HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• . . • • • . . • . . •. • • " - Mesa Plane Crash Kills DAILY PILOT .. Student Pilot~ ·Teacher MONDAY ,Al'_TERNOON, MAllCH :11,J.969 I . . . -. 2 Die • Ill Balboa Inferno • DAILY Pit.OT ....... .., RJd..N Mitt FLAMES CONSUME SECOND STORY OF OCEAN FRONT HOME WHERE COUPLE DIED lnv11tlg1tor1 5H k C1u11 of Newport Bl1ie Which Destroytd One Homt, D11m1,.ct Two Other·• . . f lLOT PROBES PERU PROBLEMS Wife Kills Spou se, Then President Nixon's personal envoy.opens talks with Peru's ruling mHitary junta today on 1ssues of Peru ·s e i z in g an American· oil corpotaUoit!s muIU-million· Turns Revolver on Self dollar operation, gunfire aimed at A Seal Beach man was shot and killt!d American fishing boats on the high seas early Sunday morning by his wife who and a threat to brand the United States then turned a .3S-cali&er revolver against an "econ~ 8 ... ..-ci ..... r." her own head and ended her We. -·-Mn. Darlene Gambreu, 31, of 3911 DAILY PILOT Managing E d i t 0 r Stmflower St., called Seal Beach police 'lbomas Murphine, after a junket lo shartly after l :ts Lm. and told them, Lima, capital city of Peru, quot.es news "I have just &bot my husband," giving sources ranging from El Pre.!idente to her address. an enterprising shoeshine boy in his When detectives arrived at the scene, tb · they found her and Jame1 Gambrell, exclusive in-depth report on e 1n· her «>-year-old husband, both dead on lemaUonal cliff-hanger. For the Nixon the bedroom floor from IWllbot-woundl aismlnistraUon, will it be frying pan in the head . or fire in South America?· see ·page· -Detective Seargent Frank""Sheafer-aaid 23 today that .Mra. Gambrell may have. already -· sOOt ·herself at the Ume ol .Uie phone Only two or line flnl·Ume -. oll of 10 will JUller luting conieq.-from their tint .... llct wltb ~jaanl. TelliJll ·~ lib It II, Allon,Blat ... lee tOday In the' alxtb of !lit !fl.part "Dnlip 1•" ll!liel ldmltl not. tvety .}'GUnllller wbo ever llllOku "pol" goa to pot. • • . You cali att beUor odda "1 I Lu Vegu alol machine -wflb. oul rtUlnr' .)'Olll' mlild • ln tbe gamble. See Page I before you ante up. call. since-police units· artivtrl al · the bcxne wllhln mlnu!es. Both were rumect by ambulance to Long Beach Qmmunily Hospllll where Mn. Gambrell wu prollOWloed dead on arrival Surgeon,, aperat.ed oo her hwiband for approUnately cne hour but were unS:ble to aave his life. PoUce theor1r.e that ~ slaying was cau9ed by a domesUc quaml but they were unable to determif!e. f:J.he details. 'lbt ...occupatioos d the \icums alao-re- maln PJJknown. The case wu referred to the !As ~nge~ Count!~ for my~sjjgaUon. Both bodies ·were taken to Patterson Mortuary or Long Beach and will be transferred to Bally and B.a r t e 11 Mortuariln1Anabelm·for burial services. Cutter Resc ues Four on Cruiser The Coast Gun! Oilier Point Judith nlCi.ied ftlJr !;:aboard a dilabled cabin cruioer lm'o tbe turf just oft the Huntington acb pier at 5:15 p.m. SUnclaj<. The 20-foot "Bar!ly," owned by 'lbomas 0 . Mack o( Baldwin Park, WU reported to have a cltad bltlsy. It wu located apprulmately-JliO yards off the beech """"' tbe ............ perfohned. Namer of tbe •\rancltd boatera ...,.. noli d<tennlned by tbe Long Beach c-t Gliard. ' YOL. a. ~ & I l•CTJOHI. • PA•ll * * * * * * * * * Sabotage Hinted. V enezueln Jet Crash Takes 150 Lives • MARACAIBO, Venezuela (UPI) - Venezuelan autlxrities said today there wU ~·real evidence" of sabotage in the Sunday crash of a Venezuelan jet airliner Whlcb caught fire oo takeofl and slashed tbnlugb a -killi cW. suburb li.ke ~ .IJMnil( tplf•. klWng """' lbalf-ilO '. _pe~, ds hlttorY•i' ...ni .:.i. disaaler.' II killed all as or '1 abcloiid tbe plfne, .-er Ill on the giound Balboa Couple .. , Burn to Death " In Home Blaze ... Ey JOHN VAL TERZA Of tlM Dllllr """ ll•ff A Balboa couple burned to death before dawn today in a roaring fire that destroyed thelr beachfront home and heavily damaged two others. The three-alarm blaze broke out in the front part of a two-story frame house at 414 E. Ocean Front at about 4:45 a.m. The fire lit up the foggy sky . The dead were identified by police as Mrs. Patricia Johnson Ruby, 40, and Richard Stanley Hadden, 38. Mrs. Ruby's teenage daughter, who lived with her mother, was not at home at the time . ll.adden and Mrs . Ruby were found on the floor of a reir bedroom huddled together. • · Houses flanking the Ruby home wett heavily damaged by the blaze. The home of. r.trs. Irma· Wehrt -a.t 416 Ocean •Front W81 gutted. 1be downataira j)Orllon of tbe. "1lldlng also suffered heavy damage. No estimates of damage were iJn. mediately available, but f i r e me n speculated that the total would reach at least '45,000. To the west, a single-story frame howe had a charred roof and walls. It was unoccupied. Firt investigators still cOmbed the scene late this mornlns in efforts , to determine the oau•· of the blaze, foudlt by crewmen from. 10 Harbor area f1re trucks. One fireman lllffered a badly cufhand 'when ' sbalteiing' tr'indoW~'glia hit him as he entered the burnins dweWng. . William Van ·aorn," .fll a' vfteran of ·the Newport Ctre departmen4 was taken to Hoag Memorial HosPit.aJ lot esnetien- cy treatment He was liter releele4: J Firemen opeculal<d Ille fh lllirted 1n 111e ll'ull or 111e -. poa11>1J . ;1a f-poteh. 'The -WU totally In-volved In Dame wben Ibey ll'rlved. • Tbt bome 1 waa .covered hr ~ skiing over cedar ahlngles, which di8led tbe 11 .. to spread quickly. -aajd. A Newport pollce patrolman· received comme.odaUon for · bla performance at the fire ..... lhll morning, Officer Keith eow.. woo prala from hla superiors "for dbtiopblllna hizllsell wltb alerlnae and courap wllli the In» mediate ...Wt of lives being saved thrJU.gh hll tctlo'nll:" Police aald -Collini awakened nearby resident• and enitred the burning bulldlng al 411 E. Ocun Froot to help the «cupants out. and left 125 otber penoos Injured. Pedro Perez p..,.,., pollllcal cllttctor of the Interior mlnistr)', told the newspaper Ultl.mas Noticlu today in Caracas there was "real evidence of sabotjlge" and lhlt 1'!\ -1l;>lnc ~ ti' m-..ie the 1;1 .-r ,_..,...., d1suUr ... ' f.,.,_ I -• Tbere U..W had been rumon tblt •mne of tbe -aboanl tbe plane we,. delayed oo a prevloua f1lahl from Police · Slay Youth, 14, Fleeing Mesa Burglnry By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of fl!HI Dllllr Pllll Sl•ff Making the ultimate choice of his life -running from a Costa Mesa camera shop burglary after five orders to halt -a 14-year~ld boy died early Sunday, hit when police finally opened fire as he ran down a dark alley. Stephen Stubblefield, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights:, was dead on arrival at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, with .38 caliber wounds in the chest and leg. Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks· today studied , preliminary reports by his lnvestigaton to · establish the basis for shooUng the youthful felony suspect as be tried to escape. No determination has been made about who among three policemen, including a veteran patrol sergeant, fired the bullet which killed young Stubblefle.ld. Investigators are also lludylng the possibility that the fatally •rc>unded teenager had afl accomplice who wc- cessfuUy ~ed tbe 1ophlstlc1led break-in ·at Coni1an'1 Cameras, 530 W. 19th St., as police arrived. TRIPPED ALARM Detectives noted that whoever com- mitted the rooftop burglary -whlcb tripped a lilent alarm monitored al pO- :Student, Teacher Killed a·s Plane" , : j ' Hits Mesa 'Field I lice headquarters-w• no amateur· In lhal portlcuJar field of crime; 1be youth evidently entered after driU. tng a series of boles in' the roof, then cutting out a section . large enough to allow him to slide down into the bulldina on a rope. A second rope with a sack for loot attached was lowered be!lde the enb1, rope before squad cars pulled up alt.et:: the alarm system we tripped at 11:45 · p.m. Saturday. Sergeant Robert Ballinger. along wlUi patrolmen Richard Johnson and, Georgl Wilson, responded to•the burglary-fn:.p~ gress broad.Cast and spott~ a sbaaowy figure inside the camera store. · Shinnying back up· the rope to the rooftop, ' the btq:lar dashed acrosi several adjacent buUcllngs, leaped cloW1i to the pavement and kept on nu\nlagw as ,IJio. orficen chaaed blm, s00utlng lo halt. Sgt. BaJllil&er and tbe two patrolmen finally fired a-el&hl rounds toward tbe lleelng.suapect, about U!J feel awlJ• wltb a concrete ' bank bollcUng ahead (See Bdy SLAIN i>: -. I ' Oraa1e ·· 'C.llR I :Weadler I Thd.L. log,. that , creeps Jn an 1 little cat feet will do some 1 pussyfooting alone the coast 14> night, but' after' midmorning Tuesday it'll be fair and warm with the mercun" in 1he middle ·so· .. t -. I • I 2 DAILY PILOT S Moedq, MllU 17, 196' \ Reho ital Irish111an ~ s "Paddy' Takes Shillelagli to Briton's Bluster Editor't Note: 1ft Satvrdal1'1 td'· tioo, Briton Tom Borl<y of the DAILY PILOT •tall pot hll ll<lu in at th< lrllll and todat/, on St l'Gtricl<'1 Doy, It II only fittinfl crncl proJ><!' tllot a Son of Erin, DAILY PILOT Promo- tion Dittctor Thomas McCann, get a whack or two at Che Britilh. So Mrt flotS: 87 THOMAS McCANN CH .. ~ """ ..... We don't bother much about drctt atld manntf's in England because, as a nation, we don 't dttu wtU ond wc'ue no man- ~'"'11< Btnl01"d S ..... II -'I be boUer Ille!. Shrw, In the llnl \cl c1111o1ue or llll pll7, "You Never Cla Ttll.'' quoted above. uptamed iwi! wUI It II tbol "hu Ill)' oo-. friend. Tam Barley, .. out or p11ue • )rill> Ibo~ or'ua todly •• 'l'bll 11 Ille day eoch .,_ Wllln. the world II _.. by oaJ:i In ldndl or ....,. up1em --wbo ""' lrlsb and tbooe who wl!h fhe7 wer<. Oh, glorlolll SL Patrick's Day! Olrrioullr, Mr. Barley, when he spread his Barley com around in Saturday's ediUon or this newspaper decrying Ille wearing of the green was wearing green himself. He was g r e e n with envy -and doubUessly still is -u be petted at P.sdy's people pttparing to parade thdr pride ln their own naUonallty or that of their ancestors. Today \s our day. And, sure, 'Us a shame that Brother Barley feels be cannot unbend and enjoy it all. But tbe man ll driven. Hts hangup is well described ln another quote from Shaw. The playwright exp]ains ln the play, "Getting Married," lhat, '-rhe whole strength of En.gland lies in the fact lhal lhe enormous majority or English people are snobs." It isn't hard for us true sons of old Erin to understand Barley's bllloul assaul~ ataD, atall • . · He hails ftun Ille land cl. inlnlsklrli and mine disasW's. 1 plact w6ere ld&ley pie i.s the file! mlgnon and wann beer 11 the nectar DI the pxls. • U Hell lsn't hot a.nd dry, then lt11 sure that it i.s eold ...S wet and f'llJ' (llke Loodoo II)._ -" A eloee friend or mine, 1111-near Loodon during World War di, .... -to a double feature movie on a Sunday afternoon and missed summer altogether. And that's the Valhalla this bitter British bucko was trying to defend with his annual diatribe again.st the great, green w or I d the som of the Auld Sod have built. If England b so great, how come its money bu ahrunt until a pound "wef&hl" only 10 ounces! How come It hll ao!d the Queen Mary, the Queen Elizabeth and -yes :-even the London Bridge. We're taklnc no bids, lhank you, on the Blarney Stone or anything else of value ln the Emerald Isle. We have bmJiht. our pOlatoes, pride and penp!cadty wtth ua ta Ille new world. He have made Irishmen -at least honorary ones -of everyone. We have rilon from obaoly boall to lace curtains. And, if you'll pardon me one more quote, we have done just whit Henry Wbeeler Shaw (writing as Jooh Billingl) pr<dicted to Ille following pa(agrapb: 11Put an Engll!hman Into the Garden of Eden and he would find fault with the whole blarsled consam • • • put an Irishman in and he would \\'&nl to -the thing." And so it is -whether you're a Goldste.in, a ScbuUI. a Gulbaldi, or eftn a Smith -today is tbe day )"OU cu join our growing green ranks and help us boss the world. It's . SL Patrick's Day. Here's green beer in your eye! ~ if your name II Barley. • DAILY PILOT, .... "' Arttwr vi..1 CRUMPLED PLANE LIES AT ISOLATED IMPACT SPOT Two Fliers Died Near Busy Shops •• Many Watched Sirhan Talk Tape Played For Court LOS ANGELES (UPI) -"Sirhan B. Sirhan Wked about phllooophy, ranchlnr, motorcycllng, dogs and -... or other 1ubjecil in the hours while Sen. Robert F. Keonedy lay dying ln a boop!tal about a mile away. Tape recordings of Sirhan'• con· versations with police -officer• we.re played for the jury u the llth week: or the murder lrlaJ lo! under way lnday, Sirhan never once mentioned Ken- nedy's name or the Ambassador Hold where he bad been shot a few houri pttviously. He refused to gjve his idenUty or to say whether he had gone to colleie or what country he came from. .Sirhan, however, talked at length when the subject was steered away from him. At one time a police officer said, "maybe you are a victim of cimmUtances." "Beautiful." Sirhan said. The defense was ezpected to spend at least dlree more weeb questioninl psychiatric experts about the mental makeup of Sirhan. City Officials, Solons Slate Airport Meet Road Slaughte1· • Takes Toll of Swallows Getting Ready Dr. Martin M. Schorr, . a clinical psychologist, led oU the parlde of defense witnesses who probed the personality of the 24-year-old Arab im- migrant. Schorr, who resumes testHyina: under cross u:amination today, 1ay1 Sirhan is a psychotic paranoid w I th acltl7.ophrenic tendencies -in layman'• terms, a "Jekyll and Hyde personality." Top-nnking Costa Mesa and Newport Beach city offk:lals will meet with their congressmen and United States senat«s In Wa.mlngton nut Monday to oeek msisUJlce ln !lnding • ftgiooal airport facility for Oronge County. Costa M ... Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley toda)ll said his city arranged the meet~ ing through Congressman James B. Utt. ''We are going to ask them U they can = us get rid m Ulla noise and pollution !em by gelling a noglonal airport •tudy ,_mg." Pinkley said. "It II the flrst time to my knowledge that we have been able to get the thinking of our deded officials in Wa.shlngtoo." ; AH.ming will be 11<!>-Utt, Rep. Rldlard ilaJlna (D) Fullertm, Senator G<uiie Murphy and problbl7 Senli« Alan cramtoo, Newport Beocb Mayor Dcnm llllnboll, Newport city _..,. Tully s.,-. Mayor Pinkley, -PWminl ('munlg\Mrr Jack Hammett ml -Pllllll!ng Director WUllam Dwm. The meeting will be held al It a.m. Monday ln Utt'• Wasblngtoo office. The following day, Tueaday, the -man COsta Mesa delegaUon will 1ppear before ibe Civil Aeronautics Boanl to endone -.Uy a plan for new alt routes bet..-Orlnge County and the Padfic N-. The Newport delegation Is acbeduled to appear before the same group-to oppose fur1ll<r .... or ()nnge County Airport fa.,;w..,. Newspaper Vet Carstensen Sr. Succumbs at 65 Carl ca.rsteoaen Sr., Mtional ld- verti&Dg manager for the San Fem.1ndo Valley 11mes and father of Carl eantmsen Jr., newly..appolnted national and autamotive advert1sing sales llWWii"r of the DAILY PILOT, died Sunday In Memorial Hoopltal, Panorama City, alter a short l!Iness. Mr. CarsteMen, 65, was a veteran of « years in ~ newspaper business. He spent 1' years with the Valley Times and before ccm.iog to California wu promot1oo manager with the Chicago Doll7 Newa for 21 yun. I DAILY PILOT ........................ ----c-.- CAUIOl•IA ..,..., COASf l"U"-11Hllf0 CDIU'llM'( 1.-.M.W-1 ,.,.....,. .... "'*"liNr .le•t L c-t.., Viet..,. ..... -0.-11 .......... ,,,_, ..... ·-n. .... A. M• ... IM --, ••• NltM" ·--·--C.-.MfMr mWW..,.I ..... H_,. ...,_,nu *-1 .............. 1...._... kid>: m flw"1 •- ._.....,.. kldll --.... Four in County For CapistraJW Landing From Page 1 BOY SLAIN • • • OollLY PUT ...... 11r W Pe,_ Irish Lass Georgia McClellan, 20, a genu- ine Irish colleen, dreams of Emerald Isle on this St. Pat- rick's Day while relaxing in bed of shamrocks. Bo I h Georgia and shamrocks are blooming here on Orange CoasL Georgia lives in New- port Beach, the shamrocks in Costa r.-tesa. Four persons were killed in Orange County traffic accidents over the weekend, t h r e e in a two-car crash in Santa Ana Canyon, and a l o n e motorcycllll .. Myford Road. Killed Saturday night 1n the Santa Ana Canyon crash were Elba L. Ferguson, 70, Wbltier, his wile, Pearl, 65 and Rollin J. Brashear, 75, or San Bernardino. ' California Highway Patrol s a I d Ferguson made a U-turn Into eastbound traffic about t1''o miles w e s t of the '"' Ill Comlf7 Traffic Deatll Toll llU %t Rivenlde County line and collided with another car. His vehlcle careened into a gully and overt.urned. Mrs. ruta Groa.sbard, 34. of Anaheim was the driver of the other car. She and her son Stewart, 5, were injured. :ftfolorcyclist Kent W. Ballard of 14300 Newport Ave., Tustin, a Chapman College aludent, waa killed Sunday night when be crubed Into a 1\18f'drall at lhe termination of Myford Road at Robert Road. He WU being pursued by 1berlfl'1 deputies who started to chase him on Newport Avenue about 10 miles from the scene of the crash. They wanted to atop him became of defective tail light. f't'09t Page 1 JET CRASH ... De Oro Airport. Eyewitnesses said the plane 's left turbine was spouting flames even a1 Ille twin-engined craft llftod otf Ille end of the runway and started dropping. "It barely got up 1" 100 met<n (!25 feet )," one eyewitness said. "It passed Jilte a f J a m I n g knih just over the Capitollo '!beater and smashed into houses, tcees. telephone posts and parked cars as well as a bus from which four dead were recovered as well as two injured." The flaming wreckage left a path of misery and terTOr throughout the Ziruma :rooe, that includei homes o< Indians u well as the working-class districts or La Coruba and La Trinidad. The plane ended Its blazing trail of destruction head on into 1 telephone pole where it literally disiittegrated. The fuselage, however, fell across La Coruba where about 3,000 persons live In OM- story houses built of concrete blocks. A resident of La Coruba said the plane hit a high tension power line as it sliced through the district ••Jt looked like 1 giant ball o( fire," he said. "In a matter of seconds, name and smoke poured out of everywhere. J couldn't move. 1 was petrified •• .'' Fires caused by the bluing wreckage started barely 1300 feet from the end of Grano De Oros' 11.250-foot long runway. The plane fell hl lA Coruba proper but fires spre:ad lo ~arly La Trinidad wbert ooe of the wings and a turbine ltnJck. La Coruba is about three miles from the center d. Maracaibo. Had the plane remained airborne oo1y a few minutes longer it would hive crashed into the w a t e r 1 « Lake Maraca.Ibo, Latin America'• largest oil producing center, and .... of the -1d'• .-tmportanl Univmit) Hospttal medical teams 11kl .-of Ille pasoengen, Ifill strapped to their -ts. ...,. "practically reduced to ashes." Tbe captain ot the plane Emiliano Savtlli, was removed alive !rom the ~ but died or h!J !Mnm seconds Jalef. Boaies of llOTne trtW Jnetn- bcrl were lhrowo clear of the wrteklgt. Whole iamllies perishtd when the plane ploughed into homt.I where lhey •ere ae.al.ed for lunch. Same pernw were oet ablau by spray!n1 jet fuel ln downt~,, ?t1aracalbo hundreds of I persons ran about alm]euly, weeping and shouUng. Hospita1s mobiliud for the disaster said 125 other persons many in criUcal cond!Uon with severe burns, shock and broken bones, were Ueated throughout the city. The Anatomical H08pital was converted into a morgue. Relatives, friends and authorities grimly moved among the bodies 1ttempting identification. Rescue worku1 sifting the plane's wreckage and five squatt block.! or burn· ed, splintered homes around it feared still more bodies would be found. * * '-ti 45 U.S. Citizens Aboard Venezuela Jet; All Perisl1 CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -The 1-.g list or U.S. clthens aboard the Venezuelan airliner which crashed in Maracaibo Sunday bu been rompiled from autboritiel at Caracas lntemationa! Airport and oources In Ille United States: By JACK CHAPPELL Of ... DlllJ ~li.t Stiff· Steadfast against the onrush o[ Ume, the 193·year-old Mission San Juan Capistrano and its swaUow1 are prepar- ing for their yearly 4fsplay of stubborn permanence before a capricious world. Wednesday, Sl. Joseph's Day, the swallows are due back at the mission from their South American winter vaca· lions. The faiWul, darting little birds will be welcomed by a pageant involving the children of the mission school, singing, dancing, and gawking tourists. The miaslon'1 Father Paul Martin said he was "upect.ing a rather good year." No swallows have &bown up yet at the mission. But Father Martin said he's been at the mlssioo now for seven and one-half years, and the swallows have never Jailed to show up by St. Josepb·s Day. "The time or day IQIDetimes varies,, but they have aJways been back," Father Martin said. FOSTER FATHER St. JOMph ii the acclaimed fosttr father of Christ and is the universal patron of the Catholic Church. No religious 11gnlflcance is placed on the anival of the swallows at the mission on bis day. With all man's 1clenUfic knowledge, he still can't say how exactly the swallows find their way lo the mission year after year. But thert lie some pretty good reasons why the birds might like the mission location, said Zoologist Wllbur W. Mayhew, Ph.D. at UC Riverside. Swallows are wide ranging birds and may be found f r om the East Coa.5t to the West Coast and as far north as Alaska and u far south as Argentina, he said. He explained that swallows nml an open area for foraging. The birds feed on airborne insects and doD•t like lo be bothered dodging trw. Swallo\\·s need a nearby supply of mud for their nests which are built on a vertical object, preferably with an overhang or some sort, and they like a source of smooth surfaced drinking water. THREE CREEKS The San Juan Capistrano Valley ls site of three creeks which provide the birds with water and the nest mud. When the mission was built in 1776, its overhangs and vertical walls made a natural nesting ground for the swallows. "We have found that once a bird has nested in a certain local.ion, they lend to return to that location the ne1t year," Dr. Mayhew Aid. He said there is a SO percent chance the adult bird will return, while among the more Oighty young, the possibility is more like 10 lo 20 percent they'll return. Mayhew discounted the swallows' highly touted punctuality and said that his research indicates the birds' arrival lime may vary as much as lhrff weeks between years. WEATHER VITAL t.1uch depends upon the weather which dictates the activity of the lnsecp upon which lhe swallows feed, Dr. Mayhew said. Some seed eating birds are con· siduably more punctua l than the insect eating swallows, be said. He noted that a large concentration of swallows are now jn the area around the Salton Sea because of the recent cold spells and rain in Orange County. He said on the bule of past experience It is likely. if the good weather conditlo~ continue, the swallows will make jt to the mission for their "return." After all, they've only been there for 193 years. Czechs to Try Red Soldier in Shooting PRAGUE UPI) -A newspaper in- dicated today that a Soviet soldier \\'ho shot and severely wounded a young nurse "'ill become the first to be tried by Czechoslovak authorities under a new military agretrnent. The newspaper Lidova Demokracie said the "unauthorized use of a firearm against the unarmed girl is now subject to the proper Soviet authorities and our own military prosecutor." of him, as a backstop for slug~. "It's unfortunate. Terr 1 bl y Wt- fortunate," said Police Chief Roger Neth today, as the district attorney probed the fatal shooting of young Stubblefield. "But in the dark, you can't tell If a suspect is 14 or 40," the chief added, noting that he was fieelng the ICf:DI of a felony crime aft.er adequate warning to halt. The chase led from the camera lbop, across a shopping center parklnJ: lot,. across 19th Street and down an alley toward the bank before punuen opened fire. Orange County Sherill's Office criml Jab technicians covered the ICtDe af- terward, complllng minute delalls '"' the d.iatrid attorney's investigation, uk· ed by Chief Neth. !nvestlgaton noted that the rooftop entry was done in what they calleCI a blghly .prolessi<>Dal burglary technique, compared to ordinary pried doon 0< window smash fobs. Young .Stubblefield wu the aon of Mrs. Helen Ellil, of 20112 Kline Drive, in county terrllory just oulalde Colla Mesa city limits. AUTOPSY PENDING The body w~ taken to Westcli!I Mortuary prior to a coroner'• auloplY, results of which are expected to bl given to tbe diatrk:t aUomey later in the week. No funeral arrangements had bet:n made by noon today, accordlng to a apokesman for the mortuary. DIBtrict Attorney Hlcu said todly that be expect.a a complete report on thl shooting death Tuesday, with IOIM crlml Jab analyses due tater in the weet. The district attorney todly c1ecllnecl to discuss either the history or na- of any prior offenses by the Stubblefield boy. "The boy is deceased. He's not on trial, so I wouldn 't want to aay 1nything about that," HJcks explained. Lindsay to Run Again NEW YORK (UPI) -1'1ayor John V. Lindsay was e:rpected to annoont"e fonnally Tuesday he plans to run for re-election, confirming reports that have been circulating for more than a month. n OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sized and repaired e diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE All TYPES OF JEWELRY • HAllOI SHOPPING CIH1U 2JOG HAllOl II.YD. COSTA MISA 1145-HU . ~ ·. , . . . . . . . . ' . . . Opaa M~, 1'111tn.., J'ri. Tll t p.11. HUNTIN•TON ClllTll WCN &·DIN ... HUNTIN•TON HACH Hl·llll AIBlli W I llMI : .•• ......... -• •• • '• : "I, • • .: • ' ./ I 1-1 " . Jl1,ntii!gi~,._ B~a~h: • ? EDITIOiN -YOC. 62,.NO. 65, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES.- -· .. - FLAMES CONSUME SECOND STORY OF OCEAN FRONT HOME w.rE,.Re"co°UtL'E•iii'E~-. lnv11tigatort: SHk Cause ... of Newpar:t 8110 Which De1ttoyed One Ho"''' Damaged Two Others Voters League Sets W. County Candidate Nights "Meet and Greet" candidate nights for aspirants to the governing boards of West Orange County sctlool districts will be held on March 26 and 27 and on April 8, 9 and 10 sponsored by the HUJl«ngton Beach League of Women Joters. Meetings will be held at the McGaugh lnl<nnediate Sobool in Seal Beach on JdarchJS,·11-ValleyHil)IScbool oo March 27, P~k F,.Uly Terrace Room in lbe w-.... district Oil ,\pril I, Community Metilodl.9t Churcll In 'Ooean View diotrid on April t, and Finl Clri&- tian Church of Huntingt<lo Beech City ochool dlsttid on April 10. Each of the meetings begins with an Informal corfee hour at 7:'30 p.m. follow- ed by a formal presentation 0 r backgrowxi and platform statements. Caodldates for elementary school districts may speak at the meeting within the district in which they are running. Candidates for the Ngh school district Dl3Y speak at each of. the meetings. 1be public !111 have e.n opportunity at each ·of the meetings to question c a n d j d at e s . League-<:ompiled ques- tionnaires will be available for the in- tonnanon of voters. 'Ibe League of Women Voters is non- partisan and neither suppor:ts nor opposes candidates or political parties, according to ltfrs. Kenneth Katz. voter servl~ chairman. DetaHs on the meetings may be obtained by calling Mrs. Katz at 847-3493. Valley Council Sets Tuesday Study Meet A study session of the Fount.an Valley City Council is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tueoday·in the lunch room of Qty Hall, 10200 Slater Ave. The regular session of the council begiN at 8 p.m. in the council chambers d City Hall. Numerous public hearings are scheduled for the evening ses&lone:. Stoel< Market. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market ~I~ on a !Ower trend today, although It did cut down some of its earlier losses. Trading slowed near lhe end. (See quotations, Pages 18-17). • The ·Dow Jones Jndustrial average at 1:30 p.m. wu off J.74 points at 902.54. The+ Dow had been off ·as much as 4.73 points at 11:30 a.m. Objection Disputed Board Candidate Raps 'Double Seat' Trustees A caml>'ign against penona holding seats on both an elementary school board and 00 tbe "'"'"'"" board of 1be high ocbool district has been opeoed by ~t B, Cruse, qndldate for the Westminoter Scboo1 District Board of ~ · He began his campaign by sendinf lelegrams to Trustee Mattl>ew Weynku, of both the W..iminster School Board and the Huntingt<lo Beach Union High School District, and to Trustee Raymond Schmitt, who bolds seats in both ol the distrids, asking them to withdraw as candidates from one of the district!:. Cruse ...said today that he has had no reply from Schmitt, who is a can- didate in both of the districts. He said that Weyuker, a candidate in the Westminster District, but who has two more years to nm oo· his high school term, disputed the basis roe his objectlon. 'I1lat basis, according to Cruse, ls Assembly Bill 719, which reads in part that "No person shall hold, be a can- didate for, be nominated for, or be elected to, any odler elective pub!Jc office while he is a member of a govern- ing board." "The holding of multiple offices: ls not in the best interest of the general public. There is grave danger that ex- cessive power can fall into the hands ol a relatively small number ol in- dividuals," Cruse argues. The bill referred to by Cruse has been sem to the Assembly F.dueation CommlUee foe otudy. cn..e oaid he bas dJscussed the matter with members Two Study Matters On Planner Agenda Two study items are on the agenda of tbe Weotminster PiaMlng Commission for tontght's ?:30 o'clock meeting in council chambers ol City Hall, 8200 Westmifllter Ave. The tint study item concerns l:Oning ne.ar Westmin9tcr Community Hospital and the secmd ls on ordinances govern- ing conmuction, ol>entJon and removal of serlie<;t(Uoos. of that commilt<e to verily his ln- terpretatJon of the p-legislatioo and that he k<lll lbe -is to prohibit multiple office holding. • COuncirWeigliji Federal G.rant For Park Funds An application for a federal grant ol $678,088 to buy land in the central city park area of Huntington Beach will be considered today by the City Council. The council meets at 4:30 p.m. in council chamber• of Memorial Hall, 5th Street and Peean Avenue. After an ad- journment at about I p.m. the cwncil reumes deliberations at 7;30 p.m. . The city is considering a large central park near Golden West Street and Talbert Avenue, Tbtre: are two Jak .. s on the property in question and much ol the land is already in use for unofficial recreational purposes. Total cost is estimated at about $1.4 million, half of which the city hopes the federal government through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will supply. The balance of the money and the cost of development would come from a $6 million park bond issue the voters have before them in a Juoc 3 election. Oil Exploration Topic at Council The Seal Beach City COuncil tonight takes up.numerous resolutions 1uggcstcd ~Y.othcr clUes during its ·8 p.m. meeting Jn coupcil chambers of City Hall. ResOluUom on oil exploration off the coast auggested by Laguna Beach and Newport Beach, on an off-shore airport study suggested by Stanton, on a full-time •.tall for the ~Y Local Agenq Forma-t1~, CommJaion suggested by Yorba J.inaa and on the Harbor Dl&trlct 111g- gested 1by Orange come before the coun- cil: •Pot'-Mind Gamhle Councilmen ·also consider a ~t from Klt Canon r... ~or!Utlon for the annuaJ Uoos Ch.i> pancake breakfast onMaylO: · '· -l Only two or _.. ~e -. ,out of 10 wW ,Rfrei; 1-.: cooaequenca from thtlr lint cao- tad wilh morljuam. ' . Telling II llte'lt ff, Alton Blak.,. .lee today ln·the lllxlh of 111110-part ''DNp t•" Mies admits not,. evrry younpter who ever'· unokea, .. pot" &Ott' to pot. . • You can s<t beU<r odds "" a Las Vepa 11ot machine -with- out rbkinf 7our mind In the pmble. See Page i before you anlo·llj). ) Irish Envoy Named On St. Pat's Day WASHINGTON (UPI) -P1esldtnt Nixon today took the occasion of. SL .P,.atrick's Day to amounce the,. •P- doi'nlment ·-.i bultneos efttllttv• John, b, J . V.oore u the new ambuaador to U.land. Moore,, 57, ol Short HIJI, N.J'.\ is vice prtsldent of W. II. Gfate Ind Co., I shlpplng and' lnduJtrW lltm. He ii of lriah descent, and wu founder and presi- dent o! lhe lrel8*U.S. CouoCJl IOl' Com- mate and lndlllti')'. • " • • • • •• ,t ' . . . .. " ' . .. T..tay'sl'blal N.Y. Steeb .TEN CENTS Fire l(ills Couple Balboa Pair Burn to Death in Blaze . . B JOllN VAL TERZA 1 0.·111e C>allJ PdM '"'" A Balboa couple ~umtd to de1th ' befote diwn today ,in a ~ fire lhat destroyed · their beacblront bome and heavily damaged two others. The threH:larm blaze broke out In the front part of a · twe>-story frame house at 414 E. Ocean Front at about 4 a.m. The fire lit up the foggy sky. The dead were identified by police as Mrs. Patrlcia Johnson Ruby, 40, and Richard Stanley Hadden, 38. Mrs. Ruby's teenage daughter, who lived With her mother, was not at home at the Ume. Hadden ~· Mn. Ruby were found on the floor ~ a rear bedroom bUddled together. Sabotage Hint -In Venezuelan Crash Probe MARACAIBO, VenezuelA (UPI) Venezuelan authorities said today there was ''real evidence'' of sabotage in the Sunday .crash of a Venezuelan jet airliMT which caqbt fir< oo takeoff and slaahed through a· working clus suburb like a flam.ins knife, kllllng men than 150 persons. 'I'he era.ah was bistory'a worst ail' dw..ter. IL tilled all 85 or n aboard !he plane, anq!h'1' 67 on the groun4 •nd left m ~. p<!IOlll inJured. Pedro,,.__,.....,. ,pollticll dlttctor of lhl '1ntoilir ,~ tOld the newspaper UWmu N toda! in Caracaa there wu ' evldence of sabotage" and that he wu ll)'in& her• to inve.Ugate the pooslbllity 11 the disaster site. There already had been rumors that some of the passen1ers aboard tbe plane were delayed on a previous flight from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York by a "bomb scare" whJch failed to materialize. All 85 persoos aboard the Miami-bound Viasa DC 9, including 45 Americans, were killed. At least 67 persons Jn the working class suburb of Ziruma died when the jetliner aliced !laming through their home1 just before noon, and only two minutes after takeoff from Grano De Oro Airport. Houses flanking the Ruby home were h.,.vtly damaged by the blue. The home of Mrs. Inna Wehrt at 416 OCean Front was gutted. The dowDstairs porUon of the building 1 al5o suffered heavy damage. No estimates ot dam,age· were im- mediately available, btit f i r e m e n speculated that the l.Cltal would reach at least $45,000. To the Wtl!t, a single·story frame house had a charred roof and walls. It was unoccupied. Fire investigators still combed the scene late this morning in efforts to determine the cause of the blaze, fought by crewmen from 10 llarbor area fire trucks. One fireman suffered a badly cut hand when shattering window glau hit him. as he entered the burning dwelling. William Van Harn1 41, 1 veteran of lrlsh Las• lhe Newport fire department, wu taten to Hoag Memorial Hospital for emerp cy treatment. He was later rtJeMed. Firemen · apcculated the fire ltarted In tlie front or the """"'' -1bly Ill front oorch. The houae· waa totally .., volvecf In flame when they arrived. The home wu covered by upbl]t siding over cedar shingles, wbk:b ca.Uled the fire to spread quickly, firemen llid. A Newport police patrolman received commendation fer t-J.s pe.rformaoce at the fire scene thi11 morning. Officer Keith Collins won praise from his superiors "for distlogulshlng himle~ with alertnes.. and courage with the im- mediate result or llve1 being aaved through his actions." Police said Collins awakened ftearbJi residents and entered the bllrn1ng building at 411 E. Ocean Front to hel~ \be. occupants out. Coast Woman Kills Husband Then Herself A Seal Beach man was shot and tilled early Sunday morning by his wife who tbep turned a .38-callber revolver against her own bead and ended her life. Mrs. Darlene Gambrell, 31, ol 3911 SWlllower St., called Seal Beach poll" ohorlly alter g,45 a.m. and told them, ••1 bave just lhot my b1.11band,'' givizlt her addres... · When detectlvp anived at the ~ Ibey .f0W1d her w James G11mbrelli lier tG-year-old · buSblnd, bolll dead all ~ bedroom jloor -.-... -hi &!le bead. ' , ' • DetectlV• Searstnt J'rlJllt -..w lhal Mrs. Gimbr<ll may haft aJreadj lhot herlell at the time of tha plioof call, llnce pollce units arriv"'f at th< home within mbiute1. Both were rushed by ambulance tt Long Beach Community Hospital when Mr!. Gambrell was pronounced dead Oii arrival. Surgeons operated C1n her husband (<M approximately one hour but were dabll to 11ave his lite. Police theorize that the slaying wa1 caused by a domesUc quarrel bat tbeJ were unable ta determine the details. The oceupatlona or. the vic:tims aJao reo main unknown. Eyewllnesaes said the plane's left turbine wu spouting flahies even as r the twifl.engined craft lilted off the end Georgia McCleUan, 20, a genu~ ine Irish· colleen, dreams of Emerald Isle on this St. Pat· rick's Day while relaxing in bed of shamrocks. B n t h Geo?gia and .sbarilrocks are blooming here on Orange · Coast. Georgia lives in New· Port Beach, the shamrock's in Costa Mesa. The case wu referred to the Lof Angeles County Corooer foe invelllralloa. Both bodies were tatcn to Patlerlol Mortuary of Long Beach and will bl transferred to Bally and B ar t e 11 Mortuary in Anahelm for burial services. Clf the runway and started dropping. "It barely got up tCl UlO meters (325 feet )," one eyewitness said. "lt passed like a f 1 a m i n g knife just over the CapitC!lio Theater and 11mashed int.Cl houses, trees. telephone posts and parked cars as well as a bus from which four dead v;ere recovered as well a.s tivo injured." The flaming wreckage left a path ·of misery and terror throughout the Ziruma zone, that includes homes of fndians as well as the working<lass distrlcts of La Coruba and La Trlnld1d. The plane ended itl blazing trail of destruction head on into a telephone pole where lt llterally disintegrated. The fuselage, however, fell across La Coruba where about 3,000 persons llve in o~ sl.Clry hoo11e1 built of concrete: blocks. A resident of La Coruba saJd the plane hit a high tension power line as it sliced through lhe di&lrLct. "It .looked like a giant ball of fire,'' he said. "In a matter of seconds, flame and smoke poured out of everywhere. I couldn't move. I wu petrified ••. " Fires caused by the blazina: wreckage started barely 1300 feet from tbt end of Grano De Oros' 18,250-foot Jong (See ./ET CRASH, Pa1e I) PILOT PROBES . . PERU 1,'ROBLEMS • • Pruidtnt Nil0ft'1 J>erlOft&l envoy open1 talkl wllh Peru'I ndlni military Junta today on J.uues of Peru • e I 1 I n g an Amerlcan oil corporation's mulU-mllllon- dollar operatlo!>, gunfire aimed •I American !lsltln.I boatl oo the high l<U and •· ht'to iJorapi\, llle. UnllOcl Stain an ·~1e-aare..ori.'~, • .. DA!bY PltOT Managing Edllor -nu M~ ~ a Junket lo Llullj ~pt~· c!IJ'.'·of Peru; quota, nein oourcu rlJlflnC from ,El Pr"1dent .. ti> an enteq>rj'°' ''lhoelhine bo7 In his e<cltu\va , ¥•Diii nport "" the ill' tern1Uonll ·i',llH:iiiinrer. F« the Nixoo ,tdmlni•~· 11:lq It "' !ry\nc """ C!l:'.JQ }!j; " \tJ-4meriCI! See ., J'qt .,_. , . ' . ' Boy, 14, Fleeing Bitrglary Killed By Mesa Police By ARnruR R. VINSEL Pf lllt DlllY 'Ii.I 1!1" Maklng the ultimate choice of his life -running ~om a Q>sta. Mesa ca~era shop bur~la,ry .rter live on!'!' to halt -a 14-year-old boy died early Sunday, hit when police finally o~ned fire aS he ran down a dark alley. , Stephen Stubbletleld, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heijhts, was dead on arrival at Co11ta Men Memorial Hospital, with .38 caliber wound.a in lbe chest and leg. Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks today studied prdiminary report. by his invesUgatcr1 to establish the bw r~ shooUng the youthful felony suspect as.lie tried to escape. · No detertninaU'oa bas beeb made about who amOllg ll!l'ee poijcemen, Including a veteran patrol sergeant, ~ the bullet which l<llled young Stubbltlleld. lnvestigaton .,. alao It~ the poeslblllty that !he la~ wouncted teenager· had an accomplice who IUO- ceu!ully ned the ' tophlstl~11ed break· in at Corrtean'• Cameru, "3 W. 19th st., as. poUce arrived. Cutter Rescues Four on Cruiser The Coast Guard cutter Point Juditti rescued four ~p!e aboord a disabled cabin cruiser dritUng int'o the surf just off the Huntington Beach pier at 5:1S p.m. Sunday. The 20-foot "Barfly," owned bl. Thomaa 0. Mack of Baldwin Park, w .. reported to have •~dead battery. It was located approxlmately llO janl. off !hi beach when the reacue w11 performed .. Names of the stranded boaters wen no( determined by the Long Beacli Coast Guard. · Orange Wea tiler That tog th.at creeps in on little cat feet will do some pussyfooting along the coast to- nigh~ but alter midmorning Tuesday It'll bO fllr ind warm with the mtrcury 1n the middle 80'i. Del~ves noted lMit . whoever com- mitted the rooftop burCluy ~ whlcb trlp!l"( a •Pent 1l•MJt monl!Qrod at ~ lice beadqUllfers-was 'no 1ainatelir !ft that portlcular field of crime. · Tiie yout)> tvldtntJy entered alter drill-""' 11 Ing a Krier of holes tn the roof thtn 1Mt1111 n =· ,,f IN.'!imB TODAY The ~1tion Ml btcn an- swered: a fast cata:1nara1l if no match for a tcrl~1Cfltd •loop. A.sk Buddu Eb"• and Paf Do1'- garz who prooed lt OUff' wcrlto eJl!L Boati'llg• Po.gt ·2Z1 ,' . cutOn·g '_out a 'aecflon · large eMugh to ~:= ~ ...,..... ,._ w aUow hlm to allde ~ Into the bUud1nc CtM1u 11 • °""" c-tr ' ~ 12 .,,,.. ..... ll on a rope. !DMfll Nttktt • l9ct.t """ ,,.H A aecopd rc.pe wlih 1 11ck fai-loot 1 DtMrttt 11 '""" tNI attached wu Jowtttd ·beside p>e entry ::::'..=' ~ ~'::.-..::--"':~ rope betOr. aquad cars ! Jip"etJer :::Ti.-. ,.,, """-' • +lhe Um system .wu, iri .f.at U.:45 ..._ 11 ==-~ J "t~ iMJY SLAJN,1 'iJ • I 1 ,___ ... _____ ._. ________ .. _, 'I --- • DAil Y PILOT H Mondi)', Matth 17, lM An lrish111an"s Behoffal Sirhan Talli 'Paddy' T~ Shillelagii to Briwn's~Bluater I ' ' .i.. Tape Played Editor'• Not" In Sat11rdau'• cdJ. .blmltlf.\ T.: baV• built. • • lloto, Briroa Tom liol:if11 of U.. DAILY lie wu Ir, et A Wttlt f1111V1 -ad , U Il!nliaod ii ., illU!-~ """" lb l'ILOI' mff got hli lt<ltf In at 111< Ooob'lWIJ aWJ ii -at ht liaered at lftOlll1 bu WWII< Until a ' pound Irish and todou on St. Patrick'• Day, Padif.l''•.l*JP)e .....l1na to paiadO lhalr "...i;lla" oolJ, ti. _, JI,.. come • U Lt OftlV fitti~g and prOJ>Cr that a. pride ln their Owit het1onaUtJ or .. tbat It hit SGld the QUMn Mary, tilt Queen • 'For Court s J Erl DAILY PILOT Promo-of tlteir ancestors. Ellubetb and -ye1 -even the London on ° n, · Today is our day. And 1ure 'tla Bridge. tfon Dlrt:ctbr Thomas ~c~ann, pet a a shame that Brother Barl~y feei.s he We're taking no bids, thank you, on '::!~k or two at the Bnhsh. So here cannot unbend and e.njoy it all. the Blarney Stone or anything tbe " But the man is driven. His hangup of value In the Emerald I.sle. By THOMAS McC~NN Of .... O.Uy f'llilt '"" \Ve don't bother much about dre11 and manner1 in England becoUJt, cu a t1otion, wt don'c dress well and we've no mon· ner.s. -Georgi Bernard Shaw Tt couldn't be better said. Shaw, in the first act dialogue of his play, "You Never Can Tell." quoted above, e1 plained just v;hat it is lhaL has my oneUme friend, Tom Barley, so out of phase with the rest oC ua today. ' This is the day each .Year when the world Is peopled by only two kinds of homo aaplens -lboee who are-Irish and those who wiah they were. Oh, glorious St Patrick's Day! Obviously, Mr. Barley, when he spread bis Barley corn around in Saturday's edition of this newspaper decrying the wearing of the eretn was wearing green Is well described Jn another quo t.e from We have brought our Potatoes, pride Shaw. The playwright explains In the and perspicacity with UJ to the new play, "Getting Married ,'' that, "The world. whole strength of England Ii~ in the He have made Irishmen .:... at least fact that the enormous majo rity ol honorary ones -of everyone. English people are snobs." \Ve have risen from shanty boats to It isn't hard for us true sons of old lace curtains. And, if you'll pardon me Erin lo understand Barley's bilious one more quote, we have done just a.saaalt, atall, ataJL what Henry Wheeler Shaw (writing u He halls from the land of mi niskirt!! Josh Billings) predicted in the following and mine disasters, a place where kidney paragraph: pie is the filet mignon and warm beer "Put an Englishman into the Garden is the nectar of the gods. of Eden and he would find fault wlth If Hell isn't hot and dry, then It's lhe "'hole blarsted consarn .... put sure that it is cold and wet and foggy an Irishman in and he would "'ant to (like London is). boss the thing." A cloee friend of mine, atalloned near And so it is -whether you're a Lohdon during World War II, once went Goldstein, a Schultz, • GarlbilcH, or to a double feature movie on a Sunday even a Smith -today ls lbe day you afternoon and missed "1DUJ'ler altogether. can join our growing green ranks and And that's the Valhalla this bitter help us boas the world. British bucko was trying to defend with It's SL Patrick'• Day. Here's green his annual diatribe against the great, beer In your tye! EspeciaUy U your green w or Id the aoris: of the Auld name is Barley. Huntington Defendant From Page 1 Psychiatrist Links Drug, Drink to Attempted Rape O»rles John Trautwein Wd not have fl1e menial capacity .to plan or cury out the &exual uuuJt with which he ls charged, a Huntington B e a c h psychiatrist. testified today in Superior Court. Dr. John Schumacher tokl Judge William Spe.irs at the opening of the eecood day of a hearing into Trautwein's bid to reverse hb: earlier guilty plea that the defendant was intoxicated frcm. alcohol and Librium (a tnnquilllinl drug) last A1tg. 2 -the date he allegedly tried to npe a Balboa bland woman In her home. 1bat combination of drup and drink, Schumacher said, made Trautwein com- pletely Incapable ol Pilmllna any IUCb -let al<ioe carry!ng tt out. And he llrmly -his opinion "formed ovtr tbree yean of my tt:atment of this man" that 'frautweln is not a m~ lally -"-· otteod .... I • Father of Pilot Sal.es Chief Dies Carl Carsten.sen Sr., national ad· vtrtiaing manager for the San Fernando Valley Times and lather ol Carl CanteMen Jr., newly .. ppolnted 11&tlonal and automotive advertiatng 1 a J I'!: 1 manager of the DAILY PlLOT. died Sunday In Memorial Hoeplt&I, Panorama City, after a oborl lllnesl. Mr. eantensen. SS, WU I veteran of. f4 ,.ean: in the newspaper business. He spent 23 years wtlh the Valley Thnes and before cominJ to California was promotion maMger with the Chlcago Daily News for 21 years. Born in Pierstm, Iowa, he attended Morningside College (Iowa) and the Univers.ity of Cliicago, where he majored ln business ad1ninistraUon. Surviving, in addltl<>n to Carl Jr., are his wife. Mary; a sister. Mrs. Paul Severance of Phoenix, Ariz., and µtr ee grandchildren. Ex-Premier Dies SALISBURY, Rhodell> (AP ) Winston Field, who was succeeded as ~rim• mlnbter Ii Rhodesia by Ian Smllh ID 19M, died here todly. He WU 64. I 111\11 l I'll OT ou.NOI Cl:rl41 P\lllll Kttl• <t\MPAlrT ll:e~rt N Weel .. ,.., •nC """"""" J•t• It. C11•l:r Via ~ .... CkMt' MtlWlttt Tli•M•t k•etn a- Tktft•t, A. Mwr11hf11• •-111e aa11w Al~ w. ..... W1tt1 ....... , 4-'-fll tlllllll ... IOl'I ·-"' ....., C!ly I: .... .............. Qffkit let Ith 5tnet M•m11t ,.._.,.., P.O. ha 110, '2MI --........ "9dl: 1111 .. , .. "'" twtw .... c.e. ,.._., • Wiii ..... JtrMt .._.. liMJll m ..,... ,,.....,.. I Sclrumacl..:, 17711 Madflra Line, ls the teemd defeme witness in what is upecled to be a day loq hearing before Judge Speirs. Deputy Dfs1rlcl Attorney Ed Freeman expeda to put on his witness.. laler today, including Ille Newport Beach woman who was alleged- ly assaulted by Trautwein. Trautwein, it, of 20292 Q<almer Lane, HWlllngton Beach, ,..ks to withdraw his pl<s of gullly to charges of usaull w1lh lntenl to commit rapt. He cifered that plea lut Nov. 25 and was sent · to Ataacadero State Hoopltal for atudy 111111 -wit!> a report that labeled Trautwein as "not amenable to treltmait lllld~a danger to the beallh and safety of others." Traut...in t""1 riMd auttney Manhlll Sc!rulman, bl(ed atl«ney Sl!n Hunrilz and UJUOd· -.. Jud•• Spelra Iha! ••deep emoUonal conftlct" Ind a cijllgree- meot wlih Schulman led him to Ille the gullly Plea· • f • Judp Spein Is being asked to now allow Trautwein to pleod fnnocont to rape charps and face a jury trlal on tbal COUJI(. 'Ille etocliy delmdant alao -· freedom on bell and the otrlldng of the Atucad«O report from the records. AU three motions are being opposed b;· fl1e dWicl attorney. Owner Sees Life's Work Burned Away As lhe red glow faded from the sky above the 400 block of East Ocean Fron t th.is morning, Mrs, Irma Wehrt stood grimly among her neighbors, watching the smoke and her life's work pour out of her Balboa beachlront home. Jn the chilly fog, the long-time Harbor Area restaurateur, a native of Germany, shook her head and said quleUy: · "There was china in that house that was 350 years old, and now it's all gone. "I looked out on the front porch and saw the flam es and the fire chased me back through the house. I had time oilly to grab my dog and run." The robust woman. known by [riends u "Mu tter" (German for mother) wasn 't a stranger to the reporter. DAILY PILOT reporter John Valterza and Mn. Wehrt flr!t met ln far happier circumstances three weeks a10. He and fellow reporter Rudi Niedzielski delivered • long letter and photol from .. Mutter'a" relatives in Germany. The family 11ve the message to Rudi shortly before he left Germany for Newport re:tntly. '~Mutter'' had one of those nice German type houses with a cuckoo cloc k on I.be wall, PorCelaln on the mantel and photographs of the family all around. She had her German shepherd, Bh1martk, too. A hiahly protecU ve do1 who adores her • Now ahe bu only fl1e dog. "Wbfn I aaw lbe flazne1 I atopped for a aecond trylnc to decide what to take. Then I grabbed Bllmarck and ran out the biek. I took nothln& but lbe dog." M "Mutt.tr" and lhe reporter went tnside firemen were chuctln& her char1'fJli btloollnla off Ille seoond.floor paUo ltlto a smouldertna heap below. "Multer" dlacusaed the charred pain· tin, ol Dana Point hanalnll over her bed, then IClnned the black walls, looked at her ruined clothes in the cl01et, thm !•II to the bed and wept. The tear• luted for but • mOJTitnt, and she got up and snapped, "rll work another 40 j'tln and make It up." "I'll go to work Just Ill<• Ill• lasl 411 )'tan and I'll b&v• It all again," she said. JET CRASH. • • runway. The plane fell in La Coruba proper but fires spread to nearly La Trinidad where one of the wings and a turbine struck. La Coruba is about three miles from the center of Maracaibo. Had the plane remained airborne only a few minutes longer it would have crashed Into the w a t e r s of Lake Maracaibo, Latin America's largest oil producing cent.er, and one of the world'J most important. University Ho&pital medlcaJ teams said most of the passengers, still strapped to their seal.!, were "practic~ly reduced to ashes." The captain of lhe plane Emiliano Savelli, was removed alive from the wreckage but died of his burns seconds later. Bodies of some crew mem- bers were thrown clear of the wreckage. Whole families perished when the plane ploughed into homes where they were aeated for lunch. Some persons were aet ablaze by spraying jet fuel. In downtown Maracaibo hundreds of persons ran about aimlessly, weeping and shouting. Hospitals mobilized for the disaster said 125 other persons many in critical condition with severe burns, shock and broken bones, were treated throughout the city. The Anatomical Hospital waii converted Into a morgue. RelaUves, friends and authoriliu grimly moved among the bodies attempting ldentlllcaUon. Rescue workers silting the plane's wreckage and five square blocks of burn- ed, splintered homes around tt feared still more bodies would be found, * * * 45 U.S. Citizens Ahoa1·d Venezuela Jet; All Perish _ CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -The following lis t of U.S. citizens aboard the Venezuelan airliner which era.shed In Maracaibo Sunday has been compiled from authorities at Cara cas International Airport and sources in the United States: 1 end 1. ltllberl A$~mort ind w111i. E•rll~. \tlro1n1, ee1e~. "'· J '"" •. Willi"" l tnl1rnln end wlft, ~11r1e11. \tlrel,.I• •~u:h. Vt . s •rid •. Ja1tP11 VIMl ll I nd "''"· J1r..rt, C~1111nooo1, Ttnn. 1 tnd l. A!lltrl 0tV1dlOll end wit.. Alt(I, • 1ncr 10. l!:Gt..rt •-end w!l1, J \IM, 11. Jal!n J, H-y. Las Anetlft. bo•n r .. Ct n1d1. 11, AdfllM A-le HtM'I', 1(1n111 (!!'/, Mo., PiHPOr! !l&Ul d ln LOI Anteloll. ll, Mt rlln Mty 011t1, ll.'.1111111 City, Mo. 1~. AlllllOll'I' O•"•· Nttlt11k1, lJ, Mtot11r1te S«lt Hooker, bor'!I 1n Trlnltled, U.J. t "lu n. 11. Sr..1on MtY Nt/1«1, Ntbre,U, ,_H_I ln utd SH!lft, Wn~. 11, ICtnMltl Dl•n lilllGll, Hebr•fll;1, ll•HPOrt h 1111d St1nt1. 11 t lld lt. llt lrlck ~Pll Ctrler •114 Wlft. 1!11lt , Lt Grtl\M, Il l, 70. AMlflW JGHPll 11/d<i.on, U.S. <llllff born In CIK l'IOllOvt kl•, PIUlllOrt IHUld In LOI"'""'"'· fl. Ltlltl IC.1ff\fl'IM fl!XUon. Norl'll Otket1, ~'-' 111111'11 In Ml•rnl. n . Florw11Ce l!ll'le! IC.-, fl rl1lol, Vt, '1 Cllerln Jt ct; W"I""-"• Olllo. 1~. Ja ...... Fll"f ll;lct. Mltl'llHn. Pl lU•O'I 1$111111 '" l&t """ltt.. U .. 111111 IUd 1trf O"lt 'flldlr, Mlctlleen. 1'. J1ne O..l•rnoer. rio otl'ltr lnlem111ton ..... 111bt1. 17, .Y.tt.. T. !"~In "°""" Mfllll! Vtrllo!I. 1 ... 1. !e. Citric• o... P11111co11, '"· 11. II, Huflh XI, 0. °'°""lh Jt. L. Doilwt!11 :n. Gr11m1 tt0 ·rntllt l t l.-en1 .SS. L. o.· Ann11 3'. Gtrtrud!1 M1l111n n11 U. Jatln Hack.,.1 ~4. J. Heckw1 J1, Oof'lt '"""t )II. Jtmtt H1'l"lll'OOCl1 lt. Wll!lt Jollnsoi11 .io. $~wn l "<l•Yi fl. Lindi ll t l'(lt YI Al. N l~t Mt YI 43. Gtnt 11\eYJ M. Ml• Mt rtloJU.1 d, Ht"""" lt°""n .. Powell Jor Mayor? SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) -Rep . Adam Cla,yton Powell (D-N.Y.), Aid Sun· day he will announce by nut weeKnd whether he will run ror mayor of New York against incumbent John V. Lindsay. 1·~1ayor Undsay hasn't done anythin1 very tmportam In New York." Powell told a M'WS conftrtnct, Special Meeting Set The \\'Htmlnlltr City Council h11 call· ed 1 specl1l meeting for 7 p.m. Wtd- ner.day at City Hall to consldtr a nine- point apnda which lncludt• a report from City Admlnlttrator Robert Huntley on a proposal for • w t and rec:reaUon bond l~ut. ; CRUMPLED PLANE LIES AT ISOLATED IMPACT SPOT Two Fll1r1 Dltd N11r Busy Sh0p1 11 ~1ny W1tch9CI Mesa Plane Crash Kills Student Pilot, Instructor A student pilot and his lnstructor died Instantly Sunday when their twi~ngine plane spun dizzyingly out or the balmy skies on a practice flight and smashed nose-fiF.t into a grassy Costa Mesa field. Crushed lo dea th in the wreckage were instructor ltichn rrt H. Stowell. 28, of Los Angeles. and his student, Richard L. Fields, 29, of ~Ianhallar, Beach. The Piper Apache was seen by scores of witnesses in busy neighborhood shop- ping centers as it spun down into 1hc vacant lot just east of Bri stol S!l'ect at Palisades Road, Hundreds of sights~rs gathered as police roped off the scene and covered the mangled bodies, which were spilled partially out of the wreckage. Investigators for the N at i on a I Transportation Safety Board at Los Angeles International Airport said today it will be some time before cause of the sudden crash can be determined. Stowell , a veteran pilot, was reportedly at the controls when the plane went down, shortly alter a practice toucb-and- go takeoff at Orange Cotlllty Airport. Investigator Robert Shaw, of the NTSB, said today, hCJWever that he js not cer- tain whether the student or instructor Traffic Violator Gets 2nd Cha1·ge A demonstration or unhappiness at be· Ing jailed on traffic warrants has only added to the woes or Anthony E. Brunet- ti, 24; of 7751 Slaler Ave., Huntington Beach. A charge of destroying city property was added to his traffic charges after the jailer at the Huntington Beach City J ail alleges he found the suspect ripping off mattress covers and dumping them in a toilet and th rowng mattresses on the floor of his cell. Officers said today that Brunetti, who was alone in the cell, was very boisterous and seemed very unha ppy about being arrested on the traffic warrant issued in West Orange County Municipal Court. He now has two charges to explain to the judge. was flying the craft when unknown trouble sent it spinning earth ward. So me witnesses estimated the altitude of the Apache at about 1,000 feet, but Shaw said today that lt may have been somewhat lower, based on added in· formation. Radio contal'l had been steady \l'ilh the Orange County Airport control tower. but neither flier gave any warning of trouble before the I :40 p.m. crash. FIRST ON SCENE Costa Mesa poli ce officer Dave Dye v.·as the first lawm an to reach the scene and notified headquarters lo call in cor- oner's deputies lo handle the two victims. Neither suffered , because death was mercifully quick at the instant of grin- ding impact, which sent two or three pieces ol wreckage flying, but left mosl of the Apache an intact wad of twisted me tat The Costa ~1esa Fire Departmen t ar- rived on !he scene, but the wreckage did not burn and witnesses said thty heard no engine sound. inUicaUng the craft stalled and ne~·er regained poy,·er. The bodies of Stowell and Fields \Vere taken to Westcliff Mort uary after removal by the Costa Mesa Police Search and Rescue squad, but no furneral ar- rangements had been ma de by noon today. The ill-fated plane was O\\'ned by Bates Aviation Inc .. and based at Haw thonie Airport, where the night originated Sun- day. Michigan Doctors Transplant Heart AN N ARBOR, Mich. (UPIJ -A 2J. member medical team today remo\·ed a dlseased heart "the size of a volleyball" from Gerald Kenneth Rector and replaced it with the healthy Mart of a young man who would have been 25 Tuesday. Surgeons at Universi ty HosiNtal said that Rector, 43, was in "good shape" after the seven-hour operation that made him Michigan's third heart trarusplant patient. LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Skhan B. Skhan talked about philosophy, ranchlna, 'motoreyclln£ dop and """"" .. other ' lllbjects In lhe hours while Sal. Bl>bert F. Kenntdr lay dying Ill a holpllal about a mlle away. Tape recordinp of Sirhan'• con· venatlonl wJth pollce olficer1 were pl>}'<d for fl1e Jury u fl1e ttth w.,k ci the murder trta1 got under way iocfaf. S1rban never once men Uoned Ken· nedy's name or the Ambauador llote1 where be bad been shot a few hours previously. Ht refused to give hi1 klentlty or to say whethtt he had gone to collega or what country be came from. Sirhan, however, talked at length when the subject was ateered away from him. At one time a police officer said, "maybe you are a victim of circum5taDCU 0 "Beautiful," Sirhan aald. nie defense was upeded to spend at least tbree more weeks questioning psychiatric experts about the mental makeup of Sirhan. Dr. Martin M. Schorr, a clinical psychologist. Jed off the parade ot defense witnesses who probed the pertonality of the 24-year-old Arab im· migrant. Schorr, who resumes tesUlying under croes u:aminaUon today, 1ays Sirhan is a psychotic paranoid w i t h achizophrenlc tendencies -in Jayman's ternl3, a "Jekyll and Hyde personality." FroM P .. e 1 BOY SLAIN. •• p.m. Saturday. Sergeant Robert Ballinger, along with patrolmen Richard Johnson and ~rge Wilson, responded to the burglary-m-pro- gress broadcast and spotted a shadowy figure inside the camera store. Shinnying back up the rope to the rooftop, the burglar dashed across several adjacent buildings, leaped down to the pavement and kept on running, as the ofiicers chased him, shouUnf to halt. Sgt. Ballinger and the lY.'O patrolmen finally fired about eight rounds toward the fleeing suspect, about 150 feet away. with a concrete bank building ahead of him , as a backstop for slugs. "It's unfortunate. Terri b 1 y un- fortunate," said Police Chief Roger Neth today, as the district attorney ~bed the fatal shooting of young StubbleI1eld. "But in the dark, you can'~ tell If a ·suspect ls 14 or 40," the chief added, noting that he wu fieelng the scene of a felony crime after adequate warnlnf to halt. Th~ chase led from tht camera !hop, across a shopping center parking lot, across 19th Street and down an alley toward the bank before pursuers opened fir e. Orange County Sheriff's Office crime lab technicians covered the scene af. terward, compiling minute details for the district attorney's investigation, ask· ed by Chief Neth. In vestigators noted that the rooftop entry was done in what they called a highly profeasional burglary teclmlque, compared to ordinary pried doors or window smash jobs. Young Stubblefield was the son of ~lrs. Helen Ellis, of 20112 Kline Drive, in county territory just outside Costa Mesa city limits. AUTOPSY PENDING The body wu taken to Westc!H( Mortuary prior to a coroner 's autopsy, result.s of which are expected to be given to the district attorney later in the \veek. No funeral arrangemen ts had been made by noon today, according te a, spokesman for the mortuary. District Attorney Hicks said today that he expects a complete repo rt ou the shooting death Tutsday, with some crime lab analyses due later in the week. . --~!!M'M M'R _ ....... .... "•],• ,.·. , .. "'········.· • n OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized and repaired • diamonds and precious stones remounted ep10~•~~~ . WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALL TYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOI SHor!'IN6 CINTU HUNTIN6TON CINTll RACH I lDIN611 HUllTIN6TON HACH lt1-H01 UOO HAUOI II.VD. COSTA MISA 14J.f4H o,. ...... I'll-flt. T1I ' , ... ·.I • ' ' ~ • • • ,• • • ..... • •. •. • ' ' .' ~ ' • ' ' . '' ,'• . ' I I I I MONDAY MARCH ~ '"" D MAYOR SAM YORTY * "LOS ANGELES PER· SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PEOPLE l:OD GTM 111 R1n (C) (60) ll"7 Dunphy. D l!l _..,,..., CCI (9(1) ·-.... -(C) (90) ""' lllrrlloft. Suu11 Str1&btrs, lid CohiR I Y'jll)ftM Wlldw, Tht !11ndQ fltvol.lr, i nd The Rtd G1rtw Dttlt· land Bind ruut n '" °""" """' <Cl ......, 1M-(d11m1) '52-Ann SMrld1n, John lulld, How.rd Duff. fJ I ,,, (Cl (60) GI hJ C.rds (CJ (30) Art .lllmn .... .., ..... (C) (30) llllCIJ Mn •-(C) fl:>"""" -(30) .., ........ ._ C!l ""' -(C) '"° l!J .... -(C) (60) m I LM U., (30) Cll ........ "' -.. "' Sii (C) (60) llJ C!l .............. (C) fl:)-... (30) <II Cll el l!Hll "'"' CCI , ..... -· -(C) (9(1) Witter Cronkitt. G wut's lllJ LIM! (C) (30) Walt) 81'111111' hosb. Mine fnldl, 5ollPI' S.la, Anita Cilllettt and AnthotrJ Robtrtl 1r1 this wed's penellsts. m•-CC><"> llJ CIJ -.. -(C) ....... Slptltlllbtr.• Roct: Hudai, Slndrt Die, Bobby D9rt11 ind Cil111 Lollo- br1Jld1 star. Ell """ ...... (3~ QI (I) F,.ltJ Affair (C) GI C-1'1 Wll'W (C) GP) Trd ff Clll91Qut-(C) 7:30 IJ QI [J) lantmb (C) (60) A convict~ murdwtr (Jon ~ltflt) .,..... Klttt• 111., tnd Jiit sits out to ntum tilt fl'«IC by wlnnlnf him In I pokw Pllll Ind trrllll to Nip 10:00 8 Ci11 CJ) Cal 1..a: (C) (SO) him 11t1Pt ttlt dvtthn of • tlou11< ' fcift!ilit. Ml• 1u1111tt inttoducas 11 hunt1r. Dann• Kty Howtl~ Xttlontl Enhr PEANUTS 'PERKINS MOON MUUINS 1J m I ~ If Jteuil (C) (30) S.I Ollld. Al• 1ppe1rl111 111 th• "Nobody LMI I Fil Astron1ut." l)rtifrlm •rt Mirtha Rl}'t Ind MIU lh··;-'·;r··~-;r·~··c-·-------~ J•11nl1 becomu th• victim fl • Douslu. If.-'~~_.._, plot by htr mlschiMUS allttf to D m ..... (t) (60) pcMnt Tony I~ fDln1 lo tf'll mooe bJ m1kl111 him • 300-PoVnd· G MAYOR SAM YORTY •0· 55 * SPECIAL REPORT! .... 11-(t)() fJTq-(C)(IO) Ii~ ~ .. '7'...!J ·--(t) (IO) Jobi Stied ud t .. IGll: llflttntl fm TM ll"llt W• (30) "'Stnl11." till' rub tA lltbrcllme " prMn1 Thi Allin llwdt 1..thlt lft•llllvl ttie "atr11 " thl CllfltllJ.• .,.._ 1111.i: "' Wlltn win. I n~-..--t: .-a .. ~. 11m1onnc 111 Dkltt ...... Ml two ......... Ille Wt " , ............ 1111. lltll 111 .............. JllW' ( .... 1!1111 ... S 1i111111 .,.._ t11> '&I -l.ftl P1hw, Chll'ill diil"' (dhm1) 9-1-SI"""°"' lofw. DI• O'fl.tlllJ. ID "-(C) (30) m T..tll • Cll• .. •••• (C) (3D) fD lwcelw (30) """" About 1 '1._JJ!.J::J._j:;t~~:!;~L__..; Ptptr.• 11 Ill""' -('°) • -... -• ._ .. k .... (3(. 8i1 E C1w11 Mtnd•-11"° 8 l!J D m llll!ll-(C) 81"1PI: .... -(Q frlll 1.1!011 m lon1 l M1t1e ~...... Lu Ytlll. NMA, CICllNI IN World (C"j {Io) Guest Samm, Dn11 Jt. J11nfor Mlddl..i,tit CMmpiorlltll11 pittllt1 hi to ti.Ip wltll 1 •llltt bout bltwllft Fl'ldclil Ultlt. 111 tu '° t.ll• llMI I lrlbut1 " st. P•t· Vepa chooftlltch«, Ind Stl11l17 riti'I Dty. "Kltttw"' HllYWJrd tf PlllltdtlpM1. m ""' ""' (t) mHm (Q (30) ........ : ....... n Oil" l!DT..._ .. VltllMI (C) (&0) (lll)llhtJ) 'S!-Junn Robll'boll Adi1tlt of= Co!nm«ct~ Ju1UC:1. V1llM Heb.on. :":!:.. ailM .: ::.. Ill (12) (I)~()) f8 (IJ "'91 (C) ctildrM. s.tDI' .... ,.... .. Rhodt 1"9MI -'*ta ........... lJ:JD • llwlll: "'lllPI , ........ ........................ a>'_,. __ H1ta 11 MIC. MC ind CIS _, ""111'1t l..ocbaN. ..... 1!J Jll Jll llJ T--(t) lllc.lal, c... .................. ...... (idvlfthn) '39 -Lollit """'" Jotn ltnnltl. • ,.. • l!7J CJ) Gil ..., ..... (C) U MAYOR SAM YORTY ID"""'..._ -(t) ' * "LOS ANGELES PER· , SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL lZ:lS !!~61 ~rd =~~ REPORT TO THE PEOPLE c,,.,. u '"" """"' (t) TUESDAY DAYTIME MOVIES 12:)0 ., C.1111111tf lllllllft lwi (C) m Ac111 T11utJt:: "Clrt.11 o1 o.. Pf,'" t• D -'""' <Cl ................ (0 ·-(C) ~11e--­·~ -HoNel. '64-lto McK"1!, .llnlf M11n1t. 12:JO m '1111 s..tl S...,,. (MP' ttl1) '45--Aultln TllVOr ... .,, Mt Dnd" (1117*1:111) '47........flll&rt 01111& ~ ........... ,....,... (- '4f-f'l'Mtoll fott., SllM H1• ....... -(-10-""'·-...... (-'51 Hrnri M , MW Tftll. -st11111111 M.,._, &I Min. • • ,,,,._ --(-""'·---..... <• '4Z~hll'llJ Tamplt. Gar ~ plftll) '51 -Jtcl ....... IM 10:00 II •A lollr W f-(-"'°'" -~· .... . .,.. ...... °*" ... STAR T.V. CLIP THI$ AO AND SAVI $7.50 RCA OH TOUl NUT SllYICI CALL (Offw If..,_ Mii~ U, Ifft) SAW&SUYICE ZINITH ,. .. ·~ .. llltll•ltlt .hn'b: 6•2·9742 275 E, 171h ST., COSTA MISA TUMBLEWEEDS WANTTO l'UY A 600D90W? MUTT AND JEFF CICERO 16 A VE'ilY · SENSITIVE CHl~l>. II'" +\E'S BAO,PON'T PLINISH HIM/ GORDO MISS PEACH ~' ... \ , .. • • WHATOO>'OU SUGGEST 1 00? ly Ctiarles M. Schull By John Miles -------, r--------, •"""1, Mm 17, l 'l6'1 SEARCHERS -Harold Haskins, Mary Margaret_, Goodwin and Gary Smith, above from Jett, are tjUe principals in the documentary, "Three Young Americans in Search of Survival," tonight on Ch8J\.· nel 7 at 9 p.m. The two-hour study documents the'~ story of the interrelationship of. all life. .• ' . ' 1r------:::::::-'!l " TELEVISION VIEWS ~ WHACK itlE KIO NEXT TO HIM A GOOD ONE/· 1115 O .K., WILLIE·· HE'S "TURN IN<&· <OR~~N NOW! By Tom K. Ryan By Al _Smith By Gus Arriola -----NO PRICE IS 7DO 6/fl 70PAY F-OR %at ST-PAT PA!a'l~S/ Carol, Pearl Very Special By RICK DU BROW " • HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A couple of troupers, : Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, brought a very l special one-hour program to ABC· TV Sunday night. , Miss Channing, the original star of "Hello, ~ Dolly!" and Miss Balley, who currenUy Is headlln· ing an all-black version on Broadway, gave tele.. viewers a night to remember in a two-woman show. MISS BAILEY noted that the chief advantag~ t of a tw&-woman show is that they get to keep all ~ the money. But there were several other advan~ ages as well. • One was that it was a generally rare event when, after their personal cavorting throu~h the ... show, they teamed up for a finale rendition of : "Hello, Dolly!" itself. : The chirf advantage, however, was that Miss. : Channing, whose voice and broad manner ar~ ! curiously difficult to take for a solid hour on tel~ ~ vision. had Miss Bailey on hand as an ideal balance-; Miss Bailey's understated way with either 8 : song or a line is ideally suited to the home screen, .. where perfonners may register with a wholly dl{-.. feren t impact than in another medium -say, the t" stage. · HAVING MISS BAILEY to play oil made Miss : Channing much more attractive than she has been .. ln the past on telev!Jlon. The tact that Miss Chan- ning also seemed to bring more of henell and her better material to televlewers .-that Is, more than ln the past '--worked strongly in her favor. : : Under the guldance of the producing.wriUnfr"': team of Saul nson and Ernest Chambers, and di•.~ rector Clark Jones, the hour had more than it~ share of shcrwstopping numbers, and built clever-: ly to the Hffello, Dolly!" climax. · · THE HIGH COMEDY point, without quesUon, was 11iss Channing's famous devastating and hilaP.. ious burlesque of Marlene Dietrich doing a per. ~ formance. Another Channing takeoff, on the late 1 Carmen Miranda1 was moderately amusing. Bette~ • was her comedy bi; on a silent screen star wbd ~ can't make it in talking movies bL>eause of a speech ~ problem. . : The black:tJe aud.Jence had a treat when Miss ~ Bailey, during a splendid solo sequence, came down : oil the stage and worked an attractive young couple into her act while singing· a droll version of uwives end L<>vers" -mixed with her special throw- away lines. IN THIS solo sequence, Mlss Bailey also dell~~ .. ered. a genuinely beautiful rendition of "Llttle Green Apples/' reminding viewe rs again of what a fine blues si nger and actress she is in addition to being a noted humorist. Miss Channin g and Miss Bailey worked bard through the hour, and yet another top moment was Uteir joint high-kick dancing finale to their versJon - of "There Is Nothing Like a Dame." It was a pretty •' glorious moment. They were also in fine comic fettl e in offering the tune "Elegance." . ~ i The most emotional moment of the show, J.. • thought, came not after 11Hello, Dolly!" but, rather, .... ; after Miss Bailey's solo sequence. The audienc~. ~ simply exploded into a cheer, and rtghUy so. • • • Detanis the Menace ~ • -~ ... ·i:.s..-- By MeD &V SCRli.A.M OF MOUnl. 31'1 ... ...... '1 I_~,, ........ "·!•., . ' ' . ' •• • OAll.Y Pn.OT • L_ H 30c phwfp 3CIC Phw/p l6C Phw/, olOc phw1p J0c phW/1> 10c ,,,...,, 30\71; l>hwC11 30C Pllw/1 3C'lc dlw/1 J0c pl'lw/I "'-JGc llfl~/I IO'li.~Wltl llll'K il'rw(l), 30C PhW/P JOc ... ,. lOc pllw/p .)De: phw/1 "' ... Jllc ..... ,, lllC ..... ,, 30c 1hw l11 30C 1/lw/11 )Oc Ph,.11 ,4\lac .... ,., 14'hc: ... ,. 74Vrt 111'1•11 30e PhWIP!ll lOc llllW/P(3) ~ phw/p 3Sc phw/p :JO(. phw/p(ll JOc !lhw/f1(31 'Sc Pi'lw!l) 30t p11w11t3J 30C phw/1(3) :IOc Phw/1{l l !De Pl'lw 30C 1hw/1 l)eOfGW 25C ...... 01 30C Pllw/1!Sl 30C ptrw/Plt) xt; ptrw/1!3) 30C pl'lw/1Ul ·~ 30c; pl'IW{J1{3) 30c Jlfnlr/1131 lDc lll'lw/p(J) lOc: •llwll Xe 1llw/1fSI J)( lhW/P()) lDt pl'IW/l (l J "'""~ 1Sc ,,..,, l.k ""''" LEGAL NOTICE ilOC ,.,.../. 60c: JthW/fl 1------==,,-------1 45(: phW/P ,.,, ..... l5( pl'rw/p Cl!llTIPICATI! OP' C(llll"OllATION 60(: phw/p l'OR TllANSACTIOM OP IUJINl!SS 4o0c phw/" UNDl:ll PICTITIOUS NAME THE UNDERSIGNED CORPORit.TION ~ htreby certlfY ""' It 11 c-udl"'I I bu1IM11 loc1tttl pl 51' :itll1 $1r.,..!, New"'"' Br1ch, C1!1fornl1 under TIM! lldlllo111 llrm n•m• of llUSH BOUTIQUE Incl lhlf u ld llrm l1 COMPO'"' of ""9 1onowl11t corPOrtllon, wlHlu ~lnci,al place ot bv91nK& It •• lollo'll1: r phw/1 lOe phw(I) Mic l>llw/p 4oOC Pl'lw/p •De dlw/p "' ... .oc: r<nwl• UcofGW :IOc l'l'lwOl MlC phw/1 6Dc l>llw/1 .OC: pl'lw/1 60c: ,,.,.,, JEANNE llUSH. INC. JU :lfltl Strm, M-rt Bead!, C1INoml1, WITNESS ITI hand t1'111 71111 dlY of Febru1rv. lMt. !CORPORATE SEAL) JEANNE ausH. INC. Bw: J"Me Bull!, Prrs1H nl Bw: Chfrv1 c . "'"' Secret1rv STATE OF CAllFOltNIA, COUITT'V OF ORANGE, u Ori trill 2'fll 0.Y of Ftbrut rv. A.D, \Hf, betor. PIM Emed J, Scl!H , Jr, • Not1ry Put.lit In 11111 for u ld CounlV lllCI Stilt , r11k:ll1111 lhertln, .:llll'f' (Om· ml11lllftld 11!111.....-n, Pt,._llv IPHlrld Jt1n111 C, llu111 1fllf Cheryl C. F'1v k-.. lo me tll ti. IM Prnldenl &NI Sfcrt11ry of JEANNE 8USM, INC., lllt COfllOrlllon fllll I KKUle.1 tilt wllhl~ lnttrumt~I on b9h1!1 ol the C'On><>r1!1°" ftlere!n n•me.1, •nd ~c-r.owl"111td lo me 1t11t 111eh tOfPQr1tlon e•Kute.:i !hi ••mt. In W!tMu W/le..m, r /lne he1e,,,.,lll 1el m"t' 1'111\d llld •ffl•td mr o!llcl1I •Ml 1111 .:ll"t' 1nd v11r In thl1 ce•llllc1" llfll ll>Ovl wrlll1n. (OF'FIClAL SEAL) E•'IHI J. Scl\11, Jt. Nol1ry Pllbllc • C1llforn11 Pr111ClHI Offln In Or11111 Co<,>nty M"t' C011'11'1'11Ulofl l!:ulre1 Ml"t' 21, 1m OUllY•A. CAllP•HTIR & IAllNIS, ·-.., Otvw Drl"" " ... Ml ... o .... ,7N .._,.-. .. IC!I. Ctltf. 11&.U Publl"*I Or9nir1 Coi.11 01111' Molrcfl 10. 17, 24, 31, ,.., NEW DIMENSION IN SE RVICE -Roy Carver Pontiac In Costa Mesa is Of· fering a new service lo customers -transportation to and from the dealership. Sharon Strapp (left) and Kathy Makely, wearing red blazers and gray skirts, who will be the dealership's drivers are shown alongside new GTO model ,.The Judge." In High Gear Pontiac Offers Trans · By Carl Carstensen Pontiac Division i s in· troducing another h i g h perfon:nan« car. The latest entry is a Flrebird called the Trans Am. F. James Mc.Donald, Pon- tiac's new general manager, said the car will go on 11ale nezt month. It was recently introduced at the Chicago Auto Show. A3 with The Judge, a new super GTO, which was un· veiled by Pontiac earlier this year, the Trans Am will "go perfonnance one step better." The most striking styling feature of the new Trans Ant will be a floating 61Hnch air foil spanning the rear deck. The car also features a special hood with full length, func- tional hood scoops and func• tional air outlets behind the front wheel openings fC>r added engine compartment cooling. The Trans Am, according to McDonald, will be available as a hardtop and convertible. Striping will run the full length of the car over the hood, roof, rear Peck and air foil. The rear end pane]. will be painted to match the strip- ing. The standard power plant will be a 400 cubic-inch Ram Air engine developing 335 horsepower, a four-barrel Quadra-jet carburetor and dual exhausts. This will be mated with a three-speed floor mounted slick shift and 3.55: I locking axle. The Trans Am \.\'ill have special high effort variable ratio poy.•er steering and high effort power brakes with front discs. These specially designed systems have a higher degree of road feel than ordinary power steering 8nd brakes. Suspension will f e a t u r e heavy-duty springs and shocks and a heavy-duty, one-inch stabilizer bar "'ith high-rate bushings. Riding on a JOB .I'' wheelbase, it will have F7G-14 Fiberglas belted tires mounted on seven-inch wheels with a Wide Track stance cf 60-inches both front and rear. Bucket seat!!, sports-styled Instrumentation~ and a new, 14-inch diameter European- type sports steering \\'heel will be standard equipment. Options and ..accessories In- clude an optional Ram Air TV engine, developing 345 horsepower, a close-ratio four- .speed manual transmission or a three-speed Rubo Hydra- matic. Additional options are a hood-mounted tachometer and a rally gauge cluster. • • • FORD SERVICE MANAGER 'VlNS ANOTIIER AWARD Jim Moffett . s e r v i c c manager for Theodore Robins Ford in Cosla Mesa ls t.ht recipient once again of Ford Motor Company's B r o n z e Medallion Award for "ti· cellencc of performance ir1 service." This is the .sixth consecutive year that Moffett has been recognized by Ford f o r Far Out Investments-I 'Smart Money' Men Break New Ground EDITOR'S NOTE -Thi.! is the first of five columns devoted to the unorthodcx i11vestments which are makin g big money for un· con·ventiu11a l inves tors. By SYLVIA PORTER An old gag has a wheeler- dealer trying to unload a railroad car full of .!31'dines on a skeptical buyer who soon discovers that the sardines are rotten. "But these are not eating sardines," protests the fast-talking salesman, "these are just buying and selling eardlnes ! " Today, literally billions ol Jnvestment dollars are being poured into books which are not fer reading, paintings and sculptures vhlch are not for viewing, eggs which are not for eating, cattle and citrus groves which are never even seen by their owners. TODA Y'S "smart money" is recoiling wit h horror from such fl.zed-income investments as bonds and savings at'· counts, and is also fleeing w o r I d -famous corporation stocks which appear to have only modest growth potential . Instead, the smart money is searching for both tangible hedges against inflati-On and escape hatche!I from federal taxes. In lhe process, many investor!! are going beyond the traditiona l inflation hedge!! of the stock market, real est.ate. precious metals and probing fascinat.ing new channels for profit. What's behind the stampede to art works, rare books, coins, citrus groves, stamps, et.c.? Last year, the buying po"'·er o[ the mighty U.S. doll ar dwindled aimed 4* ·percent -and we 'll be lucky if we cut it to "only" 3* percent in 1969. Last year, the Dow Jone.s industrial stock index li mped ahead only a puny 4.27 percent and right now the index is far below its 1968 peak. Last year, finally, there "·ere 38 full or partial cur- rency devaluations in va rious countries throughout the ~·orld -and this year fear of more devaluation s is again widespread. TIDS IS a combination of forces inevitably leading to a massive exodus from any BOAT BUFFS AIMeft Loc••My h th1 eftly f•ll • ti,,,, t. .. Httt 11Utw wwklnt 9fl •"'I l'l_l,lflff 111 Or1n91 Ce11ftty. Klt I t• cletl•e c•••r•t• ef ... ,._ 1119 •nJ ya<lrtint ••wt. h • ~eify fe1fwr e el tk DAILY PIL6T, -A- • M,,,.,07, M11<h 17, 196'1 H DAILY PllOT -'-'-"'-".C..:::..:.;.:c:.:.:.:._~---- Monday's Closing Prices-Complete New York ~toe k E;Xchange List I • • • ~y PILllT -,·.Vital Births ....... Mr. •nd MB. Trov A. Hiii,. htl c .......... """' •"" Mr. Mid Mrt. ltan•ld L. Mn Sr .. 11n Cllff Dflw, L"'1M 8ffd'I. ... M ... , Mr. 1rld M"-Wiiiiam N. OUl"htltl. lllM vi. a. l"r.nt•, San Clerne!tte. 1111 ' M1rdl f Mr. '"" Mrs.· RlcMrd J . .U.X1n0tr, 311 Monterw, S.11 Cltno.nf9, tlrl Mr. end Mrs. Mall D. R:1peport, C-..00, San Cleme!lt., s1r1 Mllrd 11 Mr. .,,,., Mn.. Mitt.Ml W. Jtr,..tf, 'lOI la P'tloma, S.11 Cltment., bll'\I' Mr. 1nd Mra. Jollfl w. ZMTMCnlk. D Pwn .. , '-" Cltmtnlt, 1lr1 ' Divorces LEGAL NOTICE ..... C•ltTIP'tCATI' O" COll:JOORATIOM POii TllANSA.CTION 01' 8USIHISS 1JlfOI• FICTITIOUI NAMI! THI! UNOEltSIGNED CORP(JltATION ... Mrft!y WrtlfY tMt II II conou<;tt,,. a ·IW~-locat.ct 11 Colli IMiMt °''"'' CcM.Mtv. ca11tom11 '2611 undff ttie nc- t11iou. firm -o1 COMPUTl'll PRO. Cf$SES CO. 1nd fhal Wld flriot Is ~ of 1he follawlnw corpor.tJon, wtiosll ~I pt.c. af Mlneu 11 ., lollows: ' UNITED RESOURCES COltP., 1171 •l'WrlY llYd .. SlltN 212. Lat An8tlel, &l1ton1le fOCMI. WITI4EU Ifs Nlld 11111 »ftl lkl'I' Fftru.ry, 1"'. '· IJ<lllM lt._r'" CW.. RkMrd B •. Wtllllns, Vice Prn161nl l f,ATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY Qpr LOS #JtGl!Ll!l l • 011 tt111 U1t1 lklY if l'Hlru.ery, A.DJ • lfff. btfora """· 1 Not•rv Pllllnc '" ~~ .. '1t.~ ~~ ~:':'i:"~ to me to bl !M Vk• PrMkltrll of tl)I -rl'tlclrl thlt txtctll9d .._ wlthlll ~ "" Mllelf cf !tie _ .. ,loll ,,....," ~. .ncr ·~*'9td to '"' thlt Wdl __., .. ~ ,... -(OFFICIAL SEALJ G•Yle G•l•tl N<>ho<"f Pvtillc • Callfornl• Prl11elP11I Offlee In ,l ,,. ""9tln Count.,, My Conlmlulorl EX11lr" JUy 27, 1Hf """' Mtbllecl OI'•"'" Co.11 O•llv Piiot, ~rdt Ill. l1, 24 JI, lHf 84• LEGAL NOTICE NJlll Cl!ltTl,.ICATI! 0,. COltPOllATIOtl l>OINO •IJSIN•ss UNoelt ,ICTITIOUS HAMI! 'tHE IJNOER51GNEO CORPOltATION c1o1o1 ~ ctrtHY tMt 11 Is condlldlr19 • 11flolcer-""r md ...,..,lllY p.rlntlr.~ llllielNa •I •tt North 11~1, A11ePlelm. C•llfonll•, under ti. lldllkM ti. ,..,. cf PHOTOMATJON •nd ftlll me "-cf wkl cor_.•111111 ..., ltl prlnc:!Ptll Pl.Kt OI tiuslfltU II •1 lo!to .... : Oe•n Heo•elll Com1>anv, tnc., •:IO Norlfl llrookhurlt, AM,,.lm. C•llfarnl-. Dt ttd, Ftbrutry 11. :H,, (Corp. Seti) Oun Hftktlft Compt""' lne. Dlont' H:ishflt vie. Pr111Hnl Mid ~hlrY STATI! OF CALIFORNIA J COUNTY OF OllA'IGE lit 0.. rhla 121'11 OllY cf f'rbrvar.,., >-.D. l'Nt, ti.fore mt. t Noltrv Pvblk '" eM tor Mid CounlY Ind 51111, !>ef'SOMltr •llll'e•r9d Dione ~1th knowo. to me tD •bl tht Via PT9fl0till t nd kc.re1t'Y of tht corpor1tloll tli•f executlld "'' wlftlln Instrument on be!ltlf ol tt.e ~or· fa'•lloio IM"'I" Nmed. Ind 1tCk1>C101l1'd9. f!d lo m. tf!.tl ~uch co'l'Ol"tllon ext>euled thl W"'9. WITNESS mY Pltnd 1nd lttl, (OFFICIAL SEAL) Mtrv J-t Ontollu...tro Noltrv Publk.C1llfoo'"l1 Ori"" CounlY I My Com,.,hslon E»lrn ~1.21,1972 .,,.... lllh D. 11 .. tw, Jr., Alty. UI levtfl $11!"1"' Sll'MI Let Allff .... Ctllfwftl1 MOU Publblled Ori"" eo.11 Ctnt Piie!, ,,,.rdl 10,. IT, 24 JT, Ifft ,,., ... , LEGAL l'jOTICE ..... ,,,. ........ . ttLl£1E:iTt. I LooH••11 ••cl Worry 'llo ..... btlGDOJld«t.i W•"- -...,._ al. looM. ..-obbl7 .... wua. PAWJUtB ••• tmpro.1d -... PO'Wdlf, lloldl ..... or.. =._._._r~J.t.•"'4 ~.,.~.~·~·~· ~ .,,. ......... ~ '*-' 11\"" -u.J • Statistics Record for Orange Coast HAL Allt$C.HI• •HEARING <AIDS C1nto'" A11 rtl Am\ililic:1ti1a NQ Ml•l#6M S41tt L COAST HWY. <-•~ ' ,11-JllJ QUICK c.n11 11p q11lc:k'1 •• '"•' , ... nh. R11.. yo\11' f• p•c:t, c:11npNht1tdv1 h1'"'tow11 .JI. ti11 of tftt DAILY PILbT. Look underneath _, 'and youll~begin_'tO see wb~ The Mercedes-Benz 2805 does nof llave pin s~riping, a wall-t°'"wall grille, or a hood' two feet longer than AAything it pretends io <ndose. But its classk lines, free of fa"d-1 <Ii.sh Iouches, will grace any drivl!Way, ;....and will still be pleasing long after nl!Werstyling furbelows have rendered this year'1 aop of "dreamboats" o~ solete. -( '11\e r..J beauty o! tlie 280S, though, lies not so much in how the car Joob, as in what it dots. Endowed by Ml!rcedes-Bel\% engineers with sophisticated, ultra.., performance features that simply do not erist on domestic sedans in the so- called "fine cu'' field, the 2805 1teers, maneuvers and stop• as if your: life depended on it. This is one reason wfty Car and Driver magazine, with a world of cars to choose from, concludes that the cur--' rmt Mercedes·Benz line "represents the prl!sent pinnacle in safe car engi· J neering." Racing car suspension For a clue to the almosf un- canny handling and evasive ability of thl! 280S, scrunch down and look be- neath the rear bumper-at the axle. It's not the rigid "beam" axle of most domestic cars. It ls articulated. Trus Mercedes-Benz low-pivot swing axle permits each rear wheel to move up and down independently of the other, just as the front wheels do. The result is leech-like roadability. If you know what you're look- ing for, y?u can also spot heavy-duty thrust arms, individual coil springs and shocks, and a horizontal hydro- pneumatic load-leveling devia!. All in all, suspen sion ideas more common on 160·mph Grand Prix racing cars than S·passenger sedans. Engineering extravagance? A passenger car doesn't netd a suspension lit for a racer, argue some critics. True, reply Mercedes-Benz l!n- gineers. For everyday city driving, this is sheer engineering extravagance. But some day you might have to get off the pavement, onto a stretch of potholed back road. You mi&ht have to inter a sharp curve or a tum-off faster than you Intended. You might have to jockey out of a tight spot whUt cruising at 65 mph on 1 bu.sy highway. And, ruddenly, you r .. Jiu that this engineering extravagance is no ex· travaganceat All. Sharp renexes Occasionally, It Is also nects· aary foi: a 3,400--JWund automoblle Of •II c11rs in lhr: "/w:rwrj cla••" field, Jhc Mr:,c1dr:1-Ben:. :z.aoS 11 ,aled th• 1afr:~t, mo1f ,oadworlhy. Read toh)" · hurtling along at high speeti to stop abruptly. Once more, Mercedes-Benz en- gineers draw on their experience \Vith World Champion racing machinery. They employ the more expensive, but clearly superior, type of brakes used almost universally on today's profes- sional racing circuits. Disc brakts. Thi! engineers don't stint, l!itlier-by putting disc brakes only at the front wheels, and settling for con- vmtiona1 drum brakes on the rear. They insist on attaching a massive disc brake to every wheel of every Mer- cedes·Benz. Someday, doubtless, :C-wheel Clise brakes wi.U be offered on a domes· tic '1uxury" car. Accurate steering is vital for maximum control, too. In an emer- gency, you don't have time fo r a swetping twirl of the wheel. The ingenious M ercedes·Beru:. .... redrculating-ball·type stetrlrig system of the 2805 «liminates sloppy play in the whetJ-...nd blesses you with the "fffi" of th• road. Suddenly, you •re a more confident driver. T1ut, sensitive steering is re- tained rvtn with Mercedes-Benz pow· er steering--characterized by Car and Driver as "unquestionably the most precise unit of its kind ever developed." If trouble comes The responsiveness whicl\ makes the 2805 such a joy to drive is its bes t defense against blundering mo- torists. However, if the worst happens, the car Is designed to shield you. Nat- urally, it meets all the U.S. safety reg· ulations. But Mercedes-Bent safety goes beyotrd the letter of these laws. The entire passenger compart- ment is built as a sturdy"safety zone." Doors are designed to stay shut on im· pact. Thi! front and rear of the car are engineered to crumple in a crash at a controlled rate, absorbing shock and reducing the threat of serious injury. "A fellow hitmewhl!n I stopped at a toll booth," reports one Mercedes· Benz owner. ''People in his car were hospitali1ed. But I just opened mY, doot and stepped out." Showroom experiments The 280S is as hAb{tablt as it is roadworthy and safe. SUp behind the wheeL ond Btx your back. This is no marshmallo'v seat. It supports you, hour after hour. It should: it was designed with help from orthopedic physicians. Check the rear shelf. Carpeted. Feel the underside of the dashboard. There's no spaghetti tangle of wires . It's fu lly finished off. Finger the wood trim-real walnut, not plastic. Many cars are designed to win admiration fo r their owners. Mer- cedes·Benz cars are designed to win admiration from their owners. Quite a distinction. · No shortcuts Your 280S is built with uncom- ~romising cart,~ make it a lasting investment, too. Every 2805 begins life in a shower of sparks. It is E.ot bolted into being, like a conventional car, but solidified by thous.mds of welds. Afttt 50,000 miles or so, you may start to Y-'Qnder if it will ever rattle. More thm four coats and 44 pounds of pa.int and prlml!r rust pro- tection are lavished on each car. Even the insidt• of the hubcaps are coated. As a final flourish in Its armament against" corrosl~ the 2.!0S gets· a 24- pound factory slathering o~ under· coating. Unconventional ? Defiantly so. Merceties·Benz does not build conven- tional cars-and never will. Fuel injection available Machine'd to racing tolerances, the 2.8 liter, overhead cam, six-cyl· inder engi~e of the 2805 is built to run flat-out on Germany's autobahns for hours on end (it often does)-and can cruisl! at any posted speeds in Amer· ica, with,energy in reserve. HOwever, if you'd like even more power, you may choose the 280SE. The ''E" -for Einspritzmotor: -gives you a Bosch 6-plunger fuel- injection system that boosts horse- power by nearly 15 percent, at virtu· ally no sacrifice in gas mileage. NOTE: Another variation, th'e 280S(L, affords a wheelbase 4 inchts longer, and with four inches additional legroom in the rear compartment. Ma- neuverability is unimpaired. 24-page brochure To learn more details of th'c re- markable 280S-$7,000 complete with automatic shift, power steering and e lectric windows ($6,249• without frills)-mail the coupon for a color: brochure. Better still, <lrop by the sllow- room and arrange to test the car. Driv- ing is believing. Other models to ponder: 250 Sedan-a less costly, hut unflappable-, road car, Ss,299•. 280SL Roadster-a sports car for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring performance with comfort, $6,8851 , 220 Diesel-the only diesel- poweted automobile Mercedes-Benz makes, £ives you small-car economy in a big. safe sedan that may well en- dure for decades, $4,780"'. 600 Grand Mercedes-the ul- timate motor car, $23,759"'. : .......................... . - • Amr:ric•, Inc. ' ; Mr:rctdts·Br:ni of North @ : J im Slemons Import& Inc. : 120 West Warner Avenue • Santa Ana. Calif. 92107 Plr:a1e sr:nd mr: a 24·p.Jgr:, full-color brochure on thr: nr:w 11r:nr:r1lion of motor cus from Me.rcr:dr:s·Br:n1. • • NAME • • ADOlltSS • OTY •TATI "' • • • • • • ............................. Jim Slemons Imports, Inc. 12ow.wameri\venue,SantaAna,California92101Phone:n4-s46-4114 ' --.:.:&"" ...... _. ..... MalldnC...aWll, •~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •• ------------------------------k ------- I r -• ,.. ' ' T ... ~( ' '4 • rODDa8.ID 'FLAM.Es coNsuME sEcoNo sToRv oF ocEAN FRONT HOME wH'E'R~"ro"Utt'E"~~"'"' lnvest1gator1 Seek Cause of N~wport Blau Which Destroyed One Home, Damaged Two Others Voters League Sets W. County Candidate Nights "Meet and Greet" candidate nlghts for aspirants to the governing boar4s of West Orange County school districts will be held on March 26 and 27 and on April· 8, 9 and 10 sponsored by the Huntington Beach League or Women . V«ers .... ~eoetings will be held at the McGilugh Jntennt.diate School in Seal Beach on · March I&,. II f~,Valley ljigb School GG~ll'ch)l'I, P~_F.apilly l'.errace lloOll) In Ille WestdliiiMtt diJlricl on April I, Conunanity Methodist Church In Ocean View district on April 9, and First Chris.. tian Church of Huntington Beach City echool district on April 10. Each of the meetings begins with an informal coffee hour at ?:30 p.m. follow· ed by a formal presentation o f background and platform statements. CandJdates for elementary school 'distric!JI may speak at the meeting within the district in which they are running. Candidates for the high school district may speak at each of the meetings. The public will have an opportunity at eac~ of the meetings to quest.ion c a n d 1 d a t e s . League-compiled ques- tionnaires will be available for the in· formation of voters. 'Ibe League of Women Voters is non- partisan and neither supports nor op~ candidates or poliUcal parties, according to Mti. Kenneth Katz, voter servict chairman. Details on the meetings may be obtained by calling Mrs. Katz at M7..1493. Valley Council Sets l'uesday Study Meet A study session of the Founlan Valley City Council is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the lunch room of City Hall. 102()0 Slater Ave. The regular session of the council begins at a p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall. Numerous public hearings are IChedu.led f<r the evening sessiODS. Steele 111 ... 1cet ~ NEW YORX. (AP) -The stc... .. market closed on a lowef trend today, although it did cut d-Own some of its earlier losses. Trading slowed near the end. (See quotaUons, Pages 16-17). 'lbe Dow Jones Industrial average at 1:30 p.m. "'as off 1.74 points at 902.54. The Dow had been off as much as 4.73 points at 11 :30 a.m. .Objection Disputed Board Candidate Raps 'Double Seat' Trustees A cam~gn acainst persmu holding seals on beth an elemenlary school board and on the governing board of the high school. district has ~n opened by Rllderkk B. Cnue, candidale 'for the W~er School Di.!trlct Board of . -. ~ }fe began his campaign by sending telegrams to Trustee Matthew Weytiker, of both the Westminmr School Board and the Hilntington Beach Union High School District, and to Trustee Raymond Schmitt, who holds seats In both of the districts, asking them to withdraw as candldates from one of the districts. Cruse said today that he has had no reply from Schmitt, who is a ca~ d.idate in both of the district.!. He said that Weyuker, a candidate in the Westminster District, but who has two more years to run on his high school term. disputed the basis for his objectioo. That bas.is, according to Cruse, is Assembly Bill 719, whkh reads in part that "No person 6hall hold, be a can· didate for, be nominated for, or be elected to, any other elective public office while he is a member of a govern- ing board." "The holding of multiple offices is not in ·the be.st interest· of the general public. There is grave dang::· that ex- cessive power can fall into · the hands of a relatively small number of in· dividuals," Cruse argues. The bill referred to by Cruse has been sent to the As.sembly Education Committee for study. Cruse said he has diacusstd the matter with members Two Study Matters On Planner Agenda Two study it.ems are oa the ~end.a ci Ille WeotmiMler Planning C«nmissioo for tooight'1 7: 30 o'cioc.t meet.lni In cooncll charnbtn ci City Hall, 8200 Westminster Ave. Tbe nm study item ooocerns ion.in& near Weotml.-Community Hospllal and the second is on ord.inances govern- ing coostructJon, operaUon and removal of service ltaUons. ' of that committee to verify his In· terpretation of the proposed legislation ahd that he: feels the Intent, Is to prohibit multipH! office holdiDg. · ' . . -. Council 'Weiglie Federal Grant For Park Funds An application for a federal grant of $678,088 to buy land in the central city park area o( Huntington Beach will be considered today by the City Council. The council meets at 4:30 p.m. in council chambers of Memorial Hall 5th Street and Pecan Avenue. After a~ ad· journment at about fi p.m. the council reumes deliberations at 7:30 p.m. The city is considering a large central park near Golden West Street and Talbert Avenue. There are: two lakes on the property in question and much ol the land Is already in use for unofficial recreational pur'pOSes. Total cost is estimated at about $1..f million, hall of which the city hopes the federal government t!trougtl the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will supply. The balance of the money and the cost of development would come from a $6 million park bond issue the voters have before them in a June 3 election. Oil Exploration · Topic at Council The Seal Beach City CounctJ tonlg!it takes up numerous re90JuUons suggested by other clUes during 115 a p.m. meeting in council chambers of City Hall. Resolutlon.t on oil exploration oU the coast suggested by Laguna Beach and Newport Beach, on an off-ahore airport study suggested by Stanton, on a full·time: sW! for the county Local Afency Forma- tl?n Commission suggested by Yorba Linda and on the Harbor District sug. ~led by . Orange come before the coun- cil. •Pot'-Mind Gamble . ' . . Councilmen a1Jo consider a request from JQt CaJ:1an for authorliation for , the. lMual Lions Club pancal<e breaklut on .May 10. , Oni, two er thno .ftnl.Ume ....,. out ci 10 wlJl IU!ler llillllg '";::~ . -,_ lllelr llnt .... 11 lad wllli IDlrljulnL ·' Telling k )ll<e It ii, AltlJn Blak,.. 1ee today 1n the mtb ci hio 11).part "Dru&• 11119" ..,.1.. odmlla llOI nery youop&er who ever smokes •pot• I!* lo pot. You can pl belier. O\)d' on a Loa Vq11 llol madllne -with- out rlstlJlc ,.... mind In Ille 1arnble. S.. Pqe J belcn )'Oil 'ante up. • ' Irish Envoy Named. On St. Pat's' Day WASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon today took lhe occasion of St. Patrick's Day to announct the: ap- polntment of. bujlness oecuUve John D. J . Y.oore a.a the new amti&51ailor to Ireland. Moore:. 57, ol Short Hill, ~J.,.,13 vice president of W. R. Grace and Co1, •a ahlpplng and lnduatrlal• !Inn.• ik ·ii Cit Irish descent, and wu founder .and • dent ol theJrelaoiW:S.o<:ounell'fDr '(Jim. merce ••cMndllltty/ •• " . TEN CENTS • r Fire ~ills Couple Balboa Pair Burn to Death in Blaze By JORN VALTEllZA ot .... DllY , ... """ A ·Balboa . couple. ~ lo death before dawn today In a roaring fire that destroyed .their beachfront bome · and heavily damaged two others. The three-alarm blaze broke out In the frimt part of a two-story frame house at 414 E. Ocean Front at about 4 a.m. The fire lit up the foggy sky. The dead were identified by police: as Mrs. Patricia Johnson Ruby, 40, and Richard Stanley Hadden, 38. Mrs. Ruby 's teenage daughter, who lived with her mother, was not at home at the Ume. Hadden and Mrs. Ruby were found on lhe floor of a rear bedroom huddled togethtr. Sabotage Hint In Venezuelan Crash Probe MARACAIBO, Venezuela (UPI) - Venezuelan authorities said today there was "real evidence" of sabotage in the Sunday crash ol a Venezuelan jet airliher whlch caucht fin on takeoff and slashed · through a ·working class suburb like a flaming kni!e, killing more than 150 persons. · The crash was history's wqrti alt disaster.' It killed all 1$ or 87 aboard the plane, another. 61 on th. . ground <nd Jell_~ . -r Pedri! Perea Per ol Ille lnlerlor ntWSJ>lptr U~ caracu there: wU ... evidence of sabotage" and that be wu fly1ng be:re lo ln••stllate the posslbWty at the disaster site. There already had been rumors that some of the passengers~ the plane were delayed on a previous flight from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York by a "bomb scare" which failed to materialize. All 85 persons aboard the Mlami·bound Viasa DC 9, including 4S AmericaM, were killed. At least 67 persons in the working class suburb of Ziruma died when the jetliner 1diced flaming through the.it homes just before noon, and only two minutes after takeoff from Grano De Oro Airport. Eyewitnesses said the plane's left turbine was spouting flames even as the twil>englned craft lilted off the end of the runway and starlecj dropping. "lt barely got up to 100 meters (325 feet ),'' one eyewitness said. "It passed like a f I a m i n g knife ju.st over the Capltollo Theater and smashed into houses, trees, telephone posts and parked cars as well as a bus from which four dead were recovered as well as · two Injured." ' The flaming wreckage Jett a path of misery and terror throughout the Zlruma zooe, that includes homes of Indians as well as the working~lass districts of La Coruba and La Trinidad. The plane ended ita blazing trail of destruction head on into a telephone pole where It literally diJlntegrated. 'The: fuaelage, however, fell acro11 La Coruba where about 3,000 persons live in one- 11tory boulel built of conaete blocks. A resident of La Coruba said the plane hlt a hJgh tension power line as It aUced through the district. "It looted like a giant ball of fire," he said. "In a matter of seconds, Dame and smoke poured out of everywhere. I couldn't move:. I was petrUied , •• " · Firea caused by the blazing wreckage started barely 1300 feet from the end of Grano De Oros' 16.~foot long (See JET CRASH, Poge II PILOT !'ROBES PERU PROBLEMS ' Preoidellt N!Jon'1 penonil mvoy opena· talkl with Peru'• ruUnc mllltary junta today oo Jaaues ci P,tru 1el1ln1 an American oil corporaUoo's multknl.Won-· doUar -•lion, IUTiflro aimed at American llahlng boala on the lil"1 ..., and 1 thttat to brand the United Slalel an "economic aggreuor.11 DAILY PILOT Managing E d I t o r Thomu Murphlne, after a Junket to Llml, capllal city ot Peru, quotes newa -•cmclnl from El l'resldenle lo an enterprising shoeshine boy in htJ . eulU1lve lzHlepth ,ajort ~ 1"' 'tem1\lonal' c1ilf.Ji.....,. ~ Nbton I 1clmlnlllra~. •!¥, 11 ~: pan ' ot: fire. lo Soutl1 Am~ Page ~ .... .,. " -' HOURI flank.Ing the Ruby borne were: heavily damiged by tht liiaze. The home ol Mn. Jhna Wehrt at 411 Ocean. Front WU-piled. , The • dOwnstalrs portion of the bulldlng al3o suffered heavy damage. No e:iiUtnites of damage were • im- mediately available, but f I r e·m en speculated that the total would• reach at least '45,000. To the west , a single-story frame house had a charred roof and walls. It was unoccupied. Fire investigators still combed the scene late this morning in efforla to determine the cause of the blaze: fought by crewmen from 10 Harbor area fire trucks. One fireman suffered a bad)y mzt hand when lhaUering window glau hlt bbn u he entered the burning dwelling. William Van Hom, 41, a veteran of • . . O ... IL y, ,!LOT , ..... "' .... ,IYM ' ' lrllh Lass · Georgia McCleUan , 20, a genu- ine Irish cOUeen, dreams of Emerald. Isle on this SI. Pat· rick's Day while relaxing in bed of shamrocks. Bo I h · Geoi:gi~ and shamroc~s are blooming here" ' on Orange' Coast. Georgia lives in New- port Beach, the shamrock' in Costa Mesa. Boy, 14, Fleeing Burglary Killed By Mesa Police By ARTHUR It VINSEL Of ttlt Olllr ,lltf 111'1 Making the ultimate· choice of his life -runruni from a Costa Mesa cainr:ra ahop burglary alter five ordera to bait , - a 14-year-old boy died early Sunday, hit when police finally opened fire u · he ran down a dark alley. Stephen Stubblefield, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was dead on arrival at Costa Mesa Memor:lal HospltaJ, with .38 caliber wounds ln the chest and leg. Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks today studied prelimlnary reports by his investigators to establish the buls for shooting the youthful felony suspeet as he tried to escape. No determination has betn made about who among three PoUctmen, tncludl!'ll a veteran patrol serg~~ ~ the bullet . which tilled young Stublll<lield. Investlgalon are alao studying Ille posatbWty that the fatally ........i.d teenager fwd an 1ccornpUce 'Who auC- ceulully Ded the ooplllcrtlcaled br<ak·ln at Corrigan'a Cameru, 530 W. ltth 6t., u pollce arrived. Detect.lvn noted lMt 'J'hoever com- mltled 'the roortop burglary -which tripped a .silent alann monitored at po- lice headquarters-was no amateur In that particular field of crime. 'the youth evidently entered after drill- ing a leriea of holtt Jn the roof, then cutting oul a aoctloo Jorge enough lo allow him lo 1llde down Into the butldl"' on a rope. • . A coecond' rope "llll · ,,_ Idr loot attached •u ..,....;;· -tlll entty ' rope belore oquid, 'c"' Jllllled i;,p after · the alaml l)'llem w• l>lpped\ot 11:45 ' • (!lee BOY SLAIN; J'cilt ~) ' t the Newport fire department, wu takem to Hoag Memorial Hospital for emerp:1to cy treatment. He was later releued. Firemen ·speculated the fire started in the front of the houle, pasatbly 114 front porch. The hou5e waa totally In- volved in flame when they arrived. The home was covered by uphalt siding over cedar shingles, which caused the fire lo spread quickly, ffromen Aid. A Newport polit1! patrolman received e<immendaUon for his perforq1.ance at the fire scene this morning. Officer Keith' Collins won praise from his superiors "for disUnguishing bUmelf with alertness and courage witb·tbe im- mediate result ol lives being saved lhrough his actiOM." Polle< oaid Collins awakened ntarbf residents and entered the bumln&' building at 416 E. Ocean Front lo help the occupants out. Coast Woman Kills Husband Then HerseH A Seal Beach man was shot and killed early Sunday morning by his wife who then turned a .38-ealiber revolver qainsl: her own bead and ended her life. Mra. Darlene Gambrell, 31, of 391( -er St., called Seal Beach police shortly after 1:45 a.m. and told them. "I have just shot my husband," &iv.inc: her address • ·When detectives arrived at lhe tcene. they found her and James Gambrell. bef 46-year~ld husband. bolh dead on the bedroom floor from gunshot woundl ill tbe head. . ,. Detectlve Seupnt Frank Sbeafer aaid that Mra. Gambrell may have already ahot beraeU al the time of tbe pbooo call, since wltce unlla arrived at tho home within mlnults. Bolh were rushed · by ambulance to Long Beach Community Hol!p!tal where M,rs. qambr~ll was pronounced dead on arrival. Surgeons operated on her husband for approximately one hour but were uDable. to save his life. Polit1! theorize that the slaylnc was caused by a domesUc quarrel but they were unable to detum.ine the detans." The occupations of the victlnu also r• main unknown. The case was referred to the Los Angeles County Coroner for lnvest.lgaticm. Both bodies were taken to Paltersoe Mortuary or Long Beach and will be transferred to Baily and B a r t e 11 Mortuary in Anaheim for burJal serv1cea:. ' Cutter Rescues Four 011 Cruiser The Coast Guard cutter Point J ud.1th rescued four peoj>le aboord a disabled cabin cruiser drifting lnto. the surf just off the Huntington Beach pier at 5:15 p.m. Sunday. The 20-foot "Barfly," owned by Thomas 0. Mack ol Baldwin Park.-wu reported to have a dead battery. Jt wu located approid!nalely UO yards oil tho beach when the rescue wu performed. Names cl. the stranded boaters were no( det.nnil!l!il by the Long Beacll Coast Guard. Oraage Wea~ That fog that creeps In on little cat feet will do some puuyfooUng along the coast to. nigh~ · but after mJdmornJnc Tueaday it'll be !air and warm wllb the mm:ury to the mlddle 60'1.' INSmE TODAY The qut1Umt hdf bttra on- IWt:Ttd: a /an catamaran ii no match /or a ... 1~raUrd sloop. Aile: BYddu Eb.ttn and Pot Dou- gan w.lto provff fc over Wftk- end. Boating Poot 22. :::. ~ =:. j c..11tn111 ' """'" n (llMlffM ..... ......... --... '-ta 11 ....... C"""7 ' c-... n .,.... """"' '' Dllfll fMillffl t Jwllt ..... ,,. .. ~ II ...... ,.,. • ...,_ ,_ I llMI ........... ,, I ..... , .... ill tt ,........... .. ,...... , .. u """"'" ·• '"'• . •1·~ • . ....,........ ,,, ....... _..... \. .. 1111 "'-" ,, .......... .. •• • ' j I I I \ ------- 2 DAILY Pl10T H . An lrish111an~s ,Behn ital •Paddy' Taka Shillelagh to B,riton's Blmter Bditor'• Nott: _In Scit-urdav'~ tdi- tloo,\Bri"I" 'l'om BarlrJ.of lhc DAILY l'ILOT •t;Jf,gol Mr liclcl In al lh< 1-riah and iodav. on St. Pairick'1 Dav. it U onlv fitting and proper that a Son of Erin, DAILY PILOT l'Tomo- 1!on Dlrrctor Thoma.s McCann, art a whack or two at tht BriU.sh. So htre ooes: By '11101Wl McCANN ot ,.. Dlll1 """ ..... Wt don't bother m~out drui and, mcmncn in Mland because, os a nation, we don 'i dreas wtll and tot've no man.- ners. -Ceoroe Bernard S,talD ll couldn't be better said. Shaw, lo the first act dJalogue of his play, "You Nevtr Can Tell," quoted above, explained jult what .lt is that hu my onetime friend, Tom Barley, so out ot phase will> Ill• rat of UI today. Thia is the day each year when the world la peopled by only two ldl1ds of homo aapltnl ~ those who are Irish and t.boA who wWt they were. Oh, gJorlool Sl Patrick'• Day ! Obvloualy, Mr. Barley, when be spread his Barley com around in Saturday'a edition of !Illa newspaper decrying the wearlns of the areen wu wearins green ~· : Jle tr11 I t I t D with rtflV'I _. Dd ilouMM'J' 'oUll lo ~ al ht '*""·al Pad«f1 pooplo JnPOr/111 to parade lho!r !lride In tbclr o,,,; natloaallty or lhal of their anceston. Today is our d1y. And, aure, 'ill a shame that Brother Barley fetls he cannot unbend and enjoy it all. But the man Is driven. Hil hanrup ts well described in another quote from Shaw. The playwrlcht txpl&iM 1n the play, "Getting Married,'' that, ''Tbe whole strength of England lies ln the fact that the enormous majority of English people are snobs." Jt isn't hard for us true sons of aid Erin to understand Barley's bilious asaault, at.All, at.all He h&ils from the land of miniskirts and mine dlsasters, a place where kidney pie is the filet mignon and warm beer is the nect.ar of the 1ods. If Hell Isn't oot and .dry, lllen It's sure Uiat It ii cold and wet and foggy lllke Loodon b). A cloee friend of mine, ata.Uooed near London during World Wu II, once went to a double feature movie on a Suncby afternoon and mlaed IUDUllU altogether. And that'a Ille Valballa !Illa bitter British bucko was trying to defend with tu. annu.al diatribe against Ille great, green w or I d the IODI of. the Auld Huntington Defendant Psychiatrist Links Drug, Drink to Attempted Rape Charles 1'ohn ·lfrautwein did not have tile maitaJ capodty to plan or carry oot the lmlll usauJt with whlch he ls charged, a Huntington B e a c h psycbi:ltrilt testified today in Superior Court. Dr. John Schumacher told Judge Wllliam Speirs at the opening of the second day of a hearing into Trautwein's bid to reverse bls earlier guilty plea that the defendant was intoxicated from alcohol and Librium (a tranqullhing drug) 1111 Aug. 2 -Ille date be allegedly tried to rape a Balboa Island woman lnbe<hOme. Thal combination of drugs and drink, Schumacher said, made Trautwein com· pl ... ly il>c!poble of plaming any such alloclt Joi alone carrying II out. And he lirml1 atroaed his opinion ·~Cll'llled over thrff years of my ttt.atment ol this man" that Trautwein is not a men• tally dlaordered oex offender. Father of Pilot Saks Chief Dies Carl Carstensen Sr., national ad· vertising manager for the San Fernando Valle:y Times and father of earl eant.en,,en Jr., newly-appointed netiooal and automotive advertising s a 1 f! s manager of the DAILY PILOT, died Sunday in Memorial Hospital, Panorama City, alter a short Illness. Mr. Carstensen, 65, was a veteran of 44 years in the newspaper business. He spent 23 years with the Valley Times and before coming to California was promoUon manager with the Chicago Dally News for 21 years. Born in Pierson, Iowa, he attended Morningside College (lawa) and the University of Chicago, where he majored ln business administration. Surviving. in addtt.ion to Carl Jr., are his wife, Mary; a sister, Mrs. Paul Severance of Phoeni.1, Ariz., and three grandchildren. Ex-Premier Dies SALISBURY, Rhodesia !AP) WimtCll Field, "'ho was sucettded as prime mlnister of Rhodesia by Jan Smith in 1964, died here today. He was 64. !lflllV 1'114\I HANOI. CO.Ul NllllKINO ~ANT ••"-rt H WMI p,.1111111 1,.,.MtllllW J1c1t tt. Cv11•r VIC. PtNIOtftt l fMI G-rl M9N1 .. 1 Tli111111 K11•il ·-tr. ...... A. Mv1•llln1 ~l•llw Alkrt W. l1t11 W1IU1111 lt114 -"""Cl•l9 ~""' .... "" '-ll. __,,., City a•ltw ....... ~ SH Ith Str11t w.m,.. AiU"''" P.O. ••· no. •2'41 --......., ~;ml W•I l.lllM ......_. C.. Miu: »I w.tt .,, atrMt .......... IM<'I.: J:t2 '""' .-- Sclmmacher, 172'12 Madeira Lan<, Is Iba l<C<llld ck!,... -In -I ls expected to be a day Ieng hearing before Jndge Speln. Deputy Dblrlct All«ney Ed Fr.....,, apecU lo pul on his witnesses laW today. Including the Newport Beach woman who was all.eged· Jy assaulted by Trautwein. Trautwein, 31, ol. 20292 Craimer Lane, Huntlnglon Beach, ... u to -.w bis pl,. o/ guilty lo dlarg<S o/ assault w1lh lnm>I to commll rape. He offered that plea. lut Nov. 25 and wu aent to Atucadero State llolpllal for ltudy and r<lurned wtlll I report that labeled TrautweJn as "not amen.able to treatment and • danpr lo Ille beallll and aalety of othen." Trautwein then fired altml<y Marshall Schulmlll. -atlllrner Sam Hl!Dritz and argued before Judge Spelra that "deep emotional ccnflict" amd a disagree- ment wilh Scbulmoll 'Ieil him to file the guilty plea. Judge Speirr h! being asked to now .allow Tra!.Swein to plead Jnnocent to rape chura and fa<e a jury trial on that coonl. 'Il>e -ky d<!mdanl alan ,..ks freedom on boll and Ille lllrlklng of Iba Atascod<ro report fmn the r<conls. All tnr.e ll10tloos are being opposed b;· the district attorney. Owner Sees Life's Work Burned Away As the red glow raded from the sky above the 400 block of East Ocean Front this morning, Mrs. Irma Wehrt stood grimly among her neighbors, watching the smoke and her life's work pour out of her Balboa beachfront home. In the chHly fog, the Jong·tlme Harbor Area restaurateur, a native of Germany, shook her head and said quietly: ''There was chlna in that house that was 350 years old, aod now it's all gone. "I looked out on the front porch and saw the !lames and the fire chased me back throogh the house. I had time only to grab my dog and run." The robust woman, known by friends as "Mutter" (German for mother ) wasn 't a stranger to the reporter. DAILY PILOT reporter John Valten.a and Mrs. Wehrt first met ln far happier circumstances thfee weeks ago. He and fellow reporter RudJ Niedz.lelski dellvered a Jong letter and photos from "Muller's" relati\•es in Germany. The family gave the message to Rudi Uiortiy before he left Germany for Newport re::ently. "Atutter" had one or ~ nlct German type houses with 1 cuckoo clock on the wall, porcelain on the mantel and pbotographa of the family all arOUlld. She had her German sbepllerd, Bismarck, loo. A hJibJy protective dog who adoru her • Now Ibo hal ooly Ille d<>&. "When I llW the OamH 1' stopped for a accond trying to decide what to talte. Then I crabbed Blsmarck and ran out the back. I took nothing but the dog." AJ "A1utler" and the rtporter went 1nllde flrtmt'n were chucking her thlrred belonglng1 olf the aecond-Door paUo Into 41 smouldering bt'ap below. "Mutter" diacusstd the charred pain· ting of Dana Polnl hanging over her bed. then .canned the black w1I111 lookt'd at her ruined clothes in the closet, I.hen fell to the bed and wepl The lean luted for but a moment, IOd Ibo Col up and snapped, "I'll work lllOlher .ii yeara and make It up." "I'll 10 to work jU1t 11.te the last 40 ye.al'I and I'll have It all 1g1in.'' she said. i • lied Ilion built., u ~·nd ii .. _.. ..,. -1111 -1111 lllnlli lliid1 •• """"" ~welcb&" onJy lt QUIDIT How came It hal IOld the Cluem-Mary, the ~ Elh.abeth and -Yes J. even the LoodOo Bridge. \Ve're taking no bld!, thank )'OU, on the Blarney Slone or anything tlse of va1ue in the Emerald Isle, We have brought our potatoes., Jlide and perspicacity wtt.h w: &o tbe new world. He have made Iriahmen -al leut honorary ones -of everyone. We have risen from shanty boats to lace curtains. And, if )'.OU'll pardon me one more quote, we hive done just what llenry Wheeler Shaw (writJng aJ Jooh Biilings) predicted In the following paragraph: "Put an Englishman into the. Garden of Eden and he would find fault with the whole blarsted consarn • • • put an lrlahman in and be would want to boas the thing." And eo it ls -whether you're a Go1C!stein, a Schultz, a GarlbaldJ, or even a Smith -today is the day you can join our growing sreen ranks and help U1 boos the world. It's SL Patrick's Day. Here'• green beer In your eye I Especially U your name ls Barley. From Page l JET CRASH. • • runway. The plane fell in La Coruba proper but fires sprud to nearly La Trinidad where one of the wings and a turbine struck. La Coruba is about three miles from the center of Maracaibo. Had the plane remained airborne only a few minutes longer it would have cruhed . tnto the w a t er s of Lake Maracaibo, Latin America's largest oil producing center, and ooe: ol the world'• most importanl Universit'y Hospital medical teams aakl most of the passengers, still strapped to their seats, were "practically reductd lo ashes." The captain of t.be plane Emiliano Savelli, was removed alive from the wreckage but died of his burns second! later. Bodies of some crew mem- ben: were thrown clear of the wreckage. Whole famllles perished when the plane ploughed into homes where they were se.ated for Junclt. Some persons were :set ablau by spraying jet fueL In downtown Maracaibo hundreds of persons ran about aimlessly, weeping and shouting. Hospllala mobilized for the disaster said 125 other persons many in critical cond!Uon with severe burn1, 1hock and broken bones, were treated throughout the city. ~· The Anatomic ospital was converted Into a morgue. laUves, friends and authorities grlmJy moved among the bodies attempting idertti.fJcaUon. Rescue workers silting the plane's wreckage and five square blocb of burn- ed, splintered homes around It feared still more bcidies would be found. * * * 45 U.S. Citizens Aboard Venezuela Jet; All Perish ' CARACAS, Vene.iuela (AP) -The foll o"'•lng list of U.S. citizens aboard the Veneruelan airliner which crashed In Maracaibo Sunday has been compiled from authorities at Caracas International Airport and sources in the United States: 1 Ind '· Jl:ollert Aol'lmclll tl'CI wilt, !:1rl111o VlrOl"l' l11c11, V1, 3 •"" '· Wlf!111'1 ll8"!1mln Ind Witt. P•t•lt l•. Vlr1lnT1 llt1cl\, V•. 5 Ind •• JeHPl'I V111tr!t lf'HI ... ltt, J1,.,.t, CMlll110C9I, Tl't!n. 7 111C1 I. Alberl 01vld11111 Incl wife, Allc1. 'Ind 10. llobtrt IM:!Wn l "d ... llt, J\lnt. It, Jetlft J. H-y. LOI A1191I", born In CtnfHl1. 11. Adfll~ A""lt Ht,...,., K1n1•1 City, Mo .• PtHl!Orl l11Uld ffl Lff A-1t1. 13. Mtrlln Ml• Otttl. K1n111 City, M9. ,,, Anll\ony Otl!ll, N.Or11k1. 1$. Mll"!l•rll1 kort HooQr, born 1'n Ttlnldtd, U.S. CllllM. U. Shtl"On MIY NtlMn. Ntbt1P.., "'HPOrl l1111N !Hrllt, W11h. 11. ICtllfltlP! Dttn Ntl$011. H*tlkt, ,,,_, 1111Utd "''""· 11 •l'ld lt . 1'11Tldt J~lllh C1"'1" •1'111 wife, f l1lt. Lt Grlf'lte, 111. :Ill. A~tlW J-.ofl •vtt10n, U.J . cllJH!i-bol"fl 111 C?KllOl""•kll, ''"POrl IHI/Id In Lff An,ei ... 21. Ltll• Ktlf!fr1"9 ll!Jdl-Hortll Ot~ot1, PtHl!Orl lu\IM '" Ml1ml. J?. l'lan:net ltrwl K-. lrhtel, Vt. 'l. Clllrll1 J1ct WMtmln, OtllO. l4. Jon~llnt Jl:k•. M!tnl .. 11, "'"'"'' IHUld I" LOI A!llf 1. 11. 11111 JI. 1nl DMll't'ftlkr, Mlchl11n. 2'. J•nt Dllll~llder, "° Ofhtr lnforn"11t"" IVt llltllt. 17. Mrs. T. (dwl11 JI:_..,, ~I 't'trn.n. lowt , ft. Cltrl<1 Off, l'tnM<'Olt, I'll . 211. II. H\11111 ». D. DotwelU JI~ \., 00.wtlll 11. Grtll'lll no r~n11 111""1 ». .... De Ann•i JA. G4nrvdlt Mtltlllf'ftll U. Jdl11 H1<k1r; 3'. J. H1cker1 31. Doti• Cllitwl lt. Jtrn.1 H1ywoa<1: ••• W1111J JOhn'IOfll ~. Svun lltr(ll YI .n . Ll~d• ll1rcl1r1 41. Nini MtYl a. Gent MllYI "'· Mu. M1rt1ucJt1 1$. Htrn"IOl'I ltomen1 . Powell for Mayor? SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) -Rep . Adam Clayton Powell (l).N.Y.), said Sun- day he will announct by nert weekend whether he will nm for mayor of New York against Incumbent John V. Lindsay. "fttayor Lindsay hasn't done anything \'try importani In New York," Pow~ll told a ne~·s conference. Special Meeting Set The Wl!ll!niNl<r City Council bu call· ed a 1peclal meelinJ for 7 p.m. Wed· nesday al City Hall to consldtr a nlne- polnt aaenda whlcb lncludu a rtport from City Administrator Robert HunUey on a proposal for a park and recreaUon bond lssue. ) CRUMPLED PLANE LIES AT ISDLATED IMPACT SPOT Two Fllero Died Nur Buoy Shopl 11 Many Watched Mesa Plane Crash Kills Student Piwt, Instructor A student pilot and hls instructor died instantly Sunday when thelr twin-engine plane spun diuyingly out ol the balmy 5kies on a practice flight and smashed nose-firr.t into a grassy Costa Mesa field. Crushed to death in tbe wreckage were instructor Richard H. Stowell, 28, of Los Angeles, and hL'I student, Richard L. Fields, 29, of Manhattan Beach. The Piper Apache was seen by scores or wltnes.ses in busy neighborhood shop. ping centers as it spun down into We vacant lot just east or Bristol Street at Palisades Road. Hundreds of sightseers gathered as police roped off the scene and covered the mangled bodies, which were spilled partially out of the wreckage. Investigators for the N a t i o n a 1 Transportation Safety Board at Los Angeles International Airport said today it wlll be some time before cause cit the sudden crash can be determined. Stowell, a veteran pllOt, was reportedly at th~ controls when the plane went down, shortly after a practice touch-and· go takeoff at Orange County Airport • Investigalor Robert Shaw, of the NTSB, eaid today, howe~r that he is not cer· tain whether the 5tudent or instructor Traffic Violator Gets 2nd Charge A demonstration of unhappiness at be· Ing jalled on traffic warrants has only added to the woes of Anthony E. Brunet· ti, 24 , of 7751 Slater Ave., Huntington Beach. A charge of destroying city property \\'as added to his traffic charges after the jailer at the Huntington Beach City Jail alleges he found the suspect ripping off mattress covers and dumping them in a toilet and throwng mattresses on the floor of his cell. Officers said today that Brunetti, who was alone in the cell. was vuy boisterous and seemed \'ery unhappy about being arrested on the traffic warrant issued in \Vest Orange County Municipal Court. He now has two charges to explain to the judge. was flying the craft when unknown trouble sent it spinning earthward. Some v;itnesses estimated the altitude of t.be Apache at about 1,000 feet, but Shaw said today that it may have been somewhat lower, based on added in· formation. Radio conta ct had been steady with the Orange County Airport control tower, but neither flier gave any warning or trouble before the I :40 p.m. crash. FIRST ON SCENE Costa l\fesa police olficer Dave Dye was the first lawman to reach the scene and notified headquarters to call in cor· oner's deputies to handle the two victims. Neither suffered, because death was mercifully quick at the instant of grin- ding impact, which sent two or three pieces of wreckage flying, but left most of the Apache an intact wad of twisted metal. The Costa Mesa Fire Department ar. rived on the scene, but the wreckage1 did not burn and witnesses said they heard no engine sound, indicating the craft stalled and never regained power. The bodies of Stowell and Fields were taken to Westcliff Mortuary after removal by the Costa Mesa Police Search and Rescue squad, but no fumeral ar· rangemenls had been made by noon today. The ill·fated plane was owned by Bates Aviation Inc., and based at Hawthorne Airport, where the !light originated Sun- day. Michigan Doctors Transplant Heart ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI) -A 23- member medical team today removed a dlsea.sed heart "the size of a volleyball" from Gerald Kenneth Rector and replaced it with the healthy heart of a young man who would have been 25 Tuesday. Surgeons at University Hospital said that Rector. 43, was in "good shape" after the seven~hour operation that made hlm Michlgan 's third heart transplant patient. Sirhan Talli Tape Played For Court LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Sirh>n B. Sirhan talked about phll060phy, ranching, IJl(llorey<linl. clop and dolJeJ>a o/ other oubjecta In lhe houn while Sen. Robert F. Ktnlledr. Jay. dying In I llolpltal about a mi e away. • T1pe recordinis of Sirhan'• cori· veraaUom: with police ,«Beers wue played for the jury u the 1111> w .. k of tbc murder trial gol under way today. Sirhan never once mentioned Ken· nedy'1 name or the Ambassador Hotet where be had been shot a few hours pnviously. He refwed to give his idenUty or to say whether he had gone to collq:• or what country he came from. Sirhan, however, talked at length when the subject was 1teered a.way from him. At one Ume.a police officer Mid, "~ajbt you are a vlctim of clrcumstancM. "Beautiful," Sitha.n 11.ld. The def..,. wu cxpecf<d to apend at least three more weeks quettioninc psychiatric e.lperla about the mental makeup of Sirban. Dr. Martin M. Schorr, a clinJcal psychologist, led off the parade Of defense witnesses who probed the pu50rlality of the Uyear-old Arab im- migrant Schorr, who resumes testifyi.n.g under cross e1.amlnatlon today, says Sirhan is a psychot.lc paranoid w i t h schizophrenic tendencies -in layman's terms, a "Jekyll and Hyde peraonallty." From Pagel BOY SLAIN. • • p.m. Saturday. Sergeant Robert Ballinger, along with patrolmen Richard Johruion and ~eorge Wilson, responded to the burglary-in·pro- gress broadcast and spotted a shadowy figure inside the camera st.ore. Shinnying back up the rope to the rooftop, the burglar dashed across several adjacent buildings, leaped d?wn to the pavement and kept on running, as the officers chased him, shouting to bait. Sgt. Ballinger and the two patrolmen finally fired about eight rounds toward . the fleeing suspect, about 150 feet away, with a concrete bank building ahead of hlm, as a backstop for slugs. "It's unfortunate. Terri b I y un· fortunate," said Police Chlef Roger Neth today, a.s the district attorney probed the fatal shooting of young Stubblefield. "But in the dark, you can'~ tell tf a suspect is 14 or 40," the chief added, noting that he was fleeing the scene of a felony crime after adequate v.·arning to halt. The chase led from the camera sho p, across a shopping center parking lot, across 19th Street and down an alley toward the bank before pursuers opened fire. Orang&'County Sheriff's Office crime Jab t.echnlclans cove.red the scene af· terward , compiling minute details for the district attorney's inveltigatlon, ask· ed by Chlef Neth. Investigators noted that the rooftop entry was done in what they called a highly professional burglary technique, compared to ordinary pried doors or window smash jobs. Young Stubblefield was the son ol Mrs. Helen Ellis, of 20112 Kline Dri ve, in county territory just outside Costa l\tesa city limits. AUTOPSY PENDING The body was taken to Westcliff Mortuary prior to a coroner's autopsy, results of whlch are expected to be given to the district attorney later in the ¥.'eek. No funeral arrangements had been made by noon today, according to a spokesman for the mortuary. District Attorney Hicks said today tha~ he expects a complete report on the shooting death Tuesday, with so mt crime Jab analyses due later in the week. •J,. •. • • • ··-· .... n OMEGA-ACCUTRON -BULOVA AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR e rings sind and repaired e diamonds and precious stones remounted •pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU TYPES OF. JEWElRY • HARIOR SHOl'PINIO ClNTIR ZJOO HARIOR II.VD. COSTA MlSA 54S.Mts 0,.. MN, -Ptl. 111 ' , .... HUNTIN•TON CINTIR RACH I lDl~ill HUNTIN•TON RACH 02-ISOI , .. -', .. ,.·~· .. \_','.•:···· ....... _ ..... • .. · ................ . ~~gtJna ·· Beaeh · , , · • • ll>IT ION .. . ' a oa ... '"Pot~-Mind ·Gamble '. I . . " Ollly two tr -llnl4lme · -. oo1 ·.t It w!ll IU!for IMtJoi. --·-tbelr llrM -locl willl'llllJ'!juana. .1'111n& Ii Dkt tt Ji, Altoa Blak.,. lee loday In tl!t·olxtjl ol'hll 10.part "Drugs 1969" serles admits not every youna:ster who ever smokes "pot" 1oes to p(>t. You can 1et better odds on 1 Las Vegu alot machine -with- out rilk1ng -your mind in lhe gamble. See Page 3 before you ante up. Worst Air :Ul~ster Sabotage Said Possil:Jle In Venezuela Jet Crash O.U I ~ e • ~ .. -. • • . 1e Ill DAILY .. ILOT ,...,. llW ltlch9,.. 11'.Mllllt - TEN CENTS ' .. • • ire Iwo Other -Residences Also Burned By JOHN VALTERZA Of fllt O•llr Pli.t Sl9H A Balboa couple burned to death before dawn today in a roaring fire ihat destroyed their beachfront home and heavily damaged two others. The three-alarm blaze broke out in the front part o1 • two-1tory ll'llne house at 414 E. Ocean Front at about 4 , a.m. The fin lit up the fOUJ'. I !k}r. The dead were idenUfied by p:>Uce as Mrs. Patricia Johnson Ruby, 40, m:l Richard Stanley Hadden, 31. Mrs. Ruby'a teenage daughter, who lived with ber mother, ,vas .not at bomct at~ time. HadQen and Mrs. Ruby were found on the floor of a rear bedroom buddied together. Houses flanking the Ruby home were hea vily damaged by the .blaze. MARACAIBO, V....,,.la (UPI) - Venezuelan authorities &aid today there WU 11real evidence'' of Jabot&ge in the Sunday erub of a Verie:suelan jet airliner wltlch caught fir< oo takeoff am slashed throueh a working class suburb like • flaming knife, killing more than 150 pel'li0111. lbe piano, another 11 oo the ground am left us olber ......... Injured. FLAMES CONSUME SECOND STORY OF OCEAN FRONT HOME WHERE COUPLE DIED lnvest.lptors Seek Cause of Newpo rt Blaze Which Destroyed One Home, Damaged Two Others The home of Mrs. Irma Webrt at 416 Ocean Front was gutted. The downstairs portion of the building al.so suffered heavy damage. The ci'ash was hiMory's worst air ~i.wter. It killed ~ 15 or rl aboard Third Laguna Beautiful City Competition Set Laguna's "Beautiful t'eople'' are at 1t again. Entry blanks for the Third Annual Beautification Awat<b competition are now available at the chamber of com· merce office, 2m Part Avenue. Awards will ·be given May It. Entries inust be returned by April 1. The contest bas five classifications: -Residential, new or remodeled struc- tures. -Commercial, new, or remodeled. -Landscaping, public or private. -Special Recognition for p u b I i c buildings, service clubs. -Good neighbor' for a special e.ffort contributing to the neighborhood. Judging will be based o n at- tractiveness, combination of esthetic in- terest and function, landscaping ef· fectiveness, practical to m a I n t a i n , dlgnUied use of signs and lighting and removal of eyesores. Funeral Rites Slated Tuesday For Alice Jones Pedro Pera Peruo, political dir«tor el lhe lnt<rlor . mlnis1ry. told the ""'Piper Ultlmu Notidaa ~ay In Cara.cu. tllere w~ "ru.l evidence of oabotafe" and that . he wu flying here to iz>vellltate lbe . poeslbility at ·the dlsaa!lrllt< •. Tlier•. ~ had been rumors that' ::~-~U'4tl JOhn F. K"'!l"d1 Alnort In New Yl>rk .... • ....... ...,.., /Which failed to :0tdlbt. . . An • -abOanl lbe Mlaml-bowld Vlasa DC t, inck"'lna '5 Amtrlwls, were killed. At ltllt 11 penom in lbe working class suburb ·ol Ziruma died when the Je11in<r allced flaming _ lbrough t}leir bomp. jlllt be.tore noon, and only two _minuta after takeoff from Grano De Oro Airport. Eyewitnesses said the plane's left turbine W'as spouting flames evtn u lbe lwiz>.tnllned cralt liftb! oll the end Ill the ninway am olArted dropping. 11It barely got ap to 108 meters {32S feet),'' one eye,iritnea said. "It passed like • I la m I n r lallr. just over lbe eap1to11o Tbea1er am 111nuhed 1nto ........,, Ines, telephone posts and park!d cars 11 · well u a bua from which four dead were recovered u well u two injured." Tiie fiamlnJ wrecU,e left a path of muery and terror lhrougboot the Zlruma zone, that includes homes ol. Indian! as well as the working-class districts ol La Corubo and La Trinidad. The plane tnded tt. blazing trail of destructJon bead on into a telephone pole where It llter1Ily disintegrated. The fuselage, however, fell across La Coruba where about S,000 peraons live in one- story bou1e1 built ol concrete blocks. A resident of La C<ruba saJd the Whale Washed Up at Lag una Btlri~d in Dump ' An ljiiominiOUJ lnl<rment In the county dump Friday ended South !Alguna's Operatlm Whale Removal for county &niJnaI cootrol olli«n Ind Ille county Harbor Departmeol. .The 1,500 pound whale they buried had been pulled from the South Laguna private beach where it was found early Thursd'l)' and tow«! by a HArbot Depart- n'tfl\l boat '° Aliso Beach where a crane Jilted it aboard a truck for transportation to the dump. Cause of death of the female Black Pilot Whale has ~ been determined. No evidence ol oil, blamed for the death of three San Francisco whales, was found around or on the Laguna whale. Some experts believe the sea going mammal may have made a suJcide run at the beech. A fertilizer factory, which was at first due to get the 15-foot carcass for n!n- dering, later turned it down, thU.! neceW.tatiDg the dump burial. * * * E mergency Move Urged to Save plane hit a lllJh tension power line M , WJ aJ ult lllced through the dlatrlcl. . igrating l es "It kloted. Uh a giant ball of fire," he said. "In a milter of aeconds, flame Emergencf action to prevent the gray l~·~t ~I -~~II everyw• .-... ' whale --ol Southern California UN..IUU -·~ "-witen fnJmif<immlnent decimation" wail Flres CIUled ily>lbe·J> wrecU,e · b the · • ~---~--•tarted barely lllO feel lroin the end Ul'pd today Y ' =--· ..._.ean ol Grano De Oros' 11,2!0-loot long ~· ·• to~~Nlxve group, In Fw>erll aervlcel for Mn. Alk:e J-, (See JET,CllMll, Pqe I ) a,._ «~· an. lon1 acUve In Laguna Beach art and Tiie -y urged the Prtsideol to call business cktlea, are scbedµJed for Tues-uppn e~ to find · a w1y to dlvut day at 11 a.m. at the Sheffer Laguna ttie ml~ Wbalea 1rom the oil-slicked Beach Mortuary Chapel. Mn. Jones died PILOT PROBES waters Orf the Southern California coast. Saturday. She was 61. Cetacean Soclfty EncuUve VJce Prest- Known to many as the efficient and PERU PROBLEMS dent. Clark-T .. Cameron, of Loe Angeles, weU.Uked maoager ol lbe Ft3Uvll ol said in the message: "The number ol Arta: bowl, Mrs. Jones, of 421 Myrtle dead whales washed up on the beaches St., was a Laguna Beach resident for Prealdtnt NiJ.on'i penonal envoy opens is siropJy too large and musual for :IO years. She succumbeil at South Coast talks wltb Peru's ruling ~tary Junta it to be mere coiocideoce." Commwrlty HospiLal, Soulh Laguna. today on inut'I cl Ptru' • el 1 f n 8. an So far, sii: gra,y whales have been Sefvlces will be coodUcted by,the Rev. American oil corporatlotl'•n!ultl-ipllll... found on , Qelifcmia beaches compared Cecil R. Burton d the Epflcopll Cburcb • dollar operation, . (1lllllre aln!ed •I to . the oormal toll ol ooe every other o1 San Clemente. American f!i1llna hilts oo lhe blib ... , yw. . · Mn. Jones II iurvlved by two bnilben, am,.• Ihnat to !rand ~ United States C1ri1erm ,.eked tba1 detailed autopolu Geor(e ~ol Rlvenlde el ilrtd ··an · OC<l(IOll!lc ,._. · · · be• •. por~,on all.dtalf •11hal .. ond Mandea GI ~-Olio., and a -,' ·DAILY lllhl' Manqll!c E ditor mu1ne ia)s cWenn1de Mn. Gonion Roybqm d s.:ramente. •• ·-.Mirpll!M. -• ,,._ to t.xlenl' of'the ~ e11eii°cii tfiem, Don Wllll•mson dlrecl« II tilt Lima. capital <111 el ~ quotes nen --·-~•-""-'-thl J>•-•nt ol lbt MA.ten Olid d Mn. -l1l(lnr !Mn It! Jr~~ to "•~ rully ·=-_,....,• t ..... J.;;;';;;-· .. Sbe ---1>Je In band~ u -v-lno . boy In bis con be '""",Ila!. I..-mf'J ~..., wbole ln1 audlence.s ..,.t. •loctlna ind tralnln( ~:. ......:~·"'!..~_In-:W!~!{i ~1':'!, u.:J:•: ushers -oo slD&ll job.'• .,.._.,,.,... ......,. .... ri:lr u111;1 1,u;on ... "-J•-"_,!,,,, .i..~'-- Mn. Jones 11-o -with the Lyric admlnWatlGn, will tt be >fryln( pan at ,.,,~~· _.. """''""'· Opera AJ&oclalloll and the er.le Bal~ or fin Iii 5i>ulb ..,a1ca! See P.,. She waa pmld<nt ol lbe Busl-'3 loday. 2 • 5... •It H . I< and Pnireaicml Women'• Club in tSlli-. -.. ·~-..1 ' 1 e ·!Jr.t wcr. ft.a · 11.amember.tthteommlDlltyP!aym, n:___ Proced·--OK. ' m'Ycilat:tJ(lli .:'.tbe,t.Ck111arkt1 '\ftd ol the SI. MatT• ~'""l>"l Cburcb. »IW'm ore ·-"' • lower treod today, alll>ouih She hid boea a member ol lllt Buslnea It did cut down aome ol Ill •tltll•r Woman'• Club fer lO )'W'I, hrflng joined OICllEvA (Ul'I) -'I'be United Stites !oats. Tradln( slowed n•ar tiie cod. In Rlvtnlde befcn eomJnr to~ amlbo-UnloetoU,yqolcklyrud>-(Seeq-~Pag ... J&-l7). ' Belch. ed acreement Cll procedmal detaUI al The Dow Jones lndultrlal average at Gr1vealde aervlce& will be beld 11 Ibo GdoYa ..,._ uni.....,. l :lO p.m. wu of/ 1.71pointl11 902:11. OUvew~ Cemttery, In Rlvmlde at wblcll -'l'lloldq .iter .. eight-'!be -hid been· oll .. 11111&h .. J p.m. moolb -. UJ polntl It 11:111.m. t Seeking Booths No estimates of damage were Im- mediately available, but fire m e rt speculated that the total would reach at least $45,000. 167 Entries Submitted To the west, a single-story frame hou3e had a charred roof and ·'Walls. It was Unoccupied., · · • Fli'e . lnvesUifto(I '1Ull CoQ>bed "" . , , . For Festival otftrts ' «one !ale lbla mornlnl In 'etlorti to ~ ..... ol the bjuo, lourhl 1lt :.,.,,_en from JO Hal1lor cu fire ttuekl. , ' I One lirtman llUl!ered'. badly cul bind when lbaU..IDc -glass btt bim as be entered lbt kirnlng dwelling. Festival of ArU Judges got an eyeful of art Saturday in the jurying of 167 · entries for the summer Laguna Festival of Arts, scheduled for July 11 through Aug. 7. Bo y, 14, Fleeing Burglary Killed By Mesa Police By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of flll·D•llY PUtl Slaff Making the ultimate choice of his life -running from a Costa Mesa camera shop burglary after five orders to balt -a 14-year-old boy died early Sunday, hit when police finally opened ~ as he ran down a dark alley. Stephen Stubblefield, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, w.as dead on arrival at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, with .38 caliber wounds in the chest and leg. Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks today stud ied preliminary reports by hiii investigators to utablish the basis ror shooUng the youtbtul felony suspect as he tried to HC&pe. · · No de\efmlnatlon has ~n made about who among three poliet;men., µ,eluding. a Veteran p.atrol sergeant, fired the bullet which killed young StubbleUela. ' · Investigators are also studying the possibility that the fatally wounded teenager had an accorripli~ who suc- cessfully fled t)le aophisticated break-in at Corrigan'• Cameras, ~ W. 19th St., as police arrived. DetecUves noted that whoever com· milted the rooftop bµrglary -which ttipped a silent alarm monitored at po- nce headquartel"l-wM no amateur in that particular field of crime, The youth evidently entered aflel"drlll· Ing a series o! holes ·in the roof, then cutting out a· aecuon large ·enough to allow him to ·allde cknrn into .the building . ooarope. '·. ~ . A ~ rope 't'lth a .aact 1for toot~ atta<;bed' wu lowen<I ~de ' !lie. entry rope ¥ore.aquld •<tra•pu)!ed QPi alt.r : the alann·mtem wp. tr!Pl>od at .II :~ p.m.1S.turday.. .-• .. ' ": ' I • ,Sergeant Robor;t ·$a111nBer,; '1onc with · patrolmen Richard J~ fl)d ;George I'{ Uson,. re11po11ded· to tl>e burgl&Q"ln,pro- grm ,brofd<a&t ,ancf, opottad ·~. aliadowy · figurJ inai~ the camera stor~. • Shlnnylna . hl<:k up the rope Ip the . roottop, the burglar dashed ~ aeveral adjaoent buildings, leaped down . to the paYemei11 l!wf kepi on ·nmnln(, aa lbe • olliceri chased him, lbouUnr to ha!~ ' • • Sgt. Bl)llnger a(ld the two, polrolm<o finally fired 1bollt eight rvunu towlrd tb;e ~ su1pect,,a1*d 1*-fftl -away,' With l• cdrn:relo badk 'buildmf I doWJ ·ca.. eov~,...,.· 1'1•" ~ !i ... One hundred and fifty·three artists entered the competition, some In more than one medium for multiple entries per artist. All aspire to a booth at the festival this year. Highest score was 50 while the lowest WllS 9. A total of 70 points WI! possible. It will take festival of arts personnel about three weeks before the number o( booths available tor the recently juried artist.. is known, Richard Brooks, grounds chairman, said. Last year, about 30 spots were available to new artists. Artists with t'op scores will be allotted the open apa~. Festival judges were Jack Dudley, George Beau Mann, Dixl Hall, William Motta, Frank Interlandi, Charla Ilgner and Ann Von. Alternate judges are Lu Murphine, Neal Butcher and Philip Freeman. William Van Hom, 41, • veteru ·of the Newport fire department, wu t.U:en to Hoag Memorial Hospital for_emergen- cy treatment. He was lata' reJeal:ed. Firemen 1peculated the fire atliled In the front of the houae, pcmlblJ ·11s front porch. The -WU to1al17 Jn. volved In name when Ibey lrt!ved. The horn• was covered by uphill ~ding ov!r cedar lhlnglea, which allied the fire to spread quickly, Orunen Aid/ A Newport p6Uce patrolmu .....md commendaUon f6r his perf~ 1t the fire scene this morn.Ing. Officer Keith Colllns woo pralle lrom hi• superiors "for dlsUngulsbhig ~If with alertness and courqe with the Jm. mediate · result of llvea being ANd through his actions." Police said Collins awakened nurbJ' residents and entered the burnlnc building at 416 E. Ocean !'root to belp lbe occupants out. Wife IOO s Spouse, Then Turns Re volver on Sell A Seal Beach man was shot and killed early Sunday morning by his wife who · then turned a .38-caltller revolver against her own head and enOed het lUe. Mrs. Darlene Gambrell, 38, of ~11 Sunflower St., called Seal Beac h police shortly after 6:45 a.m. and told them, "I have just shot my husband/' giving · her addreSli. Wlten detectives arrived at the scene,. they found her and James Gambrell, her 40-year-old husband, both dea d on the bedroom noor from gunshot wourlds in the head. Detective Seargent Frank Shealer said that Mrs. Gambrell may have already shot herself at the time or the phone can, since police units arrived •t' Ule home wlthln minutes. ' · Both were rushed by ambulance· to Long Beach Community ·Ho<pltal wtiqe· Mn: Gambrell' wis pr"""'"""' dead on arrival ' ' •Surgeons operatad on Iler louoblnd for : approximately one bour but were unable to aave his IUe. . . .. . . Police theorize tbat1 ~. alayl:n&. wn. caused by a doinesUc quarrel but they were unable to detertnine the det:f-111~ .. The occUpat10111 ol· the vJ'11na 1also• re.-I main unkriown. . .. ' . . . . . Troops to Ang1;1illa? LONDON (UPI) -Prime Minister Harold Wilson II expected to ruch f doclslon !rilhln.ll>e-J4'11o\n wheth!T to, lfnd troops to the ~lbbun' laland of M&llllla rr ~·e: peaet. ollol'llJ 11y,. dlplomaUc ,cb1linell0. -... -mint 'IOUfttl aalfl U>ftijf 1 A .. . The case, wu rtfamd to the toe: Angeles County Coroner for Jnvestiption. Both bodies were taken toJattenon Mortuary of Loni Beach am w!ll bo transferred to Bally and Bar.tell • Mortuary Jn Anaheim fhr ·burfal aemCes. Orange / Weatller That foa: that creeps in on litUe cat feet wW do aome pussyfooting alone the cout to- nlgb4 but alter . mldmomlnr ' Tuesday il-11 be fair and .warm with the mercury In the middle 60'1. INSmE TODAY T1tr quration luu be'in. en. 1 IWtred: a fa.!& catamanm ii no ~t~h · for a weU-sailtd aloop. Ask Budd., Ebaen and Pat DOti. gan uh.o proved it over 101tk- <nd, Boating · Pag< 22. • -· " -I _., • -• CIJlllNll · • -.. """:1' .... --.. ...... " ---• -n .,.,.. '"""' " --" • --"" -" -.... _.., ... • .... ..,..........., --• ··-II I ~~ 1 .. 1, -• l • ·-• :t'~:;o.. .. ·--.,. " --... \ ''\ I ~ DAil V PILOT L M-. Mateh 17, 1969 ltfn• Traged" , Plane Crash Kills Dog All 'Mut ter'. 'Pilot, . I I • . Instructor .Has Left A student pilot and his Instruct.or died instantly Sunday when their twlMngine plane spun diuyingly out of the balmy 'kies on a practice fligbt. and 1ma&bed ......tlnl into a grwy Cottl! Mesa field. crushed to death in the wreckage were instructor Richard H. Stowell, 28, of Los Angeles. and his student, Ricbard L. Fields, 29, of Manhatl..an Beach. The Piper Apache was seen by sC<>res o{ witne-S.$es in busy neighborhood shop- ping centers as it spun down into the ''acant. lot jmt east cf Briatol Street Trautwein Said Incapable of Sexual Assault Charles John Trautwein did not have the mental capacity to plan or carry out the sexual assauh with which he j5 charged, a HW'llington B e a c h psychiatrist testified today in Superior Court. Dr. John Schumacher told Judge William Spelts at the opening of the &eCOnd day of a hearing into Trautwein's bid to reverse his earlier guilty plea that the delendant was intoxicated from alcohol and Librium (a tranquilizing drug) la!l Aug. 2 -lhe dat. he allegedly tried to rape a Balboa Island woman in her home. That combination of drugp .. and drink. Schumacher said, made Trautwein com· pletely incapable of planning any .such attack let alone carrying It out And he flrmly stressed hJ.s opinion "formed over three years of my treatment of this man" that Trautwein is not a men· tally disordered sex offender. Schumacher, 17272 Madeira Lane, is the second defense witness in what is ~ to be a day long hearing before Judge Spein. Deputy District Attorney Ed Freeman expect, to put· on his witnM!ea later today, including tbe Newport Beach woman who was allege<f... l;· assaullod by Trautwein. Trautwein, 31, of 20292 Craimer Lane, Huntington ~ch, seeks to withdraw blsip!O.: of guilty to charges of assault with intent to commit rape. He offered that plea last Nov. 25 and was seni to ~"9 Stale Hospital !or slud1· and returnod wllh a r'JJOrt lhat labeled Trautwein as "not amenable to treatment and a da!Jier to lhe health and &afetY. ol others." at Palisades Roaii. Hundreds or sightseers gathered as pulice roped off the scene and covered the mangled bo<ilel, which we.re spilled partially out of the wreckage. ' Investigators for the Nat Ion a 1 Transportation Safety Board at Los Angeles International Airport said toda}' it will be some time before cause of the sudden crash can be determined. Stowell, a veteran pilot, wu reportedly at the controls When the j lane went down, ahorUy after a practice toudl-and- go la);eofl al Orange County Airport. lrive.sttgator Robert Shaw, of tbe NTSB, said lodry, howe,... thOt he II not ..,.. lain whelhu lb< •ludent or inllrudot wu !lylni lhe craft wh<n unknown trouble sent fl spinning wtbward. Some wttnesse. eallmaled lhe alUlude of the Apache at about 1,000 feet, but Shaw aaJd today that it may have beep somewhat lower, based on added in- formaUon. Fuel for the Fire Radio contact had been steady with the Orange County Airport control tower. but neither fUer gave any warning of trouble before the 1: 40 p.m. crash. Steve Jenison tosses piece of driftwood on pile at Wood's Cove where small, but detennined band of 1 l.Aguna Beach teenagers gath.ered over weekend to clean storm debris from beach. Ro\'.ing volun .. teer cleanup crew numbering about 30 also collect- ed and bunred. driftwood at Diver's Cove, Shaw's Beach, C~s Street and strand from Main Beach FIRST ON SCENE to Sleepy Hollow. · Costa Mesa police officer Dave Dye was the first lawman to reach the scene and noUfied headquarters to call in cor· F J _ s s A p J _ oo;.;:i!i'.::ed~.~~~:~cli:~ mmes weep milt,, mercifully quick at lhe illltanl of grin· ding impact, which sent two or three 1 E~~pa~·1n~;.!r0:-;~~---Cause $100,000 Damage Broker Elected Cititens' Head Real Estate Broker Mark Gumbiner, chairman of the Citizens Advisory com· mittee on Laguna Beach's master plan goals, has been elected president of the Citizen's Town Planning Associa,tion. Active in many civic affairs, Gumbiner, was seleet'ed at the planning associa- tion's board meeting last w«k along with new vice-president James Dilley, fonner president of the CJ'PA. Joy Dick· erson was ~lected ~retary-lreasurer •. A re.solution by Gumbiner at the meeting urged that CTPA 1pearhead the formation of a "Downtown Planning • Committee" made up or representatives • or civic groups. The new committee would assist in the master planning of the downtown area, he said. Flames fed by volatile chemicals for plastics manufacture exploded through the roof of a Santa Ana flml Sunday night, causing $100.~ damage and forc- ing evacuation oC resident!!! along an ad- jacent street. Only one person was injured as a result of the blaze at Kerona, Inc., 1105 E. Walnut St. an excited lady who tripped over a fire hose while leaving her house and injured her knees. The two-alarm fire fed by resin, acetone and styrene was l e a p i n g through the roof when first trucks ar- rived on the scene, according to Santa Ana Fire Chief John Garthe. He said the masonry building was covered by a wooden roof and had na interior sprinkler system. Santa Ana police officers hurriedly knocked on doors along adjacent South Hathaway Street, arousmg sleeping residents and warning them to get out temporarily. Opened only two month! ago, lhe firm was a sutmdiary of a Phoeai1, Ariz., plant and employed 30 persons for the manufacture of plastic piping up to five inches in diameter. Business li.fanager Ronald R. Seymour was unable to give an immediate estimate as to the l06!!I ir, the chemical fire, but later came up with the $100,000 figure listed by firemen today. The blaze was first reported by a policeman and the smoke waa thought by one nearby resident to be simply predawn log which moved into the county area. The injured woman \\"as identified as Mrs. Elsie Sipes, of 114 S. Hathaway st., but she was not seri~ly hurt when she fell over the fire ho6e. Sant.a Ana Fire Department In· vestigators said the plant was housed in a building occupied by the old Blower Paper CO., before being rented recentJy. Thomas H. Page Services Held Services were held today al Sheffer Laguna Beach Mortuary Chapel for restaurateur Thomas Huston Page, S9, president of Page Boy's Burgers, Inc. He died at the Long Beach Veterans Jiospital after a short illness Friday. A resident of Laguna Beach for the past 13 years, r.tr. Page was a member of Masonic Lodge oC Laguna Beach No. 672 ; Orange County Shrine Club, and the Knights Templar of Santa Ana. lie served in the U.S. Anny during \Vor!d \Var II. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy of the home, 1216 Bermuda Dri\'e ; two sons, Robert of Dana Point and Kevin of Laguna Beach, and four grandchildren, Interment will be at El Toro Cemetery. Fron• Page l BOY SLAIN . • • or him, aa a backstop for slugs. "lt'a unfortunate. T,er r lbly un- fortunate," said Police Chief Roger Neth today, as the district attorney probed the fatal shooting of young Stubblefield. "But in 1 the dark, you can'~ tell if a suspect ia 14 or 40," tbe chief added, noting that he was fleeing the scene of a felony crime after adequate warning to halt. The chase led from the camera shop, across a shopping center parking lot, across 19th Street and down an alley toward the bank before pursuers opened fire . Orange County Sheriff's Offlce crime lab technician.s covered the scene af. terward, compiling minute details for the district attorney's investigation, ask· ed by Chief Neth. Investigators noted that the rooftop entry was done in what they called a highly profes.slonal burglary technlque, compared to ordinary pried doors or window smash jobs. Young Stubblefield ~·as the son of Mrs. Helen Ellis, of 20112 Kline Drive, in county territory ju.st outside Costa Mesa city limils. AUTOPSY PENDING The body was taken to Westcliff Mortuary prior to a coroner'• autopsy, ruults of which are expected to be given to the district attorney later in the week. No funeral arrangements had been made by noon today, according to a spokesman for the mortuary. District Attorney Hicks old today that he expects a complete report on the shooting death Tuesday, with some crime lab analyses due later in the week. The district attorney today declined to discuss either the history or nature of any prior offenses by the Stubblefield boy. "The boy is deceased. He's not on trial, so I wou1dn't want to say anythlng about that," Hicks explained. Peru Parley Staged LIMA, Peru (UPI) -John N. Irwin II, personal enjoy of President Nixon, met today with President-Gen. Juan Velasco Alvarado for a discussion of Peruvian-American political differences. As the red glow faded from the sky above the 400 block of East Ocean Front lhi• momiq, Mrs. Irma Wehrt atood grimly amooi her neighbors, watchinC the smoke and her life's work pour out of her Balboa beacbfront home • Jn lbe chilly fog, lbe long-time Harbor Area rutaurateur, 1 native of Germany, shook her he.ad and said quietly: ''There was china in that house that was 350 years old, and now it's all gone. "I looked out on the front porch and saw the flames and the fire chased me back through the house. I hid time only to grab my dog and run." The robust woman, known by friends as "Mutter" (German for mother) wasn't a stranger to the rtporter. DAILY PILOT reporter John Vaituza and Mrs. Wehrt first met in far happier circumstance.s three weeks ago. He and fellow reporter Rudi Niedzielski de.livered a Jong letter and photos from "Mutter's" nlatives in Gennany. Tbe family gave the message to Rudi shortly before he left Germany for Newport r~nUy. "~tutter" had ooe of those nice German type houses with a cuckoo clock on the wall, porcelain on the mantel and photograph.! of the family all around. She had her German shepherd. Bismarck, too. A highly protective dog who adores her. Now she has only the dog . "When I saw the names I stopped for a 6econd trying to decide what to take. Then I grabbed Bismarck and ran out the ·back. I took notbing but the dog." As "Mutter" and the reporter went Inside firemen were chucking her charred belongings off the second-floor patio into a smouldering heap below. "Mutter" discussed the charred pain· ting of Dana Point hanging over her bed then scanned the black wall.s, looked at her ruined clothes in the closet, then fell to the bed and wept. The tears lasted for but a moment, and she got up and snapped, "I'll work another 40 years and make it up." "I'll go Lo work just like lhe last 40 years and I'll have It all again," she said. Father of Pilot Sales Chief Die s Carl .-;ari;tensen Sr., national ad- Yertising manager for the San Fernando Valley Times and father of Carl Carstensen Jr., newly-appointed national and automotive advertislng s a 1 P. s manager of the DAILY PILOT, died Sunday in Memorial Hospital, Panorama City, after a short illness. Mr. Carsteruen, 85, wa.s a veteian of 44 )'ears in the ntwspaper business. He spent 23 years with the Valley Times and pefore coming to Callfornia was promotion manager with the Chicago Daily News for 21 year&. \ Born in Pierson, Iowa, be attended Morningside College (Iowa) and the University of Chicago, where he majored in bw.iness ad.-nlni!!ltration. Surviving, in addition to Carl Jr., are his wife, Mary; a &ister, Mrs. Paul Severance of Phoeni:a:, Ariz., and three grandchildren. Special Mee ting Se t The Westminster City Council has can- ed a special meeting for 7 p.m. Wedo nesday at City Hall to consider a nin'"' point agenda which Includes a report from City Administrator Robert Huntley on a proposal for a park and recreation bond issue. •• " . '. .... :.. • .. • ... ·I ,' '•' • , ' ' -. :~ • '•. ·• •·,' • , , . • ! TH REE INJUR ED IN TWO.CAR COLLISION SUNDAY AT EMERALD BAY GATE Rash of Traffic Accid1nt1 on Laguna Roadway• Mar W11k1nd In Art Colony r1ri1 Iv l'l!OT ORAlCGf. '°"-11', PUILllHING 'OMl'.4Hl' b lt.rl N. W"J ,,,.klttll ..... , .. 11.,.,., Jt ck R. Curley Via ''"""' -Gt,,.,_, ...... ,,."' fllti1M1 lt:Mv11 .... Th.,,. •• A. MY1,hl11• INM91 .... Ill ... Rlcl111ll '· Ni ll '•~I Nlu111 L._ ltl<ll .\,_11111'11 Clh' .,._ Ct ........ ...... -...... JJt f,,,,. ,.,,, Wail18f .Yll1 .. t : P.O. 111 '''· f1 6JJ ..... _ ..C.!t lil'flll ill Wnl • .., llrMt ......,, ktcll: JJll Wnl .. JbOI 9'Nllll- tlllllllllel..i kldl. • tr~ '"'"' I 6 Accident s Mar Weekend Six accidents were recorded In Laguna Beach over the weekend, including one that injured a 4-year-old boy and another that left three persons hurt. A collision at North Coast Highway and Gate 4 of Emerald Bay at S:l5 p.m. Sunday resulted in Lbe hospitaliza- tion ol. three people, Joan Hershkowitz, 17, of Downey was taken to South Coast Community Hospital by Wmd Ambulanct. The g1rt was Irish Envoy Named On St. Pat's Day WASHINGTON (UPl) -President Nixon today took lhe occasion of St. Patrick'• Day to announce the ap- pointment of business executive John 0. J. Moore as the new ambauador to Ireland. Moore, l7, of Short Hitt. N.J., Is vice p-ealdent of W. R. Graee and CO., a shipping and lnduatrlal firm. Ht 1' of lrish d~t. and wu founder and preal· dent ol the lreland-U.S. CouncU for Com- merce and Industry. .. • released following treatment for a broken left foot, numerous facial cuts, and an injured knee. Pi.iiss Hershkowitz was a passenger ln a 6mall foreign car driven by Bradley Balentine, 17, of Downey. Balentine wu treated for a gash above an eye. Pi.1rs. Elsie Craft, 76, of 270 CliU Drive, Laguna Beach was also taken to the hospital atfer i;he complained of a sore back, Police Sgt. David Brown uJd. Mrs. Craft, also released after I.real· mcnl. was a passenger in a car driven by Edward Nay, Jr., 61, of San Marino, Sgt. Brown said. Sgt. Brown said the coWslon occurred as lhe Nay car pulled out from the Emerald Bay gate and attempted to tum left onto Ctast Highway. The accident backed up wee)l:e:nd lrafflc all through town . __A_nothtr accident S u n d a y Injured Jlllll>ny Waslum, 4, of Rueda, Calli. W.11slum wi!I released 1fter treatment for a head injury, hospital aide• said. The child had been hit in lhe lot ol a Broadway and North Coat Highway gasoline lilaUon at 4 p.m. by a car driven by U.S. Marine Corporal Lewis Ki~ner ,. Q OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA ~ AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE ~ COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rin gs sized e nd repeired • die mon da end precious stonu remounted • pee rla restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE ALC JYPES OF JEWELRY HAllOR SHOl'PINCi CINTll 2300 HAUOR II.VD. ·COSTA MW °'"" -n.n., I'll. 111 ' ,.... HUNTlllCiTON CI N'lll llACH l IDINCill HUNTIN•TON llACH m.1101 ' ' .. •.. ·. l '.l -. ' ... , ..• , ............ • ' .... ····1 ~ • \ ... _,,,, , . 114iid<J, -17, lM (L) DAILY rur ;:I Sirhan T~ Swallows Getting Readj_ Tape Played For Capistrano Landing Marijuana Is 11J J.lClt arAPP!LL to tho West Cou1 and u fu stli • .. ..., ""...., u Aluta alMI ., far IOUtll u ArpaUDI, Sleadfut qalllll tile onruab cl. time, ht' Ald. -· '.J Ibo ID-J'...-..ld llluloo., San ~!IM.J He nplalned tbal naDowa -a Oleg al For Court llF ALTON lllLAltlSLll ,,._ ..... ,,_ ..... Wf'tMr One lndllpulable foci every teen-aaer -mow about marlj ...... lbll 11'1 agalnat Ibo law. Under federal statutes, m e r e _.ion ol the c1nJ1 !or personal 1"0 Is a ftlooy, Coavlctloo can moan two to i.a ,..,. la prbGn, lou ol civil rigbla and a criminal rocon! lbal will dol you for the rtlt cl your life. Some state law• are even men •vere. Rec<ntly, !edtral law wu chanced !mPolinc lllfl pena!Uu la< llmply bavinc LSD on your penon, or for paa:z1·1nc pep pllll, barbiturate. or tnnqulllun un1 ... theF bad penoaally been prescrib- ed fa< you. Law1 ....,,U.S lllesal maoo!adUn!, ule ond distribution ol verioul mlnd-lnlluencinl drup a1ao were made mote·aevere. "I've bad to plcll up the plect1 of boy& and &Iris In . trouble from ming drop," 1ay1 a pl)'chlatrilt at a well known untvtnlty, "and it lln't pleasant .. How many youthl are lt:lilnl into health lrouble through mind-drug UJe isn't known. (Abuse of alcohol, which af· fectl the brain, bu resulted 1n all: mil- lion alcoholics.) Young people are more easily harmed than their elders by hallocinogenic and olher drugs, parUy because they have "a yet-uncrystallized l)'ltem of personali· ty," a psychiatrist says. ''The kid& wbo lhouldni use diup are the ooes most likely to do IO and to beoome burt," uys Dr, Martin D. Kleber, Y a1e psychiatrist. "'It's possible you can use some drug and be one of the seven or eight out of 10 who won 't get hurt. But do you know wbether you won'I be tile odd man out? With LSD, you don't know . but what one trip might cause damage,'' be adds. -While most people who smoke pot occasionally do so with no app&l1!nt harm, physicians have reported some instances of bad reactions, such as "hav· Ing the borrora" for several boun af.· terward. Reaction.! also vary because the reefers available to most youn,sters vary in potency -and some an almply nothing but some weed, others may be laced with a stronger drug. Pot is Insidious because It creates a false sense of well·being due to im- painnent of critical judgment, says Dr. Abraham Wikler, Univers.ity of Kentucky psychlalrist. Marijuana and LSD fDlke it possible to avoid problems, to evade realily. he says, but "real life requires critical judgment." "We don't know the answen to ques- tions about the long·term use of mari· juana," aays Dr. John C. Ball, soclologist formerly with the U.S. Public Health Service'• Addiction Research Center In Le:.ttngton. Ky.. and now at Temple University. "We don't have cood in- formailoa on collea:e students who use It daily for four yean or so. 0 Io &0me 1eountrle1 abroad, like North Africa where more powerful hashiab is available, there are "atld rows" or habitues using the drug regularly. They are vagabonds, withdrawn horn IOciety, some of them mentally dmurbed. Wbether the dnlg actually caused this h'llrgued by medical people. 'l11e health easualty rate dom LSD Is far blgber and more ljli>"l°"I. lban from marijuana. Bad trips or ~-outs have sent a small parade of yooths to hospitals with panic .reacUons, or with psychotic episodes that last days, weeks or months. At New York City's Bellevue Hospital, more than 130 patients were treated for ~D-induced psychoses in an 18- rnonth period, says Dr. Donald B. Louria, president of the New York State Council OD Drug Addiction. Even after treatment, one-sixth of them were not sent home, but on to other lnsUtutlons for more prolonged treatment. Similar figuua are reported by medical groups in other areas of the ct1unlry. CuriowJy, some LSD users have "na.shbacks" -they re-live a former LSD trip, good or bad, weeks or many months later. When thl! happens, some wonder if they are losing their minds. This may imply that LSD can 5et off :some chronic process in the human brain. I.SD bat driven a few persons to tntentional suicide. Fantuie1 Inspired with I.SD have led others to death by jumping out windon er walking on highway• in the bellet they could fly, or had become invisible. .. The trouble with LSD ta that once they've taken It, people are not object.Iv• anymore -they don't see themselvu accurately anymore," says one drug authority. "II Is Inadvisable !or an Individual who takes even one dose ol LSD to , Capb1ruo and HI awalloWI .,. prepar-_. area fa< forag1J11. '1111 blnfa lead UIS ANGE!.U (UPI), -"""" 11. 1111 far tl>eir JW11 dlsplaf ol atubbom on -1mec11 and' c1ooi BU lo llldlla !all<ad about~. n..blnc. pennanenco before a capr!doua 'lf'lrld. be botberocl c!edglnc lrffl. lDlloltJdlnc, dop and -cl. -Wednadoy, 81. Joaepb'a Do1, the Swallows need a nearby aupply of rnllon are duo bad: at tho mllalon mud for lhe1' nes1a wblch . an built l!li>Jt<la ID tile bean .wlllle llen..lloboi:I = thejr Sootb American winter vaca-on a verllcaJ. object, preferably wtth "· ~ lq ~ Ill a boaJ>ilaJ 1111 falthfUI •·~•-· Utile blnls will an overbanl of oome 11<111, and theF abeal a mDa away. be welcomed• t;' ;''Pa.eant Involving like a ...,.. ol amootb aurfaced drlnklnC TIJt recardlna• o1. Slrbu'1 coo.-the chUdreD ol the m1Alon ICbool, waler. ·--wtth police ol!lct!rl --........ d·-'-· ~ ~-----~· -....... ........... -1aw -~~-·~ ~~~ plaJed fCIC' Iba jury u Ibo lltll -Tbe mlaalon'a Father Pall! aald The San ·Juan Capistrano Valley Is ol \llt Blmder lrial flOI -..., loAJ, ba wu "especllng a rather pod 1ear." sile of Uiree .,,..a wblch provlda Ibo SJrbln never oace mentlanld X.. No naJlowt have abown up yet at the birds with water and the ntll mud. nadJ'I name er tho Ambaaador 'Hotel mlsalon. Bui Father llirtln uld be's When the mis..ton was built ID IT71, wbete be bad -&bot a low bean been al tho mlDloo ,... for •ven and its overbanp and verllcaJ walls made one.half yean, Ind the twaDcnn have a natural nesUng ground fer tbl JINVloaalt. Ila n!med to slve Ills ldenllty never failed to &bow up by SI. Jooepb 's aw allows. or to ea)' -be bad -lo collep Day. "We bave found that once a bird or what country be came from. ' "The Ume o1 day llO!lletlmos var!IS, bu nested ID a cerlaln location, they Sirhan, however, talked at.length when but they have always been back," Fatbe.r tend to return to that JocaUoa tbt nezt: the aubject was steered away from him. Martin aid. year," Dr. MaybeW Aid. Al nne Ume a police olflcer uld, "moyba FOSTER FATllER He llid there Is a llO per«lll chance JOO .,..,a victim of cimlmstancel." SL Joaepb Is the acclaimed foster the adult bird will mum. wblle ...,.,. ''B-·•••·• " Sirhan &aid. father of Chrlal and Is the untvenal tile more ru.hty )'OUDI, tile l>Ollibll1IY __ .., ts · more llk0'10 to 20 _...,;,t lbaY'll The defenae wu upeeted to apend patron of the Catholic <::lurcb. No ~-_, at least 1hrte more weeb quesUonlng religious significance is pla~ on the return. psychiatric experts about the mental arrival of the swallows at the mission Mayhew discounted the nallowl' make a major decision about himself makeup of Sirhan. on his day. highly touted punctuality and Aid that for at least three months," says the Dr. Martin M. Schorr, • clinical With all man'• sclenUflc knowledge, hil research lnd.Jcates the bird.!' arriv1l director of one university's bealtb psychoJogl!t, Jed off the parade of he alUI can't aay how exacUy the tiine may vary as much u three weeU services. defense witnesses who probed the swallows find their way to the mlsllon between years. The claim that LSD sessions lead to personality of the 1f.-year-old Arab inr year after yw. Much dependll upon the weather which crutivity in art.. music or writing ls migrant BUt there are some pretty good reaons dictates the activity of the insects upon not supported by most ob I e ct 1 v • SchmT, who resumes testifying under why the b1rd.I might like the mlulon which the swallows feed, Dr. Mayhew. observers. Many say the work produeed cross o:amlnaUon today, uya Sirllan location, aaJd Zoologist Wilbur W. aaid. during a session is aboddy, or that ls a psychotic paranoid w J t b Mayhew, Ph.D. at UC Riverside. SOme eeed eatinC blrdl .,. O!IDo after a trip the person doesn't produce schhophrenic tendeoc.ies -tn layman's Swallows are wide ranglng birds and ddenbly more punctual than tbe IDied anything from tile visions and lnslgbts terma,a"Jekyllandff3d<_.iity." may be found from the Eul Coul eatln(swallon,beAld. prompledbythednlg. ...:::=::.::...::.::!:.:::~::.!=.:=:~~-=:::'.....=...:::=.;:.:.;:~.=:..==..:=::_..::.::=..:.::;:::c:.::.c..:.c;;;;_c~~~- Enthusiasm for LSD bas cooled since scientific reports began appearing that the drug may damage a person'• chromosomes -the carriers o f beredilary traits. This could mean that people who use or have used 1..50 might produce babie1 wiUt congenital defects, although there 13 no proof yet lbat I.'>D actually doea have such effects. Other,°mind drugs are not always as safe as devotees may picture them. Morning glory seeds have caused psychotic reactions, delirium, and am:· iety in some young persons. Peyote has been blamed for or associated with anJ· iety and other reactions. Barbiturates and sedatives cause numerous deaths, especially when rniJ:ed with other drugs or with alcohol, or because the person forgets how much of the drug he has already taken. And some people become psychologically dependent upon pep pill s to start out each day, in ct1liege. or in their careers. Large doses used to 1tay awake can induce dans:erout delusions, as 1n one truck driver who thought eomeone was chasing him with a gun. He wrecked bls truck . ,_. S1 .. "Dn9 ...,_., o,.~ CMlt et.llf' Pllef, l'.O. ... a, ~. H. J, tl'M4." MeQ dleeb ..., ....... ~ ......... 8Mllll'h .. . .. ...... • ...,, " ......,. .... "Kl ..... , ~ "'" ..., _, w111 ._ ntvnltll • ... .. ........ -.I. (TomSTOW: wut parents can do about m1n4 dnp.) A AR ~•nney st-Open Every Night Monday Throligh Sa1wlfG,•' ALW~'!!!~lfJ~~ ". An Irish1nan~s Rebuttal 'Paddy' Takes Shillelagh to Briton's Bluster Editor's Note: In Sahtrdcy's edi· tion, Briton Tom Barle11 of the DAILY PILOT itaff got his licks in at th• l rilh and todau, on St. Patrick'• Da11, it ii onl11 fitting and proper that a Son of Erin, DAILY PILOT Promo- tion Director Thomas McCann, get a whack or two at the British. So here goes: By THOMAS McCANN Of tM DalJT ,Utt Sh" We don't bother much about dress and manner• in England because, as a nation, toe don't dress weU and we've no man. ners. -George Bernard Shmo It couldn't be better said. Shaw, In ll>e first act dlalop ol bis play, "Y°" Never Can Tell," quoted above, uplalned juA what It Is that bu my oneUme friend, TOOi Barley, '° out ol pbue with the rest of us today. T1tls ts the day each year when the world is peopled by only two kinds of homo sap1er11 -tlM>9e who are Irish and tbo!e who wish tlfey were. Ob, glorlous St. Patrick'• Dsy! Obviously, Mr. Barley, when be spread his Barley corn around In Saturday 's ediUon of thll newtpapu dec:ryJng the wearing of the ireen was weartn1 green himself. He wu green with envy -and doubUessly still ls -as he peered at Paddy's people preparing to parade their pride ln their ,oWD natlonallty or that ol lhelr ancestors. Today Is our d11. And, wre. 'tis a ab11ne thal -Barley fttla be camot unbend lliol enjoy fl all Bui lb• man Ii driven. His bansup Is well descrlbed In uolber quote from Shaw. Tbe pl~ esplaim In the play, "GetUna Marrled," that,. "The whole ttrengtb of England lies In the fact that the enormous majorlty of Enalish peopJe are snobs." It bn't hard for u1 true sons of old Erin to understand Barley'• bilious assault, 1tall1 atall. Ha halls from tho lend of miniskirts and mine dlsast.en, a pllce wherl kidney pie le tho · ftlel ml"'°" and w ann beer Is lht nectar ol lbe (Oda. u Bell 1sn•1 b!>t and drr1 then It'• aur• t1111 tt ta a>ld and ftl and low (Uke Lon®n Is). " close trlend or mine, stationed near London dwing World War JI, once went to a donbie feature movie on a &mday afternoon and missed summer altogether. And that'1 the Valballl tbls bitter ltrilish bucko was trying to delend with his annual diatribe against the great, green w o r I d the sons of the Auld Sod have built. U England Is so great, how come Its money has shrunk until a pound "weighs" only 10 ounces? How come It has sold the Queen Mary, the Queen Elizabeth and -yes - even the Londoo Bridge. We're takinl no bids, thank you, on the Blarney Stone or anything elae of value ln the Emerald Isle. We bave broogbt our potatoea, pride and penplcacfl7 with us td the .,.... W«ld. He have made Irishmen -at least honorary ones -of everyone. We have rlaen from shanty boats to lace curtains. And. U you '11 pardon me one more quote, we have done Just what Hem'J' Wheeler Shaw (wriUng u Joab Bllllnp) predicted In the following paragraph: "Put ID Englishman lnto the Garden or Eden and lie would find fault with the whole b1arsted consarn • • • put ID lrlshman ln and he would want to boss the thing." And IO . it ii -whether you're a GoldsWn, a · Sebultz, a Garibaldi, or even a Smltb -today is the day you can join our IP'O"lnl gn<n ranks and belp 111 boa tile World. It't SL Patrtd:'1 Day. Here's green beer ID 1"U' eyel Especlally il your name II Barley. County Traffic Accidente IGll 4 During ~eekend Four persons were kl!Jed In Oranct County traffic accldent3 over the weekend, t b r e t in 1 two-car cruh in Santa Ana Canyon, and a · 1 o ft e motorcyclist on Myford ltoad. Rilled Saturday nlshl In Ibo 15anta Ana Canyon t;asb we. Elba L. • IKI a 1• II Ferguson, 70, WbiUer, hll ltlCt, Pearl, M and Rollln J. Brubtar, '1~1 of S.n Bernardino. California Hla:bway Patrol 1 a I d Fer(ll&On made a U·turn Into eastbound traffic about two miles w 1 1 t of the Rl..mde County line and colllded with another car. ms •thlcle careened Into a gully and overturned. Mn. Rita G...,b&nf, ll, of "••helm was the driver of the other car. She and her aon Stewart, S, were lnJW"ed. Motorcycllal Rent W. Bailard of 11.!00 Newport Ave., Tuatln, a Chapman Coll•&• atudenl, WU killed Sunday night when be malled Into a guardrail at the lmnlnaUon of Myford Rood al l!obertRoad. He wu belq pursued by sherif!'a depulles wbo 'alaried to cbase blm on Newport Avenue about 10 miles from the scene of the crash. They wanted tO stop him because of defective tau llghL Powell for Mayor? SOUTH BEND, Ind. (UPI) -Rop. Adam Clayton Powell (O.N.Y.), &aid Sun- day he wUl announce by next weekend wht-ther he w1ll run for mayor of New York agalnal lncumbenl John V. Llndaay. ''Mayor Llnd&ay hun'I done anythln& very Important In New York," Powell told a news conferenCe. · ,., ......... -.. .....,.-....... Orwl .... _ .. ___ .,,..., ..... _ ·n.. .............. _,.,,., ,_,...._ _r.. ... 1 ............. -...... -t1a1r1ll .. h1Mtfw.11llc.., ........... 11 t11Mft ... 1Wltl 1.._..,.l"J'M ....... _,._.. A w.M ef '°"°"'Awt .. ,.,... I ......... , .. _...._• Qw ...... , ............ , .... .A•••rt•d prfl'f• fer)"ffr1prl•1 • M .......... Cow hi ••1rtM ... ,... ..., 129 .... 981 u·-• "' u• wt• "' u""..i1o,.-,...,,.... Ow polfwlw/ .............. .. ................. ,.., ....... _ c-... .....,.,,.... COSTA MESA (Harbor Shopping c.nt.r) ' " ............... ~ ..... bib °"..,_ ........ __ _ usl '' ,W.-......... Oftilt ----.!~ -111w-4.99,.,. HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Contar) NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion liloncl) "" .......... ~, ........................................... -. ---;;;,:;-·:..·• =======---------------------- An,,. C. Gelger, 19; Falls Ch1'rcb; Va., a student at 'Reed College 'In Portland, Ore., was arrested when her suitcase burst open at <rHare airport In Chlcago:and marijuana ad ba~hish · fell'1 out 11:rhat will teach me to be neat," she said. · • The "O'Shnuton o·BoitoK Ho- u~" k"°""' '"<TJI oth<r day of the V<•• limply a.i the Sheraton Bona... allo IDill chanfl• for St Patri<k'• Doy the """" of the El;Dlablo .l!oom' to th< El L<- prtchavno Room. TM · officia1 · ~eeting 1todat1 -wiU bt. 4Tht Top of th< Morning Ole" - · 11nd lince an attempt to m.oke corned bttJ · and cabbage tor· tillOI WC! unsucceaaful, the prin. tipal mtnu change wilt be from kquila to Irith co/fee. • When · asked where her lawyer wu, ,Mrs. Moucle E. Van Kiri<, 47, told a Denver County Judge: "God Is my •ttotne)'·" Mn. Van Kirk then proceed'od lo defend herself agalmt a charge of !'Wiiiing a red ngbt "by sweating tile light was green. She won her case. Soggg Survivors · Survivors of the sunken Liberian freighter Vain· quer struggle up a ladder from their lifeboat to board the USS H,Yman,.which plckejl up al! qut.()!le " of the 3l·weekend reservists aboard when·the Vain; quer ezplodl!!l ·and .sank In the Gull of Mexico. A radio operator Is still missing. : . . Commercial Banks Hike Short Warsaw Pact Meet Follows Delay Prime Rare: 71h Per cent BUDAPEST (UPI) -Leaders of the Communi9t Warsaw Pact nations met at the ""1Ullit fur only two hours today after a six-hour delaJ reported oaused by Ron.ma's r~ to go· along with Russian condemnation of Red Clllna. ,·100 Planes .Lost Since Bomb Halt SAIGON (UPI) -American air '~ pouodJni Communist supply rootes In Laol In hundreda of ralda dally have lost at least 100 plane• to gfound In a1nce the bomhln1 of North Vfebwn wu stopped Nov. I, U.S. -oald todl,l'. '!'he ...,,... oald lhe U.S. air r&Jdii In Lilol, lllOltly alcl!( the' Ho Chi Minh · j supPb-trail wJndlni IDln South Vlelnanl, • ba~e been · about u lnltn!e u they _. agatna North Vfelnam. • \ 'J'be Laol attacU 'are never formallJ reported lly lhe U.S. Command, but the IOUl'Cel aUd they have avuag.S . -300 .. 40t-dslly. ~ Is nominally neutral ·U.S. aircraft .._. bave ranged Jrom • nulll-mlllloa dollar OghleMiomben ID l·J.i&bt ~alaanee planes. , In ground D&l!!iDc In Solllh Vietnam lodaJ, lhe Zlnd c1ay ol lhe Viet Coos'• ., wiatel'-fprlna olfeulve, C o m m u n I s t · "-ltnd al two American outposls cin lhe nar1hern approoclies ln Saigon. Spot-oald the raids killed IO American aoldiera and wounded 15. Com- mlllllst losaes were placed at 42 1tllled. About IO Commlllllst • soldlera firing automatic weapons and rocket.propelled grenades charged a position of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division about 23 miles northeast of Saigon, touching off a three· hour battle during which the Amerlcans fought back with artillery and hellcopter gunships. Ten ~ericam were killed and 14 wounded in the atlack which cost the assault forces 12 dead, spokesmen aaid. Troops of lbe U.S. ~th Infantry Division used .5kallbe1' machine l1III" mounted on. armottd peraonnel carrien ln 11"'1 back a Communist ground ISSIUtt nur Trilli .Bing about 30 mi!OI · northwest of Salgon. Red forces cbar1ed the position behind a barrage of 60 milllmeler lllOl1ai' abeill. * * * ·McGovern Scores Nixon . Over Vietnam WASHINGTON (Ul'I) -Sen. George S. McGovern accUsed the Nixon ad· .minlstraUon today of lacking courage ta alter the naUon'a Vfetnam policy but Sens. Mike Mansfield sod Edwanf M • Kennedy, the Senate Democratic leaders, said President Nixo~ should be given more time. McGovern set off dlscus.sion of Vietnam policy wilh a speech decrying fallw. of the new administr:ation to "reven:e the policy of military attrition and moral disaster in Vietnam." ' Mansfield and Kennedy refused to join the attack. They told reporters they felt it v.·as too early to make such an assessment. Kennedy, the new Democratic whip, said he was hopeful "we an going to see some result.!" from the Nixon policy on Vietnam. He said Nlxon had told congressional leaders hi! Vietnam "peace plan ts now in ef!eet. .. Kennedy did not give delal1'. • A Cincinnati Municipal Judge admooished all county patrolmen lo bear down harder on parking citatiotll'. Judge 11•rry Klusmeler explained to the policemen the ci· tation tickets have five copies and if they don't bear down hard with. their pens , the last copy . . given to the offender -Is not legible. NEW YORK (UPI) -Leading commerda1 banks acrosa the country today lDcrea!ed their prime Interest rate -lhe rate charged large and most creditworthy customers -from aeven to a record hJgb of 7'ni percent. Most other business and commercial Joan rates are scaled upward from the prime rate. Coosumer loan rates are not dlrecUy related, but occaalonally res. pond when forces operatlng-ln the larger business area aplll over into the con· sumer area. di<aUO!IS that bualne!s and lndU!lry plan- ned to dtp up their capital spending this year, reduced the que.rtlon of an increase in recent weeka to the matter of who goes first. Flrst National City Bank of New York and Chemical Bank were among the first to follow Morgan Guaranty's move. ,Other New York banks withheld Jm· mediate comment but were expected to go along. A All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ALW~l!!!~lfJ • No cnntcffoft .,., lnfcft<lfd, Ind fno *Fire!" Or pr.-. """' Jte'• u...,.. lo 1care cwa:r prank.. It c,.. AetuaUJI'. th.ii' gargowle pllOl'd6 lh• .... trance tDCJI at Al- leghenu Commun- itu College at Ridge Avtune on the Norlh Side of PitUburph -and he was there long before the fire ~ofthuvar· ittJI were even fn.. vnted. •· Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. Jed of£ the current round and wu quickly follow~ ed by other banks in New York, Chicago and Boston. Strong demand for money and in· Russians Shell Chinese Positions To RouJ 'Raiders'· MOOCOW (UPI) -Russians rallied In !aclorles and adlools acroos the Soviet Union today ln pnJlest the latest bonier battle with Communist au.a. The Soviets ·dlsclooed for the first time Ibey bad shelled ~ pooltkm In r<pelllng ~ the ''raiders." Peking mocked the Soviet leader• as .. mad dogs" and vowed they would be destroyed: Soviet otudenls and -ken massed ln bear accounls ol how a bandful of ••heroic" Soviet border guards held of! . ! ,000 attacking Qiinese SaUaday on Damamky blalld, a tiny cillputed piece of land m the USNri R1vtr frontier east of Manchuria. The prime rate increase follows sharp- ly rislpg Interest rates on the eurodol1ar 1&ark:et, where U.S. commercial banks recently have been heavier borrowers because of abrintage in lendable depos.it.s stenmllng from tight credit policies of the Federal Resenie Board. Today's booot la the foorth since early last December. The most recent wu a lA·point increase to seven perttnt on Jan. 7. Belated Pueblo Aid Might Have Set Off WW III WASHING TON (IJl'I)' -The former U.S. mi!IW'y -In tlie Pacillc oald today lhe Unlled Stales "might have preclpitaled World War Ill" had II gone belalodly ln the aid of the USS Pueblo. Retired Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp lnld A special Congressional BUbcommiltee examining the Pueblo seizure by North K<rea that regardless of any "rules of. engagemetX" be would beve sent planes to help lhe !nl<lligeoce ohip ii they had been available early enough. "The English pally has becdme a U.S. status symbol;" according to Mrs. Ad• Ch•pman, who h'as launched a nationwide potty hunt from her Tbrapton, E n g 1 a n d, home. ''But the , snag is they do insist on pretty ones, 11 she said, Mrs. Chapman said she was act- ing as an agent ff>r an unidentified American buyer. Americans want the ~ for use as. flower vases, oh• said. Pravda, the Soviet Commllllillt party Newspaper, anmunc<d today lhe Soviets bad used a "powerful artillery barrage" a.gainS: ''numerous'" Ol1nese gun poe:i· lions, then follow<d up -a swift C011Dteratta<k "ln irweep lbe raiders ·ou Damamky Island." But he agr<ed und<s' qU<Stiooing that any U.S. action after the vessel was firmly in the Communists' bands would have been too risky. It wu believed the largest clash between the two <:ommunist glant.s. Although no official casualties were an- nounced, reports readllng Moscow said the Soviet toll was bJgh. Damansky fightlng March I lelt 3! Soviet. troops dead and coot lbe °"""" wilold casualti ... AA for coming to the Pueblo's re3C\le ~ while it and its captors were still at sea, Sharp said: "The rules didn't make • damn bit of. difference. I would have . done what was best." Besides, Sharp 68..i<I, he knew of no rulu that woold have prevented American planes from operating within North Korea's U.mile limit after Com- munist gunboat.! captured the intelligence ah.Ip Jan. 23, 1968. Gale Winds Lash Oregon Fair and Sunny Weather Throughout Most of U.S. • Coostal l1rt¥ ""'°"'! .. emd1I fllt Mill i.. clolm c""rlN "rtlltlY W •"-tode•. Wh'IO• -ttrft'• I .. 1S ~ TodeV'• llltt'I. " 1'f .._ Yn*""• ,._..I'll,.. r 1 fl I' olll '"""' • lllttt ol " ,. ... ,,, #tr lni.lld ,.,.....,..Iv,.. ,.,... we1 " to &. Tlle Wllef ~~ -17 fee!WI. Sun, Moon. !'Wea MOMOA"f '-"' klw '. . ••• t:• •·"'· •.• JtOllld ~!ti! t :Ol ._fl'I. S.1 TUllOAT" ,Inf low , •••••••• ••• ••• 2111 l olft. •• , ""' flltll ..•..•.. , ...... t.tl '·"'· S.J ....... klw ..••••••• ,,,, l .M 1.m. 1.1 lecond h"" ., ..•..• , .••. t:U 11.m. $..4 ~ ..... St" 1.M. S.... l :J) •·'"· ..... lt!MI 6:fl I .In. ltlf •;G 11.111. ,.... "'"' •· ''" Lttt e. Mer. 11 ,,,..,_ ,. ~. t "-"'· t 11.S. S11111-rtJ SL ,..,...., Dey ... _.. _,,., eflll flit" "'""""' mMI .. Ille Unllll!CI St11ft "''"' • --·""' '•"" -""'" Ptfte111 •IMll'"9 trom tht *"'-' .. .,. Mid.Atllntk •1'111 -•h l•1r enll --and'"°"' ~*"""· llltln ... '""' "" ~ 11'111 w'""'"'""' o::..tt• ,,.. ""' '9":• '"'""' lelflld ltw ewt!tllot, A ,Kll'IC trWll Ollrrloloil ~ lo Nor"""' C.llfwllll end Into "'-"""""-"' lllodllft. 11.1111. olll<1r1i. It'd lot ll'lel1'1Mi111 .. ,,. t m T"11 1i-ftlll Gulf '"len IO flle ICM!IM1I Atlenllr. CMll, 1fld - K elt.rwd 119111 I-fell lllSI norfll of "" C.Mdl1n INw*1" 11\d lnle '*1M,,. N-Verll erllll 111111lhlt"n Mllnol • IE11'1l' ,_,.rrw • r•llfll'd ''°"" l lbelllW ftl9 el HoulfO!I. M1tn1. te 1t el Ml1ml 1"'-1"-1 A.I,_,, MwllOll -· ""' ~" •IK4 lft "" ""th•t1•11 Uftl!M ... .., S\trlll9-, ,, , fltltW ,_ Wllllt "Tll<lftMI, c.111 .. Wll Ille hOI ... 11 tt """"" ·-.. " Al!dlot"9 ,. " Att.ntt " .. ••tffll!•l4 " " llfllN~ " " ••• .. " 8M ... " " ""'•" " " C!11et,,...lt " " C~•N:I " " """"" " " ...... _ " " _,, .. " Fw'I Wortll .. " ·~-" " "'""' " .. "-· " " Hao.11la'I " .. 11:1,,... City " " u. "~· .. •• l.OI A"'911s " " M""" " " MllnllkM " .. M-· • " ---.. R ... y .. .. " Noo1ll ~ .. ,,. .. .. ...... .. " °"""' ,, " ·--" " l"tlli.delpfile " " ~hcltftlr " " ,,_ .. " -" " ...... (lty " .. Riii •luJP .. .. ·-.. " S.c,.""'"'° " " SI. Ltult " " s.n,.., .. .. $1111 L.._1 Cltr " " kn Oltto .. .. S..n Fr-'1u .. " S9111• l1rtttr1 .. .. "'"" " .. --" ,. ,.....,., " " W•lofl/fttlOfl .. " .u ·" ... "' ., ·" ... ·" .. COSTA MESA (H1rbor Shopping Center) .. Spring specials! Shells and f I are-leg pair-ups G.t yow spri119 ...... ~ -· willl ftU toilotM cot- '" did pon" ..._. ..... 8'"' lalr. Tap·-witii .a.,,.. MOted nylon ,....._ e.d pev"N gel• gntOt loot: 9°"" W ,.... Scoop vp,.. .-n. ii• "'""' pmtM. no bkd.-. md ..+ih. flor•·l•os I• J'911t fiworite toffdl. HUNTINGTON BEACH {Huntington Center) 1.66 NEWPORT BEACH . (f.,hion lsl1nd) r • • They Hope _.f Or a-Peep • . . " ., JEAN COX, 494-9466 ...... 111111, Mlr.;11 17, !Ht L ''" II Laguna Beach Assistan ce Leag ue Luncheon Limelights ' . ' . . I . Associates Support Assistance League of Laguna Beach applauded the support and interest of its 11 associate members during a recent luncheon hosted by provisional members. The gathering in the League House was enlivened by exhibits of activities and craft class projects, pictures of past events and a preview of doll s collected for the 1969 Danny Davey Doll Club. Associate members who took bows after being presented by Mrs. Thomas H. Jones, president, included the Mmes. Lawrence A. Adams, Charles CoglJlan, Ebbert Hu$bes, Thomas Judy, John B. Lawson, Roy McCrary and R E. McCasliDe. Other associates present included the Mmes. Adrien C. Pelletier,_ William Thomas, Sutliff Topham and Sylvia Smith. During the gathering Mrs. Williston Bradway, project! chairman, outlined accomplishments during the past year. These included the con- tinuing and successful Friendship Club meetings and monthly bus trips to Southern California points of interest. With Swallows Day in San Juan Capistrano delayed one month to April 19, Las Buenas Amigas, an auxiliary to Family Service A!lsociation of Orange County, is more than ready for action .. Hoping for sunny weather to sell novelties, popcorn, and bal- loons during the celebration are (left to 1right) the Mmes .. !Wy Divel Jr. ol Laguna Niguel; Ronald Birtcher of San Juan Capistrano, president; James . Manni,ng .of Dana P.oint, first vice president, and Don Divel of·San Clemente. Proceeds will go to the association -whiCh is located in Tustin. 1'1rs. Bradway also spoke of the improvement and development of \vomen attending activities groups as part of the weekly mental health clinic and the results of the annual hearing clinic for preschool children to uncover defects in time for attention. ' . In addition she said 1600 dolls bad been contributed to the Doll Club last Christmas for Indian children. First Nighters Few Tasks Left For Lady Luck First Nighters of Laguna Co-ty Players, - who are cooking up another potluck dinner for next Sunday evening, don't leave much to chance when planning food and entertainment for the popular event. Mrs. Adele Ipsen, chairman, and her assistants ~ Mrs. George Davenport and Mrs. Elsa McLeod have instructed cooks to bring only their most cherished accomplishments to the 6 p.l!J.. feast in , Laguna Playhouse. j And since man does not live by bread alone, ~1rs. Frederick McConnell, president, ha!! planned the presentation of an original one-act play written and directed by Jim Stouder, director of drama at Estancia High School, Costa Mesa. Student! from Pasadena Playhouse will make up the cast. Also planned is a demonstration of the work being done by the Creative Drama Children's Theater at the playhouse by Miss Leonora Portney, director of the workshop group. Roonding out the entertelnment, Mrs. McCon- nell, a member of the playhouse board of dir:ectors, will present a scene from a play in which she once took the leading role. Another speaker, Mrs. Richard Kronm·a:n, chairman of .the league'• emergency welfare program, told · her audience about people who have 'been helped under the fund . t ... ·~. ,• Partyc Has Ebell Club Hopping Laguna Beach Ebtll Club will close a year or f0ur , parties for its adopted ward in Fairview · state Hospital with an Easter celebration at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 3. A highlight of the evening will be provided by Laguna Beach Hlgh School students who will enact portions of "Brigadoon," a play which will be presented at the school next Friday and Saturday. John Chamberlin, who lakes a leading role in the play, has made arrangements for the entertainment. Members of Laguna Beach High School'• concert choir participated ln the Christmas entertainment. ln addition, a life.sized bun- ny wlll be kept hopptng leading the 70 guests to treasures, entertaining and distributing Easter eggs. In between food ·and entertainment Mrs. Za· chary Malaby and' her assistants will accept dona· tions for kitchen equipment in the new Laguna Moulton Playhouse now under construction. ~!rs . Violet Adams, chairman of the reserva- tions and telephone committee. is calling members to mnind them of the even\. BUNNIES ABOUND -Looking at their furry friends, Laguna Beach Ebell Club members (left to right), tlje Mmes. Herbert Burridge, Richard Racich and John Mudge ate reminded of the life-sized bunny who will entertain at their club's Easter party for its adopted ward at Fairview State Hospital. The event will take place 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 3. EbelJs planning lhe event include the Mmes. n>ornton Boswell, Herbert Burridge, J, W. Chamberlin. Gordo a Forbes, Harro Gr~trup, John· Mudge. Richard R a c I c h , Jfoward Wilson and David Young. There Is More to a Happy Marriage Than Meets the Eye DEAR ANN : Thant you for the wisdom shown in your reply to the mother whose handsome, brilliant son announced he was going to many a bUnd girl. As founder and editor of Dialogue. a recorded and brailled magazine for the blind, and a• a blind person myldf, my prime aim in life ia to help eraae u many mlsconcepUons about aJgbUes1 people u pos1lble. I married a blind girl nearly four years ago. I wi.sh that worTied mo.Pier could meet my wUe. She bu a muter• degree and ii a speech therapist, the only blind person -teacher or student -at Morton High School In Cicero, JI!. My wife Is a fine cook aod an eicellent housekeeper. Her hobby i!I \vriting children's books. She gives lee- • ANN LANDERS turea and enjoys performin1 with an amateur thtalrical group. J hope the concerned mother will ac- cept her blind daughter-In-law as a normal human beiri1 and for1~· •bout her alghUeunea. Above all , she must not pity her or make ucu.se1 for her. Before Jona: she will di.sco\ler lhat all her fears lt'ere without toundaUon. - D.O.N. DEAJt D.O.N.: Thank yon for a mott iuspirin( letter. It was oDe of many -but a!M, I cauot prfat tllem aJL My bell wllbts to yOa and 7our wUe. DEAR ANN LANDERS' I jUJt caught up with aome back columns. A friend savet them for me when I travel. The letter signed "Sick ol Sex and Hungry for Love" was a lulu. 'The woman com- plained because her h1uband wam't romantic. She said his lovemaking was 1.ero. that she slept with him In exchange for financial security. Her closing words were, "I know how a prostitute feels.'' Since she knows how a prostitute feels, why doesn't .she go back to work? I'm well acquainted wlth her kind. 'n>ey hate leJ:, put nothing Into it, then blame their husbands bedruJe they aren't" romantic. These dolllet are dead from the neek both ways and they believe a marriage license entitles them to permanent amnesty. You'd lose your Job lt you printed this letter so l don't npect to see it in the paper, but I f,.l bett<r for having written iL -HEY YOU (MY EX-WIFE 'S NAME FOR ME) DEAR HEY: Here's your letter, at1d ~n far •• J know l"m 1tlll employed. Thanks for wrlU111. DEAR ANN LANDERS: How much or his time does a man owe Ills former wile? Jn the last two years my bwband ha!! !!pent hundreds of houn on the phone Usteoing to sad stories about the cbildttn'• report cards and their Inability to a:et along with other children. She asked him to help her move (he did) and he also helped her with Income tax forms. Every few days he gets a call. La!lt night she needed some addreues or mutual friends . Every time the phone ring!! my blood pressure goe!I up 20 polnll. 1111 repeal the question : How much of his· lime does a man owe hl1 former wife! - NO. 3 DEAR NO. ': Tiie question can best bt lftlWued by lk u:-llu1baad . He OWtl ber 11 mucll dme a1 be fttla be wuta to give. And lf yot are wile yo.'8 be padut, aupportlve, aDderstandla• ... llltaL Alcohol is no shortcut to aocial succeu. If you lhink you have to drink to bl accepted by )'Out friends, get the fact.It Read "Booze and You -For Teenagen Only," by Ano Landers. Send 3S cen\I in coin and a long, se.lf-addrustd. stamped envelope with your .request. Ann Lander!! will be &lad to help you with your problems. Send t~ to her in tare of the DAILY PILOT, enclosing 1 self.addressed. atamp.t envelopt. • J I ' II' DAllY l'!LOT Mond17, Marth 17, 1%9 From Sw ims uit fo Ro bes ·-Judge Advocates Physical Fitness LAW FAMILY Judge Joon Klein Presiding over a municipal court is a pretty sedentary job, but Los Angeles Judge Joan Dempsey Klein is a former professional swimmer who switches from robes to 1 bathing 1ui\ to keep ~ physlcal t•lm. · ''nle Van NU)'I CoutthoU1e jurlat jloured Europe IOI' a year in swimmlng compettUon after graduation from San Diego State College prior to her 1955 completion of UCLA Law School. Teaching at UCLA while In graduate school was a real promotion for the young woman attorney, who financed lower-level education a s waitress, dishwasher, lifeguard and swim instructor. Her post in Division 75, Los ~&es c o u n t y Munici pal CoUrt, Involves all mlsde- rn!:!anor and felony cases in NO MONEY DOWN UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAT the Van Nuys aru, some or them more colorful lhln others. Judae Klein 's name made the news Jan. 17, when '1!e issued a complaint against topless dancer Viclde Drake, 22, unsu ccessful 1968 candidate tor Stanford University st1t- d"1t body president. More than one· newspaper af the time made note of a mini-skirt controversy in which Judge Klein criticized another woman judge for wearing them, incorrecUy and unfortunately listing Jud¥e Klejn as the judge who wore them. Judse Klein and her hus- band, attorney Conrad L. Klein, are former deputy state attorney generals and are ac- tive in statewide prolessional group1, as well as San'Fernan- do Valley civic affairs. Judge Klein was 196.1 UCLA Law School A1umna--of-the- yea.r and 1erved eight years as a trial lawyer before being admitted to practice before Keystone Cop · Discovered· John H. Greene is still playing the role ol a Keystone Cop. The Harbor Island resident, one of the original Keystone Cops who were in their heyday in the .early 1920s, ttill1s remember· ed for his movie rQle. and on occasion is afk- <;d to slip back Into character. .' • . '. To make their luncheon, themed Key- stone Kop Kaper an extra special one, mem- bers of the Aerooutronic Wives Club haVe asked Greene to be guest of honor next Wed- nesday in the Balboa Bay Club. Greene wUI reminisce on his days of stardom, telling how he was signed for the comedy role when he promised to include his Model T Ford in the contract for the series. Member& of the club and their husbands will model the fashions for the style show, ..r which will be preceded by a social hour Ill 11 a.m. and a bullet luncheon at ll:l!O. Reservations may be made by telephon- ing Mrs. Russel Forsythe at 546-9856. 1,IN .VW.tlwe: 11:U I .......... .. T oostmistresses~· Talk ·-p· j t .t u re ~ Mn. l!etty Cbaptn was and p~ge; Harold Markham, • toaitml.st.rw of the day dW'· texicology, and J d a Ma 'I k • lng a meeting of San Clemente Schomaker education. p e e s • Toaslmistreu Club in San Also u~min& l a a • Clemente Municipal G o I l U • Clubhouse th1I momina. workshop on evalua on ntx_t Spellers for the occ11ion Friday evenin, at 7:30 Jn ihe ~r Merwp1 • • • • •• were the t.lmes. Edwarif H' San Clemente EIU Club. Ard, Beth Murphy and Charles Members are urged to brlq 1be wtll-rtad ms.rquec above Swain. gunts,. tlcke~ are •1 per tbe Newport Lido suggests Tb.e Others participating were person. . Wredtlitc Qiw and The Nigh' ~e Mmes. Gordon Fleener, Mrs. C. W: Stoney, the club's ney Raided ftfinsky's. How· t 'me r : J a me a Cr um , cootettant, won the Council evtr the ~1-fa ·ts are refer· evaluator: Lllllan Kuti:awakl, $ tpeteh contut at Oceamide • '""'" : cloi!ng thought; Olive Barnes with ber ~ SUCttBS and ence to two movies_ that art and 0. L. Burgesa, hostesses; will Co on to compete in the det1gntd to entertain, and do F.raoces Irvine, i~lr1Uon 1ntvc:ouncu comp(tltlon. that well. Current Issues Discussed Show Provides Scholarsh ips 1be second of the above pai r lays claim. to the story behind the introduction of, and the sub- sequent lengthy s u c c e s s ol burlesque. It seems that a guy Woman's Campus Club of oamtd Minsky trotted ou1 a few Chapman College will present fillies to race across across lhe ita: annual scholarship ~-track .on a stage in gay Gotham raising luncheon and fashion show In Santa Ana Elks Club some few years past. He leam- Curre.at .Jssues in Local next Saturday at noon.. ed that the winners were those Community Affairt will be The publlc is invited, and with the barest or-attire. So, discussed. by Mrs. William tJcketa: are $5. which may be comes the daring do or die and Hoskins of the League of reserved by contacting. Mrs. ditching of robes . Women Voters when ~ ad· Otarleii Mitchell of Orange. CALL FOl NR lmMATI AND sHo• AT HOVI SllYICI °'' ,,..,.....,..,ly '"'"*' ._,.:.,. wlll ~ to ,...r llome 1r •ffk• , • , ..,. ., 9¥Mlllf ••• ·~, 1t11 -• am111t11 .. lilldlM ff ~rlPtfY ... '''"' 9&11'1 .......... 11111••• (Mf"M. the U.S. Supreme Court. '---------------------___, dresses the Women's Society Fashloq from daytime to 'The good folk re sented the of Chrisilan Service of j.he evening, travel, children's and "stripping" nnd alerted the First Methodist Church, Costa men's wear will be shown by gendarmes. The law stretched Mesa. the May Co., South Coast out its long arm and grabbed a flOM YOUI AHA CALL 548-8242 01 HO.HU BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET BYAL• INTlll ITOCl OP FAIUl.OUS DIAP'llY fAlllCS UIUCD TO 20,,. TO 40% --... -·-· Add Colorful Exctttmtnt to Yovr floom l>k'or ..• With 8Gld New ldH• Ind Oes'9t11! • fll"lllCll "''"' .. • Tit I A<kl e 1w.,, • CIKHH .... ....... _ e Aalr•IM• cuiroM MADI DRAPERIES ... ,. 54.95 ywlll NOW ONLY A hbulous nflllctlon OI lllDll qu1llty dec:or11W llllrlcl lrtc.ludlnl 1000'1 of pnl1 of lllDll style ooueln, '""''"• llMlll t nl cll rNIQ ••• all _Mt. JN"k.0. DILIVIRY IN 1 DAYS '""""'-Hc1111t w1 1119r1t. 111r IWR alMM ........ tlYllll .,... f11!1r, -.,...c1 ... 1 11rvlct. ••IV '" INVU P'lMI .... ftlMllMllle •fylillf, "11 lllttlt lllrlWl rt, ll.llltr1 \ll'trltrntru.lllJI t lld "'"tllallloll, OUI WOIKMANSHIP II SUPlll HAIDWAll l IODS CllT TO OIDll EIUTIPLEA CAU. POI Piii mlMATI IHOP·AT·MOMI SllYICI DRAPER¥ & CARPET 548-8242 NO MONEY DOWN •• TOK MONT>H TO, .. * She has been a judge in the Los Angeles Municipa l Court system for six years and has lectured at UCLA and for the California State Bar's Continuing Education of the Bar prOgram. Their profession in Jaw keeps the Kleins busy, but they still share an active in- terest in swimming, tennis and volleyball, participating in these sports with t b e i r children as; a fami ly activity. District Board To Gather The last board meeting before convention will be con- ducted for Orange District, California Federatio n of Women's Clubs, J uni o r Membershlp, at B p. m . Wednesday, March 19. HosUng the meeting will be members of El Camino Real Juniors, Mrs. David RGbbins, president. Orange District Juniors will gather for their convention Friday and Saturday, Apr il 25 and 26, in the Disneyland Hotel. Bargains Go Up for Sale f\1embers or N e w p o r t Harbor Grandmothers Club have been collecting items for their rummage sale a1l year and will put them up for sale March 20-22 at 145 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa. The proceeds will be given to the club's charity projects, lncluding City of Hope, ac- cording to ~trs. L o u i s Splelberger, chairman. * * 'ekL.~- LID O CEN TER ~OJ VIA 1100, !'<I IVPORT BEACH, 673-6360 May Date Disclosed During a ca ndlelight ceremony, Alpha Xi Delta members learned of t h e engagement of their sorority sister Jeanne Davis to Steven A. lAlhrs. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Davis of Newport Beach, is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and ls a junior at Woodbury College, Los Angeles. The group will meet at 10 Plaza. few dolls in its midst! It's all a.m. next Wednesday in S k N d for you r eyes on the big, \~·ide Thompson Hall, and at noon pea er Ome screen at the Lido. Good for Mrs. Lloyd Shaw and the Lydia Circle will serve as Newport Beach City At-daughs. hostesses for a salad-dessert torney Tully H. Seymour v•ill potluck luncheon. dlscws Offshore D r i I I i n g 'The program has been ar-before Orange County Harbor ranged in_conjunction with the Area Legal Secretaries. WSCS's study of the Now Hl.! talk wlll follow a 6:30 Prophets. p.m. dinner In Alejandro's Morning devotions will • be restaurant, Corona del Mar, led by Mrs, Wes I e y nen Wednesday. Greechalge, and conducting ----------1 the meeting will be Mrs. ADVl!:ltTISIEMl!:NT PbIIUp MacKenzie. Plans will be formulated for the April 15 rummage sale. Lunch Served l'VE GOT A SECRET If you need help ln preparing your wedding. You'll find all the , .... PlTll O"TOO~E Her future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Luhrs of Cost.a Mesa, is an alumnus of Laguna Beach High School and is serving in the U.S. Air Force at Sheppard Air Force Base. Texas. JEANNE DAVIS Futur• Bride vows i\1ay JO in St. Joachim's Cathollc Church, Costa Mesa. Dana po i n t Community secrets In "How to Plan Your Dean ~1artln is illatt Helm In ; House will be the destinat ion Wedding" Guide. Send 25c in The \\'recking Crew. And speak-· for • :nem~ers of Teen~ge coin to P.O. Box 388, Hunlington ing dan1es, like Elke Son1111c.r, - Girls . Assistance gathering . . this "&!'' movie at the Lido The couple will say their for br1d~e and luncheon at 2 Beach, Calif. 9'l6.fB . , • p.m. Friday, l\1arch 21. makes Minsky s burley-kew em- Beauty Salons ON OUR NEW "CAROUSEL:' CUT ... topped w ith your CUSTOM-CREATED COLOR! / . porium look like a picnic in the i ' ,,. ' ' C~EME HAIR TINT church yard on a sunny Sunday, Nancy Kwan and Tina Louise join Elke as opponents of l\1aU- boy. Sharon Tate signs up on Helm's team. Rod Steiger is The Sergeant. Paul Newman is Harper. In thaL pair of movies there is a heap of acting deftly handled by this duo of cinema actors. They :·· J ti.' form the top entertainment at the ~lcsa . ~. Steiger turns in a niagnificcnt perfor1nance in the title role as the non-com who assumes the chore of straightening out a U.S. Army company that has "-~~i forgot ten discipline. Frank Lat- 1 imore plays the commander of • .; the company who hal!i fallen . J into a rut of inseeurity and in- competency. j,j$ John Philip Law and Ludni lla Mikael are the screen l5weet- hearts who provide the fil m ·s romance. 'Chey also berome the target of the sergeant's sadistic streaks. Because of the themes of The Sergeant and Harper the two are suggested for mature audi- ences, adults and mature young people, "'ith parents exerrising ·~ discretion. Both on the big, \\'idc screen right now at lhe r.tesa . ltfESA MATINEE shows arr often called "Shopper's Sho~·s." But you do not have to go sho1>- ping to attend one of these pop- ular weekly affairs. Shop if you like, or just drop In any Wed- nesday afternoon and enjoy a truly swell film . The programs start promptly at 1 o"clock, openiJJ& wlth free refreshments. Thanks to ingenious Hnux, our new push-button dis penser lel.5 us err a tr a Ii lrral kaleidoscope or hair colors-so we achi e\'C preci sely the >ha de you want. And then ke ep il unchanged , retouch after "'oouch ! Th e perfect finish to our style artistry in c"'ating a softer looking, you nger looking you. COMPLETE With Sh1mpoo And Set 51& FREE PASSES to the Lido or Mesa will be malled today lo J'l.fargaret Kelley, 2018 Dover Dr., Ne,_'POn Be.ach, r>.tichal'I P. O'Brien, 623 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isle, Kittie Hogan, 267 Pahner, Costa ~fesa and l.ooise Barrett. 22S Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. Nowoort lle1<h, C1llf. llU .....,_,, •tN . Ml"'" ••-.t M\111'9 !',..,,. t1S·IUI Artttit, Calif. !DU l'lonMr Ml'11•t ... ~., c.,,'"' l'lllM NS-XIU Cost• MMa, Cali f. in E. '"" ltrttl .Y.1"'11ir (11'\l'U ........ ~, S•ntt Ant, Ctlif IU. W11t1111~1tir 1.....,. (!"'I" 1' ...... J:ll·'lll Costa Meta, C1llf. 1N w l rt~ s .... '"°"",.,.mt Santa An•, Calif. ns• ,.c. r1rrvi... ~1•"'1 ... Cffl'tr l'IWle f.JWllll Founttfn V1lley, Callf. '":II ,,,.. ..... 1. VIU1" Ct!Ol'tf •l'!Mt • ., ... , Fountain V11l1y, Calif. ¥.QI tdlftt•• " liwiod V11-1 Ct!'ff• 1''-Dl-.... A tip of the grten dl'rby this Cine day to the quartet above wlth names Imported from the Emerald Isle. Thty are invited tQ bt i;t1ttt1 o( ''Picture Peek5'1 at the 1t1eu or Lido one fi ne ---------1d1y rt11l .!000. .. , I ' . I ' ' I 1 ' ·:~ew~oi-t Barhor-T .... 1'1 Fliaal ...:::J-t--~ • EDITION N.Y. Stoeb ·~· . 'JllJ ..,: I YOL:. 62, NO.' 65, 3 SECTIONS, 30 ' Mesa Police Kill Boy, 14, In Burglary By .ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of "" DtJIJ •n• .,.,, Makin~ the ullinulte cht>i~ of his lile -;-running from a Costa Mesa camera shop burglary al~ five orders to halt "T a 14-yeal-old '*~died early Sunday, hit when police fhially 1 opened fire "" be rin : down a .i.a:rt alley. Stephen stubblefleld, of 2011% Kline Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was dead On .arrival at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, wlih .38 caliber WOlllld! in the chest and leg. .... Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hieb today studied preliminary reports by b1s investigators to establish tbe basis for shooting the youthful felony 1uspect as be tried to escape. No determination has been made about who among three policemen, including a veteran patrol aergeant, fired the bullet which killed yowig Stubblefield. Investigators are abo studying the possibility that the fatally wounded teenager had an accomplice who suc- cessfully Oed the aopbisUcated break-in at Conigan'a Camero, 530 W. 19th St., u police arrived. Detectives noted that whoever com- mitted the rooftop burglary -which tripped a ~ilent alann monitored at po- lice headqlllrters-wu no amateur in that Porlic:ular field of crime. The youth evidenUy entered after driJl.. Ing a aeries of boles in the roof, then cuUing ·oot I IOdioo large -.II to allow !lfm to llide down into the build.iDg on I rope., A second rope with a sack for loot attached was Jowered beside the entry rope before squad cars pulled up after the llarm ll)'lll>m WU tripped at 11;45 p.m. Saturday. Sergeant Robert Ballinger, along with patrolmen Richard Johnson and George Wilson, respoilded to the burglary·in-pro- gresa broadcast and spotted a shadowy figure inside the camera st.on. Shinnying back up the rope to the rooftop, the burglar dashed across several adjacent buildings, leaped down to the pavement and kept on running, as the officers chased him, shouting to halt. Sgt. Ballinger and the tWo patrolmen finally fired about eight rounds toward the fleeing suspect, about 150 feet away. with a concrete bank building ahead of him, as a backstop fOT slugs. "It's unfortunate. T e r r lb l y un· fortunate ," said Pollet Chief Roger Neth (See BOY SLAIN, Page Z) PILOT PROBES PERU PROBLEMS Presideii.t Nl:ion'a Wsonal envoy opens ta1b with Peru's ruling military junta today on issues of Peru s e i :z i n g an American oil corporation's mulU-million~ dollar operaUon, gunfire aimed at Ametican fishing boats on Ute ~gh seas and a threat to brand the United Slates an "economic aareuor.'" DAILY PILOT Managing Editor Thonw M~, alter I junktl to Liml, capital city cl Peru, quotes news 1oult<s r1nging from El l'r<sldeote to an tnterpl'iaing ahoeshint boy In bis e:iclusive in.depth report on the m. temaUonal cliff-hanger. For the NiJ:on administration, will it be frying pan or flre in South ~a? See Page 23 today. aa1 ' DAILY PILOT PMll h' I.et Pl>W Jrbh L..- Georgia MCCiellan, 20, a genu· ine lris4 colleen, dreams of Emerald !ale Oii this SL Pat- rick's Day while relaxing in ~~rJ! ~~~:!5;ock, 0 ;r: blooming_ here on Orange Coast. Georgia lives in New· J>Qrt ~ch, the s.hll!llrocks in Costa ~sa. . . ... , Harbor Officials . To !fake Airport· ' Issue to Capital ToP.-ranking Costa Mesa and Newport Beach city olliclals will meet with their congi'emnen and United state. senators in ,Washington next ?i.1onday to seek assfstaoee in finding a regional airport facility for Orange County. C:O.,ta Mesa Mayor Alvin L. ~ey today said his ·city · arranged· the meet- ing through Congressman. James B. Utt. "We are going to ask them if 1hey can help ws get rid of this noise and pollution problem by getting a regional airport study going," Pinkley said. "It is the first time to my knowledge that we have been able io get the . thinking oI our elected officials in Washington." Attending will be · Rep. Ult, Rep. Richard Hanna (0) Fullerton, Senator George Murphy aod probably Senat'or AJan Cranston, Newport Beach Mayor Dort<n Marshall, Newport city attorney Tully Seymour, Mayor Plnkley, Mesa Planning Commissioner Jack Hammett and Mesa Planning Director William Dunn. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Monday in Utt'• Washington office. 'Jbe-follawtng day, Tuesday, the three-- man Costa Mesa de.l,egation will appear before lhe Civil Aeronautics Board' to e.odone substantially a plan for new air ""'tes between Orange COUnty and the Paclfie Northwert. '!'he Newport delegaUon Is scheduled to appear before the same aroup-to oppose lurtber ' U.O ·ol Orange t;;unv ·Airport lacllltlell. •Pot!>-Mind Gamble ' ' Onl7 two or Ihm llJ'll.llme ·men GUI ol-10 .will lllfJer luting ~.from their flrll .,.,.,. llct with llllrijuana. • Tell\11 lt lite U la, Altoo Diak,. ie. to4l1 in the 'llxlh al his llfi!lrt .. ~ 119'' -'• ldm.ttl not ....,. l'-'!'f who mr 11DOke1 ••pot" ... to pot. You can· got bolter ocMi on 1 Lu Vecu lltt llllChlno;<-.«1ritJ>. out rlakln& y,W. ·mind · l!t Ille pmble. fl« Page S belOft you ante up. Two Other Residences Also Burned By JORN VAL TERZA Of fJlt 01Jr, Pllft Stiff A BalPoa couple burned to death before ~awn today in a roaring fire that destroyed their beachfront home and heavily damaged two others. The three-alarm blaze broke out in the front part of a twG-Story frame house at 414 E. Ocean Front at :iboUt 4 a.m. Tbe fire lit up ' the foggy sky. The dead were identified by police as Mrs. Patricia Johnson Ruby, 40, and Richard Stanley Hidden, is: Mrs. Ruby's teenage daughter, who lived with her mother, was not at home at the time. , Haddtn and Mrs. Ruby were found on the Door of a rear bedroom hu'ddled toee\ber. Houses flanking the Ruby home were heavily damaged by the blaze. nie home of Mrs. Irma Wehrt at (18 Ocean Front was iutted. The downstaira portion of the bulldin& aho auffered heavy damage. No es.Umates of damage were fm. mediately available, but f i r e m en .spe'culated that the total would reach at least $45,000. To the west, a· single-story frame house had a charred roof and walls. It was WlOCtllpled. . . .FJre ~tort -1-· ll>e """'·late · lblS """""' In ellor1a to cciS'ilFti> -oHbe'bl-, tougbt by crewmen from 10 Harbor arta fire trucks. · One fireman lllffered a badly cut band wben llhalterl!ll !l'indow clw blt him '5 he entered ibt ~g1dwelling. William Van BOrri, 41, a veteran of the Newpoit fire diepartme'nt, wu taken to Hoag ,Memorlal Hospital for emersen- cy treabnent. He WI! later reltased. Firemen · speculated the fire started in the ' frool of the house, pcialbly ila front porch. The house was totally in- volved 1n Oa.m'.e when they arrived. The home was covered· by asphalt siding over cedar .abingles. wh)ch caused the fire to q>read quickly, firemen said, · A Newport police patrolman received eom.mendatlon for his performance at the fire acene thls morning. Officer Keith Collins won praise from hil superiors ••for distinguishing himoeU wlth alertness and courage with the im- mediate result of lives being uved through his act.iona." Police Mid ColUn.s 1wakenta nearby residents and entered the burning build.Ing at 4J& E. Ocean Front to help the occupants out. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market closed on a lower trend today, although Jt cild cut down 10me of lta earlier losses. Trading 1lowed near the end. (See quotations, Pages 11-17). The Dow Jonet induabial average at 1;!0 p.fn. WU olf.1.71 polnta It 110UI. The ~ ~ad been oU as much as 1.71 poiilta at U:IO •.m. JEN CENTS • • Ill DAILY PILOT ......... I~ ........ FLAMES CONSUME· SECOND STORY OF OCEAN FRONT HOJ\\11 WHERE COUPLE DIED Investigators Seek Cause of Newport Blau Which Destroyed One Home, Damaged Two Others . ~~~~~·~~~~~~ All Gone~ Bnt ·~Mutter' Vows to Begin Again As the red glow :ft!Ped from ~.the sky ·~~i~'\ll Ea.~J~tl this morning, M(s. ,Inna Wehrt stobd grimly:f'.llmong hf!:tine'igh.bors,· )lfatchlng the sinoke and btr life's work pour out of her Balboa beachlront home. In the chiQy log, ·the loog:lln>•.Jiarbor . . . .. . ' . O,t,ILY PILOT Sl•ff .... BELONGINGS CHA!!RED Mrs. Irma Wehrt Area rtStiUI1teur, a natiVe of Germany, ·~kb ..... ,· d !.ill -· .. ,;,.r, I' . • ' ft""' er ~.an f-.y_ ~~_;.1',. , .. _ ·r "There was china in that bowie lhat wis 350 years old, and now 'it•s all gone. "I looked out on the fr ont porch and saw lhe fiames and the lire chased me back through the house. t had time orily io grab my' dog ai\d run:" · The · ro~ust woman, knoWn by friends as "Mutter" (German for mother) wasn't a str.anger' to the report~r, DAll.Y PILOT reporter John Valterza 8i?<f Mrs. Wehrt firat met.in far happier circumstances three weeks ago. He and fellow reporter Rudi Niedzielski delivered a long letter and photos from "Mutter's" relatives in Germany. The family gave the message to Rudi -shortly before he left Germany for Newport recently. .. Mutter" bid ooe of those nice German type houses with a cuckoo clock on the wall, porcelain on the niant;el and photographs of the family all around. She had ber German shepherd, Bismarck, loo. A highly protective d-Og who adores her. Now 11he has only the dog. "When I saw the flames I stopped for a second trying to decide what to take. Then I grabbed Bismarck and ran out the back~ I took nothing ·but the dog." i\s "Mutter" and the reporter went Inside firemen were chucking her charred belongings off the second-floor patio into· a smouldering heap below. "Mutter" discUBSed the charred pain·· ting of Dana Point hanging over her · bed, then acaruied the black walll, looked at her ruined clothes in the closet, then · !Set Mtl'iTEll, Pa&e I) Sabotage Probed In Venezuelan C!ash KilJi~g , 15(): 'Wi!UCAmO,. ve.erueia -lUPIY - Venezuelan authorities said today there was "real evidence" of aabotagt tn tbt Sunday crash of a Venezuelan jet airliner which caught fire on takeoff and. ~~ through a working class suburb like a flamJng knife, tlllii:ig more than 150 persons. The· craall wu history's worst air disaster. It killed all 8S or rT abOlrd . the plane, another 67 on the ground .&.nd left 125 other persons injured. Pedro Perez Perazq, pollUcal direct« of the iriterlor 'mlNstry; told U>e newspsper Ultimas Noticlas today in Caracas there was "real evidence of sabotage" and that he wu flyinc: hen to investigate . the possibility at &he disa_st,er_ ~te._ . There already bad been nntK!l'I tblt - some of the passengers aboard the plane were delayed on a previous flight frcm . John F. Kennedy .Alrport.in New )'~k Qy -a "bomb scare" wbicb failed-to · materialize. All 85 persons aboard the Miami-bound \'.'iasa OC 9, including 45 Ame;ric.an8, were killed. At least 67 pel'80DI in the working class suburb of Ziruma died wben the jetlinOr sliced flam!Dg ·throogb their homes juSt before nooo; am mly . two minutes after takeoff . from Grano De Oro Airport: . Eyewitnesses said the .plane's left turbine was spouUng ,flames even as the twin-engineer craft lilted oil tliO end of the runway and started dropping. ''It barely got up to 100 Dieters (325 feet)," one eyewitness aatd ..... It passed like a f I am In&'-knife j111t over the Capitollo Theater and smaahed into Opposite Sides. of Fence, (See JET CRASH, P•.-II Orange I Neivport, Mesa Outline Northwest Flight _Positions By JEROME F. COUJNS Of Ille DlltY PIM lalf The ciilee-Of Newport Be'cb and c..ta Mesa today took formal 1t4nets on both sld• 1 ol the PaeUie Northwest flight roul4o cootroveny. Newport completed Ila ••statement of position"' qainll the incrtued Orange County Airport service, while Corta Mesa wrapped up its .statement favoring tbe addiUonal fllghta, Which would provide tervice to SeaUJe, W~, and Portland, Ore. The llatementa .... directed to the Civil Aeronautlc.t Bosrd. They will be dfldally submitted to the CAB when It talieo up the proposed flight 1wari11 at I bearing In Wublnatoo. O.C., Man:h 2$. The Newport statement. ~II ;wrltte~ by Ci~ Attorney Tully Seymour. It "u P"'Plrii' ,111-<tM \IJrectloli 'or city <oun- eUmeo ..mo unanimously voted to oppooe the flighla one lllOllth ago, claiming the 1dded aerv1ct would ••e.ucerbate an alrelldy Intolerable jet noise problem• • Jn the comrTiunity. In his statement 'to the CAB, Seymour cites these f\ddi'1onal , r'eUoos flX' Newport's posiUon: · -pie. phy•lcal limi\alio!ll of County AlrpOrt "win 'not pennif ~e ,eUectlVe 11>e of the airpott" by the alilines seeking the Pacific Northwest roote3. LlmltaUons noted . art · the length of' runways aM "inadequate" terminal and parking' facilities. · -The 1'aC!Oc N<>i'thwest fllghta wolild be .incompa\ible ~ith e~st~ng latjd Ulf' aroqnd the airport, W'l'ld ~ eo~lrary to ~ P!>Sit1on taken last week thY the County Boan! of Supervt•on (3'1 agalnot the Dlahta) ~ would confllct' With the Pereira Alt :rtanspoflalloo'o Mailer Plan teeonPn•rid~ijOii !ha~ th~.• IY:11q r f•"• ultln;ato ·use be t!lat · of ·a· mt\IOport. wbl$ .bas a 400-mUe commel'clal ·ru;Iit 11.milltiori, < ~ .L . ,---y-·;, -The prQPOSed Jon&-r.arige ro~u.t,1 B<rvlce "wouJil pro-empl a1fpt oapaclt~ which .C<l\\14 otiivwloe \>< uoed. Jo~ ' . ..• Crucially n~ed air taxi and short haul commuter setvl.ce. '' 1 c6sta Mts3's contrastlrig position JS OOlllQ.011. in allld!vlll ~gned by 1'\&yor, Alvjn L.. Pinkley. -ii curreotiy dated; the oth~ was ligneJI: 'Je.n. ,29. Both utg«t •the ICAJl "to authorize new air oerv.Jce between Orange COUnty Airport and the ·Pa~ifJc N<rthwest." The Costa Mesa council .did not formally go oo record fa voring the.,fliahts. umµ last"'Wetk. The vote was }2 .. Pintley explained that the earlier affidavit, an- ticipating the.~ .. WH prepared ' and -to . the CAB "to keep tl1e . d®r Open." , He 1aid the Jan. 29. allld!vR had to · 1"' ·'!'nt by· lbat dale lh ·on1.,. ... ~ issure 'Ooeta Mes81~a :PostilOn.1onL ~ CAB agenda on March 2$i .1 • •-~: • '!'he · C<>Bta: i.ie.a · a!Snd1 ... . O!lllll>ed by , Pillkley, a~ 11\at the• .Pl,cK!o NorthwOll 1eryioe I< ~ulred bf In- dustrial;' ... cre•tlon•li ,eclul:.llona!, and !Set AIR llOUTE, I' ... S) , ' ~ J • ·w..a.er Th1t log . that · creeps In .on little ·cat feet will do some pussyfo0ttng ltong the coast ~ night but · .rter: mldnlornlng 'llUtsd1)" It'll be fair Ind wmn with the m,eIClll')I In the middle 601s .. . INSrDE. TODAY The question has betn on- twered: a /Git cat4m0ro n b no match for . o Wftl-&ailed •loop. Aak Budd11 tbsen and Pat Dau- f10'1' who proved it ;over .. tDriJc,:, tnd. B~tiilo Puge 21. ........... _ . ... ,111e n ~.., • Qillfli.11 • """"' • r cw.m.. · tt-• MIUIMt ...,,. , .. ·CM!ltl • II °""" C......, f 'Cr.•'fll'JWf 22 S'fl'f'i ,__ 1& l ..... ....._, . .,: teci.1 ...... -'1·1f r.:; •• ~:· :::r ~ :~ 1 •111W11l1W11• Jt Tell...._, U '~· 1 .. 1, ,....._ • ..... c ............ 4 ,..,.._ 14 ..... ..... 1f AMI......,.. 11 w...w""" M , -. ·-----·· ... ~ ff M<Mdq, M"'~ 17, 1969 . .. • Stl11knt Piwt, lnstruct~r>f erisk.iJt M,esa . ~ .. ~_,. A studtol pilot and biJ instnlctor died · lnstlntly Sund&J when their twin-engine plone •J>WI dlzzylngly out or the b•lmy 1k!es on a practice flight and smashed nose-first into a grassy Costa Mesa field . Crushed to death in the wreckage were instructor Richartf R Stowell, 28, CJf Los Allgeles, and bLs student, Richard L. Fields, 29, o1 Manhattan Beach. The PJper Apache was seen by scores of witnesses in busy neighborhood shop- ping centers as it spm down into tlJe vacant lot just ea.st of Bristol Street at Palisades Road. Hundreds of sightseers gathered as police roped off lhe 8C<ll< and covered Ille maagled bodles, which were opllled ~ oot "'the """Up" . Invesligatora for the Nat 1 on al Transporlation Safety Board at Los Angeles International Airport said today it will be some time before cause o! the sudden crash can be determined. Stowell, a veteran pilot, was reportedly at the controll when the plane went down, shortly after a ·practice touch-ancf.. go takeoff at Orange COUnty Airport. • Investigator RoMrt Shaw, of the NTSB said today, however that he is not cer: tain whether the studept or instruct'or was fiying the craft when unknown lrouble'1ent It •pinning earthward. 1l=e witowes utlmaled the a!Ulude ' . DA.II. Y 'II.OT Sl1H Plllte FIREMEN BATTLE BLAZE WHICH SPREAD TO NEIGHBOR'S HOME Mrs. Wehrt Watchu Po11a11lon1 Go Up In Smoke From Page l JET CRASH •.. bouoes, tr..,, telepbooe poof& and parked cars as well as a bw: from which four dead were recovered as well as two Injured." The flaming wreckage left a path of mbeey and terror throughout the Zlruma zone; that includes homes of Indians aa well as the working-class districts o1 La Corub• and La Trinidad. 1be plane ended Us blazing trail of i:lestruction head on into a telephone pole where it literally disintegrated. The fuselage, however, fell across La Coruba where about 3,000 persons live in on~ irtory houses built of concrete blocks. A resident of La Coruba uid the plane hit a high tension power line as it sliced through the district "It looked like a giant baJJ of fire ,'• be aald. "In a matter of seconds, flame Peru Parley Staged LIMA, Peru '(UPI} -John N. Irwin JI, personal enjoy of President Nixon, met today with President-Oen. Juan Velasco Alvarado for a discussion of Peruvian-American political differences. DAILY PILOT CllANOI COilolT PUILllHING COM,.AN't llt•lteft N. Wtt4 p,.ldtnl Ind PublllflW' J•ck JI. Cvrley vie. "'"ldtftt •lld c;..,,.ra1 ltMnetu TheM1t IC11•ll t!dllor Tl11•r1t1 A. Mvrpht11e Ma-fftf ldllet .s.r-F. Cellln1 P1vl Nlt1•1t frf-' le«!'I • AMl'illl• Cltr &dllor 011'9("' __ .,_ JJll w ••• 111\•1 ••• 1 ......... Melli1t1 ~nt P.O. 1•1'"1171, 926•1 ............. Colll NoeM: DI Wiii llY II""' l-N h«fl: ttt F-d AYfl-"'-llJltttM a..ctr.: JOt illl "-t and smoke poured out of everywhere. I couldn't move. I waa petrified ••. " Fires caused by the blazing wreckage started barely 1300 feet from the end of Grano De Oros' 18,251).foot long "We are living a naUOnal catastrophe " said the governor of Zulia 1tate, Elio Suarez Romero, who rushed to the scene with other natJonal officials. They pro- claimed Maracaibo a disaster area. * * * 45 U.S. Citizens Aboard Venezuela Jet; All Perish CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -The following list of U.S. ciUzens aboard the Venezuelan airliner which crashed in Maracaibo Sunday has been compiled from authorities at Caracas International Airport and sources in the United States: 1 tnd '· Rotiert Atl'I,,.._ 1M "'"'' E1rll"' Vlrglnl1 lletch. V1, l i ncl 4. Wllll1PT1 llfl!t,.,.!n trod wife,. 1'1tr1c1 .. Vlr,lnl1 kith, VI. S and '· Jowllfl V1n.t!1 111<11 ""!"'-J tiwt, Cl'l1tt1n0091, T.,,n, 1 •!Id •. A!lllrt D1'fld11011 Incl .,.,!ft, Alie•. '1nd 10. Rob<!rt llniwn 11'\d wlf1, J\ll'lf. 11. JOhn J. H-v. LOI Ano1111, "°'" '" C1n1d1. 11. Ad~IP'lt Al'llllO!ll H1ntr, K1 nl11 City, /Wo,. pa""°" !uved ln Lin AP'ltt .. 1. 11. M1r1l11 MIY 01i.1, 1(1n111 City, Mo. 14. Antl'!ony 0 1te1, Nttir1t11.1. 15. N.tf111rl!1 ~oll Hooker, torn '" Trlnldtd, U.S. t ltltlfl. 16. $1'11fOI' Ml 'f N•T-. Ntbr11k1, PIU""1 lu ... td Sun1e. W111'1, 11, 1<e11neltl Oetn tHlto11. Nlbr1tk1, ''"llOl't '""'" 1111111. ' ", •Nil 11. l'1!r1cll: J--" Ctrttl' 1,,.j ""lft 111. LI Grin .. , Ill. • 1(1. Andrtw Jotel>ll l...ck'°"'' U.S. clf!letl born In Cte-ci'loilo«1~l1, PIUDOl't l1tlltd \ti LOI An .. ln • ~I. ltU1 1<1,.,,..IM l \ICkson,. Noorlll l>1kO'ta, P1""°'1 lnin<! In Mlllml. 2!· f lorenct Etti.I !<NIH, llrlttol,. VI, 2 ..... l'llrlff J.c-Wh!lm1" OhlcJ. 2A. Jo"lllt Flint Rici. Mtt11IHll. """" b•vtd I• ''\'-"lll:ln . t.S. •tll ltlchfnl o.tl11Ylldfr, Mldl!fffl. M. JI"' O•l1Y!ldlf". llO otlltlr lflftr!'n.illilt •v•!l•blt. "·Mn. T. ~dwlll It""". M-i v.,,,_ '"''· 2', C!1rkf O... Plfliacol1, 1'it. 1t. Ill. Hvnl1 JO, D. Dotwflll 't~ l , l>clorwtlll 21:. Ori~ no 11r,11111 ol\1fli A ... :>ru ""'" 34 Otrtn.ldl! Mt IU1ft\fl U . Joh11 lo! "'~· J, H1(;1(f1'1 1, ()orlt Clltwi •• J'""" / :It, Wllllt JOl'tftllO!ll «I. S\rMll llltClt'fl ~. L 1101 ll1rcl1Y1 ct. N!111 M.111 .0. o-IM\"1 U. Max M1rtiuch1 4 Htrn'IOl'I It-I'll. Irish Envoy Na111ed W ASHJNGTON (UPI) -Pmld<nt Ni.Ion today toot the occasion of St. Patrick't Day to announce the a~ potntment of businesa exec:utive John D. J. W.oore a:i the new ambassador to lrtland. Pitoore. 57, of Short Hill, N.J., Is vice prfJl&d!!! ot W. R. Grace and CO., a shipping and tndu1trlal finn. Ht Is ol Jrlsh dtscent, and wu founder and preai· dent ot the lreland·U.S. Council for Com- merce and Industry. of tho Apoello .,i·~ 1,009 IMI. but Shaw said todaj that tt may have beea somewhat lower, based on added tn .. formation. Radio contact had been steady with the Orange County Airport control tower, but neither flier gave any warning of trouble before the 1:60 p.m. crub. Coetl. Mesa po1lc6 otficer Dave Dye was the flnt lawman to reach the ICtne and notified headquarter• to call in coJ';o oner'• deputlea to handle the two victim.I. Neither suffered, because du.th was mercifully quick at the instant of grin- ding impact, which sent two or three plects of wreckage flying, but left most of lhe Apache ID lnllcl wad ol lw!Jtod metal. • ' From P•e J MUTIER • • • '4 fell In the bed and wept. The tun luted for but 1· momen~ IDd Ille got up and 111&pped, "I'll -k lllOther 40 yeora IDd mab It up.'' u1•u 10 to work just Uk• the tut 40 yeora 111d I'll bave It ell apln," ahe said. , Father of Pilot Sales Chief Dies cart .::.-Sr.. nat!onal ad· vertlllng mana1er !or the San Fernando Vellty T1lnu IDd lather ol Carl ClrNMen Jr., newty .. ppolnled natlonal and automotive advu1illn& 1 a J f! s llWllllt' .t the DAILY PILOT, died Swlday In Memorial llolpl!al, Panorama City, alter I ldicrt i1lneol. Mr. carstensen, a, wu a veteran ol 44 )'W'I In the newrpeper buslnen. He apent 23 years with lhe Valley Times and before coming to California was promoUon manager with the Chicago Daily News for 21 yeaJ'I. Born in Pierson, Iowa, he atttnded Morningside College (Iowa) and the Univenlty of Chiago, whu'e be majored In bualness adinlnlatratlon. Surviving, in addition to Carl Jr., are his wife, Mary; a sister, Mrs. Paul Severance ol Phoenix, Ariz., and three srlDdchlldren. Sp.ring Concert Set for Harbor Newport Harbor Hlfh School's In- strumental music department w i I I pruent ltl 1Mual Sprtnc Con<erl Friday. Put!clpotlng l"JUPI, Wider the dlreo- tlon el Rtchanl A. Enilond. Include th• Sailor Band, lhe Sailor Orcholtra 111d lhe Mldahlpmen. H!ghll(btlng the I p.m. progrllln wlll be the pruentatlon o! the John Phllllp Sousa and NaUonal Scbolanhlp award! to the two most outatandlng senior music students. Selectlorui: will include a balanced pro- gram o! tradiUooal marcbing band music, claulcal works and popular tunu, ac<onllng to Truell Ro1m, publlcity. chalrmap of the Band Booltm:. Donation is $1. Ticket.. may be purchued at lhe cloor the night or the performance. Funeral Planned For Marie Corbin Rosary wLU be recited at a p.m. tonight and Mua celebrated at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Our Lady ol M~ Carmel, Newport Beach, for retired Balboa telephone operator Rose Marie Corbin. who died while on vacation in Ensenada, Mexico, of an apparent heart attack. She was 66. Y.rs. Corbin came to Balboa in 192l to \\'ork for the telephone company and ·retired in 1957 to live in Yucca Valley. She Is survived by her husband, Claude, nf 55914 Buena Vlsta, Yucca Valley; a son, Father Marlon James Corbin of St. Lawrence Brindisi Church, Los Angeles, and two brothers, L. C. Looney of Goleta and A. J. Looney of Desert Hot SprJncs IDd Newport Beach. Interment will be at Good Shepherd Cemetery, Huntington Beach. Dad Delivers Impatient Paddy Wee Michat1 McClain wu in a big hurry to be bom M this day ol days and It's just a..s well that his proud fathtt is a do·lt·youraelf kind ot Irishman. For Eugeoe McC!aln, 51, o! Anaheim, had to do exactly that at f ;20 a.m. today. Michael wu in no Q)OOd to wa.J t for tbt ambulance and the trlp to 1'1arUn Luth<r Hoipl!al IDd he l•t molher Joyte and fluttered father know all about it -and with the wn hardly in the .sky at all, at all. But E u1 tne did a fine job of midwUery and he"I now back home car· tna for the other thrH wee MeClalns. Michael J1 living it up amJd a shower of St. Patrick's Day cards in his happy mothtr's arms. CRUMPLED PLANE LIES AT ISOLATED IMPACT SPOT Two Fllora Died Noor Busy Shops 11 Many Witched LUlo Isle Teen Nabbed For Drugs After Chnse ~ A Lido Isle teenager running from a Costa Mesa pollceinan Sunday night was finally caught and arrated on a drug charge, when a woman turned over two pink capsules tossed into her patio at the same time. Investigators said her cooperation was net essential to the apprehension of the 17·year-old suspect, however, since he was C8JTYing four marijuana cigarettes in his pocket. Officer Dennis Hossfeld .topped two youngsters on a street corner and was given permi!sion to search the Newport Beach resident, who was carrying no identification. I The patrolman said lhe boy jerked away when he felt what turned out to be contraband it.ems in his hip pocket, Frona Page l AIR ROUTE. •• population growth of the area. He points out that one million ptnOl'1S live within a IS.mile radius of Cowty Airport and ''many d. theae ~ have ties with the Pacific Ncrthwe1t either with relatives and friends or business." SEVERAL PROJECTS He also enumerates tevf!rll indmtrial park projeets near the county facility that would benefit from the proposed flights. They include the 3,11)().acre Irvine Industrial Complex and the 1,40Q.acre Segerstrom lndustrial District. Pinkley further notes that UCI would benefit from the service "by sendini people from the campus to the northwest to parUcipate in academic as well as ipOrting activities." In addition, he list.rd IUCh county at-. tractions as Disneyland, A n ah e i m Stadium and Convention Center and Knota Berry Fann as insUtutiOM that require direct flights between the county and the Paclflc Northwest. The Pinkley statement also notes that Seattle now has an American League baseball club, which would presumably fly to games at Anahe1Jr. Stadium, the home of the California An&els. then fled down Anaheim Streel as the otflcer radioed for assistance. __. He WU caught and returned to the scene, while a woman who told of watching lhe root chase called lhe head- quarters to turn In t"'o pink ,,ms 1he saw come flying over her fence. 'The arrestee -whose anrui, police said, showed 12 fresh needle marks - was booked Into Orange County Juvenile Hall on suspicion of posse!Son of mari· juana and dangerous drugs. Ex-~hool Aide Gertrude Myers Succumbs at 64 Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, at Bell Broadway Memorial Oiapel, 110 Costa Mesa, for Mrs. Gertrude Myers. Mrs . Myers, who came to Costa Mesa as its first school nurse in 1949 and remained to become director of Health Services for the Newport-Mesa UnJfied School District, died on March 14. She was 54. Concerned with children's welfare pro- grams, Mrs. Myers originated the Elks Club Christmas program, with help for needy children throughout the year. She also established a dental health center in cooperation with the Newport Beach Assistance League, providing regular dental car~ for needy children. Throua:h the Costa Mesa Lions Club, Mn. Myer.a arranged for eye exams and glasses for those who otherwise could not afford them. And she worked with doctcrs of the communlty, setUng up immunization programs and progral'rul: for the handicapped. She retired In 1968. Surviving are a son, Robert Myers of Newport Beacfl: her mother, Mrs. Lena Harper of Los Angeles; and a sister, Mrs. Leota Wlndust of Los Angeles. Donations may be sent to the Memorial Scholarshlp Fund, Newport·Meta Unified School District, in care of KeMeth Lewis, 1601 16th St., Newport Beach. Fire Sweeps I ' SA Plastics Building Flamet fed by volatile chemicals for plutlca mllllllaclure ezploded 1hroU&h lhe rool of 1 Saota Ana llnn Sunday nlgb~ causing 1100,000 damap IDd forc- ing evacuat!On ol residents aloag ao •<l- jacenl strtet. • Only one person wis injtD"ed u a mutt o! the blue al Ken>aa, blc., 1105 E. Walnut St. an excited lady w~ tripped over a fire hose while leaving her house and injured her knees. The two-alann fire fed by resin, acetone an'd atyrene was ) e a p i n g through the roof when first trucks ar~ rived on the scene, according to 5an1I All< Fire Chie! Jolm Gartbe. He said the masonry building was covered by a wooden roof and had no interior sprinkler system . Santa Ana police officers hurriedly knocked oo doors aloog adjacent SoutJ1 Hathaway Street, arousing sleeping residents and warning them to get out temporarily. Opened only two months ago, the firm was a subsidiary of a Phoenix, Ari:., plant and employed 30 perJOM for the manufacture of plastic piping up to fi ve inches in diameter. Business Manager Ronald R. Seymour was unable to live an immediate estimate as to the loss it. the chemical fire, but later came up with the $100,000 figure listed by flmnen today. The blaze was first reported by a policeman and the smoke was thought by one nearby resident to be simply predawn fog which moved into the county, area. The injured woman was identified as Mrs. Elsle Sipes, of 114 S. Hathawa1, St., but she was not sieriously hurt when she fell over the fire hose. From Page l BOY SLAIN. •• today, as the di11trlct attorney probed the fatal shooting of young Stubblefield. "But in the dark, you can'! tell if a suspect is 14 or to," the chief added, noting that he was fleeing the scene of a felony crime after adequate warning to halt. The chase Jed from the camera shop, across a lhopping center parking lot. across 19th Street and down an alley toward the bank before purBUers opened fire. Orange County Sheriff's Office crime Jab technlcl1111 covettd the scene af· terward, compiling minute details for the district attorney's investigation, ask· ed by Chief Neth. InvestJgators noted that the rooftop entry was done in what they called a highly professional burglary technique, compared to ordinary pried doors or window smash jobs. Young Stubblefield was the son of Mrs. Helen Ellis, of 10112 Kline Drive, in county territory just outslde Costa Mesa city limits. AUTOPSY PENDING The body was taken to Westclltt Mortuary prior to a coroner's autopsy, resulta of which are expected to be given to the district attorney later in the week. No funeral arrangements had been made by noon today, according to a apokesman for the mortuary. District Attorney Hicks said today that he expects a complete report on the shooting death Tuesday, with aome crlmt lab analyse.a due later in the week. The district attcrney today declined to discuss either the hlstory or nature or any prior offenses by the Stubblefield boy. "The boy is deceased. He's not on trial, so 1 wouldn't want to say anythina: about that," Hicks explained. . • • 'I.-~. • • ,·.,, •• ,. • ' • • ••. •, \. ··'·· . ' • Q OMEGA._ ACCUTRON -BULOVA 'ff AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE Ii) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •rings sized end repaired • diamonds end precious stones remounted •pearls restrung VfE CUSTOM DESIGN & MANUFACTURE AU: .TYPES OF. JEWELRY E3 HAUOI SHOPPIN• CINTll lJOO HAllOI an. COSTA MISA 1141-Hll Opto M-n....., Ftt. Tll t ...... HUNTIN•TON CINTtl llACH a UIN- HUNTIN•TON llACH ltJ·HOI ; • . . f ... . , ' ' ...... ~ .............. _ .... ·~· .. ,., ' ...... ··:· .. • • . . I Once · Upon · a Time a Dre am Came True ! LET US HELP -Doing preliminary shopping for the nursery school furniture they hope to buy for Services for the Blind with fashion show·luncbeon proceeds are members of the Tuesday Club Spring Festi v_al of Newport Harbor, Mrs. Ernest McClelland (left), president, and Mri. J ohn A. Simpson, fashion show e<><:hairman. The March 2ii event will take place in the Balboa Bay Club. Onee upon a time there was a kind man wl\o liked to help children, and be had a •peclal dream. His dream was to buqd a nursery school for blind children and furnish it with toy• books, crayons, paints and tiny chairs and tables, all .!be lhinga needed for children's play and having a good time. The man feared,. however, that bis dream always w.ould remain a dream, as he was not a wealthy man and could not purchase the neces- sary lhings from his own IUnds. But the good man need not have feared. There were people who were willing to help bllt who were just waiting for someone to make the need known to !hem. So it is that lht Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor has chosen to help Dr. Wilhelm de Nijs, director of SerVices for the Blind, who hopes to add a nunery school to the organlzation'.s Santa Ana headquarters. To raise the necessary funds, the Tuesday Club will sponsor a tash- ion show, Iunchton and afternoon Ill Cllrc:ls, to be themed -appropriately enough -the Possible Dream. :h-fembers and guests will convene in the Bal.boa Bay Club March 25 at noon to aee the parade of fashions, representing appropriate attire for activities of each of the club'• aeven sections, modeled by club members. Mrs. Ruth Kennedy will comment oi;i ensembles tor golf, supper club dances, bridge tournaments, travel, reac,ting, entertaining and paint· ing or sculpting. Providing the fashions will be the Brass Ring, Corona de! Mar; Exol!ca, .Balboa Island, and FluH 'n Stuff, Costa Mesa.· Bringing the ·final portion•of the•show:wil! be· the Show Room 8'101> In ·!be Bay .Club; featuring styl., for the clubwoman. Miss Trudy Homan, mAnager, will .be the shop's commeritatbr and Mrs. Laurence Wright .wul provide piano background music. 1 • • • In keeping with the dream theme, guests will dream of winning the door prizes, which have been donated by board members. A vacation at the Hacienda Hotel in Las Vegas, an Easter bonnet and a huge Easter egg filled with money are three of the prizes at stake. . Coordinating the door prizes have been the Mmes. Patrick Shepard, Jack Bayer and Herbert Miller. Othen helping make the dream l"OIDe true are the Mmes. R. E. Flanegin, chairman with John Simpson, oo-chainnan; Ralph Phelps and Wayne Helmick, game arrangements, and Benjamin Modesti, reser- vatioos chainnan. · . Anyone wishing tickets may ~ Mrs. Modesti, 673-8734. ' IEA ANDERSON , Editor MMlff, Mlrdl 11, IHf W ''" 11 Orient Loaning Beauty The beauty of Japanese flower arrangementll, t h • graceful a n d picturesque classical and Kabuki dancing of Japan, and the pfeciseness of the traditional Japanese tea etttmony all will be enjoyed by visitors to South Coast Plar.a's Huntington Savings and Loan Association March 24-27. Tn a Japanese Spring Festival of Arts, these and other glimpses of Oriental culture will be afforded through the participation of Japa~ artists noted ir. their field. Co-sp:msored by the Costa Mesa Art League and Hun- tington Savings and Loan Association, lhe festival will be in the savings and loan office, 3310 Bristol St., Costa Mesa, beginn.ing at 1:30 p.m. with the dtmonstraUons. After viewing the demoruJCra.Uons and brow.sing thnlogb the af\ibits of dolls, screens, paintings, floral ar- rangements and bonsai trees, guests m a y enjoy tea a n d refresiunents, served b y women in costume. Opsilng the lettlval on Mon- day, Mardi 24. will be a dtmonstration ol flower ~ ranging givl!:n by hi m e , Kazuko Shimbashi. Jkebana, or f Io we r ar· ranging, is an art form tradi· tional to Japan. DaUng back in history 1~ years, the art is said to have been the result of Prince Shotoku's offering of Oowera to Buddha. Mme. Sbimbashi w i 11 demonstrate the Shoka form of arrangement, which b fri. ple arranging rather than the original style of using two mate:ria11. She also will show free style and the modern Rlkka Style. On Tuesday, March 25, the art of bonsai will b e demonstrated by Y06blo Naka and the tea ceremony wiU be performed· by Mn. Iwao K'qizumi, also at l :30 p.m. Wednesday's glimple inlo Japanese culture will 1be a demonstral.ioo of classical and Kabuki da,nclng by Mme. Rotuka Hanayagl, ac· companied • on the Koto and -llrinp by Mme. Kotsud>lyo Kfneya. Mme. Haniyagi. born in Los Angelts, attended the Hanayagt Scbool ol Clasolcal Dance in Tokyo. A de9cendant of noted Japanese dancer Rolruju Hana.yagi, she became the protegee of t he dancer, who bestowed her name as a token of esteem. With her own troupe, the Cherry Blossom Maiden 1 Mme. Hanayagt starttd, ap- pearing in movies, on radio and televisk>o. The concluding dtmonstra· tioo 'nlursday will be Sumi·E brush painting by Shoon lg· arashi., native of Japan who came to the United States JO years ago. He studied at an early age under the late Suiun Homuro and is noted for the vitality and freshness of lhe brush strokes in his na· ture subjects. In the display ol artilacts, Japanese doU1 will be shown by Mn. Garo Ozeki, and all may be viewed until 4 p.m. each day. Coordinator of lh< BPrinc reWval is Mme. Hanaya.gi. and aaisting her are Mrs. Joe Ai:lyama. e%hibit1 chairman; Mn. Richard In- gram, art league pnsldert: Mn. Richard lkckwith, and Hal Boehner, mansg« of Hun- tington Savings and Loan Association. VIS IT TO JAPAN -Traditional arts will · be di s- played March 24-27 In a Japanese Fei!lval·of Arts and Craft! in Huntington Savings and Loqn Ass<r ciation, co-sponsored by the Costa Mesa Art League. Displaying art works !or the ex.hi.bit are (left to right) Shoun lgarashi,. artist; Mme, Katsuchiyo Kineya, musician; Mme. Roku.ka Hanayagi, dancer, and Mme . Kazuko Slilmb3shi, flower arranger. Tbt exhibit will be open from 1:30-4 p.m. There Is More to a Happy Marriage T~an Meets the Eye DEAR ANN ; 'lbanlt YO!J for the wisdom shown in your reply to the mother whose handlome, briWant IOD announced he wu goin& to marry a blind girt As founder and ed!tor of Dialogue, a recorded and brailled magazine for th• blind. and 11 a blind person mysell, my prime aim tn Ille 11 to help erau u many mltconceptiom about sightleas people as poulble. t married a blind girl nearly four years ago. I wish that worried mother could meet my wife. She has a mastera degree and 11 a 1peech therapist, the only blind person -teacher Jr student -at Morton High School In Cicero, 111. My wire Is a fine cook and an e1ce\lent housekeeper. Htr hobby 11 writing children's books. She gives lee· ANN LANDERS [fl turta and enjoys pe:rformln1 with an amateur theatrJcal group. 1 hope the concerned mother will ae-- cept her blind daughter-in.law as a nonnal human beln&.iaad ror1et about her 1lghtlessness. Ai>alr all, 1he must not pity her or make e1CUM:1 ror her. Before long 1he will dltcover that a:I her rears were without fOWldatlon. - D.O.N. .. DEAR D.O.N.: Tbaak yo11 fCH' a most l.nsplrlag leUer. It w11 one of many -bat at..1, l euaol priat &Item an. P.fy best wllbes to )'ot ud Y.41F wHe. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I Just coughl up with some back columns. A friend saves them for me when t travel. The letter signed ''Slck ol Sex and Hun07 for Love" wu .a lulu. 1be woman com· pla.lned becau.te her husband l"ISn't romanUc. She said bl.I lovemaking wa1 iero, Utat ahe slept with him in exchange for flnancial security. Her closing words were, "I know how a prostitute fetls." Since she knows how a proaUtute fee~ why doesn't she go back to wcrk? l:rD well acquainted with her ti.ad. 'I!)ey hate sex, put nothing into it, theu blame their husbands because they aren't romanUe. Tbese doiues are dead from the neck both w1y1 and they believe a marriage license entiUes them to j)trmanent amnesty. You'd lose your job il you prlnled this letter ao 1 don1t expect to lff Ii In lh< paper, but .J feel belier for having written il -HEY YOU (MY EX·WlFE'S NAME FOR ME) DEAR HEY : Htrt11 Yottr kUtr, and 1e far 11 I k11uw I'm 1UU empltytd, Th11nkl for wrttlnc. DEAR ANN LANDERS : How much ol JtlJ time doel a mtn owe his former wifa? In the lut two years my husband ' bss apent hundr..ra ol boura oo the pli1oe ·llaltnini to ud al«iff 1boul tilt children'• report eardl and their Inability to get -1ong wlth other children. She 11ied him io help her move (he did) snd he alao helped her with Income ta• forms. Every few day1 he gets 'a call. Liit night 1he needed aome addreuu of mutual friends. Every time the phone rin11 my blood pressure goes up 20 polnta. 1'11 rtptat Qle quesUon : How much of hit time does a man owe hl1 former wife? - NO. I DEAJt. NO. S: nt que1tto. t.a1 beat be UIWered. by tlte et41Dlband. lie •Wet I Hr u mod time u M feebl .. wut( .. lfn. Aad U )'Oii are w1lo )'Oll'I be padeot, supporUve, uclentudlaa ad 1 -.· Alcohol Js no shortcut to social JUCCW:, ff you think you have lo drink lo ht accepted by your friends, get the tac~ Read .. SOOH: and You -For Teen11era Only," by AM Landen. Send SS cent.I in coin and a Jong, aelf-addreaeed. 1llmped envelope wlt.h your request Ann Lsnders will be &lad · lo helJ you with your problems. Send lhe(9" ·to her in cart of lhe DAILY PILOT, cncloting 1 self-addttastd, •lam~ envelope. • I I I • ---~--~-------------_......,. ______ ....... .......,...,.... J2 11.'fLY '1LOT • Mond11, Mrrclt 17, 1'6~ From Swimsuir-to Robes Judge Advocates Physical Fitness LAW FAMILY Judge Joan Klein Presiding aver a municipal court J1 a pretty 81dtntary job, but Loo Allg•les Judie Joan Dempsey Klein ii a former professional swimmer wbo 1witche1 from robea to • bathlog suit to ktep in physical trim. 1be Van Nuys Courthom jurilt loored Europe for a year in •wimmln.I competition ·atter graduaUon from San Dleg'o State College prior to her 1955 compt.Uon ol UCLA Law School. Teaching at UCLA while ln graduate school was a real promoUon for the young woman attorney, who financed lower-level education a s waltrus, dlshwa1her, lifeguard and swim instructor. Her pott in Dlvl.!lon 75, Los Angel .. County Municipal Court, Involves all mlsde- 1D11Dor and felony cue& in NO MONEY DOWN ~· '0,~' .~~-· CAU. POI NII DTIMATI AND SHOP AT HOMI SllVICI tbe Van Nuys area, some oI them more colorful than otbera. Judge Klein's name made the newa Jan. 17, wb~ she lssutd a complal.nt agalnst topleu d~r Vlc):ie Drl ke, 2:2, unsuccepf\tl 1118 canclil1ate for Stanford Univerllty stu- dent body prwdenl More than ooe newspaper at the Ume made note of a min!-sklrt controversy In which Judge Klein criUclzed another woman judge for wearing them, incorrectly and unfortunately llstlng Juiia:e Klein as the judge who wore them. Judge Klein and her hus- band, attorney Conrad L. Klein, are former deputy state attorney generals and are ac- tive in atatewide prot'esslonal group!, as well as San Fernan- do Valley civic affairs. Judge Klein WAI 1963 UCLA Law School AlUttUUH>f-the· year and 1erved eight years u a trial lawyer before being adJnitt.ed to practice before Keystone Cop Discovered John H. Greene is still playing lbe role of a Keystone Cop. The Harbor Island resident, one of tbe or\glnal Keystone Cops who were in lbelr heyday ln lbe early 1920s, still Is remember- ed for his movie role and on occasion ill ask- ed to slip back into character. To mlllte their luncheon, themed Key- stone Kop Kaper an extra speclal one, mem· bers of the :Aeronutronic · Wtvea Club have asked Greene to be guest of honor next Wed- nesday ln the Balj>oa Bay Club. Greene wlll reminisce on hls days of stardom, telling how be was signed for the comedy role when he promised lo Include his Model T Ford In lbe contract for the series. Members of the club and their husbands will model the fashions for the style aliow, which will be preceded by a social hour at 11 a.m. and a bu(fet luncheon at 11:30. Reservatioos may be made by telephon· Ing Mrs. Russe~ Forsythe al 541>9856. · IPtlllM.,.,.._I) I ' I ••• 8 •••••• , lo~et~f;t!ueS.:~!;!?!~. Pitt u r ,: toa.sttnlstrtu of the day dur. Lexicolol)', and Id a M • Y k • 1ng a meetJng of San Clemente Schomaker, educatlon. p e e s • Toastmistress Club in San Also upcoming i s a • Clemente Municipal G o I f .... 11....... -• Clubbou.le Ulil momlna. woruuop on ev ~ 1 Spukert for Ille occasion Fr1d&j' ev..i., al 7:30 in the •r M .. ,., • • • • •• were the Miila. Edward H' San Olem .. te E1P Club. Ard, Beth Murphy and Charle. Membert are uraed to brtna 'lbe well·read marquee above Swain. 111..U, Ucktll are 11 per the Newport Lido 1unesu The Otherl partlclpatlng were peraon. Wrocldll& Crew and 11te Nl&hl tbe Mmes. Gordon Fleener, Mrs. C. W. Stoney, the club's 1't1 Jt.ided Mluky'•· How· t l mer; J a.me 1 Crum, conte.stant. won the Cow>cU evu the rum facta are refer· evaluater: Llll1u Kut1lowlk1, I speech c:anlelt al Oct011llde ' cloeinf tboU'abt: c1Uve Barnea wtth bu ~ succe11 and ence to two mov'6 tblt ar• and C-. L. Burcen, bolteuet; Will ao oo to compete in the de11gned to entertain, and do l'Tancu lrvlne, INplra!lon intercouncil comp<UUon. that well. Current · /ssuts Discussed Show Provides Scholarships The second ot the above pair lay1 claim to the atory be}iind the introduction of, and the sub- sequent lengthy s u c c e s 1 ot burlesque. It seems that 1 gu y Woman'• Ctmpw1 Club cf named Minsky trotted out a few ~hapman College will preunt fillies to race acr~s acrosa the 1t.s annual 11eholarlhlp fund· track on 1 stage l.n gay Gotham raisin.I luncheon and fashion show In santa Ana Elks Club some few years past. He Jearn- Current hluea la Local next.Salurdlf at noon . ed mat the winnen wer~ those Community Allain will be The public.la invited, and with tht barest of attire. So. dilcuased by Mra. WUllam tlcketl are f.S which may be comes the daring do or die and Hoskins o( the wgue of rtatrved by contacting Mrs. ditching of robes . V he Charles Mitchell of Orange, Women oten w n she ad· Fasbtona from daytime to The good folk resented the -........ .., .,. .... ._ ..... Wiii ~ .............. .,. tffke , , , .. , ... ......... , , , Wlfll Ille '""' U ...... I MllCll.. ff tire....., the U.S. Supreme Court. '---~---------------~ dresses the Women'• Society evening, travel, ehildren'a and "stripping" and alerted the of ChrisUan Service of the First Methodist Church, Coata men's wear wilJ be shown by gendarmes. The law stretched Mesa. the May Co., South Coast out its tong arm and grabbed a ... "'"' ..................... ..,.. NOii YOUI AIU CALL 548-8242 01 .... '"' BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET 81\L• 'INTIU STOCK OF PAIULOUS DI.I.PIH FAlllCS : UDUCID TO ZO% TO 40% --... -·-,,.,. ... , Add Ctlarf\11 EJEcl,._1 ti:! YMll'" Room E>Kw .•• W1Th lold H1w ,._.Ind Dn1$nll -· .. ,..,. ' .... , ... .• ,... •Kii• : ...... • (llC:Mn .... I Viii- ' A•1lrllll11 CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES $19~, .... OUI WOllCMANSHIP IS SUl'lll HAUWAll l 'IODS CUT TO OlDll CALL POI fUI UTIMATI IHOP·AT-HOMI SllYICI DRAPERY & CARPET NO MONEY DOWN .,,. » MONTltl TO ... * * She bas been a judge in the Loa Angeles Municipal Court system for s.lx ye ars and has lecturtd at UCLA and for the CaWomla State Bar's Continuing Education of the Bar program. Their profession in Jaw keeps the Klein& busy, but they still share an active in- terest in awimmlng, tennis and volleyball, parUclpatlng in these sports with t h e i r children as a family activity. District Board To Gather Bargains Go Up for Sale Member• of New port Harbor Grandmothers Club have been collecling items for their rummage sale all year and will put them up for sale Mardi 20-n at 145 E. 19th St., Costa Mesa. The proceeds will be given to the club'a charity projects, including City of Hope, ac· cording to Mrs. L o u i s Splelber1er, chairman. * * '2k~~-' LI DO CENTER JH) VIA 1100, Nl WPORT BEACH, &73~)(,() ' May Date Disclosed The group will meet at 10 Plau. few dolls in 1Is midst ! lt''s all a.m. next Wednesday in k N d for your eyes on the big, ~·ide Thompson Hall, and al noon ' Spea er ame screen at the Lido. Good for 1.irs. Lloyd Shaw and the Lydia Circle -will serve as Newport Beach City At· daughs, host.eases for a salad-dea:se.rt torney Tully H. Seymour will potluck luncheon. dJscuu Offshore D r l I 11 n 1 Tbe program has been ar: before Orange County Harbor ranged in' conjunction with the Area Legal.Secretaries. WSC:S's study of the Now · His talk wlll follow a 1:30 Prophets. p.m. dinner in Alejandro's Morning devotions will be restaurant, Corona del Mar, led by Mrs. :we s I e y next Wednesday. Greenhalge, and conducting ----------1 the meeting will be: Mrs. AOVl!llTISl'MINT Pllllllp MacKenzie. Plarui will be formulated for the Aprll 15 rummage sale. Lunch Served l'VE GOT A SECRET lf you need help in ~reparing your wedding. You'll find all the John Philip Law and Ludn1ila Mikael are the sc reen sweet- hearts who provide the film'I roma nce. 1bey also become the ~ 4-J target of the sergeant's sadistic: 4r . \i streaks. -~ ~ ' "1 Because of Hie themes ol The ~ Sergeant and Harper the t.,.,·o are sµg gested for mature audi . ences, adults and mature young l. people, with parents exercising discretion. Both on the big, \vide screen rlght now at the ti.1esa. ' . ' ' ON OUR NEW "CAROUSEL.:' CUT •.. MESA r.tATlNEE shows are often called "Shoppu's Shows." But you do not ha\•e t'o go :sho~ ping to attend one of theae pop- ular weekly affairs. Shop 11 you like, or just drop in any Wed- nesday afternoon and enjoy a truly swell lilm. The programs start promptly at I o·clock, apenlng with tree refreshments. topped with your CUSTOM-CREATED COLOR ! CREME HAIR TINT Tha1lks to ingenious Rou >.., our nc\v push-bllt ton dispense r lets us create al itcral kaleidoscope or hair col ors -so we achicre precisely the shade yo 11 wanL And then keep it unch anged, retouch after re touch! The perfect fini sh to ou r style artistry in crea ting a softer looking. younger looking ym 1. COMPLETE Art11 ia, Calif. 1"3Ul'.- M.,ltl l t lt-' (Mlt• ,,.,.,. ...,, C0tf1 Mtt1, Calif. lt' I. Im. ltfwt Mu'ftt~ C..,1-r ""-~' Santi Ant, Cali' 1»• \'l•''"'!fllltf y.,,.11 C•i tr ,,,_ .u1 n• Cott• Mt11, Calif. 11' W I"" Strttl "'""" 6"11-»H S1nl1 Ana, Calif. ·u~ "e. ~ ....... ~,, J'tlt'Y!r,. tr~·•r , .......... " With Shampoo 5T& And Sot ' Fount11" Valley, Ctlif. ,,.,. Mt...ii. V111•N (lflf" ""-,.,.., Fo..,ntaln V1lle y, C1ltf. ·m !•!,,.., u f ....:llf l/1llty ''"'~ ,,.,. .. Jn ..... FREE PASSES to the Lido or ri.tesa wUl be malled today to Margaret Kelley, 2018 Dover Dr., Newport Beach, ?.Uchael P. ' O'Brten, S23 Via Lido Nord, L ido Isle, Kittle HOian, 2$7 P1lmer, Costa fl.Iese and Louise Barrett,, 225 Goldenrod, Coron1 del Mar. A tip ol the gmn d•rby lh~ nne day to the qi.11rtet above wtth nttmts lmJ)Orted from the Emerald Isle. They are lnvhtd tQ bf: guests of ··Picture Petka'' at the Meu or Lido one fine day real IOOfl. --- it'OC 62, 'NO. 65, 3 SECTIONS, 30 ~A6ES . ' .. -. ·O · • .~'FOOR. FIVE· ••.• SIX? -'Fhal'• tiia ~sibli\y on1tn,Bp,by color code keyi;&na .c~ ·di!<Jgiiated .f 1pw, as .tb•,>Gost~ Mes~ Qty Coo!lcil;<oheduled..to.. Ha1'tior Area·J.,.Jmad<s.:Newest.would run to Jelt : P,i~ a Newport:.F~eew!I)'. nmte pte!eten.ce·tl>n!ght, . or 1eaatjof-Cl<een "'!!le, s'""!gi!Jg right, or west. at ·~rs ready·tiJ consider.a sixth IJ.ltemative: Other .. · 17th' street to link W)th Blue route. · . cli:rrently proposed -state route offerings a~e sh.own B arbor Officials ;:I'o Take Airport hsue to Capital · Top-nnklng C-Oota Mesa and Newport }'eoch·clly o(fidaJs will meet with their c:iorlgrmmen and United states senators lir Wllblngton· next li-londay to seek . ~-ln rmdlng .a regional airport facility for Orange County. Calta Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley today aald ·his city arranged the meet· a, tbroolh Congressman Jimes B. Utt. · 'We are going .to ask ihem 11 they can help us get rid ot this noise and polluUon problem by getting a regional airport 1tudy going1'.' Pinkl•Y said: "It is the flnt thne lO my knowledge that we have been able to get me thinking oC our tl<cl<d olficiab ln Washl ...... " Atlendlng wilJ, be Rep. 'Utt, Rep. (See~ADIPORT, p,_. Ii . -· ' . ' Sixth Freeway Proposal ·To Be Presented Tonight A sixth Newport Fr~ay route, evidently not seriously cooaldered in prior slate 1tudiel, will be proposed tonight when the Coota Meu City Couftcil sill down, ICheduled tentaUvely to choose one of five now offered. Time wru be requlfed for the state Division of Highways . to study, the new 4.5-mile stretch to ·be . suggested ·alpng the east side of Newport , Boulevard, , and .it CQl.l]d tlall . 1 flnll decision for ' three more months. The DA!L Y PILOT teamed todlQ' pf the sixth .freeway route concept billed at by Vice MayOl' Rpbert M. W~ following a long public hearing OD the . freeway ~m issue Iast1 'l'Uesday. , M suggested, the route would run along the euterly llide ol eJlltlng Newport Boolevard, behind c:mimerclal developments f r o n t I n c on ~ tho""'8hf111, taking · out Jl\.O'flY older structures. . This route would run from Bay Street down to the arep of, East 17th, Street, crossing over lhe boulevard ln\erBeetion to tie into the so-called Blue Route, lying just west of Supertor Avenue. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, whose retiden- tial property will lie in the path of the new roule conceived by the vice maypr, also hinted at the latest freeway development after la!t weet'a meeting. He saia there is strong ev1dence to ·support thecries that the state Dlvl!iOn of,IUghwaya: wru·con.slder any Ntwpart Freeway route 111ggested by the clty. •Pot~-Mind -Gam·hle . · co.ta Mesa'•·Preferred route wi1J likely' · ~the deciding factor bt wh!dullpmen\ among . five now adv1DCeill -1f U!1 -will be' .. tect<d 'to IUj)enede the IM4 state choice along N e·w pot I Boulevard. . . I -· . . Only two er throe ftnt;j!me ums Otlt o1 10 w!O 111111« 1U!iOC COllltljlM!llCO from lheit 1ln! '"I" tact with marijuana. • • '... ·Tellln& 1t'.llft It ll, .Ali.a Blal""; IeO today In !hi sixth ol bls 'to.part "Dnlp 119" wltl lldmltl not e"'1 ,.......,. Who -llDOka t•pot" ..,. to pot. YOtl Clll .. ...u.c. -... I Lu v-lllol .....,,, .. -wltJ>. Otlt rilting your mind In !bl gamble. See Page I bel«e you ante up. ., The boulevard~following route was con. sklered be.fore the future Route $5 w11 .. °'\gronl<d freeway llalul. Geography, Plus a mere 20,000 · .Harbor Arta mldebta, made It the natural cholce. Newport Beach and, ba.olcalty. moot Cooia Mesans 1fllo hive studied !bl ID>- plltalions of I freeway rumilng down ·-I ii !!OW the area'1 .prjmlry lnl<rdty tbono~ 0 pp 0 i ... Iba! ll>C&lled Grem &ufa. --p~ lies In-the ~th ol !bl other prime contend!< f« eventua1J1 becomln& tho actual fr<eway. lht ll>alled Rod Route. .,. j\11\ u ISee l'REEWAV. P1gt !) . t • Mesa Police Fire After Halt Orders~ By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of llM Dlllr ...... l1eft Making the ultimate choice of hli: life -running from a Cost, Meaa camera shop burglary after five ont,ra to bait - a 1._year-old boy died early Sanday, hit wben police finally openld r;,,, ., he ran down I dark alley: . Ster>ben Stubblefleld, of 20112 Kline Drive, Santa Ana HeJgbta, w:u dead on arrival at ·Costa Meu. Memorial ' Hospital, with .31 caliber wounda In the chest and leg. orange County District Attorney Cecil A. !Dcka today ·studied prellmlnuy reports by bis invesUgator1 to establish the basis for shooting U:.e youthful felony suspect as he tried to escape. No deter·mination has been made about who among three policemen, Including a veteran patrol tergeant, fired ute· bullet , which killed young Stubblefield. Investigators are . allo studying, the possibility that the fatally wounded teenager had an accomplice who suc- cessfully fled the 10phtatJcated break·in at Corrigan's Cameru, 530 w .. lltb St., u PQllce arrived. »electives .no\ed that whoever CQR\· mllled ·the· ·rooftop burglary -which ~pPec:t· a' •ilent alarm moilitored ~•t P:"' lioe headquarteri-)Vas no amateur. in that particulll'11eid•of crime. · 1 -.. --. • • ~ ,.. 1 •• • N.Y. Stoeks TEN CENTS ·ar ,. CRUMPLED PLANE LIES AT ISOLATED IMPACT SPOT ·Two Flier• Died, Near Bu•.Y $ ........ , Many Wetchod ~ . ' ll'he joulli IYtdiiitJ)' enteiod ill# drill' ..... "'I"..,...,.. 1n· tM "'6f --. cultinc'olil I -large ....;gh to .-him to llide dowil lnto the btdldini M,es(i fl~~: Cr«sh· Kil ~·-.; 00 • . ..,,,. . A oeCoild rope wJtb a oack for loot I~ WU Jowertcf ·beakle the tnVf rope ·btfore squid cars pulled up Iller the Blll'Ql SJstem WIS tripped at 11~4$ p.m. Saturday, Sergea;nt Robert Balllnier, along with patrolmen ruchard Johnson and George Wilson, responded to the butglary-ln-pr~ gress broadcast and ~patted a shadowy figure in!lde the camera store. Shinnying back up the rope to the rooftop, tbe · burglat duhed across llOVeral adjacent bulldlngs, 1 .. ped down to the pav!ment and kept on running, as the officers chased bJm, thouUng to hall Sgt. Ballinger and lhe two patrolmen finally fired about elgilt rounds toward the fleeing tuspect, 1bout 150 feet away. with a concrete 'bank bulldlns ahiad of Pim, u a batbtop for slugs. • "It's unfortunate. T e r r I b I y un- fortunate,'' said Pollce 'Chlef Roger Neth (See BOY SLAIN, Pase Z) Dad Delivers Impatient Paddy Wee Michael McClain was in a big hurry to be born on this daf of days and tt'1 jll!I u welt tltllt bis proud father ta a do-l~yO\ll'!eU kind of Irilhman. For Eugene McClaJn, St, of Anabeia\ had to do ex~ that at 1'20 Un. today. Michael was ln no mood to watt for .tbe ambulance and lhe tiip to lflartin Lulher Hospltal and he let mother Joyce arid Oustertd falhet tno1r all 1bout it -and with the sun hardly iri the sky at all, al all. But Eugene did a fine Job of midwifery and be"B now back home car- ing for the other three wee McCJ.alm. Michael ii Uving jt tip amJCI i ahonr , of St. Patrick'• Day Cardi In bis happy .m~'s ll'm!I. if,ILOT PROBES PERU PROBLkMS I ...._' , nealdent Nilon'1 ~ OllVOf opeN ta1kl with Peru'1 rUllng military junta ~ c:n issua·o( Ptru set1tn1 an American oil corporattoo'1 mW!knJWoo- dopar o.per1Uon1 cunfire aimed . at American ft.shins boall on the .high ,... and a threat to brand the United .siatao an "economic aggressor." . DA!L Y PILOT Managtna . E ctlt o r Tbomaa Murphlne, aNr I janbt lo l.Jma, capital city <if Peru, qoiot4i ...., S tudeht Pilot, l nstrllcCtor . ' . . ' • A !t\ldent ·pjlot and his Instructor died Instantly .Sunday when thelr t\vin-engine plane spun tllziyingly·out of the balmy sld.es on a. prictice flight and smashed nose-rim into a grassy Costa Mesa.field. Crushed to death tn the wreckage were Instructor' Rlcharti H. Stowell, 2.3, ot Loa: Angeles. and his · student, Rlcbafd L. Fields, 21, ol Manhattan Beach. The Plpei: Apache was seen by scores -of wlb!Wes In busy neighliOrhood sl)op- plJlg centers 11 it spun down into the vacant lot just wt of Brl.stOl Street at, Patiladel Road. partially' out of the wreckage. · InveStigators for the Nat IO·n ~ t Transportation ·Safety Board at Los Angeles International, Airport said todly It will be some time before· cause Of the !udden crash 'can be delermioed. Stowell, a veteran,pJJpt, wu.r~portedly at the controls when tQe plane went down, shortly aft.er a practice toocft..and- go takeoff at Orange County Airport. lqvestigator,Robert Shaw,.of. tbe NTSB, sajd today, however that be ii "°''""' taln whether the student or .imtructor was: Dying' the craft' when unknown trouble sent Jt 1pinftlng eart.l:rwatd. Some witnesses estimated ihe altitude Hundreds -i ol. sightseers aathered as ponce roped of! the scene and covered the mangled' bodies, which were Spilled Saootage Probed · of the A~he .at a_bout 1,°"·fett, but Shaw said today that 1it-Jqay have:bien . somewhat lower, based on added in· forma'tiOn. · -· 111 V e0ezuelan . I Cr~~h l\iJJin g.150 Rad.io contact had been steady with the orange CoUnly .Airport.cdntrol tower, but . n~ther flier gave ~ wamina of trouble before the 1:40 p.m. er.ash. . · Costa lw1esa police officer Dave . Dye, was the first lawman to re'ach the icene and notified headquarters ·to call in eor· oner's deputies to handle the two victim& MAMC,UOO ._ Venezuela (UPI) -Neither suffered, because deal!> wu Venezuelan auQJorWts aald today there ~ercilully quiet at .the instant of ,rio- wu "real evidence" of sabotage ln the · ~g.lmpact. which sent t)fo or three · pieces of wrecka~ fiytng1 but left most Sunday crash ol. a Venezuelan jet airliner olltbe Apache-an intact wad of twisted which caught fire oo ·takeoff and alashed m,taJ. ~ugh a. WOf~B ;c~ suburb: like ' Th~ Costa ~e~.r.lre~~~t-ar~ 8 flamina knife, kllllng· more thp,n 150 riVed on the. scene, bdt ·tM 'Wrectaie · • . ' ISee l:llASU; P1t1t· t I perSOM. , ·-----'----.....!.---, Th4; er1$h .was ' hist0rr's · wo~t ajr . •- disaster. It kiUed all 8$ or r7 aboard 'OrBDlle the plane, another 67 . oo the irouOO, · ... •nd le!t 1ZS other persons; injured. 1 • Pedro P~ Perazo, politlal idlrector of. the interior .ministry, . told the I newipaper Ultimu NoUclu today in .1 CaraCll \here wu "'real evidence of sabotlee'-and that· he WU flyin1 here I to . lnvutigate the pooatblllly 1t · the , cll-stte.~ . • . 1be:re already had been rumors· Uw.t • ...,,. ol the' ]iaslengeh abooril the pluo .... dllayed '"" •· --fllght from • John r. Kenneitf.<Alrport ht N~· York · by I "bomb SUR" wlllcb •fiiW t ier • rnaterlallze. • · 1 • • • • · ; • AD IS pertolfl aboard llie')(iaml,bound ' • Vida DC t,. tncludlnl a Anierieam, · wm killed: ~t jtln r( ~ 1il tho working clf" suburb of Zfruma illed wtlen the jettli11!l'.1llc0d Dainfng'throuilh their bomea just ·btlore "°'In• 1i\cl' °'111 two mlnut'f ·after takeOd lrOm Grano De Oro Al(Jiort. • ~tp<aes lald the plahe'1 !tit 1ui:blne wa spouUnc Barnes even 11 the \Wm..nglned,crart 1iftad oil u., end Weatlter That fo_g that creePs 1n on little cat feet Wµl ' .do . .Ome pqsa)!fociUng •long· the """" .to-. ntjht, ·'but· 'after · m1~;t;Jna · Tuesday it11 be fi.lr and warm wtfh the mercuQd n tbe·mlddl•' .60'•· . INSW E TODAY Tht qut.stfon l&a'1 bttn an.- 1 atcered£. a fa# catamaran U no ·1 m{ll<:~ for • weµ.1ajled aloop. • A11c Buddu'. Ebstn and' Pat Dou- Qdn who proved it • oocr IDttk· , trid. Boating Poge 21. ...... ti -a c1nfMwll1 ,, c...,.. ,... ,<-kr • IS ........ """"' -.!I ~ to an eni.rprilln1 -no l>f1 In Ns ... 11111... fo.<le!llh ~ .. ·1111 "'" • ternalional dlll-llanger. Fer tho Nlloii admlntltratlon, wm It be' fr>'bttr pan er fuO In South Amotla?' s..· Pogo :ZS today. ' . ol111e runwoy Ind ttarl<d drot>!>lnl. • •n barely g<>1 up to 100 11\0ten (aU Iott)," one eyewitoeu lald. '11 pillied like a .I.lam In 1 knife Just· ••et• U. Cap tollo Theater. and llJIUhld, Into ,. -.. ,_..........._ ' -.. ~lllMIJllt ... • ---.. """'-• • 1•1, ...... c.. • -.. IS.. JE:f CllAlljt, Pogo II 1 All!I """'"" I I l ·, • L ~ -=-----.....--·~· -:--------· ~-~"':"'' ··=· =-·-· ··-·-~·-·=·-·=· ... -..... .,,. ....... s .. a ..... u ....... _, ....... , "£'""'' llCIO¥O'llt&•ec110""'e"'l•IC.PL ---& ---:•t ... '!". ¥111!'2 Pi •• SPOIOS'!'CI'"!.'""!' ..... •.'!""-'!"""'"'"""'"""7''" ... ---<-..,--·---.---..-. ---. -~ ---- • c Fire -Kills . Coupl~ Balboa Pair ·Burn. to Death in. BUize \ ' -. 117 JORN VALTERZA ot .. Otllr , .... , ... A B&Iboa C1:1Uple burned to death before dawn today in a roarina fire that d e 1 t r o y e d a beachfroot home and heavily dam.aged two othen:. 1be threH!arm !>We ... ke oul In the front part of a twNtorJ frame llause at 41 f E. ocean Front at about * * * . I a.m. The Ml lll up tho · roea sky. The dead were Jdentlfied by polJce as Mrs. Patricia Johnson Ruby, 40, and Richard Slanley Hadden, 38. Mn.· Ruby'• t.eoqe daupllr, who lived wltb Mr mother, 'WU not at home al tho Ume. Hodckn ond Mra. Rub)', were found 'It's All * * * Gone' But 'Mutte~' Vows to Begin Again DAll..''I" PR.OT ............ llLONGINGS CHARRIO Mro. Irma Wohrt Ex=school Aide Gertrude Myers Succumhs at 64 Funerol lltrVlcu will be held al 11 a.m. Wednesday, il-t Bell Broadway Memorial Olapel, 110 Coata Mesa, for Mn.1 Ge:r1rude M,a1. Mn. lol)IS'I, who came lo Coot.II. Mesa u J1!r lll'il llChool nurlO ln 1949 and ,.~·i. become director ol Health ServlttS for lbe Newpor\-M.,. Unillad School lllllriCI, died on March 11. She ~uM. C.OCemed with cblldmt'1 wtllon pro- grll!ll, Mn. Myers orlsJ!laled the Ellis Club Chl1Blmu pnllrlln, wtth help '"' needy children lhrouCbout the yeor. She o!llO nlabllahed a denial beolth c:enler ln -aUon with lbe Newport ll"ch An!lla!tce Leque, pnwtdfn1 n:ruJar denial care for needy cblldren. 'l'b""1gh 1be Costa M"o Llono Club, Mn. MJm arranpd. for eye exams and 11..... for tho,. who oth<rwi>e could nol olford them. I F.....,.P .. el JET CRASH. • • -· ltoel, telephone )lOOla and parked clfl u well u a bus from wbich four dead we.re recovered as well as two Injured." The flamln& wreckqe lelt a path of mi!ery and lem>r lhroulhoul lbe Zlrumo tone, that lncludea homu ol lndfana u ... n u the worttnc-cJw dlllricll ol I.& COrubo and I.& Trlnldad. lll\11~ l'llUr 01U.M1 COAIT PUILllHIMO C0M"AHY a.wtM.W..4 ,.,.......,.."*...,. "''"" a. c~rll'f .,. "'•'*"' .... o--.. lrMM- n ...... ic •• .,;1 --Tll•fllll A. Mlf,,tilRI ~"* 111i., ''"' NI•"" .......... 1-1111 Cli.wtw c.... .. _°""' )JO Wed 1.., Sttttl M•htt~ P.O .... 1160, tlll• --~ ............. 1m1'#1tt .... ~ ! UWM ~: ttl ..... , A .... fflM(;clM ,.ldl: ., tlfl ....... • I AJ the red clow lodad ,,_ the Hy --thO .• bloclc ol Eul OcUn J'ninl Ibis mornln(, Mn. Irma Wehn -lllml:f amonc ber neJpbora, w114dns the .amoke and her Ufe11 wort pour out' ol lier Balbol beacblnml home. In the cbllly roe, tho Joni·llmt Harbor :Ana'rulauraleur, a Dlllve ol Germuy, -her head ond oold qulelJI': "'l'ben wu chino In that bouM thal wu 3SO yun old, and now Jt'1 all ..,.,.. "I looked out on lbe ftOlll porch and AW the lllmu ond tho fin chuod me back throuib lbe bouM. I had llmt a>ly lo rrab 511)1 dOI and nm.'' 'l1lo IObual woman, !mown "1 lrlenda M ''MuUer" (Gmnin far mother) WUD't • lllralllft lo the reporter. l>'AILY PILOT reporter John Vol- IDd Mn. Wehr! flnt mel Jn far boppler -thne weeb qo, He and fellowl<)IOl1er Rudf NledlielUI dellvmcl a tona letter and pbotol from '1Mutter'I" reJallVOI Jn Germany. 'l1lo fomlly llVI the meaqe lo Rudi 1bor11J belon he 1111 Gernw\Y for NrNJ)Orl roct11tly. 11Mutter" had ODe of thole nJce German iype bowrea with a cuckoo clock en tho wall, porcelain on the manttl ond pboloerapha ol Iha lomlly all around. She had her Gmnan lhepherd, lllomard; loo. A hJibl,J protecllvt dOI "ho odoru her. Now •be hu only the doe. FNM P .. e I FREEWAY ... hollJ oppooed lo It. On the face or it, the new route probably to be advanced by Wilson would appear to 80.lve the primary objections named b7 lou Of both the Gr.en and the Rad.Slue rooltl. Namtly, they are preservaUon of the existlng boulevard as an inter-city local and belch lralllc rvuia. u well u talvaUOn of the old bualnea diatrlct, •·hlch would theonllcall7 boom fan· t.utlcally, relleved of the fateful freeway ,question. Newpcrt lleoch olllcioll bllve cbooen lhe Blue lloule freewoy poth olot11 Superior Avenue to the future Pacific Cout Freeway aa their own particular preference. Any Coata Men-.approved route which would compaUbly connect. wilh that Blue Route will llkely become tb.e otncial cholce of the state Highway Commlnion, ae<ordin& lo Harbor Arta thlnldnJ. 1be Newport Freeway 11 due for con· struction by the mid-uvenUes, however. and state otficials are anlious to settle tht: question and move ahead with definite steps . From Pqe I BOY SLAIN. •• today, as the dlstrlct 1ttorney probed the fatal 1hootlna: of young Stubblefield. •·But in tlli' dark, you can't tell If a ausped is 14 or 40," the chief added, notln& that he was nee1n1 the actne of a felony crlme after adequate wam!ng to hall The chue ltd from the camera lhop, across a sbopplnc cenltt porklnl lol 8a'OSS 19th Street and down an alley toward the bank before punuera opened lire. Orange Counly Shertrro Office crime lab technlclans covered the ecene af· lerward, complllnc mlnute delaill for the district attorney'• 1nvett.111Uon, 11k· ed by Chief Ntth. lnvestlgalon noi.d that the rooftop entry wu done in what they called a hlghl7 \)l"Ofuslonal bur1lory ltclmlque, compl.l'td to ordinary pried doon or window amuh Jobi. Younc Stubbltneld WU the IOl'I of Mn. HeJ,. Ellla. ol IOUJ KlJno Dl1,., In county terr11or7 j1lll outalde Colla M.,. di)' llmill. The body WU laktn to Watcllll Morluar)' prior lo a coroner'• autopoy, multi ol which are expecled lo be Rimi lo lbe dlltr1cl allomey Iller ln Ute week. No luntral amnremenla had been mode "1 noon loday, accordlnc lo • spotwnan for the morluory. O!a1tlcl Attorney Hlcirl llld loday thal he upecll a compltle report oo the a~atb Tuuday, with 10mt crbne Jab due la!tt In the week. 1be 111rte1 •li•rner. loday declined to diKua: tither the hlltOl'f or nature ol any prior oflenat1 b)' lbe Stubblelltld boy. "1be boy ii dtctued. Ht'• nol on trial, ao I wouldn't want to ·~ anythln& about that," Hicks uplained. ' . ( .. on the floor of a rear bedroom huddkd togethtr. Houses flanking tbe Ruby home were heavily damaged by the blaze. The home of Mrs. Irma Wehrt at 415 Ocean Fron& WU tutted. The dowmlaln portion ol the bulldfnl o1ao auffered heayy damap. No eslimatn ol damaae were Im· medlately available, but f i r e m e n speculated that the total would reach at least '45,000. To tbe welt, a linglHtory frame house had a charred roof IDd waul. Jt was uooccupled. Fire . investigators sWI combed the 1ctne late ~ morning in efforta to deltrmlne tho ca'tii'i ol the bfue, loulhl by crewmen from JO Harbor arta fire 1rucu. One fireman aullered a badly cut hand when ohalterlng wlndOw glul bll him aa be enlend the burnln& dwollln1. Wllllam Van Horn, 411, a veteran of the Newport fire department, was taken t.o Hoag Memorial H03pltal for emergen· cy treatment. He wu later releaud. Firemen speculated the fire atarted In the lr<>nl ol Iha bouM, poe1lbly Its front porch. The houJe was totally in· volved in name when they arrived. The home was covered by asphalt siding over cedar ohlnt!u, wblch cauaed the lire I< ll)lfUd qulcldy, !ln!men llld. A Newport police patrolman received cosnmendallon 10< bla performance al lbe !In! -lbla mornJni. Ofllcer Keith Colllna ...., pralse lmn bla auperlon "for clillJnlUllblnl illmleU with al<rlneu and ......,. with the tm- medlatt ....WI ol llvts belnc saved thn>uab bla acllons.'' Pollce Aid Colllnl 1wakened nearby reatdenlt and .. lered the burnlnc bulldfnl al 411 E. Ocean Front lo help the occuponla out. Irvine Teen=ager Said Critical After Smashup A 17·year~ld boy from Irvine lay nw death today, after bis compact car wu anwllad broadlld• lale Sunday night at a Costa Mesa intenectlon. 'J'bomu Mcllermoll 17, ol 1110 MIM St., w a 1 dt:Jcribed by nunea at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital u bein1 in a coma a.nd in extremely critical con- diUon with head injuries. The youth wu drlvina: eut on Baker Street at io:fO p.m., when hJs car entered the interaectlon at Red mu A venue and an oncomlna: car alammed into the drlver'a side. Molorlll Cynthia A. Schealer, :14, of lilt Roanoke St., Tuslln, aullered chin cutl, but wu civen tint aid at the scene by poUce and did not require hoopllallzatlon. She reportedly t cl d lnvestiaat.or1 McDermott wu lookinl south, away from her, 111 he pulled tnto her path, but police are atlll trytnc to determine the collision cawse. From Pege 1 AIRPORT ... Richard Hanna (D) Fullerton, Sienator George Murphy and probably Senator Alan Cramton, Newport Beach f.fayor Doreen Marshall. Newport city attorney Tully Seymour, Mayor Pinkley, Meaa Planning Commissioner Jack llammelt and Mesa Planning Director 'Vllliam Dunn. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. f.tonday In Utt's Washington office. The following day, Tuesday, Ill< thre .. man Costa Mesa delq:ation will appear before \he Civil Aeronautics Board to endorH aubstant1ally a plan for new air rout.. between Orangt County and the Podflc Norlh'lltSI. The Ntwp0rl dtltptioo ii scheduled to appear btlore the ume ll'OUP-to oppose further ooe ol Orange County Airport facllitif:! . Father of Pilot Sales Chief Dies Carl 1~ant.enltn Sr.. national ad· \'erti&i.ng manapr for the San Fernando Valley Tlmea and lather ol Carl C.rstwen Jr., newly .. ppolnled nallooal and automotive advertJ&lnc 1 a l" I man1,.r Of the DAILY PILOT, dlad Sunday ln Memorial Hoopilal, Panorama Clly, ofter a short um... Mr. ClnteMen, ts, wu a veteran ol « )'tar> tn the newapaper buatnua. He gptnl 13 yun with Ill< Vollty Times and before cominc to Callfornia "'II promoUoo mana,er with tbt Chica10 Dolly NtWI lot II yur1. Born ln Plenoa, Jowa, he 1ttAndtd Momlnplde Collep (Iowa) and the Unlveralty of ctdclgo, where ht mtjortd In bual,_ ochnlnlltraUon. Surv!'1nt, In lddlllao lo Carl Jr., ara h11 wife, Mary; a aistu1 Mn. Paul Severance Cll Phot:niJ, Aril .• and three grandcblldren. ' ! •• ' ' l Pl.IL.Y PILOT ..... W....., lit:....., FLAMES CONSUME SECOND STORY OF .OCEAN l!RONT HOME WHERE COUPLE DIED lnvHtlgetora Soak Cauoa of Newport Blan Which Diato'oyad'Ona Homo, Damaged Two Othara Opposite Sides of Fence Newport, Mesa Outline Northwest Flight Positions By JEROME F. <:OLLINS Of "" c.llJ '"'' .... and the Plcillc Nmthweat'." 1be ciUes ol Newport lleoch ond Colla . MeJI loday took lcnnal -on both sldea of the , Pacific Northwat fil&bt route controversy. Tbe Coot.II Meaa council did nol formally go oo record favoring lbe llighla until last weet. 'Ibe vote wu s.2. P~ey explained that the earlier a.ffidavit. u. ticlptt!n, the action, was prepared and "511 lo Ill< CAB "lo keep the door open." He also enumerates several Industrial part projects near the c:oonty locllll)', that wo<ild benelll from the propoeed lllghts. They Include the 1,1~ lrvlna lndUJlrlal /;:ompla and the 1,lllO-oaO Segentrom lndulllrlal Dlllrict. '' Newport completed Jiil "alelemail ol poslllon" ogaln!I the lncrtued Orange Counly Airport aervlce, wblle Coot.II Mesa wrapped up Ill 1ta~t:nt favorini the addJtlonal flights, which would provide service to Suttle, Wash., and Portland, Ore. The statements are 'directed to the Civil Aeion1uUc1 Board. They wlll be offlclally submitted to the CAB when it takea up the proposed flight awards at a hearlnf In Wublnlfon, D.C., Mm:h 25. He said the Jan. 29 affidavit had to be sent by that date in ordu to 8llU1'e Costa Mesa a pos:ltlon on the CAB agenda on March is. The Costa Mesa stand, a1 outlined b7 Pl>kley, a.....rts thal Ill< Pacl!lc Northwf:llt service ls required by in· dustrial, recreational, educational and population lfOwth of the arta. He point.a out that ooe million penons live wU.hl.n a 15-mUe radius of County Alrporl and "many ol theoe peroons have ties with the Pacific Northwest either with relaUves and frienda ot business.'' Pinkley further nol<I thal UCI would benelil from the aervlce "by ending people from the campua lo the n«thw..t to participate Jn academic aa well u fPOl'ling activiUes." In addiUon, he lLstNl such courty •t· tracUOns aa Disneyland, A n ah e i m Stadium and CoovenUon Center and KnoU.s Bury Fann u instituUon1 that· require direct fllg)M between the count)': and the Pacific Northwest. Tbe PJnlcley slattmenl oli!O nole• lhal Seattle now has an American Lel,uti bueball club, which would preswnably fly to games at Anabe1n: Stadium, the heme al lbe Calilcrnla Anfeb. . The Newport statement wu written by City Allomey Tully Seymour. II was prepared at the cijrection of dty coun- cilmen who l1Illnimowlly voted to oppose the fiighll one month Ill"· <lalmlni the added service wouJd "eucerbate an already intolerable jet nolae problem" in the community. Jn bJa alelemenl to the CAB, Seymour cites these addlUOnal reuons for Newport's po11Uon! LUlo Isle Teen Nabbed ' -1be pbyolcal !lmilaUons of Counly Airport "will not permit the effective use ol the airport" by lbe olrllnes seeitnc the Paelffc N"orthwut routea. IJmitaUont noted are the length of runways and "inadequate" terminal and parking faclllUes. For Drugs After Chase -The PacUlc Northwest fiighta would be Incompatible with exlatlna: land uaes around the airport, would be contrary to the politlon taken lut week by the County Board of Supervisors (S-2 against lhe lllthlll) and would conll!CI with the Pereira AJr Transportation'a Muter Plan ncommendaUon that the a I r po r t ' 1 ultimate we be that of a metroport, which has a 400-mlle commercial night limitation. -The proposed long-range route service "would pre-empt airport capacity which could olherwise be used for crucially needed air taxi and short haul aim muter serv ice." Costa Mesa's conlrast.ing po6ition is oullined in a(fidavlta aigned by Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley. One is currently dated ; the other was signed Jan. 29. Both urged th e CAB "to authorizt new air service between Orange County Airport A Lido Isle teenager running ,from 1 Coot.II Mesa policeman Sunday nlllbl was finally caught and arrested on a dru1 charge, when a woman turned over two pink capsules tossed into her patio at the same Ume. Investigator• sa1d her cooperation was not essential to the apprehension of the 17-year-old suspect, however, since he was carrying four marijuana cigarettes ln his pock'tt. Officer Dennis Hossfeld atopped two youngsters on a street corner and was given perml.s.!ion to search the Newport Beach resident, who was carrying no identification . The patrolman said the boy jerked away when he felt wha t turned out to be contraband items in his hip pocket, then fled down Anahtim Strttt as the officer radioed for assistance. He was caught and returned to the scene, while a woman who told of watching the foot chase called the head· quarters to turn in two pink pills she NW come flying over.htr fence. 1be a!Tesl<e --1rm1, police aald, showed 11 lreab needle marlla - was booked into Orange County Juvenile Hall on ~cion of J>ClllffSlion ' of mari· . Juana and dangerous drup. From Page I CRASH •.. dld not bw'n and witnesses aaid they heard no engine sound, indlcatin1 the craft ~lalled and never regained power .. The bodies of Stowell and Field! were taken to Westcliff '-1ortuary after removal by the Cost.a 1.fesa Police Search and Rescue squad, but no furneral ar· rangements had been made by noon today. The ill-fated plane was owned by Bate« Aviation Inc., and based at Hawthorne Airport, where the fiight originated Sun. day. Q OMEGA -ACCUTRON -BULOVA '1 AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE !i) COMPLETE JEWELRY REPAIR •ring•. sized end repaired e diamonds and precious stones remounted e pearls restrung WE CUSTOM DESIGN i MANUFACTURE ALC TYPES OF JEWELRY HARIOR SHOl'l'IN• CINTU JJOO HAllOl .. VD. COSTA MW Ml-HH HUNTIN•TON CINTll llACH • IDlllMll HUNTIN•TON llACH HJ-1101 ''. I • ' . • ' . . ' •' f '• • .,. ' '• • ' _..._ < ' ,..., ' .·•· • I { I ·" • • 1Ma,.ijuana I s Dlegal By ALTON BLAKESLEE A~ ,,_ kll9a Wrlflf One lndilputable fact every teen-ager ahoold know about marijuana la lbal It~ against the law. Under federal statutes, m e r e ~on of the drug for peraonal nse r,-;ftJony. CO.oviction can mean two to ten years in prison, loss of dvil rightl Ind a crl.mi.nal record that will do& you lot the rest of your )ile. Some state laws are even mote severe. RecenUy, federal law was changed lmpollng stlll penalties !or simply having LSD on your person. or for possealng pep pllll, barbituratff or tr.anquilizen unless they had peraooally been prescri!J. ed for you. Lawa governing illegal manufacture, 1a1e and distribution of variOUJ mind-influencing drugs also were made more zevere. "I've had to pick up the pieces of boys and girls in trouble from using drugs," 1ay1 a psychiatrist at a well known university, "and it isn't pleasant." How many youths are getting into health trouble through mind-drug use isn't known. (Abuse of a1cohol, which af. fects the brain, bas raulted in six mil· lion alcoholics.) Young people are more easily harmed than Uleir elders by hallucinogenic and other drugs ·partly because they have "a yet-uncrYstallit.ed system of pemnali· ty,'' a psychiatrist aays. "The kids who shouldn't use drugs are the ones most likely to do so and lo become hUrt," says Dr. Martin D. Kleber, Yale psychiatrist. "It's possible you can use some drug and be one of the seven or eight out of 10 who won't get hurt. But do you know whether you won't be the odd man out? With LSD, you don't know but what one trip might cause damage," be adds. \Vhile most people who smoke pot occasionally do so with no apparent harm. physicians have reported some Instances of bad reacUons., such as "hav· log the horrors" for aeveral hours af. terward. Reactions also vary because the reelers a vailable to most youngsters vary in potency -and some are simply nothing but 50me weed , others may be laced with a stronger drug. Pot is insidlous because it creates a false sense of well-being due to im· pairment of critical judgment, says Dr. Abraham Wlkler, University of Kentucky psychiatrist. Marijuiqi.a and LSD make it possible to avoid problems, to evade reality, he aays, but "real life requires critical judgment" "We don't know the answers to ques- Valley Chamber Women to Meet An organizational meeting for the Womm's Division of the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce will be held 9:30 a.m., Wednesday in the: Guy FawkM Restaurant, Brookhw-st S~ an d Warner Ave11ue. Chamber President, Charles Dixon, Jr., has extended an invitation to all interested Fountain Valley women to attend this first organizational meeting. For further Information call Dixon at ~2-4411 during busine!!s hours. liorui about the long-term use of marl· juana," says Dr. John C. Ba!J, sociologist formerly with the U.S. Public Health Service's Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Ky., and now at Temple University. "We don't have good iJl.. formatioD on college students who use it daily for four years or so." In some cwntries abroad, like North l\frica where more powerful hashish is available, there are ''skid rows" of habitues using the drug regularly. They are vagabonds, withdrawn rrom society, some of . them mentally disturbed. Whether the drug actually caused this Ls argued by medical people. The health casualty rate from LSD Is far higher and more apparent tha n from marijuana. Bad trips or freak-outs have sent a small parade of youths to hospitals with panic reactions, or with psychotic episocles that last days, weeks or months. ...., At New York City's Be1Jevue Hospital. more than 130 patients were treated for LSD-induced psychoses in an IS. month period, says Dr. Donald B. Louri~, president of the New York State Council on Drug Addiction. Even after treatment, one-sixth of them were not sent home, but on to other Institutions for more prolonged treatment. Similar figures are reported by medical groups in other areas ol the country. Curiously, some LSD users have "flashbacks'' -they re-live a former LSD trip, good or bad, weeks or many months later. When Urls happens, some wonder if theyi are losing their minds. This may imply lhl!-~ LSD can set off some chronic process in the human brain. LSD has driven a few persons to Intentional suicide. Fantasies in.spired with LSD have led others to death by jumping out windows or walking ·on highways in the belief they could Oy, or had become invisible. "The trouble with LSD ill that once they've taken it, people are not objective anymore -they don't see themselves accurately anymore,'' says one drug authority. "It is Inadvisable for an todividual who takes even one dose of LSD to make a major decision about himself for at leesl three months," says the director or one university's beallh 5ervices. The claim that LSD sessions lead to creativity in art, music or writing is FOUNTA IN VALLEY HIGH HONORS TWO SENIORS Keith E. Arledge Two 1.1-year-old Seniors Honor ed by Va lley Hig h Two 17-year-old senior1 have been selected by the studenU ot Founlain Valley H!gh School as oo\Jtanding boy arid a:lrl for March. Donna Marie Weber, daugbttt of Mr. and Mrs. F. s, Weber, 17381 Santa SUzan. ne, Fountain· Valley, la deputy pep com- m!Mioott oa, Ult studeol """'°I and (l~!J' Uague vk:e prtl!denl She plans to attend Olyton University In Ohio or Golden West College next year. Keith E. Arledge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester 8, Arledge, 1'809 Mulberry Circle, Fountain VaUey, is a varsity athlete Jn football, basketball and ba,.balt Ho hopes to mejor In theology ot Oklahoma Bapillt \Tnlvel'llty. Both students were cboatn on the basis of I.heir service, scholanhlp, 11.ppcarance and athlcllc ability. • not supported by most o b J e ct I v e observers. Many say the work: produced during a session is shoddy, or that after a trip the person doesn't produce anything from the visions and insights prompted by the drug. Enthusiasm for LSD bas cooled since scientific reports began appearing that the drug may damage a person'• chromosomes ..:.... the carriers o f hereditary traits. 1 This could mean that people who use or have used LSD might produce babies with congenital defects, although there is no proof yet that LSD actually does have such effects. other mind drugs are not always as safe as devotees may picture them. Morning glory seeds have caused psychotic .reactions, delirium, and anx· iety in some young persons. Peyote has been blamed for or associated with anx· iety and other reactions. Barbiturates and sedatives cause numerous deaths, especially when mixed with other drugs or with alcohol, or because the person forgets how much of the drug he has already taken. And some people become psychologically dependent upon pep pills to start out each day, in college, or in their careers. Large doses used to stay awake can induce dangerous delusions, as ln one truck driver who thought someone was chasing him with a gun. He wrecked bis truck. s.11111 11 19 "'Drwll .....,, Or•JtM CNJt D1ltr ,.1111, ,,0, !IQ I, THllKk. N. J. t76M." M1•1 dllldtl """'le "' Auwllhel ,,._ ... 111. wlQ lie IMI._ •lrKllY " ~ .... 1llc1 tt.lr ,,...,.. 11111 w1r n wu1 lit ntul'ftllll 111 111ar11 Mft- (Tomorrow: Whal parents can do about mind drug1.) Youths Reminded To Take Plunge 1 11 Swim Program A reminder has been issued by the Fountain Valley Parks and Recreation Department that its competitive swim- ming program will begin today. Area youth from 5 to 17 are In vited to enter the program in preparation for summer compelitiOn. CoacheJ this year are J ack Strapp, assistant swim coach at La Quinta liigh; Chuck Morrill, L<is Amigos High, and Henry Horton of Fountain Valley High. Registration fee for the eight-week CQurse ii $10 and may be paid at the Fountain Valley City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave., from 8 p.m. to 5 p.m., any week· day. Westminster • , Burglar Busy Two or more burglars went to work early Friday at W~ter High School, touring classrooms, but without any a~ parent succes,,, Police aaid the school was entered sometime between 11:30 p.m. Thursday and 1:30 a.m. today. School Principal Ferren Christensen discovered the entry and reported it. The burgla.rt entered by prying open a metal abop door on the west side . of the campus. Investigators aald they worked their way through buildings, prying cabinets all along the way. Officials are checking for po5Sible loss, but had discovered none yeL Finally, they entered l he ad· ministration building, where they pried open a larat sale, but failed to open a smaller vault containing some cash. Beach Lihra1·y Needs Volunteers Part lime workers to man the Hun- tington Beach Bookmobile Jre now bt:ing sought by !he City Public Ubrary. Working hours will be between 5 p.m, 31nd 9 p.m. MondJY through Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. Applicants must h11.ve completed two years of college. Studmtll, however, will not be accepted. Inquiries may !>< directed to jh~ Hun- tington Beach Ubrary, 12$ Mam St, IJG-9327, Girl Picked As 'Envoy' To Europe . .. JIM Caley, a oenlor at Huntlogtm Beach 11Jib Sc!IOOI bu beeo oelected u student lmbuoa<lor to Emope UDdir the hople-to.Peoplo Program. Jae, If, II the dalJibte al Mr. ud Mn. Juneo c. Clley, 111:1 Soowblnl Drive, Huntington Beach. Tbe People-to.Poople Program, launch- ed by Presideot Ebeobower In Ulf, II an effort ol prlvate cltlmll to promote International uodentondlng. Students m selected on the bull of acbolarahlp, club 1ctivtUes and civic wort. Miss Caley will travel to Washington, D.C. In June where she and other i;tudents will be introduced to U.S. and loreljn olliclala. They will tour the city before departing on their 45-day trip. The group will visit England, France, Austria, Romania, Greece, It:aly, Spain and Portugal. Jn England and AU!lria the students will be guest! in private homes. Student meeUnp have been ·planned in the re- maining counlrles. Miss Caley has studied French and Latin in high school and bu been acUve with the Girl Scouts and in her dlurcb. Chaperoning the groop will be Mrs. Betty Patterson and Mills Rae Payne, teachers in. the Long, Beach Ullili.ed School Dlltrk:t. ~, .. M°""', Mll<fl 11, 1969 WINS EU ROPE TRIP Huntington'• .l•n• C•l•y Burk e to Watch Tideland Funds Assemblyman Robert H. Burke (R· Huntington Beach) bas been appointed to a committee whole main purpose la to be a watchdog o•er Udeland fund.. The appointment of the 70tb district representative to lhe Joint Legislative Comm.JUee oa Public Domain ·was an-nOunced by Aoaembly Spelker Monagan. In add1Uon to Its watchdog fole, the Ct>mmlttee will study and evaluate the development of Ude and submerged land! and evaluate their 111e and po~. (SJ Badham Asks Probe ·Of Pollution Aaembl)'llllD Roberl E. Badhm> '(Ro Newport Beach) aald todll' be Is ...,. fident a state lnqulry Into \be raw 1eWage pollutton problem wW be autborlaed by the A&sembly. Badbam. ii co-author of 1 resol.uUon r.quesling the study by ao ad boc Assembly committee. It WB! !Jllroduced 18!1 Tbunday. "What we want to do ii to set something going on the state level ao we can be assured this won't happen agaln," Badbam explained. Sewage from broken lines in Riverside has been powing Into the Santa >,pa River and fouling eight miles of ocean waters oU Newport Beach and, Hun- Ungton Beach sinco late J.,...ry. AJsemblyman Robert IL Burke (R· Huntington Beach) la also Jllllhlng !or passage of the resoluUon. It la now, in the Assembly Rules committee.. "I expect lt to be passed nut weet," aald Badbam. Tbe Newport leglalainr, terming the Pollution a "terrible tragedy," dilagreed wllh BW"te's n!ported cbaracterlllUon of It as sometbi.ng "borderln1 on crlm1Da1 negligence." "I wouldn't go that far.'' aakl Badham. "What happened wasn't anUcipated. It couldn't be forseen." I He Indicated tbal tbe committ.. probe might resuJI in otate -to belp Newport and Huntlngtoa Beach pay !or: cleaning up their be~ "' debris """' the river. A 'All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Satuniay; -~~!!!v'I•~ n um-. ~~E ACCOUNT , TOQAYI ,.,hct-fal..,...n1 MW1ne•M111y Lw' l'l'ln .. 98! ......... _ .. ___ ._ ...... _ """'"hnn,,..,... Kodal-pot; ... • /f/ll//ltoll prtm .. grwt for all oa:mbL 111 on cWgn, _.on pbl ........ .., , ... fw•rt••Nrl 'Iola ela' rayon prfrltt .. _, _.., ;modlltis~ ............ A11ort•d print• for yoor sprint _ .......... • .. -1.2974 utlifwllo "' .. -...... Ow '°"1Wla/ ....... ,.... .. .,..., ,,.,.. "* ,... ... .., ... c-... _ .. ,.... 4'/U"wlolo 1e2974 COSTA MESA (H1rbor Shopping Confer) ....... flockelll tilt ltroodcl.rtt ,..,. • A •i.od el <0ttoo/Awti< - 0-.... la'll, aicn1 ..... ttt11i or flO INnlftf. Comt1 In astontcl ..ion. 3'"wtde 98~. • 'Ttlltll,.,..... rnW..W.bih Ow.._ ................ _ ... ...,_ ........ ,......o...t .......... ---...... 11/Wwlolo 4 e9974 HUNTINGTON BEACH (Hunlinglo~ Confer) NEWPORT BEACH (F11hion Jil1nd) • • • • ' I cc...... .... Dlltr .... ,...., AilM c. Golgitr, 19, Falls ,qiurCb, Va., a student at .Reed College in Portland, Ore., "wa1:' arrested. when her suitcase b'urst open at .O'Hare airport m Chlc~o and marijuana and h~sbish fell out. "That will teach me to be ne-a't," she said. ' • The "O'Sheraton,O'Boston Ho- tel/' known e!'erv .other day of Ille ~tar simply a.t Ilk S-ton Boston, qlso 1DiU, change · for St. Palrick'• Day the"name. of the El· Dlablo . Room 'to· th<. El L" prechautio Ropm. · The offidal greetixg' todo11 will be "The Top of the Mprning Ole" - and aince an attempt to make '°""d be<f and CabbaiJt Wr· tillas tDC11 Unsucct1ssfu!, the prin- ripal mtnu change will' be from tequila to.Irish coffee. . '. When asked where her lawyer was, Mrs.. M•ud• E • .-V•n Kirk, 47, told ·a Denver County-Judge: "God is my attorney." Mrs, Van Kirk then proceeded to defend ·herself against a charge of running a red light ID' swearing the light was green. She "won her ca:Se. -- Soggy · Survivors· Survivors of the sunken Llberum freighter Vain_. quer stI:uggl• up a ladder from their lifeboat to board the USS Hyman, which picked up all but one of the 31 weekend reservists aboard when the Val.na quer exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico. A ·radio operator is still missing. Cominercial Banks Hike Short Warsaw Pact Meet Follows Delay Prime Rate: 71h Percent BUDAPEST (UPI) -Leaders of tbe Communist Warsaw Pact nations met at the summit for only t.wo hours today after a six-hour delay reported caused by Romania's refusal to go along with Russian condemnatioo of .Red China. 100 Planes Lost Since Bomb Hal.t SAIGON (UPI) -American •ir '!'l"•daa poundlng <;Ornmun!Jt aupply routes in Laos in h'undred1 of raids daily have lost at least 100 planes to ground lire siDce Ille bombing of North Vietnam was stopped Nov,.; 1, U.S. aources said todlly. - ' The aources said tbe U.S. air raids In Laos, ,mostly along Ille -Ho ci1l Minh supply trail winding into South Vle\nam, have been. about as intense as they .were against North. Vietnam. The Laos attacks are. never formally reported by the U .s. Command, but ,the sources aald they have averaged from 300 to 400 dally. Laos Is nominally . neutral . U.S. aircraft losses have ranged from ·nulti-mllllon dollar fighter-bombers to light reconnaissance planes. ,. In ifOund.fighllng in South' Vletnmn today, the 22nd day of the Viet Cong's winter-spring offensive, Comm u n la t t;roops • struc~ at two Americait outpost! on the northern a~cbes to SaJgorJ. Spokesmen said the raids killed 10 American soldiers and wOunded 15. Com- munist losses were placed at 42 killed. About 80 Communist soldiers firing automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades charged a position of the U.S. lsl Cavalry Division about 23 miles northeast of Saigon, touching off a three· hour battle during which the Americans fought back with artillery and helicopter gunships. Ten Americans were killed and 14 wounded in the attack which . cost the assault forces 12 dead, spokesme n said. Troops of the U.S. 25th Infantry Division used .51).caliber machine guns mounted on annored personnel carriers lo turn bock• CommllJllal ground wault near Trang Bang about 30 miles ncrrtbwest of SaJgon. Red forces charged the position behind a barrage of 60 millimeter mortar shells. * * * McGovern Scores Nixon • • Over Vietnam WASHINGTON (UPI) -Sen. George 5. McGovern accu.sed the Ni.Ion ad· ministration today of lacking courage to alter the nation's Vietnam policy but Sens. Mike Mansfield and Edward M. Kennedy, the Senate Democratic leaders, said President Ni.Ion should be given more time. McGovern set off discussion of Vietriam policy with a speech decrying failure of the new administration to "reverse the policy of military attrltion·and moral disaster in Vietnam." Mansfield and Kennedy refused to join the attack. They told reportf'.rs they felt it was too early to make such an assessment. Kennedy, the new Democratic whip, said he w~ hopeful "we are going to see some results" from the Nis:on policy on Vietnam. He said Nixon had told congressional leaders his Vietnam "peace plan is now in effect." Kennedy did not give details. • A Cincinnati Municipal Judge admonished all county patrolmen to bear down harder on parking citations. Judge H•rTY Klusmeler explained to the policemen the ci- tation tickets have five copies and H they don't bear down hard with their pens, the last copy " given to the offender -is not legible. , NEW YORK (UPI) -Leading commercial banks across the country today increased their prime interest rate -the rate charged large and most creditworthy customers -from seven to a record high of 11i2 percent Most other business and commercial loan rates are scaled upward from the prime rate. Consumer loan rate.! are not directly related, but occas.lonally res- pond when forces operating In the larger·- business area 11pm over lnto the con- l!lumer area. dlcations that business and.industry plan- ned to step up their capital spending this year, reduced the question of an increase in recent weeks to the matter of who goes first. First National City Bank of New York and Chemical Bank were among the first to follow Morgan Guaranty's move. Other New York banb withheld im- mediate comment but were expected to go along. ft All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ALW~~!!~TYIJJ • N o cnnection """ intended, but tht !tone head 11ems to be 1houf.. Ing "Fire!" Or Pf" hap& ht'• ,,..,.. lo acart awar pnrnk-- 't tr 1. Actually this gar go t1·l • ouardl tht n- tranct tDaJI at Al- leghenu Commun- itv College al Ri4gt Aveune qn the NOTth Sidt of Pittsburgh -and he uw thert long befort the fire alanm of this va,.. ietu '£!!.!...even in- t.Jented. • Morgon Guaranty Trust Co. led off the current round and was quickly follow· ed by other banks in New York, Chicago and Boston. Strong demand for money and in· Russians Shell Ch. p .. 1nese OSltiODS The prime rate increase fo11ows sharp.. ly rising interest rates on the eurodollar market, where U.S. commercial banks recently have been heavier borrowers because of shrinkage in lendable deposits stemming from tight credit policies of the Federal Reserve Board. Today's boost is the fourth since early last December. The most rectnt was a 1/4-point increase to seven percent ~Jan. 7. To' Rout 'Raiders'·· Belated P~blo MOSCOW (UPI) -RUB81ans rallied In fac!Dries and ocbools '"""" the Soviet Union today to pn>test Ille latat border battle with Communist Cliina. The Soviet! disclosed for the f11st ttme they had sbelled OW-positions in repelling the "raiders." Peking mocked the Soviet leaders as "mad dogs" and vowed they would be -yed. Soviet students and workera massed to bear ·-· ol bow a handful of "heroic" Soviet bcl'der guards held off 3,000 aimcldng Ollnese satunlay on Damansky Island, a tiny disputed piece of land oo the Ussuri River frontler east of Maocburi<. Aid Might Have Set Off WW III WASHINGTON (UPI) -The former U.S. military commander lo the Pacific: Sllid todlly the United States "might have precipitated World War lil" had ti gone belatedly to Ille aid o! the USS Pu<blo. Retired Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp told a special Coogressiooal subcommittee examining the Pueblo seizure by North Korea that regardless of any "rules of engagement" he would have senl planes to help the intelligence ship if they had been available early enough. "The English polfy h"5 become a U.S. status syrnl)ol,'' acconllllg to Mrs. Ada Chapnwn, who ha.s launched a nationwide potty .hunt from her Thrapton, E n g I a n d, borne. '1But the snag is they do insist on pretty ones," she said. Mrs. Chapman said she was act~ Ing as an agenl for an unidentified American buyer; Americans want the pots for use as flower vases. Pravda, Ille Soviet Communist party Newspaper, announced today the Soviets bad used ·a "powertul artillery barrage" against "nwnerous" Chinese gun posi- tions, then followed up with a swift counterattack "to sweep the raiders off Damansky Island." It was believed the largest clash between the two Communist gianU. Although no official casualties were an· nounced, repcris. reaching Moscow ..Ud the Soviet toll was high. Damansky fighting March 2 left 31 Sovie! troops dead and cost the COOlese untold casualties. But he agreed under questioning that any U.S. action after the vessel was firmly in the Communists' hands would have been too risky. As for coming to the Pueblo's rescue while it and its captors were still at 'sea, Sharp ea.id: ''The rules didn't make .a damn bit of difference. I would have done what was best." Besides, Sharp said, he knew of no rules that would have p r e v e n t e d American planes from operating within North Korea's 12--mile limit after Com• munist gunboats captured the intelligence ship Jan. 23, 1968. 1he said. · · .. Gale Winds Lash Oregon Fair and Sunny Weather Throughout Most of U.S. Coutal Elrtf -~ CM\1.11 fOI lftlll low (IOijft c-.r1n1 Nrtl&tlY .., """"°"' *"'"· WIN:ll _,.....,.,, • -fo1 ll ..,... Tocln't llltl\. '° i. .._ ' Y•"1*Y't temMt"l""'9 rt ••141 Prem a flltll f/f 6' f!I I to-.. "· '"""" ..,_,,,,., .. _ -.... .. , ... "tw ...,,.,..""' -., ... ...... Sun, Moon. TUea MONDAY ~ tow ............. f (JI •·"'· ... r..c.M Iii.ti . . . . . . f :ll • .Ill. J.t TUllDAT Flnt 1.-, ......... , .... t i# t.111. O.t Flrtl llittl ............... t itl e.m, I.I tfCCll'ld '°"" ............. J:ot 11.m. '·' s.cn flltft , ............ t :U 11.m ... , M-RI• l !lf •-'"-Sftt J:ll 1.111, 111111 RM •:ti "·"'· Siii t:ot II.Ill. .... '""' •• ,,,. ltd •. Mat. 11 ~'-2' "'1r. I A~. t V.S. Summary ''· Palrkk'• o.v MWMd IU11tt'1' t nd 111r "'""'9fl "'°" or IN untied s11tn wllll • ...,..wlll'lll fllif" -Iller J*llt!rn .. fotlldlnt from lt\t' $Ollll'l-t 10 tM "'""''""ti( •I'll! --•l!v l•lr al'ld '""'*' cw.111-.. ~1111111. Jl:aln M •lone ti. °""°" •llCI Wtthl"'ll'tll Oiltllt al'ld Mii fVtt wlt'IOh latl!H "'4 CO.II""". A Pttltk !!"Ofll QtmM ~I lo NorTMtll C.llh:lmll ,,., 111!0 ~ llOl1hlnl ltodl;lft. Jl:1ln. •Mullt and lot 111ffllltif tall' 11'11 ,,.,, •lent "" Gelf .... loll 10 ttlt '°"'"'"'' Ati.ntk c°'''• 111111 1orne tc1ti.l"td 119111 tll(IW ltll 11111 llllt1tl tA !hi Cl....iltll "°"*' fflll ll>lo _.IMNI Hew v ........ "°""*"" Mtlnt. E•""' meml11t low'I rll'!Otd fl'Om I e..w -at tflU\lm\, MtlM, le 7t 11 M'-1'111 111'-1'-1 A!rPGrt. Koulton Wll ttlt ClldMt 11at1 In IN <Gl'ltlnt11!al Unllll'll Slalft Sul'IOl'I' 11 ' "''"' 1-Wfllle Tllt<Trl1I, CAl\f,. W411 t111 llQI liPOI II 12 °"'"'' ( Alb!Jl! ...... QUt ·--A!lanta ll1~~u1l,!d 111rn.rdl 80IM .... ~ Chlcqo C!ne!1111.1!1 C"""°ltnd ...... On MalMS -· Fort Worll'I •m~ ...... "'-lvf1;11 Hou,tOfl KaNH ClfY latV- l Gt """'-' MllJ'!ll MllWtukff MIMttflOll• New OrlMfll New Yori! No'1!I ,. .. "" 0.kl&l'ld ""'""' Pa.so ltoltltt Phlh1dl!ll>llla PlloMI• Pl1™"1,..ii ........ R1Pid Clll' JI:• llkrff ·-~er•'""''° SI. Loul1 S.1111411 $all Lak• CJly '-" Oleoo '-" Fr•neltct '-"'" ••Jtitra SNlllt -·~ , ....... , w1.ii111t1on ,. " '' 1l ,. .. " . .. " .. " ., " " ~ " " " " " " ,1 31 .. " '' •S n " " " n " * 49 ,0) " " .. " " " n " " " .. " ,. " .. " ,. " 5' ,, .u " ~ 71 '' SI ,, n " •• 11 U 50 .Of " " •Ill ,, ·'' .. " tl SI ,01 ,. " . ,, "° » " .. ~ H .SI .11 .. " .M ,, ·" 41 :39 .01 n " ,. " , COSTA MESA !Harbor Shopping Center) ) \\-® f, . .. ' Spring specialsl Shells and flare-leg pair-ups o.t ,._..,.... ._,. tugw1Waow,.,.. ... tai.._,.,.. ... dodt ,_.. .._.. ..... gNGt loir. Top·-wtri. mi.. __ .......... ,...... .... _ ..... _ ... Y"' Sc.., .,, .. Mells Ill 1pri119 pcnttill, -bid - ........ ,. ....... yow fworite tolidt. Shrlb size1 S.M-La 1.66 EN NEV n um~ HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH (Huntington Center) !Fashion lsl1nd) l ' • I c a a as 3 ,, SZA@d-@@WC ;a ;ce:z«»MtGQ•P¥flf ----. ,.. ·--,. -· M .... 17, 1!6'1 DAILY •JUIJ 5 Israelis Hit Again . In Jordan 'Colombian War Gam.M $tart ..... I Hotel Fire Kills Three 'l'EL AVIV (AP) -1$raell w~lane11 attacked Jordan to- day f~ the second straight day, hitting suspected Arab guerrilla bases in the foothllb ol the Gilead M o u n f i 'i n 1 1outhw.t of the Sea 'of Galilee. • An army sokesman 8'fd f:our or five planes strafe11 and bombed Arab gun positlons that fired mLulles ~ Israeli settlement:s Jn the area Sun- day nlg)lt, tooching off an artillery duel. \.Earlier Sunday I s r a e l l planes ralded three big Arab guerrilla bases in Jordan. 'lbe Israeli army said all planes returned safely, bul in Am- man a spokesman for the Al Fatah guerrill,a organization claimed its antiaircraft guns dowped six of the attacking jets. He said two crashed i~ side Jordan and the other four in Israeli territory. One of the targets was only u,; T.....,..., .1. m11 .. 1rom Amman: it Woman We~ Couple we the closest attack to the Jordanian capital since the Episcopal Church deaconess Phyllis Edwards of· 1967 war. ficiates at wedding of John Mallory, 31, and Karen A Jordanian spokesman said Willoughby, 26, at St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, only civilian targets were hit, San Francisco, probably marking the first time in resulting in !our de,ad and the nation a woman has performed a marriage at least seven wounded. The ceremony. Deaconess Edwards was the first woman Palestine Liberation Org8niza-in her church to be vested as a deacon five years tion, the guerrilla coalitio11, said three guerrillas were kill· _a.o.g0_·------------------I ed and four wounded. * * * Golda Men· Takes Office JERUSALEM (UPI) -The Israeli parliament gave Mrs. Golda Meir an overwhelming vote of confidence today and she took the oath of office as Israel's fourth premier sinCi! the Jewish state was founded in 1948. Former Premier David Ben-Gurion refused to vote for her. The vote on Mrs. Meir and her cabinet was 84 to 12 with one abstention, by Ben-Gurion, Israel's first premier and the man who led it through the Israeli war of independence with the·massed Arab ~tlons ln .1948. . Before the vote she had· 9aid Jn a speech that she will not a 11 ow the world's major powers to impose a Middle East settlement on Israel. She also pledged that Israel would not give back captured Arab territory until peace is achiev- ed. Ben..Curion , the "old man" of Israeli politics, is i:egarded as her oldest colleague and l friend, but he abstained today. ~~ay Alone? Mrs. King Preaches In London Cathedral LONDON (UPI) -Stand· it\g at the back of St. Paul's Cathedral a portly middle-.ag· ed Negro wearing blue jeans , spit -polished shoes, tie and jacket craned his neck and wrung his hands. Along the fron t pew , two smartly dressed Negro women in fur coats sat on either side of two scrubbed children, their hands folded In their laps. After the prayers for th e Queen and roy~ family finish- ed, and the congregation be- gan a bymn, Mrs. Coretta King, dressed in a· black robe, walked across the front of the cathedral and up the red-car· peted steps to the handcarved wooden pulpit. She looked over the packed cathedral, brightly lighted by television arc lights installed for the historic service. Every pew was filled. For Mrs. King, widow of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the first woman ever to preach at an official service from the pulpit. Her sermon was about the "Dawn o( a New Day" for the poor but the church also held the rich and the powerful and the cur- ious. ''l am not a minister," she told them. 1'1rs. King ?"eealled her hus- band's historic sermon from the same pulpit four years ago. He had been the f i r st .minister outside the Anglican faith to . preach at the .300- year.old cathedral. He was en route to Stockholm to receive the Nobel Peace Prze. His wife had been with him then. Su n·d a y, though, she spoke or "grey shadows of the evening'' where her husband "struggled to find the right is- sue and situation to expose the evils which engulf us." The fruit of these tabors was an "awareness by black people or their own personal wGrth and dignity," she said. Judge Questions Conspiracy MEMPHIS, Tenn. fAP ) - 'The judge who recelved James Earl Ray 's guilty plea says a number of questions about the Martin Luther K i n g assassination were I e f t outstanding. But he doubts ttrat a trial by jury would have cleared the air. These views were expressed In an interview Sunday by Judge W. Preston Battle of Criminal Court, who last week sentenced Ray to 99 y e a r s in prison. Mean.While Ray's lawyer, Percy Foreman of Houston, Tex., reiterated In a television interview his belief that "no other person, organization or group exei!pt James Earl Ray was concerned in the killing." Dist. Atty. Gen. Phil ~1. Canale. the prosecutor, said in another broadcast interview he understands Ray erpects to be free within two years. Canale said he was told this by Foreman, .but was un- certain whether Ray thou ght he would get out by way of court action or by escaping. Judge Battle remarked in his interview, "There has been much talk of a conspiracy, but no one saying so has yet produced a single shred of evidence or named e n associate or conspira tor ." The judge said he is himself puz7.led by a number of ques- tions : "{ would truly like to knoY.' how Ray actually found the spot from which to fi re. How did Ray know where Rev . King would be? How did he determine the type of weapon to be used? What ""ere t h e details of the actual purchase and selec tion of the wea pon? Was he alone in surveillance of the Lorraine f\.totel ? "Most punting of all Is his escape from Memphis. To me, it seems rniraculuus that he v.•as able to flee to Atlanta despite the all-points bulletins without his white Mustang being spotted on a highway." lGng, standing on a balcony of the motel, was shot last April 4 by a rifleman firing from a rooming house acroS5 the street. ,Judge Batlle said he was convinced that a trial would only have "muddied our understanding of the !ubst.an- tlal evidence \Vhich est.ablished Ray as the killer." "U is an error to assume tha t the prosecution would have bad a chance to cross-eJ:- amine Ray about his finances, or how he escaped from the h1issou ri State Penitentiar;, or abou t persons who gave him any aid before or after the slaying of Dr. King," he said. "That assumes Ray would have taken the stand. I doubt very !leriou~Jy that defense cou nsel would have risked placing Ray In such a posi- tion." •14111 SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND AND SAN JOSE FROM ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR AIR CALIFORNIA ORANGE COUNTY (714> 540·4550 ___ __.A~l-.R.-.CALIFORNIA Airliner ' . . Hijacked ' HAVANA (AP) -A Colom- bian airliner 'Was hijacked to Cuba over the weekend by a man accompanied by a woman a(M! a baby. The DC& of tbe Aerocot1dor Airline is expected lo leave CUba today with ita other 36 passengers ·and crew ol eight; the Swiss Embasly indicated. 'Itle man carried a pistol when be toot over tlle µlane Saturday night as it {lew loward San Andre!:, a Colom- ~ian Wand oU Costa Rica. It was the third Cok>mblan airliner diverted to Cuba thi" year and the 23rd airliner hi- jacking of 1969. The plane had laken off from the Caribbean port City of Cartagena and stopped in Barranquilla, another port, be r ore heading for San Andres. It landed in CUba at Camaguey 30 minutes after midnight. Last Wednesday police and soldiers shot a young man who tried to hij ack a plane at VCartagena with a can of talcum powder he &aid was dynamite. 111 w. 5th S•nta Ana "Prtpare for tht future ••• Tod4ul" • 5,,,...,,1.1 e M.dltel l11111r111c• e loekk••pint e D111t1I A11htlnt PhoM 5-43-1753 or 543-1721 All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Satu~ay THRll SAT.. 011' Y! 15% OFF Our entire ·line of light fixtures · Brilliant elegance in cut crystal prism chandeliers! ,· ' Reg.$49 NOW '41.65 P1y u little •• $5 per month o.,,licote scrolls and cut cryltC!I prisms will lend a soft spar.Xie to your home with their reflected light ..• 22 . inch spread with S lights ••• magnificent l I I" lpt'ffd with 5 lighta fn1 [ l! \. : l .i. ' _,. ·• TDaAYI .. Reg. $39 NOW 33.15 ,, f ' ~ No Money Down ... Use Penney's Time Payment Plan Hand cut marble tulip style li9ht Reg. $29 NOW 24.65 P...y'•l'"'9•• $5,...- Hond cllt bent 9lau ••• opultna .... budflf h younotPen""Yll N E WP 0 RT BEACH I Foshion lsloncl J 48" fluorescent utlUty'll9ht Reg. 10.99 NOW 9e34 HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntington Center) ' - •• ' ' • I DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE'I Spin-o ffs From " . "' Space • • Apollo 9 bas added another spine-tingling chaptu In the continuing story of man's cooquest of outu opace -with the landing of mea on the moon a probabnJty by early summer. But wUI it be a continuing story after thatt Thia Is ooe of the thorny decisions President Nlzon muat make in the noar future. He 1s even now weighing the mulli- billlon dollar cost of the space progum agalnal the ution's needs in many other directions, both domestic and foreign. 'Ibo .. who have been clamoring for an end to ''thla man-on-the-moon non.sense" when there ta sbocklng poverty and hunger here at home perl>aps have not been aware of the counUess Invaluable side dividends from the main space o!fort. $\>ace exploration has done far more than salve the American pnde and bolster the p,restlge of the United States. At least 2,500 "spiJH>ffs • have aided society generally in a tangible way. These include technical innovations in medicine, in manufacturing and in countless new products and ma- terials. Perhaps greater than these in long term benefit to the nation, however, has been the development of a managerial capability beyond any previously known. Groups formea to apply their sldlls to the space pro- gram have been capablllty-oriented rather than prod· uct-oriented . As a result, the nation now has a pool of •killed manpower unique in lllstory. It. members are com· . - potent to design and implement large-scale systems to help overcome critical shortages of. community facili· ties, critical overcrowding and congestion, critical pol· Jation and waste accumulation, and critical changes in tile world balance of military power. Clearly, the wide range of benefit. which have already come from the space program are of a sort that opens up new jobs for our growing population. This in itself ia a massive war on poverty, for jobs tbua pro- vlded cover the whole spectnim from unskilled to lll&hlY 11dlled. And lt'• w.U to remember, t.MJ, that the $24 billion It may take to accompllah man-on-the-moon ls being ljlellt in the U.S. n1e real concern, then, should not be with money •pent on the apace program but whether it can be con- tinued. 'lbe teama of skllJed peraons in the program have already been r<duced by hall, due to appropria· tloos cutbacks. New goals alter m81H>n-the-moon likely lhould in- volve a continuing program within eOrth's orbit -such as a manned space laboratory nth.er than a reaching for more distant planets. Thia could continue the aearch for answers to ma,n.. kind11 eternal question of what we are, where we came from and where we are going. And It could, In the process, contribute heavily to the nation's economic and •ocial progress and Its military defense In a hostile world. Not Even a Gentle Hiss \Vhile highly skilled scientific space exploration teams continue to succeed in man's search for knowl· edge of hia total environment (see editorial above) ono hi.lt'hly skilled and successful inventor continues' his di!ve to improve the immediate environment OI! earth. He is Bill Lear, 66, pioneer of such itema: as the Lear Jet, automobile radios and the auto pilot. He has developed a steam automobile to the point where he expects to have it In mass production -500 to 1 000 unit. a day -within 18 months. ' It this ancient dream comes true -as It could for Lear is no crackpot -think of the consequences. What of the automotive and oil giants, their suppliers and the employes and stockholders? Ah, but think ol the fresh air, and the pastoral quiet on our highways. With a boiler full of water lasting 10 years, as claimed, not even a gentle hiss of steam! f)n Dealing W ith t he R ussia ns 'Not Knowing The Length of the Wait' Kennan's Pertinent Advice WASHINGTON -The senate Com- mittee cm GoverDID<lll Operation bas got· t'" out a -1 little booklet d oelected writlng Oii tbe Soviet lpproad> to DO&<>tla- tions. ThiJ mates Informative reading now that President Nixon's tindly attitude toward the Russians has aroused such eu.ggerated hope for a new delente. Tb.is perennial Dower <lf OOpe blooms fitfully and periodically in the garden of the Senate F<lreign Relatlc>ns Com- mittee., only Lo fade and die when exposed to the lltroof l1gbt d .. ,.- A former mnlun;sldor to Molcow, G<org1 F. Keanu, -advlco ID 111& (re~ ID thl DeW bootlll) wblcb bu '"'""-today. Kennin'• 1c!Yke .. dealing with tho Ras.lans: DON'T ACT CRUMMY wltll them. (It ooly embarrasses them to hove the poll~ buro think they are becoming budd!es with a foreigner.) Don't assume a C<>mmunlty <lf abm "'Ith them which does oot na1ly Wit. Don't make fatuow: gestures of good will (They lmmediai.ly begin to euspecl they have <lverestimated Om' strength.) Do not eocouroge hlgb-level elldwiges o! views wltb tbe Russiam Wlless the lnltlaUve CC1me1 at least SO pm:tnt from their side. (Raalans cm be dealt with successfully only when they want :;omething for themselves.} Do not be afraid of unpleeanlness and public airing of differences. ALL THIS GOOD ADVICE hu betn .ymmatically r<ject<d by those wbo read into Pruldent Nixon'a recent Btatememl the opening ot a new era In whlch tbe United S>alet and tbe ~ Union will rwoo tosetber ID the old Biblical way and reach some general agreement for the good of mankind. The President himself gave the im· pression of belng captivated by thi s thought and arrived at certain con· clusions not wholly compatible with Ken- nan's enlightened cyniciam. But the President evidently believes that the in- ltiaUTt far tqlHevel exebangea: a>me1 II leall It percent from tbe Soviet lido, wblcb Is -"' tbe Koman ...... -d prudeace la dealing wltll them. THE M PERCENT whlch ....., from their aide, 1n Nhoa11 opinion. includes their desire for a aettlement in the Middle East ml in Vietnam because they th.Int tbHt two aiats could escalate into a c:oolroolltloa with tbe United Slates wblcb Ibey do not want and we do not want. Nb:on correctly judged that tbe Soviet U-wbbed to cool off tbe Berlin eris~. Bis talks witll Sovie! Ambossldor Dobryoiu coovinced him of Urls, c:l the dtllre for aettlement in the Midust ad Vietnam and the beginning of ta1b on the llmltaUon of nuclear arms. This is an eitremely large order and any thought of. filing it ha1 to be based upon the conclusion that the Russians have developed aome new ldea:i about their own vital interttts. 'I'bat seems to be t b e central cooclUsl<lo President Nlloo hu drawn trom his eonvemUons with Ambasador Dobryoln. BUT THE NEWLY publlabed com- pendlwn ol adull uperlences wltll the Ru•lam over the past 25 years teachu • l'lltber dllplrit!ng fessoa. Thll perblps can be aummed up in the conclusion that many yell'I can pass in negotiaUon, flve or ten years in aome cues, and then the fact of agret.ment will depend not upon what happened at the negotiating table but upon the general power ba1ance that developeCi while the talking was going on. For esample, we could talk for years about limtHn1 the de\'elopment of anti-balllstic missiles and strategic offensive missiles while. the Soviet Union systematically built up its strength to tbe level it desired before aireeinl to Jjmitatioo. We could lallt lbout tlJe Middle East until the Soviet U-bad rebuilt El!'P' tian military lt:reqth to the I e Tel coo.>ida'ed odequlto to dcmlnate the area. And we could talk about Vietnam while the Russians built up North Viet- namese strength and the American will to continue diminished to the vanishing point. THE STATEMENT of Sir William Hayter, former British ambassador to Moscow. is cited by Dean Ache90n ln the Senate publication: un.e Russians are not to be persuaded by eloquence or C<>nvinced by reasoned areu.ments. 'Ibey rely on what Stalin used to call the proper basis of in· ternatlonal policy, the calculation of forces. So no case, however sldllfully deployed, however clearly demonstrated as irrefutable, will move theem from doing what they have previously decided to do; the only way <lf changing their purpose is to demonstrate that they have no advantageous alternative, that what they want to do ls not possible." Good luck1 Mr. Nixon. Nixon Is President of All l'nllclent NJJon Is getlillg 1 lot ol free advice on bow to conduct himself and the 1overnmen1 so as to win the loyalties of the voten who did oot support him 1n the eJection. This presuppotes that Mr. Nixon'• main concern must bt bis nelection. It also presuppcses that his electJon was an ICCldent of Democrat m.lscalcula- Uons wblcb may be promptly corrected. He is now being told, u re.lated by the liberal spokesmen, that his future and that of his party lies !n the clUes, or in the suburbs, or in tbe 10Uth; tbttt be must aim for the Negro vole, the Wallace vote and the McCarth'y vote-. IN ANSWER. perbl1>11, Mr. Ni1011 bas Insisted that be owes his election to no alnelt croup or f1eUon, or hec6Sjrily to .., lllgnmeot ol !nteresU, and that -~-- Monday, March 17, 1969 n. •dllorial -~ "" llollr Pilot '""' to i.1 ..... """ lllm. ulafl -., ~Ullo llCWJICIP"'• opi!llou """ ..... ,,.,_, °" ~ ~ fftl<rut """ lfpl~ • ., JWOo!dhlll • fona for IM aprarioll •I •• , nad<rs· opltdoM, alld br pruntl'}g tM· dloln1 tlfeia- polnfl ~ lof.,...d obi•""" aft4 spolce,,...,. "" lopjci of U.. dar. Rohm N. Weed, Puhllshet he must aerve aa Presiden~ d all the people. That ls true, of rourse. The prtsidency pre<lllet tbe blrth of U>e two-party l)'1tem. But II also ;, true Ulat tbe two-party system baa developed d l f f e r i n g pbllaoopblcll and ideologieal approacl>es to governinc 1 naUon, and that allegiance to one of them Wpes pollUcal careen and cannot be 1baodoned without toss ol CHdlbfllty. Mr. Nlmn npraents a change that hu beea ·overllk!ng a m•Jorlty of AmeriCGIJ for aome: time now. He hu not been a captive of lhls change but one of Jts le1dtra. RAY C. BLIBS, Republican national . chairman, recently presented t h t sb tlstica ol this change, L'i renected in Republican \.'Otlng. "We now have a Republican ~si­ dent." he aa1d. •'Since JMf. we hive moved from 17 to II pvemonhlps, the blpe.t ...,ber 11-!920; lrvm 11 to '3 -In Ills Slnlla, tbe 1llOllt -111&; 1mn Ito to 1iS ... 11 !n tbe 11ouse. hip m.m a!nct 11151: and from control of seven state tegidatures, the nXl9t alnct ltif. In additfbn, •e also gained 1141 llate le1J11llton, IC! c."bunty of Dees Ind nurl1 100 mayors. 01 It II bein1 8flllOd by tbe liberal! that Mr. Nixon'• narrow election margin over Hubert HUmphrey came from voters o\·er 50 years ol aae. and he must 1 ... the pr,.ped that political I01dmh!p In !ht Conaref1 and !n Ille 1111.. Is passing quickly to a new generation. THAT, OF COURSE, is believing what you want to believe. The swing toward conservatism did not depend on the aged, but on the: growing number of dissatisfied young and middle-age voters. It Is these \'oten who have been rejectJng the put, as uempllfied by the Democrats and the Lyndon JohnloM. They have been rejecting the politics of penonal aglfandlzement and moving toward a more responsible reflection on the purpose and course of eovernmtnL Mr. Nixon ls President of all lbe people; but 'It is equaJIY lnelcapoble that even u President he 1J tbt leader o1 • poUUcal party thnlulh whlcb changes can be accomplished. Sacrameato Ualoa Dear Gloomy Gos: You moon to say Ibey could rind James Earl Ray '° e11ny.:.... but still tonl locate Eldrld1e Cleaver? · -11.J.B, '1111 ~ "'"'°' ,....,.... ,,...... "" --"'· --. " "" ~-tr. , ... "" "" ..... tt •lelMr .... Dlllr f'lltt, To the Editor : I am writing this as a plea to the American people to actively stand behind a forgotten group d dedicated men in Vietnam. those men held u priaoners of war by the Nm.h VWfnaJnlW, Some o! U-men are known to be pNonen, but many more are simply tilted as "mi.§ing In acdon, '' aM it is this cl-Ibo! creolet and llllgoifies • bemeudwsly dilllcult wait of anxiety and frustration for 1 small minority of American \\1ves such as rny8'1.f. NEARLY TWO YEARS ago my world fell in around me as I was notified thet my husbeod, a helicopter pllol, had been shot down over South Vietnam. Little .,.. known 0< l'<po<ted ezc<pl that be WU listed II "missing in 1CtkJn." No additional lnfcnnation has been c»- talned In all tbil time. w...is cannot ~be tile dlfflculty in trying to meet each day, week after week, month after month with no knowledge whatsoever as to whether he is being tttated humanely, b llck or ~·ell -or even if he is alive or dead. For eaclt of ~ in this situation it is as if you are suddenly ~ into • state d limbo, not -· bow IO!lg will be the wait ot what its outcome will be. YOU thlnlc JI only yoo coWd receive IJOlne word, some small sign to Indicate his well-being -and yoor Jlf'l""' COlll!nue. WITH CHILDREN involved it ls even more difficult. How· hard It Is to nplafn this situation to a little child who awaits bis father's return. A3 for my husband and me, we have a little two-year~ld boy and his daddy has never seen him. He wu born just days after his father left for Vietnam. How dearly I want hint to know his father, and how oft.en I dreom of oeefng him for the first time in his father's arms. 111ere are over a» wive!, motbers, and families: who face a altuatbt auclt u mine. Some have lived like this for rour years or rn<n. It is tnily only inner hope and fa!U> that kteps eech c:l us going. 1 CIMOt help but feel lbot mott could be done for these men by our govern- ment. The North VJetnamese art In C9Dlplm viobol!oa d the Geneva Cot>- verillon, wblch Ibey liped. TllEftP"ORE, rr K my hope that there are enough dedicated Americans wt:m will sit down and write our leaders of their conctm for these forgoc:ten men. Please-, J ask you, write to each of the following and eipress your conctm. A3 one wife wbo waits -I shall be &e1 Yery graterul. Send your ltU«'s or telegrams to: President Richard M. Nixon, the White House. Washington, 0.C., to lion. Henry Cabot Lodge1 c/o the State Depmme-nt, Wubington, D.C,, and to your con- gresrrnen. Thank you '° wry much. NAME W1111!1ELD El Toro Lttun frtYm nodtn OTf ICClCOTM. Nonnoll11 witm •hould C071.tlfll thelr message In 300 100f'ds <rr l111. The right to CO'ndtmt ltttcn CO fit .spacs or tlimfnatc lfbel fJ reterwd. AU ltfttfl must Include ilqnaturc cind maiUng addr1ss, bui Mmt.J ma.v b1 tcithhtld on rcquct t f/ au/ffdt nt rea- son ii oppartni. St. Patrick and The Shamrock There are few Irish famille1 that don't have a Patrick; the girls: are not ex- cluded either! Many <lf them are called Patricia, especially those bom during the month of March. Indeed the First Lady Clf lh• United States, althoilgh not christened Pat, was called alter the Irish patron by her family because her birthday falls OT\ March 16th. St. Patrick's name bas been preserved deep ln the Irish consc iousness for over l,500 years; cathedrals have been named after him: the lrilh International Airlines have named their flagship St. Patrick, and wherever his name ts mentioned It is il)'llOll}'lllOUS wltll Ireland l!ld Ille lrlsh. But who was he, and how much b really known about him? SCHOLARS ARE divided as to where he was born. Some say Gaul, In what 1s now France; others and wi th more might apparently, claim that he was born early in the fifth century, the aon of a Roman official staUoned in what today 1s Wales. According to his own account lelt In a slim volume written in Latin and called his "Confessions,'' he was taken as a slave to Ireland while still a boy and put to minding sheep on the slopes of a mountain ·in County Down close to Downpatrick, where tradition claims he is buried. After years spent as a shepherd he made his esc ape back to hi s native land, but like many a visitor after him, he admits that he could nol get the place nor the people out of his 1ystem. SO AF1'ER DULY lludylng !or the church, Patrick wu ordained a priest and returned in Ill• year m to brinl !]" ~-· ~ ' ' . . ' . ' .. I· , Guest R~port , l . . ·~· I ~--... -·,..·----· ... ~·-·~.--~ the message of Christianity to the Irish. .Associated with him 1n his teaching Is the shamrock, which according to legend he used to explain and win ac- ceptance for the doctrine of the Trinity. Just as there are three leaves on one stem or the shamrock, the Saint ex4 plained, so there are three Persons in one God. Apparently this was acceptable to his listeners, beca use before his death prac4 tically all of the inhabitants had come to accept his religion, and their loyaltY. to him persists to thi!I day. · Ttuly, it must be conceded that for a boy born in Britain, be did remarkably well in Ireland! lrisl International Airlines Minorit y Can Be Right A reader in Pittsburgh makes a point worth pondering about. She \\Tiles : "I wish you would aay 90mtthlng In your column about people who dl!rn.iss wipopular opinions with the phrue, 'Only a Uny minority. • . • "They say, 'Only • tiny minority of students are radicals,' or 'Only 1 tiny ~lty ol. blacks are mllltant. • "Sometimes the statements are fairly accurate, eorneUmes not. But aJways they contain questionable implications -that a 'Uny minority' can never be right: that since-their number Is minute, their arguments need not be listened to, discussed, 0< dealt witll, "OFTEN SUCH A state111<nt rtnecta frustration over one's lnabllfty to rtrute an argument In MY other way. It also suggests that the person maklna the statement fem the group in quutlon and is tryln1 to rew ure him.sell that they pose no threat to the precious .status quo. •. " This corrtspondtnl is right In my opi· nlon, on teveral counts. First, a 'tiny minority' of actlvllts can repruent a mutb larger number who l)'Dlpathhe wllh_ thtm; IM!tOlld, the numertcal a!ie of 1 group does not rellect Ila potmtlll strenstJi. IN THE TWO eumples 1be IJlves, It 11 -that radical collep students represent only • smoll per<eoJ.afe "' aU collep '1udenll -but il..Js IJllUlllY true thot mllll\ llludents 11 ~ pWl••ll support the mllllant eUortl to get ...,. fundamental changes ln the college W- minlatraUon, and deeply re&ent be.In& !ruled liu children. II ts equally true Ula! blatt estremists represent only a small pttcent11e of ~ack people -but, at the wne Ume, they are acting out the fru strations and angers of the large majorily, and thus exert an influence far beyond their numbers. CHRISTIANITY began with only 12 apostle3. The American RevolutJon began with a tiny group of zealots caned Sons of Uberty -and a clear majority or the colonists never supported the American RevolutJon. The Ru 1 s I 1 n Revt1!uUon began with a handful of In- tellectuals, and fewer than 1 percent of Bolsheviks ove rturned the wbole Czarist. government. Numbers themselves: mean little. A 'tiny minority' can be right. and a vast majority wrong. The strength of a move- ment Iles in its understanding of the f~~· and the death of a movement lies 1n Its un"·illingness to face the future. Too orten, this re!usal lakes the form of difmi&liing opponent.s a t "crackpot es:tremist.!I." when in fact the crackpots may be clocser to the truUt than tbe1r critlcs. ...--By George ---, Dur George : How does It fee l to be dependent for a llvtng on recel\-'lng mail from_ crackpot.a: GANG IN ntE BACK SHOP Dur Cang: lt feell greal, fellow~ _ keep those cards and letters coming In, ' ' CHECKING Legislators See World Before Quitting •UP• WASJllNGTON (AP) individual e1penses w ~re tf'otld. Many w e r e ac· companied by comm i tt e • aides. REPORT GIVEN How Many a Girl Y.embers ol the House spent $8,453, yielded one report nearly three-quarters of a crlilcal of a Defense Depart- mil!Jon dollars r o a m i n g rnent analysJs and l!lother arOWld the world last year critical of several U. S. com· Including one whoise last fling mitments. before leaving office cost tax· It could not be learned payers '61,173. whether anything mote 'than That tab was run up by publlahing them in t b e Democrat Porter Hardy Jr. Congressional record was done of Virginia who toured 19 with the reports. Where they went and how much they spent was reporte4 oUiclally to the H o u s e A d ministration COmmittee, which published the reports jn the Congressional Record. The accounting: did not include travel in the United States nor did it include the foreign treks of senators. and earmarked f o r e:1· peodltuns In the counirle> visited. The reporUna: com- mittees tran11ated the value of the foreign money into equivalent United S t a t e 1 dOUars to the tune of $100,000. LargtM expenditures were rtpocted by the F0<eign Al· fairs Committee which stnt groups to the Far Ea!t, Europe, Africa and South America. '11le tripe: were ar- ranged fot different · months, enabllnl some mmtl>us to take in aevtral of them. The reported coot In terms ol dollars was $142,492. Catches Her Man coun,tries tn two tripS three Hardy was one or a doun m<llths after he aaid be congressmen defeated o r By L. M. BOYD SAY YOU'RE lhe bo.'!s ()f a big o.il company. And ()ne ()f the bright boys ()n your public relations staff comes up with this promotion plan : that. Siu sa b the smallest high seller in men's girdles. • • • TIIAT BREEDS or purebred dog said to live the longest is the cocker spaniel. . . • '"MY TRUE FIBST NAME is James," writes a young lady from California. "Ever hear of another?" Only one. 'The late Texas oilman Jim Akin named his daughter w'ouldn't seek re--electlon. decllnlng to aeek re-election TOURED )VORLD who managed to slip in a Hardy toured Europe, South Jut look at distant lands with America and the South Pacific .. federal hmds. as chairman of the Armed Altogether during the year Services subcommittee on na· more than 150 members of tional defense posture. the House spent about $700,000 The trlps, on wldch Hardy'• on travel to all parts of the Some ot the tourists: made three or (oar trips abroad. All ()f the travel wu on certtlled "official business." Much of the nloney they spent was foreign currency owned by the United States SPENT $IJl,tll The Armed Services Com- Little Waste Found In War on Poverty James .•• •SURVEYS SHOW WASHINGTON (UPI) -bt done with the federal it sent interim proposals !or the seamy ride of the. opera· only 5 percent of America's Tbe General Accounting Office government's Bnlipoverty ef· a n t i po v er t y p r ogram tion.s." Christijl.ns ever c o n c e r n th~mselves with the notion says its 15-month, $500,000 in-forU!i. reorgartlzation to CongrHS. Nixon did not make auch that they might go to hell. vestigatioo of the war on nus apparently insures that The GAO makes some a recommendation, but a mlttee rtporttd s p e n d I n c •1n,t1a "" more than half a dozen uparate trip& by ha members to just about every free nation in the world. The travels of Hardy, a businessman-farmer w h o s e seat now ii held by Republican G. William Whlteburst, in- cluded Tahiti -for a one.<fay stopover. "Believe me, the trips were much more than juat ln- 1pecUon visits of our mllllary baael abroad.'' saJd a sub- com.mluee aide ... They were lnt<nded to ....,. our military commlttments abroad and our tapab1Uty to meet those com- ntlu.ment.s." Hardy's first trip, on which he was accomparued by thrta subcommittee members. took him to England, Portugal, Spain, ltaJy, Turkey, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Germ.any, Sweden and Denmark Crom May I through May 25. Tbe next trip, made wllh four subcommitteemen, took him to Mexico, Venezuela, Braz.ii, Argentina, Ecuador, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia .and the Philippines from Nov. 1 through Dec. 1. One member present on both trips was anotbtr lame- duck congressman -Indiana Republican Ch a r I es E. Hslleck, who wau't planning to seej.n:.election. His travels cost thpayers $7,961. YOUR OWN BUSINESS Earning Polentia I Unlimited We oller financial assistance "Chief, every spring let's pass out packets or wildflo\ver seeds at all our service sta- tions as premiums to tourists who fill up. With the sug- gestion they knock a dent in the dirt wiUt the heel of a shoe t6 plant such seeds every Ume they park to picnic. Why, in IO years our roadside rest sto1's.. would be beautified befon-a-belief, and we would become recognized far and wide for our flower power." Get the idea? All right , wo.uld you approve it? Think I might. IN THE CITY of Seattle, poverty rev ea I e d · such the substance of the war on specific crltlcisms of program number of those who were Wednesday evening is "'hen disorganitatlon the President poverty will remain this year results &nd cites eu.mples of brlefed saw a 1 1 m 1 1 a r i t y any young man is least apt himself must pull antipoverty the same as it was when local inefficiency and waste R•h• t•ntl• odorl•11 Chinchill11 in yo"r hom•. Sm1ll inv11f. to show up late for 8 date. effort:! together. But the GAO created during the Johnson in iodividual projects on the between the kind of super an-m•nt. Cemp•t• trt inint preo;r•m. Won't int1rf1r1 with pr• .,.,, \Vednesday afternoon is \\'he n made no sweeping indictment administration. 40 supplemental se<:tloos that tipoverty agency GAO pro-•cc"p•tio niEND THIS AD POI ,111 llOCHUlll- \\'l'istv.•atches are most apt to of waste or dishonesty. Members of Congress were will accompany the main ~ and the Urban Affairs Univenal Chinchillo Breeders be accurate. And Wednesday The GAO, watchdog agency given an advance briefing on report. But overall, according Council set up by the Presi- noon, exactly, is when nearly of Congress, paralleled the the conclusions of the report. to GAO offlclals, the report dent to bring together all 1120 I• Alli Snwt, hllerte11, C.ltf. TAKE A POUND of coffee beans. Grind them. Pour in some fat. And after mixing up the mess, roll it into small balls ahout the size of hen's eggs. Now eat them. Come on, old sport, the Tallas soldiers in Abyssinia do it all the time. . . . "IT'S EM· BARRASSING lo admit it," writes a fe minine Floridan. .. but I just caught my husband flirting." This young lady ought not t,Q be embarrassed about that. Our Love and War man says that's how most girls catch their husbands. everybody checks 1 he ir N 1 x on administration in The Nixon administration got "will be of. a t'ODlitructive federal •aeociea involved in C.11: 17141 170.IO'J ... C•IJec•: f7141 llt·J16l -_'.'.".~~~·~~~~~~'..._~~~~~~~~~~_..:~~~~:_:~~~:!_~__!~~~~~~~~------.J:~~~==~~==~~M~A~IL~TH~l~S~A~D~~==~~==~~~ timepieces to reset them. recommending what ought to a preview of the report before nature rather than dwell on problemz « the clt.ies. Credit the foregoing common CUSTOMER SERVICE: Q, ''LITl'LE quarrel here over whether 'Mule Train' or 'Jezebel' was Frankie Laine's first top hit." A. "That's My Desire" was his first big seller, sir. Incidentally, something few recall about Frankie Laine -he was the fellow who with a little lady named Ruthie Smith set the all-time world's m a r a t h 0 n dancing record in 1932. Tai:ing 15-minute breaks every hour. they danced for 20 weeks, 5 days. Nobody has equalled that. MISGIVINGS, mAT'S what she's got, Uli! mother of two college-age daughter!. Aboot those universities that o(fer sex courses. "Why should I trust my daughters' edueaUon in such a personal thing to some lisping assistant pro-- fessor whose credentials on the topic must r em a i n cloudy?'' Whf, indeed? The lady is persuasive. However, these are rarely laboratory courses, so probably do 1ittle harm. 1BE If.YEAR-OLD female s hoP.l if ter s outnumber shoplifters of any other stripe. . • , NOT TOO MANY a man gets worried about his waistline until it exceeds 38 inches. Tell you how l know phenome~ to Seattle's mid- week noon tune -the air raid siren drill. Your questions and corn· 111.ents are welcomed and will be ·tised wherever possible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of DAILY PILOT, Bo: 1875, Nowport Btach, Calif., 92661. Powell, 60, Joins Youth Rebellion WASHINGTON (UPI) Adam Clayton Powell, who has been defying convention ror more years than most col· Jege studen~ bave lived, bas Joined the youth rebellion. Although he is twice 30 and beginning to show it, the Harlem congressman says he has achieved an amazing rap- port with the current crop o! college-age rebels. To show his commitment to th e youth protest move- ment, Powell said in an in- terview he is considering seek· ing an injunction tG stop llealth, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert H. Finch from cutting off federal aid funds for students convicted of felonies arising from cam- pus disorders. We •re pleased to ennounc• thet FAMES T. TALLMAN has joined our fir m at th e Coif• Me11 Office CALIFORNIA THRIFT & LOAN 170 I. 17th St,...t Costa Men, Cellfornla (714) '46·5045 CallPSA fur home delive~ San Jose $1 Whicltcooks1better•.aflameora'hotplate? Thtclool,_ .... L Perino .. chtf cun onlr •bout auptrb food-end he t:ookl with ... So doel. Choen'• cbet And Scandt.'a chcf.O••P. than quicker ---...... • With an electric nqe, you ....... the door put!, opn. Think cf ... that"*"'...,..,, Think of the titthm ctilinlf ffrw CID tht1 MY electric nnps art deanrer? Tboa.btllo.... ~-----· cupofW*1'~ tn lftl than 2 mift. utet on thit 1• ranee. OWr ...,... Cir Oftr• done? When JOV turn di' tht an nune under the eas. it'a cit It 4"m't 10 on ""'""' 1ik• an elcdric c:oiL Tht -as doo't So en coo1cinc s... don't 10 oe boilint-«"wane y9', ~ .. the po< --... mOH modem-htl Somt-bod1 Na been ,• •• · .. .. ... • ,. " .. .. ' • W• deliver frNh daily, 900 nigf'lf9 • wnk connect aouthem and nofthMn CaUfomia. Mo,.. \han atrf other afrllne. All }Its. ~ • Lowest tiir far~· Want prompt delivery to -A",_...,,..,. coolrol. 91% of all t:hd'• .,.,...._ Chey, too. COOis tritb pa. ~coma deaa. Whict. kind ot rans• it deaner? Tbe simple truth is that .yith .n Pl Nntn Gl'I "'Hith.., Thia same teakettl• tUn men then 3 minutn to whlMJa on • dtlllff 1969 electric nnp. haodina yco • lint. MaJtalb,too.lt coal• an •••t•I• lamilyolfour$21.00 \iil•rl • year rorfutlto@k many Penln:sula points? SAn Joae •lrport ts closer, easier ttian San francilOO lnlema- tJonaJ, and th• crowd h•sn't found It yet. PSA gives you a lift. .)'OU broil with the broiltr door cbecl. ti&M. eilO m "'Hfsh." Whnl peopl• dtim electric: cook1ac it r..-. It mall:n us do a alow bum. witb an elect.ric ranc .. 8'1tonly $9.00(1/S • -· . ------·-----------~------------------------------------------------------------ •• DAA.Y pj(l)t Pepperdine Shuts for Funeral LOS ANGELES (AP) Pepperdine College wW be closed through Tuesday, the day of the funeral oI a IS-year· old high school student killed llY a shotgun blast on the 110Ulh-central Los A n i e I e 1 i:ampus. • Larry Kimmoos, a Negro, was· kJlled W~ay as he and friends walke<l off the campUs where they had gone to play bask<tbalL A campus 1eCUrity gµard, Charles Lane, 60, was booked no suspicion ol murder. 1'1any of the 300 Negroes wh o attend the 1,700-student school met after the shooting and asked that the school pro- • • ByPhll lnltltancll JO Pereent Absent · Schools Open Despite Vows Now Possible To Shrink Painful Hemorrhoids 1 .Andl'romptly Stop The Itching, LOS ANGELES (UPI) - All city schools ln the Ne1ro community were open lodty despite a vow by black militants to c0ntinue a student boycott that erupted into violence last week Support for the strike ap- peared to be on the wane Friday when officials reported class attendance was only 10 percent below normal. At the beginning ol last week, 50fDt schools reported up to 90 pereent of their students .abseol The main tension today was centered at Carver Junior High School in the south cen- tral area were a police-student confrontation March 7 trig- gered the. boycott Relieve Pain In Most Cues. pareot.1 of youngsters at and violence wu reported In Nn' Yuk, N.Y. (Spedll)t 8cl.-of tle lnnam.e4 haDorrliola. Carvtr Junlor Jllgh," Yorty other scattered areas. enc• hu found a medlcatioa took pl&ce. said, "we find that 90 percent Seveo flre3 were reported with the abilit;r, la moet C&HI TbeeecretllPreparatlmJl't. o! those contacted said they at city school.9 Sunday At -to prompU1 1top tkht~r, Tb•r•'• no other torm•l& • nllnepain andactuallJahrink like itl Preparatfoa Hal•• would have their youngs'ters Horace Mann Junior High. hemonboida. 1ootbe1 irritated U.nu and back in school on Monday, about 20 separate blazes were 'latl br doctors prned that help11 pnnn.tt'tlrtherinf«:tfon.. we must keep our schools started in trash cans and oo fn cue after cue, w~centlJ' In ointment or 1uppoaltor1" open and educate our young ----'-· ________ nllnilll: ___ ,. __ ia_,_octu1 _______ f_orm. ________ _ people." Deputy Superintendent o! Schools J. Graham Sulllvan said he felt the most im- portant thing was ''to open the school and get things back to normal a.s soon as possi- ble." At Ille height ol Ille boycott last week, militants disrupted classes, sml!lshed windOW! and set fire5 at 18 junior and senior high schools i n predomlnl!lntly Negro areas WANT DITEREST ON YOUR BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT! \•idea college education free 1._ ______ ..;;.;;;;;;,;;~;;.;;~-.--..---.., for young Kimmons' brother and sister aJ well as costs Leaden: of the B I a c k Students Union and the Black Students Alliance called a strike last Monday to un- i;lerlcore demarids to bar police Crom the campus. Mayor Sam Yorty and th e Board ol Education rejected the demand. YOU CAN'T GBT IT BUT WITH JIACQ'IC'S SWITCH 'N SAVE ACCOUNT of ihe funeral. Dr. :r.t Norvet Young, the t.'Ollege president, agreed. TI1e Selective Service agreed to exte nd for 30 days the induction of the brother, James. into the Army. At the college's urging, Young said, the brother will be considered for ao exemption as sole SW'Viving son of a family. Man Booked In Hatchet Slayings PACOll\iA {UPI) -Carland Cook, 35, has been booked 9n suspicion of murder stem· ming from the hatchet slay ings this weekend of his wife aod 10-year-old daughter. Mrs. Bonnie Cook. 33, ·and her daughter, Charlotte, were found lying in pools of blood in the family home Saturday after Cook left his son, Larry, 9, and another daughter. Scarlett, 12, at the home of a friend. The friend notified po I ice when he discovered Scarlett had also bee n cut with an axe. She was in satisfactory condition Sunday at Kaiser Hospital in Panorama City. Officers said Cook was free on bail at the time oC the slaytn,s oo an usault charge stemming from the Jan. 19. shooting of a man at a Sunland bar. Boy Charged In Death Of Brother • RED\VOOD CITY, CaliL (UPI) -A 16-year-old boy has been charged with in- voluntary manslaughter after his younger brother was found with an arrow in his neck. :f.irs. Billie ~eghers found the body of her son, Edward, 13, under his bed Saturday. Police said Sunday the vie· tiro's older brother ~·as show- ing Edward how to use the bow when the accident oc- curred three days earlier. Manslaughter charges "'e re filed on the grounds the death "'as due to "careless handling of a deadly weapon." Officers said the suspect became frightened and con· fused about his brother's body and hid it under the bed. FAVORITES Net;•n•I end loc1I r11Je,. 1hi, poll1 P'•"'* the DA ILY PILOT ce"i11 1ome of H11 mo1t pop11 ler col11mn1 011d f1oklre1 e¥oilo\tl1 to •ny "•wi pepN in th• U11it1d Stet•" Chain Slayingr SF ,Man Goes on Rampage SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A screaming, long-haired man flailing a Jength of jagged iron killed one person and injured lhrefo others in a three-block rampage on Market Street, polko said, The outbum started shortly after 11 p.m. Sunday as theaters were closing on San Francisco's main street. Starting at Fourth Slreet and Aiarket. the man yelled. babbled incoherently a n d swung a deadly three-foot iron weapon until one ol the men he injured helped hold him Iot poliee. 1be man identified bJmself to police as Daniel J, Murpily, 27, an .artN:, end said he Ji~ in a flophouse-area hotel. Killed W83 Charles H • Swanson, about 45, a San Francisco carpenter. He was deeply cut on the neck. His body was found oo the sidewalk in froot of the Emporium Department .tor<. Taken to San Francisco General ~ital for treat- ment were Leong Jung, 52. who had a cut f~; George Purdom, 22, hit on the back: and George Collins, 42, cut on the face. All live in San 1'""'rancisco. liospltal tipokesmen said none was hurt critically. Although hurt, P u r d o m followed the man and manag- ed to bold him for police with Che help d.. a passerby. There was no hnmediate ex- planatim of the outburst. Hospitals, Churches Don'tPayTaxShare? Carver was closed ror three days last week as the strike spread over most of the south side. Leaders of the militants promised a new strategy today but did not elaborate. Yorty, who raged Saturday that Carver be kept closed ~ day and 'l'Uesday urged par- en1.11 Sunday to penooally bring their chOdren back to school today. ''Based on a massive telephone effort 5wxl~y to Millionaire Due in Court FRESNO (UPI) -Two year1 of pretrial le g a 1 skirmlshiog may be over for millionaire W 1111 am E. Thoresen III and his wife, accused or accumulating 77 tons of arms and mu nitions in the San Francisco Bay area. Thoresen and his pretty y,•ife l Louise. both 31, y,·ere to go on trial today in U.S. District Court before Judge William Goodwin. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Too The tax break should by logic They were arrested in April, many institutions such as a191 1967, during an arms raid on hnrnitals and cburchet..are not go to such persons who their San Francisco ~ion. -" rent homes or apartments, the --Id led to be paying their fair share of pro-.. uc rs a num r perty tue.J, the State Board board said. of warehou&S and a munitions of Equalization reports. It also called for a tax cache that included machine 'Ille value of such ft......,.riy rebate to elderly persom who g u n s, rifles, two antiaircraft r..._. • own cooperative apartments guns, two cannons and a GIRLS • • • AGES 4 .12 WIN Many Valuable PRIZES '" HARBOR CENTER'S 2nd ANNUAL TWEEN· AGE PRINCESS CONTEST CROWNING SAT., MARCH 22-1,00 p.m. NAMf ADDRESS PHONI , .....• , ... ,, ..•. ,, ••t ..................... . 1'111 out ind r1tur" to GW1n'1 l ludieo or o .. K• 111d Mw-11119 In Htrbor Cl!I~. llOO MADOR ILYD. COSTA MESA Yea an do 1lmnt 11 wall by bepiag 1 lat Im ma., ii yilr dw•lng ICCOllllt ud 1 lat 1111111 in yaar Plcific 5" Panllaolc Accont md switching moner bade and forth• ofllll •'°"lb. Became every dollar ~uu•na every day It la Ill your PacUlc Account- , even lor l••t one day. &" unlllly 11 l'lllllalllt A=lanll campo11Ddod deify 11111 114" 11- ditioMI an 1lnl-y11r •an11 ac-nll 1!9 cun111t 1111S. Savings ia your 1cco111 al quarters end um from the 111 al 111y month wh11 19ctind lty tha 10th. not being taxed has hit $1 but are not rich. German bazooka. billion, the board said Sunday1---..:.::..:.::::::_ ____ _:::::.::::.:~==---_:===========----------=---:.==============----in urging the legislature to adopt new, more precise guidelines on who gets an ei:- empUon and who doesn't. Among those who shouldn't, the board said, are homes for the aged which house rich people. 1t explained, "lux- urious homes for the aged occupied by the rich are no more entitled tax exempUon than JUJ:UTious private homes or wealthy elderly persons." It ur ged the lawmakers to enact more definite standards on l'.'hether an institution can qualify as exempt from pro- perty taxes because it is "non- profit" or a "charity." The board also said the legislature should extend the current partial oiaX e.iemption for elderly, low-income persons who own their homes. $225,000 Gems Stolen LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Jewels valued 5225,000 were stolen during the weekend from the homes of actress Rhonda Fleming and 1ocialite Anne McDormell Ford John· son. police reported . Miss Fleming said $75,000 worth or je"·elry \\"as slolen from her bedroom . MARCH 30-APRIL 5 ••• 0PEN 8 AM 'til MIDNITE Aov..ilwnent• OM TOMORROWWD SlAllE OM lOMORROWlAMD TERRACE MON. thN SAT. NITTS The only medication that ,Ge_ts)toa Major Cause of Hemorrhoids -· " Now!,Most complete 3-way relief' ThiSimporlJnt'de¥el opment in bemOfrboid treatme nt tomts lo you 1flet fi¥1 years of scientific. Ml clinical talinr. Not only don: ICounteroo~ wort by less1nin1 e tat. !!;lit by COltina. Mllllhinc. land prottctiflC ln)Wld tissue •.. • llltiU 1ftfJ otti. htmcrrl'IOid prodllct r:aui.temoid tlsO works I ,tt*d..,, Tlslnks lo an ex:clusiw formul• witlt OSSH.,. only Counterno id aets to 1 m1ior uust of hemor· rf'IOhls: P1inlul hlrd tonltipatlorL Wltnout lrrlutlni ~o11't eftoct Her•'• howl In hospltll x .. ., tnts doctors 111¥1 dtmon1tr1ted lh1t tMI remttbble CoilnltrrlOid lom!U· • lalion wilh DSS10 pen1lt1te s in minutu lo the top of the ' r1c t1/ area to soften the stool and em the ~I movement It is this llnlqve actiofl that dou so ~ to 1111ke natural hea1in1 pouiblt . So, if you ~" wittl the pain and 'few of rta.rrint minor hemorrhoid troublts. 111 t~ reliff wtttt niedlcarty-tmed Counttmo~. Actually, ustd rs dirtettd, Col.ln- ttrooid ofrm tilt most c:cmpltl• 3..ay Jtlitf you an ret without 1 prescription or withoilt surpy: In sl1inltss ctum w supposltoNs. Al 1U drvJ count1rs. .,,.._ ... of -........ ~-.... MOil thN FRI. NT1t.S Oii EASlER SUllDl'i1 APRIL 6 • 3:00 PM ~ .. ·~·PAT BOONE !lno MUC •nwnM JULIUS WECHTER md THE BAJA MARIMBA BAND An old-tashion EASTER PARADE Di.-.yland'a tradition•! E!llster Parade rneendera down Mein Sb'fft with guest promenad9ra, entlque ca,. ~nd noral ~ plus all the femoue °'5My Charact.rs. (Pork open 9 AM to 9 PM -April 6) OM SUMDl'll Ml'IRCll 30 SHOWliMES 5.7.9 PM DARY PUCKETI and THE UNION OAP COUNTRY MUSIC JUBILEE ROY ACUFF & HIS SMOKY MOUNTAIN BOYS Lynn And erson • Dorsey Burnett • Noel Boggs & his Band MORE THAN 50 ADVENTURES AND ATTRACTIONS AND THE DISNEYLAND CHARACTERS On your Spring Vacation vis~ isney la o_d "The Happiest Place on Earth" 1313 HARBOR Bl VD., ANAHllM-5U-4456 • Report Awaited ·Freeway Phones Eyed by County By JAC'-BROBACK 01 t11t 0•11'1' l'ti.t Slalt SANTA ANA -County Sup- ervisors are awaiting a report on a proposal lo Install emer- DEATH NOTICES BREVIG gency telephone call boxes along freeways fu the county. They named County Admin- istrative Officer Robert E. Thomas, Road Commissioner A. S. Koch and Communica- tions Direttor R. I. Morr!!: to study the proposal and report back. I·: ·' t\ 11 I M~, March 17, 196' ML V ,JlOT lt. County Coloring Book 'Officer Friendly' Teaches Kids Sal ety SANTA ANA -Orange County primary g r a d e children have a new aid to learning about l&fety -"Of. fie« Friendly." He makes his appearance in coloring books wbJch will be distributed to c o u n t y schoob by the Sheriff'• Department. Deslp to lnf<rm the ' children about the pe.ace of~ ricer and hLs job, the free coloring boot helps them remember discussion points they will hear when an "Of- covmilng • thelr society aod while at home, on th e lhdr r...,.noiblllty to obey playground, If yoo are Joat, thole rules," said Sheriff ll you are hurt, if you are Mutick. '1But, most Important, approached by a stranger or they learn the policeman is if you are ln any danger,'' their rrlend and protect.or ." one part reads. Cartoons to be colored teu •---------- of dangffOUS play habits, to avoid stringers, to keep the door Jocked whtJI home alone, to play rairly' to avoid traffic dangen. . "Offcler Friendly ls your friend. He answers your call for help. When going to S<hool, Olt G. Brevlt. Fortntr '"'ld"'t ot lltnio.. 0..tr.t of Offll!. MttCI! 11. S11r- y""" by wli., Jowphl~ M.. a .. vlf; two clto.Hlhlen, Ol'l!t M. ""°'9"'! tfld Gi.dn V. Gtl'llroeri SOfl, Verno11 IC. Brwltoi -1r1n<ktllldren1 1-4 1rut- trtlllkll1ldrlfl1 '"" TWO lrMl1rt•I· t1'9t'llldllld~. l'rt'ltle 1r1w1klr .,,..._ l<n wl!I be ~kl Tllftd1y, te AM. llow Hl1hi Mftnorltl Ptrk, Whittler. Ftmlly ii>ffHh ~ WIMl"9 lo mtkt me- "'°"ltl tonltlbutlMI, olttoe conlrlbu!t lo lhe BtMle Slelll Memorlel Sd'loi.r- 1hl1 Fund, m S. Mtole, Mont•t1a. l111emMnl, llOM Huts Memorftl Ptrk. Rote Hiib. Mor1111rv, Dlrec!ors. John Fogarty, Pacific Tele- phone representative, outlined lhe plan to supuvisors I 1 s t week. He said iMtalling m call boxes -one every quar. ter mile -would cost $19,000 and operating· them would cost $75,000 a yelr. ~ fleer F'rieQdly" visits their Tho YOUISMOllTHLY-••• a$15CH[Clon • udl $5,000 Certlflclte. If lleld under 6 moRtAs, prlnclpal rtduc•d by" checks sent )'OU. PR&SCOTT DontlllY M. Pr.scot!. 4270 Hll1rl4o Wt~. New11orl l..cti. Otte of dtt!I!, Mtrdl 14. SUrvl....:I bv hulbeNI, 0.rtld H. "rftlaltt' ,_ son•. llontld F •• of Ltkl'WllOd, tnd Keith A. Prncol!. New'POf't llHChl oe1111h!rr. Mn. Grr- tldlne W.1rieor, C,,,._, motlltr. Mr1. Emnll,... HUI, Ytrmoi !1o1V 1l1t~, Ml'1. !11'91y11 Sn1PH, Vl1t1, tl!d Mrt. MIN J1ne Simoni. ltlchmond1 brcrflwr, Miit.. J, CummlM, Yl'mlOl Ind aewn •r."'*hlldr.fl. Gr.vl"lllde _...1e11 W.l'i! hw!d lod•Y· 2 PM, wllll lttv. Ttd IC- blllll ofllcl1tlt\t. Olredoed bv ll1ltr MOrf\Jlry, 17~1 SuPl!rl.,.., Cotft MHll. ROGERS ,.,_ F. Ae>111r1. 2006 ll!rvl Lt"'' N-1 llNch. Ottt crf dtt!ll, Mardi I•. SUrvlwd trv ~u91!!1•, Mn. E.,. Hendrkkson, NllWPO,, llHcti. Gr.v.. stde t«VlcH. 11 AM tad1v, Mar.div, !11111 Ch.IHI, C111t1 Mf'N, wlTll Arv. Jtmtl 11111" ol1lel1ll1111. 111111 Morn>-,,.,, 170 Sullfflar, cost• MIU, 01-"""'· KITZMILLER Ivy D. klhmnlw. "'1 Ntvtlo AOld, W•tml"''"'· SUrvlwd by N'1'f'lll, Mr. 11!d Mr1. Donald E. k lhmllllri twG b....ttlHs, Oo!'1411d Jr. 111d Jt"'" k it• mlll .. t ertndr11tw<1, H. E. klllmll\ltf 1nd J1mn ,oa, S&rvlcn, T..,..d1y, 1 PM. l'ftk FtmllY Colonltl FuMr•I "-· BEADLE Vlrw1nl9 llNdl1. 11':1 N-1 "'""" Cosft ......... s.n1c.. Mndl"'. 11111 lll"Olldllllwv Mortvtrv. 110 lr.OW1v, Costs ......... BEARRUP Efllel 11 .. rt'UP. llf Ltbu..,um, Feu,.. !1lfl Vtll"'1'. Sen'lcw pefldl.... llttl ll"'"""'V Morlutrv. 110 Bro.dw•Y· CCII,_ .v,nt. MYERS Geor'!rudt H. Myer1. 45 llldltlld1, Ne..,. PDrl BMCll. Survived by Mn, ACIClll"' moltier, Mn. l.-Htr'Pll', l.01 A,,_ ~; 1ltf9t'< Mrt. l.IO:llt Wlncltlst, LOI An"'"'*· $1rYkft, 11 Jl,.M, Wfd"6111v, 11111 ll~•v Cll1Hl1 lnlffmenl, I,.. el.....ood MffTICll"lt! Ptrk. Btfl Brotd· WIV Mno11J1ry, 110 l!!'OMIMY, Cot!I Mat. OltKI01'1. MOORE BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del !\Jar OR 3-9'5fl Co1ta Mesa Ml 6-%4%4 BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Co1ta l\te1a LI 1-3433 DILDAY BROTllEllS eunllnito11 Valley l\tortuary 1191 l Beacb Blvd. Daatlniton. Be1ch !4!-'1771 P•,JFJC VIEW MEMORIAL PARI. Cemetery • Mom111 Cb1pel UOI P1clfle View O'rlve Newpor& Beacb, C1Wornl1 144-!'100 PEEK FA~ULY COLONIAL FUNERAL DO~IE 7801 Bolf.I Avf.. Wt1tmla1W 893-MU SJlEF f ER MORTUARY LIJUU Beat:• "4-1135 Su tiemtnte oz..tlto '™1Tll'S MOR'l'llARY S!'I Mala St. H11nttnctoa Beach LE M.119 IVEST(."LLFF MORTUARY en & l7lla St., Cotta Me11 ...... He said the telephone com- pany v.·01.ild not pay the cost. It would be up to the count3 and cities. classroom. Officers will use visual aids Federal Savings and Loan to teach children about safety Association of Fullmoo. The rules and good citizenship at school, at home and on the firm arranged for the design playground. and printing of the books with The visual aid charts and the cooperation· of the Sheriff's the books -10,000 of them Department. -were preserted to Sheriff "Thrcugh the • o f r I c er Oreng• Coast's Most Complet. PRINTING SERVICE . HlllS 11 lArt AS 251 WI ROlll 111: B PASSIOOK ACCOUlfTt PAID 0.UAIJ(ILYI Al!J,._,,.t. f1111d1iflhl• It 111~ it rR frtlll 1$1, ---.. ·-· FIRESIDE {?!.!:!:~ The 2,6<l0-call -box network in Los Angeles County is paid for by the county. "Such a system would help Ute Sheriff, Jl.ighway Patrol. police, rire, ambulance and tov.• car services,'' Fogarty said. h James A. Musick by Herbert FrieOO.ly' program, youngsters Bas in Rep len is ment-.-:~:..·:;,.,_·::.''·=·;_w.::~::~:::::·:::,.:..'""..:~::.den1-=-F~:.· nd::'__..::~=~;:=•:.ei;=:;::=.::~bou1='hroug:.:ru1=~~=========:::.--''.::~::~::;:::~·~=':...=":.':..~:..·_· _ "The system would save li ves and time and would re- duce motorists' irritation, an- guish an'd frustrations," t h e telephone man claimed. Hearing Set April 9 The telephones would be free to caners who would contact an answering agency. 11ie box number is ~ven and the type of trouble. Then the caller Is relayed to the appropriate agency. Fogarty related that the first Southern California freeway v.•as the Pasadena route in 1939. The frrst call boxes v.•ere installed on the Harbor Freeway in 1965. Now there are 2,600 on Los Angeles free- ways. Fire Calls ' (Mlt M ... U:10 1.m. 5.tturd1v, wttl!Oown, tJl W. 17!11 SI. 3:'8 p,m,, rn~. m E. 171~ St 4:1lt p.m., '''"""' mbltkf, Wllso~ 11\d Pl1~ti1 1 :OS P.m. Su,...,.v. ur fire, Vermont 111d Ghl" l :ll P.m., ltlse 11trm. Hirt.or t nd ·-· 1 :•2 p.m.. pllr.e era$!\, llritlol tnd P1ul1rlno 7:51 p.m .. l'P$CUt!, ll'S A 5.tnlt An• Ave. 12:21 1.m. MDllCll!v, 1111rtmtnt tlt1, lfllt Mf,ple, ""'· ' H..--1 •udl 4:06 1.m. $.olutcl.ly, fllldlut tld, 101• l•Y'klt Orlve 7:30 o.m., -lf•n« fi,., 1.m SUPtrior ·~· 10:.St 1.m, SUl'ldtv. w1!er d•'"'"' S44 Vil OPorte Jf:,,_ p.m., ml11e1r srructut1, 1ao1 E. B1lbol Blvd. •:'5 1.m. Mor.div. m1lor •lrvcl\ltT fire, •U, 412 11\d 416 E. OtNnfrcinl. W'l:llrlll,..11W 2:1l 1.m. Saturd1Y. 1111bHc 111111. 2lr11 /l.:~~d ~-~·~let! 11d, 7stl 2UI sr., API."' 10:S4 1.m .• mdlc11 tld, 9}11 Aobl" l•?i p.m., medl<:.11 lid 1167? Sultlr :i: IS p.m., m'ldlc1I 1fd. 14111 Sprl,... d1'9. Apt. ' 12:01 1.m. SUndty, rnedlctl 11d, Olive l:~ •. ~~lll 1ul•t. 7621 Trttk t:Jol 1.m.1 llrudure llrt, Gtffft Ltrrt.rn. p. 111 t :.cl 1.m., trash tl!'i!1 9611 Mldlton 10:52 1.rn,, rnedlCll 11d, PMk"t 11~:.ri' .. ur rlrT, !WI ...00 Blwl. 3:41 "'"'" rntdlul 1\d, 7'02 Clltdel """ 7;02 p,m., 1trvcivr1 tlrw. LOI AJlloOll, Sp. l:M 7:3"1 P.m.. (II" fir•· Tnsll; I nd ·--l :lll t .m. Mondlv. flr• hwtttltttlon, t052 N1v1lo Hu~H""lt!J •lldl 1:01 e.m. StturdaJ, mtdkll 11d, IGl\2 CUIT'f' 5.1111 10:11 1.m .• 1111bllc ns11t, UOU M•rlner Drive S:ld p.m., l'Mdlctl tld. 17$7• Ctmeron ,,JJ·p.m., slOvt llrt, 1"60 k ln••wood t :S6 p.m .. fl~ ll'IVftlit1flon. Mun1ler el'ld Sinnmtrvlll'I SANTA ANA -The Orange County Water District wilt hold a se<OOd publlc bearing April 9 at diatrict'1 offices, 1629 W. 17th st., oa a proposed underground bul.n reylenlsh- ment assessmtnt bolstered by Supervisors Reorganize Department SANTA ANA -C.unly Supervisora have approved the reorganization of the county Personnel Department, adding two posit.ions and eliminating the job of assistant personnel direct..-. Added would be a senior personnel analyst and an employment interviewer. Personnel Director Wllliam C. Hart said the changes ,would save $6,413 in the 1968- 09 fiscal year and about $1,000 next year. Fonqer Assistant Penonnel Dir<ci<lr W. C. Wlnterboume resign«! last fall to accept a position in Ventura County. He will not be .-.placed. Goodwill Adding New Structure SANTA ANA -Goodwill In- dustries, at West 5th and Fairview Streets, here, has be- gun comtnicUon cl a 1100,000 addlUoo. The ODHt.ory concrete struc- ture will 1dd 13,000 square feet of Ooor space to Good- will's workshop section, crea· ting new work areas and stor· age facilities. The addition will be built by Alli.son Honer Co., and is slated for ~cupan­ cy July 1. Whetmore Asks Bill For Cafe Musicians the good news that the recent storms have raised the UD· derground water level by ID feot. John Toups, consu l ll ng enjineer for the district said the level of 2lJ feet last November bas now risen to 30 fe<!I. Toups had estimated lhat the di.strict wou~ have to purchase at least 125,000 acre feet ol wate!' for underground replenishment. "Because ol the rise ln the level of the underground basin," 'Foups explained, "It loo'ks like the overdraft will be reduced to 85,000 acre feet. County Seeks DAPayHike SANTA ANA -A raise ln salary from $25,000 to $27 ,000 foc District Attorney Cecil Hick.a bas been recommended by the County Board of Supervisors. The board urged legislation making the increase possible. The original suggestion came from the 1968 Grand Jury whlch also recommended that supervisors' salaries be raised to $15,000 a year and the coun- ty auditor's ~Y to $21,500 ~ nually. The supervisors' pay raise already has been approved by the Legislature, but no action tw been taken on t h e auditor's pay. Fisherman Facing Tests SANT A ANA -A com- mercial fisherman accused of the burglary of a Costa Mesa store today faces possible certification as a narcotics ad· diet. Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner ordered Theodore Yunis, 23, or Santa Ana to undergo investigation a n d return to court for disposition State Sen. James E. Whet-himself, Whetmore said, "If March 24. more (R-Fullerton) has in-such ~ license fee is iirohib-Yunis was captured by troduoo:I legislation w h I ch ited by aLlte law, it will of employes of Sears Roebuck would regulate the licensing and Co., 3333 S. Bristol St. of cafe musicians: and elim-course, apply to all commu-Bristol St. last Jan. 24 after inate local fees. nittes thereby insuring uni-a SO-yard foot chase. He wu 1be senator introduced 1lle formlty, and the legislatlon booked on burglary charges bill because there are indic:a· clearly slates that the Leg.i.sla-after witnestes and employes lions thaf "in certain areas lure intends to occupy the identifiC"" hirn a"' the man who in order to wort in 1 cafe or field of regulation of cafe took more than $100 from the job musicians. night club on a itu.dy ' "Additionally, It would seem,-=ba=b=y=:!ho=p=c=a=sh="=g=i'=''='=·==,I local ordinances have been that being •mugged' and fin-Ir enacted whlch require that . musiciarui not only have to gerprinted treaU: a musician LIVELY Tiie DAI LY PILOT .,,, 1 "w1m1"'• •1ctio11" 1v1" mt" fik1 to ,.1d. as if he were a criminal when pay a llctnse fee which varies he haa not, in fact, committed in amounts from town io nor been accused of afty crime town. but Utat they are also whatsoever,,, he said. required to be 'mugged' and! .. ~~~~.:;~~i;;;;;;;;;~liiiiiiiiiiiiiii fingerprinted." I• Whetmore feeb that a var- iation of fees from locality to locality "would seem to be discriminatory" and 1ald °'•t according to his knowledge bartenders and waitresses are not required to pay such a fee In order to secure mploy· ment. A former cafe musician DEATH 1\'0TICES JONF.'l Allc:I "'°""· 421 Mvrtltl SI., L"1.INI Blldl. O.le of delftl. Mel'dt 1J, "'" vivM bv """"""' ~ Me,.,..._ 111:1-Ndl', lftCI AlftM Men4tfl, l'\tolO!t, Coltr.-01 •ltflr. Mn. G«don Ill:..,..,,.,., hcrt"*'i.. ,.,...k'ft, Tll'ftdlv. n AM. IMtl'wr L.-.... ~ Mor'llll,., CllM>o "'· Ort.,...ldt _.;1cet, T.....S.v, 2 '"" Oll\ot...,.,, c-ttrJ-, RMfslft. 0 1...ct• td It, Sl'llofffl' L.-ll.cfl Morfv1,.,, STUBBLEFIELD S!eptw,, Srvt>tlit'lltld. tO'IU ICllM, $111!1 "'"'· 0.lf Of dtallil, Mtrtll 1•. ltrvltta """'ln,. 11 W•ktllf Oliltl Mo!11.111'Y. ....- STOWELi. lllfch~rd ll. SIOWtll, 1trvkt1 """llltl 11 w .. lf.lllt th1.,.1 Morlu1ry, ~. FIELDS •1C:t11 ... L. •lelft,, mt Alm.I. MllH'°" I See by Today's Wanl Ads e Time To Llve!l In h1gh style, of courw. Thlg Is a dream house: a magnil- lcent Penthouse Apart- ment at tht Balboa Bay Dub, luxuriOUJ tn f!very detAil. 3 bedroom, 3 ba lhs, with marble Door.ii, deqi carpeting, flttplaoe. A 40 foot living room has • *-of Be.y and Ckean. A.tao separate dlnlrW room, Mn and Jarse custom k1tchen. Gold f~ll .m 11ppolntments. You only livt once! e Crarwl 01' Sport: Thlt b • Jlltte •niu21 lf'Or1S c11.r for t.ht young in heart: • 1934 t1al 5CI S. one or a kind, and thlt first $600 ..... '°"' '"""' Servlcft .,...,,. ,, _.. .. ,, _______________________ ., c!l!t, Cl'llHl .. Mor!utty, ....... ., - •f • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • BRISKET or ROUND ••••••• Lean and tender ••. briaket or round ••• tor Y,Our salute to Ireland on St. Patrick's Day I and ,. I ...... ~,~~~~ ...... . Leaves that will cook up so tender ••• so flavorful ••• for your very special Iri!h dinner I Swordfish Steak ............................................................... 89~ Thick slices .•• broil them and aerve with picture pretty lemon slices! They'll Jove you for ill Tartar Sauce ........................... 25¢ Best Foods, 6 oz. jar ... enhances flavor of fish! Mazola Oil ............................... 63' Corn oil ... fo r frying, salads, shortening! Quart. Appleberry Sauce .............. 4 "' '1 Delicious blend of npJiles It raspberries I No. 303. Liquid Chiffon ......................... 39¢ Dish\Yashing det..er&"ent •.• big 22 ounce size! I Pri.cea in tffed M&n., Twu., Wed., M4r. 11, 18, 19. No IGlu to cteolM1. I. Horseradish Sauce ............. 3 "' '1 J."ishennail•s Wharf, 8 oz. Great with corned beef! Enchilada Dinners .................. .49- Van cle Ka.mp'&, frozen ••• Beef, Cheese, Chicken I Beef Stew ·.·· ............................. 59- Nalley's, big 24 oz. ean, lots of beef, hearty flavor! Sun Country ............................ sr Johnson's .. , gets rid o! cooking odon;! Save lOcf ARCADIA: SUnset and H1111inaton Dr. (ll RntllO Clldlll PASADOll: 320 West CGfcndo Blvd. SOUTH PASADEIU: Fremont and Huntmaton Dr. HUNTIIClrnlll BEACH: Warner and Algonquin (lloanhnll: Cenlll! NEWPORT BEAtffl 2n1 "'-' Blvd. and 2555 Etstblutt Dr. ([as1bluff Vlllqa ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' I ' I J 9 CAILY PILOT M~, M.vtb 17, 196? • When it ·comes to kids, Buff urns' '111c Sunti mcrs ••• bright print or plaid panls lopped \Vith a midriff 'es!. 'J11e look is borrO\ved from Lig sister. Flare leg or cutTed4 styl e pant; 4 lo 6X, 5.50, 7 lo 14, l,00. l lidrilT 1est; 4 lo GX, 3.50. i to 14, 4,00 Talk to tho animls, 'ltoy sing Swiss· , nrusic bot melalios. All son plush from Character Novelty, S.99 each Flocked cotton dress has tiers of floonce frosted with lace . Perfect for a princess by Kate Greenaway; 2 to 4, I.GO 4 to 6X, !.00 7 to 12, 10.00 \\'e'\'e·specially pri ced boy's F.aster suits for Lillie Shavers. Many styles, all from famou s makers; 4-7, reg. U .00 to J 5.00, 1.99 ' • full of surprises for Easter IS Nothing could be more •femin.ine than • • • Fortrel polyester and Avril rayoo pique dashed with 1ace4 By Kate Greenaway;.2 to 4, 13.DD, 4 to 6X, 14 .00 , 7 to 14, 16 .00 I •• I ]l's good old Snoopy. He's 18" tall and he's the cuddliest dog iii lo1rn. ~lake him your very 0\1·n pet, 11.00 Even 1hc toughest lillle boy will like being dressed up in our Ed\vardian .• suit. Pant is boxer· styled in back. Washabl e1 4 to 7, 15,00 Soft and S\veet ••• our shado\v prin~ dress of sheer Dacron• polyester and Avril' rayon. Blue and white. By Ka\e Greenaway; 2 to 4, ll.00, 4 to 6X, 12.00 , 7 lo 14, 14.00 Jumping Jack's pant shoe is sma rtly • styled in red or black leather; 8~ to 4. 11.00 lo 12.DO A shower of flowers and lady bugs color our Snuggler sleeping bag. Perfect to peck along to a slumber party. Sleeping bag, 12.00. Matching duffie bag, 3,00 Children's deport...,nt NEWPORT • #1 FASHION ISLAND • NEWPORT CENTER • 644-2200 • MONDAY , THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 • ' --•------ • ~~. •rcti 11, ,,. • '"'" 1\ JOO EAN HASTINGS, 641-4311 Salads Served ' To Associates Crisp and colorful salads will be served in honor of associate mem- bers of Las Brizas del Mar, Fountain Valley auxiliary to Children's Home Society, on Saturday, March 29. · · Theme of the luncheon, taking place at noon in Golden West College Community Center, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach, will be Keys to Happiness. Anyone interested. in attending the luncheon or learning of the activi .. ties of an associate member may contact Mrs. Glenn &oble, chairman, at 962-7917. The program will begin with an introduction of associates followed by an interpretation of the society and its involvement, centered around the Keys to Happiness theme. Mrs. James Ackley, president, will introduce auxiliary officers \)'ho will present a brie! synopsis of their work in the society. An honored guest will be Mrs. June Hendricks, director of auxiliaries, Orange County Districrof Cliildren'.s Home Society, who will speak and present a film on society activities. Mrs. Lou Hall, an associate member, will read a poem c~mposed especially for the event. Adding a musical note to the program will be the newly formed Saddleback Chapter of Sweet Adelines, who will present.five entertaining selections. Mrs. Michael Ludwig, lead singer of the group, also is an as-- sociate member of the auxiliary. Other members include Mrs. Carl Gibbs, ?vlrs. James Ripley and Mrs. Joseph Bast. Chairmen for the luncheon, in addition to Mrs. Scoble, include the Mmes. Edward Lavelle, hostess ; David Burney, decorations ; Ronald Th(}mas, telephone; Ron Gadberry, name tags and Rudy Carino and Theodore Hehman. Each associate member will receive a token of the auxiliary's ap- preciation which will be in keeping with the program's theme. HAPPINESS UNLOCKED -Associate members of Las Brizas del Mar, Fountain Valley's auxiliary to the Children's Home Society, will be presented tokens representing the Keys to Happiness theme to be carried otit during a salad luncheon in their honor. Opening their hearts to the plight of chil .. dren awaiting adoption are (left to right) Mrs . Glenn Scoble and Mrs. Edward Lavelle. Voters Bid To Coffee Women interested in learn- ing more about the activities of the Huntington Beach League of Women Voters are invited to attend an Orien- tation Coffee Friday, March 21. Hostess for the morning get- acquainted session will be Mrs. Raymond W. Callahan, and all area women are in· vited to join her for an in- formal and informativ e session. Also on hand to welcome interested citizens will be Mrs. George Williams, membership chairman for the league, and anyone interested in learning m or e of the group 's goals and activities is invited to call her al 847"·3906 for an invitation to the coffee. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan group dedicated to the promotion of political responsibility through informed and active participa- tion in government. League members presenjly are plan- ning a candidate's meeting which will lake place Tuesday, April 15. Hallmark of Achievement Awarded FV Miss Assistance· League Prospects Tour First Chapter Taking to the freeways Thursday, Marcti 20, will be eigh t provisionals of t h e Assistance League of Hun· tington Beach, who will travel Las Damas Host AFS Las Damas Club of Sunset Beach will invite husbands and guests when they gather for an American Field Service program at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 26. Hosting the meeting Jn their Huntington Harbour home will be Dr. and Mrs. Glen Price, and assisting will be Las Damas members, the Mmes. James Ayers, William Moffett, Stephen Dien and Peter Bily. Accepting reservations for guests is Miss Betty Jean Dunham. 592·5356. to national headquarters Jn flollywood to learn more of league goals and policies. Attending Orientatlon Day will be the Mmes. WJlton Brown, Wayne Flanery, War· rcn Hair, Robert Murray, Bert Robinson, Robert Seyb ert . \Villiiim Stephenson a n d Charles White. Accompanying th e pro- visional nlembers will be Mrs. Floyd Hair and Mrs. John Wyatt, the city league's ae- cond an~ third vice presidents. Attendance at Orientation Day constitutes an important part of the training of each Assistance League provisional and creares a foundation of knowledge of the league's goals and methods to aid in future work with the organiza- tion. During their visit the pr8- vis.ionals will attend a seminar in which national policies and activities will be explained ill. addition to its relation.ship between member chapters. A group of league members and interested citizens plan to visit Sacramento o n Wednesday, March 19, to observe the legislature in ac· Uon. The league atso conducts citizenship cl~es for non· English speaking persons and conducts studies on 8Ubjects at local, county and state levels. Mrs. R. Bond Thompson, president of South Coast Junior Woman's Club of Fountain Valley (left) congratulates Donna Preleyko, who will represent Los Cerritos District during the Hallmark Art Contest conducted on the state level. Miss Preleyko, a Fountain Valley High School student, received a $25 savings bond given by the area club from Mrs. William Hayes, iipe arts·chairriian, and an additional $25 from Los Cerritos District. State \Yinners will rece\ve $400 for first place and $300 for second place. Speakers will be Pablo Navarro of Santiago, Chile, lt1arina High School student who is residln.g with the Gerald Peasley fami ly, and Jackie Bennington and Chris Pickford, who went to Hon· duras and India with the Americans Abroad program. As a part o( the orientation progr:11n, provisionals will in- spect the facilities c:A. the foun- ding chapter including its gift shop and thrift shop. Following the tour, pro- visionals will enjoy a lunl'heon i n t h e I e a g ue-operated tearoom. There Is More to a Happy Marriage Than Meets the Eye DEAR ANN : Thant you for the wisdom shown in your reply to the mot.her whose handsome, brilliant son announced lie was going to marry a blind girl. As founder and editor of Dialogue, a recorded and brailled magazine. for the blind, and as a blind person myself, my prime aim in life is to help erase as many misconceplion.s aboul sightless people as possible. I married a blind girl nearly four years ago. I wish that worried mother could meet my wire. She ha s a masters degree and Is a speech therapist, the only blind person """.' teacher or student -at 111orton High School in Cicero, Ill. t.{y wife Is a fine cook and an excellent housekeeper. Her hobby is '\ritlng children's books. She gives I~· ANN LANDERS lures and enjoys performing with an amateur theatrical group. I hope. the concerned mother will ac- cept. her -blind daughter·in-law ·as a normal hwnan being and forget about her sigbtlessness. Above all, she must not pity her or make excuses for her. Before long she will discover that all her fears were without foWJdation. - D.O.N. DEAR D.O.N.: Tbenk )'Oii for 1 most inspiring leUer. It w11 one of man;t • -but aia1, r cannot print tb:em 110. r.1y bt1t wi1he1 lo you tnd your wife. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 just caught up with some back columns. A friend saves them for me when I travel. The letter signed "Sick of Sex and Hungry. for Love" was a lulu . The woman com· plained because her husband wasn't romantic. She said his lovemaking was 1.ero, that 1he slept with him In exchange ror linancial seeurity. Her c,tosing !Ords were, "1 know how a prostitute feels." Since she knows how a prostitute feels, why doein't sbe go back to work? I'm well acq\,lainted with her kind. ·They hate sex, put nothing into it, then blame lh!ir husbands because they aren't romantic. These dollies are dead from the neck both ways and they believe a marriage license entitles them to permanent amnesty. You 'd lose your job if you printed U1is letter so l don't ·expect to see . it in the paper, but I feel better ror having written it. -HEY YOU lMY EX-WIFE'S NAME F'OR MEI DEAR H.EY: Here's your let~r. and 10 far as I kaow I'm 11111 employed. nanks for wrlUng. • ' DEAR ANN LANDERS : How much of hls time does a man owe hls former wife! In the last two years my husband has spent hundreds of hours on the phone liste~ng to sad stories about the cbildren 's report cards and their Inability to get along with other children. She asked hlm to help her move (he did) and he also helped her with income tax forms. Every few days he gets a call. Last night she needed some addresses or mutual friends. Every time the phone rings my blood pressure goes up 20 points. I'll repeat the question : How much of his time does a man owe his former wife? - NO. 3 DEAR NO. ~ Tllo qutsUon can b"'I be auwe.rtd by the t1°busband. Re owu ber •• mucb tlmt 11 bt fee.II he wuta to &Ive. A.Del U you are wl.H )'11'1 be patient, 1apporUve, understandllg aed .n..1. Alcohol is no shortcut to social aucceu. U you l.hlnk you have t.o drink to be accepted by your friends, get the facta. Read "Booze and You -li'or Teenagers Only," by Ann Landers. Send 35 centa in coin and a long, self·addresaed. stamped envelope with your requat. Ann. Landers will be glad to help you with your problenu. Send U... to her in care or the DAILY PILOT eDClosing • self.addrepect, . sttm;;t envelope, , 1 .Jf DAILY PILOT Maltd-11, Marth 17, 1%9 ---...-From Swims uit to Robes I Judge Advocates Physical Fitness LAW FAMILY Judge J01n Kle in NO MONEY Presiding over a municipal court is a pretty sedentary job, but Los Angeles Judge Joan Dempsey Klein is a former professional swimmer who switches from robes to a bathing su.it to keep in physical trim. The Van Nuys Courthouse jurist toured Europe for a year in swimming competition after graduation from San Diego State CoUege prior to her 1955 completion of UCLA Law School. Teaching at UCLA while in graduate school was a real promotion for the young woman attorney, who financed lower-level · education as waitress, 'di sh washe r, lifeguard and swim instructor. Her post in Division 75, Im Angeles C o u n t y Muni cipal Court, irivolves all misde- meanor and fe1ony cases in , DOWN UP TO 1' MONTHS TO PAY the Van Nuys area, some of them more cotorlul than others. Judge Klein's name made tbe news Jan. 17, when she is.sued a complaint against topless dancer Vickie Drake, 22, unsucceuful 1968 candidate for Stanford University stu· dent body prWdenl. More than (Ille newspaper at the time made note of a mini·sklrt controversy in which Judge Klein c:riUclud another woman judge for wearing them, ineorrec:Uy and unfortunately listing Judge Klein as the judge who wore !hem. Jlldge Klein and her hus- band, attorney Conrad L. Klein, are former deputy state attorney generals and are ac- tive in statewide professional groups, as well as San Fernan- do Valley civic affairs. • Judge Klein was 1963 UCLA Law School Alumna-of-O» year aDd served eight years as a trial lawyer before being admitted to practice before Keystone Cop ~ Discovered John H. Greene is still playing the role of a Keystone Cop. The Harbor Island resident, one of the original Keystone Cops who were in their heyday in the early 1920s, still is remember- ed for bis movie role and on occasion is ask- ed to slip back into character. To make their luncheon, themed Key- stone K1E. per an ertra special one, mem- bers of e Aeronutronic Wives Club have asked e to be guest of honor next Wed~ nesday in the Balboa Bay Club. Greene will reminisce on his days of stardom, telling how he was signed for the comedy role when he promised to include his Model T Ford in the contract for the serie:;. Members of the club and their husbands will model the fashions for the style sho\v, which will be .preceded ~y a social hour at 11 a.m. and a buffet luncheon at 11 :30. Reservations may be made by telephon- ~ing Mrs. Russel Forsythe at 54&-9856. ,,, .. M"9rtlMMlllU ' ......... ·~ T oasf mistresses T crtk. • • h1rs. Betty Cbapltt • was and pledge; Harold ~tarkhaith I t t u, e: loastmbttess of the day dur-Lellcology, and I d a Ma~ k • 1ng a. meetin1 of San Clemente •• Schomaker eduCation. p e e s • Toastmistress Club in San ' Al'9 upcoming I s a • Clemente Municipal G o 11 Clubhouse Ulls morning. workshop on evaluation nul • Speakers for lbe occasion Friday evening at 7:30 in the &y Merwyn• • • • • •• were the Mmes. Edward H' San Clemente Elks Club. ~ Ard, Beth Murphy and Charles Members .are urged. to bring The we/I-read marqq,~ a!>ove Su•ain. guests, tlckets are ·SI per the Newport Lido sugges~ ne Others particjpatlgc ..-·ere person. Wreck.Ing Crew and The Night the Mme.a. Gordon Fleener, Mrs. C. W. Stonty, lhe club'~ '11:1ey Raided r.tlniky's. How· timer : James C rum , contestant, won the Counctl . evaluator; Lillian Kutkowsk.i, s speech contest at Oceansjde ever, the film facts are refer- closing thought; Olive Barnes with ' her talk, Success and ence to l\\'O movies that ar,e and C. L. Burgess, hostesses; will go on to compete in the designed to entertain, and do Frances Irvine, inspiration intercouncil competition . that well. Current Issues Discussed Show Provi des Scholarsh ips , The second of the aboVe pair lays claim to the story behind qie introduction of, and the sub- sequent lengthy s u cc e s s ol burlesque. It seems that a guy \\'oman's <;ampus Club of named Minsky troth:d out a few ~hapman College will. present fillies to race across across the its annual scholarship fund-. • raising luncheon and faShion tra ck on a stage 1n gay Gotham show in Santa Ana Elks Club some few years past. He /earn. Current Issues in" Local next Saturday at noon. ed that the winners we re those Community Affairs will be The public is invited. and with the barest of attire. So, discus~ed by Alrs. William tickets are $5 which. may be comes the daring do or die and Hoskins of the League of reserved ~Y contacting Mrs. ditching ot robe.:s. Women Voters when she ad-Charles Mitchell of Orange. . CALL FOl Flfl IDIMATI AND SHOP AT HOME SllY1Cl °"'r pn!ftllilMlly 1ra!Mf ,._...., wll -• ,ovr ""'-er .tti<e • , , 01y er _..,. ••• Wf'lll 1111 ,.... otlN'lli• wledlM ., tlr11'«)' er u,._ .. ""..._ H• IM!tatlla. 9' - the U.S. Supreme Court. L-------------'-------' dresses the 'Vomen's Society Fashions from daytime to The good folk resented the of Oiristian Service of the evening. travel. children's and "stripping" and alerted the f'ir~t 1'-1ethodisl Church, Costa men's wear will be shown by gendarmes. The Jaw stretched /llesa. the May Co., South Coast out its Jong arm and grabbed a "OM YOUI AHA CAU 548-8242 01 5'0-"17 BEAUTI PLEAT DRAPERY & CARPET 8VAL• l:NTllE STOCI OJ JAIU LOUS DIAHlY JAlllCS llDUCID TO JO% TO -40%· Wiiy Settte ... on11_,. D,..1*5"1 Add Colorful E•cltemlnt to Yoo.or RDllfll o.;or ... Wlltl Bold NN ldu• •nd 0&$1gnll ··-~IMlld e Tll aild<s • s ... , e CeKHe. .... e vai.nc:" e Aw1•1l;.R CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES OUl WOllCMANSHIP IS SUPl:ll HAlDWAll & lODS CUT TO OlDfR EAUTIPLEA CALL JO• flit mlMATl SHOP~AT·HOMI SElYJCE DRAPERY & CARPET 548-8242 NO MONEY DOWN "'°.MO""',."' * * She has been a judge in the Los Angeles Municipal Court system for six years and has lectured at UCLA and for the California State Bar's Continuing Education of the Bar program. Their professlon in law keeps the Kleina busy, but they still share an active in- terest in swimming, tennis and volleyball, participating in these sports with t h e i r children as a family activity. District Board To Gather The last board meeting before convention will be con- ducted for Orange District. California Fede r ation of Women's Clubs, Junior Membership, at 8 p . m . Wednesday, ~larch 19. l~osting the meeting will be memben (){ El Camino Real Juniors, Mrs. David Robbins, president. Orange District Juniors will gather for their convention Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, in the Disneyland Hotel. Bargains Go Up for Sale Members of N-ewpo rt Harbor Grandmothers Club have been collecting items for their rummage sale all year and will put them up for saJe March 20-ZZ at 145 E. 19th St. Costa Mesa. The proceeds will be given to the club's charity projects, including City of Hope, ac- cording to 1tfrs. L o u i s Spielberger, chairman. * * * --2k~~.-J!.s -LIDO CENTER .1433 VIA LIDO, NlWPORT BEACI I, 673-6360 May Date Disclosed During a candlelig h t ceremony, Alpha Xi Delta members learned of t h e engagement of their sorority si!ter Jeanne Davis to Steven A. Luhrs. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Davis of Newport Beach, is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and is a junior at Woodbury College, Los Angeles. Her future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Luhrs of Costa Mesa, is an alumnus of Laguna Beach High School and is serving in the U.S. Air Force at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. The couple will ,say their JEANNE DAVIS Future Bride vows May 30 in St. Joachim's Catholic Church. Costa Mesa . Plaza. The group will meet at 10 few dolls in its midst! IL's all a.m. next \Vednesday in Speaker N d for your eyes on the big, wide Thompson Hall, and at noon 0 me screen at the Lido. Good for Mrs. Lloyd Shaw and the Lydia Circle will serve as Nev.·port Beach City At-daughs. hostesses for a salad-dessert torney Tully H. Seymour will potluck luncheon. discuss Offshore D r i 11 i n g The program has been ar· before Orange County Harbor ranged in conjunction with the Area Legal Secretaries. WSCS's study of the Now His talk will follow a 6:30 Prophets. p.m. dinner in Alejandro's Morning devotions will be restaurant, Corona de! ~1ar, led by Mrs. \Vesl ey next \Vednesday. Greenhalge, and conducting -----------1 the meeting will be 11rs. Phillip MacKenzie. Plans will be formulated for the April 15 rummage sale. Lunch Served AOYE~TISEMENT l'VE GOT A SECRET JI you need help in preparing your wedding. You'll find all the tfTll O'TOOLt Dana Point Community secrets in 1'How to Plan Your Dean ft·lartin is Matt Helm In House will be the destination Wedding'' Guide. Send 25c in The WreckJng Crew. And speak- fGor 1 !'"Asmbe,rs of Tteeh n~ge coin to P.O. Box 388 Huntington ing dames, like Elke Sommer, 1r s sis ance ga er1ng ' lh. ''M'' · lh L.do for bridge and luncheon at 2 Beach. Calif. 92648 is . i:no.v1e al e 1 p.m. Friday, March 21. makes ft11nsky s burley-kew em- por ium look like a picnic in the chureh yard on a sunny Sunday. Nancy Kwan and Tina Louise join Elke as opponents of Matt- boy. Sharon Taie signs up on Helm's team. Beauty Salons Rod Steiger ls Tbe Sergeant. Paul Newman is Harper. In that -·~.,,_._ ~~"' r, ~''*',:-,:.?WJ pair of movies there is a heap , ,' ,' ,.,~~ of acting deftly handled by this , ',_, , ,,...] duo of cinema actors. They ··>,\ ... j form the top entertainment at ' . .-;: the 1t1esa. Steiger t"urns in a magnificent performance in the title role as the non-com who assumes the chore of straightening out a U.S. Army company that has forgotten discipline. Frank Lat- imore plays U1e commander of the company who has fallen into a rut or insecurity and in· competency. • John Philip Law and Ludmila Mikael are the screen sweet· hearts who provide the film's' romance. They also become the target of the sergeant's sadistic streaks. Because of the themes of Tbe Sergeant and Harper the two are suggested for mature audi- ences, adults and mature young people, with parents exercising discretion. Both on the big, wide * screen right now at the Mesa. ON OUR NEW ''CAROUSEL:' CUT ... MESA 1'-fATINEE shows are often called "Shopper's Shows." But you do not have t'o go shop- ping to attend one ' of these Pot>- ular weekly affait'S. Shop if you like, or just drop in any \Ved· nesday afternoon and enjoy a lndy swelJ film. The programs start prompUy at 1 o'clock, opening with free refreshments. topped with your CUSTOM·CREATED COLOR ! Thanks to ingenious Roux. our new push-button dispenser lets us create a litera I kaleidoscope of hair colors-so we achieve preci se ly the shade you want. And then keep it unchanged, retouch after retouch! The perfect finish to our style arti try in creating a softer looking. you nger loo king you. NOWllOt't leech, C1ill. JIU ..........,, llvtl. Al.at'\tt ....... SW..• ,.,... f7J.9'1f Co1ta Me11, C11if. 111 IE. 111t1 "'"" Mtl'ftlr c ... i.r ~~ MM4<11 S1nf1 An1, Celif. ''-" ""'"""'"'''r 'TOW11C1tt1• .....,., ll1·1* • CREME HAIR TINT COMPLETE With Sh1mpoo And Set 51& Co.ta Mt11 , Calif. 1• w lflll ""'" ''-"' ..,-iiH S1nt1 An1, C11if. ):!ft /.le. il'liNi..& l"1lrv1tw C.tMfl' 1>'*'4 t»-•11 Fountain Valley, Callf. ,,.. Mlll'lllle YIU ... Clfllll!f "l'!Or4 ,,.,. •• Fount1ln V1lley, C1llf. WI EllMtl' U l11ttio. Y1!1fY C-r ,,,_. Sl'l·.U FREE PASSES to the Lido or ~tesa will be malled t'oday to ?tfargaret Kelley, 2018 Dover Or .• Newµort Beach, 11ichael P. O'Brien, 623 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, Kittie Hogan. 267 Palmer, Costa 1tfesa and Louise Barrett., 225 Goldenrod, Corona del Atu. A lip of the green d<:rby !his One day to the quartet above with names Imported Crom the Emerald ts.le. They are invit'td to be guests of "Picture Peeks" 111t lhe "1esa er Lid0 one fine ---.:.--------------------------~----~-----~~ day real soon. ' , lol-l l"Mt9 FLORAL TRIBUTES -Mrs. J. William Devaney (right) receives the Presi- dent's Sweepstakes Award in the artistic division for her entries in the La- guna Beach Gard.en Club's Winter Festival F1ower Show. She is congratulat- ed by Mrs. Lecnard Davis, club president (right) and Mrs. Eldon Stark, stag- ing chairman, (center). ANGEL CUTS FOR TWO-TO-TEN 2.00 Short end perky ••. you 'll love the wey our experts cut your little guy's or gol's heir into pixies , poor boys or t inkerbe lls. So eos y core thot o fl ick of the brush wi ll keep them looking neot ond fresh. Appointments not olwoys neCesso ry. Phone fr om Huntington Beoch , 892-3331 ; fro m Anoheim, 535-8121: fro m Newport, 644-121 2. The Beauty So lon, 601. The Bold and the Beautiful "' NB Librarian Gives Review Mrs. Marlin Sheely, Newport Beach City librarian, wlll review "Bountiful Ladles" for Stephens College Alumnae members and guests when they meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow. The group will gather in Raybell Co., Tustin and Mn. Wynn Chapman will be the hostess. Also on the ageoda wlll be the completion of plans for the &Mual lund-raising event which this year will be a wire-lasting party In the Revere Hoose April 25. $625 $625 95 The ~nga ara a gllmmetlng ,_ lclnd Ol ..._ 14 brli gold. Th1dlamondlaramountoc11llght1yo111ot.eolhoy'19 unllltd whentho~ngoara~. lt'aawholo,_btll gamoln-lngools. And lt'a ou11 alone.Adltmond Is for nowl (Diamond ...... __ ..,,tol .... lectod.) SLAVIC K'S JewMq Since 1917 18 F•1hion lsl•nd Newport Be1 ch -6~4-1380 Yovr Ch!rt• Attot.111f Wolc:ofllo -l1n~Al!'lorlc:•rd, M1dtr Cht rt•• too Op•1t Mondoy, Frid•y 1t1Rl!I t :JO ,.111. ' ' MondaJ, Mart• 1T, 1969 DAILY PILOT JS Mesa League Emblem Club LA Lecbe League meets tile The Elu Lodie II the oet- Laguna Beach Flower Show Green· Thumbs Feted !OCOl!d TUuda)' et 7,30 p.m. t1J111 !or ,. .. 11ngs or the Mrs. H.W. Moore, MM359, Emblem Club 2l>l ol Laguo .. will answer q u e 1 t I o n 1 Beach. Members gather the rtgafdm& I o ca t I o n and firal and third Tuesday at ownbershlp. I p.m. Mrs. Eldon Slark, Winner a1 a rtbboo• 1n t b e Horilcultural Sec:tloo, !cot the PresldeTit's Sweepalakes at Laguna Eeacb Garden Club's recent Winter Festival Flower Show. · Mn. Stark, ftlth sis firat, five ~ and two tblrd place ··-· edged . <Mil Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carroll who earned ail: first. two second and onfl third place awards with their entries. · Other flrst ·p1ace horticultural ribbons went to lb< lolmee. Charles M • Achauer, four; John , Reilly, five, and Harry G. Busby, three. Two blue ribbons each were awarded to Mrs. John Harris, Richard Grant, Mrs. Neil Lewis ind John Norton, and single first-place awarc1' were earned by the Mmes. John Burri, B. Dean Clanton, Leonard Davi!, J o.seph Fow- ler, Robert M. Parker. Wil- liam F. Robb, Florence Sunn, Clarence Shearor and H. G. Winkle. The Presldent's'Sweepstakes in the artistic division was won by Mrs. J. William Devaney with her three first· pla~ awards. Mrs. W, Herbert Al l erhand was presented with a Special Creativity Award, and blue- r lbboo 1liDoen In the Arlllllc Sectloo lllcluded the Mmes; Achauer, Carroll, llarTll and Rog Kellerinl)lan!, eaih wllb two blue r!tibool, along with the Mmea. Allerhand, Frank N. Benham, Floyd Case, Davb, C!iarlesD l 111D11 r, David J. Erm, P a u 1 Ha/melJlies, Lyle Jngerick, John 'Mrocztt, Norton and TERRY AITKEN B•trothed Engagement News Revealed h-1r. and Mrs. Stewart D. Aitken of Anaheim have "an- noun~ the engagement of their daughter, Terry Aitken to Herbert David-Schmld~son or Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan R. Sch1n.idl of Costa Mesa. Panhellenic To Present Athena Award Frost your hair and discover·a new.you! 15.00 Reg. 25.00. lncllllles frostinr. plus slialllJIOO and · set. What a gfillllOlllU$113J 1D enh3nce th& natural beauty ofyouy hair! Hurry Ill-Offer is for a limited lime! Beauty Sbllb • Buffums· Barbara Page, each wlthr.,;§§§:::::;::;::;::;::;~::;::;::;::;::;::;:;==; 11111111 first-plat<! awardl. Ir I A thrff-way nee devtloped L CARPET! CARPET! CARPET! ln one aectlon of tbe tablwet.. WOVI - ting <~mpeililon with Mrs. 1000'• of YAaDs· Deveney wlonlng with 91 '· points; Mrs. Erickson geliln& ROLLENDSI REMNANTS! S«Ood wllb 97 polnta, and OFFGOODSI CARPET FROM 'Mrs. Hubbard Keavy, lh1rd, TRACTS! 1COrini 91 points. M ra . LOW, LOW PRICES Benham !cot top booors In C -at W eho•~• the Acapulco lable, and Mn. a. I"'.". ar ·~ Arnold Keams was second. 1753 South Ritchey .. S1nta Ana !Newport Ft••••Y to l:dl1191r - W. to IUc;ho.,I ortNt hlty I te 4 s.t. 11 A.M. te Z P.M. '41·1111 Black Tie Ball Date Awaited Entre Nous members wm gatl1er Mareh 22 In Club 33 in Disneyland's New Orleans Square to .celebrate .t h e group':; filth anni versary with a formal ba ll. After arriving at 6:30 p.m., guests will enjoy .socializing unt il dinner at 8 p.m. and dancing the remainder of the evening to the music of the John Whited Quartetle. Members of the committee planning the social group's black tie affair include Mr. and Mrs. Max Olsan and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sutton of Newport Beach. Betrothal News Told The engagement of Dianne Seuffert and David L. Fabriz.l.o has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Seuffert of Huntington Beach, parents of the brldW:lect. Miss Seuffert. ls a graduate of Lompoc High School and attends Orange Coast College. ,~ '$"- -·-for ~aster. .. Get the prettiest head start with a Penney "Treasure Creme Oil" b11d9et permanent! 8.88 , r Her Hance, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fabrizio of Lompoc, also was graduated from Lompoc High School and attended Allen H an co ck College, Sanla Maria. WIGLETS ..... from 9.95 Sh1mpoo ind set •••••••• (Monv Tues. and W..d. only) $3 No date haJ been set tor the wedding. W• tpedolln ln th. caN of faahlon wigs. NO APPOINTMINT NICISSAIY 'UU•llTOH Offftflfllr C•llfll" 2fld floor, «1'1-A:M:I • HUNTllolOTON •l'ACH HunllMIM CtRNr 2nd,._, "2·7771 lolEWl'OllT ••ACM F11hloll l1!1rd 2nd floor, "'4-n1i I t ·.\ \ ' Fashion shades shaped by Renattld " to lead a double life Shades for the sun. Shades for skiing. Shades for evenflias out. Quality-con~olled,.pastel-linled Orama IV lenses reduce reflected glare. "llle carirlidae", a.•. "llle Vaµar", t•. "The Radcliff', a.•. "The Squadron" with polarlmd lenses,.1.a cosme~ , Newport Cooter 11 fasbim I~ • 644-2200 • Uon., lbar!, fri.10:00 6119:30 Olher days 1o!oo ft11 ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I w -------------------------------'~ .. . .. . . ' ". ............... -..... , .. .. 4 ...... ......... ,., -·· . ----.. ., ---...-···· .. • . J.4 t!All.Y PllGT l MOftdq, Mll'dl 17, l'l69 Garbage Cans Get 'Dressed' Horoscope · Taurus: Stay N~utral TUESPA Y an Onlsblnr a proJtd. ao with enlhllllum. You eoula meet ptrlOO who pla71 slgnlft· cant role in your life. B7 April, your enthu1l11m returN. Lile begins to glo1" Whoo Is I gll'bago CID not a gltbagt can 1 When U.' c1"""5 up and d-.l<d, that's whm. 'l1ien. wttb a litt.Je lmaglnatioo, a gat1>ago WI E perform a number ol. ores and be a decaratlvt et as wdl. ' First, to iJamoriJe yoor garbage can, drtSs it up with a colorful coal of paint in a color that blends or con-trasts wttb your home's ex-la-ior color. Depending 00 Your artiatic ability, you might ~t flowers, leaves, birds, etc., in t;contrastlng color. Even if haven't gGt the artistic t h you can aJw.,. give it a pop art appearance by painting circles, triangles, squares 'in psychedeUc col<r1. To paint a galvanized st.eel garbage can use a cement paint in an oil base, an ~ ts'ior latex paint « a dne dllst paint in an oU <I' alkyd ls,ase. Remove any oil or gns.ase from the can with HONER PLAZA 17th 1t IRISTOL SANTA ANA 54)·1551 oolvenla. Brushing or washing wltb water sboald remove oU><r surface dirL Paint when the surface is dry and in miJd weather. Now that the garbage can ls.no longer utilitarlan-looklng, bring lt indoors and store wdolens in IL Its tlihl fitting dwer makes this can IJ1sect.. .proof. Or you can have in -ent for garder !Qol>, peat moss, !ertillur >nd other garden needs. In addition, tbelr resistance to fire makes the steel cllll an ideal con- tainer for flammable paints. MAR.cH 18 llAGnTAJlllJS <Nov. n. By SYDNEY OMAllR Dec. II): One you P"<viOWllY lhoug!ll could do no wrong 4-rhe wba man tonl:Nll1 bis now grates your nerves. Day dutlll)' • • • Astrology points to -,..., Independence. ~ way.0 Don't be anyooe•1 door.mat. Ailmi (March ll·Aprll !1): Yowipter could' milk.• ... Yoo may not have tt all your ceulve demuds. way, but you gain plaudlll. CAPRICORN (Dec. :.Jan. Pay greater attentlo& to public 19): pon•t push too hard in reJatioos. Mate or partner ts occupaUonal area. Some at not pleased with current con-the top are unsettled, lack dltlons. Know this -be security. Knaw this and time cooperaUve. moves accordingly. Means TAUllVS (April JO.May 20): make presence mown In unol> Some facts previously bidden trusive manner. come to light. You may find AQUAIUllS (Jan. JO.Feb. youraelf middleman In 18):· You are restleu. Bui dispute. Try Doi to ahoW do permit Joc!c to dominale- favorlUIJn. nose who battle Otherwist, yro waste time, today could kiss and mate energy. Relativta m a t e up tomorrow. Remain neutral demands. Maintain balance, GENERAL TENDENCll!lh Moon opposition to Jupiter- Uranus portends brtat from past patterns. Famous penon embarU on journey because marriage is on the rocka. To flftd! out -J::'• I~ ltr,_ Y'* h~~"'..J.:n:., ~tc.:t""H1nllw~ Mtn tlld Women." Stl\O 111~-lf ,r,', \' ~·f "Co1w, ·~ C~1r.t~.11~1f.w vcA, ;i~. 1 'r7'.'" KNITIING YOUR BAG? It's our bq' • , , See UI for the latest In tuhlon knit ldeu, colorful yarns and. bags too ... A garbage can is good for storing eoo1poot. Drill" a few holel around the perimeter of the can about an inch and a half from the base. Save the grass clippings after mow- ini the lawn and store them in the can. Saturate the clip- pings with water every time a fresh supply is added. Sur- round your plants with the compoR to enrich the soil and bop weeds from growing. Travelers Going 'Down Under' GEMINI (May 21.June 20): good humor -not ao good Don't expect too much from for detall work. friends. SOme around you are PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): unsettled, disturbed. K e e p Hold off on money com- goal in sight. Don~ be dlmJad. milmenl. You need add!Uonal ed by those who are confuled. facts. Someone who tries to The KNIT WIT Mr. and Mrs. Renwick Congdon of Laguna Beach embark the passenger liner Canberra to start their ocean voyage to Australia:. En route they will visit Hqno1ulu , Yokohama, Kobe and Nagasaki, Japan and Hong Kong. Outline needs, budget. sell something sight un.seen Phon- CANCER (June 21.July 22): is covering up a lack. Know 545.2112 PRETTY! PRETTY! · cotton, rayon , poly_ester e NO IRON "POLLYANNA" PRINTS I 00 •;. cotton e FUNTIME DUCK PRINTS 100 ':.'. nylon e FLOCKED SHEER PRINTS combed cotton end polyester e 'WENDY" SEERSUCKER SOLIDS polyester encl cotton e NUBBY DAN RIVER FANCIES lb" to 45" wide ell ate 9u1r1nteed wesh1ble. 8! SPRING PRINTS dacron polyester and cotton e SUNRAY VOILE PRINTS 11! cotton e NO IRON SAILAWAY PRINTS all cotton e WAFFLE PIQUE PRINTS e COTION HOPSACKING PRINTS 44°/45" wide 9u1r1nt1ed w1shabl1 DRAPERIES yd. SOUTH COAST PLAZA HUNTINGTON CENTER BRISTOL et SAN DIEGO FWY. COSTA MESA 545-1516 EDINGER 1t IEACH HUNTINGTON IEACH 897·101) Pronounced 'Pizza' Day features satisfying o1 this; be pallenl. Prorect SOUTH COAST PLAZA curiosity. You learn the why assets. Lowor Moll Acro11 from of recent happenings. Not Wise IF TODAY IS y OUR Woolworth'• PTA Changes Name to PTSA to embark upon journey untess BIRTHDAY you are em-lrl1tol ot tho s.11 Di•t• 'rvrt· absolutely necessary. Don't barking upon new project. Do COSTA MESA give up something for nothing.,~~~==§~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Strive for harmony at borne. Confusion about whose tum it is could create friction. Be diplomatic. Set example. Ce- ment ties of affection. Otherwise, an important rela· tionshlp could end. BE FREE OF FACIAL. HAIR FOREVER•••• By PATRICIA McCORMACK NEW YORK (UPI) -Put an "1" In PTA -for Parent Teachers Association -and you come up with PTSA, pro- nounced "pizza." More than half the 43,000 units of the PTA naUonally are inserting the 0 1" In an effort to narrow the genera· tion gap. The "s" stands for studenta. Im.practical. you say; How coold partnts and teachers talk about teenage problems in the presence of teenagers. For nearly a quarter cen- tury people said that and at the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, other people said somethina: like "nuts." Translation: "Let's give it a try." Putting students in the PT A was experimental for 80Dle yean. Within the year th• movement turned ln1o. a cam- Slides Depict African Tour Facts and Fantasies Section, Monday Morning Club of Laguna Beach. will apomor a Photo Safari of Africa,' the Emerging Giant ln Laguna Federal Savings and Lou at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday. The presentalton will be made by CoL and Mrs. W .H. Bruggere who iecently retw'n- ed from a tour of Africa. Slides will show g am e reserves and wild life, ancient civilizations, mysterious tribal customs and other geographlcal factor. of the country. Members and their friends are invited to enjoy the slides ~ and refreshments. Reserva· lloM may be obtained by call· tng Miss Marion Lette, 494- 0373 or Mrs. Ruby Crooke, 837·1412. paign that's caught on like VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): the common cold. One clooe to you may be Some of the payoffs: overspending. Discussion on -With the generaUons talk~ matter would seem to be in 1ng together about mutual pro-order. See persons, situatiom blema, each discovtn that the as they actually exist. Stop other aide isn't all 1qaare-fooling yourseH. -Adults increak reopecl LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): for the judgment of those Avoid tendency to be u- under 20. travagant. Don't ask for too -More parenb attend much, too soon. Accent on parent-teacher meetings, The legal documents which require reason : students malt e attention. Read fine print. meetings more interesting. Detect subUe nuancu. Don't "The fear that teenagers' be caught with .guard down. presence would in hi bl t SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): I It-----' discussion bas ,pr 0 v e d Concentrate upon health1 work groundJess," according tc a and recreation. Means atrlve PTSA report in the PTA for .balance. Some patterns magazine. change. But don't throw out -alcohol, discipline, drugs, · dress, educaUon, employment. ae:r and even United Slates foreign policy. Among myth& dispelled by such sessions -"But, · m<>m, everyone's doing tt." Credit for the P T S A nickname "'pizza" goes to the unit at Boca Ciega Hl&b School · 1n St. Petersburg, F la • , organiled last fall· A atudent Invented the nickname. Their meet1ng:I are "plzz.a parties." Most "pizza" unlta charge ltudent members 50 cents a year dues. The adult.s pay fl. But at Boca Clega studenta chose to pay the same as adult... · Equal dues they reasoned, would underscore tbe1r equal standing. As part of 111 sales talk to unita. that haven't Inserted an "s" la PTA, the National Congress says: ''To deprive youth of op- portunlUee to give help as well as to get It is to stunt their growth, to keep them childish. To keep the m childish Is to erect barriers 5 to meaningf11l C<lm· munication.'' SUPER·3 LIQUID CUANSER LE.T US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT JS TO REMQVE EXCESS HAIR Wint MODERN ~ECTROL.VSJS 0 MEDICAL.LY APPROVED••• SAFE'.:, FAST, 'GENTLE, YOU1RE INVITtt> 'l"O CONSUL.T WITH OUR LICENSED TECHNICIAN, IN OUR BEAUTY SALO~. / ROBINSON'S SUPER-JDNE SKIN . tONDITIONER OUT OF SIGHT! undetectable FRIYOLASH false eyelashes can be worn under or over real onas. hand-tied fibars, softer and lighter than real hair, make them exceptionally simple to put on, and almost impossible to detect once they're on. the black, dark, or light brown lashes come In a handy case that also holds strong suraical adhesive, and lash bath • • floe, 10.00. medium, 12.50. full, 15.00. for the very lash word In frivolash, look to MISS CAROL In Jm cosmetics, monday through wednesday, at Jm·south coast plaza. JOSEPH MAG NIN FOUR SUPER STEPS TO BEAUTY Germaine Montell's four basics for a lovelier s kin: Cleanse, ,,with Super-"3 Liquid Cleanser Tone ••• with Super-Tone Skin Conditioner. ' Condition ••• with Super-Royal Cream, Moisturize ••.with Super-ll.101st Beauty Emulsion. All In trave~-wlse plastic containers; kit, 7 so., And, theres a lovely gll't for you,,, 'Triple Treasure• three body-beautiful molsturers, with the pu~e of 5 .00 or more of any Germaine Montell preparations, Bring your problems to Mr A - Vaknlne, ·the talented make-1.1p artist at N'ewp"°: Mo da F "A... ' rt. n Y-rt~y, March 17-21, In our Cosmetics . ~ ""'=:-------.;;.' ___ __JJ NEWPORT tENTER • FAS HION l~l AND • 644-2800 . ,_...,....,.,---.. MONDAY MAl'fCH 17 r v 1 r~ 1 ·~ (, J:30 0 MAYOR SAM YORTY * "LOS ANGELES PER· . SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PEOPLE 1:00 8 Tiit II& "_, (t) (60) .ltrT)' Dunphr. D m ·ttci•UtJ·lfiMltt <Cl (30) II s• Al* Sitiw (C) (90) Holl ltlrrison, S1111n Str.sbtrt, ltck Colvin 1 ~ne Wlldtr, 1111 S11nd.ty AIYour, ind Tht Rid G1rter Dixlt· lartd Band ivut. 8 Sb: O'a.ct Mlllt: ('C) "'Sttll loin" (dflm1) '52-Ann Shtrldln, John Lund, Howlrd Dllff. 11J I S,, (C) (60) ID r., c.n11 Ct> (301 Art .llmts ""'-m-(C) (30) <Dl (}) ... ..... CC> fm Mirl"I KIW1 (30) &1M..-.S11Mor aJDl.M ..... (C) '"" fll lllK -... (C) (60) m I LM '"'7 (30) Ill""'"""'-~"' SU (C) (60) • llJ (j)--CC> m-... <"'> 111 rn 111 m m -<C> l:OD e en tWU1111 """ cq (30) W11ter Ctonkite. fJ ...... ., ""' (C) (JO) w.,, Bruner hoab. Al1tnt Frtrtds, Soupy s.i., Anlt1 GIDl!lttl 11111 ~ Roblfb 1r1 this wnk'1 p1nellsh m•-(C) PO) 19 (I) lllMdlJ lllowil (t) "'Com• Stpl.1mber." Rock Hud.,,,, Slndr1 Del, Bobby Dlrin ind GIM llll!l)- brl1ld1 1t1r. m Un11 •11rt1 130) QI II) F•IPJ Atf1lr (C) m Cmf1 W1.W (C) UJ Trwtll tr C.• ... 11e11 (C) 7,30 D Ill m ••-CC> coo> 1 eonvidllr" murdartr (Jon Yof&htl 11'111 Kltb'• llf .. •nd lht Mb out tD rwturn ltlt fnor bJ wfnnlnl him O tH>lil E!l-""" <Q (30)Vk:kii muls hw ruptet fOf ltw's P1r1rrts: Or. Milts auspecb prll'!udlc1 when 1 111tl1nt cancels sUfi;ery; Stmin 11ranpa; 1 11111tlnt Mtwttn M1rtln Peyton'• nut11 and ...... m M .. Crlfflm (C) (90) tB llNt a.. 06dl (C) (30) Jolm111 """ -IJ)1Y Mmlcal 0111rt !:00 f) M1to«rJ RFD (C) {30) Mllllt'I jlrlfriHd, N .. York f1ahlon mocltl lent• (M1ri1nn1 HUI), brt1k1 llP with llff borfriend ind com11 to Mlyberry, .titre shl 1lmost 1uc- atds In bre1kln1 11p Sim 1nd Mfflil. u a>mm•1e ""'"""""' "'hpt llSNf" (melodr11111) '49- Surt Llnctstw, P1uf Htftrwld, Clalld• RllM, Ptttr Lorre, Corrine C.Nd.. UC... ,._,.1 ""' c.e tt11 stn (C) (60) DoA AllllM • "rot•· Id" bJ ltlNlrd Sttrn. 81r1wl ftldon, Ed Plitt. Hllilt Sl:JI• SlftdJ ll•Rttl. Woo4J WoodblllJ, N-Lln Dnb end Dtmltl Jo. U Three Younc Americans: * In Search of SurriYll looks at younc people committed to America. O IUJCIJ E!llief2. T"n ,.--..., "-kla II k· ttwll (C) (Z hr) A unlvlnltJ aradU<-m stud#ll .... bl 1M IM wllf. Wntll 1re1 fll till Wiit for futut1 t ... tat!Ms; I Piii worbr ll Phlll- delp!li1 filhb: 1 Wl1 GI IHI " llrlftr I IMtt.-OM tat GI till ahetto for his PIOPle: • lttrKtM wom111 co~ ii doln1 IOl'lfthlna •bout -· hlr CN!tly'1 llllri .. lift. Actor Plul lllwlnn •llTll• thil IPldll ttllt .. .. atary " t1M ~' GI 1n Uf1 11 •11 tbl'OUlll till CllfMlitlMnt ., 6111 Sllllth, Hll'Old Ha*lns Ind MtlJ Mtrprlt Coldwl1 to the lift· ttnnlllt of tMlr mMJ IN ltlllt coulltrymetl, SldfltJ' Mer •lie ......... m .. ,., , .. u. (C) (SO) iJ!1 Jiff Jlftll (C) (IO) "'Con1tr1- 1IM Profile," 9(()M• ,,.. UllCLI (C) IE LI In!• M1ldltl 1:30 II FlllilJ Anllr (C) (30) A prettJ youn1 &ir1 (l.11111• P•rrtah) purw• rr1nch and hi lllllM ID Ilk• • ro1111ntic lntemt Ill hlr. HowMr, Miu F""'1ham 1U1J*b that Undl Bill mllhl bt thl lldf• ful llrpl D N1n tQ (XI) Tiii .. .,... 111-·-In I pok« PIM Ind lrylnf to help lD::OD 8 QI (f) t..1 1...a ('C) (60) him ncape Utt dutchn of t boun-Toni&flt. M ist 8vm1tt lntrvdUCll b' hunttt. Donna ICly Hon!~ "ttlonel EaltW n m 1 Dnl• " "'•" <C> (30) s.1 wld. Al• 1ppe1r1n1 on t11t ''Nobody l.Mt 1 Fat Altronaut. • .Pf'Oll'l!ll m M1rth1 RIJI ind Ml• Jnnnit blc:omts tt11 victim of 1 DoulllL plot by htr rnisd'llft'OLIJ alsftr to O QI "9s (C) (fiO) pm1nt lOllJ' llOl!I aolnr to th• 11100t1 b7 makint him 1 300-pound-D MAYOR SAM YORTY •. * SPECIAL REPORTI ., ........... (C) (55) fJ , ... -CC> (JO) ~IHl.,\!l.f!, ~ .. ";!"'...!! m--(C) (JO) Johll St.:t tnd T1r1 IQq lnflltnte f£I Tiit ln.t W• (30) "Straht." the ranb DI llbmlmt to ptMnt Th• Allln llYllc:h 1llG'ttltt Dfftnsi'lt tht -er1m1 of the antury." "MO'tll· tplllll thl Wlltn Will. ..... ICb " llDrytellw, llumorlnc rm Dkllil .....,. his two 1naid«n 1unb with the Ult llf T•r• ind Steed'• Int. lo:30 O....., "M«lbll klbi" (COl'll· o Mlllloft $ Mairie: "HllN lel'ON ldy) '63 -um Palmer, Cllerla D•k"' (dr1m1) '58--Jean Slmmi:rni. Boyer. Dan O'HtrUhy. dt Mllll (C) (30') m Tnrt\ or c:.tqu"'1te1 (C) (30) @I hmontioM (30) "HIWS Abolll Paper." m PtnJ MMOll <60> m 11tnt1 Siii HililDril ED Clnc:io1 d1 LI Im IX. €!J D C111rto M111d1mllntl uonm ..... ' Mwt11 Lalll-I• (l) (60) Guest Sim"" Dnit .k. pitches ht to ti.Ip .tt1I 1 salute to tun 11\d 1 bibult to Sl Ptf· rict.'1 o.,.. m Hull (C) (30) II"'° 8 0 OBI Iii Ill-(Q D flPC ., .. -(C) Fl'Oll lu Veps, rtMdl, COCDll thl Wor1d J11nlor Middl"'9itht CMrnploMhlp bout bet-Freddie Ullt, 1 lat Vq:11 IC~ ltd ShnltJ "Kitten" H!)'Wlfd fi Ph~ldtlphla. mu.n CD (C) (E) Mftll: °'Mll"dlr W'in Ollf'" (mptery) '53-limes Robert10ll Justict, V1lerit Hobton. IHl (}) llJ C!l 111 (I) .... (t) ED Ttltwbitn llMI V'ioltnct (C) (60) A dl1nt of Sen•I• Commerct S11b· committff heirinp on th• Impact of television crimt end violence on children. Senator John P1stvrw ot Rhode Island conducts the hearinp.. 11:30 B lllovle: "'lfltbt Tral1 W M•• Scheduled to tlSlilr 11'1 the presi· kl" (1uapense) '40-ftu H.lrrllOft. dents of f'BC. ABC •nd CBS Ind M1r11m Lo6;woo4. others. OID CIJ CDT-... Shw IC) 8 lilllll« "'M• 11 t111e 11111 ...... (1d¥1ntur1) '39 -Loills H.1yw1rd,, Join Bennttt 1"' O IHl@ E!l"" -Ctl 0 MAYOR SAM YORTY m-• .. ....., -CC> * "LOS ANGELES PER· l!-1! fJ """ ·-..., ,.. • SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL . (dr•m•) '61 -Honrd ~~w REPORT TO THE PEOPLE ""''"· 0 YCM1y ~I (C) 1:30 1J tS (I) Hm'1 liq (t) (30) For Cr1lii sixteenth birtbdlr. Lucy takn him lo Ille motor velllclt bu· reiu to l1kt hi• drMn1 tut, where slll proceeds to m•kt Hiit aperi· 111C1 one of 11'11 most rntm011bl1 in Cfll(I JOlllll ltfL 0 s..tlltB ltptilt Ciw* (C) (30) P1u1 H.ll"f'IJ, BilPJ firaMm. TUESDAY OAmME MOVIES !:00 0 .,Pf Hint" (SUIPIMI) '50 - Honn! Duff, M1rt1 Tor111. !:liO D "Mite Annlt .....,.. (dra1111) '42-stliltt'r Ttmpk, Guy Kibbtl. '""" fJ ., ,.., ... """" ("""'1) 11:30 0 Con1111111tr lllllti• ... d (C) m Action TliNtn: .. Clldt of D111- 1er." '""' 0 ...... '""' (C) IJ c-..n, hlllttll .... (Q 0-(Q 1:15 IJ llllM: .,.. ........ (hotrod '5~ MefOWln. Jo,c. Hold• '64-Leo Melltfl'I, lint! Munro. 11:30 m -n.. s-ttli Stmvw" Cm,. tllJ) '45-Auslln Trnnr • .,11,, Ml Dell" (myittry) '47-ttlul D1nle1L z:oom ._.. ,..,,,... <.,."1l '46 "*Ion Fosttr, Sip H1110. J:JO O "llml rltifk" (wtstt1n) '51 -$tu1lftl Hqden, [ft Mlllw. 4:JO 11 "llill l•lttMM rn" {IUS- pen•) '59 -.lid Mm.ins. Git "'" .... _,... ··* .,,.. . *• ·* STAR T.V. $7.50 CLIP THIS AD AND SAY! RCA ON TOUI Nm SllYICI CAl.L Cotltr t:~pl,_ Mtv :11, lMtl SALIS I. SHVICE ZENITH Piii' r.Otrt • ••fttllll W Yk.1: 642-9742 275 E. 17th ST., COST A MESA ... . . ~-* . >o(l" * . ~ • • PERKINS 0 JUDGE PARKER 'lt>I ~ N.AN-t n~onc a ~LP TB.!. $i\M AMP ME A60ft' UIKE l.MGO'S R)IMfl! IWIFe UZ -EXAO'lY WMA.T WM. YOllt m.ATIOM6HIP MrM HP:! • T7 TUMBLEWEEDS WANTTO !!UY A 600D 90W1 MUTI AND JEFF CICERO 15 A VERY • SENSITIVE CHI~!>. IF t\E'S BA!>,'l>ON'T PUN IS!-1 HIM! GORDO J-11 MISS PEACH ~...,... \ .• ----------- -· ly Cliarles M. Scliub .... .. -·.:r---"'"?,,, ...... --~··....:.,,. By Jclhn Miies . • • SEARCHERS -Harold Haskins, Mary Margaret: Goodwin and Gary Smith, above from left, are title' principals in the documentary, "Three Young· Americans in Search of Survival," tonight on. Chan· nel 7 at 9 p.m. The tV{o-hour study documents the story of the interrelationship o! alJ life. ·· Ir-----:;:::::::-, •' TELEVISION VIEWS ~ 3 WB.l.,MW' 00 'Cll n1WK OF l)Mt~ ME RNALU ARUTTIP lffE WM A 4kX>P RIEMP! I ~ llOrE TM~T ME IHP "'5T T\:NSE! SIO 'IClcl THINK nw" WM A. 5GITH- Fl6E-it> MAYE IS TWIWK ME By Harold Le Doux t... PMl'JE ! ll!ICAISI TMAri THE l5IAL ,_ alE 1515 1111 TNJCIU6 MOii' 1HE """! "5ll'T' SEBN6 HEK NIYMO«El Wl1ATC0)'0U SUGGEST I DO? --· OH, NO! IN 1$S 1llAN A MoNTH INCOM5 TAlCES AAB DUE! WHACK "Tl-IE KID NEXTTO~IM A GOOD ONE!· IT'S O.IC'., WILLIE·· H5'S "TURNING · <;~~•N Now' By Tom K. Ryan ~ If By A1_5mith By Gus Arriola NO PRICE /S lCO IJ/6 "TO PAY 1'0lt a:,.~ Gr. PAT P~ll!S/ By Mell • Carol, Pearl Very Special • By RICK DU BROW " HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -A couple of lroliPe~s. Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, brought a very special one-hour program to ABC· TV Sunday nlghl •. Miss Channing, the original star ?f "Hel~o. Dolly!" and Miss Bailey, who currently is headlm- ing an all-black version on Broadway, gave tele. viewers a night to remember in a two-woman show. MISS BAILEY noted that the cbie! advantage of a two-woman show is that they get to keep all the money. But there were several other advant- ages as well . One was that it was a generally rare eve nt- when after their personal cavorting through the show,' they teamed up for a finale rendition of "Hello, Dolly !'' itself. . The chief advantage, however , was that Miss Channing, whose voice and broad manner are curiously difficult to take for a solid hour on tel~ vision, had Miss Bailey on hand as an ideal balance:-- Miss Bailey1s understated way with either a song or a line is ideally suited lo the home screen, where performers may register wi~h a wholJy dif: ferent impact than in another medium -say, the stage. HAVING MISS BAILEY lo play off made Miss Channing much more attractive than she has been in the past on television. The fact that Miss Chan~ ning also seemed to bring more of herself and her better material to televiewers -that is, more than in the past :..__ worked strongly in her favor. Under the guidance of the producing·wiiting team o! Saul llson and Ernest Chambers, and dj .. rector Clark Jones, . the hour had more than its share of showstopping numbers, and built clever .. ly to the "Hello, Dolly!" climax. THE HIGH COMEDY point, without question, was Miss Channing's famou s devastating and hi.Jar· ious burlesque of Marlene Dietrich doing a per· fonnance. Another Channing takeoff, on the late Carmen Miranda, was moderately amusing. Better was her comedy bit on a silent screen star who can't make it in talking movies b1..'Cause or a speech problem. The black·tie audience had a treat when Miss Bailey, during a splendid solo sequence, came down oU the stage and worked an attractive young couple into her act while singing a droll version oi ''Wives and Lovers" -mixed with her special throw· away lines. IN THIS solo sequence, Miss Bailey also dell v· ered a genuinely beautiful rendition of 1'Llttle Green Apples," reminding viewers again of what a fine blues singer and actress she is in addition to being a noted. hwnorist. Mi ss Channing and Miss Bailey \vorked hard through the hour, and yet another top moment was their joint high-kick dancing finale to their version ' of "Th ere Is Nothing Like a Dame." It wa s a pretty glorious moment. They were also in fine comic fettle in offering the tune "Elegance." The most emotional moment of the show, I thought, came not after "Hello, Dolly!" but, rather, after Mi ss Bailey's solo sequence. The audience mmply exploded into a cheer, and rightly so. De-ianis thl! /He-iaace . - ; • • • ! ' .. .. • '' ' ~::=z;=-:alijiiiiiiiia~.;;;;;:.;;;;~ :;;.;~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~====--=-=--==:-=:~~==-=:~~~------. ~ --------···-----·----~-----------. --··-------.. - . J f OAIL V 1'11.0T LEGAL N011Cfi • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE COSTA MES .. SANITARY OIST•ICT OllANOI: COUNTY, CALlf"OIU1llA NOTICE INVITING •IOI :lOt ~,. 3Q: PhW/JI 36e llhw/,, 40!: Pi'IWIJI 30c phw/11 30c pllw/p JClV.C lll'lwtll .;Qc phW/lt lOt phW/p JOc phwl• 14e ollw JOc: ohwl• l~flf GWfl) 311~ lthW(l) Xie: ltflw/p :JOc P4'1wl• _3°' phW/it 30!: fltlw/p "' ... 14\.'>c lhw/1 1"hc Pln'l'/I 24'hC """'' 30c Phw/p(31 :JO<: llhw/p(ll Uc PhW/I> lSc pliw/p :ioc; Mw/pf3l 30c phw/p(J! 2k lltiW{I) lOC phw/oC1) JOc 1hw/1!ll Xie PhWll(l) lOc plow 30c JlhW/P llcofGW 2Sc: Jltlw(l) JOc phw/p(ll )Cle •hwl•(SJ JOc .,...,,(3) :IOc Jltlw/p!Jl -PF\W/P{3) JOc ohw/p(3) • 2SC llf!Wll 1$c: PF\W JI 2k°ollW/I -W#/p(lJ -.... ,, 60I: Pi'IW/JI LEGAL NOTICE '°" pllw/p l------,-=------45c i>hW/JI P-nMI lSc pM//11 CERTll'ICATE 01' COllJIOllATION 60c phw/11 fOll: TRANSACTION OJI a USINl!SS 601: 11hw/p UNDElt l'ICTITIOUS NAME THE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION 00tt hereby «r11f't' th•! II 11 CO<ldite111l!il :JOc: r*oWIP • builnen klattd II Sl' mt> S!tqt, NeW!>Ort llt•ch, Cilllo<nl• under !he llc!IJ!ou, llrm n1mt of BUSH BOUTIQUE ar.d ~I 11ld ffrm 11 cam"°'ed ot !he fol'-11111 COFPll,..llOll, wllose prln<INI Pl•ce of blnlnPn 11 11 follows: 30c PhW(lJ 60c Pllw/1 60C P~W/lt '0c phw/1 Sk Phw 60( pllw/• 161: ot GW »: P~Wtll 60C phw/• 6llc llflW/JI 60C phw/1 Kie phw/1 JEANNE IUSH, INC, Sl• 2tltl SlrNI, NewPOtt Stach, C•llklrnl•. WITNESS !11 h1ncl 11111 16th dpy ol Februarv, 196'. (CORPORATE SEAll JEANNE BUSH, INC. Bv: Jn,,,.. Bu1F\, Pretldlnt ev: C"*l"ll c. F•v, S«rel•l"I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, is On lhls UIFI dlY of Febn.o1rv, A.O. lNt, before rrie Ernesl J. Sch11, Jr. Ille 'hW/J • Nclarv Ptlbll< In I nd for 1aid County 1nd $11!1, fftfdl"' lh1 .. 1n, dUIV com- mlufoned Ind sworn, Ptr'Mllll lly eooeered Jeanne c. 8U111 Ind Chtrvr C. F1v known fo me to ~ the Pt"l<len1 60c ,,,,.,,,, 111d Stcrel1rv di Jl!ANNE BUSH, INC .• !he COl"llelrlrfOI\ t111t t XKUled tilt wltllln 4i0c .W.wl • lmlru1ne11t OI\ beh•lf ol tilt ton>or1llon tlltreln nll•Wd, 1nd •<knowlf<ll>ed to ""' ltllf well ~!IOI\ f XKUi.d fhe Mic '""''' wme. In Wlt!len Wl>ereol, I h1w he•flllllu HI "" hind 1nd 1fflxed mv olfkl1I 60c ~w/' 1nl .,.,. Hv •Piii Vffr In lhll certificate first lboYt wrllten. . , {OFFICIAL SEAL! 60C .... / e ..... 1 J. Scfl11, Jr. ..,,.,. I Noltrv Public • CtllfOl"llll Prl11<IP11I Ofllc. In Or-9 Counf'I' My Com"'IHloll l!x,irei ,..,., 21, "" DUI.VIA., CAl.,INT•I. I IAlNES, I« ~ .. ,, .... ,,.,.. 11( PhW/I l1c of!W/lt 3:k llflW/JI "' Dtvtr briw Suitt Hl P. 0 . a.x 17'6 N""'"'1 1-11,. Ct Mf. '2HJ 'ublltl'led Dr9ntt (l>!IJI Diiiy Pllol, 4.oc 1hw/1 IMrch TO, 17, 14, 31. lfft ~51-4t )Oc'1hwl1 1~:....-C;_c;::..:::_:::..:::::_ ___ c::;:::1 NEW DIMENSION IN SERVICE -Roy Carver Pontiac in Costa Mesa is of- fering a new service to customers -transportation to and from the dealership. Sharon Strapp (left) and Kathy Makejy, wearing red blazers and gray skirts, who will be the dealership's drivers are sho wn alongside new GTO model "The Judge." Jn High Gear Pontiac Offers Trans Am By Carl Carstensen Pontiac Division i s In- troducing another h i g h performance car. The lates t entry is a Firebird called the Trans Am; F. James McDonald, Pon- tiac's new general maniger, &aid lbe car will go on sale next month . It was recenUy introduced at the Chicago Auto Show. AB with The Judge, a new super GTO, which was un- veiled by Pontiac earlier tJilil year, the Trans Am will "go performance one step better." The most striking styling feature of the new Trans Am will be a floating 60-1.nch air foil spanning the rear deck. The car also features a special hood with full length, func-- tional hood scoops and func- tional air outlets behind the front wheel openings for added engine compartment cooling. The Trans Am, according to McDonald, will be available as a hardtop and convertible. Striping will run the full length of the car over the hood, roof, rear deck and air foil. The rear end panel will be painted to match the strip- ing. The standard Power plant will be a 400 cubic-inch Ram Air engine developing 335 horsepower, a four-barrel Quadra-jet carburetor and dual exhausts. This will be mated with a three-speed floor mounted stick shift and 3.55:1 locking axle. The Trans Am will have special high effort variable ratio power steering and high effort power brakes with front discs. These specially designed systems have a higher degree of road feel than ()Tdinary power steering and brakes. Suspension will f e a t u r e heavy-duty springs and shocks and a heavy-dut y, one-inch stabilizer bar "'ith high-rate bushings. Riding on a 108 .I'' wheelbase, it will have F70-14 Fibe rglas belted tires mounted on seven-inch wheels with a Wide Track stance of 60-inches both front and rear. Bucket seats, sports-styled Instrumentation and a new, 14-inch diameter European· type sports steering wheel will be standard equipment. Options and accessories in- clude an opUonal Ram Air lV engine, developing 345 horsepower, a close.ratio four· speed manual transmission or a three-speed Rubo Hydra- malic. Additional options arc a hood-mounted tachometer and a rally gauge clll!ter. • • • FORD SERVICE MANAGER WINS ANOTIIER AWARD Jim Mofrett, s e r v i c e manager for Theodore Robins Ford in Costa Mesa is the recipient once again of Ford i1otor Company's B r o n 1 e Medallion Award for "ex- ceilence of performance ir1 service." This is the sixth consecutive year that Moffett has been recognized by Ford I o r outstanding service. Jim has been service manager for Robins since 1961 and has serviced Ford products for the past Z8 years. Far Out Investments-I 'Smart Money ' Men Break New Ground EDITOR'S NOTE -This is the first of five columns devoted to the unorthodox investr11ents which are m<iking big money for u11· conve11tiana( investors. By SYLVIA PORTER An old gag bas a wheeler· dealer trying to unload a railroad . car fuU of sardines on a skeptical buyer who soon discovers that the sardi nes are rotten. ''But these are no t eating sardines," protests the fast-talking salesman, "these are just buying and selling sardines!" Today, literally billions o! investment dollars are being poured into books which are nol !<r reading, paintings and sculptures which are not for viewing, eggs which are not for eating, cattle and citrus groves which are never even seen by their owners. TODAY'S "smart money" is recoiling with horror from such fued-income investments as bonds and savings ac- coun~. and is also fleeing w o r I d -famous corporation stocks which appear to have only modest growth potential. Instead, the smart money is searching for both tangible hedges against inflation and escape hatches from federal taxes. In the process, many investors are going beyond the traditiooal inflation hedges or t he stock market, real estate. precious metals and probing fascinating new channels for profit. What's behind the stampede to art works, rare books, coins, citrus groves, stamps, etc.? Last year, the buying power oC the mighty U.S. dollar dwindled almost 4~ percent -and we'll be lucky if we cut it to "only" 31h: percent in 1969. Last year, the Dow Jones industri al stock Index limped ahead only a puny 4.27 percent and right now the index is far below its 1968 peak. Lut year, finally, there were 38 full or partial cur· rency devaluations in various coontries throughout the world -and this year fear o( more de valuations is again widespread. THJS IS a combination or rorces inevit.ably leading to a massive exodus from any large investment anchored to tlle value or any paper cur· rency at any given time and from any holding that does not promise to rise in price far faster than the cost of living. OK, where bas the smart money been going? InW : -Diamonds. According to Franz Pick, the international currency expert, wholesale priei!s of karat top-quality diamonds rocketed an &s· tounding 116 percent last year I and many smaller stones doubled or more in value. Also 1 according to Pick, antique English silver surged fiO...a5 percent in value; rare books and lnanuscripts spiraled 60 percent; French impressionist paintings soared 55 percent. -PRECIOUS METAl.S. • Anybody who bought and sold futures contracts for 50 ounces of platinum or 10,000 ounces of silver at the right times last year made huge profits. They also reaped big profits if they bought (and perhaps sold) silver or gold mining shares at the right moment. -Other items traded in the commodity exchanges - ranging from eggs (in 18,000- dozen batches) to frozen orange juice (in IS ,000 lb. lots), to contracts for pork bellies (30,000 lb. each, and meaning bacon). And, in re· cent months, fortunes have been made in sugar, cocoa and even potatoes -assuming the right timing of transac- tions. -Oriental rugs, oranges and old coins, French wine and Scotch ~skcy. -SACKS OF Sil.VER coins with a silver content, atl prices, more valuable than their faces -on the hope that Congre5! will soon drop its ban on melting silver.coins. -Oil and gas exploration and development leases en· joying special tax writeoffs based on special federal in- centives for private develop- ment of new sources of oil and gas. -The purchase and then leasing of jet planes, railroad cars, ships, computers and other big-ticket ltems, again to take advantage of special federal investment taJ credits. HOW CAN YOU, the or<li- nary in vestor. with modest funds but a sense or adventure and a willingness tO learn about the far..out channcla share in these profits? nus week begins my series of occasional columns on far- oul inft!tznents. Ttlt nut two columns will cover investing In coins. TAI c•• 9MWW ¥fft ...... • • • • BOAT BUFFS C.B NOW fM ~ _. lilfMMllw.. . • Alme11 lee••b•y f1 the '"'' full· t l"'1 be•tl119 •difo, ..,.; .. , '" ""' .... ,,.,., 111 Ora119• County. Hk ••· <h1tlva eo"•••t• of bo1t0 1119 •"d y•rhtl119 ""'"'' i1 • lll•Hy fe•tur• el lh• DAILY 'ILOT • Our Team' Makes Almost As Many Shots As The Lakers • • (Or Whoever Your Favorite Basketball Team Is) Th• DAILY PILOT's photogr•phic t11m c;over•d "44 g•m•i in th• first 50 d1y1 of th. curr•nt b11k1tb1ll ••••on. L•d by Chief Photogr•ph•r l•e P1yn• f top, in photo 1bo¥el, our t••m; Including P•trick O'Donnell lfrontl •nd Ric;h•rd Koehler ,will g•t •round to •bout 75 hi9h school, junior coll•g• •nd coll•g• c1ge bettlei before the st•1on clo1t1. And th•y'll shoot tn tsti • m•ted 2,705 pictur•• to mtk• 1ur• you g•t to s•e th• •ction •t the g•m•s they •Htnd, H•rt's th, most e Kcitin9 tip.off in loc•I b•sk•fb•tl. You'll JI• th• beat ahots in th• ' DAILY PILOT ' • • DAIL V PILOT . '. ·' .•. ' . THIS MATTERHORN • ' . .. • •. ... .•.. .. . . .... . ' • .. ' ... ' .. • .. . .. ,_ Yes, you're right. There's nothing really funny about a fractured leg. Bui -pardon the pun -if does give our friend, here; . at least one break. He has time to thoroughly enjoy the DAILY PILOT as he lakes a leisurely meal al the outdoor restaurant in • J Zermatt, Switzerland, in the shadow of the real Matterhorn. . . .. .. ·' But you don't have lo break a leg, go lo the Matterhorn -or even lo Disneyland, for that matter-to share our friend's enjoy· -. ment. We're happy to deliver the Orange Coast's finest hometown daily newspaper to thousands of homes full of whole-limbed .. readers every day. If it turns out this season you're not as great a ski whiz as you thought you were, furn a bad break info a good break. Take lime lo get even better acquainted with the • • . ·· ... .. " '• .. •• , ,, v , . . DAILY PILOT ' ~ •• . 1 • I l -------------------------___,..---··--------...------ • . • )S DAILY PILOT Vital Bi rths "'"" . Mr. Ind M,.., freddl9 G. JeMt, -33144 Peciullf Orlv.. DIM hlnl, ., 9lrl •Mr. Ind Mn. ~rbert G. Judt, Sr., "'41 Chula V!•I• Avenve, 011W1 • Point, boY '•Mr. •rid ft\r$. C, Tarrra. C1Phtr•no 8Hd'I, boy Marci! s Mr, •nd Mr.. Mkh1tl J. IWJwry, 114 Alte. ArlllOllo Sin Clemtnte, elrl M"""' Mr. !Ind Mr.. TroY A. HllL S.n Clemellte, fw!n vlrlt Mr. Ind Mrs. JIO!Mlld l. MIY Sr .. 11n Clllf Drlvt, Ltvune 8ttc~. '" M..-cll 1 Mr. and M,.., wim-H. oum1m, ' 3llM \flt de frtnlt, Sin Clemenlt, : 9lrl Mtrdl f Mr. Ind Mrt. Rkhtrd J , ,\le~tndtr, 311 Morlltrw. S.n C:lfmente, t lrl .Mr. 1no Mrs. Mt• D, Jt1pepcrf, C~ San Cll!menfe, 1lrl """'" Mr. 1nd Mrw.. Mlch•ttl W. Jarrett, 201 L• P1lon•11, S•n Cll!menh, tlO'W'" ')l.r. ttlld Mrs. JDfln W. Z1mwilk. to6 Puent., 5111 Cll!menl1, t lrl Divorces l"'ne ReyQ YI Roberi E. Rnts JackMlll ROil Hoslelll!r YI Joyce R. Hosteller V lvl1n T. J-YI Wlhlam E. JoMs •Claire T. Du"°"t vs Cl1renui I!. Dupgnl J1nt EllUlbtlll HolHdlY YI JtoY """"' • Charles R. Donnel11 w M1rl IY!I l . : 0on .... rl"I' • • l1rber1 L. Mvtr VI Fr'lld W. Myer 0Vlr11lnl1 Lff Wolf• YI Wlllllm WffleY Wolfl l•rt>e•• A. v""'""' 111 w11111m 1>. Ven'- -.t.ucllle 8•a Y1 JosepPi JI. BICI ·l!ildMy I. T•rfor YI Ju.,.11 ,lllce Tevlor 6..,er1'f J. Henlrf vs Jer,.., L. HMllef" $/l•rleM Mttry ~tfert YI tffnr'I' Helmut LOll!~rt LEGAL NO'l1CE •m• Cl!llTl,.ICATI!' 01" COl!POllATIOM ~· TRANSACTION O" 8 USINl!SS UNOlll "ICTITIOUS NAMI! tHE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION does l>t,.,bY cfflllf 1"-1 ti 11 conductlr111 • bu1lnns loultd 11 Ccst1 Mntt, Or11111e COuntv, Clllfvml• '2U7 Under !tie fie· tlllous firm Mme of COMPUTEJl PRO. CESSES CO. eod 111•1 181d firm hi CO!flPOStd of ftoe follow11111 all1>0f'1tlon, Who$I Prlncip81 pl8ce ef tlu5'-Is ., fvlloWI: UNITED RESOURCES CORP., ttll &everl'I' 81\od .• Sulh in. Lot. ""9tl11 .. C1l1tor11l1 tQG.18. WITNESS lh 118rld !Ills Hfl'I tlfiy Ftbrll8rv, 1969. Unlllld R-ces CO.,. lillch.lrd 8. Wll'kl .... Vke President STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OP LOS' ANGELES J u On !Ills 25111 cllY or l'l!lf'\11,..,, A.D. lfff, beforw -· 1 Nol•rv Pllbllc In · Mid for 181d County 1114 Sl1te, __.11y 1ppe11'11d Rldwlrd B. W11kln1 k,_n tro ml to bl !he VI« Pres!Mnt of f~ (O,.,..,.,.lllofl llllf IXtculN the Wl!~ln lntlrumenl an beh11f of the COl'POfllloll t111r11n ll'mtd, end 1tllnowlltdglld lo "" flllt allCh eon>«•!~ executed IM ... me. ' (OFFICIAL SEAL) G1vle G1l1lf Not1rv Public • Clllfoml8 Prlnd D1I Office •~ lot Anotell!f CounlY My C""""lulon E1C11lre, MIY 11, 196' T·JIJ72 9'11bll1hld Orel'ltt! C:0.11 D1l1"1' Pilot, Mlrtl\ 10. 17, Mo 31, Ifft d<lt LEGAL NO'l1CE LEGALNCYrlCE • Monday, Mardi 17, 1969 Statistics Record for Orange -Coast HAL ARllCHll HEARING AIDS C1nto1111 Aut•I A111pltflcl'tIM NO IA&.llMIN Mn L COAST HWY. c-... MliJ hr A#•l .. _al 6.71.JIP • v ·$'ZOOO 1car ifo-oks g:Qo_d .. iD.!a1 gJittelfng,howroom.,1Ihe ;Merc-edes;-(Benz)t2~8IlS shines,rin a. tightspo_t o_n the :hi,ghway. Lo~ok~onderneath1~andj y_ntill~bEg,in1:to :sE_e wbf: ' The Mer<edes-Benz 2805 aoes not have pin stripin~ a waU .. to-wall grille, or a hood two feet longer than ,inythtng it pretends to enclose.. But its classic lines, free of fad- d.isfi touches, will grace any driveway, -and ·will still be pleasing long after newer styling furbelows have rendered this year'a crop of •dreamboats~' ob. solet., .. ( '11\e real O.aufy of tlie :isos: thougll, lies ""1 •o much In hol<( .the car looks, as in what it ®es, Endowed by Mercedes-Benz engineers with sophlsticate<t ul tra~ performance features that simply do: not exist on domestic sedans in the so--, called "line car" field, the 280S steers, maneuvers: and stops as if your: life depended on it. ·This is one reason wily Car mid Driver magazine, With a world of cars to choose from, concludes that the cur- rent Mercedes-Benz line "represents the present pinnacle in safe car engi-i neering." Raci ng car suspensiol'I For a clue to the almost un .. canny handling and evasive ability of the 2805, scrunch down and look be- neath the rear bumper-at the axle. It's not the rigid "beam" axle of most domestic cars. It is articulated. This Mercedes-Benz low-pivof swing axle permits each rear wheel to move up and down independently of the other, just as the front wheels do. The result is leech-like readability. If you know what you're look- ing for, you can also spot heavy-duty thrust arms, individual coil springs and shocks, and a horizontal hydro· pneumatic load-leveling device. All in all. suspension ideas more common on 180-mph Grand Prix racTug cars than 5-passenger 5edans. Engin eering extravagance? A passenger car doesn't need a suspension fit for a racer, argue some critics. True, reply Mercedes·Benz en· gineers. For everyday city driving, this is sheer engineering extravagance. But some day you might have to get off the pavement, onto a stretch of potholed back road. You might have to enter a sharp curve or a tum-off faster than you intended. You might have to jockey out of a tight spot while cruising at 65 mph on a busy highway. And, suddenly, you realize that this engineering extravagance is no ex· travagance at all. Sharp re fl exes Occasionally, It is also neces .. 11ry for a 3,400-pound automobile Of all car• in thr "lu.rurv cl1111" field, th11 Mrrcedes-Btni 2805 j5 rated the IP/tst, most roadworthy. Read why. hurtling along at high spee<I to stop abruptly. Once more, Mercedes-Benz en· gineers draw on their experience with World Champion racing machinery. They employ the more expensive, but clearly superior, type of brakes used almost universally on today's profes- sional racing circuits. Disc llrakes. The engineers don'{ stint, eitlier-by putting disc brakes only at the front wheels, and settling for con- ventional drum brakes on the rear. They insist on attaching a massive disc brake to every wheel of every Mer- cedes·Benz:. Someday, doubtless, ~-wh.eel Clise brakes will be offered on a domes- tic '1uxury" car. Accurate steering is ~i:al for maximum control, too. Jn an emer- gency, you don't have time for a sweeping twirl of the wheel. The ingenious Mercftles~Benz recirculating-ball-type steering system of the 28o5 eliminates sloppy play in the wheel-.tnd blesses you with the. "feel" of the road. Suddenly, you are a more confident dri~er. Taut, sensitive Steering is re· tained even \Vith Mercedes-Benz pow- er steering-characterized by Car and Driver as "unquestionably the most precise uni I of its kind ever developed." If tro uble comes The responsiveness whicl\ makes the 2805 such a joy to drive is its best defense against blundering mo- torists. However, if the worst happenS, the car is designed to shield you. Nat- urally, it meets all the U.S. safety reg· ulations. But Mercedes-Benz safety goes beyond the Jetter of these laws. The entire passenger compart- ment is built as a sturdy "safety zone." Doors are designed to stay sl1ut on im- pact. The front and rear of the car are engineered to cn1mple in a crash at a c:ontrolted rate, absorbing shock and reducing the threat of serious injury. "A fellow hit me when I slopped at a toll booth," reports one Mercedes- Bcnz ownq. "People in his car were hospitalized. But · I just opened mY, C!oor and stepped out." Showroom ex periments . The 2805 is as habitabl11 as it is roadworthy and safe. Slip behind the wheel, and Rex your back. This is no marshmallow seat. It supports you, hour after hour. It should: it was designed with help from orthopedic physicians. Check the rear shelf. Carpeted. Feel the underside of the dashboard. There's no spaghetti tangle of wires. It's fully finished off. finger the wood I rim-real walnut, not plastic. Many cars are designed to win admiration for their owners. Mt'r- cedes-Benz cars are designed to win admira tion fron1 their owners. Quite a distinction. · No shortcuts Your 2805 is built witli uncom· promising care, to make it a lasting investment, too. Every 2805 begins life in a shower of sparks. It is not bolted into being, like a conventional car, but solidified by thousands of welds.After 50,000 miles or so, you may start to wonder if it will ever rattle. More than four coats a.nd 44 pounds of paint and primer rust pro- tection are lavished on each car. Even the inside• of the hubcaps are coated • As a final Aourish in its armament against corrosion, the 2805 gets a 24- pound factory slathering o1 unC!er· coating. Unconventional? Defiantly so. Mercedes·Benz does not build conven- tional cars-and never will. Fuel injection available .Machined to racing tolerances, tlie 2.8 liter, overhead cam, six~l­ inder engine of the 2805 is built to run flat-out on Germany's autobahns for hours on end (it often does)-and can cruise at any posted speeds in Amer- ica, with energy in reserve. However, if you'd like even more power, you may choose t he 280SE. The "E''-for Einspritzmotor -gives you a Bosch 6-plunger fuel- injection system that boosts horse- power by nearly 15 percent, at virtu- ally no sacrifice in gas mileage. NOTE: Another variation, tlle 280SEL, affords a wheelbase 4 inches longer, and with four inches additional legroom in the rear compartment. Ma· ncuverability is unimpaired. 24-page brochure To learn more details of tlic re- markable 2805-$7,000 complete with automatic shift, power steering and electric windows ($6,249"' without frills)-mail the coupon for a colo.c brochure. Better still, Clrop by the sllow ... room and arrange to test the car. Oriv ... ing is believing. Other models to ponder: 250 Sedan-a less costly, buf unflappable, road car, $5,299"'. 280SL Roadster-a sports car for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring performance with comfort, $6,885"'. 220 Diesel-the only diesel- powered automobile Mercedes-Benz makes, gives you small-car economy in a big, safe sedan that may well en- dure for decades, $4,780"'. 600 Grand Mercedes-the ul· timate motor car, $23,759*. . .......................... . : Mtrcrdts·Benz of North @ • Amtrica, Inc. : Jim Slemons ln1ports Inc. • 120 WC?st \'Varner Avenue : Santa Ana, Calif. 9Z7CJ7 Plta5t 5,nd me a 24·pagc, full-color brochure on the nrw ~fnfr.tlion of niotor cars from Men:edes-Brn:.. • NAMt • AODR£S5 OTY STAT£ zu• • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jim Slemons Im ports, Inc. 120 w. Wamer Avenue, Santa Ana, California 92707 Phone: 714-546-4114 --~~-~--~------------------- .. •. DAILY PILOT JI W.Qo~en Says Bruins Will _Be Tough to Beat LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Milbty UCLA wu Ollly tlro wins aw*! rr.m an UD- ' prttedea~ third lllraJilil NCAA bait& ball UU. today and even conservative John Wooden WU aaylng the Bruins woul!j be to111h to beat. ••1' realize ..:e pro&a~ ! wlll be \be , ' favorites," the veteran Bruin coach remarked. 0 Perhape we should '?'· u· we play as ' well as we did acalnst Santa Clara, it'll be pretty tough to atop us." • With Lew AlclDdor -tnr 17 polntS In hll Jut home CGW1 appear...., Satur-. day, the Bruins dlspoled ol lourtb-<anked Santa Clara, to.12, la the !lnall ol the Far West r<glonais. UCLA, wblch now hu woo llO ol Its Jut II aamea IDcludJna • ol II lo the Aldndor era, wtll lace llldwlll ncJooa1 champion DrUa lo the natiooal semtflnals 1'bunday at LoulnWe, Ky. Tile lof>raled 11n11n1. u they aet b Drake, will be matcbed qalNI Iha w ""' of the Norlh Cuollna·Punl --t: Wooden, the man wbo never take.a aeylbJJI( fer lf&Jlted, wouldn'I go too rar out about hll dub'• chlncel, though. "Althouib thlop tool: pd, I k D o w any team that r<acboa the llnaJ '"" Is very 1ood aud capable ol wtnnloc ii all," be Aid. U t be Bruins •pe<~rf""'"~nnm u upected at Loulsville, WoodeO wtll be the lint coach to win live NCAA UUea. He allo suided the Bnlins to crowns in 18" aud 1~ Leaves Davidson . l New Terp Coach Hints NCAA Title CHARLO'CTE (AP) -Lefty Driesell, who brought basketball out ol the doldrums at Davidson, said Sunday he will sign a contract to beeome l'Ud coach st Maryland ''where there is a tremendous challenge." Drlesell uid he'll meet with Maryland offidals in College Park Wednesday lo sign the pact. It reportedly calls for $16,000 a year for five years, plus all of the scholarships for players that the Atlantic Coast Conference will allow. He will succeed Frank Fellows, dlsm.lssed two weekS ago after two losing seasons in which the Tel'pl won only 16 .games and lost 34. The Terps haven't had a winning season since 1964-&, when a team WKler Bud Milliken finished 18-8. "The chaJlenge of the job at Maryland was the single biggest factor in my decision to accept the of fer," Drall saJd SundaY in making his announcement over a Charlotte televilion station. "I consider the AUantic Cout Con- ference the strongest conference for basket.ball in the country," he said. "I believe I can produce a national cham- pion at Maryland." In an emotion-packed I n t e r v i e w , Drlesell ~d he could never thank the people of. Davkhon "for what they have done for me." He said be made the decisloo to take the Maryland post at 4 a.m. Sunday. .. Five minutes before that," he added, "I bad still planned to stay at Davidson." Only Saturday, Drieaell's Wildcats completed a S'l-3 aeuon by losing in the NCAA Eastern Regional finals on a last leCOlld abot by North Carolina's Charlie Scolt. It was the second year in a row that the 4J..yeaM1ld Drlesell has taken his team to the NCAA playoffs only to lose to the Tar Heels. In nine yeara: at Davidson, his teams conipiled a record of 171 vlctcrles against 65 losses, won three Southern Conference cbamplombips, and twice saw Driesell named Conl......-Coach ol tbe Year. From the Mailbag Reader Def ends Trojans .. For Stall Against UCLA Drawn from daily tidings delivered by the Post Ofiice Department: Although I'd defend to the death your right to say what you dJd about USC's 46-« upset victory over UCLA (White Wash, 3-11), I must disagree with you vigorously. How can anyone, or any team. gain a hollow victory after 17 conaecutive defeats? The victory may be-hollow to everyone else, but It mllSl be nectar to the victor. I am one wbo is ln favor ol "control'' basketball becauae I find it more in. teresting than the nm-and-shoot contest being fed to the fans today. WHITE WASH The game of today seems to be nothing more than a contest cf. abooters who can score from within 10 feet of the basket. It takes away from the man wbo has all ol the God-given talents bul was unfortunate not to have attained the height of 77 or mere inches. Run-&ntd.gun basketball la exciting. No doubl But, ao la a home run in hueball. In each aame, lhoogi1. tbe truly adtlng action 13 not the entire eame or, to it3elf, the int....W., part ol the pme. I was alad to see Bob Boyd and the Trojans .,. the control type ol 5ame. While watchlng the game oa television I was completely unaware of any atall. I was watching five gifted butetball playen contro1ling the hall, maneuvtrlnl (constanUy) for a good ab<lt at the basket and cooUnually out.playing the m01< publlclzed round-hail lfanla r- across town. were " aet •'ball " and cfTe displays of lolt tempm. It wu UCLA tat wu to slve llP tbe bolu Dot fNm tile fn:e tbtw UDe Joq lie/on Ule Trojaaa W -..ilted tbe1r -......... loaL It -Oe -......... ptlly " .... tile baU aw11. . • llwu lMW-ood w-.-.1 it Uni .. .... .;.. • fd eoart pnu.lt wuUle-Oaeteam lllal WU mUDc 1>oll ........ emn to sift USC ..in! ol CM baB. * * * I agree with two ol the points of view you brought out In tbe column. Boyd, in U!lng the type ol game he did, did admit hi• team bad Inferior talent He did beat the best team in the nation. I do not agree that he made a travesty ol the 1ame ar that be lie! the came back IO ;iean. I feel it would have been • tra-, u be -~ uaed every 1ep1 pla1 o1 tile came wtth the intent to win. It wwid hava been a travesty to IO play the Bruinl·in a manntr wblch would have lfven UCLA evuy benefit jult to make the game e1dUng for the fans. Jerry Myre Exhibition Baseball --...... w. M'-'9 •f Orllfldo. , .... rtln Mei!tr'911 W. N"' Ywll (N) 1f Sf. l"tttr1~ ....... '""' "'" l'tll""""" "· l'tth.,,.,. 8' c.,...,.,, , .. ~ St. llUlt W. ... "" It Wlnlw HIW!I, "''~ ... N1w Ywll ·(A) S. owt.lt ~ IC.,.._. City 1. ~llurflt I I Att.mlo .. Wnll'"'lol! t .. 11"""9 lo CIMIM9" t Ian f'rMCllCo t, Ollctoe 1!0 I S.n D .... 4 ~ w""'n c.111111 I 0.-lanf lt. ... "" • c~ 14 c:.1"""1'Mt lt L• """"' t. Chluft (A) 1 "Tbe mlll\ aatlalactory thing abaut the r<Cl"nail, apecial1y Saturday WU that the team WU lhup again," the UCLA. coadl offered. 11AI you know, for aome thne we wtren'l" c II> reltrr<d lo tile Bruinl' three· wt rqular ·It~ games. ~-were beaten by Ubivenity Of Southtrn·Calllomla after nipping the Tlo)ana in doubl• overtime and edging Calllornla in overlime. Santa Clara \ eoaeb Dick Garibaldi, wbooe Bru>col iulfered only their HCOlld 1oa 1n • ganies' thlt aeuon, dldn 't ,.. any ~ ahead for the Pacific Eight Conlerence champiooa. "T b e fly I b e 7 we... 1Jbeeiina and deall!lg, Ibey should 10 all the W>Y at Loulsville." he said. 1-n.ey were Just aupe<. We never really IOI to play our part of the came and It looked u mtd\lay in the openlni ball. U we bad no chance at all." Tbe BrulN ailo tlMd a ~ With a crowd ol U,IU jamm)/11 fUll coort praa and ii WU -Ible UCLA's Pauley Pavllioo, AJcindo< and f<r abaut hail ol Saiit<I Clara'• 17 hiJ te1"1tllate. played to perfection.~ tumoven. ran Off an la.J lead in U)e f.lrlt ei&ht "The prf111 we. •. Jlaed was wtfted . on minutes aDd ~ever were headed.. a )ot 1n pra~," Woodm revealed . The Bruins ICOred the lll!Ual II points "And ,thil waa Jua1 the Ume 1" Ille in the lint hall and the flnl · tO In it." tbe -00. BUI Sweek added U polnls while John Alcindc., who sat oot IS minutes, bit Vallely and ' Sid Wicka had ,11 apiece ellbt ol 14 field eoaI allemplland picked 10< the Bruinl while Deoail Awtny, off oeven r<boundl. Tbe Moot-I\\ center the Weit Coul Athletic Confer...-'• ~u Just parl of-tbe story. ....t valuable player, led the Bru>col UCLA blt' 7' perceo1 o1 tta 11ri1 ball _ with 14. • field goal attempt> -19 l<r 15 -In Iha Far West OODIOlaUon pme, and wound up with a ~7 ....-lboollnc Weber Slate 1Q11eaked paal New Malco perwitace OD 17 of 65. That bol lboolinc Slate, 51-M. forced the Broncos out of a r.one defeme Drake reached the semis by beatlog STORY OF THE GAME ~Larry Siegfried's plight heft! demonstrates graphically what ltind of a day Sunday was for the Boston Celtics. Playing before over 14,000 of lheir loyal fans, the Celts were bomb- U'I T ........ ed by Ille Lakers llJll.73. Siegfried ran into Jerry West (top photo) and suffered a six-stitch cut on his chin. Hewitt in Double Win; Allen, Thornt~n Place Toni HewJtt, Janice Allen and Kim Thornton of Corona del Mar High School brought home live meda1s between them from the weekend's fifth annual Southern California Invitational swim meet at the City of Commerce's aquatorium. MI s 1 Thornton placed fourth in t h e 200 breaststroke Sunday in 2:33.5. MiSI Hewitt, the 17-year~ld veteran of the Mexico City Olympics, won the 200 butterfly Saturday in 2: 14.4 and the 100 Sunday in 1 :01.3. Miss Allen, 18, placed fourth In the 100 backstroke but tied for tecond In the 100 fly wlth a 1:02.5 ·clocking. The first three places were a virtual dead heat and required a verdict by the judges. The timers said Miss Hewitt's time w a s slower but judges said she finished ahead of Lynn Vidalli of the Santa Clara SWim Club. S..-ry ef Sllfld•Y't ttuil!n I/I 1119 $°'1lllef!I C1llfart1le /nw1h11ron.1 •W'lll'I "'"': Wotnen'I IMO lrft'ty-J, Oebblt ~. Arden Hlllt SWlm Club, S.cr1rntnlo. U:lt.21 I, Vldl.lt Kin<!. Atdtft Hlll1. 17:U.l; 1. AM Sim-, Ltke- wood "-lie Clut/, 17:al.7; 4. Amy ~. Plllllll'• 6'. L-Bffdl. ll :>l.11 s. Marltvn $11,onden, l'tllf. 1101, ll:e .7. fo\ell'1 1'511 ,,_tyt-1, Gtry H•ll, UNtt9d!H. Glrdtn Gr_, M:lil.J1 ?. Plt9' Fill, l'oolf\111 Col- •• 14:5'.01 1. T......., Cl>lrltol!, UNtt.dled', L- a.di, 17:1L71 4 Cl'llP Fumlu. WNtlKlltd, S.111• """' 17:15..li S. DI..,.. K""""" -tt~, El Miiii., 17:1'.I. Worntn'• »O bniollt1rtk-1, IOmll lrtclll. Lik.- -"4wfllc CMI,, 2:'9J.1 2, 0.N ScllNr!l'lild, er..... ~""' ... c. l :ll.l1 l, Sur ... l'wclod. Lah<wood M;, 2:ll.01 4. Kim T"'°""'°"' C-Swim Ck*, 3:13.51 J, DI.._ Nldllofl', f'ttlllln t6. J:JU. Mtn't 2D11 llrfolt .. lrtk-1, Mtrlt Ct..lfltld, 1"~11- ti.. ... l : .. .J1 :L Ttm wwet. Unl~ltY of lcMl!tnt C•llfoml1, !:lUl 2. Jahn Dtrr. UIC. 1:11,01 4. Tim MuK'll, Glllfoml1 l'rolll, 2:11'°'1 S. N•l Smltll. Buen. SWlll'I Club, !:It.I, w-·· 100 11un.r11,-1, Toni ..,._,tt, eor-•I M•r SC, 1:01.ll 2, L'ftlll Vldtll, knt1 Cltr• SC, 1:01 .21 J, J1nk9 Allln, Conlllil dlt 1Mr SC, l:Ol .41 -· ,_ .. .-....11, Uk--... c. 1:02.41 s. ti• ''""' JCl'l"CI 1!:1111, ~•lot V ....... C, 1 :0'1.1, Llwrt Ht .. ~ 11..,,, 0..1111e C111,1~ty K , l:c.J. lllld Denll9 ,._, • 1on, LOI .......... AC, l~OJ.J. M.,., 100 llr.llttfftv-1. TIM Norlln, 1(111 l(tl11M11o '°" swim Sdlolll, J.1.•1 2. ltobtr LY91h l.ISC, P .t 1 J, ltMd l"llfllltllofl, Ctllfornlt fro.II, SI.II 4 Jtff '"""°"' USC. JS,,/ .\ WHlllm ,,,_.,, UK. 11.1. Lakers Slam Celts, I 08-73, To Clinch Title BOSTON (AP) -The Los Angeles Lakers are regular season champions of the NaUonal Basketball Aslociation's Western Division -just L'I everybody expected them to be. But It wasn't only three guys named Will Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor and Ju- ry West who put them there. l'!ben the Laktra acquired Chamberlain In the olf-seuon to give ; them a trio of auper-atan:, many oblerven were-will· ing to hand them the NBA UUe riltit then and there. · Hut when they clinched the Western Division crown with a whopplng 109-73 victory over Boston Sunday, there were some other names in the plehirfl too. · Ten players contributed to the taker•' attack, and the high man wu none ' of the above-named lhreelome but rookie BUI Hewilt, with 19. It must be rtmembered that a tmnerto doos defensive ellort wu neet1111J to mate the "control'' came aUCCUlfuL By playing such a came, the Trojana cut loto their own numbel" of poaibie shots u wen u thole ft the Brulnl. * * * Hull May Score 60 Goals "Be h a i been a pleuant ltll'prile," coach BUI van Bredl Kolff nld. "A 1ol of l~st draft cholcu aren't doing thal well. '"Somellma the problem t1 aottlnl him ready to play. Sometimet )'<RI tooli out on the eourt and ~ ask : "Where is Hew itt?" You donrt see blm. But- be WU ready today," I cu IJlllodbe wttli JMa W- ud the tk.i.. llol I mat .... 4M Troj .... 11'-ud ......... -have felt dlnapo.t tlile e.cut M the Troju team .U.Clpllat --down. Whal made tloe Trojan -I Wal lhdr oMIJty to m-IUt dlod .... No tln'lt: player became .....,. ftr thebaWI. ,,,. ......... lq fad " ... ,_ It thPl the Bralu wen CM vldbu .r • lack " team dildpllae. n -... viMt tbat .... cem,_llf't. UCLA pl.,.n CRJCAGO (AP) -Bobby Hull, the Gofd<ft Jet d the Chlcqo Black ll>•tt, Is crulslng al a -clip acain and H he keepo H up he misi>I bike the NaUooai H9Ckey League eoal ICOrint mark to lht unbelievable number of 60. "II ii possible?" asked !lull Sunday nlgbt alter ocorinc two goata to boolt bl1 ,....1ng to 13 in a a.a tr1wnpll ov., Philadelphia. Reminded th•t he bu -.cl 20 aoal• In the last 17 games and need• to avtrage but a goal a g1me In the final seven to achieve what once wu thooght to be an impossible feat, Bobby 1ald, "U it'• possible, then lt'• probable. Or doa the 11yln1 IO If It'• probable, It's possible.11 One tblng for sure, barrlna an Injury, Hull appears to be a cinclt to crack hll ...., """"1 ol 54 goals set Ill the llllMI ....,.. SUll, Bobby Isn't aetling any-alaoata. "'U a record fl there to get, nne," a;y1 lhdl "But I'm not cha!l.ng any. I know our chancel are slim of gettlti1 Into the pt1yofr1 001 that'• the ma1n objecUve. "Ir my ICO<lng goalJ helpo ua get there, flnf:," continued Hull .. 1 can't say I'm aboolinc for eo 1oals, that would be a JJe. Yet, lf I don't get hurt and can play the next seven cames full u,_,, well, anythln& can happen." lfUll mlJoed oot on one .._.i Saturday night when he failed to score aa the llawll:1 dropped t 3·1 decialon at Mon· I real. ...... T • P T 17 "'""" ) ,,, • It Hlvllnl • N IS ti lt\IUlll ! N i I •rv-nt ) l·t ? ,. .Nnel ' 1-2 ' IS~ Jl·IJ I Clle111Y I M I! I N""'" e M e, I........ I H 1 •tltofr1" • .,, 1 Jetlnlln t N ! Or•ll-• N I Ttftllt o ~-,. ..... ,. l1.ft n L• ...,,... Jl II .Jl 11 -.. '°'"" ie 11 11 11 _, n l'W_. WI -..... , I ?ot1I toul1 -I.It Alll•lft II. ftOSlen H. J,!fW~M• -H. 111. Cokltado State, 11-171 irt s.turdaf'• -linal; North ~ edpd llaYidtoo, 174, to win the Eut ....... and Purdue nipped llarq-. 1'-il, ill OYtrUme to lake tbe Mldlrul aown. Tbe Eu! fl Dai WU decided in 1}.t final two ~ when jllnlor (lbarl!T Scotl """'11ded· on a !Wool Jump l1d lb give the Tar Heels a hard~ victory. The Mldeast , came was decided In the fiital two leCOOCl1 of overtime wlih Purdue•• Bldt 11'"'11 connadlng. oa a JO.fool Jump·abol. In ......iauoo pmea Saturday, nu. quune qed St John's 75-71, Colorado beat TODI Aloll 17.C, Weber SIA&. upett New Ma1co Slate, SMI, and ICl<l- lucky nipped lliami ol Obio, 71-71, in the mideut. Sports Clipped Short Pt'HI tilt WINI ef AP/UPf Vllllels Ne•ell LOS AN<lli:LES -Former .<;orooa de! Mar Hlgb and Or1n1e Coul eou.._e basketball star JOiin Vallely r<ached a bigb-water mark in h1I career Saturday. He was voted by tbe press to the all-tournament team at the NCAA'• Far Western regionals at Pauley Pavllkn, Vallely was tied In the voting with Bud Ogden of Santa Clara, so a six-man learn WU selected. Tho aU-toumey team: Lew -· Ken Heitz and Vallely, UCLA;. Jimmy. Colllna, New Mmco State; Juatwl Thigpen , Webel" Slate, and Ogden. Colbert Altelld PENSACOLA, Fla. -Jim Colberl, lights to protect bis lead going Into today's final round-of the $100,00lt Monsanto Open Goll Tournament. Lee Tevino was two shots back 1t 202. Gary Player and Ray Floyd wert Ued at 203. ¥ ankees, LA /lfl.e VERO BEACH, Fla. -The Dodgtra and the Yankees, once the two most feared teams in baseball, meet for the · fint time this spring today. Los Angeiu ana New York play again at Fort Lauderdale Friday. The Dodgers ran their Grapefruit League bueball record to 5-4 with a J..1 victory over the Chicago White Soi: at Nassau in the Bahamas Sunday . Rig E11es PIU!ltlng YUMA -Bill Rigney hopes his pit. chlng rares better today when the CsllfomJa Angels face the San Diep Padres. Four Angel pitchers including And1 Messersmith were battered for 11 bUa In a 14-10 loss to the Cleveland Indian• at Tucson Sunday. Kl ... • Ne ed 3 INGLEWOOD -The Los Angel .. Kinp need three Wini in their final eight NaUonal HOckey League regulu:: aeason game• to clinch a playoff berth. Tbe Kings anapped an elgh~game wlnless .string Saturday nJght with a J.1 victory over the Plttaburgb PenauJns. Los Angeles ii at home against the Oakland Seals Tuesday night in Jts next game. ColUett: 45.8 LOS ANGELES -Wayne Collett. UCLA'• sophomore sensation, holds the achoo! «6-yard duh ........i today afltr only tus fourth vanity compeUtion. Colle~ lie! tbe mark of 45.1 second• Saturday In a dual meet against ~ Slate wblcb tbe Broina won, 1113.11. He beat the Wlldcals' Olympic t>ronzo medalist Ron Freeman, who wa1 leCOlld in 411.3. . Collett, who bu a career belt of 45.1 for the even~ broke the u~ .._.i of 46.2 set by Bob Fr<y in 11186. Jon Vaughn of the Bruins won the pole vault at 17 feel Lo11o·llf•110 w 1 ... CORONADO -Jooquin Loyo-Mayo o! University of Southern C a 11 f or n I a defeated termer teammate Stan Smitb U-10, H, M &mdaf aa the Trojanl edged the Sonthtrn California AJl.Slanl f-S in a dual tam1a match. Loyo-Mayo aud Smith were Ill the- midsl ol tbe1r matdl Saturday wbta dar-halted it Tbe Trojan won Stm- day but then had to lace AleJ: Olmedo former Peruvian Davia CUp Illar, ;;;I loot .... M, M. Steve l.voyer or the Trojans pui hil team ahead with a 6-S, W victory ...., BUI Bond of the AU.Sten ali! Mar<elo Lara ol USC and Mexico City defeated Hugh Stewart of the All.IJten M, M. . V.S. T kru ud STOCKHOLM -Tba U.S. team, whicli lost w Sunday to CrechoaloTUia, --plained bltl<rly about relereelnf wblcll c1uted them to play "one full ~ two men sboit" i.n aecood-day ieUon at the World ltockey.Championehlpo. Team manacer Wayne Domact ot Rocbester, N.Y., bluled Swedish ref- Ove lllh1berg and Canedlan Mam! VaDaincow"t, w b o ........t them a peoalUea to ailc qainJI the Clechl. 'Kittell' P•- LAS VEGAS -Slanley ''KIUen• llayward wtll try to overcome the ocldsmaktra and • porttsan crowd tonilht apinst Freddla U!tle for the "tlorlil junior middlewet;ht b o • I n I cham- plon,hlp. J - ........ ~ . • N DAll.Y PILOT M...,, Mlrdl 17, 1969 Prep Stars UP AND OVER -Valencia High pole vaulter Gonly Mooers soars over 14-t to gain •ecood place in the large schools' competition at the Southern Cowrtles meet Saturday. state champion Steve Smith of CIF Cage Roundup Compton Outlook ,Glum Next Year -Armstrong By GLENN WRITE Of IM Deltr ,lllt Sf9tf LOS ANGELES -For 1ev1ral momenta, Compton High School basket- ball coach BUI Armstrong was a happy man. One of his team! had just captured the CIF championship for the fifth time under his guidance. And jt gave Armstrong a second straight unbeaten season along with a 82-game win alring. But then the occasion sobered up con- ai.derably for the former Orange County coach when a reporter asked what wou1d . be in store fOI' the Tarbabes in 1959-70. "It's going to be a down year - we're not going to have much," he answered Saturday night at the Sports Arena, moments after Illa: outfit nipped Sunny Hills of Fullerton, 59-55, be.fore 7,150 fans fOI' the A.AAA tiUe. Earlier in the day Atascadero nailed the A crown by shelling Aquinas, 72-56; Verbum Dei outscored Katell• <lf Anaheim in the AA finale, 90-87; Beverly Hills ootcla.ssed Santa Marla for the 3-A troplly, 7'"'2. GeWnl back to Armstrong and his prospects for next year, he has no return- ing starters but does have alJ: squad members returning. And the Tarbabe jayvees won all lhe.ir games after drop- ping the opener, so there must be some talent there. So perhaps he is being overly cautious <lr pesslm1sUc. ll certainly is a brighter visla for Sunny H1lls boss Russ Hawk. He has two starters back in camp -6-9 Frank D e b n and M Kim Swaim. Every other team member will be graduated. inc.Jud· ing all.CIF tourney selections B r a d 1tfcNamara and Don Paul Hawk 's outfit bad the Tarbabes on Cars, Drivers Flock to ocm Virtually every American automobile manufacturer will be represented. in Salw"day's super stock portion of drag racing at Oran1e County Jnte.matlonal Raceway. 1be . National Hot Rod AMOC.iation's Jackpot Series race Is lhe attraction, drawing cars from throughout the coun- try. Amona: those making a long trip is Hubert Platt and Randy Payne, wbo bring their twtH:ar Ford team from Atlanla. Jn \be accompanying A·gas super race, Junior 1bompson ol Norwalk and John M•zmanlan of WhitUtr have. upped the honepower In their Ope~K>dett in order &o mate up fOI' the one-quart.er ol a second that ,colt them a win in a March 2 race. Over 8,500 fans were on hand at OClR last weekend to watch the AA and A fuel alteredl Slturday and the "Bua- Jn" Sunday. There were three winnm in the Bug·in eventa. Dean Lowry of Santa Ana topped the drag event. with a 12.U second •nd IOI.JO mph perlonnance In hJJ 11163 Volkswagen. the ropes after tying the, score at M-all on two free throws by Dave Holmquist with 41 seconds remaining. But McNamara fouled Keith Lee three seconds later to foul out of the game-:· Then Lee compounded the Lancers' woes by bitting both free tosses. Sunny Hills was unable to score on its ensuing drive at the bucket and Compton took over, Then Reynoldo Brown of the Tarbabes was fouled and canned a gratis shot with 24. secondJ to go to make it 57-54. Brown got a tip of a missed free toss 12 seconds later and it wu over for the Cindertlla Freeway League team that had knocked oil four consecutive league dwnplonJ in the playoffs, In- cluding classy Huntington Beach. In the afternoon AA spectacle, Katella got o!f to a ghastly start, falling behind 30-17 before getting in gear. Then the Knights put on a great show against the taller, more muscular Eagles, before finally going under. The teams scored 101 points the first hall as the Eaglea held a 53-48 lead. Bob Sherwin of the losers nailed 33 points and made the All·loumey team, as did Eagles' ace Keith Batiste , •.. the only senior for Verbum Dei. Larry HoiIY«.eld ol. Compton was the most valuable player for the two-da y tournament. Other all-tourney choices were Don \Y'omack of Compton; Jlm Tough of Beverly flllb:; John Roth, Santa Marla; Bud Fabian, Notre Dame; junior Keith Wilkes of Ventura. A Cll•m,.._lp Al•IC .. tnl lhl Ati9' .. 1 IUI •vtlM Mtrllll "" Mcl"1n ........ •-m ·~ ··-""'"' lO!atl """'' """''' 1J Jlf0.S.nlos J I Jll llleS""lltl ''217 •11,0.,-,,.. 1)1 7 17SIJll-1111 lllJK_,.,., 111 1 7 11 1S&et1NW 1111 212JMll!Wt S llll ' t t t 11 ~11 t I I ' •• 1 • 1' lf If 7t Te!1t1 20 If II 5' Scort 11., Q111.,1rt n 21 1J 1S-7t u 1• 14 ll-» AA Cflt!rl ..... lhl• Y""'" ~ 011 Ktlellt 0 11 Blldl;1lllr• w ...... ...... llflll .. ,_ 01 ....... Q11ie'll• Tai.i. """'.. """' ,, 1 2 Jl1Lt'*-•2 •10 lll lCOMOlly 22J • IJ4 1J 01n:oux 11(1 lJ 1 ' U DoMlll1t ' I 3 J• Jf(lfl"9tll1 0 0 11 1 2 ••Allere0t JIJll 0122JPl-ln H i J U 3' t2 IS to Ttltt. 2' 1' tJ 17 klnl • ., 0..rttn V...tou"' 0.1 JI 21 ll )I -fO t<tttlll 17 JI u " -,, aAA Cll•111,it11tfll1 ._., Mii" (10 l•Rlt Mtrll 101 """'"' """' ,, S t2 1fllo"' 5 1111 ltltAI .... lll7 7 1•1SGvl'-'•n !Ill I I 1 I Dl:lnaldMI'! J I l 1 ,,,,,..,_.,,, Jl .1 7 S l t Jl CvmNrllnil' l J J 11 IJ llJJlmlrwr 111 7 A'-xt ...... OJIJ fJ tO It 7( Ttot911 Jl H II •t ktre .., 0.rten I 1-l"f HUis ti ti I 11 -7.t St"'' .!Mrl.I U lJ II 11 -U AAAA CN111•11111 ._., HUh (U) c.m,_ Otl i .. 1 .... .,_ Hll"'ICIWlll -M(NtmlPrt Pt~I St11"mey1r 10111, ''""'"' ftllllllte ) 0 4 I Ht11yfltld ) 0 J 10 Jlt 7W-cll 12711 Otltlr11Wfl J 1t 6 •t •ttl .. Jltli 6fl U Nt l•Oll •I.ti ' l I 11 Plwrct I t I t 0 I I I !2 11 11 ll Ta!tll kW9 "' Oilt,,.,, uu111 -s' ,. 11 u 1• -5t ... - Southern Counties Marks Whittier 440 Flmh ( 47.1): Selecwd Star of Meet DAILY ,ILOT ....... llf L .. PrtM South Torrance was the winner on fewer misses, also topping 14-4. Mooers was using ~ new pole and nam>Wly mi11sed at 14-8. By ROGllR CARLSON Ol .. o.ltt'Plll"9ff 1be scenery wu different, and a couple ol outstanding prep athltte1 were miss- ing, bUt it mai:Se little dilfertnce at the '8tb .....t Southern Coontla Invttatloo- al tr.a and field meet. Jt wu • great lhow under perfect skies and a son bated crowd watched lour meet records fall by the waysk:le during tbe course of the afternoon Satur· day at Westminster lUgb ScbooL The meet was shifted to Weatminlter because of repairs on the Huntington Beach High School field. Bill Sims of Whittier H1gb was named alhlete ol µ.. meet for hJJ wlnninl perform1111Ce1 In the" DJ and 440. Hts 440 cloct!ng of 47.1 knocked two tenths off the 1961 record &et by Compton'• Ulis Williams to lead another set of great timea for early s e a 1 o n performancei. And, Decker Underwood ()f South Tor~· ranee became t h e flrst miler ever to win the DAILY PILOT trophy two years running when he demolished all com- petitiog with a record·shattering 4:13.1. It broke M i k e Solomon'• o Id mark ol 4: I 1.3 and sent the perpetual ln>phy baci: to South Torrance for another year. Other meet records came in the m 1 l e relay and the M> run. Centennial whhked to a S:lt.1 in the relay to grab 1econd place in the overall team scoring for large schools behind champion Compton. The opening running event of the day was a 1 s o the moet ei:cltlng of t b e af- ternoon as defending state champion Ruben Cbappins of Exttlslon w on the :.mile in meet record Ume of t :Ol.t. Ron Johnson, a junior from West Tor- rance, gave the favored Chappins all he could handle. The two were neck and neck for the HEAT WINNER -George Woods of Estancia cap- tures hi s heat of the 180 low hurdles, nosing out Herby Thompson of Verbum De.i . Woods went on to place third in the finals of Saturday's Southern Counties classic with a nifty 19.4. Westminster Dragster Wins Riverside Event Westminster drag racer Gene Brown streaked to a 66 mph speed in his street eliminator machine Sunday to win the championship in his class at Riverside International Raceway's sixth annual Na· tional Hot Rod fl.1agazine drag racing championships. A crowd of more than 9,000 watched Brown steer his modified 1958 Pontiac to the victory. Charlie Allen of La Verne drove his Hfunny car" 194.38 miles an hour to victory over Mickey Thompson's favored car. The Thompson car. driven by Pat Foster of Long Beach, after winning three major races in succession, suffered drive shaft trouble and never completed the course. Larry Dixon, 29, of North Hollywood, won the top fuel ellminator title and $4,350 in a Chrysler-powered rue\ drai;;ster. He ~ped 205.94 mph to defeat defending chan1pion Ste\'e Carbone of Downey, whose engine blew up. ..!"- Top gas eliminator wu Jack Jones of El Monte, in a Chrysler-powered dragster at 196.15 mph. \Vinners of the other four classes \\'ere: 'Tom Stafford, Fullerton, 1969 Ford, 98.79 mph super stock ; Ken Dondero, Concord, Calif., 1951 Chevrolet-powered Anglia, 141.50 mph, super e.llminator; Ken Van Cleve, Salem, Ore., Eagle Ford dragster. 115.53 mph, competition eliminator, and Darrell Droke. Downey, 1968 Cougar, 123.4$ mpb. Dwight Salisbury, of Newport Beach, driver of the Smothers Brot.bers fuel dragster, lost In the first round of top fuel elimination to Stan Shiroma of Los Angeles. Steve Bovan cf Costa Mesa. driver of lhe funny car "Mr. T. Camaro.'' lost in lhe second round to the "Invader" Corvette of Mike Van Sant, Torrance, after eliminaUng pre-race favorite Don Schumacher, Park Ridge, 111 ., in the Stardust BarracUda. Estancia's Barnett Only Area Victor 111 Spike Classic George Barnett of Estancia 1ed Orange Goast arta prep cindermen wllh a 2U'lo1 effort in the small acbools Iona jump, good for a first place medal In the 48lh running of the Southern Counties Track and Field Meet at Wutrn.inster High School Saturday afternoon. And , Estancia's Ge<rge Wood captured hi! h .. t ol the 180 I°" hurdles In It.I and then went on to finish third overall '~lith a line 19.4 clocking. Costa Mesa11 Ralph Dean ran 1 1:11.1 in hh lllO race for third plact. Fountain Valley made Itself felt in large schools action when Carl Hardin "'as second In the 880 with a 1 :!7.0 mark. And. Marina High's rapid 440 relay team anchored by Dave Lacy streaked to an easy victory in ill heat with a 43.1, The mark waa good for third place overall in the large school event. final 1120 and Chapplns flllall¥ won by a yard. lA1r9e Se,._b 1to-1. Wlm.tlll (Mul'1 f.t I. • ._. !~I "ff:t l. ~ (T-1 JU L WlMll (Demi. eull) J.,,,.......... JC-IM) t• LH-1. ,.,_ IS.nit IMlll&tl tU 1 IDMo 1idtclll (~I 14.S l TIMW. (Multi IU L Klfteo ....,. !SvfVtJ Hllll) J. K .. IK ((~I --f,l,,t r.ctl 1. ~ (C:-Oi!Wll I:.,_,. 2. ,._,. ll'Yl J:S7 .. 1 ltoblll-(Poly} 1:'7.7 '· Hlllt (w..ttn\} 1:51.t 5. llGN {CdM} 2:11.1 .. -(Stcorld rtOll 1. Wt h411 (~ntl61) l:Jf.I t. Mtrcurlo (MeWlllarMl 2:ot.• 1 IC&l•r 11111i.. Wlllld) t:ft.t f. SPtl'*-r fl'tl• Yff"•) !:CD.I J. -..,._..., (FYI 1 ..... 1 UI b1r1 -1. C""'""'ltl G,f 2. COmll'Oll .C.I i. M1r1111 41 " s.m. ManJq a..1 s. '""""' a.s Shat "11 -J, levn-fl.iok!IWe.dl ~ 1. WI.._ ..-(PtlMlltftl) Jt.ra 1 fl(lll»r (l!I fl•l'ldlol IM 4. SdllU" CMl"*-"I JMVI 5. &Turn flHJ .... ,. Hl911 MnP-:-1. •PM1tv {C-~I ... J. arMltY fMll!r) u 1 lli..1 (Otnftft G,.....I "' L cu• (0-l!Plt) 6-! J, Tit ~ 11/!IMll l~I '"8 Aw1J11 .ff'GIYI &.1. ...,, -1nm r1c-11 1. L111111ori (Mlll111t"I •·• 2. L-cc..,.,.111111 "-' 1. H....,.,. ... 1s."'' Manlq) ''-' '· s11rllbrotk fll~l -'Cl.7 s. McCl>tl 1c-ttMlell $1.1 UI -{.-..I r.tnoJ 1. llufonl cc.m.nn1e11 •·• t. Wti.n (Muir) 50.J 1 Tall! IC~11tt V1~) 50.J .C. c-t-11 IH•wtllor11t) 51.t S. ""'" 4IWI 11.1 DI - 1. GlbMn (U*...adl 22.2 I. ~ .... (~NI tt.t J, wtlllemt. (Muir) 22.J L kn~ {Tlll"?lnet) 22.7 J. Wc*tY (St .... ,,...) 1• LH -I, Stockton (l'ol"fl 1'.! I. 0-ldHft fCcotnP!Ol'l 19.-' 1 OGl.'81" (l'Olll•"tl It.I f. C. Gib. sen fll~twaodl It.I J. Cl...,. ll'OMINJ Mlle (flnt rec.I -1. u~ (lo. Tor-l 4:11.l 2. K..,... (Alllllll111I (:IJ., J. L-IVt'- c:lel 4:27.2 f. hf!Mnl (I I llll!Clwl 4:».I S. l lY- llMnllvr';ll (TlllTtrKtl (:J1.l (Ntw IMll "°I'll-Gld r--' 4:1f.J by St*'-·~ WMtl'l'llN!tf", 1901 Miit (tteend ntt) -I. s-tn (l .... -.-1) 4:tt.t t. LlndtmtM (Mlllllll"I 4:-.S 1 Wiii,_ (Stntl MOnlcal 4:».• '-Mnfllllll (Sllllnr Hltlt) •:ti.I s. ltndy (l ... ~l 4:f1,1 ~ 1....,.. -1. Wiiii. (0-n•ldel !)-~ t, Or11nt (C.,tlllnletl 2" 1 T""""" IC""'""ltl) n.t .... L Clt<T"-(l'tlldtnl) ~ J. k1'1'11•1tk (0.rdlft Gra>tt) 2'2-2 Pole V•111! -l. Smllll !Sa. Ttr1'tnc91 1U t. M-. (Vtllf'lclt) 14-4 I. W.1111~ IC:-0 ..... I JM .. l.twrllQ '"""'"''' JM J. CourtNY u .. r. woad} IM ·Mli. lttll'l'-1. c.nltnnltl J:lt.l I . ~ ,, •. 9 3. L9 Poly 1:24.t 4. C,...Qll\"tt; V1llty ''"·' J. Fon'-':111.S (Meet i'ICOt~ ~ ,_-. J ;!2.I W c--1"'1 l'lntl -.: ComMoo1 MV.. C""9nnlel ff. l-. ...., U. Muir a l"Gly ''""' Mm••"• IMll ,,.,._ "" tnd OC:ltntlclt 14 •di. ,. .. ti ... 11. 8111411 Sel'lools t Mll• -1, 0-1"' (!11ttflltf"l f !Dl.t t. Jlllfl. 1c.1 rWwt T«TJ •:W.1 l. Mtlle Ill Hlllrl) t rt2.t 4. wtll!w fEI ModtMI •:16.1 s. Mendti (At*lel t :ll.S !PW# ,,..-rteanl-Clld NC«d f:10.1 bJ Mir- -· S.. T.,,..,_. 19'71 1._1, 11:1c1o rwortmM> ,,. i. Jtcabl 1o-int1 loltndl 10.0 ). Hlfll)' (Vlrtou"" Dtll 10.1 4. John..,., (El Madtnll I. Gtrrtt! CM.el 120 Hloll llurdlft -!, Frtnllll" (ID Llneoln) 14.! !. HtMtrtln fllltrJ 14.0 '· "TIIOmll..., (Vitrtlurft OtlJ )(.7 4. W.. ((ltlllClt) S. llWY !ID Llneolnl • -ll'lrtl ncll 1, Mln"lll !l b"'°" Mont.I 1:!4.J :l. Tu""" (Mlr1 C...tll 1:!1.f 1 °"'" IC•T1 ~I t:S&.1 L Eby !ltedell'dol l:.M.7 5. Ctr,. (ltWldoa Al.lmltw) l :Jt.O • -(IKGllll ncll 1. kMlfnt (Moml ... 11 .. I 1:1U L G,.._ (C,_11 1:•..1 J. Htllll (hi~ n-1 t :al L Tlldttr (L..il) 2:00,T S. ............ -(If. M"-J 1:111.2 4ot6 ltelty -1. El MoftN Q .( 2. VtrtM.1111 Dtl o.s a. Llncolll ut 4. Mom!Mt!M .u.1 s. woro.i.n .... SW Pvt-I. GOr$11 111 M~I Sl'-N I. Murr•v o.-tll "-'V. 1 OIVIMl/tll (l.io Hilwll u.J L Wlndl ('--II) ~11 5. Shlrill1 (Mom!nn!dtJ ...... Hlvto lum• -I. Ltmbtft (kllfl-) '""' 2. L ........ (Ptoelfkt ! &.ru J. Ol1on fC'"'°ll ~ '-J11Nt (klin-rJ 6-1* J. limfl....,. (Wlllt!l..-1 ... ' l -lu11111 -J, ltnwtt fE1l11\Clll 22-tllo I . W1,,,... lllg1'111 (MOrlllllOllH) IMV. I. l'vkll (l lt lr) 22-l'!olo 4. Htnl)' (Vt r1>1im Otll 21·10\lo J. Wl11 (El Mod1111) 21·1·~ 4111 -fFlrlf rte• 1. s 11n11 (Wlllttllfl n .1 '· Mlkl!tl !Lincoln) 41.7 1 s.tm.l"I 111 ""°"""'l .n.1 (. lllco (Wart<tnlll) JO.I S. Htlldtnon ltltlr) •-' tMMI ~ rtearO D.l .... Ull1 wtllltll'llo Compton, In 11'11 +Kl -(Woolcl nlCI} 1. LUt:tt (Mom!,....141) 4f.f t . A~ (lttdanOo) IO.O J. Hld!1 (Y«tlvm Dtll 4. VOii Tallll (Wlllttltf"J JO.I S. Mvlltoarl (.V..t.r Dtl) .... .t»-1. Sims {W"lttltrl 21.J 2. JollMOll (IM!rl 22.7 1 ~ (Llncoln) 22.1 .&. It~ (L~ o:olll) 22.I S. ~ (lltlr) l'oll Vtull -I. Ctr!IOtl f"tclftQ } l M !. SClflt (Monll .... kltl lM J.. Sl""'llOtl !LHJ IM 4. ,_., t1tttit1!1l IM S. Edl;flo!Ot (II. """"""'' JM ,. LH -'· Fl"lllkllll (llllml"J 19.1 2. MtAr•w (alelrl lt.J J.. Wood (E1lancll) lt.-' '-~ (\ltrtou111 Otll Jt.-' J, Min.NU (Momi11111dt) Miii ('lrwt nttl -t. G. Mlddolc lw.rkl'Mlll 4:20 2. H......-fDnl fCMllfltl l1llncll 4:U.0 1 ht- ton (M1r1 Colll ) •:27.1 4. &tf"Nl {NONltk) •:It.I S. J.t'l'klllY fCl'fltllJ 4::D.O Miii (tteend rtee) -1. Lt!N 1ao111 Grt1lllt) •:2J.1 2. Midi..-Ct..io Htbnl) •:2( .• J. "•lfw- 111.,,. MOt'l1.J 4: •• 7 L JOtllt (Mornt,..11•) 4:•.t 5. ~ [Wl'l1tlltr) 4:U.7 Miit lttltY-1. SI" .tlltilt Llncloltl l :'D.4 I. L"""'" J:M,7 2. ExC"llilar l::tt.I f. M1r11 C.11 l :tt.t S. Moml111111dt l :ll..J FIMI Scol"ft: 5.tl LlllCal" Jl, ~ ..... ldt '7'. •I Madtn1 20, &lllr lf, Vtrtiu"" Otl 17, Wftllwn 11. Wlll1'!1ff" , ... L• HIC>rl 11 11t1ncl1 Inf tf(lfr.....r 11 tKll. lawtll 1114 P1clfla. 10 fldl, Capsule Look At Best Marks 100 -Ben Rico of Workman pJcktd up the top mark with a t .I clockln& over Muir's Howard Willlams In larp school action with a t .t. 110 -Lakewood's Steve Glbzon won with a 22.2, one notch put Blll Sima' 22.3 in the small school's division. 440 -Bill Sima WU hands down champlm with bis remarkable 47.t cloct4 inf, beltlnf UliJ Williams' 1111 llandard ol 47.3. 880 -Compton'• Victor Moore led the field with a l:IU In leadlne hJJ mates to the Tarbabea' flrat cham- plonsblp alnc. 191!. . M 11 e -Decker Underwood a pad to victory with a meet record-ahatterin& 4:1U to capture the DAILY PILOT trophy lor the IHICOnd lllrallht yur. 2-Mlle -Ruben Cbapplnl of Elctlllor barely heat out Ron JobMon ol Wat Torrance with IJIOther record omuhinl performance -1:01.t, two-taithl ol a second better than Johnlon. llO HH -Morion Franklin of San · Diego Lincoln In the anaU IChooll dlvtalon and Duane Johnson ol Santa Monica ,..,. w1nnm In their dlvtalon with t.fJ times. 180 LH -Franklln ol Liocoln W&S the wirmer 1rith a 19.1. 440 Relay -C..ltnnlal, C .I . Mlle Relay -Cen1ennlal'1 1:11.1 limo al!Whed . Comploo'a j<lll'Old mark ol 3:ZU. High Jnmp -Compton, without ~ pie star Reynaldo Brown. picked ,. a first place anyw1y u Joe Br.nt7 notched the beat mark with a bat-<"' performance of. M . Lona: Jump -Don WllU1 ol Ocunsidt, 23.SJ,\. • I Pole VauH -State champion Steve Smith eued to 1 tM mark. Shot Put -Jim Lourlano ol LaktwoM won with a IG-lo ellort. • • t • Mile Record Breaker South Torrance High's Decker Underwood receives the DAIL Y PILOT mile trophy for the second ztraight year at the Southern Counties Invitational after running 4:13.8 Saturday to become the day's fastest miler. Bill Wise, first-ever Athlete of the year, presents the award while Underwood's coach Dick Scully (right) holds the DAILY PILOT'S per- petual trophy. Twin Kill For Area Soccermen It was a twin killing for 1.he Coast Rangers Sunday as the first team maintained its grip in the Pacific Soccer League lead by blanking Dinubia, 3-0, at Newporl Beach's Mariners Park. A n d in the prelim, Ranger reserves closed in on the reserve divi sion crown by top- ping Dinubia subs, 2--0. The winners need only a tie in their remaining four games to sew up the title. Coach Brian Ml'Caughey'!l chargers were as sharp as 'the weather1 blending a perfect defense with excellent goal shooting of Harry Ogilvie, Colin West and Jerry Dawson. Jim McWilliams and Albert Burns were the defensive heroes. Dawson broke the scoring Jee 15 minutes into the game. 'Then the hosts got some breathing room 20 minutes in. to the last half whea Ogilvie, brother Jackie and Norm Prendergast combined f o r some sharp passing and the ultimate goal. Then West wrapped things up with a beauty from ex· tremely difficult position lo make it 3.0 with 15 minutes left. Steve ·Johnson Cousin hit scores reserves. and Andre for Ranger For Coast Area Prep Net Results _ .. 'Efllltnd-Fryer (Liil - 6-1, "1. Sclllff-SIHt (Llll won ~. , ... 1 ... ..... P1rnel~Gr1y (FVI won M , 6-!, 6-l, ... TMr-llotn~M (FV) won 6-l, 6-l, 6-0: lost 1 ... Ooubla Emtr/' ind Scl'lelim CE l ell!. Clotll t r.cl M-t ICM) 6-1. 6·1, Goodmln 111<1 kuemotv 6-1. 6-1. F1>1!er end Au11ud Tn<> ll!l 1o11 lo C!olll llld Moort (CM) , .. , 1·6, Good-IThln 1nd Kum1mo10 .W. 1 ... Junior V1nilY IE1J11ncl1 (15'11il 111v.1 Cnl• Mn• s1nm1 Lew \El ckl. Endsley !CMl 'o. l"!ll"lollil' •·1, M1tran111 ,.~. Purc:tll 6-~0¥in iEI \Mt to Endslt v ICM\ •~. Fo.,l>lv ,,., ftf. Malrlll'lt 6-1; ktol lo Pur<t ll :H. l.Utvwtult !El loSI lo End'lrY° (CM\ '°"· For\llay 'M; ~. Mt1•-• 6-!1 tl•d Purcell 1-1. Rus,ell !El loft lo End,ltV CCll<'l l·6, Fo"lltV 04: dtt. M11rtnt11 ... 1, lmt to Pun;ell '-'· ...... 5'1!lnflt ld tnd Mertln IE) 1-11111 wi•ll Pro Cage Standings '" E1J1trft D1w111 ... W L l>tl. 81ltlm,,..,. Phll•dtlol\1• New Y~rk Bos!on Cinclnn11i " " " .. " n .11• 16 .611 11 .6.W ll .56-f •O .487 Oetroit 19 JO .3111 MllfrtU~re 1• S3 .l17 Wnl...,. Dlwillofo Lo$ Ang•IM !l 16 .W l A111nt1 U 11 .603 51n Fr1nc:•SCO '<I lf .~ San 0 0.Vo J.I 43 ."2 Clllc190 ll IS .•ll 5e1ttl• lo 11 .ru Pl10t>nl• 16 <1 .105 S1turd1Y's llttulll 811!lmore 99, Bouon 91 Pt.111<1111>1111 1n, At11nt1 110 CMClllO 101, S.att~ 13 New York 1'1, (.h1c:l11n•ll IOI Sin 0 1-Ul, Phoelll• 11• Onl'r 111me• scheduled. S•ftNY'• ll"un1 Los A1111ele1 10I. Bo•lan 11 S•n Olevo UC, Deltl>ll 111 Allflnll 131, Sffttle Jj1, el'ttllme Only 11•me1 1chfllu1e<1. TMll''S Gem• Oelroll 11 PhoPntx OnlY """' KhedUll'd. T""''''' Gl mff ~~ttle ,, 81llll'IOl"f LOI ,_119tles 11 Cftk •oo MllwaukH 11 Sin 0 1..., A!!•nlll ti ~n Fr1nciKO Only NmU Khedulfd, lndlen.1 K1nlllckf Ml1t11! Mlnnn!lll New Yorti: . .. E11t1rn Dlwl1ion w ' " » " » " » ~ " 17 5J Dlwlsl•n l>cl Gt ·"' ,,, , .57t J .m •l'i ..., . W11ttr11 0..kl•nd/ Den.,tr New Drlt•n~ 0 11111 L(lt An,tlts "ouilon 52 " .791 10 7t .5'0 ll ll ·"' 35 ll ,SU )0 JI ,UI 10 •s .2'1• Suncl1y•1 ll1sull1 OMv~• 111, Oa1~1r.d 11t Oall11 HM. Kentucky 110 l<ldlan1 lu . Mln~no!• 11] Miami 116, New York" 1GJ Onho 91mn lC~e<Jule.:1. T1<11,•1 G1mei L<n A""tlu v1. New Orle1ns 11 Jac~>0n. MIH. Onlv 11•mt' SC~e.:IUll!'d Area Sports Calendar Pott~ I ncl Bl~ (CM! l .. , '-'• F101111n end Certtr 6-0, u . Wiik tnd Mol'll'I (El toll! wllh l>otrt• tr.d Bllholl ICM} 6-3, 6-6; dlf, Rolv111 1nd Ctr1fT" 6-J. 6-3. Jllfti« Vtnitf LNrl IU'rlo) 11111) Mlrllll Pro Hockey Standings TuftdfY Bas.blll -Go~ffl Wnt '' Chel1ev. :oi111!1 Alll 11 OCC fbolh al 3), Fau11t1ln V1li.t It CorDr11"del Mir. LOI .. 11 Etttnc:l1, Hunll"!liofi llt .-:11 1t Senti An•, M1rln1 11 N!'W1>11rt Herbor, l\nfihtlm 11 Weslmln•ltr. Lio""" lleKI> 1t 1!1 ModoHlll Mln!On Vleto •I S.11 C~le (Ill •I l :IJJ, Costl MIKI .... M1gno!i1 ,, LI P1lm1 Sl1dlurn 17 1.m.I, Swlmml.,. -Wll"°" 11 Col"Ofl• <1e1 Mir, Llkl'Wood 11 NewPOrt H1rbor fbolfl 11 ll. Golf -Hun!ln~ron lle1c~ 11 511111 ,_111, M1rl11• 11 NewJ>Orl H~t'bor, .l>lehelm 11 wn1ml111'1!r (lit 111). T"""il -OCC 11 USC !11, CCll'°"I tkl Mar 11 Faunt1l11 V1llff, Est1nc:f1 • ~I La.rl, Mlotnoll1 ti Cm.II Mesi. S.."t' AM 11 H1111llnolofl llffd'I. Ne'#PQ1"'1 H1t'bor 11 M I r In 1 , W.ifm111'ti1!'t" 11 An111p!m, Et McoftM If L"""'' INdl 1111 1! ':IS), Trtrt Hunllnoton 8tec~ ti Westt111nsi.r 13:151. WMllfttl•F Swlmmlnt -Founl1ln V1!tev !It Coron• cit!! M••· EslB"CI• ., CMI• Mew, Hunt!l"IO~ llt1ch 11 An1heim. Newport H1rbor II S1nt1 ,._,.,, M1rln1 1t Sln!I An• Vllltv. Wrstmintr•r •I We1tern, Sin Clemente 11 L19uN llt«ll 1•11 ,, Jl. GVTMllllCI -Coronl clt!I Mt r II ...,,allelm U:U). Golf -Es11M11 1! ""°"Tebflkt, Minkin Vle!o 11 T111tln, Orlntt ti L1g11111 llt1ch (Ill ti 1\. Tllv,,_•, Tree~ -Lo"• 11 CDl"Clll• dtl M•r, ~111nc:r1 11 Cnl• MH.I, Ml•noll1 II Faunt•ln V1tlff, H1111!1nototo !kit~ 11 Mtrlna. Ne¥1'110rl Herbor 11 Wnre111, Wts'nll11sNr II ""'' Ant V•llff, -·~ Ml!~ Del 11 $1. P1ul, Foothltl 11 Mi<llatls Ind Redd (M) !lrd Tint L~~un1 l!fl(~, Ort-11 Mlsslort t n<I l'ttllV tLl l·I. J-1. "ATIO,.AL l •AGUI! Vielo. VIiia Park II San C~me11te aemlnv 111d N1ci.11 CMl lost ta E11t 01 ... 1sio11 1111 al J:lJI , w1111ner 111!1 Goklm•n 4L ) 1 ... 1·1. W L T G ... mna•tl cs -5oulll Torr1na: 11 Monlrttl 42 11 11 N~r1 H1rbor. we1tmlntte< 1nd ll<!'To<1 l t '' u Jorcl1n 11 M1vl1lr lbolh 11 J:UJ. Nhl York 11 l• I T-11 -Fuller!Oll II Golden Wttl, c • Ton1,,ta l7 2l )I c itrus ,, occ Ibo"' 1111. ),Unas l1 c..: ociroil •• ,, ,, s ... 1mm1,,. -UCI 11 NCAA Fln1h 0 cnruto ji ll 1 !5Prll!Vfl11d, M.n\l. WKI Dl.,illllfl 1>1$, ... (l.l 95 246 !II t2 27' ltd n 1!11 HI 71 717 '" ,, n• , .. '' :ISO 110 l'o1U1 WKlmlMl.r 166'~! (SJ'Jl Mllllli111 '' , · BIM!~ll -OC C 11 GCllMn WHl Tumotl119 -1 Mcl'all !W\ ?. Har1~1 '-°"'1-lS Jl tJ ll 1'1 14.1 f3), Co.,,.,1 c!el Mtr al Cotti Mest, fMl J, Gerlock !Ml Po[ll!t: \6.1. O•li;tlllCI 11 :\I 10 I? 194 n:I Lo1r1 11 Founllln Vtlle~. A111lltlm Rooe c:hmb -I. R11S!on (Wl 7. Los A-It• 11 11 t SJ 16<1 ?2t •I Mirlna, WMlmln,ter 11 Hunllntlon Mc:D•rmlcl (M) l. 51>e1 (Wl Tlmt: Phll-lfl!llt 1• 31 lO j t 151 ,"' fte•dl. Newoort H1rbor 11 SA V1lln, 3·tor'l9 l'lorr -I. GerDck IM/ 7. Min~· II 37 ,. 50 !II :Ii L19un1 lleadl 11 Vllll P1rk, M!11!Dr1 MtFlll (W l . Jahr>IOrl (W) Pont•: Pllltbu<lll! IS 41 JO «I 161 l:U Vl1lo 11 Foothill, El MoOt<lt •t San 35.1 ~r't ••111fs C~rnen'1! latl 11 l :\Sl. Eflinc:.ll ~ Hllloll btt-I. Von W1ld [WI I. l!lo&~_!!, 1"t1ronlo J Mltnoll1 ti llllfftn P1rt1; U l • ~~'~' IM! J. Gesnt (Mt Polnlt: ~ .,.._. 6, Detroit I GYmnatlla -W.slflllllllff, COl'Olll Frtt •x .. clst -I. McF1!t IW! C~itlOO l , Phll-i,t.I~ 2 d!!t Mir 11 I!'! R1nc:.flo l,,.,.ll1tlol1I 1. H1rl'I /Ml J. Gerlod: CM) Potnls: Ml..-.olt l . 51, Lcvb t (7), 17~11"6e •1on r -l. McOl.,(tt IM/ 1. Olkltnd 1, Pl111bu,..h t Ttnn:1 -Cosl1 Mat II Conin1 Se~mour !WI l. Jtck"°" tMl Po nli; Only otmes """°"led d~I MIJr. VIII• Pu't 11 L19un1 ll'1cn, 11.•. Tld1'("1 Otrrttl M191111U1 •• E1!1ncl1, 5•n C~nte P1r11let btrl -1. IW<IOll IW/ No N/Tlft 1dll:dulfd 11 El Mo<IH>1, FDll!llt!n V1lln 11 7. O'Ne·UI IWI l. Arm•lron~ IM Tll9Mlitl''I Oi mt Loe~•. HunllllClton 11 t. ( h ., PGJ_7~'ji, !!:'i. l•trlollll {Wl t. Moultll~ Olkllnd II LOI Anoe191 Welfmlntltr. 5.A V1nrr •I Ntwt>ort CW) l. Johl\""1 IWI Polnll: 16.5. °""' ...... !ldledultG Harbor. M1rln.1 1t An111Wlm. _c;.;_o.:.:c;:::..."'-'-:C:::.:..:.:O::... ____ ...;..:.;._c_c_:.c_:._ ___ _ Swlm,.,1111 -Cypress •nd Ale Konclo 11 Golden Wnt, Fulleflon 11 OCC ll10th 11 l :Jll), Foothill 11 COl'Dnl c!el Ml <. S.1111 Molllu Hid "-rt H•rtillf" 11 E1t111cl1, Bolt• Gr1nclf. tnd Artftll 11 F°""l1!11 Vllln' {Ill I I fl. Tr.rt -Golder! Wnl It Ml, SAC n>. Goll' -Slnll .lttl 11 Goldin Wnt, Cltru1 11 OCC (both 11 1:!0), Weitmln1ter 11 Hvnn1191ort 9"Kl'I, Ntwoort H1rbor I t u Qu!r.11. l\nfillelm 11 M1rlnl C•ll 11 2). $1.45 Cold•1t Ma rtini In Town! Bia St. Pat's ParlY Tonight, March 17 ' Rettn'; Now 673-7722 SWINGING PIANO BAR FU. TURING EILEEN WRIGHT 3344 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR ~· .. ..._,... ___ _ f.1ond1y, Mattfl 17, 1969 -.v PILOT 11 Mater Dei Tops Newport; Crestview San Clemente Falls, 7-0 Pla.r Opens M•le• 0e1 Hi•h ·-1too1 ,...._· ====mjj Sunset, Sunset and Cr e st view League ba.o;ebaU ad.ion begins Tuesday wil.h a full sla te scheduled for Orange Coast area prep nines. -Opening Sunset .activity is Jtuntinglon Beach at Anahei.Jn. Marina al Newport H_arbor and Anaheim at Westminster. Crestview hostilities involve Laguna Beach at ti Modena and f\.1issioo Viejo at San Clemente. All games are at 3: I~. Hunli11gton Beach goes into its league opeuer minus three regulars who are out for the year with injuries. Dan Moats. with a broken ann; Mike Bates. hospitalized vdth a shattered cheek ; and Randy Cantrell, \Vith a frac· lured bone below the knee. have crippled !he Oilers' chan- ees lor a Sunset League tille. 'fY.'O other pl.iyers -Bob R y d e r and Gil Banagas - have bttn out for over a week \\•ith injuries, but coach Don \Valker is hopeful that the pair will be in the starting lineup again& Santa Ana. • ..,.. game cUnched at 3-1 going I,. stormed back with four runs Wo the seventh frame, was in the sevenlh inning to cap severely damaged by erratic a com&-from-behind 5 -J pitching. nonleague varsity ~ball The Mooarchs ' Mike Enos victory over Newport Harbor led off w I t h a triple, a n d High Saturday night at Costa after two walks (ii~ !he ~fesa Park . And, San Clemente High, bases, Bob Warbington singled despite t b e three-for-three home one run. p e r f o r m a n c e of Craig A hit-batter forced in lbe Anderson, was blanked by host tying runs and lhen a pas.sec! Oceanside, 7.(). ball brought home two more Newport, seemingly with the McMll!M, " H11ler, :Ill Mtllt' Otl fl/ J. Llnntrt. 2b~ W1rt111'111lon, 11 -.. ... Munir, 111 Gtblt , t Wiii, 11 ~lllPlf"I, II Fri!!, If Enos, II Toi•!• '"•h•lll 2 I 0 I l I D D 0 I I 0 • ' • • , , , ' " ' ' I , . ' o I o . . , • • • . , ' • • • ' ' . . . ' NI ...... HltWUI H•11le .... ll Mtrlln. c 51rUble, 1tl u ......... 3tl Wimer, '' For;!er. Ph Flt ml119, If M1llnoff, Jn Curry, tf 80911,. Holmet, ah l1!1nloll. 11 Sd!Olllllr O Tol1ls .. ' ' ' .... ' .. ' .. . ' ' J 0 0 ' ' 0 • 0 0 0 0 D l 0 0 0 l 0 D D ' 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 1 ' l 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 I I n 1 2 t ' Mater Del blD OOCI '-S • • ' • Newport Httbor 000 (11):1 6-J to stifle Newport 's undefeated streak at three. St• ClellltflM 111 .. Anclt"°"' u . OstnlllUtll. tb Jorttl, 31> T"Wll"ll,lf Ok-nt. rf (.t.rl1ll!flffn, d llt« ... c lloylt, lb AU1<1, 11 Pr011tt, .ti Lornb.lnj!, •r Pu·•mo. I Tot1i. °"'"''" 111 S<llO, H Grten, lb T~orn11on, d Robl..on, lb l11n.<l1, 2b McGellff. rt P1rks. II ll1rrttt. t: llr"-S\, P Tola II Scw1 .., ll'lflln11 ' ' , ' ' ' ' , ' ' • • » .. • , ' , ' ' , ' ~ .. "' . ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • . ' . . ' . ••• ••• . ' . • • • • • • ••• r II rtol ••• ' ' . ••• ' ' , ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . ' , 1 II f ' . • ~.,, c~ ..... ni. 000 000 0-0 ' , ClcHntlclt ~1 011 ,.__, 11 • SAFECCI INSURANCE for special GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on ,your Family Auto Insurance Bob Pciley ind Associates INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday ' AUTO CENTER WHEEL ALIGNMENT Wheels wobble? Car. WQl<loting? Get-front wl aligni-"" • Carrectc•wC.,..._. andloMt • Elillliaale""-lpol • Pl'Dlaag lino llfe ""'° .50% 3DAVSONLY (MONDAY, TUUDAY, WEDNUDAY} SERVICE Y~UR CHOICE SPECIAL s~ss 1-2-3 LUBE SPECIAL HERE'S WHAT YOU GO: • Complete claais lu&rimlioo • Oil change (5 quom H.D.) • N"1' oil filter UBEVCIUR EN NEV CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY! NEWPORT BEACH (Fashion lslond) HUNTINGTON BEACH (Huntin9to,, Center} f • I I ~·--.. --~ .... . . . . • -... -· ~1-• .. -... ---·- Gets Clean Sweep Sprague Captures Congress Cup By ALMON LOCl<.ABEY Dtll)' 'illf ... tt.9 •t111tw winds prevailed, the weather was clear and bright with Henry Sprague III, Jailing wlnds st1ylng in the 12-15 knot for the LOOg Beach Navy range -Ideal for racing tn Cal-40 sloops. Yacht Club, licked bis com-'lllere IJ some talk among petitors both on the race Long Beach Yacht Club ol- eourse ,and in the protest room fielals that n e x t year's Con- to win the $th annual Coo-gressionaI may be a week-long gressional _...Cup match race competition wJth rest~ays in between each day ol. racing. series~ at Long Beach Yacht SERlD RESULTS Club Saturday. Here is the way the series The 23-year-old Finn sailor stacked up : and former intercollegiate sl!:•IES t -Twrntr dtte•ltd ChM sailing champion from ltk.Mtro, llVYC, 1:n 1 """'" <MN•IM Newport Harbor Yacht Club T-ILKk1lltr, ll"YC, 1:J'1 T-Pkk1rcl, LllYC, cltluted T 1 rn had three protests f 11 e d H1ti.11urir. E••I G'"""""'· 11.1. vc. . •:Mi awn &oettchtr, eve, cltlttltd against him in the final two Tom Flltltr, YllU Grut Lalin, o:JtJ days of racing. All were S•ruue dtf111ec1 111rkt S.W'l'ff. NAYllU, O:f1. disallowed, givlng Sprague the 1E11:1Es u -ac.11d!ff dettattd series with a perfect score Pkll•rd, l:Jl: l•W'l"•r d1 111 t1d Rldttrd, 1:071 Turntr dtl t lltd ~of nine' wins and no losses. 111ck•ll•r. o:.u1 HtJlthu"' dttt•IM --~T"---· • CLOSE START -NO FINISH -This is closest view crew of Polynesian Concept catamaran had of Collimbia as the t\VO started in Sunday's abortive match race. Race committee "stopped the fight" on third leg when Pat Do u- gan's 12-mt;ler led Buddy E bsen's cata m aran by nearly 10 minutes in lighl airs off Huntington Beach. Although there is only one ~T'ci~· 0'"1 51'1'"" d•h•ttd l"IM!er lroph for the ser1· d SEll1ES Ill -S.WYt• fff11ted Y es, secon N.wlh, 0:511 ~11r111u• 111,', 11, d place resulted in a three-way 11Kto:11t1r, 0:111 Turner llll••!ld CONGRESSIONAL CUP WINNER -Henry Sprague III and crew of Madruga• tie among Lowell North of ::~:~: ~~:'. "m:~rc11.~1 ':.:".::..: dor fight to hoist spinnaker a s th ey round weather mark on way to perfect San Diego Yacht Club, Burke H•z1thvrs1, 1:C11. score victory in 5th annual Congress1'onal Cup match sen'es. S SEltlfS IV -Plcktrd dfolltted ·--------------=-----_:.--------------awyer of Newport Harbor FkMr, 1:o.i1 111c11111tr 111Mtec1 Yacht Club (sailing for the H111111ur11, J:ll• S1WY•• 1111111• N IMllCMr. 1 :541 S,rt•Ut deftt!td Orth American Yacht Racing 11:1c111n1, ~:t11 Korth c1e111lfll Turntr, r-- •cat~· Just Out~lassed Union) and Buu Boettcher. 1'~E111fs v -s11r1eue drfe1!ed Caillornia Yacht Club. H111111un1, 1:341; Sawv•r 11.ie11e111 Plclttrd, J:J•1 IMlfCMr dirtlt•led EARLY FAVORITE •l1cktlltr, J;DO; Fllhtr dtttt!td TurMr, :511 Norll'I clefttled Rldttrd, Miami Race On Today A lsuna II Overall Columbia Wins Challenge Race Easily North, cons.idered by many i:u. 1.-SEIUES VI -5tWlllf dl'ttt!M lo uc the pre-series favorite, Flsl'ltr, 5:1'1 5'ir"ue 11.n111t11 Tur,...•, fell by the wayside in the 0'51' Htilthurst dtrf••ted llllck••d. 111.V.tI (AP) -The 73-foot 1:u1 North dlfHttd IOl!fcktr, 0:51/ opening day's races when he Plcktrd •-""'" 111ct111e<, 0:14. ketch Windward Passage and Island Race Winner Will · a v.·eU-sailed ocean going catamaran beat 1 well- sai\ed ti-meter sloop? That, in so many words, was tbt question posed by Bob Bavier in Ya cht i ng Magazine a few months ago. The question piqued the fan· cy of TV's "h.illbilly" Buddy Jo:bsen who is known around Balboa Yacht Club and other areas of Southern California as a pretty fair COWltry sailor in dinghies, ocean-go Jn g mooohull.s and catamarans. Now it so happms that Bud- dy Ebsen owns a pretty-fast 35-foot catamaran named, for some uneipla.ined r e a s o n , Polynesian Concept. Furthu coincidence chow· ed up a 12·meter named Columbia, owned by Thomas Patrick Dougan 1t Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club-right next door to BYC. Columbia had been sailed well enough in 1967 to be runner-up to Intrepid jn the America's Cup trials m Newport, R.I. So it was only natural that Buddy should challenge Pal to a series or races for a trophy to be put up by in- t e rn a t i on 111 y knov"n millionaire sportsman Jim Kimberly who now spends most of his lime. chasing Junkers in the Atlantic off Palm Beach, Fla .. Now we have at least four well k n o w n personalities plagued by the same question: Can a well-sailed ocean-racing catamaran beat a wen-sailed 12-meter? Today Bob Bavier, Buddy Ebsen, Pat Dougan, J im Kimberly and a host of yachtsmen as well as landlub- bers know the answer. It can't. Or, at least, it didn't. 1'he first try was on Satur- day when Columbia took ad- vantage of the light airs and hustled out lo the "M'eather mark -4¥.i miles away about 91h minutes ahead of Polynesian Concept To be sure, the catamaran made up a couple of minutes of that split on the do"'·nwind legs, but when it was all over Columbia headed for the barn some eighl or nine minutes ahead of Polynesian Concept. Sunday was something akin to "instant replay" as the TV boys say. The BYC race committee waited a hatr hour for the wind to make up to Crossword Puzzle ACRO SS l Fittional dttr 6 -de la Roehr 10 RtlllOVt 14 Another time 15 Old Test1-111rnt book 1• African chieftain 17 Sho•, In horse racing ll Wiid discourse 19 Rtctnt Sufllx 20 P1radt ground order 2.1 Last ZZ U.S. fil111 critic 2.) American dr1111atist 25 Harry l•d: --:U.S. Inventor 27 l ost of .., it•IY l s. Amtrlca: 2 wards 31 Dirt rotd ftlWtt 32 Pulpy hit 33 Kltchtn 1.CCt'SSOfY 35 lacking In passion 3• G1r1,gt employee: Abbr. 41 John L;- 4'J Bird .q Ertendint far .. d •Ide 46 Number ~• For11N Portug11tst colony 41J No longe r acti ve: Abbr. 51 Transfer . to la$1e 53 U11br1 111d prnu111bf• 57 Sto,. 51 En;llslt ... t 59 Plaustbfe excuse ~l Bellow •5 City of Algtrll .. s .... negatlve: 2 worcb 67 Smoothly ele91nt t.! Erst ''"I've ·-• Cn.ish On Yau": 2 WOfdS JO-C11.Jtlt11 lsl1nd .,, ""'"' • tltclttc:lly .. 72 Notice 7) Apptat ear.nrstl y 5 Asi111 J&kkldofstict n1t1on: Abbi'. 37 ll an's naml' b CanMllan 38 Belonging provincial to the past ?,fOUP -40 5rt 1 '··-ind H ls~z Peri;ian Inn Mu5lc": 45 --d1nctum-2 words That must ·br I Pttlalning tlvtn to God to Marra_ 47 State· Abbr ' Sllblt•1n: 50 Nasai • 10 ~:'.fed speecl'lts • 11 Gmt letter l Z f!i':kfast 12 "llolbln11 5J Deludt could be-" 54 Popul ar lJ Tumid loost feminine 21 Ftt11tt: singer Slang SS Quickly 24 FltUn t 5b Vrsstl DOWH 26 Umplrt's cry 60 Preposition l Borough 27 Dt't'Oid of •2 Frfllch on thr Avon stns~llon department z _ Mcillllmltd 2' Anon 51 •l Dog In noted h co11pan on movie series 'CK "' 1 21 Texas 64 Having t.ren om 111un Cl-co11111unlty d tlon1 •ediu. JO lore recent •7 ·~~~~ 4 Clrtal11 Yitai 34 Shallo• ctu111UIJ· 1taU1Ucs ftft wesstt Abbr. · eight or nine knots before starting the race. Columbia went 11 I i d i n g across the starting line on starboard tack while Polynesian Concept c a m e bombing down on port. Colunl- bia dutifully flopped to cover. Poly Cat stepped out smartly and appeared to be outfooting the stately Colum- bia half-way up the weather leg. That is, until you got behind the two and saw the V shaped wakes they carved as Columbia held well up to weather while Poly Ca t sagged off to leeward. It was a Jong wait for the spectators at the weather mark, but they were finally rewarded. Columbia got there about 10 minutes ahead of her rival. and it reall y didn't make much difference about the spinnaker pole dropping on deck after the big blue and gold chute was set. The cre\v had plenty of. time to get things straightened out. At the jibing mark Columbia had widened her lead and was enjoying a comfortable light· air cruise to the third mark at UJe end of the triangle. And just as Poly Cat was beginning to cut the distance -chopping off more than half -the race commiUee hauled anchor and came up the course firing the gun in the customary three blast.s signalling "postponemenl - it's all over for today boys. Let's get back to the bar before dark." So the quest.ioo is answered In one respect : The catamaran can't beat the 12-meter in light airs. The challenge will doubtless be mounted again -after s om e consultation with the weather man. But f« now, forget it. Gy mnasts Set For Ben efit The gymnastics wizardry of the Lyons r~an1ily will be featured in the Huntington Beach Police Dfficer's Benefit I l t bee I se11:1E1 vu -1111ct1t1er def••t.d Allen Pucketl's Cal-40 Alsu-Pucket t, CYC,· (2 ) Adios, Rich-os wo races ause o poor 1111ck1rd. 1:n1 Nor1n dtrfeated 1>1c111rd, 22 other yachts set out today sail handling and a broken 1:u 1 H1Jle~11r11 dtle11td Fllher, 0:45: on the Sil-mile race from na II was the overall winner ard McCune, CIYC; (3) Se. halyard. He suffered his third ~=~.'i e1.i~::''T'uN1tm;:-~1,~r, 1'011 1.liami to t.1:onlego Bay. of California Yacht Club's Saw If, Jay Saunders, DRYC. defeat Saturday at the hands sE1111Es v111 -51>••~U9 1111111ee1 Bob Joh""'" Q[ the New San Nicolas Island race, the SCHOONERS & KETCHES r S Nor111 o:n1 loet1cher 11m11tee1 T~'"''· '""' first race of the Overton Ser--(I) Leprechaun, Whitney o prague . o:H1 H111e11ur11 dtrf111t<1 S•WYtr, o:u: York Yacht Club will be skip-Ted Turner o( Atlanta, Ga . 1t1c1t11lt<' dlfett•d F111>er, J:1l1 ies. Colllns, LBYC; (2) Chiriqui, Plc1<1r111 1111e11ee1 Rlck1n1, o~. per of the \Vindward Passage, The race whi.ch started• Sa-• Jake Wood, CYC: (3) Nelly was another p re-s er ies si:111es 1x -H1r~ .. , d•'•~t•d which already h"" sel rec"rds • f ·t b t t d t 1 '--Tarn.r, o:n1 1oeo1:h•r -~ .... " turday, March 8, was one of Bly, Dick Du Puy, CYC. avor1 e u urne ou o = 111 1ckard. 1:01, Nott~ 11e1e11eot· Fl•~··· in the SL Petersburg-Fort a three--race flash in the pan. s:Ot; e11ck111er 1111111ee1 s1wver. o:J9; Lauderdale and Mi·ami"Nassau the slowest on record and ma- H he S1>r19u1 del1et•d P!cktrd, 1:00. ny Of the ho t d.d t f' . h e won t opening three Fln•I 1,,,.,11,..., d .11 t t b k as 1 no 1n1s races on Thursday, but did Henry s~••v..,. 111, LeMvc. '"°· races, an WI ry 0 rea until mid-day Monday, Bun eoettcher, eve. 11-1. his ewn record. · not score in the next six. eurk• s•w-r•r. MAYRU, '"'· JohnS-On was at the belm First leg of the race, the 35 S · od I 1 th Low111 Met1h. sovc, .. 1. miles to San N1·c las Isl d College Picks Ne wport l\fan prague JS a pr UC 0 C Tom H11l1hurtl. E. Gt"nwich YC:. . !965 h th T' d O an ' Newport Harbor Yacht Club J-'. in w en e icon eroga took 24 hours. . .0 sailing ~o ll Tom Pickard. 1..evc, •·S_ set the record of four days The same condi·t,·ons held ORANGE -Rona ld W. 1un1 r ,. gram. e Ttd Turntr. All1nl1 YC, :M. d 23 h I h ' c 11 9 v· Fl started sailing Snowbirds al Tom Fl1h1r YRU G"•' L•~u. ,.,_ an ours or t e Miami-true for the Schooners an d aspers, ia orence, c1111 1111ck1rd, RvYc, ••· Montego Bay run New~rt Beach has been' ap-an early age and is a former · Ketches race from Marina del rv ' winner of the Flight of the «1Na HA••o• Windward P assag e is Rey around San Nicolas. Over-pointed to the Presidenft YACHT Clu• !ch bo t d t r-il I Ch r"J] Snowbirds. M•llbu ll1c1 cSKon<1 '" A11oc1111011 scra a an mus con-all winner was Whitney Col-"""unc a apman ...., ege From Snowbirds he ju1nped c'...n= .. ~~r~.i~·v Ytthl Club> cede from 5:43.2 to 38 :07.09" )ins' New-porter ketch, Lepre-here. Into the ooe-man Finn dinghies OCEAN 1tAC1NG n11 ~ (ll to her rivals. chaun from Long Beach Caspers, president of 1 w1nc1sw111 cc11 7-JOI k1 r1 T1mbe<1. Americao Ea I k' pe ed y ch Cl b Westminsler sa,1·ngs and loa and has won three nat iona l eve: nl Gtm 1co1umbl•·JOI c1w1r1e• g e, s 1P r a t u . The ftrst schoon-n champ1· ...... hips two N 0 rt h H11h1.,.1v. eve: u1 N-..th• Ck..jn by Ted Turner of Atlanta, er to finish was Dick DuPuy's association. will serve in an "'"' • Atbt rl Allffl, DRYC; C41 Nu~Nul CC•~ American titles and a North Jal lob Homi & Tom N~tn, KHYC: also will be jn competition Nelly Bly from California advisory capacity to the presi· Ame r ican single-handed H1v•1• 1Sciu1t1•110•t--10JI sttv• v111e11. after being fitted with a new Yacht Club. dent of the con.r...-e with the DRYC. "6 championship in the class. Mo11F 111 -1n L1nvoe11 cc.~tt! mast. The 12-meter sloop was OCEAN RACING (Overton other 41 members of the coun· I ,._JM• OI · 1r· •· h Tom Eatewllb. kHYC; 121 Tr•mleni dismasted in the recent Mia-race) -(1) Alsuna II, Allen cil n Ul'C ;n,o'I. ymp1c 1a1.:1 e fCtl·HI Ed Mc::ev...11, KHYC; IJJ , _________ ;;;;; ____ . _________ .., was nmner-up to Peter Bar-su.ov <C11 t·llll ANlv LDCll;t°"· eve. ·-~m~i-~N~•=ss~a~u'-"ra~c~•~· ----~ t th F, Cl d PHRF A fXIJ -I)) N1m S.ne .1 ret in e mn ass an u" n. cunui a.ob k•ltv. PMYc; went to Tokyo as an alte rnate. ni Cot1t1nt1 cL..u.il E111 01110111. 011.vc ; !ll 'lrfftt U? II. 1i-J H1rnl1ton He is also a former national 11r11v1111. wvc: <•! s•111 11 01 11. Int.re lleg'ate Slll'li g ham i!OQPJ Tom Armllr-. KHYCi (5J 0 l n C • ~· Eltlltr (hltftdtr.JlJ 8111 Moon. pion from USC. He is also PHRF 1 Oll -en An"' !CD!umb!• f Se C · C~11le1111er) Sltn Cook, ICHYC; flJ a ormer ars up winner, v111.v111e <C11111or111u1 k1r1i: T11om11. symbolic o( the N or th KHYC1 (lJ our Jow (o.t 11:1.,..1•1 kurl American junior sailing cham-~1c1"1,..~· i:n~:r~'p'.,!~~.ovltll• cSant•n•· Pionsbip SMALL KEEL IOAT Cl•l -fl) • ' Mtry S ti CC1t·N) B\ld Lete, kHYC; ALLEN IN CREW nl V•ltl•ll• tDraeon) P1ur Cowell!, PVYC; (31 ko-Ko-Mo fThul'llMrblrd) In the Congressional Cup ;;';';";;"';";'~;·~';"';;';· ;;;;;;~~II Sprague was sailing Willi am Allen's Madrugador f r o m NHYC. On his crew were Allen, George Twisl, Doug Severance, Scott D r i s c o 11 , John Laun, Peter Conrad and Dan ThomPfion. I (!) I -MllDIM. ...... ~..._.... SHARP If yo111'r1 • '"''II' tr1cl1r, u1• Dime-A-lin1 cltuifi1cl 1cl1 S1ti.ircl1yt. M1•1 , b1tt1t '11111 • .• wh•thtr yoy'r1 buvin9 ef !h1 DAI LY PILOT'S f1m•u1 1ellln9. GREGORY· EVA MAfE PECK SAINT .. -...... _,,, THE.SWJ<ING MOON TEQMCXlt.CR" • PANA&:W" SECOND THllL:UI Th i s ye.a.r's Congressional Cup had everything from com- petitors playing ring-around-~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~11 the-rosy through the spectator fleet in pre-start maneuvering to whales sounding and blow- ing perilously clme to the rac· ing yacht.s to protests by the YAN HEFLIN spectators. Except for the first day when r a l n squalls and chlU ~ De1nM1rtin .. tv\it1 H.lm • Wreclci:S Crew lll>tmll!' ~ = .• ([ijiiQii ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATION "BEST ACTOR" CLIFF ROBERTSON • • air;ACH •L . AT «LLI. 0 I tUNTINGTON ••ACH. ••7·•.o( POSITIYILT ENDS TUISDAT I • a ACADEMY NOMINATIONS I ~ I .11111PIU.l(W.ll,Mdall. ;::=---· ~7EmREW RoMEo ~ 8'.JUUEI' l'¥> nrd lnftl'Y ICM'! etory .. _ Show and Dance, 1:3D p.m., -.--11 Saturday, April 19 at lhe Long KIRK.DOUGLAS racliel. ..... Beach Arena. ..,. .. Ofricer Jack Reinholtz said ........ • with Cl1ir1 11eem the Lyons Famil y has ap-THE BROTHERHOOD -111111 HIT-peared on such television ir=a.-. ,,,,, Uttino• ' ... ..,_.,.._,~ e-' shows as "Bob Hope," "Jack "HOT MILLIONS" Benn}•,'' "Jimmy Dean" and lrr~~~~~=i~=~il~~~~~~~~~~~~'.11 "Holly"·ood Palace." Youngsters from four to fourteen lend their amazing talent to that of their father, said Reinholtz. Tickets are $5 per family. Proceeds will help support the lluntington Beach Police Of. ricer's youth programs and benevolent fund for 1969. NATIONAl Gtl«~ALC°""'°"AT10H Foii!lHJ!!! ,_ °""' r-.y tit .,....· s..m1 OPIN 6:41 CLIFF ROBERTSON CLAIRE BLOOM -In- ''CHARLY'' IN COLOR ........f llACW -"' ....... _ .. l•M!-Uff hl• -OI, l ·IJ3t De1nM1rtin .. tv\ott Hdm. Wreclci:S Crew l(Df;(Qil - ...,, RODSIBGER SIUNSAS ••• 11IE .... , .... SNm 1 , .... C.Jlt, s.t. "'1• I : In. "9 .. I =-==~ ..... j AUO IEST ACTOI I ~ Ir\ ~'Heart is a 'l.Oody'Huotec TECHNICOLOR"•• F.-WARNER llROS.-SEVfN pT:I YOU CAN'T ISCAPI !!I ----~,.... GilEGORY ·EVA MARE PECK -SAINT ··-· .. ·· ,_,., 11£STALKING MOON ~· • Plltl<Wl9IQN• HI WAS A LONll ••• I YAN HEFLIN ... _ • NOW-Exclusive Area Showing- Origin•I Uncut Version Exactly as Shown at 2·Ye•r L.A. RCN1d1howl FOR All YOUNG LOVERS WHEREVER YOU ARE A MAN .. ;.,.,4) d 'I. I lll'AROS AN .~!!!~A~ """' SlCO ND FIATUll IN COlOt l'•lt• O'Teolt -Zero Me1h l -Je1 nn1 Me11t 111 "GREAT CATHERINE" •• ---.. , . ~ , . -, ... ~11, •w. ii, 19'9 fllll!'f PILOT U PERU: FRYING PAN OR FIRE? U.S.-Latin Relntio™i Are Strained By New Junta's 'Hard Line' Stance .... _. ... ,11 ....... tmA, Peru -Praldel1t Nlsoft ud bis top lldes ue. gapplln( wl1h a Peru- vian nJ111tmare. How Ibey baud!• the cri&is here could have luting impact on U. S. relatlom w Ith all of Latin America. Th~ Ni.Ion ,\dmlnjstration appears to be trapped between two flru. On the one hand, the rulin1 junta In P«u haa CGOllocaled a U.S.-operaled oilfield and lemlrlud two SID Diepbas- ed filhlng vtSlels recmtly, a ct lo n s that could well be argued are worthy ol retaliatcry m e a 1 u r e s from Washington. On the other hand, then is long-stan- ding frleDdabip between Ille United States and Peru. It la both deep In people-lcJ.j>eo- ple relalloosbipe and stnmg In economlc u ... The -le aJped of 11>11 relaUoasblp PERUVIAN STRONGMAN Gen. Jwn Velasco New Premier's Liberalization Short Lived By PHIL NEWSOM UPI Ferelp News Aulysl When Portngal's new premier, Marcelo Caetano, took over from the ailing Dr. Antonio Salazar last fall there was cautious hcpe thsl a period ol liberalisa· tion would replace 40 years of repressive dictatorship. And some liberallzatkm did take place. cezoorlhlp continued but at least the !"'.". was permitted to mmUon freedoms it did not practice. . The govermnent tept out of the w.pul• betw~n young priests and the arcb-con- servative Card1na1 Emmllluel G. CCe- jelra and permitted the youngu men to pnsent their cue in the newspepen. The government a1Jo perm.Jtted Marlo Soares, tta most prominent criUc, to return from bis laland uile. PoliUCll police bandied with com- paraUve gentleness the few demonstra- tions that broke out among studtntl and othen demandlnl a faster pace to liberallzaUon. Now, however, lt appears the govern- ment fears it may have a runaway .horse on its hands and bu clamped down again. The first tip came Feb. 10 when Caetano in a broadcast to the naUon warned the "impatient ones," 0 yooth with revolutionary tendencies" and ••redeemers" fond ol. violence that any rush towanl ICClal and economle rel°""' faster than Ille axmtry could handle them only coald lead to d.U war. The teCOOd. warning came when Interior Minister Concalves Rlpuolo Bald strikes ue a "prime fact<r o! dvil war." The warning wu dl:rected to 1lldcnm strikers at General Motors and Ford assembly plenll. Strikes are lllepl In PorllJlal, but when the ltrlken returned to wc:wk no acUai was taten 1galnst thml. In mid-month armed riot polloe entered Lisbon'• University campu1 and clolod down the law school to ";revent further incidents." The lludtnll hod heen demanding dismissal of a profeuor they accuKd of belnl "despotic" ind had planned a series ol ltclures which would Include discuuton of PutU&al'• .~an wart in Mgota. Mozambique enC1 Guln<a. ,,_ are taboo 111bjeda In l'<lr1Uaal. par11<U!arly H 11 llmll..., oppooltlon. Caetano'• ultimatt , coune run.a1ns uncl<ar. In i'ortllfal, obllmll dlamlA opeculo- llon thsl his banltned ettltude haa anythln( to do with the return home from Ille l>oapllll of Selalar, who re- malnt hall peralyzed and eble to carry on only a 1tmpte convenation. But then are powerful eltmenla which force him to ro 11o ... Saluar Ueutenenll 111D hold ouch top Jobs .. the lottlgn, economlc and Interior ministries. W,..,. Ill< DAILY PILOT'S ' Tom llfvrplllne jolnd a group of Amn'kan neiosmtn en a Braniff AITUncs inaugural flight from Lc1 Angclts to Lima, Pt"'• ht picked either a VfTtl good -or a veTJI bad -tinu to virit the South American country. The rela.tionship.s be· tween the two countries had , be e n strained for several months, and they crackled a little more, cs pressues in.creas· ed.· Murphine, managing editor of the DAILY PILOT, inter• vif't.Ofd a wide t'ange of Peru- vians, listened to their leader1 and heard American experts spt"llk on the two nation's prob- lemi. This U his report of that vi&lt. WU underscored sharply in recent elperlencu of ISO touring U • S • MAH ON A MISSION Cethollc PriHI Mehoney FREE INTERPRJSIR ShMlhlne Boy Antoni• ... _,,,.. ...... Dll!llte INQbJed .-and ..... --. P-In the -II ol Lima and C.,,.011111--··· lrlenclablp toward lbelr .. N011e Amertcano"nttcbbon. RELATIONS WOllRNED Yet during these wne days, U.S.·Ptru· vlan relations wonened to tbe crla1s poinL !toms: - A Peruvian military J1111ta heeded by President Juan Velaaco Alvarado, wblcb had overlhron the elected governmtnt of President · P e r n a n d o Belaonde Teny, otised the 111,tlllHcro oilfield operatod In nort11era· Peru by U.S . .......t lnlernaUoaal P•lrol•um Corp. -Tbt junta then d......a..t thsl !PC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Standard Oii ol New Jereey, gin Ille jllllla "'° million u "back payment" for tbt ~ peny'1 uplnlllng of peln>kum -from the field since 1121, alJoCtdl1 without legal UUes or pennJalon to do to. -IPC refused such payment. -The U.S. IOVtrNMlll branded'the oilfield aellure an Wegal coollacaUm of U.S. Pl'-'Y by a fcnlCn PQftf. The U.S. la danandlng either return of the field er p-r payment Otherwise, the llkktnlooper Amendmect will be Invoked, culling U.S. aid and sugar quotu to Peru, amounUna to about $80 mllllon annually. BOATS FIRED ON -Then ... Oct. 15, IJUll(>olll ol the l'a1lvlan NaVJ fired on U.S. flablnc veeeell wttb1n Peru'• dahnecl JOknil• lerrllorlal limit, eelaed ooe Oiiier and potty well abol up Ille other, In .. effort to mm Ille tide ol U.S.·Peru-trouble, PNldent Nlson appointed a personal f!D.Wl'J, John N. Ir· win ll, a New York lawyer, who 1ril1 at.- tempi to negotiate the prol>lem1. lie .... gins ''wide nnglng" lllk.s with Gen. v .. lasco today. Velasco 11 stlll aayin& Peru won't back down Oii Ill poelllaa In the lPC otlaure. Despite the turmoil, there have - few UllY lnddeots -one belnc lh• burnln& by ltudenll ol .. Amt<lcan Flag before the U.S. Embassy on Mardi 14. Poalbly thla 1aclr: of overt anpr lllemJ from the fact that the a ... .,. Peruvian leeml &o bold us -· bls nortblm ............ -In high regard. And. ha alac oeems to maintain an aloof delld> ment from the lnner.....tlnp ol bis ~.(he.momenL The PtrUYian in the ttnetl dolln't -• bit terrUied thsl a miUtuy . junta bu eelaed conlrOI of bis eountry and dlalolved the eoo,,_ GVIDB'I QUIP ''1llla la our pvmunent bulldlnt whero -eoo.,... _ .. the tour pJde OD the bus Intones, thell addo U an aftertbouaht, "when we bne a eoo..-· Pretty Peruvian prls In I h e I r mlnlal:lrll are eager lo meet Norte Am«lcanoo and queolion them ebout their country. ••'Ihere ii no anti-Americanism here," they aasure you. Stgna it U.S. lnfiutnee are everywhere In Peru. Amtrlcan autoe, andot and new, toot their way through Lima'• -II. American mov1u and staro are llOtund. Placards oc ancient Walla pro- claim music featuring lee!Hp pop srouPI la on ill way. · In the Plua ct. Annll, btnuth the a!Jadow of Ille Govemmeot Palace wherein the junta now rula, 10.year-old Antonio plies bis trade N tboelblne boy. He ii eqer to meet and eene the Americans. TROM CALD'.ONEO' Try to bru!h him olf and he Jiii! grins and announces, ••1 know -yOl.l from Callf~eo." He will thine your shoes for three toles (about a nickel) or, with a lily irtn 1ugrest, "l take okay ZS centt Amerlcan. •• .'' Yes, it appears that there bn't an1 antl·Amerlean aenUment on the ltrttta It Lima. But don't kid youneH thst eomebody Isn't trylnf. Dally, the m«e aeosalional membm cf Uma11 presa carrltd balmtrUnt atorles ol the ~test "!PC"~ 15ome .boobtonl leabn -ol communlat propopnda. At Unlva'llty In CUlco, a bulletin boud JUNTA'S INfERNAL VIEW-Cartoo111 bl Wuature of Peru'1 ~ military regim• suggest that before takeover, cr!rnlnal1 loafed poor 1tarved while today, prilloners work and poor have food on tabl••- ------ AS PIJllUVIANS VllW THllR OIL: STRENGTH BUILT ON BONDS OP THll PIOPLE Junt1 Llteratvro Since Coup MakH St ...... Bid to Generate Natlonall"" ' . IN JUNTA'S VIEW: PAYO,FS UNDER THE TAILJI NOW DRAW GAVIL 0, JUSTICI U.S. OJI 11 Trvmped H Bl1 lnuo But Much Literature DI,_ Internal P ...... em1 lllU canlt! a yellowed clipplnJ about the Vltllwn War wbkh -In part thst the confllct .. bu uploded the myth of U.S. Army lnvlnclblllty ••• ' During the tour ol U.S. new-n ben, Prl!lldeat Velaaco cleclded to ed· dreN hi.I naUan CID radio and telev111on to elarlly Jaua -·the -ol IPC and bis llanco ai U.S.-Penivlu nlations. BllfOTIONAL ADDlllSS He invited the Amtrlcan newrmen to be hla guests In Ille lmpre11lve Plmro Room of the GovtrD1Dtnt Palace and bear his speech flrll-hand. Velasco, in au emodon-ehargtd ad· dress, made it cleat that the junta lnlendJ to lllct by Ill 1UM In the seizure of the International Petroleum fltld. But he alao made a ttrona effort to divorce th1a taut from Jon1-ltandtng Peruv1111 frlendlblp with the United States. "Surely the United States aovernment will not allow ont oil company to come betwtta the bit:bdlhtp ol. our nat1ons,1• hedeelarod. Cheers and IJ)plaUM 1boot the Piuaro !loom. Velueo iDToked the name cl the late Pte1ldent K<medy In citing the lonc-ttandlnl lrlendlblp between the peoplet of. the America. More appla111e welled up, even from the ltrfft crowd! behind the iron catea of tht Palace of Govmunent, who beard El Presldente over JoudspeU:trs. Jn the end, they all ung four llatlzaJ of the Peruvian NaUonal Anthem. Then Alvarado and the throng eichanged. ahoutJ of "Viva PtNI" The .i..111n1 U.S. newm11n perhaps uperleneed their only outwanl 1tgn ol bMU!lty u the)' ultod the polaee. The crowd outside teemed IUllen. IGNORANCE or -Tbt factt were, however, that the U .8. joumallllo had actually done Ullle to further their own c:auntry'1 cauae. Interviewed a few dayt •arllu by LI.ma newm'len, tbt U.S. wrltm - mOft.11 travel tdltota and columnlsta - displayed .. almoll total Ignorance of the -""""""'°' the PenMan oebure ol IPC. Thia Ignorance wu nl!ecled the Mii day in Lima'• pn11. "U.S. Newamn Know Nothin1 of Our Traubl• Wlth JPO," one banner headline announced. Some ol the U.S. wrlten, quotod In Lima'• pre11, lamely blamed their Ii· noranco ..,, failure ol the U.S. Sllle Department to at .. tlJein an advance brten.1. • Incited, there .. todaJ • crlala belwffu U.S. and PtruYla!! 1avernments, and Jn -buslneu lntenlll, 1iut 1here ........ --here In Lima lhal all -llOI ... loll. for enimile, Daniel J ... ......,. ew Jrney. lie vlalled .,_ ld- da71 -bll normal buslneat location aeu IAPaa, BolMa. lie la the ,.. of an lriall oop. lie la • Catholic prlfff. YllOMAN'I JOll 1llt Rev. Ill'. Mal>Oney will tell JOU lhtl the Pt• .. Corpe la dotnr • ,...,,.. •• Jell In 1111 of LaUn America. llt can -JOU le -Corpe"""' In Claco, where naUvet 1n the hilt& have been ta111ht how to creato 11011Venlrs and merchandise thsl can be sold for good-old frff enterprlle pofil. Tallr: to memben ol the Unitod Siii<• Chamber of Commerce In Lima. They'll tell you Amerkan -la Jood In Peru. Not all IUpporl Ille pollUoa ol jPC. Speal: with Peruvians about Bnnlfl lnternaUonal and llley'll tell you how ple.ued they are thst the U.S.-bued alrllne la bringing more and more American tour1stl to Peru. Escbance ldeu with a Poruvlan fomlly -throup the aid of your handy-dapdy Spenlah quiet reference boot -Ind they will with for your early return to Peru and aak for your addrus ao they can lend )'OU a Chriatrnu ctrd. Surely all cannot be IOI!. The conununlit wolf, however, is eagerly 1tompln1 at tbt door. A Soviet trade mis&ion quickly whlated JtseU into Lima a.a the U.S.·Peruvlt.n crtall mounted. They pJedced to Alvarado'1 aovemment aid, money, trade -all of thoee gcocl things. RUMANIAN OFFER The Soviet ambassador to Chile wu quickly given another tJUe at ambusldor-at-large to Pm. The Ruma· nllD government bu tallted of Pl million 1n aid to Peru tpread over the next 10 years. ni.e Italian Soclallst Industry (lRI) has expressed an interest la operatinc the seized U.S. oilfield. Peru's military regime hu now established commercial or cliplornatlc relationships with Rumanl1, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovaltia, 8ul1ula and Poland In the wake ol the U.S. trouble. Now that a crilll ha come, all the wolves 11ttm to aee the rich, untapped rtlOUl'Cel .In oil, mlnerall, metall and . all'lculturo thsl ere the luluro it Peru. l! the United Slalet lnvol<ft Ille IDcttnlooper Amendment, lhn>llllnl off all aid to Peru, then Junta Ptetldent V tlasco bu pledged to ro beloro the Or1anluUon of American Statu and demand thsl Ille OAS label the U.S. 0 an economJc qg:rusor" in Latia America. COULD DO IT Since ~of South Amerlee II -niled by mWtary powan, be lw a good chance to pull II oil. Therein lits the Nllon AdlnJniltration'1 poollloo between the ft)'lni pen and tbe ftre. U.S. law toys that the ~ Amendment mull be Invoked In April II meantniful neJJOlllllom haven'! opened 00 Poru'• -of lnlematlonal Ptl!oftum Corp. Yet talJr: In Llma'I -lllntt' that perhaJ>I' IPC -ocly the - - llOI the nal --for Alvendo'1 junta _, <Ol1trol ol the Pwlnlln pvermnenL llllch ol Ille ............. .,.. Utonlunl talkt ol how K Ill .....m, towri lnlemal ~..,,,.. Thia 11117 be the chink In the wllll which wm llvt the lit.on Admlnlstrollaa room to maneuver -room to negotiate. 11'1 worth the elforL We cannot lflt>rd to Joie Pwu u our friend, and In the proc.,1, chalx:e ...... all ol South "-le• wl1h ""· Nixon Searching For New Formula With U.S. Allies Br llTl!WAl\T llBNSLZY WA511INGTON (UPI) -'Ibo N1aon AdmlnlatraUcn II eeet1ns a political· military formula far Ill relallou with the West European alllu wblcb 1atet Into account not·, only t b or t • t •rm nec...iu.. but IOOf<anp obJecU- The two are eomplementary but not necetaarlly ldenUcal The Pmldent'1 pledp to 111ppolt and tlrengthen NATO concms pdmarlly the military 1tructure and elflclency of the alllance. It leaves aside two major poliUcal qu..Uona which loom Isrp In tbt future of Europe. 1beae are : -The need for Wetlem Europe to acquire a ••new Identity" u a unified force with a "voice'' u loud u that of Ille United Statea. -The problem ol Jiii! how far to 10 In ... tin( to promote peacelul,cou· lalence with lluala allee the c..eJi al· fair, which dbclosed that tbt Soviet Union'• tolerance for chana• In Eulern Europe la llrldly limited. On the !Int of theoe two political Issues, Nison .,.._ with the J-., AdrninistraUon'1 view that wDflcation of West European poUciea and objedlvN i! vital lo Jive t41t area equal weJabt with Ille Untied Siska In the Alliance. The blperUsan ...,.,,.,. la that the teaeber·ltudt!lt relatlonahlp which hu ezlsled la encllns and thsl· thla .. a healthy de...._enL On the -pollllcal ....... the poal-tloa of the new prealdent la not Jet clear. Tbe NATO for.Ip -... Ill their meeUng lall Juca In Iceland virtually Invited the RUUW.. and other membm of the Comnnmlll Wanaw Poet to talJr: about I ~ nductloa of fon:u Oii both lldff ol the Iron Curtain. Tbe lnYuloa ol C>ecboalovatla by the W aruw Pact COUfl.trlea two monthl ll&er- chJUed thla Idea. It aJio called Into quffllon the wlNom ol pollclee betiic puraued by ,.... of the major Wettem powers with re1arc1 to Em-West reJa. tlonablps. 'lboee Included J.,,_.., Idea of "bulldlnf ~." Waet Gtrmal!T• ''ottpolotllt' and llrit1J11'1 Yarioul icStas for ..... ollnf EQl.Wbl r.1-lps. ' Peru E~ts U.S. To Curb Sugar .Buya LIMA, Ptru (UPI) -Ptru apoda the Unliad Slllee lo llop ~ PenMen -.. a nprl,.i lor - of .. --potrolooml -pany, the pemment ._iad. Prealclent Gen. Juan Veluco Al- lslued a commUnlque tblt lllcl ''Peru 11 !akin( ihe Dt<fAltJ m-• thsl the IUipentlon o1 tho (U.S. -) quota will affect the -.c101J aa b\O• u poealbJe." I •• I .,. .... • f -1 •:l'"','o. ,._. * ,..,,. ••~ •f•-•• ••• '> t '•'~··· ............ ,,_,_ -··-··-·------.. ---··i., ........ ., ....... --.......... _. Nlx•n -'Viet Polley Fulbright Etuls - Honeymoon Era WASl!INGTON (AP) -Seo. .J. W • .F1.11.bri,ght,. with other congressional doves oot far behiod, lw come , dwn Jiard againot . the Nixon 'a<1· ministnltloo's'bandlli'8 of .the Y1-m coolllel, JhUI tnd!Jlg sevea weeks of grac:e allowed the l'r<sidenl to fonnubte his war policies. In an int.el'View. Fulbrig'ht broke the sl.Jence-the war critics had imposed" o n themselves when Nlxo.n took office to allow the new Pre6f. dent ljJn< to try his band where President Johnson had !ailed -to briog the figblirig to a speedy end. ' lft11 lllPlalOlt COUltT 01' 1'MI STA.Tl ·oll' (ALll'OlllMIA 1, -· flOtl TMIE COUfllTY 01" OltAHOE JM. .WM'M ' NOncl 01' MEAJUlfG E•tlfe of 04..E HAN$otl, JJI., o.cttMd. 'NOTICE 1$ HEll:EBY GIVEN Thtl SMEltY s. HANSON 11-. flied !wrelrl a "'lt!091 for Probl'-ot Wiii tnd or 1"!Mlnec of un .... 'Tat.m1111t11"1 't ,._ petltloM,, r't'f..-enu to whkll lJ m•ltf fOr fvr"""" .,.rtlcultn. lltld 111111 fl!e time Ind tJltU of hel•lllll 111e u.,.,. !\IS beeft wt for A.Prll ~. lHf, •I t:30 1.m., 111 the courtroom of o-rtment No. ~ el ••Id court. ... 700 WHI Ekllrlll $tlftf, Ill tilt Gih' Of Sant• All., c111tomi.. But Fulbright a.id, u of now, he is "extremely diaap- pointed" in NixOll's handling oC the war situation. HEADS COMMrlTEE ·O.t.d Mlirdl 13, lfff I W. E. ST JOHN Ci:P.mh' Cltfk WAUACL BltOWlll AlllO CIL\1111 Iii ow.. Ori ... k it. ff .. .......,, a•ldl. c111 .. rm1 ~terPttlll9Mr '!Ile Arkansa> Democrat, who beads, the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Commitle<, Ba.id that at of the moment be even !eeb the United States bears "greater respoosibllity" than the enemy in not de-- .... 1:11~ LEGAL NOTICE _JPubll.ntci ·oranee CO<IJI 01!1'f P!klt, March IS. 11, 27. It.st w.6' -~=~=~~===---:;;..;__;;;_; _________ ICOVNTY OF I.OS ANGELES l A LEGAL NOTICE On J.nu11"1' 31, 1Hf, Mfot'I me. • NOt&f"I' IJ11bllc In lltld . IOI' ••Id $ttl1, I INf"$Cfllllb' _ .. ,..,, i4fnl"/ I. Slotil'>IMtf'4', 1 P-J1111 Theodot• fl. 811111«, 1'1rold E. MttlVtn•k t CEltTll'ICATI' Of< •U11Mt.SS , Al'4 Cltrenct F. ~Allllf' kllOWn ,19 mt t FIC'TITIOUS lllAME lo be the Hnlflt" who$e lllmfl In! ''Tll u*"lt..ed does cwtifY hf Is 1ublcrlbed to Ille w1t11J11 lf'ltlrul'rlttlt Md <IDn!l~lrit •• busl,,.u •' lXlO o N. actnowledled fTle¥ eC<rcuftd "-"""· Q.lsler, S1nl1 Al\l, C..llfornl•0·,,"::'0',' ($EAL) Berti.•• Zledmln t~e fldltlolls 11,.... n&~ Of .., Q'.)UNTY Oll:GAN SERVICE CO. 1fld Nolt!"/ Public t~•t uld flrm ;1 coml>Osed ot the ~~t C;'';'~'filOll Expire' ftlloWlnt Pl!'"°"' ~ "11"" In. lull lll'Al:TMAN .• s'•M'10N •!'Cl ~ ~ l'ftidel'IC9 .... follows. A"-l's II L•W l OOI\ G. St. Ct1lr. JIU W. S!ln!Ol'lll, t46t Wllsllire Bini •• Solla Ml .Slnl1 AM, C..Utor~ll. .._.Ir 1111111, C•llf. "211 IO•led Fell. 21, 1'6f. T·Jl)tl Con G. SI. Clt1• • Mlrd• 1G. 17, ,., 31, 196' 441'4t 511te ot Gi!tfo'!ll•• OrMllJI (:ounh'.. P11b1Wled Ort,.. Colt! O•l!r Piiot on F9llrl.ll'l"I n. 1'6', befO•f mt, • .1 ... o1 ...... P'WllC '" otnd for 11ld Sl•N!· pt,.,,,1.11r ·-•'" o... G. s1. c1.1r LEGAL NonCE kttOwtl .. !mi to be Ille """-Whowl------,""'------1 ,..mt b ~ to the wlltllll lft> • »ill 11Nmfnl "" !KkMWlldlecl ... «ewled t«ITICI!' TO C•l!OITOltl 1t Slmt. ' tUPIEltlOlt. COURT 0,. TMIE FFICIAL SEAL) JTAT• 01' CALl,OJlNIA FOlt Miry lttrl Mori• THIE coutrrr 0,. OllANGE I . N11t1rv f>tll)llc.C1lltOl'ftll .._ a.Q\)t Prl11.clp1I Office ,,. EJ11~ of HELEM G e • T It u 0 E I Orf.lilie COUtlfV HOWELL, &le• HELEN CHAll:LENE } MY C-1\llGft '(11tlrn iiOWELL, 1k• HELEN C. HOWELL, ' '•.,,, .... "It~~ ., __ ,1 0.lt'I' Pllol 1kl HELEN HAS KINS HOWELL, 1k1 uu ..,..,,.,.. ..._. ' HELEN HOWELL+ Decc11fd. ...... c"':c.:'c' c"c' ~"c'c"'"--"-"------NOTICE IS HEii.EBY GIVE N to the -credllo"' of ttw tbDYC 1>1rnld drcld,nl i LEGAL NOTJCE 11111 111 Plf"IOlll lllvin• cl•1m• 191lout ll>e Wkl clKecieftt 1re 'Mlll•ed to flit -------------lll>em, wlftl the ntettSll"/ Y'OllChlrs, In l'.mtt the ol'llu (If ttw clerk ol' 1111 1b0Ye 1 Cl!ltTI ... CATl!i OJ' tUSOllt:SS enllllecl (oSrf, .. to 11ru 1nl !Mm, wllll l. fllCTITIOUS. HAMS Ille ~,.., "IOlldle•l. to tt>e un- 'TM> llllCllf'tl9..ed ooes urllfT he '' 1141,,.10.....:1 •I "" ottk• ot c. P1u1 ~ • boniMSI .. fill Ctntra~ Dullol1, AltOl'MY IO' Pdlllonet'. m Dover Glrdoen Gniw, C1llforJn1, un<let' the O,IYf, Newport 1!11ch, C1lt!Ol'nl1, wlllcll ~kM ti"" nltnt of R. J. MAltlNE ls tM 111tc1 of bu1lnttS of 1M unOlnltned s 11:v1cr: •114 11\11 uld tlrm Is _ _.. 1n 111 m.fttn Pfff•lntne le IM 1Sllf9 11'11 tollowlnt ;.rlOfl, Whale ntlN of u ld decedtllt. wlftllft lour mo<11!1S 1 , 11111 incl pl.let of rnldtl'IC9 • ti 1n.r tM fin! "'blia11ori GI thl• mtlttJ t lows: Ottecl Febr""l"I' :It, lfff , It. J. II.*• flll Cenlr1I. Gtrclen Vlrtll RuMl'U Howell <;rove, Glllf, , E~..c:u1or ot tlM wlll '01teit Mtrdl $, "" ol' thl 1bcMI n1med de«Oent '. · Rin..,11 J. ll:lf'd C. •AU\. DU SOil StATE OF (ALIFQaNIA l '' W OllVW Drlv. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ..._rt Suell. Cf.liforfli• t'IUI Oii March :S. 196', befo•c me. • T•I: J1""""ZI Njil1..... P~lle In '"" tor Jtld Sf1lt, .Att..-nn' .... l'XICUIW .. ,.,_.,iv ·~ired •• J . Reed t.-P11blhl\MI 0t•ll9• C01$f Ot11r Pllol, fU(mf ·1o0 ·~ !he ""°" Wl\OW r.•mt Matrlll I, 10, 17, 2~. lHt JU..H I~ ....tiKrlbed to Ille" within 1111tr11n-..M lftd ltk-ledgtcl he ll!Kll!ecl it._ lime. 1Qtt!cl1r Stall LEGAL NOTICE I /'All"I Bell\ Morlln . Nolll"I' fJul!Hc • C1llforn!1 P•nBll Pr11KIP11I Olfltl In •AR·1"4 Or1n111 CounlY Cl'ltTllllCATE 0,. IUSINElf M-, COmmlslloll El!PI•" 'ICTITIOUI PlltM NAM• ! APrll r, 1911 'Tht undtl'lltned <kleS hcrcbv art!,., Publlshed · 0t1na1 Co•sl D1llY Pilot. tllll tie 1, CIOfldl.ldlnt 1 M1nuf1ctur1"11 Merdl It, 11, 2'-31, 196f ~ bu1lflfSl •s tn lf!dlYIOul1 11 7511 N. ::.:::.:CC..::C,.==-'-'==::::---111111vl1, Unit H., Or•nt•• C1ntornl1, · LEG., NOTICE ...,...r 1111 t1ct111ous 11rm nam. o1 o .~-----~=-----!& 8 MANVFAC'TURlNG COMPANY arid ,..,... ""' Sl[tl flt'm h composed of tlM CElt1'1FICATa 01" SUllNllS lollDWlnt PCl"IOll• ~ nWM tn ho\! l'ICYITIOUS NAME :!11~1au ot ~1d1nce II u lolloW1, 'Tiit 11ndtl'lklned doel ~ he Is o®e111 P, ero.,., 21t0 Gtll, ctfldlK1lM I busl-11 &s.M Wlrlltl' Orlf>Qt C111forn11 •rMut, Foimltln V1tlrf, C1Ufoml1, 11nder D•led MircFI $, 1ff, I'll llctUloU'I tlrm neme ot FO\JN'TAIN 00"9llS p Ur11w~ V~LLEY MANAGEMENT COMPANY etld STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) !till Slid firm b corni>OSfd ot IM F ,,. ' ' 1d11ow1.., "''°"· .._ ....... "' lull COUNTY 0 ...... IS. •fill JlllC:e ol rnklPnee 11 II tclloWI: On Mtrcll 5, 1969, belor• fl'lt, I E~ w.....,.. Belnllrldlle, nsso Not•rY Public In and tor said Counlv 1W11nul, F-ount1l11 V•llfY, C1!1fornl1 fnc1 Sllte, penon1llv ll'fftred Ooual•I '92l'Cll p, tlrown krooWn le ~ la bl fhf; I011ed f"tbrv•l'Y 27, Ifft. ~ wtlOst "'"'' r.; sut1c,Jbet 'O ~ E~ W, 811nbl'1dtl Tiie wltl'll" IM!n.nflfnf, afltl ICknOWledlllld ATE OF CALIFORNIA , IS lo 11'11 111•1 hi fS~c11ll'd the ume. UHTY Of' 0111.ANGE I Wltnen m¥ l\llnd •nd Ml,, 'On fib,. 27, lt6t, befOtl -· I NGtil"I (OFFICIAL SEAL) f'tibnc 111 end tor uld Sitt.. Jllr10t11!IY StrM• H. G•e!ll 1Pi>Mred Elclln W. B11nbtk'Jt ·-Nal•r¥ Publlc<•llffl'T"ll to m1 to ~ lht llff'Wfl wi-Nme Prlo1clo1I Dttlct In 11 1ub$albld 1'0 b wrltl1n l,_trvntnt °''"'' CO<.llllv 111(1 ·~ h9 IXKUMd ttw-. McOWEN ANO Gll:EEN IOFFKIAL 5E.Al.) .A~l • O.vkl W. Ul'l'IW 5Sf I'. CH""'" Notll'Y IJ11b11c-C.ttlfarnit o...,..._ C1llf1rflll tlW7 PrlnclPfll Offli:e Ill Tit: 6"·51M Or1nt1 Counh' Pubtl.t\1111 Or•nt• CO<lll Dtltv PiTQI, M-, eomm111lon Ellpir~ Mardi 11. 11, ~'· 31, ltff .uur ~•.1m Pllbllsllld Ortntt COid O•llY Pllol. Mll,dt 10. 17, 2'-)1, "' ""'"" LEGAL NOTICE ,_, Cl'ltTll'ICA'TI! 01' BUSllllllS ,ICTl1'!0US lllAM' LEGAL NOTICE > escaiallng lbe fighting, Following the bombing blllt ordeud last fall by President Job....,, Fulbright said, "Ii 1' my lmpo!salOO tbal we , gr<oUy ~ our pacllica- tlon program but did oot Uke any otlltt step& toward de-escalation ,, ;.~;aide dHscala~" " l\e went on, but "we share ~ greater responsibility.'' • And aince Nl:xoo succeeded Jobosoo Jan, 20, the hudilllg of 'the war ''hasn't prosresaeCS as I hoped it w-ovld . •• Fulbright -1d. "l'r:b oot a bK happy. abCMlt It. PREPARE STUDY ,Fulbright sald that be has asked ""'' COll)Jl)}u.e Stall .. prepare a lludy ol the degree c. whkh actlon by U.S. ground forces mJcbt ha.. triggered the current enein,y offensive. Ke did say Prddent Nixon still bu time to revene wbal appears to b1m to be a .. re- escalatioo of the war." Fulbritllll dido~ make d\r<ct mentloo ol lt, but Prtsldeot Nlioo bas been considering the possibility of laking some sort of retaliatory action against Nri Vjetnam because of the recent attacks against' S o u th Vietnamese population centers. Criticism of the new ad- ministration's war policies came also from Sen. Claiborne Pell, the Rhode Is I a n d Democrat -who also sits on the Foreign Relations Com- ipittee. He said the administration sbouJd ••seet to .cool our military adiviUes and de- esc.alate CU' objectives." Ptll also wu critical of Nixon because· ·,,be said "our ad-'"· . mWstratloo has oot yet truly decided. on what are its hard, ~I. rnlnlmum Vietnam peace objectives. '1 RISE IN ANGER "Befeft American public opinion again rises in anger, before a thous.and more young Americans are killed," Pell said, ''I t r u s t the ad- ministration will come to this determination." Not all the doves, however, want at this time to join in the attack5 en Nixon. sen. Albert Gare (D·T!nn .), another F o r e i g n Relations Committee member, Mid "I have nothing now that I want to voice." New York ·R<publican Jacob K. Javits, the newest Senate Fon0gn; Relations Committee member, took a rather in- between position. "I don't believe t be signs 8tl'e very clear for the country and An;lerican policy that we Iriust bring the Vietnam war to an end. He expressed hope the new administration "will profit fl'OIJl the disaster that befell the Johnson administration and not go the same route." Area Seniors Get Honor Seniors ill four Newport. Mesa high schools have been named finalists in the aMual National 11erit Scholarship competition. 'Ibey are members of a group that includes only ooe- hall of one percent of the na~on's high school seniors, WiMers' names will be an- nounced in April. The finali.sts are: Wendy E. Pope and Donald. R. Randall, Estancia; Lynn A. Carderto, Robert S, Dale, G<o!frey Graham, Jeffrey J e n t i n s , Kathryn Lynch. Ellen Rose and Robert Williams, Corona del Mar: John L. Carlton, Cynthia L. Forbes, Connie E. Osborn and Peter W , Stephens. Newport Harbor, and David Saul and Robert Sanden, Costa Mesa, Elections Cost $14.5 l\Ullion t SACIWdENTO (AP) Last year's l)l'.lmary and aeneral elect.Ions cost $14.S million, but could have cost a tot mort, says Stcretary of Stilt Frank M. Jordan. lie reported Tu<Jday th1t use ol automated v o t l n I machines and vote eoununa de:vtce:& helped hold down ex- pe111es. The June l!IM. primary cost S7.J.5 million, ht said, while the cost ot the November ceneral election came to $7.2' million. ,,..,...,_..-~_,,.....,..., ........ .,.._,, .... ..,., .... ~ ........ --~ .... --................ ~ ... ,.,.,..,.,. ... , _JtJ.,,. •••• ,. tal•~ Pflo~ ~ 0 ~:~O _a.m. ""';' 5:30 p ... ~ .. 9 to Noon S.hrilay--Oosod Sund1y 1 DIAL DIRE<:;T 642-5678 ' . WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY Dl>,L , FREE 540-1220 Hunt"""° llHch 540.1220 L1gu'n1 llHch 494-9466 Hours-Reguletions-Oe,diines l!f!:ftOJ\I• .-~rtlMN ahouli check ~f,-...4. ••11, IM "'9rt ·,,.,,,~adhitelJ' •l'ftf'I' , .,. t1U1irt..1tloatlo"a. THE DAILY PI LOT_...,:... tla•ntt, f~· .,.,.,. 9"!1'tti tM·..-m, f1f pUbllahlng tlM sdv•rtl•m•ttt °'""""''°"'time. l}CADLIN.-,oft COl'Y AND KILLI: l i!O l'.M. the dU kfoN pu•r1tatlol'l, e:icotpt trtr ~ Edftlen •nd .Mo'1dly teOtlon. wtltl'I ol~tno time It lclO P.M._Frtd17• YOU MUIT HAVI! KILL NUMIEflt V/hu td1111,1 an •d ...... .t tiulok ,..., .... .. BUN ta m•tl• • rebord .t Ut•."lclll irtumbtr tfvtn )'9V lfy ,..., ad tak•r u verlflc1tlon of ,...-ur oall. ' . . . ' Evtry •ffert le m1de i. klll ., cor~ a oew •• thll ft~ IMtn •rdered, but ws """' 1not 1u1rsntee to do M until th• ad haa appuNd ln.ttie ,.,.,.. DIME·A·LINE ,Ade •N 9\flctly ullh In advanoe '1 rl'lrlll •rat an1 .,., et our tfffou. NO phona orcf•ra. . The DAILY PILOT rt1trvee tM right to cl-tty, edtt. oen .... or,.,,,_ a"Y advtt- tlMment, and to oh•"Stt., lta , ~tea .and Ngulatl0:ni wft"9ut: prior natkia. Mall AddNIB; .. ~ 1176, NtwPOrt I~ Calff. CLAlllFIED'COUHTER• .,.. tlOIW. tor..W.1 Deily Pilot Cl1111ified · CL:ASSIFIED IND~X HOUSES FOR SALE N•WPftT ffflONT1 4'11 •L.KT•ICAL .. llllltAL i• NIWPOftT SMollES -l.U\IJMINT alNTAU COSTA MIU n• Wfl1'CUI'• fnt ,.INCINe MaS.A DIL MAtl n• UNIVlllSITI' •At& CUI' .flLOO«J MaSA Vaaol lllf tACIC ' .... Y 4He PUJlNACI ltlPAt•!, l!'k. -.... ~" COLL.I'd f'Altl( uu on •l.U"" .Ga l"UaNITUl:lt: ltlSTOltl ... NIWPOltT •aACH 1• COlotlA D•L MAit 4Dt 111:1,INllHINO Mn .MaWi"OllT HllOMTI 1111 SALJQA -• ..._DaNING .... "•AlSOA COVIS ltU BAY ISUMDI ... •IHI.UL U:tlVICIS eut HW'°lt'T ....... 1221 LIDO I.LI: 4lll1 ellADINQ, DISCINO 6'19 MTCllllT 1m BALSOA ISl.AND Off OL.4St .... aAYIM01t•• lm HUWTlltGTOlf ••AClt ... • ..... TMUM• '* oovaa Jlilffft 1121 l'OUNTAllt VAL.UY .. I. •UN Stt!W •nt wt:ITCl..IP• l»I SUL tUC1t 4f9I NIALTN 'Cl.UBI "11 MA•BOR NIONl:,AltDS IUS LOtt9 SUCM 4'11 NAUUNe '1M IJllllYll:IJTT ..... 1m OUflll•• .COIJWTY ... MOUSaCLUNIN• .,. ••YINI l:tM ••ttDIN •1tov• ... ,. IJtTlltlOlt Dt:COUTDI• a» ::·~.~e:.. ~: ::w.~~~ ::;: :::."':..:!!..... .. ·= lltVIN• T•llltACI' 114' ,."!!!,• -AMA,HIO•NTl "" 111010110 OU COltONA i:llL MAit 1Ut '"' 4fal INStlLATINe Qff •ALBOA PIENllUULA 1• TUSTIN _.. tNSVUlllCE •nt •IACON IAT 1:111 COAITIL 41tt INVISTIOATINe, Dtl9dl\'I •111 BAY !SI.ANDI 1J5t LAGUNA llACN 4M JANITOlllAL f1M LIDO ISLI 1.i U.OUNA Nl•V1t:L IJU JIWILltY ........ ate. .... BALaOA ISUHD 11SS SAN CLllMl'NTa 4Ut LAlllDSCAPI... C1tt HUNTINGTON llACN 1411 DANA POINT 41• LOCKSMITH M21 MUNTINflON HMIOUI , .. TltlPL•X. lie. .,.. ~SONaY, lltlCIC ... •OUWTAIN YAU.SY 1•11 COHOCIMllllUM .,. "'°"'N• ... nouoe .... ll,IJ,, BUCH , ... RENTALS ••1NTINO. ,....,.... ... ... 1u1111n SaACN sm "" llfTING.-.__ • .. 0A1ton .. ov• 1m Aph. UnfumtdMd P•Ttes "" LOJMI SPCW 1• M•HAL -P¥01'001tAPWY ... UUWOCID UR COi'TA MllA 'II• f'LAITl'RIN .. Pttdl. ..... - OltA .. el (:OUWT'P 1• MIU. VIROI lllf "-UMBINO ... ~== =~ ~= ::::::; ::::"tm := =LGlltEO:IC~· = S'TANT•·" I'll flllWPOltT SMHl'S Int =·~===rc~IJM ::: WISTMMitSTlll' 1'1t W.lft:LI•" .,_ ltOOPIN• .... MIOW.T C~ • lfl• UiUYllSITY ;All 11# llADIO, _.._ •JC. '"' SAllTA ~ l62t BAC1C BAT 124' IANTA A.MA NeTS. lU. IAST eLUir• lt4'J ltl!MOOILllll• 8 llPAIR '"9 OU1'H' lfU COllONA OIL MAI Slll •IMOOILIN•. KtTCHan ... TUITltl,. •· 1'-'f tALBOA flit kl-. sa..... ml NOllTW T'ul'J11t 1"5 BAY Ill.ANOS SUI SEWllllG UM Af!IAMSIM ld LIDO ISLe di tPIN9 MACNlfrla •EPA1tl$ lf6t tll.Yl•AOO CAJllTDN 16" NUNTllll"GTOtrl 1aACll 54'1 Sl!'PTIC TNrlKS, s._... ate. "" U.GUNA HILU 1711 ,.OUNTAIN VALLIY M'll ;.:~t;:~·CONTltOL = U•UllA BIACll Int BN..•OA ISi.AND llSS TIU. Clrlmk ffM LAGUNA NIOUaL. 11'1 SllAL BIA.CH ... TIU, LIMI-a ....... lf71 SAN CLIMlllTI 111t LOH• ePCN 1511 SNrl JUAM CA.PlfTitANO 11'1 OltANOI CO\INT'f Ult Tl:EI SlltVICE ... CA .. ISTltAlfO •UCll 1725 OAltOafll OltOV'I "'' i;~:v .......... ate. = DANA POINT 17ill WISTMINSTflt Nil W•Llllllf• _ "91 <.A•U•l.D ,,.. MIDWAY CITY '"' JOBS & EMPLOYMENT OC.UfCSIOI lne UMTA A.NA 5'21 BAN D11eo 1m , • ..,.. ANA llllGHTS sOe ,o. WANTllD. - •rYllllD• COUlllT'P l• TVITlllf -1M W.yn"IQ. W--... MOVSll TO 81 MOVIO ,,. COASTAL Int ,tot "NlffD. COlllOOMhOUM lffl U.aUMA tlACll SHI Ma-M & WOMIM Jal DUPLIXlt l'Olt SA.LI 1'1S U.OUlllA frllOUlfL 11# DOMIUIC Nl:LP 1ftJ 4'"AltTM•NT1 l'OI IA.La tt• UM (Ll:MlllTll m• ... NCllS. -,.. •fNTALS SAM 'UAN CAPISTUM• mt Nal• wANTao, M19 1* ..,. · · DAMA .-CUNT INt AOINCllS. W-JSM Hou ... Fumithecl REAL ESTATE', MILl'wuttD.w-,... ffNlltAL -' ~-I JOB,_.. • ...... ,. a•NTAU TO IHI.a•, t11S YW"'rl AODICllS. ""' a W...... 1"' COSTA MIS.A 11• ftlPLVC, lie IM SCMOOLS I UfS'RUCTIOfll 1• MIESA Dl"L MAI 2lfS COltDOMINIUM "91 )09 Plll!PAU.TIOM ,_ MISA YlltOI tilt •IN'TAU WAttT•D "" THIA.fttcAL. Jtll: COLLIGI PAltl( vu ltOOMI FOR l:tNT "" MERCHANDISE FOR NIWP01111' tUCN t211 ltOOM 8 tOAltD • ro- HIWl'OllT NeTs. 1211 MOftLJ. Tll••L•• cou1n •"1 $_ALE. AND TRAD_. NIWPOltT IHORIS nit eU•IT NOMllS ltll 111U•MrTV1tl . •AYSNO•ls am MISC. ltlNTALS "" oir•IC•· l"UltlllTVltl .... DOVll tllOllS m1 INCOMJ ••o~••TY ... o .. ,.c;.. IQUIPMIMT •• WISTCLIF.. 2llt BUSltfltSS PltOPlltTY -n'Olt• aorrtPMllfT "'' UNIYlltSIT'f' f'AllC 1217 1'1ttJL~ll PAlll:t 'ft:lf CAl'I, alSTAUltMT WI• llVINI nit tUSINltS aaNTAL .... Bo\lt EllUIPM....r MIS BACK UY n41 O•ll'IC• l&:NT.AL ff1' NOUSa"°LD GOODS -11!"5T ILUPJI :t24t IN°DUSTl:IAL "PltOPlaTT ... $ADGI SALi' lt2l tlVIN• TlltltACI' tt4S COMMl!'ltCIAL .... l'URNITUltE AUCTION - C:OllONA DIL MAit "" t11oun1t1AL ••NTAL .... AP•LIANCU •l• •ALfOA flit Lon • ,,. NfTMaUIES 111t •AY ISUWOS 22$1 llANCMIS '15t llWING,MACMINft llft UOO ISLI! !3!11 CITIUS GROVES 1171 MUJKAL INnltUMINT 11H •ALIOA dUllD 2S$.I ACltUOI 4'MI PIANOS 8 Ol:GANS llll HUNTINGTON aeACN t4ll l..LKI!' aLSINOltl •t_H llA.lllO IHI ll'OUMTAIM YALLt:T t.it ltl!SOltT '°10Pt:lt1'1' ·•"5 TILt:YtSIOllf · lttl llAL ••ACN ,_ OaANCll-CO. PltOPll!ltT'f' •'l:IJ .. ,.,., 8 STllll!'O ftll LOiii• SUCH 1Sll OUT 01' STAT• PltOP. 12M TAtJa ltllCOIOl!ltJ tt2I ORANO• COUN'T'f' , .. MOUNTAIM • o•Sl!lt1' •n• CAMl!ltAI • IOUlf'MINT • llJrtTA ' ANA till SUBOIYISIOM LAND 4n1 HOtBY SUP,.LllS • w•nMINSTllt 2'12 •UL 19TATll Siii.ViCi •21s s .. o•YING eooos ... MIOWAT CITY tlll• It.I'. e>lCHANOll! 61:M BIHOCU\JrrltS, KO•lit "5St So\14T1 ANA Nl-IGMTJ M• I . a . W&ln'aO 1141 MIS.CILUNEDUS = ~:~A.L BIACM = BUSINESS •ncl ~cit.:~."·;,c. .J: u•UNA 1111eu1tL tm FINANCIAL LUMat• m. SAN CLl'MIMT• fl'" tUSINISI o•POltTl.INITfl~ .,_ STOltASa 1171 UMr JUAN CAPllTllANO tm IVSINltt WAlfTID •WS 9UILDl111e MATllllU.U S'M U,ISTltAHO SUCN 1nl INVl.STMllfT 0 ............ 111 6111 SWA... l1M DANA POINT w• 1wvatTMl"t11T w•HT•o "1• PETS and LIVESTOCK ltlVtaSIDI COUNTY 1M MOllllY TO tO,tH '3'M VACATION ltlN'TAU "ltM PlltlOkAL LOANS U2S Pett. elfrllltAI. Ml CONOOMINIUM 2"I 'IWILltY LOANS •ut CATS lltt DUPLIQI •uatL sm COLLAT••.&l LO.lift .,. DOGS 1111 RENTALS ltl"AL ISTATa LOAMI 1.$41 NOltSllJ -MORTGNllS, Tr• 0-. 1Jts LIYllTDCI M HouHs Unfumi1hecf MDttn wAMT10 • CALIFORNIA LIVING ~=:r~~L11" = AN0Nnd0,U:o~~~EESNTS ~~J:~~~s POOL• :: MlllA DIL MAit Jlts . PATIOI .,,. MIU. VIJIOa JUI 1'01.fttO CF,.. Alh> ~ AWNitMS • mt COl:Llctl PArtK ~tll LOST _, VM:ATIOMS W NIWPOltT ••ACM 1MI Nltl09'AU .... TRANSPORTATION NIWf'Olt1' MOTS. S2lf &NNOUNCIMINn '411 NIWPOltT SNOlllS -tlltTNS '411 •o•n • YAC:frl'TS .... UTSNOltlS JttJ FUNUAU '411 SAILSOATI ttll DOY•• IHOl;P mJ •••o OllTl.IAIT "'' POWlrt cauna•s ,.,. w.sT'Cu•• JUI l'VllllltAL OlllKT'Oltl Mlt ., •• 0-SKl •OATS ,.,. IJNIVallllTY PAltlt '211 l'LO'.lt:llTS ffll tOA.1' ftAIL1!1:S ~ llt\'tlrfl 1231 CAllO 01' TMANU .... BO)T MAUtTl!'NANC• tllS SACK BAY tN 1111 MIMOllAM loftJ SOAT UUfllCNIN5 '°' •MT •LU,P »a Cl"'l!'TlllT LOTS .. ,. MMlllfl IOUIP, "19 lltYINI' ttrt•ACI !MS CIMITEl.Y Cit""' Mh tOAT IL"'' MnOllN• ~- CciltCNU DI' MAit ma CltlE#pUrTOi.laS ... IOflT Sdvteft a"IOA • -Mlll'Oltllri. PARO '411 ao.t.T 1t•HTALt ... ,., •• ""0$ -i\UtTIOtrll '4)f BOAT CMAltTlllt ..,. LIDO nli "'' AYIA1'10N SlllVIC'9 '°' .......... 1o•n .... •ALBOA fSLAHD tus flU.YaL ... to.AT MOYIMO "'41 NIWPOll1' WIST ms AUi TaAWt•OllTtTIOll .. aoA1 tTOllA•I tMt NllNTINOTON alACH IM AVT'O T'lllAMSPOltTATIOfll' ... 1Cf.1't WAllT'ID '°'' HU-IH•10• HAllO!OO -Ll•AL llfOTICll ... AlllC:ltAflT t1• F,.::HTAIN VAUl.T . IOt illl.MAN I TUTCltlW• ... JiLTtM• LlffOHI tlll JIAL ... ctt ,.. SERVICE DIRECTORY =~~· ~M.:;s :': e&RDlll •itova >f'9 ACCOUN'TIWe 6M tlCYCLIS t'P2S LOlllCI tUCN .. ANSftllN• SlllVIC• ... t.Llc;Tl:IC Ultl f'llf Ol:UIG• COUNn »It ..... LU.'9'"1 •IPAlaS. .... "'' MINflllCIS .,, mt IAICTA AIU. •18 4H'IAISllM &111 MCmMICYCLI S '* WS'Sl'MINSTll Vlt ASPKALT, Olt 6nl MOTOJllCOOT1:1$ ,_ MIOWAY CITY •u AUTO llll'AllS ... AUTO JlllVKll • •All.TS , .. SAWTA ..... H'ltONTS "'*' AUTO. _.., .... ,..., .... '141 AV1'0 TOOU a lllUIP. ....,. COAJTA.L JM BAl'l'tlTTllte .... ,...Ult. TltAVIL trlll LMUllA IUCM ,,_ HAT MAllfnrllfMC'9 -ftAIUl:S. \l1llllJ "91 UiGUNA Nl•Ull WI!' Bit.Kit. Ml,IOllfltT, ttc. ... TllUCICJ fMI SAN CLIMl:NT'I Sl"lf •UllMllS ... VKU .-'llrS fflt CAIJllTlt:AllO 11'9 aun.oru "" CAMPOS "" CA,ISTttNtO llAali ,,_ CATl.RINe '"' CAMPllt l:llllTAU mt DANA l>OINT II• CAllHITMAll:M 4Slf DUM• tUHlll tal CONDDMllllMIM -CM!lllfTIIRl•e ... IMPM:Tll» AUTOI Htl ovPLaxu VMl'U1ta. am ctMan, c...... .,. POlT uas "" RENTALS CMllD c.ua. u-.1 "1' AllfTI04rlls. cusaics Mii A~. fum:-L-..1 eotfl'aACTOll _,. ltACI CAltS. ROOS ... . -CM'fl-Q.LUI.. ... AUTO IVllfTI ._ Oalt UJ. -CAIPIT U.'t'I• a l•PAll ._.,. AUTOS WAWTID "" COSTA Ml'J.tr .... OUf'llNI ' all lflW C.Al:S ,_ Mau. 'RI~ •lf NMOLnlGlf .._ ,,,,,.. La.1.1111111 till fill......, IUOI .... HAJPTINe MllYJC• tA1 lfflD UU .. HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLAR~ IN YOUR HOME LATELY? ~---===-~---------, DAfl,Y PILOT WANT ADS 'IOUSES FOR SALE General 1000 VACANT AND READY A Weatclitt pool home ready tor )'OW' lmmediale occu- pancy. Vaultlld open beam 1amlly room, 2 warm wood burning fireplaces, separate service poreb. Tastefully decorated throughout. Easy maintenance landscaping .•• Just sit back an:I enjoy, 5% eJo f1nal'lclng available;· "For-A Wlse Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-m'? OPEN EVES. Luxurious Mansion $36,0ilO 5 Bedrooms, 3 baths, Dream home built for a discriminat- ing executive and his de- 1 er v l n g tarnil y, J>e.. lightful decor. Large living room, huge tamily"' room. Landscaped with an eye towards beauty and easy maintenance. Located on quiet, cul-de-sac street It you can· &fiord a $36,000 Dream Home, you'd better see thiJ today. GI NO DOWN! t ! ! SUbmit your mnaller home on our gua,r.. antee sale plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 'Vestclill Dr. 646-'t7ll Open Eves. OWNER PRICfD this quality 2 story rustic 3 bdnn &: den + family .room for: quick sale. Ideal quiet location on cul-de-sac street, 2% baths, marble pullman sink, teJ.Ta.Zo entry, separate muter suite, all electric built-in kitchen • dishwasher, + heated pool, covered patio. Price $37,500 ~ EZ terms. l'\l I ·\\11111 ~t'\11\ I ii \\ k I I I I l l •' um Baker, C.M. 4 Bedrooms $17,250 Move Into this large faml· ly home today. Close to shopping, schools and chlll'- ches. Just put on the mar- ket, this one won't last. $145 per month includes tax· es and ·insurance. ONLY $.500 DOWN! ! ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker. & Lee Zt3 WestcliH Dr. 64&. 1tll Open Eves. 3 IR· Family Rm Westcliff Provfucla1 chann on Ige cor- ner lot .,)jth H/F pool & sep play yard. Immac condition & tastefully decorated. Xlnt value 1t •••••••••••. $48,T:iO Joe ClarJaJon ~ C.WW.U, Wer & Co. -a;.~..._, ....... --..a. ...... IU~ OI.•- IN ME SA VERDE 5 Bedrooms Large family room, master suite with fitt- pl.aoer sh• I carpeb ~Many tx· tras. Top bu)' $47.900. •)1' .. 1\:·.',)~ . .l t'' S46·S990 -COUNT THE 1\00MS En... hall, fonilal dining room, kib::hen. breakfast room, .. formal living room whh tftpl~ aeparate TV room, se-rvkt porch, 4 BR 2 bath Executlve home. 'Bl1t shot' location. Walk to shop. Ptrc & IChoola. Priced loW •t $32.995., gf,.. DAVIDSON Realty NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 lettt. DR.s. dining room bll·ins, Alley &CttU for boat or trailer-, $2'7,500. Rltr. 2Ta0 Harbor 18, qt 546o6460 E\'t'S. 54.~ SOCK rr TO 'EM! HOUSES FOR SALE -General 1000 COMMERCIAL ZOliB> PRICED TO SEU. AT ONLY $17,500. Two bedroom bonie and bachelor unit presenUy bringing $165. month, LocaL ed just a few steps !mm NEWPORT BLVD .• easl)y converted to num~us.small business usuage. U.500 'will handle_ Let WI show yoo "tlds sleeper. • • • * CORONA DEL MAR ONl.Y ~22,500 BUn.D ON FRONT OF LOT and. have. fun rem¢ellng One beqtoom fixer--uppe:r at reai-. OWN 'YOUR LAN 0 among modem duplexes. Bi. cycle to Big Corona Beach and State . Park. \l/alk to neighborf'lood stcires while your children safely play 1h blod< away at l'OMMUNITY YOUTH CENTER featuring ball park, activity house and family picriic grounds. AS- SUME EXISTING FINANC ING! Evenings Call 673-6ll6 MESA VfRDE BEAUT Over 200'.I sq ft in this baby & this includes 3 large & cheerful bdnns. One is double sized & wall can be replact-d to return th.is to a 4 BR home. Gorgeous Hercu- Jon carpeting &: ll e w drapes, 3 covered ·pa. tios. concrete d r i v e. washer, dryer. water softener &: refrigerator included, ranw:tic tam· ily room with massive stone fireplace, Buy oa IBA terms • $31.500. • <.~ATS WAL~AC! R.EALTORS --S46-41~1- (0pon Evening>) CORONA DEl MAR R-2 lot + houlte., Rare avail. abi)ity, high investment po- tential; 5th. Jot· from Ocean Blv4 ;& beach. 3 BR., 1%. baths; some view. Alway• tented. Priced to !!ell, $37,500 Newport at MAGNIFICENT PENTHOUSE Balboa Bay Club, NB. Panoramic view Bay & Oc•an. Luxurious •v•ry details. M~ble · l!oors, deep carpet. ing, frplc. 40' Iiving·rm, st'p. <lin-rm, den, lrg cwiton1 kit. 3 BR. 3 BA "'"/ gold f.aucets & appointments, Avail Lease b a s i s by appointment 540-0066 or 527-1132 john maenab LINDA ISLE 5 Bedroom 89.ylront with fa- mily mt, Pier ~ slip, pr;. ced for quick sale at Sl.25,000 Call far Appl to see (714) 6424135 901 Dover Oriw, Suite 120 Newport Beach POOL & VIEW! Exclusive , Ivan Wells Do\.er Shores model. 4 bdrms. 3 ha., family, pool, patio • vieY.'. Roy J . W•rd Co. <Ba,ycrest Office) ]Sf2 Santiago Dr. 646-1550 $13,750 -4 BDRM Designed tor a Jarge ActM! fJinily. 2 se(>&r1;te bath!I. Separate dbting room. Ex- cellent srea. Ml).1120 TARBELL 2955 Herbor 4 BEDROOM -$12,500 No~ to equal in this 2 baths, family room. Isolated rear Jivlne room with fire- pJce. l•r:e brick patio with gas BBQ blJlll·iM, clishwuh. eT, stQ.1T20 •• TARBELL 2955 Harbor OC£ANFRONT Lovely modem 3 BR. + tam. nn. ssooo Down. 833-2081 Owner NO matter wtiat A la, YOU can "11 II· with • DAU. Y PILOl'WANT AD!! 642--5671 PL.AC§ )IOQI" ..... al W!w!N JS OUR AD llrf Q.ASSI .. tcd:tt!~ tor ft. Dial M2<56'2I. nED-1 &:in'lflooe ..m be UAIL\' Pll.Q'f WM'T ADSr • • ·--~-~------~-...-~~-~~----,...---.....,'"'°"""--== ... ....--;'O'O"=~W":="'"• ----·---:;---, -·----··------------------· -·-----~-----. ·"· ······· ,.. . . ......... , . . . /Juccofa; Gngfi~~ U/lag• Tith & Tustin -Costa Mes• ADULTS Most homes are built with only children in mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look at, room for bobbies, private office, separate dining rm, guest room with bat.b:, 3 carrota:i rage, walking distance to churches, Wes · shopping, and restaurants. _ . r;. with 20"/. down ~ 7'1:191. with 10-/. Dn. no 2nds -. no points -29 yrs Oft.. ~l•nu. Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclu1lve Agent p. ~· palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Troe! Ph: 54Q.511S From L.A. Coll MA ,._ · l'LL GIVE IT TO YOU S~GflT U you ·are interes~ in a good location cem:ta ~esa, Newport Heights area), close to Newport Heights 1 grade school 11% blks) I: new city park (2 blks), sho~ ping, 5 min. to beach, a very quiet street, big R2 lot (room fol boat, camper or .rental unil)y 3 bedrooms (or 2 &: a den) 1%. baths, fireplace, sidewalks, paved alley, cJou.. ble garage, _Jlarp 1eoced back yard, tnen phone me at 6M-4687. I am asking $25,500 but it you come run- ning (I'm in a hurry) with check book in hand, Cu low as $1750 down) I~U give it to yoo straig'ht, ru save You $1000. ('lbat's as strailht u I can get). Corona del Mar Duplex Attractive home with small Apartment in rear nicely decorated ~ on» cheerlu1 patio with complete privacy 3 Bedrooms a, 2 bath!! klvdy living room with brick fireplace fonnal dining room excellent value at $42,500 Call Kent Kingsley Res. 540-8812 Commercial Bldg. Small 3 unit 1ll!al' 17th .. Newport ffivd. only 6 years old. $400) down &: owner will finance balance tor yoo. ldta! for user • full price $21,500 Custom Home Ram~ though this beauti- fully built 4 BR home Jocat· e<! In secluded Eastskle lo- cation. Oversized lot, heavy shake nJOf, large kitchen It massive brick fireplace. Pri- ced for immediate sale at $37,500 CAU. Ml)..1lSl Copen eves) l~=I 124 Del Mar. Spanish ViUa HOUSl!S FOR SALE HOUSl!S FOR SALE 1000GOnoro1 1o0o You have only 1' DAYS to take ad- vantage of our 6~ % interest rate on the beautiful new. homes of Ran· cbo La Cuesta on Brookburst al AUanta In Huntington !leach. ' . . OUr lender mu.st increase his inter· est rates·on April 7, 1969. All that is ne~essary to assure your- self of this low interest is YOUJ' se- lection of one of our 3 or 4 BR, 2 or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes & make your initial deposit ·of $500. Call 968-2929 or 968-1338 any d•y from 10 to 6. • ExclllliY• Prestlto Muo Vonlo Split Lovol 4 Bodroom Harbor View HIDs Heavy Wke roof boauty I"'' rosr usri:D one of the few · 4 yean young! HUGE 16 X Lusk resells. BuutifW dra.P. 23 FAMD..Y ROOM w J th es and nylon shag carpeting cor:y fireplace! Delighttul throughout. Mirrored cloaet entry 'intG 1pa.cioua 1.ivtng doors in muter and front room and FORMAL DINING bedroom, Slidinz gla.s3 doon ROOM oH the roomy dfiC'o from muter bedroom and ient kitchen with electric family room to patio. Makes built-ins. Completely carpet. this home very light and ed and draped. Patio and airy, 3 Bedrooms, dinin&: Badmltton Court. Owner ha.s area. family, room, p I u 1 moved &:" says SEU. qulck- breakfa.st room, Gu or 220 ly at ONLY $38,500. VA ls in laundry. :Beautltul land· FHA terms. ""Pintr with........,..,, front WE SELL A HOME andrear.Prtcedundermar· EYERY.31 MINUTES keL can tor apoptntment to .... Walker & Lee Jean Smith Realtor 400 E. 17th st. -Pele Barrell Realty Presents Need Room To Grow? Absolutely the best tn Say.. crest area • 5 bdnm d ooJy $47,850. l 16ffi Weslclilf Dr, . J NEWPORT BEACH ~... 642°5200 2790 Harhar Blvd. at Adams ""'491 Open Eves. POOL TIME ~ l!fl this sWimme:r's Jluadl.le. IS x 35' pool on 1arp comer lot. Room for boat AND trailer. Also In- cluded: 3 BRI 2 baths. dhlt ">lo ~ ...... '"" ·-in&. U'1 a :steal for only $30,750 OPEN DAILY 1·5 2527 Andover Pl, CM •• Reminiscent of an urly Cali- fornia hacienda, tltla pic- turesque 2 story home. ha.s a sep. guest house on the grounds, .plus. pool and 6°/o VA LOAN ,PERRON brick bar-b-q, 4 large ~ 3 bedroom Huntlngtori Beach ma, formal dlnlng and a Home. Neat Brook:hurst to: charming living rm. with Adam!. All eltttric kitchen, fireplace accented by irn· built in refrigerator. lllx20 ported Philippine mahogany cxrvertd patio, Garage ~ h!!!!!~~'1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' wood work, all on two ~ ailed &:: shelved with !ood ,, lots. Ca 11 today, '48,000. pantry cU kitchen. Complete. ''A Winding StaircaM 1 .. ""° .... "'iiii.......,iiiiiiiiiiRliitrii. """"' I Jy carpeted. Mo payment leading to an open Balcocy 11 S13t It only takes $4,825. and 3 btdi-ooms overlooking New Listing down. By ~ • private a terraw entrance. A st~~ 4 &droorns, 2 baths on cor-party (Finn). !32-7689. down living room, F_onniu ner • room for boat, trailer I ;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'"' DINING ROO~f. Separate etc. Big GI loan tu ~ ov• guest room. 3 Baths. all er. Its a real bay at $22,650. electric kitchen, sprinkler Down and take over GI lllll'Cinhlthatrtl system front and rear. $3,500 1S! 5(5-5810 514 % loan. $31,500 FUlL LEGE REALTY PRICE. AdMllsll:!Mrblr,CliL WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee VET'S WEALTH BUILDER BAREFOOT DAYS Close to Ocean, Bay &: mat· ftts. Duplex 2 BR e a c h Unit Price only $33,500. Nffds a painter. llOrilll' DUPLEX 2 BR 2 bath, 4 yrs 7682 Edinger young. No dn pyrnnt. I"!~~~~'!"'!~~~ 842~ orEv541>51IO R. D. SLATES, Rltr. REPOSSESSIONS RE AL fy - 2025 W. Balboa. Blvd., N.B. 67~ ---v"--~n __ ,_,_. --847-3519 E\'eS. 96,Z.7369 YOU OWE IT TO YOUIV SELF TO INVESTIGATE OUR 4 DIFFERENT TRADE IN .PROORA:MS- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 64'-4494 JUST REDUCED for immediate sale Furn Duplex • $35,00l George WllliorMOn Reallor 673..(350 Eves. 673-156fi DAILY PILOI' WANT ADS Dla16!Ull'll IO% dn. 6~% int. 30 years No loan fees. 2487 sq ft ot l.ivfnc attL 3 ii: .f BRa 2!Ai baths new cpts/drps., com· pletely redecorated. Scee ·with view. $34,500. up. Of- fice: 518 San Juan., San Qemente, (Models open dally) 49l-9'l88 or 545-3483. W. E. Lochonmyor, Rltr DAILY PIJ.Ol' WANT ADS! 1000 Gonorol 1000 S@\\~}A-~t.trse Solvt a Simple Smimblrd W'onl Puzzle for 4 Clou:klo O·-"""' ol ""' lout KrOl!lbled words t. low to '°'"' four llimplli words. ITIOWUT I .' I I r I I' . IGILON ' I I I rl ·----...-..-SCRAM-LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 9300 I ; .I .. .. • .....,,.----. ...., .... * 642.1n1 Anytime * best buy in costa IM5a Thil ls the c1e311e!t 3 ~ home In town with 2 queen. sized baths, professklnally landscaped yard, beautuul hlgh pile carpeting, usume exb:tirw low interest loan er no down VA or FHA. \Von't lut at $23,500. ORANGE COUNTY'S lARGEST m E. 17th St. 64"4494 8 HOUSES 2 Bedrooms. Each On ~ lot with ioom for 4 or 6 more.-units. $960/mo Income. AUdnJ $89.500. Will oonskler trade. Can tor fUr. ther information. •. r-- P E l=lRON ,J, ... --..-rc •i• .. * '42·1771 Anytlmo * -QIJIET Cu~O.Sac EasWde. Heavy lhake roof, 3 larse bedrocms. beautiful cupets a: drapes, eltttric kltcbvl 'llffth dl&hwuber. °""' $28,!00. ERNIE-,. CLEVELAND IF )'OU're tbinkq: ol ldllna. chancea are we have an oat. of-ct.ate ~ tor y o u r llolM. Olll todayfor l>ft .. - ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST m E. 17th St. 646 1194 $19,450 $150 Dn/SIH poys oil Rltr. 60-9730 Evu. Mll-.arJO e KBllmY Molldcl, -11, IM D.111.Y l'ILOI' Gonoral \llfl'U WAVING THE FLAG FOi ••• "TH.I aw ISTARIS" 'All our efforts are concel>6 trated in the Newport Har- bor Costa Mesa area. We a.re your nelJ:hbors. We Uve here and must ·continue to IUcceed hue! MOYE IN TOMORROW ,,.....~ u .. ..,.. comlort, 1oc:at1on DoYer Shores .,. important to JOU.. Jook . . . =.,:~.~.,.:fabulous· Cor. Home -. and all .... _... f y· tili .. .... partc. °"" oreyer iew $25,500; and all tbele ""plu" • ::.":"'-~ ..! . Only $63,500 drapes, do~ pnp,.con- Cf'l!t• drive, Wwe fenced White brick courtyard entJT back yard e11 50x130 Fl', M 4 BR. approx 3,000 sq ft. LOT There ll not to mudl llUge bit-in kitchen wlbreak· available in ttifl part ol Wt bar,· Jae fol'mal dinlrw eutakle CM. HUny. QWN. .rm.25ftV"ll!Wlivingnnwitb ER. WD..L SELL FHA! J • Fr'J)k and bll·in wet bar, Jge 6"-t6S'1 muttt BR luiie. w/powder 4 Bedroom. 2 bath rm ·•"be.th, Hurry and sub-famJ.lY home ldtch-"t :..... en hU elec. built· ON ' THE BEACH m• ,..... ~nns. ins.-Sliding glau · · -Marie F. Purcell, Rhy dOon from LR and Exclusive Otlaa Cove borne"· 675-4044 or 642·1559 1 De~ to a covered year around llvina • best I""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"' I ' r"",..",..•,..· -$23, ........ 950. __ , Harbor area, 2 BR, 2 Ba, BY OWNER in quiet. ru. 20 Profeuiona.15! To Serve You! priced to sell last at· $69.500 Westcllff. Well kept 3 BR. By appt only 2 BA. tam rm. All elec CORBIN·MARTIN um.,. c1ean """' """· REALTORS Pn>t lndscp'd " ma!nt. ---.._ __ ..... 1 Chldm'• play yard· pet 3036E,CoostHwy,CdM .,.L $43,,.., ~ A '7J..1"2 eves, 543-1598 HOUI LOYElS $anla )Mr& Heidtta 66x200 with 2 6ed_. room ho""' and a 2 .. E. c·osfa Me' SI car . garage. Lot n. completely fenced. ~------~ LIBRARY OR DEM? + Back Bay view, Large lot, room for boat A trailer. Very · Best location. 6464414 $23,500 -Great l large bdrms, 1 % bath& terms. h4rdwood Oooni, Wae kitch- •• • '"''" pm<h areL Ditto Jlnl fstotl ~ .... -""II Double ..,.... Big yard I ~~~::::~:::::::~ ~ with ahade " fruit Ufts. J. I>-~ S22,!00. BAUOA POINT BY Owntt 2 br, · l bl, fple, ..... ~ ......... Udo """ 14'.""-<nil m.sm PENTHOUSI! FOR The dlocdm""Uotl bu;yer, we .have a i..,.. Royalo """-... Hunt!"""" ....... 1400 Loguna. Decaot«!I. ~ ,!. 11. Blgen, 2 · bdnn. ·2 IN" STOP prlced at 115,000. Propel!> Searctilna-any fUrther, this dffr, ~ ,di ~r beauty must have · been a careyfnc Iat.trn1fdMd. OID.: model. 3 Queen size bed· Jett Brier')'. JonH. RHlt)', rooms 1% baths built in Inc, 2001 W. Balboa·Bltd., bar, utiqued ·cahlnets, cov-~. ~· m.<ll3t. =..i:~ ::..:.' ~ '$35.000 DUPLEX, i and J FULL PRICE. GI No mooey BR, wlew, just ·~ down. pvt._ wild kib:henll fM-f?• WE SELL A.HOME , EVERY S1 MINUTES .D.~on,;,;•,;;,P,;;,olnt,;;,:;, ___ ·,;;,1 ;.,· ;.·I Walker & Lee BYOwnor•Br.2BLE<tio lrg •. lot, view site; i 7f 7612 Efilr'Wer old . .$29,900." f96...397a • M2-M55 or S«>OHO RENTALS Open Daily 'til 8:30 ·-Fum..,,.., SEE this one ~lore you buy. , • By owner. "Take over my Renteli to Share 2005. 6% VA Loan on this a I ;,;;;;;;:;-:;:;.;-=;;:;;;;;;1 """"°"' """'· $13' per I YOUNG --idre ftir! month. 'I'bll ii an you pay wishtl rqom mate bet. li _ pr1nc1p1e, interest a: taxes " 24 female. can 1-to · 5. with. ""' $<,825 .dOwn. All -·~ -. 5,. ·11 s' electric kl4:hen with ?illt·in 326-5195. . - ref. Food pantry oft kitchen in corupleteIY pan f: 11 e d RESPONSIBLE maue lad)' garqt!, 1QxZ> covered patio. wlli .lhare 2 BR. 2 BA apt Cupetln& tJuouiboul By w/..,,,.. <:an -af1 owner • Private pert;y II-pm. (.Flrm)"962.-7689 GIRL Wanted to tblft 2 --m=• =,500==--· I BR. Qt W/ pool $80 mo. can .an s:~ 6fll · • llG IONUS .Wolls-McCordlo, l!.ltrs. Roomy 2 BR._,. do<. wt Assum• 5V•% GI Loon < l!dnM. ptua 20x30 UlQ Newport 81"1, CM. lrplc. Loe on hJ: lndlCpd Jot $3500 C.sh Dawn 2100 pl~ plumbed for 5f8.Tl29 Evos, """" noar S., A °"""· Sbol..,., Total pymnts $152/- ba or wet bar. 4 ed patio w/ cover By owner-s 8 •• 1• bathJ, bullt·•-yrs. neow, nr.achoolt • • ,..., -,., .. _ 6: !hopping. $32,950 Like to Entertain? $.15.lm * 675-2681 carpets, drape•, new palnt. '-----"! ean6;;_~ this Owner's Special mB;.:Sh:;.;ai-ieatty 3 BR plua 3 Ba. ccay dinlnc/ 3 Br., or 2 Br. &: den, cu.-847.SS.U Evn. 968-1171 ,.. ~Honest Action, tmJzy. 2 frplcs + play tom. WestclW home, many Sincere Service rm. extru, nr •tofu &: 9Chls. 2 BEDROOM QUJEl', --....... ' FUndshed 2 BR, utlk, lndcy, pool $1511. (S-... lnfan\ available), 1'10 Dt1 Mar. We'tt Proud rm. EnclOled pool wparate * Phone 644-4044 * $148 per month total lndud- to Serve Play ~i!2·:!.lty ''HELP==, ~Ha~wa!J~~--~.-.. -,st• I tng taxes, $1100 down. Bal· t.ron• •I Mar l'l:::C::=i:=i:=l~:=i:=i=:J sell my lovely 2 BR. 2 a.need PQ\ftr, CU FA heat I;:;;,:,:,;;,:..;:;.-------Ii BA <:ondo. Jmmed, pos. le: waterheater, elect. built· OCEAN VIEW ee.utttul 0 • S llDlOOMS $26,900 $27,500 t•nna. ~ U ;n """' A own, prl>ap ecuthoe s BH,· 3 bath. rm Mesa del Mar'• lmmaeulate 3 BR. ''A" no" ans 67l-1166 dlspoe.al, w/w cptl I drps, Available ·now,. $f75· mo. ~:"~ ~~t f': tratne, beach bome,,T )'1'1 Ot.M'STANDlNG View in the ~~~w:;:.t door, ~V~~~- $38,500, I may be young, 1teP1 to Ocean, pri-mutts 3 Br, 3 Ba.. by owner. m.:m:· rliht tod];ou. Wann vate recreation C6ter. $GlO dn. Mf-0718 •• ,_lmmll.• ~.}?'" y and low Coywood Rlty. -12'0 12· 10 !!T'aa1ll"' -630& W, c.ut Hlway, N.B. Mowperl Holghts 146-ll1l ., 646-7171 546-2311 Oil 646-7171 ·rr1 f ' ~;::_::I\ L, I. , T"/"-.:'F:P' STORAGE GAUGE ' 11od.Oa l1lonol ms Dupion Fum. 2975 , JMM.AC clean 2 Br. priV: I patio, quJet ubd, adulll ... • ..... 6l2-Sl92 RENTALS H1n111 UnfvrNIMll ORANGI COUNTY'S LARGIST 291 E. 171h St. 146 1194 • ,I • • • . . . ' DAl\.Y l't\OT MGodiil. M"'h 17, 1969 ,UAL$ .,,..._. rAl.5 11.INTAl.5 RIAL ESTATI RIAL ESTATI IUSINlSS 11111 ANNOUNCIMENTS He1111 1 llftfumlahad -Unfumhhld Apia. f-ltllod Apls. U............ -rel -rel PINANCIAL 11M1 NOTICI$ SEii.ViCi DlllCTOIY l rldc.-.Y ..... '---, Coat• -1100 Huntl""°" lllcll :l400 Nowport -4200 c.t1 -5100 It-for Rant Hts Offlte 11.antll 6070 luo. °""""""141 6IOO ,_ IPfM .., 6400 ------==! POOL llmM -IO FREE RENTAL BOOK SINGLEY-M.1111-S BR. 111 'bo. CUdre"/W.,.... UY Rm.-. * MOdl N Offices SIAMEJI! cat.-....,.. _.... odQlll, J BR, D"'P In ....t a,_11 ..,. -''"' wldl """" .......... lllJQ. ?qr. 161 W. otm1 ..... 115 wlc. US SkClo Gt -~ .,..,._ ll4TIONAL ORGANIZATIOll In CU-lllll>1ands ..... 2 i.. -docxnted. ... ""''' _ ttiat problhlJ ..., oulb ·•-·..a o.o.rAot.11111a.m.4..,.. AlbertPl.Cll...._ _........,_ 11uu.....i-11 Ca1110-.~ Londo D de rr Y Lan• won't IUt ior.. Rnl lbUp complete privacy. SOtrm J BA., lp. kttcb. Dec. bltnr; EMP. Ken; 1ep. ~try. quiet. l!n1ot. ceatnl loeatSon. SllALL bladl: female Poodle, 15/mo. 6'S·UU Gt 3 lk!dnlom. Rim-VU. BAY a.uB APTS. 1n1no ..... drps, aJNond. Gar. ISi! MO. G< wetkly; J1U Mo. C. -Na--You loo ... pl lalo ,,_ V1c l9lh & -~ tap. 2 Balbi. Ftttplace. at U1b. Newport Belch. $150. Ut E. 23rd st. wlkltthen. MS-19116 230 E. l'ftb Stnet ~ hy•'7" !:n.toY sntlU: m.1519. l BEDROOM. 2 bolhl, wall Dcoblo Guop, 11'5 mo. m•l ......,. LRG MODERN 2 I R LRG 11t11. L<MJy home; C..ta -00.1"5 tt 0 : .... "':'.(-::: .... PART Dobmnan l'u» B1k TYPING, IBM ElCeC. ':i,! : to wall carpets. drapes A rent for ~ period. ~ GRACIOUS llvlJ1c1 2 BR. Opt._ drps. hltras, pool SU\ kitcb prlv; aep re:tric. patio, NEWPORT CiViC ~ low lnvub:nent. Prottcttd A TU Vk. Wood J and =· :::::-1; de:l. ·, blt.-lnl. laundry room . porary transrer. mobU home, comp. furn., Mgr, .....,4 pr. "6--009 eva. OUiet1 IUitable b' Qom. territory. No ftxed overbtad. School ~"* 54f..88'1'4 Adults only. $140. ~ w lk & Lee pool, dubbotnl!. $lJS Mo. mttciaJ, Medical, Dtnt:aL Year around pmtlta. Prown MALE S1unfte cat Meu. l=====-====I alter 6 P.M. -· a er '°' E. Ool Hwy, Sp. %Z7, Newport INch 5200 Guest Homn 5991 AIN>ond., crpll, •I.,..,. ,......_ Compaey ..W ...... Ve ..... aru. _-CablnetMOldnt 65IO 'BR, .... patio, ....... ---Newport 8ch. 213, -. rno .. J1U u you can ..... t 13,1100 ... ,I=======~ I ;;.:===='--'--I slDW:, ftfric. Troplcal •\. U'lMlli5 or 541),6140 BEACH API'. Now thru S BR Duplex ~ Btacll. PRIV ~ tor-elduly ~~ ~ OR m-2tM can 1p&re: only 1D boun per L....... 6401 Cut A Edp Lawn tnw. For adults. 1 blk. to Junat &mcleck, bltm. pr, l'ltwtY painted ,t: de&l'.lld. in lie d ruut home. .._ SHA.RE office w/ e 1 t . w,ek. 1n lea than 2 )'eU'll -" • Maintmanc.. Ucemed lbops.' $110 mo. ~ Open ~ S Br. cplll/drpc. f115 mo. Vu:ant. fl')/mo. M u 1 t food &erved tam. Bf¥le. In e om• TU co. Reu. )'OU can leClll'e an annual LOS? ireen 6 ye 11 ow 5'Mttl/"5-mo alt ' &SIDE 2 Br. fpl, beam Dill. C BR. 2 ba, 2 aty, $&oG8H allow to be shown for Ale. ~l mnthly ttnt .UIJ& Nwpt net·lll'Ofit ol $13,000 to $2'1',· parakeet in Vic. 200 eJAf!AN!'.SE GARDENP\ yd., patio. Adlt.. DD pttl d1wbr/bltas, 1"dl1&. BAQL L tum. Or.an I: Alt.5'6-ilCl R I 5999 Blvd, CM. ~7301 000. Ott tn on the croond Po.iw:ttia, cm. Ansvo-en Malntenanct I: a···· S1SI \"rV 673-7629 ~drpl. lit 6 ~ o:cd., :ntt.uy loe. t60 Mo. TOWNHOUSE ! Br. 2% bL MJIC. Mtta 1 17th &: ORANGE. C!.M. TOp 1Joal' Cll tbls new exdttna: to Pete er Momma'• Prett.J Call 5&2572 2 BDRMS. .. $llO aft 1 ~ drfp, Mature pndeman. f1Ma w/w ept1. drpc, frpL tnod, mtPLE Garqe. ~ or location. ground Door, oab' bul1Qea. write includ!rw: Boy. He w1ll ~peat his ad-AL'S Gardentne S • r v 1 c:e , Neu ScbooL Prtv. prage . patio. elec. bltns. 2 Cu ql.e. lJOCI), p:i !.1o. Nr. $&'.I. 1TI6 Orange. 548-:'Ml telephone number: PrHi--dress. Reward. SC?--3431., Lawn m1inflonlnce, l'arOO> : !HS w. 11th SL &l&-atO cozy 1 BR hoult, "'1k to llilboe 4300 pr PoOl $27S. gc.1219 0r.nge County Al r port, 300 c.. Ft Office dent, Cal.or O>ordinatea 633-45lS hie 6 dun UPI< M&-3S:B beach I; downtown. New -' ~ ....,.. • Corp.. 235 Fifth Ave~. LOST: Male doi, ~ and 3 BR Boue. 1 BA. Qpt.. carpets A paint Small yud. OZAN BadwQ-Allt&. GOLD Medallion 2 BR, 2 Coat& Ml:1&.. 646-2130 New York. New Yark, 10016 bnm, Daisy cut, name EXPER GARDENER ~ & •loYo. F.,_ yanL v.,., ni.,. AvalL April lit All utll Ind 115 "" JIA. cpll, "-him.. ettL WANTED lnd.,trlal ~tel •-FRANCHISE "Butfy" VI<: Balboa P•nn. -Japanne "'11abl<. MS-190'{_ 536-3501 315 E. Ba1hoa Blvd. pr. '230 Hilaria Way. Sl&5 Garage for boat atonp, NB ~ SPECIALI STS ~! m. &!we l...a.M, Mon -Sat m-o'I~ SMALL 2 BR home $9'.l/mo. &PAC 4 Br. 3 Ba. Nr BALBOA 81S-9945 lae. (21.S) 911l·'1039 or CM area. 673M34 FOR lease Lqw1a Niluel, Franchise opport\£llitle1 avail-Bal. AdultJ.Chlld OK. 5B3 Plum-Bnxlkhunt A Paclftc Cout 1 BR. Fum. Apt. Avail £ut. I n t lluff 5242 ott San Diego Fwy at Crown ab!e loc&Dy I: nationally. $100 REWARD -2 Flufty C•rp1nterl"1 mer st. 5CJ..32J9 Hwy. $275 per mo, tub-er week" only. lncom• Property 6000 Valley, new commercial A Ca.sh investments required, ~ kittens/ l<tt:am, 6$90 BR. $1'5.. Crpta. b'I tncd leue. ~at Call m&l5 e NEW DELUXE e industrial unita. Delta EJiec. ~e 1 r om $10,000 to 1-tnY· No questions asked. CARPENTRY fl'd. 924 VM=tmia, CM. 3 BR. 2 BA. neu belA S Br. 2'19 bL apt for 1eue 6 UNITS trlc. Days -831.-10':1. EVet Sl.00,fm, Eammp mmmen-891-.9102 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job Shown Sat/Sun. 21!/~ No dilldrta. P25 per mo. Lido Isle ~ 4'51 IncJ. spae. mstr. lllitl', dtD -499-4198. ;surate wttb price o1 buaine111 3.:;,u;:..:.:::1;:.,.tun,,,-rofi=""-==:.·: I Too Smail. CablDtt 1n Pl" 2 BR. bouae, $tll Pu mo. Reta. 90-1005 -rm. ls dbl. praee, anto. AD 2 Bedroo with Built Ina 2000 SQ. ft. M·l tpaee wtth ~lect.ed. pad, vie Newport Blvd bJ qn A o th• r cabinet&. 1st Ir Lut mo'• rent req'd. l·BDRM., utiL pa\d; gar., door opener avail. Pool I: ma • !ront office; drive in rear To c:ompanles desirous of Jloag HospUaL Reward. 5681'15, U no answer leave i + $25 On dep 646.m95 '.!!" !!:;~ Cf~~:: 1 adult, no pets. $150. Mo., , rec. area. N.r. Cathalle n..1.~ !:!':: i!!~ "'" doo.r, UCB [.(ipn St. C.M. developlns francbhe pl'I> 646-6536 eves. lnll st 6'6-23n. H. O. • ' Ddate ~........ )'l!arb'• 673-(137 J:vf, Qiurcll I: acbool fi CoJ'ona '-''UJ .,.,.,, • e •'"" .-erarm, We e&D provlde: lea. Andenoa OLDER f BR, $100 per mo. del Mar JHab. Mo. wm sell or exchange $195 rno. ~ albWty Jtudiea. complete de-LOST: Pt. Shep/Collie, tan. Lr& yard. ._.IO Huntington INch 4400 e ONLY $280 e for amall house, Cotta Mesa, NOW LEASING -Nno M-1 vdopment ol package, mer-U 1009, old, female, V l c. ===-==== * 548-6131 * f ountlln Valley --..... "· ,1_. W•• N.B. Huntington Beach area. Industrial 1350 1quare: feet. .. '-••••u-4.... _ _..,.~"-* Bal Island f37S..1144 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS , QUIET & BEAUTIFUL N•~ .. ~--· WALKER & LEE J.lr. Levine 1155/mo. Ag<nt 612.!fS ~ ,,,.;;:"""-' • · · CABl!IEl'S, Any -lob. • l BR bouR, cb.l1dru ok. HOUSE wml POOL Adulll only 2 Br utlL -·'" Income &: Investment Dept. P·-a•-..... ,.. 25 yn. exper. 548-6713 ·, WaM pd. $1S5. 2188 CaJ'O'Oft Beaut home; 3 Br. 2 Ba. ; ·• ...,._ ,._ d I Mli 5250 Fo.r further info. contact ... _., ,. - Or .... I!, CM........., -Pool. M?-2125 --· • r 5<>9'51 Lob. 6100 UNIVERSAL MASTER ..,,... .... $< .., . -. dol Mir 310-' =~';'~,:,..lrpliiss ~ l~T~~s ";~I ~ ~'! 1~::.J:75N::. = Lot FRANCHISE "=.'.:? .N.:, ~ =.... "':°"'~ Rcpaln. ' 2 BR 6 -. Rtd. pool ~ , Ball, Anaheim. • Commen:lal EXCHANGE County. Leun -to look CLEAN ' BR 2 bl. bit-Im, pool lft'V. Incl. 9C-49l5 802 Knoxville, Apt D, H.B. 1'o: •rt• 13 UNITS. f yearw old. Mx140 wtth eood potential on 1S1.7 WeltclJtt Dr. SUlte 21D )'OU1" best :n just a few C-.nent, ConcNfl 6600 trple., dble p.n.ee. $230/mo. lagun• lffch 3705 e 536-2914 e $21,360 yearly lf'OSI· 15% West 19th St., Costa Mesa. Newport :,~ ga.m) ~ = ~ ~ ~ CEMENT Work. no job too " Owne.r Act. 5t6-M80 2 BR, view, mnodelled, Garden Grove 4610 ON Tm AOtES ~&O ~;i" ,.;x=~ A :.kl& Fre d OPPORTUNITY ol the ltucilos. ::!: H~·~e : Mell V•rde 3110 .. "-b cp•'"., bltins. Unf. l A 2 BR. 1'ul'1I A Unfm!l ~ County Land. Call m U Pft'manent re 1lde11 t to Ml-9487 C-BeD" Coa:meties ' ' .,.... ,. SINGLE Younc Adults Lux· Frplcs I prlv. patios/Pools. Mr F M 388 E. l7tb st, C.M. deliver national brand of A I E rt * CONCRETE work. Bond· BR. Fam/DUI attL 1ncd 1195. tum. $250. 49t-974I my prden apta with coun-Tennis -Cantnt1 Bkfst. put-~uter ~~or Ellta~ Realtors 646-7755 lnatant cottee to nitabllllhed ~~::Gv;,0~ =~ Lklemed. Concrete yd; dbl 1rplc. B mo l..axt. Dupln:n Unfum. 3975 try club atmoephere: and tinr lft"n. investment dept. 546-2313 11.000 OOWN on -~1 local major hotel/motel ac-dancer will teach )'OU all Phllli "-t ••• ~•• . wtr pd. Avail UL 5f0..3955 complete privacy. SOU'I1I 800 SN Lane, OW ~XU EW FOUR PLEX ,.,...,.. c•.. COWJbl. Must have ear, l!'X· latest steps. Call Arddl ps ....,wen ~ '> l========'=;INEWPORT hlan:I Deluxe BAY CLUB APT!. 13100 (MaeArtbutm.a.st:Hwy) *N • * Oceanvlew lot Laruna etianrereterence1andhave 2u. S9l-t538l·lOPM Custom L•ndsc•pl"I N-rt INch 3200 upper Duplq J Br. 2 Ba. Cha ...... ,. Aw.. G a r d • n Near beach, Huntlnlton Beach. Balance $ 4' 9 5 O • cub investment of $3,950.00 · BEST IN CONCRETE 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I G~(Tif) f36..3)30 2 BR. Cbnn. Ocean a1de of Beach. $65,900, M'l-3957 payable $50 mo. including (!'leCUrf:d by tmentory). EX-YOU Must be acene tn be e 646-l234 e It ~ : ~c/ ~ec Hwy. New c:rptl, pry patio. -interest. Owner. ( 114 \ CEPI'IONAU.Y HIGH aelected. We need p«Jple -~..:..,.::.;:.:=.:..,..:..,._ B/B A!:.. ... pci.. ~....: 47ft• M•-adults only. SlllO. Busl-Property 6050 <97-lllO EARNINGS. Penon ot all .... tot In -• CONCRETE -oil TOWNHOUSE 6G-3U5 Laguna leach -~86 FANTASI'IC Ocean:view lot aetecteci will rec:etve tor bit parts tn commert., ~se~deckl •Cllltom.: AT'I'RACJ'IVE. dean l BR. HUGE 1 Br., cpts, drpa. Professional $6500. Small, but level, t horo u rh c:om pany moviuA:TV826-M60 Split Lntl S bdrma,.: m.thl RENTALS neu beach .1: town, near stave, m. Best area, view. $1,00'.I down. balance at $75 Cllidance. Thll busineaa wW DON'T let another Jondy e BEST IN CDNCREI'E Pouble 1 • r •re, carpets. Anta.. Pv Jthld new. $145 be. $2882 $175. 673-(j904 Aft 5 per mo. 497-lllO produce an immediate In-weekend p t,1 SUc:ceed in Walka, pool decka. floorl. dn...... ..,,.,,..,., • .. .. -""=--m----1 Med1'cal Bu'1ldlng TRIPLEX lot 18th A <Om• ... m"Y "' handled da .... without really ........ Pltloc. Phone 6'US14 built-Ins.. ADULTS ONLY •• G.ner•I 4000 RENTALS lhlbo. ~ Wallace, CM. $9,850, trm&. spare or full time. For Lacuna Beh 49l--4f79 e CUSTOM PATIOS e '" •• ••' • M::." ;.!265"'Y month. .&ntt.. Unfu rnished 3300 IQ It, 4 S\Lltes on Mr. Fisher, Box 21. Bil pel'90nal interview pleaR * Selective Singles * concrete •win& I: removal .... RENT -:r:=; GRACIOUS Adult Uvtn&. c:holce comer In desirable Pint', Cal 93513 writ~. including p ho n e Companionship, Sincerity State Llc. • 842-1010 Bay & leach ' Rooms Fumfture Gener•I SOOO Ocean 6: Bay view. SpacloU1 area. Immediate occupancy LAGUNA woodsy view lots, number to Bax Ji.t-t76, Daily IntroducUon1 Confidential 6610 RHlty, Inc. $25 Month 2 BR. ' BA., walk In $9',000 • °'"'""'' """' und-utll. pVt. 16.950 Pilot (25-551 -5-lD PM I _c_h_l_ld_C_a_ ... _____ I 9Q1 Dover Dr., NB S\l.lte 221 VEN DOME ~-= =:i: wm t'XChange. and $9,250 . .f.94..9748 ''LITTLE BUSINESS'' COUPLES, sln&:le11; }onely!' MOM Wishes sirl 3 Ir: 6 ~2'COO Eva. sa..6966 JtJU. OP'n!X'i TO BUT fo tt.nam.. Sllbterranean 'nlE FOX COMPANY 3 ADJ. k>ts; room for 11 • Operate from yoor home Nn In area? We have your yn:, fl tlme days, my borne, (Rdricera.b:n Available) ... '.__ _ _ 2863 E. Cout Hwy, CdM' um"-333 E. 2ht Sl, Costa • Full or part.time kind ol exdtementl Bet Brookhunt A Adlml, ALK to ocean, 4 BR. 2 BA. 6 ><old. A·lrlmc bomt. w/fz1ilc. crpta thnaout. Bick to c.omm Cube boaR w/pool 6 te!mla court. $330 mo. Ewa A wkm m-7'84, da1' - No deposit o.Lc. IMMACULATE APTS! 1 ~~~-~·~·:=·~==~~~1;613-91915;;;;.~~o;r~~"';,-;;; I .~M~..._~~~Owner~~......,,~~~-~-I • High urn1np e 6.15-9291 e H.B. 9S-0543 Fum:::.'.f~ali ~T ~~~ Lido l1le 5351 LAGUNA MOT EL 6200 ' : ~...::: ~ REDUCE Sal•, o!mpl•& tut --1-.. -,-Cb-ot-drc--n,-.,,--• ~• W 'Int~ ,..u-o:-•-SECTIONS AVAILABLE ACN... e ~---~"-i.·-'-witb GoBeae tablets only home, ntpt or day. Hot "'' • ...,..., '""""' _,_.~ UPSTAIRS 2 Br 2 bL b2tm. Prlmt location, 27 older uzrlls 1 ;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;::;;;;;~;;;;; I•:=;: ::_~~~n'•"' "'...... 9Bc. Cr a w t o rd• 1 .RX meals. Si&-3390 C.M. 1581 w. i...in, Ao1a n.-CIMI 19 Shopplnt, Park ~. -....:. 1225 Mo. 01. ...... Jot. Groal tr own--uo~~ -· p•--a.ta,._ 1225: Deluxe 2 BR. 2 BA • -3 Br'~ 2 ea ;rl; ~ ~ .,,_, ..,... ..Wty. NORTH OF compl•te ......... '~"'"""· c...tr..,.,. '620 Cando. Plano, l1'fto avail. e 2 Bedroomai SUBMIT ALL TRADES e For ln!ormation MASSAGE by &We or Chrlll Apl1J lit-53Hlll!O '9 Swim Pool, Put!.,... $400 OR U)W OOWN PAYMENT ESCONDIDO e C.U: ......, .. ovn. for complote ttlaxatlon. Addltlonl * Rcmoddlnc ~ BEACH RENTAL e Frpl. Ind!Y/lndry !ac'll HunH..,., _., RICK ALDERETTE APP""'-'4 A<:ftS, rulling e BEAUTY SALON e l143< e.ach Blvd., HB Fred IL Gc,..kk, !Jc. 2 BR_ '160/mo. $95; Bachelor apt doee 1145 An.helm Ave. Re•ltor hlllll: beautiful aettlnr, can N. end Lquna Beach, air 847-6111 6'73-8M1 * 5'f,J-2110 : Propertiel Wn t ~=~d, COSTA MESA &«2-282-4 EXCWSfYE 170t N. Ross 714/SC7-M69 bl'! plant~ 1n Avocadol or eond. g stations establtlhed, ALCDHOLICS Anorlymous 1'""""'",,,';~;;;;;;;,,..,.,...,.1 ;:::;:;;A:;;;---bold fo.r appreciation, Anx-finest equip, ample p&rlcins. Phone 542-7217 or wrl.tt' to C1rp1t CIHnl"I 6625 t Clot•-. 4100 !120: L<Mly l BR, """'· ON·THE·BEACH Buolnna Rental 6060 tous ..u., ta ulcine 159 ..... $6500. 0w .... ......,, • P.O. Boxl.223C..taM.... . 3 BR l'OOL HOME. 1 bloclc 1 --'---'-'-'----""'11. wall .. wall A patio 2 & 3 ladroom Apll. 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 110% Down -In-""" -.. -·· PROFESSIONAL Rus ... 1roni beach. No P8l'k1nl $25 Wk. Up Broker 53U980 Luxury ~ to pi-tbl HUNTINGTON BEACH on balance. For more ln!or-IF You wouJd like to be Announcem1nh . 6410 Upbollt.ery CJean1ns. Top ,: ~~Dan~ MM!U e Studio 6 Bach apta. 120. 2 BR. btt.Jns 1DOlt dllcrlmimtlnl· ~ =~:leue c:aD K. w. in ~u for yolU'lelf. In. ATTENTION quall~~~~ ~ •~===....,,.....=,.,.-_ e Incl Ut1k A -...,., wa11 ·to wall. Utll paid. .. allablo •t GOLD KEY SUITES Eckhoff & Anoe., Inc. v.,t;pte lhe many op. EX-NAVY MEN 64M003 'or .,,.. ..._ :: BAYVIEW Boautr, 2,000. 3 • Maid s.m ... TV avalL -""""" lhe Hunll-'•n Exacutlve & S.111 portunitift with a. .. out ... old ........ .. BR. w/all the amenitla. •New Cafe A Bar ,._,,. Offices 1818 w. Qiapman Aw. C.Belle Cosmetict 541--9487 and he1p out a rood cause. CARPET I: Furn. dean1nc; ; Puol. ..,u, ,.dnr.132'16'5-llll 23?1 Newporl Blvd. MS-9755 Colla -5100 Oranp, call!. Ct1fE SPOT, Pina, chlcnn. Give your old unlfonm (Oft. "" 1 da,y R?VI"" 6 quality ' HOLWAY PLAZA m * Air-coDd & util1 S41.261J., Eve1-wknds S3B-S9TI flab, frozen bananas. &Z lcera I: Enlisted) to the Sea--work, ~ Stertlq 1or ; NfWpOrt H•lthb 3210 DELUXE. -l-Bdnn. Pacific * earp.ta 6 <1rps 0 ,1 Norte County to oporot•. T.,,,... m-1m Scouu. N...i bl...._ ..,...., """'""'"· "2-8520 -•n•-·a 2 o.-.a.. • Furn. apt $135 Plus utll. NEWLY DECORATED * RecepUon Rm Ntoar1abu10U1Klamath Riwr sea-hap. etc. 642-5169 C IL I & ~ t.th :;:am 1• Heated pool. Ample parkin&: 2 Br. w/carport--$100 m Ocet.n Ave., H.B. * Oeanin( A malnt 1n heart ot the Redwood Na-Real E1t1te Loans 6340 NOT Responsible tor any arpe iy "I ' =...... .-_ ... ·-~ .. w_ No c:hildftn. No pets Dlsp, _ water pd. • nr lcllla fll·" ir...1cr Telephone Anlwerbc Ii ... _ than Rep11r 6626 ! .... ti""_ ... _..... ..,...<AIUl:I 2194 "C'' Pla U ~ _,,, tlonal Park. Call G 1 en HOME LOANS ~~~~~UK:IL., u-~•-""J·. own l-----..;..---I Com. Meu.0.:. to abop-1965 Pomona. CM cen a Ave. Secretarial ~ avail Tbomp!Jon (n4) 532--253B Or-"........," naiuu• • C\RP!:I'S (nylons, 1YOOlt, J11nc .. put. Nicely $125 MO. DIL Mobll Home, • 636-4120 • T own & Country anst. Calif'. or write Harold MONli:Y AVAILABLE polyesters,) Vinyls: and TIJ.. ltnd.,.ped yard. cownd comp. furn.; htd. pool. NEW 2 BR, 1 BA, crpta, Shopping Cent •r Del Ponte, Box 35, Klamath, CaD '°;" ~I: on 2nd~ Cemet•,Y Lots 6411 es, Lat~lt ity1ni and colon. . patio , very qutet Adultl onl,y, no pets. drps, all bltns lncl dahwr, Spanilb ltfle, ahq carpet. CalU. 95548 rates or 1---~-----Commercla1andResldeblial. ~ $195 pr. mo. Fcu:r Stuont Mobil Estates RP patio, tep pr. $155,. lng, RU cleanlng ovena. U582 &ach Blvd. 20 ACRE level qriculture ~ Oran&e County tor ~!etes.!1!~. ~ar:!'°= Expert tnstallatlon. • AvallahM fer lmm@diatt oc-2lM Newport, CM. 541-6332 Avail April L ..._.,,? private enfra.J)ce A private Cat ED.ls) Htmtington Bc:h I nd ~· lronk-us J~ 'J BLANKINSHIP FLOORS • 962-6607 a vuu .._" an · · Sa.ttler Mortp.ct Co. Inc. Have deeided to die and ' cupaney, Wrtt. Box 6l2 e/o MODERN FURN 2 BR Slr.G-2 BR. New lndlv units, 1'UDdedm. Adult living, near Hwy -40 nr Reno, Nev. 33&-E. 17th SL be buried e 11 e where. W..lfCl 541).1262 .: Dau, Ptlot Maplo by .. -. Pool. lrplco, doh.,., """'· drps, -1 • ' BR, • BA ,.,,,~s~T~O~R~E!!S!!A!!L!!S~o!!!!.. 54"-2'09 "'1-21?1 ~ ....,781 E==,=1====.= .. ft .. NICE l bdrm lO respon long Sharp, Bltnl. No pets. $150. adults, no pets. from $140 to $190. I:.'. ======,-r==-Eva. 6'13-'7165 642-U.571===-==-..,,=....,.·t lectr Cl -- term. adlt tenant:L $225. No u-. 646-6974 S61 E. 18th 8t 5ft..S3tO ~...c::'l WANTED To rent by exp. ReMrt Pro-rty 6205 -=========!FOUR cemetery otl a 1---------1 5 1513 01.H •. .., 111 ~al\ cook, small cafe or beer r--Harbor Rest Memoti&J Park EL E CTRIClAN L:cenad, ~5411--~ pm, • Naaau Palms • MODERN 2 bd, 1% k, All ~ rest., or concen.lon, beach. FOR RENT Furn Mam.moth Mortgl ... , T.D.'s 6345 in BJue Spruce tectton. Call bonded. Small Jobi Malnt. c. ..... del Mir 3250 CKAltBCING 2 Br. 2 Ba.; fl'pl., new ahl.r cartp'r .. wood panellna; beam cell., patio; clo.e to lhopplnc I: beach. PIO Mo., yr. leue rn-MS6 1 &: 2 BR. • Pool elec. Crpta, drps. GE k1tch, 19822 Brookhurrt Box M 664 Daily Pllot Mou n tat n Condominium *HA VE $60,000. Private mon-U s..3075 Ii: ttpal.r. 548-Mm · rn E. """ St -i:nct. ear. nr bus. 1140. Adi ts. ~tat No. ol Ad..,.l B I boa Island .i.,. .. & 6754130 •Y .... ..,, wanm to ..., .... G rd I BACll apt, 1pl. beam cell, Mgr. 124 E. 20tb. <n4l 962-29Bl a 90ned lat • 2nd ro.. Re•· Auto Tranaport 6445 a •n n1 w/w t'Pta". prtv. paUo, l Adlt. 2 BR, patio. CUpets. dnpe1, $1.50 w.w. c:arpeL Mount. & D ... rt 6210 bJ d1tco -4 no pets $95. 673-7829 ~Nice-quiet l.l'eL Near CHEZ ORO ...... ..,,TMENTS Rltr. 642-955.S aorua e wit. Co I RIDE wanted from E-tide ANTHONY'S ,......"""' Sattler Mortp(:e • ne. C.M. to vie: Dyer Rd I: Garden Service 1-BR. .undeck A p.n.p. No Mmi.te VlstA School. 548.&Ba. B23C Atlanta Offl R• I 6070 5 A. Nr. Hemet. Hidea..,,.., 336 E. 17th St ,,.,,,_ s A. • • 30 -••• u•1 pets.' 174 Mopte Vista. Cotta LGE. tJnfum. bach. b!t-ln New, 1·2 Bedroome--Pay ee nta 3,000' el. Wtr, pme $5500. 642.21TI 5cs.oon M:"~ fii. MG:~ iww.• BUDGET~~ING Meu. ranae. cpta, drpl. ~ electric only LAGUNA IEACH $55 Dn. ~mo· I-ID .A..M. Evts. 673-1865 642--US7 ====c:..c:...:.:;:;.__ .,~ .. ........, ,...., ........ Prune ••• Plant ••• Prlpare 66IO · FURNISHED small oport. 28115 M""'°'" .... A. C.M. -· °' -•••• Air Co nditioned aat 1'% R>:111RN SERVICE DIRECTORY Monthly Ma1ntmw>co 2 BR. dllplu; ftdec. W/W ment 275 ~. Call 2 BR,. cpta, cfrl*o blt-lns, ~W~Dryen ON FOR.ml AVENUE $30,000 lit TD, S300 mo, in· Exp. HartSculturllt cpll, drps, ..,.., ..i., 1p1. ottor • PM. 63-22%7 cbd pr + plq:. l llO mo. va """" o..o opac.. ovallablo lo BUSINESS and eluding 8%, 3 yn. Level lobyolttlng 6550 AlLEN BROS pr., patio. Adulti, no pets, 1 BED RO o !it $80 + acDbl orey ~ NEW API'S 1« .rent .1 blocks Mwett oroe. buU41ne at FINANCIAL hilltop, mq:nificent ~an BABYSITI'ER GAIWmERS STUDENTS LR. $210. 673-4989 parUalJy fumll5hed, older SPUT·Level 3 Br. 21n ha., from beach. 2 Bdrn.u. 3 prime k>cation ill downtown lus. OpportunltlM 6300 Vlew. Laree cuh down, Fenc:ed yard_ Meall lncluded. working their way thru ODl-j..=;;;::=:::,"'==== I man pcdm'ed. ~1440. cpta, drps, bllnl. No pet:L Bdrm. Cptl. drpl, N.t-lns:. Lqmia BMc:h. Air condi-1-----------•trona: bu)ler, 18% dilcou.Dt Week di.YI only. Vlclnl.ty lep. Experifo.nced, lict1'11d. Huntington _., :l400 ========= 2885 M•-CM 51>"'21 -• patloa. ~19 -..,.....s. -CANDY SUPPL y retu ... 111' lnt .... c H-"~--.. s·-~-St, S.4. REAS! -4200 ' paneled parddoniq. T w o 49fi..113S ............,. -r * < BR. 2 BA. cq>ll, drps, I--''------2 BR-•tudlo. uni. Cpll. Drpo. Laguna INch 570S .,......,, n.atao '° ROUTE ,,_ 136-"612 TAKATA patio. Leue $23S. BEACON BAY $95 mo tU blt·lna. 9M El Camino. $14 Forest An-. rear tea.di to (Part or Full Tbne) $.5500 la! TD ~ m.grrlficent COSTA MESA PRE son., JAPANESE NURSERY &M-.227T July L 90.f4IO 100 CLIFF DRIVE' Mandpal puk:lns loU.. '50 Excellent Income for Few ~anv1ew ievtl lot l n ~· U, operi 6:45-S:CS pm, 546--0T2t. Cmnplete rudenlnl SOCK ITTO 'EM! Call 5Cl-I05 a.ft 7 p.m.. DAD...YPllDI'WANT ADS! LUXURY EURN/UNFURN pw montb tor Qaee. Dtsk Hr1. Weekly wo':"_..~_?.1' ~~napay8:~1~h.at ~ ,,!1 llc'd, plnd pto1ram. lel'\1cl. Headquarten fo.r l=='======:::..==:=:========!.:=::=;=o==::==::; Yeub' Leut. 1 • 2 Bdrma and ehatn a•allabl1 b' $5. Ews.l relilllns .,.,... ""'"'C\;•• . • • · SG-8303 all )IOU!' nutHry nttd1. ~ B··~--•--..... ---1 .. -M........., from Coln ()per-incl 8% due 3 yrs. 494-1137 J•nANESE r-~· ltePll to Shot-e A .,.._ uaul'I'• _. v-.. ,. -·-e1 .7'=~====-==ICHILD care, &II,)' ap llll' .ru-""'""'ner, com-<>ce.msew b'om fYtr7 A;IL 9f!nl'lca evall.a.bl1 tor $10. atf'd Dispensen In Orange LARGE OCEANVIEW LOT h 0 me • S 2 5 .,.. eek , pletl yard amrice, free tn:im $150 mo up. 1eue All aWlUN pad ac:ept County a n d •urroundllll $2,000 dO\\'T\, balance $7500 Teacher/mother 645-01.56 estimatis. ~l.332 8 2449 talephcne. area. No selllnf. (Handles at S75 mo lncludln1 8~ · 2 BR on high drtw, w/w cptl, stove a: refrl&: opt. Walfo:r Ii; TV cable pd. $128 per ruo. + $25 cln. dep. Adultli only, no pets. LelUI only. Aval! Mar. !6th. Clll DAll.Y PILOT Namt Brand Candy and Fully Unproved _ un-ClllLD Catt, vie PauJarlno JAPANESE Gardener m FORrnr AVGiU'l Soackl) Sl650 total cash re-derground uUls. 497.1210 . School, CM. D~ or nia:ht. Complete S • r v ~e e • Ex· • •GUNA n ... ~,..., -..1-..1. For rnol'I! inform.. =~~i%°~5J:;;-::---: 1 ~51~9-i19~'8~-:;::c;-::::-;:.= pcrtenced.. Reliable!~ &-" ~ 'I .... ~ 19% YIELD! 491-&MS tlon and detalla. lelld Name, $20,000 2nd TO w/ discount WEEKLY cbld or Inf. care e JAPANESE GARDENING Excl usiye Addftu, and Phone Number brlngi 19%! 10~ 3 ,,...nio My Home. SOc Hr. Hrs. Service Cleanup, Landlcl~ 1 to: mo pymt all due U/30111. '6 N.B. 67S-6C! inc· 531.7034 a.rt 7 p.m. "ROtrrE DEPARTMENT'' 494-3964 BABYSITI'ING My home, JOHNSON'S Gardening SUY. ANh< Plm,.O. ~ 92803 Paularino I: Fairview area. Finest equlp, expert yud Mon•y Wanft4 4350 cau 546-S.583 c.?tf. c:are! Reu1 96:2-2035. lrr;.:3.-. .,... pvt leisure World Area PlUo. quid. couple « lady. .. ..... !ISO i..... 325 Seil Beach Loc\lltflWlO!I ----'-'----1 Ultra modern. dtlu.xe office Ill.AL ESTATI -·I 1u1t11. l<D> sq. n., walnut pammr.. (Just oH San DJ. 5990 ............ Loo Alamltol) _R_an_t_•ls_W_a_n_i..i___ at J.1320 ..,. Blvd. MAKE MINE COUNTRY SI'YLE On I: oU a.le liq. Ue. I11 hea.rt of No. QI.it, Bi& timber CDW11rf, Taw.m, Hotel, bu.re balJroom w/eep. bar. Banquet or Stk 1-19e. Fae. )oc. ia Otfllet of •mall town •/major EMPLOYED Wb wllhN l awm.W lndultry. Xlnt tnm. BR unturn Apt, beam area Al!O 488 1q, ft. a'v.11, In mod-Una A flshlng. Price ild. to $1.lG. Carport or PRP ern oU!c:t bldl. al 4105 E. land, bl d I 1. and C'!C(mt nee. 642-3* aft/ 5 p.m. Brondny, Lonr Beach. $1 ':'9,000, $50,000 dn plu.s ln- EMPLOYEO lady wouJd like vtnlory. Will st:nd full llvtrw ~ in exchanp Contact Dohn Trtmpala p&rtlculan upon rec. }~in. b p/llinl o::m~ 414 • 131'-370 !lbl.tement. consider trade NB l.ftll, 873--L'60 n"S A ri.EVEl.ATlOH tbt tot IOO'I be1ch prop, \Vtit.e e LANDLORDS e ...., ~ JOU lllld In Box M66!, Dally Pilot Bia, FREE RENTAL SP.!RVICE OecUkd .. a.de them Owner. Bn*lr ~ now! •I Dl=a1,..mstm==,..,.,.,."""~=="'Ts ,, _________ , M·-0-NEY--W-a-,-, .-d-.--.,.-.1 UCENSED dq care. Pref a.EAN·UP Spedallal! Mow.. perie.rttd, a 1lr111 s I v e , wld1 "' yrs. Rot lunches. ~,{~~ ~ ll&h1 honest, hard \Wl"klnc 'am-balarlced activities, ~JS.l9 ~"=---~~;,;;;;::;:,,;;;,::;;:.._1 hltloul .,'OnWl fcr uNque BABYSITTING ~ home, & LAWN SERVICE beer lavetn In O.acb area.. 1ide c.M. Prefer .,'ffkly, lttow-edef'-vacuum &ply Box M 664, DaUy * 5el557 * Ll M646 after 6 PM PUot. WILL B&bl&lt In my borne. EXP. GARDNER Wft1c ~ Mid-aee Jap&neM, Reliable. ANNOUNCEMENTS * -* Mon. to Sal ll3>-07ll5 and NOTICC.l!;S~--1~~===== -lo•t Found (f,.. Adol 6400 Mllnltnanco 6SSS -ONE Corton now ........,., MARINE MECHANIC lllpfl. Identify. !46-99-'6 Day I: Ni&ht ~C@. l''OUND Yn, Solid .,-ey malt BAL. BOAT RE NTALS cat v.·/ ('(Illar. ~7 nq Edaewwiter DAILY PILOT WM<r ADS• Bal"°' Qollf. - B"RJNG R.mJLTSt Robt. Schweltztr 613-40'il) ci.n. .. 1 Some. 6612 YARD Cleanup , 'J\'te AttVlce, MW I • w n •• sprinkle.rs, rototlll. 64G-5MB JAPANESE Gardentr, orp, rt!lablc. ?t.talntionance. Reas rno. rates.~ • • ' '• I ~ " . ' " ' " " ' ' '• • f1r ... "If * * 'OIS & IMPLOYMINT -Job Wanlod, Lady 7020 ' JIOUSECLEANIN<VW o.,y work. 5 di,y&. ltetnenoe .. ........ DENTAL aul.atant trainee. &:bOot trained. * ~17 . Domettlc Help 7035 ' Ceor.,. Al.ic'n Byland ~ocy . __ ,.,, Empkzytr Pa.ya Feie -.... _ 1Q6.B E. 16th. SA MT-0395 ,..., ' OIINESE Couple, avail im· Whoddya Wan t? Whoddya Got? med. Superb chefs, drive1. SPECIAL CLASS IFICATION FOR $800. Agcy. 642-8703 NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Chinese live-if!I. OM!erful Special Rite ,,.,...,,.,,. E<perlenced 5 Linet -5 times -5 bucks Far Eut Agt.ncy 64Z-8703 lltUl.ES -.-o MUlf tNCl.UOE 1-wntt \'OU ~w to ttHt. "-Wll•! 'l'OV ••M "' ,,.._ A1encl•, Men 7100 S-YOIJlt Ml-tllll/W l'ddAfa. t-.$ Uiws .r HV.rtitl~ .. I-NOTHING 1'011: I.Al.I! -Tll .. OE$ OHi.Yi PHONE 642·S671 Credit Reptr Tr ....... S600 To Place Your Tr1der's P•radise Ad Jna~M&r. des ••.•• to $700 BU)'U •••.••••• , • , • , to S725 ctear land, Laguna Beach,. Modern Comm1 Bl~. 6 Sales Trainee •.• , • • "80+ Solana Beach, Cs.rlsbad, stores nr Seat's develop-Merchants Per sonnel Lake San Marcos. Want ment, Covina. Trade for 2M.1 \Vestcllft Drive residential income or com-land, lnc-ome ot' '!' Owoer/ Lobby Otice merclal Broker 494-1330 Agt. 675-4044 eves 612--1559 Corntt 17th & Irvine HA VE: 10x50 Mobile home llAVE: New Spanish OU. Newport Beach W'/extr& 9x40' rm; P.1etal pl ex: 419 381h St. NB. &tS-2770 -54&-5685 top tent camper, self-cont .• $14,000 eq. + cash FOR slps 8. TRADE: for motor 3.5 well Joe. R-2 lols in 0 . Help Wa nted, Men 7200 home or ah-plane. 64&5184 Cnty. 673-6433, 675-5161 *INTERNATIONAL* Mammoth Lake• _ 10 Units ~EW '69 01"' 98 LS. 2300 plus large home on 1 acre. MFG. & DISTRIBUTING miles, Loaded, $5300 Li'lt Trade '" Y°"' °'-FIRM $6300. For first trust deed. -County property ar ? Salis-Private party. bury Realty 673.m.J> EXPANDING TO ..,.,.., ORANGE COUNTY San Fernando Valley 3 Br, Ranch almonds & walnuts 2 ba pool home $9000 cq; Pua Robles 80 acres. exc now lBed $275. For Orange NOW HIRING tax shelter. Want I o c a I CoWlty house or l<>t. PEmfANENT POSITIONS property. Equicy $66,00'.l. 5J6.8740 AVMLABLE WITH Pyramid Exclwigers. 2 M.1 tilt-up bldgs on Pia· ORANGE OJUNTY 646-2629 centia, C.M. Trade eqty ASSOCIATES WE need men to work 1n all 17 Ft. outboard for station ~.500. for Jand, plll."l T? depts. No experience neces-Price $150.000. wagon or auto of equal va]. 548-1"2 sary as we train. TOP STARTING PAY ue. Ph?ne 644-4687 3 BR l ~ ba, Monticello AUTOMATIC PAY RAISES What do you have to trade t Condo, <!pls/drps, blt·ins, 2 START WORK Llst lt here -in Orange pool'>, $3800 equity. Trade ThU.1EDIATELY County'1 larpst read trad-for 3 or 4 BR home, TDs, FOR INTERVIEW CALL ln&: po&t -and ma.1'e a deal, l'ar or '? Owr ./ Agt. S46-558ll ft10NDAY & TUESDAY * * * * * * 774-7253 SERV ICE UIJ<~CTOR l SERVICE DIRECTORY CAREER OPPORTUNITY! General Servic• 6612 Paperh1ngln9 -Painting 68SO Join t00ay1 f.utest growing GOLDENWESf Self-Service profeulon-Mutual Fund We1 1 L1t. u n d r y/Cleaners, 129 VINYL wall c o verin g No experience necessary-: Agate, Bal Isle. Open SUn-specialist. Klt, ba t ha. We train • fUU or part time d1:tys 9am to fipm. weekdays Material & labor, Est. Mutual Fund Advisors, 8am to 9pm. Saturday& Sam 847-1659 to 6pm. Inc. INTER or Ext. PAINTING. Npt B. 1003 Westclilf 642-6'22 HAULING. Oeanup garages, IMM.ED. SERVICE. Local S.A. 12U N. Broadway ooc; jobs etc. Free est. Jim ref. FREE est.. 548-1627 547-8331 548-5325, anytime EX'T/lnt. pntg. Aver rm. usm CAR e SECRET ARIAL Service! 120 + good paint, "''' WhDe you wait. IBM Exec. work, loc refs. Roy, 847-1358 N.D. area. 6«-2Ml LOT .ATTENDANT Japanese Garde ner Plastering, Repiiir 6880 Exper, compl yard service! lNT. Plaster, ext. stucco, dry Mwit have experience. Excel· Free estimate. MB-7958. wall taping. acoustic &/or lent company benefits and textured ceilings. 545-6003 working conditions. Apply in H•uling 0730 • PAT'S Plastering. AU person to Bob Rogalski. General. Hauling types, Frtt estimate. Call NABERS CADILUC & Cleanup ~ $10 per load. Free prage ~ing 6190 2600 Harbor mvd. cleanup for usable items. Costa J\.1esa Call Tom. 531.3757 PLUMBING " hr ..... UGHT Hauling aean-upg Work quar, lie, Ins, remod, Tree Removal. Real!Onable. repair, rooter Bel'V. 531-7566 FIREMAN 54>-5400 PLUJ\.fBING REPAIR $667 lo $809 mo • No job too small CLEAN Lots/garages etc., ·-dump skip • 00-3128 • AGE: 21-30 HEIGHT: 5'8" nmov, minimum WEIGIIT: in pot'-backhoe, fill grade. 96U745 Remodel., Rep•ir, 69.W portion to height. PHYSI- CAL REQUIREMENTS< HouseclHning 673S ARE YOU 'IitINKING ot }Ugh school Kl'8.duate, valid another room? Family nn? Calif, opcraton license, U.S. c~ windows, firs, Bedroom? O.n nn? citizen. File application at etc. Residen. or Comc'L Bathroom? .Activity rm? City Hall, 8200 Westminster Xlnt work Reas! Rel>. Patio rm! Library nn? Ave., Westminster, Calif.; 548--<lll Perhaps just moTe ROOM? befol'f! April 11, 1969, S p.m. WIUJAM'S CLNG. SERV. Plam • Estimates • Advice -(TI4) 893-4511 Ext. 205 Carpets-furn-compl hse. Gratus. And Apt clng. 642-8164 Lauterbach & ~soc. 314 E. 16th St. CM 646-1797 LEAD Income Tax 67.W It's almost spring & we koow •NIGHT COOK• that this ls the time!! H. K. C 1 art Acctg Serv. ROOM ADDITION • Apply in penon 1ncome tox. porronal or remodeling. Attract Ive buaineu, your home or olc. prlce1. Free estimates. Call REUBBt E. LfE 20 yrs. exp, loc rum. 546--0846 ~83 or 645-f1742 eves e The Tax Advisors Roofing 6950 151 E . Coast Hlghw•y Ye&r round ofc. 328 No. salesman. Newport Beech N\Vi! Blvd, N.B. Reas! A Roofer not a Call 645-0400 far appt. . Loak< stopped, oll lyp< Tax Serv. roofing. Ne\O' or repair work MECHANIC l\lACK HARRIS 9th yr., 3ll 7 R,cmevelt. guar. 536-8444 Journeyman mechanic, ex· perlence Foreign or Domes-C.P.1. Appointmtll, 54B-29n S.winp 6960 e INa:>ME TAXe tic. One o1 the oldest For- Done in )'OU? home • Dressmaking·Alterations eJa:n car aervice departmenhl SS And up. .... 2600 CUstom Designs in Orange Co. Flat rate &: ·-· warranty work $8.00 per INCOME Taxes """""' bo\lr. PAJ baaed on 50/50%. your home. Jong form com· Alte rationt-642·5845 Excellent -cont!" btned, $15. 494-342'.I • Neat, aceurate, 20 yrs. exp. Uoiu. Must have own hand Wal ter H. Fahrenholz P.A. tools. C8.ll Mr. Kelley, 494-- T ree Service 6980 Income Tax Service smor~ &12~ or 54~1398 eve JONES' TIRE SERVICE INOOME Tax Serv., Notary Ettate Maintenance ls expanding and requires Public. Ru.I. Eve!. 5'19-1340, Tr11 Service EXPERIENCED 2361 Z.nith, S.A.. Hts. T~ removal A trimming• e Tin! Service ?i1en Free estimates. • Front end and bralto Ironing 675S 1-fl.sJOO 842-2993 mechanics • Retail Salesman ' IRONING -80c an hour Company paid benef.ltl a.nd PleAse brlni hangers Ueholstary 6990 an opportunity for ad· Zil-B Avocado. CM 5C3-82'l7 LOOK * vancement * Apply: 2019 Harbor Blvd. Lendsc:aplng 6110 15 y!"ll. &erving Orange Co, C.M. See Mn. Jones ' Poor Man'• Friend BIG SAV INGS GARDENER FOREMAN, CllSTOl\f LANDSCAPl:NG CUSTOM Lexuna Beach U n i f I e d UPHOLSTERY School Dislrlct. J\.fust have * 646-1234 * ANO DRAPES 1-l yn gardtning or nunicry Masonry, Brick 6830 Our ot!M':r ~rviCH iaclude; exp. SalAry $488-$595. 8 • Carpel Installation hn/day, paid vac, hol:ldaya PRICE & QUAL ITY & sick k!1ve. Apply !.tr. * Carpet .t. RU&: Cleanina CUSTOM LANDSCAP1NG Your Ml lllfac:tion is Ray Lawtan. m1 J..,quna • 646-1234 • our mo111 important as!IC!l Canyon Rd, Laguna Bhc. Revo's Upholstery "4-<JllD 'P •perh•ftvlng Piif TIAI ,Painting 6150 3ffi Palm, 8lllbo& Penn. 673-2794 tJ68.<797 WE NEED 25 MEN WITll PAINTING ext·inL ·-· CZYKOSKl'S Cw<tom AlL TYPES OF WORK celling. L\c. Tns. 17 yn exp. u~ ..... E>sropf!11n BACKGROUND FOR PART Free eal 548-<6325 Cr1s f 11ma111 h Ip. 100'1\ TIME WORK 6:30 P.M. TO HOUSE PainUng. Quality At FJMO>Cing. 60--14.Sf. 1831 10:30 P.M. a. ta.Ir prict! Fret est. C&ll Newport Blvd .. C.M. TOP STARTING PAY Rldt. 645-ZZ?S \\'T. TRAIN !OBS & EMPLOYMENT •"OR JNTERVIEW CALL INT. I: EXT. Paintlll£. An MR. J.V.tES•· selL!IOn n.ln. f'rf'e t it, llc'd Job Wanted, Mtn 7000 f.10NOA Y & 11.lESDA Y & Ins. Call CMrllr.. 5-ls-<MO!i n4-rul PAINTING, Pi;_petlng 16 )In WRITER SEEKS in Haibor atta. Lie Ai bond-r,..mpornry Em.pklyment nm QUJCKER. YOU ~ ed. JWa f\Jm. 50--mti 642·164.l T11E QUIOCER YOU SEIL , I , ---,------------~~~·----..... ----~---------..~· II-Miid! 17 19111 DAILY mar 'JOtS~ a 1 t.MPLOY MENl 1o1u~ a RMPLuYlllm JOBS & IMPLOVMfNT JOBS & IMPLOYMINT 1015 & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOY-nT H•lp Wanted1 Men 7200 rf•'" W11.,ted, Men noo Halp W•n!M, Man 7200 Help Wan!M, Man 7200 Afenclet, Women 73CIO Aeencl••, Women 7* - MANU l' AC:l'lTRING HUGHES Jr. Stano/Secy $4U 1 want a J/inewport rosrA MESA MFG!!. Join & vital expand-Lile lh, ad. l>Phw. Exotl. super salesman who lfll Industry with the personnel b'>nefitll A -.......i. toremoat manutacbJr.. NEWPORT Work wlth pvqp or )'Ill ~ still isn't " •• automatic BE ACH agency a:irttl'I. vllvq and controls. J, R. ~rce Aaaoc. ~ satisfied IS GROWING 133 DOVER DRfVE 1885 Newport. C.M, MU120 • STOCK CUIK NEWPORT BEA.QI Despite plenty of bralns, energy and ambl-642-3070 Help Wantod We have poll.Dani avaUahle If Tiou are lt r••t-lion, the man I'm looking for hasn't hit the '" Women 7<IOO right combination yet. (5wl"ll Shift) eel n a n y of • fol· TOOL AND I ow in g positions I'm ready to offer him an executive sales EXPERIENCE NECESSARY pl•••• come In and SECRETARY opportunity 1n the combined field of llle ln· t alk to our coun1el--surance/mutual funds/investment counsel-CLA-VAL CO. DIE MAKERS or1. They wil l be lng. To individuals a nd to businesses. Rep. happy to I.II you $440. to $545. resenting a $3-billion company. With a train· 17th &. P lacentla with lnjecUon mold e.~ the ,.rtlculars ••• ing salary up to '1000 a month plus oppor· Costa MeH lence. Xlnt. opportunity for sharp tunities for additional income. And pl'06pects Job description, lo- 541-2201 young girl. Elect. typewrlt.-hi~h In the fiv .. figure bracket AUTOMATIC c a t I o n , benefits, 1horthand. Advance-An equal opportunity "· r this sounds like you, call Messrs. Hays etc. rnent oppty. or Nalle, 542·5623, or vmte B<>x M-503, Daily employer SCREW • * Accountant PUBLIC ACliNCY Pilot. I'd like to hear from you. ' $700 EPF• COASTAL INOUSTRIES MACHINE Profit ana..l,ylls, cash flow FULL BENEFITS analysts, preparatory J-IOW would you like to aha.re * NOW HIRING bu~t work. Must have in the excitement ot Pf"> WAITERS $480 PER MO. OPERATORS strong background and Call Mr. Sylvtsttt, 540-2910 ducina and distributing a * Labortn per10nallty to become or 962-2411 Mon. thru Fri. d&Uy newspaper! We haw controller. oruy. an openinr for a beginner, BUSBOYS * Truck drivers with ability to do 11etupe: on prtfen.bly in ru. twe.nties, * Sldll«I Tomos or Brown & Shatpea. Dictaphone s.cty who b ...,...i.., am· Immediate openil'lp. !:xpm. * SemHkill!d 5515 APF" . . ' bltious and willing to v.'Ork ence neceuary. Expand~ NO EXPERIENCE ()penlnp on lint and tee-Work for aales mat1a.~er. BE THE FIRST even.ina;s and a I t er n ate staH for enlargtd hotel oper. NECESSARY ond 1hlfts. must have front office Saturdays. For an ... ation. Contact J, Ravil'I in START WORK a~pearanct', &ood skill.!!. P.1cDONA1DS ;, hi r In a pllf.ation of th• ... ponon. IMMEDIATELY RECTRO p wi: ability to spell well. COUNTER Women to 1Y1>rk \Ve have 40 ()penings for men q u tr em e n t 1 aod op-Monday thru Friday 11 am· po'rlunities for r e g u l 1 r THE with all types ol work back. PLATW Det•ll Draftswoman 2 pm. Unl!omui tumtsbed, grounds. raises and benefits wh.ich NEWPORTER INN to 5520 tree meals. include the personal use ol CALL PERSONNEL PH N.,.llablo APPLY IN PERSON 540-2034 with a mlnlmu'm of ona a t:ompany automobile, co~ 1107 J amboree Rd. Mature woman wefer-McDONALD'S tact Milan Le1vitt in the • * )'ea.r's cadmium plating e:x· Newport Beach red with drafting exp. 16866 BNr.h Blvd.. circulation department of *Busboys -· plua varltype exp. Huntington Beach the DAILY PILOT. TOOlltlG JANITORIAL Young Fry Cook * Cook NCR :t9S Operator NIGHT to $4SO APF MAINTENANCE or INSPECTORS Work fOI" an Interesting, • H~STESS • Floor care man wanted for Kitchen Troinee local company. Small llleady, full time work. ft1ust Apply 1n pen;on conp:nlal office. • B APPLY IN PERSON be experienced on Terra:ro Doors. Penn.anent, full time job. COCO'S Girl Frldoy 5520 REUBBt E. LEE Ola.nee for advancement with experience in the use + m••I• APF APPLY IN PERSON of height gaugn, toot mak. An ln!A!resting varlea: APPLY 1N PERSON 'EU BEN'S er'1 scopes and compara-ot work Incl pa,yro , 151 E. CoHt Hfthwoy ' MARKET BASKH ton. AIR. corres15ndence & Newport Beach Bob's Big Boy 1555 W. Adoms etc. Hours 9-?t1on. thru 154 E. 17th Street MAINTENAllCE Sal . Costa Mesa Costa M11a RNS & LVNS 1150 Irvine Ave. * Secretary to $500 Newport Beach HOUSEMEN MECHANICS ComP41ny PflYI Vi FH PM & Night Shift Cask for fl.lei Uoy) DISHWASHER Will t.n.ln to become of· B flee manllfil:t>r. Must have on OB floor and ICU.CCU. EXP. Service Station Full Tim• Immediate operlinp, Ex-good 11kill11 and a very Excellent aalary & benetl.ts. Salesman. New m odern paneling staff tor ... special way with peo-St. Joseph's facilltiei. Overtime after 40 Apply in person larged hotel. Call or ae. with at least 2 yea.r's ~ pie. Must be service or:I· hrs. + comm, F u 11 time THE RIGGER Mimi Klog. cent experience 1n the mah1-ented and stable. Work Hospital permanent. 990 E. Cout 16 Fashion Island tenance aM repair of auto-for a wonderful bor.81 in Orange. KI T.oo9! Hwy., N.B. Newport Beach THE mated machinery, SALESWOMEN SERV. STA. SALESMEN. • INSTRUl.. TORS Full Programmer to $1450 Young men, eves & wk -NEWPORTER INN ElfCTRONICS Company P41Y' V2 fee lmmedlate openings in our ends. lt1Ullt be neat in ap-or/and part time. Neat ap-ll07 Jambot'ff Road Ex~· RPG assembly, So. Coast Plua shop for JR. pearance & handwriting. \Jearance. Mll!'lt be able to wor for excellent com-fMhlon-ntlnded, n\ature aa1-Dk'et and deal with the Newport Beach lt<KNIOANS Seo Oyde, 2590 Newport public, good ~. Apply 644-1700 ' ~Y locally. Must have es\l.·omen. Salary + comm. Blvd., C.M. nt office appearance. Good future. See Miu Dor· in penon, Holiday Health with a sound knowledge ()f othy at CHRIS', So. Cou1 SECURITY GUARD. Relief Spa, ,.., Hat-bor Blvd., electronic theory. Industrial Jr Secret•ry $400 Plaza, C.M. Man, all shifts. 40 hr. wk. C.M. DAY . experience helpful but not Company pay• 1h '" Sharp C•rHr Gals BALBOA BAY CLUB TOOL GRINDERS • BUSBOY • ........... Work In a very inter· Secty1, Ocrk Typlsts, Gal ' 12Z1 W. Coast Hwy .• N.B. Form tool grinders, h I 1 h If you posseu lbe necessary et.Una: lnte.mational de· Frldayz, R.et'pm_ Bkkprs, ' speed &: carbide, top men qualUlcatlons and are inttt• partment. Must have ae-548-?Zll Ext. 166 only, $5.35 per hr + $100 APPLY IN PERSON ested 1n jolninr an outst&ndo curate typing plus lite RNs A LVNs. Both fee 4: fee shorthand. paid jobs. Top co'sl Call BOAT min mo bonUIT. F .B. incl tree il'lfr electronic c::om~la Doris, 548-7796 CARPEN'l'ER health ins, Guar 4S hr work REUBBt E. L£E manufacturing organization S.cret•ry $500 EPF ARGUS AGENCIES ~ wk, We1trlc CUtting Tool&. that provides excellent wot'lc· 1682 P!acentia C.M . 114; 827-6111 151 E. Coad Highway Ina coodJtlona and 1 o o d Work In Interesting 1869 C NeWpOrt Blvd., C.M. benefits, apply tn pcnon for &ales offices. ntf free· Help Wanted, Men 7200'-telp W•nted, Met1 noo Newport Baoch immediate consideration to: way In Anaheim. Good SECRETARY skills req. ,. ' HUGHES .-* * Rtcapl· Typist $400 with knowle<fae ot Bookkttp. WORKERS Company reimburse• Ing, Payroll It derlcal pro-ATLANTIC lfARD WORKERS TOP PAY cedures; to &Uume respon&l. Pay on compJetlon of ta.Cb NEWPORT 1 .. bUlty of small oUlce. Please ~ job, No experience neceg.. Dictaphone + telephone call "2·9020. W'Y· BEACH work. A "swlnglng" ol· RESEARCH CALL 540-2034 fice! * * 500 Superior Awnuc Telephone reception Newport Bea.ch, Calit P•yroll Clerk wo rk. Apply betw"" EXP. DINNER Equal opoprtunity $400 EPF I p.m. & 5 p.m., 162' CORPORATION WAITER emplayer -M & F Data proces&inJ:: exPerl· E. Mapood, Sant• Apply after 5 pm ence heloful. Must type Ana. . in Costa Mesa 'BEN BRdWNS REST. accurately. ?t'Iay train SARAH COVENTRY ... bright, young girl. Located by ITT JABSCO openings for full or i>&rt needs LAGUNA BOl C.C. Stcrelary $500 APP time Wea. Pleau.nt work, 3U08 So. Laguna Beach. "' Inv e stment, "' Mature wom a n with deltveries. For interview FOREMAN PART TIME iood 1kllls + lmow1· call 540--0614 $150 PER MO. MECHANICAL edge ot printtnr or re- Our Marine Assembly Activity has Im· lated work. OPERATORS WANTEDr NO EXP.?:IENCE NEC. DRAFTSMAN Experienced, lingle needle, mediate need for a foreman. High CAL MR. REID Sacrelary to $525 school and 5 years .supervisory e xperi-540-2034 overlock and blind stitch. APF 863 Production Pl., N.B. ence in fabrication and assembly (pre-9'Mto9PM Experienced 1n close toter-A 1ood job for mature (rear bldg) 646-03(11 fer marine) are absolute musts. The ex· Accountants .... drafting on mnall woman who likes to perience must be in loft take-off (lines pump components and as· work w I t h accounting DISHWASHER· and offsets); template (marine or a~r-Credit M•n•91r1 sembly, Requires working people. Type 60, SH 90. TRAY GIRL Administrative Ttnees knowledge of dimensioning Full time ' craft); (light) plate layout, lilting and positioning of su!rassemblJes and assem-CALL BOB, 548-7796 techniques .. applied to Receptionist $350 "'"°" ARGUS AGENCIES caattng and rnachlnlna: blies. Additional skills in planning work Company WANTED: JR. BOOK· 1869 C Newport Blvd., CJ'if. drawings. Shop experience R1lmburM1 fff KEEPER. Typing, poati.ne, loads; making direct assignments; de-l\1A TURE man needed by desired. An excellent local op-payroll, general accounting. veloping and controlling manpower, fumlture~sien ''"" tor Equt1 opportunity emplo)"l!f portunlt.y for an attrac-Apply TRANSJCDM, 851 W. machines and equipment ... delivery, Installation • live, responsible young 18th St. Costa MH&. related duties. Experience Male and Fem.a.le lady. Type ~ wpm ac-SEAMSTRESS· ExpUienced EXPERIMENTAL MARINE WELDER Jl~ferred. Salary open. Call curately. on power machine or sails. Needed immediately. High school plus 3 492-4131, San Oemente for 148S Dale Way, Colla Mesa Apply NORTH SAfU, 913 app't Tu'' thN Sat. California. 92626 Secretary $500 to 5 years experience in welding and fn·n 545-8251 Electric, Seo! B e ac h, Compony pays ~ IH layout work. Must be capable of CertifJ. KITCHEN HELP 213/596-4461 \Vork in a young, Inter-reliable babysitter caiion reqU.irement., for magnes.ium1 aJ. (Full Time) estlng office. Job tt· NEED uminum and steel. Duties include weld· SERVICE 1lation attendant, quires extreme acrur1lcy. for 2 ehiWren. Houn 3: 30 ing to specifications using ~UG Inert· Apply in Penon 'l\'OT'k grave yard 11 pm p.m. to 12: l:> Lm. Leavt )'OW' days free • near OCC. Gas.Shielded Tungsten Arc on Carbon Hunt1~n Beach -8 am. Must ha.ve exp. E"ll Sac to 5520 APF ,..__ Steel and Alloy Steel, and on corrosion Convale9Ctnt Hosplt.al Apply at Chevron Station: Mwt be engineering ori· resistant and heat alloys; welding such l879'J Delaware St., Hnta Bch Harbor mvd at San Diego ented or have heavy ln· GOOD Typist, &en-otftce du- Fl'W)'. dustrlal exp. tie1: oom• dlct.apbom; things u hull and component parts and SERV. STA. SALESMEN. SAIL BOAT perm .• full time. Small mfe. ;membliu, plus rompany and ground f'ull llm,, Muat be neat "'SALESMAN Girl Friday $450 co. office. Hayward F"ll!l!r support eqwpment. Also lays out from In appearance • Younr, aggn'lntve. Flberglu Company relmbur111 Co. 1613 Placentia, CM blue~ts own and others work u sing handwriting. Seo a,.,., RECEPMONIST. TELEPH-2590 Newport Blvd., Ccmta asll boat& • in Newport. 'It IH prec Ion measuring tools. Makes own Mou Write Box M 0 Dally Pilot. Mu11t h11.v~ aood 'XptnR ONE, afternooM. Ovtr 30. temJi.lates and constructs specla1 jigs or WANTED: llORN MAN. and 11ptit.ude for f!tatl \Vlll train. OR 3-U66 hol Ing devices to set-up parts to ht MOLDER: ex per., and rl gul'e work. Rtrl1tered Nurse permanent molder for alum. Trumptl·NOW. Rock &-Roll, joined. ~ magnttlum am>4pace SouJ, Rhythm 4 Bluet. wilh •e P F, e m ployer Doctor's oUice, New po r I GENERAL ASSEMBLER IMARINEI foundry. Udo Castinp Inc. 1'-'0T'ki'V band. Age 20-Z. pays '" Be•ch. Non-t1moker. Salary •• 644-lt22 642-8333 Call (213) 'T73-n47 Needed immediately. Must have com-FRY COOK. "'"" "'1tt. BEAtrrY Opera.tor, u· pleted hJgh school and have one year NOW inlervlewtnc o:-Ste.rt S2 Hr. U or Ove1" 'APF, ~llcant .. -. Guarantee a """"""' .......... • pt pays " i:ommJulon. Apply ta expertence tn production work (marine Mles~n. Permanent °"...,. eou.. Shop pel'!IOn ~ or related field). Experience mu!! in· employm~nl. For appL call t.62 W. 19th st., Costa. Mega el ude handling drill press ... rivet gun•. '94-465? IApn& Stach LLOYDS NURSERY 642·3870 MAID P/tlme. Inquire la squeasers and mills: tapping, counter--tfuntif!l'lon Shmft SUPERINTENDENT Wanted exp, n"""""'"" sinking and hurri~g. l\lust be ~apable for Apll A: HOWlel, N.B. an!!L can tor appl 646-7••1. J/i newport . Motel 21002 Ocean NW)' HB or continuous quality and quantity out-Give exPU1t.nce A ltartt~ personn~ -pj!ONE CLERK put with minimum of supervision. salary: rtply De.Uy PUot ~du, w-7:IOO 1'Ull Ume. Call Mn. Lff Box M-316. -Cell, Apply or W<ll• Ptla Helfrich AMBULANCE DRIVER Tronlc Sea.'y fce paid •• $600 agency llELJABLE 11\... In b&bystt- 3333 Harbor Blvd., Costa MaH 91626 Experienced-Mutt bt! Jr. Stc'y remb fee •••• $475 TEMPORARY trr, for 6 yr old Pl QI !\tlly Reoep-'fyp remb ftt •• $350 Lk'd. Top pay for richt Penonnel Ok. rff job •. $4.00 DIVISION l~L~ (714) 546-1030, Eat. 153 man. Contact Bob, &TT~l Merch•ntt P ersonnel PLACE ,oar nn1. ao .tM!r'e An t.qutl opportunity emp~ KENNEL Jtelp wanttd; Part 20t3 We1tclltf Ori\~ For the cttitble woman Utc7 ono looldna -DAILY tlm11, mornlnrs only I to O>mer 17th le tMne lnternted In top pa,ylnll' PD.OT Std""' IC.srt ll. Wr1t., Dirty Pilot ltf·3U. "5-277U-~ local temportlf'Y jobs, ..,~ ' ,. M!l.Y PR.OT ..i"'u,...Di....-& MO<ld'1, MW. 17, 1969 '"'"' a eM~LOYMtl>ll 1015 & l!MPLOYMINT JOllS & IMPLOYM£NT ..... ' ...... ...:..-. _.;;.;.._. __ . Htlp Won!M Help Wantocl WOimM 7400 Women MERCHANOISI FOR MERCHANDISI! FOR School .. ln1trvcllon 7600 School .. lnstructlon 7600 1--'SA=Lo:E;.;AooN=D_T~RA=D::.!=-...:::S:::A:::L:::E..:A:::N:::D::...;TRA:.:::;:.:D:.:E:..... 7400 • Furniture IOOOFurnltur e IOOO MERCHANDISE POR SAL! AND TRADE MERCHANDISI FOil SALE AND TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRAD E Misc. Wonted 861 0 -·---UNIGARD tn.sur.nc• Group TIRED OF A LONG COMMUTE'? Uhlprd Jl'lliUf3ta Croup la now hirirll !Dr our tlCW di- w;on uttlce optning appiox. 4115/'69 ln llunttng:ton Beach, on E<Hnger 'llt Bea.ch Blvd., just off the San Di· ego F\\'Y. These positions wilt require a short training period Clf approximately one month in our Los Angeles oHice, be.fort the move. Transportation wiU be pro- .. vlded. Immediate Openings In the following a re as ...... STATISTICAL DATA ExJ)er!enced Clr trainee in fire, and/or casualty statis- tical coding, Prepare rom· puter In-put data in our OP- erationa unit Detail tigure work involv~. POLICY SERVICE Pre.fer at Jeut one yeal' t1f fitt, casualty OI' multiple line rating experience. Plea. unt phone personalily es- sential. Exccllent opportu.o- ity tor advancement. POLICY TYPING Exflerlencecl or trainee, mul· 1.iple lint policy typist. 60+ accurately Cln the electric. The ideal position for son1e. one who likes to type. KEY PUNCH Caretr opening for operators with at lea.st one year eX• .perlence on Al pha & Neu· 'merlc mM equip'mt. Day .sbi:U .. bcellent tree benefits. Per- manent, steady work. Our policy is promotion from within. Your future is deter- 1nined entirely b)' you. New modem oilice, friendly, .fu,easant atmosphere, For ~ and App't. CaU Collect PERSONNEL 12131 384-1213 • UNIGARD 1NSURANC& GROUP EXPERIENCED e ESCROW e SECRETARY UNITEO CALIFORNIA BANK 3141 E. Coast Hwy Corona del Mer 673-9240 Equal opportunity en,iployer HOSTESS/BKKPR I Combination l APPLY lN PERSON REUBBt E. UE 151 E. Coast Highwa y Newport Beach PEDS. RN'S NIGHT SHIFT AT Orlldren°11 Hospital of Orange County in Orange County, Excellent i;alary & benefits. J<I '1-0091 Factory Trainees Many Female, daya and swing To $1.90 hr. APEX Employment Agt>ncy 1873 Harbor Blvd. n~ block South Cll l9th5 <:Mia Mes.a S48-3426 White Elephants? MISS EXE< AGENCY F" Pold F /C Bkkpr C11p1Jt) ••. , $600 Secretary •••.•.•...•• lO $600 Sec)'/ConstrucUon ••• , $500 Secl"etary/PR •••••••••• $500 Secretary (apllt) •••••• $500 Aocts. Pil.Y. l11pUO .~ lo $000 Jr, ~cy ................ $400 Receptionist, m>g, •• to $400 Applicant Pays Fee Sec1'tltary • . • . . . . . • . lo $563 Escrow OUicer • • • • • • to $500 Keypunch , • • • • • • • • • to $500 Bookkeeper • •••••••·, to $500 MEN \lf,\NTEO NOW TO TRAIN AS CLAIMS AOJUSTERS lnsurance investigators are badly needed due to lhe tremendous increase in claims re- sulting from auto accidents, fires~ floods, riots, storms and industrial accidents that occur daiJy. Insurance Adjusters Schools of 1901 N.W. 7 Street, Miami, Fla .• can train you to earn top money in this Cast moving, excit· ing, action-packed field , full time or part tbne, Work at your present job and study at: homo, then attend resident training for two weeks at MIAM I BEACH, Florida, or LAS VEGAS, Nevada. Excellent employment as- sistance. For details fill out coupon and mail today. No Obligation! Secy/f inaoct •••••• to $500 Secy/Marketing •••• to $475 Seeretary .............. $450 I Approved for Veterans un~er Ne\v G.L Bill! I NCR Operator •••••• to $450 -----···-··--····-·---·~--··-········--Acctg Clerk •••••••••••• $400 For prompt reply write to: Escrow Tnt..inee •••••• to $350 INSURANCE ADJUSTERS Name .................. -.... .Age .. _, .. . Payrol Trainee •••••• to $350 ~p~ Addre!lis ............ _ .... _ ............. ,_ P.O. Bo:c 722 City ... _,.,_ .......... State ......... ,_ 410 \V, Coast Highway Newport Beach 64&3939 HUGHES NEWP'ORT BEACll KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Tustin, Calif. 92£80 Zip .............. Phone .. -·-·--·· ··-··- Aceredited 11ember National }Jome Study Council Help Wanted Women Jobl--Men, Worn. 7500 7400 * HUGHES * J. C. Penney Co. Fashion Island Newport Beach llas Clpening for ~ Spanish \ 'C:1 .,-;;:;: :edlterranean 'a--.. Bought Ma'nufact urar'1 '69 Showroom Samples A' Te,,.ifl&c S.•l•t •I SpoKIGI Detue ..,..,,. 8' \Vood carved arm divan, lg. man's chair or love seat. 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set w /black or avocado framed chairs; 8 Pc BR set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dresser, lg mirror, 2 commodes, decorative headboard In Spanish oak design with matching box springs, mat- tress & frame. , Items Sold lndivldu1lly Shop Around -Before you buy 1e• US! VALUE $1095.95-FULL PR ICE $529.95 or terms •slow •1 $4.66 per wffk Use Our Store Charge Pfan or Bank Financing No Fancy t'ront -BUT Quality Values Inside .... . . . . • , : •••I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Schools.Instruction 7600 UFETIME Gill , typewriting. Furniture 8000 cM:.;u:;;•:;;lca:.:1:.;l:.;n:.:•t:..· __ :.:11:..:.:25 Planot & Orvons 1130 Gutt.r H~quarten HAMMOND · Steinway '\'"" e NE\V and USED e maha • oew Ac used pianol f 'ender • v~ • SIAndel or all makH. Best bu.Y• in e GIBSON e MARTIN So. Otlit rlibt here. 8 WILSON e YAMAHA SCIIMIDT MUSIC 00., 1001 N. "-'-Drum He.clquarter1 ••-....... e NE\V and USED e S&nla Ana LUD\VlC, ROGERS, ASJ'RO PRIVATE PARTY Large selection with oew ~ Wants to buy 'Plano pc. sets and cymbal1 start· for Cub. 213-ST1-1035 -*-AUCTION*- u yau will sell or buy P.• Windy a try Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. Windy's Auction a..., Behind Tony'• Bldg. Mal1 20'15%i Newport, CM 646-8681 Machln•ry, •fC. 8700 1ng at $99.50. .Pedal.S, bi·hats WANTED: Pianos &: Organs. "FORKLIF"l'S": f'ord trac- and sets repaired. All small Ca.sh paid tor with 9 fl. mast, pneu par!is, accessories & cymbal! * 636-3620 * tires $1250. 4,000 lb Oarlt;" in stock. pneu tire?!!, yard lilt. Ru11s EVERYTIIING IN MUSIC good • $1495. l.000 lb. auto Be h M , C Television 1205 electric, $450. 639-2691, eve:; at USIC enter T.V. "'" b I ac k I w h ii'' ,,="~'~-';c""'---~=== Factocy Sales & .serVice y,·alnut romo1e. p el' ft ct PETS 1nd LIVESTOCK Dally l2 noon 'Ul 9, Sat S.S cond, $100. ~'Iust see I Oog1 8825 17404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) ,644-0!2~=1~====== 1~~ mi. So, San Diego Fwy. -BE AU TI F' U L GerrMn tlw1ting1on Beach 847.ss.36 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 Shepherd J n1onth o Id STEREO 1969 Solid state female, outstanding charn- ~· & Org1ns 8130 deluxe console stereo, 4 r~~~!~k, reg is I ere d. spd changer. Leh Cln lay =====~==~ HAMOND ORGAN a•.vay. Pay oH remaining ba1· 'MARTCNCREST KENNELS l E SSONS a nee of $76.00 or ternis. ~Iiniature Sclmawer &. ENROLL NOWI Credit Dept 535-7289 \\'hippet puppies $16 for 8 week coum> 546--0989 You do not have to own an • "SNOCKERS" (cocke-r & instrwnent. Free pmctice Sporting Goodt SSOO Schnaui.er) • a!te1math ut time available. CLASSES SURFBOARD Manufacturer a love-in. Adorable 6 "'k START: Beginners, March moving, must seU all boards puppies. $10 ea. 497-1088 18, Tuesday, 7 PM. Inter-In stock. Used boards all LAB Pups, sired by ch. \\'ith a minimum ol one year's experience on IBM equipment. HUGHES HEWPORT BEACH Has an opening fol' a Receptionist * COOK * Children, grandchildren, Clf Recent i;uccessful experience yourself! Individually tutor- in all phases of food ind1U-ed Chilcoat 10 lessons typing try is required. competitive school. 173 Del Mar, CM, • "'ages, outstanding benefits _,,._,,._285_9 _____ _ SPANISH Returned from mediate, 11arch 13, Thurs-sizes $55. maximum. si5 W. Lewisfield Beret. See Model ltomes on sale at ~~ 1 P!\f. Excellent teach· 1;.";:lh;;;S:;:l.;, =C..=la=M:='"=== I pedigree to a PP r r. c i a·t e. ll"ss than wholesale! Croup 642-5630 includes beautifuJ 9 6 • • M.,.;:•K.:.•.:.l;;.l•:;;n;coo;.:.:;u.:.• __ c.8.:.600'-' ===--=--,..,-...,--"°""" quilted sofa & Jove seat, REGlSl'ER NO\V: Fun, En· ·-Sh.'YE Terriers, AKC 3 Spanish oak decorator tcrtaining, Knowledgeable. OPfM 9 TO 9 Champ. sired. Rate, calm, tables, sv.'ag 01' 1Able lamps, Rent organs available dur· fluffy; show quality peta:. NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Newport Beach, Cali!. Equal opportunily employer • M & F * NIGHT \Ve have an opening on a very busy reception de::;k for a Receplionist with at leasl hvo years ot recent indusl!'ial experience, Applican1s \vith Person- nel or Industrial Security f'.-.:perience \Viii be glven Iirst consideration. Jncluding profit sharing. Apply in person to A.M. to s P.M. l\londay thru Jo'riday J. C. PENNEY CO. MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ANO TRADE Furniture 8000 - 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom \Vall ptacque, king, queen, ing lern1 of course. Sign up 549-2547. or full size bedroom suite now! Avoid the rush! DOBERMAN-X Pup• S I · f d tail e Top line e Name brands complete incl box springs, nquire or e s: weeks. ·Fine temperament, mattress, linens & lx>udoir f!AMMOND • Home furnishings 1st shots. $30. 54.0-5289 I · h oak · in CORONA DEL MAR e Spanish e Medit, e Maple amps, Spants 6 pc 2854 E, CClast Hwy., 673-8930 e 11odem e French Prov, AKC SILKY PUPPY dining set priced elsewhere only l left &. lonesomt; male at approx. Sll95.00 ALL e New Pianos e NEW-NEAR NEW & shy & in need o.f a loving FOR ONLY $399, $20 do'ol.'ll, 99 \VURLlTZER •BRADBURY ANTIQUES home. 548-4957 $4. per v.eek I out of • state credit OK. \V i 11 AU styles & tinisbes, all AKC Reg. Poodles. Toy's & separate Jor quick sale. 20th American made, 88 note, de! AOK l\1.ini's. $50 up. All colors. ·Century Furniture, 9112 W·bench & tuned. Price at.art-547-3851 or 547-9591 HOUSEKEEPER , INSPECTRESS AND MAIDS l'lease apply in person * 24 Fashion Island An equal opportunity employer * Large 9 drawer dt<esser, rnir· 1·or, 2 bedside stands, king size headboard, frame, quilt· C(I mattress, sheets, blank· ets, etc. G i""' at $49!J. Commission Gall•ry arden Grove B I v d • , .. .., AFGHAN HOUND PUPPIES · G W l"h 0 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. HUGHES Choice of Spanish or Modern Style arden Grove Daily 10-9, Ur I er rganS 1h Block West o[ Beach BIS sired, gd show pro-·-~ITT~ e NEIV e spe~.--~ ' Jmmediale (lpenlngs, Ex-Ancient Mariner All For $249 off Garden Grove Frwy. in or call ffi4J 530-5240 Many 0U1er makes. ?tfany POODLE • Toy -Apricot, , panding staU for en· Iarged hotel Call or aee Mimi King. · •tyles & finishes, Prices male AKC 2 m"" Office Furniture 8010 start at ATTENTION Reaso~able." ""* 842-GSI NEWPORT BEACH 2607 w. Coast Jiwy. NEWPORT BEACI! No down • Pmts. only S9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE INS. Group disposes of: steel $595 TREASURE FEMALE Basset Hou nd J & wood Exec & Secretarial EVERYTHING JN MUSIC HUNTERS AKC, 1 yearClld, shots, very . THE NEWPORTER INN 500 Superior Avenue Newport Beach, Calif. Naw taking applications dally '" • lunch Hostes1 desks, chairs, tablts, files, 8 h M • Gardiner electronic t:ran~io;. atlectionate. $75. 540-2917 600 w. 4th St., Santa Ana ::;helving, lockers &.. draftinn eac USIC Center tor metal detector, model Open Daily 9 • 9 room furniture. ......, · 200, Max range 4 ft. \Vill IRISH Setter Puppies 1 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach 644-1700 Equal Opportunit1 Employer -M & F • Daytime kitchen help Sa' 9 6 Su• 11 6 F Sal & o. · · f $75 ~. n °'6 AJl.C. best in show sire. ' "' • "· -l\.1cl\IAHAN'S 772-M50 actory es · """rvlce sacrific~ or "· ~ ..., -~UAL IT Y king bed 18.10 S. Anaheim Blvd. tn Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat '-5 1987 after 8 p.m. ~~'~"=1'='~0"=1Yo..·~540--0~_715 __ 1, w/quilted mattress, comp. An1:1.heim (alongside s.A, 11404 Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) AKC TOY Poodle puppies. ---------ADVERTISING Ncver used $98, worth $250. trway at Katella) l Y. mi. So. San Diego Fwy. Silver fOX Jackel White, males, very small. 1 Apply daily be.tween 10 &: 4 p.m. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 842-6536 \ --'--------1 Huntington Beach 847-8536 , l-=I="=· ="=~='='='°=====I Secretary/ * DRIVERS * 20 Pc. MODERN G s 1 022 PIANo & oRGAN °"' $350 • Must .,u $50 8830 NEEDS PARKING CONTROL OFFICER arage a e 8 BARGAIN HUNTERS! 642-0086 evenings Bookkeeper NoNeEc:xep 55 eraryien!c:e 3 ROOM GROUP RUMMAGE SALE Orange County·,""'"' EKO Guit.,, wit• ""' S65. Q u A RTER HORSES: Includes: Floral sofa &-chair Grandmothers Club March stock o1 new & used Knight kit auto analyzer $45. }-While fare wl wht socks R •• pon.'.blo, top level Must have clean California • walnat tables • lamps • 20 to 22nd. 145 E. 19th SI. Pianos & Ol'gans · Mans goll clubs, bag, cart nso. 1-Buckskin mackiIJg driving reCQrd. Apply complete bedroom with quilt Cdsta Mesa,· behind Mesa Spinet Pianos !rom • • $3&8 & size 8~ shoea $50. Phone $150. Appaloosa Stallion, position for 1harp, take-YELLOW CAB CO. lfd mattress . 5 pc. dinette, Theatre. Baldwin Organ ····-··• $388 =546-S~;;IM:::·;,,,-=---.,.-reg; very good stock $650 . . $51(). "$620 per mon1h charge girl. Must hav~ J.86 E. 16th Sl etc. All for . • • SUN Sell nut lOc to $.1. Chickering Piano • ·•••• $745 FIREWOOD FClr s ale •1 _891=·7350,.--.,.,-,,,..,-,,---.,., II k"ll Costa Mesa , $277 Clothes, J.Tlsc., Tr ave J Conn Caprice Organ Waln~t, Eu c a I Y p t u 1 , YR. old Gelding ... will R_ .. ,_, -'ru"m•m 21, -oxl-exce •nt I ' I incl.' •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Sav• "'00 A . • "150 rd 125" . ............... ..... .,, I' posters, Nie-Naes, 2nd & ._ ••••••••••••••••••• ~ pr1co., ~. co , ~ travel. You will get a kick , n1um 30 years of age: high shorthand; handle lite Real Estate Sales No down · Pmts, only $10 mo, Acacia, Cdh1:. all \Vuditzer & Conn floor crd. Summer prices J u1y out of him. 846-1260 , l!Chool graduation or eq~va. bkkpg; billing. Und•r Men & Women WELK'S WAREHOUSE COLN Drexel desk ~Ao. ,..,._m samples greatly reduced! & August, $38.50 crd. Del Jent; 2 years recent clerical .,., ""'" Low bank te-rm::; & stack'd free. (1) 688--0846 or public contact work. For 30. Call Barbara. (714) Expanding again. OUice # snare drum & stand, $35. No dmvn payment ll ti. and dd·o· __ ,. 1.J12 -10 4 openings available for roo \V. 4th St., Santa Ana xlnt cond. 1411 [.inCQJn Ln, Gould Music Company GIBSON J 050 a.pp cs on a 1 Ouw in. lil"I ·~7 • licen·-" men & wom"n. I"· o D·"·· 9 9 NB Sat 10-5 · h >1-~ •-n f ti tact Pe 1 •---------"""" " pen "'UJ • · • • 20.15 N. Main, Santa Ana wit •• .. ruSn.: case, on:na on, con rsonne Work Near Home starrt income & trainin"'. Bill Sat 9 6 Su 11 6 1320 -$200 U Olli Cl \Y Hall 3300 N ·-e. • • n. · • MISC. hosuehold items. Sat · So. of Freeway 547-0681 .. ew, or 0 er CE', • ew-• A-unl01"-/Bkkpg GallOW.1Y· s p"' g Realty, E .. ~5160 alt 6 PM port Blvd., Newport Beach, • 'S;cre~al 5-l0-4S24 UKE Ne1v Bcigc-naug bed & Sun. 2845 C at a I p a Open Mon & Jo'ri eves 'til 9 nc, .,,..,. er • · 6'1Ui633. Applications will be •Reception divan $125. Over-stullcd (Eastbluff) NB. Sunday 12 to 5 K!NG.Q.Lawn mower $60. accepted until 5 p.m., March Top hairstylist, space roynJ blue & avocado gm Refrigerator 14 cu ft, $35. 20, 1969 •Typists available, following is chair & lrg match'g ot-Appliances 8100 I I, ARE SALE I, J Roll &\\'aY bed, $10. Steel Superior Agency here. Call 615-4100 ask toman Sl7S. 548_6.587 • cabinet $15. 847-6461 Established 1946 for Marilyn, Nwpt Beach. e SPECIAL PURCHASE e HEB ERGER NEEDED SECRETARIES & CLERK TYPISTS flfany 'rrteresting openiflg!l tor akilled personnel. HEBERGER Personnel Agency 1851 Harbor Bl, Costa to.tesa. EXP. Landscape salesmen SELLING complete house-Rclrigerators, automatic Call first 642-TI41 or trainee. Salary + comm; hold rurnishings. E::;tate sale. washers & Clther major ap. Inquire alter 6 P!\'f. 1846 Pia-pliances from model homes DOMESTIC HELP qualified leads. Fri n ge · A T C'l at fantastic discoun•~•. No •-"er·-Call "'" ~'6 cenha, Pl. , ·''. ..,,, AU kinds! llousekeept>rs. ut: 1'"· ..,.,,,......,,,.. Dov.·n. We Sf>rvice. Sec at; BLUEPRINT SHOP · 20 PC. "MADRID" Cooks, :!\o1aids & Companions, requires FOSTER'S References req. Fee & Fee delivery drivers, blueline R G 17185 Brnokhurst, Ftn Valley Paid Jobs. Call Miss Abby, trimmer <Jperator. 540-9373 J OOm toUp fSo. of \Va.mer) 968-1234 518-7796 \VANTED Dinner y;aitress & FROM ?110DEL HOr.tES RE-FR I GER AT O R J ARGUS AGE NCI ES part tim~ dishwasher, Includes: Quiltccl sofa & FREEZER $72. Autonialic 1869 C N rt Bl d C •1 Pho 675-0100 chair -2 end tables & cof-h ewpo v ., ·" . ne \Vas er $55. Gas dryer S55. e SUPERVISION &: fe<': table -2 lamps -dre~ AU guaranteed. &J&.2486. er -mirror -headboard -SALES WORK • Coast Electric Service Dept. Agenci•s, Men & quilted box spring &. matt. Full time. Must have neat Women 7550 ress :.... S pc. dining room; VAST Stock Amer & Eill' appearance, able to deal I ::;;;;;;;;;;;;:====;; table & 4 hi-back chairs. furn & clocks. La r r y 902 w. 17th Street with people. Apply in per-I• COMPARE AT $749.95 Morg!'ln Antiques, 2 4 2 8 Dur gorgeous new store SA~RIFICE: New Swif t b rnec11 Th · & Wmg archery target bow u · e pianos or-with sights/case. 66 in, 50 gans suffered no water dam· lb uU ~•s. 675-2401 age, but they are smokey,1 ,:,:.,:.,•::c.:.~.:...;c_:_=.c.._ __ dirty, dusty & scratchy. We MISC items for boat, shop moved them all back to oUI' equip. liquSt'hold items. lG- old location & marked every. 3, SAT & SUN. 7!1:6 W. lhing at FIRE SALE PRIC 201h St. CM. 642-4610 ES! So, if you dig that "Old UPliOLSTERING -$79..50. 2 Time Smoh>y F I a v or'', pc. (European craftsmen) come & get 'em. and at Free est., del, pickup, 2JS prices you won't believe. Main, HB "Berny" 536-6405 WARD'S BAW\VfN STUDIO · · l SOl Ne rt. C.l\L 64., "4'4 CARPETS, Vinyls, Tiles, Iat-wpo ......, est styles and colors. Com- mercial & Residential, Ex· FREE TO YOU "'rt ;,,,ta11atum. 642·1403 540-'7262 TRANSPORTATION Bo1t1 & Yachts 9000 I 18' BAY BOAT Like new ..••..•.•• try n495 , COL 29 •••••••. $9950 Inboard ••.•.•••• , •• Loaded! ~ e PACIFIC YACHT SALESe I 3446 Via Oporto, Newport 1 24 Hour Phone •• 673-1570 Coming CUST01l DLX K 41 17 FT. Performer, Islander Deluxe model (all fiber· , glass) outboard. Custom snap do\vn cover, Big wheel tilt trailer. $700 or best Clff· · er. Phone 644-4687 alter 1 pm FOR Sale -14' tiberglas 1 boat. 35HP Evinrude Mo!or • wilh electrie 1ta rter. ,1 Complete with convert. can· vas top & tilt·up trailer. 962-7280 : STURDY 16' fiberg l as ; fishing boat. Mere 2Q hp 1 $130. 1411 Lincoln Ln, N.B. 1 ,, Costa ?i-fesa -64&-0241 11on. T :1CF $399 Nev.·port Blvd., c.~1. WANTED DESPERATELY: Holiday Health Spa -:. J KENMORE AUT011ATIC Mature, rt.liable babysitter -='-'::00::..c"="'::""":::..::B.clv.:dc..,_.:C::_.M::::_. No dowrt-Pmls only $16 n10. \VASHER \'.'HITE Altered mnle Mame. PRIVATE Sale, 9' Couch, Sailboats 9010 (unwed mother acceptable) Real Estate Sales _l: ~ WELK'S WAREHOUSE late model, exccllcnt cond. Live in/out in lovely home Men & Women irz rt~fNDLk~ • r~~,.,m A,..., $10. * 8·17-SI 15 w/pool. Hrs, 3:30 to 11 PM. Expanding again. Oilice # ~fr:: J:::,,;.1i:~".!:;'A";;;:: 600 \V, 4th St., Santa Ana HO 'f PO INT Reirigerator Own transp. Nr Douglas, 4 Clp!!nings available for ~hoM J464 111 Open Daily !J.9 w/freeirr: yellow; good H.B. C'.ood f>a)'. Call: licensed men & women. In-"'""""""""""""""""""J Sal.!)-6 Sun ll-6 cond. $85. 5~5-37&7 846-2405 bet. 10 am-4 pm stant income & training. Mr --*--$-2-9.-44--*--I~========= PART TIM.E ~~s~r. Sp r in & Realty, Schools:lnstruction 7600 For 3 Piece Braided A _o;n.cti.;iqc:u.:.es:.... ___ _:8~~ Need 2 ladies lor special • OVAL RUG SET • work. 12 Hours weekly. $60 HOUSEKEEPER M E N Nylon blend, rever.;iblr, per wk. can 1'1r.;. Nelson (Full Tim•) liro\\'O, coppertone, g~n. at 642-8000 betv.-een 2 and 4 \Ve can train you now Sizes: 8 x 10, 2 x ~. 2 x 6 for pay up t o for personal interview. Apply in Person $4.21 per hr. a~ AL'S UNUSUAL BOOKKEEPER. Posting on Huntington Beach HEAVY EQUIPMENT FURNITURE addo-x posting ,mac h . Convalescent Hospital OPERATORS 17881 Beach Blvd. Blueprint kl'!O\v how des. 18972 Dela\\·are St. tlunt Bch Top \\":tgl"s and beit l'nl-llunUnglon Beach 842-4464 but not nee. ~9l7l · ployment oppor1.unltirs 20 Pc. Maple RN or LVN a.rl" in U1e construction in- Need: • Ga.tbenatangle?' Full & Part To"mo dustry. Plenty of v.'ofk 3 ROOM GROUP Find D with a want Id! for .skilled heavy eqltip-12 to 8 AM m ent operators. \Ve train Includes: Living room set • FP..ENCll \Val nut bur I c I , display shelves. S 2 O O, E1npire v.·all table, cir('i\ 1800, $115. Both marble lops. 8.1.1--0379 ANTIQUE & Decorator's ill"ms, a complete houseful. No dlrs. 54:>7m8. Sewing Machines 8120 11j Siamese, long hair, blue n1odern dinette, king bed 1---------·'-1' f'yes, female expecting male & sci. all' 6 mos. old. SNO\VBIRD # 371. All wood, 1.' Tiger Sinmcse, all good 644-0104 a11 6 dacron sail, fully rigged, with children & Clthe1· pels, Q u AL I T y king bed ready to sail away, $250. 847~551 3118 "'/quilted mattress. comp. 548-9487 673-3690 "NlPPER" phcyful young Never used $98, worth $250.1 Bzo=a=t=S=l=lp=M=oo=ri=n=g=90=3~61 . male cat Siantese. Russian ;;."::'""'36c;:::;,.,=,..-...,.--7'" blue, Persian mixed. &T:i-4738 • CAr-.f PER. sleeps 4-6, ROOl\t for 40-50' 3/15 \vood & fiberglass, $40. BALBOA PENINSULA "_P_U_D_D_l_N_"_a_IJra-,-ti,-e-lo-,,.-l ~~~·~4~94-~_6_13,_*---:;:===411>-5396====:::::: i ha.ir graY & \vhite niale, LU>.'URIOUS Clf:( w h ite -~ Boat Services 9037 guards premises like a dog, carpet. $40. MS-2394. 2001 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiil )1 GT:>-4738. 3115 Kings Road. =~--~--PART CQl!ic, Part ~r. SEAR'S 40 gallon water Sht'p. Female Puppy 4 mos. heater, excellent condition. old Needs good hOme. 2 yt-ars old, $30. 54CHi785 5'18-899:1 3/15 REGISTERED SIA.\~E AUSTRALIAN Si l ky Kl'ITEN.S2'5. PurebN'd. 3 yrs. For Adult Cali 5-l&s118 home. Housetrained 67H~ ANTIQUE Winchester modl"I Orange Coast Help Wanted Womon H•lp W1nted 7400 Women 7400 .. 1 Apply in Per.«>n YClU on DOZERS • GRAD· tables • lamps • bedroom ltuntington Beach ERS ·LOADERS· SCRAP· set -quilted mattress. ma,. ERS • CARRY· ALLS • I d. · All I Convalescent Hospital TBACTORS & ATTACH-pe uung roon1. or ••• 1968 SINGER. Touch-0-matit• comp! with wa1 cab. Service man leaving area fot'Ct"!I ~po. $39.15 FuU price nr $4.lO mo, Automatic zig.zag, button hole'1, blind hems, overcast-., some fa n c y .slitchf!$ etc. No attach 1K'ed- l'd. Guarantee good • 526-(',£16 mornings · • 3119 1873, Caliber 38-40. GAS stove, n«ds cleaning, $115. * _ 833-2254 Ma.rine SECRETARY lnt.eresilng 1>05il,lon requiring one to three years o f f 1 c e experience. Pleasant personality p I us accurate skills on electric typewriter and short· band 11lqUired. Contact P aul Alwohi (114) 544-3030 J:IU Harbor Blvd., Co.to M ... 92626 Mlnlle Sy>ttmto Dlvltlon Atlantic Research CORPORATION A Division of the Susqueha nna Corp. . ' An equaJ opportunity tn1p~r - 111a.i. or Ff!male may •PPO' 18912 Delaware St. 11.lENTS. No need t<J in· $449 Hunt. Sch. terrupt your prest'nt job No do\vn ."J>mts. only $18 mo. or schoolin~. Start at N E E D p U 1 • l i me hom< '" •pa•·• timo. """ WELK'S WAREHOUSE housekeeper & chUd care $:<'l t"·o "'l'l"k:s' rrsldent Mon. \\'ed, Fri. 8:30-5:00. u·alnlni;: at Brald\\1ood, Emerald Bay. Lag u n a . Ill. Bud~t't tem1s. Nation- 494-8109 '''ldt" plncen1i>nt asslst- SHIRT Pl"l.'s~r "'nn!cd Exl>('r. prefem"d ot wiU train U necessary. Lido Clean('n, 1176 Ne\\"POrl Blv. Coioila Mca MS-1014 MOTEL Maids. Exp'd. f.fust have phone and b'&.nsp, can tor appt: 893-2-474 ant'I'. This t1'11ining cnn be your fi~t 111•'11 10 t'm• pk1y1nent in thr l-lt>11vy Equip!nt>nt lndu~lry . , , \Vri lc for l\Ju1n·tt1t~d fold· "· !ii AIL COUPON NO OBUGATION NORTHWEST SCl,TOOLS. l-IC'avy Equipment Training f>rpt. 113-53. Bo:i: ?lf-553 Dn.ily Pilot Jobo-Men, Worn. 7500 Namt> .... ,.,_, ___ , • .,_ ... ,_._, __ SOC \V. <Ith St., Santa Ana ()pen Daily 9. !I 100...~ SINGER. T o uch -o· Sat. 9 . 6 ~'\1n. 11 • 6 1naUc, 11uto zig.zag. button hoh:s, blind henu;, overcasts DUAL BC'd cornf'r unit, \\•lthout attachn1t>nts. tllnr11s spread!! ulC!, like nl"\\'. Call I 213 ~-t~n1 213 ~.,,. ,.,.,, Ol"t"CJ tepn. $38.01 or $1.35 : .,,.,~"' ' : .,,....,.........,_ \l/('('k. Cunranlefl still good. TANGERINE rolon?d E&rly Call anytime. 89J-..4444 A1nerlcan tweed sofa, $50. ==="====== 642-7578 Music•I Inst. 8125 KJ NGSlZE bed, mattre~ & GIBSON J.50 fr(lme. $6.i. lJke n e w . MS-5617 wlth Hu.rrl~~u CDS(', $320 flf'W. $200 or offt>r, BUSI!:$ 1narJr~lace tll Eric, G75-5I!l0 after 6 PM 01.0f,R Cnuple to mAnt1i;t toWn. ·n. DAILY PILO'l' 30 &dulf unH.1, llunttngton Addrrss.·-···---·-·· .. ··-·-O u!!UIC!d .ection. Say( ST AR TING a band, ron1plete Beach No pcl.5, no <..tiildf"l'n. City. ___ ..... _,.Zlp .... _._ mnnt~. Ume a_ effort. Look drum M't Xlat cond. f.lany SfT-5481 now!!! r:c!ras. Incl Zy'fl cymhal~. Stnt(' -·--·-···--Al:t ... -·-· ~~--~~~-~ & f'uu to"-unit. 5-1!.-26$5 REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't IS \'OlJR AI» 1N Q..ASSI· '"' )'Oll bl! selling lhe hottei;t NeaN!llt I'hone ··-· -FIEDf Scimoono •111 be "8" l'LAT Cornet •il.h 8.J'C8 Hunti!'llton Beach? Hrs. \Vkd: !1·0111-.... -lb .. _ look~ ti:." It. Ott1 642-5678 CAst. $40. VWa.p ~al Est•ll" !'.162-4471 ---------· 1 _;.:for::_:qulck::::::.· _;;<lll:::;;a:!·"'::'~-'::::· ::::;.!• ____ 673-26::..·;...o;;;J_1 __ _ 'You pick up. 2 5 1 D - Wl"stminster Ave. O.f. 3118 Misc. Wanted 1610 CUTE 5 wk. Clld Puppy. Tiny. WE PAY MORE Shiny Blk. Lab. Terrier tii'.i-40!'J4 CASH BRO\\'N Tabby ~tale 1'llten. "'"""'"' muki"g , 6/>-4738 3/15 For any rK'ar new or 11~ PUPPY, about 6-~ mos. old, fumlture, appllanctli, color- lllack, fl'male fl.Un. Poodle. M TV's. 1lereos. pianos, or. To good homt. 00-5885 3117 (;ans, stoves, refrigeratON. "JERRY", peppy youn11 bedrool"\l aet•, dining room maJe l"at * Siamese, % blk. sets, office hrmtrUtt-1 pWee Penian, 675-4738. 3115 or houseful. Day, night or "PELE" Jet Black hiendly SUni8A,y636. _3620 fem. cat. half Siamese. 675-4738 3115 has a new crew which offers: Complete Marine Services by • Exp.r ienced e High Quality MARINE PERSONNEL High Quality Work At R•e list ic Prlc11 FEMALE Slttokcy grey <al, -$~W-E_B_U_Y~$ e HAUL OUTS, 8 mos old. Love• ehl"'"· •f· l•ctio""\•. 54Hl59 3/15 $ FURNITURE $ SAIL & POWER 2 ADORABLE: Kltoons Joi APPLIANCES e 24 HR EM ERGENCY Blk 5 _.~ "'~ ·~~ Jiil SE RVIC E,, ••• 675-2460 • • "" ..., . ...-...;i,. • Coler TV'1-Pi1"0'1-Stor1e'1 847 8 •yJide Drive GRt:Y male rabbit, 10 Wf'tlo; I Pi1(1 or Hout• Full old. ~\~ 3na CASH IN JO MINUTES Newport Beach I WHITE RAO. 614-<551 3118 _:•~_:5::4~1'..:·.::'.4:_5~3_:_1 ~·~'1 11!!!!!!67!!!5·!!!l46D!!!!!!!!or!!!6!!!7!!!S.!!2'!!!!!41 !!!I - --~~. ·-·~-~-------~----- I • . ,. ; . • I . ·~ I ·: i ., ' I .. ' •• .. ) • ' : .I . ' .. " ) : • I 5 ' I , . ' . ' ' '· 1 ' ' • . ., • ' . > I ' ' . ' i • I I ' --~--,--~ ---·-..... ,... ------... --~-----------~~....,--.,..---,-.,.--·-,---~~--~--- O.ULYPLOf ' . TIANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ~------1...-----·-'--'--9900 TRANSPORTATION TllANS Almoft 9100 Dune Bu99IH 9525 i..,,..rhd Autoi 9600 lme"od A.too Imported A.... 9600 U'°" c,,,. 990t Now Ca,. UM CE~A :no. 285 KP. 1!168 DUNE !Juiriy, -.... PORSCHE TOYOTA R<trut tw". 4ual llW'k bumpers, h<latlra, wPlll.1----.,----1---------.twt!~ !Mil! ........ J •• !IO *n-... ta! blak.e body. Top .... '61 po'RSCHE '61 TOYorA, • -- nel ADF, 00-ltR eqpmL -ftady !w Ibo-.!. Id "" "-Call dUI' 950 Jira. AlrcnJt alWtcyt \YUi trade for pl~·UP or Very cltan. must Ke lo i p. :. ~ """"""5· JOnl cond. Con-ML bolow ..... marla>L pr<cla!.. j...--'-;,::'::-,-:-;=;--:- tact. P•ula Balley. 612-9900 Phone 525-3083 $2299 TR1Ut1PH ' lS6T CEWIA ISO. N••-com. MYER'S IOW'D triumph's or548-ml ~ 300. One owner. Xblt oond. ft af $6100 Contact p 1 lmmff:late Deliv1ryl ~L, I' 5 to d'IOOIJC!: ftotn -Fl'om. $tt5 to $19'5. --- VOLKSWAGEN tRANSPOllTAllOll 1--------FALCON VW l9l!l FALCON 4 llr, &Ulo. CAR SAil. TOP OlND. lntemtedt • ti Square lack Call 545-1389 ..... wkndl. • BRAND • ra1~ er.dlt prob!emT s.e us rw ======:::. • • ~ 1mtant •'"-· ..., pr1-. FORD l(EW • (I) ·•·· """ """'· Wt -Oll ---·----• m '61 -,,... credit ean .. -In '65 FORD COUNTRY • 1_969 • MUI!,.. to &..,..S.te. Vtt'/ ...... •-·-SEDAN • • ..1-....._.__. ...t..1o.• • .,...,...,.,., Sta W8.J, dlr, V-8, pwr 1teer-• · BUICK • -· n-·-• _ 1 BLUE CHIP Ing, Excelleot coodltton. l'tl :;i~~ ~'~=· tl)9·.:rs5r:;c~~ .-.~111 ,050 Sbare _.... Full itR ==O=PEN::::-:SU:N:D:A:Y:S=:. ·~ .. "'JJ .....,_,, Bon ..... M0-0126 I . '\ mporhd Auto0 9600 • · AUTO SALES Cub d•b" talce small for-eu Llmi4 : s2444 : o -:: ~~e:t":i 10-R ~::r~~ ~-~ IMPO"""' • • YOUR CAR, PAID Pot, ~ o.· 191-.9173. MObllo Homo• 9200 '"" FOR OR NOTI 1960 FORD Starlin•"· ltadto, HOl-IDAY RAMBLER lnvit,es You To COMPARE AND 8"y Hor~r AUSTIN HEALEY 149·0)01-67l·1 lf0 1'70 HAUOI ILYD. COSTA MIU heater, auto., power •teer-· SAVE · Miblt. Homes !f-3>' .:.Z' ~· & 34 wkte1 From$6995 12 WIDES f()' -1.1' -45' -50' .$5' -60'-64' From $3995 Parka available in an areu 1425 Baker St % block Eut ot Harbor mvd. oa Baker Costa Mesa 'cn4) 540-9'70 SEE the Dual Wide Road. liner Pan American, Para· mount. Elite and Gerierat mobile homes now at 'S1. Austin HHloy . 1966 PORSCHE 912 3000 Roadster. ~ cla&llc car for only $595. WIB700 5 to C~M From! L1...:1 .All In Tori Shlipoll UlllCI Starting at $3995 lf'()RfS 534-2214 or (I) 192-5551 OYA-VOLVO Dir. OPEN SUNDAY 1006 ,,._, C.M. 646-83113 1968 PORSCHE 912 '00 A.'H., rblt e~.. · 5 Speed, mi with black in. Radio, heater, xlnt cond. terior, AMIF;M radio, Sem· eo...: .... """" pret radlabl. Dealer. ~·-· -~ . $4995 • '59 A. HEALEY lOCMi Oean. (l) 892-555l or 534-22!14 $675. Call after 3 PM OPEN slJNDA y - 1966 Ha-. C.M. M6-93lll • • • Xlnt "'nd. $995. Ing. $499. 540-4392 Call M pm on!y. s:J8.611l3 BLUE CHIP VOLXSWAGEN • DalYI IT NOMI TODAY • 14t.oltS-'1S.11to • 1'10 HAUOI ...... BUICK AUTO SALES VW ~ • -~_:C!:'O'!!IT!!;A~M!!D~A!,.,--. J:;;;-;;;;;;:;;-°'.;-:.::-;::;::-;: 2145 Harbor, Costa Me&a '61 BUICK, 2 dr hardtop La :196fFbRD Falcon 2 Door. Pr1co spoc1.1. : • . : last Of The :::;" &°":'i.J..:;r~ R&dlo ... ~$399. '60 Bur •••••••·•••••• ~ • $ • '68 VW's tent condltton . ..._. BLUE CHIP .., Bup •••••••••••••• ~· 2444 1961 RIVIERA, all power, AUTO SALES '63 ................... $599 • • (Mr '15.VW'a a a BANK FINANCING 6 way 1eat, AM/FM stereo, 214.5 Harbor, Costa Mesa All Extra Sbatp • • . • $199 Total Dowa. Pymt, electro cruise, atr cond I: ~ FORD RANCHERO 500. 1699 to $1999 • • 36 at $44.78 heater. $2995.· 518-Mn Maroon with black Interior. $199 + 1 final payment for tiUe '62 SKYLARK, blue, HT, Nu Facfur)r alr cond!Uoning, a DOWN • AVAp..ABLE ONLY AT: w/w, lo ml. R/H, air, Good radio, beater, -4 ipeed. $2595. PO ft ~ 9p1 A ll • T & M cond. 1100. 61>-3862 Dealer. im>. Beaoh Blvd., Qiapman Mobile Homes Ille. ~n~. ~nd~' M~; .. l., •pr:!:' credl~,::n :;a '6"'.' BUICK Zlectra 2 dr. Hunt. Beach. 543-0442 520 N. H1rbor, S.A. DATSUN ..,11. $2495. ,.,_..,7 ... ~ ~ mNew Buick Spedal. No.• hdtp. Ah<-con<I., full pwr, * XLNT om ''6 Cntry S.. Dual Wide Sales ==.,.-5.,.3,..1.a-=57,..1_,,.,.--'67 DATSUN PICKUP SHARP.64 ;_ ;_5 '' •'332791.600349• • Motors xint "'""· 12395 • .... 1852 :"..,81;;, ~~-A~"· MO 8 ILE Hom..C.hana, " T 4 spd d1r -••-•~ heat -· • IRAND NIW • CADILLAC :els: o~'Elco~~; 7:r. 'Excellent ·;&n, all =-'""=9339==or~•,..75-6835~;--"" • '69 OP'1-• g~~7'8!~· ·;.:~ .--------MERCURY original Owned by Uttle 'ole ·1967 , POMCHE 9U S, 14t·OJOl---671-1190 • $1777 • OPEN SUNDAY 67 CAD Coupe de Ville, pado -------- fa.cllities, private cove. Lido man in , .......... : """ cash Burgundy w/ blk int. Xlnt 1970 HAUOI ILYD. 1 ========! d-4 to~ lthr, AM/FM '65 M Mont Park. Rl!U'.lnable. Cuh or .._ ... _ .,... C:OSTA MUA a •i · trcury 1r1y temu:. 615-4531 or ~2388 dels or take foreign car tn1 ='°=""=·=89Z'=ll=92=a11=6 ::pm=·= =='='=='=-='='"=-,---Order Y9Vn Todayl VOLVO 1tereo, nt condition. UlOO 4 door, V-8, automatic, pow. trade. WlU tine prvt prty.1• '65 VW SUNROOF. Thil one a I 894-1214 ottlct, 615-228 O er ltttring, aJr conditioning. l'.Mo=:t::orcyc:";:l•::::-:--::='3::00:-l::.~:::.PTB~or,,;54>-0634;""~· ~can=J~'"',..·-""'-1---S;;,U.:..:BARU ::SceU~~ :0x:a ~ee1:e!: : : VOLVO .;s:;e~n~. $2995. Like ~~~ ~Y ~~= ::_ SCRAM LETS '69 DATSUN 1969 SUBARU Only, FUJI Price Sl295. • • 142 A 2 Dr. $2893 Now. Lo MJI.,, Loaded. PCR231 . • Big se4an, 96 hp, overhead from $1297; 66 MPG HARBOR • '65 IUICK • Now 164 on Dlsployl '_673-0083===== fl'"'" Lt1Di6' ANSWERS cam eng .• dlr •. ' !pf, radio. Complete foreign car 5Crvice ~ L ·-wn boater, wow ""''-loaded! K K K VOLKSWA~•ll 1111', • ""'" "''" f•ll ''""·• llllO 1...: I CA MARO 2800 miles, under factory osta ustom ars "'" In\ •factory air. a """ uu1a ~--IHPORTS outwit -Lingo -Chief -waminty. Bal ;1775. Take 845 Baker, C.M. 540-5915 $189'5 '67 CAMARO Hammer -HOW to FLOAT $75 ca.sh dell or older car. 18TI1 Beach Blvd. 842-4435 • • IMPORTS 2 Dr. hdtp. v.a. Rally spt. TOYOTA·YOLVO You can lead a horse to L.B. YNW087. Call after 10,. SUNBEAM '62 vw BUG w:ltb radio + • OYOTA·VOLVO dlr. Sky blue exter., blk. on 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 water, but if you could teach 494-9773. , ____ ··-extras. Like new. With this a ,66 BUICK a 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 hlk. inter. Car bu bad xlnt '63 MERCURY Monterey, 2 him HOW to FLOAT, you'd '69 DATSUN Canvert. Blue 165 S be T ' ad $795. Llc. # GSK310. • • 163 VOLVO care, $75 Cub dela. or wW doer hardtop. Private party • really have aomethini'. w/blk. inter. Best offer un am iger 1 HARBOR Wiidcat 4 Joor. Fact.ry 122 s, dlr 4 pd bu ktt take foreign ear 1n trade. $400. Good shape. 673-$i78 *AUTHORIZED ·* ====675-<196=====:.J~~tb;!.,.~yton::. VOLKSWAGEN INC. ·.~~H~11ct$Vx':;:; •t••rlng,• seats.Excdient~~-Will !in. priv. pt:y, CallJlm MUsr Sell '65 Colony Park BMW DEALER UOH2(16 18111 Beaoh Blvd. M2-44S5 • dltton. All orillnal l50 cub L.B. TPP993 491-11773. 9 paas wagon. Full powor, FERRARI "' L '69 YW • $2595 • delivers, will take trado. '61 CAMERO Vo8 Rally Sp! air, AM/FM radio. 1 T & M MOTORS INlllO 1...: 1 1., _______ • Pymnt.. $3.'l.86 mo. L.B. deluxe, yell°" w/hlk 1op, owner. prv prty. ;1195. Gani•• Grove mvtl. at Beaoh ffRRARI wn UUICI CAMPERS • • HZF 414. Call 494-!ITT.l lood-4 W/ xtru, ........ 546-3665 11) 892-11561or5.14-2284 Newport lmpora Ltd. Or-IMPORTS 5 Delux. Suodlala '66 TEMPEST '62.Volvo-HGOCoupi xlntcare.~.494-1755 ======== OPEN SUNDAY qe County's coJ.y author-ro•or .... voLYO Total down $362. •c11ator11 cp•. R&H, auto.,• AU extras. 4 11peed. Volvo'• '67 CAMARO SS 350 Gold MUSTANG 'sni-'68 Bultaco, 125 cc. 1zed dealer, 1966 Harbor, c.M .... ~9303 36 mo. @ $14.35 •r, .s .. 1f;;0••1'Y77 •1 fr condit/011·• tlneat. Only $1695. QDCT65 W/Blk Top, many exta. s~= ~~::~irn:~· ~e!:~!a~~~ ·~o~~~ ra~~~s~~: + J:~: Jio;~a. : 119. $1595 :. ,;· tall LIN Mu.tCSeHllEV-RO-LET DEAnt in family ~1 .lm- 642-9'105 540-l'lM $2400 • oller. 497-1&44 '61 RivenU!e Sporuter, Authorlud MG Dealer '60 VW BUG. Economy apec. • '66 T·llRD • IMPORTS 50 cc, like new. Only iL &: runs good.. With thll '64 Ch II $100 * 842-1925 * TQYOTA ad only $495. Lie. FXWC86 •Full Jl•-r, faetary I a TOYOTA-YOLYO ev • media, le ta.le Of '66 Mustang. 289 V1 en;lne. New wide oval tires. Black interior, auto trana. 27,000 ml. Ex ... cellent condition. Rele..., submit offer. 962-1689 HONDA SPORT 50 Stroker kit, Knobbies, $50. Good condition. 644-1033 Triller, Tr1vel 18' Ron & REEL VERY CLEAN 9425 4 burner stove, oven & brlr. Dbl link, elec WH, elec refrla -ice b:ix comb, Nr new tires -spare T & W. A real buy at $888.88 . 1960 Inter. Travelall. well experlence4, !390. *-* FIAT HARBOR • ISLI 4911 a'·• 1986 Harbor, C.M. 646.9303 11:.door, lkylinder, radio &: '69 JQYQJA VOLKSWAGEN INC $2 95 heeler. OUr low, low prlc<, '68 MUST, air, l"""'" ,.at, '68 FIAT. Good clean cond. Low mileage. Oper: to of· !en. \Veekdays 9 to 5 p.m .. Mr. Brown. ~2111 JAGUAR ' • 6 • $695. JKYM< disc brake1, CrulaamaUc, lo ==-=--=""~m='l(d,,.. =-=-= • · • Antiques, Cl11slcs ?6f5 rJ l.IBli4 miles. $2690. 642--2307 '63 VW CAMPER with awn. • • INlllO ing + many extru:. $16S5. '61 YOLKSWAGIN 1 '36 Ford ~e, 2 rear doors ~ • _ • cnmplote Mth •""· 1 hood OLDSMOBILE Large Selection Llc. # HtJKR(ll!lARBOR 14 speed, radio, heater.8 lllgbtly beat, 1 bell housing IMPORTS I -•1 t D II CVTS912) with rear end. 1 '40 Ford ·· UNIV£BllJY FROM $1770 mm-• • . • ••rv VOLKSWAGEN, INC. • $1795 • hood ...... lo l &rill• d• TOYOTA-YOLTO UY SEE US TODAY I I 18711 Be&ch Blvd. , 84ZM35 • . • I·--. •-t ol '-clc ... ~ for 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '1'h1.S Sed. Au!D, Pwr 8 • .,, L -~ -~ SALES & SERVICE B. Xlnt ":~· !.:!:· party. "''" Al,.; 1 '67 vw SUnn>ol. ltadto •. wal-• • V.W. But. Phone ~ '65 CHl!VY IMPALA ~·~ wn UUICI nut wheel. w/w ""''· extra • '66 PLYMOUTH • H.B. Alk for BDL Hanltop, V-3, fact &Jr, d!r, OLDSM0811f '60 JAGUAR 3.4 Sedan 1u~RTS nice. Full price S1695, I.le. i• door. A1o1tornatlc, radio,• 1934 FIAT 608 S Sport. car. ~Cuhear· .. ~2l!.~~ti:!: . c;;ood cond. $800 ....-u VVL279 he•t•r. ITEZ 112 l l of a kind. ht $600 takta. ..,. .-or uuui --.."'!' 2850 Harbor Blvd. 546-4276 alier 7 p.m. TOYOTA-VOLVO HARBOR • $1395 • 613,ill6, 503 Cornatlon CdM oar In ttade. WW !lnc PM 'Cotta Mm '66 Jquar XKE 1!166 H•rl>o•. C.M. 646-9300 VOLKSWAGEN INC. • • :""~ 'l'XJ .... 414-8773 -Used can 50a8l n· RENCRAFT Trailer, seU Wire wheel!. $4,000 TOYOTA 18n1 Beacb Blvd. 842'""35 a Auto. Wintecf 9700 1960 CHEVROLET 1961 QLDSMOBILE F-85 =~~ !tt. i~ ~ * 494-4765 * '62tVW Bus, reblt. tJW., runs • '67 CHIYROLn a WE PAY TOP RadJo hea.Wr a::: = •-~"--, SPACE JO llEADQUARTERS good; wood panelin(, cptd., C•prlc• Cp•. Foctory air,_ : ' • U ;_,, ' 1 ~-0 " MERCEDES BENZ cw-lain" bunk; ndlo; mutt •.,,,., PS. tUXC 0721 • CASH '· •-· 540-4392 BLUE CHIP Trucks 9500 '62 MERCEDES ELMORE "'"' 543-685l • $2295 • BLUE CHIP :n<1 ~~.'t~=~ .. 1--------220$ +door rtandard shift-15300 Beach mvd., Wstmmtr '!°~'ra!:·~lp.,m::; • I ... _. AUTO SALES ,65 OLDS, .1A,. 4 ...... Yellow all -~s. '"-·Iy , fine car Phone 894-3322 hi • for med can A trucb ,.... 2145 Harbor, Costa Mesa ~ .. .,... IRAND NIW 1969 c.o.u"" ••w mats. Wood 1tr(. w . • '66 PONTIAC call us tor~ nttmate, w/ blk int, Must sell • 1/2 Ton Pickup only U495.-(0KV512l '66 Toyota Corona 548-2994 •Starcklaf 4 door. Fae:, air,• GROJH (ffbnu\ln 't!O IMPALA Conv. new beat otter. 1 OVt'l'll', ~ L • 4-0oor, original inside & out. '63 VW Camper, 1500 eng., automatic:, power 1teerlng.I l:IKV"I paint, top, Interior, tlrea. aft 4. ,,. .. Anti& Automatic, radio & heater. newtrans.,comp.equlp'd. •1vTr 1471 • Elli' &: Trani. id cond., ========- WU UUICI Only Sl295 TEY957 Make oner. 596-6830 • $ 795 Aak !w Salu Manaier sUclc. 540-1170 aft 6 L<•ve PLYMOUTH IHPORTS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '59 TRIUMPH TR 3 clean, • 1 : ~= ::! meaaage. ---$2195 $99 DN. plut TU: o&c_ WIL UUICI 67>-2637 • '64 CHEVROLET • $100. Good !ranlportatlon BELVEDERE II BRAND llW '69 RAMBUR PllU m.. s..ta '· 128 H.P. $2043 Plut T l L--rdar toda'( BRAND ·NEW . '68 JAVELIN Big Engine, BJg Spa~. Small Price! , $2386 Plu1 T I: L-1279969 BRAND NEW '69 REBEL The People Car. $2436 Plu1 T It L-1171212 BRAND NEW '69 AMBASSADOR Air Cond .. V-8, Tinted Glass. etc, etc., etc. $3286 Phi• T l L-SllO?tt . Rid· White & Blue SALE FR!:E , • • Car Radio, Pwr. Braket, Vinyl Roof r SPECIAL USID .. CAll VALUIS '66 DODGI W09on Auto trans., pwr. steer· lna; A brakes. TRD 616 $1595 '66 FORD STA. WAG. Country Squire. 9 pa.ss- enaer, auto. trans., pow· er 1tttrlng. $1775 '65 DODGE CORNIT 2 Doo• S"'8n. V8, pow. er steering, radio. beat- er. RRZ-661 · $1295 '66 AMIASSADOI 990 2 dr. hardtop, auto. trans. power 1teerlna: & brakes. Extra clean • $1795 '67 OPEL 2 door Rally Sporf, ~ speed vinyl top '8dlo, heater. HOE 912 $1495 '64 DART GT 2 dr. hardtop. Auto. trans., radio, heater. OMLl95 $1045 '65 MERCURY Marauder. Factory· air conditioned. TOYOTA·VOLYO' rJ'"'" L•U.: 1 best offer near $ 4 5 O. • JQ 9-3331 '55 CHEVY 3 1pd 8 cyl. 1967 PLYMOUTH CONNEU 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 '65 TR4A, ERG, wire, Mich. lr11pela" doer. A11tor11et!c,• WE PAY WH car. 642-69ro aft 5 Model · 4 door atatlon WQ· IMPORTS R/H, must sell, $1450. (TI4) lpow•r •f•er. IOTU of)J) • 1960 CHEV. Good body & on. Equipment.powersteer-$13 95 CHEVROLET TOYOT.,VOLVO 64>-9448 before 6. • $1295 • fOR YOIJR (AR :J.• =77.""'"' wo'1<. ~~u~::::. ";::,.~ 'H RAMIUI 2828 Harbor C.M. '66 TOYOTA Crown Wagon. 1964 VW SEDAN. MUST I • window, white sidewall tb'ea. M&-l200 =~ :i:::~~:~ SELL.=~~· $525. 1 '63 GRAND PRIX • CONNEU ~ 0::. ~~o .... l:: ~~~ iJ~~ ~~~~~~111• '54 FORD Panel, diamond nice. $1395. Stk # Pl.99. .66 vw 1600 Fa.stbe.ck. A-l Auto tr1n1 .. power 1f•er.,I CHEVROLn rack $1225. 673-6162. May be coNOmON • Excellent $995 button aunk Interior, rebuilt HARBOR condition. Orig owner. l redio, he•ter. tOHZ 6251• 2828 Harbor Blvd. seen at '250 E. 17th St.CM. PRICE. $197S. 292 •n&·• 25,000 ml1'9. MUI! , VOLKSWAGEN INC. $1295. * 644-2932 • $1195 • Cotta Me1& !116-1200 '64 CHEVY Bel Air, VS, p/a S.. &t the DAlLY PILOT, 330 lff to believe. Best otter. l8TI.1 Beach Blvd 842-4435 a & brks. We11t Bay Street CM or call '64 FORD 67>5980 PRtVATE Party want a · 1964 VW. R/H, New brkl, • Will 8 * 64&-854B * ' · · Galaxle 500. 4 dr. Hard· FORD PICK UP.$250 :•::::•,:0250Sig~~': BILL MAXEY t;;;;,:;;·~,:""· 1975 '63 OLDS • uy ~L~·:~UTH-. ~;,..V~ice~~~ b='. ~. ~aft 3 p.m. :i~: immaculate. (800j ITIOJYIOITIAI ·~~ ~~~:~"'5s~ :: : ;1u;~eu, aYto. p.1, IWFH·: Y:z;;o!:':: :::= CHRYSLER ~~·~:.t he1::: ~~ QSK 9695 JHps 9510 196$-220 s. All"""''· xlnt 1U81 BEACH BLVD. Sharp.646-5278 • $895 • orooLc.DRalpb ""'CHRYSLER Crown Leu thin 19,000 mil". d •2 700 ~ t " • 673·1190 lmportal, $3ltl0. °' beat of· Balanoe ol 5 yr. oe 50,000 '64 ••MIUll '67 BRONCO con • · 0' ~• 0•"'· Hunt. BN<h 847.asss ''6 VW Bu•. 9 """· '°"' • for. Xlnt cond. Or S-9574 null warronty. WW ..u - , Call eves. 833-7146 Sm1N.o1CoaatHwy.onBcb mech. cond. Very clean. • '6Z MllCURY • IMPORTS WANTED Days, aJter 1, Sf0-1'"6. Pvt below retail or will trade :=ve~~:l!r 6,i:::: 6 1 4 ::o~ P.'IERCEDES Benz 1961, 220, TIIE HUB of act1v1t)' fcl S1650. Aft 6 PM 644-2634 • • • Oraqe Countlt'I pty. for plclc-up, Phone 52>3tll3 radio, heater. OST 331 cy' ve, rear 4 door sedan, $ll50. 642-4926 .....-_ ......... _ U.. '!ill VW $500. Clean, new • Mo11te,ey. Fae:. air, auto., TOP $ BUYER "'"' n--~ R·--r, •·"· $995 seat, radio. Hu been only or 8l3-IDl8 ~~ ...._.. .. _. • • • . radio&: tires 675-3034 p.1. CGEX 1901 • BILL MAXEY TOYOIA .,,, -™-' ........ ~WM.J ooce to the "'"''' Sl995. -eo1 -Dia! 642· ' . • • · $695 • 18881 Beach mvd. COUGAR equipped, lllre ..... 819-60llll MG to dlf£ ,,..-..,._NOW. Whito """8nll! Dlm0<1·ltne • IL S..ch. Ph. 847.-* -* '65 RAMILll '58 JEEP Military V8-; I rted A 9600 I a • '67 XJt.7, 390 enr., GT 'IO Plymouth Fury, 4 dr, :arcon 330. Auto. tran"., totally ,.b!L, will ronatder MG moo utoo mporttd Autos 9600 .•••••••«: Auto LoHlng ~ Performance Group. Air air, i>'; pb, good rond. o. heater. NQK 230 trade. Eves. r;n.-. i!:;.,~~ • JAGUAR • e L!ASE e :,~tto=: tt~ .. ".'!":'; $239. Call 546-0146 $1295 C:•.!!!9",69 vw 9520 All.,.,.... n~~ ·. HEADOUARnnr •• ::~~v.'!;;:::.~':."~ =· ~ ;;-;_= PONTIAC w.;:,5 =:L:i. l Ll~t..:..j IUU '67 Le Mans cpe, air f15 mo. ranty, ......,, uv wu•.a•e · • ·~ PON'flAC Grand Prix. door Sedan. VS. auto. CAMPERS ELMORE MOTORS •Compl1teSalH·Serv_. '61CorvalrMo"'"Pt~mo. $2895. 5'6.a7!0 Pwr Str, pwr hrkl, ,.. trans. FACTORY A18 5 Delwco SUndial> •le• end Parla Doptrl .. SOUTH COAST '68 COUGAR radio, $1400 or make olftr COND.!138'.'wcr 1teerln(. Total down $362. 15300 llACH IL~. WESTMINSTER H4-JJ22 •men! for JAGUARS. • CAR LEASING Lime with btaclc .. dded top. .,!168-;-n:US,;;t=.,,..,=::-:=· llWQG$1. 495 36 mo.@ $74.35 a Saa n., &citing • N...!!..W~t HJ&bw~ Loaded and all' cood.ldonlnl-'58 PONTIAC salArt Wq., + final pymt for U~. Dlr. ~· O>ut HW1s;.f:M 411 ~ a lttt Jaguar Tolley a ., .. ,....... $2800. 1' •. Stotts UU&l. chrome rtma, buckett, (1)=~2l84 Aathorlze<IMGDW<r /J 0 .......... *AUJOlfASING*.::::.-ndR411':;:.::.~:sirr ~--... P-ERSP~S(Al95 * PAM-TOPS, all ate e I ~-ll~~A,Lo::1"~A oohnct New a • I ALL 'U.o.V"P'• vleyl top; lo Ml. FUD pwr. whllull re"1 .. m ._:u~~ air, Ult .. _, •'-"-.Sales & ttntala. $149 .... .., '"'·:n31''!~~~~ lank fl11•11c:iny •vallahle '* • • I COMP•·, .. -,~,-PRICES $2'150. 871-8811: 64&.S73l eve • • ....., • .,,-...,,, •u II c..llN '1775 u.:l.llll ~ henli: approve of credit. 23• L 17111 SJ "' "" ~.., • ...., up. s., factory dlr<cL 10lll • • • • Cort Fox Auto LOlsln9 ECONOMY 'tlll _,,...; • -· So. ... ::. s;:;.,.ted a· OPEL REE -FREE : 548-7765: N.::·= lllah~ DODGE eyl.~~2:: 9":M H''o' '"L' 1"D-AY- camper ahell for we. '66 OPEL las Vee.as Vacallnn • '58 !lODGE. "'"· hdlp. T-llRD * <C-.'!375 * 3 DAYS & 2 NIGHTS • OPIN• Used Ct,. t900 R&H, rebl L •n&· $250. * FOR Sale-Camper """ Station ""'°"' Xtnt cond. t FOR 'TWO • • • 5'&2181 tor 8• wkle bed Pk:kup. $150. spd, dlr, radio_ he1a~ .. Selnala No Purcha•• Noc:••••" • 7 DAYS a Newcaltlt Moton N 5'S-&l< bloo exler1ot. At ,... AND e Good only, !hru FALCO !-=========-:I Interior. $75 Cub dola. wm • MNIN•S • Mardi 17th e Dune Bllftlln 9525 '"'" '"'••'IY. Lil swa 41• 15300 Beach BIYd, • • '60 Glda • "'"· hdtp. Uc. No: '63 FALCON v-t, Hanltop, 1-;.;=.o:.:==---Aak for Jim 494.9TD CVJ 431. $99 _ •uto trans, pt, out&tandtng • vw DUNE,BUGGY ..... , 1968 OPEL L.S. Sport coupe. Westminster ' '59 Olevy ...... .,. 2 tlr. cond. M2-!174ll. 96Ul68 to tlO. !art< nm. and lite• Radm, healor. < apeed, air 894-3322 118 dn, $1! mo.~ mo.. Tix HAKE A MEMO to ....... tuned uhaust. $li00. 495«3.1 condlt:ionln;, Bta engine. tJ It Uc. incl. Lie. No, QSH 1ll up toYl >"'U no Joncer Mfd, THE QUIO<Ell YOU cw.. 11595. Deal<r. ,_ Beaoh OPE., 7 DAYS Z!SG -m vtl. C.M. -.... them "" cull -mz QUICXER YOU SEU. Blvd. Hunt. Brach. MG-0442 '42-46t6 ' todQI •,...;.=------- I 4 ! . '51 BABY T ..Sird. M1.11t aacrilloe! Special reblt '"'" twin 4 BB carb. only 1,IXIO mi. Port holes. f73..72U '57 a.ASSIC T-Bln!, all pwr 2 '°"'' konvt.·l·porthol•. 121511. 5'Mll0 .... pm. '57 T•Bird 1~. ~ ma~lel Mak" oltc.r. m.&m • -. -·-· ... -------·---·--·-.. ·--~---·-~. -~--· .. ·-·····--· ·-_.. _____ ----··~· ···-·· -· -·-·--·· •· ------· ·-·----------------.. ~----='--'---- Sein i. s..fco -·-·-,., T .. C" .. ,.,.,, II 1969 Harbor Blvd COSTA MW 642-6023 • DAllY PILOT ears.~-. . . . 110% Stronger than 1969 new-air original tires Bu,y 1st Tire at Regular Trade-in Price 'fJf · $27.95 and G~ 2nd Tire for Only • Two fiberglass belts virtually eliminate tire squirm and wig- gle that wear tires out quickly • Tread lies flat on the road for quicker starts and stops, surer cornering and greater safety • PLUS-two add- ed plies o( nylon cord for extra stre·ngth and wear! 122% Better mileage than original tires , ....... , SIZE .;:.1:1• l.tlTln 14% IA!lrger. · Footprint thM original tires -97 .. ' ' ' ' 6.50xl3 Tubeless Bladrwall Phm 2.02 F.E.T. And Old Tin I S.M I &Ave rrade-i. • ... l'rit:e r .r;.r. · Tu!Jeless Blackwal)s 7.35xU I 30.95 ,J 15.48. I· 15.47 I 2.18, , 5,5ox13. I 27.95 I 13.98 I 13.97 I ·2.18 · 7.75xl4 I 32.95 I 16.48 I 16.47 J 2.36 8.25xl4 I 35.95 I 17.98 I 17.97 J •44 Tubeless Whitewalls 6.50xl) I 30.95 I 15.48 I 15.47 1'2.02 6.95xl4 I 31.95 I 15.98 J 15.97 J 2.11 7.35x14 I 33.95 I 16.98 J 16.97 I 2.1 8 7.75xl4 I 35.95 I 17.98 I 17.97 I 2,36 8.25xl4 I 38.95 I 19.48 I 19.47 I 2.44 8.55x14 I 41.95 I 20.98 I 20.97 I 2.68 8.85x14 I 44.95 I 22.41! I 22.47 I 2.86 7.75xl5 I 35.95 I 17.98 I 17.97 I 2.50 ' 8.15xl5 I 38.95 I 19.48 I 19.47 I 2.68 8.4ox15 I 4t.95 I 20.98 J 20.97 I 2.77 8.85x15 I 44.95 I 22.48 I 22.47 I 2.90 9.00/ I I I I 9.15xl5 47.95 23,9g 23.97 I 2.94 Fiberglass Belts Mean a Big Footprint for Better Mileage •FREE The two fiberglass belt,, beneath the tread give you better: traction and stability. In addition, two nylon cord plies give the tire exceptional strength and resiltance to impact and puncture damage , , , which meam longei: life. 'Check or Yoar Wheel Allpment • . Tl'Nllll Ufe Gmnatee OWW I I A.plnst1 All fallurell ot. th• tire nmlting trom normal road buard.I or defects ill imaterlal or workm•nsbtp, ... .,or llcrW Loq: J'or llf• of. Cidginll lnad. W-. Beu9 '\WI Doi Repair natl punoturM at no ~ lD cue c( failure, ln exchange for the tire, replac9 It at M charge, 1t failure occun during tint IO months. U tire fal\1 after this period, replace It. chargtnc only the proportion of cUrTellt regular 8elUDc prte plulll Federal Exclae Tax that represent.I """' ..... Tttad \\INM}ut Guralilee 0.-Utieed Aplnst: Tl'ead wear~t. Fm· How Long: 4<l montha. WW 8-n WUI Do: In exchange for tile Lii:e, l'tpla.ce tt,, ~ current regular aelllng price ptua Fed.ert.l JCxd8e Tu leu the followiDg a.llawano.: 25~. 24-Month or 24,000-Mile Guarantee Remanufaetured Engines More New Parts in Every Remanufactured Complete Engine • AU New Wat.er Tl&bM • AD New Roel Bmrlnfl • All N-l•takll va1,-es • All N-Roder Shaft. • AU New ff7tb'auUci utteni • All New Vall' 8prlase • All New TbnDg Cla&lnl • AD New Bulhl.np • All New Pldona .• AD N"" M.ta -• AU New 8MI o..a.. • All New ClllJoolM; TJP9 . • AU New Eshaut Val\'N Rlnp .ALLSTATE Cat and Tn.tct Enatn--Exich~• available for over 830 ma.kflll &nd modell rem.&nfaatured to mon u&cti:n&' Jt&Jldardl than are used tn nnv qtne1. Oompe.rw ALLSTATE Remanfactunid Engtne Quality ..,.. Blo..:k1 and Headl-Rellurfaced Mapatlwt lMpected and pre1aure te11ted ..,.. Crankshatt, C..mlban., Connecting Rod.-Reground complete .nci pollehed ..., Oil Pwnp, Oil Pan, Frcmt COver and Roclcer Covers' ln/Jlalled on all OHV encfne1 Superior Construction Means You Get More Tire Conventional tire on the right js distorted by high-speed a qui rm and wiggle. The fiberglass- belted tire stays flat against the road for 1u- perior zafety and trac~ tion , •• plua more than doubh the mileago of new-car tires. SA VE ~l each. Regular $4.99 }'it Most Can • Built to out.last and oat. perform original tqulP- ment shock! • You get increased handl· ing control., improTtii ride, smoother tide A.it fot Your FREE Shock AboOrber TfAI at Sears! No Obliptloal Expert lnstallaliMt AftilaljJo ,---------------·----------------------------------, --TA 8-4400, 121..cm a-1! GI :J.3911 lOllll ILIOI HI l.Q121 r1CO W£ 8-4262 WllA JI-9-Ull011 WIAND 91$.1927 I ~ ,.a..a-0661 ~ a1 5-1004, a .M611 CllYMltC. so10 AN a..s211 ?OMONA m 2.1u5, HA 9.5161, vu u;>s1 Sollll'A MONCA EC .u111 vAWY '° J.8461, tlM-lDI I I m:ctt .. 6.1'11, Hf 2-5761 llOU'IWDCD HO 9.5941r -OlANOl 637-2100 SANTA ANA Kl 7.3371 sount COAST ruv. 540-3333 Vl!IMOHT P\ 9·1911 -I rx7111A ""'611 -Ol 1-2521 •-NU 1~211, a J.1211 RllMIG 5'2"1511 S(_'(lfS '------~----------------_____________________ , ' I , -- J I I l ( ' ' J r ' ' r h h ~ ~ E