks overnight, hitting about 42 targets in tht most nightly attacks in three day:s. The weekJy casualty report disclosed that 789 Gls were killed and 4.287 WOWld- ed in the first two weeks of the current offensive, compared with 816 killed and II No Stor1n Hiu 4.151 wounded in the first two wee~ of Ttl. The A1Ue1 a.re killing seven Com- munist! for ,each Allied soldier slair. this time c<lmpared w1th a 10-lo-one ratio dur~g the Tel offensive, accordlnl to the weekly report. Jn Saigon, the Viet Cong r,:•hed a terTOr campaign apparently p &Med to "soften up" tbe capital for 1 Communist attack txpected next week 1ccordin1 to U.S. inte!lig~e. Jn one incident, a Vietnames e plainclothes policeman was critically wounded in a booby trap blast as he tried to rip down a Communist nae from the ledge of a downtown building. Two other persons were wounded ill the bhut. Santa A11a Rivel' Flowing Normall y; ·Danger Less Water is trickling through the Santa Ana River at a nearly norma l level now, and is expected to remain that way unless another major rainstorm hits Orange County before summer. Villa Park Dam currently has cloaed Its gates and is releasing no water into lhe river, said Bob \Yise, Orange County hydro logist. Last week the U.S. Army Corps of Eogineen rt!duced the flow front" Prado - Dam from 4,000 cubic fee t of water per second to 1.200 cubic feel per sec<>nd. "Villa Park Dam now has stored 1,700 acre feet of water," said Wise, "and ample room for more exists. We don 't plan to release any more water into the river un less another major storm threatens us." Prado Dam wate r is coming through an ungated outlet and can't be stopped, but 1,200 cu bic feet per second constitutes a minor amount' of water for the river, Electrical Fire Loss At Country Club $5 00 Sparks from an electrical transformer ignited a sma ll fire on the roof of the Huntington Beach Country Club at 5:46 a.m. today causing $500 damage. Minor smoke damage inside the club wa.s also reported by firemen. Tn· vestigators said the fire began when the transformer which operates the neon sign in front shorted out. aplained Wise. The Santa Ana River Itself has ap- parently weathered a long winter oC storms in good condition. Corps of Engineers personnel are CUC• rently in charge of the river and have indieated oo problems with weakened bania or overflow. 'nle alackened now of water will also aid the cities of Huntington Beath and Newport Beach in their effort to remove river debris from beaches. Seal Beach Sets Beauty Contest If you were a beautitul baby, but baby look at you now, you may wan t to enter the Seal Beach Beauty Queen Pageant. There are a few other quaHlications, of coune. You mus t be unmarried, and between 16 and 21 years old. And you must be a girl, or you'd look pretty silly in the white-ruffled.black swimsuill!I that sponsoring merchants will give you to wear in the pageant and ketp forever . Open to girls who live or work in Seal Beach, Sumet Beach or Rossmoor. the·contest will be held April 17. Deadline for registration is Marcb 17. For more information, contact the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce, 13S20 Bay Blvd., Seal Beach, 90740. Or tel ephone 5-91. at .JI. J. (}arrett; SALE CONTINUES OUR ONCE • A· YUR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE e CHAIRS e SOFAS • TABLES e LAMPS e DESKS e BEDROOM PIECES e DRESSERS e HEADBOARDS e NIT E TABLES e PICTURES • MIRRORS e DINING ROOM PIECES e SCREENS e BOOK CASES DISCONT INUED FLOO R SAMPLES & OD DS AND ENDS H.J.GARRETI fU RNflURE PROFESSIONAL IHTE•IOtt DESIGN9S llll HA•IO• ILVO. COST A MESA, CALIF. ,,46-0171 ,4 .. 0lll • Ambitious Sailor Boosters Slate Games, Feed Saturday I Over at Newport Harbor High School, booaters clubs apparently don't falter after football and butetball seasom end. Pal Haden ml SL Antbony't Jerry Swn- llerfelt led the.Ir teams Jn football and were also members .of their gehoo['1 vonlly oa.sketball twns. The Newport Harbor bueball boo&ters, lll10lll otl\er things, have put out a baseball schedule for the varsity, junior varsity aDd irosh-eoph teama in a wallet.tied card similar lo something UC Irvine or On.nae Coast College Would do for their sprtng •ports. On the basketball lloor, Haden and Hauperl ue look a!Jkea. * * * Prep looll>lll •llmlduce la -.. And, they've got an event slated Saturday. lt'1 called an "All-Day BasebaU Bonanza'' "'ilh three games on tap begiMing at 3 p.m. CalHonda ca11Dat1 to ... at • rap&d rate acconUq: ta Ute ClF 1oatlaen lltdiOll office. A 11ln'ey COlld~ by Ka Fl(ut, CIF SS commlult11er of atldttlea, allowed •• la· creue la lMI of over 1•,tM fm over tbt IH1 flprt. The feature tilt between the Tar varsity and Mater Dei Jllgh School is billed for ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,. Aocordblg: to the annual 1vvey, 3,'37,US fan1 uw football games pla)'td t. the CJll' S...lbera Sedloa la •a. ROGER CARL.SON Playoff games aUradecl rJi,181 of tlaat total. .. ., .... * •••••••••• * * * ll appean Colt.a Mesa cacera will be loinc 7 at Costa Mesa Park and follows a 5 o'clock dinner at the school cafeteria for players of. Newport Harbor and Mater Dei, .spectators, students and families. bark lo Lu Vqu in D«mbot again, akmi wilh Newport Harbor. TblJ time they'll play Valley High of Lu Vegu and BJ.shop GOflo man. The latter is only one of two parochial schools in the state. CO!t of the feed is $1. One thing about Newport Harbor High School boosters clubs -they don't mess around. They really get with it. And they'll be involved In another double- header with Corona del Mar, hosting Cal High of Whittler and Long Beach Millikan. * * * It was the basketball boo!ters who financed Newport Harbor's participation with Costa Pi1esa High at the double header in Las Vegas'Iaat December. The regular basketball su1on has been over for a few day1 rt Costa Mesa mp School, but coaclt Herb Uvtty bu11.'t teen a letup 011. hll agenda. * * * One woaden what tbe odd1 would ••ve betn on a parlly bet that B1111tlngtoa Bea~, Gardea Grove and Troy, tbe cowrty'1 dlrte top teams, woald not ltlf\llve thnlalh qUl1er ffnah of CIF basketball playoff action. In1tead bt'• bee• buy arrugtac for bl.I summer bukdblll eamp lles:lubsc Aq. J ud nwdac tla'ft: weeta t. one weet 1et- alon1, IU1 (lnlleaaloul stall lo date 11 BID llllu- man ol die Loll Angeles Stln, Don Ko)U: ol the Saa Dlqo Rocttta, Jim. Jarvis of. dte Stan and Wet Adelmaa ol the Rockets. * * * The Angelus League had it! share of ex· cellent sophomore quarterbacks last year. And lte'1 pt Stu Montaoe, tH u11.rtut coacll at Saa Jote Staie u a mldent coacL It wa1 San Joie State that 1bocted number fou.r ranted Santa Cara recentJy. Mater Dei's Bob Haupert, Bishop Amat'I FRANK PURCELL Purcell Takes Over At CMCC Frank Purcell, 49-year-old fonner touring g o I f pr~ fessional , is the new general manager of Cost.a Mesa Coun- try Club, suc~g Ron Reil. Purcell will continue to be president of Pro-Enterprises Inc,, the operator of the club. Reil is considering going back oo the PGA tour. Purcell, in addition to his CMCC obligatioM, is also the owner of the Roxford Golf Course in the San Fernando Valley. He's also been on the PGA'I bo6rd of dirtctors for the past 111 years. >.. a player, Purcell play.cl the tour in 1954, '55 and '56, but won no major tournaments. "! played lhe tour and en- joyed every minute of it," Purcell Mys. "But I came to recognize the fact that 1 didn't have the sufficient skills for the tour aod that I was better qualified as a home pro." Purcell said he would devote rus full time to his new posl· tioa, particul.arly in the realm of coonlinating the club'• four major tournaments -the Celebrity Classic in June, the Haig National Open in October and the Southern California PGA "-ID in September. Gymnastics ~ (41), fll'....-t '"''"• ~• llNJ "-cl"* -1. J1~ CNHI t ,...,..._ INIO J, Y.,,,_,,, IA 'f'9~·'--1. L. 8r; !El !. MllllM 1'1 a. o. '"''" TR1 :kort: U.•. L-l!orw -1. 111nHn'I (,ll 1. MlllllM l•I a, °""lllfl INK) ~l J:l!~!... M r -1. M!llllM t!J 1. Tll ·ii~ w•er OrtHI a,... J4iftU IE.I~"; W.._ ,-,.. ~ .. -t. L. '"''" 111 1 • .wni.n. tt:l I. lltn CNHI ... ft : 11.•. llR 11orW -1. IK11 1100 !, 11111 IN141 :a. 00.!ft (Ill ~Olftlll Ill. l"lr1n.1 bar• -1. Mrni.111 (II 2. ltn !NH! l. lllmft (I) "°'""'' lt.t . lll:lflft -1, Srfollfl {NH! t. Jao»wi !"fH I J. z1.,...,.,m1n (I) l"eltlts· 1! J, Rangel Triumphs In CMCC Event Sltip Rangel f~ed a gross 75 over the Lake Course at Costa Mesa Golf llnd Country Club Sunday to take low grmis honors in the low gross-low net men'• club event. Rangel bettered G a r y Horton by ooe stroke for the honor. Low net title went to Herb Goldstein and H. Water1. The duo chalked up net 68s. Frank St. Pierre (~17-49) and 1ttike Heike (80-ll~9) followed in second place along with Diet IUtzeman (82-IHO), Charles Simpkinson {85-15-70), Tom Erickson (M-14-71), Jack Clark (118-15-73), R. A. Moon (95-21-74), Bill Lechner (117-IS. 74) and Gordon Voss (SS.11· 74). Jn women's club actlvitj over the weekend, Merrilee Dungan took first flight honors good for second night honors with a net 65. Adrianna Coote. Pat Fitzpatrick and Hazel Webster fol1owed with 70s. Rosemary Skillion's '7 was good for second flJght honofi! followed by Bea Regan and Betty Brown with 69s and Bev Battistoni at 73. Third flight action WU ~ap­ tured by Evelyn Gorman'• 63. 1'.farge Fituimmon!I {17), Flo Downey and Elise Stipes (both with 688) l'Ollllded out the lop finiabe?I. A best boll ol lhretoome on the Lake Courie Friday Pro Hockey Standings NATIONAL llAeU• MontrMI ...... NIW Yort ....... T-• ClllCI" l•tt DMtltll WLT ,.._e,OA '11710'2D17f 31U14toH01M :16 ,. • t6 201 174 lJ 15 10 76 211 ,,, 30 tt l• 7• 20' 111 3G:IO 767,,QllJ W•t DM11M1 St, Lo-11 lf tt 13 11 ltf 141 O.ki...i 25 JJ ,, .. U6 "' Lot AMt!IM '1 17 t $1 1•1 m ~1i...•1111 1J D Tf llf 14' 1ll M'"""°ll 17 U 12 4' 1 .. 23f f'ltr1blff911 11 '' 11 • ,. n• ......... .,. ..... ,,. H9w Ywtr. 4. ,lttaM111 .t 0.-llnf .. Clllu.ti I , _,. .. Ult AMflts • 0,,iy , • ..,. tid'ltclvltcl T•'I"••-· M~• 11 ""-"lrMI T «Mto 11 0.ltlln4 '°'""' .. f'llllNtlill'll• 0..IY •--cMdllt..i .. ,,..,,.. ·-No •1"1ft Klltdllt .. UCI Tennis Cl..,,::.!. Cll UCI Jlr.-CCJ -.,, O'N1ltl CUCll, f.~~ (UCll ftf, kttt IC), "'• 'to, IUCU .,, C-"" (Cl. .... t ~.n.ftMI tUCll iNf, °"*""" IC!, "'t .. 1 CU<ll tit', "ff," CCJ1 M Mi • l'IVM (U(I) t:. • CC), f,J, T t t I t -~f. ']j' JOCll lat-t~~v ('It' I 1 '-r. Hll,. t-evo1':i~;· ·l. I. l!tlM'I' I I) d4f. CO'I· -l tU&IM • ·t. ... wu won by the trio of Martha Ciampa, P.a.t Fitzpatrick and Carnelle Kennedy. They bad a best ball of 55 with Ciampa leading the way with an ln- dJvidual total or 82-15-73. Rila England, Batti!lonl and Betty Jo Sleva teamed up for a u, good for aecond plAce and Buffle Rono, Donllhy Roberls and Nina DanJ.r.oo wen third with 1 17. Prep Net Results l1t1v .. (!W.) 11\\I AmlY•HIVY l!lllllt khotnllber (LSJ _. ~. '-4,. f..l. ••• E11tlencl (LI) W1MI 7.f, U, M , ... W1l~I (Lil '-2. '-'• f.1 , U. FtYtr !Li l won f.2. f.2, H, H , -DeM11t19 -Tt~lor (LI) Wiii M. M , "1. •?. A.nclerHol -El'lfltld ILi) WM f.Ji tllcl 7·71 won W ; lolt u . H--1 UNI lml I. Tt~ ..... OtTt fNH} WM f.\, U . 6-0, M . CrlPt (NHJ -W, f.J, '"'· ...0. Ptrlno (NH) lofl 2"-J.f1 won .., ... ,. Brod.: (NH) 11111 M, "4: -'-'• •• _, .. C\Jflnl1111'11m-H1rt IHN) -f..l, M ;-...f.1. ChlrlrY·P•llt"f (NHJ Iott 2.f. '-11 ""' 1·1. VtrwlfY Cttt• M1M fl•\'JI 111\'il MIMI ..... kvrnemof'll' (CMI def. c~ (Ml .. ,I IOlt 111 W•rlell H: IMt. loo¥1e f.O, c-.. 1. "'-Ifie fCMI lolf tD Clll'l'I-IM) .,., Wt,,_11 '"' tied loo¥11 M l def. CDM"W. Goodmtn (CMI df'f. c~ (M) H , Wtri.11 W, ao-,r1e f.J, C-l·< Clom ICMI ,. ... c~ {Ml M i ftf. W•ritll 1·S. Sat1t M. Ctwtn ••• _, .. lhl91kf Ind M1.-i (CM) ..it1 •lfll Ntrotl Mid Cllfk (Ml ":t. k V1r1nw''" 11'111 Ntlflon l.f. U. Mnr. and Moort1 (CM) ~!It Wlftl N1,... tno:t Cl1rtr. •1, ~ V1!1'111tl'll'I ,,,. Ntlllol M. 4". J111llr VI"""' Min .. {1~1 ''"'' c.t• MJu, ..... e-l!dllev (CM) ftf, NOl1ltc (Ml W . .. I_ .,_., tltd •1111 Hlflfll Ml dtt, °"""" .. ,. ........ ., (CM) tltd wllll H...ari.c W I Mt. l'lttr W 1 Iott 111 HllWll , ... , tlf, °"""-w. (ll'ftr !CMl IDll ~ NOl'tlK H . 1'1"r M, H.w M . Olffllllll U.. I~ ICMI mt 111 HOftlK '"· f'lt« W, KtnM U I tlflf •lfll Olmlrlf ... _ .. l"otltr ..... M11r..-(CMl felt " MlmM!• Md ltd! IMI M '"' "'In wllll C-.... HldiHI M , ..... ltolltitll 1114 ~It ftMl i.t fll Mldliele 1nd It... ~Ml M. H 1 •'II wltfl ~ llMI N!d'ltlt 7• .... Vt rwl" alt-Ml OW.I llMJ """"""" ltlcll ..... 11: ... ltl Ill lltf. LM IHtl .... Ktllt Onil!OM "'-tc:rrt °"'"°"' M , Wf'Wll'I .. :. Wlflfilor1 I ll ftf. \.M !Hll .. ,. k-Onllllod .. ,. l(lftL °' ..... "'· WI! ..... ,. ~ Ill kit! fll lM fHll U. ICl!lt Orahoed f.7. k:trti 0........ N . Wl'IM , ... hrtldl II:) ..., ti lM IHI) H. lffl'!f Orlfloeol H. ICMI 0....... M ....... -r:,...,., "" ldltlfll'I 111 .... H¥Nll t1M1 '*""-!\ (Hll M. M. Kt,.r.w 11111 MU!tt' "'' .. I. A-1llN IN fl .. lw Ill .. , .. He,....n Ind l'"t1111te11 IHI) U. f.7, Henler•~ tl'ld Mlllolr I ... f.t. Hunt Safety Oass Set Enrollment ls sUU oPtJ1 for a JO.hour adult educatJon courae tn teachlne techniques for pre.sen& and proepectfve lnslruclon in the Department of Fish and Game'• bunter aalety training program. The coune it betn; held at Frlllklln 1n,b Schoo~ DI North Avaue 54 in Loi Angelea. It com!Jtl ol 1 two-hour class each Monday night, 7:30 to i :30, for ten weeks. Enroll- ment CID be accompllsbtd at the class or by phoning Fraaklin IUgb Adult Educallon at 52144. Applicanta must be 21 or older and must have a basic knowledge ol firunnt. The enrollment fee of $5.JS will be waived for those seekiag ctedil Iowan! •. hlgb llCbool diploma aad for those over 65 yean of age. ..... \CIMllWllll .....,, ••• ...... Olritltll w t.ll'u•• n n ,,., - J'I M Ml .t . ,, .... ' 41 II .Jl7 f '' • .MJ 16 tt .t1 ,'92 UV. Mltwsvll.11 24 .fl .'21 " Wtdln Ol'fl•IM Loi "-lft • H ,gi -AlllMI 4' )t ,tOI 4 $111 l"rtMlsq " :tf .-12 Cl'llel.. lt 41 ..al II "" oi... " u .;11, 11 klftlol 7t .ti .:liJ' ttVt ,,...,,.. 1• fl JW »Yli w.....-.r .11:-111 .. ,..,_.. 111, Ntw Yortr. lll .."" 12', l'tllllclelllhl• 117 AllWl1ll ).,, CtllCIH to ~ ..... !IC. t7, Lt. """'" 1$ lelttlt TU. hn Oletci 111 Ofl)y .-W'l9dUIM. TMll"• 011n11 1'111 ..... i,tlMI ti C~ICllO 0.lnllt 11 It!\ 0 .... Setittlt vs. MllwMet •I Grttn llY to.TO!\ •I ClndMtll onrv ttmfi ICllHultd Frlll11"1 Gllllt$ Mllw111k11 11 la. Anv•I•• O.trolt ., "" Fr1P>C!ICO ll•ltlmort vs. Cl"cl""'li t i Cllwllnd Clntv ••ma schlclultd. K1<1t11c:lt't 1no1111t Mloml Ml-..ft New Yor1l . .. •uttn Ol'tlllM w I. f'ct ••• 3' it .SU -x » .sa v. l,j :12 ,J]$ 2\ii lf tt ..SU 2~ " .tO '"" lO BEAi & BLllKER LANTERN ~-'~== ---• Cf'Oabll' h9rde ........... ........... __ _...,. Calendar Thundq, Marti! IJ, l 96i DAILY '!LOT J7 8'7AUHTILh9ol_U_ ---• --·---.............. .... __ ., ......... .....,_. __ _ ......... _ ---..---... --........ ...-........ _...._... __ ...,....,_.._ .... -. ----·--·----· .... ·-------·-~ ._ .. , ... ________ .,.._ --·-... --........ --. .... .,,_ .. _______ _ -- Sm•e Sii.iA to noo~nase~ot4, DWI C• -. hsted11zes HfG SilvertDWll 810 Size Reg. Price for 4 Sele Price YOU SAVE • Our standard new car tire! •Built with Oynacor• Rayon Cord! 9.00-15 199.80 99.00 8.85-15 179.00 99.00 8 .45-15 157.80 99.00 8 .15-15 143.80 99.00 7.75-14 131.80 99.00 7 .35-14 123.80 99.00 TIRE ROTATION c .... ..... ....... ....... -· -- c p • °""' MeR..M.. &,w M.a II, 1t6t 100.SO 80.00 158.80 44.80 32.80 24.80 BRAKE o Longer, smoother, more comfortable ride! NO MONEY DOWN ON TIRES AND SERVICES REPACK non ADJUSTMENT WHEEL BEARINGS c c -"I.. ..::t.. ........ ------Ca bf I I 0o..t MIA.-N. C...porw GM Meft.~, ..,......,..,,,1_ bpiN Ma,U. ,I, lt6t COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big 0 Tire 2049 HAUOlt ILYD. !At lay) PHONE 540-4343 or 646-4421 7352 WESTMINSmt AYE. PHONE 893-5572 DAILY 8 a.m. • 9 p.m. • Sit I 1.m. • 5 p.m. DAILY 8 a.m. • 7 p.m. • Sit I 1.m. • 5 p.m • • e OUR OWN IUDOD PLAN e IANKAMERICARD e MAITIR CHARGE ... MIH IWIIAL AOE--aT_ ...... • 1"' Mow1i11. The NlllM of .. a.... TM Duttldtr, ..Sli...,.MNIC.TV. • B.F.Goodrich ' ··---------~---------------------- I l. -· I \ - . . .. .. . . .. Bank Gains 3· More Offices in County ....... \ ... , ' ' •,t.t, ...... i.-tleM ~ CALIFORNIA HOUSING STARTS -C- THOIJ$ANDS°'UNI" 19 6';-lgn ., • OJ''ER .THE COUNTER ·" -A· "fl•'.\\ ~ !1.4 ::. .. zz•r----..,..----.----..,..----.1•••••••••••••..,•••-••l----------i~Ef~J Jf f "+,-: ~' ... t-----+-----+-----+ .... -.-;-,--_-i. ...:S! i::: ~~=:.:!·:.,:;;:1::.::.. ,c!W.,~·~"~:=.::::~ ·~~~ :~·) ,i' • . ...., Pl1cM • ... _.....,... • ~ _,, , • •• • ..., -"-I u. 1~ &Mthern C11Uomla First the sa.n Clemeota \,IUiet, 1001 ! ·~ ... · · ~ ,..., 1w .,_ \m: s1-. -'" u .i..i.• ;t Natlooal Bank Friday will add S. El Camino Rtal. I 75 tr----i-----!----..1lff-~.'---i -"/:.,fr;.~ -•'~fl-~ I' Il ~ , 11Vo, ~ ;tl ~r~ 1fi tt: f, it::.~ 1*1,v~.L. 1 including one Jn Costa Mesa, dent ol. the. former Oran&:• • !:"' ,, *'1r let -"f'd « 2!14 I""' Gf,-.. rs"' ff .: 1111 j • ltf~ 1r lMto -... i'" ~ ' three Orange County offices, Joseph c. Steetmu. pres!. ~:.f ~ ' .! ~,t;.:tJ" .... ~, ~ Hi. :::',]~ ~ ft~ ~ • '"' ;tu ~;;; ~I.l's J 1f: ~ ~ + ~ !~~ ifJt~ 1 •i.-. ..1. .,.,.uislUon of Orange County Bank, wW Jo t 11 1'0 t+----+----i--i'il\:of---fi"----l ,.. .... :l\1'1t"ti~ :1',,. Jllr A.,..•,:~~· ,. ~ ~lm E, (jt';: : ._,,1 1 i= fr~ fw. f~, .. =1 ¥1 '-u1·... ~ CountJ' Bink. Southern Callforma ,,. • \ :i:.f.:" pri: 1 11 ~ ::'= 1 1 I~ cir y ~s ~*~ ~ i; ,. ~ M ~ ~;: ~ !1~ ~" t.°I , ••-.• -• · Fir" N I*" I •n 1n':° ,,.. Mlti l'I =~xr . ~ ~K M~llf IA lit D 50lto _...._,.,. 11lf'1AO At tbe same time, SCFNB =:es-: ~e~~:r:~t':h:C: 12,H\::-:---l---l~:lol~l--:_-111-:;_---I ~f.l!l = =-~ lf~ !~.fS..t ~ lll\11 ~il.t.~ ~~=~,: 1Tt ~ r,_ '9su =: Sri: ((.so will open an of/ice In San for the south coast regloo of l MONTH , t::. IMI it11~ ~. \lo n • 111t if ~ ~'::: :::. u 1 1" lSt? ~ ::·" ~ J ·'° 't ,• Cletnente, making • total of Orange County. MOVING AVERA.GE -.' • .::.·,. elght dflces.thebankoperalt:! Stt:e.lmansaldthal'SCFNB'a lllOj--~~-+--,r---+-----ifr~---l :' ~·::.U:: " ~1 ~1 j::;:.::1 1,"Il~~~· .l 1 ~1~ ttl ,,_ ~ ... fllt J!u-:.~ C:tlb:ll(1.\ 1 ~ ~J -r.' 1n Orange County acqu.i&\Uon of OCB will re~lt ,11,11 1Nrt.usi. -'I °M" lf 2~ ~ •l'l iu ~•n11111 "21 !M' ~~~.:O:!r ·tt 11 ~14 "\• 2J1• -~ ~i#1 ~~ I *"·~ W !m-1 . ' in expanded banking S<l'VICH ~'~.;r"' w ·-~ ,I lo.!'ll',,c1\ 1'•,tt¥i ~l~':11 c11 :M *•"~"d1 .M : " :f lf =~ :!:~'1,,t·lt Jo ifit 11~ t:t~:-~ otber OCB olfices acquired for present OC8 customtts. '' 1---it:t1""--i,_-----1t:::;::;:--j ~ '°1f 11~ liv. .~"1 i:ri 1~ ~=-• ~v.m"' ::~ srJ. ttt U tlli;lf~· r_.: ,; rl1~ fl"' !l,1t ~I~ ~~~ tzg t{i fi fit ~ ::,\~ by SCFNB art: in Dana Point SCFNB 8:Iso bu oHices in :~:• jt~ fl g:1 ~.,,~ .tJU al~ ·~:r.l'.'or lt• Jr' =.s ~ ~~ ://~~1.f 1t1 u'~ J~ iiv. =: =r1r,:..1 \M !', ~ #~ #~ ! ~ and San Juan Capistrano. Santa Aria, Tustin and tWo •0 (,''"'" ~ ., 'I T.., 1• " n " 11:oti111n Al9tlt,.C .10. tt 11\1 11~ -w 111 ptl1t' 1 " nlli ~ + 1t "'"'l" of •'-a ai,.kt Be h -.a Afr Nf \. ll C."T 11\'t um evet flll> 11~ i2YI Jl:O'I' (SI I 1 • Alsvl I.Ill al 1 7't• 7114 -•..I ell,: ~IM J l1 :.61.\ :'.16\'r -1\1 Acq.._ KIO ~.,. ""6"' ·year-in Huntington ac • •o"' ~ u.u.icu.u.u...., .... .u.1.U1U""1.U11.1..u.LU11.1 .... ..u.LUcu..u.t '~"'"' F11 ~ 1•1'1 r. ,.,.,. '1"" 1<,.,,1 (•"" 41~• ~,!\l '•~'"~' • ft~ •L """''!It: 1.H ' 111 22~ JJ11o -v. is 1,fOll " ~·• ~11 ~Yi +· · .. • Id Oran-~--ty Bank by bank • add"'OO ·---1·v·.1 ' • ' I ' ' • A Sid "'" .... Crv ~ inst c II .... IOV .. AM(I .st n ""' 24\'i 2N -"' s .. I s Vl'r ll\'• ''l'I ... •" Dw ....,.,.., ,tn t ... UlQI~ ""1 ACllLd 1Vtlll'li ™ l\'i lll!I !'I I 1 R~I" ml ,f,ll'ltl I flt 1 <0\1 ~\'i.llM OIUGtt 1 .. 2t )OVJ 311 fi -lo the I$ 1 o mlllion~eposit com~-n-.r the currency 1965 1967 1911 l96t "I'" ,..., uv. 12 1vtn• int ,,ii. IM ••,• '"'~ "~ ss1,,.~ ,• ~ ._ .. t 112 1u 112"' 11m +J1'1 !~Jct .309 :MH :12v. 30"" \Ii +1" Y'"'"' ""' r At Peo 16111 11\lo i.l J3 U lriiwt r 2'111 ti '-•....-Am .Alrlln .M ' 121 »Yo :3Ha 3! -.... 1.'8' 12 ~ :JI -Southern California First Na· al to Htablilh Orange *"'"' tC0110111c1 MHll'1'""'1, •••Of' U.C••C4 A .,,.. ' •VJ 11r ·~d " • ""' 'Iott 2t r, ti..., 1"'1 ~ ,,,,,. 1111,.,. 1 J7 tSt~ ,,_, 15 om ,, 2 • u ~· Mllo "" -1• "'--1 ·--r-1"·-· .~ •• 1 approv •11 EQ u 11\11 Jeff' 111113 ' Of• • I 'S: '!.... nlW" Et 11'6 Anllt;,.... 1 I 2'\11 2~ ,., .... + "y, le .ti.JO I ~ ..,..~ im-u \.lUlJS ,....,, ~ .. ·~ _.... County offic.u· in Fullerton It" Sta t • ~ ~ Im~ 11 ,y~ 'i1 t7'11o ~ • 1v, ~ 1 J;ot1tr1 22 "' Arn~ , .. u ,~ ~ ""'• -1n 1s.1v,,..; 20 r.11o %24. "' • by regulatory agencies aod and Cypress .. ewer r s :::E~l... S\!t n·,.~. ';' .!m ~w•,n 2{$ '· ..,I 1=-.. l,it 1 ~ ~ f.n ., l' Ru ~ +\"; :er.iN.to ,i lJllo ~ -~ = ~ I -"~-. ~ close ol • .. ..... , "" -!I tt~ ' ··"~ ! I .. _,_ .• " " "-· E A "" r.• n•--s 01""'".,e-. SCFNBalsooptl'l.,;e-O · AM ~ltv.ira w'°G ~2~t;r~1 !"J"' =rt.MACl)P~1 . .o 13 .v141l"="' omwo1 :~ n2u,~11o~+·,, bw:iness today. fices in San Olego County and Housing starts in Celilornia fell sharply in Janu~ ~ :Wit 15\lo 1• (Oii Liii " • G.lwrt. G 5' ti S.1rlt 111' Im ... ~"'"c';;lt 1: ~ 1 ~17 .... l. ~ :=:sc .lo :t ~ p a«~·· I ~.~--p...1Ae wu given 1 m· 1 ~ ..... -1 •• ,.,....,,..,_ ·~ to a seesonally adi·usted annual rate of 123,000, "" /&,'o .a i:i ... ~ s11 H\j) :U\(I, tevJn T,11. 15 '•• ~ "'25,,_ IY"'-lA 11 5"' ~ 11~ ..:.·~ Mllll 1 2 ~ *"-'' C"WUl&altl 1 ~ I.ND ZUJfi~ .....,....., -; Am I .l7 " OUc S.,, T•,,.. 1$,,.. Ltwls F !tt U! Ila C-%r"' ~ 4.Jt UI 7f • ConriCC1> .60 1' _.. ..... + I• I as $2,91t,037~. I 29 perc~ below the a verage for the previous four :.m "'pr" ~~ ~ I ~t:O"' lri" ~~ tlf~ E""11 ™ 75-IE' u~ ~~ ~ : 'i"1~ 1~ !lo t!~ w: = = c:: Eclfl' :..az 1U 'Im 1 ,i1• = u KeonethFowlerman&gerof months ~t~"Ml: t1' INucl 2M2' Lobltw ~ ™" onJ 33 "'!:il t .n• ,.,?".\'f4 f4'0 -.-~onf:dilt>f'J ' mi 11~+~ I' u .• ,._,Av,-·.,· .... at·~ ' -----·-------------------!" IG of"ll .... ll .... lt(ICl)Y ~21Vr lcr!!.~''c""p,'111U IMQNll"l"· ~A ... ~ 12 \iv. 111:' l~-·i~e PIC•.'4 JJOO "" ~ ..... un:: '-""DWI , .. .._. U\; _.., Sh p 0 o•ed (t lN 1"4 rr· 11 11~ Ly....., 1~ .... A"' ll'w 1.51 1'2 SS\lo :l5 " -\o') on FCllds I .. 44 a"' + I~ ea r m 11 AllMll..,. "4\'JUl'I Git 3' S7 Mtcl"CldV 4""""" \on<tl °"' AEnltt 1.JOe 7 •7 w.& <16%-\'i ot1Fa 1>1450 .0110 117 1 -2°"' East ·17th St., said that a Ankffl Cf' PA I I Svs 7 • Mid Gt.IE l lh l~ ~ ,.., "l'o ll\'j Aml:l1.'.• Incl ~ .I.II' 4114 44'4 + "' Frtl•hl 1 .. , ...0 1' -11• I day-long ........ house" will be Arc•l9 N ,,ow,""' I '"" 4 .Q ~'\ OI ~ ... SCil" NQ 1J... = AE: I tfM 1•• l'l'o 1n.. ... QO!NalG 1.1' ... ll>"" ):I '"' ••• ">"' Irvine rest'dent J. Donald Ja Ara ll'ld 22 l' ' -h ~ 1°" ~ _.. llY, l,.,.. l?~ SC~•,w," ':::z '• Am '1 ·'° •I\ ' 19"'° -ii. onsPwr 1 to 30 41"i "~ "11~ + 19 I br led f lo to y M ' Wort •r.ien M l4161 '"" m1>S 0 , 1'NI 2l ~ ,.... ~ -•• A Kam9 ~ ' ~· mi 5•1/t -141 onPw '1•.50 JlJO 11\'I 111,. 1 Vo -\1 ct: e a rom a.m. Shea ••• been --~~ to our oney • Arlltn 11"'1 4V. .UV. llef'lW R• --•VJ~. ~.· ••• '' l1· •,,•" '' :15 A Home ~ '4 IO'lo Ofl!AlfL .50 72 u~. 11~. lJI• -·~ 7 F ·d iwaa ,.. wllNloCU Arii: M'1I' 12'11 13\lo on C• 6'4 6"" ~ S ISv '"" mi "" ' 11 33\11 \ XI -'lio c:brtl C1n 2 :!I ~1 ~ ~ """'° -o,;, p.m. fl ay. ..,...,nager Of Uru·•·' CalllornJa A~w H 51 JelV. Qullr 011 1t 1"'1i Md Slll~O J;"' ll"" SwG•t CO 17n 11 \' AmlnV'I I O 5' 21" ~0: ~ _ t~ Cont C°"p .30 211 !Shi Ul't f'~ + 1. Similar celebrations will be ~·-"""' Arv 16 ''~ rlt Teen 22,,.. ~Y· Mwef s sin• ,,,. .t.mMr .'to u::a 2s ~"'-ti c ... 1 CP 1 60 2u ~ 41\11 ~ _,"" I Bank., '·-··· Niguel offic•, bind .. "'ft" 271'1 $lffUn is "'~u· cc J,:. 3Sl2 s d ,•02111 li1! t ,,. AN.ti f.ff 27 ~·· "'" 4 ....: ~· ContCp pf".150 11 5 it + • held at the "'...,k's D&na Pont ~ ... , 5 F L• · B • Au1t ti 30 8 Ceco 014 n Mcau•Y • , S d crew ..... Am Motori 514 11+. 11 1114 -+,1 !IM!1Jlnv ff 22 v. .. -. Willi' Ki ho acts Ie e Au!Q Fir• 31 F•llr1 Tek 10"' 111.4 Ml'tlc H LT\':i ~a MenH Pd , r.·~ -AruN1~1 2 157 '° 3'\" :w.i• . Oil! on 3 lll'J '• 7"' 11 + '4 ; I office, 24671 La Plaza; the succeeding am ng, w Auto k l 1 '6 lm FBIY •G< ,f9l(j )6.14 ..... , lronc • .,,. SI< .... c,• ... ,t,.m NtWJ 1 ,. c:z:O.:. •llto •1:i.:. -lV. °"'I 011 WI "· 3'lio :'.16\li r" · · tl leave of AYen'ICO • ~ F•U~ lltl 7'" 1 e 11•• !"111t Y !"" A~,.ho1 .06tl '!i 1• 13r. 131• . . on st1 1 1 u•A · ~v. "' -"' San Juan -Capistrano office. JS curren Y on a AVM c11 ,,.,., 1 F1rr na ""' >o M1111d c .. 12v i1v. u11a1 Fd• 1 'h I' ARt•!<.11 .:1111 'IO 16•\~ u1 1u _,,,., gon' 1,1 61 11t :nit. t:ll'• lJ -t• 'l9'l C•-'-O CaptS' trano·, and absence du., lo ;11ness. Az!ec 011 ll l l'I !" IMi. loll~l.01h MMll• .. ~ GT 1~)'.>,: I llllcl Fd .~·. 't Am t" 1 U 3'\') :!1>.4 H + 14 onlrol Ot11 1111134\lo Ill 131 -1!1 " ........ ... e.bb1n 1.l\.'I ''~ 1~ Stcur t><. 10\lo ,. 1m011~ •• AM s111r .a 1i 251< 25 25 •• ..o.1 11,, !.O ''°° v v '1 .. r~;;;;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~;B~Bl=li Hike • F d } p 1•rrd ..,, •"' 2iw. 1 110. cp n• 11' M•~ '"• ~.11 '"''r ?t,, ,n A .smtt l,to 10s 7211 § n" + ,.. con...,a ,,to., 1 :m:. ~ 5m + ~. e e a a •k ... M \fo 11~ F1t(in Jl:E 22\fo l' I ~ .-"""'n ... l1'.li Am 5mell wl 21 36'1 ~ 36 + \0 (oolo; Coif SO 4J l•\lo 311'4 lf\;i + l;o ~ DESERT AIR HOTEL and RESORT Ry in • • . Drive in for vacation fun COPPER BROI LER ROOM DINNERS I -11 t UNCHEONS Fii.OM l I :30 COMPASS ROOM LOUNGE COCKTAILS Und1r the p•r1entl 1upervi1ion •f BILL WALSHE P.O. ••K 1017-••1111 D•s•rt, c.lif. 1714) J4•·10Sl We take plea sure in announcing the appointment of Dick.Smith as Manager of our Corona del Mar off ic~ :Mich a.el S . :Myers continues as Res ident Partner in th is office Cro'W"ell, "W"eedon & Co. Established in 1932 Members: New York Stock [xchange American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) Pacific Co;ist Stock Exchange CORONA OEL MAR: 3326 East Coast H;ghway, 673·7005 Offices also Jn Los Angeles • Covina Leguna Hills · Long Beach • Pasadena• Van NuY!o CallPSA for home delive~ San Jose $1 W• dtll"m frtsh d1i1y. 900 nights a week connect toUthem and northe'n C.liloinl&. Mor. than any other alrtlne. AH }ti.I. Low9lt !lit l•r-. Wint prompt delivery to - mny Penlnaut• points? San Jou •l1port ll cloUr, Hliw tMn 8•n Fr&ncltOO ln1ama- llelnal, 9nd ,,. cmrd hurl, found ft YI&. PSA aiwes you a lift. In r Y 111 Ptlnl ~ ll'o Fil Ml11t 7~ 27VJ {'l. ll~G 22 •~:Pri: ,11mi., liv. It. Alns.Alr .?C 1a• u>.:. ' '3 -v. c-111 1,40 ' •ll4 Q 41 .... fl1rwlck 1•\lo 20 FJI RtPCI 7\.'o I ,..., R "' , ' a11t i VJ AmSA!r In 70 I 5, J,4 $4 CoQpK Tfl: 1 ' 2' UV. 25111 -\.'< 1111" ,. 14\'ll 111'1 FJ! Stnflus IV. '"' Mah•wk ...,\'j .•1 •YI« w """ ,7 Am Slcl I n 4m •2 GV. .:.. '"'c T Jiil 2S J H 21 21 1v11s1 11\li ~ "5' w,11F '?~ ~6..~ t=".: ~~ ltv. I~~ Tex Amt;'l'1 l~·.1i J! AmShl Pi•.1s l ll+vr n • 11,v. + \:O c::i.nc1 1 • u 4Aio "' +1 :.:·~o . fl~"""' 32\o(o 3l\ro Fllehl Sii 23 .. ~ M r • ll" ,.. """' • •• .,.L Am SttrU .... ' 2111 u.-. mo -'" '-ti~• ~ 4 "\lo •4'r "'~ + ... By SYL~ • PORTER from oow on pay <•ales will hfli.n Ml :zoy, 11\lo F<IOdF 11<0 •V. ..,. ""'"' .. "" Thrift -.. A""''' T.60 ' ~ ~ 30*> -i.. .. ·, -, ..... ..., .. n•• _ •• 0 '-"" • ..,. Btllt Ille 1• l •V. Fost G.ran1 U¥o ~614 Meidl M 131' 1 4~ Tlffl MI IS ~ AmSiltl .t ... 11 1~ I~• 104i _ 14 C-1 " -~'" "'" •• '" N '"· h · t f t fl•lm /llCI 17 lt Fo!octim ~k S Mot Cluto 11 IN Tltlf' 13\1 ~· Aim T>LT 1«1 nt ,g .... 51 ~ !l\\ \ii Corlnltlfl ."1~ 1' JOI.'> 30 30\lo + Vo ow that "'"" uproar all never again ge so at OU lltl!fr 11:. 11 1~ Frerochd tv. N•fnll rJi ,.~ '°" ••"' ~rt 1 1 A.Ill Tot"c 2 " 31..., 37 3~ =,..Corn Pd 1.19 10t J,'r" Jl" 2r =,.~ subsided over this Year's 100 of line. = .': ~ 3~ .... ~t.""t.ic' ~ }~"' =~11E'QUJ 54~ S' ~::::, ;: r. ~ ~"'="' 1;tt 17 ,..,. 14 1'!11 •••• t:::u~~ 1tl ,.~ ff" ,.,,. .... . . , .. ~nllf' is :WV, Frink Mnt 12 M N1t FdPd :l:IV. 34\lo TrtM IM 27\lo 11'4 l l»O 17~ l ~ l?llo t:. Cowlolls JO 10 14'4 l 1414 + ~ perctnt hike in the Presidt:nl'• 5 -A m.ajOI' point we made lllUPI w "" 10!\ Frnkl • ..,. 11'11 13 NII G&O "' '"' Trko P'd 34, • tt """ ZlllC ! 2)'At 22 2l'-" = "Co1<lkk-I_..• .Y ,' •,,,. ~ ~'4 '"U , rd Sm .. J1 Fwltvltw "" ,,,., It Lbtr ~ 31'6 rl<Ullr I AIM!tok lt 11 WA 56 56 v, CraM I -pay and the 41 ..,.tcent in· which has feceJ.Ved Virtually rtdtr I l \'j Gerlllllll 1N 20'.li 1t Seclt• Ua 11 ft G ll" li\4 Amf1Klnc 10 If sz·o Jl'~ JI,._ -l\!i. CrtM •13.JJ 110 7S 75 71 +\ii ~ ""' :r. •• '"' ~ Sv~ l•Vi 16111 1~ P ' N ttc AMI( Ci> io 171 .xi4. , -CnimPK~ .tel 1 :ICU\ XI 20 · · · · creasu In con~ssional no publicity waa the minor ._ IE ~ 111o Atl'Onki t t'b En11 GE 21 """ Mr1 T11 ""' 111 ~ rllC ·.• 17 3'io ~ ~ ±.i (nu••Hln 1b 11 ,,~ lll? ~i.. + ~• r-BoH a ll 16 Dt¥1ces 514 ,i;i; J N91G ~"' J• Un OO"•r !!" 1t AmHlt (or• • J.S'\O l~• ;uv. 11 Croweal 1.Slt 7' 32l\ »~• Sn1i •. saJarie&, l am free, I think, cost to us, America's w. t:~.J, 31111 ~~ Gn~ I(~~ J. i~ ~1'1 "' ~·~ 3J{1 8: =• i"M f~ ~r!T' 1'_. ii '5,,•. ~,,." .osv. +VJ ~.co;:~ ?t r,"" ~ R +1i:° to report the. whole storv &o.w•'-' "' 1 RI IEJf lOV. 1T~ ltll 8 :1-1\.'J ""' us lkNol• 21'4 :Jt\11 A T6 21~ --CTI (OrJI ... 77 2114 20'!\ 21 .... "~ payers, of_ these pay ad· lrtr.w1 rG '2• l1'Ji ofel 11.li t Nor A Jl:M llRlo 11\'i US s~wn 1.,. Jl .... ~~ f·i: S: ~2'A ~~ n -~ Cllcllh¥ Co 37 lt~lo lfYI 1'1~ -19 behind these enormous pay . a,--Ar ~ l1 &i:"•lt JSVJ :NYi NC•r .NG ,~ 11 ul 5,-• 5' And c1.r 110 '3 37111 -,. clldtlr ., is 1 ,. 2~ iw. t ~ boost8 at a time ol major Jusimeots for the 1,600-2,000 '~k~~ 2~~ 3i,"• .Jr It~•': .c! ~~~ ~1 11~ 11" 8s T~r .,.';Z m-:Kao~ 1 a, "' » ~~ ~'-' =1~ ~~~1" ~ ~ ~~ ~ = + ~ lnllall·on. And I know th1's individuals involved ll w·ll i ... 1.,.,. F jjl4 Z.~11o r..,,, (Ofl ,, ' N.W N11G n11o i2ot u11 Pl!nP ""'VllO A~· "" 30 42lo .,, ~2 -"c "°" . 10 ' xii· """ ~ + "' • I (Ml eofl Yi 54 rK>I! kl 11 7J Nw Pull sv D\lo 2•~ Ut•ll ~~" ~ A~osvc 1 u n 105\'i 10~'' 1115 -v. cu';i1""t.:11· 1 23 2m 21 n -~ story as only a handful of come to between $25 and $30 '1:~·1 y n Il¥1 ~·~I" r.:t 1,~ g:N~f~T wr.:.ri ~ ... ii ~Irr Ind 3'~ ,,; :il!P~,ns;-c'" :: 1l1~ ~ ~ +_~ ~~ri,,wH ~ 2~ 11 ~~ ~~ "~ :;:ft I d f r f . . 1n-M 11 15 rnllcl Ill 10 1l I Sein 91 t7 VII LO~v 1' 14¥1 NI ~ ·?0 !fl JR~ 'Jr lRi u ' .llV. 43 ~ + l· peop e 0, Or W8S One 0 million a year, Or J·JOOlh Of IMOll (I 10 13 rlnntll lJl lJI rmotrt 1J>' Jj\.', vr,n(I S•n l'" nll~ ~=rS~ J ~l Still 514• jf :,_.ff~~~ lit040 n SI~ Jl JI ~+\: the elgbt members of Presi· 1 percent of our federal na-~:11 1"s'!, ~~ ~~ ~~ r~~ l! l:" O!v1:, TJ;. ~~~ ~~ "..Jf:oJ:d 2m ..,. :~r ''•'•·" I 2 fJt: ff'~ ff,~ -l . -0-dent J 0 h n ! 0 n. s "Advisory t• I ts bud ~ '"" I 10 ll,lfd en ,,,. w. OXJ Ctl TJV. 1•1n W•d<Htl R " 71 A s~ . • 10 7Ho 69\i 71\'lo +lr. ,. 1ooa income accoun get. 1rte 11 1 414 uld• Tell 1r. ~1" Pabst Br etv. 11 w111w1n P 3, l7 Arft'l(;illl 1 '° r "'"' ~'-i "I' 01n 11:,u 1 ~ it lll'o ~19 ~f.a = \~ Colnntlttee on Top Federal Our comnutlee had at lts •• NG11 till 1~ u11 1111 11v. i1•.1o Po( Au1m1 2•1o 241> w RJ:~ i1 n:i,t A~ln °(Jd ·l° J if• u111 is11o -~• g•,.. ~11 ~} /l ~'"' •w. ,.1 + h Salar'""s" -the group which · )t~ 'C.~~ tra ~7l ~l:c ~ ~f"" ~:~!ofrE V. ~ w::,, NG ~ J,• Ain don 1 20 •• .. 1 ~ ~ ! U :~'0p~ i·~, 14 11"11 ll~ 31 -\.'I ,.. disposal the previous recom-~ti.meld c. 7161 7" •rid v119 ~·n 1v. Pk.,..,. 011 1')°v. z, ~., Trmr' ll'r4 11v. !u~rft. .. w 1s tj"' l:N 13 PL l>IA 315 tlO se"" .. 51'" + "• kicked off the drive for these mendations of the Randall c::r u111 ll'h ·lt\'i H1nov., s 11..., :it P1u1er. P u ''"' Wtbll Rn u u~ A:~Trln 1.~ .. n 1 • 44\/.t "'"" -·v. Ottre co 2 t! !!,,., "",, •,, =' ... h•k • 1967 rt lh 8rAI II M H1Y1n Ind J..., I Pevel lili 16 Wtldlrn l~ lS All~I 1-""' IP.'11 11 -'4 OtlPwLI 1,ct ~· " ,. pay l es In a repo Committee in 196.1 and of the "''111 s 141 14' H•llc Air t• is P 0111Lltl 1011o111 w11n M~ • fl.I A1e1ti.:' 1 tg ~ !",,1 ?~· » + '~ OtJMn11 1.10 10-lli !,,. ~, 2'\0 .... wh, h John I A-l • • llr SI pf lU 12(1 Htnrtdfl F 33V. lS\At Pl El'!Gln 11~ 121'1 W P~llsll tS 2' A~·t¥EI 7t '< ..... 1 lflli -'I• Othlll<lr .#0 .,.,. 35\~ >5¥s -19 IC son never re easC\I. Folsom Conuruttee 1n 1965 as ttldfl t '"" ~'l"'Yn 22\IJ 3' P• G&W 21 2t w11n ~~ 2!..._ 2'., Al Et "'~1-3' ,,,•• ,•,1 v . D•llK Int wl n 1t\.io llVJ it + ·~ To g'Ve OU r·ve key fac•• ll il f ltll UIA ,,~ 21°"' m EP 1t P PE( 11.fMI 12'h lJ\lo Wna. Wh1t ln • ,, ... A trll ~ U Ill -V. O.nn Mlw .60 5 """' Ollt. .(11,1, -46 I Y I ..., we .as p es o work papers IHz u1e ffit ''"' OOYtr n 21" P•rt-T 16 1~ -:iinnbt/'° JI\~ J v. A r 11:1c11 :Ji ur ~ :t . \.4 DtnnYltit ·°' xu »·~ :12'-" j,J'Ao t 111 which have either been ig· compiled for our &tudy. we [:,ti Mr ~' ~~t ~~1 Fii ~~ ,~~ ~:"w~~~ 1i:t 1"" w1i'~1 ,.1.. i ii.'¢. ~n\~di".., 3 2~~ 1~~ 1~ ,n~ ~' . &:~~L 1·r!; ~ Hv. ~~ ~ +l,,. dn~!a•~·. I e n er 11 J Y tln--completed OU1' la.sir; in Jess ~·~ O Ja jj~ ~~,,,A 3'~ 2f.1 ::nr~ SI ~!ti W~f"~n tl1 2f' !r.:.c11(~: ~ ~ r~ :}"':tit= ;;~ .~ ~ = ==lit ~· t' 1~.. than a half~ sessions in lioW .,~ .,,.,.. ~ o.t• 1~ ~ Pttr1111 .w. 47 1rd e1ec 1w •~ Atlii• eoni ,,, Sh 516. 21'4 -\lo o.soi111nc .to 1, JA 31 ~ + ~• I OUR PRIMARY · AlbC1 Pl 1511: 1710 JNO 22\\ ,f'~ · .. ~ th!EdfS 1.'11 11 W.l ~.{o , .... -1;,, -aim Washington and turned in our ~-· Pl11 ~ 11 1,.,. """+ ,, 0et E~ :15.so 1 iai" 1021111P'l'Yt -y, from th. ""~ was to h"e rt J 1967 l•••••••••••lll•••mnn•.,m"'lll••J tsi:t;tr .Ola u1• lflll 1t 19 ~ oei st" Mi 16 ,., lfl'o 1n• ...• .,........ lA repo Ullt:, • AAutMit" 111<1 J2 •m ,~ c -1.,. Oe•ter .lO 11 ""'• '41• ...,. _, the salaries of crucially im-CHAIRMAN OF vi:o (• 1.io oo >f'h :DV.i l' -, or11F1n1n .s• 11 15\i 1sv. uv.-\_. ~--· k . th r-• al our group M I F. d ,AYOI llfl.:111 ll 73\'J 12 ,, + 1Jr. Ol•mln!I 1.IO ,, 50'-soi. ~ ... po1-\.illl wor ers Ul e ~er was Frederick R Kap .... 1 then utua un s ,w.rv Pd .n ' 41'.0 •nt 4W. -'"'Ol•Sh-1.olQI ~ """ ~ '"" -•• • r-'.. Yntl Inc .o!O 211 23'• J~ l~ '!lo OltSh pf CJ II 3":'t 311,,., Jt\lt -~t Executive Branch -the agen-retired board chairman ol. Av,., •2.so 1 120 120 110 -011s "'01.20 lf ""' io1• ~ _..., and bure be ds ti.a • Al !• AV""' of l I Sl'A .Jl\~ 51\li ::.;;,., Dlt ... SIT .10 46 l'7'o 14\li 1Mi -14 cy au a , ue American T~ephone, whose A-. ,.d 1.10 •1 un.1. 134v. 1:u1 ~ 01m,._ .u 22 ,..,. u~ ,,,.. -..._ ... • '··· and . l t b bee • -OlilbQld .Ob 56 4'VJ 4"' ..,. + \1 w1U.ersecrewu-1es assis an name as n c I o s e I y . --01G1o,... ""' 1 ~ :u ~ + ~ secretaries. These are the associated with lhe suMequent &:..~1Yf :l: 1# ~ l:-:? :::: .:..:·~ 811~~ ,;1: 3t ~· ~ ~!• :J dedicated men and women pay ""es l'•rtGe 1.10 u 14:wo ,.11o 34,,. ,.. e>1111neo. ·.Si l l 11~1 1~ Mi _ 01 ' WJI . Mlf',JI AJllll• 12,CjlJ.11 FWM1a10.ss11 !WSl ~1."ff:'°1••G 1>tlU.$& Zl10 13 n 'h n'"+~o1111u(I Stll 3f ll'.~ l l 31 -..:. who work 100-hour weeks and Tht: other members were, -tT'w'0~iw;.i'1,;1A'1i ~~s t~ J:f; l::ft, !::l ~:2~ :; il 1l:n •. 1~ a::Z:""'~i'° ~ ~ ~ 31v. -1v. g="~io 1' 1"" ,,.,.. 7M-t1• are absolutely vital to the in addition to me · George 1111o,.,., 1uP1>lltd •Am 01v1~ 11.571:t"4 !l1boon •.71 1.11 u1 s' j·., •·5 1•"9P .n.u 1 lt\At »VJ Q>,i ••••• Oi'P~ :.a ri !:,,,. ~ ~~ 1 ... ,, I f f-• I · ••Ion of s-.urltl., Am Grth 1_35 7," Blue Rid 11.,t ll .11 Poler.a .Sl '· lt1110ll l !Ot 17 111 '1i 3'\\ · ··· 0..,eMin to 202 '"~ llo>.4 1,.4 2':• unctiooing 0 our cuera Meany, president, AfL.ClQ; i;: Nf!ion.I 4~:: );:~, ,:::! 1ttt r.;ts~~ 1~:ti 1f:f* ~~l~DGlt'I 1~:li1J: Bird CR. ·'j 10 "~~ ~ ~\lo=~ Ot(llFd l.'1, 1l 12'4 ll i t \-. government. Yet, these people Elisha Gray fl president 11::.••i:::ru. 1:i"wt1TC: Am NGw l." 1.11 Bos1on 1.1• t.61 tu''!' o.•111.92 l:~ ~ i!2. 1~ 11v. ln'o 1m -~• 8:;"'i~r, ·'° 11 ::it"" .,,,. 31.,., -"' ha ol th ben f. f ' • 0 ·-o•lll•• Am P•c 1.62 7.~2 !Ir°"" SI 1•.T.115.r'l n Kl! •.Ol 17.SO ~· ·-1.., ~7 ~7 41 ••• rr vtr 5 J!'\4 21.:0.:. 21'ol ve none e e its 0 Whirlpool· James R Killian could MW lloQn Anchor G1oup : lullodl 15.9011.•I L\bertr 7M l ,37 :·;r· ,':Ja 11 14\/t l:n& lffl -\'I 8:::11C• ,·" 11 fli't u•," :'.1614 +·u. prestige or power, none of former JJr'esident, MIT; David ~.!J'/dJ..~fv" 5~1~ 11:~ l~:i! E~n:.i1.~ ~t:)! ~:rl tL1:: f~ i:'N 1:H 1,:111 ~rd,"' t 1l 1f:"' ,::Vi 1tz"" +,~ o0r1voe.1,.• •,:: 171 ~ ~:~ m: .:~ the •t I of•-~·-•/ d ••· ha' lld AD lnV t.51 lj·" i•pll II( f,.'310.XI ll'HI 1.J:i 9,11 IU'u•L .IO 30 $4 J~ 54 + 'I• AU .«t ,. 36!\ l6'4 3614 _ i• exc1 t:men u..,....,,. ame Packar , uK:n c U'IDan -of At>e[dee" 2,n 3.1t Fd 1nv 10.so 1 ,,1 11,11 Shr 1.l'l j-57 L_,,11 k rl., F 1: 11xtrt.1D .11 :i• n '2111 ,2.,. _ v. orenr Pn,10 ~ "'"' .u1• .wl• _ \'t Or the While House ...1.:rl. H leU p kard Ile t AdY Mr• I~ ! u u111:1a1d 1.11 1.n e~• Shr 12.121 .15 ~,..d £1.!7 '9.27 ll•YVkCltl .50 ::a H~• 14\'s 14111 -"" Ol'tffl' Jlf 2 1 ""' 61\lo •1\'i _ \.'lo -..Ju eW • 3C , DOW pu Y Alfllltltd : :'° A•t HllVVhlon : Chtnnll'lfl F unds: 1111 12.~ ll.'1 9Hrlll01 l '3 ~ 111\ii ~ + ~ 0...rlUIC• !Clo 44 ~ l7 37tlo ;._ I'• We achieved our 001·ectivt .... Are•·-ol Del••••· John Al Amtf' 1. 1 .n Funa A 1.2• •·•• 1111n 12.111,.01 "' )'· 1 .11 Ital Fifi 1 2t " 34~ uto +"'Dutt,.., 1.411 1 1114\ ,,.,.. 31.,.. _"' ->= ...,, """"'• (Gm Slk 1.91 1·11 Ma"hln I· 2 ,'-! ltc~m1n .SO 121 ••'r ~ '8\4 -1 Ouie:!•~ (II II ).l\'tlDl'r l4 _ ._ but !hes. e pay bikes (the heart. J Corson w a 1 JN n g t 0 n Grwlh 1.,1 .10 M•n Fllll , .1s n .M !K"" P. ·'' .. ,,:u. •z '2*-+ •to di! ""' i.1.10 101 15'\.~ B:ti.• 1rn0 _, ' t ncom l.S7 9.l ~-Glh 12.o.4 j3.14 Hdl Ar .7J ZI J.1'4 J!i J$ -lU. d~Panl pl(.lf 1 7(\11 74>~ 74U _ i;, of the tale) have been managementconsultant· SPKl•I 'l.Jl 3.'2M•1•Tr 11·" 1.» l:l°'P" .50 •l Ml's,. ~t:.+~\Duqlt 1.u ci 29 »~ 29 + 10 , , ' Chat Grou11: M• ff .n l .tf d""°m .tO 12 2' 2~ 2l-'1·+ i.:. DQ 4.1111>'205 %10 lo!\'-lo!'~ 34\'r obscured by lbe publicity George Kilhon former presi· N • h I N d Fund 11.a1 1•.JO Ma!Mr• 12.0111.01 •111 wow • .-3' " "" ~u -~ 1>u<itt •pl· 2 J60 ~ :n~· :nr -· · ·· boo th I ~~ f d t ol Am '. n--:d 1 lC 0 s a1ne Front 100.1910S.26 MCOon 10.1111 .0I lier lnfer(on 21 11\.\ 111• lW. -\• Ovmo ln .56t ... 2'1V. "'~ "~ +· a t e sa ary ~·s or lien t:ncan c•~ en ct!~W~i {i:Nl:~=.,"'cu~1l;~1j:~ =1~'.lo'° 71 ~~Tit ~+::0r ... Am °'° sE' 'F1u. ~ ~-;~ Nixon and Congress. nes. • ecioni..1: M"°"Y"• ,,.n 1 .to .,..,,11. 111 3 J 1:1v. n n _ v. -• - 2 -The pay of others at -------------Sen1"01· A<soc1ate EQultr ~.,, s.19 'f.:'on• Funds: e~i=1n 1.60 u "Slla .uv. •s . IE••l•Pdl '° iu 211 211~ ..... -,,_ g Fvlld 1J.J2 lj,]4 t"W111 12.6J ll.M ltntlF itf4.50 1'40 "'-'i "4 .... U'~ -1?~ EHi Air ..50 UI 2''\ H'~ ;s;i _ .~ the top le .. el of go"emment G,.,,.111 1.00 •" ncom '·" '·'' lenF son.50 1660 3514 l4~ :M\lo -'ii E•itGF 1151 ,. 30.. •• -• • om~rc 12.:11o11s1 tnwr 1.51 t.~ ltnautt Olli lj 15'h 19.'1-V.E1usstt ·JI 51 24,': ,;• ,•,•_+1,., had to be boosted too . there I nn1n R h C •1 a• J,:n 1.ll mlf en""' M ao 1 U 1n .. lSU. E IU" •• · Pa g esearc orp., :im...w1111 Ho: F<! 20.os 21" aeni1y """ n.s JO>,to 30"' lf7,; .:..:.•.:. E•~oci.'.i j., 2 !7V> 2114 111~ -1~ Wa' ne ver any question .boot d ' •• f'd u..av•l1 mif ltrmtc Coni S1 lllo 1114 lPli , -., , MO 'u 70!,~ """ ff!\ -~. Los Angeles, has prom'>te incom1 v ... y,11 G1h i.1s ,,u 1a~s11 1 . .0 1o1 """ :n\o\ :n\4.:.... ~ E:iO'n' ~ 19, '1 Jr\4 ~ »I.lo -·~ hOW abysmally (IUt of line the he --1. lnvHI u..-va1111 MMu 0mG1 •,1 ~ il ~ 10•,.-.. •H1 60 15 l5 ~i 3! + '~ Eblsco Jnd 1' ~~ ~'it .,U *"" -. ~~ I I I hadbeco Tbe .Albert Nichols tot J<UlA $10dl·······M· ••• .• M~tt'rs",11t21·e1,,;-,,.,,_", ',', !!" ~,. ... ,. + .... E(hl)llMf' u 211 lt 11'\ m\-\: 88 ary eve s me. f nl . t in .1 T 1111 ca.o 1 n :tot Mui t r1111 111 2., aru. ~1ti .11 , i61~ .u w.. _ ~ EdttrdDo .u 1• .wi1 ...,.,. .ch + 'o average annual pay increase o se or assoc.la e 1 s ac-f-'~ u,.. .... u NE• Mui 11.2l 11 _.. 11u111 ~4.1s 1 1111v. 1°'"" lGl!b ..,,1 • Ei~1r0t i ,: 41 41 " -v. since 1925 of cabinet officers. tical Data Systems Depart· com11 8d lo ll 11 !! :::;1 w, .. ''"••' !J jl-112 eo1111o1e 1r111 "' 17ft 1-114 11ie + ~ EIMl41c ·1~., 40t-t •0 ~~ -\& (omc F<:! 11.22 11 .... Na' ·n t" 1:r,1,.. L?O 2'12 4 -6'h "6\\ -1\.\o Et M M 7~ 11't 1•1 + ~ congressmen and Supreme ment in Huntington Beach. . c,otmt~ ,::H 1tll ,..:1 ~°"1.r7 . .a ::,~" pf~o!O l~ Lol\lo t~'-::~ +,1v. er:: s: n i1 ~n: ~Tr~ ..... Court 1·ustices, for instance, He has been with Planrung 1::'trw 11M11.1s a111n 11.tt 11.tt IMNI sirs 1 1 :n-; 11 2, t " E1tlnH11 Ind u, 1Sft ,~,,., 1~ .:.:.·,. m lnY 5 7S 'H 8lllld '1' 6.H lordtn 1 lO 92 .)(I\' "1• 2'~ u, Et111ftNlnd WI 1$1\ 1414> 114t -•:O had ranged between 1.8 and Research since June, 1962, and :: 5r ~~ff :~-a;: ~ivi1.c i·~ :·~ :or.w1~·, n 11 l1\\ ~ 31:,. + ?' ~lfr:~='°1 lo ~ ~ ~ ~:::; 2.8 percent. In contrast, in has been closely asoociatt:dE~"t~'c.,1f~1f~ !~ ::~ilU•:S7e~~1 21: 11! l{..,. m1 E~1 =:i~::r:.li'e1e4o, 1;1 tJ,~ ~ U\i !:~ this period of more than 40 with the design, development, S111' 7'~ n~ N!i';':sr ll·: \!I~ t:tM!'r. c:; ~ ~ 1:: m: + 1! f~lr,: ,: ~ .t"' :111 = ~: years, the pay of buslnes! a.nd implementation of opera. rn~wvr ~jl·U i~:U ~:~~::_ i'.tf ?i:ff :::~1~1/'t.50 11r ?:~ ~:" ifil ! :_: ~5':~ ·:~ 1: JJ"" ~}v. lJ"" = ;: exeeutives and state and local lions, transportation, a n d gr..,:= snr 1t .. U ~::: :rd ti·b fl d l~t:r,:; 1·~ ,: fi"" ff~ 1J'lt t ~ f"'1""'1" .'II 111 1"' ,. %1~ -v. of~icials .p::~ ~!~~·mendalion logistics projects for mllitary =~~ In 1f.~ 1I.:: ~~':'1 a:: 17:111 i~iil'11~~ ;• ~;\ ~ ~ +1~ IE~l~ • .,:u·H i 13fu 1?J.~ l~ =,~ command aod eon l r o I 'i".1'~lH~~· ~o11 t '; 1: U a~ui ~ ~ 1: 1m ~ ,u•.~ -~ ~1•1G~ l~ ,~ fi~ ~ ~~ + 1. for a raise in the President's systems. e~~ llill~:g 1001: 1!.~~17· .. •• 1111 FtNAl srox 12 ibitw31\T +VJ ir;::1•,.-:io... ,. 21•4 15 's -1• pay was, for our path·breaking G.-6 •1 1.s2 1m Fund 10.R n .13 I'"'" co J 1~ 11v. 1•\\ _ ._ '~"1 c ':n 1' ~ •1u, ~ ... panel, almost an af ter-thought LEGAL NOTICE i~~I ~i:t )i·Jt g.~,;rms ibir~~.~ ~~~~, '1 11 if.: lf~ rii: :·. ·. ~!f'1:, , 1:: ~ m#'" ~·~ The lac' !hot the Pres1·dent'1 e~n, u st li '~ it0-n11rn 1 ~'' •, wnsno. 1.!0 2 s.iv. s.i ~ -""' v;:.'di' «111o l.S• u !i~t 1" -11• ~ .. ,..,... E •I l• d l S ,, Ptftfl $Q '· ·!? l l'VM'f'k. °"' fll '°"" :I'll ""' + :u E"V•herp .JO "" "' 1• • pay had not been raised SinC8 Ct:ll:f1P1CAT• OP IUl1NISS E~rn 1).16 !SH :~HMUI fj106 ;?a :11duE'll 1 )0 2t 311\1 IU ffit -~ E•CellO 1 ll 1"4 l2\4 1 =1•·0 d.dn' . PICTIT IOUI NAME En!PrlM l:it H ~ ?llo~rnc: •n 10.tO 1~ 'Ca 1 ':a 11~ = 7fjv, W'-'"' ~:fm.~ ·\1: 72 ~14 12\\ '• -w 1949 1 t even come up in Tile u~a,rs1tnt<1 don , .. u1y ~ 1,~QUlf"rot1t 11:ss 2o:nP1101 1.n t.11 1.,..F •i.60 1 ,..., II\ ·~ -1 F•~r;r~t11 .. ~ 1,J m: ft:.!='~ our first meetings. Jn our fina l c:ond\lcll"' • bu1!11tn 11 1nn s.n1e i:~e• u 13 P111t s1 11.:D 12.n llldlltl 1n '' 10 ln• 1w. 1m _·,~ F• 1 ,. w n 22 t ~ l1rtllr1 SI, Founl1ln V1llt'r, Callhlrnl1, ew!nt In 1' to 1111 p1:"'1r 1~·~ U: 11111'1 For• 1 ll' :U'i l'l:ito »ii. -t~ F•!"'11'lt ~ 1 1 s 1 ~·1.· '!S'!!_• -~ ::: ·,,.", reporl, we wrapped up the und1r 111e lldlllou• ll•m n1mt o1 E•r,''°' 21.lt n .01 ~ k' ~ l'~ Jl.tl lulov• .IOlr n 4416 """ """ + ;i l'•lstatt ,.o " u l 1~ whole n•bi'ect in one wot1Low10E &ALLOON ASCENSIONSF1rld 11.~\~~P~o' I 10 90 1un1t It•..,. 1s1 IN 1~ ,,., . F.rnF lft 1.30 •• k M 1nd 111.11 ulll llrm Is amPOStd crt Frm &Mu 12.... ·112 P~\fftl .:n lur*.lt p11,511 r c ;11o .io\\ 41\t -:i., Perq!MI I!"!: ~ paragraph, explaining that Jllcr etin9 ... IM followlnlt p,0011. wllose ........ In ~: i?~ lt tt ltn P]"'" F l~ 11. .. =~~ .~"' n ft~ ~~ ~ =la ~:~~ ~ M 7~ $! ::. :: . "equating the Presidential fllll •nd •1.a"' rn!OtMt 1' •• fol-. 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Gt~ SK l?·1t l~ ti $W -I '·a 10 19 •rr ff' WI ' 311;0 3111. :W.• + t~ I• •• .AD 11 il~ 1 \4t . : .• thereby making sure thal apartment sales. M•rtll ., 1~ 20. '· lNt ~u ... a1br•ner · se1;: llY*' 1n~ '! 'l·U i•rrGn 1.,... ' 31 31 ll + \~ f:P r+' 1.s1 • " u.111 g. +"" -----------:-------=:-=-==-=======·=========--! '.:~.Se t .'110.ri lf~"'s1'°1111 ' st so :;r]J .40oo ~ 1~ l~ l~ =(:i t f1e<1I :I fl lil".v.\ 2~ r..u + t: (om St .. ...,_" "': .,, ,t,1~ I j>t• 2JI\ "" -"' ~ c-ll I .Q 4l.,. -\lo •,•,nu.•1,'tt"'~•• ,~.,. 1',0•l!jj ~,.1 . ,. ,. "" •io ~,._ ~ ... -l"t •I" i.tr.J'.1'· u ~ ,., fi" " n I 'n ~ o< "l "'"" l.H ... ~ ., •• + '' ~ l~IO -""i·~·· u" -_ .... ~ .. W• are pleased 1o announce , ROGER G. BERGERSEN ' . 1 Is nO'!t essociated with our firm ''an i ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE In Our L1guna Buel'! Office LACUNA 8£AQi • 218fo1e:tt1'11tnu1 926~1 ·UICI 4!14-804l .w1 otrco • los MfGtus • r.t.UI Sl'tll!llCI • 1l'IO\Y M1US £SC:ONOIOO • u.CUtQ llAQ! • lA MIA • YUMA • li:l'W lOltll: Cifl!! 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' I I ' I -- -----------------------------------------------------------··----- I 30 OAJl.V PILOT • J Always at Sears • • . Sa~facti:on fiua .ranteed or Y:~ur Money Back !'J' \ I ··Sears ALISl'1\TE Pas.sen~cr Tire Guarantee Tre1d Life G1u1r~ntee r. • .,....od Auibr<t> Alt fllhuft fol di• ""' irontu.,. 1"'9 normal 1ood ........ dtftc. .. ••-•iolot-L. -llip. ,._ u.. ........ ti. 1ir. J ""' .......... .... S.-.illO.~.,.,;lp-· -•ooduq, •• J1.-aff.oih1;r .. iM .-....r.tMua,~i•dwsil!C ...., .. plCIJIOftion"' --...,,1., ..u-.,.;. pi... 1-..i &<O.. T• a......-.nno1vn Trutl V.'!!•r·Oul GuM•nte• r. •• ......,..._._r .. 1111- r ... o-1...,Tlot-~"-"" _.r • ..t. "'!.• Se... 1fin o. "' ~"i..-w ......... pt-1<.~rbe-ll _.... .. "'•""""'1 .. ~1 .. ''"Tai... ct>t follo•1na.no-..: M.U..G•..-.1 .W..··•-1~..,!4 I~ 2i ro l7 :ros 6.WxJ:I $18.95 $9.48 9.41 L79 6.95sl4 $19.95 $10.48 10.47 1.96 7.3.lxl' $21.95 SI0.98 10.97 2.07 7.75:11:14 S2J.95 $11.98 11.97 2.2') 8.2Sx14 $26.9i $13.48 ·ll.47 .:!.36 7.i5115 $2.1.95 SIJ.98 11.97 2.21 TUBELESS WlllTEWALL"' $21.95 $10.98 10.97 S2·J.9:> $12.48 12.47 !2..:'i!95 $12.98 12.97 S:.!9.'!5 ~14.98 $16.48 $13.48 $14.98 $16.48 $17.98 Your All•late Purchaoe lntladet: FREE All•tate Tire Mountini< FREE All•tate Ti"' Rotation E••I')' S,000 MU .. FREE Check of You r Wheel Ali11Dment Fit97'7o or All J2.Voll Syste:m Amerinn C1rL Ask ror J~'REE Bauery Te~t at Se1 r.~ ••• No Oblip:ation! Battery Guarantee Free rcplacemcnr wilhin 90 days o( purchase if battery ptuYts·dcfectivc. After 90 days, ft ttplacr chc battery. if dcttcriTc and charge you only for d!.c period of ownership.. bacd on the regular price les.s tnde-in 11 the time of rcnirn, pro-ntrd cwer number of months of guuanttt. ~------------------------------ 30-Month Guarantee Wheb Yoo Bay l1tTirt at R~larTrade-in Pri ce nfSIS.95 Plot Fedenl Es:eise Tax and 2 old Tire1 Y<1u (rl!t 2nd Tire ror Onl7 ••• 6.50x l 3 Tobe1- Bladtwall Pluo 1.79 Fed.Es.Tax and Old Tire e Dynacor rayon givea a 1oft, qniet ride with no harshness, no thump and no.lump •Added strength from 4 fall pliell for safety e Patented interlocking tread design 'with thou- sands of road-biting edges. Silencer bnttoDS and contour shoulder! ,,ve lll~ f_on~~ .. '.'latio11wicl1• LifPti1no> Tr1•acl (;uura111t·1· Full t.-Ph· Nylon Crusader . . 6.00:rll1'111eT•Bl.Mwall SIZE -...... 895 ....... fllll.EL Tu -1ndOld nn ........ -Ta 11JBEL&SS BLA.Cl.WAUS 6.00sl3 ... .... 6.SClrl3 9.95 1.1'1 7.75sl' 1%.9:> ... 8.2Sxlf .... 136 7.75i:l5 •~95 2.21 All American and Volk•· wagen Can All 4 Wbee l1 Only 29ss 'chmler produas hoviag cl -cylinders and cars with cli1< bcU.1 sliafttly hi&hu Any necessary odd;rloml para end Jabot an..ilab!C' af Sean Jaw, low pric~ -------~-----------, SANTA FE SPRINGS 9.u.8011 Ul'IANO 985-1927 • IU!NA PAIK TA 8"4400, 521·4530 K MONll GI 3-3911 !ONG IEACH HE 5.0121 PICO WE 8"4262 CAHOGAPAAK340·066 1 GIENOAUOl 5-1004, 0 4·4611 OlY""1C&SOTOAN 8·5211 POMONA E0 2-1145, NA 9·5161, YU 6-6751 I COMl'TON NE 6.258 1. NE 2.5761 HOUYWOOD HO 9.5941 ORANGE 637·2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7-3371 SANTA MONICA EX 4-671 1 VAllFf PO 3·8461, 994.2220 I I COVlNA 966-0611 INGl!WOO!> OR 8·2521 PASADENA MU 1·3211, El 5·4211 ~-~--------------------- •• "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" . ----~---0 --------- SOllllt COASI l'lAZA .540·3333 VEIMONT Pl 9°1911 TORRANCE 542·1511 ~-----~--------------' Sears Shop 6 Nights Mondoy through Saturdoy 9:30 AM. to 9:30 PM. ' , . • ' , I .r-:: .-•• • ' ... • • - Vall~y EDITION vor. 62, NO. 62, l SECTIONS, 38 PA~ES ORAN6E COUNTY, CALIFORNI>: 0 ·o THURSDAY, t.jARcH :IJ, '1969 as " - • !: D to 'Go It Alone' Water District Pushes Bolsa Desalt Plant By TERRY COVILU' Of n.. O.llY .. , .. , .. ,, Metropolitan \Valer District (l\.fWDl officials today said the agency would .. go it alone" on plans to cons'truct - a nuclear desalting plant on a man·made jsJand off Sunset Beach. Wednesday, MWD officials learned that the Federal Government is backing out of the expensive project. Jack Hunter, director o[ the federal Office or Saline Water, testified before the Senate Interior Committee that the Bolsa Lsland project is simply too ex- pensive for private firms to ah:9w in- terest. . Cost estimates for a combined nuclear water desalting and electrical plant had soared as hlgh as $'765 million. Federal agencies had a l r e ad y guaranteed $72 mill.ion for the project, but when private interests dropped out, the MWD boj>ed the government would increase its participation. But that hope is now apparently lost too. When informed of the apparent decision to withdraw federal funds from the Bolsa project, KWD officials replied, "0.K., we'll go it aJone." "Of couse it will take longer now,'' exp~ined an MWD spokesman, "but we plan to stick by our Dec. 11 resolution to folkiw through on a delayed basis.'' Originally the project was scheduled to begin about 1970. "Now we won't start until mid 1970s and not later than 1980," said the 1'1WD t pokesman. The government has given the l\-fWD urtil June 30 to clear up the details on who will pay for certain funds already expended on studies conducted for lhe project. Estimated cost of $765 million might go down if the electrical portion of the project Is dropped, said the MWD representative. Originally plans called for construction of a 40 acre island off Sunset Beach to contain a combined nuclear water desalting plant and electrical plant. Southern Callfocnla Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power were to be partners with the MWD in it, but the former companies dropped the idea when the cost esUmates escalated. "We still plan to build the island, and perhaps just the water desalting plant alone," said the MWD spokesman. The plant would produce 50 mlllioa Narcotics: What Turns On Teens? By ALTON BLAKESLEE Associated Prest Science Writer To cope intelligently with drug problems, one nttds to thow more about what kind of appeals drug,s offer. Here are some of the wa)'I that college stud~ta have de.scribed their re- act.ions to "mind" drugs. "I cou1d Jose all my worries and imagine many things." "The mind is magnilicmtly delighted by very simple situations <lr mem<lirs.11 Drugs "are oor only meana of leellng love (in the general perhaps Qiris- tian sense} in this debacle of self-destruction. It is a rttum to Eden." "I have stopped taking drugs • • . It became too easy to 'groove' on something • , without ever coming to terms wiUt real problems, without ever really thinking. The borders of illusion and reality became hazy •••• " "l condder It now a part of the P'Owinc up procua. It wu an ans- wer. It no longer is. I am sUll over· whelmed by the 1nadneu that is my coontry. but I must find another way of coming to terms with it." These answer• came from studentl asked, in an anonymous question- naire, why they bad used or might sUU be using drup such u marl· juana and LSD. There are a bcllt of reasons why these and other drup are considered appea1lng. Parenti can benefit from blowing what these: attractions are. A later story kill lllOtber lide al the coin-the human price that vari- ous drugs can collect. For some !!known percentage or drug uaers, • tt is a way of hittina back at parenta, to shock them , JCIOl- en lhem up a bit,'' says a West Cout college student. "'Taking drugs marts an uternal reJoctlon of ml<l- dle dasl values and IOdtty in gen- eral. The 'beat generatioo' tried to sboct tbe middle dus with tu ao- Uons and words. Now it is with drugs." A 1>17chlatrist agrees that for some young people, including high achooten, "It it fun to tee tbtir par- ent.. get Jlll\ "'· With drugs, they h8'e aom.aitnr •Ith which to get their parent. enraged and lnceruied. The tkb CID lllnd lhelr pare11tl into spurns. Taking drup is one way or tweaking the old man'• nose." Some users say they rind an occasional ltlck " marijuana a pleasant way of dealing with mild depmaiona, al w1nn1nc brld retea .. fr<>m demanda al achool work, or of coml>tttibl leeliDp al bein( hemmed in or frustrated. Fountain V11Utt1 Police Chit/ Charles Michaeli.!: "It's com- mon knowledge that 11Grcotic1 are widerprtad and it certai n· ly would be to fVtrV per1on'1 adoontagt to read a.s much a.s ht can about the problem. (This series is) vtrtl intne1t- ing and informative and ctr· tainly should benefit the pub- lic." Marijuana, LSD and olhei drup. mm ~. alto .can offer .... pe fn>m boredom, the complain t that 1'there ls f10tbtnc to do," even Jn the midst d plmty and a!Ouenct, ar perhaps beclUlt of boredom With tblt amuence. •'The world att:ms dull lots of times ; we're over tiUDatfd,11 1 student rtmarkl. gallons of de-salted water per day. Federll authorities Jpdicaled they 1re looking for alternate fl.tea for a similar project -perhaps ofl Santa Barbara or the Teias lhorelilt. Oil Splashing Up on Shore Along Coast - By JOHN VALTERZA Of nw o.i11 1'1"4 11.n The ·truclc, tar-like globs of crude oil washing up on beaches in Newport Beach and Lagwia Beach are · still dc>tting the sand today. with ooe big dol in Laguna -a dead whale wbo6e death mlght be related to the goo. While· state fish and game official! are coatinuing tests to determine the Ul'IT,._... APOLLO 9 SPACE CAPSULE RIDES ATLANTIC WAVES a.ck from Orbit; Next Stop tho Moon T..x Bike ·Foreseen aource of the oil other lclentista are expteSling lean that the Jarce quantities ol oil · at sea are killing the already •ldmJW herds of wbalea migrating . off ~v~ t.;.~ ~p~w~~ Bond Election Rejected a Sjh Frandoco .llclenUftJ diqJ>OSls al .. :jliloCllllOd ""Ill "'~· •Ml• ~ se!i JJ ••1 ,.·.m. . lliaic ' . ·, ~y.' ·11'\{"1 f a1,. ·"l!IOJir· ~ .... Diarioo ·_ • u~. uso,,.. s IM ~,<11-... -... ,.•-· ;;;-· Barbora. Dr.· Robert Ol'T, ~ •ba!O elj>ort with !lie California Academy of Sdence, said !Seo OIL II.IQ[, P•p I ) * * * Huntington Ey es Ocean as Slick Threatens Beach No evidence or a new off~ oil slick has been. spotted near HunUngton Beach clly beocbel yet. but Harbor and lleacb ollidals are teeptng a lookout. A .Uct wu dlteovered yelterday about two mile! off Hunt!ngton Beach by Newport Beach City Lifeguard Chief Robert E. Reed wblle conducllng an .aerial 1UrVey. Max Bowman, assistant director of the Huntb}gton Beach Department of Harbor and Beaches, said that he has heard ()( the slick being near city beaches, but added that his department will bave to wait until evidence washes up on lhcft before they can do anything about it. "Should the slick move ln, we will dig • lttnch at the edge of the shore to allow the sludge to be trapped, then use a bulldozer to cover it up," Bowman aid. By THOMAS ro.iTUNE Of lk Deir ..... ltatt A decision not to hold another bond e I e c (ton was made Wednesday by Orange Coast Junior CoUege District trustees. Two board memDers favored holding a bond election June 17, but a ·majority cf three did not. In cutUng off the bond electi<ln option, trustees by all odds c () m m i t t e d themselves to increase the tax rate on their own without a vote of the pe<>ple. It can be done once a permissive tax raise law goes intb effect July t. At the moment it looks like such a tax increese would be in the neighborhood o{ 21 cents. The present tax rate of 57 cents per $100 of assessed \•aluatlon then would be iocre.ased to 78 cents. The 21 cents would raise $1.9 million in needed local revenue to go with $1.5 million in carried forward reserves to buy $4.8 million in federal and itate funds. The total ()f $8.2 million woulsf pay for next year's building program on Huntington Beach's Golden West and Costa Meaa'• Orange Coast Cc>llege cam- puses. Junl!ir CQliege district officials say they are behind the eight ball because or three tax try failures in the last three ye.ars. Now they must Jn()ve ahead with a major building program to catch up with' escalating enrollment. Here ia the way trustees reasoned County Board Approves Annex of Sunset B·each Anne1adon ol the eMlrt community of sun.a Beach to 'Huntington Beach waa given the areen llgbt Wednesday by the Local • Ag<ocy Formation cam. million {LAFC). The ---to public hearing aod tventuaily 1 vote tC the resldenta of Sunael lleo<h. Seal Beadi tut month bad forced a comolldatlon al two annuatlom propooed by HIDlUngton !leach, hlnl1ng poulbl• oppoaltion to the mer1tr, but no obj«tlon WU ralaed at Wednelday'• heerlnc. 1'h1s may came ~.., in the votlnc -· ni. nn1 of lltmliitctoo Beadl •• an-nexations approved biclbda only l .57 lcrtl l!'ld 1s ell tht tutern bordtt of SUDlet lleacb a.ljolnln1 ' W arntt Avenue. It aetlJ off tbe Bolla Chica arM from fulur. anoeulloa by any other clty. ministrator Doyle Miller the city's will- ingnes•' to take over the county's share of the beach replenishment program COlll. Robert Russell of the County Ad- ministrators offkt: said his group favcrs the armuatloo 11 tM Stln3et Beach are• is clearly l'llhln the Hwrtlngloo Beach spher'e of Influence and thst the city could handle the beach parking problem ws11Dg. Both the county Planning and Flood Control ·departmenu add their appri>val .. the 1ner, ... According to Huntinglon Beach City Cltrlt Paul J"°" a publlc heariog wtll be set oo Iba matter at required by law. "nllJJ must be accompllabed wlthln -dip. U no massive opposllloo lppell'I It that t1me ID electlon date will be RI whlcb must be within 71 dO)'I 'by Jaw. Jn lhelr vote whether to call a bond .elec$ion: William Kettler (Huntington Beach) -"I favor another bond elecUon. It was so close last tlme I feel we should tty again. It is .the fairest way for all concerned to pay ." Robert Humphrey• (Costa Mesa} - "New port and Costa Mesa I think would give substantial support agaln. The pro- bl(.m would be in the Clther area (West County ). I lean toward the permissive tax increase." Donald HOff (MJdway City) -"If you get the community solidly behind you yoo can move ahead with greater confidence. I think we should give the people one more chance to say, 'Yes, we're with you.' I'd 'rather spread it out than a big tax bite. But if we don't go for the bonds I still wouJd go for the other." George Rodda Jr. (Corona de! Mar} -"I don't think there has been much change in voter attitudes. If there has been a change it's been In the negatie been a change il's been in the negative of the news media's approaCh to higher (See NO BOND TRY, Page I) OCJC District Vetoes Alternate Meetings a t GWC A proposal tc hold every ~nd board meeting at G<ilden West College in Hun- tington Beach Instead <>f. always at Orange Coast College Jn Costa Mua WU voted d 0' D Wednesday nlRbt by Orange Coast C<lllege District trdeei. · ne vote to · stay put at oCc was I decisive 4 to 1, with only Robert Humphreys, who suggested the idta. dissenting. · Jlurilphreys; a Costa ' Meta resident, said he thought aomething l!hould be done to dece-liu the district. "We're missing a cbaDCe to bulld IOl'l11 c:ommunily Identity ' (in Huntlnglon Beach)," he aald, ''at tvldtnced ~ negative votes riihl around Goldal Weal in the last bolld electkin." Di.strict adminbtrators, wlth .. oUlcea rlgbl next Jo the .OCC boml room, oppoaed the ldu of movtn1 the lilow -oo the road. One ret900: a show It lan't. "I'm not sure how thrlllln& • ~ meeting ru Uy ii," Supt. Norman Wltlon Aid skei>llcally. Golden Weal Coll'f' Pt-DwdleY Boyce mnarked I b • I the Hlmtinlton ll<olch City Council once tried l\lee\1111 in 1be Gol.deu West Forum, which Hlti )7$, and drew an audience of 11. That seemed to cllncb It JEN CENTS -own Astronauts End 10-day Space Trip ~ ABOARD THE USS GUADALCANAJ; (UPl)-Apollo l's precision pilots rode a sheath or name to a safe, but wet splasbdown today in a trlumphant·dlmu to 10 days in orbit that put Amerlcanl within four months of walking on the moon. "Hello, Guadalcanal, thia is ApoQo t," radioed commander ~ames A. McDlvitt as he peeked through a Uny wlOOow al j the •pace c1psule at the flat decbd ......,,. ship llleamini lmrard him. "We just SIW you out there. YGI loot pretty good." McDMtt. David R. Scoll ud Rusaell L. Schweickart flew history's tblrd Jcmc:: est space trip perfectly and brOUlfil back four •pacefllght records and knowledge that they cleared the way ror. a Junar..orbtt ·flight in May and a .- landing in. J uzy. With home viewers watchln1 on u .. televlskln, the spacemen dropped l<lltlJ into a calm sea ()(.dull green at t :Ol 1.m.' PST. They landed abocrl ~ mDeo from the recovery ablp. ~ Forty..tgbl minutes later, Ibey '""' safely on the deck of tbe Guadalcanal la their mcue helicopter. They had more: trouble getting Into tba helicopter than they. l>td al mi7 .time.,._ Ing their< 10 days Jn orbit. OM al tho pilota ... draQed thnlulh the ..utnc .... in' cap u be.-·Wolod. tho beUoopll!r ... ----• rafl-buaed -·-- "I ~ thk -the moll """''"·'"'--.. fi1Pt we ft bad," Sdltrtlckart told tba cr'eW pl Iha sbip Clll Iha fllght 'fi. "I haven't pit my 0ea legs or my !ml legs either." joi..d McDlvltt. '!'be flnl thiNIJ. the -plloa -when they spl.islied down rlg1!111de up, was a gnellng Jn yellow lope IO ~ above on the helicopter. . "Hello dere, Gumdrop." Gumdrop wu the nickname for the command lblp dur· ing the mission. : 'l'be mighty men and macm-ol Apollo I performed muWful teN during the miulon Iha: wiltrled them around the earth 151 limea. Tbe1r main Wk WU ltaling in flight the four·Jea<d lunar lander that will drop two.meo fOUll months f-now to the Wldy cru<t al the moon'• face. At the manned opace center In ~ ion, the head al the moonflljbl --LI. Gen. Samuel Phllllpo, said A~ 9 wu more succeuful than apected. Bui be said Apollo 10 ...Wd not be scrapped in favor of an earlier mooa t.nding. 'l'be flight wu just a sour -away fr o m flawlessness. Roo k I e Schwelckart got 1lck twice--cince In the mothenhlp and once in the hmlr llDder ~ He recovered quickly and he and hll chums se!Ued inlo !be" sweet mial1oa that was America'• Jut orbital flJght (Seo APOU.O, Pap I ) Stoelc MCf'Jcets NEW YORK (AP) -The llod< ~ closed with a sharp loll today. 'Ibo trading pace 1io...d near the mi (SOI quotaUons, Pa.,. -J. The Dow '-·lnduatrlol, averap al 1:30 p.m. wu off t .111 po!Ml'll tOl.44. Weader ,wa·ve bad enough'-titn !or a while, ao the weatherman tl'o- miseJ fair atte. and alil)ltly wmner temperaturea for Friday. StJCh 11 M-d~ weather on the COdl, dipplnc t4 a lo!f al .s. INSmE TODAY Wea111 SUHfddo Con v o" flood rcfu.0111, Qftnno vp tMir own home• u l.olt, reined the second lm'O•rt nn cr'll•tal cot- lfcliol> i• A...nta from • ulghbor'1 ....... PAD• JI. ·-M .__ I ,_ ... =~-'ff -M ........ ' ............ •11 ,...... .. ,, , ... ~ II -M ----. __ .. ~ c..r It ,,.... .......... ............ ,.,. :r:: ..... :: ·-.. -.. Dr. K<nlston, the Yale psychologiat, pull II anothtt way -• penoo CID ISM DRUGS FASCINATE TEEN·AOl!RS, P• .. )) The principal annuallon ut<nd1 from Warner Avenue to Andtraon street knd CMSl!:la of 8$ acrtl. Commlatoaer DIWI L. Baker H· tracled tram Hinilnltol -Qty Mo 'J'bett wrt no protes\antl from Sunltt Beach indlcatlni that u of now, despite past lndicatlonl, the people of. the area ._..Ille amexallon. "I think tt LI a wonderful ldeo that won't w«k," uld William KtUler, a Hunlloetoo lleacb nsldm. ............ ,. .. -. _._M ·-. ... .... ,. --.. ' I ~~ ' \ I % DAILY P!l OT " Bucher BlamesNavy ; ' . For Capture CORONADO (UPn -Cmdr. Lloyd 1't Bucher blamed the U.S. Navy today. for inadequately outlittinJ the USS Pueblo and said he did not have the power to mist its seizure by the North Koreans. '11l.e skipper of the ill-fated espionage ship made a final plea to the five--admiral Navy court of inquiry which could recom• mend a court martial if it decides Bucher should have put up a fight or tried longer to defy Communist gunboats last January. Bucher was sharply criUca1 o t superiors in the Navy for providing only: a "jury rigged" destruct system to aet rid of secret papers. He said many of his suggestions for ou'tiftting the vessel had he<n dmegarded, The commander said it was his opinion that articles rv and V of the Military ('.ode of Conduct should be · reviewed because "they are difficult to reconcile when threats to the lives of your ship. mates are involved." Bucher testified earlier that he aigned a "confession" and then appeared on Communist television propaganda shows tfter his captors threatened to ehoot his men one by one. The code of conduct provides a prisoner is bound to give only name, rank, service number and date of birth and "make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its alllta or harmful to th"Jr cause!' Bucher'• civlnan attorney, E. MUta Harvey, was the last wltneu at the two-month hearing. He said Bucher'• bringing back 81 American fighting men was an "outstanding performance of leadership" and said he ahould be re- w.rded by beinl returned io. full time duty. . Sirhan Hatred Of Father Tied ToRFK Slaying LOS ANGELES (AP) -S~han B~hara Sirhan'• hatred of hia: father led him "in a psychotic, insane state of mind'" to assassinate Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, 1ays a psychologist. The killing was for Sirhan a COtl\4 promise, Dr. MarUn Schorr told the jury trying the U-year-old Jordanian for murder. "He fmds a symbolic replica of his father in the form of Kennedy, kills him and also regains the relationship that !lands between him and his most precious possession -bis molher'1 love.'1 the psychologist said Wednesday in his third day as a defense witness. In her second row seat Sirhan'• mother Mary 56, murmured "l don't like this." The jury heard (or the fint tlmt Sirhan's voice on tape recordings made within a half hour of Kennedy's shooUo& early June 5 of last year. Those early moments in the police station -after pollcemen hustled him away from a distraught. menacing crowd -had been described previously. But the tapes demonstrated more vividly than any testimony how gentle, almost &olicitously, Sirhan was trtated by polltt. He was told several times of his right to remain silent and exercised that right even to the extent of not giving his name or agreeing that the interviewing sergeant was recording hla: money and property properly. Sirhan's left leg was bruised in the scuffle to subdue him in the kitchen pantry of the Ambassador Hotel. "I know you have been checked, but 1·m checking you !or weapons only,'' said Sgt. William C .. Jordan at one time. "I'll be as genUe as possible, ckay? You're clean • • . If l get in an area that's uncomJortable, yo11 tell me ••• " ' 01\11 v l'lllll O.ANOI COAll f'UILISNINt <OMl"AXT R•Mrt N W"4 ~,...., .... ,WI .... Jatk l . C11t19Y ...... """ .. 9-al ....... th•••• K•..U ·-Tfl••••· A. M.,.111~1 ........ lfw Al~ w. '''" wuu •• •·-' ~·-"\Ill""'""' ltldl _.,.., City lflts " ....... •l11duO,._ )Of Ith s1, .. t M•m .. ....u,..,,1 r.o .... "'· ,,.,., --"""""' .. ,di: ttl I Wftl ..... """""-N '''" A'Kll .. Wnt •:r ·-.. ...,,. 1-'I: m ,.,.. •- VALEDICTORIAN Richard W. Derby -------------- SALUTATORIAN Kristin• E. Dillon Derby, Dillon. Hooored As Beach Top Scholars Two near-Perfect scholarl who are hlg!ily active in llCbool ollain have beell selected V aledlctorian l1ld Saluts~an of the cius of 1116t al Huntington Beach Hlgh School. Ricbard William Derby, 80ll o{ Mr. and Mr•. RJchard W. Derby, 9121 Mediterranean Drive,_will carry a perfect 4.0 grade average to the podium when he addresses the June graduation ceremooles U IChool Valedlctorlan. Kriltlne Elaine Dilloo, daaght<r of Mr. Juan Dlllon, 1721 Park Street, will 1peek lo her clamnales u s.Juta«<tan. She canies a 3.92 grade average for her lour years at Huntington Beach High. Derby bas excelled in foreJgn language, mathematics and !clence, in add.it.ion to demonstrating outstanding mu.s:lcal talent on the piano and as a composer. In 1967 ~ won the Carl Fisher Award for setting the "Jooth Psalm" to choir, organ and piano music. He wa.s also winnef' of the 1968 Distinguished Oiler Fine Arts Award. He plans to attend either VC Santa Barbara or UCLA. Miss Dillon showed her brightest marks in upper division science classes and last year was honored u the DisUng· ulshed Oiler on the punior level in liber· al arta. She has served this year as senior cW,, treasurer and president of the l!onor society. She is hoping for entrance to the University oI California at Irvine. Valley Asks ~pproval Of Little League Fields 'I\l'o little league baseball diamonds on the city's corporation yard were recommended for approval Wednesday night by U!e Fountain Valley Parks l1ld Recreation Commisstoo. City equipment cWTently occupies only two of the eight acres of t.he city's yards located at Ward Street and the San Diego Freeway, so park com· miss.loners recommended that the city council approve con.9truction ol the balip<rks lo aid U!e dly'1 rnu>hrooming liWe ieegue program. City officials don't foresee expansion or their use of the city yards for several years, said Stanley St.afford, Parks and Recreation Department director. A substitution on playground equipment for Harper Park was al90 made. ·W~· ~ay night by commissioners. They decided le> purchase "Cru sty and Crawdad" to go with the park's aquatic theme when it was learned "Lob- sta-fund" is no longer available. Stafford said the park, and its playground equipment, will be re.ady before this summer. From Page 1 OIL SLICK THREATENS • • • he found palcheo of oil inllde a dead young gray wh ale. He alao cited two other dead whales to wash up on California shores within one week. He said that Binet discovery of whale carcasses is "extremely rare, It seems lignlficant thst three (now four ) dead whales have been found jllllt now when the gray whales are beginnlng their migration north through the oil sllck at Santa Barbara." No cause of death f<r the other whales has been determined, he said. If the oil is alarming whale experts, tt isn't causing too much concern wlth Newport Beach officials, who say that the probable origin of the all on the beaches is tankers at !ea. The quanUty of the ell on the beaches MW is not great enough to cause great concern, they agreed, since ~ prtltnt amount.a: can be raked into the aand without damage. The oil started coming ashore in tlgnificant quantitie1 over the wttkend, dotting beaches for miles. At least one oil-soaked bird has been found on Newport beaches. Several more have been sighted at sea. Several members cf the Newport dory fishing fleet reorted sighting the globs at sea. The oil, floating over a w:lde area, was reported by one fisherman to stretch from the Newport Pier to the 14-mile bank. Fisherman ?i1el Fleener said he killed at least one dying bird, foundering hopelessly out at sea 'l\ilh its feathers covered with oiL He said he saw several others already dead from the oil. The crude is not floating as a slick, but, instead, as thousands of globs resembling tar more than oil. A spokesman for the Coast Guard in Newport said that the oil seems to be from tankers cleaning out their pipes and bilges. Tests en samples of tbe ail still are being conducted by the Department. of Fis~ and Game. The department staf[ are trying to establish its source· through chemical tests. From Page I APOLLO SPLASHDOWN • • • before ttie nation's llnaJ spece stalk of th• mooo. 'Ibe astronauts brou&ht hick auto- graphed dollar bilil valldaUn( lour apocolllgh( rtCOl'dl, and the knowledge that their rnuterful tats of the U.S. moon 1'.ndln& apacecraft cleared the w11 for a moon O<l>il lll&ht in May ond • landJni In July. The utronauts left their omital path at 1:31 a.rn. PST wltll a Jolting ll·se<:ond braking bWt from thetr main engine. "1be burn looks good," )fcDlvltt re- ported as Apollo t swept over Hawaii on Its mot and final on.Ii. From the h<licopters . cln:ling the apacecraft u it aettled lnto the «tan ca.me word that the capsule wu aome- ,mat tearred but "It looks pretty food." Frogmen quickly •tlached a Ootailon collar around the capsule. "l\ecovery three (heilcopter) repor1a that the spacecraft ls tomn'bat tcarn:d, but looks ralher good," ""°"eel mission control 1poket-Tmy White. Conir<>~ lers at Houston broke out dgan to ctlebrate lhe third straight succa:stul Apollo night. A pilot told the astronaut'.l tt t :L5 1.m. PST, "tht (Oat) collar Is tnfiated around you at lhls Ume." f "Roger,'' reported McDivitt, sounding as calm as he had throughout the entire flight. The whole recovery was t"elevised live via a communications satellite to the United States and Europe. The picture \\'as as clear as if it were in a studio. The capsule's hatch wns opened at 9:27 a.m. Scott, wearing inflated water \\·lngs, was the firs( astronaut out. Jle dove he11d first into a lite rail Then Schwelck11 rt emerged, and finally com· mandcr ritcDiv\U. Vatican Aide Given Per1nission to Wed VATICAN CITY (UPI) -One of Pope Paul Vi's honorary ch&pl&in• In the Vatincan has been granted pap a I permission lo leave the priesthood and marry, Vatlc1.n sources aahl today. Alt.hough the Vatican declined official rom.ment. church sources confirmed that the ponUfl rtluctantly agreed that the .Rt. Rtv. to.tsgr. Gid\·anni Musante, 5(1, could renounce his vows and marry in the church. . ..-.....---·~ '" ---·,.: ~· --. ---- • ;Saigon Control Slips ' . . ·~·communist'. Offensiv~ Co~tly to Allies ~IGON (UPI) -Th• government of South Vietnam IOll coalrol el aso.ooo petJOl\I Jn rural anu durin&: tbe first live days of. lhe lMay-old Coounuolst offensive, V.S. mission aourcea aaid to- day. And the first two weeks of the offensive cost more American casualilea than the first two wew 91 the Tet offensive of 1111( A rural paciflcatioo. program aurvey 1t the end ol. Februlzy showed that government con.lrol over the popu11Uon in the nation's hamlets dropped from 68.9 lo 65.4 ptrcent -which meant that 350,000 peasanta of the country's 10 million persons no longer are living in relatively seeure areu. The Joss of control emphasittd . the scope or the Communist offensive which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese de.legates to the peace -talks In Paris ha Ve vowed wou.14 be stepped up until . the last American hu been driven from Vietnam soil. Although the Communista have not scored any major victories such as lheit capture or Hue in the 1981 Tet offenalve, their current 'drive 11 ·expected to cut further into the areas controlled by the government. No figures were available yet. The government's control over the en· tire population, including the toWM and cities, ·was estimated at tM>.3 percent. This was a record high but the 1.1 percent increase over January Wu the smallest gain registered since the government's accelerated pacification campaign got under way. The figure would be expected to drop when final returns are in. Frotn Page 1 NOBONDTRY •• educati on. We'd do much better spending the $25.000 an election would ccst on a calculated public relations program." Worth Keene (Seal Beach) -"The chairman breaks the tie. Is that it? A bond issue is the best way to divide the burden, bul I rather doubt in 90 days we could put together the type of program needed to sell the bonds." Keene referred to the call for a bond election, or a lax override election. hnv- in-g lo be made now if the election were to be held before July l, \Vhen trustees must act on next year's budget. However, he was reminded by Orange Coast College student Chuck Conway board members themselves are to blame for acting at this late date, since they have been discussing . whether to hold another bond election for the past six months. "We offered to you student support tf the bond issue had been at an earlier date," Conway said. "But now I couldn't promise much for a bond election after graduaUon." Communist losses for the. opetµng 14 days o! the now 19-day--0ld oUentlve have been llahter than durinJ the lint· two weeks of Tel -10,816 th.ls t1mt compared with 29,228 guerrillas dead 1n Tet. The figures nppelred in the weekly U.S. casualty report which showed a drop-off in casualties on both sides last week from losses that hit a 10.month high in the opening week of the offensive.· Communist gunners meantime stepped , up their rocket and mortar attacks overnight, hitting about 42 targets in the most nightly attacks Jn three day•. The weekly casualty report disclosed that 789 Gls were killed and 4,2$7 wound- ed in the first two weeks of the current offensive, compared with 816 killed and II No Ston1i Hits 4,,151 wounded in the fir~ two weW at Tel. The Alllel are k1Illn& aevea. Como . mwlllts (or each Allied aokller •lain lbl1 tlmt, compared with a 111-l<H>n• nilo du.ring the Tet offensive. acoordiJ!t to'tbe -weekly report. 1 hi Salron. the Viet Coric pushed a temr Ollllpalp apparently planned to "soften uP" the capital for a C.Omnumisl auact e1pected • next week according 1o u.s. M•lllrooct. In OM incident, a Vi etname1t plainclothes policeman was critically wounded in a booby trap blast I! he tried to rip down a Communist nsc from Ole ledge of a downtown building. 'l'Wo other persons-were wounded in the blut. Santa Ana River Flowing Normally; Danger Less Water is tric kling through the Siota Ana River at a nearly normal level now, and is expected to remain that way unless another major rainstorm hits Orange County before summer. Villa Park Dam currently has cloa:ed Its gates and is releasing no water into the river, said Bob Wise, Orange County hydrologist. Last week the U.S. Army Corps or Engineers reduced the flow from Prado Dam from 4,000 cubic feet of water per second to 1,200 cubic feet per seeood. "Villa Park Dam now has stored 1,700 acre feet of water," said Wise, "and ample room for more exisb . We don't plan to release any more water into the rive-r unless another major storm threatens us." Prado Dan1 water is contlng througb. an ungated outlet and can't be stopped, but 1.200 cubic feet per second constitutes a minor amount of "'ater for the river, Electrical F'ire Loss At Country Cluh $500 Sparks from an elcclrical transformer ignited a s1nall fire on the roof of the Hunt ington Beach Country Clu b at 5:46 a.in. today causing $500 damage. ?ifinor sn1oke damage in side the club ""as also repcir!cd by firemen. In- vestigators ~aid the flrr began \l'hen the transforn1er whic lllfrerates the neon ~gn in fron t shorted 0111 uplained Wise. The Santa Ana River itself bu a~ parently weathered a long v.•inter of stonn1 in good condition. Corps cf Engineers peraonnel are cur- renUy in charge of the river and have indicated no problems with weakened bankJ or cverflow. Th1 slackened now of water will also aid the cities of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach 1n their effort to remove river debris from beaches. Seal Beach Sets Beauty Contest If you were a beautiful baby, but babr look at you now, you may want to enter the Stal Beach Beauty Queen Pageant. There are a few other qualifications,-. of course. You must be unmarried, and between 18 and 21 years old. And you must be a girl, or you'd look pretty · silly in the white-ruffled black swimsuits that spoosoring merchants will give yo11 to wear in the pageant and keep forever. Open to girls who live or work in Seal Beach, Sunset Beach or Rossmoor, the contest will be held April 17. Deadline for registration is March 17. For more lnfonnaUon, contact the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce, 13820 Bay Blvd., Seal Beach, 90740. Or telephone 596-6491. al .JJ. J. (;1rreff ~ SALE CONTINUES OUR ONCE· A. YEAr. WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE UP ro60 e CHAIRS e SOFAS 8 T AILES e LAMPS e DESKS e BEDROOM PIECES e DRESSERS e HEADBOARDS e NIT E TABLES e PICTURES e MIRRORS e DINING ROOM PIECES e SCREENS e BOOK CASES DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS --...} H.J.GARRtfT fURNrpJRE H II HARllOll IL VD. COSTA MESA. CALIF • 144.0171 ~017• \, . ~agu~a a.,'!~~~ Totlay's Fl-•I N.Y •. StHu voe. 62, NO. 62, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ·ORANGE -coUNTY, CAUFORf'llA' • • JHURSDA Y., W.RCH 13, 19'9 JEN~ Parents Distvrhed at. Black Activist'·s Talk By RICHARD P. NALL OI ""' 0.IY r111it llett The speech of a black acUvist to seventh and eighth grade stDdent.s of Laguna'• Thurston Intermediate S<:bool is under scrutiny today by ~ed pannts. Principal Davld Lloyd said today the program presented to aboul 4 5 0 youngsters wu meant to be provocative. to "stimulate the kida." . The young speaker wu not a Black Panther, he Aid, but was "black and angry'." He aaid the speech was part ol study prosr1m ol the U.S. CansUtution and the coocepl of equality ., guaranteed under. th• OmotJtullori ~ em o! RJibts. "My people will te.ar this country up In the next ten yers if there is not a great change," guest speaker James We.st, a Chapman student, told the youngsters March t. After the program, .said Lloyd, the er ec Globs of Oil Dot Sands · at Laguna By JOHN VALTERZA 01 1111 01111 Pli.t Stitt The U1ick, tar-like globs of crude oil washing up on beaches Jn Newport Beach and Laguna Beach are still dotling the sand tooay, wlth one big dot in Laguna -a dead whale whose death might are CQntinuing tesl! to determine the source of the oil other scientists are expressing fears that the large quantities of oil at sea are killing the already skimpy herds of whale.! migrating off the coast. The discovery of a dead pilot whale in the surf off Laguna coupled with (See OIL SLICK, Paao I) be related to the goo. . While &tale fi.sll and pme officials ·Narcotics: What . 1 Turns On Teens? . l • By ALTON BLADSLEE Aaaoctated Pma Sciaice Writer To cope intelligenUy wllh drug problems, one needs to know moni about what kind of appeals drugs offer. ~Jere are some of the ways that college students have described their re- actions to "mind" drugs. "I could lose all iny worries and imagine many things." ''The mind is magnificently delighted by very simple situations or rJ memoirs." rp, Drugs "are our only means of feeling love (in the gen'erarperhaps Chris- tian sense) in this debacle of sell-destruction. It is 8 return to Eden." "I have stopped laking drugs ••• Jt became too easy to 'groove' on Fountain ValU11 Police Chit/ Charles MicMtUI: "lt'1 com- mon knowlldgt that narcotfca are widtaprcad and U urtaitt.- ly would be to tvtf'V ~r1on'1 advantage to rt:ad a& much cs he can about tht: probltm. (This strie1 i.1) very inttrtst- ing ancf in/ormati~ and cer- lainly should btntfit tlit pttb· l ie.·• something •• wJtbout ever coming to terms with real problem1, without ever rully lhinklng. The borders ol Wualon and reality becamo hazy ••• " "I conRder ft now I pert. ol the growing ap procesa. It Wll an mll- wer. It no longer la.•.l mn still over- whelmed by the madness that is my country, but 1 must find another Wtt.y of coming to terms with tl" 1bese answers came from students asked, in an anonymous question- naire, why they had used or might still be using drup such as ·mari- juana and LSD. There are a host ol reasona why these and other drugs are ~dered appealing. P~ can benefit from knowing what these aUracUons are. A later story tells anot6er side of the coi~ human price that vari- ous drugs can collect. For Some unknown percentap' ol drug usen, "it is a way of hlttJnt back al perenta, to slJoct -· -en them up 1 bit,'' llft a Welt Coat college lludeiil "Taking drugs marb an alemal ftjecllcm of mid- dle class values and aoclety In .... era!. The 'beat _ _,. lrfed to shock tbe mldd1e cl111 with Its K'" tions and words. Now It js with drup:· A psychiatrist agrte1 that for some young people, including high schoolers. "it is run to see their par· ents grt pu~ on. \Yilh drugs. they have something with which kl get their parents cnrag~ end incensed. The kids can send their parents into 1pa!rr'.1. Taking drugs is ogr way of tweaking the old man's nose." 1 Some users slf thty find an occasional sUct of marijuana a pleasant way ar dealing with mild depressions, of winning britf relUJe 1rom demand' cl llChool work, or of combattiog feelinp of beln& bemmecl in or !rustrated. Marijuana, LSD and ot.ber dntp, UJera awrt. alao can oUtr escape from boredom, the complaint that "there ls nothing to do,'1 even in the mkllt ol plenty and a!Ducnct, or perhaps --of -with that am.-.. "The workl seem1 dull loll ol timel; we•n over titJllated." a student rtnllrtl.. Dr. Keniston, the Vala Pl)'d>oloslll, pull 11 another way -a -can (S.. DRUGS l'ASclNATE TEEN-AGERS, P ... J) •• ; talk WU anaJyud In a dJaloaue wlih the """"'-" to "pull apart .the ha~ lrutbs." He said be had approved the PRJP:am -by --Tom w~ !IL . \"J -do lt again,. aald bloJd, . who Is ,.,.imi, J1!!one calla from lffml ~ "1.lelt itflt'u a bl&bl1 val~e ---. •'l'bej (~)·hoar H "l''lelevlsion arid· Illa''~·~ tbey'lo DOI. pro'1ded ' ' a dlalogue wl rational, equipped ln- dlvlduali altuwani!. .. School boanl candldaie Esther Lock· way and ~ ,\rch Bay resident Nor- man And"*"1, Wl!UCcessflll~ln candkl.a&e for the board two ' o, Jlslened to a !aped-""'!)n!lng the speech Wednelday and conlemd Tbunlo!i olllciall. 'llils bAIL Y PILOT wrlter heanl the tape today as other perinta m doing. 0 0 ' • Here are some hl&hligbtl of Wat's talk: 1 alive. He said thrte ICbool tecUritY, "Orange County is perhaps C1011 of officers were used ror protection. the most bigoted, racist counties In the West described both tbe MlnuWmen country," aald West, ratlna It In the and John Blrcll Society u lyJ>'I .c top thrtt !or t1Jeoe chanctertaticl Ku Klus Klan organizations that .... "incl"'""" ,._ Sou" " they ant IOinll to keep their COllUllQld\1, -.. lolMI w1. and America Wy white." The speaker aaid he Wll on9 cl .. Jn aeveral placa ln the country, hi black !lud'"I& ol about 1,000 atudenll • aald, · "there are black klda wllllng to at Chapman and 1aald ·he was told no till everyone of you . • • people un black illlldenla' tl!ere would "' March (!lee BLACK TALK, Pap I) i"',, as U'IT ........ own Astronauts End 10-day Space Trip ABOARD THE USS GUADALCANAL (UPl)-Apollo 9'1 precision pilots rode a sheath of name to a safe, but wet splashdown today in a triumphant climax to 10 days in orbit lhat pu't Amerlcarw within !our months of waJtinc oo the moon. "Hello, Guadalc:a"*1. this Is Apollo I," radioed commander'Jtmt1 A. McDtvttt as be peeked thnlu&h a tiny window of the apice cspsulo at the flat -reciwerr ablf ataamtnc toward 1i1n1. "We Jm1 llW ""' out then. Yw Jooli pretty IOOCI.'' 14cDivlt~ David JI. l5catl and R-11 L. Scbwelcbrl flew hlator)''• third lonC-tat ipjole trip perfacf'1 and b""""t bicll four apoceOllhl recordl and Jmv.liecige t!Mll they cleared the .,., ror a lunar orblt .fllal>t In May and a moon landing in July. With home vlewers watching on live televi1lan, tilt spacemen dropped softly into a caJm sea of dull green at 1:01 1.m. PST. They landed about three miles from the recovery ship. Forty-eight minutes later, they were safely on the deck of the Guadalc:tMI in their ......,. helicopter. . GAS-MASKED WOMAN AVOIDS STENCH AS WHALE CARCASS LIF.TED OFF BAY AREA BEACH Thr_H DNd Wh•l•1 Wish AshQ.re Near S.n Frenci1co in W~i OU Slick Responaible? They had more tr«illle pWng Into !ht helicopter than they hod at any tflDO .... Ing -10 days Iii orllll Ono ., tllo plfota .... dragpd °""""' the rollllC Wlwle ·Washes Up Planners Like Sa:wdust's On Laguna Sand; Removal Friday Idea f 01· Canyon Layout A five ton, 15-foot dead black pilot whale washed up on a Soulh Laguna piivate beach at the end of 9lh Slreet early today. The dead mammal will remain on !be ....is1llllil mnoval el!orll get under ..., Frldly al higl>tide at 1:111 a.m. &ca.,. of the lnsccessabl!Uy of the bNCh ·to wheeled vehicles, ·the whale will be towed from ihe beach by an Orange Coonty Harbor Deportment boat to a more DJt:he.rn bu.ch where it will be picked up by a crane and placed on a flat-bed truck. Then the wba1e will be taken to a T...os Angeles fertUizer compa11y and disposed ol, said Lt. Robert Wohrman of the COunty Animal Control Depart· ment. The dead whale is believed to be • ,...,,. adull Mlack pilot whales ~ fairly common o!f the California coast and occasionally art found dead on tbe boachea, said Cali!ornla· Deparimenl of (!lee WHALE, Pqe I) The Sawdust Festival should rise again like a phoenix this summer to take its artistic perch a short way out Laguna Canyon Road from its big brother, the Festival of Arts. Laguna B<ech plamers liked lbe setup this Week when ICUlptor, Edmund Van Deusen gpread out the Sawdusters proo posed ~· layOut. Planners did think the signing a bit bOld and suggested to '(an Deusen that the siJn ordirianct be complied wtfb. He had shown them a sign 100-feet iong with letters three-feet high that span 75 feet. Stoel< /tlarl<O?ls NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market closed with a sharp loss today. The: trading pace slowed near the end . {See quotations, Pages 28-~). The Dow Jones JndUJtriaJ average at 1:30 p.m. wu oU I.Ill points at IOI.ff, Opera to.Ilse Bowl Van Deusen said exhlbiling artists last year went throuih a bad two or three weeks "because no one even knew where we were.'' Referring to the bamera last summer that had disturbed planners, he said, "that'• how we got our flutter. They ~·hang ,up one more pennant, one min thing." Van Deusen said the art group had hoped this year to atrlke ·its pennants in favor of 11one strong etatement" of the function, the algn saying "Sawdust Festival." City Planner Al Autry said the planning for the grounds design this year was "a better defined situation." Plans show· eel a perimeter of exhibitor booths around a triangular lot with working artists in the center. Plan1 included two rest.rooms and 28 parking spaces. . Planner• are e:1pected to give formal approval to the July ti tbrough Ang. 24 ort ahlbtt I( a later seuinll. Audition OK, Not Party The Lyric Opera Association ol Orange 1"?>11>\1' nol yet be Installed. Colny can audition in )nine IJo'!"I ''U tn o~r ·)Mls1nesi, board members : ion( as they doo't give a paity." ,.. ~!~·~n-estil)lOI• tbal pollc:,e and 1lie sUpulation came I/om Fesli.,I 9( • ftl't;~<i<\l•il'l\11..,•UOn wlll·cltm1>1tom Arts 0director Stuart Durket .at Vie MOflth' "$1 lb 'an1 ertb\'lated "119,000. "" ly meeting ol the board;· earlier this • -PP<O•ed ~ contrott wllh ]JllPl>O- week. ' teer Rene to •lli!IO "Mardi Grt> Ii> Min- . "La;! yw they sllPt>ed a~· ' In on u1 ~atul'O" <lltlng llio slt:~k Fiitlvll, and It llhut our operailooa " he,told • -Le~ !ffm P11..,i ol the M.ut. fellow boanl membera. Tbe •P-m prodilcer !Jjn,wtlliaWft that.l&,Do proved the April 11 and ID ..ntloo 1181110, fl"« ,._... 1bls tjeor wtn. be ail taneously stage the Ralslng of the Ftac on two Jim• on the lrvlne Bowr blllllde and stage. -Approved u" of the IJ'OUndo May 10 and' ti ror .., art eshlbltlon and aaJe no quest tel by Richard · Challll to r a l 1 e fundll ror Laguna Btacb flood Ylctiml. 1 -Turned clown a requoit from a thr ... climeNlon-1. poet card ~~ to 11tll1"1 1 P*1e1Dt'4R.lbject. after ~,It a aam--. ~·poll~. • • -APPIV4d ... ol.th.,~.1 ..... Jebovali'a :WtlnOoa ltetur• Oct. 10,.11: (See APOWI, Pap I) F estival-Qkays Record Budget A 1969 record budget ol 1362,741 - up modestly over tht prior year ...:. ha! been approved by the FestJvat of Ari& boanl. 11le •udget is up $11,2.11 over 1961 budgeUng of $351,512 when actual e1· pend)turea Wm!: $34:1,'lo.1. The ...., budget looked tike good new• for city collm with a projeded leaae rental payment to lbe city ..um.led 11 113,000. The city take•,.1711 pen:mt olf the top ol all P'..Uval revenues. -eome to 11$,740 tn 11111. 'lbe budget rdlecla a tllht..tlog up to aome areu and the ...-iocr911 in corb of penonnel, mStertals • n d suvlces. It Includes a II.DOii allocatlon far scholanllips. Orange Weatller We've had el>OUI)> ,ralll let a wbtle, so the .,~ ..,.. mlael fair Hiil da · alf"'°1 wanner ternper.-'lllr .J'rlday. 5uch as ~ 'W..pier on the coast, dJppfnc, In a low of 41. INSIDE TODA 'i' W carv !ilocada Ca" 11 o" flood refiigttl, gioing up tMtr own home.s a.i lo1i, nscued tM 1tcond taro"t nrrt <:rJ'''°' cot-ltttj01t in Amtrfto from o Tieiahbor'1 home. Paoc J 1. ''""" .. w.... . .,._ ... -" ,_ n =---& ............... . 1i11M1t1••1 I tMI -.... ..... call " -.. ----" ·-. ..... u-.. .. -"" n Mii.... .. .. ,....., ..... ........ '"" .. ....... cw.tr 11 srl'llt~ • .... , ...... ,,.It -.... llld: MlrWt .... -n -... -. --.. ---.. The 11oon1, bonter, ., •. , ....... t..-.n..w:= ""1 tbe; =~-n:~c.. ~~· ' =· :;~.*!' CIUM -ad l1lhdnt' • ;.o<.g..... .W. miu: L....----------' f 1 • z DAJLY PILOT L Viejo, Park Giv~ Heavy Tax Okay Mission Viejo and University Park voters solidly supported Tustin Union High School Dislrlct's successful 30-cent tax hike on Tuesday, but a majority of Laguna Hilts Leisure World voters voted against it. The vote in N.ission Viejo was 830 ln ravor and 354 against. The University Park margin of support was even greater -57? for and 100 opposed. Surprisingly, residenta of the Lt.isure World retirement community turned down the tax override -1,107 votes for, to 1,227 against. Just 11 months ago Leisure World residents voted better than 90 percent for a Sadd.leback Junior College bond issue. and last September approved a San Joaquin Elementary bond issue by better than 70 percent. There are at least three possible reasons why support might have Jagged th is time. Some people think Tustin Union 1-ligh officials didn't push as hard for Leisure \Vorld votes as did San Joaquin or Sad· dleback officials. Also, as shareholders in the corporation rather than property owners. Leisure World residents ~·ill not receive a stat.ewide $70 property tax rebate, so some residents might be down on tax measures. Finally, some retirement commw!lty residents ntight have been rubbed the wrong way by pogt.cards sent out by the district teachers association. The postcard asked them to vote for the 30-cent taz Increase prepared to approve another increase of 32 cents next fall. What.ever the reason, three of the rour in 50 precincts throughout the sprawling Tustin High School ' District where the override failed were in Leisure World. As a whole, voters in the San Joaquin elementary portion of the high school district voted 60 percent in favor. For the entire district, with the bulk of the voters in Tustin, the margin was 61 percent. From Page 1 APOLW ••. aea in a cage as he wu hoisted to the l1elicopter and another was soaked when a raft overturned next to ·me ablp. "I think this was the most succtasful flight we've had," Schweictart told the crew of the ship on the fli~ deck. "l haven't got my :i:ea lep or my land legs either," joked M~lvitt . The first things the' three pilots siw when they splashed dowil rigntside up, was a greeting in yellow tape 40 feet above on the helicopter. "Hello dere. Gumdrop." Gumdrop wa5 the nickname for the command ship dur- ing the mission. The mighty men and machines af Apollo 9 perfanned masterful tests during the mission that whirled them around the earth 151 times. Their main task was testing in flight the four-legged lunar lander that wlll drop two men four months front now to the sandy crust' of the moon's face, At the manned space center in Hou,s. ton, the head of the moonflight program, Lt. Gen. Samuel Phillips, said Apollo 9 was more successful than expected. But he sald Apollo 10 would not be scrapped In fa vor of an earlier moon landing. The flight ~'as just a sour stomach away f r o m flawlessness. R o o k i e Schweickart got sick twice-once in the mothership and once in the lunar lander. He recovered quickly and he and his chums settled inlo the sweet mission thal was America's last orbital flight before the nation's final space stalk or the moon. The astronauts brought back auto- graphed dollar bills validating four spaceflight records, and tne knowledge that their masterful tests of the U.S. mooo landing spacecraft cleared the way for a moon orbit flight in MJy and a landing in July. llfi.11 v 111101 OltAHOE tOAIT ,UllliHIHG (:°""ANY ••herf N. We•i 'rnltlttl! •1'111 l"ubll1I•" J,,. •· C11rl•y V+<• l"ra1"1\I .,,. O•M•e! ,,., ....... The••• IC .. vn .... Th•M•I A. M_1,hl11t MeMll,.. l1111et klc.h1ti P. Ni ll '•-' Niu •11 ... ..,,,. lffcf'I .......,,11119 tll'I' llllW OltfC'----2JI f•rett A••· M1Tn1t .Y41MU ,,Q, ... ,,,, tl,12 ---<( .. !• --.. , .. Wftl ll'V '""' "'....,' .. m~ nt1 w"' .. ltliH '°"111<t,.. 1'Wlll.,.... .. .,. ... Jlfl .,... $9.1 Mi llima ~ l LAGUNA rnEN cdRNEn ··· -Bill Would Give: I, l y TOM 6 C>aMAN . ' Saddlehack Aid. YOU'D SWEAR TIIE aound al bagpipes "a!I in the·alr! Well, they attn't, but ir you go to set "Brigadoon" ne.xt week you might think you hear lhem, lOO. The production, the first musical lo \\'in the New York Critics' Award, will be staged March 20, 21, and 22 at the Laguna Beach High School auditorium. 1 dropped by rehears.al& last night (and tbe cait of 80 has been preparing this play since December), and I was more impressed than · aft.er seeing Lhe hit "Mikado" ,last year. Samehow. band director Jack Kreftlng has captured the souiid of bagpipes in his 25-piece archestra. It's amazing, but then again the whole play is. The musical, set in Scottish llighlands '(and a bar 1n New York, which results in some of the most hilarious lines by Nick Enright), coet almost $2,000 to produce. The plot centers on Americans Tomn1y (John Chamberlin) and Jeff (Nick) who get lost while trom· ping around in Scotland. The two run into the mysUc village of Brigadoon, which has been preserved just as it was 200 years ago. Tommy falls in love with Fiona (Cindy Carter), but learns that he must give up everything to stay in the town. The plot thickens as the boys decide to return to New York. I'd say more, but then nobody would go to the play. And that would be curtains for me. Tickets can be picked up from any cut member (k llhouldn'I be too hard finding one) or at the Activities Office. Adult prices are S2; student.! are $1. Adults may buy a bloc of ten or more tickets for only $1.50 a piece. That means the Assistance League, Rotary Club, or some other organization can buy tickets for their members at a reduced price. It would probably be the best club function all year. There ~'ill be an added attraction to this year's play. The PTA will stage their own production -bar b q ham· burger dinners similar to the Football Feasts last fall. The delui:e meals will be served frcm 5:30 to a p.m. in the cafeteria. Even those who won't stay for the 1:30 ' OAllY PILOT Sled ,.,...,. BRIGADOON SCENE -Players John Chamberlin, Cindy Carter and Nick Enright (from left) rehearse scene from Laguna High prcr duction of "Brigadoon." perfonnances can fill their stomachs. Costs Is $1 .25 for adults, $1 for :students and 7$ cents for children under 12. But, naturally, we expect everyone to slay for the performance. It'll be the best dessert in town. THERE WILL BE another type cf production this weekend, with the beach as the setting. Students of the high school have volunteered to help clean up the rubbish-ridden strand, a result of the recent storms. Some of the clubs offering to help include the Progressive Education Club, Youth Council, Young Life, the student council, and Key Club. All teem are in· vited to s h o w up at the MaJn Beach at 9:45 o'clock Saturday morning, to be assigned a beach. That evening, the city will host a beach party for the volunteers, complete with food and drink. And there is one other production, very dramatic bcc:iusc it is th':? first of its kind in Or:-.. -:e County. Susan l\t.azze, a 17·year-0l:.I Santa Ana girl, will undergo a ki :;;:ey transplant in several months. The school and Y council are raising money for the $40,000 operation. To date, only $1.200 has been solicited. Hel p! Send contributions to Laguna Federal Savings, 222 Ocean Ave., immediately. By THOMAS l'ORTUNE Of fM Otltr Ptttt Stiff A bill hu been introduced into t h e. state Legialature that, Ii auccesaful. would produce .9.1 mllUon in state aid for Saddleback Junior College District during the next five years. the Joe.al tupayen' share or costs: would be reduced from $14 million to $4.9 million, a tremendous boon for their poclletbooks. . Presently, Saddleback receives no state aid because it is relatively rlch in asseued valuaUon per' student. But Slddlebacl< Supt• Fred H. Bl'llller nld lodoy tile dlatrlct ooly looks r I c b :Attacker of LB Officer's Wife Faces Mind Tes t A Ccsta ?ltesa man arrested after he allegedly ~dnaped and attacked a. Laguna Beach Policeman's wife was gent to lhe Department of Corrections today for what Supericr Court Judge Robert Gardner said was "prolonged study under a m1croacope. ,, Rejecting a plea for ltniency, Judge Gardner committed Marvin E. Alex· ander, 29, of 2700 Peterson Way, to an Indefinite tenn in the state facility with tl1e further comment that "we may have a time bomb on our hands. "This man has behaved in a bizarre and dangerous way," the judge said. "He has shown an amazing capacity for hysteria which l find hard to recon· cile In a man with no previous record and a good military record." Charges of kid nap against Alexander were dropped at his last court ap· pearance and he y.·as a!loY.'ed to plead guilty to one count of assault y,·ith a deadly weapon. Police arrested Alexander last Jan. I ' \.-. . on paper. The assessed valuation p e,t student is high, he explained, becauae this first year there area't very ma D'Y students. ' "Actually, tl'!e initlal ouUay to get .a new college off the drawing boards il staggering," he said. The legislation, introduced by State Senalor Do,,.Jd Grunaky (fl.Walson•lll<), would make funds a~allable to new jw). lor colleges establiahed after 1964. There are stz su~ In the atate. Three of th,.. -Saddleback, Butte and Sanla Clarita -did not receive. a share of the slatewlde junior college bond bsue ..,.. ed last June. •. \ The bill stipulall' lhat tile slalt would provide 85 percent of funds needed to es. tablish the permanent campuses. Th e remaining 35 percent is to come from local taxpayers. In Saddleback's case, the expected cost of construction and equipment purchase between 1970 and 1975 is $14 million. The district has $9.5 million of local money from a bond issue passed 1 a s t year to work with. The rest is anticipated to come from state aid as the district becomes less weanby under current state a.id formulas. But this first year, with a freshmllA only enrollment of just 1,200 students, the district has $28,284 in assessed valu- ation behind each student, more than triple the $8,425 state average for junior college districts. . . Bremer said he has heard from stat&' senators backing the bill "they believtt at UUs initial stage, it has a good chance of passing." Musicals Set By Op er a Group, But Not , Operas 4 and accused him of abducting ?11rs. The Lyric Opera Association of Orange Diane Carter, 26, from her home at County will present musicals this season. 533 Victoria St., Costa Mesa, to his own The matter came up Tuesday at a home. Officers said he attacked ?i.1rs. board meeting of the Festival of Arts Carter after dragging h~r into his as the directors discussed use of Irvine. residence. Bowl. Officers v:ho raced to the Alexander The board was told that Irvine Bowl From Pege J GI Club • L would be used by the association during ee Ill aguna home were held off for more than an Aug. 31 to Sepi. 16 for four productions •·ur at m•npo1"nt before the cook finally "" e-of "The Sound of Music." The Glee Club of Lewis and Clark Uni· surrendered. "That's a switch," said one director.- versity, Portland, Ore., will give a ccn· Tl y.·as said that Alexander struck ''No opera." ''They could go into the BLACK TALK DISTRESSE S • • you, if not you.~' West told the youngsters the only hope was to get kids like them to chan~e and not be like their parents. He said blacks and other minorities Y.'ere tired of being oppressed and denit!d their rights. Despite the desegregation law, said West, only eight or 10 percent ~! schools in the south are desegregated. My peo.o ple are very angry," he said. . . West said he opposed the war 1n Viet· nam, but is against viclence hue also. Criticiiing the U.S. moon program\ he said "it takes millions to send one back man to the University al Mississippi." We3t asked rhetarically, "what would they do if they got there (to the moon) Contract Given For Riversi de Free,vay Work Elin1ination of a major bottlene<'k .for mountain and desert bound motonsts 00 the Riverside Freeway, within a year, was announced by Sen. James E. Whet· more (R-Ful\erton) today. A $7,617,512 conlract was awarded to lhe Guy F. Atkinson Co., of Long Beach, to widen the four.lane highway to eight lanes, from the Orange County Une north to Corona. The project includes •.partially ne\f alignment and construction of a new connection with the west junction of the future Corona Freeway, Whet more f.aid in Sacramento. He said also Uiat a project is under way to install guard rail around bridge aP" proaches, overhead piers, abutments, Eiigns and large trees on four Or~nge County traffic arteries . The salety measures will be applied to sectio~ af the Newport Freeway, Garden Grove Freeway, Laguna Freeway and the Riverside Freeway . From Page J OIL SLICK •.. a San Francisco scientist'• diagnosis at an oil~aused death of another whale Mar San Francisco are raising fears of a "major catastrophe:" to marine life ca.used by the oil &lick off ,Santa Barbara. Dr. Robert Orr, a whale eipert with the California Acadt'my of Science, said he found patches of oil Inside a dead young gray whale. He also cited two Mher dead whales lo wash up on CaUfomia shorts within one wttk. Jte said that a1nce diBCOvery of whale carcasset 1• "t'xtremely rare, it teems slgnlficant that three (now four) dead whales have been found just now when the gray whales are bti1nn1ng thtlr migration nonh through th< oil 1llct at Santa Barbilra." ' cert at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Community Mrs. Carter, the wife of Laguna Beach black." said Mayor Glenn Vedder. and found nothing but black people?" Presbyterian Church, 415 Forest Ave., police officer Kenneth Carte r, \'>'ith the r.1rs. Velma Sun, ezecutive director of Students laughed. L.aguna Beach. The group will perform barrel of his g1p1 :ind :1Jso assaulted the opera groap, later confinned tht "My people will tear this country up eight-part music in Latin, Spanish, a neighbor \1·iJ'l h;;d b-:.t>1 ~tayin:; \'."ith fact that the association y,·ill present no Jn the next ten years if there is not French and English. the officer's \vife. major opera this season. great change," he said, He said he '-======'====================o....--===='~;..;_--'----------i is not a Con1munist and hated Com· ll munlsm. Wert said Mexlcan·American farmers make about $1,2tl0 yearly and said, "some of your parents probably make $1,200 a month." He spoke of 2,000 black babies dying of rat bites. Commenting that he had spent about lour days with Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver, West said their messages are the same except Cleaver uses "profanity, filthy talk." West did not. The message, he said. was "young white America. help us change this coun- try, or we will destroy it ••• we don 't want to destroy it." He spoke of Mississippi Negroes work· ing ten hour days for $J a day. He called it slavery with a few fringe benefits, "cigarette money." Teacher Warren called the program an "exercise in interpretations. points of vie\v, n1odes of thinking, emotional lhinking.'' He said the quest for knowledge "" issues of equality "somehow has to ac· commoclate all viewpoints to get at elusive troth." Asked about a speaker of the establish· ment viewpoint for balance, Warren said, "everything around us is an oppo6ite point of view ••• an institutionalized poin t of view." He said the group discussion after the talks (groups of about 15) "showed .insight and tb.inking at a much deeper level lhan has ever taken place.'' He said the students y.·ere stimulated to think. "I feel some of the students apened up for the first lin1e in thf'ir lives," said \\!arren. He said he had not intended to rock the boat, but felt the progr::irn served lhe interests of humanity. Fron• Poge 1 WHALE ... Fish and Game biologist Leo Pinkas. Pinkas said his department had not detennined the cause of the whale's death and did not intend to. There were no ezternal inJ,uries observ· ed to tlle animal, howev-er, a third of the whale was hidden in the And. No evidence af oil was seen at the beach or on the whale. Because or the pilot's high intel\\gencc. and friendly Qisposition, the sea-going mam1nals have been made performers at Afarineland and Sea \\'orld. The wide·ranging 'animal travt"ls from Alaska to South An1erica during il3 year· ly migration. Animal Control U. \Vohrman said that althouah the whale may appear to be 11leek, the strearnllned fonn hides the weight of the animals. "We figure that they wejgh about 1,000 pound• per foot,'' he aald. . Pilot whales may grow to a kngt.h of 22 feel, however, II fl<I 11 tile usual !ft.t . I .. al fi. J. (l ' ~{!J'; ~-tt .1 SALE CONTINUES OUR ONCE· A· YEAR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE • CHAIRS TABLES 8 DESKS 8 8 SOFAS BEDROOM • PIECES 8 LAMPS DRE'SSERS e PICTURES DINING ROOM PIECES • • HEADBOARDS MIRRORS • • • SCREENS NITE TABLES • BOOK CASES DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMP LES & ODDS AN D ENDS H.J.GARRETf fURNr[URE ,_OFlSSlotW: fNTUJOl DBfCNRS °"" ......... M._ n11 HARi~ ILVD. COSTA MESA. CALIF. -~'' . ~17• .:'•' DRUGS F.ASCINATE TEEN-AGERS F rona Page l become ''psychologically numb," over .. whe!nied by all the lthnuli and - 1ures around him, the demands on his attention. lie pull up a screen to ignore It Ill. But this sell-erected screen "may become so dense that It Isolates him as well from direct expejience with tfie simple, the beautiful, the Wlexpected in the world around him," says Dr. Helen Nowlis, University of Rochester psychologist. "The preoccupation of some of the dropoots with flowers, sunsets, folk songs, togetherness, and meditation is not without significance, nor is the preoo- cupaµ~ of others with a din of their orjln making," she 1aya. "There is more than one way to abut out the world." From questioning youths, Dr. Mitchell ~ter ci the National Ins.itute of Mental Health atimatu thal about one-third Of those who use drugs experiment With ~ for tick.s, apother third out of curiosity, and one-third because they seek or hope for insights into themselves1 or to feel or be more creative. Many young people feel that modern life is not offering them many options, or that they have to choose life careers Coo soon, says Dr. Leonard S. Zegans, Yale psychiatrist. "With drugs, they can try thinking and feeling in different ways ••• Drugs represent a breakdown in oc wilhdrawal from society's compeUtive emphasis. You just can't compete in the drug state." This generation "as the first truly affluent gene.raUon ts beginning to uk what lies beyond nunduoe, beginrting to &earch for a &ltlnttloo fL the Good Life that transcends two can in the 1arage, a respectable job, and a good health and penalon plan/' Dr. Keniston remarks. some of them become more in· IT06jl0cllve, probing thelr own lnntr worlds. Drugi thut offer them one abip for the uncertain voyage. A majority o! marijuana orus Bay they find it saUs.fying, rtlulng, or that their experiences with it are intere!Ung or illuminaUng. Some youths compare marijuana with their own parents' drink· ing of bootleg whisky during Prohibilion. Marijuana proponents say it is safe, and it may be so for most, on the basis of their own personal experiences to date. Students who know that friends are smoking marijuana and haven't flip- ped out or are still making good grades may be tempted to try it themselves. Opinions vary as t o what effect.a hallucinogenic drugs have on se.1ual response. Jn general, it appears that these drugs "do not seem to either stimulate or diminish RXUal drive," 1ay1 one medical report. . The appeal of LSD, say varlOUI users, ts that it brings a much more heig.btened it distorted perception, one that promises deeper insights into the mr world o! I~ and co~-Some call II •lnstant anal~~ ~f Cloe'* ieli, ir "in."itant paradise." · • ' LSD, some claim, can make a peraon'1 point of view seem truer, more relL Peace and Love limply become true. On good trips, they say, 1here la often the sensation of understanding one's self better, of seeing behind the J>Ol!llurlng of socl.ety or a person's own polturfn&, of feeling "at one with Nature." The appeal of amphetamines and barbiturates Ls simpler and more direct -to become lltimulated or &o become calmed down, ~ to awing from utremer _ by using both kinds ol drugs, or sometimes just to experience a dream world. • ¥er the underprivileged especially, the hard drugs llkf: heroin becortie a means of blotting out emotional pain when there is DO place to go: • · -' (Tomorrow: How to WU a d111g usei'.J .Send ti '9 "tlrw hokltt, Ortfllf tOHt Dal"' .. 11111, P.O. &ox S. TH!Mdl, N.J, 016".'' ,.,...., dltdlf HY•bll tll AuoclaNd l'!Uf. Bwllllh Wiii ~ rn•lltoil dlrtctl'f to rucl•ni Wl'IO •IKI their .... d.,-1 th!t w.., •M wUI M returnlll In .i11n '"' ....... Border Patrol Jails Six In Marijuana Smuggling Sil men including me from orange are jalled today, alter a U.S. Border Patrol P.tane chased a hotrod aircraft crammed with 800 pounds of. smuggled Mexican marijuana throo&b desert sties ovtr Imperial Coonty. · · One of the arresttes was picked -up at an airstrip out.side lndio after his buddy suddenly . took orr, leaving him stranded, as Border Palrol officers rolled up in squad cars. 'Robert L. Brooks, 26, of Orange. and Paul A. Van Rluaen, 26, of Santa Monica, will be arraigned today in Sacramento on federal s m u cg 11 n I charges, aJoo1 with four other unidm- Ufled men. Heney C. F'1chlln, chief border paltOI Inspector In El Centro, dllc!Med delallJ .i u.. blwn a<r1aJ and around c:hue which occurred Monday, lilttt the four aldlUonal armt.s. -Patrol pilot John J, Ev.,,,.u.t bqan to crack the case Monday when 1" tpOUed a pl1ne 11peeding low over ti.. desert near the Me.tican Bonier •nd began • purlllil . Tbe faater aircraft eluded Evangelist'• llcrder Patrol plane, but the mlr'kings were ~arefully noted, broadCQt. and, a !!dmllar one l•nded shortly thereafter Nixon Sends Pra~s WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nl1on sent his oongratula.Uons to t.he ~lo 9 •-ub shortly alter thelr opluhdown Thund1y, ~ them !or .. , .. dlys that thrilled the -kl!' at Bermuda Dunes, near Palm Sprinp. Rolling up to the rural aJrporl, patrolmen .... the plane roar off again, leaving Brooks, who llid alter his amst that the Bpeedy aircrall carried up to 1,200 pounds of marijuana as cargo. Fanning out over the remote territory, investigators checked an abandoned military airstrip between Blythe and Indio. di.!Covering $400,000 worth of the grass dumped }n some bushtl. Felchlin estimated the total contraband recovered at that point to be about 792 pounds, but It was not known whether this wu the entire marijuana cargo. A plane mat.chin& closely the dtscrll"" lion of the smuggler aircraft landed shortly In Palm Springs and the pilot, Van Riuse:n, wu taken lnto c:ustody. Inveillgator1 queaUonJna: Lbe mm widened thelr hunt to Nortbem Cllllomla and the lour addlUonal lllspecll ....., picked up Jn Sacramento, whlre the cargo was tvidatly to be sold. Apollo Flight Boosts Space Hours lo 3,417 SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - The flight of ,Apollo I, checking the lunar landing craft out with men In gpoce IOI' the fint l!ll)(!, added ~ houn to the alrtady lmprtlllve man-hours in SJMtCt for the Unlttd Stat.es. With the iuccetll\JI spluhdown o! Apollo t in lhe AUantlc Octon today, U.S. astronaut.a bad rolled up 3,t17 houri In lpllce. ' ' (l) DAILYl'ILIJ J Saigon .Population Hold Slips Communist Offensive Costs Allied Control on 350,000 ~GON (UPI) , -The govmmt•nl ill;Sauth Vletoam Iott control ol l!0,000 -la• rural ., ... during the first D~ days . al· lbe lf.dq-old COmmunlst °'!'!"!'•· U.S. llllloloo """""' lild t .. clli. Ml lbe llnl two .weeb al the ot!tnllw COii.' more AnierJc4n, caulUes than lbe llnt two weea al the Tel all ... (J( 1111. 'A .lural paclllcJUoo ' )>rOCram survey al lbe olld al 1'ebnlary lhowecl lh1l 1~t ~ over the populaUon la the nal!O!l'a bamleta dropped from II.I to ll.4 peretnt -which meant thal ll0,000 pwantl (J( Iha COW!try'& 10 m.lllioa penou no longer are UvinJ: 1n relaUvely ltCUl'e areu. . llle loss (J( cootrol empllaslUMI Iha ICOpl of tbe Coriumm1st offensive which Vlei eai, and NCl'lh Vletnameso Sirhan Hatred ' Of 'Father Twd ' " ToRFK' Slaying I.OS ANGELES (AP) -Slrbm Blaliara Slrhln'a batred al h1B father led him "'in a psychotic, insane state of mind'' to aaawlnate Sen. Robert F, Kennedy, aays 1 poychologlst. The tflllni wu for Sirhan a com~ prom!Be, Dr. Martin Schorr told the jury trying the H-year .. ld Jonlanlan fOr" murder. "'He .f'lnds a symbolic replica or his lather Jn the form ol Kennedy, kills him and alao regalnl the relaUonship that otands between him and his most ~ous possession-his mother's love," the psychologiBI Bald Wednesday In hi> third day as a defense witness. In her second row seat Sirhan's mother Mary 56, munnured "I don't like this." The jury heard for the first time Sirhan's vok:e ·on tape rte0nlings made within a half hour of Kennedy's shooting early June 5 of last year. ' del•galet to the peace lalu In Paris ha .. ......i -Id be llepped up unW the last American has been driven from VJetnam toll. • . Allh911p ·the C9mmun!Jtl Jiav1 · not a.,,.i .., major vlctorlet IUCb aa thelr · tapturi of Bue bi 'th• iMI Tit olftnslve, .thel\' currut dflve'ls espeded ,to cut fUrthtt lnlO the at<U cootrolled bJ Iha a:ovtrnDl.ent. No fl.gtau wert available yet. . . The government'• control Over the en-- tire populaUon, includlni the towns and clUe.s, wu esUmated at al.S percenL This WIS • record high but the 1.1 percent increase over January wu the amaUeat ga.ln reglrtered since the government's accelerated pacification campaign got under way. The figure would be upected to drop when fiDJ.I returnt are ln. Comm1D1lst loeaea for the opening II days of the now J~ay-old offensive have been Ugbler than during the first two weeks of Tel -101876 lhlll time compared with 29,221 1U=WU dead In Tel. The figureo eppeared Jn the weelllJ' U.S. cuually report whlch showed a drop-off in tasualUes on both slda tut week from loues that hit a 10.montb high ln the openln1 week of the offensive. Communilt 11.lflDUS meantime stepped up their rocket and mortar attackl overnight, hittlng about '1 taraets 1D the m.,t nlgbUy altlckl In three days. The weekly casualty report d1scloled thal 789 Gls were killed ud <,217 '!OUJld. ed In the flnl two weeks ol Iha current offensive, compored with Ill kJl!ed and 1:-1:-1:-1:-. 1:-. 1:- Cong W arj Against U.S. Retaliation for Offensive . PARIS (UPI) -The. Paril pea~ talks brought to former Pre.sident Lyndon B. ~oundered today through lllOther day Johnson. ol "no 10lid negotiations , •• no pro-U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge gress." The Viet Cong warned agalnst u.ld after the aeulon "There have bten allied retaliation for the current Com-no solid negotiations and, in that teMe, mur.ist offensive and Saigon said "We no progress." But he said he sWl felt cannot stand Jdly by." there is "value" to the meet.fngs. The session lasted jll!l over lour hours, Tran Buu Klem, the chief Vlei Cong one ot the lhortest yet, though South delegate to the talks, vowed to newsmen Vietnam did not cut Bbort the meeting ., be left the meellng In the Majeati<: in anger as it did last week. But they Hotel "We will continue our war agalut the aggressors." He was joined by Hanoi agreed to meet again next Thursday delegate Xuan Thuy who said if there and diplomatic observen called this a is no progress it is the fault ot the good thing. United states. For the thi rd consecutive week there 1'lf the U.S. administration commits v.·ere attacks on President Nixon and new adventurous acts of war under the the Hanoi representatives told him to pretext of an 'appropriate response' to look at history and see "the ignomlnlous , the recent attack• . • , It will bear failure" the bombing d. ~ Vietnam full reaponslblllty for the consequences." C,2$1 WOOllded la Ibo llnt tn - ol Tel The ADles art k1111ng -C.. mun!Jtl for each Allled IOldler daJa thl1 time, compared with • 1- nllo during the Tel ol!emlw, ......... to the weekly report. Jn Saigon, the Vlei eai,5 terror compalp lppartnUy to "'soften up" the capital for a allack eapecled nm week 11CC<in11nJ to U.S. lnteWgence. In one incident, a Vleta1m 111 plalnclotbel polic<man WU critlcally wouoded in a booby trap blut M he tried to rip down • Communllt n., from lhe ledge_ ol a downtown bUilcUDI. Twq other peraolll .... WllllOill4 lo the bWt. Bucher Blamea Navy for Capture Of USS Pueb'lo CORONADO (UPI) -cmdr. u.,d M. Jluche' blamed the U.S. N•'1 !Oday 10< ,Inadequately -Wnr Iha llllS Pueblo and· uld be did not baft lbe power to rellsl lta aelJure "" lbe llCl'lh Koream. The Hipper ol the W~tled espkmp abJp made a final pie.a to lbe ftff.eclminJ Navy court o! inquiry wblch could..._. mm!• court mania! UH declda- sbould bay• put up • 1111>1 « lrlld longer to defy Commwitat 11111bolll IMI JlllUalY. Bucher was sharply critical • f lllperiora in the Navy for provldlnc onl1 • "jury rigged" demuct llJ'llem to pl rid o! aecret papers. Ht aald ...., of h1B auggesUons fot oullltllq lbe - bad been dlsregenled. Tbe commander Aid tt wu hll GPlnlae tho! artlcl" IV and V al the Military Code o! Cooduct Bhauld be mtenl because 11they are difficult to nconc1ll when threata are lnvolved." THIS THURSDAY (MARCH 13), FRIDAY (MARCH 14) AND SAT· URDAY lMARCH15) 25GROOVY DUNE BUGGIES ON DISPLAY ' VALUED AT $100.000. FEATURING HILL HOPPERS. CLAIM JUMPERS, SHOW,CARS AND RACING BUGGIES. ALL STORES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING. 51 FINE I TOREI llld IEIYIC!B JP• FASHIONJ ISLAND XllWl'OBT OllllTlla ... Cllllt....., __ f •• , .... ,, "ialw ........... _,. •• r 4 Mil Y 'PILOT ''*"".., IJf .. 0t11r ,, ... stlfn Tom Spencer, l!O. complained ln London court that because of an auto accident three years ago, he bad to give up golf and joggll\g. "I get short of breath now," be told the court. • '.Adult education is great -but this sign. in the lobby of Manhattan's Biltmore Hotel tOOI a traffic atoppt'!r even for the ·mo&t adamant education supporter. The seminar turned out to be one on. .bank ,.obbtrv preve,ntion being taughl to bonk .,cuiity offfc. in.• • ------... --- • Seeking Law11er Ray Consi aer~ing ' Appeal of Term? NASJMLLE, Tenn. (UPI) -James Earl Ray, regretlul that he pleaded guilty lo kllling Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ls conaiderlng trying lo overturn hla 99-year prison sent.nee, the Nashville Teonessean 'repotted in a copyrtghl<d •locy loday. The newspaper, quoting prison !Ources, 8lld Ray already has lnquir<d about bow lo oblabt a lawyer. Ray entered the gullty plea tn Memphis Monday' Jn the slayinl of the civil rlghia leadU and was tramfemd to the lltate prholi early Tuesday. 'll!O 1'ennwtan quotes prJaon llOllfCel and oJhers wbo have talked to Riy since he was aen- tenced. "When 1 went to court "Monday I was convinced U I didn't plead guilty I was going to the electric chair. I wish lhe hell I hadn't ·now because with what they had on me I believe the worst I'd gotten would have been lHe," .a prison source quoted Ray as saying. The newspaper said Highway Patrol Capt. Richard Dawson, who accompanied Ray from Memphis, also said Ray made inquiries about an attorney during the trip. The newspaper quoted one source as saying Ray remarked, "To get to federal court you've got to come up with a mistake made before your trial" The source said Ray did not elaborate. "My atlorney and my brother told me about sb: wee.kl ago that the be.st thing for me lo do was lo 'plead gul1Jy if we couJd wort out ·a deal to teep me out of the chalr. 'Ibey told me they thought Ibis could be done,'' a prison source quoted Ray as saying • "I w.S thlnkJns about' Ii · llld every day they lhoolh~ I Would pltad guilty. ·Last week I' Jost told them U "they thought tills WU' best and what I ought to do, then I w.Wd pleall guilty." * * * Senator Asks King Slaying Jn vestigation WASHINGTON· (UPI) -Sen. James 0. Easlland, (!>-Ml!!.,), chairman of the Senate Internal liecuri!Y Sub- commlttee, said Wednesday he was launching an investiption into tbe assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "I have doubts that this killing was the work of one man," Eastland said in a statement. . " '-- "The obvious question jg -were there Communjst.! jnvolved?" Eastland asked. The Justice Department confirmed thi! week it3 investigaUon of a conspiracy in the King slaying jg still open. James Earl Ray be~ serving a 99-- year sentence Tuesday after plea~g guitty lo King'• murder. J;:..Uand 118ld Ray bad indlcaf,ed ·there was a CQRSpiraey with a "blood Latin" man who provided the assallin with funds. -------~··..---.... - . . ' JOAN KENNEDY RAISES HEt;.LINE, EYEBROWS · S~•for's Wife Greets President •ncl M,rs.. Nixon In Minidress -~--.·~ ? " • • • • .... , - At White Bolde Joan Kennedy Creat«i8 Stir · In Minidress 'r::: t4 F-1\IJre. Strrlees 'l\'ASlllNGll'ON "-Sen. F.dward Id. Kainedy'a lovely wife, Joan, wu quite a aensat.IOn when she showed up 'at Ibo Wblie<ilooioe JD a JlllWiDf &Iver, iil-lncll<o4'>ovt·tilo1me< ...... ''It halill1 coven the subJ«:t," qu)pped one senaki u "lhe ~lmldl! Mr& Kennedy moved down a receiv1ng line Tu~y nigbt at the secood ol lbree """ptl<!ns foi: meml\erS ol 'Congresl and thliir spousu. 0-Although her dr""' dllw·loiig admirlpg loob .from many oilier lawmlkers. Mff. Kennedy's attire ,wu notl -.S--bil:a bit aniong· thelr "wlVA All bill a· few of tile women wore the long 19wns Mn. Nixoo bad .suggested. · 1be Fi.rat Lady 'herself had oo a rose red. embroldmd lace IOWll reac)ling to her ankles. . Mr11. Kennldy told newsmen-a .. litUe dressmaker" in Washington made her ....cutfit. M rs. Nixon designed )l et gown and had it made by a ·New York dressmaker. While other people tklked about his wile's miniskirt, Kennedy chatted at length with Nixon, a man some say he may someday run against for tbe presidency. · Meanwhile, anQlher one-time presiden- tial hopeful, Sen. Eugene J. ~arthy (D-Minn.), wandered upstairs for a tour cf the Nixon family quarters. ·pausing in ·the Queen's fi.oom, a pretty guest suite, he commented : "ll I had seen that room -I would have. worked harder." Israeli· Egyptian Battles Renewed Ruth Calms was fined $12 in Havant England magistrate's court f~r allegedly hitting a bus driver who had not stopped for her after she had waited 20 minutes for his bus. Mrs. Cairns said she took a train to overtake the bus :seven miles furthe r down its route. .Two Embattled Schools All L . S . . Sh" Ordered Reo ened in LA ost on oviet ip By United Press lnternatioaaJ New artillery duels broke out today between Israeli and Egyptian fcrces across the Suez Canal, the fourth mator outbreak since Saturday. • p PORTSMOUTH, Va. (UPI) -The U.S. was believed hit by the 693-foot tanker coast Guard reported today that a Soviet-Esso Honduras $0J?le 31 miles offshore A military spokesman in Jerusalem· said intennittent artillery fire continued along the length of the C<lnal an hour after Egyptian soldiers opened fire on "routine" J5raeli activity on the east bank. Gov. Robert D. Ray of Iowa has given a lZ.pound pregnant arma· dillo to the Des Moines children's zoo. Ray r eceived the annadillo from the Texas delega1ion to a bowling tournament ln Cedar Rapids. The animal was let out of its cage and taken on a tour of one of the governor's carpeted offices. "My wife sort of thought the ~­ er we got rid of It the better," l\$Y said. • Universitv of New Mexico Of• fici.als have run into a snag with the campui coeds. The As- sociated Women Student! have sent letters to variou.s campu.s officio.ls protesting the condi· tion of furniture in the school's classrooms and dorms. The co- eds claim Ute furniture is jag- ged and rough and causes runs in their hosiery. Th~ AWS has estimated it costs about $448,· 000 a vear to ktep the 7,000 co- eds in new hose. • Bob Nurse, the royal society for the prevention of cruelty to ani· mals stray cat catcher, was hav· ing a terrible time. He knew there were stray cats around the Chest Hospital at Lenham, England, but they somehow managed to avoid his traps. Finally be discovered the answer -litUe old ladies. The litUe old ladies, patients at the hospital. had been keeping watch oo his traps and setting free any cats that they caughL WS ANGELES (AP) -Authorities cautiously ordered two strife-tom Negro schoola re-opened today in the wake of three days of widespread student violence and walkouts. Principals were authorized to suspend or recommend e :r p u I g 1 o n af troublemakers -although noostudent "revolutionaries" along with students were blamed by autborlUes. .. ~Healy, the Southern California COminunlal Party 0 dlalrman, "Piled lo a claim by .,POUce Chief Tom Reddin that Communists and "other militant groups" are particlpating. "Of course Communist youth are participating in the strikes,'' sbe said. ''Wherever t b ere are movements of social protest Commmlist.s are going to Ex-LBJ Science Adviser Urges Against Sentinel WASJilNGTON (UPI) -Dr. Donald F. Hornig, White House science adviser in the Johnsen adminlstrat.ion, today urg4 ed President NiJ;on not to go ahead with deployment of the Sentinel an- tiballistic missile (ABM) system. Homig's opposition came in a telegram made public by a Senate Foreign Rela· lions Subcommittee shortly before Nixon conferred at the White House with Defense Secretary Melvin R. 1,alnl. The President ls expected to announce h I s decision on the ABM at a news con- ference Friday. Hornig waa the th1rd former presiden- tial sclence adviser to deClare publicly t h a I the deployment of I b e Sentinel def..,. would Impair naUooal 1ecurlty. be participating." Reddin told a news conference Wed~ nesday a police-district attorney's task force ia gathering evidence that a ••criminal conspiracy" h at the bottom ol the dlsruptlotU. Reddin aaid that members of the Black Students Union and Students for a Democratic Society are among the con- spirators along with Communists. He aaid t•<revolutionarles'' art teeplng the violence alive. , · Most acbools held classes Wednesday despite d.imtplion and a spokesman for the City Board of Education said Carver Junior High -where the trouble starteJ -and Jeflerion High would be open today for the first time since Monday. The spokemlan · :said "things seem to be moving in the direction of setUinr ·down." Laird Presents Views to Nixon WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary Of Defense Melvin R. Laird. home from a week's tour of Vietnam, presented Prl!B4 Jdent Nixon today wJth an inch-thick doc- ument ot his views .and recommendations on the future ct the war. Laird, who returned here late Wednes- day, arrived at the White House shortly before 11 a.m., and discussed his t r i p with Nixon in front of a fireplace in the President's Oval Office. Before them was the thick bundle of papers that Nixon said was "a report on the secretary's observations on Vietnam and his recommendations on the future course in Vietnam." Laird declined lo brief newsmen meef. Ing his plane on one of the mlaslons that took him lo lhe war zone and said he had nached no cooclulion about a secaod. U.S. Low of -16 at Laramie FrigiJ. Weather From Rockies to A ppcilac hia1is Callfornl• ConsldtrtbH! cioucllllftl wl!tl 1(11-,.,t'd l'\O"Mlfl "Ytred Soul!\.,,, C.lifor• ,,;, lod•Y-G1111Y winds 111o 1111 ,,,. •rt•. Cooler femper11u~1 1nd •vs!y w!rodt a t time. W•t '"-Plllfrn In l ot A...elts trod vkJ,.,!ty, b\11 11ttre11t,,. CIO\ICll Ind , •••mer ~"''"''" we._ e~ld Frklllv. 'TodtV't lllth ~*" ~.-c:fl ,_. 11'1d ~ low fotll!IM WI" tis -G. llHd'!el _.. doudy Wlfl> -)("""""' tMrotrY ....... 1 ... ""' -tot. ............ ('°""" ""'"' te.""'9d .._. .... .... • f..-t11u1• '"".... llllfftlttld the~Hltl! ~ _. '""" ............. Iii.ti dtWfl "' ,...,. " Ill tht ...,. "Ii.on.. MIM!fll,,. -.. douofy wrtlfrl ..,... ~ .... . ,... ~'°'"""' ._.. _. brl.t'IY "-w •I tlfl'lft Wllfl .... lll!lhl *"' Thi .,,.,.. JOI, TM Air ~ollvf• tel'ltnll Dl1trJd ~"' tmol. SotM Mllllt WHM$d.., ...., flortust _......_ to.111 lf>Cflldt: l-... (II O<l1, hftll Mankl l$-S6, llurtMM 51· ».. Mt. Wtlsolt ...,... P11mf111t ,, .. , •iwnldt »-11, B1t.1r1llitld •1-u, $.trt er-,.,__,., s.iin1,. B"•"-•• '°""· I.OS ANGELES ANO VICINITV- '•lr fofllthf erlll Frld1y, Sllfltlly l""I· •r Wlltt IDw fol'llyh! 4J, A llf!lt w1r..,.r l'rWav W!ltl llt•ll '°· CM<w:t qr tl ill •• llltt'Ctflf lollltlll •l'ld l'r!Olv. CO...STAl ANO INTElllME OtATE VAl~EYl -t-leYf'! ea low 11 ,,,. Nitlt. ''"''"' tO!llt!lt ..... ..,.,11 ... flit l'rldlly. (ool .. IOl'llfhl. lowl l.- 11"'11 -tl'I' Jll IO .0, SllslllfJ .... nntf F"*' ,.t1l'I flfltl1 ft 10 A MOIJH'TAIH AlllEAl -~f'1 lo- U ll\' /MllllrJi. lo hffV't' toulfltlrll ,,,...... °"41111 <lffrl,,. lonltril 111d "'9111r telr ,.ridtv. Coletf let1iltlt. l lllfllltl WfflNr ,.rw.y. IHTlatoa AHO DESEaT lllCIONS -41'""""'9 dlultl,... •1111 te.11 ...... .......... llMI ft ,.....,..,_, .. rl<r ..._,, Gttowel C*rlM .. It lalllfll ,...,-,_"' ... ,,,...,._ I ' tfi 1flATMll tOTOU.$1® co .. ta I Cloud¥ Wld cwlfr 1*'9 1119 tHll fod1y Wllfrl -lblll1V el r1ln 111 fl'll .-1 ... llovl1. Wll'ld• "'"t......-i"""'9hlt'-o I~. 11 to 1J kllob. TldlY'I hltll. N lo ... Yl'l,..,lllY'I t.mHl"llllrn r 111 ti•• '"""' • "''" .. ,. to • low 1111 •• llllltlW fl:rl'i111:r11~,. •-"''' 5f i. G. The ..... tfmMllh.I .. -..... ,..... S1111, Moon, TNle• f1tUUDAl' ~ h\fh .............. 1:1> '·"" >-• .-.. low ;.. ..11 :Jt '·""' 2.2 PllCMT Fl<'(f tilt!\ ............... f :•I I.II'\, J,1 flint low ................ l :Gt ''"" 1,1 ~ """ .............. 1:>1 '·"" 1.1 M.-.... ,,,4 1,rn. WI 1 rlS •.m. ""' ·-l t07 '·"" ..,. J:# II."'- ...... l'lrtl t . Mir. It Mi r, H ... A••· 1 Lett •. "" . V.S. S1unmar11 A lthl MllOl'I l'Old INJ CO...!lnvtd NI Urtlcl llVff ""°'' 1111 tl\I C0\1,,1,., '"°"' lflt lllod;lw l'O !flt Alll,,tlc Hlbot•• -·· Tl\9 trlt14 w11tto.r ""''' I CatmJllftlfod ll'f lltlll ,,_ ll'MI int fl:Ocltla Kr•t lflf -Mldwttl .. lflt '*"""rn APHlldlt. ... A cool '11111 flH owr ,IDrlltJ. T"9 Nll011'1 ll!tll ~ralllrt WM- ftftlll'I' wet 1S 11 .._......, Tu. TM e..mttM low Wit 1• 11191D• ,_ If l.tf.,,., WYtl<. Alflltvllll .......... -11111'11 (If .... ""*'4 "'"' .,., ..... ~,.., ,.,. Mllllflfrll lft,_,, "'-,.llfldt to Arl- a'Olll. ,...,.111.rtft IWMll!ef •Iii ... .,.._,,.. ... Slllft _.. Cltlt -~ _....,. llld ~h-11 °'"' ''-IM INI ftOlll flll klWlf .MkfliMt -· "" Ofli. V•I• i. ~ C.ronn.1 IM 0-.11, ( Tempera tures AlbulWll,...llt All(hor ... " Alllnl• .. " 91kff'1fl11d " .. 8 IMT11rcit " " ""'" .. " ...... .. .. "-" " Cllld-n " " c ...... " " ....... ,. • ... _ " " ...... • " ...... .. " .......... .. .. ,_ .. • ...... " . .. -· • ., -" .. ,._,,..., Cltr q " t.."V"" .. .. lCI Aflt•lel " ... Ml111'\l lffdl .. " Mllw111k" » " Ml-tDOllt ,. " N1w Oriti/If ~ ,. Ntw Vorti: .. " 0.kltNI " " .... .. " " "•to ltobln n .. 1>1111-C'fi.tll• " .. ..._. " .. ~ltttll\lrt" " " ..... , ... " ,. ft1Pld CllY " " ltld llvff .. .. ·-.. " ... ~. " " St, l 11111t " " .. ,_ .. " S.lt like CllY .. " SI" Di.te .. " ~ 'rtllC'-.. .. S.nft l•l'tlflrt .. " ...... " .. .... OM " " T-.1 .. .. w1.ii1ntt011 " H bloc fishing trawler was sunk early this ~ and all hands lost after an appirent collision with a Panamanian· registered tanker. '"1e trawler was believed to have had a crew of 20. Ll (JG) Howard Copeland, public in- fonnation cfflcer for the Fifth C'.oast Guard district here, said the tr~wle[r . • ' I ' from Oregon Inlet, N.C., about 4 a.m. He said the tanker radioed there had been a collisim u it was southbound to Aruba. Copeland :said the commander of the Soviet-bloc fishing fleet, when asked, radioed' that its trawler number NR-4553 was bit 1'and aunk with all biim aboard." ' . . The routine activity apparently refer· red to Israel's use of mechanized equip- ment to build major fortifications along the canal Egypt charged Wednesday Israel was trying to· "annex" the west bank. HOUSEHOLD , Transform . '!}OUr Landscaping into a Majestic Ni,gkt Scene ·~ " ' Dramatic Garden liDllURD tmocu ••• patiol, , . ref_fration OteDI... · entrytDa!!f ••• oumde rlQ.irl,, .1ren.,, rhtub• Only NIGHTSCAPING provides a seltttion 0£ 21.fixtures .. :each designed for: speciBc dra .. matic lighting dects to transfonn exteriors 11nd grounds into majestic night scenes. NIGHTSCAPING units are a safe 12 volt in- stallation using ~irect burial cables for com- plete Bexibility of placement. S.. Out LJthtfnl Dls,lay •• , TM•J'I APPLIANCE VALUES! BRIG Hr .CO~ORS molce the scene i lan':lict· BRAND $l u.AOHISIVE nMTIC Ute color wllh a lree hand-rwt gaJ' Orange on the fronts ol kitchen cabinsts. coordln•ted orange ·flowers on the window ahadt. You'll find wonderful ntw "•winging 1olid1" in CON·TACT9 pla1tlc: Hot Pink. Sapphire Blue, Desert Gold, Avoctdo ••• lo decorate all •round the l'IOu•. So ea1y. btcaut• thlt 11 Mll·•dhealvt Pl•tllc, Com• choo•• your COlorll.' 1rWW..4IC• raf'd ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • . , Metal lailinri. flllm'? RUST·OLEUM / ~( um . .-~Slop pre.sent rust!-and give : yaur metal raitings l1stin1 • beauty in the Rust.Qlcum : calor of your thoice. Brush , Rust-Oleum 769 Damp-Proor • Red Primer ri&hl over the : rµsled surface. after ""'ire-1 • hrushin1 rust sc11e and kxlse : ~~rd;~ ::~j~~m w~~~j : ish eolorl Let us sho• yau , how Rusl-Oleum ca~ stop • your rust problenu. • • .••.••....•............• : WATER HEADRS GARBAGI DISPOSALS Repullllc 11G .... lnl" 20-GALLON ............... $42.88 JO-GALLON .................. 544.88 40-GALLON .... . ...... $49.88 SO·GALLON .................. 564.88 INSTALLATION AVAILAILI Th!t q111Uty 9u1r1ntt111' 9l1u li1111' w1t1r h11ttf It •qvipp•il ... a h t•f•ty t•ll'lp. 11 t•quired hy l1w. W1 "'"' ''"'' .l1y intf11!1tio,., •v1!11bl• If y1u ... ith. All no.t1111I l111t1U1tl•"' p1rh l11cl_,4_ 1I. C1U by "''"' -i111t1fl th•t 41y. Ale•'"'',. t•11ty l111t11l•tlt1 t¥1il1bl1. All ••rk J1M rt "'''*'' plumb.". IN·SINK.QA TOii Mellel N .. US ....... $ff.ts 129 95 OUR PRICI .. .. .• • - 1 Yt•r Gu•rlft'" - M .. tl H .. SSS •tt•l•r l6US 146 95 OUR PRICI .... ,. .. • -t YNr Gv•r•nTM - M ... effrrh.17 ....... "'·" '4 9 9 5 OUR PRICI _.,...... • -s YMr Gu•r•nhe- -INSTALLATION AVAILAILI - I I .. • -. • Ne~rt Ba~hor • . EDIT.ION N.Y. Steek• VOt:. ·62, NO. 62, 3 SECTIONS, 38 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, C~LIFORNIA JHURSD Y, MARCH '13, "1969 As.trOnau·ts Home Perfect Splashdt;1«?n ·Ends Misswn . . . ABOARD 'l'll1t ·uss auA!ll.LCA!w; (UPl>--'.APi>Uo t's preclslo1l'pllols ....._. · slleatll ol flame to . a sat., bat ft! splasbdawn today In a triumphant~ · to 10 uys in orl>lt that put - within four months of walldnl on U. moon. · ' \ "Hello, Guadalcanal, this is Apollo I/'~ radioed commander James A. McDivnt as he peeked through a tiny wind.ow of the Space capsule at the nat deck~ recovery lhip steaming toward hlni .. Glavas Blasis Profs Views ··· , • . .. f On Policemen · .. "We Just m 1011 out U-. Yoa iool: l"i!i IOOd-·~ : . . lfd)!vltt, D&Vld R: Scott and Ruaaell .fi.~ -hlatory'I tbl'lf loo(-•. """" 1l1p. p¢fcll)' Ind . brought bacilt • four IP'll'"fl~ ......U and lmowlejlge that tliey c eared. thi w•Y for a lunar orbij. Otght in May and I moon landln1 in Jilly. With l\ome··viewe.rs watchillg on live tel•vtslon. the spacemen dropped oollly into a calm sea of dull craen at 1:01 a.m. ' PST. Tiiey landecl abou( threa mllos fmn "the~ ahlp. . . ' . Forty-eight .minuta ioter, the)' _. oalely on the deck ol the Guada!c-1 la their ,_.,. htllcopter. 'lltey bad .,.,,. trouble golting·lnto the helicopter than they bad ai any tlme clUf. ing their 10 uys in orbll One ol the pllols Will dragged throullh the rolllnc sea in a cage as he was "hoisted to: the helkopter and another wu soaked when a raft ov~ next to lhe ahlp. GAS MA · , , Ul'I T ........ • SKED WOMAN AVOIDS STENCH AS WHALE CARCASS LIFTED OFF BAY ARL .. ""'"~H Thrff Deed Whale.s Wash Ashore Near San Francisco in Week ; Oil Slick Re1ponslble? ' . By JEROME F: COLLINS Or "" D111r Pllfl lteff· Newport Beach Police Chlel B. Ja111is Glavas toda:Y ·roondly assailed a Long Beach State College criminology pro- fessor for alleging· that police feel "trap- ped" in a job they don't like. i l 1 Narcotics: What Turns On Teens? By ALTON BLAKESLEE Associated Press Science Writer ~ ~ .I ' " ., ,, 'fo cope intelligently with drug problems, one needs to know more about tiJ what kind or appeals drugs offer. 1· Here are some of the ways that college students havt described their re- actions to "mind" drugs. ' "I could Jose all my worries and imagine many thinp;" ••The mind is magnificently delichted by ·very aitnple aituations or memoirs." Drugs "are our only meaM of feeling Jove (in the general perhaps Clris- tian sense) in this debacle of sell-destruction. It ii a return to Eden." "I have stopped taking drugs • , . It became too easy to 'groove' on something •• without ever com.log to terms with real problems, without ever really thinking. The borders or illusion· and reality became hazy .•. " "I consider it now a part of the srowing up proctS.!. It wu an ans· wer. It no longer is. I am still over· ill whelmed by the madness that is my ~ 1. country, but I mu.st find another way ol. coming to terms with iL" 1 These .i.nswers came from students asked, in an anonymous question- naire, why they bad used . or might >till be using drup IUCh u marl· juana and l.'lD. There are, a bolt of reaaons why these and other drugs ""' considend appeallng. Parents can benefit from knowing what these attractions art. A later story tells another side of the coin-the human price that vari· ous drugs. can t;:ollect.. I' For some unknown percentage of , drug users, "it is a way of hitting · back at parents, to shock them , Joos· · l en them up a bit/' aays a West Coast college studenl "Taking drugs marks an external rejection of mid· dle class values and society in gen- eral. The 'beat ga»eraUon' tried to shock the· middle clau with ltl ac· lions and words. Now It ii wttb drugs." A psychialrl.rt agr<es that for oome young people, lncluding high schoolers, •11 11 run to iee their par- enls get pul on. With drup, they have something ~ whlj:h to &<I tlieir parenls enraged and Incensed. 'Ille kldl c:an lend fholt~ Into rpuml. Taking drugs is one way of tweakJng the old man's noee." Some users say they fmd an occasJonal stick of. marijuana a pleuant way ol dealing with mild deprwloM, of winning brief reioue from demands of school work, or of combalUng I~ ol being hemmed in or frultrated. Fo1intain Valley Police Chief Charles .h1ichaelis: "Ifs com· mmi knowledgt: th.at narcotica are widespread and i& certain- ly would be to evtry person's advantage to read a.s much a.s he con about tM problem, (Thi.1 series is) verv interest· ing and informative and cer· tainly should benefit the pub· lie." Marijuana, LSD and olber drugs, users assert. alto can offer escape from boredom, the complaint that "there is nothing to do," even in the midst of plenty and affluence, or perhaps because of ·boredom with that afOuence. ''The world seems dull lots of limes; we're over titillated," a student remarks. Dr. Keniston, the Yale p.<jychologist, puts it another way -a person can ISM DRUGS FASCINATE TEEN-AGERS, Paga II -!tr M 7,,J Newport Center Kiwanis Started N•wport Cenler's new KlwanlJ Club broker:. Fin\ Vice Prts!d<nl Uoyd wu J.aundled Monday at a hmcbeon Johnlon, manarer, Newpcrt Center meetJngal Jood1 Inn, ec..oa del Mar. devtlopmeol; 5-ld Viet l'rt!sldeat The IM will be the tile o1 the weekly Carter McDonald, 'll<fl ]lmldent Ind -Unp, bdd on Mondays at noon. man.,.. ol J. W. ltobi-Co., Newport OfDcert of the men'• 1e rvtce Center; TrtQu:rer, Crail Col:, C.P.A .. "'llDizlloo are Pre 1 Iden t Bob Newport Beach; Ind Semlary 1lobat Barlholemow, Corolla del Mar, tnaunnce Huston, l'ftlrecl, c.i-dtl Mir. I ) Oil Splashing Up on Shore; Whales, Too By JOUN ·V ALT!!:~ ., "" .,,,., ..... -' w~~~'U1f!;:Jli:lJ ; and ,~ lkac;h ait ,lllll dotth!g the sand 'IGcfay, .With ... "" dot hi i.quna -a.-~ ·whale ,.,_ dealh mljbt be r:elated to the goo. Glavas' ire was aimed specific.ally at Dr: Hoilard E. Fradkin, a Newport Beach reoldell~ bul 11>me ol ll struck coll'(e irof~• in 1~al. .'5 )V•ll. Fradkinilciaecording: to GJavas, gave a talk at·· · 1ut wtek that wu "Hplttt with false CDJXlusions, haU--tnitbl and groa ·inaccuracies.'' · Fndldn' bad _ellqed thit -a ·m olllcorf dtacdml""\e •BOl"'ll mliioillt groll!JS, folt isolated 'by aoclel)', be)~lt<I lo th< John Birch Society and ·wm ""'1ollOJ In ""J!ne-~· . . ----. ''Tliii'na!Miiljirloslon aeated in ••• U~ *lecture, slid Glava1. "was tl!Ot . : ' olllcep ..,. • boorish, unlrij'elU _ 1)!lt. ·~ , · · ~ ~. c Glavu 'i'lukle hi• vlews knowti In an angry Jett.et to Fradkin's b6ss, Dr. Carl W. Mcintosh, president of Long Beach Sf ate . While state twi and . game offJcials are continuing tests to ctetermtne the source of the oH other scientists are expressing fears that the large quantities: o' oil at sea are killing the already skimpy herds ol t'>'hales migrating off the coast. Fradkin's,, talk, said Glavas, wa~ 1'seemingly designed to demean a voca· lion which is already carrying too great a burden of public distrust." AIRPORT AIDES QUESTION FR!EWAY LOCATION Would Tunnel Solve SquHt• on CdM Rout• (Dark Linet)? The discovery of a dead pilot whale in the sup off Laguna coupled with a San Frlnctaco lclentist'1 diagnosis of an oikaused death of. another whale near San Francisco are raising fears of a "'major catutropbe" to marine life caused by the oil slick oft SaJJta Barbara. "l should point out," said the chier, "that Dr. Fradkin's field of endeavor is subject to the same type of attack and is · in aome ways even more vulnerable. "For example, it could be said that most college professors aie cues of arrested development. The maturation prooesa bun~ been completed. "Thelr knowledge Of tht outside world ta only £1\rough \he f:yu of their students. Their -egos become overinflited because their philosophies are never challenged ln the test tube of living and the adulation of Impressionable young minds is no County Aviation Chief Asks CdM Route Change Dr. Robert Orr,,a wbale. e1pert with tbe Callfontia ACademy ti. Science, said be found patches ol oll lMlde a dead young gray wha1e. He also cited two olher dead whales to wash up on California shores within one week. He said that since discovery of whale carcasses· is "extremely rare, tt seem11 significant tb8t three (now four) dead whales have been found just now when the gray whales are beginning their migration nor1ll through the oll slick at Santa Barbara." No cause of death for the other whales has been dMmlned, be 18.id. If the oll Is alarming whale etperts, it isn't causing too mU<:b concem with Newport Beach olfielata, -say that the probable origin of the oil on the beaches is tankers at sea. The quantity of the oil on the beaches IS.. OIL SLICK, Pas• II · answer to their emotional maturation." He denied any implications that present-day peace officers are iU~uip­ ped intellectually or e~ionally for their jobs. "Out aelection process.'' he said, "Ls geared to take only the upper I percent of the population" in terms of inSelligence. The applicant must be in eicellent physical conditicn and be must submit to a psychiatric test and an evaluation of bil emotional maturity. ••1 would venture ,an opinion,'' said Glavas, "that the nation would be in a helluvalot better shape iC college pro- fessors were put th,rougb the same rigorous selectJoo process before they were enbwted with you n 1 im· (See GLA. VAS, Pa1e Zl Finance Company to B·llild Skyscraper in Newport JeUinefs 11ft1ng off orange County Airport could pancake onto the Corona del Mar Freeway in case of trouble, unless runways extend over the highway Janes or It is moved 1,000 yards south. Orange County Aviation Director Robert J. Bresnahan made the safety report to county supe rvisors Wednesday and they asked Road Commis!ioner Al S. Koch to conduct such a feasibility study. This would plact the Corona del Mar Freeway knifing through the northeast comer of Costa Mesa, but could mean much less expense to the county, com- pared to overllead nmays. ·William K. Hashimoto, design engineer for District 7, State DiviJion of IUghways, said today that the Corona del Mar Freeway will be about 2fi ft!t below 11urroundlng ground level. "The grading is tet low enough that It could easily be done," he expfained. FACTORS INVOLVED Questioned further about factora in· volved. Hashimoto said the overhead ronw11 concept ·w been discussed by his office and the county aviation chief, hilt no dectalon bal hem 1<acbed. "Let.11 aay ·tt would be' quite ex· pensive," be commented. . '!)le "'-11 dalp expirt added that S.Oboord Flnanoe Co. will mov• ita other tenanta In t1>a tonr wiU be any .flnandal .,...-for Ille added · lntemaUooal beadquarten into a lkl«J avaDable.' cool of making a ranwq ~ 'llOllld tower to, be bulll .ln ~ Ceoter, 'i'ba bdlldlng al luD OCC11plllCJ' will probablr haft to be -·Giii with the 1rvlne Co. announced today. hoole 1,oeo ,,.,....,.1. county -Uu. · The worlcl'• • thlnl-iuresl COllSUITltt Groundbreaking tentatlvely Is aet for Slmllar. q>nlltUCtlon l1fll runwty1 at fi ••-~ •--• offl the -•·· -•-·~ Co It LOI' AnCeJoi lnlema!IG!ltJ Mlrpart and 1naneecompct117,S.O~'••-c:<s --,..,.,~,""ne .spoesmen tile ' Vllll' llu·~ • ._..,._ ,..~. will be• moved from downtown Loo tald. '" ~..... ' •- Angeles and will OCCllPY' lh< !Int In-'Ille in.-building ftnn of hichWIY. tborophl-. · Lernational headquarters of a major firm Ket.hum, Peck and Tool<y art the con· County o!Dclala tried to negollale a lo be located in the hilltop commercial-tulling developu1 for the hip.rite ,._ slrililar arrangemtnt for tht San Diego , •· -Freeway lJ!ng north "ol the alrpi>rt, but financial comple1 iri NewporlBeach. jUec:.e· ~ .... ~~ctor C. L. Peck will build a ground water level' problem made 1he move was announced at noon ~ ... ...,.KU... auch a solution impoqlblt. today at a prtu conftrence at the Wellon Becket and Associates • will "It woUld have bfen: enmnely n- Newporter Inn. . ' d"lgn I~ ~ Cold\ftlt~e-'114"\";' ,,;N1v;," )lu)tltnotould today, addlnl 'llte new building, ""1edWed for ""!'" \jlll~ u the leuinl'~-. >,{ • "·, that. -with ' -~· COit .agnomen~ vletionlo.urlfJVl~wijlbayea~ .'l'!lo 1ea~·11rtn~,.,,...... reclel!ail ol th·· ~:.ay ~ ... have' mllllon ;llfl111reiee,.o1 'olll<*' ct.'ll -ilo.an,old rnme '-... ~~·. ~ ~ · ·-, w!D 1>0 1111 ,.;.,;tm~.ln~ripart ~,A\lli"t. 11!i!i'moi:-1ll11d,.,;"~-, , Center. • • . 1 o111Ca Ii 41.llalat • ....,.._,.., . SU!ci'lll ,MwlteU . Batbocl Insurance 0. ' of., 'lbt c-.csa·4ftd Iii~· ~-"' S.Oboclrcl lnlurance 111~ wt&OWD ~=IT i.iu1'1ti,.:;i'iil. ~ YOli (A!!~-, iii. tlo$.rnar~ Ind,,,.~ :":Di bcl~...:..Jopef. ' '~.... . cil.;.e:,-. "~.tr.. =~•='~the~ (-= Men than llO ofllq!!I "!!·~ ·ui." ~~"~'H' ~"-P.~ ' , emplof"' ol Ibo -'llri11'itll.ftli: ~ ~,~11!1" ., -· " ) Tie' Do;I Jcnt ~ a..,._ at, "' Seaboclrcl'• -._~--~ ! tW!,"1 ''fti-~·lit · ,,. .. 1 i;~J·· 4clf,...,.i.a •Lrit••ulllM.~. , ' . '---------~----~-~ -~-" ·- delayed it• construction about two years. Neither Bresnahan nor hia aaststant. R.On Chandler, were available today to comment en their propo1al to sblft a freeway into Costa Mesa, which la already laced with the Newport Free- way. Neither officials of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, nor ·prtvale dthens whMe homes ~nd businesses _,Id be affected are UkeJy to be entbu8iutlc about the shift now under study.. -· Bresnahan told the Board al llupmit- ors Wednesday that the Federal Avialldo Agency bu been steadily oppoel to the Corona del Mar Frffway route adopted lhrff years ago. · Executives of the FAA aay tt will Interfere w i th an instrument Jandhtc system beacon and Poee a g~uine safety hazard in case of a tali:eofi emergency requiring a jet to set down. .. If a plane had to abort ' a takeoff, It would land right in the middle or IS.. FREEWAY, Pqe .. ll Oru11e Weadier Wt've bad enoulb ~-ffm a wblle. 10 lbe ~· lll'O" mtaea fair sltlet Ille! lllghtly w~ tenljlera~ ~ l'ifday. Snd!',P 111-<lqrtO• -· C111 the coast,, clipping to ··-)of .. • INSmE TODAY Wear11 Silotrado Can 11 o" Jlood rcJug.,s; ¢11lno vp tlulf own home1 Of loft, rtacutd Utt rtcond lorpeat f'Cre CTJl3'tol col· ltction in Ameiitu Jrom • 1 neighbor'a_ homl. Poo1 .ll. c .......... .... ...... ... -:..,. e........ 94• MllM4 .... ~ '' ~--c....... 1'I ........ c.-tJ H ............ 11 ......... . ~-............ "'" .......... ..., ...... ...., •w1tr •-•n ......... .. ..................... " .... '* ,, ,...... . "" ......... ,, ......... . .... ~ 1• ........... .. ............... ~'--" • \ 1 I --·----. - J DAILY PILOT N ,,,..,..,, -U.19"1 OCC rr~stees 1Reject B'ond Election j n . June l!Y TllOMAI JIOJITl1Nll: . °' .. ...., ...... ,.,. . A decision not to hold another bond e I e c t I o n wu made \\'ednesday by 0riL'18C Coast Junior College District lnlltees. Two board members favored holding 1 bond election June 17, but a majority of three did not. In eutUn.g off the hood eleetion option, tn.istees by all odds c o m m I t t e d thtrnselves to increase the ta1 rate on thelr Own without a vote al the people. Il can be done once a permiss.ive tax The Latest Scoop ' • • ~~-~-~L ·~ . Al the ~ II ·loob Wi• such ' Junior colle1• dlltrld olll&lua, lbeJ l We -. wOuld bt . , In ' Ibo art btblod !bl oiFI ball bectUM ol nelpborhood of u cents. "lit. p.....lit lhrte 111 try failwu In the 1111 tbr<e '"'" rate of S7 cents per $100 of aawsed years. Now .they must move ahead with \'aluation then would be increased to a major building program to catch up 78 cents. \\'Ith tscalaUng enrollment. The 21 cenl..s would raise $1.9 million !{ere is Ult way trustees reasoned In needed local revenue to go with $1.~ in the.ir vote \\:hethtr to caU a bond million in carried forward reserves to election : buy $4..8 million in federal and state WJIUam KetUer (Huntington Beach) funds. The total of *8.2 million would .. "I favor another bond election. It pay f'.)f nut Y,e&r'J building program wls so close last time [ feel we should on Huntington Buch's Golden Wat and tty again. lt is tht ta.ire.st way for Costa Mesa's Orange Coa&t College cam. all concerned to pay." Caterpillar with novel grid-type scoop sorls beach debris from sand near Newport Pier as second phaae of cleanup continu~s along peni.nsu1a. City this week approved $20,000 for the work. Two weeks ago, scouring of beach cost $9,600. But new storm brought more junk. City hopes to get its money back from federal and state agencies. From Page 1 OIL SLICK ... now is not great enough to cause great concern, they agreed, ainct the present amounts can be raied into the sand without damage. The oil started coming ashore In 11ignificant quantities over the weekend, dotting beaeh<s for m11 ... At least one oll-aoalced bird has been found on Newport beaches. Several more have been sighted at sea. Several members oI the .Newport dory fi1hing fleet reorted sighting the glo~ at sea. The oil, floating over a wide area, was reported by one fisherman to stretch from the Newport Pier to the Jf..mile bank. Fisherman Mel Fleener said he killed &t. 1east one dying bird, foundering hopelessly out at sea with its feather! CQvered wilh oil. He said he saw several others already dead from the oil. The crude is not float.ing as a slick, but, instead, as thousands of globs resembling t.ar more than oil. A &pokesman for the Coast Guard In Newport said .that the oil seems to be from tankers cleaning out their pipes and bllgei. Testa on samples of the oil still are being conducted by the Department or Fish and Game. 'MM! department staff .,. trying to establisll It. "'""" throu&h chemical tests. DAILY PllOT OUNGI COAST "UllllHINO COM .. AN't' l•\i••t N. W11lll 1"r111ftftl •1'11111 l'lltlllollet J1cli l . C11d1y Viet l'•nlliMt Md OIM• .. M ..... 9!< 1\,,.,, K•e .. il ·-Jh111111 A. Mwrphi111 ,..,........ .. ..., J.,,_ f . C.1111111 P11I Nl1"11 .......,..... MwrtlaMI Cl,., 1•11w OlrtdW ---2211 Welt l•IMt a..1 ... ,r4 Medi .. .t.44rM11 P.O. le~ 171,, t266J ---'"" ~r 1111 w .. 1 ..., 11r.t ~hMfllm.._...._ ~IMcfl ...... ( Catamaran, Sloop Clash ln Newport Race Series By AL\10N LOCKABEY Of the Daltr r 111t Sllrt The yachting world will soon know whether a well·salled o c e a n -go In g catamaran can beat a well·sailed 12- rneter sloop -the kind used in the America's Cup -over a triangular and windward·leeward course. The test will come this weekend when 'TV actor Buddy Ebsen's $.foot catamaran Polynesian Concept will take on Pat Dougan's Columbia. First of the three race s e r i e s ll'ill be Saturday in the ocean off Newport Pier. The other tll'O races are scheduled Sunday and 1.fonday. If one or the other of the tll'O yachts "'In two in a row the series will end Sunday. Prize for the match race has been put up by Jim Kimberly, internationally known sportsman from Palm Beach, Fla . The contest was dreamed up by Ebsen after an article by Bob Bavier in Yachting 1.fagazlne posed the question: ''Can a well·salled catamaran beat a well·sailed l2·mtter?" Ebsen, whose ~foot Rudy Choy. designed cat was sec.ond to finish and overall handicap winn4"J" Jn the 1961 1'fultihull Transpacific race to Honolulu, allowed in his best "hilllbilly" fashion that Polynesian Concept could take the measure of Columbia. Dougan was quick to take up the challenge and the race was on. Kimberly, a long·time friend of Ebsen. has been active In yachting, auto racing and big game fishing. Columbia Yr'as the 11153 defender of the America's Cup under the helmsmanship of Briggs Cunningh1m, formerly of New York and now a resident of Lido Isle. Doug1n bought the Columbia ln 1M4 and campaigned her in t.be America 's Cup trtab the same yar. In 1987 Dougan completely nbuill Col· urnbia and was runner-up In the final tr1al! for the America'• Cup defense. Mmt local yactitsmen are betting that the close-winded I).mettt will wallop the catamaran so badly on lhe weather Fr<1n1 Page J GLAVAS. • • pressionable mlnds .• , In an interview later, the chief ex· plained his reacUon to Fraidldn'& talk this way: "rm getting weary of these inlde, J>lychok>glcal e.valuetloru: of the police profession. Too n1any people maklna: them dont know what the hdl they~e lilting 1bout. "Our officm are 1 dedlc•ted group of men. They love their w«k. You roukfn't pry them 1oooe from thelt jobt."' ( Jegs of the course that she will not catch up. But the mulUhull aficionados are pin· ning their hopes on the reaching and running ability of the catamaran and believe she will overhaul Columbia off the wind. Both skippers are hoping winds will be. in the 10.20 knot range which would be fair to both vessels. Ebsen will be salllng under the C1>1ors of the Balboa Yacht Club and Dougan is commodore or the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. . Contract Given For Riverside Freeway Work Elimination of a major bottleneck for mountain and desert bound motorists on the Rlvenlde Freeway, within a year, was announced by Sen. James E. Whe1.- more (R-Fullerton) today. A $7,817,512 contract was awarded tG the Guy F. Atkinson Co., of l.ong Beach. to \\"iden the four.Jane highway lo eight lane s, from the Orange County Linc north to Corona. The project incluocs a partially ne1v alignment and construction of a new connection with the west junction of the future Corona Free"•ay, Whetmorc said in Sacramento. · He said also th.al a project is under 9.'ay to install guard raJI around bridge ap- proaches, overhead piers, abutments, signs and large trees on four Orange County traUic arteries . The safety measures will be applied lo aectiom of the Newport Freeway, Garden Grove Freeway, Laguna Freeway and the Riverside Freeway. From Page 1 FREEWAY • • • the frteway," Bresnahan explained, prior to the order for a route change feasibllity study. 1'le county road commissioner s1ld it is early enough now to make the route change lhrough stron&: efforts by all Joc1I agenc\es involved In l.'le llrport· freeway question. The Coronti del Mir P'rtew1y is IChedWed to cet under construcUon in Jt74, b1tectin, the Newport freeway and the Sin OlegG Freew1y, ta1dn1 out \'lrtually no ttitting developmtnll. r llolMrt _.....,. (Colla Mtll) - "Newport lllll Cool& Melt 1 llllnt would &Ive ltlblllntltl qport again. The pro- bkm would be In the otl)er area (Wtll County). l Jean toward the permissive tax tncrease ." Donald Hofr CMidw1y City) -"If you get the communJty aolldly behind you you can move ahead with greater confidence. J think y,·e shou1d give the people one more chance to aay, 'Yes. we're with you.' I'd rather spread It out than a big tax bite. But ii we don't 10 for the bood.!I 1 sUU would go for the othtr." 0-p Rodda Jr •. (Corona dtl Mar) -"I dont ll>ink lbert hu 1-1 mucb change In voter atUtudes. If there JW been a change It's been in the negalie been a change ll'a been in the negative of the news media's approach to higher educ,atlon. We'd do much better spending lhe $25,000 ·an election • would cost oo a calculated pub!Jc relations program." \\'orib Keene (Seal Beach) -"The chalrman bleaks the tie. Is that it? A bond 1~ue is tbe best way to divide the burden, but I rather doubt in 90 days we could put together the type of program needed to sell the hoods." Keene rt:ferred to the call for a bond etec::Uon, or a lax O\'errlde elecUon, bav- i., to · bt made now U the electlon Y.'ert ·to be held before July 1, when lru~ees must act on nelt year's budget. However, he· was reminded by Orange Coast College student Chuck Conway board members lhemulv~ are to blame for acting at this late date , since they have been discussing whether to hold another bond election for the past si.J months. "We offered to you student support if the bood issue had been at an earlier date," Conway said. "But now I oouldll't promise much for a bond election after graduation." Will Link to Sidewalk Beach By JEROME F. COu.tNS ·Of 1111 CallY l"Utl 1!1ft A beachfront bike trail the length of the NewpOrt-.Balboa PeniMula will be established next year by the city. Newport Beach Parks Director Calvin Slewart, under city council direction, is now working on the plan. It calls far a macadam trail along the beach where there ia no sidewalk. Bicycling is alreody permllled aklng the sidewalk, which l!ltretches from 36th Street In West Newport to F street in Balboa. 'l1le penimula-long bilt"'•Y wilt use both the macadam path and the side- walk, except in the Newport pier area where it will pasa thrt>Ugb parking Jots. Councilmen au~ the study this week after expressing disappointment that beach blkeways had been lopped from _a newly adopted master plan of bicycle tralls al the planning commission level. St.ewart explained to the council that he wasn 't happy about the deletions, but the rest of the plan provided "a good basis" for a city·wide system. "This restricts use or our ocean front by the general public," said Councilman Paul J . Gruber. "I l.8.ll 't see our con-- tinuing to honor the objections of people in that part oC the community if they protest everything that would improve the ocean front." "I agree with Paul ," said Councilman Robert Sbelton. "It's a darned shame t.hat the entire ocean front is not available to the public." "It's a question of what Is an im· provement and what isn't," replied W~t Newport Councilman Donald A. Mcinnis. He conceded, however, that there might be a way to "please everybody." Mayor Doreen Marshall then suggested 1 macadam trail for blcyclists only in those areas where !here is no sidewalk. "If someone proposes a bikeway lhat Bi~e , Trail Nears b away from the property line, I thlnk it would go over big and satisfy everyone," said Mcinnis. "I propose it now, then," said Shelton. Stewart thus had his instructions, but he was told not to get deeply involved in the study unUI he talks it over at length with Mcinnis and Councilman Howard Rogers, who represents the other end of the peninsula. The parks chief sa.id later that be expected to be able to return to the CQuncil with a completed proposal in about a month. He added that he doubted it ll"OU\d be implemented before the 1970- 71 budget year. Harbor District Slices Budget; Tax Cut S'een The Oraf}ie County Harbor District's budget far the coining fiscal year will be cut almost to half of the present operating total, officials announced to- day. The budget cut, along with pron1ises Lifeguard Office Getting Bulkl1ead Newport Beach's lifeguard headquar- ten building y,•ill be blockaded from heavy seas in the future by an $8.500 wood piling bulkhead. The project, authorized by city coun· cilmen, is designed to protect the structure and adjacent sidewal]{. path· ways from the processes of erosion that ate al\'ay at underpinnings last week. The headquarters building itself is on pilings, but damage to the general area from further erosion could still be se- vere, said Chief Lifeguard Robert Reed. The wood piling bulkhead will be bur· led beneath nonnal sand level. according to Public Works Director Joseph T. Devlin . of a more than 1 '>l-cent tax rate reduc· lion were laid to fewer major harbor project expenses !or the coming year. The proposed swn is $3.9 million. Chris Klinger, deputy to county liarbor Beach and Parks Director Ken Sampson, said almost all the funds for thi.; Dana llarbor and Sunset Aquatic Park projects are already available and earmarked. The near completion of the two e:ii:- pensive projects, along with the lack of others planned for the immediate future account for the small proposed total of $3,905,2tl8, compared to the present fiscal year's sumo! $6,174,118. Klinger said th~ department will ask for $1.9 million from the county for the next year, which will be CQUpled with about $2 m.illiOn in carryover funds. The tax rate is expected to drop from 8.02 cents to about 6.5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. More firm budget totals and complete data on the proposed docurn~nl will be available afte'i-checks and possible adjustments by the county administrative officer, Klinger said. The proposed tax cut would be the fourth in as many years. Klinger said. al .J.J. J. (Jarrell ~ SALE CONTINUES OUR ONCE· A• YEAR WAREHOUSE AT THE REAR OF THE STORE UP • CHAIRS • SOFAS TABLES e DESKS 8 BEDROOM • PIECES • e LAMPS DRESSERS • HEADBOARDS • • MIRRORS • SCREENS • NITE TABLES PICTURES • DINING ROOM PIECES • BOOK CASES DISCONTINUED FLGOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS PROFESSIOHAL MERK>lt DlSl&NE!tS o,...-,-.aM.i- I, I 1115 HARIOR ILYO. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 646-0271 646-4116 . • I ' • ! • ~osta Mesa YOt:. 62, NO. 62, l SECTION~, 38 PAGES .. ' • Ul'I T ... "'919 APOLLO 9 SPACE CAPSULE RIOES ATLANTIC WAVES .Back from Orbit; Next Stop ftl• Moon 1Narcotics: What ' • ' • I • ( Turns On Teens? By AL TON BLilESLEE Associated Press Science Writer To cope intelligenUy with drug problems, one needs to know more about what kind of appeals drugs offer. Here are some of the ways that college students have described their re- actions to "mind" drugs. "I could lose all my worries and imagine many things." "The mind is magnificenUy delighted by very simple siluations or memoirs." Drugs "are our only means of leeling love (in th~ general perhaps OJri!- tian sense) in th.is debacle of self-destruction. It ii a return to Eden." "I have stopped laking drugs • It became too easy to 'groove' on something •• without ever coming to I tenna with real problems~ without ever really thinking. The borders of illusion and reality became hazy .•• " Fountain Va.lley Polict Chief Charles A-fichaelis: "/t'1 com· mo-n knowledge that narcotics ort widespread and it certain· ly would bt to every person's advantage to read GI much as ht can about the probltm .. (Thi& 1tm1 ii} tlfl'll inkrest.- ;ng and informati" and ctr· tninly rhould benefit th« pub- lir '' "I consider it now a part of. the vowing up procea. It was an ans- wer. It no longer ts. I am still Over- whelmed by the madness that ill my country, but I must find another way of coming to ternui with it.·• These answers came from students asked , in an anonymous · questioo-- naire, why they bad used or might Btlll be ualng drup such as mart. juana and LSD. 11iere are a host of reasooa why these and other drugs are conaidered a~. Parenla can bend!! from know.ing what tbeae attractiona are. A laler story tells another aide ol the coil>--Ole human price that vari- ous drugs can collect. For some unknown percentage of drug users, "It is a way ol hitting back at parenta, to shock them, looe- en Utem up a bit," says a West Coast CQ!lege student. "Taking drugs marks an external rejection of mid- dle class vaJuM .and IOCiety in aeo- eral. The 'beat generation' tried to shock the middle daa with its ac- tions and words. Now it is with dnigs.'' A psychlalrilt •er-thaf for '°"'e yoong people, lncludinc 'hllb schoolers, "it is fun to see their par- enls get put on. With drugs, they have something with whlcb to get thtir parents enraged and. incensed. The kld1 can send their parents into spasms. Taking drugs is one way of tweaking the old man's nest." ' Some users say they find an occasional stick of marijuana a pleasant way ol dealing with UlUd depressions, of winning brief release from demandl of IChool work, or of combatUng feelings of being hemmed in or frustrated. Marijuana, LSD and other drugs, users auert, alJo can offer cs.ape from boredom, th< complaint that "there Is nothing to do,• even In the midst ol plenty and affluence, or perhaps beeauae af bored(fn with I.bit aff1oence, ''The world seems dull lots o( timel; we'ri ovtt tltmated," a student n&.ru. Dr. Keniston, the Ya!< psychologist, puts tt -••Y -• -CID (Seo DRUGS FASCINATE TEIN-AGIRS, P ... 31 U.S. Agents S~e $8 Million iii Drugs NEW YORK (UPI) -The can!'I were With the aid of a portabh! X·rt)' dn"lc:e labeled '"pa<lla," the JTadlUonal Spanilh U..,, Jowld whtt they ...,. "llll<t - dist! ot rice, spices and fish Ml.Id to Q poundl o1 • ptrttnl pare heroin have been lntroductd to the new workl having an tstlmated Wicit market value by the cooqulsladon•-• But the federal q ents aboard the oC I mlDJon. Swedish ship "Grusunda" were not in· The 1eliure TUeaday was the atCOtW1 t.ertsted In hl.!tory or' food. They were In lwo da)'L MoodQ" Cedcral narcoUa on the trail of drugs they suspected agents conflxlted lhe ume amount of were placed In ~ of the c11ns by heroin, hldden In cans of ''buqu.Hl:yl1 an lntemaUOnaJ rirlf'ofdope smugglers. codfi&b" stew 1n a Quetnt wartboule. . -. , . .. . ... - . ORANGE C(!UNfY, CALIFORNIA _ • • Today's Fl•al i:Y. StOeb- TEN CENTS " Astronauts Splash DoWn . Perfect Landing Ends Triumphant 10 Days in Orbit ... ABOARD THE USS GUADALCANAL (UPJ)-Apollo t's precision pilola rode a sheath ol flame to a sJlt, but wet splashdown today in a triumphant climax to 10 days in orbit that put Amerlcarui within four months of walking on the moon. "Hello, Guadalcanal, this ls Apollo I," radioed commander James A. McDlvitC as he pe<ked through a tiny wlndow or the space capsule at the flat decked recovery ship steaming toward him. OCC Trustees Vote Against Bond Electior:i By mOMAll FORTUNE Of ""' DIMF ...... 11efll A decision not to hold another bond e I e c t I o n wu made Wedne5day by Orange Coast Junior College Distrkt trustees. Two board members favored holding a bond election June 17, but a ma)ority of three did not. In cu!Ung off the bond election option, trustees by all odds committed themselves to increase the tax rate on their own without a v«e of the people. It can be done once a penn.lss1ve tu raise law goes into effect July J. At the moment it looks like such a tax increase would be in the neighborhood of 21 cents. Tht: present lax rate of 57 cents per $100 of asseeeed valuation then· 'ouil he incrlued \o 71 eem.:. ' ~ ..... J :oi•....: •,. l "'-~ ~ ' 1l>e II c:..ta Woal\I ra!Je IU million In needed Jo1!11 nv-to .. will\ SU mlllloa In cdri;il lornrd ..-W buy $4.1 mWm 'bi fed1hl Ud ll.IW fund•. The total of II.I mllUoa )l1lllid pay fur next yeat'I buildinc Jlr'Oll'IM on llunUngton Bach's Golden Weal and Costa Mesa's orange Coast College· cam· puses. Junior college district olflclals 111.y they are behind the eight ball because of three lax try failures in the last three years. Now Oley must move ~d with a maj<r build.in& program to catch up wUh escalating "'101lmenl Here is the way trultffs reuoned in their vote wbether to call a bond election : William Ketller (HUllllnaton Beach) -"I favor anolher bond electlon. IC (See TRUSTEES, P ... I) He Won't Learn; 'Lightning' Back In Treewp Perch l.Jghtning does stcike twice In the same place. Lightning ii the Jillie black cal stampeded out ol. a SO..foot date palm TUesday at tbe Tahltl Inn Motel, 350 Victoria St., Costa Mesa, after a ali-0.ay, six-night predicamtnt. Mrt. Brenda Hadrian. manager, had lelephoned the DAILY PILOT In desper&· lion, ·after all efforts through normal channels failed to get the ltranded .tray "We just AW )'OU out there. You look . PST. '.1'JleY landed lbout throt miJeo pretty good." from the recomy lllUp. McDlvlt~ Davld R. Scott and a-11 Forty.eight mlnuta laler, Ibey .,.,. L. Scliweiclwt new hlatory'a third long· ulely on the deck of the GulldllCllW In est sple< Jrlp perfectly and broagbt thelT re.scue belicopttt. back lour apoe<fllght recon!I and They htd mort lnluble gett1n1 Into tJte knowledge th•l they Cleared the ••Y fO< hellcopJer than they bad at llljr time dut- a lunar orbit night Jn May and • .-• Ing their 10 days In "orbit One of the landing Jn July. plfou was dragged thrOUlh the rolling With home -.;!ewers watching on live sea in a cage as tie was belated to the telev1aion, the spaoonen dropped softly helicopter and another was IOllted when into a ca.Im sea of dull green at t :Ol a.m. a raft overturned neit. to the ahlp. . I ' .\ ,, •• i \ "· l ' I .. ./ ./ .. ~~ .~~!2=;;;J u,,[. NlWPOl'.1' r-.... ... of· -:y ;,. AIRPORT AIDES QUESTION FREEWAY LOC~TION Would TUnn1I Solve SquMll on CdM Rout• (Dark Lln11)? County Aviation Chief Asks CdM Ro11.te Change Jetliners lifting off Orange County Airport could pancake onto the Corona del Mar Freeway in case of trouble, unless runways extend over the highway Janes or it is moved 1,000 yards south. Orange County Aviation Director Robert J. Brunahan made the safety report to county supervisors Wednesday and they asked Road Commissioner Al S. Koch to conduct such a feaslbllify study. ThJs would place the Co"rona del Mar Freeway knlfing through the northeast comer of Coala ·Mesa, but could mean much less exvense to the county, com· pared to overhead runays. William K. Hashimoto, design engineer for District 1, State Division of Highways, said today that the Corona del Mar Freeway will be 1bout 28 feet below probably have to be worked oul with county authorities. Similar construction liflll runwaya a,t Lo5 Angeles International Airport and the Van Nuys Airport over major highway thoroguhfares. County officials tried to negoUate a similar arrangement for the San Diego Freeway lying north of the airport. but a ground water level problem made such a solution impossible. "It would have been extremely ex· pensive," Hashlmoto said today, adding that even with a cost agreement, redesign of the freeway would have delayed its construction about two years. Neither Bresnahan nor hi1 assistant, Ron Chandler, were available today to comment on their proposal to shift a freeway Into Costa Mesa, which is (See FREEWAY, P11e I) $600 for Bicycle surrounding ground level. ,_ . "The grading ii stl low enough that ~: clly deal< i.~phone '1111 •1am K could easily be done," he explained. down to earth. "Guess -t?" &aid Mn. Hadrian. FACl'ORI INVOLVED . T iJs A d Lightninc -ruckillmed for Uie speed ·-Qu..UOOed fUrther .1>oo1 111Ctots rn--. ra pprove at which he vanished Tueodily i>)' Jeopina vo!ved, Hashimoto lild the ovtthead to .. rth to "'8pt two city fittmen nmway .,,..,.pt hu been discussed by B M Co i} -had Indeed ~ twlc< in !be -bil office and the -y avlaUoo chief, y CS8 UllC place. but no decision has been.reached. "He howled day and nig)\t," aaid motel "Let's say it woulft be quite ex- maid Sandra Lane ·on Tuesday, "Ind pensive," he mrnm.mted. when it rafned, be bowled louder." The free'ff'ay design expert added that Today, it wu rain1nc •iah1· as l.Jgtitn.. any financial agreement for the added Ing began hit 9eCOnd day aloft in the coet of makin& a runway overpass would dale palm and motel l'l'SIS 11aln heard . hi& tired. ·1-nfnln. "I. can~ 1ee him up thert, but l CID -him," &aid Mlsa IAne. No one mew, 'lhort)J belcn noon. Just who might belt be uked to Intervene and ..... Lightning apln. llJ., IAne, Jnslead of calling the DAI· LY PILOT thls Ume, might call the old DAILY PJ:.ANEJ: and ult for repol1« <.1ark kml There'a a phone booUI on the comer near the motel. Stoek Markeu NEW YORK (AP) -Tho 11oc1< morkd clOled with a aborp . i. todly. Tbt trading poee llowed -the end. (Seo quotaUono, Pllff JI.It). Thi Do• J<rtet indultriat aver:r at 1:30 p.m. WU off I.GI point& •1101. • I s ·anta Ana Gets Sunflpwer S~p Anneu\)on of a 11rtp. of land lllong SUnll ... r Av.,... -. Sonia Ana and Colla M... lo Sanl.t Ana WU approved Wednesdll' ~y th< Local Agen- cy Fonnotloo Conufiltl<e. The land coaslsll ol ~1-t<ntbs ol on 1cre and la: on the north akje of SUn-n-r bet,.... G......W. Avenue and r-R4od. It ...... the northern ball fl{ the SW!llow<r Avenue right of W'l' and will bo .-a a otreet when the milpunent of -...... lo cmipltl'od to make K ·a llr•~ thor- OUJlh(an. Co.ta -dJd not object to Jbe ..,,. •• atlon. A $600 budget appropriation ii being asked ao that a pilot program for bicycle highways in one section of Costa Mesa can get under wa:y, followlnc approval by the city COWlcll. "We're not alD'e they 're £0inc to work and we don't want to spend a lot ol. money," aald Councilman Wllllam L. Sl Clair when councllmen took acUon. Slgna D9t1ni apeclfic streeta for blcycie riding wlD be tmtal1ed In tho Mua Vtrde ma. wbttt cillml CGmment will be evaluated to determ1ne tf the project 1hould be c11)1.wlde. Councilman George A. Tucker noted that a nel&hbor in the area commaited CIUlllcally that Jt -the city b merely belng redundant In uylna strttLI may be med u bikeway$. lllJLLETIN WWllNGTON (UPI) -Al1<r u •lsb~mootlo p•lltlcol alaltmalo ud 1 bott of l11&-ml8'le rtttn'ttleu dan wen .....Uy ddtlled, Ille s.ui. lodly 1pproved Ille ,.._..) truly to liall Ille ...... " ........ poai. ~ • 01 .think this wU the most 111CCttd\11 filgbl we've hljl," Schwelcka(t told Ibo crew of the lllUp on the fllgbt deck. ·"I baVen't got my ~a lep or my land Jeo Ollher," joked ¥cDivllt. "rbe llnt things the -plJoJa "" when they 11plaihed down rllhllJde up, wu a greettng ln yellow tape • feet above on the helicopter. "Hello dere, Gumdrop." Gumdrop wu the nic'kname for the command ahip ~ ing the milslon.: Oil Splashing. Up on Shore; Whales, Too By JOHN V ALTl!llZA Of "" Delly l'lllit ..... The thick, Jar-like globs ol crude oil washing up on beaches in New'port BeacD and Laguna Beach are still dotting tbl sand today, with one big dot in Laguna . -a dead whale whose death might be related to tbt goo. While state fish aod game oUiciall are continuing tests to determine the source of the oil other scienUsta ar1 expressing fears that the large quantities o' oil at sea are killing the already skimpy herds of whales rnlgrati.ng oU the coast. The d.iscovery of a de.ad pilot whale lo , the 1urf off Lag~ coupJed with a 51.n Francisco acleiitist'a dlagnosil of an. oll-cauaed death of another while ..near San Francisco are raising fem ol,.. a "major catutroPbe" to marine lire cauled i>1 the oU lllck off s.uu Barbara. Dr. Robert Orr, a whale expert witfi the California Academy of Science, Hid he found patches of oil !Mlde a dead young gray whale. He also cited two (See OIL SUCK, Pare %) Police Jail Mesa Barber in Raid For Piils, Guns A Costa Mesa· barber~ whose Slnta Ana shop may have offered more than tonsorial treatment was arrested by San- ta Ana police Wednesday, along with a man seen to leave his shop shortly before and drive away. Police stopped the erratically driving motorl!t, William L. Yates, 25, of 415 S. Huron Drive, Santa Ana, which they claim led to discovery of 3,000 pill.5 in his car. The investigators returned to the ahop owned by Valentine J. Fortuna, 34, of 3149 Yukon Drive, Costa Mesa, where they said other unlawful materials were found . Several guns, marijuana, and pornographic movies were allegedly co. fisca ted from the shop at 110 W. Com· mercial SL, as evideia against Fortuna and Yates, held on narcotics ch~rges. Fortuna was bpoked on IUlpicion ol. possession ot. dangerous drup and mari- juana, whUe Yates was booked only on the pill charge, investigators said. Orange Weadter \Ve've had enough rain for a while, so Ute weatherman pro- mises faJr sides and allghUy warmer temperatutta for :frid.ay •. Such 11 l>-degree weather on the coast, dipping to a low of 15. INSWE TODAY lVearu Silotrodo Can u o" flood rt/UQtt1, giomg up &hcfr own honu1 °' lOlt. rese11td the second J.nrp1st nn-e ervstol col· lectiPn in Amtrico from a n1IQhbor'1 hom1. Paoe 11. 'I J I • l. % DAA.Y P!Ut c •• IJ,IT•lil ....... MWD to 'Go It Alone' Wa~r District Pushes. B'O'lsa .Desalt-Plant Metropolitan Waler -D~trlct CMWD) olflcials today said the agency !llou.ld .,go it ak>ne" on plans to COOJtruct a nuclear deulllng plant tlll a man·mada island off Sunset Beach. Wednesday , MWD officials learned that the Federal Government ls backina out of the e1pensive project. Jack Hunter, director of the federal Office <>f Saline Water, tutlfied before Maybe Her 38's Weren't Loaded; Gal Ba11dit Flees A v6luptuous, would·be bandit with ly,'ll .38s under one of her sweat.en and something of unknown caliber under another failed early today to rob a Costa Mesa supermarket and ran tiut into the darkness. lhe Senata Interior Comm!Uee thll the Bolla Island projocl b slmply too ... pensive for J>Tivate firms to Mow ln- tmst. Colt estimates fOT a comblned nuclear "ater d<41lling and electrical plan! had 1oand u high u fl1I mWJon. Federal aitncJu had a I r e ad y guaranlesd m ·million for the projec~ If No Storm Hits but when prlvatt Interest.a dropped out, the MWD hoped the coverotncnl would , !Defuse its participation. But that hope iii now apparently lost too. Whe.n informed of the apparent declJion to wlthdraw federal funds from tbe Boln project, !o(WO officials replied, "().!(., we'll a:o It alooe. 1' Santa Ana River Flowing . Normally; Danger Less GAS-MASKED WOMAN AVOIDS STENCH AS WHALE CARCASS LIFTiiD OFF BAY AREA BEACH Thl'ff D1H Whal11 Wash Ashore Near San Francisco In W•k; 011 Slick R11pon1lbl1? Barnett C. Mickey , on duty at the 'fhriftimart, 2701 Harbor Blvd., said the woman, about 23, came in about 2 a.m. to buy a package of cigarettes. Waler Is trlckllng throqh lhe Santa Ana River at a nearly normal level now, and Is expected to remain that way unleaa another ma}or tainJtorm hita Oraq:e County before aummer. vwa Put Dam currently has closed its aates and is releasing no water into the rivu, said Bob Wlse, Orange County hydrologlal "Villa Park Dam now hu atored 1,'700 : acre feet of water," old Wise, "and ample room for more ezlsta. We don 't • plan to release any more water into the river unless another major Storm threatens w ." Prado Dam water is coming through an ungated outlet and can't be stopped, · but 1,200 cubic feet per second constitutes Fr-p .. ,, l OIL SLICK ... other dead whales to wash up on Clllfornia abortS wiUlln ooe week. He said that since dilcovery d. whale carcuaa is "eztremely rare, Jt lffDl.!I 1ilniflcanl lhal tllree (now four) dead whiles have -IOWld jult ..,. when lhe IV•Y whales are beJPnning their mlgrllian norlb lhrough lhe oil slick at Santa Barbara." No cause of death f« the other whale:i has been detmnlned, he Aid. If the oil ts alarming Y{,bale ei:perb:, It im't eaUJing too much concern with Newport Beach officials, who say that the probable origin of the oil on the beacbta 11 tankers at tea. From p .. ,, l FREEWAY • • • alrudy laced with lhe Nowport r .... way. Neither officials of Costa Men and Newport Beach. not private cltizens whose homes and bU!lnesaes would be aHected are likely to be _ enthU1lutlc about the shift now under study. Bresnahan told the Board of SupervL!· en Wednesday that the Federal Aviation Agency bu been oteadlly opposed lo the Corona del Mar Freeway route adopted three year• ago. E:zecutives of the FAA say it will Interfere with an inltrumen( landing eyitem bu.con and pose a genuine safety hazard in case of a takeoff emergency requirfnl a jet to set down. "If 1 plane had to abort a takeoff, tt would land right in the mlddle oC the freeway," Bresnahan explained, prior to the order for a route change feaslbWty, 1Ludy. 1bt county road commisSioner 1aid It ii early enough now to make the route change through strona: effortl by all local 1a:enciu involved in the airport· frttway question. The Corona del ~far Freeway ts scheduled to get under construcUon in lflt, blaecting the Newport Freeway and the San Diego Freeway, taking out virtually no ezlsUng development.5. The proposed shift 1,000 f e e t eouthward, however, would bulldoze it through two aubdivisklns ln Santa Ana Helfhtl and northeul Costa M .... A portion cl lhe Santa Ana Country Club and the Santa Ana Heights Water Diltlict headquarters, as well as 1everal commtrclal developmenta and apartment unlta will be affected .... 11. ' 111\11\' PllOT OUMI COA&l PUlll~INO (OMl'AN't" IHert M. Wed .J•c .. I. Clrley Vllll' .. , ......... G_ .. Mi ni"" ThHlll r:",.11 ,_ 11.1•11 A. M1t1lll111 -·-'•111 HhM11 Afvwli.1111 Olrldlr ----JJO Witt 111 Sh11f M1m111 M'""' r.o. 1 .. 11u, t1•1• --,.._, ...... : ttll WM.I ... lwtw.,..r1 Ullliol heel\; m ~I A- IMiff Cl b liNllll: lit "" l"11et ' I Spouse Shooter Wins Bid For Jail Term Remissinn A Costa Mesa woman who shot her husband in a bar room dispute today won her plea for a remission of her six" months coonty jail sentence. Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner granted the application of Crescencia M. Lakes, 39, of 2659 Orange Ave., and ruled that the 76 days served to date will go in the record as her full jail term. His original susperuiion of a five-year state prison sentence will mnain in force. Mni. Lakes was arrested by Costa ~lesa police Jast Oct. 12 at Ye Ole Inn. 2371 Newport Blvd. shortly after the angry woman lifted her hwband from hi& bar ltool with a fusillade of shots. Monte Lakes, 30, was lat'er treated for bullet wounds in the abdomen and but· locks. Officers said Lakes was seated at the bar drinking when his furious wife entered the crowded tavern during the "Happy Hour." They said she coolly stepped up to the bar and ordered a drifik alter sbooting her husband and consumed it and calmJy conversed while waiting for the police to arrive. Finance Company to Build Skyscraper in Newport Officer Ted CUrry said the clerk hand- ed her the package, at which time she announced she was pulling a robbery and demanded that he hand over money in the cash register . "You 're kldding," Mickey told the at· tractive brunette. She. said ahe waa not., gesturing with a simulated gun held under • bright yellow sweater and ordered Mickey to keep his hands off the robbery alarm button. "I'll shoot,11 she said. He hesitated again, however, and the young woman turned and ran, her shoulder-length hair bobbin1, a1ong with other attributes described by the at· tempted robbery v:ictim. ''She had a nice bust," Mickey told police. $500 Plumbing Equipment Lost Last week the, U.S. Army Corp! of Engineers reduced the flow f!'WI Prado Dam from ol,000 cubic feet of water per second to 1.200 cubic it:et per second. From p .. ,, I TRUSTEES •. ·. was so close 11.!t time I feel we should try agaln. It is the fairest way for all concerned to pay." Robert Hamplsrey1 (Cost.a Mesa) - ••Newport and Costa Mesa I think would give substantial support again. The pro- bl(:m would be in the other area (West County). I lean toward the pennissire a minor amount ol water for the river, ex:plained Wise. The Santa Ana River itself has ap- parently weathered a long winter o! atorms in good condition. \ Corps of Engineers persoMel are cur· renUy in charge of the river and have indicated no problems with weakened banks or overflow. The slackened flow of water will also aid the cities of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach in the.Ir effort to remove river debris from beaches. $5 Fight Brings $200,000 Suit taz increase." An apparent fight over a $5 folder tif Donald Hoff (~lidway City) -"lf fabrics in a Costa hlesa store has found JOU gel the community solidly behind its way to Superior Court-and it now you you can move ahead with greater has a $200,000 price tag. confidence. I think we sbould give the That's the amount of damages Penny Plumbing equipment worth more than people one more chance to say, 'Yes, White of Costa Mesa wanU from Cheryn $500 was taken in burglaries at 111 indll!-we're with you.' I'd rather spread it Sandin and Empire Silk Stores Inc., 221 trial plant site and a residential develop-out than a big tu bite. But if ?.'e E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, the employel'J ment, Costa Mella police Hid today. of Miss Sandin. The suit charges the Thomas Goodman, employed by John· don't go for the bonds 1 still would defendants with assault and batt'ery and stOn & Washer Inc., Los Angeles, said 1° for the other." false imprisonment. pipe and fittlnp worth $400 were hauled Geor1e Rodda Jr. (Corona del Mar) Miss White claims she was challenged from the Hyland Laboratories site at -"l don't think there has been much by 1.11ss Sandin after she had examined 3300 Hyland Ave., WedneMiay. change in voter attitudes. If there has fabrics contained in a folder at the store. Joseph C. ·Patton, employed by Calta been a change it's been 1n the negative She states that ?\liss Sandin refused to Sea.board Finance Co. wlll move Its international headquarters into a 16-story tower to be built in Newport Center, the Irvine Co. announced today. Plumbing, 15186 Golden West St., Weat· of the news media's approach to higher accept her eiplanation that fabrics she In Seaboard's offices, and space for minster, said $121 in shower fittings education. We'd do much better spending possessed were htr oYrn and that the other tcnan~ in the tower will be disappeared from 3100 Mace Ave., a the $25,000 an election would cost on store slammed a heavy door on her fool The world's third-largest consumer finance company, Seaboard's head offices will be moved from downtown Los Angeles and will occupy the first in· temational headquarters of a major firm to be located in the hilltop commercial· financia! complez in Newpcrt Beach. The move was announced at noon today at a press conference at the Newport.er Inn. The new building, scheduled for com· pteUon in early 1971, will have a quarter- million square feet of office gpace. It will be the largest structure in Newport Center. Balboa Jnsurance Co., one of the Seaboard Insurance subsidiaries, will own and b.Uld the tower. The Irvine Co. will be the developer. Alore than 350 officers and other employes of the finance firm will work Harbor PTA Sets Drugs Discussion, . ''What Do You Know About Drug11•• will be the topic of a symPolium to be presented by the Newport Harbor High School PTA al 7,30 p.m. Wednesday 1n the hiah school social hall. Student!: and parents are invited lo attend, and pose "-Titter. questions to the gueal speakers. Newport Beach Police Department Juvenile Narcotics division detective Leo Konkel will discuss the drugs used, their phy!kal and emodooll effect, and how lbe drugs are obtained. Psychiatrist Robert Drury will speak about what motivate. people to use drugs. Don Hallstrom of the Orange County Probe.Uon Department will d i 1 cu s s rehabllltalion of narcotica offender•. Newport Harbor High Principal Charleo Godshall will atate the policy of the Newport.Mesa Vnilled School IM1rlcl toward dn11 uaen. Mesa Teen Girl Scares Bu1·g lar A cleM cut younc cat bur1lar was fiusbed from a Calta Mesa apartmel'lt N.r!y today when 1 tecn1ge ,tr! walked out of the bllhroom and confronted the Intruder. The Intruder ll<cl 1-lhe home on Placentia Avenue without aayin.g 1 word and a cbt<:k of the Tuktence turned u~ nolltlng mlHlng. Olflw Ted Curry said lhe II year old i}rl .,., leavtna tho bethroom •fler get.Ung Tead)' for bed when 1he saw the stranier eoin1 into htr bedroom. .available. home-site. a cal culated public Telations program." as she sought to leave the premises. The building at full occupancy wilt lr====================================='====-1 house 1,000 personnel. Groundbreaking tentatiVely l.!1 set !or the coming center, Irvine Co. spokesmen said. The investment building firm of Ketchum, Peck and Tooley are the con- sulting developers fOT the high-rise pro- ject. Contractor C. L. Peck will build tLe stnicture. Welton Becket and Associates will (lesfgn it, and Coldwell Banker and Co. will serve as the leasing agents. The Seaboard firm, founded 42 years ago in an old frame house in downtown Los Angeles, haa more than 1,000 branch offices ir. 46 states, '1ght provinces of Canada and in Australia. Seaboard rect-ntly was bought by the Avco Corp, of New York, which own!! broadcasting operations, Paul Revere Life Insurance Co., Carte Blanche, Rancho Bernardo and Avco Embassy :Pictures. Contract Given For Riverside Freeway Work Elimination of a major bottleneck for mountain and desert bound motorists on the Riveraide Freeway, within a year, y,·as announced by Sen. James E. Whet.. more (R-Fullerton) today, A $7,617,512 contract was awarded to the Guy F'. Atkinson Co., of Long Beach, to widen the four-lane hlghway to eight lanes, rrom the Orange County Line north to Corona. The project includes a partially new alignment and construction of a new connec:Uon with the west junction of the future Corona Freeway, Whetmore sald in Sacramento. He said also that a project ls under way to iMtall guard rail around bridge ap- ~ches, overhead piers, abutments, signs and l1r1e trees on four Oranfe County tra!fic arterles. Max Rafferty Backs ·student Advisers SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Superln- Undent of Public !Mlruclion Max Raf. ferty met with IOflle 30 hl&h ochool atudtnt luctera from throughout the a:tate WedMsdly and promised to stnd gujdellnts to achoola calling for more studtnt advisory groupe. ~ Rafferty told the teen-1ge represen- tatlvtt of the California Associ11tkm of Student Councils he V.'as not opt)(Mlfd to 1lvlng 11 largft' voice to sudtnt., In cootrolllng their own 1ffalrs. \. al JJ. J. (}arreff ~ SALE CONTINUES OUR ONCI •A• YUR AT THE REAR OF THE STORE e CHAIRS • SOFAS LAMPS e DESKS e BEDROOM e TABLES PIECES • • DRESSERS e HEADBOARDS • e MIRRORS e • SCREENS NITE TABLES PICTURES • DINING ROOM PIECES • BOOK CASES DISCONTINUED FLOOR SAMPLES & ODDS AND ENDS H.J.GARREJT fURNf[URE ,ROFESSIONAL INtERIOR DESl&NERS I, 0,..-.-. ......... I ' ( 2115 HARBOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. ··~0271 '46-0176 I I ' I I DRUGS FASCINATE TEEN-AGERS From Page 1 become "psychologically nwnb," over· whelmed by all the stimuli and pres- sures around him, the demands on his attention. He puts up a screen to ignore It all. · . But this sell-erected screen "may become so dense that it isolates hilJl as" well Crom direct experience with the simple, the beautiful, the unexpected tn the world around him," says Dr. Helen Nowlis, University of Rochester psychologist. "The preoccupation of some of the dropouts with flowers, sunsets, folk 60ngs, togetherness, and meditation is not without significance, nor is the preoc- cupation of others with a din of their own making," she says. "There Is rnore than ·one way to shut out the world." From questioning youths, IA'. Mitchell Balter of the National lnsitute of Mental Health estimates that about one.third of those who use drugs experiment with them for kicks, another third out of curiosity, and one-third because they seek or hope for insights into themselves, or to feel or be more creative. Many young people feel that modem life is not offering them many options, or that they have to choose life careers too soon, says Dr. Leonard S. Zegans, Yale psychiatrist. ••with drugs, they can try thinking and feeling in different ways ••• Drugs represent a breakdown in or withdrawal from society's competitive emphasis. You just can't compete in the drug state." This generation "as the first truly affluent generation is beginning to ask wbat lies beyond abundance, beginninl' to search for a definition of the Good Life that transcends two cars in the 2 Girls Sharing Lead in Beach Play 'Brigadoon' ' Competition was so fierce for the fe- male lead in "Brigadoon" that two young ladies will share it this weekend in th e Huntington Beach High School produc- tion. . Friday's perfonnance will feature Lin- da West in the role of Fiona. Saturday Beverly MoffeU will don the garb of Fiona in the Lerner and Loewe romantic· musical. Both shows will begin at I p.m. in the high school auditorium. Admission is $1 and S.75 for children. MrS. Jeanne Tyndall, director of the mus ical and head -of the school's music department, said this year's crop of per· formers ls the best she'll ever had. "Brigadoon" will only be the third pro- duction ever put on by the school's music department. "We'd like t.o do a product· ion every other year," wd Mrs. Tyadall. Music students have worked on "Brig· adoon" for two hours each day the past sli weeks. "They're still a happy group." say11 Mrs. Tyndall. while several of the cast cavort around the stage. About 50 perfonners are involved In the production, including the high school d>oir . • "Brigadoon" is about a quaint llllle Scottish town with an odd habil or a~ pearing only once every 100 yean. However, a couple of young American hlbrs lpOlJ Ott routine when they stum- ble onto the village. • An trnr((ltllted Jover threatens the town with extlnclloll and ••• but that will be told Frld*Y and Saturd ay night Some familiar songs include "Heather on the Hill," "It's Almost Like Being in Love." and "Brigadoon." Leading cast members lo addition to the female lead Include Kirk Ste~·enson as Tommy, Dick Derby as Charlie, Janet S~achan as Jeannie, Jane Caley as itegJ JiJlt Perkins as Jrlf and Rusty teppet as Mr. Lundie. A.ubtant director It CUrtb FT)'•· garage, a respectable job, and a good health and pension plan," Dr. Keniston. remarks. Some of them become more In- trospective, probing their own inner worlds. Drugs tlJOs offer them one ship for the uncertain voyage. A majority of marijuana users say they find it satisfying, relaxing, or that their experiences with it are interesting or illuminating. Some youths con)part marijuana with \heir own parents'· drink- ing of bootlq: whisky during Prohibition. Marijuana proponents uy k 11 We, and it may be so for most.. on the basis of their own personal ei'per1ences to dale. Students wtto know that friend• are smoking marijuana and have•'t flip. ped out or are still making g~ grades may be tempted to try it them.f:lves. Opinions \lary as t o what effect, hailuciftogenic drugs have on se:rual response. In general, it appear& that these ' drugs "do not seem to elthrr st.imulate or diminish sexual drive," sly& one medical report. The appeal or U)D, 1ay varioua usen. Is that it brings a much more heightened if distorted perception, one that promises deeper ln.sighlJJ into tbe Inner world or feeling and consciousness. Some call it "instant analysis" of one'• self, or "instant paradise." LSD, some claim, can make a person'• point of view seem truer, more rtaL Peace and Love simply become true. On goOO trips, they aay, there ii often the sensation of understanding one'a self better, or seeing behind the poeturtng of society or a person'• own posturln1, of feeling "at one with Nature." The appeal of 8Jllpbetantlnes and barbiturates is simpler and more dlred -to become stimulated or to become calmed down, or to swing from extremes by using both kinds of drugs, or sometimes just to experience a dream world. For the underprivileged especially, the hard drugs like heroin become a mean1 of blotting out emotional pain wben there la no place to go. (Tomorrow: How to tell a. drug user.) Sand SI to ''t>ni1 Booklet, Ol'tftff C~lt D1llt Plla1, P.O. Boll 5. T11ned<, H.J. 016".'' ~kt check1 PIYlbll "' A.HoClllld Pr•u. Btokleh will bl m•lltd dll'KllV to """"' wtlt 11ac:. tMlr ,,,. Cieri 1~11 Wl'I' 1nd wm bt ret\lrl'lfll In 11aln - Vl~lo Wrestling Takes Strong Hold in Fountain Valley Wrestling has taken a 11troag hold on popularity in Fountain Valley. The hlgh school has wrapped up several individual tltles in its lbree year program and youngsters in the parks and recrea. tion program have added their bit Saturday the wrestlers again will take over the scene, as boya from I lo 14 begin a IO-week parks and recreaUon wrestling program under lbe guidancr: of Wayne Mickaelian, assistant coach at the high school. At the end of the program a dty championship will be held to determine entrants in the Orange County Novice Junior Wrestling Tournament. won by Fountain Valley the put two yean. Registration fet is $5.SO for the CC>W'te. and may be made anytime durl,ng the week at Fountain Valley City Hall, 10200 Slal<r A~. Huntington American Legion Marks Date Members of American Legion Polt 133 of Huntington Besch and their ladles wlll celebrate 50 years of legion activlty at 7 " .... . Monday 1n the Lake Part club house. ••. ~ ,u ... al pos& wlll join American Legion groups throughout the ~ountry In commemorating the legion's 5Qth an- • nJveraary. 4 Speaker o( tbe even!Qg wlll be 29th Dlstric& Commander Kenneth Hardman. 2 Profeet• •--1" Cllt" -t ' School Money -Goes to Work 1J RUDI NIED'.Ai:JUI .... ~'"" ... A large 1Cboo1 construct1111 pnicram la seWnl under way In the lluDttngton Beach City Elementary School Dlltrlct, tbanU to the -Jut mootb of a 14,'ISO,OOO bond llaue. The bond money, coupled w I t h 19,'ISO,OOO in llate aid, wW enable the district to build two acbool1 per year for the llOll three to five years. · School officials have waSted no time in figuring out what to do with· the money, 'Ibey already have drawn . up working plans for a 750-student in· termedlate ICbool to be built near Bulhard Street and Indianapolis Avenue b1 September 19!0. Chari .. C. Palmer, district uslstant lllpefintend .. t for business, laid it b )JOSalble the dlltrlct will use thete pbns for other aebooll, tbu.a .uvlng time and money. P~er also said the dlslrict la cur- rently nqotlatlng for five more school lites. FOW' wUl be located east of Belch Boulevard, wJth one on the west aide. Scbool olllclab eEpeet the dWict's tu rate for bond redemption to remain lleady at about 40 c:onll per 1100 """''" eel valuation for the nm several years. "Of course we .,,..,er know exactly :fi'hat the tu rate Is going to be, bnt Valley Schools Praise Parents About 1,281 parents have been com- mendod by the Fountain Valley School District Board of Trustees for their ef .. forts as "reading boosters." Working as library aides, the volun- teers amassed 3,04$ hours of aenice to FOllDtain Valley 1tudenlJJ. dw'ing the put )'ell'. The reading boosters help children bY checking out books, 5helving and pro.- cesslng newly acquired volumes. ' we (etl U wlll nmain around tills ftgure.~· PallDer laid. . · Although the projeCted lchoola would solve the . Huntington Beach district'• growth ·problems · for a while at least, Paliner noted that achool building pro- grams tend to fall behind actual growth. SCbool distrlcts are hamstrung in th1s regard, be explained" becai111e they can- not build schools until the facilities are actually needed. And new housing tracts, be laid, aeero tO fill uP (aster than schoob ... be b11il\. . TE!l'ltatively, district officials are plan- ning schools for about 750 to 850 students. Construction features problJbly will in- clude windowlm exterior walla, air con- ditioning, carpeting and limited Interior walls to intrease flelibillly in the use of space. Beach Merchants Award $6 Cash To Area Seniors Ten local high school seniors have received $6 cash awards as outstanding students from the Huntington Center Merchants' AssoclaUon. Students are selected from the Hun· tington Beach Union High School District and the Gsrden Grove Un!fil;d School DI~. Wirmers and their schools are Mike Wood, Fountain Vaijey; Gloria Riley, Huntington Beach; Donna Riley, Marina; John Cruz, Westmlnsteri Diane Cox, Bolsa Grande. Olivia Whitener, Garden Grove; Suzan- ne Markland, La Quinta; Marie Untlet, Pacifica;· Regina M. Klein, Rancho Alamitoa, and Cindy Lowman, Santiago. All scholar Winnen wfll receive four hours of occupational e :1 p Io r at lo n training. DAILY I'll.Of Special Delivery "Mother, baby, well .. , Papa went ape." Like all proud fathers In the maternity ward, Kyan sweUs with pride for the new baby his wife 0 Mama Potts' delive-red at Fort Worth Zoo, Texas. Susan Kirk· sey, zoo vet's daughter, shows off the new baby which seems to have his father's nose. Huntington Students of Month Picked Students at Huntington Beach High School have selected two outstanding students for the month of.February. Pat .Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mr1. Leroy Allen, 921 13th St., Huntington Beach, was named as outstanding girl 1 Outstanding boy · honous went to Phil Fisher, son of Mr'. and Mrs. John P. Fisher, 9161 Colbreggan St., Huntingtoo Beach. THIS THURSDAY <MARCH 13), FRIDAY <MARCH 14) AND SAT· URDAY (MARCH15) 2S·GROOVY DUNE BUGGIES ON DISPLAY VALUED AT $100.000. FEATURIN.G HILL HOPPERS, CLAIM . JUMPERS. SHOW CARS AND RACING BUGGIES. ALL STORES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING. 58 FIN! STORES end SERVICES FASHION .:l. ISLAND XllWl'OBT OllKTEa I __ ....,.._IP' ... Mr!_,___.., I • • 4 , O.W.Y PJLOT ........ " .. .,.., Plllt , .... t Tom s_.r, 90, complained In London court that because of an atito<acctdent three years 8:go,, he had to give up golf and jogging. "I get short of breath now," he told the court. • Adult ed.ucation is grecit -. bu~·-th~ $ign in tht lobby of Manhatt.an,1 Biltmore Hotel was a traffic stopper fl!Vtn for the 11Wlt adamant •educt!~i.on supporter. The semi~r tu~ed ·out:to be ont on bank rol:iberv PT~v~t1~ being ~ught to bank 1ecurity -off1~· ers. • Ruth Cairns was fined $12· in Havant England magistrate'• court f~r allegedly hitting a 'bus driver who bad not stopped for her ii.ft.er she had waited 20 minutes for his bus. Mrs. Cairns said she took a train to overtake the bus fieven miles further down its route. • Gov. Robert D. Ray of Iowa has given a 12-pound pregnant arma- dillo to the Des Moines children's zoo. Ray received the annadillo from the Texas delegation to a bowling tournament in Cedar Rapids. The animal was let out of its cage and taken on a tour af one of the governor's carpeted offices. "My wile sort of thought the soon- er we got rid of it the better," Ray said. • Univer.rit11 of NetD Merica of ficial.i have run into a .mag with the campus coedl. Tht A,. 1ociated Women Students haH sent letters to . various campus of[ici4lf prottsting tht' condi-- tion of furniture in the 1chool'1 clwisroom& and dorm.I. The co- eds claim the furniture is jag- ged and rough and causl'I runi in the ir hosUfl/. The AWS hal estimated it co1t.r about $448,• 000 a 11ear to keep the 7,000 co- ed& in new hose. • Bob Nurse, the royal society for the prevention of cruelty to anl· mals stray cat catcher, was hav· ing a terrible time. He knew there were stray cats around the Che~ H0<pitai at Lenbam, England, but they .somehow managed to avoid his traps, Finally he disco~ered the answer -li!Ue old ladies. The litue old ladies, patients at the hospital, had been keeping watCJa on his traps and setting free 8J1il cats that they caught. -----· ------. -------------.,..--,,,-----------·,------·------------ • Seeklng UW.Jer Ray Co,nsidering Appeal of Te_rm? NASHVILLE, Term. (UPI) -James Earl Ray, regretful that he pleaded gullly lo klUing Dr. Martin Lulhet King Jr., is consk!erlnc trying to overturn bll 99-year prllon ,......,., the Nashville Tennessean reporled in a COt>Yrilhled lll«y todJY. The newspaper, quoting prison ......e., said Ray already baa inquired about bow lo oblaln • laWj'Or. Ray enl.red the gullly plea in Memphis Monday in the slaying cl the civil rights leader and wu tnuWerrtd to the state prl!on earl)' Tuesday. '!'lie Tenneaaean quotes prison saun::t"I and othen w&o have talked to Ray since be was sen- tenced. • "When I went to . court Monday I WU convinced if I didn't plead guilty I WU going lo the electric cbalt. I wish the hell I badn~ now because with what they had on me I believe the worst J'd 1otten would have been life," a prison aource quoted Ray as l!IYing· The nenpaper said lllghway Pab'ol Capt. Rlchard Dawson, who accompanied Ray from Memphis, also aald Ray made inquiries about· an attorney during the trip. The newspaper quoted one aource aa saying Ray remarked, "To get to·federal court you've got to come up with a mistake made befQte your trial." '11le source Aki Ray did not elaborate. "My attorney and my brother told me about six -weeks ago· that '1ht best thing for' JDe to do WU to plead guilty U we could work out a deal, to keep .me out of the chair. They told me they thought this could be done," a prllon aoaree quoled Ray u saying. , "I was t!llnklng about It and every day they thought I would plead gullly. Lui . week I Just . loJ4 them If they tbougbt tbll was . bes\ and wbal I oughl lo do, Ulen I -.;ould plelll guilty." * * * Senawr Asks King Slaying Investigation WAsHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. James o. Eastland, (D-Miss.,), chairman of the Senate Jntemal Security Sub- committee, said Wednesday he was launching an investigation into the assassination oC Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. . "I have doubts that this killing was the work of one man,'' Eastland said ln a statement. ''The obvious question b -were there Communists involved?" EuUand asked. The Justice Departm<nt confirmed this week its lnvUtigation of a conspiracy in the King slaying II still open. James Earl Ray began serving a 99- year sentence Tuesday after pleading guilty to King'a murder. Eastland. said Ray had indicated there was a consp1racy with a "blood LaUn" man who provided the assassin with funds. . JOAN KENNEDY RAISES HEMLINE, EYEBROWS Senator's Wife Greets President and Mrs. Nixon in Minidress ,Two Embattled Sclwols All L S . Shi Ordered Reo ened in LA ost on · oviet P LOS ANGELES (AP) -Authorities cautiously ordered two strife-tom Negro acbools re-opened today in the wake or three day1 of wideaprud student violence and waltouta. · Prlncipall were autbotlzecl lo 1111pend or. recommend e s-p u 1 s I o n of lruublemakm -although nonstudent "revolutionaries" along with atudeota were blamed by authoriUes. p PORTSMOUTH, Va. (UPI} -The U.S. was believed hit by the 693·foot tanker Coast Guard reported today that a Soviet-Esso Honduras some 31 miles offshore be participating." bloc ~ishing trawler was sunk early this from Oregon Inlet, N.C., about 4 a.m. Reddin told a news conference Wed-morrung and all hands lost after an . . nesclay ·a police-district attorney'& task apparent collision with a Panamanian-He said the tanker rad1oed there had • 1. •'--' "d lh t re<ristered ta·"er. been a collision as it was southbound 1orce .a ••WlC1mg evi ence a a o-llA "crimlnal conspiracy" is at the bottom 111e trawler was believed to have had to Aruba. Copeland said the commander of the. disruptions. a crew of 20. of the Soviet-bloc fishing fleet , when Reddin said that members oC the Black U. (JG) Howard Copeland, public in-asked, radioed that its trawler number Students Union and Students for a formation officer fer the Fifth Coast NR-4553 was hit "and .sunk with all Democratic Society are among the con• Guard district here; said the trawler handS aboard,•• spiraton along ~ith Communists. He ------· ' oaid ''revoluilooaries" an keeping tbe violence alive. At White Heme Joan ·Kennedy Creates Stir In Minidress From Wire Senlces WASHINGTON -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy'& lovely wife, Joan, wa.s quite a sens,aUon cwben she showed up at the White House in a glittering !liver, ail·lncbea·above-tbe-lmee dress. "II hardly covera the subject," quipped one senator as the b}Qode Mn. Kennedy moved down a recel:ving line Tuesday night at the second ·o1 three receptions for members of. Congress and their spouSes. Altbqugb her dress drew long admiring looks from many other lawmakers. Mrs. Kennedy'a attire was not as big a bit among · their Wive~. All but a few of the women wore the long gowns Mrs. Nixon had suggested. The First Lady'herseU hild on a rose red, embroidered lace gown reaching to her ankJes. Mrs. Kenne<Jy told newsmen a "little dressmaker" in Washington made her outfit. M rs. Nixon designed h e r gown and had it made by a New York dressmaker. While other_, people talked about his wile's miniskirt, Kennedy chatted at length with Nixon, a man some la'/ be may someday run against for the .presidency. Meanwhile, another one-time presiden- tial hopeful, Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D-Minn.), wandered upstairs for a tour of the Ni.Ion family quarters. Pausing in the Queen's Room, a pretty guest suite, he commented : "If I had seen that room - I would have worked harder." Israeli· Egyptian Battles Renewed By United Press International New artillery duels broke out today between Israeli and Egyptian foices across the Suez (:anal, the fourth major outbreak since Saturday, A military spokesman in Jerusalem· said intennittent artillery fire continued along the length of the c.:nal an hour after Egyptian soldiers openaj fire on "routine" Israeli activity on the east bank. The routine activity apparently refer- red to Israel's use of mechanized equip- ment to build major fortifications along tile canal. Egypt charged Wednesday Israel was trying to ••annex" the west b~nk. Dorothy Healy, the Soulhem C&Ufomla Communlat Party c:liainnan_ roplled lo a claim by Police Chief Tom Reddin that Communiats and "other militant groopa" are partlclpallng. Moat acbooll held claase! Wednesday despite dlmipUon and a spckesman for the Clly Board of Education said Carver Junkr ffigh -where the trouble atarteJ -and JtffulOll High would be open today for the fint time since Monday. HOUSEHOLD~ Lj "Of course Cornmtnllat youth are participating In the llrikes," she said. "WhereVer t b ere are movements of llOCla1 proltal Commualsll are going lo Ex-LBJ Science Adviser Urges Against Sentinel WASHINGTON (UPI) -Dr. Donald F. Hom.lg, White House aclence adviser tn the Johnson administnltion, today urg • ed President Nixon not to go ahead with deployment of the Sentinel an- liballlstlc missile (ABM) system. Hornig'• opposition cune in a telegram made J)ubllc by a Senate FOl'elgn Rda- tlons SubcommlUet shortly before Ntim con!~ at the · White House wllh DelenM Secl'ti,ry Melvin R. Laird. The President II upecled lo announce h I 1 -dec1akm on the ABM at a news con-. ference Friday. HomJg wu thl thlrd fonner preiiden· Ual aclence ·adviser lo doclare publicly I h a t the deployment of t h 1 SenUnei defense 'lioulcf impair natlooal K<Vrlly. 111e spoke!man nid 1'things seem to be moving in the direction of aetUina: down.'' Laird Presents Views to Nixon WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of Defenae Melvin R. Laird. home from a week'a tour of Vietnam, presented Pres-- ldent Nixon today with an inch-thick doc- ument of his views and recommendations on the future of the. war. Laird, who returned here late Wednes- day, anived at the White House ahorUy betore 11 a.m., and discussed hls t r t p with NiJon in front of a fireplace in the President'& Oval Office. Before them was the thick bundle oC papers that Nixon said wu "a report on the secretary's observations on Vietnam aod hil recommendaUon1 on the fUture cwrse ln Vietnam." Laird decllned·to brief new!men meet- ing his plaJw, (Ill ... of the missions that tool: him lo the war zone and said he bad reached no cooclusJon about a aecor!d. Transform 1JOU1' Landscaping APPLIANCE VALUES! U.S. Low of -16 at Laramie Dramalic Garden uunung BRIGHT COLORS make the scene i li!i:.l!~t· Frigi.d Weather From Rockies to Appalachians C•llfel'llla Temperatures Albuwtr<1v. Ancflor"t AtMl'llt 8 " l1~1rsll•ld " .. lltmlrc-" " .. ,M .. " .... " " "'-" " Cll'ld-" " " C....._i.MI ,. " .,_, " • ......... .. " ...,., .. " ·-.. ,. Fort Wtrtlt .. " F••l'IO .. .. ..... " .,. --.. ., -.. " .. Ktfllll Cll'f ~ " LM V ... t .. " c ... t.1 lOt Mttln ,, ... Mt1m1 IHCPI .. ... M llWtuli;H " " Ml--1li " " NM Or,._ " " ~York " " 0.-11,,., " .., ........ " " ..... ••11t n " f'~llteltlltllfl .. " ""°"''" ., .. PltlMll,i"l1'1 " " ...... ,, .. fttl>ld C!IY " " ttM tlllft ., " ·-.. " Stet•""'"" Q " .St. lovl• ll " Sll!llM • .. Sitt ltn Ct~ ,. " Slrr Di.to ~ " Slrt l"rtoMltl;e ~ ... .... " .. " ..... n .. --" .. """"" .. " W1t11l,.,.flll'I .., " tnrace1, •• patiol •• , recretdioA area.r ••• enlrytDaJ/1 ••• outtide ltoh,,,frtu ••• thnW1 SILF-ADHESIVE MASTIC Uae color with• free l'land-pul g1y Orange on 1he fron1s ol kitchen cablnet1t coordinated orange flowert on the window shade. You'll find wonderful new "twinging solid•" In CON·TACfe plesUc: ·Hot Pink, Sapphire Blue, Desert Gold , Avocado ..• to decorale 1 11 •round IM houu. So easy, because this la self-adheslvt pl11llc. Come choose your coloral• 11"wtc1e.•••r1rd ·Stop prcM:nt rust!-and give your metll l railina1 l1uin1 beauty in the Rust·Oleum color of your choice. Brushl Rust·Oieum 769 Damp-Proof Rtd Primer riaht ove.1 tht' r_usted surface. aher wire- brui.hina rust scale and loose tu.SI away! Follow-up with ~ur desired Rust·Oleum fin • 11h color I Let u1 show rou how Rus1-0leum c1n stop your rusl problem$. Only NIGHTSCAP!NG provides a selection o£ 21 .fixtures ••• ~ designed fo~ .specific dra, .. matic lighting effects to transform eiteriors and grounds into majes tic night scenc-s. NIGHTSCAPING uruts are a •ale 12 volt In· stallati(:ln using <lirect burial cables fot com .. plete Bexibllity of placemen~ SM Our Lighting Dl1pl1y ••• Tocl1yl • • WATER HEATERS Republic "Gemini" 20.GALLON ....... . . 542.88 lO·GALLON .............. 544.88 40-GALLON ............. $49.88 50-GALLON . .... . .... $64.8 8 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE Thl1 q111lity g111r1 nl•ed 9l11t ll11ed w1f1r h11I•, h tquipp•d with 11l1ty temp, 11 t•q11!r1d by 1 ..... We h1w1 1•111• d1y i111t1ll1tion 1v1il1bl1 If you wi1h, All 11orm1I in1t1U1tio11 p1rh i11cl11d· 11. C1ll by 110011 -i~d1 ll th1! day, Al10 111111• t•~cy i11d1ll11io~ 1v1111bl1. All work do111 by 11'111i1r plumb•"· ' • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• GARBAGE DISPOSALS IN-SINK-ERA TOR Medal No. JU ....... ...... '29 95 OU• PRICE ...... .•. • -1 Year G1i11r1nfW- Mo4al N .. SJS ....... ...... '46 95 OUR PRICE -···A-• -J Y .. r G"41tlfttM- Modal No. 77 ....... ,, ... , '49 95 OUR PRICI , • ' -S v .. r G\lennt• - -INSTALLATION AVAILABLE -I • . Cradufown on Ptulaers GOP .Send'S .Dfug Bill to l\ssembty Aquanaut Probe Ends • SAN DIEGO (APJ -The :· two-week hearlna Into the • ocean-noor death of Aquanaut ' Berry L. Cannon I e f t i una~wered a key que!tlon: 1 Did he die bectu.&e o f ! neallaence, an accident or 1 aome other reason 1 1: The Navy'! board of in· 12 vestigalioo a!!ligned to· probe •the Sealab 3 tragedy ad· 'joumed Wednesday. In closed •HSiiOn• it WU tuld Navy •"photosrapblo 1xperts ,..,. ~nable to determine which of lhe four rigs available for :\he dive wu worn b7 Cannon. One ol tllt rip WU deftcllvt, -' MILD ::. MERVE DEAFNWI le • ~ TV U1ten1nt l(evlc:e Given • • • 11..H .... IL MIM~A ..... , ~(!al off•, of unlti;ti• lnt•r· d to thot• who hear bu• de not und1t1t1nd words h11 · ct been 1nnounc1d. 1vic• it b1int •ffertd to fh1 herd of h1arln9. l~1n1bl1s th1s1 people to r TY and R1dlo progr1rn1 ate~ whllt oth1N ll1t1n .. 19ur.,, volume. offet is motel• t• lntr•· c{MCt Mlntcle-..... th• "•W, .... 1r11ly t inf ell-in-tht·••r h:otilrirtg tleYlc•. \/j!. su99est you sen4 f•r oCi at one•. IT WILL U TO YOU, PIOMPTLT. Act Now, Thi• off•r M•f i.. rtpt•fttl In this •re•, P,..s•, h•rd of hearing per- ·~ '"'~· -~-AN-"""·' TV DWkt. Dw!lf, tMCJf ...... 171JJ t Mf1t11..,.. M11t11. 11•11 p1,,,, ''"' '''' TV LI• .. "'' ••II• • • • • • • • • • • • • '• • • • • • ........ !•••······ .11,t .• NO MINIMUM > TIME ~· REQUIRED INTEREST FROM DATE OF RECEIPl TO DATE OF WITHDRAWAL! per annum compounded daily ASSETSOVE~ $425,000,000.00 .. ~J.IQW MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN A•SOCIATI ON • • CORONA DEL MAR 2867 E st Coest HilhWIY, Corona Dtl Mar, Calif. 92625 telephone: 675.5010 HEAD OFFICE 31S E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, C.IK. 91109 telephone: 449·%3.45 . ~ . • N ~port' ~·F_filician~ Wins ' ' · Top , Honors in 'Gramm~s' ~~'A~~~~ ~If your old refrigerator ""' seems to be shrinking ... trade it now for this ' . . 16.6 Cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE Frost· Proof! . . . . GIANT . ,with ': .... ;, ·154 · l·b •. FRE.EZER ,O!lly .32" wide! ""*'Illy fits where p""911t refrf .. rator Is 1111w. your e You'll never deftest 19111'11 ,.. .... P.r•of system won't let frtlf forrTjl e Rtem f., bulky ftult1 e11el v11tf•· blHI twin hydr1!0t1 hold wp lo 2J.• querlol • Door 1tor19e 91lot1I lutt1r 1114 sntck com,1rfmer1t1, •ti t1ck1, cl11p Joor shelf. PllOIDAllE 5 YEAR NATIONWIDI WARRANTY FrtglfaJre bothers to bulJd In more htlp I y1ir W-err111ty f1, ,.,,,, •f lfty tilt• f1ct In th• 111tlr1, t1ftlttr1t1r ,11r1 4 't'••r ''ot•ctl111 '''" fer r•,t•lr 1f •"'Y 4'1f1cf b1 th1 r1frl1•r1ff111 qttf111! LOWEST 'PRICED FRIGIDAIRE JET-ACTION . WASHER WITH DPC for no-Iron Fabria. e D11r1ll,l1 ''"~ .C1re, 11v1• y111 1,.11111,. e111fi. w1J.1,.f .~ tl111 phu i 1114 _,,,., 109l •••1t h•l,e ,,,,i.11 l"fM.f1~lc1 . •••Ill' tlitlr fl••lr1' ,,_Ml1t. e D•lp Mfl111 Aflt1ff111 plwft111 111th11 4,,, f.,'tfltt••P w1tMllt• \ e J•t A'!'•'f rli1111° ... rl4 1f f111f I t111111 .. th.,a.pf; tht,..'1 Ill"'",.,. lhtt trip . • C1f4 w ... , With 11ttl111 llVll hit ..... ,_. •••• ; clefflff fr1111 1hrr11•1111 t f141119, ONLY 516r IASY IANK TOMS ON ALL AfP,IJANC:D .,lelDAIU I YIAI W.UIAllTT · t f'•t w1N-9ftfy fw ,,,.i. ef •111 4.te.t. ;lltt 4 ?Ht ,......"-"•• 'l;.t"1 .tilyl fff f1rP1ltM11f ,.,.i1c•1MM et'"' ffffftf" ,.rt hi the .... ,It~ +r1111111111l•11t 4rl•• _.,., fll-•t+et ~p. , , . 4•1 ' it;·llYINTllNnf IT. · . C:OSTA MllA · . Dallr "'1J tot. '" • -16" , ' .. • ---~~--~------------..------·-;.---;-,,...---.,--:;:------------~-------------------~~---·------ I DAIL y PILOT EDITO~ ~AGE I - Humanizing Divorce. A large and iJ'OWing body ol public opinion bolds thal. applying legal adversary proceedinis lo family' problem$ -divoh:e -has cau•ed ao mucb harm both lo the man and wile and to their children,. and also so mucb perjury In court that the tilne Has come for re- form, · C<>mpan!on bills are before the CallfOrnla Senate and Assembly. . Although there are differences in minor details, the Senate bill introduced by Sen. Donald L. Grunsky (R· 1 Wataooville) alter several years o1 study, typifies both. Major features include : -Eliminating fault groullds, replacing them with a procedure for an Inquiry intD the marrtage and disso- lution upon a finding that "the legi11mate facts ol mat- rimony have been destroyed and that there is no reas· onable likelihood that the ll)Bl'riage can be saved." -Abolishing fault as a baals for division ol com·· munity property with the court divldinl such property equally in all Cf!Ses except when the economic condi- tion of one of the parties requires unequal division. -Eliminating fault in the award of support to one of the spouses. -Awarding children without preference between parents upon court determination of the best interests ol U!e child. --Creating a family division ol the Superior Court in each county with a marriage counseling staff. Any move to cut out the hypocrisy, the perjury, the deem and the psycbologlcal damage lo children result· Inf from present cltvorce laws ls in the right direction. Reform on Grunsky'a lines could be ooe ol the most coostructive acts of the curretit Legislature. where. Obviously, the storm damage lo the major runway must be repaired .Jor safety's sake, whether used by big jets or small prtvate planes. • But for two weeks tho Jets will operate out o1 other airports -Ontario or Loni Beach. This could be tbe forerunner of possibly ·Interesting developmenta--such as nlidin~ that there are alternatives to maklng a maJor regional commercial airport out of one designed for private (general avlatton) planes. '1984' in 1969 Frightening ls the word for propooals lo establish a centralized :data center for federal records. Gathering all kinds o! information on every citizen in a single. Computer system without adequate 1ale- guards against misuse o! 'tbe data could be an intoler· able threat to privacy: The individual abdlcates control ol personal infor-~ation once it is put into a computerized government file. U.nles.s truly r~gid, .inviolable controls are set up, the rrusch1ef •this Situation could produce for millions of Americans is beyond calculation. Various C01,ltrols have been suggested, among them U1e programrrung of computers to re1ease only statis- tical in!onnation that cannot be traced to identifiable individual s. Airport Alternatives? A few DAILY PILOT readers have suggested that runways at the Orange County Airport should be left unrepelred so that !lie big planes will bave to go else- But this and oth~r .suggested controls still would not be foolproof, advocates of Ufe system admit. The use of computers }Vill~-in the end , be determined by the attitudes of the people in control. If they reject democratic institutions, we could have a 111984 Big Brother" Jong before 1984. The only foolproof protection, it appears would be to prohibit any centralized informalioo baclc. 'Gentkmm, wt're facing a urious criais in the middle ~ The Imuu Wilt on defendint themaell1e1.: More Trouble Brewing Peru's Dispute With U.S. LIMA, Peru -OM problem In Ibis country lw always been Ibo dlfflculty -~-· .. ' ol getting people to agree, on aoythinf. , Thlt bu now been 10!ved. The uoilytng 1 1e11timent: The United States is no damn 1ood! 'l<At/} Where it was once thought that the ~lane• for Progreu could unite th• ~on, Peru'• military volun· hemisphere, it ta now becoming clear tarily turned over the country in 1963 to Lalim that anti-Americani.sm is to the freely-elected government of Presi- cbeaper and will ae:rve as well.'" ThiJ dent Fei'nando Belaunde, an extremely country is provln1 to be Ibo lest popular man ol lbe moderate left. laboratory, · Belaunde.had; however, one cloud on A long and acrimo!Uous dispute his otherwise unmarred horizon, a sim· •-~ Peru and u s oil -~·y mering dispute with the Standard Oil-~ ... ~ 8 • "" -... ......-. ' ·-_.._ lnt!mati....-a1 Pet-Jeum ' C o • with mncb to be •aid legall:y anil -.Jl7 ~ ·-·• m both aides, bu appuently ended (IPC). For yean, nationalist elements lrith the Jeizure of the company and in the country bid been calling for Ha useta: by the covemment. In what Its takeover. What bothered Peruvians can only bt delcribed. u a mualv• wu that IPC dJd not havt just a con- retallatlon, It ls now proposed that the ceuion, u do other oil companies in U.S. government withdraw all foreign LaUn America. It purported -through aid-new loans have already been stop-a series of challenged contracts and ped -eliminate rem·· portion of the decisions -to own the land and mineral sugar quota and cause Jn end to credits rights to the oil fields it was ei-J)loitJng. · by international lnltitutlons in wlllcb we play an important role. . BELAUNDE BEGAN negotiations. By 1964, under command of President Al.1. IN BEBAU' of me· U.S. company JobnBOn'a ••one voice" tn hem.isJ>het:e with not enllre.ly cJ,ean hands, we will affairs, 'Ibomu Mann, the United Statu be delrivinl Peru of some f151).$1'.1C) was crowding Peru hard for a settlemfnt million and throwlnl perhaps 100,800 favorable to IPC. For nearly two years Pmi.vians (and their families) cut of wt vlrtuaJJy cut oU all assistance under work. lf there tJ a better phrase to the Alliance for Progress because Peru ., deacribe um than ''dollar diplomacy /' was not generous with its terms to It hu not been.~ el for 60 yean. this American business. Already support for Peru iii pouring Under increasing pressure at home, In from her Latin neighbors and-per· and with the State Department by now haps more ominously-from behind the acting-in effect-as IPC's lawyers and 1roa Curtain. enrorcers, Belaunde stalled. A bit of history i! In order. Undtr Finally, lat August, ~ment was pre11ure from the Kennedy rea~, satisfactory to IPC and to the government. But It was too lale. Filled with righteous nationalist propaganda and proof that the company and the government had collaborated in ._ decep- tion involving the destruction of one page of the contract, the armed forces moved in on Oct. 9, threw ou~ Belaunde, seized •ll properties of IPC and an- nounced that no payment would be forthcoming because the company has already taken more money in illegal profits than its assets were v.·orlh. There has never been a more popular govern- ment. THE HICKENLOOPER amendment to the ·foreign aid bill provides that all assistance must cease to any country sir months after it seizes U.S. business property without proper compensation. · It is that amendment which will be Invoked -unless some negotiation begins soon-on April 9 and which wUI cause much trouble to us here 8.fld throughout Latin America. · In 1965, attending a briefing .on the then-developing Peru crisis and the emerging ':.dictatorship in Brazil, Sen. Robert Kennedy said to Ibo presiding State Department official : '~What the Alliance for Progress hu come down to then i$ that you can close down newspapers, abolish congress, J a i I religious opposiUon and de?Qrt your political enemJes and you'll get lob of help, but if you fool around with a U.S. oil company we'll cut you off without a penny. ls lhat right?" "That's about the size of it," the official replied, and he knew what he was talking about. By Frank ~1anklewici: ud Tom Braden Our Army • IS Going to Pot Tbe Anny's been trying lo devclop an appallln1 new chemical warfare agent designed to destroy "the cobf.SiveneM of an enemy forct" ln a puff of smoke -ayntheilc marijuana. Wbat'1 appalling ls that tbe Army's ne\'9" !urned tbe -ol history -at least the Jessoos embodied in that well-known text, "A Rewritten HJrtory ol tbe World." It was in '32 B.C. that marijuana WU first introduced to Western Civillza.. tion. General Acapulco Goldum and his 'lbird Roman LeRioo lay traJIP'd by Ibo U&la-Goth -in a rude fort just north ol lbe Flslula. G<neral Goldum (dtlpite P 11ny•1 aJlalment) appears to have been an tntelligent and l...,llllUV< soldier. Hav· inl tetn the effec:tl ol. marijuana on Eutem dervishes. he hod bml1hl aJoog a supply in his bagqe train for Just IUCh an emer1mey. ---W- Tbursday, Mmdi 13, 1M9 ---•11MDoar P'!OC ...... lot.,.. ...s •""" --l>r prllftllinQ lhil ............. oplnlotu aftd """' w :u t °" topla of lfll<fUI -ldprrljioawa. br proojdhl9 • ,_ f'1r tM apt-of --""'"'°"'· """ "!ttl pONolJiit _., dlom1 """'° poljlll of lllf"""'d obttrom ... .,........ .. lopicl •/ .,.. .... . • JIJNrt· ltf. Weed, Pub rr ...,......._,.. ~~··-.. - f ~ )> ·.f ~tiU 11~ Hoppe ~ Al the \Jcla-Goths swarmed on the rort. cryin&, ' "Colonial imperialists go home!'' and other epithets, Goldum ordered the marijuana dumped in a huge bronze pot on the parapet. A soldier was staUoned nerl to it with a Darning torch. The moment the ferocious Ug1a-Goths xaled the walls, General Goldum shouted the worda that were to reshape history : "Light up the pot, man !" A phalw of legionnaires standing behind tbe pot blew mightily 111{1 the 1wlrlinf smoke wafted down on the Wieting beslegm. The effect was in· llallW-.S. . The Ugla-Goths dropped their weapons and began howling strange barbarian phrues, auch 113, "l.Alve, man !" "Peact. brother!" And, "Hey, thars the r£al stuff !" Then, doing their weird native dance, 1be Hulla-0-ulla, they disappeared into the SWTounding forest. 1bus the lint use: ol chemical warfare proytd an unquallfied · s u c c. e 1 s • Unfortunately, tht slege c ont I nu e: d . lnd...t, Ibo U1la-Goths new batUe cry became, "Romanum atlacum et on- ~ tumem!'' -meaning, "Let's go nttack the Rom1111 and turn on." lt was during the 32nd attack on Ille embstilecl fort that • sudden lhi~ GI w!od cllln&ed Ibo coune ol hl!lory. 1blJ time, tbe amote enveloped both aides. Alter a chloUc meJee of blck-slaP.. pin(. hll(llng and pledges of undying brotherhood, both armies strolled off. arms about uch other'• •houlde!'I. to a nHlool poetry rud~ltar contest -tMlo& 1111 dn!p of Golcibm"• pol wllli U!<m. • The discredited General, as honor decreed, threw himself on his sword. But, due to the residual effects of the smoke, he missed. As a direct result of this battle - known as '"the Relief of the Fistula'' - a full generation passed before the generals ol either .side could stir up a decent fight between their troops. The borrlfied Roman High Command placed a ban on both marijuana and chemical warfare that has been observed by vb1ually all annies to this very day. Let us hope, then, that our Anny knows what it's doing. We may be able to napalm hell out of Asi an guerrillas. Bot art we equipped to handle a hoard o( Viet Cong hippies? "Peace and love may be erlecti\•e weapon!," as General Goldum warned in his memoirs, "but once unleashed they eould well i:lestrOy the art of warfare.·• Dear Gloomy Gus: The hangup ol &oelety editor& 11 the uie oC the husband '& name in describing a 1111Jron'1 pho10frt1ph. Uow can a 40-)'tlt-oid cuy be aure. II tbe gal In tbe picture ii his old llfrl friend! -U. R. 0. "'" ""'"" ~ ....... ....,..,. "" ___.., .... " .......... ,..., ........... -.Dtltr ..... • A Natural Acoustical 'Sound Box' I'm amazed by the remarb of ruder John Baku and others in your "Mailbo1" colwnn. He says Hany truly informed penon could abaw that the military and the ai rlines of Orange County could operate out of .El Toro together for a """''" tint " -.. •• For lhe moment let's put aside the joint.usage idea. The Marinea have time and again blown hole:s in that concept. I want to know, doe:ii Mr. Baker have any consideration for the 30,000 people living in the Saddleback Valley aru liurrounding El Toro? YOU HA ':'E , HERE mostly brand new homes -m Mission Viejo, El Toro, Lake Porest, Aege:an Hills Capistrano Highlands, University Park ' and Laguna Hills. In addition, there are 11 000 fine senior citizens who have "fouiht lheir war" and retired to the beauty and quiet of Leisure World. Ooea Mr. Bate:r reallze the hills around here create a naturaJ acoustical "sound boz"? That the blight of Inglewood. WestcJH:ster and Playa de! Rey would be nothing compare:d to the destruction· by·nolse we would experie~? Has he not heard of Newport's Complaints regarding jet noise from the present airport? IS HE NOT AWARE of the elfe:d. airport trallic congestion a n d in- dustrialization would have upon these planned commtmilies? Hu ht: not tasted smog? He talks about aavlng the tup.ayer money. At what upeme? Do you want to destroy $600 million worth of private homes for your El Toro regional airport? Hell no; we1J fight! PERRY SNELL Mission Viejo 'E.¥pedlet1CJ1 Prev•ils' To the Editor: It troubles me when buic concepts are quietly set aside. This hu become such .a common praclJct. Exped.ie:ncy prevaila. Some questioned the leeality of the Korean War when troops were committed there without a proper declaration as required in Article One, Sectkln 8 of the Constitution. Few then heeded ' the question. NOW, AGAIN, we find ourselves in the same predicament: a major war and no declaration. The members or Congress whose responsibility this is are appattnUy more satisfied to let things stand, than to stand themselves and be counted. The result 11 that appropriate: action h.u been avoided, and another important principle is clmunvented. NOR JS IT clear to me that our military draft laws have taken adequate notice of the 13th Ame:ndment but no question ls raised on lhla tcOre. and untold thousands of our sreatest rt80Ul'Ct are requlrtd to commit thlmse:Jvu to military chores not of thtlr own chobshla in roreign lands, many n@Ve:r \o return. I The role or the conae:rvltlve ·b to rttaln •n adequate. bealthy tie witb our hfrlta11e. Reprdlni fundamtntah, this role ls vital. Ytl t-...,,,. IO be no vok'e in these troubled timu making 1uch • stnd!Nt appul J. GIBOON Mca.ELLAND We Would Befoul Other Planets A few days after our auccus.ful orbiting of the ·Moon, a friend expressed the hope that this venture would teach people humility in the face of the mtlve:rae. "If this helps us realiu how vast outer space is, and how small our 1k>be is,'' be said, "then It might make us all feel more uniied u inhabJtanta of thi8 tiny speck of dust whirling in space." Thia would be a commendable ~n to learn, I qree. but doubt that we would draw se philoeophlcal an lnlerenct from the Moon· project. Rather, I su1· gested ·bleakly, it mi(ht lead us in Ibo opPo&ite dittction. INSTEAD OF regarding space f.X· ploration as a common effort binding mankind together, it is far more likely that we will simply extend our com- petitiveness from inner to outer Space, and look upon the tolar system u com- peting naUons once regarded. explorations on Earth -as places to plant flags, to colonize, to use u economic resources: and ,military out)lOBls. Unlea we make some unexpected quantum jump In our thinking and fee]. Ing, we will simply extrapolate to other worlds the nme greed and vanity, the same lust for possesalon and domination, the same conflict over boundaries .and prioriUes throughout the solar system. WHAT IS EVEN more dire, we might also export the contamination of our planet, not merely in tenns of wars and prejudices .and injusticeJ, but, quite physically, in tmru: of bacteria and viruses . and all the assorte:d. polhrtionl of earth, ·air and water that are rapidly making our own globe n e a r I y uninhabitable. Notq in <IUZ' hiitory, early or~ inclicatel that we are not pre~ to oopoll olber p1 ... 1s as care1...iy and contemptuou:sly as we ~·e turned oun: from sreen to 1ray, from fair to foul, froqi sweet \o IOUI", in the countryside as wtll u in the citie:s -ao that even IWIIly, snowy Switzerland has shown a IO percent increase in smoke content and turbidity of the air in the la.st two decadu:. WE ARE NO more morally or spiritually equipped to colonize other parts of the solar system -liven out past level of behavior on Earth -than a hog ia fit to march in an Easter parade, Our technical genlUJ ao far outatrip1 our ethical and emotiooaI idiocy that we are no more to be trusted to dtal lovingly and creatively wJth another planet than a rhesus monkey can be allowed to run free in a nuclear power plant. The _Astronauts are bold men, and the scientists who sent them up are bright men, but they are not the ones who will de:clde what is done once we get there. The same old achemers wU1 be running lhe: st>ow. 1970 Focus ls on Senate Politics lflO is quite a way ofr 1n time but preparations already have been launched at virtually every level by incumbents and proapec:tivt candidates. Orie .of the fascinating prospect.i•e chal~nges for poHUcal power wUI come In respect lo control ol the U.S. Senate. For years the Republicans haven't pro- vided even a respectable numbe:r of minority votes in the Senate but in the la.st couple of years the change has been rather dramatic. While many political fence sitters prefer to witch the U.S. House 1s an indicator of chang· Ing political climate, for various reasons the Senate may be the best barometer In 1170. 111E REPUBLICANS, under new Stn· ate Clmpaign Commlttet chainnan Se:n- ator John Towtt of Texas, are npeci.ed to launch an all«rt drive to capture Plrtipn control of the Senate:. Today the dlvWon ls 57 Dtmocrata to CS Republicans. It would talte a gain ol seven Republican votea: to live Vice Praident Spiro ABnew the opportunity lb break a Ue and a gain ol elsJlt GOP members -foi' the Republicans to JeCUrt outrilbt rontrot Slsnlfteantty JS Democratic Senators m up f0< rH1ect1on ta 1'111. PoDtlcal oberven believe it um time that a 1ood clozeo ol Ibo JS mq be In IOriaol political troobt.. On the Republlcse •Ide natlonaJ obRrvt"n ~ that newly ap- pointed New Yort Senaior Chlrtes Gooilell may have a touab fiJll!I f0< election and the Dtmocnls m expect..r lo make sn al).out etlort lo dtleat C.lllomto'1 Senaior George Murphy. Murphy. who ourvlvtd the John900 landslide: of 1984, should be favond to win rMlectioa~ DElt!l.Cl\AnC SENATORS obaen'UI pr~ "!lleve to bo In trouble Include: llevada 1 Senator Howard C&nnon. who f ' scored 1 victory of juJl 14 votes aver his 1964 opponent, then an unknown, probably will face the same opponent this year -;--Governor Paul Lazalt. T~as' Ubtrar Senator R a 1 p h Yarbccough is in for a very touab race from Congiessman George Bush. Ove:r in Ohio IO , year old Se:nator Stephen Young b said to be in re.a.I trouble. In New Jusey, Senator Harrison WWlamJ is ttporte:d to be tn troub1t - wtth the voters. • THE JtEPlJBIJCANS are takin1 a close: look at the ponlbllity ol unH.aUnc ' nch Democrats u Frank Mo.u: ot Utah .. Spessard Holland of Florida. Gale: M~' GI Wyoming, Joteplt -Of• o1 N"'" A1nico. Thomas Mcintyre of New Hampshire, Thomas Dodd ef ConnectJ. " out. Albert Gor< ol Te.,_.. and qua. Un Burdick ol tionh Dakota:. ; 1be same of attuk and count.ttaU.ct for contl'ul of the: U.S. Senate undoubtedly : wJU ebb and now for roonths to tt1ne -but the 1lgnlflcant point 11 that it may be lhe m1jor poUtlcal battle °'"' lt'it. Callfontla Feaean Sen1et • .---B• G ...... _ __....,. l 1• Otar Geer it; " Endoftd ii R\1 autocraPb. That 11 my hobby. I l1't ~lebritiea my autOll'•pb. ARTHU!l • ~ • • Otar Arthur: • Km. i Look, Art. I'll do.tbo fllllllJ' part, 1 , Oke:h? -• • • • • • • • , • • DAILT PILOT '1 • CHECKING . Strife on .Campuses Spawning .New Laws . . ' , • •UP~ A Woman Is Never l'oo .Old to Yearn 111 tin11et1 Pnt• 1a1<ro111o11111 The nation's bol·house cam- p.ises are causing an· liClistupUon 'laws to bloom in legislaftires. At. ·tea.st I.I at.ate legislatures have been co.n·sidering measures &o 1cope with stu- dent violence and demonstra- tio~. a. United PT~ Interna- tional survey sbmmttoday. ealltornia, having l h e lollgat aQ<I most dis:ruplive ca_mws disoni.ers-at San . Franci!§CO State col(~ge and By t;. M, BOYD on the .letters ~n your name. the Uni versity of •Ca)ifornja al Berkeley, is weighing up SEE A MISSOURI COURT Slowest to write, in order, lo &I such laws. are k:,.q; w, ,and m. Quickest . • Just ~ aq 13-year-okl are c, e, i, and o , .. ·AJL FIRST LAW • · lady to day away from. her FBI AGEN1S ire required to Colorado appeared . to be 15-year-<tld a-husband. He diet, if necessary, to .conform the first slate to have.enacted , complained ahe "r~ to insurance companY weight a law..sP.Bwaed by recenr cam- ~-~ -~.1 .. A~A tables • • • A. VEl\,A,GE pus uprisings. Goy. John A. ema~ my 11\NC: qu...-\<:l'!. ClTIZEN or all 50 states is Love recently signed I bill uninvlted, dressed' In notlilng ""7 old Av g giving school administrators mott than bathrobe, slippers ,., · years · e r a e Alaskao however is 23 4 and law enforcement oUicers and Jti.mi .. hl..f always at· ' ' · · 6 ......... .., That's young man's countrY, specific authority to clear out tempting oo. these occasions Ala '·trucfi · ts 1 build' t k dinne ska . . . A s p I R I N • Ou:. IOnlS rom mgs o COO r, vacuw:n the cellophane. escalator, thennos and grounds. rugs, and , go to sleep ,1;1 the bottle, and corn Oak es 'all The College C a m P u~ apartment;• only bed. Sad · started out as capitalized Disorder Act, which went inld liJtuation. Mighty sad. But as tr d effect March 1 says sluden,~. old Ad.1;~ a.-:-·-•• :.1, "A. a e names . ..........u (UJ.l,(llU -.w faculty or outsiders miy not woman is never too -<>kl to WHEN a sociologi&f, at obslruct "lawful freedom · orl yearn." Nonetheless, the poor Bowling Greet\ State college-movement on the campus." woman'• former gentleman in Ohio asked -1,595 students Violitors would be subject to friend, M doj.lbt for good why they dated members 0£ possible penalties or up to reasons of hi.s own, insisted the opposite s e x , ap-$500 in fines and jail sentences i:;he knock if off, and the court proximately 45 or the young up to 8 year, or both. concurred, telling her, in e{· men replied, "I like to neck." Authorities at the University feet, that's right , lady, get '!'hose boys were putting the of Colorado at Boolder are lost. interrogator on, that's obviovs •. using the law agairuit those YOU NEED a compatriot to time you with a watch to take thia little test. CI06e your eyes. When the partner says go, see if you can ttll how loog a minute is. M06t ever)'body thinks the minute: Don't blame them. Some ques· who disrupted a speec h lion. Any sociologist who has recently by s. I. Hayakawa, to c<lnduct a survey to find acting president of San Fran- out why lads go oot with girls cisco state College. must have missed a little s o m e t h i n g as an un-REAGAN REQUESTS dergradu.ate, no~ In Califomia, Gov. Ronald i! u.p after 35 seconds , • Your questions and com· . FEELING FRISKY last ments are welcomed and night, I called one of our will be used wh er ever experts at his home to suggest possible in "Checking Up." he ought to contribute Address mail to I~. M. something to our Love and-Boyd: in care of DAILY observance of Natio n al PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Romance week, and he said, ·1 6 Reag an asked specifically for four laws: Expelling or dismissing any student con- The DAILY PILOT 'Stocks it lo You' •1 . 1 ~. nlfi ., Fli Beach, Cali ., 926 3. give a "'"' ce. P· .-------------------character, that one. AT THE AGE of 89, George Bernard Shaw took out an annuity policy. He paid the equiva lent of $16,000 outright. The insurance c o m p a n y thereafter paid him t h e equivalent of about $4,200 a year; agreeing to continue S"Uch payments for 10 years, ti Mr. Shaw lived that ions. He -'I. But "' di~colltct apProximately $21,000 over five years. Until bis death in 1950. So you eee. those 1 instances wherein h o p e f u J · rporting meo win against house odds do occur, however rarely. -. · · CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q. "WHAT state taxes its people the least?" A. Ohio. State that lazes most is Hawaii • . . Q. '1 JUST READ a knitting machine turu out a pair of nylon stockings in t b re e minutes. How long would it t.ake a fast knJtter to do that by band!" A. About two months, I'm told • • • Q. "WHICH IS older -1he Valentine or the Christmas card~" A The Valentine. by 100 years, at least. . DR. J. MICHAEL W A11REN tlf Penn State says his ex- periments show t out of J7 cats are right-pawed • • • ROW LONG IT takes you to Write your signature depends 1 Danny Thomas r Facing Suit LOS ANGELES (UPI) Comedian Danny Thomas has been named a de£endant , .. ith television producer A a r o n Spelling in a $2 million Jilagiarirm suit flied by' writer, p'roducer and director Sutton Roley. 'the suit afleged the ideas used in the television series, ".Mod Squad," concerning the a~ventura oC three young ixillce undercover workers, were Rolley'1, . lfl'S Bf FRIENDLY U )'OU have new nelibbon ·M lmow ol anyone movtn1 t6 our &l'ft. plttM tell us '90 that WW m&.J fttm4 8 frlendl7 wtlcom• and bdp tbem to become acquainted ln their new •llrTOWJdinai. · 4funtington Be1ch Visitor Hl-414t Cosll MISI Vlsffor HMa4t So. CNsf VlsHor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor u 494-H61 . - KILLS SUCKING INSECTS BY 'SYSTEMIC' ACTION Aphic;ls, ThripS, Scale, Mealybugs, While Flies, Leafhoppers, and other Sucking Insects, They DJE.....:..fost, painlessly, while sucking plant juices from Roses, Swfft Peas, and other Omamentals. In addition it INSTANTLY KILLS POWDEl!Y MILDEW on conlatl when both sid.. ef foliage en spMYed. . or when root zone area is saturated with Spray. Systemic adion does not wash off by roins or overhead tering. Caterpillars, Beetles, leofworms, o I h tr Chewing ln sec.ts ore KNOCKED OUT FAST with quick acting Lindo ne included in th e formula • I Ol. $1 .91 Pf. $2.91 Qt, $4,91 As a" extro bonus, "'• give you in.ta11t CMlrol of Powdery Mild .. Oft RONr, S"'ett f'Ht ond oth•r Omomentoh "4th ICAIATHANE, the '"01t effective fvng icid• ogain1r Powdery Mitdsw now ovoifoblt, TERR-0-VITE . . Get llW 1• ••• ~, leYised oditflo ol "llOc" Cha-Kem-Ofs !l2rtiCUlhlril Gulde. fME •I your Garden Si4JPf1 dealer or writt vlcled <JI a crime mulllog bW.. dtalln1 with cllJonltll -a year of 81udenta convlctedt------:-------......,....:..----- lrom campua . \liolence IOd and up to to measures, m.any ol dlsruptlon. maldn& him lntllstble for a ol them duplicates, have bae\I Calilornla and W'"""'8in 1p- year; prablbitiog hiring for prueolod. Nooe bal clelred !!<Ir certlln •to ,.i oome • )'W' any teacher rm for OOth houses yel teiD!aUon ' q:a~t diaorden, ~ part in a disturbance University ol W I 1 c on 1 l n bU1 not all co~ I e 1 e ad-= appraval • of the prmldent Fr e d Hmintton. mihlstraton are enthusiutlc '1 govunlng bo.ard ; · went before a joint le,U:1111ve · about.aDoWj.nJ potlee ·ori cam- obarg!ng with tttlpaJa any committee and -laws · puo•or. ceWog unUJ\Wb' touch student ezpelled or 1111pended aimed at trouble maken at with demOOllratora. · from scbool wbo·l'Wlllul the hi! :n,ooo..tudent cainp111. The: Illlnota Senate Educa- campui wltliout pennlsalon, H'1rington bacbd bW.. to U... Ccmmlttee W-v and banning the. uae of p.Jblic ban students convlcl.td of voted t-S against a bill tO address systems. wit b 0 u t crimes in connecUon. with . expel unlawful col I e 1 e pennisaion. campus disorders from £olng ~tra.tOn , af~ f o u r Ca 11 f o r n i a Assembly back on campus without presidents of 11late achool! Speaker Robert T. Monagan permission, to ban 80IJnd. testified a,alnst it. The has formed a "se~t" com~ ampllfyin1 equipment and lo presidents said lhey already mlttee to consolidate and draft require upJ1aion for at least had enoua:h authority. ·VOLUMES OF COLOR • ... WITH DAHLIAS Plant now for the years most outstanding garden flowers. Platter-size to small pom-poms in a full range of _color Excellent tubers . . YOlll OWN BUSlfSS r l ' ' ....... -ol.lhollf!lltol ..... ... -.... 0° tr • ,.... -. .... M '114-.. 0 ' I' 0 1 .. ftt; .. IC LL W•'t 1111 ka .... ,,__ 1104 ... • u:ND ~ ao.-nas l:llOCBIJU:- Unlv ... MI Chlnchllla lreMers U. S.Allllnr.t. ........ OIUI. ~: (Tit) nN.lil et llDll!lel: (1U} •·llfl llAILBll·AD SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS Save With beautifully practical indoor decorative plants. We have a large selection of sizes and varieties for all uses . . . home, office, entries and patios;" live & artificial . ' All attradively priced from BARE ROOT ClfARAllCf ROSES FRUIT TREES SHA DE TREES 50% FUSCH I A'S Harbinger of Spring Wonder Planl of the Shade Garden Basket & Upright Types Many Colors I GALLON sm 98' §JIU 'iA#JIJi! ' TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Queen of the Shade Garden 59' to ~.79 FEED YOUR DICHONDRA with the "WHIRLYBIRD" action Fully guaranteed. Come in Today for e. demonstration! COVERS 7500 SQ. FT. 5'1CIAL SHAMROCK PLANTS , A Shade of t~e Irish " . . FREE ST. PATRKK'S DA_y I MONDAY I Con•t•• fer the Le11le1 ••• louto""iers for th, lecldie1I ------------ HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. t A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAYS 10 A.M. TO S P.M. 2840 Harbor Blv~. COSTA MESA CALL 548-5525 , f DAILY ~ILDT • • • • - QUEENIE King Day D-.eieated • Water Sof wner Sen. Schmit~ Oppo1e3' Ho nor 'by State Fraud Charged SACRAM!NTO (AP) -A Sen. H. L. Rlcbanllon (R· submit a new rtlOlulloa !hat ruolu.UOl'I for. Calllornla to Arcadia), al r •ad 'I bid would require Ass em b 1 y bonof. Dr. Marlin Luther King presented Rules Committee passage only. ; : Jr. ll dead blclU.. a aenator members with 2 I · page The committee.'1 ofllclal ac· SACRAMENTO CAP) -Al· FrauC Uillt, tht Sliite Bureau tlu'tattned I Door fight O'ter d06llera oo Kin& tille1in& thlt tion wa1 t.b takt p\e niiGJution ty. Oen. 'll'lomaa C. 1LynCh of hod tnd Dru& tn!p('Ctlon.11 the lite civil rtghta leader's he "re.Ctived monetat)' eon-under tubrnl.!!101. But \urns char&ed · tod~r that ; 'water ·and the ' dtatrtct attomeya of btckltoun:d. tributlon.s and support from later told a reporter, '11 'think • ' softener °UliJI or11nlu.Uon , SOOoma I.rid San Joaqu1·0 -"n· The mtbure earlier paased top identified c. om mun is l it will just rest in peace.'' •-lilt full Allellibly Oii a voice Votioli wilh Bumi qaiMI fraudulenO,y claimed itl pro-lief. \'Ote, but 'the fivt-man Senate lea.de.rs ; · .',' the t.:>lUt.IOD nri kl\I. Jolin duct would ·rmo,. eu<tr· In •h 11 complaint, Lynch A Ci H } llulea Commttt11 tlDod h H ™ oiart ot.1ht Rutea tom-F. MCCorthY (l.SOft Jlalaet), c1u1in1 •atntJ from the water ~hlrled the parti,ttships L ty a I Wednuday. The reeoluUon fnJUtt hearin&: Was delayed and J. ck Schrade, (R-S an asked Gov. 'R.ta11n to pro-3S minutes while the members Diego). vOlliig kr it were and reduce the risk of kidnty enaaged ln Jlle1al buSlneu claim 4•¥.attln Luther King held ai;i . esecutive .$ea.ion in Sen•. J91tpfi M. Kennick ( D- stooes, co..Upatton and praclicu, faiH 11'4 'Fun'Room? oar In Cllifomlt Aptil. theolflceol.SinatoPrealdenl LorigBeach),andS!ephenP. arthriti1. misleading a<lvortlaint and ui/. -lhe flnt annlvereary of pro tern HUlh M. BW1t1 (D' Teole (0.1Vtat Polm). Lynch madf: the charge In fair competttton. King's 111 as• in at 1 on in Frttno), Rule1 Cornmlltee Rlc:harljltn'• prese:ntation a suit he said he has filed Named in tbe ,suil were Jack LOS ANGELES (AP ) -Tht Memphia, Tenn. ctllinnan. Scbniit1 .sat ill on on King included a, m11arine In 5a\'1'amento Superior .Cotlrl R. M1lllr -x. M1ll« City Hall'• ,2Jtb floor low_et Sen. John G. l!chmlli, a' the meeun1. article in )Vhich FBI dfr.ector a1alntt 11'•. Mlraclt "'* ,and Jack lltlllll ,., llanlo !I tllmtol hito a !!"11 •""'1\ member of lbe Joltn Btrch Tile 1ulhor of lh• l...,.bouse J" EdgAt Hoover WM quote<l --partnerships, with offlca in , Jloli; JNDli Jl. Whitt and and ~ .. be.r ;. the expenM Society, protHted that the re 1 o I utlon , Asaemblyrhan· a• u.ylng, "l Contkitr King · 3-'J • Sacramento, Santa Ros 1 • ~. /r. ,Wh ~t·e of of tax ... yers; t .:-two ci.., ret0luUon SOUJbt to honor Charle• Warren · ( ·o. Los to bt the most notorioul liar ._ _____ .....;::.;;~===.....:.....:---.-.... a nut ee ,. ear ake a ~ltoldOt maa John E~ coupcilmen. . • v1l '""'' ., .. , «!I ii:;-. r-. ,,___ ..... ,,.., •..c.<l/liM....:.i. w 1 Cr k Cl t nd •:...--·-~ -.-Y •; Kiri&'• 1m11e as a -·vlolentlf;;Alli;;ii;t;;l.,;;:i);;;J~nc!J=clted::;he~.~woul;·~d~~ln~lh~·~cou~n='-=·:"-· ;;;;;;;;;I ''No, no, silly-it means leap off, not at Napa . FllhfrOfOOncord. The claims camt durtn1 cl rltht pi onee r. But ea"h other'." Lynch sought damages , ciVil A.mong the mlsrepresen-debate 0 v er apnNWWtano.;,, Schmitz, a Tustin Republtcln, " "" v... -... sald "the real Ktni" incited penalties and an injunction tatioos said Lynch: The water , 41,162 for a civic reception others to create crlall and stopping the sates oraaniu-99ft.enet1 .wOIJ)d . remo\ft all ~U{ida)' honoring more than Get Tough Campu s Laws Called 'Hate Reaction ' tion 's operations in Sacramen· forf!Jim matter, Jn c I u d In II . M trench dignitaries. A tension !t. support of hll cause. C I ,.... It would a waste of the to. ontra Costa, Lake, Napa, ch orine and cancer causing spokesman for Mayor Saln full 3~mem t Stnate'i time San Joaquin, Sonoma. Sutter. agents and . would produce Yorty said the reception w~ld · to trl&aer a deblte by permit· Yolo and possibly other coun-absolut~ly pure water ; the be held in the City Hiii ties. softeners "WCU1c:I reduce the because it would be less g. tin1 the reeolution to reach lhe floor, Schmitt argued In SACRAMENTO (AP ) -The debate ovtr a bill that would Senate has been told by one state flaUy that pre.sident.s of of its members that "we're statt colleges have ·the power Te1ponding to by1tul1 a n d to declare a ".state of emer· hate" by pualn& bills dealing gency" on tbelr c1D1puses Thie was the latest such suit risk of suffering from kidney pensive than holding it at a 1 nearly empty htarlng room. a.Uetlnl false advertising filed stones, bladder stooe1, COD· h<i(eL "I have ottw thin&• t,o do by Lynch. It followed an in-stipatioo and atthi:ltil; the "The City Hall is not the . thin iet up on the floor and veaUption by hi! Consumer softeners WC!Uld ~ "by place for this sort of thing," expo1e the real Mart.In Luther ,.. . 90. percent" the cOnditlon of fumed Councilman Loula R. King, but. J'm ~Ing to do anyone with a skin problem. Nowt.II. Jt lf J have to," khmlta uid. Armed Service 1~.:.._~~-=-~~~~~~~~~.....::::..::.:.=.:::.::.....::.::.:::::.::::.::. out punilhmmt to actual or h dis Ca ses Moved potential campu5 troublemak-w en ruption takes place, crs. orltthey think it might. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Democratic Sen. Albert s . 5 supporters said there Is All 255 pending Selective Rodda of Sacramento made Some doubt about whether the Servlce violation cases in a lh. St.tem.nt \"·"nesday ,·n administrators now have this 1, 1 North C l'f · ·•C\.I 0 .r-coun y ern a 1 orn1a a long, impromptu sptteh that power. ppone.nts noted the federal court district have was a departure from his us-Jeglalative couruiel has said been ordered transfered to the Ual .. ft-spoken, mttdty-word-such power already exist!. Rodd 'd t'-6 court of U.S. District C9urt ed statements on the floor. a saJ 1n: meaaure and ~•er •kd bttl t Judge Robert f', PeckhAm Rodda, a college teacher \IWJ era.. own s a · who heads the Senate Educa-ready passed were "ridicu-here. lion Committee, told hia col-lous." A vote on it and sev-Under a new efficiency pia11, le1gues, "it's not right for eral other measum sUll pend-Judge Peckham will handle politicians to intrude on cam-ing OD the same subject was all pre-trial matter1 tn con. pus . . . When we pass this -.:pu.;;;;I ;;;ol;;;f;;un~tili;;;M;;;on;;;d;;;•;Y·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;necl;;;;;;ioniii;;wiii~lhiidr;;;af~t ~caiise~s~. ;;;;;;,I kind of legislation we simply II strengthen their commitment to revolution.'' Turning specifically to sen- ators who are attorneys, Rod- da commented: '·J don 't see how you Ja\\'Yers can pass out 1arba1e like this ... Hill remarks came during Mutin y Trial Motions for " Gls Denied SAN FRANCISCO (UPfl -' The trial for ftn t01diers ac- cused of muUny will resume Friday after tht· law officer ~lding at thl Pttsldio trial denied a row1 of. dtftMe m<r- llom. Law Officer Clo!. John G. Lee Wednud.ay turned down requests to: -Haft the trial movtd out of the .Slllib Anny .,.. •. -D«IP. the cb'ari es because 'mlllt&ty.... due pro-- CNS" wu not followed. -Have famed San Jl'rancisco 1ttomey Mel Belli appear u an "expert on trial tactics" to back up de(eMe claims that fivt defendants art too many to try al once. • Old World Mediterranean S panish Furniture OYER $100,000 INYINTORY TO CH~SI PROM DlCOIATOIS CANCIUATIONS •IHI RiTURNI FROM MODIL HOMll ~ 01tr'T011 0.J:IAM HOUlr ON 01aPLA't' • Items as follo\vs: Geor~eou.s 8 ft. custom quilted sofa with separate loose. pil1ows1 with heavy oak trim d~cor and mat.thJnt dtatt, 3 matching oak occasional tables, (2) 58" tall decorator lamps, hanging chain swag lamps in wrought iron, an 8 piece .king site master bedroom suite in pecan panelled Mediterran- ean style with top quality JIS yr. warranty king size mattress & box sprtn11. Spanish decor dlnlnri: set. etc. W\ttl kllllhl ••• r•t wl•r s11••·• ~:i;,~~~~'.·~······ . . $691.00 Any '1-Con la Purch11¥! 'ln~lvftlvally Terms A•1ll1ltl1 -Newcomti't t9 C1llf. C...:ilt Approved lmmtdl1t91y f JI J] Fur1aiture At Harbor Blvd. 1844 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa only !.very nlght 'tll f -Wed ., Sit. & Sun. 'tll 6. •INSTANT CREDIT USE OUR LONG TERM PAY PLAN --AUO MASTER CHARGE and lankAmerlcard • Sll'AND SPORT REPORT 24 HOURS PHONE Kl 7-2545 SPRING BACK PACK FISHING SPECIAL HEAVEN • AMIASSADOll OCI AN ROD FOR ALL OC EAN FISHING lllG. 24 .95 1295 LI TILE LEAGUE BASllALL SP£Cl~L • .,Lfl .. CLEAT IAAI™ SHOU . , , .... , $4.75 • MOK.ONA &All GLOYIS •. 1/1 Off • IATTMO 'Ill SHAl:P9f Ufl YOUR IATIING < ALL THI GREAT NAMES IN IACK PACKING HllUI • ALP SPORT • GERRY • klLfY • DllY PAC K FOODS lttCHMO Rf AND GALLEY SLAVE SKI SALE J llOIE Wiii Of Rt• • TAICI ADYANfAGI OF ou• LOW SAU '111CU •.. YOU 'LL NEYER SAYE MORE ON TOP UNI EQUIPMENT. I I I j I I \-' 1-··- I -t. -+-J ··I 1 ' . I • ... ~ Just t>Kau11 our ca rpets are thick and our decor is pretty snnky and our fear- less footwea r fitters look like fashton plates -don't .. t the idea that our 1hol1 are 1xpensive. They would be If you boUlllt them elsewhere. But at S & A,stytish, expensive shoe1 . . ... are discount priced as much as .$12 less t han at tht ritzy stores. You won't belleve th1 seltctlon and range of sires we carry. We try awfutty hard to pluse. A foot (female type) from 4 to 11, MM to B or. (mole type) 6 to 15, AA to EEE need nmr l~e an S &: A store un· titted. If we .cen't Ill you with shots -we'll ma ke yoo • fQOd deal on th• boxes. WESEJ.L THIS-/3.9' /<JDC.-.SCJAL.FOR. 1/l99 Lu»i:uriou&ly aott kidskin ca1U1l1 with a ~~ Jrip lt l"1t1p at rap and 1d1ust1ibl1 told·ton1 buoldl. Squ i red toe, mkl ~. a,., 'mist, black, red or n1vy. 464 S. MAIN ST. ORANGE 333 E. lmt ST. COSTA MESA LOS MG£US 4012 w. s.t1 ,....,. IOlllT lllUS 11111 W. '1oo ..... lllSIOlllld ms•-- SANT~ llONICA NOlllt KOU.TWOOO SHERllAll DAU tAllOGA rM£ 1000 Wilshk• ''"· 6512 tturtl c""°" 11\'4. 14'45 Vtwhll'I ...... 1392 fOPlfll• C...,.n M. stiOf' DAILY t:• · t:• SHOP SIJfl)AYS 10-5 mmJM LMWIU 2290 East ..... SRtt 7'11 •. t-.t« ..... Sale Ends Saturday - Hurry for these S1vingsl SYLVANIA COLOR TV Save up to $1001 SAYE $100 NOW $599 AEMOTI CONTROL COLOR TV modal CFIJIWR. Smert Cont1mpor1ry d_taign of oilod Welnut v1n11 r1 e nd select wood iolids. Full 295 tq. in , vi1w1bl1 pie• ture er11. "Picturematic:" AFC Auto1111tlc Fine Tun- in9 tu n11 the picture at the touch of • button. --.. ··--I!~ ~~:;~;" ~~ 11 . ·~·---·"":-""~-:~ '~i , _ _.__ SAVE $100 NOW $649 REMOTE CONTROL COLOR TV modal Cl'IHPR. Ele91nt Sp1ni1h Provincial 1tyling in P1c1n ven••r• a nd itlect wood solids. Full 295 1q. in. vi1w1blt p ie• ture er11. "Picturemetic" AFC A1itom1tic Fin e Tun- ing tun41s the picture at th e touch of • button. SYLVANIA STEREO $650 SAVE $JOO SC29tlf-Reg•I Le vis XVI period atyllng. o ..... 111 -..neers and ~e11c1 wood $Ol1dt, Duol 1015 Automcr·c Tur,,.. table. FM Stereo/fM/AM tuner whh d"ArsO'WCll M ing frttttt, 100 Watt JE!Al ompliOer, oil solid stole. s,cltd Ar SJ!pfmsiOfl tpeoker $y~em. SC271 W-leltli Cenlerftp •fert de1l1n in clittreued WcJr. IM v1r11t r1 otid 1eltct wood solld~ Gatrard Cullom l'r~fts.· 1ionol Avtoma!lc T\lf"fttoble. 50 Watt (flAI omplifi1r, (~ Stereo/FM/AM lunt.r. aU 1olid 11ateLd'N i,onvol 1v11:1')9 ll!tltr.' Seolad Air Suspensi on =peo!tt r system. ' 1 MAN'!' OfH(I MOOW-. VAtU(S ANO SAvtNGS. Sff TH~M NOW. ... SINCE 1947 TILIVISION •AP,.LIANCE S 411 £. 17111 St., Cost1 MeH Dally t, Sat. 9-6 -64'-!61M • 't y ,. n ,, k st n ). n • ' '" ,. " d g 'r ,. ,. ' . ,. • ' • • • ' ' • ' • ' , .. • • ' ' • ' ' • •. " ' • • , , ' • • , ' ' ' ' ' • , ' ' • , ' , ' • • • • • • • • WANTS TO STIR STUDENTS New OCC Prtxy Pianko OCC Student Leader ' ' Seeking More Action State Ups Retreation Facilities The State Deparlm<nl al Parks and Recreation last yesir doubled its construcUoo of new . oul:door , recreatloa facilities, completing projects latalliJ>,J 18,235,IOO. · Aboot 57S camping sltes, 127 picnic areu, 8 boat ramps with 29 lees and 1,1$9 parkin( spaces were !!-dded to the State Park System in 1Ml In addltion. the department acquired 15,415 acres of land and ·completed 'major con- strucii~ oo part access roads, water and sanitatioa facilities, park buildings and area restoration. Amolig the projectll com- pleted were a J4Z·ui1Jt campground at Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park in Del Norte County; boat launching ramps; pa rt i n g areas, a 35--unit campground, a 50-unit picnic site and roads at the Oroville State' Recrea- tion Area in Butte County; and restoration of the Pico Carnier block at Pueblo de ~Los Angeles State Historical Orange Coast College's new active member of the campus Monument in Los Angeles .&fudent body ~resident, 21-Veterans Club. County • year-old Ken Pianko, wants Now in his final semester Major campgrounds were to make student goverrunent at OCC, Pianko has been stu-also established at Big Bu.in dent body preside'nt and a stu-Redwoods in Santa Cruz Coun: more active. dent council member. He was ty, Butano State Park in San To that end, the sophomore chairman of SW.dents for Ken-Mateo County, and at Henry honor student, elected last nedy on campus and vice Cowell Redwoods State Park week, is starting his regime president of the Inter-Club 'n Santa Cruz County . by scheduling two student Council. council meetings each week. Pianko also is coxswain of U Cl Gets Art the varsity crew. He says he realizes it is The Ankrum Gallery of Los . t b d·r1· It sh k His major is history, in Angeles has loaned 20 ...,;,._ going o e 1 icu to a e wh.icb he is earning academic ~· t d ts r th · I d t tings by a number of con-s u en rom ell' s u en honors. He is a member of t th b t h temporary arti!ls for e:s:-govemmen apa y, u e Alpha Gamma Sigma, the hibition at the Student Health bas set as his goal to get junior college honor :society •. t d t ti nd · I ed Center on the campus of UC s u en 5 ac ve a invo v · Next fall, Pianko plans to Irvine. The paintin1111 will bt He thinks greater publicity transfer to USC. 1 til •· will give his cause a boost.· •-,;----·-----•;;;n;;;v;;;e;;;w;;;u;;;n-A;;ipi;;rilii' iil.i;;;;--.,1 Pianko spent nearly fourlt years in the Air Force before coming to OCC. He is an FV Schools Given Honor The Fountain Valley School District Board cl Trustees has been nominated for the Na- tional Thom McAn Award for establishing a project to in- volve teachers in the devel~ ment of educational programs. The nomination was made by the California Teacher's Association (CTA) which la\id- ed the trustees· by saying, "Probably no board in California has gone further in freeing its total staff for real, creative teaching." Fountain Valley trustees received the national award in 1968. -' I See by Today's Wanl Ads e Mold Your Future: Exper· ienced molder needed for permanent position, using aluminum and magnesium in an aero-space foundry, ~!ewport Beach. • Expoged! Show at( your ~ dri~ay or patio compoeed of expoaed q - erep.te. • .add• b!auty and takes ott Yttl'I for your home ••• also special- izes in CU1tom ~~t pa- tios, pool decks and walks. e Gold Medal Jtower: All kind& of tlowers and J.and. acaping on thla trailer ••• a 20x50 ·Gold Medal 2 BR, 2 ba, with service porch, complete ~t.up, in lovely adult park. Includes porch, awnings, carport, storage shed, and full lkirt. Full price .b: $10.500. with $3,00J down, ·by owner. WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BANlt CHECKING ACCOUNTT YOU CAM'1' OBT ft BUT WlTJI. ·f.\CJlflC'S SWlTCB 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Jaa an do 1lmost as Mii by keeping 1 lot llis money in yaar cll•ii• ICCOllnt and a lot mol'I in yoar l'lcific 5" Plllllook · Accaunt and switching money back and forth • often• .you lib. Because ever7 dollar earns eveq da7 lt ls In 7oar Paollle Aeeoant- even for tast one daJ'. &" 111111l11r 11 Pr 'rall.Als11• 1111,111•1• Mr ... 1/4!1 ... ~ 11 di• y11r 1111'! .e121• 1rw •rllt ..-. Sni1p II Jltr 1ce11• 1t .-nwr'1 IH -fmr th Ill If Hy ••d n.1 rwlll11• lry th 1116 • ' ' • / ,# I . ' ANAHEIM '444 tf, (11cll•. IJl·lt2i Mt11. tlw• S•t. ••• 111. ft 9iJO p.111. ·---------- 1'l!LY PILOT 9 . " I NEWPORT SPRING COAT $33.00 • Come seve on' tlie lusciously !:gh'!weigl\f coats you 'love for Spring-through- Sun'lmertime wear • Eesy-fitting, beeutifully slieped .sty!.,, oll with .interesting pocket 'detoil, ·pretty buttoning ·e Colors include · gold, green,. mirft, pink, turquoise, white, honey • Both' misses' end petites' sizes in the group ..• hurry to see the e ntire selection! Misses ' Coats~ 25. ' I . ' -, l. ' . • . - HUNTINGTON B~CH 47 f•thle11 hl•ntl "4·1212 Mo11 ,th11 Fri, 10 1,flil, fo t iJO p.m. 1111 E4l11t•r 14..,., ttt.)JJI Mon, thtu Stit, 10 .,. •• •~lo', ... Sit. I 0 1 .111. to 6 p.M. ' ~ • • • • • • • • • • --------------· ----·--------------------- . ' ,,......,., "'""' JJ, lw.t • Marriages Divorces Recorded • ID Orange County Jtlarrklge Ucenses "Artistry, in Moving" Divorees OIVOfteti ,.IUD Hflen GI l'lfllt 9'¥J\ltft 'ft AlllflDtllo MorfnO 11:"'1'.llf"Nio Oh1 l1 LM ~ YI" lt*rt Ellner H~-. Jt,• • E.rwln C. MM W; Glot'" I. Mwn Lindi ~ ,._llW "' Jlnw. IV'Oll P11$!1tr Harrl~ l', tditolcr-elt \IS FM Edward ldlOolcr•ft Nlll(V J1tt1 lttkf vt l.M Ol'Ylllt ... G1yl1 I. 81-W. WI\"-" J. ""'"*' PlllV R. HNl9 yt 1111 f'. Hetla M1ry E. AMII W T..il fl, AMII G1JI It, IM-111 lt)lf\ls P. Mt-\llvl1n Eloi" l.,_ VI JM!ft l.oull Linen Miry L Otnn W OtVld T, Dl•on Harold E1>11-O.y V$ $1ndr1 Lou ... LorrllM Slrant V$ 0-lcl It. $!t1119, _,,. malnttnana Jolln F. Slppll! n He~ Y. Sipp~ JaCClurllM l" Wti!Hnd VI l1rNrd Lw W1l111>11 \ll•11lnl1 Luci• LYPPI VI J1dt Josepl'I ""' (Jiiiie CUTTlll Oel•nlY \II W1!1tor R.•~ OellnCY for the BEST MOVE of YOUR LIFE Call: 494-1025 Your ' Frie'ndly Store OFFERS BARGAINS IN QUALITY! 3-Level Thom-Wash With Soft Food Waste Disposer! :r:t <:;3d1:= No~g, wnping •.• jast iilkft large or'ha.nl · foodBCr&p&! Power Ar a, Power Tww, hw• Slaower Vlsoro•• a.p-down· -----actiotl c• an :ro•r _...,ll!lug_! Be tWJ .,, '997 ..... illg. Swinc-<lown door, --. s o,.loo.Doily Loodi!, --Bold Prices Start At s149sa Bullt·In Automatic Dishwasher WE } • OUR OWN FINANCING • OUR OWN SERVICING DO • OUR OWN INSTALLING NO MONEY DOWN • 36 MON1HS TO PAY APPLIANCE AND TV SAW AND SERVICE 1815 NEWPORT BLVD. • COSTA MESA • 548-7788 P~lt W. Fulltf" \'t MUl1nl T. ft;lltr, '" Hate 0.llll'ff Hllldt .... fffffl'lan H.,_,1 Htndt ... left 0. lllfflk'f YI Geor11e A. Sl•n19'1' Pllll'-1 C. Cllllffln n 101111.,. L• "(1111"11t ' • toNl!t' M. MUllt .... 1111• LH Mum1 EdNI V. 1(11'11 w O.t11 Kine a.tt:J.ra J, at\lllClaH v~ W!llltm •• ·-w.~ L, ~ ...,. Jolln o. I OWffl. _,,,. m••~• JHM Mtrlotlt Hohn VI Aclrl•n Eldoll .... Jotin A. cenvtl"llnl "' s1>1ro11 L Coriwrtlnl l!vtlYn HOrtlw ti• J. N. Horsle.,. NtM'I' P. C.nlY In ltOlilOf lln C1nl°l' J411\ft R. P/Mltt'I vs LMltl'llf CltY . .., .. '"""'"' J , Ztltll YI Frink C. Zflfle Lindi S. Wtrd VI Edfllt M. Wlrd Frelj•W, Hill Yll Violet L, .-11 1111 I", Clrden YI G1M11l111 0. C1'1Mn Vlt11lnt1 M. lwni v. Heflrv A. Burns Vlot\9 t1k ... n lllwnH Hen,., tl•t•r D1tl.,.t H•ltll Yl:li1t YI W•r11t Y~ ~rr F. l(t!M W·Ul'l"I' J, Kelto' J1Mt F. ltltlt't " C.rrltll W•nl SIUW • NorleM Tll!inP W ChllrMf J, T1ll!N11 LICMI G,_ .W llft'f L. o .... - C1ll1 H1r,j1 YI D•~ H1rrll " P1ttl M. 'kl1'k:IM!r V. llobert • W, IM-Ml!rla L. lladrlillh "' ~UL M. tlodrltvtl. ff1M1111'-(l'lfllllttnaMe Jot'-. Godot! YI Robe11 o.-.. GodoJ ll!f'Nclfttl H. Dlllll v. Mlcl'IMI A, ..... , C•roly11 S. Jot\1$ YI J-G. J- Ester Prltlo YI JM. Luis Del Vllllt PrJtto F~,,.!;n-'°?""" .... 1111r11Y Dl•M EYll'ln EIJtlbttll AllHrwt! YI Etrl F rfClerldc Ande!'90rl JKll Tllom11 FllUll "" Vtrtvne Puiell Htltfl L.Or-Vandllnt w. Thlodor1 Hokl1WOl'1ll v-.011.., M1rlene 1'1lrJcl1 Nftbtn YS Dtllltl Frtncll Nlt!wn Maxin• Mtry GuJl\doft vs Emmitt T. Gul/ldoll 1l1'111r1 Elalnl' TelltY Vt WJilllm Hfl'l,., TtlW...' MlrllVn S. Crvi vt Artllur •. Crw M1rc!1 P .• wr.., v1 ~ Wrer S.ndrl l• Ftflllrolf VI F.....,.ldl A. Fn1htrolf ~· Clltrla 0. DUj:f\llr'll'll vt J1111 AM Ouclla~ , l li1cl1 G. lmlth VI Ptul W. Smltll B1rrr S. J-"" IMrori J. Jann Robert llO'I' Tlnlltff 'B Lt Vtld• Rutv TINltl'r Cleudl'lhl C. G...,-vt Wlllllm J. Grev, Jr. Chlttlnt Bidle YS Sl•Mlt !:clWINI BldM R~ Merit Htlld VI Yemen Mrlet , ... Alan Ctrl LM VI O.rtldlnt Jlllll '-. C1tfflltl o.n.ld Pet1110CX vt Cltl,.. JINIUll PetlllDCk Gr1nt H; P"'le' YI Mtl'Mttf K, FOD!t S111r Jlldllll I.twill VI L•urence L-ln. M.D. Dtbortll J1111 ~ ft Dt'lkl Uwl'MC9 '°'' l111erl¥ K. Pt!tt VI lu1ttr WIYnt ""' Sh11ron Jnn "°'"'' VII ChltlM low.int PotYlf Fnnlll lmllll VI AIYlf (.-Wtrd ""llfl Lortllt L. llH!tlt \t'f llldlltd J. ... m. G-••111 Ellubttll D.,,.r v. Cl\41rle9 Fonn111 O.shtr ROii•• Sl9wtrt .... ,_.. KN si.-..111 Beml1 M. Stirn. vt Arthur,, St..-- P1trlcl1 C. 1NcM111M "" Dtnltl P. Mc:Mllltfl Lor11t1 Mw Miiier vt Rldltrd 1!11111 MH11r, ._.,,19 m11nttn1nce lllcNord C. lccltt VI Clthlt I!. lc;olt, -r1t1 rr11lnttnanc1 Joat1>hln1 '· liwe "' llobttt v. lro11 L1111n I~ M1tsther v. Mtirifr.cl G1rt11nl ,....l1d1tr J-I(. J-. VI c;.or11 0.Yld JOllM e ... nor Loulll Mon.,. "" °"""' P. Mor1111, -r1N m1l11te t!IU Lur..,. 1-.11r1;ift• ~"'"' Collttn Kt• 11& CtrY C1rl ·-. ~ JvdY M. JollMOn YI EdWlnl Artllur Jol!llMN• Jll N1ncV ~· Wtollt VJ Glril F. W<lodt AleltndrN Tor1" VI Jolt 0, Torr" IH'tlltLOCUTMY DSC:ltlll ArrltlOll'i' MlctuMI lll11i. n llox1n111 fl.htOIO R-lcl loul1 a.n111tt w M1rl1n C1rmen ltnMlt Jimmie LM llkll' 111 JMtl1r11 lu1 liker Dl1na L N1vl1 VI ll11pti (. tlwls B-111·bfr1 L .. son vt Hlf'119')1 Olin LHIDll G""ory E•rl Lonu "' M11111rllfl1 Elorl1 lori11 Chrl1llM Annt l1lmont1 n Edmund B1tmont1 M1rt1ret Loultl McGow1A \t'f Wl\'l'll lt!!ltmln McGow111· Fern Trl111tt Rtlt&tll \t'f Wtllltm INn- nlleJm R11!ull lltmDM E, Embrft VI P-Jtl LM •m"" Lindi M. McMll1'fl w. '•ul M. Mc:Mlll1n JOY LOUIM IUlh VI Glflkl Abb 11111'1 M•rl«Je Lllll•n Saitt YI ltrry J1v "'" Dort 0.lllt Mllnt VI J-11 A, Miine M1r11rll J"" WLl\lr.ler 111 G1r1ld P, Wlnkltr S.nclrl JMll Roetro YI Tlr(Y Ltt ...... Shlilt'I' Ann konsmo "' Leroy IConsrM JIOIUlllM Lit Miii•• .... P1ter Allan Mlll•r E11lr11 Groll YI CJlftord G. Groh COn$11nc.t Lucll\t Oil C11!10 111 Anthony Jouph Del Callo, Jr. DMa!hr Kt'lldrldt 111 Chtrlel KiMllrl~k Arthur C••rrnler Hollow•Y YI Jt1n1!1t C1rol Hoo!IOWl\I Elltn M. Htrtl& YI Jtrnes P, Htrrls J1cqu1n111 Mlorle Fox YS G_.11 fox H11tn M. HvtttM<' 111 Henry N. HU91• ·~· G-9rtldlM Von We,,.r vs Erle Von w ... .,.r 1!1rNr1 L. Pt!TY VI Gtrtlll L, PHrr Riehl~ Htnrv ... lflll \IS J1nt LDUIH HtlnI Dorollll' N1ornl I1tro11I Yi S11n11tl Ftllx Il1tossl Marv Ell11blllll Slltl'rocll vs oJhn Ptul Sherrod Oenord WllH•m Morr1" Y1 CIMrl-Mon'Ltt Gtot11t LRrnvtl Rottr VJ """ "°" ... 0-Th .. Cl l'(ll H11'11l1111n Tt trll'ICI H11'111rntn lllch•rd Allen LYM "' Lynn 59anish oak tabk 11.1iih tUto fills, .six high back chair.s 199 es 1 compete lhlpb5 " . . '''i.1 .\,~f' •1 flr,u/1,1J!./ '•,'{ \1,.f>/11/ //01i/1~,1r,1 ,) •,''' ... ;,J,,·11.;1,1 0 FURNITURf (II ,',( If, ·il OPEN SUNDAYS 12 to 5 Mon S f ri. 't:I 9 ...... ,. J. TMlllM YI ltolltrt Ltt Mldltll T~ itNIUllM!lt). T•llfllll H&trr D, l!rONL n LOr lt L. SllOlll ~JJ.~rJi''..._"l:"~~1rr1 c1M11111'11tfd1. J19nt RIO!t vs. r ;.m;.; <>-Allre(I Ptclroitl 1tt Glorl1 Pttlrel hi!< nulrMnll. C Jlll'llll .._... n Clifford Trin. Mtr11 """"""' \t'f Arttwr ltobtll Wllli.m tto.tr Murllhy (anriulrrltfl/I. A'fQt."' M. HOll9nd YI 0.11\d G. S/llron K. linmlf vt ltoDtrf p. Ml'.f.': '1u111 H-' .... 0-hf H•rokl D!i~~.':~rJ!· \t'f K•M ~ °!:.~111 =l'I ~-ltn 111 S.ndrl Afcr:rc:~~ i~'"':sllfkiitri. W. TrlPldl '·U'ur~/".tlt MWrfy v1 JUllll Oe•n i-im:.nu. ~~":'WJ~o.,:w,~Ml!lU.,J.;:::::;:;::=====;::; ·~ ·-"., .... -" PHARMACY , CtldWlll 'YI OOUtl,. O. VO -w "'"" •. TOPICS Jffl\ ~·· n JeM llcllll•rd lqll kl Otoi' ........ Vt J1vnt.Allen ll~~' ~ w J"'n T . c;!J::! OnlMCloM .... J•11 K. i~-n:"lo."1J..~ ~t..~U: "'· Cl ... Jr. vs Lw Mn LDn J-. l'IOt ¥1 Woodrow W. Na 911'1>tn1 kllaftl' n KtlVlllll V. r w1m11n P. LllC9!'0 YI Ll!UIH J. LIKll* IYl'lll Mt,Y 911 ..... vs CMrMI Bl1i,ti llnl•mln Hurii. e,.wn VI N111(11 l.oul11 ,,_ 9-IY' l .'llllll VI t.oult !: lllltll Julll A. 8t1! "' Jof\n F. lid ~ry EYtl'ln Cu1wwth YJ Robert Edwtrd Cuawwtti Klmlk1> Full!• vs Jtdl; Shl .. nr F11lli. Mlri. El$Jt Cutr!thf YI Alfrflf Gr1nl Culrlg~I l !ndt Ll'I lltld YI (My)d Rtl' Raid Ch•rln Etrl Corken VI JoJ'lfl It•• corken Dltfit P. McK1nMY "" fr Ink II. Mc:ICJll!lll' Al•rr JOllMI T1ckm1n YI Wlllllln F. Teckm•n Adrlen111 Slltnin Mfvtr vs ROMld .Gilbert Mwtr Edith L" Cto\ldl vs H1rrr llrv•n c-" C0F11t1nc1 J. Curr111t "' WUll&rn ll. Current Mc>lll Mt\'OUf'l\tlll Sulll111n VI J1mn Edv•• Sull!~•n Dtklrett M•t Trtuo vs AnlhDnv JOlt'Pll Trtno Jtn'ill (. S!rLCkltr VI PtllY Ruth Strickler T~I C. Plftl ¥1 Mttthew Ptrel Jee1111tt IE. Mtddoll v• JtmH c •. Mad- '" Dl'lllflll Allc:9 G.atrt-YI Dir.It! G1r· ,,_ c:;..,..,., w. Kolter vs Emmttt V. Ko"' Cherri• P. ltnt!IUI YI D111ld Robert ,, ... 11111 C1rroll MIX D1rrow "' Lin• M•rr Dirr OW N•llCY LOI/lit FtunCI YI Edwtrd Lff 1"1untt Elltrt WllllllTf llenh: vs Miry Coru.t11'1Cf' lltntt JI Nltl M1d1rllnt VI Robtrf Jchn M1d1rl1111 Turt Vl!'ldtrvoorf YI Cht rtes A. Vtrldtrvoorf Th1tm1-.. Ch1r11n1 lt1ttr YI Mt!~ln Robert L11ltr 111111 Mtrlt Ptrry v1 Jolin Mlthltl Perrr lhlrllY J. Ftldltf ¥1 M)'l'Ofl D, Ftldl« JU~MINTI Phll Ltrrr Lfl'lllt 111 PtlriClt J111 Lindi. IAnno,ilrMlllJ. Rldw1rd -k.....,.111 Pe!lnl VI CtrolYn JHn o.111111. (Annulrnenll. Lo!I L. JollnsDfl tic, YI Wlnl•m B. Jollnsen. (Annu11M11tl. 1llr1 Kiit C<>Pl!l.lnd VII WtVl\I COll'~ltnd. {An.,..,lrnenO. P1trlcl1 LYn~ Mcllobert\ 111 Ro"'°ld Lewi• Mc:RoOlm (tnnulmtnil. S/\trll lltnl Chrl1t11rio ~s ltoberf PIUI Chrl1tl1H lt nnulmenl). Phvll11 Mtrlt Tllom$110n VJ Wllhl'm by TERRY OltANT. 1."'-. Sun worshipptt'I who are on medication must take care. Side reactions include severe, painful sunburn, or an itchy eczt'ma. Photosen-sitivity may be created by some _.diuretlcs. antibacter- ials, antibiotics, tranquill- zel"I!, coal tar derivatives, antiseptics, sunscreenlng or hypoglycemic agents, 8!Jd antihistamines. Check with your doctor or your phar- macist. • • • Otologlsts (ear specialists} have discovered actual deaf· ness resulting from the rock 'n' roll sounds Issuing from electrical aDlJ?lifiers! Ordin-ary conversation is about £0 decibels: a jet plane a hund- red feet away is 140; rock 'n' roll is about 125. • • • Since 1900. 8\'erage life expectancy has Increased al- most as much as during the t>ntire previous 2,000 years. Better diet, improved medi-cal care, and ne\vly discov-ered drugs have contributed. • • • Children can be immun- ized against measles. As a result, tliis disease has come ·c down in the past t\vo years to l /lOth Its fol'tller incl• dence. Nevertheless, seven million unvacclnated Infants and children remain suscep- Jble. • • • For modern service with old-fashioned courtesy, bring your prcscripions to: PARK LIDO PHARMACY 351 Ho1plt•I Road _ N'twport INch 6~2-1510 *FREE! DOUBLE BONUS SALE 200 s~: ; I :: 200 sq. ft. camplttoly Im tolled CARPET 0f CEMENT ~FREE HOME ESTIMATES CALL NOW! A&::-••a I ,._Gti&ll nm lllW1I • a• Ma .,... RAIN or SHINE BUY WITH 10 MOIEY DI. 119% FllAICllC CALL IOW! ... N , DAY'I :II '· "' " • ... • • • • • ' • . ------------------------------• ~ . • - Priceless Crystal .Saved From Silverado By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of fllt O.llr Plitt $1•1f Giving up their own homes u believed . lost, tired flood r.efugees in Silverado Canyon recently rescued the second· largest rare crystal collection in America, one bowl alone worth more than a house. A punchbowl appraised al $24,000 was among the 400 items cradled in t o w e 1 s , blankets and even undershirts by a dozen volunteers working 48 boun in violent rainstorms two w~ks ago. 1be story of how T. E. "Ted" Thal's massive col- lection survived the worst area storm since 1884 without even a chip, as rescuers wad- ed ahnost waistdeep through mud and rock is renlarkable. CASUAL WAY So is the casual \Vay it came to light. The 70-year-old industrial property owner displayed the priceless collection in his sprawling home at 27246 Sllverado Canyon Road, prior ·to the angry, J anuary- February succession of storms. Kept in a specially designed · display case, the colleclion dating back before the turn of the century is judged the finest outside the Toledo · Museum of Art in Ohio. Human courage, drama, death and destruction filled Corporate Medic Plan 1 Talk Slated r Benefits and pro blem s created by a new state law that pennits physicians and dentists to incorporate their practices will be explained at a University Extension Seminar from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Natura l Sciences 167 on the UC Irvine Campus. "Incorporation for Physi- cians and Dentists" is planned for accountants and attorneys as well as,those in the medical a n d dental professions, ac- cording to· attorney-CPA stan- ford L. Brickner, coordinator of the seminar. For further details, contact the extension office at 1325 Crawford Hall, UCJ, or call 33~5415. DEATH NOTICES GIVEN C.ral Gl'ftn. ~ Goldtnrod. Coron. ~ I Mar. Dflle ot de.th, March n . Sur· vlved b'i' hvsb&nd, Andrew 1 brcrtt.r'. I ~ Gni"""' Olkland; i 111M"-lr>-l1w, M1rvu«lle Gii~, ~I s._c11: two ~. Dr. GOrd(lf! Gl!btrt, Atll0!\1, ;1nd Cllllcli GU~. Salll• An.. Serv-i lets w111 be he-Id Satvrd1y, Mardi U, 11 AM, P11d l1c '11~ Ch1P1tl, With Mr. C~r1ef Chambo'rlalll oftltla!lnt. lnll!r· "'flit. P•tlllc View Moemorl1I Par~. F1m1Jy1 w1111est1 thO\e wl~l~ ltl make memori1I t:0nlrlbUll011s, pl"H ~lrlbuh! to Ill• Or11n11e Countf cen- '"'' Offtce, Sanla Ana. P1cllk V~w ~ary, Dlrttlors. GONZALES ,,..nvtl• S. G01111les. AH IG, af \OJSS c1111;:o • Mllro. Fount1in \l•llev. D1te of lllNlh, ~rdl n. s11rvlwd bV h111· i..ncs. Anlootor two SO"J, Selv1dor end P1ul Gonules; NugMer, Elvira E5<:•· 1111 .. , 111 af Fount1in V1lloy; ,_ •!•· 1-n, ""'""!• 111<1 81!clll1 ~ndcrv11, bOlh of Me•lco; 25 vrel!dch!ldren 1nd INlll'I' 11~t-tr1rldc)llldr~. ltot11'Y, ti>" nltihl, Tl\urs""Y' I PM, Sm!Th• ClllP"l-R..,ulenl Miu, Frld1v, t AM, SS Slo moti a. Judi!:' Ce!/>01~ Church. Sml!lll Mor'lullrY, D!re<:!on. BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR 3-9450 Costa J\lesa Ml 8-MU BELL BROADWAY , MORTUARY UO Broadway, Cotta &feta LI S.3433 DILDAY BROTHERS Ht111tlngtoa VaUey r.tortuary ' ntn Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 84M77t PAt1t'IC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemetery e ~tortuary Chapel 3500 Paclllc VJe.w Drtve N'wport Beach. C.llforala 844-rlOO PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME 7111 llolsa A\'t . Wertmhl1ter 1193-:t.'i'!l SHEFFER MORTUARY Lapna Bt.acb 'H-tW San Cltmtnt.e 4tulot SlUnl'S MORTUARY m Main SI. 01111ttagton ka9 LE HSI! WESft.1Jt•f' HORTUARY U'I E. 17111 SI., C.1111 Mell 14111111 the beadlinea during the atorm in which h-fled their homes and five died under the on1Jaught ol 1 cruahlq mud!lJdt. -Little was said then about inanimate object.a, even IUCh tiun,s as Steuben Glps pieces and a $24,000 crystal pun- chbowl, but Mr. and Mn. 1ba1, forced evacuees, grieved inwardly at the fate of the huge collection. They awaited a return to the shambles of an '85,000 house to see what the ram- paging power unleashed by nature had done to some of the finest artistic achievements of s k i l I e d mankind ., praised the i.ntutlc Thal col· .Jectlon. "How dkl you c:ome out in the flood?," June uked, after establishing that he was the same cenUeman with the fam- ed colledl<a . ol llnt edition crystal, IOIDI not e v t n replaceable. tnow wbat we wm loain1." "but then we got out, of courae, with our livea," ahe added aolemnly, because five nel1bhor• did not. MUD DEBJIJS mud and sta1D111I walfr. The canfully wrapped crystal and 11111 pt ......... then packed and slnltrly -Olll ol the nJn.lalhed canyon by pickup Inlet In "We're ltlmltlllded by four four trips to 1 Gardea Grove let'i ol mud 1tld debrls now, 1torqe l1cWty where tbe col~ but the house 11 not wrechd ledl<a II now safe. and we Just dui ooe ~ our "Nol a piece wu damafed " cars out," Mn. Thal Mid lo aald Mn. 'lb&l. ' an Interview after telephone "'11>ve WND't .a chip," ad~ amjce wu restored. . cled her huoband, who p1IJla laHeverely a f f e c t e d tCJ move Into a new Lemon Sllv<ndo Canyon residenta not Hd&hll -the couple had required to be evacuated Im-purch11ed before . the mediately at the ~ of dJaulrous weather. the mm decided not to .now Sanllago er .. k to ctalm the EA11LY DAYS Thal treasure. Recalllng his early days In Mr. and Mrs. Lawtence the bulioeu of. 11111 and Edney, Mn. Edney'1 parents, rtlated llllterlall manufac- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pember turt, Thal llllde a comment and their son Roo. 13, and indlcatln( he could have been Reier Parsons raided the one of America's richest men. 3,000.aqUare-foot home before Once upcn • time, ln the floodwaters could. NEIGHBORS HELPED early d1y1 of llberglau, he wu llligned the en t 1 r t W..tern U.S., but the odd new matuial dldn 't click and Illes llllOWlled to only 11,IOO the flnt few months. lmpiUent, h• ootd oil por· tiol'll ol. what amounted to a f"1dal fiefdom in terms of ftberllus tales, reduclnt hi.! own territory greaUy and •Preadlnf the profit among o~. Lut year alone, be said, fiberctm and related aalu lo Orange County a I one amo\mted to $9 mUllon, but the Harbor Area properly owner dld well for himself anyway. 'lbere ii· a well·known book tilled Trtuure of the Sierra Madre, but even iI smaller, the story behind T h a l 1 s 'l'reuure of Silverado i5 a rather good yarn in itself. Surprises were In store for Mr. and Mrs. Thal, who lWn- ed the meaning of neighbotlY friendship, a stocy which only developed for publication in recent days. Thal appeared at Costa Mesa City Hall to necessarily discuss a business deal irr volving one of his Placentia Avenue rental buildings and City Attorney Roy J u n e recognized him. .. My home wu wiped out," said the aU lndu1try pioneer, wbo f1rlt wu ap- pr<0Uced In the field at the age of 12, "but my neighbors saved the cryllal." "They went through the ft A1-,-o,......,_11.t,,_,..,,.., drawers and cabinets, every spot they could find," Aid Mrs. 'Illa!, whose neighbors eftftDll•J -Ul'.OKlil wrapped the priceless glus ~-... June remembered they were introd uced three years ago at a Silverado Canyon roadhouse tavern owned by one of-June·•:s private prnc:tiee clients, who Mn. Thal, tu.en Feb. 24 from the muddy hell the quaint canyon became almost overnight, by emergency rescue crtWS which hauled the couple out by rope, said it was agony to leave. "I\ WU heartbreaking to and crystal objects in linen1 MWA'f'I ~ CIUAU1"Y of all kinds. R Cradling the various pieces -including a tall, paper-thin r crystal pitcher appra!Jed at ;i $1,200 -the rescuen sloshed, stumbled and slaggerH IOme three bl.W through •uckln& Irvine Prof Declares Man Faces Global Crisis By THO!\tAS FORTUNE or "" o.ur ''"" 1i.rr Genus man is headed toward global crisis because m01t of humankind is unwilling to see beyond his own noae. If we could see beyond our nose we wou1d realize that the rich, that's us Americans, are going to get it too when the population bomb goes off. That was the gloomy message given those in a student-organized class on population this week at UC Irvine. Lecturer on "Human Nature and the Fate Cl( Mankind" was Di-. stej>lien · llbapin>, assistant profeuor fJf Enalllb 'Bottomless Betty' Wins Com·t Delay recently ln the news for con-be lived with. teattn1 hll lmpendlna firing. "We think ol man not a1 Shapiro Aid ooe thing mull part of nature but on top be -. for geopoUtical of it, wbe<e he can exploit undtrliandln(: ....-Id Io o d II. Thi.! has a bu I It· I n rHOUl'Cet are dlmlniahing for boomerang," he warned. e v e r increasing numbers of He aaid a counter ethic, people. an ecological ethic, i s Most ft us have this un-desperately needed. dmtanding only in th e He also said mankind a.s abstract, but never come to a whole must get rid of the grips with It, never let it belief that the only way to invade our ccnsciousnesr, be perpetuate oneself ls by hav- aald. Ing children. Io mqch ol the And that, he aaid, is hmnan world, he said, people think nature. of. children as their old •ae · "Men do not ftflD to be welfare. able !!>focus emo!toMIJy and ''There II .very lllUe hope Jn mllalnld .,,.,. .., lonl for til unlell we learn to distance )l'Obleml." feel other people'• chl1dren He aid ovwpopulatlon and can IWltain lll," be said. hunger inevitably are going Concluding, Shapiro aaid be to lead to ltrife, collape:e of w o u 1 d be a clown if like , ,.........4 allemtion a n d many proleuon he ju.rt told war betwten people5, with the itudent! to study the pro. dire eonteque.nces for all of blem. He urged them to join mankind. groups with ongoing social ac- Wlth a touch ft mel&ncboly, tion.s. he said the few people who He said they don't need to understand this "are in the phmge right into radical ac- posiUon fl men locked up in tivity, but can get their first UCEDI Saft 13.07 on our worloavlng Imperial uprleht...........,1 Reg.895 NOY/ 76.88 Pay• llHle • $5 pet mentf... Two e"°"'" in 1 -'tlri lfw twist of • dial' ••• CIOMf't wpright .. -....... --... ., ...... ....,, ........ 00 II •• ~~ •• SANT A ANA -Bui:om blon- de Betty Lou Palmer, known to the bar crowd as "Bot· tomless Betty," hu been granted a delay of her Superior Court perfonnance. the back ol a truck beading tute of how the power struc-S...U7• .. fa•&11lc S.ve1D.o7en_.,.._. dQwnawubedoutroad.Tbey ture operates, whose narrow 10,.__... •••••• ...,, ... , ..... .._,.... !mow the detoant to late but lntemtl II urve!, by Jolninl h -!ho -ht.,.... ..,. ..., -• tt -· they can't reach tht steering the Sierra Club. wheel or mate tllemHlves Reg. 54.95 Reg. 74.95 heard." Miss Palmer, 2.1, of He said, "The teast that Co t U NOW 0.11 NOW l•.11 needs to be done is to declare un y ps ,., • littlrt • $5 ..... ......... ,.., •little•$$,.. Mllnth. Monrovia, was scheduled to face a jury trial Monday. But the curvaceous Apartment-A· ~ entertainer must now return to court April 10 to face charges of Indecent ex- posure and lewd contluct. a national eme!'gency and re-~ nozzle, auti.iotic Power aaW, Mt pklt up, ClflPly qulr• a year of compulsory Fees on Oil ......... triple hi.... ...... -· polloh. boll • .._ ...... study for everyone on ..a.ctor,Gluucict-nt .t...poohcarpet ••. it's;rwatl • c o I o f I c a I (relationship• SANT A ANA -County I.,. I .---&llllllUl!i!B!l!.u...tl!!L!l!!l!!!:l..!l!!lJ•!!!!l!!l..!WI-.-~ I between organisms and their for Wpectloo of oil drilllnc environment) deterloraUon. and redrUling operatkm were 141 know tills IOUhds crazy," sharply lncreued Wednesday h e 1 a j d t o t h e by the Board of Supmriton:, atudenb: "You're busy driv-An oil well drilling or i-. Ing around iii your Muatangs drilling fee will go up from eoting BaaJdn.ltobhlnl i c e 1100 to 1150 and the IJlllUal cream ccoa. 'I\lla: Is colorful. oil well inlpection fM w a 1 '!be rat -the atarvatton wt lncnased from 110 lo $20. there -11 drab. You dln~ The ralaes were necwary ------------_ ... --------------------------~ ------The same date was set for Philip Love, 28, of Costa Mea, the rhanager of the popular Santa Ana bar. Love faces charges of cowwelllna: and assisting an act of indecent eiposure. Both defend.anti are free on ball. pear l:Dto your own beads." to meet rising colt of the ser- He aald Kil al>aorpttoo is vices prcmcled by the Depart· the h11111111 noture we !mow menl ol Building and Safety, Ce•t• M••• '"'"" .......... c.rtwl H11111lntten leech N_,ert leech Ctfllllfl"fltn c .... 1 ('•lhlron 11""-IJ Arr'eS!ng officers c l a i m Betty Lou wore nothing beneath a film!)', waJA.hlfh veil which she wore whi1e dan- cing al the night Bpol. and that IOOlaJ COlllCiouanw1~aiiicco~nlln~g;;itoii;;icoun;;iii;ity;;;olfJclaJa.iiiiiiiiiii;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;; II not retnforcod by our soc1 .. li ly. Christlanlly II euenUally -ti; * * peutmiltlc; he lald. It boldl tlllt b0ca1111 ol Griplal · sin Snake Girl :1 :.::i ~ .:'" .=. CWJe cannot overcome ooe'a Of La fflfilhneu. gUll8 He Aid, "It -I or Wt apinlt tbeJn. ID anti.· ecolotkal point cl 'fin<.'' W 'tin' T --. 11e laid, al g 00 II our helltl the! nablre II SANTA ANA -Topi.,. and to be manlpulatod. not to allegedly -lesa wko w.---.-.. dancer Carol Cybullld -• • SUMMER ~ four·week .detayW-,ol f CAMPING I her Superior Coar\ jury trial i ~ on obse<nlty chor,... S Maklf · Ufe ~ ,,,. 30-yeoMld L • • • • • Ill ocmNG 1 ~ Beach enttrtalner mull return I ~ to Judge Paul Mui'• court ~ April 10 l<r trial CIG c:harpa ~ ol indecent expooure and -i ~ cooduct. The same judfe Ill ~ reoo>tly denied her atl«ney't :I I plea f« dlamiaaat ol the S i charges oo the ""1nds that Ill ~ they were UllCOllllHulloot :I ~ y ...._,_ ~ JudJe Moll's rUllllf II Ille ~ °""' ' ..,.... i;,, scheduled r ... -by a• ,., s....1.v ... ., t the Superior Coar\'• '"""°"i. S ,..,.. I division. Ill Ill 1'liso Cybullld, 30ll Cr..ia a a Way, WU arrtsted Go ae\onl s ~ occasions at the A~ Ill r Go-Go. SalU Ana. W-i :I and pollce officers et the Ill! Ill ""1Uer bearing ltstlfiod lhel :I be'f' dance was kwd ud I I -and that the _.. f l'lio~2-f990 J nolblngltoeath a trtnJplttlll outtr glnnent. --___ ..,. Now llnder New Manager ' SPECIAL OFFER! POR ONI WllK ONLY! U•ULAI IOc VAl.UI CLIANINe AND PIUSINe ·PANTS• 3~All I I I I L-----------------------J ONE HOUlt 7 ''MARTIN/I/NG'' THI MOST IN DllY CLIANINO 2200 HAltlOlt ILYD. -IN K·MART CENTER COSTA MISA . . ·----------------------·- Harris & Frank COSTA MISA ..... c.Mf '""' 0...1• ....... ,,. ''"" M-.. ..,..,rL IUINA PARK _._ o,. 11 ··~ • ' '·"'" Ma lfl"' '"" SINCE l.U SANTA ANA --Melt. ... , .. o,. le .. "'".' ,. .. T ..... ,....._ .... , .... HUNTIN•TON llACH "'''"""''" c.ttw 0,.,.1 ••. 1'11.-f .. lllo Mitlt. "'"' '"' Pre-Easter Savings In OUR GREAT SPRING SALE! • MEN'S CLOTHING 2-TROUSER C-LIFORNIA· WEIGHT SUITS Th•s• favorite 1uit1 for •ll-y••r California weal'-._ now youri at • low, low prical Baaufilul Dacron poly .. asfer and Wool bltnds-idaal for dre•• or business waar {and remembar, the EXTRA PAIR doublet the weir!) Regularly $89.95 s1 .8 FAMOUS BRAND ONE & 2-TROUSER SUITS Choo1a from • 9r1et telaction of All.Wool febrict ind blend• in tha 1ae1on'1 mo1t popular fashi•n models, pl'fferns ind colors. M1ny f1mou1 br1nd1 included. Rogularly $100·$115 sea HIGH FASHION SOOS FOR DRESS & BUSHES An a1tc•ption1I 9roup of one trouter tuift laaturint fha l1fesf fethion mod1l1 for both busine1t and dra11-up weir. Fresh new p1ttarn1, colorsl Rogularly $79.95 • $15 $68 COORDINATED SPORT COAT & SLACKS DUOS Perfect combination for business and lei1ure waar. Carefully coordinated for colors, fabric, pattern, Ra;ularly $69.95 s5a SPORT COAT BONANZA Your choice! All Wool1I Silk and Wool1! llendtl For bu1int11 and lalture wear. Ra;ularly $45 • $50 ' PARADE OF DRESS SlAW Practically every style and fabric you can think •fl Seve in our Sprin9 Sala NOW! bgularly $17.95 to $32.50 MBl'S IMPORlB> All·WOOL DRW SlACKS Superb ,41ua;ty R•varse Twi1t1, All Mohair •nd Dia .. gonel We1va1. &Nat ran9e of colon~ Ra;utarlr $27.50 h> $35 s1a AUO II• UYIN6S ON CASUAL ILACU, CAUl•AM swun11. YUrtU NICIC •NJT SHlm, rvuonu. •OLP JAC:lm &: SHOU -AND IN oua WOWIM'S Ntot't Harris & Frank $1tfCI ltif. EASY WAY TO lE WILL OlE.SSfO • , • orlN AH on10t4AL CHARtil ACCOUNT Al.$0 l~MtJllCAllO Oil MASlll diAlQf • • '• • • . • • • • • ' • • • • • .II Mil Y-1'11.GT I • Orange County Bank has a · n.ew name. ,, But that doesn't rea1ly change anything. We're still at the same three locations. We have the same managers and personnel. Except for the new signs, you'll hardly notice any change at all-that is, until you discover the many new services we now can offer. Southern California First National Bank brings you Unch&rgeable Checking, which means you can write all your checks free. We have Money Minder accounts to help you keep your personal • or business records. Also, you can take advantage of the lowest new car auto loan rates in town, complete trust and escrow services, and dozens of other banking . conveniences. ; '-..:-.. ~.--~·--· ' But the courteous, personal service you've been receiving from your friends at Orange Count:y Bank \viii remain the same. Because after 85 years of banking ·experience, \Ve kno\v that some things are too good to change. We hope you'll stop in and get to : know us better. We'll be serving refreshments and passing out free gifts all day long. And at the end of : the day, \ve'll have a dra\ving for L.!.~ valuable door prizes. We'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow. ' S&nJuan capisfh'10 Thom.ls J. Wln11t Branch MAni&tr . Costa MKll t<enneth W. F-er enu~h'M•natet r Oan1 Point Gifford Hunter Bt11nch M•n.aer We're in San Clemente, too! South El Camino Real and Esplanade (at the Alpha Beta Shopping Center). Along with our openings at th e three former Orange County Bank locations, we are opening ~new branch in San Clemente. Until our new building is completed, we will lie operating in temporary facilities on South El Camino Real at Esplanade, adjacent to the Alpha Beta Shopping Center. The addition of these fout' locat~ons makes a total of eight Southern Cali- fornia First National Bank offices in Orange Co\lll,ty, s.-. ,,_. __ •• Mn&•r T ' TlwrtNw. Mtm IL INt s , ... n Show Sketches Spring Styles \Villiam Travilla, California couturier \Vho has Jong been aligned with the famous of filmdom and an Academy award \vinner himseU, will unveil his spring collection for Orange County La\vyers' Wives and guests. The 'presentation will highlight a fund-raising luncheon for the Legal Aid Society in the Newporter Inn at 11 a.m. Thursday, March 27. The designer currently creates costumes for Diahann Carroll on the TV series, "Julia." One of his creations will be given as a door prize. The excitement o[ today's men's fashions \Viii not be omitted, 1or actor Mike Steele Yrill be spotlighted in Louis Roth's clothes. Underlining the spring motif will be decor in brilliant hues of pink, and centering tables will be flowers, streamers and grapes which will en· hance bottles of vintage wine. Afrs. Cecil Hicks is chairman of the event, assisted by the Mrnt>J. Kenneth Williams, reservations; Robert S. Pike Jr. and Keith \Velputt, decorations; Robe11 Holland , hostesses; Howard Block. program ; James C. Booth and David Reisdorf, prizes; Roland Bigonger, invitations, and Clark Fergus, publicity. Serving on the hostess committee are t.he f\1me s. \Velch Morning· star, Stephen Tamura, Delbert Larsh, Noel Con\vay, Allan Portigal, Byron McMillan, Paul Witmer, Sylvan Aronson and Jack Lincoln. • HAPPINESS IS A NEW DRESS -Hoping she will win a Travilla design, \vhich will be given as a door prize, is Mrs. Cecil Hicks, chairman of Orange County Lawyers' Wives' annual fashion benefit. Admiring pictures of the designer's creations are (left to right) Mrs. James Booth and Mrs. Robert S. Pike Jr., committee members. The show will be presented 1'.1arcb 27 in the Newporter Inn. Additional committee members are the Mmes. Stephen Stewart, George Roberts, Ronald Stone, Sidney Radus, James Erickson, Peter Gwasdorf, Edward Dugas, Robert Kuehn, Sanford Brickner and Robert Madory. Reservations may be made by calling either' Mrs. \Villiams at 543-- 1586 or Mrs. Richard Rattray, 8JO.-Oll67, Bloomer Girls Won the Vote By JO OLSON Of ""9 Dilly l"ii.t Stiff Thank you, :P.1rs. Marsh, and thank you to the SuHragettes who campaigned with you more than 50 years ago for the women's rights we enjoy today. Marshall, mayor of Newport Beach, the two compared the a;tatus of women then and now. district. Thousands of women wearing black and yellow ban. ners that said 'Votes for Women' marched through the 1itreets, supported by a few men who joined the parade. \Ve met opposition only at t h e end, \~·hen spectators thre w tomatoes and rotten eggs." was a paid suffrage volunteer. "They used the 11 a m e · telephone," she laughed. We of the fair sex have come a long way since those pre1920 days remembered 'by Mn. Iva Marsh of Laguna Beach, one of the Suffragettes who worked diligently to a~ure women's rights to vote. Chatting Y.'ith Mrs .. Robert Prompted by the coming 49lh·50th national birthday celebration of the League of Women Voters, in which fi.frs. Marsh has been very actlve since its formation, the Suf· fragette described the early efforts or her f e 11 o w crusaders. "Wearing skirts that were short for those days -just above ankle length, Y.'e march· ed in a huge parade ir: Boston, beginning in the Beacon Hill Smiling as she recalled the difficulties of the campaign, she told of her future mother· in-law's antisuffrage aclivi ties that were carried on in t h e s a m e house as her future sister·in·law's eftons, \\'ho Suffrage · Examined Fifty Years Later A full-day program and dialogue next Saturday at UCLA wiU com· memorate the 49th-50th national birthday of the League of Women Voters and mark the beginning of its $11 million fund drive. \Vomen Power and the use to ~which it is put politically', economical· Jy and intellectually will be debated during a morning dialogue by UCLA student leaders end league members, and expjored at the noon luncheon by Dr. Rosemary Park, vice chancellor of UCLA. The League of Women Voters, formed in 1920 after the 19th amend· ment to the Constitution was ratified, is beginning the first fund drive in its history, to replenish the dwindling capital resources provided by the Suffragettes. Special guests will be women who have achieved high political and govenunental offices, and those who participated in the struggle 50 years ago to win the women's right to vote. The panel at 9:45 a.m. in Moore Hall auditorium will be moderated by Mrs. Murrel Loring, former president of the Los Angeles League, who served !or many years as coord.inato~ of daytime programs and special projects of University Extension, UCLA.. Youthful advocates of radical change will challenge the league's more traditional manner of changing the status quo, and lively discussion of Women Power on the Campus anp. in the Community is expected. Dr. Park, the luncheon speaker, will discuss her own special con· cem, fulfillment of the potentialities of college women . When asked why men op- posed women 's right to vote, she said she thought they were afraid there would be no more home·baked pies, no more babies and no more saloons. Women would be too busy lo stay home and bake and \\'Ould vote out saloons. Ironically, the still·vivaciou1 Suffragette lost her first vote when she moved with her hus-- band, a doctor, from Min- nesota to Wisconsin in 1920, forfeiting her residence re- quirements. After the U.S. Constitulion was amended and the women were assured of their voice in politics, Mrs. Marsh did not _quit her vigilant watch. A life-time or work in the League 0£ Women Voters followed, with the s t a t e presidency in \Visconsin her ultimate victory. She has continued her ln· lerest in government and works with the Orange Colst League of Voters, still finding time for hospital volunteer work. Looking back over the emergence or w o m e n ' s participation in public affairs, she wonders why more women have not sought oftices and achieved top government and political posts. "Maybe we should still be In the kitchen and bedroom," she questioned. Not all women have stayed in the shadow of the home with their entrance into the THEN AND NOW -Compartng notes on the status of women now and 50 years ago are Mrs. Robert Marshall, mayor of Newport Beach, and Mrs. Iva public life Invited. Mrs. Robert f\farshall, mayor of Newport Beach, who Is a native of Los Angeles and graduate of UCLA, is a pretty and capable example of a woman who has taken advantage al the work or tho early suffrage pioneers. After working as an ac· counlant in New York, fi.frs. ~1arshall became interested in city government when she moved to Newport Beach. She served on several city ld· v isory boards a n d com- Marsh of Laguna Beach, a Suffragette who cam· paigned for women's rights in the pre1920 years. n1issions and used the~ a! a springboard into her first elected offi~, proving that women can and should seek public office. But what next! From the cobblestone streets or Boston 50 years •co, echoln& with the footsteps of thousands or long-skirted suffragettes, to the quiet office of a distaff mayor in Newport Beach; a long road has been walked .. Th< palh tilat lieJ ahOd Is ail. exciting one, too, for it may end in the White Houle. Widows Without Resources Not Only Ones Holding the Bag : DEAR ANN LANDERS : I've read let· tera in your column rrom wives whose husbands died suddenly and left them with no knowledge of their insurance, bank accounts, the location of a vault cootainlng Important document.s, and so on. I've never read anything, ·however 1 about what happens when a wife dies suddenly and leaves her husband totally unable to take care ol himself. It's tragic when a man Is left alone and tie doesn't even know how to turn on a stove, boil an egg or sew on a button. I wa3 lucky. When my wife became Ill she taught me how to do things ror myself If J had to. Amt now that 1, have to, r bless her ·a do7.en tim~ a day. I fttl as it that beloved womafi ANN LANDERS Lhrew me a life line just before she went under for the third time. - HOPKINS, MINN. DEAR HOP: 'lblllJ.:1 lor a provocative letter. And now I addtt:11 • qut1tio11 to every b:uaband who read1 thl1 column. Would you be able to manaae for your· self If your wife didn't Wlllc:e up tomor- row morntng? Think 1bout It. \ DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I read the lE:Ue.r from lhe lonely male1 up In Houghton, fi.1ich, -the boys at Michigan Technological Universlly -t almost cried. We have the Mme problem in Calgary, Alberta, only it'1 lhe rtve:rae -about 10 girls to every bOy. Please tell those lonesome fellows at .. Da Tech'' to come to c.nada. \Vc'rc dying of lonellntss. -SNOW BABY DEAR -BABY: It 11roughly1408 mllea from Hoagbton, Mlclli, to CaJiary, Alberta -a Ions wa1 to travel for compulon11llp. I ••nett yoa Calgary dollJ meet the Hoaghtoa py1 In Wll· nlpe1. In June. DEAR ANN: Don't t•ll me to MYOB. Yo1.1r readers have a right lo know. •low much of you I.a "real"! Do you ha ve false teeth? Do you wear false eyelashes? A wig or a hairpiece of any kind ? Are you ptidded any place? Be a sport Bnd level with u.s. -NOSY KIDS AT NORTHWESTERN DEAR NOSY KIO$: P.1y teeth ire my own. I do not weiu-false eytlasbe1 or a wl& or a taa6rplece GI UJ kind. J am n°' pldded uy pl.ce, octp( or count, u. pHdlnt wkfclli ui..re U1 provided. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have a solu. tlon ror that lady whole husband turns off the alarm clock, ovenleeps and then · yells at her because he's late for work. Tell the woman to place the alarm clock In tht b3thtub on a pie Un and let It ring until the lazy loUt tums It off. Once he l.s out of bed tlle sound of that alarm clock will keep him up. I had the same problem •Ith my husband . A friend suggested thlll 1olution •nd It did th< t~ck -FOXY , DEAR FOX:' I tried It and H's an • eardrum buster. Anyone wt. lletJll U.roap that ncttt 11 deaf, UICftldtu· . tr d<11d. II you have trouble 1ettlng alone with· your parentJ. , .II you can 'I ,.1 thin. to Jet you live your owo life, l$d' for Ann Landtr11 booklet, "Buqld ~ Parents? How to Get More Ji'rffdoni_. Send 50 cenl.1 in coin with your nq- and a long, stamped, sell--1ddrtSll!a: enve:ope. ; Ann Landers will be &lad to he)Jt you with your problen\ll, Send them to her in cm of lhe DAILY P~ enclosing , a stamped, sell-addr ' envelope. · r • l 1 l _ -------------------------·- •• .. . ' }.f ~A!LY PllOf .;::Attuned to St. Patrick's Serenade .1•:• .. ,., -r.:wearin' ~o' the green is designaled for partygoers · ~:'")ttending the annual dinner dance, to be staged by :.-::the Women's Guild of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel -.:-l::: h u r ch tomorrow in the Pavi.lion. Festivities >;;;,vill begin V.'ith a social hour at 7 p.rn.; din- ner will be served at 8 and the "luck of the Irish" \vil l prevail for those destined to win door prizes. Harmonizing plans for the gala are (left to right) the Mmes. J. E. Dunn, David Chavis and Jack Dorris. -~, ------------------------------•·· • Horoscope Scorpio: Finish Jobs FRIDAY MARCH 14 information should be verified. guarantees. Strike h a r d Take nothing for granted. bargain. "Fashions Paraded Typically lrlab decoratloos will provide the. theme when Women i n Qmstruction, Oranae County Ch a P.. t er , -their amrua1 lashloo .i-DUI Saturday in the Jolly '.Roger Inn, Anaheim. • A social hoar will take place. · at 11~30 a.m. follow,-·br luncheon and fubioos ~ Ricki's, santa Ana. Coordinating and com- mentating the lhow will be Mn. Florence Smiles. and Mn. Richard S· n I d e r, ebalnnan, bu announced that music will be proVided by Don We!l Additional e~ tertainment will be ~vided by Myra's School of Dariclng. Reservations for the SL Patrick's Day affair may. be made by calling Mrs. Snkler, ·835-6006, or MrL Donald Amea, 642-1511. Founders Due Fete ''Founders Day w i 11 be celebrated next Saturday by foor chapten ol llelu Gamma Alumnae in Los-Coyottl Coun- try Club, with luncheon at llo30 a.m. beginning the festl.vitles. Members of the Santa Ana- Newport Harbor, Huntington Beach, Fullerton-Anaheim and Whittier chapters will attend the celebration. Mrs. Donald M. Sutherland, president of the Santa Ana- Newport Beach Chapter will participate in the traditional Founder• D a y candlelight ceremony with the other c~pter P!!Sidents • Vows Recited In Las Vegas During a small, family wed· ding in Las Vegas, N.M., Christine Thompson became the bride of Arthur David Carousel of Fashions Kiwi Karnival is the title of the fashion luncheon selected by Newport Beach Chapter, Kiwi Club 'vhich will be presented at 11 a .m. next Saturday i n the Sheraton-Beach Inn , Huntington Beach. Modeling fashions from La Galleria, which will furnish show ensembles, are Mrs. Fred R. Betts (left) and Mrs. Warren Allan as they ride the "karou sel" with youngsters (left to right), Ricky Betts, Elizabeth 1-IcGov.'an and Dana All an . Ki\\·is are former Ameri~ can Airline stewardesses who have de signated show proceed s for various charities. By SYDNEY OMARR "The wise man controls his destiny •.• Astrology points the way." Initiate action which could AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. lead to new enterprise. Don't 18): Set pace. Lead rather delegate duties. Be there in than follow. Be original, in- person. dependent. Di.splay skills, in· Tafoya. i.===============================• Parents of the bridal coople •. H.-Pllflt DIANA JAGODNIK To Marry :: August . ::Day Told • :~, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jagod- ,nik of Garden Grove have • announced the engagement of ' their daughter, Diana Jagod- .-nik to Jack King of Newport .Beach. ... The couple plan to marry Aug. 24 in Our Lady of Afount -carmel Catholic Church. Miss Jagodnik, who attended :(he University of California. Santa Barbara. is a senior at UCL :-Her fianee, son of t.1r. and .ltrs. Jack King of Whittier, attended Orange Coast College .and now is a senior at ·California State College at Long Beach. ·Gloomy Gus Tells it As You See it ARIES (March 21-April 19)o Accent on hopes, dreams and wishes. You may not get all you want -but some desires are fulfilled. Key is to know when to stop. Don't chase rainbow. Respect facts. TAURUS (April 21).May 20): Stress occupation. F u I f i 11 oblig ation s. Act in authoritative manner. You have more to offer than might be imagined. Realize this; be confident. Ask for that raise. GEMINI (May 21..June 20): Day to finish rather than begin projects. E n l a r g e horizons. !lea!ize that petty actions can be expensive. Spread influence. Set example. Stand I.all. Adhere to prin· ciples. CANCER (June 21..July 22): Check financial papers. Tax Plans Made For Dinner Early plans were formulated for the fourt h annual Awards Dinner by the UCJ Friends of the Library at a recent kick-off meeting. President Leland Cooley revealed that h o n or a r y chairman for the Book and Authors banquet will b e former Senator Thom as KucheL The tilay IO event in Sad· dleback Inn will benefit !he UC I Library. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Gain IUative, Cycle is high. You cooperat ion of close get the break!. Important associates. Further program persons pay hetd to your ef- of public relations. Make forts. known your views. But do so PISCES (Feb. 19--March 20 ): in unobtrusive m8Dllet. Means Stay out of S'pOtllght. Be hold back on some of your discreet. Important to finish flair, showmanship. what you start. Don't be VffiGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): distracted by foolish friend. You may get request for You are given as.sigrumnt by special service. Be obliging. group, club, organization. Be But don't get involved in sincere. another's business. CUltivate GENERAL TENDENCIU good will. Cooperate with Shakeup could affect large associates, co-workers. Watch organization, including United diet. Nations. To erdtr S'l"dlW'I' °""'-"'• SO.O.ltf! LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): 11oaklel, Tiie Truth AbM Allrolotv, Y itr ..... ..1 1Pf>d 50 <tnll to <ln"l•rr Booklwl, tt.. oung persons are a m;KU DAILY ~ILOT ••• :12~, Gnn1d (tf>. are Dr. "and Mn.· Arthur F. Thompson of Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Tafoya of DiJ:on, N.M. Both the bride a n d bridegroom are students at Highlands University, Las Veps. She is a graduate of Corona del Mar and be is an alumnus Clf E!panola High School, Las Vegas. Overeaters Every ~londay al 8 p.m. members gather in Anderson School auditorium , Westmimter, for meetings of Overeaters Anonymou s. Guests are welcome to attend. to you. Give advice without "-' s1111on, New York, N.v. 1ao11. appearing pompous. Day for l-N:-:-0:=---::-:-::-:-:':=,:..:.=".,,..,,.,--,----,.------11 pieasure.Pursuecreative MONEY DOWN "''0,~·,~~NTHS end ea v 0 rs.per s 0 n a I CALL FOi NII DTIMATI AND SHOI' AT HOMI SIAYICI magnetism rating soar I. °"' """.,11t111ny ,,.IMlll ._._ w11t ceme 1e y.11r lle!M er ettk• Romantic evening indicated. · • • ,., .,. ............ wllfl t1te -" ,,,,,,1 ... ••Jedllft "' 11r•11trr SCORPlO (Oct. 23--Nov. 21): .,. ",,... .. ...,,., "' Mtlt•1""'"' _,.._ Accomplish essential tasks at FIOM YOUl AllA CALL 548-8242 01 141-6617 home, office. Utilize con- structive suggest.ions. Don't perm.it pride to block pro- gress. Greater security in· dicated if you pace, time your moves. BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Sense or humor i~ best ally against tension I.rip involving m e s ~-r· . relative may be on ab~-1Ja. Leave details for another time. Today perceive as a whole. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan . 19): Check belongings. Repair what is lo be salvaged. Be shre~·d where money, possessions are concerned. Be positive about facts , BYAL• INTIQ ITOCI OP FAIULOUS DlA.PllT FAlllCS UDUCID TO 20% TO 401io ....,_ ... o,.,...., Dra,.n..1 NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT .. ' . HOUSE OF COIFFURES Now Owned By ;: Amy's House of Beauty 5 Operator• To Serve You! .• • > • '• > .. • • ,. •• , • • • • • • • Jan Ruble Is Back, • Introducing Mr. Don • Hi-Stylist * SHAMPOO AND SETS $3.50 * Pr&-Easter PermaMnt Special Mon. Tues. Wed. Only Frosting . • Reverse Frosting Touch Up & Tone Virgin Tinl 4 Week Rinse • • REG. SPECIAL PBIMANBITS 18.50 14.99 REG • 18.50 15.49 12.50 15.50 12.49 15.50 10.00 7.49 18.50 . 7.50 4.99 20.50 SPECIAL 10.SO 12.50 15.50 18.SO • • Tint Touch·Up Rog. $7.SO Spoclal $,!.4' : -,_ _________________________ __, .. -• ., * OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • • 6441 WESTMINSTER HEIT TO WISTMINSTll LA. ~-- --~---------- * 847-3244 ••• .. $195 S4.t5 y.rtl Per CUSTOM MADI DRAPERIES NOW ONLY J'lll ., A flbulM» olMcflefl Of hlafl ql,11111\r dKD•llOf flbtltl IN:lldlf!t IODO'I cof \f'tl"lll of h'911 1t\'lt ~IH. ttxtu.-u, H-•1'1111 t•IM•k• ••. an Hit ptlnd . DnlYIRY IN 1 DAYS ""'~" ..._ .. .,.,.,. _. ,_ ctrlMI ..,. ... ,. '"'..,. ,.. fnflr, mere 9'tkltftt tef'Yk .. ltltly " SMwtl ~ ..,. ,..,."" .... lf'(tillt. ""' fl_. 111'!11W.ra. e.>:'9f"t .. ,.._. •11111 ............. oua WOIKMANSHIP IS SUPlll HAR DWAll • IODS CUT TO OIDll EIUTIPLEA CALL POI NII mlMATI ' SHOP..AT·HOMI SllYICI DRAPERY & CARPET 548-8242 NIS MONEY DOWN " TO. ~OHTHJ TO '" Now there's more to no-irons than just ironing. SIZES I tt' JO Goll J1c~rt 1n.oo liORET Of CAIJfO~NIA J9t~•I 110.00 $kiri 110.00 There's more color. More sty1e. Now there are flowers: And plaids. And 1arget dOt prints. They're the most exciting looks in no-irons this spring. From Koret of California. 50% Dacron® polyester. 50% cotton, these Kora tron® Francisca separa1es all machine wash, tumble dry, riever need ironing. More style than tNCr before. for less wo1k. And les.5 money. Come see. -in sprin9 colors of: Pat•I Pink, Sky Blue, Sunflow •r Y•llow, S•h•r• Sand, N•vy Blu•, lod•n Gre•n, Chocolete Bro~n end Ice Whit•. l'All CON'RNllNTLP IN OUI •IAI INTlY l'AlllNG AIEA-Opn Dollr t :l0·6. ,,.., 'ttl f MASTfl CHAlGI • CAlTl ILANCHI •· IN COSTA MESA 1rs DaPA"TMEHT &TOI'\~=._. 1 IU NEWPORT. touLiYARD l.i.NUMlllCAID. • •• DINIU CLUI ·-----------------------~~~~-~-~~--~·~·~--·-·-=-·--·-· •-••••_.,,._,~,t~•~•••=-•-•-• .,.,=~•~'"'"·""'s_,.,,,_,~,~• ,..,&~•~·~• "'l'P~o...-0 _a,...,.es,.p_.,_,,..,E,.,,.,..,,,.,_.,,,..,,.., __ 1 Blue Angels Brighten Hospital Rooms • Red Cross-trained Blue Angel s work among white- clothed doctors and nurses in two Orange Coast hospitals, adding a bright spot to the lives or the pa~ients. Jn their candy-striped uniforms sewn by Leisure World residents, the girls are serving in Fairview State Hospital and Park Lido Coovales- cent Hospital. Preparing to serve cookies and punch are Blue Angels (left to right) tlle Misses Jan Fitzgerald, Shirley Collom , Diana Labadie and WHITE FRONT PlllWPS"' MILK OF MAGNESIA -12 oL liquid. Regular rtiiUiPSt or mint flawr • • .;;.;.. . COMPARE AT 89c 11[1111 . ~ 69c ------------ COllPAIE AT 1.49 -----------FIDll lllSTAlll" snTZD Ii. " 12 pact. ettes. Packs aeat--IJ ill,....,..... COMPAR£69C AT 98c · -----------BAYER ASPIRIN BaTIU Of lotL Ro- ~able aoa1ge$ic and mmor pain relie..er. COllPAIE AT 98c Sally Kincaid. Girls still attending the orientation course are the Misses Teri Abbott, Janlce Blair, Cindi Broone. Debbie Bruce. Linda Busche, Bar- bara Franklin, Lynn Payne, Sandy Tedasco, Debbi Berry, Kim Crump. Tina Krause, Virginia Mason, Andrea Statz, Tammy Watt and Quita Wooley. TOOTHPASTE "SM CURL" HAIR SPRAY • .ii GEST KING-SIZE 13 oz.. regular or super tlold 1onooia. Pleasant fragrance. . 6o/4 OL FAMILY SIZE TUES. COMtrARE 66c 1.05 TOOTHPASTE VOTE ECONOMY SIZE 6.35 OL FAMILY 1UIE CDlARE66~ --------PROORnK TOOTHBRUSHES • Adult bn1sbes designed for tiygrnic caft M teett1. pns. c~ 5FOl$1 COMPARE 49c AT 99c PLAYllll CARDS l"USTIC COATED :•f Regular, poker or pilt-' ClChle ded.s. Decora- ted batks. ClllijJ'ARE 5 $1 . AT59c EACH FOR RIGHT GUARD Aatl-Perspiraat I. ...... '!!.i S·OZ. aerosol can. Etfecli'le as an anli-perspirant and -•t IE31C::.~5 7 c O«T° PILOT J $ Esther Spencer Award Funds Benefit· Othsrs· • Peering Aroun.d Ojsbursement of the $10UI Clllfomia Fed'"'tfoo · o f ,£st.l)er Spencer Me 01 or I a I Womep's Clubs wN.ch l)as Award has been announet'd done the most outstanding job by the Fountain V a 11 e y in the area of l)ome manage- . WOman's Club. · merit, finance and conswnu , The awar~ is presente"d an-economiC!. It is traditionally 1 nually to the cl ub in tht presented during the state • -o (nner Served Applaud Dads Assisteens, Assis tance League of Laguna Beach are making plans for the annuial Father-daughter Dinner which will take place at 6:30 p.m. next "Sunday in the League House. In addition to preparing and · serving the dinner a n d decorating tables. the coeds have decided en a special surprise for their fathers , ac· cording to Mrs. Robert L. Mar vin, Ass isteen s coordinator. Mrs. Mila n Chiba, advisor. ls assisting with plans. The Misses Edith Roesen, Margot Cather and Wendy Taylor are in charge of the dinner. Other projects undertaken by the teenagers include the care and marking of 'toys lor the league's thrifL shop, help- ing with the Uanny Davey Doll Club, working in the thrift shop qn saturday morn- ings and courses in self-im- provement aod community parUcljiaUon. Parents Dance lluntington Beach Country Club will be the setting for the St. Patrick 's Dance of Orange Coast C h a pter , Parents Without Partners. The Harmonaires will J:>egin playing music at 9 p.m. next Saturday. Party proceeds will support the chapter 's children's activity program. convenUon. Heading t~ disbursement ,, ____ ... ___ .., committee wert Mrs. Dale ~fowery and f.1rs. Robert Moss, co-chairmen of home management and finance com· mittee dtlring the year the award wu made, and pre11t11t cbail'nieo, Mn. Dou g I .t 1 Ryder and Mrs. Emil i o Chavtz. Added to the rorrent fund was $179.55 which had not HAR!K>RITES who were rt-- cent guests In the Clift Hotel , San Francisco were Mrs. W. B. Jadden and famlly er Newport Beach, Mn. Allee Walter, Balboa and Gerald McClellan and C h a r I e s Godshall, both cf Newport Beach. been used from the previous J\tISS SUE Bowe, daughter E.sther Spencer award won by of Mr. and Mn . Hugh H. th.e club. Bowe of Newport Beach, wi11 The committee allocated be initiated into Alpha Phi $250 to the building fund for at 1.he University of Arlzona the Founlain Valley Boys' where she is a sophomore. Club, aod ~ to the city'st.========= police department to purChase a film ·on narcotics to be shown to schools and civic groups. They also donated $29.56 to tlie police department to purchase narcotics in- formation pamphlets to be distributed during the film showing. The high school sciencel department's greenhouse. fund ' was awarded $300. lo add to the $148 raised by the students. The greenhouse will e<>st ap- proximately ~' and will enable the 600-te>-700 science students to experiment and observe plant growth. THINK • MR. PANTS WBldlH l"IQ1 H"""""1W .... 64).1444 6*11'1 • SPRING FABRIC COME·ON! aAff\ Washable ~DACRON ® doubleknit travels without wrinkles! { 99 r }ll( l ,"'1,:;-,..,_~' :..', \~ sold elsewhere for 6. 99 yd. YD. One of the most Y91sa!ile fobrii;s cwwnd!J,lam up into ea!)°"'fitting1 always.trim .dresses, sujts1 pantsuits. Come dioose from a moutb-walering colleCtion of ctange1 yellows, blUM & pinks! Fashion sheer . leno prints! sold el-"ei. 11~ . tar 1.39 yc1. yL Washable acetate iersey prints! sold•'-'-$) for l.99yd. yi. Drip<lry Dacn>n'9 polyestttr I GW and cotton. , •<Ji~V' Vmcl col~ far ohif!s, bbnesl '"' 45" wide DrifMlry smaH to huge prints! sold elsewti.r. 39c far99cyd. yL Crisp cotton .In tl!O<llnd _. rietyf 45" wide • I • L . ----------------------------- T/lurmi. MIKh 1', 1%9 --.. . . Simplicity Key to Taste ..... ~ • · · . -, ... Restrain t Urgea 'Don 't Overdress Home' Warns Top~ lnter ·ior Design~r -By JEAN OOX Of .. Ollfr ...... Slllff "Al1 overdressed borne is a family's lnterprelatlon of an overdru9ed woman.'' com- mented Ausby E. Lee~ chcir· man of the board for the National Society of Interior Decorators. One of &be n1lion's leading interior designer$. Lee came from his Qlicago home to chair board meetings which place last Wednesday to the 1969 West Coast Conference of NSID which will continue throu gh Saturd,y. To Lee, a trend setter In the interior design field, ·simpli~· ity is an imPortanl word 1n tasteful design. "Overdoing anything in life is vulgarism," he stated . ''The.re is beauty in simplici1y and there is no rival to it.·· Some of the greatest decor· ating goals made b~ people in their homes. according to Lee. occur in the entry way. "l'\•e seen some sbockina ones." he shuddered. • Another roc:m where people often make miltakes, he said, is the livln& room. '"A room doesn't have to leave you gasping. Some (lf me finest rooms are not jolt.Ing or par- ticularly memorable." . Often people lose restraint when decoralin& their Jiving room, he noticed. "They try to impress their guests and overdo it. 1ben they aren't comfortable and usually end up u.slng the den." Lee also advi&es against fad and trick effects and. prefers lasting interpretatioM. "Fur· niture is 90lllething you have to -uve with; You can't throw it away like last year's dress." Example of fads he cited in-- clu<!e overscale wall coverings "''ilh no relatiomhip to reality and bad imitations of natural media such as poorly u:ecut- ed imitation marble iop... Lee also is a hearty pr~ 1· College Hosts i.ent of blacl: ltlepbones. "A fod I deplore la the IUPl>OOed illuaion m ele,pnce wttli jew- eled phones. Phones· aren~t meant to be .jeweled. To me, phones should ~ black." TRENDS NOTED Within the Middle West', the use d relined architectural ddalls ta becoi:ning prevalent, a trend which Lee was instru· ment&I in promoting. Lee explained '• refin ed ardUtectural details" a s moldings , period hardware and detailing of f i n e c a b inetry. Also becoming .. popular are rug coverings for Ik>ors rather than wall-to-wall c a r petlng. ''Conversational settings floating on area rugs are a beautiful manner to depict furniture groupings," he p<oposed. Another trend he was in- volved with is the use of fabric as wall coverings. "The f1bl1c ;, laminated to J>lper tacl:lng and carefully applied to walla II t e wallpaper. It givee a dlpJfied effect with unusual depth and viaual tenure." Basic U.diDooal interiors will be here to stay. according to Lee, who has decorated hi! 10.room Belmollt Harbor apariment in a traditional manner with various anUques and rep'OCfuctkm or tbe Englisll Regency perlnd. TRADmONAL "Traditional furnishin&." ex· plained Lee,. "i1 the authentic inberpmaUon of stylea that have lived through the qes.'' Some munor design• particular to the West Coast. noted Lee, include the use or light, clean colors. .. There are more white walls here. Because of the climate in the East, deoilnen attempt to depict warmth In ' color aod avoid white wblch la cold and lflll4.. ~·­u a room . la fillec! with IWllbllle, white la quite tultab)fl.0 0oe piece Of furnlahlqs )>ll'lleularly n o II C e d by EuterD vlaltors ·1s the tars•, ovenlzed lampa In California homel. "Thb is an ~nory -not wed In other part& of the couniry becauae West Coul bomel lend to be larger scaled than 0-ln the East. Walls of glall allo art aeen more In California, mainly becauae they an more COll!y In colclr< cllmates where l)eatlnc . must be taken fi!lo · conslder1,lion. CALIFORNIA INFLUENCE Californians are m o r e casual In their envlromnen~ whereas In the Midwest, stricter, pure lnterpretallom are Uled in furnishlnSs, Lee said. Early California Menu He also noted that Callfomla hu Influenced the East which hu adopted lb ranch Ind apUMevel bomea and beaulilul tile Doan. Spanlah home>, 1ct0rdlng to Lee, are not too prevalent In the East, but diiring lhe lllOs, when many Span~h ~ ...,. being built In Clllfornla, the influence car- ried over. W11J1e tlle putillc'1 taste in home furnlahioja la rl&lnr. he Hld If <autl\11 Isn't ;;en jo deslp lo. mw lloul we will face our 1rea est aestbetlc disaster. · "Unfortunately builders 'In many 1-build only for the dollar and the absolute mlnlmum e.peodl-is their goal. There must be thoug)Jt given to the Individual or peo- ple will end up living ln cubes." be warned. DECORATOR Ausby E. LH I : 1Noted Author County Collegians Are Luncheon Guests Brunch Marks Date Students and · faculty ad; visors from nine Orange Coun- t y colle1es were euesb: at the first program for college students spamored by the Orange County W om en' s Chapter of Freedoms . Foun- dation at Valley 1'or1e. An a, president, welcomed An Early California buffet and Barbecued Ham. .'IGllAYSEE·•m YDUllETfDR ' ; ·· A double Orange County ap- ~ is slated for autbor- :artilt Dorothy K. Golcl>erg. jri{e of Arthur J. Goldber& jonner U .S permanent rtJft- ~live 10 the United N,.. I ti<Jna. . ; · Mrs. Gol-g will speak on the Creative Wcman nezt • 6unday at I p.m. In the Cbap- man OOege auditmimn for ·fbc: . college's Artist Lecture s.ru., and the next day will be. the guest ol Cbapman Col· ltte Town and Gown al noon lri the Saltdlebacl: IM. The basil ot her talb wiD be her book, ''The Creative Woman," a collection of es.- says syndlcaied ln metroJ)OI· itan newspapers. It i5 used tn many university adult edu- t.ation classes designed for the ~tinuing education or ' women. : The artist-author holds a bachelors degree in art edu· cation from the University or Chicago and ttudied at the I Art lnstitW ot Chicago. Her acamplbllmenU include or>e- man shows in the Morris Gal· lery in New Yort and lo Wash- ington, D. C. where she was a founder ol. the Associated Art- bts Gallery. Her civic and philanthropic Jill BONNER To Join Bride• TWO DATES _ Mrs. A rthur Goldberg achievements include found· ing the Friends of Juvenile Court in Washington, D.C. and assisting with the formation of the District o( Columbia Citi- zens for Better Education. She has served on the board ol the United Nations Associ- ation and the President's Com- mission for Employment of the Handicapped. Marr iage Announced The luncheon. t i t l e d Freedoms F oundation Program for . Leaden o f Tomorrow, took place in the Walter Knott Room at Knott'a Berry Yann. Openln& the program was the invocation given by the Rev. Claude Bum.ell. ·a Freedoms FOundation award winner, and the flag salute led by Marine (ret.) Gtn. J\tartin A. Severson. Mrs. Sevenon of Santa September Date Sei A late September wedding date ha& been chosen by Julie Elizabeth Stone and J. Philip Kar!ted of Anaheim , wh~ engagement is announced by Miss Stone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Stone of Santa Ana. The bride-tlecl, a graduate of Corona del Mar High School and Oraoge Coast College. is a past honored queen of Job's Daughters. Bethel I 5 7 , Robert James Watson of Newport Beach. Laguna Beach claimed Suzan-Her fiance, son of Mr. and guests and Mn. C. Fulton brunch hosted by Mr. and Harold Tiernan of Rivenide Shaw of San Juan capiltrano. Mrs. Kenneth R. lngman of proposed the tout to .the feted chapter youth chalnnan and Corona deJ Mar honored couple, recalling tha~ be had chairman of the .lunche:on. in-New;iort Buch and Riverside given Mrs.' lngman in mar- troduced Mrs. Richard E. residents Mr. and Mrs. Paul riage when the vows were SRllenberger, president of the Howard Ingman on their silve1.· made in the Mission Inn, Los ADeeJes Women's chapter. wedding anniversary. Jtj verside. Mrs. Me Iv in She spoke briefly on the wort Assisting with boat' duties Lackey, si8ter of Mrs . of Freedoms Foundation. \vas the couple'• son, Thomas, Ingman, served cake. Ernest Crain, instructor at and ..teodlng congratulations Special guesta were Mr. ariil Santa Ana Collep a n d were eo relatives and close Mrs. Melvin Lackey o f Freedoms Foundation Na-friends. Rivtrside: Earl Merifiel d _of tiona1 Recognition award win-As a tribute to the third· Los Angeles; Dr. and Mrs. ner. was luncheon speaker. generation Californians James F. Edwards of Santa FoUowine bl.I talk Knott. also celebrating their anniversary, Ana ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles u award winner, .,eeted the brunch menu included Johnson of San Gabriel, and members ao4 gueats. Huevos Rancheros , NaJ)Olis Mrs. Paul lngman of Conrad, Schiel: Casserole (cactus casserole) Iowa. Mn. Arthur C. Jr .. ,============================~ of Santa Ana, assistant youtbl• chainnan. registered colle1e representatives and Mr a. Louis L. Curtis of Anaheim registered chapter members and guests. Hostesses were the Mmes. William H. Spuraeon Jr., Ruf\JJ B. Pearce Jr., and 1 Leland E. Oliver. CoUe1es represented were Santa Ana, California Stat. .. at Fullerton, Orange Coast, Biota, Chapman, S o u I h e r n calUomla College and Sad- dleback. Fullerton and Cypress Junior colleges. No Blarney, Irish Day ! Salu ted TlllllY••-YDU llET FOR ~ " WllEI YOU lllOP ATllNIER All CLMf11nG ne Smith of Corona del Mar Mn. Phllip Karsted of Taft, st. Patrick's Day will be as his bride during double is a graduate of Bishop Duffy celebrated in a rollicking '1'11 rir1.o ceremonies in the chapel High School in Niagara Falls. by members of Anchor Lodge ~"& New York. and Fullerton v Or of A · TWO SINGER• VACUUMS fil!!g!£.1!p_!igb! has trip lo action vibrator to deep clean, sweep and air- waah carpets arr.l rugs, of Red Hill Lutheran Church. 648. asa der menca, Junior College. t Sat day ••'"• The Rev. Qyde Showaltl'r of. nex ur ev_. The Westminster Accordion ficiated. \'outb Band, cooducted by Doo The bride, daug)Jter of Mr. Grads Paged Fil.,., will be present in the and hirs. Robert M. Smith Senior Citizens Recreation of Newport Beach, wore a Catching up on event.a of Center at I p.m. to provide pink crepe street length dress the past 20 year1 will be mem-a musical tnat for 1odp and carried a gardenia on ben of the Winter-Summer members and tl\eir guests. a white Bible. Cius of 1949 of South Gate Of Interest laUr in the The new Mrs. Wal.Son at-High School, who will enjoy month for the lodle are two tended the University of a reunion party Jtme 7. events. · Arilona where she affiliated Meeting for cocktails at 6:30 A demonstration luncheon u·ith Alpha Delta Pi aod the p.m. in the La Mirada Country !-.farch 15 In the F.dison Co., Plus yout choice ot Singer canister cleans high, lo!r har~et-at places.Comas wlthfiv& access9ries for all cleaning Chouinard Art IMitute. Club, cla~ members attending Electric Living Center, Hun-u c Al Urn s Her husband, son of Mr. will enjoy dinner at 8 p.m. tingtoo Beach is planned for and ti1rs. Hugh C. Wallon of and daocing al 9 p.m. "''omeo members al 10 a.m. Lawndale, attended San Dieao Re9erv.UOOS must be made and an Easter sale of band- ..• , l S•·te College by A-ll 1 by malling a check decorated eggs, baked ........,., Engaged n..i. 11oneY..oonec1 al I.alt• 1 .. ii.Jll per person '° ClaJ& and c•ndy will lak• ;~ Arrowhead and now are at Reunloo ol. '49, P. 0. Bo% March 29 near the Alpha Beta , Mr. 8.nd Mrs. John E. Boll'"·;::ho=m=e=in=Corona==del=M=ar=.===llm,='=South==G=ate=, Calif==· '=' =-==· =mar=k=e=I =in=C=osta==M=esa=.==;ll I nor of Redwood Ci\y bavelo I announced the mgaaement of I their daug)lter, Jill Ann Doo- ner to Thomas Macmillan Nichols of Newport Beach. T¥ benedict-to-be is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B . Nldlols of Newport Beach. Tht betrothed couple ar• .,.-i. of the UplvenltJ .. Clli!ornla. Santa BlrlllN. • . ADVlllnMMINT WEDDIN• DISAS'TIR Plllllial ytNr _.., CID be fun and easy. wen t.hou&ht out plans make ror enloyable memories. Find .al[ !lie -.it1Uao needed In -"Row .. Plan Your Wed- We're ••11bag "THANK YOV" tclth bl9 s a tlln9s • • d urittfl our 21st ANNIVERSARY e ROllS 110 SAVINGS ON •SHn•rs •LI NGIRll • GIRDLIS .:' ••• I WIN $2 1* I.• ••• •NAlll ..•.••..•••.••.••••.••.••... , .•. 8 •.t.DDllU ....•.•.......•.....••..•.... • •• • a PHON:I •..• , •••• , ••. , ......••.....••.•• o .. OMINllM • MttM!lt ,. .....,, •a..a .. -...,.. ........... --" ...... ....... "~ =:.:.::--• • Q[ ;a. PQRCH 'N PATIO• heavy duty v1cuum'has llvo gallon steel cont1lner. For indoors and out. Includes two 23-In.extenalonwends. ONLY$88 COltA •11.& uoo "'tbor l twl IC.I f.11t$ "'''* Celli.... WHEN YOU SHOP AT SINGER FDR .,.,..,. ASHION MATE• ZIG·ZAG SEWING MACH INE BY SINGER WITH CASE NOW SINGER' SEWING MACHINE. IN LEXINGTON CABINET ltaowa on all types of lab-NOW rics from sheers to bulky ONLY woolens,. stays qulst .Ind $aa· vibration-free. AllC-OUllClllDIT·l'Ull ••• D--TO PIT YOUll -. SINGER Witt ti WforlOlllOmW ff at SING I lit ... • "'"'" """ •w. 'ltl St "---CGSTI\ MISA 8•111e1 & .....,, • ..,., f4tu) i01olll CMtl Ptt1• ..,,. -&hi lee In -fit f .O. a. ._ HuntJna1m Bod, Cdf. - 2737 Eal! C.0.t Hlfhway Co,..,a def Mar 673-1950 .., ••••••• •·r1 • ••• ,_ .... The Daily Pilot Covers Boating Best In The West ' • • • ~ • • • ';_'Don't Cop Out on St. Pat's Party' ::Coaxing officer William Laughlin to attend their ;';?und-raising St. Patrick'• Day party are (left to :Nbtl Ibo Mmes. Leo Konkel, proeident of the New- or. vice presiden~ and Arb Campbell. The dance will take pla<:e in the Newport Beach American Legion Hall next Friday. -port Beach Police Wives AUJiliary; Sc<Jtty McGreg-... Preview Reception Art Exhibit Opens A preopening reception will hooor artists represented in the upcom- ing show at UC! Gallery, entitted New York: The Second Breakthrough, 1961M!4. The perty, to take place in the gallery Sunday, March 16, Is 1poruor- ed by the University Gallery Alsociates and is being planned by Mrs. J. Allan Beek Jr., Mrs. Frank Alward and Mrs. Alex Okrand. The show, which Is op"'1 to the public from March 18 through April Zl, will be staffed by associates1 Thll schedule is under the direction of Mrs. Nelle Duggan, Mrs. James Gable and Mrs. McLelland Cole. Mrs. Thomas Wilder is associates chairman. According to Alan Solomon, gallery director, the show brings to- getl!er examples of the wol1< of major contributors to this critical reac- tionary period in American art which followed the early 1950s abstract expressionism. i ' ~ r .. _._.,,,., •• ,_..,_.,,.:M __ ,,,J•-------!l!Al"'*llJ--Ml!IJ!&ll!iil!W-filOM"''"''*""""""'"'tM ... •"W""''1~ • • CUdtom I Jlgkling LIGHTING PROBLEMS! N0,11 LUtHTING RIQUIRll THOUGHT • . . U you have a LIGHTING probll!m call us. W,. will visit your home and assis t ·YOU· Balan~function-color-8.N' thr KEYS. \Vhelhtr )'OW' netd be FUTURES. LAMPS, or SHADES, we offer a complete auvice. YES, we also REWIRE and ll!::· STORE. SW ACS and SHADES t~tittuJ-t...i-:.""~~ ... ~ 1bow1oum dlllpl8.)'I a COMPL!TE line ol J'IXTURES and LAMPS. \Ve I~~ ~ to ctll or Vil.it our S HOWROOM. WI --ARI LOOK• INO ,Oll:WARD TO llaVINO YOU. 1610 WEST COAST HIGHWAY• NEWPORT BEACH 642°5510 I Potluck Plans Told Library Hour Costa Mesa Library ls the scene of a library story hour every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. . . Tlw"41r, ••rd! "· 1969 DA!f.r I'll.OT J 1 Best Selling Author Inquires - \ I . Does It Pay to Be Poor? By JUDY llUllft -w wrote bor blot ..Uer Of • ... .., '*' ...,, and recent follow qp, ''Croll Potty Newman c:rlod !rllld. •Eyed Golla •• , and P1trlck She became contrOvenlal. He111'f." Her more recept The 1uthor ol . the belt ...Seawr feotureo udttng oeller, "Pw the Poveity ucapadel ud tlltaallemenla Pleue., exclaimed "I want with Gov. Ronald Reqan, to atve to the poor • • • Buddy Eblen, Bennett Cerf. bolt I don't '!l'ant to be l'ORC· Robert Young an<I Po:well ED' among otbm. •ii wrote ~ book becauae She'• d 1 a 11. m It' e thoulh I couldn' remoln 'CG!llplacent when oho dilcuaaed the War aboot the conditions in our oo Poverty program. country." SARGENT SHRIVER Mn. Newman, sclnWlaUn& "When Sarsent Shriv• was whldl70U'ftnever-. Your tax mOD11 la belnC uaad to tell the ..... bow badly Ibey are belnC troatocl, bow they mult orpnlM, and 'demand' thet whldl ...,.... olJ<I bu 'and bow tlloy -·t worry If they' pl thrown in jail 1n the procea hecaUIO la X money w!ll be UIOd to get them out aJ!Cf to bin lawyus in tbelr de!enae. "School boycoUI, r e n t atmu and -atloas are belnC flnanced with tax dotlan. The otudeols i n IOcloloa, edllCIUoo a D d Polltlcll -... the rebel -and the ..... who will be -Ill loodmc ... .-. .. ·-"l'ftopobn on many cam--. Ille atucim blve -tollac 1U11L We muat .. la1r eo- forced (Ill tbe CllDJllll • • • my chlldrm· .... born he and I want them to 11.aJ froo." Reprdleu o1 tho rul motlvattoa behind tho on- Upovtrf;J allow, obo -wilh Al Cal'Po who, In • Lil' Abnet ICl'ipt. Uked "H0tr can Dolsy ¥"8 be mocla I -without phyllca1 vlolancol" The cartoon computer answered. "Yoo ••• CID •• • klll • • • with • • • ldndDlll. •• aufhor at Pi Bell Phll annual told ·to fin olf the War on Celebritf SeriOI Book Review, Poverty, one ol hll llnl ac- olf end JIU provocaUve study tJons wu to call in Mlchaet on tbe War on Poverty pro-Harrington, whose boot 'The pm. .rn collahoratlon with 00ter·Amertca' had helped tn- jourDlllJI Joyce Wenaer, the apire the whole campalp. •------------------two mothers broulht ruders Harrington la a ..u .. dmltted The Tee Tattler an ezctttog expoae, the pro-soclalla 'to ·the left ol Norman duct of Htenalve retearch 80 Thomas' u he puta It In well documented that PaUy 1964, Harr Ing ton was wu Invited before the Con· chairman of the board of the grealonal Subcommittee on League for Ind u atria I __________________ ., the War on Poverty. Democracy whlch bas worked lllf"8r'• "'°"',. ca111rnn "_,... 31~1 c11i .. c, 1M Mmll. wi111em When she waa asked to for years to destroy the free fW toll' -w111 •llPMr nett •uru,..~. 2M. T, w. 1.1"111, ,,, k ~~ t h "" wlllr: In tM DAIL y l"ILOT. To ,.....,,.. !'•rt Gln1Uy, ~YI/ ciu. o. .... apea utavre e IULI" enterprise system. 1cor. ""' tti. -k. ,i.w .,..11 Mmee. H1tllrtr1. 1t, ,,_ McC«m~ commlttee ahe wu iniormed uHe has worked on 1 na· tllMI to ... o. aox IMO. eo.11 M-. ~. c. I!. 011wr, fl, be Tllrt mv.t bt NOttwd IW Mondt~.J LA.Diii DAY, TWO LOW UUI • to wary and prepare for tional effort for some years , • .,,.. .. COAST °" 110V•10M• -Net w, MU a confrootaUon with Adam to abolish the Houae Com· ci!!°'~' ttieDA~~ ~~~,.:, ~~ o:".":;, "%..., ~-~ • Cllyton Powell. ''Powell could mittee oo Un-American Ac-o,.., llfl.lr, 1c1 NlwllM. _,, ci.u 1•. tM ,,,,_., 11:.., .._ • ..,., """"" , have charmed an of you. But tivltles. I won't dwell on Har-:'. rr:...~Mn. ~ "U.r=:: ~.it.,:. C' ~~ then he can tum around and rington but JJn't it fntereltlng Miii Ml,.... ,__,., .,, c._ c. .wrn. ...,_ 11:..,. ,....., Wlllttnt shock you Wtth bf.s vuJiar that Shriver would chooee to ~ ~ ... '*'ti"O:::~r111~! !i lltldcl"-MUNTIMaTOM aucN language." consult with an avowed --y c-. D, """' "'· c. Nrwtr, -3. MOIT PAlltt -Mn. ....... ..,.,...u, Mn. Clrt HU"""' ·1. tmllltr I, Mn. .,,.II Wlllllltr. '· EXPLOSn~ EXPERIENCES of the 1)'1lem. which made u.o1•1 DAY, c11.1u c11:ou -TM11•• aLtMD MX• -A Pllflf, "~ Amert t?" Cllu A. Mm MIMtr, 2t\'f1 ,,,..... lilt ~ ~1111'. •, allt ca '° srea <>'•rttn. 11"'' Mn. .....,... stornMWf'I, Scflr»w, A a111 ...,, ,., 1 """'' Patty noted ct. Shriver, 4'He :n""' cin. •· .. ~ ,.,..._ ~ Mrr1e1.. ,,_ Terry, •· Wfllllt. is one of the nation'• m06t,.=";";::-:;:::;""::''=-=="'::'::"::T::"::'·:::"'::•::•::0:;•"::'::~::"'::::=:=::;=; glib nlesmen." 11 ·And. "tho only thing tho L CARPET! CARPET! CARPET! I Republicans ... -with ow . ~~:'ti: i:=~~ W 1 OOO's. of YARDI been nmnlng It." ROLLENDSI RIMNANTll In tbe first chapter of OFFGOODSf CAllPIT PROM Povcty, Mr1. Newman n<lled, TRACTS! "with the tn&<:tment ot this hastily drafted, UI-«lillldored .LOW, LOW PRICES leglalaUcm the world renowned ·Carpet . Warehouse J\lngHng ·Broe. and Barnum 1753 South Ritchey • Sant• Ano & Bailey Clrcu1 will be fN1 ... port ~w•y .to ldi11t1r -W. to Rl1)1eyJ relegated to the 1econd ONN1 Detfyl .. 4s.t.11A.M ... IP.M.14141n' greatest lhow on earth. Beauty Salone , Artoala, c.ur. l!I.. ";':. c '"'"' ...... ellW r era-, c.ur. ,. ~. °"""""" --· Cella MIN, Calif. -...,. '""'· l{<Mlrf f'lll• -- 75~ PLUI DWll'OO "fj) AND llf .I, t:i .. ~ .. ~.jji;.,;ii ... iii1lnn...iii;, iOi• 'fl .IAIW If'& I flrt., S.., s.. -l Coate Miao, Calif. "' w. lttll ., .... , _ ....... Santa Ana, Calif. ,. Ne. "''""'" ......... c ..... '""" .... ,. . -.In Yalloy, Clllf. !'r'!I .._... Vollw. C.itf. -!'I!!!!. oi'iii!Ao =.-. I I I Ja DAltY Ill.OT Thul'Sdly, March 13, 1969 Fashion Raft .of News Cruisewear Everywhere Whether the coming agenda llsls an e1citing island-hoppil)g vacation, a leisurely cruise aboard a luxurious shlp or merely a raft or wintertime activities, BANFF has made sure . that it.s crui.sewear col· Jecticn of woolknils will go "anyv.·ear." Colors no longer know season barriers, and wool.knits come in both tiS&1e weight and medium weight varieties. Jetting down to a favorite resort is a memorable ex· perienee in 2 woolknil three- piece suit. It's a pleasure to Jook fresh and unrutnect upon arrival when "''earing a blue and lime raised plaid skirt and matching single breasted jackeL The third and most important accent piece is a solid color double-breasted vest. \Vhlte is a good mixer wherever it is worn. BANFF expresus iL at its best - a slim sleeveless woolnit dress with a V-neckline - the neckline that is making fashion news this season. For city shopping rather than island bopping, choose a tissue weight, woolknit navy blue dress and coal costume. A yellow and navy polka dot scar( adds a rerreshing note as il is softly draped inside the yellow-yoked V-neckline. CALLING All CAPES - A white knit dress and matching double-breasted zip front cape, both piped in red and navy, are on the fashion move. The clue is a label which says "wool.knit imported from Italy by BANFF." In its new collection, BANFF believes in woolknit pants and lacey -stitch cardigan sweaters, too. Whether air, land, or sea is the means of transportation, the destination will be reached in style when the route traveled in woollaiits. ' • COVER · UP AND SEE THROUGH -Sweater Bee hand crochets this delicate sweeter pattern in gold, black or white. Women wishing el· egant wear will enjoy the comfort of this lacey crochet stitch wool cardigan which ii beautifully edged al the neckline, sleeves and hem. Variety Show parfwawa ... animals & birds Bring the children to Hunting· ton Center to see: * sun. .... Chlmparu: .. * Mks Mkk.., Monkey * Swingier the Macaw * Cool<io lho Cod<-* 5 shows dal.., -Fifi -ott the "'°' M .• M9Pdi 14tlio-1 ,,_t ,,_.a,_.. ..-7iJO ,_ SM.,..,.. ,J..._11 _, ,,_2 ~ ,_...,... DESTINATION : FASHION -The route calls for a fine, lightweight navy woolknit dress and coal. The yellow V-neck bodice reveals a navy and yellow polka dot scarf. " ,'\ ' ' ' '. ' -Author Weaves Plot Around Kernel of Fact (ldl10t'1 ~ -Por NIW' ,_,_, H .... MfiCIMM Ml '*" t11t .., rt.. _.... lffdll'll .,.,,n.,, .(JI -· ol -.,.. , '"'"""'' wllld! ... ~ tlffl'I trlllSllttd \1111 11 11-1. Kl'r lellftt lloclll-It '-1119 belt H111M um. 11'1 ftllt fOllOWltlt flle S<ot.llonl -4ltll .... 01 '* uMl.I By JOY STJu.t\' NEW YORK ·(AP) -"Take away the sense ol adve11ture from man and you have 1plab,' " says Helen Macinnes, 111thor of the currertt btsl- seller, "The Saltburg Con- necUon," and 13 earlier novels which are crammed with adventure, intrigue a n d suspense. , "The best thing about ' the feats of the astronauts," she adds, "ii the feeling that adventure ts not dead in thil medianical age." Some five million people reading her books in 11 languages have found plenty of that commodilt in her ac- tion-packed tal~ o ( in- ternational espionage which, she points out, always have a basic kernel of fact around which her imagination weaves its intricate plot. Not only in books. but Jn life too, adventure and some aspects of violence are normal and neces,,ary, believes the petite black-haired woman who talks with the same vivid details as in her writing 1tyle. "II we try to take away the gruesome things in life and keep our children in cot- ton wool we do them a disservice," she says. ''I have noted that prople who grew up in quite normal stages, going from cops and robbers to racing cars and scuba div· ing, are much more normal in later life. They're less likely to be under a psychiatrist's treatment than people who are given only toys that ha ve no connection with violence." Miss Macinnes' preoc- cupation with the intelligence a s p e c t s of international politics stems from her strong feelings about its importance to the security oi the country. ''Intelligence agents in the field risk a great deal, sometimes ror m o n e y , sometimes because they are for one side and against the other," she remarks, her ac- cent still showing a trace of her native Scotland. "They are brave men, get no publicity and suffer a great deal." Her latest book took sha pe from a newspaper account she read about diving operations 1• 1• 1• I I ONE GROUP in a Czecbolllovakian lake lo recover boxes sunk by the Na.di ln their retreat ''l filed it away in the back of my miod because I was finlBhing 'The Double lmage' at the ~e,'' she says. "Later J found the same sort of ac· , tivity had la.ken place in Austria, which I think: is the most physically-beaut if u I coun\rY in the world. l visited it again to get the geography and atmosphere of Austrian villages ln mind. Most of the book: is based on geographical fact but 'tbe •Jake's name. Finstersee, and the village of Unlerwald are my invention." Io the living room of her large but cozy East Side Manhattan apartment, lined 'filb bookshelves and filled with mementos gathered in her travels, the vibrant author proudly displays the 100,000th copy or "The Salzburg Con- nection." Bound in b 1 u e leather tooled in gold and bearing her signature in gold on the cover, the special volume Is a recent gilt from her publishers, H a r c o u r t , Brace and World. But while admittedly pleas· eel by her suceess as a writer, her greatest pride obviously lies in the fact that she is the wife of Gilbert Highet, eminent Greek scholar, pro- fessor of Latin at Columbia University, critic and author. They have a son, Keith, a New York lawyer. Her conversation is liberally punctuated \vith references to "Gilbert." She is, in fact, so intent on recounting his honors and abilities that it i&. difficult to switch the talk back to She findJ joy In the ex.ct,.. ... meaning or words, tht ir sou~~ the shape • of paragraJ)tiC~ "Never alway.: the sarm- lenglh of sentences." sh~ ex• plains. "Short ones for quicker tempos, longer bits for • quieter mood." ...:..;: "If you can hr a wrihtr'.:· there are various things you can be." sht-remarks, ges~· . mg with an unlighted ciga~~ te. "I'm a novelist. Ol~IJ' wtiters are Journalists ur essayists or poets. T ~) tragedy of some pt>0ple wba v.·ritc no\'els is that perhaw.i . they should be some o~ type of writer." , -.. \Vomen, she fee ls. ott...e.o have a native bent for Mo vent1.1re. ''After all. Sheheraiade was the finL suspense·story teller, a O d Percy Shelley's wife v.Tole 'Frankenstein ' . ., she sees a big diHerc:o~ bch\'een dell'ctive and es· pio nage stories, each with...!' different point or view and each using different meth~. and thinks that the autho! of one wouldn't necessarily be good at the other. "In the detective area uie problem is who did this ~ how and why." she says. ••Jn espionage novt'IS you kn@ who's befn doing y,·hal. 1'1~ has happened. !low ca n ~· slop it from M:comini: a r~ threat to our society?" Potluck . .. • Cooking her own achievements. A St. Patrick·s Day potluct She prefers to write in pen-will take place in the Hull" cil, although her last two tington Beach home of Mz:. books were typed because or and Mrs. \Vi!liam Le\'erem. writer's cramp, and she im-and guests voill be members poses no special work regimen of Xi fi1 u Zeta Chapter. Ben. on herself. Sigma Phi, and their "I suppose I should take husbands. . certain hours," she admits, The club social w11\ begin "but I just get every damn with cocktails at 8 p.m. nt:.Xl" minute I can at it." She Saturday, and dinner will ca- re vises as many as 12 times sist of favorite recipes of tbe and her husband never gets members. a glance at the manuscript White elepha nt pri2es 1\·ili until it is ready for the typist. be awarded for gameJ wh icli "When I'm getting towards v.'ill follow. and dancing wttJ the end of a novel and all conclude the evening . the problems are going to The next business mtttin~ hav e to be resolved I fee.I will take place Thursday, like a man coming down a March 20. in the fountain steep hill on a bicycle juggliqg Valley home of ~!rs. Ala/I three ~ranges," sh!! laughs. ~filligan. ~ ---------·····~ STOCK!I I . RESORT TO A FINE LINE PLAID -The pale I CAPRIS aqua and lime matching ribbed plaid ski rt and I jacket take.1 a1ong a solid color for the double-All sizes! Checks ••• 00 ALL WEATHER :t Coats ,I breasted vest. All done 1n luxurious woollmit. I r.==================~I Pl1in1 ••• Stripes I I VALUES TO $10.99 Here's solid comfort California styl• -&lim str•tch pant• with vivicl print &ong tops. Tops from P•nts from 8.00 ' ~11. Sizes °ll -SIZES~ 38-46 I ONE GROUP :TOPS Turtl• ••• Boat ••• I Jewel N•cks. All siies I VALUES TO $-4.99 I YOUR CHOICE :SWEATERS C1rdi91ns ••• Pullovers I Wash•ble I VALUES TO $10.99 I MIDDI I I SKIRTS I LIMITED STOCK I SELECT GROUP 1:PANT :su1Ts I VALUES TO 9.99 I ALL SALES FINAL ! 00 00 00 00 Nor'sHALF-SJZE SHOP NO EXCHANGES ! NO REFUNDS ! Zipper Front • Fully lined I REG. $17.00 I 500 -. I I I ONE GROUP - SUMMER 1 I SHIFTS I I VALUES TO 7.99 . I 100 I I 1 ONE GROUP I PANT ~ DRESSES I I VALUES TO 9.90 .. 200 I I J - I 1805 Newport Blvd !-·iii NEWPORT BEACH STORE ONLY'. .l.. Huntinoton Cent .. at lea<h I Edino.. '' _ I -~. and s .. 01• ......... , Costa Mesa s 0 ~; Huntington hach I H w OFF .. · ~ "t/1 blodi 11orttri •' 1 ltll Stl'fff' • - , [~c.t.J .... ,~?0.'0:_~j;,~.::...... : ll FASHION ISLAND ~EWPORT BEACH~ L.,.--------....-------------------1· L!::=:::;:=====:z=======:::!i::!I ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ·-'~ -- I I I I I I I I I .. -·· ' ----------------·-,,--------~-------------------- ._._ , .. "' (IO) ..... i., (lO) ·IT'CS: ... -" CICIJR I ••. " I (C) _ ... , __ (30) r:.-..• Mtriol llanMI ........... mpert QI: Clout ........ •••::••=" __ ,,,., __ OIDCIJ l!llhn "''"' <CJ (IO) ..... _,, lh!o - Dllft oan. "" c.cwaw Kay1 STEVE ROPER JUDGE PARKER BCllEll!lln.."' ,..... 1 11~ ............... ,-;;.e;;";w.~s:-.•~MW'::::7.,...'."'."<~.n<ellE!l:::::::-:,.,::-:,..~w~1~M~'1'~-~""'::::tH.,.. O....,. ~ <Cl (OJI I Ul<e LUGO 15 A 5TlWIGE mi<vs • HIS ..a<· t"" """u "" u .. ! .. -(30) -...., IN .. (""" w.H,Al.AH! t K>+OW mt.T M0Sr lo\OST rtf• 6IOllNP, A 6IMI" AnUT'EW COUE6E ... .,.,, 'OF THE TIME HE'S X'KU16-TRE5TING ll06E!MW' PllU"6 ~ WA« .. A. ..,,,.TME I~~~ «D ... (C) (liO} &GT I NEVEZ: KNOW.: owr.t.aB! PIP NE PD1 KINP OF MAN M«> COGIJI' ID TW: ... CC) "'W"rtchts 11\d WHEN He ISN T ! ~--''\. A.C.COMPl.ISH THE l¥P056I ,,.. • Cl __ .,,_.11 (C) (30) Wll1oc:b-M Th17 r. it.tr ~ ........ _ IUJ (]) ""' ... ""' (C) 11:1..-. .... (JO) • Id .. ... -hoe °'JOll ,..... bf P•tl hltw. Hiii M~ com- _.. .... ~ Thlltn ,,.. -111--lll-tol-(t) ..., -(IO) 11:1118-·--,.,. ~ • II Im (3(1) tsy) '49 GIOip Rift, "ina Foch. )lo ..... _,_ GllJCIJ &lT--(t) 0 IUJ (]) l!J .... -(C) m-,,.....(C) Cl)--(C) --· "" ""* a. .._ ...... UM D ....... IMI Wllddiq" Cm• Ill II..,_ Mt A (JO) lic:ll) 17-11111 CIMbJ, Mull'll ..... ,. ..... . . ... ........ ,..,_ TUMBLEWEEDS DOOT 'iOO KNOW !ff, SWEETIE? ·I IT'S ME !-HILVEGARD HAMHOCKERL l'M WEARING MY NEW BLOND WIG! ·- MUTI AND JEFF WELL? \\HAT 00 \\'.XJ SAY? DO YOU PREFER THE BLONDE VIVACIOUS ME, OR THE DARK MYSTERIOUS ME? By Al Smith ,_ • Del lilllbb t2:JI 111111111 """ '-....... (mys. """' I tw .... AM ,.,, ''7--lanJ luf0rn11, l•llta. :-~.,---~-v " .... Doi • ID A6il Dllht -.ltraytd Wn ' .... ,_.,"' ... dltnlry, "'-.. .. Lii Mtlil ......... lflt ··-~ -(Cl (30) m fl"lll .. IM!dt 0111 (C) -(IO) ....... " . __ .,I_ . A11trl11 ~ Artlla 1:15 IJ Mw1c '1 __.. (dr11111) sa 11 .,.... ..,.. -• r .... ...-. lindlon. ............. v-... - --· -1,ioac .--"'" (C) _,, ""''" .., m..---""" """ ... tztt,• "Flirt 111 °'*""·· •nd IM-tci ._ ... _. ....... c.,.,, Dorl• ~. womt<1-•-<•• ....., '41 -.... ,.,.. """' ,.. -(-)'--· ~~.,.CD ......... _. ,.,,..,, ....... ~ (~ '(3-.loll11 ltd«, 0.not" l'artv, Miff Col!l1, CMtll GtQ J;lO 0 "'11111 lllllhll r...,. (d11ma) --" ..... , ... , .... .....,, -...... ""'··· -. ewn-. MISS PEACH STAR T.Y. Cl.I' 1MIS AD AND SAVI t1.so ON YOUI Mm 111'1CI CAU (Off« 1. • ...,,.. Miit Jl, 1Nf) SALZS & SUYICI ZENITH ,., ~ • ~tfllMt ~ 642·97ff 275 I. 17th ST. COSTA MESA ~f~. -·'IJd ..,. .. . .. -·····. ~ ~ ... "·. ~· ., 11 ·• r. ·. Ii ~I! , I' rl By Gus Arriola LOVE POTION -Burl Jves, above, \\'Orks on a Jove potion in order to scheme up a profitable mar- r iage, tonight on Channel 4 at 7:30 p.m. in "Love and Equity" on the Daniel Boone show. Hearing that a wealthy woman's missing husband has been declared officially dead, t¥.'O scheming brothers ge t to work quickly. Fess Parker stars in the series . TELEVISION VIEWS Kings Back With Songs By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YOR K ( ~P) -Well, lhe King family is back on network television on a regular basis - for awhile anyway -and ~s as bouncy, smiling and healthy as ever . ABC's emergency replacement for the ex- tremely short-lived "Turn-on" is a tuneful colorful musical hour designed to soothe the weary, rut!l.t no feathers and demonstrate the joys of family t°" getherness. IT IS, ACTUALLY, a very pleasant substitu- tion, far from the current variety vogue U1at com- bines jokes, gags, blackouts and sketches and uses an occasional musical interlude like a punctuation mark. The Kings, fro1n the four matriarchs with their close harmony through the ranks of children, grand- children, in-law.s and cousins, ~mile a lot, sing a lot and don't really try many Jokes. The sets and costumes are hcindsome, and the whole thing ought to provide some r est for ABC's censors and charm a large segment of the audience. THEY WERE FOLLOW~O Wednesday night on NBC by a "Music Hall" hour starring Wayne Newton. a vivacious, poised young s,inger with a n excellent tenor voice and an assured style honed smooth on nightclub stages. The shO\V gave Tim Con\~·ay a chance to shine in a number of sketches with guest star Judy Carne. Conway, a facile, funny man. extracted good humor from one sketch in which he played an absent minded Clark Kent who had forgotten his Super- man clothes \\'ere at the cleaners. Jfe was even funnier playing a girl jockey undergoing her first interview. LUCIE ARNAZ, Desi and Lucy's long-legged daughter, "'as around for a little singing and danc- ing and did 'veil. It might be noted that there are a lot of second- generation entertainers doing nicely in television, Noel Harrison. Nancy Sinatra and Frank Jr .. Gail A1artin and Dean Jr., Gary Le"·is , Jack Jones, J oey Heatherton, Pat Harrington Jr. and, of coutse, Lucie and Desi Amaz, Jr. "WHAT'S MY LINE " ls winding up its first season as a syndicated panel sho1v in which Arlene Francis is the only panel member "'ho was-on the .show in its CBS days. Its success in it s nc,1· Lnrm has resul ted In pulling another venerable t::J tn e sho11" "To Tell the Truth" out of mothballs for ..,1 n1ilar treatment Kitty Carlisle and Pesr~y r·.is.;; from the original show will return. Garry r.1oorc, ]Rte of "I've Got a Secret" will replace Bud ('oUycr as host . and Bill Cullen \viU also be on the panel. Bob Hope will return to NBC next season witt:r his usual quota or nine Specials -his 31st year in. broadcasting end his 20th anniversary in Telev!.sion.,, Dennis the lfle1aace . ' . ' ' I )· I ' ; ~ ... -~----------·--. H DAILY mar ,...,..,Jl&iiA v••1u 9CWL LEGAL NOTICE OtfftlC'I' ""'*I .... ...,,.... ... CUTU'.Uta ... •VllNIU NClntS IS Hl.alEIY GfVllll fhll ,...,... ._ PKttTIOUl,llAMI LEGAL NOTICE 'That Girl,' ~arlo Tlwmas, ...... "' ., • ..,,... flf ... ~ cnt1•~n o• COl.NflA'nCHf ,... _.,..""" -. ctttff'f l'lrt h M-. Uflllltll kM8I Olltttd fl ~ HA nAMU.C'TtON OP IVtllllhl ~1111 t .....,_ ti 90ll 111', c-ty, Ct!""""'-wlll l'tetfw -1'11 VlllOIA PICTITIOllS llA.Ma ~ ktcft. C:tlltvf'Ml. ""*' "'- Miii W " ll;to AM. _, IN '1• THI UNDIAllOH.EO COlllP'OAAltOtl fktlta.. """ '*-l'f HAAIOA DOCK _,. of Mtrdl. lM t t "'9 otflte dott '*""' ~ lllflll ti it ~ot MAIH.'TINANCI .... 11191 .,Id nm1 11 fl •Ill kMll Dtltrid. M.tttf ti ltsl' Klurlnt ....ii 1o111 d ,.11a,1.....,.1 _...... d "-'9iloWlnll ..,.._ ""*- P'teQnlt• ... _. c.tt ~ c:.~ ~It ......,.,... -.. .... , lit ""'"' llMll fll "111 .., JllKt "' .... w..u 111 wllldl """ Mid 111111 wlM M !IMlllllc:IY ltm' ll"M Or-COUfllr1 C:lllfWYll .. II • ft!.._: Finding Her ·Own Identity ...... Mii ,... fW: IJ/fll/IM• the ridlttow firm -d Utt De!wllt "WI c.nr-. 2117 'Pih. N-1 °'""' •M •11t111111t1 Colltttflwl 11.....,..1 0ttom1c:11 c:-rw VMll ""' ltMdl. c:.11tot111.. By BOB TBOr.tAS The search for ldt.otity bas ... bldt .,.. '° ... "' ~!llC9 "" Mmt " .. w ~•11911 *"' llt De ... IMrcll 4 ,..,, I ""'"' ~1 ,.,_ -"" ODMttltftt n-1 !NI •ltct of b\lllnt11 11 "filio-wt: DMni. ""u1 C1""" NEW YORK (AP) _ A engaged Marlo Thomas or •vttllns ,.,....1 ,,_ "" at11a of " ~ .... ,..,,. ct1tm1~1 eom.-11.., of C:.lltOrni., Or•""• '°"'""': be ilul b t most of her recent years. As i... t111rct1M1,.. Aetlil • .. 1111 khoot ~ s..uw • ..._ K.-cnv. °" AUtCfl s. 1Kt. 11o11ore , me. , aut young r u n e t c Dl&fl1d. i111 l"IKtmle A~-. eo.11 ~. No11,.... ,.11b11e 111 •lld tor u 1d s11te, strides along a a.1anhallan the eldest daughter o( com-~ CtllfMl!t. w~TNE·ss tts MM t11!1 11"' di GI ,.-..t!Y •-rtcl °"""" '"1u1 C•rd"" ed1'an Danny Thom••, she tldl bldlW' ""'" tullrlltt •Md 4-11 ,e11n1e,..,., 1Ht. k-" to me to .,. "" ""°" Wl'IOM ~1.reet, evoking a wolf whistle ....., "' .,. """" o1 • ortlfltlll w aSAltf"J THOM,.ION.....,YWAltD \ """' " Mlbta'llltd hi "'-witt.111 '"" from an admlrm' g mate. The began her career in the :shade dltdt W • 11111 bmf -I t. flyt CHEMICAL COMl"AN't • 11,._I .-rlCI .0.-kdilld M tll«UI"' lllWUllt t191.I tt n. ""°"'"' • "" ao1:1trt a ,,..,..._ "" llkM, girl cootinue4 on her way, of her famous sire, She learn-..._ "*" ...,..,.. lo 1t1t tfdtf " Prnlden; I IOffK:IAl. SEAL) ed .-. · d · d tilt._.,. ...... UrtlnM ~ DhlMd. STATE OP-CAt.IFOANIA l #,My .. ,,. Morto.. glowing inwardly, 1'That was WC actmg tra e m roa A ....... "_ ..... _,, -...... Ind COUNTY OF LOS AJ+GEL!'$ .. Hofwy 'vblre>Ctlllonli. for ME.". . companle1 of "Under the Yum ., .... *"""'" • .. Dlttrkt. Ill Ofll ,....,. ltlfl "" " FetwvwY. A.D., P'rlN:INI DHICit II• Yum Tr .. " Ind ... London .,. twllf • t.1111re .. t111tr 1111i1 1UC11 ,... --. ""-.. ~ • °'"-C:-.IY The girl was "That Girl" ... ... -tnct. .. .,_ ti h dltdl "'°"'"" ,.ubllc Ill Ml for .. Id C-ty MY c.nmi.s.n EXJ1lrt1 produ tl f ""···f l . "· l#ltt .,. fwrl!l!tw. .. "' .... °' • .,,. 1111,, ...w1 .... ,,..,...,.. cll.lfY' .._.II '· 1'71 -Marlo Thomas, star of the c on o PA.I 'I: oo m we ~ .. fl.Ill -.. ,..,..., wlN "" '".......,.. •M .-.--iw -"ubllahld °'-c-1 o.u,. t111o1. ABC television series. The Park." '1'1itn she scored as tertt1tt111 .... a. aa-i o i."1d • °'*'" • ..,, 1. n--~ .. mt •i""--"-'-"::"':::'c'~· "'"'-====--'c'"':..::I c-.tr. bl ttie Prnld9nt ., ..,. ~•'*' reason for her satisfaction was "That Girl," earning an Em· Ne ~ 11\1,. wtltldr9w "'II 111t1 ""' 1xtc\lftf ""' ....,.."' ~1 .,. LEGAL NIVlll'f"OV t •• · ••· ,.,. • _... • ......,.n,,.. 1•1 ..,.. •"'"' --.If ,,, .... ~-""""''" n1"'*4., ___ -::::=:=-=-v~·~~~---I no .... e usual one or a~ my m wc process. ""di .. "'.., the-•"""""· •M ~llol:lltld " mt lfMlt Sl.ld'l1 · pr-'ating male atte t'o N ·•· t k. t a ni. ._. • EduC•11911 ., "" ,._,. ~·"°" ••1«1t.1 ,,. -· NOTICI! °' u.i.e o" ...... n 1 n. ow :1.1,,,. s see ing o esc pe MMI lcMDI Oltlrkl rtMn'H "" rlffl! IH WITNESS WHEJllEOF, I ~ ••AL l"•M•tTT AT !'JltvATI SALE "The woU whlslle was for permanent identification as .. rel«! -w •II Md" •!Id ""' Mr~ .i rrw "'"°' 1!1d 11f1x1C1 11'1¥ I ..._ Mllll · _,,.., tcQPt the 1own1 bid, •!Id llfficl•I ... 1 1111 d•Y Md Yfff In 11111 '111 ttie s-t'IDr Court o1 tM s11~ me -Marlo Thomas," she the helter-skelter heroine of ,. wllW MY 1Monn1Utr or 1"ttu11rrtr ~11c.11t fl"' •boYf wrlttwi. d Cttltor1111• tor "" County 1111 Or..,gs, remarked, "not for Ann Marie "Thal Girl." !fl trrY bid rtctl\ltd. !OFFICIAL SEAL) Hln.,1!-HOMatfaf" ol thl E't11t1 ol LUTHER D1t.1Mtrdl"1,.,, lrmt•nl M. MtFlrlallt ·..... NEY. Dtetffld. -'That Girl.' With my bano11 Between the third aad fourlh NEWPORT-MESA Nl'llf"I' l'ublk • C:.llfwnle Nollet la lltreb'f 11\ltn l'lltl 11'111! bl>-ff f ·~ UNIFIED sc:t+OOt DllTJ11cr Pr1toc1.,.1 Ottlce 111 """Md w111 .. n " Pr1v11r u1r, o my orehead and my hair seasons ol the series, 1.iarlo °' °'',.. C<lurllY Loa ........,1e1 cou111Y to "-hie""' •nd tint bklcltr, Jllllild pulled back, oobody recoimi .. es is maki'ng a movc·e, her f'·st. Cellforfllt My c-rvnl.Mloft Eltllrtt lo conflrmetlon or said 5uperJor Court, e·-.. lly Dtrollrf H•rv•Y FM.., 1m °" w .n... the '"" drt' o1 Mardi me from the television series. Tbe tiUe is "Jenny," and her ,.urcM11"9 "-tnl Ult.OC 1"' it 11\t oHlm ol Mlfl119f Sellem..-i, So t' U I ' · iMJ.11• PWll"*' o..... c...i l>•ll'f P11o1. •m w111111re BMf •• s...11e 1000, aever1¥ me unes m in a store costar is Alan Alda, who Pullllahtd ore,.. Co••f D•ltr 1"11111, Febrvef"I" l1 •M Mt•ch t. u. 70, Hiii• Counl'I' or Loa Anoein. Staie oi and the salesgirl listens to scored lmpressively in "Paper Mtl'dl" 1~ 1"' .ttl.ff '"" ,.,_., C111rornr1, •ti tile rlllht, 11111 •lld 111ttr11t --'--"--"--------;...;-"-"-------~=---I d Nici oec11• "' "" tin-. °' de•lh my voice, she'll say, 'Aren't Lion." The plot is not the LEGAL NO'l1CE LEGAL NOTICE •1111 111 thl rl9ht, 11111 •nd lnteres• you "That G'•I"'·' k' d uld din 'I 1· d 11111 tilt -.t•tt o1 u ld <ll«•sfd ,,., ... 1n you wo or ar1 y m -----------------==c,,,,,,--------Jeequlrect by OPeration 01 11w or o1t11rw1se. 0 0therwise I'm free to go on television OllANGI COUNTY AOAO Dl!,.AATMl.MT atl'ler thin or In tdd!t!on to tha! of • 01tANOI! couNTY, CAL•N•NIA w1d dtce11e11, •t 111e 11m. 01 d••th, anywhere in New York and Marlo plays a single girl NOTIC• TO COtil'TlllACTOa• In tlld to •II tl\9 c1rt11n rt•! Pl"OHrty b If ] • s..1111 Pl'OllD"'hi w111 11e rlKIJ'o'td '' 1t1t Offlc9 tf llM Cltr'll M "" llNnl •llulted in or•r111e cou""'" 511;e 01 e myse . ts wonderful." who is si.1 months pregnant ., Susotrvlw1 o1 1t1t c:-ry o1 or1noe, s.1111 AM. C•lllonll1, .,. or ti.tor. c1111om1t, ... rt1w1er1¥ described 11 j;===""====="=";;;;;;_==="="="="~=";::;~;::...:..;:;;;;;;;, ,..,_,. !tit ll•I .,.., " Mardi, ltff 11 2:1111 ,..M. o'clod1, 11 \litlldl tlnlt 1111¥ lollow5, to-wlt; wm DI pUl)fkty OptNd tnd l"Hd Ill IN omc. el !ht Cl.rk •I !ht llolnl o1 Lot •lgltf II) rn blott iwo ~undrfd auPffYllen,, "'*" Jiil, Counly Admlrllllnotltfl ltulldlllg. tlf Norll'I 1¥'Clll'IOl'I, fMrl¥-.llf fU•) of C1t1t1 SKllon, S.nll ANI, c1111orni., IOr «ONl'rvtlltfl tt Or.not COUllly Alrriort Ill tccord1nce Newport l!letdl, •• 111r m1P Iller«>! Wllll .... pllll$ •nd s.pttlfkllllonl ltltrtfor, to lllhldl IPtClll rtt.l°trKI • mid• .. rec.ordl!d Ill llooll; •• •f P'S!• "· fol.-n: of ml11Ctll1-1 M•p1, r.cords d '" 1111 County of Orltil•, ,...ur!Kltil m.111 .._., •I or.,... COUnly Airport. Hid 0r1,... counrv, C1lfforn!1 •Ill• .... rtQulrtll !Or "" '"'Ir• --" HKrtbtd Mrlll'I: ,,,_, Corntnl)rlfY klllJwn ,., •119 ...... 1 ldll'Mll :W0S Mtrct11 ........ 313 :Wtt. SI., lltft'I N" OMM!J1 o.crlllfltll If Wert NNPOl1 lndl. C1111omi.. I J.llt $.~.. RIP'1r ltun-Y T1,.,... ol wll c1o.h In lawful l'l'IOfllY 2 511 TOii """"" El'YMllllOll rrtet ce.n 01 111t Unltld St•tes an C0111lrm111on , 2'A 'Tan """"" c:.ncr.t. o1 wit, or Nrt usll 1nd ti.IMl(:1 Tiit f11r10011111 q\19nlltl• trt t ppraxlfnlN ..,..,, .,.IN 11v.,. n • bftn 1111' "klenad by ""'' HCUrad b'I Mort~"' 1111 ctft'll»r._ tll bldt,. tnll Ille CDurrty tf Ort1"' ... llOf, llllM"tUIY or by 1rnp11-or Ti'ust Oted on !ht P•DPCrl'r 1<:1 c1tllft,, WM !NI the 'tc:tu.1 ,,,_, tf _.. wlll tom$llOlld lh«l'frlth Wt ,. told. ,.., Ptrt;tnt al tmount bid to ._ ... ,., .. lrw:l'Hlol ... dKr-"" •-' ., •ny CLIH .,. portion OI bl dlOOll!ed with bid. ttie --, er 1o °"'" ~ llf tl'lt ~ • ..,.,. bt ._... lllCtlloll")' or ..s. lkll or oftt" Ill bt '" "'1111'11 ..icr Wlwbll bf' lht IEllll"-' wm bl re«lvld 11 !ht lforeuld offkt TM eoritrect ~ .... H CDftllit of Notlc:"t lo Conlrldo"' Form of p~ ti l ny f1m1 tHitr ~ ll"t tubHcaUon t ·-.. $ .~ ~ $ I I MrlOI t nd ~ d1lt of "le OOHlw ~ ol ""'"""""''' Pltlll, lptcla Prw ,_.,,,., PK Ii:. Ollld thll Stll <Moy o1 March. Ifft tlonr,. •JI .. Wllk:h .... .., fll• In "" Offlct ., !ht Or•nut: Col.lrlly lltold Dt ... rf. MARCIAL 0 MAHO•/ey rntnl .,,.. •re htrtlr/' !'tltrrlCI lo tlld rMdt • part htrtol. Admlnlitrilrix P'll.., $peclet Pt"OYll"""" •nd olh.,-c:oritrtet dOc"'""'t fonna wlll !Ito tUll~ wltt. Wiii lnnexed I ble tor 1Umlfltllan wllhOut cllll1'9t. (;ofllts OI Ill conlr•d docunlllltl m.y Doi ol lhl! E.t1111 of IKUrtd t t !ht Offkt ti' !tit Or•llflll C_.ty ROllCI Dlplrt"""t, CIO Wnl E!glltfl S.ld Oec:edlf!T :lfrlltl, S.nl• ""'· c1111omi.. MANUIL SELIGMAN ,.ltna, Speclll 1"1'1111ltlont llltl l111::1udl!lf SterM11rd Speclflc1tlomi or Ott.ff llocv. AllwM1 tt Lew ment1 lrlc:luded by r.i.......cel •nd ))rOllOMll lortm mey Doi ebl1lnld lry JN'OIPK-111119 I• tlw blcklttJ upon p1ymtnt tf • prlnllna •nd iervlc1 dll,.. Ill the 1rnount ol Wllsllfre Trl•ft•lt Ctftltr I f.OD, Wllldl •-I .n.11 ,..., tit ""1ftdlblt. All dltcb "''" bt mldt p1y1bll '171 Wllslllre lou .... ard to ore .... Col.mly Tl"H-tM.11 .... 1111 .. -UICI to !ht ROid Dt ... rt.....,1. 400 ........ .., NlllJ. C1lllwnl• w"' Elghlh $1rHI, """ AM, C.llfOnlla. Ali......,.I ,.,. Ad.mftlllr•lrk C0pl1$ ol tht SflnCllN lpedflcllltnl fNY .. Pllrdltud for Sl..51 tit lnclucltd 17106 ftilm lhe 1>19irlment of "'*lie Wot1tl, Stilt of Ctllfornla, or the Rold 09pirt· PubU1hld Orlhll! C011I Dlll'f Piiot, m.,t, eountr or Or•,.._ .m w..1 IEl!llllh atrttt, Stnto Anl, c.111ern11. M•rdl u. 11, 70, Ifft •n•t No bid will .,. C>IN!lldtrtd untt1t n II mlllt.., I bl.Int lor"I hirntltled by IN,J----,:-:::-:-.,-,-,,,,.,-,----·11 Covnly lll:Old CommlHlonw 1tld 1$ medt Ill KCOl"d6nct with lfl• proy111oM OI Ill• LEGAL NOTICE lttlldlnl Specltlclllont tM SpecLll Provlllorll.. TM BOll'lll ol lulNn'llors ol Ille Counly ol C>nnge r~ the right lo ,. NOTICI! 01' TltUSTl!f'S $,\LIE IKt lllY or ell bldf. TAUST NO U11 The blddtr'I •ll1t1llorl Is dlrKttll to !ht provllloM ln SecliOll 2 OI"" St•lld•nl °" Mardi 71, 1"9, ·., tltYftl o'Clodl l11Kltlc:ltlont !Or lht rlqUlrtrMnh tnd ewcl!llons Wllkll 119 ~I obi....,. In !ht A.M.. THE FIRST AMERICAN FINAN· prtptrtllllll ol tllt propoHI form 1tld 11\t 1Ubmhl1lon Ill lllt bid. CIA.L COAPOlll:ATlON. •• ~t.e. Of PNNltlOnl ol' !ht lllte ConlrKI Act "'' l'lol tppllCI~ •nd prospective bidders MICCHtor trusfl.t or wbatlNt~ tnrotte. Wlll l'IOI bl nqulrtd hi toe Pl'loQUllllltd. bY" !tit cert•IJ! Dtad ot t rusl e~ecule<:I Coming March 15 Family weekly E.....,...,. l'l'fllllntl 011111' lhM !l'IOlt lltm!ltd Mre>ll\, Is dtli!Mll In S«tlon try ROllEJIT L. ARNOLD •nd PHYLLIS 1m.1 ol "" Ltbor Codi, •r• le .. ptld Ill •ccordtl>c• Wflll !ht ,.,.,.,. 01 "" M.. AllNOLO, hullMnd •I'd wll1 """ Ulltdl>tt 11t.-..1n1r11 Mil-•t tPf>llClbll hi tM type W cLlullbtlllll DI !hi rl!Cordfd July 1, 19" lfl l!loot 7t1t, '""''""' w medlMlkl .,,..io.,td ell. !hi projtcl. P•tt 11t ol Ollkl1I Rtoconls ol Ori,_ • • ,,,<;.~ ~-)-"<io Ott111mt, knlllln t !ld HoU1M'fl -,..., 1tM W1tn -Ind _.II OV.l limn Count'I', C111tor11l1 ll'ld l'\lrlv.nl lo !NI • (>{~;[.· •. <\l'·'"°*·. · .. ,, f.:. '. the 11t1k f1Wr1V ret.!pll,ll ... lceblt.,.....,.,. pty!Nftlt. Tiit holldln ~ cerlll11 l<fotlcl ol' Ot11ull •I'd Elecllon ~'" ~·~~""TZ!.. ,. ""'Id! audl rein WI\ tit peld •U llt t ll l'ltlidln, nalOftb:tlll Ill !ht r:olltcll.,.. lo letl lhtttuftder recwd~ Nowmboor and abandoned by her oneUme lover. Alda is a young man who seeks lo avoid the draft A marriage -0f convenience ensues, and inevitably 1n the movies -they fall ln love . ul've bad other film offers before, and I really regret missing only one -'Barefoot in the Park,'" Marlo said. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do ft because of the series. But many of the others have since been made with other ac- tresses, and I'm not at all sorry to bave missed them. "What delights me so about 'Jenny' is that I can get away from Ann Marie. She isn't me, and that's the reason I resisted efforts to change the name -0f the series to 'The Marlo Thomas Show.' "The network people took surveys which showed that Marlo Thomas had more recognition among the general public than 'That Girl.' They wanted to change the title, but I wouldn't go along with it. 1 didn't want people to think that the chracter I play was really me. After all, the series will come to an end Happier Days Jack Davis and Marnie Oberbeck enjoy a nostalgic moment in this scene from SouUJ Coast Repertory's "Death of a Salesman," resuming tonight and play- ing through Sunday at the Third step Theater, Costa Mesa. some day. But I hope to go --------------------- on acting." "Jenny" is rehearsing for two weeks, then will shoot for 10. Marlo ls luxuriating in the relative leisure of a feature film. In television she rehearses o,ne day and shoots the hall·hour comedy in three days. "ln television you only have time for your first instinct about a scene," she observed. "In a feature you have a chance to Btudy a scene from all angles before you do it. Television could be so much better if we only had time." Top British Theater Du e In January Tennessee Ernie Tops On Religious Records Tennessee Ernie Ford and the original is now well doesn't just make records. He over the four million mark. sets thein. Appearing with Tennesse Tlie popular entertainer, Ernie at Melodyland will be the Lennon Sisters and Ula who will appear in person this Establishment. The show will weekend at A n a h e i m ' s be presented Friday through Melodyland . Theater, is the Sunday. biggest seller of religious!.===========. albums in the world; the num· her recently shot over the 13 million mark. NIWl'Olf I UOI -ti tto.o ....,._ I• t.i...c.,.. LU. hie -OL MIMI ..,,..1n111g •-t ppfkabll .. 111t t11rtlc:ullr u 1rt, ciu.tnc1tloft w lypt llf xi, IHI '" !loot 11'2, P"" '17 ol Wh Wi D • t H b d --"""' .... loylCI ... "",,.lllet. OfllCl•I Record• of 0r ..... '°""'"'· "'1ll y 1ves om1na ·11 us an s ..,.. • "' m"'""' -•"9 .,,.,.,. """" • ..., _. ., •• ;'"'' ';', w1 ~" ~ n• """ • :II -The world's 8'°" acclaimedilr=o::========:;I ""111 In "" 1foremitrt111Md Uber Code ire .,, fill ttld 1v1lllble for lnipectlllll ru11 " • .... ~nc •vctlon for ca.,,, acti g •• N t' I .., ""tlfkw ti,.. °'Plrlmlnt ol lndultrl•I Jt•I•''°"" DIYhllor! ol' LIDO!' s1111J11ct 11wtu1 rnotlt1' o1 th• unli.d at•tn o1 d H Th D ,. n company, 1..ue a 1ona •M R-rdl Amrrlct, •t "" m•l11 Wnt entra11tr an ow ey 0 t Theater Company of Great \Vhcn his recording of "Six· teen Tons came out in 1955, it was the fastest and biggest seller in the reeord business to that date. In less than three v;•ceks. it sold more than a million copies, went on to sell two million in nine weeks Antrltlan ·is dlrtetld to Stcllllt 7·1.11~ or "" Sltnd11'11 SpecltbtkPM provlcf. to tht first American Tiii• ln•~r•11Ce Br1·ta 1·n. under the d1'rect1'on '"' fW emplor(nwll ti 1ppr1t1tic.. ·1111 tht --. IEyery iuch tpprt11Hc• •htll bl Comp111y bulldl119 located 11 the SOl.llllrasl eerntr °' Firth ltld Main Sfrft" In r s· L . "'"' "" 1i.n111n1 -.. 1111t1 • •llPfWltlo. under !ht reou1111on1., tht trldt 1111 crtv or 51111, ""' cilllornl 11 B REBECCA LISWOOO M D o 1r aurence Olivier. will •I Wllldl M 1:1 ""9"""'· lnfDrmltlan l'lllllv• lo emolOYllltnt ti •pprwillc" llllll lflet r19ht 1n11 tnd 1ni1re1t cot1~v!.i y 1 , , play its first engagement in bt Ob!lllMd from "11 Olreclllr ti 11\t °"""'"*'' of lndullrlll lttllllonJ, Who '* to Ind "°""' Mid under Oeed ol Trust tilt Adm'"hl'"'tlw omctr o1 th• e.n1on111 AWlf\tlceo.hlp COUo!l:ll. lft 1111 '"°'*IY 11tu1ttd 1n th• C011n1Y this country next January as 111 a«on1111e• w1111"" provtti.. "'~1on 1710"'"" L•bor Cod•"' ttHi .,.,, s11tt <H1er10N ••: Tkis noted marriage counselor' examines the h' ~"" ., (IUIOrllll, "" llNnl ti $11Ptf'V ...... " Or•n;e Covnty ,,,. •Klrl•lnld TM L••Hl'lold Esl•ft In ·~" to a ighlight or the Center "" OIMl'•t pr1V1111111 r•tt or wt0 .. •Plllklble to "'' wort. 1o bt t1ont 1o be •• lot ti o1 Trld No. 2113, 1rv1ne womar., "who wears the pants" and suggests the Theater Group's t hi r d l'Ollowl: Tffr1ct, Unit ], ts •how~ Ofl • •••Ill: Wm,..,..,. P•f'1M11t1 rer M•• rKOrded In Book t•, ""gt, <15, h I · I I L b h · subscription season In Los 111.,.,..,. NHltll a .. 111C1 a GI M11a1111110U1 Maps. psyc o 091co reasons or r.er e av1or. A 1 , Ah Th 1 ,._ C:ltUlllc:llltll Vlelllitll Welfare Pt1111oft rtcerds o1 Or1noe Caunl't, C1lllornla, R.!;!"e es manSOTI ea er. "~ "HARPER" llKtrk.11111 fll'fldlve J¥tr 1, lffl 1e 1.....,...r 1, lffll cre•lld by thft cert•ln Lr•s• d1!1!d 'M!e"""'company will be seen fl.Ii •1tctTkl111 1k pl\w 1% phw Seolembtr )II. 1tS7, nteutfd b'f Thr • '':::::':'::::::=:::==:=====·If c.,,...ttn11111etrveM1y1.1ffl"M•f'l,1Kn 1rv1,,. c-ny, 11 Ln1or • ..., ~c«< ALSO in a repertoire of two plays,1: j .JI Clfl*llll" 25c: """' :)k (/koW/JI 4k fjhw/p Cori>0rtllan, II LHIM, rKCrdl'd and will include Maggie Smith CORll(R ,.l.t!'flc COAST HIGHWAY ~snt ST. wlolo Paul Nrwrn.<" ConhfiYOus Sunday l:JO p.m. 1. u Ctment M•-1k ptiw/p .oc p11w1p J5c ptiw /p P•~e 2lG ol Offlclll Rrconls ot Or1noe and Robert Stephens, both of · c-1 ~ lll'rtdl" Maf' T, IKt to MQ" 1, INtl Sft>Ttmbtr :IO. ltn, (n 80Gk •OSJ. ~ '"'" wm.,.. ll!fl«'lve ..,...., 1 .. tNI " A .. ulf 16. 1fft1 counlY. Ctlllorrote. ho I · .. lt 11t9lft10•c!nt Iron w-..-25c: llflw :JOV.C llflwOI 30I: p11w S.ld 11it' w11111e made without coven1n1 e ARROGANCE PAYS--P fil f l G W m current Y Siar in the ~ ''IJ!!ii'iiJI L......,. CIElf«t1.,.. Mt'f ,, 1KI le Mly 1, THI) or w1rrftn!l, t•P~Hlad or rmoll!d, •~ fO e 0 ac Or eorge film, "The Prime Of l\1iSS Jean ~ .ti__:...._ ... , ....... II RI-Ir .. ·-tsc .. w/p ]('he ,..,, ni: """'wlo .. Ille !Ult', ~IOI! "'"encumbr•r>en Lazenby. Maybe the only person w1'th more ego Dean Martin "/lli.;1 Helm • 4.01 ~lnl Gr-tHlallWlr 11111 "'' lo Mll11Y !ht rtn11ln!"11 orlr>e!NI $Um Brodie." D M • Slrftt ... Ylrlgl 2:5c ptrw/p 2•Y.c phwlp :l:2t llflw/p due Oil "" .... ,. 1eevr..i-by uid Offll is the fictional character he plays. He's the IlC\\' Th N l' I The c ean art1n J.t1 l"ltgme~ Uc llf\w/p 2'''°K llf\w/p :l:2t llflw/p of Trvst Ill wit' t 7.JS2.l'O wlth l~!ere~I J Bo d e 3 IOna 3ler om-f.. A .• Hel J." u110r1r 1~111 lkP11wl p 2'V.C rihw/p :1:2trihwtp lhf.--. trom StPh!mi.r 1. 1™ a1 ames n · pany has enjo yed un-.. tvld"Ct m. .. ,. Oplr•'°"' ... Tlf!dt" OI r~":1rg~ .:i10u:::!t. ~~~"'~,1~ precedented succe s s in Wr k' TM( P11111mt11c •nd t:1tc1r1c Too11, •!Id 1uc11 o111er sums ,, m•v ~•ve e SPRING IS HERE •• , ALMOST -Riotous rec Vlbrttltig Madllntl, •!Id bttll •dv•nclfd lW "" -r tlld llo!Mr I f . fl k . I England and has orten been 1ng rew s1m11•r M«hl111t:11 Tools 11oi1 of 111c1 """· with '"''r'''· , 1 P•cYid~ co ors o spring O\vers spar cover picture o said to include the cream ol !!Ch'ICO.!iif o., 1tp1relttr cllufflld herelrl "'= ~/p 2•'nc phw.., J:2': phw/p In S•ld 0~ ol Trust. l\VO kids in Jove With the season. 4.11 "rrtt Cllrnl>tf, F1111r 1nd 011eot: Fttwv.rv u , ,,., British theatrical talent com· Ollln S.w O!Mft!Or !5c llf\WIP 2tl'>c piow/p :l:2t phw/p THE FIRST AMER IC ... N • • Qli o,er111111 1111-..,.. l•H«ttt• J•IJ' 1, ,, .. tt ,_ •· 1u11 FINANCIAL coRPORATJON. e CHICKEN IN THE SKI LL ET _ Family Week~ prising vier, who Is also .,..., I tormtrly FIRST AMERICAN the comruiny's director, his •.M 1En11 ....... 01lt'I" •!Id s1g111rme.. :ioc P11Wl 11 lOc rihw /p -. pr.w/p TITLE INSURANCE • Jy Cookbook offer~ special dishes featuring ,..... '-" H11...., ~'i1r,....11'1 Helper Xie P11wt p Xie pnwtp -. phw/p ~~ui[ ... ~o:-.P:t:Jx chicken prepared in a skillet. ~!!~b· J 1 oan PloS~ight._andh such •.n c.oncrete Mlxw-Operefor Assl1ttnl 5lcr1t1ry llVlCI CS 8!1 If M I C 8 C [ !Slllp TypeJ )(le Dl\W/P lOc """"'" Mc llflw/11 Publ~ Newport Hertior New, Prtss Redgrave, Miss Smith, Diana ,........,,1'(~"1'.fl!'; KIRK DOUGLAS n!E BROTHERHOOD •.n Ft.._n Xie Pl\W/p 30I: pnw/p .cc p11w111 eomblne<:I w1111 D11i,. Pilat, Wynyard. Stephens. M 3 •• oreup l F1IN"u1rv 27. tnd Mtrch 6, 1'-l'6t l-11""6f All ( • s f d • fh ·' I •-·•1,; .. mCP,·or~1 ~noor ~ •••• ECWIPrntnl OrHltr Xie phwlp lGc. """"'" Mc pllw/p om1ng a ur ay 1n e Adrian, with such guests as'li=========='I oreup • LEGAL NOTICE 1.11 A1p11111 Pllnt F1r1men »: Phw/P lOc 11hw'p .cc p11w/Pl--:;;;:::::-=-:::::::::::c.ccc.,,-o---Peter O'Toole and Albert Fin· •• 21 llO•fTlln Of' Mlrtr 811< OJlfr•too' HOTIC• 0,. TAUSTEl!'S SALE Dey. !COrlcrtll er "1phal! ,.l•nfl lOc pllw/p lOc Phwffl 60c pllw/p GNMA Ot·IU2ll M I ~• • ....,,. s Ne. &.CH u.1111 I 1 nc'"" ·company will play a ..... Alpl\llt P1t111 IElllllnHr lOc" pllwl" 30c phw/p 60c pliw/p On Aor(I •• '"'· •! t :JO A.M. DA I LY Pl LOT limited engagement of .,·, $ .... CorlC,..11 er "1pll11! SprMCUf19, FAIRFIELO SERVICE COMPANY 1s "' Ml'Chlnlcal T•mp!no or l"lnilh· dllly •PPOinltcl 'Tru1!ee u110er •nd weeks only in the Ahmanson. I"' Mich! ... 01>1r1hlr :ioc pl\W 'D :ll)c pltwfp Mc P"W/p aur1v.n1 lo Offd ol Tr~·· dated The other three eveo'· ... the I.~ HHV'j' Ovty Rtp11!rme" lOc phw/p J0c phw p 60c phw/p APrll 12, If" tlecvlrd by DONALO lo"5 ... TrtcllW Opilr1tor fll~tldoi1r. w. HENORICICS and PAMELA J. HEN· seeson will be announced T•,._, krlptr tl'ld Dll.ICl<S. PM.l•band •nd wlfr •nd rt<:or<Hd ,.11111 Tr..:IWI »: phw/p lOc llf\W'• '°' phwfp April 17, tKI, ,, 1n1tr. No. nm.,.,=========================="""-~sho:::rtf.:;Y:· _____ •_··•...::•1_:•~!·!·!!11 Ortup .f In lx>Oll. IJ7S, Plgf 1t$ of Otllclll R«ordsf I.» CClllCrltt Mh!ff Ooer1lllr In the Olllct ol !hf County RKGrckr (Plvlrlg or MObllt l lGc. phw p 30I: phw/p Mc ptiw/p or Or1"9f (OUflly, C•lflomll, wnr 1'11 l.M Cl"l,lo.hlfto Pllnt 1Ell0"'"1' Xie phw/p JO<: PhW /p 60c pl>.w/p If PUbllc: tlleflon lo hlellttt blddtt" !or t..M Molof' P1trol Op.,.1tvr QM (PIYlble 11 ti'"' of Mle Ill llwlUI IA.fly Type or Sfrt) lOc ri/lwl p 30c llf\w p 60c phw/p rnonry of the Unllled Sllllft) 11 the IOI/Ill tJli Un!wrwl Equlpm"'t <>91r1lor tronl tntrance 1o tht Or•nee County ISllO¥tl, lllCkhoe. 0r"9111'11, COUrthouH, !fl h (lty of S.nl1 .. .,., Dtffldo:, Cllrnsl"llll or CreM) lOc" ri/IW/p 30c """w p 60c llf\w/p Ctl!tom11 •II r1tl'lf. !Ille •nd ln~rtll lHfl'lllffl l•tt..:tlwt M•Y I, 1NI .... ~I It, 1ff'I C"Ollvel'"fd to lf>ll ,_ Mid I>'/" It UlldU OS Orlvtr Ill 0umo Trvct. Otll 111111 Mid Oel'CI d Trvit In Ille onis>erl'r ait- .f Ytnl• ... ,., ltwll ..0C ,itwlp .fl<: """Wlp lOc phw/11 Uttoed In the City of (Mii ~. In 111d 1.61 OrlYW ol l)u.mp Trvdl I• l'•rdt• bu! Ca..rnty Ind Sl•le Onerlbed 11' ltll lhln I yll'OJ Wiiii" 11_..ll .t0C ,io.wllJ AX (/koW/11 ~ pllw/JI Loi ll ot Tricl Ng. '3$.1 11 P<!r •.7J Drh• ol Oumo Trudt ti 'ffnh, but mtP thtreol r~rdfd '" lloak 1Q.I ltll llllfl 12 ,..rdt wttlr llffll .ti)( J#tW/I .l.5c llf\W'P lOc pllwl• ,.,gft J2 I/Id ll of M!Ktlla- 4.11 DrtY'tf Ill 0umo Tl"\ll:k fll Yfrdl, but M101. II\ lllt OlllCt ol tl>t Counlv !tit """ 16 Y.1'111• wtlw llvtll 40c pl>.W/JI 45< pllw/p lOt phw/p RKOrlllr ol wld COlml't. 1.0 Orlvtrol °"""" 'Trvtt: 114 y1rdl. bu! S.kl "" will Doi ml-Cl!. IN! wltho~I Int lhtfl :U prOJ """ ltW!I Ak pllw II ~k 111\w/p 30c llflw/p convirnMnl ot warr•nl't, •~Prest Of" Im· SM Dl"I_. ol Oump Tf\d; !l5 Yt"'I Pli", r~1rdl111l !Hie. PCOHeHlon, ot ff!-er rl'lllA watw ltvrt. Slnoll .,. cumbr111C11, to P•Y tl'lt rrm1lnlne prl,._ Cemblnlllon ol ...... felts ••Ciufo CIP•I Jum of 1hf "''" IKU•ed b• Int lrtsll or f"llllblsll trudu) .ti)( pllwlp ~ pliw /t lOt pllw/p Hid OrN ol Trust, lo-wit: 111,Dll,90. •.Q Orlvw ti' RDICI 011 Ssntder Tl"\ll:k 4k pl>.Wll" tic pt>.wl" JOt. phwlp wlln lnlerHI lrom June I, ltf>I i i 4,# DrlYff'" of 'Tr11111t Ml• Truett In &110 not! ornvlded, 1d~ft!\Ct1. II IU....,. , ylnb) -ptow /11 & Chw/o lOc llf\W/t> •ny. Ur>dfr ll>r ''""'" ol 1110 Oftd W Orlvtr Ill' TreM11 Mbl lrvclt d Tnnt, left, ch••lff •nd lltNn'" U Y•nl1 or '"°"'' 40c pl\W fl tic plow /t 30c nAw/o ol lt>e Tnr•ltt ll'ICI ol IM tru1t1 cre•lfd ,.., b'I "lei Offd o1 frvJI . ... ,, Wtlll'" Trlldt Orhw (Uf'ldlr TM bt,,.fld •rY und... wlct Oftd 01 w!e .r:~,_. CUit «k pllw'p « flhwlo lOc phw/p Tn,111. bY r"'°" ol " b1t•ch or d~!IVlt •.ti In l'hl! Obliw•tlO!'lll 1eeurell ltltrf'llY. i. ...... lltMI -p#lw/p .fl( phw II lOc pllw/, htr•lofore tRICUfMI tnd 0tl!wre11 lo 4.H W1i. Trvdl OrtWr l«IOll the llfl<l•l'lllt!lld 1 wr111..,, Otocllttlloll .. llOni: W ""'"' 4C llf\W /1" •5C ""wlp :»t llf\W/p ol DtflUH Ind °''"'°"" !Or Siii, t !ld Ill Trt ... ftmt k -ldtr'ld .. llMI -·Qlf. W!'lhM nollct of IN"N<th •NI o1 f ifc110f1 T1 1111 ,,_...Int tdltlllull 1lwll bl lddM 1111 t.tln'lrtt "vn-t rot IPOl'"lnlltt-lo t•uw Ille llftdt~lv<ltd to "" "kl .ioii,: ,.._,,,. to Mlistr wld obt1t11i-• .....i ~"" -1c rll!w/t lllt'l"ttlle-• .,, NowmDe• 1s. lKI. 111t ~ ~ -T\loc ..... /p -t1l•.-:I Cl\llld Mkl Mllc:I of lltffch lrwt w.n. ... -k ""'1/p 111d ol tllcllon fro bl' recor• i.. 0.-11 .... E"'"-n -le ..... ,,. boot; ,.,.,, -US,. ti' ... Id OlflcMI ....... rte .. llWY tit ~ ill ~lt'f Wl1fl StCllell. 1m.s ef !hi Laber lll!Ctil'llt. C111it ti "" Jfllt d Clllflmlt. ~Sutlltcf IMir-t wai,ll't. """ '"" ~· klltftll "" lo!dlb-.. M'W1'ft ffllntry -( ,........ .... bit _I..., " FMlr•I NtltoNI Morfotlfl' n. .......,lies r•lt It .., PtfCW•...,. d lhl ~ r1h! AqodetlOf> undtr 5Klitll llO.I w JN Ct1t1 ........... ld 1J111 .. .... m "" 11~ nto Ill !flt Ff(lrr1t NttlM•I ~ ~ I Mtnl!ll .. M 1t a 1JO IS A11«lellon CM"" Ac! tnd lloert~ITff, ~ ',,...... ,. 111 11 ... " .. '' " -...it .... lltttmber 1. 1,.a, ""ltd CtMWot ""-• .....,,. n n a 17 " fl It\. •nd Wlft ~l•l"d "· "Tl'lt Goytm. •llldl'ldotnJ 6 Mtnfw • M '5 1t JS "' U 911 """'' Nttlonll Me r I e 1 •' A.111oc"" Jir-. WWlltt1o I Mlllllllll " 11 I.I ft t) W 11811 llPU,....nt hi !tit '""'"lefts Of Pvbllc: Mt <Mu.lnu11911 -I-"""""' ... II .. Pllld ,,. ... ltltll U.M Ill!' 1-f' Llw ~. n... ttoll1I"! ""' Urtolft --.. ,._It wt """"' '" .... Qolllf;fl ...... ,...'"'"" ..,....,_, •ppllc:o Jlnl1tw •I n F. II, Ill». _ ........ ,. Otltd Ff'bru.rY 70, IN't ... • ... dta w <"Ulllclo""° d lllt Wlffl'llll Of' .._.___ ltlvol...._ fl cft. FAlllftli!:LO S ! 11 Vt CE COM- """' .. ktllll 1m.1 ol "" l..lbtr c•. PANY IY OltDEA °' THI! llOAltO Oft •t .. Id T""''-' SU,.EAVISOlt$ 01' OJl.ANGI COUNTY, Iv MtrNm M S!t .. •rt (ALIFOAHtA Sfotr•I••• • ..... Wt~llAM 0. NAOIM An_,o tw 'tnnltl 1411 w. CM'fM'4c ..... hlle ... ,, Lit A-lttt.C:..lll•U M7fl l"~ltfltlll Oft,,., Cot1t ,..._., fl fflC M1rdt DlllY IJllDI, .. u. '"' -· t STEREO SENSATION! The colorful sound of Orange County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach ~ ' NATIONAL CEN!:RAL ComoottA"Tl()tof Fo·x~~ OPEN &:45 CLIFF ROBERTSON CLAIRE BLOOM -In- ''CHARLY'' IN COLOR AS ••• "TlettNIOolOlll •o .,, ALSO ·~ -·-·---IW. Show St.m ,.1n. c •• ,. S.t, ,,.'" 11 s ......... 2 Wrecki~ Crew lll>d!Jf 0 "'' -• .,. ,, 11111"""9111 .... 111$ wlllo Jllr'"t er tuenlltll • Mlckry l'l~rglt1y COLO"- "PIT OF HOa101• ll~rbara S!Hlt COLOlt "TERROI CllATUIU FROM THE GIAYl" Atcommtllll .. fw Allolfbl Atldlmy Homlnet -lnt Actw Cllll ROl>rt!IOll COLOfl "'CHAILT" "tl" RATliO N• -llNler 11 wm to.t .._ mollN unltll wltt. """'' " IUln:ll1" Rod Sttluff COLOR '7HE SEIGIANT" P•ul Ntw~n COLOll .,HAllll" '< ~Tl'\ I ~ r,,: " WARNER V,~ ' I ~· , .. ,' ' • Hl ·WAY 39 -.... -. ..,....., --., ... ........ I Tiit o,.•lesl'.14ven111,.." "'"" I AHi COLOR-W .. LT OISNllV'I ''SWISS FAMILY IOllNSON"' F/"H M•CMutT1¥ COLQll 'iHr HAPPIUT MILllONAllr' I ··~····~············· ill well k. 1esse l be th• will Jugh • • s oO ~ • , ' • o Business Like It Industry Foots Bill for Touring Show B1 ROBERT L. SHAFFER CLEVELAND (AP) -can ·a gtntrOUI 'serv!n( of GBS '.:. make TRW u well known ~. u IBM at MIT? ''Thl1, in abbreviated farm , . ; Is oM question on the minds ; , •of people at TRW Inc. :~ '.(formerly Thompson Ramo • Wooldridge) as they wait for · .. .. .final retw-ns on "By George,'' :-.. Broadway production which ,"" :-TRW sponsored on a tour of 40 college .campuses. There were some raised eyebrows 'in the corridors at -TRWc !!beo JIM'!I ll'tft ..,. ·;houllCld ~:~'IA-: .. •!ht -ol Brtlfib ic\ar.w:: ;:µmo'§ ...... -at a • ~Cpl!·"' .llroulld $80,000. . . . • ... "By George" is · actually a • .::Jeldlng of e<eerpta from the . ~.wcrks of George Bernard '"'~w. who wu a socialist ·~'.:and a criUc of Big Business. ,,.,. ;~. And TRW JS Big Business, with sales of mare than $1 blllion a year in automotive, electronics and aerospace pro- ·::.. 'i:lucts. . ·• .• : .PRACTICAL ISSUE · ···.. The sceptics at TRW were " .. '1ea concerned with the Shaw oblloeopby than with the ques- --lloa of what $80,000 worth of GJ;1S would mean in practical terms for TRW. ·i:~:· When the tour opened Oct. 21 on the Mrr campus at Cambridge, Maas., "We heard ...c:amments from campus .4 }'eerUlters such a!, 'What we -' "couldn't do with $80,000,' " ;:"··: UCI to Show ~'.::Program of ·" . ., says William J. Moran, assis- fant dlreclQr of corperate , relatlol\11. ''By George" bas made C'OD· verb out Qf some l'lf the seep. tics. Tnw is sUll awaiting resuJ? of campus opinion 1urveys, b u t Moran s a y s recruiters a 1 read y can measure the effectiveness of the project in minutes -the minutes it takes to explain TRW to a potentlal recrui~ TRW representatives face a problem that reeruiters from firms such as General Motors, General Electric and General Foods don't have -TRW has no consumer products and thus is not widely known to the general public. "Interviewers had to spend 20 minutes explaining what TRW was," Moran noted. But be insists that such practiCal matters were not in the minds of those responsible for the "By George" tour, "There is a need to find new ways of reaching students and faculty members," said Moran. "There is a new dimension to business and in· dustry. I don't think the depth b really seen." AD MAN'S IDEA literally jumped at the op- portunity," SIYI Robert A. Newman, director of cor· porat.e relatioM and public ar. fairs. "We wanted to knock c}own some of the old antlbusmess campus cliches that give the youngsters ol America an un- fair and distorted impress.ion of what the modem business : environment ls like today." .. Business bas changed dra· matically in recent y e a r s." says Newman. "So haa the environment on college cam- puses, as current events in· dicate. But there has been no corresponding change in the content ar the methods of communications between these two interlocking m.. ·stitutions . . . There seems to be. a widening com- munications gap here ... " The tour concluded Jin. ·29 at the University of Detroit. and Newman eJtimates that the show was seen by some 50,000 students and faculty members -although this is a guess since there were no ticket sales in most places where it was shown . TRW took ads in campus newspapers to promote the show and took followup ads to explain why TRW got in- volved with ''that Sociallst, George Bernard Shaw" and, incidentally, to tell a little bit about the company. "The man (GBS) ls a mind- opener and w~ (TRW) thrive, corporately speaking, on open minds," the ad states. Will TRW sponsor more cultural events for the campus · crowd? Apparently no one will have any answers for that one until the final critical notice -the one from the opinion survey I'm in. ,.,,...,, Mm U. 1969 . DAILY '11.0T IJ • PAll.Y Pll.01' .......... It Hurts Wfaea They Laugli J_anice :rrtiller and Ray Scott console Rick Gunst after a disappointing rea~­ tion to his first play in a rare serious moment frOm 1'Llght Up The Slcy.'' OP. stage Fridays and Saturdays at the Westminster Community Theater.' Smetana Quartet to VisitLaguna The Laguna Beach Chamber Mus.ic Society will prtsent th1 Smetana Quartet in concert Sunday evening. The ensemble is alfiliated with the Czech Philbannonic Orchestra. The Smetana Quartet, a.II heirs apparent to and prin- cipal proponents of the Bohe. mian musical tradition,, specia!Ue in Dvorak, Smetana and Janacek. But the i r performances of w e s t e r n European repertoire a r e equally celebrated -they played at the 200th an- niversary Mozart Festival Jn Vienna and at the 20th Beethoven Festival in Bonn. Programmed for the Laguna recital of the Smetana Quartet are MOBart'! "Hunt" Quarte~ (No. 17 in B-nat major. K. 458), the Dvorak C·major Terzelto, Op. 74 (for two violins and viola) and a late Beethoven q,uartet, No. 15 in A minor, Op. 132. A concert preview will be offered at 7:30 p.m. and the perfonnanct will begin al a o"clock -lloth in the high school auditot"imn, 625 Park Ave. Following the ~tar~ 11 appearance of the Srnttant Quartet, the Laguna leach Chamber Music Society will present the Alma Trio on April 13. The latt.er ensemble will close the society's n I n t h season. Ticket! ar• 13.50 for •dulls and $2.50 ror students. Open End. ~!at~ ' Series of Films . A lltrl., ol W!la(o molloo plcluroo. comprillnJ a view of tum llylu and clovelop. mtlll, wUI be ollered on -ends at tlle Open End Theater In Newpcrt Beach bet!tnnlni Friday. . The Htie1 will cover com- edy. -. aoc1 canoter movtea IDd will be au> plementod by lalb given by prom-poll from tho ID<ltlonpkturo~. The Open End film ser1 .. will Jnlede a eoune in basic D>OYiemUlng scheclul<d lo begin April 7 at the theater. 1115 Villa Way. Fllmmaklng students will r e c e l v e ~ -In dlrection, editing, I c re en p I a y development, animation, documentary cllalogue, production and posl- Laguna Cast Announced For Thriller Casting for the suspense drama "Walt Until Dark," the next production 1t the Laguna Playhouse, has been announced by lnna Nofziger, playhouse general manager. Playing the central role of the blind woman terrorized by a trio ol thugs is Sally Hayton, who was seen in the playhouse's last show, "Philadelphia, Here I Come." The three hoodlums seeking a packet ol heroin stuffed in • doll will be played by Paul Wi1'oo, Alan G. Hart and Phil lnterlllKii. Suzanne McQuade .and Jon Law rouOO out the Lquna cart. productloo toolmlques. '!be Newport theafao wUI operate two oeparate but Jn. lercbanceable rtperl«y con> pao].. in Ille lutur.. Open End adcl's will hive the op- portunity ol perlormlng both In ortg1nal otage play• and molloo pictures. ln addtuon to the live theater and filin repe!1ary companies, the Open Eod Theater is developing a travel· ing mhne troupe wblch wUI present programs cqmblaine improvisaUonal aJXl rehelned sketches patterned after the cJa.s,,ic style o( French pan- tomimist Mareel Marceau. Iniormatioo m. the worUhop classes may be obtained by calling the theater at 17$-lUO. ·' GREGORY PECK r.;i ~ EVA MARE ~-SAlllT kntE srAU<J«; MOONI 11'.0MXll..Ol'I; • ~ • Second Top Thrlller . Old Talkies Putting Adrian's s h ow on the road for big business wu the brainchild of a New York ad agency man. When the 1 de a was presented, "\Ve Barhra~s Sister Sings Too 1 DirtctinltheFreder lck Knott thriller will be Kent JohMOn, staging his filth Laguna production. The drama opens April 9 for a \ l ~ i '.-l 1. 1 ~ '1 t ~JI' I - YAN HEFLIN ¥W .. Two gems for early talkie film buffs may be viewed at ·--UC Irvine this month as part ~ ~ a series titled, "Birth or "':': f NoUon: Early Talkies.". ·--·Marlene Dietrich in .... ,''Dishonored" is scheduled for '· ··March 20; W. C. Fields in -~ -.. ''Million Do 11 a r Lf:gs" is -· •. ; JObeduled for March 27. -Show time is 8:30 p.m. in ... :,....the Fine Arts Stu'1io Theater. ~·Advance tickets are available .: ... _lfttkdays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., -• -in the HM arts box office. : ·_,_··Admission is $2. Information may be obtained by calling 13U617. , ·:~__:: Sponsors of lhe series are .. , .. the UCI Art Gallery and the ..... University Gallery Associates. More Readings In Westminster nvo more day1 of auditions for the next Westmimter Community T h e a t er pro-- duction, "Once for the Ask· Ing," will be held Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. The comedy, to be directed by John Moran, requires a cast of seven men, seven women and two yoong girls. The theater is located in the \\'estmlnster Center mall at Westm.imter Avenue and Golden West street. . .. '• Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 45 Go dlne,tftl w1ys Y1st.,day'1 l'utzlt Solved: 41 Femlnln• --· .- 4 1-1 Sptech ,.~ ~ · 1rfpetalion1 name ~.,......~ 6 Rt duc.e to 49 Constltutloft .............. pulpy stat• D' Rldr1u :::-._:J;o City In -~ Armrn i1 SO Fltur-de· -·, · -14 Relative 51 Move about "·'!.·;75 Numtric.af agitatedly • ' prellr 55 Auction ; .. ~· J\ Obltct of 57 lilakts q..iltt •.~· ... worship 58 Strelchtd ·• "17 "---wlth out :· ···• Judy": 'l Amount ~ .~ ·1·· 2 words ch1rged oft .,,. ·. I Crim in al •ntrant " 19 For titlng b4 Fatl'ltr: Af'lb, ,.....-r; • off !ht b5 Eared stal · ... :.:~ prtrnists: 66 "Man frOlll "-.;:!._:.. 2 words -·" .. o.-.io Ovtr·ttalovs 67 Glt1n parent: 61 Edltl'I Ctvtll, 2wortls foront .,2 Propell•r 6t Ell11beth1n ·· ·;.%3 Short pltt• ard Victari111 • ••• of pencil 70 Charity : :i4 Mlnn1sot111 71 Fenc.ln9 ~ • Goldtn -weapons DOWN 1 reel compasslo11 t Cheattd "Male aiima l 10 For1111riy Berl in, Ontario 11Think11'1• world of 12 Man's nam• 13 Retards 21 --of lhunb 22 Whirl rap idly 25 Room in ··26 Unusually ••· , qualified tt Sorro'lt ful •ord l Wll lla111, 1 harem 31 Metal form · · Ing dtvlct ----32 Kind of TV -• commerc ial: ' ;;· · 2 words -·-'.:l4 kind of ti ant SI ContlnuMIY 39 l'lrt Df the body ,Al Sea bird 41 Voc.ation in Ireland 26 Throal- 2 lnil'l1: ti taring Comb, fcr11 sound 3 Narrow l7 Surfac.t fli t strip a road 4 TrC>dd•n 21 AllOWStCt ways of 4 pounds 5 "--llPPlt 30 C~t cld•r": 33 Having n• 2 words dlrtctlon ' C111phot 35 RIYtf ID tht siroduct Ca19l1n St• 3/l 3/b9 36 Opposed to 37 Sediment _.O C11tain fogs: 2 words 43 Chow 44 C11nadl111 whiskey 46 Sc.htme 47 Us1du1>: 2 wnrds 51 Symbol of tht Olympics 52 Of tht moon 53--·High Frequency 54 Oppose an t ip CCl'lltol 56 c;onsumt avidly: 2 words 59 Kind of son bO Vetch 61 Gatlic. languaoe 62 Ocher and Prussian Blue 64 Macaw l.11-ilT'"TTT.,""l's< ·-~~-~ By MARY CAMPBELL NEW YORK (AP)-Barbra Streisand got her start in show business in little-known off. Broadway plays like "The Insect Comedy," in which she played an ant and a moth. Her half-sister, Roslyn Kind, 18, is starting considerably higher up the ladder -an appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show last Sunday and 10 days at San Francisco's hungry i. Everybody, understandably wants to know if there are any more at home like Barbra. ~liss Kind candidly admifs she ts taking advantage of her half-sister's fame. But she is also sure she can prove herself an individual on her own talents and not a copy of Barbra. She's doing it by singing In a pop-rock style as a counterpoi nt against or c hestra I arrangements which have a strong classical sound -very different from the Streisand ballad style. "I used to sound very much like her." Miss Kind sa~·s, "but I worked on that. \Ve both have a four-octa ve range but mine is lower down. And I don't have her nasal quality or her vibrato. The only likeness that sneaks through is phrasing. I guess we both think or how to phrase alike. GOOD THING "You know, Barbra's suc- cess was a good thing for me. psychologically. 1£ you've never been around success, you just hear about the people with real Lalent who've been around for 20 years and never got anyplace. But I saw my sister make it and lh1t really kindled the flame." Barbra Streisand's success didn't ignite the flame, though Miss Kind says, "I decided when I was a little girl that I wanted to be in show business. When J was in the --three-weekend run at the "J could never be as kooky Conn., whlch caters to the playhouse, 319 Ocean ~ve., P.T.A. s...n1.., •• -IOf as Barbra," Miss Kind says. geriatric set and once at the :;L;agun~;•;;B~ea~cb~.:::::::::=~~·='"'=::°'::"::,.:::;"::'::''::M::•::":::;"::'::'°~ STARTS HIGHER Roslyn Kind "She wore those p u r p I e Universiy of Bridgeport. II' lipsticks. I never could. i For both, she sang the dress a little mod, but with young songs of her album and the tailored look. some oldies like "The Party's "For performing, T wear Over." "Come Ra.In or Come gowns, with a youthful feeling, Shine" and "Blue Skies." not elegant and not hlppie. The college date worried her "In personallty I think J'rri the most. "After all, I'm a little more open than my younger than they are. And sister might be. I'm not as the college audience is the internal. She more likes to hardest · to pleaae; they're keep things to herself. I'm really the critics of mUl!c more outgoing than that, not and talent today. as mysterious. "I was shaky on my first "But it's funny. I never was song there, but then 1 began outgoing a few years ago. I to get more relued. I tbought was heavy and I used to hide 'Go ahead, kid, they've ac- in my shell until I lost all cepted you.' " my weight. I lost 60 poundsil ==============-,II when I was tf." I. Miss Kind lives with her mother in Manhattan, where they moved three years ago from Brooklyn. Her father, (]Jfii'' third grade I wru Peter Pan whom her mother married in the school play and then after her first husband died, came back and stood on the is in a veterans hospital. side of the stage and sang Until June. when she 'Someday My Prince Will graduated, Miss Kind was Come,' for 8 girl doing a devoting all her energy to high dance .'' school. Her trip to the hungry ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION "BEST ACTOR" CLIFF ROBERTSON Miss Kind is like her sister i vdll be her first plane rlde and her first time west of in her determination to suc-ceed -and on her own terms. Philadelphia. "I don 't date as much as CUT RECORD J 'd like to. But I want a Last fall, she made a long· career badly enough to give playing record, "Give Me. up some pleasure. There'll be You ," \\'hlch RCA Victor time for pleasures later." rel eased recently, with all And about success: "To me teen-oriented songs on it, success is when you 're truly several of them written for with Clalr• 1100111 happy wlth what you h&ve her. To prepare for the Ed accomplished. Even if I don't Sullivan Show, her first "big"' -2'"' tfrT- get to be a superstar, as long exposure, she sang four times ''HOT MILLIONS" 1 P•i•r U1ti110"' as I make my mark and know,,::;al~a~r;••;o;rt~i;n:;W;;es;t~br~ooo;;k;,~:::;:::;:::;:=:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;Jj I've done it an my own, thalfi will make me very happy." But comparisons of the sisters are bound to be made. J.1iss Streisand ls said to resemble the exotic Queen Nefertiti. Miss Kind : \vith her shiny clean face, light brown hair, moderate-tize nose and conservative miniskirt. looks like a candidate for Miss Teen-age America. LMt I Wfflctt "SCR '!f /b1est production" -&.A. Rtt1ti.r "A Magnificent Motcnt1no" -o, "'· "DEA JH . Of A SAWMAN" 1:11 p.111. -T,1111:0 STIP' 1HIATfll-COSTA MESA-""'l*U CMILOllliH'S TMIATll:l-"TMI IMPlltDlt & TKI HIOHTINOALI" A OELIGHTl"UL OltllNTAL MIMl-MA'ftHEI! SUNDAY • 1 f'M. ONLY BALBOA 67~48 -,... ........ •141 .,_ ... -. NOW-Excluslve Aro• Showlntt- Orl9ln1I Uncut V1rslon Exactly " Shown 11 2· Y 11r L.A. Rooclshowl FOR All YOUNG LOVERS WHEREVER YOU AJlE d A MAN :i::(11 AN .~~~!A~ "'ru·1/1 SlCOND ,IATUltl IN COLOl '''"' cn .. 1. -'hr• Hctttel -J..11111• Mw.a• "GREA t CATHERINE" \. . YAN. l ' "'' ~ l •1li::tl 11 HEFLIN 1EI r --EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT You can•t uu1>9 The Stalking Moon MA?DW.GINBW.l'ICTUMS~ GREGORY PECK· EVA MARIE SAINT .,,,.,....•+•1r"-dl THE STALKING MOON (!]o ~.="e ••• •• •• • ••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD, NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 LAST WEEK-ENDS TUESDAY WINNER 4 ACADEMY OF AWARD NOMINAnONS INCLUDIN•• • BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR •AANCO UPPlllW snCIAL SATUlDAY MOlNING STUDINT SHOW 11 .JS WITH STU DINT IODT CAlD-10 A.M. l • • • .. ·-• ---. " .~-=--····-.. ·-----·---"-... -- TIKlnd.IJ, Mardi U, 1969 Will Gambling Join Miss America F~te? · .. §£ i' .. a.."' First Library llsers New books that. start a library for Costa Mesa's Pr..idio School are looked at by first grader Teri Holt and PTA President Joan Ramey. PTA pur- chaaed l!OO books on four-year, $2,000 time payment end oollected another 400 for !i)lrary, · Study Claims Youths Not Buying 'Revolt' By GARVEN HUDGINS AP EdacaUoa Writer W ASlllNGTON (AP) -The Students for a Democratic Society b trying to recruit converts to its doctrine of social revolution among high &ebool pupil!, but the e'1(lence indicales !hat the youngsten aren't digging the message. A nationwide survey by The Associated Press &bowed the SOS. a leading force in many major di$uptiom of college campuses; has become actjve !n oilJy a bandlul of bigb 11choOla and that, so far, its impact bas been mjnlm1lo '':' One spokesman for )1' Tom ltandon, a stu@;~ Ohio Stale' University,'~ that the 1Qrg~tion Is' 'eftft attempting to influence hlgb •cbool pupils, and salcf It has no plans lo do so. REPORT BORNE our But a fellow member, Tom Buttnx of the UniTersity of M Colorado, insisted that SOO is trying to rnave into the high schools, and rep>rts from across the country tend to bear him out. Cities u widespread as Los Angeles, Denver, Boston and Columbus, Ohio, report overt activity by the SDS oo bigb &chool campUSe!. At the sart'l:e time, authorities in AUanta, Philadelphia, Kansas Cily, Minneapolis, Des Mo 1 n e s , Chicago ~d Milwaukee say the inililant leftist organiza. tion hasn't surfaced among !he blgb acbool crowd. In Los Angeles, Police Chief Tom Reddin said bis depart4 ment bU discovered a link between SOS and the Peking. oriented Progressi~ Labor Party which. he SSY!, has enlisted ·&upport among the students oC Fremont High School. Reddin 'bad said in a report made public last December !hat SOS had eslab!i.hed 10 chaplen In Los Anll'les high l!Cboob. School officUls denied il STUDY REQUESIED Nooelbeless, ~fayor Sam Yorty bas requested a federal lnveStigation into what be call5 the central role played by SDS In 101I1e reeent high school dia1url>anc<s 1n Los .Angeles. C,V. RooaJd Reagan of Clllla'ula also baa blamed 11outllde ... •gital.On," Including the Sllll, for high ICbool pro- test+.-. ftalliU1 said SDS, along wi!h the Black .Studeni. Union onil the -Third . World Llberatidn Front. 0 (hink the:J can create more anatthy and clt.aos if they 1tl to the ~ounger peoo pie ... Dt\ lllloll Rkhardson. ' • memb!<: ol. Ille I.al Angelos Board Gl Elb:alloo, Aid Sal octMti !l>;/llib tdlool cam-puses hll bttn •ftp0rad1c." Tbe board, • be said, 11 ••concerned and properly IO .. about the SD5 bill does not toR ... )Olll"a.11111 It .... otitulel u lmulodlat< dangtr. School odlcia!J ln l>env<r anl4 BDS bad Ml up cbapten In -1'lcl> achoo!J, oot IN! lbt aumbtr d Jtudeoll ID- wlvtd ... 1mall. f SDI membm from tlM! lllllvenlll d Colorado and the , ilnlverslly oi nenver 1nok part in recent attempt! t o demomtrate at two Def'.lyer high scboob. At one school, students foogbt with SOS represen- tatives and tore up their !eellet... Police ·biob ap the other demonstrittion, Buttny, the SDS Jeader at the University of Colorado, ,oald his orgaitl7.at\on erred,tn lrylng to impose u .. u on the high school studenll lnalead or working with them. "This never works," be said. 1be SDS appean to be mak- ing aome attempt lo win blgb •cbool pupils In Ille Boston aria. A spofuinan Jor''!he dlr"B!:!¥»1 tte).ft ,., • • t'. liiiolif J~ ~ "a · _, ol ·ll\ISl)icloul> looking tYP.,:.have· been ·attending re- cent meetings of the achoo! committee and taking notes." . They wore "the usual SOS costume:s -bi pp i e-type clothing," be said. Johnson aJso claimed !hat -.t c11sturbances In Bosten bigb acboob appeared to reflect outside Influences. He did not tlaborate. MINOR FLURRIES Clashes deecn'bed by Prln· clpal Richard W. 1'1eacbam as "minor flurries" erupted at the blgb school tn Neirton, a suhorb or Boston, when col- ·Jege .z;tudents tried to recruit bigb lichoolers for the SOS. A bandful of SOS adherents tried high schools organi:r.ing fora)'1 in upstate New York communitle.s, but the attempts failed when school omctals warned that they would file cluu'ges against anyone who dbrupled scllool roo11ne. Jn ColumbuJ, the Board of Education reported "limited proof" of SDS activity in Wgb schools where some· organiza. lion's pamphlets have ap- peared. IJTI'LE ATIEMPT Dan Kiplan, past SOS chairman ·at Indt'ana Universi- ty, Aid bigb scb"I" 1tudenls ha .. ..shown up al meetlng1, but there appe.an to bt little, il any, effecl lo organlu them. "We hJ,v1 given them llte.ralure and aucb tblnp." aald Kaplan. 0 but they ba"-e not · been orgilized on ti* scope or students elsewhere.'' In AUanta, one of lbe cities reporting no evidence of SD5 activity, or. Ed Cook Jr., of the ,ochool ouperlnteodent'1 I<> flee 1Nd. "We've had IOf'lle reporla ol 1niete5l In Ille SD5 on \be part of students in some h1gb Khools, but PO overt action. no deoYQd.c from them, Nlblac"' -~ eUort.• • Alrio )Vaip.d, .. -tint 1upert nt1 nd1ot in MU,..ukee. Bild be too knew ol ... sos oetlvi!y ... the hip . -•level, but ..... pbubtd ''that dota not ·mean iba-e ii none." NODIUC'DON ''Som& d 11.-tblnp can be ....... bat ti'• lmpoatl>lt to kmw for certain unW be ~ evident," u Id Weatpml. Dr. B. Frank Brown, superlntendtnt o( lldloolJ !n. Brevard County. Fla., pointed out thal !he student left In· eludes organlutlom o t b t r lhan SOS, all agltallnf for <hange, bot wllboul cea!rol dtrectlon. 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 5,46·7080 COSTA MESA " WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 SUNDAY 10 to 5:00 A 111p•r f1rtili1.1r by th• Svp•r Scott ptoplo th1t 9iv• prolon9•d f11dh19 , co~trol1 w1.d1, tr••••• and l111•ch, For dlchondt-a l1w111 011ly._ ·• 10. 95 -. ... 12.n 2.00 OFF scons TURF BUILDER +4 . . Tlii1 on• i1 fo r yo11 tr111 p1opl1 lwatdiit0 f1 ll t , th1t could bt a NO NOl, it f1rtili1u, pr•v1nh cr1b'Jra11; co11tr.h w11d1 and 9rvb1 111 ... ith on• 1pr1•d•r 1pplic1tlo11. IS11rprii1, wt 1•11 tho1• too.I 895 l09. 9.H 1.00 OFF scons SILENT LAWNMOWER MAGNDIC CATCHES If you ~ ,,h ~ c1bin<). J•t H f• t f1y in pl1ct, m1yba yo" thowld inv11t •;I• 1 "'"' aatch, It'll M worth Sl.00 In •lanb •" th• ~·" '"' .,,, ..... ff_ DELTA KITCHIN FAUCO Swlv•I 1po11t li:lkht n fa11c 1t swtn91 +. 9•f tko wtt.f lit •;thtr 1l1t• I• ew tho fte., If YI• 4n't i11t1all It Ti9ht.) M'Mt r111 1tyllt19 ....... th1 "'""1 li:lkMa 1.,1r lilt H1111 •••tit.JI, 12•• • lorbidded In ga"'1nl -. A· lll.t.e gambling commiMioa would llctnse co,._ Mayor Jllchard S, Ja<klon . lhlnp &ambllnl would beckon visllGn. cr<ate employm<nl and reduce Wop! pDihllng. The unemployinent rate in the IUllllll<r looii&I ...... !& only 3 pen:tnl. , llut durlllg the winter, despite the -ventioos, the rate IOIU'll te 10 -t -clle d lhe blgllest In Ille natiiio. Betting •t the ilcetract Is legal In New Jmey and the <:OIDDlittee s a "f I it ii bypocritleal .. blil-· PL.•~: I ··;· ~N·o·w . .-~ ' .... ~f And Then Ho, Ho, Hoe, YOU CAN lAUGH AT HIGH PRODUCf PRKES All THE WAY TO THE BANK Advtrii1td 1p.c:ialt tood thr11 March 19, ''''' a11d Happy l irtftday St. Patrick, lti"'a to 9at aft tr th1 11W1li:t1 a9ait1 I. VEGETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS c Pkg. scons FAMILY BLEND GRASS SEED ..• 4 _kcl-..J.lOWY.,MOWIR For yo11 1uy1 who want a nic• l•wn at • l:111d9tt prict, tl!i1 it a 9ood 1oo•i119, tood wtari119 dt1I that will thriv• in t11n or •htdt. Savi ovar I buck on this 1pocl1I. HOMEOWNER'S PAINT '- .,. 11 QT. PLASTIC PAINT ,, BUCKET . • . . . I . . Lithtw1itjht bucktt i1 id11! for "'idn9 poin t, pKkin9 pol1!0 11l1d for a t i1nt cookout, t r 'Ji•• lo th• •id1 lo 111• 11 h1tm1t likt K1rm h•r• wh1n h1'1 l11dlnt lh1troop•11 bitt•r t nd betttr 11111. 10 LBS. CHARCOAL IRIQUETS .· ... Ch1rr.01l ltvl'll5 11-}y to 1ivt mo1tli wat1rln9 f1•.,.r t nd aroma I• that ln1•J11111iv• cvt tf ba•f that y1u 1111rlnattd for thr" tlayt In th1 r.1o•in1 win•. ITliat'• fl ••or.1 59c CHAR IASI D11111p ••"'• •f tfilt l11M bottom •f yo1r bar·~·1 Mrart ., .. 1t1rt tlio t r.Hon, 111411 It .-.h ., '"-..... •"' "'•"''" 1 wfaty f ...... f~ tk \ot bwnl11t c .. 11, 59c •· . ' ' i ~ :~·--' t~ ~41:.t•ry m•w•r • -'.{fi':rl ;~ ;;r,,, "' s..tt .. ··~-~ · not m1, I'm waHint fM' ,. • 'o 6ilbtrt 111d S1dli••n.) Ofh•t wh••l1 for clo11 m-in• r•coil. •t.!rl1r. ,., .. .~~ '!'' ·)~'"'\'.'·-;:; ,,, ;, '" ti. :l-3,. __ !s , ' " GLIDDEN SPRED $nN A l1t111 wtll p~nt th•t dri11 in 20 mi1111t•1 f. 1 '"'toth • mall• fini1h t'i,t 1111 ba w11h•d ov•r .)id ov•r "'itho11t lo1in9 t:oltr, 11'1 1!11mO'Jlfti11d d. th af 11 th t w1ll1 do:i't t•f indi'J11tio117l 5!7 l " ... 5 FOOT WOOD.N , "·"1JPUDDER · . ~ .. 1 ~S"!!!th wood111 ladd1r11 r•adr ofo fM.-o yo11 to d1coratin9 li•ighh yo11'•• n•••r r11ch1d btforo. H11 hand7<p1J11t Uolf land 1'9o"' f•r, + ,..,1i:r, fold1 for •••y 1toi•t•• , ••• . ~ • t9 .. 4 .~ BIG BOY BAR•l·Q Da.,.n,tit 1avin91 ti"'• ClfllOI •Mn anti wh1t'1 mor. #1111 ttta• a r."k111t, IH a'1 9•f to bl ilidd/119.J Th ia nin•4 lit l•y '9 j11t rltht for 111 yo•t o•hf•1r barboq1tfnt n••il• fr-1 11ccr1I•"* ro11t il11c• to a 11ohla hot tl!tf. Ad j111tablt 9rift t l•ot 1t•••• t+-1 ilt11111•11 Y•• w111t, r11bMr whttl1 "''tr. fw ••IY pottaWHty. (ilo111n1117 whit i1?l ••• • • • ' ' 1......,, llll'Cll U, 19'9 -~ . -. . . ~~: ... , :a3rd .... # ~ 11:" . l ~ ·AS A .PONTIAC DEAtER AND HIS FIRST . ' . ., . ' . ANNiV.ERSARY IN··· 08·ANGf , CD.UMTY WITH . . . . ·-.. THE; LARGEST STOCl. Of ''68: I. '69 PONTIACS IN ORANGE COUNTY .:; •. , ••• .,·." •• , ..... ·: NEw '1~9 .• ':,:: _.'"SPECllLLY PRICED . -.-·----- .. FlREBIRD · • ---=~· . HARDTOP COUPE' .• FOR THIS ~ ·BIG EVENT! f"~NEW l96f _,Y CATAUNA 2 DOOR HARDTOP COUPE IELP YOllSEIE Tll A lltSUCE Df SlftllSI 53395 4 • . . . .. " .... AlllMISAIT mclll:S OH . ORANGE COUNTY'S -.. · . --. ~RGESJ. Sru(TION Of STATION WAGONS ~- 1968 PONJIAt 9 PASS. CATALINA NEw 1969 GRAND -PRIX HARDTOP COUPE AND DRIVE Ill SEE .. ThiJ 105 MPH .. puto.1tock. ram air Mglne, troplty.wlantr, ihowt them all who rt1Uy (s. No. 1; IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! NEw 1969 · lE MANS HARDTOP COUPE J ' EVERY CAR SAFETY TESTED EXCLUSIVE 17.IJ'.lO MILE 12 MONTH WAR RnN TY '67 G.T.O. 2 DR. HARDtOP V-1. 4 ~. rlldlo, _,, 1!Mtit11, 1!%1 1i....._ dtrtlme m.1 lll'llHl1. tVCW COO. SALi '2495 '66 DODGE CORONET 2 DR. H.T. SALi '159.5 I '65 BONNEVILLE BROUGHAM 23rd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL '68 Voll<swagens • Ylltyl Interior ....... • ff•ttn • Remaining '63 OIEVY R NOVA SS 2 DR. H.T. SALi •995 '65 IMPALA WAGON SALE '66 lE MANS . . 23rd ANNlVmARY .Sl'ECIALS 1968 PONTIACS llC. VUI "1 HUGE SELECTION e '68 GTO's e .'68 lE MANS e '68 CATALINA'S . . Radio, beater, Hydramatic. EZI glass. Wbitewill tires. Full' fac- tory remaining W'arra!Jo/. Lk. VRH 854. . ' dr. H1n:H011. V".' aulOll'Jttlc. rldlo, """ dKk, POWet' ,te-tr1no • llrtbl. Air Olllldltlonl111, f:ZI 1J1u. Conlo'l'1 IOI), !N BZ r.lliJ. Fad •• W1rr1nty •· Wft Cholco Of Colors e AllUndtr • v-1; 1U'tot!Wlk: r.cllo, h••lwi.. "°"""" 1IMl"ln111 Wlllltwlll tlrtt. 'l'lllYI ~ 11nt.r .• 1uptr tlwl,._ 11iW90ld. TID"ll1, . e '68 IONNEVIUE '2995 .. Birlhday S.ving.s on &u wagons. Catalinas -lJonnevilles -F,ord Country Squires -. a.... Impala -:r.roU with !actocy air. & & 1 .,.ss.·-HURRY! • · · ' · · · ANHIYERJARY SPECIAL SALi '1695 '64 CONTINENTAL SALi '1995 THOROIRED DELUXE TYREX9 RAYON . 4 ,U(L PLY '. '18 11 . ~=:: ' • , + 2.20 . 6:'5/7.Ux14 . <f:£.T •. Ee. 7.75iil~ ORAll6E CoooY .DAYTOll TIRf DISlllUTOR \VZ lffONOP. ALL "'GROUP PURCRASf.9' DISCOUNT CARDS WJUii:W ALLS $2.56 EX'l1tA. • 13,000 Mll11 Out to the f1nt1stlt rffpons• pl11s1 do not wilt -llG SAVINGS ONLY 9 LIFT Sl95 DOWI + TA.JC & LIC•Mll 0.A.C S&9 IOITH JI diUAL. Po\YMUU O.A.C. e OPIN 1 DAYS e. · Monda y thru S1turcl1y t :OO A.M. till ·t :OO P.M. Sundey 9:00 .A.M. 1;n 6:00 P.M. ' . SALi •1795 '62 TEMPEST 2 DR. SAll . SA.VE A IUNDlE · OM -THESI: FINE USID CARS " ' •495 ' • I' '.. • ' • t . ,, ... ... )-' j • • '68 1TATION WAGONS -9 PASS .• -36 MO. FINANCING - LOW-LOW SALE PRICES e SERVICE Ir 11RE DEPT. e M .. dey 7 A.M. till 9:00 P.M. Tumey thN Fr;dey 7:00 A.M. t;I 6:00 P.M. Sonic• 01p1rtment Ctos.d Sat. 1JHI Sun. • ! j • t • ' • ... ~· . ' ' I I I r \ I .1 t I I ' ., •• L ,.• •• •. ' ' ,_ •• , •• ,.. •IV•l-1 ·,•;.. ·>''"Ir,/"+,.,.,_ ... Z4 DAILY PILOT Thursd1y, Marth 13, JM Aggies' .Slowdown Threat Bruins • • UCLA Opens Bid for 3rd Straight Title ' By BAllL OUSTKEY Of tM Dllllf "Mt Sllff WESTWOOD -Roger Bannister was the first man to run a fOur·minute mUe. The Yankees were the first to win five straight World Series, Qmley Dumu was the first man to jump aeven·feet. Will UCLA become the flrlt co11ege basketball team to win three consecutive national championships? The Bruins begin their quut ·for that ' cherished goal here tonight when they .. meet New Mexico State In the first round ol the far western NCAA regional~ at Pauley Pavilion. Shpu)d they win as expected this even- ing, and knock oU the winner of the Santa Clara-Weber State game (7 p.m.) for the title Saturday, they'll advance again to the four-team finals at Louisville ' next week. Saturdly'~ cbanlpionship game will be televised live by NBC. Tonight's UCLA· OK, Break it IJp? New Melllco State aame will be canied live on Channel 5 at 9. A Louisvllle.l)Veep would_,&lve Jclln ' Wooden'• aw an unprecedented three straight aqd live out ol &Ix. UCLA lal:" a 15-1 rec<ll'd Ind, even more tmprealve, an K-2 mark ii the lAw Alcindor era, Int<> tonlgbt'• ...... . New Mellco Slate coach 1"u Heooon o. rv r ... ., .. t 9 p.111., Channel IS has strongly hinted he'll Ulrow a atall game. at UCLA 1lmllar to the one USC used Saturday to break the Bruins' 41· game win streak, f6....44. It's po secret thl,t the Bruins have a history of difficulty ·with the, stall attack. But Wooden claims he's .come up with a coun~ weapon that will ""' r.11.,,... .. An official pulls Pittsburgh's Dunc McCalJwn away from New York's Bob Nevin during a fight jn Madis0'1 Square Garden Wednesday nighl The Rangers survived the resulting penalty box time assessed to Nevin and woo the match, 4-3. break open the slUQlah pace. New Mu!co State Is H-3. Santa Clua la 11-1 and )l'eber la :aw. Tile ~· appeal bu been· IOml!'hll leinportd llnce both lanla"Clan ... u~ hi••· loot their' llJll>ell.in -· bOI tho Cllllomiry cm.d ot i;tltfl• ..in 11t on hand AQYWl.Y· • 1 • While tlie Btuln8 u4 \llrff· otlllr 1'111 are loinc at II at Pauley, 11 othn will be. m1J1n1 it 1IP "' the nma1n1111 three NCAA re&lonall al Collep Pert, . Md. (East), Medlaon, Wis. (Mideast) . and Manhattan, Kan. (Midwul). • Hero'• toollhl'• lllpmala match\IJll: •ar 'llt9t s.tit• Cl•n u .. n "'§ '" .. l"'I UCL.A llf.11 "''· Ntw . tt•HI tW f~.l.~ll:-.:"111•1 :~~r-... 111. ,n,~ •• 01Ykf• l2'f.') Yf, !'' ll't (1)..1) Nor!fl C.rOllN tzw YI. ~ (?M) Centers Hit New Low, Lakers Fall SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -When All· Star ctnters Wilt Chamberlain and Nate Thurmond score a combined total of 11 points in a · game, they must be thinking of something else. It probably was defense. Sao Francl.!oo outscored Los An&eJ,. 32-11 in the fourth quarter Wednelday night en route to a 17-15 vlclor\'. Tho Laken won the aeaaon'1 series from San Franci!co 4-1 but It appears tho teams will open the NBA's Western Division playoffs. Althou&h the 8-11 Thurmond hit on only 3 of 11 from the field for ~x point!, he topped all reboundera wjth 26. The 7-1 Chamberlain took only ,five shots, sank \ w o of them a n d added a free throw for five points while w:g .. ging 20 caroms. The win IUted the Warriors' record to 39-39 and clinched a pJaypff spot. San FrancisCo Is cmttntly in third pla~. 12 gamea behind Jtader Loa Angeles and el&ht behind rwmerup· AtUu>la. Clyde Lee and Joe Erna were the big ~ for the W arrion jn the · final period, each ICOrlng 10 polnla. Jeff Mullins tallied 19 of hil 25 points in the s~ond half to help bl.I matea overtake the Laker1. ~llil came off the bench to ICOl'e 21 polntB. , Mier the game, Wmlon' owner Frlnklln Mieull Ure up Elia' contract IDd pve blm a new one which contained a pay ra1ae estimated a~ between $&,000 and 110,000. · LOS ANeaLIS . . ' lhylor I .f.S 20 Co11nt• ' 7.f 1$ Ch1rnblrl1ln 2 1·2 5 ErltkiO!I 1 1·1 5 Wtsl 11 l·f 21 H1Wkl~s J 1.. 1 Cr1wr1rd 1 1·1 J '"''" • 1·2 2 SAN fl'llANCllCO . . ' L111tuuo Thlll'l'llOl!d M11llhll W1lll1ms Ellis Lewis Tv1"1r c ... 16 l 0.1 ' 10 S.5 2S 2 0-1 c t 3-C ~I . ... . 0 1·1 1 Tt11l1 31 21·lS IS Toltls JI' lf..D ,, LK Allf•!K 23 23 21 11 -IS Sin fl'r&nel-n 17 25 :II -t1 Plfllfeil "'1t -51" Fr1ntl1c1, l1lll11110. Tollll f't\111 -l°' Afl!ltl• a , Sfln Frllntllet 2l. Antndtl\Ct .::. ••• f. ?. . I Sports Clipped Short I · corehoard Falls at Game ~ EVANSVIU.E. Ind. -A 1,000-poun<I reboarCI i'n Roberts Stadium fell 2$ to the middle o( the basketball r while two teams were warming Wednesday for an NCAA College !vision Tournament game. No one was . The lighted scoreboard fell as it was ing lowered to chaage t h e names of teams. Apparently a cable came .. American International had just beaten Francisco State 30-75 and players Montclair State and Southwest lJsouri were on the floor at the time. : The aaah ~ while both team~ ere ' around the baskets and clear of tlle mlddl• tone. j "n>e floor was undamag'<I and lhf' · rt of the second game was delaytd -anptly. the Los Angeles Kings could be certain of a victory over Toronto on their home lee . But even that's not a certainty for the Kings these days. The Toronto Maple Leafs beat Los Angeles, 4-0, Wednesday night for their first road win over the Kings In five trie! during the past two years. Angels, Pllou Mix TEMPE -The Cililomia Angels lal:e on lbe Seattle Pilots today for the fir!l time this season. The Angels lost to the Oakland A's (s.2) in Cactus Ltague action at ~fesa Wednesday. California collected ooly lis hitB. Rookie Greg Washburn hit A's out- fielder Tommy Reynolds in the head with a pitch in the third hmin1. Reynolds did not lllfftr a ccncuuion or fracture but was hospitaliled for 2~hour obeena. Uon. D'"'-tt• Test Boso:r WINTER HAVEN, Fla. -Tho Los Anteles Dodgers, who foiled the bid ol the Wuhiqt<>n Senaton to win their first 1arne for Ted Wllllams Weclnelday, face Williams' former team, the Bolton Red SO<, loday. Wllllanu, wllo finally reltnted this season ud qreec1· to become a big league manqer, watched. hit Senators lose M in· 10 inninp to the Dodaers at Vero Beach. Willie Davll' sm,te with the ba&ea loaded In the bottom of the !Dth scored rootle Bill lluaall with the winnln& run. It WU his tbltd RBI of. the day. 'l1le Dodgers flnlahed with 1' hits, thne by Willie Crawf"'11 and two tach by llovla, Ted Slt<more. Ron Fairly and Bill SUdskls. " THREE STRAIGHT? -UCLA's Lew Alclndor, sh&Wn here w9rking against Washington's George Irvine a month ago, is the key to UCLA's hopes for a third straight NCAA basketball championship. The Bruins meet New Mexico State in the first round of the Far West Regionals at Pauley Pavil- ion tooigh~ From the Mailbag Marina Fan Unhappy, Rips Column Suggestion Editor'• note-At lf:ut oae Mariaa mah School student was displeased by a recent column which suggested his school should drop out of the Sunset League because ii could not compete en an equitable bald& in sports. lie.re are excerpts from Mike Tin!ley's article ~'hicb appeared In l\1arina's school paper, Volsuaga: Probably one , of the most popular, well read newspapers in the area is the Daily Pilot. Because this paper does represent Huntington Beach, one '~i~j ' ,!j, ' 'J ***********"***• il WHITE 7 ~ WASH '~ **************" could very well take for granted th;lt it represents the to\.\·n as a v.'hole and should not c o n t i n u a 11 y discriminate against a chosen section. Even though this should be true. the Daily Pilot ror some reason uses ~1arina as a frequent 'punching bag on some subjects. The area in wliich \\'e have been most often bit is sports. In the Feb. 11 issue sporb editor, Glenn White threw a putty caustip 3Jam against Marina, which was entirely uncalled for and undeserved. The story was concerned with the SuMet League as it would be next year with the absence of Santa Ana Valley as a member. The problem is that if the league should consist of an odd number of schools, each school would have to take one bye in each sport. There was an attempt to correct this siluaUon b)' bringing an outside school , Loara, into the league to make an even total. Tb.is idea fell through and the league is again faced with the problem ol being • seven-member league. Mr. White had a clever solution to the problem as he stated in the closing paragraph. "Perhaps Marina would drop out (of the league) if Loara cannot be admltted and that way it (Marina) . could find a loop in which it could better compete -especially in football." Now the time has come for this bat- tered horse to kick back. Certain questions arise upon reading the article, and its validity is also ques- tioned. Although Marina has rested mostly near the bottom of the football standings, she has never been alone. Another school in the league is always equally low, or even lower in the stan- dings each year. Why pick on us? Facts like this do no justice lo Mr. White's articles, so they are overlooked. Mr. White criticizes Marina on its lack of ability to compete in football. He refuses to accept the fact that in swimming, water polo, wrestling. and other sports Marina is one of the major powers in the entire area. Just because foot ball is the major money maker ia no reason to judge a school's e~ sports program. Sportsmanship is the key factor , and as a sports v.Titer Mr. \\rhite is failing in his obligati~ and respoMibilities to build this necessary sportsman&hip, This is not the first time in which Mr. \Vhite has had practice in culling high school sports. Each year at Christmas he presents verbal &ifts to all of the area coaches. One or his more thoughtful ones wu tbe one to Marina -a new football coach to replace our present one. Perhap11 we could sug- ge!it a gUt to Mr. White -a new job. He amply qualifies to fill the vacau· cy in succttdhl.g the famous Marquis de Sade as be seems to get his enjoyment from hurting otben. Because the Dally Pilot is our "hometown newspaper," Mr. White has an obligation to all of the paying (That's right -ten cents paid by 40,000 people every day) rtaders who want to read real news and not a confused and distorted report of a biastd opinion." Sa.P Francisco Absorbs 80-7 5 NCAA Beating EV ANSVIU.E, Ind. -San Francisco State was on the way home to iU troubled campus today after losing in the first round of the NCAA 's college division tournament here Wednesday. The Gator's were edged by American University, 86-75. San Francisco beat UCI in the far v.•estern regionals at Las Vegas last :Friday. 81-55, then trimmed University of Nevada. Las Vegas, 77·72, ror the regionals title and a trip to Evansville, The Gators concluded their season with a 21)..9 record. 'J'.he American Yellow Jackets. boosting · their record to 20-3 with their 14th straight victory, came off a 41-33 halftime deficit to g r a h a 50-46 lead as Greg HJ\I hit seven points in the surge. _Then Joe Callaghan headed San Fran. c1sco back on top 56-54 with 10 minutes lo play. Four times the Golden Gators held four-point edges until Hill's two quick basket3 put the Jackets in front 66-63 and they won going away. Hill wounCI up \vith 24 points, while. Bob Rutherford added 22, 12 in the final haJr. Callaghan had 34 points and teammate Girard Chapman 25. Other scores: South\\'est Mo. 92, ,_lontclair St. N.J. 76 Kentucky Wesleyan 82, Oglethorpe 68 Ashland 41 , Illinois Stale SS Whittier Routed By Higl1 Point In NAIA Contest KANSAS CITY -WhitU<r .College•s 23-game winning streak was halted here Wednesday 1n a second round game at the NAIA basketball tournamtmt. NIT Play Be9i1U ,MOSCOW -Charlie Greene, world record holder in Ille 100 meters, and deline Manning; Olympic Io 1 d l edallst In the women's «>O me.ten, 1 head the U.S. track and field •forctS , ,.-00 face the Soviet Unlon's top 1taJert I ' • two<lay .,. today and Friday. 30-seco.nd Clocks Too Costly The Poets lost lo High Point of North Carolina, lD0-82. \\'hittier was never in it. The Poets trailed by 54J.-32 at the half. High Point hit 56.1 percent from the floor \\'hile the Californians shot a' rold 32. I percent. Fonner C06ta l\lesa fU&h player Tom Reed scored seven points for the lOSlrl w hi I e Read Christensen. ex-Newport Jla.rbor High perfonner, scortd.111. Reed fouled out of the game. •The meet .UJ t.ake place at Moecow'a Unllnikl Sports Pala<t. 'l1le U.S. aquad I ah o will compote In K It~ W•t 1 Gtrmany, March 20 when It will be ned by BUI Toomey, the Olrmplc lllllloa champlon from Laguna Beaeh. ~;The Soritt 1quld will number 200, 1i9mpared with 50 compdllnn !rom the Wnlted Stat .. and IO from other coun- 1 '"· "'""' s11..,rbed , \NGLEWOOD -11 used 19!1he thal I By EARL GIJITKZY ot .... .,.., ,. ...... U you ,..,. enc<>urased by a ncent DAILY PILOT poll which revealed IS ol 20 Orin(• Cool area bukethail coochet """ In ravw ol a -clock for baotetbalJ, don't bold yout br<rth. Tht propoaltJOD wu put to Ken Fa1ans, the CIF comtnltiloner. "One thing people tend lo overlook In dlscusaioM about the JO second c.k>ck is the cost of the equJpm.tttt," he uya. .. ff 11i1 co..t, 81Y, lfOO to put In a couple ol cJocb that will ulUallJ be the dec:ldlnc lador U all othen art equal I'm oure U 11 wortn't fer tho COii and tho added fact that tt labo a mao to operato Iha clocb, ll'd have I mud! better diance of comJnc Into tbt game." . Fartnt. a Balboa Jaland reslden~ ,.., asked for hla peraonal oplnlon ol tbe merlu of a Ume llmlt !or settlnc a shot off. "I think it would be a fine thine fflr buketbaU. I know 1t takes a little of the llralegy a,,.y !rom the 1ame, but I penonally get bored to death d teama stalling out the end of quarters and balm." An ae<ompanylng poU to the 30«<ond clock turvey revealed lb.at. 10 ol 19 aru coaches would like to see the rule thrown out that ellmJnates a player llfter h~ fllth personal foul. Fagant-. ''The concept ot e.Uminating boys because of fi ve fouls ls bad. I think tht NCAA ruks ctimmittec is going to have to eome up with another rule that Is equllaflt. "The pbiloeophy of the committee la that they lry to equalize the oflente aod der.... -Ibey cahl do lt tO a 100 pen:ent degret but they lry." "But J'm for ieavlna the player with live fouls in the game. There•; too much coachlng concentrated on aetu.n, players out of the game.'' Fagana added that he expect.I no ma}Or rules changea to come out of the NCAA'• eonvtnUon In Loulsvllle next wetk. The 12.man !'\Iles committee had nine colltge representatives and three lrom the prep ranks.t .EuWn Michigan, the tournament'• fiftb·seeded team, ~·as bounced out by Eastern New Mexico, 77-69. Kxcept fQr a 35-35 t1e, Eastern New MexJco wu in command for the duration. · Other scores : Maryland State 15, Stout State 83 (Of); Washburn 71, Fairm<>nt Stale 71; C.nlral Weshlnston Slate 91 Howard Payne 7j_; Monmouth ti~ Asht>vllle-Biltmore 81: Eastern New M.ex· lco 77. Ea5tem hllchlgan 69 : Elliabeth pty 118. Southweslern Oklahoma 81. ~ ,- Pitates F,.ce R~htWiding . ~ ' f Year Again : ~ t' ' .. . ·~. ~OEL SCHWARZ _ .. 0.llY ........... The 1*'69l1Juketball season at Prange Cout CoUege was billed as a, retiuilding ~~el\ and whoever inherits the coecbing reigns from-Bob Wetzel ne:rt y,ear wW be laced witfl the satne t~. The Pirates, who ended the campaign w)lb an 11·18 r~. will only have four returning plajters next season. Ho'wever, those four -Pq.il Jordan, Rich Stickelmaier, Jeff Sargent and Jim Kindelon -form a I strong~r nucleus than the Pirates started with the last season. Jordan, a solid l~polll'l;d 6-.f forward, WIJI Orange Coast's second leading 3COl'tt with an 11.8 average and playe,d well during the latter stages of the seaaon. He was most effective w~eh he started going to the offensive boards late in the season and was a steady rebounder. . Stickelmaier' was more effective re· bqunding thart scoring. He on))' shot (rom the flOQr infrequently, but did rpanage to scoce in double figures in Ii.I of the Pirates' i._st seven games. .At 6-6, the 170.pound Stickelmaier wa"I J>Uahed around quite.a bit by the Eastern Conference's more burly centers. If he adds 10 or 15 more pounds during the off.season and retains the aggressiveness he showed in the )ater part of· the '88-'69 season, he ,could be a good one next year. - Ktndelon is the , only back court man lhe Pirates have coming back. l~e'!I a fine shooter -averaging 9.9 this year -but needs a Jot of v.·ork to J.n\prove ball·hBndliiig. Sargent, 6-6, 205--pound forward played mostly as a resel''o'.~ and did his best work on the boards. · Usually playing .a~few minutes he averag~ 3.2 points. 1'11le biggest loss to· the team is guard- fOrward Mike Flaherty, OCC's leading 8COl'er with a. 15.4 . average. He v.1as a: deadly shot from. the corners and wound up the season playing forward despite his S.11 stature. . The 1968-69 Pirates were th!': worst club in Wetzel's three-year tenure at Orange Coast, but he wasn't blessed by an overabundance of talent. Without a John Vallely, Bruce Chap. man or Bat1 Carrido in camp, the Pirates stu1nbled from the start, losing tMir first three games. Orange Coast managed to break. its single·game scoring record in its fourth contest with a 125-95 victory a Norton Air Force Base team but the Pirate5 were able to win two or more games in a row only twice during the season. ' 0 fG l'T Tl' Awt . 19 l)l lOS •-47 U .• '211 1l5 IJ Jtl 11.l ?t 171 '5 191 '·' ?t t J It 215 t ,I 19 15 H lSt 1.9 )t 61 fl 227 I.I 1'l " l ? HO .l,t 21 4 )f 135 •.1 21' 39 ., 125 •.• 24 ,. 2D ,, 1.1 ----------·-----------------------------------~----......----.....-.-.---.------~·-~~ .... OAILY PILOT S!9ff PM,. Mustang Speed Burner Howard Williams of Muir has the fastest 100-yard dash time for Saturd·ay'1 Southern Counties Invi- tational track meet at Westminster High. The Mus-- tang senior clocked 9.5 as a sophomore. He missed last season because of being ineligible. Scvent.Y- fuu.r schools have entered the 48th annual spike- fest. Finals are at 11 a.m. May Be Outlawed Intentional Technical Opposed by JC Coaches The Jntentiona1 teclµUcaJ foul, which Orange C.oast College's Bob Wetzel in- troduced to California junior college circles this past season, may be on its way out if the state's basketball coaches can agree on a new rule to discourage its use. Jim Killingsworth. president or the basketball coaches' association and head coach at Cerritos College, said most of the coaches gathered at the state tournament in Fresno last wefk were against the use of the intentional technical foul, but they couldn't agree on a new rule whJch would outJaw it. Wetzel used the strategy in a number JOEL SCHWARZ and its use can ruin a game." Wetzel got the idea of using the in· tentional technical from Pepperdine College coach Gary Colson. Earlier in the season he told the DAILY PILOT it was a "desperation strategy a coach can use when he doesn't have a strong team which cail't catch . up any other way.'' * * * At their meeting, tbe Jaycee coaches aJso voted to maintain the dunk a~ a legal shot and to restructurt the state cage tournament. Wltll the number of junior eolleges throughout the state increasing at a fast cUp and forcing tbe formaUon of new conferences, the old elgbt-tum field for tbe atate tournament waa too small. Wltlt only eight berths avallable'· dli1 year and 11 conference champions throughout the state clamoring: for a shot at the tiUe, officiala were forced to schedule three challenge-round games the weekend prior to the tournament. Ne:rt season thing1 woufd have been even worse with tbe creation of two more conferentts, the Soatb Coast and the Southern California. Rustlers Hire New Grid Coach Golden West College has a four·man football coaching staff today. Ttie 'addition is 32-year-old Gene 'Far. reil, who comes lo Golden West Jrom El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera where he has served as line coach for the · past three years in addition to roachJng the wrestling team. He will. coach the Rustler line next season, and become an assistant wrestling coach. ' Head football coach at GWC i~ Ray Shackleford. His other two aides are Don Rowe and Fred Hoover. In another coaching appoinUnent an· nounced Wednesday at Golden West, George Beckstead from Westminster High School will become the : college's gymnastics coach beginning next fall. Thursdat, Match 13, 1969 lll.\'f PILOT 25 Sddd"teback _Qtanges 1 • [ -I -I • Guyer .r.a~e.~ Ov#ei;- As Track .Leader. " By EARL GUSTKEY Of Ille 0.111' Mitt Steff coach under Bud. Winter. ' "! appliod r.. tlle Saddlebact. jOb IJst I' year and l'ni ..ally liappy to Ce! JI," Don Guyir, 29-year-old assiatant track coach at Orange Coast College. will become the bead spike chief · at Sad- dlebact College next year. Saddlebact athletic direetor George Hartman made the an n ou ne e men t . Wl$esdlJ,-along wltll revealintl the names of three other additions to the Sadtllebacl< coaching llaff. Goyer'• asslli.nl will be Tom Gi\lner, 21-Year-<>ld bead track <i>ach ~i Foclthill High In Santa Ana. He will al'4l . be • the head. cross country ~· -' Tbe remaining two new coaches are addiUons to the football stalf. be_\ded by Hartman. From El Camino eone1• comes defensive secondary coach Vinee Mct..'ullough, 36. and line coach Dick Stuetl frpm Kennedy High in Anaheim. Those two give Hartman a four-man grid staff. The fourth is Jay Roelen, backfield ,coach. Guyer is a long-time Orange Coast. area.resident, having grown up in Laguna ·~ch and attended Laguna Hlgb, When> hilS!atber, Red Guyer, was athleUc direc• tor·and track coach for over 30 years. .. Guyer went to Santa AM College,_ aerved two;years in the Navy '1¥t-recei""i. "1 his college ·degree and first' coaching. experience at San Jose St.ate. He wa's a 21.5 220 . man and rin· the 440 in 48.7 before becoming a graduate assistant Gauchos Take 10~2 Def eat ' Fr«Jm Palomar ' . \I;' ·, ·-·~ . '".~ar 'Gollege blasted three Sad· d!e~~· ~s for 10 runs. and 12 lii~~'?.:JOtl up ·a 10-2 victory Wednesday, , ~·.on. the Gaucho diamond. The fosS was the fifth in seven game.s for Doui: Fritz' fledgling Saddleback club. The. Gauchos actually did almost a."! much danlage to their own cause as Pafonpr did by having a miserable day defensively. Saddleback committed eight e_rrors, all of.them oJ the ,wild throw variety. 'Palomar: scored three times in the first inrling·.and two more in.the fourth .before Saddieback was able t0 Sc0rc., ' Guyer commeottd. . "We'll be rtmning on the grasi for at least the , firat season . because Saddleback doesn't have a trac» yet but most of our workouts at Coast' are on grass anyway. What it really means is that we '!'on't have any home meets." • The two new Gaucho football ,coaches bring a combined total of 24 yeaf:s of coaching, ezperlence to Saddle back. McCullough has been d e f e n 1 I V·e backfield. coach at El Camino for_ the past seven seasons and previoualy served u bead. coach at Rio Hondo -High In Arcadia from lllM to 1982. He's a graduate of Occidental College. Stuetz has been a coach in the Anabe.im School District for 10 yean. He wa 5 line coaCh at Western in 1960, beld the same post at Savanna for the follow~ mi .thtee seasons and has been at ~en· nedy the poist six seasons. He pla,Yed football at Los Angele 5 CJ:ty College and was 1radoated from UCL:<. • ' . . ' '~ I ' ., L GAUCHO SPIK~RS . .. LOSE DUAL MEET The only. Gaucho runs · were 1 chased in by Dave Vlclc and M,i.ke Derbyshire· witb·fop:rth and 'filth inph:lg ,singles. . 1, , • . Pillo.mar wrapped up 'the gclm'e with' "tAN'CAST&R -~~1te_ an ~xhausting single runs in the ' seventh and eighth multi-event ef(ort bY ·versatile Paul ~ox, tiames .and thre_e iri the nirith. , • Saddleh;&c~ Coilege's track and f1ekt The' Gauchos return to ac;Lion Friday team lost a·dual m~t her~ to Antelopo afternoon in a TOB.d · game against the 'l"Vajley Collea:e .. Wednesday rught, 88-57. Chapm8n Colleg~ jUniOr vahity. ·~··, Col: en~re:ct :sii lnd~viduaJ eyents, ~lae- , • ._ ... (U) . s.•iai.ae11 OJ Ing fn iJI , of them With a pair. of firsts, MCIC .... , If Ollv•, p Stnchel, • Pilmlr, 2b G~rd, lb W•rd, tf H_, lb rl G1rv..-, ti TllU$, t tlucklty, 3b EIOrlOllf, lb _.. r 11 r111 ~• r 11 rli three secqncts and a third. In the process J 1 I l 0.rb',i;hlrl, ·If A t • I I be e!tablished a pair o( school records 1 1 11 N1lson,7b 3 000 • 1 • • o LontnlCker, tf 1 ' o o CoJ: turned in hhl winning efforta on 2 010S-'lllnd,c5 010 ··• s 1 ' t 11urtt11o1c1tr, lb • o • a the cold, Windswept Antelope Valley; ~ J ~ : ~:;._ 1bu ~ : : : track in the }aveJ!n and the discus; 4 1 1 2 Eat>e, 3b 1 o 1 o He tossed the Javelin 166-3 for the .first s o o o Vltk, rt ' ' 1 1 of his records and his winning discus 2 I J 1 Pannlnrton. p 1 II O D 2 o o o Noon, P ' e u o throw measured 129-8. P••~y,P ctot Co' ods m" th•~ t 35 1e n , Tot•I• 37 1 5 1 x s sec n came e SUUI. pu , sc:o..., tw 1nn1n11 long jump and . triple jump. Putting the 300 200 113_ ,: 1~ ~ shot for the first time this year., ht ODii n~ ooo-2 .s 1 set a Saddleback recofd ·or 41-9. I ~ ----- l· l Edison Names of Eastern Conference games, in a vain attempt to have rus team pull even. .. It involves drawin& the technical while Wllll this in mind tbe coacbe1 voted to expand the tournamut Into a II-team affair. Play Ball Baseball -Shoes 9.95-13.95-13.65 Little league Shoes 4.95 Baseball Bats 3.95-4.95-5.95 GoH Ba~s 3/1.00 to 1.00' ea. GoH Sh1ris 5.00 · & 6.00 Five Coaches By GLENN WHITE Of ttt. o.llY .. I ... Staff Edison High School of Huntington Beach neared completion of Its varsity coaching stall today with the selection or five meo, the DAILY Pll.oT teamed ex· elusively. Yet to be named are coaches for swimming, baseball and water polo. All of the new appointees to the Cbarg- f!r iiports staff have come from within the Huntington Beach High Scboo1 f>is. trict. Three moved in from Huntington High. Vince Asaro will take over wrestling duties. John Whitney will handle Charg- t.r cross country fortunes . And Dave ?itohs gets the varsity basketball post. Two or the new head coaches co m e from Westminster. Jim Thompson will J:Ui<le goU destinies and Bob Ralston will coach Edison's tennis team. Previously, the Chargers had picked Bill Vail of Wes:tmimter to bofls football and to be athletic di.rector. And Marina's JohD Myers w11 tabbed to handle tra<k and field In addition to bis dull" u chalnnan ol tlle physical cdu<.UOO departmeot. • Asaro was vanJty mat CCllCh at Hunt- ington wMlt Molul . handled C.. bask- !lbaD. Mohs' foretS were tf.l for t h e 1eason and fini!ihed secorl'd to Marina in the Sunset Ltague. J~e served on coach Elmer Comb!!' !llarf four ye1rs. won one league champion· 1hlp and finished -twice. \\'bmlpson wu h .. d goU cooch at Wes~ minster. game isn'l in progress, giving the op- posing team a free throw and setting up ' center-court tipoff. The idea is to give up a possible free throw for a chance at control of the tip and a subsequent basket. To get the technical, Wetzel would have his team caU time out and then refuse to send It back on the court lo draw the foul. If bis team already had used up ita alloted five time outs, Orange Coast sUll would aak for time and draw an automatic technical "Something hu to be done to dUcourage the UIO ol the lmentlona! technicaJ," KillingnrOrtb. aald. ••A team with a player like Ltw Alclnck.-, who would control every Up, could really take advantage of the Mes as they now 11tand." Three of the EC coaches who saw the intentional technical used against them voiced opposition to its use. "I think it should be done away with,'' said Chaffey's Barney Newlce. "It was created by a loophole in the rules and it's almost unethtcal to uM il Whether using it Is legal or not. is a very lhad7 area. "Wilen 0rance eo..t uaoc1 H. 11 dldn\ hurl 111 blqme "" controlled all ol the Ups.'1 • .. •-rtie rulea lhouJd be changed," aid Cypml' Don Johnoon. "By USillll I~ a tea:m can stretch 30 seconds Into nearly a quarter and it's not ·fair to the rans who came to watch basketball. They \11nd up seeing a spectacle instead of a game.'' Mt. San Antonio's Gene Victor also ,.;d he was agalnsl ll "II'• only ilormft. lod becaUlle ol a loopholt In the rules KUUngswortb said bis fellow coaches voted to start the 16-team tournament oo a regional basis by 1ettlng up Southern California and N o r t b t. r n CalifornJa brackets. Onty conference champions or co. champions would be ln~ited to the respective bracketa and the top ttam1 wOuld be seeded in each region. U tbett art le11 than eight 1eaml ta a bracket, the top-seeded team or teams 1fCMlkl draw a bye. · Allor -""""' " r<llOllll pl11. ... svrvtYlq four team• la eaclt bracket wW be combbted ud 1 single elimination tournament would continue. "All we are trying to do 11 make 11ure Ute best eight tea.ms In the state make the rtaals," KJlllngsworlb said. PRATHER, NERlO HONORED BY GWC Daft Prlllber and Kalsltjl Nerio were the major awards wlnoen Wedn<lday night at Go!d•n West Colle&•'• 11169 Wi-Spcrts Awards banquet. Prather, e.t basketball center, wu named Rustler of tbe Year ror basketball while Nerio earned the same honor for the GWC w~stling team. Named buketball co-captains by coach Oick Stricklin were guards Ollie Martin and Mark Miller. Nerio and Bill llarrlJ •lfred tlle cap- tain '• honor for the wruWna team. LITTLl B 't ...... a s Baseball Caps 2.50-2. 95-3.25 1.10 & 2.50 Baseball. Undershirts Men's 2;15 _ Boy's 1.85 BaSebaU Sanitary Hose ~ BasebCIUs 95c· 1.49-1. 95-2.50-2.85 Chdmpion l-la_ndball Gloves • ••••• 01 ........ 3.95-4.50-5.95-6.50 Indoor & Outdoor Handballs Paclcie Tennis Paddles & Balls -Sq-" Raclcets & lals Ping Pong 'Paddles & lath Racket Smnging Bike Repairing Masks -Fins -Snorkles Skateboards -Whffls -Trucks licyclt ,epm -Til'ft -Tubes ,11 SpMcl & ~an Chomplon SWIM TRUNKS & SUITS BOWS ARROWS -TARGETS NQCKC -POINTS -GLOVES Tennis for Everyone DUNLOP .. Fort Tennis Rackets' DUNLOP Fort Strung Nylon WILSON llAMll Autograph . Ft-ame ......... Frame Strung Nylon 18.25 Bancroft·Davls-Stazenfer Rackets PINNSYL.YANIA Xtra Duty Tennis BaHs .... 'WILSON ' Xtra Dutl Tennis BaQs. , .... 7.95 Mens Tennis· Shol'(h 1 4,95-5,95-7,95-9,95-1195 ' I Men's Tennis Shlris 5.00 & 6.00' Men's Tennis Shoes 7.75 & 1.95 Ladles Tennis Shoes 7.25 Ladles Tennis Dresses Oil Sale All Dresses educed ·25o/o 2S DAll.Y Pit.OT Newport In 10-0 Sltvo -lor ol Ntwport Harbor HICb Scbool blanktd FuDerton on two bitl u his Tar teamznMes went oo a hfttln& nmpqe to 1COre a lM -l<que v1cWJ on the rood Wtdntsclty afternoon. 1' the GO\y other Wodnelday '""" lnvolvtni Oranae Cout area prep teams, visitJna: Marina Gulalugtd C o 1 I • Meu,"5. Schoeltle' eomplttely tamtd !l'ulltrla!, llirWnl out ... .,, bitten uil el ooe lime retir- !J>& 15 olralgbt m<n. Ht receivtd pltnly o/ hittlq rupport from hil · team ln- dudlns I llf'Jl<klom homer by Bob Leavy In Ibo thin! lnnln1. Leavy lllo tlJ>lled In anoChtr run lo wind up the 1 aftemooa with five rbi's. Howml Slruble ripped a sinil• mxl • double lot Ibo Tin, pd for -polr cl runs. Merk QftM and Vmce Moll ..... lht. hil .,.,. In tht -win. -tnjoytd perfed da11 ol tbe plote, wtlb er-ni>Pnc oal lour hill, lncudlal • ... bomor, mxl lloll plllnJ -lllta. -· Du k1lbanlt lrlpled ln I polr al~ -..... . _.., c-. .. -· -· -·· • r lnl I 1 I 1 1 • 1 • J • s ' 1 I I I Tbor!dor, Mm 1', 1969 t1on Swimmers-Set-Marks; Tars, ' . • Vikings1 Post Wins w-.. Allrina and Newport llarboi .hllb «hoot. oll~ 8"""' _,,__ m I 11 ·.-W.a-.y ~ l>1 mnmeJmtnc marCW. .... • . 'll'eolml-lrlmmtd Sanla· Alla Volley, 71-17, behind a wave .of tbMll new ICbool ,_. while Newport lbrasl> td Watern, 7'-11, and Morino tripped Hllllllqton Bead>, 57- 19. Lquno llelcb, n_,..hile, vialted 'I\lltlo and walked aw_ay with a a.IS decision. Bruce Gardntr, Dean Ren- ninpon and Duane Woltlng e1tabll1bed the new WestmlnattrmorU. Ganintr-oel hil ""'1d wilb a 23.S .Uort In lbt IO-yard freealYle. Hennlnpon won lbe -roce, lbt ilOO Individual medley, in :I: 21.1 for I leCOnd w.--mark. Woltln(-up tbt ttcord bnlUlng wllb • 1:11.1 d!ort In lbt brt-kt. Marina'• Don Lippoldt scortd an !m~ve cbible in the Vlbl' wtn over Hunt· lnglon. He llpped lo a 1:51.2 clockln( In the 200 free and later won the butterfly in-67.t. llf•rlna-BB (HHJ, fflnt: 1:U.s, IOI f!W -I, A.iM (NHI. Tll!'lll 1:0U • 100 FrM -t. T11rntM CHHI. Tl!M ..... lot lkdl -1. ...,.,_ INHI S. llMC (NH), TkN: 11•.L a l'rw -I. fir"" IHHI 1. StMltt CHHI. Time: 41•.t. IOI IN .. f -L o...tM CNHl :a. ~ (NIO, Tlrn11 l!IU a fne lttlt\I -I. ..._, H1r1MN' (.lofltllM, Df"l'I¥, Tl..... Sn..O.rl. Tlrrll: 3:#.f. ... .......... ......,. lPJ l•I ...,_ -,,,_lrf llti.r -I, "'-rt H""°' tCll'*-lrl'llth. Honll. hfrdltflerJ, Tlnwr 1:11.&. M FrM - 1, Nlf1ll INHI J. It~ (NNI. Tlll'll: J:lt.L tll frM -L Cftlt ... (NNJ. Ttmt: :w.s. lot ln«vhlnl MM"' -1. Smllll {NHJ 1. ,_11 CNHt,1TlrM1 l :f1.1, tll Fiii -1. Mooi'1fl NH) l. win IHH), TI1r1t: 2U. lot "'" -1. C'llM"... INHI-S. Chard INHJ, TM: 1:00.4. JO IM:t -~ Cllrli:llOll INH) I. QulM INHI. TltM: '1 .5. 50 INtat -I. lm!lll INHI t. Gr111tr11 (NH), TI""': JJ.t. 'JCIO fne 11111' -I, NtwHrf H1rbor (Cll1r..._ H\ldlon, l•khlllor, knox). Tlmt: 1:92.f. Llons0 Vollev tWI t. Htldltr (WJ L lord (W). Tll!'le : 1:14.L ' '9 Fl¥ -1. ll'lndtm.11 lWJ 2. HIMr IWI No third, l lmt: :U.f. IOI FrM -1, L.11>1 IW) 2. Ll!U1 (Wl No tlllnl. Tll'rlll: l :Ol.I. 50 aKtl -1, Phllllel fW) J, G~ IWI No llllN. Tlmt: :&u.. 50 9r1nt -I. ltld1mltl fWI J, l'ltlllr" (W) J.. Orllbn !WI. l...,_: v•. 70I ftM lltlfr -I, w ... 1/0JNter n .. -. Hloldllr, LHlll. P-J. ';tfnt: l ;Jl.I, <-• s 1 , ·-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 1 I I J ' 1 1 . ' . , J 1 l I 1 1 1 I 2 I I I I I I I 2111111 Clllt .... "'• , .... ,,....,,. 1111 ...... lllol'kf • 1 ' 1 .......,., I I I 1 I c...... :1111 ~· ... 1 ,,.,,..,_ rf 1 I I ...,.,,..,.., • 1 •• PlurrllMr, Cf 1 I I QvlMftlll.llY, " I I • TtwMr, • I e • ~.lit t I I Eln,._ 01 1 1 I ~.· 11 1 ..,,.,..,.., rf 1 1 1 LIMlr", ' • I I N ..... , 1 19 T•la »SI ,..,._,..._. a MI C"'1t1,..,.... •at2-I I I Merlnl .......... l• 1 NtwMrt ........ ttt) ... . '. F'-1111,lf .t111 Mllr111'1. C A 1 1 I ""*9. a 3 I 2 2 Urt'f.. • :II 2 • w • ..,.,. d ' ••• .....,,d 1 ••• ....... • • •• 1 M911Ml'I, 1-A I 1 t HlililMt,, " ! ' 1 • "'""· " 1 • 1 1 ......... ' 1. 1 1 TtNlt 3111 1111 ·-... Mrllrtl ' .. ' . ' ' .. .. ' ••• ••• ' .. ••• ••• ' .. ' .. 11 t I ..,...., ........ Piii._ ••t-tl:ll ......, ........ ~lilt 1 Prep Golf ~Summaries •OR SELL SAM CIF Lifts Swim Ban On Mesans By ROGER CARI.SON Of .. Dellr·•lllt Stitt Rtstrlctiou on tbt Costa Mesa mp School swim 1e1m ,.....Uy levitd by tbe CIF UeartivC! COUPcil have been re.o:!nded, lbe DAILY PILOT teanied uclusivety ·from Ken Fqans. commisllonet of the CIF southern section. 11 lllWlS lboi oil Costa M-mp School rwlmmers are eligible to compete In CIF aanctioned events with the e1- ceptlon of the CIF finals. And· another u:ecutive coun· ell meeting will be held April 11 for di.scusaion on that mat· ler. 'Jbe other Newport-Mesa district ICbool under ClF fire. COrana del Mar, wu not in- cluded in the rulinf. "l penonally met with the coocba and pt0p1' Involved at ea.ta Mesa • • . it wa11 the conlflDIUI and my recom· mendatton that the violation by Costa Meaa wu of a dlf· ferent nature than that of Cor· ona del Mar.'' Faaw old. "I fetl lbat lbt Costa Mesa matter wu strictly a technical violaUon • • , at the time the committee levied the penalties It wu felt that what wu 1ood for one school {Corona de1 Marl was good for molbtr (Costa Mesa). "The a:ecuilve council can- not meet until April 19 and at that thnt Costa Mesa may appeal the other penalty in- volvin& the CIF rwim finals ... ly Manin Mytrt -·---....----.- I - • Triwns' Outlook Bright for '70 S.n Clemente Hip School came withln one point of mak· ing the CIF AAA basketball playoffs this year when the Tritons lost to El Modena in <1?'estvlew League action. The San Clemente club held 1 five-point margin over t.he Vanguards with 47 seconds to go but let victory slip through ill grasp. Another one-point Joss to champion Foothill relegated the Tritons to an overall U league mark. John Baker and his SC quintet, will have to improve on that mart next year without scoring -whiz Eric Christensen, a senior who racked up the third highest average in Orange County history and the most ever for a guard. The 5-10 scrambler averaged 25.9 per contest'. Despite the loss Christensen, Baker aays bis club could do beUer in final league stan. dings because d. beUer overall ba1anct and depth. Back for the Tritons will be Sal Lombanli, a 5-10 guard who scored at a 13.7 clip, 6-5 center Tom Gaulden, 6-2 forward Greg Domenchini and 5-10 Dan Mitchell. Others that figure to help next year are Craig Anderson, 1 junior varsity lettermen candidate for guard and Lorn· bardi'I brodJer, Dominic. Rick Mason is another guard candidate, prompting the San Clemente mentor to say onl'l d. his usets will be the depth ol talent at guard. And, like the past campal,gn. his squad will be about the same physically. That means the Trltons will be running: and pressl.nc next year. Brad McCaslin is another forward cand idate from the junior varsity and C h r i s Elllnor ts counted on to help in the future. Ellinor is a and wtll be a junior when DON'T MISS 11-1 !orwanl !nm 1he Btt lelDI the season rolls around. Baker is scheduling tougher teams next yw in hopes of having his quintet better prepared !or the Crestview campaign. The Trltons will be meeting Anaheim High in non-league act.ion and will be entered in its own San Clemente tournament and the Lakewood and Raocho Alamitos tourneys. Mosier Gets MVP A'vard Rick Mosier was named most valuable player on the Marina Hip School varsity basketball team Wedne!day night at the armual Wlnter Sport. De.....t at Marino High. Vince Mon and Buddy Moen were named co-captaina o{ the Vikings' basketball team. Most valuable wrestler was Cfajg Gephart, who alga cap- turtd High Point honors. Ba1ketba1I Varsity MVP : Rick Mosier: Most Improved : Dick Ivie; (;o.Captaina: Vince Moll and Buddy Moen : M o 1 t Inspirational: Vince Moll. Junior varsity-MVP : Bob Btol. Bet -MVP: Andy Thurm. Cee-MVP: Tom Crunk. Fr<l5b -MVP: Rlct Smith. WresWng Variit.y -~fV: Craig Gephart ; f\.1ost lmproved: Bc:lb Haun ; ri.f o st Inspirational : Mike \Valczyk; High Poinl Man : Craig Gephart: 10 Pin : Aody Vorooo, Mike Garrison, Mike Walczyk. Junior Varsity -MV : Dave Beck. Fro<h -MV: Gtne Taylor. -IMl"IM IU) tM) M~.it1191M 'JOf Medley 11•11"1' - 1, fMrlM fl'rlmt, lhloHka,. EY1na, EdmDndlon) Time: 2:02.t. • 200 l"•M - 1. M91"'1 (Ml J. FOii (HIU J. W11t IHllJ. Time: 1:05.7. 50 Fr" -1. Hin !HI) 1. Herr1r1 (Hll) l. Prim• (M). Time; 25.t, 100 lndiwlou1I Mt'dlev -I. Ew1n1 !Ml 7. 8. t(ln<> !HI) l. f1llreotr1ut {Ml, Time: 1:11.!. 50 Fl"I' -I. EwlM (MJ 1. Slllosaka (M) l. HMr1r1 (HI). T'"'et "·'· 100 FP'ft -I. Mlt,.,., IMI 1. HUI (HI) l. llondln tHI ). Tlm•: 57.1. !O llCll -I. lr1u11 CHiii 1. Edll"IOl!ldon (Ml J. Wnl tHll. Time: Jl.7. !O lr.11' -1. Slllos1t1 (Ml 1. C1dr1 CMI l. Kl119 CHI). Tlfnt: 3'.t . 100 l'rN ll1!1y -1. Hllllfl"',_. lt1dl !H.,,..111, lr11111, HUI, Kl1111J. Timi: 1 :.W.,, Newport-Western V1nllY Ntw111rt M1rMr (HJ 1111 W1t1'rl tHirnwl flnltlllt'I tnl'I 700 Mtdlff Rtlff -I. NtwHtt H1rbar CW1rr1n, 1Ctl9h. W 11 '• J , Gr.er), Tim•: 1:50,J. 200 FP'ft -I. CIO'ti'i' (HHI 1. Wllion (NH). Tlmt: 1:!1.J. JO FrM -1. G,_ (NHI 3. Dv'1tl11 (NH), Tlnw : '"" 100 lnCllYldual M..:111"1' -1. Wllc'O• INHI 1. w1me0.1 fNHJ. Tl,.,.: 1:12.t. Olwl1111 - 1. Ourkl11 IHHI. hfnfl: 41V.. IGll l'tv -1. Do..,. fNH) 2. Wlkm fNHJ. Tl""': 51.7. Ill ,,,_. -I, WI_,, INH) 1. Wtrntekt CNHJ l. Grfff INHJ. Time: 5-j.0. 100 Itek -I, Wtrnn (NH) t JohlllOll (NH). Tl""': \:OJ.a. a FrM -I. Wiicox (NH) t Jol\11.., O<IHJ, Tlm•: 4:11.S. 100 8r1111 -I, Ktl1/I {NHI l WI~ (NH). Time: J'f.5. ~00 FrN RlllY -I. HtwPOrt H•rbar !JehlltO~. [)ovfy, WlltOfl, WtrlleO;t] f l!'llt: l :4l.O. ·-N"""'1 H•""' Hfl Ufl W""'"' 200 MNllY lttltY -I, Wfflfll\ Ttm1: l :U.O. 100 fP'ft -1. 1"1rrwr (HH). TllMI 2:U.4. " Fr• -1. T•lmllt ooo. Tlrne1 ... 100 llldlYkfull Mdlw -t. Alfle BUG-IN II the 'IN' event for hot Volkswagens and cool dune buggies SUNDAY at Orange Caunty International Raceway * Off.Road Races * Slalom Races * Drog Races * Big Top Display of VW and Buggy Rplpment and Accessories * Exhibition Runs by 200 mph JHpl & VW1 PLUS -Full Aerobatic Airshow by lob HerendHn, National Champion Pilot Git• Open I .. m. -Rael e.gtn 10 1.m. -Adml11len on~ $2 RAYCOSUPER WHITEWALLS 36 IOllTHS GUAIAllTHD FULL 4 PLY I 00 Of. Nylon Cord Body $22 9!. .. Sl.tl t. SZ.'7 .utT Mii una .... ,... .... • 11.W WRAP-AROU•D TREAD fOR IUR'f MA•EUvtRtllt. •UME TRUD WIDtK AND DUTK.AIDRllllAL • D!DUCT SI~ FDR' ltAClWAl,ll'llltr. I0.000 •MIL a OUALllANTI I .... , ......... l __ COSTA 'MESA -"'"""''""" "'*-..... ,"' 11...,_ llli:M" & Mtn1 111,lf II lltt fll fNE l tlt •u111tu 111•1 ••••u1f, .. , .. ,,,,,,_ ..,,,,, If thiil: -""' """' IM fat ..., rMtOn. ,..._ Pl'( NtMtlt for tN -.......,.,, ... lnstal""- ANAHEIM , ...... l..lllUlll •111111 nw.oa 14~= ...... , ................. • • • • • -·-·,------------------.------------ Ambitious Sailor Boosters--, Slate Games, Feed Saturday Over 11 Newport Harbor HJP School, .,_.,. clubl 1ppar<nily daoi fall..-ui.r footblil l!ld buketball seasont end. Pat -IDd SI. Anlhlllll''• JtrTY 8\1111- "'rfalt led lhalr -In football ·111d ...... also mtmber• of their 1Choal11 · varalty Tile Newport Harbor haleblil boolten, amaoc other lhinl•. have put out a bueball schadule for lhe vanity, junior vanity and ff'Olh.lopb teama ln a wallet-aized card •imllar to IODlething UC Irvine or Orange eo.at Collec• would do for tbeJr sprln1 lporU. Dllkllball - On tho buketball lloar, lilden and Hlupul lf'e look lllbs. * * * ~P rMINll 1tt1 t•Me 1a 8oatlMnl And, lhey've aot .. event alat.d Saturday. lt'1 called an "All·Day Bueblll Bonanza" with three games on tap beginnini at s p.m. CIU!onla -· It -It • npld -_,1o ... ar ... ...,1...,. .. -. A arTeJ eMdadlii '1 Eta Papa, CJll' llS_,,,_tl.-,-aai.. cre•er la 1• If uer JM,IM fMI over tM lK'I flpn. The feature Wt between the Tar vanlty and Mater Dei HJsll School LI billed for ···~··· '''''''"" Accorcllli to Ute uual 1arvey, S,117,415 fm llW folilhall pmtl pl.,..t la Ille CIP Soutben Sectl• la 'U. ROGER PlayGll (llDtl allracled 115,111 of thal total. CARLSON •••••••••••••••• * * * It appean Coote Meu c11ers will bt goin& 7 at Colt.a Mesa Park and follows a 5 o'clock dinner at the .Cbool cafeteria for players of Newport Harbor and Mater Dei, spectators, atudents and families. back to Laa Vegu in December again, along with Newport Harbor. Tbb time lhey'll pby Valley Hlgb of Lu Vecu l!ld Bishop Gor- man. The latter la only one of two parochial school.I In the state. Cost of lht feed LI $1. Ont lhlng about Newport Harbor High School boosters cluM -they don't mess IJ'Olllld. Tbey really get wllh IL And lhey'll bt Involved In ~er double- header -.:Jib Corona del Ml!', hosting Cal High <i Wbltuer· and Long Beach Milllkan. * * * It was the buketball boolten who financed Newport Harbor's participation with Costa Mesa HIJh at the double header ln Las Vegas last Deeember. Tbe npllr l>ukotblll ...... ••• been over for • few dayll at Cotti: Meaa ·mp School, bat eoacb Her1t lhtey bu't 1.ea a letup on lllr a1uda. * * * One wonders wbat tbe odd• would bave inllead 'e'a beta limy arrustar for kls 1ummer buketball camp llepnniq: Aq. S ud null& dll'te weeb II oae week 1e1- aion1. been on a parby bet that Hullllston Beacll, Garden Grove ud Troy, Ute county'• Oree top tum, would not 1arvlve tltroqlt quarter flaal•· of m basketball playoff action. Bir profealoaallm.tt to dale 11 Blll Shar- man of Utt Lot Aqe1a Stan, Doi Koj11 ti Ille SU Diep 11oc-, Jim Jarvll of Ille !tan ud Riek Adtlmu tl Illa Rocteta. * * * Tbt Angelua League had lb a1lltt of ex· And ... , pl Siu Morit-, Ille llllllaal cG1cll at Saa JOM state u a reddeat coaeL It WU Illa JOll -lllal -lllllDbtr foor rlllllled llnll a... ..-Uy. eellent sophomore qu.arterbackr llat year. Mat..-Del'• Bob Hlllptrl, Blahop Amat'1 FRANK PURCliLL Purcell Takes Over AtCMCC Frank Purcell, 49--year-old former tooring go If pro- fessional, is the new genenl mlDlger of Costa Mesa Coon- t:y Club, succeeding RDn Reil. Purcell will continue to be president of Pro-Enttrprl!ts Inc., the operator of the club. Reif LI COO!iderln( going back m lhe PGA lour. Purcell, in addition to his CMCC obllpllons, LI al., lht owner of the Roxford Goll eoune in the San Fernando Valley. He'• aJao bett1 on lht PGA's board of dirtdor• for lht po.!! ab yean. i.. a player, Purcell played the tour in llM, 'Si and 'H, but won no ma)or tournaments. "I pbyed lht tour and tn· joyed every minute <i It," J>urcoll •Y•· "But l came to recognize lht fact lhlt I didn't have lht oufflclent 1tll1' for lhe tour and that I wa better quallfted as• borne pro." Purcell aald ht would -hll lull tlmt to hll ..., post. tloll, porilcularly In the reolln cl coordlnatillJ tbe club'• rour ma}Or tournament.a -the Ctl<brlty ClaMic in June, tht Hall National Open in October l!ld the Soulhem Clll!oml• PGA PrcHm In September. Gymnastics ....... ,,,,, ......... t41 ¥ih ..,..... (I~) t ·~""* <HH1 ,·,;t-=.1,~I 'f'~1tri1 -t. l., lfYt!I ti I 1. MllltM II) I. •• lfYln lll koft: ..... ln '-" -I, It•-I.I.I t. ::~i~llO .. M "' • """' INHI -" H Mr -1. Mllllfi11t Ill " Tr. -WI,_-., 1100 •nlll Jtntt If.I 11 l•A ' .. -1. l . kt n t I li.e~ 11111 '1rf s. It• Oilttl -,:tln~i II* 11orM -1 ltd! INHJ t. lt:tl tNHI I, Dltlfl ill Ptlnlli IU. •P1r11r.1 INrt -I. Mllll911t (ll f; tn (POfl I. ........ ti) Ptlllt11 ~ .. -I, $•1~ /NHI >. J-INHj":I, ZlrnlMf!l'lln l) i"tlflla; \J,). Rangel Triumphs In CMCC Event Skip Rangel flttll • gr•11 75 over tbt Lake Courie at Colla Maa Goll IDd Country Club Sunday to take low 11•11 honon In lht low ...... Jow ntt men'• club event. Rangel bettettd Gary Horton by ooe stroke for the honor. Low net UUe went to Herb GoidJltln l!ld H. Wat..-1. Tbe duo chalked up net Us. Frank st. Pierre (M-17.Q) and Mike Htlke (ll0-11.fi) followed In ltC<IDd place alonl with Dick Hltuman (SZ.11-70), Charles Slmpklnson (1$-1$-70), Tom Erlckton (16-14-71), Jack Clark (11-1$-73), R. A. Moon (95-21·74), Bill Lechner (17-JS. 74) and Gordon Voss (16-11· 74 ). In women's club activitj over the weekend, Menilee Dungan toot finl Olght honors good for second flight honon wllh a net 65. Adrbnna Coote, Pat Fltzpetrick and Hlatl Wtbttt< followed wllh 70s. Rosemary Sk:illion'r 17 was good for second Olght honola followed by Bea Rt(ln Ind Betty Brown wllh 191 and Btv BaW!lml at 71. Tb1rd fiight action wu cap. lured by Evelyn Gonnan'• 13. Marge FltzslnunoM (S'I), Flo Dawney l!ld Elbe Silpes (bolh wllh 181) rounded Olll Ibo top llnl!btn. A be!t ball <i im...am. on lhe Lake Count Friday Pro Hockey Standings N.l.TIOtf.l.L laA•UI ''" D!Ylllfll W l T l'?t.•Pe.I. •11711'2WtH JI 1• 1• ft! ,. '" ,. t• ... 201 11• J) JS ,, " 211 1'7 '° n 1• 74 IOI 111 •• ''''°''' Wtlf Of"tlllM at, Leult ,. n ,, 1t 1• ,,, 0.klMll u JI 10 .. 116 nt lot Aflpltt II 17 ' fl 1,1 ftl PMlt .. r.1111 11 D It #J 1 .. 10t Mlnllffe!I 17 11 U 4 1# 730 Plthllll1'91'1 lf ft lt 41 la tu . ..........,. ........ Htw Ytfll ._ ,lrttbl.lrtPI J O•kJeM 4 or-1 ,_,. 4, l .. Mttlll • On!\' ,._ fCMllUltf TNlr'teWMI Mllll'MMtl 11 ~frffl T-19 If 0.kltild ........... 1198!Mll• Olllt ·-Kl'lllfllltill --"'' ··-lltPl9d\llllll UCI Tennis '--r'.JU. (I) UCI ..~-ICJ "'· O'ffllll fUCll, J.bi""' cucn "'· -koft .. J<). .... 1,r., IUCll ~-CllOlt'I' ((), M,. ia:ftw IUCI) dff. Dr*llf IC), '11.,, (UCO "'~"'" l<lf M H. itt~M IU<:ll 0 . IC , 1-1. • -/H.'~ll\JUC>I ,_ ""'w. ~I ""*"· Hit .. '"' \· -,,.,::~-i.1 .. I U . C•• ,..., won by lht trio of Martlla Ciampa, Pat Fitzpatrick •nd Clrntlla K-y. Tbty had a besl ball of 15 wllh Ciampa leading the way with an in- dividual total of SZ.1$-73. Rita England, Batustom and Betty Jo Sltva teamed up for a II, good for second place and Bulllt Reno, llon>lby Roberti l!ld Nina Danlelaon were third with a 17. Prep Net Results • Tilursday, Marth U, lM DAILY PILQT J'1 Hunt-Safety Oass Set Pro Cage Standings I ~ LI lllll open for a 11!-bour adult edllcation count Ill teachlna techniques f0< present IDd proopective inllrucl'l!'f In lht Department of Fish and Game'• hunter Mitty tnlnlna pro,...,.. Tbe coun. LI being held at Franl<lln Hiib ~ool, 820 Norlh Ave&l\lt 5j In Loi Aqeles. It conabta of I tw .. bour ·clau taeb Moeday nlcbt, 7,30 to 9,30, for ten ....a. Enroll· ment can be eccomplllhed at lht c1... or by phoning Franklin lll(l> Adult Education at 256-2144. Appllcanb must bt 21 or older and must bave a basic knowledge of llreanns. Tbe enrollment fee of $5.25 will be waived ror those seeking credit Inward a high 'scbool diploma and ror thO!e over 65 years of age. j ••• 'IU'"' DiYI .... w l.ht•• hlftlnwt D 22 .1'1 - 1"111 ..... le J1 " ·"' s ...... Yoflt • 1' .UP ' ••fltrl "' Jl .517 • Cl11¢INW1fl 31 • ."'3 16 Dt..-.if ?t ~ ,:in tt'A MllW11*.. 24 fl .HO 2t ~'"'"' Dt1111"" L• AnteMa JO ~' .•Sf .... Allllnhl ~ lO· ,605 4 SI" Fttncl1co '9 :tf ,!IOI 1t Cllk.... :n U .al 11 '-~ Ditto S1 .U .Alt II '""le 2' ... ,)11110\\ ,PIOtftlx \f •1 .20t M\lt Wtflttlll11•1 llt111H1 ' laltlrnor. 111, New YO<t 110 hl'-1 12', Phll-lroh.lt 117 Atllnhl ltt, cri1~90 to Slit Fttl'ICIKO f7«l.W A"I•'" 1$ SMltle lU. SW. 01'90 llt Olllr •-Khedulecl. ,.,.,,., ·-Pllll•dtl!lfllt 1t CllicallO °""It 11 Sin D"9o SM!flt W, Ml!W•Ukfl'e 11 Grfffl llr 901I011 1t Clnc{n'>llll Onl'f '""" acllttlulecl Mr1w1uk" 11 Los' An1111fl Ootrolt II 5•n Fr111C IKO l•ltlmof• V1. Ch1clnn1tl 11 (ltw\11\d On!)' 111'1'11$ 3(htod~lecl. Ktn!Uckr 1nc1i.111 Mi.ml Ml11t1nDlt NtW York ... l11t1n1 Olrl•IMI W L PO, GI :16 '1t .JU - JI 32 .SO VI :u 32 .515 2,,., l.I 3t .Slf !Yi 11 $0 .2SI 20 BEAM & BLlllKER LANTERN 99~17RMEmA O.ltlend 0...111r Ntw OrtMN DtllM LOii Aflt4!1ff ._ ... W.......,..ln~ K"'tudly lOI. Ntw York ,. OIU11 ltt. MW..MQ 100 Ntw Or1-11t 1t7, MW'nl 101 L°' ""'4111\' 11S, Owiwr 1n. OV.rtlrnt OnlV ttl'ltQ tc:'*'ultcl. THIY'I ll>fl• DtftWr ll lei .......... Ktnh1(kl' 11 Houf.JM Ntw Vwt t i lnllllt~ Dtllt• va. Ml1ml at 51, loul1 OftlV ffll'lft CCl'lldult<I. "rtltw't ..... Dtt111 11 New York Housloll II New Or1"11$ Mll'IMIOll If 0.tltl!d OnlV 11,,.... adltdUlld, Calendar • euAa.l.lfl'li:...., -u.-__ .,, • ....... .._. .. .,._ ............... -. _ ......................... __ _ --..-·----. ...... ,.. _____ _._,.,....,..._.,,., -~ .. -.. -~--.,.-----·-· -----· ...., .. _____ ..__. _ _,, ·--,..-----··-----...... .. -.. ----~--- ,__.,,, _________ _ -- Save 'M to 8100 ~~:ci~~::.4• om Silvartown 111 Size Reg. Price for 4 Sale Price 9.00-15 199.80 99.00 8 .85-15 179.00 99.00 8.45-15 157.80 99.00 8 .15-15 143.80 99.00 YOU SAVE 100.80 80.00 58.80 44.80 •Our standard new car tire! •Built with Dynacor• Rayon Cord! • Longer, smoother, more comfortable ride! 7 .75-14 131.80 99.00 32.80 7.35-14 123.80 99.00 24.80 NO MONEY DOWN ON TIRES AND SERVICES TIRE BRAKE REPACK FROIT ROTATION ADJUSTIEIT WHEEL BEARllQS . • c c c .. ....... A ....... -"'!.. --· -· ...... ,. ---· ... Cass 0-4-.....M.. ---c...,.,.. 0-.I ........... lqtini Mardi 11, Ifft ..,.._... .. ,, .. bpiN M.rdl 11, 1 tff COSTA MESA WESTMINSTER JONES TIRE SERVICE L. J. LITTLE'S Big . 0 Tire 7352 WESTMINSTER AYE. , ' 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bay> PHONE 540·.4343 or 646-4421 PHONE 893-5572 ' DAILY 8 1.m. • 9 p.m. e Sil 8 1.m. • 5 p.m. DAILY 8 1.m •• 7 p.m. e S1f 8 1.m. • 5 p.m. e OUR OWN IUDGiT PLAN e IANKAMIRICARD e MASTIR CHARGE ... MISS llADIAL AOl _., M-l -Mohl « h MOYitl. Thi Nemt of the G1mt. 'flit Ouuidtt, nl lf'DNldll on Nit.TY. ~ B.FGoodrich / .. , . f,. I ~ -I • I I I • . , •' . .. 'r . " ,. •' •' .. •' •' " " .. .. . .. ' .. ' " '. ;. ·' ' .. " .. . , . •' .. " " " • ' •' ' " ,, .. . . •' .. ·" ". . .. ,, " ' " ' •' . U '.DAILY 'PILOT Soulhml <lalllornio First Natiooal Bank Friday will add three Orange County ofliCfS, Including ooo in Cooll Mela, through acquisition of Orange County Bank . At the same time, ·scFNB will open an office in San ct....nte, making • wtat or eicbl offitts the bank operates IA Orange County. Other OCB oflicos acquired by SCFNB are in Dana Point .,.i San Juan <Jap!strano. Acqulsllloll ol tilt eighl-year- old Orange County Bank by the • 5 J 0 million-deposit Southern Calirornia First Na- tiooal has received approval by regulatory agencies and ts effective , at close of ·business today. PurchaSe price was given as $2,914,037 ,50. Kenneth Fowler, manager ot the Costa Mesa office at 230 East 11th St., said that a day-Jong "open house" will be celebrated from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. Similar celebrations will be held at the bMk's Dana Point of!ice, 24671 La Plaza; the San Juan Oapistrano office, 31971 'Camino Capistrano; and ($) TlnlndaJ, Mmh ~'· 1'6' Shea Promoted Irvine resident J. Donald Shea has been promoted to manager o( United California Bank's Laguna Niguel office, succeeding Wj.Iliam King, who - is currently on a leave of absence due to illness. DESERT AIR HOTEL and RESORT Ry in •• COPPEft I ROILER OOOM DINNERS l - l 1 . Drive in for vacation fun LUNCHEONS FROM 11 ;JO COMPASS ROOM LOUNGE COCKTAILS Und•t th• p•n•11111l 1wj,.rvl•io11 ef BILL WALSHE P.O. le1C 1017, Palm Da1art, Callf..(7141 J4•·10lJ "!:============1 " " ' • .. .. " •' . " • " .. .. •' " " .. •' .. " .. " " . ,. W e take p\easure in announcing the appointment of Dick Smith as Manager of our Corona del Mar office Micha.el 8. Myers continues 21s Resident Partner in this office erovvell, 'V'iTeedon & Co. Established in 1932 Members: New York Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange (Assoc.) Pacific Coast Stock Exchange CORONA DEL MAR: 3326 East Coast Highway, 673 ·7005 Offices ,also in Los Angeles • Covina Laguna Hills• long Beach• Pasadena •Van flluys ··i---------1 :·:-;::=================::;-I ,. .. " " " .. " " ., :; . ' . " ,. ' ' " CallPSA for home .delive~ San Jose $1 .,,.--"-~ · ,,_ -n •r..., .. ,_..,u Your Money's Worth 5 Facts Lie Behind ..... -. ·-· . . . . ·: "' •• ' - '· . • . . • ••• ... .. .. .. " .. ' • • • • . ' . • • • . . lt• l!!I~ • tii'M" tn.r~ ... .,. • C11 l lM .7! l'l!WMI r•,,.1.n M<N L ... '·" . ... • . :W edri~sday;s Q1isit!g · Prices....,· 1.~ Complet-e -~ .. -c:i..----..,...~---. ....... 1 ~ .. 1 " " ll • ;.:·· •I tn ~r-M !'~ At Clemente t' -~ ' I Southern. C1lll= lrot N1Uoilal Bank I <tel II .:.:: i. will oPeft ill l1n Cluntnte ~·· o111.. on M1rch II ln lfm· _, ;.~ ;irarr taciJltell 11 1001 t. Camino Rell. ~ . -™ bank: llld lhll I -c•minenl facility . will be ~ Ut •n the illlll 1111, l•.,.tld .:.:: .. In U.. Alpha Itta ~ ctnter. Coo>llllGllGll will u aoon a9: plw. art oomo £':lid and lbl bulldlni ahould C(lmpletld 1)1 ltOUJld all -lbs. lhf 11111~ nld • ..:r. w. Jllldrttll .... mlJlllW ol tho Bu Cleente ol!l<O. lllldniwlJI. Id ICFNB tut ytar. . w< :.:·" lhal he l11d be..,. man..., ta ~1ottol lmUtutlon In for ll1«i tllJI lOUr • fl! ytlri. ·t Marlcet Sym•o1.1 • -lolll.Y "LOT. ' I I ' I l ' ' ~ ::r -" •• l,. , -· I ., ~-·,j .... -"' +n. _, _, - + - ------------------ I I I I ' -=--...... .--.. '7..,. -· .... --"' .. ~~~ ~" --..,,,.- ' 30 DAll't PILOT Thursday, Marth ll, 1969 . • . • A • A·lways at Sears . Sansfaction Gu~·rantied : dt You.r Money Ba~k ·!t1 • , • • • ' I 1 I , l • • . ~ , , . - • • '! • Sears ALLS1'ATE Passenger Tire Guarantee Tread Lir~ Guarantee f;~.,;.•ll'td i1. .. ;,..,, All f11iu"" N •he ,;:,., .,..,.1,..,. tl'Dll> ooraa! ...,.d ~ ....... (Jf~cfttt> 10 ma•notJ OI -·· ,,,.....,;p, 1 For n..,. IM>t.: For 1hr l,ft "1 tlor oriJ!i•ol .....i. 'l'h\SeHS li~U lJo.::ll"!'lH ""'I f'\11><• IU,..."'l>'>c\i~.Jon"'<>fl.,!0'1".•ft · .. ~ .. ....,for!br ,,,.,,..p.1,,.. it •h"l!••~ ..,i, <b< rWf"'t"O" of cw""' ttgolar .. nu.,: rriu r lo• f<dtnl &.-...-T .. """~'''""'""'d. Tr,.•d \l\~iiir.Out Guaran1r.1 f'.UMI""""' /iplMI.: Trnd ..._,._ r •• u-.......,ti..1ulllber"1-ht ijla1f1rd. '('J.01 Sun 'l';D·DO! lo tn!ml<"" ,1,.-""'• ft!>(.,r i_~cbol.l<Jljpho °""""' ,..,...1., orll•llll liritt l'I•• fed<nl r. .. ., .. Tu Jr11 di• loU,,..i11JJ t1io....~: Mo111hol~~•"'lllM<i -'Ji.. .. .,oc, t~1<>H Jn'!> ~. 10J~ 2\l"O . . 6.SOxJ:~ SJB.95 S9.4ll 9.47 l.79 .. --6.95itl4 _!._1_?·2~ SJ0.48 10.47 1.96 ---..• ':.:l5xl4 $21.4.15 $10.1)8 10.97 2.07 7.75xJ4 S.23.95 $1 1.98 Jl.97 !?.:?O 8.25xl1 $26.95 $13.48 13.47 2.36 7.75x l.i $23.95 SI J!_118 IJ.'17 :!.21 . ... . TUBELESS WHITEWAlJ..5 21.95 $10.98 10.97 ''24,95 $\2.411 12.47 $25.95 $12.98 12.91 29.9S $14.911 14.97 $32.95 $16.48 16.47 $13.48 13.47 $14.98' 14.97 J6.48 1__6_,_47 $J'i'.98 Your Allstate Pur<hase lndudes: FREE Allstate Tire Monnlilll( FREE All•lale Tire Rotation Every S,000 Miles FREE Check or Your Wheel Alif'Jlment Fil 9i% af All 12.VoJtSys lem 1\mrriean Can. Ask ror l~REE Battery Test at Sear·~ • , • No Obli!('ation! Battery Guarantee free replacement with;n 90 days of purchase if battery prov~· defective. Afcer 90 days. "''t replace the battery, if defecuve and charge you only for che period of ownership, hued on the regular price less trade-in at the time of return, pro-rared over itumber of months of guarantee. 30-Month • . ' Guarantee " Whtl> You Buy lst'l'il'e II a.,.,.U.Trad .. in Pri .. oUIB.9; Plw Federal Excise Tu ind 2 old Tires Yoo Get 2nd Tire forOnlr••• 47 fi.SOxJ.;I Tabel .. Blaekwall Plllll l.79 Fed.Ex.Tm: and Old Tire e Dynacor rayon gives a soft,.quiet ride with no harshness, no thump and no lump •Added strength from 4 full plies for safety • Patented interlocking tread design with thou- sand! of road-hiting.,edges. Sil~i: h~ and c9ntour shouldeliS .give maXimuin control N ationwid,. Lift>linte Trt>atl Guarani<·•· Full t.-Plv Nylon (:rusader . . 6.00113 T11het. Blackwall SIZE ,_,. , ..... 895 Phri 1.S9. ' Fed. Ex. T'l:t -1ndOldTiie T.-..a•Prll9 ... TUBELESS BLACE.W J.'l 6.0<b.13 a9s .... """" .... L19 T.75:rl4 12.95 .... 8.2Sx14 12.95 ~ .. 7.75:rl5 12.95 . 2.21 All American and Volks- wagen Can All 4 Wheel& Only 2988 ·•Chrysler product1 hlTiOJ 6 'llfleel cylirxlers and an with ditc lnkes slishur hisher Aoy oettaury ldditiooal '*" ...i labor 1.vail.hle at Seats Jew, low price ,~-------~----------------------------------------, IU!NA PARK TA 8·4400, 521 ·1530 n MONIE GI 3·3911 LONG IEACH HE 5.01 21 I cANOOA PA!K .340-0661 GllNDAI! Oi 5.1001. a 4.1611 oLYMPlc & soro AN a.5211 I <lOMPTON NE 6·2581, NE 2·5761 HOUYWOOD HO 9-5941 ORANG! 637·2100 Q'.)vl:-IA 966.()611 INGlfWOOD OR 8·252 1 PASADENA MU 1·3211 ; El 5·4211 '-------------~---------"Sotisfo.ction Guaranteed or Your MoneyBock" I PICO \YE 8-4262 SANTA FE Sl'a!NGS 944-8011 Ul'W<O 985-1927 POMONA ED 2·1145, NA 9·5161, YU 6-6751 SANTA ANA ~I 7.J371 SANTA MONICA EX -4'6711 VAll!Y PO 3·8461, 98'·2220 SOUTH COAST P1AZA 540·3333 VERMONT Pl 9· 1911 I I Sea1·s TORRANCt 542·1511 _____________________ , Shop 61!1i9ht1 Moriday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P .M. I J • ... • -...t ~ ~ ~ ~ , . • • ~ • ·f ! ' \ , i J t. ,, ~ I r • ' l • ' • ~ : • • ' . • . ' • ' I .. .i ;.;. I ' ' -• . • • • ' ' ' .. •' • . ,. ' ,,1 . ' ,, ' I •• I ----~---,,----------,,..,.,---------------------------~..--~""" .. "' ······ r-·~~-~--~~,,,,-.. ~-~·•·"< ·--... ~ .. t • ' • ~ • • • ' ,. ~ • .. • • ' I ' > \• I I ' , ' .. • \ • I • -' ' ( • • • • , .. ~ .. ' . ~ ·' '. ·' ' OU9'T0.•Ml~D ·.-. . ·VINVl. PAINT .. MU "~VJNYL·.COTE" ' ~ . . ~ • 10oOc:Ul1tiltn1~ CIOlol'I • ltw.tJrtJ. ~ . ~ ................ 398· =Ctll: .''.Ull , .,,... ... ~ , ART ••. MARKING · PENSl·f 10' Colon 5Qf.~ PAllllPAI: 'Oll1I ·25c ' Piii:! ... ' 7 IN. ROUU & PAN SET '\Ur' GOOD •t .. - EMERY CLOTH JlC I x 116ft. IMDTS L\. ''100% PURE '.BRl~LE I PAINT . : ,BRUSH ' ;4'1ft..w.i1 , N'(LON . 4 ·1NCH' , ~PAINT; .BRUSH ·=j UI '79 1 ... 6 FOOT .ALUMINUt,t. STEP 897 . LADDER u. COMPLETE SPRAY UNIT ODI ~95 PllCt .JU ' 9x 12 FT. PLASTIC Dr.op Cloths ' 15c .~Et ; . ra. 1 INCH 1' ·5' C TOUCH-UP • ' · •USH ,., • • ; ' j • . ... I ' I I !- 3! DAltY Pn.OT LEGAL Nar!CE 'Thursday, Mardi 1', 1%9 LEGAL Nar!CE LEGAL Nar!CE LEGAL NOTICE QUICK C1fi.h M, ••rt•fy ... 1 ••• 1 '''""· ••• , l'lif •• 111,••1· tlffl,l'lht i111l•1 11'1'11tew11 14 • tie~ cif tfit DAil Y flllOf. ' .. -w• "61\lbY. PILOT-WANT -ADJ1M91, . fO ~ .... ~., .... Af••·~~.,a f'lMI ....._, Ceut • Pliiie-tn...n ~ ttOU ... l'OI. ULI • HOUll t POii &ALI HOUllS POii ~LI . HOUHS FOk l~LI • 1• • • ~. G-NI 1111 Gwrel IMI llWrol 1000 Oeftor•I 10id UP Ol~ SJt; rLL •1v1 PLAYGROUND , -•..u.• IJOVI ' AllSUJi& "'" •. A. ..... ...i IT to YOU , All ·~illldhton~. lllm lhlt ... .,.. rouR · STRAIGHT f~¥J'C .. 1 VII ' ~:.:= ·• :xi~:~'~ li 10li 1tt lll!ifMIOCI In & Thia l"'UlUul a 111\ l!Un- ' wl:t~u~ and· • EW..Wter • n d dlll> .fi:'~~c:"ll ~;2): obllll 11om11 ~ ., tt YOll lbtltliii i'OOill·-!lllil , dfillld, 11t1 ""'*" clcloli • 1 NIW!lo!ri iJ.111111 I! 1 t ino.U in ,..,,. · 1 . • !"'!' private l!ln . tarpeltd. Q>rnl!• IO~ • ::,liaol ~II blul • l"'lllltl. JUI! lnade lot '·; 3 .. , -· with ,.., Hid 111111 -slid I Wk lolldl ..... ' ldl. Ni.~& Ill•• . . n1111 ·. loltol·tllllt.1....... ~111*' lbilll. !..ft Iii r1~11t.hl ho~ .. ,,.. e:·Ju~'-~ i -\ o"':~ ttbi . •· s s~r':f.:"~1/~ d.;Jf( ,..,,, bll . u.t i_, ,,.":., ,.,.. ."';".,.. ·ou11· tn a bliuWul~ V! • tfo1 boat. cani»:_et ur-rental Virtl~· ttilflabt. 1'4% ' Ocewlde ClhunltUt.)': I ' * • • t Uhlll. 3 bedrodl1UI (Ot 2 l lolh ~~H "~UIUmed • ili.100 .. ; .. , "EWllAllT Hlllllf.11 . .• di!•> u1 bath&, 11teplace, w1t11 lill nviath ,.,.. i • Cllf. Jobi\ Abell ' .,. n ff P'Vll! , tlllt~u._pawd alley, dou. 11ient1 .•. c..~ P"" ' ~ \ ', ' • Weil toclllcd attracll\ie lbrf!l! back )•ltd, thtn ptione tnl ~Uri' · U wn TO-' .; · Mt ,r.i:!lill · •le p ...... tarse ton<.'Od -~· GI I .... : " • ' } • ·bedroom, \'I. bf.th home at l«-4687. I am llllilfll . t • ~' < ' w&•a-• l<llh IWilli\'OOd·fLO(JJI! 125.IOO bYI il "°" oome f'llJ>-' ',· 1 POI f, · ,1 ure vle~ wJMO• from rur check~ 1n hand, ('*Jo'# ~ CMn ' ,.._. "" ~ ptUtef,walb. ·!<&rt• ptc. lllJ1r .(I'm th • Ourry) with •• ,t; I<• FASTI FAST! ACTIOlll CAU DAILY PILOT CLASS- 1.FllD DEPT. D I A L D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • Vlillnt i!l4 IC(• It ~. l story 4 bdrm·• tamibt room, compleJeb' repaint~ inter.. ior, rich nylon w/W carpets A ~pe1 terraced k.ltc~n With ~t.ln eleetrle tte· )evef n.na:e A double oven, dlah•uher. HUge muter bdrm with own bath wit& whitt putlman·. top A oval basil\, Khnftock ae&mles.s ahoWtr. extra la.rte ward- robe cl.Ollell, Buy on no down VA term.a or lO"A:. down..,_ Pfice $30, 750 • .,.eat ~alue. \ I ' ' A-' ' I I I 11 ' I Q I >I 11)111 11a1mr, e.u. - --.:::~= = BA"IOA POINT ' Relax~· !onjoy th\1 2 Bdnn. ·anct convertible' den home in top ·wea· of AM Mpits. spacloul ·~ UW..;.rm. noor ' to ce1Hnr + fliilplace, white brtek,. 2 blth&; patio. extra slzed Jot 1' block · to inc r o 0 ill o\lftlooklfll IS 11150 down) ,I'll llvt It I uUM lllril!ri, liOlc~, .. fu )'illl oitaJ,bt. I'll 1&ii! 1"'i ~ t and Jlwtt ;.Orchl"'. ttcila, (That'• u ttral&ht. &I ' TOii ubl• 1•..Ue ;-hit """· lean ~u. . • ·iii 414 -..... eu»r .,,~~rted lo · Litt •an Rent to,lft I : .Mii ~UOl\olt. lldn! 1'llJt • I ft [ liot.t or 11(0" IJ<bm pav.tl 1 ••.oo Total Pmt. IOYl'I lllley. l'ut1 Pm 0•I1 · b liaW" 131 900 bll.nU wlll help ID> !lo a..U "'· '""'"'• . lllt IUYI ' ' · • ~ etllllna 6% ul · '""'· • · j bd111t1, 1 ba11u ptui ,.p. os c4~n•lltfl1 C•M'.I JllL 11111 MMlll Eve•l"P c.'U 846-5300 , Huven 1101 Ptdloe11 Tha WorMlng Min Sllti per month coven all for this G,J, retil~ With a :IW. tA loan to u1ume. lt talrl)' aparklta with 3 lf.f'I'! bed- tOom11, new carpet& a n d Oool'I in kitchen and ha.th. Culhlln dlll!!l-IH ~I !lnffl ~illllll>· Covered ill!lon PA· !lo, ""'liihop, and lilt• Jlliffd ;old. JUI! $19,llO. trtte dtn, custom t&odr ,\o A·!outh of1tbe !twt. -.,."1 ciUU. jock .tlrepltd, bit wlfh ~ .cGM'rD -· $1fj)lil tna, fotttd air ~allnt, new ' ., .. :-11 •l\ol ,.,..u,,,. s .. i eo.1a 606 t.11 · uirltt1 c4li!: 1o11 .. "''· CtJJ 0~· f · -,+ 1.-srt nll . Jdnf 1iJr 4 car'!. Plf -10UI outaide Jiv. uw . . • -1,44.aoo ORANOi cOIJN'fY'S . LARGIST 211 I , lfth .SI. 646-44'4 ,.,. I . 6W_liiii t:loanl ... nt, NI MliffiM I !It °""'" unll + 2 ~enlal Utlli. Ex! cellfnft . , ·rlter -art ck>u1 ·II · ~ · 0 :, .RllAlln' . • 3629 'E. Cout lilw'1. Cd!.! '7Ht30 ' Pelt hrrttt hilly : llrtttnt• private Bay beath -.Ocean• "For A Wlae Buy'' vacpt, ready to move Into, only w. 750 • 0 000 """'· Colesworlhy & Co. 8llJ '*Ii 1--""-M_mt._A..,. _os_P_EsN'"'l"EV'"'V"'EES::-._ m; !. ::boaL eTvoV. N e. 675-6000 ~-· BONUS ,rl:m: • ..d,....,1 · 1 ba!h l•l\111, ROOM hbffl•. tuloh1rl hit 1lee. bulll·ln1. -8lldlfll 1la11 doctNI il'Om Ll\ and bet\. -.. tll 1 Qh\'tred pi.Uc. -113.950 lull $1111 tlwtl OPEN EVES. 'TU.. II '48-1313 841-1111 t 1l f< ~J J::l\ I . r 1\ 1 · 1-: 1;_, • ; -·--·~ , D • . • ilo.r.YMI Tl by uaumtna G.I. S'4 % 1oarr • includes taxes & insurance too. Specious bedroom•. AU electric built-in kitchen. Jr. tltate sized yard. Sprlnk· Iara. 540-1720 TAltBELL 2155 Htrbor $19,450 $110 Dn/$16' P•Y! all flllr. 642-9730 EVt'l'I. 548-0TJO e KENNEDY Double Duplex· PL\JI 4 ll\1 ~ blthl, 1unktn uv1111 J'OOm. fully cUJM!ted, aQ llullt·ltt . kitchen • extra C}tJn at fM, 7&o even an l&l!: !i1 h16ted A tUtered pool ls lnclUded, llALL 040-l)JI 11:~!1 c~t~rlllf,. ' ttf•kr cash offer on thl11 cute I bedroom hom1 at bnck of Jot. A1k!nt •11.10D. Zoned R-2. !MMACULATI Split levl!I, cu•lnlll hulll 4 bcdroon1, and paneled llt!\• Uy Mm, Lower aundeclt, upper bal""n)'. "'lr.;-:in vte1v, f!Xctll9111 bll)'., JEAN IMITl41 kt&ller 400 East lltl:I, J:.'Olla Mesa u;r . john macnob Panelled famtb' t"ODITl with, red brick fireplace rlclt green cl.rpets, scr- , vlCO porch, heat & clean S txlrm, OW~r anxlous- u;,650, _. ·)1· ,,.,, l~ ,, . 546-59911 .. (oron1 del M•r 0'lN HOUll ,kll>AY 1 • 4 Co1np1cl &: chal'mhla i lh home on choice wrnef iUt. Y•rt 1hort walk to bffpfi. tu l411i11ro111 Av•• -a.,lltT. Eas11ldt I \\'•lk 1o !!th l""'i •hopping. IRVINl TlllllAtl ,-1 Lesa than t10,0IXI ;tt· Unit Newly redtoorated d lied· I fret '-olear cbelor l 1 wlth lO~t down on lhl1 ter-room hofi\ii with all fttl'# 6't. lft G1end.ale hear Loa rifle packqt deal. No bet· pellna. llWif.ij, elf<! ldtchlh, OWner wn1 trf.de or sell .... I Id! ·•• 1 dlni1ll MM 13% down. Will carry 'ti~ · tcr jooaUun or prov Ill• bre..uu tnt, _ '!.t!. at ?\i~ lnt~st. The'Dritlf , . -·. f hg . No Yi~&tlcy factor~! Set lo-oUlce • .. u '' ••" • • • t&i,u It "!,IOO • J,ut will ilibt ~ Ilea~ •. tu: on ..,;,... -I Call~-• ~ ~ WI llLJ." HOME (7141 ~ ~r olten. URRY r "". "*ar•N'bii.1, tr&ll<r . W!l!Y 11 MINIJTIS 901 Dover Ort~, !lull• llO lllJ ~-:~·1~.~ ,.J~ ~t~.~ · alker.•Lee~ a -Ill LTV ~ l4S.SllO U=su &.. llllS W, Bali:vd.,·N.B. ·--...... 204.1 w,at~IU Dr. "' t7 OU!:!RIALTY 646-T!tl OP'!• ~-I bdnn· ' t Mme •11~ ' . •W •IMi',t:M. WISTCL I,,_-t""1111 dllil!W "'°"" ~ • • + + , ( Abandoned by u-anattmd tut -• llltt lamll!> llldMlh Hiii $) 500 I owne.-. S!o&clouo 1tvlnc-100m "-· o,mor -inc Eut 611 y;, lolllto Bl•d. · 0, 'Vllh Ofl"n beam cetllna • 2 Wanta quick ult. Nt~ltett le•ch, C•llf, &110• •tttP>•""• Move 1n ,.. Arnold ' frtud · morrow -~ l't• '" wllNr of a pilr to l..ef:uDfl Beach, ~~ OPEN~~:r .TIL I 11as1':!8 .. m, lTt11.$l, ~J:11111 ~Iii~: ri.. ~.!;.:.! "'D~~IOsONVIR~'°h I $46.f313 8'-T1T1 Vt•• i • t I• it llftnter, r>16-5460, Eves~t !il>Q! rr TO YOUI<--Jt_••••l•I• H D•u',d • • ' 'IO t~.i-IQATE ~ h Uf Of oor < ' · '"'" . '1 i ~J·~~!:T ~·~,. :.:'°~-ttui.i~vP..OW!:,fl · · ~ * . , * ;, eofl\Jlett le•lh o( ;;alO 11. z °"'""' kltchtn with Rlrv1S ll""NS 1 ... LU•uriou.o .... ., f_ 109' dn, 9Mi9' Int, ao ),elf'I fltlJJ'lr. Cotchmtft'l pt I No loan fftl 2at 111. ft of In wt: like yard, ~ uvtnt &1•1: ·s a I Bllt 211 TARllLL lffl Horliif batha neft CJ.'tl/drpe, com· .. ~!!lll!llJ!•!l!I•~· pleltb' redecorated. Some JUST RIDUCID with •.low. 134.1100 6 up. Of· ror ,M;.;.."'" Aile lk.'e: SJI SAn JuAn, San turn Dijiix . S3!.d Cltmente, tModc:l.11 (I p • n GM ... w· 1111-d1tlly) 492.em or ~. · • .. ,, W. !. Lachanmyar, ~ltr lle•llot 673-<l:'lj() Evc11. 673-1~ Tliurtdly, Mwdl U, 1969 DAILY Pl~ot 33 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES l'OR SAL! HOUSH ,OR SAL• ~·"'AL~ • , AL~ • 1210 • ·--· -b 1705 H-,Unlumlihocl I -~Ajlll.f!?:.!'~vm~h~•!••!__ J210Newpo.i Hgll. -.---1-. . * * * ., Newport ~ 3200 Nnport lloodl 4200 '11ous1s ,OR _SALE HOUSES FOR SAL! HOUSES FOR SALE Ii"'••"•'···· -·~ -.-:.l~OOO~~Gon~~~.,~·..:.1ii ;.,ii ;.,ii;;,.ii .c.ii ..:.ii"'· :.;ii1~000i °"""'' HOUSES FOR SAL! 1000 Oonoral 1000 . Drive by 328 A._., Ne~ HekJhb :;1e~!:= 3,.! 11!'~hHO::-:.= ~;i:..z..-: .. ~~: ,!: 0111Stan4Jng Value 1y 0.WMr $34,000 Cost• Moo•, c.111. ~b~I•miic!.->IMlil ~.:! :.i"=~ ,You have only 23 OAYS lo lake ad- vani._ge o( our 6~ % interest rate on the beautiful new homes or Ran· cho La Cuesta on Brookhurst at AUanta in Huntington Beach. Our lender must increase his inter· est rates on April 7, 1969. All that is necessary to assure your- self of this low interest is your se-- lection of one of our 3 or 4 BR, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes & make your initial deposit of $500. Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 any day from 10 to 6. ' 16th & Tuttln -Co,t1 Mt'' ADULTS Most homes are built with only children In mind. We bave live homes designed for the comlorts and !Ull of adults. BeauUlul lo look at, room for bobbies, private office, separate dining rm, gw;t room with bath, 3 car ga- rage, walldng distance lo churcbes, Westcllff sboppinc, nnd restaurants. 1% with 2G% down -71'1% with 10% On. no 2ndl -no points -29 yrs on b•lance Prlc~d fro"! $30,950 to $33,950 lixclualve Agent p. a. palmer incorporated 'J1T7 VIA LIDO Tr•cl Ph: 544).5113 From L.A. Coll MA 5-M34 ' ' ---·- Lo el ~--3 •·•--'-b •· 1 al V• are ....... et • p&lf' BAY O.UB APTS. r Y '°""'' """'"'"" ome, ~rge Ill • " _,. to ,., B, at Now Heights 3210 at Uth. N....... ~ 2 bathl, dining room, living room with at· ..._ •l t>e ..-.,. CHARMING -;-~ A !1lf) 6'$-0550 tractive fireplace, lush carpeting through· c 0 •.,••t1 o • Ollntlf!r, d~ 2 Nth home. w/w GR.ACJOUS lfvirc! 2 BR. out, drapes. BeauUCuJ trees and plantlnp. M&ttll 1 t 11 r • • r • tL carpel£. drape.. Eutskle mob1l homt, comp. rum., Call owner !or appolotment to see. eotne • a117 ot our ' Cost.a Meu..Clole to shop. pool, clubhouse. $125 Mo. brucb oflloa u4 pk:k ping & park. Nicely ~ E. C.t. Hwy, Sp. 221, ap yow FllEZ P*UM. landacaped )'IU'd, covtrtd Newport Sch. 213: 245-4763 *· * * * patio, "''Y quletl==========-1 I OCEANVlEW lot $1,000 bl'igbborhood. $19'5 pr, mo. Cot"'OM det Mir 4150 Newport 11otc11 ll!IO Lido lalt USl -. ba1-J>,500 ot $15 A"'1a,.. ... Immediate oc- l -;;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;;, 1 ·;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;:;j per mo. Dwner "97-1210 cupancy Write Box Sl2 c/o 2 BR. f1,1rn. nr. beu.b A I• 1' RENTALS Dally Pilot "'°PP"'· 1115 yearl,y. LOVELY' 2 Story A,. You Strloua • • • H F 1 •-• NICE 3 bdnn "' ......., L)Og 6'l>Jl53 about the need of a lovcb' OUHI um,,._ term adlt terwrtt. $:225. No BAOIELOR >.Pr. tU.rnlaMd Spanish Modem pvt patio. kit w/oolt ..... 1 s•-2 5 1513 ~·-2 """""' 185 Month 3 •-BR, 1 •-1·-e •-, • R1nt1 1 to fMlr• 005 dop. Aft pm. ........... ... " ""' -a. ~ hardware, Small Bd off Jae Dr 548-'12S9 Adult. DO pet. 6#-2562 &howen, mod kit. w/bl.tns, muter _ 2 othl!r 1---------- etc. L.rg formal liv nn, frplc, Bdnrul, 2 bas f YOUNG ~le workina: rirl Cot'OM chi Mir 3250 Balboa 4300 B-&Que, forced air beat, R. c. GREER. Realty wiahea room mate bet. 18 1-------- crpts, Tenitlc area, beaut-3355 Via Udo 673--9300 & 24 female. Call 8 to 5. CHARMING 2 Br. 2 BL; a.EAN Bachelor AP"- ilu.I view. Nr. &y &. Ocean. 645-0101, after 5, 213 : trpl., new shag cartp'g., All utll· lncl $'1'S up Priced for last aate r only ~195. wood paneling; beam eel!., !15 E. Balboa Blvd. 54B -1444, 646 -1711 1000 Gonoral 1000 155,000. Great Family Home RESPONSIBLE malutt lady patio; ~ to "'°PPin• • BALBOA l1U$45 1 000 Gener a I 1000 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; II ij!ii!iiijiii!jjiiiiii!!ifi!iiijjp I \Vlll submit your tenns. wW &ha.re' 2 BR. 2 BA apt beach. $.1()1'.1 Mo., yr. leut --------1' ON THE allC!H agt. ..,.._ •""'-64~1559 4 BR, tam nn, extra lg• Jlv· w/....,, Call 646-9184 aft "3-34.16 Lido lale 4351 Gen•r•I 'HORSES! 'HORSE.S I DOVER SHORES POOL TIME BAYSIDE Villag• in Back ing nn wHh '"""" area. 6 pm. l.SE 1325 • Oceau V~w 4 I-BDRM., utiL pald; 1ar., Designed&: built by IVAN , ExcluaiveOUnaCovehome. Bay, N.B. 2 BA, patio, Nice big patio. 50' lot. Gnu.. Wanted to share 2 Br., den, 2'Ai Ba, din rm. 1 adult. no pets.~ )lo., ua}.. year around. living -best carport, crpted, drpd, !um. $79,500. Xlnt terms! BR. apt. w/ pool sso mo. See 12-5 Sat '16 Halel Dr., ~arty. fi13...007 Ew, Santa Ana Heights. 60 x 200 with 2 bedrom home + 2 car garage. Completely Jenc- ed. Gff:at terms. WELLS. Unequaled forq Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba. Pr!v beach, pool &. LIDO REAL TY, INC. Call aft 5:~ CdM. or call (2llJ 'l95-8213 I :::::,;======I lty & elegance, VlEW, -4 pri-' to scll ' .. -tat •ro 500 t ........ Boat .i1 ·-'" 1~ '"""" ...., • .....,, cu ,........,,.,-. P avtw. 3400 Vta lJdo 673-8830 $175 MO • 2 BR. partly turn. Huntln.-n lt•ch 4400 $13,500 Bdrms. 3 baths. atrium. By appt only Lease rental. $93 per mo. l~~~~~~~~~~ICo I u. 2100 ••• R J W. d Co CORBIN M RTIN a • _.. Stnve, ,.-., ~ts, drpt, oy · r • A Sacrifice! $9750 Ca s b, u,. -r _ · IS.-•tOllire) · • Ad I -•-•---••-H ti"' •-· h 1•--gu.'IOOMarguttl,.CdM. 2 BR-2 BA OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 J-·-REALTORS u ts, nope .... ~~. un "•'°" -c -QUIET, cute clean maple 1842 Santiago Dr. 1)4&.1550 .,..... E • .. ··t Hiwy NB. :w6-2313 640-71.n THE rJEAL E STl\.TERS Brokers Note: Desk space available ln beautiful active office Corona del Mar -low rent Call for Confidential 4 BEDROOMS· $25,500 interview. 1 BATHS -"0$" DOWN 6154044 Qv.·ner transfe~ • Living I i=======E room with attractive fire-] • place, "Enclosed covered pa. Like to Entertain? tio. All electric built-in kilCh· C&ll to M-e this en. Dark room or hobby 675--5200 shop. 54()..lTlO 3 BR. p\115 3 e.8, cozy dii11ng/ TARBELL 29S5 H•rbor family rm. 2 trplcs + play NEAR THE-BEACH-nn. Enciosed ·poo1 separate 4 & FAMILY $19,000 FWY ~~ic:.'·~~lty Wow! 4 bedrooms &. family ~· 2. baths, .beautitu1 -517,950--:-wow-1 - kitchen with built ins. New ... LMOST 1, •cRE drapes. Wall to wall carpet· ~ r4 ~ ing Room for boat or trail· Laree sunny bedroom1. Huge er 'Hurry can't last 40 x 200 v e r y valuable Fo' · E 01 · I growxl" CUI• kllcl>en • ox· rest • SOft ftC. tm eating area. Gracious 2299 Harbor 645-0303 Jiving room. DELUXE DUPLEX New 3 BR Unit! Peninsula adjacent to Ocean & Bay $59.950. 7% financing avail. Balboll Real Est•t• Co, 7(1 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa m-040 TARBELL 842-6691 HUSJ.E.ST markeq>lace If> town. The DAILY Pll1lT Oaulfted aection. Savt mooey, time I: ettort. Look now!!! THE Q"lilCKER YOU CALL. THE Q"lilCKER YOU SEU. NO MATTER WHAT IT. IS ••• rou CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Service & Expert Assistance DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT Commercial Bldg. Small 3 unit near 17th & Newporl ffivd, only 6 years old. $400) down & owner will firiance balance for you. Ideal for. user • lull price $21,500 Newport ., Victori1 646-8811 3036E.C01istHwy,CdM ~ ·........., • · Furniahed 2 BR. utils, 675-1662 BY OWNER in quiet, res. SEE this one before YoU bl.iy, lndry, pool $1.50. (Sitler for '"!!!\I!!!!!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Westcliff. Well kept 3 BR, By owner. Take over my Infant available). 170 Del I"! H Sh k R f 2 BA, fam rm. All elec 6% VA Loan on this 3 Mar. eavy a e 00 bltns; ·clean crpl!, drps. bedroom home. $134 ricrl ========= Eastside cul-de-Ac, 3 bdrm, th Thi · u 0 Prof. lndscp'd 6: maint. mon · s is a you pay Coron• del Mir 225 lg Jam nn, GE kit., dish-Chldm's play yard; pet -principle, Interest & taxe11--------- wasber, cpts/drps. $28,950. area. $43.950. \Vkdays & with just $4,82S down. All OCEAN VIEW Beautlful ex_. _ .... ERNIE""-• eves, 642--1598 ~lectric kitchen with bullt·in ecutive 3 BH, 3 bath. ref. Food pantry o.H kllchen Available now, $475 mo. CLEVELAND POOL & T1!NNIS7 tn oompi.loly p •• '"' d Rel'''"''" ...... -. Huntington -3400 Sponbh •ll'I•, ""'°"'°' (ur1!. Sha& carpetirw. sell dean- FREE RENTAL·BOOK ing ""'"" prM.te entrance Drop ln and Browse &: private Fundecka. Adult 3 Bedroomr 2 Bath, fireplace, living, near beaches. 1 le 2 Enclo.!ed yard with Patio. BR, 2 BA from $170 to $225.' Owner transfe!Ted and says ~~ l..,.ot$165.00orwillQPilon --~ to purchase. ......•-•• Walker & lee Plenty o1 room. 4 bedrooms garage, 1Dx21 coYtted patio. Don V. Franklin, Realtor Realtor 3 bath & forever view of Carpeting throughout. By 673-2222 '7682 Edinger Ba.ck Bay. 64&-4414 owner • Private party ====;::::=== 842-4455 or 540-5140 19822 Brookbunt (just No. of Adami) Huntington Beacb (714) 962-2981 Eves. 646-4579 r: 143 Broadway 645-0111 ~=~ J <FtrmJ 962-7689 Bilbo• lsl•nd 2355 Open Eves. BREATHTAKING lPtlt& 1ln\£stat~ inc~~~P!x~s~f~!Hl% 2 BR. beaut patio, avail now HB=;,~~ndBe~~ ~; UTILITIES PAIO 2 BR & baclL Hid. pool &ca Knoxville, Apt 0, RB. OCEAN VIEW bath. $1942 down. Medal.lian 'tl! Jun 14th. 115 Crystal, bedroom home, all elec $3900 ON. -MOVE IN! BALBOA POINT home, blt·ln elect. rana:e, Little Island. Call a.iter 7 built·in kitchen with ref. . • ~4 • Clli;tom built home, luxury oven &: a:arbage disposal. p.nt. (713\ 697-3675 Fenced rear yard with 3 ROOM apt, for rt11t dderly features. Master bedroo1ns, Roomy 2 BR, newly dee. w/ gas FA heat, water heater. KtNTAL$ covered pallo:C a r Pete d couple pref., no Jllf!ta. no 2 batb.s. Exquisite built-in frplc. Loe on lrg lndscpd lot W/w cpts/drps, dbl garage, HouMI Unfurnl1h9d throUihout. 1 room made children $80 per mo., 410 appliances. Electric gara;e near Bay &. ~an. Shelter-patio, fenced, sprinklers, --------lnto nursery. Prefer fam.illi Ocean Ave. after l p.m. door opener, Jr. Est ate ed patio w/ cover. By owner. landscapln&:. General 3000 with baby A: 1 or 2 small 536-9192 rrounds. Walled patio. $35,!m * 675-2681. 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;; children. No leue, mo tohg .. u=1E""T"°"'&-. a=E°'A'U"T"l"'l'=UL ~~7ELL 2955 Harbor 3~~ ~~~~t60~~0~ '9f¥~HP 1:v1:i.~~c-~i~:. ~ncy~~· ~~ C:: Ai:ts :.~ii Br., utU. pUl ======== Prefer trade for acreage beautiful condltior. _ $150 ditions. 962-7689 17676 Cameron, Hunt Bch. Coal• Mou 1100 °'1771' will oonsid" 0"~" 548-PRICE REDUCED ptt mo. COZY I BR ""'"'· wilk to l ====='====I beach IL downtown. New G•rden Grove 4610 . I 5'4, % loan avail. w/some BEACON BAY -2 BR .&. carpets&. paint. Small ya.rd. Swimming Pool Owner's Spec1a cull, 3 BR 1%. ha, 18xI3' den, or 3 BR. Community Very nice. Avail. April lit. SINGLE Young Adults Lwr.· ""~""""""~"'""""""" Hot weather is coming -see 3 Br., or 2 Br . .rr. den, eus-sep. fam rm, frplc, cov. pa· beach. pier, tennis cout -536-3l:JD7 Wi' garden apts wllh ~ Three Wishes this pool. Nice 3 BR home tom \VestcliU hom~. many tio. Owner transfen't'd·VA $450 per mo. SPARKLING,•••••,--"· lo try club atmosphere a.nd ''"'"· nr storu &: schls. or rnA terms. John Mcnab Realty Co. -M" w1U11o U peace, comfort, location on Eastside prime area. oo..8235 beach & shoppini; 3 BR; complete privacy. SOUTH are important to you, look $3500 down and take over I ==*==Ph::;'::;"''='644""=-='==*= .~B~R~A~S=H~E:A:R~R~E~A~L~TY~l~~~!f"r':;;;:'":;;~~ bllnl, secluded patio, pool BAY CLUB , APl'S. 13100 this over. Convenient to 5%. % loon. $26,950. I h 1110 8!7..J531 Eves. 968·!179 $150; NICE 5 rm. triplex; ~ maintenance; many ex.-Chapman .Ave., Gard• n NewportHela:htsgrade NewportHegts Wolk To Beach pa.Uo, gar., cpl!, drps. tnuJ.S195Mo.~7954 Grove{n4)~ school, and all shopping. 2 9: <iJ ~ PERSONALITY PLUS! Sharp 3 BR home, carpets, Family OK. Bkr 534--6980 IMMAC. 3 81'. l Ba. home; ~.'»>;to, _::;. :! "plc:r.-........ 3 Br. 2 Ba. New crpta, d.rpll, drapes, heavy shake roof, Sl.85; Olx. 3 er. 2 ha. Condo. avaiL March; ref's. PB9 L19Vn• BMch ~ t E A L T T bltns, 1400 sq ft. Detcbl:I atrium entry, quiet cul-de-home; pool, w/w, patio, Month (213) 35S-0368 4705 feature&. · 3 bedrooms., 2 Near NB Post Ofc. 646-W.4 dbl gar w/elec opener; sac street. Priced right • fncd. Family. Bkr 534-6980 I=========-Owming 2 BR, near beach. baths, !irtp!ace, cpts. and alley access. By owner. $28.900. GI or FHA temu1. ::==:;=:=':===="I Fountain Valley 3410 $225 mo. Year lea.et. AdullL drapes, double praa:e, con. Prine only. 64Z-876'1aft4. P•ul Jone• Re•lty Cotti Meu ~100 Newell Associate.a C!H-6594 crete drive, large fenced Country Club·Est•tes ' 8471266 Ev ~7124 ""'--------HOUSE WmI POOL ATTRACTIVE, clean 1 BR, back yard on.S<hd30 FI'. R·2 Immaculate 4 bdrm + din.. B•lboa Coves 1215 • es. * * * * Beaut. home; 3 Br. 2 Ba. near bee.ch IL town, near lJJTalla. Thebl ~ is hll?t tparto much! ing & family room, poolsized BAYFRONT wilh boat slip -$20,500 .. 4 BR L. R . Pl•van Family rm.: dishWa!her; new. $135 lie. 494.-2882 av e 1" t 11 0 yard6:justacrosstbe1treet Downtown area. Cape Cod 1120 E. Balboa Blvd. indoor/outdoor frpl ; wool · · easl!kle C.l\f. Hurry. OWN· fro I the M V nl large 4 BR, 2 BA, $00,IXKl C ('f -tg.·, hid. pool. -~ Mo. .c:N I ALS m one o esa e e Stucoo, 2 sto-.o on_l,.-e lot B•lbo•, a I , ~r ._, a... U fu (·•-• ER, WII.L SEU. FHA!! $200l dn. 529--8100, 378--0891 •J -• pool serv. Incl. 962-4915 ftf'tL n m -6#4687 C.ountry Club Free11.'a,ys. This near Hf school, Lake Park. 8 HOUSES 2 Bedrooms. Each Income Units $72,000 Monlhly Income $850 Wellr.McCardle, Rltn. 1310 Newport Blvd., C.M. 548-7729 Eves. 644-0084 won'l last long. Eistbluff 1242 Hu alley acce!lli for trailer You &n1 winner of a p1lr Lanunl a.;-hJ7os Gener•I 5000 545.sggo or boat. Easy terms. or Uckels to the Bo a t • rnearcinemattllfltrtl FINEST family area. Well Ted Way Rlty 536-2579 Show at the Anaheim l·BR. unf., canyon Acres Dr.) 6 LLEGEREALTV designed5BR3bathhome. 4 BR 1% BATH Conve ntlo• Center, 1 Or 2 adults only, $95 VE·N OME lSOO Adanls at Karbor,r.M. Carpets, d r a p e r I e s, $22,950 J\tareh I t II. r o u I II. lL Month, yrly. 528-82'11 fireplace, private master I tJ bl . 0 Come to any of our 4 RENT•LS IMMA,.." ... TE API'S! suite. View of hills. Large W w cp drp Ir. t·lfll. n br&Dch otftee1 and plcll: "' o..u~ 3 BR. 2 Ba., by owner. Cpls., back yard. 2836 Alta Vista. quiet cul-de-sac, GI, FtlA up your FREE pauel. Apta. FurnisMd IMMED. OCCUPANcY drps, lg. tncd yilrd; bit-in ~ •• 1192 terms or assume 5%% loan. ADULT &t FAMILY elec. kltch. w/ref. &. For appolnbnent _.... (ALIFORNIA RLTY. 1--*c...,,=*~=*=-*-Gener1I -4000 SECTIONS AVA'nABLE dishwasher; quie t street, FOR RENT l-'--~--------lc1 t Shopp! p rk close to schls, Easl.!lide.11;;rv;i;;n;e;;;T;or;;ro;;ct;;;;;;:;;;1;;;24;;5; I 1714> 897•1005 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, car-RENT ose 0 ng, • $25,500.837-6417; 642-3863 1• FOURPLEXES pets, drapes, built ins, cov· 3 Room1 Furniture ::!.Br' .. 2 B& Traru:L • HALE CREST e e 61/2911 LOAN ered patlo ~ fenced yard. $25 Month 9 Swim Poot, Put/srem customized homt': hd11.·d Do You Need NO VACANCIES Near schools and ahopplng. e Frpl, lndiv/lndry fac'la firs, nu crpts. 3 Br. 2 Ba. $39 950 $175 per month. FUU.. OPnON TO BUY 1145 Anahtlm Ave • ..... tot. l Zl,950 • Ow""" a 4 BR House? • Walker & lee (Relrtg .... tors A"'1abl•l OOSTA MESA -~ \Ve have tWQ • 4 BR hoUseS FlRSf PIONEER No deposit o.a.c. ASSUME 4il% Gl loan, 4 with pools, Irvine Terrace _....;._..:842-lill=..:=---l 2190 Harbor Blvd. at Adams H.F.R.C. $95; LOVELY 1-Br. apt. Br. OPEN HOUSE. 548-ll68 with excellent financing. Vacant/Desperate 545-9491 Furniture R1nt1l1 Part. furn. Sm. pet OK. The Doyle Co., eves 675-1977 Sali'sbury R-lty n....n 'Ill 9 p .M. 517 W. 19th, C.M. 548-3481. Near all. ma. 5J4...69Ro ..,.,. SUBMIT A ON PYMNT ~~ I :1568~~W~.;i..~cln~,.!_Anhm~~T1~·~2l!OO~j;:==::::====:::::I 315 Marine Ave. ASSUME 5% % LOAN T·PLAN for rent. lovely I: . SlOO S.lboa Isle. 67U900 lovely 3 BR, dininc area, l\fesa del ?)far 3 BR 1 ~ar n::~;tll.f!:Uy~ ~~~w/~l;C;°';';';M;·;·;';;;;;;;;iil CORNER lot, 2 story, 4 BR, e • family room. lease at $235 per manth. 211.i BA, den, din rm, fnced I~~~~~~~~~ HAFF DAL REAL TY Vacant & ready. A a: t • Broker 534-691:1> pool, play yd, nr Cntry I 1250 8740 warner. FV 842-44!'.6 546--4141 Costa· M... 4)00 HARBOR Club, many extras. Avail Coron• dtl Mar 2 BR, gar, patio, crpts, drps. -------- Jwy. 148.500. Owru-54!>-3519 -· -··-··-·· ···--Huntington •IDve, rolJ'lg. Tropkal ,.,. $25 Wk. Up GREENS OPEN House SaUSun. Love-llARBOR VIEW HI~ H•rbour 1405 ting. For adults, l bUt. lo e Stw:Uo I: Bach,apts, ly 3 BR 2 ha, family. $25,!m with a v~w. for sale by ;.""°:;;;;"';·:;11:.:;70='m:::o;: • .;."""'7:-780:=-=c I • -lncl Utill l Phone serv. BAOlELOR. UNnJRN. assume S%7o loan. Owner owner. 4 Bedrooms, 211.i SALE-BY OWNER &SIDE 2 Br. tpt. beam cell, e MaJc1 Stn1ce. 'IV avail. from $100 Mesi Verde 1110 will take 2nd. Sot&-1170 Bath, living room, dining TRANSFERRED yd., patio. Adl ts, no peta e New Cafe 1: Bar AUD AVAILABLE ~O'lC~E~A~N'l>.~R~O~N'lT!"l", -~-I 1-=='======= I room, separate I a u n d r y 2 Story 4 BDRM, 3 BA Col~ $138 Yrly 673-7629 2376 Newport Wvd. 548-9'15.5 1 • 2 • 3· BD"" ~•• Y C 11 P k 1115 room. -pool size yard fully ·ai 3 gar Near schools, • l\,IB,. modern 3 BR + f o ege •r P'--ni . car ' 3 BR House 1 BA. Crpll!I, HOlJDA Y PLAZA llea•-..a n....1 .. ,_., ... n..-. am. rm. laoclscaped. $49.950. ....ne shop'c A: transportation. • F ___ ... a.rd u:u .--.......... uuu .....--. S5CXKI Down. 833-D!7 Owner BY OWNER: 3 BR. l~ BA. &14-ZllG Low down; avail. Juna l5th. ~~111907&: slove. ei11.-.:\I Y · DFum.ELUXE, spacious 1-Bdnn. Center, AdJ• to Shopp~ - DAILY pn.or WANI' ADS Family rm, frplc, lovely llOO White Salls Way, Cd!4 16831 Harknen Circle, .~-:;,;::::;.--:=-;;:::-::::' apt. $135 PIUI util. No pets allowed BRING JU!WLTS! patkl. Assume 5% % IBA. 846-014" 2 BR. hou8e, $130 Per mo. Heated pool. AmpJe parkina 7100 Petenon Way, a.t Uar- $24,900. 54()..5566 1st & Last mo's rent req'd. No children -No pttl bor A: .Adams, Com. Mesa. General 1000 General 1 OOOGener1f 1000 Newport llooch 1200 NEW -CHARM L•gun• Be.ch 1705 + 125 an. .... ...-1965 Pomona, CM 5'6<l31tJ Ocean Wvd. Price reduced =;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;:;;;;;;1~::~:;';~:""=3';~1$125il2inMMO~.~D~~~.:-:J!M~oblliil,'H~ .... ;;;;,,\'!!!!'!!!!!!!!l'!!!l!!l!!!!'l $@\'.tJU~-~£tfS" Sol .. 4 Simpl• Scrambled Wor4 Pw21' f<n' « Clsuclcle o r:;u::~ WO::. :: low '° form folJr thnpM. wgi-dt,, IMOTCIA I I I' I I' I HU SOE • 1 r 1 I VA'iElt I I I I' Why '"""' ogolnat mod-ern mini-skirts when there'• not - -10 talk· about? ' FLYTAL ; I 3-tl ~,.-1.-.. 1-"1 ...... l"''-.l-t 0 f;"fri~ :-the~~ . . • • • _ • you d..,.loJi born ~ No. 3 t>.low. :• r:m.~\'I:"~~~ ... I' r r 1· r r r 1· I CJ ~~'f"' '0'1 .11 jc I • I IF I I ~ SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9600 * * * * F. R. Devlin 5861 Raph•el Huntington BNch, C•. to $75,«Kl. Owner wlll fin. • "'-"• del Mar 3105 comri. fum.; htd. poot NEW 2 BR. 1% BA. crp ance. Income Units Adults only, no pets. drpa. ell bltnl Incl' dlbwr Or•ng• Co.st Property H1ndym1n Special• CLEAN 4 BR 2 ha, blt·lnl. F'our Seaaons Mobil Estates 14!'1 patio, !ll!P pr. $US. 332 ~rite 673-8550 Loe. on Oceanside of Hwy. trpl.c., dble &1U'8.ge. $230/mo, 2359 Newport. CM. 548-6332 Avail April L sc.«JST 150 )'d1 from Beach. 4 Ip Owner 4l 54&-5580 BEAtrl'IFULLY FURN. EXTRA 1ge 2 lid, w/w c:rpt&. YOU •akod 4 It? Apl unlis, need< paint & SllO Jmmo<. cleant 2 Ir, pool. drpt, blt-inl, .-pr Vou are wlftnlf!r ol a pair Excellent So of Hwy Duplex! eood getwru ~p. p(). MeN Vetde Adulll, no ~ti $150. 22i1 $125. Adults, no pt t 1 .. "·.... •-B t .... 30~ on_,.-·• ou' TENnAL INC 0 lf E EX· ,,..,._ .,_ ....., to ''""' e • ........ e '° ~¥-~ ... CEEDING SlO,OOO A.NNUA.Lr 3 BR. Fam/Din atta. med lllaple, St().6566, M2-Cf«J7 ~ 8how at the A.aahlf!lln iaJ'? Ask Us! $4,IXX> Dn. LY Price $69 950 yd; dbl frplc. 8 mo 1ae4m $125. LRG 1 Br, clean, quiet. l'M"OO""'ERN="2"'""bd,,,...,l;-:\l;-,,ba,:-::-J Co ave• I Io a Celltf!r, CANON REAL TY MISSION REALTY 49f.073l wtr pd. Avail 4/L St0-3955 Beaut. f\lm. Wshr/dryu, elee, Crpts, drp1, GE kite JW•rch I t It r •a r h lL ~ E. Cbut J~wy 675-3581 IWI• So ~--t '··-·na -...... Mature adtllts. encl, pr, Ill' bus. $140. Adlts Vome to any ol OUf' f RECL 3 BR. 2 BA. -• ......,.. ' ...._... N-rt •-.•ch 3200 n--• SHO 1FF -~...--v. 1920-D Wallace, C.~f. MO'. 124 E. """"'· braoch otfkoel and plcll 1 cl 1 not I--~ n ex us ve area. ~ LARGE l·Br., bl.1111, dhcwr. 1 BDRM. l'ii ha. M4!9& ..... OU:!"""~ !And. U°"" l:i0,000. By INCOME UNITS B/I Mg. 145-B '"""' SL 1125. Apt. Pvt. P&tlo. blt· owner. 673-3681 Oulltandiqr, but re.ntal atta. 642-8017: 5'3--1914 Garap w/w crpta. -mll! l•ycr•I B•-1ln ======== -·•ted year i.round, yleJda TOWNHOUSE ••• -'" I 1 1300 --~ •·••· • Naaau -·-· • "' -r~al family home; .. BR. Bilbo. Pen n1u I In f'X<.'eU of $13.!X» trOU· Split Lewi s bdrma, 2 -Ull .--.... _ ;;;""'"";-;;::-;:;:::,..-,=:I A:· den, pl.wi tam. nn. plu• Owner saya ''"11 now" and Double 1 a r a 1 •, carpets. 1 A: 2 BR. • Pool LG DLX 2 Br. bltlwr. 3 BA. 51Ai% loan. OwrMtr wW ak1 in fln&ndnr, dnlJl'O. J'l.replact, fl I e c. 177 ~ 22nd St. 60-M drpa, prJpatio. Newty dee; trMa, ;42,950. Prtn<, only. Bye lye-IUY I LOS PADRES RealtY buUl·lna. ADULTS ONLY .. BACH.""" fl>!. beom ftll, ""L bL Adu!,. SIU 1612 Irvine. $6.-1231 Doll HOll.tl! on pen: 2Ul.a 62'1' So. <but Hwy,. f!M.81133 ................ $26$/month. w/w cptJ, prlv. pttio.1 AdlL ,.,-==,-:=-;:~==-I HELP! HawaU bound, muat point: thl'ff bedrooms. OM Mn.. Fay no fl!ll $95. ~1629 2 BR unt., cpta, m,.. Ill .. n my lowly 2 BR. 2 ..... half batha, -· Open r ... & Sun PM lay & leach I-BIL. -........ No Wiii ponelhw, I ddld lge dble prqe. Near cban-.NII, • ~ pots. m Monte Vista, c.... Nr, bnch. $115. -BA Condo. Im~ poa. nel and pubUc beach. A Re•lty, Inc. $27,500 terms. ~ u Jewel, Reduced to $38.250-1360 Blue Blrd e&eyon I.Ai· 00\ Dowr Dr .. NB Suite 2'll Mesa 3 ~ \Ulltl.ln. EUbklt, no • ., 613-ll6G IURR WHITE, Rltr. lfUM, 2 BR • den, 1 mil< 64$,1000 Ewa. ll4U966 ;;:N:;tw:;-:;:;rt=•::-= __ .=::,::200::.I ::~, !1:;1a ~: - I.JOO SA nds 3 Br. 2 Bo... 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. fram town. $34,500 • rood , ·r-· --.n "' walk tD beach. Lovt:ly com-675-4630 Ewa 642•2253 . tmn-. c.ona1dcr trade for BAYVIEW Beaut.v: 2,ID .' 3 --2 BR.. Crpta, drpl. muntty pool. Mkt W°L vacant land. Rltr. Bit w/a.11 the amenltiei:. BEACH APT. ·Nbw .dn pr, 1 Chll4 OK. No pafll. _•,....~~921~=~~-~ WN"1 JUS'I WISH b sun~ IT'S ~ tU:VEL.AnON tbl F"liol, ioU. s.4m'· S 3 5 0 June! SUndeck. bUns. pr, Rtb: req, $125. W-1111 * BAY VIEW Fto lo! &' thin& to lumbh -bon>e ~ 1011 llnd In 66-ltll > I Br. cpw/drpt, $llt5 ,,.. 2 BR. cpia, d>pa,0 W""' x 11<1' wf plans. $34,!ltll. , :-;-, !Ind Ctt•I -II too a..IJled -QM tbom D41LY-"1DI' WANT ADS. !AM8l4 dad.J.<!. + pq, JUI mo. Owner 5'8--72.49, 5'S-Cn dtT"• a...totd Mit. nowt Al..,. • GooOGI SOCK lT TO '&\I! iillta o.ib'~ --~~-~---·-•••'•IM o ff..._ ..... 1·+' .............. _._•••0••4 41b,•J,l\<l.+.l,1ftll\Alh;;-,.J;..'.r&w lr ,4 -\1 ....... .,.~ ..., ..\,ta::;. j -" ' . \ I ' I 34 DAil. Y PILDT RENTALS Aplt. Unfvml- -------·----· -~--~ ---==,--·-c-===-:--~-=-=· ·-.--,-,-~=-;; , ............ , .... , .. ,, . . ... :t~·•· · f !~1 • ~t t ,., ••• '"!t~·.:~ :·· ·· •••r,!:: •• ~· .. t. r ••t Find Your Name Among Classified Ads Win Free Tickets .WESTERN NATIONAL & MARINE Here'• Bow To Win: J111t ~· ft,. ,_,., .. ,h4w(• Jt111IAN •oi•tr+l.!111t Mdl ... If Y•• fi11.I ynt .,.,.,, .,.. .t11 tw. fre1 tick.ti to tl11 W11t1 111 N1ti1111I lo•t A M1ri111 Sh-. C.11 fer tlck1t1 at 111y 11 th1 four DA.ILT PILOT 1fflc11 111 -th1 °''"I' C111f. I JJO W • .., smJ Jot FIM '"""' C... we.. H11tlfl .... 1 IMcll JJ11 ..... M. n2 ,....., ........ """"-...... - Tickets Good Any Day -March 8 thru 16 -Anaheim Convention Center Rt:.~ 1AL) Apia. Unfurntslltd KEAL EST A Tl <Hneral REAL ESTATI! Generel 8US!NE~5 ind flNANCIAL ANNOUNC~~NTS * and NOTIC~•-s ___ I ----....---________ ,________ -* ·4 * * * SERVICE lll~ECTORY L1nd1<1plng 6110 6060 R-rt Property 6205 Mortgagoo, T .D.'1 6M5P _,_,_oon_1_11 ____ 6405 __ 1. 16 UNITS. $175.000 &Dn.ial •JfAVE S80.00J. Pdvtte mon-YOU Mlllt be aoeM to be 5705 Bu1lnH1 R•nt1I 5100 L1guno Booch Poor Men'• Friend CUSI'OM LANDSCAPING * 6£1234. * NEWLY DECORATED 2 Br, w/cuport--$llli Dbp. ~ water pd. • nr Khla 21.!K "C'" Placentla Aw. • 63M120. 1 BR. wlftlm $Ul. Aval! 311 -2 -1 Br. JUl"D $130 up. Heated pool, no pebl, baby ok. 1887 Mol11'0\lia, 6'6-41Sl 2 BDR.b!, 2 Ba, CI11ta, drps, adlta, bit-ins lndry nn gar. SJ.40. after 6 pm 54().-8616 3 BR. 1% ha. Children weJoome. $150. Mgr. 862 W. Center ApL 1; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 2 BR. studio, unr. Cpta. 0rpe, blt·inl. 984 El Camino. $145. """""' SJAO ~ NEW 2 BR. Apt. Steve included. Qdldren OK, DO pets. * 548-2751 ~DELMAR-lc~le, c:rpta I d.rpl, blba I refrg. $97.50 • 545$10 Nowpori BH<h * * * Marg1r1t Zlotlllng PO Box 783 5200 * Huntington S.1ch, C•. Yo• are wbmer of a pair Gt t1cketa te the B o • t 8bow at the Anabelm C onvention Center, Marcia I tlaroasb U. Come to anr et oar c branch ottloe• a.nd pick up your FREE pu1e9. • * * * TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2~ ha. w/w cpll, drps, frpl tncd, patk>, elec. bltns. 2 Car ..,, pool $275. 642-1219 GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 BA. cpts. drpa, bltns, encl. pr. 4730 Hilaria Way. $185 lse. (213) 981-7039 Ent Bluff 5242 e NEW DELUXE e 3 Br. 2"iio ba. apt. for kut Incl spac. mstr. suite, din rm. &: dbl garage, auto. door opener avail. Pool I: rec. attL Nr. Catholic Onll'Ch & school & Co1'0Da del Mar High. e ONLY $28t) e 837-871 AI.1!gol Way, N.B. LEASE • luxury -view • split level. 2 Br. 2 Ba. apt. 842-3530 Corona d1I Mir 5250 ~-~'?; .. ~ ON TEN ACR13 l .l 2 BR. Fam I: Unfum Frplc1 I prlv. patiol/Pools. Tenni& • Conlnt1 Bk!BL put. tin&' green. 900 5l'tl Lane. ow 644-2611 (MecArtbur nr. Col.If HW)') NEW !·Bdrm., garage : carp., drapes. bltna. $1!iO Leue. Adults only 67J.ai35 B1lbol 5300 GRACIOUS Adult lJvlnc. Ocean &: Bay view. Spa.clout 2 BR. 2 BA., walk tn clnsell, beautiJul carpets & draperieL Pool Boe.I slips for tenantt. Subterranean -.m= -Lido Isle 5351 UPS'TAIRS 2 Br. 2 ba. bltns. C.,U. ..... "1>1. 1225 I&>. yrly. lease. 6n-38l4 BAYFRONT 2 BDR. Prlvt Beach. Ftttplace, PaUo, $325. 61>-2837 aH. 4 Huntington Buch 5400 EXCLUSIVE ON-THE-BEACH 2 & 3 Bedroom Aph. t.oxury Uvlna to pleul the 1l'lOlt dlscrlminatih&• hW available at The Hunllnalt1n P1clfic ~ 7U Ocean Aw .• lLB <n«> m.1m B Sj>lnllb """· ..... ..,,,... ... atU clwUrc O\ .. ftl,, prtvat. .. ntrance It prln.te rmldldca. AdWt llvine, near -l.t2BR,21M !.-1140 .. $JJIO, ~U'l~ llmBNold>un< (Jmt No. oC Mamt) (T14l _, ~------------HEW APTS for rmL S bloc:U ._ """"'-2 -3 _....._ Q>U, -.li\·1111. ...-......... _,, Vih!lo <kpba1U• ~ 100 CLIFF DRIVE WXURY FVRIMJNFURN Yearly Leue. 1 & 2 Bdnna. steps to Shor.t It Sbopl Ocetnvlew from every Apt. from $150 mo up. leaM .... ,.., 2 BR Ofl hlgh drive, w/w c:ptz, stove & retrig opt. WitE'r & TV cable pd. S1'l8 per mo, + $25 cln. dfp. Adulta only, no pets. Lease only. Avail Mar. 16th. Call 837-2933 REAL ESTATE Gen1ral gruss $24,600. Near Euclid Profit /Pleasure ey investor wants 10 buy tea. utect!d. We need PtQ9le & Ball, Anabetm. lnvestisaent IODl!d lit '-2nd TDs. &ea.. 01 all 1#1 tnt. m Ql!OIUN 13 UNITS. .. yean old, IOn&bl• dllcount, for bit part.a ln oomme:rc., $21.360 yearly c;roa:. 1J~ Luxurloul aplit.Jewl SI.tiler Mortpp Co. Inc. mavies A TV 826-sal dov.-n or will exchanae 2 BR mammoth o>ndOl'J'llnium 336 E. 17tb St. $72,500 equity for vacant with Quality craftmwiahip &n-nn · Ms.asu Announcement. Ora.nae County Land. can YoU can see .l fttL Year-Eves. 673-7865 642-ll.57 Mr. Fergu90n or Mr . round .. ~~~re~.:_ Ul,OIXI 200 TD, lO% 3 yn, ATTENTION Krauter-The Real Estaten . ften!a ........... com~ •x u•VYMEN lndud•-~--•-I 20% discount ($4.000\ $.14 .,. -lnveslmenl depL 546-2313 .. ,. ......... .....,. poo • ?l: eq. 494-39&1 Cean out the old ••l>N whirlpool. 1&una, and and help ou.I a rood c&Ulf!. recreation hall. Walking ANNOUNCEMENTS Give: your old unllanns (Qt(.. distance to proposed •nd NOTICES 1cen & Enlilted) to tbt Sea.- tramway. $29,950 or for rent. -----·-----1 •-·" N-' bl -~•ie Air Condltlonld PROPERTIES WEST Found (FrM Ads) 6400 ~v• ' ~ ""· ~~ '· ON •0 .. ~, ......... n_ sea.bags, etc. ~769 ~ ~J "'".c.i,u.a. 1023 Bayside Dr 675-4130 ---------·f7=""',,;-:=-=::-:::".::-:I Oe&k IPClCes •val.labM tn • FOUND: Small. crtam col· ALOOHOLL~ ADoeymou8 newest office bWldlq at ored, shaaY Aap~type Phone 542.-T.ll.'1 or write to Offlco R1nt1I 6070 LAGUNA BEACH Whlddy1 Wint? Whaddy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPER$ Spocl1I Rall $ LlnlS -5 tlm1S -5 buckt ltUL•I -AO MUST INC:LUOE 1-W~at 'l'OU II-.. fn*. 1-Wti•t you Wint 11'1 tr•U. Mo_ry, !rick 6830 PRICE & QUALITY CUSI'OM LANDSCAPING • M&-1234 • P1perh1nglng Painting 6150 VINYL wall cov ering speclaJ.illt. Kit, b & 1 h I. Material 4 labor. Est. 847-1659 prime location tn downtown Mount. & O...rt 6210 do&'. Vic:. Pallaadea Rd. It P.O. Box 1273 Costa Mtll. 5990 Lacuna Beacb. Air condl Tustin Ave., New p ort ========='! --------tiooed, carpeted. belut1tul ' Beach. Call & Identify Cemetery Lots 6411 ,_'l'OUlt phone •ncl/or Hd,._I. .....S RMt Gf ltdvtrftilll .. I-NOTHING l'Olt IALI! -TJIAD"S ONJ.YI PHONE 642-5671 INTER or Ext. PAINTING. IMMED. SERVICE. Local reL FREE est. 548-1627 EXT/Int. pnta:. Aver rm. $20 + good paint, near work. loc: refs, Roy, 84'7-1358 PAINTING, inter. -exterior e 1.1A11JRE, respon. Em-paneled partitioniq. Two 1% ACRES Mar Palm G73-M35 ployed man needs 1 br sgl e.ntraDCH: i'rootaa:• 00 Springs, S50 ~ &: S20 ===~.....,.....,-.....,~ fOR SALE: 4 adjoining To Pl1ce Your Tr1der's P1redl1e Ad story tum apt or duplex. Form A•e., rear leadl to month. Tra ile r s OK. LOVELY Dark browniab ttine~ry lot.a:, Harbor Rest HAVE: Like new deluxe CM, NB or 001 492-5163 Muoclpal puldn& Iota. t50 536-1131 black you~ female cat, Have decided to die and Lowery Orp.n., full key. Conners, or 642-6380 eves. per month f,or IP'IC'e· DeU s·"°'A-. ~N~,-. ~H~,-m-,~l~H"I"' .. -.-...,-could be part Burmese or be burled e I s e where , board. 2 1.1-1 tilt.up btdgs Oil Pia· State lie. -bonded. Free centla, C.M. Price $150,000. estJ.mate1. 642--0238 EMPLDYED lady wishes 1 and chain aY&llabl• fer $5. 3,000' el Wtr, game $5500. Siamese, collar Vic. l9tb 545-5784 TRADE: for lale Pkk Up, BR unfum Apt. beach area Buaintu boun anne:rtna $5.S On. 633-7710' 8-10 A.M. &: Park, CM. 64&-8009 c:ar or cub. 6f2.4610 Trade eqty, $95,500 for prop. EXT.-INT. A~( Celilna: T.D. + $45,0CKI ca.ah. Uc. Ins. 17 yn. ~· Frft: 548--1542 Est. 548-6325 to $110. carport or garage service availa.ble tor $10. agt Pr. Collie/pt aheep doc. ta.n Travel 6435 .59 Cadillac {$500 val11el nee. SU-0086 aftJ 5 p.m. All utilUitll paid ocept cd:::Uc.S-IN=E~S~S-1_n_d____ o:ilor, 10 mos. old, Vic. NEED RlOE from 1nl Den-n.de for Pick Up truck, Will take 16 to 20 ft boo.I Paper hangin&', '5 years FAMILY wants to rent 3 Br. hse tn Santa Ana Hau or E-side CM atta. ~ 1583 e LANDLORDS e FREE RENTAL SERVICE Broker 534-6982 Rooms for R•nt 5995 ROOM FOR RENT W /f!CV ba & entr, no cooking; ~i blk to beach. $00 mo. Pre1er girl or lady. G75-0'77l. LRG Rm. Lovely home; ldtc:h priv; sep refrig, patlo, gar. 646--0'39 eves. STUDENT or empl. man $45 Mo. Newport Beach 548-3684 or 642-5221 ROOM for rent. Nice, quiet home; for working woman, ldtch, privl 6(2.4794 ROOM for rent. Nice. quiet borne; for worlcin&: woman, kit priv. 60-4794 G-i Homn 5998 PRIV Rm :for eldtrly lady· in He'd guest homr, Good 1ood IUVed fam. style. 64lh139l Misc. Rent•lt 5999 TRIPLE Garage, $45. or sgle. 10X30, $20 Mo. Nr. Orauge County Airport. ...._ e Garage Far Rent e Single • $20 Month • f;42.J645 • GARAGE for rent, no c:ara. 237-A, Costa Mesa SL C.M. UJ mo. 673-1715 Income Property 6000 * * * Edward Leonelli 900 S.• Lane * Coron• del M•r, Calif. Yoa are winner of a pair of tlcketa to the 8 o a t sboW' at the Anaheim Coave11 tlo 11 Center, J\lal'(lb I tbroush II. Come to an.1 or oUI' 4 branch ortlce• and pick up your FREE pu!IN. • * * * MAKE OFFER 600) sq ft olfl~ bldg. Beach Blvd, RB. 30 Clll' prkg. See this lzt clus bldg. Owne.r anxious! R. 0 . SLATES, Rltr. 84l...15lll '°"''· 536-1840 •NEW FOUR-PLEX* Near beac:h, Huntinrton Beach, SSS.900. 147~7 Bu1lneu P'°porty 6050 LAGUNA MOTEL Prime location, Z1 older untts or. large loL Great for own- er/mgr. larg:e ~ty. SUBMIT ALL TRADES OR LOW DOWN PAYMENT RICK ALDERETTE Realtor 170C N. Ross 7141547-6469 Business R•nl•I JIUNTINGTON BEAOt GOLD KEY SUITES E xecvtlva & S•les OlllCH * Afr.cond • utllt *cu,,.~. -• Reception Rm '* °"1MI ~ mal.oL ,.._ ....... """. Seeretar1al Smrice avail Town & Country Shopping Conllr l8'S!2 -l!fvd. (at Ellll> Hun!inllon Bch '62-46117 STORES ALSO Balboa Island ' $150 w.w. carpeL JUtr. &G:-9:5155 WATOI row ·rv "1oowa on ,,,....., ""' llnd .. th< o ... J!lld ...i.. Oe<t °'""' .... ~..:n_y PILOl' FINANCIAL =jbta 6: Oran&e. C.M. mar & Newport Blvd, C.M. boat or down on bouae or =='°"""""--,..,-"'""..---to Collins Ra.:lio N.B. Mon-! 7 7 • 222 FOR!m' A vmtJZ "'--I 6300 FOUND: Dk. grey & brown Fri ., " _ .. , ....... ., ',.'>Ct'lo G4G-S486 LAGUNA BEACH Bus. ""Pl""rtunlt es H ... ...., "'w' ~ 49l-tM6 USr'Je, out of II.ate tap. NEED RIDE from Int. Den-San Cemente Income 2 FRANCHISE Vic. Balboa Izland. Call & mar &: Newport Blvd, C.M. 1tore1 - 2 Iota 2 otflce1 2 Exclusive Leisure World Area Seal Beach tntra modern, deluxe office suite. lOCX> &q. ft., walnut panelling. (Just ott San DI· ego frwy. at Loll Alamitoa) at 13820 Bay mvd. Also 488 sq. rt. avail. in mod. ern office bldg. at -000 E. Broadway, Long Beach. SPECIALISTS identify. 646-~ to Collins Radio, N.B. A.pts -Will take TD'1 or FtaJlchise opportuniLie1 avai].. 1.10STLY Siamese, male, Mon-Fri &-5 shift 548-0350 smalle.r property, Make oU· able locally & nationally. about 5 mos. Frlend]y, Vic. ========= er. Call • 494-3262 Cash lnvestmenfJ: required, Wilaon and College, C.M. A_uto Tr•nsport 6445 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2'iii ba.. ranie I r o m '$10,000 to Phone 548-4681 ·----~----RIDE wanted from Ee~ Bepoolaut. appt'd. Prbaiv. patio1. $100,000, Earnings commen-GREY Toy Poodle Blk Collar C.M. 10 vie ~-r ....... ._ , close to y, Va. sun.le wltb price of bualness M·' VI F •-•· u, CM ... ;,T; nu • """ d T D selected. ...e c. a .. vu::W ....... Killion, S.A. &-4:30 ahtlt ~.ooo, 1;iw n. or · ·• To oompaniea desirous ot 646-45l4 Mon thrtl Fri. 64.S..2962 Car or Ovmer 64&$54 developing ~ pro-3 MO. Old Bue: Pup Fem. CTO CALIMESA Jot 85 x 300, grams, we can provide: tea.. Fnd Vic.Edinger 6: Spr-SER.VICE DIRE RY Desert Crest mobU lot, albillty itudiet, completed&. lnger. 897-7067 S.bysfttfnt 6550 Meeca Trailer Park, Box velopment ol packa&e, mer-SMALL Terrier Yorlo.WN ---------1024, 29 Palms. 548-9832. chandlaln& assistance &: Blk/Bm Corner of Europa BABYSITTER Want: campe. or v:pando ! lranchlle sales, & Kornat, C.M. 54&-9565 F•nced yard. Meala included. Oear Ja.nd Laguna Beach For further Info. contact P.ABBIT , Full grown Btwn. Week days only. Vicinity Solana seach. Carlsbad: UNIVERSAL 19th. ot & Orange Eves: Halladay & Bbbop St., S.A. Lake San Marcos. Want FRANCHISE MGo-6536 Phone 136-5672 residential Income or C!Om- Contact Dohn Trempala EXCHANGE DOG, found Newport West CHILD care my home, mercial. Broker 494-1330 414 _ 837.2970 1617 Westclif.f Dr. Suite 210 track, male, white poodle, wcekday1, vicinity Vic:taria HAVE: 1°"50 Mobile home Newport Beach, Cal 642-2'713 small. 968-l64.5 & Harbor Blvd., C.~f. w/extra 9x40' rm; Metil * Modem Offices UNUSUAL 645-2181 top tent camper, self-cont., S\ngte or IUiteL Air c:ond-OPPORTUNITY BLK female P/8hep. mU COSTA MESA PRE SOU... slps 8, TRADE: for motor ltlonifl&, parking, secretarial Permanent re 1 Iden t to w/collar. Vic. Main St. ages 2-6, open 6:45-5:45 pm. home or airplane. 646-5184 RIVlce, central location. deliver national brand of H.B. 53&--6760 llc'd, pl.Dd P ro g r a m • NEW '69 Olds 98 LS, 2300 C. Robert Nattress Realtor instant coffee to establlahed. SMALL Bike. Owner c:all II 543--9803 miles, Loaded. $5300 or pay 230 E. 17th Street local major hotel/motel ac-identily alter alx. MS-0684 WANTED: l r on in g & difference for first tnat Coata. Mesa 642-1485 counts. Must haw car, ex· Babysittina: Vic 19th St. CM. dttd, Private party, NEWPORT CMC CENTER change references and have Lost 6401 641Mi164 642-5641 Ottlces 111Hable for Com· cuh investment of $3.950.00 LOsT green &: ye 11 0 w LICENSED day C8l"f!. Pref What do you have to trade'!' mercia1, Medical, Dental. (~ured by inventory). EX· parakeet in Vic:. 2 o o wkly 2-4 yn. Hot lunches, U.t It here -In Orange Air-cond., c:rpts, elevalor CEPTIONALLY H 1 G H Poinsettia, CdM. Answen b&lanced activitles, SfG-1539 County'1 l~ read trad· FROM $70 EARN I NGS. Person to Pete or Momma'• Prett.. -1 ..... nnoit and make a deal. 541-5032 OR 675-2464 selected \viii re c e 1 v e •;, WILL babysit my home, any "'5 ..-- Mutual Savings & Loan Bldg., CdM 350 -800 Jt avail now Boy. He will repeat his ad· hill One hlld o•'• Exp'd thorough company s c •u;,· * '* * lne ill dress. Reward. 547-3431, mother MS-1821 iuldance. This bus BB w 633-4516 • produce an immediate in-BABYSITJ'ING My home, & oome and may be handled IU:WARD. Male c:at, graJ Bide C.M. Prefer weekly. SERVICE: OIRECTORI ----- G75-407tl Ewa. 494-3223 SHARE ollke w/ eat . In come Tax co. Reas. mnthly rent. 1806 Nwpt Blvd, CM. 642-7301 spare or full time. For & black tortoise short hair, * 548-1567 * C1--' Cl11nl-6625 nal In · I while on tace & feet, 4 • ...... • •• pel'!O tervtew p ease CHILD a-, any •&• -•, ---------.,.,.., old, "Happy", vie: '-"" ··v 1 wri~. lncludin& Phone J•• home. $ 2 5 week, CARPET & FUm. cleaning: number to Bo" 1\f-476, Daily Pacesetter, Lq N 1iue1 · Teacher/mother. 6'5-0156 for 1 day suviee I: quality Pilot 495--5398 ---work, c:all Sterling for 300 Sq. Ft. Offlco Costa MellB.. 64&-2130 MAKE MINE COUNTRY STYLE ========= On & oU sale liq. Lie:. Ia Commercial 6015 heart of No. Calif. Big ---------Limber country. TaYern. Carefrff 91f1•/. Return Hotel, huge ballroom $6038. net on $65,000 pr, w/sep. bar. Banquet or Slk Strong leuee -6000' bldg, rrze. Fae. Joe. in center 60:x203' lot, 19th • llarbor, of small town w/major $49,300 dn a11sume 6% 1st. sawmill industry. Xlnt hun- Uue permits Increase 111/72 \Ing & fishing. Price incl. LYTLE REALTY land, b l dgs. and eqmL 583 W, 19th 548-9493, 24 hrs. $179,000, $50,000 dn plus in- ventory. Will send full lndu1trl1I Rent1I 6090 particulars upon rec. Fin. statement. Consider trade FOR lea!f! Laguna Niguel, for good beach prop. Write oe San Diego l'wy at Crown Box M663, Daily Pilot. Bkr, Valley, new rommerclat &: Ow industrial units. Delta Eiec-=-cner=. """''""'""'"°'°'" trtc. D~s -831·1400. Eve1. ''LITILE BUSINESS'' m.4198. • Operate from your borne _SQ tt ,_ ... & W • Full or part-time ol\IUV wart11uw•1: O tt • High earnlnp, lt.EWARD. Gold bracelet w/ Brick, Mesonry, etc. '""brig=h=lne="='=..,.==5'0=== 2 charm.I ln1c:ribed 6560i · 12/25/SB, at Omar's, San C1rp1t Leylng & Clemente. 722-1749 collect BUILD, Remodel. Repair Rep,mlr 6626 $100 REWARD • 2 FluUy Brlc:k, block, concrete,1--------- Pmian kltte111/ 1-c:ream, crpntry, no job too a:mall. C.\RPETS {nylons, wool.I, 1-grcy. No questions asked. Lie Contr. 962-6945 polye1ten,) Vinyl& ind TU. 891-9102 ez. Latest style• and ccMors. C•rpenterlng 6590 Cqmmerclal and Re1ldentlal. 3/12 • 1 full roll c:ushlon-alr -~--~----1 Expert inalallation. pad, vie Newport Blvd by KINSHIP f1..00RS Hoag Hoap!tal. Reward. CARPENTRY = 540-7262 646-6536 eves. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job 1-:========= Personals 6405 e PALM & CARD • Psychic reader Sister Jull& has helped thousands, lei her help yoo. Special ttad· ings S1. Open dally 9 a.m. to IO p.m. 893-:'854 7421 Wnt· minster, \Vutmlnsler. Too Small Cabinet In ..,.. Elldrlcal 6640 ages & othe r cablnets.1 --------- 545-8175, U no answer leave ELECTRICIAN Lice~. msg at ~2372. JL O. bonded. Small jobs Main!. Andel'IOn & repair. 548-5203 QUALITY Repakz -Altera-Gardening 6680 tions • New oon11t. by hour -Ai.i..£-N-B-R0-5--- or Contract 64S-M42 GARDENERS sruDDITS REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS \\'Orkin& their way thru o:il· CABINETS, Any aize job. lege. Experienced, Uc:tnsed. 25 yrs. exper. M8-G7l3 REAS! 646-4203 as trade for equity 1n La experience. Call Fredi 1'.firada house with $180, mo * 548-4903 * leue. can e"'ningl • weekvxis. 540-0036 HOUSE Painful&:. Quality at a fair price! Free esL Call $1700 equity 3 Bedrooms. 2 Rick. 645-2275 bath San Oemente home, close in. Submit all oHeni INT. & EXT. Painting. All on clear land or Jots. Bkr. &e880n rates. Free est, lic'd 675-4070, 494-3949 &: ins. Call Charlie. 548-005 Duplex So. Laguna 2 bl. PAINTING, Paperln& 16 yrs lo bea.cll, xlnt location. in Harbor area. Lie • bond- Tra.de $ll,000 equity tor ~<d=. Re="=-==· ::,142-2356=::=,= clear lot or !Md. SUbmit p•uterlng, R1p1ir 6llO offers. Bkr, ~ 494-3949 > Modem Comm1 Bldg. 6 stores nr Sear's develop- ment, Covina. Trade for land, income or ? Owner/ Agl 6754()W eves 642-15.59 * * * Robert Washer *· 261 S L lghthouse Line Coron• del Mir, C•lif. 17 Ft. outboard for station l'oa. are winner ,ol a pair wagon or auto of equal m of Ucket. to the B d at ue. Phone 644-4687 Sbow at the Am.helm OCEANFRONT DUPLEX O o n v e 11 t lo• Center, !\larch a tll r o•rl'I 11. $17,COO equity. Exchange Come to any of eur I for Bayfront, Units or Sail· branch otrlcet ana pkk ''boat. Balboa Bay Proper-up your FREE puses. ties. 673-7420 673-9187 * * * * HA VE:. N~ Spani!h Du-·oo-·."p-i..-.. ",-... -L"-,-tuc-.,,"-.-...,.- plex; tl9 38tb st NB. wall taping, aa:utic A/at $14.COO eq. + cash FOR textured ceillnp. 5'5-&Xl3 3-5 w@ll Ioc. R.2 lots In O. e PAT'S Plastering. All Cnty. 673-6433, 675-5161 typel. Free eatimate. Call ?o.'fammoth Lakes .10 Units: I:::-======== I plus large home on 1 acre. Trade for your Orange County property or ? Sa1iJ.. bury Realty 673-6900 * * * SERVICE DIRECTORY Gardening 6680 ANTHONY'S G1rden Service 646-1941 BUDGET LANDSCAPING Prune •.. Plant ..• Prepare :f.fonthly :f.faintenance Exp. HortiQ.tlturist ~1;;;•9._ ___ 6;;.B;.;90.;. PLUMBING 24 hr 11erv, \Vork quar, lie, inl, remod, repair, .rooter zerv. 531-7566 Roofing 6950 A Roofer not a salesman.. Leaks stopped, all type roofing. New or re~air Y."Ol"k guar. 536-3444 S.wl"f • Dresamakin&·Alteratiom Special on Hems ·-· Alter•tlons-642-5845 6-neral Slrvlcft 6612 Neat, accurate, 20 yrs. exp. HAULING. Cleanup garages, odC: jobs etc:. Free est. Jim 548-5325, anytime e SECRETARIAL Servic:e! While you wait. IBtlt Exec. N.B. area. 644-2641 Hauling 6730 General . H1ullng & Cleanup $10 per load, Free garage clt'anup for usable items. Call Tom. 531-3757 CLKA.N Lots/pragu etc., tree rtmov. dump skip backhoe, till grade. 962-8745 Televltion, Rep1lr 6915 RAINBOW • TV (color or blk &: wht) &: STEREO Repair. No 1ervlce chup. 546-.1120 Upholst1'1 6990 CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery. E •1 rope an C rat ts mans h Ip. ]00% Financing. 642--1454. 1831 Newport Blvd., C.M. EMPLOYED lady would llJr.e lh•lng quarten in exchanp for p/time c:ompenlon·hskpr NB am. 673-1360 + 6000 !IQ' ft paved l fence.d • No experience necessary yard. 18S5 Laguna Canyon • Free training proiiram Rd. (714) 4!K-3J£i6 or (714) • Earn while learning ~7680 e $3500 lnveltment buyl STARTING New clusea In make-up: a tlnt ln 0rarlK'! County, Learn how to look your best !n :tuat a few zhort houn, at a very low cost. TaUj:ht by the expertJ or the studios. MASTER carpenter. $4 per TAKATA Housecleaning hour. Remodelli!J ·Repairs. JAPANESE NURSERY JOBS & EMPLOYMENl Job Wonted, L1dy 7020 f.tATURE \\'Oman, n I g b t employed • will mana.re complex (C<ista 1.fesa area) tor apartment 6: utll. plua. Reply Box 1'8112, Daily Pi.loL m1 SQ. ft. 1'1·1 apace with complete inventor}' front office; drive in rear e For in.formation door. 1308 Logan St. C.f.L e Call: 546-6740 eves. $195 mo. 646-0681 =========· ilF' You v.oold I.Ute to be Lots 6100 In business for yoUl'Bf!lf, In-_________ 1 wattgatc the many op. Ocean Front portunltlea with ~Bidt'nllal. Ownt!r needs C-Selle Coametica 541-9&87 cash. Priced $40.COO. BARBERSHOP, attractive, Don V. Frenklln Newport Rea110nable, other Realtor 673-2222 lntere!tL 5 4 8-13 -t 6 or TJUPLEX lot 18th l 646-4088 Wallace, CM. $9,850, trma. -====-=== 63 = 0 Mr. Fta~r. Box 21, Big Real Estate Lo•n• 4 Pino, c.i 93Sl3 HOME LOANS 3 ADJ. lot.; room for ll MONEY AV.A.ll.ADLE units. 3l3 E. 2lat St., Calta Call tor det&ill on today'• Meu. Owner 49M0'12 Eve. rates for !Jlt 6 2nd TOI. PAIR ol !O" lot.. 211 Sorvlng 0....-C0 Coull!> tor licliotrope, c.orona dd ?rtlar. yea.n $32,500 eac:h. 675-3539 81.ttlt'r Mortpp Co. Inc. 336 E. 17th St. R1nchoo 6150 6"41'11 ~ I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; EWI. m 1865 &C2· us1 Mortg1ge1, T .D.'1 6345 MURRIETA RANCH I.ARCE OCEANVtEW I.OT tn the footbllla. ne:a.r MWt. $2.000 dovm. balance $7500 ta, llll Actta ol rolJtna land, at $7S mo 1nclud1"( 8~ pWlted to oai.. 2 Homes, Nly lmprowci an- ft'C!d tot Rt·Up; tncludc1 ID-def'IP'OOnd Utila, C97·12l0 ,,. • ...., 0' '°°18 ...... '"' NOW'S THE thla ranch. Priocd at $2..IXKI "'' acre. ,.... l\Ortw '"'°" TIME FOR ~:~~: call ci.nn QUICK CASH Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. THROUGlt A ists 6'~·~~. ••~-DAILY-PILOT Ml$11, 6'~wknd• 538-6121 WANT AD 541-9487 C-Belle Cosmetia LICENSEO Spiritual Readina:a. advice on all matten. UIS S. EJ Camino Real, San Oemente. 492--9136. 10 AM·lO PM SPECIAL $2 READING Attr•ctlve E x pert YOUNG WOMAN ~r will teach )'OU all latc1t stepe, Call Ardell 213: 591-4538 1·10 PM MASSAGE by Susie or Ouia for complete reluatlon. l74JI Beach Blvd ., lIB M7~111 r • Selectiw Slnale1 '* Companiof'llhlp, Sincerity lnll"OdutUo111 Conlldential (25-55) 60-9676 S.10 PM OON'T let another lonl!ly ntktnd 10 by! SUC!Cftd tn daUnr wtthOut really trytni. Lacuna ll<h <OM'19 COUPL.ES, strwlff: lonely' New in area'T We have your kind ot exdtementi • ~9291 • REOiJCE Sale, 1lmple • tut with GoBtte W.ble-ta ont.Y 98c:. Ci-awtof'd't 1UC Phannacy, Coilt& 1'1ftA TEACHER w11nll dally ride INm Colta Meaa t o Labwood.64>--0!m ALCOllOU\:S A_.,. Phont 542·'l"217 or \\Tile to P.O. Box 1223 O>sta ~lea. 64l-6400 or 5J6.3900 546-072.(. Complete prdening I CARPETS'. windows, D~, tervice Headquarters lot etc:. Residen. or Come L Cement, Concrete 6600 all ~ nunery needs. Xlnt \\'Ork Reas! Refs. . ~~lli PHIU..IPS CM'!ent; CUiiom Japenese Gerdener WlWAM'S Cl.NG. SERV, patios, pool dttks, walki, bper, compl yard 1trvlce! CarpetJ.tum<ompl hse, speclalizlnr In exposed aa:· Fttt t'1tlmate. 548-79S8. And Apt clng. 64UJ£4 gregate. 892-1860; e PRUNING 21 yean expe.r 836-7487; 548-S3al Call Bill• Fergu!IOn • CONCRETE \\'Ork. Bond· 546-2805 Eveninp ed & Licensed. Concrete YA.RD C I e a n u p • Tree sawing aetvi~. new Jaw n a , Phllllpt Cement !54M3IO !prlnklers, rotoUll. 646-5848 Cu1tom· l•nclsc•plng JAPANESE Gardtter, com· BF.Sr IN CONCRETE plete )lard tetvlce, tree • 646-1234 • eitim1te1. 540-1332 e CUSTOM PATIOS e JAPANESE G arden e r concttte sawine A ttmoval Complete Se r v t c: e . Ex· StAte Uc. • 842-1010 • pertenced. Reliable. 642-4.139 e BEST IN OONCRETE e JAPANESE GARDENING \Yalkl, pool dedts. Ooon. Sc:rvice Clcs.nup, Landac:a,p- Patioe. Phone 642-851.a Ing. 531·7lGt aft 7 p.m. • alNcru:rE wart. all JOHNSON'S Gardenllli serv. types. Pool dedcs A custom. Finest equip. opert yard Call 54S-U24 cue! Reas! 962-2035. CEMENT Woric, no job too a..EAN·UP Spedallsl! Mcnr- small, reuonable. Fr e e Ina. edging ,odd ;iobl. Uabt aum. ll. Stullick. 548-a15 movl.ng. Reaa! ~ Contracton 6620 cut & F.dre Lawn ---------Mt1lnteru1nce. Ltoentltd Add!Uona * Remodcllnr 548-48Ql/645-2llO aft 4 Fred H. Gtrwtck, Lie. e JAPANESE GARDENER 673-rou * 549-ll 70 Maintenance I: ~nup Call 541--2!\72 C1rpet Clttnlng 6625 A.L'S GardenlltK s 1 r v 1 c. PROFE."810NAL R.ui Ii Lawn maln~na11ee. prdtD- Upholster,y CeanU.. Top Ina: & tan ups, 64&-:£l9 qualif)', guaranteed ruultl.. EXP GARDENER Alltn'1 1.1Alnltnance 1.111Hat J&JJ9fl!R lldla~. 646-40IS3 or e\"tS 00-3526-Alon -Sat m-.ai'D5 Income T•x 6740 • The Tix Advisors Year round olc. 328 No, Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reul Call &IS-0400 for appt. MACK HARRIS Tax Serl. 9th yr., 3117 Roosevelt, C.?tf. Appointmts, 50-2971 e PROFESSIONAL TA X SERV. Hom&qulclt a(!('lmt"°· $19. Complete1 ! 968-3403 e INC01'.tE TAXe Done In )VU? borne $S And up. ~XOO INCOME Taxes J>Rpattd your bomt, long form corrr blned, us. 61-3422 INCOliU.: Tax Serv., Notary Public. Reu. Eves, 5"19-13411, 2361 Zenith, S.A. lits. Ironing 6755 IRONlNG. my hotM; alnt work, t.111, rnsonable. 962-211q la Ywr Ad lo qur C!laNUMdsT s.m .... will be looldl\t .. It. Dial 642-5671 MATURE glrl·}c"'riday \\ilh recent personnel exp prelen part-Hn1e perm poiitlon. Enjoy8 bookkeeping, types 70 WPM. Phone 646-5108 HOUSECLEANING or work. 5 days, ReJertnc.T .. -SeCl"l!tary wbhes po1ltlca ln ChrisUan v.wk Pho~ 1141528-2351 DomlStlc Halp 7035 Georae Antn Byllllld A&e EmplO)'l!l' Pa,ya Ftt 106-B E. l61h, SA 547.mgs Oline.e liw-ins. Chet:rful Pe.rmanl!nt Experienced Far F.ut A&fncy Afond.., Min 71 Produ.,,.,. Supvr. to ,_ Instalh1:r, pn,R'f: drs $.1.~ Machinist • •. • • . • .. • $3.50ht Purex • • • • • .. • • . • • . • $3.lXJu: Merch•nts Personnel ~3 \\"cstcllft Drivt Newpo11 Utach MS-2no 545- PLACE your w~1 •d • tt..,. .,. iooldns -DAILJ e.n.ar dautl!td ---------------------------------------~----------·----------------..............------. • • Thursdq, Mmh I.!, 1969 DAILY PltOT H ~ JOIS & EMPLOYMENT. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS I IMPLOVMINT 101$ a IMl'LOYMIKt IOIS I EMPLOYMINT IOIS .. EMl'LOYMENT » A •M-LOYM£Nl Joas i IMl'LOYMINT ~ EARN $25,000 OR MORE AN~UALL Y I J! you are a young (30 to 40 years old), aggressive, per- ~uasive, profeas:lonal sales- n1an, you may quallly, Be suct.-essful in selling n e w homes with a large builder. J{eal Eatate aalesman's li· cense not mandatol")'. Many beneUts, such as deferred profit sharing, insurance, and hospitalization are part ot this challenging careel'. Schools and Instructions MAU IDWAID SMlT_H 2141,o ..... LeM NllWJ*f._.,'~ 10 Lesson Twtng School J73 Del Mar Avenue Costa Mesa, California bear Mi.ts Chilcoat: L,earning to typewrite k a wonderfttt new ex- perience. l th~nk vou have devised one of the most clever wat11 to teach typing, 1 think it should be in alt the .1choolB as Ont get# cu: much in your 10 Lessans as one get. in one semester in sclwoL l have been told that ii fl ao boring with that r<flS<!tn 111 JJJ ggg hhh, I wo•ld ;1Ut NOT take it that way. I am ll 11ear1 old. I was omazt d ofter that firat Jeason when vou showed me all the words that 1 COULD ~ with the 8 letters-ktys. No other one would ;ust NOT believe it if thet1 had not iam the le.!son. I can hardly believe ft mu 1el// I do 10 hope you will be our typing instructor in my school some day ••• it would be a great big "BLAST" for aU of the teacheri that teach the olct way of tIJPing. Greatfulty yours. '16 For 8 Wffk5 Course on the HAMMOND ORGAN You do not have to own an instrument. Free practice time available. Register now. Beginners classes start on Tues- day, March 18th at 7 P.M. Excellent , teacher. • Also classes for secondary & intermedi- ate organ students. Sign up now & avoid the rush! Classes start Thursday, March 13th al 7 P.M. ~nna's Pre-School -1st Grade .. ANNOUNCES . Contoct Oon P1ddock Coll 213 : 636-1755 * WAITERS BUSBOYS This variety of fine schools could introduce you to a new tomorrow. For further informetion re9.1rdln9 the Daily Pilot SchoOls & Instruction Directory FUN • BtTERT AIMING • KHOWlfDGABlf Rent Orgo111 Avollable During Term of Coune. Register NOW I lnqulro for detollt Hammond Organ Studios Facilities for Enl•rttd Enrollment Register your lllUe ODN for: • A Full (!uni LNmlng Progrom • Music e Art • D1ncin9 • Creative Actlv1tle1 • Hot Lunch" & Snocks e Ag•• 2 th,...ugh ht grode 2110 Thurln An .. Cost• Mel• Ph: 6-U-1444 " Immediate openings. Experi· ence necessary. Expanding staff for e~·hotel oper- ation. Contact J, Raviu. in pemm. CALL 642-5678, EXT. 325 MARK EDWARD SMITH 2854 E. Coast Hl9hw1y, Corona del Mar JHE NEWPORTER INN Help W•ntod, Men 7200 Holp W•ntod, Mon 7200 Holp W•ntod, Men 7200 1107 Jamboree Rd, Ne\11port Beacb *Busboys * Cook Apply in pel'!IOn COCO'S REUBEN'S 1555 W. Adams Cost• Mesa CAREER OPPORTUNITY! J'oln todays fastest growing profession-Mutual Fund Wea No experience necessary.. We train • tun or part time Mutual Fund Advlson. Inc. N'pt B. 1603 Westcllft 64U422 S.A. 1212 N. Broadway 547-8331 MECHANIC Journeyman mechanic, ex- perience Foreign or Domes- tic. One of the oldest For- eign car service departmen/J! tn Orange Co. Flat rate & warranty work $8.00 per hour, pay based on 50/50%. Excellent working condi· tions. Must have own hand tools. Call Mr. Kelley, 494- 9771 or 545--0634 JONES' TIRE SERVICE Is expanding and requires EXPERIENCED • Tire Service Men • Front end and brake mechanics • Retail Salesman Company paid bcneflts and an opportunity for ad· vancement Apply: 2019 Harbor Blvd. C.M. See Mrs. Jones. SERV. STA. SALESMEN. Young men, eves & wk ends. Muat be neat in ap- pearance & handwriting. See Clyde, 2590 Newport Blvd., C.M. SECURITY GUARD • Relief Man, all 1hifts. 40 hr. wk. BALBOA BAY CLUB 1221 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. MS-7211 Ext. 166 TOW truck drivel", resident of C.M .. N'pt. area; must be 21 or over, Apply: HARBOR TOWING 964 W, l'i'tb St .. Costa Mesa MOLDER; expe r ., permanent molder for alum. & magnesium aef'l>spacc fDu.ndry. Lido Ca11tings Inc. &12-833.J TRAINEE; afternoons & weekends. $2.50 To start. Radio, Elec. garage door expcr, deslrable. 642-3490 LLOYDS NURSERY Wanted exp, nurseryman, call for •PPt 64&-7441. USED CAR LOT MAH l\'l:ust have exper\en~. Excel- lent company benelitl and working conditions, Apply in person to Bob Rogalski. NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa DISllW ASHER Various shifts available, \Ve will train reliable person. Top wages & insurance + other benefits. Good eqtJiP- ment & best working condi- tions. MANNINGS, INC. El Toro Road (Leisure \Vorld, Laguna Hills.) 837-1014 FINANCE CAREER National finance firm, 800 offices, seeking applicants a~ potential branch ma.nag· ers. Promotion in 18 to 36 months. Experience unnec.. essary. Out.standing career opportunity, excellent bene- fits, At least H.S. education required. Contact George Downing Public Finance Corp. 188 E. 17th, C.M. .......,_ * * * * Paul Alleman 9688 la Mora Circle Fountain Valley, Calif. You are winner of a pair of tteketa to the B o a I tihow at the Anaheim Convenilon Center, rtlarch 8 throurh 18. Con1e to any of our 4 branch offices and pick up you:r FREE passes •. * * * * PRODUCTION WORKER with mechanical ability, to work small production machines. Apply Jn person 1987 Placentia Ave. Costa ?.lesa Carpenter /General Responsible family man pn· rcrred, Wrlte for or come in & fill out application. Franchise Industries Inc. 892 W, 16th St.. N.B. NEED 2 men tb work full time Service Station. Must be exp'd and <1ver 25. NO phone calls. Richfield Sta· ti<1n, 191h &: Newport. Costa Mesa, Cal if. Accountants Credit Manager• Administrative Trnees CALL BOB, MS-779G ARGUS AGENCIES 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. THE QtnC'KER YOU CA.U... THE Qtna<ER. YOU SELL ITT JABSCO MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Experienced in close toler- ance drafting on small pump components and as- sembly. Requires working knowledge ot dimensioning techniques as applied to casting a n d machining drawings. Shop experience desired. Equal opportunity empbyer Male and Female 1485 Dale Way, Costa Mesa Calilomia. 92626 (714), 54:).8251 JANITOR Immediate opening for a 11teady, reliable man to work with 2 other janitors on our 3rd !ll'litt (11:30'P.m· to 8:30 a.m.>. \Ve prefer a minimum of 2 yn, industrial janitorial ex· perlence with knowledge of powel" cleaning equipment. You must have a stable work historY. Good starting rate, shift premium & ben- efits. varian data machines A VARIAN SUBSIDIARY 2722 Michelson Driv• (Adj. Orange Co. Airport) Irvine, CaliL 92ti64 An equal opportunity employer M & F * HOUSEMEN Immediate openings. Ex- panding stat! for en- larged hoteL Call or tee Mimi Km<. THE NEWPORTER INN U07 J ambo~e Road Newport Beach 6441700 IF $1,500 IN A MONTH interests yau. , _you interest us. Opening fur man over 40 in beach cities area. No ex· perience required. Cash boo. uses. Air mail H. H. Dicker- son, Pres., Southwestem Pe. troleum Corp.. Ft. Worth, Texas i6l-01. GOLF COURSE SUPT. fl.taintenance & operation of h\'O JS.hole courses, Please file application or resume by Marctl 21.st. CITY OF COSI'A MESA 77 Fair Dr. 834.s350 DISHWASHER Full Tim• Apply in pemn THE RIGGER 16 Fuhion Island Ne"1>0rt Beach e INS!ROl.TORS -Full orJand part time. Neat ap- pearance. Must be able to meet and deal with the public, good figure, Apply in penon, Holiday Health Spa. 23!» Harbor Blvd., C.M. EXP. DINNER WAITER Apply after 5 pm BEN BROWNS REST. Located by LAGUNA BCH C.C. 31106 So. Laguna Bea.ch. WANTED: Ret ire d gentleman or college stu· dent for out&ide sales. Fle:t· ible hours. Contact TAB PRINTING le: V ARITYP- lNG. 1664 Babcock. CM. 642""'7 MATURE man needed by furniture-dea!gn store fOr delivery, imtallation &: Telated duties. Experience preferred. Salary open. Call 942-4131., San Clemente for app't Tues. thru Sat. SAIL BOAT v SALESMAN Young, aggressive. Fiberglu sail boats • in Newport • Write Box M 4GS Dally Pilot BRAKE I: aIJ1nment mechanic, exp only, many company benefits. Apply Young &: Lane Tire, 482 Orean Ave., Laguna Beach AMBULANCE DRIVER Experienced-Mlllt be fully Ltc'd. Top pay for right man. Contact Bob. 83T~l EXP'D. Serv Sta Attendant TSCHE'ITER CHEVRON 227S Newport Blvd, C.M. SE1fI .retired man for gardening; ~. Apt. house Newport Beach. 494-1268 EXP. IU-FI component aalea trainees. Salary, xlnt future. -KENNEL Help wanted: Part time, mornings only 8 to 11. Write Daily Pilot M-313. A gencies, Women 7300 Exec. Sect. fee paid •• $600 Sect. Reimbursed fee •• $500 Bkkpr Ofc Mgr (ftte} •• $586 Rttept. Typirt (fee) •••• $350 Merchants. PerlOf'lnel Comer 17th I: ln1ne Newport Beach 645-2770 -545-5685 Holp Wonted Women PfDS. RN'S 7400 NIGHT SHIFT AT Children'• Hospital of Orange C.Ounty in Orange County, Excellent 1alary le benefits. Kl 7-o'.lll Help Wonlocl, Mon 7200 Help Wontod, Men 7200 II.Ip Wonted,~ 7200~olo Wo~ted. Mo• 7200 WINDlll SPRING WINDING MACHINE SET UP MEN s.ekin9 in dividu.t!S IKp•rienced in fh• set up. of TORRINGTON ipring windin9 m•· ch1n.t11. Excellent Benefits Including GROUP MIDICAL • LIFE IN5UU.NCE PAID SICK LEAVE PAID HOLIDAYS • VACATIONS PROFIT SHARING /UTIRIMENT Pl.AN CREDIT UNION IXCllLENT WORIClN• CONDITIONS A .......... --KAYNAR MFG. CO., INC. 100 s •. s.... c.n. .. ''"'· ••H•rt•• INTERVIEW1N'° HOURS: Mo11. to f rl. ':00 e.111. lo 111100111 bOO lo l tOO p.r11. Alter llowr lnt1r"J'"'' 1111y be t tr11191d by ctllin9 f7141 111.1150 I A11 Eqv•' QP:por1v,.if¥_~1..,__ Screw Machine Setup Men Three to fiv• y•tri •xperi•nc• s•ttin9 up •nd op•r•tin9 Acm• Gridl•y or D•v•nport screw m•chin••• abilit_y to u1• microm•••r •nd r••d blu•prints. Second shift opaning. Excellent Btftefits Including GROUP MEDICAL • LIFE INSUU.NCI PAID SICK LUYI PAID HOLIDAYS •VACATIONS PROFIT SHARING/tmUMINT l'LAN CUDIT UNION IXCD.UNT WORIClNG CONDmONS .,,,. • ..,,., •• , Offke KAYNAR MFG. CO., INC. ......... INTERVIEWIN-HOURS1 M-011. t. Fri. f :OO '·""·to IJ 11eo11: 1':00 to JiOO I'·"'· ~Ott lio11r i11ftt•l1w' m1y be 1rtt11ttd by cal1i119 417141 171·1110 -A11 fq1111 Opper 11 If U.ployff Women Help Wonted UNIGARD ln1ur1nc1 Group TIRED OF A LONG CX>MMUTE! Unigard Inaurance Group fll now hiring for our new di- vision office opening approx. 4/15/'69 in Huntington Beactl, on Edln,er at Beach ffivd., just off the San Di- ego Fwy. These positions will require a abort training period of approximately one month in our Los Angeles office, befon!l the move. Transportation will be pro- vided. Immediate Openings in the followlng 1rea1 STATISTICAL DATA Experienced or trainee ln tire, and/or casualty 1tatis- ttcal coding. Prepare com. puter in-put data in our o~ erations unit. Detall figure work inwlved. POU CY SERVICE Prefer at least one year ol fire, cuualty or multiple line rating experience. Plea· sa.nt phone perBOJlality es- sential, Excellent opportun- ity for advancement. 67)-ltJO Ope• MetMMy l "'41ay lftl. Help Wontod Holp Wonlod H Women 7400 Women 7400 •1P Wanted •-~----------------Women * 7400 RN's ICU & OB Excellent worklna: conditions, above a.verage salary and fringe benefit&. Call Persor.. nd Dr.Pt. bet. 8:30 Al\t • 5 PM. Alon. Fri. 5l'i'·T744 Stanton Community Hospital WAITRESSES ff you are about to make a change-Now b the time to join the busiest Coilee Shop or dining room in Laguna Hills. MANNINGS, INC. 24031 El Toro Rd Leisure World, Laguna Hills • Full time housekeeper. • Full time kitchen help, • RN or LVN·Full & Part time, 12 to 8 a.m. Calif li· cense necessary, (no phone calls please), APPLY IN PERSON Huntington Beach convalescent Hospital 18972 Delaware St Hunt Bch. NIGHT HOUSEKEEPER , INSPECTRESS AND MAIDS Immediate openinp. Ex· pandlng staff fol" en- larged hotel Call or see Mimi King. THE NEWPORTER INN 1101' Jamborff Road Newport Beach 644·11'00 SR. STENO $440. to $545. Xlnt. apportunlt· for sharp young girl. Elect. typewrit- er, shorthand, 2 yrs, exp. Advancement oppty. PUBLIC AGENCY FULL BENEFITS *HOSTESS* AGE Z1 to 28 Size U or under, Apply 1n person betwel!n 24 p.m. Tues. thru Frl. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E. Coast Hwy, Corona del Mar fNo phone calls)' * Receptionist * Purchasing Agent Asst. EXPLORER MOTORHOME 3021 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-3300 Factory Trolnees Mony Female, day& • also swing $1.65 hr. APEX Employment Agency 1873 Harbor Blvd. (I~ block South of 19th) Call Mr. Sylvester, 54().2910 Costa Mesa 548-3426 or 962-24ll Mon. thru Fri. only. * HOSTESSES Work Near Home • Accounting/Bkkpg • Secretarial e Reception e Typbi. Superior Agency FULL OR PART 11ME Establbhed 1946 Expanding staff for enlarged 1.857 Harbor Bl, Costa Meta lobo-Mtn, Wom. 7500 * * 1. C. Penney Co. Fublon Island Newport Beach Has opening for * COOK * Recent 1ucceutul experience in all phases of food Inda. try la required. Competitive wages, outstanding benefits including profit !!haring. Apply ln peI'BOn 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday thru Friday J. C. PBIHEY CO. * 24 Folhlon lslond An equal apportunity employer * *SECRETARY* Good typing and •hort- band sldlll ttQ'Ulrfd with preferable experlence in sales department ln in. dustry. 0 u r company benefita Include a gene~ ... Profit -plan. J. C. CARTER CO. 671 W. 17th St. Co1t1 Me11 533421 An equal opportuni~ employer ... ' ' ' POLICY TYPING • A-!edical Secretary • Experience in convalescent home or Blue Cross. Knowledge of Medlcare and fl.1edlcal billings. also book· keeping, trial balances etc. Top wages. Prefer older pel'llOn or handicapped. Box M...508, Daily Pilot hotel operation. Contact J. Call fll'llt 642-TI.fl Ravin in person !"""'""'""'""'""'""'""'"• --P"A"R"'T""T°"l"'M"'E.--I , Experienced or trainee, mul· tiple Une policy typist. 60+ accurately on the electric. The ideal position for 10me. one who likes to type. KEY PUNCH Career opening for operaton with at leut one year ex· perience on Alpha I: Neu- merlc IBM equlp'mt. Da,y ahllt. Excellent frtt benefit&. Per- manent, ateady work. Our policy is promotion from within. Your future ls deter· mined entirely by you. New modem office. friendly, pleasant atmo!lphtre. For Details and App't. Call Collect PERSONNEL 1213) 384-1213 UNIGARD INSURANCE GROUP BE THE FIRST McDONALDS Is h i r 1 n g OOUNTER Women to work Monday thru Frklay ll am- 2 pm. Unifonn1 lumilbed, free meals. APPLY IN PERSON McOONALO'S 16866 Bueti Blvd., HWltinlfun Btactl Reil Estate Sales Men A Women Expanding again, Office # 4 openings available fol" licensed men & women, In- stant inCQme & training. Mr Gardner. Sp r In i Realty, -GBNERAL PRODUCTION Apply 1n person 1981 Placentia Ave Costa Mesa THE NEWPORTER INN 1101 Jamboree Rd. Newport Beach e SUPERVISlON & SALES WORK • Full time, Must have neat appearance, able to deal with people. Apply in per-.... Holiday Hoalth Spa 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. See Betty Bnice at mi66lxec Agency for Cartu Glrll 4:10 W. Coast Hwy., N. B. By appoint 646-3939 WOrk Near Home SECTY'S 151 -By Apopintment- Superlor Agency Established 1946 1851' Harbor Bl, Costa Meaa Call !int. 642-TIU Sharp C1rHr Gols DOMESTIC HELP Sectys, Clerk Typlstfl, Gal All kinds! Housekeepers, Frlda,yt1, Recpts, Bkkprs, Cooks M Ids &: Co panio Assume active & responsible RNs 8:. LVNs. Both fee & fee ..,_ ' a m ns, Id job T .. Call n.t:"fettnct!S req, Fee ti Fee SECRETARY role in busy office. Work pa •. op cos. Paid .robs. cau Mlsa Abby, with general manager &: Doris, 548·7796 548.7796 "'"'""'' d•pt. xnu """' ARGUS AGENCIES ARGUS AGENCIES tarlal ak:llla req, Pleue write 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Dally Pilot Box M 315. T I ph eceptlon e I one r COMBINATION, Sharp Bar OPERATORS WANT E 0 : work. Apply between Maids & Go Go Dancera. Experienced, •Ingle needlt'. 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 1626 Top wages $3.00-$3.50 to overlock and blind stitch. E. May-Nood, Sa!'lta !l!art. Ph. for Jnt. 545-9983 Minimum ate a +' Six ...,. dally, n .. 4"" - Mon-Fri. 9 lo 4 PV, 1 hr lunch. Will train for inter- esting salet promotion s:y-. tern thru record keepizl&', : ; Flling experience, aood 1tand wrttlna. $1. 70 hr to start, ad. 1 vanee within 45 days, PaKJ. ~· -Jn Costa Hoa and • H11nttngton Beach. > Apply: Calllornla Deput. ment ol Employment,, 2823 S. Bristol, santa Ana, cat., FridB,y Ill~ 9 to .10:30 A.M. *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary I Malt have delb CaUlomfa drlv\rc re<onl. Apply YELLOW CAI CO. 186 'E. 16th Sl Costa Mea 863 Production P l., N.B. Ano SASSY LASSY -"-·~ 646-0308 • ' ....... nuuui, R I E s I (rear bldg) CLERK·Typill:t; if you type C.M. ea stite 1 es PART TIME Light Fn ctOI')• 60 WPM on an elec, & TelephonlsUtypifl, for 6 Men & Worrt.n work In metal coating plant. prefer lO work in a girl office. Must have ex· Expanding aaaln. OUlte # Good pay, hours flexible . pleuant, amall oUloe in cellent w ice for telephone, 4 opertlngl!; available for ITC, C011ta Mesa. Call N.,.,_..,.. 11 6(2..6667 Bel must be an accurate typist licensed men I: women. In- """ 2172 btwn 9 am & noon. "'"l"'-'6 .. ca : slant income &: tralnlng. Bill '1VV" 10 le: 1 Phone: ?¥Jr. Andrew 1 , 6~ '""\ Gallow.i,y. S p r J D 1 Realt;y, SEAMSTRESS • Experienced LADIES, sell the fnbulollll ='~=-===~-54<>4824 on power machine or sails. Sculptress B>:as as ad· SARAH COVENTRY ha.!I Apply NORTH SAILS, 913 verlised In Vom•e. Small openings for full or part e FULL CHARGE BOOK· El tri •--• B b .. ~ KEl:"Dl>'n male or tenialc, ec c, ;;R:IU e a c • invest, high commissions. time Mies. Pleasant work, ~.&:.I"< _213-=/59&-1461==---.,.-,-I New car when qualitied, no Inv e 1 t m e,. t. no with restaurant expe:rienct, SHIRT Presser wanted 548-4134 dellverie1. For lntt':r'View t.r work out of Corona del Ex.per, preferred or will MATURE Woman to babylit,.call==541Hl61=='=====I ~: ~·~~ train It necessary. Lido M thru Fri 2 nde :,1~ Oeanen, 1776 Newport Blv. w:trnlnater ffi ~ ~a. Jobe Men, Worn. 7500 ~6'/5-Gl10=~------• Costa Mesa. 548-4014 894-l.821 COUPLE. Jani'°" work, RNS & LVNS Meaa Thcatn, 188fl Newport ~~ ... ~ ... Pos:~c ~ GOOD opportunity for llw-ln -EXPERIENCED-Blvd.. C.M. Sff: Mr. or .... '6 ~keeper. 2 Adults; San-:r.m: O\apman bdon! 11 PM & Night Shift Blueprint know how des. ta Ana area. Sa I a r y • ( • I AM 0dally ot call 548-4701 on OB Ooor and ICU-CCU. but not nee. 540-9373 541-'118 ' ommertll REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't ExceHent Wary It beneni.. WAITRESS wanted. Apply in CHILD CARE, 4 da. wk, my you be selling the hottest St. Joseph's pereon, Swiss Chalet, c 4 home, downtown c . M . e Teller e nrta. Huntington Beach'!' H ital North Newport Blvd., N.B. Ref's. own ln.ntp. 548-3681 Village Real Estak' 96M411 OSp Sl'ITER, wee""nd, ocl>ool RECEPl10NISI' • TELEPH· In Orange. KI T-0091 l.-u.rR .. s on'"• Own tn,ns, APPL IN PE so~? GOOD Hair St)'ltata wanf:ld ,............, '3 ONE, afternoon&. Over 30. Y R 1~ for busy llalon MEDICAL Call 963-1!80 alt" 4 PM Will train. OR 3-llOO 1St ll"fl'Onl( ••nk -7800 er SC-ml. RECEPTIONIST WAITR&5S Wanted-Apply Reat•tend N-M UG SECRETARY In person. MESA LANES, Doctor's omc., Newport f 0 ( ~.:.~+"": 4\ld.,.awk. Handwritten 11038\lporiorA ... CM. S..ch. Non-cmobr. &tlary 0 range 0Qnfy qualified lffdL J'rlo1e resume includ.111& ~.phone. MAID O\ltt 30, pttma.t111nt SfiOO, 644-1'22 benefit&. Call 5t8-084S marital atatu1 A pnt\iou• ........ tJme, fl ... .,.. ~k. 1650 Ad1m1 ri to 1S1T WHtcllff .-. ' """' BEAUTY 0 per at or , t'X· TELEPHONE sale1; tSdllta. expeD !~ .. "'"• Ne .. _... $1.75 hr.~ perienced. Guan.ntee a Cott• Mesa Exp,..__, but w/traln. r., ~ "..,._ .. _. P.fOTEl.. Maida. Exp'd. Must comm.lMk)n. Apply In 1.tr~Gamett. 5t9-0Q51 Beach, Callf, heve phone and tnn!J). Call petll(ln. M5-0209 ASK FOR: SEAMSI'RESS. Exptrtenoed 1M appt; 893-2474 -'====~~,,,--·I Mr. SIJLrntr or Mt. Sprl~ BLUEPRINT SHOP reqlrlNi on all womtn'1 y,-ear alt'"'° w~ Part lime deli\'ety &ivert. blue!Jne Uon.". Good wa~ Full ~MPANION to l lady 8t OVER 21 CALL An equal opportun1b' ttjmmer opm.tor. ~ time. Steady employment. hte houflewOrlc. $100 mo. Pvt --545-9863 emplow OPERATOR fot' ·~ Apply HOUMI ol TaUorlnlt, nn ' bath. 5f&..6599 llOUSEKEEPER/C111d cart talon, lollowiaa: prt!. SaJ&O' _ D>t>t PWo, 3313 So. _J HF-¥'f:NURSES -~nds_ on1> H.B. WANI""-lllnoo._..,.i-. _± CO!"t!lo::N..Klt ~ ' B111tol, Oolta Mm. netdtd. Can 642-9Ri 536--1248 part Ome d I • h "a• her • .ror Dail) PDot wm Adi. 1 1 1 White DrpblntliT O IARGE >WI' want a4 !)OW, White f'l.l!!pbAafll Olrn...ttne Phone '1$.0100 DtaJ ._ , ·::~~~~~~~;::~~~~~~~~~~~~;::::~::;:::;:;;=:-.,:;~·;;i.::;;:;:;:;:;:'~·;::::;~~ ! J 4 • i --j :.. '--~ •. _. ~ --,,_ '='' =--~ •• ... . • .• ...,_~-_ ...... _!__ --= _. ~ _..__ ____ _. ' ·' J \ • • U ,D.ULV PllOT , ThUndll', MOf<h 13, 1969 "'" MliRCHANDISl POR MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOii MEltCHAN!>ISE l',O~ SALE t..ND TRADE MIRCH.'NDISI f Olt SALE .AND TllAOI MIRCHANDISI FOR PETS and LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION • ' 5'-1.1 AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE .SA.LI AND TltAQI! SALi AND TAADI SALi AND TRAD! I .,._ 1125 Boot Trailers 9GU ·' Ml1c11l•---l600·1 ·=~~------WANTED BOAT TRAllZll 41 '* * * * for 21' Inboard Fumilur. IOOOFumllvf9 IOOO fumlturo IOOO Fumltvre . IOOO ~~.::::;:,a~ J $3CJ95 ..... $59.95 One of Our Many Bargains! MEDITERRANEAN SPANISH New Showroom Samples Will Sell Any Piec• lndivldu11ly Bcxreht MonuflctUrer's '69 Showroom SamplM Al fltn'lfk ,.,....,.., S.-W Deha ... .,. 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair 'or Jove seal 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w/black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pt BR set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser. Ig mirror. 2 commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish oak design with matching box springs, mat- tress & frame. Item• Sold lndiviclu1lly Shop Around -Boforo {°" buy -USI VALUE $1095.95-FUL PRICE $S29.95 or terms as low 11 $4.66 per wMk • Use Our S~e Charge Plan or Banlt Financing No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Valu~ Inside . . . ' , * 4 AUCTIONS * Accounting Controller btmancls fliscal Cl••rMIP We hove top -Illy NIW, Nl!AR-NEW & ANTIQUE FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS COMPLETE LIQUIDATION FOR OUR RECORDSI THURSDAY & FRIDAY AT 7 PM S1turd1y nlt1 6:30 ind Sunday 1:30 PM Color TV's • B & W TV's Stereos· Combo's We have' several Dinin g Room sets, finest quality, with chinas, buffets & servers. These items are top of the line. , Spanish • Mahogany • Meple • Modern French •Provincial • Mediterranean CUSTOM MADE, llardwood Bedroom sets, mattresses, couches & love seats, sectionals, (latest designs & fabrics), naugbahyde couch· es, chairs. coffee & end tables. * AUCllOll. * FRIDAY .·MAJtcH ,14 7:30 P.M. \ Bedn:iom aeta. divan.,, oo- ca.uional c h a I r a, cc:Cktail tables. 1 amp s. pielUl'C$. cheats, bat Ii 3 stoola, bunk · beds, mattress, TV'1, but· fet!I, 8' Meditemu"ll!an 1t:ylt ttereo. AM/FM, ooppertone upr.ight freeier, retrt.aera· ton. stoves, wuben, dry• en, ml&cellaneous carpen. ter'a tooltr; &: MUCH MORE:! (X)ME BROWSE AROUND· WllQY'S AUffiOll 21.m~ Newport Blv4 Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls. C.Osta Mesa * 646-8686 OPEN DAILY 9 to t KNITTED FABRICS A. I. K1rycl11 · * ~13 * 612 ~olntsettla Avt. Corono clot Mar, Coll!. \ ' Yo11 are whtntJr OI. a pttir of ~lt to lb&.Beat Show •• the Mahebn Coaveatl on Oenler, ~lanlb I tltro•s• 11. eom. to any of ovr 4. branch 0Hloe1 and pick "P JMI' FREE puiifl&. • • * * ALASKAN Malamute, AKC, female. 4 mos. Excellent for show prospecta and breedin&, Black with white """""""· 492-0003 POODLES AKC, M U ST SEU..! Very r<elUIOl\Able. 96U585 1 r.iALE 1 female Poodles. Male $25. Fema1e ;Ja. .C mo. old, have had shots. 562-1882 Boot S.rvlcH 9037 ' _, Orange . Coast Marine has 1 new crew which offers: ' .I ' Complete Marine , 5erviC'5 by e Experienced e High Quolity 8' Wood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair or ·· love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w I black ·or avocado framed chairs; 8 pc BR set. 9-d Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 com· modes, decorative headboard in Spanish oak design with matching box springs, mattress & fram e. .FIRST QUALITY mahogl!Ily furniture. Din· ing room sets with chinas, Bedroom sets, leather top coffee & end tables. LAB Pups, sired by ch. "'FOR SALE Le\visfield Beret. s.e e 'Remnants,, Sample• & Mill pedigree to a ppr~ c I a te. ends Sal Only 8 a.m. to 2 &&2-5630 MARINE PERSOl>jNEL. . ; .... Refrigerators, washers, dryers, dishwashers • bronze , yellow, wh.ite, turqoise • p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. 1 -==~~----00BERA1AN-X Pups 8 High Quality Work At Rea listic Prices ONLY $529.95 1$1095.95 Value) ,-~· ~-- Furniture 1000 Sewing Machines 1120 CARPE:I'S, Vfuyls, Tiles, lat. weeks. Fine temperament, est styles and colors. Com-l!t shots. $30. 540-5289 mef'C'ial & Residential. Ex· 1-=-------e HAUL OUTS We also have pianos, dinettes, game sets, (ll'rt installation. POODLE Puppies, 1 \Vks. • 4 brown, 1 black: pure bi't'd, SAIL & POWER 642-1403 540.7262 no papers $30. 536-4879 Eve e 24 HR EMERGENCY UPHOLSI'ERING -$1'9.50. 2 SERVICE 67'2460 • cir TERMS as low as $4.66 Week SPANISH Returned from 1968 SINGER, 1'l_uch-O-matic desks, bunk beds, lamps &: paintings. Mirr· Model Homes on sale at compl with w£cab. Service ors, china & miscellaneous "goodies." u .. our sfMe ch1rge ph1n or b.nk fln1ncing lesa than wholesale! Group man leaving area forces I includes beautiful 9 6' ' repo. $39.lS Full price or I 2 Decorative Dining Room sets w/buffets BOXER Puppies (nearly-'' · • • ;ii-i pc. (European craftsmen) ••7 B ·c1 D • Pure-bred): "little beauts," ""' ay11 • r1vt Free esl, del, pickup, 215 · Approved Furniture $4.10 mo. Automatic zig·zag, quilted sofa & Jove seat, button holes, blind hems, . l.ta1n, HB ''Berny" 536-6405 only $10 A $15. 549-1351 Newport Beach SPACESAVER bed, chest & PUG Puppies AKC, fawn col· 675-2460 or 675-2647 {No Finey Front -BUT Qu11ity V1lue' Inside} 2159 H1rbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 548·9660 Open 9-9 D1ily-Sund1y 11 .s 3 Spanish oak decorator overcasts, some tan e Y AOK C • • ' G II 1a•1.,, ,w .. or tabl• 1ampg, omm1ss1on a ery stitches etc. No attach need· · wall placque, king, queen, 7722 Garden GroVI Blvd. desk bu i l t _ i n . $150. or; champion quality I ~ ~ i Refrig/Irtezer (300 lb) $100 962-2874 M b•t H 9200 ed. Guarantee g o o d . or full size bedroom suite 526-66l6 I Block West of Beach, off G. G. Frwy 548-3904 FEMALE Bassel H 0 u n d 0 I • omes , 12 Ye1r1 11me location--same owners complete incl box springs, I ~~===-=--:-FREEZER. Xlnt cond $85. mattress, linens &: boudoir 1968 SINGER, To uch -o ·I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!.. RCA color TV, good S1Z5. lam-Span•'•h oak 6 pc matic, auto ·z1"·Z .. , button I= -f'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!l1!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!i!!!!!!!!!~\ ~· ~ Pi & 0 8130 H. Fl & S 8210 '62 Grand Prix 16 5 0. I~ dining set priced elsev.•herc holes, blind hems, overcasts anos rg1ns .•· tereo 64&-1218 r:, , .... • "M"LOfM•·N I ---· --al approx. n••0.00 ALL without attachments. Illness -------=~-~-~-~ ,;...,.,. • "' r furnt'ture 8000 .. ~ 1961 PORTAB' ~' k ~ , J>"'OR ONLY $399. $20 down. forees repo. $38.01 or $1.35 PIANOS & ORGANS '"""'~~ .. -spea er FULL mem,bership N'pt. "gencies, Men & $4.99 per week / out of Week. Guarantee still good. Famous Name Brands stereo • beautiful 2-tone Beach Tennill Club state credit OK. \V 111 Call atiytime. 893-4444 from $5:l9. cabinet 'v I stand. $5-0.00. . 6-14-0637 OJ;' 548-2035 Women 7550 EXQUISITE SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN aeparate for quick sale. 20th Also USED Instr L1111enls ·you won't believe this until 4X8' BRUN~WICK , po o I Century Furniture, 9772 Music1l ln1t. 8125 Gould Music Company you hear for yourSeU! Table like' new. Pvt pty. newport . personnei agency Garden Grove BI v d,' ---------1 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana Includes headphone jack. 64&-3n8 Garden Grove Daily 10-9, Guit1r H1adqu1rter1 So. of Freeway 547-0081 Olson headphones with S.I l" •, Sun ••" Com< e NEW ••d USED e scpai·ate volume oontrol, IBM Standard Model C .,...., ,_._, ... , l.fon &: Fri 'ti! 9 Sunday 12-5 brand $15 o•• ~-xlnt nd •~ in or call (TI4} 530-5240 Fender • Vox • Standel new · ...........,....,, 00 • _.... RETURNEo rnoM 20 Pc. Maple e GIBSON e MARTIN BALDWIN Piano, late model STEREO 1969 Solid state 675-2133 e \VII.SON e y AMAHA • Xlnl cond. $650. deluxe console stereo, 4 9'6" SURFBOARD, x 1 n I Professional Service for the employer . o1nd the applicant 833 Dover Dr., N.B. A tine ~~e;;u:.~r!,~ptete 3 ROO~ GROUP Orum Headquarters S4S.2l03 spd changer. Left on lay cond. Xlnt riding board. e NEW and USED e \VANTED: Pianos&. Organs. away. Pay off remaining bal· Sacrilicc. $35. 54~2081 housefulls. Brand names, Includes: Living room set • kingsize bedrooms, beautiful tables -. lamps -bedroom 7 pc. dining rooms, chinas, set -.q~ted. malti-ess -ma- hutehes, custom quality so. pie dm111g room. All fur ••• LUDWIG. ROGERS. ASTR.0 Cash paid ance of $76.00 or terms. LUXURIOUS off white Large selection with new 4 * 636-3620 * Credit Dept. 535--7289 carpet, $40. 548-2394. 2001 642·3870 549-2743 pc. sets and cymbals start-Kings Road. ing at $99.50. Pedals, hi.hats FREE TO YOU Sp0rting Goods 8500 DELTA .f" Jointer-Planer fas & love seab, double door $449 Schools-Instruction 7600 refrigerators, washeni, dry· No down • Pmts, only $18 mo. :.i~~ :.;;;,:~ ~~ WElJ('S WAREHOUSE and sets repaired. All small 1-----~~----'---'--·-----\Vith motor, used once. $50. parts, accessories & cymbals 2 YR old Blk ma I~ GOLF CTubs, like new; 642--0341 in stock. P/Dachshund & Cocker. To men's First Flight reg. pro. LIFETIME Gilt, typewriting. Oiildren. grandchildren, or yourseU! Individually tutor· eel Chilcoat 10 lessons typing school. 173 Del Mar. CM, ,,...,.,, or part. Terms on good creel· EVERYTHING lN !lfUSIC older couple only. Hskbm. model 1)...4, Stiff shaft. 9 ANTIQUE Rugs, Oriental I: irons, 4 woods, SSS. 644--0790 otheni. Brown studio couch Jt 60C AOK WAREHOUSE \V. 4Ul ~t., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Beach Music Center ~ w•tohdog. 64&-'169 aft 9 AM to 4: 30. $15. c.11 Kl 5-0169 NON·PROFIT Cbildrens Art Workshop class be g in March 17th. Painting, Clay & Sculpture Ages s · years. up. 646-5511 ior info. , Sat.9.6 Sun.11-6 F::i.ctory Sales & Service mi Garden Grove Bl'w-d., MP~. drop leaf table, .four Daily 12 .noon 'tU 9, Sat S.5 I Blck west ot Beach mvd., chai.rs .. $30 con1p. bdrm. set 17-tW Beacb Blvd., (1-Jwy 39) 5 Fluffy Kittens 6 Weeks Old * 962-8186 * ;)/13 off Garden Grove Fl'wy. $95, nusc. 536-8996 l lh mi. So, San Diego F'Yly. Open,10 to 9 Sun 10 . g n PIECE Mahogany dining Huutington Beach 847-8536 WANTED Loving home 20 Pc '.'•MADRID'' room set. incl. pads: Also CLARINET. like new. Ex· w/elderly person Jor Toy • up ho I chair. 833-0539 c..'1'1lcnt condition. Paid $225. Boi;1on Bull. 5 yrs old. 3 R G Sell $90. 962-7516 536-899.1 :\/13 WHY drive? 1'1usic lesson5> OOm rOUp G $ • 8022 PUPPY, Male, 10 wks, 'ho Pl 0 FRO•! MODEL HOMES arag• aie your me. ano, rgan, Pianos & Organs 1130 smar!, he a Ith y, with Guitar. Beginner-Advanced. Includes: Quilted · liOfa & j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ---personality plll5, 494-3108 Qualified teacher, r t f s. chair -2 eOO table• & cot-HAMOND ORGAN 3/13 83;-7934 ,.,.tab1e-21am,.-.ir.... Garage Sale! LESSONS · i ALL white, long hair, female OISE foR er-mirror-headboard-Close-au Antiques ENROLL NOWI MERCHAN quilted box apring 4 matt· l'urniture • Bric-a Brae house cat, need new borne, SALE AND TRADE ress _ 5 pc. dining room; Bargains galore! $16 for 8 week course 2 yrs old, declawed, very 1--~-----:8000:--:-'. I table & 4 hi-bllck chain. 5CD Carnation You do not have to own an gentle. 545-4101 3/15 Furniture COMPARE AT $749.95 Corona del Mar i~strument. Frtt practice "NIPPER" playful young •:;;;;;;,;;;;:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \ tune available. CLASSES . . I• _ $399 1-~RI. -SAT. -SUN. START· Beg·nne~ March male cat S1ame8e, Russian No down-Pmtl!i only $l6 mo. 10 a.m. 5 p.m. lS, ~sday, 1 7 PM. Inter-blue, Persian mixed. 675i: WElJ('S WAREHOUSE med""· Mareh 13, Th"""l==,,---,~---c-l969 MAYTA:G dryer, ga~ day 7 PM. Excellent teach· "PUDDIN" attractive long SpaDISh range, rclr1g. M a Y ta g er. hair gray &. white male, • 600 \V. 4th St., Santa Ana washer. platform rocker, g11ards premises like a dog, Mediterranean Open Daily 9-9 misc. 1932 Maple Ave. Apt REGISTER NOW: Fun, En· 675-4738, 3/15 Received cancellation Sat. 9-6 Sun 11·6 B, Ct.'f. tertaining, Knowledgeable. 5 MO. old large moi:ed breed of $22,000.00 SpAnish * $~9.44 ~ KENMORE Gas Dryer & Rent organs available dur· dog. Very firendly used to and Mediterranpn For. 3 Piece Braided Washer $85. Also J\.Usc ing tenn or courge, Sign up small children has hosts. Furnit\ire • OVAL RUG SE'l_' • household item~. 968-156.1 now? Avoid the rush! 546-7408 3/ll All ·Niw Top QualitV Nylon blend, reversible, 8100 Inquire for detail.II: nd N Brown, coppertone, green, Appli1ncu HAMMOND Bra , ames Sizes: 8 x IO, 2 x S, 2 x 6 . t'ORONA DEL MAR Shep. Female Puppy 4 mos. Decorator s Dream AL'S UNUSUAL e SPECIAL PURCHASE e in ,,....; """" old Needs good home. 2854 E. Coast Hwy., VloNl-.i 540 ~, l/15 House on Display FURNITURE Refrigerators, automatic ~.,..,. Items as fo llows; Gor· 'vashers & other major a~ e New Pianos e MAXlMILLIAN, 7 mo. old geous 8 ft. custom qui1· .17881 Beach Blvd. plianct'! from model homes \VURLITZER &: BRADBURY Black male. Has shots. ted sofa with separate 1-lunhngton Beach 842·4464 at fantastic discounts! No ... ,, 715 5 p M 3 h All styles &: finishes, all gow-J after . . /14 ~~etr~0d~;'i~d ~;,~ 17 Pc. King Size Down, w;0~~~S See at: American made, 88 note, del ALBINO Parakeet w1 cage chin.£" chair. 3 matching Bedroom 17185 Brookhurst, Fln Vall""' w·bench & tuned, Price start. & supplies to someone who oak occasional tables, (2) ~.r Ing at i499. cares. 846--0287 3112 58" tall decorator lamps, Largt 9 dNlwer dreS!itt, nlir-ISo. of Warner) 968-1234 W 1• 0 an 8 piece master bed-ror, 2 bedside stands, king GE Refrigerator, b o. t t 0 m Ur ltzer RJGft$ 5 BLK. PuppiMi Cocker & room suite in pecan pan· .__ -c<-1 •--· rood e NEW e Terrier 4 \Vks. 0 I d 'II~ M-.. •~--n•an style size bead board, frame, quilt. .1.uxzer • .-•us u>:t: 1n . .,... .,.......,.,,... u· N Maoy other makes. Many 548-2780 3/1::1 with top quality 15 yr. e<1 mattte~ sbceb, blank· sec on. ew compressor warrant,y mattress &: box ets, etc. unit. 1 yr guarantee on seal· styles & finishes. Pritts PART Cockapoo lifale 1 yr springs. Spanish d e e or Qiolcit o! Spanish P.d unit. Jmmac. white. start at o I d n d g d H om e . PART Collie, Part Ger, SURFBOARD Manufacturer moving, must sell all board1 in slock. Used boards, all sizes $55. maximum, 81S W, 18th St., Costa Mesa Misc. Wanted 1610 WE PAY MORE CASH For any near new or used furniture, appliances, color- Miscellaneou. 1600 ed TV 's, stereos, pianoa, or-;;;;;;:;;:·,;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I gans, stoves, refrigeralot11, bedroom sets, dining room liC?ts, oUice furniture. l piece or houseful. Day, night or Swlday. SURFBOARD -9'3". Candy apple red rails, \V h i t e center: good shape. 546-84:,.S PUBtK AUCTION THURSDAY MARCH 13 7:30 P.M. NEW & USED FURN : Bedrm sets. Living room se1, Dinettes, Chests, Dt-esse.rs, Recliners. Sofas, Love seats, Lamps, Pictu1-es, ell·. GUARANTEED APPLIANCES : Gas stoves, Electric stoves, Frost ~ }'rec Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers. Free·zers. ALSO: Color TV's, Ste~ c1c:. Bar & Restaurant equipment. Misc, Iten1s. ADAMS FURNITURE MART 11929 E. Carson 860-3470 Hawaiian Garde1111, l blcks E. 636-3620 -$WE BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Color TV's-Pi•110'1-Sl•r•o's I Piece or Ho111• Full CASH IN lO MINUTES • 541-4531 • \V ANTED to buy • 40" \vid~ gas range with double oven. ?i1ust be good condition. Prefer O'Keefe & l\1erritt. 546-1879 PACKARD Bell Stereo Console record p I a y e r AM/Flit with stereo tape attachments. 4 months old. For qllick sale $185. &16--2174 PETS end LIVESTOCK C1t1 8820 of 600 Fr.vy, Fonnerly Pat's """"~~~~~,..,,,.I BEAUTIFUL C i1 oco I ate ATTENTION Point male Siamese. cat to TREASURE mate \Vith your female HUNTERS Siamese. Chvner wants pick of Utter. 64'2-3751 between Gardiner electronic tranris-9 AM & 5 PM, after 5 AKC, 1 year old, shots, very Bay Harbor affectionate. $75. 540-2917 Mobile Homes IRISH Setter Puppies !6'.2(1'.22'-24' &: 34 wides ' AKC, best in show sire. From $6995 Males only. 540-0715 12 \VIDES 10' -43' .45' .50• -55' -M' .gt' MALE l\liniature Dachshund From $3S95 AKC reg. will use as stud for one puppy. 545--5736 Parks available in all arell$ 1 "25 Baker St. Hones 1830 J,) block East of Harbor Blvd. ---------on Baker , EXCELLENT HORSE CARE Dry safe pipe paddoclc!. bei-,i hay & grain. Groom service, at reas. rates. 2 mi east of Santa. Ana Frwy on Ortega Hwy. River Oaks Training Stable, San Juan Capistl'ano QUARTER HORSES: I-White face w/ wht socks $150. 1-Buckskln marking $150. Appaloosa Stallion, reg; very good stock $650. 897-7350 TRANSPORTATION BOits & Yachts 9000 18' BAY BOAT Like ne\v. . . . . . . . .. try St 495 COL 29 ........ $9950 Inboard •...••.•.•.. Loaded! e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe 3446 Via Oporto, Newport 24 Hour Phone •• 673-1570 Comi~g CUSTOM DL.'\: K 41 17 IT. Performer. Islander Deluxe model (all fiber· glass} outboard. Custom snap do\vn cover. Big '"heel till tNliler. S700 or best of!· er. Phone 6444687 after 7 pm FOR Sale • 14' tiberglas boat. 3SHP Evinrude l.1otor with electric starter. Complete wilh convert. can- vas top & tilt·UP trailer. 962-7280 Costa Mesa CTI4) 540-!M70 SEE the Du.al Wide Roa.d- line:r Pan American. Pan· mount, Elite and G$ilr"ll 1 mobile homes now at Dual Wide Sales Qi.apm::in Mobile Hornes Tne. 520 N. Horl!or. S.A. 531-8571 DBL \Vide Crusader 20x53 '. luxury living in Bayside Village. 2 Bdrm, 2 Ba, crpts, drps, lrplc; awnings. '. carport, cust. porch, patio, '. lndscp'g. By appt Eves., • Sun & Mon 6 44·4422 ; wkdays 499-1011 20xj() GOLD Medal 2 BR, : 2 ba, service porch. ctlmp/ set up, lovely adult park, porch. awnings, caroprt, , storage shecl. Ml ~kiri:. • ldnscpd, ready to move in.'. · }'ull p r i c r $10,5()(1..$3,000 dwn, By O\Vn<'r. 962--0790 M 0 B I L E Home-Cabana, Boles Aero "El Dorado,", , for single or couple, All facilities, private cove. Lido Park. Reasonable. Cash or terms. 675--4531 or 646-2388 , Mini Bikes 9275 LIL·INDIAN 5 HP. Xlnt cond. 546-8453 , ======I Sail.boats 9010 Motorcycle' 9300 &'IALL SAIL BOATS Sabots . . . . . • . . . • Irom $130 New 12 ft; Dari .. , • , , $440 Lido 14' .. .' ............ $795 20' Sloop .............. $655 TOMCAT BOATS 2614 Npt. Blvd., 675-2400 OLYMPIC Class Sailboat Finn No. 727. Excellent con· dition & racing record. All extras S12.00. Call 673-8148 or 642·0022 SACRIFICE! Priced to sell Q.Day -7·11 complete w/ sails + Jic"d trlr. $160. (175-0025 O\VNER says ·"sell", tr Royal Viking sloop. Reduc· Pd to $3.000. 645-1133 IBkr.J SABOT $280 645--0810 • * * Jim Odrio1ola 319 Ruby * Balboa Island, Calif. ' . : You are 11•lnner of a pair , or tleket8 lo the B • a t Show at Ui~ Anaheim Co nveat·l oa Cenler0 i\larch I t hroarh lf. Con1t1 to any of our 4 branch OH!Cfl!f and pld: up your FREE pa~. * * * * .~~~~~~~--· '&5 l\1ATCHLESS 500ec Jn I a basket. Equipped for DIRT Best offer over $250 complete set of metric" \\TCnchcs & soclrets $40. 1 Priv, Party. Sll--8387 ·~ HONDA 160 Scrambler. I dining set. etc. or Modern St;yle Dunlaps, 1815 Newport. Co.s. $595 842-2617 3113 Whole housefull wes All For $249 1a M• ... regular $7295.00 IG'~E~Ro~fr-,.1 .. -,....,t-o.---N"•_w_,tro,....m EVERYTllING lN MUSIC BROWN Tabby Male Kitten. tor metal detector, model PM 6-12-2589 200. Max range .c rt, \Vill J =========o _P_o_w_e_r_C_r_u_l•_•_r_• ___ 902 __ o sacrifice for S75. Call 646- 1987 after g p.m. Xlnt cond. 9000 mi. $325.: 646-1696 ask for Dave 01·' Jack. 1 '68 HONDA 90, tnil bike.1·· Like new, $275. Licenaed. MUST SACRIFICE No do"": -Pmts. only S9 mo. 1i1odel Home-Save ruany $ 568.00 WElJ( S WAREHOUSE •on .. .-s;•, by ,;., o" Any picct can be: pur· chased individually , . . TER1r1S -We carry our own accounts.. rollen, :n cu fl. Frost tree. 600 W. 4th St.. Santa Ana Dunlap"s, l8l:i Newport, Open Daily 9 ~ 9 .cc,c.M,:,·~~~~~-~~ Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. 11 -6 ADP.'flRAL Sid<' by side ..,, U A L I TY king. bed Refrlg. 2S cu fl with ice w/qullted mattreL'I, comp. maker. Mot1d home display. Beach Mu~c Center :1~,;i; I u l mark',;,~ Factory sates&. Service LOVABLE grey&. \Vhite cat, Daily 12 noon 'lil 9 Sat S.5 long hair, 1i,;. yrs old. ex· 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) pc<:ting. Call 675--0250 3114 l Y· mi. So. San Diego Fwy. "JERRY'', peppy young lfuntington Beach 847-8536 male cal 1 • .; Siamese, ~~ blk. Perslan, 6754738. 3/lS e CUSTOM DRAPES e l\lanufacturer to you, Save on materiaJs: guar. work. Jo'ree Estimates. 54~1431 CLASSIC DRAPERIES 3853 Birch St.. N'pt Sch . Adj. Orange County Airp'l. 0091 1825 Sh"YE Terriers. AK C. Champ. sired. RArr, calm. flulfy: sho\V qua!. pets. 549-2a47 SACRIFICE! :16' Ct'-!isel' w/65' mooring: top cond. l\fust sell by week. encl. 548-8691 Art. 6. Speed-Ski 80111 9030 SANGER Jnb:>ard 392 1-lemi wi th trailer $3,800. ·-· * 644--0183 * I 'rRilTh,PH '67 T-100..C, 500ec 1000 niilcs -perfect cond, 1' 54&-&108 • '65 SUZUKI, m1ko-r 54$.1381 fill] NeveT uted $98. worth ;250. Saw $200. Don't miss thii;! I ! flRf SAU I I BEAlJf. grey kitty, long }.tAN'S ~~ carat dismond J'llJ<. SUN NEVElt .SETS on C"Jas.si!led's action powe:r. For an ad lo &ell •round the clnr:k. dlaJ 642-5678. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! I 84• ~-o··-'•no: 1815 N e w p 0 rt , hair, 1 mo • old. spade . . .... liful •-. • ~ uu•....-1 Call 5-0250 ,t nng in """au U<Jl~ntine 20 Pc MODERN CostaMe&a Our gorpous new slore femae. 61 311 goldandbrusbedsilverRt· ~· "K>ir-l(V FMMllture 11 HARllOR BLVD. 1 au Newport Blyd, Costa Mesa (only) Every nit• 'til f Wed., Sat., Sun. 'til ' • REFRIGERATOR / b"""'1t Tb< pio"" & or-"PELE" J'1 Block frl•ndly ting. Wu 1210.00 "'•·Will ).,'t:iJf!TI STAR GA"ZE~ . .., J ROOM GROUP FREEZER f72, Automatic gans suflered no water dam. fem. cat, half Siamese. Ncriliee for $]00.00. Set for By a.AY I.POLLAN UDA lnclodes: .floral sofa & chair washer $55. Gas dryer $55. age, but they att. smokey, 675-4138 3/15 yourseU. 546-5197 /fl =~1 H r-DoilyJ.dMfrGIHO. ~ .tll'f2I l'tt. _ walnut tab!~ lamps • All guan.nteed. 646-'i486. dirty, dusty Ii: scratchy. We FAN Palm trtta. Oleancltn. S'I f :A .· ~ A~i•sr lo 1.lt• .Sto11. ,,o'22 Q),~ complete bedroom with qullL Coast F;lectrlc Service Dept moved them all back to our & 1-"lreworxl. 12851 Old I ver 01 Jacket f'\16-721:;.~ To deve\op "mes,og~ for Fridoy, 12-lJ.17-«>f'C e-d mattJus. s pc. dinette, KENMORE washer It. d~. old location& marked eVl!ry· }>"oothill . 642-..~!· ~A7.-rt:odwordscom:spond1ngtc!'lumbc•s 52.75J9.81~ , t AD I Id 1·-2 thing at FIRE SALE PRlC Coiit s;:;;,o • ~fust sen S50 .<!.TAVIUS of.your Zodiocbirths1gr'1. SCOI"° ~ c. or ... 5 monthr. o . ......... yr E:S' So ... ~· dla lh•t "Old LOVABLE " mo old male ,..,.,_,,,..,6 ,._.,_, $277 . I 53&-4072 af1 . . u ,, •• _ . ... "'"''\IUO ~-~· . .., ii: \ APt.:10 1Try 3-1 Pe.J.,.i,l•t &I o.~"·•·od <X"l'.~s ~ 1na1n . serv. . . Time Smolrey F l avor", ml..\'e<i pupfJY free tu u~, =~~~___,~-"-= ~'~! MAY'O :>Y°" .l2 C"""°' "''r• ~-~1 ii Nodown .Pm•• onl.,SlOmo 6:30 conlc &: ""'t 'em. and al homf'. 6-12-1001. l /lR EKO Guita1· \vilh Cft!C SG:i. 3;. J JSK"'i ..,3.., -. " R E f' R 1GERAT0 RS .. -.,. . ;\ LE Sm Knight klt auto an."\lyt.rr $45, '4-l$.U29 • ~~ l • lmpc>t1""1 £4 f, • .,..i JO.JJ.42~9 WflK'S WAREHOUSE Cold1pot .. xlntmnd.S75.Ba~ ~~.J'°~A~~:~~ro ~~old. Lo°!C:c~~.c~: f\lon~ golf clubs, bar. cart ~~ ~~':!''0b1• ~~,-~~1oc1 ~~!ius QUALlTY Furniture-velvet $40. Older refrist. works 1801 Newpor1, CM. 642-8484 fectionate. MU159 l/lS &: size 8~ shoes ISO. Phone ~ w.v21 ~~ ~~~ :,;-.:;i ~,72 .ilw ~ will&, ltack ma.irs, 600 W. 41h St,. Santa Ana lf!Od. $35. 54M213 COCKER Poodlt Black Male 546-5197. ~<:ef ~z • '"'-" Jtum. titt. oe:.21 ~J dmu. rm .et. mertale top Open Datb' 9 • t INS. Gmup dispoees: of: atttl ltAMMOND -Stetnwt.)' Ya· ~a mo. otd. 8$2-l369 l/13 PRIVATE Sal~. 9' Couch, i ...:J,W: ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~':!;' !+ ..... -, >t 1ablits. W'Mttr A dl')'a'. Sit. S -I SUn. ll. 6 Ir wood Dec A Sectetarill maba -new a, Ulld plAnol . • modem dlnetfe, ktrc bed ii~ ~~!...,.. ~~ !! ~ Mlacf. Wlt:fT * * * * dflfJcs. chain. table~ files. at an makes. Beat btQll In 3. Washlngton1.BPaJrml tall le set. all 6 mos. old. ,~ 14~ ..,.,., 74.,.._ CAHICOPC ' W i'R05'I' trff rdril. Betty Kingsbury Wlvtnr. tockm • d~ So. CAUt i:tlht Mrt. 56-12'J9 3114 644--0!04 aft 6 g:Z: l:t ~i~ ~~ m;n c,1 ;;:..~:::.,~ ~:.R,1e~ 5191 Mt•dow Lark Dr. mo:=.~s 7724400 SOl~N~~~<X> .. T1ltvl1l°!' 1205 B!~!:ge~::i~nadi~ ("\ 1.-.J·TIM ~~~ ~~ ~-~ :':':,1.11 ! MJkiMt. belce, ~ u 11 t e d Huntington Beach, c.. 183(> • s. Al'lllhOlm Blvd. In Santa Ana COt..OR TV'• • CE £: RCA weddltw band. Bf!st offer. !LC uo m ~IC.,, ' =~ I~ . ~:.~ .. ~ ,...., Anah1h (alonpide: s.A. WALNUT Spinet piano, lil.'t -Trad f' In 's ' '*-1464 @ 21 ,_ 51 B. II~ JAN'° V•• •nl Wini.er tit a pair f I <•·I II I C 1_, ~II I'~ I ~--~-----.iu.y:n 22 Ern1r !.12 To 82Frl.ndsht, , • o:mplete hou:se-el Ur.lei!! 10 Ute 8 •a I l'W'Y 9 """ e a ne"" ost <;Jil '"""" ....,.,.., l'eJ'IO.'l'6Ulon~Choote (mm 9 Q u A l.1 T :r kin~ bed ,..u:;.,, 1l Orul 3-'Ju•\1...,."' 83 .-.nr:1 t~ 11 ..., ,.....,...,... Ettllt ,.111e, 9ow •• (M ,\.nahfoJtn VAST Stock l\n'ICr & Eur 543-J!I0.1 m~ls, fully li\l·'"'"tet'd -"'/miil!ro mattress. comp. • 19-;l"3SJC ~ =·o;r><. ~=ont =~:.~1rr11 3-S. a. ..... &nerlPM,lMSPla· C'••Ve•tlt• ~nlcr, furn & clockil. l.11rr y PRNATE PARTY priced right (01' rruick aalr., Ncverw;ed n , \\'Orth $230. M-n~ '26Yw 5'Yn.... &6 WoMo 27•2.Q ........ ·-'f CM.. A.lo--n An1.,· Uel{. ' .. 2 8 \Vanis to ""'"' ..t.... Dunh1ps. 181l N fl w p 0 r I • 8421.'\36 v1•GO 21 '-" 51 TodoJ 87 Clw<~ .. ,, 'ISCIS r-."r.t • ~tatt-Jli I lllr•111• JI. ..... ~ r---==------~ ;>tc....... ~.s"~flf""f (.S J>1"'<!'1.1•• ' , .. , . 1, . " --~-Bl•·r c .... lo.,,, DI fMll" .. NC\Vl'lOf'tBlvd .. C.M. for Ca1b, DJ.4177 ... 1035 C.osta Mesa SEWING machine. addini; ~>-OG'ia """ !o9Mcy 19Slot~. '".u~, ~ ::.-::1 I ~ 1&»-i.J.2 lO "-'°f:lo!t9o<t 90Toc.n..I ....,..,~ r:::~;--1 --thl ~llif"ad omos-aN.,,.cll OLD 31ftd, Violin U:i9 1S Y'OUlt AD W ~a..AS.!I~ e-eot.OR TV, RCA.zr• .'111" x~·~ch~lne~.~cetl;~ar~c~hm,~-a~n-~~---!~~~~~/0\~~~~--'~"3\~~~-d--; ·~~~;~_!~!-~"l~~~~~-~--~~-U flLCJI a..... ., ,... nu,,.... Goldenrod AV'll., Corona del JooJd.na tor it. Dill IG46ll. conditinn! $150. 673-lll9 l'Yel Hqut' rocktt, dl11bfts. 243 I \'2/UOIJQ '8' .... ~. ~ l -'=---· * * + + Mar&.f4..2179 nEDT 5!11,.,. wtU be 6'1i 1. %htSt.C.M.60-llSl • 1-~-~-'--~~~ I •. • 1···--z ~··---·•·.-.. -! -· ·~ --·-· -•~+------_, .. '. ' .. -·-.. ~ ~---~------------------------------.,..._------.,,-..~--....... ···------·----··----------· --· TltANS~ATION Aute .tlh'l ,.1 'niu..,.,, -U, 1969 • DAILY PLCll' TIAHSl'ORTATION , ~ '\'UNll'OITATIO,. TRANSl'OltTATlOH TuNsJ'ORTA'.flON , Now Ca rs 9800 TIA~l'OltTATION•]T~~~--~~C:::~!!!!~!!!l~~;J ~,... '9400 . ' . ,-.-~------1 ·------.-:-c.. .... ll!!J!!:1!"' Au* HOo 'liliplr!M •-·f 600 Im~ -" -~ ~~:·~ ftOO UoM Con ftOO 1JoM ~ 4 !I'd llilJcar; new, .rm·lii """ !Gs or O>TER. AUSnN HIALIY MERCEDES BINZ TOYOTA VOLK.SWA!!!f CHMOLET DODGE MUSTANG 'TOJ'"JA. 'Ill VW UOO Futbaek, * * * * '!~~l ~ ~ =':'...,~":;"'...,.: -Tr011ar, Trmol 9425 .. * * * B Ill Oclotto 11 27 Avlemore Terr.ai Cost• Mes•', Ca lif. V 8unroof A R/J.t. Very , Edwtn R. Parkt Prv prt:y, 1134535 289 VI ~. New wide llEADQUARTERS ~ ~. ~Ota· OWOU\ a 617 Sea Br..-Drfve FOR ule Ot ~ 1958 oval tlru. Black interior, 1 , l!' ROD A REn. ' VERY CLEAN ' You ..,.,, wlnaer of a. pa.Ir of lidtet..; to the B o a t Show at tile Anl.Ml:nl Vo11ventlo11 Center, Mareb 8 t brou1b 11. EIMORE ~· VW oon·-tttble, now -• BRAND • SHI B .. ch, C.l!f. Dod&• HT w/ pwr bdm auto tnna. 71,000 ml. Ex-, 'II. "" • .,, ....,.. A-atr'1. (f125va1.) 84T-:!S8 ce:Uent condJUon. Rele&R ~ paint, tntorlor, 55,doo ml, • NEW • oubmlt ollof. 116>-1619 4 bumel' •tove, oven &: brtr. Obi sink. elee WH, elec reJrtg _ ice box comb. Nr ne\v tires -spare T &: W. A real buy at $&88.88. WOO Bee.di Blvd., Watm.natr Sharp. 646-5218 ' Yoa a"' wtMOr et a pair Pbcne ..._ "=======::-1 • • ol .... ., to (be Boat FALCON MUSTANG '66 GT• opoed. BILL MAXEY ,A_n_tl_,q_u.,-'._c_i._ .. _1cs_96_1_S • 1969 ·• S.ow •• •loo ......,... "kY com. solids, dual i&·' MG 1 • a O o • v ea 11 o~a Cclnl.f!r, '8l FA.LOON 1'lti.lra, spt nition. hk'iKr. Amer. 1 '36 Ford grille, 2 rear cloon • BUICK ......, 1 lb., o 1 h •~ coupe<!, Fonlo., R " H, map; Ha,u clutch. Nev.r 1960 Inter. Travelall, \Veil experienced, $390. r Corne to any of our t hl'.&D<lh otticff and pick up your FREE pa1111et1. * • • • MG ITIQIYIO)TIAI complete with ctaa, 1 hood • a Conte to ._..,. of out t bucket teats. Con1ole . been need. Must Id.I Jm. ~ ,........., -~ • sl ightly beat, 1 bell bouslnc • s2444 II: brudl. ofUcel aa4 pick Deluxe. $500. Aft. • PM I =--==145-=ma===-==='I ·~· Sales, Service, Parts hnmed.ill.te Delivery, All Model& 18881 BEACH BLVD.' wilh rear end. ·1 '40 Fonl • vi>,..... FREE-· 613.706> 1 • Hunt, Baoch 847-8555 hood deluxe A l grille. do-* * * * '63 FALCON Rancbero, :l60 OLDSMOllLE '58 A. Healey, extra ~! New: Interior, wood dash & wheel, tonneau, tires, top. Overdrive, $1100 ti r m , 673-.1189 :1 mt N. of Coafl Hwy. on B<'.h luxe. Set of back aeats for • '"65 CHEVY rMPALA V3. 3 spd. Xlnt. sreen t---------,69. TOYOTA'S v .w. Bus. PhoneBllL 53U41l • lMMIDlATI DILlnlY • Hardtop, v ... fact ai., dlr, ......,.. be! 9 a.in. « ott llllVERSITY Trucks Y500 Ill.AND NEW 1Nt ,Yz Ton 'icl!up •21,95 $99 l!N;p1u1 Tl!., oao <;ONNELL · CHEVROLET 2828 Harbor 546-1200 C.li'I. '60 STUDEBAKER Yi JOH PICKUP VS, 4 speed, excellent mech· anical condition. (M47365) $595 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOlITH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa lt1esa 546-1934 Open 'til 10 p.m. *SPORTSMENS VAN* , * TRUCKS * They Are All Here At Fantastic Discounts Ready for immediate dell very BEACH CITY DODGE J1l'lllPOll Jl111p ort s H.B. A8k for 8 • Joca1 car. Ecellent condltion. 9 p.m. Large Selection Autos Wanted '700 • • • $51' ~tradde!& oWr W~~ '60 FALCON '60 A.H., rblt eng., Radio, healer, xlnt cond. $815, 642-<606 FOR • Dl lYI IT HOMI TOP~Y • car w e. WJC ... ~. good transportation Im mediate Delivery WE PAY . . • ~-party. LB TXJ 48f. '9f.9Tr3 $250. Eves. 673-2T1S '59 A. HEALEY 10M Cll&ll. 1675, Call olt"' 3 PM ~· Cl>alt llwy.;;i'i. SEE US TODA~ . CASH • .: = Chowlle SUper ·~u.!'~ :.~= '66 MGB· ROOJllt.r t4lll UU1Jc1 , • • "° cu. In. 'ft&. Udna l8QO. A,utl!orlnd MG !)ollet fi"'• I •-•· • • Sport, blacl< lntorlor, •tick, cood. ,.._.140, 116>-6161 -Iilw -~·oE .. · '. " tor'""" ""'A "'clcl just • '4<--0933 • ·FORD · 615,ln4~ ," ltll'ORTS ooU UI !« ""'~... • ·~444 ·• atEVELLE Mallbtt, Vi; . ' : D~1SUN MUST ..u ii MGii GT, . . ~:t-'•·•0110 .GROTH CHlVROIEt : ' ,: : =:"~· ,,... '"· ~· '" FORD . • 1 'ff DATSUN' Oftltll -w*il, 12!111. 1111 Hlrllor, -.... ~-••• '.: .. _. .., 11 '°¥ . ' · ~--96 -9liMl2'I . ---~ • • IJ&'f an;:vy--:-j1ilii,. 1\JJlo AWIE 500 Big __, ~. TRIUUPH uiu e.ach Blvd. • · • iooc! -. ,,... 11re.: 53&-1000 6 ::' .. ~~:-·.:.~i,:';.~ OPEL GT 6 Hw•~~k':'ach • $199 DOWN • ,.oll=er:-l-:p;:.m::'==c:::--:::: 2800 miles, under factory ---------1 '67 Triumph --,,.:=--=-c=-=cc=:::--• • GOOD Transportation car! warranty. Bal $1715. Take '66 OPEL Gleaming ruby red finish WE PAY (ASH Plus tax & license on •Po• ExOll1 eond. '60 Chevy sta $75 cash dels or older car. with black interior. Ecep-•proved credit for this wq, V-8, auto. 646-l<f&I _,. Station wagon, xlnt cond. f •N B · k s IaL N • L.B. YN\V087. Call cuter 10. ,..__ tionally clean in every de--FOR YOUR CAR ew UtC nee 0. '51 CHEVY Wagon 4 DR. M-9773 · spd, dlr, radio, heater. ~ 79 6003 • -4 · blue exterior. All ort,inal tall. Radio, wire \Vhee!s, ra· 1 4332 Z -49. Good condition $325 '67 DATSUN PICKUP interior. $75 Cash deli. Will dial tirell, etc.: 12 month I BRAND NEW • 545-6969 ~; T, -4 1pd, dlr, radio&: heal-fine prvt pi'ty. LB SWG 411 WaITanty. CONNEU • '69 OPEL 8 1959 EL CAMINO. As is, air-- •« Excellent conditioo, all A•k for Jim '94-9773 CHEVROLET $1777 • <lOll4, R & H, 1450, Private original, Owned by little 'ole 2828 Harbor Blvd. • 8 pal-ty. 642-6336 man in Laguna, $50 Cash PORSCHE Costa Mesa 546-l200 • Order Yours TIMlayl dcls or take foreign car in • 8 CHRYSLER trade. Will fine •"" pny, '61 PORSCHE Will Buy • • ------- Ll PTB 904• Call Jim, 494-3100 W, Coast ·Hwy. • '67 CHRYSLER gm or 545-063-4 Very clean, must see to ap-Newport Beach Your Volks'ft'agt'n or Ponche 1 '69 DATSUN Convert. Blue preciate. 642-9405 540-1764 Ii paY top do!llll"I. Paid for I • w/blk. inter. Best oUer $2299 Authorized t.tG Dealer Qlr noL Call Ralpb • '65 BUICK • llWPORJ SEDAN · 67;Hl796 'W' 673-1190 • El•ctr• coup•. Full 11•w•r,I FERRARI FERRARI Newport Imports Ltd. Or- ange County's only author· ized dealer. SALES -SERVICE. PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newnort Beach 642-SUJa 540.l'iM Authorized MG Dea1er 54t·OlOJ -671· 11 fl 197D HARIOI ILYD. "·6'"7 "p"'::::c,~"':,cc~ ... ;:"'r""•'""•e"'•-1 SPECIAL PURCHASE -===-,,==~ •fac!ory air, • IMPORTS WANTED $ . Orang• "°"""" • 1895 • TOP S BUYER • I Bll.L MAXEY TOYOTA • 18881 Beach Blvd. • '66 BUICK H. Beach. Ph. 847-8555 •wi!dc1t -4 door. ••ctoryl ========°" ••ir, auto., power 1to1rln1,• Auto Ltasln.. 9810 R&H. csvx oa1il • -"".;...-"""-'""'----. ' V8, radio, heater, automatic tranemluion, power ateer- inr, ))OM'r brakes, fac"tory air conditioning. Exceptlon- aDy fine condition. (UPX183) $2395 ATLAS e LEASE e • $2595 • '69 Ca I 189 . 0 • CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH maro, a r • .. • mo. 111-------...,. '6-4 Cad CdV, air .... $89 mo. -• 2929 Harbor Blvd. '67 Le Mans CJ>l", a,ir S75 mo. • '66 TEMPEST Colta1Meaa ,. 5'16--193-4 2 Door hardtop. VS, radio, beater, mag wheels. excel· lent condition. (\VXF052) $1195 ATLAS OIRYSLER·PLYMOUTH 29'29 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-193-4 Open 'Lil 10 p.m. '65 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Sta wq, dlr, V-8, pwr steer- ing, Excellent condition. S50 Cub dela or take amall foro elgn car. Fine prvt prty. $39 Month. LB UEV 48-4_ Call Pat. 545-0634 o~· 494-9773, '57 FORD: Fairlane l Door; 1'\U1S good! First $125 takes it. 642-5857 '63 GALAXIE 500 XL 2 Dr. HT. 390 hl-pcrf, l sky cam, headen, 4 spd. 642--5107 CLEAN '63 Ford Ranchero. 1 owner, good cond. Call alter 6:30 p.m. 64&-5252 '57 FORD, 2 dr. auto, ·xlnt ' SALES & SEltVICE OLDSMOBllf 2850 Jr.rb« Blvd. Costa - -Usod Cltn- 'ili ,OLDS, "2, 4 spL Yellow .,,, bll< Int. -•..u ' bett o&r; 1 ownr, 5tMSl7 'dt 4. . '69· 01dl .. IPQrt Cl:llQM!,. aD pwr, A a1' cond. $G5. * 642--0981 * Hardtop. VB. automatic "Ire. mission, radio, heater, power steering, poMr brakes, tac. tory air conditioning. S. ance ot factory wam.nty. CTRJ460J $1895 --ATLAS amYSLER-PLYMOUI11 29'J9 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-!J.M Open 'til 10 p.m. * * * * Eric Troyer 1045 W. Bolboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Callf. 16555 Beach Blvd., (Ilwy. 39) 540-2'60 i-Iuntingtoli ·Bea cf! JAGUAR '60 FORD FlOO, 6 cyl PU. JAG '65 3.8 S sedan, silver runs gd, gd tires, \v/sml grey f red lthr int, 11.uto, homemade cmpr $ 6 9 5. ps, ,vire "'his, air, AMIFM. 545-5245 $3595. Priv party. TI4 : '62 CHEV P/U 8' Fleetside, 523--0669 Ebbny alack Finish wlth Mat. 1968 ching Black Inter. 5 IJl!!ed, . ·. AM/FM, Factory Mag Whls. ~;%.i~a1.;~~·· a.11ee .. Volkswagens '67 Corvair Mo.nz er>e $52 mo. •Cuti om <p•. R& H, auto., 8 Open tU 10 p.m. SOUTH COAST .~,S., factory ilr cort4 ltl°"·• 1B6b OIRYSLER Crow n trans car. First $1(18 takes. You are winner of• pltr Finn! 545-2081 of Uckel1 to tMi B e • t OD; Step bumper, runs OK. '60-3.8 Sed. Auto. Pv.T S & $550 firm. 673-6945/546-3957 B. Xlnt cond. Prv. party. '60 CHEVY ¥.i ton Pick-up. 64?--0739 Engine. tires & mech corn!. -:;;,60;;-cJ A"c°"u"'A'"Rccc3.'4 °Scd=an::- good. 892·5741 after 5 PM. Good cond. $800 J1l'llljJOll 31111µor1 ~. 3100 W. Coast H'IV)'. i'{ewport Beach 642-9405 5'().1764 e Vinyl lnteriar e Radios e Heaters FORD PICK UP $250 546-5276 after 7 p.m. CASH. 548-3597 alt 3 p.m. '66 Jaguar XKE AuthorizOO MG Deller • '64 PORSCHE. Silver beauty with black inter io r . Blauplunk AM·FM radio, disc brakes all around, chrome wheels, factory air conditioning. Must set and· drive tlri& one. (0SS..Cl9T) on- • Remaining Fact. Warranty Large Choice Of Colors 9510 '58 JEEP Military VS-: totally reblt., will consider trade. Eve!. 673-3408 c.!!!'"_•_•~~-·-·~9-52_0 vw Bus & Camper SPECIALS \Vire \\'heels. $4,000 * 494-4765 * KARMANN GHIA GlllAS ly $3295. Dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. ! -67's Like ncvJ 540--0442 "One with 9,000 miles" 2 • 66's Extra Nice MOVING Must selll '59 "One with air cond.'' Pol'!'lche Convt Roadster; All extra sharp. all \Vith ta· VW eng, $700 or beat otter. dios & heaters and one with 645--2268 ' B 11.99 air c:onditloninr. '65 PORSCHE c coupe, '64 Sunrool us •.•• • ••• e All Und•r 13,000 Miles We Pns Our Yol•• l11y(119 Power •• te Yo• SJ 95 DN.'59 MO On A11prowff Crfflt SAVE on VW's ONLY Ji Mo11fh1 .... on. Xlnt --""'"'1cal,' pr p~, • '61 Dk BUlo 9 i-a. •··· ~ ' .. ~.. 'J '65 Dix Bui. 1 pu. • •' • $1199 • ~ wblte, AM/FM, .M1chelin. . .,~ • ..ut-...1eo. Ob ., ~ .. IOI LON91'RI -PONTIA~: 1UOO IMch llv.I. '*-vw :t ... ~ ............... $2499~ .,.,o._.J,.so" , ."~E~ -- ~~ 0 "\J• engine. Xlnt cone!, Must Price Specials ' S sell. $2495. 494-3237 '80 Bug • . • .. •• •• . . .. • $399 ~ '"·""~73-t tto '"' l'O""~'E c· •--,1 '11 Bug• .............. 1499 II -i 1970 HAllOI ILYD. ..,.. ~n • ~" . ~," COSTA MESA green $3,000 ·es BUgS .............. $59'J 64W637 or 541-.2035 Ov!'r 75 V\V"s '62 KARMANN-GHIA conv. I======== AU Extra Sharp 549·00l-67J·119D Reblt. eng., extractor ex· ;899 to $l999 1970 HAllOI ILYD-haust; new brks.. good SPRITE ~ COSTA MESA cond. Quick sale 675-4890, I--------- FACTORY DIRECT S.7 PM '60 BUG EYE SP!UTE. 0 ~ SAVINGS ,>;68;-cG"HIA."-;10-s."ooo;;;-,m::::,:-._ -;Chnn= Original t bro ugh oat. ~ (IFE854J Only $895. Dealtr. 0 1969 OPEN ROAD whls, AM/FM. $2375. 18835 Beach Blvd. Huut lo -~s DEf\fONSfRATORS 675-4119 alt 6. Beach. 540-0442 Full cab over, side dinette, '" ,..u ooo lainod, monom•tlc MERCEDES BENZ SUIARU toilet syslem, water pres- sure in galley. Room for big PRIVATE Party wants 1969 SUBARU S49.0lOJ-67l·11 to farhily, 6 sleeper option. Mercedes 250 SJ.,..WUI 00,. 1970 HAllOI ILYD. 1969 CHEV V8, all HD, spec--or trade my 250 SE Coupe. from $1297; 66 MPG COSTA MESA ial cil.mper leaf suspension, Must be immaculate. (!k)SJ Complete foreign car lfl'Vlce •ea vw BUll 9 pass, xlnt extra cooling HD batteries 8.11--8155 Kosta Kustom Kan meehanlcal cond, v e r y &; altinator, d~uxe cab. This MERCEDES '69, 280 SL 345 Baker, C.M. 5fO.&n5 clean, good pnt. $1775. Aft weekend only $4235 .. Pay· Coupe Roadster. Automatic "BUUSISIBf'S~Tf"'.,M,;;-;;iq,~riO-'!:~to~l .~l,~644-~~26~34~,-c:=-;= ments of $86.35 pr. mo. oac. trans & steering: leather: Dtown. Th• DAILY PILOT .. vw, xlnt cund. Many OPEN MOTORS 2()00 mi. 644--0519 or 6#-0107 Ouslfied RCtlon.. s 1 •• _extru. pin striped: must 830 S. Harbor 531-4650 1'HE QU1CKER YOU CALL, money time & etfcrt. Looll MU! 673-8435 After 5 PM * PAJ.f-TOPS. all s teel THE QUICKER YOU SEU. now!!! -'83 V\V Camper, 1500 eng., shells. Sales & rentals. $149 =========-"========= t · 'd · new rans., comp. equip . up. Buy factory direct. 1010 lmoorted Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 P.1akc offer. 596-0830 So. Harbor. S.A. I ,:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;,1 ••' ::-.=---=-==-;;"" • V\V, 3CXXI miles, MB '67 CHEV V'" Crunper, IOS", arn~aa·.ll;Gj:irdl'ii,.:WCo-;ba;;;l;;;-1 0 b;;lo;;c;-;118991/ii. , V-8, auto. air, awning, ~ad, Take trade. 968-4354 ·crpts, top rack $2 5 95. 548-3373. 837-8351 1911 VW, auto lnnl, RIH. 'W/t/w tires, 18,000 miles. * FOR Sa.le-Camper shell 1tt9C/\ 675-6576 for 8' wide bed Plcl<up, $1!i0. ELMORE MOTORS .;;-r.:;-;;· rn-:'~~....-5'8-1ll4 1M VW, new eng. 5375 15300 IEACH llVD. WUTMlllSTll 194-JJU 962-0538 or 962-2"3 Dune Buggiu 9525 ~ '87 VW: blue: radio, htr. $1325 -Or of.fer """"' CAR LEASING 9 "9· ISTO l77 I • Imperltl. $3):)0. or best of- 300 \V. Coast 1-lighway $1595 , • fer. Xlnt cond. Or 3-9574 NeWpOrt Beach 645-21!i2 • -Day1, atter 7, 54&-1446. Pvt *AUTO LEASING* : '66 T·SIRD : ...... .,..='==== .Full pow•t, f•ctory •Ir.I COMET ./ ALL MAKES ISL8 491 1 • I COMPETETIVE PRICES • $2695 '65 COMET. PIS, Aulo, air, Cort Fox Auto Lei sing • a R/H. New lire11, new 224 W. Coruit HJ&:hway • '• engine. $1000. 546-8980 Newport Beach 642-8440 • '65 CHRYSLIR • ="=======• Uted Cars 9900 •N•w Yor~•r h1rdlop 1oup•·• CONTINENTAL ----full pow•r, r.,ctory 1ir. ----TRANSPORTATION :<0od. INHA lSO I 1969 MARK Ill CAR SALE :.-$--19-9-5-: COHTIHENTAL '66 PLYMOUTH . • Credit problem? Sec us for •. door, Autom1tic, r•dlo,. instant delivery, JO\V prices, •1t.11t•r. ITEZ Sill easy terms, We decide on • $139·5 • your credit. cau or come in 8 • toda,y. • • BLl~~~I p • '67 CHEVROLn • AUTO SALES a C•pri,. Cp•. F1 cto~ •lr,i 21'5 ~arbor. Coata Mttl .•11to,, llS. IUXC 072 • ,WE PAY CAstl fQR II .2295 I YOUR CAR, l'Altr , 1.----~-­ , FOR OR NOTL 'U PONTIAC • Newcastle Motors : st.,rchl•~ • door. F••· .•Ir.: e Good only thru 1ulom1t•c, power 1to•r1119. ~farch 17th • • IVTP 147 1 • 2 Door 1*'Qtop. Full power, factor)' air. Landau top. Less than 3000 miles. Showroom ~sh condition. (XSR956) SAVE $$$ ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOtml 2929-Slvd. Costa Mesa 548-1934 Open 'tll 10 p.m. '63 CONT. Cream hdtp. Lo ml.; fine1t cond. Loaded! 645-llll '60 01d, 4 Dr, hdtp, Lio. No. • $1795 • ==c=O=RV=A=IR== GVJ -437. $99 • • '59 Chevy sta, wag. 2 rtr. • • --------- $18 dn. $18 mo. 24 mos. Tax ;64 CHEYROLIT 1960 C 0 RV A IR. Must & lie • .incl, Lie". No. QSJI ill • rmP.!i 4 door. Autllh'lltlc, • aell..good trans car $270 or 2186 Harbor Blvd. C.M. -•pow•r 11,.,, IOTU <f)J ) • belt ottn. 675-3585 6424666 • $1295 • ----======. 11 coRvmE BUICK ----- ---·----• '63 GRAND PRIX • '68 CORVETIE '65 SKYLARK Grand Sport I Auto tr•nt., pow•r 1toor., • 4-speed, ''327", removable A.uto tral15; RIH, full pwr, l r.,dio, h1•t1r. !OHZ 6111 1 panels on lhis 8.000 m ile all'-COnd. 1-owner. Top cond. • $ l 195 • gem Ivy green finish 1vlth Prv prty $16CKJ. 54&-197C 1 black interior, Af,f/1'~M, pow- 1967 RIVIERA, all power, 8 er 1teerfnr, wide oval tires, 6 1vay scat., AMI~ stereo, I ,63 OLDS • etc. Fae'°'?" Y.•arranty. mu.st electro cruu;e, all' cond & • • set &nd drive. heater. $29'35. 548-8474 1 Cutl1n, •ulo . p 1, IWFH·· '61 BUICK, 2 dr hardtop Lo • 8151 $895 • Sabre, original owner. New palnl & upholstery. Excel· • • J~r tupon _11111por1 ~; Jent condition. 549-0449. 1 ,62 MERCURY • '6.1 RIVIERA, all pwr., alr, I • 3100 W. Coa:Jt Hwy. immac. cond. Good tires,, • Monl•r•y. f•c. •ir, •11to.,. Newport Beach lthr. inter. $1.200. 962--7938 • p.1. IGEX 5901 • 642-lM~ 54().1764 '58 FORD RANCHERO V-8, Show al thfl AnaMilm auto, runs good. $200. Oo n we ntlon Denier, 646-6827 l\olucll I t II r o a 1 h l&. '68 F AIRLANE wagon, 8 Cy!. Come to any of our 4 Xlnt cond. $1900 branch offices and pick 675-7757 up your FREE panes. * * * * '60 FORD Sta Wag, V-8, Auto 1-=""'P"L°'Y'°"'M"o"u=T"'H'""'""'""' runs good $150, 968-26!Xi JEEP '61 WILLYS JEEP Surry, 31,000 actual excellent condition. $595 miles, J1l'llljJOrt lli11port s raeuda. Fast back. VS, 4 speed, radio, heater. Sharp. Less than 19,000 mUea. Balance or s yr. or 50,000 null warranty. WW atU below retalJ or will trade for pick·up. Phone 525-JOG '69 Road Runner, ~ , equipped, like new. * 549-CllCC * '62 VALIANT/6 stick Wq. New falves Ir: rings. Clean! $395. 6J3.ll617 3100 w. Cl>alt Hwy. PONnAc Newport Beach 642-94(6 540-1764 Aolhorbed MG Dealer '67 FIREBIRD l-==:==~".""."'~==1• _.i ....... =- MERCURY ti...i .ui:u: _ -~ , 'j MERCURY black intor1or. 11,0f!t ..,.. ff !u1ly drtwn locol -Must aee&:~. COMET CALIENTE VS, radio, heater, power steering, extttmely clean &: original. (00L896). $995 ATLAS OIRYSLER-PLYMOUTII 29'l9 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 546-1934 Open 'Iii 10 p.m. t.tUST Sell '65 Colony Park 9 pus wagon .. Full poWl:'r, air, AM/FM radio. 1 owner. prv prty. $1795. 546-0665 '66 COLONY Parle Station Wagon, w/pwr everything, air, tape deck, low miles. $2700. 642-4104 '63 MERCURY Monterey, 2 door hardtop. Prlvale party. $490. Good shape. 673-8678 J1rluport 31 inµ o rr s 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. 642-941li 5""11" Authorized MG Dealer '&I PONTIAC Brougham, Full power and factory air conditioning. La.ndau to,. From original owner. $850. $100 under wholesale pJi<lt, IFVK587J Dealer, 18835 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach. 540-<l4l,'Z '65 GTO 4 on flr; 41-0 enc: duo glass-packs; Pia, P/b; 5 new Pollglus t I re •, stereo-tape deck. $ 13 9 5. 675--2266, evea. 673-7150 '56 PONTIAC Safui Wq., c b r o m e rims. buckets., wide oval. $210. 5J6..7615 ECONOMY 'SS" Tfimpest~ I cyl./atand./2 dr. f1$ 847--0163 Aft. 9 PM '67 BUICK Electra 2 Ur. $695 • Authorlied MG Dealer hdtp. A!r-cond., full pwr, • Corvettes '57 thru '69 MUSTANG s xl nl concl. $2395. 644-llQ2 •••••••••• World'• 1·-est independent 1969 port ... ~'· MUSTANG RAMBLER NEW '69 Rambler; Full .U. comPact. $204.S + tu and lie. .. ......, low mileage. V-8, n.aul. 1957 Buick Seel. $100. • • JAGUAR • C.orvttte and HI-Pert. dealer $2595. WIU trade for late ~1992 a ft. 6 PM Full service facWties • 30 model truck or El camino. HEADQUARTEllf • mo. writ"" warranty, 5fG.U!7 "' M6-33<1J CADILLAC • 1i;iu 11 MISTER ''T" lll&1 HD'l'P, • 289 v a. -· '_62_S_E_DA-~-D<-V-il-le-; -1-1195. •Complete Salas· S1rv·• 2lOO HarfJor Blvd., CM auto/pwr str. new wide · d p D rt • '45-1441 oval tiru, cmwle, atr-eond, All po\\.'cr; 58.000 mi.; one ••et an arts ·~• • warranty, $2175. (Book owner. 642--33611 •mint for JAGUARS. 8 '6' CORVETTE $2500). 540-3178 CAD Co Sl995 Like • LIKE NEW. 2 tops, air cond., '66 nv. · a S•• Tho h cilinf pqwflr allde, Jo miles, Call '65 MUSTANG V-8, autom, New. Lo ?\-tiles. Loaded. 1969 J•gu•r To41y • Georse Ol\lpe 540-5630. $2950 pwr. strg, vinyl top, wide 1968 DUNE Dugo, chrOme bumpers, bugtires, carpets, metal blake body. Top •kl~ curtains ready tor !ht road. \Vill trade tor pick-up or 11ell below going market. PhOne 525-3083 t ELMORE \ MOTORS &on• fln•nclnt •••l11hl• 011 ll•11k 1p,ro•1I of Ctodil. 673-<00 .. • ••••••• • oval tires. Xlnt cond. $1450, '61 V.\V. rtcenUy rebuilt COUGAR 646-8392 eves I: •kends ..... good ti «~ R/H, good CAMARO • • 1966 MUSTANG. yd/blk top '63 RAMBLER Sta t lo n Waaon. ClaS&lc 860. Riii. auto trans. 9621'12J OOndition $600 auh. 546-4128 ,67 CAMARO • 234 E 171b SJ • '81 XJl.1 , 390 ,,,.., GT & inL ""1 Llnel, XIZU '°"ST Sell ·~ VW Exlnt • • • • ~-·-Group AJr 1 OWMt'. "°~. D I Y I ,· °'"" · ~ · 2 Dr. hdtp, V-8. Rally spt. '"'wi:iu.......... • O!-......... r>....::-,~ ·-Cond. New P ainl $600. • condl&rdng, disk brakes, ~. 1;.v-.:•; """""""""' lmP!rt.d Autos 9600 TOYOTA FAEE· FREE las Veaas Vac11inn 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS FOR TWO ~""'' dlr.Skybluoexlor .• blk.o•• 548 7765 -••·•-.tlll ·a·way ~-'"G~ ~~··• -• blk. lilt er. Car has had xlnt • • ,. •·au.., on.•.::o 1 n.n-....,, o. ~ .. -, ~ 1-----------J ._ VW 8u8 orlainal owner. Ill • .,hftl, al',600 miles. Still w/black int. Auto, powtr, 1957 BABY T..Slrd cmrt. V ..__ care. $75 Cll.5h delii, or w • OPEN• uM.P -'-'nal dealer war--'-L Phone 673--2431 au•·, •·" -. 1--- T·BIRD SCRAM-LETS . ANSWERS tomtc -House -Bra\'e -n"tly -MUCH LEn' ' .,. -st oond. $1550. taJce foreign c.r In lnlde-. • a ·,.-~· !elTC(I ,... .., •1rn. -··~ , ... ,_ •1966 WiU tin. prtv, pty, Call Jim I ra.nty. be tams · 0'88" MUST, air, be~ aat. Ort.a!M1 owner $1'150. (21!) •ii vw std., R/H,••/w um. t..B. TXJ 484. 494.m:t. • 7 DAYS 8 $2896. 5*0750 disc btak<'s. Cruiaa.madc. I =436-=1~962="""'~~~~ """ IOOd. new b"'"'' & 54~0634. • AND • '6B COUGAR I<> mile•. $2690, ~ '17 T-BIRD, blue; "1til oooa. 15300 Beach BIYd, mutfler lll1S. 54""'245 ··"51~c"'.,~,A~R~o~ss~:J>J~Go~ld . MHINGS • Limo wltlt blacl< padded lot> '65 Hardtop, auto, P/S, !-Owner c:ommulfnr eor: l9ff V\V Sedan, $295. 21S W /Blk Top, maJl)" eitU.. l.olded and air oonditivnlnc. chrome riml, x.lnt oond. all cxtru. $2500, 613$15 No Pwrd.1•• N•c••••l'f \Vb,y preach against mod- em mlnio6ktrts when thtre'1 !"'1 MUCU-u:n.... talk . ....., Westminster Cedar, Apt A, N•wport Must Sell sm'I. MM'4> $2llOO. 1•. Stolts .-i. ll3S5 -'60 T-mRD ...... one-· 894 3322 Shores. 54S..OOOO PLACE J1Wf warn 10 .,. Ev. 911'J.7056 IT'S lktcb llWM Umt. ~· J>,'100 actual ml, air, x1nL • -' 'GlVWSEb'AN they ... looldrc-DAILY '8T OOUOAll,all'COnd,IW!, ...... -..... 1 Sffllit .,,ms.,, . ..,·..,-==== OPl N 'T DAYS 1 * VERY CLEAN * P.ILl7!' d111l!led -vinyl fop: l• Ml. l't!U pwr. DAILY Pnm o,_ ~y P11m WANT ADii f !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!"'1150 •lll-._1112_-5trt-58TI ______ • _ $2150, Bn-3811; 646-'1'!1 ,,. Hctloo llOWI -llRlNG ~TSl r .. ~· ·~ ' I , 'Oj· • ;,t. _,.,.., -----··-----,----' . . . .. ' -~ --... ' . ' ' • ' L ; I I • I I ' , I ' ,. ( I IN THE MANNER OF SPRING .•. THE SVBTLE .· . ~ •) 'l '•' . . ' -• . '· J~EQtli~RANEAN . -~ : . . . COTTON PRINT SHIFT By Alexa, in multi-prints of pink or blue. Sizes 6 • 14 $16. dick ' ' • .f /' I vernon s SPORTSWEAR WESTCllFF PLAZA, NEWPORT BEACH INVITED TO ATTEND THE ·KIWI .. "ARNIV . .6,L · . .. . . . : . . ' .. , J;ASHION /llJ~eHEON , . • • • ' , .J I :·...,... -. Ix A-'"tll Alrfl•• s ... .,~mt• . ' -FASHIONS BY La Galleria SATUlDAT. MARcH 15, 196' ' . LUNCHEON: 12:00 ---SHOW TIME: 1:00.P.M. 0SHlRAtON BEACH INN . H•.....,_ lffcll ·~· ... , DONATlpN: suo '' a a erta v . .,..,, : • WESTCUFF. PLA1A .,) ',, . . . ' . ;'.ol: ".··. '~' L «:~AO llJ6"' :" -· .1u'""' J •. f.I.. ·';A '1.1, ~~ ·;},, :;.,i, - ' •• 'ox+e-$top' Shopping at its ,f:~est!· ... OPEN THURSDAY &_. M~NDAY EVENINGS WHITE OR PLATINUM - SWEET KID $17 'Just like standing in a cool breeze '. ' . YOU SHOULD SEE OUR FANTASTIC SANDAL SELECTION! "WHERE SHOPPING IS A REAL PLEASURE" " ~ . ntt:t'NtA~ • J-···--~~· ' ' -'. ,.'j,•,:·"" ·,·' "'•·(,"\\•.•<·,1 i.~'~ l l ''~ · r:: t.:~ ·, ::.~_·i ;· •', .• ~- '. ·~·-.·· ·~ ·." .. '. "·.· ... rl,,..·').> • ·• .. ~'/!:1l ·' • -~-'•:.;1 .:, 1.~ '.1:~. ' ':~ .. "~~~ 'THE W EDDING /~ THE f'fRFECT MARRIAGE . ' ' . J052 IRVINE Westcliff Plaza -Newport Beach 548. 8684 ' ' ••• Designs a white leather suit for the individualist. lined in coffee silk, with a curvy little coffee colored blouse beneath. IJADY TO ,YflA11 WESTC,UFF PLAZA 642~2444· ' NEWP'ORTER INN .'44-1100 ·. CHARLES H. BARR .~' ,,, .. " ' I ' ' . ' ,;,_ :: ·-. - " I , 'I.' .. .t•:_.,-,, ' behind every '01.GA. there really io .;, Olga ·PHONE 642-1197 . ' . Wear ,._ty Host ........ (flft) ovar all your panty hose, with p•nts and shorts, too. It's nylon with 'Lycro• spandax and str•tch lac•. Mini-lag shown, S-M-l, I.SO. Also short-leg with added hip and beck ·control,· 12.50 Veta's llTl!IAR NPAllL ·--··ftl-. ......... , ... . . . . . . .. ( . ' . I .. ----..-J... > '