HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• . . --· ----. ----. -
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---,.. ---Continues for •Jane Doe~
SATURDAY, MARCH IS, '1969 .• ., -• I ·-• •
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Debate Each Other at
Upsets ffit
' ~l1·cup
CAIL 'f PILOT 1Nt1111 Edtt ...
After two defeats in the Congre ssional
Cup yachting .series, Ted Turner ol At·
Janta, Ga., returned this year vowing
that "the South will rise again."
Turner and the South rose briefiy in
lhe first.three races of the Congressiona l
(,'up Thursday, but Friday a guy named
North, abetted by a couple of Yankees
from Detroit and Southern California
Jl).ade like Gen. Grant and started Tur·
ner on his way back to his beloved "Jaw-
jah" -maybe without the Congressional
North, after losing two races Friday,
acted as giant killer for another oC the
leaders when he knocked · off Buzz Boet-
tcher oC California Yacht Club, and went
on to win his third race against Ches
Rickard of Vancouver.
"Turner's most shaking upset came in
t~' fifth race when he was defeated by
TQJn Fisher of Detroit who, up until
then, bad won only one other match.
Then came the sixth race when Tur-
ner was matched agaill.'ll young Henry
Sprague 111, sailing for the Long Beach
Navy Yacht Club. It was a nip-and-tuck
race with .Sprague leading Turner by a
scant boat length at the leeward mark.
Sprague rounded first but decided to
carry Tuqi,er ~ell east ~«'. marl!: before
(See YACJITS, Pace Z)
U.S. Opens Talks
For Pe1·u 'Peace'
ilMA.z. Peru (UPl }-President Nii:on's
·ai trr~·oy, ·John N. frvr1n 11, began
of al talkf ,with military government
als Friday to seek means or bet.
fubJ.J Tllilations between the two coun.
tries and avut.itlg eoonom·ic sanctions .
ag&{m:t' ~eru for sel:Zurt or ~ ~etican-
o~ oil company. · .
Otticials: o1· the PeruVin milltary junta
have stated re.pea~. howevt:r, that
thty will neither m~e compensaUon for
the ieJiua,! of propertjes of.' I.he Interna·
tional Petroleum Company (IPC) nor
wUI ~7 tolerate intrusions on 'the 200-
mlle orr.mrt teqllorial limits that have
led to recurrent seizures of U.S. flshln&
1>oats ofl Peru.
Tb! United States warned Peru that
ll rAAY have to cut off economic ald and
dei;irive Peru of its quota In I.he U.S. tu-
115.:..fPark~~ uoleu it provides adequate
~ two steps are P\OVkled u~r
lbe):fickenloOper Amendment.to lhc tort·
i&l\,Assislaoct Act and, in P.etul1 case,
ml/II'. be applied Aprll 1 unle" the Peru·
vian.,c~vernmen~ I.I making preparaUons
to make comPensallon.
------- -----
Death ·M1~•ery
' ' ( ~ - ' • • -l . ..... ,.tliiiffllt S slif~~f-HPr~e . ,"( ~J '~--.
Simply another mornJng,
and timptfi JaM.
Jolin Crowe Ran.!oni
Of tflt> DlllY l"li.t Ili ff
No writer would devote a book to a
life so ordinary that violent death was
its ooly distinction, but the Jape· Doe
murder mystery is now .in three volumes, I
with a fourth being compiled.
One year and one day old, the case of
a woman nobody: knows ·~ the most con-
siste ntly far-ranging homicide investi·
gation i n Orange County history -is
no closer to a solution than 366 dafa ago-·
Hope for a new break seems dim.
"l think she's going to stay just Jane
Doe. unless . something really big hap-
pens," says Huntington Be·ach Police
Sgt. Monty McKennon.
Investigators are documenting the case
for future reference, volume-style, hope·
fully for use in eventually solving lhe
The case that would ran1e coast-to
CO&:it and from Canada to ·Mexlc9 broke
on March 14, 1961, when three small
boys hunting frogs found what looked
like a window· display mannitin.
Horrified, tl;ley discovered it wu the
body of a woman, throat expertly slit,
sexually mutilaled and dumped Into a
muddy ditch to bleed out her lie alone.
She was about 23, carried no idenlifi.
caUon and wore or.dlnary clothes and a.n .
inexpensive costume jewelry ring. She
had ordinary brown hair framing a
roundish and rather unremarkable face
-as womed's ftice.S go.· :
Fingerprints:, photographs and crime
elements were carried by . all .data. dis-
persal systems available in modern,
computerized law enlorceitlient, but ~
in ternational quest foc hei idenUty failed.
Hundreds of leads weie Cheeket! out, as'
stacks ol piaperwork ~ and weary
in vesUgators chaaed down .each new Up;
J•ne Doe
becau,se even Ute mo.st vague can cract·
a tau.eh cue.
"Lord, no," said s~··McKennon, w~n
asked1 1f he toukt eattmate the· number
checked out. in Ute case· tuper;viled by
Capt. Earle Robitaille, or the number
of manPours txpen~. .
One of. lhe most Promising leads de-
velopeil the day i.:lon Jane Doe wu
finally bur.led 52 days ago, when a Long
Beach girl just out or jail 1aw a last
photo-sketch of the Victim in a newspaper, :The,~· Jloll'a , AD1illl1mo!Orcycle
gang naii£tHo' Identified tli<r-mystery .
woman tentatively as Rhonda Fisher, a
.fonDer foommate who followeCI the ·sun
from the sleopy Deop Sooth . IQ swinging
· Capt. Robitaille said the identification
could not' be accepted without corroboraL-
(See JANE DOE, Pare II
P~iest Gave Advice
Mesa .H~t.;Rtln Suspect
Surrenders ' to 'Polree
' I . "
A pr~t's ""11"".'l .... rlf today. ,con-·
vince<I. i hll-nlii drl'1nl iiupoc{' tO sur.
r"'1der to polk< three and ooHiaU hours·
after a traffic accident whlth 11ent ' a·
young Costa Men motorcyclist to the
hospital wllh a shattered lee.
A New Jersey youth, identified by ln-
vestigaton 81 F.dmund J. Jeleniewski,
tB, called police from s~ Joa<hlnf s.
CathOllc Churth In Coata Mesa, ldentl-
fied blmsell'u tht drJver they 10ught and.
.asked for a r1de to pOllce headqu~s.'
OUkers compiled, 'then booked Jtl.,
rliP:ild' on a .. ,_ .. hit-run drivinr ....... ~ .. -. ·~•.J-, r ......6"'.-.... "' -
P,ol\c< Ald the accidem occurred about fo :111 J>.m; ~~Y a\'U>< tnt~·o1 Ne~ Baulevanf and 17th Street wheit'
a ear, allegedly drtvtn by the New Jer·
ser youth, ran a· red ·Dght a·nct slammed
into motorcyclist Jay O. Htrril"t;"" 17, of
1102 El' Cantlno Drive, Costa Mesa.
Herrk k auffered • lrictured right leg
and multiple cuts and brulae1 1n the
accident. He was taken to Colt1 Mesa
Memorial Hi>Opital whOR hla condition
wu ducrlbed u !air earl7 tbla lllOl'ltlni·
Negro Views
' .
Of Ille DllllJ Pllft lllfr
Caustic black naUonallsts with beards
and dark gla.s!es ·shared the ~lform
Friday. at Orang~ Coast College with
1 young establi!hmtnt Negro· who d~
nounced yjolence.
PhlllP Ril!y, Student president of
ComJjton Junior College, won the ap-
plause of some Orange Coast College
s'tudenll wbeh be "said: ·
"Agitation for change iJ one thing:
civil di5order is another. When you sur-
render control of the streets you're
But many OCC students also applauded
the more miUtant stands of the other
speakers who made up the rest of 1
gane.l of seven black j~or college
11tudent.s from five campuses.
PartiCularly popular was Jim Blake,
36-year.Old student body prealdent of
Contra CoSta Jwtlor College, who said :
"°We feei we're more Americans than
many immigrarits. Before we ·1et another
group of foreigners come to this country
and move up on the hill and call us
'nlgpt:s'-:: we'll bum the wboJe damn
place dQWn."
Qu•k• Student Gibson
Coast Geologist
. . '
Poo-Poos Fears
Of 'Doomsday'
Of tlMI OlllY l"ll•t ltd
"Where will we gO , wh~n there'• no It was clt:ar that . a segmt'.9t of the San Francisco, you better get ready
sttident ~ -au~• Riley wh~le fu tie UP' your boet ·in Idaho." · ,
another portion was in sympathy with.· This. line from a .sei!mingly innocent
Blake and the , more pillJtant black hou"-·'" f c lit lltudents. The',aowd overflowett the OCC calypso song has t H.uw• o . a or-;
F •L-niana'. teeth chattering. , . orum for w~ student· body-sponsored• It refers, of course, to the djsaater
panel talk. ·' ·k Cali! · A theme of the black naUonalists wu which is predicteu to str.1 e om1a
black tolid&rity. during the first part of April.
"Black people are gelling unified," Some say it will happen April S, others ·
said Leonard Young, president of the say it will come April 15. But what
Blact Student U)tton at El Camino all tfii doom pruchen agr,ee on is
College. t'Tbat's• what you're afraid of.• that the San Andreas fault will rupture .
You •told 08 1we 1were n\Jdgets ·anct we separate California from the rea:t of
look tn the. w_ptet .end let we have the continent and bµcy It In the-ocean.
grown." _., ~·· , ·' "'""' . Beach front, lots ar11 t1ot. being •&old
"Get your ~ ,PeQple .together and In Nevada yet, bow~ver, and·molt•ICien-
make them reillze the problem, while Usta: say that , such a prediction is1
we , get oiin;Im · 1oget11tr ;" ·advised preposteroos and Jiw'e bunk.
Orange Coast cone~ bll<ll .!ludent Mark Ronald C. Gibson, a geology instructor
Dellinger, who \IMS the nmne Yaku. at Huntington Beach's Golden Weal
The bJaclr: fttionaliSta dt:nled that they College, who ha'.s studied the '100 mile
are -radst. fault ei:tensively, agrees. _ . ,
"L Id t t ........ t become a acist · "A whole block Of conlfuent movln~ wou JlOr 8-1'.". 0 • r · • at suc:b a .rapid .. rate· i.,, imp;uible," = part of what I detest," 1B1d. Ald Gibson. "Nothing Uke this bu. bap-
"Dn you call it racism 1~tting black pened ln 500 million years ind l don't
people together. to ... rid. ot rata and' look , forward to it.bappeolilg on Aprll ... t•." r'oachea1 That'1 htnnanltarlanmn," Slid ~
Will Alesanller of l!A .ffaJ'bor JW1ior "Our lifetime ls .an . lnstan~ '9111part1f'
College. · to geologic time,"· corlUnued, the sclenUst,.
"The: other1, the J1,pane.w-Americans
that ' you say we a&OOld be like, firsl
collected together In their own groupa.
We're merely taking care of our own
first.," aald YOUJ\I.
Riley, the noe ... u.na11s1, said '"'
(See llLACU, Pe1e ll
. ..,
"and I think this happenlnf . In our
lifetime is as selfish and prtmi4~e for ,
us lo think 1s when f>tolerny thought
the earth wu the cmler of the univerae."
What are the facts surround.Ing the
fault ?
According lo Gibson. lhe San AndreBI
Fault is an active fault tone where
. I
' ' .
Reds Attack
l10U~s~ . '' . '
.Viet To\vns
SAIGON (AP)·..,. Enemy -and
rockets hit more than 70 allied ·bila and
towns Friday night 8Dd eorlJ today .,.
U.S. and South Vie-llOO(ll ,,,_
off two sharp ground atlacks nortlroeol cf
U.S. spokesmen· taki ~ the ~ltepped.up
shelllngs were the heayiest l1nce the VJet
Cong's SP.ring of.{~Jve began three weeb
a10. They came a few houri afUr Prld.
dent Nixon underscored a warnJnc um
the U~~ States, wllLrolaUale· If. the
Commimtst. command ~ too far.
U.S. infantrymen of .the 2Sth Di•illon
and South Vietnameae pai;"at.roopen back ..
ed by artillery and bonibers fought. off
enemy fotces that tried· to ovemm. ba3el
37 and 45 miles northwest of Sal(on.
Spokesmen said they killed 40 enemy,
took f0:ur priaoners and captured JI wea.-
pons, includlng a flame thrower.
U.S. losaes,were one man wounded, and
first reports sakl ' the South Vletnameie
.suffered .one tilled and 1everal' wounded.
Viet ConJ and' North Vietnamese rw>-
ners hit Installations In the north around
Hue, in the border are.as northwest of
Saigon and in the Mekong Delta 90Uth of
the capital. ·
Only scattered ground skJnnlshe1 were
reported acron the <011111r7. U.S. lnlopo
uncovered atoelr:pUes: of. rocbt la~ers,
rockets, .mortart and· other munlUou
near Saigon and :Da Nang, 1lidlcaUnr
the enemy may he ~I for lnOlher
series of shellllnp on•Soulh VietnamJ
two largeSt cities. .., •
weatitier '
Fair weallter .,,.,,1 the 0r..,.
Coast and elsewhere hrfcbtens the
picture today lhnlllgh Monday. Tho
wealhenrian sayi nice, at beaches,
cold ln water, plenty.or '"°" tn
mountaln 'and',clear.
• Afaniage coun.se:lor Rtbe:cca
Llawood tcU. llolo Grui toh~
womt• dondnate thrir n.
bands. Family W 1tlclJ1.
' e "Th< Wond<1f1ii World of
Piztozi," a very tp1da:l ~
,, cfol In a week /lll•d wilA
teltv&rion • p I c' G '.. TV WEEK covtr story. .
" " ' . .. ..
" " •
.. .....,.._. ... 11 -" ...... 1• 11 111:......... t
Milrtl 1 .. I\ 11 -.. '*" ... 1t
Count Beacb,
Water ·Usage
Draws Caution .
0t'111!• C....n\1 Heallli omm J~
R. Phllp Friday mued h!i· weetei14
""'!'~• ~Uuns ""! vllltort .. ,... 11.fe ' ~ watu and be.1Ch coo-
tamloa • · •
Dr. Phlip:Nld Sll\llqli, Sllverado,
Wllllamt •lid 'Mo<(JMl<a canyOlll aie
1lUI without sare drinking water du8
lo clam11< !roll\ recent floocll.
lb<tpUon< are Sllverado Schoo~ Irvine
Lala:Fh Station, lrvill< Lako; Sliver-
ado Glilnl~8ta!¥ llod Welcb'I Sand
and Gravt.1 Clo. ,
!1r. Philp-uld tap wala' may be -
av~1ble ~ Unilied areas, but It 11· not· .
aar. far "dr!nklng .and lhould be boll<4
for 1lvt mi.cutes before we.
~ 'bulUl Officer said I.here was no
ch&nge 1n lbe qUiranUne of the beaches
1t NtWP,Orl Beach and HunUntWn Beaeh
St.ate Beach Park. Untreated sewage is·
11111 llOWlbg Into the Santa <\JI& Jllvet
at JUvtnJde and beaebes are closed for
·~ and 1bellllsh gathering lrom
Newport Pler to the west boundary of
HuntinJtoa Beach State Park. :
Dr. l>hllp ,is. warned beach ~
agalilat pickln/I up oronges and ,diad
chick.em to bi found on the beach. He
aaid they are' highli contaminated.
From Pqe I
country needs not violence but un·
"Wt muat tunt away from viol~.
~ and prejudice and believe In whal
Am!rtca can do ana what It can be,"
be Implored. He wu asftd by an OCC ltadent,
1'~ can you cflscOunt all they have
accomplished for you in Watts, Newark
and Detroit?"
RJley said, ''There weren't any rio~
In 1956 when barber shop.! opened in
the Soulh and a Negro could go in
and get a haircut."
"Big deal," remarked a scornful stu4
Blake's answer to Riley wu: .
"The brother from Compton expreS!ed
an entirely Idealistic 1ltuailon. It sound!
beautiful. Btlt thole are only euphemlsms
covering the raw, nasty, sUnklng, pulrld
facts of lhis counlry."
"But aren't thlngs betUng better?''
Blake was asked.
"Th.lngs are not getting better," ht
anawered. "In relative we.alth we 're
g-Olng down the tubes. You have your
tihowcue Negroes where there weren't
any yesterday. But for every one in
the window there are 1,000 behind hbn
"The ......., lhlnal ere the way they
are, milter, ls yoU say 'thtngl art getting
better.' We say they're 1etUng worse.
When are you going to divide the bread,
He al8o was uked If the end ' product
of the revolution would be good just
for black people or for all people?
"We know all about the white man.
We've been educated in his schools,"
sald·Blake. "But you don't know anything
aboY& .ML You don't know what starving
b." .
Nude Discovered
In Vegas Slaying
LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -The nude
body of a woman apparenUy strangled
was found FT!day night in the balhtub
of her rented apartment in \Vest Las
Police in Los Angeles said they were
looking for a man said by an Wormant
to have stolen cars to travel to Las Ve-
gas and then back to Los Angeles.
The woman registered Feb. 7 11s Caro-
line Reagan, about 35, Detective Lt.
Paul GuJas aaJd. She wu slain 1bout
three days ago. Although her late-model
sports car was missing, oirtslde was a
CII' believed stplen from a Granada
Hills, Calif., woman.
Choosing Sides
Harbor Area Mayors Doreen Marshall ol Newport Beach and Alvin
L. Pink1ey of Costa Mesa have left liWe doubt who&e side they're
one. Both mayors have proclaimed March 1~22 "Boys Club Week"
and Greg deMocskonvi (left) and Jett Ortberg, both members of
Boys Club of Harbor Area, are glad to have mayors on their team.
Hugs, Cheers and Kisses
Greet Apollo 9's Heroes
Cheers and hugs, kisses and tears greet-
ed Apollo i's proud space pilots Frlday
on their return to that "beautiful and
welcome" place called home from a 10-
day space mission that put a summer
moon Jandinc ~thin the nation's lf'l!P·
From Pag~,. 1 -
J ANE l>pl; .. .,
. ··•'"" ,, Ing evidence ond the hunt' llll'lled up a
Rhonda Fisher· last month In ·s.n Fran-
cLsco, but not the same one. ~
The Rhoni:la Fiaber who rode with the
outlaw motorcycle gang is either alive
and drifted elsewhere, or Iles in Lot
152F, an ~arkcd pauper's grave in
PacWc VJew Memorial Park, Corona del
Whoever lies there, the quest for her
true name led to a jeweler in Woodland,
CaUf., an, old peasant woman in a 'I'1·
juana slum and women's shopl in New
Yori: City.
The: jeweler thought he may have aold
the aquamarine dinner ring, whlle the
Mexican woman tried to link her to a
blood--smeared Cf?' and the print blouse
Jane wore was believed made ln New
Hundreds of Police department and
Post Office bulletin boards around the
nation carried a circular asking help in
solving the riddle of her Identity.
A mother alienated from her daughter
responded, but Jane Doe was not the
girl who left home after a squabble eight
years earlier and the missing woman
was actually Jocated as a result.
Astronauts James McDivitl, David R.
Scott and Russell L. "Rusty" Schwelckart
shivered in the raw, wintry wind that
blew out or a leaden gray sky as they
stepped from a red, white and blue space
qency airplane at Ellin&ton Air Force
But the Intensity of the welcome they
received from wives, children, friends
and fellow rpaceme·n warmed t·b e it
Tht crowd of abou.,.200 penon.a who
waited for the men ol Apollo 9 at the air
base near the Houston Space Center start4
ed non-stop cheering the moment lhey
landed. A brass band played martial
music In the background.
"I just want you to know there is no
place as beautiful and welcome as
home," Schweickart aaid.
For the astronauts, the flight will not
be truly Over until after a thorough de·
briefing ls completed. During the next
12 days they will spend hours on end
filling milles of tape recotdlrig:s with
everything they can remember about
the mlssion.
'Im moments after they touched down
in Houston were ttatrved, however, for
McDlvltt came off the plane first at
EU!ngloo, hopping down Its mpa two
at a time. His oldest daughter, Ann, 10,
flew into his mm and then burst into
tears ti. joy.
Not far behind streamed hi1 wife Pat
and the rest of his children. They hugged
and kissed repeatedly, chattering at each
other the whole Ume.
The other two men walked down the
steps more slowly and r~ive~ simll{lr
welcomes from their families. Space
agency officials and fellow astronauts
then joined the happy mob under the
loft wlnjj of the alrplao<.
Lih~~~ffll e's N~rwi1 P
~ T' -:;.· ... •· tl.. -.. .::: • . -.... -. .i.-...4-' - -.:: • ' Niion's Mis~ile Plan Just Fine With -Folks
~ -.
LlllEJITYVIUJ!, !ill. '(UPI)-~-· .• .,..,.. • boanL ,...,, rtlleved. have aooe ii a ~ tme bue -
'• bl<:k lo normal at the Top Ailll "NOi! \bcj i:on llop ~ and •llck wu ~ ~·ll~lp. •
T 'ta•eTJt. In downlown Libertyville. lhtlr;!le"4btck ln'llie laod, wbldl ii On iiiiilnt<r~evenmga the-~
I;" Bob the' bartender lhooted O'fl" ~ ll'ilo-1 polltion." f, • go~e<W lo J~e eJd b_ul!, •l!riJlk ~·~
the liJJ<O of• the jukebox. "Those mlsaues Andlber gOUp pmumably fiap,;y a)>out race'-'ibtlr~ars over· the "'eodi>OCllll
cam-1 quite a ruckus, and we dldn.'t 1 tbt 'Nb:on d~ .II Llbl~~1lle teen-concrete or the airstrips. •
like· tbal But they're not going to put Men. "1bey'll be out UM;re again tbla IUl'n•
Uteri>. but there and th1t'1 just fine." 'rite. lite-where the mllalles· would mer~' tho bartender aa.ld.
-,j,yor ChUles Bron wu happy, too. :-1. ·... "' , •"'
· ~:~·,~~!!~n;':! -oc~ · · M" F" Othe'rs"' :~~si;':~~~~.:=i~1:i : range .. ?'.~ ive .:
8 dtgret Of CivjC peace to this US\JlllJ' '!.'. • rO. ~ ,. )'I
placid !own of 10,:IGO Northwest of Chi ... • • R .. ,, ca;:~ .. the original Se•tlnel plan there F a_ce~ Ait-Smuggling a~
was to have been a missile imtallation r d
four miles south of town. The proposed
site caused community protelt and can•
fllcl, relatively new eiperlencet:'fot ru.-
ral Libertyville. · ... "' ·
The missile•' opponeiits demanded that,
th'e village board do evetythfng 'in 'its
power to stop erecUon of the ABM.
The board tleadfuUy refuaed w take
steps to stop•the misalles, so irumy board
meetings were taken np with -arguments
between the town's governors and antI4
ABM forces.
Llbertyvllle hadn't been exposed to
public notice since the days when the
late Adlai E. Stevenson made it his home
townt ~
'"!be miu:1les brought a 1ot ·of agiia: ·
tion and outsiders and those are things
we can do lrithout," !aid Bniwn, a life-
long Ltbertyville resident ·
Board member Gllbert Stiles said he
had gotten b1s '"druthers."
"I always said that if I had my drufh..
t;rs, I'd druther not have the missiles
around here."
"God, I hope we can have a few quiet
meetings now."
Ubertyville ls about 30 miles from
downtown Chicago, but for years had
little connecUon with lhe city. It was a
town of reUred fanners and small busi-
nessmen. But in recent years Chlcago
commuters have ·moved In and the anti·
A.BM forces drew heavily from the coma
muter ranks.
'lbomas Ploss, a la wyer, is one of
them. A member of North~m Illinois
Cillzens Against ABM, Ploss' reaction
to the Nixon decision was somewhat dif-
ferent than that of the town's ranking
"A typical Nixon finesse," he said, "at
best fatuous, at worst draconian, but on
the oUie:r band nothing more than we
could expect. from somebody who thinks
(Defense Secretary) Melvin Laird has
good jodgment." .
Ploss 1ald be could Wlderstand why
Film Festival Set
At Mesa Sch~l
A lludent film festival featuring
drama. comedy, documentary and ex·
perlmental concepts will be presented
again tonight in the Costa Meaa High
~bool Lyceum.
A total of 20 productions by students
throughout Soul.hem CaUfomia will be
shown be&inning at 7:30 p.m., in a pro-
gram sponsored by the school's Educa-
Uonal Development Council
The entries have been judged by
cinematography professors at Orange
Coast College, with ~ in donated pri..ies
of Olm and movie equipment.
Working Costs Cash
SAN JOBE (AP) -The 22 children of
t\lo'O Sanla Clara Coonty fathers cha!·
lenge fe<ieral and state regulations de-
nying welfare assistance to children of
fathers with jobs.
A federal court suit filed Friday charg ..
ed that the two fathers earn Jess in their
,iobs than their welfare payments would
be U they didn't work.
' SACRAMENTO (UP!) .~ Sir Calllot·
nialll, 1ocl"'1lil« <Iii IU8POCt fiom Or·
ange. are ~ing held to answer today on
• charlt\.~t. they f llemr>Jed I<> .smuule
by air ·'hii ,!Owids of marijuana from
Melico to t.. 4lnall airstrip near here.
U.S. Customs olnciais arrested the
eix suSpect.s earlier I~ Q>e week. '!hey
were idenWied as Robert-L. Brook&, ~.
of Orange; Bi-uce D. Saladan, Sacra-
mento; Paul V. Riessen, Santa Monica;
Warren C. Bolton, Oakland; Ronald J,
Cosetti and Jack V. Cosetti, both of Sun-
Officiala: ~said the ~ijulna was to
be sold wholesale in the capital city for
$2,~ and then cut for retall dlst:rlbuUon
that could gr05s between $40,000 to
f15,ooo •• ~
Salal'anland the ColtUis w.er~ ~ptured
.. t IUrl!urilan Phoenix field Wedneoday'in
a trap set by customs agents.
The Sacramento musts were set up
after a border patrol pilot near Tijuana
spotted alight plane flying at high speed
and close to the ground Monday. The
plane had failed to clear customs.
Officers said the plane, piloted by Van
Riessen with Brooks as a passenger,
From Pqe I
jibing and coming up on the windward
Turner screamed .. foulu and hoisted a
protest flag.
At a late hour Friday night Turner
~·as slill trying to round up more wit·
nesses in his behalf, and protest com4
mitlee chairman Andy Gram said the
argument would not be decided until
If Sprague loses the protest it mean.!
his score will drop from 6 to 0 to ~ to l
for a mathematical tie with Burke Sa11.•-
yer. sailing for the North American
Yacht Racing Union. This would still
leave Sprague as the nominal leader as
he had already defealed Sawyer on
Thursday. Sawyer-won all three of his
ra ces Friday.
And so goes the CongrHsional Cup
match race competition. No one has ever
won the series with more than one loss.
But with upsets and protests coming thick
and fast, the thing could wind up today
with a two or thr~way Ue -particular-
ly if Sprague and Sawyer get knocked
off in one or more of their final three
AJ it stands now, here are the stand.
logs :
Henry Spr1gue m, LBNYC, 6-0 (pend·
Ing protest)1
Burke ~awyer, NAYRU, S-1
Bun: Boeltcbr.r, CYC, 4-1
Lowell Nortb, SDYC, 4-2
Ted Trimer, Atlanta YC, 3-3 (pending
Tom Pickard, LBYC, 3·3
Tom Fl1her, YRU Great Lakes, 2·4.
Tom Hazlehurst, East Greenwich R.I.
YC 2-4
Tom Blackaller, St. FYC, l·f
Cbe1 RJckard, RVYC, G-6.
landed at 'Bermuda Dunes Airport neir
Indio .. 'Ibey said Brooks was captured
there but Van Riessen escaped, ln. tba
plane and allegedly left the marijuana
on an abandoned military atrip at Deleli
Center 50 miles east ol Indio. Brooka
was later arrested. ;,;
Federal agents later recovered the
contraband from the airstrip.
From J•qe J
I • • • • r. GEOLOGIST .• ~
a creeping movement of up to a maf ..
lmum of two ceritimeters per year bu
been r.ecorded by:scienUsts.
It begW mirth of San Francl.sco, roes
down. around Dfe coast ranges through
Ute Tehachapi Mountains, through the
Cajon Pass, Banning, .. iJeaumont and
lndio, and then heads out to the Gulf
or California.
Contrary to the opinions oC the doom
preachers. who must have been asleep
during geology classes, the 110 million-
yea~~ld. fault will not just break of!
the conhnent.
"ACcording to all the scientij'ic data
available, r would say lhi3 is an im-
possibility," claims Gibson.
Described in scientific terms as a
right lateral fault, the San Andreas sideii:
sl!de rather than drop, with the con-
tinental block moving in a southeasterly
direction and the oceanic block movinc
toward the. southwest. These land masses
are in constant but slow movement and
cannot break off.
Gibson said that during all the time
the faul t has been active, which has
been since the Cretaceous or Jurassic
period, the total movement has been
only about 300 miles. .,,
"I don't want to qnderplay the danger
of earthquakes though," continued
Gibson. "We are Jiving right next to
ooe of the most volatile fault systetll~
in the whole world. But I don 't s~
any chance of vast earthquakes."
He went on to say that he e1pects
an earthquake to tak~ Place somewhere
:a~ong the fault sometime this year, but
did not know where it would be centered
and what magnitude it would have. The
fault area has been lbe scene of many
tremors but no major earthquakes have
been recorded since San Francisco was
leveled in 1916.
"Unfortunately, time has dulled the
memory of the people," said Gibson!
"Geologists and phyBicists just close their
eyes when they see 30 or 40-story hi&b
rise buildings going up in metropolitan
"It's going to take a major quake
In an urban area before pel)ple go baci:
to the sane building limitations we used
to ha ve," he added.
According to Gibson, building engln~
fn Southern Calilomia have achieved
tremendous progress in making high rise
buildings earthquake proof "even though
everyone inside them may be killed." r.r1
He said that geologists have' fO!Jftd>
a ~h_iplash e~fect to take place in hi;tt
bu1ld1ngs during quakes, jostling people
around in the upper stories. U a qua):~
were to be severe enough, this whipla~
could be deadly, Gibson commen tOO. , •
The mlssirig car bore New York license
Jane Doe gained more fame in deatft,,.
than she could ever have expected In a
life so ordinary and transient that she
passed through it with no one to remem-
ber or give her name.
The dead, however, must finally be
committed to the earth and their mem·
ories given to time.
To Arms! The British .••
He recounted the incident of a cr8~·
()perator working on top of one of t11e'
high~t buildings in Reno, Nevada, wh'o1
was tos sed out of the crane's window
by the whiplash effect.
I •
DAILY PILOT ....,.. ............... .... ---· ... --CAUPOINIA
Oll,,HGI c~r f'UlltlHIHO COMPANY
l•itttt H. W••4
f'r.alflftt ... f'ublldllr
J1c\ .. c ... 1..,
Vl(9 ,ttt.._ 111111 0-r .. llMM .. I
n.IJIU .:..,n ·-Tll•MI• A. M•r11lrilft• ~ ..... , .. ,,,, "'"'" ,....,. .. 1119
Oln<• -C.I• MIN~ 1J1 W.1 • ., lll'ltl ,._, '"°""' nu ..,., .. ..,.. '"""'•r• 1.-a..ctlr m ,_.A-HulltlftfNifl ia.edl: .. .tit! .,....
The Rtv. G. Russell Shaw, of the First
Methodist Church of HunUngton Beach,
officiated at her Jan. J7 funeral, where
a detective photographed the handful of
Six signalures -rnostl,J those of new1-
men -were written in the register head·
ed : "Our Friends."
"Her po.tential was known only to
Thee, Who knowest alao her passions
and paln," said the Rev. Shaw In pray·
er, after the recorded hymns were si-
"She looks like a hu.ndred other wo-
men, no wonder no one could Identify
her ," murmured a reporter as those
present filed by the cheap gray caaket,
topped by one modest flower a.rrange-
On Jan. 20, a told, gray Monday or
steady, melancholy rain, J1ne Doe was
taken -perhaps on her f1rat rldfl In a
Cadillac -to Pacific Vlew Memorial .
She was buried in a $35 grave •W'Y
from othera, whOH occupants had names
and enough money for What they 1hare
In common with a woman known on17
lo God.
"County cases are not burled In what
we call 'oPtn ground,'' explained John
Vibert, president and general man11er
of tht ctmetery facility.
"It IJ, llttrally, I p1Uptr11 g?'IVt," he
added. "It's In the lawn area. It'• de·
"One day, perhaps •U Uie uni:own will
ht known and this c:ase will be aolved, ''
the Rev. Shaw had aald at her funeral
three days before the rainy burial Mon·
Are Cpming to Josh Our Sons of Eriri Once More
Editor'• Nole: DAILY PILOT •14/f·
tr Tom BorltJI, a ·ion of the BrltUh
Ernp!re, todo.y offtrt hit onnucl teat
of the atnse of. humor of Wearers of
the Gretn. Last veor ht so enrOQtd
dour dtscendants of th Emtrold Isle
that the editor is still muwtring pra-
te.rt calls. Thi.s time the editor -an
accredited Son of Erin, bJI tht wa.11-
1uggtsts tht humorltst direct their
coll.t to Mr. Barltt1.
ot tt1e Dlllr ,lltt tllft
"King Billt1 mode the rabble run,
He paid them back In coin,
And ht slno 10,000 Jrlthmn.
At the Battl1 of the Bou1t1"
Old Englj.sh drinking 1ong.
Back In medievll di)'• our ancators
had to contend wllb a periodic pestilence
that they tremblln&ty ond appropriately
dubbed the ''Black Death."
Jl was a ftequtOtl,y ~ vl.aU.aUon
that, lo say the least. filled them with
stark, naked fear:'l1.'ti!: mafth of mecllc1ne
ellminated the lt00Ul'1e, of COW'H, but
we do have a succasor to that gr1aly
viailor In our lwenUtth century.
I call rt tbe "Green Plague. to It comes
around u rqul~ 11 clockwork evtry
March 17 and It sends · into gtbberlnc
insanity a Jot of folk who, I'm convinced.
were allghtly o[f their rockers lo begin
The only real antidote I've dl.sco\•t:red
ls a slight variation on the •nu bil
My formula IS 10 to bed, shove in
a pair <lf ear. plugs, disconnect the radio
and TV and stay there unUJ i1areb
great dignity:,none of the bluster and
bellow1ng so pt\oved by those of Hiber4
nian extraction.)
You'U find , 'tO-lie aure, that many
Welsbnltn sport ·a leek ~a type of wild SAO EXPERIE~'CE onion) .in tbelr bat,, but they are carried
It's been toy sad erperlertce that, ev• wil.h'~~ qui.et dignltx that \fe!ve llways
then, some of lhe drivelllng b~ !oond. to be In s~ .conlrul -the
walling ha1· penetrated my elaborate.· gre~u.i po'pJn)l.ys Who _cm:De-prana
pree•uuo.,. But I bav• a laal line of clng lll'<iUfld11 dayflaler.
defense that always works= I put .. on.~-Then tfJ!re'• the Eng'IJsh Who celebrate
a record ·of '(j<!il Save The ~· ~ SL Cl<orp's Day ,oa April 21 •Ith ouch
at fop pllch, rt:IMerl the w 'p!Jjg's ; exquMIO taste. ~I. cfiilrdi aervices,
and llll Is well. · the llJllni .ol lliO red "°"' on the white By nert day, the capering mtl.mJ~l!s field (gften. ii IO tnferlci} and pollte
have qualfed lbe1r peen beer •. en<Lrcf te11.-table .. OOllvtraaUon on tfle me•ning
the inlermlnabrt atrlng of whaL paSO<J of tl>al'vtl')< opecJal d&J'. All absolutely
in that far off (thank the Lard) IOl'IY cbarm.lna alid.ci wonhWlliiJe, ot courae.
island for music and quit aping accents You'll find the Scols ~uch more robu$t
and Idioms that any self·re~Ung An-In their ctlebratlon ol St. Andrew's Day.
clent Briton would have cfismissed as ·-Bul lt'1 good, ~althy hl&h splrlll not
puerile pe-prattle and hardly to the fttneUc ftee.loi-1ll that the Paddy
be loleraled In the bell of cavu. lt"'i>I• ao ap<dill>e In.
It wu ..,. of the reasons !or the A· iood Soolonwl oace Inlet us that
earlY eJecUon of the lriah lrom the it'1 like the dil'I#tnce between the two
British l!:mplre, you know. IL wu very whiaklea: otAye, 11ddlt, I.he. Scotch is
difficult to educate them and ,..e got all body the other stuff la all bubbles."
r1Uter tlrtd of tryin& to lick them lnto So take a Up from us and give 1'1ondav
the conformJty ao valued by the rest a ml.u. Put Monday the 17th on tlit
of the United Klnactom. same fooling as Friday the J3th and
Take that splendid race, the \Velsh, keep aw1y from the Ce.ltlc crackpota.
for e1ample. ~ow we'll wager that fOU There're only two kinds (){ Irish on
didn't know lhat March l wu St. Dav1d'1 St. Patrick's Dsy. The majority who
Day. ()( course you didn't beeause won't learn and the minority who Mould
cVtl')llhln1 wu handled quietly and with know better.
"The man barely managed to aave
his llJ'e by hanuing ..ooto the boom " SI.id Gibson. ,.,. I
Gibson feels that we should conc:tm
oursel ves more with the immediate pro--
blem of building safer and lower stna,.
tur~s rath~r thao worrying about -.
entire conUnental mass breaking off arl
being submerged by the waters. 1
"There 'are a lat or discontints: tn
this society who seem to seiu: on these
~oom pr~~lions, probably secretly hop-
ing that lt\Js soeiety will be destroyed '' he th~rit«I. ~·
"What we ha,ve to realize ls that
1he earth is not the center of the uniV11118
a:nd tllat the eventa 1'hlch take pJU.
on H .are not a reflection of the soclety i~bitlng It." be Sllj(gesled.
W• just happen to . be 00 the i
11nd. it's going to continue going"
at Jts &,1.11 slow w11 no matter we do." • ·
Wld.,pread_public r .. r of the pre<!
disasttt will. ~baJ,,ly cootlnue to ~
even .tbouah i«>l~• are tryln( lo
do their best 14 dlspeU llie rumot'. •
Deluged by Inquiries, ~ Calflcnlo
lnollluta ~ Technoio!Y last week flluld a th_, statement, aaylng "Wiid
predlcJlOlll of dlustroua earthquakes on
not supported by scitnilfic evldenca IDd
are frightening many C a I I f o r n 11·1 a
netdlcsa1y. -~
"But why belie•e sclenUfic evidti ~·hen tht: predictions of a:strola;ers, hip-
pies and mystics are so much more S)>f!etacular? 1
"l only wish T cOt1ld ;et aomt or
the money these people are ma~
on their wild predictions,•• cooclUi.ied Gibson. '
• •
u ,,
I• •
•• b.
' ol
• :
. i\Ve ekea·d .· ·
'---. ' .. ,. . -..
~O IT·ION -.
• -. • • VOL 62, NO : 64, 4 SECTIONS, 62".JiA"GES
. . l • ' • ~ ~ ... • ! sA:qitl)A'f. MARCH ·1s, '1969 TEN CENTS • • • • ' ·: • • ' I• l I ' ~ ~ ' I .. ~ -, •• • ! .
. F aCiilg,~ ™OWsday? •
Odds Sort of High
B1 RUDI NIEQZiti.slU Ot-.. ..,,, ,,. lleft
:-"Wheri Will 'we go wKen there's no
Sin Francisco, Y"'I btt!tt git ready
to tie up y<Mir boat In I~.~
. This Une l:rom a aeentingly inbocent
ealypoo ~I hu thausanili of Callfot-nlana~ teeth -chattering,. ,
lt refen, of course. to the disaster
which is predicted to strike California
durJni ~ first part of April.
Re ds Attack
70 Bases,
Viet Towns
SAIGON (AP) .• Enemy mortars and
rockets hit more than 70 illied.bues and
towns Friday niiht and early lodaf and
U.S. al}d South Vietnamqe troops drove
of( two sharp ground attacks northwest of
&aigon. ·
U.~. spokesmen -sai~ the stepped-up ~ellings w.ere the heaviest sinCt! the Viet
Gong's spring oflem:ivti began three w«ks
ago. They came a few hours after Presi·
d,ent Nixon unde.rscorep a warning that
the United States will retaliate · if the
Communist command ·goes too far.
U.S. infantrymen of the 25th Division
and South Vietnamese paratroopers back·
ed by artillecy and bom.bers fought oft
~nemy forces · that tritd to overrun bases
':Tl. and .S miles northwest of Sai&on.
Spokesmen saJd they kllled 40 enemy,
took four ptisooe.rs and captured 211 wea·
pons, jncludlng a name thrower.
U.S. losses )Vete one man wounded, and
lint reports said the South VJetnameso
auffered one killed and several wounded.
Viet Cong and North Vietnamese run--
nm hit j..tallatli in the oo<th around Hue, in the \bO -· . ' wu of
8ilgon and In the e~~~ol the Capital. . • · .. , ,, · -
Only l<alter.ed iriilmd lldnhhllia .....
reported acr ... tie 60untry'. U'.S. troops
uncovered stockpiles of rocket launchers,
:rockets, mortars and· other munitions
nei.r Saigon and Da Nang, Indicating
the enemy ma.v be rea·dying for anotbf!r
series of shellings on South Vietnam's
two largest ciUes.
Blamed for Coast
' Qil Leakage Mess
.. ' . 1
'SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -'Mlt con&er-
vflion community failed to rally ·behind
t!tose who wanted to preve nt any off
ahore oil drilling in the Santa Barbara
q,aimel last yejll', Rep. Richard L. ot-
Unger, (0.N.Y.), says.
''The people concerned bowed to pres·
&IU'e and compromise ..• the powerful
fOrces of oil explollatlan won out," Ot·
tlnger told the Wilde'rness Conference,
sponsored by the Sierra Club Friday
night. . :A Union Oil Co • well sprang a leak m
Janury and spewed thousands of ga11ons
o( crude oil into the ocean and onto South·
era. Cilifornia beacbe3.
Ottinger identified himself with a
JZ10Wing group In Congress that i1 fight-
ing to preserve lhe nat1on'1 natura1 re-
sources. But, he said, "We simply can-
not hold t.be IJne alooe. We must have
your active help."
Another banquet speaker, Elvis J .
Stahr, said conservaUon efforts are too
fragmented and poorly coordinated.
''We must enlist more people in our
cause • the city people," said Stahr,
president of the Nitiooal Audubon SOciety
and former Secretary . of the Army.
"Thole who have the most to gain from
coneervation seem to know the least
1tfout our cause."
Missing Man
NpbOOd .hyjBI
A man ...,.,,I by the· FBI; fbr,.,.,..
!baa.two Yearil•w:aa -in l!Uitlln&· ton Beach -w!iei< he-" had been llvlnti
under an assumed name and..._ ticketed
for l'Otum tO Oklahoma Clly nlday on
e>CijO and burglaq cbarg ....
was Billy Joe P~1rci!:, 40, of
1 Kukui Drive, a prpgrammtr and
p ~ at an Orange County industrial
l'liii~ ltmley G. Grapp, special aaent for
Iha FBI In charge of the I.,. Ana•! .. .ttlci 11id PearCe had assumed the 11amf of William J. Wileon. manied abd
bid 'l child.
!W had been mabt by U.. FBI since
F~ary J9M 1nd WJS jailed on ch1rges
. of 'Ulilawlul rught to avoid ~ent
'1IC! ·for bllrgllf)'. .,_
. . ...... -
io ..o 1 lk~• "· "'l. • '•t "·f1 """·'"~"1 ·~ 'DAILT'l>ILOTlteff,..,_.
TH EY GULP.E;D 1Tliit~·WAY i'.cfYk TciRY .'IN \!C l MEET
lnttrColl'1i~fr·~~~ck -Ch,1mps l ebherz-0,1trick ,
Pane~k.e Bin·ger~
UCI : Eating Champ Prov es Su prise
Of "" 0."' ..,.. Jhtl' . . .
A slic.k oper,ator Came to town-Friday
night and took the measure ()( the ·1ocaf
talent wben Chapman College slipped a
"ring«"~inlO ltie (ir:it pc-IrviJ.i<o 1nvl·
tational Pancake-Eating Comj,etitlon. '
Louis ~. ,a ZO.year-old musii:: stu-
dent'-from L8 Jolla looked no different
rrom bis teammates when he sat down at
the table. But when his first slack Of
pancakes disappeared· i!' ~oe ! gul_p, ~t
suddenly becao.ie 8pP!U'C~l he was no
ordinary ~terCollegiate pancake swal·
As Lebherz and · hia teammate,, petite
LQretta Deatrick, r 111 Whittier, q;iilect--
ed their first place trophy, be modestly
admit~ he ju>! happened 14 be the Na·
Uqnal'lndivfdual Pancake"Eating Cham~
ion ·aJ1cf held the national indoOr con-
sumption record -200 flapjacks in one
· '!'Plet!Rt; tebhen: and Miss ·Deatrict
PKnsfuned· 205 pancakes in half an hour
Fridiy ,nl,iht, outeaUng ~ir, UCI rival!
·bt a c,onslderable margin. Lebherz ate
1130; while ·the 105-J)ound Miss Oealrick
tpUt away 75. .
: Titqugh ijlere were a ,few cries of
''foul" and talk of an in_vestigalioo, a spokesman~ for UCl vowed Ute Anteaters
would start. buildin( a new team around
.this. year'• veterans, who, though out·
~al<n,,pul CID a pd .OOW. • . .
Mes µ; if it~~iiii '·Suspect
S ~r~~ttd~r~ ;~ ... P~lwe ··
A prie1t1~ 'fOUl\Stl UrJy ~ay con· . . ~ . . ~ . vlnc<!(I a hit-run dilvinc auspect to aur·
•l'elidcr to PoUe< thr.0 and ooH>IU houls
after a traffic IC'Cident which -stnt a
Youn& COila Mesa mol«t)icliai to the
boipllal wllh a ahal!Med leg.
A N.W Jersey youtH, Identified by in-
vestigators ,II £d111J1nd J, 'Jeleniewski, ia: catted police ftom St. Joachim's
CathoUc Church In Costa Mesa, Identi-
fied hlmself as the driver tbty x.ught a~
asked for a ride to police headquarters.
O!Rcm' oomplled, then booked J•li·
~ .
nlew!kl os:i a felony hlt·ntn driving
Pollce,sald the acdcfent occurred about
10:!0 p.m. Friday at Uie lntenecllon of
Newj>ort Boul<vard and !7th Str<et when
a car, alle1ed11 drlvtn by tbe New Jer-
Sf/'/ youth, ran a red light. and 1l1mmfld
Into motorcycl!Jt J11 D. Herrick, 17, of
I ttrl El Camino Drive, Cosfa Mesa.
Hemct ,auffOl'eil, • ·froctnr>d righl leg
'ftnd mulUple' c1lll and ,l>rulh in the accid<nt,. 'Ht w,11 tUen 1ll Colla M,..
Memorl1I; !loopltal where h!s .~
wu dncribed aa lafr eart1 thll mornm1. 1 .• • • •
.. ---· •
"and· I think this bapponln( In out
lilet.lme ii u 1elfiah and_ primitive for
ua lo \hlnk 11 . wh<n Ptolemy lhooght
the earth was the center of the univ~n:e."
Whal are the facts IWTOW1din& the
faultt .
ActOtdlnl lo GlbSon, Iii< San AndJ:eas
Fault ts an acilve f1ult zone where
a creeping movem~t of up' to a l'flU:•
imum of two cerrlimtters per year ha.s
been reeorded by scienU~.
It be1lna north of San ·Franclaco, goes
down aroond the coest r-through
the T<bachapl Mountains, lhroaP tlie
()ajon 'Fm, llannliig, Baaumonl and
Indio, and then beads .. l lo the Gull
of Ca!Uornia. •
Coolrary ·10 the oplnlonL of the doom
preachers, who must have been ·asteep
during •geology classes.-the 140' miW~
year~ld rault will not just break off
the continent.
"According to all the acienllftc .data
availa~le, I would 111 lhla · 11 F lm-
J>01SiblU1Y,;' c~ Oib<on. ,
Desaibtd · in aclentlllc torma u a
rlghllatcral fault, the siu Aodrou ~
slide rather than drop, with the, con..
Unental block moving iii a aouuieutert;y,
di~on and the oceanic block nff?.vtn1
toward the 90Uthwest. 'Jbe!e tand mUaes
(See d~OLOGIST, Pap I >
New Border Clash
Chinese Troops Strike Again at Russ
MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union
aa.id ct>riUn~st Chine'se troops behind
mortar and artillery barrages attacked
across the Ussurl River border, killing
and wounding a number of Soviet border
guards today.
The annooocemen~ by t.be Soviet news
agency Tass said the Chil_)ese lroops in-
vaded Damansky Isl and in the river
site of the March 2 Sln<>-Soviet horde;
clash which triggered outrage from both
communits giants.
The March 2 border battle ended with
31 Soviet soldiers slain, many of them
bayonetted by Chinese soldiers as they
lay ""ounded on the f,rozen battlefield,
according to Uie Kremlin.
Blacks Debate
Each Other
.At' P<;C l\J~t .. ,~
·• ~ ~~' 'J : -~, . ~ : 1~:..~r.£...' 11,r THOMAS FORTUNE
~ " .. ...., "" . ..,,
CaUJUc black 111Ui>na!Jal1 with bearda
•nd dark glassu shared the platform
Friday at Orange Coast College with
a young establishment Negro wbo de-
nou~ violence.
Philip Riley, student president of
Compton Junior College, woo . the ap..
plause of some Orange Coast College
student.s when he saJd:
"Agitation for change Is one thing;
t;:ivll disorder is another. When you rur--
tender control of the streets you're
But many OCC studenlJ also 1pplauded
the more militant stands of the other
speakers wbo made up the rest of a
panel of seven blaCk junior college
Btudepts from five .campuse.s.
i'atticulrii;ty popular wu Jim lilalce.
36-yeai--old student body president or
Contra Costa Jwlior College, who said:
"We feel we're more Americans than
many immigrants. Before we let another
group of roreigners come to this country
and move up on the hill and call us
'niggers' we'll burn the whole damn
Place down."
It was clear that a segment of the
studfnt body su_ppC>rted Riley while
another porUon was in sympathy with
Blake and the more militant bl1ck
students. The crowd overflowed the OCC
Forum for the student body-spom!Ored
panel talk.
A theme of the black nationalists was
· black solldarlty.
"Black people are getting unified,''
said Leonard Young, president or the
Black Student Union at El Camino
College. "That's what you're afr1ld or.
You told us We were m«lgets snd we
look in the water and see we have
grown." ·
"Get your own people togelber and
make them realize the problem, wh.Ue
we get ourselves together," advised
Orange c.oast College blact student Mark
Dellinger, who uses the name Yaku.
The black natlonalillll denied that they
are racist
"I would not stoop to become a racist,
become part of whit I · detest," aaJd
"Do you call It nclam getting black
people toe~ to set rid of rall and
roaches? 'I'blt'1 bumanita:rlanlmt," aald
WUI Aluander of LA Harbor Junior
1'Tbe Cltben, the J1penue-Americans
(l!et BLACK!, P ... I) .
UC Pickets Quit
BERKELEY (UPI) -SlrikinJ minor·
lty studentl' and te&(blng assl1tants have
wlthdr1wn lheir picket line• from the
Uhiver1ity .of California campus in order
to aid negotiations on their major de-
mand, creation ol 1 college of. elbnl:c
Jn announcing suspenalon o( "our nor·
mat act.lvJUes" Frklay, the Third Workf
Ltbft'atiln Front aald ''under no clrcum-
·atan«f ll>oWd It be 111Umed that 0\11'
slrlb his trljled: Otlr· stru,,i. !or Id!·
,delumll)atioq ha• !Ult 11qun::
.. ,., 4. -t
This lime, Tass aald, 1'A .blg armed de-
tachinent ol Chinese &Oldiera, supported
by artillery and mortar fire from the
bank, attacked Soviet fronUer guards
who were protecting the: Island. There
were killed aod wounded as a result."
The Sovlet soldiers "expelled" the
Chinese from the Island, Tau said, add.
lng that "this latest impudent armed
provocation, staged by the Chinese au·
thorities, is fraught with grave conse.
There were no details a1 to how many
Soviet or Chinese soldlers died in the
Today's battle, Tass said, followed
a skirmish Friday in which a group of
armed Chinese ·soldiers "made ~
attempt to invade Soviet territory, ])a..
mansky Island on the Ussuri Rtver."
Tass gave no details of the tnc1deDt
Communist. China maintained an ofO..
cial silence on the Soviet allegation..
The Kremlin protested today's ~
and said it wu "deliberately designed
to create an atmosphere of alienation.
between the peoples of the Peoples Re-
public of China and the USSR.
"Tbe Sovie_t government warns that
the entire responsibility for ponib1e
grave consequences of such adventuriJ.
lie actions of the Chinese authoritiea
entirely rests with the Chineee aide."
Death Mystery
Jane Doe's Sl.a.yer Still free
Simplu a11other mort'iiip,
M • ""' oiml>lf!l<lllt. · .
. ' 'Toh'll ~i'Jtqn.om~<i·
By AllfeuR R. V1NRL
Of 1119 o.1~ ~ltt lttH I • No writer would devote a boot to a
life so ordinary that violent death was
its only distinction, but the Jane Doe
murder myatery is now in three volumes,
wllh a fourth being campUed.
One year and one day old, the ease of .,,,
a woman nobody tnow1 -the moat eon.
sistently far.ranging homicide invest! ..
gal.ion j n Orange County hiatory -ii
no closer to a solution than 361 day1 aao.
Hope for a new break aeem1 dim.
"I think 11be's going to stay just Jane
Doe, unless something really big hap.
pens," say11 Huntington Beach Poll~
Sgt. Monty McKennon.
lnvestigaton are documf:nting the case
for ,future reference, volume-style, hope-
fully for use in eventually mlving the
The case that would ranse coast-to
coast and from Canada to Me.x.ico broke
on March 14, 1968, when thr!e .small
boys hunting frogs JQWXI whit looktd
like a wioclow display mannikia.
Horrified, they dlscovered it wa! the
body ol a woman, throat expertly allt,
1ei:ually muWated and dumped into a
muddy ditch to bleed out her life alone.
She was about 2.'1, carried no idtnlifi·
cation and wore ordinary clothes and an
inexpensive costume jewelry ring. She
had ordinary brown hair fram!Jlg a
roundish and rather unremarkable face
-u women's·face1 go.
Fingerprints, photographs and crime
elements were carried by all data dls-
perul systems available in modem,
computerized law enforcement, but the
international quest fbr her identity failed.
Hundreds of le&di'-were checked out, as
!lacks of paperwork rbounted and weary
investigators chased down each new tip,
(See JANE DOE, P11e 1)
Coas t Visi tor
Di.es on Boat
An a.year-old m'f' yocaU..W.,.ln the
Harbor Area coll~ and died aboard
a tpOrt flJlibir boilf oil Laguna Beach
Fridaf afternoon; ' ' ' .
RolSerl A Fuller of Calpry, Albtita,
Canada, w u aboard the 'lliunde:tblrd out
of Davey '• Locker In Ne'rlport Beach
when atricken.
Orange County ccironer'1 lnvertlgaton
said the man wa1 ·on the bow of the
boat "' a rock, cod llahing trij) when he
collapl!ed. No, cause of death a1 yet
been delermlned. Offlclall aald it ap.
peared to be a heart alt.ck.
Harbor Department re:acue persoMel
. wr:nl to the tctne and 1ttempted ruu•
citation. Fuller w11 brought to the de-
partment docks aboard the fishing cral~
Ht WU pronounctd dead thitt.
He and hla wile, Annle,.had been on
an uttoded vtcatlon bft'e since lut
,\Jll'lt. Tbe body !fll laken.to Balll Mor·
·fu.,Y{ COrqna-tlet' !,!sr. • .
. .. • • • j
KNOWN aur '+o· oo0 ·
Jane Doo '
COST $700,00IJ
oil .wepa&e have cauaed at least '700,000
damage to California btacheo and ~Iii.
Parks and Rtcrealloa Dlred<r W!Wam
Penn Moll said Friday. .
Mott told the stale Park and Recna-
tion Commission that the tlltimate wla of
1'ldentifiabie repair wort" that must be
done to restore the reefu:Uonal ·areas.
But he aajd damlfe· to lhe marine Ille
and the natural beauty of !he Santa Bat-
bara eoast ii 0 impouible to esti.rDate."
Tbe-dlrector also rePQrted heavy Sier-
ra snows will probab1y delay the opening
of several mobntala pl.rts.
Or aage
Fair weatber alolii lhe 0nna-•
Coast and ebewhtrt briahlerul• lbe
pictUn! toda1. lhn!aib l\[cmday, ,,,.
weatbtrttian 1111 mc.iat bucbts,
cold ,Jn .,.tier, plnl>"' of mow la mountain ' and clear. '
• Marriaot< CO'l'Jl&lor R&bil<CO
Ll.!1Doo<I t1fl6 1loio and whv
• ·women dominotl their hi&>
ba11d1. Familv Wetktv.
• "The Wandcr/111 World •I
Pii:a.u, JI a vcr~ apeciat SJ>t·
cfal fn u week fUlcd wilh 1
tcfc o;,io11 s 1' c cj a I 1, TV
WEEK covtr 11<>rv. -·-. .. -...... ....... =.. ·-
.. ,, • • ....
" " •
Up__sets _Hit
Yacht Cup
' Contenders
OAa\ Y rn.or .... 1111, ••nw
AllOr lwo deleall In tile eon,te&>!on1l
Cup ylClltlag .. r1e.1. Ted Turner ct A~
1111ta, Ga., relllrotd this year vowiJIC
thl:t •;the South will rise aa:aln. ''
Tumet' and the Soulh rose briefly . iii
tM: first thrte racel!I of the Congrwlonal
Cup 'l11Ul'ld1y, bul Fridly a IUY named
No~ abetted by a couple of Yankee11
from Dclrolt and Southern Clll!ornl&
ln&de lib Gen. Grant and •tarted Tiii'
not"OO 1\11 way blct to 1\11 lleloved "Jaw.
lab" -m1ybe wtlhOut the C<mgress!Oll&I Cup.
North, alter loelne two races Ftlday,
acted u giant tiller for another d. lbe
1udera wbtn he knocked off Buu Boel·
tche:r of California Yacht Club, and went
on to win his third race against Ches
Rickard-of Vancoover.
Turner's most shaking upget came In
the fif\b race when be was defeated by
Tom Fisher of Detrolt who, up Wttil
tbe:J, had won only one other match .
Then came the sixth race 'V'.'htn Tur·
her was matched agalnst young Henry
Sprague lll, saJllng for the Long Beach
Navy Yacht Club. It was a nl~and-tuck
race with Sprque Jeadinl TUrner by 1
ecant bolt length tt the feeward mark.
Sprague rounded first but decided to
carry Turner well put the mart before
ilblne 11111 c:omlni up oo the wllldward ••• Turner acr.omecl .,ool .. and -a protest flag.
At a late hour Friday night Turner
wu aWI tryina to round up more wit·
.. ,... In hla behalf, and protest com-
5ittee chairman Andy Gram aald the
argument would not be decided until
t! Sprague loselll the prote1t It means
his score will drop from e to o to 5 to 1
for a mathemaUcal Ue with Burke Saw·
yer, sailing for the North American
Yacht Racine Union. 'n\11 would 11llll
leave ' Sprague a.s the nominal leader as
he had already defeated Sawyer on
Thursday. Sawyu woo all three of his
races Friday.
All<! .. ,... the Cootlraalonal Cup
match race compeUUon. No one bu ever
won the aeries with more than one lou.
But wtlh upaell and protesll coming thick
and fast, the thin&' could wiod up today
1 with a two or three-way Ut -particular-
ly ii Sprque and Sawyer get knocted
off in cne or more of their final three raou.
Al it atandl now, ber• are the ltand· 'lnp: ,
S-, ....... W. LBNYC, M (pend· Ina protat)
-.. W)'11', NAYRU, 1-1
, -lloollder, CYC, f.l
L1nD Nri, SDYC, f.l
Ted -· AUenta YC, 3~ (pending )irOlell)
'l'1a l'tetn, LBYC, 3-3
Ttm ,,_, YRU Great Laku, 2-4
T«a Bulelwll, Eul Greenwich R.l.
Tom lllackallor, Sl FYC, ...
Oea -· RVYC, 1).1.
Firemen to Test
Hydrants Today
Newport Beach firemtn today began
testing fire hydrants in West Newport,
Lido Isle and Newport Helght.s.
The te1Ung may result ln temporarily
dirty or rust water in some homes,
&aid Fire Chief R. J . "Jan" Brllcoe.
"Jt -should clear up in a very lhort
time," he said, polnting out that Ule teltinC mwt take place in order to
make certain the hydrant. are 11111ble
in the event of need.
It ll'lll take about 45 days to test
all of the bydranll In the area, he
I •
DAI l Y PILOT ........................... .._ __ ,.., c--CAUfOINIA
··"·" ff. w ••• ,.~, •11111 ~*'*"
J••• I. C11tlty
YIU ll'r1tllMI ,,,. Ot ... ttl Mt ... "' ~ 'TIMM•• ic. • .,11 ....
r.e111tt A. Mw,,1ri:11e -·-,,,, Hl11•• ........ --c.t1 1MM1 UO wwt ... .,,... ...., 11Mt111ttl .. , ..... ....,,_.. r..e-1ttir111nt ...... A ..... """""'* ..... -.. ....
~11.Y PU.OT
Queko Student Gibson
.f'.rom Page l
are ln constant' but slow movement and
cannot break off.
Glb!on said that during aU the time
the fault hM been active, which has
been since ttie Cretaceous or Jurassic
period, the total movement has been
on1y about *I miles.
"I don't 11'&nt to underplay the danger
of earthquakes though," continued
Gib!IOn. "We are living right next to
one of t.he most volaWe fault ayst.eJns
tn t.he whole world. nut I don't 1ee
any chance of vut earthquate11.·-
He went on to · uy that he npectl •n earthquake to take plaice llOllleWbere
along the fault sometime this year, but
did not know where tt would be ctntered
and what magnitude ft would have. The
fault area hu been the sctne of many
tremors but no major e.arthquakee: have
been reeorded since San Francisco was
leveled In 1916.
"Unfortunately, time has dulled the
memory of the people." said Gibson.
"Geologists and phyt1iclsts just clOEie their
eyes when they Nee ·30 or 40-atory high
rise buildings going up in metropolitan
"It's going to take a major quake
In an urban area before people go back
to the sane building limitatlonl we used
to have," be added.
Acconllng to Glbm, building ongineen
In · Southern California have achieved
trtmenqous progress in making high rise
bulldlngs eJrthquak• proof "even though
eveeyone lulde them may be killed."
He said that geologista: have found
a wblpllah effect to take plaee In high
bulldings during quakes, jbltllng people
around In the upper atorles . lf a quake
were to be seve~nouQ. tbif .-Ciplash
could lie deadly, Gt """"-· He recounted incident. .of a crane
operator working on top ot one' of I.he
hlghe!t buildings In Reno. Nevada, who
was tossed out of the crane's window-
by the whiplash effect.
H'J'he man bartly managed to save
his life by h1n1lng onto the boom,''
uid Glbaon. ,
Gibson fetl.t that we should eonctrn
ourselves more with the Immediate pro-
blem of building safer and lower struc·
ture11 rather than worrying about an
entire continental mass breaklnl off and
being submerged by the waters.
"There are a lot of discontents In
this aoclety who seem to seize on these
doom predlcUons, probably secretly hoJ>-
ing that thi1 society will be destroyed,••
he theoriud.
"What we have to realize: ts that
lhe earth Is not the cenltr of the universe
and that the events which take place
on it are not a reflection of the society
inhab!Ung It." he suggested.
"We just happen to be on the earth
and It's going to continue 1olng along
at its own 11low way no matter what
we do."
Widespread public fear of the predicttd
disaster will probably eonUnUfl to mount,
even though geologists are trying to
do their best to di!petl the rumor.
Deluged by lnqulrlee, the Clll!omla
IMUtute of TechnoloCY Iut week issued
• ~e •tatem""~ ••ytng "Wild
predlcUona of dioulroos earthquakM are
not supported by aclenUfic evidence and
are frighteninl many C 1 l t for n t a n 1
But why believe tcienU!le evidence
when the prtdicUOM of ast.rologen, hip-
pies and myat.lcs are so much more
"I only wh I could get eome of
the money these people are makin1
off their wUd predictions,'' concluded
Birchers Blamed
l 1i Sex Batt'le
SAN FRANC!SCO (AP) -The 11111
Board ol EdUC1Uon took no acUon Fri·
day .., a c:harae th1t tile John Blr<h
Socl•IJ' lJ lryinC to torpedo the 1tate'1
eex education 1n public schools.
The boord which Ylewed portion& of a
controventtf lltI educaUon film serlt1,
''Tlrne ol Your Life," is tl'pfC'l.ld to act
on the PfOIJ'IDI al 1 meetlna next mooth
1n Sacramento after commUteie and NU
reporta on the program are pmenttd.
In Frld11'1 mteUng. board member
~rm.an Commons or P'ulltrton 11id the
John Birch Society'• magazine devottd .e.ven aod a half paces of Us January
Issue to an 1lleatct Commun.lat plot to
undermine American valuea throuah :su
Thomu Hll'Wml, a phyaldan from
Nttdlea who ii vice ~sidtnl of the
board, dtnled tile Birch Society IJ t..
"I could not ruch that conclualon. It
ls just not fowded on fact," he Aid.
~lrihertyv-ille's ·' Nlmnal
l • .
Nixon's Missile Platt · Just Fine With Folks
\ ' -i I • • . l ~
LIBERTYVILLE. JJIL (UPl)-Every· Ille Mot: and. ~ were relieved. have aone ls • d"erted Nike !we wblch thlna'• bact to normal at the Tap And "1il>w lh«)i cu stop thlntlng and lllcli wu once a Nav11 alntrlp. ·
Tote taven1 In clowntan l.iba1fvllle. tbelc l>el4a back In the allld, which It On •wnmer eveniap the teea.qer1
"Ya.0 Bob the bartender 1boutld over thtlr normal posllion." ao out tq the old base, drink beer and
the blare of the jukebox. ''Thole missiles Another group presumably happy about race their cars over the weed-pocked
caUMd quite 1 ruckus. Md we didn't the Nixoo decision is Ubertyville teen---concrete of the alrstttps.
Ui:e that. But they're not &oinl to put qen:. 1'They'll be out there •lain WI sum·
them ouf lhere 11111 thet'1 ju1t fine." Tiie alte wh<re the mlall .. would 111er," the bartendrr aald.
Mayor ChP"les Brown wu 'hapPy, too.
"'Now we're off the hot seat,11 -he said,
Pmldent Nixon'• announcement Fri•
day that tht StnUnel AntibaWstic Mis--
Ille System II to bl modllled has brought
a degree of clvtc peace to thl1 usually
placid town of 10,500 Northwest of Chi·
Under the original 5enUnel plan there
wu to have been a mlJltlt lnltalla~
four mJl .. IOUlh of town. The propo!ied
site caused community protat and con·
!Ud, relaUve17 now eaperlence1 for ru·
rol Libertyville.
The misslles~ opp:inent.a demanded that
the village board do everything In it.s
power to stop erection of the ABM.
The board steadfutly refUJed to take
ateps to atop the mla&llU , ao many board
meetings were taken Up wJth arguments
between the town's 1overnon and anti·
ABM forcts.
Libertyville hadn't been exposed to
public notice since the days when the
late Adlai E. Stevenson made jt his home
"The mlulles brought a tot of agita·
tion and oul!liders and those a.re things
we can do without," said Brown, a Jif&-
IOtlg Ubertyville reaJdent.
Board member Gilberl SU!eo aaid ho
had Colten hla "druthen.11
"I alway• Aid thet U I bad my druth-
en, I'd druther not have the mlasfles
around litre."
"God, I hope we can have a few quiet
meeUngs now.''
UbertyvJlle Is about !IO miles from
downtown Chicago, but for years had
little connecUon with the city. It was a
town of retired farmers and small bwi·
nessmen. But in recent years Chicago
commuters have moved tn and the anti•
ABM forces drew heavily from the com·
muter ranks.
Thomas Ploss, a lawyer, Is one of
them. A member of Northern Illinois
Cillzena Against ABM, Pleas' reaction
to the Nixon declJlon was IOrftewbat dU·
ferent , than that of the town's rani::in~
"A typicaJ Nl1on fineue,11 he said, "at
best fatuoui, at worlt draconian, but on
the other hand nothing more than we
could expect lrom IOl!lObody 'Ibo thinks
(Del..,. secretary> Melv!D Laird has
good judgm<nt. ..
Ploss said he could understand why
Phony Pri.est
Draws $25 Fine
Jamet WiWam Morris' rented cusock
and surplice proved to be a pretty
cosUy ouUlt for the Jove-Jorn Orange
Coast C.Oltege student.
Judge Leonard McBride added ~ to
the tab in Santa Ana municipal court
as court cosll for dlmtlaal of charges
that the Jt-year-old C.Oltl Mesan imper·
sonated a clergyman. Morrl1, 937 Serra
Way, was arm:ted at juv~te hall while
he was chatting with his 1S.yesr-old
detainee 1Irlfr1end -neatly rigged out
In holy vestments.
Deputies said Morris told them he "jwt
wanted to see his girlfriend and lmew
of no other way to get Into the building."
They demonstrated that Uiey knew a
very good way or 1ett.ing him out.
Morris' mass.querade hu led to lhe
pMUng of 1 new order for juvenile hall
deputies -"check ministers and prlesl-'
Refugees Slain
HONG KONG (UPI) -Comrnunbt
bonier guardo opwd fire loday .., a
band of peoph apparently maklo1 a
dash for freedom from Red China Into
th.ls British colony. rovenunent sources
No one made it acros11. The 1ources
said two persona died in the burst of
gunfire at 4:20 a.m. and an unde-
tmnlned number of others w ere
wounded. ·
CoJOll)' o!ffldw Aid Rona Kooa bor·
der IUlf'I' at "'ltPi>sll alonl the D<Dll•
border ff!>&raUng ' Red Olioa and Ille
new territories of Hong · Koog · reported
hWln8 aboul a doZOll lboll al 011t
polnL The . conimunlll border guards
were !een dragging away dead and
wounded from the :shootlng. 'How many
person& 'were involvei;l in the dash Wa5
not ,known because ol the darkness.
Hugs, Cheers and IG.sses
Greet Apollo 9's Heroes
a-a and hup. -and tearl·grtOl-ed Apollo I'• proud space pllota Friday
on thelr return to that 11beauUful and
welcome" place called home from a 10. ·
day iptce mission that put a summer
moon landing w1thln the nation's grup.
Fro•n Page l
that you say we should be like, first
collected together In their own groups.
We're merely taking care of our own
first," satd V oung.
Riley, the non-nationalist, aald the
country needl DOI violence but un-
"We mult tum away from violence,
hatred and prejudice and believe In what
America can do anti what it can be,"
be Implored.
He wa.s aaked by an OCC atudent,
"How can you dilcount all they have
aecomplllhed for you In Watts, Newark
and Detroit?"
Riley uld, "'There weren~ any rlot.1
tn 1956 when barber shops apened in
the South and a Negro could eo in
and get a halrcut."
"Big deal," remarktd a scornful 1tu·
Blake's answer to Riley was:
"'The brother from Compton expressed
an enUrely idealistic situation. It IOUnds
beauUful. But thole are only euphemilms
covering the raw, nasty, llinkin&. putrld
fact.a of this country."
"But aren't things betting better?"
Blake was asked.
"Things are not getting beUer ,'' ne
answered. "Jn relative wealth we're
going down the tubes. You hive your
showcue Negroes where there weren't
any yesterday. But fOT' every one In
the wind.ow there are 1,000 behind him
"The reason things are the way they
arc, mister, i1 you say 'things are getting
better.' We say they're getting worse.
\Vhen are you going to divide tile bread,
He also was asked if the end product
of the revolution would be good just
for black people or for all people?
"We know all about the white man.
We've been educated in his schools,"
said Blake. 1'But you don 't know anything
about us. You don't know what starving
Allnlnaull J.,,,., McDlvltt, David R.
Scott and Russell L. "Rusty" Scbwelctart
lhivered in the raw, wintry wind that
blew out of 1 leaden gray aky u they
ltepped from a rtd, white and blue !lplce
agency alrpl111e at Ellington Air Force
But the intensity o£ the welcome they
reeelved ·from wives, children, friends
and fellow spacemen warmed t h e i r
The crowd of about 200 persons who
waited for the men of Apollo 9 at the air
base near the H~Jton Space Center ·start-
ed non-stop cbeerlng the moment they
landed. A brau bond played martial
music in the bactr.round.
"I just want you to tnow there la no
place u beautiful and welcome as
home," Schweicbrt Aid.
For the astronauts, the rught will not
be truly over unµJ.. after a thorouih de-
briefing II completed. Durlne the nest
12 day& they wiU lpend hours on end
fllllng mlll., of tape recording• with
everything they can remember about
the mlsa:Jon.
The momentt after they touchtd down
tn HOUiton wtte. reMrVed, bow ever, lor pleasure. ·
McDivitt came off the pline fir1t at
Ellington, bopping down its steps two
at a Ume. Hi& oldest daughter, Ann, 10,
flew into hill arms and then burst into
tears ol. joy.
Not far behind streamed his wile Pat
and the rest of hll children. They huged
and k1saed repeatedly, chattering at each
other the whole tlme.
Tha other two men walked down the steps more alowly and received limllar
welcomes from their famWi1. Space
agency olficlals and fellow utronaut.s
then joined the happy mob under the
left wing ct the airplane.
Bucher Reassigned
CORONADO (UPI) -Cmdr. Lloyd
M. Bucher, skipper of the USS Pueblo,
is going to be reassigned to short duty
soon but the Navy won't give any spc·
cific details.
A spokesman for the Bureau of Navy
Personnel made the disclosure of Bu·
cher's immediate future Friday, one
day after the conclusion of a court of
inquiry Into thre tapture of the intelli·
gencfl veaael by North Korea.
To ·Arms! The British •••
Are Coming to Josh Our Sons of Erin Once More
Editor's Nott: DAILY PILOT staff·
er Tom Barl9, a son of tht Britt.sh
Empire. iod0t1 0Jftr1 l\ls annual teat
of the 1tmt of humor of W tartr.t of
the Grttn. LG.$t 11eor he 10 tnrcped
dour dtsctnd.antl of th imtrald Isle
th.at the cditof ta 1tUl an.noenna J>fO-
te.st calls. Thi$ titnf'! tht editor -on
occrtdittd Son of Erin, btl th• wav -1uaa1tti the humorless dinet their
ca.11.s to Mr. Barle~.
Of tltt Dlltr Plllt l•ff
"Klrta Billv made th• robblc run~ Ht J)(lid them beck in cotn,
And he 1ltw 10,000 lrllh .....
At th.a BatUe of the Bopt"
Old Engllah drilllcing rong.
Batk In medieval days our ance1tor1
had to contend wtth a periodic pesUience
that they tttmbllngly and 1pproprlately
dubbed I.he "Blaclt Death."
It waa a fAquenU,y TtCUninc vlsltallon
th•~ to say the Ieut, nn..i tllem with
1tark, naked fear. The march of mtdlclnc
ellmlnated the scourae. of courae, but
Wt do hive I IUCCellOr lO that lt'lsly
vllltor ln our twtntlelh century.
l calJ it the "Grttn Platue." It comts
around aa rerula.r .. clockwork evuy
March 17 11111 il Knda Into clbberlng
inlan.lty a lot of folk who, I'm eonvlnc:ed, wm llllbtl)' oll thalr ..wn to begin
The only real antidote I've diJcove~
Is 1 alight variaUon on the •nu bit,
1\1)' formula II 10 to bed, shove In
a pair of ear plugs, di!CoMect the radlo
and TV aod 1t1y there until 1.farch
It'1 been my sad experience lhal, even
then, some ct the dtivellln1 banlhet
wailing has penetrated my el1borate
precautions. But I have a last line of
defense that always worU: I put on
a record of "God S1ve The Queen''
at top p1lcll. ,,..lnwt the ear plup
and all is well.
By nut day. the capering marsuplall
have quaffed their ,..... bier, ended
the lntennlnable alrJna ol wblt puMI
In that far oll (thant the Lorjl) IOlfY
island for mu!lc and quit aping lcctnll
and Idioms that any self.respecting An-
cient Briton would hive dlsm.l.PCd 11
puerile peaaant prattle and hardly to
be tolerated ln the but ot cavts.
It was one ol. the rusont for the
early eJectton ol the Irish from the
British Empire, you know. Jt w1s very
di!Elcult to ed11t1te them and we sot
r.athtr Ured of trytna to lick lhe.m Into
the conformity so valued by lhc rest
of the United Kingdom.
Take that 1plendld race, the Wtllh.
ror e1ample. Now wt'U water that you
didn 't know that M.lrcll l WU Sl D1vld'1
Day. Of course you. dldn 'L ~auae ••"l'thini wu handled quleUy and with
great dignity: none of the btuater and
bellowing oo beloved by those of Hlber·
nlan extraction.
You'll find, to be :sure, that many
Welshmen sport a leek (a type of wild
onion) in the1r hats but they are carried
with a quiet dJ&nlty that we've alwlys
found to be Jn •abarp -lrul Willi ·the
green-hatted popinJlYS who come pran·
cing around 16 days later.
Then there'• the Engllsb who celebrate
Sl C-1e'1 Illy on April 21 with IUch
eJQUlllte lalle. Speclal c:bulcll lll'\'lctS,
the fl7inl of the red crosa on the white
field (green la 50 lnferlor) tnd J)Ollte
tea·ta~te cooversat.lon on the meaning
of that nry ~ day, All abli>lutely
channlnl 11111 so ~. ct coune.
You11 lind the 5cotl much more robust
Jn lheir celebration or St. Andn..v's Day.
But It's Sood· healthy blgb 1plrlll not
lhe frtneUc free.for-ill that tbe Paddy
people so apeclallM In.
A iood ScQtaman oneo told uo thet
ll'& Uke the dlfference betwMn the two
whlskle&: "Ayt, l1ddie, lhe SCotch 111
>11 body the other llulf Is 111 bubbt11."
So like I tip r~m UI and &Ive ~fonday
a mils. Put ~tonday the 17th on .the
same footing u Friday the llth and
ketp away from the CtlUc c:rackpctl.
Tbere'tt only t•o tlnds of lrilh ..,
Sl Patrtct's Day. Tbl m1forlly who
won't learn and the minority l'!'bo lhould
1aiow bcUer.
County Beach',] ...
Watel.' Usage
Draws ·Caution
Orar.ge' County !Ualth Officer John
R. Pbllp ~411'. ,bsued hi.I weekend
warning to cltt'z.em aod visitors on un-
aafe drintil&' )later and beach con-
Dr. Philp 1aid Santi1101 ;'Sllverafo,
Williams .and Modjes ka canyona are
still without safe drJnklng water due
to dama1e from. recent floods.
E:rc1pUOns are SJlverado School, Jrvina
Lake Fire Sta tion, Irvine Lake, Silver·
ado Guard St ation and Welch's Sand
and Gravel Co. ,.
Dr. Philp said tap water may bt
available in llml~ed areas, but it ls ®t
11fe for drlnklne and •bould be boll~
for five minutes before use.
The health officer said there wu no
chan&e 1n the quarantine of the beaches
at Newport Beach and Huntington Beach
State Beach Part. Untreated 1ew1ge ·ts
atll1 nowin1 into the Santa Ana Ri•tr
at Riverside and beaches are cloeed fOr
swimming and shellfish gathering froftl
Newport Pier to the west boundary of
Huntington Beach State Park.
Or. Ph.ilp al.so warned beach totr.S ~gain.st picking up orangea and d~
chiokens to be found on the beach. He
said they are higbfy contaminated.
because evea. the most vague can craclt
a tough cue.
"Lord. no," aald Sgt. McKennon, when
asked if he could estimate the number
checked out fn the case supervlled by
Ca.pt. Earle Robitaille, « the number
of manhours el'pended. one ol the most promising leads d•·
veloped the day before Jane Doe wa.s
finally buried 52 days ago, when a Lmg
Beach girl just out of jail saw a ta.st
photo-sketch of the victim in a newspaper.
The forme·r Hell's Angels motorcycle
gang hanger~ identified the mystery
woman tentative!y as Rhonda Fisher, a
former roommate who followed the aun
from the sleepy Deep South to swinging
Capt. Robitaille said the 1dentification
could not be accepted without corroboral·
ing evidence and the liunt turned up a
Rhonda Fisher last month in San Fran-
cisco, but not the same one.
The Rhonda Fish« wbo rode with the
ouUaw motorcfcle gang Ss either alive
and drifted el.9ewbere, or lies 1n Lot
J51F, an unmarked pa.uper's: grave in
Pacific View Memorial. Park, Corona dC!):
Whoever lies there, the quest for her
VUe name led to a .jeweler in Woodland,
Calif., an old peaunt woman in a Ti·
juana alum and wamen's &bops In New
York CJty. ·1
The jeweler thought he may have ~
Ille aquamarine dinner ring, v.·hile I.he
Mexican woman tried to link her to a
blood-smeared car and the print blou·se
U'ane v.·ore was believed made in New
Hundreds of police department and
Post Office bulletin boards around the
nation canied a circular asking help in
1olvfng the riddle of he r identity.
A mother alienated from her daUghter
responded, but Jane Doe wu not the
girl who lelt home after a squabble eight
years ear1Jer and the missing woman
1'as actually located u a result.
Jane Doe gained more fame in death
than she could ever have el'J)eete<I in a
life so ordinary and transient that aht
passed through it with no one to remem-
ber or give her name.
The dead, however. must finally be
committed to the earth and their mem·
cries given to time.
The Rev. G. Russell Shaw, of the First
1.tethodlst Church . of Huntington Beach.
officiated at her Jan. 17 funeral, where
a detective photographed the handful «
Sil signatures -mostly thoae of ne1fl·
men -were written in the register head--
ed : "Our Friends... .
. "Her potential was known only lo
Thee, Who knowest also her pauicms
and pa.In/' Alid the Rev. Shaw in pray.
er. after the recorded hymns were ai· Ienced.
''Shfl looks like a hundred other 1'0-
men, no wonder no:'one could Identify
her," murmured a reporter as those
present filed by the cheap gray cuket,
topped by one modeit. flower 1rrqe-
ment. b t
On Jan. 20, a cold, gray Monday If
stelldy1 melancholy rain, Jane Doe "ft
taken -perhaps on her fll'St ride In a
Cadillac -to Pa.ci!ic View Memorial
She was buried in a $35 grave away
from others, whose occupants had name~
and enough money for what they lhart
In common wtth 1 woman known ·only
to God •
"Coun'f cues are no& buried Jn what
we call 'open ground,'' ezpll.ined Jobn
Vibert, president and pner.r mllllictr
of the cemetery laclllty. •
"It ts, literally, a pauper'• sra~he
added. "lt'I .in tile lawn attL lt'r .,.,
"One day, perhape all the unkown";in
be known and thll tole will be solvtil, •
the Aev. Shaw bad Wei at her f~aJ
thrtt d•Y• belore the rain)' buri-1 Mon· day.
UnUl that final morning. 1hf win
1lumMr •lthoul a name or even a mark·
e.r telling Uie one aS!irntd to he.r Match
14, IMS, by the Orantt Coun1y coron-
er's Offk-e. •
Today and all tomorrows •ill &:·th~
same., and poet John Crowe Ransom'a
line from "Mornlna" will J>OUlbl;r J ll the Ne forever : -
"Simply another morning, and alnlpl y Jane."
" •
" • e
• '•
' ' I
Christine Muldoon, 23, o{ Shipley,
England, was happily smashed .
H,,er boyfriend told, her he wo1j)d
PiQpose if she. &ear a dozen, other
girls in a female · beer drinking
{.'Ontest. She did and he did and
now they are getting married. • .Officials at City Hospital iri Bos-
ton received. a cashier's check lor
S~ in payment of an old bill. A
qote attached lo the check. signed
aiimply "801tonia11.'' said the writ-
er recently discovered the bill in-
curred by a relative during the
dtpression and \vanted to "pay the
bill now \vi th a little interest." •
' Seven-year-old Sharon Vinick of
$unnyvale, Calif., cl~ecks on the re·
r.overy of her favorite friend, George,
Sharon underwe11t ope1L heart .!."Ur-
gery at Sta11/ord Univtrsity rece11tly
and requested lhat stuffed animal
George be allowed to go to the oper·
nti11g roo»t. wit/I her. After operatio.i
Sharon discovered that Stanford sin··
1:1eons /lad "operated" 01t George toa
4-Co1npleLe with .sutures and band-
' • " An altractive young \vo·n1an Tob·
fi'ed a ConC:ord Crocker Citizens
gank oi $300 -while 50 policemen
and \\•omen met in the basement to
discuss "ho \v to detect and oppre--
hend woinen 'sUSpects.·· • ~f-*K'~'.m~ .t . "~ 4=;,..tr~·~
I~ S ome · pieces of modern I
I'"' sculpture in fra11t of the Lam-..
~ bert-St. Louis Airport will be ~ moved to the city art museum, : '
~ where they understa11d such 1
11.t thi-ngs. City officials said the11 t·
I..,.' decided to move the pieces-
"' :1· worth S50,000 -after the
~-donor complained they had
-b~en installed backward at the t
~ , airport. "
i !~· l .,,, • ~-J:.l'J.1t"" ....••• ,,!,.fr'~ • 10n St. Valentine's day the Sun-
rise Federal Savings and Loan As·
sociation . in Deer P ark, N. Y. -
lY-hich did not then have a guard
~ was robbed of ~~000 by two
rilen. The bank promptly hired ·a
glla.rd and gave him a pistol. Last
\veek, two armed men entered the
office, took the guard's pistol and
escaped with $22,000.
Getting Nosey
Subject is noses as Bob Hope and Jinuny Durante, po ssessors of l\\'O
of most ~amous nose~ in show bu sin~s, get together fOr taping or
forthcoming TV special. T\vo con1ed1ans have kno .. vn each oliler
for -more than 30 years, first performed together on Broad\vay in
El Toro Notes 26th Yea1~
This St. Patrick's Day
SL Patrick's Day l\1onday markli the
26th anniversary t1f the El Toro Marin e
Corps Air Station.
Established in 1943 as a te1nporary
station, it boasted 30 Leathernecks who
bedded down' in an Irvine Ranch
bunkhouse. Today, no longer temporary,
it is headquarters for the Third Marine
Aircraft Wing and has 5,800 men. That
'Hillbilly Duel'
With Guns Ends
Ta1nely in Court
\Vhat police described 1,3 a "hillbilly
gun due.!" in a Tustin home last Sept.
9 ep~ed t.arpely, in Superior Court late
Thursday night with the conviction of
a Kentucky man on burglary ~barges.
A. jury ol lO ·women and two men
deliberated f!)r more than 31 hours before-
returning that verdict against Eugene
lfardin, 36, of Louisville. Hardin had
been booked on suspicion of attempted
murder, kidnaping and assault with a
deadly weapon in addition to the burglary
Cleared by the jury was Ronald Paul
Youi;i.g, 23, also of Louisville, Y.'ho had
faced three counts of assault with intent
lo commit murder and one .of k.idnapiiig.
Testimony during the three-week trial
recreated a "Hatfields and A-1cCoy6"
situalion in which the angry Hardin
was said to have pursued Eddie Gafford,
22, from Kentucky to California. Enmity
between the two men was said to have
reached fever pitch when Hardin
di scovered that Gafford had taken hi~
v>'ife, Carol Hardin, 35, v.tith him.
Hardin traced · the couple to a Tustin
home and, accompanied by Youn·g, forced
a Tustin motorist to drive them to
l;afford 's residence. The motorist told
officers that both men had a variety
of v ... eapons, that all the saiety catches
were of( and "they looked ready for
A~tion came a little later when they
arrived at Gafford 's home in a blaze
of gunfire which ended with the wounding
of Ha'rdin and Gafford and the rushing
to the hospital of both men . Mrs. Hardin
and Young were unhurt in the prolonged
shootout between the rival Kentuckians.
Includes several hundred Navy personnel
\\'ho provide medical and dental care
and run the aviation supply shops.
In addition to barracks, mess halls,
PX. and other base facilities, the air
station, through its Station Operations
and Engineering Squadron , runs a com4
plete air traffic control system for the
17,000 flights. in and out of El Toro
in an average mon th.
The major point of departure and
return from Vietnam is El Taro's ne\v
ai.r terminal: Most Marines going to
Viet nam arrive at the terminal from
nearby Camp Pendleton and leave on
a government contract flight by jetliner.
\Vhen their 13 nionths of fighting ar&
over. they return to El Toro for reassign-
ment. More than 56,000 such f\.1arines
were processed last year, an average
of one planeload a day.
El Toro's role as a jumping-off point
for war is as old as the base. Eslablished
11s a tra1ning and staging facility for
P.1arine airmen bound for World \Var
II in the Pacific, the station's future
\\'U uncertain 2/ter the surrender or
Germany and Japan . But the uncertainty
CJf IPe cold "'ar that followed World
\Var II kept the station ali ve, albeit
barely operational. Then came the
Korean war, and El Toro shifted back
into hig h gear, flying gull-winged Corsair
fighters over Orange County and on
across the Pacific, as well as the origina l
Phantom fighters which helped launch
the jet. age. .
After Korea, the Third f\.1arine Aircraft
\Ving moved to El Toro en masse from
its base jn f\.ti.ami. Fla. Today, 3rd
MA \V pilots ny F-4 Phantom jets, A-4
Skyhawk attack jets and train.Jog and
utility craft out of El Toro.
f\.1ajor General William G. Thrash j5
commanding general of the air station.
Rotarv CJulJ Pre!lents -UCI With $500 Gift
The Newport-Irvine Rotary Club has
presented UC Irvine with $500 to
establish a Newport-Irvine Rotary Club
Loan Fund.
I~ 11.•ill provide students with short-term
emergency Joans, a maximum of $100
each, for periods col 30 to 90 days. In
the course of a year, the funds \viii
revolve about eight times, making the
aid available to 30 to 40 UCI students.
OAILY ,ILOT Sltlf P'llttt ltJry Tal~es A Tour
JMk Cad1nan {left), Orange County's chief crimin·
a.list, explains \\•orklngs of. microscopy laboratory 11.o ' rncmbtrs of 1969 county Grand Jury during
-1ury's recent tour of sherifi's crime Jab at ne'' 1 cou nt y jail facility In Santo Ana. Centralized crime
lab gerves all law enforcement agencies In county.
Tour of Sheriff's Department and counly jail wn~.
part of Grand Jury's annual inspecUon ol various
aspecui of county government.
S1furdaf, Mmfl 15, 196? DAJL Y PllDT 3
/fleet the Peeple
Of "" IMJlr ....... ,...
' A dWUnuUve.#--1hd itCractiye Balboa I~ ...._~ la the mislmil of
a ~, •"llr-\r of iYis" ..
Mr•. Bernlct Perklm., a former Corooa
de! Afar elementary school teacher who
ha5 "lived · In" the aha for 25 yur11
re<dY<ll. O>e ey~ ' ,mil services. !# a
22""°'1jh,old 'c'<tn\ai, ',S!lePherd dutlng
1 ~-trltnJn&.period 1t Guide Dogs
ror th& Blind, Sin Rafael.
"Wlth less than ftve perce.nt vision,.,
l\tra. Pertim, a widow, explained, "T
had several fall! Qll curbs and over
inalilmate objects like 'skate boards and
padd)e boards before I received' Gret-
chen, "'my ,wde dog. Now l have liO
fear/' &he said. · .
.An 'Jvld reader, she aycra&e5 ·Jix .to
eight talk.Ing bociS a week. •
"I like to swim-anti walk, too," abe
!\lrs. Perkins, 63, has two married
chi Id rt n, David Fletcher ol
f\1assachusett.s and Mrs. James Hoekjo
of lltinois and seven grandchildren.
She has the distinction of .having
received more mail than any other stu-
dent who's ever trained at Gulde Dogs.
"l'n1 afraid I kept Miss Suillvan ot
the traini ng department away from some
of her othe r duties, just reading> all
the cards and letters from family aDCl
friends," she commented.
l\lrs. Perkins' sight has been failing
gradually since: childhood.
The four-wttk course at Guide Dogs
shows U1e blind person how to y,·ork
\rith the dog.
The valuable dog s are indi vidually
selected for each person In order to
insure the best match .
DAILY l'ILOT Sllff P'IM* Gretche n and Mrs. Perkins are, indeed.
a well matched team. The dog follows
her mistress' actions constantly.
But with all this work all Gretchen
wants in return ls .a little recognition
and, as she puts her muzzle on Mrs.
Perkins' lap -a little love.
Guide Dog Provides 'Eyes' for Belboa Island Widow
Gretche n receives more than just a
Beach Man's Plea
For Dismissal
Denied by Judge
A motion by three Huntington Beach
men for dismissal of charges of receiving
stolen J)toP6fty has been reject.ed in Su-
perior Court. ·
Judge Robert Gardner eoded higher
court Pfocetdings against David 'Bennett
Lindstrom, 25, Michael l.fonty Holmgren,
25 and John Allen Rainey, 20, by order-
ing them to return to West Orange Coun-
ty municipal court for further action on
the charges. He set A1arch 19 for the
new da te of appeafance.
Lin<Utrom, Holmgren and Rainey. all or 202 11th St., were arrested last Feb.
I "'hen Huntington Beach officers
alleg~ly found eight stolen weapons in
their apartment. Earlier municipal court
testimony indica ted that the pistols were
stolen the day before from the Gemco
store, 17099 Br'ookhunt St., Fountain
Testimony by Huntington Beach police
officers alleged that at least tv.'o or
the defendants were under the influence
of narcotics at the time of arrest.
How old
Mr1. Perkins •nd Friend
should you be when
yQu're middle aged?
Ct·it your teeth, you old fogey 11 for n1en l•·ith boyi1h figures.
)OU . This 1tore's ad1 proclaim lhnt
This srring 1everal other· they are 1till 1elling suils for
"·i1e hi@:hly respecied clotlti11g ''ifllYI \\'ilh hip1. thigh1, a bit
n1anufacturer1 are 1l1owi11g, of 1 paunch, and all lhe other
for delil·ery to the men'11tore1 standard h111uan equip111cn1."
next fall, what i1 kno"''D in the Ame11, Thal'• exactly the
tr1de •• costume clothing. kind of clotl1ing I sell too.
To n1e, awful! When you huy a 1nit from
Thine:s like '"'i1hy double n1e. you don't have to ask your
hreaated 1ui11 with 9 little wife lo 1hoehorn you inlo the
"·hite butt.on• risbt do"n the pant.I. or 1cis&0r you out of the
ntlddle. coat when ,·ou co1ne home at
The new an1-J-a.man-or•\\O--J ni~I. •
nt.an·lookf It a1k1 th1t que,. Doe1 1ba1 1nean J"n1 old
lion from the rear, from tlte £a11hioned! If your h&ir rear.Ji.
tide and sometime.. so helit e1 your 1bonlder!I. 1'111 old
nte fr,ing, fro1n the front fashioned: !tly hnir doe1n't
e\·en. even re1!'l1 nty ear1. 1£, ho~·
Th1t will really be the U y, ever, you:re one of u1 squares,
~entJe reader, when Old l\lan
Classes Begin,
Monday at Art,
Design School
Easels are at attenlion and the kilns
are warming up for the 1pring quarter
at baguna Beach School of Art and
ciasses for beginning, ·interinediite' and
advanced ·slude.ots Open· Monday. ·The1.
will include drawing, color & de1ign.
oil painting, watercolor, life drawing,
printmaking, portrait and figure, 8Clllp-
ture and ceramics.
Two additional subjects · will · be
presented. Advanced painting will be
taugh t by Sam Clayberger of the OtL,.
Art Institute. It will emphasi:r.e use of
acrylics and polymers.
San Diego architect Paul Thoryk of
Huxley-Thoryk will teach environment.al
presentation and composiUon ( architec.
tural rendering).
Roger Kuntz will present classes in
basic and intermediate oil painting,
sculpture and life drawing.
Color design, basic and advanced, will
be conducted by Ruth Osgood.
Roger Annstrong will teach drawing.
watercolor and a class in oil painting
two evenings a v.·eek. Portrait and figure
painting will be presented by David
Schnabel who also gi ves advanced life
drawing instruction in the' evening.
I "·aul you 10 kJtow that] have
nothinl( bul the very lat.eat
] 969 unfreaked ·out clothing
It may he possible that by
1970 or 71, you busineHmen
will be !"'epl along with the
faddish tide and mav •tart de-
manding yummy ~lothin~
your.selves. When that d1y II'*
ri,·ee, heaven forbid, I may
even ('arry that stuff.
For no ... I ••II clothing lhat
doem't inlerfere with your
rur1u.it of health, wealth and
happi.neas, 11 guara..nteed by
the Co111titution.
One. t"'·o and three button
sui1s, iit contemporary or trll•
ditioual 1tyling, from Dean ..
gate, Ratner, Devon11hire aind
olhen. Pricee, $85 to 8165.
And no,v, from "'·hat '«" lo
what 1ge is middle age!
I( you'rfi over 30, you're
middle aged, you old bumrfl.
A rttent 1urvey of college
f're.hmen revealed th1t the1e
lids, when their opiniou1 were
a,·eraged ou~ consider anyone
from 31 to. 44 to be middle
aged. If you're over 44 yoa'N
1,m going out and 111ioot my•
.. 11.
Bidwell starts 1elliu1 lace
lrimriled paj1m11.
• In tho fa.., of 1ucb dop,..,..
1ng huhlln progre11, a pronti·
nent New York men'• 11tore
?tiers a ray of pure 1un11hine
in the form of 1 seri~ of ad!I
rauiug the new clothlng 1tyled
Jack Bidwell
• '
11 3467 ''la Lido, right where you tom of(
~•"l'Ort Bl•d. to I!'• to Udo ltle, at Lido n. .. w.
Free parking at n"..ar o( store. Phone 6734510.
Cop.yri~ht 1969, Jack IJ;d~·ell.
·' '
... ··-···-----------------------------------------------. . . 4. QAILY rll.OT
Pulpit · and Pew
·st, Gteqt'1 Epl1eop1l
CHl'U o1 El Toro will hold
and -ni., -. -a1 l :IO llld Jl a.m. 11111 SW><
d17. ''Papl&hment and
Forslventel., will be the ....m.UUe.
'11>1 Bible -..... at aria-~· lcteace
~~-wUl be •isubltance.''
Puta °' 1 Ktnar•m be read.
servtces. The Rev. John
Rogers Davll will pruch on
Paol'1 leaer IO Ute Galallus
al bolb -alao. Le-potluck aupper IJ sel
IOI' Slllldly, I p.m., In Ute
Pullll Hiil. Even Song and a tilt by Ute Rev. Cancio
-wlll lollow. "Racilm Ind U1,'' the
.....,.,.. -· will be held Weitneocll1, 7;!0 p.m. Mn.
Mildiod· Wril!>t. from Eut
Loo Anplel, will . apeU .. "-t "-.. n-Done?" ,,. leCODd of. t1 h l • ~ _.. ~
m-en '"!be Autborily ' WCJOMin ol St. Mkhael'I will
of Ute Won!" will be delivered me« !lednaclJy, t :IO a.m.,
by ~ . O.vld w o o d , for comm'""°?, and' a -1>1
Wednad1y, 'I p.m. at Waner • ))l'Ol'l'am on ~mercau:
A-Bapllll Ckare·k, ThePUllooPloy.
Wamer Avenue at Go:tbatd
Streel, Hunllnglon Beach.
NU! Salunlay Ille Boyo'
Cllrlsllan Service Bripde will
hold a FllllerSon BlllqUel,
6:30 ,p.m., in the Christian
Educallon Building. A
feadmhlp training aeminar
w!O alJo be held Iba! day' at
Fint Bapllsl C!urch o I ~ froi:n I a.m. to 1:45
St. MldlaeJ't ud All Aqeb' EfllCOPll Cbardl, ms Pacific
View Drive. Corona del Mar,
will· celebnle communion al
both J and t :IO a.m. Sunday
Meeting at Harper Elemen-
tary School, 4IS E. lllb st.,
Coeta Meaa, Barbor auutlu
Qlveli IMMacom m unJ on
aerricea at 10:45 a.m. Church
achool m._ at t:t5 a.m. Dr.
D. W. McEJroy wlll '.proacb
"Chrl!t Our Only Hoi>t. • Ibis
The Rev James. G. Kirt
will pr....t the fifth oermoo
in a Lenten series entitled
"A BetteT Way" at SL Mark'1
Pre1byterlaa Chard,
Easthluff Drive and JambOl'ee
Road, Newport Beach. The
sermon, eotlUed "Concern:
Cate, Indiinance, Rejoicing,"
will be delivered at the 10
a.m. service. The cllQir will
sing. Church lchool and child
care will also be provided at
this hour.
rug.-.-. BI.....i an lbe
Mttciful." Nur-aery care and
oc11ool .,. held al bolb hours
Sunday eveninc you th
fellowahlp medt al &:Ii
o'clock while lbe yWng adult
gr<>UP convenfS al I : 11
"JMUI' Prescri~ for
HappineA" ii the 11r1DOO
slated for 1:30 iud 11 a.m. ,.rvi,.. thli Sunday for .1)'.tt
Uatted Mellledltt Clnordl el
Fou.atala V1hey, 1 I 2 2 5
Bushard St. '!be Rev. Ken
MeMJllJn will -ch. Church
school and nursery are pro-
vided at both hours.
Lenten study cla&!es on the
Sermon on the Mount will~
tinue this week: Sunday even~
ings. Tu"""y morninp and
Wednesday evenings.
Junior and !leDior Methodist
Youth Groups will meet Sun-
day, 1:30 p.m. Duplicate worship Hrvices
will be held Sunday at the
Flnt Unf&ed Method I 1 t Dr. William R. Eller will
Ctnm:b, 420 W. 19th St., Costa deliver the message "Seek the
Mua. The Richard J , Lord While He May be Found"
D u..n I a p will preach at 8:45 and 11 a .m. services
"RJghteousness and Mercy" at for Latberan Chard! ol the
9:30 and 11 a.m. The -sermon ·Muter, 2900 Pacific View
Is bued on the Beautitude: Drive, Corona del Mar. Mid-
"Bleseed are Those Who week Lenten worship con-
Hunger and 'l'bint After (See PULPIT, Pare I)
Youth Aid
YOWi( members ol St.
Andrew '• Pre1byt·erl an
Cburch, Newport Beech, have
rallled to help lbe flood vi<>
tiJns ol Sllvmdo Caoyon,
devutated by February'• rain
and 1Ude.s.
A group ol le members ol
lbe ...,.,,. hlch and college
age Yl!Ulh fellowshl111 recently
armed themselfta with hoes,
ehovels and polls and tptnl
a day In the canyon helping .
to cleer mud and d-from
damaged homes.
Cal Lutheran
Concert Slated
The cone e r n t c hoir of
Califomia Lutheran College,
Thousand oats, will give a
concert at the Anaheim
Convention Center saturday,
March 29.
In addition, the board of
deacons at St. Andrew's ap-
proved a ca.sh donation to the
flood relief program.
Pro•le1U-to Jle Solved
CatlWlics w. Join Council~
lly LOUIS CASSELS u ................ ......
The Roirwi Cllbollc cbwdi
la actiyj)y, co n:s 1der.ln1
membersbl)I In lbe Natlooal
Council ol Cburd>el.
The Nalloaal · Council a.s
preaently cooaUtuted ii a coordlnatlnf body !0< :14
Protestant and 0 rt bod ox
deoomlnatlona wilb 40 mDUon
memben. · ·
Accesaion ol the Calbollc
church, wilb Ill 47 mlllion
membera, would yastly enban-
~ lbe a1oture ol t h e
e<Ul)lenlcal orgaollation and
give it a far more potent
voice in publlc affairs.
maip to b9 worked out before
the Calbollc church mabs
formal appll~lion f0< ~
The biggest ol lbeS< prob-
lems stems from the coon-
cil'a present by-laws, .wh!Ch
allocate voting power and
budget assessmeW 4JDODi
lbe s:iliated denominations accor · to their respective members ·ps.
Thus a ~enomination with
4 million members has four
limes as many voting
delegates in the council'a
reneral weinbly and seoeral
board u one with only 1
mllllon memben. II also pays
four Um.et u large a share
of the: counc:ll'1 operatlq ei:·
This ay1tem w o r k e d
aatiafactortly 80 long as the
oowcil'• bluest affiliate was
lbe 10.mDUon member United
Melhodiat duucll.
But U 1he same proportional representaUon and asse.ssment
formula were applied, the
Catholic church. would bold a
clear majority, of the volts
in all councll bodies, and also
would pay more than ball ol
IJ.s budget
Pl'.Olestant leailers feel lliat
thls would be an· unac~ble 1itualloo.. .
one ~le solution might
be amendment of the council's
by.Jaws to provide that no
slnile reli1iou s body.
regardless of siZe, could have
more than one fourth of the
total voting power or bear
more than one !ourth the total
-This limitation would not ex-
pose the Catholic church to
any serious risk of being out·
voted on kty Jssues by a solid
Protestant bloc, becaUll .,
aclual practice, lbe CGIUl<;il
always seeks ad overwbelmlftc
-.ns111 on i!iaJor decision!.
tacking ally Jmor lo I~
Ill decllloona upon alllliat~.
11 obv1°"'1y 1.s' 1n no pos1uan
to man Important policiee '!'!
lbe basb of closely·d!vldid
A joint working ~.
represen~ing the council •nd
the U.S. Colbolie hierarchy.
has been formed lo thresh
out the organiutlonal d.tf.
ficutUes. It will begin work
in New York April 8. Dr,
John Coventry S m I t h •
moderator of the United
Presbyterian church, will head
the coUncil representalivet,
and Archbishop John Carberry
of St. Louis will head Iba
Catholic representatives.. .:.
SJNCE BOTH sides pre!~r
to make haste slowly on tltls
significant ecumenic.~ 1
breakthrough, the negotiations
may continue for two or ~·
years. ~tpough no O{le is, willing
lo predict exacUy what fonJl
it will ·take, key people ~n
both sides are confident Ule
talks will Jead uttimJtely to
(See JOINING, Pare I)
Ftlrview Rd. At F1ir Dr., Cost• Mes• 1
9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Worshlp I
DNM S1ultl1'1ty ,., ........ SrMy .,..,.
......... 914 ..... , Cnaefl•t 145-4,11 ~
llJI ...... St.• .......... , C.... .... ,.,.. 0-. I-,_,..
Sundar School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship U:OO a.m.
Baptist Training Union IS p.m. Evening service 7 p.m.
Wednesday Bibla Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m.
Rtv. lob Schm.1t.kopf I
Sumliy Sclieol • ••. ••, f :45 Tr1inln1 Union , , •• , , , , • 6:00 I
M • W hi I I OO iv1nit19 Wott.hi, •••• , ••• 7 :00 ~lllil. · 111• ' • ••• : Wed, henln9 Sin-lee • •• • 7:00
..... 64l-t111 N119ry AIW9JI A .......
.. ·~"·
'r SANTA ANA Hll5KTS IUfllOAT IC:"OOL ................................... f1tl 4.M. I
MOllNINe WOllStOP ........... .,, ••• .,,. ............. 11 A.M.
'IV•lllllll• WOllSMI" .......................... , ......... 1 ".M. MICW'l•K llllVICI WIDNllDAT ................ P1• P.M.
""""" .. Adoll. ........ O.IQ """" MWU1
~ ........ .
CHURCH I Victoria & Placentia Ave. .
Costa Mesa
Sµbject of LeS1on -March 16
Cott• Mesa -First Church of Christ. Scf1nti1t
2111 M ... , .. Dr., cen. MeM
S1U., Sch••l-f:l I A.M.
C•1rU Senlce-11 A.M.
a..Alt lll:H•, 2150 MeM Vtf'ft Dr.
Huntington Be1eh-Fint Church of Christ, Sci•nfi1t
110 Ollv•
C••rcll & S11n411Y Sc ... 1-t:JO & 11 :00
htMllAf ... .--.110 °""
L19un1 leach -First Church of Christ, Scientist
6JI Hit• Dr.
CMr1• • S•MllY ScMel-t:JI • 11 :00 I
~ ..... 214 ...... Aw.
No,;;p.;;:g;Ui;;.; ... :F&.I Ghv;_., ef Chrl11; sJ1n1i11. -:-•1'
JUl.919 Lhh
Cllltrcll • S1AHy Scffel-t:11 • 11:11
• l"""9 l•Otlto 3115 Vie Ul11
NtwpOrt Be1ch·Stconcl Church of Christ, Scientist
3100 Pctelflc YMw Dr .. CereH lhf M•
Clnrcll ' Snffy w .. 1-11 A.M.
ieMI .. l••-216l I. Cfflt Hwy.
All are cordially invited to attend the church services
and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Roo1DJ
arw c.,. ~ AT AU SllYICll
IT. JAMB, JIOt ... U4e, N-.,... aw•
THE EP~~'~!~~.~HURCH ~:I
, .... ., llhJO-n......., l10G p.-. S111Hf lftrices-7:JO, t :OO, 11:00 v
Hely 1....,... • He.llftt Semen
lee._,,._ 1 .... Jellll P. Adil9y II; AIM .. n. I•. D..W C"'i.p
Phone: 675-0210
Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar
Sundays: 8:00, 9:30-Child care at 9:30
Holy Days as announced
lechr, n. In. ,,. .. ht)ltn hvl• -Pho11e 644·046)
ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M.
Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30
Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced
Ylcer, TM lft'. hM W. D.-.... _ ,. ... 141·1!26
•111 It.• Cll'"' .._ -..... ..t ...............
MlllltlllfliM ... dt. C1lllffftl9
TM •W. """"' C. c.My, PMIW
Sunday Services
I :• A.M. N11F C--till A.M. ''"'"' hntU a ClWO 11• P.M. •VIMllllS Sctr.tt • --'
,,. l".M. ·--" ""' A.M, "'-'" ......... YNW ~ .. ,-"""*"cm,.,..,... .
First Assembly of Goel Church
146 E. 22nd St., Coala Moao 541-3761
~ C. Cronic, Pastor
lt1y Niclr•to11, Mini1l•r •f Youth
S1114-J-.Ch1rc• Scll••I ••••••• 1 i ,,, •...••.•.•• , 9tlfl •·""'
,__,,., WerUlp • , , , , ••••• 1 l:lt •·•· I 7:01 p.M.
Church Choir -Sh,,11 P1ul1tn, Dlrtctor '
Ybtt.n W9'coMe -NU91'Y Att9tlff11t
STA.Tl LICINSU Pll-SCHOOL-h .. WlllHi-. Dlroctor
.... 1. '41-UJI
Newport Harbor
Lutheran Church
2001 CllH Dr. LI 1H293
Tiie In, ...... •· ll•h., .. ...., n. • .., . ...,,. J. l11s4itcW --.. .. ,,,. ••• ,., ........ l :»t:• ......
• ......, ld!MJ .•..•. f:tf.lt:•a.a. .. .,,..., hn:ic. •••• n 1•111•
Nunery care •vailabi.
•t all aervlcu '
Lutheron Church
of the Mam•
2900 Pacific View Dr.
Phono OR 3-5022
1:45. A.M-F11111y WMlhl,
t :41 A.M-s1111cl1y Cbrc•
11 :00 ·A.M.-F1m~1 Wlfhhlp
N.,_., l'hTIM
Mbsouri Synod
760 Vlctorl• St .. C•hi Mei•
Lothar V. Tornow. Putor
Wtrsltl1 S1rvla11 1:1$ & 11 A.M. , IWlfl' SdlNli t:• A.Mo
' A~lf llMe CllH> t :M A.M,
M,,, YMi Drive a l1k1r St~19t, Co1te -M,,,, C1lil •
AND•hi' C. ANO•IUON, PllNr
~1'11111~: l :ct,t:306Jl:OI "lwld11SC..00.: l ;tl),f;ll)&n;lll
• I ,.,., .. c. ~ ,,,,, Lvth1r11'·$~1I ~ ~M·r,.'&th~r oi.~. Princfptl
Ofl!ct Pli"•n•1 14t.OIZ 1 . .School Ph~n•l uf.ot6J
I w. h/it'l't 111 Yt• , • ,
I l?St Vlcterl• St,. C111te MtN I ,,. ••52 S.Und&n I -~ 10:Jll A.M. I
Boho' u' lloh
"The Prom i1•d Ont"
541-3215 or 5.ft.2oos
A Cordiol Welconie from
17411 M .... U.. .. .-.-·"·.,_ ...... _
S1111day Scho•I •••••• f:JO AM
Mor111lng Wonhip •• 11 :DI AM
p,,y., S•rYlto • • • • ,:10 PM
h1nh11 Worahfp • , .• 7:00 PM
...... '· Pfatcy Mlnltlv
•.m w~:~~~·~•:Me.111. I
lnwllN HAUOI 9MI PAllYllW
SUNDAY MORNING lllll! STUDY , ••••••• , ••.• , , • •:41 AM
SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP , .,, ••• , ••••••••••• 6:00 P.M,
WEDNESDAY EVENING ltllf STUDY •• , ••• , , ••• , • 7:l0 PM
l•lhoa hl•n4
Huntln9t01'1 l11c~N•rtli
6662 H1il A"'" .142-44611
Wonhip I Ch11n:h Sch..r
allll _ld!MI ....... , . ,., lr)I 1.111. '
Mwnllll Wtnfll• ........ ID:•• 0.111. I YOWftt Gl'llllPI ... , ............ '0.111.
"'""" Anlt.IN •I •I ....,. NUll:SlltY CAll:E PIOYIDlD Y•IOtn ................ , ... 1 O.fR, I
Nursery Care Provided
147-4144 141-4771 141·1l4t i D11an O. M•Jfl•I• D. G. H11nt
' Mb1lster Auoclate Mlt1btw
I Phono: 548·5711 Day or Night
Mein a· Ad•m• Stre•t1
Huntinfton l"th
Church of th• D1 ily Word
LO!'Ofl D. l"lk:klllfl'I' Mlnhltr
I Ith I 1,...;,,,, Nowport ltec.Ji
. u.n1or c:111uns l ulldtngl
• · I . 1:41 A.M. S11ndey Sc11ool
Mon11119 W1r1htp •• 1110 10:41
liblo Sc.hoof •• , ••• t:'O 10:00 A.M. Dowoliontl $1,..,1ct &lphasfzlns
Youtfl «;r,,,, • .•. &tOO rM Tht Pkn of God
I • W u T OO PM Ol'FIClf: :JOO W. C01fl H~hn.,, N.I. -.. p f Ch • v•111nt M•i•P• •• J •""" enon o nst
llMI .,..,. ..._. -Wtf. -1 ~-P'-1: a.Miil he f h .. Nurnt'Y Ct,. ,,.,..... .. '" .Mtvl(ft ! T Power 0 I e Holy Spmt
St. JamM Eplicop1I Church
3209 Via Lido, Ntwport Beach I
15th & Montovio, Newport Beech ™' ·-.................... 1) ~620 •• 546-7866
T...,_, I•""""'· '"""' • ' --,_ Mlflw, Mlllleol l)jmfw •:45 A.M. -S-"Y Scltool
10:11 A.hi.-an. PAUL PINKINllNDll
S,..111"' ••
"'Wiii th......._ Mt H ... Not
111 At•f• 675-0950
1:15 lnfor111el WorthilJ
9:30 Tr1dition1I Wonhip
I Sundey School
Coif• M,,, ·
lttlt·St·I H•r'-l lwd.
Wordl1Jt ·1 ~-r'll School
f :lO A ft· AM
·o..+a·~,;, North
MITHODIST CHURCH M,,,-y,,11 l '"l1ffr.St.
•••·271, -
' .
' I 10:30 AM
ll"l'in.-E1tt ll11fl
· Wo,.hip •••• l :JO AM
Mt•ting.f•mpor•riTy I~
St. Mtrlr Pr11byt.rl1•
E11tbl1i1ff Dr. I
Jo111bor•1 Rd. -------,
L•j_unt lo•1h
21•11 w • .i.., o. •• ·· So, Ug1111a -. .,
Olt!Qti .,..,;;Diii ~tSID DIAL·A•PIAftl-446-06Jf
Sunday School ~ AM I
~~~~~· ~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~ Momtns Worstirp 9 al'ld 10:lDAM lwnin1 Seivic::e 7 P~\
Tllu...Uy 1 111111 llWY I
H .... h t9 Helli''
7 P.M. -"'lorh ................. 'fflttlGM"
Stnnoft by 1'ottor
.W.,..hlp • Ch11rc.ll Sell;,/
. t:tO. lf.ilO AM
Wor1h ip 't!JO I tr :.,,;t 1
Church Scho•l ·•:JO AM
.. ,,.]011 ..
SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! n..,... ... !1Jt "'""'"" ........ -CALVARY CHAPEL . .....,. .......
OP HIWPOIT llACK-lDt.dpt.> ......., ......... "...,., ......... , .. ...,
4JI L lltll la,. C... .....
Church School -9:45 A.M.
Worahlp -10:45 A.M.m
Phone: 675-3915
ll!lnl&tu: Dr. D. W. McElroy
•nd fr~ 7 ..... •
:;:i;~:,oa,:;:. I COMMUN! Cm. of.,,_·~ 23rd. I~ ' TY
...... H. L -11<'.A .... ! CONGREGATIONAL 11:===========:;1i1. •
U11tt.4 CMNJI •f
• RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I 410 I Otlt St., Hvntin9te11 Ito ch
Phont IJ6-1120
Adult I Yo11th So l"<'ic•t-
'11 :00 A.ht
llNllT PA.Tl. MINISTll
WllfllilP-t01H A.M.
Cll..0 Sc~11:01 A.M,
Cit. ""'"' .. ..,,.,., "' • ..,.,
M1t1 SMr1tv lt!MI. D.C .••
S.venth·Day Adventist Churches , __
271 A•HM• S""'
J1h11 Sh1w111alro, P•tf•r
Phono: 141-65t6
L ..... NI ....
••n•ll" h
w ... 1 P.M. -C.,.... ...,_""""' -C.R 14&-1760
1 .... J :Jt P.M. -c. A. Sem..
Ckfr ..... • Mt11 s.Hey s.r.tc.. p,,,.., M..tln9, Sohluf1y 9il0 A.M
740 W. WUson, Coste Mft, .
¥. L Hll'fWIClt. ,_., cqi MNT•Y
14MJll M....,_tlM ..
,..,. • SUNDAY lllYlcn
-..... • .... --..... 1 ~ . ..,, a....,.,..... . , .. A.II.----·""""-" S1rn110ti ~ Po1tw &1ttP.M.-'f .... ....
7:tt ..... -.... : ...... , ...... ..,,. .........
MWaa:litla-. .. A_._-.....
..,...,.... -K .............. -.___., -QM C1n
' . S.1tll si-.. .. ,..., a11rctt
JJ71J er. .. Y•lley Pwttny
.....,. ,...., .... ,,,. •11 "· 1. ••n.., '"'" I FIRST CHRISnAN CHURCH
y.,.1., w...,, •• 11ttl AM Plto11•1 4t2·3tll IMI T .... A.._ fT .... I ........ ,. fOUHTAIN ¥AUil' ~ .......... w..t.J:MPM= =.·::·1:~: :: UNIFIED SO\'ICI • Siii!d•y Scho•I t 1JO-WO•SHIP. IO:JO
11f-""'""""""'""'~""'""'""""""""""'""""""""'""'~I Wort'-1• I Y111tt. e,..111,.. &J o'""" 111 N•mty ,,_.,wM at tn ,,,.,Jc••
~~~~~~~II a TEMPLE ~HA RON I;===· ..... =-=-=-=··-="'=''""="'-===:==:i
ST. -~·iATI"HEW LUTHERAN CHURCH n. ,.".,,.,,,,..,. •y11e,ot11• f., ~ Trinity
.. tt .. H.,,,., "'" UNITED SPl01TUALIST CHURCH '1 ll.4 i1t1w1I Sy11edl • 617 Wnt ... ....._ c ... M• I " ~011hlplnt ot tho I 1416 Saotli M•I•, S.ilf'9 AMI
UHIVIRSITY PARK SCHOOL '" ,,.,..,.,... ""'""' '"""'"""" "'"""'.,...., _,"""' WORSHIP ANO E.S.P. " , U IAIM.TH IYININ6 SllYICIS •llDAT mt 1:11 P.W. SdAll"f at'"''""••• It nl•ttslty p,,. S.11....., c...11191 -1iJO p.,...
WOUHIP1 1tilt .LM. Splrhal LMW -...W ..,_I••••• t6lo0412 54J-6JIO
....... H. Nl+fN1111, P .. t"' l ll·llll -.u» ,..,... .,.,.. 0111r -GM1 1111w 1*1GI W• l1fi•M 111 1,_,..tl Uf• oM Ptow• Ill
) •
Hu11tl11ff•11 l11ch
2721 17th St ••••• ll6-lll 7
S.mnt -t 1lO I 11 .. "'•
Nvn•ty tfir• 2114 1r1d1 -~I I
-,S:hvrch Sch .. t -•:l 0"'.t°';111. _
Ne•port l•ac.li .i
1400 W. l1lbo1 11.,4,
W•rihil' I Chv,cJi Sch .. ts.'
•:fll.ll:OOAM ~1 ·
-ofsthe.-CoQ$tal Areas
·cru11t .Cliwifi. finsb~an "" JlllJ.'..11•11•• .... ··j· 4) ..... ~--... An.u0.--1 .... S..., W.....,t tilt A .. C::-.. .....,lJMI A.M,
O"'-ltl IH •• ~ ...... t&Mffl
Church of the Cov.nant • . lllO ___ ljeoo -· It'll. Oo1t•W .I. M1~lntt.. !nt.rl• P•rkt
....., WenWp • a..dl*" ... Mh ttl~-t••• J4i-4i04 --t
St. ~ndrew's l'nijbyterian Church ,.,.IJ
... lt.AofowolNf.--J CK.UUS HIUllT ltlllNPlll.I, PAITOI • I _...,. __ ,.,,..,,llAM I
, M .. -7147 I
St. Marti PreiflYterian Church ' c.,,.., ......... I .......... Drhe, ~ .. M• .,... ........... -.. -
W..Wlp & Cll.ai ScllHl-11 AM I -===:::-:T.:":-;;~·-·~ .. ~~,.~·-.~·7'-~~..,.. ...... 1 I Community ·Presbyterian Church
411 hmt A""" <• w St.J, ...... M ..... J I
Wenttfp I awe. ~.r t 1JI AN Wri,,_lt AN t
. --4H.71U -~
' , -,
. ceoo-rr-r.,. •> ' . °'""" 'flednooday, ,,. p.m.,
wUb the maaqt "Beaut1ful
Upoa the Mountala."
lolJowinl the lat -· v-llinlce t.r Wot wl1I be lleld W'*-lay, 1:41.,.m.
with cblld ca.. pm1dod ror
pte-lcbool cblldm!.
both wonblp boun.
~ .....,1ce1, 11attd for
W-..Y, I p.m., will oiler
communion u well as a
Qaocel drama. 'p a 1 t or -;-"Tile Maalc Fllamenl o1 Putor Willon Wu w i 11
ptelelll .. -luncbeoa and Jl'Oll'Ml for the women
of the cburdl Tllundoy, .....
Tlcketl D>llll bt purebued by
tblJ &mc1a1. Cblld .... ls.pro.
11:!0 1.m., 1t Foor -Co/eterll. 1311 8. Ana1lelm
Blvd., Anlllelm. 1"e Aqtl<o
Pollco IJep&rtmtn( LI. Bob
Vernon wl1I spealt OD dru( USO
&mOlll~· 'Ille eooventloo for the ,... Tornow will dellf"' a talk
ooclatlon will be held next on "The Nllure that lloem~
S.turday mm l :to Lm. unUI • Change." Prayer" 11 tbl Sunday eumon
·1oplc this week for PtJ-111
~··-a.ru ., .N•:"r.',! Harbor, Ila Breod ~.. . ewpqrt ll<acb. The Rev.
i10mum L. Brown will deUver !he mesu.ge at 10 a.m. Sunday
school and babys!Ulng service Fe ai.o provide<! al that hour.
, , Worablppe.rs ai Flnt cuu.
•0tlan ~ m Victoria St Costa Mesa, will· hear the Re~:
~J a.mes E . Piercy preach rEternal Life" at 1:40 and
JO:.ft! a.m. service. Vesper
aervice, 7 p.m., will be con-
~ by the Torchbearus
the oenlor high youth group. '
SL MllJ'• EJl1cep1 I
Claud, m Part A v e ••
Laguna e..cb, will conduct
ill annual Lenlen ~et n.y
Tburlday bei!nnlnl -com-.munlon service at IO a.m.
·and closing with pr1.1en at
2 p.m. 1be Rev. Canon
Douglas Stuorl will conduct
the service.
3:'5 p.m. II will be held at
Founden Holl of Unlvenlty of
Soutbenl Calllomia. Regtstra-
tlona may be 11:nt to N.A.E.,
Box llU, Whittier, C.IU.,
Liberal IWJi!OUI Youth of
the On11ar1u Society ot O<·
aqe C{MuilJ will hold. 1 film
festival and bazaar ~farch 22
at 1120 W. Santi Ana St.,
Anaheim. Admission ii adults
St. studenta 7~ cents, and
cblldren under 12 years of age
50 cents.
, P.art Ill of Dr. Charles H . Meeting al the Seolor Cit·
Dierenlield'• Lenten aerie> .; hem Building, 11th and lr-
ColDJIUID.lly M e 1 ~ • d t 1 t slated for SunUy at S&. h-vine, Newport Beach, Newport ~ 1662 Heil Ave., Hun-drew'• Pnlb)'teria CllllrU. Unity a.rdl memben will
pngton B_each, , will h 0 I Q 600 St. Andrew's R o Id hear the Rev, ~n Dale
,,ervlces it 9 and t0 :30 a.rn. Newport Beach. Services will Flickinger preach "You'll
with the Rev. Roger G. ·be hel~ at a, 9:~ anJI· 11 Never Walt Alone" at the 10
.Jletsworth preaching, "I Am ~.m. with clilljl c.a.re proviaed. a.m. Sunday service.
Mornln( wonhlp begiol at
ll a.m. at Finl Baplht
aurcll and day IChool, 301
Magnolia, Costa Mesa each
Sunday. Sennon Wpic ~s
week will be "Faith -It'1
Poise and It's ~. 1n
Everyday Life." At the even-
ing: ~. 7 o'clock. the Rev.
~Id Anderson, y o u t h
muuster, will speak.
"How to Continue" is the
sermon topic slated at Central
Bible Qurcb, 23rd -and Orange Avenue, Coerta Mesa,
for 9 and 10:30 1.m. services.
At the evening service the
Rev. H. E. Jones will bring
the final message in a
visualized series on t h e
'"I'hirty·three Miracles o l
·Salvation." Thursday, 7 p.m.,
S•pper Spe•ker
The Very Rev. Lloyd
R. Gillmett, dean of St.
Paul's C&thedral, Los
Angeles, will be the
guest sj'"8ker at a pot-
luck supper at 6:30
a.m. Wedn~day, at St.
\Vilfrid's Epi s cop a I
C h u r c' h, Hunting{on
.fiot." Church school and Qne Great Hour or Sh&ring'' Wednesday a service w1.ll be
·nursery care will afao be pro-will al1<> be observed Sunday held at 1 p.m. with Pastor
videfl at both hours. New -· Flickin~er leading 1 commu-
Bible study, prayer groups, ---------
Pioneer Girls and Christian
4membera Will be received into , Bible Meuage. for SUnday l.nity "s gsplration."
'\h at n.t arutlu a1U'Clli tf --e church thla Sunday and Laguna BeiU 215 Le . St Foaatlln Valley Prtlbyter-
.• luncheon to honor them will will be "what the ~05~ fan Clurcll, ~20 TaJbert, will
follow the 10:30 a.m. service. Reveals." 'Ibe Rev. Bruce L. hold s er v 1 <:es at JI
Of[icers and members of Cushing ?.'ill speak at the a.m. Sunday with a sermon
HunUngton Beach Chapter 10:45 a.m. service. Youth dis-b~ the Rev. Stanley P. Allen.
Order of DeMolay will attend cussion led by Youth Min-H11 message Js enttlled "Five
the 10:30 service in rea>gni· ister steve Kinley, will be Ways in Which Pilate Tried
lion of DeMolay Sunday. held at 5 p.m. ... to Solve the Jesus Problems''
Youth groups will meet ln Ve1per service-tia slated for ~alinl with the writings of
the Oiurch ~!al Hall Sunday 6 p.m. Sfules ol a viii! ·1o th< MaW>ew, Luke and John.
evening at 1 o'clock. _ ' Holy Land,. Au.stria and Swit-"~ Fifth Shortest Book
zerland will be abown. ot the New Testament" i!
"Sia versus Gr~" will be
discussed by the Rev. Henry
Gerhard at 9 and 11 a.m.
services for Cluird of Relic·
tout Science, 2006.2 Laguna
Canyon Road, Laguna Beach.
'Ibe ~p onsored
Thunday lectures at Leisure
World, Clubhouse Two will be
held 1t 10 1.m. 'lbe public is
the .enDon title for the 7
p.m. WVice to bre delivered
by Pulor .Allen. In addition,
the service will include al)-
dlenct participation a n d
"Some Leaves From a.
Pastor's Scrapbook."
Service Brigade meet.
It.turning lo his home
pulpit, the Rev. James Her·
rington will preach at both
morning (1 1 a.m.) and evening
(6 p.m.) worship hours. He
will relate about his four week
training and counseling course
at Narramore Christian Foun-
dation in R<Rmead.
Sunday school at Han1iDl:lon
Valley Baptiat Qan:b, 9779
SI~ Ave., Fountain Valley,
will meet at 9:45 a.m. and
youth hour is set for 5 p.m.
all services.
Vincent Brown will talk on
"The Ama zing Paradox or
Religions" at the Baha'i• of
Costa !\1'esa '1 meeting Moo·
day, 3 p.m. He will speak
at the Baha'i Center 935 Vic·
toria St., Costa Me5a . The
public is invited.
Sennon subject. Sunday at
the Dlvloe Epbeopal °'""'" 2043 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa.
Sermon will be 0.Whet is the
Role of the Church Today?"
delivered by Pastor John W.
Donaldsoo. Sunday school for
all ages is held at 9:30 a.m.
Lenten potluck will be beld
Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. John
Turner, of Family Services
of Orange County, will speak
on "Social Factors Affecting
Family Life."
"Why Use the Bible?'' is
the sermon. to be delivered ·
by Pastor Melvin V. Taylor
al Fairview Baptlsl Church,
2525 F'airview Road, Costa
Mesa. The 10 a.m. sermon
will cover questions raised by
the Teens for Christ during
their visit to the church last
The ~1 o o d y Science film
"Signposts Aloft" will be
screened at 7 p.m.
S.t-. Mlldl 15, 1969 11.111.Y I'll.OT II
CounseliJ!g_ _()ffered '
Calla -'I Falrvltw Sap-rec<nt'• bo dlrocUd -"~ I •· •--~ •'Oturcll ll·rellloc li>ta the counsellnc ..-~.;&,! ~---~ .!i~ ldvlot bullneos. Ungtm Beecb.' lill( ~ lbl ·chutch ha.a opened.· I Mrs. Bradley bu I muters c~ ~Jn l 1 tel' 1 a I Cl
couneellng center, offering degree in PtYchiatric tocial "reuonable fea" wUJ be
private ooumellq: or group work and is c u r r e n t I y charged, balfd on t 11 •
Jhe!'apy. PBYcboloilcai lelllng employtd In tllat llek! al couooele<I "ability lo -.•
.flali it avalloble. Fairvlelf Slate Hoopltal. The For Information aed """;,.
1be min!ll<r, the llev, 11ev, Taylor Is 1 clinically poinlmtnta, phooo the clJwdi
Melvin V. Taylor, say1 ihe trained ..-a1 COU111elor wbo o!flce
cei...-will be booaed t.m. .. ;::=======~~::::;;;;;•,;~~;:l;:O·~===.
porarlly in the cburcl! bulldiogll at 2121 Fairview Road
1be center. will have a staff . m tbrte tCa.lneCf counselors:
Dr. Fraecb McOtuh, Mrs.
Nancy' Bradley and the Rev.
Dr. McOlasb ls the Prot...
taut chaplain at Fairview
state Hospital and bu bee!!
counseling in the area foe
mc>re than 10 years. Most
PU.Cl :
l lME:
Anthropolo9ist ~ Publish•r • Author
-·1 c:..tor, HI V1chrlo .
M""1, M .. ~ 17-1:00 p.m.
JOI NING ... !'========'
Lewis, Cla rk
Concert Set
The Rev. G. Russell Shaw
has selected ''The Beloved
Physician" as the sermon for
Sunday aervices at 9:30 and
11 a.m. at the Finl United
Me&bodht Cburcb, 2721 SeVi!n-
teenth St., Huntington B .. cb.
BapUsms will also be held
, at the1 I 1 o'clock service.
. Church school meets during
both worship hours. other
Sunday events include adult
; membership class, 10:45 a.m,
and youth group meetings,
8:30 p.m.
SL. ~·1 ~pia 'c •p a l
Q urch choir will perfomi the
St. John Passion of George
Frederick Handel Palm Sun·
day evening, I ~'clock. The
Mm::h 30 performance will N
held at St. Mary'~. 428 Park
Ave., Laguna' Beach.
"Wonk at the Cross -What
the Condemned C r i m i n a I
Said" is the sermon topic at
P.feu Verde United Afetbodlst
Cburcll, 1701 Baker St., Costa
Mesa. The Rev. Joseph
McShane Will preach at 9 and
10:30 a.m. Co mmunlty Congregational c .. tvary Church of Laguna Church, 611 Heliotrope Ave., Bcacb ann ounces its new tern-The Lewis and Clark College
Communion will be Corona de! Mar, is "Is Prayer porary location at Thurston Choir~ of Portland, Ore. \viii
celebrated al 8:15 and 11 .m. Really Important?" Dr. Philip Ju nior High School, 2100 Park present a concert at the Com·
.it Christ Lulbuaa Cllnrck G. Murray will present the Ave. Tbe Rev. Michael J. munity Presbyterian Church,
of th1 Full Gospel Grae• Fellowship
Tulsa, Ok lahoma March 19 thru 30
Mo nday thru Sat. -7:30 PM
Sundays .. 11 AM & 1 PM
• ,
l I I :
l Sunday services at Resur·
recdon Lutheran Church 9811
Hamilton Ave., Hunfuigton
Beach, are held at 10:30 a.m.
the Rev. Arthur R. Tingley
will speak on °Tbe Matter
of Insufficient Faith." Owrch
I school for .all ages meetl at
I 9 o'clock. Tuesday ihe church
, women wiU 'CoiitlD1.1e fKeif
Lent.en seriea: ;. ".The. Nature
' and Purpose or the Church."
' at 10 a.m. Lent.ea vespers .,•ill
'be held Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
and a sermon on "A Bound
Lord and Free Disciples" will
be delive red.
Rebearsals will be held this
SUnday, s o'clock, in the choir
760 Victoria, ~~-'lesa'. la" t 1 ~1ontgomery will hold servi-s 415 Forest Ave.. Laguna p tor ~. 11 '-"' a 0 a.m. Child care "'" Beach, Tuesday evening at a.
as Lothar Tornow will and church school are al.so at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Church The 7G-voice choir, on its GRACE lll:llftl'O j
sennool,. on the theme, "He held at this hour. school with ct.,... fer all ages 21st tour, is d~ected by Dr. ruu'i. STAL ASSIMBLY \
Knew What He Would Do" is slated foe 9:30 a.m. Nursery L. Stanley Glarum, noted Costa Mis• Gr•ni• Hall Victo~la &. Thurln Sh.
~ IJelldl Qmd., Sunday school and Bib.le c 0 m rfl un i 0 n will be care is provided at all composer and arranger cf~~~~~~~~·~··~· ~c~,,.~•gAg·~·~,;~"~· ~··~"~'~' ;::;::;::::::::~ lf;Jw=• ldeoce, ao Tenth cla.saes meet at 9;30 .&.m. celebrated at both 7:30 and •c::""'=-=·,,..=-·---------chor=::al:....:m:::us=ic. J,..t-'
St., will offer auggestions 00 1'rN;;unery;;;;;;;i;-;;care;;;;;;;;ls;;;pro;,;vided;;;;;i•';;,~'~''°~•·;m;·~sem~;·ce1~at;S~l;iJ~o~bn;1' the bl(>ic "Train Y OW'lell to l1
Th Ink Construdlvely," The ·• ~·~~.i::~:u~ YOUR OWN BUSINESS
preceded by • 15-minute med·
11a1ioo period. Earning Potential
"The Revelation of the c o• I a M .. a~• Unitarian Unlimited
Cross" is the me 1 s 1 g e UnlW!nallJt OlarCb will con-W f
selected by the Rev. Willis duct services at 10:30 a.m. I 0 fer
J. Loar for 9:30 and Jl a.m. at' 125t Victoria St. Pastor f' • I · •
services at Fl"'t Baptist Roger Walke will speak on the IOIOCll aSSIStante
Cb h sub1'ect "Goa,ls and Directions urc . of Hun tingtoll Buell. for Our New' Movement." lt•is• 9111111 odorl~1~ Chi11chill11 in your fotm•. Smi!I lov•if·
'111e ftrsl service is held at men!. <:;ompi t1 fr1111 1119 pro9r1m. Won't inl1rf1r1 with pr•s•nl
Peek's Chapel, 7801 Bolsa occ11p1t1011. Ave., Westminsttr and the Putors in the Orange SIND THIS AD fOI Fiii lltOCHUll-
5, ate morning service ls 'held Comrty ""'"are Invited to the Univenal Chinchilla BrHders th monthly noon Juncheon of the ,al e Huntington Beach Nitl....i Auodadoa ol Ev.. 1120 I• Atll Strwt, hllertoa, ca1H.
,chapel, tilh and orange .1 !·-'"~U.':call~lo~be~held~,~W~ednesda~~~Y~~~~c~ot~r,~1~1~14~1~1'...10~·!!"~':_' !'M~c.<~"'~' ~"~'~"~'~';'·~'~";'~~.) 1Church achoo! is al.so held MAIL THIS AD
1downtown 1t 9:30 a.m.
1 Youth groups meet at I p.m.
Lfotl~ed by ~be family evening
lserv1ce, 1 o clock. This week ~· ~nci1 ~f .a cOl a s h ,
1chapla1n at Fairview State
,Hospital, will speak on
1 "Retarded Children Ne e d
tJ.ove, Too!"
' The Board or Deacons will •meet lifonday, 7:30 p.m.
' 1 Pastor Thomas Ray will ! speak on *'Is Jesus God?"
,at 11 a.m. at Cen iral BapU.t
;c hu rch, ~NJ \Varner Ave.,
1Huhtlngton Beach. Sunday
1school meeta at 9:45 a.m. with
1classes for all ages.
1 Youth training union as well
I as choir rehearsal is held Sun·
lday evening 1t C o'clock.
'Evening worship commences !•t 7 o'clock.
' 1 Presentiq the sermon "Tbe
1Laodicun Lutheran t'hurcb,"
rthe Rev. James G. Blain wl11
-wpeak at 8:30 and 11 1.m.
worship hours at the Newport
Rubor Lo1beru Clllrd, 2501
Cliff Drive, Newport Buch.
Communion will be offered
9()_&ft. llOMD • ftAU.p:M
~-... .,.... __ .,.,
11.Jtlf..,.C ....
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f;omme ni Page • •
Expensive,', But Some . Ci tie s Th ink They're Worth the Cost
Plana for an onorlllOUI, II blllloo
~ to ...... 111111< 1:1,000,000 people
•ltbin a 200-mile radius or Cleveland
""' exciting stab llld lonal polltldam
and businessmen.
The plans were made and issued here
by of!iclab of the Lewb Research C.Ol<r
of the National Amllllutb Ind Space
AdminbtraUon (NASA). The alrporl
would be built In Lake Erie on a man-
, made island one mile north of downtown
' Fir from being merely a pipe dream ,
the airport plans are being taken serious-
~1y by business and stale political leader1.
Oblo's Gov. James A. Rhodes says he
tully inten¢1: to try to get the alrport
RE JS ORGANIZING a dty-counly·
state group of commwtlty leaden and
organlzaUons to work for the project.
He baa begun dralllJll leglalallon that
would autborlze a form ol port authority:
tbe 1Uthorlty would lasue Ind ,.u
nvenue bonds to help ra1ae 1lryort-con--
structioo mooey. 11 b hoped Fedttll
ald would be availlble too.
So rar at -.. membtn of Ohio's
1enera1 ......,bly are thowlnJ cm-
lllderable lnt....t In tbe airport plan>
and -llO appooltlon to tbe project.
They jllll mlahl pUs the •uthorblnl
Cleveland b not the only major city
contemplatina construction of an airport
buJlt in a lake. Mayor Richard J. D8ley's
favwlte dest,n for a new Chicago airport
ii vrrry llmUat to that of the Lake
Erle Jetport. The Chicago facility,
thGoJI>, waild be built In Lake Mlcblgan,
perbap. u fu u 11 miles from abort.
The atimated Chicago COit iJ about
doubJe the atbmta for the Lake Erie
airport. And tl1• the enormous cost that
b causins 14.,.r Diley and hiJ baden
lo bnltalo about 1oinl ahead with con-llnJctlon plans. ,
The Clevebnd airport, called the ~
Erle Regional Jelporl, could In I -
become New York'• "fourth airport."
The three airport. already in that area
are operating at capacity. The New
Yort area ls aome 400 air miles dl!tnnt.
THE PLAN was bsued by Dr. Abe
Silverstein, director of the Lewis
Research Ctnler. 'I1le nut move ls up
to community leaden, he said, adding
that the airport proposal was slill only
an idea. He said it might produce 78,000
new jobs and a *500,000,000.a-year
payroll in the area.
The project would cost about $1 billion
and would take 10 years to build.
'Construction would require an average
2,000 to 1,500 jobs annually.
'I1le airport would serve a region con-
sistlng of Ohio and parts of Michigan,
Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, and
Canada. CIUes such as Detroit, Columbus,
Crime Not Unique to U.S.
Other Nations' Rates Soaring, Too
Crime increaaea, llld juvenile ln-
.ruvement in this crime, are not pecu.Uar
to the United States. It II a worldwide
problem and, while oime deflnltlolll dll·
fer from country to cowitry, tbe Impact
II the same: damagl!ng.
In Canada, crime lncreued II percent
In the 1962-tc>-19M: period, while crime
lo the Unlbd Statel lncreued :15 perceol
In the wne period.
The Brltbh polk:e, covering England
llld Wiles, rep<l't In the lll!O-to-1915
period crime increued 55 percent u
compared with 1 40 pm:ent tncr.ue
In tbe Unlbd States during tbe wne
SCO'll.AND, which publishes otatlstics
Independent of England and Wales,
reported a 30 percent incruse in crime
during a fiv .. year period, lll!0-19", u
compared with a 37 percent increase
ID the Unlbd Sblel.
An analysis of Swedish crime for the
oerlod lilO-lllG dbclooea • "' percent ln=a. In Sweden. Tbls upward trend
cloeely aPPna:hnalso thal· cit the United
Statel wbJCb. tn the .111ne yean, you
will feniember, rePtered a 40 percent
lncreue. • In Fr-. aceonilng to figures rele ...
EzceTpt fTom a spttch by Leonard
G. Lawrence, prtlidmt of the Inter·
national Association of Chiefs of
ed by the French police, "aggravated
theft,'' defined to include thefts com-
miUed at night or by individuals with
weapoM, either concealed or In sight,
ro111 from 45,078 in 1959 to 71,018 In
1963 -a rise of ao percent. In the
same period, the number of auto thefts
tn France sky-rocketed from 2%,743 in
1959 to 109,t94 in 1963 -an increase
of 381 percent. The French police noted
that the total number of juvenile of-
fenders almost doubled from 1962 to
Berlin, criminal staUJtica for the year
1964 report normal increases in crime,
but West Germany, like Englllld Ind
other European countries, es:perltneed
a sharp lncreue in the crime of auto
On tbe Allan conUnen~ India reported
a 36.7 percent t.ncreue in crimes in
1983 over the triennial average for 19e0-
61. ThL!I Increase aivered all criminal
acts, including figures for juvenile deli~
For the fiscal year 1964-65, the Hong
Kong police reported a 20 Percent in-
crease over the pm:tding year In seMowi
crime. This 11 the highest volume of
serious crime rec&rded sin~ the fiscal
report prepared by the commissioner
of police for the fl.!Cal year ending
June 30, 1964, diacloses increases in
both crimes against property and persons
when compared to the prectdlng fiscal
year. Offenses against the person rose
20 percent while offenses against pro-
perty rose 13 percent.
In summary, after rev i e" in g
worldwide crime dat.J. there can be
no doubt that crime ii indeed universal
in nature and not a social pbenomtnon
peculiar to any one country. Population
ino'We helpo to account for I limHed
amount of crime tncreue, but ft is
not the sole reason, aince the tncn:ue
in the volume or crime far outatrtpa
the population growth.
SeII·out Due • Ill Vietnam?
Fnm NtWI Froid Maaubtt
Clear)f, the Vietnam war must be
ond will ·be ended. Thb b a nece!!lty
for the doplestlc progress Ind tranqulllly
of the U.S. Any lnlernaUonll cllculatlooa
llhould be b...<t oo the usumption
thal the U.S. wW no longer be engqed
In a land war In Vietnam by 1970.
Progrea toward a oetUement wW be
maddelllngly llow, as the debat" In
Paris foralladow, but lhe oddl are tt will
come. OUt of the many possible com-
promise aolutions -and prolonged chaOI
may lit ahead -the three mmt likely
li;lndl d. postwar settlement for South
Vietnam appear to be these, in the
Gpinian of Prof. Edwin Rmchauer,
former Ambasaador to Japan.
1·A pro.Wttlf:ra neutralist government
with a aublltanUal U.S. presence but
with the Viet Cong electing members
to the NaUonal Assembly and legally
governing those areas it now controls.
But Nortli Vietnam ls not likely to accept
thll lince the Communists wouJd have
no real power.
! · A Jeft..leanin& tl'!!Utralist government
with rightists, neutralists and Viet Cong
forming a genuine national coalition sup-
ported by the U.S. and Russia. South
Vietnam might eventually tum Com·
muni!t, but by then enough time would
have elapsed so that it would not look
like an American defiat.
What's Best Newspaper?
May Be. Close at Hand
F.dltor ud l'llblilller
Mab (Mo.) Evoalnl L<dl'J'
Can you name the 10 best new1p1.pen
In Amerlcl? Most people will start off
naming the New York Times, the Wall
Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times,
the Miami Herald , the Washington Post,
lbe Sl Loab Poot-Dlspatcll •••
•.• And most people would be wrong.
Tbele blc. well·lcnown newspapers may
1~ gnat newspapers. But they an: not
~ocasarll:I the best newspapers In
\I What'I more there is no one In the
Litatlon who knows the 10 best newspapers.
·r.! 1'11l'1 because lhe only valid way judp a; newsp1per ls to read it
t.ily in tbe m:a it serves.
...... iiiiiiiiil-
S& lurd t,Y, Mllrcl! 15, lllf
The Comment Page of tho
Dal\Y Pilot sew to Inform
and rtlmulate readen bJ
presenting a variety of com-
mentary on topics of inter· ut and 1lgnillcance from
informed observers a n d
spokNDJrJ' •
Roloort N. WMCI Pv~lltlter
Do that and you 1et to know ib
readers and how wtll the newspaper
in qum!on 1erves thole ruder&.
U the best newspapers an thO!e that
~ their readen best, then papers
of all aizu have to be judged. For,
surely, the quality of the press i1 not
to be confused with quantity of pages
per issue or the length of the pre53
Anyway, all new11papers are dirferent.
They are like people bectuse they are
people -the people who get them out.
So aelectin1 the JO best newspapers in
America ts sort of like selecting the
10 best people In America.
AD of which II food, new.papers being
Uke people.
That means your home town newspaper
l! ta.llortd for your town and you and
your relatives and your neighbors and
And being tallortd lo you, it probably
serves you better than any ather
newspaper could.
'Illere b a test you can apply tn
your newspaper to see bow well it servts
JOU. Tllo test II thb: How much do
you depend "' k !
How mucb do you depend on It to
find out who waa born, dJtd or marrltd;
whtrt IO b.17 what for how much : art
the poUee lfvlng your family good pro-
tecUon; 1111 the hoods laking over your
city hall : bow pd is your "'hool
11stem: and eo much more.
The more you dtpend on it, the bttter
your ne1'1paprr. Al 1 mall@r of fact,
tt Ju.I mllht be Number One on your
llat of 10 beat new1pepm for you.
I a A dbplled seUHt with the Com-
munists gtven key infonnation in a coali·
lion government so that they would
quickly assume control. Then the U.S.
would break off relations and pull out
of Its aid miuiona. But it is unlikely
that Washington would accept this
cynical soluUon.
In any case, the necessity of ending
the war is so great that the U.S. may
be forced to sabotage the present Saigon
government if it will not agree to some
compromise solution.
The question arises whether the awful
and costly e:rperience of the Vietnam
war will result in a wave of isoidtionimt
in the U.S., with profound implications
for the broad lnternatUonal outlook. The
outgoing Secretary of State Dean Ru:ik
last November forecast a "great debate"
on whether the U.S. should withdraw
from the system of collective security
aimmitments that have marked U.S.
foretin policy since World war· n.
Paris Views U.S.:
Keep Up Dialo gue
J. J. SeJW~chreibt'r in
L'Ex.press, Paris
Tomorrow, there will be new problems
presented to the Americans . . . They
will demand even more reflection and
effort. Are the Americans concerned with
a way of ll!e that wtll be superior
to the acromulation or wealth ? Will
they decide to Jet national 10lidarity
pus ahead of puritanical individualism
in attacking the heart of Uie problems
of poverty and the humiliation or the
Negroes, as WM advocated by Robert
\l.'lthout rtturning to isolationis:m. what
will they do tn order that America
may re~ its role as ~·orld
police.man, and, more profoundly. admit
its coexistence with other modtb1 ol
It is to all this th11t the America
of the years 1970-80 musl rtspond. It
is understood that sbe is lnvtstlgatlng
a new aocif.1 con!nct, a richer and more open l}'llem d. value. , • •
That lhb metamorpbosb II accompanied
by turmol.l and crlsb: ls only normal.
We should worry If the Amerlcal'ls were
sure fA themselves, afrogant •••
To tbt contrary thty are In angulsh
potting everything ft\lo queatlon, doubU11l
ol th eir traditions, and calling forwigners
to come to dlk'Uu their difficulties with
them. This dilllogue, which is esmrtially
bt:twttn them and us Europeans, has
never bttn more nteessary or more
Toronto, Buffalo, Toledo, and PliLaburgh
would be connected to the airport by
feeder •~lines.
Supposed advantages of building ln
the lake include: almost unlimited room
for expansion, no land removed from
ta:r rolls, no obstructions in the flight
path, easy aceess to the central city,
and 1imultaneous take-Offs and landings.
A mile-long, 10..lane causeway would
link the airport "1th Cleveland.
''IT IS ENORMOUSLY urgent that
we move as soon as possible," said
Dr. Siiverstein, calling the plan "soiind
engineeringwise and sound
The planning was kept secret for more
than two years. Word of it& e:r.Lstence
leaked out only in the. past few weeks.
The proposal is the result of a request
by then President Johnson tlu\l Federa1
agencies help local communities solve
local problems, Dr. Silverstein explained.
Cleveland's airport is already straining
Just to jolly up Saint Pat.-
rick's Day a bit, the Irish
airlines, Irish Aer Lingus,
supplies this county-by-county
map of the Emerald Isle -
complete with family names
and their origin.
to l>illd makMblft tacllllf" ror npldl:f
expanding .~ traffic.
The propoud aitport would loclllde
two rumrljS. each two rtilles long, and
I threwlory tmnlnal to be boilt between '
the runways and below the ground.
The runways art ,angled lo permit
aimult.aneoua take-offs and landings,
presumably in all weather. Dr. Silvers-
tein aald planes would land toward the
terminal and begin take.offs near lbe
terminal. tbul ellmlnaUng .._ ••••
tlm•..:onsumlng taxiing Jo, Ind rrom the
ends of runways. Runways wooJd be
protected from l~ke wave action by
break~ater and dike walls.
An esttmated 86,000,000 cubic yards
of fill, to !Se dtedgtd from the lake
bottom, would be .needed to build 1,150
acres of land {or the airport.
Designed far the largest aircraft now
Dying or on the drawing boards, the
airport would accommodate nine tim.es
the present volwne of Cleveland's present
Hopltins Jnternaliooal AJri>ort.
mE NEED FOR th airport, aaid Dr.
Sllverattin, cu. be seen tn farecutl
that predict IJ percent anmial powth
in number of U.S. airline pu.tefllUS.
Thb rab would ....Wt In tralric In
Cleveland growtni from nearly 0,000,000
tir' travelert to 46,000,000 a year by,
say, 1998.
Dr. Sllventein aaid be upecb the
alrp:>rt would be used at full capacity
before 1998. But he added that its lake
location permits unlim1ted eJI)IDllon,
"and th8t ii the key to the whole thine."
U.S. Rep. William E. Minshall of
Cleveland, senior Republlcl.a on tha
transportaUon subcommiU.ee of the
House Appropriations Comnlittee, said:
"Should you decide to go ahead, (
will do all that I can at the Federal
level. The P'~eral Government bas not
been thinking enough. But Dr. Silverstein
here ts." N atloW Oblerver
,----------Our 1Uen flt Sen Frelte!bco ---------~
Ro111anti~ Old Oakland
Gale: Bridge is romant ic -due of
course lo its location, the color. those
greal campy towers and lhe fact
that it goes from one lovely place to
another -but the Bay Bridge, East-
bound, is a bureaucratic bore. You
get the feeling you're in a tunnel
on stllts, an impression that isn't
enli rely dissJpaled when you hand
you r quart.er to a faceless guard who
doesn't say thanks.
Nevertheless, J was determined lo
look on the bright side when I made
one of my periodic Journeys lo the
East on \Yednesday, and I\ took only
a llttle doing. It ~·as raining ln ·San
Francisco and the sun was shining
on The Bright Side of the Bay (one
of !he many slogans for Oakland,
"Where the Action Is"). J drove
past the old Shredd~ Wheat factory
on 14th St. and felt a nostalgic twinge,
If not a bunger pang ; tri•hen J wu
• kid , l thought thot was one ol
the most lmprmlve buildings ever,
and It sUll looks glassy-brlgbl
FURTllER.\fORE. Oakland has
dev,loPtd a re<'m;:niiable skyline. It
Is slill domin!llcd by lhe St.illntta
Tribune To~· er. \\'hlch has betn
refurb ished and Is now positively
Khrushch'\'lan 1n ils e:rvberance. but
It nn longer stands alone. on a darkllng
Well, I made a da1 of It. I spent orange lights (don't ta k • them
three rewardina minutea reading the away!) .and the new San Francisco
Tribune. Found Ao example of neat skyline, in which the old Shell Buildinc
Oakland Wit in the New Era FurnHure 3till glows most warmly. But I did
Co. on Telegraph : a algn re.adlng leave a piece of my heart, not to
"Do It Your1eU Exal.ator" on the mention hall of my second hot dog,
i;taJrway to the second floor. Looked in Oakland. How can you knock a
at the magnificent new museum, city that has named hs principal
opening in September (it has to be square in honor ol a dead Socialist?
only half u great on the inside as , And a sel!<Onfessed oyster thld, at U ii on the outside to be a winner ).
And strolled an1U.Dd Lake. Merritt, that.
recalling with I amile haw my late , NOTES AND MOTES: The Atar-Aunt Clemence used to call it "Lab Merde" in her saucy French style. queu of Salisbury, bunking at tht
• HunUnaton la.st week, placed his shots
outside his door at night -in the
accepted Continental m&Mer -and
was .astounded to find them in the
same condJUon the next morning.
"Imagine," he complained mildly to
hit friend. Charlie Fay, "No bootblack
In the place." So Fay arrangtd for
a valet from the Pacllk: Union Club
to pick up the Marqueu' s~ eacti
monUng a.nd nm them ovtr lo the
Mark Hopkins for a shine.
AS NIGHT FELL -II falls harder
and raster in the Eut -J drove
lo lhe outer llmSta of the Nimitz
Ind turned In 11 the Oakland
Coliseum, scene of lht pro tennla
matches. The Q>w Palace is, after
all, just a palace for ~. but the
Coliseum is sometblni to drool over.
Except for lta own nf'llon of Cann.c
Hill winding up to the box olfices,
lf i1 all neat, cletm, tidy, spacious
and bea.uUfully run. The employes
are perpetually 11mllln, end friendly,
like those at Dlmt11and. And lhe
fat hot dop wtth aauerkraut are
lhe f1-thb aide of the Sloltn
]•land Ferry, Ind may mn b< ~the si&bUs I.bey eoet.
WESTBOUND, the ~ Brtdgo
ts much more •ppeallng: thOY.
NOTE ON' the riotous aftermath
of Cblnue New Year1s: Gordon
Drown, owner or the P a v J 11 o n
mtauranl al Polk and Un1on, came
to Wwk Sw!day morning to find %1
bullet hol• in hb flll!lt wlndowl (I
dor\l know what's happening around
M!re but J ruggut keeping a aultcue
packed •l an tlmes).
Baycrest Homes
Geared w Gal-S
Baycrtst H...., Jn Dover
Shont, Newport Beach, are
key<d to fill Ille needl and
dttJm ol the oopl\bllcated
G<lle Weill, dealgn and plan-
ning director ol Ivan Wells
&: Sea, Inc.1 po1nted out that
today'• w om a a entertains
more, and therefore fully ap-
procleles tbe appeallni .,,.
tnnce, or foyer, In all
Bayaat Homa:. Solid double
doon, and all-tile fJoorlnc .,.
The rolt of moaern woman,
u hostess, ce:nten in the
bcme'a living room, where she
can maintain a glamcrous at-
mosphere for elegant en-
tertaining and stlll have easy
pla.,.., and bumislled We.
wo.,.,, aleo fully appreciate
the utra-larft storq:e areu,
linen closets, and c-abi.netl that
combine beauty willl pnctlcal
convenience for each
In addition, Wells com-
mented that the m a 1 t er
bedroom suite ol ll!ese .homes
has been deoigned fer total
privacy. A larse walk-in
dreoslng room and balll facili-
ty bu been incorJ<>rated here
for added conwnlence, ccm-
fort and luxury. And, every
muter bedroom suite in
Baycrut ~buill bome.s
is completely view~ented.
1' access to diD1na: room and
Wells uplalned lllal UJe
woman's aestbc(jc nature is
enhanced by the unique pla«-
mcnt of kitchen windows, and
the glus·walled family to
absorb the full atm06pbere of
Ille courtyard pool. These
s1ritq Welll,.bullt homes alao
Jll'OV)de a total Ma view of
the bey, and surrounding
foothills .
ORIDDER WELCOMED -Mission Viejo executive John T. Martin (right)
presents a traditional pitcher 0( Margaritas as a welcoming gift to St. Louis
Cardinals :flanker back Dave Williams and hiJ wife W'ho moved into a La Paz
home in tile tract. Martin's sons Randy and Tommy try out Wllli.ams' shoulder
Grid Star Comes Home
Cardinal Flanker Picks Viejo Model
Dave Wlliiams, an All·
American football player tn
bolh high school and college
and now a ilar for the St.
Lou~ Cardinals of the Na-
tional Football League, has
moved to Southern California
se1ecting a new La Paz Home
in Misslon Viejo as his home
Williams, a flanker, and his
wife, Suzie, picked out a San
Velarde model lut July, but
he: had to leave for summer
training camp before they
wen: able to move to Mission
Davely Company Joins
Sectional Structures
P. G. Weitgraven, president
nf Sectional Structures, Inc.,
of Corona del Mar, has an-
nounced that the DaveJy Com-
pany, of Newport Beach, has
aHiliated with Sectional Struc-
ttues, and will actively enga1e
in selection and purchasing
of land suitable for ·mobile
home parb._ ~ ,
Sectional Stru<:twu is an
integrated or11niz•tion
BIA Father,
Son Night
Set Monday
The Orange County
Builders' Association will hold
Its annual Father and Son
Nite on ?\-1onday, March 17,
specia!Wng in development of
parks for large investors and
corporations. The D a v e I y
Company is a real estate in-
vestor, developer and
brokerage specialist, and has
been operating since 1952. It
~ headed by David S • RobertaOn. RDior 'plrlner in
the law firm of. Robertson,
Howaer and G"arland,
speciali.sb in rtal estate Jaw,
also headquartered in Newport
The Davely Company is
currently operating in
Southern CaliforniJI, Arizona,
Baja California and Australia.
Sectional Structures now has
a number of major park
developmentl 1t tbe planning
stage. The Iarseat of these
is 1 2,000 space, $8,000,000
mobile home park at Green
River, Washington.
•t Ille Revere House, Tustin, Pair Selected
It was announced by Jay
Rider, president ol the group. T Ex h
Eddie Meador, Los Angel" op C angers
Ram star will be the featured
apeaker. Mcador's appearance Nancy Culube and Si
Is through the courtesy of the Slavin, realtOl'I and members
Soulhun Counties Gas Com-of the Orange Coat Ex-
pany, who annually sponsor chanaen, were recipients of
the affair for the Association. Security Title Insurance Cam-
Viejo from their native Seat.
tie. She moved in anti barely
had time to start the process
or transforming an empty
house into a home before she
left to join him in St. Lou.is
for the season. They recently
moved back into their new
The Williams' first became
aware of Mission Viejo nine
mont.M ago when they came
to Southern California to look
for a place to live. They
checked out the hoU!ing situa·
lion with friends who live Jn
the Los Angeles area, \\'ho
had played golf at Mission
Viejo and had liked the loo~
of the new town i n
southeastern Orange County.
"We came down, looked
over the place and it was
everything we wanted, so we
decided to make Mission Viejo
our home base,'' said Dave.
'l11eir -home wi!1 ...... tinue to be St. Louia where
they wUI spend every summer
and fall until -the older of
Uieir two children, Jeff, now
4, reaches the seventh grade.
They · will rent an apartment
in St. Louis near the airport
so Dave will not have far
to 10 when he comes In from
"A.5 soon as Jeff ls old
eoou&h to attend La Paz
lntennediate School, Mission
Viejo'• junior high school,
I will stay here and my travel·
ing days will have ended,"
said Suzie Williams, who bu
been at Dave's side since they
we~ in the seventh grade.
Dave bu been playing fool·
ball since ht was JO yean
old and plan!! on playing for
IO more years.
Irvine Grows
i pany's awards for the most Bob Brown, sa es represen-outstanding exchnnge in the · The Irvine 1 n d u 1 t r I 1 J tative for the Sou~hern Coun-ties Gas Company and a dir«· final quarter of 1968. Compler, in its fifth year of
tor of the association will The awards were presented operation, has 190 Jesaees,
serve as chairman. at the regular meeting of the with a total work force of
Jay Rider stated that in· Orange Coast Es:cbanacrs held IJ,000 employes and a com-
dividual members of OCBA at the Costa Meaa Country bined annual payroll ol Wi
are treating 14 parentless boys,_,_ct_u_b_. _________ mil_·_u_on_. _______
to a festive evening of dining -------------------.... and entertainment. Provision JI ror the boys' trarisportation
from Oiino has been made
by their sponsor, the Church
of Christ, Santa Ana.
Social hour is scheduled for
A:JO p.m. and dinner at 7.
Gue3ll are welcome. Anyone
interested can call I b e
1.ssociaUon olfice, 54J..8225. .
".ff you can
u4fford tbeC/lestH
llf#JIT .IEACH. .... the --
-d l!oyaat'a ·r--home•. the preatlg• of Newport"a
Bayer• Home's fa mi I y
rooms are aJso slanted to the
distaff side. 'lbeae rooms are
ideal for family uae « cuual
enl<rtainlng witll richly panel-
ed walls, beam c:ollil!p, fire
a new life styU® .th . 11 · WI a V!eWa
II I.Jan rip! by Iha Salshora
c..Iifclnia'• Moll MDdern Gardin Honm .. in Thi °'"" Hin•
ovtrtooldng Lag1.111. Nlgull By Thi Selshcn. A 8rllHan1tf Designed
New Home 'llrith A Big View In A New Conm.lniry with
Ill OWn a.chi n., COii From Lms Than •••
$23,000 ... and ycu own the land!
Htrn star1Dng wallet Own YrlMf HigtUndl la • MW c:ommuritJ
d two,..,.. md ... blOoom a.dlrl Homes
~•own~.,._~..,J119Y .. u.
al'ld "*' t.am. •a rntQllllc9'• ...i ra In l.JpN: ,_. ayn.Suafu., ._, ~ .. ___ .... .,
• Hm'llt fllkl. a P'f'tlll CCldY cim n gel cour-. • ltdlr'll cliJ ms
• privll•"-" cU:t-PLUS. JOll'OWft ~ .... ..xi bachl '
Just tour mlrMn fn:lm ~ AnfiWI Aockwll'a new
~ CMsklrt. See I nowt
~--f..i1 lit tlfl.wW .... -SIM9flllft»T-.--:(7t4/--
Dunn Park
Forty acres of Oranse Coun·
ty property, valued at
$1,560,000, have just been ac-
quired by Dunn Industrial
Properties Qrporation of San-
ta Ana.
lemouo Wool BUI, and..--.
..... ,1111o .... --n£ .-.. Ifft. You ,,_ p.ldlt11 en ......
~ 8-..c '-·or -_, -• "Ju __ lot and .....
Well9 & Sone, ""'-wt1I dootgn and
-·--~foryau. If )'Oii can offm!the boot •.• -Bsyaoot ...
'Ibe packaae involves a five-
acrt parcel •l Euclid Ave.
and the Sin Diego Freeway
in Fountain Valley, five ac:ra
al Dyer Road and UJe Newporl
FretWay in Santa Ana, 11
acru al Orugethorpe Ave.
and Ille onn1e Freeway In
Plac<nlla and a !~acre Ille
and Stale College Blvd. in
Development oC the artN
lnto Industrial parka la now
underway w I t h occupancy
1 scheduled In June.
The parks wlll offer build·
\np measuring 2,000 to 28,000
tquare feel In floor area and
will be available for ltas1 or
1 pun:hase.
--$'74,950 to $150,DOO
Br_W ... -.w.QMl!lir-f•U,_,.
\ '
• :.a.
~ ----
you can
afford I
Young Given
Irvine Post
James H. Young, of
Newport Buch is the Irvine
Company's new manaier of
commercial leasing.
A licensed real e s t a t e
broker, Young is ln charse
of lease negotiations for all
new Irvine Ranch commercial
developments, with the ex·
ccption of Newport Center.
Kids, 'Ask Andy'
S1turdq, M~ 1$, 1969
Own Firm
• WJllil.m Masenger bu an.-
llOWl<ed his resi(nallon u
Dlroctor ol Sales f<r Kl1roy
lndwitrloe, Los Angeles, In
order to foon bis own land
development company.
The new finn, which will
bear Messenger's name -
Wllllam Messenger Compony
-will be headquartered in
Newport Beach and specialize
Jn Industrial and c«nmercial
devek>pment In Orange Coun-
l\-1euenger, who was with
Kilroy lndustria for 13 years
and WU vice presi~ in
charae d. Orange County and
Arbooa opentkms, will re-
main 00 the Board of ou.c.
tors ol Kilroy.
While in charge ol Orange
County operalloos, M..,enger
WIS i.nstnnne~ in the
development there of more
lhan ieo mllllon of industrial
and commen:lal properties
M~ aaJd the new
William M••Hftti•r
company be hu formed will
be primarily inlerelted Jn m.
dustrial and coounercial """ pen.ies in Orange County bot»
for its own account and foe
property owners .who ma~
wish to retain ownenhip.
The new company will ha.WI
a brokerage division to aenie
the ....i.. ol Orange Cowl\ll
property .._. who -....
quire a specia1iud -hi UJe lndustritJI and commm:1a1
fields. ··
' .,
---...,..,., ._... ... """
your own·
beach I
-#.-.MA. ..... .:--.AAA. -· --
ti" DAllY l'ftOT
' I
' ••
• ,.
' •
--_._~,.~.,...,,..'-~""'=~--------~----~-~~_...............,,,. __ =··= -=="'"'"""'"·"'""="'10"'-==="""-"~"""--.''"-"""'~-..,_,.,..,_.,_.,_,.,,.,,._,..,,,.,X,.,..S!<C_.,.,,., _,.,,.,,.,,,.,,,.:e.,_,...JL.,_o•o,.se,.,..,_.,,., ... ,_,_ ___ , ____ _ ._... ••• .,....._-..,... ·-· .. r---• ·-·-----....,~--~ ..,
' ~0 DllLY PILOT S.tardq, -is. 1969
' ' • I
3 Ll ·NES
Ollloofvmi ..... OMee ..,,,..,,,
S.....lff:•ll c.te, ..... rant ....... ~
tt1•11h1W ...
s..I .. Mllhiw
,._eel INf"'"*'h
IOlS -1100
J<i-&Or-....lo T--HM'I & s-
T ....... ....
C.mer• & 1.,1,.u:1nt
st-tl .. -.. _.,..s..,..
• Ne ,._ o..r * • Ne c ....... ra.1 ,.,_ •
e Ml c.n C'ir .,, e N9 A..._,llttw e
1205 n10
1220 -l400 ---•
, . Sou.tli Coast Repertory Boasts Slwrt, Busy Cctreer ' '
Of ... Dlllt '"" .....
' · and "llall ThroMOD and James DePriest "Chocolates'
l'orty pn>ducllons In lour
ThAt'a tho -record cbalktd
up b)' ~ Meaa,'1 •"f'h"kN•
llou1h Coast Reptr!orf .....
'pany wblCll tills week 'pwec!,
without 1 great cteal of fan-
fare, its fourth anniversary
lD the Harbor Area. •
It WU OD March 121 196$,
that 1 handfuJ o( actors al)d
technlclam finished thoir do-it·
younelf ~ter near the
Newport Beach bay(nmt and
UDY~ their first production,
"Waltinr for Godot."
Tpday SCR haa long since
outgrown the con!ines ol that
tiny playbowe -named the
Secor1d Step because i t
represented an advanctment
in the groUp'1 development,
from a ,traveling troupe to
a resident company. ·
For the. last year and a
hall South Coast Ripertory
has operated out of the larger
and more functional Third
Step Theater in midtown Costa
Mesa where il! current pro-
duction, ''Death of a
Salesman," reflects the com-
pany'!! steady and r a p i d
ceastu1. Some 2,000 Harbor
Area high school English
students are viewing the
Arthur Miller drama u an
assignment in d r a m a t i c
-. •• A' .... _ ..... AUSPICIOUS
"Salesman" .is not only
SCR'1 moet technically
aUJplclous show, but also one
ol its most cr1Ucal1y sue-
The road from 1965 to 1969
Jus been ·, J~qg oDe ~or ~th
Coast Repertory -m -tenn!I
of facilltles, physical slre.Dgt.h
and technical, a c·
complishments. Plays such u
·•salesman" would have been
unthinkable lo the little Second
Step hou se which ,
nevertheless, produced some
ambitiou! works -among
them "Othello," "The Birth·
day Party," "Playt>oy of the
Western World" and "Serjeant
Musgrave's Dance." HlllORY •EVA MME From the 23 act.ors and
technlcians who iitarted the
company in 1965, the number
has swelled to 60 . -many
of these coming from the
Actor's Circle Theater in Long
Beach which was acquired by
SCR two seasons ago.
PECK SAINT 11E;;;D;;,..IUONG,..~"'.0.
l'llCrWOOl..all • ....... JSIOW
llCONI 1'HllWI
l I. ·-·: '
., · 1 t~1 I· ~
l!I -
HEFLIN ... --
SAT., 2 P.M.
•While most of the faces have
changed io the interim, the
names of. the theater 's
originators are still verY much
in evidence. The original
Utree-man directorial staff of
David Emmes, executive
director; Martin Benson. pro-
duction director, and Jack
Davis, technical director. still
controls the theat er's
destinies, abetted by Ron
OPIN 6:45
"' ''CHARLY'' :f»P.reg IN COLOR
.... --1n ME. TROCOLOR -also CARTOONS
••• '• ....•..•............. * COAST HW'(. AT MACARTIIUR BLVD.
NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760
The colorfUI sound of
Orange county Music
Scrawdyli.e ... kolp the Actofls Circle. Traditional drama at I ct
Olber founders of Lbe oom· found strong adherence at
PflQY 1tlll on. the ~R roster SCR with such successful
ioo..y lnclude Don Tucbe and mountings as ''Othello," "The
hls wife, Leslie ; Clement G 1as 5 l\fenagerie," ''Mae--
Davidson. and his wife, Denise beth " "A streetcar Named
(both rnaniages corning after 0esh-t" and the c u r re n t
the company's formation ) and ''Oeal.h or a Salesman." li"ranceaca L 1 h o i r, who
recently rejoined the group.
Jn its early begirutlngs,
Soolh· Coast Repertory had a
three-show repertoir.e -
"Tarlufie,'' "Wailing f o r
Godot" and "Volpone" -all
of which were staged initially
sea aaQ)a1>-1No1>1N'
1, T1rtufft J,. Wlllll'lll W GOdOt
J . \l"'-M ~. TIM TNI o1 G1brlel lttPvnilk
S. ni. GI-Mtn9119rloi
I. Tl!ll l'+Wll,_
7. ltlN 11.ound t1111 ~
•• OtMllo
t. Tiit llrUWff P1rtf
• 11. (enclldl
11. 8••1
IL Choeol1t•
ll. Juno Ind ftW l'1yc.oc•
1-l Tl'lol Mlndr,,ltD'-
IL L.e-1'1 Gtf I Dl"WC• t•. Tl'lol Cil"ltlker
11. Pll'(bGY ef the WnNrn Work!
II. Ad Wllhaut Word.tlhl L.ISI DIY
" 11>1 V11r 19. A ~ for !ht Mll.bliotl"1\
211. Sol!'l11nl Ml,llifrlVt'I 01..ao
11. Rici .MUie n. TM MJ•r
11. Tiii Typl1t1/Th1 Tl"r
24. 1 11 Soft N1~le
1S. Enterl1lnln1 Mt. SkilM l6. ... ,,,,. Ind ftle -Win
21. Hiii krtwllrl<•
2L Pldur• Fr-fl'll Wtll1 ..r ~ ...
1'. Thi Tl""' of Ywr Lift
Jer,. TFll l(swidl;
ll. A T•hl ol Haney ,,__
JJ, A Strwker M1mMI DHlro
:W. Adwrltut'M In I PIPtt 111
35. "'°"'rka, Hun1h
l6. Thil HornKomll'lll
ll. Thi ThrH CllCl<ollb
l6. TM lnueGIDi. 11.•lln II Good ltlnt1 Ubli
:it. Oti!Th af 1 S.lesm1n
<IO. LI Turl1l1 ION,. M1rdt 21)
P1t.r Ust ino•
KIRK DOUGLAS _ .. ... ~ -· l'DIE BllOl'HERHOOD1 _ _.,.._llCllll 1 s-.;
.. -1:01 0.1,
·Dean Martin
• rv\itt Hein.
• IEOllDJ =
one phase of theater
particularly identifiable with.
South Coast Repertory is the
commedia dell 'arte. Begin-
ning with its opening show.
.. Tartuffe," SCR brought at
least one commedia play a
year to its stage, including
"The Mandragola, '' ' ' T h e
}..tiser" and ''1be Three
_ British playwrights have
fOWld an enthusiasUc market
at SCR, with Harold Pinter
leading the way with three
productions ("The Birthday
Party," "The caretaker" and
"The flomeconting"). Other
Englishmen from Shakespear•
to Shaw to John Arden have
been represented at least once
on the SCR stage.
With an auspicious four
years behind them, members
of South Coast Repertory now
look forward to a future
brightened by full professional
.status. Long a company 1oal
since the early days in
Newport, this achievement
now appears vi!ible on the
Meanwhile, with an average·
of 10 productions a year to
its credit. SCR can Jay Un·
disputed claim to the title of,
Orange County's most prolific
theater .
Ml lltl llHldW 16 M""""' -
lfls wltll ,.,.... If '""''"" Mlckty litrglt&y COLOa
81rb•r• S'"I• COLOJl
~!!!!'"~"' .....
NI lflf VIII:!.,. 11 Wiii ...
"'IHN vnlut •1111 ,.twit .. tUll'lilllll
Rod s"io.r COLOll
P•ul Ntwmtn COLOll
~,~,'j•,TQ>j b<·1 ~ ---. -.. ~ -WARNER • 147.JHI
I "ll'" llATl:D ... ,,, .....................
Cllnt Ea1twoocl • LM J °"*
··cooGAN'S ILUff'"
Willer ~rtlitu COLOlt
"!#" llATaD
Gre<,1ory l'tck COLOll.
. --.... . ......
The 9rult•I Adv..,!•".., n...,. I AIU COLOR-WAL.T DISNf.Y'&
Fr~ M1CMurr1y COLOR
MIWONAlll ..
N• •ti>.., •11w1p1per ftl11 Y••
"'1111, •••ry d1y, 1b1vt wh1t'1
9ei119 •rt ;,. Hi.. 9r11tff
Orin<J• Co11t th111 th• DAILY
I See By Today· s
Wanl Ads:
.__ ______ ~l From Fashion lsfand . Newport Beach DAY 11!
S1tutda11 M~ IS, lM OAILY PILOT JI f
!¥!; \a•d'rs . -I • I ' P.e~r•on's 'Tiger~ ·
It's . No Game
\Changing Name
DEAR ANN L,WDEllS: We are heartbroken
parent. wllO Iott our 17-yeeMJd ..., four morrtJu ago.
His name was th• wqe 11 hia father's and hia grand-
father'• before him.
My mothe1'1n,Jaw nggeotacl that our 10.yeaMld
•oo take his older bl)>ther's name. The younger bj)y' idolized his brother' and __ _: _ _;:_...::._c.:..
we thought he would be but not ""' emu1!1.
pleased, 6ut be didn't
lik e the idea. My mother-
in·law says we handled
it wrong -that a 10.
year-<>ld child sh<>uld not
be asked, he should be
told. ·
Should we go ahead and
change our surviving son's
name. so there will be a Robert
the Thlnl in the family?
DEAR MOTHER: A 111-ytar-
old boy who has Jost u older
brother whom lte tdollJed pr~
bably bas enough problemJ
without adding W1 one. Tell
your motber-tn.l1w you Uve
decided agablA It IDd that
the subjed ls closed.
D£A11 K.C.: I'm sorry to
say I receJved muy &e~
slmllu to yean, ud t cu'& ....u ... ....., batdl of mall
didn't t.ake your advice ID<[
I'm sorry. I W?W and mod
yoo U I lhould lell my 11ance
about an aHair I bod before
I met Rei:. YOU said no, but
I told him anyway.
Now, alter &eftD _morXb! of
marriege, I'm a nervous
wreck. Ra lMlsts that I ·
repeat 'the ltory, over and
over again -in great detail
-almost every night. I can't
underttand wily a husband
would male such demands oo
DEAR ANN LANDERS: I !Us wile. I'm begiMing to
hope you are deluged with think aomething 'ls wrong with
letters from readers pr<>--him. What do you think?
testing your plea for com--TROUBLE JN PARADISE
passion fur the miserable, rot-DEAR TROUBLE: A mu
ten drunk wboee selfishness who la1llb that bl1 wtft
wrecked every holiday and repeat the detalla ti an aHair
scared the daylight& out of. wtth another maa h warped.
his children. I, fur me, am He aadou.bkdly achlevea: 1e:r:·
boiling mad at you, Arm aal attmalatlon from your coa-
Landers. reslloa ud · puaWtH yow at
It's obvioos that you've tbe ume time. Tell Rex
ne-rer had to 'live With a drunk. yoa've covered dl.lt subject
Well, I have and it's a living &boroupiy ud tbt yoa rtfute
hell. Compassion, indeed! to 1• over It apln.
The -~:.1 '"· u-. of 'IWl'Mlf M d1tes• Wl>et'1 woman O<U<.I Su..:; was tl9hlt wti•t'• _..,_., Sl'lel.lld vou? relieved wh«l per sot finally Sholilldrl"I ~? s.. tor ,.,.,. L..itn;•
died. u •-~ ~-C~"' ,,., booil:IH 'Dltlflll Doi 1..cl Don11,"
DAILY P~O.T 11111 PMt.
Pennypaekers Gang llp
0 Papa" Ron Filian faces the disaffection of bis brood in this scene ffom "The
Remarkable Mr. Peruiypacker," opening Friday at the Costa Mesa Civic Play-
house. From left, the youngsters are (standing) Toni Bergman, Valeree How,
KriS Tambellini, Tim F1anagan and Bruce Campbell, and (seated) Cindy Van
AUa, Andy Vi1cs.ik and Brad Ogden.
Chamberlain Wins Cheers
Playing Hamlet -in London
~ -:.uc; .._ • 1t1clollnl wltll vour rMunt lS Cl!'ltl d<1wn to a family •. u~ and' 111 CD111 1iw1 • 1orw, .. lt-ldd......o. ~UA;l· """'Ptd' tn ...... enjOy her childi'en. Her letter """ Lllldlrs w1u ti. 11141 ta 11e1io LONDON (AP) -Dr. ,_,.., ~-k .. w.. .... ---i 'IOU With "°"r '""°..,,.._ s.nd tlltm .,.vua-a.-; ~ 1~1es. ta ,.... .,., n ... ., 111e DAILY ~•LOT Kildare's venture into
:Pll ·never · ·forget · th• erK"lotl,.. • .. ~. ••1"'* Shak-are <1n the Bard's
Chrlltmu supj10r' Ill)' --"-=-c:·-----------'--~-----
QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi
I \ '
.,. J •
Play Impressive
By JACK GAVER expose of. such a p~"t. He impreulon of lackln& purpo11. J'
dwells on the black·wbite: pr~ But if 1 were a producer,
NEW YORK (UPI > -Ke<p I I I certainly would ""· to 1et the name Don Petersen jn blem In a coup e <1 scenes, UM:;l
'mind so you c1n cpeck oo but th1I ls not-a racist tract . fir'!t look at Petersen's next
bis ne:r:t play and tee u· it 1n short, tbe play gives the play.
fUlfills the prom ise of his first:1r==:========~=='========1 1 Broadway effort, "Doe~ a
Tiger Wear a Necktie?" ULIOA
673-4048 "Tiger" indicates that this
Davenport, l<1wa, native may
become a playwright of im·
portance. He can wr ite
powerful dramatic scenes., he
baa a knack for getting below
the surface in creating his
• characters, be has a keen ear
ror idiomatic speech and even
1n this tragic first play there
ls sufficient indication that he
has a sense of.humor.
The trouble with "Tiger,"
which is beautifully played by
a large cast under the expert
direction of Michael ·A .
Schultz, ii that it dnean't jell
Into a unified drama. The~
6:41 7"1. ..... ....... "Jill ..
Aru Showlnt-
Origln~I Uncut
Ex,-qlyu Shown a12.y .. , L.A. Road1howl
=:~ ~:"n~~~~~ A MAN 4) I
well . d ~~:.',~' ) What Petersen has to learn .... ,
ls that u is PoS•lbte to write AN ··-~-" ..... <O ... ~A_N '""'· . .. an episod!c play with a variety __ _ ...
of characters and problems '"" . and still bring everything into SECC)ND fUTUll IN ~OLOI
eventual fOCU$ for meaningful p,;,, O'Toole -Z••o Mo•+•I -J1111n• Mor11u
dramatic impact. "GREAT CA THERINE"
This play is set in a"=========='======= metrop<llitan rehabilitation r:
center for y<1uthful narcoUc1
addict!:. Hal Holbrook: (Mark
Twain) is outstanding as an
English teacher at 1he place,
David Opatoshu gives a"9lber
of his fine c haracter
performance s as a
psychiatrist. and Al Pacino
gives an 8lilounding portrayal
o( a youthful inmate whose
disappointing search for fami-
ly roots has turned him into
a dangerous animal.
Lauren Jones and Roger
Robinson are excellent as a
young Negro prostitute and
the fellow who tries to break
down her resistance tel mar-
The play suffers from hav·
ing little unity besides the
locale and the teacher's rela·
tionshlp to the i nm a tes.
Petersen has not writlen an,
Rod Slel111r
I l
prepered with l<lving care_ The
table was laden with food and
decorated wlt.b handmade tin-
foil flowers, holly and pine
cones. Father came borne
dead cjrunk and· in a fighting
mocid. He beat-Mother with
hls fists 'and tipped over the
table. We ate our Christmas
supper (what we could salvage
of It) like animals, rummagini
throogh garbage. It Was com-
passiOI), my . motbe{'• • com-
passion, that kept fuy older
brothers from b u s ti n a:
t' Falh<r's bead open. Finally
he dr>nk illmaell to deatb,
''THI Stl•IANT""
"~ "HAIPll"
: ' • ,
' •
' i
' • ' I ,
I • !
' • • )
He Really
Was Banned
In Boston
BOSTON (AP.) -A theater
manager has been fined ,1,000
and sentenced to Iii: mOnths
in jail on the charge. of. show-
ing an obscene picture -"The
Killing of Sister George."
Jos&ph Sasso of Peabody,
the manager · <1f the Cheri
Theaters, was convicted Tues-
day in Bosfoh Municipal
Court. He ·appealed the con-
viction tel Suffolk Superior
Court and was released in
$1.000 personal recognizance.
Ctiief Justice Elljah Adlow,
who saw the film Monday
night, said he would AJ>?fove
it if the last five nunutes
'I were eliminated Defense at-
t torneys said th is cou1d Mt
be done.
"The Killing of S i s t t r
George," a British productioo,
contains a lesbian love actne.
Tbe film is being ab<lwn
In New York City uncemored.
Pianist Set
For Concert
C(l'Oll& de! Mar pianist Kole
Wblln<y will perform woru
by Chopin, Haydn a n d
Prokofiev Sunday ln I recJlal
scheduled for 8 p.m. in the
Fine Arts Room of UC Irvin<.
The UnJversJty of Teu.1
graduate and former member
of the UCI faculty will pllf
Haydn's S<lnata in E flat ma-
jor, 11 Preludes from ()pin
28 by Q\opin and Prokofiev'•
Sonata No. 6 kl A maj(lt,
Matin ff
Saturday, 2 p.m .
CARTOONS An Seats so~
"You've g.;,t the 'Fa.ce forward' part-now let's '
work on the 'Hold onto rail' part."
...--"lHE LION IN WINTER"---...
Nominated for
7 Academy
Peter O'T oole Katharine Hepburn
BEST DIRECTION + ~~!.§£'il2'!,~Y
Anthony Harvey James Goldman
· John Barry
Marsaret flirse
PaeRQl\).Ql§ ~ KA'IHARJNE lj§.P.fil!~
MAU. OBDEBS NOW .... _ .. IW'llUI M NI.......,•..._.., PM 11-91 '
UDllMOS Af II»._.,.._ twwlr ..... ....
~T91AT.USAr hJO_. ... , ... PM tlM
lllOA'f I tA'nllOlllT MJlllfa Al 1t• .... tut , .... ,,...... .. ....., .. .....,.,. ....... .....
TICCOI .. M MU R -OUflllftA -IC ct.. tJ7 sounr1 1111 IT. -Ml ...,.... nactr MlCIU ,._.. ll7·12'f,_.,... __ ,.._ ...... ~I
60 fREE~fOYS!
lu& ••• a special • for eve child!
DOORS OP!H 11:45 A.M. -SHOW nARTS 12i30 P.M.
Hugh O'Brien
Mllllllll Fiixs·o··u··T·H··c··o·A··s··T
CORPOR.lllON San Dieco f'""'y at Bristol • 5#-2712 ·
liH Ori ""J•, '"" -·"' , .... .,.,. PY~E
llagicialt L--.----~'!""":'"'""='""='""===~~:::; •••••••••
Cor Jj priee
edmlllioa! •••••••••
• ,
' \
Shure and begorra, boys and
girls, and welcpme lo our day·
before-St. Patrick's Dey col·
umn in Uncle Len's Corner.
This is the time wheq. ;;is
the old proverb says, there
are just two kinds of people
-the Irish and those who
wish they were Irish.
AND TODAY we've got a
veritable lepreehaun's cask ot
lrish-flavored drawings in the
art contest, sprinklecl with top
hats, shamrocks and pats of
gold at the end ot the rainbow
-Finian 's rainbow, "that is.
Old. St. Pat has brought a
bountiful bag o( poetry, rid-
dles and jokes for the celebra-
tion too. And we've got IOfll.e
new winners in the poetry
contest t.Oday.
Next week, boys and girls,~-------------------------------,'
ct1mes the long-awaited ar-
rival of spring -and that's
what our art contest will be
all about. Let's see who can
come up with the most
original depiction or this an-
nual happening.
* PRIZE WINNER * This \veek's contest winner is Jodi Sorenson, 11,
9711 Brookbay Circle, Huntington Beach
On Saint Patrick's Day
Leprechauns come out to
They s!Vp around • n d
Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len's Art Contest. Here's all you
do: (1) Draw picture on piece of plain, white paper 51h inches wide and
4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace
picture. It must be your own work. (3) Put your name, age and address
on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY
PILOT, Costa Mesa. Winner will receive Kennedy hall dollar.
spread their joys L------------------.,.-------------'I To all the goOd girls and
boys: ST. PATRICK They're very small and
-wear a green hat: St. Patrick V.'as a jolly o!d
They also like to laugh and fellow ;
chat; He wore green and not just
, They're very smart with yellow ;
tricks up their sleeves, He wu born in Ireland one
They also like to tease and day
tease; ln the month or March, not
So if you're Jucky to meet May;
one , If you think of him today
You surely will have Jot:s Say thaiW for St. Palrick'J
HONORABLE mention win·
ne~ in today's art contest
Grant Dawdy, 71h. Fountain
Valley; Lance Wood, a,
Newport Beach; Colin Miller,
9, Huntington Beach; Elaine
Baden, 9, Costa Mesa: Cary
1tiller, 11, Huntington Beach;
Lynette Yetter, 9, Fountain
Valley: Jon Garmschauen, 10,.
Laguna Beach ; Mary
Gustafson, I 2 , Huntington
Beach; Josh .·Peasley, 9, Seal
Beach; Craig Mitchell, a, Hun-
tington Beach; Lori Mitchell,
7, Huntington Beach; Hei~
Van Truet, Costa Mesa, and
Leslie Shaffer, 11, Huntington
-01111 LllftOl!t9ft/, 11, ('"' Mn• G1ry Mlli.r 11 H1t111tlnflwfl ... ell of fun. Day. c /'
~----------------·-· _____ ,"_____ a.ro J Corne,-----
r have a little leprechaun
Who Ii ves under my bed ;
He bas two little shoes
And a cap upon his head;
Every St. Patrick'a Day
He comes out to i ay;
'·I'm so happy, I'm so glad .
Nothing can make me sad:
I'm so lucky
Because I'm magical;
Nothing makes me 18d-
Even something tragical. ,,
.I. kl'll,,.,., 111111 ....... -... J-lftr Rd1111._., 11, 11'1 ,.,~.....,. st., C••t• M"' ftr flle wlftflln1 tlltr1 J~
tM ,..,., ...c _,,. ctftlfft, Miii 7"r -•r mry N
UllClll Ltn. ... INf, c1n1 .... C•lff,
Crossword Puzzle
l Tally
fi Body of
10 Stlll
14 Kind of plalr
15 OH:
Comb, '°"" l!. Ev~n sc ore:
2 word s
proper order
18 Athletic
l'i Venetil" blind parl
ZO Breathe
22 Set of drum 5
24 Island i11
S, E.
lb Spreads a
27 Lite11ry
sk etch
30 Gill in
a song
ll ~ortfined,
1n a way
JZ Shocked
37 Member Clf
)B Canada ,
U.S .A. and
l exi 1
41) Glea111
-11 Continttt
~3 Finish off
4~ PariGd prior
to 111 tYrnt
45 Knowll'tftt·
.. 1. 48 Heav'I'
51 Fr11it
52 lnereast 5• Amount in s~vings account:
2 words
58 Cam e to
eart" S'i Actor
fil Kind of 3/lSt •• doorktePf"
6l Except H large sea 36 -....U4
bl Exceptional 11 School cokw
64 Shade rritrMCt JI Absol•ltly 65 Fastened boot not
b& -·-Chamber lt Climbing J' Those who b7 Oi sag1"ee1bl e plant exacl
13 Louis Ri@t' s venveanc t
OQWN fo!low!is 42 Calmed dow n 21 Tuin 43 Leisurf I l11slrou~
Z E!ttmd
iflto lleWtg
l U.S.
kl•entor ~ A"swt r S P11t Into
7 Bravo'
I Wonderfu l:
Sl ang
' --·---Ca y: July l sl,
in Cinada
info1111er "'"'' 23 The "Ill " of "'11.0. ,, eursuit 46 Shosh~ Z'5 lattd -47 Gird~ of
27 llnkal Venus
accomp.._ 411 Ti.t "t • of
n :m-"L.C.I .* _,Chou--· .nl1 SQ Not ha4
2' t.o., fw ont 53 He was:
)) B•llrl Laun
perfOJHt: 55 Medlt"'7tHn
Z IJOf1fs island
l4 Wcwd of 56 Antlstplic1i
annoy Met lot
JS Overtlant•nt 57 Color
IOOf edtie 60 llA'5 llatlr
Pilot: Wanna fly?
Tom: Sure.
Pilot: Wail a minute and I'll catch
you one.
-Lint• W..cl, I, Int Ol•ft• L-.
""'"" auv.
Teacher: How many letters are there in th e
Jenny: 23. T, Wand A flew away to Ireland.
-.l-"i' Hier, I. Mtllfl-"" .. tell
Dear Carol: What does a be e say while flying
backw mis?
Answer: Zub, zub, zub. .
. -MIN Gut1•fM11,lJ. Hlllltlnetn ... di
s.fl4 ,.. t11-.tl•111 , .... """'· •I• Ornt9 c ... D•lly Pnet, le•
1160, C.... Mfl•, Cellf.
What Is lht Apollo Mission
1uppo1ed to accomplish?
The Christmas Astronauts
gave us the thrill of a lifetime
and ga\•e us a hint ol more
wondrous things to come.
Their lunar orbiting "·as J>art
of the Apollo Project \Vhich
is one phase in our stupendous
space program. The big
rewards of UUs program are
in the far future, but many ot us are unaware of the:
astonishing number of beaefits
we are reaping along U1e Way.
When challenged to solve
a problem Wt always learn
mort than we expected. This
general rule appea+s to be
a built-in bonus for using our
brains. Our space program is
the grealest challenge in
human history. An enormous
number of problems had to
be solved to launch the Apollo
Project which is planned to
land American astronauts on
Che moon. Some people tbink
that this was the projeet's
only purpose. Some think that
our epace program airns to
establish milltuy bases on the
moon. others claim that
money spent on the conquest
of. space sbould bt spent lo
end poverty and other pro-
blems hue on earth.
All thtte objectiom become
ttueleu when we take the
trouble lo learn what Apollo
and other splct pn>jects have
done fer us -on their wa1
to the 11.ars. Special In-
struments, clothlna. t i f e
systems and a vast range or
brand ntw equipment \\'as
designed for space travel.
Solving the St p r o b I e m s
brought extra benefit.~. useful
to people on earth. A long
list ol tnstrumentJ designed
for space are already on the
market. Soon we can expect
to enjoy the benefits of new
electrical equipment, solar
batteries, heat re s i s t a nt
materials and other new
materials created to meet the
challenge ol space travel.
We might list these items
as trinkets. But Apollo ac-
complished at least one sizable
step in the problem of hunger
and poverty here on earth.
As It orbited the earth ils
cameras surveyed the surface
of the globe in hitherto
unknown detail. It pinpointed
geological formations a n d
mineral deposits, undeveloped
farmlands and food fish areas
in the oceans. In a few hours ,
Apollo did what ordinary
survey planes would have
taken many years to do. It
did the job better and alw
Certainly Apollo is too smal"t
to dream of lunar military
bases_. We could spot a missile
from the moon coming from
alar and destroy Jt long before
it reached the earth. Apollo
has no warlike intentions -
quite the contrary. Aside. from
all the trinkets to make life
more enjoyable, 11\1 the l:'!rger
projects to make better use
of the earth's food and
minerals, it ha s 11 long-range,
anti·war purpose. Or so many
thinking people ha\Pe sug·
gested. Mankind is warlike by
nature and the notion of
wtedlng out his ag-
gresslvene.ss may bt hn·
poM!ble. However, that fierce
feature just could b t
redirected. Tht space pro-
gram is a pe;iceful project
that calls for the la st ou11CC'
of mankind's 11 & g r e ~s iv e
drjves. Apollo already ha~
demonstrat"' the feasibility of
alt thest worthy objects.
10 Yell "TWAr
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!>O YOU @
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• St(,AJ Up
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(si1J!)._ VER'{Wat.j_
__ .. -----
ly Charles M. Scli~ . 1
ltv mLl'M~ ~I:<\ ~'JI« fllll 1#11/!
By ·Harold Le Dbllll
''\?ti 11E onElt ~ ........,.,....,....
By Ferd Johnson
By Tom K. Ryan
By Al Smith
By Md
' .
' . '
. ,MCu.. LA~.). ; . ' •
l S.lUtlll!, Ml<dl 15, 1'6• DAILY "U!T J:J
~ I
!f--Q Stal]: or Not to Stalt, _r}l~t's the .. Dile~nia
HERE'S HOW -UCLA basketbaU coach John Wooden, a three-time
All-American, gives his star center Lew Alcindor a few tips on the
fine art of free throwing. Alcindor makes his final Los Angeles ap.
pearance as a Bruin this afternoon in the Western Regional champ.
ion5hip game against Santa Clara.
Dues Win 2 of ·3
€O.ing Up, Plemel---
. GWC's Shields Hits 6-9
Don Shields, Golden \Vest College's
gensationat high jumper, continued his
remarkable improvement Friday af-
ternoon by clearing 6·9 in GWC's home
dual meet win over San Bernardino,
75'h-66\i and 81-M Joss to FuUerton,
Shields. a 19-year-old sophomore from
1'-1arina High, had three narrow misses
at 6-11. -
In other. Orange Coast area junior
<'ollcgc track action Friday, Orange
Coast finished second in a four-way meet
at OCC.
Sadtl leback was routed IY.'icc at San
Diego Mesa; by Southwestern, 10641,
and by the host, 124--19.
Shields. who says be wants I<> jump
11even feet before the season ends and
t,i>mpete in the 1972 Olympic Games
lit ~Iunich, continues to SGar higher.
,, He came into thi s season with a bes1
• 6-4~'2, then improved to M~ two
'feekends ago and made 6-81A the follow-
lpg day.-,
i He 'll try 6·11 next Friday when lhe
Jlusllers travel to Pt!t. San Antonio.
~OCC't; star Friday was sprinter Ralph
elly, w11o logged 10.0 and 21.9. Dan
~ey and Fred Skirde finished one-two
the two mJle for the. Pirates. .
I•\ CNl .. V 11, Or•fttt CMll 11 ''
1 C~> Jt, •1vtr1ll• 14"
<lo40 rtl•1 -I. OCC (~l~lty, ltktr. Oadet\. KIUV;. TllT>I: 4l.l. Milt -1: Sll:Trd! {OCCl 1. H. Mlln\i (Ch) ). II:. A<:i.ms CChl Tim.: 4:J1,9.
no HH -1. Hogue !Ch) J. Wnll•im ((hi
I. l'omr nw IOCCl Time: it.I,
UO -I. F1llow1 (Ch) 7. Btktr (0CCJ l. Gfllllot>dler (Ch) Time: 50AI.
olDO -1.__ IC•llv COCCI ll Aldrldtt (OCC J l, Mrnllftd h,.n) Tline; 10.0.
Ir.: -1. Schmit! !OCC) 1. llSI V ((h) 1. l lt (ClfVJ Tl .... : 1;5'.2.
IH -J;· Vklnoi;chl fCl'll J. Mw•r•v !Ch) *IJo~·r ~.11i11~'C'1>1~~ .... cchi ,, 1ums11H ~.k1T~-..:. 111'.'· Moonty IOCCI :,_ Sk!rff (OCC)
vi.,. !OCCJ Tirroe: t :ll.1, •~lit r1l1v -l. C1'11ffey. f l'"': 1!22.0. "llP -l, C1tM.trt <Chi t. IDtn !Git) 1. l.tdlt! ~fl ..!11'!1f.1 .SZ.,fi\;;. tOCi::l ,, JOI'...,. COCCI ,,
... i. fCIH Olst1Mt: 6·\· .U -1. F!lklwl r~\ 1. McFt!w CC.Ill l. O!H~r (Chi Dl1t1nct: t2-4Vt.
Discus -I. !'10i1 (OCC) '· C•l!'>e•rt {Cl'I) J. Born [CIU Ollllnc., 1190.
)8Vtllfl -I. McFl!t f(I!) '· H•noon CC/'I) J. Fellows (Ch) DC11111e1: 17....._
TJ -l. IC1t!ltfllorn \Ch) '· Spr)tt tCh) J. O'Hl\ffl' IOI) Ollltnc:t : U-Mri;~, iC11)lH1:Ji~~1J.i~CI J. Mini~ (OCCI s,
c:i.cdtft Wiit 1751Jll {j6\li) Sift 1-trdlM 1"\111"1911 (Ill f.,_) G'.Clllft WeU
400 -l. Fulltnon J, Sin ltrri.rdll'IO ], Goldefl Weit Time: .a.I.
Mll e -l, De Nuccio (GW) ?. Buck tFI J. Lovt CF) •. SmallwOOCI !(iW). Ttrne: 4,1 •. J. ~It V1u1t -1 j1t De,....,, Mtrrlll (GW) t f'd l'Ut/1811~1. (Si i . Frtrn:ti (GWI •. ll11<1r (Fl. Hef.r"lt: 12-11.
120 Hli -1. kYmoor <GW) 1 C1rl1on (Fl I. JohMlln fSll) •. Coldiron C5Bi. Time: 1J.l
140 -1. W8rdle (Fl ?. ~~ !GWI J. No.,lrom (Fl I. MllC~ll SB !. 'Timi: 511.7. "'I"' J"""' -1. 51'1 t lds \GWI 1. Mulscfll.r f(iW J. Wri9hl (F) I, Cold ron (SBJ. Htlgh!: ••• 100 -!. Big,1rs \S9l 7. Ctio CSBl J. Yuklhlr1
!Fl I, Htrr11 CGWl. irne: '·'· llO -1. Th°"'P:Son (SB/ 7_ ll1!iuk IF) J. Frf'nCI! !GW) (,Wildon IF ). T mt: 1 :M.t. Jav~lln -l. l'owell CF) 2. Siettl CFI 3. SPl!Cfll ll'l I. L!lhV (59). 011t1nce: ll•·:S. Lonq Ju""' -1. Jonn 1581 1. Miiler IF! 2, Merrill CGWI ~. ll1Qqff1 (18 , 0 11i.nct: 21 '
M) IH -l. $eJ"*" fGWj T. C1rl1on !Fl I. Jotumn (GWJ , a i.gg1r1 S9). Tl,..., SI.I. m -l. NOl'd11tom tFI 2. C1Tn (SBJ l. H8rr11 !GWI 4. For1vll'I (F). Thnt: n.c.
0 11cus -l. c1r,11nc1 (F) 2. Ultrn (F) s. COOIC (Fl I, ltt~Y I BJ. Ol1t1nct : Ul.2.
Sllot Piii -1. C!Nltnd (Fl 1, McElwtl" fl")
1. Pet..,on fGWI '·~.,. 1sa1~01111nct: 51.s. 2 Mlle -I. = WI 2. Flllf'I' !l'I J. lllKll IF) (, ( W). Tlmt: f ;Sl,I,
Miii 11:,tty -1. Gol4tn Wtsl ?. Fvlltrtlln J. S8n B1rn1rdlroo. Tl,.,.: 3:71.7. Trlolt Jump -I, ICl"9 IF) 1, J-1 (Sii l. Mtrrlfl (GWI I. Mul1dl1tr IGWJ, Olsl1nc" d-10.
1N111ta.a ,,,, n•o """'••rt..,. SH"rHck (In ClM) ta~ Oitlt ,,.,_
'«! lltlly -1. Mt11 Timi; ll.I.
< Mli. tT !.O.tr (Ml 2_, °""'' CSJ ), ,.,.,.,.., M) I, j ) Tlmt: l:i•~
SP ..,.. • 'OIWi (M ) • ~ (M) J, ICt llfr ""m !M) Ollltfl« a ...
(0 J1v "• ,.0!,tvoMr Ill 2. Jtdt'°" (Ml J, co~ ,.J 1. lk .-). OC1t1rn:1 1""11.
1l'G HH - 1 ltlc1rdo IMJ 2. ~lftll IM) J. COllfhl (So) 4. ltoyel IS) Tltn11: 1S.S.
HJ -1. C.lllfllon (M) 2. ltletn!O, (M) ). 1to-1m1ri
(Sl 4. Tk:1 (So). Htll;thti M
4ol0 -1. Follr,t IM) 2. T-1• lMJ >. Jof!onson
!Soll,)'· Ct r!ttwo (Ml. Tim.; JCl.t. 100 -I. G11lo" !Sol J. Hold« tMI 3. Nl1<111 IMI '· J1rrtll CS). Time: 10.1. U -I. Th:tr IM) 2. Htltl {M, l . Co• CS! f. Jlot1 !Ml 0111•nc:f: 11+\li. 18(1 -l. 9eclttr (Ml J. Sll'dlfr (Soll) l, 11 .. rtu !Ml 4, l-l IMI. TflM: l :U.t.
"V -I , Setll IMI 2. Oi.ll'IOl"llll (1) J. fklt' IS) I. Elliot !Ml Ol1t.<lcr: 1J...0. 4~ Of sOi l ~'ft .fM) !, ~t IMI ).~,~~:-~ )1.t. :..s I f~ll :tl'C! -~$) ~ II-"
IMJ I. J.Clton (Sol. 0 111,ltllC:f l :.,.1r.
'20 -I. Kolcllr IMl ,J. NIJCOn (ft\) '· llt1!M IS01 '· J1rre!1 fMl Tlmt•\ 23.\. ( '>" -1. Tic~ !M 7, t" lS) ). Holcllr M '· Ill.Oii IM) Ol1ll~c : "'11 _
( >1Ml1• -1. lftll.,. 'Ml :t l'IU IM J Quln!Oll M ........... \Ml Tlmt• t:o .e. Mlie •111v -, .Y.1!91. tlll'lt: 1:11.s.
AlCindor in Last Home Tilt for Bruins
Of .. DlllY Pillt IS.ff
WESTWOOD -John Wooden 11>
Uclpites ll. Dick Gorlbaldl II lhinllr>g
1bolil using ll. And UCLA'1 butelball
fans will probably IUI Pauley Pavtlloo
wllh bool ll thay oee il qaln.
It, ol.. course__, la the .-n and oobod1 ·
IJ nillnl OUl the poulbDJI)' thol tho
natlon'1 No. I !tam, UCLA, will 1•
.-,, tadlca 10< Ille lourlh otrallb1
game ftlJ altanoon wben the 8nllos
take on Santa Ciera' 1or lhe • m:.u
Weotem Reponal cbamplonohlp.
Tipoff for the title same ii 3 {!·M•
In Paulty1 followtq a tblrd.place 1'111'
belwffO Weber Siil< and Ntw Mexico
State aL 1.
The main ,....., for lhe slall IJ
UCLA'• Hll cenler Lew Alclndor, who
will be perlonnin& for the last time
In Lo.! Anlelu ., a Bruin.
Big Lew, wbo bu dominated colle1late
bamlball for lhe lul three years with
a talented 111pportinJ crew al UCLA,
Is •Ipe<ted lo be oound 10< loday•s
He was rushed oft lhe floor Thursday
night Iller lurnlng 111 ankle in · lhe
final minute of UCLA '1 5J.-38 victory
over New Melico State.
Tbe UCLA team doctor reported lbe
injury wasn't serious and AlClodor Ls
e1pected to be ready aa tbe Brulhl
continue tbttr drive toward an un-
pn!Cedenled lhlrd 11raJ1ht NCM UUe. '
Joillln& him In lhe lllrUn& Uoeup will
be 111olher pair of Bruin senlorl, L)'M
ShackeUord and Kenoy llelb, plul jull1or
John Vallely, the u-Orana:e Cout COUete
atar, and sophomore CUrt11 Rowe.
Garibaldi, who bu directed Santa
Clara to a 27·1 recOrd th1a year, 1111
" ·Outlook for '69 Semon '
Rig Appraises Mound St.aff
As Best in .Angels' History
PAU! SPRINGS (AP) -It is early.
The manager of the California Angels
.sit..s on a bench in the sun and 1ay1,
"1968 is forgotten. I sense an affirmative
Bill Rigney, an eternal optimist, wipes
his brow and foresses a team which
finished eighth in the American Leacue
last year contending for the Wtltern
Division title this season.
What is needed, observes the skipper,
ls a reaffirmation of spirit and .~e,
oot to mention a fir st baseman and
Seorts in Brief
relief pitcher or two.
Rigney btlievee the latter requirement
was satis!led by winter deals which
brought Hoyt Wilhelm fr<>m Kansas City
and Eddie Fisher Crom Cleveland.
The knuckleball artists will be joined
by Minnie Rojas, providillg his arm
is again IOUlld. MiMie was the fireman
of lhe year in 1967 when he saved
22 games.
Then he developed a calcium dtposll
on his elbow and saved only five tut
RIJney terms the young pitching at.ail
''the best we've ever had."
lie \\'ill use rive starters and already
named four or them. Only left·handcr
George Brunet, 33, who was 1!-13 tut
year, Is GVer 25.
His other starters are Jim McGlothlln,
25, Andy Messersmith and Tom Murphy,
each 2.3.
Brunet , t.tcGlothlin, Murphy and
~tessersmith won only :'l2 1ames last
year. but injuries detained McGlothlin's
development while Murphy a n d
1'1essersmith were starters only half of
the season.
l{ansas Leading NCAA
Tht filth starter cornea from a group
Including Clyde Wright., llH with the
Angels: Rick Clark, 1-11 with the Angels;
Greg Washburn, 8-2 at Quad Cities;
and Rudy May, 1·7 at El Puo.
At first base, the Angels lost Don
Mincher in the expansion draft. Rigney
Is considering Dick Stuart, Bob Chance,
Jim Spencer and Chuck Hinton for the
replacement. Despite Injury to Ryun The Angels hope the 21-year-old
Spencer is ready. He led tht Te1lll
League in homers with 28 and runs
batted in with 96. He has hid three
season of Class AA experience but hasn't
played in•AAA.
DETROIT -Despite an injury which
forced JJm Ryun out of the two-mile
run, Kansas took a commanding ltad
Friday night in the opening session of
the NCAA Indoor Track Championships.
Ryun was forced out Gf the race after
the third lap because of blisters on
the sides of both feet and the reeurrance
of an old knee injury.
Kansas shotputter Karl SaJb broke the
meet record with a toss of 16-3~ and
Larry James of Villanova upset Olympic
champion Lee Evans of San Jose State
In the 440. Carl Trentadue of USC and
Westminster High •tar was fourth in
the 880.
" "
INGLEWOOD -The Lot An1elt1
Laker• movtd anolber 1 le p toward
cllnchlng the Wutttn Dlvhloa Ude ,flf
the NBA Frtd1y nlgbt by donlng tlte
Milwaukee Bucks, 111-1'3 .bl Ule Fonun.
" "
PHOENIX-The San Francisco Giants
mauled the California Angels in a Cactus
League game Friday afternoon, IS.I.
The Glanta jumped on starter George
1 Brunet for nine runs in less than three
innings. 'I"ht ooly An1el run scored on
a balk .
" " LOS ANGEl..a -A new Amertcan
javelin Utrow record and a fut ••1arc1
dalh could come today .ln a dual meet
between UCLA and Ariaoaa Stale.
Mark Murr• of Art1oaa Staie. , 'tJille
ha1 to1sed the 1pear 171 fett I inUet
thll 1euon, will be tryln1 to 1arpu1
tbe UM Amtrtcu reconl 1et by Fruk
Covelli last year.
. " " WINTER HA VEN, Flo. -The Bolton
Red Sox announced Friday the ac-
quisiUon of pitcher Fred Newman from
the California Angels for an undisclosed
amounl of money and a player to be
named later.
" " " SARASOTA, Fbi. -Ron Huit• ud
rookie BW ~teltoa "t bome nm1 te
power Ult Cb.leap Wblte Sor t.o 1 14
victory over die Los Angele• Dod1en
here Friday.
" " " Two last minute entries raised the
calibre of tht ritld th1I week for Vie
6th annual Hot Rod Magazine Drag Rac-
ing Championship• at Riveraidt lnterna·
tional Raceway today and Sunday.
Top futl king Ptt~ Robinson of Atlanta
and the Ramchar1er'1 team from Detroit
have joined auch greats as Don Garlit.,
of Sellner, Flt.,· Don Prudhomme of
Granida Hills, T<>m McEwen and John
Mulligan both of Garden Grove, in top
futl eliminations field .
All·time great RobinSGn delayed his
return to tbe East Coast alter competing
in the top Western meet long enough
to take a crack at the $501,000 Riverside
Gates will open al I a.m. for elimins·
tiorui Sunday.
l\fOSCOW -Mamie Ralllnt of Chicago
tied the world record tor tbe women'•
indoor If.meter Drdlt1 and aprtntet-
Charlle Green of Llacoln, Neb., matched
Ille 1tucm'1 beat , mark In tbe men's
58-metl:r da1h Friday •• tbe United
Statea got-.ti to a qalclr: early lead
ever tbe SovltL Ualoa ID an lr1tern1Uonal
track ud Held meet.
Mis• Ralllu woa tht hurdle event
at Ladmlkt Sporb In 7.1 1econds.
Greene, wltt allares the world record
tn die t•mettr d11h, erploded at tbe
1tart and woa Ute mta'a rpriat in 5.5.
His teammate, Bill Gaines ef San JOit,
Calif., allG WU docked In 5.5 but WU
alpped al ll>e wire.
Stuart, 36, returns from two se:uona
In Japan and tries to makt the grade
as a free agent. Chance, 28, was drafted
from Baffalo where he hit .293 with
29 home runs.
The versatile veteran Hinton hit only
.195 after a tremend<lus apring thrust
him into the 11tarting lineup u the
Aside from first, the Angel infield
is set. Bobby Knoop and Jim Fregosi
fonn an incomparable double play com-
binati<>n at secilnd base and ahortstop.
Third base· belong• to 21-year-old
Aurelio Rodriguez, who had a 16-&ame
hitting atreak in 1968, longest in the
American League.
Tom Satrlano is the incwnbtnt catcher,
coming off his be!t year when hit .3$3.
He facts a spirited. chaJJenge from Tom
Egan, 21, who received a i100,ooo bonus
rour years ago.
The Angels outfield is aet only in
left where Rick Reichardt, .255 and 21
home runs, is established. Vlc Davalillo,
the team's leading hitter at .277, retuml
but faces formidable obstacles in both
center and right.
Jay Johnstone, 2J, and Jarvis Tatum,
22. are enjoying big 1prina;a and each
can ope.rate In either field. Tatum, .,.bo
has run tbe 100-yard dash in t .7 aecondll,
hit .308 at El Paso. Jobnatcmt hlt .2n
at SeatUe.
British Move to Clear Up
World Heavyweight Title
LONDON (AP) The Britiih Bnxlng
Board of Control said Friday It has
aereed to recognbe • fight between
Joe Frazier of Philadelphia and a
auitable contender as a w o r 1 d
beovywelghl tiile boll!.
'M>e BBBC, In 1nnowicing it had ap-
proved the World ~xlng CO\Dlcil's ruling
on the UUe di1pute, said it the contender
la not Jimmy Ellis, then the winner
would have: to meet Elli' in his first
''Tht present lituatioo ln L h e
heavywei1ht class should not continue,••
said Ray Clarke, assistant general
secretary of the BBBC. "This ia 10
attempt to clear it up ."
Fraz:ier ls recognized u world cham·
pion in five states -New York.
Pennsylvania, Illinois, Massachusetts and
Maine. Ellis, or Louirvillt, Ky.; ls
recognized as world champion by the
World Boxing Association.
The WBC and the BBBC bad recogni:v
ed Cassius Clay-Muhammad All 11 c}l.am-
pi<>n unUI last" weelt. Theq the WBC
said It wa11 stripping Clay of the Utle
because of hia faUurt to dtfend it.
he has to think about using the stall
against a talented team 11.ke UCLA.
But the chanctl are he woo't use
It. The: Broncos have a ruaged front
line ill J.t% center Denni• Awtuy and
lhe Ogden brolhers, Bud ( M) and Ralph
Guards Ttrry 01Brlen and Kevin
Eq:leson aren't deadly outaide ahot!.
but they make up for that abortoomfna
With good ball handlin& and ICl'appY,
defensive work.
UCLA and Santa C1ara met last year
In Albuquerque tGl" the We.stern Utle
and the Bruins whacked the Broneos,
Battle Slated
For East Title
Dean Smith of North Carolina lives
the psychoklgical advantage tG Davidson
in Lod1y'1 Eastern Regional flnala ef
tbe NCAA buketball tournament.
Letty Drlt1tll, coach or Davidson,
thinks the winner will be "lhe team
with the molt vinegar."
The fifth-ranked Wildcats, and their
rootera, have been waiting a year for
ancither crack at the fourth-ranked T1r
Heels -ever 11ince North CarGlina won
the 1968 Eastern Regional tiUe over
Davidson, ~.
Davidson, which bu become a national
buketball power uodtt' Drleaell, hun'l
been on -the ·North Carol!na regular
season schedule tor lt ye:ara and Smith
tiaid there art oo plans lo relUDlt tbe
Smith uid tht Tar Heels, who ed.J:ed
ninth-ranked Duquesne 71-71 1n
Thursday's semllinall, could play llOll'le .,
%One agairut Davidson'• high-acoring •
Mike Maloy.
~faloy scortd 35 pointa and grabbed
12 rebounds in the '1HI semifinal victory
ever eighlh·ranktd St. JGbn'a.
Later, Coach Loo Carneaecca of I t.
John'11 aaid Maloy wu aecond onJy to
UCL.\'s Lew AlcindGr u the best college
player in the nation.
Purdue Center
Hurt, to Miss
Marquette Tilt
MADISON, Wis. (AP) -Punlut, led
by high-scoring Rick Mount. and Mar·
quette, clash this afternoon in the final
of the NCAA Mideast Regional Buketball
Tournament at the University • f
George King, Purdue coach, said td!I
club would hive tG play Saturday without
Chuck Bavis, its 7·!oot center. Bavi:s
1uffeffii a shoulder aeparatlon Thursday
and will undergo surgery, pouibly Uilis
King said another starter, Herman
Gilliam, is doubtful for the Marquette
game, but could aee action.
Gilliam suffered a severely apralned
ankle Feb. ZS acainst Michigan State
and ha! misted Purdue'• last four
outings. He is the club's leadinl re-
The Marquette scoring attack It built
around George Thompson, a ltnlor
forward, and Dean Meminger, a
sophomore guard.
"There's nobody In tht Big Ten li.kf!
Tbompaon,'1 KJng aaid. "I can't think
of a 6-2 boy anywhere wbo can jump
like he can. and move and hlJ1I In
the air and change directionl while walk·
ing top1ide."
"( don't know what we'll do with
him. I'd like to put him in a cq:e,
King aald George F1trber 1 a f.5 aopho-
more, will probabl,y draw the uaignment
tG guard Tbomp.on, while Jerry Johnson,
• J.10 jwrtor, will replace BaviJ.
Drake, Upstart
Ram s Collide
Porsche Bucks Bad Luck Plague
Clay's last defense was on M1rch 2%,
19117, when he knocked out 7.ora Folley
Jn the seventh round at Ntw York.
The WBA and the New York Athletic
eom·mlaslon withdrew recognlUon rrom
Clay on Aprn 28, 1967, when he refused
Jnduction into the military.
MANHA1'l'AN, Kon, (AP) -Colches
Maury John of Drake and Jim Williams
o/ C.Jorodo Stale Unlvenlty do not agne
with the lobell placed on their bulitthall
teams, which collide here this aftlmoon
In the Mldwm ,.ctooals la< • berlh
In lhe NCAA tournament finata.
Drake, 10arlng •kins with an It.pine
winning streak and 2H for the MUClll.
has bttn tabbed a rllD-and-lboOt turn
-partly an es:ttnalon of the hn111
of lhe MJlllOUri Valley Conforence. SEBRING, Fla. (AP)-The Porscl!e
1pon.1J car racing team from Ge.nnany,
hoping t<> shake off a bid luck plague
e.nending back 10 mtd-1968, fa~ •
fcrmldable array of challm1m in the
lJ Hours of Sebring Endurance Rice
P'errart from Italy returns with a pair
o( new lightweight l.kyJinder buiz
bombs and a driV1ng team he1ded by
A11 rlG Andretti and Chris Amon.
The Ford C:T40 duo from Engl1od that
aurprlstd by taklnf tht 1968 manufac·
Wrff's championshi p ove.r Porsche is
on tiand· wJth improved versions of the 1ame machinery. Jackie Jell and Jack
Oliver an the top drJvtrs.
A!fa·Romeo, the Italian Cactory with
.an outstanding bank or drivers headtd
by John .Surtfft and Lucien Bianchi,
believes it hill the bup out of the ~rar
dis•ppolnlillg •nd especl811y noisy lhree-
llte:r T33 model almed q a direct chal·
lenge to ravored Ponche.
Lola Chevy, anned with new conll·
dence off Its unexpect.'ed victGry in the
24 Hour! of Dayton1, made some im·
pressl\'e lips In tarly practlct.
Mark Donohue:. who paired w i I h
Church Parsons to win the Daytona
opener of the 1969 sporL1 car world
series, will share Roger Penske'• Lola
v.i th Ronni• Buc.i.num.
Thm will be flvt factory Poncha,
Ju~l 1s there were 1t Dayt.Gna 1"hen
each unexpectedly dropped out because
a small •10 put in the ea&'ne failed. A
re<:enl 30-hour IHI Jndlcaled lhal prob-
lem WU ironed ou\.
While lbe llllle lype 3')lter enJ!ne •Ill
power Poncbe, the bodlos for lhe n11
•.2-mlle Sebrln& <OUl'H wlll dllfcr gnat-
ly from lbe loog<alled <OUJl'I built I<><
D&yrona's high bank!.
Here Ponche has a model called tht
Spyder. with on open eodplt and stubby
tall with two alr spoilers lo aid road
tract.loo and bfakts.
Poncht drivers, u uaual, include th•
best o( Germ11ny and a handful ol. lnttr·
national atan, includln& Vic Elford, Joe •
Siffert, JlaM 11crrmaM, Joe Buutta and
Brl•.n Redman.
Jn a ~n( pre<:tlce session, Siffert
turned one lap at an unofliclal llt.770
mllH an hour ln a Ponche and Donohue
came right back at 115.ttO in a Lola.
The offldal roc<>nJ ,of 111 .031 WU ul
by the Joie Mike Spence In 1116'1.
Andmtl, admitted the speedl wtre
impressive, said when hiJ Ferrari ar·
rives It will make the others hwtle to
keep up.
•le said it hu been '"posting times
equal to Ferrari grand prlx can'• in
Ita.llan ttstl and that wa., with an alum·
inwn body. It ta aetUni an even lighter
fibtralm body for tbt Stbring race, he
said .
fie i' 1ppealinJ hb conviction on this
lo the United States Supreme Court.
Meanwhile, Clay has been unable to
make 1 milch.
The WBC'1 mtmber1 include tbt
BBBC, the Orlental Bozfnl J'ederatJon,
the L•lln American Bolin« Feder1Uon
and the Eul'Ope!ln 11ox1nJ Union.
The B88C"1 'dtcllion meana that 1
proposed rt~t between Ellis and Hmry
Cooper, Brhaln's Europtan tllamplon.
would not be. ncognlztd u 1 world
litle t11hl in BritaJn.
Cooper retained hI11 European crown
by knocking out ttaly11 Plero Tomuonl
In lhi fiflh ToUnd tn Rome Thurlday
Colorldo Stitt, the NCM toumamenl'•
surprl1e team, h11s been cad as a balJ..
control etub.
Dralle ia the favortt., but 111y ban.
dic11'¢ns ii rlJky becau11 of Colorado
State'1 rectnt accomplllhma1ta.
Tbt Rama, •ho did not play In •
conference thi.a aeuon, klet ~ 1Mt
lhree ,.cuJar ...... tames lo briq
a tM rtCOrd Into the tournament,
However. they .tunned lMI Natioo.al
lnvltatllmaJ Toumamtnt c b a m p I o n
Dayton, 61-IO, In a first round NCAA
aam•. Then they l"'lllbtd oil Big Eltht
COnference champk>tf C.lotodo, -. in
Thuroclo,y nll)1l'11'1!11flnals.
.l 4 DAil Y PILOT
JC Nines
All Lose
By I Ru11
The script \\'HS the same Frjday af·
.ernoon for the Orange Coast area·~
:hree junior college baseball teams : good
Ntch.ing but no clulch hitting.
Orange Coast College dropped a 1-0
~astt:m Conference decision at Riverside
::ity Collegt despite Gary Dunkelberger's
1rilliant one-hitter'. In another EC game.
wo late Golden \\1est rallies fell short
•ASTlllN CONl'lllllNCI w L 'C'I. oa /I_ Stn ol.ntonlo I a l.OOCI
'•Inn ........ , ..••..•. S I .Ill ..
" ' '
'IJl!erton .• .. •• .. .. .. .• .. • S l .'7S
Ookltn Wr.I ...••.•. , ....... ,, J SI!
'.111tt.y ..•.•.....•.. , ..• .. . . l .S11
tiv•rlldt , ..... , .............. , l .~J9
:.M1 An.I .............. ., •• , .. J .m
1;,, H-..................... 2 • .Ul "' ' ••ane• Co•~' .. .. . .. .. .. . . . ... 2 J ~n lun'<'lllllll 1 J • ;fPA» I •
l'r.Glt'• Sffr11
Ml. s.,, An!Ollio t, C\IPritu 2
S.nt1 Ar11 '· CM!ltr 5 l'ulltrlon l, Geld9<! Wfll t
Rl~tnlclt 1, Ortntt Co11! I
C!tru1 6, S111 ller111rdl110 l
Tllft411'1 0 11'1'11
f\1lltl1Cfl 11 C1•~n Gok1111 w ... 1 II (llltltY
M!. 1-" Anton~ I! Cll rUI
S.nll A111 ,, O•·~· Co•~·
"" &1r111rlll110 11 R~ HDndt
1s thi -Rustlers dropped a l-2 gamP
o visitiog Fullerton.
Saddlebact was another 1--0 victin1.
lropping a road game to lhP Chapman
:ollege junior varsity.
Dunkelberger lost 1 heart-breaker to
\iverside. He gave up 1 harmless single
n the second and then mov.·ed dov.·n
he Tigers until the eighth inning when
trank Weir drew a walk .
. Weir moved arou nd to third on •
iacrifice bunt and a passed ball and
hen scored on .a fly to center.
Ron Richardson almost saved Golden
~est. He tripled in ane run in the
:ighth. Jn the final frame, v.•ith the
~g and winning runs on base and
.wo outs, he flew out deep to center.
,~lltr!M tl!
I t r ., rlll
~r1mtn,lb i lOO
.:111'11/!I, C1 ~ I 0 0
l!Ml,C1 0000
.... 1.2b •110
lnn1r1, rt ' 1 1 I
...-re11, lb l O I !
t lddG,11 lO?D
........ ,tf 1000
·'•dlllfll, c J 0 1 0
lrt>lher, s• o 1 o
10.lCll, It I 0 11
o.1-WHI !2l ,., , llr'W
lt1ulson, l b i 1 o
ao-n,!b 10111
Corult, ID 3 D II I
Pl ... i,ff C l 1 0
Rlcn1•l:l>On, Jb S D ? 1
, .... ,~,, Cf ~ D 2 I
D•Gttr, » 0 I II
Te«o,!I J OO ~
Honslrh»o, 11 I o o o
!ihellno, ( . ' ' ' .. ' . ' P•V~lilr, •
Hu!t~llOll. p
Eide<, pll I 0 1 I Tot1Ls ll -' 1 ~ l o111s l1lll?
k etl a¥ ln"l"ls . " . Mll OOODl)(l -1 10
Otl nN CMS! Ill lllivtn~ II)
1arh,.. 1 a ••Iii
l'bDlweKI, 3ll 5 0 0 0 D111lortll, ti 7 o o o
ffdl, 2b • t 1 1 8ern1lr1m, i;f .1 O a t
Pflklns, as • a t 1 .... 111ne, •• l ' o o
a11t1. 1t 1 o 1 o Sttvlll•, lll l o o a
io;l,lb •O I O Cvrlls,i; J OIO
,_117\tr, t • t I ll Vlt ir. It 1 I • I flliSlfe<", rt J I I 0 R.itnWI<~. lb J I J t
en•~w.d J OOIWtrcl.ll> l l l l
•1Wf1.on i oto flro,.r,11 too
.rn11, ~n 0 0 O Tf',,e/I, on o o o o
•ur>klO•Qtr. p 3 I ! O R•nkln, p l o o o
TQ!t ll li 0 & O Tol~I! ~I I 1 I
le-rt a1 '""Inti
""' R<C
S1Ht1Nclt Ill
aar ~ra1
"'•Dl'•hlro, u ~ o 1 o
~scn,!ti co10
cni'lled<er, ct ' (I o e
-lll\Cl,(40 10
lullbl. " c 0 ' c 110!0. Jo • o o o
.,rktlclder, lb 3 O 1 O
Awe,rl .10 1 ~
IOM,p 1000
l'!lnln11ton, ' 1 a o o
. " . OOOOOOOQ0-0 ,1
000 000 Gil -I I I
Ch1,m1" tll
tit , " •ii P1111,.~1. er 3 1 J a
ltktr, lb l 0 I I
Hl rTlo, Jb 7 t o o
111.lbley, H 3 0 1 0
Jon!lo:, II l t o
Dltkt1 .2h ) o o
H<Mloy, c l 0 0 0
8oro11-. rt ~ fl 11 o
Clovelt/111, p ~ t o o
To!1ts 11 O 1 o loltli " ltttl tY 1111111111 . " . SM11:1leb1dl C~••men .• DOii 000 DOG -· 0 I 1 O<>:t 010 ~, -• 1 a
Mater Dei
Loses 91-36
Track Verdict
At Sports Arena
Four CIF Cr·owns
At . Stake Today
, ~ ANGELl'S -!l 's chim,Plonshlp
, ; ·hoip' for tiflht SOull>Un Cllttomla i;IP
" SWthern s~ tiamhan !Oa.,, as llJ< '
IW'Vlvors ot the annual playoffs vie at
ibe Sports Artna ~· art>roooi. and
In today,11 J :30 struggle for Qai.t"' A
laurels lt;n. be .(quinas 11 a ~o;,i.i
Atasca~ertr. And at 3:30 Katella ~Hl8h
ol AnahOlqi w!U go aploi;t VertNQl
Dei !oc"the M title: '
Tonight.a\ 7 It 's B<vetly Hilb &goirut
Santa Maria·Jn tht,AAA televised finale.
That match will ..,.be 1foUowed by pie
AAAA showdown... 1
Unbelievable ·~UIUlf',HllJ.1 &eta ,a shot
at the +A UUe and ,compton•a II.game
win •trtok· \<!Jlghl aj 1', ' ·
The Lancers; runnersup in the Free-
\\o'ay League, downed Notre Dame, 71-tiS;
in Friday'J i1emis befo~e 7,508 at the
Sport.s Arena. · , ' 'J ~ And in the other half of the semiS,
Compton rallied from a 20-12 deficit· to
·nip Ventura, 56-51.
IMJa)led ' 1 • ~ntroJ.IYP! game Jo fend
off,tlio' ~ting Knights.
Bud . ;Fahl8J! paoed Nott< Dame with
11 Potnta, U Of Which came In the third
quart.er wt»ep' tJ!e Knights went ahead
briefly, .. 1 "'
KAtei'ia•s Knights have done it with
n three ·guard offenBe aod at Umes
p cqinp\ttely without a pc>Sl man. Key
to ,ll>it IJ!Al'd combination hH befn Bob . '
.. O• TV Tonight
7 p.m., Cha11nel 5
Sheriiin, a 5-11 dynamo who's averaged
24 polnts per game during the season
.. d, 30 jn the playoffs, aloog with Riek
Abtref/I, a 5-10 backcourt man averaging
IS·~~-· .Re\y.10( on a fast-break offense and
·a 1P/esiing defense, the Knigllt3 ha\le P.roYtP '"'lhemselves more than capable
agalnst good opposition, despite beinC
in the relatively weak Orange League.
BACK IN TIME i\1ike Lemke ot Estancia foiled
this pickoff attempt by Costa A-1esa Friday after·
noon by beating the throw to first base. The 1'-lus-
tang fW;t base man is
trimme'8 the l'rlustangs,
Ed\vards. Estancia Brad McNamara led Suru1y Hills with
21 points.
The Lancers, who have eliminated four
league champions In lhe playoffs, took
a 49-47 lead with I :02 Jett in the third
quarter and never trailed after that.
Katella demolished AAAA Freeway
LeagGe champion Troy by IS fn tourna-
ment action and fell by only fi\le &o
potent Garden Grove.
In CIF playoff aclion, the Knights'
closest win was by a 'l7-point margin.
For Violatio11s
Anteate1· Polo Coach
Raps Vague Regulation
Of !hi Dtllr 1'1111 Sllll
The CIF's sanctions against Cqst.a r-.tesa
and Corona dcl ~tar High schools' S\vif!l-
1ning teams came under attack again
1oday from a different corner -UC
Irvine y,•atcr polo coach ~d New land.
·l\'ho charged the situation w a ~
aggravated by \'ague rules.
"The entire problem lies y,·ith the in-
terpretation of a rule in the Slue Book.
the Bible of the CIF'," said Newland,
\vho also has headed lhe Corona dcl
fll ar S1\•hn and \\1a1cr Polo Association
for eight years.
The two high schools were banned
from competing in the CIF championship
this year for conducting alleged illegal
workouts prior to the start or the s"•im·
n1ing :reason.
''The rule that has disq ualified Corona
del i\far and Costa t\1esa swimn1er!I
says a high school coach cannot coach
any boy at his school anywhere prior
to lhe actual season or the sporl the
boy is out for. Don't look for this rule
under s\vimn1ing in the Blue Book, it
comes from the section on football and
"In the -seclion on y,·ater polo the
rules say a high school coach can v.•ork
with his boys in an AAU situation. Dur-
ing the sumn1er a swimming conch can
1o1•ork with his boys again in an AAU
.situation I think," Nev.·land said.
"For the last eighl years at least.
!l"'imming coaches have assumed since
it "·asn't denied. that they could coach
anyone they v.•anted to on an AAU basis.
Probably half of the S1\'immcrs in the
ClF Southern Section have AAU card!!
:;nd this figure probably goes as hi gh
as eighty percent of those boys in the
CIF championship meet.
"Any coach who enters the swim worltl
knO\\'S AAU clubs are operating at rn any
high school pools and seeing that it
is very evident and above board, he
assumes. logically, there is no rule
against ii.
"The ClF mu st know about i! and
go along 1vith it. Since there is nu
rule against it in the s\viinming section
of the Blue Book and since il is apenly
d.ooe by so many coaches and schools,
you can see "·htre the problen1 lies."
Ne"•land also said. it is extremely dif-
ficult to distinguish bet\\'ttn a 1va tcr
polo and. S\\'imming v.·orkoul after a
brief look.
"The really funny part of the situation
ill Corona de! A1 ar was if the school
had had one water polo ball floating
around the \\'ater at 6:15 a.m. therf'
\l'OUldn'i ha ve ~n any question about
that practice being illegal.
"I've coached water polo for JI yearll
and I always start my \VOrkouls by
swimming. Many times n1y boys would
s\vin1 up to 2,000 yards and you couldn't
see one ball on the deck.
"This isn't strange. At the Olympic
training camp they did the same thing.
And V.'ith a large group of players,
I usu:ally put in the lanes lines.
"The only way to find out 11•hal sport
1he boys were working out for was
lo J1tav around for at least one hour
ur le.,.)!: into the situation and check
and see \\'hilt the young men and their
1·oach are do1n1'.
"Al Coron a del Mar, lhe coach \\'ho
1vas v.•ilh his tea1n was the water poln
coach and assistant s\\o·im1ning coach.
His players who y,•ere 11•or!dng out all
had AAU cards and had just campleted
playing in an age group 1vater polo
tournament and have since played in
hvo more.
"Tht c ir n1ay have the right to do
what ii did lo Corona del !\1ar and
Costa !\1esa, but the pic ture is hardly
a clear-c ut one," Newland said. "There
i~ a great deal of confusion in the
S\\'innnini;: rules. so 11•hy punish 80 young
Weslevan .,
Wi11s NCAA
Title, 75-71
Ke ntucky \Vesleyan captured tile NCAA
college division basketball championship
Friday night in Evansville, Ind ., by
beating Southwest f..Iissouri, 75-71.
In other tournament aclion F'riday,
!\laryland State and Eastern New !\1exico
qualified for tonight's championship
gan1e of the NAIA small college tourna-
ment at Kansas City. •
!\laryland State heal Ce n l r a I
\V ashington, 93-87, afte·r a surgirig second
half rally that sa\V them overcome a
52-46 halftin1e deficit.
All-American George Tinsely and ball-
hawkin~ Bob Hobgood guided Kentucky
\\'esle'S'a n to its second straight title at
American lnternational College of Spr-
ingfield, Mass., captured third place in
the tourney b~· topping Ashland of Ohio.
5.1-51. A3hlarxl had a 16-10 leatl in the
early going but AIC streaked lo the
front, 27-18 and then withstood a fur ious
Ashland rally at U1e end to y,·in.
A1neriean International is the team
that knocked San Francisco State out of
lhe tournainent in the first round, 80-i5.
In first-round action al the National
lnviLotion Tournan1ent in New York's
!\1adison Square Garden, Ohio University
nudged \Vest Texas State, 82-80. and
Tenne!lsee knocked off Rutgers. 67..SL
Bob Croft. 6-10 Vol center, scored
17 of his 21 points in the first half
I.() enable Tennessee to stay ahetid
throughoul the game.
Loseth Blanlis
Mustangs, 5-0;
CdM Downed
Estancia High School, behind the 13·
!ilrikeout performance by pitcher Chuck
Loseth, ripped hoi,;:t Costa Mesa, S--0,
Friday 1.1fte rnoon in the opening round
of lrlJine League ba seball competition.
Corona del W.ar. ho1,1•ever, fell 1-0 at
La Palma Stadiutn in Anaheim to Loara
under the lights ant! Fountain Valle y was
done in by l\L:ignolia. 3-J. at the Barons'
diamond in afternoon action.
Loseth allo\ved only one i\lustang ;;1n-
Cl••nc11 , ......... ., ...... .
W l G• ' -• l.O&fl ...... ,.,, ... , .......... .
M1goolia .•••.•. , .•.. ,, ....... . • Coron• oe1 Mar .................. .. . ' ' ' .. ' Cos1a Me~• FQ.Un1tln Vallev ' '
Fric11"t"1 Sttro•
Lot,. 1. Coron• O~I M!r O
E•l1nda S, Co~la M~:.n Q
Maqncui1 l. Founllln VIiie•
T~H~l,I' G1.n••
l'C1Yn111~ Va lt11 al Coron1 del Mar
t.0•1• 11 Eill~<j.I
Cost• Mu• v•. M1a110ll1 ILi Pa1m1 7 P.m )
gle, thal coming in the fifth inning and
v.•as never in trouble as his Eagle n1atcs
bac:ked him up with 11 hits.
Loara 's single tally came in the bot -
to1n af the seventh inning on a disputed
play at the plate.
The winners picked up the tally 1rhen
Keith l\larshall singled, advanced to
third on two sacriflcl!s and ca1ne across
the plate when the umpires ruled the
Corona del Mar catcher dropped the ball
on a throw from the outfield,
l1llocl• U)
lc.i.el~. 0
011r1n1t , rf
Powe!!, JI>
(Qrflul<O, !!
l ompl..•, lb
8ull1rd, ~
Powen, c
\/1llt •t , lb
Pvie, cf
'' • A •ltl ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' . .
' ' ' l 1 0 0
l 0 1 0
l 0 0 I
J I I 0
l l j 11 J
t 91!1 Mtu Ul
Tow""r. 11>
E11W1r0>, lb
Hln\lfy, t
•~ r h •Ill 1 a o o
c iark, n l
i.arton, o J "'"""'min, lb l S1>ellmtyer, If J
M~rrow, rl l
PalrTitr. er ?
To!al• lS
' . ' ' ' . ' ' . .. ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' . ' ' ' ' . ' .
kiri a, lonl"''
E•lloci• CoJ11 Mf'H
Lt1,1 tH
•brhrbl Vlclverton. ti lo I o
S11ln1, rf O o O o
\lt'llkor, c l 0 0 O
Mt n htll. cl l 1 1 0
SPOii!" I! J o O o (~•nbrlnk , :lb l 0 1 I
llllln•, ID 1 0 0 0
G~lbtrt, ?0 l 0 D 0
P1$11t!'lll, SS I 0 0 0
51•nilHIV. H 1 0 0 0
Vln<t,P ?000
Tol1h l2 1 l I
00~ 107 ~-
000 rm o -
' " . j 11 1 . ' '
Cttelll t.i M1r IO)
11 r ~ rlll
P•ll,,er. II>, II • 0 l II
w1u.e. •s • o o o
D. snvaor. c J O o o
R.. Snva•'· o 1 o I o
Wilbrecnt, l ! l o o O
Euell.ft J OOO
Ktll•.11 * 1aoo
Ttlcmp~on, 1:. o o o O
W•rd Jb 10 00
~\aver. lb ] ~ O 0
1• 0 ) 0
S(ln! at lo"i"fl Coron• del
Mir 000 G..O o -· G J 0
! -I J J
Mt1ntli1 UI .. ~ ' ~ ''" Fl(IQ<I, ID 4 0 ' Wtl>.t " II O 0 I 0
Htl\IY, C 1 0 I D
,Scnr1>11er. •~ I O O Rvn1lk. cl ) I 7 D
LoniltM!r.lb •OlO
lt11n.rl l121 Connw, :lb 1 o o o
Hall,• 10 1 0
1l J 11
Fountlln V1lltf
"' "' Ftll<'tt;~ Vtllt r (1)
• 0 0 0
~ 0 1 ~
l I 1 o
l 0 1 0
J Q• ' 0 ) 0 ? 0
J 0 0 0
1 0 0 II
I 0 0 0
' 0 0 0 I 0 0 0
11 I J 0
"tllf'rl!., 1D
.. ,,e<l9•, JD
Carro!. d
(l•r>..an. ti
0;111~, If
8o1", ID 1· ..... nlQn, t
Hi• SI
~fli•n, Ph
Davi!, P
~M111~\•, p~
lOG 000 D -
. " . l \1 '
' I '
They moved into a five-point lead and
11 Miulo!1 \/lt lo U
II l.1g11111 I N<:ll <If
6J Rowl1ncl U
65 ll!"'°fl AfT\11 1A
'll Miier Doil .ti
'9 Thwslllll Oak1 12
I I P1cllk1 " ol Or1n9<1 d
52 G1rdm Grav• JI
19 Ktflnldy U
l l E•llMll ll 72 Troy J1
119 LOt. Aml!lo• 17
" LO$ Al1milot C-1 12 JedOltD.ld; 62
16 El Dor1do IC
~& Va!lM'1cl1 70
90 s"""r1 n
il 8tt• ~
!Oi LO• Amigo• n •s L04 Alaml101 J.6
to Saddlt b1ck 11 .;o £1 Dor1d1 JS
17 Valond 1 ~~
~5 Sono•~ •I '' 8••• Jj !t llosco l oth
11 Homer
s• Harl
Woof KH11 Ul·ll
" " "
1' Ari<"• &(!
)6 Fc.gt111n •~
71 Chlr.o .::.'I
11 MOOl'OVi• J
,. l.a S..rno •I
J• l.owtll ll
Al Lt tJaDr• "
11 Oceans lat , I~
'>C ComQ:on h
oa Crrsctnl• Viii•• ~I
OJ Krnno<ly j?
•:; S•~•nnl M
1") L• H•ttl \.t
11 l.owtll •7
IC Fullor!<ln ""
'<\ Troy OR
JO Bv<'N P•rk l'
45 Konnttty ~I
:;.i S3•arn1 ?•
i.o l.a Oleor1 !7
Ill LQWOll t.o
11 Fu11er1on ••
51 Trov 7!t
I~ l utna P1rk O
~S Covina ~
11 Ptclllc .\J ~ Huntington lle1tn II
II No1rl Cl•m• ~
' . • Vtrbvm Dtol IV·I) . .
•l c ... tenni.1 S1
II 1'1111 X M
.. $trr1 54
16 SI. BtrMnl U
)7 Cre1pl "3 st EdotWOOll S7
I I South Hlll1 all
71 Chino 50 n IOICO Tech '5 17 SI, Jolin &Oleo SI
'1 V1lltV Chrbtltn SI
107 L1 Stilt 6'
I 14 Darnltn '' 56 SI. John lo1co 41 U C1n1w1ll 4
102 Sin GtDrltl Miu. <•
" P1t1r N0tltr •c It 800~ Tech '6
11 l.1 Solle 71
I• D1mion 51
71 5!. JOhn llo•(g '1
•1 Cantwell Q 111 S.n Gabriel Miu . it
1S 80"0 Tech •1
•S PM•• Nosllr JO
•~ S1dalebac~ SI
IS San t.uls Obi•po •S
12 Btll Gtrd""• 01
''"'''°~ Uf·l l Sl NO'l'ff Climt
"6 M<m"~i1
,. l.lk•-
101 (Cill Me>I
" ,, ,, .,
•I (OfCf\I l:l@I h ... r JI
J\ We1tm\ros1er •1
s1 lo\erl111 J9
•J Rcde;tlOo JO
u Suonr Hill• Ml
•2 51. a.ntl'lony
" Wo11ml111!!'f
12 ,.,em1n1
16 Calllelrni1
~• W1rreo
10 Oownev
~J Domln11ur.1
•• Centennlll
~c P1ramou111
7j Warren
JI Down-=Y
IC OQ-mlngurt
5J Ctnl•nnl1I
02 P1r1mownl
IOt LI Jord10
91 Norw1lk
" Arroyo ~ Bellflow•r
M Vinl~fl
" " ..
" " " " ,,
" " " " " •• ..
" "
Howe ver, Verbum Dei may be anothtr
matter. Tbe champions of the Santa
Fe League are 27·1 for the year with
only an early-season twirpoint 10&3 &o
.Pius X marring their record .
Acrpss. ·\)le fronUine tbe Eagle.!! arr.
6-5, have the "'eight and strength tu
go with it.
Key to that trio is Keith Batistt,
considered by many as o•e of lhe finest
college pr06pects in the ClF\
The starting five for Katiella, a1ong
with Sherwin and Aberegg, will include
Fred Giroux {>10), Kevin Donnoly (6-3)
and Jim Laube (6-2).
OCIR Starts
Night Racing
F'lame-spewing fuel altered drag racing
cars will usher in night racing at Orange
County International Raceway tonight
while on Sunday the track host! it.
second annual "Bug-in."
Two separate fields af the .altered!
<:otnprising about JO entrants, will prir
vide fan!! y,•ith the speed show.
Leading t h. ~ nilro~thane-burning
brigade "'ill be Willie BOrsche of Los
Angeles and Anaheim's Leon Fitzgerald.
In the unblown, or lightweight, division.
~1ike Sullivan of San Bernardino and
l\fikio Yoshioka of Los Angele!! are the
featured performers.
The "Bug-in" event Sunday will feature
slalom racing, drag racing, an off-the-
road race and a manufacturer's display.
Entries have been restricted to
Volkswagens and dwie buggies.
National aerobatic champ Bob Heren·
deen of Saugus will perform a series
of lo\\1-level maneuvers in his Pitt.s
Special biplane Sunday afternoon.
Costa Mesa Swimn1e1·s
Wi11 2 Swim Crowns
LONG BEAC~f -Costa l\lcsa lligh
School stormed to convincing victories in
the ,·arsity and Cee divisions Friday
night in the finals of the Moore League
Invitational at Long Beach Jordan High
The l\lustangs, v.•ho were ruled ineligi-
ble for such invitationals earlier in the
year, got off the hook from CI F officials
JUSt in time lo enter the prelims Tues·
day and can1e through with the stunning
results Friday night.
Newport Harbor finished third In var-
!tily competit ion and fourth in Bee action.
Estancia High nipped Glendora for the
~ccond spot in Bee compet ition at Long
B<'ach ~1illikan High. The Eagles racked
up 57 points lo G\endora's &4. behind
chan1pion Long Beach \Vil son, v.•ith 6i.
\V ilson also took the varsity title hand·
ily at Millikan.
Leading the Costa l\~esa contingent
1vere two reJay t~ams and Dave \Vhitak-
\l/hitaker sel a school record "'ith a
.(8.9 clocking in the 100 freestyle and the
400 free relay tean1 ar \Vhltaker, Chris
Gammon, Curt Plun1lee and Jeff Roy
sped the distance in 3:215.7, another
school standard.
The medley team of Ron MisioJek ,
Jay Sponagle. Gammon and Roy won in
1: 45.1 to set the stage for the title.
Estancia's Bee efforts for a secon~
place were paced by Ed Clifford's double
victory in the 200 free and 100 free.
Clifford turned in a mark af I :56.S In
the 200 free and follov•ed with a 52..3 in
the 100.
Neil R ichie led lhe ~t ustangs in Cel!
action y,•ith a first place in the iO
breast (32.9l.
Nev.-port Harbor's only winnner w11.~
Don Porluis, with ;r 27 .5 in the Cee 5Q
Santa A11a Tops
Monarclis, 5-2
!\t ater Dei High School dropped 1 $-
decision to Santa Ana High Friday af
temoon in the final round or the Sant
Ana High Baseba ll Tournament a
f..1cmorial Park.
Track and field stars fram 7" Sou thl:uwl
high schools arc. at \l:estmin!t1er High
School today for the 48lh Southern Coun·
ties lnvit1tiooal cl.usic.
OCC Aquamen Win Twice
The loss droppei1 the :\lonarch.~
ii 1-3 tourney rtt'llrd. They'll pla
Newport Harbor torught al 7 at Colli
t\tesa Park.
The Saints took an rarly two.run lea
and extended it to 5-1 before Dan Mt)'t
tripled in lhr bottom of the sevent
afld Came homt on Dan fllc~tahon'
single before the rally nu.led .
TM meet. which got under way .at
11 . is gtnerally rated the finest early
season prep production in the nalion.
Only two meet records appear lo be
in jeopardy of falling.
The mile relay best of :I :22. I i.\ n1enac-
t.>d by Centennlal's 3:20.9. And the 2·milc
11U1ndard ol 9:10,2 Is threatened by £x-
cebdor'1 Ruben Ch<ippins t!l :OJ.81.
Pa\'orite for tht l1AILY PILOT 1n1le
trophy is Decker Undt.r\l'ood of South
Torrance who hu: r un 4:J6.5 this month.
Orange Coast College's swimming learn
\\'Oil t1o1·0 meets at a triangular 1neet
at Alta Loma Friday afternoon. TIHI
Dues beat Cilnls, 75-20. and Charley,
Golden \Vest. mc<1n v.·bllt, in anothtr
lhree-1v.ay mett al San Bem11irdino, lop-
ped lhe Indians. 67·27. but lost to
Fullerton 64"'39.
Next outing for OCC' i!i a ho1nt n1t.'<'t
nt!l.I Friday 1vith F'ullertttn. The l~usllers
ho't Cypres.1 and Rio Hondo Friday.
Top ptr!or1ner for Coa!it Friday \\':l,,
l\flke Allbright, 11·hn \Von the 500 freestyle
In 5·32.4 1nd :i;;trolied t'ln tv.•n winning
..... Otl Ill
II ' • ri.;
l>l••ll< "' ' • 0 0 ~·Uflll. lD 3 I 1 0
.Vtft>tnl!t"I, ,. , • • •
Ytv ... )() 11 0
Y.~tnor., (I 0 I
J ll-fl, K 1 D
ttou~ert ti " Q
r:~.G1. rl ' '
:,, ii" ( ' • r,,,, '
I l•~""''· o
1 ~1111 " . '
'"'' .. ~. 01 •• • a r '""1!~tte. ct ~ I I
O•IOll•lntll, .. 1 I I r ~•••.,., 1 1 1
/~•(_'"'ID • I I
lltulO. II 0 I ~-rd, ID I I
'''"" • • • I W\'f'J.-""'"'l. D D 0
""''"'''v ~ J I I v O'«l'""'!I, :J~ • , • "•"·°"· .• ,
'"""" l ! J 11 •<tfO t~ IAAI"''
' '
l"I\ ~ ~ -
111• (lrA I -
. " . I I~ 0,
I o 1
•1c1t l1oett l'llm
High·low Champs
Tru Lattin (center) of Balboa Island and Elton Hallett (right) of Corona del
Mar receive the Frank Carleton Perpetual Trophy after winning the 15th an-
nual high·low tournament at Irvine Coast Country Cl ub from Bill Schauppner,
tournament chairman.
Triton Swimmers Romp;
Chalk Up 68-17 Triumpl1
San Clemente High School
ripped vlaIUng Fallbrook High,
68-17, Friday alternoon to
highll&ht Ofanae ~O{Llt aru "
non-league 1wlntmfug meets.
And, Huntington B e a c h
came through with a ~29
rout over Bolsa Grande whlle
Fountain Valley High \\'as
splitting a triangle match \vilh
Troy and El Dorado.
The Barons whipped El
Dorado, 5'"38, but lost to Troy,
Laguna Beach dropped a 61-
34 decision to Bna at the
winner's pool.
Vt nl!Y
P'outrt11t1 YIHW IHI UIJ T"''I' '""'"iai., "'''" ·cn1 uu 11 D«•'-100 Medley ll1lirr ~ L El DOrado 1. Tnn J, Foun11\ft V1lltY. T!m1: 1:ll.1. . :00 Fnit -1. C~ll IT) 1. litltrundf (T) l. Soll (FVl 4. NOlh (FVl. Timi: 1~5'.,.'
10 FrM - 1. kwtr Ill 2. l(..,,,..,y
IEO) ), lorld (1!!0) •. Cltvfs (l'V).
Time: 2•r'· 1(1) lrw!I vldutl Ml'dl1y -1. M11u1t1w1 IT) 1. Wurrttr \FVI l. Rice IFVI
'· 1Ce<1n1y tEO). T mt : 2:2\.2. Olvlnt -1. llmmtrrn~ft IFV/ '· Townund (ED) l. L1ll11t tT '· 11ownr (TJ, 100 Fly -1. Polt1 (Tl ?. llunr111
!EDI 3. lll lce (FV) 4, H1rner CT). Tlmt: 1:02.,. HIO Fr" -L Corwtlt (Tl '-llol\d !!01 ]. WUl'lltr (FV) 4. hort (T). T me: 1:.M.O. 100 Bick -1. lttl CEO! 7, llO'l'ltr Ill l . H~t~tl !FVJ 4. Hetrn {ED). Tlmt : 1:0l.4. 400 Fr~ -1. P'oUt {Tl 7. Solt
11"1) 1. Ho_,., (FV) '· McConntll (T l. Time: 4:1t.1.
100 8r111t - 1. Bowtr lT/ " l.1mm111 (FV l l . Tiiton (f_O '· Ouffly !!0 1. T!mr: 1:11.1. AOO FrH lltl•1 -1. TroY 1. Founlt ln Vllley 3. El Dor~. Tl'"':
3:3'.I. ·-Fwftl•I~ Vt tltY ()1) (4'1 TN1
Ft\ll'lftlft \11U1y (UJ Clll et 0¥1#
JOO IM<lltY llt l•Y -l. El oor..io ,_ Trey l. FOUl'lllln \lllllY. Timi:
1:01.0. '00 Free -1. Ntll'f (Tl 1. KtrbTn
fFV\ l JohM<lll IFVJ I . •~tr IE~ F ,;.m~ 21'.1JG0r"" en 'T. kllmlat
(FVJ 3. l!lch CP'V) '-Flt11t••t1 tEDJ.
Tlmt: ,5.0.
100 11\dlYldUll M..:11.V -1 l1n~s IEDJ 2. Cl rNll 111-'V) 3 C~•Tl•tonblo IT! 4. C.11y (F\ll. Tlmt: 1:12.:i, 100 Fl'I' -1. S!urnt h10l 2. Willl U'Vl 3. T1lp11 (T) 4. Itrllle (EOI. T!m1: 1:10.D.
100 Frtt -1. Grttn 4T l 1. MOrrow
\Tf 3. Kiii CEO) '· Eich CFV!. lmt: S6.0.
100 lllde -1. Fllf'.t••r. I"' 1. lt11>18'0!! Cf'Vl 3. lllfdl t EOJ 4. CtltY If'\/). Tlmt: \:117.6. {00 l"rH -1. C~tUl'COnbt !Tl
7. Htrbln (f\ll 3'. Ct•tY C P:\IJ '· Hiii CTI. Tlmt : :ot.S,
100 •••• ,, -1. 11 1111 CTI '· Ctrron CF\IJ 3. SC11mlat !FV '· e1nU !ED!. TIMt: 1:12.,. "°° '"'" lltllY -I. TroY '· FOl.l'llt !n \111!" J, El Dorldo. Tll'l'lt: ,.00.1.
st 9tcll -1. Jl'nklns (TJ 1. "etd fl) 3'. Kl'nnlY (ED) '· 111.ufer IF\/). Timt; 32.l. SO a .. 111 -l, Bl11Mlo tT> 1. Ptilibfn (F\11 3, Grvrictv (F\ll '· llf'lll'I ITJ. Time: ~{.1. :IDO FrH lltllY -l. Tr1y 2.
El' ~rtdo J. Fount1l11 \'1llt Y. Tlmt: 1 :S7.7.
\lt ril!y
Hwnllr11t1r1 t11,r1 fUI U'J .. Ill
200 Mrdlev lhl1y -1. Hun1i111lll1' ll••ch INerrl1. DuRtll, P1rttrM1n, :iehltr}, Tlmt: 1:51.2. '00 Frtt -l. L!od1s (H8 ) 1. lloer llG) J, C111y !BG). Time: 2:6!.S.
5t Free -I. S<hler tH81 7. lePOYtC t8G ) 3. Eddy (HIJ. Time: 21.J. 2111 ln6lvldu1t MtdltY -1. No•r\1
IH8) ?. IMC1M (8G). Ho 11\lrd. Time:
2:21A. Dtvtnt -1. Col<tr IH 8) 1. Ftnntll (Hll l. Hu1hH f8Gl. Polnli: J:!.S. \06 FIY -1. P1!1'frloOI\ (Hll/ '-lkidlS (HI ) 3. LtiOOVI C (I GJ. T Jnt: l :Ol.J. lit Frot -l. SC111er !Hal 1. ltDOVIC (IGI l . Edcly tlit ). ,TliM: Sf.l . "DO 81ct -1. Non1s IH8\ ' McC1ll (aG) 1. L091n (8G). T me: l;Ool.1.
«IO Frttt -1. leP<l~•c (l~l 1. '"''" (Hll l. LambtM (HI). Tlmt: ·~ ... ?. 100 8re11r -t. F•ulk11er f8C\l l-1m:~'\~fr. (H8 ) 3. DuRttl CKI ).
.00 11-'ree Reley -:. Hun1l11Glc11 (L1mbtrl, LICICl11, l!rvtn, EddvJ. Tlmf ;
J:,,.~. ·-Hu11tlnt1111 l ttcll CUI 1111 B1lu
200 Mrdlll'I' ll:t!IV -1. Hun!!ntlOfl 811ch (Em1rso11, Klno, Durk 1 e , DeHulfl. Tl..,.: 1:09.1.
'/<lo Fre• -1. Kronn• IHI\) '· P~PI IK!ll 3. lt•Yr10ld1 (8G). Time: (:1!.6.
50 FrM -1. DtHltff {H iil 1. l\t~ck IHI) l. H11.11 (HI). T!Me: ~S.•. 100 lndlvldutl Medley -I. Durllet
IHBI 2. Ji ll llGJ. Ne 1'1lird. T!me: :U.l. 100 Fly -~. Kronn1 <HAI 1. J111c !IGl No 1'1lln:I. Tlmt: ~:?1.5.
100 Fr~1 -L Kl11t IHI ) ?. OeHuff fH8! l. D1JWnt11 ISGJ. Time; J'.O.
100 81di:: -1. Emtnon (Kiii 1. Dl>wft1n CSG). Ho ltllrd. Tf111t:
· "''' -1. Durll.oe (Kiil '· Pit<>I (HI) ]. o-t1•n (SGJ. TIITll:
S:V.I. 100 8r•til -1, Scoull!1 (SGl '· Emt'10ll IKI) l. SHockrr CaGl.
T<,;o:: ~~~0·11111v -T. Hut1Hntlo11
8tad'I «8t1dl, "''"' Krl>l'ln1. Klntl. Tl111t: {:2'J.3. ,_
~lllllllhll •••di (4.IJ (#) •t-111
:-00 MtdltY llt!•Y -1. KuntintlC'tl llt1ch !Braun, Klnrl, Htrr1rt, HUI).
T!mt: ':03.5. 100 Frff -1. ll:CVldon (Hiil 2. F1u!kn1r l lGJ 3. Hot1m1n (IGl. Tlmt: 1:1f .6 . SO Frtf' -1 H•ll (Hl l ?. Hot!Tntn
(llGI 3. Kin~ 1He1. Tlmt: 25.t . 100 tndlvldut l Ml'dltY -1. l urnt!I
1··1 'r Hl'rert (HI) 3. ltPltll!t 9G . Tme: 1:g1.f.
SO f'IY -1 r1un !1'1!/ '· LtPl1nt1 (IG> 3'. HuttlntQ C8G), mt: lO.O. 100 Fr• -1. K!l1 (Hiil 1. Herre•t !Hll ]. Hol'lmtll (8GI 'Tln'lt: Jt.7.
10 810; -l. r1un (li8l '· WHI (Mil ]. HYltnd {8GJ. Timi:
12·•· SQ BrMJI -1. llurl'lltt (aOl ?. ~ll'lt (Ha) l. S~ulh: tlG). Timi:
] ~ Frft 111.tltY - 1. ll>IH Gr1P!dt. Tlmt: 41:».1.
•OO Fr" -!. C. Wi rt ILBt 2. 8111 111 3. artrwri tLll. Time; {:~~-Br111t -1. GrtWI taJ 2
SchtlYtL (8) 3. C011r1r1• (LSI. Tlmt:
1 :l}.I. ofOJ FrM ktltY -I, BrN. Tll'l'MI: :f:~·'·
the 'IN' event for hot Volkswagens and cool
dune buggies
SUNDAY at Orange County International Raceway
* Off·Road Races * Slalom Races * Drag Races * Ilg Top Display of VW and lu99y Equipment
and Acc.-lts . * Exhibition Runs by 200 mph Jeeps & VW1
l'LUS -Fun Aerobatic Alrshow by lob H•rendHn,
National Champion l'ilot
G1te1 Open I 1.m. -R1c.1 Begin 10 1.m. -Adm111lon onty $2
Bue ball Ac tion
HUt1lintl111 tttcll UI .. Muri!•~. 211
Whlrtlld!, lb B••o, t!
svmon. lf 11;u11, p.e:f
E1rley, rf
McOUDll, cf Tyler, c
S.llttr. c
Ctldwtll, I ~
11(911 .... y (I)
' ' ' • ' • ' ' ' ' "
. . "' ' ' . ' ' . ' . . ' ' . .. ' ' ' . ' .. • • • • • • . ' . s 13 1
\ t
L~bra:: M!ly : :N,:Qt ... Be ; ~i.se · :fu· ::~~ip Essen ·1·
.._ ~ ~~· . .. SVNOAY q...._, !iilf.'Y""'i!Ndstt be lo' •-n.,~· Pft some WY011ng 1 ip'enlt !\"~fl ;j· 1ood l!llJ.~oftlllaulJnl .. C...Ull bl ems will •llOOlve. 1 ! -.,.. tip<osltt. Be porl..,.,_ JI , well apen~
MARCH· 16 1 • kllow\edcujlle . -1 1 I WR.\' (S.pt. W l2): uncle~ lot don't <em-Ccocentr~ -~;.
s1 SYDNEY OMARI\ fl!~' yo0·1.,...,fjiture Ciif. • Give a!liiillon to ~.,.nd...... mlloollt J...,. ~ _!"Yllllna CAPRIOOlllf . (t)oO. »Jan .
., • • """' • • ·.. • 1 pe<s. llAJ no1 be w.i-·io aklp •• ob~..,. r.;;;.= ~u1&o1 19): Famlll~ ii! in
,,....,..maocootrob.bls · VIRGO (Au(. zs..sept. 12): .....Ulla. You~ t<mpted mrealli&llcb · anom .. Y .... ld.belnvolved ~1 :..·•Astrology poiob Potdll!tdlll._alhome. to emborlr on JWtpoy. But SAGl1T.l.RllJl .(z;ov. :D-lnmloor.....,.wltl1<elatlve.
, •13· . .Mike .-•1i11• Im~· J><OI*'• ~-'.niar'be., Dec,.,?0:. ~'I Nb ·~·-~ ~~--AIUJ!lHIW:.reh %1-April lt): publlc 'relellam:'Jle,flpollle fal;fdng. • · propettj'~MOODIW<e <II ·~J ~-·
Eiceu..\t time to gather your to loved ...,..· ••Yolt. would 8(JORPJi>'{Oct'. Ii-Nov. 121:' tlmO to be.sute, eele. ¥0Jl'Y . ..tloba Id ·· • ~ Welcome cha.net ,
ror pri.-acy, relantiOn. Avoid . ,. ):, '·-' •\ -". ' . j ,J •
' . " eommlttlng yoursell Oll paper.
Spiritual counsel today Is
especially beneficial.
TAURUS (April lJl.May 20):
N~w challeng~ p r e 1 e n t
tbemadves. Friends may not
be nliable where money is
concemed. One who is ag-
grts.mre may be covering up
for lack of knowledge. Act
GEHINI (May 21.June 20):
Study legal uperu of project.
You can gain va luable
cooperation through display of
diplomacy . Some ambitions
ran by wayside. But more
practical dffires will be fwilfilJ.
ed. !
CANCER (June 21.July 22):
Some plans art subject to
change. Keep commwticatioo
tines opm1. SpeciaJ call or
message today is important.
Be flexible. Social interlude
adds up to delightful time.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 12):
Before deciding on what to
spend, check" t a a: re-
'Fisl1 Room'
No Longer
The Ush room at the White
_ Hoyse henceforth will be call-
ed the Roosevelt room -after
President. Theodore Roose'vell.
· The room, used as a waiting
are.a for pri!sldential visitors
and press briefings, has been
called the "Fish Room" since
President 1 Franklin D.
Roosevelt hung a sailfish
trophy and added a small
aquarium. White House Press
Secretary Ronald Ziegler's ex·
planation for the name change
was that the West Wing,
where the presidential of(ices
a r e, was built during t h '
Theodore Roose velt ad-
Coreu def ~lar OR 3-9450
Com Me11 ~n s-uu
llt ,Br~a.dw~y, Costa Ale11
Hantinpon VaUey
1'7911 Beach 81\>d.
HuaUnit;oa Beach
Cnadery e Mortaary
350t P1clflc Vie" Drive
Newport Beacb, C..Wornt1
7811 Bolu A \'e.
We1tmla1ter 193-35!5
La~ &:ach
So aemente
1%7 Main SL
Baatini&oa Beac~
4Z'I E. 17111-St,. Com Meaa
... 4181
' l • I'
·. ' .. ., • t.1
• •
"Fruit 'n Nut" EGG
""'Yt'lflTlllAH'S-Chocolate lUOEN'S-Cocoanut ~!II. covered, t~pped with ,r.reme, covered ~ . ti, sugar talllfy dee-, • mtb rich cho~o
• .:'~ nralHlll. '/./ late • . ,. "'· 43c , 1o/o .. 33c
/)I~ ~~~i~s~·
· Adorable little b~nnies
in dif1ererrt positions •.•
assorte4 2-IMe colors
-bu!tcwi ryes-11bbon
at ~eek.
98~ ...
light -as~rted
furry animals iR
new ~ot colors w/ decoration.
lUDEH'S. Maclwallow cen-
ters.. :.u(ar ~u 29c coat111g tn m't
colors. 11 iz.
lUOlM'S ••• -Solid milk
choto,late.buooy 55c aad 2 rallb1ts. •
'"'· "Dapper ,Dan''. • ·. ~· ".lllclit Eu'" ·
lUD~:s ·~ •. • Solid milk I tUDEN1 ••• HollOW'ihlk'
chocolate w11h 79c ~ fDI-c:hocolltew/S1pr 33t sugar candy eye. canlty decoration
Y,A. . 2 1~
"friskie Fredtly" ' "Fauy Banny" .-;-~ LUDEN'S ••• HolloN 1111lk . LUOEH'S • , • Hollow mtlk
rllOCl)ldl~Vl/~•Jgdf 37c rnoco!ate, $UIM 53c l,ndy ~r.Drilrn~. t..ndy decorated.
2¥7 II. 4 11.
"Sunny Bunny"
lUDElf'S ••• Hollow milk
'choco!atew/sugar 89 cilndy d~Cllf~lion. C
I 11.
Creme EGGS .
Robin EGGS
LEAF-Matted milk ceMeis
witft spttkltd 43c ~lelst11ar•11. . ...
;..,.,.. • Nit fired • Clra••·Pltltl
• Alj1St1bl1 S.rtw
Guaranteed for 5 Years
• B" Dressmaker
• 1•1," enrsa.
• 1" Oresslllaker
• 1" Pinkil12 Sllear
• 5" Sewing SciSSll'
• 4" E*lidery
6f~d ·s~· 1tnth .. 'feminine • synnge
· :",Jijlon" CREAM, . ,
, ;
Clloost llM.<Gl~ & Ros~W:.l~. .
J l l . 2gc 7gc
'llOlllNI JAllf ~ ''Cty.;
WlllWt-HUiy ,SH·
lo1iJed Cotton dril! caver,
.. , .... ,h 1 29 i1_t~i1 1 •
sulf1et. •
PAnll (OlOI
l111ing Com
wnMAtD-Cotton COf<
er w it ~ Bias bound
•d•" ... 59c ;nailable it
1·/lnte also.
MEN'S ... BOYS' Socks
"hi LH" ••• S~ekil 111 zil, ojl., io as·
'1 sorted 11w fashio1t ..-r~ SJ?i•1 •'fl . s-r. Exienii s1yled
lor perfect fit.
""" 59c 1 Size fits 11-ll
••11' - 1 Size Fi11 2:88c 1-11/z, S· 11 I
Tankard Mugs
Large 13 o.z. beer
, 11111gs ii Pebblmrlre
GOd. lo( .•
,. .
· ''Vanish!!
Face Saving
S~ll ·
Pi1k Cl111si1t 1 25 CrtJll
ltz. 2.A •
D~Ski1 1 00 fr1sMHr
llf, 1.15 .•
lAPliS' ·
Ass't scarves
"Pepsi-Cola'' ..
Tastt that beats lbe'ntflers 5g ,., ~ t cold. .. Pepsi !>On tt o• (} '
Regular or Diel · .
' hel '" . •
Comfortable, neopreae coal·
ed knit cotto1 1ives . JOit'
flaods the prote.."\ion they °"'· S·M·l
. ... :r., . '
a,.tu. tr 1tr&-111oyt&M
·1· • • • .;.~ ~ ~ .. ~; '~. \
• ..
'I .,
'-'. ·r&r
•• ...
'"'""'· --15, l'M OAJl.Y '11.0T 7
'"'" l1ctwy -IJiHot. HMlfr. Mc. 'fll•t. lllht• ~ flfttilh.
frDllH'... .., """' ..,..., 1...,.
11_ ............... ll ....
• 'Ji • 'r
: r, ·. · .. FIVE ACRES OJ.:NEW,: CA~SI TQ CHO ·"SI; FRO . ON 1·· FORGET!
' 1 '• .. ,.
. ' . ·, '
$29 * $29
M Air Sr.. Wiil Y.f, AT -•·H -,. ON MO
'"· sir. 11 tl2lll. . Fliu.-H.tCE ; · ' . '
'6',rORo 011. &00 . $777 s26 * s26;
! dd.i.anii. "''''""He. -olllfl• rldl1. ti.Ill'. KG-' ~l. ON MO '. FUil PRICE . .
'64 FORD
1'1lr11M 20. '1-t lllH. ll'Z-:JU
s47_7 :.~:~
$16 * $16 · • DN. MO.
:no Sl1rd'lltf +Dr. Vl, 1uto. l•c. 1lr coni:lw PSw Pl, fl:&H. {PlF• iKI). . $§r/7 Fell
$19 * $19 DN. MO.
l'urv 2 '•· H.T lttdlo. l'lfti.r,
t !Jlv .. ~ "..,.· !EYC.(16j)I
f477 ~~::.'
$16 * $16 DN. MO.
01rt G.T. ! door h1rd'lw . Alll9. 118dlo, hNilf. FJT Ol4. $477 FuH
$16 * $16' DN. • MO.
"""'"""' $55. Al/tll., r1dl1 1114 , 1'11111.,., -1taerl1111,__-•r I or. HT. Al/f0mal1~ ~,.. rldlo rM Ind ... rs. l•aorr l lr. -,...,,,., ~ (Ol..K-141).
"477 ::!!. s577 _ ~~::.
i16 * $16 $1 9 * $19 N. MO. DN. MO.
'/Jr, H.T. Avto •. r1llio, 119eler, p, .rl~trlllf, flclorW '1lr .. Vfll '17. i677 Fun
. .. • Price
$23 * $23 _l)N. . MO.
'64 CHEY.
~lllDll J-S. 2 Dr. H.T. V.f RI.
viXKrirll. II Htl'I £, COMOlt.
s777 Fun Price
$26 * $26 DN. MD.
ANY U$ID CAl WITH GOUI SIAl ,;,•1_ H.t..S ~ '
'TIL MAY · ~69 . ...
'64 T·Bird so77
2 dr. llf~. AllNlnM!lc, ..-C.io, hHlv, 11. "T'.1
1i-.. 11. bl'Kn, .. wlfldowt. Ftd. Air.
!OLG 201 FULL PllC(
'63 BUICK $lJJ7
lllvltrl ! tlr. Hdlv. Aut•. lr1~1., 11&.H. pow... 11-Jnr, brllkr1 wl-1. ltClorv 1lr TFX W . FULL PRICE
!!~ ~~:~~~~ ~' -· S977 SJDN] * M$033 .........
NF-ltt. -FULl ,AICE . . • • •
'86 BELVEDERE $877 $29 * $29 ml
G«.D SEAL C.U STA.flON WAGON ON .......... T~ R£H. f<ed. Air. IUMMD11J. FUU. HICI . MO.
'85 CHEVROLET · $7J7 $26 * $26
O!rl!NI• ""'llbu SDH ....... AT -R-H DN MO ~
-P. str ~ NQI m. FULL PRICE . , . ·-
~~~~~~' ~~!~! $11!. $!~ * Ms0'26 ., ....
hell.,, Air. OMF Hl. FUU NICE' . ·, • ,.
AM flllll ..-ie. •II.II tu & 'flclrhit.
AO mor!ff!IY "'t'llllllll ...... M JI IMllltp '"""""" a'M!I • . . .....
' ·'
lOOOGonoNI . !400
P ele Barrell Realtg
CLIFFHAVEN -Charming Cape Cod
home with a view, 3 bdrms l * balhs,
del1ghlful sun deck & many trees.
FIRST TIME OPEN -1412 Serenade .
Irvine Terrace. 4 bdrms, 21f.1 baths plus
great enclosed yard for children & pri-
vacy. Open Sunday 1 • 5.
4 bdrm & den home PLUS family r oom
& formal dining room . Almost-new t>ool
with outstanding yard for children or en-
tertaining. Many other exciting features.
1907 Holld•y Open Sat/Sun 1-S
Clwner movlng out of state wants action!
This custom design~d Contemporary per-
t.eel for boat owners. 4 bdrms with mas-
-ter suite on first floor, large living room
with walls of glass opening to a delightiul
patio. Gourmet kitchen with view of wa-
ter. Bonus: Office or storage room ad-
joins 2 car garage.
Saturdays & Sundays
Newport Beach 642-5200
''A Winding Staircase''
leadina' to an open Balcony
and 3 bedroom• overlooking
a terram entrance, A step
doWn living room, Fonnal
guest room. 3 Baths, all
electrlc kitchen. sprinkler
ll)'ltem front and rear. $3,500
Down and take Ill/er GI
5~ % Joan. $31,500 FULL
Walker & Lee
---Our Challen9e
to you
as a home buyer
--. -----·----·-------------------------------------------------· ··-· --------......
G4norol lOOOGonorol 1000 Oontrol lOOOGtMrol 1000 1000 -··I lOOOGonor•l
546-1313 * '46.7111 IRY~NE COVE 1/B B/B
DOVER SHORES • Vie\V home, attractive
entry court with iron gate, 3 Bedrooms, 31h
baths, 3 fireplaces, den with. wet bar, large
family rm, light &, charming. Could easily
expand to 5 bedrooms ................ $841000
OPEN SUNDAY 1518 Antigua Way
WESTCL IFF -Immaculate home, 3 Bed·
rooms, 2 baths, family rm, 2 fireplaces, heat-
ed pool. professionally landscaped, close to
Westcliff shopping · ............ i. .•••• $46,500
By appointment -------SMALL COTTAGE ·-DelighUul 2 BedfQOm
With cozy fireplace and bookcases. Surround·
ed by magnificent trees. \Veil worth seeing ..
Asking ............................... $24,500
Call for appointment -------
DOVER SHORES -Panoramic View home,
4, Bedrooms, 31h baths, family rm, with wet
bar, ne\V carpeting, luxurious 'vindow treat·
ment. Ne\v Anthony pool with Jacuzzi. Ex-
citing terrace on Bay side ........... $112,500
OP EN SUND.i\ Y 1218 Polaris Drive.
BAYFRONT -5 Bedrooms, pool, pier, float
exciting Theuerkau! design, 60 ft frontage.
For saJe a t cost .................... $134,500
Call for appointment -------
BEACON BAY -3 Bedroom home in this
desirable community. Private beach, com~
munity pier, float •. tennis court. Apartment
may be added, immaculate condition.
Asking .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ., .. $59,500
LINDA ISLE 5 Bedroom Bayfront with
family rm, Jlier & slip, priced for quick.sa1e
at ............................... $125.000
OPEN SAT & SUN 101 Linda Isle.
iohn macnab
901 Dover Dr., Suit.-120
"" "'"· """'--~;o· ;! .. ~ ... ~ .. ,,·~-~-~ "Tiiew;,. Executive OPEN HOUSE-
suys Low Interest &
Payments! Fri., Sat., Sun. 1-5
ASSUMC tM• '"" l'A loon 1415 Santia90
Ydth excellent terms and Beautiful Baycresl 4 bedroom
SAVE $13,800 in interest. + family room. Absolutely
ALf.10ST NE,V ! 4 BED-IlOOf.IS & :I BATHS! CA· immaeulate. Sprinkle rs, out-door lighting, l'nclosed Jan.
3 BDRMS-2 BATHS.....:.$21,500
Perfect family home close to all scliools, new
carpets, double garage. No down to Veterans.
$151 per month + t axes & ins.-Small down •
Luxurious 3 Bedroom home
expensively decorated
in a.n oriental theme
with large1Il11lng and
l.ormal di.DlnC rooma plus
a coty private den
Better tban new 4 Bedroom;-3 bath, Spanish
style with garden kitchen, step down living
room, balcony, indirect Ughting.-Beauttful·
ly landscaped. -Priced low at $34,900.
TransfeiieO owner wants fast sale of his 4 be~ 2100 sq. fl. home, only 10 months
old. -'-Lwttll'Y balhs with Roman tub.-Ex-
tra large lot with 8 It. wall to ihsure com·
plete privacy. -Just $36,950.
3 car garaee with
lotl of extra 1torq:e
carpeted poolside patio
a lovely home
in a bllau.tUul
Occaru.lde community
' 183,700 call: John Abell
• Res. m r..ss
4737 Surrey Dr.
Cameo Highlands
3600 Seaview Ave.
Corona del 111ar
1401 $antanella Terr.
Jrvine Terrace
4824 Surrey Dr.
Cameo Hi)lhlands
1228 Sandpoint
Harbor View Rills
000 Marguerite Ave .
Corona del Mar
1225 Noltin_gham Rd .
\Vestcliff -Newport
SQLD in 3 Days
SOLD in 4-Days
SOtD in 1 'bays
SOID in 21 ·Jays
S·OtD in 6'1Days
SOLD in 12 Days
SOlD in 3 Days
Luxurious executive hotne. 3 bedrooms ·-3
baths -Fa1nlly room and formal dining
room. Large living roon1 with vaulted ceiling.
Glass walled family roo1n faces park like
yard. '40,900.. ·
Weslside--2 + 1 cose ljt_shopping.-$26,500
Newport Heights Dislri~L,,,-2 + I
Think you can't
Buy• home?
Don 't give up until you talk
to us. Under new FHA pro-
gram we are using, y o u
might qualify. On a home
we sold with payment11 of
$18'l n1onthly under thi&
plan, the Government pay1
$81 ot pa,yment and buyer
n ot Let ua talk with you
When you are interested in professional
real 'estete service, please feel free to call
us. We will be happy to evaluate your
' home, secure necessary lo~n commit-
2 garages -$28,500 -$300 month income.
646-7171 • Open Sunday • 546-2313
---·---------~ =-=--
ments ond answer any other questio,ns re-
garding real estate market c:onditions-
without cost or obligation to you.
:!h:-:.~;~~ ''"' '''"""" Bay & Beach Realty, Inc.
WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES 2407 E. Cocist Hi9hway
Wa"~~~ ~ !"'~eel-C!!!!o!!!!ro!!!!n!!!!a!!!!d!!!!tl!!!!!!!!M!!!!arl ~~ 5-~000
BUY WHERE THE I'll GIVE 54~0022 . _Dp<n Ev,.. VACAHJ-lOJS
ACTION IS! .. IT to -Y~U OPEN HOUSE * n-1 Exc1 ... 1ve sr. HU·
This i;:rowini area is oUc ring STRAJGnT 2970 Java Road BERT WOOD ···· $15,!f.>O
you an !llro0st new home lf you are interested in a Mesa Verde * R·l UPPER BAY Cul-de-\~·ith all the benc[Jts you can good location {Costa Mesa, Huge Colonial ju~! down sac Street . •· ..... $17,500
imagine. Huge bedrooms, 2 Newport I-leights a re a), the street from-the pools & * R-2 6S'.x2M' .. \Viii take 6
quC<'n sii:e bathJ1, 1iving room closr to Newport lfeights the tennis cout"ts or btesa UNITS,. ..... : ..... SlS,OOO
and ki1chen looking out lo a grade school (ll,\,; blks) & Venle Counl11' Club Q\\'n-* R-2 126 x 135 · · · • $23,000
beautifully planted alr1u1n new city park (2 blks), shop. er may be lran!ft'~d & * R-2 240' x 200' TRY 24
i:i11ing you the feeling or ou1. ping, 5 min. to beach, a very may be rorced to sell quick-UNITS, ••• ,,.,:, ... $•18,000
tloor hYing. i\lagiulict'nl quiet street, big R2 lot (room ly at sacrilice price. See It * C-2 75 x lfiO HARBOR
\\'hitc brit·k fircplarf' that foi boat, c.amper or renta1 today. Listed at $41 ,500, but BLVD frontage thru lo
adds the final touch lo the unit), 3 bedrooms (or 2 & who kno\\'I maybe YOU'RE back street . · · · · · S75,000
sp.i.cious livini room. Thu; a den) 1%. baths, fireplace, pric \Vilt lake ir * R-1 {restricted) 24~2 Ac. property faces I w o green _.,, do e · OCEANSIDE, Priced to
Just add money & move into
thl~ immaculate 3 BR 21 i
bath East:side home. Like
new inside &. out.
Open S•t & Sun 1-5
281 Brentwood Place
Newport .. 7682 F.dina:er
M2M55 or 540-5140
Open Eves.
'. liiiiiiiliiiiiiiiii-
U you can find a better val-
ue than this bc:autiful $.:
spacious 3 bdrm. \\'EST-
CUFF home lln a class
street you better. buy II. \\'c
don't think you can. 11 is
sunny & bright · ~'ith dbl.
fireplace bet,,veen exlra l,i:P.
liv. rn1. & din. rm. :.! lovely
baths & the kit~ien is a
lady's dream. Situated on a
90 x 120 ft. lot entirely fcoc.
ed for privacy & perfect fo r
outdoor living surrounding
sure to see this home be-
fore you buy. ASKING
$62.00'.l. Call our office to
i;ce or \\'C will mttt you at
!he front door. It will be
TllEDRAL C E I L J N G S! ai. just to Ii.st a few o! the
Plush c.arpe1s & custom many extra.I. Priced to scll
drapes! FOR~1AL DINING; $5? 500
vi I nl. sidewalks, pavi:u alley, u-~ ~#'·l!a• ••ll at0nly$5,0001ot. bells so your ew s u 1m· ble garage, large !enced ( "· th-. "'·
ited. Alonfi: with your patio, back yard, then phone me OllL""'EG"'e""RE•1 ~ * -.. * " *
pool facilities and many ex-at 644-t687. 1 am alking •l5001Ansat.Ha~1,.~ i r lRIPlll "
4 Br. Family Room
Im~ssive • yr old Newport
HOide w/ custom stereo &
vacuum sY•tem thru-out. :.!
trplc1; crptl, drps complete.
2 Back yard!! Reduced lo
$54,000. Will consider 2nd.
OPEN Sot & Sun 12-4
405 Francisco Drive
(Nr 1rviM & 22nd)
OwMr. 549-0507
Open, Hovs•
3152 Country Club
Immediate ~ssion _ 1
1ovely Meaa. Verdf' Country
Cub E1tates home In lop
condition with • BR., & OOth
dinln&: & family room. A
gnat nell:hborhood l:. 11.
pat buy at $41,950.
f,..cilMY thab!l
ID'){, dn. 6~?ii int. 30 years
No loan fees. 2487 sq n of
Ilvin&: atta. 3 k 4 B~ 2'~
baths new cpts/drps, ron1-
pletely redecorated. Some
with vi~. $34.500 & up. or-
fiee: 518 San Juan, San
Clemente, <Models op ' n
d&ll,y) 492-9288 or 545-348::.
W. E. Lachenmyer,.Rltr
\\bite Elephants!
at , . AREA? Great FAMILY
ROOM! "'""'""' d oddc OPEN HOUSE
""· it is a "mus t see," for 1 .-$25,500 but i you come run-I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,.,J only $30,000. Submit your ning (I'm in a hurry) \11ith J! Three bedrooms, two bath~
built in kitchen with LOADS Sat Su 1 5 OF CUPBOARDS. Prime "' n. • smaller homC' on our guar-check book in hand, (a& low LARGE FAMILY arid sundeck PLUS two-1:\1.·o anter sale plan. d I 1'11 I ·1
SAT. & SUN. 1 -5
1200 Somerset Lane
neighborhood NEAR '!'HE 407 Mendoza or WE SELL A HOME as $1750 O>A'n g 11e 1 bedrom units. All unlls arc
to you straight, l'll save you 4 bedrooms carpeted, haYe forced air
BEACll. $22!l p" monlh 429 Isabella
pays all. EVERY 31 MINUTES SUX)O. (That's as straight as ll/2 baths hca r. fireplaces, gas built·in
Walker & Lee ' •l•o•a•n•g•o•t)•. -----appliances and private"pa-Newport Hei9hts
WE SELL A HOME Terrace 1, $26,500 FHA-VA l.ios. Shown by appointment EVERY 31 MINUTES
408 Holmwood Dr. Walker & Lee Excellent location, 3 bdrms.
lge. liv. nn. with beamed 2700 ltarbor Blvd. at Adams
ceiling, blt-in's, block fencl', 54f).9-t91
r\{'('triC gar. ope~r • ASK· ,,;;;.;;;.;;;O;;pc;;;n;;;E;;;"".;;;';;;· ,;;;=
ING $29,500.
OPEN HOUSE Bayshores Drop by SAT or SUN 1 • 5
BAYSHORE DR .• 5 bdnns. or call lo see this r, bath!! • S79,500. Spir & Sp."ln ne>A•ly drcoratcd
liA \'SHORE DR. _ 3 bdnni:. f.fcga de! Y..lnr 3 BR &
bH-iri's, near beach _ $51.500. family nn ranch stylr honle
BAYSHORE DR,. 2 bdrn1s. 2813 DRAKE AVE.
r:o.:lra sleeping rm. bl!-in's -;(}.,,~
·~:c .. THOMAS (/· JEllll
REALTOR 3411 East Coa~l 111\·y.
2':.'.\ \V. Coast Hwy 5~S ... 'ii27 Coro nu de! ?.lar 67~3745
1\e"'J)Orl Beach Eve. 545-5643 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 story floor plan, I
lnr~c bdnns, large tu1,
panelled den & sunny
breakfa.~t nook. \Vrll
rnaint., top &tt-a, ne11r
schools. Only $39,950.
Nt1me your lern1s. Tr;ul!· nr
sell. Now vacant. ln1med i·
rite JJOSSCs~1on. Jn11nnculnte
3 BR pool hon1r. Askini;:
only S2'!l,5C10. CALL !'i40-11Jl
(open l'\'es.1
• m•n I
modem 3 BR. + fnm. rm.
$JOOl Do .... •n. 833-2087 Owncl'
Sitting on top oC the world. 2043 \V tclilf Dr Owner \\'an!s to aeu .. Just only.' Priced to sell at ::,i: :h:;e Y~~ ~1! rt~: 1:~: ~l ' es Open 'Eves. POOL & VlfW! listed 1his fantastic 1800 SQ $42,500.
Pool. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. ExclusiYe Ivan 'Velis Dover fl 5 yl'ars il~ld. lll.fui on .'!l••••l!!l~~!ft
dining room. guest apt ' OMY HourE this one. w· se or e~ rm J Shores model home. prole&o ,. double ~ar~<>es, extra ta~c op 1011. i; _, • "' sionally decorated. 4 bdrms, H B
Jot. Needs tender loving SAT/SUN 1-5 3 ba1hs & family room. Gor-arry O«JCJS
t·are. $97,500. Corona ll1gh· gcous pool & secluded patio. REALTY
lands. 2342 COLGATE AVE. 3 BR Panoramic view of Back 17199 Brookhunt 962-6137
Owner Anl.IOUS Collrgc Pork area hon1c. __,.,. Bay. Lavishly Jandsca!=', $24,950 bcautlfully carpeted & dra~ Extra large Jivi ng roorn.
huge tireplaCT", faniily • din-
ing room, 3 bedrooms, pan-
rllcd den. Atrium. Baycrcst.
PriCf' rt'duced.
"'· Roy J. Ward Co.
lBaycrest OUice1
18·12 Santiago Dr. 646-1550
Realtor 6~6-8811 . _ lmmac Eastside home.
'00 "'" '"-h ''· eo,,, M'"' 3 BR/HUGE DEN 616-:125;1 ---------
• Open Sunday 1-5 GI • No down !
Easts1de • $18,950 9647 Lark Circle 543-3209
Roun1y home on large 66 X . .
140 It. t-orner Jot. zoned to LIVE FEAR FREE. No JC1
build 'l niorc units. Live in noi~r. East ol l3 ushJ.r1I
1h,. honu~ \vhile you build nor1 h <\r Ellis, Fou111a1n Val-
incon1r units. Clos(' to l'hop. ]l'Y. ;; lal)!e b<'droorns, :.!
ping & lwhoob. A burgain f111l h111hs. 15 x 20 rnrl~sc<l --------
huv at Sl~.9~JO. 11.1lio. Fl!i\ or VA fu11111c1ni;. YOU O\\'E IT TO YOUR-
Walker & Lee 2100 SQ. ti. PREsflGE NEW
ENGLAND 2 sto1j'. I-luge
'...'().!:\ \\'rstcliff Dr \i111ng rm. Fonnal dining
&l&Til \ O!X'n E11('s, rn1. !:icp. lam rm. ~ BR,
l ba. Reduced S400J lo
THE QUICKER YOU CALL. $-11,:JOO. Q\\'!Hlgt. wt ht'lp
TIIE QUICKER YOU SELL finance. &lfr7205 for appt.
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
Harbor Highlands Evenings Call 646-IOCIO
t BR 2~-li baths. hugc livir1: F..xclusive area. 21r~ baths,
roon1 ,,,·ith fireplace. all family room. Electric buill·
built-in kitchen. hard~·ood in kitchen, dishwasher.
floors, completely carpel~ Swim pool, loads of decking
& draped, dble g11rage. Pric-&. patio. Priced far below
ed to sell tast! $34,500 rcplacrment 54().1720
Rllr. 646·3928 or 642~185 TARBELL 2955 Harbor
*LACHENMYER l.i.iii~iii.ii;i;i;;;i;;iiiiiiii.
Bi9 & Beautiful
2500 sq rt ot living • 4 BR
2 baths, fireplact", dining
roon1 • pool • lovely carpets
& drapes. S3.!'!,995
Balboa Bay Club, NB.
Panoramic view Bay &
Ocean. Luxurious every
DAVIDSON Re alty r.tarb!c floor!I , deep t·atj!rl·
546·::.460 F:v1•s. ;,~(j.3851 ing, frpJc:. 40' Jiving 1·n1, scp.
A DAR CTNG!-$19~9®-din rm. cien. lrg custom kit.
3 bedrooms, 2 pullman balhl, 3 BR. 3 BA I\'/ gold faucets
elt>R"ant ti.replace in large & appointments. A~ail Lease
living roont. Lo\!rly carpel· bas Is by appointment
540-0666 or 527-1132 ing. Bullt-in range ,t. oven. I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'
Used hrirk palio. F
TARBELL 842-6691 CHARGE your ~·ant ad now.
4 +FAMILY + POOL $25,300 -LOW DOWN
AND CLEAN -Move in con-
di1ion. l Big bedrooms, 2
baths. E legant carpets and
t!rape1. Huge screened in
patio • perfect for outdoor
Jiving. Close lo Faiiview
Hospila!. Excellent lernis
1''HA-VA 11! $23,500.
Walker & Lee
Bri!tol at Warner
a.1&0022 Open Eves.
S400 pr acre. 20% down.
6% intere5f.
S200 pr acre. Trade or trrms.
$100 pr acre. Trade or terms.
:lO acre~. $200 pr ac1'f'.
80 acres, S40. pr acre.
20% down.
962-6637 REAL TY 1
plus oUke and storage yard
on :i0 x 100 lot. Also includ·
er'I a5 vacant 500 x 100 ft C2
lot adjacent lo proJ)('rty.
0\\'tlE'r may rinantt, 01· rradr
ror Pa.Im Springs a r r a.
1(118 Bayside Drive
Newport Beach
Fanta1tic Value. DelighUul Living Room \Vith Plush Carpets & Drape~.
Cozy Family Room \Vith Beams. 4 Family Bt'droo111 s. (:real !\·laster Bed-
room Has Closets With ~lirrored Doors. Sparkling J{eated Pool , Covered
Patio. Take Over 514 % Loan. Hurry Only $25.300 ' ! Call 645-0303
Family Room 1 2 Baths, Built Ins & Breakfast Bar in Dream Kitchen. l\'ew
Cutom Drapes, Wall to Wall Carpets. Forced Air Healing. Rootn for Boat
or Trailer. Fenced Yard Only $19,000. Beller Hurry, Won't La st Call 645-0303
l1nn1acu1ate! Formal slate entry. Large living
room with brick wood burning fireplace. Huge
family room with used brick fireplace + bar.
Room for table. Mothers dream kitchen with
built.ins plus dishwasher. Big dining area. Fan·
t.astic master with private bath. Forced air
heating. 3 baths, large heated pool with div ing
board perimeter lights & full deck. Near south
CoHst Plaza Shopping. \'ery close to schools.
Plush l"~r~nal Entry. Large Living Room "·ith Brick \Vood Burning Fire-
place. Shd1ng Glass Doors lead to Free Form Gardens. Huge Family Room
with be·ams 4 Big Bedrooms, Fantastic ~1aster "'ith private Batt;i. Near
School. $21)'s Hurry Call 645-0303
\Vow -3 Bedrooms -lluge J..lving Room with Slumpstone f'treplace.
Mothers KJtchen with Built-Ins. 1 Iuge $20,900. FliA Loan can be a~aumed
~y ~one Cul-De-Sac Quiet Street fast possession. Only $24 .500
Loan Fees." -Fantastic Val\Je for Beach Fixer Overlooking the Ocean.
Id eal Jnvestment can summer Rent f()r $800 + Per Mnoth. Bring Check
Book -Low Down and Priced al Only $311 ,950. Coll 645-0303 t
I -00 •
I .
• • Y: . -
y. ,,
.. '
Salorc1ay, Maren 1), 1<901 m-1.n.Y PILOT J9
1000 Gene.r•I
c 1000 G1n1r1I 1000 Gen•r=•'-l -~~-l~OOO""'G.o.:;.•n~•~r~•l'--~~~-1~~-~-DI.:::::.:::::.:::....~~~.:.:::::::::;::;=:.:::..,,,,. ........ :=:::::= ~G;•~n~a~ra~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~lOOO~~G~1~n~1~r1~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml~OOO~ General
Heaven Still Protects
The Working ' Man
$126 per month covers all for this G.I. resale
with a SIA% loan to assume. It fairly sparkles
with 3 large bedrooms, new carpets and floors
in kitchen and bath. Custom drapes are of
finest quality. Covered garden patio, 'vork·
shop, and )arge fenced yard. Just .... ~19,950 .
·Champagne Taste
And Beer Pocketbook
We can satisfy both with this super clean
adult oc.cupied nome. Large corner lot with
mature trees, C queen sized bedrooms. 1 Vi
baths. Lovely bright country kitchen with sa-
tm \Voocl finished cabinets. A wall of glass
over look.s your own private garden patio.
$21, 750 with payments less than rent.
Colesworthy & Co.
642-7777 OPEN EVES
l~gA~~ Uflag"
16th&. Tustin:_ Costa Mesa
Most homes are built with only children in
n1ind. We have five homes designed for the
cotnlorts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look
at room for bobbies, private office, separate di~ing rm, guest room with bath, 3 car g.a·
rage, walking distance to churches, Westcliff
shopping, and restaurants.
7°/o with 200/o down -7V2-/o with 10-/o On.
no 2nds -no points -2t yrs on b•lance
Priced from $30,950 to $33,950
Exclusive Agent
P· a. palmer incorporated
, 3377 VIA LIDO
Tract Ph: 545113 From L.A. C•ll MA >1034
Sales through the Multiple Listing
Service of the Newport Harbor-
Costa Mesa Board of Realtors
totaled $4,5651250 for the first
·····-·-·· h House With A Oil Woll month of 1969. T is represents
Newly Offered! Open Sun 1 • S 114 unit sales and an increase of ~teticulously kept 1600 :sci. ft 331'/:3 •lo over January of last year. home, walking distance lo /~
beach on a corne1· lot. Cozy List your property with a Realtor tam. rm. v.•ith a !i:repla~.
You have only 21 DAYS to take ad·
vantage of our 6%. o/O interest rate
on the beautiful nc\v homes of Ran-~,
<·ho La Cuesta on Brookhurst at
Atlanta in Huntington Beach.
Our lender 111ust increase his inter-
esl rates on April 7, 1969.
All that is necessary to assure your-
self of this low interest is your se--
lection of one of our 3 or 4 BR. 2
or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story ho1n.es &
make your initial deposit of $500.
Call 968·2929 or 968-1338 any day
from 10 to 6.
R~public Homes
Mesa Verde
2036 flamingo Or. 546-\077
f-Iarbor and Ocean View
Broadmoor home, 4 BR,
family rm, split level. Large
patio areas, fire-pit, bit-in
5tereo, Only I year old, and
in immaculate condition •
sep, formnl dining rin. 1 today.
large tiled baths and an oil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! 1--USE YOUR VA well producing $150.00 •
$170,00 each and r v er Y d I M BUY A 4-PLEX
month. Owner n1ust sell. Corona e ar Fantastic chance to 0 w n
Harbor View Hills
JUSI' LISTED one of the' few
Lusk resells. Beautllul drap.
es and nylon shag carpeting
throughout. 1ili1'l\}J'f!d C"losel
doors 111 1naster and fron!
hedroorn. Sliding g:lass doors
lL'Qn1 n1n~1rt' lledroon1 and
family 1w n1 tu /lalio. Makrs I
1111s huillt' vt-rY hg:ht and
ai1·y. :1 11f'd1·ot.u1i~. d1111ng
are<i, fu niily 1w111, p I u s
breakfa.~t room. Gas or t20
in laundry_ &>autiful land-
sczping v:i1h sprinklers front
and rear. Priced under niar.
kt't. Call for apopintn1cnt to
m""' aoy """'nab!• '"" Duplex 10010 Down Distinctive Design oom• uni" with "" doWO
total asking pr1C\" $37,500. 0w"•r w>'ll finance 1 h i s J _ paymCnt. Closing Costs only?
" greets you Utt" minute you 2 &<1roon1s each. Perfecl
charming duplex -NO LOAN drive up, Exterior & Interior rondition. Fast rental arra.
FEES!! Buy tfle easy way. appointments speak of com-Ex('('lll'nt valul' at S:{9,:tOO.
SOUTH of the High\\•ay. 2 fort, ease and dignity. Love-WE SELL A HOME
Bedrooms each. II ea v Y Iv Mesa Del Mar 3 BR. ft1m-OR~GE COUNTY'S
LARGEST oi••k' root. Car""ts & dr-dp-• EVERY 31 MINUTES "'"'" .. ~ ily l'OOnl home, i a1 baths. & 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
Prime Commercial
es. A great buy!~~ Onl y stall sllO\\'Cl', lovely island Walker Lee
$4'./,500. By appointment on-kitchen, built-ins. ::iparklini; ly~ Subn1it your sn1a1ler hardY.'.ood floors, beautiiul
property on our guarantee land11Caped yard. Room for
Corner 19th & Pomona, t:.fll. sale plan. trailt'r. Asking $27.950. call 124 Del Mar next to 18 story bldg. 1o~ive WE SELL A HOME nov.'.
•tores tuUy leased at $1006/ EVERY 31 MINUTES
Spanish Villa mo. Potential unlimited. w lk & L ~
Reminiscent of an early Cali· $110.00J FIP . 29% down & a er ee ]_·W.-~ . i~llll fornia hacienda, this pie-owner will carry l~t TD. __ • ---_
turesque 2 story home ha11 Genco Riiy Co. G1·1.A 172 2043 Westcliff Dr.
tor immediate !lalP
Furn Duplex _ S35,000
Georgl Williamson
Re1:1itor Jean Smith Realtor
673-4350 Eves. 673-1564 a sep. guest house on the $l0,950 • $llO Mu. 646-ml Opr.n Eves. 1093 Baker, C.?-.1. 546-5440
grounds, pllJS a pool a n d SOCl< lT Tl.I 'Elll' :l:::::::::=======!!!! brick bar-b-q, -4 large bed-PAYMENTS ·
rms, fonnal dining and a by_ assuming G.1. 5~~ 3 lo•t~
charming living rm. with -includes. taxes ~ insurance
tire place accented by im-loo. S~c1o~s . beo~ms. All
ported Philippine mahogany electric ~utlt-1n k1tche~ .• Jr.
wood work, all on ty,·o large Estate sized yard. Spr1nk·
lots. Ca 11 today. $48,000.j Jen. 540-1720
·100 E. 17th St.
Phone 646-4494 Rltr, TARBELL 2955 Har bor
scx:'K IT TO 'E?tf! Whlte El~phar.ts?
Coldwell, Banker
Money-Saving Duplex
Oceanfront custom with built-ins, and fire·
places -already booked tor sU~mer -
priced below market at $77,500 with easy
t erms.
Walter Haase
2 For The Price of One
Exceptional attractive. 2 homes on tree-
Jined street in enchanting Corona del Mar.
5 yrs. Ne\v 4 bdrms fm. rm. Pool residence + 3 bdrm. bungalO\V .............. $69,500
Mary Lou Marion
Carefree Beach Living
O\vn your own apt. w/exciting ocean vie-,v.
2 bdnns. & 2 baths. Terrace overlooking
S\Vimming pool. Slipl'i available.
Mrs. Raulston
Corona del Mar
The double lot alone worth the price 0£
~58,500. (Rear rents for Sl50/mo). Close
to Ocean.
Walter Haase
Bayshore Drive Home
Fine beacb property in prime location.
bdrm. contemporary home. Great area
\v /2 fine private beaches + boating facili-
ties. .. .... _ $51,500
Mrs. 1iarvey
3 BR· 'Fam. RM • Westcliff
Provincial charm on lge corn. Jot \V/H&F
pool & sep. play yd . Jmmac_. condition &
tastefully decorated. XJnt value at
.. . .. ... " .. . .. ........ $48, 750
Joe Clarkson
Irvine Terroce
Cozy 2 bdrm. home in established neigh-
borhood. Beamed ceilings. Raised brick
frplc. Deep lot. Room to expand., _ !39.500
~trs . Raulston
Baycrest Splendor
This 3 bedroom 2 bath dream will capti-
vate the most discriminating l>uyer. lt"s
beauty extends out to a lg. covered patio
w/picturesque fountain.
Mary Lou Marion
Kl 9-3SSI
Open Houses
a:.., ttiif MMfy ifl'Htory wit\ Y•• this •Mbttl ..
y•11 1• h....., h1111H111. AN tW loartl•t11 lfstff kl•w
.,. ftKrlbff In 1.-m tl•frall by .;,.rttalnt •1•-
wllH• 11 todoy'1 DAILY rlLOT WANT ADS. Potron•
lltowlnt •pell holl"' fir solo 1r f'9 Nnt •r• 11rptl
to llit sucll lnformotl111 ht t~IJ column ••ch Frldoy.
12 Bedroom & Oen)
1360 Blue Bird Canyon Dr. Laguna Beach
867-1445 Sat & Sun 1·5)
185 (<"'lower, Costa Mesa S 1 5)
646-3255 (Sat & un ·
4521 Tremont, (Cameo Shores) Cdl\1 .
675-3000 Eves: 646-6500 (Sat & Sun 1-5)
13 Bedroom)
J601 Bonnie Doane, tlrvine Terr.) Cdh'l
642·6472 Eves: 673·3468 !Sat & Sun 1·5)
1014 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB ,
64z.8235 (Sal & Sun) * 2018 Barranca, (The Blu[fs) NB
644-2039 (Sal & Sun 10-5) ** 220 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle
675-6000 !Sun 1.0\
15622 Pelican, Huntington Beach
546-2313 (Sun I • 5 \ * 446 Esther St., Costa l\1esa 1 646-2414 (Sat & Sun 1·5 * 1518 Sylvia St .. Ne\\1port Beach
646-0555 • 545-8723 (Sun 1·51 ** 106 Linda Isle Dr .. I Linda Isle) NB
675-3210 (Sun 12·5\
·)241 Wallace Costa Me sa
-645-0303 ' !Sal & Sun l • 6)
1954 Monrovia. Costa Mesa
645-0303 (Sun 1-4\
13 Bedroom & Family or Oen)
1125 Essex Lane, Ne\\'port Beach
642·1598 (Sat & Sun 11·5) * 1880 Maui Circle (l\otesa Verde) Ct-.1.
546-6421 (Sat & Sun 11·5\
1518 Antigua Way. Dover Shores, NB
(714) 642-8235 (Open Sun)
2301 Clay St. Newpor t Heights
675-5930 (Sat & Sun\
330i Admiralty Dr. (Huntington Harbour)
HB. 772-9530 (Sat & Sun Noon· 5:30)
19332 Waterbury. 1-Iuntington Beach
962-4471 Eves: 546-8103 (Sun 12·6)
100 Via Florence, Lido Isle. NB
673-9060 • 675-4747 (Sun 1·5\
3392 Gilbert Drive. lluntington Beach
847-3724 (Sat 10·4\
2813 Drake Ave .. (Mesa del Mar) CM
675-3745 (Sat & Sun 1·5\ * 1329 Sussix St., Newport ·aeach
646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1·51
2607 Ocean Blvd .. CdM
675-3000 Eves: ·675-57G4 !Sat & Sun 1·5)
4066 Germainder, (Irvine Village) CdM
675-3000 Eves: 548-8868 (Sunday\
107 VI• Dijon, !Lido Island) NB
57:;.3000 Eves: 67;!<;182 (Sun 1·41
1147 Glencagle. CM
540-1720 (Sun 1·5)
431 Lenwood . Cl'>'I
54-0-1720 !Sun 1·51
2256 F'ordham. Costa T\lcsa
64:;.0303 (Sat & Sun 1·51
14 Bedroom)
]101 \Vhilc Sails \Vay, Corona de! Ma r
644-2716 (Open Housel
1412 .Serenade. (Irvine Terrace), CdM
642-5200 (Sun l-51
1320 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB
642-8235 (Sat & Sun\
4ti8 Serra Dr .. (Co rona ilighlands) CdM
675-3000 • 646-5227 (Sun 1-7)
14 Bedroom & Fam;ly or Den) * 1907 Holiday. (Baycrest) NB
642·5200 (Sal & Sun 1-51
16831 Harkness Circle. Huntington }Jar·
bour 846-0144 l Open Sun I 'lil Dusk l
1354 E. Oceanfront. !Bal boa Penn.)
645-2000 Eves: 549-6966 I Daily 1-5 l * 1817 Lenwood, (BaycrcsL) NB
642-5200 1Sun 1-5 ) * 1218 Polaris Dr. (Dover Shores) NB
642-8235 !Sunl * 1842 Santiago Dr . (Dover Shores) NB
646-1550 I Daily 10·5)
2127 Leeward, fBaycrest) NB
646-3255 (Sun l-5 )
2341 lrvine, (Back Bay) NB
540-1720 11lail y l-5\
2278 Cornell. Cost.a Mesa
646-2309 !Open llally)
429 Isabelle Terrace. (Corona Highlands)
CdM, 646-3255 (Sal & Sun 1-5\ * 9631 El Portal. (Stratford Hon1es). FV
842·5011 -842-5012 !Sun 2·5)
258 Sherwood SL (Off Santa Ana ), CM
548-0209 (Sun 1-4\
405 Francisco Or. (Nr. Irvine & 22nd ) NB
549-0507 (Sat & Snn 12·4 I
700 I<log s Road . Ne\\•port Beach
675-4392 (Sat & Sun 1·5)
2767 Albatross. Costa Mesa
646-7711 (Sal &.Sun 12-.1)
419 Fullerton Ave .. New port Beach
646-7711 (Sat & Sun 1·5\
1301 Bonnie Doone. (Irvine Terrace) C<l!\f
675-3000 • 54(1.8868 !Sun 1·5 )
1907 Lee\\'ard Lane. f 13aycrest) NB
540-1720 (Sun l-5)
IS Bedroom)
2652 Basswood. (Easlbluffl. NB
642-9190 (Sun 1-5 :301
908 Chestnut Pl., (Eastbluff) NB
645-2000 Eves: 54S.6966 !Sat & Sun 1·51
2794 Lorenzo Ave., Costa Me sa
546-2313 (Sun 1·5)
IS Bedroom & Family or Oen) * 2118 Windward Lane. ( Baycrcsl) NB
1\42-2698 !Sat & Sun 1·51 * 1997 Kornat. (Mesa Verdel CM
540-1720 (Sun i-5 \
10041 Stoneybrook. J·luntington Beach
546-2313 (Sun l ·ol
'1906 \Vest Ocean Fronl. Newport Beach
675-5930 (Sat & Sunl
12 BR + I BR Apt .)
700 Acacia. Corona det Mar
673-8550 ...... • *' Wotfl'fronf • * ....... •"4 w ... ,,.,.,
(Sun 1·5)
Sweetheart Special
No Down -GI
Just listed • Vacant -Ter-
rlfic 4 BR. & Family lt111.
h()me, over 1790 !KJ:. ti.
· interior has ~n l'Om·
pletely repainletf, quali1y
nylon \\'/\v cpl.'!. -large
livi ng room, sliding doors
open out lo patio, Garden
kitchen v.ilh electric bit-in
rye-lcvE'I range & double
oven. dlshwashrr
St"parate mastf'r s u i ! f',
\vilh own bath, puJJm:iu
top oval basins. Fine !oca·
lion -Priced a t s:io.1:.0
• CaU now! 5'1fi·!>t40
For The Executive
1'hls 3 BR ·l-hu g r
sepnra1e run1pus roon1
1\'i!h '~:et bar is designed
for out of I o ,,. n en-
tertaining. It's unique &
different & ~mplete!y
redceorated. Has r e a I
charn1. Extra-size kitclien + dining are a. Also
beautiful Tahitian rock,
healed pool \l'it h lush
tropical landscaping. Sf"r
i1 & fa.ti in \OVC' a ga lr1.
ONLY S:l9.7:1() f.~G-M-111
Eye Appeal
Purse Appeal
Bt>autiful quality hon1r in
popular College Park. Ex-
tra sharp interior & ex-
ff'rior. Prof c s !i Ion a I
landscaping, ·with 1nany
trees -planter. Lovely blt-
in electric oven & range,
formica top. Spacious
separate living room \\:ith
fireplace, qual.Hy \V/1v
cpts. .~ drapes, 4 large
sizr he<lrooms. 2 baths,
stall i;l1011'{'r. Price onl:-o
S26.500. F:xN'l!rnt tern\~
l()ft, ~·16-!W·lO
As.tum• So/4•/. Loan
al 1w c:o.s t • 110 poin!Jii,
Cute spoUtss 'l BR hon1e,
Eastside location, all new
l>'/IO.' cpts &· custon1
dra!*s. Payments o n I y
$136.00 month tncluUes all,
Spacious liv ing r o o m,
firepla~. bright kilrhen,
l'lcctiic s tove [nclud~·d.
fl'nf'ed rf.'ar yard, \\'I'll
landscaped. Only S'l3.:itxl
-E7. tcrn1~ -Hurry~:
Steps To The Ocean
Owner anxious to rnov,.
1 hi!'; 4 BR -2-sto1y rre nch
Normandy Ii~ me. 41•
yt"n.rs yuung, 23 ft. Jiving
roon1 11·ith in a r b I e
fireplace & hearth,
separate fonnal dining
roon1, dellL"<e kitchen \vi1h
bit-ins & large breakfast
area. 4 large BRS. 10.'ilh
loads of closets, 3 baths,
1\·/w cpts & drapes. Ask-
ing $48.950 -EZ lern1s.
Slashed $1750.00
Now· $21 ,000
(lulstanding attractive :\
BR home that owrn>r say!I
sell • All ne\\•ly painted
interior and exterior, 1~4.
ba!hs. 2 showers, spark-
ling kitchen, spacious liv-
ing room \\'Ith Palos
\'en.le stone !ireplacc. At -
li"ac!ively landscaped
front and rear yard \\'ilh
s p1·inkle rs. Doublf'
>.:arage. It's a lop value
al 121.000 -Buy VA •
1111 down · Hurry~~
SUNDAY 1 :00. 6:00
Commands an
Imposing View of
Catalina Cbannel, Ocea.n
and Bay, DesigMd to
delight and iextend a real
welcome tor hlglt level
ientertainlng. This 4600 sq.
11. Ctllltont designed home
by E llerbrook ba11
everything desired. 5
txlrs., all custom built
closets &: drawer1 ,
11pecially designed \Vf'I
bar and con1plele built-In
Fischer-Stereo • y 1 t e m •
Lovely kitchP.n \\'ilh Nu·
Tone food and automatic:
t.-ontdii center. 3~1 bath1:
2 sepa1·ate dressing: rooms
plus 11'0rkshop & dark
l'OOm. Price $139,500. Call
lor appointn1ent, Mf·6441
Spectacular &
is th is 2100 1q. foot
4 BR home in Mesa
Verde. Beautifully con~
ditioned home 1 on street
or expensive homes • a
1''an1ily Rm. of un1111ual
proportion, unusual utility
and unusual chann. Tlme
saving appllances built in-
10 tht' wife :i;aver kitchen.
'l bath! with double
pul\mans in both bathS',
quality w/y.• Cpls. and
ruston1 drape&. Pt i c e
$4~.500 -$4500 down •
Owner will help on finan-
cing. M&-ISMO
Relief From Taxes
,Just listed • these 2 •
2 BR. Triplexes i rt
Excellent 3 BR and Family Rm. in fine Mesa Ve rde area. Name
your tenns -no do\vn VA or minimum dow n FtIA. Submit your
offer -Priced to sell -Only $25.950. .._ 546-5440
•' 3030 BABB ST.
Dist1nclive Spanish styled Lauralwood> 3 BR & Family Rm. home.
'l'iled entry, separate living room, fireplace. 134 baths, loads of
closets. convenient location, near aJJ school's. sprinkler fenced
yard. Asking $30,950 -EZ terms. 546-5440
Splash • Splash
L ivi' i! up a! horn£'! \\'rll
planned )-'arrl 11•i lh scret-n-
rd in patio & custon1
h<'!l1ed Anthony Pool · C'X-
pcnsive r!ecking -(lilLIP
n1ainl cnant to l. 4 BDR hn-
1naculatl' hotnf' in •·hoire
area, lovely island ki!chen
ll'ith bit-i ns &· dishwasher,
spacious livi ng room 11·i1h
1v / w shag carpeting -
lircplaet' -s rparale
n1aster :i;ui!r with bath.
Thi s home l1a s
rv1•rylhihJ;"! !
Prier S3.J.9'.>ll
Hurr y ~!
Ne wport Harbor
High District
&aut1ful 3 BR home \Vilh
hru-dy.·ood fl oors. \Valk lo
-~ChOOI!! & shopping. 2
baths. spaciOU!! I l vi n ~
room. liN'placf'. F'f'nced
rear ~·ard 11·i1h lovely
eoverrd patio. l.010.'esl
priced home in Harbor
M l~hlnnds -ONLY $28,500.
Cull lor ~hO\\'ing. 516-M-IO
Below Mark•t
l + Family Room
Mesa Del Mar
QuJte different is lhi11
quality v.-ell maintained
homr. Exterior & intei-ior
appointments speak of
r"On1fort. east .~ dignity.
1·~~ baths, stall sbO\\'er,
Jo.,'E'ly island ki!chrn 11•Hh
all blt .-ins, shining H/\V
tloor.~. fenced yard, room
ror hoar or trailer. Priced
at $27,950 -Call for show-
ing. 546-6440
Spanish lnfluenc•
l.ol'el,v 3 BR . , large
family roo1n horn,. Jn
Gosta Mei..t. \l.'alk to .a[I
stl100ts & s hopp.ing ,
Dis1inctive Hie entry, 2:!'
l iv ing room wifh
fireplace. outstanding
kitchen 10.•ith built-in ovt'n
& range & D!\V, quality
carpets & drapes. 1~~
bath. stall shower. Asking
$30,950 • EZ terms.
Com par•
Compare The P ric• Th is :; RR .. fiunlly 100111 Th V I
homr in Mesa Venlt' ill Compar• • a ua
today's best b1,1y. f'u11('-'charming :'\ BDR • •
tJonaJ lloor plan ha11 1 ~, f"amHy Room hon1f' in
b11th.<. all electl"ic bu lH-in ?-.fesa Del Mar. ldeal loca-
oven & rl\ng-e, n i (',. l\ou near all schools and
sl'r\'ice porch, spacious :-\t,-John's Parish. llall
tlvin~ roorn. w/w carpelll 1v/w cpl. l y r. 0!11 •
g. drapes, fenC!'d rear Bullt-in o\'t'n and rnn&e
vnrd. Good location rwar • 0/\V loo. 2 baths •
Shopping 1•rn!er. ONLY !lt'l'Vict porch· sprinklers,
S25.95fl • \I,, OJ' t11A PRICED ONLY $26,950
lf't1n~. .>tll·M·l(I 10',. dOI0.'11. Mll·&UO
Owner Priced
•his quality 2-11tory rustic
:I BR & , ~n + Family
Rm. lot quick sale, Ideal
quiet .location on cul-de.
sac. St. 2~~ bath!, marble
pullman sinks, terrazzo
f'ntry, .separate master
suile. All electric built-in
kitchen, dishwuher, plu1
heated pool. Cover e ti
patio. Prict' • $37,500. EZ
lcnn!. fll·5"0
Start Packing
Thia vacant H a r b or
Highland11 3 BR plus ideal
large bonus room ill ready
·for immedia~ occupancy.
Ideal Newport Be a c h
location, sparkling H/W
floors, 3 baths with 3
1ho\\1ers, lovely step saver
kitchen with bit-in oven
and range. Home hall over
ZiJO sq. feet of living
area, newly painted ~
tcrior, formal llxll dininc
room too -Owner is an"<-
ious tor qu ick sale. Priced
right at $36,500 • Very
good lem11t Mf·6"t
Separate Farnily
Room I
Ideal r o r comfortable
family living • also 4 good
11ir.e bedrooms, n e w I y
<:ustomized blt·ln kitchen.
2 baths, high quality
beautiful Y.'/w carpeting,
fireplaet', fen® re at'
yard v.i th patio. Fina
location • Price only
$29,500. EZ term!!. 64f·M4t
Excellent opportunity for sail'~~ personnel (experienced or not) to
join "old-line" Company ·-immediate employment. Complete trai,n..
ing program (classroom & on·lhe-job), Profit Sharing, Jronus, Medical
lnsmance !!
R e •fl.11 Co.
D.llL Y Pll.DT
Salurdor, Mrdl U. 1169
Find Your Name Among
Classified Ads
Win Free Tickets
!.~~!.~?!;, c~~H !!~•ett•~ If 7''
fl114 ..,01i1r "'"''• '1'•11 wl11 two (rtt ttc••t• t• tht Wetter• Ht lllWl.tl
lott I Mtri11t Sh•w. C•ll f01 ti1t.1b 11 111y 1f 1111 .f•ur IAJLY'
PILOT .m, •• '" th• °''"'' Cff1t.
JJO W. hr l'"9t c--J211 ....... ''''· N_,....._.
Jot ""' ,,,...
H•nh ... •~ 11J: ....... A\'ffM
L99 ... liMCii
Tickets Good A ny Day -March 8_ thru 16 -Analieim Convention Center
!General 1 OOt'.l General 1000 Gen•r•I 1000Generat 1000
G•neral 1000 Newport Hgh. 121D Newport Hgto. 1210
Like to Entertain?
CaU to see tb Is
Belbol lol1nd 135SBalboe l1l1nd 1355
Estate Sale
• That's what you'll say when you see our
I BEST EXCLUSIVE! It'& in a quiet sec·
1 lion of Mesa Del Mar, close to all schools
Five Bedroom' Moved East 3 BR, pluo 3 Ba, ooey "'"'"'1
lamily rm. :.? lrplcs + pla,y
Drive by 328 Aliso, Newport Heights
Outstanding Value By Owner $34,000
Submit bids by March lht.
2--story 4 Bedroom old•r home & 50 acre park. Beauti!ully appointed in·
eluding tile entry, new carpeting through-
out including all 3 bedroom&. HUGE
COVERED PATIO & a tropical garden
with tea house! ROOM FOR BOAT OR
TRAILER. Best of all, the FHA loan
e 5~ % interest can be assumed by
ANYONE & you'll be amazed at what
Attractive B a y c res t Owner ~ants quick sale. rm. Enclosed poo1 11eparc1te
home in excellent loca· Charmmg 4 bedroom Play ya.rd, $52.500.
t ion where you own the ?n~cr~~~~o;'e r:~ fo~ ..,..,.w...,•~1k,,•,,r.,R_•_•1,,t,,y'"""' I
Lovely corner 3 bedroom home, large lanai,
2 baths, dining room, lfving room with at-
tractive fireplace, lush carpeting through-
out, drapes. Beautiful trees and plantings.
Call owner tor appointment to see.
on "Little lsl1nd''
107 J.rie, Balbol Island
land. Lovely pooi. breakfast room. $17,9$0. WOW! For further information call:
you see for ONLY .............. $27,750.
Early American motif with lots of used
brick. 3 spacious bedrooms, large family
room adjoins bright & roomy kitchen,
nev.-kitchen-aide dishwasher & nearly
new water heater, water softener, beau-
tiful yard with room for boat or trailer.
Cul-de-sac street close to Orange Coast
College & Costa Mesa High. Assume
5% % loan with $142 per month pay-
View Home
4 bedroom, split Jevel
home with nice pool &
patio. lt's vacant & rea-
dy for you.
Ne\vport l-lcights home
for a couple. Nice lot.
Good location. Price re-
388 E. 17th Street, C.M.
646. ?755
General 1000Gen•r•I
Open Sundoy 12 -5
106 Linda lslf Drive
A Rare Find on Waterfront
.Just l"<>mpleted, lavjsh, 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath.
single story home, 52' lot. Large spacious
Three Wishes rooms, Finnish sauna, \valk in closets, fully
tr peace, comfort, locstlon carpeted, landscaped & complete with uni-
are important to you, took float concrete slip. Priced at only $100,000.
this over. Convenient to LINDA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO.
Large sunny bedroonu. lluge 548-1444, 646-1711 M". Biles (213) 216-9151
or: Mrs.Torrance 673-6900
(Do nob disturb tenant) 40 x 200 very valuable I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! grounds. CUtf' kitchen -r.x. j.::
tta eating &rea. Gracious Mesa Vwde
living roon1,
TARBELL '42·6691 CORNER lot, 2 story, 4 BR,
,..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... J 21h BA, den, din rm, !need
pool, play yd, nr Cntry
Club, m11.11y extras. Avail
Immaculate 3 BR, ''A" July. $48,500. Ownr 545--8519
fran1c, beach home. 7 yr.~ OPEN House Sat/Sun. Love--
young, steps. to Ocean, prl-ly 3 BR 2 ba, family, $25,900
vate recrealion center. e 5:u ,.;. loan O\vner
Caywood Rlty. 548-1291> ~~~~~ike 2nd~ 546-ri7o
6306 W. Coast 1-llway, N.B. 3 BR. PRICED TO SEl.J.,!
-BY OWNER.. * 545-3008 *
CUST. 3 BR., 2!-1; Ba., fam.
rm. bltns, cpts, drps; pool;
BY OWNER~ 403 Newport Blvd, Gar #1
Open for your inspection Ed Ricldle Realtor 646-8811 College Park 1115
BREl\_THTAKING O\VNER-Leaving coun-
• 'OCEAN VIEW try-Must sell! 3 Bedroom,
THE BLUFFS. for aaJe by Eaitbluff 1242 BalbN Peninaula 1300
owner, 4 mos old 3 BR, I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;:;;;:;;; "";;;:;:;:;:;::;;;:;:~j 2 BA, t ri-level con-I• •
domtnium. Approx 15 "''" Big House OPEN. HOUSE
or greoo "'"' + 7 "'°'" fo B' fam'ly 1SDD E, OCEAN BLVD. fOI' our enjoyment. f ICJ I Leasehold only $200 yr. Ask-5 BR, 3 baths, great play Balboa's Best Buyl
ing $31.500. 6 4 4 -15 4 1 yard, ~~ block from park. 31n Bdrm, 4 baths, upstairs
anytime. Ownew moving East, pos-studio with wet bar, !lundeck
t cl J & Oceanview, Ienced oor/lot. BY O\VNER in quiet, res. session· now, or a ose o
\Vestcliif. \Veil kept 3 BR, school year. J~~~~el Jones ,
2 BA, faro rm. All elec To !lt'C caJI: Rl
bltns; clean crpts, drps, 642-9190 6~0is W. B~~'. 6ri=4037
Prof. lndscp'd &: maint. Farel Walker, Realtor 1 ~~~~~~~~~~1
Chldrn'a play yard; pet1~~~~~~~~~ I
atta. $43,950. Wkdaya & C d I M f" l2SO Lido Ille 13S1 eves, 64.2-1598 orona e a
Large View Lot?
Room for tennis court, pool,
boat & trailer + new 4 b!!d·
room 3 bath. 64&4414
Dtlt• JI,.\ Est1t1
Orange Coast Property
.~en• Norvell • Realtor
* • • "He loses all
who loset
100 Via Florence
Udo Isle $3900 ON .• MOVE INI 1%. balh. Enclosed patio on Cu.~tom built home, luxury c u I -d e -s a c • Near all
lcatw-es. Master bedrooms, schools. $24,750, assume
2 baths. E.~quisitr. built-in 5IA % FHA. KI 6-1027
appliances. Electric garage BY OWNER: 3 BR. 1%. BA.
door opene1•. Jr, Est 1 I e :ramily rm, frplc. lovely 1-B-A-LB~~0cA~-PO~~l~N=Tc I
grounds. Walled patio. patio. Assumr. 5* •,'(, FHA.
the right moment''
No1v Available one of rhe
tnost beautiful homts on Ll·
do Isle featured on "home
tours." 1'1oating stair-well,
lge party room, every bit-In
deluxe feau.1re. Owner rnusl
"'11! 5'10-1720 $24,900. 540--5$6 C:Ome see this swimmer's
paradae. 15 x S5' pool on
large corner lot. Room for
boat AND trailer. Also ln-
cludedr 3 BR.a 2 baths, dble
trplc & Juah, lush landscap-
ing. It'• a 1tea1 for only
Nev..1>0rt H ~ 1 a: b ta grade BILL GRUNDY 675·3210 IChoo' and all shopping. 2 ======== JNewp0rt BHch 1200
blks to new park. Only 1 -;::=::======:::i:~""'iii'li~j!"l~:ii';"'i!';;:!!!!' ~~~~~:;;~;;;~~ 1;;;;4~~~~~~;;;;
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
Roomy 2 BR, newly dee. w/ I Jh Ho
"""· Loe o• r,. """'pd 1a1 Now s e ur near Bay &: Ocean_ Shelter-·
ed patlo w/ cover. By owner. to protect your income. Du-
Omer Tuttle, ReaJtor
Shor• Properties
$25,500; anc1 an these "plus" I• QUIET Cul·D•Sac Costa M1s:1 1100
'""""'· ' bedrooms, 2 M4' 15 & I bth, 1-5 pm E"laid•. H"vy ,,,.., rool, Dover Shores $35,900 * 675-2681 ple;xes, and s.mall i,iomes. 673-9060 675-4747
baths. ""'place, ., ... and 1601 Bonni'e Doone , '"'" "'•room•, "'••'""' T y F •1 """'· doubl• • •• ,.. ... con-,.,,.,,, & •""'· "'""' real our am1 y F b I C H e 0 , S . I plus Rental Units avt1.1lable.
wner s pec1a 14s,ooo to "5.ooo •
' B<., .. 2 "'· • •••. ,,,.. • • • • Great Family Home
2527 Andover Pl, CM
crete drive, large fenced kitchen l\"ith rlishwashcr. . . . a u ous or. om
hack yard on 50xl30 FT. R·2 Irvine Ter'race Only S2!!,950. to a ho1nc 1\'ilh a s1v1mm1ng mm "''"dill homo, mMy 0 W'll f'nance extras, nr starts &: schls. wner I I 4 BR. fam rm, extra ]ge Uv-
LOT, There ls not to much 3 BR, 1 bath, pool and Viel\'. pool !or a hot summer. Nier forever y;aw
available ln this part of Low iease and t•xcel!ent r--•ERNIE "--:t BR homr \\"ilh firep!a{'(' n; * Phone 644-4044 * Ocean Blvd. Reduced to Ing nn with dining aru.
Baycrest Bargain $7S,DOO . $20,00I down on this Nice big palio _ 50' 1 o t.
" eastside C.~r. Hurry. O\YN-lerms. Pnce ('Ut to $41.900. and llt'\V carpeting. Loca1 rd E,.':.:":ILL, SELL FHA!! CURT DOSH, Realtor CLEVELAND oo tho E"~'•'· ••"• '"'"· Only $63,500 ld•al family home·, 4 aa . harm ... ta $79.500. Xlnt terms! .. rusttc c er wi spec c-LIDO REAL TY, INC.
'PEl=ll=ION ............... J-:asy Jinancing, lake over & den, plus fam. rm. plus War.View*. J•IOO V'• Lido ~ ·-• 3 Ba. 5~% Joan. Chvner * * -"',,...,.,,,.,
t --; .:T1'i .... • • •
t 642-lnl Anytime*
best buy in
· ~ ta mesa
Ne;w 3 BR Units. mt-in Jt I:
0, dshwshr, carpeted. On
the PeniMula • jU.11t steps
lo Ocf'11.11 & Bay. 7% financ.
Ing availab~ ...... is!,950
li:iO \V. COllst lhgh\vay
642-&l.72 }.:VES. ti13-34S8
6906 W. Oceanfrbnt, NB
Beautiful 2 BR, 2 bath lo1v-
Thia iJ!I ~ cleanellt 3 bedrm
home in town with 2 queen-
1ized baths_ proleuionaJly
landscaped yard, beautiful
hlgh Pll• carpeting, assume
ulsting loW inte~st loan or
no down VA or FJIA. \Von't
last at $23,500.
PENINSULA POINT f'r Unit plu.\ 2 BR Hl'n1al.
3 BR home. Xlnt location, F.Xtl'llf'nt tax shl'\ll'r, and
50' x 100' lot • room to en-~racious living • $9"!,5(X').
large present home • .[)Qn't BOYD
miss this! $42,500 REALTY
Balboa. Real Estat• Co. 3b29 E. Caast lliway, CdM
Josephine \Vt-bb, Realtor 675-5930 70() E. Balboa BJvd., Balboa
013-4l40 !coUNTRY HIDEAWAY
Exclusive China Cove home •
year around living -best
Harbor area, 2 BR, :? Ba,
priced to It'll fast at. $69,500
Secluded by a forest of tower-
ing trees, this 2600 sq. fl. 4
bcdnn ranch estate is . sit-
uated ()n a sprawling third
of an acre. It hAs :1 640 !IQ.
ft. living rm. with \\\"O nu1s-
t>i\'e floor 1o ceiling rock
fi['('places, beautiful dttp
shag carpeting throughout,
high beam ceiling and rx·
tra!I too numerous lo ml'n.
hon, Asking $:i7,0CXl. lnqui!"I!
a ' -646--4494.
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
2 Bedrooms. Each
On 105x330' Jot \\ith room for
4. or 6 m~ uni~. $960/mo
income, Askin& $89,500. \Viii
consider trade. Call for fur-
ther Wormation.
-By appt only
3036E. CoastHwy, CdM
4 BED RM-$23,950
NO DOWN G.I. $19,450
"J' ~.,..,.... ...
I ltig~ living room ""lends
complete length of home.
Dream kitchen \\'ilh bu ilt-
ins. Luxurious heavy car-
peting. Coaclunan's ga.!I light
in park like yard. 540-1720
TARBELL 2955 Harbo•
$850 Dn/$169 pays all
Rltr, S.12·9730 Eves. ;111:1-0i:lO * 642-lnl Anytime * e KENNEDY
White elephant.II! Dime-a-line Dial 6-12-5678 for RESULTS \Vhlte Elephants?
1000 General 1000 General
Solve a Simpl~ Srnimbled Word Pt en le for o. Chttr.kle
O Reorronv-th. 6 xrornb&ld
word1 below to inok• 6
)implto wotdL Mnl lett.ri o(
eoc.h Jn ill liM of tqUClf1d.
lfo-F_,E_LO~D~A~~-11". f ' I I I . '-..,!:/"-.----~
ICIMUPE I >-I~,~,-, .... ,~...... Mory, "I've gol a rn:w 1ob.'' ":~-'.::~-'.::~-=~·=:::::· J Sue, "Whet i• it?" ,. I Ntary1 .. ,.m working for the 1
1,MoDLEY _.Ford fou!'da1K>n." ~-::1 ::1::1::1:• :1::·_s.; '"15 ~'at 0
MW -al
,'G fi~.·· ·r r I' I' r I' I' I' I' I" I 1 6~111IPIOfl111 ILi I
6°/o VA LOAN
3 bedroom Jiuntington Beach
Jfonll'. Near Brookhurst &:
Adams. All electric kitchen,
huilt ill refrigerator. 10x20
covrrt'd pali6, Garage pan.
klli~d & shelved with food
pun1ry olf kitchen. Complete-
'ly t:all)Cled, t.1o payment
$131. lt only takes $4,825.
down. By 01vner • private
parly (F1rn1). f'i2-7689.
Close: to Oeean, Bay & mar-
kets. Duplex 2 BR e a c h
Unit. Price only $'.llSOO.
NPf'rls a painter.
202':> \V. Balboa B!Vfl .. N.B.
Jl:iwaiian planl1ngs .t· 1'1kl
hut. large patio !or outdoor
t>n1rrtaining. 3 bdrms 2
balhs. separalr dining roon1.
&st seclion of \Vl'stcliif for
only S4i.950.
Roy J, Ward Co.
( Bayl·rest OU ice 1
18·1:! Santiago Dr. &lb-l:iJtl
H. E. Costa Mesa
~ lari.;e bllrnis, 1 ~ bath~.
hn t'Ch\·O()d noors.•largt> kitr h-
f'tl & Sf't\'\Cf' porl'h arra.
IX!ublr gara~"· Bii: yard
1\·Hh shadr &· rn111 h'f'•'~.
Wells-McCardle, Rltr5.
1310 Nr11 ~r1 Blvd., C.~I .
:¥18-7729 f:\•f'~. b-i4·1XiS~
If' you 're Uunking of lit'.llini;,
t·he.nces are \1 r have. an out.
nl-i;t111c hu_vrr fo!' yo II r
hon\l'. ('n\1 hxtay for hff
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
Ow11f'r 1reru;f1•rn'(i • l.iviii;:
!\l(ltlt wllh a HJ'aCllVr ILtt-
plJCt'. E11<:lOl!M CO\'f'.l'ed µ&•
tio. All t ll"ttric bullhin kitrh-
1•n. Dirk room or hobby
~ho~. ~W.1 7'2{)
TARBE LL 2955 Herbor
Brokers Note:
l)c~k .~1>.'ll'I" 11vullabl1•
In brnutiful a('t1vr offirr
t tt1,1n11 drl r.tar -IOIV l'1'11t
\'nil for 1"0nllrit-l'lh11l
\\'hitc brick courtyard enlf')' trans. $42,950. Prine, only.
Q 4 BR, approx 3.000 sq ll 1612 lrvine. 642-1231 9: "i;,I~ Jtuge bit-in kitchen \\'/break-I~====~=~~ ....... fa.'11. ba"I', lge formal dining OUTSTANDING Vlew in the
Ill: ! A t T T rm, 25 ft View living nn witb Bluffs 3 Br, 3 Ba. by O¥lner.
5\4 ~~ Joan. $26,SOO
By •
(Or Buy the Beach)
Near NB _l~OJl Ole. 646-2-114 Frplc and blt-in wet be.r, lge ~S<=200==""=·=044--0718======-1 '!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!,,..!!!"!'!!!!!!""'""'I master BR 1uite w/powder -on Big Corona beach, 2-&tory COLLEGE PARK rm & balh, J1urry and su~ Newport Heights 1210 2 Bdrm homl', owner will
AREA mil your te1ms. ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,j fina nce. ROOuced $10.000.
4. BR, 1 ~4 Ba, 22 ft hvini: Marie F. Purcell, Rlty You Can't * * * •
r m, bit-in:;, w/1v crpts, drps, 65-404·1 or 6·12-1559 Do Better ! Duplex
ft'nced.. Walk to all schools liiiiiiiiiiiiii~ & shopping$26,500. 2278 Cor-1 1 ~-OPEN HObfE -Charming 3BR & family rm, OPEN HOUSE
nelL 64&-2300 Agl. SAT & SUN l ~ 5 l bath home at the low mar· SUN 1 .. 5
$19,900 1831 Tradewinds ··~~~~-s~'r~ suN Z06 A;•d•~ cd"!.
23D1 Cley St. Near Newport Heights
Cozy 2 BR, home on 11horr.
no traffic r;treet. Good 11ize Baycrest Charmer
R·2 lot for future potential. Q\\·nl'r's !It'\\'. larger home
~ ready. Sacrificing present
"i;,I ~ comer 3 Bdrm Beauty. ~ $42,9SD
IEAlTY HALNNCHIN Nrar f\'8 Post Of<'. &16-2·11~ rt
3619 E. Coast llh\·ay, CdM
675-5930 332 Marguerite, Cd~!
PERSONALITY PLUS~ lo;=======~ 3 Br. 2 &. New crpts. drps, Ii
bltns, 1400 sq lt. Delchd l f' l f'
dbl gru-w/<l<e OP'"''' oca ion • oca ion
T Qu I, O I t.: Associates, Realtors a]Jey access. By owner. op a 1ty up ex Prine only. &12-6167 aff 4. Neal' Big Beach, 2 BR home
NE\V ON f.lAR h.f...""T. 2 BR., l900 E. Coast Highway -=========I plu!I huge 3 BR, 3 bath ln-
hd\,·d nr.s. frplces, }"A heat. Call 675-4392 anytime Balboa Coves l 2l5 come Unit, 3 car garage.
bit-i n kilch., garages bl'1 wn ---------·I $65,000 • Sl0,000 do"·n
units., Jg fncd yard. Quiet I::=:::;•;=•= BAYFRO!'.:'T \vith boa t slip Delancy Reel E5tate
street. S2R,500. This wnn'I la~e 4. BR, 2 BA, $60,000 2828 E. Coas1 H"'Y., Cdi\I -~-Rd d ~·L~•-n m-
f BJi/f. Bi ti.fl PL"0$ pier/
slip PLUS 2 Bd/1 ba Apt. •: , ' )
Patio. Beaut CODd SZO,OOJ
Spi"n. on 30' Jot and build
R. C, GREER, Realty
JJ5j Via Lido 673-9300 ,
BY O\vner 2 br, 1 ba, fplc, i
bllns, plyrm & ba. Be11t.' I~ido buy ;44,500. Cn4)
Huntington B11ch 1400\
Searching any further, thla •
beauty must have been a.
model. 3 Queen 1ize bed-
rooms, 1 ~ ba!M, built 1n
bar, antiqued cabinets, cov-
ered patio in rear yard,
completely fenced, $21,000
FULL PRICE. Gl No money
Walker & lee
7682 Edinger
842-4455 or 540-5140
Open Daily 'bl 8:30
.. , TRADE" Just e uce !~:==:=~~::::=::::: SEE this one before you bur.
Bob Olson, Rltr. :Y\6.;.:i.~o Owner Wants _N_•_w.;.p_o_c_t_S_h_o_re_• __ 1_2_2_b
· J-JARBOR VIEW JUU..S By Dwner. Take over my
$27 500 5 BR Off 6o/o VA Loan on lhis 3
I • er 3 BR Watertront No. 62 wl!h a view. for sale by bcdrootn home. $134 per
Large lam rm, hd\\·d fi rs:! 601 St. James Pl. Balboll Coves. $6 0,000 . owner. 4 Bedrooms, 2 '~ month. This is all you P&J'
Ba, excel cond., fine res. & Cliffhaven Prefer trade for a~age Bath, living room. dining -principle, interest &. taxes ,
shop area. 1 block from l<il· ~ b 1 d" · fir \Vil! consider other. 548-room, separate 1au 11 d r Y. with i·ust $4,825 down, AH~·
lyb k G d ""h 1 p . 4 Bdrm, ,, at 1, 1n1n~ rm, 1 . • .~ 1 .. 11y roo e .ra e .,,. oo. r1111 I .1 Z-JOO ft Li 11 7771 rocnn. -poo !IZ~ Yd.lu " electric kitchen \\'ith built-i I oni)'. 1311 Stonefield. anuy rni, sq VJ g -"-"----~---1 Jandsc11.ped. $.\9,950. Phone ..... 1 ,.ood a•try II k.t he O"•nt•r *" _-,3,1_2i60 a;pacr. La.rg~ garage plus BLUt'FS 3 BR Townhouse, &14-27lG ,,_. r P " o 1 r
· roo111 !or trailer. boat, can1p.. 10';0 dn. Custom deror. Split 1101 \"hile Sails \Vay, CdM in completely P • n e 11 e
BY O\VNER. 3 Br -lg!' er. Sol5,9-:>0. ll'v • J.mmed. occupancy 1 ~~~~~~!"'""!!!!~ I garage, 10x20 C0\1:'rt'rl patio
rant nn, attraclive lgC' dbl Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5 S2ll,500-0wner. 644-2039 19y O\VNER: 111 lots, WfK'd Carpe~ throughout.~ 1rpl~-. beautiful landscaping, or hy oppl : t.lr, Robinson S _,1 ho . owner • Privatir shakf' roof. An.>a (If fuw • Real 1223 R-2· m... use in rear. (Finn) 962-7689 homr!'I. Nr N. a. Elrtn & DaVJS tyB -.:•y,_c:;r.:•.:•t;_ _____ 1$40,000.315H •liotrop•.
-5 BEDROO>t \VritP B. Deane. 555 \V, r.nfl. VACANT Hi ttehool!I & \\'estchlt Fhop-642-7000
e:io 9.iO 64" """'\ :i1 , BATHS. POOL dlefield Rd.. Apt E-309.
I 4 BR $28,950. VA no down.
Brick ex1crio1', heavy shak"'
roof, modrrn kitchen. double/
nvcn, pll'nl)' of clo!!el spa er,
carpets, drapes, Bloc.Jr wa.ll
JenCP, ('\11 • dr. • sac 1tl'ttt ,
large 7200 sq Jt lol , gootl fo..
cation. j
pini:. *"" " · u-v.<... f.1ountain View, (.;al. or call
(J\\'NJ.:R-4 Br. J :\~ Ba. Clo~NI Baycrest, Ivan \Velis built, 14151 961-7621
111 J):lt lo, new fllllnl. $>1.:i00 Newport Beach Dt·I Pisa entry, lge llv rm 1--"-~====--
R I \\'/frp!r. Jonna! din rm. BROAD1'IOOR ctn, take O\'l'r GI lo;1n SI:.." eo ty 2-00 fam nn, \ge k i l t" h e n I rarbor View Hills. Most ~
mo Pll-"'s all. 64 70 h11~ opening for 2 RC!al ~S-< \\•/table area, ulll rm, 2 ular plan w/vil'\v, .Exrellenl
Transl. • JI ALEC R Jo: ST latr salesmen plus one 10 car garage, custom d1-ps & col1d. \l•/n1any extras. By
customized homr; hdwd sct up&: operate-rental Dcpl. crpts. Owner. 642-2698 owne.r. June occu p. f.1ort-
nrs, nu crpl~. 3 Br. 2 BA. Lovely olfice and ideal lo-gage cnn be assun1ctf, By
Lrg Int. $23,950 -01\"ncr. cation • plenty of parking. W•ttcliff 1230 appl. Prine. only, &M-2210
~l'l6-4~1 :i Very good commission split. I;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;; YOU asked 4 it?
-UNITS · $20,900 2627 Newport Blvd . V ( & El Excellent So of Hwy DuplV<!
2 BR house plu~ 1 DR ttar (!'Cross from El Ttal1cho J\11ct.) a Ue egance Makf' 30% on your ca!lh oul;
house, lot 60 x 165. l::astsidr. 675-IS.12 D Jay! Ask U11 $4.000 n.
By o"'IK.'r ~4. Exclush·e \Ve5tclifl home 3 CANON REAL TV -OPEN ltouse 10-5 Sal &. Sun BR •-r ·1y 2•· b&Ut~ f\1ESA DF.L f.IAR -:-"::\\"f' PARK SE'ITING "" ami rm, .,. ' $004 E Coast II\.\')' 6i5-1).~l
Sl800. 4 BR, ram rni .TQJ> BACK BA y kitch(!.11 with all hll-in!, tx• ' · ·
<'ON O. 545-ll~ r\"rs .'1 Ira larie gar&ff', Plus !)(tau-SHORECLIFF J BR, 2 BA. nenutlful family hom,., 1irul heated & fillt'red -1. in exclusi\·e are•. not leased \\'knds I ,._ · .......,. _,, •u. 000 B Anthony poo . •u"' JHI , with a speC'itJ dressing rm. land. Unuer NV. • Y
E-."i ltil:.: llon1t', It nW-by uniq'\le rourt )'1lrd entey. AU lot $49,!;00 ownt't. fi73..368l
oll'fM'L" ~ hr " :1pl~ S BR. 3 BA, 2 lrpi('!I:, fn.n1
$2S.5'Xi. ·;rd :-:. Cal: \'Ii:~~ rn1. By Q\\·ncr. Prine only 9: 0 ~
h~. 646--37~ pis. S-W .~ 4j4 E. 2.1 St. -td,, ....
110f.1F. -R-2 101. Ex!.'1:1 T1ELP! Ha\.\-'8.ii bound, n1wit I I A L T Y
~'VESTOR'S Special 2 nice
l~!I on dbl lo!. ~. ot h11.y.
s,<,R,500. Ch\'TM'f. 673--ClG!
\\'cslsKlc. :t BR 214 bl!.. roon1 Rll my lowly 2 BR. l Nr:\r r-.11 J11:$t Of<'. 6'6-24.14 B1lboa Peninsula 1300
for '1 or 5 units. rt'l!l-162l RA Conrio. ln1mM . PQ$.
evl'1. $27,500 lf'rm.\. 4.94-Sml ii
B\' O\\'NER: Adult ~cllon no an.11 613-1166
c6Noo, 3 RR, 'l DA. LIOO Sandi! 3 Br. 'l Ba ..
\rplli/drps/bllnii. fP49-3591 ~111lk to bPsch. Lovt!.ly com-
mu nity pool. !illd S2U's.
Mesa Verde 1110 642-<921
E11 tbluff 1242 Bye Bye -BUY !
OWNER. 3 BR 3 hllth, 2 Doll II°'™' on pen: ~ula
p1!lo!I 6 lt>rrac:r. ~tom point: thrrt ~rooni!I, nne
dN.'Otl\lt'd $39,9.'lO. S14·1£m tUWI " b."llr b;\lhS. flrtl>hll:t:,
Lusk 4 BR. 2~' BA. ramlly
rm, O\VNER. 644·23.18
ll?r dbl,. garRj'l". Nt'nr cban.
nel and f)Ubl lc beach. A
Jt>wel. 11.edncM to $J.ll.1l0.
la Your Ad Ul vur clanltledaT 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.8.
Somcon~ wUI bt lookinc lor 675--4630 Eves '42-1252
It. Dhil &1.2-5673
$22,500 I,
Assume 5Ya'I. GI La•n
$3500 C•th Down
Total pymnts $152/me.
3 BJU, 1 1~ b8tll1, hu ilt-i11i
c-nrprtlf, dra~s. r!f'\v palnt
JJlne!l!I fOrct'I tall",
Bra$hear Realty
847-85.11 F:vrJ:. -..U?i
Vacant/ D•5perate
lnvely J. DR, dinlnt alb,
family room,
8740 \\'al'!X'r, fV 842-44\JS
t~Y O\\'tlf'T 3 en, 2~h.
\\~-.01 cnrpcU.1111. c:-u 11 t o m
drp«, trplc. OOVl!"'d Pell•~
lnrl1epg, l'N'ar Be a ch ,
$2!"1,9~.o. ooi-799~
ntE QUJCKEJt. rou CALI ~
Sl!S-l'Olt SALE
(daal ;locaUon. Minutes lo
beach. 3 BR, dining room,
built-In range, oven & dish·
'f'Uher, 2 car garage, l..arfj:e
fenced yard, Lots ot exlnlJ.
qit:aper than rent.
ONLY $21,000
"TI1e one to eau Flnt"
-·-. ·--.. -----....--.......------~·-....-· ~---.----·--------··---~ -~~----------·---,.--
1705 HoutOI l'u•nlthed HoUMI Unfurnlthed L19un1 Beach
DESERTE·--D--Coron• del l'lllr 2250 Newport ~<'! ·• ~ c"'" ~ 4100 C..11 ~ 5100 Hunllnlfen ...... 5400
OCEAN VIEW Bcautlltll <J<· . · MCIOl1U4 FURN I BR 2861 KIJftlOlA, iow.r S .Br. SPANISH ""'""" s J\l<. _ s bath. BEACH RENTAi. Maple ..,._\Yllion.-.-. ,s a.. Ulil.\.-. rietlo. fl50 VILLA A"'ilable now, $47!1 mo. 2 BR, 11!0/:i SbiJ?; llM>o. No pela $111. Mo. 10 .,., -er
"UP AT A Vlu.A, DOWN ~ferences ~Ired. Prope:~!_• ...... We { J.Q:r. ~ ... Mar-Apt;.A B~ 1'fE SEA", located on Don V. =· RWW .,...,,., 8~\mt'ULLl: JMIM •. ~ Vii1iini: boch. lill-ln
l.quna'1 famed Rivlefa 3 BR POOL HOME, l blade lmmae. -2 1•'. pool. "°"'' cplt, dq>I. -Coust. NetUed in dill ROCK trom "8ch. No .... "'°".... AduJts, no pell $150. zm 98$'Mlalon Dr •• Apt. .l-1
RIBBED HlU-' THAT RISE Balbo1 ltl•nd 2355 probl•m. Broker S<Miij Maple.-· 1424171 2 BR. 0.11, d1Ji9, ,.,..,
lN MAJESTIC SPLENDOR. 2 Bk, be&ut putlo avaU l'IOW A.ale tor Don $1Z. LRG 1 Br, clein, qldet. Pl'· 1 cblld OK. No pets.
WlTli A NEVER ENDING 'Ul Jun 14th. us' .....__,_, BAYVIEW Beautu· 2000. • Beaut turn. Wahr/dryer, !Wt req, S1J5, !Wr.101' VJEW OF 1llE SEA. De-,.....,...... ..,, ' ' • pr Mature aduUa.
tailed Spanlah at:ylll'.lg tea· Little Island. Call aikr 1 BR. w/all the amenities. ino.o w.u.ee CM 2 BR. e)ltt. drPI. bit-Int.
tufts RED TILE ROOFLlN-p.m. <213\ 69T...a615 Poo!, ,goU. sdnr. $.i25 64.5-1111 ' • dllCi pr + pq, SUO mo.
2 & i led.-Aph.
"""""' llY"-r to ...... the -dbcrimlnalfn&. ~ ... avaUabJ• at
The Huntington
Gonorol ·----lndusl•l•I Rlllt1I
roll kuo, Laguna Nlpl,
ott San 0 .... Fw)\ .. Clowft
All 2 Bedrooma w1th Built.ins Valley, l}l'W ~ "
4 Padol • 4 Garages lndll$1al units. Delta £leo. tric. -Days -831·1400. ~ Only $83,000, lnt.'Ome $700 pr _ 4!J9-.C:i98.
Mo. wm lleJl Of exchlutge I ::::-=-.:-:c=---,;, fOf small houat, Cotta. fafeM, 3m SQ, ft. M·l 1pace with
11\lntinaton Bach area. front oifice: drive ln rev
WALKER A LEE M•. Levine "'°'· 1308 Logan St. ~
lboome I: Invfttment Pept. Sl95 mo. M6-(l6$l
56-9t5l NOW LEASING • NffW )(.;
ES ~ ~ e Nasu.u Fa.Ima e adlts ooly M&-8919
tOR.FlioNTCOUR~ARD S.n Clement• 2110Nowpo.rt H1i9hh 3210 177 i;:.1~5~·~·-··MESADEL>1AR.14"""1 ••
ENCLOSED W I ADOBE .,.._ eq,t1 I dlPJ bltna / rt!tlfs. 842-4421
11 VN1TS, $1'l'S,OOO annual Industrial 1350 9q\1al'e feet.
P'OfJI $24,800. Near Euclid 1_:1156:,:/,;rno= • .;Ag;;:••=t=6'2'=1'85==f f It Ball, Anaheim,
Til 0cea:o AYJ;., 1U 13 UNITS, 4 )'ean: old, Loh 6100 ~!!!~!!rrw~!!S!6->!!!!!'8l~!!!~d Ut.360 yearly gJ'Ql!S. 15% l1"'1"'.1m"--oo-WN--.,,--,man-.:.;1 • .;.;V.. 174n Beach' Blvd (Hwy 39
corner Slater In Htn, Bcb.) TYPE. BLOCK wALi. & 4 BR, 2 liv rm, rustic CHARMING 2 bedroom It BACH. apt, fpl, bttun ceil, $97.50 \: 545-5270
BU.CK mON CR y LL E modenl, 2 blks from beach den, 2 bl.th home. W/\V w/w cpf&:, priv, patio, l Adlt. SPLIT-Level 3 Bt. '"' ba; l"'"'s"'E"L"'O!'!!W~MA~"'R"K"'E!'!!T""'"' I GATE. In waoded C&ll)'On. carpeta, drapes. Eaatalcle no pet. $95. 673-7629 cpl!, drpa, bltnl. No peta.
Dble. doon open Jo entry 49'1·1875 or 497-1517 Coilta Mesa.Close to shop-1-BR., sundeck It---. No 2885 Mendoza. CM 56.sal
L1tun1 ll1och 5705 -3 BR 1% bath $150 per month ball and 1 u ping .r. park. Nie e I y 74 °--~ Including taxes with $1942 mus ve v. nn. Condominium 2950 landscaped yard, covered pets. l Monte Vista, Costa 2 BR. •tudio 1inf. Cpts Drps 100 CLIPJI DRIVE
Yearty Leue. 1 6 :1 Bdrm&.
ate111 to Shen II $bop1
Oceanview from every Apt.
down. Medallion home with WITHlSFT.HIGHVAULT· patio, very quiet Mesa blt·inL9M 0El~ $14.S'. ED CEILINGS OF OPEN ' bit-in electric range & oven, WOOD BEAMS SUPPORT-2 STORY Coodo w-plano, ,rec neighborhood. $195 pr. mo. FURNISHED small apart. 962-5050
garbage dU!posal, gu FA ED BY HEAVY CROSS area. pools. Nr. OCC. $225 Available for immediate oc--ment 275 Broadway. Call 3 BR. 1% ba. Children
beat, cpts/dps, dble garage T 1 MB ER S, MEXICAN mo. yr's I~. 546-2668 cupancy, Write Box 6U e/o ,after f PM. 60-2227 welcome. $150. Mal'. 862 w. from SlSO mo up. lease
491-2449 w/boat door. Fenced, land-STYLE FIREPLACE OF -Daily PllOI l BEDROOM, $80 + Center Apt. I; 1D a.m.-4. p.m.
Keaped sprinklers. ' ORNAMENTAL AD o BE D"plexes FUrn. 2975 NICE 3 MIT11 to respon long partjal)y fumllhed, older ~BR., J&e. k:ilch. Elec. bltos;
Walk To Beach
Sharp l BR home, carpets,
drapes, heavy shake .roof,
atrium entry, quiet cul-de-
sac street. Priced right •
$28.900 • GI or FHA terms.
P•ul Jane1 Realty
847·1266 Eves. 5J6..7124
5% % Joan .avail. w/some
cash. 3 BR 1%. ba. 18x13'
irep. lam rm, ft'J)lc, c.."Uv. P'!--
tio. Owner tr.ansfetTed·VA
or FHA terms.
847-8531 Eves. 968-1178
Sparkling 4 BR :? bath home.
Assume 5%. %-FHA loan.
Excellent area.
R. D. SLATES, Rlt•.
847-3519 Eves. 962-7369
f BR 1%. bath home just
painted. $22,tnl GI or FHA
Detinit~y a must tt1 see!
(714) 897-lDOS
55' WATER front w/40'
dock. 3 bdrm, den, !am
rm, !iv rm, 2 ba. Divorce
.ale $74,000. 33t\1 Gilbert
Drive, 847-3724
BLOCK & RED TILED IMMAC clean 2 . term adlt tenants. $225. No man pttfened. 838--7440. cpts, drps, a.il'.c:ond. Gar. 2 BR on high drive, W/W
·HEARTH. Liv. nn. over-Br. pnv dog$. Aft 5 pm, 1513 Cl1ff s•=. ••• E. ~~ St. cpt.a, slove & refrig, opl. patio, quiet nhd, adults no · N • """ -"'I _.,,. Water & TV cable pd, $128 ~terr.iced pa_tio .& af· Dr 548-7289 ewport 11e•ch 4200 LRG MODERN 2 BR fords an OLrrSI'ANDING pets, 642-5392 ---------·! per mo. + S25 cln. dep.
OCEAN VIEW, 4Completely RtNTAL$ Un iversity P1rk 3237 SINGLE Young A~~ts Lux-Crpts, drps, bltna. pool, $12.5. :~~l.taA~~·~~!~tli~~
modem kitchen has ornate Houses Unfurnished ury garden apts with coun-, ~M;";·,,....,.,=='===== I 837_2933 ~ tile counters, ALL BILT-IN LARGE & elegant. Brand try culb atmoaphe'r'e and 1" .,.:.:=:::::. _____ _
RANGE & OVEN, DISH-Gener•I 3000 new former model home 4 complete privacy. SOUTH Newport' BHch 5200 1 BR, spacious. frpi, pvt
WSHR., GARB. DISP., etc. bdrms & famil,y room. 3 BAY CLUB API'S, Irvine patio, flUlet couple or lady,
& opens to lge. dining n:n. IRVINE Tl:..""RRACE _ 2 BR baths. 2 tirepla~s. Available at 16th. Newport Beach. l BR Duplex near ~ch, m pet&. JJ.50 leut". 325
WIDE CENTRAL CORRI· & den. Fantastic View, unlit June 15th only. (TI4) 645--0550 newly painted & cleaned. l.oc118t. 49'41109
DOR w/tile Ooors, leads to beautiful oonditior. -$750 BOB PETTIT, Realtor GRACIOUS living! l BR. Vacant. $250/mo. Mu It KEAL ESTATE
3 HUGE BDRMS .• SERVIC· per mo. 8J3.0101 mobll home, comp. furn., allow to be shown for sale. Generil
ED BY 3 BATHROOMS. \VI BEACON BAY _ 2 BR ,f.:. pool, clubhouse. $125 Mo. Agt. S46-4.14l
\V carpets & custom drapes den, or 3 BR. Community Caron• del Mir 3250 300 E. Cst. Hwy, Sp. 227, TOWNHOUSE l Br. 2~i ba. R1nt1l1 Wanted 5990
thru-out. This unique Villa beach, pier, tennis cout • ...........__ Newport Bch. 213: 24S-4763 w/w cpts. drps, frpl, lncd,
styled home bu all the $450 pt>r mo. CHARMING 2 Br. 2 Ba.; BEACH APT Now thru patio, elec. bltns. 2 Car \~LL Take Balboa Island GRACE~. OF "'?LO WORLD Jolm 'Mcnab Realty Co. frpl., new shag cartp'g., June! Sund@ck, bltns, gar; gar, pool $275. 6'2·7219 me commencing August
CHARM combined with the 6'12-8235 wood paneling; beam ceil., 3 Br. cpts/drps, Sl95 mo. GOLD Medallion 2 BR. 2 ~th, 1969. Desire lease or
modern conveniences o1 a patio; close to shopping & 549--0844 BA. cpts, drpa:, bllns, encl. • ~e_ .... ~i~m ohoptiomn• ~~"thbuY1·
newer home. It's an if'o FREE Re '"' 0 -· f '-h "M M I 4230 • ~ "' n...... .x:mce or ""ac . ~ o., yr. ease BAOl t ... _ rar Hilaria W•., 1185 '·'--replaceable buy at, Newport Harbor • c 0 s t a 673-3456 • ap ·• ~"""· Clean I: ise." (213) 981•7039 ....,. l.l<'W'UOm attached or g~
$42,500 FULL PRICE i\1esa area. Call comt., centrally loc. $60 Mo.t ,;;;:;=:=::=::,=="I apartment; or <( bedroom L D p O 2 BR. duplex; redec. Wl\'I Mature gentleman 673-44681· -home. Send MI particulars, ~~;~1o"N RYE"':.L TYK . cpts, ~· ra.:ie, ref., fpl, BEACON BAY ~ mo til E11t Bluff 5242 to include . address & photo
985 So Coast II Lag gar., pat o. A ts, no pets, July 1 e NEW DELUXE e to: Col. R. T. Canington
• · \yY., una Lse, $210, 6734989 Call 54· 1 0 .,0 aft 7 3 B 2,, ha 1 Jr 101 46th Sl y;...,.;~,·8 Phone (TI4J 494-07:'.ll ORANGE COUNTY'S ....,..,,., p.m.. r. rJ , apL or lease " ·· -.,u, In I ,_ . . Beach, Virginia 23451
--· ......., __ --'4M·ll77
SIDE HWY • An elegantly
decorated home wi th mag·
nificent surf &: coastal views,
4 bedrnu:, 1orm.a1 dining rm,
LARGEST Huntington Beach 3400 c · spac-. msu-. 8Ulte, din Corona del Mir 4250 rm. & dbl. garage, auto. • MATURE, respon. Em-
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 FREE RENTAL BOOK door opener avail Pool & ployed man needs 1 br sgl
$210; 4 BR. 2 Ba w to w, Drap in end Browie l ·BR., cpt & drapes; close-rec. area. Nr. Catholic story turn apt or duplex.
rang• & Frpl Ex in; priv, patio. SUO Mo. Oiurch & school " Corona CM NB or CdM 49'J.5l63 oven. c. • He.re's one that probably · I tit 501\.i: Lark.!; del Mar ui .. i., ' tras. Children & Jlt't OK. won't Iut long, Real lharp ~7«~ · pur • ....,, Conners, or 642-6380 eves.
Broker ~980 3 Bedroom. Huntington Vil· e ONLY $280 e EMPLOYED lady wishes l
$120; 2 BR. close to shop-!age. 2 Baths. Fireplace. 2 BR. furn. nr, beach A 831-871 ALUaol Way, N.B. BR unfurn Apt, beach area
ping, garage. Children OK. Double Garage, $185 mo. •hopping, $l75 yearly. to $110. carport ot prqe
Bkr. SJ.H980 rent for short period. Tern-675-3153 Coron•, del ~r 5250 nee. 642--0086 UtJ 5 p.m.
$100; 1 BR duplx, w to w, porary transfer. Balboa 4300 2 BR. Chrm. Ocean 1ide of EMPLOYED lady would like ~:a· avail now. Bkr Walker & Lee CLEAN Bachelor Apts. ~~e=d~u·o~r;. p;:: ~~,:~~":.=~
keN rALS 7682 Edinger All util incl $75 up 673-2086 NB area. 673-1360
842A455 or 540-5140 315 E. Balboa Blvd. 2 BDRM unturn house, quiet
Hausts Unfurnished 0 BALBOA 673-9945 Coron• del Mir 5250 area. Ne......-Be a ch
down or will exchange Dee · I $7:1,500 equity lor vacant anview ot La 1 u n a
Orange County Land. can Beach. Salanoo $ 4 • 9 5 o • payable $50 mo. including ~ut:;~ RealorEs•~!_: interest. Owner. ( 'z'lf l .. ._.. 497-1210
brveltment dept. 546-2:m
Bu1Jn-Proporty 6050
Medical Building
R-2 • $42,000
1028 Bayside J?r. 875-Cl30
Ocean Froot
Residential. Owner needlJ
3300 aq ft, 4 Suites on cash. Priced $40,000. ·
choice comer in desirable Don V; Franklin
area. Immediate occupancy Realtor 673-2222
$94,000 • excellent tenn! FANTASTIC Oceanvtew lot
\Vlll exchange. $6500. Small. but level,
THE FOX COMPANY $1.000 down," balance at f15
2863 E. Cout Hwy, CdM per mo. 497-1210
673-9495 or 642-6969 ITRlP="c=LEX=,--:1o"t--:l8th=-.
LAGUNA MOTEL Walla.,., CM. S9,850, Inns. I
Prime' location, 27 older units Mr. Fisher, Box 21• Big _
OJ. lara:e lot. Great for t1wn-Pine, Cal 93513 ;
er/mgr, large eqully. LAGUNA Y.'OOdsy view 10111.
SUBMIT ALL TRADES underground util, pvt. $6,950
OR LOW DOWN PAYMENT and $9,250. 494-9748
RICK ALDERETTE 3 ADJ. lots; room tor ll
Reeltar unils. 333 E. 2bt St., Costa I
1704 N. Rosi U4/547-M69 Mesa. Owner 494--5072 Eve.
Bu1tness Rental 6060 AcA•ge 6200 ll
Executive & SAies
* Air-cond & utils "* Carpets & drps * Reception Rm * Cleaning & maint.
Telephone Answering &
Secretarial Service avail
Town & Country
Shopping Center
18582 Beach Blvd,
Cat Elli&) Huntington Bch
Approx. 44 Acres. rolling i
hills: beautiful setting; can ~
be planled in AvoC.ados or ,
hold for appreciation, Ar«-~
ious Sl'ller is uking $59,400. l
10% Down with interest only ~
on balance. For more 1.ntor-"
matloo, please call K. W. ~
Small with I
Eckhoff & A1soc ... Inc.
1818 w. Chapman Ave. ,1 ~-2621~~~·538-5971 1
Del Norte County -!
pen Eves. ~======== iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -~ • C t M 3100 -preferred. 673-7883, after 2. as a es• 4 BR, 2 ba. 2 st Y • Lido Isle 4351 FAMILY want. to rent 3 NOW VACANT FOUR d sw h r/bltns, retrtg, ..,-.
Huntington party rm w/wet her, seclud-
Harbour 1405 ed & spacious rear ganlen WANTED To rent by exp.
cook, small cafe or beer
rest., or o.rni:.~ssion, beach.
Box M 664 Dally Pilot
Near fabulolUI KJamath River :1
in heart ot the Redwood Na. I
tional Park. Call G 1 e n
Thompson· (714) 532-2538 Or. '
angt, OU.it. o~ ~te Harol•
Det ·Ponte, Box 35, Klamatl\.
Cal•. !<;5411 l
2(1 ACRE level agriculture •
lnnd 600' tron~ on U.S. ·
Hwy 40 nr Reno, Nev. ·
j;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;, j with lovely tree~ • $134,500.
MENT -Close to .town. pri-
vate ~ deck, I bedrms,
large dressing rm, 21 x 26
living rm, !Wimming pool.
Will considlll' lease/option _
Price $66,500.
BEDl\OOM 2 b th. 1 ~~--crpts/drps. 1st & last mo l·BDRM., util. paid: gar., in~ Br. hse tn Santa Ana Hgt.
• a ....::o.-= + 115 damag d•p ...,.. 24"" 1 dull •-$150 .. _ ... -• or &side CM area. 54&-1583 •~ th Al 3 BR 2 e , .,,.,.. •o a ' no peuo. , , • ..,.,
,._, mon · · so • alt 6 '1.1tdys yearly. 673-(Ml7 :Ew. e LANDLORDS e bath $215 month. ExceJient . area. CALL AL BLACK cozy l BR house, walk to ' ON TEN ACRF.S FREE RENTAL SERVICE
540--1151 Heritage Re al beach & d?wntown. New Huntington Beach 4400 1 .1: 2 BR. Furn .1: untllm. Broker 534-6982 •
Balboa Island
$150 w.w. carpet. Estate · carpets & pa.ml Small yard. Frplca I 11riv patiOl!!llPools
V · Avail QUIET & BEAUTIFUL · • . Roomt for Rent 5995
POO ecy mce. • April ht. Tenm1 -Contllt'l Bldst. put-L Home lea~ to 536-3507 Adult& only; 2 Br., util. paid, ting green. !--------'"-".;. Office Ront1I 6070 M&-2W9 '
Rltr. 642-9555
FANTASTIC 6\S % • 30 yr
loan available. Magnificent.
ly decorated. Just painted
inside & out, new wall pa-
per, new kitchen fioor tile,
JusciolUI new honey color
w/w carpeting. Your own 40'
BOAT SUP ofl the patio. 3
large bdrms, 3 baths, over
12600 sq ft, hUge family rm
& living rm with wet bar
& beautiful view of the bay,
1 modern all electric kitchen,
1 exquisite crystal chandelier.
, Full price $88,500.
Turner Associatts
682 No, Coast Blvd.
.responsible adults, J BR, I::=-:=,_,~~-~~ Pool. 847-2125 900 &-a Lem CHM ~S:U LGE. Br., seml·priv. ba.
2 ba newly decorated on SPAC 4 Br. 3 Ba. Nr 17676 Cameron, llunt. Bch, (MacArthur~. Coast Hwy) Gold Medallion home; $60 LAGUNA.::...8-EA_C..;H:= Retort Proporty 6205
Air Conditioned FOR RENT Furn Mammoth Laguna Beach (TI4) 494-1171 Lon'donderry L~ne Brookhunt & Pacific Coast UTILITIES PAID Mo.or$15wkly.64fr.2042
$255/mo. 6 4 6-8 g 61 or Hwy, $275 per mo, sulr
539-5911 lease. 968-2054 2 BR & bach, Htd. pool HUGE 1 Br., cpts, drps. W/W crpts, Liv Rm. refrig,
l BR 2 B" .._ 802 Knoxville, Apt D, H.B. stove, rel. Be1t ma. view. aemt prvt. $15 wk. 135
2 BEDROOM, 2 baths, wall ' . ~ near ....:ach. e 536-2914 e $175. 6'l3-Q4 Aft 5 Albert Pl, CM. 646-8359
Desk spaces available 1n sleePI 8. 675-4130 newMt affice buiklina at =========-1
prime location Jn downtown Mount. & o ... rt 6210
FOR T h e discriminating
buyer, we have a Laguna
Royale Penthouse in So.
Laguna. Decorated by J .
H. Biggers, 2 bdrm, · 2 ba,
priced at $75,000. Property
clear. Owner will consider
carrying 1st tr'Ullt deed. Call:
JeU Briery, Jones Realty,
Inc, 2001 W, Balboa ffivd.,
673-6210, Eves. fl73...lE34.
to wall carpets, draJlt'S & No children. $225 per mo.
bit-ins, laundry r t1 o m , Refs. 962-7995
Adults t1nly. $14{1, 540-4622 4 BR 2 bath, cpbl/drps, $225
after 6 P.M. 540-8616 per month. Village Real
2 BR, gar, patio, crpts, drps, Estate 962-«n
stove, refrig. Tropical set-* 4 BR, 2 BA, crpt.'I, drps,
ting. For adults, 1 blk. to patio. Lease $235,
shops. $170 mo. 5444780 644-22'77
2 BR house wilh garage, drps, fenced yard. Adults Fountain Valley
EMP. Men; aep. entry, quiet.
Garden Grove "4610 Bilbo• 5300 .$55 MO. or weekly; $TO Mo.
w/kitchen, S4S-6986 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· GRACIOUS Adult .Livfn&. l-=:.::::=c.::.::..:=--
ury garden apts *1th COWl-Ocean & Bay view, Spacious LRG Rm. Lovely home;
try club abnosphere and 2 BR. 2 BA., walk in kitcb priv; se p refrig, patio,
complete privacy. SOUTII closets, beautUul carpets I: ·-==· =646--0<=="=·=v'=~=== BAY CLUB APrS. 13100 draperies. Pool. Boat all(ll w
Chapman Ave., Garde n ft1r tenants. Subterranean Guest Homes 5991
;.. PRIV Rm !or elderly lady-Open House Sat/Sun
Noon 'Ill 5: 30 p.m. 1.,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,. I only. $120 mo. 288 Walnut
3410 _G:;;nw=::•:::<,:n,:":::636-3030:=:=== i='arldn=:;•;· ='73-3003=====-'="-'==--=;;;
L•gufta B•ich 4705 Lido Isle 5351 In llc'd guest home. Good food served ram. style. HOUSE wrnt POOL Ave. C.M. 673-5770 Open Sal. & Sun. PM ATI'RACI'IVE, clean 1 BR, UPSTAIRS 2 Br. 2 ba. bltns. 646-3391 BeauL borne; 3 Br. 2 Ba. Direction: Pacific Co a s l
Hwy to Admiralty, tum N.
across the bridge to 3301 1n
H.B. or call (TI4) 772.9430
Mortgage Servicing Assoc.
1360 Blue Bird Canyon Dr.
L\guna. 2 BR & den, 1 mile
from town. S34,500 • good
terms, Consider trade for
vacant land. Rltr.
E-SIDE 2 Br. fpl, beam ceil. Family rm.; dishwasher;
yd., patio. Adlts, no pets indoor/outdoor trpl: wool
$138 Yrly 673-7629 cptg.; htd. pool. $285 Mo.
l'lear beach & town. near Cptt. drpl, trpl. $225 Mo.
new. $145111e, 494-2882 yrly. lease. 673--3824 Misc. Rent1l1 5999
2 BDRMS. -$lJO pool serv. incl. 962-4915
Near School. Priv. gii.rage
RENTALS H ti _, Bl h 5400 TRIPLE Garage, $45, or Apts. Unfurnished un n •• on ac sgle. 10X30, $20 Mo. Nr.
$35.000 DUPLEX, 2 and 1
BR, view. jt11t remodeled,
pvt, wild kitchens! 494-9748
945 \V. lBtb st. 646-5840 L1gun1 Beach 3705
CHEZ ORO APARTMENTS Orange County A i rport.
General 8234 Atlanta 548-0044 TRANSFERRED 3 BR Hol18e, 1 BA. Crptl'i, 2 BR, view, . remodelled, ---------drps & stove. Fenced yard, plush cptg., bltins. Unf. New 1-2 Be~rooms-Pay WANTED
D1n1 Paint 1730
2 Story 4 BDRM, 3 BA Colo-
nial, 3 car gar. Near schools,
Stiop'g & transport.atit1n.
Low down; avail. June 15th.
:16831 HarknesJ Circle.
M&-0144 BY Owner 4 Br. 2 Ba. Extra
lrg. Jot, view site; l yr
fountain V•lle~y.__1;..4_1_0 _•_ld_._s29_,900_. _<96-39 __ ,. __
548-1907 $195. rum. $250. 494-9748 VEN DOM. E :~~~ :m7
SMALL 2 BR house $90/mo. Pool-Washers-Dryers
Adults.Child OK. 583 Plum-DupfexH Unfum. 3975 IMMACULATE APTS! Private Garages
mer St. ~ NEWPORT Wand Deluxe ~~T ~~r NEW APrS tot rent 3 blockll
3 BR. $145. Clpt., Irg fncd upper Duplex 3 Br. 2 Ba. SEGnONS AVAILABLE from beach. 2 Bdmu, 3
yrd. 924 Victoria, CM. Crptll, drps, frplc.. elec Cl lo Sh I p k Bdrm. Cptt, drpB, bit-ins, Shown Sat/Sun. 213/446-0673 bltns, refrig. Pier( slip. ose opp ng, •r sundeck A-pati01. 5$-2579
Garage for boat storage, NB
or CM area. 673-6434
lncomo Proporty 6000
Near beach, Huntington
Beach, $65,900, 847·3957
Houns Furnished · CASH BUYERS d I 1325 1 • Spacious 3 Br'•, 2 Ba 2 BR. house, $130 Per mo. A u ts, DO pets. • ease. • 2 Bedroom:.. 1 BR with bted pool, carport, E-SIDE inc units $57,000. Mo
1st & Last mo's rent ,_,.•d. 642--3425 util tum -1-n~a-· ..,..,,., ......., S Cal I Use your cash power to &5-
sume low interest FHA loan.
4 BR 3 balhs, pool, boal
Opon Hou .. 1 PM·S PM
Sund.ay March 16th
9631 El Portal
Rentals to Share 2005
YOUNG single working girl
wishes room mate bet. 18
& 24 female. Call II to 5.
645--0101, after S. 213 1
3 BR house, children t1k. RENT $1.20; Lovely 1 BR, 1tove.
Water pd. $13.S. 2188 CAnyon refrig, wall to wall &: patiO
Dr. apt B. CM. 629-5647 3 Room1 Furniture Broker 53U980
+ ·-.. 't Swim Pool, PuVir.een , ., .. ,,... . ~· me .,...,, .1.•-u • • c ear
$25 On. dep, 646-9295 t<cNTALS e Frpl. lndiv/lndl')' tac 'ls view. 536-1956 hse. Lemmer, bkr. 646-3750
OLDER 4 BR, $100 per mo. Aptt. Furnished 1845 Anaheim Ave. l°"'=i======:>..~==="'='==='=o
Lrg yard. 1 :co~sr~A~ME!iS~A~~!642-i!282!ill'H"u"n'°t"ln;.oac.;to:;•:..;;Bl:.:;:;•<:;h:...:;5400:.:;:;:...;H.:;u:;n;:l;:l•;,Gc.;l°":;;;...:lllo:.:;:;••:;h:...:;S400.:.::.:: * 54fH:i731 * Gener1 I 4000 11
3105 $25 Month 120, 2 BR. •11.in.
842..5011 or 842-SOl2 will ahan 2 BR. 2 BA apt Mesa del Mar 1:;========• I w/ame. Call M&-9184 all
Laguna Be•ch 1705 6 Jmi. frplc., dble aarage. $230/mo'.
Owner Agt. 546-5580
FULL OPTION TO BUY wall to wall. Utll paid. AYSilablet--j;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;:J---~ No deposit o.a.c. l'~iiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijjjl GIRL Wanted 1o share 2 l•t BR. apt W/ pool $80 mo.
~ Call art S: 3M42-6!M6
Furniture R1nt1l1
Mou Vord1 3110 517 w. 19th, C.M; 548-J481 NEWLY DECORATED
3 BR. Fam/Din area. tnod 1568 W. Lncln. Anhm 'Tl4-2800 :t Sr. w/cuport-;105
yd; dbl frplc. 8 mo ~. $225; Del~e 2 BR, 2 BA Dlsp, _ water pd, _ nr scltll
wtr pd. Avail 4/1 540--3955 Condo. Pia.no, 1tereo avail. 2194 "C" Placentia Ave.
QUIET, cute clean maple ~:;;;;;;;:;;:~· =~~l~A~pril~lat~._!!Bro~lrer!:.!534-6980~~!.... e 63'"4120 e Fumlshed 2 BR. util8. :
100ry, pool $150. <Sitter w N ,;;•;;wport;;;;;;;;•;;••;;•;;h;;;;;;;32;00;;I $95: Bachelor apt cloee NEW 2 BR, 1 BA. crpts, ~NCOME UNITS 1n!ant availabl•l. 170 O.J • In. Uti!Hle• P'kl. d•r>S. all bl!M Ind d!hwr,
luc right u apple -ple and Mar. B/B Broker 53M980 .ep paUo, tep pr, $1$.
chf.iell(!, EIGHT OlITSTAND-n.JRN small house to middle TOWNHOUSE Co1t1 MKI 4100 Ava11 Aprill. 642-6257
JNG UNITS situated in best aged or older lady. 381 Spilt Levcl 3 bdrm.s. 2 baths $160-2 BR. New indiv unltt,
rental uea of Laguna. One Hamillon SL Costa Mesa Do hie $25 Wk Up trplClf, dshwr, slow, dl"pl, iJllDclc to shopping, I o u r u C • r •a e, carpets, • adult!, m pct!.
bJocki to beacb and park. iJnivenlty P1 rk 2237 d~:;, 1'1rcplace, .. ~ 1 e c. •Studio & Bach 1.pll. 361 E. 18Ui St. 642-5340
.._. •• ~ ye•• --·-• -"th .;..;.;.....;---'----'="-buill·lns:. ADULTS 0Ni..Y •· • Jncl Utlb Ir PboM aerv. _ .. """ .... uv>.UM ""'' .-/month. e Maid o-• TV _,. MODERN 2 bd, 1% bl, AU f'.Xcelknt retum on tnwst· a>MPLETELY .I: BEAUTI· ................ ..,_ •::t•.av•ce • av"""
ment. YIELDS IN EXCE.$8 J'ULLY tumished 3 bdnn Ml"5. Fay e New Cafe .l Bar eiec, Qv\S, drps. GE ldtcb,
OF 11a.ooo a ...... No ...,,.n ~_::Jamlly "'°""0>·-~ ha~ Bay & Beach 237& -mw. ~ ;. g~ & ':i;,1140. Adlts.
netded and all unlta: fUm-....... ., ce. y,._..;v ~.__ RHlty, Inc. HOUDAY PLAZA .~o.,..,~~~~--
llhed. OWNER SAYS "SEU. Under the maJbt at $300/ 901 OoVer Dr., NB Suite 221 DELUXE, spadous 1-Bdnn. LG DLX 2 Br, bltnl, crpi., µow·• and will aJd In fin. mo. tncludlnc ~net • &C5o-21XO Evet:. 5*'966 Furn. apl $13$ PIUJ uUL drp11, pr/patio. Newly dee;
ancing. W&.IC!r. Flexible leue term. . n e1.ted poo!. Ample parklna ~t. Adults S 115 •
For tun df't11.!ls ea-11 BOB PEnlT, Re•ltor WALK to ocean. 4 BR. 2 No chlld.rtn • No ii«ts
494-8133 83.3-010\. BA. 6 yr old, A·frtme home. 1965 Pomon11., CM 2 BR unt, ept,. dJ'P', bin.
LOS PADRES BUSIES'I' ~lace m w/trptc. r:rpt.I; lhruoul. Bick $W r.10. Dlx. J\tobil lfomt, Wall Plll\tllng. I child OK
REAL TY town. Tbt DAJLY Pll.D'J' to Comm au~ houst w/pool oornp, rum.; htd. pool. Nr, beach. iiz. 962-3055
6'J7 So. Coast HY1'Y au.Wed aecUcn. Sa" Is. tennis court. S330 mo. Ad11Jta onb-. no pt!t11. 2 BR upstain, Eutsid•,
Laguna Bea.eh IDOIM'J', time I: e!fort. i..ooi ~ le wkna 67$-1584, d.llya Four SeU0111 Mobil E1ta1ts erpll. drps. rlOve, ttfr!g,
"°"ltr 6fG-.0593 Zl59 Newport, CM. Ms.-6332 •duttt, no petll $125. M).0246
Cotta Meta 2100
Costa Mn• 5100
2 Bedroom-2 Bath
SponlshStyle Limny
Fumlshod and Unlumilhod
Adult Llvin1-' N11r B11chH
Shlc CorJ>tls
Sell Cleanin1 o..ns
19122 I-uni St., Just Horth of Adami
Hunti"llon lluch-(714) 962-2981
Laguna Beach. Air ....,.
tioned, carpeted, beautiful l %. ACRES near pat m
paneled partitt~nijl~. Tw o 8 .. "$50 Down & _,, entrance.s; Frontaa:e OD pnngs. , _.
Forest Ave., rear leads to month. Tr a I I e r• OK.
>lunc:lpal -lots. l50 .:'36-:;::.::U;":.=::-==o:-J I per m011th for llP&ce. Desk 5 A. Nr. Hemet. Hidea I
and cbail'I aYailable for $.5. 3,000' eL Wtr, game l550Q.
Bu.slne111 .b.oun lnlWerina $55 On. ~7710 8-10 All.
aervice available for $10. agt All utilitt,. poid _ ,B_U_S_l_N_E_S-So_nd ____ ,
Leisure World Area
Seal Beach
Ultra modem, deluxe office
aulte. lOOJ ltf. 1L, walnut
panelling. (Just oH San DI·
ego trwy. at Loll Alamitos)
at J.3820 Bay Blvd.
Al.90 '88 sq. It . avail. In ntod.
em office bldg. at '1106 E,
Broadway, Long Beach.
Contact Dohn Tttmpala
414 ~ 837-2970
Bus. Opportunlllft 6300 1
Franchise opportwlltlea ava!J.
able locally &: nationally.
Cash investments required,
range 1 r om $10,000 to
$100,0001 Earning! commen-
surate with price of business •
selected. 1
To companies deairous o1 '
developing !ranchi8e pro-:
grams, we can provide: fea-
1i bility atuclies, complete de-r
velopment of package, mer-'
chandising uslMance .I: '
franchise sales.
For further inft1. contatf
1617 Westclill Dr. SUite 210
Newport Beach, Cal. GC2-m.3 * Modem Offices UNusu•L
Single' or suites. Alt coQd.. OPPOR'MJNITY
ltionlng, parking, secretarial Permanent r·e s I de " t tn
-service, central locat!on. deliver national bl'l\nd t1f c. Robert Nattress Realtor -rMtant coffee to Mttbtisbtd >----
230 E. 17th Street local major hotcl/mottl ac-
Co!ta Mesa 642·1485 t.'OUnls. ~lust have car, f.X·
NEWPORT CIVIC CENTER change-references and havr
Ottlces 1ultable for Com-ca.sh investment of $3,950.00
mercial, Medical, Denial. fsecured by inventory), EX·
Aif.cond,, erpt!, elevatnr CEPTIONAU..Y ll l G H
FROM $70 E A R N l N G S. .Perton
SAJ..5032 OR 675--2·164 8"11!cted will r • c e t v c
Mutual Savings & lhor&ugh compan)I guid&nee-. 1bll businesl will LHn Bldg., CdM produce an bnmedl&.t4'1 fn-
350 -800 ft avail now come and may he handled
675-4070 Eves. 494-3223 spare or full time. For
SHARE oUioe w/ e s t • prri;ona.I Interview plcl\Ml
l n c ome Tax co. Rcu. wrltr, including fl hon fl
mnthly rent . 1806 Nwpt n11n1ber to .Box M-476, Dally
Blvd, CM. 6G-7301 Pilo1 ·~~~~~~~~~~ 300 Sq. l"t. Offlco "LITTLE BUSINESS"
o.ta Me-. 6t6-nJO e Opuate from your home
• Full or part.time
Commercl1I 60l5 •.Rl&h •m>IOI• • No experience rieeeaarr
CorolrM tV.% Rmim •..,.. ninq -
$6038. net on $65.000 pr. •Earn while kamfrv s...., ,..,.. . 6000' ...... • l!50(I Itt-• ..,.
60dlll' kit. 19th • J:farbor. 1..-ompleti lnwntory
$49.300 dn a.uume 6% bt. • For in!onnation
lA&R pmnltl \bCl"tUC J.11172 e Call: S4W740 eW!I,
LYTLE REALTY 't.1N'°"'°"r.s.""'"•"'oa-"c"' .. '-,-,.-1,,.-.,
5&l w. 00 -· " ..... lor '"" ....... dq. Dial __ Whl=.::''c.cEl=•pho=•;.:":;..'_....; _SU<.611 ________ 1
.. , ~... -,.., .. "'-·"lP"•--..-~~~..,....,,----·~~..,....,.r, .,E.,.,.,t,.,,_.,.,.,~-"'""'",,...' ,.,.,..,,,.,,,..._.,., ... ,,.., .,,2...,,te.-.0.,., •,,....,.,,,,,.,,,,,,.,...,,, t.,,,.,,., .,,..,,-,.,,..,, __ ,.., '"•"'7' .,.,~.~~~.•~-·~•~---------
1~ ft D.llLY PILOT SallArd.ly, Mlttil 1', 1'1169
l 1 •USIH--ANNOUNC TS ANNOUNCIMllqS -'~*~-~*~-'!*f!'-•*!"lllli'll'!*~-~*fl!S:!E~W~V~IC:!!f:__!D~l~~E!!CT:!!:O!_!ll!.Y JOIS a EMPLOYMlNT JOBS I IMPLOYMDIT JOBS & EMPLOVMEN'r FINANCIAL , oncl NOTl~ES · oncl NOTICU ,< __ ,__ , . .., . , ._.._ep1,. Alu Agondoo, -7100 Holp Wtntod, Mon 7200 r1tlo Wantod, mon 7200
luo. ~nlll• 6300 Found (FrM Adtl 6400 Comolory Loh 6411 • Poor M4in'1 Friend er.cut Rtptr Tr ••••••• S600 l!OW wouJd )'OIJ like~ share 1 I CANDY SUPPL y ONE ea-.... ...,,,.,,..,. FOil SALE' • odJolnlno CUSIOM t.Am>SCAPING '"'-Afar, "'" .... to 11W In .... cilellM'QI of -I
1 • ROUTE -· l<lootll)< . ...._ ..........,. lob, Hu1>or Rtll. ,.._ MO.i2l4 "* ,..,... .. ... .. .. .. ... to "25 duelna: aod dillribuW.: a I
I <Put of f"1l TimeJ tilALE Siamese cat, Mtaa I-lave dec:S6lsl '° dMi ud ~ n-atnt. .•.... '580+ daily newspeiPttf we haw EARN $25,000 OR
Exodlent lnoome (QI' rew Verde area. 54&-4923 be bwitd •I•• w be r c · Muonry, Irick 6130 Merchentt P1nonn1l an OJI"~ kit a beginner. MORE ANNUALLY '
I lira. WftklY work ID-.ys or oro=UN'°D""'Y'°ng"""'So"''td""°".,..,.--m~ole _""6 __ ,..______ PRICE & aUA'Lliv-20C Wulclllt Drive pttlerably in hiJs twenties,
Eves.) ttfllllne and collttt-cat w/ collar. 536-454? FOUR ctmcln'y lots at Lobby Otlce WhG 11 aggl'tSSJ~, am-q Money from c.o1n ~ =========-1 Harbor Rnt. M@morial Park . aJS'l'OM. UNOSCAPING Corner 17th Ir: Irvine bltloul and willing 10 work ,
ated Disperurrs tn Orange L In Blu~ Spruce sectkm. Call -. . . . • 646.12.l4 • Newport BHcb eveninp and a I t e r n a 1 c U you at'e' a ·YollfS: (JO to Cl ~·-ty and surroundino ost 6401 lJ o ~75 • 64S-7TIO _ u.• uo• Sa............ For an ('It
ttta. No sellirlg. (llandles LOST gTttn le ye 11 0 w I~========:; · -•ptirn.ng "I ......,_._., I! ,.,.. suasiw, prolealmw.I t&lu· I UIW-1 ...... -O""".>V --'~" • , L-I ___, .. 1::..~ or I h ..:__ yean old), agarcsslvt, ptr-
Name Brand Candy a_nd parak@el 1n Vic. 2oo Auto Tr1nsport 6445 ~ -~·-l'-P-•1;.n..;1;.lng..:... ___ _:~= Help W•nted, Men 7200 qulrc_ml!nt11 and op. man you mo.y quality. Be
Stl&Cki) S1650 total cash re-Poin.sellia, CdM. A.nsM:n: -pottunlties tor re iv 1 a r su~sstul tn seUlrig new ! qui.red. For m0tt lntonna· 10 Pe~ or l.fomma's PreltJ' RIDE wantl!d from E-sidc Wh1ddy1 Wint? Wh1ddy1 Got? ~~all Ki~o~~~~a.~ MANAGERS: rau;es and bencllts whlch homes with tl .!Am:o builder.
• bon and detall11, stoel Nu-.e. Boy. Ile will repeat his ad· C.M. 10 v1c Dyer Rd & SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR inchKle the penonat t11e Of Real Dtate sai00r,)a.n's U-l ~"·ind Phone Number ~Su; Reward ~7-KU. ~:;~ ~~: J::z lihilt NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS ::;~ &: labor. Est. CAN YO~OQ~ALIFY ~~mi:~ ·~=~ll~~ ~ cense wLtnbdaJooi. Many
f ··iuxn:o~:XAR~MENT" REWARD. Mate cat, gl'a1 SERVICE DJRECTORY 5 Lines ~!i!!'~ S buck• ~~~vi~ EARN ~~ ::ent of ~ro~:lti~:~. ui~:=
Anaheim, Calilomia 92803 & black tortoise short hair, &..byalttlnt 6550 MULEI -AD MUST INClUDf: rc.L FREE l!sl SCS.-1627 $10 000 l-'=-7.c=::=~=7· -:--;-and hospitalization are part
v.'hlte on fal"f' &. feet, 4 --'--"-.,----;:~~It ":vnc.:~1111~., "!:",..., ~ ::'. :~= IEXT="t"•-,---.,--"-"'"--9 JANITORIAL or this challengin& career.
ltfAKE I\UNE yrs old, '"Happy", vie BABYSI'i'rER t-HOTH1HG FOJt IALlr -T11.a.on OHLYt .... t. JJD.ta:. Aver rm. INTENANCE
COUNTR'Y STYLE Pacesetter, Lag Ni g u e 1. Fenced yard. Meals included. PHONE 642·5671 $2(1 + .aood paint, neat M per year MA
On &: ml aale liq. Llc. 111 4!5--5398 Week daya only, Vicinity To Place Your Trider'• PirRIM Ad wo.rk. lee ms. Ray, MT·l.358 As anagtri With Floor care man wanttd for
heart or No. Calif. Bil: llalladay., Bishop St., S.A. Paper hanging, 45 years McDonald' A steady, lull time work. Must timbu oountry. Tavern, Wsr: Male dog, tan and Phone 336-5672 TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. %% ba. Modem Comm'l Bid&'. 6 ~-Call Fred! ~ be experienced on Tenuo
Contact Don Paddock
Call 213' 636-1755 liotel, huge b a 11 room brwn, Daisy cut, name Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio. stores nr ~ar'• develop. * ,._.., ........ * lloorL "BuUy'' Vic Balboa Penn. CHILD care. ..... J:iome, ........ 1 -•---~ ~ The N1tlon'1 L1r91st w/sep. bar. Banquet or Stk ...., ,...._ UUlie lo bay. Val. ment, Covtna. Tra, de for p•...-n.•c "''·'"L •-·" C R list:. Fae. Joe. 1n center Rt-ward! "24 Belvue Lane, weekdays. vicirilty Victoria $32,CO), low "dn. or T .D., land, income or . Owner/ :i~"'k Ina ... 17 """"""'.. 1rry-out e,t1ur1nt
of mnall town w/major Bal. &: Harbor Blvd., C.M. Car or ! Owner 646.(;654 A.gt. 61'S-4{)4.t eves 00.-1559 ~-s4s-sizs )ft up. Chain
sawmill industry. XJnt h~ ~R'°EW=A'°RD'°'".'"'Mal<,...,.~bl"a-c'"'k-m"b~xed 645-2181 CALIMESA Jot 85 x 300, OCEANFRONT DUPLEX . LOOK AT THE FACTS:
ting Ir. fishing. Price incl cocker, brown markings, COSTA MESA PRE SCllL, Desert Crest mobil Jot. n7 (XX) tqUl Exchang HOU~E ~ting. Quality at Averaae base salary•· SS,700
land, b I d gs. and eqmt. lost wel!k-end pt Mar. 1, La· agez 2-6. open I:~:~ pm, Mecca Traill!r Park. Box !or 'Baytront, t)'Units or Sall~ ~~ ~~ Ftte ~st. Call Average banus • ·• ·· · Sl.300
$179,000. $50,CKXI dn plWI in-gUna !Iills. Roger Stine, He'd, plnd pro a ram. 1024• 29 Palms. 548-98S2., boat. Balboa Bay Proprr-l :="-'-'""'::C.:~---Averaae total • ...... no.000
ven~. Will send full 494-7365 &43-9803 Want: Carnpt>. or ex_pando ! ties 613-7420 m.9181 INT. I: EXT. Painting. All
particulars upon rec. Fin. l"MA=R°'cu=9", '°Bl",-.-.. -in-t,-~-........ CHILD catt, any age my ' . Beaaon rates. Free H t. lic'd -i.m•nt ~---id·r -d• JM-.... Oear land. Laguna Beach. llAVE: New S"""15h OU. .,_; ..... Call ~--u •• 540 ~
....... .. • '-"'"' .. ua male Siamese, declawed. home . ~ 2 S week. Sol & h ,... __ , bad 38 h~St· NB • =·=··=:,:,,.-~"""=:..::::~= ..__ .-...i beach prop Write ll1la ac · ........ .-.1 • plex; U9 t • ·•· .....-•""" · Flea t'Ollar. Vic. Cameo Teacher/mother. MS-0156 Lake Sa.n Marcos. want U4,00(t··eq, + cash FOR ~AINTING, Papering 16 )'!'! Box M663, Daily Pilot Bkr, Sho-•. GT"'~ d "·' . >n H·•bor ·-a. 1J , bo~ ... ...-w•~ 0-IILD Care, vie Paularioo resi enuu mcome or com-3-5 well Joe. R-2 Jots in Q, """ ..... c ..-....
Owner. llEWARD. Gold bra<..'elet w/ School, CM. Da.y or night:J--~ial. Broker 494-1330 Oity. 673.&133, 61>5161 ed. Rell furn. 642-2356
• BEALn'Y SALON • 2 charms i n s c r i be d 549-1928 N'. end Laguna Beach, air I =~~-==.,,.--cond, 6 statlonl established, l2/25/68, at Omar's, San F'ULL Or PART time, any
finPst ~uip, ample parking. Oemente. "722-7749 collect shill. J<~enced yard. H.B.
$6500. Owner. Gt-9972 • $100 REWARD -2 Fluffy area. 536-1956
Eves, ~. Persian ldttens/ l-cream, 1 WE=~EKL=~Y~c~bl~d~o-, ~l~nt". -care-
IF You wouJd like to be 1-grey. No questions asked. l.fy Home. 50c Hr. lira.
in business for yoursel!. in-897-9102 S.5 N.B. 67S-5429
JlAVE: 10x50 Mobile home
w/extra 9x40' rm; Metal
top tent camper, sell·cant.,
slps 8. TRADE: for motor
home or airplane. 646-518.f
1.!ammoth Lakes -10 Units
plua large borrie on 1 acre. Pl•sf•ring, Rep1ir 6880
Trade for your Orange INT. Plasttt, ext. stucco, dry
C.Ounty property or ! Salia-wall taping, acoustic &/or
bury Realty 6"1U900 textured ceilings. 545-6003
San Fernando Valley 3 Br, e PAT'S Plastering. All
2 ba pool home $900) eq; types. Frff estimate. Call
now hed $275. For Orana:e 1 :541)."'5:========= I w stip.te the IIll!lY op-3112 • l full roU cushion-air I -'BAB~Y,.s=1"·r"r'-1N"'c,.:.~M-y-ho-m-•,
portunitie1 with pad, vie Newport mvd by Paularioo &: Fairview area.
C-Belle Cos.metia 541-9487 J1oag Hospital Reward. Call 546-5583 C.M. ~i _•.:9;.... ___ 6:.l:.;90~
BARBERSHOP. attractive, 64&-6536 eves. w ANTED: J r 0 n i n g & Ranch almonds &: walr:uts 2 M.1 tilt-up bldgs on Pia-PLUMBING 24 hr serv.
County house or JoL t · ...... ,..
NEW '69 Olds 98 IS, 2300
miles. Loaded. $5300 List
S6300. For first trust deed.
Private party.
Newport. Re&.!Onab.l.e, other LOST; PL Shep/Collie, tan, Babysitting Vic 19th St. CM. centia, C.M. Trade @Qty Work quar, lie. Ina, remod,
tnturst& 5 4 !1-l J 4 6 or 11 mos. old, female, Vic. 646-6164 Paso Robles 80 a cres, exe $95,500 .. for land, plus ? ? n!pair, rooter aerv. 531-7566
Bal !·'and tax ~helter. \Vant Io c al ·~ 000 646-4<118 · "' · 6'15-1144 Price $MN, · PLUMBING REPAIR LICENSED day care. Pref property. Equity $66,000. 5''8-1542
CUTE SPOT, Piua. chicken. wkly 2-4 yrs. Hot lunches, Pyramid Exchangers. No job too small
fi&h, frozen b&nanas. E-Z Person•l5 6405 balanced actiYitie!. 546-1539 646--2629 :'\ BR 1% ba, Monticello ===·=·..,.=""'==·== to operate. Terms. 675-1B75 WILL babysit my home, any C.Ondo. cpts/drp11, bit-ins, 2
Wanted Men & \Vomen <l/30 &hilt One child orJy. Exp'd 17 Ft, outboard for station pools, $3800 @QU.it;y, Trade R•model .. R•p1lr, 49-40
some man.agers earn
as much as $12,000.
-Starting salary BS Man-
ager Trainee $6,000-$7001
-Profit sharing, paid vaca-
tion, lite insurance, and
full medical plan.
-2 weeks advan~ !raining
program in Chicago.
-Training time to manager
1 lo l~S years,
Interviews Monday
March 17th
From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m .
Jumping Jack
1llO P1cific Coa5t Hwy
Torranc•, Calif,
Single, divorced to start new mother. 645-1821 wagon or auto of equal va.J.. for 3 or 4 BR home, TD1,
Reil Estate Lo1n1 6340 Hntg Bch YMCA Adult over ue. Phone 644-4687 car or 1 Owr./Agt. 546-5580 ARE YOU 'IllINKING of CAREER
. 30 C I u b-0 b j e ct iv es BABYSTITING My home, E-' another room?' Famlly rm? OPPORTUNITY I
HOME LOANS fellowshlp, fun, wkly side C.M.Prelerweekly. * * * * * *Bedroom ! Den rm? •
MONEY AVAILABLE dances. ean or write if you * 548-1557 *1 l~~~!!!'!'!!!!!~~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!l!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!~I Bathroom! Activity nn?, Join todays tut.est £row!n&
'Call far delalll on today's W<>uld help organize!-========= SERVICE: OIRECTORT SERVICE DIRECTO.RY Pa.Uo rm! Library nn? profession·1'futualFund sales
' rates fOl' 1st I: 2nd TDs. 536-7920, YMCA P.O. Box Boat Perhaps Just more ROOM? No experience necessar)"-
Servina: Orana;e C.Ounty for m, Hntg Bch. 92648 Maintenance 6555 Cement, ConcNte 6600 G1rd1nin9 6680 Plans -Estimatt! -Advice -We train -full er part time
20 years ----------Gratus. Mutual Fund Advison,
Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. STARTING New classes in MARINE MECHANIC * CONCRETE work. Bond-CLEAN-UP Specialist! Mow· Lnuterbach & Assoc. Inc.
336 E. 17th St. make-up; a first in Orange Day le Night Sen.>icc. ed &: Licensed. C.Oncrete Ing, edging ,odd jobs, light 314 E. 16th St. Ci\! 646-1797 Npt B. l603 WestcliU MU422
' 64?.-21n 545-00U County. Learn how to look BAL. ~OAT RENTALS sawing moving. Reu:! ~ It'• almost r;pring & we know s A 1212 N B d
Eves.. SV-786.'i G42 ll"7 your best Ji just a few 705 Edgewater Phillips Cement. 548-QSO • • ' roa way
, -., short hours., at a very low Balboa. t:.a.lit. Custom Landscapinn Generel Servieft 6612 R:~ha: Du;,~~!~ N & S4t-8.\1l
·----------cost. Taught by the expert! Robt. Schy,•eitzer 673-4010 .. . urm CAR I Mo"11fet, T.D.'1 6345 ol the :iitudios. BESI' IN CONCRETE GOLDENWFSI' Self-Service :remodeling. A ttr a ctive J
541-9487 C-Bt>lli! Cosmetie1 Brick, Masonry, etc. • 64&-1234. • L aun d r y/C\eaners, 129 prices. Frei! estimates. Call
l *HAVE $60.tm Prival• mon-6560 e CONCREl'E .ork, all Agalo, Bal Isl<. Open Sun-546-0846 LOT ATTENDANT j -ry investor wat1t5 to buy sea-Attradive ExJMrt tYPeL Pool deda & cu.stom. ~s 9am to 6pm, weekdays I==========
IOntd lat 1: 21'k! TDs. Rea· YOUNG WOMAN BUILD, Remodi!l, RepBk c.an MS-1.324 8am tD 9pm, Saturdays 8am Roofing 6950
\ JOO&ble discount. dancer will teach you all Briclt. block. c: on t! r I! t e • to 6pm. ·.;.:;""""-----..:.::::. ~ s.tt1er Mortaa;e Co 1nc la.test steps, Call Ardell crpntry, rio job too small. e BEST IN CONCRETE A Roofer riot a aatwnan.
1' 336 E 17~ S . . 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM Lie c.ontr. 962-6945 Walks, pool dl!Ck:s, floors, HA~NG. Cleanup ~· Leaks 1toppi!d, all type
I 6C-2l1l · L!>l>oGll Patios. Phone 642-8514 om: JOb! etc. Free est. Jun roofing. New or repair work
EVH. 673-1865 642-1157 YOU Mll.!it be scene to be Busin••• S.rvic• 6562 • CUSTOM PATIOS . MS--5325, anytime guar. 536-844-t
1.fust have experience, Excd·
Jent company benefits and
working condition&. Appl,y ln
person to Bob Rogalski.
Newport Beach (ask for Mel Uoy) \Vith mobile home-experi-
_,..:::::::..:::...:c.::..::::ec__I ence. Excellent benc!i!s .
$667 to $809 mo.
AGE: Zl-30 !-lEIGHT: 5"8"
ininimum WEIG!-IT: in por-
portion to height. PHYSI-
High school graduate, valid
Cali!. operators license, U.S.
citiu.n. File application at
4000 Campus Drive
Newport B•ach
Cily Hall, 8700 \\lestminsterl---------
Ave., \\'estminster, Calif.;
be.Jore April ll, 1969, S p.m.
(1141 893-4511 Ext. 205
Js expanding and requires
• Tire Service hleo lrnmcdJ.ate opt:ning~. Exper\.
e Front encl and brake ence neces.i;ary, Expanding
mechanics stall far enlarged hotel oper.
• Retail Salesman ation, Contact J. Ravln in
Company pa td benefits and person.
an opportunity for ad-
Apply: 2019 HarOOr Blvd.
C.M. See: Mrs. Jones
Excellent pay
for hard y,·ork<'r
2145 Harbor Blvd.
Costa 1'1esa 540-4m
Laguna Beach Uni Ii e d
School District. Must havt-
3 yrs gardening or nurs"ery
exp. Salary $488-$595. 8
hrs/day. J)ll.id vae; holidays
& &ick leave. Apply Mr.
Ray 'LawsOn. :ml Laguna
Canyon Rd. Laguna Bhc.
1107 Jamho1-ec Rd,
Ne1\·port Beach
Young l'ry Cook
Kitchen Trainee
Pcrmanrnt, run tin1e job.
Chance tor advancement
Bob's Big Boy
154 E. 17th Street
Costa Mesa
selected. We need people concrete sawing&: removal • SF..cRETARIAL Service!
14% RETURN of all ages int. in exposure TYPING, IB1.t Exec. S3 Hr. State Lie. e 842-1010 \Vhfle you wait. IBM Exec. Sow'ina 6"'•
NABERS CADILLAC 4S4-0ll0 1---------li:
'30,(0) lit TD, pOO mo, In-for ~it parts in commerc., Resumes, repQrts. phone N.B. area. 644-2641 1.;."'-'="'-----''--.:;;
cludin&' 8%, 3 yrs, Level moVJes & 1V 826-3460 dictation. Pickup I.: del. ---------· e Dre making Alt tio
hilltop. magnificent Ocean OON'T let another lonely 544-8814 ( ::.:h:.:ll;:dc.C:.•::"'c-____ 66;;.;_l:.;:.O Japan1M Garden•r 55
-. era ns
Vlew. La.rge cash down. weekend go by! Succeed in -~----Exper, compl yard service! '!9t~signs
strong buyer, 18% discount dating without really tr;rin&'. C1bin•tm1kin9 6580 MOM \Vishes girl :: & 6 Free estimate. 548-7958. *
2600 Harbor Blvd.
C.OSta Mesa
D ES IGNER-DRAF'TSMAN-returns 14% tnteres~ Laguna Bch 494-4479 yrs, fl time day11, my homr., e PRUNING, 21 ytan exper Alterations--442~5145
494-1138 * Selective Singles * M~:e~~ ~:~ Bet. Brookhurst & Adams, Call Bill Fel'l\190n Neat, accurate, 20 yn. exp. Small, rapidly gr o w l n g
lftOQN lit TD on magnificenl Companionship, Sincerity ~/645-2310 aft 4 H.B. 962--0543 546-~ Eveninga Corona de! Mar firm, varied
Oceanview icvel lot i n Introductions Confidential 1 or 2 Children. my y ARD c 1e1. nu p. Tree TrH S.rvic• 6980 & interesting projeeUI, great e JAPANESE GARDENER ho · ht d H I I lo •-' Laguna Beach. Sold at (25-55} 642-9616 S.10 P1.'I me, n1g or ay. o service.. new I awns, ocat n. uinge benefits, ad-~ 950 b'-Maintenance&: CLeanup meals 546-3390 cr.1 Et t ~-·nt va nc•mon t . Now ,..·. 1 "'" • paya oc at $53 mo. AITRACTNE blonde widow Call 548-2ST2 · · · sprinklers, rototllt M6-5848 s a • mt1I 1nance
incl 8% due 3 yrs. 494-ll37 desires to meet sincere 1-=~.c,.~-'-~-..,-I----------ESE Gard Tr•• Service tel'\liewing intermediate &
LARGE OCEANVIEW LOT gentleman 39-49. Box t.1-417 AL'S Gardening Se r v Ice 6620 J~~e. Ma inte='. ;:~ Tree removal &: trimmings Sr. draftsmM -designers
$2,000 down, balance $'1500 Daily Pilot Lawn mainli!nancc. garden-I ~C;.;on;;;.;l•..;•;.;do.•;.;".:;.. __ ...:;.;:.;;.;. mo. rates. 892-3219 Free estimates. v.•ith diversified experience.
incl o/c ing &: clean ups. MS-3629 Additions * Remodeling 642-6300 842-299:1 Salary open. P r o v id e
at fl'5 mo t.Klifl&: 8 ° COUPLES, singles; lonely r EXPER GARDENER Fred H. Gttw)~i. Lie. !~~!!.----~~!~~~~~~~~~ rf!rume, references, & work Jl"ully lmprovea -un-New in area"! We have your ....., H1ulin11 0730 1 11 .., __ ,...1 w. 49'11210 Mid-age Japanese Ri!Uable. 6'1l-aHl * 549-2170 • -samp es. \VI 1 <1 n &: Q'l"~,.,... ... u · -kind of excitement! Mon. Sat ~1D5 Television, Repalr 6985 Williams, AIA: 673-3990 19% YIELD! e 635-929! e G1n1r1I . H11.11in9
sz,cm 2nd TD w/ discount 'RED="u"CE"'°'Saf~•".-,.,..m-p"le-&'°"w-t Ca--nterl-. 6590 C1rpet Cleaning 6625 & Cleanup RAINBOW • TV {color or ~-,.~ • 10'' 3 -s~ :.:;;.·,;.:. ~=.;.;.."..:.•--'--' $10 per loud. Frtt garagl! blk & who &: STEREO ..... ,..... "I<'· , .r•v _, '''ith GoBese tablet11 only -PROFESSIONAL Rug A
mo -1 all d"" 12/30/71. C cleanup for uaable items. Repair. No service -ha-e. r.r-· "" 9&. r a. w f ord's RX Upholste"'" Cle""'""'· Top --• ''"""" c.. CARPENTRY .,, -06 Call Tom. 531-3757 546-3120 Phannacy, ....,.,ta t-.1csa. quality, guaranteed results.
i lASSAGE by Susie or Chris 1.fINOR REPAIRS. No Job Allen's Maintenance LIGHT J{aulillJ' Oean-ups'l---------
lor camplele relaxation. Too Small. Cabilll!I in gar-646-4063 or eves 642-3528 Tre~ Removal. Reasonabll!. Uphol1t1ry 6990
.,, Be h B ages &: o 1 h e r cabinets. 545-5-100 I~""°::.;;.:.::.!----'= MONEY Want ed. Ex· 11~;,.., ac Blvd., II 545-8l7S, Uno answer lea\TC CARPET & Furn. cleaning; perienced,a gg r ess i v~. 847-6111 msi; at 646-2312. II. O. tor 1 day service & quality CLEAN Lots/garages etc., * LOOK *
honest, hard working am-ALCO!IOLICS Anoeymou~ Aruleraon Y.tlrk, call Sterlin&" for t:1'ee remov, dump skip 1:1 y~. serving Orange Co.
bitiou11 wom.1.11 far unigue Phone 542-'1217 or write to brightness! 642-8520 backhoe, fill grade. 962-8145 BIG SAVINGS
Money W1nted 6350
~ tavtrn in Besch area. PO Box 1223 Costa Mesa --CUSTOM Reply Box M 664 Daily . " ' REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Carpet leying & Hou1•cle1nin9 6735 ' CABINETS, Any 1iie job. UPHOLSTERY
Apply in person
151 E. Coast Highway
Newport S.ach
Pilot. Announcements 6410 25 yrs. exper. 54&-6713 R•ptir 6626 c u T c H 1 a d y want 11 AND DRAPES
ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION MASTER carpenter, $4 prr 1-C.-\R-PET--S--(ny-loM-'--.-.-.oot..-, I housework.Hu nt l n gt o n Our olhl!r services include: J oumeymsn mechanic, cx-
1nd NOTICES EX-NAVYMEN hour. Remodeling -Repairs. polye1ters.) Vieyls 11nd Tll· :~~~5 area. Own trans. *Carpet Installation pertence Foreign or Domes-
Founcl (Free Ads) 6400 Ocnn out the old sea-bag 64.2-MOO or 536-3900 es, Latest styles and colors. · * Carpel & Rug Cleaning tic. One of the oldC'st For-
and ht-Ip out a J;ood cause. ---------Commercial and Residential. CARPETS, windO\\'S, firs, \"our salsilaction is eign car service departmeni!
BLK fema.11! P/Shep. mix Give your old unilorms (OU. Cement, Concrete 6600 E..xpert installation. t-lc. Rfosiden. or C.Omc'I. our most importal!t asset in Orange Co. Flat rate &
.,.!collar. Vic. Ma.in St. t~n; & Enlisted) to the Sea-PllILLIPS Cemenl; L'Ustom BLANKINSHIP FLOORS ~ll~'Ork Reas! Ref.s. Reva's Upholstery warranty \\'Ork ss.oo per
H.B. 536-6160 &'Outs. Need blues, whites, patios, pool decks, w~b, 642--1403 540-7262 .;::~;;:.,=~=~=~I 3(5 Palm, Balbolt Penn. hour, pa/ based on 50/50%.
PART Doberman Pup Blk -"'~"·~""~"~'-· c_t_c._64~2-·5_7~69__ specializing In expo!led Iii• WilLL\.i\1'S CL.NG. SERV. 613-27!M 968-4797 Excellent ·working condi·
d I d -Elodr1'c1i 6640 Ca-ts-tum-comp! hM. "' ... ., ... , bav own hand .I: Tan Vic. \Yoo an NOT RespQnsible for any gregate. 892-1860; ..... CZYKOSKI'S eu.~tom .... o ..... .,..., e •~• u oTl68 d b" t•· Iha ~"7487 r:~o ,, • ..,. And Apt ell'!&". 642-3164 tools. Call Mr. KeUey. '"' ~ .n.r \:ru:a,: ff:r Hard~~:. own °"'-"" ; _,,__,, ELECTRICIAN Liceru.ed, ==========I Upholstery. E •1 r ope an gm or 54!>-0034
SIAMESE cat • male, found '""="-""'""'=:~~;.;,..= CEi\t.ENT Work. no job too bonded. Small job! fiitaint. Income Tix 6140 Cr at tam a ns h Ip, 100% 1..;.::.::.::...::::..:.::.:.. __ _
in Cameo HizblandB areL THE QtnCKER YOU CALL, sma.11, rea90nabl1!. Free .1: repair. 5'&-S2(l3 :;.:;:=:;::::...;.::::.. __ _:::..:.::1 Financing. W.-1454. 183.I
i,;Call;:;;,;;"';lden=;;llly=:. m..1921==='-nlE:=:=iQ:OUI,:,,CRER=o==YOU==""'=='=.'..=°':';;im;;·=H.=S=turu=ck=·=54'"'615== e The Tax Advisors Newport Blvd.,.C.M.
Need a c.rtlmstangJe!
Find if with • want ad!
TOOL GRINDERS DISHWASHER Form tool grinders, h i g h
apeed & carbide, top men V<1rlous sni!ls available, \Ve
only. $5.35 per hr + $100 wiU train reliable pc,rson.
min mo bonus. F.B. Piel free Top wai;:es & insurance +
health Ins .. Guar 4_5 hr work other benefits, Good equip,
wk. Westric CUttmg Tools. ment & best working condl·
114: 821-6111 tlons.
EXP. Service sta tion MANNINGS, INC.
Salesman. Ne\';t m o d e r n El Toro Road (LeisW'C \Vortd;
facilities. Overtime alter 40 Laguna Hills.)
hrs. + comm. Fu 11 time 837-1014 ,
permanent. 9'XI E. Coast FINANCE CAREER
Hwy., N.B. Nationn.l finance finn, 800
SERV. STA. SALES?ttEN. offices, seeking appilcan~
Young men, eves & wk a~ potential branch manag1 ends. Mu.st be neat in ·~ ers. Promotion in 18 to ~
pearance & handwriting. nionths. Experience unncc.
See Clyde, 2590 Newport essary, Outstanding career
Blvd., C.i\1. oppor!unity, exccllent bc.ne·
SECURITY GUARD _ Relief fits. At least 11.S. education
Man, alt shills. 40 hr. wk. required. Contact George Downing
1221 \V. Coast Hwy,, N.B.
~S-2211 Ext. 166
Public Finance Corp.
188 E. 17th. C.M,
F"ll timo. ""'' be noat DISHWASHER In ~ppcarancr &
hanchvritlng. See Clyde;
2590 Nc\\'port Blvd., Costa
1.1esa •
Full Time
Apply in person
CUSTODIAN \VORK. Stead\' 16 Fashion Island ,
men capable o! cleaning oi-Nl'Y.'JlOl"I Beach ,
lice building & bank in thrir • INSTRl.JLTOHS -.f'ull
leisure hours. Wrilc name, or/and part timt'. Nl!at a~
and phone nun1ber lo Box pearance. i\lust be able n)
~1-608 DflilY Pilot m~t and deal with tH!
TO\V truck driver, resident pubhc. r.:norl ftJ<llrt'. Apply
ot C.1\1,. N'pt. area: must in person, Jloliday llealttl
be 21 or over. 11.pply; Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd:,
llARBOR TO\Vll'iG C.f.l.
964 W. 17th SI.,°''""'"' --K-IT_C_H-EN_H_E-LP-. -
Dial 642-5678 for RE&JLTS (Full Time)
1· G1rd1ning 6680 ''ear round ale. 328 No.
-ANT-HONY'S NwpLBlvd,Ji a n.e .. ! . JOB!! EIJl~LOY111ENT Ho1.,.w ... 1od,.Mott+_ 200-Hol...Wanttd...Men..1200._, __ T,A~o:& in ''"""" --Call 645-0100 for appt. ·' llunti11,.,on near11 '
Gerden Servlc• MACK ltARRIS Ta.,; Scrv. Job Wented, Lady 7020 ConvaJcSC('nt llO!'p1tnl
646-1941 9th yr., 3111 Roooevolt, MATURE girl-Friday with Screw Machine 111792 °"''war<' SI.. llnlg Beil
BUDGET LANDSCAPING C.M. Appolntmla, 540-2971 rettnl personnel exp prefers f\-1 O L D E R ; e x p e r .':
Prune •.• PLMI ••• Prepan •INCO?.ttE TA.\'.• part.time perm position. Setup Men permanent moldC'r ror alunl. Monthly M&lntenance En · bookk 1 Done In )'Our homt-JOYS eep ng, type1 !· 111ngne5ium aero-SJ>3(."CI Exp. Horticu1turillt 70 WPM Pho 646-51 AIJ.,EN $5 And up. 6.39-l!GOO • ne 08 Three to five ye•rs e xperience setting up roundry. Lido Casting~ Jn~
BROS JNCO'!E T"''' ...... -R-A HOUSECL!:ANING or D•u G 'di D G-12-8.133 '' GARDENERS STUDENTS •• ,,.~t"U~ -and cpereting Acme t1 ey or avenport workinl their "''8.Y thru col-your borne, long torm com· work. S days. Reference.. scr•w mechlnes, ebllity to use micrometer NO\V In I fJ r v I e "'i n g ex1 I~. Experienced, licensed. bined, $15. '94-StZ2 ~9884 and r•ed blueprinti.. S•c:ond shift opening. t>rrlcnced draprry, c Pt
REAS! &16-420.1 Waltu H. FAlittnho!z P.A. DENTAL U!istant trainee. i>a.Je,:mrn. Perman e: n f
TAKATA Income Tax Service School tnined. Excellent Benefits Including f'mploymt>n1 . For appl. call * ~ -1 * , 1•• INSU" 'NCE tl!M-4657 l..nJ,.'Una &ach ' JAPANF..sE 1~URSERY 642-fillM or ~1398 e\~ '11•..-wJ GROUP MEDICAL & L ~ "-""
546-0724. Complett-gardeninc tNCO~fE Tu SUv., Notar)ll---------PAID SICK LEA.VIE SlJPF.RINTI:NDENT
Rrvlct. Hradquarten for Public. Reas. Eves. 549-13«>, Doml'lflc Help 7035 PAID HOLIDAYS & VACATIONS for Apbi & llouM'!, N.R. art-1.
all )'OUr nursery nfflf5. 2361 Zenith. S.A_ Hts. -PIOFfT SHAllNG/UTlllMINT PLAN Gt\~ rxperirOCf' "' litaf'1ll11
Geo ..... Allen Byland •--CHDIT UNION Mh,ry; mply Dally Plldl JAPANESE Gardener, co~l------·---1 • .,-.-..~....,, "'--......... j
pl ard ·--" Employtt P.,.. F,. EXCILLENT WORMING CONDITIONS ~· -~· ui:..~. s..mlct, trtt Ironing 6755 J()l).B E. 16th, SA 547-0395 ?IWNTENANO: man & ja ·
CHINESE Couplt-. avail Im-.,,,, t...,iey_.f Offlc.• llor\11.I '«'m'k. 1'.lr_ Ni~~
JAPANESE G•r dene r l~~"! Wpl:!~· med. Superb c~f8, drives. KAYNAR MFG co INC llotel Ll'launa, 42S s. Complel• S • rv I c" £>. ·~ •• ·~ _00 , 'f • llwy., Lat<· Sch. 4!H-ll!l 1, perieocecl Rdlabll!-642-4339 S.13-51Gt or~ "'°""" .._.cy . ...........,,
• JAP ·•~E G lRONING -Mc an hour OUncst llve-tna . .....__rful 100 S.. 1,... c ...... llW. ,_,._,,... mAtNFX; 11f1rrnocins 1 ..u,°'"' AROENING '-'""" \\"f'i•kti){!~ S2.r:itl To ~ta . Servir. Cleenup Landscai>-Pleo11;se brina Mnge.rs Ptrmanenl .Elrpnienctd INTlRVllWING HOIJRSi
I "I -" f 1' ~1 B A •· C'I "'" • ........, F'nr East .1._,......, 64' -03 Mo11. t• Fil, t :OO •.111, I• 11 noot11 f;OO *• ];00 p.111. Rnillo, fo.Jec. 1;11r:igr dOOt nt:-itoJ -11.0." al p.m. •.J -voci1>.,... " .....,...., ...... , nit~"'"" -1 ,.~,,...r. 1h•!!inbl"'. 642 ,_ 1 After hour ft1tof"fl•1"'• fll•Y be •11•n91d Ly t •llin t ....,..."''
JOHNSON 'S Ganle:nirw Strv. MAKE A Ml:MO kl s1U11r TII£ tn.JD of aCUYil;y tor 17141 171 °1510 -/\.,\1BULANCT. DRIVER
Finest equip, expert )'ard ,. .. •-• ,-, no 1--.~. .,,rvtc:e budneutt . ' • ....... fo:., ...... rlrrn'l"d-1\lulft ._ lul'-
1 n -, """..,...~ -... "" '" "''"'-· ~" Ll1" A" Ect~•l Opporl~nity l "'p1•yt• •-....-.'f. CIUT. '""as. _...w..o. .ell them fDr cash with O .. lfltd _.\d$, Dial 642• :J l.lr"d. T"fl rmy f'lr r1i;:'t;t
Wb)te f!ll!Phantsl Dlm...-line tod.&YJ to otftr JUUi' ter"1'kle N()\\t. llllHt r nnTl\e\ !Job, 8.'f1-0'J3j
.. ...
D .
> • '
' d
" 1
' i·
I' •
• SIWNor, ~h 15, 1'69 OAU.Y PfU)T !¥i
1 JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOU & WLOY~NT J°""&. IEMPLOYMINT IOU& IMl'LOY~l JOU & IMP LOY MINT JOU & llMPLOYMINT JOU I .IMPLOYMIN I JQ;:;' & EMi'L0\'111-N 1 JOU & IM,LOYMI -· • H•lp W•nlM, Min 1200 Htlp W1n1"4, Ma~ ;rzoo Halp W1n!M; Miii 7200 Halp W•nttd, Min 7200 Help W•otM. Mtn 7200 . Halp W..,lell Help W1nlM, JoM-Man, W-. 7MO
, • • • • . · 1tt1p w"""' w-7400 • w-1400 • ~
WANTED : Retired MArll!U: man noe<1e<1 by IXP. DINHllt IU!lllFAcrtnUNG • • • ' .w-7411 * Ao'YrniSJNG =~t1°::...::i::i:~..:.~. ::~:..&= .!7 -w•,T•1t -J .... vlt&f _. ···m Jl_..... U"llAlD. Nf&HT Siecretary/ P/C' DESIGN
ENGINEE11 lb!• houri. Conllct.. TAB ftlAtod dutlt1. !1¥perionc:e BINA"' .... R~= '°'1tEST ""'lnd1111r)' wllll tM MAV'-n HOU5Clfe£PER PRINTING k v ~ ~ttrl'd. $a1aJ;' open, can 'WI .. ,_ • tottmo.t man~ t' M). '
ING. lee< Babco<k, CM. 4tl'41'1, San Clemenll tor Locotod by ' ., ol ··-~ T_,!!auo~.'':'".".,°""'NO INSPECTRESS AND Bookkeeper &l2o-6027 •.PP't Tuea thnt S&L . LAGuNA Bal C.C. valv. anct eontftlla.1 • u-.... .,; A .,., MAIDS .
JOIN ... ..._,. ta 1111 KENNEL Help w"'tld: Pm 3llD& a.. Lquna Bu.ch. ~ECHANl9JJ. ~~ Gl'OltP, II I ,
·LOCATION DAIL¥ PllDt """'ADS! lime, "'°"'""' ~' • 11 ,... Dallr P11a1 Wal Adi. e S'fO(( Cl!RI DRAFTSMAN ,.... hhinc for our "'" d> Immodllte openlnp. Ex·
"2"'611 1l. Write Dilly PU.I M.JU. &JUNG llll!IM'S! ·"·'------·•·-·-·
"-•pon•lbla, top rovol
,.11ti.n fer sharp, telc•
YOU •••
If you sell a service and don't a'dvertise in
the DAILY PILOT Service Directory, you're
doing business the h e rd way· The Service
Directory I cleuifieetions 6500 • 7000 in the
classified ed section daily) g i v e s you en
edventege you get through no other adver-
tising medium. It reachu customers who are
ready to buy. Be there when your prospects
come into the market looking for the services
you have to sell. If your service isn't listed,
we'll start a category just for you .
Piek up the phone r i 9 ht now and reserve
_ _your seaee in tht "Sellers Circle" : . .
Your Direct Line to
Directory Results
. ¥.._.........,,._.....~-Plftd1nl tt&U for eo-(Swlnt Shllt) Exptriencod ill clote toI... t/15/'0mRuntlnston lupdholoLCallor,.. cha,.. 11rl. Mu1t han ~re are lOJdP i.wii:
excelltnt sklll1 ind. openlnga for top perlonnen a.nee dn.fUrw on amall Buch. cm Ed"-'r at Beach &1m1 Jana:. ·
EXPERIENCE: NECESSARY pump C!Om))OM:nb and u-Blvd., jU1t ol1 the SID Dl-1hwth1nd; handle llte familiar with multilayer p/e
bkkpt; bllllng. Undor l>oardo. with lotri< -
30. Call l1rbara. C714) ent&. Prder minimum ol
17th & Ploc1ntl1
Co1ta Men
An equal opportunity
$480 PER MO.
*Laborers * Truck drivers * Skilled * SemHJdllM NO EXPERIENCE
\Ve have 40 openings Jor men
with all types ol work back.
Apply In person
1555 W. Adam•
Co1te Mt1a
Immttliate cp@ninp, Ex-
panding staff for en-
laraed hotel Call or tee
Ml!nl King.
llOT Jambme Roa.d
Newport Beach
151 E. CoHt Hlghw1y
Newpert Beach
oem,bly. R..,.... worldng .,. Fwy, Tbne poolllonl THE
knowledre ot dim~nslonina will nquift a abort tralniJW
tocbnlque1 u applied to period or approxJm&teb' .,. NEWPORTER INN ~2 _10 four yean ~rienoe. U.S.. curtnr a n d machinin1 month ln our ~, ~ uar Jambfte: ,Road
tin.whip. Shop expuience oruc.. betorw thit move. Newport Beach -••Y • Citizenship required.
deaired. Transportation win be pro-iff.1700
RN or LYN Equ,al opportunity ~mployer
Equal opportunity employtr
Male and Female
lmmodlato Oplnlnt• In
the followlfttl •r•••
...,, SALES:MN Elq>erienced or trainee tn
Younc qrreuive FiberJias .fire, and/or cuuaJt.y atatis--...n 'boa.ta _ in Newpon. tical cocUnr. Prepare com-o
wr11e Box M «t Da!Jy Pilot p.1ter U..put data in our op.
WANTED: HORN MAN, . erations unit. Detail fiaure
Trumpet.NOW. Rock &. Roll. work involved.
Soul, Rhythm I: Blue1, v.·ith
workite band. Ap 20-25.
Call (213) m..82~7 POU CY
FRY COOK, relief Jhitt. Sl!RVICE
Start $2 Hr. 11 or over Pn!ftr at leut ont year ot
Cotlqe Coffff Shop fire, cuualty or multiple
562 W. 19th St., Cotta Mesa line ratin& experience. Ple&o
LLOYDS NUllSl!RY 1&nt phone penonllllty ••
Wanted exp, nuneryman, aentlal. Excetlent opportun.
call for appl 646-7441. Uy for advancement
EXP. m.n compment Ale11
trainee1. Salary, alnt f\lttft.
646-889; POLICY
TYPING AflenclM, WMMn noo Experienced or trainee, mul-
Tronic Sec'y fee paid , , $600 tsple line policy typlllt l'.I +
Jr. Sec'y remb fee •••• $475 accurately an the electric.
Recep-Typ remb f~ •• S350 The ideal position for 10me.
Personntl Qk. fee job •• $450 one who Uke11 to type.
Merchant• Per1onrtel
KEY PUNCH 204l Westcllft Drive
Corner 17th A Irvine
MS-2770 -M5-5685 Career opellin& ft.Jr operators ========I with at leut one )'Mr e•
Halp W1ntell ,-nence "' Alpha • Neu. W-n 7400 merlc IBM equlp'mL Day --------1 Jhitt.
$440. to $545.
Xlnt. opportunity Jor Khatp
yoq girl. Elect. typewrit.
er, shorthand. Advance-
ment oppty.
Call Mr. 8)'lve1ter, Sf0.2910
er 962-24ll Mon. thru Fri.
Excellent free benetifl. Per-
manent, · steady work. Our
policy 11 promotion from
within. Your future II deter-
mined entirely by )'OU. New
modem office, tnendly.
pleasant atmosphe.~.
For Detail& and App't.
Call Collect
(213) 384-1213
Full & P1rt Time
12 to I AM
Apply in PeJ'llOn
Huntina:ton Beach
Cbnvaleacent H051>ltal
Send resume to Blll Own.
beorlin, or call Douah Hartt:
(7\4) m.wx> Ext 2654
NEEDS 18972 Delaware SL
Hunt. Sch. COLLINS
OFFtCER Ma-. nliabl• baby.itter
••JO ••20 h (un\\-ed mother acceptable) ,.. ' .. ~ per mont Live Wout in lovely home
RtqulrH minimum 21, maxi-•
mwn 30 yean ot ace: hich
tchool lf&duation or"·equiva.
lent; 2 yearw ~nt cleric&I
or public contact work. Far
appUeatlon and addittonal ln.
fonnation. contact ~raonnel
Office, Qty Hall. 3300 New·
port Blvd., Newport Blach,
m.es33. AppUcatloni will be
accepted unUI a p.m., Mardi
20, 1969
Expand1na ttaf! for enlaraed
hotel operation. Contact J.
Ravin in person
UOT Jamboree Rd.
Newporl Beach
1141 E. Coast Hwy
Ceron• del Mar
Equal opportunity em.player
( Combll1Clti011)
w/pool, Hn. 3:30 to ll Plat. awn transp. Nr Doua:las,
H.B. Good ..,,,. C a II '
MS.~ bet. 10 lm-4. pm
Work Near Home
• .\ccounting/Bkkpg
• Secretarial
• Recfption
Superior Agency
E1tabllahed lM6
UST Harbor Bl, C.O.ta Mesa eau t1tat oo-nn
1'700 Jamboroe Rood
Newport luch
All applicants revif!wed on
mert~ with no blaa toward
Ra~. Color, Creed or Sez.
* J. C. Penney Co.
Fuhion laland
Newport Beach
Hu openina' 14r
COOK * Recent aucceutul erperie:nce
in all phases ot food ~
"" " required. Compell!M! Arency for Career Glrla wa,e11 outttandlne benetltl
410 W. Coast l!Wy, N. B. lncludin. profit ·-· By appoint. 646-3939
All kinds! Housekeepers,
Coob, M&UlJ A Comj>onion>,
Apply in penon
10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Monday thru Friday
References req. Fee le Fee J ( PfNNEY CO Paid Jobs. C&ll Mi" Abby, , , ,
1889 C Newport Blvd., CM.
24 Foohion l•lanol
Anoqual-·-* SALES WORKe
Full tim~. Must have neatl!!!~!!!!"!!!!!!...,!!!!!!!!!!,,..,I
............ able lo deal * DRIVERS * ~~ people. APPly tn Jlel'-No Experience
Holiday Hoalth Spa Necessary!
2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Must have clean Callfbmtl
R,:~ E:t\!:0~:• d;1f LCIVf c~"r CO.
Expandine qain. Office # 186 E. 16th st.
4 apeninp available for1;;==Cl>Jta==-===-l UceMed men I: women. In-I'
atallt income A tnJntnc. Mr Agencl11, Men &
Gudner. Sprln1 Realt;y, W1men 75 -HOUSEKEEPER
!Full Tlmo)
REulllll (. lff AJ>Ply in Person Talaphone r ... pllan llUt Huo-Be1<h
--------1 werk. Apply IMtwMn Convalescent HoiJpltal Profe11lonal Service
BE THE FIRST I p.m, & 5 ,.m,. HU ISi E. Cool! Hl9hwoy 1'972 Delaware St Hunt Bch for tho ompJoyor
E . Mayweod, S1nta New pert Beach N E E D P art -t .Im e end the applicant I * ·-------;* MeDONALDS is hi r In 'h=An•"'·=_,.,,....,,.-,,,...=: 1--------housekeeper " child care 123 Dover Dr., N.8 •.
COUNTER women to work CLERK-Typllt; il '°" """ WAITRESSES Mon. Wed, Fri. l::JD.5:00. '42-3170 54f.27U WORKERS
Pay on completion of each
job, No experience Mees. ..,,,.
Monday tbru Friday l1 am· liO WPM on an eltc. A Emerald Bay, La I u n a •
2 pm. UnHorma furnished, prefer to work in a ~9'-8109 School•fnstrudlon 7
!rte mea1J1. pleasant,, small office In U you are about to make a
APPLY IN PERSON Newport, call: 6(2..Q;61 Bet change-Now ls the time to SHffiT Prtuer wanted LIFETIME Gitt, b'Pewritlllc.
CALL 54o.2034 McDONALD'S 10 • 1 joln the bultest CoUee Shop Expctr. preterftd or will C'hlldr8n. srandcbildren. or or dlnin& room In Laiuna train U nece1ury. Lido yourseH! Individually tufml.:
* * 16866 Beach Blvd., SARAH COVENTRY bu Hills Oeanen, 1776 Newport Blv. @cl Oillcoat 10 lellOT'll WUw
Hunttncton Beach openinzl for full or part MANNI NOS, INC, Coit.a Meaa. 548-4014 school 173 Del Mar, Of.' PART TIME tune ..i ... Pleuanl work, "'Ml El T·-Rd •AOKKEEPER. p09••• on._MS-=~2859""'==~=~·1
$150 PER MO lGHT no lnveatment, no aw -.v PV ... ,. I"". · N deliveries. For Interview Loi..., World. Lquna llilh a&»-x po1tln& mac h • MERCHANDISE FDR
NO EXPERIENCE NEC. • HOSRSS • ca11 !ll0-061< m"epr1ot know -du SALE AND TRAD• CALL MR. REID but not nee. ,...9373
540-2034 OPERATORS WANTED: P£DS. RN'S WAITRESS wanted. Apply ln Fum1tur~---==.t
9 • M to 9 PM APPLY IN PERSON --· •illfle needle, penon. SWllJ Chai•~ 414 17 p Kl 1!1-·
Accou ntant• overlock and blind .Utch. NIGHT SHIFT AT North Newport Blvd., N.B. C. ftfJ ~, REU llDI ( W 863 Productkm Pl., N.B. 1 _ _. Credit Managers Din • Crear bldJ'l ~ Children's Hospital MAID over 30, permanent suroom
Admlnl1tratlve Trn••• • TELEPHONE so 1 i cl tor, of Oran&e County in_sra.ni: part-time, 6 days week. Larae 9 drawer dresser mJr..
CALL BOB, 548-7796 151 E. Coa1t H19hw1y exp'd pret CM offiee 4 pm f::i~. Excellent ary $1.75 hr • .fSt..8521 ror, 2 bedside •tabdl.' ~·
ARGUS AGENCIES Newpert Beach . 9 pm. 5 ·c1.aya. $2 per KI ?-0091 MOTEL Maid.I, Exp'd. Must me headboud, frame. tullt-·
1869 C Newport Blvd., C.~f. hoar. Penn&MnL ca JI have phone &net tramp, Call M mattreas, sheets. blank-:
s:ic:.._~~ti;:i;tt~~a;~ "'R~N~s=--g=-"'L'"""v=N"'S ~~::.;a:~ Factory Traiftffl 1-='°'=app='':-:-="='='=:::::': eta:, e~ice of Spanish '
- 8 am. Mwit have exp. md Many IH1 Men, Wern. 7500 or Modem S1;y1e
Apply at °""""" station; PM & Night Shlff Some exper. pref• An For $249 Harbor mvd at San DWro on OB floor and ICU.O:U. Kerm-Rtma Hardware Female, days and IWinl
Frwy. Exoeftent ..W,-Ir: benefits. 2666 Harbor, CM 5M-1CIO TA~·::· Ancient M1rin1r ' No down. Pm.ti. only S9 mo.
BOAT Builder, Marine St. Joseph's DISHWASHER· EmploymentAcency
ti.fechanic, Marine P&lnter, Hospital TRAFuJIY f!~~L 1873 HarbOr Blvd. 260T w. Cout Hwy. WElK'S WAR~
Flberglu Men. u11• (l% block South of l9th} NEWPORT BEACH 600 W. 4th St, Santa Anl:
apply In. Orang!!!, Kl 1'.(1(81 &rU0M Colta Meu. sewt Now taJdnt appllcatioM daily Open Da.IJy t · 9 '
s•v~~s:'~~ES C1rpenler/Gener1I "i:~k:"~Xd:.~;:: SALESWOMEN ~"Lunch Hostou .~:~;;Y ":;.11 ·!...
SUSIEST marketplae. • !)._.. ... ,bl •--" ta Ana areL Sal a r y • fmmediate openin&a in our • D1ytlme kitchen Mlp w/qullted mattrea, qqp.' .., -,_ ~ ..... ....,.... e .l&IW&Y man pre. 50-6111 So. Cout Plaza 1hop for JR. Never uaed $98, worth $250. Unmo Tb9 DAIL ... rilAI• ferred. Write f« or come in =====-==:::; ~ au.mtd 9eCtkra-Saft A: f11I out application. R.ECEPnONIST • TELEPH-fashion-minded, mature Ml• Apply daily between 1~~~----~.I
ln(lleJ', time • tftclt, Lor* 'J"ranchilt Indultrle• lnc. ONE, attemoona. Om-.so. eiwomen. SalarY + comm. 10 a 4 p.m. SOFA, blue areen vel¥et
now!!! '92 W, Hth St .• N.B. Will train. OR ~116& Good futurt. See MlA Dor· .. _ ............ --~1 •turdy tam rm chairs,, othy at OIRJ.S', So. Coast new cotree table, tamps, ae, U9 ll:dtlls -DAIL'! Fot Dai1Y Piiot Want Ada. Relistend Nune t Plaia, C.M. Real Estete Sele1 pictures, d I ab e 1, rocller, --~--~1 to-srra. .,..,._, ·--Doctor'• officf,, Newpor 11,,'=-=·g=-=====-===u=-"'~=='·=-= Beach. NOD-1Jt10ker. SallrY Sharp CerHr G1l1 Men A Wemen odds a end1. 675-5468
11o1,..w ...... -.1200Hol1LW•ntoo1_, Mon 1200 $600. 644-tm :,,0 •;' ... i:,'"'~ ~:... "'a:.~Je°" 1! 20 PC. MODERN ;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;f.'IBEAurr 0 • .. •·•otor,-ex. -11NUi LVN1. Bo1111 .. ., ... iicen...s .,.._., --"" ·3 ROOM-GROUP1---1
Seelrlftf hultvidu1l1 ••perie11cM In the tet
~P. of TORRINGTON spring windin9 m•·
Excellent Benefits Including
Afiptr ......... °"'"
IHS.._C __
Mtft. tt Fri. •rOO t ,m. tt 12 flttft ; 1:00 ft J:OO ,,lft,
Aftt1 htvr ifttt,.,l•wt lfttY t,t t rrt11,14 ~f ~•lllhf
17141 171 ·1150
ptrlenced. Guarantee 111 paid jobe Top co'al Call it.ant Income 6 traillin&. BW lnd.1lda: l1onJ ICQ 6 cbatr
eomm!akln. App)J In Dorla. MS-Trts Gallaw;q. s pr i D' Realty, .. walnut tabln .......
..,... 545-02>9 -AROUSAOINCllS >4IMm eompletebodroomwith-o:'m~ Part CALL Del C Newport Blvd., CM. OLDER Couple to manap 9d ma1tn:ll. I pc. e11n1tt11,,
30 adult units, Hun-eO:. AD tar ••• -SfCMTlRY !'!'~.!1•·1>tts. no chlldttn. $277 ffOVSEKEEPl:Jt/Odld care n I .... ._,
-only. H.B . REAL F.STATE. Sllo,UJdn'I Nod..,,.Pmts,Ollly$10mo.
113$':00 with knowled(e of Bookkeep. you be ..-tM bottMt WBl'S w AIEllOUSE
MATURE Woman to Babytlt tnr, Payroll le clerical pro-area HunUnston BtachT
2 yr old. Tue• 4 Thun. ctdUttS: to assume responli· Vlllare Real Estatto 912..un a:io w. 4th St, santa Ana: bility of amaU otti~. Pleue 54Q..4'80 Top hatl'ltyUat. space Open Dally l -9
MAID P/Ume. Inquire in can 6f2.91l'ZO. -.vallable, IOllowtnc is Sat. s -6 Sun. u. a ,
penon Hunttncton Sbottl hcNt. Call, 5TM100 ut UKE New ~naur bed Motel 21002 OCean Hw;y HB WANTED: JR• BOOK-tor Marilyn. Nwpt Bftch. di'f&D $125. '<>vtt-«tuffl!d
KEEPER. Typlns, -· ... ·• blue • do a>MP.ANION to 1 1ad.Y 4 Pl1'NII. ,.nera1 aC(OUftUnl EXP. Landlcape -..omen roy.. • avoca 09
lite -· $UIO mo. PY! A..,i, TIIANSICOM. 151 w: or trainee. SaJaiy + CCIMll c:balr , A Irr match's "'1 rm • Nth. """'599 18th St. C.:.ta Mela qualified ltadL ,. r 1D1 e tom.an ws. 54Mi5IT
PHON• CLIRK SEAMSTRESS·-beneftbt. Call -SELLING ,,,_,. -Full-· Call Mn, Leo on -madtltle or •ti&. BLllEPJUNT SHOP nqu!fto ---l!'ota,. sale, 6tU3St Apply NORnt IAJL& tu delivery driVft'I. biuellne ~ afttt I PM.1.HI ~
RELIAB=="'LE:-,t""iv.....,1n.....,.b-=abyfi=tc. I Ei.ctrte. sw Be a eh, lrtmmer operator. 5404m oentll, Apt. T, C.M.
ter, for 6 yr old sfrl. CM 213/59&-44el OPERATOR for att:ncUve DOUBLE Slie mattftu, bclll
are1. "'""364 NEED reliable blbylltttt &&lon. loUowfna pnf. &llary t prln& '-hme $2$..00
1-.JN't ·JUSTWJSHfOr«>tt#" for 2 chlldttn. Hours 3:30 +comm. Call Kq 53MIC1 -..Ull
thlna to f\Lmf1tt )I~ bomt p.m. to. 12:l'.J a.m. Leave WANTED 6lnntr n.itrw 6 atAHOGANY Dttk I. clll.1r,
• • . • 08' 1fMt ~ ti ~ ycur 4-)11 tr. . nett OCC. part time d I • l'I " a • b • r • nee4a ftfinilhtnr; $25.
~..,..!!:;!~Q~Mt'~"""!!!.;•!!!\tla~-..J ~ Phono 17>-0lOO S3Ml7I Evu. •
--. ···.:=--·!>~•-, ·~,.,~· -' . ' ' -. ,,=x • ...... ~··"' "-. Oa; I I Qi • • . ' .
':U · DAIL v l'ii.or
,., • • • ••
. -
Here's Hovi You Con Ust
OID' Famom DI"' ~ A • Unt1
• '
' --e NIWPOH llACH --·--Ut11._ 11'!1-•
e C~T~ MISA -·-Uf W• ..,
e HUNT1N•TON llACH _ lot 1'11111 S-
e µ.uru. MACH ·-··-m -A•-
.... 111 .... -.. ~ --.... to "' ., ... 4 c .. ,..,_, efflc_e1.
~ No -...w .. eDowod.
' lecli """ mat ..0 p<tc14 wltll .. ltlfft ..,.,
$ZS • c ... n.....,._..,_,.. ...
LADIES Enalllh 3 ~P<'d
Bike with buket $ 2 2,
BEAUTIFUL .__ ldt .. GAS dryer &nd ~ FRONT-la;,.;. ~ barrow f WOODEN Cba.ln wlth ~" ELF£1'RTC dlrfl $22.50. DUNE bugl)' th~s 2-llxl!i, LOVEBIRDS. Breeden $23 (18) Mel.al war iurplua ·-·tens 1 .weeks .old. v.~aned wuber US .. each; Kerunorf!' OOwtr1 ,t;iox ~ wltb. hlNlo pJ,uUc Haff $18. Do 11 llm •&am bottles J5 ench. G tily nylon f!J. ~al"h. El!!C-pair, Cardinals $5. 642-3263 chotrs $3. each. ( 2 2 O > 1
•• ,, _, __ ., or1o;: ••• i.. ....... _ ttn ... allo 1 ...,._ _,,_ ... _ M. u. · Thermo conllOI e I e cl t I c .......... -...-... ~ ...,.... ... _,..,, ... ...,; ..-1 ne~c ... "" ~~ .,....w:.5saDoo'jUJ stmller, dolls, blocks, tor• OldVt'OOdenbo.rtel sa. \Valer Irle lawn edi;:ior SID: Cu •
494--7473 deep dryer '25: 5 cailOn 'lSc:. 2484 &l'lta A.na Avenue, 25c to 75C: Ql;ll dothl0& ~ JZ-, TO:')k·~r same .-nxlnc Sj; Ba.by car seat SINGLE studio bee) $3< Step heater $25. 1'rlke $ f ' 1 J' HARD To find Meii'1 Sport
• stlirU. name brands, Ex-
cellent Condition rx to
Sl.50. 549-0674
ftfrinn,tor c1rlnk ~nter Costa Meaa. •~. 6 $2 t&kel tll.' Boy's $21) .. :,..quarliJm 30 gillon $2$. $2; Side rear-view mirrors end table $.1. Jllghback ,...__c:.=:------,-1
eov·s Bike is. Danish chair
COINS -1965 Austril, proof
fltl is. Lineoln le set
00-1968 $3. SCS-2529
-~Sl=O=. ,-99-:2..0046,...-,--,-,--.,-I YOU'Ill Bed and mattress
USED \\'oal Cll'pel medium $10. 221 E. 19th. C.M.
beip ]!x3) $25. 1lx8d: $15. 548-1500
Al9o hall runner 40''x15'
plus l4"x16", SIS: all
matche1, low pile. 548-5044.
Call first -bO ODt an
pmnlaea:. 2lJ2 Palisades
$%1; Ell!ct:ric pill JS" by . • alad(:f like DIW l1ie 1'"16 20 pllon 115. 15 gallon $10. 13: Woodt"n go.cart S5. 2338 chairs Sl each. Kltdien
18" $25; 0De '$4Cbevy '6 INSJ'AMA.TIC camtta U: •$2 tor both. C01tum e 5gallon$3.89T-73&1 RutgenDrlw,C.M. chairs $1 e ach.
motor 125; Meb-opolit.an Kodak 20 e&mea"* $ 4•; jewelr)' llke new 2!5e to 50c. EASTER clothes for big \Yestingbousc Door .c:ru~ba
transmiu\orn $1$; Rear emi DnssH, Uirta, :iiwutcn, '61 Rambler wheel J2, boy ~ new Navy blue FIREPJ....AO: SCl'l!9 -black. S:&O. Unusual me.pie Cfbmel
with W~ and tires $15; blouses, ahe 8--10..12, llk -U: 'l'berma-cheat S2. Car eooit"r. sport Jacket, brasa bultOAA Never u.wd -!Urie new 37~9" S10. Slipper clla1r $10. PaUO
Barber chalr ~: Clippers Toy1, pmet, punlt!!, ac n. Pinup lamps n.50 each. double breasted. Chest 56'; wide x XK" tan. 'I\'awne dlalr with pad . and ~
$10: Beauty sink $10; 2116 to $1: Lamps $2; &»Jn Ladies sweaters Oarte) ~· ,vith grey flannel pants. pull&. Sl2.50. 64:M88B cover $3.. Medlcioe ctbinet
Republic, C.H. aca.lfl Jro: Jots at dttts each, 'l'ravene lnd curtain \Va.1st SO.Sl complete $.IO $3. Carden hoM' lJ.. Soalm'
patterns 1.0e, purses Sl)c Sat· rods lOc to $2. 9U-292'1 ,.,,11 ~cCM..l ~ · HAND la\\'n mowt"r $4; 000. hose Sl. Hurrlcane lamp two
MEXICAN Sombrero S l, Sun. 904 \V. 19th st. Costa WliNtn' tiookcue SI , ~ r --=i '! ~ kitcbtn l!nk, a.st iron kn' $1.50. Other lamps S2
Wall PlaqUe Ult and burlap Melll Rad.Jo.record combinA~ CAS ! ~ apt U , $25. $5..50; Hand ed,fer $ 1 : each. Clothes hamper n.
!or OrlJdrl!N .room large SL'l. Rella.way '*" $1? . f!P!t ~ • . Parlor latllp 1 $3; FJectrlc Bundle of new lath all for
Floor lamp $6. Rlw~ bed
pi. Dinette $25. Love .:!II
$19. Gu range *10. Cabinets
$3.75. au $9. Ori ginal big
bpd recordl 'It'• 50c each.
Oval table f1. Card table
$5. Picture $6. OR ~
Rear • '17 31st. Newp()rt
..... SO\Jnl American Rainbow
Boa S15. Cage $10. G. E.
PoriJI.~ s I ere o, SJ>.
HOUSE Desk and chair m.
Lamps $5. Typewriter $29.
'IV $3). Cooch $20. Va.ea
$1.50. Camp table $6. Hair
dryer $9. Pic~s $3. Dinet-
te set S25. Dinlni room set
$25. Slide projector f,ZS.
flanging lamp $5. Han~ng
planters and plant $4;
Drapes ~ $10. 5 chrome
chairs m. Sewinr machine
Zig-Zag $25. Trade shoes
tiize 7--$4. Home electric
razor $5. Book ~ • SlO.
Fondue set $10. Ice bucket
$1. Chrome canister set $4.
Stereo ta~ deck $25. Stereo
speakers 15 inch $25. 23i
Knox Place B Costa MeSJ
$5, amall $2.50: As5orted BOY'S blke S8. new metal . Carofable $1..50.. Deak u: J1SH. ~ 15 plloo. • ifon $3: Double bed. fl:ame $1. 5319 B.Nct. Crescent GAU.EV pump • ilk! new
Cl.&Sel'(li• dishH 5.(k: to n: i.roni1w board S3, l~e '.I'9}1f11J racket M .. Ele<:trlq I~ nltpc, b t • t t r , $1: Almost ~ Nore1m ~74 1 _16_._64_2_--034_2 ____ _
Turqooise floor 1 e n I t h barbeque $l. or an :: e beater $3. Di&hes 12c. Tobof• Jigb~ $24. 673-4m ' Shaver V,O; Nor:tl~IMwr PLUMBER I Handyman T\VIN Stroller, complete and
Strapless Fonnal, Ml 3 upholstered chair, ne;et1!1 lifr!1$12. l.aJnps Sl. Pictures MODl!!RN dMlsb ch.air with $5; Glau 1oJi coffee table Water department ~ t ype Ulre new $22. 2 crib! and
tiered Skirt $12.51'.> Women'• some repair~. hair-clipper 25c, • Boob 3 for 25c. Patio __ .._ .. , o! -·-"·--Siil·, ~lBIF'rl!e ~t pea a1!e4a. wrench for valve'at meter. 0
Shoe. Roller Skate& sir.e 7. set ·~. ""' = 12. :Ub7 I .,.,.,.,... "'"""'...,.,. Solid he d ht tee! 13 99 mattresses fl.SO i nti St .
MATTRESS And 1prinp, e,x.
tra length $10. 646--0346
BLUE Skyway luggage with
cosrnetlc case and 26" suit-
~. $:Kl; Also good ex·
clWiive clothes. 11uits, coals,
dresses si~ 12 $2. to $10.
1" $1.50 .• 2 PalnH .... s One <P ounge SU. Jewelry lOe. Kit· 30x45 OlOdem oil paintL-,g avy u.., s • · · Potty chair $1. a. E. Baby 73 ..... SMvador SL, Me.A del :Mar Chen stool 12 Fl Id M 61Hl22 U"irtUo Ptint $10. One H. · e r;•&Uel $15: Tu'O large early VANITY bl! h 13· ~-t -°',,,,,,.,.--~--~= food warmer $2.50. 54&-9602 I MS.-0785 U Clotbeallne 25c Man · · · nc ' ...., r B~ROlllN tweed ch ~ Gosser Boat Scene $5; '. . -. y Am4lnc&n pictutts $5. each; S\\'eeper s:· Drape• $10· . CO'U ~·
549--0674 nuseella.neous t!em.s. 528 Maple coffee table S4; Pictures Ji to $15; T.v'. Old fashiQ.ned twin bead· ROTARY Power mower S20.'
DESERT Air lamp, cost $75,
sell for S20. 642-3163
CLOCK, :nl day, Germa11,
brass and daM covered .$18.
~1:any ptcture1 and trame1
50c to $8. Piano bench $16.
Movie projtttor S24. Daylite
vWtt m. 642-6935
1-iEADBOARD And frame
Sl.50. Pecan plastic top
tables cost nso,,gell coUee
table f.llJ, End. tables $15,
each Jdeal for rental .
Children's rainboots SOe.
Pictures. toys, w o o d e n'
punles n each. lill Lincoln
Lane N.B. 10-5 Sat.
GAS Stove $15; Pretty Rug
and Pd 9xll $15; Old Usable
Rug $3: Btke $3; Trike $3;
Good Bed Frame 4 Poater
$15; Pottf' Chairs 50c to
$2; Couch $7: Baby \Valker
$2; Tank Type Vaccuwn
$10; Toys 5c to 50c Shoes
for Ewry one lSc: to 75c
~ Variety of Drapes
Up to $10. Electric Fry
Coolers up to S5: Pair very
good End Tables S l S ;
Clo t h e • Everything lrn.
aglnable 5c lo $5; 311! E.
18th St. 01
SUND:A~ • Schwinn Pixi• Redla~ Avenue, Newport Aquariwn _ complete SS; stand $2; Sorrocco $lO; Pie-~ and foot~s plus S45-86JS. 3Z'll Nebraska,
bicycle -$15. 'f.ticycle $5. Beach Aquarium stand. n: 2-mag tures frames $2S. to'$2:. Palr mUTOJ' frame~· Fll"eplace C.M.
Solid-br'lias titt irons $18. BABY white acale $?. wheels and tires $40. each. lamps $10. each. 6'5--1968 screen and. equipment $7. l----------
Fire tool. set $15. Antique Vaporize1 $3. Toys S2. Corvait au t 0 m a t l e Planttr/Dlvider $5. \Vasher CH!&'s Unique roll lop
brass butcher's weights $2 Maternity dress $5. 2 piece transmission S25; 548-n.25 MUST ll!ll Sat. 15th Old $15. 218 W. 48th. 642,..{)161 desk wl.lh chair (pink). 2881
$25. Antique bra 1 s suit $5. Blouae $2. 673..(J28S &ft.et 5:31) Sat, Sun all day. coins US and Forel1n. All REVELL llome Raceway Europe Dr., ltfeu. Verde. I
jardlniere $25. Pair con. Nll\V KNt df'Hi $5. New DOG bed. green metal with for '10. Old jewtlry Sl. to Hand t:ontrolled two cars. 546-0732
veried antique braM oil alacks $4. S\waten l3 • ~ppe:r pillow, 2G" L x 16~'' $5. Old cameo pin $25; Good condition S 12. 5 0.
lampe $20 each. 1936 . S. $5, Sitt ?-1. 673.-0288 \V. Like new. Our dog Cameo elJ'T'inp SlD: AnU· 673-4M7
\\'Ork:ing condition l25. Boy's
bike $5. 5f6-.6l59 Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach f •-~ Co t ll• que dreuet SlO' Old radio o:::...::C:.:..--~-~----JANITOR'S Tot~All cart, pre ers easy Cuau. s · $20· Old rockiD& chair $lO· 2 GOLD-leaf end tables $25
r:r.I TUNER $15. 2J watt cost $60 nevr, for $25. Com· will sell for $8. Call 2 ~Id wicker rockets ;s; e~c.h. 1 man's leather jacket
amplifier $15. Big Boy merclal mop bucket '$5. 54G-43S.5. Old, pretty, &lau ware Sl. sue 38 $25. J 1arte ~
Baroq wtth oven $20. Hot-Doobl9. wuh tubs (eern~t) SERVEL Gas Refrigerator up to $15. come see. 20361 SlO uc!1-3 ~ pie--
point Portable TV $20. $8. Comer bookca.ae $5. $25. 646-4623 Lange Drl.ve Santa Ana tures $5 each. l large plc-
BarbQ with rotisserie $10. BBQ pit on whttls $7. Filing BABY "~-~ .... . Helihtl betw~n Santa Ana ture tra.mt $5. 3 pair Cale
Small BarbQ, hibachi type cabinet $8, Oean.up sup-~ •"""' oo it1on A\'e ~ Tustin oH lt1esa curtains S3 each. 2 band
$5. Odds and endll 50c and pties S2 and $4.50. 5 foot $12; Stroller, tricycle SlO; · knit dre~s size 12 SID
CHEST Drawen (pink) $1S.
Olb acout unllorm. with
\Vebloua: accespotjes size 10,
$8. Li.mp n. 'I'Oys Up to
Sl..50. 646-8606
l HP 32 volt USO RPt.1
Falrbanks l.forse n1otor $25.
Ne1v 2 burnc1· pressure
kerosene ~to\·e $2.'"1. 1 ~'
Jabsco pun1p SZO. \ 14 ·•
Taper Jock !fh:1!1 coupling
SS. 1660 Babc.'OCk St.. Costa
S\VAP l\Iect items !!l!veral
boxes SZ'i. 54;,.2529
PET Chicke~ large and
sn1all bantams, incubator,
brooders, cages duck!, rab-
bits Siamese and Palortno
from SS to $25. 54&-2209
l" F1ex UJ. 220 wlrln.,. 115. S~'eaJ', fine Clothing U. Drive. each. 1 s~n .. Je bedspre .. \VEBER ste reo Tape up. 494-8660 ..... lt'll'I -.. "'""• --.. "'~•s -~ 897-7350 -·~Y· .,,........,., ... "~ ..,,..,.....,.,.. with 2 bolsters no. All
Recorder $25; 548-S61.1 GER.t.\lAN Shepherd puppies, RCA Whirlpool washer $25. R E F Ji~~ E R A TOR $20; G$~= c"Js531~ hair Items in exoellent condition.
ELECTRIC Broom SUnbeam,
good condition $1.0. S g~
snack seiB $2 each or 3
for $5. Phone ~
GOOD Beige recl iner, 2 dark
wood chain: with foam
pads. all three $25. 548-&31
SPEED Graphic camera 4x5
$25. 135mm lens $15. Bell
and Howell 16mm Fllmo
movie camera pro 100 It
load $25. One inch lem $10.
8mm movie edltot $5. AiJ"e.
qui pt Contact.. Printer S4.50.
l\odacraft roll film tank
with 120 and 127 aprons
$2. , 1t1ovie Titler $2. Chrome
Ferotype tins $2 each. Golf
cart bag sbc irons 1..,,·o
\\'OOds $25. Roll King ladies
golf cart $5. .\l90rted golf
cl.ubs 50c to $5. \Waon te~
nis racqUet $2. Ned Grey
ny tying kit $3. Sears girt'•
small bicycle SS. SUmdard
typewriter $5. Evinrude 25
HP outboard motor $25.
Outboard gas tank $10.
S""·ag c,Min electric fixture
$3. Deck or Director chain:
$3 and $4 e8.ch. ~
PETERSEN Baby Swing not beautiful tri<Olored $15. RCA electric dryer S25. u AutomatiC panel ray heater64G-·=-~'"=o ______ _
R ul ., •• •1<1:" $25; Carl.son automatic floor SWAG And table lamps $3 -
MAPLE Step-end tables $20
each. Twin metal bed frame
$2. Mesa Verde are a ,
automatic, .$5; Casco Aiesh 962-7297 a . .n.....--.w furnace .$25; Electric ov~ to $5. Call S43-lS32 slat and ~GUSR .twin stroller Cum-~~~:iat:~, Ygoodouth .:!· WlGLET, blonde •o. Hair 9paXd $612. ;!~ rur wl.tb $3; Single record player $3; end !ables S4 to .$5. Bath f1folda wi!h apron $8. Net 1959 FORD Wagon needs Call
pump $25. Brand new G.E.
automatic room heatet $12.
Two oldet electric beaters
$2.50 each. Low vol~ rec-
tifiers. To p -H a t and
Cartridge (3000) nine cent!I
eacl1 or cheaper, by the
hundred. Caddy full of .new
but older type radio TV
tubes 7fx: each 01 les.c;. Oil
filter \vilh 18 new cartridges
SU> fits any car. 2l60 State
Ave .. Costa 1.tesa oft Oak
St. SUnday only or 646-8313
Mon.-Fri. 646-83U
"'° ........._ 548-6447 glass shelf. $5. playpen with pad $5. \\'.'alker
dltion $12.50; Baby clothes di-yer.$2. cild chest $8. E iec-OIL P ahiti .$ tm.I' .... __ .. · • n. Potty chair 50e. Tricycle 25c to $1.liG; C h 11 d ' a tric can opener i 2 . np , • ui:: ........ . GOLD Clu~ chair $25. I 2 , $2. Steam iron $2. All hi
SMALL Compressor S l 5 •
Several air tanks $1.75. Apt.
vacuum cleaner $15.
Portable record player SID.
Electric clock Sl .
Bedspreads $1.50. Mailbox
Sl. Electric heaten (in-
dustrial) S12.50, Switch box-
es Ondsutrla!J SU. Opaque
glass door S20. l\Iirror $12.
Sheet metal louvers $4.
Formica Pia) Eat Table Telescope ns. 842-5692 la~acapes to $25. 1.enlth SCRAM LETS Piece secllona~ green S25 1.'0od condition. 673-18ll $5· Pink Nvsery Lamp $2; . , 17 Po~ble TV $15. 404 • each. 548-8644 hke ne1v.
54S-oo74 PORTABLE ttcard playa Fulle:rto« NB. M&-4863 TYEPWRJTER stand and
$4, needs~"· iurfboard l'"~ tlo!-It ANSWERS WHIRLPOOl~Ak "'goodoma~c chair $1tl. Coffee table .$5, DINING Table and Chairs $15. Bicycle S2. lronini: ·Y ~-..u:.n. pa u r n u r e washer \vor s . -· 2 end. !ables $5 and $3.
beautiful 1'-1odern· I a r g e board $2. 842-8363 chairs $5. OuLise $10.. Tables Double box springs good Room cooler $3. Tools 25c
round Tabl~ with extra S.3. Rush bar 11tools SA. condition S15. G i r I ' s to Sl. Bikes Sl to U5. 843
Wide lea.f $2:5; Hi-Back VERY nice 30" \Vi <I e Walnut coUee table $15. Forked .-Gadny -LoaJed Schwinn bicycle nttas new \V l5th N.B. u g_2462 Chain: $2S: 646.-6814 Hollyv.'Ood box springs and Green print ('Ontemporary -Pumice -Melody -lrl· tires S20 SID-1542 ~-~~=~;:.:o-=-=----
rnattress on legs, plastic chair S15. Small Provincial jure -KIND of GIRDLE · DURO-THERM oil 1 Pa c e
'63 CORV Affi body parts S2
to $25. Radk> SlD. Motorcy·
ell! partJ Velocl!tte 350cc
motor only S25. J\fateb.leas
frame $15. Velcette frame
SlO. Honda 50 frame SlD.
Matchle• 21 inch front
wbed $21. Honda 19 inch
rear wheel $20. 300xl9
PIJ'l!lla unlvenal $15. 325x.19
Dunlop K -70 $15. 54&--0269
3 NICE 9lc12 wool rugs Sll.50
each 2 rug pad& ;I each.
8' hall rug matches one
rug $1. Has.sock SOc. l pair
new ladies shoes $3. Small
turkey roaster $2. 1 carton
soutnie cups 23c. A roll of
Easter gift \\Tap (Store
Use) $2. 1500 Haven Pl.,
Sunday only.
FURN I TURE for re-
finishing, Spinet de!k $20.
Extension dinettl! 6 chairs
$25. Round ~taple formica
eii::teru;ion table $18. Nie nae
1>helves .$12 each. Day bed
with bolsters $20. Tables,
11tands, commodes $5 to $15.
Provincial, naugahyde &nd
re<:liner chain $1 -$15
DELUX Ironer $15; 646-5814
AQUARlID.fS: 10 gallon and
5 gallon lleaters filters,
Pumpg and »land SJ>;
Sl&-2133 '
10 FISH aquariums 4' pumps
Si. each. l tara:e 1howcase
$10; Chickens and doves $2.
ea1h. 1 -4 man lent S25>
W&shing machln~as is UO;
fllarble top tables S:5.. each
(3). r;i& Esther, ,C.M. ,
MOVING: Endtables, cotfee
table, $5. each; Electric
Slnget &ewlng machine in
cab4Jet S22; Blue chip
stamp books $1.75 each.
Clothing & dishes 50c to
$1.50. Ml-7596.
4 BIKES, $3. -$15: 1
rotisserie, like new $20: l
-6' car luagagt! caITier
SU; :026 Killybrooke Lane, c. lot. 545-2835 12 Bass a ccordlan $25. Case
$10. Call 543-1832 Sat. or
BIRD Aviary Walk·in $20.
Call 543-1832
eacb. Yard square ottoman 2 _ 8" TRAILER "'heels,
$1. Noon to 4:30 only. 1991 new tires $25: 1 with 001
Charle SL, b e t w e e n tire $5: COllCO high chair
Hamilton and Bernard. l $10: Baby swbW $ 2 ;
n...ooR model heat lamp S20; 1 ~bl="'=·~·=~~'-'-°'_,,H_ar_"°'~·-~ Jnfantseat & car seat $1.
Chair $5. 545-2529 VOIT 11.2 cu. ft. yellow tank each; Seal!Cape paintina SS:
with vik \'alve 1968 model, Orange base lamp $10;
SAT. &. Sun. 1""' Only ?-tust paid $90 you pay $25 for Deslgnet clothes, 11ize 9, to
sell Store Stock, Antique tank. $5 for valve. Like $10. 962-3.8.ll .
Oothes, Hats, Purses. "ew Row Aviation ~""lo -'----------
Cl I " --.. l\fOVING -n1Ullt i>ell ne\v Je"11elry, Sl to $25, ot 1ei1 hose regulator three Y'"' •--•-110 Sh I I' t Kenmore Door polisher, at· ~ : e ve11, J o old $20. Dacor double st .......
Slo .'
· s s • O .._... tacbes to moi,;t vacuums $5; • a.nnequin, · J • double diapi..--two hose
St --" A t · '""''" Boy'• :U-14 good clothing, earner ,...,... n 1 q u e regulator $20. Voit P'""'"• ,,..__, •• 'oti<: ......... Chin shirts, new 11hoe11, jackets, • 1·w-........ ; :r........, e.M! gauae $6. Brand new Volt
R 115 P · S"•I Rug .... ewim trunka, beach i;hirt ua: ; en:1an •J e • medium site wet suit S20. Zic _ ..,, Rain ·wea1· 50c; $7.50 Music Box, S3.SO For 1·acket hood $20. Pants •• •1 ,. at A•g•I c a n d I ' Ladies white & <old straight ., u ic " and boots 1-16 lb v.·elght Hold-•• C h , I a t m a• crepe even in• dress $5•, .... .....,. belt $5. Eico binoculars new Cards, $3. Box r.l~Tftp and Silver ev~ing jacket new,
Tie 25c to Sl . Yarn llairties, with c3.M! and lense caps $10; EVt"nin& skirt. &: silver
'IS< Pkg. fl.resl:ll'le1'S, 75c $'25. Honda S-90 engine -blouse $4. each: Dresses, basket case $25. ~770 Teacups &. Dishes, 2:ic to suits, skirts. s we a t e r s ,
~.50 1.!lrror $9; \Vicker CHINESE Pina $25. Cltrlne jackets iUe U.14, $2. -$5:
QWrs $5; Oak Chair $5; topaz beads $25. Ivory Sandal!, jl!\\'l!lry, 50<:: \Vesl
Imported Brldgto C loth s statue S2S. Silver jev.·elry ~-acne iron S2: Console TV,
$3.50, Notepaper lrlutations SL to $5. La.tre lramed nttds Vi'ork, has llOUnd $5;
Tac to $2.50, Poln.'ll!tlu 2Sc t1oral \\'&tercolor $Z. Small 646-6226. Sat & Sun 1-5.
Burlap Angels 75c First · seascnpe and desert framed
T C f t • oils Ill ,, •• =·•·-s ._ .. KEN?.!ORE auto mat I c exu on e a era e.. ui. ~""'.,." anu wuher, y,oorb 1tood $20; • -·rlcan Cookbooks $1.50 frames 50c .~ « An•w...-nun: ""'' '"'t"" Electric d""er, excellent Nehru Shirt& $4.~. Ties dilbes ind vdts 2Sc to $5. condition $~7 Baby crib $.J.
from London •<>·, Antiqu• Noon ., •·"" --•y 1991 ~ ·<N vw • --d condi11on but ncerls. PlctUJ't's Sl to $5: 'Fabrlc Charle St., between 5""'' 50c to n .50, L l p I t I c k , lla.mUton and Bernard, 1 l'le\V mattress. Afl k\nd.!I or ~ Po rrl See t wed v.·a!ther &: dryer parts e, lpou , n, block \Vfft or Harbor. .., 110 .. ~ 11 " soc-w ~J'ftn.-Yellaw· 1 , -_.-t4)-.-• ~n~ OWlfl -
P.texican La.mp Shades S7.50, PUPPIES ~ ~· '' sign $2 ; Pair ot new fender
300 Cedar Newport Shotts. Bost~n Temt"I' $:J. Otl1er skirts for '61 Chevy $).
• puppies $3. 847-3814 84'f.-8U5
roR 11• convalesce.nt, toilet TYPEWRrTER rebuilt lift :G:REEN==~,,-.~.,.-,-,.~,~.~1=20~.~7"°40
chair new S3J, 56-2529 new, $2S. ~nss ShaJimar, Apt A. Sat only. ,, .. ,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ................ ~~
NE ·W!:
BOYS bike SlO: Kids hlke
$2: Dinette set $10; \Vet
suit $5; ~1nr !tl!t $3;
Vacuum cleaner $10: Lawn
mower $5: 1111 W. 20!.b C.l\1.
BOYS ble)'Cles -En&lish $1:i:
Austrian PJ; Both 26'' 11.nd
sheet and cover S1 5. chest S12.Fl'enchProvincial Mary: ''I've got a new OO~BLE Mattress. 'ox beater with fan $!0 ·
5.36--8062 step table $15. E a r I y job." . spnngs $15. 2 Indian Ike Utimatic , electric healer
2 HO'IWATER beaten $15 American table lamp SlO. Sue: "What is it'!" Quru~~:7 :·~ ea~~se ~e 220V with fa.II and Bowlina balls and bag $1.50. 1.1.ary: "l'm \\1lrking !or . S:A g ass . · thermostat $15. 645-2318 each. 1 IOf& $1tl. l llOfa F ~ F ,,_,,_ . .. Bisque figures S15. Haviland °""="~~c.---~--.,-bed po. 2 end tables $5 Guitar S2. Stand lo\\·el rack I.be: o~~ OIWIUltion. . tray Sl5 ._pt J.2619 Smm NEW bed pillows ix each.
$2. Vanii;Y stools $2. Ladies Sue: "ls that a new lah'D Ana A~. · · Floor lamp $2. Ladies ne\v ~e 1i:;P~~~~ e;'t ~ ·ftze 8 $3. Glria· dress of GffiDLE '!", .coat $11!: Silver muskrat aiu-ll $2. Shoe1 size 718 UNFINISHED Doul;llli stole ·$~. Sterling silver ~..!.'~ .. JU: ., Old trunk $S. narrow 50c. Student lamp 2 GLASS tables 1T'x24", dr,sser $20. 4 drawer stu· jeweley $1.50 to $5. Kitchen
--$5. FIOOr waxer $&. Hoses $7.50 each. Solid brass lamp dent desk $15. %" x ~'4'. table 11· .50. G7H255
base 36" high $10; Frosted F1akeho-~ 11 each. Birch"··==-=="""----'-~~ OLD Slngtl' portable $20. $1.50, 36 patio brazier S12. 111-u ·1 • 1.ta.rble tlab 3'X6' l21). 3 Mens clothes medium.' /large green glass It brass lamp plyv.·ood scrap 5c to $1. 3M6 ALLEN Wale1 a.~ d i n g
' fishing poles $1, · $2. and SI..;3. C.O!t"m.an stove $5. Hi-base $.5; 2 green patio Killybrook, C.:1\-f. machint', good condition $25.
$4.' ·T.V. monitor $10 . lo ·~ table $3. J21 CoraJ, chalrt Ji!te new $2.SO each,:, HOOVER Portable \vasl1el'1_:.....,...::_=::..~--~--~-
Garden ' tools 10c • $1, 2 Balboa Ialand New white lamp shade 12 $25 Old barbeque with good M 0 VI N G ab r o a d
old dressera $4 and· $8. E~ 50 , YARDS Gold n Y 1 0 n diameter ~5'' deep S5: Floor &pit and motor $.5. ~ drill Miscella.neous items: i.e.
tab!. $4. R«;cliner $4. School cupetinf, used 50c yard. fan vettiele sha~ $lO; motor $7.50. Patio chair ping pong table $5. 'FIJ trays
and •office stationery lOc Persimmon love 11eat SlO. Upholstered chair like new. needs rev.-ebbing $2. Double $1.50. Bookc a se $1.
and 50c. 2 10" impleme.nt Lilac band be.sin S 2 , 548-7636, 304 Santa Ana goo!!l'neck lamp with shade Telephone stand $1. Tools
wheels S6 each. Magazine S73-657T Avenue, N.B. $2.50. One plaster and one 50c each. Wagon Sl.50. Toy
and books 10c 50e. 2 48" ROUND table and 4 potty pot both Y"ith stands car S2. Scooter Sl. House
Hollywood bed frames $4 DJ_tESS form quality queen chairs with wroua:ht iron $1 each. 20" boy's bike $3>; plants S20• Foot )ongbrlc~s
each. Life 'preserVer S1 size B SID. L ·a d I e s legs S25: 4. loose cushions old witcase $3. T a P e 5c e.ach. 19881 Carmania
New Ampex 102 mike $5. Brunswick bowling ball with and table cloth for same recorder needs microP.hone Lane, Huntington Beach
Lily l>ulba Sc. Metal cot carrying case and shoes $25. S2.50. 533 st. Andtev.•s Rd. $1.0. 549-0074 2 SWIVEL rockers $25 each. Swa.g lamp ornamental iron $2. Ohm meter n.50. 231! with chain $25. Original cost N.B. 646-4286. SHELVES \Vhite \\"ooden fac· Maple twin beds S25 each.
Delaware, HB $Sil. 644-4125 CHESTS. black & gol.d, large tory built Ideal for display, Oles! of drawers $25.. call
BICYCLE 'C'n~Jillh meteor, l drawers, $25. each: 12' used rolls on caslen $25. 54~2529 after 10 AM. 645-2094 £<'.., BEAUTIFUL walnut double speed llghh\•ejzht · d u a 1 headboard and strong frame chain link 6-12' cedar boards PffiELLI ?>.fotorcycle tire 4 NEW '69 V\V tires and
brakes, light $20. Electric $25. Antiqoes; Walklng plow A: pl)8ts $6: Lamp S2.50. 19x2.75 $8. 24·• bicycle $8. rims, 30 miles, S2S eaeh.
ironer, Thor Avtomagi.e SS. $7. Sewing basket f7. Candle 54S-.a288 3 11pced bicycle Sl8. Stingray 1 VW tire S4. 1 pair new
student microscope 450 X table $7. 2 Quart Ice cream GJl.IC Pick-up truck SZ5; •55 Sl8. Pedal car $2.50. Unlcy-VW to Chevy w h e e I
S2. 729 Lake St., Huntington freezer $2.50. Mlmir, nar-Chevy engine $25. 2 s 6 cle Si JI.fan's roller skates ~pters~D. ~ ~ u~
Beach. 536--0403 row oak frame 16JQ6 $2.so. Esther, c .r..t. si:re 8 $10. Lady Sunbeam ~·0 "'"""~ a ap rs
BORDER Col.lie• ~; and 110. Folding lawn chair 12.!iO. razor new $4.50. ~2847 ;>'00""'0"""" ..., 25 SQUARE y~ Firth . High chair $3. Strollt.T $5. Pole lamp $2.50. Tricycle aerylan carpeting SL square \VA S H IN G M a c h 1 n e ANTIQUE rocker $20. ~If Begi~r skis and pole $12. $2.50. Complete bed S20. ard . cl d" bbe d \Vesli nghou11e front door $10. bag and cart S10. lronnte 49~4or837--02'i3 · . .Stttl eabl.Nt $3. Wonder ~lO ~ve~i: 'l1vern~ne: Coucll apens to bed $Zi. lroner$35.546-4062
MAHOGANY drum table $15. horse $4. 3\n 9th Ave. Ne rt Beach Ann chair $15. Small tables STOVE $10. Bedroom set $25.
E nd table $4. l upbolatettd So. LB wpo , $10 to $25. Dinette table Patio bar stools SlO. Ironer
hostess chain $5 each. STEREO taken four track S'x5" PLANTER divider -$25. Stereo rl!COl'd player S25 $10. Coleman lantern $3.
tapes S 2 0, Alpert..CO!nc deep well for live plants Small metal cabinet S25. TOOl.'1 SOc. Furniture, all
Garbage dlsposal never us-Places BruiJ 66-Crlcketa $25; 14'x18" oval braided Dresses slightly used $5 to clean. 2151 Ota11&e Avenue
ed $15. ~ Sandpl,Pm • Guantanarner: ma: $25. ~7472. C.M. . SIO. Size 10.16. 546-2209 C.M. '
}'ANCY Guppin :l5c each. SIG • Parsle-y f)qe, &d ~N l speed boYB ~-OH. Oh! Look! 4 beautiful PINK formal, aUe U SlO.
Pair Chipmunks $l0. 2 TravllhSpotllght, Warwick· ray bike. excellent coochtion living room chairs $15 each. RCA TV black and white
female Oppossorns S5 ear.h. WfndoM, Ml"nn Sln~n-$25. 645-19SD. Love 31!&1 $25. Matching $25. Roller skates size 8,
Siamese ra.}!bil! $2.50, Other Golden Folk Hits. 646-0759 SCHWINN Stingray, 2 speed, chairs Sl5. 2 nlght stands SlO. 646-5237
rabbits $2. Hutches '2 · cheater bar _ new tin:s, SID pair. Unique sewing I.;:;;:--=.:'-"~-~-'.'.'"'.'.,--,=--
$10. 8fl'551 SKI boots •\%1! fi, excellent excellent condition. S 2 5 . basket chair $15. Antique AIR condltioner $25, ~w
condition ST.50. 6'f3..8963 18012 N~-1 . '''''""' ""··k•t cha~ 115. motor. Phone 548--4362. 1535 LARGE 9 drav.·er dresser. .,. ... n, rv1n e _. -.. u= ,,. S . N rt Be h needs refimsh $15-LUEie ELECTRIC dr)'er, exCl!llent. 833-1022 Antique rodrer sz;. Antique uperM>r, ewpo ac •
OIAIN hoist $20. Argus C3
Camera, lens, $15. Defur
light meter $1.D. lJooded
barbecue electric spit $5.
Coca Cola metal lee cbc.11t
$3. Hand knit cocktf.iJ dress
$20. 962-9886 '
Len... Refiex cameras ilnd
cases, Yashica, IkoFlex, S20
each. 35 mm cameras and
caJ>es all excellent, movie
projector and c a rn e r a
regular 8 $25 each, will
demonstrate. Private party
FARl\tER John wet suit $1D.
Rincon surf board racks ant.I
locks SID. 1 s u r t board
chuck dent 9 fl. 8 In. S25.'
Porsche stock exhaust SID.
Kitchen aid mixer and
·bowls $10. 2 boys suits, aize
16 and 18 SlD each. 15 new
sprinkler heads 30c each.
Girl's red rubber boots 75c.
2 Kodak Brownie camera5
'r;>e each. 1 Kodak size ll6
$3.95. 962-7593
BURRO good with chlldren
$18. Ken~ e l e c t r ic
sterilizer $4. Square dancing
dresses size 16 S 4 .
Brunswick ladies bowling
&hoes size 71,» $2. Wal nut
encl tables S4 each. 842-5692
SOFA bec:I $20. Matching
chair $8. Upholstered chair
swivel $8. 2 Vacuum
cleaners $G each. Dining
room table $S. 2 chairs $2
each. Golf set $20. Extra
bag S.f. \Vall iroinng board
$4. Sink l.R" deep $10. Edgtt
~. Aluminum beach chair
$6. Screen door $8. Swing
dooT SlO. Electric crill $6.
(2) Hanging lamp~ $6 each.
Table lamp ;J. Saturday
and Sunday, 315 On::h1d,
Cdi\f. mirror $1. 200 watt AM·FM: $25. ~ ' book rack table $20. Duncan Space No, 34. POWER lawnmowua, 1 reel tabl -=:. HIGHCHAIR 16 i:A~ "'7 AEROQUJP Slide ?>.Jagazlnes radio, no cabinet $ 2 5, REF R l GER ATOR, NJ\! and l "Toro" rotory. Good Phyfe dinina room e _,. · .,,._..., 4 6 at Sl. 540-2057 natural v.'OOd a c cord i o D pxl $25. Round white cof-condition $2S. each 968--3275 536---0.121 4 CERAMIC logs S I 5 •
door, bl!auty for room fee tabJe $5. O>e1t of LAWN ?-lower Ro t a r y Contemporary desk S 2 5. 22 CAL. Pump Target rifle
divider $25. Bookcase SS. drawen $5. Antique dresser B~N bole maker 15; Ctallsman 20' Brl &:&• !latching chair $10. Dresser and 22 Cal single shot with
Gold naugahyM couches 2 wtth mim>T SlD. End tables, ~txiean bl•~ 1 e •the r ~trallon motor l >°'ars old $25. Matching night stand Cast', $25 each. 541)...20:;7 s20 each. ?.!atchlng chairs 2 for S3. Wini back divan purse. new no. 1.laple 1loot $25. Grass catcher sai. $10. 3 S&H green stamp ~I. HORSE G.E. l.fotor ss.
2 $10 each. Kirby vacuum. $5. Matchln( wlaa baek lamp $15. 54&-20GO ~7342 books $2.50 each. \Vorld Ridgid ~~. "· and 1 inch.
exeellent-C.'011dttio ~ s:.-1"~Uom( rocker-·NAME-braiid t .. • n.~.&.r 71 .. --rv-m lT'-portable book sat...-$2ii.-..Encyclopedi.a -~ldl<!t pipe die . set $10.
Shampoc attachment $5. dn!~s for Euter 9-10. Sl TV 1~ p•-·.'s OK ~" Bo•"• Jt., $10. Tailor shears $3. 18 Inch Pipe wrench, pipe
Gas beater SlD. ~bler. ANTIQUES $1 to '10, n6w -$2. Ladits clothing, 14-16. b J n.7 646--mi' ' EltttrtC spit $5. 1~ Via cutl!!r and vile iJ each.
rad\o, worics aood fl,Q. 5' alllpW ,punw ,$15. Ntw $J,.. and $2. Hats 50c to icyc e Barcelona, Lldo lale. 10 to 540-2057
\Vllnut TV-Sttttn eablm!t, --too• no. Standard $1. 5'&-6044. 1-75 CUP West Bend auto. 5Marchl5thand16th. .~=~------1 r--:-i._ _, S.17 matlc coffee maker \\'Otkl. LUISE Suggs Golt Club• 9
good for compone.nts or type""'""' -· Adama, SNAKES &Od ~ S2. to guod $lD 00 Pholle 536-Mll TOASTER, toastmaster, 3 irons 2 .,,'oods $15 compltk.
homt bar $2). Eltttric floor .JI.~. $'1. Ml.lid: 9ell, call 549-1780 H 8 · ' slices, perfect SU Camera. White with blue Wm ~tFftt
poll.sher a6d shampooer $10,r REEL powtt mov.-er $25. WHITE and turquoise buckrt · · urtrtdge load 126, new golf shoes ll7ie 1% $5. ~
36"' outsMJe door SS. 30". ·new fertilber spreader $5. vinyl chairs SlD. each. Boy's COO~ Ap&rtm.ent 11 z t .$2.50. Manicure set. battlr1 trlc lklllet $6. \Vhllt bedsirie
DI.me ·A • L1'ne ""'"'"' "°""1''°" .. ,_,,,,_ r.rusr sell refrl.ae.rator (ruM
wtD ) StO: f'ull -41ltt bed
01 di • ccm:iplete $25. Call M&--6GOl ea lne ="'="..,.,n..,.,•-m_,. =-"',---=
r ~
ingjde door $3. Otlld'• dC!flk· Ba.by atodtr 'With top and 2)'' bicydl!, Schwinn, SlO; rer~igerator $15. carpet off. ~rated SL7S. Bath ac· table Sl. Brkf cue $2. fV
$5. Needs paint. ;\ddiftl buket $4. Uatbtt baby car Glrl.'1 20" bicycle S 5; ~·bite si5. Cotree taNe $5. etuorles by hknda, basket, tabJe Portable size $4. Smtll
machine, need• motor S15. 11e1t $.1. ~. cart $3. Bnby l ctbox. aD plutic tor trailtr Small tables 15. 2009 Kings kleenex box. 2Sc • Sl.25. irtutred chair, needs co~r
89i-957'. 15432 Duke Cil"clie, toys 50c. tntut se..it 50c.. or camptt, ne'v $23; Man Rood. Noo~ 2 PM Su~. Red Cbri.!ltmb tablecloth Sl. Hand hair d~r $1.1().
lLB.. F\unlturt OOc:, Baby electric: al'lc1..ladles bov.'1\na'. ball and ~ 54"x72" De\\', S2.75. IA.din CUte wh1te drew with coll
ONE lcl: oUicW Soe.p Bo:t d ish $1 . G\rl'c ~ bicycle bq $4. each. 56--010!. 295 El.£CI'FUC .U.wnmower $21 felt ·"after ski" boots. I~ mllar a1ze 12, $4. All t}CljU:
[)trby \\1beeis and L'die, 13. Tricyc~ $1. Records 25c. Prlneeton Drn'I:, Co 1 I a Artificial Hibl ICU& plant SZi. SL Ladies bloulel and Ak1rtl In rood «tndlllon. m-4riO
oria\N! prltt $22.50, Rll Braided NI lilll 2" X 5' Me•. Ana np carpeling $25.. DJS U • Sl. Aprons $L PORTA Qib
for $17.M. Call e.3S'l& $4. Walnut ~ $1. 2: track SQfWINN pixie bikt tot Modern nllNt da>c $25.. 501 Aftfdda Lorenzo in the ~ mattrul.
anytlnw play ~ »ll.Ytn JT. Phone. ha>'• or cirh 16 ••• nd ...ttb Boy'• toOd mapie
twlSprln bl!d Blulls. '44-«71 ~l~ ccnd1Hoa,, S ~~ ·
f •
• •
. SIZE 11).1': SUlr blouat $2;
Bermudu $4; Navy blut
3 00 P M. A: "''hlte cocktall drew wl.lh
• lhof:I to match $10; \\'ool
• • ,,.., dtt.. 112: 011~, """"
quality clolhf.s !iOe to $12;
FRIDAY Pundtinc ba&, new s-t: G.
E. Uatr dryt:r $3: Brolltt
13: Gamfl 50c-SI; F,..m.,
1 50c lnl kntanHla ~rrace, ' • •• *" ••.,~Ji !fl/I AA!!•• •'11'•1r~f!• •.," • •• •",.,.,., • Corona del Mar. ITJ-0161
193-tm ~ ~adiera, ""'7 nice $25. Mattrtu Sl · 11P SAT And Sun. Crib and mat·
BOY'S 20'' StircraY-119-S..1' tun.E 2:2 automatk: wtth candlUon $1'.3. 546--75lS $15. Booksheh.u $25.. End b'Ulfl SlO. 1,1 ... h ..... Ir •:: SUNDAY ONLY 9 lo Si 2 NM Movie Editor-Spliotr tabl.e SU. $.1MSL5 .,. ...,.,. -Ski Boo! ~c:ki. $150 Nib.
$15. M I n t ~fa I I from ca.ae and cleaning kit $25. 55 AMP au1otlte. gtnmttot atria bib $10. Hobbie honwl 2 pair ski boolA. Jadle1 atit
Brortd'A't.¥, Dyntl 1J1ht Cu JIO~'t'red airplane $6. $)), New SS. Al\1P Delco-t>tAYTAG Automat\c: waahl!T $3. Orftsera, 2 for $4.. 1 9, men's J;!it 9'i, $10 paJr. b~ No. 4. cost $15 \\Wit Bumper nicks to CAn')' Rtmy it(!Mrator $10· Com. "'Ol'b p>d, S:z!., ~ at SS. Dishes 5c to fl. Com-l\Tcn'J; xln'lch akl pn.nlJI, i\u o~ $6. F\1ll Curly Dy'¥1 tnoto1'C)'dr $12. Yttmlnaton pa.sa $10; 9 gallon 1fAlnlel!t 011.. Palntlnp S5 to $25. lJllJ \\'l.l"t, 3 picctl $7. t926l ::0 "'J\llar SlO. After )Id
y,<lg COit $17, Mt$$. Games portable type\\Tlter, needs OX)'lf!n tank $10: 2 nc\\' Valuta to 1'15. All Otialntll. Hardbv Lane, Huntl~ton booll, ladle.s s s 2. $ i).
• Kik·lt fl.~. Ouija bOard l'll!W ribbon $10. Older model round 80 Cnllon tanks for Sitts 8xl0 ta Mx.CS. 9 Beach Teenage boys and cfr,11
75c. Career, The ChUI! 95c. ~:w\n.& nw:hirle $5. diesel tuel S25. each. Good StllJJCl\PC!~ 4 Stlll lilt$ 5 l..ARGE blaokbollrd (greenlr clotht1, SI • SlO. 100 ,Jb.
~ drum 00!:. S 0 81 700xll Utt ~ 1660 Babcock Landscaper. Afti!t" ll S&.tur-~48. '-filh euel stand $10. "'"'ight u t ss. 31T PolWf
YorktD"n. H8. 90-7111 ll SPEED ..... 125. 535-llJI Street. CM. day and SUflda1. 531-..1793 548-1'1&4 A\T-nue., Corona &I MU\J t
.. ,
-I ..
" ..
"' "' o.
" 2 _,
"· a,
"' .. ,
th w,
"" no • •
in. .,.
"' 12.
cd 15,
!St ..,
"" nd
"' ,.
"'· ...
'" i c
•• ng
.rd , ...
"1. .,
"' ilh
'"' ;h.
-""' 5 .
Stt1'nl'1, ¥ltd\ 15.,1969 DAILY PIL;J.lf
.~llCHANOIJ.1 FOR MERCHAN DISE FOR ltll.RCHANDISI f,Ol. ~llCHANDISI fQA Mllt<:HANOIS' fiOll , .. 11\EllC:MAHDtSI POR MEllCHA!i61SI I . P41L Y., P l\OT ' '·I SALE A ND TRADf SALi A ND T RADI SALi AND TRADI SALE ANb TRADI SALE AND TRADI SALi A~::;D_;T:.:;RA:;.;il>;;;I:.. J_;;;SA;o;L:.;:l;..;A.;;.N:.;:D_TU~:;:;Dl;::-1
\ Mochln•ry, •le. 1700
CllASSIFllD INDUi ·U "1'0RKLIFl'S'~ ....,. -
I 'h. , ••• ,.(-iic~.·~''lf.p'fft' Aoolifalice " ' ""-;,-•• ,::"* . . 'IARoXtlf~Sl ,,_~-~, .. ~ AUCTION * z.~ ~00!>~= I DIAi, DilJ,CT ~%.sjj_ ,_t, _'.: Spa111sh ClJ!i:.:;: fl 'I ~ .2'""tt'~~ Jl{I · -_. 11tts. taJ'll 1111. -
l "•----•-."!I!'. w-•iii._fii'!.'-"~il i· ~· ~-edi~t ... nH • -~=-1J.!: J;.P=.':" ~ ;. Ac~~~~ °;W':"~R"J.~~r"' !;_.lrle:11;:. ::'i111t ;' .
HOUSES FOR SALE ?::~CJ.~!~r:~0,11;.y ... ,..t.=: ~. Bovwht nuf1ctyre~ ... , ~ ~·--~ ~,<lra'&D , •• ._.,.,~.,~-ANTIQUl l'U RNITUR I & H00SIHOL0 ITEMS .ui ft),)
a1w11••1. ........... ····-"'• cOMM11c1AL. __..._.............. ~ .. , SMw S1lft11I• , Mari leWhW • an:a Moel Osk*trirw-l'tllli! -··• 'i* COMPLETE l.IQU IDAYtoN =.c~~u..,. ::;::;::::···in• INDU,TIUAI. lllllTAI. ............ At TenWk ~I s,.c.w o.tue ~ -.... -.u Full _._ _ Conn. C..pdot 0rpo F OR OUR RECORDS I ~!!!.!... Mat1rfah 1760 -""'•Ii ....... ·~" .. '1. , ... ,... -..... ,...... -•• ·-MIU. v&1to1: ............ •· uNc ................. ~ .•.. •• 8'..-Wood •arved mn ·~n, l•·man"1 ..J.~i:.. •·.1omo. Au1111cnade -· -ve ...... ~o.-.... :..i ... ~ SATURDAY-NIT'• 1 1· -·,...-.... _ .....z_ C~LIO• L'AltK •,o•p• ... ,,;,,.1111 (ITW.LGllOVll ,., .......... •111 '-Wt'• &" aum-.,. -all Wlldltzer. Oonn noc.-' 'S ~u•v ..,_ ..........-:;:;::~ ::~J:Tt ·""~··"~:l°: •c••.Ao• ................... .-or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak ~ 1et · bulton holta. bUt'd htms, ......... 1 ... ~ •• 1~ w....~ .. r MARGH.tSTH 6:311 PM W/~-N~w. $ 40 •
....... .-; .. LAIC IUIMOlll'..i::..1.o,,. ..... , .. 6'01 w/black or avocado •-amed ·h·'-·, a ·~ BR .... lltcbH~ ..... """"'N l,ancy .-"-;-_,.•.:=~~~. •. -· ._. aAL.oo\ GOVU., '""\''..i'"l•U llSSOIU' PllOP•llTT , ... , ...... -il ".Cl.I.I• ""'° ·.-r-~ ..,..,. "''"""' -l.!I ""'°"' ,a;HO••s ........... 15 01tAMoe co. P•o"•i:TY ..... .., aet. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg ·mJrror, 2 • •tc. oat¥ need-N• ~·n ....... ~ • "'--•AYc1e1.T .... ~ ............ ,., our OI' ITATI "'OP. ·•·1.. ... .Gll , ..a Guannta 10 od "'" ....,.... pa.J' ........ ~ "'°lor ..otg • B & W TV's· tAnHq111.s ...... ", ....... , 1ro101JNTA1M • 01:i••r ........ -.1• commodes, decorative headboard tn Spanjsh : r~8 • ' 'toWd Music c.om......... · Stet:.•. Combo's ' DOVlltl~SM011ll •v·,_.., .. ,....,.lt2t IUIOIVISIONUMD ........ ~It ..--oo.i. • _,.., •-W•STCLIFJ' ......... 1m tu.L '!TATE s1av1c• ..... •n • oak design with matching box springs, mat,.. lll6I SINGER T h 2045 N. Main, Santa Ana ltAlllO& NIGN~ND$ ,_ ..... tm '···IX NAMGI! .............. AM tress~-frame. ' ou c -0· So. at Freewt¥ SfT-0681 lJlftV•llSITY l"AIUt 'i"" ... "\'1U7 ~ ••• WANTl"O ... ............. °' matlc auto ... 1 ...... button 1 11~fM'• · i ........ h:. 1m 'BUSINESS d It.ms Sotcl lndlvldu1lly ' . -·-· Open Mon £: nt eves 1LU 9 1.ACJt IAT ................ 1.,.. in S'--f holes, blind· hems, ovucutll SUnda:f U to 5 fASTILUP" ........... ,,.1Mt FINANCIAL ,_,. Around-l e ore rou buy '" USI without attachments. Ill~ •
HtVINE Tl!llllACI .. ! ......... tt1 1i.i•1M1ss Ol',.OllTVH1T111 .-VALUE $1095.95 -FUL PRICE $529.95 Jorces repG, $38.111 or 11.ll
,.,., •• ,·.· ~.E~.:t"' •• ~ & ......... ,.1,,.0 IUSINISS WANTID .. : QOS . . I •• 66 k . 11 ARE SALE 11 a .... ......... .INveST.Ml!MT O~~· a1t1t9 .:, .,It , ' Or terms 81 OW 81 <r"I'• per WH \\'eek. Guarani~ still good , llA(CIM 9AT ...... , •. llOI N IT ~~i • 1AY ULANos ............. tue ' " s Ml!NT WA t D .: .... 'Ill Use Ou.r Store Charge Plan or Bank FinanclnJ Call anyttme. 1193-#t4 ~~"&llL~su.~o .... ::::::::::::fi: ~G,£:i:"J~ toO::s :::::::;::;'.;:ID No ·Fancy f.ront -BUT Quality Values Inside Our go11eow n cw 1tore HUNTINGTON IEACH ., ..... l40I 'i. EL•Y LOAlllt ............... ..,. ' • • ! M usical Inst. ·1125 burned' The pianos & or-HUNTINCiTON MAltlOUll •.. ,,1 .... COLL.ATlllAL LOAIO ,. ....... :,e:. • ,
l'OUNTAIH YALLIY .......... 1411 =~::J:i•TLOAHI ...... ~. Gultlll' H-·•qu•rt'"'-ra.na aulfered no water dam-~EAL11o'H ............... HM .MONIY w N .Mt.,... .... = . . . . . ~ --... age but they are ~ ·UMSllT IEA(M .............. IUI . A T 0 .. • ... • NEW and USED.• ' • coAltot:N Ci1to111 .............. 1t1s ANNOUNCEMENTS , ' dirty, dusty & acn.tcb,y. We LON• at::ACH .............. uoe 1 d NOTICES · 1 Fender • Vox • S~ mowd lh41m·all back to our .•11;ewooo ............. 1uo n ... e GIBSON e MARTIN old 1oc " • .~.~ >•AHGI COUNTY ............. 16" l'OUND (l'rN Alla) ........... ~ auon"' m .... ~ evory. OUT OP COUNTY ....... ,, .... 140S LOIT ........... ,., ........ IMll • • • 1 • , , • WIL$0N • Y l\.MAHA thing at FIRE $ALE .PRIC our OF •Tf4TE ................ 1'°' P•1:1tio1111.t.s . ................... Drum H..ctquilrters 'ES• So u ~1;.. .... t "Old ..-..,TANTON .................. 1611 ..AMMOUlllCEMEHTS ............ '411 . , YOU '""'IS.,,.. l"ISTMIHSTE• ................ 1111 ~11tTHS ................... 6"11 _ • NEW and USED • Time Smol-:f:y F 11 v 0 r" 1MIDWo\T CITY .............. : .. 1'16 FUNERALS ............... uu LUDWIG ROGERS ASTRO .. ' ' • SANTA ANA ......... ,1 .. :.16tt ,.AIO OBITUARY ..... , ... uu •. ' . -come ""' set em, and at
We ' have several Dining Room sets, fine st
quality, with chlnas1 buffets & serve.rs. These
Items are top ol lhe line. .
Sp•nlsh • M•ho(lony • Mapl• • Modern
F rench • P rovlnclal·• Medlterranaan
CUSTOM MADE, Hardwood Jledroom sels,
mattresses, couches & love sea.ts~ se<:tiona1s,
(latest designs & fabrics), J).Bugnanyde couch-
es1 chairs. coUe&&end tables.
FIRST QUALITY mahogany furniture. Din-
ing rooin sets . with chinas, Bedroom sets,
lealher top col!ee & end tables.
Refrigeiators, '"asbers, dryers, dishwashers
•bronze, yellow, white, turqoise •
SANTA AMA HGTS. ............ 1'1t FUNEltAL DlltECTO•S ....... 4414 F,umlture 8000 Gar•-s.~ I022 ~ selttition with b!W • Prtcn )!'OU 1N9n't believe OllAHOE . . ........... ,.16H FLORISTS ............. UIS :::11-ts and '--'-tart WARD'S BALD • ,rusT1" ~7 ................ ,~, cARD o" THANK• ............... 16 pc. se cym.,..... 1 • WIN sruoto we "'so have p'••o• dinettes game sets NOl:TM T\ISTIH .............. 1445 ·~ MEMoruAM .............. 4411 SPANISH Returned from HIDE-a-bed; antique olive ing kt $99.So. ~.hi-hats 1801. Newport, CM 6f2.8484 ii.I • -.... "'• • 1
AMAMltM .......... 1~ CEMETERY LOTS ............. w11 •<ode! Hom•• on __ ,0 at. lik ,.,._"· and ,_ -·•~ All --·" .: desks. bunk beds, lamps & paintings. Mirr· 51LVlllADO CANYON ... _ •.•.. l~J C,l!"MSTlllY CRYPT'S ........... ,, .. -.. green, e new. >Yt.......,r Ile;<& ret'<'-'&~· ~ • • II " d' " LAGUNA H1LLs ...........•.... 110C1 cEMl!TE1:Y c•YPTI. •........ .,,. le~ than wholesale! Group patio, ~urniture, chaise' &: parta,. accessories & cymbab: lWlMOND Steinway Ya ors, chtna & m1sce aneous goo tes.
LAGUNA alACH ............ ,.11(15 C:Rl!MATO•ll!S .............. UM 1-·'ud•• .......... '6'. ha! G--~ ·-1 k ' . -·--"-----~· -----------· LAGIJMA NIGUEL .' ........ l1D1 .... EMORIAL l'AllKS ........... 6411 llU ...,uuu.u c rs. !lITll,n ,1 s'tereo-... toe . maha. new & used pianos .
1AM CLl!M,EHTE ....... ino t.ucTroMs .............. ,. quilted sofa &. love seat. pcrtable. Bar stools. Square EVERY'rtnNG IN 1.tUSIC ot all makes. Best' buys tn I 2 Dec. orative Dining Room sets w/buffets I SAiii JUA" CAPISTRANO .. ,. .. U2t AVIATION SEl:VIC•-........ Atn . CAl'llTRAMO ll!ACH ......... ins TllAVEt. .............. wu 3 Spanish oak decorator Walnut co!fee table, con-Be h M • ( f . So. Calli rla:ht here. DAMA l"OIN T ................ 113f AJll TRAHSPOl:TATIOH ............. tables, S\l.'ag or table lamps, temporary chair green IC USIC en er SCHMIDT MUSIC co cA•L.S•Ao ..................... 1140 AuTo TRAHs,.o•TATION ..... s •• AOK Commission Gallery OCEANSIDE ................... lnt LECiAL NOTICES ... ::;.·'4M wall plaaque, king, queen, print. Small prov Inc I a I 1907 N •. Main, ~~:e~~~g: c·oiiNTY··:::::::::~~ GS•E•R.,v'1c"E'"D'o1•R•E••CTO ... R. -y '.'.'.:m'p""1·•·""··-1bodboroox m,,..:!!,e chest. Grey FI int r I d g e ...... ~cto12ry Sale~lli-~ ,s.""s.tce".. Santa Ana . 1m Garden Grove Blvd.
HousEs TO •E MOVl!D ...... 1,. ""' " ...... i:-···<e... china, service 12. Prov. strp lAWY noon · . -WALNUT Spinet la.no like 1 Block West of Beach, off G. G. Frwy CONDOMI NIUM ............ lt.50 ACCOUNTING ........ UDI! ma-·· ,, .... , • boudo;-tabl•s. Drop leaf •nd ta••-,,.~--.~Blvd !Hwy 39) p ' OUl'Ll!'Xal J'Oll SALi! .... ,,.1'75 ANSWEll lNQ SEllVICli ....... '-"II tu<: .... , "" "" WC" .....,. Pl' <.-u " new. Colt $195 Sell $too.I~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ APAl:TMENTS FOil SAL·~ .. .'.lftl Al"PLIAHCE •El"AlllS ......... 4111 lamps, Spanish 'oak 6 .pc -Early American. Gultar. l~ mJ. So. San Dle(O. Fwy, 548-3904
RENTALS · ASPHALT. 0115 .............. ,.,,,. dining set priced elsewhere Vantty stools. To1vel rack Huntington BeaCh 847-8536 -~=~=~-=--· -· --
Houses Furnish ed !~~~ ~A~::S:·-r·o"; 11C:·Ut':• at approx. $1195.00 AU. stand. Ladies dres.se•, 1u.e GIBSON J 50 PRIVATE PARTY Mf1e1ll11:MOU1 l600 ~1cell1neous 8600
... BABTSITTIHQ ....... ,,6151 FOR ONLY ·-l20 down 8, g'-'· l"ll. n_ ... 1 .... ._,,_ • Wants to buy piano a EM I L ........... 2oot 10.:"T 0 M,t,ll"TE"1ANCE. ········"'" ..,,,... • ...... ,,., ouwi .... .,...... with HardBhdl CIL!llle, for Cub. nl-877-1035
RElfTAU TO SHARe ......... tot:S •RICK, MAJONRY, tic. ....... uAD $4.99 per "''eek I out of & bags. Ladies shoes. _.oi. • :* SPECIAL * cosTA MISA ............... 2100 BUSIMEJS SE1tv1c1.1 ........ u.. state credit OK. W 111 ,,.,1 ,.._, Ave., Bal"·· '-'and S320 new, $200 or W1er. BALDWIN Piano late model OPfN 910 9
HAVE: Small compreuor,
several Air tankl, a p ,,
vacuum clnr, port record
plyr, elec clock, ~pread.JO
mailbox, 3 elec heatr" Clo.
dll:lt). Switch boxes (io.
dUAl), opaque g!IU& doW~
mirror, rece pt . rm
furniture, mile lheet metal
louvers. Swap toe baby
items. crib, ~ rte.
Drill press, vise, aml cut·
!»ant, motor, noor pelliher
or what have yuu1 G4S-Up.
D091 8125
Shephtrd 3 morith o I d
female, outstanding cham-
p)oa stock, re l"i • te red ,
Miniature SchnallZl!l' •
Whippet pupple1
''SNOCKERS" (cocker &
Schnawer) • aftermath• hf
a love-ln. Adorable 6 •le
puppk!11. SID ea. 497-108S
ALASKAN Malamute, AKE.
female-, 4 mos. .E:r.c:t!lle.nl
for show .,..,...,.. ~
breedi.Qg. Black with ..,.~.
marltillg!I. 492-0403 • Ml!SA DEL MA• .............. 2105 •uU.D6R5 ................. '511 -..... nu ....... u.i Eric, 675-5160 after 6 PM • MESA VEltDE211t CAfl!'lllMQ ms separate for quick sale. 20th • Xlnl cond. $650. :Ol.Ll!Oe PAltl( ............. !llS CAllNETMAKING' &SU srART'MG band pl t 54"2103 AUCTION 1 MALE 1 femaJe Poodles. =~==~ ::~fH .. ::::::::::::~~ CARl'EMTE1t1Ho .::::::::::::;61,. Century Furnitw-e. 1 9 7 7 2 GQrage Salt! ,... • ·com e e ~ * * • Top line • Name brands Male $25. Female $35. l 4
HEWl'OltT sHORll ...... , 1n1 c,•,M,,'."',·,,',~"u',"-·····"·· ... Utl"'' Garden Grove B v d. • C1-~u1 Ant•'que dnl~-set,! Xlnl Zt cond. ~~ KELJ...ER BROS. Plano • Horne funlishing11 mo. old, have had ahof.s.
tAYS'HORll ..... :., .. .'.".: .. ms coNTRACToriJ ..... :'.::::::u2t Garden Grove Duily 10-9, Fu -:--"" "ft 11 exu..,,, nc Yl1 cytnlltW!, Will sac! for $200 -$ATUDDAY e SJ>anlsh • Mrdit. e r.laple 592-1882·
DOVllt SHOl:ES ............... 2%27 CAlll"ET CLEAH1HG ......... '411 Sat m. SUD 12-5 Come m•ture • oric-11. Brae & Fuu taue uoit. 5-i5-2685 846-0980 MARC~H 1$ • Modern • Fre!lt:h Prov. Nl!ST.CL••",'· ................. ??!O CAltPIT UYIMG & lll!PAIJt "'' ·-o• call 1n<> ·~5240 Ba""""ins galore! LAB Pups, 1\red by .... . llNIY SI • ........... u .. 7 oRAPl!RtES ................ _ 44.JI .,, ~ ,,..,.,-~-Ca "B" FLAT Cornet with ..,.. fllVINS .... , .................... Ull DEMOLITION ................. "15 MAHOGANY ....,.. rnation $40 WANTED: Pianos I; Organs. 1 PM NEW-NEAR NEW Lewls!.ield Beret, S~e EAST ILU,, .............. 12•2 DllAJ'TINO sl!"11v1ce .... -.... .w corona del Mar cue. · Cash paid 15 000 S F t f pedigree to a ppr e e I ate . ~~~1::A 1::~A,il··::.~·::::: .. :: ~~~~:~c:; ietiTAU ''.'.:::::!: FRENCH PROVINCIAL FRI •• SAT .• SUN. fi73...2637 * 6J&.3620 * 'e ~It~ 0 : ANTIQUES 6C2-Q6JO ~
~fJ:~fL1,··::::::::::::::::::::: ;~~~~'>..:::::·:::::::::::::::::!: From A t.ara:e Estate 10 a.m. 5 p.m.· . e Applia.ncei OOBERMAN·X Pupe :8
1AY ISL.&NDS ................ ,mt l'"U•NACI 1te,.A1•s. rtr.. ..... un A fine aelectian of complete , FREE· JO YOU -s re carpet1 AOK week!. Fine temperam.~t. BAIJOA<ISUNO '.: .. , ......... 2m •u11N1Tu1:1 REST01tll!1111 . • tun sUe ·bed ro 0 m sets. 'T1l1vl1f~ ... " "·t , ••••. ·~ ••• •289 ,' EAST u.u,..11 ...................... mt . &Jtll'JIMISHI NCJ &fn RUMMAGE SALE ----'-----·I ---~-.. ----.--'·--~, MU$T BE SOLD 11 . Com mission Gallery ... '"'"' ...,... J'fV"i,J IA~~::~ ..................... :: OAllD•NINO ' •· ........ 111t Dlning room aet. table , Ii .,... __ _. _ _,._ '"""'-· .,,. __ ._ WHITE Altered male u ....... , CDLOR. TV'if • GE .\"RCA Over LOOO ,,q, yds of DeW 1'122 Garden Grove Blvd. AKC SILKY PUPPY ' IA ... . .. ' •....•... Ol!Nl!llAL se•VtCl!S , ........ ..., 6 chain, c b i n a. buffet/ •'-"' .. llUlllt{l.Ul:ts'· '-'lVI' illtuUI t·~ -~~~~~J:::A.~~.~~~.'.:.:.:.:.:_:_:::E!! =~~N~:H:::.1.~~:::::::::::::: ·=·c:~:~=~ ~~~~~.1~~~!; ~:~=-~ ~~~~~ =~;n~:~'to°m°:' ~~1::e:~S:U:!~~~ G:y~l~t;:=soo!m::~t
LOMG IEACH ............... "oe CiUM SHOP ................ : .... 6"t w/leather ·~·. 2 twin ma. nbtre.• ·~ ' Tiger SiMne-111!, all good models, M1y guuanleed. tiorl. bome.543-4957 • ORANQlf COUNTY ., .• .,,,..,,.2'91 HEALTH ClUIS ""'"""""' 479 vr--"'Ot -""dnn •· ~~ ~ priced -i,,.bt ix' qui•" •••• ADAMS ' iANTA AMA ................. t41t HAULING .. -............... 61lt hog. bdrm. sets. Duncan RUMMAGE SALE ,.., om • u"°"'r. pe..., .,. . ~ _..,-, ATTENTION POODLE Puppies., 1 WkL ~'••"•M•!."s,',,e: ............... 2,•,:•, Housl!CLEAHING ............. 67'S Pl>·'• 18 b 1, & 6 cha'-. 847-6551 3/18 Dunlaps, 1815 Newport, 4 bro 1 black b...;, .. • .......... INTl!ltlOR ol'.cORATIHo ..... •111 :r• u;, St. John's School Hall 1Dl5 Costa M TREASURE wn, ; pure :••
'AHTA AMA HEIGHTS ........ ''30 IMCOM& TAX ................ 61u Must sell all immed. at a Baker St. C.l\.f. Sat, March "NIPPER" playful YDWll ---'-"------·' RMI MARJ HUNTERS no papen $30. 536-4879 EW :oAsTAL ·.. . ................ 2100 tRoH .. orn•""""'• •tc. ........ '™ TV 23" b 1 k / h It JU JURf· !.AGUHA IEACH .............. 210S IRONING ..................... 61H sacrifice. Terms on good 15th. 9 AM to 4 PM male cat Siamese Russian • . ac w e, AKC Reg. Poodlr11. Toy'•·.• LACiUHA MIGUEL ............. 2101 IHIULATtNG .................. 6"1 credit. blue, Fenian mixed. 675-4138 walnut console, p ~ r f e c t. Gardiner electronic trans is-l AM CLEMENTI! ............ 17lt JH5UllAHCI! ................... Int SUN Se.II out 10c to $1. 311.1 o>nd, 1100. }.f"... • .. I 11929 E. n--·n 000 ••10 tor metal deteetor, model Mini'&. $50 up. AJI cololl, iAN JUAN CAl'ISTltAMO .. ,. .. mJ IHYESTIGATIMG, DetKtln ... nM AOK WARfffOUSE ""'' .......,..., ~ 4 ill 547-3&11. or 547-9591 ; :APISTRA.NO IE&CN ... -.... 17>0 JANITOlllAL ······-·········'"' Clothes, hfisc., Travel .-.P-UD--D-IN'-.-.---.~.v-.-,::.=_ •• '1644--0421 HawalianGarden1,3blckaE. 200, Max range ft. w· )ANA l'on1T ·-............ 2141 JEWELllY lll!l"All:, Elc. .......... Po'ters, Nie-NaCl!,· 2nd 1r; •1.1• ., .... ,. of= ~ .•. F , .. p .. sacrifice for $75. Call 646-BOXER Puppies (near '°'Y •IVEl:SIDI COUNTY ........ 2IDI LAHDSCAPIHG ................ 6111 hair ........ white 'male, • COLOR TV. RCA 23" Xlnt ...,.,. ~ ... ,,. onne.v a•ll. ... fACAT10M •EMTALS ......... ttOI 1..ocKSMITH ....................... '7722 Garden Grove Blvd., Acacia, Cdl>t. ......... condition' $150 i:n ,'nft 1987 after 8 p.m. pure-bred); "little bea~"
IUMME• ltl!NT.t;u ......... nu M.1.sOH1tY. 1111CK ............ 6'• 1 Block \V. of Beach Blvd. cUards p?emiles like a dee, . • .,,.,.........,,. eve1 •CUSTOM DRAPES • •. GIBSON J·SO -i.· $10 &: $15 549.1351 , ;OHDOMl~IU~~·N''""'"':"· mt, MOVING & STORA~ll .............. LIV nn furn ; :; i>C mod. 67M738 -,11~ fr: \\itenda .... ..., • ~ OUl'LD.:I!, • .............. 1'1 1".Al~TIHG, l"•~iWIOI ....... ~ oH Garden Grove Fhill\ t odd l hrs: . t b I • . .., .... . " Ma.nW'acturer to )'DU. Save • with. Hardshell case, AJo'GHAN· HOUND PUPP~
ll ENtAl:. -· PAIWTIHCi, si,.,. ............. ,,;m ·-6peri ii> tti'§ Sun.'10=6· · -~~~e"rs. 1~-' Pttca~: PART Collie, Pll:t Ger . ...:......:.. · " op m.aterlils; aua:r. w.?rK. $320 new, S200 or offer BIS 111.ted, gd show pro.
Houses Unfu rnil':atd .. ~,:.~~~'G•APH~····::~:;··:::::.a11 20 PC "MADRID'• HB. 962-4978 ' Shep. Female Puppy 4 mOll. HI.fl &: Ster.O ' 1210 Free Estimate11. 546-1431 Eric, 675-5160 after 6 Pl\f. 11pecm, exot colonr QR?JIQllA itNlilW. ............ · ....... lOOI STE!ttNG. Patdl. bNlr •. '811 •· ' old Needs rood home. ·-a'..ASSJC DRAPER.JES ::::....::'.'!: tOSTA MESA .. · ............. 3100 PLUMBING ................ "'9 R. G OOLN Drexel desk tAll Chrm ,._ pl 1 1 1 . KJNG-0-Lawn mower $60 POODLE 4 Toy • A~"""'""' ~ESA DEL MAil .............. 3\0S l"liiT GROOMING 6ttf 3 oom roup _,, 548--8993 3/15 ...... m e e I ere> I Y S e, m, 385J•Biidi SI., N'pt Bch. ' !"'......,., 'o!ESA VEllDt: ................ 1111 l"OOl SERVICE ............... t.. snare drum & stand, $35. record changer 2 separate Adj ....... _ Coo •• Alrp'l Relrlgeralo'r 14 cu ft, $35. male, AKC,.2 mos. } COLLICil! PARK ............. )11S l"O\ll'IEll SWEEl"tK• ........... 4flf FROl\l MODEL J-lOMES xlnt corxJ. 1411 Lincoln Ln, AUSTRALIAN Si l k'y . .' . . . '""''"'"6"' n,;r Roll 'away bed. SID. Steel Reasonable. * ~ lfEWl"OllT IEACN ............ )20I "UMP SE•VICi ............... mt Incl·~-· QuiJ(....:O _,_ •-Purebred 3 F Adult cabinets 24" high, eoclosu1g ~EWPOllT ·MGHTS ........ -•.. n11 llOOFIMCi ...................... 6tst ~ ~ ....... oc: N.B. Sat 10-S, • yrs. or 6 speakrrs amplifier eo.i:t FRIGIDAIRE Elec Range. 'cabinet S15. 847-6467 DOBERMANStr:l 1tew..01:t SHOltES .......... tt20 UD10, .... n. Etc. .......... 6tJI chair _ 2 end tables & cof. GARAGE SALE Sal ,_ Sun. borne House trained 675-4850 l200 .'.,, 170 • -XInt Cohd Anti~· chest. lATSHORES ................. ttU REMODELING " REPA111 "'° bl ·-~ ... _ ... . 3/19 over .XU • • SACRIFICE; New swift XJnt qual. !'lf&F, seJ.I or ' JOVElt SHOltEI .......••..• , .. m1 llEMOOELIHCi, KITCHaMs •... 6tU fC'!ta e-21a111p1 -1.u:.:SS. Silver fox ful": lawn a..:o-r mornin&11 19'' RCA portable TV $20-It desk combination. Old che1t w1 .... archery ,.,.....,t bow r.: • .,~uon NESTCLIFJ' ............... 32l0 scnso•s SHARPEN .......... •tll er -mirror-headboard -~" . type freezer 389 E Flower "'6 .... 6 ... .no-JOO;J ~NIVERSITY PA•K ........... nu SEW1HG ..................... HH & lots of misc items. GAS stove, needs cleaning, works. 642-6912 • • wilh sights/case. 66 in, 50
RVIHI! .. ... .. ............ J'l31 SEWllfCi MACHINE lll!PAl•S 6HI qllilted bax spring & matt-3105 Yuk ,. A CM You pick up. 2 5 I 0 STERE. 0 ·~Solid ... ,. St .. C.M. 642-190911 d Fri, Sat 'lb' pull $45. 675-24Dl PUG Puppies ARC, fawn' • ·R'llME Tl!ltltACE ............ rt45 SEPTIC TANKS, Stw-llc. .. 6"9 ress -5 pc dining room· 0 ve.. . ~ n1tes SUnday a ay or; champion quality :oRONA DEL MAil ........... 315(1 TAILORIHQ ................ 6t1t · • DOUGl-lBOY 4. ........1, IJ5, Westm1tlater Ave. CM. 3118 deluxe console stereo, 4 ' :,nsc items for boat. shop ~2874 tALIOA .............. , .... uoo TEllMITE CONTROL .......... lt71 ·table &. 4 hi-back chairs. .,...,,. . :NV
IAT ISLANDS ................. USO Tlt.E. Ctr1mk ................. 6t11 COMPARE AT $749 95 Motor & pump, $35. Couch CUTE 5 wk. old Puppy •. T:tny. apd changer. Left on Jay S1'Jyer Fox Jackel equip. Household lte~. 10-LIDO ISLI! . . ............... :nn TILE, LIM1t11,.., ~'"* ...... 6'7J · & ~-'-~. 0,·ne' lte . .... "'-l-· "'"· Lab. Terrier 11...,v p .... oU re-.. i .. 1n .. bal 3 SAT ·• SUN 786 w FEP.fALE Basllet Hou q,d IALIOA 11L.AHD .............. 3US TREE S!lt"ICE ........... 4tll $399 ........... ~ ...... .........,. P<L ,,...,., ...., .............. • ' ' "" • • • AKC, 1 )'taJ' old, shotll, ~'!' ~EWPO•T WEST . . ......... llH TELR"VISIOH, ......... •k. .•. 6tu odds &: ends. 54&-6CXll 67J...4(J)4 a.nee of $76.00 or terms. Cort S350 .• 1\tust sell $50 20th St. CM. 642-4610 . ~~~f::g~g: ~~~~~u.:·:::::= ~~~~~~ERY · .............. :::; No dOl\~Pmts only Sl& mo. MISC. hosuehold items. Sat BROWN Tabby Male ff.jtten: Credit Dept. ~7289 642--COIG evening.11 M.AITEL rocking b ors e, af!eetionate. $75. SfG..29!7
~~~~T:~:c~AL~~.~ .. :.:::::::::~!: 1~~~M~E~M!L<;>YME~· WELK'S WAREHOUSE · & Sun. 2845 Catalpa Beaut,i11,1l marklnl MUNTZ car stereo tape. 4 EKO Guitar with case 1$65. g(J)d fl.5. Tricycle, good $6. 1ti!k~UJ;f#n~·. Champi;n!
3ARDEH G1tove .............. 3415 Joa W.\NTeo' w ............ 1'21 fEastbluffl NB. 675-4738 3/15 & 8 track &. 10 tapes. $75. Knight kit auto anal-or.... Hooded Bar-B-Que, like new 9605737 • I.ONG Bl!ACN ............... 3500 JOB WAHTeo' °""" ........ s ' 548-7689 ~~ _. $1Q. 542-6139 v ORANGE COUNTY ........... ~.uoo MEN .._ woMEN mt ·600 W. 4th t., Santa Ana PUPPY, about G-8 mo1. old, Mans goU clubs, bag, cart _,;,.'==~~~-~~-!RISH•· Pu . 'AHTA ANA .................... Mll OOM~STIC Hl!:L P ............... 7'2!1 ()pen Dailv 9-9 bl ck l -·· Min Pood1 . 8" ··-·= Pbo 18' GOLD Scot h ~ 5 .,.,tier ppies :~:~~~~ .::::::::::::::::~! ~~~~~~~r~" ~:;:::::::~:: Sat M Sun u~ AppJl•nCft_.:;. ___ ~1~1~00~ T: ~ e~';!. oo.Mss V:T SP!rtfng Goods 1500 ~-71
.....,.., ~ ne H&rmony ho~.111~ ~ AKC. best ln show sire .
SANTA ANA Hl!IGHTS , ........ KIO ACil!lfCll!S w-...... ~···,.. tional 1100 LI 8--6388. .18111 l\iales only. 540--0715 ~o.UTAl. . . . ............... ,.,. HELi" wAffTED, w.-":.::"..'40t * $29.44 * • SPECIAL PURCHASE • "JERRY", pepPy young SURFBOARD Manufacturer · · :.ACUNA ll!ACM ......... , .•.. .3111 Jbll-MtR" 1#911'1 n ''" F 's Pl-B-·;d-.. Refrigerators, automatic --• t" SI \' b'" movl , .. ~ ,.u ·" ~-~ IAlnftft FABRICS E. 2Znd SL CM AKC TOY Poodle puppia ~AGUHA NIGUl!t. ............. 31t7 AGl!HCIE1 Mtll ,..ew.fMii ..... 7SS1 or "'""' ..... ...... .. .... e ca 711 amese, 11 "I· ng. m..... ""'....,.....,, Mii IW \Vhl I :nl !AH CLEMENTE .............. l7lt SCHOOLS & INS TRUCTION .... ,~ • OVAL RUG SET • washcr1 & other major ap-Persian, 675-4738, J/15 In 1tock. Used boards, all ELEC. Shoppt'r, xlnt cond, te, ma es. very am
.APISTRANO , ........... 3n 5 Joa PREPAllATION ""1•00 N 1 bi"• Ible pllances from rnod"1-homes •· 155 · 815 W • p kard bo h S'l5. ~ CAPISTllANO IEACH .......... 3130 THEATltlCAL ,. ::::·::····mo yon · enu, revert , at fantastic dlsco~ls! No "PELE'' Jet Black friendfy 1ue1 . maxlIDUm.. · ...,FOR SALE $175. ~1954 ac ll, t ':'=======;::;fl ~~=~~~~~~M ..... ·::::::::::·= MERCHANDISE FOR Bl'Dwn, 8coppertone, green, DoYo'n. \Ve service. See at: fem. cat, ha.II Siamese. ·18th St., Costa Mesa ~nd1 Sat. Only 8 a.m. lo 2 ninning. 5-18-2627 aft 6. Hortes llml
DUPt.EXE5 UNFUJIN .......... lt7S SALE AND TRADE Sires; x 10, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 Fn~R'S 675-4738 3115 SURFBOARI) 6'2" 'round p.m. 929 Bakor. Costa ~fesa. TANK • Type Ed re k a iuMMe1: ••HTALs .......... m:i AL'S UNUSUAL ~· ~ o--~ ~ENTAL:t • ~~=riiu:J'11N1Tuiti!'';:;::::: :; FURNITURE 17185 Brookhurst, Ftn Valley FEMALE Smokey ireY cat,. :i~celleot condition $50. nREWOOD f'o r sale• vacuum, good condition, QUARTER Hv,~ :
Apts. Furn1.shed OFJ'ICE 1outP/lt\EHT ......... wn 11881 Beach Blvd. (So. ol Warner) 998-1234 8 mos old, Loves chldrn. 11· . Walnut, Eu ca I y pt u 1, hardly used. $30. S48-Ei633 l-\Vhlte face w/ wht so
iENERAL .... ' ..... , ...... ··•°'D ~TOtn! Rl!:su.,1:~REAHTT ........ .,tllt GE R•lrlg•ralor, b 0 It 0 m fectlona, te. 542-6159 3115 SURFBOARD •. 9'3". Candy Aprlo>I, ·~1.so corr!, ~'}<;:% * ilO SCENIC LA YOtrr, Sl50. l-Buckskin mark t:OSTA MESA .................. 41C11 AFE. N ......... tl\4 Jluntington Beach 842-446-t .. "-.,.. ..... $150. Appaloosa S"al~~I MESA VEltDI! ....... , ........ 4111 BA• eouJl'Ml!HT · ............ t1u lrcezcr. FrosJ tree in food 2 ADORABLE Kiltent Jet apple red ra11&, w h It e crd. summer price11 :July 4 x 1 table. See to a~ :~ ~=:~g;~ ~=~~Ts·:::::::::::~: ~~~!~~0:fL~~~~.:;::::::::::: 20 Pc. Maple section.. New comprcsaor Blk, 5 weeks 545-4592 a1i7 C@nter; rood 1hap11. MH458 & August, $38.50 crd. Del. preclate. S75. 545--0205 ~~7~ry good stock " ~EWl"DllT SHORl!S ........... •no FURN•TU E AUCTION ........ nu 3 ROOM GROUP unit. I yr.guarantee on seal· · &: stack'd tree. fl) 68S-684G 4}{8' BRUNSWICK Pool j.,;;o-;:;;;-r;;;:;;::::--:::1;,I HESTCLIJ'" , ........... ~m APl"U~NCEI. ...... <-......... 11ot GREY male rabbit lD weeks Ml tllantoUI 1600 7 YR. old Gelding .. ~ ·bNIVEllSITY PA•IC ........... •n' &MT1QUES ............. -... 111t •-Alud•s·. L""-room •• 1 ~ ed unit. Jmmac. white. old. 645-l688 ' 3118 IC UPHOLSI'ERING -S79.50. 2 Tab!!! like new. Pvt pty. travol, You will got • h lACK IA y ................... 4241 SEWING MACMIH& ......... lltl .. .._ ,_ ,..... "" J>unlaps, 1815 Ntwporf., COS-..,,.,_ ttl ) 646-3718 Joi EAST ILUJ'I' ............. .n•1 MUSICAL INSTltUMllllT ...... llU tables • lamp• • bedroom WHITE Rat. 674-6551 3/18 pc. c~wvpean era men .:.:::...:c.:.:~------out of him. 846-1200 ~:~:~: Dl!L ~~.:::::::::::!~!: :l~~gs & o~~.~~~.::;::;:::::::: set -quilted mattress -ma· ta ~ftsa. WAREHOUSE ~ est., ~· p~7k~ EDISON Crib &: mattress. TRANSPORTATION~' ~~o"o 11sst"E"Ds ................. ~lH,1 ~~-;~~1s:~:11E0 ................ :m pie· dining room. All for. , , GE Rehigerator-New from Pianos ,. 1\-.ani, 1130 , !'It !1o HB " my dbl dresser, walnut. exc _ ............... TAl"E 1tl!co1toEils···· .......... _ $ 9 h1odel Home-Save many _ -·• _ SALEI f. • · SPACESAVER ~'. c•-1 & co.nd. Car seat. 673-2465 .tt~BT~=co~~"•~AcH ·:::::::::!~a! CAMERAS a eou11',ii\1NT''.' .. ;iM 44 dollars-Side by ·side on HAMOND ORGAN • .umihlre desk bui1t:'7'n . '"'$150. ANTIQUE Wlnchester model~ & Yi ehb ~OUMTAIH VALLEY .......... ••10 HOl&Y SUPPLIES ................ No down. Pmta. only $18 mo, rollers, 21. au ft, Frost free. SALEI A ..i( 300 lh) $100 5EAL ll!ACH ........ ,. ........ «SO SPORTING GOODS ......... IJel LESSONS . • p,... ances Relrig/freezer ( 1873, Cnllber 3840. DAVID L. F RASER ;~::0:et~~NTY .............. :!:. ~11~~~~:~o~i0~~-~.:::::::::r,'i WEI.K'S WAREHOUSE Dunlap's, 1815 ~ewport, ENROLL NOWI SALE! Color TVs 548-3004 SUS. * 833-2'J54 3424 Via Oporto, Newpo~
IAllDEM GROV• .:·:::::.:::::· ... ,. =~5ti:.,:~=~~~tc.'·::::::::::·::~ C.M. ·S161or I Mtk COUl'll! CARPETS. Viqyls, Tilts, lat.. -(2) Cal 40's 11) •t $31, ""w'M,!Nt,~,• .................. ~.1•1 ;.uMM• ....................... 11'11 600 \V, 4th St., Santa Ana ADP.flRAL Side by "1e You do not pv. to oW!I an ·eat 1tyles and colorw. Com: Miac. Wa nted 1610 32' Grande Sport i'' 111110 • . ............... STO•AG• 111S ,-SUNOAY ON y IAKTA AHA. . ............ 4411 BUILDING MATE•iAiS":::::::,7" Open Daily 9. 9 Refrig. 2S cu It with tee Wtnunent. Free practice L merdal & Residential Ex· under ................ S20.odo ~t;f~A~~.~.~~~.~.~.::::::::::: P~Tss . d LIVESTOCK' Sat. 9. 6 Sun. 11 -6 =erl~~~~~i:i tjST ... ART" •. "Begil&~~,:_ CLAM~ B'--s of p .. ~ .. , __ .... * .~.J403trist:all~tion, i::•n.....,.. CWE APAYsltlOHRE 31' Yawl, ~ 5, immlct! ~OASTAL .................. •160 an FURN SALE• New Engl. rlc .... "'"' ........... UUJ ....... Wll'I: • ...... .no.r• .. i;w Transpac Vtlt.iire•tforMet-\AGUMA IEACH .• ~ ........... 47tS P'ETS ,QEHl!:ltAL .............. IHI · DunlaJ)1' 1815 Newport 18 Tueod 7 PM Int I • 119 '*' 'f:OUNA NIGUt:t. ............. •117 c.-.n .... , ..................... utt mpl liv-din-BR, bk car; e, ' • ay, ~ . er· Healthy blooming we 11 GIRLS 26" bike & 20" bikC, co. ·•••••••· •·" ••• ""t"
· AH CLl!MEN~li .............. 4,,. Docs ........................... 11u rl k all RMS 1 Costa Mesa media.le:, ~arch U, ·Thw-. ti-'•bl'-"-' 2 planta io a ·oval -u. table, covered 8-45' Chris 'I"rk:ab. MUlt se•! 1 ANA l"OrNT .................. c1~ HOii.SES ....................... 1131 es , rugs, comp . PM .,. ___ ,, t ach--.,. ... ~ ...... LI ._ __ _, ' •IPt.llX, tit ................. •ttO LIVESTOCK . . .. .... Ph. 531-11115 SEE! 16560 VASl' Stock Amer IJ Eur da)' 7 • L.ll<."1<&1en te .s gal. contaiher. Only • B. Q w I e I e ct s p It' ve a......._.. for oouple. •
'0ENfA.l.SM ............... ""CALIFORNIA LfVING Lu.sen FV. furn &: olocks. Larry er. few ,left at~ ttUll price of naugah>-de club cha i r, 'f'or any near new or used Immaculate········ S27,~
i. Mu•s•1t11!s ............. mt l\1organ Antiques, 2 4 21 0 n l y $5.00 for 2 plan ta. 675--0106 furniture, appliance!, color-:n· Sloop, lips·• 5, v tr
' Apb. Unrurnishtd . SWIMMllM ,.oou ............... DUAL Bed comer unit. Newport Bl... c ., REG'~ NOW· ...... ""'-~ _ .. TV' ~-p•·-r ••••• • •10
AT10s tft> vv.., · · i.;ii.i;.n. • ~ ... ., .i:..i,. olltt 6 p.m. or ·" d•• PA......,. • .,.., n-n a.. a,., ..... .._, ...,....., 0 • ........ ,,,,,.,, • ' i1NEllAL .. .. ......... -. ...................... spreatls ind, like new. Call au -v '-n/U\.LI """"" Stirreo 'OSTA MEJA !lH AWHIHGS ... ····-. "···· ..,. vr..n.10RE AUT0• .. ~1c lertatninr, Koowledaeable. .. ... ~. and Sund•• ,...... pm, 1tove1, rt!rlgetaton, 56' Race Crull Sloop, by Ne • . • .................. VACATIONS tf2I 213: ~1 2U: 4J6-17ll ni:-i•LO • ..,..., R•ot ~·· available d·-....... y ~· ....... Cotl801e rtcord p I &·ye r '--'-m .... dU>' ·--m I··. A .. a1 ....... ~., •• ~l!SA vaJtol' , ............. SHI TRANSPORTATION wA~rR -~· --So ·-·SI Sanla ·--.,.,........ .... .... ....... ,.., ...... ... WPO•T &EACN ............. S2tl T···GERINE ~~ Earl ~ '"• tentl of-·-. s,.· • nn" . '·~ .• IUl<I AM/F?tt with stl'l"'l!O tape ""·off'·-,.;-,··-1 pl-'1'8n'"-•t -ndl·~. w1 MIWl'OllT Hl!IGNTS .......... snt IOATS. YACHTS ,,. IU~ UlllVI~ y I.ala model excellent cond ....,__ -cJd "-"1! _ ...... .,. ...... .. ......., ""' ~· tllEWl"OllT SHORES ........... suo SAILIOA'tS . ::::::::::::.,.,1 American tweed llOfa, $50. • ,;. now!' Avoid the rulbJ CASH Regbter· w/ 2 .total, attachments. 4 monlhi . ·Ol' hOUAeful. D4y, night or boat lover1 only! •••• $'18,
-•STCLll'I'" . : .............. s:JJt POW•• (llUlll!llS ............ ,,.. -64" ~ s~o. * M7-3uy •~r'-....... de"·"··. rttJOnd,, $155. MOl'lroe, ,Jee .For;quidt sale $185. 646-21.1j. ............. • ' . 38' Ra-~·-SJ.W. UNIVlllSIT"Y "A•C ........... ru1 IPllOo-411:1 aOA1' ... .. • ., •. v .. At ...... .wl" ....._ ~ ....... ...., .... \.I.---..
. tACKIAY .................... ,S14t •OAT nt••L••s .. :::::::::::w:n. ,, .. ~c=E ~. mat-., • HOT Po IN'r Re:~tor llAMMOND-, calculator $25. ·Remln&ton PRIVATE · Sa.te. 9' C.ouch. 638 3620 lmmacc.i'i-. 'c"h'ue"'1r'''A"v.~ 't&ST ILUI'" . .. ........... 1:141 IOAT M,\j.NflNAMC• Mii ni;ii ...... uo;u '"'"' .,,,......_____, __ ,,_, -....in11.... cakulal"" 1125. ~ di kl ~· ~o•OMA oeL MA• .: .. : ...... nte aaAT u.1tt1CH1Ho .1.:-:-::::;;,.. frame:. $65. Like n e.,,, ~~· • ,,._....," ln CORONA DEL MAR. ,l'"• .. ,. ..,. ~u ne~, ng .... ,... •
,rAL90A .................. °" MA•IM• IOU!... ........ .... i:n .,.,..,, •· $85. ~767_ • 285C E. O:lut Hwy., f'r3.&930 :Royall~lec ~wrltm ti'Ol1"I "' Rt. Ill' d mos. cJd. -=--=-==--===,-: 6~ • 49-hl916 E-· AY ISLANDS .............. :mt l'OAT ILtJi, Mooa1N• ........ ttOI ~ -0 key -ad.ling ---"'°° ISLl' ' .............. 1111 •OAT ••llVICIS "'' a· BROWN il..... l"•A KENMORE Gu Deylr .. J· • N Pl .• -· . c·644--0l:::.:::04:.;:aft::..:•____ $ w•· BUY $ 18' IA y &OA't , 1At.90A ISL.AMO .......... WI 90AT lllNTALS .:;.::::::::::::... l(U 1 ...... .:>la, hu: speed. 5 Rrop + air • .Excei ew anos Dtlchine W/ credlt btJ,, like Q u A L·I T 'X klnE bed ~ 1 'r~::~:~:O:A~:$".::::::::::i: :?s"MiN~H~~i~: .... ;; ......... ;:: Mlnew $65. Sln&le bed sj:i. cond $65. '42·'1!m -WURLITZER A·BRAOBUJlY rww $$. Alao at.ndard & .,..·/quilted mattrtal. c:'.omp. $ FURNITU~RE $ Llke ~w·•t ••••••• tty $14'.lfi
. l!AL al:ACH . . .•...•....••. s.ut IOAT MOYIHG .:::: .. :::::~:::. sc fUrnlture . 842-7213 All styles " n .. 1.bcs, All .iJ(Jdlible type w rile r 1. N•·-r .. __ .. -.,_ ...... ,.,.,,,, APPLIAN~ COL; 29 ! . ."• .. ,. •. $9950 lCM4 lliACN ....... .,.,,,,»If BOAT ITOllAGt: ........... , .. flill ' ''\""' ~A" ._143 ... uxu.,,,,, .. v•·ui -""'-.,-. J ..._ _ _, ."./ 1 ... A ... 11 g•ANGfii COUNTY ............ .Mtl IOATS WANTID .................. ANTlQUE dry sink, new American made, u note. dtl ~ . ' 84~ • nUUll•U ........... -"I· ~•DEM 011ov• .............. u11 A~•c1:An ................ ,. d<"COrator twin~ s ...... ad& AntJa uaa , .1.110 w-btnch •. tuned.. Price ttart. •n•i Stand·~ M·•·• C • WORK n --•·a ...... ..-Col6r lV'1-'i•11•'1-Sl1r•o'1 e PActnC YAarr SALEse .... sTMIHSTa• ............. Mn FLYl"G LESIONS ............. tt• ,,.~ ..:: . . """"'' .,.... uuo " Q\l• ... ·~ ¥""""' I Pl•c• or Hou .. ~.u 3446 Vi ,....._ =rt•' M1owaY c1TY .............. M1' Mo11l• HoMes ............... ftlt Pine bendt. 675-6f68 TAVERN Table, rna.mw l:rw al~-:r.lnt co~. $295. Top. 4x6 $lO.OO CASH IN Jt MINUTE . a .... ,'!".o,
::::: A~~AHl!tOKTi·:::::::::~ ,,..OTOll. NOMll .... , .......... 9111 W·-'f-o,,.ns ~ 6?5-Z'l33 * -•011 -• 541-4531 • l4 tr~ •• m. 0 I
t 11CTcLn ................ tm H hold Good I020 (extends to 10 ft.) 90Ud •• ,.,... -• Comt-1'"'"~M oLX K., ltST•• ..................... ,.. •L1:CT1uc CA•• ... -........... oUM , __ , 8 -• • CAMPER. 111 A.I: · ·~ .....,.,.v 'r COASTAL ............... 5,. MIMI 911(0 ................... nn wa1nut W( Frencb chain: • NEW • • eeps -BATn.ECREEK ThCti:PJ • 17 --, ... .....
i.AOUlllA MACH ............. .1111 MOTOllCYCLIU • 1Jlt nn Wal nd ... ,_ n c ..U ....... uilitely tafVed AN M•_, other mUU. v.-wvod • fli...-l.•a. $40 ' · • * AUCTION * ~i".,..· ~ "t~.,--,.~ UOUMA NIQU IL ............ Im MOTOltKOO'telU ·:"','.'.'.':.'.',.,,_ rn. '11.lf e luu .,..., "'"""' ' ' ... .., ,.,...., ...._..,_ ' ma.Maae table• heavy duty uu wvua ui. u JAM cu:M1Pft1 .......... m• Auto 1111v1cs11 PAltTI ,.. "" Ballet chair ST.SO. Walnut TIQ\JE COLLECI'ORS • 11;Yle1 Ii' 'tlnl&h&. Prices * 494--7673 * · . .i-.i oowr ~. 545--2529 ' 11-· ~· ..u'oe ~ ' 1 .... 1 oot~~. Ml' .IUAN CAPlltUflfO ...... Snl AUTO T'OOU & •ol,11,, ' .f°411 ti ton iH lat ~ t •-.r• -.1v-,..tu ..,..., ~ UUlllU o.&WA PDtN"T ......... n• r1tA1L111. TllAYIL •.. .,:::::::toJ bar •toot $6.50. New dbl eeora w tpprte e, ~• ~L Gq·Rt'fris,.14 SEAR'S 40 ,p11qn ~ter rJw Wtn!l;i-'a tr1 anttl) down covw. Bis w~
,REAL ESTATE, tl:AILllls. o"""' ............. •lll wht 1eathtr headboard $5. Sl:GJ. De'1c. cylinder fall-·e:591:.. cu. ft. tWJ troat, ice: maker. hea~· excC!Dcnt condlUoR. AuctloM ~:30 p.m. tilt tn1.llcr. $700 or best aft.
G I CAM,.allS ...................... "ii Walnut piano b.nch, uphlstd front Ill-Boy, l'n:l'e, $350. "f "f' "" OW 115 66-1""1 ' WJ d ' • •' 1n1r1 TllUCKI .............. 1 ........ tStl d _J ,,a.. SXl.2 IUIO I4X20 EVEJ\~INC ~ MUSIC _.. r · " 2 yi:an old. U). 540-67!5 , 1n y s A , IJ ~Im er. Phone~ .atl:RTJnjl 'f!::Jo~~Nru~. "::::::::::::·= t...~: •• atltTAU .......... n: ~I~ o~~ :i;:~ iiO, ~ ~~ ov.ta'. 8e""h Music (e nter hiaktaft l'ffrlren,tor, ORIG. on ·paitJtlnp, 3 Beblod ~· ~ ltil.t'l FOR Sale .. 11' fil»q!iii INTALI w.-"Tlll ...... ., ... ,... OUN I 9UOl lll fUJ "6 ...,., M"oDt.: ..,._ ctxx! condit}on. $30 I ~ ... It' --.u ... ..-CM"'""" -1...... ~uft -.i_ • .._ ._,~ OOMS ,0. •INT .......... Jttt IMPDl:TIO &UTOS ........... ,... bros. andirone i: tnot hldr, ......-,;Jo;J -64" to& • M!l&Caprt;; ................. : ..,,,,.,. n" .. I...... --<JUll.l. ...... """ r~·~ ,,_ ,.,.f~j, ·~:!:t1 11 covn' ~ !~~~u~t•tussics ·::::::::.:::: m 9 x 12 oval grtt.n brakJ. f'RENCll \Y~nut b 11 f ( • t, Factory &le• a: Sel"Yice -19 2. 24x48" S35; I &hip 24x4S' WANTED to ba,y~" wide "itb ~, • t • t I a'·
G;!,IEST HOMES ,... •AC.I CAl:S. ll005 ········•• ... Id ru1 Sl!i. All xlnt cont!. dl~pll\Y ~helvt'll, s 2 0 0 . Daily 12 noon 'tU 9, Sat' " µzxuruous oft w h I I~ SJS. 531~ ' gas: ranee-~ owen. Cbmp1;~ Wltb connrt. CU> M'ISC, 111e,,1.-.L1 s• AuTo ••n.Ts ................ 21 615-48'99 Em 1 1.~ 8t • Blvd H 391 t"Aml't $'10 54-23!M 2001 ,111,1 L.-_. .~,,.,__ ,lvu top • tUt>41p fAOtr. INCOMI l"llOl'l•TT ............. &UTOS WAN'TIO .......... , ... ,,... !)ii'!! \\"1 tabl~. circa 1 '"" ac,. ., ( "1. :-:-:"""'~' . . Small desk $8. .. UI:" ........ llNlllol aon.. ....... f
llllNEIS l'llDfl'llltY "'" H•W '~"l ................... 1800, n'lli. Both mll'ble l Y. mi. So. c::.n b'-;_·._..,· J<lup Road. 'T11itn bed SI&. Prefer O'Ktt&a ' MerritL go,.,4N JllAJLE• 1"AR 1t• f«J AUTO Ll llN8 ,. .... , ...... .,tilt ..,.. qu "' .. ~ =-==:----,-,,..--! •utrHttl •1NT&L ...... ..,. t.oSID CAiiis ... ,............. OIARUE m lop11. 833-&1'9 tluntJnrton Bodi 841.a:!36 White tl~t.sl DIIM-.. Une C&lJ t'1tl. &Ji.21itl 54&--1819 . OIARGE )'Olll' Wint acl now. -
M 0.111.Y l'ILOT
~.:.-.-~-""'~'".~-0--'""'-~·-.~~:::: ........ 4.7':-~.~-~~:;-,!;""~.r..~.,.~ •. ,...~ . .,,,..:":" •• ~~-~-~-~ •. ~-~-~-~-~.~-~-~.~~~-~.~-~.:"r..~-~ .... ~.~.~.~ .. ~ .... ~.-~.~-~~ .. ~.~ ... --~.~-~-~ .. ~.~--~-~-~~-~.~-~.,.., ..... ..,.,""'!!"!~ ...... "'' . '... .... . ' ~····· ........ ,. ...... . ............. ,.. ... ...... .~ . .. . ,_ ... .
So.....,, llltdl 15, 1969 •
,. .... c ... ,
:u ·:N ~i I
'V :E
'.S . . I
·T ·y
ER uys "sell", 77'
~ Viking sloop. ~uc
'.-I lo $.1.000. 645-ll33 ( Bkr.)
ffiNN Sailboat 15'. Rood
lrailtr & cover. Top C.000.!
Only $850. fi46..2S77
BOT 2 yn: old, dac:ron
'flil. $275. Good cond.
' 548-3364
.Sbore&OCl'-Salling Dln&hY
$165. , * 675--2336 *
fi6 TARTAN, 71' &loop,
Jnbd. Aux. Slttpg 5. Fully
jqllipped. 61~2336
trill racing rig, XLNT. No. m, $350. 67>-291T
1! KEEL Sloop in NB s1ip.
J600/ oUtr or trade.
,642--5759 or 642-262l
SABOT $280
!loot Slip_ Mooring 9036
ROOhot for 40-50' 1 BALBOA PENINSULA
' 61>-5396
{O.t s.-rvlc•s 9037
:has 1 new crew
~ which offers:
Complete Morine ~ Services by
t: e Experienced e High Ouollty
. • Hl9h Quollty Work
At RHh1tfc P rices
¥1tVICI ••••• 67S..™41
• '47 ~y.lclo Orl..-f Nkwport lk•fh
~·.,s.wo ... '7S.2641
'69 OLDS Cutlasi Supreme
Holid•'f 11d111 Vt ,1uto., R,H, P.S., P.I ., f1cfo"f
air, WSW vinyl top tinted 9la11. 1100994)
.'69 OLDS Cutlass Supreme
Holid1y 11d111. VI, 111!0., r1dio, h11tor, PS, f1c-
tory 1it, WSW tin t1d 'tl111 11111ch mor1, 11021141
'69 OLDS Cutlass Wagon
VI 1ulo., R&H , P.S., P.8., f1clory ·,1,, WSW, tinted
9!11• t1p1 pl1y1r1 1winljl l1il 9111, m11ch more.
'69 OLDS Cutloss "S"
Holidey coupe. VI, .1ulo., RlH, P.S., P.I ., f1clo'y
.1 ir, whito w1ll1 vinyl lop fintod 91111. CIOt209l
'69 OLDS Cutlass "S"
HD1id1y coup•. VI 1uto .. R&H, PS , rl, f1clory ,;,,
WSW, .. ;nyl lop, tint, 91111, much mor•. ( 1012'49 )
'69 OLDS Cutlass Supreme
Ho1id1y coup•. VI, 11110 .. RlH, PS, Pl, P4 wlnclow1,
f1ctory 1ir tint. 9lo111 1up1r 1toclr wh11h pl111
m11ch more. ( 1004971
'69 OLDS Delta Holiday
Coupe. VI, 1uto., R&H , PS, PB, f1clory ,.;,, WSW,
~inyl top, tinl1d 9l11f. ! 1021115 1
'69 OLDS Cutlass "S"
Hollday cou,11 . VI, 1uto., RlH, PS, fl, P-window1,
,f.1clory eir, tinted 91111 .I 10•201 J •
'69 OLDS Delta Custom
Holld1y 11d1n, VI, 1111to .. RlH, PS. Pl, f1ctory ,;,,
WSW, tintod 91111, much moro. 1102715)
'69 OLDS Toronado
Full pow•r, fectory 1ir c:onditio"in9, poly<Jl•u
b1ltod tir11, chromo wh••l1, b1111liful powd1r bl111.
I 6020f2)
'69 OLDS Toronado
Full pow1r, f1clory 1ir conditionin9, 1t1r10 r.1dio
l1po pl1y1r, poly<Jl111 boltod tiro1, chrom"o wh1oh,
M11cfow 9roo11. 160079,.I
'69 OLDS 4.4.2 Holiday
Covpo. VI, .1ulo., R.lH, PS, Pl, f1clory •ir 'on·
ditloning, WSW, ti"lod gl•11. 1104569)
'69 OLDS Delta Holiday
Std•"· ~I 1uto .. RlH, PS, Pl, f1ctory .1ir condi0
lionin9, WSW, "i"yl to,, tinlod 91111, "'uch moro,
'69 OLDS Delta Custom
Holid1y coup•. VI, 1ulo., RlH, PS, Pl, f-ctory
eir 'ond., WSW, vinyl top, linl1d tl111, r19u!1r
fu1I •n9in1, 1103075 )
'69 OLDS Cutlass "S"
Holid1y coup•. VI, .1ulo., RlH. PS, Pl, l1clory
1ir co~d., tinl1d 9!.1 11. 1101013 )
'69 OLDS Vista Cruiser
t P111. W.190". VI • .1uto., R&H, PS, Pl, f.1clory
.1 ir 'o"d., WSW, tint, 91.111, mu'h "''''· 12121171
Ch1rters 9039
Mobll•Homn 9200 Auto Services
---------& Ports 9400
SEE the Dual Wide Road· ---·-----
liner Pan American, Para· COMPLETE 283 Chevy with
mount, Elite and General stick bellhou.sing & two
mobilt homes now at transmissions, $U5. Aft 3
C1~~ers 9520 ] rmportH AutOI 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600
lmpor:tttd Autos 9600
$25 day. $150 wk.
• 842-7528 *
Bo1t Stor1ge 9048
Sail or power up to 20'
Fenced yard. Ne w po r t
Baylront. :r.tonthly rates in.
elude ...
Use of hoist
Call Anthony's
Booh Wontod 9050
Car -Top
Aluminum Boat
u/$100. 54S-0175
Airer•~· 9100
1964 CESSNA 210. 28S HP.
Retrael. gear, dual mark
twelve 360 etwinel, 90 chan-
nel ACF, Other JFR eqpmt.
950 }{rs, Aircraft ah\'ayS
h~red. Xlnt cond. Con·
tact. Paula Bailey, 642-9900
or MS-8220
1967 CESSNA 150. Nav-com.
300. One ov.-ner. Xlnt cond.
$6100. Contact: P a u I a
Bailty, 642-9900 or 543-8220
Share eXJ>en&t'S. Full IFR
Beecbcraft Bonanza. 540-0126
Mobile Homes 9200 -----B•y H•rbor
Mobile Home Siles
16'·20'·72'-24' &. 34 w\dn
Casa Loma • Roll·Away • car.
lbbtt • Homelte • Fashion
Manor • Kit • Bay Harbor •
Sahara. Ce:lebrlty. Sheraton
Parka available in all areas
B•y H•rbor
Mobllo Hom• Show
1425 Baker St.
1; blot.k Eaat of Harbor BJvd.
"" Bilir Costa Mna {71 4) !W().9470
Dual Wide Sales pm,,,.._,,,. Lag Bch.
Chapman ?.Iobile Homes lne. • · ·
520 N. Hirbor, S.A. Triller, Travel
20x50 GOLD Medal 2 BR,
2 ba, service porch, comp/
set up, lovely adult park,
porch, awnings. carport,
storage shed, full skirt.
ldnscpd. ready to movt in,
f'ull p r i c e $10,500-Sl,000
dwn. By owner. 962--0790
18' ROD & REEL
4 burner stove, oven & brlr .
Obi sink, l'lec \VH, elec:
refrlg • ice OOx comb. Nr
new tire.11 • spare T & W.
A real buy at $888.88.
1960 Inter. TravelaJI,
well experierttd, $390. r-.t o B I L E llome-cabana, * 545-5694 *
Bolts. Aero ''El Dorado,'' 21. KENCRAIT Trail II for s1nglt or couplt, All . ~r. SC
faeilitil's, private cove, Lido col'kntined all of It. .rv., ""1 "'14d0,
P k R bl "'~-1 e neY.', see 1 a ar · easona t' • .....,,h or C brUI St SPACE 10
1enni1. 675-4531 or ~2388 -'-='-7" -~---
Motorcycln 9300
12' Teardrop Camping
Trailer \.\•ith cabana.
$215. 646-1721
Trucks 9500
Full cab over, side dinette,
&ell contained, monomatic
toilet system, water pre•
sure in gallty. Room for big
family, 6 sleeper option.
1969 CHEV VS, all HD, spec-
ial camper leaf suspension,
extra cooling, HD batteries
& altlnator, deluxe cab. This
Wl!Ckend only $4235. Pay-
n1ents of $86.35 pr. mo. oae,
8.10 S. Harbor 5.114650
'69 vw
;, ,Deluxe SUndia!JI
Total down $362.
36 mo. @ $74.35 + final pymt for title. Dir.
lli 892-5551 or 534-2284
*PAM-TOPS, all stee l * AUTHORIZED *
1---------· I shells. Sale11 & rentals. $149
Garden Grove Bl\•d. at Beach
ll) 892-SS.Sl or 534-2284
'65 J\tATCHLESS 500cc Jn
a basket. Equipped for
DIRT Best offer over $250
l.'Omp!ete set of metric
wrenches & sockets $40.
Priv. Party. 5.11-8387
'67 HONDA 160 Scrambler.
Xlnt cond. 9000 mi. $325.
646-1696 a a k for Da""-or
'67~;.'68 Bullaro, 125 cc.
Sherpa S, 20 hp, Knobbya.
Never raced. Xlnt cond,
$400. 540-1643
112 Ton Pickup
i99 Dti. plus T&L. oac
up. Buy factory direct. 1010
So. HarOOr, S.A.
'67 CHl::V V11.n Camper, 108",
V-8, auto, air. av.ning. head,
('rpl.c, !Of! rark S 2 5 9 5 ,
51S-33iJ, 837-8.151
Dune Buggies 9525
1968 DUNE Buggy, chromt
bumpers, bugtlres, carpets,
metal blake body. Top side
curtains ready for the road.
Will trade for pick-up or
.v.11 btlow going market.
Phone 525-30S3
Immediate Delivery!
$.1~9. 1003 financing. Dir.
( 11 892-5551 or 534-2284
'67 DATSUN PICKUP '67 Mercedes Bon• 250S n T, 4 spd, dlr, radio&. beat-Sparkling EOOny Black with
er. Excellent condition, all All Vinyl Interior Every
origlnal, OwnM by Utile '.olf: C.Onceivable Extra on thil
man ill Laguna. $50 • · ?-.ftticulous maintained :r.1.B.
deb: or take fareign cat in Auto trans, i\tll Power &:
trade. \Vill fine prvt prty. Factory Air Cond. A must
LI PTB 904, Call Jim, 494-!or the Discriminating Buy-
9713 or 545-0634 er.
Newport Import.! Ltd. Or·
ange County'• only author-3100 W. Coast Hwy.
ized dealer. SALES • SERVICE • J>ARTS Newport Beach 642.9400 540-1764 3100 W. Coast Hwy. A th . ed 1.lG Dt"al NeW'lOrt Beach u onz er
&l2-94C6 540-li64
Authorized MG Dealer
'68 FIAT. Good clean eond.
Ui\v mileage. Oper. to of·
fers. \~'eekday.li 9 to 5 p.m.,
Mr. Brown. 540-21U
·~:1.R Sc>d. Auto. P\l•r !::: &
Sale.Ii, Service, Parts:
Immediate Delivery,
All Models
J1rtup ort
B. Xlnl l.'Ond. Prv. party. 3100 \V. Coa.st Hwy .. N.B .
61·1--07J9 &l2-9-i05 54(}.li64
'00 JAGUAR 3.4 Sedan Authorized :r.tG Dealer
Good eonrl. SBOO 1960 MGA, Xlnt eond. New
546-4276 nf!er 7 p.m. Pircllls. L<ing Beach
-~=-c~-==~--1 213/ 08-4198 '66 Jaguar XKE
\\lire v,•heels. $4,000 * 4M-4765 * MORRIS
KARM.A. N-N GHIA '61 MORRIS-Minor LllOO; •
spd. r.take offer or trade
--------for 8' Cnmper ~htll or small '62 KAR?.1ANN-GHIA conv. mol<,rcyclr. !145-m'U
Re.bit. eng., extnetor f"X•J-==="======
haust; 11('1v hrks.. good
rond. Quick salt' 675-4890~ OPEL
6-7 PM 1---------
Very clean, must see to ap-
e~~~ ,,,,
14f·OJOJ -673°1190
1970 HAllOI ILYD.
'67 Por1che 911 Targa
Ebony Black Finish with l\1at.
ching Black In~. 5 speed,
A:r.1/FM, Factory Mag Whl!.
23,000 Local miles. Reflects
?.1tticuJous care.
3100 W. c.oast Hwy.
Nt1vport Beach
642-94!1> 541)..]764
Authorlted :r.tG Dealer
1966 PORSCHE 912
S to Choose Froml
All in Top Shopoll
Sterling 11 $3995
534-2284 or (I) 192-5551
'68 PORSCHE 912, Tangerine
wi blk int. Xlnt cond, lo
mi. ti.take otter. 645-1319
1967 PORSCHE 911 S ,
Burgundy v.·f hlk Int. Xlnt
cond. 892-1192 t1.fl 6 pin.
CM. '~=O~P=E=N~S~U=N=D~A=Ys __ Jo======="-I '66 OPEL
• V\V DUNE BUGGY, reatly MERCEDES BENZ Station v,•agon. xlnt conct, 4
'67 YAJ\lAHA 305 Scrambler, '64 El Canlino. V8, stick.
exe cond, \·ery low mileage, $8$8. 2 yr. 24,000 ml. warran.
n1ust 11ell $450. or best offer. t:v CNS-l:l!l.ll
540-2680. aft/5:30. 642-2130 2014 Harbor. '60 Por1che·Good cond.
$1600. * 633-49'l7
TRruM.Pll '67 T-100-C, fiOOcc G42·9l36
1900 miles . J>('rfect cond. ·5-1 FOHD Pnncl. diamond
546-3458 button sunk interior, rebuilt
to go, large rlmii 11.nd tire11, spd, dlr. radio, heater. Sea
tuned txhaust. S600. 495-4833 '62 MERCEDES blue exterior. AD original SPRITE
292 f!ng., 25,000 miles. !\Just
'68 HONDA P-50. like new SN' to belic\'f'. Best oHtr.
Imported Autos 9600 :nos 4-door, ltandard shift-inlerior. $75 Ce11h del!I. \Vill
all eKtn!.!'I. T'nlly R f~ ear fine prvt po1y. LB S\l/G 416 '61 BUG EYE
Good cond. $650.
• 546-8165 * F'"' 1125 "'"' or"""° AUSTIN HEALEY C1\ll : 53&-7862 ~==~~~~~~1
... ~~H~A~RL~E~Y~O>O~p-.. -,-. ~l~ots '60 Jo"'ORD f'lOO, 6 cyl PU, '57 Austin He1ley run11 gd, a:d tires, w/aml of chromt, make'! otter. homemade cmpr $695 • 3000 Road~ter. A classic car * 54&.7748 * M&-5245 for y $5!l>. \\11B7Cfi
HONDA 160, Dirt &.
MANY Extra!I! $275.
8""'t °F°'O"'R°'D'P"1c"K""u"P0$"'2"'1 a1u1 L•...: 1 CASH. 548-3597 aft 3 . qllt. UU 'CJ
'66, 305 J-IONDA Scramblt-r JHps
XlntCond. $395 1-~-------
"""133 '67 . BRONCO
'61 Rlwnilde Sportstf"r, llimltop
50 cc, like nt'W. Only 6 ry!, 4 whtot-1 driw, rrar
$100 * 842-1925 • 1'!'111. J'Rriio. HA.Ii been only
'68 JIONDA 90, trail bike. once lo thf' hills!! $1995.
Like new. $275. LiCt'nsed. 8'f9.6{&
• 644.0183 • 'S.'§ JJo;EP ~lllll1uy VI!-;
llONDA SPORT 50 totolly rtbll., will roru;ider
Stroku kit, Knobbits. ~ trade. Eves. 673-3408
Good condlUon. &«-1033
'68 HONDA 350, mwit lel1, C1mpen 9520
Lib new! $450 ·g., CORVAN Semi-Camper
962-3781 Rttf'nt En11:. Ex c e 11 e n t
!65 SUZUKI, m1k1 olfor Cond. ""1 . ..,_..,,
545-1387 FllxrghlM lnsulatfd 8'
ean1(M'r l'ht-11 for ule.
Auto Service • fi.t2-:\3T.1 +
& P1rh 9400 * Jo'OR Snit-c~,-m-,.-r-,oo~u
JfURST 4 ipd llnk&J:t: new, for 8" "'Ide bed Pickup. $1.50.
Jtll\ In box S6S or on·l':H .. 1_,._ ... _ll_< _____ _
M(J.J969 OtARGE yoor .,·ant ad now.
19G6 ltarbor, C.i\I. MS-9303
'60 A.H .. rbll eng ..
Radio. hf"altr, xlnt cond.
$875. 642-6606
'59 A. llEALEY 100-' Clean.
$675. Call 11fter J Prlf
Big ~an. 96 l'lp, overhead
cam cng., dlr, 4 gpd, radio.
hetl ter, wsw Ure~. io.ded !
2SOO mile~. under factory
wtmnty. 8&l $1775. Take
S75 cfl'.h deli or oldtr c11r.
L.B. ':l'NW{E7, Call after 10.
'69 DAri°UN Con\'m~c
""/blk. lnt,.r. fk'~t olfrr
only $1495.-fot<\157'.!I Ask for Jim 494-9i73
L • 1968 OPEL L.S. Sport coupe .
11111 llfti& Radio, healer, 4 speed. air SUBARU
""'" UU'O cond\Uonlng, Big engine.
IMPORTS Sfa%. Dealoc. 18835 8'"h --19_6_9-SU"'RU Blvd. llunt. Beach. 540--0442 ~""
tOTOTA.YOLYO _ from $1297; 66 MPG
PORSCHE c.m•1•1• '°"1gn """"'"' Kosta Kustom Kars
MS Baki!r, C.M. ~lS 1968 PORSCHE 912
5 ~. rt'cl with black in-
IPrior, Al\I/f'M radio, Sem-
pl"f"t radial~. Drall'r.
' $4995
t I~ R92®1 or 534-2284
MOVING ti1u1t sell! '59
PRIVATE Party wants Pol"!lche Convt Roadster:
Mercedes 250 SL-\Vlll b.iy' V\V enit. $700 or besl oUer.
or trade my 2SO SE Coupe. 645-W
Mwit be lmmaculale'. (805) '65~-PO=RSO==IE~~c-""_"'_·
831-!t!iS white, AJ\1/0.f, Mlchtlln •
~IBRCEDES '69, 280 SL xlnt mechanlcal, pr pt)',
'65 Sunb.em Titer
RMdsttt-thrit l\ard In find
V-3 t'IJ>Or\! car. Onfy tt995
Coupe. Roadster. AutomaUc 6~ '66 SUnbeam • Alpine Tiger
trans & A1eering; leather: I ·(°"'63'°°'PO=...c!IE==,-,s.~-=,,...,,.~ (Ford pv.'T) radials, stereo. am ml. &t4--0S19 or 644--0101 t-ngint". Xl nt eond. 1'1ust $2400 . oUf'r. 497-184-4
196r-...m s. All CXll'l\S, xlnl ~11. 12495. 49+-3237 1-=======--c==-~
1996 1iarbor, C.M. 6f6.930a
C'Ond $2, 700 or be11t off<'r. '&t • C
<'1tll f"\'f'~. 8.l3-li4G Sltf\RP! S2895 TOYOTA
l\IERCT:.1>ES &Mt~t. ·m . li73-R3J9 or 67'".,...as.15 • '67 TOVOTA, 4 door St'dan,
4 door IM'da.n. SU50. 642-4926 DAILY Pn.at' WANT ADS 1td 11hll•.Sl297J. Call alter
nr 8JJ..00.111 Alwan a Go-Got 5. 645--8777 -------
FROM $1770
La rge Selection
Immediate Delivery
:l966 Harbor. C.).1. &16-9300
'67 Toyota Corona $1695
Automatic tran!'irni!'lsion, ra-
dio, heater. absolutely brand
new condition. Only 16,000
miles. Locally owned &: .lier-
viced. Refleel!: meticulous
Jh11µ or ts
3100 \\'. Coast Hv.'Y,
Newport Beach
642.!).l(l) :i4{).li64
Aulhorized 1.IG Dealer
1S300 Beach Blvd., Wttmn.ttr
Phont 894-3322 .---'66 Toyota Corona
4-0ooi.', oti~inal insldr & out.
Automattc. radio &: btater.
Only $12$ TEY937
1960 lfarOOr, C.M. 646-9300
'66 TOYOTA Crown Wagon.
Radio & htater, overdrive.
Room plus economy. Extra
nice. $1395. Stk # P19'J.
VOLKSWAGEN INC. tsru Beach Blvd. 842..ulS
1111 I BEACH Bl VD.
Hunt. Booch M7-855S
3 mJ N. ol Cout Hwy. ori Rd!
'£6 TP.l U?.IP ll TR4A
P;'M!.aster. Red .tttt ~
black I o p, wtre Wflttlt.
:r.tual se.11 lmmMl•tely. $500
under BllH' Oook . sises.
Dealer. 21»6 Harbor Blvd.
Co&ta Mesa
'S9 TRIUMPH m J clean.
best olltr Mat $ 4 5 O.
'65 TR4A, BRG. l''lrt, ~llch.
R/H, mus.I ~rll, $1 4~. 1714)
642-9448 brfnrl! 6.
'66 THJLl'-IPll Sp1lf\rt>. ,.lark
11, rrd/blark, Si.JOO/offer .
Dial 642-5678 for RE.WLTS
~Ill"·· ... . -. . •i • • r •~
Sal"rdAY, Marc.It 15, 1969
lmeirtecl Auto0 NOO llllportecl Auto0 HOO ·~ A-HOO Aut .. W1nltd '100 •• ,. LOlll'lfl ~ u .. d Ciro 9900 Ut.-1 c1.. ...9900 u'" c... 9900
; • ~~:APph :T 6 VOLKSWAfEll '. ~LaU(st.SOfWAT~.hENe ·. WE.PACY .A .. s· H . ;:~~.~~-~·-~:.-.: TRAllSPORTATION BARRACUDA B:.~K
'61 Lo Mans <pt, 1lr 175 mo. CAR SAlf G,M. MOTORS niby ~ HoJ,h !61 Ctrvalr MOM -152 -...... · t · E ·~ • MO.TORS '63 Sulek Speci•L R&H. V!,
Wjl,\;I!; m enor. cep.. .'fl V·W'S for uted en A tmckt jult SOUTH COAST c-••r pro"·m•. •·-"' ~-u..1...11 •• dean tn evory de-..... 11. ---,._.._ ... _ E •-.:vi WC' oX'C •ur •64 "·-d .... VI 4 auto. 2 Dr. (GACT2). $866, 2 • ' \If......., -• ,..., .. _ '"....,_.., CAR L A.SINO !rl$t&nt ddlvery, Jow prices, ._.,"cu a. n.c11n, ' yr. 24,000 ml. warrant)'. •
1'1!.l\8dl0.wirewh .. ~ ..... SP£0Al PUMIHfE, e"-FlNANCING 6ROJH1ftmlBNET 3(tl)W.eoutlll&bwuy '"""'""·We decide on gpd, $999.' ,.,., >l,000 .... 2014 Harbor.·. C.M .• dl&I dres, elc.; 12 month ll\IUU n.i,,..,. Ull.l~I Newpc:iff: Beach 645-210 yow: cred1t. Call or come in warranty, (OXNS&lJ 642-933&
31 11 1 pon~1
w~ll'· 1968 119S Total Down /'Y1"L Alll l<r,Saloo 1llanagv today. 2014 ffubo~. C.M. ===;;,====I•
36 at $44.78 · 1821llleadlBll'd. *AUTO LfASlllG* '4Mm CADILLAQ • + 1 !iaal ........ , l<r dlle Huntllwton -BLUI! CHIP -. a
Volkswa •ens · AvAlLAllUl oNLY •Ti KI 9= ' A1J. MAKES. AuTo sALEs · BUICK "61 CID c..... de vwe .....
0 T & M I C'OMPETETIVE PRJCES 2145 Harbor. Costa M~ ded top lthr, Mf/F~1 • IUICK
WE P•Y CASH Cort Fox Auto LoHlng WE PAY CASH f.OR '61 BUICK, 2 cir hanltop La '""°· xlnt condltloo. 14100 • , r atoo w. c...t Hwy. e Vinyl Interior
~N·~:ll' .. ';.,,.,164 • Radios·
224 w. O:Utffiahwa.y YOUR CAR PAID Saiiro1 original owner. New 894-.1214 office, 615-,2!0 • Motors FOR YOUR ' CAR "-Be•"" ~ foR oR t.011 · ,paint & ........ ...,,. E.-ooeJ. '""''"""· • 1eilt condition. M9-0M9. '66 CAD Conv. $2995. Like a
Authorized MG DeeJer e Heaten
Triumph's • Remaining
5"' c-from -n..... Fac:t. Warranty
·· , $995 1o $1995. • • Lal'1Je Choice
Garden Grove Blvd. at Beach
0) 892-5551 or 534-2284
2828 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mes. 546-1200
N4!wc:astle Matars 1961 RIVIERA. a11 """"" New. Lo Mil... Loaded. IMM•Dl•TI 1wv11T ~Good only t,tu·u, 6 wB,y seat, AMIFM stereo, 673:-0o83, • G M March 17th • electro cru.lse air cond & '57 CAD Biarritz Convt. •
• • ~~I~ 4. $~· hdtp, Lil. No., beater, $2995. '543-8474 Very rare. Fair cond. • DllYI IT HOMI TOMY
MOTORS ,59 Ch • 1 ""' 2 dr '62 SKYLARK, blue, HT, Nu $350. lW&-9668
Used C1rs 9900 •
L • Of Colon eM. f.mi6 • All Under
2014 Harbor Blvd. SIS d '""118 '" ,w4...,. T ' w/w, lo mi. R/H, air, Good , _ CPE DeV"lt VOLVO WE BUY C.OSIP: l\1esa n. n10. mos. ax oond $700 675-J862 «> , t e; cream &12·9136 & lie. incl. Lie. No, QSH ill · · w/blk. lthl'., 38,IXK> honest •
142 A 2 Dr. $2193 2186 1-Iarbor Blvd. C.t-.t.-'63 RMERA, all pv.T., alr, mi,· ..,.rfect! ~'X.'r.11. 646-MSG a N 1~ o· I I Tl'llllsportatlon car~ from . C.C'-"""="'-~"'-'"----ew -on 11p •Y 1949'1 to f96t's $49 to $1999 642 .. J666 immac. cond. Good tJres, -
eM. Ltmi6• LONNY'S DAILY PJWt DI\lE·A· NO m•tter ""'" It I•.' Y"U ~H_h,_. '-"t_or_. l_Wl_._oo_>-_79:18_ CAMARO .• $244" 4 '
can aell ft wi·th a DAI_ LY '67 BUICK Electra 2 dr. LINES. You cao us. them
2!1l5 Harbor Blvd. for ju.st pennies a day. D!al PILOT \VANT AD!!· 642..5678 hdtp. Air-cond., full P"-T, '67 CAMARO SS 300 Gold • • IMPORTS Costa l\lesa 642-5678 PLACE your want ad where x:lnt cond. $2395. 644-l85Z \V/Blk Top. many exts. • • •
IMPORTS 13,000 Mil••
TOYOTA-VOLYO w, ,_ 01N' VohnM
1966 Harbor, <;.l\1. 646-9303 l wyl11g hw« •• t• Y•• '195 DN. s59 MO VOLKSWAGEN
01 Ap,,nH CNdft TOYOTA-VOLVO 645-1872 --'-'------1 IB YOUR AD JN a.A$St· DIAJ., direct 642-5678, charge Must sell .$2295. 642-8345 •
1966 Hart>or, C.M. 646-9303 DAll..Y PILOT WANT ADS looldn~ tori\. Dial 64:2.$78. your ad, then sit back and • $199 " SAVE on VW's '63 VOLVO ~ 642-5678 for RESULTS Dial 642·5618 F'IED'!' Scmeooe will be listen to the phone rinj:I DAll.Y PILCYr WANT ADS! • DOWN e
1Z2 S, dlr, 4 spd, bucket 9 ."" Plus tax !t Jicerue on at>o-
Price Specials ONLY J6 MNth seats. Excellent running con. Ne~.~~~· 9800 New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800 New Cars 9800New Car• -.-...,.,,. •provea -credit for tfds•
dition. All orlJinal. $50 cash ~~~---;i;;;;i;i~~---~iiiiiiii;iiiii;;i;ii;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiii~~;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiliii;;;;;;;;iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii~ •New Buick Special. No.: '60 Bug •••• i ......... $399
'61 Bugs • •• .. ••• • • . •• . $499
'63 Bugs • • • . • •• . . .. •• • $599 _
delivers, ~. take .trade. •433279Z600349.
Pymnts. $S3.86 mo. L.B.
HZF 414. Cali 494-9773 Over 75'VW's
All Extra Sharp
$899 to $1999
S49-0JOJ-67l·l 190
!•52 VW BUG with radio + I exiras. Like new. With this I ad $195. Lie. # GSK370,
18lit Beach Blvd. 842-U.35
'69 YW
5 Deluxe Sundial~
Total down S36'l.
36 mo. @ $74.35 + final pymt for tiUe. Dir.
(]) 892-5.'"JSl OJ' 534-2234
13600 Buch Blvd.
636-2500 vw
Square Bac:k
'62 Volvo 1800-Coupe
All extras-4 speed· Volvo's
finest. Only $lfm. QDC765 •
tu l.tmiA'
1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303
Antiques, Cl•sales 9615
l '36 Ford grille, 2 rear doors
complete witti, glass, l hood
slightly beat, 1 bell housing
with rear end. 1 '40 Ford
hood deluxe .\ 1 grille de-
luxe. Set of back aeata 1M
V.W. Bus. rhonl 536-8411
14f·OlOJ-67l-11t• H.B. Ask for Bill.
1970 HARIOl ILVD. 1934 FlAT SM ~ Sports car.
COSTA MESA ' 1 of a kind. lat $600 takes.
·=65'°'vw=°"su'°'N°'R"oo=F.-,T"'.bi8"'· -.-.. -1 673-5156, 503 Carnation CdM
has many extras + is in
excellent cond. \Veekend
Only, Full Price $1295.
Autos Wanted 9700
Will Buy
Yaur Volbwqm or Porsche
It pay top doUan. Paid !Ol'
MOTORS l87ll Beach Blvd. 842-4435 at not. Call Ra)Jllt
'63 V. \V. Coupe. ~&H, ml 1i6 vw 1600 F a s t b a c k • __ ..,6_7_3_· 1_1-:-9-:0=::--
$888. 2 yr, 24,IXK> m1. Wan'an-Sunroof & R/H. Very Il.IPORTS WANTED
ty. CQYY521> clean! Reas. Ora:. owner. Orenge O)unttes
2014 Harbor. C.M. 673-6946 aft 5. r -TOP $ BUYER
642-9336 . OT 'fi6 VW Bus, 9 pMS. Xlnt Bn.t.. MAXEY TOY A
'60 VW BUG. Economy spec. mech. oond. Very clean. 18881 Beach Blvd.
i~ &: runs good. With this $1650. Aft 6 PM 64.4-2634 H. Beach. Ph. MT-85l::5
ad only $49j. Lir. FX\V486 ""==========.!;========
HARBOR Nllw Ciro 9800 Now C1n • 9800
VOLKSWAGEN INC. li'"ii0i"'-;i;;;;;;;;;..,;;;;;;;;;i;;~---.... ~~"='"""'"
:!~s~~~~~w:~~'~ HOLIDAY RAMBLER
Squareba.ck. Very Io w
miles. Radio, heater, \VSW
tires, like ne"" \Viii take
()Ider car in trade. Dealer.
:;{126 Harbor Blvd. Costa
'63 VW CAMPER with awn.
Jng + many extras, S16S5.
Llc, # UKH.Cfl9
1sm Beach Blvd. 842-4435
'63 VW. Xlnt cond. Lo
mileage. Nu brakes, w/w,
'67 VW Sunroof. Radio, wal-
nut wheel, v;/w tires, extra
nice. Full price $1695t Lie.
18711 Beach Blvd. 842-4435
'69 VW Bug, 6000 miles.
Beige, saddle brown in-
terior. Perfect con d .
'62 VW Bus, reblt. eng .. runs
good: v.'OOd paneling, cptd.,
curtains, bunk; radio; n1uat
sell! 548-68.11
'66 VW, RfH, 2 n1ag11,
special racing equip., coco
mats. Wood strg. whl.
MUST Sell '59 V\V Exlnt.
Cond. New Paint $600.
646-3733 Eves
'62 VW sed., RJH,wfw tires,
n1ns good, new brakes &:
muffler. $675. !).15..5245
j957 VW Sedan, $:95. 218
f'A!dar, Apt 4, Newport
Shotts. 54&-5690
'63 VWSEDAN * VERY CLEAN ·• mo •94-9826
1960 VW Sedan. Runs A: Jooka
I good. $400. I ,r.;.1()84
1'G7 V\V, red with grey in-
terior, clean, low miles. R
& H, $1550. 493-1 T70
1·63 VW camper, 1500 eng., 1 new trans .. comp. equip'd,
Make otte'r. s96-683o
II 1964 vw SEDAN. MUST
S>:Ll.. XLNT COND. $525. I cw. 545-0134
'•f!G VW 1600 Fut.back. A·l
condition. Oria owner.
$1295. * 64~2932
1964. VW, R/H, New brkl.
" .tune u.p. Xlot com. $915
642-9l81 (11' 646-8134
'64 vw conwrubk. l'll!W top,
pa.int, intmot". 55.000 ml.
Sharp. 646-5271
'S8 vw $500... a .. n. new
radio &: t~a. 6Th-J034
Annual Red.White & Blue SALE
Big Engine-Big Spac:e
Big Windows·
S llp .......... ma rice D•llnrv
''" •••• -h ' $2043 121 H.P. Ordw toffy.
TH hoplo c.. $2436 1171212 BRAND NEW '61 AMBASSADOR
Air C•11lltl•11l119, . . $3286
VI, A11to. INM. 5110210
Wagon. Auto. trans.,
pwr. steer. and brakes.
TDR 676 $1695
\Vagon. Country Squire.
9 passenger, auto. trans.,
power steering.
Comet 2 dr. Sedan. VB,
power steering, radJo,
heater. RRZ' 661
990 2 dr. Hardtop, auto.
trans, power 1teerln& I:
brakes. Extra clean.
'67 OPEL
2 door Rally Sport, 4.
speed, vinyl top, radJo,
heater. HOE 912
2 door. Hardtop. Auto.
trana., radio. heater. OML 195
RID c:.um
YOUR c:.u
Marauder. Factory r.ir
conditioned. $1395
4 dr. Sedan. Auto. trans.,
power steer., radio and
heater. PKP 199
'64 FORD
Galaxie 500. 4 dr. Hard-top, VB, auto. trans.,
power stett. • brakes.
QSK 770
Wagon Classic 6 -cyl.,
oveTilrtve, power steer.,
radio. heate.r. OST 331
Wagon 330. Auto. tram.,
radio, heater. NQK 230
\Vagon. Cluslc 660. 4
door Sedan. VS, auto.
COND., power !leering.
WQG 530
Sales & Service
1969 H1rbor Costa Mm 642-6025
s99 OYER
GT 4-Dooa·.
Station Wotons
4 Spuds.
GT· 500's
GT• 3SO's
4 Spted1,
Automatics $99 OVEll: ACTUAL
W•ll• l11nntMMs Lam!
Wkllo l11•ntorlH L .. nl
No 11le1 expense chargH • No preparation
chet'gff • No delivery charges. You p11y ONLY
$99 over actual factory invoice! Compere win-
dow stickers with our sale prices to convert
the11 truly unusual discounts Into •duel dollars·
•nd-centa uvfn91I
Black Jade with Black
Landau top and broug·
ham interior. 429-4BBL
engine, cruisomatic, Air
Conditioning, p o w e r ..
steering .. disc brakes •
windows • seat, tilt steer-
ing wheel, AM-FM radio,
retractable head lights,
tinted glass, head rests,
deluxe seat belts, H-70
Poliglass wide oval tires,
etc, etc. Serial Number
Theodore Robins Ford, Orange County's ONLY
Shelby American Dealer, proudly pre1•nts the
uncommon GT for c..-'69'1 GT-350, GT· 500
Fi e. w1rr. tilt wh1•I pwr win, pwr. 101tt,
w/w, pt, pb, •11fo. 1win9 1w•y who1l pwr.
/ockt, vinyl top, IVCKll2) 20 % dn, or trd,
$2595 ·.~~. $69 :::.:~
RlrH, Y·I, •11to., pl 1ir cond, i"'mec. l'!HM·
3131 Blue Boole $2856 20 % down or tr•dt. $2195 ~~~. $60 :-.:..i.:
Full powo r, ,;, condition, IOMK 0141. 20'.4
Down or Trad•. Blue Bolllc ptice $1755. $995 :~ti. $37 :,.:.:
flOO. R&H, good condition, Whit•. IPl-44721
11111 look prict $195. 20 % clown er tr•d•.
$695 FULL s29 p., 10 Pl I Cl MHlh
Easy Fln1nci"ng Avall1ble
Fully 1lc11ipp•d, full pow•r, lit cond. ( ULF.
7191 1111• Book prico $19 55, 20 1. down or
fr1d1 ..
$1095 :~ti.
H.T. R•dio, h••t1r, 1uto., PS, Pl. P-wind1 ,
P·to•t, tit cond. INHUll7 L tlu1 Sook
pric• $2210. 20% down or fr•dt,
$1595 ~~~~. $56 :.:.:
V-1, •ufo,. R&H, P.S., f•c. 1ir. IUJB 8571.
20 "/.. Down or Tr•d•. Blut Book pric• $2~85, $1695 :.;:. $47 ~-:.:~
v.1, 4 i p•od, (~2249£1 T11.-. & LJ,, down •r
tr1d1, S199 ~~\~, $14 '" 24 M••tlll
Fully oquippod. IWSX 1961, 20t Down •'
sa95 ~~ s31 ~-=.::.
o.:=~::.';"c.11 'OPEN SUNDAYS 140·11fl •
Otup Coe11ty c.n
Orig. Foct. Sticker $6525.44
$5101 63
Fl1r11id•. 115" W,I., 3 1pd. 1yncro. frtnt
105 5 F·1prin91, 955 R·tpring1, otc.
F0 250 PICKUP . ..
FOR s3495
''"" N•. F211l110fJI)
Scohm111 c1mpt' 11 compl1ttly f11t11itkff
wit~ ic• bo11, 1fove, •tc. Sloop• 6. f.2f0
pickup h•• lOO t ng,. •ft'lp I: •II g111fl'••
1150 lb, r••t tpti n91 161 l.O!b:l&.S l•ply
fubtl•u tlro1, di•. ht•+.r •nd dtfro1tor,
ttc, M111y to c:hoo•t from •t tkl1 prlct l
S•v• 011 fldo,tclo, fo11rwif1dt, Goldllnt
Scohrn•11. Ovo, 30 V•rl1d floor plent •n
di1p l1y tnd r11dy for lmmtdltff dtllvtry.
, _,, I V. IC!'# Of thlt mo.t n:ioffrr' Ford NIN •"ff
. Q ·r·~., ~fl
C:> ------· 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ~642-0010
t •·'"· tot P·"'· M•n•fri e 5•t I •.m. I• 6 ,.ft'I. PARTS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY
Sun I 0 t .m. f• 6 P•"'• 1 1.-., f• t ,.M. Mt11 e 1 •.M • ._ ' p.m, Tvet·F~ I 1.m. to 6 ·"'· Set
' l
'6t. l>Pl1 • $1777
• Onl• Y9Url Todeyl ~ • • • • • •
• El•ctr1 cou,.. Full pow•r,
.f1ctory 1;r,
• $1895
• '66 IUIC:K
•wlldc•f 4 4oor, F•dMy
••Ir, 1uto., pow•r 1t.fffnt,
• RIH. (SVX 0161
• $2595
• C1ulllll\ cpo. R&H, 1vto., '
• P .S., f•Ctllry 1ir condltl•11·
.ing, ISTtl1771
• $1595
• '66 T·BIRD
•Full pow•r, f•cfory
• $2695 • ••
: '68 VOlKSWAIHll :
4 speed. radio, heatmll
I <VTS912l 'j
: $1795 ' iJ
4 door, 'A11tom•fic1 r•li~
•h••f1r, fTEZ 682)
: $1395
• a '67 CHEVROUT .•
C1prlco Cpo. F1ctory 1t;; ..
•111!0., PS. IUXC 0121; .• 1
: $2295 ·:
• I
• '66 PONTIAC: 'II
Sterchtof 4 door, Ft&. tit,
•111fom1tlc, power 1fttrln9.•
• IVTP 147J •
• $1795 • ··-------'"I a '64 CHEVROLn e
• rmp•I• 4 door. Autom•ffc"j
•powtr 1t11 r. COTU 4JJ), '•U • $1295 ' ··-------"II a '63 GRANO PRIX ;!I
IAlrto tr•nt., pow•r 1f..r,.I
•r1dlo, hoetor. IOHZ .621>•
: $1195 ~
• '63 OLDS • Cut11,1, •ufo , P·'· CWFH-
• 11sJ • $895
a '62 MERCUR'I'. •
Monhrey. F•c, •Ir, •ute.,
• p.1. l&lX 190) • • '$695 • • •••••••-: : JAGUAR •
•Complete Safes • Se,.,.•
•ice •nd Parts De~rt.a
•ment for JAGUARS. •
• S•• TM &~hf •
• 1969 J19u1r f N1f • ........... •
: 23' E. 17th ST. :
• 548-7765: • • OPIN1' • • . .'1 DAYS
• • • • I! !IJ.oo& BUICK
1T~d I i.IC ' :Jiii'$(~·
• 1i9 DAILY PILOT S.turd'1, -15, 1969 '
9900u.N, Caro ":'° ._1c... . 9900·~~-can 9900;:;;:..;'u..d:.;=:;-:c.::,:'"~..,..,,...:.:==-==---..;.;..;.;..-t
. ,
• • ••
; 4.1/2% FINANCING
·-18835 BEACH BLVD.
842 • 7781 or 540 • 0442
CHEVROLET '59 CHEVY lmpal• 2 I>'.,
like new thru-out. Orig.
$175 '5.5 Bel Air, V-8 Sedan Ol'\<Tler., lo ml. $495. 61S-1781
Looks &. runs good. R/H. ------
P/1. Xlnt tires. 548-4649 '56 OlEVY \\'agon 4 DR.
Good condiUon S32S '64 CHEVY Bel Air, VS. p/s ,.,.,.,
·~~ ------. * 646-8548 * '64 CHEVELLE Malibu SS,
,57 CHEVROLET, first S85 V8, R/H. Auto tram. $1195
takes. Runs, but needs 842-4085 prv prty.
tn!.nsmissk>n \\'Ork. 642-4414 SOCK rr TO 'EM!
lmi>0.rtod Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600
'69 Toyota ~rom$1770
O• ,_,,,.... ef Crfflt
41 Mo. Bank Financing Avall•ble
on Approved Crtcllt Ci1r1
TOYOTA-YOLYO 6.46-9303
1966 HARBOR, C.M.
9900 UMd Cers 9900 UMd Car. 9900
2nd Cars In Town
V-8, power stttrlng. ORZ 556
V-8, power allde, pwr. atee.r., air,
aparklin1 bfue in color. UJC 489.
1 '65 FORD Cut-500 '
V..S. automatic, power ateering.
NRB 983. Weekend Special.
1'65 THUNDUlllD $1699 Full power, fact. air, Beautiful black.
V-8. 4 1peed. OUU 692
f dcxK-. V-8, automatic, pcl\Vl!r
1tttrlng, llir. EMC 691
IH5 IUICK Spoclol $1399
V-8, auto., powtt' 1~ng. PCJ 976.
1''6 IMPALA 4 -11-nftop $900 V-S. PDWtrallde, pwr, atttr., factory
air, needs some enline work. um 141.
11211 Be.ch Blvd.-Hunt. Beech (Hwy. 39)
$45.1161 Open 7 D•ys 'Til f P.M.-7-"'t
Hardtop, V-8, fact air, dlr, l96li l?IRYSLER Crown
local car. EceJlent condition. l mpen.al. S3200. <11' best or-
$51' C.uh deb or take foreign fer. Xlnt cond. Or 3-957'1
car in trade. Will fine prvt Days. after 7, ~1446. Pvt
party. LB TXJ 434. '91-971:1 _Ply_. ____ _
or 545-0034
lnUIY -""' lln4 "' ::, ~-----1 Qu.d.fied Adi. QMdc them 65 COMET. P/S, Auto, air,
now! R/H. New lire11, n e w
engine. ncm. 546-8980 -
lmoortod Autot ffOO lmportod Autos 9600
Las Veqas Vacation
N• Pvtch11• Nect111ry
15300 Beach Blvd.
· Westminsler
S1\llnlay, Much IS, 1969 PAl~Y mar If.
.. ..... ~::-r:1 .n ~
-1'W1'11i-' I 1·,t.:,
. ' -· .. .. .. _.,.. .. •
.. ' r
' '
. '
1:MJisrEKP1ta 'FR.OM .Ti-££ '.• -.. aVd13MEN
~r_ .. ....,,.,,:~<#5""""" .. P e='..'/:.,....,....-........... :~4;_..__,,. -PYER ,80, OUALJTy AUTOMOBiLES ··TO. S~LE(j 'FROM----.-----'""-
_, .~ 1" : ' ' ~.,,, • ' •' ,~~~~~~~~~~.--~~~~~...;...~--~~~~.......,.--~~---. ..---~~--..:.~-'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--..
~~ ::;~~~E19~:~:~;·~~E·: 1~. e>; t('.·", ; g '~· .. ··' . .~• ~ •i :.: ;; ! i'l""'~ 1968 (~¥=J~l-~1~~~i;~J~?~J~)Mi~.,, 2 DOOR DE VILLE
' .)f
Stunnftlg Giyq;~c Bronze with brown·<paddi>d f.oot '.and -..ct;: :i o
saddle~leather interior. Fully equipped with· power atetr·
ing, ~er brakes, power seats, power \vlndoWs Ind ~t
course, factory air conditioning, stereo AM-FM \i'adio. tilt-telescopic steering wheel, power vent·w1ndowz, twi·· light &entlnal. Lovely automobile.-·(UJH843) $4222
1~ 0 --~ ~ Lovely silver pine grttn with black Jeath~ Interior and
black covt, top. PO"·er steei:ing, Pll\\'er brakes, power
seats, po'A'('r windows, AM • FM radio. This automobile is
'\ $4555 absolutely gorgeous throughout and has Jesa tha,n 13,000
actual miles. Truly a fine car. (F81886n) '
' Lovel~;i!a.r~uc' gold exterior '''ith black vinyl
roof and black cloth and leather interior. Has
power f.Jteeriq, ~ 1>9W,er brakes, . .POWer 'A'in· dows, Pf!lwE;!t'ls~t, AM·FM radio and Of cOurse factoq....__air.._~·~ditioning. Voi!Je tires, elc.
Mu.gt wwe 'UU.5"6ne. (VTP067) " ~ ' ~. ...
Lovely coral ekterlor \Vith white ~l!lll top
and m'atchipg coral vinyl interior. Fu Ir y
equipped with power steering, power brakes,
po>A·cr windowg, powar seat,. radio apd heater,
automa'.Uc transrniision plus white side \Va11
!tires. ":A! vecy weµ kept car. (10Z.S70) SA~~ ' $999 Plie r' · '
. · 1 !6.7. CADILLAC
· This Jovely "Sea!n DeVille has all pof,ular
power assists including power steering, pov.·er
brakes power windov.•s, power fieat and Cad-
illac's famous factory air conditioning. This
beautiful automoblle has been very carefully
driven and shows only the finest of care by
its previous' owner. (-4445) ·
.. ,.,,J.Vi.~ .· ILLAS.,
A 1Deautiful black convertible witn~cqntru!·
• ing wj:llte top and. black full leath8fi ~~
' ; H•s Power steenng, )X>\\'er · brakes,·"'J)Ov
se8ts, power windows, AM-FM radio, and tac-
1 tory air conditioning. Tim one is just beauti·
' ful. CHHY 487)
. •J 965 RIVIERA
This One Is hard to believe, only 36,000 mile
one O'A'ner beauty finished in Royal~midnigh_~
blue exterior with ,black .. custom interior.
.. Full1 equ!PJ>ed with powe:, stffl'ln&. i>dwer
bcs,kt.s, PoW&I: .seep, p0wer wlndow1, fact'?ry
air cbnditiOJJJrlg.' power antenna. tilt steetll\I"
wbeel, radl[) 'and heater, safety sentinaL
Sedan DeVUle that is absolutely gorgeous.
' F'Jnlshed In Spanish Silver \\'ith matchlng
cloth and leather interior, fully power ac•
cented wjth power 1teering-brakeS·\vndow ..
seats-door Jocks, AM·l'M radio, auto. crui1e cont1·ol, premium }\'hite side wall tires anti
factory air ·conditidnlng. CRGN297)
' '. SALE $3111 PRICE
The ·iporty 2 door hardtop ls fully equipped
with power steerlng, power brakes, l)O'.l.'er windo\VS, power seat and Ford's famous fac-
tory air conditioning. A beautiful satin silver
exterior with black vinyl interior. llIWll be seen and driven to full.Y appreciate! (RTU·
$AL! $2222 PRICE
.. IN OjlA~GE
• 23 seBAN DE V!LLES •
• 19 QTHER ~AKES •
1968 CORVrt;TE H.T:
Lovely dark Forest Green exterior wHh bla<'.k
bucket' Seats. Sports· equipped with 427 VS
engine,. 4 speed transml"lon,. _power 1teerln~,
pQ\Ver windows, AM-FM fad.lo. heater, poll·
traction ot courte and wide oval red line tlrH.
You'll want to tfft drive this beauty, (VRT-
2351 •
SALE $4333 PllCI
The popular sedan Ik!Vllle model finished in
lovely burgundy with black vinyl t op and
black leather interior. J.Ia1 po>A·er steering,
))Ower brakes, pov.:er u•indows, tilt 1teertng
wheel, AM·FM radio e.nd factory air condi-
t\onln1. This Is a beauWul automobile that is
}lrlced for a quick sale. (NQX514)
A vuy sportr, hardtop that ta finished fn
sllvtr with b aek all vinyl bucket seat in-terior. Fully loaded lnc)uding Big V8 engine,
trt-power 4 speed transmilsslon, power steer-
inr, power brakes, radio and heater, Factory
alr condltlonin11:. You won't want to miss this one. CSAA494)
Th• CUstOm Delta 'n;,;.,·liardtop lhU.h.d In ... NO~ . --1966 OLDS TORONADO a metallic: blue exterior with black vinyl roof · ·r:-• ' Hardtop Deluxe. Emerald green e"terlor with ;o.n4311lu~"l!ltorior. ·'»!lY;lflpl~ ~lb ''"''"' . FOi'.', ·'IHI S SA ,.QNLY .,..,. cloth interior. 1))11 power lnduding "-"it~, --;;ower bralies, 'Jll!IWe!'iWlnOO'Ws, •Mf!l'C> • f~ • ... poweI' steertnr. P9W~ijir~. · power win·
seat, factory air conditio~g plus many other dows, tilt fiteerlng wheef. la"ctory air condl·
luxury features. Shows met-Jculous care by S'EE US TODAY! tionlng. Low mileage and absolutely gorge·
Thia Is a Hardtop coupe that ts ro1d ln color
1vlth beige top and· ·beige cloth ~ leath-
er interior. Hu automatic transmission, pow""\
er steering, power brakes, radio and heatett
and air conditlQning;' (KlN709)
The popular Starfire 2 Door hardtop model;
finished In Tahitian turquoise with harmoniz· •
Ing: bucket seat interior. Fully equipped with l)O\\'er stecrng. power brakes, power wlndo~.
pewer vent windows, power antenna, power'
trunk lid release. air conditioning, Wonder..c
bar radio plus much more. This car is a local'
one owner and ha!ll only 47,000 care.fulb'·,
driven miles. (IOZ 240)
SALE $1555 PRl~I
1967 EL DO~DO
F1nlsht:d in phantom green wtth green cloth,
and leather interior. Fully equipped 'With pow-
er steering, power disc brakes, power seat,
power window.s, tilt and tele!icoplc steering'
\\'heel, wonderbar radio factory air condition-
ing plus f'!1PJ1Y more Cadillac optiorial featur~.
(VXH 168)
SALE $4999 PllCE
1,67 ~VIERA °"1
<;ran SPQrt. LovelY mldnl&ht green e"tertor ~1th black illl 'Vinyl lnterior.:Hu ~r steer-.
ing, power ·btakes, power' wtnlloWW, tUt steer· (
tni· wheel, special high ttyle Gran Sporti
wheels and of coufl]e factory air conditioning.
This automobile shows the flne1t of care by
its previous owner, Must see. (TSD498). Previous owner. (TYY 74f) oua Ulroughout. (SVX120) •
. . ~AU $2999 PRIC'. 'I $ALE .P,JICED ·~~LE PRICED
---------:' ---~ .. -S~LES Dµ1ARTM£NT OPEN .. :
SALE $1999 PllCI, •
" ·• SALE P,RICES EFFECT~THROUGH TUESJ?AY, MARCH 18, 1969 . • . , ·· ,~~fQ~t9;, ~:00 PM -·. ~.9!iQ~'t t~r~ !:~~Rt Y -?:OO ·~M_· r?. 6~~ PM:.SATU~DA Y one{ SUN01_{1
,---'-----~ ....... +. ..... ='-"'-.....,r---1 ~ '. ~~'','' ' ' •' ' ' .• ' 1 ,. . vo6Jr..;;it'. '
: i
y ~~ .,, factory A~otJz~;Ca~lllac Deahtr Serv~ln_g...,The Orange. Coast Harbor Area
' . .
' ' "SAW " SUYICI ·CIMTlll ' .. ••
r! ":.;" NAB·ERs ·
2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa
G.M. '67 J<R.7, 3'0 enr.. GT OIITSTANDING dark blue '65 FORD COUNTRY '67 FORD XL -MUST Sell '65 Colony Porlc
Performance Group. Atr •a Qodn.M"ofl:l(O Wag, ua;a · .,-Sl;:Dl\N. :J , ,,,_. 9 pau wagon, Full power,
conditioning, dlak brake1, everYthir:it + Xtras, tor par. Sta wag, dll', V·3, ptVr' ~ 2 door hard top. 390"8, aulo, air, AM/FM radio. 1
MOTORS radial tires, t 11t:a.wa1 !i who ~ta combo, uWU.;y, lfli, ,Excellt:nt co~~oi;i .. $50 tac air, PIS. P/B, coilsOle, o~. P" prty. $1195.
'61 MONZA Stick. Cpe. R&:H. wheel, 20,600 miles. Still JP.. car: See Sat PM" I: C&ih dell or take,tmlall fol'-loaded, best otter, warranty 546-3665
p99. 2 yr. 24,000 mi. w~ under orl,11:inal deal~r Mfl Sl)n;-289 Mesa Dr., c.M. ei&n car. Floe prvt ptty. S39 Private parly. 544-3071. '6"1,-,,2""'000="11:--,hard-,,.top-,-. °"P=1s,
ranty. J'a,llty. Can be tanufqred. 642--0333 Month. LB UEV 484. Call P/B, AM, W/W1, auto.
2011 Harbo,. C.M. 12895. 546-0750 ··=-,....,,oo=DG~E~~~,--Cle~ Pat, ~ "' 494-!l'IT.l. JEEP $1675. Pvt. ply. 962-1607 642 ,.~~" ""' . .f • .... ara. an I~'"'°'="'-'~--~,,.-I ·~ R 4 perlett.Wide Ir. out. 1lust 1960 FORD Starliner. Radio, --------~I
' 2850 llarbor Blvd.
Costa. Mua .
s4o-964o Used ·ean M0-8881
".1961 OLDsMOBILE F4!i". 1963 eorv&1r Monu q,e. '68 ~<!U~! -t!ll this week•oo. Only $750. ·h<ator .. au.lo., power •~er· '61 WltLY$ JEEP
Automatic, R I JI, tinted 1t:~:i1~ a. !!ti•i-~ Dealer. ~ Harbor Blvd., in •. $499. ' Surry, 31,000 actual mile1,. DEATH in •·-"·· ,_1 Im· glass. $500. 548-1603 all' .......... 18• Costat Mesa ·• 540-43'2 e"ttUent condltlon. ~ .. ...,. ...,....., ----------1 Only $99. .. 1
""""='====· ===::I $2!00. 1'-Stntto 8C-llMl. BLUE CH IP , ·«95 · ~~1a•· sale ot '-Muaq.
-COJlvnft . ;~~~. 7006_ ::.~ .··u,,MU ' .f.,:.t.'LCQN AUTOSAL!OS ' "" './i'i9v8 engme.New ~: .•··~-lk ......_ ' ,... ~45Harbor,Cott&Meaa 1 ~1 ttrea. Blacli intaioJ',
'68 cOltVETrE . ,r,s, ~.~ =~ .~6S-F~ALCO ..... _N_f"ll_tura_.-.p-t 1 1962 FORD Falcon 2 Door. :1:~:n:~ftio~· ~·
.\.speed, "327", removab~ cou~. Fardo., R & H, Radio and hel:~ '399. lllbmlt offer.,96)..'1689
panels on this tl,t!Oo m 11 e 'DODGE bQcket, ~atl:;. Con Io I'. 54M3t2 , .MtfST, ANG '66 GT 4 IJ)ee!i.
gem. Ivy green flnilh with _ · 1 ~~ '5tAi' Aft. 6 PM BLUE CHIP !100 w. Coast Hwy. hie)' earn, solids, dual tg.
black interior.,AM/FM, paw~ *********** AUTO S~L ~$ Newport, Beach nltlon, hf-riAer, Amer. er stt'erlng, WJde oval tires. " '60 FALCON 2145 }larbof, Costa Meu. 642-9406 .$f0.17&1 mapj Hayes clutch. Never
etc. Factory warranty. must f!10YJE lJAR : _ 1; goi;M:l ,~Jiortation 1968 FORD RANCHERO-500. Au_,lhorltcd MG Dealer been raced. ~fl.lit sell ~
see and drlvt. " ¥ -., ·· S~. ~1. 673-2716 Maroon wltb black inttrk:t'. med.~
'6$ n000£ Co-I .... i:J&lly 11111='"'r"ALCO'°"'°'N'"'."•-=:Dr-, -.-u,_to •• 1 Factory olr c•••lldonlng, MERCURY. '. '65 llanllop, aulo, P/fi, •
AUTO SALES •· n•s Harbor, Co&ta Mesa
PLYMOUTH ---····'----1967 PLYMOUTH
J~rlupn 11
~lilltl'Jl !·~·
~~~:u~~·~ ;J~~~w!"l'~~:: ~~r~~'~-~2:. "'6J Mercury Montirey :me·~ xlnt ~
cludil'Ji all hea~dpb' ~ '63 !'ALCON~ V-8, Hardtop, Hunt. BMcb. 541).()CQ 'door, V-', ·aUtoniadc, pow. ~;~~pol{!' ae~ ~.~ 9.J1to traµa. pa, ouistandlna: LATE '15 Forcl Jtanchero, 1 er ~eertna. air cond1tlon1na.
Model • 4 door station WI.I•
on. Equipment. power steer.
Ing, automttlC' Jtinsmi.ssion}
v\riyl thterlor._' power re«f
ytin!IOW. white sldt'wall tirt!I.
MILEAGE • '6,519
LICENSE • UJB. !09 '68 MUsr, air, bench .tat. CX>NDrrroN • Excellent
• ......, ~IV' cond. ""2-6740, 9Q..6168 · 219 W. RJH, auto trans, Who&na1e Kelly Blue Book
1.IXll mil•• -./'! !io-.. ~ 1'" ~· S rl l I t lo ml. "'11. Sllf.UOf, :1§1 IU2$, Our~ Prl« $ll00.
dllC bralru. CrulMmatlc, lo PRICE , $!915 •
mUea. '2890. 64)..2307 SM at tlle ·D..\ILY PILOT, 330
tory , ','hlTtnl;)' a~blit. --~ AM..Ul't p n ; x n Maul Pl, C.M. PCR.231.
Thll,!ype.ol car to, nol tVal. 'll"I· 4.\000 ~; V-8, ' 1pd. -1
'65 MUsrANG 6 cyJ, a~ Weat Bay Street, C.M. or call
R/IL Low ml. XInt COlldi ~•llU!S. ,
ll2ilO. IM6-'1363-' lJll6 PJ;YMOUTH Bar-Authorized MG Dealer. able'b'oin1-ct01')'to.,ibl_Jl:b. $800. 5'5-36'28 · '&1 F'OJW'Glluie j Df,
'6' CORV ETJ'll Ile. I· ' oed&l!) >lnt co<J(L tel5 '
LIKE NEW. 2 '""'· olr ....,..,., $1959 .. FQRD. 1162-9731
pcwl:!r &tidt., l~ mllea. CtU ........,. lw~">!L . m·~,, ~ r-L. .. ;es FAIRLANE Wq, pwr,
"" G ....... ~. .. ... v "~ YU """" ... 'N FORD Pick-up, Cof'\--ette R/H 'to ~--· ·----'-"-"Vl'ge ru~ :-~~· MelL MIJJl'l n..iu. • , au »....,, .., .. ....,,;. Al) 'ii'i · ~ ~:\ e-.. New ttm, lnttrlot, ti575. 543-1'198 l~:g~a-.... ..m .; *** .. **"'*·*~" .-tape, mlUI ... to • ., GALAXlD-.00 XL' Dr. lhokinz rt:ir Jt. CMal "2·5671 DAILY PILOT wiid ilii! aPl)re.c. f195. 64S-5337 ir.. 390 hl-"rt. Isley' cam,
for quick, tmcimt reaultl __ n_RIN_G_RES __ m;_TS_1 _ _._._Dl..;a1_64_U6 __ .,_,_r..;or_RES=.;.U;...LT"°S headert, 4 11:pd. 6'2"-510'i
ji)TPTA-WOLYO '65 ObDS, 442, 4 oPs· Yellow
1906 arbOr, c.M. &t6-8300 w I · tiUt Int. Muat ldl •
'63 MERCURY 'Monterey 2 betlt offtt. 1 ownr, SU..9S27
door hanltop. PrtVate -oart,. -aft ._ ..
$490. ~ Iha~. 673--8618 , .• SPCK IT TQ :EM? -I
racu4L rut bftc)r, Vt; C
fPe'd, radio, hflater. Sharp.
Le11 than 19,000 miles.
Jlalance of 5 )"f. or' 50,000
null wam.nt;y. Will ~ tell
·btlow retaU or1 Will trade
for pick-up. Phone 5~
PLYMOUTH PONTIAC ~~-,-::::::-;::;;::-11 ---.:..:.:..:::..:...:__-,1 '69 Road Runner, fully '65 GTO 4 on flr; 42o eng;
equipped, like new. duo ala.sg.packa; Pl•. P/b;
==:=*;!:0"-'"'"°""-'=*===15 MW .Poliglau t l re s
P. o· NTIAC .,..,....tape deck. ' u 8 5
675-Di6', eves. 6'13-2750 --------1 '61 FIREBIRO 1968:.p()NTIAC Tempe• ·1
4 1~ ,,326 .. ,. d&wce trim cuStom convt. Full p_wr ,
&: AM'ERICANi MAGS. Fino auto. Bal $24'4. 968-2325 al
ilbed tr\ deep-aqu.. l>Iue w/ 5· · 'j
tlaCk tnteriOr• U,000 <'ate'-'66 'GTO 1't!11 power, air i
fully driven local rnlle1. RAverb rad19. aooc:I cond l,
Must 1ee i drive. $1900. 543-1'«Jl or 847-1339
J2rttipor t
ECONOMY '65 Tempett:; _, • .,...,,tand.12 ... $795 I
847"'163 Alt. 9 PM l====:i:=I
RAMBLER S!OO W. OIUt Hwy., N.11. .
142-9400 541).)764 ' . . ::
Authorized AfG Dealer 63 RAMBLER S t a t I o ~~~~----•! Wap, €Janlo 66lk '64 GTO Conv, sunllre red auto tran:t. 962-6723 •
w1' wld~ top • Int. 4 M>c1 ,60 RAMBLEl\t Aniaic '.
Sll'ck, ~ poaltn\ctlOJl, .,_,s. ctean, lint rnecb cond.; '
Xlnt ... ..... '12 0 0 . ..,.;i ....,,; $110 '1M262 ' 67!;.1084 ' • l '63 PONTIAC Grand Prix, f-lllD
<¢1 owner. Full pwr, air.l:::-::-::'.!"~'.:':-~--l
Immac. "'-' -67J..36l8 '67 BA8lr 'T.alrtl. MIU ! '"'~ oacrUl<e1"""111 nbll
'65 PONTIAC GranJ Prllr. )w1n 4"Bll .Car!>. anly T, j
-Str, 111'1' ....... "" ml. ..... ~ 11>• . i
J'l!llo; $1400 er maltlt ~ 'llO"NllJID ""°"! -_,.,., ,
96&-1311 31,700· odllt1 ail, air, -.InL j
'56 PONTIAC s.tUI W11.. 11911, 49f.Ga ,
c~romo rlmt, buclcct., fia.4SCCT..mrd,Jpwr
-oval. $210. !13$-10!!' 2 lopt; i-. -It.
'6.> PONT. Bonne. 2 Dr. HT $2150. MMlTO aft I pm. ;~
fu11 power, auto, air, tilt ,57 T·Blrd l"°"""'t Jm, •
v.•hl. S1450. 673-5156 macu!Ate! >-f8k't otter:
\Vhite Elep~ants? 6'J3..3478
If ·DAll.Y· •II.OT •
i '
: ::·
auiftt :.:;69 DART 'SWINGER .
NIW · . '." . . ' ' . 2-DNr ffltlltop ". . •
.. Southern California's (hcrger Headquarters
"--~...._. __ . Ill S.llNn C•llhnll9. Cllel~ If .............. ,
Full fa~lory !Kl~ipPed with e All vioyl Interior IL ?-:
e Padded .DaSh • Heater • Defrost~r, etc. ~· ~ ''• _...,.,..-'69 CHARGER
• • • • • '
·-::: 1969 :DQDGIS
· , . .N!\Y 2;DOOl MAIDTOP COUP! /
----. • frblon c...,..,I"' • I.Mr~ 111191'-• l'vll ACllll ...,.,.. Fully eQuipped-including-Yi,.YI" rOOf,. Wui' tires-, full wheel discs, -rtmott control
mirror, ~s strg. wheel, carpets, dlx. wheel covers, tfC. (Mtr. ~9E1~593 1
. arid .1'Ll23.19~T29592). , . · ·,; ,
PAYM::...-.::T,~;!~~:::'.~:':-.:.~l:.'.,°'LJViRY . ·, . .. 1 , ; , , "' :'
·~69'.69 $.-281 -\ ·'· TOT~ MTHLy ... TOTAL DOWM
PYMT. PYMT. c TOTAL Plia • •u•• .. ,IMMWII,.liiii'YnY BllAND
,JQTAL-P~(E +TAX & Lit.
IMMEDIATE D£UV!!Y l'fl'!rntftll lllci•tu: & lie..• .. fiMM6dlar.-••f!llll.M-~-; ,:
• 2.000R COUP!
fully factory equipped, vinyl interior, padded
dash, heet_er & de~roster. Motor 'No. Wl.21 B9·
. . ~!'t'.''"'-1'.!,~ .YAN H•A~Q~A•pi~,
l ---. ·•
llRAllD llEW '"1.00ROllET STATIOll WA8011
Full fac,ory equipped; hetter;· OefroSter, •tc •
Moc!Qr #W\.4589[123047, ' '
~!.'=~' $2288 PYMT. PYMT. TOTAL PRICI , +..,::-. IMMEDIATE DEUVl!Y
· · J66 JOU CTY. ·IDN. STA. WGN. . . . ~,,. 088~ eu~i:·· ·s3· -6·· ~";'s·36 =.t~.
: • .-_ :+TAX & LIC. n irn. 1"111.1.
' Y-1. ~. helttr. fUl!S D).. l
s1' ·oe• ; = $.36:::.~ $36~.t.\. 00 ;+:w•LIC. mrr. . nMt.
167 l'OiD CUSTOM 500 2·DR. SDN.
v.a, tlltwNllC tNnl., t lr cmM .. rldi.. llNttr. UlM Ill).
s1~sa :': s43:::-s43~. •• +TAI & LIC. 1n111. "Mt.
f "--' ...... lid. t lr, -"""""' I U!ol. tt-.. 1111.H. (TlllH 11111). f1388 :i-: s49w:: s43:m.\. + w , llC. n•r. r1M1'. -' ,-·•t7. PONTIAC: BONNIYIW COUPI
N~ M,T4 ·V.f. .... '*"·• '"" llnl"' •Ilk ,.:1nt. ... !1_"'1 Int. i.,.,m,-. • rllilo. ,,.._ ,1k, (TUN lJ.ll. Oolcl ,.,...,
$1688 ....... s57nm $5"7""' _ +:~uc. = ~~~·
VA.19drf' .W .,.i .. .-r -'-"-......... 'fflWI lld., &..-... tw rWla,, ·.1.·131· a .,,,"':.~ r6 .... J .. "ii~: 563~'1: .. , ' ' Pltcl "lilt. nMT. ' • • ).r.TAXlUC. •',
' .... --. ................. ..._ ·-.
v.1, •ul•. lrl!IL ,_.. '""""· r•lll• • hMtltl', WA' 11 .... d~ IHOX a).
s~l8 +:~K. ~23 =~ s23 ·=·
v.a. Mlle. tr-.. rldl9 tlNt.,., l".S. l".B., •/l/W. Alll COND.:!ltl'tt 7U), s1oa8 ·:~~ $36~ s36::::i .. +TAX . LIL nm. """'· . -.
y.;t, -1'-1111. brllcn, tvto. tr•l'll-... c. fTVD Sffl. Gold S11r,
51088 ':.:: ~36=: $36~~\. ~+ lAX, llC. nan. n•1.
V .. , •ulo. lr•M., r.cllo. llt•tlr, !'.$, P.I ., W!W. lNPll 713).
$1188 .... , •$40""' •$40 "'" NICI DOWll Mtlllf.
v ... 1u'-ll~ ir.111.. rlldi. t1wi.r •. ~ ...int.. w+w, ITTE 2'21. SJ 188 · :i:~ s40 ::::.i s40 ~ir.:i. +TAI ' UC. PYMT. Pl'IR.
v..a. M' Ollld~ POWtl' llMrfnt. Wit. tr1ne.., rlCflO, ~vtll'. r'KWP 1211, Gold Slw.
s1288 ,+;~"' s43 =.s43
'67 MALIBU. 2 DR. H.T.
.,,~. 111te. 1r.,.., 11~ '·~·· ..,llb'I 1n+ar11r, n-:. ir1tu ,.,J.
"'" MTillf.
$13 88 ..... $4·8'"" .. $48""' Ll'ttlCI DOWN MTMlT. + 1.u., llC. nw.r. · "lilt.
. ·-. .
TiiTAL' liTllL l. '
PYMT. , ' ,
· , "TOTAL PRICE ,:",.,i:.\ · IMMID\ATl·DlllVIRT ,...,"""" tldJd.,.. •let/llW• flllilwa cnw...·-....... ~. ~ ;_. ,.
'65 DODGE CORON'! 440
t..or. lf.1. F•ct. lllr. V..a, -· 1!Rr., wto. tnr.~ .iJi, ww. (lllSV CMJ. $988 ::: s33= s33· ~. +TAX & ll(. "Ml. rnn.
v.t."f.ct. 1lr c:enct~ -•r "Mrlnt, ..,., tr1M., r8dl9 ~. l!'llC 141.
s9·33 :::: s.33=-· s33::.'~\. + lAX & LIL Pl'MT. nMT
F1o:t. 1lr, 'l.f. AM/FM r111111 lltdlr. p.w. IEOW M7),
s1088 ·~::~ $36· ::.:: $36 , 4-TAX & UC. . PUIT. •
YOlAl ""'"· ""'
'63 YOLlSWAG!N • :" ... '. , ~ ll!Hll. r1dle'. ,,.:ltr. JFMll' "71. • · s.591 ,.,.. '$., , .. ,.. ... SJft
•· -'4-~LIC. "::;'~.,. ·~ .... .. ,__ '
' -, '' ' ' ""'"'ING!" "9). ·
$1· ·a· 8 :i: s26 =~$26' 1.'J.'\. _ ·+~AX & l-:-: . . fYlllT. • • .. PTML.
$8·88 '=·"12'"·~,. '''t~~· $29 .n:~.1
+ lAX & ll(. Pl'MT. nllL . ... ' .
4 -·radio .. hHtK'. !UJC :!COl. $988 :r:~ s33 = s33 "'" !+'JAX & UC. nMT. ~·
~-.=-.. .
Family welekly.
MARCH 16, 1969 ~
Women Hate-and Love-Why Some Wives Dominate
The New J aJPes Bond . -And o They Do It
Ask · Them YourseH
110R MILTON l'Rl£DJl.4JV,
' Roee MiuiWe u rite i...
du priee ~-/or •°"' u. •uUtbaw • v.s. w..
~ •I ,,.yaeu.t--Si.
...,. Be-'rieboa, ............... IU.
• Very een.sible. thoagb it woald be etill
better for the Covenunent lo set com-
pletely out of the buaineu of trying to
affect the price of gold, indltding remov-
ing the reetrictiollll OD the ownerabip,
porcbaee, and aale of gold by U.S. reei·
dent&. Few thinga are lees important to
the U.S. than whether _!he price of gold
in London ia $35 u ounce or flOO aa
ounce. The two-tier system coee part of
the way-by gjring up any attempt Loh
the price of gold in pri .. te trading--
but it retaint the fiction of a fured $35-
an-ounce price for o8icial tnmaactiona.
oa BY ,4 ..4D.4JIS,
n keel«, Utti.tetl Si.tu Milll
,, ........ y eoial "--die
..;,., pr~ ..ell uy1
ff'* .... y ..,,.1re,. ""-•
ii reqtaire lo JWo4aee llaU
,...hr1--Erie JV~,., Bers••
fieW, NJ.
• The ratr of production ia inftuenced
by the coin denominations being made.
(( all five denominatiom were being
minted ia one day. we could produce 18
aillioa cow in eight boura. We would
need the senioea of approximately 300
employee., including melten.. rolle.ra,
helpers. preumen, and others eqaged
in the actual coinage operationa.
c~,.. HOJUtt AmKJ
Sen1icu Committee
1. u. enwt IMt Ii.me .,,...,
., IM ~nw .au1.e..-.
floe• "°' COIUll for .,,.y _. redre_.,., h1te/it., ~ aime U.
a.O.T.C. 4'oa1---De""Y L. Joluuore,
B...W., L..
• No-oeilher the time now spent at lhe
eervice academies nor in the R.O.T.C.
program ie creditable for military pay
or retirement purpose&.
11011 TIN.4 COLE
of rllt "Four Kini CouinJ,.
I l&.oe rea4' "'-• dte
"11oar llU..C..•i••",...
ore reconlilar iAM~•
flefllly. Doa ,,... .....
,... .al 110 '°"«er 6e .,,,,..,...
_,,.die 8lldre K"'6 /•...U11--C•rol-
""" 11...., B"1tt'ly Bilh, CAil/.
• No. We a.re aot leaving the King fam-
ily. We are jut trying to make a career
for ounel\la aaide from family epeci&le.
CEOFl11UON, ltock.q CMClt..
Net1 Y.,1c1t....,,
11 ... "",..,...,... ~
eolor/•l ••els••••'-1••• B•r•l•••, '•'r . 1..-., NJ •
• 1 got it from a sportswriter ia Mon-
t.real in 1951. It came from •r elap .hot
which ueed to bank off the rink boards
during practice. First, there woold be
the noise of my atick hiuiq the puck.
then the noitle of the puck nboaading
off the ~111 the oicbame of
"Boom Boom."
if;.:-::,,.., ,_n .,.
,... • ...,.. ,..,, •MeOAe
... , ,....,. rle9 ..,. •
coa,.i. of year. '-/ore
1'* ...U ...,. alte-1--llr•. R.
ll•r&ia.wl, N. Beul. BflHA, JV. J.
• No. That story about the suits was told
about my father, who was famous for
what might be called cuutiness of dre-.
I couJdn't do it anyway becauae suit&
made today don't even lut two years.
"'OR CVllT COFDY, sporu 411UH1ica
p ..... teU .. ~lo N·
..,.. • 6aeWl ~r'·
"eanMHJI,..,. ...,.,#?'t-s. c ... ...., a..,...,__
11ille, "•·
• The total ean.ed f1IM giwa ap by a
pitcher is divided by the number of inn·
inga be pit.cbed. g:iYing you· the a""'age
earned runs per inning. Multiply th.at
number by nine (number of inninp in
•game), and you hue the pitcber'a ERA.
11011 EUUBE'l'B POST,
etU,wue e:cper1
f• ii JWOJNF lo .etsr I.a
................ eo.11'
--lreaaecla WllNsnl, L,.,.
eoaim, N.R.
• Unless you are campaigning for a
political candidate or have a good reuon
fox wearing a special type of noYelty pin..
one is the limiL It is much the aame u
a woman wearing too much jewehy--it
is alwaya in bad taate.
I• ii ar.e &A.a ,_ ,...,...,_
ly IHN .. ,,.w, If .. , '° ..,..,.. •"" ..,,.....,_
• On Dec. 29 in San Juan, Puerto llico,
Jackie Miller ( abe ia part of the einginc
team of .. Jackie and Gayle") and I were
,, ........ ,_.,.._ ••••••• 'y __ ..................... _ .....
.. _,_ .. F 'ies...-,_' 'srta .... •'-,.,..,....,._ •
.... _.. .. Alll 'n.-Y--... _.,. W.ldr. 641 ya' I' ..... New Y-". N.Y.
attn. w • .--..._...... •• 1' , ... ts • .. ,,.w '• _. -....
O.r Cowr Spring's CCM'ftJnol And
with it renewed wonders of nature, as
examined by the youngsters on our
CO¥er. Gardner D. Stout, pnmdent of
The American Museum of Natural His-
tory in New Yodt, tels how you con
make the miracle of spring mean more
to your du1dren. '1t's really not neces-
sary to encourage a child's interest," he
soys. "It is more important to channel
his natural curiosity so he gets the most
out of It. If you, os a parent, don't know
precise fads, you con let the child on
the path of lcnowtedge by shoring his
enthusiasm for finding out." Some ...
pert tips: let him haw a pet or oquor-
~thing is more exdtlng 1hon
bringing home his fint turtle, for in·
stonc:e; give h1m pennisek>n to eJlOftline
robins' netts at home; tab hint to near-
by parb and panels and ftnd out how
many Migtoliog birds he mn .. and
Identify; don't forget to take hon. some
insects or lecnes, iusf emerging for the
19Gson, and pese1 wt and mount them;
toke advantage of nature lectures given
by local mvteums, pclftc dktrids. natunt
dubs, and sdtools. Ml. Stout tay11 '1
can remember when, m a llttte boy, I
was taken to the iftUt8Ulli by ""f father.
I saw a peregrine fokon ~ Its
orev to its nett on the New Jeney
Politodes. At that earfy oge. I won-
dered whether I would ..,.,. have the
~ fortune to see so splendid and
exdting a bird. H And he condudes:
"Aside from awakening a child's in-
htrflt in the study of nature, you can
Cl'eClte a ioint acM.ntur9 that brings you
and the ct.fld dow together."
1he lrilh Parade "In Ireland we don't have
porodes on St. PoirD's Day," says Wi11 Millar
of the singing Irish Rovers. ''They're an Amerf·
can invention. At home it's a quiet and hoty
day. But Harrigon's Pub In San Francisco en·
tered us in this parade, a late emry. After two
houn of waiting, watching Indians and geisha
girls go by, I told the marshal, 'We're the
only lrislwnen in the whole town. How about
getting us in?' So he stopped the parade and
put UI in, right bel*-I 1,500 Me•k Cllli hot..
men. We started to sing cww the noise, when
six big meet sweepen came behind tn, drown-
ing us out." Sure and It's back to the old IOd
next year.
luclcllng PohtidaM Many politi-
clons acquired their power-centered
penonattty from coping with a tevere
physical deprivation, acmrding to
"Psychology Today." The publication
cites wttliam II of Germany (withered
arm), Napoleon (shott stature), FDR
(polio). Sickly children should have ac-
cess to a variety of learning experience
because "delicate children have gained
knowledge from reading that aided in
the consolidation of potitical aims."
Family~ fteNcw+
l.IDIMmt L DAVW ,.,....,._,
WAI.Ill C. lmTNI 6...wr C-.U.a
The Mink Coat Problem An auto-
mobile manufodurer heard complaints
about seat co-.ers. Seems some mate-
rials part just enough for the long
guard hairs of a mink coat to penetrate
the weave, but not release when the
wearer gets out. Now the firm tests teat
coven against an actual mink coat,
twisting It under pressure. Any fobric
which traps fur fibers gets rejected
immediotety. Wonder what they do
with their old coats?
;11Mc;s.... Ma,..,1&11,lHI
_., RIZI I I ON l'llilw fe a.wt
MAllUS N. TillNQUI Art~
W. PW 1HCHl"ION A~-. Dince-
_... ........ 0 .cuc..w ... ~ 11•-..r
IUl8ll L •ABS • ._,.,,_._...--..r
-•• DI PaOf1' r.-a.it... ...__,.--.: .....,. ........
n-.~ ........... ~ ...... ,_, '-ouu t ' , -.. a.a...
Just look for 20 famous faces under bottle caps of Coke.
Match the faces with brief descriptions and paste the faces
on the game card at left. For each description, look through
all 20 famous faces to see if any match correctty. For ex·
ample, get the "Abraham Lincoln" picture liner and glue it
in the space marked "Freed Slaves." It's that simple. Correct·
ly completed card wins you $100. But remember. there are
20 liners showing famous faces. and only 10 descriptions on
the playing card. So play carefully. Fill in as many spaces as
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Box 582, Westport, Connecticut 06880. Read the official
rules below for complete details. Play Big Name Bingo-the
most refreshing way in the world to win $100! (Famous faces
for Big Name Bingo are also found under caps of Tab.)
Pl1y1nc Gnd Glue correct pic:ture l'"en over circle\
"'CQC'1"" AltO •t-.e AM ltKdm.lO 111.A.DUAAJU.J tJiMUI tO(ft"" 0-'" fWI ""°'°'1Ct Of' lMI C0C... C0V COtlWM'f
t . Plctu,. llnera are avallabl• u~ ~ of ~ end
Tab Plelur" ar• alao print.ct on tM bottom of can cartona. You
may I rad• any pictur• 11"9r IOI' any ottl« thel You -nt by MnO-
ing tl\9 und4telr.ct pictur• !Iner plua IM na1n9 of tn. picture
h"4t' ~ want tOQelMr with a stamp.cl, Mlf-tlddf...d ~
IOl)4I to 'Pictur• Lln.n", P.O. 8o11 582, W...pcwt, Cofln«:tlcut oeeeo. Additional playing cann e1eo ar• ~ trom tt\19
2 On lh• playlng grid~ will flnd tO "Qu..,lon•'. A~
are pictured •aampl" of 20 ponltit. "an-9'9", which may be
obtain.ct .. proYlcMHf In Rut. t t Th«• ar• no ottt. l)lc:t"'9
llnera In tl\9 COlltftt. Answ., each Q~ by gluing tM cor-r.ct piclu,. ltnw. ,_ up and clearty vlsitit. ewer tn. eocwo-
prlet• Q-.tlonalbecar.tul, In -.,..,_Ute-picture lin., may be u..ct to anawer mof• lhlln on. au.atlorl and C9ftaln
Qu .. tiona may nol be •n-.ct by any of qi. pictur• llnwaJ.
3. Wh9n YoU ha¥9 glu.ct on u many .. anaw9'9·· .. YoU can COi'·
r.clly, algn ~r card and Mnd it along wllh )'OUr ~and
addr.-to 810 NAME BINGO. P.O. Box 582. WMepcwt, Cofl.
n.cticut oeaeo. for v.,;11cat1on and awarding of priz• If YoU at•
MAIL-only 1119 lln.,. tMm ... v ... Entrlft must be DOet~
no lat., than May 3t. t9e9. Winn...-. will be notlfi.d by mall
abc>ut Jun• 20. t9e8. Limit on. prize to a tamtty. If~, entry ii Judged inc:Ofr.ct. )'OU will not be noclfi.ct uni..
YoU 9ne:IOM • ttamoed Mlf«kfr.-.ct env9'opewlttl )'OUr entry.
You wlll be noclfi.ct following tn. officlel doalng def• Of tn.
contftt. No ottt.f con'ftP()ndenc• will be enlw.ct into reoard-1ng thia contea1.
4 Playera aubmlttlng a card whictl ia ludQ.cf eaac:tty COfT9Ct
will be •-rded tt00.00. Tl\9 dedtllon of IM IUCSO-wta be
final and .mrv In tM contftt ugnl"-tM eoreement of tn.
entnlftt 10 ablcM by ttt. ludG•• deciaion. All entrlea becoflM
lh• property ol Th• Coca-Cola Company and non• will
be mum.ct.
5. Eae9Pf for lnc:id.nl., Mlp from famtty end fri.nd•, entrlM
must be wholly tn. WOftc of tM P9f'IC)n In wl'IOM n•m9 1119 entry
la aubmltt.cf, and wMI be dleQuetlfi.d for Plofw6onel Of' ~
penal.ct Mlp. TM Coc:e-Cola C<>mpeny r~ tn. right to
t..-m1nat• this ~ et any t11n9. Cont9at materlel9 are void
and may be retec:Nd If not obtained through leOitlmete cn.n-
"911, or If any oert la ill-011>19. mulllal.ct. -r.ct or tamper.cf
with. No f8C91mllea ar• eliQlbl•. Vold where restrict.ct by law. Appl~ lax .. are tn. reec>Onalblllty of winner-a. Promotion ends May 3 t . t 999.
e. Off., op9n to all u s. rnlcMnta •llC9PC ...,,~ l•nd tMir famllieel of TM Coca~ Compeny, Ila bottt9'9, martletlng
ag.nci.. and pert'-9 •noeo.ct In the d9¥.iot>ment. l>'C)ductlon
and di•trlbulion of cont"t ma1.,1a11.
Fam.J.ly KeekJy / Mareh 16, 1989
Why Wives Dominate Husbands-
THERE ARE surely more
ways than one of dominat-
ing a husband.
A wife who, by both word and
action, makes it abundantly clear she
~'wears the panta'' may be less dom-
inating than a wife whose "clinging
vine" technique suggests that ahe•s
lovingly aubmiuive-or than a wife
who contrives to rule by being .. not
very strong," who locks ber bedroom
door when her bus band ia in disfavor,
who burdens a mart"iage partner with
household· chores or drives him to
compete with affluent neighbot"8.
Any behavior that exercises con-
trol is domination. It ia when a dom-
inating man marries a dominating
woman that there's apt t-0 be an im-
puse. Thia does not happen often.
fortunately. For the more aggressive
a woman the more likely she i8 to be
attracted to a passive man and the
more likely a p&S!ive man is to be
attracted to her,
For example, I have in my filee the
cue history of a marriage that was
happy for 20 years. The husband, who
owned a succeeaful tul~tate finn,
1'88 quiet and unassuming. The wife,
an advertising copywriter, approached
masculinity in her aggressiveness.
Great companions, they attended all
kinds of sporting eventa together and
went on bikes which most women
would have found exhausting.
Only when their one child, an un-
married daughter, became pregnant
did they quarrel The wife refused to
speak to their daughter. The father
remained friendly, and when the girl
married and had her baby, be helped
financially. This so infuriated his
wifethat she transferred to berfirm'a
California office.
A wWow with whom thiR hut1band
became involved was, to every ap-
pearance, the antitheais of his fla-
&TaDtly anressive wife. She never
willingly walked more than one city
block. listened spellbound t o all be
had to say, and reached for his band
acroea tables and on the street. Thus,
of coune, ahe was figuratively ''grab-
bing" him. Nevertheless. with her he
felt young-until she suggested he
get a divorce so they could marry.
"She wanta to be 'carried.'" he com-
plained. "And I don't intend to 'carry'
anybody. My wife never expected to
A noted marriage counselor examines the woman "who wears the pants"-
a woman with deep psychological needs and a husband to match
be 'carried.' When I waa with her, it
was aa if I was with another man.
What'a more, my wife married me
and stayed with me for no other rea-
aon than that she wanted to. She eama
a.a much as I do."
This husband, unlike the men who
would rate a aucceuful wife no boon
to the ego, waa sufficiently well-
adjusted to talk of bis wife'a earning
capacity with pride.
It became quite plain he wanted to
resume their relationship, that while
he had reacted well to his wife's ag-
gressiveneu, he bad come to resent
the widow's dependence.
Shortly after I talked to this man,
his wife, having reconciled with their
daughter. came home. The widow, I
presume, looked further and, perhaps,
found a man for whom her indirect
cfomination-yea, dom ination-w9uld
be tailor-made.
Many cireumstances in our society
condition women to believe it to be
their right to make all decisions re-
g a rd in g household affairs and
finance, child-rearing, and family
eocial life. Their attitude may stem
lrom: imitation of an aggressive
mother; retaliation against overly
strict parents ; any early need to be
boaa, such aa responsibility for home
and family before marriage. a job
that leta her lead others.
A clornlhGthiij wife does not neces-
sarily handicap a marriage. There are
men who are happy with a woman
because she exercises some control. A
man who had a dominating mother
may regard domination as normal.
Other men may seek it because they
entertain some doubts about their
judgment or because they are inse-
cure about their manhood.
It baa been my experience that
almoet as many marriages founder on
the shoals of husbandly aggresaive-
ness u on wifely aggressiveness.
One couple came-for counseling be-
cause the wife felt curtailed, even
demeaned, by her husband's refusal
to entrust her with any money, oblig-
ing her to ask for $6 or $10.
When I suggested she be g iven an
allowance, her b~sband shook hie head
and said, "Never 1 She'd get to be
high-handed like her mother. And
that I won't have!"
This man was so rigid in his com-
pu lslon to be in complete control that
he countered any suggestion his wife
might make. If she said a certain
movie was good, he would refuse to
see it, even when he wanted to.
He is one of a surprisingly large
number of men who, still unwilling to
accept the emancipation of women,
feel it necessary to dominate even to.
a point where they lack cdtnnton
courtesy. They will refuse to tele-
phone home should they be detained
at their office because they might be
thought "henpecked."
A distort• of what is and is not
masculine may be 8Jl outgrowth of
many thing8: the emphasis a father
always placed on masculine superi-
ority: perhaps even the sense of ' shame a man knew when he, u a boy,
saw his father emasculated by his
overbearing mother or an overreac-
tion to some personal insecurity.
Obviously the more confident a man
is the less he will re.sent wifely dom-
ination, particularly in any area in
which he doubta his judgment.
One husband told me: "When 1 buy
clothes, I like my wife along. And
every morning she puts out the suit,
ahirt. tie. shoes, and socks Pm to wear.
I like her good taste.''
Let no one say this man is not a
real man. A husband's readiness to
accept a wife being more knowledge-
able about certain things may well
connote security.
Another man, happily married for
years, arched his back when his wife
sought to extend her domination to
an area in which he was unwilling
to accept it.
"I've always turned my salary check
over to my wife.. let her p~ the bills
and give me an allowance," be ex-
plained. "She has better money sense
than I have. And I've been happy to
have her Msume all social responsi-
bility, even to accept and issue invi-
tations without consulting me. But
•ow she want.a to plan our marital re-
lations. That's too much l"
Upon flndins his wife unable to
grasp why he should suddenly refuse
to accept her decision, I t ried-with-
out ever wholly succeeding-to help
her understand that he resented her
latest attempt to dominate because he
wished their marital relationship to
be spontaneous--not planned.
It wu not until this husband be-
came impotent, aa men may in retreat,
that this woman finally agreed that
there was one area. at least, in which
she might not pull the atrings.
Another man, who for years bad
lived contentedly with h.ias wife's con-
viction that her decisions wel'e the
final word, told me: "I've let her have
her own way bec&use, frankly, I don't
want to be. bothered with a lot of
domestic decisions. But now she's try-
ing to tell me how to run my business
--attd &M lmow& ftothing alwtd it!''
This man al.so took refuge in re-
treat by an increat1ing concentration
on busine88 and bowling. He did not.
however, extend his retreat patterns
-as may happen in some ca.se&--to
an extra-marital affair.
It "is understandable that the stra.y-
ing husband often is one who bu been
locked out of his wife's bedroom or
denied marital relations in some other
way. A wife who locks her bedroom
door asks for real trouble. She may
intend her punitive action to lut only
a night or two, but under these cir-
cumstances a man tends to be prone
to hostility that only time and Jove
can overcome. And it may happen that
before therapy can be effected he will
seek a substitute wife.
One wife who dominates by being
not "very strong" is equally trouble-
prone. Women complain that this
wife's low voice makes them sound
strident by comparison. Those who
entertain her-mostly busine88 8880-
ciate& who wish her husband's good-
wi 11-have learned to serve the foods
she prefers. Anything else she refuses
with a patient smile and resentful
eyes. She never entertains, explaining
sadly: "I'm just not up to it."
For her family of three, she re-
quires the weekly services of both a
cleaning woman and a laundrees. She
patronizes only expensive specialty
shops, unable, so she says. to endure
the jostling of the crowds in the big
stores. And following any ahopping
expedition, the family dines out,
although she never serves a meal that
requires much preparation.
Her husband thinks her gallant,
tells how even when she bas spent
most of the preceding week in bed she
will pull herself together to accom-
pany him wherever he has to go.
He. the youngest of four boys, grew
up to his brothers' taunts of "sissy,"
and his mother, who had hoped he
4 Famil11WHkl11,M1trch161 1!16.'I
. .
and How They Do It
as told to Adele Whitely Fletcher
founder -ct beeutfft °"9dDr ol h Mofrioge
<ovnMli"8 Sena of o-ter New Yori
would be a girl, declaring, in a voice
never meant to be flattering. "You're
juat like your fat her!"
Not surprisingly, therefore, he
came to have doubts about bis man-
hood and so ia happy with a woman
whose dependence he finda pleuing
and reuauring.
Thoee who dominate by beinl' ap-
parently weak actually employ the
"clin&'inl' vine" technique. CllngiDI'
vinee use their feminine attribute. to
keep a husband at their slde. always
tramlatina-the time he ispenda with
tbem and the thinp be does for them
in tenna of devotion.
Clinl'inl' vines. generally insecure
and inherently lonely people, often are
poueesin enough to be jealoua of a
buaband'a male f rienda, his buaineu.
profeuional, or recreational interests
-and even bis dog.
They say cbaracteriatically, "I don't
know what to do, tell me, pleaae" ...
''You keep it! I'm afraid I might loee
it" ... '1 love you so much I wouldn't
want to live without you." Rarely do
they know they are frauds. And any
suggestion they are dominating
would horrify them.
0... wife intensified her clinging
domination by hysterics. Her young
husband, returning from a few Sun-
day hours of football. would find her
lying with a compress over her tear-
swollen eyes because, she told him,
she bad felt deserted.
"It's as if," this man explained,
"abe doesn't want me to be with any-
body but her or do anything that
doesn't include her. She' a forever tell-
ing me that marriage ~ounselora
r ecommend married couples spend
their time together."
Karriage counselors like marriage
to be a cloee relationship, true. But,
u I carefully explained. we do not
mean it should be a prison. I sug-
. rested thi~ man aak his wife to go to
the ball gamee with him and after-
wards take her out for lunch.
Unfortunately, the day she finally
agreed to go was chilly and overcaat.
He came off the field to find her in
tean. She said she had a "chill." Their
luncheon, too, was an abysmal failure.
She kept insisting be cared more
about football than he did about her.
Be aryued this. But when he did not
offeT to l'ive up playing, she rushed
from the restaurant.
No .,.. llke1 scenes. Men espe-
cially dislike them. Scenes, therefore,
have a way of being a last resort in
attempts to dominate.
This husband gave up football. He
f inda life euier this way. So does bis
wife. But I would not be surprised if
she., keepins him at her aide on Sun-
d..., mominp, bu not in a subtle way
10et more than sbe bu gained.
There are women who, wit h no
pbyaical or financial need to do ao,
require husbands to help with houee-
work and other household chorea.
Those whose will to dominate takes
this direction also may require a man
to look after the children. One wife 1
know asks her husband to bathe the
baby every evening. She explains,
"While they're splashing around to-
gether, 1 lie down and read the eve-
ning newspaper. Thia way I'm a bet-
ter conversationalist when the maid
serves dinner."
She OI' the maid could bathe the
baby before her husband came home.
Then he and his son could have their
opportunity for cloaeneH as they
shared, lets say, a bedtime story. But
the bathing ritual was a way of wifely
Of course. there ia never only one
reason for the way we behave. Those
who tax husbands with housework
may do so because they enjoy the
sense of power they derive. Or t hey
may pref er going to luncheons, shop-
ping or playing cilrda to etay1nr home
and doing housework. Or they may
resent a huaband going off to work
where they visualise him having a
fine old time, being waited on by a
pretty secretary and lunching expen-
sively with busineu AUOCiates. There
also are wives, plagued by frigidity,
who hope in this way to emaecalate
their husbands so that sex will be 1esa
of a nuisance .
Those who dominate because they
hanker for additional luxuries will
talk admiringly of all the thinp other
men provide. They will say, with m-
concealed longing, "Mrs. Ne-~t-Door
hu a new mink stole!" "My brother
just bought a bir color tv." "The
Down-the-Street.a have the moet beau-
tiful air-conditioned station wqon."
The husband of auch wives are
driven to copying the neirhborlnr eo-
retten-and often at a heavy ·price
to the wife.
A dominating mate, a.a I mentioned,
is not neceaaarily a handicap to a mar-
riage-but 1he ia a potential danger.
Marriage counselors try to diminish
any one partner's dominance. when
poeaible, because they have found a
cooperative, give-and-take relation-
ship the moet wholesome.
In the end, tbourh. it is a couple's
self-undentand i ng-ind h·idually and
aa a twoeome-that determines the
courae of a marriqe. ~
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Chicken from a Skillet
MILANIE DE norr Food Editor
• The en lift f •mlly ie likely to
be Oii haad wlaea dliekea ia Oii
the me-. Thia f.-.orite provide.
high proteia .. d ia euy on the
badgel. Here are epedal redpee
for daieken Pftpared In • ekillet.
Patio Chicken Skillet
% np btltter or aarpriae-
3 daickea breute•. "•lni~
% aeu..,. e1'1181ted ~y•e &eatte
t t.Uleepoea ..... ,.salt
Few crane pepper
% teu,._ Tabuco
1 ew• ITeft .. ffel' piette
l eap elitoppel oaioa
1 qt. water
8 ........... ....
l eu (ltYa oa.) e.Meued
creaa of celery ... P
YJ cap alke.I pitted ripe otiua
1. Brown chicken in hot butter or
margarine in a large skillet.
2. Sprinkle chicken with Accent
and then a mixture of thyme, 1
teaspoon of the seasoned salt,
and pepper. Cover and cook over
low beat 15 min. or until chicken
is tender. Remove chicken and set
3. Mix into drippings in skillet
the remaining salt, Tabasco,
green pepper, onion, and then
water. Brina: to boiling. Gradually
add noodles to boiling mixture ~
cover and simmer 15 min. or until
noodles are tender, stirring oc-
4. Mix in undiluted soup, olives.
and. if necessary, more water.
Add chicken, cover, and beat.
6 1eruinga
*If iui11g ff'o:t.n chickn breut-a,
that0, folWwiflg ipMkoge dif'ectiou.
On-the-Wing Appetizers
30 c:hiekea wia1 dnma (tllkkat
portioa of wt.1)•
2 tableepoou ••1•r y, teupooll sroud 1iD1er
Yi teupoo11 ult
% teupooa Aec:eat
% cup llOJ aaaee
% em, a,teed pead9 •Ynt•
1 taMapoon leaoo Jake
5 drope Tabaeco
1 clOTe prlie. aiattd
J . Brown chicken wing druma
evenly on all s ides in a small
amount of hot butter or ••rca-
rine in a large, heavy skillet.
2. Generously brush chicken with
a mixture of the remaining in-
gredients. Cook over low heat un-
til chicken is tender. t urning and
Patio Chickn Skillet tDitA .Mized
tiegetable 1ala.d 10eleomH ~1'g.
brushing frequently with the
sauce. 30 "P'P'tiun
*I/ ming f rozni clticU. 1oifl&g•.
tha.w, /oUowing ~kage directioM.
Red Simmered Chicken on
Fried Rice
4 lbL daid1ea pieeee for fryi•r•
1 !4 cups ai•ced IK'alli-.. or
P'ff1I oaiou % cap soy naee
% cup water
~ cap lightly packed brow•
YJ teupoo11 Aeeeat
2 tableap a .. lt.U.r w
% cau (l! to 14 oa. uc9') fried
rice with c~ba w •eat
(see Hte)
Z tables.,.... water
2 tableepoom eorutardt
1. Put chicken and 1,4 cup scal-
in a large skillet. Pour a
blend of soy aauce. water, and
brown sugar over chicken; sprin-
kle with Accent. Bring to boiling;
simmer, covered, about 30 min.
or until chicken ia tender, turn-
ing pieces once.
2. Meanwhile, heat butter or mar-
garine in a skillet, add remainin«
scallions and the fried rice, and
heat thoroughly, stirring occa-
sionally, using a fork.
3. Turn bot rice onto a heated
platter. Arrange chicken piece!'
on top.
4. Bring liquid in skillet to boil-
ing and atir in a blend of water
a nd cornstarch, cooking rapidly
about S min. Pour sauce over the
chicken. B Hrr1i1'g1
•Jf iuiJ&g frozn diem JH#Ctt,
t ltaw, / oUo t0itlg pack.o,ge dirtc1 .. 'IM.
Note: Two pqa. (10 os. each)
frozen fried rice with chicken or
meat may be uaed.
Fa111il11 W•P~, Moroll II, 1161 7
Why would anybody
give you 7C Off OD·-
a water softener
that works better
and costs I~ than
the leading brand?
,. '
to get you to try it!
After you try it. Rain Drops should be
the leading brand-at least your Jeading
brand. New formula Rain Drops has three
times the softening power-it's more efficient
-it costs less per load. It forces your
detergent to work harder. You get whiter,
brighter washes. Now. here's a little
something to get you to try it.
r-------.---........._~-~----~--~--------7 ¢ .
0 a..
"' a::
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SAVE 7c ....... ... _, ... .,.,..
MA. GflOCVt! Yout S-..., ~will 1199 '°" 1,
,.... 2' -Incl CNl9e ....... "' • ._ -Or .....
dlfWCll lo A. E. SW., ..... Co., P.O. 9oa f900. 0.C..U., 111. Giii!!.. '"""'°" -inv ~of e.illlcie<C Aocli .. ow ..._ lo --.. -_..., --... .,_ ,,_,_,.,end .......... do..,-·
a out Qlltloft, void •• -.--•llitd tcw -.iton lor wt.Id\ no
PfOOf of P'Oduc:I» Ollf\:1-lcl le ~. OFFER VOID IF THIS PlAH ~
M(flOW«llSIHG IS TM.l.O OA RUTRt<:T£0. £,ip1,. O.C. 31, ttiet..
Cull Velw 1 /8lltl cef'll.
I I Z I ~ i
o I
"" I a:: • 0 I
Cl) I
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Really Speedy
We could say we don't like to brag. but ...
But we do. Wc'rl' proud. Our Agents arc loren:r winning
prurc~siunal award~. Far, far more than their share.
Why? Well. w~ du choose them cardullv. train tht~m well,
and they ~r\.·n<l full time~c job. Thc.:~c thing all help.
But most o f thl·m rca~h thl' IUJ? through hard wurk. Many
regularly burn th\.· midnight oil. Volun tarily. They kCL'P up
with thl'ir ftdd so they can do a bl..'ttt:r job for their clients.
Good Agent~.
Would you like to w lk insurance with one ul our "honor~
graduatc.:s"? Just call the New York Lik otfo::c.: nearc.:s t you.
Nl'\\ York Lik Insurance Compan.\'
51 Madison A\·c., New York, N.Y . 10010
LikGroupand Health ln ... ur~rncc,
Annuitil!!>. Pem.ion Plan'.
• e1rc ass.
a I
' fot
a "
How to Find
Art Treasure in
Your Attic
The dusty old oil painting or water color just might be
a sought-ofter masterpiece worth thousands of dollars
ADOZEN YEARS ago, in a junk
shop in Tulsa, Okla., an ac-
tor named William Roerick hap-
pened to spot a dusty, torn oil
painting dated 1874.
Roerick liked the painting and bought
it-for $35. Soon after. he learned to his
surprise that his purchase was an original
wbrk by Winslow Homer, one of America's
most famous artists. In 1961 Roerick sold
his discovery to an art collect or. The price:
a mere $25,000.
This story highlighttl the fact that the
junk shops, attics, and par!ors of America
contain many paintings-and drawings
and prints-which, although their owners
don't know it, may be worth a good deal
of money. And the most exciting asped
is that, to get your hands on a prize paint-
ing. you don't have to be an expert!
An upstote New York woman with no
formal a rt training inherited a small
water color from her father. who had
owned a frame shop. Believing it WM
worth roughly $100, she took it to a New
York City auction house. The picture
turned out to have been painted by the
late John Marin, a well-known artistic in-
novator. It was sold for $4,400.
This anecdote concerns a ·painting by
a well-known a rtist, but it is also possible
to turn up worthwhile creations by less-
famous men a nd women, creations worth
hundreds rather than thousands.
Through the centuries, many fine por-
traits, landscapes, seascapes. and still lifeR
have been executed by obscure American
Do You Have Their lost Art?
Great sum.• await tht rultilnagera who di~
cnver n1iasing paittJifl.(Js b11 s1tch artists CUt
Thoma& Eakin.s rlefU and Wi"aloui Homer.
professionals aa well as ''primitive."" ( un-
schooled artista).
One of the moet intriguing facts about
valuable old paintings is that art experts
have exact information about specific ones
which have dropped out of sight and might
be hiding anywhere--in old barns, base-
ments, antit1ue shops.
Thomas Eakins, the well-known l 9th-
century painter, did two portraits of Presi-
dent Rutherford B. Hayes, for example.
The second is now in a museum in Yon-
kers, N .Y. The first, painted in 1878. dis-
appeared years ago, and can't be traced.
In many ways, the two pictures are alike,
but with a major difference : the missing
picture was pain¥ on a very hot day.
and Hayes was red-faced and perspiring.
It found, the missing porb'ait would be
worth between $250,000 and $500,000.
People who own promising-looking pic-
tures often ask : "How can I find out how
much my painting if4 worth?" A good first
step is to show it to the staff of a museum.
Although policy prevents museums from
giving specific price evaluations, they are
sometimes willing to provide information
concerning authenticity.
Owners s hould write to museums. say-
ing what they know about the picture's
history; it's also helpful to give its dimen-
sions and enclose photographs.
Whenever a pre\'iousJy ignored paint-
ing turns out to have real value. the finder
receives many rewards: a monetary wind-
fall, the excitement of discovea·y. the sat-
isfaction of adding to America's store of
artistic treasures. In one case, however.
the discoverers of a precious painting
reaped still another dividend: they un-
earthed a mystery.
In the summer of 1968, a South Caro-
lina couple brought a Caribbean landscape
water color to an art expert for identifi-
cation. To their delight, the expert in-
formed them that they had turned up a
previously unknown Winslow Homer. He
added, however. that their picture wun't
the original water oolor but an extremely
well-made reproduction.
So, while the lucky couple doeif own a
valuable piece of art, the original. if found,
is much more valuable.
With luck, you may find it ! •
Famil11 Wtekl~, M4NJlt. 18, 1169 t
NOW! Rid your home of mice com-pletel.y with cl-CON• Mota11-Pnafe, the
ama&UI( mcNM killer that'•~
moaT DffCTM •.. ha.a twice u much
mo-.-killlnt inrredieot u other ladinc
bra.IMJI. It'• an i~t recommended
by the U.S. Gowmment.
CU.MIST MD umsT ... jwt pull
tab-bait feeds automatically.
IAIUT •.• •t\ea uaed u directed, afe
around children and peca.
No wonder Mollte·Prufe outaell1 all
otber ~killers combined-
1'~. \cm of Ue8p and a torment-Ins ltch -are often telltale alp1 of
Pin-Worms .•. usly paruitea that
medical expert.I eay infeet l out of
every S peraouexaminecl. Entire f.am-
IU. may be victims and not know It.
To pt rid ol Pin-Worma, they mwrt
be killed in the tarp lnt.eatl.ne where
they live and multiply. That'aeu.ctl.y
what Jayne'• P-W tablet.a do ... and
h4tre'1 how they do it:
Flm-a acliendfic coatina cam.. the tablet.a Into the bowela before
they diaolve. Tben-Jl.)'lle'a mod-
ern, medJcall.y-approved ~t
soeit risht t.o work-ldlla Pin-Worms
q1liclcly, eull,y. Ad: "°"' ,,,..,._ct.1. Don't take chanets with d!IJll'U-
OUI, hlshl.y conta.dou.e Pin-Womui
whleh Infect entire lamlU.. Get pn-ullle Jayne'• P-W Vennlfuce ... ama1L euy-t.o-take tablet.a .•. 1pedal
.i.. for chlldnm and adulta.
No Nagging
Backache Means a
Good Night'sSleep
Nantq bulrache h..daclMI and mu.. cular adM9 and palD• lftaJ'-on wlt.h
o••r•aerUon. e111otlonal up•ele, or n•l"7da7 st,_ and etraln. If thla nac-stq badtacbe, with ...ia... eleepS-•lahta. i. ••rf•c J'OU °"t. maklnc you aleerable and lrritabl., don't wait, try
Do.n'1 PW.-an ana.Jc-lc. a P&hl re-U...V. Doan'• paln·Nllevlq llCtJoe on
naalq backache la oft«G t.be auwer.
C« Ooa.n'• PW. -not a hal>lt-fon11ln11 bas bvt. a weU-knOW11 etallde.nl "'9-ecb' wed •-full1 b7 million• tor O'fer 10 ,_,... S-II they don't brlnir
>'Oii the -w~ ttlkt. For eon-"11...._ ....... ,. -Doan'• ....... u..
Al Lew• tHi Pw Ya Acre ...
·"'\BEAUTIFUL WES RIGHT ON ~ TltE ,ROPERTY. fvll lake (llfiY· L~ il19n. R18'y ftf ltull4i1t9. Flor·
1111'• ••st yHr·1round cli1111t1. Mj1c111t to
h1ttr1adletl. Fltrilla, tht Bau C.pittl tf the
W«lll widl c111w11lnt dltppi111. dlurdlu
achttla. F11ll Miity lladi gHrHtff. SEND
OIUGATION. Sin., t1 U1' ff lwgtr tt1c:ta.
llTHlACMll lAlll EnATH D•..U ............ w..,.. ..... ffll,J'lt11 •
Common Kidney or Bladder lnlta-Uona allect twice u many women u men, often caua1J11 1.e1111eneu and Mrvo~ trom frequent. burnln1. ll<'hlng urlriatlon. Secondarlly, you
may I~ •lft'l> and ha~ HeadlllChee. Back&.'h•• and feel old•r. tired, de-Prt'Sied. In •ucl\,catn. CYSTEX u1u-ally hrlnga reldln1t rornCort by curb-ing germ1 In 11cld urlnt, and eulng pain. <AtCYSTEX atdru11l1ta today.
10 Minute
Jewelry Test
Shows How
To Clean
Modern dentul'ftl are like 6ne
jewelry-valuable but very Mii)'
to damage. That's why more and
more dentista now sui1est aook-
in1 denturea dean in eaay-to-
U&e Ku:ENlT& instead of hard-
brushing with scratchy pastes
and abrasive powders.
That's ~ause KLUlNtTE'a
triple· action formula cleans your
arti&iaJ teeth like fine jewelry.
(For proof, just give yoUT dia-
mond ring a IO·minute dip in
KL££NITE and see how ~fl'ectively it toab away stain!)
KLZENITE'a special formula
combines 3 stain·removing ac-
tions: (1) dett>rgent; (2) oxidis-
e r: (3) solvent. It h eh>• soak
away dingy
film, Even
deep tobacco
stains. Helps
rest.ore orig-
in a I white·
ne!UI. Try it.
at all drug
• • persp1rat1on
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tlteus11ds wlll '"''lrt ~tnllJ
An antiperspirant thet rully
worka! Solvea underarm
problema for many who had
despaired or effective help.
Mitchum Antl-Penplrant-
kee119 underarms abeolutely dry
(or thoUM.nda or grateful u.n,
with complete genUeaeu to
normal ek.in and dothlnc. Th.iii
unusual fonaula frc>m a ~ wort~ 56-year-old labontory 11 guaranteed to eatilly or
dealer will refund purchaae
price. So pt tbt .,,..Stive j)l'O-t.ectioft of Mitchum And....,_
epirant, Liquid or cream. $3.00,
90-4&1. MlP&>b. Availablie et your favonte ch-us or toiletey counter.
Coven Eorl Lewi• for Globe.
'°9e 21 NIC. 'oee )! loberl W. Y°""9 for ,,0 ,~ 71 lOff'Olll for fPG.
"9 .. 9? kttwto"" Archlv•,
r I
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NOW/ For a Liniit~ Ti~e Only I
both JUST S 2 will brmg you
WOMEN'S COMFORT ... ,.. .... £""' "" • .,,,
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WOMEN'S HOUSE.HOLD ia ... no.._ r pa•,..,..
..., ..... or rud. l"a ..... frte11dly, illfanMI. Not• ward
in it is • ilten bJ .. profeaionML" ll'a one of the w lllllC·
azines published which is written entitely bJ Ila ruden
••. women just like ,ouneff who.,. ............. in the WM
thinp JOU ..... : cookinc. uwinc. children, pwldtildren,
hobbies, homemakinc. etc. Enjoy 5 bic iuuH • . . one •
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We promise you'll be delictrt-f with this,... ind unusual lftlP?inef
WOMEN'S HOUSEHOLD is just like 1 friendly neilhbor. Throuch its
paps you'll meet thouands of other wonderlul houMWivies from all
OWK the country ... enjoy 1 friendly set·toletMr rilht In the priwcy
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tures •nd advice. And if you like you can corrapond dlrwetly with otMr
reeder& (perhaps from some pert of the country where you used to
liv.) who will enjoy hearing from you and exchlnsina idMI, •nd ewn
c:onfldenc;a, with )'OU.
WOMEN'S COMFORT will brine co1nfort, ct... w1 entw-
tainment into ,.,. home eech month! Thia ....... frilndlJ
publication wiH drop in like I friend brtncinc IWWI, ....
hobbies, hoUMfMtld hints ....... of fwinlltinc .........
from pleaunt helpful homewiwes ...... to ...... their ....
t....a wiUI ~ RNden tefl us thM WOMEN'S COMFORT
mapzine is lib a ray of IUMhine. Get the nut 5 bic iuUla
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EnieJ llleJ Hours of &Wtrl•• r•
The l°'9 purpose of WOMEN'S COMFORT la to ICld 1 bit of cheer to
your day ••. make you •nt to forpt the dishes and your houMWOl'k
for • few hours whenever the postman defiver'a • a>py to your home.
~-rs---It's chock full of such lnt.restinc '-lures u: RMClen' Tested Recipes.
Mlui"I Penona. Old Tune Sonp and Poema, NMd'9woftl Patt.ms.
Handicrafts Plans. Hobby News. Ruden' letters, Garden T1lk, m1ny,
many·motef You won't hlW a dull moment for hours and hours wh
month on the dly that WOMEN'S COMFORT drops Into ,our hornet
And there •re ~. Iott of them, that are sure to int.fut ,ou.
If you're not comphrtely aatiafled with the very first luuff of these two
wonderful mapzlna, your money will be munded lmrnedlateJy ...
in fulll
~-----------------~ I WOMEN'S HOUSEHOLD I
WOMEN 'S COMFORT I P.O.Box412-FW, o.m.r&,Masa.01923 I MAIL COUPON
II Y_, I want to r9ed tfMI nut 5 iu.... ol WOMEN'S HOUSE· I WV.~ r ·W\a VIVl8
HOU> and WOMEN'S COMFORT. Endoeld Is ( ) ctlKk IVllA rvll ''Vflll I ( ) Money Order fof $2.00 (In CaMda: $2.25). I
I CfTY STATE ZIP I ~-----~-------~~----~
George Lazenby:
Arrogant Egotist
I F YOU t hink taking over
the movies' most popular
r ole f r om one of its most
popular stars requires ex-
perience, humility, and a
sligh t sense of awe, then
you're dead wrong.
George Laz.enby, the mim who is
taking over the role of J ame.s Bond
from Sean Connery, is proof posi-
tive of that statement. George, by
his own admission is ar rogant, ego-
tistical, and self~onfident.
George's physical appearance is
sure to make him the new heart-
throb of women movie-goers. TaJl,
handsome, and extremely mascu-
line. he epitomizes the lusty 007
character he plays. According t-0
Bond f ilm producers Albert Broc-
coli and Harry Saltzman, Geo rge
has much the same screen magne-
tism as does Connery.
Yet every one of the 29-year-old
actor's leading ladies (all 12 of
them) in the forthcoming Bond
epic, "On Her Majesty's Secret
Service," bu something to say
about Lazenby-all bad. Comments
range from : "He's a brilliant con-
versationalist-a.s Jong M you want
to talk about Australia" to "He's
only interested in sex."
Geor .. take• e."(ception to t hat
last comment, though. "When 1
came to .Murren (Switzerland) for
location shooting, all the girls were
chasing me," George says. "1 can't
really blame them, all they wanted
was publicity. but sooner or later
women become ugly and teety."
An incident in George's past
probably accounts for his attitude
toward women today. The son of a
former railway wor ker, George
grew up in Goulburn, Australia,
and held a number of odd jobs to
see him.eelf through achool.
Later he met a girl and grew
extl'eJJlely fond of her. When she
moved to England, George f ollowed
a short time later. "1 thought it
would be great to be with her
again,'' George recalls bitterly,
"but when I got there, she wouldn't
even talk to me."
George's good looka led to a high-
pa;ying job as a male model and
eventually a meeting with Albert
10 Jo'amil11 W.ekl11, Marolt Jtl, 1969
Broccoli. "I saw him in a barber
shop oae day," Broccoli says. "and
he looked like Bond to me." Since
Broccoli and Saltzman already
were having t rouble with Sean
Connery, they filed George's name
away for f uture reference.
But if they thought that they
had t rouble with Connery, t hey
know theytre not going to have a
picnic with George. Although he
s igned a seven-year contract,
George has hi8 own ideas about
cooperating. "No one can make me
do what I don't want to do!' George
says flatly.
Another thing that infuriatea
George's producers and leading
ladies is his indifference and lack
of manners. Saltzman, f or ex.ample,
ordered George not to ski while t he
shooting was going on, explaining
that the film was expensive and
they couldn't afford an accident.
Next clay1 Saltzman looked out
hie window and there was George
whizzing down the slope at break-
neck speed. All George said was,
"He caught me at a bad time. I waa
about to ask him for a raise !"
One of the film's female stars
recalls dropping a load of packages
and having George practically walk
over her without helping to pick
them up.
With virtually no acting experi-
ence, how did George feel about
taking over the role of the suave
British superspy 7 "No worriee,'•
says George. "Bond is basically an
arrogant, self-centered so-and-ao,
and th1t'1 the way I play him.
"When you come down to it. I'm
really only playing myself."
4 Irresistible Paintings of Kittens
Reproduced in Full Color for Your Home
Bea11tif11l Original
Oil Paintings
Now Yours As
Full Color
Large Prints
magine decorating your home with these here. Only when you receive your large
rresistible, appealing kitt.ens that have won full color prints will you appreciate how
he praise of art lovers and home decorators beautiful they w~ll be in your home.
,-----------------------· The llOKESTEAD, Dept. KP-109 : ~
P.O. Box 180, Home.tad Bld1. I
11 over America. The artist has successfully Offer Will Not Be Repeated
ptured the universal appeal of these unbe-
ievably lovable creatures with their big
yes, playful manners and innocent facial
ou'll understand why these adorable kitten
rints are so appealing once you see the
xquisit.e colors and workmanship. You can-
ot possibly appreciat.e the beautiful colors
nd craftsmanship used by the artist by
ooking at the small illustrations shown
We urge you to order your full color repro-
ductions now while the supply lasts. We will
send all 4 to you for just $1. Each print is
9" x 11" and you will be delighted by the
color and beauty these 4 lovable, irresistible
kitt.ens will add to your home. This is your
only chance to order. Be sure to fill out coupon
and mail it today. This offer will not be re-
peat.eel this season In Family Weekly.
e an SAl.H, lllC,, tUI
Naahville, Tna. 17202
Please aend me the 4 foll color Kitten Printa for just $1 1
1 plus 1~ for po1tage on fnll money back suarantee tf I
am not delighted. I
Eocloted ii•·-----(PleaM Print)
I AdclrNa•-------------I
City Stat. Zip I "' ' I D SAVBI Spedal Olrer: Order three eete of all 4 prints I
!Or on17 f2.60. (You un SO-.) Extra Mt. make perfect 1 ~~ 0303-4~ ·-----------------------J
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Arthritis can be successfully treated. You can recover. Buoyant, pain-free living should
be yours. A new 5-way practical plan of positive action causes pain and disability to go.
By William S. Kltay
Medical Science Reporter
II you've had Arthritis for years, have just had
first twinges, are susceptible through heredity-or
if you have a loved one who suffers f rorn it, here's
Scientists have revised their viewpoint on Arthri-
tis and whal you can do about at. Science now
knows that Chere is no universal sur~ure miracle
pill or drug for Arthritis -and probably never
will be.
The plain scientlfic truth is Chat you can recover
from Arthritis with simpler means. Techniques now
avaj)able can calm the pain, the activity of Anhritis,
even lesKn the damage.
What Researchers Discovered
A simple home trHtment can get you back on
your feet. give you new independence and return
.. you to useful living.
It stops pain, reduces inftammation and swelling~
gives greater use of your joints. Simply, it prevents
or minimizes the misery and crippling of Arthritis.
It is a S-Way method developed by over 1000
Arthritis specialists and general practitioners work-
ing together. It's surprisingly effective in even
severe, complicated cases. Of ten it slops short pain
and disability of NEW Arthritis sufferers-virtually
as first symptoms begin.
Why stiffer Needlessly
How often have you done your work with ar-
thritic pain scealjng your energy and dulling your
efforts? Or bas it progressed even further, and
you've looked with sink.in& heart at your bot,
swollen joints and twisted finaers-actually bruabed
tears from your eyes because you became IO de-
pendent on others' kindness?
A remarkable organization-endorsed to do the
job-has banded together the greatest medical drive
in Arthritic history-to find the truth about-and
Virtually every cooceivable method to treat
Arthritis has been investigated. Folk remedies, fake
cures, cure-alls, wild hopes of medicaJ science for
new drugs-anything promisina even alleviating re-
lief, however, unorthodox, has been studied. Over
1000 doctors and scientists joined in. If any method
worked, it was retested.
The frauds, the fakes, the false hopes were shown
up. Full facts on new medicine-side effecu-dis--
advantages-withd:rawal-effects in different sjtua-
tions were frankly faced. The work goes on-search-
ing for the min.;J.c not yet found.
Ttte Simple Truth
But the quickest, surest, safest methods >·rt found
-when again and again proven in different situa-
tions-have been in.eluded in the S-Way plan to give
you. greater relief from a~hes and ~~· peater use
of Joints, faster resumpuon of acuv1ues.
Whatever form of Arthritis, however complicated
or intensive. whatever age and arthritic condition,
the ftexible 5-Way plan adapts to help.
Here a.re the most effective tcchmques io single
areas, around knee join~ shoulder, ankle, back
of neck-techniques to improve circulation in your
entire body.
Feel the Improvement-and
Say ''Yes" to Life Again
See and feel at home your S-Way plan. Start your
body on the way to painf ree, normal living. Feel
tight joints rest. relax. free up. Feel muscles tied in
knots become more supple. Feel body tens.ion ease,
aches and pains, soreness. muscle spasms be re-
lieved. Feel muscle tendons soften and stretch. Feel
your body's full bteathing range permitted again.
Feel strength of needed muscles increase.
As you return full motion and range to joints,
you're preventing and reducing chance of crippling.
You're saving concctive action later. Because you
have found the full facts about Arthritis and what
to do about it, you've been restoring motion,
strength and power to stjflcned, weakened joints.
increasing the range of joints, helping prevent weak-
ening and deterioration of essential muscles imp<>T-
tant for walk.ing, climbing stairs and getting in
and out of chairs.
You've gained surprising independence from dis-
abiliries and you're feeling better than you haYC in yea.rs. You ~ "YES" to life again!
5-Way Plan In Book Fonn
The entire plan is now pub&.iahed in ooe ~-to
rder-to volume. You just use the information you
need. What kind of Arthritis do you have? Rheu-
matoid to Osteo Arthritis-they're here (covering
95~ of Arthritis cases) includ.lna Rheumatic Fever.
lnf ective Arthritis. Gouty Arthritis. Shoulder and
Hand Syndrome and Traumatic Arthritis--PLUS-
the RELATED DISORDERS of Rheurnali.sm. Bur-
sitis. Tendonitis, Psychogmic llheumatis -even
Fibrositis. Fucitis. Tensosyvit~ and Myositis.
Get the facts about the Arthritis that suit.es 10
men ·for each woman-and another kind that strikes
10 women for each man-the Arthritis most past <t()
eventually get to some degree-the kind that attacks
rugged outdoor men-and another kind that attacks
thin, tense, intellectual types-the Arthritis that's
the most common ca use of heart disease under <t()
and often affects children, and how best to mini-
mize healt damage from it-Arthritis a vigorous
cough makes painfully worse-a kind involving the
upper spine arriving with headache, earache. sore
throat, neuritis pajns in arms. or stiffness in occk.
And more! The most ignored warning sipaJs ol
Arthritis and what to do when you first spot them.
Facts you should know about aspirin, gold sa.I~
prcdnisone, cortisone hydrocortisone.
What food disorders can do to Arthritis and what
you can do about it. The truth about Arthritic
corsets and spine braces. What almost every patient
first suffering from chronic Arthritis docs wrongly
that can cause deformity-unnecessarily.
Amazing 6-Months Guarantee!
Available To Anyone
Any doctor. any arthritis sufleret, anyone sus-
ceptible to Arthritis, a ny family member or friend
who wants to help may accept the amazing offer
lt...is not a 24 hour miracle cure. There is none.
It's a way to help yourself and your doctor to over-
come Arthritis, stop Arthritis, relieve pain and
misery, restore action to ctippled limbs, and give
back normaJ, pain free living.
On)y if after looking over the book and S-Way
plan for 10 full days, you're convinced you can be
helped, is there any cost. Otherwise, simply return
within the ten days for no cost. And if you k.ccp the
book for its low cost-if at any time within six
months therra/trr you-or your doctor-have any
doubts of what it has done for you-if in any way
it does not do what reading this page has led you
to expect, simply return for full refund. Could any-
thing be fairer?
r---MAil NO-llSK COUPON TODAY---...,
._ 2223. Cr.-Calr1il 9bidam. New v-. N .Y. 1•1
I "'-Niil me yow boot •·o.c--. ArtJlrillt" bid_...
I full iDfonnallon oe bOw I may llucnal"'b' tral 1111 An1'tlUI.
caimc si-in atld disability to So· 1 U9daltud tM& ii lMI
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o1 O U you wiUi your order -C.0 .0 .. CHECK HllEI ! I Eactoee SI eoocMrlD ~-Pay .,__ ......._ ,._
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0 ~!. :!::' endoeed p-r Malp .,..,.U. I Ute
ii Print Na
'I ~.__~~~~~~~~~~~--
!L_~,~-----~:__ --~----J h ---
Let's Draw• P .. nut. .. n
By Ann Da.vidow
Cheerfully does
an Irish jig.
With a smile so big
Minus One
From a four-letter
word for a daring deed,
take away the first letter
and get what you do
when you go to the din-
ner table. Now take the
first letter of this word
and make it the last let-
ter and get the past tense
of the word.
(See AH.!Wer B ox 1
Plus One
To a fou r-letter word
for the kind of driving
judgment thiLt a dare-
devil driver might make
when he's trying to get
some place in a hurry,
add a first letter and get
what may happen to the
(See Att.8Wer Box l
<See Am1(ler Bo;r )
Hidden in this sen-
tence is a color much in
evidence on a ce1·tain day
in March: At the cos-
tu me party. " boy d resaed
as a fearsome ogre. en-
tered from the hall and
all the girls ecreamed.
c Ste Auwe.· Bo:r )
Answer Box:
·spua l(oog : n a .. N no..\
·:iqs puv oAq s.iaqwn.N
: 4 a~nV a.IV OMJ. 'f:l!'CM
·~1•-l•rlH.f :atl() enu1M1
·qn.1:>-qna :~uo sn1d
'U33.l!) :~••N-•-as>!H
Familr Wffklr, Morell 16, 11111 1a
I NAM..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I .
I snE£T I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I CITY ale 'Zip#
I Qua. .._ • N-ot•-Price Eadl Taul Prb
I •
....... ,.__Ml25'tw-tte.;. 1~ fir ........ ,, ... ..... ..__ __ _
~ ldttY c:t.w end ICrnch contllotedly on· her own ~~ post end ,...,_ ,_. ~ to Nin )'UUr uptd-
lt.red fumlturet catnip.treNd ~
lu,_ ~ pet she'H ~ "-"Plly Wfth the rubber bell on the tip of the coll stWins. 19" ber wfft\ pine 1Upports.
O OU19 ••• c.t '°*" lier .. SJ.W
Ille U.1 ......... .) TOTAL 9'Cl.OSE> __________________________ ..
Why be ~r· Now
you c:en entoy OWloor 11¥-
lna ,,_ from P"tY mm-qu;m., en-ta. fUa, moths
Mc. So usy to UM -jl'lt
plc.c It inl SC*4ef '"blue liaM" t.A llttnCtS lnMCts,
kills end dlslnt•1retes
them on c:ont.ct wttti the
etectronlc: Wire 1~1. WOn't
poi90l'I the elr with spreys,
ct.nlc:als •"4 furMS. 7\4"
Bus Kiiier comH with
hootl. cord, pluc. For use
Indoors and outdoon. Dldionlc ... KMew
Tl llll• 11 ILllllll llLll ALL HAHll
No dtalnc or Medina. Just unroll end wetllr the weed-.-.istant rNClc cerpet for e pnze.winnlna ftow9t" prden. Pr9-
Meded with ewer 1000 seeds. J.6 vwteti. bloom continu-
ously. Tai Cut Flewer" Cerpet inl:ludes snepdrlcons, stock.
zinnle, COMMJS. other annuels. Low ..... c.rp.t lndudes
teenrtum. cendytvft. petunie, phlox etc. EM:h ~. . $1
0 _..11-T .. ..._, ... 't.; 0 __._.._ .._. All't.
0 41442H .. $7.77
tu•·•••• FU•E HI
ILLI WEEISI In summer, destroy
..... nests, ant
hills, kill wuds.
Eesy one-hend •
et'Wtion does e safe
job while )'OU stand!
In wintllr, melt Ice.
frH t rapped car
........ No wires. ., .. ...,.,-.w betteries, costly
• fuel -2 pts. ken>-..,,. live 30 mi~
utes \.me. 3-ft. '°"l. Wlliahs only 5 lbs.
FlalMGlun ·---~~mo ..-v .$29.95
llllLEll llAll Tll .. EI
Gives )'UUr S.Wn • well-tltmmed look-"° Med for ..-.on cord or outlets! Rot.ry bleca. trim spab the a.wn mower cen't reech, edle MOUnd .,..,_
beds. ...... tr... ...... rock pr-dens. T.US 4 standerd "D" batteria
(not Included). Pmtic cae, lOW." '°'11-
0 •UllH •.• er.. T....._. $4.IS
n•llATE THE EmlE NIHEI ··~foe" eid9nniMtor t1ds home of .u fl1ina or c...wtina insects .t 11ttte expense. P9Mtrates ewry ueck end
crevice where ordlnery lnMCtlclda
}uat c:en't r...chl Ike-kl"-Is hennless to pees, fumishinp. Peck of 3 vepor-
IZMI don en entire house.
0 1'Mt ... S.,. ...... attt, .. ,, ..
80 lndlvlduel pocMb display up to
UiO of your 3'nx5" pictu'91 or 500 smell ones In juSt Inches of s~I
Trensperent pockets ell~w fln1ertlp
YWtns end protect all )'UUr fewrite
photos. Refill has 16 pockats.
0 11111 ....... , .. , ....... $1 ..
0 11114 .. .bn ... Pleb, ..... $1
A fNllP'lbnt wllft decontioft mede of
henwnef9d IUdt ,,..I, Its fNthertllle
plU1ft1181 burnished wfft\ bilhlllhts of
pctl The uftirMtie '" elepnce...,, ueed OWK a sot., rneneef; or buft9t.
Uch peecodl is 201114". llt of 2 wilt
dr.nvtize en entire room!
0 alal ••• .___ ......... $4.W
UIE-LllE "lllPAll Hlr
From Its Mturll&-looldns sPota end cud-
dly warmth, )'UU'd think this hlbulous
fake wre l'Nll So will friends as they
edmlre It In )'UUr den, bedroom or car
• • stunnfnl CO'l8f for couch, c:helr or
bed. S.me pattern on both sides.
Wllaheble cotton. 5l"x61". lmport9d.
0 ...... a.,.d ............
IEEP .... All un AWAY!
Just plac. theM wlcb In sbat.cie
&pots end exponnc pets w111 stay
.,,ay from your lewn and shrubs! Use
indooR to pt'9Wnt d.maee to fum-ture. Set. chemical ,..lent Is herm-
less to pets end humens. Hot dcted
by weether. Box of 20 wicks.
FAUllATlllULL PllllLllll
Oemonsttate e sc*1tJflc princ:JPe of
sound and motion with U.. lntriau-
lnc, twfnsifW beltsl Yourw end old wtll ,., be entranced by NtiwtDn19 ... of •• ec-~
o 3M4IH ••• ltaf-A•ar. 11ox 51
tion end ruction" demonstntlld be-
fore their eyes. A tNet bnll~tNMr
end retuert 8~" tall wetnut fnlme.
0 40U2 ..• Hula .......... t;a.•
' • t
-' .
~IRACLE VALUE FASHl_ONS bf· mil fnm llNAJPm!·
-------------------~ lAMA LOltll, H111ntr, l'ena. 17331 Dt•l 1114!3 I
~m I
Addres1 I
~ senc1 me t"-1o11ow111c: st1t. Zip __ I
Style I Quan. Silt -11tColor -2ndeoi0r PTIC'I" I A.22ill ----I
1-237'7 I
~~:: --• -----1 Payment enclosed. Add ~ postaae •lld handlln1 I cll1r1es for first drtu 111d ~ for u cll
lddltloNI lttm. ... t
C.0.0.-$2.00 Oeposit enclosed for each Item. .,. I
O 3~ Enclosed for Current 111ue of ALL COlOtl I lAHA lOBCll FASHIC)fj CATALOC.
O $1.00 Enclosed for One Yur•s Subscription. I
\Cl wa Lo11u IMC. 1•1 TOTAL ... I
Jl'ROVGH'I' IRON toall
1c01tte1 with maple leaf-
/lower motif in antique
10hate or black ( trpecif11) au gold add8 elegant i•
terest to ""1' room. Select
eaftdhB (wot incltUUd) to
co•traat or blend. Each.,
11 :r 10"'. Pair, 11-45 ppd.
Harr'Ut Carter, Dept.FAW,
Plymoutl& Meeting, lb.
shower or tub fall protec-
ti<m for tAe 10Mle family.
Vinrt adl&ent1e aaf et'll treada
eaail11 iutalled. 10 aafetr
~slip trtriptr: three 1 :r ~
a11d tr6f1en 1 :r 1!". Ideal for
children. II ppd. Walter
Drake,Dept. FW-31,Dralu
Bwilding, Colorado Spri.ng_s,
Colo. 80901.
Weekend Shopper
will be able to tell why. Simply slip these
invisible height pads into your shoes and
t-w-o whole inches are added instantly!
Interchange in all your shoes. Please be sure to state
your shoe size. Gives big boost to self-confidence. Only
$1.98 per pair ppd. Liftee, Dept. FW-3, P.O. Box 608,
Church Street Station, New York. N. Y. 10007.
Pl.A Y THE HARMONICA in 6 minutes
or your money back! Harmonica ha.s
solid brass plates and individually
tuned bronze reeds, with heavy
nickle-plated covers. Complete with
~. ~ I -·
instructions that show how to play right away, plus 200
songs (words and music), plus 50 extra for 2 and 3 part
harmonizing. $3.98 ppd. Ed Sale, Studio FW-4, Avon by
the Sea, N. J. 07717.
cushions the ball of the foot; a soft pad JiftJi&
metatarsal bones; a section gives arch support,
and the pads can't slip! Interchangeable. Pads
are washable. State shoe size. Be sure to specify
for man or woman. $2.28 per pair; 2 pairs,
$3.76 ppd. Special! A free foot-care catalogue
comes with each order. Foot Products, Dept. FW-3A,
P. 0. Box 34, Malverne, N. Y. 11566.
Raise these little charmers in a jar or
bowl. Educational for the children and
fun for the whole family. Live delivery "
guaranteed. Delightful! ~ each ppd. or
$1.90 for papa, mama, and two babies. Florida Seahorses,
Dept. B·llA, P. 0 . Box 300, Miami Beach, Fla. 33139.
Sta Long is a nail builder that's
used like a polish to repair and
build up your own nails in min-
utes! Carry on duties with no
fear of peeling or splitting. Looks as real as it feels. Stays
on until your own nails grow out. $1.98; 2 kits, $3.50;
8 kits, $5 ppd. Conover House, Dept. FWN-3, P . 0. Box
778, Church St., New York, N. Y. 10008.
14 Fa.mil11 Weekl11, Ma.rclt.16, 1969 ---
al for
71 . ;
and her t Capra Gema coet far
tu. and dazzle wwre than dia-
monds. 1-carat can be pu.r-
chued for $27! Write for free
book on rinp for men. women.
Capra Gem. Dept.FW-316,Box
3148, Philadelphia, PL 19160.
t•POll'l'ED Holland bJoominr
medium 1ir.e gladiola.a bulbe in
mixed and multicolors. 50 glad
buJbe $1 with S peacock orchid
bulbe free. 100 glads, 6 orchids,
$1.98. 200 glads, 12 orchide,
$3.75, Add 40f postage. Mich-
igan Bulb, GH-96A-60, Grand
Rapids, Mich. 49502.
BABrs shoes bronze plated in
metal for $3.99. A.18o all-metal
portrait stands, TV lamps, etc.
Write for detaila, mooey ... v-
ing certificate, bandy mailiq
sack. American Broming Box
65S3-C26, Baley, Ohio 48209.
--·-.-.. iai-~ ~ .,.._fif ~ --·---
GUIDE to antiques and curios
tells current price· to buy or
eell. Facta, prices on lOOO'a of
items, jewelry, china, etc. 224-
pqe edition, $2; 362-pqe de-
lUie with co&or eectioD, 7C)..pqe
list of Currier A Ives printa, $6.
Quality Values, Dept. FW-A.
New Rochelle, N. Y. 108CM.
,,~ ,.,,. ........ -1111n•-........ 11 ....... _ ........ ___ .,..,, __ ......
'"HM.f fltMK" Ructmg Glasses
n.w ·-.. r,_., .... •r'r .....,. -a ...-i aw
....... ""' "IC i. ..... -.. --. f\t
... H .... -· -· ...... -.. ,i. •• t ...
--........ ··" "'-~ • .._ •ltlt .... ~.._ Terttow., M 81adi. ~ff
S..Cllr ..,.., .,· _.,. Wk• caw •Ir ... OI ,_,
(He-., fer H .Y. M/'7)
,.., ..ncAL., .._. 7M,M Rfttl AM., wt 11, flY.
Here'11\e Way
To Cult A Rapt11e
A'IY e Oil ''1 DPOSUr:'E
Kodacolor Film
Aching Muscles
DeWitt's Pills
~, •Y, ..... y IA08•1G llCIN • ,_,CW..
....... _. ........ WIS W , IM001Hll OUT .,._la tWI Waa .. 1r .......... n.a.Y-Mayft1Wt
,...., "'·,.. ---Ottu.I,
Orr, Sr•h& .. ww
r------~---------n.R&1Wco ........ Ar••
I 4t1 w. •• '1'9' a .. a...-. a '°'°'
0 .. :.=r.=r.r..v-wni 1-...caL 0 ............ Ott~_..,. --___ ..,.... _....,.,_.,...,_.. .... , __ ,. __ ., ____ O ._e.&.1. • .-... oc.i....,.._...,......_._..,.....
........ ..
TOllATO.,.-tt••tL Wiiii ....... ,,. .... ......... ~ ...
1 ....... _ .....
-!!.NII• W••teee. _....,.. ... .,..,. u .... ...... .... -·•.1 •-4 .:.::.=:~ .. ......
-=-=--1~ Jllr.(IWJn...)•
....... 0-... o..w. <--. .... _, ............................ au••a•• HID a PUllT co.
..... , ................ 41111
,.--I ,, I
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bumo by RCA'• own sreet stars-pluo top·otar album•
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Ins those th•t ch1rsa you $5.00 to Joint
You Get FREI! Record1I No fees .•• no d uesl Ao •n
1ctlve lflember of the RCA Record Club, you choooe
one record FREE for every two you buy •lier trlel
membership. You i•t the Club's monthly m11ezlne
FREE. You cesh In on opeclel baraalnsl
You NHd NOT Buy • Record Every Monthl Take the
Mein Select Ion, or eny one of over 300 •ltern1tes •.•
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buy 4 more records within 1 yur et re1iul11 Club
prlcn: usu•llY $4.98 or $5.98, plus smell 1hlpplns·
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Western, or Today's Sound (Otis Reddlns. Monkeeo,
Sonny & Ch''· etc.) for teen1.
Send No Money-10 Day FREE Trl•ll You'll be billed
99¢ •nd smell shlpplns·H rvlce ch1rse-after you set
your 4 records. If not dellshted, return them within
10 deya •nd pay us nothlnsl No risk. Pick 4 record•
now, write their numbers on pcntpeld card, detach
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• ....
q~ •· -hMI • • •
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: Pluse accept this appllc1tlon for trial meJ11tfehhlp In the RCA Record Club ind send mt , the four records Indicated below .•• pl11s my FREE Record Clunln1 Cloth and Tone Arm • Ouster·8rush Attachment. 8111 me later for only 99¢. I 11ree lo rurchase four more rec· f Ords within I year al re&ular Club prices. Thereafter l IS Ion& IS remain 1n tctlve mem·
' ber, I may clloose 11111 ncord FREE fOC' every two I ouyl A small shlpplne·servlce cturse
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; 0 Indicate by number I f the 4 record• you want: ._ ______________ ...._ ___ __.
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E) PIHH prin~
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Arr• Codt
BOTH u1efwl 11111
.., , .... flt[[ :':r.o"wf"t•
.... ., .. c
eT. 1 oooa ttt DOWN .......... $2788* "'DOWN
...... Me.
CM._, • ._..~ ,.. Prb + '• & Lie. On ..., .... ~It
IAUI .. ,. ' ...... 1., ... 7 ._.
T .... tin M,. I •·•· te I P·•·
Me:.., I•·•· t9 f P·•·
9 •• ..
9.! ..
I\'. ll f·~ N I ~ 1 , IB ,.,_ tlle ...... o.t (C)
Robin Heod
6:20 1Jlht Us l1lll D11/Ntws (C} ll:OOfl ~Wl• of Uf• (~ 6:301 SuntlM S.1111ter (C) I ft: ~!,m~J.t (C) [ducatitn EldlM&• (C) Graham Kerr.
THChtr ln·Stmct (C) m Slltriff lo'ln (C)
Educational Futares II) Romper Roo11 (C)
Ttdtnkal Comtr 11:25 IJ Qi) (j) C8S News (C) Douglas 7:001 OdJIMY (C) Edwards. ,
· @@m TIM Today Sllow (C) 11:30 11 IJtE Surd. f01 Tomorrow (C) • uah Downs hosts.
I Eurdst W'ltll Qlorii (C) · a;, [JI Guta (C) BUI
Mr Wishbone (C} Cullen hosts.
F.iix the Cit (C) Q The Annlwtr11ry Q1111t (C) AJ Hamel hosts.
ComlllOdity Report II) World Adventure, (C) Mon.,
7:15 fE Stodl Martet Wed., Fri.; Travel Wittl Doti 111d
7:30 IJ CBS News (C) Joseph Bentl. Bettina, (C) Tues .• Thurs.
Q The Momin& Show (C) Ed Nel· 11:.S fJ News (C)
soln ::,~~ f .. blru (C) 11:55 Q @@ a;, NBC News (C) Ed·
Tiit Fllntstonn (C) wm Newman. ·
8:00 IJ ~ Cl) Captain 1tan11roo (C)
With Bob Keeshan. 12 oo -c
I llf BlbJsitttl' (C) • : ~ Boutique ( ) steve Dunne and
Mi& ..... Mouse (C) Whitney Blake co·host.
"'1 0 fU @ a;, Hidden Fices (C} Rodlet Robin Hood (C) g Cartoons (C); Cooklna With Cor·
8:15 @ 00 Video Dlpst (C) ris, ~) Wed.
8:25 O Community Bulletin Bolrd (C) empo (C) Doman and Elwell. I m m lewitdled
Popeye (C) Office ol the President 8:30 I Cartoons (C) m News (C)
Qu11by (C) (j) linllletttr Show (C) rn Webster Webfoot (C) 12:30 I Qt Ci) As the World Turns (C)
9:00 IJ The luCJ Show (C) · Q) Ci) a;, DIJS of Our Uvel 0 ~ (I) €f3 Snap Judpent (C) a M~donald Carey stars.
Host Ed McMahon welcomes Bill Stinar11 (C)
Cullen and Dina Merrill. @ (3) al FunnJ You Should O Leave It to Beaver As11 (C) Lloyd Thaxton hosts. Mike Q Movie; See Daytime Movies. Connors, Carol Wayne, Rose Marie,
Jacllle Joseph is hostess. Stu Gilliam and Marty Allen auest
I The Rul McCoJs I Movie: See Daytime Movies.
@ (]) J.1ck LI Linne (C) Dialin& for Doll1rs (C)
Rocky 1t1d His Friends (C) Tedlnietl Comer
(j) Andy ~rlffith (C); Ann Gut· 12:55 Q @ (]) &J Children's Doctor
dler Show, Fri. (C) Tuesday·Thursday. Lendon H.
9:25 0 Q) @ €f3 NBC News (C) Nan· Smith, M.D.
cy Dickerson. 1:00 IJ ~ (i) love Is 1 Many Splen·
9:30 fJ ~ (j) Beverly Hillbillies (C) dored Thlile jC) 0 · @ a;, Concentration ( C) § @ @ m The Doctors (C)
Bob layton hosts. Doble Gillis 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. @ @ &J Dream Home (C)
Johnny Grant hosts. Mike Darow hosts.
I Western Stu Thutrt Ell Commodity and Stock R.,ort
Dennis the Menace 1:30 I ~ Cil The Guldin& Li&1rt (C) Educational Feablres (C) • @ @ m Another Wor1d (C)
Ci) H.,dtn's Happening (C) Flther Knows Best
10:001J Andy Grlffitll @ @ tlE) Let's Make a Dtll . 0 Qi) (j) €f3 PenonalltJ (C) Host ( ) Monty Hall hosts.
Larry Blyden welcomes guests Rob· ID That Show (C)
ert Merrill. Rita Moreno and Ed·
ward Mulhare, who discuss the in·
ner personalities of Pearl Balley,
John Forsythe, Hope Lange, Eva
Gabor and Senator Everett Dirben.
! Movie: See DaJtime Movies.
Trutb or ~ (C)
@ Sun111 Today (C)
10:30 I '1 (j) Didi Van Dyke Show · @ €f3 Hol!Jwood Squares
( ) eter Marshall hosts.
2:00 IJ ~ (j) Secret Storm (C)
0 @ @ €f3 You Don't SIJ (C)
Tom Kennedy hosts. Phil Ford and
Mimi Hines guesl O Love That Bob; Cookin& Aroultd
the Wor~ (C) Wed.
Q @ Li.I &) Ntwlywtd G1• (C)
Bob Eubanks hosts.
I!) Movie: See Daytime Movies.
2:30 fJ ~ (I) The Edp of Niatrt (C) 0 @ @ €f3 The Match G1mt (C)
Host Gent Rayburn wtlcom• Shell•
MteRae end Jldt Cessidy IS ™' week's team captains. 8 Clrt Tl& (C) Vlrtlnla Graham. D (ff} ()) m Dltllt ca.. ce>
Jim Iinae hosts.
2:55 11 0 @ m NBC News (C} FloJd
a:OO ITM Ullkllttlr S11ow <C>
P.DJI. (C) Dennis James hosts.
HI ay htrol
(3) al Gtatral Hotipltll (C)
el ill!. Cat (C); l.oon•, (C)
on. only.
Matl. nee: Don Rodewald.
DlaUq fw Oolln Movie
Mt: Don Wilson.
3:15 fJ NIWS (C)
3:30 1J Lldy Pair (C) Gtoff Edwards
O MIU Douat11 (C) Edie Adams
CO·hosts. YortJ P9fftical, (C) Mon·
day only. 0 Divorce Court (C)
Q ~Cl) Q) 0ot·Uf1 To Uvt (C)
G Mevte: Ste D1ytlme MGMtl.
G) My FMritt Mrial 6J Htllo Kelly (C)
4;-00 II M~. Ed; ~ s.. OQttma iOvies, Wtd. only.
I Orzlt Ind Hanttt
Tiit l'Hcltstona (C)
4:30 Mowlt: Sit Daytime Movies.
Mister Rtbtrts (C) News (C) Biii ,Bonds.
Ceorp Nu• News (C) loio's 8'c Tep SM (C) ~GR Mike Doulllt (C)
ir•et• Pim ""' • • own Till (C)
5:00 IOllC N....mct (C)
ICM News (C)
• Tiii Cr90VJ Sbaw (C)
The Addam f111ilJ
W Jl•lllJ no.-... .. (C) TIM l.ucJ Sltow (C)
• ltlMtl (C)
5:30 Q GZl (1) ABC News \C) fnnk
Tiit Rat Patrol (C) i nolds.
The MoMJ111ktrs (C) Jim Peny
I ; smiian's llland (C)
6 11als o., 1969 (C)
NtwSIP (C)
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"Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey on
way," an ABC special blending song and
and .starring two of the most captivatin
sonalities io American entertainment. airs i:
Sunday at 8 PM.
Miss Channing, who created the title 1
the smash Broa<Jway musical, "Hello, Dolly
Miss Bailey, currently playing the lead
show's all-black version, are teamed io 1
woman show that combines rousing soot
lcsque and comic chit chat
The musical hour, brightly laced with I:
ous interludes, opens with a tandem perfor
of the songs "Two Little Girts from Little
and "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey."
·then takes the stage alone for a medley of
that includes "If My Friends Could See Me :
"Little Green Apples," "Wives and Lovers
"What the World Needs Now."
In a segment titled "Roles I Would Lil
Have Played," the Misses Channing and
render their interpretations of "The Oldest l
lished Floating Crap Game io New York"
"Guys and Dolls," "Trouble" and "76 •
bones" from "The Music Man," "Nothing I
Dame" from "South Pacific" and "If I W
Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof."
A comic highpoint is Miss Channing's
lesque of Carmen Miranda, Marlene Dietricl
a fictional silent screen sta.r whose caro
talkies was dashed because of a speech irr
The program closes with the singing of
Two of Us," "Elegance" and the stirring
tune from "Hello, Dolly!," marking the first
the song has been sung by Carol and Pearl ot
of the theater.
Miss Channing made box office history ·
she opened in "Hello, Dolly!" in January I
and played the role through 1,272 perform:
as the show grossed more than $17 million.
won a coveted Tony and also the New ·
Critics Circle Award for her performance.·
Like Miss Channing, Pearl Bailey drew u1
mous raves from critics when 'she took ove1
part of Dolly Levi last November. She a1sc
ceived a Tony for her performance.
"Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey on Br
way" was produced and written by Saul Ilson
Ernest Chambers and directed by Clark Jone
6:00 1J The Bit News (C) (60) D Qt Ci) m Huntltr·Brlnkley (C)
0 G111nd Ott Opry (C) (30) Roy
Orusky introduces The Irish Rovers
as this week's spedal guests. fJ Boss CitJ (C) (60) Sam Riddle
I The Invaders (C) (60)
6:30 KNBC Newservlce (C) (30)
MelodJ Ranch (C) (60)
Rosey Grier (C) (30)
I love luey (30)
Pl11in1 the Guitar (30) "lezrn·
Ing To Read Music." (R)
i Here Come tlle Stars (C)
Sim Farrar (C)
7:00 ~ (j) CBS Evening News (C)
(30) Roger Mudd.
"MA" Basketball Championship. 0 AnnivtrMrJ G1111e (C) (30) Al
Hamel hosts. fJ Death Valley Days (C) (30) "An·
gel of Tombstone." A daring fron.
tier woman with gold on the brain
leads a potpourri of prospector
types Into the wilds of Baja. Grace
lee Whitney guests. m Spotlitht With Phil Silvers (C)
(60) (R) .,. • • ID Wonders of the World (C) (30)
"The Magic of Ireland." To honor
St. Patrick's Day, the linkers visit
the "Old Sod" to see legendary
places like Cork, Dublin and the
lakes of Killarney.
EJ1) Shakespeare Lind (C) (30) A
visit to the place.s that William
Shakespeare knew best. el Exltometro
7:30 fJ ~ (j) J1etie Gleaaon (C) (60)
Sid Caesar, Myron Cohen, George
Jessel and Timmie Rogers contrib·
ute their special brands of humor
to tonight's show.
@@ m Ad1m·l2 (C) (30) "He
-He was Trying to Kill Me.'' Malloy
and Reed answer a "child left
alone" call and uncover a case of
child neglect. The little girl's par·
ents have not been home in three
days, but they are apprehended
later when they are arguing about
the use of an electric cord to dis·
cipline the child. Hampton Fancher.
Conny Van Dyke, Sydney Soule and
Dawn Lyn guest
0 YOU'RE INVITED TO * "Uninvited"! Ghosts hide
with RAY MILLAND and
Pimpler of All Time!"
1J Movie: "Th• Uninvitld" (mys-
tery) '44-Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey. 0 Cf1l (])a> The D1tin1 G111t
(_9 (30) Jim Lange hosts. D Movie: (C) "The Moultblll"
(drama) '5&--Spence< Tracy, Robert
Wagner, Claire Trevor. ID World of Women (C) (30)
"Princess from Puerto Rico." Biii
Burrud and his beautiful ruest To·
nia lzu take viewers on a tour of
what soon may be our Slst state.
fl!) I Ifie~ TIM Qlcafto CtWa: Eduea~ l ) A speclll look et
the educatlon1I problems of the
Mexican-American, with specific ·•t·
tentlon to the dele1ation of te·
i!) lff Cauctlllos
l:OO 0 ll7J @ a> The Newfywtd Ga ..
(C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. m Merv Griftin's St. P1trict'1 DaJ
Special (C) (60) filmed in New York
and Erin, this special features Burl
Ives, John Wayne. The Clancy Broth·
ers. Jimmy · Joyce and Sandy Oun·
can. ID Political Broadcast (C) (30)
Yorty for Mayor.
@ @ m ht Smart (C) (30)
"Greer Window." Smart, arounded
in his apartment by an Injury,
studies the adjacent office building
where the occupants mean danger
to 99 and himself. Lynn Bordon and
Barney Phillips guest.
EJ1) NET Festival (60) "Nina Simone
-The Sound of Soul." Nina brings
her highly personalized style to
jau , blues and folk music in this
one-woman show. (R) el Nochti de Eatreno
&:30 fJ ~ (j) Mr Tllr.. Sona (C) (30)
Ernie. convinced he possesses extra·
sensory perception, predicts disaster
for Robbie and Kat.ie if they keep
their doctor's appointment. A sci·
ence class has persuaded Ernie to
believe he has the power to antlcl·
pate the future, and when he fore· casts telephone calls and predicts
the winner of a horse race for
Uncle Chartey, Katie begins to heed
the youthful sage. a ~ @ m The Ghost Ind Mrs.
Muir (C) (30) "Son of the Curse."
An old clock discovered in Gull Cot·
tage's attic chimes death for Clay·
more, according to an old legend.
The Captain lends his support to
the validity of a curse that states
that upon the day the old clock
start$ running, the lest Gregg will
die at midnight. The children start
the clock with a skate key, and
Claymore makes his funefal arrange·
ment, determined ta, get his dol·
lar's worth. 0 (fl) (l) a> The L1wrence Welk Show (C) (60) ID Buell Owens (C) (30) el Ale&ria Ad1ma
9:00 8 ~ (!l Hotan'a Heroes (C) (30)
Vito Scotti portrays an Italian dou·
ble agent who is exposed by the
Gestapo and forced to flee for his
life to Stalag 13, where he reluc·
tantly goes along with a daring plan
to photograph enemy anti-aircraft
0 @@ m NBC 91turdaJ Mov·
le: (C) "The Viklnp" (adventure)
'58 -Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis,
Ernest Borgnine, Janet Leigh. A
saga of the fighting Norsemen of
the 8th century, detailing the an·
tagonism between a slave and the
heir to the Vlkln& throne, who are
unaware that they are brothers. fJ Million $ Movie: "Rose of WISll·
ln&ton Square" (dl'3ma) '39--Alice
Faye, Tyrone Power, Al Jolson. m Queen for a Day Spedll (C)
(60) Didi Curtis hosts a special that
features film clips of the old Queen
for a Day shows, plus conducts an
all·new contest ID Bill Andefaon (C) (30)
EJ1) Critique (C) (60) Critics rwiew
the distinctive sculitture of modern
"Slaughter on
Tenth Avenue"
Richard Egan
Jan Sterling
First time on
Los Angeles television.
Pap 5
SATURDAY (Continued)
artist Ernest Trova. Trova comments
upon his work In an lntefview with
Frtderic Tuten, Arts Mapzlne au·
thor wllo recently researched the
artist's style, Stanley Kauffmann
hosts the panel discus.sion.
0) Noches Tapatlas
9:30 6 9 (j) Petticoat Junction (C) ~) The rlght·of-way franchise of
the Cannonball and the fate of the
Shady Rest Hotel ride on the abill·
ty of the train to out·speed Hank
Thackery's Jitney bus In a race from
Pixley to Hooterville, and Uncle Joe
~egins a serious and rigorous train·
1ng program tor Wendell Gibbs.
0 @ Cl)('£) HollJWOOCI hl1ce
(e) (60) Sammy Davis Jr. hosts.
James Brown, Charro, Peggy Upton
ti) Tiit Stonemait famllJ (C) (30)
@E Los Cludillos
9:55 II Wonderful World of Sports (C)
10:0011 fB (j) Mannix (C) (60) Fritz
Weaver guests as a brilliant sur·
&eon whose sons is kidnaped and
threatened with death unless the
doctor allows one of his patients
to die. Desperate, the doctor turns
to Mannix. (R) 9'4Mt...,.
I Tiit Dtftndtrs (60)
News (C) (30)
Ernest Tubb (C) (30)
NET PlayohuM (90) "Anatol "
The romantic comedy was writt~n
by 19th-century playwright Arthur
Schnitzler. Cast includes Robert
Hardy, Moira Redmond Priscilla
Morgan, Elvi Hale. (R) '
@E Box de Mexico
10:30.fJ T.H.E. Cat (C) (30) m Maurice Woodruff Predicts
I Kitty Wells (C) (30)
Hollywood and the Stari
11:00 D 0 &) News (C)
MOvit: "The Par10n of Pana-
mlnr' (western) '41-Ellen Drew
Charlie Ruggles.. '
ti) Revlfend Fred Jordan (C)
11:15 IJ Fabulous 52 Movie: "Sl1u&)rtwr
on Tenth Avenue" (drama) 'SS--
Walter Matthau, Richard Egan, Jan
Sterling. Set against the bust1in1
New York waterfront, the story cen·
ters on the investigation of the at·
tempted killlng of a smalltime steve-
dore who was being victimized by
dockside hoodlums. fJ Sltllrday Nlaht Movie: (C) "T•
ind SJtnpaUI(' (drama) '56-Debe>-
rah Kerr. John Kerr, Leif Erick.son
Edward Andrews, Darryl Hickman:
Dean Jones. The wife of the hou•
master at an old New England
school for boys seeks to help a
sensitive, Introspective student who
1s derided by others because ot
the difficulty he has In provlni
his manhood.
11:30 @E News (C)
• M1Bh1I Diiion
lnlipt (C)
Amtrlean Wett (C)
• Tt1tro Famlll1r
12:00 @D TonlaJtt Show (C)
• MOvle: "The Dey tilt £arUt tulflt Ffre'' (sci·fi) '62 -Janet
Mun11>, Leo McKem, m 77 SUn..t Strip m Movlt: "Ptlde of ttle Marines"
(drama) '45-John Garfield, Eleanor
1:00 II Movie: "Tht Mnwlck" (weat-
ern) '52-Wllllam Elllott. tD All-Nltflt Sllow: "Atf air With a
Stranger," "Heart of tht Metter,"
and "The Woman Who Came Back."
11:00 I "" Is Utt Uft (C) ...... ..,.,.. Q1idt (C)
Mowtt: "The Lita ltorat ~ ltJ" (comedy) '47-Ronald Colman,
Peggy Cummins. MARCH 16
MORNING I Churdl In tM Home (C)
Ci) firtt ll(rtjll Cl!urdl
Co11pUs (C)
11:30 8r•n Lum (C)
All stations reserve the
right to change program-
ming wlthoUt advance no-
Movie: (C) "£qlt aad tM
Hawk" (western) '50-.John Payne
Rhonda Fleming. '
@E SUnday Matinet
AFT E RNOON The Christophers
The Bible Answera Give Us This Day/News (C) l2:001 Dilloptt In Art (C)
Tom and Jeny (C) Gent Autry
Sunday funnlts (C) lntefli1ent Parent
Aquaman (C) Ci) Double Feature: "Ma & Pa
Mormon Tabem1de Choir (C) Kettle on the Farm" and "Char11e
Sunday Storytlme (C) Chan on Broadway."
• Day of Discovery @E Cine en Su Casa
@ DIVey and Goliath (C) 12:30 IJ Q°j' 00 NHL Hodltr (C) Minne·
The Christophers (C) sota North Stars vs. St. Louis Blues. ~ (i) Limp Unto My Fett (C) 0 Movie: "Corsiun Brottltt1" (ad· Cathedral of Tomorrow (C) venture) '41-Douglas Fairbanks Jr.,
Ctl1llenaes Ruth Warrick.
Davey and Goliath (C) I TV Worship of ttle West (C)
Wondtrama (C) 1 :00 @D Meet the Press (C) ~ 00 Allen Revlnl Hour (C) @ CI> a> Directions (C) "To God Is the Answer (C) Be Is an Active Verb." A drama
!cultural Report (C) ~ploring, in surrealistic fashion
look Up and Live (C) how a woman discovers a pu~
Profile in life. @ (})&)The Beatles (C) 6 Sports Show (C) "Tough Mites
Movie: "The Beachcomber" (ad· to Victory." A film of the Argentine
venture) '55--Glynis Johns, Robert Road Race.
Newton. m Combat
I Kathryn Kuhlman (C) ID Revival Ares (C)
00 Full Gospel Revival (C) 1:30
The Answer (C) * SHI 9:00 Clmtf1 Three (C) P BASKETBALL
MJ favorite Slfmon (C) Rev. 0 Sports SC*ial (C) "CIF 'MM'
Kenneth Miiier, Frist United Meth· Cha'!!e_ionshl_e_Basketball."
odist Church, Riverside, guests. 0 (J1)@ W Discovery (C) ~ of Discovery (C) 6 William F. Buckley Show (C)
(J1) @ &) Linus (C) Host Buckley discusses the Fifth
Country Music (C) Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
@ K1thryn Kuhlm•n (C) with Professor Leo Levy and v. · 00 Tom and Jeny (C) Vickerman Williams.
, lmpactos Musicales I YoJce of Calvary (C) • New Testament and Man McKetvtf and the Colonel (C)
9:30 Conversations With a Psychla· 2:00 Press Conf•ence (C) trist (C) Roller DtrbJ (C) 0 Aificulture USA (C) (ll Sunday Mltinee: "Seven 0 Movie: "Holl,.ood Barn Dinet" Surpr1ses.''
(musical) '47 -Ernest Tubbs Lori I Un Angel en el Fango Talbott. · The Rat Patrol (C)
@ &) King Kong (C) MttV Griffin (C)
Oral Roberts (C) 2:30 Movie: ''The Sellout" (drama)
Aquaman (C) '52 -Walter Pidgeon, Paula Ray-
• Arriba el Norte mond.
• This Is the Life (C) 0 Million S Movie: "Honi Kont'
Ciera and the News (C) (adventure) '51 -Ronald Reagan
• Youth and Police (C) Rhonda Fleming. '
@ @ &) Bullwinkle (C) (i) Feature (C) ''Mission USA."
• MctVie: "Flowing Gold" (adven· • U.S. Nny Film (C) ture) '40-John Garfield. 3:00 face the Nation (C) ~
I 00 Faith for Today (C) Tales of the Golden West
00 Town Hall Meetini (C) Outlf limits
Gente Sin Historla Cavalcade of Books (C)
Wings to Adventure (C) 00 Exptriment in Ttlevllion (C)
10:30 ~ (jJ NIT B1sketb11l (C) Arst Ci) Wrestlin& (C)
round of competition in 32nd an-• Enslen D'Toote nual National Invitational Touma· 3:30 .. Insider/Outsider (C) The avail· ment. ab1hty .of dangerous drup In the
~ m frontiers of filth (C) "Crl· predominately black neighborhoods
sis and Challenge: Jobs." of Los Anaeles ls discussed.
D @ @ al luues and Ansvm" 0 TRIUMPHE! OXY GLEE
(f) Secretary of the Interior Wifter * CLUBS TOUR EUROPE.
J. Hickel guests. 0 On Campus (C) "Singers Swlna lQ Faith for Today (C) Through Europe." A colorful film :i::~li_vorlte HJmna/Chrlsto· tour of England, France, Belalum,
10:55 fJ (ll) Cl) &) NBA Bultttball (C) Austria and Germany.
Lakers vs. Boston Celtics. ID Have Gun, Wiil Travel tll) R&D Review (R)
s. 1969
l'J --(llm1n.
d tlle
& Pa
(' (ad·
~ks Jr.,
:) •10
ash ion,
.. (C)
~ Fifth
ind v.
I (C)
., Ray·
ion (C)
In the 1rhoods
11 film
mThe Dnotu m lnsipt (C)
4:00 I Y-1twpolnt (C) , ~II Up (C) Bill Leyden hosts.
Crt.l (3) G> TIM Alltrian Spofb.
man (CfGoidfe Howe and his sons
go bass flshln& In Ontario, Canada.
Also on the pro1ram Is actor John
Saxon trackina leopard in Kenya.
Film of an underwater sequence
filmed at the Great Barrier Reef
in Australian waters is shown.
I Man From UNCil.£ (C) ·
~Tltt World Wt Livt In (C)
Fact tM Nation (C)
tlna Sobrt IOI Hijos
4:30 8 Nenmalctrs (C) 0 m NBC bptrlmtnt In Ttlt·
vision (C) "The Communicators."
Program exploring the ways in which
the media of film. still photography
and audiotape ere being used by
children, teenagers. mental patients
and prisoners as a new means of
(6) I Dream of Jeannie (C)
MiSttrOftl'I' Ntiihborhood (R)
(j) Pollca Parade (C) IN"" (C)
Mmiu y Palabras
4:55 O Wonderful World of Sport (C)
5:00 I News (C) Clete Roberts.
Tiie Killy Style (C)
Movie: "Captain Eddit" (dra·
ma) '45 -Fred MacMurray, Lloyd
Nolan, Charles Bickford.
m Country Can>usel (C)
Tiit Lucy Hour
St Patricl's Day Special (C)
Sally (Hobo Kelly) Baker and Pat
O'Brien participate in a salute to
the Irish.
@ CI> Seven Arts TIMlltrt: "Follow
the Sun."
I Gospel of Christ @ Mitt the Prus (C)
Whats New? (R)
Run for Your Lift (C)
5:30 Lucty Pair (C) Geoff Edwards
hosts. @00 m Frank McCtt (C)
Polu Paradt (C)
• Skippy tt.e Bush Kanproo (C)
Mcffale's NIVJ
William Tell
: Tiit City Maten (C) (R)
(j) Amateur Hour (C)
6:00 8 S ® The 21st Centul'J (C)
(30) "What Are We Doing to Our
World?" A two-parter oo the way
technology is altering our environ·
ment. 0 @ 00 m G.E. Colle&• Bowl
(C) (30)
Gld&et (C) (30)
P1y Cards (C) (30)
The ln'Vlders (C) (60)
International PlayhouM
: Bflcl Ptf1ptctivt (30) ( R)
· Man From UNCLE (C)
6:30 Ralph Story (C) (30)
· @ 00 m Wild Kinidotl (C)
(30) "Chase by Copter." In Canada.
Marlin Peiklns and explorer-natural-
ist Jim Fowler used helicopters ·tO
track down giant moose and moun-
tain goats and tag them for scien·
tific stu~. (R) O John Gary (C) (90) Jack Carter,
Allan Drake, Jose Feliciano, Minnla
Pl.US: 1nt1rn1tlen1Dr ,.....,
Ylf'lltJ ICll cum
Pearl, Pat Suzuki, Tony Daryn and Hubberds and Buells fl&ht over
Roy Clerk guest. theatre tickets and wish they had O Sllowtl•• Sptdal (C) (60) Juliet never left home.
Prowse acts as star-hostess to a I Oral Roberts (C) (60) trans·Allantic talent a"ay: from the Tbt World Toeorrow (C)
U.S .. sinaer Buddy Greco: from Eng· 9:00 Qt) Ci) Smothers Brotlltn (C)
land, actor-monologist Bruce For-(60) James Brown and The Right·
syth; soprano Joan Carty1e, stand· eous Brothers fUHt.
up comic Joe Baker, and coniic 0 ~@ 8:' hf11nz1 (C) (60)
trio Jo. Jae and Joni. "The Deserter." Candy strives to
I Hutl (C) (30) help clear the name of an Army
Marquee 22 seraeant accused of desertion, COW·
Tlat French Clltf (30) ardice and murder. Ben Johnson.
(j) Slclppy (C) Ford Rainey and Ellen Davalos
7:00 ®) (i) Lassie (C) (JO) Lassie guest.
Is reunited with Neeka, the young 0 @ (I) a> ABC Sunday Movlt:
Indian from Alaska, and it takes a (Cj "Hou..t»oat" (comedy) '58 -
near tra1edy for tlle boy and col· Cary Grant, Sophie Lortn, Martha
lie to teach a lonely recluse that Hyer, Harry Guardino. Italian sym·
people do need people. phony conductor's daughter, con· 0 Cij @ m Huck Finn (C) (30) cealing her Identity, becomu wld·
"The M!l!c Shillelagh." ower's family maid. 0 (fl) C.V a> Land of tflt Giants m Jaclc Cassidy's St. Patrlcl'a Day
(f) (6o) ''Return of lnldu." Steve, ldal (C) (60) (R)
Fitzhugh, Mark. Dan and Valerie pit Peter Gunn
themselves against the giant Enog Don1lnios Htrdez
to save the life of the giant ma· 9:30 • News (C) (30) Larry Burrell.
gician lnidu. Jack Albertson and My Mother, tht Car (C) (30)
Peter Haskell guest. Sunday looll/Manlon forum
I Truth or Conuquencea (C) (30) : David Suwind (C) (2 hr) "The
Passport to Travel (C) (30) Legacy of Bobby Kennedy." Guests
Speculation (60) (R) are Arthur Schlesln11er, John Ken·
AJtlflas Adams neth Galbraith, attorney William
7:30 9 (i) Gentle Ben (C) (30) van den Heuval, campaltn wortler
Game warden Wedloe is wounded Richard Goodwin end author David
by a bow-and-arrow-brendishlhr Halberstam.
poacher deep In the Everglades. 10:00 IJ ~Cl) Misalon: lntpOuiblt (C)
0 9 00 @E Walt Disney (C) (60) The IMF, led by Jim Phelps,
{60) "Ride a Northbound Horse." enters Equitorial Africa to crush an
Part I of two parts. A newly or· army of mercenaries, led b1 a self·
phaned boy (Michael Shea) sells styled colonel (guest Pernell Rob·
the family belongings and buys a eris). (R)
beautiful, fast horse that is coveted 0 12) @ m NBC News Special
by an unscrupulous peddler (Car-(e) (60) "The Russians In the Med·
roll O'Connor) who wants to use iterranean." Program explores arias
the animal in a crooked racing of local conflict In the eastern Med·
scheme. Andy Devine, Ben Johnson, iterranean that could trt11er a
Jack Elam are featured. confrontation between the U.S. and O Million $ Movie: (C) "Story of the Soviet Union. Correspondent
Mankind" (fantasy) '57 -Ronald Dean Brells reports.
Colman, Hedy Lamarr. 1J m News (C)
I Merv Qrfffln (C) (90) O Movie: (C) "Alexander Ult
The Challtn&ln1 Sea (C) (30) Great'' (spectacular) '56 -Richard
II& Picture Burton. Fredric March, Claire Bloom.
Los Caudlllos labor Report (C) (30)
8:00 9' (j) Ed Sullivan (C) (60) · Cuatro Ens Para un Ada•
Chet Atkins, Floyd Cramer, Boots 10:30 Jot PJn• (C) (2 hr)
Randolph and Ed Ames auest. Wild Adventure ~ (30)
IJ ROLLER GAMES-Live! (C) ll:OO eu.!.~/f.,!(c><C> * T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS Pvblle s.mce (C)
O Roller Qamts (C) (2 hr) L.A. 11:15 @ CIHE Ntws (C)
T·Blrds vs. Texas. M0¥1t: "lil Tbroup tllt Nlpt"
fJ Monsanto Night pre-(dra!"a) '42 -Humphrey Boprt, , • Jackie Glea10n. * sents I carol Channing 11:30 B Movie: "3:10 to Yuma" (west·
and Pearl Bailey on em) '57-Glenn Ford, Van Heflin.
Broadway." Great fun. 0 5400 SECONDS OF
O @ClHB iltlclM' car o 1 * BLESSED RELIEF!
Cll1nnln1 and Pnrt alley °" LOHMAN AND BARKLEY
Broadway (~) (60) This two·woman II Lohman ' Barlcley (C) show combines ~ousl~i sonr. bur· Movlt: "Dttp In My Helrt"
lesque and comic chit chat. (See (musical) '54-Merle Oberon. JOit
Inside Color page.) Ferrer m Wandtrllllt (C) (30) "Catskill Im lnsl&ttt (C) l er." Bill Burrud hosts. 12·00 W-otld Tomorrow (C)
: ~ ~~;'(~)~1~lm portrait of • • Ftaturt/World of Youtt. (C)
s n1er Johnny Cash. He Is seen In 12:301J Prlnc. of Ptac:t (C) Bob New·
performances at a Sioux reservation hart auests.
in South Dakota, a prison In Ten· m Trial at Tara: Story Of St
nessee the Grind Ole Opry In Patrick.
Nashviile and Cameaie Hall In Ntw 12:•5 m Cinema Sunday: "Chlca&o Con·
York. Accompanyln1 him on tht fTifentlal."
tour is his wife, June Carter. 1:00 D News (C)
Can-oultl MtlicaM 1:15 IJ Movlt: "Tht s.Mttur" (sus.-
l:30 9 Cl) m 1" ...... ln pense) '42 -Robert Cummln11.
( ) (30) '1wo on tht Alt't." Tiit Priscilla une.
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 O "Eloptmenr• (comedy) '51
Clifton Webb, Anne Francis.
9:30 0 NJot hloolla" (comedy) '34-
Stuart Erwin, Jimmy Durante.
10:00 B "Happy Landini(' (musical) '38
-SOnja Henle, Don Amech'e.
12:30 m "Out of Ult Blue" (comedy)
'U'.....{Jeorge Brent. ''Copper Sly''
(western) '57-Jeff Morrow.
2:00 m 1'Searctl for D1npr'' (mystery) '4~John Calvert, Myrna Dell.
3:30 0 (C) ''His Ma;.ty O'Ktete" (ad·
venture) ·~urt Lancaster, Joan
4:30 II "Wild on Ute Btadl" (teen11e
musical) '65 -Frankie Randall,
Sherry Jackson, Sonny & Cher.
1:00 II T1lt ... NIWS (C) (60) Jerry Dun~. CJ @ID H11ntltf·BrinlJtf (C) (30)
0 ALLEN stretches RED
0 Steve Allen Sltow (C) (90) Noel
Harrison, Susan Struber1, Jack
Colvin & Yvonne Wilder, The Sunday
Flavour, and The Red Carter Dixie·
land Band guest. 0 Sl1 O'Clock MOYlt: (C) "Stffl
Town" (drama) '52-Ann Sheridan,
John Lund, Howard Duff. B I Spy (C) (60) m P'IJ Citd1 (C) (30) Art James
I B1tm1n (C) (30) C31 MetY Gritfin (C) Wh.rs New? (30)
Mujeres Sin AIMr
Krl.M NIWI (C)
&:30 M MIC NIWllJYice (C) (60) I Love Lucy (30)
Vora&• to tllt Bottom of the
SU 1_C) (60)
I (!) HunU.,·lrinkley (C)
Rudt Out i_30) CiJ mm m ...... cc>
7:0011 CBS E'ltnln1 News (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite. 0 Wlalt's MJ U1111 (C) (30) Wally
Bruner hosts. Arlene Francis, Soupy
Siles, Anita Gillette and Anthony
Roberts are thla week's panelist.a. m Pmwonl (C) (30) 9 00 Mond11 Movie (C) "Come
September." Rock Hudson, Sandra
Dee, Bobby Darin and Gina Lollo-
brl1ld1 star.
I Un• Abltrta (30)
(I) familJ Alf1ir (C)
ei'Sar'a Wortd (C)
Trutlt or Conatqutncea (C)
7:30 ta Ci) Ihm_. (C) (60) A
HAPPY MAN-Ken Berry as Sam is happy to oblige whm
Ar/me Golonka (left), as his girl friend Millie, asks him to
show her visitor, played by Marianna Hill, around Mayberry,
on Mayberry RFD, Monday at 9 PM, in color on CBS.
convicted murderer (Jon Volaht) Sandy Baron, Woody Woodbury, Al·
saves Kitty's lift, and she sets out Ian Drake and Damita Jo.
to return the favor by wlnnln1 him 0 @ (]) aJ il8elAL I TIUH
In a poker 1ame and tryina to help Youn1 AMtlcans In Setrdl of S.-
him escape the clutches of a boun· Ylnl (C) (2 hr) A university l'ldU·
'I__ hunter. ate student worts to save the wild· 0 m I Orea• of Jtanni. (C) (30) emw area of the West for futur1
"Nobody loves 1 Fat Astronaut" 1enerations; a pn1 worter in Phil•·
Jeannie becomes the victim of a delphla fllhts a way of life to brlna
plot by her mischievous sister to a better one out of the etietto for
prevent Tony from goln1 to the his people; an attractive woman
moon by making him a 300-pound· ex>nservationlst is doing somethlnr
er. 1bout savln1 her country's m1ri111 0 lost In ~ (C) (55) fife. Actor Paul Newman narrates O @ (]) · Tllt Avenprs (C) this speci1I that Is the story of
(60) "Homlc de and 01~ Lace.11 the interrelationship of all life IS
John Steed and Tara Kini infiltrate seen throu1h the commitment of
the ranks of lntercrime to prevent Gary Smith, Harold Haskins and
the "crime of the century." "Moth· Mary Maraaret Goodwin to the bet·
er'' acts as storyteller, humoring terment of their country and their
his two maiden aunb with the tale countrymen. Sidney Poitier also
of Tara and Steed's feal comments. fJ Miiiion S MOYlt: "Home Befort aJ Run fw Your lift (C) (60)
Dirk" (drama) '58-Jean Simmons, fD NET Joum1l (C) (60) "Consll'V·
Dan O'Herflhy. ative Profile."
I Truth or ConseqU1ncu (C) (30) ~ Cl) Man fro11 UNCLE (C)
Ptny Muon (60) @!) La lruja M1lditl
Cindon de 11 Raza (30) 9:30 II familJ Aff1ir (C) (30) A pretty
@!) El Cuarto M1ndaml1nto young glrl (Leslie Parrish) pursues
1:00 0 m Ronn l Martin Lau&fl·ln French and he be1lns to take 1
(C) (60) Guest Sammy Davis Jr. romantic Interest In her. However,
pitches In to help with a salute Miss Faversham suspects that Uncle
to taxes and a tribute to St. Pat· Bill might be the lady's real tariret. rick's Day. B Ntw1 (C) (30) Ted Meyers. m Hut! (C) (30) @!) Revisb Mutlcll m Tiit future of Ult Unlvtraity (C) 10:00 II ~ Cl) Cirol lumttt (C) (60) el Comlcos y Candonts Tonight, Miss Burnett Introduces
1:25 Donna Kay Howell, National Easter
-MAYOR SAM YORTY Seal Child. Also appearin1 on ~ht ~ proaram are Martha Raye and Miki
* "LOS ANGELES PER· Douglas.
REPORT TO THE PEOPLE · Yorty Polltiul (C) (30)
0 YOfty rolltical (C) Thi Qrat War (30) "Disaster.''
hbllc StrtlCI (C) (30)
1:30 11 Qi Cl) He,.•s Luer (C) (30) Dldl1 Robada
for Crai(s sixteenth birthday, Lucy 10:30 B Movie: "Aclorabl1 Julia'' (com·
takes him to the motor vehicle bu· edy) '63 -Lilli Palmer, Ch1rft1
ruu to take his drivinf test, where Boyer.
she proceeds to mike that experi· 0) News (C) (30)
ence one of the most memorable fD Innovations (30) "News About
in Ct1l(s youn1 life. Paper." O Sodtn1 Baptist Cnmde (C) @!) Ciente Sin Historla
(30) Paul Harvey, Billy Graham, 11:001ft0 @!) m Ci) News (C)
0 CUJ (]) GB r.,ton Plact (C) Aatlt of t111 MOfttll (C) From {JO) Vickie reveals her respect for Las Yeps, Nevada, comes the World
Lew's parents; Dr. Miles suspects Junior Middlewei1ht Championship
prejudice when a patient cancels bout between Freddie Little, a Las
sur1ery; Steven 1rranges a meetlne Vegas schoolteacher, and Stanley
between Martin Peyton's nurse and "Kitten" Hayward of Philadelphia.
Betty. m Liars Club (C) m MetY Griffin (C) (90) m Movil: "M11fder Will o.t"
aJ a..t tllt Oddi (C) (30) Johnny (mystery) '53 -J1mts Robertson
Gilbert hosts. Justice, Valerie Hobson.
0) TV Musical Ouart @(])@009(1) News (C)
9:00 fJ M1Jberrr RFD (C) (30) Millie's 11:30 ~.Morie: .. NI~ Train to Mua·
11irttriend New York fashion model left (suspense) 4G-Rex Harrlton,
R (M' · H·11) b ks Mar11ret LocDood.
with her boyfriend and comes to ~ iAI ,'f/'!J °" .., ->nOW
~nee anan~a 1 , rea up 11 ~ l'Z"I .:ft T l""t ... (C)
Mayberry, where she almost suc· Movie: ~'" In tlM Iron Mar' ceeds In breakinir up Sam and (adventure) 39 -Louis Hayward.
M'lll Joan Bennetl 1 e. 0 @ (}) Ci) Joey Bishop (C) ft @ (6) m NIC MondlJ Movie: m Don1ld O'Connor 5'1ow (C) "lope ofSand" (melodrama) '4~
Burt Lancaster. Paul Henreld, Cl1ud1 12:15 0 M~ "Armond Con11111nd"
Rains. Peter Lorre, Corrine Cal'fet. (drama) 61 -Howard Keel, Jack Carson. 0 DON ADAMS dials for * HELP! He's 86'd by
.,Chief'' ED PLATT!
O Georp Jt•I'• Htr1 Com1 the
Stars (C) (60) Don Adams Is "roast·
td" by Leonard Stem, Bub1ra
Feldon, Ed Platt, Herllie Styles.
12:30 O Community Bulletin Board (C)
0) Adion Tht1tr1: "Circle of Dan·
1:00 B Sp .. 111n1 FrttlJ <C) 0 Communltf Bullltln Board (Q
ON•n (C)
1:15 II Movie: "Tiit W•...n" (horror)
'5f-.Don Me1owan, Joyce HoldtR.
' ,
1 s
r, • t.
l" ,,,
<ft• •n.
.C> In·
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
tor your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with-
out advance notice.
9:00 D "SPJ Hunt'' (suspense) '50 -
Howard Duff, Marta Toren.
9:30 O "Miu Annie Rooney" (drama)
'42-Shlrley Temple, Guy Kibbee.
10:00 O "A Jolly lad Fellow" (comedy)
'64-leo McKem, Janet Munro.
12:30 m ''Tiit Sevlflth Survivor" (mys·
tery) '45-Austin Trevor. "Bury Mt
0t1rr (mystery) '47-Mark Daniels.
2:00 m "Strln&t Tri1n&1t" (mystery)
'4&-Preston Foster, Sf(lle Hasso.
3:30 fJ "K1nsu P1<iflc" (western) '53
-Sterling Hayden, Eve Miller.
4:30 f) "Tiit Two-Headed Spy'' (sus·
pense) '59 -Jack Hawkins, Gia
':00 f) The 111 News (C) (60) Jerry
Dun11hy. D m HuntltJ·Brlnkley (C) (30)
0 VAUDEVILLE brought * back by Jack Albertson
O Sttvt Allen ~ (C) (90) Jeck
Albertson, Joyce Jlll90n, The Crel1
Hundley Trio, Irwin C. Watson fuast.
fJ Sil O'Ctodc Mowr.: "Sta&KOICh
till nctf"a Roct" (western) '62-
Ma Landau, Jody Lawrence.
fJ Spy (C) (60) m 'I Cants (C) (30) m Ba (C) (30)
(jj) (]) Mtrv Griffin (C)
EJl) Wbt'1 New? (30) "United Na·
lions Interpreters." Two children
find out how engineers and lnter-
pretus provide U.N. delegates with
instant interprtt•tions or speeches.
@!) Muitns Sin Alllor
tl) KPl.M News (C)
':30 D KNBC N~lce (C) (60) m I lOVt Lucy (30) m V0Ja19 to the Bottom of dlt
Sea (C) (60)
Q)@ Huntley Brinkley (C)
EJl) Rudin& With Your Chllcl (30)
"Creatin& Readina Tools for Home
Use." Marion Marshall points out
practical, inexpensive items ror par-
ents to help their children learn to
read. ~(j)@l)@Dtl)Ntw1 (C)
7:00 f) CIS btnln1 Ntwt CC) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
I What's M1 line? (C) (30)
Password (C) (30)
(6) America! (C) fie French Chef (30) Julla
Chil<!....erepares saddles of limb.
t8) (IJ The Good G1111 (C)
m Island• In the S41n (C) D Sllowwe s (C) (60) "Jazz
(£) Trvtll 0t Conuquenca (C) Showcue." Dave Brubeck and Ram-
sey lewis are featured. 7:30 f) ~ (j) uncer (C) (60) Teresa ft'll y If c finds herself becomln& romantlcally u:1 Run lor our L • ( ) (60)
involved with a youn1 outlaw who fD NET Festival (60) "Shostako·
helps her esc.ape after She has been vich." A Russian.produced documen·
kldnaped for ransom by a png lary on the llfe and worll of ont
headed by his father. Martin Sheen of the world's greatest composers.
auests as Andy Blake. The 64·yur-old composer Is seen
in filmed musical perlormenoes. 0 li3 @ @D I SlllcllL I Wonder· stills, archive xenic material and
ful World of Pizzau (C) (60) Carl recent documentary footaae. Reiner and Michele Lee co-host a
salute to Individual self-expre.ssion @!) Chucho Avtllantt
in fashion and music. Proaram in-9:30 f) ®) Ci) Doris D•J (C) (30)
eludes sequences filmed In the When Dorothy Benson receives 1
world's fashion capitals brief inter· hurried call from the stork and her
views with many top high-fashion husband (Paul Smith) 1oes Into
desianers, a visit to a Hew York shock. Doris volunturs to babJllt
model agency and a humorous look with the Benson's four children.
at styles or the past and future. (Rescheduled)
Performers indude comedian Pat 1J (i1) @ 6) NYflO (C) (30) "Ev-
Paulsen, The Cowiills and Harpers erybody Loved Him." A film pro-
Bizarre. ducer believed to have hed no D The Wtaterners (30) enemies Is found dead.
fJ @ CV m Mod Squid (C) (60) 0 NIWI (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
"Child or Sorrow, Child of light." @!) Hoy
With Julie posing as an unwed ex·
pectent mother, the Squad lnvestl· 10:00 f,l ~ (i) 60 Minutes (C) (60)
gates a baby adoption-extortion Mike Wllllce ind Harry Rea90ner
racket. Ida Lupino 1uests as "Aunt report.
Iris" Potter. who runs a house 0 tD Newa (C) (60)
where girls give their Illegitimate u (jj) rn m Tllar1 lift (C) (60)
babies out for adoption. 0 Marshal Dillon (30)
C1J Million $ Movie: (C) "Allu m DEBUT Tiie New Sound (C) (30)
Jesse Jamn" (com~y) •59· -Bob Ray Peterson hosts. Dorsey Burnett
Hope, Rhonda Fleming. guests. m TruUI ot Consequences (C) (30) EJl) llack Pmptctlvt (30) A panel
m Pmy Maton (60) of local black newsmen question
f!) Canclon de la Rua (30) con1!essman Alphonzo Bell, who la
fl) El Cuarto M1ndH1ltntD runni~a for mayor.
B:OO fl) Didu Robida
0 MAYOR SAM YORTY 10:30 fJ Movlt: "Mid Do1 Coll" (drama) * "LOS ANGELES PER-'61-John Chendl«. Kay Doubled1y.
SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL ~ :::.~~=>Cottfnnc. c3o> REPORT TO THE PEOPLE ~ ... @!) Gent. Sin Hlstofia 0 f~ Political (C) (30) ll:00 £111 -:a fJ ft\ &"JI'.!:\ Nftl (C) m Hazel (C) (30) ~ ...,, ~ ~ IOCI
Ell) World Prm (C) (60) 0 Altr.cl Hitchcock
@!) PT .. ltr Ort.on '°"'° m Liars Club (C) 1:30 -ftOilil ~R..., S"tlton (C) (60) mMov1t: "Sprln1t1•• 111 th ~'el .., " Rockltl" (comedy) '42-8etty Gr•· Merv Gri In ind Chanin Hale ruest. bit. John Payne.
O QJ@@DJulla (C) (30) IRl(])~rT\fB(l)Nrn (C) "Home of the Breves." Julia des· WJ ~ ~
pairs when son Corey cannot go 11:30 tJ Movie: "Tht Wtat.mtt"' (welt·
with friend Ear1 J. Wauedom to a em) '40 -Gery Cooptr, Walter
father-son Scout meeting because Brennan.
Corey has no father. John Coilage, D 0@ m Tonl&frt 5'tow (C)
Marc's father, guests. O Movie: "It Happt11td Tomorrow"'
O lrvins In Action (C) (30) (fantasy) '44-llnd1 Darnell, Jack
D (jj) (])Cl) It T1kt1 1 Tlllef (C) Oakie, Dick Powell.
(60) "The Baranotf Time Table." fJ (jj) Ci) tiE Joey Bishop (C)
With the help of an American play· m Donald O'Connor S1iow (C)
Jirl, Mundy attempts to steal a
document dlvut&ina the master plan 12:15 fJ Movie: "Fau of Fire" (drama)
for a C.Ommunlst takeover of South '59-Cemeron Mitchell, James Whit·
America. Jessica Walter and Ray more.
Danton auest. (Rescheduled from 12:30 m Action Theatre: "Riot In Juvenile
March 4) Prison." m Merv Griffin (C) (90) m Btat tht Odds (C) (30)
9:00 0 9 00 6D NBC Tlltld11 Movie:
(C) "flit Youna Warriors" (drama)
'67-James Drury, Steve Carlson.
In Europe toward the close of World
War II, an American army seraeant
makes a special effort to turn a
areen recruit into a fOOd soldier.
WORLD'S finest JAZZ!
1:00 D fJ Ntw1 (C)
O Co111munltJ Bulletin Boant (C) m f tom the Inside Out (C)
1:15 f) Movie: "Thi Mlchlpn Kid"
(western) '47-Jon Hall, Victor Mtc·
1:30 m 77 SUnaet Strip
2:30 m All·Ni&bt Sllow: "Holly and tht
Ivy," "Submarine" and "Oan1er
I Motel I
I Managersl I
155 other interesting jobs I
in the hospitality field; no
experience necessary; ex-1 cellent salaries often with I
apartment included; age
I no barrier. Openings for I
men, women, couples all
over continental U.S., Ha-
l waii as chains expand, new I
motels,· hotels, resorts are
r·;~;~ .. ~~;~ I
I tella where the jobs ""'• I
what they pay, what you
I need to qualify, how Lewis I
has been training in the
I home or in our resident
school for over 50 years, I
how our Lifetime Place-
1 ment service at no extra I
charge works.
I Send for the free book; 1 look through it. If it seems
like a career you'd be
I interested in, we can ar· 1
range-a}>ersonal interview
I in y;~;.1~;·a I
I or send postcard to : I
Lewis Hotel/ Motel Schools I !Regional Admissions Office) I
7080 Hollywood Boulevard
Suite L504 I Hollywood, C>lilornia 90028 I
I Approved for I
Training L---..
8 tm H.....,.lri•..., (C) (30) mother, • khtderrarten teacher and to her. The husband, however. Is
WEDNESD AY • RICHFIELD PRESENTS a patent education teacher question unable to sympathize with her con-
Dr. Rose Bromwich about 1 child's cem or to understand her anrer * LOS ANGELES l.AKERS self-concept for he believes his numerous 1ffaira
VS. C'CINNATI ROYALS ~Cl) ""'1J Hlllballes (C) are both meanineless and normal. MARCH 19
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
for your convenience, •re
the day's movies. All Sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 fJ "Blossoms in the Dust" (drama)
'41-Greer Garson. Walter Pidaeon.
9:30 1J "Dulle of West Point" (drama)
'38-Richard Carlson, Joan Fon-
n Llbn lbUetblll (C) (2 hr 20 m Wandtfllotlt (C) I Run for Yow life (C) (60)
mTn) Qhlck Hearn calls the action a) Tl'lftll or Conteq111t1c:es (C) News lft hrspectiwt (C) (60)
as LA. meets the Cincinnati Royals. 7:25 SJtvil J Urique
0 Sil O'a.ct McMt: "'flit Upt O MAYOR SAM YORTY 9:30 IJ 9 (j) Green Aaes <C> (30) fMcl.. (drama) '51 -Stewart * "LOS ANGELES PER-Lisa Oouelas finds a tum-of·the· Granier. Pier Angell. century diary In an old trunk and
11 s,, (C) (60) SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL pictur~ herself and Oliver as the
hJ c.a (C) (30) REPORT TO THE PEOPLE romantic couple ducribed In the lltlun (C) (30) diary.
(I) Mm Griffin (C) 0 Yortf Political (C) 0 News (C) (25) Ted Meyers.
Malt's Nt'#? (30) "United Ha-7:30 1J Gltn Ca•pbeil (C) (60) Jim 9:55 0 Yorty Political (C)
tions Communications." Two chil· Nabors. Bobbie Gentry, Pat Paulsen lO:OO _ ~ ~ u-11 n.._ ,. (C) (60) dren look at the communications and John Hartford ruest. · ~ l8J ... wa . ,..,.."""" ~m that allows UH headquarters CJ ID@ m Tiit Vlr&iniln (C) Steve M arrett discovers that IP·
to supervise activities in branch of· (90) "Storm Over Shiloh." Eliza· paritions of Pele., Hawaii's ancient
flees. information centm and spe-beth's riderless horse returns to the &oddess of the vo .. cano, avant-garde
clal offices. ranch with cut flanks, setting off a underground movies and . a con-
8) Mui.,.. Sln Amor widespread search leading to an cemed nephew and his wife (Sally
a) KPlM Newt (C) abandoned mine where the girl is Kellerman) share a strange bond. 10:00 0 (C) "Belles on Tlltir Toa"
(comedy) '52-Jeanne Crain, Myrna
Loy, Jeffrey Hunter. &:JO MIC Newarvict (C) <55> O (ll) C3'l tll Here Come the D ANDY WILLIAMS LOVE I trapped, John Martey plays Sam Kalakua.
I love Locy <30) indes (C) (GO) "A Man's Errand." • 12:30 m "The Man In tt11 .Whitt S<t"
(comedy) '52-Alec Guinness. "CMr
tht Moon" (comedy) '40-Rex Har·
s.a v@~60r Ult lottut et ttte While Jeremy, the youngest Bolt * CONCERT. SMOTHERS,
Qj (!) HuntSty·ldnllltf (C) brother, is In San Francisco on log-DONOVAN, FELICIANO!
f.ll) let's Talk About Teens (30) glng company business, .Candy Pruitt 0 9 00 m !SFICJAO And J 'S
MLefs Tune In." Marion Mal$hall eoes out with Ward Kimberly. love Concert (C) (60) A music and 2:00 m ''Tiit Wild Dallotn" (wuttm)
'SS-Jim Davis. Coleen Grey. asks a panel of teens. parents and 0 Mlllio~ $ Movie: ''Tiie Mudllrt.. comedy special starring Andy Wil·
oldsters about listening to the (drama) Sl-Alec Guinness, Irene Iiams with guests vocalist Jose Fe· 3:30 0 "War Is Hell'' (drama) '6' -Tony Russell, Baynes Barron. thoughts of other generations. Dunne. liciano. Scottish folk singer Oono-9 Cl) mm m ..... (C) I Trutlt Of Consequences (C) <30> van, Ike and Tina Turner's Revue 4:00 1J (C) ''Tll• Cobwtl>" (drama) ·55
-Richard Widmark, Lauren Bacall,
Charles Boyer.
hny Muon (60) and special guests Tom and Dick 7:00 II CIS &enlnc News (C) (30) C1ndon • 11 Rua (3~) , Smothers. Proeram taped durine a
Walter Cronkite. JI) Best of Hollywood. 'The live concert in the Los Anaeles
EVENING D ~. 1t's MJ line? (C) (30) D.I. Jack Webb stars.. Music Centet's Mark Taper Forum. m ....... d (C) (30) m EJ Cuarto Mandamiento I m News (C) (60)
S:OO 1J Thi l ie News (C) (60) Jerry
9 @ You AIUd tor It 1:00 m Ha.tel (C) (30) • Marsll1I DHlon (30) fE Tiiie hluptM Plflftt (30) f.ll) The City Makers (C) (30) Soci-Public Service (C) (30)
"How the Child Sees Himself." A oloeist-civil rights activist Dr. Ken-: Gut.n Ta1 (30)
-------------------------neth Clark discusses 11rowin1 urban · Dicha Robada
-------------------------. crises with New York Mayer John 10:30 0 Movie: (C) "Battle CrJ" (dra·
WET ~d=!:__, Musi 1 ma) '55-Van Heflin, Aldo Ray.
11:.t0.1 ""'"""" ca 0) News (C) (30)
1:20 0 laktrs W,.p-Up (C) m Art and Artists (30) "Lowry and
Butler." A look at the works of in· 8:30 IJ Tiit Good Gu~ (C) (39) Over· dustrial painter l. S. Lowry, and a
THE BED whelmed by cre~1tors, Berts Pla~e profile of sculptor Reg Butler. (Se·
is so.Id at auction an~ to Bert s ries final)
astonishment, Rufus . winds up as m Genta Sin Hlstoria the new and ageressive owner. (Re·
scheduled from December) 11:0010 fJ 61) ma) News (C) O Win W'rtll ttlt Sbirs (C) (30) Affrtd Hitcbc:ock
Janet Blair and Rusty Draper gu~t. liars Club (C)
Help Him
The ENURTONE Method has proven In over 450,000 cases thet bed·wettlna
(Enuresis)•, can be cored, when not
caused by oraanlc defects or dlsea•
ses. Not a drug or diet, just e slmple
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method Is recommended for •aes 4
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application is from just two to
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PHON ZI~~---------....... ...,,..
..... 10
0 @(I) a) Thi Kine Fa•ily (C) Movie: "fivt staps to Dinger"
{30) (adventure) '57-sterling Hayden.
I Merv lrltftn (C) (90) Ruth Roman.
Btat ti. Oddi (C) (30) @ CV Q) @ ~ (j) News (C)
. look lat .~C) (30). Ralph Mar-11:30 IJ Movie: ''The Ila Steal" (mys-
t1n, author ~f Jennie, talks abo.ut tery) '49-Robert Mitchum Wil·
the book .with host Robert Cromie. liam Bendix. '
Bl Sottrius 0 ~ 00 m Tonipt Slaow (C)
9:00 IJ 8ewrty Hillbiflles (C) (30) The 0 Movie: "And Now Tomonow"
Jouin1 craze finally reaches the (drama) '«-Alan Ladd, Loretta
Clampetts when Jethro forms his Young.
own fouine club and Mr. Drysdale fJ @ (]) &J Joey Bishop (C)
takes up the sport to put himself m Donald O'Connor Show (C)
in the ao<>d eraces of millionaire 12• • .. health faddist Jason Detweiler. .30Q)Acti~n Tlleatre. Hollow 0 9 Ci) m lob Hope Special Tnumph.
(C} {6o)Bob Hope enlertains with 1:001 fJ News (C)
auests Cyd Charisse, Ray Charles, Community Bull1tln Board (C)
Jimmy Durante and Nancy Sinatra. From ttle Inside Out (C) fl Wmtllna (C) (60) Dick Lane Is 1.10 ,,,. Movie· "Destin tio ~000" nngllde · _. • • n ""' fJ (llj 0(]) m ABC WEDNESDAY (adventure) '57 -Preston Foster.
Movie: •11'ft1Pumpkln Eater" (dra· Pat Conway.
ma) '64 -Anne Bancroft, Peter 1:15 IJ Movie: "Unfinlslltd luslneu"
Anch, Jam~ Mason. Sir Cedric (romance) '41-lrene Dunne. Robert
Hardwlcke. The dramatic story of Montgomery.
a troubled marria&e centers on a l '30 m 77 Su t ~ woman named Jo. whose fourth • Ml -"'
marrtap is shattered when she 2:30 m All-Nlpt Sflow: "Fiihtlng Coast
realizes her husband Is unfaithful Guard" and "Three Steps Horth."
Sales le Service
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ltltch •11cl yow'r• h•r• ~
,... 12
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY-
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta-
tions reserve the right to
change programming with· ·
out advance notice.
9:00 fJ '111M GUJS lfa•td Mike"
(comedy) '51 -Jane Wyman, Van
Johnson, Howard Keel.
9:30 D "Canldl1n Padtlc'' (adventure)
'l§.-.Randolph Scott, Jane Wyatt.
10:00 D "Mlrad1 of tile Bells" (drama)
'48-Ailda Valli, Fred MacMurray.
12:30 m ''The Abductors" (adventure)
'57 -Victor Mclaglen. '111e Glass
Alibi" (mystery) '40-Paul Kelly.
2:00 m "The Last of tbe Dtspendoes"
(western) '55 -James Crair, Jim
3:30 D ''World W1tllout End" (sci·fi)
'5f-Rod Taylor, Hugh Mar1owe.
4:30 U (C) "Pritlee of Pima" (ad·
venture) '53-John Derek, Barbara
6:00 U The Bir News (C) (60) Jerry Dunp~. 0 m Huntley·Brlnkley (C) (30)
Selznick's 'Gone
With the Wind'
Jn the motion picture business
of today a producer pays hun-
dreds of thousands of dollars for
filming rights to a best selling
novel-but it wasn't always that
Kay Brown, who was a re-
searcher for the late David 0 .
Selznick, recalls (on NBC's "Hol-
lywood: The Selznick Years," a
special airing Friday at 10 PM)
bow she once had to plead with
him to buy the rights to an un-
known book by aa unknown
"I kept badgering and badger-
ing him," she says. "I didn't get
very far with him. In those days
quick purchases weren't made."
Mi ss Brown was trying to talk
her boss into buying a book that
hadn't even been reviewed by
the critics yet.
Selznick finally became exasp-
erated with Miss Brown's nag-
ging and told her, by wire, "If
you can buy it for $50,000, buy
it and don't bother me."
And that's how Kay Brown
got the film rights of "Gone With
the Wind."
IJ Steve Allen SM (C) (90)
0 Sil O'Clock Movie: (C) '1le
Lady Fro• T__.. (western) '51-
Mona Freeman, Howard Duff.
fJ I Spy (C) (60) m Pay Cards (C) (30)
(£) Batman (C) (30)
@ Cl) MlfY 'rtffln (C)
Ell) What's N.r (30) "Reportlna
the UN." Two children discover how
United Nations news Is dW.mlnated
by foreign correspondents and by
the UN iUelf.
g) Mujerts Sin AlllOI'
aJ llPlM News (C)
6:30 0 QJ (6) iE NCAA labdlall (C)
(2 hr) The semifinals from Louis·
ville, Kentucky. m I love Lucy (30)
(£) Voya&e to die Bottom of tM
Su (C) (60)
Ell) More for Your Money (30)
"Books and Toys." Parent·educatlon
teachers from Los Angeles City
Schools show boob and loY$ they
recommend for the pr~schoo/ and
elementary aae child.
9Ci)g)aJNews (C)
7:00 IJ CBS Eveninc NIWI (C) (30)
Walter Cronkite.
0 Wllafs MJ line? (C) (30) m Password (C) (30)
Ell) Playing the Guitar (30) "Notes
on the First Two Strings." lnstruc·
tor Frederick Noad teaches students '
Tht latt motion plctu,, producer
David 0 . Stlt11lck, shown her1 with a portrait of actrtJJ VivNn
Lti1h, who pltl)ltd Scarlttt O'Har11
In his film vtrmm of "Gont With
tht Wind,'' u tlu 1uh/ect ol NBC'1
hour-lon1 special "Hollywood: TM
Stlt11ick y tQTI."
somethina similar to a composition.
and introduces several practice stu-
dies for the course.
~ (j) McH1lt's N1vy
G) Trvth or CGnsequencet (C)
to work In his P1ris 1p1rtment and
help him write the copy.
0 ~ (I) Ci) W111t't It All About, W0r1lf (C) (60) Nanette F1bray
and Tony Randall and Colonel Sand·
ers (of the KentuckY Fried Chictlen
7:30 fJ (ii) (i) Tiie Queen i nd I (C) fame} guest
(30) DuffY sees a chance to make I!) Run for 'tour lit. (C} (60)
a fortune by smuggling a well-g) EJ Mundo Etta loco known raceho!le from England
aboard the Amsterdam Queen. The 9:30 0 @ 00 m Dr1&net (C) (30)
problem of getting the horse on "For1ery-DR·33." Friday and Gan·
board undetected is solved when non track down a forgery suspect
a millionaire and his wife come and break up a pot party in the
aboard, and she has a harp in a process. Aneel Tompkin and Gary
case that Just fits a horse. Crosby guest.
II lost in Spice (C) (60) 0 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers.
0 @(I) m The Flyinf Nun (C) 10:00 0 ~@ m Dt1n M1rtin (C)
(30) "Bread Upan the Waters.'' (60) Barbara Eden, Mickey Rooney,
Sister Bertrille turns the convent Norm Crosby, Kate Smith and The
into a bakery in her latest venture nmes Square Two guest
to make m~ney for . the orphan~. A II m News (C) (60)
grocery chain executive tastes Sister Sixto's bread and likes it. Sister 0 Suspense Theatre (C) (60)
Bertrille talks him into having the 0 M1rshal Diiion (30)
convent supply the bread for his I!) The New Sound (C) (30)
stores. but that means that Sister @ 00 Killy Style (C) ~~to must produce 200 loaves a Eil) Theatre Beat (30) Sal Mineo,
y. . . .. . director of "Fortune and Men's 0 M1lll~n $ Mo~ie: Miracle m Eyes" by John Herbert, is Hal
the Rain (drama) 54-Jane Wyman, Marlenthal's 1uest as scenes from
Van Johnson. the play are performed. The play m Truth or CGnsequences (C) (30) is currently at the Coronet Theatre
I!) Perry Muon (60) and is Mineo's first stage diredina
Eil) C1nclon de la Rna (30) attempt.
g) EJ Curato Mandamlento g) Dldla Rob1d1
8:001J ~ 00 Jonathan Winters (C) Cil} Passport to Travel (C)
(60) Jane Powell, Mel Torme and 10:30 O MOYie: "Monker on M1 Back"
Paul Lynde guest. Also appearing (drama) '57 -Cameron Mitchell,
on the bill are Dick Curtis. Cliff Dianne Foster.
Arquette and Alice Ghostley, plus I!) News (C) (30)
The Establishment. (jj) m Feature (C) ''Six Roads to 0 (jj) 00 G) That Girl (C) (30) Glo "-Tr'
"Bad Day at Marvin Gardens." A . ry.
rainy day game of Monopaly turns ~ If You Were President (C) (30)
Into a duel between Lou Marie and . W~~ld you Increase Defense Spend·
Don Holliniier. 1ng7 ~arvard la~ profe~r Adam m Huel (C) (30) Y~r~ohnsk~ foreign policy exp~rt EE NET PliJhouse (2 hr) "A Pas· Wilham K1ntn.er, and economist
sage to lridla." Dame Sybil Thorn-Thomas Schelling gu~st.
dike, Virginia McKenna and Cyril g) Gente Sin Hlstori1
Cusack star in a dramatization of a) Twllipt l.one
E. M. Forster's novel about East e91o ~
failing to meet West in the India 11:00 IJ 0 0 g) ~ 1a1 Nnn (C)
of the 1920's. Adapted for the BBC II Alfred H!Utlcock
by John Maynard from Forster's m U1rs Club (C)
novel and the play by Santha Rama I!) Movie: ''The Fuzzy Pink Nilflt·
Rau. aown" (mystery) '57-Jane Russell g) Felidano! (C) Keenan Wynn. •
1:30 0 ! llilCllL I Mib and UM Younr @ @QJ 00 ~ (!) News (C) People (C) (60) A Mike Dou&las
special. 11 :30 IJ Movie: (C) "lrs AIWIJI F• 1J loxin& (C} (60) Tom Harmon Weath«". (musical) '5~ene Kelly,
and Mickey Davies are ringside for Cyd Charisse.
a 10-round welterweight bout be· O @@m Tonifht Sbow (C)
tween Hed1emon Lewis and Miguel II Movie: (C) "IWlfh" (drama)
fi'"@dCD al Bewitcfled (C) (30) '4S-William Elliott M~rie Wind10r.
"Samantha's Power Failure." Sam 0 @ 00 f:D Joey Bishop (C)
defies a Witches Council order to m Don11d O'CGnnor Sbow (C)
abandon her marriage to a mortal, 12:20 0 Movie: (C) "Hetod the Grt1t''
and a.s punishment, is left without (drama) '60 _ Edmund Purdom,
her witch-twitch. Sylvia Lopez. I Merv Griffin (C) (90)
Bu t the Odds (C) (30) 12:30 I!) Action Theatre! "Green Finaers."
00 m Future 1:00 0 0 Ntw1 (C) MuslCI J Estrellas (C)
9:00 fJ ~ (i) CBS Thursd1y Movie: II CGmmunity Bulletin Board CC)
(C) "Pam When It Sizzles" (com-CD from Hit lnU. Out (C)
edy) '64-William Holden. Audrey 1:15 f) M~it: "Uft hfin• at 17" (ro-
Hepburn, Gregoire Asian, Noel Cow· mance) '58 -Mar1' Damon, Edd
ard. Richard Benson has only three Bymei.
days in which to complete a script 1:30 m 77 Sunset Strip he has sold for a handsome sum
but hasn't written. In desperation, 2:30 m All·Nipt Sllow: "Green for
he hires a pretty younr secretary Danger'' and "South of Sun."
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14·01--08 90,16 0 1
.. ______________________________ _
For morning and afternoon
listings, please see DAY·
for your convenience, are
the day's movies. All sta·
tions reserve the right to
change programming with·
out advance notice.
9:00 O "Society lnytf'' (drama) '39
-Walter Pidgeon, Virginia Bruce.
9:30 IJ ''CotH Nnt Sprint' (romance)
'SS-Ann Sheridan, Steve Cochran.
10:00 fJ (C) "Wiien lriSll Eyes Ar• Smil·
Int' (musical) '44-Anthony Quinn,
Dick Haymes., June Haver.
12:30 m "Home It Sewn" (mystery) '53
-Ralph Richardson. ''Clouds Ovlf
Europe" (mysterY) '39 -Laurence
.Olivier. 2:00 I!) "Inner Sanctum" (horror) '48
-Mary Beth Hughes, Lee Patrick.
3:30 fJ (C) "Big Trees" (western) '52
-Klril Douglas, Eve Miller.
4:30 f) "Bullwtlip" (drama) 'SP-Guy
Madison. Rhonda Fleming.
O Stewt Mee Slaow (C) (90) Gypsy 7:30 IJ Qt (j) 1\t Wild, Wllcl Well (C) perspectives. Attorney loseph Ball.
Rose Lee Jun. Havoc. Honn Cfos· (60) James West becomes Involved legal author John Weaver and dep·
by, and iacJc Harris euest. In a powet stniul• for contrOI of uty district attorney Jo•ph Carr
O Six O'Clect ~ "'W.it la an east Eurot181ft country wtlen he guest.· 8ie Slaadew" (drama) '66-Patrictl Is essientd to protect Kurovnlan f!) Esttlares Mldttv
McGoohan, Michael Crale. Janet Prince Cree.or end his eunt. Duchess 9:30 U @ (}) &) Tiie 5UDS of Will
Munro. Sophii. while they are on a huntlng s..ett (C) (30) "The Men Who
11 Spr (C) (60) trip In the Unil!d St'ltes. Guy stock· Killed James Sonnett." Will and
hr c.tda (C) (30) well and Nina Foch ruest. Jeff QOme across a poster edver·
8ebaat (C) (30) 0 m I sHc@; In. Ant All•J. tislng a pteylet about the death of
(!) Mn 5rifflft (C) CHS (C) (60) The story of the James Sonnett In a gunfight. Wilt ii.rs tlW1 (30) "The UH-first men who lived on our con-tears down the poster, dalmin1
International School." A look at the tinent Is told by Hueh Downs. The it's a lie. and then the sheriff in·
school that leaches children from pf'Oil'8m begins In Siberia, where troduce$ hlm to the star of th•
67 countries in numerous languages. the fim Americans originated. The play who claims he downed James
I Mutem Sin Amot . show attempts to answer such chal· In a fight. Jay HOYello, John Craw-
IU'LM Ntw1 (C) tanging questions as when these ford guest.
6:30 kNBC Nlwtlf'Vlct (C) (60) people fim came to the continent. O News (C) (30) Ted Meyers,
I Love Lucy (30) when there we1e land brldces and el Festival en Madrid
YoYl&e to Ult Botta of Ille glaciers, where and how the earliest 10:00 Q @ (6) g;, I f PE(IAL I Hollr· SN~) (60) people moved in their travels. and wood: The Selznldl Years (C) (60)
@ 6 Huntley-Brlnkl~ (C) . what they were like. how they tfenry Fonda narrates the program
til) rcus! (30) first 1n a series on lived and survived. on the life of David 0. Selznick,
the tile of Big To~ perlorme~ U lost ia Space (C) (60) pioneer moviemaker responsible for
The first p_rocram, Mu~ Show, 0 (i1J (I) &J Tills It Tom Jones the careers of many of Hollywood's
tractt the. history of the cireus from (~ {60) Mama Cass Elliot Masslel, bigg1!$l stars and a major factor In
1826 to its present form. The Dave Clark Frve, George Carlin the evolu~ion of todaY'.s filmmak. ~ (j) g) ~ aJ News (C) guest. ing techniques. Appeanng on the
7:00 f) CBS £v~1ng Nns (C) (30) fJ Million $ Movie: "Mta In War" program are Ingrid Ber11man. Kath·
Walter Cronkite. (drama) '57-Robert Ryan, Aldo arine Hepburn, Rock Hudson. Joseph I Mara My Une? (C) (30) Ray Cotten, Alfred Hitchcock, Janet Gay-P~ __ (C) (30) ''Th m 'Truth or Consequtnen (C) (30) nor. Ooroth~ McGuire, Gregory Peck,
Ci) WnnNI Showcue (C) e •1 l'tlTJ M (60) Joan Fontaine, George Cukor and
Link C heney Story." Charles Drake • Cando ':1a Rm (30) King Vi_dor.
and Pippa Scott star. • n IJ GJ News (C) (60)
fil) Wonderful Wor1d of Ctiildrtn El CalftD Muda•ltato U @ @ &J Judd for the 0.
(30) "Your .. Child l~~s Thro~gh 8:00 m Hazel (C) (30) fense (C) (60) "Visitation." When
His Senses. Emma Jiminez poents fil) Rainbow Quest (60) The Clancy an unfair divorce settlement leads
out everyday activities that can be Brothers and Tommy Makem loin to a battle over child custody
learning experienees for the pre· Pete and Tom Paxton. rights and ultimately to murder,
school child. el Luceclta (C) Judd attacks the whole body of
6:00 f) The Bir News (C) (60) Jerry I Ci) MIJf*fJ RfD (C) questionable divorce practices. John Dunphy. f1i9 Anterican West (C) 8:30 IJ ~ (j) 5omer PJle (C) <30) McMartin, Joanna Moore. Elizabeth 0 g;, Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) Trutll or Cealequenc:et (C) Jackie Joseph 11uestl as an expect-MacRae, Gavin Macleod and Jay __ ,:..::::..:.:.:;;;.;;.;~,;.;;.;.;;~~....:.;;.~---=;....----'-----ant mother who turns to Gomer Robinson guest. • • • • • • • • • • • • •
and Sgt. Carter for help when her I YOfty PoUtical (C) (30)
husband is hospitalized. Public Service (C) (30)
O @@ mlblllt of die Came R R . (60 H' h (C) (90) "An Agent for the Plain· &D eview ) " ig way
• • • • • • • • • • • • I
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hp 14
tiff." Publisher Glenn Howard SUS· Traffic Control." Dr. Albert Hibbs and cuests from the U.S. Bureau pects he is being framed when an of Public Roads and the California une~hical woman lawyer brings suit Division of Highways look at exotic
against him o~ behalf of ~er money· proposed methods of making our hun&TY boyf nend. Maunce Evans, Honor Blackman and Brian Bedford freeway system work. st el Dlcha Robada
; ~uthet'n Baptltt Crusade (C) 10:30 fJ Movie; "Kia Her . Good~
(30) Paul Harvey, Billy Graham. (dr~ma) 59 -Steven Hill, Elaine 0 (fl) CI) &J 5entration Sap {C) Stntch .
(30) Dennis Wholey hosts. IE News (~) (30)
I Mm &riffin (C) (90) el 5ente Sin Histofla
Beat Ult Oddi (C) (30) 11:0010 mg;,&) Newt (C) Noches Tapatias Al~Hitcbcodl
. liars Club (C) 9:00f)~(i)CBS Frldar Movie. Movie· (C) "The Parislxpfea"
"Stala1 1r (draTa) '53-Willlam (mystery)' '53-Claude Rains Herb· Holden, Otto Premincer. A group of ert Lom '
G.I. sergeants, confined i~ the ~ r.'91l'7i"I~16' News (C) torlous stalag prison dunng World l!LI 1.1.J ~
War II, rHllze there Is an informer 11:20 f) Q!) ([)News (C)
among them who revealed plans of U :lOl@@ mTonipt SMw (C)
their escape. Movie: (C) "Forest Ranon"
g RICKLES "lashes" (adventure) '42-Fred MacMurny, * GREENE BELLI Paulette Goddard.
DANCERS, Tonight! l !~at~r ='(~C)
DON'T MISS IT! 11:35 ta CV Friday Show: "San Antonio."
1J Playbor After Dart (C) (60) Don 11:50 1J Movie: "Pickup Aller" (drama)
Rickles, Shecky Greene. Melvin '57-Victor Mature. Anita Eltb&rg •
Belli. The Checkmates Ltd., Bill 12:20 fJ Movie: ''Gun Crazy" (drama)
Cosby, Doug McClure, Bob Fuller. 'SO-Peggy Cummins. John Dall .
The Coll!_l•· Kelly Garrett guest. 12•30 ~ •·tio ..... t • "C t and l @c.ve»ura Mab a o.at · 1W-.. n .... a re. a
(30) Monty Hell hosts. Mouae .
hn ter Yow Ufa (C) (60} 1:00 D 0 Nns (C) _.tlon (60) ''The Warttn U Movit: "Invaders ff'HI llan ..
Court." Or. Keith Berwick and fuat (scl·fi) '53-Helena Carter. Arthur
examine the Supreme Court from Franz.
lecal. historical and contemportfY m From the lnslde Out (C)
I Jecl La La-(C) ICltilter ~ 1'111*1 Mllfer• Sin Aller
£IWle ...... 1:15 ~ Wfa~1p (C) Din O'Neil. t:3011~•1dJ ... <C> 12:00m1r111 Tun a:ao @mum ..... Woftd <C> ~·-H22 m~~(C)~ ~ """"" a> F11t11t1c ¥07111 II PALM SPRINGS is!!! •'"tr~~· (C) "Reaion11
>AM n...tre (C) "The List Mus-* LAND OF GIANTS! CllEB Pr9 lowln' Tow
k een'' Incl "Retum of the Apt ANGELS attempt to Barker ho$ls the $45,000
All stations reserve the Min." CALM! Tomorrow Also! PBA Open from Porta·
ri @I) lllibln• I a--a.. W (C) mouth, Vlrainll. &ht to change propam· 10:0011~ Tltt An:Mt a.w (C) ...,...., ~· llJ Color Tllellrt (C) "Qulncannon, m1ng without advance no-. ft\ J t tit (jJj CJ) m ........... (C) rrontltr Scout •• a ~ OlrntJ o I &us~~ (C) l:S&fJNews (C).
tice. 0':.w1r. tt;:19'.,..!>.. (western) .._!.,•l .. RlllllM n.tn: "Hllh•IJ 4:008Mn: "Mulcan H1yrldt" (com·
7:00 m Mr. W'llllllofte (C) ·~int Walker Vi"'inla Mayo lui•~ (()i tel) '48-Abbott & Costello.
7:20 fl lift Us This D11 /Ntw1 (C) fB P.U.. for uViai • . 1:00 rfp11 :::... ~C~C) Didi En· . . Hip incl Wild (C) 7:30I SUnrlse Seflllltlr (C) @E) Las Eltnlla 1 UsW bera Ind Don Wells call the flml • WllOft Treln (C) c..,_ ''°• 10:301j9 (() T1tt HeRllWds CC> between the c.ufom11 Anaeis 1nc1 • snms., Mittnee <C> "My 011
• Makin& tbe Most of Maturity • • ~ 00 i!3 U ..... (C) the San Frenclsco Glanb. Sal.''
7:45 m Saaed Heart (C) Movie: "lit Clrloa'' (western) 0 Mewte: "Jet Attlct" (advenblrt) 4:30 l:OOI§~'°"'° lepMn CC) ' Jon Hall, Dana Andrews. •g_John A111. Audrey Tottar. D SANTA ANITA RACE OF ' ~~I Slpec' 6 (C) I (fi) (3) EE fantatic fHf (C) 0 Mwlt,: "The 8~ ...._.. * THE WEEK-$50,000
"i-... · ..... ~ L(loC) (C) fie Bibi• AnlWtfl @am•) 57--Susan Oliver. San Louis Rey Handicap • "-u.. """• n • C.ntlandi. m ..... "'Cem...... (edYtn· Tales of Wells Fa~ 11:00 B 9 ()) NIT ......_.. (C) The ture) ·~tewart Granaer, Dorian D SUta Anita Race (C) The San
.. Sa~ n...tre: 'The .~nll· Championship Gime of the 32ncl Grey. Louis Rey Randlcap at • mile-and·
nil and Hyde Peril Comer. annual Natlonal lnvJtatlonal Touma· IDlcha Reblda • •·half.
1:30 II Q!l Ci) Bup Bunny/Road hn-ment, from Madison Squire G1rclen, • ArlMd foras HI~ (C) S:OOtD ~mltl '* Hour <C) New Yor1t 1:30 QI Cl) Tltt l.tM laqw (C) • ' ...__. 19 @ m Top Cat (C) 0 9@ m NCAA luUtbaU (C) Mn lrfffift (C) 1'e OutdoorM1n (C)
C.mpt11 Dlpll A double-header, tod1y's broedcast 2:QO ~Cl) lltllln/Superm111 (C) cr2l CD EB ABC's Wide World
@ (]) EE lulllvtr (C) features the consolation ind the ~ (C) -C...acllt Twrtt.y" Sptt1a (C)
Movie: "llhyber Pllrtl"' (ad· fin1I games from freedom Hall, (wutem) '50 -M1uroen O'H1re, 11.Mrl• (C) venture) '54-Richard flan, Ray· Louisville, KentuckJ. . Macdonald Carey. lnnontions (R)
mond Burr. E (i7J CI> G> leorre of "" Jiil· m Cofonet n.trt: "Oevll'1 Her· Futbot·Socctr m lr1ncltd (e} bor." 5:30 lalpll StDty (C) (R)
@E Elcllela KMEX (C) Anni Tltetlrt: ''The Min I 2:30 fJ Battle Cry lt'a AcadtWllc (C)
9:00 0 @ 00 m F11ntltDnu (C) Married." 3:0011 fB CJ) CIS 8olf Claaic (C) Ct1t1wttJ lllll1rcla (C) 0 Movie: "Henry Aldrich's Uttlt 11:30 0 (ill(]) EE Anlerlcln Bandit.Ind Dan Sikes and Bob GoalbJ meet • All-A..trlcan Collect Show (C)
Secref' (comedy) '44--Jlmmy Lydon, (§ Bob~ Nichois and Ray Floyd. Man FrM Uncle (C)
Charles Smith. 0 MoN: (C) "Car1t11 City" (west· 0 Q1@ m StDryboM ~Hre McHale's Navy
fJ @ (I)&) S.,ldtr Men (C) em) '52--ffindolph Scott (C) Peter M1rshall hosts. News In Perspective (C) (R)
·.~ 0 RN I ""< (,
r\'-'°. C L 0 S F 'J P -.
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