HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-19 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa"
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• • -IXOil
• . ' .
SwalloWs· Make It
' . ' ,. ' . . . -. l . .
I93rd ;Stl-aig·ht;• . . . .
···Betnrn: to (;apo·L
. .
r -·
• •
'·Coast t;ities. . . '
.'' ..
In· _fJpitecl .: Fro•t . . ' 1 •
Ag~D.tst .. ·Oil-Rlightt'
' . -• • • . ..
Houseboy . Slays 3, Self
' . ' ' ' '\ . . ·; ' ' . ' • • l t ' ! . J . ., . ' . . ' .
,' ' ,-OL. a. HO. 61, 4 SICTKNtS, .. l"AllS
• '
. .
.. r ··: •w1fti.a1• ,. • f •. . ... .,., -·· •
Contacl'lensl!s, not love;put"'6r1h'th!s·eye. RObeit l.\orrision; Harri"'·
burg, Pa., Optometrist, dtveloped special lenses i'fl brilli~t color
·colflbinations "just for fun .. '' Similar lenses, without frills, says
Morrison, ¥e used for po!t-cataraCt operation pBtienu.
t ' . \f \'0 \t(,-~~ Hvuiebt>y·~ilfS. B~J;yts /.\
' ..
Wife~ TwiJ·Vthers,,,Self
, ., ...
MEXICO CrN (UPI) :!. , c:aot-· ·~·!!>lier bed. , :•
hotutboy wenl cin a aavage ll)lllng>Wee Thillekelelamilyhld'broughtHeewan
in the Ethiopian embaasy Tuesday R!ght; to Ethiopia "° wort in . the ~mbaay,.
" '. '" RespQ uses
' LOS ANG,. (liPI) -Slrblll B.
Sirhan II a y '· .lqn who 11 lrlghlened
of sex and" ' ' ·far dilfenatlJ than
aimo.t an~. man when. apooed toil, a '.. 1--lesfJfled loda;f al
the mw:d ii1iL
u .,;.,, 11>e'm· blrlhday of tbe ·Anti
lmml&rant .0 tr!>! 'ior lbe mun!er ot
Sen. Rilbei;t F. ~y.
Dr. Roderick RicllMd!Oll reaumed
showllJi. · lbe Jury a lel'i.. of Pktutt/' ·
which he, had put before SitDan anti
"!'ked hfm . lo mai<e up a slory of wbal
., .. happening.
One abowed a woman nude ·from the
Waist up on a bed and a mail atandlng
Richard.son said Sirhan's reaction wu:i
''Did he murder her or rape her?"
"Then he said ,he once had 1ten a
rOOvle in which a detective ~
a picture of an illicit a f f a I r and
be said that might be what was hap-
pening there."
"He has a sexual problem -it 11
a lrlgblenfnfl tbJng Instead of aa accepted
thing," RlcblrdlM said. "Never in 7,oeG
cues did J ever have anyone theorize
that this wu a picture snapped bY.
a delectlve.11
In l<stlmol1Y Taelday Dr. Rlchanltoo,
• clinical poycllolocLs~ described 81rlwl
thiJ 'l!IY' In CD1vert1tloa.and laoguap .a bright,
normaMo«IPerl« int e 11 I I en e e.
Vulnerable \o an 910 state where he
want..· to . be .. thogbt of in term1 or
• fa1M1W~.'~~leel11<moral11.
justUied by 19dalli~ble acll.
lbooting to death the ambUlador"• wife 8e QICllped 11tt army Of police wtlo
I ~aced.to-lbe embusy Tuuday night and two women, servlllJla. Polke ound , and~· -U In a fl.IQ. a nl&hl· ·
him bonged lodl,Y. a 1¢clde. ~ alrlhlf( pjillce akl,
Three of the four children of '"Hi.dsd it. ~cue Js mlved,~ MeUco
Ambassador Glitachew Bektle 111 in <att lDuce" Qdel Renato Yep Amador
"dellcal<o" con<jitlon al the Rid eroo.. 1llld ........._ Polke found a .Jk>llber
clinic wllh severe head wouods suffered. pi&tol-in HetW"MI'• poctet and saJd it
in the rampage of Berhaun Heewan. Wal'the murdr~
Their governess. Jo Clever, ~ped . Another av••• a -Maria del Carmen
In good cooditlon wilh knlle slashes oo M'ender, swept ti. ~ Bekele ehild,
her' neck. hand and forearm. 1f.mooll>dd T...., fato ber . ..,,,. ...r
"I trusted him and he killed my wife ·nei! through a -•lleew'ay bunted
••• he. killed my wife, Bektle wept leav-· tber·down bt1be·~~ ·• '
ing the embassy early today .after .sur'"-Her boyfriel\d, ArtMfo}Dimu, arrived ~ylnf the bloody s«n< and identuyjag at the end• of>lhe ......... ,~· hefJ>l>d ••
hil ~ Bela h, ~ lhroogh. lbe <Jliliss Mende> oot of llie· -._ 'I'hliT
SP Trail( Derailed .
FAIRFIELD (.tPJ -Two Jocomol.ivea
and ~ can ol 1140-car Southern Paclfie
lrtl&ht train derailed early today In
a slough area 11tar Falrfleld.
raced for safety wilh bu~ from
Heewao's'l'eVolver wbisWn1 J#,"tllllm. !"'-
Dimas said • Heewan • 1'Jll engry
4'because he WU ahfi.yl hlltlif aiwmd
the servlnt girll and •anna,t.n'-them,
and 'the ambooador'• •lie !Old 1lfm
earlfer .lhat .ai. ne~ Wll~ to • him doing Iba! ....
' • •
~ ..... .. , ...
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-~---• . ·--------
_Arm.01·ed Attack Wipes Out 330 Comiµuni ·sts
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. lank colwnns
bllWiol ...... Ibo. lllcholla nibbt<
pllntatlon ti mllet _ ... of Saigon
hi,. tilled 330 Comm\IJllata at lllbt
lop to ~ !root dlspatd>es
""'°"ed today. T1ie Commulllll duth
toll -to an eatlmated 1n lo th1s arid other hltU...
U.S. military spok<sman llJlllOUllCing
the upturn lo combat Aid North Vle~
...,.;. foroea earl>' -Y lllelled Da
N1111, killlDI II dvillam aad WOUDd!lli
'Early Tot'
't1lat tale about Michael McClain mat·
Jng his way Into the world on St
Patrick's Day was a Jot more Irish
than anyone thought.
Shure an' begorrah Eugene McClain
had to deliver the wee boy himself
by-the dawn'• early light. But here's
the •try lrlah aftermath to what jUll
seemed to be a til\)ely story for a
happy da7.
Micbad didn't push his way loto a
shamrodl:«lrauded world a little earlier
than expect<d. 1be point io, he wasn'I
eipected at all.
Blarney! Don't you believe It.
Joyce McClain. 46, of Anaheim, didn't
even know she waa pregnant. She had,
she said, entered menopause and
something lite Michael was juit about
.the last thing in the world she expected.
And husband Eugene, 51, ii equall1
.OabbergasteCI. But hi! astonishment
didn't prevent him from doing a beautiful
do-it-yourself job of delivery, doctor•
at MarUn Luther H1111pltal 11ald.
Thos same docton aren't Aylng much
today beyond cooc:edlng that what hap-
pened to Joyce McClain cou ld
"cooc6vably" happen.
Conceivably nothing, aaya the indignant
Joyce. She told newsmen that she put
on about r;il pounds in recent month&
but didn't think thll waa anything to
worry abouL
Physic:aJly, ahe 61id, It seemed that
her days ot cb.Udbearlng were over and
me could rut content with the three
little !(.cClaJns ahe already had.
"I reckoned without Michael,'' 1he
grinned. "Ob yea:, and st. Patrick."
Stronger Laws
Against Ri~ters
Urged by Reagan
n.9gan of California told Congress today
that laws to cut off federal ald to
rioting college students should be
He also crlUclzed co 11 e g e •d·
m..tnistrators wbo he said "have typically
been slow to act and quick lo CQDcede''
In dealing with studenl unr..i.
''A culture will revert to a jungle
If there are no tradltJons, values and
laWI which are rapected and defended,"
Reagan 6ald In a slat.men! rubmltled
to a House Educatklo Subcommlttee.
Reagan dld not attend 11>< hearing and
lls statem<ot wu r<ad by bis uslstan4
'1.lex C. Sherrlffs.
CUrrent law provides fer a cutoff of
federal financial aJd to student:t'convk:ted
oo charges stemming from campus
violence. Presider¢ Nixon let it be known
Mooday that his adminlstraUon will
make the fullest we of the provision
In an effort to calm the campuaes.
Sherrlffs and other Calllornla ofllclals
~lied as the subcommlttee continued
hearings on causes " c a m p u s
disturbanc:<s and other problems ot ~gber educaUoo.
....,....... 11w::a ......... ---·---CAUfOltllA
1-'-t H. Wcc4
,,...,..... .. P'vllllftf'
J .... a. C.lcy
VU ""*.._. Clll 9-cf MIN"'
"''""'' ."'" ·-rheNI A. M11,•l~c ..............
'••I Nii"• .......... ·--ON.MNl1•w.t..,.._ """""' ._, m1 NMt ..... ......_ ~~I tn ...,., A-1 ... ff:C ........ 1. Ml._.
23. A rode! attack oa SaJion waa foiled
-U.S. lrOllpa Qplond lln -alretdy fueled and aimed.
UPI comspoodent N•t Gibson. with
th. OOWlter•ttactlni Amerlc&n and South
VldulMM f,.... north-of Saigon,
~ 1poradlc flghUng Uiroqhout to-
day and heavy flghUng tonight In three
areas of the jungled nibber plantation
that is headquarters for the Nortb Viet-
namese 7th Divilkn.
Field commandm aald Iha campaign
bad the putpo.'O of P"Ventlng • poalble
_, Commuolal pound --
Salgon and that they believed thl 7111
Division would be the atrlke f~ lot
ouch an atta<i.
t;Thil 11 one ol u.r main stagfnl
areas and we're here to li'nUh Uteni
before they have a chance to c0tne
at us," an American officer 118.id.
Gibson aaid the U.S. 11th Armored
Cavalry regimen& speltbeaded th e
flghUng during the day and that elemeola
of Iha uoJI llll&t Col. George S. Patton
Ill, aoio et:!lt!t-taiooua . War~. Ww U
..,,.,.1, made Urie major contactl after
-·"" tonight. 'Ille 11th 'Cavalcymeo killed 131 Com-
munists ui ihe llnl lwo clays· fll Iha
o!tlve and ether W>Jts lnvolvtd lo :ho
Gl"'•Uon reported kllllng another 1911
Red soldlen. Allied casaalties were
described only 81 "liglt." '
.'The tankers ovt:rran the North VW..
111.mese dlvls1on.'1 ~aft".coalpuy
•• * * *
In the f!rlll pliases of their push Tuuclay.
~fin of·lbe --·a ellbl JO.<"aliber machlne guns.
The North VJ-,.... were flgbting
hoklhlg actions from their bunkered posl-u-.
lo olher flgbtlng report'!( tod17 tniopo
of the U.S. 25th Division kill«! 32 COm-
munista and lost two men killed and
ooe wounded In a fig"jlt 2S mllea northwest
of Saigon. ™"""' of the U.S. Ith Infantry
f!CJ>!ing 25 miles w..i of Saigon illlod
* * *
37 Communists at a loll of. two mu.
-and two wouodod. Far lo Iha north,
U.S. Marlnea ballllnf North VletnaJne.
lotceo around Ila Nang killed 72 and
lost 11 dead and 30 wounded.
1'le rocket attack oo Da Nang, aad
previool attacks on Hue and Saigoa.,
were cons1dered violations of the un-
derstanding by which the United stalal
halt.d the bombing of No!1h Vietnam
last Nov. 1. But 10 far the Communllt
offensive bu hit Da Nang three Um-.
Safgoo five and Hue twkt.
* * * ·offensive Not 'Response'·
DAILY PILOT Steff Plltft
• Alli.ed Sweep T ermed Part of Total War Effort
WASHINGTON (UPI) -'!'lie White
House describe• the current Ailled aweep
In South Vie!Dam .. "an lntqral r>irt"
of. the total war effort rather than the
"appropriate reaponse" threatened by
Prealdent NlJ:on if Communbt attacks
became intolerable. '
Presidential press secrtlary Ronald L.
Ziegler said Tue.sday the, big offensive,
• • code-named ''Oper1Uoa Atlas Wedge••
and aald to involve up to 10,000 American
troops, was lamdted· to counter Com.
mun.1st military action around Saigon.
Asked if the sweep represented the
''appropriate responae" NiJ:on threatened
From Pqe J
NIXON • • •
Manager Gilbert E. Essell confirmed
today that executives of the 140--room
Inn called him late Tuesday to seet
help in reserving 35 mote rooms in
the immediate area.
at a news confereoct two weeks ago,
Zieler said :
1·1 would characterize the COU!l-
terattack 111 being an. integral part of
the overall Allied effort in South Vietnam
and being specilically deaigned to disrupt
and defeat the enemy's current offensive
plans in the Saigon area."
Meonlim~ In, Paris it appeared thal
the military lnltlative tel.zed by U.S.
and South Vletumese troops In the vllal
Saigon area would boost the posiUon
of Allied ne1otiatcn for 'Ilrurlday'a new
peace couference aesalon with the Com·
The meeting will be watched di
special attenUon by Allied analysts
because its results, or lack of them,
will be a factor 1n the formulaUon of
new American policy decisions on Viet·
The large-scale counter offensive Atlas
Wedge launched by the allies out.sl.de
Saigon was considered by observers lo
have given their Paris negotiatar1 an.
edge for 'Ittursday. Hitherto the con-
ference wu overshadowed. by Vlet Cong
attacks that bad put the Allies lareeJ)'.
on the defensive and forced them lo
focus largely on pro!<sla agalnll 'Ille
!helling of clvillall targets.
Sister Cities' Chambers
Cl~~ ~n Flight' Propqsal
~ ~,·, ! • ..
NOport Harbor Chamber o1 eoa;. '.supervisor elaborated hll boanl'• -mere. laden today ""' on record lo adlon disapproving of the fllgbta and
opPosttloo ~ plans to add Padltc , asking the CAB to deey appllCIUOOI.,
Nortbwel) !lllJ>ta at 9<anp . Conuly . AIIeD acbowledgod the plea to a!land
Moving 500 Pounds North on Bike for Two
, 'J'he .. presidential party has reserved
a total of ,175 rooms at the ornate,
19th Century Hotel del Coronado in San
Diego, less wbstantial than the mission,
but perlodic site of Jet Set nesting.
San Dlego ii celebrating its 200th an-
niversary this weekend offering another
tourbt attraction in addition to the
swallows' celebrated r e tu r n to
Airpo11. '.. · ' • ' , tlle CAB hearlnl and told Iba dlreclon Tlie k by the Newport Chamber . be-1d try to 'l"b'lba trip.
. . Several directors told the l1lperV!sor places It . in conflict with that of the they thought rtpresentatlon by Aviation
Costa Mesa Chamber, which endorsed Director Robert Bremahan and a
the increased airline .strvice three member of the county counsel's office
Pedaling Pair Mote grim than gay, but also on
the Nixon itlnerary, is inspection or oil·
polluted Santa Barbara beaches, but
Press Secretary Ziegler mentioned no
other specific Southland stops.
months ago. v.-as not enough to sway the CAB in
To reinforce their stand taken at a the right direction.
Board o! Directors meeting Monday,
Maratlion Cyclists Visit Beach The presidential party will be staying
In San Diego only one mile, however,
from the Coronado Peninsula base where
a Navy board ~ inquiry is compiling
findtnp lo Ille USS Pueblo case.
Newport Chamber executive directors
appealed personally to Cotmty Supervisor
Alton E. Allen to represent their op-
position at a Civil Aeronautics Board
hearing on the fllpt upansion issue
nezt Tuesday In Wasblogton,' D.C.
Harbor Airport
Foes Now Number
2,300 Citizens
Riding their bicycle-built-for-two
around the country, Mr. ·~-~ John
F. Kennedy made a brief Hun-
tington Beach today to lnv , Mayor
Alvin Coen to help celebrate the 200th
birthday of San Diego.
The Kennedy11, formerly of Long
Island, New York, recently 1et a record
by pedaling their tandem bike from
New Yori: to San Diego ln six months
Jn honor of the city's bicentennial
They are presently headed north to
San Francisco as official ambassadors
of San Diego. When mounted with all
thelr '&ear, they are moving about 500
pounds along the highway.
Mayor and Mrs. Coen greeted them
this morning at' city hall. The Coens
themselves are no strangers to bicycle
pedaling as they often tour the city
on recreaUonal jaunts.
1be bue Is but a brief ferry ride
lrom the hotel.
En route to his native Southern
California, the President will etop off
to vWt a predecessor, in Independence,
Mo., former President Harry S. Truman,
who has been a caustic Nixon critic.
The presid ential party will return to
Washington on Sunday, according to the
White House spokesman.
The Newport board opposed the Issue
unanimously. The Costa Mesa chamber
last Dectmber voted ln favor of the
increued filght.s.
The bid to Allen to attend the hearings
was unanimous among the directors of
the Newport group. It came after the
The Harbor Area's Nol11e Abatement
Committee, a citizens' group of Ora.nae
County Airport expansion foes, now
numbers 2,300 "active 1upportera," It
was announced today.
300 Polled in Newport
On Long-range Planning
President Reinstates
Fired State Official
From PlliJe J
Dan Emory, chairman or the com-
mittee, aaid the figu,.. ln<:ludel all thole
who have med lawsuitr against the ccn.m-.
ty over jet noise or "have iD IOme
manner 1ndlcated supporl''
They are all on the oraanliaUon's
month ago at the Calllomla '••m•e of mailiog list, be noted.
I dty T""'dt' · lo Emory added that he will reprueot Cities' annus managers vis n me comnUttee at the Civil Aermautics
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Otto F. ronventlon, also held In Santa Barbara. Board hearing in Wa..hlngton, D. C.
Otepka, a controversial State Department lt was suggested by Newport City next Tue:tday. At the bearing, the CAB
official suspended from a security 1'ob Manager Hurlburt. will --~• -·• to an!
A public opinion survey team has quiz-.
ied 300 Newport Beach resldenlll to help '
the ctty's energetic Newport Tomorrow
loog-range planning project, Jt was
disclosed Tuesday.
'11>e prof""1onal poU may he the
precursor of a mail quesUonnalre to
be aen1 to all Newprt homeowners,
according to Newport Tom or r o w
John Macnab, general chairman of
the city-citizens planning committee, ex·
plained the groundwork for the IUI'Vey
at a City Hall pr~ conlereµce. He
was joUled by Don McGrew, vice presi·
deal of Opinion Reoeu<:h of Ca!Uornla,
which conducted the Jn.depth' interview
Both Aid the dedat<ln to keep ae<:rel
the exact datet of the long-planned
5UTVey -la.st Saturday and Sunday
-waa made "so that the result! could
be as linpartial u humanly possible." -
Teaml d profealonal lotervlewera
from the Long Beach-)lued firm apread
througbout the city to galhe< the data.
The fact that the survey woold be
conducted waa common knowledge, but
the dates for Interviews had not been
told .
. Macnab promised e • p 11 cl t In·
terpretltlons of the survey as soon as
the firm can e¥aluate and compute the
h~ ol annen. 1be work wlll
late obool 2',\ moothl, "!cGn!W aaid. ,
1l>e tntonlewen uked que1tlooa -
some rpedflc, 10n11 open.ended. and
several controversial -which will re.in-
fo«< and guide Iha aevtft dtlzm'I 1\udy
groups .et up under the Newport Tomor·
""' program.
Macnab aald the groups ha .. felt that
an "accurate survey us.Ing pertinent
quettiorw thouJd be made by a neural
bod)> to IMWU IOllle quesUona about
the desfrw of the community wbld>
Newport Tomorrow peopl• will ne<d for
their recommendaUona to the city council
on long·range planning f0t the city."
The complete list cf the queat.Jons
asked wu not provided, btcawe,
McGrtw Wd, 11mm1 cf then, 1f quoted
out of Iha lni.tvl•w aitu&Uoo, could Ile
"What we........, to achitve," 118.id Carr, "V1'41Uer a pro....,.,... aw com-by former Secret .. ..., of State Dean Rusk, '"'Y" t merciaJ jet Oi""'t -"'-from the couoly easiily misunderstood by a layman." --~ "is a unified. cohesive position tha &• •uuK:;t was named today by President Nixon would result in legislation prohibiting a to the Pacific Northwest.
·nie subjects covered 1n the Interviews to a $36,000 vacancy on the s'ubversive recurrence of the Santa Barbara blow· The No™' Abatement Committee ls
Included individual citizens' attitudes Activities Control Board (SACB). out disaster." opposed to the filght.s, u are the city
toward possible annexations, beautific... Otepka, who formerly was chief of Various aspects of the pollution prob-«lf Newport Beach and Orange County
lion, industrial growth, density, possible the divWon of evaluations at the State lem will be dda.Ued to the gathering government. The city of Costa Mesa
increased city expendlturt for providing Department, wu penalized by Rusk for by Santa Barbara city and county o!fi· favors the increased service, but appose
recreaUonal opportunities for the general providing certain information to a Senate cials on Friday. 'Ille tour of the ruined expansion of County A.il'p)rt nmwayg,
public "and many other non-P,?1itical committee without department authoriza· waterfront are as will take place which would be required by Jetllntra: aspecta or the city which we Ji net<! lion. Thursday. ing the flights.
!or our recommendations," Macnab said. !;:::======================================~
The !llTVey was conducted at an ex·
pense of 13,700 authoriied by the City
Council sit weeks ago.
Councilman Ed Hirth, who attended
the conference, sald a malt survey cover-
ing all the residents of the city 111
being con.sidertd. too. "!O that no one
will feel be has been Ifft out and so
that everyooe · liYllll lo the dty will
have a chance to speak about the long.
range planning fer Newport."
Opinipn Research conducted_ polling for
Gov. Ronald Req:ao in the last
gubernatorial nee ''With l'!.lllltl well
within the margin of error whkh la
acceptable in apinion polls.• ~cGmr
aaid. Three percm emir ii Ille limll
Jordan Reports
Israeli Attack
•1 Unlttll l'rt" l11'9MMlllMI
A Jordanian m I J I t a r y spote.sman.
reported tn Amman that Israeli planes
and tanks attacked targets in Jordan
today alter an u:change of arttlltty
and mortar flre across the Jordan River
aase-Ilre line.
There was no conflrmaUon in Israel
of the air atlaclt but a mlDtary
spokesman ln Jenmlttn. saJd lsraell runa
opened up after the Jonlantans lbelltd
• setUement .bl the north Jordan River
The Amman report said four J1raell
Mystere jell attacked the Manshlen area
of the northern Jord111n Valley for 25
minutes and that Israeli tanks and
artillery opened fire in the afternoon
on the 1etUement of Deir Abou...sald
near the Sea of Galllee.
the watch for a lifetime of proud possession
J. C. fiump~rietJ 'Jeweler
' '
BJJ-..ti .. gcoi4)~~--
. : ·E.DITION -N.Y. Steeb .
.VOC. 62, NO. 67, '4 SECTIONS, 60 WEDNESDAY, MARCH '.19, ·1949: JEN CENTS •
Tanks Blast
Reds in. Big
.Trailer ·park Ni~ed
Planners' Actwn Prompts Applause ·
' ' (
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. tant colunw
~ttlllig ,through · lhe Michelin rubber
plantation 15 milet northwm of Saigoo
have killed 330 CcrnniurJsts at ,light
loss to . themselves. front tfu!patches
reported todaf. The Communist death
toll soared "° in esUmated 471 in this •lllJ o\ber baWes.
U.S. military 8J>Okesman announcing
the upturn in combat said North Viet-
namese forces early today shelled' Da
Nug, killing 10 civilians llnc\ woondlng
23. A rocket attack on Saigon wu foiled
when U.S. troops captured five rockets
already fueled and aJmed.
UPI correspohdent Nat Gibson, with
tih. counterattacking American and South
Vietnamese force ·northwest of Saigon,
reported sporadic fighUng 'throughout to.-
day lJld beavy .. fighling tonight Jn three
areas oC the jungled rubber plantation
that is· headquarters for the North :Viet-
namese 7th Divis.ion.
Field commanders said the campaign
had the purpose of preventing a possible
new Communist ground attack upon
Saigon and that they believed the 7th
Division would be the strike force for
5uch an auact.
"Thil is one of their main naging
areas and we're here to smash them
Moving 580 Pounds North on Bike for Two
before they · have a chance to ·come
at us," a,ri Athez:ican ofllett said.
Gibson aaid the U.S. 11th Annored
cavalry regiment spearheaded. t h e
fighting during the day and that elements
of the unit under CoL ~ge S. Patton
111. aon of , the , famouS World War ll
general, made three major contacts after
iundowa tooighL
'll>e 11th ·cavalrymen ldlled 134 Com-
Cross-country Bicyclists
Malce Stop in ·Huntington
munists in the first two days cf the Riding t h e ir bicycle-built-for·two
drive and ~ unlta invclved in :he around th~ country, Mr. and Mrs. John ~·i:di::~e~Jll~!u~ w: ~· Kenni:dy· m.ade a brief stop in Hun--
describ•cf Ollly u "Ugh/." · • · · tington Beocil lodar to lnVUe Mayor
'l1ie ~: overrao , ~ '!'!Orth 'Viet-AlyU. Coep to ·~'-C<leJ>rt~: ~ lOOtb
namese dfvjs:iop'S' l:itiWcraft coinpaDY. bi.rthday.of ·San D~go...1 .1 ._ • •
io the fin! phases ol their pusb 'l'uesday" 'l1ie ~edys, ionnerly • of Long
destroying fiv• of the compallf'• "f!lltb~ Island, Now farl<,rrecently •el a r,_d .so.ealibu machine .guns. · by pedaling their!. tandem bill from
The North Vietnamese were nghUng Ne• York to San Dieio in a1z months
boldlng actiooa from their bunkered pooi-
In hoflor of the .city's bicentennial.
They are presenUy headed north to
San Francisco as cUiclal ambas1$_adora
of San Diego, When mounted with all
their •geir, they are motiq about soo
pJOildl' ~ Ibo 1liihnJI ,. ''
• ~o~ and -Mn.. C9e!i pted ~ttiil-inorrung at city' JWL The ·~
themselves 11re 'DO stra:naen to blcyCte
pedaling as they ofleo tour the city
on reereaUonal jaunts.
ti«>a. '
In oilier figbtlng report..: today troops
ol. th• U.S. 25th Divllloo .killed 11 CGm-
rmmbts arxt Jost two men killed and
one weonded in a fight 2.1 miles· northwest
of Salgon. TIOOPS ol the U.$.•9th Infantry
fighting 25 miJet west el Saigon killed
~ COmmunist! a:t a loss of two In!n
Students to Participate
(See~AM, Pqe I)
Drive to Secure
Beach Rec Center
To Open Tonight
The campaign to secure voter approval
r.t a t8 million park bond proposal begins
~ght at the Huntington Beach Recrea·
!ion Center, 17th Strfft and Orange
lvenue, In what backer• hope will be
I mass wbllc meeUng.
Voters must decide the fate o! a J6 million part proposition on June 3.
rhe money I! beln~ asked to build 11
system of neighborhood parks, several
rommunity parkJ and a large central
olty park.
The bond package, togelher with tax
rioney and funds from h o u s i n g
itevelopers for park develooment. is ex~
pec:ted to care for the city's park needs
lor the next six t9 JO years.
Tonight's 7:30 o'clock meeting is billed
by the steering committee ol. the park
bond boosters as a mass meetbiR to
give the public informatJoo on the bond
proposition and to recruit voltmteen to
help In the upcoming campaign.
In Community Congress
Twelve ~g juniors and seniors
from HunUngtoo. Beach htgb schools fiave
been invited 'to ·participate in the second
annual Huntington Beach Community
The• day-long event will be held st
Golden West CoUege Saturday, beginning
with registration at 1:30 a.m.
Students will be assigned to each one
of the 12 small discussion groups design-
ed to involve the participants in an
interchange ol ideas toward creating
a better commumty environment.
Representing Huntington Beach High
School will be Brian Hanrahan, Larry
WaUter, Lynn Peterson and Irene
StudeolJ from W.arina High School
scheduled to participate in the congress
are Jim Broomfield, Laurie Edward,
J oel Drew and Bryant Averyt.
Scott Lent, David Montano, Lee
Graham and Dan Montano will represent
Edison High School
PerlOnl W'\shi.ng to attend the event
Ma~hinists Give OK '
SAN FRANCISOO (l,P) -Th• In!erna·
tional AasoclaUon of Machinists bu ap-
proved a ·new contract with Air West
callina tor a ne~ top base pay rat&
of f5 an hour.
may register in advance by contact.Ing
the Huntington Beach Chamber of Corn·
merCe, 18582 'Beach Blvd. The registra-
tion fee 1s·f4 , including luncheon.
Sirhan's Sexual
Hangup Refuted
By 'Psycliologist
Sirhan 1s a.young man who is frightened
of sex and reacts far differenUy than
a.IIf!ost any other man when exposed
to 1t, a psychologist testified today at
the murder trial.
Jt was the 25th birthday of the Arab
Immigrant on trial for the murder of
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
Dr. Roderick Richardson resumed
showing the jury a serieJ of pictures
which· he had put before Sirhan and
4Sked him to make up a story of will~
was happening.
One showed a woman nude from the
waist up on a bed and a man standing
Richardson said Sirhan'• reacUon was:
''Did 1he murder·her or rape her?"
HiintJngton'Beach plannlnr...,.
mJalOnUs Tuesday nlgbl unanlmoully
rojeclad a permit to allow a trailer
park at lht souuie..t comer ol tleu
,4vtdue lJld S~e Slrttl.
~nnlt dtnlal by the planners drew
ilWltabied applluse from the comn\lsslon
' 8adlelice, many' of. wbom had · algned
a peUUoa bearing S,000 names in op-
PQSiUon In the mobile home site.
AJhby Construction Company of Hun-
tington Beacil bad asked for the pennl4
known as a "conditional excepUon." The
COOJ.pany claimed sol! coodlUons on the
~G-acre site made it diUlcult to develoP,
-anythlng·olhtr than a trailer park.
NeJghborbood oppo&itlon, however, was
:Valley Council
Slates Special
Meet on Lots
A lett.r criticiJ1nc confuslm """ roundlnC city approval ol a below·
mlnimum-slu lot ilev~enl bas led
to l!Chedule of a special fumtaln Valley
City COUncll meeting on the matter Fri•
Councilman Donald Fregeau made a
motion to ael the meeting to be bold
at a p.m. to once and for all settle
the controversial Larwin Tract issue.
The. adJon camt lifter bearing a lelkr
Tuesday from Eugene E. Van Duk,
of 1852S Santa Cruz Circle, appealing
earlier Planning Q:lmmialion approval
of the tract at Ellis and Talbert Avenues.
'11iey had orig(nally' d<pled the tact;
but mtrled their poeltlOfl aller Jo¥nlaC
-Ibo pt.-' ..... lopmeJC ..... eel ~·11!1dc.~ *'ivlcr ~\~ 1 Und~ \he clt)"#planned ""'"'-I
guidellnu, Iota amilltr than f~
feet cu be approved, Jn ntunt for
a park to be ilevelo!>ed by Ibo builder.
and deeded In the city,
Critics of the proposal Claim lhtNI
was too much confusion and bnproper
procedure Jn ill pa>sag•. .
Frectau first proposed 5 p.m. as a·
m«tlng time, but changed it aflet' a
speaker from the aud!eace :strongly ob-
jected to the early hoor,
Mrs. De Guelle
Services Held
Mrs. Goldie De Guelle, a resident
of Run!lngton Beach alnce 1929, died
In Hoag Memorial Hospital In Newport
Beacil Monday after a l•ncthY lllneos.
She wu 99.
Fmera1 aervlceo fer Ille plmttr .... 1.
dent were held toda1 at Smith'•
Mortuary Chapel interment followed at
Good Sbepberd Cem«ery, Huntington
Mra. De Guell• Is lllll'vivtd by her
husband, James, of the home, 117
Georgia St. and a 900..,James J, owners
of De Gutllt Glasa Company of H1m-
tlngtoa Beach; a daupi.., Jacqu<Une
Becker ol New Jersey; three stater!,
Florence CUad <i Gomales, Calif.. Minta
~ of Hunllngton Bt9cll IDd 7.tlta
P«kim ol Wllllblnglun; and 1 l s grandchl!dttn. '
NEW YORK (AP) -'l1lo atoct market
cloeeO. with a fair galD today. Tredlng
WU mnd ... akly active ntar !hi clole.
(Stt q-UoDI, Paga SHI).
Robert~~ fer th..pe11-u ..... , held up a larp cbort to plamln(
-and, aid, "'lllla -.... la the t.i Jn 'quaUon and ~-cm ,.. Jt'a aurt'O\Ulded Clll all llldel,
by pe:oe_le ln red wbo ;~'l. ,want a
trailer park. ti •
Tbe ·lo...re Jik 111 currently· being
sought by the Recrtltioo lJld Parka
Commiaalon f<r .. city.pork -· '"nUs is a very attrKtlve site for
a city park,t' said ·Sutake. "It'• th&
only site available. It'• an area whk:b
floods each w.IDtet •Ith stVKal faet
of water that would cover .... trailer
~"!:.!:.; added ,;,.t the ~~,.
which would be bu1ll """""' a lnJ1er
UCR Chancellor
HeDils Progress .' . -. . ,
Congress PaneJ'
Dr. Ivan Hinderaker, chance~ of the
UnlvenJty of California, RJveri!de. will
be the keynote ~er .al Ibo jluiJllnltoa
Beach Congms for Communlly'J>rwell
The cbencellor w!R opeak on ''Whai
Makes a VJable Community'' a& t aim.
in the Forum of Golderl West College,
15744 Goldeuwm SL
1t the Rl•erslde"""l!"" •Ince 1114 illid
before that' ..r'vecl !Dr two ye~',aa
-ol lbe'unt•ttllly!a·Jrflll6
~ ... , • member of the UCLA
polllkal ,.,_ departmtnt from. 'JIH&
to lta. /,
Th•· VCR chancellor baa a1ao aerved
In lbeAl!imtsola Stal• Leglslalllre and
on the llall of the United Stalea Baruu
of the Budget. •
While Clll leave fnlm UCLA d1lrinf
llllH7 be wu aaoclate dired« of the
N~Uonal Center for Educatltn and
PoHUcs at New York Unlvenlty, and
during lllt40 be Was mlllan! to the
Secretary o1 the u:a. Doportment' ol lbe
The _... _.. beclna al .J:SI
a.m. with reglalral!M ·and cofleli and
wlD be.folJowtd at I a.m. with 1 -al
-· ..i -by Hllllllnlton Btaeh ~ Alvin Mc Coe!\. CbnDbw
ot Coo•-"' Presldenl C.E. "lllll" , (lia OONGll ... Pap·ll
A similar measure received more than
52 pen:ent of the vote la.!t November,
but failed to get the needed two-thirds
The two-year pact, approvd by a 3·1
margin Tuelday, .covers 750 of the
airline'• s,-employes.
"Then be said he once bad seen a
movie in which a detective snapped
a picture of an illicit a f fa i r and
he said that might be what wu hap-.
pening there ."
IJnexpeeted Guest
All .PiJis
Even aspJrin ls a drug. Ate your
children raised with the JX'Oper
!Up<Ct for lbe pilll and pollonB
In the family medJclne cabinet!
That'1 part of the de!enae
parenta have for 1he growing use
of d&ngeroua drop BJDOOI today's
chlJdttn. Even more important is
really knowing wbal they're talking
about when they wam children
against drugs, aay1 A I lo n
Blakeslee, in today'• tn.ttallment
of )ffJ "Drugs 1161" 1Rries: lt.'s
on Page&.: • . • ... •
"He has a suual problem -It 11 a frigblenlng thing inalead of an ..,,.pied
t.bing," Rlcban:lson said. "Never in 7,rt»
cases did I ever have anyooe theorize
that 'this waa a picture snapped by
a detective . .,-
. In !estlmony Tuesday Dr. Rlchari!oon,
a clinlcal psychologist, de=lbed Sirhan
tbla way:
In conversation and language a brilh4
nonnal-to-auperlor Int e 11 lg enc e.
Vulnerable to an ego state where he
wants to be thought of in terms of
famous people. A man who lee.ls morally
justified by socially unacceptable acta.
St. Pat's flaby a Real Surprise
Thal la1o ·-Michael -.... tng his way into the world on SL
Patrick'• Day was a lot more Irish
than uyone tbougbt.
Shure in' begorrah Eugene McClaln
had to i!ellv,.. the' ,... boy hlmltU
by the dawn's early lllht. But here's
the very Irish aftermath to what juat
aeemed to be a llmt1y at.ory for a
happy day. ' 7
Ml$1d ·didn't ...J. 1!11 wa1 !nto a
shamrock..tiroudeJWOr}d a lUUe tarUer
th'an · e~ed.· Tbe pol\11 II,, ba waan't
Sp T . D ii d upected al au. " • i·am era e I • Bt~!r~' 100'ban,.~11. ·
" ' i I ~ ., I Joyce,~aln, 46, of ,Anahiln>1 dlcln,
tAIRFIEl.l> .l.\PJ ,-'!'.WV'~ I ~ la\O!! ahe·""' pr-4 Slje had,
... and 11,can of a IO-Car !io¢hem ~ • .._, lal<I; ;•lllered m-UIO and•
' frilgl)t~lralrt • ~ilid·'Hrtt .~a~· ~ IJD\)lld,1aei" 1'u juot ;.baul-.. _________________ 1111! ... ·-·"'~~-.....-· .f!'tlllllllall&ln~IH!io~ .
' ' . " . . ... ·~ ·'" -' .~.
part would be an •aY-e and al,.
It a fortreu-11.Q .appflr&DCt." He alla
-that poor joll C\'ft\11""°' -crack aewer lines and crut& an "una&-
kractlve ~ ockr" ' ,
· Dick Albb1, who ttltect the devtloper'1
cue only la rebuttal to SUtake, II.Id
his company would «>mply with all the
CODllructlon requlrtmenla to Insure lbal
the area would be bulldable.
"We're golng to invest Ql,000 In a
pump llalloa to k .. p the 1lnd dralqld
and l!lba "-'Un<, broke, they·-
have to be find/' be Hid.
-He.addad-lbet.thuolJ would.be ~
....,P to support mobile bomea whJclj
are not u heavy u convenUonal boma. ..
Nixon to Visit
Coast Friday
PrOlldent llldwd Nii""' and Illa n-
!oarag• will mum In the Orange Coal!
Friday, tto days after the swallon,
with bddquartm · Jn Sao Diego and
San Clemente, and a scheduled via1t
to historic Minion San Juan Capistlano.
steptlciam and C<rtalnty WU the
rupoue in diUennt quarters today,
following ofllcia1 White House coo-
flrmatloo. and unofflclal 1 u p port l n I
tvldeoce of a presldtnUal vlaliaUon,
' =le -Presa S.C..tary Ronald ZI~ tr lald the ljlxODI will llaJ two
. at a priv•te home bl Ian Cl-k. wbllt his 'tftsldenllal ' :wlJI 1-> ln boleli Uc! inOltli: . pirly I .,r--·J i ' Sa1orUt win feabn a vlllt Ii ~ ~ Milli..,...-ltfeaii'ary
•• a110p todaJ llbltdld .... ilart<d
1bolno • St.~JORph'1 Day lw 'lliO lllnl -~1•a1', '
FICICI '!."';,Iba poambla 1aU of ~ iq"mil Alj'?Dleat federal MeadtJ ,_ s.. C'-lo -Chld Cllf·
l<r<! lfmn.I' -e-i -aboal Ibo Nim! vlllL . ,
"We have hUrd nothln& from the
Secret Service," he said. '
"l'Vt worked :wlth 'the 'SS' before mt
they UIUally. mate· arr._.ia far
ahead of lime," l!>e chief ezpla1nf!<L
"I Tleir lht rejiorla with a gr0al dQI
(llel NIXON; Plea J)' _,-'
Beach Hospital
Plan Withdrawn ·
Robert J. Zlnngrabe, devtloper of 1
proj)Qled IO.bed coovaltteenl hospital
ln lllmllnlgoo Beach wlll)dmr his op.
Plication for a,, I o t amendment from
!he City Plannlnc Commission Tneadll'
In a lelkr -to plannln1 ..... missioners, Zinngrabe atated that the
wlthdrawal wu prunpled because he""
..unable to 11tlsfflctorUy solve aeveral
teclmlcal problems" aurrowiding ihe Pl"'
posed facillty. H• did not Indicate It
ht woold l'Hpply <r Mt. ·
The controv«ilal hnlpltal, wldcil llu
drawo ~llon from olhaF ana
midical facilities, wa1 or1stnaJit pro.
posed for toe-en the ....i side of Stang Lona and' north ol Garfield
A venue in Hunt!ngtoa Buch.
Zlnngrabe'a p I o t ammdm .. t aougllt
relocation or the holPltal from' ofte
Joi to another In the limfllbtock.
Or ....
' ' . .. ·"" :. it""
11 'l'i tt"l ( ~~-~~~1.~·::::.1...w..~"-'--1~~~~~~-l~:__~~~~~~~~~~-'-\~~
Embassy Employe
Slays Thtee-,·. s~lf
hoU5eboy went on a ,.v1a:e killing spree
In Ibo Ethiopian embassy Tlletd•Y night,
shooting to death the ambaaudor's wife
and two women «rVAnti. PoUce f~ •
him banged today 1 a suicide.
Tbree <t UM! llMR" chtldren o I
Ambuladar GJJIJclin Bekele lay In
"dell .. " -IUOil Jt the Rod er...
cllnlc witb l6vtltl Mad wounds suffered
in the rampage of Berhaun Heewan.
Tbelr governess, Jo Clever, escaped
In &oocl coodltlon with knife aluhes on
In the Wind
A few weeks ago the matter of
air rights over freeways was much
In the local news In Huntington
Beach. The first large scale "'" of freeway air space in the state
will span Interstate BO l n
Huntington Beach ii attempting
to discover a11 there ls to know
about air rights in view of the
cif3 eventually having 1om1 20
miles or so of freeway1.
Air rights use over the freeway
. ts particularly exciting though for
· the areas near the beach. In
. sacramento Uie plan calls for a
two-story restaurant standing on
a stem projecting from the median ·
a trip.
* The state ls to receive a
minimum annual rental of $321 700
for the lull term which could run
until March 31, 2025. Payments
begin on April 1, 1970 when the
facility is expected lo open. In ad·
dition, there are other sources of
revenue to the state including one
cent per gallon on a gasoline sales
· alter the first 990,000 gallons per
The Orange Coast Is a likely
area for such development in the
future. The area will have miles
and miles of freeways overlooking
some of the best scenery in· the
state and the tourist tralllc will
grow and grow as other popular
areas of the state become more
The benefits to the communities
can be enonnous. Fountain Valley,
for Instance is sliced with one
freeway now and two more are
planned. Thia means that much
of the city is off the tax rolls,
but ii might be that if the city
can work out a deal with the state
on air rights ovet that freeway
land, some of it can be returned
to the tax roll.
* At any rate, air space use will
become more and more common
as the. coastal areas develop. Jn
Huntington Beach the city is
already Investigating the posslbili·
ty of using air space to develop
its outmoded downtown area.
her neck, band and IOl'Wlll.
"1-truated him and be tilled my wlle
••• be kllled my wife, Bekele wept Je1v-
iftg the embassy early today after 1Lll'-
veyinir the bloocly scene and ldehtUylng
l)ls wile, Be~ lhot through the
?ie1d In her bed, I
'Ille Bekele lainllf bad brought Heewan
to Ethiopia ·to wort in the emba.uy.
He escaped an · army of police who
raced to the embassy Tuesday rllght
and banged hlmsell In a $1 .20 a night
llopbouJe:alrshafl, pollce sfld.
"He did ll The case la aolved," Mateo
City Police Chief Renato Vega Amador
iold newsmen. Police found a; .31-callber
pistol In Heew1n'1 pocket and sfld It
was the murder weapon:
Another governess, Marta del Carmen
Mendez, swept Ibo fourth Bekele cblld,
IS.month-old Toblu, Into her arms and
Ced tbrwgh a window u Heew01 bimted
her da,m in the embauy. •
Her 'boyfriend, Arturo Dlrqu, arrived
at the end of the cama1e and ?ielped
Miss Mendei out of the building. They
raced fOr 1afety with bullets from
Heewan'a revolver whi:!tling put them.
Dbnaa aald Heewan wu angfy
"because he was alwaya hanging around
the servant girls and annoying them,
and the ambaaaador'a wife told him
earlier that ahe never wanted to see
him doing that ogJJn."
Fro11t Pftfre J
Wood& and Dr. Hlnderuer.
PreaentaUons by authorltles on civic,
economic, cultural and educaUonal op-
portunities follow at 10 a.m. Participant
diacua1on aect.Jons on the t o p I c s:
presented wW be held between 10:~
and 11:50 a.m .
Second presentltiona of. opportunities
in Huntington Beach have been acheduled
from 11:~ to 11 :50 a.m. w:llh discussion
gr:oup meeUnga following from noon to
12:45 p.m.
The congress conUnues. at 1 p.m. with
a 1unc:beon. at the college center, with
Dr. R. Dudley Boyce, Golden Weat Col·
loge pmldent, presldlnc. ·
Swnmatloos n1 Ibo opportunlly talks
will be preaented during Ibo luncbenn
by Moote Nltzknwslrl, Peter Horton and
Dr. J1111e1 L. Catanzaro.
ReservaUons for lht 1 em i n a r i,
dlscuul.on ··aectiona and luncheon may
be made with the HunUngton Beach
Chamber of Commer«, 1pon10r of the
Over 30,Singles
OuhSethy YMCA
Single men and women over 30 are
being Invited to join a new group
sponsored by the Huntington Beach YM-
CA -the YOT (YMCA over 30).
Those interested may contact the YM ..
CA by calling 536-7920 or by writing
to P .0. Box 786, Huntington Beach.
AcUvtUes of the ·group will include
weekly dances, apeclat outings with the
emphasis en fun and fellowship a n d
a chance to get acquainted with new
and interesting people, according to
Dolph H. Grolock, junior executive direc-
• --·
Resource Worker• (from left) Mmes. Wiiiiam Dolph, Forrest Johnson,. Ray· Fltml~
Masons to Lay
Cornerstone at
Glenview School
Robert A. Crigler, grand mat>ter of
?i.lasons ln CalHornia, will officiate dur ing
a cornerstone laying ceremony at Hun.
tington Beach's Glenview &hool Satlll'o
Crigler and his corps or officers will
open a grand 1odge at the Huntington
Beach Temple and then assemble at
the school, located on Glen Drive near
Edginer Avenue for the ceremony.
A casket of hJstoric i.¢onnation will
be furnished by Ocean View School
District Supt. Dr. Clarence Hall and
will be deposited behind the cornerstone.
Huntington Beach DeMolays will con-
duct the flag ceremony. A program of
entertainment will follow the celebration.
School district personnel, as well as
state, county and city offici als· are ex-
pected to be present at the event.
Fron• Page 1
dead and two wounded ~ Far to lhe north,
U.S. Marines battling North Vielnamese
forces around Da Nang killed 72 and
loot 12 dead and 30 wounded.
The rocket attack on Da Nang, and
previous attacks on llue and Saigon,
were considered violations of the un-
derstanding by which the United States
halted lhe bombing cf North Vietnam
last Nov. 1. But so far the C',cmmunist
offeMive bas hit Da Nang three times,
Saigon five and Hue twice.
A1·111s Discussion Held
GENEVA (UPI) -American and
Soviet disarmament negotiators discuss--
ed prospects for an ocean floor free
cf nuclear arms today at a private
luncheon given by the Russians.
Schoo1-S Draw Speakers
From VariedOccupations
A program to .recruit speaken from
all walb of life to broaden the horiz.oos
of Fountain Valley elementary school
children has drawn favorable commu-
nity response.
According to Bobbi Dolph, project
coordinator, offers have already been
reoe ived from reserve police officers,
bacteriologists, dental hygienists, airline
pilots, systems engineers, salesmen,
newspaper reporters, judges and even a
professional balloonist.
In addltioo, peop le have volunteered
to speak en such topics as "How to Meet
a Prospective Employer," the Navajo
Indian Mission, eommoo stock tnvesi.
ments, oil painting and various countries
around the world.
The program wu originated tn an ef-
fort to make the achool'a cunicuJum
relevant and meaningful to the child ln
today's world.
Names or me speakm will be kept in
a central file and will be used by teach-
ers whenever the need arlses to bring to
the classroom an expert in a particular
Swallows Fly In
Birds Make It 193 Straight at Capo
For the 193rd time in a row, the
swallows returned to the 1t-Usslon San
Juan Capistrano today.
Substantial numbers of the small
dartln birds were reported al the
Mission, as wtre a gubstantial number
nl tourists.
Advance waves or tlie birds had arrived
early Tuesday, said Father Paul Martin
of the Capistrano Mission.
The arrival of the swallows at the
Mission from South American wintering
spots has been fabled in song and legend.
The birds traditionally have appeared
en March 19. St. Joseph's Day, at the
Mission since it was built in 1776.
Called "Las Golondrinas" in Spanish,
the birds build their mud nests on the
J93·year--0ld walls of the Mission.
Their arrival this year is marked by
a St. Joseph's Day pageant put on by
the children of the mission school.
Festivities were under the royal direc·
tion of St. Joseph's Day King Ronald
Sanchez and Queen Ann Etcheberria,
both eighth graders at the school.
Spanish dancers and a strolling band
performed today, and are scheduled to
return for a fiesta Sunday at the mission.
A special gift was made to the
mission's Aluseum of Historic a I
Documents by a direcl descendant of
Jo.se Francisco Ortega, the fi rst white
man to enter what is now Orange Coun-
Ortega was Portola's scout officer
• \vhen lhe Spanish expedition enteffit the
Capistrano area in its northward journey
200 years ago from San Diego.
Julie Hilaria Hernandes, Ortega's
g r e a t·great-greatgreat-great·grand-
daughter, will present the mission w:ith
family historical gifts Including a draw·
ing of the Ortega maps and a copy of
a £amily will written In 1835 in the
Mission San Luis Rey.
Ceremonies at the mission today will
be repeated Sunday at 2 p.m. The public
is Invited.
Old Time Movies
At Library Friday
Old time comed ies are the bill cf
fare for the Huntington Beach Public
Library Film Forum beginning at 7:30
p.m. Friday at the library 525 Main St. I
The movies are free and the publc
is invited, according to Librarian Walter
Two Charlie Chaplin comedies, "The
Adventurer" and "The Immigrant,"
Laurel and Hardy's "Perfect Day" and
"Barney Oldfield's Race for Life'' will
be shown.
The Chaplin films are ol 1917 vintage
and wr itten and directed by Chaplin.
Music and sound tracks have been added
to the films.
Coast Cities
. 1
Jo~ .. Against . . ~
1 ' !: j
Oil Pollution
Municipal authorities rrom all orange
Coast cities wUt head for Santa Barbara
ThundJy !or a~ conference aimed
at formulatlng a unlted front qalmt
offs.bore oil Pollution.
San Clemente City Manager Kenneth
Carr said invitations. to the parley have
abo been -to admlniltnton wtth
every California. coastline city and
The conference will include a tour of
Sant• Barbara belches and marinas
affected by Ibo Union Oil Co. o11abort
Among local officials who will partio.
ipate are, in addition to Carr, Newport
Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall and City
Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt, Hunttni·
ton Bead> City Adminl!trator Doyle
J,llller and Harbor t>U.ctnr Vince MOOl'o
house, Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn
Vedder, San Clemente Mayor Wade
Lower, and Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd
Gumm.ere and Qty Manager Lee Risner.
Federal and atate officials from VIJ"-
lous agencies are also upected to
The conference wu agreed upon Cini:
month ago at the California League of
Cities' annual city managers' dlvisioa.
etinventioo, also held in Santa Barbara.
It was suggested by Newport Cil1. Managu Hurlburt. ·
,,."What we hope to achJeve," said Carr,
lS a unified, cohesive Pl>-'ition that
would re.roll In legislation prohlbltlng a
recurrence of the Santa Barbara blcnr-out disaster.''
V arlous aspects nl the pollution prob.
em wtll be detailed to Ibo r•lberlnl
by Santa~ cily and C<>Unly olli-clals on 'day. The tour or the ruined
waterfron a r e 1 s will Lake place
Thursday. •
From Page J
of skepticism at the moment " he added.
Honeymooning Lynda Johnson Robb
and her new husband, Marine Capt.
Chari.., Robb, atayed at Ibo San
Clemente Inn one year ago btfore be
1elt for Vietnam.
San Clemente Chamber of Commerct
Y.anager Gilbert E. Euell confirmed
today that executives cf the 140-room
Inn called him late Tuesday to uet
help in reserving 35 more room1 in.
the immediate area.
The pre!idential party ha1 reserved
a total of 175 rooma at the ornate..
l!tlh Century Hotel del Coronado in San
Diego, lea 111botantW than the mission,
but periodic llite <t Jet Set nestin(.
San Diego II celebrating ti. ilotb u-
nlversary thll weekend nllerlng another
tourist attractJon tn addiUon to the
swallo~s· celebrated r e tu r n to
More grim than gay, but 1lso en
the Nixon itinerary, Is inspeeUon of cll-
polluted Santa Barbara beachea, but
Press Secretary Ziegler menUoned no
other specific Southland stops.
The pttsldenUJJ parly will be llaylnc
in San Diego only oae mile, bcwever,
from the C',cronado Penin!Ula base wbe:re
a Navy board ol Inquiry II compiling
findings in the USS Pueblo cue.
The base ls but a brief ferry rtdt
from the hotel.
En route to his native Southern
California, the Presideut will atop off
to visit a predecessor, ln Independence
Mo., former President Harry S. ~
who has been a causUc N.b:on crtUc.
Dies Mter Transplant
NEW YORK (UPI) -A 00.year-old
man, who receJved the lung ()( another
man 11 daya ago in 1 transplant oper ..
tion, died today in Montefiore Hospital. There ts even the possibility of
using air space for construction
of a new civic center or a
municipal auditorium with con~
ventlon faclllties.
It ls wonderous what can h6
made out o! thin air today.
the watch for a lifetime of proud possession
ll/\11V l'J\111
OIUJlfoa COAl1 PUILISfflMe <CMl'Alfr
• ..._,. N W..4
~ .... "'*' ...
J•d: t. c.,1.,
Yb~ ... 0-111 ... ,.
"""'•• 11: .... -n..ta. A. MYrli'•h•t ............
Alkrt W. ..... W1nlt111 11:.tl ._.... ttWrtllle""' lttdl
t:•tltr Cl'W' ltfltv " ......... ~ Jff IHri Str.tf
Mtlllllf .A.M .. u, r.o. a., no, tJMI --~-~: 11'11 *'" ..... .....,.,. c... Mtle! -"""' •• ., ltrtt! '"--~ m ,_.. ""'*'
Marlna'a Andy Vorono
Marin•'• Judy Presson
Presson, Vorono Selected
Marilla's Top Boy and Girl
Judy Pt<SIO!I and Andy Vorono
student.a at HunUnston Beach's Marin~
High School, have b e e n se~ed boy .na girl ct the month for March.
Miss Preuon, an honor student, 11
a mtmber of the winning Marina Scholar
Bowl team, a Southem C.lifomla Edison
Award wtnner and 1 recipient cf the
Bank of Amerlc1 ctrtHICate in social
Her extra<lrruclar acUYl.Uet Include
mcmbtr1htp 1n the computer 1elencu
Explorer Scout&, the Olrta Service
Organiiation. She ls a I s o an oUicer
In the Girls AthleUc A.s.sociation and
tht Anchor Club.
Andy Vorono, Marina's Boy of the
f.1on th , is a second year vara.lty let-
lerman and Is captaln of the schooJ's
foolball and wrestling teams.
He was voted most valuablti playtt
of lht football team. and Is a member
cf the AU.Sunset League team. J{e also
mnlntai.nJ a 3.5 grade average.
J • ... • •
. ;,.·
' ' ,_
. '
" . '
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WfdftHdl1, Uvca 19, 19M ll.llLY~ J3 . -
1-11 ... . . ,,, .• ,
a.ts·~~ 11_,,1
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Fisk custoM · 360 ·n• FIRST UllE Tiit*
»MON11I lllAWll'&
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• wur.MOllD 1IWI DISltl
7.00.13 $20.tS '$14.97 1.94
6.tS.14 $21.tS $15.91 1.96
'7,a.14 $22.tS· $16.91 2Jl7
7.75-14 SM.ti $1L97 » 1.7,f,.BS 2.21
US.14 . $26.tS $20.97 2.M
$21.ts $22.97 2.$7 .
$32.tS $'11.'1 239 .. _,.. __ , .. \.,. ___ . -
......._.,,__ ..... Wa11•cw,.'
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Utl Oft CWllll•ll ~ . .,., """ .............. ~-... -.· ·-TIRE TUN ·E-•UP -. .
..... ~. 2 frtlt ..... ~.
• Pack 2 frtlt ..... lw .... ............... •4.99 .
. ' '
4 DAYS Ofll.T I
18AKE ·
uo. Qt.ti
MOC F-. Cl>evyl 4 Com-f
poet• -Can with ' wiled :,=er• aad.. laraer cars ,..,,..._...
...... ¥ ..
,7-201• ' ···-
SllACI-DAY t•.llA'JIW• 41AROMI.#·#'
lK. $17.tl
····~-........ •241
, Fitt-Cbevyr, Plymouth~
Ponti1cs, R1mblen from
19J6<>7. FAST Frl!B IN-
STAIJ.ATIO!f. . ...-...
4 IA.YI ONLY I ne. pt,f7
34~88 ' ,..,,,, ........... . .............
4 IA.YI ONl.T I IJO, ftl.f7
... 1u1
4 Mn OMl.1' I Jff ··-
. TH E S E S P EC 1-A L:S G 0 0 D AT TH ESE L 0 CAT I 0 N S 0 N LY
, ~·'!'ACH lj.ft. ..
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-UllCOUC Aft. AtY..., .......
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NOi llACH aft. ............. ~.
Ull l!+lllOl 111.YD.
141-ZOIJ •
TAP.I PLAYll ......... rr.
4 M11Cllil.YI
rr.11 ii r .,..._ Now ___ ,
simple in , I ¢• .. .., ..... \
cle.fllll)' . · .. ___ ...
i; oolid-11&-TD
CGll'll .
. 14QO'"' .. .. .....
. .
• . .
( ...... --. -
• . .. --
\Vtd..,dly, Miwth 19, J'l6q H
' W ediiesdity's Closing Prices-Complete New York
Ruby Keeler
Due at OCC
The steady beat and tapping
feel that were synonymous
wiih exuberant mU6icaJ films
of the thil;;tie.s and forties will
come · a1ive again at "An
Evening with BuSby Berk;eley
and Ruby Keeler," one of two
film events plaMed by the
Newport Harbor Art Museum
to highlight their upcoming
'ezhibition, ''"!be 1'1tvie Show
-Seven Stages to Hollywood
from Silents to Cinema.Scope."
Berkeley became famous as
a choreographer for many or
the finest musicals or that
era and he was particularly
. well known in his direction
;o{ the dance team <lf Ruby
Keeler (who now Jives in
Newport Beach) and Dick
Berkeley will run portions
ol memorable d a n c e se-
quences of his movies and
spice them with a running
commentary. Among the films
whieh will be included are
"Gold Diggers of 1933,"
"Dames" and "Forty Second
Miss Keeler also will be
present as a specia1 guest
i111d the star and director will
ansv.·er questions following the
Admission is $3 Ior non-
members; $2.50 for museum
members; and $2 for students.
the museum office or by call-
Tk:kets are available through
ing 675-3866.
The show will be held in
the science ball at Orange
Coast College Sunday, March
?3, at I p.m.
l' eteran TV
Wtd""411, M1tth 19, 1969
Theater Notes
'Pennypacker,' 'Bar~loot' to Open
stages the flltaJ performanctS Bound" continues 1J tbre&-
of its "Death of a Salesman" weekend run Frlda)ta and
this weekedd, closing an Saturdays. Ross Corbin ii
Something old and
something new arrive on 'the
Orange C o a s t ' s theatrical
scene this wee.kend
although it takes a second
gtaoce to ascertain which U
"'The Remarkable Mr. Pen-
nypacker," the latest offering
ol the Costa Mesa Civic
Playhouse.,. has been around
for a few yeps, but · it is
the more unfamiliar -and
hence the 1'newer" -of the
1 Th• other Is th• )luntington
Beach Playhouse's version of
"Barefoot in the Park," Neil
Simon's comedy hit which
crops up at a different theater
jn Orange County every few
months. It's a newer play,
but also a more familiar one.
"Pennypacker," being stag-
ed by Costa Mesa resident
director Pati"Tambellini, turns
back the clock to the Gay
Nineties and the comic crisis
confronting the father ol eight
when bis second family ls
Ron Fllian plays t h e
remarkable one in question,
appearing in his third show
o£ the season in as many
theaters. Pat Harp returns for
her fifth Costa :P..tesa assign-
ment in the co.leading role
ot Ma Pennypacker.
Lois Wilson and Jack Mur-
ray complete the adult portion
of the Pennypacker household,
while the children wW be
played by Valeree How, Tim
Flanagan, Kris Tambellini,
Toni Bergman, Bruce Cooper,
Andy Vlrcsik, Cindy Van Atta
and Brad Ogden. RoondJng out
the cast are Bruce Campbell,
Paul Gracey., MalD'ice Roland,
Bill Snitzu and W a r re n
Performances w 11 t be
presented this weekend and
next, Fridays and Saturdays,
at the Community Center
euditorium on the Orange
County Fairground& Ticket&
may be purchased .at Tipton's
TV or Coast Mu.sic, or reserv·
ed at 834-5303.
* * * Going "Barefoot In the
Park" at Huntington Beach
are Mike Skinner and Rita
Kisner, who star al the young
newlyweds in the Slmoo com-
edy. David Maiville, seen in
the playhouse's last pro-
duction, "The Best Man," is
David M1ivlll1
Anabelle Quigley, who stag·
ed "Best Man," moves to lbe
bright side of the lights to
play the bride's mother, while
er14agement w h i c h bas directing.
numbered IODle 2,000 high Gertrude Horn, Lee How-
school studenta among its au-ingt.on and Frank Rucell bead
dien«. the cast ol the "judgment
Martin Benson directs the day" comedy-drama. The play
Arthur Miller drama. which ii being st.aged at the Player1•
stars Jack Davis in the Willy Theater, 1020 W. 8th St., Santa
Loman role, supported by Ana, with tickets reservabJe
Marnie Oberbeck, Clement 1t 5(1-2188.
Davidson and James BueJ.l;,~-~·!:!O~;;;~~;;;;i~~~/I Performance• are c ar d e di:
Tbnrsday through Sunday with
reserVation.s available by call-
ing 646-1363.
At tbe Santa Ana Com-
munity Theater, "Outward
... -. . .
"~ '"THI llOTHl!IHOOD'" ilt!llt 1(1111 o.utll•
c ... --. ,..,.., 11111 •·""
;·coocan·s BLUtt
•COUJR ~I ••IVIMAL--Paul Sullivan enacts the ec-1~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=~~;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::t,ll centric ne.ighbor, Vic to rli
Velasco. John Moran and Jack
Hebert complete the cast .
Backstage personnel include
Colin Guiver as producer, Ron
Langseth set manager, John
Hart sound and lighting, Pat
Mullins etage manager and
Crystal "payne props and
The playhouse will be dark
LAST J .... ,'$ -n1i1n.. l'rl .. Sat.
"SCR's fi~st production" -s.A.1tt111tw
"A Magnificent MounUng" -o. ""·
on Good Friday, April I, butj;,.,""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""'""',,,_'11 wilt extend its run, normally
five weekends, through a sixth
Friday and Saturday. closing
April ~. Ticket& may be
reserved by calling 536-8861.
* * * Also lengthening its run is
0 Ligbt Up the Sky," the
Westminster Community
Theater's cutrfnt production.
Originally scheduled to close
this weekend, the Moss Hart
comedy will be ertended
through March 29.
Directed by Tom Titus. the
show features Alan G. Hart,
Carol Faulstick, Jennifer Mur-
ray, Rick Gunst, Helene Ash,,
Ed Little and Ray Scott.
Performances are given Fri·
day and Saturday at the
theater building in t h e
Westminster Center M a 11 •
Westminster Avenue at
Golden West Street. with
tickets available at 893-5443
or !93-5602.
* * * South Coast Repe rto ry
tl1e-rnesa 'T" • -' • 1f--,c:::a~re 'Jt t-,·-,-·~-·:. fJ... ,::.: r• ... ·1t~
Best Actress Btst Supporting Ador
A Story of Three Strangers
A Father, A Mother and a Son
Brim'• with Laughter and Tears
.,,_,., mntng !Uml'
Jack Alberts on · Martin Sheen . : .,..''
Schaefer Switches to Movies George Peppard, Inger Stevens, Orson Wells
Eve S~ow St•1h 7 p.111. Cont. s.t. fro"' S S11n. fro111 2
Television's latest donation to
films is George Shaefer, the
multi·Emmy winner who pro-
duced or directed 56 Hallmark
J!all of Fame Telecasts over
a 15-year period.
Schaefer has now made the
move to feature films. He
direcled t h e just-released
"Pendulum" with George Pep-
pard and Jean Seberg and
next month begins shooting
"Generation," with Dav i d
Janssen and Carl Reiner.
Thus Schaefer follows tht
TV..(;i).film move of John
Fnmkenheimer, De 1 b e r t
Mann, Arthur Penn, F'tanklin
Schaffner, Jeck Smite and a
·'Pvt 'e11a Vp'
host ol others. But most or
them made the transition 10
or 15 years ago. Why did
Schaefer wait so long?
"Because I had the one
setup in tele vision that was
ideal," said the director.
"With the Hall of Fame, I
had comp!~ artistic freedom.
I was able to choose from
the best c.f drama tic
literature, old &nd new, and
l worked with great castl -
Helen Hayes, Lunt Md Fon-
tanne, Katherine C o r n e 11 ,
Richard Burton, Cb a r l ton
Heston, PM Ustinov, «c.
"The plays appeared be.fore
a giant audience of 15 million
or so. And I was able to
establish my own production.
C<!Olpany. u other libn dire<·
tors had enjoyed tha kind
of canvas to paint on, they
wouldn 't have left television."
Schaefer explained why he
finally made the move last
"The situation al Hallmark
charged SO that I WU no
longer dealing with one man
but with a commiu.ee; and
I could no longer find four
Dr five exciting subjects to
do each yeer."
George Schaefe.r bu the ap.
pearaI!C< of a high school
math teacher. but ap-
pearances deceive; like all
directors he is tough minded
about his work. He is polite
but finn with actors, talking
in a rapid-fire manner. An
eccentricity is his preference
to direct from a wheelchair;
he figures he can get around
tDe set fast«.
"Pendulum'' seemed like a
strange choice for Schaefer's
debut IS a film director. It
is a murder-and-chase tale,
and he had been identified
oo telev1sioo with ancient and
modem classics.
"I admit it was the last
picture people expected me
to do," he remarked. "That's
why I cbooe It. And I must
say that 011 reasoning WIS
sound. Even before the plctu~
had beerl leeD, I w.n receiving
qulllttties of offers of other
He admitted that he missed
the excitement of televislon,
when he could rebeane the
cast f« three weeks and tape
a play tn three or four da)'I.
He finds actors and their
agents reluctant to make
allowances f o r rebtarsals
befcre a movie, He also is
amazed at machinatiOM re-
q u Ired to sign star
"I am accustomed to having
sta.n read a television 15Crlpt
and say, 'Yes, I'll do ft',"
he commented. "But in fihns
tht rt.an have to figure out
corporete deals and calculate
how the pldllre would fit into
their tu strud.urt.
Crossword Puzzle
1 Part of
an oar
5 ll ineral
With SOlPJ ftel ! AppilHng
14 Tsarlna Of
Russia 15 Co111panion
of Ventts
16 Climbing ,,.,,
17 Mvktd by
19 "The D•ce of Lift" author
20 Bird 21 FreslloftUif
""' 23 Bring 10 naught
24 Rlvtt of Ontario
27 lnterjtctioB
or disdain
29 Beoin a trip :
2 words 31 Prepares
for ffrlng
'.35 Deer
J7 Dl111on d's
39 Dliviet's tone
40 Sattlllte
4Z Abstmiou~ 44 Site of Phllllps
45 Co11flt11
47 llnt bevsage
49 Resident Sllffix 50 Shred
.. ..
5l Preliminary
54 Chsracter in early r.i.dio
56 Comic strip
character 59 Ille wil•1I
6Z Pack
tighUy 64 Eur. 11111slclf
65 Savory ltlly
67 Kind oflool:
2 words
70 lealtltl'-man1s word
71 Thouoht 72 lounfafn af Sic I ty
73 Tr ite
74 lord ar
15 ltrm af fumitlW~
l Hiddm
bHes of
2 In .the Seid:
Z words 3 Sinolt:
3 words ~ Fighting ...
5 Torin·
6 Sentnt of Solomon
7 Deep
I Unplt•wit per1en: Sl111g
' lloht-colorcd beer
10 Sweoep;n.,i 43 Alphltlet
C"Onflagr~· chncttt
tion .c• Pro-11 F.D.k.'s 41 Lints of do; stitching 12 Les E~ 51 UnlntfflipW
U liloft Secp.191Ce vlollfttly 53 Tht"U" of 18 Fe11l11lne 11tU.AJt.H
n1111t lS Ttr11 of
22 Move with respect In
short leaps lndfa
25 Concllili:lry 57 Mountain gifts ,..,,
26 SeCl)nd 51 FurU'lt
largest pBson
Great Lal:e 59 BadltCor ol
21 Civil lu ACCNlt•
9ftleral •tJ! Abtr.
)0 Where 2 wards Lhasa ls 60 City on h
32 Contn:il by Sllagtmt
' artful 111eans 61 Copycrt
33 Exudt 6l f_,.lly
34 Comte dt-lltiJiber
35 Leisure . 66 Call J6 Eigh t out
Prri'ir U Conftdtnlt
38 Boost 2 'lft'fds soldier
41 Eastem 69 Tl•e
Canadian ptriod
II 12 I
OPIN 6:41
IN COLOR ---KIRKDOUGLAS _ .. ... ~ -· 'THE llllOl'HElllfOO
WICM SlllfW"• ·-.. ,...,.
llire.mlMlllllMI 1'1r Adulhl
G..,111• ,._POlrd COLO•
Elli•IH!ll T•YIM COLOlt
G1ry LoekWllOd COLOlt
V1nn11i.1 Red11•1ve
"•IDl•Y 51lL • -.. ~ -• 141.ntl
......... ecti.1
Grt00rv PKll COlo•
,, ',' ~ .
Hl ·WAY 39 . --·-.....
.James Bans (rigbt) roughhouses with an unwllting
,Rena)d BolWom in Lhi> flashback seen• from
"Death of a Salesman, 0 closing this weekend at
Soulll Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa.
"Jf ell the energy expmded
for the making of deals were
put lnto picture m a k I n g
Hollyv..-ood \\'OUld e:njoy the
grf:.flteY Pl'O!J>trity It has ever
• Write lo Uncle Len
,..,.,_ ........ c-t • ..._, ft..t I ,_._
r.... •w SNrh 6141
TW.O .. G OlqS TOGETHER_...,
• -•••• ----11111111D lllllll lllllft 1111
.. ._
e f yoo '" ooly ONE I mOYle this , ......
ttils has to be ONE
of them!
ELKE ~"""""' SOMMER """""""' ._. • ...,...ma-.ii._.... LEEJ . .WlC
PECK SAM' •.• ,,.In') ...,...,
Wlll:r lllSl£I' -SnsfAMILY
19!f".!!!,.N .... ,,,.,
flot..JOOJ"" -----~·-~ llfftllll·--...... 11111 -.....
rosmYILT INDS TVISDAY ·0-• Mtbocdor
., ':it;._ :«-;o :.0 t
( "l.: ~ •• ;l '
[!Jo-.. ·-·
r ~,
l ..a l '. ·~
' ~I -• ...>;t
SATUlDAY nA MAftNll -lt:Jt P.M.
"'THI lllUCTANT A!TIONA~ -AR S.... lft
. I
• Fountain .. Valley
. •
" 4S t 2 LQC!&l4¥ J 9 . .,
T ... y' •.. FIMI
.N. Y. Steeb,--
Tanks Blast
Reds in Big
·Trailer Par·k Nixed ·
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. lank COl\ll!UIS
batlli!ii through the Michelin rubber
plantation 45 miles northwest of Saigon
have IQlled 330 CommULists at llgbt
kiss to themselves1 front dispatches.
reported today. The Communist death
toll aoared to an estimated 471 in this
and other battles.
U.S. military spokesman announcing
the uptm-n in combat said N<rth Viet-
·-namese force! early today shell~ Da
Nang, killing 10 civilians and wounding
23. A rocket attack on SaJgon was foiled
wben U.S. troops ca'ptured five rockets
already fueled and aimed.
UPI correspondent Nat Gibson, with
th... counterattacking American and South
Vietnamese force northwest of Saigon,
reported sporadic llgbUng throughout ID-
day and heavy fighting tonight in thrff
areu of the jungled robber plantaUon
lbat ii beadquarten for tbe N<rth Viet·
namese 1th Division.
-Field commanders said the campaign
had the purpo&e of preverting a possible
new Communist ground attack upon
Saigon and that they believed the 7th
Division would be the strike force for
i>uch an auack.
"Th.is is one or their main staging
areas and we're here to smash them
bef<re Uiey have a chance to come
at us," an American officer said.
Glblon said the U.S. 11th Armored
Cavllry regiment spearheaded t b e
llgbUng durillgtbe doy and that elemenil
ol tbe unit under Col. Georg• S: Patton
ID, aon of "tbe famous W<r1d War II
genefal, ntade tln'ee·major -.c1s ofter
aundowntonigbt. .
Tbe 11th Cavalrymen tilled· 134 Com·
munisla in the first two days I Of r tJle
drive and other. unlll tiiVolveil In :be
oporatlod reported kll)lng anotli.r 19&
Red .Oldiers. Allied . cUualtit1 w~ dtacrlbeit on1y as "light." ·
The tankers overran tlJe North Vitt~
namese divisl.00'1 antiab1:raft company,
in the llnt phuu ol their puJh TuHday,
c1estroy{ne, five ol the company'• el,iil
.lO-<allb<r machine guns.
The North Vietnamese were fighting
holding actions from their bunkered poel-
In other UghUng reportoc: today troops
o1 tbe u.s. 25th Division killed n eom-
munlstl and loot two .,.. killed and
one wounded in a fight 13 miles northwest
of Saigon. Troops ol tbe U.S. 9th Infantry
fighting 25 miles west of Saigm killed
S7 Communists at a loss of. two men
(See VIETNAM, P11e Z)
Drive to Secure
Beach Rec Center
To Open Tonight
The wnpaign to secure voter approval
of a $1 million park bond proposal begins
tonight at the Huntington Beach Recrea·
tion Center, 17th Street and Orange
Avenue, in what backers hope will be
a mass public meeting.
Voters must decide the fate ol a
$6 milllon park proposition on June 3.
The money is being asked to build a
system of neighborhood parks, several
cammunity parks and a large central
city park.
~e bond package, together with tax
money and funds from h o u s i n g
developers for park development. is ex-
pected to care for the city's park needs
for the nerl six to 10 years.
Tonight's 7:30 o'clod: meeting Is billed
by the steering committee of the part
bond boosters u a mUI meeting to
give the public JnfonnaUon on the bond
proposition and to recrutt volunteen to
help in the upcoming campaign.
,A 1imJJar measure received more thait a percent of the vote last November,
but failed to get the needed two-thirds
Planners' Action Prom:pts Applause
Huntington Beach p I an n l n.r com-
mlsslooen Tueaday nlgbl unllillmously ~jected ·a permit ~to alloW a traller
part at the southeaat corner of Heil
A V!'\UO and Springdale Slreet.
Pumlt denial by the plannera drew
. sustained applause from the commiaslon
audience, many of whom had signed
a petiUon bearing 3,000 names in op-
polit!on lo the mobile home aite.
Ashby Construction Company of Hun-
Ungtnn Beach had asked for tbe perm!~
known as a "cond.ltional uctption." The
company claimed soil conditions on the
10-acre slte made it dllficult to develop
anyth.Jng other than a tralter·part.
Neighborhood opposlUon, however, was
heavy. ·
t.ioving 5~ Pounds Nanti on Bike for Two
Valley Council
Slates Special
Meet on Lots
A Jetter criticizing confuaiOn 1ur-
roonding city approval of a below·
Cross-country Bicyclists
Mal{e Stop in Huntington
minimum-alle lot df:velopment bas led
to schedule ol. a special Fountain Valley
City Council -g on the matter Fri-
C<luncllman Donald Fregeau ma4e a
mollon to set tbe meeting to be held
at a p.m. to once and for all sett.It
&be controveralaI Larwln Trad: ilsue.
~.adkn came afttt bearing a letter
Tuesday from Eugene E. Van Duk,
Riding it b;e ir ·txcycle-:Wilt-IOi:-two·
-.tile .~!i'l'J "'r' ,'and' l[r•. John ~;-~~,;11¥~.1" H"!" w;,tDit Beic:h lndoy to lilvito Mayor ·
Alvja Coen to belp celebrate the. 200th
blrlllday of Sln Diego.
'!be KennMys, formerly of 1-
Island,-New York, .....,,\ly .et ·• record by pedaling their tandem bike from
New York to San Diego in Iii months
inliooor of!the.clly'sblCeritennial. . of 18525 Santa Cruz Circle, ·~ling
-U . •··'ed earlier •Planiling ComJn1i11on ·~ . t .1.~•ev..i are Pfe&e.D .Y ~ noru.,.,to of tbe·tract. :r T~=· ··
San F¥ancilco u . ~am-1 • _ ..... Gd . . ·='""' ol S'IJ> DIOgo. Wbea ted ·"111! all 1 • ...,. ,-•• -· ,.. . their gear they are movtng about 500 but reveraed tbl!:!f p0s1t1on·atter laming
pounde al.;,g the highway. lllat-tbe i;lannecl. dev~ pniject•
Mayor 'Ind Mrs; Coen greeted them meets ill .IGGllJg 'OCJU!f'lf""' aet for
thil morning at • clty hall. The Coen1 auch a concept.
themselves are no atrangtn to bicycle Under the clty't P,lanned development
pedaling u !bey often tour tbe clly guidelines, lots 11D11ller than 7,JOO<qua.-..
on recreational jaunts. feet can be approved, in return for
a park to be developed by tbe builder
Students to Participate
In _Community Congress
and deeded to the clty.
Critics ol the propoaal claim there
was too mucb confusion and hnproper
procedure in ita passage.
Fregeau firlt proposed 5 p.m. as a
rneeUng time, but changed it after a
!peaker from the audience 1trongly ob-
jected to the early hour.
Twelve outstanding junlor1 and 1enlors
from Huntington Beach high schools have
hem invited to partlclpate in the ""°"d
annual Huntington Beach Community
The day-long event will be held at
Golden West Colltge Saturday, beginning
with registration at 8:30 a.m.
Students will be assigned to each one
of the 12 small diJcussion groups design-
ed to involve the participants in an
interchange ol. ideas toward creaUng
a better community environment.
Representing Huntington Beach High
School Will be Brian Hanrahan, Larry
W3lker, Lynn Peterson aod Irene
Students from N:arina High School
scheduled to p&rtlctpate in the congress
are Jim Broomfield, Laurie Edward,
Joel Drew and Bryant Averyt.
Scott Lent, David Montano, Lee
Graham and Dan Montano will represent
Edison lllgb School.
Persons wiShing to attend the event
Machinists Give OK
m111 register In advance by ..contacting
the Huntington Beach Chamber of Com-
merce, 18583 Beach Blvd. The rtgblra· tion fee hi M, including luncheon.
Sirhan' s Sexual
Hangup Related
By Psychol.ogist
Sirhan i.9 a young man who i.9 frightened
of sex and reacts far differently than
almost any other man when exposed
to it, a psychologist tesU!ied today at
the murder trial.
It was the 2$th birthday of Ute Arab
Jmmigrant on trial for the murder of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
Dr. Roderick Rlchpdson resumed
showing the jury a kries of pictures
which he had put before Sirhan and
asked him to niake up a story of what
.... happenl!ig.
One shOwed a woman nude from the
•R&Jst•Up on a bed and a man l!ltandin1
Richard.Ion aald Sirhan'• reaction wu:
''Did he murder be:r or rape her?"
Mrs. De Guelle
Services Held
Mr!. Goldle De Guelle, a rt!ident
of Huntington Beach since 1929, died
in Hoag Memorial Hospital in ?;ewport
Beach Monday ofter 1 lengthy run....
She wu.t9.
Funeral Hnllces-!or the ploooef res!·
dent were held today at Smith's
Mortuary Chapel !Mment followed 1t
Good Shepherd ~. HllDllngton
Mn. De Guelle ii survived by her
husband, :ames, of the home, tl7
Georgia St. and a aon, James J ., owners ~r'!"-Ouelle Glass Company ol Hwi-
ungwn Beach; a daughter, Jacqueline
Becker of-New Jeney; Ufee Uten,
t1ottnce CUld of Goozalel,'Calif., Minta
Dreon ol Huntingtoo Beocb and f.etta
Pll'kim ol ·waahlnfltoo; and ' 111
NEW YORK (AP) -'!'bl-· mcket
closed with .-fair 1aln todq. Trldlng
was moderately active near the cbe.
(See quotatlonl, p-Zf.lt).
Robert Sutalte, apokam1n lor the pet!·
Uooera, held up a llrge chart lo plannlnc
commilaioneni and· aald, 1'11lll CJ'ffll
area. la the !llld in q"'9!1on llld you
can·. aee It's llll'TOUnded on -an aides
by people· in red who d001 Wiil! I
trailer part ...
Tbe lkcre site Is currently being
sought by the Recreation and Parts
Commission for a city park loctUon.
"Thb is a Vf!f"J attractive site for
a .. city park," &aid ' Sutate. 1'lt's the
only gjte avalllble. It'• an area which
floods each winter with aeveral fed.
of water ttiat would cover a trajler
park with a late."
The spokesrqan added that ~· walli
which would be built around a trailer
'"'CR'• HinAl'•w
VCR CluJntitlor , ......
Hl}lMli Progress
/ . / ,.
·congress Panel
' Dr, Ivan Hinderaker, cblDcellor of the
Univmity of C&llfamla, Rtvttllde, will
be the. keynote speaker at' tbe 1!tmlinilo•
Beach Coqreaa for CommwiUy Pretma
The chancellor will apeat m ''What
Makes I Vlable._ Community" ~11 9 t.:m.
in the Forwn of Golden Wes& CoDege,
15744. Goldenwest St.
Or. Hinderlbr bal been clw)cellor
1t· the Rlverald• cAmJIUI alnce 1"' and
before that aerved rcr two ')'tin u
-1ior 11 the unlvenlly'1 1"ine
He:: WU a •member of the UClA.
pollllcal IC!ence department from-1911
to 1912.
'!'bl 1JCR -hu alao llrVed
In tho -State Leglltalun llid no the 111111 ol the UDll<d Stales Bmuu
of the Builgel
While on teave from UCLA durinc
195U7 he .... lllOC!ate dlrector of the
N1tlooal Center for EduCltlon and
Polltlcl 11 New Yori; University, and
during. 1llMD he -.wlatanl_to.tbo ~ of \he U.S. Dej)ltlmelll of the
Interior. ·
The _.... ......... beginl Ill l :JO
a.m. wtlb ~ and -... wlll·be fallond 11111.m. with I -ai
-. ... -by Huntlllpn Belch 11.tyar AJvln .)!. Coen, Clllmblr
cl Cosnmeroe Prelldent c:E. ';BID"
(loo ClONGUll, P .. I) '
SAN FRANCISCl)>(AP) -Tbe Intern ..
tional Association "o1 Machinists bu ap-
proved a ~w contract with Air West
callinJ for a new top bite pay rate
ol IS an boor. •
, Tbe -year pact, approvd by 1 l-1
margin Tuesday' COVUI 750 6f the
airline'• '3,.IDO.employes. •. '
"Then ~ said he onee had teen a
movie in which a detective l!lnapped
a picture ol. an illicit a f f a i r and
he said thal might be what waa hap.
pening there. ..
1Jnexpe~ted Guest ..
part wculd be an "eytne and &'ve
If I fortrw-llke --·· ffo alao COllW!ded that poor 11>11 coodltlool :...w.i
cr:act aewer lines l:nd create an "'UDl&io
tractive odor." •
Dick Ashby, who lilted the develapor'1
cue "1iy in rebuttal to Sutako, said
his company would comply with all the
construction r<qulromenta to lmuro that
the ""' WU&ld· he bulldlble.
.. We're going to invest IZl,OOll Ill e
. pump llatloa to keep the lllld drained
and II the ....... --. th"7 -Li have to be fil:ed," be Aid. -~
He added that the IOU would be llronf
enoup to -mobile homes which
are not,u heavy u eoavtntloaal hamea.''
Nixon · to Visit
Coast Frid~y
Prealdent Richard Nixon and bis en-
tourage w!D return to the Orange Cout
Friday, two days llter the nalknra.
with beadquarten in San Diego •lid
San Clemente, and 1 acbeduled · vlsU
to historic Mlaion San Juan Caplalrano.
SkeJ!llclam and cerlalnty WU the
._.. In dlffennt qlllrten' ·lod1y· IOllowinr olllclal White Houle . cm.
flnnatlon and UDOfflclal a a p p o r t i Jl I
"1d...., of 1 presideoUil "'111tlclD.
White -!'ml k:rpti Booald =ler Mid the NlaOIJI Will Stay two ~ •t •.rr1.u-1t i-1a 1111 .i e---. wht\0"1ila· ..,__ jllrtT
JllD rooet in hGiell and mo1e1a.
Sa-y w!D feature a •!alt lo the ~ Mlasloo wh91e Ie1end1r1 =-.today -and. dime!
..,;;·,.'"'mSI. JOIOph's Day !0< the U3rd couecutltt year. ,.!"led l'llh the pnaslble tallr of Ullo-
,.. men to supplement t.derl! IOCIJilty
forcer, l!lan CJemt11te Police OlJef CJJJ.
ford Murrq ui>rUled doubl 1boul the
Nlaoo vlall •:we hav1 belrd JIOthlni flClll the
Semi Service,. he said.
. .. I've worked ·With.the 'SS• befc:n and
they Ulllally make ...,._ tar
ahead.of time," the cblef aplained.
"I view the reporta wllll 1 grul.dul
(Seo NIXON, Pqo Z)
Beach :ff ospital
Plan Withdrawn .
Robert J, Zlnngrabe, developer el a
pn>poled 113-bed convalescent hoap!W
in HunUnlgon Belch wlthdmr .hla ap.
pl!Cltloo for I p I o I llDendmeot from
the Cty Planning Commission Tuactay
nlghl .
In a letler addrwed lo p1anniq com-
misslonera, Zinngrabe atated that the
withdrawal wu prompted because be wu,
11unable to llillfactorily l\lve several
technical problema" surrounding tbe pro-
poled facJJlty. He did DOI lndlc1te It
he would re-apply or not.
Tbe controvenlal hospital, ""1ell bas
dnwn e>ppoallloo &om other 1rea
medical f..Wtlol, "" ori(Jnally ~poled for loca!fon mi the w.,I
ol Stang Liiio and north ol Garfi
A venue In Huntington Beach. Zinnln1Jo'1 p Io t upendmeot IOUgbf· relocation of the bolpital r r om oae
Joi to lllOlber in the same blnck.
Know All Pills t'He bas a sexual probJem -It ii
a frlgbtening thing instead of 111 accepted
thing," Rlchardaon said. 11Never1i\ 7,CKM>
-'cases 'dkl . l ever' have anyone theor!U1
that this wu a picture snapped by 1 detective.,._
St. Pat's Baby a Real Surprise
Even uplrln II 1 clnlc. An your
-raised -the proper !WpeCt for the pllll •nd polloll!
in the family meclldne cabinet!
Th1l'1 part ol tbe defense
parenta have for the growing uae
ol dancorous drup ~ inday'a ·
children. Even mere lmportanL ls
really knowing whal they're !;liking ,
about ·when they warn chUdren
againat ~ nys .A 11 o-n
Blalttalet. In tod1y's lnslallmenl
of his ''Orup 198911 eerits. It's
an Pqe J,
In tertimonJ Tuesday Dr. Richardson,
1 clinlcal poychologlll, described Sirhan
th.ls way:
In convena.tron and language a bright,
normal-t.Huperior l n t e 11 i gen c e,
Vulnerable to an ego stale where he
wanb to be thought of Jn terms of
f.amOUJ peOple. A man who feil.s morally
J"!filled by IOcially unacceptable acts.
SP Trai..ri Derailed
FAIRFIELD ,CAP.l. -1"'~ locomottva
and 30 can of a IG-<lr SOU\hern Pactllc
freight train dei'alled e1rlJ lodli In
I liou& U<l .... f<lirllald. •
'• •
That tale 1bout Michael McClain Dllk·
tng his way into the world an St.
Patrick's D11 w~ a k>t moie lrflb
than anyode thougtlt.
Sh..., .-· begorroh 1:u1eno McCllln
had to deliver the wee boy hhneelf
by the dawn's ear1y -llibt. But here's
the very Irish aftermath to what juH
seemed to be a Umel1 ltory for 1
happy d•f· . . •
Mltbaet dldn.'t •paah h.lj WI)' :into a
shamrock-shrouded world 11JU.tle urller
'thin e:rpected: The' point II,· be wun't
expect.d at 111. , ·
Blaniey! lloo't yon belleV'tll
Joyce McClaln; II, .of Aoabelm, dldn•.1
·even know lhe ..... pr~ She had,
lhe said, 8dered . . and ~ftf. llW• Mldllel-=-1
\he lait lblq Ill 1111 "°"' ... qpocled..
And buaballcl Eugene, ·H, a oqua11,
Da1>1Jer1111ted. But liia alllontabmeol
d!dn1 prevent him from dolnc a beautllul
do-11-,......tt Joi> of delivery, -Ill lllrlln Luther Hoopltol llld. •
'!llol Ame doctorl lrlll~ Aylng much
today beYond coocedinf that what hap.
pened lo Joyce McClain co u Id
.••-1val>ly'' haPf>OD-· • .
Qncel;al>ly notbb11. aoy1 the h!cliplftl
•Jayeo. Siie ~ ........ lhlf Ille pal
on about alx 'pOUndli iA rectnt tnoftthl
tiut:d!dn•t lh1nk "that .... anytblq to
worry about. · ·
Pbyalally. lbe said, ·It -tlllll
her c1111 of chlldbearing "'" -and Ille could ! "" cootent "[lh, Ille 11r .. little llCcClalm th& alrudy ... , . ••r neMaad wlthaat. aqdlMI," •
grjpold. ~111• ..t Sl..P~
. -
. . ' .J_ IWl.Y_Pa_o_r __ H 'NodMs<lu, Mm 19, 1969
Embassy ·EmploJ'.e
' Sl~ys Three;'\ Self.
boultbo1 went ta a savage kllllng apree
Ill Ille Etbloplan ombuly Tuetd>y nleh~
ahootln& to dtatb the ambusador't wile
and two womeD servants. PoUce found
him hlngod loday, a 1ulcldt.
'l1lrot ol the four cblldrea o f Ambo•'""" Galtacbe!r Bekele IJy In
•1ddcate'' condlUon at lbe Rtd Croa
cl1nlc wl1h ....,. bead wounds IUffered
In the rampage of Berhaun Httwan.
Tbetr pvemeu, Jo Clever, escaped
In good COD4Jtion with knife 1lashes on
· 'Reeds •••
In the Wind
· A fow week• ago the matter of
air righta over freeway• wu much
in the local news in Huntin&ton
Beach. The first large zcale u1e
'of freeway air apace In the 1tata
will 1pan Intel'ltale 80 I n
HunUngU>n Beach II attempting
to cfucover all there Is to know
about a1r rights in view of the
city eventually having 1ome 20
miles or so of freeways. , -. Air righll use over the freeway
la particularly exciting though for
the area• near the beach. In
eacrarnento the plan call• for a
twHtory restaurant otandlng on
a item projecting from the medW>
1trip. . * The 1tata Is to receive a
minimum annual rental of $32, 700
for the full term which could run
11DW March 31, 2025. Paymenta
. begin on April l, 1970 when the
facility la expected to open. Jn ad·
dlUon, there are other sources of
revenue to the slate including one
cent per gallon on a gasollne sales
after Iha first 990,000 gallon• per
The Orange Coast I• a likely
area for such development In the
tuture. Th• area will have miles
·and fullea of freeways overlooking
1oma of the best scenery In the
1tata and the tourill !raffle will
grow and grow 11 other popular
areas of the state become more
The beneflll to the communities
tan be enormous. Fountain Valley,
for lllltance Is sliced with one
freeway now and two more are
planned. Thia means that much
of the city ii off the tax rolls,
bot It might he that if the city
can work out a deal with the state
on air rights over that freeway
land, some of it can be returned
to the tax roll.
* At any rate, air apace use will
become more and more common
at the coastal areas develop. Jn
HunUngton Beach the city Is
already Investigating the posslblll·
ty of U&lng air apace to develop
its outmoded downtown area.
her neck, hand ond forearm.
"I trusled him and he killed DU' wife
•• .he kilted my wUe, Bekele wept leav-
ing the emba.uy early today alter SW'
veyina tl>e bloody 1<ene Ind ldentllying
bis wife, Beleyneoh, 1liol through tl>e
head bl her beet.
The Bekele family bad brought Heewan
tO Elblopla lo wort In the tmbuly.
He escaped an anny of police who
raced to lhe embassy Tuesday night
and hanged himself In a 11.20 1 nighl
llopbouJe alrsbalt, police taid.
"He did It. The cue 1110lved,11 Mufco
City Police Chief Renalo Vega Amador
(old newsmen. Police found a .38-caliber
piatol tn Heewan'1 pocket and aald It
wu. the murder wupon.
Another governeu, Marla del Carmf.11
M""'ei, awept the fourth Bekele child,
16-montb-old Tohlu, lnlo her al'llll ond
fled through 1 window u Heeway bunted
ber down In the embassy.
Her boyfriend, Arturo Dimas, amved
at the end of the carnage and helped
Mias Mendez out of the bulldlng. They
raced for aafety with bulleta from
Heewan'• revolver wblsUinc put them.
Dlmu aald Hetwan wu angr}'
''because he wu alway1 hanging around
the servant glr)J and annoying them,
and the ambaisador's wife told him
earlier that she never wanted to see
him doing that again. 11
From PIJfle 1
Woocla ond Dr. Hinderaker. PresentaU~ by auUiirues on civic,
economic, cultural Ind educaUonal np-
porlwlltlea follow al 10 Lm. Parllclpanl
diaeuaa1on aecilona on the t o p I c s
P"'stnted wW be held belween 10;!0
and ll:liO Lm.. "'
-.,,__ ol OflPOl'IUllltle• tn Huntington Buch hive been ICbeduled
from ll;IO lo ll:IO Lm. wltb dlJcuMlon
fll'lUP meellnp followlng from noon lo
ll;U p.m. ·
The -conllnuet at I p.m. wltb
I ~ al lfle oolle(e c<oler, with
llr. R. Dudley Jlo1ce, Golden Wat Col·
JU pnoldeal, pnoidlDC. s:mmltklat ol the oPportunlty talks
wW be in-nled durinS .the ilJ!lch!on
by Monie Nltllowakl, Peler Horton ond
Dr. JllDll L. Cltaman>.
ReservaUon1 for the 1em1 n a r 1 ,
dllCUlllon aecUona and luncheon may
be made · with the. Huntington Beich
Chamber of ~...., lpoDIOl ol tbe
Over 30 Singles
Club Set by YMCA
Single men and women over 30 are
being invited to join a new group
&pon!O!'ed by the Hantlnglon Beach YM·
CA -tl>e YOT (YMCA over 30).
Thole interuted may contact the YM·
CA by calllng 1136-7920 or by wr!Ung
to P .0. Bot 788, Runtlngton Beach.
Acttvitlea of the lf'OU.P wW include
weekly dances, 1peclal outings with Ute
emphula on fun and fellowahlp a n d
a chance to get acquainted with new
and Interesting people, accordln1 to
Dolph H. Groloct, junior aecutive dJnc..
Rttourco Workara {from left) Mmta. WlllI1m Dolph, Forrttl Johnaon, Rty l'ltmlnl
Masons to Lay
Cornerstone at
Glenview School
Robert A. Crigler, grand maater of
M"°"' In Calllornia, wW olllctale during
a cornerstone laying ceremony at Hun-
tington Beach's Glenview School Satur-
Crigler and his <orpo of olflc<ra will
open a grand lodge at the HunUqton
Beach Temple and then assemble at
the 9Chool, located on Glen Drive near
FAglner Avenue for \he ceremony.
A casket of bl!toric information will
he lumhhed by Oc<an View School
Dlslrict Supt. Dr. Clarence Hall Ind
will bt depoalted behind the cornentooe.
Htmtington Beach DeMolays wlll con-
duct the flq: ceremony. A prosram of
entertalnm.ent will follow the ctlebraUon.
School district perlOllnel, u well u
state, county and dty officlalJ are U 4
pecttd to be present at the event.
From PIJfle 1
dead ond 1wo wounded. Fei 14 die north,
U.S. Marines baWlng North \>letnam.,.
forces around Da Nant killed 7J and
loot ll dead and 3IJ wOUDded.
The rocket attack on Da Nang, and
previous attacks on Hue and Salgon,
were conaidered vfolatlons of the un.
denlandlng by which tbe United Stalet
balled tbe bomhinl of North Vietnam
last Nov. 1. But so far the Commun!Jt
offeMlve baa hit Da Nang three Um.es,
Salgoo five IDd Hue twice.
Arms Discussion Held
GENEVA (UPI) -Amerlcllll and
Soviet diurmament negcrtlator1 dlSCU!s-
ed prospect.! for an ocean noor free
of nuclear arm• today at a private
luncheon given by tbe Ru11w11.
Schools Draw Speakers
From VariedOccupations
A f"Oll'llll lo. ncruit apukera from
all Waiki ol We lo bn>eden Ille borhanl
<i Fountain Valley elemen'lary acbool
dilldrtn bu drawn favorable commu-
llity !'elpoll8e.
-.. lo Bobbi Dolph, project .
coordinator, often have afrei.dy been
received from raerve police officere,
bacterlolOllN. denial hypeniatl, alrllne
pilots, systems qlneen, aalesmen,
newspaper reporters, judges and even a
prol...-i balloonist.
In addition. people have volunteered
to speak on auch foplcl a "How to Meet
a Proe:pect.lve Employer.'' the N1Vljo
Indian ld1uloo, tullDIClll llock lnv..t-
ments, oil p&lntlnl and various countries
ll'Olllld tbe world.
The program -oriclnated In an ef. fort lo make Ille llChoOI'• c:urTlculum
-and meaninKful lo the child In today'• world. Names ol die epeaken will be kept In
I central lilt Ind wW bt used by teach·
ers whenever the need arises to bring tD
the classroom an e:1pert in a particular
Swallows Fly In
Birds Make It 193 Straight at Capo
For the 193rd Ume in a row, the
ri"allow1 returned to the Ml11sion San
Juan Capiltrano today.
SubataDUal number• of. the small
dart.in blrdl were reported at U)I
Million, u were a subltantlal number
" louriJIL Advance wavu" the bird• hid arrived
wly Tuesday, u.ld Father Paul Martln
of the Capistrano Ml11lon.
The arrival of the swallows at the
:P/Jssion from South American wintering
spots bu been fabled in song and legend.
The birds tradlUonally have appeared
on March 11, Sl Joeeph'• Day, at the
Mission since it wa.s built in 1776.
caned "Las Golondrinas" in Spanish,
the birds build their mud neita on the
193--yur-old wall• ol the Miiiion.
Thtlr arrival tb1I year is marked by
a St. Joseph'• Day pageant put on by
the children of the mission llC'hooL
Festlvltlts weni under the royal dlree-
tlon of SI. Joseph's Dey King Ronald
Sanchez and Queen Ann Etchebetrla,
bolb eighth graders al the lcbool.
Spanish dancers and a strolling band
performed today, and are ICheduled to
return for a fiesta Sunday at the m.i.sslon.
A special 1Ut was made to the
mission'• Museum of HI st or i ca I
Document.I by a direct descendant of
Jose Francisco Ortega, the first white
man to enter what is..oow Orange Coun·
Ortega WU Portola'• BCOUt otfictr
when the Spanish trpeditlon entered the
Capistrano area 1n it• northward journey
200 years a10 from San Dlero.
Jullt Hllarla Hernande!, Otttp'1
f r e I ~-~gre&i.,..l.grt:ll'lfendclaughler, wW pntenl the mlsaloo with
family blslorical llfll lnclndinl 'a draw·
In& ol tbe Oriel• mapt .... a oopy " a family wW wrilten In 1136 In ....
Mlsotoo San Lull Rey,
Ceremonies at the minion today will
be repeated SUnday al 2 p.m. The public
ii invited.
Old Time Movies
At Library Friday
Old time comedies are the btll of
fare for the HunUngton Beach Public
Library Film Fonun beginning at 7:30
p.m. Friday at the library, 525 Main
Tbe movies are free and the puble
11 invited, aecordinl to 13brarian Walter
Two Cbarlle Chaplin comtdlu, .. The
·Adventurer" and "Tbe Immigrant,••
Laurel and Hardy 11 °Pufect Day'' and
"Barney OkU1eld'a Race for We" will
bt shown.
The ChapllD filml art of 1917 vintage
and written Ind directed by Chaplin.
~1uslc and sound tracks have been added
lo the films.
Coast Cities
Jo~ Against
Oil Pollution
· Munldpal authorities Imm all ()mp
Coeat cities will bead for Santa Barbara
'lbunday f« a -.say conference aimed
al lormulaU., • united lnxtl 1Jalml
ollsbore oll pollullon.
San Clemente City Manager Kenneth
Carr said lnvltatloos to tl>e parley ban
also been -lo admlnlatralon wt1ll
every Calllornla -W.. city and
The conference wW include a tour of
Santa Barbara beaches and marl.nu
affected · by Ille Union OU Co. olllhoro
Among local officlali who wW puti<-
lpate an:, in addition to Carr, Newport
Beach Mayor Doreen Marahall and City
Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt. Huntinf>
ton Beach City Administrator Doyle
Miller and Harbor Director V1nca Mooi-h..,.., Laiuna Beach l,lay... Glena
Veddet, San Cleme11te Mayor Wade
l.ow!r, and Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd
Gummere and City Manaeer Lee Rimer.
Federal and atate officlall' from vari-
lous agencies are also upec1ed to
The conlennoe ,.... agreed upon -month llO It the Clllfornla. l.euue of
C!Ues' annual clly manaim' dfvlalotl
conventioo, also held In Santa Barbll'L
It WU IUQeoled by Newport Cily Manager Hurlburl.
"Wb~ we hope to tchleve," 1ald Carr,
"ii a ~ cohesive poslUon that
woold ...WI la legialaUoa problblllnc 1
rec:urr.nc:t of the Santa Barbara blmr-out diluter."
VariOUI upecll of lhe pollultoa p'Ob-
lem will be delalled lo lhe gatberlnl
by Santa Barbara clly and counly olJi.
clals on Friday. 11!e tour " the ruined
waterfront are as wlll take place
From Page J
ol abpticlsm al the moment,. he added.
Honeymooning Lynda Jobnson Robli
and her new lnuband, Marl.nt Capt.
Charles Robb, atayed at the San
Clemente Inn one year 1go befora he
!ell for Vlelnlm.
Su Clementa Chamber ol Commeree
N:anepr Gilbert E. Euell c:onlinned
today that executives fl. the 140-room
IM called him late Tuesday to aeet
help in reserving 35 more rooma in
the immediate area.
The prelidenUal party bas reserved
a total of 175 J'OOJIUI at the ornate,
19th Centiny Hotel cld Coronado In Ssn
Diego, Jesa substantial than the m.l&Slon,
bul perlodic alle of Jet Set nesting.
San Diqo II celelratlng Ila 200tb .,..
nlv.rary tbta week""' ollertnc another
t<uist attraction 1n addttion to the
swallows' celebrated · r e tu r n to
· More grim than gay, but also en
the Nixon itinerary, ts inspection of oil·
polluted Santa Barbare beaches, bul
Prell Secretary Zle«ler mentioned no
other apedllc llouthland alof>I. •
The presldonUal party will be allying
in Sao Diego cnly one mlle, bow-ever,
from the Coronado Penlnaula base where
a Navy board of Inquiry Is compiling
findings In the USS Pueblo case.
The base ts but a brief ferry ride
from the hotel.
En route to his nalive Southern
Calllornie, tlle Preeldent w!Il atop oil
to vl!:lt a predeceuor, in Independence,
Mo., former President Harry S. Trumu,
who bu been a cauatlc NlJoa cr1Ue.
Dies After Transplant
NEW YORK (UPI) -A 50-year .. ld
man, who rtcelved the lune of another
man 11 day1 ago in a transplant oper ..
tlon, died today In Monteflore Hospital. There ii even the poniblllty of
nalng air space for conatruction
of a new clvic center or a
municipal auditorium with con-
vention facilities.
It ts wonderous what can be
made out of thin air today.
the watch for a lifetime of proud possesswn
11 1\1 1\' 1'1101
..._.H W"4 _ ... _
,, .... ""''" v-. ,.,....., .... o-rll ......
n..1,KMTf -1Ntu1. A. M1r9W.-t _ .....
IJNrt W, l.t.t. WIRl1M .. .. ......,.... ........ tldl
.,llW CltY *'"" " ............. , .... ltt It• Stttet
M.1llllf .... ,.,., P.O. a.. no. tlMI --_,_..,., .. , .. , .... ....,.,. --·--"'-....... ...-w,.,.... ... .,...
Marin•'• Andy Vorono
Marin•'• Judy Pr111on
-.Pres~on, Vorono Selected
Marina's Top Boy and Girl
Jud7 ""-and Awl'1 Vorono,
atudenll at HlmUnr!P!I Betcli•a Marin•
Hllh School, hive b a e n oel«led boy an<! girl ol the month fer Marth.
MW l'nsloii, an boDor -~ 11 a member of the winning Marina Scholar
Bowl tam, • Soutllern Cllilornla Edison
1 Award winner and a recipient of tbt
Bank of America cerillJcata In aocill
Utt -•<:ln-uclar adlvtu.. lncludt
membenblp In tilt -puts adenc"
f:xplorer Scoota, the Girls Servlct
Organlutlon. She ls a 11 o an oWoer
In the G~ls Atbletlc: AlloclaUon and
Ille An-Club.
Andy Vorono, Marina'• Boy of Ille
t.lonth, ls a 3econd year 1'artllJ Jet,.
t.erman and ls captain of tho ICbooJ 's
football and """Ulni teaml. He wa1 voted most valuable player
of the footbllll team-;-\and ls a mtmber
•f tbe All-Sunad Lequ• team. Ht abo
maintain! 1 I.I grade 1Yerqe.
l'HONE .. ...... ,
I • ,
l' I
Lag11na Beae1i
. Tedayt.s Flul
N.Y. Steeks
Nixon. Party 'Reserves' Inn · at San Clemente
Preaident Richard Nixon and his en· \Vhlte House Press Secretary Ronald
tourage will return to the Orange Coast Ziegler said the Nixom will stay two
f0rce.r, San Clemente Police Chier Clif·
ford MurTay upresied doubt about the
Nixon vis.IL
• Charles Robb, stayed at the San Diego, less subatanUal lhall the million,
Clemente Inn one year qo before he but periodic a!te of Jet Set nuting. .
lelt for Vietnam. San Diego ia ctlebraUng Jta moth an-frida,y, two days afttr. the swallows, nights a~ a Private home in San
I with headquarters in San Di..ao and . Clemente, while bis presidenUal partJ ~e will roost in hoteb and motels.
San Clemente, and a scheduled visit s'aturday wUI feature a visit to Uie
to hist0:r:ic Mission San Juan Capistrano. historic Mission whose I e g e n d a r y
"We have . heard nopung fr am the
Secret Service.'' he said.
"I've worked with the "SS' before and
they usually make arraniements far
ahead of time," the chief explained.
San Clemente Chamber of ~ niversary this weekend offtring another
Manqer ~Gilbert E. EaaaU confirmed tourl!t attraction In addllion to tho
today thlt necu.tives of tbt. 1*-room , sw.allows' celebrated return to
Inn called him late Tuesdlj to seek Capistrano.
helv in ruirvlng 35 more room& In More grim lhall gay, but al!o· on
'l11e ptt!ldenUal party will be staying
in San Diego only one mile, however,
from the Coronado Peninsula base where
a Navy board of inquiry is complli°'
lindinp 1n the ms Pueblo cue.
The bm Is but a brief ferry ride
from the hotel .
t Skepticism.• • aod certainty was the swallows today fiuttertd and darted'
~e ~ different quarters toe!ay, ; home on st. Joseph's Day for the 18lrd
b>llowlllg r official Wbite House con-consecutive year.
fil'ml:UDn and unofficial 'S u pp or t i a c Faced .wt th the possible task ol aasigp.·
evidence of a presidential viaitaUon. ing men to supplement federal security
"I view the reports with a great deal
of' skepticism at the moment," be added.
Honeymooning Lynda Johnson Robb
and her new husband, Marine Capt.
the. immedlale If.ti. the NlJon itinerary, ii inlpeetion of oil-n. pmldential party baa _,.eel polluted Santa Barbara beachu, bul
a total of 175 rooms at the arna~. Prtta Secrt~ Ziegler menUoned no
19th Ceniury Hotel dtl Coronado ln San other speclllc· Southland slofl'.
En route to his naUve Southem
callfornia, the President will stop oft
to vi!it a predeceslor, in Independence,
Mo .. former President Harry S. Truman.
who hu betn a caustic Nilon cr!Uc.
u e a s a ea
Swallows. ·Il~tJJrn Again
' . .
Birds Nest at Capo Mission for 193rd Time
For tht 193rd time in a row, the
sv.·allows returned to the Mission San
Juan Capistrano today.
Substantial ntpnbers of the small
dartin birds were reported at lhe
Mission, as were a substantial number
of tourists. ;..
Advance "aves of lhe b.irds had arrived
early Tuesday, said Father Paul Martin
of the Capistrano Mission.
Tbe arrival of the swallows at the
Niss.Ion from South American winterln1
spots baa been fabled In aonc and legllld.
The birds tradltloully· hive appeared
.., Mor!'b.1,1, s~ Joseph'• lljly, fl the
Mlssion siDct it WU built in lTlt.
Called "Las GoloDdrlnai'' in· Spanish,
the birds build their mud ~ on the
J93-year-old walls of. the MissiOL
Their arrival im.. year ii inarked by
a St. Joseph's Day pageant put on by
tht children of the miss.ion ICbool.
FestivlUes were under the royal direc-
tion of SL Joseph's Day King Ronald
Sanchez and Queen Ann Etchtberria,
both eighth graders at the school.
Spanish dancers and a strolling bB11d
performed today, and are scheduled to
return for a fiesta Sunday at the mission.
A special gilt was made to the
mission's Museum of Historic 1. I
Documents by a direct descendant of
Jose Francisco Ortega, the flrat white
man to enter what is now Orange Coun-
Ortega was Portola'! scout officer
when the Spanish expedition entered the
Capistrano area in its northWard journey
200 years ago from San Diego.
:Julie Hilaria Hernandes, Ortega's
great • great • great • great-great-grand--
daughter, will present the mission with
family bistorjcal gilts including a draw·
J.ng of the Ortega maps and a copy of
.a family will written in 1835 in the
Mission San Luis Rey.
Ceremonies at the mission today will
be repeated Sunday at 2 p.m. The public
is invited.
·~ ~
' 'q
DAILY PILOT Ptltfl ..,. llkM'f Keltl ....
,Jam"·(ltft), Thom11Spryof 1L•llU"• "Hills C1rry.St1tue
Mother .Joins DA Aides
In Son's Death Study
By ARTHUR R. VINSEL CM .lie 0.-l'ltlt ,_,..
A grieving mother, Orange County
District Att.oriiey Cecil A. Hicks and
a handf~Of investigators conferred ~
day thrie hours before hiJ funeral, 'On
the COsta Mesa polU:e slaying ol a boy b!f.!lat. 'We now have a few more thlnp
we want to run down," Hicks aid,
after the meetmg In Santa Ana broke.
up at 11 a.m., but be aald be could
ofter no subltMUal cbanee Jn the cue.
dark alley, blames it on blackmail by
narcotics traffic"ters with whom the
youngster became entangled.
Strong evidence support& a theory that
Stubblefie1d, who had sold marijuana
abd sampled LSD, was not alone at
the ·bretk·in at Corrigan's Camera Shop,
slo W. 00. SL, Co.ta Mesa.
"You've got to realize that was a
very aophi~ated job," Dbtrict Attorney
Hick! aald todaf.
Wlloever . entered the shop took great
(fl<o '1IOBE, Pap I)
• •
Writ Delays
Of Roadway
Of .. -0.lp Pli.t Staff
The first step In a legal fight t&
overturn county abandonment of Salt
Creek Road and insure public acceu
to the beach developed in Superior Court
Judge Claude M. Owena ordered COW1l1
supervillon to ll<t aside lbe!r ,_.,_
\ :!:'lt'J'~ ~ -ri
In the temporary ~rnative writ fl
man<J!'mus, tho court ordend tile counl7
Pluliilof -'to tab DO actlilli apprvvtng any plan "nol reoopJslng Sall.
C...kllOed aaapublio "•hkll·ny."
The pWming ~ hid -ICbeduled today to CGlllkler a tract map
for development of about JOO acru
without public accw to the tidelands.
The court order temporarily would
shelve this. ·
The petitioners in the opening lega1
volley against the county and two cor-
porations are attorneys William Wilcoxen
of Laguna Beach and Michael C. Sap!'
rA. Santa Ana who represents surfine
Judge Owens alao ordered that Laguna
Niguel Corporation and Prudent 1 a I
Insurance Company not interfere with
publio .,. <i the road pending a •bow
cause hearing on April 3.
Laguna Niguel Colp. bu ma&te!" pJan.
ned the area between Three Arch Bay
and Dana Point for total future develop-
ment to accommodate about IO,OOI)
pe"""-' .
The Orange County Board o t
Supervisors' March action to abandon
the last portion of the road -once part
of the Coast Highway route -seemed
to go largely unnoticed at the time.
ll was brought sharply to public at·
ten.Uon at a December hearing of Uie
Assembly Subcommlttee on Beaches and
Conservation in Newport Beach.
Mrs. Helen Keeley, former Laguna
Beach vice maior, leltffled at the lime:
"With this piecemtal abandonment of
Salt C<e<k Road, II ap_. to me U..t
the Orange Count)' Board of Supervl!on
and the Orange County Road Department
have lotal'1 disregarded the needJ of
the public by totally disregarding the
county's own Master Plan for Short.line
Attorney Wilcox'en after the December
hearing sugg.;ted to ~upervl!or Alton
Allen, who initiated the action, that it
would be difflcu1t to rationalize unless
it was merely a shiftlni of public rlgl!ta
from one location to another.
Alter the clamor began; the county
asked the county COllll!<l to rule on
(Sao SALT CREEK, Pqe I) &t.iJhen Slubblefield, ti, <i lOllJ Kline
Drive, santa Ana &Sgbta, wu shot to ·daath 'llldle fleelq a camera shop ~ Saturday niChl -police opened in altar 6'-ipnd.eommanda
to~ ball. •
IaoallplAn -111 -·· the • Helm Kaller lnlsmediata Scbool eJPtb
Know All Pills
DAILY l"ILDf l!tll Plrlt ..
Wln9lng It l_n C•pi1trano
NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe stock market
1'1th, a fair gain today. Tradinl
aa moderately active near the clooe.
S.. quaCollon1, Paf'I 21·15).
grader'• trqlc death ruulted from dobo
bUng In adult crlme and panlckln& when
c:auaht in the act. •
Mn. Helen ElliJ, Who IOI! ber only
child in 1 burst of gunfire down a
2 Vacuum Cleaners
Worth $60 Stolen
Two va<11\1111 cleanera worth about llO
were liken Tuesday from the open
1aro1e of IUcl>atd McC«mack, SI, of
40I Alla Vlata, Laguna Btach. ,
Mccormack told Laguna Beach polko
that the vacuum• ,..,. IOWld mlaalnl
!nm the pr11i that clay.
Even aspirin Is a drug. Are your
cbildn:n raised with the proper
respect far the ptlll and potl0111
In the family medicine cabinet!
. ~· . part ol u.. 'clef .... '
·. ~n\E-~'<e for the,~·uae ,
oC-.lang•~• dt\111 llTIOOI ID!•l'• ·
clilldrtn. Even --.im,orlaof i.
really,bowll/( what U.Oy taltlri
ibool when ~ '!l'\'tl ~~ .... ,... dni'-' M .'A 'ui n ....... ~~ 1,9' ,,.. )'I I \
W.koalef; In ~todlt;• I!'. l!t. llllp!IDI
of kbls l"llrup· ., --~JI'•
,. iDIP~'.I<' : .!(1 •' 1. ,; ,;(:f'
• a 1!;.'l :;I t.i J '· ·• ,r:' 'i} .... 11 . . "'"" -
DAILY PILOT ..... ..,. DI" S.....
Public A.-Sought on Rood . ~ndonod by C:O..nty
If alk Out Again on Nixon
Laguna Castle-hunt Plans
Of ,... DllllY ,., ... stiff
With Preslden! Richard M. Nlxon'1
Orange County viail lhJs weekend,
rumon persUI that the Pr<!idlSll might
lum up castle.bunting In Laguna Beach.
Nixon aides recently WE!'e reported
to have lnv~tigated the hiotorlc SI-room
Pyne castle at TIO lllilcrest Dr. In
Owner Thomas A. Metrlck wat
tmavailable for comment, bOwever a
penona1 representative <J. the Presidf.nt
ts reported to have told the Legunan
to "stick around UrlJ weekend.''
Dr. Glenn Webb, Merrick's link to.
the Presidenl, held a !peclal meeting
wtth lf11on aides Saturday at the Key
Biscayne, Florida, home of the presi--
denl. 'l11e three story Pyne Castle ts now
oervlng ., an apariment house. Merrick
is undmltood to want to sell the rambling
CA!tle built between 1121. and 1932. He
bought 11 ln 1116.
Tbe owner bu declined to r<le&M
bia uking price.
l\lr. Niml•la upoc:ted to lllay Friday
and SajlaUy ln .the San ~ ....
San Juan Capllllrano ,..ion.
A llghkeelng trtp to the ml..too lot
a look al lh<·fBlllOU! owallows baa been
rabed as one reuon for the trip.
"I wooldn't be at all IUj>rileil If
alt that swallow lltuff wu jult a covtr
up ao Pat q.in. Nixon) con come down
aild . take I look it' the castle, n Bill
Mll'i.lrrt ·r.inner Lag\lnf) n1·11or·,
• llfpojbµc:an, and'P.vJ~-sald ·lod&)', ~dent 'N&Olt bu *en Jntereated
· lh lh4 old cattle since hi!. youth, •lf1/« .. '
Merrick once told repcrlers. The Pre!I·
-ha• previoualy vacatlooed In the
Art Colooy.
The ca!lle was bulll by Walter Pyne.
an eccertrie mlllion&ire and one of
Orange County'• bl1 opeulen In the
1920s and 1931ls.
'Ille basic concept appears to have
been lnug!lt from Swilurland. strange
alcoves and cubbytxMee are 1Cattered
throughout the -.
A ballroom la on tl>O thinl floor. The
castle has two kitchem and two guest
houses. It stands on five acres ol ground,
backing up a1ainst undeveloped Irvine
Another lllllDY day, 1'ith mlddle
~!'PO' tempuaturea, la ... Ibo
hori)on ,,.. the or.nae Cout
'lburadly. But wbo'& ·camplalnlnl!
Newport Beacll apace oeoloo·
Ut who took 1omt tl!M to dl.l-
covcr 1ource ond curer o/ ftOl>
ioMS gal ii Philco-Fcwd'1 "Cit6-
Ztn of the Year"" for Orang•
Co univ. POiie l :t ,
lfrtllt 1(
9ttflllt ti
C1H!W11'-11 Clffllftte ti ... ....... " ""-' ..
--n -.. ·: . .::-' . .. ·--....... M
~': w., : -. ............ "
::.-. . u
Mlllwt hMe M __ ..
Or ... c.,itY tt.11 ... .
l'l'Mli """' M --... -, .. ---·-. = , a·:s
• ,
% DAILY PILOT L Wl<lllt!dq, M.vdl 19, 1969
Armored A,ttack Wipe~ Out 330 Communists
; ' .
SAJGO~ (UPI) -U.S. I.Ink columns
..... u..up the ~ nibber
plinlatm'• miles -of ~
have ,tllled 330 Commut.lstl at Ugbt
Jon to them!l:lves, front dispatcbu
• ~ported today. The Communist death
toll IOUed to an estimated 471 In this
and other battles.
U.S. military spokesman announclng
the upturn in combat said North Vlet-
na.meee forces early today £helled Da
Nill(, killlnl 10 cMllana. and WOU!ldlni
Coast Cities
Join Against
Oil Pollution
Municipal authorities from all Orange
Cout cities will head for Santa Barbara
Thursda.f for a two-day confertra aimed
at formulating a united front agalmt
ofbbore Oil pollution.
5an Clemente City 1.!Anager Kenneth
Carr said invitations to the parley have
also been sent to administrators with
every California coastline city and
The conference will include a tour of
Santa Barbara beaches and marinas
· 11f!ected by the Unioo OU Co. oflshore
Amoog local official! who wm parlio-
lpato are, in addiUon (0 Carr, Newport
Beach Mayor Dor .. n Manhall and City
Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt, Hunting-
too Beach City Administrator Doyle
-Miller and. Harbor Director Vlnce Moor-
-)louse, Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn
Vedder, San Clemente Mayor Wade
Lower, and Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd
Gummere and City Manager Lee Risner.
Federal and state officials from var--
ious qe.ocies are al9o expected i·o
The confertnce was agreed upon one
month ago at the Calllomia League of
Cities' annual city mana1era' division
· convention. also held in Santa Barbara.
It WU auggmed by Newport City
Manager Hurlburt.
"What we hope &o acbleve," utd Carr,
.. is I unified, cohesive poal.Uoa that
...Wd result in legislation prohibiting a
l'tCUM'tnCe of the Santa Barbara ble>W9
out disaster.·· Various aspects of the pollution prob-
lem wW be deialled to the pthering
by Santa Barbara city ud COWll)' off!.
clals oo P'rklay. 'lbe tour of the rub>ed
wattrlroot are a s will tab place
Driving Course
For Elderly Set
A apeclal defemive driving coune for
older persons is being spon.!iOn!d by the
Amerlan Association or Retired Persons
In cooperation with the NatJonal Safety
• Council
· ~ over SS who are licensed driv.
ers are Invited to attend the fouMesa ion
COW'!e, which will begin at 10 a.m. Thurs-
day in the Doctors' Library, Leisure
World Medical Center, Laguna Hill11.
The purpose of the course: Is to teach
older licensed drivers how to stay alive
while using today's more complex autos
and highways.
For additional information a n d
reservations. contact Mr. or Mrs. Ed
Searle, 837·4724.
Dies After Transplant
NEW YORK (UPil - A 50-year-<>ld man. who received the lung of another
man ll daya ago 1n a transplant opera·
tJon, died today in Montefiore Hospital.
nr.H\' PllOI
• l•Mrt N. Wtff
Pr•lllttlt n Mll.tltr
J••• a. c •• 1 • ., Viet l"r•*"I Ml.._ .. lo\t.,.,..
'~•"''' K ... n ....
Tll.-1 A. M•rpMn1 _.... .. II.,
a1cht,4' P. Nill P••I Nl111n
l-lltdl """""' .... Clrr lflttt Otr-.c• ---tJI ,.._Mt A ...
W111t"t A4411tt1 P.O. I• U4. tl,IJ --~ ... t • w.t ""'""' "'-" twdl1 nn •111 ..... ltollfw,.
ttUlltJN• """"' .. Ml .....
:is. A rocUI attack on Salilll fU ~
-U.S. ~ capllnc!' ftyt ndlall
llr<ody,tuoliil .. -. •
UPI .......,...... llal -· '1111 th.. count<ra«acttng AmerlcOn ud Soulh
Vletn&mele fon:e northwest of Saigon,
reported sporadic· fighUng throughout to-
day and h<Hy fighUng tonigbt In lhroe
areas of the jungled rubber pl.tnl.ltion
that J1 beadquarten for the North Viet·
namese '1th DivWon.
Field commandera Aid the campaign
hod .il'I .-., pmeolin( • polllible
·-Comn\unlat .... •tloct .,... ~ ud Iha! ""' )llll•ofll: .. 1111 111.t• wtllN\I • .........
11.tCh an attack. ·
"Thia is one of their main ataline
artu and we're here to tmuh them
before they baVfl a chance lo come
at us," an American offk:er aald.
Gibson •aid the U.~. lltll Annor<d
Cavalry regiment IJ><lrbeaded t b •
fi,lltin( durinJ tlle day ud that ei.p.nta
. -.
DAtLY PILO'I' ._,, ""'9
Bom1hlrmlng Cycll1ta Drop By for V11ll
• Bikers ID Town
Cross-U.S. Ri.ders San Diego Envoys
Joho and Kallierine Kennedy, the first
people to ride acroa tJfe United states
on a tandem bleycle, were in Laguna
Beach Tu<Jdo,y ud u special am-
bassadon for the ·city ol San Diego
had a special Invitation for Mayor Glenn
E. Vedder to attend that city'• 200th
The Kennedy• bad completed their
cnJSS country trlp the week before ll\
San DJeso. and after touching the bl·
cycle's front Ure in the Pacific Octan
were made the dty'1 ambusadors.
The couple is now enroute to San
Francisco and will band out the special
invitaUon1 to mayors and other VlPa
along the way.
Laguna Mayor v edc!er reminisced about
hls blcycllng da)'ll ud nol<d thll while
the New York to Calllomla run would
be a bit long, for hlm. be med to
pedal from Los Angeles to Laguna Beach.
The Kennedys, both II y.,n old, left
Long Island New York on Sept. JI,
1968 for the journey which took them
through 14: states.
Mrs. Kennedy, once told thot she would
never walk because of a splnal diseue,
is the ·co-pilot (back seat rider) on
the bicycle. John a former Green Beret
with the forces In Vietnam, pilot. the
bicycle wtiich weighs 600 pounds fU117
'Ibey plan to writ< a book about their
uperiencu, and later, plan a tandem
blcycle lrip through EurOpt and Japan.
Frona Page J
whether they had acted legally In aban·
doning the road segment without first
referring: the matter to the planning
Clayton Parker, chief assistant county
counsel, aa.ld his office would defend
the county in the action. 0 0ur opinion
wu: that It (abandonment) was legal
. . • the court'• now going 10 decide.
It appean clearly a legal issue, the
facb are not in dispute," he said.
The distance betw ... the cenler line
of the 100-foot road right-of-way and_
!DWI high tide Une (lhe beginning of
th< public tidelands) Is I a t d by die.
county planning department to be about
300 feet.
Portions or the road were abandoned
between 1960 and 1961 by county
supervlson aft.er first referring the mat-
ter to plannlng comrnlsslooers.
Questioned about the abandonment In
the past, SuPervisor Allen has taken
the poslUon that the road did not lead
to the beach and the county did not
have the ftmds to acquire property along
the beach.
Allen aatd, "Any alzable amount of
beach property would amount lo ao much
that we would have lo pan a bond
issue. We haven't gotten one passed
in 10 )'UTS. We have been beaten Ulrff
times oo matlerl of din necusllJ."
CAIJS& DAMAGE Eu&•"" Bell, R<10l.lry and attorney
for Laguna Niguel Corp., Aid he had
not yet bad a chance to ltudy the
legal pspen filed with the tornpany
Tuesd•Y af\tmoon. '
Ht said U development ls delayed.
"It wiU lndeed cause us 10me damage
and we will seek to be compensated.
"I have been saUalJed for some Ume
that vacaUon of old Salt Creek Road
was a proper and prudent thing for
the county to have done and I'm satilfied
that ttie tract map meell all the 11lte
and county ltpl requlremontl.
"J <'In only usume that lhoee thing•
being tnit, the -11 f:'"'I to be favonblt for Lapna Nlpet '
Ill !heir lepl ....--.. pmnanad c:ourl IClloa, -..,.. Sagar
and Wilco1en point out that they are
lalp8yers and have on numerous OC•
caslons used the road.
They state that Salt Crttt Road ls
the only public road for atve.ral mllea
which lraverses an aru from Plclfic
Coast Highway to • point al or near
public tlddanda ud to an Hem of "11tat
They stat< that !ho ill.Ito COOlll!aU«i
prohibits uy coonty from making glita
of anything valuable to .., Individual
or corporation.
Since the alale turned tha loop of
road over to. !ho county In ltm, tlle
petitioner• . ill.Ito tt hu been Improved
and maintained by the county with no
present or prospecUve plan to relocate
the road "as alleged in the ResoluUon
of Abandonment."
The attorneys quote a eovr.rnment code
secUon staliog that no real property
shall be dl5posed of or 11.rttt vacated
without first rtferrins the mattu to
the (county) planning agency.
"The Board of Supervlaor• did not
rtfer the propOaed abandonment to lhl
PlaMlng CommlMlon," thq Ut. and
alao state no pub& hw1n& wu bdd
.. requlttd by law.
Woman Injured
In Car Accident
A 82-year-otd Lajuna Hil1I woman WIS
lnjyred Tueado,y in 1 traffic -'dent
in the 100 block of North Coul Hjpwa7.
Mrs. Pansy L6rraJne Venner of *98:
Avtnlda Bevill• lold olfk<n lhe would
aetk lreatmeot from bu own doctor.
The colllllon , involved anolber car
driven by Jama Nnman White, II,
of 1275 Cerritos Drive, La--· He WU~ willljUred. 1llo aoctda>t
OCCWTtd at u:a p.m. u Wbite al.-
tempted to tum le~ ac:rou Coul
lll&bw01 from • ollopplnl C<nltr Pl'klnl
' . . ' ' 1)1 tile unit ,....., Col. Cleorp 8. hltoll · •la V.,·llttl pbaHI of tbetr IN'h TUes<tay, m. -o1 .. ,..... w..w war ll """""1111 avo of Illa ""'!plnl''• lllbl
-i. ..... tine .... ·....o.i. alWr --machlno .....
.. , I"" lel#L· 'Ille North VlllAamtM were fl&htinc
'Ille Utll ~ t1Ud Ill Com-bolding actlom from their bwiliered poal-
munlala In. !ho ftnt two day• ol the ttono.
drive ud ell>er illlltl hm>lved In ;be In other flihtin& roportoi tcday troopl
· operallm rtpcll1od kllJbir ·anolber Ill ol the U.S. 21th Dlvlaloo killed 12 Com-
Rod IOldllrf. Allied _., wert munlltl ud loot two -killed and
described Cllly u "Ugbt." one wow>ded In a fight 0 miles no<lhweat
'Ille tanun ovman tbe North Vie~ of SaJaoa. 'n"'l>C of tho U.S. Ith Wantry
.,.... .. -·· -eomp1117 fi&htJnl 1$ '""'' -ol salp kill«I
* * * *
37 Commwliltl at a loss of two mtn
-and two wounded. Far to lhl north,
U.S,.llar!Da baWJnc Nor111 Vietnamese
farces around Da Nai!i killed ?1 and
loot U dud ud 30 wounded.
Tbe rocket attack on Da Nang, and
previoul attacU on Hue NM1 SaJgon.
were conaldered violations of the un-
-1 by which the Unll<d State<
halted the bombing of North Vietnam
1811 Nov. 1. But so far the Commwmt
offensive hu hit Da Nong three times.
Sa.Igoe five and :Rue twice.
* * * Offensive Not 'Response'
Allied Sweep Termed Part of Total War Effort
Houae describes !be cumnl AllJecl sweep
1o South V1e1nam .. "an 'lmqro1 port"
ol the total .... ellort .. -than tho
"appropriate reJp011.M1" tbrutened by
Pr<lldent NlsM li Communl.tl attacu
became intolerable.
PruldenUal preu secretary Ronald. L.
Ziegler said Tueaday the big olftntJve,
code-n.amtd "OperaUOn AUu Wedp"
and a.id io involve up lo 10,000 American
~. wu launched to c;ountor C:O...
mllllllt military ac«on around Salp1.
An-ed if tbe sweep reprtserited Ute
••appropriate respnnse" Nllon threatened
Tustin School
Board Censures
• Fellow Trustee ·
A trust .. ol TiuUn Union HJ«h Scbool
Dlllrtd hu -cemured by three of bll fellow bou1I members In lhl
lalell Jlareup ol an inlrMoard ftlld. .
Truil<e Jolln Ziich WU cei1111rtd by
I to t me Moncfa1 nllht. He la accuaed
ol allemptlq to "°""' lucben from holdlni 1onna1 Alary negotlallonl.
Zllcb, blmlelf, wu abeent Another
board mmaber, Robert Bartholomew,
walked out, uylnf tlle cenaure hearin(
bid ill! the eumaru of a kangaroo
Thal left lnlll<es William llo,ywanl,
Jl E. llalmer and Clieater Briner to
The --lllJlll0'1erl ol lbe school
dlltricl . -· Zlach and
-have -hlgb!J altl<al ol the other board members ud t!upl.
-Dablllerr. leadln1 to hll ml.-lion. .
Doa w-. --., the dlatrlcl
-.-Jallon, --calJ. ed him to the Tuatln mp --and told him he would vote 'no' on
many lleiJll In • lormal Alary
barfainlng --he might not In tn!onnol Almy ......U.tinn. w-Aid he conildeied 7,Jlcb'•
comment to be coen:too.
Ziich Aid be did meet wUb W-
but cerlainlJ WU not accurale!7 quoted
by b1m. He -ledpd foml.ll aJuy
barplnlnc, u called for by recent ill.lie
law, leaves a bad tute tn hla mouth
and Aid Ila did ten W-lhat
County Okays Funds
For Damages Repair
Rtpair of flood damap to COW1ty
Waterworks Dlltl1Ct No. 4: at an
estimated cost of $150,000 was approved
TU'-'daY by the Board ol SUpmlson.
The dlst.rlct aervu the San Juan
Caplltnno area. The montY will be
reimbursed by the federal government,
supervisors were told.
at a news conference two weeks 110,
7,JeJer aaid:
0 1. Would characterbe the COWl·
lerattack u betof an lnttgral part of
the overall Allied effort in South Vietnam
and being specifically designed to disrupt
and defeat the e11tmy'1" current offensive
plans-in the SaJ1on area."
Meantime in Pll'il it appeared that
the mllitary inltlailve "i"d by U.S •
and SOutb Vietnamese troops In the Vital
S&lgon aru would boost the position
of Allied neaotJatora for Thursday's new
peace conferenct session with the Com-
The meeting will be watched with
. special attenlioo by Allied analylltl
because it.I ruults, Or Jack of them,
will be' a factor in the fonnulaUon of
new American policy deci!iom on V1et·
The large-scale counter offensive Atlas
Wedge launched by the allies outgjds
Saigon was considered by observen to
have given their Paris negoUators an
.. ed1e for Thursday. Hitherto the con-
ferenct was overshadowed by Viet Cong
attacks . that had put the Allies largelJ.'
on lhe defensive and forced them to
foCus largely on protests against the
shelling ol civilian targets.
Houseboy Kills Envoy's
Wife, Two Others, Self
bouatboy went on a 11vage killing spree
ln the Ethiopian embaay TUesday night,
Jhooting to death the ambuudor's wife
and two women servants. Police found
him banged todo,y,. aulci<le..
Tbret of lhe four children 0 r
Ambassado~ Goltacbew Bekele lay In
"delicate" condlUon at the Red Cron
cllnlc with ltVtre bead wounds luffered
In the rampage of Berhaan Heewan.
Tbe~a~emea, hOever, acapect
lo food coodit1on rrlth linlfe •Juba en
ber neck, hand ud forearm.
"I lrulted him ml Ila t!1lad my wife
• • .be ldlled my wife; Beliela wept 1 .. v.
"" tho eml>ul7 W'l7 today after llUI'· ve)'lnc lhe bloody ,_ and w,autylng
his wile, Belayneoh, shot thrnugh !he
bead In her bed.
The Bekele family had brought Heewan
to Ethiopia to work in the embas!y.
He escaped an army of police who
raced to the embassy Tuesday night
and hanged hlmseK in a 11.20 a night
flophouse airsbalt, police said.
"He did it. The case is solved," Mexico
City Police Chief Renato Vega Amador
.Old newsmen. Police found a .38-caliber
pistol in Heewan's pocket and aaid It
wu the murder weapon.
Another govemeu, Maria del Carmen
Mendez, swept the foorlb Bekele cblld,
JS.montlH>ld Tobias, Into her arms end
fled through • window U Heeway;lnmted her down-In the' embassy,
Fro .. Pllfle J
paina to drill bolea in the roof, Aw
out a aectlon Jarae enough for a
pwageway and left i!Xlensive burglary
toolt: at tbt crlme scene.
A dark car reportedly aped away when
police and shop owner Robert Corrigan
anived and apotl<d ' )'OWi( Slnbblefleld
Inside, al rrlllcb time be panicked.
The boy, whole mother aid wu mlld ..
mannered, cooperative, detested violence
and never ran frcm trouble, ~
~ .. -rope uc1 ·ne11acro01'e
rooftop. ~ Jum.plnc '° the groun( be ran down
• dark alloy wearing black clothing end
gloves Mn. Ellil bad never seen, then
fell, fatally w~. when three officers
opened flre.
The dlatrlct attorney said today he
expects it will be several days before
be has complete findings In the tragic
case, but an autopsy report is already
on file.
One of the matters yet to be detennin·
ed is who -Sgt. Robert Ballinger,
patrolmen Richard Johnson or George
Wilson -fired the fatal .38 caliber
bullet which ended the pursuit.
Unfortunately, especially for those who
always asked the anguished questions,
a point of no return mu!l be reached
in the sudden eucounters between law·
men and lawbreaken:.
The FBI guideline ob.served by many
U.S. police departmenll is the un-
compromising order that guns are no(
dravm Indiscriminately and, once drawn
when orders fail, they are used to stop
a crime and a BUspect.
Chief Neth aaid after the death ol
young Stubblefield that officers cannot
tell in the dark if a suspect is armed,
ls 14 ar 40 and, at 150 feet and running,
one shoots at a form -not a wri~t
or ankle .
The FBI guideline does not lnclude
warning shots in the air.
the watch for a lifetime of proud possesswn
' I
' I
h • '· ' ;.
s • 0 • ~
0 •
1· ..
" " It
'" d.
"· !d ...
ny ,,.
"' m
QUEENll! ly Phlflflf11lancll · McNamara .r------:__--
Was Flop
New Peace Corps
·Director Picked
WASIUNG~N, (AP) -The young Calllornlfn who eon-A1aoc:lates 11y the wretch<Jl
Nb:!ft adml'"1-ation nollfie<I e<oi•td his own vtrslon of tho eonditlOM of •\Jim ml\ers
Concreas today that former Peace Corps as a college stu-In Latin American cities caus-
Secrttary of Defense Robert ~ent will be the new chief ed him to Search for a way
S. McNamara 's idea ror ~ or the nation's Peace Corps. to better living conditions
lnflltration barrier a c r 0 1 a: Joseph H. Blatch(ord, 34, there. He also -.vanted to come
Soulh Vietnam didn't wort. whose appointment was an-up with something to head
Secretary of :oermse M-:lvln noonced Tuesday night by oU the social tWUt caused
R. Laird's rtp(,n to the Senate Pn!sident ~ixon. will be the by slum living.
Armed Services Committee Peace Corps' third director . It toot two years, including
• .
Wo!M>du, "'11<1119, 1969
Oil CappiDg Gperati -
Start Jn Mexico Gulf
NPJW ORLEANS (UPI) -"1t*"llllural'lff, Mid
The st«my Gutt ol Mulco "the ,... ba,. Wlnod
calmed todly and oil well cap. crews are l.n the fleld
pin& crews went In wwt plug-on. both rip."
gln1 a ruptured wtfihood 11"'1 Adair and his
whlch had 8"Wed a n from Houston, aped•liet(
estimated 100,llGO gall<m or eappin, 'biimlng oil and
yell°" ~ oil over the nib, lllOVed their equip •
water atnce Suoday night. Into ptac., near tlic wel •
Guy Coot, spokmnan for Tuesday, blit they were una
S . Fl d Mobil ,QiJ Co., --ol the to start ca ppm· g -aUono un. . prmg oo s ·"' leetlng oil ,..u and of another Ul lo<iay because a lltorm •!l;.
Plans Readied ,r=w=e1=1 ='°=..u..=='="'=Y=di.!ohar=·="''=· =k=ie=ki=ng=u=p=t""°'='='='oo1.=w=1...C.:;;;;'.'.:; wu the nm official diaclosure since the •gency was founded a hitch as an ollicer in the
eight years •go. He succeeded Army, for hlm to put his
ol this. · · Jack Hood Vaughn. idea Into operation. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -. ' . .
• l .; "'Ille original plan dJd not Blatchford, • Republican, is He fonnecl ACX:ION ln 11161, 'Ille American 11"'1 Crols, an-
work out u apected and, ei:ecuUve director of ACCION the same year the 'eace liclpating floods this lp'ing, . .
•~ a result. important reduc-International. a private, non-Corps was started, · and a& aald today It la pthertng food,
li<ial b av• occurred in the profit organization whose aim taJned a 1 s .. mo n t b com--cots, blankets Qd o th 11 r
requtrementa for this I::~~~~:!:~~~;;=;~=~:!:::~ is to improve urban slums mltment from prl•ate ~Ua for victims. .,.tern.'' Laird 18.ld. in Latin America. Venezuela buslnes,, firin.s to Robert F. Sh 11 a ol _,~c:N1~': ~lnfil Uonhis --...i... .. It~~ ~ la •• ._. ~ I ............ The idea for ACCION came operate in Caracas alums. Wasbplgton , O.C .• a Red Cross tn""n « ·MIC" cuw· tra · t"». wiw .uowers CID6 ~ .ou.1. 11.WUA to Blatchford when, as a slU· Blatchford &Med Am er 1-c a n vice preskient, says t he
barrier on ;iept. 7, 1967, and you might be1.tm!u~poa,~we.e •• ~ to~ dent at. the University of V')Junteen and professionals to ofganizaUon expects flooding
then clamped oo a total in-wiwJ. M1U11 ._.,, California Jaw school at teach the local citizem the in California's San Joaquin
fonnation blackout on it. Berkeley, be spent the sum-skins necessary to Improve River Valley because of heavy
has join1d our fwm at th1 Costa M111 9ffict
170 1. 17th ltrett Cost• Misti, Callf1tnlai (714) •4• 5MI
. •
' " •
The Concept involved a com---------------------mer of l9S9 touring South conditions. ' snow in the Sierra Nevada. · bination of phyfical obstacles, _:::=___::_:=....:=:::!...::::::__:::::::::_ ______ _::::~::_:::::::.:~::_::::___:!:::==================-:! i electronic 1 e n s o r ·I and
observation posUi along a 40-
mile stretch between the South
China Sea and Laos, a short
distance below the demilitariz-
e<! .....
A 13-mile strip was cleared
l!lnd IOITle other work was
dooe, but the project ran -=· <i the u.s 1..,..,.
military otf'IC«s ever wanted
IL n.... dYlllan lldentlsts
who proposed ¥. In McNamara
thought it might serve u an
alternative to U.S. bombing
of North Vietnam.
'Ibe planned cost has been
..Umat.d et IU billion.
However, Laird indicated
considerably les1J waa 8P'fll,
and he reduce(! the total
~ new defense secretary
slashed this year's money re-
quats by $54.S million, reduc-
ing the program to about $524
What's Jett are special
sensors -devices to detect
infiltrators by sound . .sight and
other means -which have
proved out and are bing used
in many places, including
Uq the main infiltration
f'OUW: through LaOI to help
U.S. 1utborities keep tab on
toemy mov~ toward and
into So11t1! Vieinam.
* * * Laird Drops
GI Pay Hike
Secretary of Defense Melvin
R. Laird, jn hi5 first budget
presentation to Congress, an-
nounced today he Is dropping
plans of boosting military pay
an additions! 'l.Z billion thi s
year. .
Twenty-two 'Families'
That Thrive on Crime
"Mr, Attorney General, will
)'ou have your staff prepare
a chart showing the growth
oC th~ families?"
The request from Sen. John
L. McClellan, (~Art.), had
nothing to do with the popul•-
lion explosion.
He was asking Atty. Gen.
John N. Mitchell to trace the
growth ot organized crime in
the United States. It is ex-
timated organized crime's net
take from gambling is $7
billion a year, its drug yield
$350 million and the same
from loan-sharking.
McClellan spoke as though
organized crime were
synonymous with c e r t a i n
families in the United States.
The senator took for granted
the justice official would know
what he meant.
Mitchell did.
He had just traced far
McClellan's Senate Judiciary
subcommitte on criminal laws
the composition of 2 2
"families'" of La Cosa Nostra.
Most major American cities,
Mitchell explained, have 11t
least ·one family. New Yark
has five.
Each has a patriarch, who
heads the family dynasty and
gives it his name. New York
has its Gambino clan, Chicago
it.s Giancana, Philadelphia its
Bruno, Buffalo i t s Mag·
gaddino, Detroit its Zerilli.
to keep the palrjarch Wonned
and to relay orders to the
remainder of the clan, ac-
cording to Mitchell. At the
same level of atature is an
elder member, partially
retired, known as a con-
olgliert, whose Judimeot is
valued. Then come the cam-
poregime or buffers between
the hierarchy aod the sokiatl
and button men who actually
operate thee n t er pr i s e 1 .
Finally, according to Mitchell,
there are the "enforcers" -
\vhose chores are obvious -
and the "corruptors" whose
devious activities include con·
tacts with public officials.
The Cosa Nostra families
have loyalty, not based oo
kinship, but written in blood.
McClellan called to the at·
tentiori of the committee that
Chicago alone had I , O O O
gangland killings in the past
half century.
· McClellan waot.ed to know
from Mitchell whether in all
these yeai:_s or war against
crime1 one Cosa Nostra family
had Deen destroyect or its
growth arrested. .
'The attorney g e n e r a 1 ' s
answer was "No." He said he
believed, however, that recent
drives against the Cosa Nostra
had put some dents in its
families in New England,
Chicago, Buffalo and ~troit.
Other cities with a famil y. Bonn lo Sign? according to McClellan, in·
elude Milwaukee ; San Jose, BONN (UPI} _ we 5 t
Calif.; Dallas: Kansas City, German Foreign Minister
W.o.: Pueblo, Colo.; Newark. Willy Brandt said Tuesday he N.J.: San Franci s co ; I N hoped his country signs lhf Pitlsbur&h; Los A"nge es ; ew Nu c I ear Nonproliferation
Orleans: Providence, R.l.; T •·• th Sep 2B
• Ford's little Maverick is C9ming on April 17. Import buyers I Wait I Our great little answer to the oconomy,
· • • Imports Is coming soon. We're In the ·
Elian~• else start • countdown. But you don'! have to wait ,Y~l Jl.IU\Af can saving another minute to save on Falrlanes,
Falcons, _Mustangs and Fords. We've
now at Ford's Countdown Sale even equipped special units with popu-
• Jar options to make them bettor buys
FOfd a.lillll IOO prk4ll ..
duCld up • 11 "4 • , , Nvt on
popular opUona Ilk• a 390 V-8.
air c:ondltlonlng, Unled 01111.
Enfoy 1xtra1 ltke vinyl lrlm,
WSW tlrn, wMel COV9rl, Rim·
Blow at'9flng wheel.
FalrllM tt.rdlop prlotl,.._,
up .. 1101 ••• o•t styllng-e.ftd.. oo lneplrH by th• •PfiefaHy
modlfild Tcrinoa th11 wen tn•
Rlvanld• and Daytona 500'•·
En jay •xtr•• Uk• vinyl roof, tic· Ing mlrrcr1, whHI covers.
Falcon,,._,..._,., .. tu
... you alwa)'t NY9Wlth F1tocm.
Now ••vt w!th utru Ilka v,11NI
lip mofdlng1, colct·k•Y•d wheet1, tutone paint, bright
window tram••· w"-tl COYll'I
and carptllng. •
than ever. Hurry while th.oae apeclal
values are available.
. FORD ..
_._ ... _.,.
.. 1171 ,,, oat WSW tlre1, rac-ing mirrors, hood acoop. Priced
below lh• 'SS SportlAoof a/ml· '"Y, "'"'rpM, baud on com· pal •on c manufacturer'• llUO-gMted ret1U daHverld prlcee.
The place you've got to see what's going on -your Ford Dealer!
'. :..• , .,, ..
'· ' .. ·-. .. -~ ... · . ·')1\
~ ·~
'~",~ ... .).~
$ .. .-.! ....... o .. .. ...
., .. ~1
• "-'
' -~
. ·~
;~ ~
' ••
'l\V '
•'. I . "
.. 't .,. l ·J ,. ~ .. j .
' ,., .. . .. ,. ... "; •'\··
'·~ /(" . The revised program 0£
military pay will not affect
the 't.8 billion pay hike this
year which previously was ·~
provtd by Congnss, he told
the Senate Armed Services
Cleveland; and Tampa, Fla. reaty ~ore e t.
The Gosa Nostra has played 1 _'.fe<l~er~a~I ;';i;te;li;ons;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;§~~~;:;§§§;;;;§;:;§§~~;;;;~~§i§;;;;~§~~~~~§§§;;~~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;~~~ no favorites. It has planted I
~~·~m~::!: .. ~~~1. STOP'' vou·RE PAYING roo MUCH FOR PLAIN 11
·,:. ,,_;.
But because of budgetary
prusures, he added in his
prepared report for the closed·
door presentation of the an-
nual "defense posture" state-
ment, future pay hikes are
be~g re-examined.
.. =.~:.~ =:: .~s1!; • • OLD UN-INSULATED ALUMINUM ROOFS • • ~~~~~~:~~~~ii;~ ONLY CALIF. PATIO SELLS l'NSULATED ROOFS!
and precise."
Each family has a helper NO MONEY DOWN '695.00 F·ULL PGICE!
Fire Engine St'!len
For Hippie Joyride
,,,._ <i Hoot and Ladder
CO. J know whit that sinking
teeUns i1.
*I parked the fire truck
at 1st. Marks Place and
Avenue A and all I know
ls someone drove it away
while we were at the fire,"
taKt a bewildered fireman
1tMigned to the ill-fated com·
pany -the fir!d. hook and
ladder company in city history
to have its truck stolen.
The apparatus in question
ls a 15-ton, too.foot, $35,000
American La France Aerial
Ladder assigned to a fire
hool< on Eest 13th St.
It responded to an alarm
abc:xlt S:JO a.m. today. The
!ft WU atlqIDllled bul
llartd up apln at l :IO a.m.
all the wblle, Hoot and Ladder
3, an amlllar)' apparatus for
the fir<. WU parked a couple
of blocU 1way, unattended.
''You Ulllally leave the.m
unattended," said Fireman
Joseph Goodwin. "After all,
we've been doing It for yem
and nobody ever stole one
1be truck thief struck, ac-
f!Ol'dl.ng to Goodwin, jwl
before 5 a.m. Witntsse! said
one man with long bl1ct hair
toot the 1ppar1lus.
oma!hing uio • bunch of
cars." {
'I'tlat was exadJy what the
thief-driver did.
Police reports said the
careening fiie truck struck
four parted cars and Injured
a bicycle rider in a wild d.;ish
through the hippie-inhabited
east village.
The bicycle rider. Ricardo
Dove, 31, said he was on his
way to work when he saw
the truck luro a corner and,
with its lights flashing, come
streaking toward him.
"I thought it was the fire
department,'' he said, "until
It smashed into all those
cars." •
Dove turned his b·I t t
between two parted c&r1 to
avoid the onrushtng fire truck
bul wu caught between tOOn
wben the bljacktd vthkle
rammed one of them.
Although It WU llill dirt,
Dove said he managed to get
a close enough look at the
trucll:'1 driver to 1te that ht waa a yomJg man with Jong
black hair. "I just stood there
ror five minutes trying lo
figure lt out." he uld.
A search party of foot
. $695
AND ,,,.. . ...,,.
•Offw Ml:tjKt .. I
i-1 .. 11.n,. o..r. """'·
• t.ak ,_,
• label IMm•I
• focnw lmu'-ter
• Cool Sn Sununer . ._,_,
$250.00 VAlUI
·---,,........c.,.-...... ...... _ ..
• Dluratw C1l1~
• w.,... IR WI....,
fM OU ,.._. .S-1
.... ,, .. ···-..... ........ ,....,....
-11T 10 CALLING-
$250.00 VAWE
:·1r;~:~~:i".i:f~"":.1' ;r;: SPECIAL NOTICE: DISPLAY OPEN SEVEN DAYS 10 A.M. • 5 P.M. department cars, rtc0vered
~i A
• ':•"1.':
'rt."\ ,. .. .
L:•1 ..
.~(~ -. .. ..:i l . l "":i. . •• ' .; I l ii
. .
•• .. . -,. .,
' ·-... . ""··
~· • • .... '!, . .. . . . " _,, •• ·-~ ' . ' ,.,.
.. .. .-"Not evtn an expert truck
driver could opu1te th1l a~
paratul without a tUlerman,"
Goodwla 1ald, ' ' " I t h o u I
~~~tc~~;~OO:~ue~t Ind SEE MODEL AT 7691 WISTMINSTER AVE. w.! ::oc::..i, WESTMINSTER
1'tit joyr~tr WIS n~ ml_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'._;·~·~~~ 1ight. I·
I 1 •
An Open End Argument
The rtcent talk of a black activist to about '50 stu·
den!< at Laguna 's Thurston Intermediate School wu
meant to be provocative, to "stimulate the kids."
Jt surely accomplished that end. It also seems to
have stimulated parents on both side of the issue.
There are those wbo berate the ~chool authorities
for bringing an "angry young black man" before chil·
dren at the seventh and eighth grade level.
They maintaln thal students arc too young for ex·
posure to such high·powered material.
Others take Ute point of view that the program was
very worthwhile, not only from the standpoint of stimu·
lating thlnklng.:..an eternal goal in education-but from
the standpoint of t.j!rowing light on one of our time's
most pressing problems. They note, too, that in Los
Angeles, junior high school students are directly ex·
perien<:ing the eUects of black unrest.
One statement of the speaker, a Chapman College
student, ~·as :
"h1y people will tear this country up in the next
ten years if there is not a great change." He n1ade the
point that acUvists consider there is hope fo r change in
the future viewpoint o! the young.
Pertinent to th e issue is the thinking: of the officials
Involved in the teaching situation that has become con-
troversi aJ. ·
Principal David Loyd made the point that the young
are exposed by television or other sources to material
sometimes more inflarrunatory than the speaker in this
Idea Is Same
Behind 'All
It's strange that so many people are
r.oncerned about "mll.itance" who aren't
;it all concerned about the conditions
that give rise to milltance. Let me
f'lart with an example or the m05t ele-
mentary kind.
From time lo time, we see pictures
\n the paper of a group ()f ?Wthe~s
barricading a city street whie their
children are crossing on their way home
from school
In most cases, these mothers ha ve
protested for · a year or more that the
city should .ifultall a traiffic light at
a daJlierons lntersectlon. They write let·
ters, viait the mayor, petition the city
coundl -and nothing Is done.
SO TIIEY· DECIDE that direct action
must be taken , and they mount the
barricades, blocking all traffic during
6C'hool·travel periods, and promising lo
continue until their children's safety has
bee n assured.
\Vhat happens. in every case? The
next morning, or shortly afterwards, a
traffic signal miraculously is installed
;il the corner. The authorities have decid·
ed they can't afford this kin'd of publicity,
and they move with a celerity that
never could have been achieved by
gentler priv ate means.
Now most of us are sympathetic to ~uch r'nolher!I. who are protecting the
lives uf their young ones, while we
mRy nol be sympi!othelic to colleae
mil itants. or to black militants, ()r to
draft militants.
Btn' THE WEA bthlnd it all is exactly
Laguna's trash service has count
!el! regulaUons cm how the con··
tainers should be, but what about
ooe more -such as putting them
back the way they found them,
with Jlds on and not stuck une into
-A J. D.
the aame. The mothers are 0 taking the
Jaw into their own band&" by setting ur, a trafflc barrier, and we scaretly
b ame them for it. We feel that social
institutions should be more responsive
towari! people's needs In such cases.
But· why should mothers have to do
this? Why should there be such an
immediate payoff un lllegal.itt, and no
payoff on quiet. legal peUtlons to gei
changes made , or even seriously con--
side.red ?
THIS IS WHAT the fusies are all
about, in the colleges and elsewhe.re.
To show lhal inslltuUons &et hardenJng
0[ the arteries, that they will not and
do not listen to reasonable arguments,
thal only a show uf force makes them
sit up and take notice.
This is a tragic situation -but the
tragedy lies not in the mllitan;Y, rather
it lies in the nwl far militancy. The
milit.ancy is unly a symptom •. and most
of us deplore the symptom while ignoring
the disease that it 'Yffi}xllizea, When
you get nowhere with niceness, you feel
you have nothing to lose by nastiness;
and our job is ta create a :social order
in which niceness can get the same
results as fast.
'Natural Causes' Did It
On the mornin,c of hl1 42nd birthday,
Grabwell Grommet awoke to a peal
uf particularly ()minom. thunder. Gian·
ring out the window with bleary eyes,
he saw written in fiery letters across
the slcy :
'i'.'l\h shaking hands. Gromme~ lit hi_s
rirst cigarette of the day. lie dldn l
t]lieslion the message. You don't question
n1essages like that. Hls only question
\V<IS, "Who~"
At brtakfasl as he sal ted his (r iod
rggs, he told his \\·ife. Gratia, "Some·
one's trying to kill me .''
"\\'ho~" shr: asked with horror.
Grommet slowly stirred tbe cream
and sug11r into his coffee and lihook
hi5 head.
"I don 't know,'" he said.
CONVINCED thou.ah he wa&, Grommet
couldn't go to the police with such a
story. He decided his only courae was
to go 1bcxJl hJs daily rouUne and hope
somehow to oui'A'it his w o u I d • b e
He. tried to thlnk 011 the drive to
the oltict. But lhe fnu1tratian1 of makfnl:
Ume by beallng lights Bnd switching
l"'10S oc:cupl<d him wholly.
Nor, once behind thla desk, C"Ould he
find 1 moment. what w\lh jangling
phonea. ureent me:mos and !he problems
and decls!OOI plUng up as they dld
each dty.
Jt wun't until hl s iC<:Ond martW aL
lunch thtl the lull lmor of hi• potllfon
struck him. fl -all he could cJo to rmllh his Loslgna llil1nese.
'1 CAN'T PANIC." he said to hlwel! . •
,. -.~,
• •
j Art ifo~-i ' ' \ ~ • ' -.
lighllng his cigar. "1 simply must live
1ny life as usual."
So he v.·orked till seve:n as usual .
Drove home fast as usual. Had hil'I
two cocktails as usu111. Ale a hearty
dinner as usual. Studied business report!ll
as usual. And took his usWll two Seconal
capsules 1n order to get his usual six
hour!! sleep.
As lhe days passed, he manfully stuck
to his routine. And as the monUui we:nt
by, he btgan to take a perverse pleasure
in his ability lo survive.
"WhoeYer's trying to get me." he'd
say proudly to his wire, "hasn't got
me yeL I'm loo smart for him."
"Oh, please be ureJul," abe'd rtply,
ladling him 1 second helPlna of Btef
The ])Tide grew 111 he managed to
IO on living !or years. But, as It musl
to all men. death came at last to
Grabwell Grommet. ll came at his desk
on a particularly busy day. Ile was
' IDS Gll!EF -STRICKEN w i d o w
demanded a full autopsy. ..
But ll showed only emptiysema.
arttrtosclerosls, duodenal ulctrs, cir-
rhosis of the llYtr, cardiac necr011ls,
a cerebrovascular aneuril'lm, pulmonary
tdema, obesity, circulatory ioiulficiency
and a touch of lung cancer.
"How glad Orabwell would have been
to know," said the widow, smiling proud·
Iy through her lean, •·that he died
or natural Cl.URI. "
He said that in those situations the students do not
have a dialogue with trained persons a!terward . This
i.s an important point.
In the Thurston situation, Loyd said, lhe students
were broken up into small groups after the talk !or
dialogue and analysis o! what wa s said.
Others believe it was not necessary to bring a Negro
acti"'.iSt speaker into the school to establish the black
activist viewpoint. They contetld lhat the carefully ac·
credited teachers could have made the presentation ot
that vie\vpoint.
Would it have been as stimulating! Was what hap-
pened too stimulating?
The argument is an open end one.
The DAILY PILOT feels that to analyie the situa·
lion fully, one would have to not only hear the tape re-
cording of the speaker but would have to have been in
on the· teacher-student dialogues after the talk.
It is also important to remember that the teachers
and administrators in the district are carefully accred-
ited and screened. They are professionals. And they fel t
\vhat '"'as ·~one \vas not only proper but meaningfuJ.
The teaching technique used is important because
It involves young minds. Whatever conclusion one
reaches on the situation , it should be. based on facls
and as much thought-and (In as little emotion as pos·
<See 1'Thought Stimulant" and "Learned a Loi" 1n
Mailbox below.)
( L )
'Lov e Is a Frail Candle'
Children Should Be Seen and Heard
'J'o the Editor:
1 think that children should be seen
and heard. By parents, of course. Love
is a frail candle, beset by treacherous
winds. It is obvious that distraction and
apathy beset work-weary parents at
day's end.
A child is still full of pep until bedtime.
Questions will be asked . Rudely brushing
them aside causes psychic dRmagc nr
incalculable degree.
TT \YOULD BE a good idea lo ~l'I
.uide ooe day a week to join the
youngsters· world. Let not.hing intr:rfer e,
il possible.
Your child will never forget your
solicitude. 1 havo pleasant memories
of my father and of Tuesdays. \Ve com-
municated and grew in our loYc. It
has made life more meaningful for me.
Mii y it do tile same for all.
T hought Stlm11lont
To the Edilor:
We are very fortunate: in Laguna in
havi ng a school principal and a teacher
with the intelligence, vision and courage
to inv ite a young black man to speak
to the students of Th urston In termediate
Principal David Lloyd and teacher Tom
Warren deserve our earnest thanks for
their efforts to stimulate real thinking
and dialog among their young pupils
on the gravest problem our cnuntry
faces .
WE rt1UST HAVE many, many n1ore
efforts like this to reach the young
who are obviously our only real hope
if "'e are ever to actually build a nation
with equal opportunily and "liberty and
justice for all.··
Lea r ne d a wt
To the Editor:
1 dlsalf'ee with parents who criticlied
the schools for allowing the black ac-
tivist, Jim West, to speak at Thunton.
I learned a lot from his speech,.and
It made me aware of the seriousn~s
of the situation in the country today.
U parents don't want us to hear both
Bides uf the racial problem. how do
they e~pect us to do anything about
II when we grow up?
Thurston student
c11 11 Ig nores DOH flet·
ro the Editor :
J ha \'e written twice lo the Laguna
Be11ch Cil)' Engineer's ufrice and traffic
diYislon as I was told to do by city
h&ll. reaarding the dangerous condition
Clisting on Solano Way. There Mould
be 1 :;lop sign on Alta Vista and Solano
Way lnl,rRCUon. Drlvtrs come down
Alta Vista at 3 rapid speed and when
they make the turn onto SOiano, they
~--By George ---
Dear George:
I just wanted to let )'OU know
that your column on worries h:>s
niado a big chnngP in my Ufe.
etrore I started reading your ct'.11·
umn. I v.•ould find myi;elf OC·
t'aslonally with a worry I couldn't
J:l'l out or my minff. I don't anv
more. I WOITY all th!! lime 11bout
\V E.
Dear \V, E ·
Ye:ah? E,·en my lestimonlals
worry me:.
( \
[ : ·, Mailbox
l•ltt" from rNdr" •re wru:o ..... N0tm1llY wrli.n
al>tuld canvrf ff'lr•t messag1 in 300 W11rd1 or lus, 'tfta rl•ht to i;cndtns~ ltlleri lo fir INC. or •tlm•·
"'"' 111>1!1 1~ re1trveci. All 1eu .. ,. mvot lnclucl• 1!~n11ur1 tnd <n•lllllll Mfdru1, bu! n1mq m11 be wol'lllMld &n rl<llH!ll If aufflclcnl re1'°"' b _,,..,.,.
lurn oul. into lhe npposile lane wh1Ch
1s dangerous to cars approaching.
T WOULD LIKE to suggest, also, that
parking on one side of Solano would
be helpful. At the intersection of Alta
Vista south on Solano, it is barely•possi-
b/e to squeete thruugh because of parking
on both sides of Solano \Vay.
In my lt!lters, whit'h \Vere ignored,
I had the names of several property
owners un Solano Way which agreed
with me. I would appreciate your help.
A Lit tle Wo11d er l11g
To the Editor:
How many flag.waving (certainly nol
thinking or feeling ur democratic)
nuclear era Americans \\'Ollld haYe con·
sidered the German yuuth. in Hitler's
lime, ''un-German." "unpatriotic'' and
"immoral " had they refused to be
drafted or had lied jp order to aYoid
doing the governmenl1'bidding?
And whlle we are about it, why not
lhrow fn a·-litlle wonHering about the
Japanese youth and Hawaii, etc.?
IQh well . at lr:ast the government
ofricials didn't force Dr. Speck to drink
hemlock or be nailed to the cross.)
Good vs. Bod New•
To the Editor :
The most frustrating thing in the whole
world for me is to read a newspaper
or listen to l he news on radio or
teleYision. The headlines are almost
always the same. There are riots at
some or the colleges. Somebody died
in an automobile accident. Somebody
else was murdered.
We've had a lot u( lrouble getting
school bonds passed. Why? Because so
many people don't feel that schools need
any more money as long as the students
are rioting. But, in actuality, how large
a group of the students are ri oting?
T HONESTLY believe the rioting,
<lemonstrating students and teachers arc
in the minority. Whal about the majority,
!hen? The majority of us young people
ar e hard working, conscientious people,
who are in college because we want
to learn all we can and better ours,lves.
The rrustraling thing is, thoug h v•e
may come out on top Jn the end, we
are not as heard or while \\'t are tvorking
aur way up. At the end of thJ.s semester
Lry to find the lli;l ()f scholanhip and
honor roll students from eltmentary
school on up.
WILL YOU FINO them on the fronl
page In bl&, bold, readable print? No,
that's ¥o'hett: you'll find the rlothig oneJJ,
the murders, and lhc freak automobile
\I/here doe." ooc look for the good
young people? Try page $ or 6 or
even (arthtr back than that. When }OU
get there be surt to hn\•e a magnifying
glass. lJonor roll and ~holar~hip students
don't aeem to be worlhy of print big
enough to read.
If the good majority "·ere in a Httle
more obvious place it would be easi'r
to keep the good ones In the majority.
It would also mike It a littlt eaiiier
on the partnUI wbo are trying to raiSI'
their chlldren to tlCI part af the l!lnod
EVERYBODY LIKES to be noticed
occasionally. Jf today 's young children
see the minority of "bad." the lazy,
useless, rioters getting all the notice
and lhe majority of "good," hard·\forking
young people getting rather little, the
.. bad" minority will become the "bad ''
I'll admit some might not think reading
about the majority n( young peoplr,
old peuple or an ybndy else too sensa-
tlunal. But, I think it could make
very sensational reading.
It would be just as sensational a.~
reading about President Nixon or our
aslronauls. And I think it would be
even more sensational than reading about
the ri oting minority,
Airport Proble m
To the Editor:
A letter of anguish appeared recently
from one of your readers in the ~1ission
Viejo area. Let me try and answer
it as one speaking with absolutely no
axe to grind on the airport problem.
It would appear from loglc as though
the airlines and lhe Marines could
operate together.
There has been some talk th at El
1'oro could not handle the additional
traffic. I can only guess about lhis
because I am told lhat figures pertaining
to landings and takeoffs on a military
airport are not generally available to
the public as they are on civilian type
I am told that it is doubtful. even
with the addition of the Orange County
airlines, that El Toro would come
anyv.•here near having the volume of
traffic that lhe top 20 airports in the
United States have .ill present. The
run"·ay and radio facililir:s are as good
or better al El Toro right no\v, as
I.hey are al Long Beach or Van Nuy~.
Both of these airports are listed in
the top 10 busiest in th e U.S. "
IT JlAS TO BE an exaggeration to
say that 30,000 people are going to be
affected by adding to the El Toro upera·
lion, r;o far as noi5e is concerned.
Undoubtedly some people will be affected
who are nw~t closely 'located ' lo the
airport. It js tough to name very many
big airports: '"'here people are nol af·
feeted to some extent. This is true
Jn Newport Beach. and if the jets con·
tinue to fly ou t u{ here. something such
as acquisition of some houses by ¥>me
government uffice. is probably going lo
ha ppen. f
But this becomes a lot more pra~Ucal
than trying to build a n111lti·blllion dream
airport between here and Catalina.
Howt\'er, I think it is rubbi$h t.o say
that the majority of people who haYe
filed suits here in Newport, really have
;i problem.
I HAVE BEEN listening to it jw;t
as long as they have and I have simply
gotten used to it. like most ol Ibo
people. It was only a few days aeo.
in the DAILY PlLOT, 1 believe, \hat
a :story was run commenting on the
fsct that a reserve piece of property
two or three thousand feet witte, and
some gi\·en length (I don't rtcall how
long) In the general takeoff area or
El Toro was being SOURht by 'e group
for building. Peopl e wbn ard gctUng
inlo this hnvc to ask thcmstl./es 'ome
pretty pointed questions. As A matter
of fa ct, the people who built the houses
al the end of the Orange Count)' Airport,
certainly knc"' the re was an airpart
THE THING IS, there Is simply no
land in Orange County that Is not 101nx
10 hav(l thl11 problem wtth people who
are c!OM!. The simple fa ct 18 that there
i' no way to please eve.ryooe, and our
elected offidals an: going lo have lo
get realistic and recognize that Orange
County has right oow all the major
airports il needs.
P refe r • Rom ~fllk
Tn the Editor:
\Ve strongly object to being denier!
thr: right to choose what foods we shall
rat. In our opinion and in the cpinjon
of our doctor, certified raw milt J1
much superior lo regular cooked milk
from a health, ta ste and aesthetic stand·
Certified raw milk hai1 never been
proven lo cause disease.
ON THE OTHER hand, I wonder what
III hr:alth has been caused by rnili: that
js too unsanitary to beat the strict
"certified" label and must, thettfore.
be pasteurized to (hopefully) "protect"
the consumr:r.
We urge all people interested in thcir
health and freedom ()f choice to write
tG their state senators asking them to
vote for AB 602 and ACR 45, thereby
making available certified raw milk to
those Californians ":ho want it.
Serles en Drugs
To the Editor :
T would like to congratulate the DAD.. Y
PILOT for printing the series on teen
use or drugs. I think that this ia a
very important trend in our society today
and must be presented to the general
public with as little bias as possible.
As of the article appearing in Thursday'.11
paper, it looks like the DAILY PILOT
is accomplishing this admirably.
Teen use uf drugs i!'l an extremely
emotional issue, both for the teen--agers
and the parents. One of the widest
generation gaps is encountered in th\~
areR, and an understanding of the prob·
Jem must be reached by the adult.s
invo!Yed before they can attempt to
tliscuss it rationally with their children .
TO UNDERSTAND the problem, adull3
must reallie that the taking of drugs
by young people today is not an Indication
·that they have failed in 110me way.
They must ·realize t,hat it is a trend
that cuts 'through all socio-economic
classes, that it doesn't stop with the
educated, or the "wr:ll brought up,"
but encompasses someone from every
The fallacies concerning the drug11
themselves must also be uncovered. :i;ri
that parents ma y deal with thei r gon~
Rnd daughters on an equal basis, both
knowing what they are tal king about.
Well-written and researched article11
such as these definitely help many
pa rents toward a better undcrstandin.1:
of wl'ly this happens and lhe best way
tn approach it.
1\ftssion Viejo lligh School
-----Wednesday, March 19, 19118
The tditono:I pogt of tht Daf!j
Pilot •••kl to fnfonn and 1dmo
ulort r1adfr1 &u pr111nthio thQ
flfUllJ'OPtf''t apfnion1 and ~
mnitari1 on tcpicJ of 'nferttt
and signifkonct, by providino a
fOf'um for tht t zpreslfon o/
our rtadtr1· ophiimu. and bt1
presmUn.o Utt dfl.ttrft vlfw-
pcrlnr..t of in/ormtd obstrotra
and spoktrmtn on IOpiCI of the
Robert N. Weed , Publisher
w/New Wh iteninf Power Gallon Size
21oz. 69(
. ·--..
' . i; COtG~TI · . ''100'' .
Ftr Bruo Contrtl & Cattle
12~i~~1z. 5 9c
For a hir-do that won't
on-do! 13 oz.
'' Jera.e.n' s''.
H11,s t1 Care fir Y111r H11•s.
14Yz oz.&Sc
" '
ua1Es· Panties
•skJltw•· ... ; 2 bar n o! acttate
with elaific ~'.Wlli!e ·2· '88 and . pastels in sues · o C
51o 8. I ·
: ~;,~-;:;~~-
'. 1 ~· COOose from·many ·styles in
pastel colors to match your 59c , dllCOf, also clear.}4en's and . • Ladles• I .DI Sots '
' ~.) ' ~~~~~·~----~ ........ .-.a.1.-............ ~""""----'"'I"' ...... ~---
ANCIOl llOCll~ ~~IECE a Table Sefrice Set \~ •Prtstll" :;~: ciisi~ of salt & ~ ,eoper •haker, batter ,.. JS' ~ diSh w/cover, ~ngar .,,, ,_..,, I
cover and craamef'. ~ , • ~
I ~ ' I •a '
11111 · '
1 11'9 Y1ur
Chic e • ta. 1·8.88 I
t ·-·-·
''Gl1e111' . -Toilet Tissue TOOTJ:IP ASTI . Wltl8~10 .•• , . I~ 77r·'* ,r. ; ''la••••••'( , . As-Colon a.i·aac .. 2· '$) '. . , , .• ~ O·. : .
.. . 'II . • • • . :. . ~ .
. ''Kotex;'
Re1ul11 and Super 801tf12
116 bl~ -W~ite l Ctlors.
Motor Oil
leaves Hair Soft. l Radla!t SAE 20.30-40
1.4s 79c ·5 tz. Size . 8 ~ $1 Gls.. R
" 1 POLAROID · Automatic Camera . . .
· Wjti :11£'1. WClUlllC fWll •••
forcolor pictnsift 60~blo:ll 149 95 and while in ....is.,. timer iets)OU ,
. know willl 1 "beep" wbeo pitm. ~
divelopo!. r..Jor-omcted Im •
Color Pack II
WldnUdlr, MW 19, 1%9 (LI
• I ••
C~e fio~ a ~riul group of earrings, pins, necklaces in all
. new s.tyles for Spring.
A~orted 1 75 · ·b~ ;.~ ... : ..
I "· 2·tr. 2.50 3.50
. ' I
~--"'-= ....... -"'-··-·--' .. . . ~--....
,If IWl.V "LOT ""4-. Mwth 19, 1!69 • ~
• < ~;;;.;;;.---~~~· Coast Area Men in Service Around World I See by Today's
LL Kut S. A.MoncNa, S()(l
ol Mr. llld Mn. M. A. An-
dtnon d. 1111 vJa Lido Sood.
Newport Beach, WU IWlfdtd
the Air Medal for meritorious
achievement durtQI a er I a 1
t.'Ombat miulonis over Vltl· nam.•
1be lietuenant is servtng
with the Finl Marine Aircraft
Willi, Vietnam.
Fireman Ap.,.. Stephen V.
DUI, tlOl1 oC Mr. and Mn.
Raymond G •• Dahl of 1189
AUanta Way, Costa Mesa, is
servtn, aboard the guided
misalle destroyer USS
BtrUley, bomeparted in Lo111
Two Otanae Coast men have
completed the baaic j e t
traloJac course with Training
Squadrm Four at the Naval
Air Stalloll, Peoaacola. Fla. Bron:ie Star Awarded
They ... Em ........... w.
Gamble.,-IOD of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Gamble of 1 c 2 6
Slndcaatle Drive, COrona del
Mar, and Eu. J.n F. H~u.
aon or Frank Hlyes or t 7
Emerald Bay. Laiuna Beach.
Pvt. 1.C. David L. Colpetzer (right) is congratulat·
ed by Lt. Albert Butler after receiving the Bronze
Star for heroism. Colpetzer's mother, Mrs. Margaret
Powell Hves in Costa Mesa. He is credited with sav-
ing many lives in a battle near Tay Ninh, Vietnam.
They have been aas.icned to
Advanced Training Command.
Naval Air Station, Corpus
Christi, Tes:.
Pvt. 1.C. Bruce H. Jordan.-
Jion or lo1r. and Mn. E. H.
Jordan or 6551 Limerick
Olive, Huntington Beach, is
Hl'Vin& with the Flnt Marine
Division. Vietnam.
'hfo Harbor Aru men ha ve
rraduated from basic elec-
tricity llld electronics ldlool
at the Nani Tralning Center, s.n Dtero.
1bey are Ftremaa Appren.
llarJI D. J. $wlgp, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Tony SWl.ggs
or '322 Seton Road, Newport
Beach and Seamu GerUrd
W. Splnlkt son of Mr. and
I .
hlrs:. Rudolph Spiewak of 861
Joa nn St., Costa Mesa .
AvlaUon Ordinancem1n 3.C.
Pb.illip J. Orman, son of Mrs.
Levina Whalen of 3 2 8 2
California St., Costa lofesa, is
servina: aboard the aircraft
c.:an'ier, USS Saratoga in the
Caribbean Sea.
Two Orange Coast men
completed advanced infantry
tratning 1t Ft. Ord.
'Ibey are Pvt. Robert J .
Arloa, Z2, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James A. Arion of 1445
Temple Hill.! l>rive, Laguna
Beach and PvL Jame1 C.
Kelcbam, 23, son of Mr. and
Mn. Eugene Ketcham of 1123
Pembroke Lane, N e w p o r t
Electrician's 1t1ate t . C.
Roscoe C. Slade Jr. son of
hfr. and Mrs. Roscoe Slade
of 21851 Newland St., Hun-
tington Beach, graduated from
Naval Submarine School at
the Naval Submarine Base,
Groton, Conn.
Airman Randolph L. Earle,
son of Mrs. Marjorie Clark,
105 San Dimu, San Clemente,
completed basic training at
Lackland AFB, Tex. and has
been assigned to Lowry AFB,
The airman iii a graduate
of San Clemente High School
}\It Of
01·011ge Count11
e No Shrink19t
Dr•p•ry Cl••11i119. P••·
f•c.• ,.,.,~u .... 1 •"• •9• of yewr clr&pery,
or 100'1. replac11t11nt
if c.l11nabl1.
e No Wilt•d Ht•ds e P•rf•ct Pl•et Folding e Perf•cf Even Htms · e Wettr Stein R•rnov1I
OUR EXCLUSIVE SERVICE e Profe11ionel Installation e Professional Rtmovel e T •rm1 Mey It Arr•n9ed e fr-•• E1timett1
• Fr•• Loin Dr1p•s •o• 200/o OFF c~~~.;"
642·0270 -540-1366
Tiie colorful sound of
Orange County Music
From Fashion Island. Newport Beach
and • attended
CoUeae before
SanLa An a
entering the
Lt. Col. A.R. Frain of 82l
Cortez St., Costa M es a ,
squadron commander o f
Marine Aircraft Group II, flew
the Marine All·Weather Attack
Squadron 242'.s record break·
ing 10,000th aeriel combat
mission over Vietnam.
Encine.man Ffremsn Ap-
prea •. Crail W. Llnd1ty, son
of Mrs. Doris Lindoey of ISi
Ruby St., Laguna Beach,
graduated from the Naval
School, Groton, Conn. and is
to be assigned to submarine
during ceremonies at Wllll1m Pvt I .C. Tim Aru&ya, 20,
Beawnont General Hospilal, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
El Paso. Tex. Anaya of 24122 Spa,dra Lint,
t.flssioo Viejo, has be e n
Spec. 4. Job.o A. Tborsdale, awarded the ' ' S o I d le rt
22, son of Mr. and Mrs. RoUa Medal," the army's blgbolt
l .. Tborsdale of 309 Emerald medal honorinr herobm not
Bay, Laguna Beach, has been involving combat action.
.auigned lo the Amerjcan Anaya, on a Vietnam recon-
Divtsion 's 1761h Aviation Com-naissance mission Jan. 14,
pany ne.ar Chu Lal, Vietnam. risktd bis life to save a fellow
soldier when sniper fire htt
Two Orange County men his unit croaslng a brid&e .and
returned to Long B e a c h the comrade fell into the
aboard the USS Brush, Navy water.
desLroyer, from an extended combat tour off the coast of Disregarding his own safety,
Vietnam. Anaya jumped into the water
They are &llerman i.e. and pulled the mm out.
Keonelb F. Stricklin, son of Aru1ya is a 1956 graduate
W.:r. and N"..rs. William F. of San Clemente High School .
Stricklin Sr., of 335 Del Mar He entered the Army in
St., Coata Mesa , aod Lt. January 1!188. The soldier i1
' Wanl Ads
e Alarmed'!' You ahould be
. . ,protect younoelf qalMt
fire and but'llan with an
al.amt ~tem, for yoUr
peaoe of plind ••. sy1tema
installed.u low as $911.
• Yacht'• New! Alto needs
a Skipper. Good job lot
the rlt:ht man. MUJt be
capable, mature, reliable
and sober. Send back·
&:round, resume and refer-
ences today.
• Flnt Pl&ce Sea1: Blue and
seal Point kittens. bt1l
quality, all housebroken,
8 weeks old ... $2{1 each.
• SaU or Trade: Party wtD
trade Newport Beach Tri-
plex, laking a. sailboat u
down, a mWmum o! '!JI.
~ady to trade YoUt AiJI
for the shore ! s,t. Roger Cbtraiss, 25, son Sttpbei w. Pl"OUgb, son of a riCleman wllh o Company,
of Mr. and f.1n:. Edward Mrs. Robert SaUler of 2209 lrd Battalion, eoth lnfantry
Cbemlss of 2103 Vi s t a1_~B~a~yal~d~e~Dr~.,~N~e~wpo~rt~Be~a~c~h.~~D~iv~is~i~on.~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ Entrada, Newport Beach, is ...
serving as a clerk with the ,,....
4th lnfantry Dl\"i!ion, near
Pleiku , Vietnam.
CWO WlWtm 8. Olney. son
of Mr. and"Mrs. ff. Ross Olney
of 13300 Fairfield Lane, Seal
Beach, has received the U.
S. Air Force Com mendaton
Medal at Wheeler A F B ,
\Vahl.a~·a, Hawaii. A com-
munications officer, he was
decorated r or meritoriou s
service at Wheeler .
jJrman Jose Valdez, .son of
Mr. and lofrs. GT"egorio Valdez
of 14311 Olive Sl.,
Westminster, completed basic
training at Lackland AFB,
Tex. and has been assigned
to Lowry AFB, Colo. for tr1in·
ing in the supply field.
The airman is a 1963
graduate of Westminster High
Airman Appren. Bruce D.
Gsrrl1on, USN, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest N. Garrison
of 7911 Newman, Huntington
Beach, graduated from the
Aviation Machinist's l\1ale Jet
Engine Course at the Nav1l
Air Technical Training Center,
Memphis, TeM.
Spec. 4. MJchael B. ft.faples ,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
R. J.1aples 0£ Costa Mesa, has
been assigned lo the IOl s\
Airborne Division, Phu Bai,
He is a gradual! of Costa
Mesa High School and at-
tended Orange Coast College
before entering the service.
Sgt. 1bom11 L. Evans, son
. of Mrs. Catherine J. Bryan
of 2110 Gontlnental Ave ., Costa
Mesa, is a member of the
8100th Support \Ving a t
Tachikawa AB, Japan, that
has earned the U.S. Air Force
Outstanding Unit Award.
Sgt. Evans is an automotive
inaintenance technicia n. lit!! is
a graduate of Garden Grovl'
High School and received an
A.A. degree from Orange
Coast College, 1953.
Sgt. Timothy A. l\'oodruff,
22, son of J . W. Woodruff
of 3085 Ceylon Road, Costa
Men. received his fourth
award of the Purple Heart
Reg. 77<_
Reg. $1.09
•Fair-Traded wash pants eKoepted.
Your choice of thousands of pairs'
originally selling for $15 to $45
Soon, a new name tor Mulltn l Bluett. Rlght now Ollr 1lock9
must be cleared! Thlt'I whyw.'v• alutled our Ila ck PJlea lrt
hall-and you tiava·tne cholet ot the houas, tool Pick your
favortt1 colort, pa~mt, fabrlca Jncludlng wool worstllda. lllk•
wor1t1d1, Dacron• worat1d1, r•vera1 twists, g1bardlne1,
ahark1kln1, hopsacks, beng1Una, doeskins and baralht11. ,
590 W. 19th St.
COSTA MESA 646-2479
MARCH 20 -21. 22
New Clothing on Sale!
Reg. $2.79 pr. us $2.49 FOR I pr.
• • .
• •
' .
" ••
. ' .. ~
' • • ·-~ .-' !' .. •
' . . •
• •
• • •
·< ..
' p ,.
A •• •
" .. •
Newport Harbor
I .
T ... y's Fln•I )
N.Y. Stocks
YOI:. lr.2, NO. 67, S SECTIONS, 68 PAGES O~N&E c6uf«y, ~.PORNIA ' . .
WED ESDA Y, ~lteti' :J.f, ·1+69 .TEN CENTS
,. .
City Signs Firm .. to .. Cash • Ill on
Of t1M1 Diii,., l"Uft Stiff
Newport Beach city aid .. today began
F,epating cootracts with Coldwell Banker
&: Co. to serve as real estate agent
f« more than 50 acree in essentially
I unused municipal properties
The move ls aimed at generating funds
to help pay for a new civic center. •
These are the properties the prominent
Mom Joins
DA's Probe
Of Slaying
OI tllt D1J~ Pltll S•ff
A grieving mother, Orange County
District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks and
a handful of inV!stigaton conferred to-
day three hours before his funeral, on
the Costa Mesa police slaying of a boy
"We now have a few more things
we want to run down," Hicks said,
after the meeting Jn Santa Ana broke
up at 11 a.m., but he said he could
offer no substantial change in the case.
Stephen Stubblefield, 14, of 10112 Kline
Drive, Santa Ana Heights, was &bot
to death while fleeing a camera shop
burglary Saturday night when police
opened fire after five ignored commands
I<> halt.
Invuti11tors presenUy believe the
Heinz Kaiser Intermediate School eighth
grader'• tragic death iesulted from dab-
bJ.4'11. in adult crime and paDickin& wheo
canght lo tbt act. I Mrs. Helen Elli!, who lost her only
child in a burst of gunfire: down a
'dark alley, blames it OD . ~tmail bJ
narcotics traffiekers with whom the
yciungster became enlan&led.
Strong evidence supports a theory that
Stubblefield, who had sold marijuana
and sampled LSD, was not alone at
the break-in at Corrigan's Camera Shop,
530 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa.
"You've got to realize that was a
very sophisticated job,'' District Attorney
IDcks sald today.
Whoever entered the shop took great
pains to .drill holes in the roof. saw
out a section large enough for a
passageway and left extensive burglary
tools at the crime scene.
A dark car reportedly sped away when
police and shop owner Robert Corrigan
arrived and spotted young Stubblefield
inside at which time he panicked.
The1boy, whose mother said was mild·
mannered cooperative, detested violence
and nev~ ran from trouble. climbed up an escape rope and fled across th&
Jumping to the ground, he ran down
a dark alley y,·earinit black clothing and
gloves Mrs. Ellis had never seen, then
fell, fatally wounded, when three office.rs
opened fire.
The di strict attorney said today he
expects it will be several days before
he bas complete findings in I.be tragic
c•se, but an autopsy report is already
on flle.
One of the matters yet lo be determil\6
ed is who -Sgl Robert Ballinger,
patrolmen Richard Johnson" or George
Wilson -fired the fatal .38 caliber
(See PROBE, Page J}
. Youths to Hit
Beaches Again
In Big Cleanup
'lbe youth brigade will tW'Q to Satur·
day for another session of cleaning up
Newport's debris-strewn beaches, achoo!!
Supt. William CuMingham announced
I today. hi"" One hundred mty Newport-Mesa •"
:ICbool students have volunteered lo 1ive
\Qt their Saturday morning to wort at a
job city crews can't handle.
They'll hand carry debris in IUMY
sacb from be.aches inatceSSible to beach
cleaning machinery.
Studen(s from Corona del Mar High
will comb Little Corona. Est.sncla Hllh
student& will clean up Plrate'1 and
China coves. Costa Mesa and McN1ll1
Hlgh students will sift along eithe.r •!de
el Balboa Island. And Harbor Higb
1tudents will tackle "N" Strtel, 19th,
10th and Chailntl Park atrm ends along
U>e Balboe Peninsula.
The students will work from I tn 12:30
S.turda,Y. School buses will take them to
their job.
A month ago, 4SO student volunteers ~ve the city of Newport Beach an Hti·
f ted IUOO cle~"ll up beach debris. v1np to the cit lrom the work party
urday are ag expected to be con-
real est>te devolopminl firm win
mana et: ,
-City O.mp Site: ~'IW1 40-acr• abaft..
dooed borrow pft and re.fuse ,area now
lies dormant. It ls located. near tM
santa Ana River. adjacent to 19th Slreel
in Costa Mesa. Coldwell 84nker will
solicit development pn>pooalJ. Tbe· olte,
with flll, bu been coosldered appropriate
:Or a trailer park or llllH coorsepooslbly
in.eombinltion with oil production.
: -welllltr OU Lea1e Pr.,.,.,, Located
II Bu.lh.ud Slretl and llamljloa Av.,...
la llunilnllOn lleodlolhlJ0t.i:.cr. _, . ' . is eoc~ with an .oll,\ lease due
to uplre ,l!> 11'11, Eatlmaled current
cK)" revenue from cill pr<>dudlon la f¥O
amually. • ..
---.o8d A-. r • .,..t,,
'Ibis kcre 'parcel WU onCe used to
provide. a supplement lo the ' city water
•Yitem. ll -aerves u ·ti olte lot
. ' • . ...
James (left), Thomas Spry of Laguna Hills Carry Statue
Swallows Fly In
Birds Make It 193 Straight at Capo
For the 193rd time in a row, the
swallowa returned to the Mission San
Juan Capistrano today.
Subslantial numbers of the small
darting birds were reported at the
Mission, .as were a subslantial numbet
of tourist!.
Advanc~ Naves of the birds had arrived
early' Tueiday, said Father Paul Martin
of the Capistrano Miss.ion.
The arrival of the' swallows at the
Mission from South American wintering
spots has been fabled in song and legend.
The birds tradltlonally have appeared
on March 19, St. Joseph's Day, at the
Mission since it was built in 1778.
Called "Las Golondrinas" in Spanish,
the birds build their mud nest.1 on the
193-year-old wans of the Mission.
Their arrival this year is marked by
a St. Joseph's Day pageant 'JM on by
the children of the mission IChool.
Festivities were under the royal direc-
tion of St. Joseph's Day King Roriald
Sanchez and Queen Ann Etcheberria,
both eighth graden 1t the 1Cbool.
Spanish dancers and1 a ·strolling band
performed today, and are scheduled to
return for a fiesta Sunday at the mission •
A special gift was made to the
mission's Museum of Histo r ic a I
Documenta by · a direct descendant ol
Jose Franci5co Ortega, the first white
man to enter what is now Orange Coun-
Ortega was Portola's scout officer
when tbe Sponiah. exped!Uon entered the
Capistrano area in its northward journey
200 years aco from San Diego.
JW,je Hilaria Hernando, Ortega's
great • groot • great • great..,...l·IP'and-dauibt.r, will praent the mlaaioll with
· lamily hiitorlcal gift.t including a draw·
Ing ol the Ortega tnapo ond I ""PJ of
a limily will written la 1135 lJI tbe
Miaaion Sin Lu& Rey.
Ceremonies 11 \he million today will
be rePMted SUntl1y II I p.m. The publle
II Invited.
Sergeant Killed
In Grenade Blast
FT. BRAGG, N.C. (111'1) -An ArmJ
sergeant was killed ind a trainee
critically lnjurtd In an expk>lion of a
grenade at Fort Bragg Tuesday.
Sgt. William H. Juocht.r, 12. Long
Buch, wa1 dead on arrival at Womack
Arrey Hoapllll Pvt. Dwight W. Duncan,
24, of Newark, Del., remained in critical
condition al the hcnpltal Wednelday
DAILY PILOT ............
Wlntlnt It In Capl1lrono
Newport to Get
• Road Wo rk Funds.
Newport Beach will get 1!1,000 lrom
the county'• Arter1al Highways Finllnclnc
PrOgram for iniprovement of WeJt.clilf
Drive between Irvine Avenue and Dover
The pro]«t was the !argeat of nl11•
approv,_i Tuesday by tile county foard
or Supervl,... !or linancin( clurUiC tho
curr<ot 11,.,.1 year, The total edit II
Ilgured ll 12$5,000.
The county board •!lo dtnledl nine
other proj<cts whlch."-ld ha~ -
• total ol 1316,7'3. ™'111.iiif ""' Im< provemtntl lor l2nd !5tmt 111 Nowport
Beach -Ball,.. 100 N~
11ou1evan1a. ~ I -· .
a bllll>oatd, Income 1"'111 which IDtOllJlts
to !650 a month. Long-term leues will
be negoUated by Coldwell. Banker for
development or tile .ite, ... um1ng ·-doned water wells can be placed-un-
derground and access by eaaement can
be ..........
-Alludoa<d Sewa1e Truanal Pllll:
A 7-acre perctl, It is located nortbeut
ol Newport Shoc<s adjacent to !be 8anta
Ana River. Ii eerves DO use •' the
ptesent Ume. 'Ille property mlpt ....,,.
eemponrtty u 1 lite for .. outdoor
pl!tol nnce ror city polke until a new
police bulldlDg. la ......itucl.4, ICC<ll'dl"ll
to the City ltall.
City ~ aulboriud municipal
aides to draw up conrida rib. Coldwell,
Banker thi1 week. r
Tbe ICtlon it>itlllly had been urged
by Vice Moyor Llndaky Panooo, who
aaid the city !or too loo& has let potential
Income properiles lie !allow.
Panom llld the old city dump site
appeared to be especially potenUally
lucrative • .He pointed out that appraisers
recemJy pegged Jtl value at '81),000. A
lffeD percent return oo dlat. said Pa-. would yield the city lllout
*50,000 amwally. 1'11t is equivalent to
what is geoerated by three cents on tbt
city's tu rate.
Coldftll, Banker will initially receive
(5ee PROPERTIES, Page J).
Chambers Clash
Newport Bucks Mesa on Air Service
By JOHN VALTERZA Of ... o.111 , ... , ,,,,,
Newport Harbor Chamber of Com·
men:e leaderi today are on record in
opposition to plans to add Paclfio
Norlhwesl fllghla at Orange CowJIY.
T;tand by the Newport Chamber
plaC.. tt la confllct with that el lhe
Costa Mesa .Chamber, which endoned
the lncreued airline service three
months ago ..
l ·To reinforce their 1tand taken at a
Nixon May Go
' Jn w~st , Vis~J
., \f•·• ,·,j"!~':I" ) "··1;,,··,.\
• (N .. o.nr Plllt .,.,. •
Willi l'ftdlell Rll:hord M. Nixon"•
Onn&• County -thla -"'""'
nimarf (llr1llil "'"' .. ~ mtahl
turn up C4Slle-hunlb!l ln LllUlll ae.cn.
Nixon aides r<eenl1y w11e reportod
to have investigated the historic &kooin
Pyne Caotle at TIO Hlllcnsl Dr, in
O w n e r Thomas A. Murick was
unavailable for comment. 'however a
penonal reir...ntaUve ol the Pmldent
ls r<p<rted to have !Old the LI,....
to "stick around thiJ weekend."
Dr. Glenn Webb, Merrick'• link to
the Pretident, held a special meetin&
with Nixon aides Saturday at the Ke7
Biscayne, Florida, home of the prui·
dent. '
The three story Pyne Cast'le is now
serving as an apartment house •. Merrick:
is understood to want to tell the rambllng
castle built betW<eO 11121 ond Im. He
booght Ii la tl!6.
The owner hu declined to releue
bis ukmg price.
Mr. Nixon IJ erpocled to llay F'rlday
and Saturday in lhe San Clemente and
San Juan Capl!ltrano region.
A sight-seeing trip to the .mission !or
a look at tbe lamouJ IWlllon has been
ra.i.ted as one reason for the trip.
"I wouldn't be at Ill IUrptisecl il
all that swallow ltufl •• just a cover
up "' Pot (Mra. Nlxoo) eaa come down
and take a look at Uw cutle," BW
MarUn, fonner Lacuna 1 mayo r 1
llopJbllcan, ond civic -llld tod17.
Prtsidenl Nl:lut hu -lmAnlte4 In the old cutle llnco hls ,..U., ..,...
l\!en1ck once told reporten. The !'real• deni has previously vacatlanecl la the
Art Colooy.
'Ille wtt• WU bultt by W.tla Pyne.
an eccentric milllonllre and one GI
Orange County'• bl1 lj)eDClen la Ibo
lib and 1930s.
Tbe bulc CODCtpt _.,.. to hova
-brougbt from Swilmllnd. Strange
1-and cubb)'h>loo 11'1 ICatf<red
throogllout •the -·
Board of 'DlretlOrt mteting ·Monday,
Newport Chamber uecuUve directors
appealed personally to county Supervisor
Alton E. Allen · to ftpmenl their op-
poattion 11 1 C!v1l .ltronlutlcs lloard
hearing on the fllcht u:paoslon iuue
next 'l'ueoday lJI WaahJnlton, D.C.
The Newport board oppoaed .Ibo luue
unan1moua1y. 'l'be Co.to MeA c:homw
lut December voted in favor of the
lncr<aaed fillhls.
The bid to Al)en I<> attend Ille heulna• :wu unanimous amoq: the ~. of
' Money Net There
the Newport group. It came after the
Jiupervisor elaborated his board's recent
action disapproving of the fUghta and
asking the CAB tO deny 1ppllcations.
Allen aclmowled.J!ed the plea to attend
the CAB hearing ind told the directon
be would try to make the trip.
Several directors told the supervilor
they thought representation by Aviation
Director Robert Bresnahan and a
member of the county counsel's office
wa.s not. enough to sway the CAB 'in
lhe right dlredlon.
School's . Latest Worry:
. P.oy ~a.~e.s ior Teachers
.., !1IOMAl'roi!'rdb ... °"" .........
t1._iaia. ~ . -ilwlloJ.
-opln. ' ' .. . P p ah1ll.tml!lion....S1ioctloo
laot --~ will ... liuiR to -the dli1dnn.
But noir it'•' time lo stve teachen a aoJary J'lloe ml IChaol boanl_.bera
.... Dndlnr the -pocftt -the
-for day~-~ --empty.
The ----·t l ppell' to be an·lmolubla ..,. ond· lln~ too
Dkely to COii the tupaJtr.
But tt maJ give boanl "*1lbera I
, ... 1leeplea nlgllte • they. Junie . the
Whet -ti>I boanl .. •
prellmlnary bodg<t """""''~ yoar'•
expenHI bolaoced to~ lnco!no
without liking Into llOCO!llll ll!lry In-
C!MrlJ, -· and other llchool emplQY!t ere Pie' ta ~ve a pay
nlse. They do every ,..r 11 Newport.
Meea and cith« school' dllllrldl mu.t
remain oomp<!ltlve.
The alternatives are to find addiUooal
Income -tomelhlng' trustees con hope
fer but really have Di> ccDrol over
-or cut back projecled expenditures.
'l1ie tu rate can oo1y be lnmued
by ...-ol tbe vatir"
Cut bocka In tile 12U mll!lon bodget
-equol to npeded inc<lmo· -* Utely
.will havo to be llalble.
TNcherl otten hive received · a fivt ~ paY lncrtue. Ta llN IOCI( I
pay ..... to -and ,,..,..,1_...... employes next yw will ,.,. 1111,000,
Budget Dll'octor· Wolter Adrian o,ur.t.
He llld lhat II tile equivalent or a
:lkent tu hike.
And tacbtr1 and «her 1 c h o o I
empioyn may aeek raiaa of more than
riv. pemrit. Orone• Ooomty -· -111"1 Im called !or 10 ptrCent
Wherecanthocullba·mode! ~
Ona cul of ·$11J,OOO It almaet -
... 'be !Mhcomlng. It •• the .... el
a tbfte.bour kindergarten program Jn.
alead ol two.I-day, two and ~
• Nqt !hat the longer kindergarten JI"'
gram Is likely to be cut out. Contrary
to an earlier report the program WIS
oaved, lt came to ligbl Tuelday Dl&bl
It may .till he cut. Bui probably not.
A mistake la figurlnj( llate allocation
formula.! negated the prevlousl7 ap-
proved solut.lon of boosting ltlffing ratios
for all elementary grades. It leaves
the matter still up in the air, But
elnce the board went for· atalllng nlio
chantles once to aceomm<Jdale the
~ progrom·lt la an educll<d
Ill"" k Will do lt again for new, bl&ber
The board also can cut 119,000 lnim
lls merve lunds Willx>ul dropping them
below tile five percent kve~ which hu
been put policy, Adrian polntld out.
Aile!' that Ille board will have to
begin squeezing e~ educllloaal JI"'
grams, Adrian said.
That's how lt look> today, but final
budget adoption 11 still more than three
months away. Early income estimates
have a way of. .bnproving. They t.ve
Oiiier yem.
It'• ll1l1 1 1...r bet teachers will
1et a aaJary lnc:reue.
NEW YORK (AP) -The .... k morket
c!Oled wilh I fair pin today. Tradini
was moderately active near the clote.
,(See quotations, Pages 24-~).
The Dow Jones indu.ml.al averap at
1:30 p.m. was up 5.0f points at 912.42.
Know 'AJJ · Pills
Another """'1 ell,y, wllh middle
~ temperatura, la cm the
lwlxon for the . Orange Cout
:rhuraday. But who's CQDplalnlJlg!
Even· uplrla la 1 dnJi. Are JOIR'
chlldren nllod wltb . tho proper
reapoc1 rar Iha pllll oJid pot1on1
.. tlle·lamllJ medicine Clblnel!
That'• por1 or. tii•· c1e1-.
Pl!'lllto haYI !or Iha """"" .... .ar...,.... clnlp'._,,tadqto --·•·1m~· • '"rUll)' ~ whOt <M)<..0 ~
abciui wbeO they wtnr chn4r.. ~ aplnA I dnlp. f:l.tl A11t0 ll
Bllknlee. la today'• . lnltlllmtnt
ol llll•"Drup ·1•"' ....... 11'
•·Poltfl. • . ' l i .: l ..
• •
'~i~"',Ju .J.ir;' I.•
' ,._ .....
Newporl Beach IJ)OCe geolog.
I.st who took 10me time" to dit-
coOfr 1ourc:e oncl cvttl of ft03>
Wui OC11 it Philco-Ford'1 ""Citi-
'"' of tht Year• for Orange
CoUftlJI. Pa11< 12.
:=.. :; c...... 11
~:::,:• "'#
~· ,., =-........ ~ ........p .. . ............ "' ----" -. ... ............ ....... ' ..... tw¥k:rt ..
-... .. -.. ,...,... ....... .. -·-.. .,... c-.rr 1>lt
Pf.\ • • --" --.... -...m , .. ,, ---.,.......... It ......., .. -. --· .... """' " .... """ ..
2 DAILY PILOT N ~!:1n lir, -19' lWI
Judge l-{alfs' Road beal
• ii' . . ....
Court Acts AgfJi~J ~alt 6r~lt Abd~":nwRl ·
.,,. J • j ~ •
By RICHARD P. NAU. public -iJI iJlt "'"4 •n"JI I -lt-llonira ~iJl~:L~.
Of ... ~" "'"' '"'" "'"-...i--.in.II • from Joe It ---··--....... The flnt step in a legal fight to cauee ·-... on ...,.... .. Ont a an to amn.uu.
overturn C01111ty abandonment of Sall Llgwia Ntiu<J Corp, haa maater pi.... Att.r the clamor btcan, the cowrty
cr.elt Road and Insure public ac<eS1 nod the 11U between Three Arch BaJ uked the coonty COIWd lo rule oo
In the beach developed In Superior Court and Dana Point fO< tot.I foture develop. ;;:.,!her thlhey..!'_~d acted leg!!Jy In abao-
Tue&d1y. Jnenl to accommodate about 80 000 ~ e ·~ eegment thout fl.rst
Judae Claude M. owena ordered CO\lDlJ peraor\a. ' rt.I . I the matter to the plan:o.m&:
1upervh1or1 lo aet aside their molutton Tiie Orao1e County l!oud o I commilaJon. ol March lll, 1168 abandoning the cotmty Supervi&on' Mud! acUon lo abandon Clayton Porker, clue! aMistallt CtlWlf1
road lo the Laguna Niguel Corp. the last portion ol the road _ one:-port coWllll, aald bis office ~-clelend
ln the temporary aitemaU\•e writ ol of the Coast Highway r<M'te -seemed the ~tty"' ln thtband.aclion. )Out oplnional
mandamus the court ordered the couoty to 10 1ar-1y unnoticed t the time wu ~ l\ (a onm~nt wu leg 1 ...... 1.... ' -1--u .~ 8 • the court'a now gOU1g to dtc:ide P ..... Ul'6 com~ton to lake no ac on lt wu brought lharpb' to pubUc at-ii ·appears clearly a legal Jasue ~
•Pl"'OVlnl any plan "not recopl%1ng Sall lenUon at a Decembe1 boar!nf ol the fada m not In diJpute " he llid '
<)fti' Road ~s a public ~lgbt~!-way." Assembly Subcommittee on Beacbta and The distance betw~ the ~ter line
Tiie planning cornmWlon had been i;.m.rvaUon In Newport Beach. of the f~foot road right-of.way and llC-hed'-*<I today to consider a tract map Mr•. Helen Keeley, former Laruna mean high Ude llne (the bepnninJ ti.
for development of about 100 acres.. Beach vice mayor, testified at the time: the public tldellnds) 1J 1 al d by \M -~tpaoct public accesii to the tldeJ.andt. "With this piecemeal abandonment ot county planning department to be about
. '"le C'OU1't order tempnrarily would Salt Creek Road, Jt appur1 to rne that 300 feet.
• ihelve this. , ijle Orange County Board of Supervtson PorUou of the road were abandoned
1be peUUonera 1n t.be opaung legal • and the Orange Count) Road Department betwffft 11180 and 1961 by county:
volley against the county and two cor-. have totally dlangardtd the netdl or 1Upervilon afttr f.i.rll referrinc the mat-'.
~at.ions are attorneys Willlam Wlkoxtn the public by totally dlaregarding the. tu to Plannins commiJslone.ra.
or Laguna Beach· and Micha~) C. Sagar C0W1ty'1 own Master Plan tor Shoreline Questioned about the abandonment 'in
of Santa Ana who r~nts surfing Development." the past, Supervisor Allen has taken
Interests. Attorney WUcoxen after the Dectmber the position that the road did not lead
Judge Owens alao ordered that Laguna bearing suggested to Supervisor Alton to the beach and the county did not
Niguel CorporaUon and Pruden t I a I Allen, who tnltilted the act.ion, that It have tbt fuoda to acquire property along
lnaurance Company not interfere with would ht dWlcult to rat;ooallae unleoa &be beach.
300 Polled in Newport
On Long-range Planning
A pubil< opinion !11rVOJ team has qui>-
7.ed 300 Newport Bea<h mldenta lo help
the clty'1 energetic Newport Tomom:rw
Jong-range planning project. tt was
dl.!cloted Tue>day.
: · The proftss.ional poll may bt the
l>J'eCW'!IO'I" of a maU qum.Jonnalre to
be oent lo all Newport -.,
. according to Newport Tomorrow
John Macnab, general chairman of
the clty-citizeM planning committee, ex~
plained the groundwork fur the 6Ul'Vey
at a City Hall press conference. He
was joined by Don McGrew, vice presi-
dent ol Oplnlon Research ol C.lilornla,
whlcb ronducted the In-depth Interview
Both said the dtciaion to keep aecret
the exact dates ol the long·planned
surttY -last Saturday and Sunday
-WU made "so that the results cculd
bt .. Impartial .. humanly pooalble."
Harbor Airport
Foes Now Number
2,300 Citizens
The Harbor Area'• Noise Abatement
Committee:, a ctuzena' group of Orange
County Airport expansion foes, now
numbers 2,300 "active support en," it
was announced today.
Dan Emory, cbainnan of the com-
mitt.e, said the figure lncludOI all thoee
who have filed htwsulta against the cwn-
ty over jet noise or "have tn IOITle
manner Ind lated support."
They are all nn the organization'•
mailing list, he noted.
Emnry added that he will repruent
Ille committee at the ctvtJ Aeronautics
Board hearing In Washington, D. C.
next Tuesday. At the hearing, the CAB
wlll obnsider a proposal to award com-
mercial jet flight routes from the county
to the Pacific Northwest.
The Noise Abatement Committee Is
opposed to the flights , as are the dty
of Newport Beach and Orange .County
government. The city of Costa Me3a
favors the increased &ervice, but oppose
expansion o( County Airport runway1,
whkh would be requlnd by jetliners
Ing the !lights.
OltAHO• <WT '1JllllHINO COllU'AH ...
l1Mrt H. WeMI
rmldtl!t w """'"r
Jee .. I. Curlty
~ """*"" '"' 0-.-11 ,_,,........ n. ...... l'ff•il .... n,_, A. M.,.,i.t" """""'9 •• ,..,
JIN"'' '· e.lll11t Peil Nin•~ ,..,._, ~. ...._. .. '"'
Cl" 11!.nw Dlf'ldlllt ---1111 w.11 ''"''' 1 ... 1 .... .J
Mt1llllf ~1 P.O. 1Nofl71, 91661 --c.11 ..... 1 •WWI 9" ....... L-hldl1 m ~ ,,....,
TNmo of prolesslooal lnWT!ntrs
from the Long lleacb-bued firm 'PfUd
throughoul the cHy to gather the dota.
The fact that the ..,,.., """1d be
concluded wu COIDDlOll knowledge, but
the dtt.s !« lnl<rviewt had not been
Macnab proml>ed e J p II c I t ln-
terpretaiJons of the survey u llOOll 11
the .firm can evaluate and compute the
hundreds of answm. The work wlll
take about 2~ month&. McGrew said.
The lnlorvl....,. uked quallooa -
""""' 1peeWc, aome opel><llded, and
several controversial -wblch wW rem.
force and guide the eevm dtbren'1 study
grouJlll aet up under the Newptrl Tomor-
row proeram.
Macnab aald the srouPI bave felt that
an "accurate IAln'tY UJinc pertinent
questiolm should be mado by a neull'•I
-body to l.nswer 101De questionl about
the deoireo ol the communlly whlcl>
Newpcet Ton.no• J>OCll)lo will need for
thelt -ltono lo the city COMcll
Oil ion(-ranp plannJnr for the ctty."
The complete !Isl ct the quatlonl
Uktd WU not J"'(Mded, becl111t,
McGrew Aid, "maoy ol them, II quoted
out ol the lni.rvlew lltaaUan, rould be
easily -r-b7 • layman."
The 1Ubjecta CO\'mlll In the Interview•
lnclnded lndlvldnal clU-' attltudea
toward poaJble anneutlonl, be.autlfk:a-
tion, lndustrt.al growth, density, poaible
1........i clly espendltun. foe providing
recrutklDIJ oppcrtunlt1es for the general
publlc "and maD)' other ...,.po11Uca1
a.spocta ol the city which we'll need
for our recommendatkJDI," Macnab ..W.
Tht aurvey WU conducted at ID G •
penae ol 13.700 llJlhorlJtd b7 the City
CoundJ alJ ween ago.
MAIL l!llllVEY
Councilman Ed lUrth, wllo au.Med
the conference, aid • mail IQl'Vey cover--
Ing all the resldenla ol. the cHy ta beine considered. too, ••ao that no one
will feel be hu been left oul and ao
that everyone living 1n the city will
have a chance to spe1k about the Jong.
range planning for Newport."
Opinion Resevch conducted polling for
Gov. Ronald Re11an In the lul
gubemltorlal race "with raultl wtll
within tbe margin of error which 11
acceptable In opinion polls," McGrew
llid. Tbr<e percent mor 11 the llmlL
* * * Opinion Research
Worker Nabbed
On Burglary Rap
A Newptrl Beacti )'OUlh wllo -a
as an tntemewer for OpiNon Raearch,
Inc., but wllo did not -k on the
firm's recent city llD'V'eJ' hert, bu been
arrested on burglary cbarg ...
Peter Scb~ler lloth, JJJ, who Uva
at t tS\2 19th St., w11 arrested Monday
afternoon. He faces chirps that he
and thrte frlenda lbW ~ new carpet
and pod worth .'511 lrom a partlalty
completed apartnl<nt noar hla home.
Bes£dtJ Roth, police arnMd • room.
mote, 'll>oOml Patr!ci< Smith, 21, an
Oraop CoutColl•fe-·
Police Aid the theft took place •t
u aparlment al 121 30th St., owned
b7 'l'llornu H. Hono.
Pollce Aid ln•elllption ol the theft Sundaf night revealod evtdenco that the
-and , pad had -draQed lo Rclll'• mlclence from tho theft-.
OplniGa -..rcb. Inc., last -itend
conducted I 13,700 aurvey le>< the City
of Newport Beach lo aPlst la fong·ratl(t
planning by the Newport Tomorrow
dtiten'I fr'OUP·
A spokesman for tht firm OU momln1
confirmed that Roth was "' the eteff .. an lntem......, but said tho youth
"deflnlteb did not -... Ula ,,,,.,.,
In N-1..., Ille_ ..
From Page l
PROBE •••.
bullet whlcl> ended the parsuit.
Unfortunately, especlalty lot thoet who
alwaya uked the aqulahed quesUooa,
a point of no return murt be reached
in the llUddoD eocounters bet•-1a ...
men and lawbreakera.
Tbe FBI fllldeUne -rvad by maoy
U.S. police departmentl ls the un-
comprornlalq order that l\IDI .,. DO(
drawn indilCrlmlnately and, ooce drawn
when onlera !all, they ire used lo stop
• crime and • IUlpOCI.
Chief Neth llid alter the death ol
youn1 Stubblefield that offictt1 cannot
tell in the dart if a llllpect ii armed,
II II or 411 and, at llO feet and l'Ullll!ng,
one ahoota at a form -not a wrist
or ankle.
Tho FBI suidollne d* not lnclud•
warnloa lhota In the air.
ea..a 011 Jotart-to.heart talu with her
•on, Mn. EllJa llid In a DAILY PILOT
interview the requested Monday that
Stephen mu.rt have been com:od Info burtlar7 accomplice, a role not bulcaJly
"He would have no reuan to atuJ
be bad all he needed, .. Aid the fllOIJl'n!ni
Sho Aid Ibo tried lo ,_ bbn Info
pro'1dJq iJllormltfoa lo help -up the allegedly wl<lesprud drui oyndicate
or l}'1lem and end hla dqeroua !n-
Yo1vement. but be wu afraid.
H• alao spelled out the conrequencea
-one way or another -ol retualn1
to 1e:rve thole 1he laid had become
hi• muten.
Thole Jlurt.fo.heart talka lallod ond
a brtpt; polite boy who wanted lo be
& acleotlll WU lod by bJa cur!ooh)',
and factors yet unknown, into 10methlng
from which he couldn't think a way
The btart-~beart talU wen frequ,ot,
Mn. Ellis aald.
Now, OM heart iJ ltill.
One heart 11 broken.
From PllfJe J
a sis-month contTacl. It will then be oub-Ject to e:rtemlon on a month-to-month
bu la.
The real eotate firm, whlcb hu had
olllcea In Corona de! Mar alnco !Mt ,
wu recommended by City Maoager
Harvey L. Hurlburt
JI.I Illes commluion feo will be fivo
percent ol all -prices, u the city .,.... lo aclual aal• ol .., ., the prop-
ct!es, which la not -likely. LONG-TERM LICASll:
Coldftll Banbr II eapected to con--..1a on~iu.s.J11Juo.
Ina ""' will be In --acbed-alea used by the Lot Anltlea Board cl
ColdftD Banker wcutlve Robert S.
Hinch told c:ouncllmen bis firm ii
"pmid and eeaer" lo npr,..111 the city
In the mamtlng of the surpl111 pn>pa'
"--Ibo other Orange Coomf1 clltnll,
he -. ""' the lntnt O<lnJlll\I', La-guna NlaueJ Corp., and the Maoc:o Corp.
"Wt haft been involved in numtrou1
-In the Newport ma and all other anu of the CtlWlf1 In the fteldo ol
o11ice bulldlnp, 1bopplng centera, aport.
meats, and tn.tustrtlJ projectl,"' Hfnch
June Whittemore
Funeral Held
Pr!vate -.... held 'l'1leeda1 at Fonot Lawn Manorial Pm In c1.,..
dale !or Mia J..,. B. Wh!-, a
Balboa ruldeol w!lo died Monday at
the lfe ol • at HOI( Memorial Hospital
lollowlnf I ltlllth1 Jllntsa.
A member ol the AalJtance 1.e.,..
ol Newport Beach, ahe made her borne
at 700 W. Bay Avt. 10< the put 10
Survlvon include a 1!1ter, Mn. Shirley
Meaene of Balboa; tw~hew1, Edwin
A. M...,..e ol Lot and J.R. M"""' ol Newport Beac Burial wu al Fanot Lawn Memorial Park.
' B•nf .. 'fi,Winner
ruchar4 . ~. dln!ctor ilf Newport Harbor Hi.llh Schooi Band,
and baDd'• senior-drum major, Vickie Haig, display •weepstal<es
trophy awarded Sailor .aggregalion for ·best overall performan<:e
Saturday In Torran<:e St. Patrick's Day )ierade.
IJnexpe~ted Guest
St. Pat's Baby a Real Surprise
Tbet tale about Michael McClain mak·
tng hil way into the world nn SL
Patric~• Day was a Jot more lrish
than -e thought. Shure an' begorrah Eugene McClain
had to deliver the wee boy himself
by the dawn'• early light. ·But here's
the very lrbb af1ennath lo what ju.rt
11eemtd to be a timely 'ltory for a
bappy doy.
Mk:hatl didn't push hia way into a
shamrock-shrouded world a litile earlier
than upecttd. The point b:, he wmn't
eapected al all
Blarney? Don't you believe it.
JOfCI McClain, 41, of Anaheim, didn 't •
even know Ille was Pregnant. She bad,
Ibo Wei, entered menopause and oomethinl Jlkt M!dJael WU j1llt about
the Jut thing In the world lioe expected.
And lnaband E111ene, II, II equally
Oabberga.rted. But bit utonfMameri t
didn't prevent him ftom doJnl a beautiful
do-Jt.-your1tlf job ol delivery, doctors
at. Martin Luther Hospital llid.
Those same doctan an:n't 1aylng much
today beyond conceding that what hap-
pened to Joyce McClain c o a J d
"conceivably'' happen.
Conceivably nothing, says the indignant
Joyce. Sbt told newunen that she put
on about six pounds 1n recent manths
but didn't think that waa anything lo
worry about.
Pbyslcally, 1he llid, It seemed that
her da}'I of cblldburing were over and
she could rest content with tbe three
liWe McClalns she alreacty bad.
"I reckoned without Mlchael," lhe
grinned. "Ob ,. •• and st. Patrick. H
Armored Colmims Blast .-
Hundreds of Red Troops
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. tank columns
battlln1 through the Mlcbelln rubher
plantation t6 miles northwest of Saigon
have kllied 330 Commm.istl at light
lost to them.selves, front dispatches
reported today. The Communist death
toll IOlted to an uUmated 471 in this
and other battles.
U.S. military IJ)Okesman announcing
the upturn In combat llid North Vl<t·
namese forces early today ahelled Da
Nang, kllling 10 clviliana: and wounding
23. A rocket attack on Saigon was foiled
when U.S. troops captured five rockets
air.tody lueled and aimed.
UPI correspondent Nat Gibson, with
th.. counterattacking AmerlcM and South
Vietnamese force northwest of Saigon,
r<ported sporadic fighUng throughout fo.
day and heavy ~ghlln( tonighl In three
areas of the jungled rubber plantation
that Is headquarters for the North Viet-
namese 7th Division.
Field commanders aaid the campaign
had the purpoM ol preventing a pcw;ible
new Communist ground attack upnn
Saigon and that they belleved the 7th
Division would be the rtrl.ke force for
such an attack. ·
"This is one of their main staging
areas and we're here to smash them
before they have a chance to come
at·us," an American officer said.
Gibson !Wd the U.S. 11th Armored
Cavalry regiment spearheaded t be
fighting during the day and that elements
of the unit under Col. George S. Patton
111, son of the famous World War 11
genera l, made three major contacts after
sundown tonighL
Coast Cities
Join Against
Oil Pollution
Municipal authorities from all Oranp
.. Coast cltit.s will head for Santa Barbara
Tbutsday for a two-day conference 1lmed
at l011QUlating a uni.J.ed front agalnrt
offshore oil pol!utloa.
S&n Clemente City Manager Ktnnetti
Carr said invitations to the parley have
abo been sent to administrators wiUi
every California coasWnt city and
The conference will include a tour of
Santa Barbara beaches and marinas
affected by the Unkln Oil Co. off.shore
Among local officlall who will partic-
ipate are, in addition to Carr, Newport
Beach Mayor Doreen Marshall and City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt, Hunting-
ton Beach City Admini!trator Doyle
Miller and Harbor Director Vince Moor-
house, Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn
Vedder, San C1emente Mayor Wade
Lower, and Seal Beach Mayor LloYd
Gummere and City Manager Lee Risner.
Federal and .state officials from var-
ious agenclts are 1!30 ezpecttd t'()
The conference was agreed upon one
month ago at the California League of
Cities' anmial dty managers' divjston
conventlon, also held in Santa Barbara.
It was suggested by Newport City
Manager Hurlburt.
Accused Rapist
Said Outstanding
Firm Executive
Cllarlts John Trautwe!n's "outstanding
executive abilities" were lauded today
in Superior Court as the accused 1ex
offender's bid to reverse his earlier plea
ol gullty lo attempted rape entered Its
fourth day of discussion.
Mrs. Mildred Swaneon, 4&7 Magellan,
Costa Mesa, testlfJed that ·Trautwein
handled the major portion of his father''
business -Trautwein Brotberl of
Newport Beach -and thal he had
worked under 11tremendous pressure" up
lo the Ume last year that he allegedly
tried to rape a Newport woman.
Mrs. Swanson, bookkeeper 1 n d
oecretary lo the marln< construction
mnpany, told defense counsel Sam
llYD¢b that Trautwein had lo work
~ "many women" during M duties
• -.. buslDeu manager, nfflct l'IUpervh1or
and public relatioM dired<r.
'''Ibere were never any complal.nts,''
.she said. "His behavior was llllways
perfectly correct."
Mrs. Swamon'3 testimony followed that
cf several J16Ychiatrists who have all
concluded that Trautwein, 31, ol 20292
Crahner Lant, HunUngton BMch Wa.t
"hopelessly confused and befuddled by
drugs and drink." if and when he attacked
a Newport woman in her Balboa bomt.
Twautweln pleaded guilty lo the charge
IMt Nov. 25 anc1·was sent to Atucadero
State HOl'lj>ital for investigation a3 e
possible mentally diaordered aex ol-
fencter. He. came back with a report
that branded bJm u "a dangerous men-
tally disordertd sel' offender who was
a danger lo the health and alety ol
others:." Trautwein invnedlately fired at-
torney Marshall Schulman and hired
HurwiU. He seeu the atriking o1 the
Atascadero report from tbt records.
It i.. eapeded thal Schulman, wlloee
cnumellng of Trautwein ha! been in.
directly condemned at several It.ages
of the hearing, will te$tlfy Thunday
for the district 1Uorney's office.
And Deputy Attorn.y Ed Freeman oald
today he will put the alleged victim
ol Trautwein 1n the witness boJ:.
the watch for a lifetime of proud possesswn
J. L .J/umpfu.it>,j 'Jewelr
!med -,..u,
ir of
Joyd -· var·
one ~ ol
oday ...
I Its
had ., up
~ by
' a o(.
port ....
• of
I at-
the ....
fn. ....
McNamara ,..G-2-1 -•----".;.. ... _•_•_•_• ... '
II: 0 !Rld ~'ft"
Blockade '
Was Flop
WASHING TON (AP) -A Amtrlca .
New Peace Corps
·Dir.ecwr Picked
WASHINGTON (AP) -The YOWll catlfomlan l!ho con-Asaoclates say ll>e wrtlched
Ni.loo ~aUoo notlfled ceived bi.ri llwD veriloo ol Ille conditions ol alum dw<llen
O:Jacrea today that former Puce corps u a college 1tu-in Latln American clUes caus-
Secretary d Defense Robert dent will ·ba the new chief ed him to search for a wey
S. McNamara's id.ea for 3 of the nalJm'a 'Peace Corps. to better llvlng conditions
lnflltratlon ban1er a c r o s 1 , i • Joaepb H. Blatchford, · 34, there. He also wanted to come
South Vietnam didn't wort. ~hose appointment was an-up with something to head
Oil Capping Opera.ti ·
Start in MexiC(} GuH -· NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -lnj dry nalural p1, alcr.
The linrmy Gull ol Mexico "the ....-baw calmed
calmed today and oil well <aJ>o crews ore in Ute Oeld
Pina crews went tO work plq· on botb rip."
Pl a ruptured wellbead Red Adair and bl!I
which had spewed an !nmt i-.. apoclallall,
estlmated 100,000 gallona of capping buntlll( .a anti ~
yellow ~ oil over Ille welb, moved ~. oqlll
water aln<e SUl1day night into place near Ille
Guy Cook, opokesman for Tue>day, but Ibey w.,.
SeCretary ot. Defense Melvln nounctd 'l\Jesci17 night by off the social unrest caused
R. Laird's report to-the Senate ~dent Nixon, wW be the by alum living. S , Fl d M!>bll OU Co., !'l'tt•tor ol Ibo to start caJ>Pinl --..,. prmg 00 8 leakinl ail well and o1 aPher Ul today beca1111a11«m:..U ~
Armed Services Committee Peace Corps' thlrd direetor It took two years, ineludlng
since the qency wu founded a hltch as an officer In the
was the lint official dlac1osure eight yean ago. Re~ Army, tor him to put hb
Plans Readied ,;;::.w=e=U=to=ml=l .. =a=wa=y=dilchar=-=='=· =k=Ic=k=m,=up=1=J.to.=11=1oot="='=.oe=lr~:
of.' this. Jack Hood •Vaughn. idea into operation. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -
"The original plm did not Blatchlord, a Republican, is He formed ACCION in 1961, The American Red cross, an-
.,.ork out Is npected and, execuUve director ol A<XION tti.e same year lhe Peace ticlpaling floods thII spring,
at. a rsult, important redue-International, a private, non-Corps wu started, aDd ob-said today It ls gathering tood1 lions b a v e ~ in the profit organization wb05e aim tained a I 5 .. m 0 n t h com-cots, blanket~ and o t h e r
re q u ire m e n t I tor thiJ (~~~~==~:!f~:;g:~~=~~::,::~ is to lm-ve urban alwns mi•-ent from p r t v a t e ~sities for victims. sptem,''. Laird aaid. in La.Un ~ca. Ve;"zuela buslnes,, firms to Robe.rt F. S he .a of
McN1amara announced nis •'ll . It "th fl ,_ ••:..-But I .. 1..:-1.. The idea for ACCION came operate in Caracas slums. Washington, D.C., a Red Cross plan or the antf.infi1traUon aymg Wl Olftl8 m Gile ~· w.iwa. to Blatchlord when, as ,a stu-Blatchford· used A m er 1 c a n vice president, says t h e
berrier on Sept, 7, 1967, and YOU might be maldng a mie¢tlr:e ~to MJ dent . at ~ Uolvenity of volunteers and professional! to organization expect.. f)oodlng
w. •r• plte11d to ennoune1 that
hes joined our fWm et th• Coste M•s• Offic•
: \ .
' !
' ' , .
. t . . . -
' '
then ctampfid m a lotal in-it with .DOllcm 197." . California law school at teach the local' citizens the in California's Sao Joaquln
formatioo blackout on it. Berkeley, he spent the sum-s.kllls ~ to improve River VaDey because of heavy J the coocept involved a~--------------------mer of last touring South condition.!. mow in the Sierra Nevada. 170 r. 17th Street CMt• ~ CaltfemJI (714) IU 1141 $
1 binatioo ol pltysical obstacles. -==-=-=-==~=:.....:==::_ ____ _.:=::.:::.::::::::.:::::::::::::...._::===============.:!
electrmic 1 e n 1 o r 1 and
..,..,.,ation poota aioo1 • 4(>.
mile stretch between the South
China s.. and Laoo, • 1hort dmance below the demJlltariz.
ed-. -A 13-mile strip WU cleared
Md IOme other wort was
dooe, but the project ran
None of the U .S senior
military officer! ever wanted
ll Time civilian ecientists
who proposed it to McNamara
thought it might serve as an
altemative to U.S. bombing
cf· North Vietnam.
The planned c08t has been
estimated at $1.1 billion.
llowever, Laird indicated
considerably Jess wa.s spent,
and he reduce<! Ille total
The new defense secretary
slashed this year's money re·
quests by $54.1 million, reduC·
ing tbe program to about $5Z4
million .
What'• left are special
sensors"-devices to detect
inflllntlon by llOll!ld, ,;gbt and
Qther means -whlcb have
proved out and are bjng used
in mlll.'Y places, including
along the main Infiltration
rOute.> throogh r.a.. to help
U.S. auth<rtties keep tab on
fntmY movements toward and
lrto Sooth Vlt!lna,m.
* * * ,:,aird Drops
CI Pay Hike
Secretary of De£eme M1lvin
R. Laird, in his Jirot budget
pruentatlon to Congress, an--
no.meed today he b dropping
pl8113 of boootinr military pay
an additional $1.2 billion thls
The revised program of
military pay will not atfeet
the $1.3 billion pay hike this
year which previously was ap-
proved by Congress, he told
Ille Senate Anned Services
But because of budgetary
pres,,ures, he added in his
prepared rtporl for the closed·
door prtSenLation of the aa.
nual ••de.reme posture" state.
ment. future pay hikes are
bei!ll r«Umined.
Twenty-two _ 'Families'
That Thrive on Ci'ime
''Mr. AltomeJ General, will
you·bive your 1tatt' prepare
a chart sOOwlng the crowth
of these families?" ,
The request from Sen. John
L. McClellan, (!).Ark.), had
noChing to do wilh the popula·
tion explosion.
He was asking Atty. Gen.
John N. Mitchell lo trace the
growth of organized crime in
Ille United State3. It IS ex·
timated organized crime's net
take from gambling b 17
billion. a year, iLs drug yield
$350 million and the same
from 1oan-shark1ng.
McClellan spoke as though
organized crime were
synonymous wilh cert a l n
families in Ille United States.
The senator took for granted
the justice official would tnow
what he meant.
Mitchell did.
He had just traced for
McClellan's Senate Judiciary
subcommitte on criminal laws
the composition of 2 2
"families': of La Cooa Nostra.
Most major American cities,
Mitchell explained, have at
least one family. New York
has five.
Each bas a patriarch, who
heads the family dynasty and
gives it his name. New York
has ib Gambino clan, Chicago
its Giancana. Philadelphia its
Bruno. Buffalo i t s Mag.
gaddino, Detroit ill Zerilli.
Other cities with a family,
according to McClellan, in·
elude Milwaukee: San Jose,
Calif.; Dallas; Kafll8s City,
Y.o.; Pueblo, Colo.; Newark,
N.J .: San Francisco ;
Pittsburgh; Los Angeles; New
Orleans; Providence, R.l.;
Cleveland; and Tampa, Fla.
to keep the patriarch Wormed
and to relay orders to the
remainder of the clan, ac-
cording to Mitchell. At the
same level ol stature ls an
elder member, partially
retlred, known as a con·
aigliere, whose judgment i.s
valued. Then come the cam-
poregime or buffers between
the hierarchy and the soldali
and button men who actually
operate the enter p r i 1 ea .
Finally, attordinl to Mitdttll,
there are the "enforcera" -
whose chores are obvious -
and the "corrupton'' whoae.
devtou1 activities include con·
tacts with pubfic officials.
The Cosa Nostra families
have loyahy, not hued on
kinship, but written in blood.
McClellan called to the at-
tention of lhe committee that
Chicago alone had 1 , 0 0 O
gangland fillings in the past
half century.
McClellan warrted to know
from Mitchell whether in all
these )'ears ol war against
crime, one Cose Nostra family
had .been destroye<' or its
growth arrested.
The attorney g en eral's
answer was "No." He said he
believed, however, that rece:nt
drives again!!: the Cosa Nostra
had put some denLs in ill
families in New England,
Chicago, Buffalo and Detroit.
Bonn to Sign?
BONN (UPn -West
German Foreign M i n i s t e r
Willy Brandt said Tuftday he
hoped his country aigns t.ht
Nu c I ear Nonproliferation
Treaty be.fore the Sept. 28
federal elections.
• Ford's little Maverick is coming on April 17. Import buyers' Wait' Our great little answer to Iha economy • • imports Is coming soon. We're In the
E body el start •. countdown. But you don't have to wait wry se can saV1ng another minute to save on Fairlanes,
Felcons, Mustangs and Fords. We've -••at ford's Countdown Sale even equipped special units with popu_-
1 IUYlJ • lar options to make them better buys
Ford 01 .. de 100 prlcM r.
ducH .. to 1144 , ........ on
poJMJ!.r option• Uk9 a 390 v.a,
•Ir conditioning, tlntltd 11la•e. En/oY •1rtr1e lik1 vinyl trim,
WSW tires. wheel covers, Alm·
Blow •INring wheel.
.......... __ _
.. " •101 .•• g1t wty)lng-.nd-go lnapll'9d by th• iapeclally
modlli.d Torl noa th•t won th•
Rlver1ld• •nd Dayton• 600'a. Enjoy •ictr1a llk• vlnyl roor, rlc·
Ing mlrror1, whnl ccvtrt.
than ever. Hurry wh ile these special
values are available.
-..... FORD ..
'•lcoft ~;..., ... '° ..• you •fways ...... w1tt1 F1lcon.
Now ...... with •Xll'll Uk• Wheel
llp molding•, color·k•yed wheela, NIOM paint, 'bright
window fram••· whHI cowir1
•nd c•rp91lng._
lklltlftl lf*tiltoofl .... .,, to •1n ••• g91 WSW tl1'9a, ric-
ing mlrron, hood scoop. Ptic«f
b•low the •ea SpOrtaRoof 1lmf. 1
latly equipped, ba•ed on oom-parleon or manur•ctu,..r't •ug-
ge1tlld r•l•ll d•Hv.rlld prlcea.
The place you've got to see what's goi~g on-your Ford Dealer!
. .. ..
. . ... .; ... ~ ......
•. :, .. :1
' ' ,..
.,.· , .
~. "O .';
,'. -:.,r1
.; "~ . ":"'1..·.
.. _ .t
. ...,, .,
'r ~, .. ' .
' 1
.:; ~' -' '
" .
-.. ·. •·";•. : ~ ..
-" The COM. Nostra has played
no favorites. It has planted
its seed, settled and thrived
wherever the soil was fertile
for organized crime.
l'l.cClellan placed into lhe
committee'• record a history
of the Cosa Nostra and
organized crime w h i c h
Mitchell labeled "ac:holarly
and precise."
Each family has a helper NO MONEY DOWN '695.00 FULL P ICE!-
.. '"
. ' ., . . • ...
Fire Engine Sto"len
For Hippie Joyride
>1' ·v ·.• ~ . .
Firemen d. Hoot and Ladder
Co. S know what that linking
feeling a.
"I parked the fire truck
at SL Marks Place and
AvenUe A and all l 'know
is someone drove it ·awar
while we were at the fire,"
1aid a bewildered fireman
... 1gnecI to Ille ill·lated com·
pany -the first hook and
ladder company in city history
to have its truck stolen.
'I1le 1pparatus in . quelUon
ls a 15-<on, 100.loot, .$35,000
American La France At.rial
Ladder assigned to a fire
ilouJe on East 13tb St
tt responded to an alarm
1bout 3:30 a.m. t001y. The
fir< WU exlinruished but
flared ap apiD a\ S:50 1.m.
all the wllile, Hoot and Ladder
3, an au»Uary apparatus for
the titt, was parked a couple
of bTocka IWI)', unattended.
"'You usually leave them
unattended," 1aid Fireman
Joeepb Goodwin. '1Aftt!o an ,
we'vl been doing ft tor yean
and nobody ever sto1e one
Tba truck tblel struck, ac-· con11nr lo Goodwin, just
before 5 •.m. WitneJltl 1a1d
ooe man wilh long black hair
toolt the appu1tus.
"Not even an e.xpe.11 true.It
driver could operate th1t 1p-
paratus wtthout a tiDermtlll,"
Goodwin 1ald. • • wt t h o u t
~muhing !ntc 1 bunch of
That was es:actly what the
truef--driver did.
Police reportr said the
careening fir• truck struck
four parted cara and injured
a bicycle rider in a wUd dash
through the hippie-inhabited
east village.
The bicycle i:ider, Rkardo
Dove, SI, 1aid tie w11 on hh
way to work when he aaw
the b'uc\: rum i. comer and ,
·lrilh its lightl ftashin&, come
streaking toward him.
"I thought it WIS the fire
department," he &aid, "until
It smashed into all those $695 cars."
Dove turned hi! b i t e
between two parked can: to FULL PRICE avoid the omushin& fino truck
but was caught between them INCWDES:
-.beo Ille hijacked vehicle ICltDN-U...., rammed one of them. •.,R.
Although It wu ltlll dirk. AND
Dove nid be manqed to l'I l ..... AUIM a close ~ loot at Ille
truck'• driver to aee tbat b< lfOOP • look ,_,
•Mo--_,,.,.. Cond111 lk" .... _ ..
lnd ......
-11T 10 CAWNO
$250.00 VALUE
. . " .. ~ -.. .•. ,,.. -· . .: : .. : .-. • !\"" -... . ...
• -..
'• . " .. ,. • ..~, ..
WU a YOUll.I man with too, • lobcf EnoM • Dearzlw C9l1~"9
black .hair. "l Just stood thttt finhll IMilfllhnaw ...
for five mlnulel trJin« to • Foarn ,,....._ •1111 ••• Wd-=' .... ~
546-9973 ,.'"'' •• .-~
figure It out," he said. •Ofht .. feet.. • Ctol M S•rnmM' • w ... 1R WI'"' • ...._,, -~ ...... ..-· ,..:_,,.,
A oearch party ot !"'!( ~ lull• .. Onl. """'· • •-'-' ·' • - -• :""~~~00n"c11'l':t'~b:: SPECIAL NOTICE: DISPLAY OPEN SEVEN DAYS 10 A.M. • 5 P.M. ·:~ deparbTlent cars, rte0Vered .~ .. ""
~~_:.~~;~A~u.~1 w SEE MODEL AT 7691 WESTMINSTER AVE. w.! :"'::... WESTMINSTER '.·.~
The joyrWer WIS not m --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--!' JJight. _.:z
• '~ . , .. ,.
, A Problem I·s
Imagine yoursel a member ot the Newport.Mesa
Unllled School District board. How woUld you feel hav·
Ing to send school children home because you didn't
have the money to pay teachers' salaries to make their
-classes last longer ? ..
That .was the unenviable posit.i(ln lrQslees found
themi;elves in es they Pondered retrencblng by cutting
back the kindergarten day.
But then along came a solution, .worked. out by thB
school administration, that let them off the hook. The
extended kindergarten day is saved for next fall. And
it isn't going to cost any additional money.
Here Is the dilemma school officials faced:
One kindergarten teacher could teach l\\'O short
sessions -one in the morning and one in the after•
noon. But lengthen the seaaions and you couldn't expect
one teacher to teach them both.
The school district went to the longer kindergarten
sessions this year, hired twice the nwnber of kinder-
garten teachers and in so doing overextended its budg-
et by $210,000. This was done in anticipation that the
Legislature \VOuld adopt the measure to foot the bi.11,
but the Legislature never did.
To save tbe longer kindergarten day for next year
without running another $210,000 deficit required some
rethinking by the school district staff.
The solution 'vas to have kindergarten teachers
11pend part of the day teaching other grades. By so
doing, they replace teachers that otherwise would have
to be hired. Thus, kindergarten teachers will spend
three hours with their kindergarten class and an addl·
tional hour in another assignment, such as teaching
a first grade remedial reading group.
The expected savings from hiring fe"'er teachers
lor other grades and from bonus state aid for teaching
the longer kindergarten sessions is figured to offset
the $210,000.
It is the kind of happy ending that board members
and just plain citizens al\vays like to see -a lltU
utra 'aometblng done for the children without added
coat to the taxpayer.
' Bike ,Trail f 0 1· Beachfront
\\'bether or not they enjoy it, Newport'::; ocean beach-
lront residents are going to get a bicycle lrail along
the sands Jn front of their houses.
City counciltnen assured · this prospect last week
when they testily restored a beach blkeway to the re-
cently adopted citywide masterplan of bicycle trails.
The Parks Department is now drawing up the speci-
tlcalions. The beach trail will stretch from lhe Santa
Ana Rivet jetty to the tip of the Balboa peninsUla. It
will use the existing beachfront sidewalk and a maca·
dam pathway to be built for cyclists only.
Councilmen made it clear they weren't happy about
the Planning Commission's removal or the beach bike
way from the map of proposed trails. Said Councllmon
Paul J . Gruber: "Th.is restricts use ol our ocean front
by the genera] public. I can't see our continuing to honor
the objections of people in that part of the community
if the}' protest everything that would improve the
"I agree \\'itll Paul," iaid Councilman Robert Shel~
ton. "It's a darned shame." Shelton then called for the
Parks Department study. It drew unanimous approval
-even from Councilman DOnald A. Mcinnis of West
a1clnnis obviously reasoned that when Gruber and
Shelton are in accord on an issue, it is pretty v.•ell
locked up.
So it is plain that beacbfront residents will do them·
~elves no favor by protesting the impending nreams of
bicyclists. N
Proposal's A1ithor Disputes Conclusions in Editorial
Newport Marina Plan: 'Issues Not Put to
To the r.ditor:
Even wder editorial prerogative, how
f:an You aJy that the Newport Marina
fssue Ja "settled"? Your March 12
editorial suggests that the City Council's
action to•lnltlate a limited 11tudy indicates
their "'ltlingneas to Ignore the major
Issues on which the proposal was based.
If your interpretation is correct (which
T don't think it is) -and unless the
Corps of Engineers exercise their own
iirerogative -the issues will not have
been "put to resl." The beach erosion
uroblem won't be seltled . 'The answers
lo crowding. pollution, and tidal nooding
in the lower bay won't be settled. The
f!Uestion of flllbli c beach facilities and
a('ceM won·t be settled. The excessive
deficit in beach maintenanre finances
,.,.on't be settler!. The grrn,1lh and im·
pro\'ement pntenUal fnr \Vest Newport
won't be settled.
AND -PERHAPS molit important
-the myriad opPortunities for 1 in·
t!reasing the public be~ch frontage, im·
proving surfing condilion11 and swimming
safety in 'Vest Ne1tport won't even begin
to be explored.
rs that the interpretation \\'hich
generated your comment •. "It was a
wise deci sion"'!
Councilman fi.1clonis rtld. \Y is e 1 y ,
i;pecify in his motion that "max1mu1n
lhought and elforl be applied l(l !ht'
l)l'eser\'ation or lhc natural shoreline
and ocean beach." I agree wholeheart-
t'dly with that provision ; but it must re
late to lbe problems as they arc, nol
\re \\'i!h they were.
''OUR EDITORIAL implies that the
Council's 4-3 \'Ole agalnal an "open-end"
study ~ and their unanimous approval
of the qualiried one -was prompted
h~· a "tide of prolelil'' on the beachfront
breakwater concept. Th.hi amounted to
four spokesmen on Mondlly night <they
u.·ertn't present at the afternoon study
~e:ssion I and 59 letters and postcards
tnf \\'hich 26 were fmm no11-rcsidents).
Fully half the letter-\\Tllers were i::rnssly
uninformed of the fa cts. All nr them
rand you, all "'ell) were unaware or
the altemaUYe propol'ialii: which answered
M percenl or their objection11. The council
itself saw these for the first lime on
lhe afternoon you r hear11ine read.
"~farina Called Atrocious." . , . tht
night of the ''Ole.
of'· THE 11 LETIE:ns lhe cflllnt:il
rtceived in 11upport of the entire plan.
one called ii "the mo~I intelligenl. fer·
reaching. and for"·arr1-looldng proposal
for the bellerment cif all Newport Belich
tha has bctn prnposCf! i11 R long thtle."
Another wa:oo a unanimouii:ly-voLed of·
hcial boArd sclion of a 4fl().home com·
munity association -the largest group
of property ownen;: in Weii:t NewporL
A similar action \Yas made hy the
\Vomen's Civic 1.A'tl~ue of Newport
Be.ach. One letter ncas-from the vice
\\'ant to 1lop the noise at Orange
Comity Airport~ Ju5l anne1 the
airport to IN: rity of Newport
Beach. thtn deny ~ building per-.
mlt for rec:onltrutt ion or the nm·
-A.L. B.
, ............ ,.,.. .... ,....Ml ....... -"""..,.,. .... ., .......... ..,., .......
.._, ... .,, N Oi.tlll• •••· o.+l'r l"l•.
commodore of the Southern Ca!Uornla
YachUng Association 11nd the commodore
of the Association of Newport Harbor
Yacht Club,. Still ;nother was from
the president of the marine division
of the Newport Beach Chamber of Com-
ARE ALL THESE people !he "boating
lndust(Y" that you equate with the oil
industry'? When did yachting become
a dirty word in the city of Newport
The voters still have not been told
that the nine v a presented on
the ocean mar· a idea lncloded. for
example: An .. -land" arina, com·
pletely offshore and surrounded by sand
beachea: a new peninsula creatinR 10.000
feet of sandy beachfronl and duplicating
our present 12,000 feet ()f surf beach;
and an on-shore design which effectively
•·prelierves the natural shoreline and
ocean beach" for two-thirds of the area
between the jetty and the pier.
ANY OF THE variatiOns could Improve
surfing conditions. so!Ye the present
beach and west bay problems, and giye
the people of this harbor city the ad-
ditinnal boating facilities they want and
No. For most of us non-political folks.
the marina issue m NO'l' settled.· Don·t
you think v.•e shou ld check with the
"Corps .. be{ore \\'e bury the body?
Sold Councilmo11 Donald A. r.rc.
ln11i3 of his motion reqitesting tl1e
limited federal study; "lt certainly
dots preclude cotutruction of 011 off·
shore marina ." i'iulct i! a Weit New-
port re.sident.
P e t ty l\'anaecolUng
To the Editor :
l read v.•ilh lnle.rest you r editorial
on the AMA 's rei;ponse to Time
magazine's feature article on doctors
and medicine and felt It necessary to
add a rew comments.
As a minority in the AMA, the le55-
lhan·arch conservative, I feel that th1t
august body has once again reverted
lo stock petty answers. Instead of stan-
ding up for what is great about American
medicine and its practices and merely
referring to the gennal . incrcues in
cost uf living, etc .. il has chosen to
dcrend itself by attacking the attacker.
SUCH DEFENSE can only result in
less respecl for the Al\1A and less con·
fidence by the genefal populace and
the younger medical gtneration 'A'ho
already distrust Afl.tA and its policies.
It i5 much betler to accentual~ whtt
is good and outstanding than to resort
lo petty namecalling. Only In this way
'A'lll the i\~1A again gain re11pect both
Inside and oul.side of medicine.
In c1Nsing may I state that I an1
an AMA member and will stay a~ such
In the hope that the future will be
Db grocefad Area
To lht Editor:
Can't something be done In lhe \\'3Y
of urban renewal for the natives on
the Balboa Peninsula? The area around
that old pavUJon 1! dlsgr~tful.
c.ouldn't all those empty, ugly store
buDdlngs be knocked down and a park
made? Or would that bring in an Ul'l-
fa.vorablt elemtnl'?
lleor Th e111. Too
To the Editor .
I lhlnk Iha! children •hould be ,..n
aud heard. By parents, of courae. Love
-~--""7'·~~r-, -~.· '""·:; ,.
'Mailfux ,,
Letters from reader1 are welcome.
Normall11 wriUrs should convey their
~ssage in 300 wordi or less. The
right to condtnre letters to fit apace
or eliminate libel iJ rt!en>ed. All
teiter1 muic include 1ignatur1 amt
mailing address, but namr:.t may be
withheld on rt:quevt if sufficient .,.,a-
son is apparent.
h; a frail candle, be~el by treacherou!I
winrfs. JI is obYious that rlililraction and
apathy be.set work-weary parenll at
day 's end.
A chl~d is atJIJ !ull of pep until bedtime.
Questions will be asked. Rudely brullhing
them aside causes psychic damage of
incalculable degree.
IT \VOULD BE a good idea to set
aside one day a week to join the
youngsterii:' world. Let noUtlng Interfere
if posliible.
Your child will never fu rgel .rour
solicitude. 1 have 'pliBsant memories
of my rather and of Tuesdays. We con1·
municated and grew in our lo\e. It
has made life more meaningful tor me.
!\lay it do the same for all.
Teach er•' R equest
To the Editor:
I would like to give a viewpoint and
make some comments regarding the
"Teachers' Twenly-Seven Requests."
The Newport-f\1esa Education Associa·
Hon, which represents over 90 percent
of all of the certificated staff. teachers
and administrators alike, is vilally con-
ce.rncd with studenl needs, not just
teachers' needs. In the past years, the
Newport-Mesa Education Association has
wurked hard to meet these needs.
Mr. 11ake Js correct in slating that
"there is a new bretd or teachers."
This breed believes teachers should do
more than only leach children -they
~hould become invo!Yed in improving
the teaching-learning situation.
TlUS BREED believes thit part or
its professionai respohsibility is to pro-
mote and improve the condilions of
rducallon so as to enable children lo
receive the best education possible -
not jusl to iccept those conditions given
In them. 'This breed belie\·es we must
do a bttter job of running our schoolii:
and that better management and better
decision-making can lead to improved
conditions of teaming. This breed
believes that teachers can and mui;t
be lnYOIYtd In the manage1nent and
U1e decision-making in the schoolli.
'The Newport·Mesa Educ11tion AssOC'la·
lion, through the negotiation process.
ls working hard lo understand tho
trustees' problems. The objective or the
"Teachers' 1'wenty-5even Requests" 11
to cooperatively seek solu!ioru wh ich
will result in better education for the
children of Newport-Mella.
lmmedilte Past·PrrsldenL
Nc.OA·port·'-fe:sa. Education Association
A f,IUle Wonde r ing
To lhe Bditor:
1101'' many 011g·w11vlng lcert•inl y nol
thinking or ftellng or democ ratic)
nuclear era Arntrlcan1 would ha"e con~
~ide.rtd the German youth, In HiUer'a
lln1c, "un·German." "unpatriotic" and
"Immoral" had they refused lo be
drsned or had 11~ ln nrdtt to avoid
• .Poina the 1ove.mment'• bkl:din&?
And whll~ we 1're 11bout It, why no\
throw ln e. llU!e wondering about the
Japanel!le youth and Hawaii, elr.?
(Oh well, at leaii:t the government
officials didn1t force Dr. Spock to drink
hemlock or be nailed to the cross.)
'Extr en1el11 Selfl•h'
To the Editor:
necenlly in the Mailbox column of
your paper there appeared a letter
regarding airport eonYeniences signed
by ''Orange County Airport Lover."
I have always adYocated in my
busi ness and perlional lite that if I am
going lo take a stand on a subject
I ugually lend my name to the situation,
and l think anyone who would write
a letter lo your paper on a subject
surh as the airport without s.igning his
name lihould not receive the courtesy
of having his letter printed .
OBVIOUSLY, the person writing :such
a Jetter is extremely selfish and has
no concern for the feelings of his
neighbors and fellow residents with.in
the area. He quite obviously does not
live anywhere near the airport nattern
or its noise area.
I would s~ggest to any persons who
:lupport the airport or who are unwilling
to use their names, that they contact
our Noise Abalement Office, 488 East
17th St., Suite 2%9, Costa Mesa, and
gel the run information regarding this
situation before they take off on such
a campaign in favor of the airport.
6ood vs. Bod News
To the Editor:
The most frustrating thing in the whole
world for me is to read a newspaper
or Ji~len to t he iiews on radio or
teleYision. The headlines are almost
always the same. There are riots at
some or the colleges. Somebody died
in an automobile accident. Somebody
else was murdered.
We've had a lot of trouble getting
school bonds passed. Why! Because so
many people dofl't feel lha.t ii:chools need
any more money as long as the studeots
arc rioting. But, in actuality, bow large
a group of the students are rioting?
I HONESTLY believe the rioting,
demonstrating students and teachera are
in the minority. What about the majority,
then~ The majority of us young people
are hard working, conscientious people,
v.·ho are in college because we want
to learn aJ I we can and better ourselves.
The frustrating thing ts, though we
may come out on top In the end, we
are not as heard of while we are working
our way ttp. At the end of this semester
lrY to find the II.st of scholarship and
honor roll students from elementary
srhool on up.
l\'lLL VOU F1 NU them on the fronl
page In big, bold, readable print! No,
that's where you 'll find the rioting ones,
the mur(lers, and the freak automobile
\\'ht:rc does one look for the good
young people? Try page: 5 or 6 or
even farther b~k than that When you
J;l't there be sure to ha\'e a magnilylng
gla~. lionor roll and scholarship student!
don't seem to be worthy of print big
enough to rtad.
If the good m3jority were in a lilUe
more obvious place it ~·ouJd be witr
lo ketp lhc good ones in the majority.
ll would also make It a Uttle e.asier
on the parents who art trying to raise
lhtlr child ren to oe part of the good
EVERYBODY LIKEll 14 be n<>ticed
occa!lona!Jyf ir today'• youns cbUdren
see the minority of "bad." the lazy,
meless, rioter11 getting all the not.Ice
and the majority of "good," hard-working
young people getting rather little, the
"bad" minority will become the "bad''
I'll admit some might not think reading
about the majority of young people,
old people or anybody else too 11ensa-
tional. But. I think it could make
very sensational reading.
lt would be juii:t as sensational as
reading about President Ni:s:on or our
utronaui.,. And t think it would be
even more sensational than reading about
the rioting minority.
A irport f'roble m
To the Edltor:
A letter of anguish appeared recenlly
from 1>ne of your readers in the Miuion
Viejo area. Let me try and anii:wer
it as one speaking with absolutely no
axe to grind on the airport problem.
It 'A'ould appear from logic as though
the airlines and the Marines could
operate together.
There has been some talk. that El
Toro could not handle the additional
traffic. I can only guess about thiii:
because I am told that figures pertaining
to landings and takeoffs on a military
airport are not generally available to
the public as they are on ciYilian type
I am told that it is doubtful, even
with the addition of the Orange County
airlines, that El Toro wouJd come
anywhere near having the volume of
traffic that the top 20 airports in the
United States have at present. The
runway and rad io facilities are as good
or better at El Toro right now. aii:
they are al Long Beach or Van Nuys.
Both or these airports are listed in
the top 10 busiest in the U.S.
IT •IAS TO BE an exaggeralioo to
say that 30,000 people are going to be
affected by adding to the El Toro opera.
tion, so far as noise is concerned.
Undoubtedly some people will be affected
who are most cloii:ely located to the
airport. It is tough to name very many
big airports \Yhcre people are not af.
fected to some extent. This is true
in l"e\l•port Beach, and if the jets con-
tinue to fly out of here, something such
as acquisition of some houses by some
government office, is probably going to
But this becomes a lot more practical
than trying to build a multi-blllion dream
airport betw,en here and Catalina.
Howe\'er, J think It is nibbhh to say
that the majority of people wbo have
fllW suits here in Newport, rcaJly have
a problem.
I llAVE BEEN llslening: lo it just
aii: long as they have and I ha ve 11.imply
gotten used to it, like mo5t of the
people. It was only a fevi' days ago.
ln the DAll Y PILOT, I btllcYe, \hat
a story was run commenting on the
fa ct that a reserYe piece of property
two or three thousand feet wide, ind
some given lenith (I don't re.c1ll how
long) in lhe aenera1 takeoff area of
El Toro wa1 btlng sought by a. group
ror building. People who are gel.ting
into lhi$ have 1o ask themselves some
pretty pointed quutions. As • matter
of fa ct, the people •ho built the houses
at the end of the Orange County Airport,
cert1\nly knew thcr" WJJJ an airport
nlE TIONG IS, U.ert Is shnply no
land In Orange County that b not going
to have this proble1n wlU1 people 'Aho
are cloat. The JJlmple fact is that there
is no \\'ay to please everyone, and our
elected officia.11 In! aolng lo have to
get realistic and recogn1z.e that Orange
l _. ----=:::::::=____ ________ _
County has right
airports it needs.
now all the major
Prefers Row Ullh
To the Editor :
We strongly object to be.in& denied
the right to choose what foods we ahall ·
f'al. In our opinion and in the opinion
of our doctor, certified raw milk is
much superior to regular cooked milk
from a healtb, taste and aesthetic stand·
Certified raw milk ha5 nrver been
proven to cause disease.
ON THE OTHER hand, I wonder wh at
Jll health has been caused by milk that
i5 too unsanitary to beat !he strict
•·certified" label and must, therefore.
be pasteurized to (hopefully) ''protect"
the consumer.
We urge all people interested In their
health and freedom of choice to write
to I.heir st.ate senators aii:king them to
vote for AB 602 and ACR 45, thereby
making available certified raw mi lk to
those Californianii: Who want it.
Serles 01• Drug&
To the Editor :
I wouJd like to congratulate the DAILY
PILOT for printing the series on teen
use of drugs. I think that thi1 Is a
very important trend in our society today
and must be presented to the general
public wilh as little bias as poasiblf!.
As of the article appearing in Thunday'll
paper, it looks like the DAILY PILOT
is accomplishing this admirably.
Teen use or drugs iii: an extr.emely
emotional issue, both for the teen-ager11
and lhe parents. One of the widest
generation gaps is encountered In this
area, and an understanding or the prob·
lem must be reached by the adu lt.'\
involved before the y can attempt tn
discuss it rationally with their children.
TO UNDERSTAND the problem, 1dult11
must realize that the taking of drugs
by young people today is not an indicatiol\
that they have failed in some way.
They must realize that It is a trend
that cuts through all socio-economic
classei. that it doesn't stop with tht
educated , or the "well brought up.''
but encompasse:r someone from every
The fallacies concerning the drugs
themselves must also be uncovered, so
that parenU may deal with thtir ~
and daughtera on an equal ba11is, both
knowing what they are talking about.
Well-written and researched articles
such as these definitely help many
parents toward a better understanding
of why this happens and the best way
to approach if.
~l1ssion Viejo lligh School
------' Wednesday. March 19, 11169
The editor1a1 puQc of th1 Doar
Pilot u1/u to inform and atm..
ulat1 rta.der• br preirnting th.ii
ncwpapcr'1 optllloxi and COM-
nurllary on topics of tnt1rr.i
ond .tlf.ltltficonce. b11 providing a
forum lo' lh1 t:prr11ion ot
our 1"tadrrs opotlon.s. 011d bu
pres,11Ctt1(/ Ut~ dfver1e uft:~
poirtlJ of in formed obsf!rtitr•
a11d sonkt.smtt1 on topics of th1 day.
Robert N. Weed, Publi•her
• •
:costa .Mesa •
. . '• .
Next School Pro·hleril: for Teachers
Of Miii D.ity , •• .ll•H
Newport-Mesa 9Cboola have money
woes a1ain.
Pusage of a $15.9 million bond election
1a1t month. means cla&sr90fM will be
built lo house the children.
But now il's time to Ji~e teachers
a :ialary raise and ochool bolld membera
""! finding the olher pocktt -the
one 'foi: d1y-to-day operaUn& expeo.se1
Tanks Blast
Reds in Big
SAIGON (UPI) -U.S. tank columns
baWing through the Mlch<lin rubber
planiatlon 45 miles northwest of Saigon
have killed 330 CommurJsts at light
loss to themselves, front dispatches
reported today. The Communist death
toll &Oared lo an estimated 471 in this
and other batU es.
U.S. military spokesman announcing
Uie upturn in combat said North Viet·
namese forces early today shelled Oa
Nang, killing 10 civilians and wounding
23. A rocket attack on Saigon was foiled
when U.S. troops captured five rockets
already fueled and aimed.
UPI correspondent Nat Gibson, with
th1. c=ounterattacking American and South
Vietnamese force northwest ol Saigon,
repori<d sporadle ligbtinl throughout i...
day ana J>eavy fighting lon!l)lt in throe
areu of the jungled rubber plantaUon
thal is bea!fquartus for the Nori!! Vie~
namae 7th-Dlvllk:n.
Fi,llf ~ ..., lhe campaign
had lhe purpose ot preventing a pos,iible
·-new Communist ground -attact . upon
Saigon and that they believed Iha' 7\h
Divilion would be the strike forct for
such' an attack.
11'1111s is ooe of their main atagml
ar!as and We'.fe here to smash thtm
before they' have a chance to comt
at us," an American officer said.
Gibson 'laid the U.S. 11th Annored
Cavalry regiment spearheaded t h e
fighting during the day and that el<menl.!
of !he unil under C!>L C.0..ge S. Patton
Ill, son of the famous World War II
general, made three major contacts after
sundown tonight.
The 11th Cavalrymen killed 134 Com-
munists in the first two days of th~
drive and other units involved in ~
operation reported killing anolher 196
Red soldiers. Allied cuuallies wer~
desctlbed only as "light."
The tankers oVerran the North Viet..
n8.mese dlvi!lon's antiaircraft company
in the first phase! of the.lr push Tuesday,
destroying five of the company's eight
.54kallber machine gum.
The North Vietnam~ were fighting
hOldlng a<:lio'ns from thtlr bunkered posi·
In other fighting reportei today troops
of the U.S. 25th Division killed 32 Com·
munist.s and lost two men killed and one wounded ln a fight 23 miles northwest
of Saigon. Troops or the U.S. 9th Infantry
fight.illg 2G miles west of Saigon killed
37 Communilts at a Joss of two men
dead and two wounded. Far to the north,
U.S. Marines batt lin g North Vietnamese
f0l"Ce8 around Da Nang killed 72 and
bit tJ dead and 30 wounded.
Youths to Hit
' Beaches Again
In Big Oeanup
The youth brigade wilt turn to Satur·
day for another session of clunihg up
Newport11 debris-.sirewn beaches, schools
~. William CUnnlngham announced
One hundred £llty Newport.Mesa high
IChool students hive volunteered to give
up the.Ir Saturday morning to wort at a
job city crews can't handle.
They'll hand carry debris ill gunn,)'
11acb from beaches inacctlllble lo beach
cleantng machinery.
Student!it from Corona de) 1.tar Hlgb
will comb LitUe COtona. Estancia High
studtnls will clean up Pirate's and
Ollna coves. Costa fl.fcsa and 1.fcNaJJy
High students will sift along either side
of Balboa Island. And Harbor High
atudenls will tackle "N'' Street. 19th.
IOt.b and Channel Park strttt ends along
the Balboa Peninsula. T1Je studenls wtll work from 9 lo tJ:30
Soturday. School buset will take them lo
lbelr Job. A month ago, 450 student volunteers
1ave the city of Newport Beach an esti·
mated SJ,000 cleaning up beach debris.
Savini• to the city from the work party
Saturday ara aaam e1pectod to ba ...,.
lddonbl~ '
~ new, mqney Cl'is1e doesn't IP,PW'
lo be an lnaoluble .., and isol ~
likely lo -the taipafer.
But it may ,tve hpard mtmlM!ts a
row sleep!""' nigbtl 11 they iuule the
finances ••
W1iit Conrronja the bolld is a
preliminary budget llhowing next year's
e"Jl'n&eS balanced lo antic:fpotad lncomt .
without taki111 Into aocounl salary In·
Clearly, teachers and other ochool
employes are going to receive a pay
raise. ,,..Y do every year u N..,pott..
Mesa ·and olher ocb(lol dlatrlets mll!t
n:main competitive.
The 8lt.ernatives are· to find additional
Income -somethln& lnateu can ~
for but really ha..,, no control over
-""c:ut·bact pn>~;apendiblm.
.• ( -·· • ' f • . ,,. r s'r. j osEPH ON PARADE IN ANNUAL MISSrGH RITE
JamH (felt), Thomaa Spry of Laguna Hill• Carry Statut
Swallows Fly In
Birds Make It 193 Straiglit at Capo
For the 191rd time. in a row, the
twalloWI 'returned to the Mission San
Jua11 !;apistr ... ~· ·' . Subsipnti.al nWiibers of.. the 1man
dartinj. birde: Wert rtported at the
Mission, as were a su bstanti-1 number
of tourists. · ·
Advance ·.vavea: ol the birdJ had arrived
early Tuesday, said Father Paul Martin
<lf tbe Capistrano MiS!ion.
The arrival of the swallows at the
Mission from South American wintering
spots has been fabled in :song andJegt.nd.
The birds traditlonally have appeared
<ln Mar~ 19, St. Joseph's Day, at the
~fission MnCe Jt was built in 1775.
Called •iLas Golondrinas" in Spanish,
the birds bulld their mud nests on the
193-year-o}d walls ol the Mission,
Their arrival thla year is marked by
a SL Joseph's J>ay pageant put on by
the childrm of the mission ldiool.
Festivities were under the royal direc-
tion of St. Joseph's Day Klng Ronalri
Sanchei and Queen Ann Etcheberria ,
both eighth gradm at the ochool.
Spanish dancm and a xtrolllnl band
performed ,today, 8nd are scheduled to
return for a fiesta Sbnday· at the mission.
A special gilt was made to the
mission's Museum of H I s t or i ca I
Documents ~ • direct descendant or
Jose Francl5co Ortega, the first. white
man to enter what b now Orange Coun-
ty. ..
Ortega WM Portola'• acout officer
when the llPJnlah eipedlUon entered the
Capl8traM:•ea In !ta nortbward journey
200 yean;,?lrom San Dlfl". Julie 1 Hernandet, Ortega's great. • .......... ~
ctaugbter,. -I -wttil family bl.t1411cal &tf1I loc!ad1'1f a nw-m, o1 t11o orwca mapl ·and a copy o1
a family wU1 written lo Ul5 In 1ba
Miaalcm San.Lal&'JleY.
Ctttmontel at-the mluton today win be repeaied Sunday at I p.m. The public
b: invJted.
Sergeant Killed
I n Grenade Bl~st
FT. BRAGG, N.C. Ct/Pl) -An Anny
sergeant w11 killed and a trainee
critically i.Djured in an e1plolton or a
gre.nadt •l Fort Brage Tuuday.
Sat. Williaril H. Ju<cllter, l2, LOllg
Beach, waa dead on arrival at Womack
Anny H°'pital. Pvt. Dwight W. Duncan,
24, of Newark, Dtl., rtmalned I~ q lllcal
condition ·al the holp!tal Wednesday
DAIL T f'tL01' lltff """'° •SWALLOWS-ON SCHEDULE
Wlntlnt JI ' In Caplatrano
Wounded Mesan
To 1 Return Home
A YOUJ'lf Coata Mesa soldier ta sched•~
td to rttum borne within two wetks
after suffering severe leg wounds while
on patrol with a Gretn Beret unit near
B<n Ht<, SO\lth Vietnam.
Sst. Robert P. Dilley, 23, son or Mrs.
Cloria Dilley, of 9ff Congress St., IJ
now recovering after surgt,ry at the
U.S. Army Hospital, C•lllJI Zana, Japon.
The C..ta Mesa lllgh School v adua,.
and. Oranp · Coast Colltge enrollee hu
won the Silver Star, two Bront.e Star•
and Cl4lMr decorallooa In bis llillOlltb.
Ylelmm dall iour, ..
The tax rate can oniy be Increased
by consent ot. the voters.
Cut backs to tbe 12u. mlllioa budget
-equal lo expected lnoome -likely
will have lo be sizable.
Teachers often have received a five
percent pay increase. To give such a
pay raise lo teachers aDd llOl>dusroom
employea next year will COfll $115,000,
Dudget Director Walter Adrian figures.
H• said that is the equfvaleal ol a
23-cent tu hike.
And teac.bers and other I c h 0 0 I
employt1 may tetk rallea of more than
five percenL Or1n1e Coumy Teachers
A>socl atlon haa called for 10 pm:ent
Where can the cub be made?
One cut ol 1211,000 ta .-..rtaln
to be forthcoming. 11 fl the -ol
a three-hour ldnder1arten pn>1ram ii>
stead ol two-a-day, two and one-half
bour ....ioas.
Nol that the looger kindergarten pn>o
gram is likely lo be cut out. Contrary
to an t.arlier report the program was
saved, it came to light Tuesday Dilb\ r
ii may oWI be cut. But prob& bly not.
A mistak:e 1n figur ing 1tate allocation
l<linulas negated the invlously rp.
proved aolullon of boosUng sta £flnjf ratloo
(SeeSCBOOl.'l, Page I)
Mom Joins Probe
Blames Bor,'s Death on Blackmail
OI .. Dellr Plllf t lllf
A &rleving mother, Orange County
District Attorney Cecll A. Hlw and
a handful of lnvesUgat.ora conferred Ur
day three hours before his funeral, on
the Costa Mesa pollce slaying of a boy
"We now have a few more thinp
we want to run down." Hicks said,
after the meeting . in S~ta Ana broke
up .at 11 a.m., but he said he could
-Nixon to Visit
:coast Friday
Prealden\ lllchard J'llion and ll!o .,._
lourap, i!lll. relllra to ,t!lo ~-,co,ol
Friday, two daya: after the twallows.
with baadquarten 1t1 San Diea• anc1
San Clemente, and a acheduJed 'ri!it
to historic Miss.Ion San Juan Capb:tr1110.
Steplfcl.w and cerlalnlJ WU 1ba
respcnse in dlllerent quarters today,
followlng official White House con-
firmation and unofficial au pp or t In g
evidence of a presidential vb:itation.
White House Presa: Secretary Ronald
Ziegler tiald the Nii:ons will stay two
nights at a priv at e home in San
Clemente, while his presidential party
will roost in hotels and mote!J,
Saturday will feature a visit to the
historic Mission whose J e g e n d 1 r y
swallows today fluttered and darted
home on St. Joseph'• Day for the 193rd
consecuUve year.
Faced with the possible task of assign-
ing tMn to supplement federal securlty
fQtces, San C1emente Police Qrief Clif-
ford Murray aprmed doubt aboul tho
Nllon vislL ·
"We have heard nothing from the
Secret Service." he said.
"I've worked with the 'SS' before and
they usually make arrangements fa.r
ahead of Ume," the chief explained.
"I view the reports with a grea_t deal
of skepticism at the moment," he added.
Honeymooning Lynda Johnson Robb
and her new husband, Marine Capt.
Charles Robb, stayed at the San
Clemente IM one year ago before be
left for Vietnam.
San Clemente Chamber of Commeree
Manager Gilbert E •. Essell confirmed
today that execuUves of the 140-room
Inn called him late Tuesday to aeek
help in reserving 35 _more rooms in
Ille fmmodlata area.
The presidential party ba3 mervod
a total of 175 rooms at · the ornate,
lith Century Hotel del Coronado In San '
Diego, Jeu wbstanUal than the mission,
but periodic site of Jet Set nesting.
San bie10 is celebrating ill 200th an-
niversary this weekend offering another
tour l1t attra ction in addition to the
1Wallows' celebrated r et u r n to
More srtm than gay, bul allo ••
(See NIXON, Pap I )
orrer no rubatantlal chanft In Iha .....
Stephan Stubblefield, ti, of IOllS Kline
Drive, Santa Ana Htigtrtl, waa lhot
to death while fleeln.g a camera &hop
burglary Saturd1y n.lght when. police
opened fire after five Ignored commands
to halt.
Invest11ator1 presently btlleve the
Heinz Kaiser Intermediate School eighth
grader's tragic death resulted from dab-
. bling in adult crime and panicking whe11
~aught jn the act.
Mn. Helen Ellll, who Joel her leiy
child In • bum o( IUnflre dOwn a
dart alley, blames It on blackmail by
narcotica lrafficten with wham lbe
youngster boc.ama eotanglod.
Strong evidence auppoi'!s a the6cy tllal
Stubblefield, who had sold marljoana
and sampled LSD, wu not alone at
I.he: break-In at Corrigan'• Camera Shop.
630 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa.
"You've got to realize that waa a
(See PROBE, Pap I)
St. Pat's Baby a Real Surprise
'lbal tall about Mlcbael McClaln •mal<·
lnl hla wa7 Into 1ba world on St.
Patrlct '1 Doit..;f; a Joi ' _. l/1¥i ll>u Ill\~ . .
.... 1111 " ab ... ._ Jldllolo had 'lo ·~ ~ bJiMO!t..
by the c1a,..·a ..;.)y '?!t B\lt 111n·1
the Vft7 1riab afte~ lo wW jlllt
seemacf lo be ~. Umely al«y tor ·a
ba::J:f · dlda ' bis w IDto a shanlli>c:t~ld a ll~ earner
than upected. 'Ille polnl fJ, he Willll'I
eipect;d al all.
Blarney? Don't you believe It.
Joy.,. McClain, If, of Anaheim, dldn'I
even know ahe wu prepant. She had,
1be said, tntered menopause. and
something Ub Mlchael .wu just about
the tut lhlnl In Iha world aba e:rpecled.
And huabml Eucene. .sf, is equally
flabtierpited. Biii bis -t
dldn, prmnt him from doinl a beauti!ul
d~Jl.7-U Job o1 .i,u::fl: ~ t~Jt~J:!,, r.aylnc-
todiy>btyood conoldlng that what· haPo
pened to Joyce_ McClain c•1ld
~eoo<elvabll'" happen.
Conceivably nol!lln& uy1 lbe lndlpant J.,... Shi told --thal • put
"' abolll &II poundi hi .-t lbOiltil but dfdn1 lbiU tllal WU aivUWtl 'lo
woJTy• abouL J.
PhylicaUy, ~. aald, ft . ..emad ... 1
her dayl Ot ch!ldbearini were ..,., and
Ille could ·rest content with tba -
litlle McClalJIJJ llhe alrtady had.
"I rechned withool Mldlael," abe
grinned. "Oh yes, and st. Patrick. ..
Sister Cities' Chambers
Clash on Flight Proposal
01 ti. ~lb' Pllft IMft
Newport Harbor Chamber of Com-
merce leaden today are on record in
opposition to plans to add Pacific
Northwest fifghl.! at Orange County
The stand by the Newport Chamber
places It in conruct with that of the
Costa Mua Chamber, which endomd
the lncreued airline service three
months ago.
To reinforce thelr atand taken at a
Board or Directors meetlnc Monday,
position at a Civil Aeron.auticl Bolrd
hearing on the ru,ht upanalon iaue
next Tueoday to Washington, D.C.
The Newport board oppot<d th• · fAuo
unanimously. The Costa Meu. chamber
last ~mber voted in favor of the
increa.sea fil1ht1.
The bid lo Allen to attend lbe·11earinp ,
wu unanimous among the, dittcton of
the Newport group. It came afl<t llio .
supervi!or elaborated h1s board'• rec:ai
action disapprovlnjf of. thii fiflbli• ml
asking the CAB lo d<l\Y aPf!llcllfons. ,
Allen actnowlq od Iha.plea fo attend
the CAB hearing and told the ~
he would Q'flo ._. Iha lrfP.' •
Newport Chamber uecuUve directors Several dJredcn told the auperviaor
appealed peraonall1 to County Supervisor • they thoulbl representation by Aviation
Alton E. An.en to repraent dlfir op-Director Robert Brunahan and a membtr of the county counsel's office
Stock llfarkeu
NEW YORK (AP) -The atoct market
closed with a fair 1ain today. Trading
was moderately . active near the cl~
(See ~om, Pages 11-15).
'!'be Dow Jonu. lndullrlal aver.,. at
l :IO p:m. WU up 6.04 polnta at tlU2.
..., not enough tO sway the CAB to
the right direction.
Know All Pil•s
Allotber 1U1JD1 day, wtl11.1nlddl• ~ tempUatula, la on tM
borlion for °" Orange c0.11
Thunday, Bui wbO'a complalllh!cl
Even aaprin 'ts a d~. An your·
cbildreo raised wltj\ the proper
mpecl !0< tba pilll and pollooa
In tba family medicine cablntt!
That's part ol the de(enao
panntl have for the crawlnc UM
of dqeroua drua• arnorw todey'•
children. Even more tmportant ii
rully tnowm, what they're talldni
-.i .. wlltn they wara c:hUcnn
apinll drup, 11011 •A I lo n
BJatealte, In tod17'1 lnitanment
of hlJ •11>rup Jtlt" ~..,... lt'a
cm Papi.
' . '
Newpo rt BraCh 1poce 91olqg.
!JI who took ...,. time lo di>
covtr 1ourcc and C11rc1 of MJ>
foUI OIU ii PhUc<>l'ord-, "Cili-
I C!I of U.. Yeor" for Orongc
CoU11t¥. Poo• u.
-M =-~ c-.....• ,.,. _.. . -. 0..--ti
--M ...... ..... ' ..... 9 • ....... ,... ''" c... ,. -. -~ . -. ·-·---..
::::--:: --.. --.. -ci.tttMi "'" . --" --..... ............. ............ T-" -•. -. ==-i....-: --..
' •
:f DAil V Pfl.OT c . '
Judge ljalts Road Deal
' .
Court Acts~Against Sal~ Creek ·A.~andon~nt
Of lfle o.irr .. llM Iliff Thi flrsl step in a legal fight to
ovtttum cowity 1bandonment of Salt
Creek Road ll'ld insure pubUc acctu
to lht beach dtvtloped In Superior Court
Juc!at Claude M. °"'"" order..i county ·
"1perviaors to let -lhtlr -1-ol Mardi a, JMI abandoning the COW!ty
rood to lht Laguna Niguel Ccrp,
In the temporary an.e.rnative writ of
mandamus, the court ordered the county
p1ann1q commiWon to take no action
apprvvlng any plan "not rocognizlng Salt
Creek Road IS I public right-of-way."
The pllllDing oomm!Jsloa bad bet•
echeduled today to C<lllJidtr a tract map
for devdopment bl. about 100 acre1
wltllout public ...,... to lhe tldtlal\dJ.
The court onltr temporarily WOllld
&belve thll.
The peUUonera In !ht openin1 legal
voU.y against lhe county and IWD cor-
poratJons are attorneyi Wllllam W'llcoxen
of Laguno Buch and Mlcha•I c. Sarar
ol Santa Ana who represent. surfing
Judge Owens a1ao ordered that Laguna
Niguel Corporation and Prudent i a 1
1-anco Company not lntufere with
pUbilc ... " lhe ,...j-pelldln& •• ... cause hwlnl on April I.
Laguna Niguel Corp. hu mul<r plan.
ned the area between 1brte Arch Bay
and Dana Polnt for total future develop.
meat to accommodate aboul 80,000
The Orange COunty Doi.rd 0 r
Supervl50rs' March ac:Uon to abandon
the last portion ol the road -onoe part ot the Coast Highway route -seemed
to go largely wmotlced at the time.
It was brougbt sharply to public at.
tent.ion at a Decembe. hearing of the
Assembly Subcomm1ttet oo Beaches and
ConstrvaUoo In Newport Beach.
Mrs. Helen Keeley, fonn<r Laguna
Beach vice mayor, testified at the time:
"With lhiJ piecemeal abandonment of
Salt Creek Road, Jt appear& ~ me that
the Orange County Board of Superviaor1
and the Oranie County Road Department
have totally dlmgarded the needa: oI
the public by totally diaregard!llJI tile
ct1unty'1 own Master Plan for Shorellne
Attorney Wilco:sen after the December
hearing suggested to Supervisor Alton
Allen, who inltllted the 11ct.ion, that It
would be dlfilcult to r1tioaali&e unlt:ss
II WU ~ a lblltlq ol pallllc fiPll
&om -locau ... to anolher.
Aller the clamor began, tile county
a1ked the county ct1wuel to rule OQ
whether they bad acted teially In aban--
donlng the road Htment wlthoUt first
referring the matter to the p1111nJn1
Clayton Parker, chit! aaal&tant county
coUDlel, aald bis off1ce would deftnd
the county in the action. "OUr oplnJon
was lbat it (abandonment) was legal
. .• the court's now 1oing to decide.
It appe.ars cle.arly a legal issue, the
facts are not in dispute," be uid.
The dist.a.Dee between the center line
of the 100-foot road Tight-of-way and
mean high tldt llne ( lht beginning ol
the public tidolanda) b u I a by the
county planning department to be about
300 feel
PortianJ ol the road were .abandoned '
betw... JleO and UIS! b7 county
supervisor& after firit refurln& the ma\.o
!tr Jo planning cOmm!Jalmers.
Questioned about the abandonment In
the past, Supervisor Allen hu taken
the position that I.be road dJd not lead
to the beach and the county did not
have I.he funds to acquire property along
the beach.
Houseboy Kills Envoy's
Wife, Two Others, Self
From Page l
very sophisticated job," Distrid Attorney
Hicks said today.
Whoever entered the shop took ireat
pains to drill boles in the roof. saw
out a zectian large enoup for a
passageway and left eJ:ttnsive burglary
tools at tbe crime scene.
~ houseboy went on 1 savage klillng spree
In lhe Ethiopian embuly Tueaday nlgh4
1hootlng to death lhe ambawdor'1 wile
Harbor Airport
Foes Now Number
2,300 Citizens
The Hltbor AH:a'1 Nolse Abatement
Committee, a cltl:r.ens' group of Orange
Coont.y Airport erpamion foes, now
numbers 21300_ ••active supporters," it
WU announced today.
Dan Emory. cbairman of the com-
rniU.0. aald the figure lncludea all thoat
who have filed lawlUitl agaiolt the coon-
. ty crvtt jet noJse or "have in tome
manner indJe1ted support."
They are all on the organization's
malling list, he noted.
E.-y added tb1I be wUJ rtpreatDI
the committee at the Civil Aeronautics
Boord betrlng In Wuh!D(ton, D. C.
next Tueaday. Al the hearing, tilt CAB
will consider a proposal to award corn--
mercial jet flight routea from the county
lo the Pacific Northwest.
The Noise Abatement Committee is
opposed to the flighU , u are the city
of Newport B<adJ and Orqe County
government 1be city of Com Mtsa
favors the increased aervice, but oppose expansion of County Airport runways,
which would be nquired by jeUlner'
ing the flight&.
Goll Clubs Stolen
From 1'runk of Car
Used car salesman Nick Matranga
complained to Costa Mesa poUce Tue.9day
that a bur1lar &tole 101! clubs worth
more than ;zoo from the trunk of his
Matrana;a. of Torranct, said it was JWked lit the agency where be works,
ti 1811 Harbor Blvd., and the thief
toot keys out ol the lgnltloo to open
tilt lnmL
111\ll\ PllUf
l•Mtf N. W•M
~ ..................
J•ck It Ctrt•y vu ,1'111,..,.. ltftill ~ti Writtti
11i•1t1•1 K•1Yll ·-Th•11111 A.. M11r,hlRt
IM-"'I ··-'•YI NIHlft M>wtlllll9Dlredlr ---lJO WHt ley S.,...
M•ftl19 Mi,..,t1,.0. 1 .. 1160. tl42& --........ 9-doi nn w.t ..... ......,. ....._.._,.im,..,...•-
and two women lft'9anl!I. Police found
him hanged today, • suicide.
Three of the · four children o l
Ambasaador Galtacbew Bekele lay In
''delicate" condUJon at the Red Cross
clinic with. Bevere head woundl suffered
in the rampage of Berhaun Heewan.
Their gi>verness, Jo Clever, escaptd
fn good condition with knife slashes on
her neck, hand and forearm.
••1 trusted him and be tllled my wife
••. he kUied my wile, Bekele wept leav-
ing the embassy early today after sur--
veyinf the bloody scene and identifying
his wile. Btlaynah, shot through tile
head In her bed.
The Beble family had brought Heewan
to Ethiopia to work ln the embassy.
He escaped an army of police who
raced to the embusy Tuesday n1ght
and "411J1ed himaelf In • 11.20 a night
fiopboule alrsha!I, pollct said.
"He dJd IL The cue ls solved," Mexico
City Police ChJef Renato Vega Amador
told newsmen. Police found a .38-caJlber
pistol jn Heewan's pocket and u.ld it
was the murder weapon.
Another governess, Marla del Carmen
Mende?, swept lhe fourth Bekele child,
16-month-old Toblu, into her arms ind
fled through a window u Heeway hunted
her down In the embauy.
Her boyfriend. Artiu'o Dimas arrived
at the end of the carnage and helped
Mlsa t.fendei out of the · bulkllng. They
raced for safety with bullets from
Heewan's revolver whistling past them.
Dimu uid Heewan was angry
"because be was always banging around
the .. rvant girls and annoying them,
atld the ambassador's wife told hlm
earlier that she never wanted to see
him doing that again."
Mesa Physician
Sues for Libel
Damages totalling f1 million are be.Ing
sought by a Costa Mesa phy1Jlclan in
a Superior Court suit which alleges Santa
Ana attorney Richa..rd R. Murphy libelled
him in recently publlahed mlnut.ea of
an Orange County organiiation.
Or. Jact L. Hagadorn, 722 W. Baker
Sl, cWms Murpby d""1btd him In
a viturparaUve manner in 111 apparent
flare-up betwttn prloclpala In the
Callfornla Coducewl C4.
Hagadorn states tbat tbeae comments
and others of a llbtllcius ..--re-
counted at length In the bQll:y lull -
appeared In the publilbed •'tecr!tarial
minuteJ of board of directors •.. actions
of individual membera: of the Callforn.ia
Caduceus Co."
Murphy ls idenUfied u secretary of
the organization.
A dark car reportedly sped away when
police and shop owner Robert Corrflan
arrived and spotted young Stubblefield
jns.lde, at which time be panicked.
The boy, wlwse mother uid W8' mlld-
mannered, cooperative, detested violence
and never ran from trouble, climbed
up an escape rope and fled across the
Jumping to the ground, be ran dGWn
a dart aUey we.arilli'. black clothing and
gloves Mrs. ElliJ bad never lffll, then
fell, fatally wounded, when three officers
opened fire.
The district attorney said today he
expects it will be several days before
he has complete findings in the tra1lc
case. but an autopsy report is already
on file.
One of the matters yet to be detmni,,..
ed is who -Sgl Robert Ballinger,
patrolmen Richard Jobn!Oll or George
Wilson -fU"ed the fatal .31 caliber
bullet which ended the pur1uU.
Unfortunately, especially for thoat who
always asked the anguished questions,
a point of no return must be reached
In the sudden encounters between law·
men and Jawbreakers.
The FBI guideline observed by many
U.S. police department& is tbe un·
compromising order that guns are ooC
drawn indi.!lc.ri.minately and, once drawn
when orders fail, they are used to .stop
a crime and a SU!ipecL
Chief Neth said after the death of
yoong Stubblefield that officers cannot
tell In the dark if a auspect Is armed,
is II or 40 and, at 150 fttl and nmnlng,
one shoots at a form -not a wriJt
or ankle.
The FBI guideline does not include
warning ahol5 ID lhe air.
Based on heart-to-heart talks With her
son, Mrs. Ellis said In a DAILY PILOT
interview she requested Monday that
Stephen must have been coerced into
burglary accomplict, a role not bulcally
"He -would have no reason to &teal,
he had all be needed," said the mourninc
She said she tried to reason him into
providing information to help break up
the allegedly wideapread drug syndicate
or system and end hls dangerous in-
volvement but he was afraid.
He also spelled out the consequencu
-one way or another -of re:fulinl
to serve those ahe said bad become
hla mutm.
'!1loot ~ talk• failed and
• hrlghl. polite boy who -to ba
• acitntl!I .... led b7 hla cmloolty.
and factors yet unknown, Into ....,thine
from which be couldn't think a way
The heart-lHJeart talka wen frequent,
Mrs. Ellis said.
Now, one heart is still
One hwl b broken.
Sirhan Frigl1tened of Sex,
Doctor Testifies at Trial
Slril&n Ii i ~ mtn who II !rtpltned
ol ... and reacll far dUferentty than
almost any other man when exposed
to I~ a psychologtsl teslllled today at
tbt murder trtal.
It WU the %5th blrlhd1y ol the Arab
lnunlgrant on trial for the murder of
Sen. Robert F. Kenned)'.
Dr. Roderick Richardson resumed
.00..lng lhe jury a aeries of pictures
which be bad put before Sirhan and
asked him to make up a story of what
Wll happening.
One: &bowed a woman nude from the
wJl.si up on a bed and a man alandlng
Rlchanbon said Sirhan'• mcUon wu:
''Did be m-bar• rape bor!"
"Then be said ht once had 1etn a
movit tn which a detedlve 1n1pped
a plctura ol an IDlcll a f fa I r and
ht said that mlliht be whit WU blp-
ptnlng then." '
"H• hos a IUUll problem -II 11
a frlghltnlng thine 1rllttad o1 an accepted
thing," Richardton said. "Never lo l,000
cases did l ever have lnyone theorize
that this wu 1 picture mapped by
1 detective.''
In tesllmony Tuaday Dr. Rlchardlon •
a cllnlcal Jl'l'chololiJI, d-ibed Sirllan
thfa way:
In coown'1Uon and 1anguaae a brtlbl.
nonnal·tHUputor J o t e 111 g e n c e •
Vulnll'lble to an ego state wf'ln ht
wants to be thou&ht ol in tenn1 of
famOUI people. A man wbo lttls morally
jlllllfled II)' IOcllll1 unaa>oplalllo adL
. Coast Cities
Join Against
. '
Oil Pollution
Municipal authotjtles from all Or1n1e c.oast cities will hlad for Santa Barbara
1 Thursday for.a two-day conference aimed
at formulating a united front aplnet
olflhoro oil polluUon.
~ U'IT ......
Contact lenses, not.Jove, put star in this eye. Robert Morrislon, Harris-·
burg. Pa.. optometrist. developed spectal Jensea In brilli.ant color
combinations "just for fun." Similar tenses, without frills, says
MorrilOD, are used for post-cataract operation patients.
Talk Out Again on ~ixon
Laguna Castle-hunt Plans
Of .. o.1tr t'lllt Stiff
Wllh Praldenl Richard M. Nixon's
Orange County visit this weekend,
rumon pers:IJt that the President might
tam up c.astle--hunt!ng in Laguna Be.sch.
Nbon aides reeenUy were reported
to have investigated the historic M-room
Pyne C..U. al 770 Hillcrest Dr. In
0 w n er Thom.as A. Merrick wa.s
unavailable for comment, however a
penonal reprtHUlaUvt ol lhe Pruidtol
b r<po<ted to have told lhe Lagunan
to "aUct around thll weekend."
Dr. Glanll Webb, Merrlc~'s link to
the President, held 1 special meeting
with Nblon aides 5aturday at the Key
Blscayne. Florida, home of the pre.si·
The thrtt story Pyne Cut1t b DOW
11trV111J1 u an aparlmtot boutt. Mmlck
b andmtood to want to tell lhe rambling
culle bulll between 11129 and 1932. He
bought R In llM.
Thi owner hu declined to releue
hla Pkinl prf<:e. Mt, Nboa Is ~ to llfal' l"ricfay
and -Saturdaf in the San Clemente and
San Juan Cap!Srano reg1an.
Fron& Page l
the NiJ:on ilinerary. is inspEction of oil·
polluted Santa Barbara beaches, but
Press Secrelary Ziegler mentioned no
other specific Southland stops.
The presldenUal party will be llaylng
in San Diego only one mile, however,
from the Coronado Peninsula base where
a Navy board of Inquiry II oomplllng
findings in the USS Pueblo case.
The base Is but a brief ferry ride
from the hotel.
En route to his native Southern
Callfornl1, tbe President wUl stop off
to visit a predecessor, in Independence,
Mo .• former President Harry S. Truman,
who has been a caustic Nixon critic.
The presidential party will return to
Washington on Sunday, according to the
White House spokesman.
A aiilhWtelng trip to the mlaioo ''"' a loot at the famou1 nraDon bu been
ralaed u one reuon ftr the trip.
"I -~ be at all IUfJl<lied if all that swallow atuff was juat a cover
up ao Pal (Mrl. Nlml) can ...,. down
and tate a Jook at the castle," Bill
MarUn, former Laguna mayo r,
Republican, and civic ltadtr aid today.
Pmldtnt Nixon baa been lnttrtsltd
In the old cllllle since hla youth, owner
Merrick once told reporters. 'n>e Prest·
dent hos prevlouJly vacatlooed In the
Art Colony.
The cuUt was huill by Wall<r Pyne,
an eccentric mllllonaire and one d
Orange County's bl( spenders ID the
1920s and I930t.
'!be bas:ic concept appears to have
been hroughl f1'lln Switurland. Strange
alcoves and cubbyholes are scattere.d
througboul the -··
From P .. e l
f<r all eltmelllary aracia-rt Ieav,.
the ma!W IUD up la the air. Bui
since the board went fer staffing ratio
changes once to aecommodate the
kind~garten program It la an educated
guess it will do it again for new, higher
The board also can cut '29,000 from
its reserve funds wlthout dropping them
below the five percent level, wbic\ has
been past policy, Adrian pointed oul
Aft.er that the board will have to
begin squeeiing existing educational pro-
grams. Adrian said.
That'• how u -today, but final bodget adoptlon la 111111 mon than thrtt
mootbs away. Early income e:stimates
have a way of bnproving. They have
ether yeaD.
It's still a good bet teachers will
get a salary increase.
Dies After Transplant
NEW YORK (UPI) -A 50-year .. ld
man, who received the lung or another
man 11 days ago in a transplant opera·
lion, died today in Monteflore Hospital.
San Clemente City Manager KeMeth
Carr ~d invitations lo the parley bav•
also been sent to administrators with
every California coastline city and
'Ibe conference will include a tour of
Santa Barbara beaches and marinas
aUtcltd hy lhe Union Oil Co. offshort
blowout. .
Among local ofliciala who will partle-
ipate are, in addJtlon t'o ~1 Newport
Beach Mayor Doreen Mano.au ancr Cltt
Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt, Huntlna· ton Beach City Administrator Doyfe
Miller and Harbor Dlrector Vince Moor·
house, Laguna Beach Mayor Glenn
Vedder, San Clemente Mayar Wade
Lower. and Seal Beach Mayor Lloyd
Gummere and City Mana1er Lee Risner.
Federal and state offlclals from var--
fous agencies are also upected to
The conference was agreed upon one
month aro at the Callfonrla League of
Cities' annual city managers' division
convention, also held ht Santa Barbara.
It was suggested by Newport City
Manager Hurlburt.
Accused Rapist
Said Outstanding
Firm Executive
Charles John Trautweht'a "outstanding
executive abilities" were lauded today
In Superior Court 81 the accused 1ex
offender's bid to rever9e his earlier plea
of guilty to attempted rape entered ltl
fourth day of disc:u.s&ion.
Mrs. Mildred Swanson, 457 Magellan,
Costa Mesa, testified tbal TnlutW<in
handled the major portion d his father's
business -Trautwein Brothen of
Newport Beach -and that be bad
worked under "tremendous pressure" up
to the time last year that he alltgedly
tried to rape a Newport woman.
!\1rs. Swanson, bookkeeper a n d
secretary to tbe marine con.strucllon
company, told defense coomel Sam
Hurwiti that Tnlutwtin bid to work
with uman:r women" dtB'inC bs duUes
as business manager, office IUprerv1.sor
a® pu~ relatloos dln!ctor. "'rMre were never any c:omplalnts,"'
.she A.id. ''His·. behavior w-.s always
perfectly correct."
Mrs. Swamon's testimony followed that
of. several psychiatrists who have all
concluded that Tnlutwtln, 31, ol 20292
Craimer Lane, Huntington Beach waa
"hopelessly confused and befuddled by
drug• and drink" il and wlttn he attacked
a Newport woman in her Balboa home.
Twautwein pleaded guilty to the charge
last Nov. 25 and was sent to AWcadero
State Hospital for JnvestigaUon as a
po.ssible mentally disordered sex of.
fender. He came beck with a report
that bnnded bitn aa "a dangerous men-
tally disordft"'ed 1ex offender who was
a danger to the health ancl oafety of
o&en." Tnlutwtin'Immediate!J> n..d at-
torney Marshall Schulman and hired
Hurwi1%. He seeks tile striking ol !ht
Atascadero report !run !lie rtcmla.
It b upecled Iba! Schulman, whose
counseling of Trautwein bu been in·
direcUy coodemned at seven.I ~
of Ule hearing, will testify '11rura:lay
for the district aUorney's office.
And Deputy Attorney Ed Freeman aaid
today he will put the alleged victim
of Trautwein in the witness bo:r.
the watch for a lifetime of proud possesswn
W.t'srtq1 Mlldl 19,-196t
Mc!Vamara ·,...QUEEN11~1 ----· --•-y._PM_w_._,.._• ... ' New Peace Corps Oil Capping Operatio :
Was Flop
. .
Direcklr Picked
Start in Mexico Gull
Ina dry 1U1tural gas, aald
''the MIU have , calmed
crews are .In the litld
WASHIJIGTON (AP) -The )'1lUllg C&ll/ornlao wbo con-A&Socillt• uy the wmch<d
The otonny Gull of Mexico
cabned today and oil well cap-
1'1111 crew• wen! to ""'k plug·
slnl a ruptured wollbeld
whlcb had rpewed a n
on both rip." ;
ROd Adair . ""'-bit . .
from lfouo1<ln. .pocJalllll!
capplbl burninl ·Oil aod
1\'<lb, moffd ·-equl
Nil:on adrlllnlatration notified ctlved bis own vusion of the conditions of slum dwellers
Coogrt..u today that fc:rmer Peace Corps as a collece stu· in Latin American cipes caut-
secretary of Defense Robert dent wlll be the oew chief ed hitn to search for a way
S. McNamara's idea for .~ of the nation's Peace Corps. to better living conditions
1nllttratlon barrier 1 c r 0 11 Joseph H. lUatcblord, 34, there. He also wanted to come
sooth Vitbwn didn't work. whose appointment was an-up with something to head
Secretary of Defense Melvin nounc.'flj:I TUesday night by off the social unrest caused
lt ~'• report to the senate President Nixon, wW be the by slum living.
Armed services Committee Peace Carpi' third director It look two years, includinc
Spring Floods
·Plans Readied waa the fint ottic1al disclosure since the qericy wu founded a hitch as an officer in the
eight years ago. He succeeded Army, for hlm to put hi!
ol lhil. • Jack Hl)Od Vaughn. Idea into· operatton. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -
''The orlginal Piao did not Blatchford, a RepubllcD,..is" He formed ACCION In UM!!, The Amtrican Red er.a, ""'
work «it u upected and, execuUve director of ACCION the aame year the Pe.act ticlpaUng floods this spring,
D • mull, lmporlanl reduc-Internatlooal, a private, non-Corps wu &1arted. and ob-&aid today It Is gatberlng food,
tims' h • v • occurred ht the profit orpnllaUon whose aim tamed a 1 5. m on t b com-cota, blanketa and o th e r
r • q u 1 rem en ta for thlJ 1::~~~~~~~;::===-~=~~::::d is to improve urban alwm mltment from p rt vat e necessities for victims.. system," Laird aald. . in LaUn Amerloa. Venezuela ~ flrml to Robert F. She a ol
• oitlmatld 100,000 gallons of
1 yellow crude On over the
water alnce Sunday nigbl
Guy Cook, spokesman for
Mobil Oil Co., operator o1 the
leaking oil w•ll and ol another
well 90 miles aw1Y discharg.
tnto plaee rtear' 'the we
Tuesday, but UM:y .were UM\•
to llarl capping Op«atloos Ill!"
tit today becauae a lt.onn w~, .
ki<kl ng up 11-to-11 fool wa......t
,;=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t·~ -. \ \.'..
. . '
We ere pl••••d to announce thet
h11 joined our r,,.m et .th• Coit• Me11 Office
. t!
McNamara amounced his ffCI! • ..;...,. It ~th .,_ la •"'-• ..._. I au..... 'lbe ldea for ACCION came operate in Caracu aluma:. Washington, D.C., a Red Cnu
plan for the antl-lnfillraUon -..-"' ......._ -...._; ""'' ....._ to Blatcbford when, u a llu· BlatcbforduaedA.nierlcan vice pruident, oaja . lhe barrier on Sept. 7, 1967, and yoamlghtbem!!lt!'lsa-tiJ!ngtoiiq dent at the University of volunleenandprolwlonalsto · organlzat.ioo ., ....... "-'•··
then clamped on a iolal in-It with paim Jvy,• · Callforttia i... achool at i.ach the local cltlzenl· the in Calllorol4'1 ~ :;;;;"ui:
forination blackout .on iL .. , Berkeley, he spent the sum-skills nect.5Sll')' to improve River Valley btcause of heavy 1
171 I. 17th Street C•t• Mw. C.11,.,nlai (714) 141 IMI The coocept .involved a com----------------~----mer of 1959 touring South conditions. snow in the Sierra Nevada. b.,_ of physical obstacles. .~.::...;;::....:::.;:..._.::.:::.::::::.....::.:..:::::._:.==.::..-------=::..:::.:::.::=.::..::=:::.-==================~
electronic s e n so r s and
nbservaUon posts alO{lg a 40-
mile stretch ~tween the Soutn
China Sea and Laos, a iihort
distance below the de~litarii
ed zone.
A 13-mile strip was cleared
and IOllle other work was
done, but the project ran
None of the U.S senior
military ollicers rnr wanted
ll 'l1looe dviliao eci<ntists
who proposed Jt to McNamara
thought it might 9e!'Ve as an
alt.ermti.ve to U.S. bombing
nl North Vietnam.
The planned c:osl bas been
eotimal<d at 11.S billioo.
However. Laird indicated
eonolderably 1eos waa spent,
and be re.r~ the tota1
fUrtber .
The new defense secretary
slaahed this year's money re-
quesls by !SU million, reduc·
ing the program to about $524
What'• left are special
aensors -devices to detect
inflllraton by 30Ulld, sight aod
Gdier' meam -which have
proved out and are bing used
in many places, including
along the main Infiltration
root.ea through l.aOl!I to help
U.S. authoritin keep tab on
enemy movements toward and
il1o South Vletnam.
* * * Laird Drops
GI Pay Hike
Secretary of., Derense Melvin
R. Laird, in his first budget
presentation to Congress, an-
nounced today be is dropping
plans ol boooling military pay
an additional $1.1 billion thi s
The revised program of
military pay will not a!fect
the $1 .8 billion pay hike thi s
year wbich previously was ap-
proved by Congress, he told
the Senate Anned Services
But because of budgelary
Jl'l't&'UIU, he added in his
prepared report for the closed·
door presentation of U.e an·
nual "defense posture" at.ate-
ment. future pay hikes are
be.ing re-uamined.
Twenty-two 'Families'
That Thrive on Crime
WASHINGTON {UPI) -to keep the patriarch informed
"Mr. Attorney General,l will and to relay orders to the
you have your ataff prepare remainder of the clan, ac·
a chart showing the growth cording to Mitchell, A I th<
of these families?" same level ·of stature is an
The request from Sen. John elder member, p a r t I a 11 y
L. McClellan, (~Ark.), had reUred, known as a con-
not:hing to do with the popula-ligliere., wbo5e judgment Is
lion explosion. va1ued. Tben come the cam-
He was asking Atty. Gen. poregime or buffers betweea
John N. Mitchell to I.race the the liierarchy and the soldaU
growth of organized ¢me in and button men who actually
the United States. It is ex· operate thee n t e r pr I s e s .
timated organized crime's net Finally, according to Atitcbtll,
take from gambling is $7 there are the "enforcers" -
billion a year, its drug yield whose chores are obvious -
$350 million and the same and the "corruptors" whose
Cr001 loan-sharking. devious activities include con·
McClellan spoke as though tacts with public officials.
organized crime were . The Cosa Ncistra families
synonymous with certain have loyalty, not based oo
families in the United States. kinship, but written in blood .
'Ibe senator took for granted McClellan called to the al-
t.he justice official would know tention of the committee that
what he meant. Chicago alone had 1 , O O O
Mitchell did. g~gland killings in the past
lie had just traced for half century.
McClellan's Senate Judiciary McClellan wanted to know
subcommitte on criminal laws from Mitchell whether in all
the compofiltioa of 2 l these years of war against
"families" of La Cou. Nostra. crime1 one-Oosa Nostra family
Most major American citi~ .. bad bten d~yet"' or its
~titchell explained, have at growth arruted.
least one family. New York The attorney general' 11
has five. answer was ''No." He said he
Ead:t has a patriarch, who believed', however, that recent
heads the family dynasty and drives agaiMt the Cosa Nostra
gives it his name. New York had put some dents in its
has its Gambino clan, Chlcaget families in New England,
its Giaocana, Philadelphia its Chicago, Buffalo and Detroit
BrunQ, Buffa19 i t 1 Mag-
gaddin6, Detroit Its Zerilli.
Other cities wlttl a family, B t s· ? according to McClellan, in· Ollll 0 1gn.
elude Milwaukee; San J ose, BONN {UPO _ west
·Ford's little Maverick is coming on April 17.
.. Import buyers I Wait I Our great little answer to tho economy·
• • Imports Is coming soon. We're In the
E body else start • counldown. But you don't have to wali wry can saving another minulo to save on Falrlanos, .
Falcons, Muslanga and Fords. We've now at Fo-n... Countdown Sale oven equipped apaclal units with popu-· I U .:a a far options lo make them better buya
FOfd Ollnle IOO prfoM ,..
clYced • • $144 , , ... w on pos>uLar op11on1 Uk• • no v-a. elr conditioning. tinted gl111.
Enfoy extr11 Ilk• vlrryf trim,
WSW f!Rta, wtlMl eovtrw, Rim·
Blow •IMf'lno wheel.
··---_... up to S1 ot -•• 119t atytlnlJ"9nd·
go ln1plred by th• apecl•llY
_ modlfled Tor1not tti.t won the
Riverside and D•ytOM 600'a.
Enjoy extras Ilk• vlnyl roof, ~· Ing mlrrora, whHI covera.
__ .,..., .......
... you tfw-8Yl....,.wfttt Falcon. Now NW wtltl extrat Ilk• wheel
llp moldlng1, color·k•y•d
whHla. tu-tone paint, bright
window fram .. , whMI ·covers
and C•fP!llng.
than over. Hurry whlle these 1peclat
values are available.
Ml•1111 tporieftootl llYe DP
to ttn· ••• get WSW trra1, rae.
Ing mirrors, hood 1eoop. Prtced
b91ow the '18 SportaAoof •lml·
llffY equlpP9Cf, baaed on com-parlton of m1nufactur1r'1 klg•
11..ted rw!•ll delivered prlce1.
.. "J
' ... ,.
-~,, ... ,\\
.1 ~t..t • ,.,.! r
'. /"\
• r .~
.. , .. . • . . . ' ...
). I
Calli.; Dallas; Kansas City, GermanForeignMinister
Y.o.; Ptkblo, Colo.; Newark, Willy Brandt said Tue!day he • ~
N.J.: San Francisco: hoped bi• country sign• th< The place you've got to see what's going on -your Ford Dealer! ~·,~ Pittsburji; Los Angeles ; New N uie I ear Nonproliferation .:_;ro
Orleans; Providence, R.t.; T t he! ••-Sept 28 " \ T Fl rea y ore I.lie • Cleveland; and ampa, a. federal elections. • .I\;•
The Cosa Nostra has played 1 . ..'.:'.~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;:~::;;:§::~§:'.§~§7¥.::::;:;::~;::::;::~;:~~;::~7;;;:;:=~;;;;:~~~~~;;;;;;;;~~· .1i( no favorites. It has planted its seed, 1etUed and thrived • ,:r_.,• ;;e~~;:~ ;>!:"fertile s T 0 p 11 YOU'RE PA YING . TOO MUCH FOR ' PLAIN ·11
c.~::~ :~i:t .U.:S.t:; · • • OLD . UN-INSULATED ALUMINUM ROOFS • e :
and precise."
Each family bas
helper NO MONEY DOWN '695.00 FULL PGICE! ......
' .
~ ·~
Fire Engine Stolen
For Hippie }oyrick
COMPLn_, • .
NEW YORK '(UP!) -T.nm.. ol Hook and Ladder
Co. I tnow what that linking
feding ia.
"I parked tbe flre truck
lt SL Marks Place and
Aftllue A and all I know
ii someone drove tt away
while we were at the fire,"
1aid a bewildered fireman
assigned to the ill-fated com·
pany -the _first hook and
ladder company in city histor y
to have its truck stolen.
The apparalus in qucslion
Is a t~lon, 100-foot, $3$,000
American La France Aerial
Ladder assigned to .a fire
house on Ea!t 13th St.
tt responded to an alarm
about 3:30 a.m. today. The
fn WU extlnguiabed but
flared np again al 3:50 1.m. .n the wllllo, Book and Llddtr
3, an 1uxlllary appmtua for
the fire, Wll parked a couple
d. bkrcb away, unaUended .
"You usually leave them
unattended,'' said Fireman
Joseph Goodwint 11 Aft.er all,
""'" be<n doing tt for )'Uri and nobody evtr stole one
The trvck thJtf struck , "'" cording to Goodwin, jus~
btf«e 5 a.m. Witnesses uid
one man wllh Jone black hlir
took lht apparatus.
"Not even an expert truck
driver could operate. that ap-
paratul without a tillennan."
Goodwin 11ld, •'•I th out
sm85'tiing into a bund:J of
· That waa exactly what the
thief-driver did.
Police repc¥t.s uid the
caree.ning tire' truck struck
four parked cats and Injured
a bicycle rider in a wild dash
through the hippie-inhabited
east village.
The bicycle rider, Ricardo
Detve, 31, said he was on his
way tel' work when , he saw
the truck turn a comer and ,
with its lights flashing, come
streaking toward him.
"I thought it was the fire
department," he said, "until
, It smashed into all those
Dove turned his b i ): e
between two parked car1 to
avoid the ooruahlng rn truck
but wu caught between them
when the b1Jacked vebJcle
rammed ... of them.
Altb<Ngb tt wu otlll dark,
Dove laid be managed to get
a close enoup look al the
truck's driver to eee that be
wu a young man with long
black hair. "f Ju!t !tood \here
for five minutes' tryina ln
figure It out," he N.id:
A search party ol foot
SCftlN.alCll: ·-,,, .... ,,,.
•offer 1UbfKt te
lecol luUcflng Ord. Auth.
• LMt. -• label 1no ... 1
• f'OOm fntulator
• Cool. fn Summer
··-~ ....
•Mo--"•••RIT Cen4eil ....... ........ ,.
• Dece:cl• c ... ,. Ne Ma--• WoM In wtnt.r
, .. ow,......,,..,
.,I/ II •'t .... _, •. , ........ ~.
-111 10 CALLING-
$250.00 VALUE
~~~~u:.!i"ci:'!:r'h1~b~~ SPECIAL NOTICE: DISPLAY OPEN SEVEN DAYS 10 A.M.·5 P.M. departmtt1t cars,. recoveced
. ~ ... ,
' '"' ' :+• .....
.. ·~' . "" ~ " . " , .. •• ~
• ·, ;>.·
-· ... ....... ... . -~
·~· ' • ,. ' ..... ... . ·' ~· :~~i
' . , ...
' ;.,__,. ,,.
• ••
• • •• ~~ .. 'r':~;~.indA0: •• '.1 IM SEE MODEL AT 7691 WESTMINSTER AVE. ~ ... ' ~~ WESTMINSTER· ~ .:
-'l'ht joyrldr.r wu not tn1 --~~===================================n~~ft~~~=============~'....,;·""'·" tight. 1-,.,.. •
Re ·solving the Issue
Costa Mua city collllCllmen took a far·rtacllln&
step In the alignment of the future Newport. Freeway
through the center of the community Monday nlJht-
alld In so doing they demonstrated 1ood !l)!irtt 8lld not
a litUc grace lo bringing the curtai~ down on an luue
that could have troubled the city's progren for years
to come.
Wtat the council did was tell th e California Divi-
sion of Highways, by a 5-0 vole, that the freeway s~ould
1wtog west of Newport Boulevard, joining up \vith Su·
perlor Avenue and connecting with the uJtimate Pacific
Coast Freeway west of Hoag llospital.
This recommendation will bear great weight, for
state engineers have indicated that they would favor
such a routing if unanimity is shown on the part of Cos·
ta Mesa and Newport Beach. And Newport already bas
aaid tJµs route looks fine.
There will be problem• with this route-the Red·
Blue "®te on official studies. But there would have
been problems with any of the routes under considers·
tion. In the final analysis, the Red Route appears to be
a good bargain for the ,City of Costa Mesa.
For one thing, its adoption will assure that the pres ..
ent Newport Boulevard will remain available for traffic
between the two citie11. It also means that the downtown
area's much-discussed redevelopment program will be
possible if land owners and businessmen pursue their
aMounced goals.
. Most of all, the action of the council Monday night
will mean the ind of a gigantic question mark. It will
mtan very shortly that everyone-the state. city gov·
emment. investors and residents-can go ahead and
plan their future. Until the freeway route ts pinned
dowo. such planning is impossible.
Seve~ commendations are tn order.
Californla Dlviolon of Highways engineers deserve
one for their patience and cooperative spirit In helping
Costa Mesa resolve the dilemma. The Cily Council ~ ..
serves one for the high-level way the final debate ana
vote on the matter was hand.led.
Two or the councilmen. A·layor AJ,,in l.. PinkJey and
Viet A'layor Robert 1t1. Wilson, believed other routes
were better. \Vilson ~ought further study of another al·
ternate proposal . Pinkley favored some of th e original
route. But when the vote was clearly 3-2 against them.
they graciously acknowledged their loss of the debate
and made the vote for the Red Route unanimous, so
that the city's decision can carry maximwn weight
with the state.
Thia means the state can proceed with the knowl·
edge that there will be no bickering and no aecond
guessing as study on the freeway progresses through
the complex details that must be embodied in the
formal freeway agreement.
The Ne\Vport Freeway through Costa Mesa is still
a Jong way off. Some studies indicate that it will be as
1"'1g as 10 years before it is completed, but it could be
much .sooner than that if traffic in and out of the HarJ-
bor Area accelerates.
Whatever the "'ait. Costa f\·fe sa can take far bctt('r
advantage of the time period by having th e issue re""'
solved rather than havi ng it hang as an unanswerable
riddle for another year .
With this issue virtually resolved. \vith a major
headache gone, Costa Mesa City government can devote
ft.s talent and energy to new programs, new program~
that can make Costa Mesa a better community in which
to live and work.
'Love Is a Frail Candle' Idea Is Same
Behind All
.. ·children Should Be Seen and Heard
• It's strange that so many people al'9
a>neerned about "militance" wbo aren't
•l all concerned abcNI the cood!Uons
that give rise lo mllltance. Let me
,:;tart with an example CIC the mo&t ele..
mentary kind.
From lime to time, we see picture•
ln the paper of a group of mothers
barricading a city street whie their
children are crossing on their way home
from school.
Jn most cases, these mothers have
protested foi a year or more that the
city should install a traffic light aL
a danpnlWI tntawction. They write let·
ters, vilit the mayw, petitlon the city
council -and nolhine J1 done.
SO TREY DECIDE that direct action
must be tan.. and they mount tJie
barricades, blocking all traffic durlng
5Choo1-travel periods, and promising to
cont inue until their children's safety has
been assured.
What happens. in every case'! The
nex:t morning, or shortly alter111ards, a
traffic signal miraculously is installed
al the corner. The authorltie11 have decid.-.
ed they can'l afford lhia klnd of publici.ty,
and they move with a celerity that
never could have been achieved by
gentler private means.
Now, most of us are sympathetic t.o
such motber1, who are prot.ecting the
li\'f!S of their young ones. while we
may not be jympatheUc to colle&e
militants, or to black militants, or · to
draft militant!.
BUT THE IDEA behind ii all ia exactly
A widow on the Green Line would
like to meet a widower on the Red
Line. Whichever way the freeway
goes, we'll stllJ have a home.
-M. K.
Tttll fiMfllPt ...... .,...,,.; ...... ... _,..,,,.. ................. ...
-"" ...... •'-1 .... kllr .... .
the same. The motben m "taking the
law into their own blnda" by setting
up a traffic barrier, and .,,.e scarcely
blame them for il We feel that soci1I
inliltutlons should be m<re responsive
towafd people's need& in such cuea.
But why should mother• have to do
this! Why should thtrt be sucb an
immediate payoff on Illegality, .and no
payoff on quiet, legal petJUOns to· get
change. made, or even s'riously con·
THIS IS l\'HAT tht fUHes are all
about. in the colleges and elsewhere.
1'o show· that institutions get hardening
of the arteries, that they will not and
do not listen to reasonable argumenll,
that only a show of forct makes them
sit up and take notice. Thia is a tragic situation -bul the
tragedy lits not in the militancy, rather
it lies in the need for militancy. The
militancy 11 only a symptom, and most
of us deplore the symptom while ignorinJ
the diseue that it symbolhes. When
you eet nowhere with niceness, you feel
you have nothing to loae by nutinets:
and our job 11 to create a social order
in which niceness can get the aame
results as fast.
'Natural Causes ' D~ It
On tJie mol"llll!i of hl1 42nd birthday,
Grabwell Grosnmet awoke to a peal
of particularly ominous thunder. Glan· cfnl out the window with bleary eyes,
he saw ,written in fiery leUera aaoss
the sky:
\V ith shaking bands. Grommet lit hi~
first cigarette of the day. He didn't
question the message. You don't question
messages like that. Hi11 only quesllon
was. "Who'!"
At breakfast as he aalted hi!! fried
.-ggs, he told his wife, Gratia. "Some-
one's trying to kill me ."
"\Yho7 " &he asked '~1ilh horror.
Gromml!t lilowly stirred lht crean1
a.nd sugar into his corfee and 1hook
his bud.
"I don't know," he said.
CONVINCED thouah he was. Grommet
couldn't Co to I.be police with such a
etory. He decided hil only course wp
to IO •bcxlt Illa dally rouUne and hope
a::meboW to outwil his w o u Id· be ,,,...,....
fie tried to think on tht d.ri\'t lo
the of11ce. But the f!llllr•Uons of m•kln&
tlme by beating llaht. •od fWllthln( Jooo1 ocatpled him wholly.
Net, onco behind thla clnk, could be f!nd a .-nl. 1'hat with jancllng ~ urpnt mem011 •nd the f!"Ob1em•
ud did-piling up u il"7 did
-"-1· u ,..., until hll -nwtllll al
lunch tlool ~ l1tll lflTOI" al hll poaltioo _.. ltmL IL WU .u he could do
to Ollllll b11 L•-Mllanuo.
'1 ClAH'f PANIC," he aald lo hlmoeU.
lighting his cigar. 1'1 simply must llve
my life as usual."
So be worked till seven as usual.
Oro\'e home ful as usuaL Had his
two cocktail& as u11111. Ate a hearty
dinner as u1ual. Studied business reports
as usual. And took his usual two Seconal
capsule• in order lo get hls usu1l six
hours 1leep.
As the days passed , he manfully stuck
to hi• routine. And as the months wenl
by , he bet:•n to take 1 perverse pleuur•
in his abillly to survive.
"Whoever's tryin1 to get me," he'd
uy proudly to hil wife. "hlsn1l got
me yet. l'm too sin.rt for him."
"Oh. please oe cartful," she'd reply.
ladllnl him a second helpinz of Bet!
The prido grew u he managed to
So on lMnc for yean. But. u it must
10 all men, du.th came at last to
Gr1bwen Grommel It camt at his desk
on a partJcularly buay day. He w11 w.
demanded a full autopsy.
But ll S~'ed only emphyHm•.
Artertosclerosl.t, duodenal ulcers. clr-
rtiosls of the liver, cardiac ntcro61s,
a ctnbrovt!Ollar aneurlsm, pulmon1ry
<demo. obeJltr, drculatory imuffldeney
and • touch of lung canctr.
"H01' gl1d Grabwell would h1vt bMn
fo !mow," "Id the widow, 11111lllJlll pl1lCl<l-
ly thl"OUlll her tean, "lbat be died
of ntlUl'al causes... •
To the Editor:
I think that childreq ahould be ,...
and heard. By parental of course. Love
ii a frail candle, beaet by treacherous
winds. It i1 obvious that dlatraction and
apathy beset work-weary parents at
day's end.
A child is atilt full of pep until bedtime.
Questions will be asked. Rudely brushing
them aaide causes psychic damage or
tocalculable degree.
IT WOULD BE-a good idea to set
aside one day a week to join the
younpters' world . Let nothing interfere, u poWbl•.
Your child will never forget your
~olicitude. I have pleasant memories
or my father and of Tue!ldays. We com·
municated and grew Jn our Jove. It
has made life more meaningful for me.
M•Y it do the same for all.
Teachers' Requut
To the Editor:
I would like to gi\'e a viewpoint and
make some comment• regarding the
"Teachers' Twenty-Seve n Requ~ts.''
The Newporl·Mesa Education As-Socia·
tion, which represents O\'er 90 peretnt
of all of the certificated staff, teachers
and admini strators alike, is vitally con-
cerned wlth 1tudent needs, not just
teachers' needs. In the past years, the
Newport-Mesa Education AS50CiaUon bas
worked. hard to meet lhete needs.
Mr. Hake ii C01Tect in llating lh8t
"there js a new brttd ol teachers."
Thi1 breed believes teachers should do
more than only teach children -they
should becmne involved in improving
the t.eac:hing·learning situation.
TIDS BREED believes that part of
Its professional responsibility is to pro-
mote and improve the conditions of
education so as to enable children to
receive the be1t education p;wible -
not jusl to acctpl those conditions given
lo them. This breed believes we must
do a better job of running our schools
and that better management and better
decision-mating can lead to Improved
coodlliom of learning. Thill breed
belle.vu that teachers ce and mw;t
be involved 1n the management and
the dec.islon-maldng in the schools.
The Newport.Meaa F.ducaUoo Assoc.la·
tioo, through the negotlatlon procus,
b working hard to under1tand the
trustees' problmu. 1be objective of the
"Teachers' Twenty-Seven Requests'' is
to cooperatively seek solutions which
will result in better education for the
children of N'wport-Mesa.
lmmedi1te Past-President
Ne"·porl·Mesa Educatloo Association
'Extr e...el11 Seltla h'
To the Editor:
Recently in the Mailbox column or
your paper thtre appeared a letter
regarding airport con\'tnlmces siJned
by "Orange County Airport Lovtr."
I have 1lways •dvocated in my
business and personAl life th.at If 1 1m
foing to take a stand on a subj~
usually lend my n1me lb the 1itu3t\on,
aod I think anyone who would write
a teller to your paper on 1 subj~t
such u the airport wlthout signing Ill!!
namt should not r«ti\"e the coortesy
of ha\'1ng his lettrr printed.
OBVlOUSLY. the person "Tiling such
a lttter Is e.:lrtmtly seUii;-h and has no COnct:m for lhe fttlJnp of Ills
neiahbon and fellow re1IMnts wllhln
the are1 .. He quite obviously does not.
live anywhere near 1hc airport p1tlern
or lta noise 1rt1.
I 1'oWd "'"e>I I• ony penom 11bo
I ' . Mailbox .. ,
Lttters from 1'tader1 are welcome.
Normally writers should conveu their
meS'soge in 300 wordS' or less. The
right to condense Letters to fit space
or eliminate libel is reserved. All
letter!' must include signatutl! and
"wiling addrl!SS, but name" may be
111ifhhtld on rl!qu11 t if suffi~nt t l!a·
son i.! opparen:.
J;upport !he airport or who are unwilling
IG use, their riames, that they contact
our Noise Abatement Office. 488 East
17th St., Su.ile 229, Costa Mesa, and
get the lull infonnation regarding this
situation before they take oil on such
a campaign jn favor of the airport.
A Little Wo11derlng
To the Editor:
How many flag·waving (certainly nol
thinking or reeling or democralic)
nu clear era Americans would have con-
sidered the German IOUlh, in HlUer·s
time. "un--German." "unpatriotic" and
"imm oral'' had they refused to be
drafted or had lied in order to avoid
doing the government's bidding?
And while we are about it, why not
throw in a little wondering about the
Japanese youth and Hawaii, etc.!
(Oh well. al least the government
officials didn't forct Dr. Spock to drink
hemlock or be nailed to the cross.)
Good vs. Bnd News
To the Editor:
The most £n1.!1lrating thing in the whole
v.·orld for me is to read a newspaper
or listen to the news on radio or
television. The headlines are almost
always lhe 1ame. There are riota at
some of the colleges. Somebody died
in an automobile accident. Somebody
else was murdered.
We've had a lot of trouble geUing
school bonds paned. Why! Because so
many people don't feel that 1chools need
any more money u Iona as the 1tudent.s
att rioUng. But. tn actuality, how large
a group of the students are rioting?
I HONESTLY believe the rioting,
demonstrating students and teachers are
in the minority. What aboul the majorily,
then'! The majority of us young people
11re hard working, conscientious people •
who are in college because we want
lo learn all \l't can and better ourselves.
The frustrating thing is, though 11,·e
may come out on top in lhe end, '~11?
are not as heard of while we are working
our way up. At lht end of thi.s semester
try to find the lisl of schol1rship and
honor roll :students from elementary
school on up.
WILL YOU FIND lh<m M the f""11
page in bit. bold, readable print? No,
that's whm )'00'11 find tJie rioting-.
the murders, and the freak automobile
Where docs one look rar the good
)•oung people! Try page 5 or e or
evtn farther back tban that. When you
g'l there be 1ure to have a magnifying
glass. Honor roll and scholarship stud,nts
don't seem to be "·orlhy or print big
tnough to rtld.
Jf the aood majority were In a litUe
mare olwiou3 plact I\ would be 'a1ier
to kttp the good ones ln the majority.
It would also make it a lltUe wler
on the part.nt.s who are lrylng to ra~
1helr chlldrtn lo be 5>1r1 of the food
EVERYBODY LIKES to' be noticed
occasionally. I( today's young children
see the minorily of "bad," the lazy,
useless, rioters getting all the notice
and the majority of "good," hard-working
young people getting rather little. the
"bad" minority will become the "bad"
rn admit some might nol lhillk reading
;ibout the majority of young people,
old people or anybody else too sensa·
tional. But, I ,think it could make
very sensational reading.
rt would be just as sensational 8!1
reading about President Nixon or our
AStronauU. And I trunk it would bl'i
even more sensational than reading about
lhe rioting minority.
Airport Probl4mo
To the F.ditor:
A letter of anguish appeared recenUy
from one of your readers in I.he Mission
Viejo area. Let me try and answer
it as one 1peaking with absolutely no
axe to grind on the airport problem .
It would appear from logic as though
the airlines and the f\.farines could
operate together.
There has been &ome talk that El
Toro could not handJe the additional
traffic. I can only guess about this
because I am told that figures pertaining
to landings and takeoffs on a military
airport are not generally avaJ!able to
lhe public as they are on civilian type
I am told th at it is doubtful. even
with the adclition of the Orange County
airlines, that El Toro would come
any\1;1here near having the volume of
traffic that the top 20 airports in the
United Slates have al present. The
runway and radio facilities are as good
nr better at El Toro right now , as
Ib ey are at Long Beach or Van Nuyi;.
Both of these airports are listed in
lhe top 10 busiest in the U.S.
IT HAS TO BE an exaggeration ta
say that l>.000 people are going to be
affected by adding to the El Toro opera·
·~:~u~ted~r so:e ~~~ ~ru ~:=d
who are most closely located to the
airport. It I! tough to name very many
big airport!! where people are not af·
fected to iome eJtent. This is true
in Newport Beach, and if the jets con-
tinue to fly out of here. M>mtthl~ mch
as acqui~ition of some hou~es by :aomei
government offirc, is probably goJng to
But this becomes a lot niore practical
than trying to build a multl·billlon dream
airport between here and--Catalin&.
Howe ver, I think ii i!I rubbish to "''
that the maj ority of people who have
filed ~uits here In Newport, rcall)' haYe
a .problem.
I HA VE BEEN listening to 11 just
as Jong u they ha\'t and I ha\'e simply
gotten ustd to it, like most ol the
people. It was only a few days ago,
In the DAILY PILOT, J believe, lhat
a story was run cornment1111 on the
fact that a rewve piece of property
two or three thousand feet wMJie) and
eome given longth (I don1 recall bow
long) in the general takeoff n· ol
El Toro was being sought by llf'OUP
for building. People who are LgeWn&
lnto this ha\'t to uk tbem$elvr aome
Pfl'lly pointed quest.ions. AJ a matter
of (act, th@ people who built the: houses
at the end of the Orange County Airport.
cerlainlv knew there wu 1n airport
THE TlllNG IS, there Is simply no
11.nd ln Oranae County that is noL going
lo have lhil problem with people who
11re clo5e. The simple fact ii tbl.t tbrre
I~ no way to please 1veryc:tte, and our
'lecttd ofDdals 1ra 1olng to have to
get reali!ilic and recognize that OranJ!
County has right now all the major
airports it needs.
Prefers Rnt0 Milk
To the Editor :
\Ve strongly object lo being denftrl
lhe right to choose what food~ we lhall
cal. In our opinion and in the opinion
nf our doctor, certified raw milt Is
muc h superior to regular cooked milk
from a health, taste and aesthetic stand·
CertiliP.d ra\I' milk has never bttn
proven lo causr disease.
ON THE OTHER hand, I wonder what
Ill health bal been caused by milk that
is too unsanltary to beat the strict
"certified'' label and must, therefore.
be pasteurized to (hopefully) "protect"
the consumer.
We urge all people interested 1n their
health and freedom of choice to write
lo their state senators asking them to
vote for AB 602 and ACR 45, thereby
making 1vailable certified raw milt to
lbose CalifornJans who want It.
Ser les on Dru11•
To the Editor :
1 would like to congratulate the DAILY
PlLOT for printing the series on teen
use of drugs. I thin k that lhia is a
very important trend in our aociety today
and must be presented to the general
public with as little bias as possible.
A.s of the article appearing in Thursday',,
paper, it looks like the DAIT.Y PILOT
is a~omplishing this admirably.
Teen use of drugs is an erlttmet:v
emotional issue. both for the teen-ager~
and the parents. One of the widest
generation gaps is encountered in lhi:;
area, and an understanding of the prob-
lem must be reached by the adult :;
involved before they can attempt lo
discuss it rationally u·ith their children.
TO L'NOERSTAND the problem, adult:;
must realize that lhe taking of drugs
by young people today is not an Indication
that they have failed in 60me way.
They m~t n!alile 1'tat it is a trend
that cuts through alJ IOcio-economic
classes, that It doesn't titop wll.h the
educated, or the "well brought up,"
but encompasses someone from every
The fallacies concerning the drug~
themsel ves mun also be uncovered , ~
that parents may deal wilh their son:o1
and daughters: on an equal basis, both
knowing what they are talking about
\\'ell-written and researched article.•
~uch as these definitely help many
parents toward a better under.standinR
or why this "happens and the best way
lo appr~ch it.
~iis.sion Viejo High School
_...,, __
Wednesday, March IJ, l!l&fl
111< tdltorlal -01 Ill• Da11r Pil<>I aHlu to In/°"" and 1dft>.
•lat. rtodm bv ""...,.uno tJlia
•<1DIJ)Opor1 opbt .... and -
ment.arv on topics ot hlkrtn
ond $ignlficanu, b¥ providing o
forum fM tht •.tf>l'UJion •I
oiir rla<kt'I' opfnimu:. and br
prtsmtft'IO CM-dtwTit ~""" pomu of lftfomt«<I ob,.,,,.,.
c!ld ipok•....,. "" topfa o/ IJI<
Robert N. Weed, PubU.ber
W....,, !IMdt 19, \WI OAll.~-'
(Jntil Refh Leave
Parents Dave Weapons
Dead Pilot's
Last Words laird Disc-ounts
A11odated Preu Sdna:i mitt:r
Fact.a pro,vlde a main key to preventing
abuse of danseroua dru&5.
1be more complete and fa ctual in·
formation parents have on the "mind''
dru«i•· the inore effective they can be
lo dealing with drug temptations and
Youths and chlld~n also need to know
the full story, particuJarly because drug
users art the very ones who Induce
or try lo induce other people to try
the same drugs.
Those who "push" the mind·affecting
drugs, in the beginning at lea.st, are
Qflen users who may wish only to share.
t~r ei:periences with others. But they
do not always mention the potential
or real hazards of the drugs they pUJb.
Beginning at a very 1oung age, "we
should teach children respect for drugs
of all kinds, even aspirin" (which can
cause death by overdose), says John
Finlator, cwociale di.rector of the Bureau
of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
"We should teach them to take drugs
only as needed, and to follow directions
when they do. We cannot wait until
children reach an age of decision about
drugs. We must tell them fact.s abou t
all k.inds of drugs, when they are in
t h e i r pre-decision, pre-commitment
yeani, when children listen.
<!We should tell them that if they
take marijuana, they may get into trou·
ble. We should ten them that LSD can
lead them to a hospital. We should
not only te11 them but let them find
that what we tell them is true.
"Let them read about it, all of it.
Kids are smart. They're going to make
decWons. Let's give them good, in·
formed, intell.igent information."
Parents are 1'dvised to respond wit h
factual discussion if they suspect or
know their children, or·children's friends,
are using or being tempted to use
dangerous drugs.
"Stress lhe positive aspects,'' one
psychiatrist suggests.
"Remind them of the penalties under
law. Remind them that anything drugs
can do for them, they can achieve in
other ways. You can feel good, be
60Clable, without depending on drugs.
"Ask why they think they should do
the drug bit -how do they think drugs
help them? What is troubling them'?
What i.s troubling them or influencing
them IO they think they ought to play
with drugs'? Does it serve a social
purpose'? If there are no real benefits,
why art they using drugs?"
Head-on quarrels over drugs, or other
subjects, oft~ only create more tensions
and wider gulfs than they settle.
Parents should "respond to kids as
human beings," says another
psychiatrist. "If we are going to Jet
a generation grow up, we have got
to let them make some decisions, with
a chance they will make some that
are wrong.
"If they are taught to make minor
decisions at first, and then more im-
portant ones as they grow older, they
are far less likely to depend upon other
people for decisions, and to depend upon
crutches such as drugs in order to get
"Youngsters should be given a sense
of responsibility for their own futures,"
1ays Dr. Malcolm B. Bowers Jr., of
Yale. "They have to recogn ize that there
ere various prices one pays for his
future. Drug use and drug dependence
are one particularly hedonistic (pleasure
1eeting) way of selling out the future."
Some children respond to a strong
approach, but generally "it is easier
lo lead them than to drive them, and
they all want to be tttated as human
beings," says a psychiatrist roncemed
with drug hazards.
Some parents really fear their children
will run away if they impose strict
standards and discipline. Others advocate
strict dlaclpline with no back-talk.
Speaking of teen-agers smoking pot,
a police chi el in one town says :
"The whole thlng is we are replacing
the woodshed with a rouch. Many of
these kids don't need a psychiatrist.
A Costa Mesa m a n running \o the
gcene within seconds or a Sunday plane
crash in which two lliers were believed
killed inslantly says he listened to one
dying vlcUrn'a llnal anguished word.I.
"01\ • • • My God. Get us out of
here," one o( the unseett victims gasped
as Lee Rodriquez, of 158 E. Wilson
St ... sprinted.up after seeing thf:! Piper
Apache tailBP" Into a grassy field .
"'It wu kind of like when you're
hurt bad and ttally begging_ Not just
a groan," satd Rodriquez, who quickJy
left to get to work on a light schedule.
lnltial lnvesUgalion Indicated t h a t
Richard Ii SU>wtll, 28, of Los Agndes:
ancl Richard L. Fields, 29, of Manhattan
Beach died althe momflll of impact.
"1 didn't look at the bodies, but from
•hat l understand, it's startling tha~
either lived . l o n g enoungh to say
anything," Rodriquez said after COll.·
tradlcting the official reports.
Robert Shaw, accident investigator for
the NaUonal Transportation Safety Board
In Los Angeles said he will examine
the craft's twin engines and fuel system
today, for crash clues.
l'IAliHINQTON (UPI) -DelenS<
Secretary Melvin R. Laird testified today
U.S. commanden In Vietnam are con,
vtnced it will be impo15lble to withdraw
any American troops unUI Hanoi pu.lJJ
all of it.s force1 out of South Vietnam.
Laird, who returned last week from
a tour of the war aone, told the Senate
Anned Services Committee:
"The presentaUon given me by the
U.S. Vietnam Comma.Dd staff wu based
on the pffilliJe that no reducUon in
U.S. pmlOIUlel would be possible In the
absence ol. total withdrawal "-North
Vietnamese troops."
rn a generi.lty gloomy rtport on the
war sUuatiQn, Laird also:
-Reparted that the· U.S. Marine com-
mander in VJegiam, Lt. Gen. Robert
Cushman, estimated Jt will t&ke "an
additiooal two years" before the mllltary
situaUon la under conlrol.
-CrlUctud the Johnson admlnlslratlon
tor not going llh<ad tut enouJh with
training and equippln1 South Vl<lnllll.,.
forces to take over their own defenM
aild free American troops_
-Sald allied torces are not kUllq
enough ol tho Communists to maintain
a ".succesaful" antiguerrilla effort.
-Said the Commun!Jls ••COlllJnue to
be supplied with sophl!tical<d equlpm<ol
and weapoos IUCh a1 122-mWmet.er
rocket.I from Sovld and Cblnese ()om..
munlst reJOurce1."
-Quoted U.S. military commanden
as saying the current Communltl of.
fensive "will be contained" but concedinl
"the enemy'i ability to ronduct 1lmilar
offenalvu lo the future, at lead oa
an lntermittmt basil."
* * * * * * Chinese Nuclear Threat
Gravest Probkm-Laird
fnstructor Stowell and student pilot
Fie1ds were practicing touch-and-go lan-
dingl!l at Orange County Airport Sunday
when the Apache apparently stalled and
crashed In the tiekl at Bristol Street
and Pau1arino Avenue.
W ASlllNGTON (AP) -Semtary ol
Defense Melvin R. Laird told Co"""'
today tho emerging Communill Chin<se
nuclear thrtat will be "one of our gravest
national security problems of. the 1970&."
• And , he added, the Soviet. Union is
throwing up a challenge "of. serious
import" lo the United Slat.ea and now
has "in being Oz'I under construction more
ICBM launchen" than the 1,050. U.S.
land-based interci:mUnental b a 111 s t I c
tho -lntQ!al United Slates plm opllona
to locate two others in Hawall and
I To: Dn19 looldot
Ormge Cont Dally Pilot
P.O. lox 5
Teaneck, N. J. 07666
I Send me ...... copies o! "What You Should Know About Drugs I
and Narcotics'' at $1 each. Enclosed is$ .......... (Make checks I
I payable to Associated Press).
"They seemed to try to go up suddenly,
then started falling," said witntSS Rodri·
quez, whose eye wu caught due t()
the. Apache's rather low altitude one·
mile from U\e ati-port
The plant!I smashed in nose-first in
sucb · a waj that fuel tanks ruptured
and there wu no fire, not an uncommon
result of such a cra;h, the NTSB prober
said Tuesda7.
Laird told the committee "' bad uwe
to add to Ntxoo'a S.ntlnel ~
but. did report work iS under way to
increaae the range of the system'• lont-
range, nuclear.Upped S p a rt a a ~
I NAME ........................................................................................................ _. I
Victims Were taken to WestcWf
Mortuary, after which Fields' body went
lo a Manhattan Beach chapel prior to
shipment to Hamilton, Ohio, for burial.
LainL testified during a closed .session
of the Senate Anned Forces Committee
primarily to present his department's
budgetary plans, more commonly known
as the Penta1on'1 an nu a I "defense
posture" statement.
He described the l)'llem aa a
"measured deployment ol an actlve
defense of our retaUatory forcet, '' which
contrast.I with the J o h n s o n ad-
ministraUon'a propooaf to RUA?d the .a.
tlon's cities. 1be $800 million repretenb
about half ·of what former President
Lyndon B. Johnson had aou&hl I~ the
S.ntlnel'1 lnlUal pbale. I I I ADDRESS ...... -·-······-··············--·······-···········CITY .....•......... -·····-·-········ I Stowell's remains were taken on to
a Los Angeles mortuary for final ar-
rangements. But it was his first appearance on C A
I STATE ........................................................................... .ZIP ......................... _ I
Capll<>I HlU ~ ... Prealdent Nixon un-ounty irport Sets
veiled last Friday his adrnlnlltraUon'1
cevised "safeRUA?d" S.ntlnel anUmia1ile $16,000 for Lights
defense syatem and that aspect wu ·-------····-----·-· Pianist in Coma
expected w be dllcus9ed promlntntly.
They need a little ~·hack-eo on the
Various specialists stress, however,
that youths want authority, but not tyran-
Some young persons who became ad-
dicted to heroin say they think they
would not ha ve done so if thelr parents
had really been concerned about them,
and a1so had set strict standards.
Youngsters want parents to be lair,
and to hear them out before pronouncing
judgments. No harm is done by being
a friend as Y.•ell as <a parent.
Parents also are advised to know and
to be interested in where the ir children
spend their time, and with whom, but
not to appear as suspicious nags in
seeking that knowledge.
Other major points of counsel:
Respect the confidence of children and
youths . respect their right to some
privacy, as in keeping diaries and in
talking with their friends. Everyone has
some basic rights ol privacy.
Give youngsters "general support for
flying right, rather than make a special
campaign aimed at use of drugs, or
at one misfortune in their llves. We
must do more than just insist that
they do not take drugs."
• If -whatever the discipline or family
relationships -parent.s sense they are
drifting away from their children, "It
is time for a change, but make it
a slow rather than a sudden change.
No one dramatic step will remedy the
situation, and neither will shouling nor
a show of force. Do it gradually, but
do it."
BEVERLY HILLS (UPI) -Amparo The committee Is h<avily w<ighted An eatimal<d llS,OOO lrlR be apenl
PUSH·AWAY Cm.LOREN Jturbi , sister of ~ianist Jose Jturbi, is with ABM supporters and Laird wu to improve llgbUng at tbe Oranp Comity
In studies of families where youllls suffering from an_ moper able brain tumor expected to receive a generally friendly Airport ramp adjacent to the taminal
are abusing drugs, terrible chasms are and ls in a coma, a family spokesman audience for hia first formal bud.eel building.
often apparent between parents and said. . · presentaUon. The document wu re1eued Supervi!ors voted the money when told
children, says Dr. Harry A. Wilmer Miss Jtubri, 70, Is a well-known concert to newsmen. that the Federal Aviation Administration
of the University of California School pianist and has perforinid with her The proposed budget lncludet S800
of Medicine. brother on occasions. She is a native millioo for deployment of the rMilffled safety engineers had rtcommended a
'·We see in these parents their rejection of Valencia, Spain, and ha5 lived here Sentinel; system which Laird said will 10-tlmea, boost ln llchUnc in the Soad1nl
of .their children, their righU:OUsness, lhe for the past 26 years. include 11 miulle defente battert,ts tn and unloading area.
vain and awful attempts to unpose their Ir=='==="'=========~~~~~~~~;;;;~~;;~;;:;~;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;======~
values on their children," he says.
"Most of our runaway children are
push-away children. The moraJ chasm
i ~ almost irreparable."
Dr. Wilmer says that "what troubles
me most, from the position or the law
and the ramilies, is that the more
puni tive the laws become, the more
rigid Lhe barriers within the family."
"Parents become police surrogates,
harassing their children, smelling their
rooms , their clothes, examining the ir
(eye) pupils, asking leading and
misleading ques~~ns, interrogating and
acting like 'co~
''The more stringent the law1 become
for possession, the more this awful
chasm is widened," Dr. Wilmer adds.
"The m o r e society brands children
criminals, and the more likely they are
to be felons and lose the rights of
citzens. the more unlikely is any family
reconciliation. Once the Good-Guy. Bad--
Guy dichotomy (division) is set, the
picture becomes gloomy, even perhape
hooeless." '
(Tomorrow: What to do if younJ-
sters became "hooktd" on drugs.)
Serld S1 '° "D"1.ll llooklet, Ort"" toast Dt ll'V Pllof, P.O. llOll 5. Tul>tdl;. N.J. 07"6.'' Mtlil
c"'9Ck1 P11Ytbi. to Awx1411M Prt ... acooltltts wll
Ill mtlled e11,..-ny lo '"~'' ..,,. .itct ttMlr orffn 1r111 w11 tl>d wlll Ill ,.,,,...ned In oi.111 --·
':Jilting l'I Our Gxpirf
2ndHawaiiMurderSlows 'Youth and Law'
Discussion Set Hunt for Mesan's J(illers
The transoceanic search for the killers
or a young Costa Alesa surfer executed
lhree weeks ago in Hawail continues
today, as detectives spread t h e man-
power to probe anolber unreJated
William Pond Jr., of 269 Albert Place.
was shot between lhe eyes March i
'"hen three bandits broke into a rustic
Truman to Visit
Key West, Fla.
KEY WEST, Fla. CAP) -Former
Prt.sident Harry S. Truman, rtbounding
at M from a bcKrt with the Ou. will
arrlve S.turday for two weeks of mt
and rtla1e.Uon on hi.s f1vortte tsland
iD the sun.
John Spotswood. former atate 1tn1tor
Ind longtlm< tr1""1, sald Truman Ind
bis wife Btss wlll arrive "bf Air Force
Jet at Boca Chic• Naval Air Station.
"He'1 feeling a lot better than he did
n year ago," Spotswood said. ..When
he came down lut year he "''a!n't taking
hl1 Ulllal mom1ng walk, but he ls now ...
beach cottage al Sunset Beach on lhe
island of Oahu.
They escaped wiLh a tairly large quan-
tity of marijuana and S700 alter lr:llling
young Pond as he slept on a rot to
underline what would happen if his.
frightened rompanlons stalled.
Steve Chula, IS, and Teddy Rogers.
J9, were questioned and released to
return to the Harbor Area, but have
been in cootact with Honolulu police
as the manhunt for the killers ronlinues.
Homicide detective Fred Yo u n g ,
however, must now devote part of his
lime also to the slaying or an island
cab dnYer, allegedly In a trlanale love
aUair o( some sort.
Closely following the. case. Jlonolulu
Star-BuJletin poUct rtporter Wes Young
said Tutsday that the detective was
interviewing a Sunset Beach youth when
h< dropped In.
Dozens of poltotial Jead1 have been
sought throt~gh questioning or other oc-
cupants of the Sunset Be11eh surfing
cok>ny, but if police know much about
any suspectJI they are not saying.
The bandits we.re described aa lhrl't
~achboy-lypea, one of whom was armed
with the silencer-equipped pistol u!ttd
to kill Pond, while the other two carrlc-d
By Women Voters
Teenagers and polkemen will be
represented in a panel dbcussion on
"Youth and the Law'' sponsored by the
Orange Coast Lengue of Women Voten
Thursday at UC Irvine.
The morning panel presentation w.ill
be followed by discussion workshops after
Purpose o( lbe program will be to
explore how to create a community
climate that allows for adequate en-
forcement o( Jan while protecUng the
rlghls of yo11th.
Panelists will include three Harbor
Area polk:tmtn, lhree H.Arbor Arta
teenagers, Mrs. Elizabeth l.Jlly of
Newport-Mesa school board, Mrs. Helen
Keeley of Laguna B<a<b Cootdin.Ung
Council, Ernest Bachelor of th e
Callfom!a Youth Aul.hority. 11nd Dr. John
GarletU. director of usc·s Of!'Unquft1CY
Conlrol Institute.
The program will begin at 9:30 a.m.
In Mesa Commons at UCI and Jut
until 2:30 p.m. J..uncheon will cost $2.75. r·or reservations telephone Mrs. Stanton
Taylor. 646-1947, or Mrs. Spencer Olin, -· No. 30 •ASHION ISi.AND
NEWPORT llACH , •• 644-14"4
WISTCLI" Pl..UA ••• NIWPOlT llACH ..... , ..
I I , I
4 DAIL V 1'!1.0f Wfd...tay, Mar<h 19, 1969
1c...-.. w .. Otttr "" ,...,,
Police told a Euless, Tex., man
they had found his stolen car bull
he had better bring along a box
"·hen he reclaimed it. Police, at
first fearing the car had exploded,
learned upon closer examination
the thieves had used hack saws
.and cutting torches to strip' the
car. All that was left for the own·
er to reclaim would fit in a large
ca rdboard box. • ••• :~·], .,.,..., .
.~Jore than a name will change
when Corn Products Co., of engli?-
1oood Cliffs. N.J., organized in 1906,
becomes CPC lnteni.ationat. Proving
t he point are Connie Foster of Hack·
en.sack, N.J., wllo donned an outfit
tvhich could have been worn by a
• sister secretarg of 1906 and Virginia
Foster of Brooklyn, N.Y., who wore
regular 1969 working clothes. Cor1~
Products sharehokkrs wilt vote on
the name change next month. •
A ·11 J -. B .1. h In _. . Moon 0 1·bit ngu1 a ee:vs. _· r1 1s · . -vas1on T P · · d o i·ece e
Paratroops, Scotland Yard
A rrive in 'Bay of. Pigkts'
TilE VALLEY, Angujlla (UPI) -A
toree of British paratroops. Marines and
Scotland Yard .detectives waving peace
pamphlets today jnvaded this l~mUe
Jong coral island in the Caribbean to
return it to British. rule. They were
greeted by boots and jeers.
Th.ere was no resistance from the
6,000 residents, mo.st of them women
and children dependents of Anguillans
working abroad, but there were shouts
of "We don't want you Tony Lee!"
when the British restored unpopular
Anthony Lee as British commissioner.
The only opposition came in the form
of verbal abuse hurled by Anguillans
at the Red Devil paratroops aod royal
marines acting as politely as possible.
One old woman shouted abuse so loudly
the Anguillan police finally removed her.
There were jeers of "Why didn't you
go into Rhodesia?", the former British
colony that declared its independence
in 1965 and "You came alter us because
we are black!" but no AnguHlans were
carrying arms.
The British arrived aboard two
warships carrying only their sidearms
and seized an area near the island
salt pond and the airport. Later they
began flying Jn jeeps, trucks and other
heavy equipment and set up a field
headquarters near the airport.
It was an operation the British govern-
ment named Calyp.w and Londoners call-
ed the Bay of Piglets.
Whitelock was chased away last week
at' gunpoint -by gangsters, be. said •.
Lee landed at 8 a.m. after the tallu!d
was oceupied. Ae bad with blm a
mJmeogra]f>ed persooal lelte to all
Angulllan& wbich said he bad been ap-
pointed by her majesty the queen to
restore law and order and establish
good government in Anguilla.
''There will be British rule in Anguilla
until such ti.me as you yourselves freely
approve a different .settlement," the let·
ter said. "I and .the British government
realize this ·may take sev~al years,
but we will .not abandon you, nor leave
Anguilla until you have achieved a secure
and prosJ>en?US way u rue and a
permanent political solution in ac·
cordance with your wishes. God save
the queen."
The reaction was less than enthusiastic.
'.1'ooy Lee go home!" someone
And when the British dropped leaflets
from helicopters saying they ,had come
to "encl inUmidaUon and make 1t pOssible
for the Angulllans to speak without fear,"
then!: were shouts that "We already
have that privilege." 1
There were reports the British had
arrived with a list of 20 ~esirables
\\oilom they intend to expel. There was
no . confirmation of reports the list in-
cluded the n.ames of Jack Holcomb of
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and Lewis Haskins,
a resident of Anguilla for nine yp.rs.
Not a shot was· fired todaf · although
11elder statesman" Wallace 'Rey told
newsmen Tuesday: "The people ·of
Anguilla would rather die than be under
VPI Tt ll ..... lt
.1st Landing
SPACE CENTER, Houston. Tex. (AP)
-High level spaw.tffieials have decided
to send Apollo 10 around the moon
for 63 houri;, but man1s ilrst landing
there will have to await the flight ot
Apollo 11.
A source at the ~tanned Spacecraft
center said the space agency officials
adopted this course at a meeting Tues-
day. ·
Apollo · IO will be launched May 18,
the source said, and fly into lunar orbit.
Two ot its crew will then fly the landing
1nodule to within 10 miles cf the Iunat
surface, leaving the third crewman
behind in the command moduJe.
The lunar module .descent s tage will
be jettisoned at 10 miles a b o v e the
moon and the asCent stage flown up
lo a rendezvous with the command
module. The ascent stage will be left
in lunar orbit and the ·~ew will return
to earth in the command module.
A successful flight by Apollo 10 will
virtually assure a moon landing atelifpt
by Apollo 11 , now ·scheduled for a July
Pope Paul Plans
Visit to Africa,
Will See Bishops
• Atty. Gen. John Danforth of St.
Anguilla broke away from the three.
island federation of St. Klits, Nevis and
Anguilla in 1967 and declared its in-
depettlence. Lee, once the most popular
man on the island, was ousted Jan.
9 and British representative William St. Kitts." , Troops Restore Crown Rule to Caribbean Island of Anguilla
Ll;;;;·;""""''"'"'N"""*"'ml0·11zll'Z""""'F"l ... UM""=a•••O<OB1llSll-... ll. ll!l ... !!l .... ,,,. • .,., ... .,w;s ... ,.0c .. -:w.~,, ......... _,...,,,,.,..., .. ,.,lll4~~~
VI will visit East Africa in July ·to
consecrate a shrine to African martyrs
In Kampala, Uganda, and attend a con.
ference of African bishops thez:e.
The Pope announced today that he
would make his seventh trip outside
Italy since be was elected six years
ago. He said the trip to Uganda would
be "rapid,'' indicating that he didn't
plan to stop in any other African country.
lt was believed that the pontiff feared
political implications would be read into
any other stops.
Louis, Mo., says he is straddling
the generation gap and it hurts.
Danforth says soµie people think
he is a '!punk" while others see
him as "nearly senile.\' Danforth
is 32. •
General Motors
Recalls Another
Million, Vehicles
Hitch ·Tightens UC Rules
A female orangutan at the St.
Louis Zoo has indicated ,.she would
rather be a swinger than a moth·
er. After giving birth Monday to
! 4-pound , 6-ounce male, the moth·
or handed the baby through the
bars to Curator Moody Lentz. •
Sa·1l Francisco police have
added something new in thetr
line of equipment -a potty
wagon. A mobile crime lab was
fitted with lavatoru facilities to ·1
seroice tile needs of vast ·n.um. ~' j
bers of police assigned to main·
tain order at San Francisco
State College. -. """"" • Bla h· Ga rrett of San Pedro was
Dying a kite last weekend when he
walked into trouble. He was intent·
ly watching its progress when he
stepped over the edge of a 30-foot
bluH. Garrett, 20, broke one of the
bones in his leg in the fall . • Alan a nd Eunice Coward of Nea·
croft, England are expecting their
first baby in May, and have given
the offspring a fresh start in life
already. A local judge approved a
petition for the Cowards to change
their name to Ho\vard. "Children
at school would tease." Mrs. Co\.v-
ard told the judge. •'They might
say things like 'You're a Coward.'
It could have made the child un·
DETROIT (AP) -·Three weeks after
announcing the biggest car recall in
the automobile industry's h j at o r y 1
General Motors Is calling back another
1.1 million vehicles, 1his Ume for cor-
rection of possible brake, defects. The
two recaDs cover ti million cars, buses
and trucks.
Linked to the latt!Si callback w~"the
crash of a GM·built bua last auttimn
at Huntsville, Ala. which killed a 4--year-
old boy and injured 24 other junior
high school pupils.
On Feb. 26 GM asked owners of 4.9
million vehicles to take them back to
dealers for correct.ion c:l. possible
carburetor and exhaust system defects.
GM said then four death! had been
atlributed to faulty exhaust systems.
Two More Boats
Seized by Peru?
LIMA, Peru (AP) -The Peruvian
navy seized one -possibly two -Amer-
ican tuna boats fishing today i,, miles off
the extreme northern coast of Peru,
unofficial sources reported.
In Wa shington, Rep. Thomas M. Pelly,
CR-Wash.) said two tuna clippers had
been seized, but there was no immediate
confirmation here of the number. Pelly
identified them as the Cape Anne and
the San Juan, the same tuna boat which
was shot up F~b. 14 by tbe Peruvian
torpedo boat De Los Heroes.
LOS ANGELES (UPI) -University
of California President Charles Hitclt
Tuesday announced new regulations that
could subject disruptive students to
financi"aJ penalties or even expulsion.
Ope of the new rules makes student..
fmancl aUy liable for damage knowingly
inflicted on any UC campus. It requires
that they compensate the University
* * * Fired San Jose
Teachers Rehired
For 'Reputation'
SACRAMENTO (AP) -The president
of San Jose State College says he rehired
26 faculty members who were fired after
a faculty strike because he wanted to
protect the college's reputation among
prospective future emplOyes.
Or. Robert D. Clark told a legislative
subcommittee Tuesday nlght (Ji.at all 26
were terminated because they fell within
the. scope of a law which says any
state employe who misses five straight
'days of work is automaticallt ••resign-
But he said all were rehir~ to keep
San Jose Stale from being sanctioned
by the American Association of Universi-
ty Professors for not giving disciplined
faculty members due process. ~
Clark said such a sanction -being
put on a list by the AAUP -would
hamper the colle"ge's recruiting ol ad·
ditional personnel.
Showers Soak East Coast
--Sleet and Fr eezing Rain Lash North Dakota
Wtl'ft'I, ..,,,,..,,...,.,fltt --.1ltff to
di., 11'1 moll 1ne1 of $ovther>1 Cell
tom11. llllt beecll cornmunlllirs ""
-rnorn1"9 ktW Cloud$ lnO foo.
Whldl c1Mrtd l•l*r In Ille dly.
WMV'J' loe durl119 ttw nlgl!I ln O•tntt:
eavn1y foracl dtv.,..10<1 cf l"<:Oml<1I
tl\91111 11 S.nlt ""' end FuHer1on.
Wlncls u~ IO «I "'''" •n '*"' T~ riey wtllPPeG Uf> Wiid elol\fl !ht ,.,10,...
Wllf llOt1hwl'll GI' P1!m SPrlfl01, redvc-11\t fhe vblbiUIV 10 100 ftel 11 llmt'f,
Gu1tr "''""' C011!lnutc1 o• blow In ~? ert 1,...$ lodlY. ,
U. "~ "''"""°' te 1,, como1rl'd to TlleldtY"• n. Lo-' !Onft"I w!ll tl4' s:t. "Thtfe .. , u,,.,, 1moe Jn !tie LOI
Antttn a.sin. Tiit 1"1-0.f Forttltt Ullld for •
~ of •'-" ""''' !M WHll•l'ICI .... "' "9mllerlhl,.. two fO M'~tfl df· .,._ betow llOnfWI,
Tiit mercv'"' rffdWd 60 If! bt1cl1
'""' Wiii! flll ""'''' 11!1Nln11t9 11 S7. O&t&ty WitKll c.mb!Md wl!h hl1"1 In
!fie '°5 11 mGU!'llfln '"°"'· Loww ~ Ytl....,. blllted ufllkr
tf ..... ~fl.Im Wl1'1 UOPfl"
-• In !ht '1DI.. SOl'l'lt ftllllf T \lltdtf 1nd l!lnKIJI
f!WJllllW!IW todh' JMlulll: "°"" ltt<ll ..a, S.11hl Mor1k1 4Mt, IWbtrlk 11· n. Ml. Wlllon iMMt, Ptllllllltlt 1~70.
lllftnite ..., •• '"'"" .,,_ ,, .. ,,
t.ktnfltll "°"" "" OM.o ....u. llllt• eathrt 4"'5. LOI AHGl"lES AHO VICJNtTY-
Mol~ tulWIY .,,..,,....,.. OMf Niillfl\1 ~ W ""'' 5t. Hlof! T'""""' 14, to.l.$1""1. AND INTlltMEOl.t.TE
VM.lffi -'ltiMm' f~. l-.
llfittflllt ..... MOUNTAIN ••!AS-&U""" TIW,._ ~TlltlOtt ANO OESEJtT ltlOIOHS ~ ~~. lllCl'tet"'9 .... «!r """"' #Olf\111 DtMrt ,,... Tflu"° ....,. ~ LllfJt ~"' cMfl9 wllft llllM fllul'llltY u fo •
,,_. .,.. ...... .,.,., • lo '° i..rr .... ~ ....... c... hlltfti!lt JO .. 4S ~
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k"Otl, 'foNY'5 11191>, .. 10 61.
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' WIDNISD•Y S«orMI ..,.. :i:n 1.m. o.•
kcOlld fllltl t :n "·"'· S.( TNl.lltSD.t.Y
Fir.I 1c1W • • 4,14 1,m. II.II
Flt1I lllfl! .............. IOIU 1.m. •.2
MC.'OIW iew .•. ...... ''" o.m. 1,0 St;eand+ llltfl ., .•..• , ••• lO:lt 11.m. S.3
,,,_ ..... 6:4 '·'"· kt'I t ·.W "·"'"
Stoll ltltlt S;Jt '·"'· Ut'I 1;0. p,fft.
,. ... , .. ~ Litt 0. "'"' ~1. H Aw. 2 /ltW, t lo.fir. 16
11.S. Su111111•ry
,,.._, of ftlt Mlklll -I tu~ny t l'ICI
""'" to1hv with "loll Pf'l'HUrt ,.,,... ~rm oh the Gulf ,,.,. tl'ld Pt<lflC
Coe1t conlt!bullfl!r lo Ille mild c-1-
~l!'I t1ld 1111W, t.owtt.r, ••• -d
-11>1 ltot'll.lft 1""9 Nr11 OI tflt ~
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lfl llOfllltnt tolorffo. trlr.t tnctw1
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North o.t.o11. 11'1d ~-w,o .....
-1tol """" trlcfla of ·-hi .., lleur'J '""'· Tiit!-(OIMt Site! Ill ft't' "'!Ion '#ti
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Tiii fer Wnl '#ti motll'I' 11111111'1'
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through "payments, repairs or ap-
propriate services."
Another provides that students who
engage in disruptive acts while on pro-
bation may be suspended, dismissed or
A UC spokesman said expulsion of
any students would be a permanent
measure, and the offender would not
be allowed to
not expelled a
25 years.
enroll again. UC ha!!
student for more than
He conceded that the financial liability
rule might be hard to enforce, since
much of the damage the University suf·
fers in disorders is the · result of crowd
action or is done on the sly.
It will be Pope Paul's second visit
to Africa. In 1962, while archbishop 0£
Milan, he visi ted South Africa, Ghana
and Nigeria.
The Pope said he was going to Kam-
pala, the capital cf Uganda, in response
to repeated invitations to consecrate an
altar in a new !lanctuary honorlne
African martyrs he had canonized.
There's a new face
in Costa Mesa.
You Are Invited to Our Open Home througti March 28.
Con1pletely remodeled. the Costa Mesa office of United States National Bank bas
a handsome new face. And thcr_e's more. Inside is every customer convenience -new Jigbtin ~.
comfortable air conditioning ·and luxurious interior appointmcnto;, Be sure to stop in and
see the new' facilities now ready 10 serve you.
Banking Hours: JO a.n1. to J p.n1. Monday 1hro11gh Th11r.rda}'
JO a.m, 10 6 p.m. Friday
Frank Zrebiec
fl li.'t Prr1idt'1t, /o1ttnogtr
I 845 Newport Boulevard
Telephone 646-3291 UNI TED
We make it all a little easier S TA T E S
McNamara ',... o_UEEN11_. ,.----•.;..v Ph_ir_"'_fttf_anc1--1r.
Was Flop
New Peace Corps
Director Ptcked
WASHINGTON (AP) - A Amerl,..
WASHINGTON (AP) -The young Californian who con-Alsoclolos uy the wretclled
Nlxon ,administr1tJon notified ceived his own verslon of the conditions or slum dwellers'
Congress today that f«mer Peace Corps as a college stu-in Latin American cities caus-
Secretary of Defense Robert dent will be the new chief ed him to search for a way
S. McNamara's idea for .::.o ol. the nation's Peace Corps. to better ll'lng conditions
lnflltraUon barrier a c r 0 s 1 Joseph H. Blatchford, 34, there. He also wanted to come
Oil Capping Operations
Start in Mexico Gulii
NEW ORLEANS (UPI) Ing dry I?Otural gas'. aald th
The atorrny Gulf or Mexico "the aea.s have calmed and' •• calmed \Oday and oil well ca~ crews a.re hl the f~ld wor~ !
piD( .,...., wont to -• plug· on bolh rip.'' t · I
g!ng a ruptured wellhead Rod Adair and • bl.< • cteJt
which had ' spewed a n from ·lloullOn~ apt.eiallsts m ~
esllmated 100,000 gallotu o[ capping burolhi oil and llJlf
. yellow uude oil over the "-ell!, trioYed their equipmerit 1
water alr>ee Sunday night Into place near thd weiuaiill 1
Sooth Vietnam didn't wort. whose appalnlment was an-up wlL'l somethlng to bead
Secretary of Defense Melvin nounctd Tuesday night by off the social nnreat cau~
R. Laird's report to the Senate President Nixon, will be 01e by slum Uvlh&.
Guy Cook, spokesman fof Tu~~a.y1 but they wtte wi~£t '
S • Fl d Mobil Oil Co., -ator o( lhe to st.rt ca~ng operation> un-pring 00 S leaking oil well and of another Ul today because a storm -
Armed Servi~s Committee Peace Cor~· third director It took tWu )'t!an, Including ·
,._ .,_ ollkl since the agency was founded a hitch a.s •an oUicer in the wu uic:: Ullli~ • al dl.sclosure eight years ago. He succeede<J Army, for him to put his
Plans Readied ,.==w=·e=U=IO=mll=.,=·=way=d=ischar==g=. =k=lc=k=log=up=l=2·=to-=1S=l=oot=w=av=":;''.:
of"thiThe·s. on'alnol p'--d"id DOI Jack Hood Vaughn, idea into operation. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -
tr"'-uw Blatchford, a Republican, is He {~eel ACCION in 1961, 'lbe Amerlcan Red Cross, an-
work out as expected · and, executive director of ACCJON the same year the Peace Cicipeting floods this spri.ng,
a:i. a result, important reduc-International, a private, non-Corps wu started, and ob-aaJd today it is gathering food,
lions h a v e occurred in the profit organization whose alm tained a 1 5. m o n t h com-cots, blankets and o t be r
r e q u i r em e n t s for this 1-::t:~~::,..,;;l~ is to improve urban slums mitment from p r I v a I e neCessities for victims.
sym.em," Laird said. ----'--------..-~------'""" in Latin America. Venezuela business finns to Robert F . She a ol McNamara aniiounced 11.ls -The idea for ACCION came operate tn Caracas slums. W hington D C Red Cross
plan for the anti-infiltration !'Saying it with flowers is one thing. But I think to Blatchlord when, as a stu-Blatchford used American vi:! presiderrt:' ~ys the
barrier on Sept. 7. 1967, and you IGiglrt be making & mistake trying to 6&Y dent at the Unlversity or volunteen: and professionals to O"'anJ:r.alion n"""'ts n,,,...i; .. n
then clamped on a total ~ it with Poiaon ivY." . California law school at teach the local clUzem the i~0 Califomla's ,..~ :;;
fonnation blackout on it Berkeley, be spent the sum. skills ~ to improve River Valley because of heavy
ha s joined our firm 1t"the Ca•t• M111 Office
170 E. 17th St,..t (ost1 M11&, Ciillrornle (714) '46·5045
.. ..
The coocept involved a com---------------------mer of 19$9 touring South conditions. snow in the Sierra Nevada.
blnation of physical obstacles, . .::.:.::._....::__:::.::._....:::::::;:...::.::.::.___::=.::.::::..: ______ _::::.:::.=:.=:::.:::::=::..-2=:=================='
electronic s e n s or 1 and
observation posts along a 40-
mile stretch between the South
China Sea and Laos, a short
distance below the demilitariz-
ed """'· A 13-mile strip was cleared
11.nd &001e other work was
done, but the project ran
Nooe of. the U.S senior
military officers ever wanted
Jt. Those civilian scientists
who proposed it to McNamara
thought it might serve as an
alternative to U.S. bombing
of North Vietnam.
The planned cost has been
estimated at $1.6 biWon.
Howevt.r, Laird indicated
considerably less was spent,
and he reduced the total
The new defense secretary
slashed this year's money re-
quests by ;&4.6 million, reduc-
ing the program to about $524
What's left arc special
sensors -devices to detect
infiltrators by sound, sight and
other meam -which have
proved out and are bing used
in many places, including
along the main Infiltration
routes through Laos to help
U.S. authorities keep tab on
enemy movements toward and
into South Vietnam.
* * * Laird Drops
GI Pay Hike
Secretary· of Defense Melvin
R. Laird, in his first bud&et
presentation to Congress, an-
nounced today he is dropping
plarui of boosting military pay
an additional $1.2 billion this
The revised program o[
military pay will not affect
the $1.8 billion pay hike this
year which previously was ap-
proved by Congress, he told
the Senate Armed Services
But because of budgetary
pressures, he added in his
prepared report for the closed·
door presentation of the an-
nuaJ "defense posture" state-
ment, future pay hikes are
being re-examined.
Twenty-two 'Families'
That Thrive on Cri1ne
"Mr. Attorney General, will
you have your staff prepare.
a. chart showing the growth
of these families?"
The r.equest from Sen. John
L. McClellan, (D·Ark.), had
nothing to do with lhe popula-
tion explosion.
He was asking Atty. Gen.
John N. Mitchell to trace the
growth of organized crime in
the' United states. It ls ex-
timated organized crime's net
take from gambling is $7
billion a year, its drug yield
$350 million and the same
from !Gan-sharking.
McClellan spoke as though
organized crime were
synonymous with c e r t a i n
families in the United states.
The senatOr took for granted
the ju&ice official would know
what he meant.
Mitchell did.
He had just traced for
McClellan's Senate Judiciary
subcommitte on criminal laws
the composition of 2 2
"families" of La Cosa Nost.ra.
Most major American cities,
Mitchell explained, have at
least one family. New York
has fi ve.
Each bas a patriarch, who
heads the family dynasty and
gives it h.is name. New York
has its Gambino clan, Chicago
its Giancana. Philadelphia its
Bruno, Buffalo i t s Mag-
gaddino, Detroit its Zerllli.
to keep the patriarch informed
and to relay orders to the
remainder ol the clan, ac-
cording to A1itchell. At the
same level of stature is an
elder member, partially
retired, known as a con·
sigliere, whose judgment is
valued. Then come the cam-
poregimc or buffers between
the hierarchy and the soldati
and button men who actu~lly
operate thee n t er prises .
Finally, according to Mitchell,
there are the "enforcers" -
whose chores are obvious -
and the "corruptors" whose
devious activities include con-
tacts with public officiaJs.
The Cosa Nostra families
have loyalty, not based on
kinship, but written in blood.
McClellan called to the et-
tentioo of the commitl'ee that
Chlcago alone had 1 , O O O
gangland killings in the past
half century.
McClellan wanted to know
from Mitchell whether in all
these years of war against
crime, one Cosa Nostra famil y
had been destroyec' or its
growth arrested.
The attorney gentral'1
answer was "No." He said he
believed, however, that recent
drives against the Cos11. Nostra
had put some denL,-in its
families in New England,
Chicago, Buffalo and Detroit.
Other cities with a family, B l S' ? according to M<:Clellan, in· ODD 0 1gn.
elude Milwaukee: San Jose, Calif.; Dallas; Kansas City, BONN (UPO -\Vest
C l N k GermanForeignMinister W.o.; Pueblo, 0 0·; ewar ' Willy Brandt said Tuesday be N.J.: San Francisco;
Lo I N hoped his country signs the
• Ford's little. Maverick is C9ming on April 17. Import buyers I Walt I our great 11111e answer to <he economy_
• • Imports Is coming soon. We're In the
E body else start • countdown. But you don 't have to wait ~ery can savJng another minute to save on Falrlanes.
1 Falcons, Mustangs and Fords. We've n-•• at ford's Countd-••n Safe even equipped special units wilh popu· Ullll Ulllr: ~ lar options to make them betler b~ys
FMd Galttl• IOO pMell ,..
duced up to 1144 • , • uv• on
popul1r opUon1 like • 390 V-8,
1lr conditioning, tinted glaas.
EnJoy extr11 like vtnyl trim,
W$W tires, wheel covert, Alm-'
Blow 1teerlng·whae1.
,,,,... Hlnftop prkee'9duced
up IO 1101 ••• g~ at)'llnQ-4nd--
go ln1plr.d by th• apecl1lly
modllled TorlnOI that won th•
RIV11rsld1 ind Daytona 500'1. Enjoy 1idr11 llke vlnyl fl!(ll, rao-lng mirrors, whnl covers.
Falcon (llfloll IWuoed 1ip to $11
••• you 1/wap .. w with lf1lcon.
Now 11\19 with 1Xtrn.llk1 wn .. 1
llp moldlng1, color~k•y•d
wheels, tulon9 paint, bright
window fram••, whNI cover•
end cerpetrng.
lhan ever. Hurry while these special
values are available.
MultHt SporhRoofl llve tlP
to $111,,, get WSW tlre1, rac•
Ing mirrors. hood 1coop. Priced
below the '68 Spor1sRool 1lml-
l1rly 9qulpped, based on com-
parison ol manufacturer's 1ug·
ge1.iled retart delivered prlca1.
The place you've got to see what's going on-your Ford Deal er!
• ... :~ -· : ... -~· '•~ ~·-."\:"
•!+ ·"-'
• ..
.~ .
l· ;, .. \• , .
''"' .. ·..,, ..
' ' ,..
.' .. . . ,.
•\!':' ,, . ... :
•, ..
' • :
• •<'
Pittsburgh; s Ange es; ew Nu c I ear Nonproliferation Orleans: Providence, R.I.; Tr ~ bel ••-Sept 28 d nd T Fl ea._, ore 1-111:1 • Clevelan ; a amps, a. federal elections. '
The C~ Nostra has played _::::::::~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~~~~§~;;:§§§;§~§§~~~~§§~;;:~~~~;:;;;§§§;;~;;~~~:;;;::;::;:;::=·" no favorites. It has planted
·7o~·;r:~i~;1~~: ..
1~:~n! 5 T 0 p11 You·R~ PAYING Too MUCH FOR PLAIN 11 co~i~~:.~ ~~~:: 1"1Jsi~; •• OLD U,N-INSULATED ALUMINUM ROOFS ••
' . .....
and precise."
Each family has '. helper NO MONEY DOWN 5695.00 FULL P~I CE!
Fire Engine Stolen
For Hippie Joyride
Firemen of Hook and Ladder
Co. 3 know what that sinking
feeling is.
"I parked the fire truck
al St. Marks Place and
Avenue .A and all I know
ts someone drove it away
while we were at the fire,"
said a bewildered fireman
assigned to the ill-fated com·
pany -the first hook and
ladder company in city history
to haVe its truck stolen.
The apparatus in question
Is a JS.ton, 100-foot. $35,000
American La France Aerial
Ladder assigned to a rire
house on East 13th St.
It responded to an alarm
about 3:30 a.m. today. The
fire was extinguished but
!lartd up again at S:50 a.m.
.aD the whlJe, Hook aDd Ladder
3. an aUJ.iliary apparatus for
the fire, was parked a couple
of blocks away, unattended.
"You usually ieave them
unattended," said Fireman
JMeph Goodwin, ''After all,
we've been doing Jt for years
and nobody ever stole one
before." The truck thief rrtruck, ac·
cording to Goodwin, just
before 5 a.m. Witnesses aaid
one man wilb lq black ha.Ir
took the apparatus.
"Not even an eJ"ptrt truck
driver could operate that ap-
P•J'11lus without a tillcrman, ·•
Goodwin sald, ' • w I L h o u t ..
smashing into a bunch of
That was exactly what the
thief-driver did.
Police reports said Uie
careening fire truck .!lruck
four parked cars and Injured
a bicycle rider in a wild dash
through the hippie-inhabited
east village.
The bicycle rider, Ricardo
Dove, 31, said he was on his
way to work when he saw
the truck turn a corner and,
with its lights flashing, come
streaking toward him .
"I thought it was the fire
department.'' he said, "until
It smashed into all those
Dove turned his b i k e
between two parked cars to
avoid the onrushing !Ire truck
but was caught between them
when the hijacked vellicle
rammed one of them.
Although it wu still dark,
Dove said be managed to get
a close enough look at the
truck's driver to see that he
was a young man with long
black hair. "1 just lt.ood the.re
for five minutu trying to
figure it out." ht said.
A seareh party of foot
ROo• • LNk "°°' • Baked Enam1I
fin Ith
• foam lntulalor
• Cool ln Summer
• Moliftn9 larrter
PNWnh!Co~ ..... s-..
• l>MONlor Colo,. H9 -.. -• wa,. .. Wi....,
.. ,, II .... , ......... ...................
, Includes
-11T 10 CAWNG-
$250.00 VALUE
546-99 73
~1r:!~~~;.,0rech~~"1':i~ ~~ SPECIAL NOTICE: DISPLAY OPEN SEVEN DAYS 10 A.M.· 5 P.M. departmt'nl car1, recovered
~~~~~;= .. ~1
The joyrider was not inJ_ __ ~::::::======================~=========~=~~~===========::::~~-1ight.
.. .,,.
••• • •• . .
•' :• ••
l~~~.y PILOT ·~iTollu, PAGE•j .
Parks Meeting Tonigh'
A 1D1t1er or concern to almolt everyone In Hunt· ln&t<ft S.ch will be dlaculaed ton.lfht at a special mW'"I of Utt "People for Parka' committee for
pusa1e of a .. million park bond l11ue.
'!be meetJnc ls at 7:30 p.m. In the RecrsaUon Cen-
lllr, 17111 llll'ffl and Orance Avenue, II is an oppo,.. lllnlty for people to do IODlllhlng to btnellt themselvea
ancl thtlr community.
On Juno I tho wters mu.a~ decide the fate of the PtJi< bulldlne propoait!on. A two-thirds majority u
nooeled for Pl•ltl•· It is Important that every voter
Wldmtand why th• money la needed and where it will
Co If Utt bonda are approved.
Last November the same proposition failed to ob-
tain the needed two-thirds majority by a few percent·
ago poluta. Tho issua ''"' ao cloee that it was obvious
a •troni majority of the voters want the $8 million
park procram. So the City Cowlcil decided to r•submit
tbe propoelt!on.
A C<llllmlttee of cltiunJ has been formed to organ-
ize and conduct the campaign. steering Committee offi·
cers who are donating much of their own time between
MW ahd June a are Chlinnan Ron Bauer and hia com-
m!lt4omen: Clula C •. Chris, co-chairman; Lynn "Doc"
~. trauurv; Norm Worthy. HCretary. There are
1l!lo many otbera who believe not only ·that HunUncton
Beach need.1 perks, but that the city and ils residents -.,
are able to pay for them as well.
Campalcn leaders say they need. resident. who will
tell th•ir nel&hbora the fact. of tbe park prorram and
who will go door to door to see tbat their ne!Jhbors
ara reminded to vote 0.. election day.
In moot part. of Huntln&ton Beach tbe need can be
dotennlnod limply by a parent uklng hia child where
tho neueat perk Is Joceted. There ere few indeed and
-we do blv• are for the moot part tiny. . .
June a may s9fm a lone way oil, yet It takes much
Ume to oraan!ze ~I succe11Iul campaign. Retident. who
1lncerely want to do something tor their community
should &o to the meeting tonight and ask how they and
their neighbors can help In making Huntington Beach
a better city In which to Jive and rear children.
Sound About the Pound
From lime to time the· Huntlng14n Boach dty an!·
mal pound comes under fire from varloua persons or
1roups. The lale6t attack came Monday by a woman
who clllims she wH prompted to do so by "real estate
Robert Sharkey bas operated the city pound under
a C011tract with the city for about eight years. He is
paid llO percent ot the income from dog licenses to take
care ot the cfty'• animal control problems.
While there have been complaint.11 lnapection of the
operation has never revealed serious problems. In fact,
molt of the complaints proved unfounded when the
lacta were In.
The present attack comes from a group of persons
who have been accused of wanting to go into the pound
bulinMa for themselves and of wanting to get at the
90 percent of the dog license funds.
This may or may not be the basis for the latest at-
tack, but again an inspection of the pound has found
most of the complaints without foundation.
City ottlclals believe that Sharkey conducls an
honest operation and provides for the animals in a
reat0nable manner. City Administrator Doyle Miller
1aid that thi• operation I! '~entirely satisfactory."
Barring conclusive evidence to the contrary, the
operation has to be considered sound .
'Love Is a Frail Candle' Idea Is Same
Behind 'A. ll
Gus: Children Should Be Seen and Heard
It's llrep tbal so maJ11 peopla are
conc.aned about "mlHtaM" wbo aren't
at all COllC<l'llOd alloiJI Ibo condlllonl
Iha! Ii•• rl!a to -Let mt .wt with on eumple ot Ibo ...i olt-
lllfl!llrl lllnd.
From time to time, we -pldllru lnlbepoperota110UPO!mothera bOrricadJlll a city. -t wbie their
chlldml are croalq on their way hom1
Jn l1IOll CHOI, tbele motherl have
~ for a ytor or more that the
city alloald' lnltall a trllllc ll&hl at
• ~ --1on. 'l'l!oY wrllt let-
i.rr, -lhe lllllfGI°• polltloa Ibo city coundl-aad ~la done.
so TUY DDS that dlnct action
muat he tilt.., and they mounl .the
buricadtl, blacldnc all trallle durlnc .
ochool-lravtl periods, and promWng to
continue unUI their eblldren'• safety has
been assured.
What happens, in every cue! The
nut -=· or ohorlly allerwonll, • lralfte II miraculously Is inJtall.ed
at the corner. The authorities bav1 dec.Jd·
ed they ... , lllon! thla kjpd of publicity,
and they .,... with a celerl!J that
ntVer could have been achieved by
pothr private means.
Now, molt of us are sympathe\lc to
IUCh mothen, who are ..-itnl the
1ivt1 el. tbt1r younc onea, while we
may not be aympltheUc to colle1e
mlUlantl, or to bla<!k mllltuta, or to
draft milituta.
BU? 'I'll! IDEA bthlnd it all II W<lly
COUid the lalllt tnereue In 1aso-
llne prteea .,. .. that the oil c:om-
pantu ara 1otna to make ua pay
fer their idlollc endeavors oil lbe CaDlonila cout! (Want tr .. oil?
Stint It off the waler rt1ht off
Hunt!Jlilon Beach! )
-11. T. S.
" T'lllll ~-"""" .............. ... ~ ............ ... ,.. ..................... 11 ...... .
lhe -'l1le -... ''takln( the law Into their oft -· by 1ettlng up a · trafOc barrier, and we scarcely
blaml ll!em f« i~ We feel lhal-p ial lnlUtutk.t. should be more re~e
toward people's need.1 in .1u~ cues.
But' wliY should mou..i ~ve to do
thll! why should -· be auch 1n
Immediate poyoff on Wegellty, 1nd no
payoff on qulet, legll pel!UOlll to (el
change• mad•, or even ttrl01111y con-
'J'lllS Ill WHAT the flllHI are alt about. in the collegu and elaewbere.
To ahow that lnsUtutlons aet ~ertln&
of the orteri.., that they wlll DOI and
do not listen to reuonablf' ariuments,
lhat on]y a show of fOl"Ce makes them
sit up and take notice. .
Tbil 11 a traglc 1ltu1Uon -but the
tracedy lle1 not 1n tbe mlllt.aney, ralher
It liu In Iha ltOd for mllltancy. The
mJlltancy ii only a symptom, and m~t
of us deplore the ~ whlll l-101
lbe dlaeale that It aymboU.... When
you ret nowhere with nlceneu, you feel
you have nothlng to IOM by nutineu;
and our job ii to crtate a 10Cl1l order
in which ntceneu can set the aame
result.I as ful
'Natural Causes' Did It
On the mornina of hll 42nd birthday,
GrabwtU Grommet awoke to a peal
of parttcullrb' omlnoua ·tlalnder. Gian·
ctng oat the window with bleary eya,
he llW wrltltn In fieJ1 leltera IO'Oll
the aky:
With lhaklq haods, Grommet lit hll
lint ci1aretle of the doy. lie did•'
quatlon the munge. You don't qutJtion
......,.. like thaL 1111 only quaUon
WU, 0 Wbo?"
At lirukfast u he 11lied hi• fried
egp, he told hll wile. Gratia, "Some-
one'• tryUi& to kill me."
"Who?" ahe asked wlth horror.
Grommet 1lowly slirHd the cream
and auaar into his coffee and lhook
bis head.
"I don't know," he 1ald.
CONVINCED though he w11, Grommtt
eouldll1 io to the pollct with lllCh a -..y. He clodded hll only COlll'lt wu
to io aboal 1111 dally rooUno and hopa
amebow to outwit hll " o u Id· be --· He lrild to think on the drive to
Ille .me.. Bui the frullr1U0111 of mUlnC
-117 bulln( ltpll and rtritcl>ln& .... «>V&'kd him wbolly.
If•, .... behind thll dak. could he
!Ind • -•hat with~ "'"-,:C memOI and the
""" -pi1lni up .. did --· u _, uoll1 hi• -martini at lundt lhet the lllll llm>r of hla poo!Uoo 111UCt ldm. 11 •u an ha could do to fWali 1111 LMIFI MllantM.
"I CAN'T P.ANlt," ht 1ald to bbnstU,
ligbtln& hla cigar. "f simply muJI live
my life u usual."
So he worked WI 1even •• u1ual.
Drove home fut. u uaual. Had his
two cocktaill u usual. Ate a hearty
dionU u usual. Studied bw:lntsa reporU
u uaual And look h1s U11.11l two Seconal
QpiUJel in order to ~t hiJ UIUal Ill
houn alelp.
A> the day• pau«I, he manfUUy ll11<k
lo bla routtne. And u th1 montlui went
by, ht bqan to take a perYerae pleuure
In hll ability to survive.
0 Whoever's trylna lO 1et mt," he'd
111 proudly to hl1 wife, "hun't cot
me f.et. J'm too smll't for hJm."
"Oh, please be cartlul," thl'd reply,
ladllna him a aeeond helplnl of Bed
11lt pride grew as tie managed to
p oa U'lnc ror yeara. But. u it must
to all men, death came at Jut to
GrabweU Grommet. Il came at his Msk
m a panlcularly busy day. He was u.
1D1 G!UEP'.st'IJCK.EN """id ow
d<mllldtd a full autopsy.
But It '"°"od only emplly1111111, arteriolcltrolts, duodenal uJcen, elf..
ri>osll ot the liver, eardllc llOCl'Olil,
a cerehrovucular aneurilm. pulmonary
edema, obesity, dr<ulatory llllllffldency
and I touch ot IUn& CO ... r.
"Row glad GrabwtD would have hetn
to eow/' said the w\dow. 1mlllrl1 proud· 11 throulh her teara, "that ha died
of uhu1l CIUMI."
To the EcUtor:
I think that chlldn!n •hould be 11en
and heard. By parenta, of cour1e. Leve
f1 a frail candle, beset by lrelChUOUJ winds, rt ii obvious that clistrlC!lon and
apathy beset wwk·weary parenll at
day'1 end.
A child la sun full of pep uniii bedUm,.
QuesUons will be aaked. Rudely brushing
them utde cames paychic 4r-mage or
lncllcullble degree.
IT WOULD BE a good !dea to sel
uide one day a week to join the
younpten' world. Let nothing interfere,
U poutble.
Your cluld will never forget your
aollcitude. 1 have pleasant memories
of my father and of Tuesdays. We com-
munJcated and grew in <>ur !ove. It
hu made Jife more meaningful for me.
May it do the same for aU.
' Good .,.., Bad New•
To the Editor:
The mo!t fruitraling lhlng in the whole
world for me Js to read a newspaper
or ll1ten to t be news on radio or
television. The headlines are almost
alway! the same. There art riots at
10me of the colleges. Somebody died
in an automobile accident Somebody
else was murdered.
We've had a lot of trouble aetting
1ehool bondJ passed. Why? Beca\lle ao
many people don't feel that ~oob need
any more money as long as the atudenll
are rlothig. But, in actuality, Jlow larae
a lf'OUP of the studenta are rloUng?
' I HONFSTLY believe the rioting,
demonstrating 1tudenta and teacher1 are
in the minority. What about the majorlty,
then! The majority of u11 young people
are hard wcrking, conscientiOU! people,
wbo an In college because we want
to leirn all we can and better ourselves.
The frustrating thing is, though we
may come out on top in the end, we
are not a1 heard of while we are working
our way up. At Ule end of thl• semester
try to find the list of scholarship and
honor roll atudents from elementary
school on up.
WILL YOU FIND them on th• front
pa;e in big, bold, readable print? No,
that's where you'll ftnd the rlotinJ ones,
the murders, and lht freak automobile
Where doe1 one look for the ;ood
young people! Try page $ or S or
even farther back than thaL When you
a:et there be sure to have a magnU'ylng
1lu1. Honor roll and scholarahlp students
don't 1eem to be worthy of print bl&
e:nouah to read.
lf the &ood majority were in a tittle
more obvlou1 place it would be easier
to kffp the good ones in the majority,
lt Y!'oUld alto make it a little eatder
on the parents who are lr)'lng to ra.lsa
their children to be part of the aooct
~--Bu George ---,
Dear George:
I just wanted to Jet you know
that your column OR won1e1 hn~
made a blg change tn my life.
Befort I rllrted reading your col·
umn, l would f1nd my1elf oe-
cllJionally with a worry I couldn 't
get out of my mind. I don 't any
mott. I worry Ill the Ume about
llHr W. E.:
Yeah1 !:ven
worry mt.
my tutimonlals
Litters from reacUrs ore welcomt,
Normally toriters should conv111 thetr
m.tssage in 300 words or less. Th•
right to candtns1 letters to fit ipace
or eUm1note libel is resef"Vfd. AU
letters must inclu4t: .signature and
mailing address. but names ma11 br
withheld on request iJ sufficitnt re11-
son is apparent.
occasionally. JC today's you ns: children
see the minority of "bad," the lazy,
useless, rioters getting all the notice
and lhe majority of "good," hard-working
young people getting ralher litUe, the
"bad" mJnorlty win become the "bad"
I'll admlt some mlght not lhink reading
about the majority of young people,
old peoole or anybody else too sensa;
tional. But, l think it coo.Id make
very sensational reading.
It would be just as sensational as.
reading about President Nixon or our
aatronauts. And I think it would be
even more sensational than reading about
the rioUng minority.
A Llttle Wondering
To the Editor:
How many nag·wavlnc (certainly not
thinking or feeling or democratic)
nuclear era Americans would have con-
skiered the German youth, In Hiller'•
time "un-German " "unpatrloUc" and "lm~oral" had iltey refused to be
drafted or had lied in order to avold
doing the government's bidding?
And while we are about ft, why not
throw in a little wondering about the
Japanese youth and Hawaii, etc.?
(Oh well , at least the government
ofriclals didn't force Dr. Spock to drlnk
hemlock or be nailed to the cro!J!.)
A lrport J>robfens
To the Editor:
A letter of anguish appeared recently
from one of your readera in the Mis&lon
Viejo artL Let me try and answer
it as one speaking with ablolattlJ no
axe to lf'lnd on the airport problem.
tl woukl appear from loa:ic aa thouih
the alrllnes and the Marines could
operate together.
There has been oome talk that El
Toro could not handle th• 1ddltlonll
trafflc. 1 can only guw about th!s
because l 11m told that figures pertaining
to l1ndlr11s •nd takeoffs on a mill~
11lrPort are not generally available to
the publlc I! they are on civilian type
t am told that it is doubtful, even
with lhe add.IUon of the Orange County
alrllne1, lhat El Toro would come
anywhere near having the volume or
traffic that the top 20 airports ln the
United Stites have at presenL The
runway and radio fac!Utie1 are u aoocf
or better at El TorG right now, as
they are at Long Beacb « Van Na,s.
Both or thoae airport• are listed 111
the top 10 buoiesl In the U.S.
IT HAI TO BE an euueration to
llY that 30,000 people are sotna to be
alfeclld by adding to the El Ton> opera-
tion. .a far u noise 11 concerned.
Uncloublldty some people wlU be affected
•ho are moot cioseb' located to the
airport. ll ls tough to name: very man{.
big alrporta where people are not a •
fecled to some utent. This 11 true
In Newport B<1ch, 1nd Ir the Jtb eon·
tlnue to fly out of here, something such
u acqulslUon of 1ome houses by some
government office, is probably going to
But this becomes a lot more practical
than trying to build a ml.iltl·bllllon dream
airport between here and Catalina.
However, I think it Is rubbish to .say
that the majorlty of people who have
filed suits here in Newport, really have
a problem.
1 HA VE BEEN listening to it just
as long u they bave and I have simply
gotten used to it. like zri.ost of the
people. It was only a few days ago,
in the DAn..Y PILOT, I believe, that
a story was run commenting on the
fact that a reserve piece of property,
two or three thousand feet wide, and
10me gjVen lenith (1 don't recall haw
long) Jn the general takeoff area of.
El Toro was being sought by a group
for building. People who are getting
into this have to ask themselves: some
pretty pointed que1,Uon1. Aa a matter
of fact, the people who built the houses
at the end of the Oran1e' County Airport,
certainly knew there was an alrport
THE TlllNG IS, there is aimply no
land in Orange County that Is not going
to have this problem wllh pe<>ple who
are close. The simple fact ls that there
11 no way to please everyone, and our
elected officials are going to have to
get realistic and recognile that Orange
County has right now all the major
airport.I it needs. •
Prefers Raw 1UUk
To the Editor:
We strongly object to being denied
the right to choose what foods we 1hall
eat. In our opinion and in the opinion
of our doctor, certified raw milk is
much superior tn regular cooked milk
from a health, taste and aesthetic stand-
Certified raw milk has never been
proven to cause disease.
ON THE OTHER hand, I wonder what
UI health bas been caused by milk that
t1 too unJanilary to beat the atrict
••certified" label and must, therefore.
be pasteurized to (hopefully) "protect"
the consumer.
We urge all people interested in their
health and freedom or cholc'e to write
to the.ir state sena\ors asking them to
vote for AB 602 and ACR "5, thereby
making available certlfled raw milk to
tbose Californians who want It. ·
~les on ~rug•
To the Editor:
I would like to congratulate the DAILY
PILOT for printing the 11erles on teen
use 0£ drugs. I thJnk that this Is a
very importl!:nl trend in our 10C!ety today
and must be presented to the general
public with as little bias a1 possible.
A3 of the article appearing in Thurlday'a
paper, it looks: llktl the bAU.Y PILOT
is aceompUshing th!! admirably.
Teen UM or drugs la an extremely
emotJonal issue, both for the teen-agers
and tht parents. One of the widest
generation g1ps is encountettd In thia:
area, and an undt:rttandlnC of the prd>-
lem must be retched by the adults
invol ved before they can attempt to
discuss it rationally with their children.
TO UNDERSTAND the problem, adult.A
must realize that the taking of drug1
by younM peopl• today ii not an Indication
that they have failed Jn IOTne way.
They must realize that It LI a tnnd
that cu.ts through all aoc:lo-economic
clUKJ, that it d~n't stop with I.ht
educated, or the "well brought up,"
but encompasses someone from every
The fallacies concerning the drugs
themselves must also be uncovered, so
that parents may deal with their sons
and daughters on an equal basis, both
knowing what they are talking about.
Well-written and researched articles
such as these definitely help many
parents toward a better understanding
of why this happens and the best way
to approach it.
Mission Viejo High School
_Sporu lleporth1g
To the Edit~ --
My husband and r would like to e;ay
"thank you " for the coverage given
to the Huntington Beach basketball
teams, especially the varsity. We ap-
preciate the way you wrote the slorie.ci
and lhe support you gave Caach Combs
and the boys.
We arc not used to any kind of
newspaper reporting that says anything
good about Huntington Beach. The 11ports
section of the DAILY PlLOT has pro-
vided us with the very best sports
coverage we 've ever experienced.
l\'1Y HUSBAND and I \\'ere both
graduated from Huntington Beach lUgh
in 1947. The Santa Ana Register was.
the dominant paper for Orange County
at that time and nothing Hun tington
Bench did was given any credit or merit.
Thank you for the excitement of
reading about our team in the DAU. Y
Special Flag Stolen
To the Editor:
Someone stole ou r American flag . \Vr
have at many times had things taken
~ a p.a;· system, tricycles from the
children's playgro\11,ld , etc. Many have
been costly and Time consuming to
replace. However. the flag that wa!I
stolen from the announcer's booth last
week had !peeial meaning. A serviceman
who raced cycles . wanted to donate the
flag to the park when. we opened . lie
raced unQer_ it once before leaving for
\\'E AL\\'AYS PLAY 11 tape of thr
Star Spangled Banner by the Huntington
Beacli Htgh .School band before each
race. Each time we did, we thought
of this serviceman and his contribution,
nnt on ly to the park. but to his
feUowman. Wt can buy anothe r fle,t:
for our next race, but it won't be the
same. To whomever stole U1e flag, wr
hope he also took some of this man '.ci
pride, courage, and devotion to hia coun-
Hu ntington Beach Cycle Park
------Wednesday, Mer~!~ IQ
Th< <dttorlal pao• o/ the l>oiv
Pilot 1eck.t to inform ad 1ttm-
ulote f'radera bv prettnt,fno &Ml
ftctDIJ)GJ><r'• oplntoftl Gtid -mtnt.arv on COfric,t of blkf'c1t
and nunl/ieottc•. bv ,,,.ov1<11no • forum for the ezprcsrion of
our r1adcrl' opfn1on.t, and bl/
presmting tht: dlo1111 vfe»-
potnfJ of informtd obtlf'Vfl'I
and JpOlcetm.cn on topfct of th.I c1av.
• Robert N. Weed, Publisher
Tarzrui · Embraces Aren't 1
• """ ~. -New /Cs Fo1· G~ls Named Kathy . .
lly L ~i. 90\'D
THERE'S A THING In Tit ctlftd
the haklhootin1 loatlvll. L thrto
days. All the &Iris, lfwlnc ha , hobnob
around tho lemple _.ds. All the boy•
hobnob around the girls. /urif. lime a
boy srabs a girl's hat and runs oil
with lt, said girl ii obUJtd lo gq to
•aid boy's home !ii 1l>e mJddle o! tho
night to get back said hat. So you
think it's an uncivilized custom, do you?
~ven sava1e? Wel~ I think tl'• great. .
UNDERSTAND the chi Chi folk ill
Trinidad lately hive taken. to waking
up of a Sunday momina: to rum· punch
afloat with rt\' eyrters. Yes, you may
leave the room • • . JN ENGLAND;
a knitted scarf is called • hosiery • • •
whatsoever that I rise to inquire if
you've heard about the hillbilly who
bou&ht a silencer for hi1 shotaun because
his daughter wanted a quiet wedding
..• AVERAGE l\l<rrOR SCOOTER gets
120 miles to the pllon . . . TllEIUl
WAS A TIME when the U.S. 11 ~ill
bore the adtJlOnlUOn, "Mind your
business." Wltt Old Ben P'ranklln design.
ed it in 1776.
Is Lucille Ball now?" A. She makes
no secret that she's 57. Nor do iOme
others that age. Such u Robert Taylor,
Ginger Rogers, Chet Hunlley, Paulette
Goddard, Dlvid Niven, Maureen
O'Sullivan, Jack E. Leonard, Vincent
Price, MJtch MJUer. Broderick Crawford
and Gov. Ronald Reagan. That 1911
turned out a prllty good crop of sun1hine
•hildren ... ,q. "HOW CAN I CLEAN
UP my piano kiys?" A. Mi1ht try wipiilg
t.htm wJlh 1pirtts of camphor.
FEW !lllllWl!llURNW pllJ I lht
1ame ol ajbbtl1~. Y•t tt'1" hllbQI -"'' . ' . lo New EoJiond lllld likewise oo tho
Pac!Oc ea.,~ ·Why! I'm aiktd. Wei~
it'a a aeamen11 game, I t ~ ! Pick
• pert. There Y®'ll find the crlbb11•
players .•• ' "PLEASE Rl!lCOUNT tboH
famous Seven Ages of Women," direct.I
a client. WW do. Infancy -she wanta
love. Childhood -lhe wants hm. Teena
-abe wanll e;xcitement. Twentiu -
she ,vant1 romance. Thlrtlu -she wants
admiration. Forties -she wants sym~
pathy. And fiftl.ea-she wants cub.
TALK ABOU'l your touih ways to
make a UYlng! Had lunch with an old
boy this week who aays he earned bis
apending money for a while as a lad
by selling wool. To get it, he says,
he walked hundreda of miles of Montana
fence line, picking tufla oU the bottom
strand· barbs. What 's the oddest ·way
you ever made money? Am thinking
of starting a file on this matter.
NEVER TRY to boss a airl called
Kathy. That is our Name Game mart's
advJce to young fellows. Instead, he
suggeJts, let a Kathy mother you. Do
not to be too quick to get emoUonal with
her. Let her kiss YO\l on the forthead
first and pat you gently on the cheek
before you,.respond by throwing your
artns around her to wrench her into
a Tarz.an..type embrace. A Kalhy tends
to get Skitusb when her· gebUeman friend
shows signs of becOmlng muterful, he
RAPID REPLY: No, young lady, when
the appliance makers say one out of
every five homes now ha! a dishwasher'
they don 't mean you.
Your questions and comrMnts are
welcomed and will be uaed wherever
po1sible in "Checking Up." Address
mail to L. M. Boyd, z.,,, cart of D.AJLY
PILOT, Bo% 1875, Newport Beacl1.
Calif. 92663.
Consulate Swap Between
Soviets, U.S. Proposed
W ASHINGTO:'I (UPI) -The Soviet
Union has proposed to the United States
that each country open a consulate in
one of the principal cities of the other,
Russian sources disclosed today.
The Soviet. were said to be interested
fn a consular olllce in San Francisco.
For some r-;,1
, the United States has
favored Lenin ad as an official outpost
in the Soviet Ilion.
State deparhnent officials said Soviet
Ambassador Anatoly F, Dobrynin, at
a March I meeting ~·ith Secretary of
State William. P. Rogers, raised the
que1tion of eatablishing consular offices
and thereby increuing official contacts
between the two Countries.
American :1ources characterized the
Dobrynin·Rop:r1 disc u a a ion as
••preliminary'' and said it did not focus
11peciflcally on where the first official
offices mijht be located outside of the
large emba.lsy each country has in the
other's capital
A consular office deals primarily wilh
paMport and vlaa matters, commercial
transactions, and protection of travelers.
An agreement providing for possible
future establi!hment of consular offtces:
by the United States and Soviet Union
on each other's territory was reached
by Washinaton and Moscow in 1967.
The U.S . ..SOvlet "Consular Convention''
outlined general principles and did not-
specifically provide for establishment of
consular off1ces.
Soviet sources indicated t h a t
Dobrynln's proposal flowed naturally
from the consular convention and to
some extent indicated a willingness on
the Soviet side for greater cooperation
with the United Statea.
tmmedialtly after World War II, the
United States and Soviet Union main·
talned consulates in addition to thtlr
embassies in Washlntton Jnd ih Moacow.
The Russian consulate was in New
York while the United States had a
comulate in Vl1divostok, the Rusaian
Far Eaaltrn seaport.
The consulates were closed in 1948
as the Cold War set in:
By FUDliRICK H. TREtall u-l'ml blorudoul
Junior coUeaa are America's educa·
Uonll p~ena ol lhe lllGt. For the put elJbl yws, the two-year
junior =·· aometimel called com-munity u, have been comlnJ Into belna at the 11te ~ nearly ooe a wuk. Sixty new onea opened lul fall, brln(Jne
the naUon's total to MO.
About two million students wlll be 1
enrolled in tw~year toUeau by the end
of Ulff -with the annuaJ crowth rate
of 1$ percent likely &o increase in the
yeara ahead.
The jun!Or cOllege, a ~u n l q u e 1 y
Americazi concept that be1an . in this
century and · came into full Dower only
in this decade, has become so lllnlfJcant
to the nation's higher education p!Cture
that a full one-third of thoae goin& beyond
high school are taking the junior college
Every state has at least one com·
munlty college and some, notably
California and Florida, are building them
within commuting distance of virtually
every citi!en.
Explaining the p hen omen 1 l pro--
liferatlon of the junior collese, Dr. Ed·
mund J . Gleuer Jr., e1eeuUve HCret~
of the American Association of Juntor
Colleges, said:
•11ts low co~ to student&, proximity
to those it was designed to serve, flexible
adml.ssion arrangements, slt1>ni counsel·
ing servJces and varied educational pft)o
eram 1eemed to suit the needs and
the times."
Basically, the junior college offers
educat.ion1l opportunity on three tracks:
-The degree-seeker: This program is
designed for students who intend to finish
four years of college. 11\ey can complete
the freshman and aqphomort years. near
their homea at relaUvely low cost, then
tranaftr to I four-}7tiar, dearte-grantlng
college or unlveraJty for the fine.J two
-The semiproftasion;i:I : These pro-
1tams offer ttchnical traloing or oo-
cupational..orlented courses for those
who seek education beyood the hl&h
school but do not contemplate completion
<lf conventional college degree programs.
-Adult education : Evening proarams
enroll as many as twice tbe nU:mber
in day progranu, most ()f them working
men and women who are upgrading
themJelves for better pursuing jobs,
purauin1 deirees or just ezpanding tbelr
educational horizons.
The locaUOllll of tbue junior collepa
are making poe:t-hi1h school education
available to thou11and1 of persons who
otherwl&e would not set foot inaide a
college. Cities such as New York,
Chicago, Los Ancelu, Cleveland, Dallas,
Den\'er, MiamJ, San Fr•nciset1, SeatUe
and Honolulu an pu~ two.year col·
leges within reach of ail their citizens.
othtr cities have fa1Jed to do so.
Jn Detroit, for example, voters last year
turned down a tai: proposal that would
have provided a start for the city junior
collta:e sy1tem that planners said wu
needed urgently. Houston, Tes:., voters
also rejected a community college pro-
al JJ. J. (Jarrell;
(Inds Sat.)
646-0lll 646-0176
Agne,w Develops New Im~~ ~
• I
Vice iPresicf n,t Cou"ld Become Big Asset for Nixon
By MEllRll\IAN SMITB AoaociaUon. ln Ibis ausust '""'· be wu him Ind laUlhed U-l*lPY pooto
WASHINGTON (UPI)._ Vice Prul· scheduled to speak al the end of the oul"ol lhe halL evening. Aller Ibis oort ol ........rul. lllKk
dent Spiro T. Acnell' Is clevelopln( a His tum came ,. Jote. however, lb1l on the Idea that the vice pmldlnl b
new lDll&• lo W11blqton, and U tho whan Ibo banquet ball ll&hfl came up little · moN• than a J)orllled dort: boMI,
)>rOCeN conUnµes, he could develop into Aenew facts • more aublle, dlfflcult
quite an wet lot the Nixon ad-tuk o1 1etUn1 the -of Wublnlloo, tnlnlatraUon. ' ' and the oowitry, know more about bit
Thia d1d not seem to be the ca.se serloul duties. In the eyes ot many po11Uca1 oblerven Nlton appannUy la more than wiltinl
when the forflltr Maryland governor wa5 alter an entertafurDent prosram, the to help in tbla phue of Aanew'1 career.
choaen u PnaJdent Nixon's r'unning place was half empty. Evtn wor11. some The vice preatdent hu becun to makei
mate last !Ummer. of the distinguJsbed btad table l\M:lla: public atatemenbi from the White Houai
During the c1mpaign he made a few bad departed. ab9t1t aerlous ~era to whlch the Pr&
convenatlonal goofs along the way whlch dent hu assigned him. •' Agnew wa s lesa than pleued by this M••be the da ~" come ··•-,, created somethinir of a ThrotUebottom -~ · 'I wm w1111Q ~ " display of bad manners on the parl feels no .~ to .,. about the ·•-im•--the absent·ntinded sort of """ ~ TA011i -.~ of guests who sho~ld have known betttr. .......i.ie HJ eel Hilbert u llgurehead who does very little. and P•-.u ney, II pr ecessor, "'' but he kept his cool and •Pok• without Humphrey -·--'•· It to ••~ point does not do even that particularly well. • OR>•..-• u-..,,., any outward 'indicaUona ol bow ht really -not unW be became b1a puty's
EXPERT ADviCE lell. prOlldentlll .. ndldale. .
Americans' Income
Rises $5.25 Billion
Agnew, with some expert advict, has
done an admirable job of ignoring the
wlaecracks arid goaalpy shafts fired in
his direction . Furthermort, he has gone
about shouldering an increasingly htal/y
work load autcned to him by tbe Presi-
dent without .making much of it.
Perhaps hfJ more pronounced change·
for·t.he-betler has been evidence in his
abllity to kid himself in public. And
not always un4er ideal eobdltlons.
Last Saturday night at the prestigious
Gridiron Club dinner, in front of IOIJl,O
of the most important men in America,
beginning with Nixon and , extending
throug~ a covey of Rockefellert, Fords
and other powerf\Jl fllures, Agnew was
one of the truly solid h1ta of the eveninf.
In fact, more than a few of the
Industrial magnates present 1t the
Gridiron affair spoke almost effusively
about what ''a tine fellow" Agnew had
turned out to be. .
WASHINGTON (UPI) -Personal In-
come of Americans roae by '5.2$ billion
in February, more than double the in·
crease in January, .the government
reporled today.
Lut week tpust have been a tough
one for the vice president. He was the
honor guest ~t the annual banquet of
the Radio and Television Correspondents
What impressed them was the \M ..
tering manner in which he dealt wilh
some o( the worst thlnga said about
The Comme;rce Depu1menl sald Uie
February rjse boolled personal lncoln•
to a aeuonally 1djusted annual rate
of 1121.f billlon.
CLOSE-OUT-'68 I ' I ,
Uniq• Nndom Mr •f· 92 fMt In c.ntemporary colors.
Th• 1lamHr ef CDrp9tin1 5
thot COltl much moN it
right henl lnlt.
HIAYY I>" POAM PAD · "I• yd.
lxtro lont nylon shag, A
lush look bvt • b ... ,. te 699 cJ.cln, h•nf 9-w.ar out. C...._ from •lf'l•n aff:iy· ·
lev.ty cielorw -plains and Ind.
ft.wetf "" teftel. UI yd ON I> POAM .,. .
"KODEL" Polyester Shag
lncrMlbty priteel f•r this
Ml•. Heavy duty wfth the
IHI el doop down luxury
In nwy ... ,, Loni, Iona
wearfnt carpet that ,..
41ul,. lhtlti «1'91
sq. yd.
At• o...,.nt N111n llue o .... ~·
111 ~· Yll•, 1111 ,....,., l'f .. , -·
,. ... Du''"' 111 ,,.,,, ........ •w ' . M l/S 1•. ai.1 11dt · ' ...... "2.•
N:111 N)'lttl Hll.1 AYffllll •• ,..,f• .
IO •«· y111o 11 .. tldl'al" fl ... 1ao.ot
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-e1111-r11 HMt .... ta1i1W11 ID yd., l tn 1hll'I" 111:11. SOI.•
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DUIT Ctmfllffltltl HMt llt l111Wr11
SO 1/1 yd1. 1111 tldl' '""' SI0.11
ctatTt Hut Id 11111 M1li..i "M
M I/I )'di, 1111 1htl' 111:11. '117.00
•an Arclllll Tl• '""' AV.014• Grttll 11v1 yd1. 1111 11x11•r• ""· u1.oo
Qlltl Acrll11t llltt r • _16!'\I llrt1111! l l11t UV. yllla, l ln 111111'1'' "tf, Mt. 11
flt••·-· P'tNf 100% w... lt11t1r11 •-
44 1/1,yfe. 1111 1ld0'1" ""' Ul.H
P'tln 011,tllt Nylt1t Grtel11t M ...
11v, yde. 1111 1s.n'I" "''· m.M·
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11111 M•tlrtn e111rlM Kttllil Rtf T111" 40 1/1 ylll1, 1 1 .. 1blO'f'' 111:11. •N
SAVE UP TO 600/o
lftTA AYICldl 01'1111 1b11
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1111'A •1111 OrHll lhll'I"
11t1A. ltrlW o.Jtl 11111'1''
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111: ........ ..........
224.00 .. ·
•lchor, i-vlw •n4 dNf"
., than .ny eth•r. The ... k
ef C9tffl luxury In J fttltu•
lou1 -'9t chctk• The ulp
tlmcrte In 1M1 b"""'Mml IMt. HIAYY i;• POAM PAD sq. yd.
_ ...... 1~·'"" 1111n•
., .. L!fllt .... lti:lf'I" .,,. ·~ ... ,. 1111rr•
•t48 Lltflt Q11• 11111'11''
tDM• •u"'' Otlfl .. 11114
"''' -· "·•· .. .
""' ... . " .... ,.,...
PLUI .. lfORa
... .. ,,.. ::,..,.,.. fll '"-.............. ef )'Ill' ll•m, .... ,. llt17 M ~ ... rflfl•• W• wlR ...,_ "'llli¥9fl'1-111f _,tlW 7" Ill •l1t1lte ll M ...... ORAlllE 00.'S LARIEST WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE
2486 S. MAii, SAITA AIA ONI llOCK S. OP w-··~ • .... .. ""' • Ill ........ llt
-,..,.. ......... IMtllafloo
• Sltfefldla ;caUls .. • .. ...
..... ' • .:i; .. """' ·.· .. ............ , ........ _ ·-a.,. HOUIS DA~kf. \ti \1• •• Phone 549.3349 •• l P!-. ". .-....
•UN. 11 To• 1•• IL.-~--------------------~.-------------:· I
l1S11111 ( Aaortdfllllt'S 5 5 Clf'tllS ~ULLON
sn .. ·0e1m
11.i l'Ded ·...,a-w
lllffclta flmn •••
''Dymo" · wnMAm
se11 .. ticti11 ~ llllelsd"'. 2 2' "'131 b ... ~ '111&
1111111 obied>. •
%" 'DPE-12 .,ft. 1111 II 63C asstrtltll nlln • • • • • •• • •• • ·
' "hype...,~ue"
FDAMINI Skin Cleanser
:i.11111 ••• ---
-llCtill: """ dispeoser ilClldd. -,I) 49 2.D 11 u. SID :L, o .
' "Bissell" AEROSOL
. Cieall 1 10x14 ft. lie
••• ""1 on fGll -
'"""' in •i111 •poaat 119 UllP-'""'m wheoGy. . .... 1.59 24 IL •
"Bissell" UQUID
IC£I c.r.r111fi1&
F1nn11 ••• decks
spread of llilnnful ""'"
teria. lltfleshes fiber 2 col111s. Safe for an dll-49 mestic 111gs. UI Yi Gil. •
00 fl Green Garden Hose
"lrHC 11"-wi111 ll.ll11-.lllill'
weight. rugg!d hose witb hD flow.
lleavy brasr; couplings. Opaq1e
temperad plastic "'"'t .
llarden 1r Cl>Ck. 2 29 lBY1• lunllll. ·
R11.U9 •
:'l Turtle Neck
--:Baskets & Novelties
•u. 53c Size
P•k 1124-conlains
• 6 assol1Ed !luores-73 "'t Clllors in mesh C
Jelly Bird Eggs
LUDEN'S - Tender
· jflly centers in as-39c sorted fruit flavo~.
1 Ii.
THURS. Mar. 2Dtl1
SUN. Mar. 23rd
SUND -Ciloose from
colortal Bunnies ill as-
1orted positioas and
At 9 A.M.
2.29 ...
SAV-Oll Braid
lsopropyl Alcohol·
Rubb'•• eo•""" o1em1 ose .... gc quicklr 1i1fJ1$ to ttliM sore aclling •
~ ,2JcPl.Siu . .
Hot Water 8Qttle
::ai'.·;:~ ~.~ gee in red color, IOIYotlrtlene ,,,....,..
stopper. G""'teed fir 2
yean. ONLY
• l
' ' '
• •
'~.,.;ex'' COLG•TE .
'''100'' .
$UPER BIEAOI •'*" Wllltniq Plwer ORll ANTISEPTIC:
BlllH Size Fir lrnt• Cl.tr.II l 811111
2i$) ..
1.1s 59c · Uu.Siu ,.
''Style'' ' SIMONIZ
''Non-stuff'' HAIRSPRAY
Fer I blr.., .. tbt Wll't FLOOR WAX IHI! 13 IZ.
2111. 69c 12i89c
\ "
-.. ... uN ~.,.White. letter
... willl pad 3'1 00 Ill~ lat 111• t •
' . DIOllORlNT ;.
llltSfnrll-lrin II c.t.act
1.4117 az. Size " 79c ·
Willi 11n1H111J Pnw
151LCn .
' l
Helps II Cart !tr Jnr Hnls. 14Y2oz.88c
LA01£s' Panties
•s1111tts• • • 2 ""bicot acetate willulastic ~i ~~ •. 2.88 and ,astels in 1izes o C
Sto8. I
111---------------""""_.. ____________ ~-----
'' .
I I ,,
I ,
SWAlt HALL Fifler Paper
.. dri-piiat" ••• 3-00Je paper jn,wicfe
or oarrow rule. 2'1 00 Pal1130~ ~ •
''OXWAll''·Small Tools
4*! :
~ :: ...... willl Mlill Crif
• Mjtsla_,t Back Saw
• 4-Pc. Scrlllllr~er Set
~ :: • 13-Pc. Stael Twist Drill Set .
~ &6!5 819 • Patin llarbr l
111~ • I-Pc. scrmrmr Sit
• J.4.fjl1 Sit
•.1-Pc.Pmr lit Set
• llltll'Clttlt
• l" umeu Plier • r MJatMll Wrm•
• r su, J1llt Plier
' Ytlr 119 I Cbi" • 11.
Hair Brush Sets
Cloose fro!ll m.,y sty~s io :
pailel .. 1ors to ma1c11 your 59c decor, llsll clear. Me~s and
Ladies', 1.DI Seti
i'Water Pik''
Ci-II I , .. ,lttolf '"' WIJ -Wlti a r~ ,.1uti11 jot atrn• ti ntor.
Mtltb n -T ... toat aqoa ...,, .lllj.,lable
flll!Sl9• -~ ••• in· clllles foor ~ ....
l:':'=ir1'J 1,..wmnry .
Toilet Tissue
"lo•tl~ ....
2;i:$) 8t88 ~
· SCOTT ''KoteX''-Kitche., FEMININE NAPKIN ' Towels Replar au sa,tr
811ti12' . ilG lllls-W•itt l Clllrf. 3i$) I 4f$)
' CONQNTRATE SAY-ON ''Prell'' .. Motor Oil SHAMPoo '
Lems Halt S1fl l ' 1.+111 SAE 211-30-40
1.•s 79c 5 DZ. Si~
. F $ au.8 ~ 1
POlARDID · Automatic Camera
Color Pxk II
Witt ll1W EUCllONIC FUSll •••
~~=·=,~~.S:.,~~'= 149 ·95 know 1ith a "beep" whea picture is .
dev~o Color-comclol feoi. •
8x10 Caler
Made fnwn ony stnlanl
size kodacolor negative
or traasparency.
HUNftNOTON llACH :~~.:,.,.
HUNftNOTON llACH .=.~.
D.lll v I'll.OT I
C~e fro~ a colorful group of.
earnngs, pins, necklaces in air
TIIW styles for Sj!ring,
Eye srmow
Ass'! shades
tlol give eyes 1 50 1he ij!usien of
depth. 11, a
:z. 5~00
Assorted 1 75 shades w/
brush. "· •
"Straw Hat"
Cologne ·
1 ll. l ll.
2.50 3.50
Spray Bath Set
Spray Colope H• Piner
' • !
' I I
, • DAILY Pn.or
Coast Area Men in Service Around World I See by Today's
W~nt Ads U. keol S. Aadtr100, M>n
of Mr. and Mn. M. A. An-
tterton of 1111 vla Lido Sood,
Newport Beach, -.·as awarded
the Air M~l for meritorious
achievement duri111 a e r i a 1
1~mbat 1nissions over Viel· ' nam.
The lletuenant is serving
~·ith the .f<~lrsL Marine Alrcrart
Wing, Vietnam.
t'ireman Appren. Slepben V.
Dahl, son ot Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond G. Dahl of l 189
Atlanta Way, Costa 1'-icsa, is
serving aboard the guided
missile de s tro ye r USS
Berkeley, homcparted in Loog
Beach .
Two Orange Coast men ha ve
completed the baslc j e t
trainin& course with Training
Squadron Four at lhe Naval
Air Station, Pensacola. Fla.
They are Ens. Thomas w.
Gamble, son <lf Mr. and ?\trs.
Norman Gamble of l O 2 6
Sandc&Stle Drive, Corona dcl
~1ar, and Em, John F. Hayes.
S<ln of Frank Hayes of 11
Bron%e Star Awarded
Pyt. l.C. David L. Colpetzer (right)· is congratulat-
ed by Lt. Albert Butler after receiving the Bronte
Star for heroism. Colpetzer's inother, Mrs. Margaret
Powell lives in Costa Mesa. He ~is Credited with savp
ing many lives in a battle near Tay Ninh, Vietnam.
Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach. --------------------They have been assigned to
Advanced Training Command.
Naval Air Station, Corpus
Christi, Tex.
Pvt. 1.C. Bruce H. Jordan.-
zoo or Mr. and Mrs. E. 1-1.
.Jordan of 6551 Limerick
Drive, Huntington Beach, is
serving with the First Marine
Division, Vietnam.
Tw<l Harber Area men have
graduated from basic elec-
tricity and electr<lnics school
at the Naval Training Center,
San Diego.
They are Fireman Apprtn.
Daryl D. J. Swlggs, son.10.r
Mr. and Mrs. T<lny Swiggs
of 4322 Seton Road, Newport
Beach and Seaman Gerhard
W. Spiewak, son <lf Mr. and
Mrs. Rud<llph Spiewak of 861
Joann Sl., Costa Mesa .
A via ti on Ordinanceman 3.C.
Phillip J . Orman, son <lf Mrs.
Levine Whalen of 3 2 8 2
California St., Costa Mesa, is
serving aboard the aircraft
carrier, USS Saratoga in the
Caribbean ·Sea.
1'wo Orange Coast men
completed advanced infantry
training at Ft. Ord.
They are PvL Robert J.
Arion, 22. son <lf Mr. and
Mrs. James A. Arion <lf 1445
Temple Hills Drive_,.. Laguna
Beach and Pvt. James C.
Ketcham, 23, S<ln ()f Mr. and
~frs. Eugene Ketcham ~f tl23
Pembroke Lane. Newport
Electrician'• ft.late % • C •
Roscoe C. Slade Jr. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Slade
<lf 21851 Newland St., Hun-
tingt<ln Beach, graduated from
Naval Submarine School at
the Naval Submarine Base,
Gr<lton, C<lnn.
Airman Rt!lld<llph L. Earle,
son <lf Mrs. Marjorie Clark,
105 San Diml!, San Clemente,
completed basic training at
Lackland AFB, Te.x. and ha!
been assigned to Lowry AFB,
The airman is a graduate
of San Clemente High School
Ser vlng
All Of
Orange Count 11
• No Shrinkage
Or ep•ty Cl•1nin9. P1r.
f1ct 1191rdl•u of fh e .
191 tif your clt1p1ry,
or I 00 "/:. r1 pl1c•m1nl
ii d11n1bl1.
e No Wilted Heads e Perfect Pleat Folding e Perfect Even Hems e W111ter Stain Remove ]
OUR EXCLUSIVE SERVICE e Professional lnst elletion
• Professional Remo¥el
e Terms May Be Arranged e Free Estimates
• Free Loan Dr•p•1
200/o OFF •o• C.t.SH a11ll
642·0270 -540· 1366
The colorful sound of
Or•nge Countr Music
From Fashion Island , Newport Beach
and attended
Collqe before
Santa Ana
entering the durln( ceremlllllu at Wlllllltl PvL J.C. Tia ~a, io,
Beaumont General HOlpllal, .0. of Mr. llld Mn. ·11. G.
El)>.,., Tu. Al)aya ol 11111 Spadra Lano,
Mlslloo Viejo, hu bee•
Spec.<. Joba A.~ awvd<d lhe • 'Soldlero
22, •>n of Mr. and Mra. Rolla lli.dal," lhe aney's llllbal
L. Thondale of i10t Emerald lll'daJ honorUJr berollm not
Bay, Laguna Belch, hu beaft lnvolvln( combat action.
lss!ped to the American Anaya, 00 a\ Vietnam recon-
Di.vislon's 171th Aviation Com· naiannce mission ~an.1 lf,
paDy near ·Chu Lai, Vlet.n&m. riiked hla life to save a ril1ow
soldier when sniper fire hU
Two Orange county men htJ unit cro1slng a brldte and Enitnemu~ Fireman Ap-returned to Long Be a c h the comrade fell into the
Cral W UadJey aboard the U~ Brush, Navy
LI. Col. A.R1 Fralo o1 821
Cortez St., U)lfa .Me a a,
squ1dton coinmander o f
Marine Aircraft Group II, Dew
the Marine All-Weather Attack
Squadroo 242'a record breat·
ing 10,oooth aerial combat
mission <lVet Vietnam.
P ..... ,, .... , f wa•·r of Mrs Doris 1 ;...:i-.. ot. m ueatroytr, tom an extended "' • · ~ combat tour off the cout of Disreprdlna h1I own safety, ~°!fua~~" f~ ~=: Vietnam. Anaya jumped Jnto the water
School. Groton, CoM. and is They are Boilerma Z.C. and pull~Jhe mari out.
K th F S·~ ••-J Anaya 11 a 11111 "'-aduate to be assigned to .submarine enne • incuaa, 100 w &'
duly. Mr. and N..rs. William F. of San Clemente High School.
I Alarmed! You ahoWd bt
.. ,protect yow'ttlt qalnlt
fire and burJlan with an
alann IQ'ltem, lOI.' )'GUI'
peace ot mind. • .-y1tem1
installed .. ksw u $91.
•Yacht'• New! Al.a needs
a Skipper. Good job tor
the rl&ht man. Must be
~ m1ture, ~Uable
ahd &0btr. Se n d baclc.
around. reswne and refer.
ences t.oda)'.
e Finl Place Seal: Blue and
Seal Point Jdtttnt, be1t
q11&1Jly, all h!!u"b-
8 weeks dd ... $20 each, e Sail or Trade: Party will
tnade Newport 8"ch Tri-
plex, takinc a sailboat u
down, a minimum ct 30'.
Ready to trade your A.ill
for the ahn '!'
Stricklin Sr., of 335 Del A!ar He entered the Army in
St., Cotti Mesa. •DCI U. January 1961. 1be soldier is
Sat. Roier Cllernlsa, 25, son s•-~ w = of a tlfleman wilb D Company, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ..,pm:a • • aon l-~Mr~1.~Ro~bert~~S~a~U~r~ol~:all9~~3rd~B~a~ttaliob,~'~~IOlh~~lnl~antry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherniss of 2103 v j I t I BayaJde Dr .. Newport Stach. Divbion. Entrada, Newport Beach, ts
serving as a clerk with the
4tb Infantry Divbion, near
Pleiku, Vietnam.
cwo W~ B. Oloey, son
ol Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Olney
ol 13300 Falrlield Lane, Seal
Beach, has ttceived the U.
S. Air Force Copunendat<ln
Medal at ~eeler A F B ,
Wahiawa, Hawaii. A com·
munications officer, he was
decorated ! <l r meritorious
service at Wheeler.
Airmu Jose Valdez, ion of
Mr. and Mn. Greg<lrio Valdez
<lf 14311·l01ive S t .,
Westminster, <.'Ompleted basic
training at Lac!lland AFB,
Tex. and has been auigned
to Lawry AFB, Colo. for train-
ing in the SUPJ'lv field.
The ~~r is a 1968
graduate of Westminster Higb
Airman Apprea. Bruce D.
Garrison, USN, S()n of Mr.
and Mrs. Erntst N. Garri5:0n
of . 7911 Newman, Huntington
Beach, gra~tf:d from the
Aviation Mac1$18t'a Mate Jet
Engine Course ft the Naval
Air Technicaar:· · g Center, Me,nphis1 T •
s~. c. MJc 't e: M•plta,
son of Mr. ~ Mrs. Jack
R. Maples of Costa lotesa, has
been assignedl to the IOlst
Airborne Divi!ilUl. Phu B.ai.
He is a graduate <lf Costa
Mesa High School and it·
tended Orange Coast College
before enterin1 Ule service.
Srt. Tltoma1 L. Evans, son
<lf Mrs. Catherine J. Bryan
01'2110 C<lntinenlal Ave., Costa
Mesa, is .i mtmber <lf the
6i00th · · Supporl Wing a t
Tl.chikawa AB. Japan, that
hil!i earned the U.S. Air Force
Outstanding Unit Award.
Sgt. Evans is an autom<llive
maintenance technician. He is
a graduate ()f Garden Grove
Hlgh School and received an
A.A. degree 'from Orange
Coast C<lllege, 1953.
8(1. Tlmotby A. Woodruff.
22;. son of J. W. Woodruff
of ,3065 Ceylon Road, Ccsta
Mesa. received his faurth
award of the Purple Heart
R09. 77<
'Fair Traded wah Pinta exctpled.
Your choice of ttiousands of pairs•
originally selling for s15 to S45
llOD!l.S, TAii-WAiST MODEl.9, BELT LOOP llODll.&.
loon, a new name lor Mullin I. Bluelt. R!Ofltnowour"°'*9
must be cleared! That's why we'YI aluhtd <lUtlfldl prfcmllt
tialf-and you hlv• thl cholc. or the house. toot Plctl: yoUr
favorite colors, pttltma, fabrie11 lncludlng wool wotlttdl,""'"'
worsteds, D1cr<ln9 worsteds, rtven e twists, gabardlnn.
ah1rkskln1, hOpAcks, btngallnu, donkina and barathtu.
590 W. 19th St.
MARCH 20 -21 -22
New Clothing on Sale!
.. FOR
Rep. $2.7, P'·
$2.49 P'·
R09. $1 5.95
S-wingers .Job
! Bhe Enters Mayor's Race
.b ANGELES (AP l -A llowlng red bolr and sreen +nab-· red-haired houMlwlfe eyes. "People remember me." 'flO says Loi A n I e I e s Eileen.. 5-foot.-4 motbu ol
'\'! . . . .. lhree, w1lh a 37-2144 naure, ,-eserves a swmgma: mayor b one of lS caod.ldat.ea trylna
it glafter the job with lo unseat' Mayor Sam Yortr.
Ween ockings, SOllCS and in thi s city'1 April primary. '
rdlnis . "I feel very qualified," 1he •"Polltl~lana are asleep on says, in her clipped Brltilh
b," Elleen Nor a aceent , "I've fought clty ball
n tella poJttieal rallies. before."
..,. laimdies Into ""'i' Concerned abnut smor. Ille
•'\I would like to do lot& wore a mermaid OOltmne to q) good thing& for thiS great appear before the county'• air
big city. · pollution bolfd. Her 11091
:"Lower all you r ta.xes, do solution: .. Dig ·a hole-through
~ay with smog and pity. the San Gabriel mounlains and
, "Legalize gambling and con· fan the air out."
trol it by the clty. Does Eileen have a chance
!"Take ~ burden off the in the race'? "My name's first
tfxpayer -today, on the ballot. And my mother,
,"Yeh. Yeh. Yeh . who reads tea leaves, says
'Eileen admits "It 's a oew I will."
appr~ch." So is her garb: Eileen 's husband, Bill, says
green mesh opera .hose, green "I'm. trying to keep my sense
1ninlskirts to acei!nl her long of humor."
Wllll1m Thorestn
SF Couple Convicted_
On Federal Gun Law
·New Reagan Tax Plan Due
Withhol.ding Out Despite Republican Pressure
~·· lonl-owalted tu retcrm plln a only ctay1 away
from lotroduoUoo -and
Priest , Faces
Evasion Case
under no cireumlt&nces wlll tor Cupar Weinbtr&er, in.. tax lncreue.
be propose wlthboldll1( of 1llled "one of tho prime Reapn -In Jo kl a 1
.iate personal income tam. lrl\llDentl ln favor o f rtterence to bl. own nputM
Nor will he relent later In wlthholdln1 11 lhat the atatement UJat hiJ .. feet .,.,
the year and aoctpl payroll aovemor " 1111.nst il." Jn c 0 n c rel e • • qalmt
deductions u the price for Weinberger and B a a I e y wlthboldinc -expreued bope
paaaage of a tax reform blU. fenced at a committee hearing Bagley would relent.
"Al far at I'm concerned, oo a tax reform plan that ''I'm quite aure that be wUt
tbat'a too h.i1h a price to advoc1tes w I t h h o I d I n g. 1tudy all alpeci,a ·or th1I mat,..
pay," he told h1J newt con· Proposed by Republican State ter and will not conUnut to
fenoce Tuesday. He 1aid .. we Controller Houston Flournoy'• let the concrtte hardM around
certa.lzlly will not propase" tut force appointed by hie feet with recud to
wltbbolding. Rea1an, the plan is a major withhold.Ing," be uid.
• Introduction of hla t.ax wupon In the arsenal of the U neither elves in, tb•
reform bill, be aaid, "will only wilhholdlng advocates. The le&J.slature ta likely to wltneu
U>S ANGELES (UPI) _ A be a matter ot' daya." governor rejected the plan, a bead-on collliton between
A1 Reagan apoke, he. came calling it a multi-million dollar the two RtpubUcw.
Roman Catholic prlut con-Ubder new pressure · from-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 victed of fallina: &o file income fellow Republicans to tur-1,
=~ett~e~!'/ril"~ r:; :u~ on the withholding YOUR OWN BUSINESS
diagnostic tats to detemune Chairman William T. Bagley ~,.~ goes lo pri>oo k (R-San Anselmo). told a hear-Earning Pofenllal ,-il ing of bi.I Assembly Revenue
Ex-coroner to Appeal
Firing, Denies Claims
U. S. Dist. Judge w liam and Taxation Commilt,. that Unlimifed
P. Gray turned down Fr. Rob· of tbe 38 states lhat collect FRESNO (UPI) -A Tb• federal 1fw makes ii ert Nll<liborc'• plea for a post-We offer ~'ealthy San Fftnci1eo couple illegal for peraons under in· ponement of the tests until state income tu:es, only
· · J t •· Id .~. California and North Dakota who wa1ed a two-year le1ar .Uctmenl or convicted of ' c:.'p1eu:. ·.;; :is m'lf.;;;'. do not have withholding. . financial assistance
battle to avold lrlal on federal felony to ship IUD.I or am· phanage at Beaumont, Calif. But Reagan'• finance dlrec-R••1• 9•1111. eclerleu Chi11ch111., 111 yeur he1t1•. S1111ll 111,.•••·
gun charges was tried and mun.ttion acroa llate lines. Nikllborc pleaded guilty to "'•nt, Comp1t• tr1inint p•evr1m. We11't l11terf•r• with 1H•••11f
convlcttd Tueaday in ltss than Thoresen was convicted of two counts of falling to flle COMPACT octup1tlon,
rour houri. steallna travel polten from a income tu: r!turna for the SlND THIS AD POI •••• llOCHU~
William E. Thoresen III, son ferry bulldfn11n Bar Harbor, year1 IM.11nd"l96S. The U.S. n.. DAILY PILOT 11111 you Universal Chlnchlllo Breeden
or the president of the Great Maine, in 1959. Mr1. Thoresen Attorney'a Offtce said Nikli-111•r• -in 1•u ip•c• -•v•r, 1120 1.,..,. •-· .,...,.., ~-. LOS ANGEi.ES (AP )-Dr.
Thomas I. NoguChi says he'll
appeal his , dlsmtssal as Los
Angeles County coroner and
chief medical o~ficer and de·
nies he prayeq for tragedie!
and threatened office aides
with a surgical knife.
I d 1_ .. 1_._ l • N f the il1y 1bout your com111unity thin -" Western Steel Company of I un er ww01:1.1uen~ lll ew borc's Income or two iny etlior 11ew•p•p•r elenv th • C•ll: (714J 170.1061 • CellMt: t7141 IJt0J161
Chicago, and his wUe, Louiae, JY~or~k~Sta~ta~lor;•:lol~a:tin~g~tha:_t _B'e~ar~1~w~u;J:134~,«:7~an:d~l77~.&79:t~s~ .. ~"~0~.,~"•;·~C~·~"~'·~;:::J~~~~~~;~M~Al~L~T~Hl~l~A~D~~~~~~~ were found guilty by U.S. Dill.,. state's gun law1, respectively.
Judge Wllllam Goodwin
Classes l{esume
At Pepperdine
Noguchi, 42, a Japan·born
pa~logist, claims he is a
victim of racial dbcrimina-
tion. County supervisor!! who
hired him-and who fired him
Tu esday-denied this.
The county's chief adm inis-
trative officer, L. S. Holling~r,
accused Noguchi or a wide
range of erratic behavior.
shortly 1fter they waived jury
tr ial in • Nrprise move.
Thoresea wq convtcted on
three counts "-violating the
federal lireann act in con-
nection with the accumulation ot a 77~ton arms cache, and
his wife was found guilty on
two counts. The couple, both
32, face 1 maximum sentence
ot five ytar1 in prison or
1 $10,000 fine on each count.
Pepperdine College resumed
classes today for the first time
Since last week's lat a I
shooti ng or a IS-year-old Negro
by a campus security guard.
"\Ve do l'\ot know if oU
campus forces will seek to
exploit thia ftagedy to their
01vn ends," Mid M. Norvel
Young, preilident of the college
operated by the Olurch of
Christ in a predominantly
Negro area of Los Angeles.
"You prayed that Mayor
Sam Yorty's helicopter would
crash because the press would Court Reverses be there and you would be ·
there and this would bring
glory and prestige to the of-
fice," Hollinger 1aicl in a Jet-
ter to Noguchi, with copies to
the supervisors.
Noguchi performed the offi.
cial autopsy on Sen. Robert S.
JI 12
Californ ia's Supreme Court
revernd ltlelf Tuesday and
decided a man could be
1entenced slmultaneoosty for
both drunken driving and dri v·
Ing with a suspended license.
per annum
compounded daily
$425,000,000.00 . -
I 'iBo7 East Coast Highway, Coollla Del Mar, Cafif. 92625
' telephone: 675-5010
315 E. Colorado Blvd·
Pasadena. CllH. 91109
telephone: 449-2345
Covina, G'8ndale
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday
11 doulilo -13 linglo<Gllll _... .... "°' sition, mou...-nt
color -llfl Circle foot at-
frolll loading bob-
bin CCM a1111ftbiy
SAVE 41.95
·our all-new
'" Penncrest 24
insertable cam • zig-zag machine
Special patw11ted ' butlanholor1 but-
ionholes at tho ftip
al a switth
1) 11 double. co ms ..• double diK con!To~ 3 movements of i/tto -.hi"°' the sw ing of the needle, pqoilionil!fl of tho needle
and tho --•I of tho feeding. 2t 13 single com• as in other
1-1.wi ....tin& 3) 4 cams for 11Totchablo matariols. ~nglo com
#13 for .-pontino stitch ond zig-zog stm:h w~h an intermediate lock
for rtpairlng or patdiing knitted ·gci!1119nh and rubberized. mattrials,
tingle corn #25 -a single blind stitch cam with an intermediatt Zig..zag
between each blind ,Jtitch for hemming •r. sewing knit fabrics, double cam
#1117 o.orlock 1ti1<h which sews the edges of knittwd fobria, (also does a triple
lode llitch) and double tom #108 heavy interlock lli!<h, u11d for sweaters, even
sw-.1 All 11-featur .. in a lightweight machine, only 20 lbs!
Reg. 199.95
· Now ~'IS
Pey n llttle _,, 7.50 per 11ollftl ••• NO MONEY DOWN
Swit<h for 2-spood
motor, •• enables
machine CUI itrol •••
no 'run
(F11hion Island)
(Huntington Center)
Newport'i Zebal
Cost• Mes•'•· Ro11
Newport's Mrs. Slop
·S•nt. AN'a Winters
(Mt• Me111'1 Rltterrath
Los Alamitos' Hyde
Zeh al 'Citizen of Others Honored
A NewJXlrl Beach spact' geologtSt ~·who
• 11sed his fret' tirne to diSC{>vcr the source
and cures of noxious gases' ~ing
through the ground has been selected
as Ford Motor Co.'s "Citizeh of the
Year'' for Orange County.
George P. Zcbal. v.ho spent eight
1nonths on the project. is a scientist
at Philcc-Ford Corpor;llion's Space and
Re-entry Systen1s Division ia Newport
Beach. His \\'ife, Patricia, received the
same honor three years ago. The Zeba!s
Jive at 2110 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa.
Six other area residents will recelve
f'ord's outstanding service awardl .. A11
seven award winners w!U be honored
during a banquet Thursday.
Mrs. Irene ~s. Slap, wife of Joseph
Slap, a senior program specialist, will
be honored for work with the Child
Guidance Center of Orange Coµnty and
as a volunteer at Fairview State Hospital.
The Slaps live at 2033 Commodore Road,
Ney.·porl Beach.
Norman A. Halm, 136&2 Rosalind
Drive, Tustin, a prognn11.w1·eng1neer,
was cited foc his wc:r~ u chainnan
of the p1aming commilsion for the City
ol Tustin and his !Upport ol the police
and fire departments, the Parkt and
Recreation Commi.sion }·and Orange
County planning sWf.
Recognized for his wttk to improve
racial harmony in Orange County was
Everett Winte!"s, 1632 Camille Place,
Santa Ana. Winters is en the boards
of the Santa Ana CoordiJl'Clng Council,
Ole Orange c.ounty, NAACP and the. ad·
visory council fer the ~ge c:ounty
Partners Jor Progress. Ht also is
chairman ol the Orqe County Equal
Opportunity Employers Associalion's
Housing CommiUe;.e. He is a personnel
relations apeciaijsl.
Also cited wlll be Joseph H. Hyde,
I lU: Cherry st .• ·1.as A1amitos, a city
councilman Uiett. Hyde, a product
assurance engineer, was recognized for
encouraging cltizelti involvement I n
government and his participation with Ross. of 1619 Tustin Ave .. Costa Mesa,
the Executive Commluee of the-Orange was cit.ed for his \Vork with Space Clubs
County~ ol Cities and the League 's of America, a national career vocational
Airport Land' Use Commission. program for junior and senior high school
F. Arthur Rltterrath, a purchasing students which he conceive<!.
analyst specialist who lives at 203 Vir-The winners were among 76 nominees.
ginia Place, Costa Mesa, was selected for and were selected by a committee of
his activities as chairman of the Boord four cham ber of commerce presidents
d. Deacons of the Central Bible Church in Orange Coun1y -Richard S. Stevens
in Costa Mesa and his monthly church"'"\ of Newport Beach, James S. Webb ol
S8"Vice8 at Sawyer's Rest Home for Anaheim, William F. Wenke or Santa
elderly shut-ins there. Ana and Bruce F. \Vin ton of San Juan
For the third ccmecuti~ year, David Capistrano.
Urged to Use
Easter Seals
Beach at Capo
Filled by Junk
All Penney StorH Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday
ORANGE -The F:aster
Seal Society for Crippled
Children an<.! Adults of Orange
County is urg!ng a re a
residents to keep and use
r~aster Seals on letters even
if they arc un:ible to 1nake
a contribution.
Society presidenl Robert A.
Lineberger said that by using
the seals on their personal
mail. peopll' \\'ill help spread
the y.·ord of tht' \rork done
in the county by the So{'icty.
~lore than 300.000 packets
of Easter Seals "ere rn:iilPil
to county residents this 1nonth.
111e drive, '4'h1ch has a goal
of $85,000, will end Easter
Sunday. April 6.
Proceeds frorn the Orange
County campaign go directly
to the Rehabilitalion Center
for Crippled Children and
Adults. in Orange.
E!llel B~•rNP. 93'! l•lbrrt ,,, •• '
Fount1on ll•lleY. ~""''•"'<!I>• ~on. M•. C1>1r1M BeatrUP, MQCl<:'Sla; tw o dau'lll·
!rrs. Mro. Mild~ WhllMY, Fountaon
\/alley; Mn. l(U~e<IM M111oon, Lon9
B•acn1 b<ot,,.,., II.over C.1l!n, S•n
e ...... 1n:1lno; """"" 9r1ndc.~ildr"' end
!w,'lll'-<;!lle 111e1T-9••ndC~•ldre<>. Roi.·
'"'• toni91'11, 7 .JO PM, Bell Broedwl•
C111~I. Rt'CIU~ Ma'•• ·n,ur..,av. ~
AM, SS Simon I. Jude C1tr1ollc
C""rth, Hunllneton Bt1C11. lnlnmirn!,
C';OOCI ~d c-terv. Oireo;t..i b•
B•ll B•-IV Mortu1ry, 110 Brood·
WIY, (mll Mft,I.
Goldlt IC De Gueltt . .-,9' 69, of 911 c,.ro..,., 51 .• Apt. !, Hll~!ir>11!on Betel>.
D•Tt d dealt\. M•rdl 17. Survl~ by
tlvMM!nd, Jam" ~ Gutllt; '°"' James J; da"9~!el'. J1cc1..eU"" BeO-~r. I~~ ~"tert. FIOn!~ C1wd:
Min!• o.....,~ atld ?dt1 Perlilris: and
"'' <1r•""c~•lar~~ Sttvlc~ •Qday, WodnH<l1•, 11 AM, Smith• Chaoel.
lnlerme~!. CiOOd srte.>Mnl Ctm111f>rv.
Dorec1...:I bv Sm•!~• Morlu•rt.
1 Ol ftlt' D111l' Pflol Sl.tf
Beach may not be shunned
,by campers despite t h e
presence of a half mile long
delta jutting out past the Dana
Point breakwater that is filled
\\'ilh everything from orange
frees to the prov erbial kitchen
The delta is the result of
the January and February
storms \\"hich hit the Southern
California area and washed
ton.'\ of sand, mud and
11-reckage down San Juan
Creek tO the ocean.
\Vhen debris met the sea;
Ne,v Name
Of Schools
Office Due?
the delta spread out from the
mouth of the creek, ju.st east
of the ·oana Point Harbor,
a hair mile down Doheny State
Park Beach.
San Juan Capistrano's sew~r ,.
lines, torn out when storm
runoff raced down the flood
control channels, have
deposited . that' city'• raw
sewage inio the beach area
and along the delta.
The beach along the park
has been closed down by a
county h e a I th department
Nothing can be done about
the delta or the pollution, said
Pat Dougherty. manager of
the Orange County state
beaches. .
"The present beach l 1
unusable," Dougherty uid.
He said that although the
first indications wft that
campers vacationing • during
Easter would shun the popular
camping spot, the fears pro-
ved to be wlthout merit.
"\Ve 're find~ out that peo-
SANTA ANA _ A change pie are coming down to look
of name from County Schools at all the things.
Office to County Department "The way things loot now,
of Education has been pro we might wind up with about
posed by county S c h o a I the same number of people/'
S up e rintendent Robert he said.
Peterson. Dougherty said . about 90,000
11-terson told county school people had been expected lo
trustees the name would ht" visit the park and beacb--dur-
more descriptive of what his ing the nine-day •Easter vaca-•
office does since it coordinates lion.
school district activities more Enfor~ent of the beach
than it superintends schools . quaranti was not up to the
All county School children state per nnel, Dougherty
except those in sgecial schools said.
for delinquents 8nd the ban-"All we do is advise them
dicapped and tbose in the of the CQnditions," he said.
rural Trabuco area come Enforcement is up to the
·under the jurisdiction of in-county. probably through the
BALTZ J\10RTUARIES dependent .school districts. Sheriff's Department, he said.
/ Corona del l\1ar OR 3,9450 Peterson said he will pro-That quarantine already has
Board or Supervisors. and other beachgoers. I
Costa l\Tesa l\11 6-2424 pose the name change to the been ignored by many surfers
BELL ll ROA DI'/ A y 11iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilooNNLLYY°'.2!8sl DO:A:i:YYSS LL:iEiiF'iTi"'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj
I 110 Broadll·ay, Costa ;\lesa
LI g.3,33
lluntington \·alley
li911 lleacb Blvd.
lluntin~ton B~a(')I
Cemetery l\\ortuary
Chap t' .
3500 Pnclflc \'iew Ori\'e
Newport Bcacb, Ca.IUornla
1801 Jlolsa A ''e.
\Vestmlntltr 8!13-3.S!S
SllEFFER !\tORl'l'AH\'
Lagun1 Buell
San Oemente
1!7 !\lain St.
llunttn(lon Oeatl-
LE U539
llut W E Willi To11e1 ore !1lt•v
busineit, but our yeon of ex·
perien(e ho•• pro•ided 111
wi1h oll the 111og~ formulot.
A•oid !Gil ond !rouble. lit
lltOCIC brew up your to!( ~
Our.·entire line of
light fixtures
Brilliant elegance
in cut crystal
prism chandeliers! ~·
Reg •. $49 l;
Pay 11 little n $5 por month
0e1k'lli..oao111 and cut aystal pris..:S win
lend io salt sparldo to your home wlth
their reflocled light ••• 22 inch spread
with 5 lightt ••• rnagnificontl
11" .... with 5 lithb
/ ,,
u 1
.-. ...
·~: .·. . ... ..... -; ....
-<"· ·-· .... .-.
-. ... '
. -
Reg. $39 NOW 33.15 No Money Down ... Use Penney's Time Payment Plan . ..
The soft gl-of
a Tiffany lamp
Reg. $19
Hand .cut marble
tulip style m.11it
R99. $29
,., .. littM-..
Walnut & amber
9lass fixture
Reg. $25
Pay as little ~'
$5 per month
hand rubbed walnut fin·
ish ed wood with a 10"
Mand blown amber ulobt.
48" fluoresc:ent
utility light
Reg. 10.99
.. ~~~NOW n 9.34
Put a new light on yow t'·:~
world Complete with bvlt., .• : •
cord,. plug and mour1ting ·.:
chains. , .....
Hand cut bent glass .,.
opulencw on • budget h
youn at Ptnneysl ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,..~~~~~~~~~~~L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:_~~~~~~~~--~
4...~ E. 171.b St, Costa Mtsa
COSTA MESA, 187S H"bor Blvd., 642-694o
CORONA del MAR, 243S E. Cout Hwy., 67S.0361
W•lr Dl'Y' t •.111.•f , ••• ; S..., S... f •·•··' , .••
___ , _________________________ ____;;···· ,-•.
(Fashion Isl and)
•• • • • ••
• . .
•bs ,.,
"· ol
'"' of
-' ., ~. • ... :·:· .•.
·: .
.• . . ..
.. .,
' .
.. . ..
" •• • •
[ .. ::
:. .. -· 1•· •• •• • A •
4~ Program · . ~ 1
~$.4.5 l\li11ion Set .' -.
: For County Roads
' (SANTA ANA -A Iota! ol
Sf,555,700 will be spent on road
and bridge impro'l.fment and
1S ction prof•ct• Jn
e Coonly dlll'lnc fiscal
J 71> Wlder the Arterial
!Qlhways Financlq. Procr•m
a.-·approved here. Tue9day by ! rd or Superviian.
coestal cities, Huntington
comes out oo top with
five projects totalling $346,000.
Costa Mesa follows with
$193,100; Newport Beaclf,
$130,000; Laguna Be a ch,
$116,500; San Clemente,
$77.650; Seal Beach, IJM,500,
and Fountain Valley, $153,500.
One of three Couiity bridge
· 1'1eetings
building projects Is In the
Harbor ar~a at Campus Drive
and San Oiego Creek at UCI
w1111 t1'lll,ooo·,iloc•ted. . Al'frov!'I 'pr;,jeds: .
A...,;,.. Av.,..., Loke S!rttl 0' ~ k ·N od
1o Beach ~d .... ooo mr am.,
indfanapolis Avenue., r1" 1 ' ~.
Magnolia lo B rookhurs t T A• '. t '
streets $82,000 ·o irpor . :
MagnoUa Street, Hamilton to
Adams avenues and Yorktown C • •
to Garfield avenues llll5,000 OmmlSSlOU Warner Avenue, intersection
at Beach Boulevard and Beach
to "B" Street · f42,000
Yorlcf:own Avenue, Newland
Street easterly 1,322 feet
BREA -Robed A.\Clark
of 1 Brea. ha1 been·• appainted
to the Oratl'ge County Ajrport
Commission by Supervisor
Willibm J. Ph.illips. Clark suc-
ceeds attorney Leland Launer
who resigned last month after
11 years on the ~on.
Clark has had 20 years avia-
~ ;;.r~ OK'd ~~ Y -' :J/ie ;}o.ff'J Roger Re6lauranf
£i, TORO -Dooplte a Iha~ !ho arra,i Ml }it · ·~ William U. Ht.... • " "-'ect that r----"""'-t • Proudly Presenls ~endation IO"'~ ll'<llll a bazlrcl . .,..... aa e)'Qj)<O. • ,.,. ... -.-.... -~ 1.oniog .J.dmlnlMr•tor said tt ~ woJi be a ,tl)O,opt liad llO olf&ile sales homes llllRTAlllllfJ
'Ray ·Reed and , ,_.atlonl tn-C ancl"\be)r woolc(, .and 4ld qolle •In. Kluc , \
)ly the Plannint comrniaslon. bold.·-10 a~llQl."". COUD!ered that Loauu.Nlcud In The L?unge
~Supervisors Tuesday lij)pl'OVed qa.lred 1t1t,.the C(lUn'ly. 1 • used ,11wnerous blllboards to Featunng
·.,, Q"oidel "home display on the Supervisor Da'fkl L •• Bakec promote their property.
Sapia All' Freeway. said be aaw l'1 real harm 'l1le-~· approval
--•'•k ho ' pl 1 in the p-1.' th~t' boines was conditioned with the lim~ .·~ ~t.. rqe eom ex 0 would be bUilt. ''rp' to, ,the of one billboard on I.he model
PaceJelter bolj><s wm , \>" lteew(y ev"1i~'Jnyway. ~site.
!bled ·~ tho!'lpter~ °'itwww_,lii_,_,iiiiiifjij~-----. the k-ar·•nd Jeiu.; Ji.lad it ~v:,~~~:: .. , ·: . CBSTOl'',f~DE .
:~·~·:.:.;\mile~ · .. FIREPLAC£· SCREENS nit commissjcin andi'Retd
said the approval would set 1~$10,E AND CORNER MOUNTS
a precedent for offsite DI.ode! Complet~ Line of Fir1pl•~ Accessories homes near freeways.
John Klug of Pacesetter wa Mft. I• -... ,_..,.,
no ~ent ·would ~ .. set. tha\. model com plexes, hfld
been offsite in several p1aces
in the county previously and
Mlr"'tl.-... •·
cau for frff estim1te
• Complet1t. Line
of Gas · Flame Logs
"The Jim Diffie Duo"
* lunch
' Sensational
Guitar Sounds
Vocal Ar.rangemenh
Mon. thru s.t.
1:30 p.m. -1:30 •• m.
c .........
Lobsler HIN'bor·lltn Tae1tnwo1tr.r'1 Club, On!"
C•leter'-. F•ll!lllf' l1l1no, N~t
Ce11191', N~ llHch, 7 1.m. ll~1~1t1t 0Ptlml1t Club 111 CoU1 Me11,
Caril llMI' Re1t111r1n1, 2"'5 H1rt1or
81vd .• Cosl1 MeM, 7::111 1.m.
lloard or Re.nors, NtWJlorf H1rt>or.
Co111 Mta1, B1tbo1 IH~ Club, Ntw-
. Placentia A Vtnue, ·Victoria
Street to • 300 feet north of
Wilson Street $104,000
Victoria Street, Charle Drive
to Newport Boulevard $88,000
Del Mar Street to Utah
Street, Balboa Streel to Oro
Streel $100.000
Countryman Road (Summit
Drive ), Inez Street to La
?i.1irada Avenue $16,500
tion experience with I h e Sa t " A Tent and Marine Corps, D 0 u g J a s To ovWcomo' 'dllCOl'lllwt Ill" In n a na
Aircraft and Autonetics. He ditnture. l lip, 1llOe or '-"· hill • Awn1'ng Co.
'., now ,·n the automobile nro-sor1n11:11 • 11111.e FASTEET!i on VOUI'
* 4.95 Dinner
~ PllllS. FASTEETH lloldl tlentvr•
PGrl 8e1ch, I 1.m. •
Westmtn1rw 11:0!11'1' Club, king'• Ti·
bit Resl1ur1nt, Westrn1..;,..., 12 noon. [~d\llnte Club ol N-POrt H1rbor.
SllJft Shirt Rest1ur1n1, Nn11ort BeKh, 12 noon.
ce~!~~ ~~~e:r~a city coun· £=::. :,~~ t::•!E 2202 S. MAIN S'S-0491 2300 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA
DenNl'ltS 11'111 •flt .,. •Mntlll la SAHTA' ANA bo I c ...... . cilman and former mayor. He 11ea1111. Sle your d1111111 rw11111<1y. . H•r r Shopp "I enter-.,...,...__
has been a resident al thatj :"";;'"';";'~';"~"~·;·~·";~~-;•;•;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====================:: 1Clw1nl1 Club of C..t1 Mest·Noril!,
C<ll°1t R~ R"l1ur1n1, 1645 Hut>0r
81vd"., C01!1 M,SI, U;!O 11.m.
NeWPOrt H1rbor Kiw1nT1 Club, F1llcl-
1no" 1611 Wetlclttt Drive. N_.,. e.eacn. 11:10 p.m.
Fou,.t1ln V1lley 1C lw1nls Club, Fr•,._
cols', 11151 lle1CI! Slvd., Huntington ae1cll. 11:1s 11.m.
N.-t-lrylne Rot1ry Club, 01n1,1•1,
H.11 arlstol sr., COfll Ml'H, 12 noon.
Or1"9tl Co.It Clvlt1n Club, Coot1 M"1
Golr 1nd CounlrY Chlb, 1101 Golt
Cou~ Drive, Cos!1 Mel.I, 12: IS 11.m.
Hunllt>Dlor> S..ech Llcnt Clutl, Hw.t.
1,,g!on SQctlf'f Colll'!lry Clutl. :moG
P1lm Drive, Huntlrtlllwr auc11, 6:311
ll1111<N' Aru To.sr..,.sfeor's Club 1(14.1.
Mell Vl1'dl> Country Club. Cost1
Mew, 1 11.m.
U.$. H1v1I Se1 CIClel Car111, 2~
81rr1nci" lfotd, S1nl1 A111, 1 1.m.
Or1noe C-lv Cr.cllt Ufllon Let-.
Sllddle~do: rrin. s.n11 "'"'"' 7:30 11.m, Masonic Lodte, IOOf , A1jl, WeslmJri-
ottor Avenue '1t cMht• Slrttr, W~l
ml"51w, 7::JO, p.m.
Hunl/1111.., bell Jli!lllot Cl!1mber of
CDmm'1"c:t. $11er1lon lie.ch Inn,
Hun!ington Such, I p.m.
N!!WP«t H1rbo!' Elks Club. Elks
Lodge, 3ol.SI VJ1 CIPorto, N1""'°'1
llNdr, • 11.m.
A~lt•n Le-;rlon Post 45$, lime-rlCln
Ll!lrlon Hill, YS w. llln JI., cosr1
Mrs., I p.m.
$!•. Simon 1.w:I )Ude M@n's Club, P1r·
lsh H1U, :n1 l~ltl St., Huntlnf!on
lle1ch, I p.m.
United Fund Flnlncl1I M1n1-n1
Cod'ncll, United Fvnd office, 211 w.
Wlloon, (ml1 Mew, I 1.m.
Hunllt>Dton Beech R011rv Club, Sher1-
ton Bttai Inn, Huntl~ 11.eldl, ,12:10 p,m.
Mer~~ llonl Club. Slutt St.Ir!, 22~1
W. C1»1f HlthWIJ, Nt'WPOrt kldr.,
11:15 P.m.
Ml>r Vl1t1 Masonic Lodte, M•sonlc
Temllle, 1•1 lSltl '""'' Newport BtKh. 7:30 p.m.
V.F.W, POff f:JS», limerlclrt lethWI
Hell. YS W. lttlr Street, COiii Mew, 1:00 P.m. •
lJC I Folk Dt11Cl11t, C11n9111 Hill, Urtl-v~rs!IJ of Cllflami.t trvlrte, 7:lll p.m.
Chrlst;1" 11~1,,...,,,...-1 CommlttN,
811lbor. ll1y Cl11b, H""""'1 ·11Mcl!, 1
Anchor lodtt, VOA, knlor Clllnns Rtt ... tion Club, 1Sln Str..t Ind Ir-
vine Avl!fllle, N""""'°'1 Btedl, I p,m.
Sons of !111ty In Amtf"ICI, Mir Vhl•
lodte. 111t1 Stl'ffl 1Jld °'"'"" •-
-· Hun!lntton S.1cl!, I p.m, Or-Coul!ly REACT, 10n1 G1rOen
Greve lllvll., GI~ GfOYlt, 7:J:I P.M.
Jamboree Road,, Palisades
Road to MacArthur
Boulevard $80,000
32nd Street, Balboa to
Newport boulevards $50,<MXI
Talbert Avenue. Newland to
city since 1959.
Phillips also reappointed
several other commissioners.
Albert 8. Campbell w a s
renamed lo the Fish and
Game Commission. D8.n Foley
to the Planning Commission
and Dean Shull Jr. to the
Harbor Commission.
h-1agnolia streets, and · Ward -------,---
Street to the Santa Ana
River $25.1,500
Avenido Pico, Pacific Coast
Highway to Ca,.lle de los
~1olinos $77 ,650
Bay Boulevard, 450 south of
Coast Highway to 1400 feet
north Bolsa Avenue $184,500
Nearly Everyone
to Landers ·
Yo1 m •• 1lmast 11 waU lay keeping 1 lot 1111 ·money in
yall' r'p I ... Ktlll~ '111111 1 lot mo11 in your Plcific 5% Pmbook
Account •d 111ilding may !llck and forth as often n you like.
ev•l'J' dollar eara1 eveq daJ.: it i• ~
J'OUr Paelfto Aooo11at-
even lor tut•• daJ".
. n ....... 1'111 hlkkn ...... , ...... doily ... 114" .. ............ ,., .... --_. .....
Snl111 18 .,..r -ut It ••l1lf1 Hi 1~ frtm , .. 1st 11 111y
................ fly , .. 10tL
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday
:.JIE· . . '
·: '
' 1
. Mclane 20" front
'throw.Z ti.I'. rHI
type power mower
Heavy steel construdion l ,
with 20" cutting width.
Other ·features include1 .... • 1
recoil starter, 'tapdord
muffler, 5 blade ~eel arid '
-4 cycle engin•. Grass
catcher included!
Pay OS little
as $8 per month
. .. ..
. Jt•,, ~·
U E I •
SAVE $15.95
Penncraft premium power j,ro-
pelled 21" rotary lawn mower.
Rugged 312 H.P., 4 cydo l"l!ine has pulkip "sido
recoil" starter, an6-:;X:isc, gas gauge, under
deck muifter, Gnm indudocl I
Reg. $144.95
NOW '129
Pay as little os $7 per month
S H.l'./4 cycle Penncraft engine roto·
tiller. Horizontal drive shaft-rewind starter, till-
ing width 26", tilling depth.up to S"with adjustable
rear depth bar. Tractor tread tires 10"x2SO". Many
more features!
. Reg. $169.95 Now•144
Pay as little as $7.SO per month
l'enncraft • custo111'
power propelled
reel type mower!
Our .( cycle Penncroh hos
a 212 H.P. engine. Som• of the features include1
18" cutting width, five
blades, automatic rewind
starter. Grass catcher in-
109 •. 95
Pay as little
... $6 per month
...... ,., ....... -... ,.,.""" ,., .• , ...
! Fashion Island)
I Huntington Center)
• w.....,,_1,,1i.9
Record •
MA•CM 11 Slllrllft' ~ Vlnceftl n Efwfrd G.
Hlt..L-PllAMl(l,.IN, JffMW C., X. of WIMll'!t • ' • • ~. lrl~,-t'!., H!fCJ. J .. U. ~.~·~ R~~ri:.· S.llltlly ~ ltlWl't J. ,r>N~AL.~dH.~e~~11. l G9ott ... AriM w • ..,"''"' 11• c1m.ro ~·~.:,'u,...•~,., t::::i.."'1Mcn. •· ... Ht~ W•"',, ~· J Me '_. A.R1$PJ:-IJP1~2!A-l)tnlel C .. ti, l\ll(t f l:tl' 1""" r. vi 1~1'•'
ORAMOlr COUNTY MA. R RI A• a rlld 1'11u ~Li}~ ofSli. ~~,,=. (INl'tfl hlir.Mt v• ~•I I . $•1rftlltr LICIM$1$ llSIJI() ~''""· 8"''"" J, tlll11 VI Rll'motlf Ottn
MARCH ' SMEATON-lA.Ll.ACI(, •1c11erd P .. 2:1. -Tlllt'I
··u""NA.-BELTltAN. Erllftl. 11, "' "' llOf~~-1'1lf11!tw. ltnl• ""• •l!d ~·ii. M. 011lrwnbl• 1'1 •ot•• P. --j A 111 o.nlu ., 19. Of 17tt1 Wrl9h!W914 011trtmbr. :iJ• e~·rw. SJi' fi111 121': \1~ Ltnt, 11ntlntton 8Md'o'. Etrl VIII ...... Jt, \IL JOlll! l.tll!M
W1ttlml11SI". Wlli>E--'ROUTTY, JoMOh It.. 23. V•n '"''" IALOWl~-BVRNS, JtmtS V'f., lO, 11' 26.!lf SAf,.mflnt• '"' Pt~ll>' A " Vlrtlllfl Jt!MJ 'ff\Of'IW;J \II L-1'9 of U621 B"'°"l' •ncl Te<HI L.. l,, ol WIS kf'"'4!11CI, boll'I of URov Tl'lomll
2t.. ti U121 11.,orilt. both OI Mlolon Vlflo. MIN E. Cowhltn Ill .,lotln T. 'c"outh.1111
Wutm!11i1er. Dorl• I. Wtrd 111 Codi I . Wtrd ,
•EEVES-WILDEY, WUllitm M .. ,,, D%••oree• $0fldr"9 l. Tur"'' .... Roltw Otte el J07d Ct!r. C~. ~n J111n Ill'• "1 ~ tul'fltr ,
Ctahtrlnc •fld MIH v .. ~J, ol AM• Mllrl• MIH'lt VI Frodtrlcll t ,
26IO Sclltno WtY· L111,1ne· &ete · Rlel\trcl Mld .. el Goodmtll 111 St••fll Hunt DUNCAN-MURRAY, 8ttvt G .• Sl, Htlln A.1111 ShodltY V$ RoDorl Hl'lwo.d o1 !'Ct Roc"-t"'· c:os11 MHt Jnt C1t~•IM <>-Iman Shocklt'I D!.nt H., JL of 625 Del Mt r, ~!!NII ltt Gnttowskl 'll OtnnY Allin R~v Stlonll!IO ¥I atrbtrl Oltn~ St~ c1.-1110. JCMPll GM!llWDI St!ornll\O •1:l-SELDOH, Jtmn W .. ~l. o! John Cr.,,.,QUlil vs MtrY Ellen Cro~ JO. Ctft ton I ~Wl1'9 C 0.tl-
W. NtbrtJkt. Pecrlt. Ill .. tf!O <1ul~I 11 e< " • lml R.. W, ol U70 COH!ander Ol•n' L. l 1tlletl ;-s 01rre1I Ou11'1t ltrlon OtlWt. Cotlf Mt... TKkt!I JoAMt E. Dt¥11 vs Robert E. 01;-11
l ll:OWN-CAl..VO. l lmc>!IW. 1~. of 11. Mlrtl''I LO<!lY Ptrki ¥S Rtvmol!d Ct rlt AM T11cmt1 ¥1 G1ryr.oel l tlom11 East St.. Letl!Wood. Miu.. tnd GorOM Par-$ JtQlluellnt l !Yt'lll va Lt•t'f Wlllltm
0.-IC.cl M.L 11, of !301'1 PtlO 8 1Yflll • .lll'O, ()elll 1'01111. Mtnoi. Me...COll YI EllUVll\ll MenOoU J•llt Sll!den VI Otrrel Mt ll 5tndllr1 2 1 Con1u110 Ch1ve1 ;-s Fr1ncl1eri Chtwt? kll:ONE-MEA.NEY John O .. l • 0 , .. ,,, •• , , -... 0 ,.0,0 G•brltl T, JUI A. Eitwlf'ds W •oberl T. 6ctw1r4s .-w. Wl!sOll. COJlt Melof 11nd ~ "" .. _, •• " p -·" H ---'oRoy 1-;'en M .• 20, of Sttlo Ro.cl, Grttl Leon ~;;:;~~, .. , v1 "
&arriM(l!I!.. MIH. Jeam-.e UHb V5 Er!lfll Mtr!ln Ullb ·-· .. --• ' '"' CRANE-MOSS, fWntv F .. 25. ol lll) O.Ctr For!ber11 ...-Lois For>btro .,. ''• -• 'It 1
81v1lde Orlve1 Corona dtl Mtr tnd Joenr" Marv Hou..e vs Rlt~lrd Htr• Ll~ •. ~~-. "'-'*" 'll Chfrr.1 O.nltl Mlafll S .• ·1J. cf •2107V. &1ll)Ot, rllGfl House · " ''" N...,.POrl 8eKh. . •..... Lynn YorN Vll Mlc:Mtl 8t11 Roberti LCM,!ltl ll'rtnllte \11 PtUI 'Jl:Oll' YEARGAN-~ PIERRE, Jami• L.. ....,..,, Prentkt • ~ uu tnmtNl!le Road. Rom•i YOl"IM Potlfld E. C•rmlct11-• .... PwoY l . ~I 1 Peneloot L., 24. Of E"ll"'und Urba!IO, Ill VS B1rbtrt Je1n '" 53 tlll<. Hunlin.JIOll B••wth. 1 ol u,.,,. Ctrmlcl!HI ' •el~ f(A1;ER. R-rl .. lJ ~ •• ,.., L. H'lde ... Leon F. H•cl• •460 K!wl Cln:lt, l'oullttln. 'o'o '> YO-o,li lff >Oo<Oo!r vs Wt"'°" RIV l'"IMAL DICllllS Ind (htrmllYftf K.. lt. ~ • ~ H~ $1 Gtnltn Grove. .Slnclllr E!leen R. Kett vs D111nlt V. K•• KERBY-jMtTH, Jerry J,, 11. o)'.,?!l1 llirtlv J111e Sm!tn vs J1mn AtrOll Vttn A. McC111l1v v1 AMI McC.ulty Btvlor I Wntmln11M tnd ....... I Smith Ell be1~ M y h G A I,.., ll. o M,s2 Stnla 81rWr1, Gtrl11!n IM•lefte K. Flsel vs Mlcha~I F. F11rl .;:.,11, . Oii 9 VI totM .
Gro;-t. llld'l1rcl Gordon M1rc111 vs Lo!s Anti Ktllierlne B. Colbv vs l'r1nlt K.
M,lllCM ' Mtrtus COiby 1-iOG ... N-ROODMAfrl. J1Cll L .. 19. OI Rottmarie l11>111 P•ll"ltlt Toombs ;-s Jo A.nn 'Htlrft VI Gertie! Diie He1r11 l.llln A1h $!.. Wtdmlnsljr Ind Gnrclon Rlltv Toombs Btverty J1111 Holmtl vs R!chtrcl B1rt1<1•• " . 2.1, o1 '1111 ntc••• Lln<U C. Thomison v1 Frlcler\U II. Sheldon HillmH
Orlve, Hvnt\n11on •••~h. p 11 ot lhOmPson R\111'1 Ja.nn sie~v vs John c,.,., PRlNr.-WtLSON, Ktlll'I "' • ' 00 M W • O "" 2217 Ht•bo•· cost• WWI 1nd sneron te•ue ne ••le t Y vs ... 1rrv '"' 51..,py s. 11. ol 11136 Ir,, fOYll!l lll V1!11v., Wtv Mlr!tm "'" KruPP VI Wllll•m Ec!Wtrcl LEflTl-WILLIA.M , Glen C.). 1', ocl I.art A.. McKte VI Thomts N. McK~ Kn.oPll !P",_,w., M .• '',~ •• den'...S•n/1'!1 i,.~r.. Jelnttte .ll•~•nder YI Roger L. AIU· Cerolt EllYM Dterlnt .,, Wlltltm • .... .. "' tndor + P111t D..erl'* Wtsl!Tlln1hlr · I L 1l 11~111 Lorr1ln CUIT\lllon VI Chlrles f;-t/'fn 01 L'11 VI Anll'lolly Ptul DI a~ow,~~~,!r , sri:..· NN-1 Rtvmond C11m111lon Leo ,... Beec:h f! :lor1 A., 22, of 350 Con.-.. Lii $m111i VI lr1dki~ l\ltn J111111 A. lie-\It J1cqutynn J, •. -,,,','"'l •'~•'-"','.'"•~' 1,.,, 1,01• Sm!ln lletH .., E U<:H _.x;· E 81r~r1 L. Rau 'IS Dtvlcl T. Rou Ellltbeth Ann 81rktr VI L1wrenc1 al 421 tlli SI., tncl rY "' ' Linda 0 . Clbocl vi John W. CltlOcl, Henry Bin.er
ol 9()31 Ellsworth Orlve, both ol 1eper1te m1lnten1nce John Bent MtcF1rltnd v1 Ruth M1r\1
Jewish War
Vets Elect
Hr~P.'~"f~c~':f~ER, Elr.Jr, 403, ,0,1 Sherrv H. Hottm•n vs w11111m C. M•cF1r11nd
"ll:ll Eldon Avt. al!d Ktr • ~ · Hof!mtn M1r111ret S. Howltnd vs Wtrren "J. Th J · h W V t of 2133 E!don Ave .. bo1~ ol Coslt P111I T. Ccrrie ;-1 .... udrey Nev!ltne Howland e eWlS ir e er80S
c &U.'ELL -WILD, Jemes 11.. 11, M~~;~~' ,.~111 ere"'° vs Orville s~1r1ev G. Knloht v1 "•1hur_Knlghl of Orange County, Post ?IO,
ol 21 W. Cor111ll1 I nd (ynthlt A.. l twrentc Creebo ~nn MtrJlt tc.t;;5 VS Roberk/B. ICllh~I have elected neW officers for
11. of 11ot Butna U!s1t, both 01 Oolo•t1 0111 Ctela vs Edward f. 00',m~,, ein •r1ten '"'· cnae · l9fi9-l97.0_ The new <;om• Sin Cttomtnlt. .. o> .• JOROAN-STOERCK, w1m1m ,., • ' Crtl9, HPll'81-e mtlnllneP\Cll Jfy Doucll•s HCWll VI A.lice M. Howe
01 t506 e . c1t1Mn1Gn, S1nt• ""' OoMld Fredrkk Fololltf" v1 J1c<i111 M1re1r1111. au1 ,., D1 niel c. ee11 mander is Jack K. Mandel
t nd Rtt A .. 11. 111 '11? C1rn1ticln Kev Foloner Joyce Ann P1vne v1 lllthtrd A!lt n Of Fullerton. Drive, Wt1tml111ttr. M1rl111 A. Wllller vs Rant!cl l. Winter Ptvne
Mlrlon Evrlc:ll vs Hennen G. Evrldl Clemlct Yvonne Lowe vs Arnolrll L." WEA.THE~~-~.H.fp~-Rm.L.. ldt M. Lltlk "' ••fltll l. Little Lowe Sydney Rubenstejn of &lan-
2.s. o1 ~ •• 1 .. ,.~;-4' W:.,.( ,,.'!',,1 G1.civ1 M. SWlftlOI\ " H•rttev A., Kt!ko s.i111kl YI Geor1• t . su1u1t1 ton is senior vice-commander nd LI ,.. of ...,,.. -SnMOn Carll H. Cltrlt V$ ICtl'Mll!lll F. Citric :_.1,,.r.1:1 -"M111il.I ••~"' Y. Ran11ro vs JOHPh A. Miry Ellt!l s..uc1c1o v1 llldllrd and Robert E.R. Bomocino of WILLI N~l'F}oRD, RO'l'•I D.. Romero. np1r1te melntentnce Stlleedo
•1!:,o1K•i 1 E~t,':f·1ft•~=: Je1nne AM G'""IWl'OOd, ett • ...-Jtoy Frink. o. Trumble w fl0ttll• w. Garden Grove is the new
" O Arlllur Grtel!WOOcl Lllltnllttl Trumble jun!. Of vlce-comJDander. Pk!'E'.:.Mlt;'c!ltt. Thomll H •• 20, of l oulll N. Smllll vs Wlllttt (oteman Judllll Glte Whltloek 111 Mtrvln Miiton
310 Monte v1111, c0&11 M1$8 •net smith Whillock, Jr. The Orange County poµ Ketlllten A., !I, cl 1as Nlntll S!., J1vte L. C11rltr vs Rfch&nl C. C1r!er Gall w:. McC1Jn ¥1 Th0m11 o. MCCtln euen~ P1n. 1 y , works with veterans' botpl'·'· ·LBA-PU.TtN. R•,,_ 11 .. n., of IN 1111..0CUTOR Marin Jll'lt Jtl'f!lln v• J-ph frank -"•:n• A!tmod•· eow"'" 1nc1 ·e'"' aec•e:Es J1rm111 in the Orange County. and L.. 11. cl 11•1 El c1m no Orlve. Ellen 11tt FerOIJIOn vJ Rgn11c1 De•n Ml'll•"'' A. EfW•Nb 11• Harry 8. Long Beach area. L..fS\1l~i>P"u... Glorv L' 2!tt.~ __ c":":"=":':_ _________ c':'c•:•"'=--,,.----------.::.:_:_:_:_:_ ___ _
16100 WhlleuP c1rc111. w• .. Vtllt¥ end J1ne A .. 2 , of ROllll , Hl'Lt::·iei~·o~f.'rime,, o .. 22, of All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Saturday
IJ.11\ Olamond Helld Orlva, Tu1t!n
tnd Su11n C.. 22, of 3~ Lindi,
B1ltl01. W 24. VA.N HISE-BUTLEll, JOhn ,, "' of 213"11 8 1v Crelt. H1111IL~!JO"o !.!!',, and Btrnlct J •• :ic. ol 12... r, w •
Gard!!'ll g•O'll . ., THOMASS N-SUTHERLANC!\ .• 1~·· P .. 20, of .i)13 C1llt ""' I~ 1..tM4 L., lll of «'.Ill CtLlt Abnl, IL~~G'IJ..6&~.aWiteR .. Oonll lcl H .. 20, o1 l!S M"t!O'IL1, \;olft Melt
t nd Evolvn K., 17. Of 1nt5 HtwPlrl
""'"" Tustin. H 4 DYE-HUMPHREYS, J1rnt!, ,, A of l:IJCI P!ll .. del lla.d, nt0o M' 1nd eern ct E.. n . of « . MtlodY 1..11\t, Co.ti M•tl. SHRYOCK-ALBIN, Wlllitm V ... ~. o1 111'1 Poln..eh!t, Cotant oe1 1r ~nll s~un o .. 21, ol 51~ Nectu111
Ave .. NeWPOrl Be•dl-
t HOMAS-WILSON. ltrrv w.1 22. _2! 131 M•rv•te Drlvt, A111hl! m 1, ..
Btrbllrl M., 20, ol lOOSl Ed-a
Or1¥t. Hunllnltllfl atokft.
HEAGY-LACY .. CNvld C .. 21. of $2U
'S' Sl . E! 1~ncl PJ!'Mll C., 11. o! fu AOlene r ve. Fulltrtol'I. Wl.t.HEE-NICHO , Wlli1tm W., ~ 111 JO~ 1v on ll:OtJd. Cos'! Mis• tncl Oorolllv H .. "' ol 612 S. /'/Otwt lk 811'd., Whlttier.
MARtM 11
SKOW-LAWREHCEb Vltdlmlr, ~· oO JOJll'" &re1kert rive 1nd ••ole s .. "111 ol 2'!2 w. f rOlll r!vt .
beth oo CO<"Qnl dll1 Mir. WAROLOW-TAYLOR1 K1nlll!h R., ~. o1 tm El V1h• st .. f01,1n•1•n V1lleV tnd P11Tlcl1 K .• \1, al 1:1262 Glenw•v Gtrdln Grove. WI I.SON-HA.RT, JOhn M .• 1t1 . ol 75-16 OHr1r11I, Y11ct1 Vtllev, Mn Ber·
n1rcllno, 11"111 Dlenne E., \1, of 5122 O..erlancl Drive. Huntlneton Betch.
H 53, of 17.15 CorOl'loclo SI.. \:9M1 e~·,cn tl!d J nnnt, ll, cl son RoblnWOQd Drlve' Hunllnalon Bttch. DE HAAS-S!NN R, H1n1, :10. gf
1151 MtndreU Drive, HunllllfllOll
Beath and Sonl1 K.. lt, of llli\
IQwa, Wellmln!!''· SEPULVEDA-RIVE RA. Ettnnlt, to, of 511 Cen!Pt 51., CO!ll MHf,_~~ Allcl• o .. n. al t1~ s. F ........ SI S1n11 Ana. TEliitY-WlLSOfrll BobbY J .• tr, 111 ™ Cvcr1n, 1g11nt llt•th tnd l111r1 C.. :IC. ol 20l'h AINl'-Ave., Btlboa l1l1nd.
GIRLS • • •
AGES 4 .12
Many Valuable
MARCH 2t -I :00 p.m.
MANI ., •.•.•••••...•..•.•
ADDl!SS 0 " '' •' 0 I •' • • • • '•
rttOtrfl •.....••••••••••. ·•
A•I ..........•••..•.•...
Fiii Oii! I~ tflurtl ta OwOM"•
~... .,, Piii(.• tilld fo\OHllllO
In H....., (tn!ott.
J)M HAllOI l'-YD.
38" W x 31" H
16 lbs.
38" w x 31"
18 lbs.
P1y os little ao $5 per """""
Beovtlfy your fireplace at POMefs low, law priclo. Don~ .,;. this
great bargain. Choose betwHn two styles. Both of bnm, oqvippod
with brush ond polctr. '
S.Von piew br111 flrepl---ble ·---·---44.•
Cullom ~ -mode to fit.,_ flreploce ----· 29.91
{Fuhion lslend)
Choice of ••• black
finish or pollslled
brus fire..+
fow p;ec. flretet MctMel po•.,, brvth, efHI shoftt.
Round • rectoi gtAcw t.t.
11" w004lbcnllet
wffll W.Ck hllllll•r
{Huntingtoo Cenlorl
......_lllAMll ... .. . • ML MUM
... .,_........---·
' ' ' . ' ,, " \
,;._ ' ' .. '
• '· l '
• • ' i
,\ ~ 1> alTER I
\ I ' l'RtSS I
\ M£Rf _, /
\ 0 !
GWC Sear.ching for
Auto .Repair Students
A search is on by Golden
West Co11~gc to locate 25
young men who want to learn
auto body repair ru;i.d painting.
The only requirement is that
a person be 18 or over, There
are no tuiUon fees. Skills
learned in the program can
lead to almost immediate
employment, the college p.ld.
The 14-week program bellns
perience. .
Comprehensive training in
all phases of auto damage
and refinishing will ~ offered
in rapid-paced, eight hours a
day classes.
Inquiries about the program
can be directed to Golden
West College, IS7« G<ilden
West street, Huntington
Birth Defects Parley Set
The poossiblllty ol betterlnl
the oddt !or the unborn will
bt explored 1t a conference
on birth dtlecta Marth If,
apon.sortd by the March of
Dimes at Or1111e C o a a t
eo11e; .. Tbe. confe-reuic.e·, c~ •
aponsored by Oranc• c.i
Collep and the Colllamla
.WO. ol Secoodary -Admlnistralon, wW be held
In the OCC Audltorlum from 2:~ lo I p.m. The con1 .......
II !or !acuity and s!Qilonll
of Oranc• County ochooll.
Seari Tru·Ear X
Hearing Aid
hrtEuJ".., ...
• Over 100 ~cl WW, llfll
e Separate f!a/df. nrttell ·
• Renuwabl• Wlel'J' m ...
• ln~le ••. 1111 llt!Mr ...
April 2. It will be taught i:n;=========::.; the college's new; tnPdem.ly
equipped trade and industry
building by an instructor with
more than 00 years ex-
Tomb Lighted
'Ibe Tomb of_ the Unknowns tn Arlington National
Cem~tery is now permanently
OoodUghted at nlght as a
result of a gift from the
American Legion.
Charle s C. Scott, M.D.
5911 Heil Av•.-Suite 0
Huntington Beach
Pr1<t;,, Jevofecl to froatritent
of the ov1rw1i9ht p•ti1nt.
84b-1 lll 842-7273
NOW 3.95
NOW 7.95
NOW 13.55
Or1n91f1ir Ct"lor
Harbor 1t Or11191thor,o -
H11ntirtff•ll C.11tw
E.d!nt•r •t S•11 Ot.f• fwy,
F11ft1.,. l1l•IHll
M•cArMl11r •t r ... Cit, H.,-.
.. Innovation .. • • .~ Prof!Osed . .,
A oalloo<ride league ol
: junkr colleges designed to·en.
· courage innovaUon has been
incorporated with O r a n a: e
Coast Junior College Diskk:t
as one of the charter
members. .
Dr. Norman E. Wataon,
superintendent of the di.!trlct,
Is a member of the board
, f>f dlrectors ~ tbe League
• foc Innovation. Golden West
College Preslden( Du d I e y
Boyce played an active part
in formation.
'I1ie league wu organiled
with ·the asa.iat.ance ol a grant
from Ute Kettering Foun-
dation, A national organization
of lZ junior college districts,
the Le$1rue'1 goal is to en-
courage and evaluate in-
novation ind e:s:perimentaUon
to Jmprov.e all aspecb of col·
lege eparUon. .
The membership includes 32
junior colleges with an enroll-
ment of• more than 250,000
student.s;more than one-eighth
of the nation's total.
Member districts include
Chicago City College; Dallas
County Junior College District,
Dallas, Tu:as; Delta College,
University Ce n 1 er, Mich.;
Foothill Junior Co 11 e g e
District, Los All.Os; Kern
Junior College D istrict,
Bakersfield; Los Angeles City
J unior College District: Los
Rios Junior College District,
Sacramento: Orange Coast
J unior College Di st ri c t ;
Peralta Juqior Co 11 e g e
District, Oakland ; J u n i or
College District of St. Louis,
St Louis, Mo; Santa Fe Junior
College, Galnseville, Fla.; and
Seattle Community College,
Seattle, Wash.
I JCs Offer
New Oasses
A series or nine-week even-
ing classes ranging from civil
service preparation to first aid
ad English grammar will be
offered starting in April by
Orange Coast and Golden
West colleges.
Registration for OCC classes
will be from 6:15 to 9:15 p.m.
in the Counseling Center on
April 7-9, 10, and 14-17.
Registratibn '"'for GWC classes
will be on _the same dates
and time in the G W C
Admi nistration Building.
OCC classes and starling
dates: Civil Service Prepara-
tion, Tuesday 7-10 p.m., April
15: PBX, Tuesday-Thursday
fi :IS-7 p.m., April 15 ;
I Shorthaod Review, 7 : 3 0 -1 0
p . m., Monday-Wednesday,
Aprft 14; Transcribing
MachJnes, Tue5day-Thursday,
7:1H:IS p.m., April 15; Typ-
ing Review; Mon d a..y -.W~
nesday, 5-7:39 p.m.; April 14;
Halr Styllq Advanced, 1'ues-
(la;v .. 7-t0 p.in., April 15; Salol!
Techniques,. Wednes~y, 7-10
p.m., Apnl 16. .
First AUi, Wednesdays, 7:30-
9:30 p.m., Afril 16; English
Grammar, two sections, Mon-
day 7-10 p.m. and Tue5d.ays
7·10 p.m., 'April 14 and 15;
Reading for Speed and Com-
prehension, fours e c t I o n s ,
meeting from 7-10 p.m. on
Monday through Thursdays,
Aprll 14-17 ; Slide Rule, Thurs-
day 7-9 p.m.; April 17;
~1echanlcal Inspection (plum-
bing), Monday 7-10 p.m., April
G\VC classes: Typing
Re view, Tuesday-Thursday
7:30-10 p.m., April 15; Effi-
cient ?tie a I Preparation,
Thursday 6:31>-9 :30 p.m., April
JO; Basic Writing Review,
Thursday 7i9 p.m., April 17;
Reading for Speed and Com-
prehension, two Jed.ions, Tues-
day and Thursday 7-10 p.m.,
April 15 and 17.
YMCA Plans
For Spring
The Orange Coast YMCA,
In Ne wport Beach, which
recently marked its firsl
birthday, In a new home, has
grown to more than 4,300
It also has: started its spring
program which offers ac--
tivities for men, women and
children of all ages.
Two new olympic-size pools
will be the scene ol swtmmina:,
scuba diving, surfing and com-
p«ltlve swimming and divina
other cluoes olfert<I In-
clude self-defense, )'0(8, pre-
natal fltness, dance therapy
and a pre-school nursery pro-
For lnfonnaUon , contact the
Orange Coast YMCA, 1300
• UnJversity Drive. Newport
.. Beach, or pbon< 641-9990. .
o.tLV l'ILOT l'" ••
' • 11tM ·······St .. ,..._ ..... en.., ...... ,..., I JJJL17 .. lt,.C....U..S••11' 1Caelw,C......_
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to 18¥8 did It.
We reach.ed our first billion
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Cottnns i~ a selectiDfl of desirable weaves; chenilles,
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i~i;·444 .'
·•A• .. m • Wilm llOllT
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Wtd"""'1, Marth 19, 1969 •
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C8MPllE'AT . 4.48;4,JI
Blends of cotton or rayon with·
Kodel polyester for wrinkle·
shed. Trimmed in ruffles, ap,
plique, embroidery. Blue, pink,
maize or green in sizes JO to 18 .
MOtf..fRI; 12·9 '
S,AT. 10 TO 9·
SUN. 11 TO 6.
• 1
Slowdown ·for ' ::r ~ .. ..
_Says :Drake _ Co~c
. . • ..
. Bull~~gs Eyeii,.g Upset':
1n. touis~e . MatchuP.
Flt_iit Taul' l'ietor9
Colbert Pockets $20,000
• UPtr........
TANGLED UP -'La'kers' Elgin Baylor and Chicago Bulls' Jerry Sloan
b<lcome taogled up in a struggle for a loose ball in NBA game in
Chicago Tuesday nigbt. The Lekers won, US.92, when Chicago's seven-
foot center, Tom l!oe!'wlnl!le, nllJHd .three ~ec~tlve. free ~s
with. two secood1 1111 In llie game; · · ·• -· For Monsanto Open Win
Wins Rights
To Alcindor
NEW YOiiK (AP) -The Milwaukee
Bucks tcoied I. co.ln-to'8Ing victory over
the Pboenlx SUNI .today and will have
first crack at IA• Alclndor, the towering
OCLA All-Amer.. In · not month's
NaUonal BultetbaD AuoclaUon draft. ·
>\lclndor, the 7~ool 11> Bru"11' Illar,
ts closing out his brilliant colleae career
this -llend In Loulnllle, Ky. where
his team LI seelllng to win a neon!
third lt1'aJPI NCAA ch-lonahlp.
The llUclle, certain last-place flnl.lben
In the NBA'• Esalt!JI Dlvl.llon, are
virtually certain to lllQe Alclndor their
No. 1 choice In the annual drall.
The coJn.to111ni ceremony wsa held
In U,. !!!Dee ·" Wlllff !lt!mf!ly, Ill" NBA Cbmmlllloder. . .
A hill dllllat WU used and the clll
of headl wli mMle on the teliphone'
by president Richard Bloch of the Suns,
who was 1n Beverly Hilla, Calif.
'Mle hall dollar came up tails. Kennedy
said he used a ~ 1Iven him by the
Jate Senator Robert F. Kermedy of New
Alcindor is also coveted by the rival
American Buketball Auocl.atlon.
Report. of a secrtt draft in which
the New York Neta obtained the ri&ht
to negoUate with the big New York
native were denied by the league and
by Ult Neit. Some obltcven bellev.e the survival
of the ABA.· n~ In !ti tecond ·Y •a r
of operation, is .. contlftaent on 1t.I ac-
quisition of Alclndor, and one club ?fficlal
said the league would go .1.! high as
$1 million to get him.
PALM SPRINGS (AP) -The owners
of the 26 National and American league
professional football teams momentarily
put aside th~ir debate over reaUanment
today to hear bids by two clUes seeking
to stqe the 1970 Super Bowl game.
Repreaen\IUVea from Miami, alte of
the last two c:bamptonshlp 1ame1
l\etw .. n tho AFL tlld NFL, and New
Orleani WIN llt to present their
argwnenta It a joint session of leaiue
ownen. Rozelle, boplnJ a declalon will be
forthcomlna at thla meeUn1, uld he
wa& not fn the least turprh1ed Ulat
the matter la taking eo long to 1eWe.
l'eam Manager Speaks ., iak'.~~s Edge
Trojan Horse Still Kicks ~ulls, 93-92,
In Stall Tactic Dispute
The Trojan horte ls still kicking from
the column which found fault with USC's
1IWng on the ball tlcUc In oulacorlng
UCLA, -· recently, Much bu been said on the .~
lrovllllal ·Wt and thia wW be Iha ·Jul
time it ii mentioned in Ulla column.
Today's beef coma from a former Colla
Men H1&h basketball man1gtr who now
carrles out the same duUea: for the -SC
Here It is:
Your .. White Wuh" column on March
11 wu one of' great. lrrlt.aUop. I tuppoae,
bo'l"~ver that Y.~~ are a wonhlpper Ol 1& "iaaih lil m11waaa. 1 IHI lllll:
I ut you a question, "What ls wrona:
with olaylng to win?" Thl. Is what we
did trlday and Siiturd1Y nlghtl. Jlllt
because the Bl'Uqll m the· nlJlDl!er;iDJO
ranked college l>aaketball lealn, &;'ii
this ~an we mu1t play t}l.m the waY
they Want ~ g\Jy, the only way they can play....:. i.rld-wln?
We didn'i play their gamt. We played
OUR gami1 and made tbem come to
ua. T!!e Tl'OJllli dlfplay!d t!>I be!l 1!~
Eagle8 Brawl
lri. 88-83 Win
NEW YORK (UPI) -Army'• defenae-
minded Cadel! pulled off the upset of
the National Invitation Tournament Tues.
day night but the war didn't start unW ·
Boston College brawled wlt.h LoW1vl1Je.
Army, playing its typical methodical
game, stunned tourney co-favorite South
Carolina, ~9-45, to move Into Thursday
night's semi-finals against Boston Col-
lege, which escaped wilh an 88-83
tri umph over LoulsviUe In a hectic 11trug-
gle that featured the eject.ion oI two
players for fighting.
BC now has won 11 1tral1ht for relir'Jnl
Coach Bob Cou.sy, and that'a.lht naU00'1
longest streak. .
The tempo of the rough SC.Loulsvlll1
batUe was set with. 2:41 left in the
I 1 r a t hall when Bol!lton'a Billy Evans
was going in all alone for a layup
and Lou11vllle'1 M Ecf Llnonia ahoved
htm from behind Into the front row
seatl. Evana w11 lhaten up and missed
both f™ throws.
effort I have ever witneued, and we
won two gam:ea, but onl)' one by the
You &lated that, by playing a slowdown
balllime, coach (Bob) Boyd admitted
he bad lnfartor t.ient. 1'1't the 1ame
of buktibaD, bot wbo h" the lit1t
·talent, but· who can u&e the talent on
the team moat efficiently to produce
a win? By )>eltlng the Brulna, coach
Boyd em~ his talent more wisely
and more ef!lclently than, say, coach
.... AiAAAAtt·t1c••
Wooden, whg l\M the No. t ·team , and
couldn't COP' wltb a slowdown game.
How coul4 l!§l@h Bofd have set basket.
ball back ., ft!lr•7 We believe he has shown lha\ no · team is invincible, and
th•t evbrj ''MP· no matter how strong
.-Wi:ltk1 ~in wln a ballgame if they
~ prepare~, like the Trojans w~re
Jut weeken4. We knew we were going
to beat the Qrulns.
The game§ were, by far, the most
!';1\\Ul"I latpes of the aeaaon. Y-ou can't
tell me. that the fans, Brufil or Trojan,
just sat back and let the gama go
No, sir, they were wllnea1lng and
participating to their fullest, in not only
a crosa-town rival game, but two upsets,
one expected, one not. I don't believe
there was a person in Loa ~eles,
except for a select 20 at the Wil~
Hyatt House, who thought we had an)'
chance Saturday night. They forgot we
w"ere Trojan&. We have Trojan spirit.
You were corred in one porUon o(
you r column -we did beat the previous.
ly unbeaten, number~ne-ranki!d team In
the nation, the UCLA Bruins. And, apeak·
ing for the team1 we did rece.ive a
helluva lot of self-satisfaction from both
games. We are the Trojlnl; w' play
to win, and win 11 what we did.
U you Ille a Bruin fan, l feet sorry
for you becawe Los Angeles has been,
and is now more thin ·ever, Trojan
Town, and we're proud to be Trojans.
Rex: TompJclns
Battle Royals
CINCINNATI. (U~i) ~ The Los
Anl'tes Lakers taie on lM (lfth place,
NBA Eastern Oivf1ton Clnclnn~Roy1l1
tonight after sneaking out Chlca10
with a back:-doOr, 13-92 vlC ·over
the Bulls.
ChanneJ 5 will t~lecut ihe tame at
ti p.m.
The .Lakers were all but defeated Tu ...
day nl&ht as Chicago's TOm Boerwtnkle
stepped to the free throw un. with
two secoilda remaining and the thtte-&bot
bonus Jn effect.
·He mlised all three shots.
The Laker1 trailed the Bulls at the
conclusion of the firat Ind third qutrten
and were deadlocked U-45 at the half.
The Bulls wiped out ' fJve-polht Laker
lead in the final two mlnutea of play.
to give Boerwlnkle the chece to ice
the contest after be wu fouled by Jerry
:We~t. .
West led the Liters wllh 30 points'
while Elgin Baylor contributed 20. Bob
Boozer paced all Bull 1COrtts wJY:i._29.
ctf'T IP'T
Cham11er11ln • 1-' f ••••• ti f.11 n B•ylor 1 ... JO BHrWlllk1• 1 1·$ u coun!1 l M 2 WllllMl'>ltDn ' 2•J 14
Erlckto11 5 l·l 11 llHll a 2-t 1 Cr1wl'orf 1 1·1 J Wtltt I 1·2 J
Htw!n • 1·2 II H11kM1 • 1.1 17
Wnt ll 4'$ JO lrlt-rk 2 M • Cltllll'nOnt I 0.0 2
Tot•11 ..o l•U tJ fottra • 1 .. K n
LOI A.notltt 21 2t It 2t -n
C~tc1110 21 17 U Z1 -f2
FOUlt<I out -lot AnltlM, Ctll"lt.
Tottl fOUll -Lil An111tt ti, Chlceoo 22, A!Wld1nc1 -7,t:l1.
' -
Colbert playid bl.I old ahotl ~he became
goll'1 newe~t chimplon but, for the
former KAniu State foothill player, the
waltlnt game wu the hardest.
C.Olbtrt'a fJrat victory in four years
on the pro circuit came in TUelday's
r~-del1yed final round of the $100,000
Monaanto ()pin when he flnilhed two
stroke~ ahtad of Deane Beman for a
n.hole total ol 2f7.
The balding, boyLlh-looklng 28-yew-old
from Overland J)ark, Kan., wqo held
a one-atroie lud aft.tr 54 hole! SaF,d'1·
sat 1n Ills motel for two days playing
bridle and putting on the rug before flnaily teelng of( into the teeth of ·a
35-m.lle an hour wind in the finale.
"Each morning I'd look out the window
and 1et the rain," he Hid. ''l waa
really wanUng to get out there and
play. .
"I had butterf11e1 on the· flni tee
because we had waited so Iona."
Colbert, who quarterbacked th! Kantis
St.ate fruhman team, didn't remember
his one bad sbot in the round -when
STANFOllD -The Stlnford football
coaching staff will be bolstered by three
San Francltco Forty-Niner players when
•prlng drills open April 1'.
Rud coach John Ralaton aMounced
Tuesday that quarterback John Btodie
and offenlive llnemen ~oward Mudd and
Le!! Rohde will be ·on hand to work
with the Indian squad.
"The emphasis will be on the passing
game, with Brodie Working clo1ely with
our tlnt q~erbaclr: ~im Plunkett and
our rtcelvtnt'' Ralaton said.
he knocked his first tee &bet into the
"I don't even remember hltUng off
No. 1,'' he s'1.d. Colbert psyched the
winds by playing his old game. He
~pt his iron ·shots knee h!ah, playing
them "the way l UJed to play at home
in Kiruu. I haven't played that way·
1h a Coll.pie of year's."
Monsanto'1 $2{1,000 first place prize
boosted Colbert's 1969 earn1n11 to more
lhsn 123 .000.
Hls best previous career fiillsb had
bten a third in Jacksonville in 1967,
wheil he won more than $25,000. He won only ball that amount tut year.
Colbert, who shot a final round 67, slJOok off a 1ate bid by Le4! Trevino,
who matched Deane Beman's el. Ray
Floyd was five shots back of Colbert
at 272. Gary Player, Larry Hinson and
Tommy Aaron were next at 275t
Mathis Is a Lump-Quarry
Lump is aolna to 11t biJ lumpa1
11 aay1
Jerry Querry.
The Lump i1 what the caUlorrUa
heaVywelihl calls Buater Mathis, the
giant MooW, 135-pound cont<nder wbo
meet.I Quarry in a U-round ellminaUon
fight at Madi.Ion Square Garden lll1t
· M~ nlll!L
The winller LI npectod to gtt a title
light with Joe Fraalcr, fl v a • 1 ta t •
heavywellhl king from l'hliadelphia.
"Ht'1 got a bdY• head with a Jump
!or a bod7," uJd Quarry at htJ training
Clmp ~ Tueldly. "l'm going to beat
that body bard."
The No. 2 contender f!'Om Bellfiower,
Calif., obvioualy 11 tryina: to upset his
lhil>lldnned opponent. •
He'a hoping that Bu.st.er will get anirY
enolJlh to afug It out wllh him. Mathia
11 a stick and move fighter de1plt6
hll 11.te, and hu indicated he plans
to box the hard·hilllng Calllomlan.
Quarry, a on.time wadHn sluga:er
who turned into a ctuUoul counter-
puncher at his father'• command, hu
rwlt.chtd back to a more aggreulve
style. .
"I've tot to make up for that Jimmy
Ellit fight," he aaJd. "That WU I rtal
1tJn ker. I wu real bad. But I had
a broken tlb and a broken vertebra
and had to be put Into a cast for
fivt. weeka after the fight.
"Still it wu a stinker and I've aot
to mat• up for It wtth no e1C'U)el
U I wa.nt to set a shot at P'rat!er."
The . f.t, li7·pounder IOI! In a dull
1$-rounder to E1l.It for the World Boxing
A!llod1Uon'a beavywelghl uua taot April
-"The Lump has faM hands, all right,"
said Quarry, 11but l can punch faster.
"I've got to win thia fl&bt or It's
back to Ole boondocks again. But above
all I don't want the figbt to be anolher
atlnktr. The fans deserve a good, in·
terestlng fight."
Al a 1:10 top, they cerlainly do.
JOYS OF WINNING -Jim Cc>lbtrt (left) aod Lee
Trevino laugh ii up alter finishing !lrot and third In
the wtnd·swept and rain-soaked Monsanto Open
goll tournament. Colbert's victory was his first win
.,,,, ....... on the pro tour and be was rewarded wtth $20 ooo
check to boost his wlnnlnp for the year to more thao $23,000.
.. .,, .... "",. .................... ~ .......... ...:.;;..;...;..;;...;.;;-.iiiiiiiiiiii;:iiiiiil;l;;;;;;;~-;i;;·;;:-;·~-;:;.~;:~::;:;:::;.=.;~;;;.;::_;::::;::_;;::;_::---~..-.:-::::::::::::1::::c:::::::::i:::i:::::::::::::::::~.:.:.:~::::::::::::::::::::::::;".~==:r::::~.~-~-:':.:-:o:_: ---·~
In 6-5 Win;
Pirates Tied
Golden Weal Coll<&• umaloed lhreo
pma off the pace Jn the Eastern
contereoce bueball race with a W
deciJlon on the road at Chaffey C.Ollece
Tuesday afltrnoon, but hard-luck Orange
Cout felJ anolher half-game behind by
balWn& to a S-3' tie with Santa Ana
In 8 llml that WU cAlled by darkneu.
Goldtn Wat relied oo. the slrong relief
pitching of Mike Woods and a fine
defensive play by Bob Henstridge in
the tut of the ninth to subdue Chaffey.
Woods came into the game in the
Jut of the fifth with the bases loaded,
no outs and the Rustlers leading 5-2.
Chaffey ma.naged to score three times,
but two of the n1lll were unearned,
Woods, who tot credit for the victory,
IAITlltM CONl'llllNCa
Mt. SAC:
Galdtrt Wtil
fulttrlWI < ... .,.,,
S1nt1 AM
'-" lw1111nllnt
Ot"tl'lll• Cotti ··-CY,tUI
• • s , ' . s • • • ' . ' . . ' ' . ' ' • • T_..r"lkwn
••• .....
.11• ... .,, -.<n
An ... .... .... .•a
·~ • ' • •• •• • •• '"' ••
Ylld!lttilf1 -19, lM
~ILY PILOT PMfllot Irr •ldJtrC ...... ..,.
DAILY l'1L01\ 1.
CdM Posts
2-1 Victo~
Over Barons
·' Corona· del Mar's S.. Ktno wcrc Illa
CIOly Orange Coul aru -ball wlD-
nert In Tuesday Jrvlne Lequ<r -boll
The Coruiano beat Fountain VallO)',
1-1, to even their loop record ~ 1·1.
Costa Men ran into a ·•lme wall al
Anal>elm"s La Palma park whore two
~ll• pltcbera rac~ up the 14111-
tanp for a SAi, no-hit delut.
Ellenc:la -bed a "° delw b)'.
Loata In the oilier lnlz>e pme.
The lau!U... Mapolla hurlonr """
&enlar Doug Om<r, who went lour Inn-
lll'llNI LUOUI w M.,llOlll ' ..... .. • <-.. "'" I IEdlndt • "-bin Vt!l9'f • eo.t1 Mt .. •
'""'" ·-co-,.. ,.,,., t. r-11111 v.1i.r 1
L.Mr1 4 t:1t1ncl1 0
MllflMlt "' eo.1• MirN •
•rlNll'•'OIMtl C-.i dtt Nt.r It c .... Miii
L •• • • • • • ' • • I '
°"""" c..t " ..... ...,,. J GNfM W..t .. CM"9't .S Mt. IAC S.C..._ 1
... ~ t. ll .. Horldo. Pullet'lllin ,, c.,.,... 1 .,...,. . .._
Of .... Cout at GIWell W•I
CMtfotY ti CV,,mt
NAILED BY THE TAG -Newport Harbor High aecond bueman
Howard Sl?ublo applies the tag to sliding v ..... Mell at. ll!arina duriDC
first IDnlng ~an of Tueoday'a Sun..t League baseball opener. Coach
Amy Smlih'• 8allorl won the 111~1,_;~_:._' --------
l':d111tll YI> Mllnollt It ..,._ Plrt, AMl'll!m, , '·""' LMrt 9t rewrt•lll V.nrt
Cltrvs " Putl"1wl ltlt ~ et Mt. SAC It~ er s.nt1 AM
blanked the Panlben the rest of !he
way, but bad ooe !haty moment in
lhe flDal frame.
Viet Leoderlind bluled a abol lo left
field, but Bemtrldge leaped up and
1peared the ball u tt was eotna: over
tho fence lo preaerve the victory for
lheRlllllera. Bir gun. In lhe Golden W•ll allect
were· Ron Richardson. who ripped three
more h1ts. and Mike DeGeu and Myron
Pines, who each collected a pair ol
runa battedlln.
· Orange Coast, munwhlie, wu getting
otrong pllchin& from Sieve Pinier on
the Pirate diamond.
Pinier fanned nine Santa Ana ballers,
but was the Yktlm of four Bue errors
which allowed the Dons' to acore all
ot thelr runs.
Orange Coast scored tw'ke In tht se-
cond on Mike Balley'• fielder's choice,
a passed ball. Mike Paul's aingle, a
Blolen bast and another llngle by Paul
Santa Ana evened the count in the
third with three runs, bat the Piratu
quietly tied it up when Mike Leech
doubled borne BID Jenklm.
Leecb enjoyed a big day for the
Pirates, 1oing four foc five including
a p.ir of doable&.
....,_ Wetf ('I Cllll"tY fll
11r1fM •r•rtlf
P11111M, 2b I 1 1 I G«vtr, rf t 1 1 I
o.Gftr, U 4 0 1 I C.-n. If I I t 0
Plllft. rf 2 I t 7 HOM1'!oldtr, ll l I I I
ltlchrdlolt. ab S 1 I O Ledtorllnd, lb 4 1 I I
Mtrt. .. <t l 1 1 O Mendol:t,f;I 211 0 T-1f 1000 11:•,Jb Jiii
H-trldP. If 1 t O O Fon!, lb J I I 0 a-.1111 1101 Cltrll:,c 4111
$r!IU..-,c 1110 ....... lc:kt,plOtl
Grfffmt, II I 1 f o Tuley, 11 2 0 I O
WMd1, 1 O o o o Grflord, P 0 I I I
T"9 .. D'fl T•lt 14171
Snrt ., '""'"''
Ifft• ,t,q 4JJ
.. ' II,.. .._. .. J iit
St.Jlr, tb -A 1 I I
~81'11. lb .. I t t
R-.11 ,,jJI
IEttr ... , c 1 1 l
HHrtl\,, t: 2 I 1
A.,..rltt. Jb I I 1 ""'·ct .CtO Ftmnrln, rf 3 I I
""""' ~ 1 0 0 Sllll, rf l 0 I
DufnM,. p 1 0 0
""""" p t 0 • W1t1e, p I I t
••• 021 210 000-.. ' 2
100 uo 000-S 7 J
or .... C..d Ul
" r II rM JeMllll. u .5 1 I O
Lttdl. 2b i I 4 1
l1l11Y, If 3 1 0 0
P-.ul,1b Jilli ""11!9!'· c ..... Whllllw, rf 1 t 1 I
Jlentrow, cl l 1 I 1
Sobolt""'1111, Jb 2 I 0 I
lr1WPI, JI) I I 1 I
Klmplofl, If ! 0 0 0
l"Jnm-, • i t I o
Ttllll H I I T1t1ls Sf 111 I
Sctrt .,.. l1111h!11 ••• 000 ldO eoo-J I I
002 rao ooo--J 11 '
Sports In Brief
Lakers Slate .
Baylor Night
For Friday
Elgin Baylor will be honored by fans,
teammates and the Laker organ1zalion
Friday night with Elgin Baylor Night
ceremonies 61aled to begin at I p.m.
The event will be followed by the Lakers-o
AUanta Hawk!: game at 8:40.
Baylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Baylor, are beitlg flown in f r om
Washington, D.C. and representaUves of
state and locaJ government will be on
hand to honor the Laker captain, along
with NBA commissiQner Walter KeMedy.
A two-time All·American at Seattle
University, and nine times all·pro in
the NBA, Baylor this season has moved
into some select company on the all-time
NBA lists.
Early in the season, he became one
of four players in history to pau the
20,000 point mark and in November
became the league's fifth best .a.time
rebQunder, In December he moved into
the top 10 on the all-lbne aa!lsl rooter
(the only forward on the liA) and then
in January, llll'p88sed Bob Pettit u
the second greatest career tc0rer 1n
NBA history.
Baylor holds NBA records for most
points scored in play'off competillon,
3,010; and most points in one playoff
game, 61 against the Boflton Celtics
In 1962.
One or the most respected •thletes
In professlooal aports, Baylor made a
remarkable comeback four years •go
from a serioas tnee operation which
threatened to end his career. It took
many, many· hours of arduous work,
but Elgin displayed the pride and courage
necessary for auch a comeback.
Just this season, Baylor played in
his tenth NBA AJJ.Star Game, and was
the only unanlmoua aelecUon to either
squad. In January, a national ma~aiine
came out with a aurvey or the NBA
coaches, who atill rated Baylor as the
premier forward In be game.
Tickets for the eveolng are st.ill
available at Tbe Forum Box ornce,
any TRS computerized outlet In Southern
Ca!Uonla, or by calling OR 3-1300.
Halos, Padres FinU;h
3-game Spring Ser~
HOLTVILLE -Tiie Callfomla Anceb
llld San Dle10 Padn1 concluded a three·
11m1 te?ies today with elCb team once
a victor.
Jt WU the Pads' tum ~ U
Ibey collected If bill "" a H victory,
lhtlt llfth In nine oprin1 1amea. The
ldumpb ........ • JU drubbing by
the Anitls Monday.
.Bill Vou ti N,..porl Buch 1oeked
a home run for CaW'omla and bad
l'JO lfn&les for lhr<e of the Angtls"
nine bill. ... ... ...
VERO BEACH -Thi 1prln1 uhlblllon
beRbaD aeallXt 11 111ua'lly a 4ble of
p1ao11 far blltan -IMllhlls of slqltt, bon<liol ti home runs -unUf lhl pit·
~catch up.
LOI Angeles Dadatt and New York
Mtt batten •ert [n nlld-st.uon form
Kings got, but ~ was all they Meded
for a S-2 victory over dle Oakland Seals
Tuesday nlgbL
lrvlne aulded lhe puck Into the Oakland
ntl lllice wllhbl II lltCOlldJ In the flnt
period and lhen -"' mldw11 lhrooah
the second perlnd far hie first NaU011&!
Hockey League lhree-goal perlormane<. ... ...
L06 ANGELES -The Loa Ana•les
Stars will attempt to mount another
win llreal< lonlgbl when lhey boll lhe
Oakland oaks with lhne Int l"llllllnC
out for a chance r.r a playoff IJ>OI
lot the soulhlanders.
,The Stars have nine pmn ttmalning
tt play, but trail fourth-place Dallas
by &ix games.
~. combining lot a paltry elgbl L06 ANGELES -Ruu Hodge may
bile u the M•ll trlwnphed, M . break the world dec1W.,. r<eonl befcn
Nolan Ryan, Tom, Seaver and Tur this track and field 9UIJOn ls over, McGraw che<bd lhe Dodgen ..., lual I ay1 UCLA's tnck coa<h.
1111 bill, lllnafa by Wlllle Cra"""4 ' "Be's starling slowtt this year and
ud plochhlller John Mlll<r. 'r h •" ht"s really bulldlng up hie ltg musclts " l!Odpn" Don 6Ullon looked lmpttulv~ said Jim Bush oUi11 2'-year-old 1thlete0
• wftl a ftft.tnntng, two-hit performance. • "He started too f93t la11t year and
""" ., ...., hurt himroeU." ~
INGLEWOOD -Ttd lrvlne'a bat trick
wu all the ecorlng the Los Angelts
Buah aaid he was happy but not too
aurprlltd with Hodg1 '1 58-3~~ ahot put
and 171-l discus throw 1 .. 1 Saturd•Y·
Tar Tosses l·ld~r
Sclwettler Uses Arm,
Bat to ·Blank -Vikings
Newport Harbor High's Steve Schoet·
tler paralyzed visiting Marina with a
4-0 one·hitter and Anaheim knocked off
defending champion Westminster, l-0, in
Orange Coast area Sunset Leaaue
baseball acUon Tuesday afternoon.
Santa Ana beat Huntington Beach, 4-1,
In the remaining Coast aru Sun1et en-
Scboetller, who last week shut: out
Fullerton on a two-hitter, struci: out
10 Marina baWnen Tuesd•Y·
And with teammate Jeff Malinoff en
base in the sixth l.nning, Schoettler alam-
med a home nm to aCCOlDlt for two
of the Tars' runs.
The ScboeWer-guided victory afvt•
coach Andy Smith!a.team an imprualve
4-1 nconl m tbe eeuon and a 1..0
mark In league acUoo. The SalJon travel
to Santa Ana Valley Friday allernoon.
WestmlnPer could never untract ttalf
against the vlelU., Colonllll. The Lions
committed six errors to lpolJ a llz-bi~
IO.strikeout performance by pilcbtl' Ed
Anaheim collected three blt1 In the
fourth and two in the fifth for all Its
Bane reached third base for the I.Jons
.......... "'"" C4) _. r ~ 11>1
H1nl9Y, s.a I I 0 0
MtrtlPl,C •110
Strub!•, 2b 3 0 1 I
LMYV,Jb J011
W1rlltl',rf Jiii
Curry, .;I I I I I
Fltn'lln1, If J t I I
Malll!Ofl, lb t I 1 I
sc11otn1tr, • J 1 l t
MlflN II) •r•rM C1r11Pbttt, 2b I 0 • II
s1'm""" rt J • 1 •
Cr«l,Jb Jilt
Motl,c: tltl
Crtult, If 3 I I I
Motn. u I I I I
Anet......, • t t I I
kluntMWf. • 1 o I I
C11nwo, d 2 I • I
f"lftnl!ll. lb l •• I
:N494 '"'" 11111 klr• Ir 1•11191
A~ll"' 111 .. '""" Smltl!,lf JIOI
Fr1onc.ll, c: I t I O
MullOt. rf J o I 1
llulz, rf 1 0 0 I
llic.,:sto ,,jfll
11ernnt1. lb J 1 1 t
Thorri, cf J 0 I I
'"""'19. 211 3 0 I 0
Morillo. 11 I 1 I O
l1ll111llM, ' I 1 1 t
T1t11t " ' ..
" ....... --.en •• ,.111111 ""'*"' • J I 1 • wntllW. • t 0 I I
..,_, • I 0 1 0 ,.,,._., rf J I I I
•1111. d t ••• .-o-n. If t 1 I I
ClildMll. Jll J • ' ' sem-,c: It t t
Jollft, ro I I I I
llYWr. • 1 0 I 0
·-P It I I
••• COO 000 t-0 1 I
1aoimi-' 1
WNl'llllltf!W (I)
"'""" McDoMlof, rf I I
San<~IZ. rf.tb; 0 I
Hnon••· c: J I
McClrtMY, cf J I
Willer. lb I I
J. S1ndllr. 111 1 0
Dldrld!;, Ill 1 I
M.rnbrllt , rf 1 I
McC1rtn9'f, If t I
Mick. Jb 2 I
Cll!Wltn,, 3b l I
Hoto1n, II 1 0
Mllna, u l I
·-·" 111 , .. .,. n••
••• •m1-1 • t 000 OIO t-1 I 6 ......... ,,,
• f' .. ,..
~d2 t 1 I
Wt'rktl. .. I • 1 I E-.2b lltt
Afl.Mll.lf ltlO
INl'MfJ', rf I 0 0 0
WoadlmfH, • J 1 1 I
,.......,,c Jllt
l"tf'k. JI I 0 t I
L~ .. lbltOI
Tt11tl ti· I I 1 T-... M I • I ..,. W-IMllll* ••• lklCt 000 1-1 I I
000111 ..... •I
The, field for lhe ,san Diego State eon..-bud bukelball <O<dlln1 Job hu btal namrtfed to five men, .e-
conllnl to Ailee alhletic dlrtclor Al
UCI'I DiCk Davis rtmains a l<adlng
1'be new AJttrc coach wm be one
ol. the follow1ng: Dm&, Jim Kllllnp-
wortb, Cerritos Colltire; Ed GrtllllY, n--Stale; JUf'/ ·Phmn, Utah ... 1a1.
an~ or Barry Miiier, -. Ntw Mtx·
lco UnlV..-.111.
Plmm 11 the former FallertOll JC and
USC Illar. Klllinpworlh eoached Cmltos
lo the stale jwllor colleat t;!thlp
two seasons igo and Miller the
NAJAwlnner, EasttmNewM •
Olson says a declakm will bt reached
••ln a wttk or two."
but that'• u clon u Weatminster came
to scor1n1.
Huntington Beach'• only run came In
the teftDtb Inning at Santa Ana wben
John McQoown rapped an lnllde-tbe-parli
homer llilh ... out.
Thi Oiler• bad-runners at HCODd ud
lhjrd In the ilxlh Inning but couldn 'I
ICOl'e tb!m.
Stan Park, the Santa Ana pllcbtr,
struclt out eight Olien.
'I,'he only hit for Marina came off
the bit of Mike c..cl, who llngled
In lhe first lnnfnl.
Rich Warner and Mike Fleming col-
lecled two bite ucb for the lut.-ctartiog
Prep Baseball
Standings ·
IUNllT LU.OU• w L •• HewHrt H1rar '""""m ........
HU'llllrwfofl 1.-ch
Santi Allt V1tlly
M1rl111 , ..... , •• sc-
N_,, I. Mlrtnt I
""'' ""' ... """""'"" ··~ 1 Anal'lllm I. Wnlmln1ter o wni.m t. S.ltt• An• V•!llT 2 .. ,,...,. ........
A"'lltlm It Mlrlnl
Wtlt!nlnlllw .. lfunllnt~ teldl
S1nll Arie ti WHhlm
I • • • ' • • • • • • ' • • • •
KftltltdY f'u!ltrto~
~-y Hllr. ..,..,. Pirie
LI Htbrl TN,
w • • • • • • • •
L H •
,_,., •• k_
K111n111Y J, L1 H1D!'t J
Llwlll f, Slv•nnt J l'ulltrlm 4 0111111 ,.,r1r; J
Sunny Hlllt 7, ,,., 3
•AllDl'.N •llOVI LU.OUI
• • • • • • •
W L T oa
11111 Grinde 1 o o
01nl.,.Gron 1 o 1
lllM:llo AllmllW 0 D 1
1'1C1flc1 0 D l
L• Qulnl1 6 I I
:Santi.go • 1 1 , .... ,..lnrll
Glnltn 0-I. Jll.fttltvo o
tllf!CM Al1mn.. lO, l'ICHlct 10
hlll Grlftd1 t. LI Qlrhh t
l".._ -·-t:I OerlllfO
OUNtl LU.tu• w • ' •
L H •
k1tt1i. ·-v1i-11 --IA Amlf9t S. lf'll 4 lldllltbtdr. J, ltltel1lll 2
1!1 Der• II, V.'-'dl 0
• • •
• • ' ' •
I I •
' • ' •
W L Ot
Minion Vltlo
l'I Meoi'tM l<-'11111
VIiii Pm
L•llM lllcll ... <-Twtl~ .......
• • • • • • • • • • • • . ' • •
' 1
' '
Trojans Win, 5-1
USC's NCM chomplooshlp -ball
tum reUH on two home runs to knock
off defendlJll colleae cllvbkio dwnp
Q\apman, 5-1, Tuaday lltemoon at
Anaheim '• La Pllma Par'i.
Four-base shots by catcher Sttve
TUri&li•no and outllelder Roa Bennett·
accounled r.r four Trojon nma. Bolb
blOWI camo ~f the serv.s of Poniber
hurltr Rick l\lacHalt, who lllruck out
nine men In 11eVen lnntnp.
USC moved up to an 11·1-l record
with the wln while Chapman 1Uppcd
Laguna Zeroed
By No-hitter;
Diablos Win
El Modena Hi1h'1 Dave WoIUng, a
155-pound junior, chol<ed off vlJJUng
Laguna Beach with a no-hitter Tuesday
afternoon, 5-0, to hlghllgbt baseball action
In the CmMtw League.
Wo!Ung, a rlghthander, allowed just
three ArUsts to reach base -in the
fifth and aixth inn.lop on walks plus
another in the fifth on an error.
The wbJppet·fast El Modena burler
struck out nine: Artlsts, liix of them
Joo king.
All of El Modena'• five runs were
ICOted with two outs.
Jn the only other Crestview 1ame
fea turing Orange Coast area Leams,
Mission Viejo tripped San Clemente, *'7·
The Triton• were caught napping in
lhe ,...,.th Inning again!! lheJr guests.
San Clemente bad a 7·1 lead going into
the seventh Inning but the Dlabloa ex-
plOOed for sir runs In the frame then
added another In the eighth to win it. .
The winning run was driven In by
Mike Hickey, whoe grounder came too
late from the 1'rlton shortstop to ahop
the ·sliding Steve Hazan.
L•tu111 II>
•rtril'M McO.nlld, lit I 0 0 ' D
Slttiow. Jb I • O O o. c. Sdlmtll,
d 2 0 • 0
$1\iptl"d, p t 0 0 I
Hnsltr, If I I 0 I
Mc:Elll1nr, lb t I I o
Bt111-. rt 2 •• 0
M<Murrl't, c 1 · I I O
O.kftmtt1, • t I o o
II Miiien• UI . ',.,., Rtrn.lf 4110
IC. c1ri-., » 4 I 1 I
Mv.,..,c 2110
D.CtrllV!l,ff2 I IO
JolmlOll, l'f 2 1 1 2
llolO .... llfZ. lb I I I 2
WoUlng, ro I I I I
l•rtltr, lit J 0 0 0
Ytnkowllt!, cf I • 0 O
Ttlllt II I I I Teti~ ,. ...
le.we ~ '""""'
lltl/111 ..-.
Mlt1ll• Vltfe {II
· • r • rM Holmll. tf J I I tit.-. 2' 4 2 I
G1Nlner, If " 1 1 Gr1r,c 4 10
H•t..,, ,.rt ' 2 I
Le11Wr, lb J 1 O
Piny, rf 1 I 0
l1ru,p 2 01
Hlcir.no, II 1 0 I
Henn1tord, n 4 O O
~.lb 1 01
• • • 000 000 0-0 0 I
.. , llrlf
...,.,...,, l'f t I 0 I
0-.Nutfl. 2b • 2 o I
ll!Khln. 11 JI I I I
Tlllfft .. '1 3111
J~.Jb 1112
Cllrl11Mn, cf ' I 1 I 01...,..,..,HllOf
Ltmblrdl, It · 1 1 I I
ltNH,C: 1110
teoyl9, lb • 0 1 •
Tltltl .II 1 I T•t•ll
ktrt ., llMllntll
Miiiion Yltlct
Mn Cltmenlt
••• 000 001 11-f 1 '
JOI 120 00-1 • l
.Jaycee Net Result
Ortllll (Mt! Ul fll UK '""" f .......
'· l°"''"''f'ltl \"ru dtl. c:.ro. •1: •i: o. ohrr11ttdl UK *'· O,lt, ._ , ._ . Godtlllll <OCC • Hodlweld, •J, 7.J,
f+Mh' IOC:~ Off. O'-I-'-•1. t1~1H OCC dll. , J.7, •1, f.L
"''"" tu I ~. 0Lv!:£1':'°A 11-J.
0,11 •fld ltfflr fOC:C) dff. HocAwtld ..W Ollctl'lo
"'~~irll et'lll lll1tt1llf'I IOC:CI *"· ltdl9hdilrf
'"" Md.1111hlln, •l. •2.
lngs, and Jim Smith, I jun!..-rfsbl-
hander, Magnolia COlcb w.,.. Croo~
lifted Omer after four Ira.met blcau•
Omer just reported from the balhlblD
Magnolia ""'ed ID tbl runs fl -..
ed In tht llrll -. -Jot Jl.ynal1c
doubled home three runs.
Corona del Mar plated the two l'UDI
ft needed In tht mlh 1Mlna to beat lhl
.Barom. .
John Palmer btgan the S.. Kfnil'
rally by singling. He reached HCOOd on
Kim Wllbr<cbl's lnfl•ld rrouruf ball but
was thrown out tryinC to take third, on
the play. Wilbrecht wu aale at flrlt.
Then Rex Snyder stepped up and
slugged a home run over the eentu
fielder'• head on a 1-2 pitch.
Founlaln Valley posted lls run In the
second frame when Bob WDkinaoa
rtaehed base on an error. Mike HiZ
then singled and Gary Valbuena scored
Wi!kin!<ln on a •I.nllle to rlgbL
The pllcbm were pretiy much In con-
trol of things, wllh Founlaln Valley"s
V albuena allowlni five bile and Corolla
de! Mar"• s~ Ltech just Ihm.
Estancia ..., .. sot Ila 111.... In ·-against vlelU., Loara. The Eql .......
lered only two bite of! Loera-. Jba
Estancia le -1-1 In Jrvlnt Letpe .
play and lal:es lhal reconf to Anabtfm
Friday evtnlng to pill' Magnofla al
Boysen Park 1n a 1 p.m. contest..
cw.it •1 Mer 12' .... ,..1
l'tlm.r, lb I ' I I
WltM, 11 2 I 1 I
Wllbr9dlt, cf J 1 • 0
ll. Snvdtr, 2tl I 1 1 I
D. Snvd•r, c: J I l I
liu tH,rf 2111
W1nll, ltr 2 I 0 •
K111r, ti 2 I t o
Sln>utls, lb I I I I
LMdl. ro 2 I 0 I M•v•r, 2b o o o e
PWlll• v.nr, en
.. ' • tM C1r"'R, cf I f 0 I tlobtrtl, 2lr 4 0 1 I
... ,..,,... .. 1 I • I
Cllf'lllOl'I, l'f I I 0 •
0111i., " J I • I
Sovie, lb I I I t
Wllkl.-., C: I 1 0 I ,
Hill.II 1111
Slllm1U, s.a 2 I I I
Vtfll!Mn&. • I 0 1 I
Ttltls II I I I T'tt1tl • 1 I I s-.•a...... .
Fount1ln V11J1y Ill OllO t-1 I I
C.1W11 c111 ,,.,.r ooo om -.a J t
L11r1 (4)
111 r II,..
wotvw1on, '1 • I 2 I
Wtlktr. c 4 t I 1
Mlrllh•ll. d :I 0 1 1
Slofltt. IP 4 0 1 1
Chmb,..,., Jb I I 0 I
Stlndley, ro 2 I I 0
L11111Mry, tb :I o I I
t l1i1n1, lb 2 1 •• l"Mllrtltl, n I 0 f 0
Id-II ftl .. '·~ LIMltt, , ' ••• Ovrtnl'I, rt I I t I
P'owtH, lltl :I 0 I •
l,lmkl, lb > I I t co,.., .. ,, " 2 •••
Mal'loMy, ro 1 I f 0
Po-1'1, c I I I •
,.utllN, 11 I 0 ' 0 •'
V1ll-. Ill 1 I I t
l"ri.,cf 211 •
114•1 T.ttll M•:at '
s-. ~ ""'"''' • •• 000 011 ........ 1
000 GOD ......0 I I
MttMlll fl) Cid• Miii (I)
•~ r II"" ••llnl Flaoll, lb J 1 I I Fl•lcltr, tb I I 0 I
P1t1 l111u.. If J l I 1 Hln1t.v, ti J I 0 I
khrlll'ller, u I 1 I f · hrtDn. 11>, • I ·I I I t
H1onrv.c J 1 I I Cll,Y, U -1 t 0 I
RVflllk, cf 1 I 1 J J.ddlrnln, 11 I I I I
~r. ar t t I • ·...-m.nt, " 1 O I • L-.i.rf 1111 P"""'"""1dlllt
Connfl'o tb 2 I I I l!dwtl"dl, C 2 I t I
Dmtr, ro I I I I • O..'-*Y, • t 0 • I
Sl'lnfl. " I t 0 • Mem/lt, lb t t t I 1' ... la n I I 4 Tltllt D f I f _ .. _
' ............
400 100 11-1 l I
Gillis, JV Squad to Carry
Sea. l{ings' Cage F"Qture
CM t111 Dlll'r ,1111 lt•tl 11t~ will be a few new faces on
the court when Corona del Mar Hl&h
School's vanity basketball team takes
the floor nert .euon.
Tht defending two-lime Irvine League
dwnplOftl were an all-senior tqUtd and
their coach, Bill Bloom, has quit to
enter the bustness world. f
Steppblg into Bloom's aboes is TuclJ
GUU., and be11 bring blo Junior tanllY team up with him to take over tn
the winter with a club that chalked
up • IS..S mark last 1ea80ft and finiahed
aecood In lhe Irvine circuit to Loua.
Leading KOrer of that conUnaent wa1
Don Kf11ian, a 6-3 forwanf llOPhomore
who amaaf!d 14 points per game.
The olhu aopbomore on the starting
five was Mark Grigsby, 1 &-0 iuartf.
Jeff Goellll averaged 10 polnll a aome
for Gillis' ouUU. HCl'a • &-2 Junior who
divided his Um• belwetn !.,...ml and
other Junlora are Mike Adami, a 1-1
guard, and Steve Hollander, at N.
GilliJ says his beat guanl durfn& lhl
campaign wu Tim COll!'or. -· •'-hurl In • 1leddfn& acddOtil .,.,.. lo
the league season anl 'fiu oat fw 6e
)'W'. '
OllliJ II boptluJ of bnfnC ComVJ Net
for ntXI 1ear but his lllalDI _, be
wta1n unW the tatly part Gl May,
Olhen who could lnU !lllQ die
•tarting· lineup ... Qic LqlrlOI!, a .
M aopbomou, Mike s..lor, W .
fmbman from lhe <ha"""""1tp 8'I .
team and llOpl>omort Onml WleA, a .
M pan!.
Displte lhe omnpfete ~ ol
perlOMtl, Cortina de1 Mar Rfcb a ff.
fen.dve and deftnalvo patterns np,. ·
to remain the aame -prf.11\D'e ftMl't-t0t ·
man deftn11 and tlellberata olltlilH
control of the game, mnlnl11C0111 Gl what ·
GIUls' college coaeh, Pete NIWfD, Id-·
.. UD.Y PIUT W"I*!, Mlr<fl.:l'.,J'lll,
Tar SWimmers Roll, 60-26 . .. • • J
CdWs Krnmpho~ Sparkles .
Prep Net .Scores
JOtlw OtKI 1i!9t .. -W.l'feft. 1"1 ..... (: ............ ~,-.,.,-........... ,
""'· C-1 '"'· . -· Cl'IH •ftCI °"'"" (NM) Mr. Jfl9IH!'I •11111· V«MMfllf!, 6-t. •1' fflf. Cit.U
'"" ttr.tferf. M. .... ,,_ Md OurP11 <JllO 41ef, Nl11ff11
efl<f ~ •1. H I #., Cl•rM
IM '"""'°"'· '4 H. --N-1 N ...... 1111 (I) Merltle
. -tlt.......,l'lt '(NHJ fflf, MldlMlll, .. II
Mt 11:1 H-t S.11 ftf. lf'1ttr, f.41
11111'.C--.W. l•hnlll INl'O fllf. Mld'IMll, ... ,,
M11'l'lt , t-t1 kt•. •11 C-. "'· Nlcf9l9 (NH) ftf. ~. 6-01
Mi-. •11 ktlMl'A-01 C-. •t. -Mldr'f 1MI ·-!NH) ... ,.,.,,..,. 11111 NlcfltM, M. W; 4'1f~ Mle"Md: aM It ..... N. .. 1. M.., llNf M(trhutfrt911 (frftfl' Mf,
Pl""" eN1 Hldlelt. W. H i ""'· ~-11:..-.· .. ,, .....
Tom Gordner noelwd doll·
ble -'l'ueld>y night •I Ille-Viejo High School Wlm« Sports Awmls bon-
quet when the Hnior forward was named most valuable
pl.Iyer ml CllJ>Wn of the VIII'·
llit1 bolftth.il tum.
VU'lity -MVP: Gudner;
Captaln: Gordner; Most Im·
_..i: Jiff Maltenoa ; Jlll!h
ICd'tl': Gantner: Belt Re-
boui>der: Dao Krall.
Junior nnily -CapWm:
Erle Sims and Kirt Myen;
MVP: 0ouc Citro; Most Im·
pn>ftd: Stove A*ratt.
Bee -Caplain: Jim Davis;
~IVP: .Ste•t llllllanl; Most 1mc, Rlcble Pric<.
CC!lplaln: Gey Ha)'<S;
MVP: Bruce ·J6::o: Mmt lm-
pn>nd: Scott Tolbert.
,,.,.~ .._,.°"',mu•....,.
. ·-• ....., Ill •t. M, M. M. Wlrrt.r. (I:) 1-4, .. 1 ....... H . tartKtl Ill N. M. H. U , L.w (I:) 1.f, M. H. M. _ ..
l!IMt'Y •nl lcfl.tllm Ill lost
H1-•t.U .
l"otttr ''°" A ....... 1llM (El i..t M, ,,., ,.... ...
Jy111ff VtrW!Y
I.Mn IU\'11 U'\'ll lllNllCle
Lion Ace
Tops Spike
Honor List
SOFr SEU SAM ly Manl11 Myen
~!fM JW/£_, W.~11,AS OtR AP
54/J, '!!:! T8AtrJ W '!'
·-c-lltl IM) WllMll
,00 M.c!My 9'.tllY -I. (Oftllll
[011.,.r, M!llldl, Kltlflm.,ly, loltJJ.
Tlmt: t:n.t. 200 ~ .. -1. MvwhM (CdMI t.
,,_.,,.Im lClfMI J. l v1n1 (WI, Time:
l :tr.6. ~ ,,._. -l. Ollv.r ICdMl 1. lr!1l•Y (CdMJ i, ,,._,,, (W). TITM: u.e. 100 lndlvldv1I ~Jty -1. IC1lso
(W} 1. Mltldt !C,M) 3. W!lldD11,,1
!CdMI. Timi: l:O'l.._ 100 'II' _,. I, J1clr.-{Wl 1. tcemtfttrlY' fUMI l. Vterwl...., {ClllMl.
' 11 .... : l :OJ.1.
11111 "'" -1, Mut MI ICllMl 1. Lolfl IClllM) J. lrltll'Y (C~). Timi:
IJ.6. • l(IO l1clr' -1. Ollvtr !CdMI 1.
l'o1!1r (W) 3. Ktl&O CWJ. Tlnw:
l :Ol. \, 400 F"11 -I. Slt n.iotlm (CdMl
!. ll!Vt rw fWl 3. Vltf91ttr (CdMJ.
1 .... ; 4:12.f. 100 8'9tll -1. Mlllc~ (CdM}
2. 1(1~0 fW) J. Hotvoek• )<;CIMJ.
, T""': 1:1 ).t. a J'r .. lt""'l' -1. C~ NI
Mir '(lt'l•lno, S......,thfl, l•l l1,
H1111flel). TlrM: 4:31.1. ...
C-(171 14t) W\11111
100 Mtlllf'f' 1t1t1y -1, Cttrone fltltn11,,, D1v111, J1m1son. Dito).
Time: l:ff.I.
201 """ -1. DoOJG~trlV (WI 3. MdtelMI fC:dMI J. DeltncY tCdM).
Time: 1:11.S.
5Q "''" -1. sw1~ (Wl 2. l"ott IW) S. He11VMk• (CdM). Tlmt: 2!.t .
lot l(ld!Vk11111 M9d11Y -l. llt1c~le IWI 2. Devlft ((dMJ S. 11:11,....,1
(CllM.). Tlme1 1:07.1.
50 P:hr -1. J1minon fCdM} 'I. P:OWf (W) l. l"rlct {W). Tlmt: 2@.I.
100 l'..e· -1. Otfll l(dM) 1. fMtft (WI I, Deu91terty IWl. TITM; ...... a led -1. 11:.irnet tCdMI t.
l'r lct (W) :t. Stm111 IW), Time:
Jl.t . JD flntd - 1. D1vift ICdMl 1. Jlldllt (W) Nol~ (WJ. Tim•: 33.t .
:KIO Ff'H ltel11 -I. Wll-.
Time! 1:'3.>.
I SO. CALIF/$ FlltSll
IMO, Dll'fl TU.IN,
"'11111 • ., .. u.
All Penney Stores Open Every Night Monday Through Satuidaj
Fed. Tex
845-15 20.95
Volkswagen, tool
560-15 15.95
Handsome diamo1d quilt seat covers
Giv. Y""' car interior a wllolo new loolt 'With"-
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blue, block. beige, gr-or rod. Sixes to fit mOll
American can, and '56 through '64 Volbwogem,
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Fin lira rotation .,,.,,. 5,000 milal
FREE puncture repair for life of""""!
FREE tire mounting!
Colorflll Fiesta plastic seat coven
ChoOM from a wide range of colon In ilie.. -
lhat'tlean easily with a damp clolh. blue, <hoicoal,
b.ige, green ond red! In sir.n to flt mod Ameiic:an
can, so visit our Auto Center tddayt . I
21~88 SET
(Hunlin9lon Center)
' ' ' ~
O'Bcien Outsnoots
Al Malin ,_,
'6t Ford G II wile
2 4-Midlop
tlft.• "" ..... + , ..
COIT f01 IWlll6
224 D· W. C-Hwy.
Newport Bt1di, Ctllf.
DAll.Y l'lllT II
Kialoa n
In Pllfsuit
--------· "------
, I ..
Fan Let'ter
To Buddy
Three Yachts _ Next Stop· , EDBena· ·;dfl! Eye Record -#> ... -· -•• .. , : . '!• ··-.. ~··.\ ·.•• • I •:. ' :• I011f \ ,..,:t, ·
To Honolulu Power Boats Set for 150-mile Race
ly Al.MOM LOCKAl!Y .
By ALMON LOCIUllEY llnWiing second behind old
Dllltr ................ Jim Amea' 68-footer. (And
;;::, ~~.Buddy Eblen: thel'1 quite a bit ol behind)
You ~ and always have ' ~. II l recall, )'OU picked
beeo ooe ol my favorite peo-up the marb1<o on COl'l'1!ded
pie. l.llre bock In the days Ume.
ol the old GLOBE ~ Then the next tbln( I htar,
and Pilol when I flnl Rart<d you're 11artiDg 1 1JU1e llldtline
diroi!Jcllll( the weekend ... -ol produclJlr these tivitl<s ol the local Yachl!nc Polyneolan Coocepts.
groups, there was tbla: name And I think: How 'nice for
Chjlllon Eblen In Rol>d Yell poor old Buddy. He's finally
whO ahni)'I -lo be up -his niche In lllfllnc and
:.:-money In tile Thiltle -lo IDlte a little ebluie
Oil the side. '
AND I SAYS lo .. ....,., BtJT NEXT THING I tnow,
"Now there's a pd aea-colng Buddy, you come up with this
rupne.:,"lJ:. ~J!f"'" l\'1'-bit ab o u t challenging Col-ded old sallt? ' umbial And 'someone· nv.: "No, no, -~~ "tJh.oh," J 11ya to myalf. that's the TV guy. You've sttn "old Buddy's flipping. AU that ~~ tllli and lbat late-late Hollywood pr911re 00 lop ol
...... trying lo llart • --But not ....,. • WI pl lbe and tee1J.11p on lllualllng." ~ II didn't qa!te ring Not 11111 the ldoa ol a
a bell, But,~ thal L-11 cotamarin "a -was
from lbe color ... -d1111-'l~'ahniys lell
mme _ and lllAI Rudy lhly deolans 'lbe
llla!:IOd WUmc me In my -call olloel ~ and I'm realiy not lbe catamann ObJaoo.3S -not lo mention -that. you'll find , In
a lot of pod saJlon In other ..... YIChllni -You ~ WAS•about the time ml Rudy bolh kMw what
Beverly IDllbillles, aot to be ~ :.~ to the real reason 1 r;t"f ~the habit ol for writing this lelter:
watching Twqucbe's Item on BUDDY, jult t.ell me tb.11:
the -tends and Y o u r With ali your •billliDy charm
bewhlstem! mug 00 the lube and ali of Pel Iloug1n'1 Irilh
latu lo the weet. blarney, cooldn't yoo two guys
And I bad lo admit: '1111! have gotten togelher and done
Buddy Eblen la a helluva a helter job of beaeeching
aallor and a helluva actor. t.6e Weather gods? Tbef'f: must
(I've alwaya: been 'a IUCftr.'-, be ~mebody up there who
. fM' blllbllly music and blllbllly · w111 listen lo yoo or Pat. U
drammer.)·· · .: ,,./ · there 1s, you can bet your
Then yoo lllarted chartmng ,,,..t Bippy that Pal got there
thlJJ big cat A11el Cal and lint -JUdilnl fmn the flrll
crulalng'and racloi'fl around eff:i-~ yoo and Pal couldn't
the pep and the -And __ ,, . olf ..... , didn' I'll i;lve you credit, Buddy, Y"l' tl , ""J . '-you
al least yoo didn' flip the al least turn , the job over
damn thing Jn mid-bay like lo that . PR man' of ,~·
old you-know-who. Bernie Kanrlns? Now 1here s
So what'• neD' You have a real !Winger. Anybody who
Rudy . Choy .oo' bis bo)13 can tnduce the nation's top
dealgn · and . butld yoo a yadlllng press; not lo mention
catamaran "-your very oWn a battery of TV news cameras
-• --and llart -and the Goodyoer blimp, making noises about selling ye_t -t.o come oot and cover
It lo Honolulu lo the MulUhull thla event! Well, I dunno.
Transpac. ANYHOW, better Juct-nelt
Which yoo did. time Buddy.
AND l!IJRP1118ED U1 ali by Your fan.
1br" new yachts de.signed
primarily for apeOd In Jong
dis~ racing are cauaiag
COllllderable eyebrow ralllng
among olllc1ala . al I h e
Transpacific Yaeht CI u b ,
spcmson ol the Loo~
to Honolulu race.
'!be three yachla m Robert
F. Johnson's Windward
Passage, Portland. O re ;
SUmner A. (Huey) Lon{'•
Ondlne II, New Yort, and Ken
De Meuse'• Blactfln, San
All three are 73-lootus and
are entered Jn· the Honolulu
ra:ce with but one aim -
to set a new elapsed time
record · for the 2,225 mlie
Windward PusaJI', fresh
from • record 1mubing
perlormance In the <Soulhem
Ocean Racll!I Conleionce, la
-In the Miami lo~ 8-f, · Jl!Dllc:a nee. Aller
Jamaka she will bead •for
!lie Weal Coul for the
-.rd Pauage_ la the
llgbteal ol the trio, welgblng
SJ,cm pounm to 120,000 for
Ondine and Blackfin. She has
a terrific turn of apeed In
spite ol ber %!-foot beam. She
W8' destcned by Alan Gurney
ol 11..,. Yort.
Ondlne and Blacldln are
virtually alatu-shlps. Bolll
were designed by William
Tripp .and built in the German
lhl)118rd of • Abetlog and
Rasmussen. Both are o f
aluminum while Windward
Passage II bull! of wood.
Ondlne has ,beeJt flnl lo
finish In the -Alm lo Rio de J anelro nee. the
Transatlantic rice and the
Sydney to Hobart race.
Blactfln has yet to be tested
in long distance racing. -
Several other boata will he
making their long-distance
racing debuts In thla yur'a
Honolulu rice.
Such new yachts u the
Newporl-41 by CUr1bberl and
CUslan of Canada and the
Co1umbla-67 from the deslp.
board of Tripp are both ~
tered in the race with the
thoagbt ol Wdn1 home han-
dicap honon.
Tboulanda , ol landlubber
apeclalorl and aevml m ...
al Ito wll1 be wa!chlng next
Saturday u a 11111 ol ocnn-
raclnl powertolts llart the
--!nm LCllll -lo--tothena-
tltat'• Ont race ol 1119 for
An)erlcan P o w e r Boat
Aaaoclatloo ..ilonal -e polnla. .
Entry List
At Record
For Regatta
Saliboal -In the llU
~ Jlogatts at La k e
llAVUU City on the Col<lrado
River have reached ·• (tGll)-
paled lo • record 71 wllich
competed Jut yell'. ' ..,
":uiiionab the • -alreldy mee • nett mark,
,.. ·-11>o ~·wm ., beyond !Oil befcn eo4;r1ea c1oR
April !," predicted ·Robert P.
McCulloch Jr., re1att.a
Largest entry II In the
Pacific Catamaran CJ a 11 •
Other cl......, expectod lo be
well repraooled are the 14-
foot llol>le cat, Slllpe, In-
terlake and' Malibu Outrig-
Ooe· of the 1'aclflc
CMamaran 1kippen ,ts ex-
pected lo be Carter Pyle,
designer ol lhe boot, formerly
of Laguna Beach and now-,
living In Hawaii.
Nixon to Name
Chief of }'AA
President Nixon todily was
reportedly planning to name
John H. Shaffer to head ttie
45,000.man Federal Aviation
Shaffer, 49, viee president
of a lnaJor aerospoice and
autoparts manufacturing firm
in Cleveland, would replace
David D. Thomas, acting ad-
De~e from Lon g · Huntlngloodleech Pllr -
Beach's Bt,Jmool Pier wlll •be ' 1'20 . :·\.. . ..
at 9· 1.m. for boats in the . . ~:'!. ;.~~ ,.
dtvelopme:nt and . c r ui fer OcelMicter-•lt:·IL
duRI, and>at 1:10 a,m, for LaJGJla-lO:jD .•
the man .!riclb' ~. P.oinl Loma ...,,,11,11 , !ID
mere powerful ocemnclDg No. l.llaoJJ .,
claa. ~ . Pointd>acQMJ ~ .JJ':lf
The field will be orie 'ol El Peacaclei'o Polpl -ll;!O
the flneal In West CoUt ~ ,JJarbai' flllllh-
hlltory, includ!n.& current na-12: IO p:m. ~ -" , '
tional and 1981 wcrld ebam-Kemp· safd r .-e e eofti.
pion Don Aron<iW ol MJami munlcaUon» wll1, be · Clll tli1
and former national champion marine radJo bands and~ iil·
Peter RotbochlJd !ii Newport vlted · j>enOril hi.... """'
Beach. ecj\lipmeot lo "'* ~
Sanc(y_ Kemp, pnaldent cf ~ 'H~ the Pli:lfic 'Offlbor:e P~ l:tl a.rfu en 2731~ · · · • Bo.tRlcin1A11ci:c1att~ri '~7~-~~ •'~lll·; -
(POPBllA') pve '. t h·eo e G_uard weatlil!I"' · • ..,.
pndlcted times for thl cheCk. 1 munlcaUoos 'wlll, lo W
polnta a]ong the SoutbUn ''tC: .:J!I.;, --ii I J ·-~
Calilotnla coast. ) K<mp sir "lhal :;· . starl -I a.m. not fnvolVed in Ifie race _ Looi Beach Bmkwatu -listen bUl not try to tallf',l
1:07 ~ race officials.<r the'.1'9Ctl'I. ~i
Hobie Cat Incl ·
ForHavasu R
' nr• I
The new -14-foot Hobi~ ·cat 1 fleet c~im ioruhip-whlcb car-
has been Included In the rles with paoi<Ulon ol Iha
aallboal classes invited lo McCu • , Perpetual 'l'rOl'll1
tfor c:u:,)'. • campete at the Lake Hava1U Cutrelli fleet cbampion II
City Desert Sailing Regatta ~ (Jacobson ol L ~.•
Aprll 12-13. ~geJea who. with his crerr
The 'uobie Cat bu been Bprnie':casb, took all ~ · ' " ~ !.~~ jut year In the P8Cifl0
1alnlng In JIOl'Ularlly •-\""lira•·"Jl",~t. ' coutal saliors and should be , , · ,
an ideal neet 1or the Lake · 1
H~vaau condlUoos. a:thor Flee. t Mort than 100 boa ta_ in' four
other classes are · expected to
rel.WTI to the desert salting
classic this year. The other
classes are the P a e 1 ft c
Catamaran, Malibu Outrtaei:,
Snipe and inlulake.
Most of the boets will he
trailered from South e·r n
CaillornJa areu and ~
wlll come fmn the Artaoal,
Nevada and Utah areu. ~
The anticipated !Oil ., .......
boot.t will brea1' all ncmll
for the LBte IHavuu mm,
according to I Bobf!'t p •
McCulloch Jr,, genera I
chaJnnan. 1 Skippers. collljlO!e for the
cJaso iltlea and for the overali
akes Rae~
·' ''"IP!>rt·llo ...... , Coronad.
lalijng ti-;;;, 'rio the~ team
r ie agab);t the·~ml,.. Bay
eel Sa~~Y· ·Ill light aln
off Newport Harl>Or.
The N;~acored 11\i
.,. 37 "" ibe''Alam1 ... Jiiiy l\Ml. On the Newport team
~ere Dale Wold, Dick Kippes.
'Ray Garra, Bill Roberta and
.!lob DmleJt
, Repreaentlog the Alamitol
"i'UaY Deel ~ Jim St.mer,
Jolm Slleliy, Jim Nlutlrk,
Raleigh Mollltt and J...., 'Lanon, ~
Congressional· ,C~p A-;tion
FAVORITIS IN CONFRONTATION -Lowell North of Sim Diego (D) 'graba
the start over Ted 'l'Umer of Atlula, Ga .. when they Diet in CongreS!looal
cup match ncet last Friday. Both pre-series favorites were beaten by Henry
Sprague for lop honon.
SPRAGUE SHOWS SKILL -Henry Sprague Ill ( ) dilplaya 1111tdt nice
'l • .•
starling ability that won him the Congressional €up·:te;• ~perflct aoore ti ·
M. Sprague'• opponent in this start iJ Tom Hazlehunj"l Ea\! Greenwkh, R.L
. '
, . . .
l 4 ':
.. . ' . . ,1.· ':.:,:,.-.
( ~ . -' '
.-.:up '
4 DAn 0tn.T I
Ito. Pt.ti AE-W. fl7.tl
·29.95 ' .. ····~-......,. e1u
, 'M°" Fon!" Cbevn 4 CtJm. I I ·F~1-0ieyY1,Pl,_1tii,
--Clnwllll6w!led Pontiacs, Ramblen from crlildcra aod Jarscr cars "'"'·· FAsr Frl!ll IM-' .., billw· WtMfualllll STAU.ATION. ---
... '''·"PL I '4 IATI OllLTt9 .6
:17·2010 .,.. . ' .
w....,, ... 19, 1'69
DAILY 10 'RJ 10
.Oflw l1dr
~R.23. .,,
. ci~t.FllST OIE TIRE* .
,, 3NIOllll IUUml
• """"" lllGl,COll 111\' •&llllWIAl•1_..._. ... ll" . • 5111, •• • 1uon '!PAI ...... w11a wmuu • Wl»AllEk THU 1•1
1•11 $211.,S
. 6.tS.14 $21.tS
' '7.U.14 $22.tS
f'.'IS.14 us.ns °''s
1.25;14 , .. ,J
.l.SS.14 $21.tS
$20.91 .. .
M' • .... ~ ......
. '2.»
All .................. , •• c....... .. .__, . .,........,..._ .... .WW..wn.oll, •.
Wlir Wiit?
. 4 tATl'-fl .... llU7
34.88 . ,.., .......... ...........
4 IAYI ON\TI . ..........
11111 ... ClllUISMll -lft Wllll .. _, .....
1-l'UCK Aunt •
TAPEPUYll ..........
......... , ............
I New __ ,....\
,• litnpleifteb' I .. ., ......
de.fuRJ II I a•\ -=Al --llMS-TO
-LlllCOUl>YL IJtlr il.Cll aft.
"'....,""' "o\t Iii~ .... ·m-~ -~ •, 5~·3040 •
. '
• •• •
•· -· .
SANTA·~ , .......
/ J4 DAlt.Y Pit.OT
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New York Stock Exch~e · Llst
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TJleat.er Notes
'Pennypacker,' 'Barefoot' w Open
Ruby Keeler
Due at OCC
The steady beat aod tapping
fett · that were synonymous
with exuberant musical films
of the thirties and forties Will
come alive ·again at "An
Evening with Busby Berkeley
and Ruby Keeler," one of two
film events planned by the
Newport. Harbor Art Museum
.l o highlight their upcoming
• exhibition. "The Movie Show
·-Seven Stages to Hollywood
; fn:m Silents to CinemaScopc."
' Berkeley became famous as
: a choreographer for many of
: the finest musicals of that
•era and be ·was particularly
: \\'ell known in his direction
.of the dance team of Ruby
.Keeler (who now lives in
Newport Beach) aod Dick
Berkeley will run portions
of memorable d a n c e se-
quences ol hi! movies and
spice them with a rUMing
c.11mmentary. Among the films
,.,.hich will be included art:
1iGold Diggers of 1933, ••
"Dames" and "Forty Second
Miss Keeler al.so will be
present as a special guest
and the stai and dindor will
answer questions following the
Admission is $3 for non-
members; $2.50 for musewn
members ; aad $2 for ~den ls.
the museum office or by call·
Tickets are available through
ing 675-3866.
The show will ht held in
the 5ci~ hall at Orange
Coast College Sunday, March
%3, at a p.m.
Cit lie O•ltr P'llel Ii.ff
Somelbiag old aDd
something new arri~ on the
Orange Co a s t ' s thettrlcal
ecene Ulla we.ekeod ,
altbougll It W<es a second
_..glance to ascertain which .b
"The Remarkable Mr. Pen·
nypacker," the lat.est offering
of the c.osta Mesa Civic
Playhouse, has betn _,oo
for a few years, but. it is
the more un!ami.liar -and
heoee the ''newer" -of the
The othtr is tbe Huntington
Beach Playbou!e'a 'Version of
"Bareloot ln the Park," Neil
Simon's comedy bit which
crops up at a different theater
in Orange County every few
mootM. It's a newer play,
but also a more famlliar one.
"Pennypacker," being stag.
ed by Cana Mesa rtaidtnt
director Pati Tatnbellini, turns
back the clock to the Gay
Nineties and the comic crisis
confronting the father of eight
when his second family is
discovered •
Ron Fillan plays t h e
remarkable one in question,
appearing ln his third show
of the season in as many
theaters. Pat Harp returns for
her fifth Co.sta Mesa asaign.o
ment in ,the ~leading role
of Afa Pennypacker.
Lois Wilson and Jack Mur·
ray complete the aduJt port.ion
of the Pennypacker household,
while the children will be
played by Valeree How, 'nm
Flanagan, Kris Tambellini,
Toni Bergman, Bruce Cooper,
Andy Vircsik, Cindy Van Atta
and Brad Ogden. Roundin1 out
the cast are Bruce Campbell,
Paul Gracey, P.!awict Roland,
Bill Snitzer and W a r r e n
Performances w I J 1 be
presented this weekend and
nerl, Friday• and Saturday•,
at the Community c.nter
auditorium on the Orana:e
County Fairgrounds. Tickets
may be pnn:bued at Tipton'•
TV or Coast M\Wc, or reserv·
cd at 834-5303.
* * * Going "Barefoot in the
Park" at Huntington Buch
are Mike Skinner and Rita
Kimer, who star as the youn&
newlyweds in the Simon com·
edy. David MaivWe. seen in
the playhouse's l.111 pro-
dudion, 0 The Best Man,'' is
Veteran TV Direetor
David Molvlll•
Schaefer Switches to Movies
7elevisfon's late!t dmation to
films is George Shaefer, the
multi-Emmy winner who pro-
duced or directed 56 Hallmark
Hall of Fame Telecasts (Iver
a 15-year periOO.
Schaefer bas row made the
move to feature films. He
directed t be just-released
"Pendulum" with George P~
pard and Jean Seberg and
next month begins shooting
••Generation," with David
Janssen and Carl Reiner.
'!bus Schaefer follows tht
TV~fibn mo\'e of John
Frankenhelmer, D e 1 b e r t
MaM, Artbur Penn, Franklin
Schaffner, Jack Smite end a
·~•t 'e1n lip'
h06t of others. But moet of
them made the transition 10
or 15 years ago. Why did
Schaefer wait so Jona:?
••Because I had the one
setup in television that was
ideal," said the dlrector.
"With the Hall d. Fame, I
had comp1"" artlst1c-.
J was able to cboo&e from
the best of dramatic
literature, oW and new, and
I wtirked with great casts -
Helen Hayes, Lunt and Fon-
tanne, Katherine Corne 11,
Richard Burtm, C b a r l t o n
Heslon, Peter Ualinov, etc.
"The playa appeancl~befort
a giant audience o( 15 ·
or SO, And J WU b1e to
-blish my own produdfon
DAl\.'f' PILOT "'9t ""'
James But• (right) roughhouses with an unwilling
.Ronald Boul5om in this flashback MOene from
"Death of a Salesman," clOl!llng th.i~ weekend at
'South C4<1sl Repertory in Costa Mesa.
eanpany. If other film dlrec-
torJ had enjoyed this kind
ol canvu to paint on, they
wouldn't have: left televisl.on."
Schaefer explained why he
finally made the move last
''The situation at Hallmark
charged 10 that I WU no
!oneer deallnc with one man
but with a committee; and
I coold no 1qer find four
or five: e::s:citiq subjects to
do each year."
George Schetler hu the ap-
pearanc< of a hi&h ochool
math tucher, but ap-
pearances dece:'w ; like all
-he .. tough minded about hit wwk. He 11 polite
but flnn wKh •cWn. tallinc
in a rapid-fire manner. An
eccentridty is bis prtfmnce:
to direct from • wheelchair;
he figures he can 1et around
Ille lei faster.
"Ptodulum" seemed like 1.
otnnce dioko for Scheeler'•
d<bul u a mm dlnd«. It
b •~lale,
and he bod be<n ldmlllled
on televillon with llldent and
.. I admit it WU ~ Jut
picture people erpected me
to do," he: nmarked. '"'Ibat's
wby I -It. And I ml>ll l&J that lnJ reuoning WIS
llWlld. Even -tht plctun! hid t.11: teal, I WU nceiving
Q1l&llll&s of oll<n of other
He admllt..i !bat he mbs<d
the ucllanent of .. -. when ht could ~ the:
cut for thrte weeks and llpe
a play In 1hre< or -days.
He finds actor1 and their
acesU reluctant Lo m1U
a1Jonracoa f o r rtbeanaJa
before a mov!e. He llllo ls
amued' at macl1!natiobl n-
q u Ired to mm star
"I am accustomed IO tmvtnc
stan ""' • i.ltvhlon oeripl and aay, 'Yet. I'U do tt',"
he comment..i. "But In fllml
the llan b1Ve to n,ur. out
corporal< detll and ctleultte
1-tht pldlln ""'1ld Ill Into
llle!r ... *""11rt.
"lf all the ""'17 upended
f« the matln1 of deals WWI
pul into picture m a k I n 1
Hollywood would enjoy the
puttJt prorptrity it hlll t \'U
l'*k .. ....,
"?Ml llOTHllHOOD"
wtlll Kirt Dltlf'"
CHI.._,....., 311• ''""
Boundtt continuu tlJ Ufte-
,...had nm Frldaya and
Satuntaya. 11ou Corbin is
Gertruclo Horn, Let How·
lngtOn and Frank RugeD bead
the cut ol the "Judlment
day" comedy-drama. The plsy
iJ belrl( •lqed al the Pla,.n'
Theiler, I~ W. llb St., S..ls
Ana; with Ud.U rtservablo
at MJ.-2.118.
· coocan s BLUff
., . ," r· .•
;.· ,'.P..__."T ,',\,L t •.'.i-'i"·1,·~ ', SJ:, ... ,._,A
Best Adre11 S..t SUpportlng Actor
A Story of Three Strangers
A Father, A Mother and a Son
Brim#• with L•ughter •ncl Te•r•
Jack Albertson Martin Sheen °
George Pepp1rcf, fngtr Stevens, Orson Wells
Ev, Show St1ri• 7 ,,..,, Cenf. Set.~'"' I $v11. fre111 1
Crossword Puzzle
J Pa rt or
lO Oii S llneral
j ~,...,
•APOlll ... 14T-Of
15 Coelllftioe ofV•s
l• Cll•billg .....
17 l•ktdby ........ lt '-Tiit D•ce -or life" -· 20 llnl
21Frelll-fllll zs:=:-
2• ., ... of
0n ... 1o :l7 lnltf'Jtction
of 1111•• 2'1 .... atrt,:
lwonl• Sl l'r.,.,.
for !Iring 35 011t 37DllMld's -· 3! Olr.t .. 1 ·-co Sattnn.
42 MstfllilOS C4 Sitt of
f'llllllJS Unl'lenify
45 C•fln ., .... ...... ,.
4tlllld•t s.ni.
51 stor•
52 flrtllminary
54 Cflan.cttr In r.tr radio
56 Comic Itri'
ch•act• 5• Ill• •l•at 62 Pitt Utltlff '4 Evr.•nkll ......
65 SmnJ/lfl' 67 ICind 0 loot: 2-•
10 '"""" 1111n's s"ll'd n T>ouaht n loun{1h1
ofSldly 73 Trite 74 lord,, 1nd.,..mt '75 IU. of
l Hldd• b•nof --2 .... -. 2-.
J Sbtflr. ,_.
4 FlgM1n1. •• 5 To:dll--
Abbr. •s.,..Mtof
Sol ..
7 Dttll Att-IUop-
Yesterd•r'• Punlt Solwflf:
311!A' !OS-•• 43 Alplullrt c:onflagra• 1hsact. ... .. ,,._
11 f .D.a.'o 41 Linn of
doO "'"""" lt Ln hl1zl 51 UalftttnsiW D loft ,..,_,
vlol.tlf 5S Ttw"'U• ti
11 f,.lnhtt 'W.A.R." n•• SST-9'
ll lort •ltb '""" rn lhOrt l11ps ln•1 25 ConcllllltfJ $7 lountlln -""' ... ,.
4..9 Sec:oltd SI '"°'' ._.. -c...t Ult H '"'""of 21 Ch-11111 Ace_..
·--=Air. ~o,,,... z-
Lns• ts 60 Cltr • ..
ll Conni br St11"'* artful •tms 11 Conut .n End• 6J F•ll1
34 COlltt de--mlWHr
35 Ltlsurt . U C•ll
J6i EIQl'.lt out Prtfhr 61 Cot1fllllnfl
31 a-t z wr.is soldlw
41 Eutttw 6t Ti'!• Clllldlu ,er1td
•l'olCINa.......,_W tiblW
Fo-x•••CMSr ....... -................... ~
ONM &141
IN COLOR ......... _..
. -· 1111 BROrHEIUl)Cl)i ' _ _,:_ .....
-,. ...... 6:41 .... ,.., , ...
-m.r OP11C .....
WIOll .,... __ ·-.. ~
._....,....,.. ..... M.n.,
Gtwg1 P-nl COLOllt
Elfubefti Tay'°' COLOll:
........ let.I
Gr.gory ha COi.Oii:
..... ___ I (l'-...r.,.,.,.... ........ ) ON~-~
"l"ONA SllA
MU.CAMPllU"' $'-"'• Mca.-COi.Oil
"NftADA SMITH" ' .....................
Write lo Uncle Len
,.. ... _
• ....
ii --. --·· ----allllllilllla!lllll
ef yoo 1n ooly ONI
I -•thlsy-..•
. thls ... to beONI
ef tttem!
......... -=---
~-' fl.llm1m'lllw
ol'dlne17.___,._ .-.
SOMMER """''~ _ .. ...,,,...,_,_,,.... LEEJ. JACK
-·---N:all9~ GREGORY· EVA MARE
PECK SAM' •.. " "11ESl'AIJONG MOON --w •·
flot.Voa, U
fOI ONI Wiii Olllf . ~f
POSlflYILf INH TIUIAT ' ,0-• --~':.
•,:;. .;,_ "'" . t
!!J-.. ·-·-·
SATURDAY "A MAnNn -l l tJO .....
I/, ' ' ' ! .... l
D MAYOi! SAM YORTY. ,; * "LOS Alll~ PER• ~
CW THIS M t,IW 50 AND SAVI 'le o• YOll• Nm slmcr't.w.
lotfW llllllrtl f'Mf. JI, ltltl
,. ....... fl .... .,. ...... \
271 I . 171ts ST~ COSTA MISA
WMAT 800P 15 A 1<1N1 WrtllOUT A STRIN&!'.
DAit Y ~lllll'
'ING, SINO, SING And they'll all .tie 'doing just
that on "Andy Willi Lc\te CO!\Ce~' ton ight at
10 p.m. on Channel 4. Fronf' lefli gUests include
Smothers Brot.bt:rs, Donovan and Jose Feliciano.
Andy is hi the center, FellciAno is a resident of
,~ewport Beach. -
. TELEVISl~i YJl!f§. .
I ~l , ~.y 1-"'-VI PizzA~~ 1~ !-: ~ " .~\i'.
Light· hearted
. By ltlCK DU BRDW
HOIJ.YWOO!l (UPI) -NBC-TV Tuesday nigh t
i enttd "'nle Wonderful World of Pizzazz," a ., ll s-long musical-comedy comm.en-~ t the past, present and future.
~ things moot immediately notice-
Sb e as that 'the male designers of some of the
."1~rJd's most "'.ay-o~t. fasblons invl\)iably dre"td ~rl1atively conservatively themselves -jackets,
~ies, etc.
. . Or, as P. T. Barnum once noted and as John · Q: Public continues to prove, there ts !ndetd a 1uck-
l'llrl Dom every minute. It's just that they're better-
'\dl"tlsed nowadays. Check that. Make It: more
flaslilly dreostd.
· I THOUGHT, in fact, that such designers as
.:iP.ierre Cardirt. and Emanuel Ungaro of Paris; BUI
:Ql1111 and Oscar de la Renta of New York, and
lt&rdy Amies of London were far more. tastefully,
and admirably, dressed than some of their mod.els.
Abo ve all their beautifully-tailored con1erva-
,t!v11 suits -~ the handsomely colorful shirt-and-
:tie combinations worn by some of. the sport.Uy ..
dressed designers -showed bow peat and present
cin be blended wlth taste. ,,.,_C31 . • '• AJ for tile prls on display, I know nottiing about
' ·women 's fasblons. But you didn't have to know
anything to tell qUite clearly that there ere no
women in the world as incredibly beautiful aa Swed-
. ~ ~h women. A brief tour of fashions around the
\ obo revealed as '•tunning a group of gorgeous
~ea as you I.re likely to see unUI the next time
you walk down any street in Stockboim.
· ,'!;HE HOSTS. of "Plzzazz," Carl Reiner and
:g!i.!1.-Jl:!' ·-l;lie~ele Lee, were excellent. It is nothing new that
Mt. Reiner is simply one of the most civ11Jzed end
outrageously funny humortsts in existence. And
Mias Lee, a relative newcomer, held her own quite
tiell,' singing, participating in comedy bits and -
•hove all _,, coming acl'06s with poise and warmth
and good nature es a hoste1s.
Others on hand were the Cowlills family stng-
ln( ,group, who were delightful ; the Harper's
BlJal're vocal quartet, which sounds pretty much
Ilk~ a lot of other pop groups to me; and Pat Paul-
. sen who bad a disappointing monologue during wlJl.clt he was surrounded by some giggliQg, embar-
wa~. FeR ONE. THI~
ly Al Smith
· ly Mel
• )'a1slhg 'girls. .
' -THE HOUR, overall , was pretty skin-deep in
tenns of ·a real look at fashions. But there were
aOme pleasant shots of clothes and foreign locales.
lio!'<lver brief. And there was one very good sketch,
' alto brief, in which Reiner portrayed a fellow who
is unnerved. when bis wile wears a see-through
dress for an evening out.
1 , \ ,(A.t the end of the hour, by the way, there wa s
1 ~r\ ahimated sequence about dresses of the future,
' One of which could be inflated into a mattress -
"for whatever,'' as Reiner noted.
' , .' ; fHE CHANNEL SWIM:· Secretary of Defense ~;
'Mtlvln Laird'• apPear111ce before the dl11rma-·
ment iUbcOmmlttee of the Senate Foreign R.iation•. ·:
Commlllee-wlll be covered· live by· NBC-TV Friday•.;
Ill!/ l .m. PST ... Fprmer' Secretary of .Slate Dean '
lldsk Is the subject of a five-part interview on the _;
Sf.Jtl' network 's "Tbdey'; series nezt Monday ...
thtough li'tlOay, dl1"°"ing his eight years In olfice •
and for•fflll re,laUons , :
Dennb tlae Menace " ..
¢1 .... : 4.,.,. ..
. .
•t o,<JLY-PILOT ,
collNl'Y ·
· fUIY. ·
MO. ''62 Y;W. '•TOYOTA . '86 v.w •.
$29 *-$29-. II.Idle. llMtw, A ....... c-ontwn w..-i. ~~·~ .......... ,~.,..., tll"ll. 27L k•dl•. lletltt', IVI' \&
$477 full $677 Full s977 full
IJ!I, MO. , Price Price Prio
$16 * $16 •$23 * $U $29 * $29
$29 * $29 DH. MO. ON. MO. DH. MO.
. 1DN. MO.' 68 Y.W. -'66 v.w. '&lOPEL " .. ·~1d~.,t, lltM_•· ,.....,, ru i., -!tr • KAO£ TT
ll1lt... S141n 1 .Dr A = ll:GU 121, =• bu!f:~ Mlh , rl
$~77 f~ll . $777 $f171 ~ ,,.~
Ut * sH $26 * 42' $39 * $19 1111. MO. DN. 1110. ,·DH. MO.
'63 DODIE '63PLYIOm ·a·DonaE
f~i"'·.no~f:. Ra.If, l"wr. "•· Fury .t Ir. H.T 11~111, hMfW, il11 Gh.J ~ t .. rdt•, Atrt ..
~uto., _.. •1.tr. UiYC-Nll, ~lo, tf• JT Ol6. $'J77 Full $477 full ·$477 Full
• Prlc• 'Prlc9 Price
$13 * $13 . $16 * $16 . $16 * $16 DN. 'lO. DH. Mg. ON. MO.
$46 '64 FORD '63 IERC. '64 CHEVROLET * M.Ol'l .. rlY SSS. Allto.. r11fie Ull 1 Dr. MT. Autwn1tlc 11111'11. r8dlo F1irlMI 20. v.-' ll&H. JlZ•lU ::.'!"'.... _.,. 11-1"81 -·· $477 F~ll ~=. l !IO ~Ii; tlcfory Iii', 1NI llM!tf", 9te. t0LIC"411.
MO. -'f477 ~~:!. $577 Full • Price Price $16 * $16 $16 * $16 $19 * $19 DN. MO. DH. MO. OH. MO.
'63 PONTIAC '63 IMPALA '64 .CHEY. ~ l r-rthlff ..or. Vff~~~ t er. 'H.T. A::!IL r11t:o, Mll~I. t Dr; H.T, V-1 11:1. 1 r c•Ad~ ,s., ''· l.H. ,,.._ "''· llt•t•r. p. "t:) "Zf fKWY H, et ... 11 • CllMOIL
s577 '. l ir, VH 1. VIJ;K •ll.
Pull . S677 Full s777 . full Price Pric. $19
* $tt . $21 * $23 $2' * $26 DN. 110 .. DN. MO. DH. MO. ~ " -..... . .
• , • : ANY USED UR WITH GOUI SEAL . , . . '~', H.U •,,
· 100'10.GUARANT&E· • • • 'GOOO FOl 100 DATS10l 400Cl'MIUS
• ' , • . _. _ W_!lttHIVH ~Of!IS FIRST
•• "t co.t i. l'OU -,...,s • l1bw .i motor tr1Mfl'llhiotl w l'Nr end. Tiiis Mii •l•t11 __ !!' ._.nn~1
11111 "''Mll19 JIUMfllltitl ttlol lllOfer .. tr1111mlu lon fllCI rptr...,. 1.-1% -11111 ..,rd•"' 100 ~or 4.0t» mlltsi w;ti~•(;artlll& tint. •ltll' ""'cii-· • · ' . ,• ' ........
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Wednesdoy, llirdi"lt, 1969 !'-PILOT-ADVERTISER'
I ,
'64 T-lird . .. · mi71·. ·<$33 * $.33 •• ·u·
2 er. t.1i,.. Alitl!Mlie. · N41 .. 11"111';.. YJJ, · Oil MO ": '.
t!M( •• •· llrH -. ., wlll*ws. ,let. A.Jr. •' ..U.. . , ~OLG WI ~!IJ"_..,..5 ~ . ' ;
•83 BUICk ' . . 't8ft _:$fl' *'$33 .'.' 11· .. ,
ltfVlll"• 2 er. Hd'!,_~~llfel,tr11111 IU.H, ~,..,. •· • ON• 'MD • •
"M!( Jtlll'll'll. ·-·· W ,,,.._ fldorY llllt __ .,R ' ' llr.Tl'.XfP. ''·. ' . .,..~·-··' .· :_,
•8& l'I~. Fa!! 111 ·1977 $l3 * $3~ .• ,. , . .,
l ~ hetlllGP. A.~lta.H ........ l!W'. " '.: . ON. MO. .
1<F·1•· • , · l!Ull PR!ct · -. .
·&G Plym. ••rr••• S.1077 $36 * S.l6 ·m· -~ .. _
IU.H, 4 .,-.. MW. !VOl •1· _.,;. • · DH. MO . . . ' · rU1.L~PljlCE' ' .-. • '
''---,-. , . ..},·-.· ;~~:.!:!.~l! $~ *'~ .•
:!!.!!!"'.~lh ...... ,. ~ ... SJ.OJ].$~* ~~6 ~
U H. l ur ., tiM w..ic. (Vll ,JqJ), 'fUU.fPRJ(( • • I ·-
~~J~~.~,~~:} ~ ·tl;; ~:117 $~~ * !3' ~
"' . FUU·PRlCE • • -lW I . ' • . • , • • .
---·----··· --· ---.. --~-----.---....---------.---·-------~---------------~---,,,...~----..,....---:-~""':"~-=~~-.-.
tArs. Bradford, Jean Bradford
Las-Ca ~pa_nas Debut::1iVe's
-~:, LJ'doite 1 tnttbcfaE~d . .
-• ,J! • . "·~•'·!~it
.Int'.o<!~~ed f" ii 1969 Las .ca~1debutante
dunng a ro!fee·fast Sa1unlay. m tht WJleim home
of Mis.' Jolg:J Brooks was .Miss Jeah ruin Bradford,'
·<l!>ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen,. Walter Brad·
(Jq;t o( .. J,idj\ l s.le. , I' n r 1 . ·' '
j\liss .. •Btadford ·wm be amon!l:l~l\ilfrlg Ofahge
Courity .w~n making their-bow.to :so<!Aety during
·the sixth annual ball, to take place,July ;l2 in.the
Di.soeylan!!--.!lotel. IJ'h< ball benel!lfl Ole \)range
GouJ.:ity Syfi.ipbony Association. ·', • 1 .._
1 'Th.e coffee, given to honor both .~~buiantes and
iheir mothers, was hQsted by _J.,as Campana$, the
.symphony;debutante ball co!M)iti ii• was the
first of.a/Series Of parties and ~ ~t-ents that ~lead up•to the presentation.~ ·on the cal~··
dar Will be a brunch and gown show April 19 in
, Buffums'~j.e H,abra. •. ~ , !
. l " .
,., '
romances seHlom wor\ -~ eSpecially
these days.. Juat think, When you're .28
. 'j ., ~. 1 •• \-
Howe¥er, .if yoq'i~ still deter'mlned to
pui:.sue,. DaddJ.'s ' ~tary, here's a
recipe for Coffee Fudge-!Mt will sweet-
en · tb.e h'eart ·-of any woman. It's a
sophisti~ed cousin of chocolate fudge
and far ta!tier: · A word of caution,
though. ~ ~ lady realizes · whfit <a .\,
great coo~ yoit-.m she might &tart tak-''
ing you seriously. Then what afe you
going to do?
In a saucepan, combine two cups
sugar,'1 cup very strong coffee, t·table-
SPQOll cream, l tablespoon butter, % te&-s~n aaii, r.. · ieaspoon cream Of t'artar. "
SUr Ingredients over a low heat uiltil-:,.· . . .. \ ~ar is melted, then boil quickly sµr. . , !.
ring i!ODJtantly ~until the syrup_ teaches
the '"90ft ball stage." (Test consistency
/JY,~o., tlrop,ol ;.bo,iling syrup· In~
at "C_tl;R Of ~Cold water. When the syrup ~ ·
4 • it~ oD tn ' ball .....t:.a I} ... i::a!) _oe r . et:!; to a soft !'1th,... -the 1•.
,,, ••• ., .• Jt:'l>'ri!ill Jo'be ~1·-~-•• If -~ · y ~ • , ,. 't..Y'"' · • 1 :, '.j-~ DAILY !"/LOT· ..... W ild11ir~ "'iitlllr
lhe fire.) '· . 'L~T YOUR FINGERPRINTS TRAC!K YOU , • .' -And 'makii!¥ "t~f#" to ~t syrup 1µg11uy and add II lea· Balboa Pavilion next .Subday. will be .members and guests ol ·~eypo\es. J.ook·
'spoon !abnoDd extract. Beat e~.liJI-ing forward to the fa s!lloil'l'IJDJ" •"'._(lop to bottom) the:.Misse•.Les~e Kittle,
tit it begins to harden, and 8dd . l cup .... _, Jci'lle Cerf and Shannon fr~tf. . .. · . ~i·
of,.chop~~· Pour candy on~ ~ -
buttered ~atte!Yto cool and harden. Cu( t
candy into J inch squares.
i A~ .. .
'· ·, ·~
Spri 'n~\~f<eys Fas~ic:)rl~ . . ..
' " The paooramfi v$J Ji the bay will" provide a fitting ba9k\lroy lor
th.e annual Keynotes1 fAS1u6n show and luncheon riext Sund8y'. ., !:
MeII!bers and guests will gather in the Balboa Pa>llioh fo( the
parade of,-spring st}'les,Upip Lido .Fashions and Dick Verijon,,qeacp""'1d
casual attire fl-om 'Qi& f{e_t Seal, and prOm gowns and bri,4al attire :/r0111
the Park Ave. ·BridaJ &hop. : ': ·. . •...
Mannequins wiil b~ l(eynotes, members oi th e junior auxiJi 3r;'. of
the,jlarll<!r K.ey j\u~•O'{~ild Guidanc.. Centerol Orange County, 1'4ey
!have been talting a ~li~"4!k' charm c~urse, instructed by \J\e.ll'lmes, Les'
Tlie Petersen, Charles Pierenfield, Jtoy Jqne and John Spa_,it;.:O.g. .
, " . Adult models will be the Mmes. Vir.ginia Young, Sparling, Berk_:·Mc ..
.~l!l)Dm. J, O'Hata tr/il' ~. Ruth ,Nern~y and .Harvey Pease: • .,":, ~ · Commentator •w!IJ,.>lle Mrs, ll!urray Chotmer, and handling' t(clrnt
reservations are the Mmes.-Lawrence Kittie, 644.o435 and EdW:i.1_1' B~~ey,
"673-3924. • . . :,.,
Others oii th.!' J.m\Jidee are !be Mme s: 'H. · 0. Hi_:~~ni"f!,~ry
Kemp, Robert Cerf~rld·µ~is Pratt. ! .·~ ~ .• -~?,. ·
'·' .
Junior Ebells ' Citizen-of-year •
<!o.rnmi1nity;.·:~er¥t~e -~j,~e&:
-' .. ~,:.11 ,·:.~ f.il ) ' •
r ... • t T!¢ktockers' Dads' Share ~potl!gh~ ~cit . Brunch . ..
"'l'ickiockers ol Newport Chaptl!I', ,National Charity Uague will ordinaUng the trllditiona(pt;tagttkr are 'bigb school se)1!ors,
,. nt,el:\atn tbeit "champs'"··d"'1J\g the ·.annua!;,F;lltber'd~ughter under the guldantt of Ml's:.~'-~wis and Mra. Jack Schilling,
...... ~,··,·1'f"-•t-,, • . ' ~ • I ' 'f I >f 0' The Jllnloi/ Ebl!lf : ob'. of PFO d~Ul!s for_,Harbor ;.Vj~\I': ' ' •· 1 '
Newport·· )!eich . Was" Jingled ·School, .. i'vtog as healt~ ~ii!!.
out Mrl~ J{enry Sto~berg s~fety c~airman and second
tor ·..J\O.tiO~·" as-, !ti; •Junior . v,1ce p~1d~~t. . ~~~~tfte.YtP. ' ., ,,· ' A~Jsfl~~ ~!~~ ~DS.:.d . :-
: , Cited !<Jr service to club l~g'. eiJlwn llfue .a:nd · he!I>lng ' 'dd, ;e,<0•in mun i 1 y , Mrs. with absentee voting at Cosla
: StOl.tenberS ' has a Jong list Mesa Memorial Hospital afe
t 1 bf:~~l~hments and ac-among her commUn1ty credits.
~. tl to tier credit. The new Cllizen-of-the-yw
·• S~ ~ served ~ junio; also aB§isled jn the Well Bab1 ' ,:..,.. .. ~ty adviJo~ Jnd ~ad-Clinic, Orange County Medical
viaor. J.ouu;i, e m ~ I o y m e n t Center PrtnataJ'.' Clinic Md
volunteer ..-orter, YMCA Jn-with the tube'rcuiotls mobile
diatt Ma'tden president and X-ray unit. ,
p 'f. t i i diatrrnan, assistant An acUve homo llfe alto
Brownia1leader, officer tn the is maintained by the t.op junior
N~wport Beich Tennis Club club memher. She enjoys
and volunteer for the March familf outii111s including siding
of Dime-~, • and-golf iimt .has develo~ { •
• .
• • •
1'brunCh In Balboa Bay,..IJ!ub Q~t Satur(j•T-'l'h'eriie of ihe efefll1s unstOil by Mrs . .rack u. Caldwell:"Jteadyto~aervi"Mls\ Jaii Cald· .
· •Dl\d "1w Ch~~ wlilCll. 1'ill be depic:tecjlm.decora~0n.t 'of '\!>ell mid•her ciliunp,'Ja~<:aldw'd!:Ji lill11 Jf.ml 'Grll)r, '· · mlliiature boxi ng gloves arranged 1n-florill centerpieces. Co-·
The. mo~r ,of two school her ar~ inte.i;:es~ in classes,a(. . . r~·u1 wnwnD ·~· d a.ugh t er I-, 'Mro. · the Ligtllll l!Uch Sdiool •of • •-,.~ • .,.....
StotseoJier' wu busy ~th J,M ~ Dulaii: Mrs. Henry Stot1onbt!9 •
' •
---,-------,..,,.-:----:-:---..--,---.,-----___ ,__,,,,_ .... __________ _ . -·--. •
Feminine Mates Shap¢. l'.JJ;>. Sl1ips
fl ,.,. •
.. . ..
:-.. . , . • •:
Today's first mates are getting 50 percent more atten-
tion from marine designers than the skippers, says
jovial Blaine Seeley, Newport Beach naval architect, who
registers nothing but enthusiasm over the changes wrought
through feminine infl uence. .
"Women 'vanted interiors refletting their natural en-
vironment, so new boats are being designed with homelike
appeal," he claims. Today's trend is away from the claus-
trophobJc feeling created by the dark wood paneling con-
sidered. traditional.
A feeling of openness as well as a sweeping panorama
ol sun, sea and sky is obtained. by keeping counters and
seating areas lo\v and using .iafety glass in broad ezpanses
of window.
Galleys have gone topside with L-or U·sbaped dinettes
5erviog as both lounge and dining areas. No more the. tiny
single sink, narrow counters, and either cold sandwiches
or food prepared over a single sputtering burner.
Considered as ess'ential at sea as at borne are adequate
double sinks, many with Disbmasters, and to please milady,
bvens ·are becoming a "must" even on smaller Craft.
Electric heaters deep freeze units and refrigerators
are not uncommon o~ boats ·in the 40-foot or larger class.
Stove manufacturers eyed · the boating boom and now
are producing more convenient marine appliances. There
is an incl-easing trend toward electric cookery with match·
ing alcohol units which can be inserted for extended
Women also raised a fastidious eyebrow toward prev ..
ious types of hanging lockers - usually a cramped cubby·
hole with hardly enough room to stow fouJ.weather gear .
Seeley no'v works down to inches in his design, uses Jots
of cabinets which now are refined to include a lingerie
drawer. Color is wild .
Ease of maintenance is aid~ through the use of strik·
tng waterproof Vinyl wall coverings, including flocked wall·
Expanses of . .simulated Formica woods ako assure
housekeeping case.
Fonnerly with the U.S. Navy and Merchant Marine,
Seeley claims he came into marine design through the
hawspipe. His most recent designs are 36 and 44-foot New·
port trawlers built in Japan and distributed by Joseph
Stephens, yacht broker.
Seeley, who lives with his wife Merion in Costa Mesa,
Is both a sail and power man but be feels the current trend
is toward cruising boats capable of taking their owners
Jong distances in relaxed comfort.
He is adamant that yachts no longer are a man's play·
thing: the feminine influence is here to stay, and though
some old salts might grumble a bit -they too enjoy tht
creature comforts.
What's • a Name? Stove or
By DORO'l'HY WENCK °""" Cflr""' MOIM •lfvl-
0 u r mail lasl w e e k brought us a
n 0 t fl from a utility company h o 1n e
economist who chided us ror saying
"top cl the stove" instead of "top of
Che range" In one ol our recent columns.
We obviously showed our age with
that liWe al.Ip. Calling a range a stove
ii as outdated u calling a sofa a daven-
pOl't, or heaven forbid, a refrigerator
u 1C1 bosl nua borne ecooomist explained lo me
tblt • ranee ls not a stove because
Jt does not burn wocxl or coal and
it ii a ranae because it hu a range
ol temperatwu. Sounds logical, doesn't
WE~88'-l'"E .. R'I DEFINmON rn ...it ... ~stove.. 1. definitely
OlldaW. '9t lt'1 llOt lncorrttt, 1ccordin1
.. "..., • II)'• a 1tove 11 "an
• appv1t.I ;., IJIM'1illng or retaining
: ltelt t• ........, a nom, for culinary
• psrpolel, flt " (Mt I word about \\ood
• er coal -~pparad7 lals 11tove could
: UH J• # e&ecittd'J). And • ranae,
' ·uya WU.&«, 11 11a eoet 11.0vt, ''
So i! you're still cooking on a stove
-don't feel incorrect -just fetl old·
rashioned ~
But surely there's nothing old fashioned
about the modem gas or electric range.
It can turn itself off and on
automalica1ly, clean ilse\f and even
"think" for you as it cooks.
A question I'm often asked Is, which
Is better, a gas or an electric range?
Obviously tf I'm going lo stay friends
with both gas and electric campany
home economists I can't say one Is
better than the other. And 1 wouldn't
anyway, because I like them both, for
different reasons .
\Vilh a gas range 1 like the infinite
number of heat sellings on the top
burners; and I especially Illy? the very
low "simmer burner" \\'Ith. ~'hlch you
can eook foods very slO\\'IY \Vlth no
' ..
t like the instant heat with a gas
burner -and the instant drop In tem-
perature the minute you turn it on.
And I like the way a gu name shapes
itself to the siie ol the pan. Gas is
usually more economical too.
WI~ an eledric ruie l like brLac
able 1o Jet 1 llftlt al u exact temperablrt
that 11 Ult same every time -all
you have to dt ls remtblber what aetuns
yta like for cooking 1 parUt'11lar food.
And IOmt, but not all, eltdrk: ran1e1
alto •ave lnfWte hut tttUnp bttwee1
Ulese exacl &etUn11.
An electric range seems somewhat
!O.fcr lo me 1han R gas range, parUcular·
Jy when children cook.
11owever, a hot unit ls very hot and
can burn fingers or ignlle ck>lhlng just
1s readily •-' • gas name. With an
Range Will Cook the Same
electric range there is no pilot light
to go out, no possibility of gas escaping,
and the range is cool when not in
use. ·
Bolh electric and gas ranges have
avallable, usually for extra co.st, the
temperature controlled top unit or burner
which you can set to maintain a
particular temperature in your food. This
reduces the need for pot watching.
It 's convenient to have a "cold oven"
wllh no pilot light If you put food in
yoor oven in the morning and set the
clock. to turn the oven on 1utomatically
durln1 the day. In an oven with a
pilot light, food could not bt left many
hours without the danger of food poison-
ing developing.
Gener1Uy speakin1, gas ovens maintain
a more even temperature than electric
O\·ens becaUJe a small gas "by.pass''
name Is always burning while the oven
is on. In an electric oven the unit
throttles on and off which causes greater
temperature fluctuations. In most ba!;ing
lhl1 is not an Important factor, hoWC\Cr.
Broiling In an electric oven is con-
venient because the broller unit is located
111 lhe top of the oven.
In a standard gas range, with no
separate broiler, tne broiler is in·
convenlenUy located al floor level. In
my experience the heat is more evenly
distributed In a gas broiler compared
to an electric broiler -and you do
broil with the door closed.
So there you are -both gas and
electric ranges are good. Choose the
ooe that suits your needs beat.
Q. I defn11ted 1<1me frozen cnb, then
chan1ed my mind. 1bovt IUlnl It, and
pu t It back In the freezer. Will Utll sun be safe to eal?
A. It is never a good k!ca to rtfreeze
fi sh after it has ftlawed. It should bt
cooked, Immediately, then if you wanted
to, you could rcfreez.e lt. Refrozen raw
fish will hive poor texture and OaV'Or
in addition to being a possllile SOW't'e
of food pol:t0nl!ll.
Q. Wbat ls bul~ur wbe1t? 11 It better
ror you than rtgular "'hc1t?
/I., Bulgur Is I form or wheat
that orig!nattd in the Near East. The
kernels are cook~ and dried, partlally
dcbranned and cracked into coarse,.
angular frn.ginents.
It may be used as an alternate for
rice in many recipes. It has a toastlike
color and rich wheat flavor. The nultitlve
value of bulgur is approximately the
same as that of \\'hole wheat or enriched
Q. We are usin& imitation milk which
coataJn1 soybean oU Instead of butterfaL.
\Vould this be better than whole mllk
for my husband who ls on a low
cboluterel diet?
A. Yes, because soybean otl Is a
polyunsaturated fat \\'hile butlerlat is
saturated . On a low cholesterol diet
it Is usually recommended that a person
replace some ot the saturated fats in
his diet with polyunsaturated fal.3.
However, if lhc person a I !I o is
overweight, it might be preferable to
reduce the amount of fat and the: calorie
count by using nonfal milk (90 calories
per 8 ounces) instead of imitation milk
{16S calories per 8 ounces\,
Also be sure to read labels \.\'hen
you buy lmilatlon milk -most of lhcm
contnln the highly saturated coconut oil
lnstcacl of soybean oil.
Las Madrinas Benefit
Wine Tasters Mingle
On Rancho San Juan ,,
"' ,,,,
Wine and cheese !anders
will gather on Mr. and Mr1.
Jose Rosan 's Rancho San
Juan, Capistrano Beach, tot
a parly and buffet d!Mer
hosted by Las Y.adr i nas
Chapter, South coast Com-
mwUty Hos p I t a I Auxiliary
next Friday at a p.m.
Funds raised at the wlne-
taallng party will go to the
chapter's hospital pledt:e, and
the public i.s invitecrto 1ttend.
Tickets, which must be
purehased in advance, are $5
per person. They may be ob-
tained from Mrs. Norman
Borucki , '9M309; Mrs .
Richard Kopp, 494-1805, or the
auxiliary ofOct at the boapltal, m-ml, ext. 296.
• Mrs. Richard Dickey of San
Clemente, party chainnan, ls
assisted by Mrs. Terry Chas--
tain of Laguna Beach.
Committee members include
tbe Mmes. Norman Benham
and Wllllam Tracy of Laguna
Beach, publlclty ; Stan Allrn
of Lquna NJguel , ar--
rangementa, and Tom Wingate
of DllLI Point, poolers.
Auxl11ary members asked by
the chapter to serve as
hoateue1 are the Mmes.
Yk>let Adams, Arthur Briggs,
Gertrude Carroll, Tandy C.1-man. Eltiabeth Dennlton,
Gf:rakl Farmer, Tb om a s
Fletcher; O. V. Johnson, Mont
McMillen, John Valentine, and
Mias Fem Randolph.
The pediatric and ol»tetrical
wards of the hospital are oI
special interest to the chapter,
, which gives maternity teas
monthly for expectan t
mothers and provides toys for
children .
Newly elected officers, in·
stalled by Mrs. Leland Peart
during a meeting last week
Jn Laguna Beach Country
Club, will be led bY. Mrs.
Tracy, chairman.
" Assisting her wlll bl' ~
It.mes. Kopp, waya. a;n d
111.!Bns; Robert Campbell and
C&rol Cordi ero, corri.tpond).'11,
and recording secr~a'
Wingate, treasurer; ~
membership, and R 1aha·r 4
Dickey, parliamentarian •• :·;
Committee chairmen are,f.ht
Mmes. Borucki and Benbm.
maternity teas; FI q )id.
Parsons, puppets, and Pblllip
Balliet, hours. ':
A special membershlP' tea
and hospital tour i5 planled
for pro~pective munbers dur·
ing 1 meeting in the h<ispllll
cafe teria May 20.
IT'S NO JOKE -The dinner-dance planned by University of to right) who are preparing centerpieCes for the March 22 party
Southern California's Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary, Orange which will help provide scholarships tor deserving women stu-Creative Workshops
Readied for Children
County and Los Angeles groups, is not a lot of hot air, according dents at USC . .x&e Proud Bird restaurant in Los Angeles has been
_t_o_Lb_e_Mm __ e_s._J_o_h_n_M_;_y_Ia_n_, _J_oh_n_T_o_r_ri_b_io_an_d_F_r_ed_H_<TW_s_•.:_i _:(_le_ft __ ch_o_s_e_n_to_be the setting for the event, themed Le Bal aux Ballon.
Horoscope Hopiog for ·Dollars by the Chlldren'S Theiler
Guild, Colta 11.eaa.
Aries: Budget
Time and Money
Spirits Balloon
As Party Nears
A new seri.es or creaUve
drama workshops for children
will begi{I March 28, sponsored
Women's Role
In Politics
Clas.ru for preschool 1ge
through eighth grade children
\Vill be offered and a special
class in stage make-up will
be given for adults. and
Instructor for the JO.week
series of workshops is Mrs.
Tamara Piscano, a graduate
of Arizona State University
who ho lds a bachelors degree
1n speech and drama and a
Future Bride
Mesons Tell
"The wise man controls his
de!tiny . . . Astrology points
the way."
ARIES (March 21·April 19):
Budget time ·and money.
Ove rcome temptation to skip
details. Otherwise, you pay
a dear price. Day can be
wisely used to collect facts.
data. Genuine bargain is
available. Be alert.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
Bright Idea should be followed
through; day can feature real
progress. Your personality
sparkles; many are attract'·
ed. Take initiative. Ask ques-
1ions-answers are obtainable.
GEMINI (May 21.June 20):
Thoughts may center around
residence, domestic situation.
Some secret5 are exposed.
Don't cast first stone. , If
understanding, you gain Jove.
Otherwise, you invite retribu-
CANCER (J une 21..July 22):
Actent on friends, social ac-
tivity. Aura of glamor is ap-
parent. But don 't rorget recent
resolutions. You made pro-
mise tc loved one which should
be kept. Avoid extravagance.
IEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' Day
fea tures responsibility. Extra
duties are h ighlighted .
Overtime assignment could be
blessing in disgu ise. Display
unique abilities. Those in
authority are interested in
your work.
VIRGO (Aug. 2:>Sept. 22)'
Accent ()n faraway places,
per s o n s. Good for mailing
manuscr ipt.s. You also could
map advertising campaign.
Tips Given
Get thought:i: on p a p e r ;
prepare formal Write, ex-
press views.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl 22):
You may find it difficult to
pin people down regarding
financial matters. Be self·
reliant. Protect your interests.
Some are only too willing to
take risks -wiUi your money.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):
Be aware of public relations.
Give mate, partner chance to
grab spotlight. Day to do more
listening than asserting. Be
receptive. Avoid teodency to
be moody. Get sufficient
SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Obtain hint from
SCORPIO message. Don 't be
in too much of a hurry. Finish
work before attending social
affair. Demands are made on
your time. Avoid waste. Sense
To Marry
May Date
For Rites
of humor is great ally. First Methodist Chu r c ll . CAPRICORN (Dec. ~an.
19): Lunar aspect today Costa Mesa will be the setting
favors creative endeavors. for the May 24 wedding or Kathleen Ruth Tuz a n d Come out of shell. Permit Michael Dennis Crosier. loved one to know just how you feel. Throw off lnhibitiOns News or the forthcoming event has been aMounced by
-especially good for dealing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
with children. Walter W. Tui of Santa Ana
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Heights.
It's Utat time o{ year again dancing will make the party Women in Politlcs will be m1Stera degree in dramatics.
and women of the University compl et.e. the subject o( Newport Beach Mri. Plscano has taught
of Southern California's Town Heading the party com-Mayor Doreen Marshall when creative dramatics and Elaine Bennett, daughter of
and Gown Junior Auxiliary in mittee is Mrs. Charles Leim-she addresse! the Newport directed plays for 1 h e Mr. and Mr s. Alfred B. Ben-
Los Angeles and Orange Coun· Harbor Bu s iness and Washington School District in nett of Costa Mesa, has be-
ly are money-mad . bach of Los Angeles. and Professional Women 's Club Phoenix, the p h 0 en ix come engaged to Michael Ma·
They are so desirous of assisting with plans are the tomorrow. Children's Th e a 1 er aod drid, sari of Mr. and Mrs. Max
money that they have decided ~1mes. Gerald B igg in s , The grou p wil l gather for Phoeni x Parks and Recreation Madrid of Costa Mesa.
to throw a huge party March Frederick Warren, Thomas a 6:30 dinner in the .Villa Department, and was set and The couple has selected Aug.
22, call it Le Bal aux Ballon. Hodgins, Richard Be r te a , Marina . costume designer and actress 23 for their wedding in St.
a nd invite members and Douglas Sln:lpson. Robert Josi, ~1rs. Marshall, who was for the Apache 1 and John the Baptist Church,
friends to come and help raise H. G. Toll, Richard Bernacchi, elected to the council In 19&2 Melodrama Compaay. Costa Mesa.
money for scholarship$ for Ronald Jurgenson and George and as mayor in 1968, 1J a Her most recent experience The bride-elect is a graduate
women students at USC. Oschner. graduate of UCLA where she Is serving as a director with of Costa P.1esa High Scbool
They're old haodl at giving Co-s ponsors of the event, the was ~ected to Phi Beta Kap-the Los Angeles Parks and and Orange Coast College.
parties. too, for this will be Orange County steering com· pa. RecreaUon Department. PresenUy she is attending !Ml
their 36th. All havt h~ped mitee, will form a new Town All working women in· Anyone wi!hing information Angeles College of Medi cal
deserving women student.!, and Gown Junior Auxiliary terested in attending maY on class schtduJes, tuitiOl'I fus and Dental Assistants. Her
and last year proceeds from this fall , and coffees now are make reservations ind obtain and regiatratlon may call the fiance is a senior at UCI and
the dinner dance paid full tui. taking rilace to interest USC more information by calling,, _::gu;_i_ld;_, -----· _____ _::ls:..;:•n::._:al::u::m::n=ll!:...:of:_C:MH::::::S·:___
tion for a graduate and un· alumni lving in t!ie cc:nrnty. Mrs. Jack Brt>back 1t MM719,I
dergraduate woman and part S t e e r i n g c o m m ittee .
tuition for' arwther. members are tile Mmes. Oby _•_v_eru_;ng;_s_. -------!
When the 800 expected Woods, presirlent, and Edward
guests arrive at lhe Proud Bnimely, Timothy Devine, Who Can Read Just
Bird restaurant, Los Angeles, William flazewinkle, Ga vi n
they will see colorful displays llerbert, J ames Hewitt and One 'Peanuts'!_ .r •mes McCunttf. of balloons accenting baskets.1 ______________________ 1 tilled wll.h bottles of cham-
pagne. A delicious dinner and
Rebekah Dates
The calendar Is full thi!
18): Change occurs at home. Miss Tuz ts a graduate of .
Ride with the tide. Means Corona del Mar High School week for members of Mesa
don't oppose progress. Securi· and is, a past honored queen Rebekah Lodge 402, beginning
ty enhanced if you make of Job 1 Daughters, Bethel 157 with a luncheon and card par-nece.!Sary repairs. Answers to ot Newport Beach.
pressing problems are of>. Her fianoe, son of Mr. and ty tomorrow afternoon.
Salute spring in navy knit ...
Basically beovtiful acetate that's fluidly body skim-
ming in the manner of todoy ... itl dropped waist
ends in pretty plea1s. Junior sizes 7-15. s 19
tained. You feel better. Mrs. Donald E. Crosier or On Saturday evening the
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Brighton, Colo., is an alumnus Triple Link group will sponsor
Be versatile. Short journey ci Ft. Lupton High School, a dime-a-dip dinner and on
could result in gain. Deal fn. Colorado and now is serving Sunday at 1 p.m. Mrs. Glenn
telligently with complaint of with the U.S. Marines, sta· Bray, conductor, will be feted
or relative. Realize some are tloned at El Toro. with a baby shower.
restless, sens i t Ive. Be;::::=====================.!
diplomatic. Don't try to rorce
issues. Would you beli.eve . . . •
BIRTHDAY you are
forthright, capable of leading,
You learn from experlenct.
Mistakes seldom occur twice.
You do attract envy. Many
reel you are given special
privileges. Beneficial change
is due. A partnership may
A demonstration of Mexican be reaching conclusion.
poppy, wild roses and stippling GENERAL TENDENCIES: KMART! will be given for the South The spring equinox.
Coast China Painters As-1f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;mjll
sociation of California Friday,
March 2~ in the home of Mrs.
Harry Fagan , by l\.t i s s
Etholeen Doran.
The program will begin at
10 a.m. and end at 2 p.m.
Anyone wishing information
may call Mrs. Ann Routledge,
538-3911 or 675-MIO.
' Grand Matron
Visits Chapter
Mrs. J. o . Parsom, deputy
grand matron, will make an
offld1l vi~t to Laguna Buch
Olapta', QrdeT ~ the Eastern
Star at lta meeting nen Fri·
d1y at I p.m. In Laguna Belcll
Ma!IOOlc Hall.
in Tuition .., .... ""' ........ .,,., llt, ,,,,
SCHOOLS OF BEAUTY itr. and Mrs. Arthur Stead,
worthy patron and matron,
will preside at the meeting 19060 lf'oolchurst St.
i nd Mrs. Dan McDaniel, pa!t Huntington Be1ch
matron, will be chairman for 96S.2291
the even.Ina. "•"''"""" 1e.1r1
•••• mOHl!fl
lo verl!
K mart Diamond•
are for lo1'ers •••
E11er11 Stoff guart11ttttd toot!
2200 Harbor 11.vd.. Costa Mna, Calif,
Now ... picture your child in 1 _
Paf'IOnallty Portrait by Panll8Jlf
DH ld0 t.r.,..,'""' -J•7 hr ... ,_,,,
lriOf JW dlld lo -Md Wt-ltlwdo4-........
taphw .... tflOt ........... ,., •••• C-lo
whfle thoppl,..,,,M appolnfftlri Mt1111--,,, • .,.;
'•m•mbtr, yqu"°am charge ft at Penney'1I
),fember• of othtr jurlsdic· Scllffl Chtfy llWPORT BEACH Uo I I ~ l ~.i Th•r• •'• ftw ft•t llfl•' HUNTIHGJON BEACH 'ULL•lTOM "'"'Tlllf•TOM IUCM MI Wl'O•T •IACM '• · ns are nv t~-u to at tuu, ichol-rihip• o.-oi!olllo .,. I · Or'•~•.t.irC•~i.r '4llflt!1111t1'1Ctmer 1ttt111t11 lt111M1
•ccordln& to Mra. 0 .. 11. Sup-CALL NOW! Near Y Everyone 'Listens' to Landers 1F •• hlon 1.1.ndl 1Huotlo9100 c,,1,,) ........ ...,.. "'-·""m' ,,.,...,....,., "
plger, pubUctty chalrmsn. .._ _________ ,. "----------,-----------''"-------------------C:"J
.... _______________________________________________ ----------------------
' '
• I
.---,.--,~---.. -·---------. -------------------------.----...-----... ----...... --~------·----- --
t !: ..
~ -.. ~
:t! DAil Y PILOT Wtdntsdl1, Marcfrl 19, 1969 • N~w · eader~ Call~d· by School tJnits
Carnival Capers
Lindbergh School grounds may well look like a zoo next Saturday when the
PTA presents a Jungle Carnival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. "lmpersona~ng "
members of th e animal kingdom are Jennifer Ortberg and Stephen Retcble
''-'ho are joined by Mrs. Vernie Calvert, ways and means-chairman.
'Adoms PTA ....... . • ·, ,_ Mn. Cail L<uck
· President . .
COMING U P -, , "8sociatlon
.~meeting at 7:30 p.m. ,tomor-
row. Cub Scout Pack-187
will lead the flag r.a1uie.
Officers will be elected
Harbor Womens' Chorale
and the school choir will
entertain. Mother 9f. sixth
grade students will host
Canyon PTA
Mrs. Dennjl Miller
REE!ORTS : Officers elected at
the 'general meeting are
• Kenneth Wa&™tr, pr~dent
along with the M m es ,
llObert '-'!timer ~mi Alfr<d
Dticharm, vice presidents;
Gary Ev a ri s·, seeretary;
Burton Liebetrau,
treasurer; ""Tim Lyn c h,
historian: -Miriam .K e r r ,
auditor and · Dennis Miller,.
parliamentarian. Program
was provided li y kin-
dergarten students singing
songs from ~!>(Ind the world
and a medley o f in-,
strumentals by G I n n y ' s
College Pk. PT A
Mrs. Burleigh Bmbem
COMING UP : Field-day sport
events will take place at
1 p.m. Friday, March 28.
Mrs. Robert Y o u n g ,
chairman invites parents to
REPORTS : Offlctrs elected
are the Mmes. J a m e s
Variety Sti 11 ·Spices Programs
Arevalos PTO
Mrs. 8. J. Works
COMING UP: Ain 't We Got
Fun is theme of unit
meeting at 7:30 tonight.
Third grade Brownies will
present the flag ceremony.
Talent show featuring
.students from· all grades will ronow . business meeting.
.. 'TUafph ·'shy. eighth grade
teacher and John Weston.
student body president, are
chairmeu of the sho\lo'.
Refreshments will be served
..• PTO will sponsor Easter
parties for students Friday.
~arch 28.
REPOR"rs : Mrs. B. J. Works.
president, presented a tree
to the school in 'COil.junction
\vith Arbor Day.
Harper PTA
J\1rs. Charles Upot
,.... Pre~dent
<;_OMING UP : Parent · edu-
Cation program at 8 tonight.
it>r. Jan Pick will speak on
LS D and Other
Hallucinatory Drugs . .
Block parent meeting at 7: 3il
p.m. Monday, March 24.
REPORTS: Officers elected
t:ir" tbe coming year are
tbe Mmes. Lorin Lammers.
tfresident : Richard Carter.
E. A. McKnight and Eman·
ljel Hastizzo, vice presi·
dents; A. W, Gajewski and
Glen Scoble, secretaries:
Eric Forster, treasurer;
Loyce Weaver, historian and
Miss Sandra Miller, auditor
. . Delegates . elected to
represent PT A aod vote on
the N at ion a 1 Legislation
Program are· the 1.1mes.
Lammers, . Carter a n d
Weaver ••• A Monterey
pine · trre, donated by the
PT A to commemorate Arbor
Day, was planted on the
school grounds.
McDowell PTO
1'1rs. Jimmie Brown
COM ING UP : Audin Emil
Tvedten, American Field
Service student f r o m
Larv.ik, Norway who attends
Huntington Beach H i g h
School, will be guest speaker
at unit meeting Monday,
March 24, at 7:30 p.m. in
room 7-3. Sixth, seventh and
eighth graders are invited
and will receive credit.
Nomit)ating committee will
report • • . District music
festival at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day, March 25, in Hun·
tirigton Beach High School
, .• No school for students,
due to parent conferences,
Thursday, March 27.
Meadow Vw. PT A
!\trs. J•Y Smi&b
COMING UP : Officers to be
installed at a luncheon at
12:30 p.m. Tuesday, April
15, in Meadowlark Country
Club are the Mmes. Carl
Harris. president; Charles
Phare.ah and Isaac Sowers,
vice · pr~sidents : Crandall
Gudmundson, secretary, and
Frank Zang er, treasurer.
James Hillman will be in·
stafled as auditor a n d
Douglas TeGantvoort as
REPORTS: Studen t s
pa rticipa,ting in the
Children's F'8.ir displayed
tlieir projects in t h e
ca{etorium foe parents at
ury.it ineeting.
Nieblas _PJO
. . ... ' Mrs;·~nt Wilhelm
COMING Uf: Fashii>n Show
Wednesday, April 30, in
Peek Family Colonial Ter·
race Room ... Summer
mixed-four bowling league
is fonning.. For mb:re in·.
formation you may contact
Mrs. Mike Empting or Mrs.
Bill Trundell.
REPORTS : Mrs. W a 11 ace
Short liaS ·coordinated all
classroom partles for the
year ... ·Recently appointed
Newsette chairman is Mrs.
Donald Corcoran • • . ln .
commemorating Arbor Day,
students planted a mulberry
Oak View PTA
J\1rs. H. Bruce Turner
REPORT S: S tudents
presented a talent ~'how last
night at unit meet i ng,
featuring fourth grade girls'
trio: zither solo; fifth grade
boy's group with guitar and
drum. ballel. solo, and sixth
grade baton twi rling and In-
dian dan~. Several piano
selections were featured.
J~eport was given by the
nominating committee, the
Mmes. Bob Jones,
chairman, Hank Standridge,
Richard Hendrix, RobeT1
Harris and James Durston.
Sherman Elliott, principal,
also served on the com•
Tamura PTO
Mrs. Lowell Brink
COMING UP: Board meeting
at 9: 15 a.m. tomorrow in
the home of Mrs. Ulwe\I
REPORTS : Food coupon con-
test winners were rooms l<I,
15 and 21 . . Elected
to serve on the nominating
committee are the Mmes.
Wayne McGra d y,
parliamentarian, R. T.
H.arney, Chris Schneider,
Fred Foutch, James Bud·
dingh 'and C. E. Stewmoo.
Wordlow PTO
Mrs. Georgt l\leeban
REPORTS: Unit has changed
name from Parent Teacher
Group to Parent Teacher
Organization • , . The new
math program was discuss-
ed at unit meeting and
paren~ were given special
math lessons in t h e
classrooms. Girl Scout
Troop 138 led the flag
Art League
Lake Park Clubhouse is the
setting for meetings of the
Art League of Huntington
Beach on the first Wedne sday
of each month at 7: 30 p.m.
"Allen ~ool is the meeting
place fo i;-members of Hun·
Ungton Beacli. TOPS Pound
.Pi.nchers at 7 p.m. every Mon·
Have Fashion Show Tickets, Will Sell
A fashion show and luncheon in Meadowlark Coun·
try Club Is being planned by Har bour View PTO
~1"1" Jft'.)()n ·next Wednesday. Theme of the event is
Manhmallow Pie which will be carr1ed out in deco-
,. rations such as the one held by Mrs. Kenneth Wood.
Wilh her ·are Mrs. Gene Durkee (lefl) and Mrs.
lloward Zinn.
Schafer, presJdent; 'Dllile
Jeffries, Donald Bruneau
and Bernard Faubtl, vic:e
-idenll; James CUrni>
and William M()dic, ·
secretaries; Carlton Rusetlli
treasurer; Robert 'Stet.Uer,
• llillorian and B u r le I 1 h
Burshem, pa.rll~entarlan,
Harbor ,vw.-·~FO _.
' Mn1 JIU~, Beclltel . . I>feside•t ' .
OOMING U P : ·Father,...,
roond up of games and ·
;. cblld: ·wagon lunch at 10:30· • a.Jn.: Saturday, March 21~
on the school grourida. 1Mrs.
• F/a"ii~ Erost is chairmap. ·
Rf:PO.R'l'S • Board members potted: llld disiributed \,DllO '
seedling trees-~ to Students'
for JIOll conserv:atiOI) project. .
Ensign .PTA . •'
, ~ Mn. J1H. f4!!e~ • •.,. .
President , •
COMING UP :~ G e neral
meetiiig at 7 p.m. ~ay,
March 21, in the . gym.'
naslilm. Studeiits W i 11
demomtrate a phy sical
fitness prdgriun .of modem
daoo! and gyDu\asUcS. . . Loguno High PT A
Mn. Mark ·L. SDiftb· .-
COMING UP: Barbecue din·
ner will be ·served by
members before the school
play "Brigadoon'' from 5:30
to 8. p.m. Friday and Satur·
day, March 21 and 22, in
the cafeteria. Adults $1.25
and 75 cents "for children
under 12,
Lincoln PTA
Mn. Duane Bfack
COMING UP: •Eighth grade-
students will present an
old-fashion melodrama "On
Strike at the Dress Factory1'
at 7:30 p.m. Friday and
Saturday, March 21 and 22.
Free popcorn will be served
by' 21 girls. AdmiSsion $1.
Honorary life membership
will be awarded Friday
Lindbergh PTA
Mrs. Rober& Virscik
COMfNG UP: Jungle carnival
from IO a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 2Z. Mrs.
·vernie Calvert is cllairm8n.
REPORTS: Officers elected to
·serve afe the Mmes.· John
Hefty, president; Jerry
Fults and Robert 13eevers,
·vice presidents; William
Freeley and Gene Lay,
secretaries ; Fred Boehlke,
treasurer; Fletcher Pond,
historian. James Iverson is
Mesa Verde PTA
Mrs. James ~angus
COMING UP: Rummage sale
from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 29, in the
Thriftimart parking I o t ,
corner of Harbor .Boulevard
and Adams Street. Dona-
tions may be delivered
between 3:30 and 5 p.m.
next Tuesday at school.
REPORTS: Fifth and liiXth
grade students and the
Harbor Womens' Chorale
entertained at the associa~
tion l)leeting.
Monie Vista PT A
Mrs. David Goodsell
COMING UP: Business
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day, March 25, iri the
wulµpurpose r.OQqt. Election
Of ·o(ficers an4t,~ h&nora.ry
I i re membEfrshW ~
talion by Mrs. Jam~ Moor
will take place. Science and
hobby fa'.ir Will folloW ·at
8 p.m. Ribbons will be
awarded to each entry. Mrs.
J ames Pitton and Miss
Dorothea Bramble -w i·l 1
direCt fourth grade. students
in a patriotic progr~,m.
Muthers of second grade
sh1C1ents will host an ice
cream social.
REPORTS : Mrs. Mark Morris
and Mrs. David Goodsell
made bean bags for the May
Newport Ele. PTA
Mn. John Scapple
COMING UP: Annual Mother·
daughter luncheon at noon
Saturday, March 22. in the
cafeteria. Mrs. John Franco.
chairman announces Cherry
Blossom Time is the theme
3nd the Mona Fra~
school of ballet and three
wiMers from the talent
show will perform ... Board
meeting al 9:30 a , m .
Wednesday. March 2&.
REPOh.TS: Winners tn the
· All-childreM' tal!!nt show
are Robby Rubien. first
'place; Julia Grimm, Patsy
Cobb and Michelle Dutton,
second pface, and Ivy Hall,
Laura Sell and Mike Han.
third place. Winners in the
art contest were K o r 1
Pulaski . first place: Jennie
Rush, second pince. and
! . ( ' • . ,-1 ~· ~i~· iJ·~ ..., . • ~ { •1 'i·~ '..MOcr.1~ Pa tfy .11 "'. ••
' • ..,. • I ~~. ·fro_!tl all itMles'. at, ~lttier•,Sl:li!\! ·will model "homespun" fashions dur-
*illg ":MO!i Tfa Party, io be preseT)tei1'by the PTA at 8 p.m. Thursday, Marcb. 27. • ady 'to step out on lhe fashion-·ramp are (left to right) Paige Murrar
and Rhonda Church.
Michael Vorgang, t h i rd
place ... Mrs. Randolph Pat·
ton, chairman of t h e '
nominating committee
presented the slate of of·
f~s at the general
m~. -E~ an the
Mmes1 John Franco, presi·
dent;~ Walter Stevens, and
Bob Stewa r t, v i ce
presidents ; Mortie Adnoff
3nd "'·Richard Fu 11 er,
secreftu1es; Robert Rossen,
treasurer; John Scapple,
parliamentarian..: L e w i s
Fannon, historian; Mernice
A'.-::-Bowles, auditor. Ralph
Frietag ls advisnr.
Mn. Robert Heliel
COMING UP' Mrs. Hu gh
Plumb will present a panel
of experts to answer ques·
tions on What Do You Know
Abput Drugs at 7:30 tonight
in the social hall. Mrs.
'Fragile' Fashion
Robert Hetzel will conduct
a short busine ss meeting
and election of officers.
ltfrs. Keith Kellogg
COM ING UP: Board meeting
at 7:30 p.m. Tuesd8y, March
25, in the teachers' lounge.
Sonora PTA
Mrs. Donald Mollica
COMING UP: Fashion show
at 2 p.m. Saturday, March
22, in the multipurpose
room. Thirty girls will
model fashions from Sears.
Talent show will be featured
during intermiss io n.
Admission, SO cents.
Wil son PTA
Mn. Fred Simpson
C0~1ING U P : Association
. ' I
meeting at 7 p.m. tomorrow
in the multipurpoie room.
Science awards will be
presented by Mrs. Roger
Neth, teacher.
Woodlond PFO
Mrs. Daniel Fawcett
REPORTS: Americanism pro-
gram directed by Mrs. Jack
Littleton and election of of.
ficers took place. Couples
to serve are the Messrs.
and Mmes. Fred Elli5,
presidents; Ernest Kostlan,
Charles Findlay, Charles
Buchanan and W i 11 i a m
Moden, .vice presidents:
Jack Littleton, recording
secretaries; Daniel Fawcett.
treasurers, and M 1 rt
Hansen, historian. Mr 1 •
James Kay is corresponding
secreta ry and Mrs. Robert
Dutton, auditor.
Dream Journey
A Journey to the South
Pacific, Your Dream ii
the theme for Mu Eta's
third annual fashion
show a n d JUncheon
next Saturday al 11:30
a.m. in Costa Mesa
Goll and Country Club.
!\1 is s Carle Henopp
(center) will be among
tile Tahitian dancers
entertaining the mem·
ship and (left to right)
Mrs. Ruby Bail and
Mrs. Carl Varner. Mrs.
Jack Reinert of Rein·
ert's department .store
will present fa shions.
Mrs. Kenneth Lord,
international president
of Delta Theta Tau sor-
ority, will be attending.
Washability Added
The modern bride, who is as dehghts of exotic Tokyo into
practical as she is romantic, you r stateside honeymoon cot-
will be pleased lo discover tage. One particularly at-
tractive ensemble is a short that her sleepwear trousseau Kiku coat and gown. (By
can be lacily feminine and Yolande, Lnc.) .
washable too. The coat ls a beautiful shade
One to four waltz. lcngt11 o( yellow, dramatically striped
or Jo11g gowns with a f193ting with black and white and .tied
peignoir for each will keep with a black Obi sash. A
the bride . beautiful. Thet:e mat.ching gOW'n with a bill$
traditional fragile ensembles cut neck is trimmed with
of white and/or black lace black tassels and there is also
gowns and negligees with pink a long pajama. One advantage
bows and sashes may be as of such a set is its packability.
roinanllc QI 1 gid dreams ~ ~1ade of ~loo tricot, it takes
-but all nyloD with lmpttled up JitUe fdom. and does not
lace trims a..'ld all washable wrinkle.
for convenience. The spring or summer br ide
No bride's s 1 t e p we a r will want a pale pink or blue
wardrobe would be complete dotted Swiss cotton set, con·
without a touch of the sisting of a waltz length gown .
mysterious Orient. Kabuki matching housecoat ind an
coats, kimonos with obis and amusing bloomer pajama. She
karate coats 'viii bring the ma.y-wear the gown and ('()at ..
to break.fast and around the
house and could, if occasion
demanded. a n s w t r the
doorbell with perfect pro-
Another novelty is the long·
sleeved, high necked dacron
and cotton housecoat with a
handsome peasant air, White
with gay embroidery, Jt, too
is entirely was hable.
Permanently acco rdion
pleated ruffles from bodice
to hem are availabl e for the
gal who can 't live withooC
frills. ,,1
Sets of red sheers in.
babydolls. mini and walls
length will add spice to a
bride's everynlghL wardrobe.
But today's newlywed isn't
confined to red. When tt cornet··
to color. anything goes -hoe
pink. vivid green, brlaht blue.
chnrtreuse, ,wild prints. •
I \ ''
SEASIDE SEMINAR -Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Mrs. McClellan Cole, (left
to right) meinbers of Mermaids, Women's Division, Laguna Beach Chamber
of Con1merce, a\vait arrivals from 9 other chamber auxiliaries to the first all·
day semi nar next Saturday. The event, expected to attract more than 100
'vomen. "'ill take place in Surf and Sand Hotel, Laguna Beach.
Women's Divisions Map
First Day-long Seminar
\\-tore than 100 w om t' n
representing 10 auxiliaries to
Orange County chambers of
contnu~rce will CGngregate in
Laguna Beach next Saturda y
for the first all -day seminar
in the Surf and Sand 1-lotel.
The exchange of ideas and
successful p r ojects ac-
complished by ind iv id u a I
\\'Omen's divisions of
chambers is the purpose of
1his initial workshop, ac~
<'Ording to ti.lrs. U y r on
1'.lcNa111ara of Garden Grove,
Participants \vill represent
chambers from An ah e i m.
Westminster, Orange, Costa
~Iesa, Stanton, N e w p o r t
Beach, Huntington B e a c h ,
Garden Grove, Buena Park
and Laguna Beach.
Special features will be
panel moderators for the
morning sessiom who are
fi.1rs. Phyllis Harrison, state
president of C b am b e r
Women's Divisions, and Mrs.
Robert Turner, past pre.s ident
of fi..1ermaids, W o m e n ' s
Division of Laguna Beach
Chamber of Commerce.
Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich
Jr .. of UCI will be the lun-
cheon speaker, and George
Wortley of Anaheim wiU con-
duct an afternoon session on
Realizing Your Potential.
Assisting Mrs. McNamara
on the seminar committee are
the Mmes. Peter Fulmer,
Club's Dinner Musical
Clarence Treat will sing and
play the guitar, mandolin and
banjo for Executives Dinner
Club of Orange Coast in the
Newporter Inn t o m o r r o w
The young entertainer, born
in. the Ozarks, has appeared
twice on the Ed Sullivan Show
and recently appeared in Las
Vegas. He also has performed
vlilh the Roger \Va g n er
Recci\'ing for the 6 p.m.
social hour will be Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. Klyn and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Tabox.
Warren Morgan, president,
will introduce guests and
Gerald Farmer will lead the
pledge of allegiance. The in-
vocation will be giV1!fl by the
Rev. Philip Heptensta.ll, and
the program will be presented
by Williiam"lnhoff. -., Reservations may be ob-
taiJ!<d by calling MB Fern
Randolph. 494-1530.
Do you •ew? Would you like lo loo rn?
FASHION FABRICANA • Fridoy , Morch 21, 12:45 -4:15
Laguna Biach; DeMurl Tosh,
Costa Mesa; Carol French,
Newport Beach; Jean Olson,
Anaheim and Fred Dunn and
Robert Magee:, Garden Grove.
The Laguna Beach division
will host the lltlllinar, with
Mn:. Tom Johnston in charge
of arrangements. Door prizes
collected by Mrs. Fulmer in-
clude a slx--day stay at Vaca·
tion Village, Laguna Beacll
and a charcoal portrait by
artist Cyllene Carr.
As a welcoming gesture,
Merrill Johnson, preside.nt ·of
the hotel, will host a cockt.ail
hour prior to the luncbeon.
A special art show. decora-
tions created by Mrs. Jack
Rowe and her committee and
name tags by Mrs. Adele
Ipsen are among plans for
the hospitality workshop.
Mrs. McClellan Cole and 14
hosteues will assist with
registration and other ac·
tiviUes during the day.
Hostess Told
Mrs. Christine Wilcox of
Laguna Beach will host the
monthly meeting of Westward
Ho Chapter, Daughters of the
British Empire at 12:30 p.m.
next Tuesday.
Further informaUon may be
obtained by eolft"ll Mn. John
Harold. f94.Ht3.
Fridoy .Morch21 .10:30-2:15
•Meet •nd talk with repres•nf•fivet from le.ding pafftrn, Jipp•r,
fabric •nd thretd compani••·
•Attend lectures, sewing clinic1.
e Ste demcnstr•tions on 111 ph11es of home 1ewin9.
• See di1pl1y1 of newe1t febric1.
• T1ke home educaticnal brochures, let flets, idet bulletin1.
e In the fe shicn ftbrics dep•rfment.
Fabr ics, J .J0-67.
7777 Edinger Avtnue .•• t92·lll 1
Mondty thru Saturday
fO a.m. to ':10 p.m.
Men May Prefer Blondes
DAllY'1llT U
.-.,, ••
• Four Cited
By Bethel Women Buy Dark-haired Wigs1.
Four memhen ol Job'• 87 GAY PAULEY
Daughten, Belllel 311 · of NEWARK (UPI) -It's Aid Newport Beach, r<eelved pn>-
llcltncy certlllcata 11 the that 1tnUemen prefer bloodes.
Bethel's ft r s t prot1dency But ut most women and
groYI-wordrobe. By 1961, he bad mal t..Uy anyway,'' lit -·
aac1 any bltnda and the mixed adjunct to a w o m a n ' .s ••• European hllr H
"You 1et out.Ide New York his own compiny, 1peclatwng 1n turn, hair proceam
arid you find that women want In popular-prictd wigs of real learned how to strip
tb look their age. 1 ask them, hair. metU.,. they'd ralhtr be dark-hllred.
Certldcate recipient. were U you warn to 1pllt hairs
the -Debbie Pn>clwka, ovtr this aaumplloo, check
Patil O'NUJ, Heidi Sbtll'n--in with Jerom~ Aluander, a
barpr and Debbie Alberbon. wit styli.st, who travels the
i&n•t you want to look He's been using Orlenlal Oriental hair "' that ~ •
you.n1er?' They'll tell me, 'My hair "becauae European hair less c:oane µtall it ...... ~ ~
husband likes tbie cray.' Im· is aettln1 scarcer and scarcer earlier days. .. ,
1gint. SeWed down to mlddle";m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~=~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;!ii age at 35!" 11 , .,.. Alennder find> tho more r-----VIRGINIA'S------.~i A smpr11e lddnop brell:fut coontry 1tt0dlly, latld"ll with
WU hosted by the llonoftd WOmtll In the Storti and
queen. Miss Leslie Pictnl, appearlnc Oil w o me n • s
and members also recently leleylslon and radio procrams.
participated in e:iempllfyine "The bigen market is for
for Harbor Star Chapltr, the dark wil', not the
Order of Eastern Star. blondes," aaid Aleunder. "It
m.ature women buying.the tun SNIP 'N' STIT.CH SHOPPE wigs, many because they have
hair problems -thlnnlng,
even baldinc.
• •
Aleunder began 1 t y 11 n I
wigs around 1960, with the
first impact of qs· as a
fashlon ittm and a definite The helhel .....Uy bolled lllll' IOWld ourprlal.,, but the
a vWt from the grand IUV-ltlOlll popular are the black
-· -· Beatrice Atwood, r;:;;;;;~AuPiRR;coiiipcoiSslF~ollR!iiie EAFAiUTYfiY:;;;;;;;;;;;~ll wltb Runu.,ton Btach helhela
Beach Bethel 157.
200/o OFF
.. .,Y llAUTY SllVICE
ibuRING MARCH ..... v .......... ,,.... e T• A.waN WIMl"I Styllat1 e H•I ....... at W......_I•
lll4 East Co•tt Hwy. e Coron• clel M.•r
Phoo• 673-1050
Wli••I lA1t -•'• hltle reminil1r .M .. t e11 e Mfy
i •1t.t Mt ,,,11., k•pl .. , l.wt'f '111ippl111' •ff f,r.,1c1
for Mt .,.ly f•1t•r 0111fit1 bwt t•1111i1 Jret1•l, t•lf
1hll"h '"" 11•• 1hifh:. Spri119 i1 truty i11 tli• ,;, •PMI
911eu w•'t• •II re1ily lo •"" some c•lo,ful ewtflk
to our "''rdrolle. S• ... 1119 y0iir own 9iw•1 yow 1...-orel
ch•11t•1 for the ptic• of 0110 re1cf.,·made, pli11 yow
l••t your originality in choo1i119 paH1r11, fabric, 1rh11
•.rid bwttorit a11d erid "II' with "0110 ef a •i11ll". La••·
i119 ide11, we're he'• to help '"" 9iva p•rH11•ll1e4
See yoU seon,
u .. Your llnkAmtrlu nl or Muter CIM'ft
• •
. . -
• • . -
~•• " -' '.
IJt W. lftll St., Cotta MtM • ' te' M.,.._,rl; t t• S ht.
FORTY TWO UnJvers.ity of .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~'
Redlands ltudenls are apen-;,.,.':
ding the spring H:mester stu--··· ~~ dying in Salzburg, Auatril and _ ... _ ..
traveling around the continent, -!.<C
participating in the !~
unfv-..M"s Sem e st e r in ..... ~ .. .... ~·•J' ~" Europe program. -,:..,_,
Touring are Miu Johanna ""'"'"'
Stabo, daughter ri. the Fred 1..:-0~
Szabos of Costa Mesa, who
is majoring in Gtrman and
Miss Conltaoce s b a t t u. e t ,
daughter of the Howard M.
Slullluc:k• of Llguna Btoch,
who is studying hlat.ory.
Mesa Home
Of Newlyweds
Home in Costa Mesa follow-
ing a Palm Spring• honey-
moon are Clark A rth ur
Somers and his bride, the
former Sandra Lee Webster
who exchanged vows in St.
?dark Presbyttri.an Church.
The bride ii the dau&hter
of 11.r. and Mr1. Leslie
Wobste of San Ditgo IOd
formerly <i Newport 11 .. ch.
Her husband'• parenll are
Mr. llld Mrs. M. Clart Somen
ol eor.aa del Mar.
'nle ne wlyw ed • are
sraduates of. Corona del Mar
High School.
Coastline Auxiliary t o
Veterans of Foreign War1,
Post 3538 1ather the fint and
third Frida ys at I p.m. COsta
Mesa's American Le1lon Hall
is the scene of the meetin11.
by the area's
WIGS ~ .. 49''
Wl6lflS .... 4"
WCAD6 .... 1491
FAUS ~-26"
Sale Prices
Now 111 Effect!
Get acquainted with
Van de Kamp's
Bakery Ideas!
PIRHppte Gold e ...
Great fia.o.ful goodnossl r...i..-, --1oyer ,.._
calca with whilo -ri """ icillg aod flllloig. loll ol
juicy pilleapple chonb. Md !l's ba1r.ed tbe _, "°"
-.Id, ~ -had the -·
1 .. 11111 MwfflR1 .. --· .,..., ........... ,.,, .... VCM de Ko.p'a aN-time fo.torita• fxtn>.ft.11, extra
clelldows English "4ufllns ANO Sow Doogh English
Mwffills. n.y,. greol ...i. aoythiogl
"""'-··---.... ..,15• ...... 'rt~ 7......,.,_ .. _ .... lflt 3Jc
• •
autterfly CoffM Cakeo
f"" loeol, ~ped,dot'°*aibol .... J ....
made ""'" ""',_ ~ pallry, ftllod ..... -
mooHUgOI' and raisins aod topped with """"' ......
,~ ...
3~ --
""" " • ~ 3.5c) ,..
Dv11kettH .
Coffee dunlOng couldn~ be beOer It.an will! "-
Ctvmb, Sugonod, or 11..oo.d °""""''"' n.y,.
made -ioly ""' your cbtlclng. i-.. "'-( ..
shopod lost the righl aize for yew "'P-
Ntot Crf"" C<nody
Fresh ltooo Foo de Kamp's condy klld .. Cnlodir
and delidou& as Ollly Von de Koolp's -..... .. L---......... , Be M'"I trio bri.g ,-.-plenty at tfMI 33 II ~&licrl •
,.., .......... ___ ·-~·-· ....... 35C""
• ' ,,
Look for the bl ue wirxlmi ll at selocted supernakets l
' • Vap~~~mps~ .... 1111.,,. ... :.r .....
~------------------!-'<I:" ____ ----------------~--~ .... ------------~-------....---
-~O'.AJLV PILOT Wednesday, Marci'! 19, l~
' •·tow Calorie Treat
~:Shrimp Lo~s .Dieters-··
• • ~Se luncheon c.an on unbultered toast poinli • moisture. Clean U' necessal')' .
rt,e & •lilt. In the &pltit wheo wltb a green 'Ulad tile meal Arrange· sbrimp in .abaJlnw
riiu:re's convenience foOd, is festive, not f.Ueoin,. · · baking ~··Melt butter 1n
51:'imp and wlne work s.inall saucepan; add sherry tAiether for a main dish tha l SHERRIED SHRIMP wine. P~ Sauce over shrimp,
~be prepar6d in five ' 2 pounds ~ or. lrozen and add ka?lic sau ligh(iy
es. shrimp ot' 1'1i pounds peel-1_ to taste. 1 , ,
iight watchers .,.•ill be glad · · ed and de'!eined ahrlmp . , P.lace ~lsh-, 1n Preheated
l ~ that sbrimp are '4 e<>i>. l!litter' ( Yq10und) broililjg ~Ra'rlmen\'3 incbes
gEil«OOS!y-ed witb1!jgh-Y.C:up dry lllerry wine• . b<low' flame;1 bNl!l 5 minutes, ,
quality protein, but have feWer ~Garlic Salt or unW shrimp tum 'pbik.
cl!Jorles than mea\. & a rule, Peppercorns Remove from heat; grind pep.
one serving ol sbrttnp contains Parsley sprJg.s pereorns over shrimp to taste.
a mere 116 to 154 calories. 4 slices bread, toasted Serve shrim'p on lo a s t ,
jl'ines eohan<e the flavo• If froren, let sbrimp thaw garnished with panley sprigs. DON'T SKIMP WHEN SERVING SHERRI ED SHRIMP o( .. Utis shellfish, bu t the t....'.°"'.'__lpa~per~tow~els~~"''.....:'.ab'.'.:so'.'.'.r.'.'..b_.'.'.Ma~~kes':'.'._6_:se:_r•:,::in~g".:s' _______ ~---------=::.:._.:_::::.:::::._.==:.:...::.=:.:...::.;.:..:.:...:::.:...:::.:...:: ________________ _
alcohol evaporates w h e n -
heated, leaving very few
calories behind.
Since dry wi.ne.s are lower '
in calories than sweet wines, .
this recipe from the Intema-
tiOpal Sbrimp Council ~ for
a delicate dry sherry. Served
' •
Adds Zing
A double pineapple treat!
DESSERT . ' 1 package pineapple [Javor
chiffon cake mix
1 can (1 pound, 4'Ar: ounces)
crushed pineapple in extra
heavy syrlup
1/3 cup sugar
l tablespoon cornstarch
'1h.ipped cream
~ake up the cake mix ac-
cording to package directions.
Tum pineapple inlo a strainer
over a measure to drain,
mashing with a spoon: there
should be I cup pineapple
syrup and 11,-t cups drained
In a 1-quart sauce pan
thoroughly stir together the
sugar and corns t a r c h ;
gradually stir in the I cup
piheapple syrup. k e e p i n g
.Cook over n1oderate heat,
stirring constantly, until mix-
t~.e thickens, clears and com-
es .. to a boil; stirring genUy,
bQD vigorously for 1 minute.
Remove from heat. Stir In
d(Jfined l 1/4 cups pineapple.
(Mekes about 21/4 cups sauce.)
,Serve at once. or cover and
!cf stand at roon1 temperature
u(llil serving time. oo sl ices
of-the cake ; top wi.th whipped
cre,am. There will be enough
sauce for at least 8 healthy
slices of the cake.
Knit Hit
r~orlune lo buy, simple to
knit Wear this 3-pc. suit Ior
town, travel; made o f
Exotic, rJise<l border oo
jacket ii new! Knit jacket
from neck down. Openwork
shell ls smart with skirt. Pat-
tern 7418; sizes 32-38 incl
FIFTY CENTS (coins) for
each pattern -add I~ cents
for each pattern for first-class
mailing and special bandllng;
otherwise third-class delivery
will take three weeks or more.
Send to Allee Books 105 the
DAILY PILOT, Needlecraft
Dept., Box 163, Old Chelsea
St.&tl.on, New York, N.Y. 10011.
Prtnt Name, Address. 7Jp,
Patlen Number. Giant, new
lift_ Needlecraft Catalog -
over 8 desi&ns to ch006e. 3
free patterns printed inside.
s.lld llO cent! now.
GIFTS" -fabuJous fashions,
&oys, decorator accessories.
Make it today, give it tomor·
row! Jdtal for all occasions .
50 cents.
"11 Jiffy Rugs" to knil ,
crocl'ltl , weave, sew, hook. SOO
Book of It Prir.e Afghans
SU cent...
BEU •IB U.5.D.A. 98¢
I !.".!!J!!.,_ otOIQ ---·-la.
'~N4l¥~'!:.__:~~;,. ··· 69<
\ ! ~!!"!, .. '! !!x~~rCE m CE LB. 35(
U.S.DA. ("""'' STAN DI.NG
3 ,:
2 ~
B ~
. lb.
B ·
G EEN 'ANT VEGETABLES '"'°''"""""'o•• "'"" s~. SJ R G -Ol 1•ENCH SUCfD GliHN l(ANS
MAYFRESH 29< AUNT4EMIMA 55c SYRUP "0 ' PANCAKE MIX ~A.'<M:f &W.t.mt:.!?.~~t-llJTTEll.wlllu.ICk-.
fili'!J ~UA~~' 79c !~:~,~~~OD_ 12~S1
Van de Kamp's
SPECIALS Tlln.·Sllt. Marci! 20·23
Clllee Cakes .... ,,, 39c
f"lr&. of 4 291;
Engfish Muffins.,.., 33c
Pineapple $! lS
Gold Cake ..... ,.,..,..
7fHDl'I! MEAT'!' lUHEYS _.:. ••.• ,_ •.•••.•. ___ ...
·BEST OF THE FRYERS • w...srr FRff.. t-IOMO:S.tECl'Sot Gle.i.tfs ---
' ' A Inn.vs a 1vidc ooriervac ilfoyf air!
;.~~~~M~~-TEAKS _ u. 69= .J ~~!"!!~1~a.8~~~ 65'
~~~F ~~~~.!$ "49= ! ~~.rr~~~~,!1S __ ., 89'
~.~FT~N~~ES ,.59= i !~~~~!_~--:i.~.39=
!~llt~~~ . ta. 5!f :. !!~~~~~~~.USA!EL ~G. 4~ $ t
f!~'!.O~AILS . , ..,4gc !~~~~-----·6gc
!!illUtflSH 9lr ~t:· T'
maui'air LiqUGI'
JOttl'WI' MCCAii: 80 PllOOF ·-nntl O¥AIT
MAntNGLY, MOORE s10Ji I~ r:..-L s4· 19
l>l~Alc.KI IOURllON 116 PllOOf -.).19 Q\.!AAI -'11'!"1
~~~~~~~u~ .,O~G~.!!___ mw s29a
COlll PISANE CHIANTI __ ,. 99' :::~'.:.~'-'" 99'
j .
WedlleSCSIJ, Mwdl 19, 1%9 ---'·""' -OAJLYPlllf a5
Our pledge is t<> contlnuoual)' offer our customers the best In quaUty, the best selection
a'nd the b1tst values. Save ·more with our every.do~ law price, plus full 7-day adv,ertlsed values.
LB~ , ..
LUll~OOKIO ROUND CHUCK . I-BONE ' PORK TOP I ~1~N~~$]93 ~Illol' RutAIT ~!llol'' SAlllAlGE Sl!~2'"·;
ALL MEAT WIENERS ........... l8 4 7 BONELESS ...... "· 89c
BAB Y FOOD .....
22-0UNCE Sil!
DOERGENT ............. .
DETE RGEN T .............. .
DET ERGENT ............................ .
TORTILLA S KRAFT CHEESE ~'~~~~c~~c's 12 oz 65'
Al.IX FLOUI . 2 s· ~All , ......
•-OUNCE 10·
BISCUITS PILLSBURY REGULAR 3 2"' & BUTTERMILK ... :.............. 8-0Z. :I-,
~r~~~ ;,.oz4 9'
RUG CLEANER ii~:: (DAM ........ ,.oz)l.68
BRAVO WAX ..i,_so,·s ............. '"°' 11.58
FAVORlEMON POLISH ......... ,oz 78'
VETS NUGGETs ;ii:; ,,~; '..~ ........ , co.67'
SCOT TISSUE ... . ................. "' Of. 38'
SARDINES ~kNci's~i~~, ····-···"~CAN 37c
SPANISH RICE MIX ~~~~·.. . ..... , oz 39'
MUSHROOMsgr.~~i~~'::ol£ ... '>OL 33'
MARGARINE :5~~£T ROG ......... LI. 29'
MARGA'RI NE ~\iil'..~.~~-~.~ .' ................... ll 42'
NOODLES r..ib~~iR~t~~~~.~ ............. 12.oz: 31
GLAD STRAWS so.couNr .......... 2 >KGS. 33'
FLEXIBLE STRAWS GLAO .................... 25' .
WHITE KING gi:t:.".•;,. . . --GT. 69'
WHIJE KING ~61~'.'0: ............................... " 63'
, , Lo@ r Prices on Frozen Foods
-IOl.UrTA lfBotCHHsr . " !!~!!-ADAS .... .. 3•:.;g.~S I··
!!.!!!IES .. ...... • ...... 6 :.~::• t ·
;!!IAKS ·:":..l ......... .:., .. ~49~J·
BIRDS EYE AWAK 3'71! """"""··"" ~~ IL'OlO~!ST £.,.,_ ....... ,-ONION RINGS . ( CHICKEN WllH 3 SJ llOS41!1T ... llED•'<l11Ei1'""-l·Ol. 2 '
, KOL0•1sr NOOl:ltf .......... 4-0l. CHILI BURRITO(-3"-
BEEFST£W 3 SJ l\PP!< • Pf.\Ci; • CU~r~110.1s.oz. '7:: ••.
... llS iRIDA'l"S "" -.... .,.,. 6 Ol JOHNSTON PIES . 6SC·' :2~RMETSHRIMP .. sJ39 ioHNSTONP1Es ··"'7c..
COIN " OfOflOHO N'IHAC "'"··-·· 11"· .,-?~!.~ .. 'ABLES r.:.;:.:t: ....... 21 c : CHIPS .............. 28-0Z.JAR ~!!!!..~!!LS ....... : •j.z59c
DOG FOOD ....... 14-0Z~
CORN c11f ... ,,.s"'lf _ IJ'Jc ll{)HA"w'~Eo 3'7t' r"
GAE EN G1..,,.r 1unE~ s.Wc, · 10 oL "'1. AllAN PUNCH n oz. 1-1 GREEN tlEANS 3:JC WESP.t.C.AlL Excen BAI' LiMAs I
tsu"!risr12.oz.. •J<: -·--... 'oz. VEGETABLES 1.ssr 20 oi. 31 c· Of ANGE JWC 2'71! '"'"' ... .
PICTSWEEl' FO"Ol+OO~ -·--·-.. •·OZ, '-. GREEN SHRIMP I 89~ BABYLIU•• 4 Sf NllLrtSr't1unr"uuc(·-·--·OZ.
. .,.,.. _ .. _ ... . 10.01. GREEN CIA.NT co"trt ~-33c OCEAN BRAND SALT
SOFTENER .......... . RICE-A-RONI 1~.ii'~ 6.~.~·~··········· ,,, oz. 49' ,,.,,.,
CAT FOOD ~0~~~1J~~¢/LI~-~-~ ...... ~. 2 61'i ·OZ. 3W CORNID
TINY TOT SARDINES ....... : ........ " CAN 35' BUF
CDupon Good at STATER BROS.
Good Week of MARCH 20-2i
HUNT'S SPINACH ,.,., 2~ --·--· 2 ,~, 3~ HUNT'S PllREE n 3r..,1~ ____ 2,. 3l'
TOMATOES ~~E~r~~~-Lr ...... -.1 ~ 33' _ 2300 4f HUNT'S TOMATO SA pCE ____ " ""'3f
TOMATO SAUCEWifJ.afTs ~·------· 2 .. o.z. 2'
TOMA To uucE~rJA ... 10Ns ---·-·· 2 •·Ol nc
SPUT HA ........................................... 2lc POTATO ................... -........ __ JAc am IUIGll _ ............... _ ........... lSc llAI SOU, _: ______ ............ J3c
Coupon Good at STATE:l llOS.
, Good Week pf MARCH·~
EARLY GARDEN PEAS ~\}"•--l•..:W DEL MONT( LIMA ftEANS _ • .,13'-
PEAS & CARROTS ~~"'' __ 1.., 2!I'
CREAMED BOLD C9,RN i.\\.. _ l ... 11' W.K. GOLD CORN ~'~~ __ f.., 31'
CREAMED WHITE CORN 1.lli.r1.2 ... 39'
~~~~~~fs~~!~~~= ~-;ii~:; _•_•·•_<_5_7_c_.:.~
B&MBAKEDBEANS .................. ,,.,39' NAlllCO '" · VANILLA Z'nk'.li:r'".39c w3;c .. ~:
CHOICE'COOKIES t~~~ .. : ......... "°' 49' __ "_ .. _' __ .::t;;
CHUN. K. ·Tu·NA CA'"'"•" 29' • · 1,fT, MEAT .,_,. .......... ~ .. !-> CA N
APPLEBERRY SAUCE ....... 2 1Hz. 4!1'
KERff~.NElrrARSAssr ........... 2 izoz. 27'
BEEFS,TEW~~ ....... ~ ................ z 93'
BllOWNll. -
MIX "'' -·33 1
· 1a.or. C. ·
DIAi •I...~ . ..... :
. . ~ -··-. ...: . . .. ,,
• VOTETOOTHPASTE ,.11'."' .... _ •• ,.s!I': r
HEAD I SHOULDE RISE SHAVE CREAM •cOol. ..... -""'-7!'...,, '°""" 'I 39 CALMD£0DDRANT "-2~DER _,.,,•J.3t .
..01.DW. . •. . • HAIR COMDITIONER •• ~~fu.--.. oc.11.61.~·;
81.EEMTOOTHPASTE BRECK HAIR SET f'!!U:i.rJ:,-..,,, 'I.Ill ••
'.AMa.Ysm 7 I c BRECK SHAMPOO 111a.-o"" ____ •• 0,_ 7151
OIM.PACU.Gf HEAD ISHOULDERS D£•l -----•Ol. '1.&t! i
1'1 WllT t"" ITltllT, COSTA MllA 2'111 WllT lntri Stall~. SANTAI AHA UU WllTllijHSfll K.VD,. WISTMINSTllt ~-Ha lr:=l .f'r•llT, UMTA AMA
._ -C...,MAN AT•MUC ~01111
, ..
' I
~ .. \
W......,, lllldl It, 1'6•
'p • I ~nuttiest Coffee Cake Suggested
Company's coming! Get out
those apecial recipes to help
give a blt of a "fussed.over"
look to the menus. The Na-
tional Peanut Council has
come up 1 with some su1-
RJ~nd tasty Peanut Sour
Crean(.Coffee Cake sports a
popular flavor combo: chop-
ped salted ptanut.s in a cocoa-
flavored crumble filling and
lopping. Let it make a hit
with company as a breakfast
hot bread or ror a mid-
DlOl'Dine ''at home coffee."
Sunday brunch for weekend
houseguests might w e I I
feature Peanut Bacon French
Toast. Jurt make peanut but·
ter sandwiches including two
strips of crisp-eooked bacon
in each. Then batter dip and
Remember to use peanut
oil for the frying, to help
to get a nice even golden
brown without acorchlng. (The
bland flavor and high smoke
point make peanut oil a
gathered up all the leftover!!.
-tired okl steak bones, n-
tnains ol. vegetables and all
1he scraps (){ salad we could
find -and put it 1111 together.
That's how Phyllis Diller's
faTnOl.1.5 garbage soup was ill-
veri.ed, right here co the
show," Mike Douglas said
over a lunch (I( steak and
"1be audience coold set we
weren 't serious for we made
up the recipe on the spd."
lli.s fact bad a slight grin
as he Qlked about the cooking
~ ol his televisi«I talk·
variety program, 'i'J1\e Mike
Douglas soo.."
"The idea's to have fun with
food and OM of the main
JngrecHents is spontaneity," he
said. Weekly he delegates the
cooking chores to his co-hosts
ci the day, a personality from
eri.ertainmenl and o t h e r
"Food's aomelhing everyone
is interested in. 'lbe greatest
amount of maU we ae t
(averailnR from 30,000 to
70,GDO fetters weekly) are re-
quests f o r recipes we've
shown on carem.1." The video
v*'t.I, which are ofl!n com·
loo! bul -horrend-ous, are created in • tiny sul>
tenun studio htre that seals
only 140 pecple.
1'1be week CYPI)' ROtJe Ltt
coohd WM a near disast.!r.
Sbe'I I ltfious..mlnded cook
end !nllNd on bringing her own spoclal cookware to show
me the fine art of making an
omelet. When It came time
tPt transfer the omelet [tom
ooe skillet to anot her .
everything Wf/Ol r I y J n a
everywhere. The handle of the
&kiU« hadn't bcf1I screwed
on tlghlly," Mike said.
perfect choice for skillet or
deep frying.)
Another company 1pecial
combines two candies to
create a luscious sundae top-
pina. Crushed c ho c o I a t r ·
covered peanut butler honey-
comb candy (available as
either bars or individual can·
dies) stirred into bot melted
caramels form this unusual
sauct. It may be made ahead
and stored in the refrigerator.
to bt served either w ann or
You'll probably find yourself
writing out your personalized
recipes for the guests who
eat these. food! with yo11r
family. And all for the Jove
or company -and for
Peanut Fllllia&
213 cup chopped
1h cup sugar
"After .Barbari Rusb show·
ed bow to irepare Rock ear.
nish. hens, wt preeented her
with the cooked birds in clay
and gave her a mallet to
open the shell. When she
cracked it open, out new a
live dove that we h a d
substituted. lt was a fine
finish to a Valentine show."
1be crew ~ to eat the food,
be said.
Jt'• really inventive cooking.
but now we're testing the
recipes fer the book." In col·
laboration with Dan P.!<rris,
Mike bu cmipiled recipes
from the show ~1th others
gleaned from friends and
family for an 01JUS entiUed
"The Mike Douglu Cookbook"
to be published by Funk '
WagnaJis, the date to ht 1n-
nounced later.
When publisher Bennett Cerf
was co-host, his recipe. was
quite brief, Mike. recalled.
"Here's my favorite rec:ipe
for making C'Cl11 flakes with
cream,'' BenntU said. "Open
one package of cornflakes
along Ille doUed line. Add the
contents to a large bowl. Add
cream and serve.··
Mike was shocked. he said.
''Is that all you do?"
"'lb&t11 all," said Bennett.
"This is my one and only
recipe u of now."
"When J tried it out at
our ho.me," Mike concluded,
"it lasteil ju3t like the com·
naket mother med to fix." Acior Robert Taylor's recipe
involved tcr1pple. "Whilt Bob
v.'e.nt into the supermarket to
buy the 11CTapple, \he chauf·
feur waited outskie. It wu
soon a mob acene of women
shopper11 d~ina on h.im
asking lot autographs."
From Ute rtdpes he receiv·
t'(I rrom Pal Nixon (corn soul·
!lei and Lady Bird Johnson
•or -.
2 tablespoons flour
· 2 tablespoons cocoa
1h. teaspoon cinnamon
1• cup melted butter or
2 cups sifted flour
~cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1h: teaspoon soda
1h: teaspoon Salt
2 eggs
I cup dairy sour cream
1 teaspoon grated lemon
rlnd (optional)
For the filling, combine
peanut.., 1uaar, flour. cocoa
and cinnamon. Stir in butter
or margarin! until all in·
gredienls are moistened.
For the batter, sift together
flour, :i1ugar, baking powder,
soda and salt. In large bowl
beat eggs slightly . then &tir
in sour cream and lemon rind.
Add dry ingredients and stir
until well mixed, but do not
Spread ha 1f the batter in
greased 9-inch square. pan.
Sprinkle with half the filling.
Spoon remaining batter over
filling and spread carefully.
Top with remainin& filling
mixture. Bake in a moderate
oven (350 degrees F) for 25
to 30 minutes or until cake
tester inserted in center com·
(S out clean. To serve cut
into squares. Makes 9 serv·
in gs.
14 to II ounces caramels
1/3 cup water
2 small chocolate-covered
honey~omb peanut butter
type candy bars {about
l 1h ounces)
Melt caramels with wat er
ln top of double boiler over
simmering water. Stir until
smooth. Break Candy bars in·
to small pieces. Stir into
melted caramels. Serve wann
over ice cream. Makes about
I Y.i cups sauce.
8 slices white bread
1,i cup peanut butter
3 strips bacon. cooked crisp
2 eggs
~t cup milk
Peanut oil for frying
Spread each slice bread with
about l tablespoonful peanut
butter. Fit two strips cooked
bacon onto each of 4 slices
bread, and close sandwjches
with remaining 4 llice:i1. Cut
jn half. In a flat bowl, beat
eggs until frothy; beat in milk.
Pour about 1/4·inch peanut
oil into heavy skillet and heat
until a rew drops of water
will "dance" on sw1ace. Dip
sandwi ches into egg-milk mix-
ture, soaking bread well.
Shake off excess. Fry
sandwiches in hot fat until
golden brown ; turn to brown
on other aide. Serve bot with
syrup. Makes 4 to II 9tl'Vings.
Comical, Disastrous
fspinach souffle), Alike Utinks
he's on ro something. "lf you
want your son or husband to
be President someday, then
you'd better be sure he eats
his vegetables. If that doesn't
do it. don't stop there, give
him his vegetables in souftles
Just keep practicing making
vegetable souffles."
Mike's own cooking is more
likely to be a Caesar salad.
ol. sorts. ;,, rorget where I
gol the recipe," he said, "but
Mike Douol••
t'V! changed It by adding a
litUe more or this. a littl!
less of that. It's become the
Caesar-Douglas salad. I! you
don't like it that way, then
use a Jillie less of this and
a little more of that!"
Over the years, he's enjoyed
cooking \•:ith his da ughters.
The yo uthful looking
performer has ldentical twin
daughters. 1\.1ichele a n d
Christine, 23, and IO-year-old
Kelly Anne. Cooking v.·it h
Kelly is generally barbecuing
a hot dog in the backyard,
or baking a buttermilk
chocolate cake from the recipe
or Aunt Margene (Dm\.'dl with
chocolate butter cream Icing.
'Mlt Douglases Jh·e i n
Gladwyne. Pa.
Mike Is modest about hi.•
ability to turn on other people
conversationallly. ..1 can
recall moments when a person
ls in trouble and freezes on
camera." he said. Once wh en
two young fellows from a
missile base were guests.
Mike asked one of them about
a rocket that failed to go
orr. "How did you get through
all that security?" he asked.
No one answered . "~n 1
asked him how long he'd been
a Russian spy and he came
unglued! Onct yoor guests
forget they're on camera. they
relax and atart to speak."
I cup buUer
2 cups wbite. sugar
S eggs, beaten separately
4 s q u a r e s unsweetened
chocolate (melted and
211 cups sifted cake flour
l teaspoon l!oda
,, teaspoon sal t
I rup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream together butter and
sugar. Add beaten yolks and
melted chocolate. Beat well
Sift together flour, soda and
salt. Add alternately t o
creamed mixture with the but·
termilk ; add vanilla. Fold In
sUfOy beaten egg whites; pour
into a large oblong baking
pan thgt has been greased
and noured.
Bake ln preheated 350-
degree F. oven until dooe
(about 2S minutes). Tert with
toothpick. When it comes out
clean, cake is done.
1h stick butter, melted
3 a q u a r e 1 unsweetened
chocolate. melted a n d
4 tablespoons half-and-half
1 tea:i1poon vanilla
I beaten egg yolk
I p a c k a g e confectiooer's
powderoo sugar
Combine m!lted b u t t e r •
chocolate. Add remaJnlng in·
gredlentl blending u n t i I
miooth and ell spreading con-
sistency. Spread on cake while
still wann. Cut cake In
squares to serve.
IC.I INt, Nft'lft,, If'<.
Souper Snack
America invenll 41e Soupe.r
Snack. • .the great new
between-meal pick-up.
In a 11uctpan, combine 1
can (10-'i~ ounces) condensed
tom1to soup, I soup ca
water, I teaspoon lemon juice
and ~ l!a!poon clooan1on ,
11cat: stir now end then.
Garnish with lemon slices
Makes 2 to 3 servings.
r__'L.... __ c~~---'''------------------
• • ' \ .. ...
1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach
24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South La9una
' ,•
1 ' 1
' " i
---------------... -•• ·--.. -----------.. -... "'T"........--•---.--.... -··...-----·--........ ---------·---~ ... ~-----=-. . .........-;:~::::111": ::.....-::..:.:::-....:.-~---·"'-~'4 ·-·-··. ·--_ ... _ .. #.iJ.",4'<#••• Ii (.. • .-•-·"··--· ••· •• ~···-·· •••• &.;,i. ......... ' ~ .... ·4--·--~ .. ---~--, ... .. -..... ---··--·..---........ _....._ .....
""' .Canned
;~~sor81&. $598
fullJ Cooked Clft
Can. n·ed Hams·,_,., ''~·"·"14,, • Luu • llubuque HI
Boneless Ham :-;,r~-:;:•:::-1 1" ·
Cure 81 Ha111 ~":':',""" .. 11°
Pork Steaks ~::~/~~~cl~!~ "· 69(
Pork Spareribs :::::.:"",. 69'
RllJ Pork Chops :~ .. '.:'. •. 691
Larg1 lu)J.Ctls 8 I USOA CllolH ... , .
Le.in And Te*. Sal..,,,y Full, C
.'ited And lmtned lo Pertection.. ,L
Idell For lndiridual Steak! g;,
Veal Chops :::.si::."i'.~" ,;, 69'
Veal Steaks \::!'!';:;,\'"',. 99i
2·Breasted Fryer .. 59".
Ground Chuck ~-::. :::'1~:.:'~ 69'
Sliced Beef Liver :·J:7: ~ 69'
Cut-up Frye~~~?:,, .. 39'
· Top:-Sirloin
La11 .... llu $1Nk $' )49 ~~!~!'!M Po• .
BroilnJ. Slf1RY filr I.pd And iJrrnm:ed To PNrectlon. jL •• T~Bone Steak ::l.',:'l:'..::: .. 'In ·
Porterhouse Steaks ... •1,.
Boneless Steaks ~ • .. 981 . ' Spencer Ste11ks ~ .... •1"
Veal Patty Steaks:-~ 891
Veal Parmagiana · .. 89'
Sliced Bacon
Thick Slicell-Smy .i~ (
DI ..... llss l1w1 2 99
Hicl!O<Y Smo!<e<I Flavor. ''"
Sliced Bacon
flrlf Qualllr-•Swift 69 • R1lll • H1,.ll • ~ptal't f • ._ C , ...
Pork Sausage=... :: 49'
Brown & Serve :::::. ~ .651
Lunch Meats i·::;:r,.~"' ::;: 391
Oscar Mayer ::...:~ :~ 691
Oscar Mayer :!1'::' ... , .. 49'
Gallo Salamie i:::::.. ~ 191
Gallo Salame ::t;:" ·:.~ '1"
Halibut Steaks
Cen!u Cuh-M~d Delicall
fltvOI'. As Hull'itious Ac
lhey k e Oelfcious! 11. 99c
Breaclecl Shri111p
Captain Cholc1.Golllllltt
Ouid And ~o C., 111
f'repm. f(J' To A GDlcllD Blan. 1·111. •1•' .....
, .. J9c
Boneless Riast i::.:::"&.. .. 98'
Beef Rib Roast ·~:7~!°" 891
Leg of L1111b ::::.. "':;.':::: .. 89'
Lamb Chops 1!':':. rt,;;;, .. 98'
Lamb RilJ Chops =. .. *ln
Lamb Chops =~=~ .. 'I"
Wednesday, March 19, 19~9
Jop1 for Caffet!
...... , ""8rt••
fticfl Robmt n1\!0f·Tmlt
""' r1N coffee Cati Be!
ll-tz. 69c )II
S ortening
}' TAB .-I .... -.-., ..... --.I seven-Up
,;59, • ·6~;79c
,i Dairy & Delicatessen ..... 591 '" T .. 11-""'" ..... '° II·~ 201
•IH If hr ... . ........... ,,. ,,,.
• lnAa lllp•lfl '11111
......... Plub ..............
·~ Chocolate Miik ..... 99' .. All ·--..............
-;;;;a --....... 'S"
..-. .... an ... nwu.•-• ...-tlM.ftATftlf ..........
Color Fiim
•0111 n. $239
• Ullltll n. n1
•IPlll ""''-""'
•IP111 99c "'"" ....
""'--. ftl6w Color Fiim
•11111-... $2" •1111-n.
........ hlll ..... ••• .... ... ~· . Prill .a. P'tDcessillc ' l'JWjq
s 100 · M1vl1fllm :11:• '!.~'2" ,, .. -~ .... .,
hr HEALTH & BEAUTY Oranges ~-6 .. $1 00
Apples !i!?.$ 3 :. St
Green Cab~ageJ:. .. a·
ltali~n Squash=' .. 25'
Grapefruit ;,;..~ .. 151
(. ' ' . . . -'
lk. ..
.. ,., $)3 :=:::.J."'* ·-or 111
llllnlltteT ...... lff ........... =-
WWI' Mq" Wtp To Strrt. •••
ar ..... II' •• ,,, 2 ,... 251 n.11111 Sl)'lt 11" • Yacuu111 Pack
Ckili CH Cane !i:=•
lull1t Coffee r..:: ••
a.w .. Con Meal ::-.:.
, ••• 411 ...
/~:L 99-
~~L 39~
Diet Bread ·~::: 29'
...... ., c. ..... , ............... ,1 .. ,,.. ...... .
~riinge Juice -...
Cotillion Cohlea Con == Blackeye Pen :::::; ?.::::" Ice Cream eadiedY•••=!:;'
Allorltd floon """ ·-W '
Ba•y Carrots I':.";;.!...; 1& C Chicke1 Pies ::.~:=
Blae .. rry Pie :.::.:::..
Garro ll'lff :....-.:-,
':.: 231
j~ 29'.
3::: •1
':it' 4r
':.: 451
': 4r
I .
211 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 1000 Blyslde Dr., Newport leach
24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna 636 If. Coast Hwy .. Laguna Beach Santa Ana Freeway al La Paz , Mission Viejo Fairview Ave & Wiiso n SI.
-. _...,
• '
" .,
' ' '
; ...
. '
"··' ...... ,
·• .;,-.
' I.'.,
~ .'.
"'" .. 1, ' .. ;:. '
" ' ....... .....
' . f'" .
.. !f'•
• 1:,
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"''" .. -. ' . ., .
'·· ,,. '• ...... , ........ ,
...... ..
.. .J •'• -... ., ,, .. , ....
'""' ••• ....
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1111~· . "':"
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j,:J •
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_"""'" ........ .,.._"""'"'.'""':""""'"· ,,.-, """'="'--.-~.---~~--~~~----......,.------.~~~----------------------.. . ...... ,.,,._ .. _ --.. -.--• ' r
Wtdnesd11, M4fdl 19, 1969
' I
. "
<; I/{ I)/. \ FU 1-:s11 FU I I r-..;. I \ /) I I (. / I II ii I ...
MON. THttU FllOAY, 11 :l0 A.M. to 9:l0 ,,M ,
SATURDAY, 9:l0 A.M.to 9:l0,,M,
SUNDAY, lt:Oo *I"· TO &:SO P.M.
• .
• •
• Six Veils
I •
• ; Whip up nattering veil caps
Jn pastela ~ ba;ilc colors for
Easter and vacat.ipn trips.
' Feminine veil caps cmt little
to ma~e and keep your hairdo
prettily In place. Palltrn 7064;
pattern pieces for aix new
Spring veil caps.
FIFrY CEN,TS (coins) for
eac~ pattern +.add 15. i::ent.s
for each pattern for first-class
malling and Jp<CiaJ han4linr,.
otherwise thlrd-cla.M ~ry
will take three weeks ormore.
Send to Alice Brooks the DAl-
L Y Pwr, IOii Needlecraft
Dept., Box 163, Old .Chelsea
St.ation,.J'4ew York, N.Y. 10011.
Print Name, Addre11, Zip,
Pattern NWBber. Giant, new
lKI N...ieu111 Cataloe -
Over 200 designs io ~hoose,
* 3 free patterns printed inside.
, Send SO cents now.
GIFTS" -fabulous fashions,
toys, decorator acei!Ssories.
' tiake it today, live it tomor·
;' TDW ! Ideal for all occasions.
50 cents.
" II Jilly Rug." to knit,
crochet, weave, se.w, hook. SO
Book ol l! Prize Afghans.
Ml cents. ,
Bargain! Quilt Book J has
l& beauUfuLpattems: 50 cents.
1 Must-. QUII& Beot I -
J1&tleml lat IS superi> ~WU..
50 cents.
Book 3. "QuJltl for TGday'1
Uv!Jlg." 15 pattems. lO <eots.
By Cooks
"C!leer for chiclten" Isn't
jtut a slogan, but buy-words.
Broiler-fryer suppUe1 a r e
large. What you get for your
money is the moSt. .
You may lhiQk· you can~
.serve chicktn more olten •
Maybe you can't.·· But
remember the re~ the
youngsten? ~ said they
would eat chicken more often
if mother tened it. You
needn't get out your fanclest
recipe. Kids don't care how
it's prepared, as Jong as it's
fried chicken. Whlle you are
thinking that over, think what
you'll buy.
Wlxile body chicken t s
nsually consid«'ed the most
e'conornicll, compaffi! ta
selected chicken part.8. It may
be • . • maybe not. With
specials occurring so often,
you'll have to do your
homew<rt ••• compare
To make figuring 11 easy
as possible, compare pri~
of how much chicken you'll
need for fd lel'Vinp. There
are at least Oft cho1ce1.
A three-pound whole chicken
makes four servings; so does
one pound ci chicken breasts,
or one and one-lhird pound!
of ltgs or thighs, or ltg and
thigh combinations. If
numbers ol chic.ken i>lects are
important (aren't th e 7
always?) be sure: to get what
you need.
'lbere alway& b the question
cl stocklnl the -with chicken. Should you G r
shouldn't you? Just for con-
.-enience. ll's I cCJ!Od Jdea.
And d there ii ..... tmplJ
space, wlly not!
You mar wa.Jt to limit the amount you frteie, banvtt,
and tuve room for more ex-
pensive meala when they art
Gii sale. '?be 1bundance of
chicken will last unOt early
ooxt year '° yoo needn'l be
In a great burry. The fm.
,,..wit point ii to -· chlclren ollen , • • not m!7 •
,,.. ecooomy ••• bu\ k'a ~ood
food and your famJly likes
4 ...
'""'-' ·. ~:iw· ·.
PRODUCE " You mUst ba completely sotiafte.
with any Market Bosket . produce
you buy or your item' will be re-
plocad or your money refunded.
;:;1! Pl N'EAPPLE
!!J l EACH 33• f!!1~~:::::~,:
~::;:::, Creol'lllCluct or Cl mit1 wilh Brown Sugar ~*1 ' ' EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE Vegetab 95,,,. .. ,31•
:...:?.: .• AriiO!IQ~ J $1 suiwhaicr Seedltt• 33c Froi·M-GoW ~ Npor0911S :::~;::: V~ltfldlt R • • ... .. ,. c..... l·Ot37• ;p lnnges... LB s 3ISIAS11>0L PkoL .................... .
~~~ * 39 Morl!J!frwt11N!Varil11ts :.~=:; Colden CrDW!I Pilttd ~ Soonylrtah C 3.(ount
"'W.~ .., 1tt.. I •••••• ~g. I I I I I 1-:·~ • -i • 4-0tllLJtc ~. Ridl'ifrOllll
tidtr Slruintd Babv Foocl, •• '\':' 11•
m.oi. firior 11•
"'.orbtSOskttlrim • Diet Bread ... t;.~ 29•
1!~7 · ·. ' t Wneati8'•••• ~°:25 ..
~UZJitls-Y~ Coff" 1 lit.. moca Java ••• i~ 73'
St.Nhi!le Krise¥ 1 Ut. Crackeri ........ 33•
Morktt Basket
Soft Rinse ••• "~49•
Ptrlonn Medium or Heayy 21-0 Spray Starch. ,,.'43•
K~ftMlrotlt 1 iL Malgarine ... i .. 29•
PYirW, Soft Cor~ Oil · •
M ' H 42< argarine ••• ,,,.
kroft fr~ l 6-0r. C Dresstna ••• •· ... 49 .
, l6-0Z.1ooors?AN0,uc
,,,~ Dates ,... Orange Ja1'ce "· J. · D'Men "·."··63•
~~f'" Coffee Rich;.:'~L27'. ':,:~:'EAT FISH" -rwHvrRliSTlolucl?
Fish Cakes ..... ,.69' I ;:ke U.S.D.A. Choice-.
U.S.DA Choice T~ Brand kef
Filieiol'So1e. "' 79• ~11 J enderay Brand Beef •••• f:~:~ There shouldn't be any confusion obout getting great
Jully~ooktd-.lreoded ~::~~ beef: (1) look for the U.S.DA Choice shield; (2) Loak fiSll Slicks ..... tb.79< ~*~for the Tenderoy Brand Beef label; {3) Look ot Market f,l Basket'• discount price. We guarantee you won't
VJ% ever go wrong.
. i:;.hom Cheese85&
Kr.oft Procnsed Alntrialn. ~to or , ...
Sliced Cheese ~ 45•
• 12-0Z.AMERICAN,lk
a;Mi~S~ ..,...,. O
O L57< eese ••••••• ~"
Pil!lburyHungiy Jodc, 1,1.7.0i. Ct". Cinna11011 ,Rolls 37•
ii"..';J."lrown. !~~21•.
Wtdn!Sdly, Match 19, 1'169 ••-n •
· Mcsket Basket Dis~ Prices on
Quality Proclucts--No St""llS
· or costly ''lxtras" •.•
AlldtrMn'• Split
Pea Soup .. ;.'1:21'
Kroft Chocolatt 6~.
Peanut Cluter f! 43' '""' ;;;J;« ..,. 1-ltoH c Towe s ...... '"" 43
~ Beef, C1ilcbrt or Horstfl'*Jt
Dnn Food, .. :·~0..29• ~;\.!z.tMR,11•
A-1 Suce .... ~'.37•
"''"'"""" D' 71\()L 21' inner ••••••• •k•
lelfyCrotkK Mexicass1rol1~411
5\IJ·OZ. KfRrt'AKl,47• ,
S~rSubstilute • .... Sweet-N-law~ .. 451
• Plk Nik Shoestring Oz. Cube Steak •••• ,,,,,,
·u~OloicaT~l191if.htf Sinoin Tip Steak.fl!'
u.s.o.A. choice 111111eray 1ronc18eef
f~(ut .
~atoes .... :~;.12•,
Co'fl Power • .'~·•1n '
Sdlilling . '
· lolleless Round..98'
ll.S..OA ChoQ T...itnry lrond &trf ....... SP'"Cer Steak. "$·1"
UU1 Steak ..... Jl"
' NEWPORT BEACH-""""""-· .. '"' ... 1111 '"'9e AM. (WnN"" "-cl
'e S•NTA ANA-:.!.'A.."""'
I ,
SEA ,Ar. ,aol!H oon OI COD Olt
Fillet of Sale 't:" 79•
• t01111S DISCOUNT Sl'fCW.S-'
THdlJ, Marll 21,
COP't'RIGHT 1969
Black Pepper. -e39•
;in~" Mix ••• ".t'143•
R.,.. Bits O'Honey Crwom Sblt tit Wholt Ktmtl • Com or P.-5"1:•1•
~ .e. COSTA MESA-:::.H-• e UNTINGTON IEACH-1:.":'C.i.-
e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-"'"-• •C.....,
________________________ __... ..... ....J
ff OAllY I'll.Of
' Angling
For less
' In t.he 1prl.ng, everyone's
thOIJ&hU turn lo llhaplni up
for summertime fun. U
walatlioes have upandtd a
bit during the long winter
hibtrnaUon, now ii the lbne
to get blct lnlo trlm co,,.
Filb· la an 'tdt al food for
people who are watchln1
t h e I r welgb~ II 1' low In
calories, economlc1 l and tatty
when proi>erly prepared. The
bas.le rule to remember Js :
Doni overcook fb:b, or jl will
become d~ and tough .
Remove fish from heat just
as soon as it flakes ea'iUy
with a fork.
To save on calories brOU
fi~h, or grill jt using foil to
prevent sUckl.ng. Instead of
oil or butter, use lemon juice,
bouillon, tomato juice or low-
calorle citrus-flavored soda
when pancooking fish.
The following recipes are
not only delicious but non-fat-
tening. The fish cakes, for
6ample, use squash Instead
of bread or cracker crumbs.
2 pounds scallops, frellh or
froien (thawed)
3 tablespoons c h o p p e d
1 '11 tablespoons bas.II leavvi
1 tu.spoon salt v. tea.spoon pepper
1 cup tomato juice
Wuh scallops In cold water
and drain thoroughly between
paper towelJ. Plact In single
layer Jn large shallow baking
dish: sprinkle with parsley,
basil, u lt and pepper. Bake
at 350 degrees for 25 minutes
or until tender. Baste fre-
quently w i th tomato juice,
stirring well so scallops are
entirely coated with mixture.
Maltet: f servings.
l pound sole fillets
I cup chlcken bouillon
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon lemon )uice
1,2 cup frozen m a s h c d
aquash, thawed
1 tablespoon chopped
parsley .
l/4 tea.spoon curry powder
~ teaspoon pepper
Simmer 1<1le In bouillon, bay
Jeal and lemon juice until }wit
cooked, about 15 minutes.
Drain and flake with fork.
Add remainini ingredient& aod
blend. Shape into cakes. Bake
at :m degreea for 20 minutes.
Makea two servJngs.
l pound cleaned shrimp
V• cup ca nned sl i c e d
mushrooms, drained
1 tablespoon chopped chives
2 tablespoons tomato juice
1/S cup chopped panl•y
~• teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
Few drops of hot pepper
Few drops of Worcester-
shire sauce
0 n e each of two pieces of
heavy duty alumtnum foil,
plact one-half pound of shrimp
and top with mushrooms. Mix
chives, parsley, tomato juice,
salt, garlic sail, hot pepper
sauce a n d Worcutershire
sauce. Pour over shrlmp.
Close foll to make tightly-seal·
t'd packets. Broll packets for
5 to 10 minutes or unUI shrimp
are done. Makes two servln~s.
Tht foll·wrapped shrimp can
also be cooked on an outdoor
, .. grill.
Souped Up
Heroes? Hoe,ies? Subs ?
\Vhatever they re called al
your house, team l h e s e
brawny, f I av or~p ac k e d
sandvdcht.s with I t a I i a n
Vegetable. Beef Soup.
In a saucepan, brown Vt
pound ground beer with 1/4
teaspoon lea{ oregano, crush·
ed. Add I can (10~ ounces)
condensed vegetable soup, 1
soup can wa ter. Heat; stir
now and then . Season to taste
with salt and pepper. Makea
Z to 3 servillgs.
Taste Treat
QJe plus one tquals greal navw. • .Double litushroom
Jn a auetpan, stir 1 can
(10~ ounca) condensed
cream of IDUlbr'oom llOUP unW
1mooth; sreduolly bl•nd In I
can (10\'-ounces) golden
mushroom soup and 2 11oup
cans water. He.at; 5lir now
and then. litakea f 1ervln£!I.
wnB Sl11D
IJAPPY 11.lPPEN.l'.NOS llAPl'itl' ......,,.. YOU
For 21 )'t&r1 now we've
be4!.n pltdililg the unusual
WOO, food and fare wise , • ,
And we intend to .keep on
hlttin& home rtUll from. here
to etemitY. OUr never end.inc
dream is to always be lht
place where YoU can't shop
In a hurry becawe there are
too many things to see.
Ever hear of one v.·hole ·
tamale in a can, a special
chicken and turkey comblna·
tion called Tnwollno, Where
else couJd tt pouibly come
from but Butte, Montana .• ,
News! San Franclaco salads
in glass jars so you can see
what's inside •• .-one Is a
Sprina mix of three varieties
of beans me.rlnated with ar-
, tichoke.11, another 1arbanzot
made peppy and warm with
red peppers.
Wagner's bright rlittery
lma.kfut drinks are the firat
we've seen in gla!s bottles
with twbt oU lids, all ready
and rarinc !or easy do in the
· refrl&erator • , • o r a n re,
rrapelruit or a &rape trop.
!cal punch. Mary Holstrom'•
hand made frozen pies I've
heard tell that the factory
out Monrovia wq employe1
little old la.dies to hand toll
the crusts.
, • • come a-runnin • , .
T-OOne1 and porterhouses, by
the popular request o1 our
ever-lov:ln people who shop
here • • , Ah sheer delicloua-
ness • • • takes time and
tendemess to produce a rood
steak, so delicately marbelled
with the itgy-bit!y bits of fat
running thro1.1gh for flavor,
so beauttluLy and carefully
Urmmed , . , A Richard'~
formula fed steak Is like
eo!d, pUJ11le velvet and er.
mine ~ith perhaps a few
diamonds thrown in for rood
meas!Jn'). Tran&fer all these
super superlatives ol Juxury
Into tenderne1s and flavor
and prepare )'OUrle11' for a
.•• all keep happy com-
pany here • . , Brandywine
Afushroom Nibbles wouJd be
an added extra flip clumbled
alop )'Our Richard's porter-
house steak . , • or use them
for croutons or in place ol
potato chips ... Good thinas
hang around for ~ani • . ,
like Woody's Cooking Sauce,
which rot its befinning• in
Woody's Barbeque Pantry in
Palm Springs ••• Honest for
real Prosciutto, the cw"ed
ham of the Gri101111, from
SW:lt:miand •.. OK>rlzos, the
wild ingredl.:ont to make per-
fect fried p o r k • • , PLn
hfoney Com Relish, an oldie
but goodie from Massachu-
setts, so exciting _to 1ervt
a1onplde ham or turkey on
aale, too, this weekend, Can.
ned carrots from Be)&ium,
very small about 2 lnchea,
very sweet ... Talk O'Tu:as
"'hole !!tile okra done up In
vlneaar and spices , •• or
you might enjoy Da Vinci
lmported whole baby en-
plants stuUed with herbs • , ,
If you want to make )'l)Ut
own tortillas we have the
all!wer via Maaa Hartna.. ·
simply mix with a ).ittle
fiour and water, pat out and
!ry, Al&o makes a areat bill·
ter for fried chicken, U yoU
want )'OW' noodle• extra
long, La Rosa fettucclne, wW atw you a reputation u )'OU
wblp up your Al1redos and
tuna doot. Contlntntala, the
deuert in a boJ: • , • You
don't know ii you're eatinc
candy or French pastry, now
oilers Soutfle Gateawc, to
further tantalize )'Our taatlnr
buda. tbocolate and almond
cream paste In: 5 excltlna
la.)'ers, Mlaht be fun eome
time to put a few rum
almonds in ... dish and \l•a\Oll
eyebrows raise along v.ith
the nlbbllng.
Time wa1. when eVH)'·
body bouabt red Jello Salads
In the Dell. Now devotees ol
the unmoldtna crop havt
switched to ora""' , .. Ha-
waiian Tr e a t, dellcattly
a..Wlft<I with or&11i'f'. pine-
apple and papaya is w~
out ln tront in the popularity
polls alone 'vtth Oranae
Richard's, the Pe op I e
Sto~. food from far &: Mar.
\Vould )'OU be)iew 4 dl.t!.tr-
ent brands of canned cnlib
whleH-'-ldttnc .,-llC8t'(.'e;
we pncdcalbt have to ro up
to Aluka and net thtm our·
BOl( OF APPROX. 40 LBS. 3.89
"SwMler i;y N1ture" CREST BRAND
BOX OF '40 .... 3.89
Orange Juice·6···· 41··89'
MEXICAN DINNER , ..... 39c
Beef Enchilada DINNER 12 .. 1. 39c
BEEF TACOS f2·,•L 39c
NIBLETS CORN ,, ..... M•.. lt·•L 4 ... '1
Cream Style Corn ~ ,,.;,. ..... _ 4 ... '1
GREEN BEANS _,,,, .. ,_ , .... 4 ... '1
ECLAIRS -4 Count 39'
Sliced STRAWBERRIES ...... 4 ... '1
'htakeJ ~il{J/LBteoJ, I iu,U&;l!eit 13e!J4!
Keeps steak hot. Tray has 9rooves
to hold fl•tware. Ht. 15.SO
.... , .............. ~ .... 22.00 ...
........ ....,. ... 28.50 ...
1 FIG NEWTONS ·, ,., ...... 3tc .... 'QI,· -6r;::-··
I LI. .:=:~ -
' ' ~ 1.~ ' I Bu~~~~!T --~~f feEE . 1.25 -. ... • -.
1RDEN AA BUTTER I LI. ---TAB DIET COLA 6,.49c . .....
CASCADE ,,,,. 59c
SCOTT TOWELS ~:f:C!i: .. ·nd 3··11
• 89'
TOMATO PASTE hL a, .. •1
Stewed Tomatoes No. JOO
MRS. DEL VAN ORRUM , Now porl h och
LOUISE: QUINN, Newport Bet ch
G. W. Gurr, Jr. N. B.
5 ... '1
M ... Q. H, H11 ly, CdM
Mn. Vel Shermen, N. I.
R.en• C1mpull, C. M.
Oeb~lt lruc•, N. I .
Glori• ltr1on, N. I .
M ... D. M. Sm•ll. CdM
MN. T. lall enodowol1ro
Mrs. M. Allen, l a9. Ni9u1I
Mr. T1ntey N. 8.
Mrs. Geo. Otten1d, Liclo
---' -·
" ,.,
~· ' .
•• -
•• --· • •
' 7 : I
. : [
' r
• 7
. ~
•"'•1•••••2•2•' .. F?Jss .... 317z.,1 .. ua2nuuz .. 22 .... :2suu,•••2~21 .. s•• .. PUJ .... 7
.. s2J"3l& .. F?J?J"Ul?U .. TL?' .. #?JJJmZ92uas?1115•7 •2u2nanz .... 11JS~dJllJS11£21i1122'1111£2dJ2'1111£2dJ2'11111E~~·· 1 .. a27 a 22 2 JS 122PRJ?s•2n uaau•1:2 !) •
i ••
---......... -,,......---------------------·--· -----~-------------~---~--~
• .
. ,
-~ •
I ..
-..... .. .. oi"",. -._jo':• t .. •
IC. .; ..
... i-r· ... -· rw...,• -~~ •.
' . ; . " • •
Nir Your
LIDO MARKET'cer;.t,ti:R
Betnic• Fay •
2-$50 WINNERS EACH DAY -MARCH 12-15 and MARCH .17-22
All tho fixings for a fabulous dinner party for 4, oven flowers.
THIRD WEEK ~"!f~r.I)~
and an the trimming1 for 4. Comp:ete menu in Lobby.
' . .
• AN
1.39LB. t
49~ •.
5~ ..
~ :i t EN TURKEYS I 0 to 14 lbs. Average.
' : Ii t . µ,c
Gourm•t meats with the work don• for you!
Teru:ler top round ateak atuffed with our own
p1r1ley and ch"tnut dresaing.
1.29 LI.
Th• whole prime fil•t roaat.
2.98 LI.
{!AUbl<; tt-A.;t:iw
Stuffed chicken breaat with Savory butter and
chiv• 11uc•.
1,49 UCH
T•nder b••f marinated in Burgendy.-wine end
e11:otic herb1.
1.59 LI.
•• • OPEN DAILY 9.0 DAILY 9.5,30, SAT. 9.5 DAILY 9,10.6. SAT. a,30.s
Wednf!doy, Match 1', 1969
"Sharp Cheddar LB . 79'
BOLOGNA 12.... 59'
~rden Yogurt s .••. 51
•• s1
ROQUEFORT ..... 49¢
FRI. ud SAT., MARCH 21, 22
1 .... 69¢
..... 79c
FR.EE C1lJ111SE GtJ1J>Ft
To Richard's lmp_orfed ind Domestic. Che••••·
Large Danish Coffeecake 89¢
n9. I.JS 1 t 00 So x
FROM tiOLLAND , In Hand.Painted Wooden Shoes
Van Dungen Chocolates , .. 3.00
A V•ry Continental Custom •.•
Br ing Home a Bunch of Flower• From
Your Friendly, N•ighborhood Flow•r Shop.
1o49 DOZEN
• .
' •
I •
..... _ -~-~ _._. -~~·-~ ---._ ---. ~ .. ---~ -. -'4 __ ..... - - --__ ,
,1 -•
f.I DAILY. PILOT W......,, M"'h 19, IM
• '
~et 'Ya.~r .. Fr~ !fln:e Chip ca.upon JJroli! ·~.,
IJI'/.s. f-7'. A "/?/ '''·CJ 19 /) ··, ,. ••••• .BBEt\Kl'AST SPECJAl,S ••••••
BACON •• ~.. I~
" VJ,:, . eLJ.J-1. Lh~ice Jfeer (/.)eet'
l , -
OSCAlt MAYElt-THIC.C Oil ltEG. 75' SLICED BACON ............ . ti ··-··--···············-···················'
_:J)el monle-:J)ollar Strelcherj-.
TINS . lt\IX .
$ 00
LB •
SPENCER STEAK , ... $1 ~? sm'Ks.. . $1~
FR.ESH LEAH 61tOUND 9 ¢ '. C~UCK ............. 6 i.·
FRES H· LEAN SltOUND 79 f 1 ROUND.............. lb
ciiiiclc STEAK ...... 49~,
·p:~~ 89~
Ste1k1 .. 1,..il Per S 1 0'
SALMON •••.•••••••••.• lb.
Rup•rt Friitd I l·•s. 65' HALllUT ffUITS , , , , , , , Pk,.
Rupert Fried 12-0L 59•
S<>LI fll.1.ITS ••.••••••• Pk9.
Rup•rf Fried 12.01• 55•
PllCH Flllm ... , •. , •• P•··
Rupert Frie~ 14.01• 1"
SCALLOl"S .•.. , .• , .. , , • Pkg.
Four Fi1h1rme11 a.01, 39•
FISH STICICS , , , , , , •..• , Pkg.
Mr1. Frid1y'1 !-10. 1"
Rolled l Tied Shouldtr Ptr 19•
CLOD IOAST ••• , •••••••• lb.
TOMATO JUICE 3 • .. 874 !TOMATO CATSUP 2 ... 39c
Frith Ju111lt1 p,, 69'
COOUI CUI • • • • • . . . • lb.'
GOUIMfT SHllMI' .•••. P•9. s1...... 12.01. 65, Seven 10111 Per 55c
. '
5-LB. PKG. $219
MACAROONS.~ ••••• 99c
MATZOS ••••••• $2.49
STREIT'S -12.oz. PKG.
EGG MATZOS •••••• 55c
:.~:L~~ ... 99c
Sliced l roedbill Per 19•
SWOIDFISH •••••• : • . .. . lb. .
. .Sun,,kine ~ Stafe-:J.rozen ,, OR
fllSH Tit.OUT .•• , ..•.• , P.kg.
Turi• M•ck l r11d1d er Pl1in Per 79•
YI.AL CUTLm • . . .. • . . . • ro.
IOAST •••. ,,,,,,,,,,, •• ·rb.
R.o..,nd lo•• Per 5-
IOAST ••••••••••••••••• Ill. 7 .
cRonA6LIAcliEls!T:S~. 29~ ' s 00 JERSEYMAIO-l•I QUALITY-I-LB. CTN.
"AA1 BUnER •••••••• 79c
SLICED BREAD •••••• 25c
;;~~;·~R;;~ PKG. 69c ! ;~~~K1~~~1;~.:::· P4KG. 9 c M J B 63 C
• DINNERS CHICKEN COFFEE ·~ HAUl!IUT • • • • •. : • • • • • • .. . • • •
1Je/icafe,,:ien 1Jenl. Soecia/:i LI,~=:· Produce 1Jevarlmenl Soecia/:i r r GRAMZEE r r
TOT wim~u'~":;::.:" ,-LT. or DARK RUM
l.t flt Specfel Dllt•l•• hi 0. Sl'lt• · '4. ~ : s.321 PAO:EO IY CAl·f~UIT c
'°DR··· E·'""'ss"1"'N""o'·s.... :. •o•·D· R'"E"sCHs1"N"o"'"'" :.· '°'D., -R•uOQ"s''°1N"o''"'"'. { FIFTHS .TANGERINES ........... •:C.':.~~: .... 39
' : THISTLE -ECONOMY SIZl>-1 -LI. BAG • LARGE MEATY . . ' . C ' . C ' OLD VIENNA-1 l.OZ. CANS , ~f:S 35c , • .,~i't.ue1 i l~ 45 ; ~'!'J 55 i •. EE R PR~N.ES • • • • • 39c ; WALNUTS •••• 49~ .
BOLOGNA .. ~K~:... ~O CANS 69c AVOCADOS .... ~.17~
' • •
i,.v .. ,,,,.,, &Wela 19, 1969
.. '
El ' Rancho makes .. a 1petial offer
~ . .
on all s~~rior· . \ .. :..
• .,
You.,,_ yoa cm wwt Gil.Bl Hmm h • •1 tim ~melt in ,uarmoutb... .
for .~ fxy~ ...... cWi.i:ious Jee o'lamb .,.for the Southlml'l widait may of •food.
Birt El Rmdio know a that for day.in-day-out meom, ground meat. play • by :rol9. Y Oil'll
find .a wide 1181ecticin,:u.I Supw-Preciiicm-Cut J.or peak ~vol'. All our pound ~ an ~
by El Rmldio'1 iiidwite inetJiod into iiny, individqal pieces ••• never bruia8d or niBed.
· Mca <W¥iom IJera I tillJ "'ein all'lhl .,,,.,"" juic& Taste tbl.rl!.ilfauie·tbii lNill!
. I
• Ground · Beef .......................... 4 9t
For econom7 ••. use El Rancho rrouod beet *° many waya ... and be ao pleued with the aavinp !
Ground Chuck ........................ 5 9t
Lookinr for new "'aya to UM rround meat3! •.• -pick up the fret recipe1 at our sentice mt.at counter.I
Ground Round ....................... 69t
io lean and t'.astyi AJI El Rancho ~nd meat ii, alw•1•bwh toinaunfiJltrfl&vor!
Ground Sirloin ....................... 7 9t
q:ualit:J, that lw no peer! The lea.nest gi:ound beet you could wish for ••• a nd priced to offer val ue!
Meat ·loaf ........ : ....... : ............ 69t
'ili• fineot grouoil m~I& .••. exp0..Uy bl.ended ••• made with t....n whole en ! Jui lh&lll and bokt!
Ground Lllnb ........ ~ ................ l9t1
"ec:illcm .. t from ti~ .. t qualttJ U.S.D.A. •Prins ilmll ... -... fin~. nulriti-!
fresh FiUet of Perch .......................................... 69~
'tnb.td frun lhe ocean ••. t.o our MrYice meat count.era ••. to offer :rou the beat~ 1tafood dinini!
El Rancho Grocery Specials . .
Duncan Hines Cike Mix ........................................... 'J!r
Toar thoiu of regular S9c varieties ••. deli&htfnl fla~rs ••. and Duncan HinM i1 I& wrati~!
Scott Paper Towels ................................................ 'J!r
the Bir ·Ro1Jsl ... so aoft, '° atroni and IO .Morbent! Get aeftral &n.d uve at this priu!
' Clisco ....... .. . ...... ... .......... .. 73*-Scott Towel Holders .............. 49•
BicS pound can at 12c savinp ! Fit.a aU ro11a •.. in colon, too! Sne lOc.
I in I Mushrooms .. . ..... 3 "' '1 LJsol Disinfectant .................. 7r
Regular or PiM 1etnt •.. aan 20c cc 1.2 os. ~It!
Fabric Softener ................. 6r
fn>W1111, aliced or chopped, 3 ot., broiled in butter!
lcullt . .... ... .. ...... ..... . 79•
:iarinl o'ui t.h.1 be9t in !lavor ! ... .( D'l. 1i1e.
fleili Ketaip ......................... 25•
EftjOf: the flavor and the u.vinp ! Bir 20 OL a.ize.
NUIOft •.• 83 DI, &ioe,,, --aH tabrica:
6rtpeftlit .htice ....... .-........... 39'
Treeo1fett .. ; 46 OL , • rood ... and rood for you !
tleiii Bali»eoe S1uce ........ 39•
ilit.kol'Y, 'na..,ar or wl\h.-onioa bi•1 •.• 11 or. aiu.
Orange .lllice ......... " ....... " 4 :.!' '1
T.-.r..t .. , t.-... Jodi., R""" ... H oo. Oo
I.ck fepper ............... : ......... 39'
lduMin(t . , .·4 0<. tin ... addo JOit.io ,...,, !
Tine Cotlse Dicoolt(S .............. sr.
Jlort.'1, JODr c:lwlice of. ftrieti., Melt . .o il'lmins: !
, I Pickle Heidi .. '" ............. 3 .... 1 Yubin Coffee ......................... W.
Pol Xonlt ... -pictle or homba,...,. ... 4 os. Rich deep narnr ... 2 poud·-... 1.37 !
(:Ill 'n' 1t11S ........ : .. .. .. .. .. . W ween 6illlt Vegehlies 4 .., '1
Bob'I : . , :fto1en. •.. s.nt d\ili aiM. 10 euily-FroMn Ni~ 11.ia:ed ,V41kbill. ,~ ~
wfflt .......,d;be<fJ>Ottieo a, ali<ed cheese, 16 oz.ii,.. Grten BoaH, Nibltio in CNllD S.... or c...-
El Btutelto Liqwr·wine
•lwmer leer ...................... '1.32
' Cln. of. aix 1% ... c&M • , , Pick a Pack W1 """":
Mlt• Rose Yr• .... mM .... $2.59
........... 1irloia by-dleliaht .' .... 1111 ...u..:
fl R11che Scotch .... ff!M...... '5.79
Bottled in &oU~d~! Save 10% by the ca!e ! !
Aldetlt Age .... :.HALra...... '10. 98
linishl Wll;Jicq •.. R'f\llu 12.VB .• : II Vt $2.00 I
... Spin.ch!
El &111• MW.N11e•
AmicM Slices .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . sr .
Clurtield er.-Food. u ... lndind..i "'""'
Osm Mayer ................. 65'
All IDIOl .• , alieed for a nchri<Mo .. , 12 OL plrc.
XLNT Cheese Pim .... 1.IJICll:... 4r
Add your own touch•! ... 1% inch size ... 79c
Halllburger Relish ""."." .3 tit '1
From the famoa: J •••1nn.t;a. aob '•I I oc. Jan.
H•· Loaf ............................... 7 9,i.
El Ranc:bo'11lua ham, trimmed of u:ce11 fat, precision VoUDd pork, cornflake crumba aiid !reah epl
Fresh Sausage ....................... 49l1
El .R.ancho'1•owu coua.try atyle ••• delirhtft11l1 111a1onecf •••• & breakfast treat they're 1ui·1 to Jovel
Chili Ground ........................... 69'
~beef .·-· ~.lrbd•d. to 1iv1 J.ou chunk• ot. tender mut to make thili"bttitr Ulan tverl
, . -~ We'H P1J you 25c to try one of our !JOUlld 1119's! .•
·:" · : Th i1 coupon worth 25c toward the purchue of an.Y ont. of the I . -':: ;:: r rouDd mllb in thia adverti1emen.t,. Limit one per penon. Void • '=.. ~~ after Ilardi !3rd. B"".1he lpet:iala and HVI •ven1n0re ! . : I
• .~-------------. ' ' '.
filresh Split Bl:'oilers " .. " ....... " . " " "" .... " ... " . ";"" .... """ ... 39~1
Xiar lile ~ia c:bkktn1 •.. -S to 3\i. lb. •'er&~ .•. expertly cut into halvts, perfect for bro1lin1f ... .
SujJer fresh Produce
10:$1. Don't let youllO!f ~mi a led by tlit
mottled broMI akim I Th.Me are
awelt and juiey: ••• and your
1atilfaction. ii ,.aaranteed !
Ima 51iuash .................. '""::;.;:;'i i "" .................... ..
-,..,,. -, •• IO doliciou1• bohd and bathed wi!h buiter: c
Onions ......................................................... . Iii
S eet ... with fla~or J10ba1t enoqk te enhance any 1-ecipe !
GMtMpe ....... . .. .... .. . 19~ Wateunelon ............................. ll
Jm't.tAe-IU'tillt1fhr-.Js 10·~n:riti-a.r! Th.,.11 bo aurprilod lo hn• -.fa.lletJil
I Priet1 ... •If·~ .r·~· tkr...,A,S"'l-
Al&rt:1' !O, ti, u . tl:·No ..U• "*'~'· :
Askth•m.,,.,,llbo!IP11rmeni.atCh11geAccounts.rilJoe . '
iUfT1NC1PN llAlllOllR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin Sf. \ ·
NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbluff Dr .. (Eastbluff Village Center)
·Aleo eolivenienl/y lo;cat«J sf-Ores in Arcedie;Pnadena and South P&tldena
~--~----..... ------------:-~~-:::-::-. ----~~~--~-~-------........ . ..... ·-. . .. ... ... .. ..._ .. .. ... "
DAILY l'ILOT Wodoudq, Miid! It 1'69
Vary Menus ·
Family Recipes
Handed Down
The days of Gloucester
schoonen and dory fishing on
the Grand Banks are long
gone, but ''c aptain•
courageous" still ship out of
thi.s historic port in fair
weather and foul.
They don't depend on lilt
wind these days, lhough.
'lbat'1 been replaced by diefel
power. Nor are their vessels
as big as the old wind-
jammers. But what they lack
in me they make up in rugged
dependability -and they are
built to catch fish.
The quarry of Gloucester
fishermen theM days i 1
whi.tinc -the silver-skied thh
that is taken from Cilld AUan-
t i c waters off the
Massachusetts cout.
CIOlle tin to the cod, the
whit.mg is a slender fi!h with
lean. white meat and a sv.·ecl
flavor. A favorite old New
England fisherman'5
breakfast was fried fresh
whiling, slack salted over·
Jn Boston pert, jUJt 30 miles
sooth as the seagull flies,
scrod is king. A scrod is
nothing more than a small
haddock or cod, but its fame
AS a delectable stafood has
lured more people to Boston
than the Bunku Hill Y.onu-
ment. Terxier and succulent,
the scrod has the firm white
flesh so common to moot cold
l\'aier fish.
Quick freezing and fast,
modern transportation have
made it possible for everyone
to e1joy these cokl water fish
the year 'round.
It needn't be a big chore
to get interesting and varied
meals that feature fi sh. Here
arc eome long-time favorites
ol Massachusetts f i s h i n g
families that could easily
become 1t:alood favorites in
your house.'
Select smaJI whiting 12 lo
14 inches long, one to a por-
tion; remove heads. clean,
leave whole. Brush with lemon
juice. Sprinkle lightly with
aa.lt; roll in flour. Fry in
peanut or other vecetable oil
heated to 375 degrees. The
tall usually risn first. \Va il
until the entire fish floats to
surfact, then cook 1h mlnute
longer. Drain on absorbent
The delicate flavor of
whitinl makes it possible to
prepare lt ·in many other
Te bnO. have small whilin&
1plil and ·dressed. (one per
portion). Place skin side down
on well greased grill : sprinkle
with salt and pepper, brush
with melted butter o r
Broil. with surface d fiah
about 4 inchtl be.low IOUl'C:4!
cl. heat, buting often with
melted butter, until fish flakt.S
readily with a fork (ap-
prollmately 6 to I mlnutH).
Oo not tum. Garnish with
chopped parlley.
T• • e I c k, cook dresstd wbitln& ID slmmtrlni salt<d
water just unUI Jt flakea. Do
not ovfftOOk.
Serve with tomato o r
Hollandalle S.uce.
To 111 k e. M:t oven at 400
deerees. Arrange splil wh iting
or fiJlell tn shallow bakin&
pan. Dot generously with l>ul-
t.er or margarine. Add 1lz to
l cup water or broth. Bake
IS minutes, or until fish Oakes
easily. Serve with any desfred
Wipe scrod with a damp
cloth (allow lh pound per aerv-
1ng). Cut into servinl ~ize
portions. Place on foil-linei:I
broiler rack with turface
about 4 inches be)ow source
ol heat.
Season scrod with ult and
pepper ; dot with butter or
mara:srine-. Broil 5 to 7
minutes on each alde, ar until
fish fl.aka eaaily with a f«k.
Serve with A LI Kini S.uco.
'ti cup butter or mar1arine
\• cup flour
',i teaspoon N.lt
Few grains pepper
2 cups milk
I cup sliced f r esh
mushrooms · · '
I green pepper, &livered
L tablespoon vegetable oil
11i cup dry sherry
1h cup slivered pimiento
I cup cooked peas.
Melt butter; blend in flour,
salt and pepper. Add milk,
at.ir over medium heat until
thickened and .nnooth. Cook
mushrooms and green pepper
in vegetable oil u n t i 1
mushrooms are lightly brown-
ed: add to white sauce with
Merry, pimiento and peas.
Cover. Cook over hot water
10 minutes. Makes I to I
With Age
The flavor of this soup im-
proves after overnight refrlg·
erator storace, ao don't hesi-
tate to make ahead.
2 cans (each I cunces) slic-
ed mushrooms
4 tablespoons butter
t,; cup finely chopped onion
3 tablespoons flour
1 can (lO!h ounces) chicken
t pint light UKm or haif-
z lablespocw clrJ sherry
S.lt ud -to taste
Draln muahJooms, re.servina
liquid. In • 10.incluldlW over
low bu~ melt S tablnpoona
ol the butter, llld mushroom
and Olllofti c o o t, 1tininr
often, until -ii l<>ldel>-about $ mimrtel; Mt nlcl<.
1n·1mtdlum11UCtP1.ft mtll
remalnill( S tllb!Mpo,Jio but·
ter; stir In flour ml coot Wllil
llghtl1 browned. Renove from
heat: grodlW!y stir ID undllut· ed cblcbn broth ud ,.....
ed mmhroom liquid, lceep1D1
R<tum lo moder1tely low
ht1t ud cook, ltlrrin( -mnUy until thick. Gradullly whist in crwn; 1tlr In mush·
room-onion mWure, salt and
pepper. Reh~at but do not boll.
~fakes I servings.
SEl 1lllG!
lilrlftOn• '-"i"' ,.,.c..,,..-o...co~P'O" '•• C11•"•' ~ITm:rmmTrTVortli4mTh17'1J~TTtf..rv ,S-., Mar. ::10.23, 191)9
P~~;;y ·5·~;r & Gravy loclle 7.~89c
SAVI Jlc-lfG.too: 59 Claw & Piemcl Table Spoons ':°.:" c
SAW: Slt:-ftG. 90r.
Butter Knife & Sug• S11911s •··•59c ,.,
4 '" 59c SAVE •tc-lfG. Sl.11
Four Teaspoons
•1.00 SIZI
CHICKS CASI •o &. , ~..,..-IUUC4M--~
Allarm hpiess ~ ...........
Moirtr Orclas
.... I
S..s ·T-1 ...,_
"'1 ii f., I ills wit/r
.............. y''
. . .
lamb lib Chops
GlllUllll SPRlll• SMALL
iNSPECTED ' ·1~!
I .
' .
:~~.' 39~
1<;;1l'llayonnaise. ~·:,rt ._9 j
iei'iionte Peas ;~~. 2 c
Pork&Beans 2 "'·'00 <ons 2
Peanut Butter , KEN-l.U.TfON .,
Niblets Corn FOOD
"-CANS ~ Dole Pineapple No.1'/•25 Coo ..
=~=~:uMI 69c • SPICED LUllCHEOll I •llt.
::: 49c
GAllO PIOM CID 1AH flANCllCO , 59C PASTRAMI 3~;.·· .
2 ..... 39c pk11.
All~. l'l{G.
MC'JIKIN'llO«. KG. (1-0l. rl'.G .•• llcl
TKlf'ICAl ru.voe-lfl>
"5 ·Mllfln'E"
5 10.r.$1 pk gs.
IN SAUCE • ,,.,.. ... _ .. , ... ,~,L
• '"" w/Ofartg" s.,,...,. ~
• Mix•d v..,_bleo w/°"°""
• IQ • ...._ w/~inh,_. j
• V-o .... bl• '
Cllfffl. AU ._™DS ROYAL GELATIN. 3-oz. pkgs ............................. .3 for 29c FOR BABIES CALO CAT FOOD YU BAN
ROYAL PUDDING MIX (incl. :1t ofO 6-ol. pkljs. ........ 2for 27c
IA ROSASPAGHITTI. 1 -1~ pkg ............................... .JJc
KRAFT.1000 ISU DRESSING, I 6-01 btl .................. -•• .69c
KRAFT ITAUAH DRESSING, 8-oL bil. ....................... -..!! c
KRAFT MARSHMAllOW CREME, 7-oL jaT -.-... -...• .29c
KRAFT MARSHMALLOW CREME, 1 :>oz jar ••• -.......... ..A.Jc
22·0L 59 c Plostic
2.ftl.mn .. $1..15
~ 27c
•• ...., wl<hitl•• 2 •1135c • lMr w/Olitkm -or ..... ...
2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Harbor S ttopplng Cente1·, Costa 1'1esa
111. ...
-___,,..-.......,.--~-----·-_,...,...... ............... ..-------~-~---~-~---------------------------------
ROASt& ' c
ffll.ETSOF • .,
. •:;-;59•
~· .. 3. 8·~··$1· plligs.
CfRTl·fllfSH fROlfN
. ' . .
lOSHEI otu. HAlP suers . 3 3
UAKER OATS iiii'°FooD 3;:33c
U.UNOIY (INCL 15c OfF) W.. $144
29C ,,..,,_ DOWNEY•OnlNIR ... 1:i.":,' 4t• PANCA.ij FLOUR !:: 5 5 c ~~~~~~~~' i:ii""cABINSYRUP ~··c
1'\N£ RIP£M£D (AKlAlOUP~
1.ARGI c
U.S. NO. 1
wiUoil CRISPIUll
4tc SAYll 16'
first of ' lb·
. -the season.
PRUNES 3 ~~:·99c .
l.AllU-·PlOWNINDAIL'f: 39· BY UNITED All LINES 'A-lb. C ·
~~7'1~ 6 1!4:f9c
G~on1 59 C
HOLLYWOOD SAFFLOWER 01~ quart btl. ..................... 69c
MJ.8 TEA BAGS (;ncl. 10c off), pkg. of 48 ................... 59c
0 & C FRENCH FRIED ONIONS, no. 300 con .................. .33c
PACIFIC·CRACKER TREATS, 8-oz. pkg .......................... 25c
SUNSHINE SUGAR WAFERS, 1314-oz pkg ..................... 49c ·
'.l~X WEl l
HAIP OAllCN .. $1.7'
1-fb. can ............ .69c 2~b. con ......... ;$1.37
3-lb. con ......... .$1.99
2300 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson St., Harbor Shopping C:enter, C:osta Mesa
Two Versions
Quiche Blends
Hint of Spring
Select the asparagus with
care by buying only those with
tighily closed purplish tips.
Keep this lily-family vegetable
cold and the boltom' of the
spears moist ·to retain the
sweet, undefinable s p r i n g
California shippers
hydrocool t b e asparagus by
floaUn1 It through lhree dli·
fereot water baths t h u s
removing bolh the field heat
and grit Crom the stalks.
When ready to use, bend
the spear with both hands
so It .!flap!. Keep the top
part and discard the bottom.
T en4erize the asparagus iii a steamer, coffee PQt, saucepan
or skillet for it is not the
utensil that is important. The
essence or asparagus O,.vor
Is captured in the cooking·
Fresh asparagiis should be
cooked to a delicate point,
one shade less than done
which. requires testing every
minute or two. The cooking
time changes from bat.ch to
batch because of the harvest··
to-cooking variance.
Here are two versions of
the quiche. The first one is
for those who are flavor con·
1cious. The second is one that
will appeal mare to young
people wUh its sweet taste
and a blnt of coconut.
1 9" unbaked pie shell
2 pxmd.I fresh asparagus
2 tablespooos oil
i;, teaspoon salt
4 eggs
2 cups light cream
i;, cup grated Swiss or
Gruyere cheese
1/J cup grated Parmesan
1h teaspoon aa]t
~ teaspoon sugar
z dropl hot 1auce
VII teupoon ground nut-
For Party
Prepare th e ingredients
before putting to gether.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
F. t.tix pastry, cook aspara gus
and blend together custard in-
Fit pastry into 9" quiche
pan or 9''. pie pan. Flute or
spiral the edge. but do not
prick the shell. Bake in 400
degrees F. oven tor ,8 minutes.
Wash the aspara gus
thoroughly. Snap off the tough
ends. Cut off tha tip. Cut
stalks of asparagus into ~•" thick diagonal slices. Heat oil
in skillet. Put slices of
asparagus lnto hot oil.
C.over, shake and cook on
medium heat (or 360 degree
electric skillet) about 5
minutes, Add tips, 1 table·
spoon water and ¥, teaspoon
salt. Cover and shake. Cook
about 3 minutes, or w1til
tender crisp. Drain off any
liquid. Put pan In ice cold
Beat eggs in mixing bowl;
add cream , both cheeses and
seasonings. Blend together.
Put a layer of cooked
asparagus slices on the bottom
of the pte~ed pastrY shell.
Gently a~d the c u~s t .a r d .
Return to 350 degree F. oven
and bake for '25 minutes. When
the custard ls almost set,
remOve from oven and stick
in tips of cooked asparagus
to ntake It look like a forest.
S t i c k back into the oven
just to warm up the tips.
Serve immediately. Makes 8-8
servings. Serve with a chiled
California Riesling wine and
French rolb .
1 9" baked pastry shell
l (4'11 ounce) p a ckage
golden egg custard
2 cups light cream
l/J cup grated Swiss cheese
1;, cup grated P3nnesan
2 pounds Cresh aspaz:agus
2 Lablespoons oil
11, Npoon salt
Heat ·cream and add custard
and both cheeses, Bring just
to a boil. Coot.
Meariwhile, bake pie shell
Jn 350 degree oven 20 minutes
or until done,, Cool. Sll&P off
the tough ends of t h e
asparagus. Wa'.sh thoroughly.
Cut off ,lbq Up, SUce the stalk
into 141 diagonal slices.
Hest 2 tablespoons oil 111
electric skillet (3:60 degrees) Prepare a 4-0UOCC package or in saUce pan on· medium
of· lemon pudding and pie fill-' heat. Add asparagus slices.
lnl mil: as package directs,, cover, shake. Cook about !i
folding two ltlffly beaten egg minutes. Add t I p's ot.
whites' into lbe bot mixture. asparagus, t tablespoon wat&
Gently mix in 1~ cup! 'Well· and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Cook,
drained crushed pineapple or covered, about 3 mo r e
fruit cocktail and one cup minutes. Drain off any tJquid.
chopped ·toasted California Put coolted slices In Ibo bot·
walmib. Chlll. Makes tight 1oo1 ol Ille halted pie shell.
to ten servings. Has tangy . Add cwitard that has cooked.
navor, and pretty yello)v color SLlck in tips of coo«ed
with lnteresUna &extµre or asparagus to look like a forest.
crunchy walnuts and fluffy Refrigerate until custard bas
pudding. set. Serve cold.
·---~~----~-~-----------.. --~' '
... OAllY PILOT W~, Marci! lt, 1969 ..
Cooks Agre~: Lemons Girl's Best Friend Are a •
'!boy U1 lhal dlamoodl ""'
a l)rl'1 bat friend. Bui c~
and -l cooks will ou~
vote dlamondt ~y day In
favor ol lemons as the cook's
best friend.
What would we do without
lemon pie. puddinga.
lemonade. lemon wedges or
sauces for seafoods a n d
Then there'& marinatlona or
subtle seasonings for roasts,
chickm, lamb, pork, slews
and casseroles. >.r, 1arnlsh "do
gooder". and beauUfler, twists
of lemon, carlwhee.ls. lemon
boats and wMges are a must.
The new IN thing today is
serving fresh juicy lemons
with ve11:etables. W he the r
fresh , Croien or canned ,
lemons add a subtle fla vor
lo the stronger, m o r e
outspoken vegetables and 1
ze.sty wallop to the blander,
milder ones.
Whtn Uied as a seasoning
substitute for b u t t e r ,
margarine or salt, lemons cut
down the calorie and sod ium
Jntake at the same time ad·
ding a garden fres.ti, just plck·
ed taste.
Thls plus alone will gain
your family'! overwhelming
vote. After all, who wants
diamonds! You can't taste
them, smell them, or squeeze
them . On second thought,
maybe just one little diamond
and lemons, too!
1 can (I pound 13 ounces)
2 tablespoons butter or
1/3 cup suga r
¥, cup water
l t.eMpOOO freshly grated
9345~ SIZES.
r.., 11f,..;..., 11f<.¢' ...
Fashion'& prettiest. new
caper a the pretty girl
princess dress and matching
cape. Seam-'Simple sewing in
bright wool, blends, shantung.
Thrifty-sew, send now.
Printed Pattern 9345; NEW
Children's Sizes 2, 4, 6. Size
6 dress IV. yds. 45-in.; cape
coins for each pattern -add
15 cents for each pattern for
first-class mailing and special
handling; otherwise third-<:lass
delivery will take three weeks
or more. Send to P.farian
Martin. the DAILY PILOT.
442 Pattern Dept., 231 \Vest
18th St .• New York , N.Y.
10011. Print NAME, o\[).
D~ with ZIP, SIZE 'lnd
Spring Send~ff! P.1ore fresh ,
young, easy-sew styles in
Spring.Summer P a t t e r n
Catalog. Free pattem·coupon .
50 cents.
Book -shows you hO\v to
sew it today, wear it tomor·
row. Over 500 pictures. Only
Dress Up
lemoo pod over yiins and 1erve
Makes 4 a<rVinp.
bot. gredients. Makes JAi cup.
I labiupoool ''"hl7 oqueeacl lemon juice
Draill yams lhot04Jgbly. In
large 1killet, melt butter; add
remaining ingredients. Briskly
simmer, stirring unUI sugar
ii dissolved. Add yams : cover
and cook over low heat about
20 minutes. Baste several
limes to glaze yams well.
Pour any rtmalning glaze
LEMON 11U1'1'Ell
1,·, oup mtlted butter or
1h teaspoon freshly grated
lemon peel '
\4 cup freshly liqueeted
lemon juitt
Thoroughly combine all in-
c.t cu~• Gllb.tf :1"111
f• foce6'11 el St-He.re .. y..,, Cell Celltcl V-T.11 ,,,
· ,$AUCK ·
I cup mayoonaiao (not salad
~~ tea$p0011 salt
% teaspoon Worecstershire
2 tablespoons horseradish
2 teaspoons freshly grated
lemon peel
1 tablespoon fre11hJy squeez-
ed lemon Jule<
I lable>poon llnel7 mio>ced
Ot griled OlUon
Thoroughly combine all in-
gredie:ntr : chill. M~ 1 cup.
1 large tuct1mber, peeled ,
,,. cup mayonnaise (not
salad dreuing)
'4 cup dairy 11our cream
I teaspoon £reshly grated
lemon peel
I lableapoon lresblr oqueu-
ed lemon juice
1 tablespoon floely snipped
frtsh parsley
t teaspoon finely mince<.! r
grated onion
14 teaspoon salt
Grate cucumber and drai n
thoroughly to yield 1,, cup.
ThoroughJy com~ine wilh rt·
l~DltSf MGll!I
5 "' $249 ""'" 39' PKG, eTL..
lxlro VciTu.d
COOKID .s I ' ... ' NOITHlm aft! ... & rE!l.Ht l OIN CUT 7 Ll
lrlfelded fish Stieb ~llOll.JIHl ..... _.$1.09'
~$wimp lllP.,rmu.ll.Ol.-._ ...... 89c:
. Rupert'a f'idl Stkb 1~ "Cilio ,_ ............ ,69e
ll11JMrt'1 fritd fill.is of SQle ....... ~ ""·~
· Boneless Chuck : 89~
Shoulder Clod ..:::~ 98~
Chuck Steaks 'c:;::;: 49 r.
Family Steak$ .,~. ga r.
Beef Short Ri'lls ':&: 39r.
JrtlATZO loll'A1 •••••••••••~•• ••••·•••• •• 1°lL n:c;. &J< EGG MATZOS •••••• , ............ , ... 12.oz. •KG. •••
POTATO •ANCAkfS .... , .... , ..... , ,.12·01. PKG, St(
SPONGE GI.KE • ··••••,, ........... ,.12-0l. PKG. 1!19( WffrJE llSH &. P:$:E 0 ,.,.,.,., •• , ....... •JHT JAi. 69<
#IU.0..00t6 ..................... 1~.oz. ntG. .i1.o•
••• COUPON I• ••
• with this coupon on the total •
• llmount of any purchase eKc lud-•
• ing liquor, tobacco and fluid •
milk products. I coupon per I
• customer. Coupon 9ood Thurs-
• day Ihm Sunday, Ma•ch 20 to •
• Much 23. • •••••••••••
Plain or PO'l'l'dwN
VONS 35( 8-PAK
Hawaiion Delight
CO ff EE
Turek Ir.oded V~ Cutl111 ............. ,11. 98c:
f -....,,, f'&'l't .... ~V"'~
H T k """'"'""'" 39~ en ur eys ~.~tr~~~;;..
mainlng Ingredients; clull.
Makes 1 cup.
J cup mayonnaise (not salad
I .hard cooked egg, finely
2 teaspoons freshly grated
lemon peel
2 tablespool'ls f r e sh I y
squw:ed lemon jul~
2 tablespoons l!Dely minced
or grated-
% tablespoons rweet pickle
relish or finely minced
sweet pickle
I tablespoon finely snipped
fresh parsley
1, teaspoon salt
Thoroughly ~ntbine all In-
gredient s; chill , Makes 111
cu ps.
voNs I voNs suao
~... 33c WISCOH$1"' 43c CAEMl'I' >GED
9-0:t. PKG, 6.0Z. PKO,
Mow:...lla Cli-..., "1i<iour. 12-<>u. 6Sc, SoOL ....... 5c
~ .... Gcincl<nMaybud. a ... ~. pkg .............. !9~
Zing<J Gtll'ftf1 ,laift "'C.._d. 6-<:or. ~ .... ,,.,39.::
Irie., c-mbert ~ <l\a-ar, Ii<! ....... .,.59c -~""'~""'""""""""'"-'""';.,._,.:.a...:i
Assorted Varieties
11.0Z. PKG •
Light Meal
6!>.oz. Con
"""""' 0Uirll1'-1-Ua. Coit
2 u. 111s 3 u. •111 CAI CAI
Krona Chrome Blades
DOlllLf EDGE le1. 19' 77c nc;.'~0; I SP!OAl I
GIUETTI FOAMT :.=:y._,;:;:;:; ~~ W
BRECK SHAMPOO =.:.~~!:.~.:.: ~~ 79'
NOX!MA !IUN CRUM :·.o.o.:c.07;·.-'1!> 84'
Top a favorite cookie with
vanilla or cbocolate ict ere.am .
Sprinkle ice CJ'f:am with cho
ped touted California walnuts
and top with a second cookie.
Coftr all wllb a rich chocolate
uuoe and decocate with
Pitted ,,,,L39c Prunes , ... Fresh Com ·~;;.'g:i lO!
Watermelon-=:11 walnull. M•k• tt l•ip l• ~ ......... ,,.,.,
chocolate wUh ch o co 1 ate COl.l'OH N roo1on
cooldt1, Ice cream and """· Sn ~':,:!.-Cantaloupe -.."""° 19e Or, tty buUerscotch, or nua: MEATED ~
• DA'fODIS ·~· •!'OM l'OMS
Green Peas~ ~19!
Bell Peppers c;-.. ":' 10!
Fresh Rubarb 't;Jg 29~
n.ntlla, or combine flav<lr5 .
All a• well wtlh crunchy, 1011 AdalM Ave., at Brookh11nt, Huntington Bract. tresh-tasU,,. c • 111 0 r n I ,,
' .
5922 Edttlger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, Fountain VaRey
-............... -. -~-.. --~ ~----..----.. ----------...------~.-.=-----·---:---------------:-----~~
• I
' ' ' t " .:~ .. DAILY 111\0T fT.
~.. --Huntington Eeach -l551 I So, 'En.els
,..._ f ' --
. .
~-,.,. ...
, ....
,,, l"
' •
l,atllllll leach ..... 700 So. Coast Hwy.
fresh froze!! Genuine Spring
New Zealand LEG o' LAMB.
. Controlled
RED on1aous
• • Hunthi.,ron 11Hch -·1911 .Adajw
Fouptaln Valley-16042 Matltolla · · Co,_ •I Mar-3049 c-t· Hwy.
-SAVE~.twp WAYS _
.... with · ALBERTSO".'.$ . ·
j : •
. .. . . ;.
• c '
Lamb Cliops zE:D89lli. ~
PORK LOIN ROAST "'" ,. Wh•I• . . . . . . . . . . . lb. 59c
PORK Bun ROAST .~ .. 1... . . . . . . . . . . .. "'· 59c
GROUND BEEF ,,.,h "m"• '"k ..................... 1b. 45c
PORK SAUSAGE s,1., ,,.,,.., ,.,1. . . . .............. 1b. 49c
SLICED BACON ..... 1 ,.., ....,, . . . . . . . • . . .. 1b. 59c
-RED SNAPPER . , ...... ''"''' ............ . .1b. 79c
COOKED OCEAN PERCH "·"' ~·d ''' · 69c F1llet1 •• , ..••••• , ••••• lb.
.CLOROX --. -
24-or. CRISCO
Center Cut
Rib Pork 79c ,
Fresh Picnic Style
. ,,.39•. "•
6 PACK-12-oz;.' '
49c 44c 42~k£ 49!
CUT GREEN BEANS i::0.:;1t ~'. .. . . . ,0, 5 i 1 • .
. '
Wne & Jll/uor,6
WHOLE KERNEL CORN :::.::~ ...... 303 6 i 1.
LOW SUDS DETERGENT :~:;:,~;: ..... 1.25
ORANGE JUICE ''" sw .. 1 ,,..., ...............•• .,.,,, 69c
PINK SALMON ,.mbl• "' • .. . . .. .. . .. . . ''" "" 69c
TACO CASSEROLE .... ,,.., 1.,1111,1 •............... 56c
TAMALE PIE CASSEROLE .... ,,.m s.•11u.1 ••••••• 66c
Sava 2.00 kllal'ltll'lel
SCOTCH ... !.'. v ... ,,.,, 14.98
S.va 2.50 Ari1tocrat 1· · ·
BRANDY ..... .,., .. 11 .. 11.47
S•v• 2.00 Al'lcl•nt Age .····•
BOURBON .. 'n ,,,,.,, 10.98
Fresh from Stores With
An In-Store Bakery
CHOCK FUll OF NUTS ..• ~ . EA.
Hot Cross 29c
Buns 6~0;
Cinnamon Rolls ~!' T .... 3 i 25c
JJeafth /Jeaulg ~
JIJ lloyol Maj111y
NYLONS '"· " ..... 29c i, lt11 MHh •.... pr.
Ultni l ritt
Tooth Paste :::,:1
.,, •.• 2 i 1.
AIR FRESHENER •••·~·" ,., """'"., ............. , .... 51c
BRA VO FLOOR Wil ,..,,.,,., .. • ..... t44
FACIAL TISSUES .1 ..... ""''" ... . . ..... u o , .... 25c
L11terin• AnllNplic
Mouth Wash ~~~·; ,, . . 84c
Wtttwood 9 Volt Tnrnaittor
Batteries , ·" .,,., .. 2 i '39c
BATH TISSUE "'""" "'"'" .................... 2 , .. k 25c
DASH ~~~r: 511 '
C"'J C"'J / \'/\. /). l IVORY LIQUID ,, .... 58c • Jrozen Jood,j • ol.Jelica ejjen • LIQUID JOY ..... ,, .... sac
lird1 (,_ PH1/Ctm/Spln1t1:h
Vegetables ...... tk•· 6 11.
Morton'• 3 CourM
Dinners < . . .... 59c
,,.., Swett
Orange Juice . ,.,. 26c
,,.. S•HI
Orange Juice .... ., ... 51c
Ore JClcl Halh l r1wn
Potatoes . ., .... 18c
ON kla fr1nch Fried
On ion Rings . '" 3 I 1.
Albert.an•• v. OcillM
Ice Cream ...... .,._ .. 59c
AMERICAN 59' BRAND ..... lb. • .
Ota1r Mci,..r Pur1 Ifft
FRANKS •• lb. 49c
Chcalr Mapr All Mtot
BOLOGNA 12-or. 69c
0.C.r Ma,..r All l fff
BOLOGNA 12-or. 75c
Alberf .. l'l't l:o1'1do1t1 Wght.
SWISS (HEESE lb, 98c
Piii.bury HUl'lf'Y Jack
BISCUITS . . . S for $1 ·
Prices Good Mar .19 thru 25th
laundry .
"lfz'f 73e
IA HAIRA I ... ,..., ..
""'"'"' 11¥4.
, I•
SaYa 1.21 HCHV1y's '
SCOTCH . . .. . ,.11 01• 5.77
AJbtrtlOl'l'I tJ'
VODKA .: ... : ..... Filll> 2.91
Ilg &.: 0-l<ama
Country Ch11J
Stout ~~;~~·..... 1.32
Sava S6c 12/12,.r, N/1 lottla1
Miller HI Life ••• 2.22
S.v. IOc 6/12.at.
Burgie Regular ••• 1.15
Coloroda IHr, Ca1a 14/11•z.
Canadian Ace.~. 2.99
DREFT Detergent oT. 79c
SALVO Tablets oT. 75.c
ANAHflM ,, ......
9f latt
. ,.
,...... ' ' ··-.. -• -· .. ,....,. ~It .. "·"' .. • .... --......... -~ -... ---~ ·~ .. -.. _____ ......... --· ... ------~--.•
. I
.fa DAl\Y PnOT Wednrsd11, Martll l!, 1969
Ticket Ente·rtaining to r .. -~ .;
Comes Complete .. • Can ' 1n . • .. . .
.. Fashion empba.sia on lux· and vanilla lee cream topped margarine
:: urious it-home attire has wlth ch~Jate· sauce) regally l can (IS ounces) skillet
.... made Javlsh dinners for two round out the menu. chicken sauce
or more couples a popular CHICKEN BRE.\SrS 2 tablesp<ipnS' c ho P p e d
way to entertain. p&rsley
Haute couture calla for CORDON BLEU Flatten chicken breasts w)Jh
-haute cul!ine, yet because of 2 chicken breasts <about l 1h flat side of knife. Top Feac:h
your busy schedule, hQ\JlebOld pounds), split, skinned and with 1,i slice chee.,e, -then
chores and career, the elegant boned ham: secure wilh toothplcka.
touch has to 'be one at con-2 slices (2 ounces) Swiss In skillet, .brown onJy clik:~en
venienee also: cheese, cut in half side in J;;Uttet: •. Stir In sauce 2 slices (2 ounces) thinly and parsley. Cover; cook over
Happily your ticket t 0 sliced bOiled ham low beat 30 minutes. Stir now
beautiful entertaining comes 2 lablespoons butler or and then. Ma,k<a hervlog1. · HAUTE CUISINE COMPLEMENTS HAUTE COUTURE complete in one ca.n. A can 1_..:__.'.::::::!::'.:_::::::_.::..-=::.:==· ==~·:::J':....:..-------------=.=..:..::..:.=.:..:.:.:.::.....:..:..::.::....==:..:..:..:....:..:....:..:....:.._c..:._c..:._ _____________ ;.
of complete cooking sauce for
chicken. This smooth, ueam1
cooking sauce wilh slices of
mushrooms and a tailor·made
~ blend of spices is all you need
to prepare an elegant entree
with no fuss or worry. Just
add the chicken, cook and
For especially formidable
occasions choose an even
more enticing fare. With only
two step& to a successful
chicken dish, you'll have time
for lhis variation however hec·
tic your time schedule. Here
boned ch.lcken breasts art
layered with thin ham and
Swiss cheese slices and sim·
mered to velvet perfection in
the cooking sauce.
A simple tossed salad, but·
tcred green peas, packaged
brown 'n serve crescent rolls
and Poire d'helene (a pear
Easy Sew
SIZES , ICl-18
,,,, 11Tti'li .... 11f r.."T' ...
LITHE LINES and lively
pleats make this figure-skim·
ming princess the very form
or flattery. Simulated slot
seaming is easy, smart.
Printed Pattern 9407:
Misses' Sizes IO, 12, 14, 16.
18. Size 14 (bust 34) takes
3~8 yards 35-i.ndl fabric.
coins for each pattern -add
15 cents for each pattern for
first~lass mailing and special
handling; otherwise third~lass
delivery will take three weeks
or more. Send to Marian
Martin, the DAILY PILOT,
442 Pattern Dept., 232 West
18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011.
Print NAME, ADDRESS with
Ham It Up
For Spread .
Jiere's a smashing sandwich
spread tha l'll be a big hil
served hot or cold.
To make this pleasing
Cheese and Ham Spread: In
~ a bowl combine 1 cup (4
ounces) shredded Cheddar
~ Cheese. J1' cup finely chopped
• cooked ham, '/4 cup pickle
: relish and Vt cup light cream
• OR half and halr. Use il as
~ a sandwich filling or a spread
on brtad and broiled unW
the cheese melts.
Cottage Cheese
Spiced Up
With Sage
Prolein-pecked c o t t a g e
cheese makH a great salad.
JI you plea.st spice it up with
a ptncb of sage and 1 turn
al lmhly ground pepper or
• gprlnkllng or Miad ........
-, --"--· ''•Ji'>,~ · ~I:..~.'~ · .. ,:..-1
JUNIOR BABY FOOD ~..:. --12'
SWIFT BABY MEATS •,..L~ --.25'
HILLS BROS.~l'a• __ 69'
HILLS BROS.~~ru•-.... ~ 1~7
. Hill~ BROS.!:.:ru._ .... _ 1''
HILLS BROS ~un '""' 1" • !•~U.MI """""'
LIPTON INSTANT TEA M• ......... 1" rr.. •...... kbrlkt!.--. ~ BURRY'S
DOLE PINEAPPLE:\l/:, ,., . • ... 24'
FRUIT COCKTAIL :r:.•:;; ,.,., ... .,, ... 25'
APRICOTS ;::~~~~.~~.~~~.~~·~·-.29c
V.B. APPLESAlJCE ... L~ ... -----19'
PIE APPLES:::'.'.::l~~ .. -~ .. 31'
GRAPEFRUIT:'.~~ .31'
HUNT'S PEACHES=~ .. -29' rr.. •... ··kbrlkt!.--. ~ MACARONI
1v •. ouNC·E aox
APPLE JUICE ~:.:~~,~·~-····-··----34c
·DRINK :ie~: ~~~.~~.~~~~~-....... _ .. _ 34 c
GREEN BEANS :!'.~:~.·-------···24'
NEW POTATOES =:::: .......... 16'
TOMATOES :10~~~~~ .......... _ ......... :2f»t
PORK & BEANS l:r.?,. •. ,,,,, ... ,.,,,.,.,,,25'
. ·kbr&f!.--.
.-4 l/1·0UNCE JAR
VEGETABLE JUICE ::::•\\:'.'.,_,., ..... 37'
CHILI BEANS ::~ll:".·--·-········-18'
LIBBY'S BEEF STEW ~•u• ... -61'
SPAM ~:c:•(c:.~.~~ .. __ .................. _ .. _ ... ,_.s3c
CORNED BEEF ~:~':.·:: ........................ _ .. s3c
STAR-KIST TUNA:::;: ... , ... __ 30'
SWEET PICKLES \'!'.\"::':= .. ,,,,,,, .. , 47'
Our LOW E;cr;<Jay Price!
·., .. ...,...,cwtcllodooc1 1 ... 1 • .o.,1,..,,
I •<.t;lod l-»ff.
' ,+\l'l\Tjl._.,;:_.,. · ;,~~ G
C.H.B. DILL PICKLES"""'···-.62'
MANZ OllYESr.~,~~.~ .. ~~~'.~.'.~.-.56c
LIPTON SOUP MIX :'.S.,,,.,,,, .. , .... 36'
BLACK PEPPER::~'.~~'. ........ 39'
ri:. • .. . : kbr&t!---.
CREAM PIESrr..9'.1=1~i:::n ..... Pll.27c
BEEF STEW::.':".': ..... , ... ___ ..... 35'
SLICED BEEF :.'::\'~·~---,,,_,. _____ 43'
• ......,.,ucllllff,lllXl•TllUO; COOK IN BAG .. ~-.~M . ___ 27'
PICTSWUT CORN:":.~ __ . __ 45'
STEW VIGETABLES ::"~m.:: _.,..,.49'
COFFEE RICH :::'~.,.,, ... ,, ....•....... , .... ,. 27'
GINO'S PIZZA~'~ .... ~ ___ 75'
~· •··kbr&tt.--. ~ PILLSBURY
21V1-0UNC£ BOX
ONION RINGS::":"•,_, , ... , .. ,,., ... ,,.,,.45'
FISHSTICKS rll'l:l,~,,_,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,,,.,,,,_,39'
BREADED SHRIMP ~:l'::l' ..... 1"
"" :ll. ~~ ... ~ .... H ... 36 c
SANDWICHES~l..""-~--·· __ , ___ ,_]9'
HAWAIIAN PUNCH:~'~ _ _ __ J9'
ORANGE JUICE:::'/:.___ __ ,.,,, .. ,,26'
DOLE JUICE ~'.1:.~~rii~~~19c
!g •..... kbr&t~-....
FIG NEWTONS :•'\:':.,,, ,.38'
.,. PAOFIC GRAHAMS:::l'::l~,. 31 '
FRENCH BREAD ~.::-.:.~.'.~_,,,,,,,_,,,,.,,, .. 38 '
BREAD ::~:.~-"' ................. 2sc
BUNS ~.~~,.~~-~.·.~ .............. 31c
... tht few ittms li1ted on this po gt consti·
t1tt i•tl 1 llMll sompling of tht thousands
•f low, low 411to1nt pritts h1 stort for
you at Luck1.
P..~.~N~~A~." 1 O~. tht flnt•t quality ban••• 1rown.
Most all supenDarkets declare "lower prices" ... etc. ... but, Lucky pncffces wlMlt
othen preach, anti tlud's a lower total tape-ewery time! From top quiillty "IMatletl"
meats ... famous brand groceries ... dell and produce items ... at low discount price ..
save you money. Come, sawe-and put the difference back In your pecktt .... k!
••• The Lucky Bond is on the Package ... it's GROUND ROUND •.• '.~l'i .... 79,\ .
--IOI llllU, l.fL Pl&. Your Guarantee of flavor and Tenderness/ SAUSAGE .. :::~::o:• ......... 29' . '3 .;;,::;:~mi;~~"<'X(.r/m::~ CHUCK ROAST4 C Ji HEN TUR
Y$ ~ r. YOUNG AND llNDll C ~
llNDIR, JUI~ AND 11'1 BONDID ••• Blodo C.t , lb. ;:t,,.,,,,,~;,,:;:·,~,:,:::,:,:,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,;~
RIB STEAK 89 'UU.f-f\ , C BONELESS HAM .. :·:':':!':'! ... 'I.-
CUT-UP FRYERS .... ::~"." .... 35,:.
!:~9.~~.o~~~ ............. ~1 ~.~ LUCKY llAND
1-1.1. PACKAGE
GROUND BEEF 45 c ~!!~!!!.~~!~~~~~ ................... sac
. !~?~;,~~~":~: .~ .. ~.~~~~ ........... 65 c 't/il;j:: LEAN, FRESH AND BONDfD~FOlt QUALITY ···· lb. ~:J.~!!!~~l~~.~~~~~-.. -...... 69t RIB ROAST 79 c_ ~::..e1l..m.~li~.~~~·~·"-·-----···--·69•
· lb ?fc~l~,l,~1._N,~~~~~·-.. -·---89 1
STANDING-LARGE END••···•········••••·•··.· '
IM.~~~!M~~!~~~~~ ....... 29.~
CROSS RIB 7nc RQA.~T 7i •. ••• SIRLOIN STEAK .... :om ..... 98 ,;, ~·· CHUCK ROAST ...... ::· ...... 49». '""• PORTERHOUSE .... •:·~.~· ..... 11~:
.. :.~oo~..iSea{ood •
HALIBUT 5: B91t.
FRESH PERCH "''" 79,;
FILLET of COO '"'u 73,\.
FILLET of SOLE"'"' 79~.
HALIBUT "i,\llr' 58.~
~-' ' OTHEI ITEMI-:-. "
O"" PEANUTS ~:~ .. ~~ .................... __ 75c
C& H SUGAR :':l':1. ~-~~ . __ J 7'
QUAKER OATS "~••'., :,_:_,_,,,,,_,,,_, ___ , ___ 53,
POP CORN :>•:: . . .. , ., .. ,,.,,.,,,,,,,,.38'
BAR-B-Q STARlER ::::;,: . 33'
CRISCO !i:11~"'.................. . ...................... 85c
.~Van de Kamp'sw 1JJ
lif 111111Wll 1'1/l.V 111WW111W
KARO SYRUP :?Vil:.',, ., .. --31'
.,. BAKERS COCONUT,. ••. , ___ ,34'
IMO DRESSING ~~·m ____ ,, .... ,,.,, .. 37 '
ALPO DOG FOOD!::~~,,_,,. . 29'
DAILY 'DIET ::".,"::, _ ,, .. ,..,, .• 7'
..-PURR CAT FOOD :':.'~ .. ,. -.12'
GAINES DOG BURGERS ... ~-.. , 85 '
~!~~.~~~ .................................. 72<
!!~~,r!,110 '™ •tt. ....... , ............ s31•
~!~l~M PtOOf OT. Ill. .................... 534•
~~!~o..!'!~lm. ............... -......... 89(
Our LOW Evcriday Price!
· HOUSfHOlD. IJOI j .j
SALVO DETERGENT :'ii". ------·--15'
JOY DETERGENT ~':'~,,,,, ...... ,.,, .. 58'
.,. _ZEE NAPKINS ::'if .::' .. , ......... , .. , .. 11'
SCOITIES TISSUE ::~•• , ,,,,,,,,,,,, .... 27'
NAPKINS :'~~..., ..................................... 1 oc
scon TISSUE ~':~~J'u ............ , ....... 37(
r SPRAY STARCH :~1nu: ...... ,_._49c
GLASS CLEANER ::'.~' , 43'
DUZ DETERGENl ~".'!":.:".'. , .,,_.,,, .. 83'
GAIN DETERGENT • ., .. ----19'
IN I ":l•M'" 10 HI ..... II -•U.• l.uT TO WH• ff t.1 ... 1. .. 1111_, llWU.1 INll T9
n-lltl, PO\.,..,TIPI UVlll$ -.. lfl-11, IJlft t-H. N UNUOI COUltt. •1111111 -ft M-a, ....... -1110\D (t1(i.ll a IUUL
t llW '°"~ M-llU'tf l'*OICD mrt .. ,... tolll U.1111111 fO'l tlUTll lllVICI.
k rltht kr ••f _..., ot the t.111Hr. -So ttlt •Ml ,.,, wlttl tfffY .,,..,, -
S.OUNCI 8 9 ( °':'';;";/ S,IAY CAN •
!!!l!~n~~ts~ .. ~.~~~~~ .. 1~,.._ $)01
~~~~~!l~!!w~~SM~~~~·~···-· .. >•L ... 9c
£~~2f!~c~u~~~~.~~·-.. -... -........... 19~
LUCKY LUNCH MEATS .:'t:"n. 3)<
•OLOCOIA, •&P, OUYI, "KID, MAt. & CJllUl,-
Mist WIKOllSlll, MlOIUM SllAIP CllOD&l ••••• __
-~~u~rE~~ !1~~~~~ .. -......... ~~~~~ .. 53c
~~~.~~~w~~~J!!~l-~!;;~!·~~ 64 C
},~c~11~,~~E,~,~ ~~u ......... _m.: 35 c
Our LOW El~rjday Price!
Keeps Mouth sparkling frtsh, 'kills
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must for personal hygitnt.
I M• ll&i•1'1 11111 IMl'l. N'nt l Ctu.•lt, 0.1)1.11 IM'ff AO -IO lllf,. ,..,, .. I IUDll,
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l llP . .-' I •
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6 oz •. cans
112 gal. cartons
• Pineapple Juice •PineapJ:le.Gft. Juice
• Pineapple-Orar:ge Juice
Big 10-oz • .
PIE-S 49c
Blue Gingham
10-oz. pkgs.
CO~N to ~
IVORY SNOW Giant Slze 83c
DUZ DETERGENT Giant Size 85c
' Ivory Liquid Detergent 22 oz. 49c
Pac ific Graham Crackers 1 lb. box 33c
Ripe .· -·ac lb
Red, Ripe Extra Fancy
·5l 51
Extra Fancy Local
Thick Meated
Miid Spanish 5 C
~ N--a->
-e Farmer e Cream Style
• Low Fat
9uart Jar
Detergent Diet Rite
• TIDE ·cou1 ··
King Size -Re9. $1.35 6-12 oz. Bottles
0 I L 24 oz. bottle
1 lb. Can 69c
Sunshine KRIS PY SAL TINES . -----... 1 lb. b.. 29~
Collier's BRIQUETS . . . . . . . . 10 lb. b•g 89~
Schillings G~~.u,~d PEPPER -------. --... -.... 4 ... can 39~
Cheer DETERGENT . . .. . .. . . . Gi•nl s1.. 68~
One Reg~lar Site Bar
' . White King
Pink Cold Cream FREE
With this coupon and $5 minimum purchase
11 BAR SOAP Akoholk ...... , .. '"' ..... Floid o,;,, '"'"'" '"'
I Cigtrelltl E•cluded from M!nirn11m P11rcll111 by Ltw -
Void 1/t1r Sundty, M1rch 23.
C.A.P. w 12 oz. cans
Foremost RC HALF
Norbest "render Timed
Grade HEN "A"
USDA Choice
9~ 12~
Top · Sirloin STEAK lb. Sirloin Tip STEAK w
•u Porterhouse Steak n..
• Sot• e Hot
•R ......
Young & Tender
Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday
MARCH 20; 21, 22, 23
Prices 1Ubiect to 1tock on hind.
19th Ind ~enffl
7 I 0 W. Cllapmin
- ---~~-~--__ __._..__~ __ ......._____......__._.......:.....i. __ . ___ ......... """"--"''.-...-.......___.._ __ ____..__,....._ ......... _. .......... ___ ._ ....... ,. --···. ' ..•. , ~.
' ~. t
'" I I
I. I
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" " . I
-' I ' ,,
I ,"
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I ' \1 .
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1" 'I " I
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"• I' "
• S e± .. . . --.. --. .... .. . ..
· oUr ALPHA lifTA Neigbathood'Butcltlr ' ,.:· ':: •
!the Man In the Red Apron).Proudly Offers '1 •
·. ~1·VfCmt'B "PRfH ·MEATS;
MIATS YOU'U. a1 PROUD 10 Sqft , , ,. . •.
. ... -.. •
---, ,. .... ~ .... , '· . .
.. .
' l-'-l
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:· .1
I ~l •• ... ''' ' ,11 ' ' " '
lllll1!R)' RICH • FJitJ!ll';,
AVOCADOS . . . .. ...
f1lR rA.IY • _ SAIAD~
~ MGll. ClTY .. ·2.lkllo.Pl&. • S Pc
'J :
' -' ' , --' ..... ''· . ., ' ' ' ' ,,. ; ' . ' •. : '
lri»• Atltt.i i!TA ITOltU lllSCOUlff CHMGE l'ltlC[
:f.T.JJ'~ , . . r.I\',\, ":.u.ll! fr)Jr.: "I ~Ql.J ,,',
E ~I llY (J4Y cwa l'fllCE CMK Plier
15 oz C:U •INCL Sc OfT 44' ~ V?O.W. • :IOI CAN 19( ifCRtltWUTHWASHI• SJ.16 -,,lllNDIX -JUDSOL . 51c. 'C!:Yllllld.Vepl1bl11 23c ,
t OUNCE BOTTLE a· . . . ~ • ' ·. WlltDIX WITH SPIAYO 3JC " '" . , , , , ,
20 OUNCE 89TI1Ji.___ • ., 43 . 'tomz·or.,.1"""' · ·' · ' -· · 'Wflill£X CWS CWNER'. • ¢ • ·
AW SELTZER 69' 59f ;· r1!::i ',~,.,;.,.;.,.,,Ul.\Jlwiuc. ' "...-.
. ,....-., BUTTERNUT ll!l<t llij;,;;;j .
•a.;; EJ:COLOT 12" • ir• ..i· , 4I• ., COFFEE 71c uv· ..,... COD~lf. SHEETS 89' ' _ _ · .•. ,.. '.'."." •'."""" ·"'. "-". ,...__,. • · · .. ·. -._ HOOcrns·t ouNa j 1U. CAN ·
, , · ,, • ; l«iiAREOULAll Gll!ND 73'
noiO'SELTZf.R. · n•·'-61 t · .' , 110 ~ J~Y~ _... , i1c, . -. · ''
• . . ' ' • • ' '..... c!,\''~!IJ~ ;i, LB~"l3'. V ' ' . NtWI -C:ALTP!O-.•OXC>F ..
rLUrn:x PAD ..,..., p&.iJr·~um"( 11 II FACIAL TISSUE •
' . . ...
29c 22 1
'· ~IRDlllllG BOARD· ~PAD ACllYER.SEl.98~681
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SMAIL . ii.VE ' ·4· 3¢ PEUETS 26c YOUllCHOICE
11.0lflf QU~At . . 015COOHr r111-.~1 '• ~ROWN OHJON.S .·-•,
·•:SOLID C!AllAGE-· · romD ::1o s198
· llUIS •· "" • IULK·CARROTS
STOii.£ HOURS: MOil lhru FRl-10 A.M. to 9 P.ll
SAT, Ind SUN-to A.M. lo 7 P'.M.
.. ~ '
1!IESE -.:1: PRJCI$ mrcTivt !ll!RSD.IY to.;;,;h ~-f, MAR. ~.l6
CffMIO( ""' @ 22 OZ. BOTTt.E • ltL FOMKC!
CLEANER WlTB .... TDl 7"" FAllTAUIX lie. oJ'
~!DO F<IO! Jloll • T..SW..:I. 21• ~CLAD WRAP 350 • ma roor ROU. !>Se 3tr
~ Wh"•'1o1 •G;~.s"° 47' ~WAT!l•DnENER .Ile
.tINGWX PA~Gt.Ll1 ~ '
; @\IRt ';ii To'iP ""i'l."63'
l·UI CARTON 31• llAlOLA MARWIN£ 31c •
111111 Im •\I GAWlll --IMITATION MIUl "'v~ W
. . ' · .. , '
. : . ·•
' ' ' ,~. ! • .. •• ; ' t -
......... ~. !TOllEl~rsc NT KtRGE • ICE:'
~ B!ROstn: • FROZEN • llJ.-OZ. PP:G," 18', ~P~AS t.r .CORN 23c · · ~ FR'lfif''P1u~:il~~ 3sC ~3J1
fitwtrusTHEAT&i:iT•D!'L1ClO\!S 2"'8, JIACU Gt:• 10.PltC'ES ·
-• ,,179 FRIED CHICKEN "
-' ' 1tm1m •O suCEP,oetsE> · •3 'i,
WtscoNSIN:. MON'TDZt • l'l:UI. v.we 7•ifl', Rlllll llOll Jack _ Ch~ , . y~
COSTA MESA-241 E. 17111 St.
• •
LAGUNA-30822 S. Co.II Hlw•y
r I
J ·. ' Wm"'7, Mardi 19, 1969 1'-111!.p!.ADYlltTISllt , = Wed"'*1, lllrdl 19, IM
• •
., ..
• •
Lincolii Mercury Learls the ..,W ay
Jnhri:son ·ariil So~ L~,the . Way . on . •· ,..__
. ..
• Cougar · Pric~ '.ReductiOns!
Ill . •
N~w Cougars Pl'.OW~ for
,'H.,'Cougor do~ something for on eneo.ro7 You'd b0tter believe it. Virtua:ly everything: is. now for ·
. l969, from skinside . lo inside. The Cougor convertible is unmistakably . now, but !hon so is·. nearly
.' oviM:ything else. Thero:s bold new styli"'.!, sinewy and more fluid wi!h • E~ropoan f'•ir. Fr~ .rakish,
now grillo .'.to wraparound reer blumper,, the' .:or loois quicker, sleeker. longer by more ·then threo
inches,:,;.~, by more than two. Moro room for you end your friends, more room . for . Y°";, "'49•9"·
~ 1969, oven the fuel tonk is roomier to odd roach tO Cougar's stride. · : · · · ·
thir11i ft1w 'pounce under the .hood:•. twin :V~nturi :Js1-cubic inch v~e is st•nd.r1d. •nd ·po'tf1tpi-_qption1
.·climb :.11 · tho woy to 1 CJ ·4~, V-S··with Rem .Air inducil~n. And _' there ore other e~citing n6w 'optiohs
. In~ t~kpit· ilesig'IS lo' help 'yo'u cuuom-b_reecl your' Cqugor, ~0' y9ur kind 'of .driving. ' .
--• ' • ' A
la•utiful powder l:tlu1 finish with· m1tchin9 ' interior. Fully
factory tq11ip,_d includin9 auto. irtnt., .radio, .hotie:r, t lniod
. · .. 1le1~. otc. low milot, maintein•d ~ike now. Q l7ll5
1967 FORD GA!.AXIE 500
2 door Hardtop. Attractivo Sahara hoigo oxtorior with two·
iono matchin9 intorior. Auio trans., R&H, P.S., P.1., Driven
. only 21 ;000 mUot by ori9inal ownor. look and drivo1 like
now. UZF 415
Silvor mist fini1h with "bleck interior oquipp1d with A.T., RIH,
P.S., P.I., foctory 1ir condition. Originel throughout and pric1d
for fo1t 1010. SMC 607
$1795 '
Powclor '-kao fini1h with dork blu e loath1r interior encl Landou
roof .. This car h11 all tho luxury oquipmont. Full powor f•ctory
eir, 1toroo AM/FM, tolo1copic incl 1dju1tablo 1toorin9 whool,
otc. Orivon only 20,000 mllo1 encl pricod to 1011 todey. VGU l77
1966 JEE'P
V-6 on9ino, 4 wh1ol drivo. Top end. tido curtains, roer 101t,
lockiftt front hubs, cfoluxo aido mirrors, 590 ortminotor wido
tiro1 and who·ol1, Or.ivon only 12,000 mil1s liy original ownor.
Outdoor1m1n'1 cfro1m •. TVY 419 '
· Emtin~ white finish wiih ·bl1clr: loothor. 4 •r••d tron1mi11ion,
otc. Ono of th, cloeno1t, iredoci by 'oritine ownor end drivon
-,nly 11,000 milOI. Comp.ore with •ny. y.11 have soon. PIX 69•
1967 MUSTANG z,-llooR HARDTOP . Umeffo~t 1rl1rior With .,,,C, l1ftd1u reaf •ntl IM.cket 111+1 ..
_ ~.T., RIH,. P.S., Vary ~l11n find le~ 1111111, C.r1f11lly m1 ln-
t1in1d, TFA 144 . • ·
$2395 ·
Beautiful Arctic whit.i finilh with hlack . and whito int.,.ior.
Equippocf with all iho finttt, A.T., RIH, P.S., P.I., l'·aoat,
..J»·wincl., factory air condition. l:11\d1u. tfff plus, ~lu1, NYl 105
' $·1595
2 cf.or Hardtop, Rich Arloc '9~)4. mist fini1h with mefchin,. in•
torior. luxu ry oquippocf with A.T., RIH, P.S., P.I.,. P-w1nd .•
fociory eir condition, otc. C1rofUH_y·,.,:1Jntolnod encl tredocf on
Mork Ill Co"ntinont"el, A ro1l liiUy. V6K·t72
' "' '
19.67, TORONAliO
Doluxo Co11po, k1utiful , iv.y 90W , finish with 11tln lil4ck 'i11•
-t4rior. luxu ry oquippod 'of cou"o A.T., RIH, P.S., P0wbl4'..,
6-way powor 1oot, fictory eir conCition. Wondorfully. c1rocl
for. Today'• bost buy. RRX t67 .
. $2895
2 door haNtop. lighi aqua fini1h with bl1clc liuckot 1oott. An
original boeuty with only 25,000 c1rof11lly 'drlvon milu, A_.T.,
PIH\ P.S., P.I. Chrome wldo wlt.ola.anJ tiro1 •. ltO 6T on1ino.
H1ro • roel porformanco. UVV .917' ,
4 door· s•den. loautlfJI powder blue, finish with 4'1rk .,luo I~·
lhor intorior. luxury .,uippocl 'Wi"h eutomotic irentrililattn,
. radio, hoeior, factory air; Jpow_or ·1totrln9111owor br••••· •·
way powor 111t, ono own~ t;ero/uOy melni11noJ. lie. TEY.961
. $~995 :
-· ,, .
'. -' . . . . . . . . 1967 cou•Al 2 DOOR . HARDTOP
Elteny; ttl.~k wJt.h ~lue 'itucket 1ut1 •. leautifully malntainM .
th;eutlttut. Avta .. trari ... , RlH, P.S., P .. I .. factary air, c•ft••lt,
etc; Priced-en •1•c,l1I. TXT 17• , . '
-. $2,405
19.66 MERC111JY S-$5 SPORT COUPl
S~xony 'J'"-w flnlsh, with liuclcot •••f•, whit• tandan roof.
Equ1;,.· -wH~ A.T!t Rift, P.S., P.I., P·wincf.,' P·•••t, ·1port1
contelt, etc. 26,006 otlgln11t mll11. lookt aml. clrivot liko now • ,SVYUI ' . ; · '
$2195 ··
·2 Joor HercltOp. '6 'oldmiti exterior with 1odcllo .color ·lntorior.
E~copitlonelly cloan. A.T,, RIH,.P.S., l".I., •ir condition. A rool q"'llty·~uy. No. ID,17J . ·
S. .. ny ,y11l1w ~oxt.,i9r with. t•ld lnt9rior, autbmatic ir1n1"lit·
1ten, r•41o ancl 'hoator, air , c•nditionin9, full powor,-1toorln9,
M-tik11, 6 way· toat, ti~ 1teorio9 whool. (SVZ 0-401 . l1eutifully
lical .ono-o'#nor wHh-or1ly lJ,OOO·••iy ,,.1101, .#inlshotl in lto1U ..
tiful 1969 lurat Orant•· lottor h11"Y on ihit ono. AnJ It's
fully 041ut,,1J with all ffto1finott fectory optiOn1, l ie, SRW46J:
. 19H'. Mtic;URY COLONY PAR!(
Stttfl n w•t•n, 10 pa11,.Arctjc wf,!+• with re~' i~t~iar. ~uipt
•• yau wfult'~lllra -auto; tranl., AIH,, 1$, Pl, ·F•cter._y air
cernl. Rear fac tn·t r11r 111t. 1111.ltlfu Uy m1lnf1inM. 10~ 1~4.
I $1 :3~0
. . ..
l ' '
• ' .
' .
•" . '
r • • . ~
" DAil v Pklfr :fl
> .
" .
•• • '~
' . .
'--------...... ----------------------------~-------• ----------------~ ------------_------1..._.... 1t
HOUSES FOR 'ALE HOUSES FOR SALE .iOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR $ALE HOUSES FOR SALE ==~'-'---'-------;'""'".-1~0.-DO ~-I " \ ,1'iif· ~I'. 10000....rol 1000 -•I '-1000 ·o.n-.-,-11-----1000-C,;_0_11_1_Me_•_• ___ 1_100_ Niwporl Beach
16th&. Tustin -C11te MeUll
l'U G!VE
If J. ·are ii)• tiled In •
aoocl locatleft li;o.ta M-
N'"-°" Hewati &re&),
<!*<:'° -llolohb .,..st' -(11' blloiJ •
""' cit> put !2 illb) ......
..... 5 min. to \>each, • • ....,.
quiet 1trfft, bla' ru Jot (nkln
fol boa~ C""'ROI' or .....i
dnltl, I bedrilOml (or 2 l
You have only 17 DAYS to lake ad-
vantage of our 6'lt % lnl.erott rate
on the beautiful new bQm• of Ran-
cho La CUesta on Brooldlarst at
.AtlaJlta in Huntington Beach:
Mesa Verde Specl1I
0wr 2111) o; n ht t1111
,,.,,,. " llllo tod-' lari•' dMerfullxhml.
One la double -" wall can be rtplaced 'to
rttum thla to a 4 BR
, home. Goz-ctOU1 Herw-
lon carpetina I: 11 e w
drope~ ' I""""' .. Uo.. CQl)(ftfe d r I v e,
wube1, dryer, water
Most homes are built with .only chllillNll In
mind. We have five homes designed for the
comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look
at, room for hobbies, private office, separate
dining rm, guest room wilb bath. s· ci.rtcflff
rage, walkini distance to churches, \Yes
sho pping. and restaurant!.
7o/o with 2r;. down -1V..% with 10% On.
no 1nds -no points -29 yrs on bal_ance
i don) tk blU., flrll!laor, ..
Sllltwtlkl. ............
Obr lender must increase his inter·
..~rates OD April 7, 1969,
-• l'lfric<rator
Included ............ -ily room with maulve
stone ftrepllce, Biol)' on
FHA ttn11 • Piice ,.e..
duefld to $.l0,500. Priced from $30,950 to $33,950.
bi. pragt:, larp fenced
baclc yard, then phone me
al 6"-4687. I am uking
•soo but if you come run-iiiis !I'm in a hurry) with
cMck book in hand, I'll give
Exclusive Agent
p. a. palmer incorporated 3Sn VIA ' LIDO it to YoU t\ra.iabt, I'll aave
)'OU $1000. f'nlat11 U stralatit T<act ~h , 540-5113 From L.A. Cell MA 5-I034 a.s I can rel).
·------------. ----EUREKA! General 1000 General IOOf
from $100
l • 2 & 3 BDRM.
lieated Pools. Child Cnre
Center, Adj. to StKJpping -
No pel5 allowed
2700 Pett~n WB.y. at J-lar-
bor & Adams, Costa Mesa.
3 BR • Family Rm
Provincial charm on lge cor-
ner Jot w!Ui ll/F pool & sep
play yard. In1mac condition
& tastefully dL'{:(lrated . Xlnt
For a limited time . , •
A 3 Bedroom
FEATURING: e UM sq, ft,
• Duuble llU'Blt! e Al! lath and plaster
e Hard11•ood cabinets
• PullnWl bath
• Spacious v.•a rdrohes
CALL 537-4*
•i.. mOill Oranae County and
othe"r ·apProved · areu,
Builders Inc.
OPEN 7 Days
10666 Westminster Ave.
Garilen Grove
Balanced Po.,.,·er Homes
Yes we've foWld lt for you.
A Costa A'Ieaa 3 BR 2 bath,
net home. Sharp! Sharp!
P.S. Owner wUl 1tD t.o veter.
ans with ~ down + clO&-
in&: COila.
0.e&n 'older unit.II vo'ltb dou-
ble detached garage on SOX
lfO' lot. Assume existing
$13.400 • 6% loan • no loan
~e. Only
value at ............ $18,750 l•-iiiiiiiiiilOiiii.,.iiOiOiml
Joe Clarb:in .....,,.
Coldwell, Bo ... & C.. mt .. c..t ........
"-' a.Ha. ........ Kl t.an oa ._.,..
Real Estate Sales
Acli\'e Salt1 • Goad SWnmcr
"'inter Rental Oftice. Per-
aonne) may cngap 1n Sales
exclusMl;Y or Rentals or
both. 'Est/24 yrs. 22 yrs
same k>cation. '
Francis Horv1th, Rltr.
3-110 W. Balboa .Blvd., NB
(TI41 675-U'n
[F you're thin.kin& (!f seUinc.
chal'!Cft are we tlave an out.
or.state buyer fer y 0 u r
home. Cali I~ for free
2!J_E. 17th_St,~94
Exclusive China Cove home .
year around llyjq: • best
Harbor area. 2 BR. 2 Ba.
priced kl~ll last at. $69,5'(1 By appt only
New Li1tlng
4 Bedroomt, 2 bltbl on cor·
ner . room for tioat. trlDer
etc. Big GI loan IO take ov·
er. 115 a real bliJ .If $27,650.
Pele Barrett Really
Nlld RMl'n Tl Grow?
Ab§olutely the bell in Bay.
ctt11t area • fi bdrml at only
1605 \\•estcliff Dr.
Cute 3 bdrm with ca·
thtdral cellinp, •hail:
carpets, nook & close to
Deboola, C.R.V, '23,&oO •
Read)' • to ao Wt.
·11 ',,, .. ·1 11 "t i'
Balboa Bay Club, NB.
Panoramic view Bay &liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"'"'
Ocean. Luxurious 1v1ry BAREFOOT DAYS
.det.1ils. -. cu. to. Ocean, B&¥ lr·m&l'o
?i1arble floon, deeP, carpet-kits., Dpplex 2 BR e a c h
ing, frplc. to' IMtw rm, •P· Unit Price onJ¥ $33,500.
din rm, den, lrg cll.'ltom kit. Needs a painter.
3 BR. 3 BA w/ gold faucets IR
& appointments. Avail Leue •.. NIM
b a s i s by appointment Ut7r1!i
54(l...()666 or 5Z7-lll2 R E A L T Y
L D P I a W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. ow own aymen 67~
4 b<odrooms, 11: W. bath. •
Room for boat & tra.Utt: tf1 %Jt.ijgM-:-$22-:-sOo
Assume big . SJ.1,300, !li:it 9' Nothina' to equal tn this 2
loa.n. Full pnoe $21,500. bathl, family room. Jtolated
-.,R .. ltor~,.
rear llvtnc 1'00m with flft.
plce-lat'le brick patio with
1aa BBQ built·ins, d.lahwash.
er. 54{}.1720.
TARBELL 2955 Harbor
7682 lclllHJ• ' ...,..,.:::"l~~ Opel ........ ~~~----...... --~~--WHY IENT? ..Jlt,500 TOTAL 1'l1CI , .
for lhl1 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Rancho. Excellent corillHon wtth completely ~
rlosed yard wtUt block wall on cul-de.et.e Jot. Gt .no morw;y doY.'n. TH.A $900
down. No cloeing' cost&. $165 ptt month tncludn: everything. Sff thl& one NO\V,
NO MONEY DOWN to qualified GI fot this 3 Bedroom Doll Hous~. 1voc1do
ahat rugs UU'ouahout. 2 Bath!. Enela1@d Patio ln the rear yard. $18,500 FULL
PRICE. UnbtU.vable?!! Just caU Walker I: Lff a.t W~ « 5'o-5li0 &nd
\VE'U.. PROVE ff!
1ead1nc lo ah 01•n Bf.lcon,y 11ond 3 bedroom11 overlooklna-a lerrato r:nlran~ .
A .11trp dO\'-rt llvlna: room. F'ORl<tAL D'rNING ROO~J. 3 Baths. All elte~ lr.lteh~n. Sprl,nklf.r liYl'lem rront and ttar. $3,500 Do\\'ll and take over Gl .5~% loan.
te&rchlng any furttwr. Thia bt:auty must hive bHn a tnodrL 3 Quetn Size BM·
f'()Otnl. l ~ Bath. Built In Bar. Antlqu«f cabinets. Covend paUo In rear ;yard.
Complttcl)' ft".no!'d. $21.000 FULL PRJCE. GI No money dowrL
All that is necessary to assure your·
self of this low interest is your se-
lection of one of our 3 or 4 BR, 2
or 3 bath, 1 or 2 story homes &
make your .4111i•l deposit of $500.
Call• 998-2920 or 998-1388 any dlly
from 10 to 6.
IOpon Evonl1111)
1000 Corona del Mar Gener ii TOoo Gonor1! Dupl•x ------
Heart Of Baycrftt COWGE PARK GEM Attractive horoe with
small Apartment in rear
Inviting circular dliv~ on a
large comer lot leads to thll
beautitully designed an d
constructed Iv a n Welll
home. Three queensii.ed btd-
rooms including IuxUl1oU5
separate muter suite. J'or.
ma\ dlnlQr room, ~
room and oonvenient ""1na
or family h o b b y room.
Transfe!Ted owner ullna'
293 I. 17th St. ._M
That's right. A new city park
only 2 blocks from this 2
bedrwm & den or 3 bed-
room house. It has carpets,
drapes, ftttplaoe, llJ( bl;tba,
bullt·ins, large R·2 lot with
euy alley aCCM, large
f!l'IO\llh for bolt, camper, or
build younelf a rental, er
just enjoy the well Janel.
ecaped back yard. Only 1 ~
blU to Newport Hei&hls
gradf school, Asking $25,500
phone owne1 at 64.f..4687 tor
appt, to see.
nicely dccarated
ONLY $2-4,000. AUume 5% % opens onto cheerful patlo
ntA loan $15B month ~ with complete privacy ~ taxes and inluraD<.'t. 3 Bedrooms 6: 2 bathl
Roomy three bedroom, l '~ lovely living room
bath, spacious dinin& room with brick fireplace
~ modern built-ins. Loe.at. :lonnal dinifll' Jl'.lOm
ed near O.C.C. and msJ'A excellent value at $42,9XI
MESA CIVIC CENTER, Let Call Kent Kingaley us arn?lie the terms • Co.Il Res. 540-Sll12
for appointment to see!
· Loan
on this 2 sto1y beauty. The
Immaculate 4 BR &: den
home feature•: sunken llv·
tns room, corner fireplace,
cptA/~, ownlzed 2 car
gattJe, profeulonal Jsnd-
scaplng I: much,, mu c b
mote, Call now for lnforma.-
P E RRO-N , ... -... ,.~ ....
Relief From Taxes
3 Bedroom on large corner * 642-1 nt An)'tlme * loL New I y dttQrated tttroughout. Completely en.
closed swimming pool
$29,950 try 5 Bedrooms •
$20, 950 10% Down
ocl,y $750 Down reqWred to OPEi.~ EVES. 'TIL 9
move into lhil larre family 546.2313 64&-nn
home. C ose to shopping,
schools and clwrcht1. Just
put ort the market, tbia one
WQl'l't 1ast, $163 per month
btclucfes taxes and inl\Jrlo
ance 11 ! hiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WE SELL A HOME
Walker & lee john macnab
S Bedrooms, pool, pier, float
exdtirw Theuerkllul deai&n,
60 ft frongtage. For sale at
('0$t ................ St.34..~
Call for appointment
1714) 642-8235
9o:. Dover Drh:l', Suite 120
Ney,'POtl Beach
2043, !llihlJi Dr.' 11 1r;no Open Evonlnp
IUY WKRI f!tw AcnoN ISi
This l'.")WJni area Js otfertn1 )'Ou. an alm01t new b0m1 with all the benefits YoU
can ~ Huce ~ 2 que.n mt baths, Uvlnc·room and kitchen Iook-lni Wt lo 1.,blaUtU\iDy, Rlanted ab'tum a-tvtng yoo the teelln,g of outdoor llvina.
?ifagnJtteent while bric1c ~place that adds the final touch to the spadous llv·
Ing room. Tb1I property faces two IT'ffn belts 10 your view is unlimited. Along
with :rour .-Ho. pool l1cllltiet and ~ extn1, lt it a "nnat see,'' for only
$30,000. SuhmJt )'DUI' smaller home cm our guarantee sale plan.
!5 btdrooms. 3 baths, dream home bunt tor a dtscrlmlnlttng nft'Ut~ Md bi11
deservinr family, Della:htful decor. IArie llv:lng room, hu_ge family room. Land·
tcaptd wtttl In, ~ye ""1anh beaut)' t.bd Ml}' malntenanot. Located on quiet, culode-u.c street lfyou. all:I afford a $36.,000 Dream Home, you'd bttter see thll
loday. GI MO DOWN!!! Submit your smaller home on our guarantee aalc plan.
This pool "'&I built by an executive ot Anthony Pools for his o'vn u,.;e. Healed
end filtered "'ilh txtrl. dtckinl ~t an a home 1!1e lot. Brand nrw carpets and
drapeL Two queen •lffd batht wtt.h mutn drH&ll\I room having tremendous
closet&. F\replace Ht in mammoth llvlna room With slldlng llf,u doors leading
to pool al'ff.. One ot a ldnd!l 132.900. OWNER ANXIOUS!!
E~pt.lonp.1 family home nestled among t6"winr shade ttt!ell and beftullful
ahruba. A. thick ahake roof adds elitlanct and charm to lllil s~ous home '1'1th hup back yant in a park...UXe et~ LaJ:'ge bedroom.I, Q'*ll llud baths, and ttrMftc all electrtc butlt·ln ldtchfn. Stte tocliy. $43.000.
-~--.............. '::"~:'c . . -. • -. -----------------------------·---·--.. -------
Santa Ana lf'1ahta, 60 x 200
With 2 bedroom home +
2 car prqe, Com;letel1
t&nced. Great tttma.
5l6-'3U 111-nn . . -
THE r'1l '/\L ....
1;:;:__;·r ·/\ Tf.:R .'-; --------
Beautifully kept residential
area. 3 large bf!droo1ns. 2
balhg • lmnmculate condi.
tion. Now vacant. CALL
$40.115l (open eves)
Top Quality OuPlox
hd-..d tJ.rs. trplces, FA btal.
blt.ln kitch., lan.&H betwn
wlltl., l&' fned yard. Quiet
KELP! Ha .. va11 bound, must
6l'll n1y lovelf 2 BR, 2
BA Condo. lmfned. pos.
$27,500 temll!I. ~50!1 il
no ans 673-1186 A&:t.
Bayside Yl.!.lap, lrp\c,
2 BA, blt·lns, pool, club
hse priv. Aatttrw i 17 ,OOJ
673-1254 or 61J..6058
'BJulfs 3 Br. 3..8&. by owner.
$QXI dn. 644-0771 * BAY V1EW f ee lot 85'
x ~· w/ plaM. $34.900.
Owner 548-7249, MS-4207 "' lltlATHf AKING =~:· Tblg won't
OCEAN VIEW "I TRADE" Balboa CovH 1215
$l900 ON.-MOVE !NI Bob Ohon, Rltr. ~I--.--..,.,----
cu.tom l>IJUt home, luxury COLLEGE PAR~ BAYFRONT with boat sl!p
r.eatures. Maste·'·""'""'· m•., ' • AREA large 4 BR. 2 BA, $60,000
b .. " S2IXX> dn. 529-8100. 37S--0891 2 bath&. Exqu1111e =t-1n ~ BR 1" Ba, 22 ft living
appliances. Electric garage rm bu.ins w/w crpts drps
door opener. Jr. EI tal e fe~d. W~ to all ~hoo~
ll'Ound•. Walled paUo. le •hopping $26,500. 2278 Cor.
540-1720 pell 646-2300 Aat
TARBELL 2HS H•rbor ·UNITS. Uo,900
Wd'ULD 2 BR bouae pluo 1 BR ,..,
YOU IEL1EYE houN, lot !Ox 16S. Eulllld•. By OWne"' 546-8224. A 21 x ~ Rwnpus Room with
a Otant llftplace A Bar that
aeata I • A 4 bedroom +
family room, 25IXI &q. feet
all totaled. A 75' x 200' lot,
A 20' x 40' work 1bop for
$l9,950. You Can!
~2;113 646-nn
By owner, 4 BR, 2 BA, farn
rm Medallion home. Fully
crptd ' drpd, all blt·ine.
Beautifully land&caped, xlnt
Wo•tcUlf 1230
BY OWN'ER 1n qu iet, res.
We1tcllft Well kept 3 BR,
2 BA, , t.p.m rm. All clec
bltna; dean crpt.s, drps.
Prof. indscp'd &. maint. Chldrn·~-play yard; pet
area. k3 .950. \Vkdays &
eves, 6'-1598
E11tbluff 1242
CONDO. ! Bl\ 3 bath, 2 pa-
tiol I terrace. Cus dee. Own-
er. $.19,91!'0. 644-10l!7
Joe. $32,900. Call 548-0'114
HOME -R-2 lot. Eked
Westside. 3 BR 2~ ba. room
'far 4 ar 5 wrltl. ~ 1623
YOU OWE rr TO YO~ I='=""='=· ======= Coron1 del 'Mar
1110 Now '' The Hour Protect ·~ Income. Ou-
REPUBLIC Home, 8 mos plexrs, ll1d small llomei,
old, 2 lltory, 4 BR, 3 BA, plus Rental Units Avail.
fam rm. retreat rm. 3 car • ...;, "I 900 B ..,,ooo to $65.000 garage . .,, , . y owner. 0 "c t p 1 ORANGE COUNTY'S 54()-4005 n:·~~~~1 r~~
293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Pan. den &: iam. Pi,500. BY OWNER: 1~ lots, zoned
4 BEDROOMS ow~' will -2nd. "'"· SnWI ...... in "'"·
1=54=0-4=7="=======-I $40,000. 315 He l 1 o I r o p e . NEWPORT BEACH Writes. Deane, 555 \V. ~1id·
Walk to \'Ve11tclitf ShoJ>ll. N•wJ!Cl!rf Beac:h 1200 dle!leld Rd., .Apt E·309,
BeauWul home 2~ bath.I,
.., ,,.
MountJ!n View, Cat or call
haae llvine room • dining 9 v (415) 981-7621
area, fireplace, bullt·in11, -·-~· ' SH°'~o"°RECLIF===F""'a"B°"R".-2,.-oB°'A-.1
f u 11 Y carpeted & draped. "~-(J/,j ' .in exclusive area, not Ieruied
Obie proa<. Oll1y 131,!100. •·-~ Und , •~ ooo By Rltr. 646-3928 or &42-0185 ....,... e ....,, ·
* LACHENMYER ........ 6'fl.J081
2)"""1 ·~
$26,900 ~
Immaculate 3 BR, ''A"
frame, ~ch home, 7 yn ~/
young, 1leps to Ocean, pri· 7' 1 vale recreation center. ~~~
Caywood Rlty . 541-1290 -.,
6306 IV. C...t Hiw.,, N.B. c2/-d
New 3 BR Unit! Peninsula
Rdjacent to OL-ean le. Bay
$59.950. 7o/o finnncin~.
Balboa Real Estate Co.
700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa
Near Beach le Shopping
E.'lct'l!ent Valur • 134,950
Georg• WJlll1mson
67:1-•1:150 Eves. 673.156.t
Costa Mesa 1100
Treat Your family
lo a home with a 1wlmmtne
pool for a hot !lummer. Nice
3 BR home ~·ith fireplace
and new carpeting. Localed'
on the East.side, quiet strttL
EMy financing. take over
51' ~o lean. Sal,500
Spacious 5 BR, featuring
31~ captlvatlng baths plus
friendly family rm and
gracious formal dinln&
rm. New lavish carpet-
ing inside with plumbing
installed for your pool
o u t s I d e. Retre!ihlngly
clean Jilst reduced to
(71f) '7M131
1028 Ba11ide Dri'e
'Newport Buch. Callt. 9!m I& ~I
2 Units · $23,000
OO!le to Beach & Channel
Live in one & Rent one .
:EA .. ry
Near NB Post Ofc. 646-2414
-view ANYONE?
A beautiful view dLlri.ng the
day, breathtaking at night
Our exclUJive! 6464414
3 BR Waterfront No. 62
Baltm. Qivea. s s 0 I 0 0 0 •
Prefer trade for acruge
or will consider other. 548-
i.I~ Penlnsul• 1300 ;
lye :lye -BUY !
Doll ~ on pen:.:lula
point; three bedrooms, (It'll'
and a b&lf bath&, fireplace,
lge dble praKe. Near chan.
nel and public beach. A
Je\.\'el. Rtducrd to $38.250.
2901 NeY.-port Blvd .. N.B.
675-4630 Ev•• 642-2253
Lido 1110 1351
Great family Home
-4 BR, fam rm, ertra lgc liv·
ing nn with dining area.
Nice bis patio . 50' J o t.
$79.500 . Xlnt terms!
3400 Via Lldo 673-8830
Tremendous Hom•
for bl&' family! 5 Bd, lam
rm, 5 ba., d4i rm, boat or
3rd car 1pace, \\'ork rm/ba
50· lot, nn for pool, $105,000
R. C, GREER, Realty
3355 Vi& Lido 673-9300
BY Owr1tt 2 bl', l ba, fp\c,
bltns, plynn & ba. Best
Lido buy $44,500. (714 )
Huntlneton Be1ch ~400
4 BR 1"-bath•, gAs built-in
range I: oven. Front, v.·ell
lighted kitchen. Large liv·
ing l"(l)m, fireplace, Big
tt-droofiu, carpets, drapes.
Fenced, landscaped. $2650
down • Walk to schools & ..........
2790 HAllOR ILYD. Op: fnnlog• 'ti! t P.M.
Assume lhia SIJ6,% VA loan at ONLY $1M ~month With LO\V DOWN PAY·
MENT! 3 1~us BEDROOP.1S, 2 Pullman Baths, ne&r new carprtlrw, roomy
BUil.T IN IENI All thia on~uttt street of TOWEJUNC SiiADl: TREES nt'ar schools and 2 block11 t o sho na.
means you CM own your home NOW. Why pe.y tt?nt when you can o.,,.,, and get
PATIO end towtting shade lrftl! LuAh carpets And HARDWOOD FLOORS! Kit·
ch<'n built Ins. h $650 down payment \\ith payments less than ~nt )'OUt cup ot
hell\'Y 1hlkc roof bcnuty ju!';t 4 yt>ars young! HUGE 16x23 FAJifTI..Y ROO?.I wtlh
ror:y ftreplact~ Delightful t'ntry into spacious living room ahd FORMAL OL~
lNG ROOM orr the roomy eUlcient kitchen with elcctrlc built lrm. Completely
e&rpelc.'d 11nd dNlt>til. Patio and Badmltton Court. CN.~r has move.d Ind says
SELL quickly a ONLY S38,fl00. VA aJ)d rRA tt>tms.
ASSUl<fE this 6-A, VA IOl'\n with l'xcellent ternu; and SAVE $13,800 In fntcrnt.
clU'JlCI.~ and cu, tom drt1pe!1. FORr.IAL 011\'ING AREA ! GrMt FAAm..Y ROOM! Bf'11o~itif11l t'lr-ctric built In kit<'hl'n wilh LOADS OF CUPBOARDS. Prime n~h·
borhood NEAR nIE BEAClt. 1229 per month f)tt)'S 8.11.
2 ,,,
= 15 ,
1 =
'· R.
" ''· ... •• &
•· n.
iO -,.
5<J ..
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HoUSM Unfurnlthed Aph. Fumithtd
\\ltdntsdly, Mareh 19, 1969 DAILY PILOT Q
Apt1. UnlurnltNd
Apl1. Unlurnbthod MENTALS
RENTALS ~ Aptl. Unlurnlihod
Huntington Beech :MOO CO.to Mao 4100 Cosio Mose 5100 Lido Isle 5351 Huntington llNch 5400 bntols Wonted
~"!'naton Beech 1400 Laguno Beech 1705 -Unlumls!Md
Go nor al 3000 $22,580 1990
Assume 5'4% GI loan
$3500 Cash Down
Tot•I pymnts $152/mo.
l Bits. 1% baths, buUt-lns,
carpeb:, dr;q>eg, new paint.
mneu torces sale.
Brasheor Realty
841-3531 Eves. 968-1118
ma Rental Strvfce for ',SPARKUNC. IDJU'll, 'wallc lO $125. LRG. 1 Br., ~I • UP$TAIRS 1 Sr. 2 tia. bibs.·
N-ij"'bor • Co 11 a beach & -In&; 3 Ill\: q ~I e I. U • au " I '1.1' n • l E. (O.a.. Mesa epo., dips, "'Pl. $2Z> Mo. Meu a.re:a. Call bltns, Hduded pe.ttQ. pc)O,l Wlbr/~.r, pr. Ma.tun! JI• YI#· leue. m-.:mt
l r:n&1lnte~; many ex-adult&. ~-~~ M _. =• i--Walla CM 3 Wac bdrms, 1"-baths, Huntln...._ ... ch 5400 .. _ ~ o. o.xi-•;J..O'I ~ ce, · · ht.rdwood Doon, large kitc~1:;;;;;;;;;•;;·.-;;;·;;;;;;;;;
ii BR. 2 ba, 2 s 1 y , • Nusau Palm1 • en a. aervlce porch area. I•
d 11 w h r I b I t n s , retrlg, l & 2 BR. • Pool Double garage. Bia' yard ORANGE COUNTY'S
2 BR-2 BA
Sponbh 14<1<, """' '"""' lna. self dt.anloe O\o'eNI, "Slll: AIN'T WHAT SflE
USED TO BE" and neither
ls this unique con.temp. mod-
em styled homt', SITTING
ERLOOKING THE SEA. o.. LARGEST crpts/drps. 1st It Wt 1no 1'17 F. 22nd SL 6'~ with W<le & fruit trffs.
private entrMQ! " priva.te
Fu.ad.eeks. Adull livina. near
beachet, l &: 2 BR, 2 BA
tron1 $140 In $190. EXCLUSIVE
ON·THE·BEACH + $15 damage dep, 673-2478 l BDRl\1 turn. pool &. rec $2'2,950. ~ltfuJ'i\laI\ tailed exterior of resawn 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494
WOOd plu.nk, stucro. low
sweeping rooOine1 &r ext~
•ive use of glass, For Lease &.It 6 wkdyi. area.. $145 & $153. ltd util. W1ll..,McC•rdli, Rltr1. 2 I. 3 8.droom Apta. ~iPiilMDrs * 4 BR, 2 BA, crpts, drpa, 1959 '1. 1961 Ml.tple Ave, 1810 Newport mvd., C.M. Luxury living to pleue tht
patio, Leuc $23.J. 1 BR. Compl fun1, mature 548-'1'129 Eves. ~ most dlscrlmiroatin&· No.i I~ Brookhurst 6#-22Tf cpl or woman pref. $85. I ~..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.I availnble •t Uust No. of Adams)
EMPtOYm ~Wheal .BR.-Apt. beldl .,..
lo ~ Carport ... -net. ~ a.tt/ 5 p.m.
YOUNG Working Girl or Stu-
dent to lbart 2 Bdnn. CdM
Apt. $70 Mo, ~9 Aft.
6 PM
Broktr 534-6982
R1ntalt Wanted 5990
$148 per month total includ-
1111 taxes, fl700 down. Bal·
anced power, ras FA heal
& waterhea~r. elect. built·
ic range & oven, garbage
dlspoaal, w/w cpLK I drps,
dbl. garage with boat door,
feneed & laDdacaped.
\Ven designed 3 BDR..\1. nMr .c Bdr1n 2 bath Pool ttome LGE c BR 2~1 ba. CUl-<lt'·aac 131 Flower st. 646-1883 LOVELY 2 Br. Drps, crpts, lhe ffunfingll'R 1 !'!!!!~(~!l~<~l !!962-!![!!298J'!!!~~!!l I
plan, serviced by 2 BATHS: $225/mo. on lease 11tretl. $ 2 7 5 /mo wJ NICE 2 BR apt. llil3 Santa "''OOCI firs, gar, Adults, no I: 2. 3 BR. blUl!M'!, Costa Mesa
FEATURES SUNKEN LIV. DAVIDSON Realty gardener. Paul Jone:11 Rlty. Ana Ave. $14.0. Call 645-4201 pe~. fi1iddle ageo prtf. 2264 OlEZ ORO i\PARTMENTS 11rea. 1·7 yr old. Reu rates.
RM. with open beam ceil· 54&S460 Eves 548-8584 tw.7-1266 or 5U-85'll Plaoentia Ave. 64.6-31&1 alt p 'f' ~ ' 8234 Allanla 598--2.;22 (Rich<i.rd)
WORMWOOD PANELLING $130; 2 BR duplex, w/w, Lanuna Beich 3705 NEW 1 Br, lovely tum. AU 1..:,,.::.::;:..______ elttlric only Rooms for Rent
itigs, AND w ALL s OF . . 5 pm. ac1 IC New 1-2 Bedrooms • Pay ~
~ SJ'ONE FtRi bltins. Quiet area. Fam ..;;,:~;:.:.;,;;;;..::.;;.:;:;;.._..::.;..::.;;I ell!C. Quiet. Car. Adults $155. Lge deluxe 2 bdrm, 536-3921 or SJ6..2121 5995
PLACE FROM FLOOR TO welcome. BJO'. 534-6980 S BR, view, yr. old, trplc, $150. 2220 Elden. 64>12Sl l'iii ba, G.E. Kit. 2 Cl!1' 7ll Octa.n Avt!., H.B Pool-Washer.Drytrt gar. Adult&. no pets. 240 cn4) ~1"7
CEILING, W/W CARPETS $100; 1 BR duplex, w/w, bltns, dishwasher, beamed DELUXE -*PL l BR, Pool. IE~.;'1~!th~P~la~"'~·c0548-!4.12~~=--'"'""'':i"i~~":!'~~!!!!!~I Private Garages
ROOM FOR RENT in nice-,
quie.t home tor working
pet'IOll. Kil privl. 642-4190
thony Pool llomc. Painting
in prog~ss. Immediate oc--
cupancy, $190/monthly with
option to buy @ $22,500.
COOil.ED) & cw:tom draper. clean &: tresh. Available ceilings, spacious. S 19 S • $ll5. Ideal for ba.chelor. 1993 G;ROUND Ooor, 2 BR with 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath
ies. CORNER WAU. OF now. Bkr. 534-6980 49f..6.U7 Chutth. 548-9633 l-siun• Beach ~70S
GLASS AFFORDS AN EX· 1•~·. 2 BR, l" Ba •tud~. 2 BR, . --"-'led sep/yard, close to sbopplng, Carpts. Drapes, built-Ins. Misc. Rantal1
CELI.ENT OCEAN VIEW' Pa~00. w/w d7,!... ,.,._11.i..:'n vi~. '"""NUCI ' Mature couple prefen'ed., Best locatlon.1 block to spts. 100 CLIFF DRIVE ... ~ ............. plush cptg., bltins. Unl. Ntwport Bhch 4200 oo · the t r LUXURY FURN/UNroRN WANTED
Brjght &: cheery modernistic OK. Bron?. 534-6980 $195, furn. $250. 494-974.8 ----------1 tll.5. Owntt/ Agt m.-4392 ~.-~_P;'lltor .. h!.~; .. bedelc. tro"m~
kitchen, haa bilt-in range, BEACH APT. Now thru NEW 2 BR, 1 BA, crpt1, •=rft'\• ..,u.., .. ,,. Yearly Lease. I le 2 Bdnna. Garagr for boot 1torqe, NB
OVEN SET IN WALL OF $128; 2 BR duplex, gar. Ni I 3707 June! Sundeck, bltns, gar; drps, 1.ll bltns Incl dshwr, $1.'0. Call owner 642-2835. for steps to Shol'Y' I! Shopt or CM area. 6'J3.M.14
546·~0 BRICKS & , __ ,_ down to Stow, refrigerator, .. w/w, ,L:;;•,,1,;u:.:n:.:•;.c.:.;,9,;U:;•;:,__..:.:...:.:. ,_, ~ · $'""" information. ,..__ · fro ...,.,,.,. 1, 3 Br. cpuvdrp1. $1.,., mo. sep patio, sep gar. .......,. .....,,anview m ~f!r'I ApL Garage f.ot rent
FIRESIDE DINING SEC telecord paid. Bkr. 534-E980 MONARa-1 BAY AREA 549--0844 Avail April 1. 642-6257 TIIE QUlCKER YOU CALL. from ,$150 mo up.. leaae 20:<24. Costa Me~ fnw tinerra theltlW
LUGE REALTY 1500 .IMns Ill Harbot,tlil.
TION. Costa Mui 3100 3 BR. den, 2 BA Home 2 BR. patio. Carpets, drapes, m:E QUlO<ER. YOU SELL 494-2449 vicinify: 548-4156
• Bltina, b'plc, heated pool B1lbH 4300 stove. Nice-quiet area. Near """""'============''==='=:===-!.::==;=::::~~~:;:;;;I
Shake Roof Beauly
This better built home, about I----------$250 mo. 10 a.m. tO 5, Monte Vista SchooL ~182.
10 yrs. old, is vacant & has 2 BEDROO?o.1 & den or 3 496-.1243 O.EAN Bachelor AptB. ~n BADLY NEGLECTED. bedroom home w/w KcN r ALS All util incl $75 up 2 BDR new dee &: drps.
unfurn Adlts $145. Lge bach
turn $115. 546-6TI6
Daily Pilot Classified
Large cul.de-sac lot, room for
boat or trailer, 3 bdrms, 2'1)
baths, clean & sharp. Priced
right at GI appraisal of
$24,600 • no down to Vel<i.
iT'S IN NEED OF PAINT, carpets, drapt;. Eastside 315 E. Balboa BJvd.
YARDWORK & GOOD GEN. CO!!ta Mesa. Large fenced AptL Furnished BALBOA 673-9945 CLASSIFIED INDEX
ERAL CLEAN UP. No ma. back yard rovered patio, General 4000J 1 BR. Furn. Apt. Avail East·
jor repairs appear neces· quiet neighborhood closedto ----------er week only.
sat'Y. It's nUered at the give. Newport Heights gr a e s I Call 6~
LGE. Unfurn. bach. bll-Jn
range, cpts, d111s. 545-5421 HOUSES FOR SALE Nawtton MWIGtm 2885 l\1endol:ll Apt. A, C:M. OINlllAL 1.. Naw,o•t SHO•U COITA Mat.A 11M W•ITCLl,JI
''" "" "" ... away price ot school & 2 blks to new ·1ng e
$31 950 City.Park. Available tor i.m· ' Huntington lklch 4400
• mediate occupancy. Drive Paul Jones Realty
847-1266 Eves. 847-8919
SPLIT-1.A'!vel 3 Br. 2-h ba, MIU DEL MA• llH uk•v••strr ,A.II'. Mal v• 8ACI( IAY CP!S· drps, bltns. No pets. (0Ltac1 ·::.IC ;::: IA$T ILUlfl, 288.1 Mendoza, CM 545--5421 NIW~•T llM:H '* CORONA OEL MA•
... ... FULL PRICE by. 234 Palmer, """ '"'"
A REAL STEAL? Box 612 c/o Daily Pilot Young
FOR THE AMBITIOUS! giving particulars.
2 BR-2 BA
Spanish style, decorator furn.
Shag carpeting, sell cleaD-
ing ovens, private entrance
& private Fundecks. Adult
living, neat beacheJ. 1 & 2
BR, 2 BA from $170 to $225.
· NIW"O•T HllGHTS 1111 IAL80A 2 BR . .studio, unl. Cpt!. Drps, IALIOA CoYls ltll •AY ISLANDS
bit-ins. 984 El Cam.ino. $145. NIW,O•T INO•n Utt LIDO ISLI!
96" cn~n. 8AYCREST lttl 8ALIOA ISLANO
Y..N.N IAYSHOllES lttl HUNTINGTON 51A(N 2-~B=R~a-pl-d<>~W~".~,-,.-_. -cle-an-1 OOVElll SHOlllE$ 1"11 l'OUNTAIN VAUIY
"" ••• -~ ..
4 BR, lovely cpts/drps, In-
tercom lhruout. Electric kit-
EL. VA )r FHA terms.
847-8531 Eves. 536-2123
LOOKIN G for a good buy
on a home. Try this! 3
BdNI. Al1 electric kit. with
built-ins. Ref. c arpe ted
throughOut 10X20 covered
patio, garage bi paneled and
shaldel with a food pantry
of( kitchen. Assume our 6%
VA loan, monthly pymts.
$134.. PJ.T. Full price only
$21.4.50. 962-7689
985 So. Coasl H\\'Y., Laguna sunken living room, all Ad It Phone (TI4.) 494--0731 built-ins, & quiet residential u s
.. ..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,., st.reel. Lease $22j/month.
' " '"" ' WISTCLll'JI 1'>1 S•AL alll:ACH Crpts, drps, bltins. Inquire HAR8011t HltNLANOS 11.U LONG ll!ACH I.5S2-A Coriander 546-5268 UNIV8RSIT'f ,Altlt 1W OllANGI! COUNTY • II.VIN• lUI OA•DEN GlllOVI
~ .. .... ...
~ ..
D1sper1te-Mu1t Sell
Submit on dn pymnt Assume
S'4 ':0 loan. Lovely .C BR
8740 \Varner, FV 842-4405
Brand new 2 BIJ,. Walk to
beach. Price $22.900. HUR-
R-D. SLATES, Rltr.
847-3519 Eves. 962-7369
Houses Furnished Heritage Real Estate
2 BEDROOM, 2 baths, wall
General 2000 to wall carpets, drapes &
• . bit-ins, laundry r o o nt .
$95; 1 BR. nicely furn. Adu1ts only. $140. 54o-4622
Garage. Fenced Y •r d. after 6 P .M. 54(}-8616
Broker. 534-6980 ========='==!NEWLY dee 2 BR. quiet,
Rentals to Sh•rt 2005 overlooking: SA golf course. -----------1 Middle-aged, no pets or
YOUNG single working girl child. $140 mo. 201 Mesa
wishes room mate bet. 181 ~D~·~· ~54~8-~W5=''-----
& 24 female. Call 8 to 5. 4 BR. 2 Ba. $165 mo. 1
645--0101. after 5, 213: yr•11 lease. 1st & last mo's
326--5195. rent + cleaning deposit.
YOUNG Working Girl or Stu· 541~36 a.ft 1 pm.
dent to share 2 Bdrm. CdM 3 BDJtl.f. 2 ba. den, fenced
Apt. $70 Mo. 644-4049 Alt. yard, privacy, Panoramic
6 PM ocean view. $190. lease. 714:
R00ft1l'.1ATE i;e!'Vice. nlalr ~7~5>-:,::ml:::'------
or female. Etf.icient &. 2 BR, gar, patio, crpts, drps,
qualified. 835-2100 stove, reti:ig. Tropical set·
ROOt-.I mate needed im· ting. For adults, 1 blk, lo
mediately. Hep p e r so n shops. $170 mo. 544-fl80
<ma le pre.f.J 673-1067 &SIDE 2 Br. tpl, beam ceil,
yd., patio. Adlts. no pets C~o:;.;•:;.l•;;..;.Me=•:=• ___ 2_1_00 $138 Yrly 673-7629
1165 • 1 BR Hom<. Oen. N rt •-h pool, patio, gar. Adults. no llWpD -~c 3200
pets. 646-3764 B/B
1,N;ew;;;;:po;rt;;;;B=N;<;h;;:;2;2;00;1 TOWNHOUSE
4 BR 1% bath home just I• Spllt Level 3 bdrm&, : baths
painted. $22,000 GI or FHA Double g a r a 1 e, carpets,
Definitely a must to see! FREE drape:;, Fireplace, e 1 e c.
CALIFORNIA RL TY. Property Management built-ins, ADULTS ONLY ••
(714) 897-1005 Available to a11 O\vners ................ $265/montlt.
FOURPLEXES JO>' a limil•d fin>< Mn" Fey
1. Complete Bookkeeping Bay & Beach
6V2•/. LOAN 2. Volume purchasing dis-Realty, Inc.
NO VACANCIES eounts. 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite :.m.
$39,950 (only 3 left) 3. Fully bonded 645-2000 Eves. 548-6966
Luxury single, 1 & 2
bedroom apartments,
furnished and unfur·
nis hed, with complete
privacy and landscap-
ed country club at-
mosphere including
$750,000 w o rt h of
recreational facilities
designed and operat·
ed. just for single
13100 Chapman Ave.
(4 Blks. W. Santa Ana 11'wy.)
( 114) 636-3030
trvinr-and 16th St.
(714.) 645-0550
FUrnished Models
Open Daily
Immedlate Occupancy
South Bay Club
3 Rooms Furnitur•
$25 Month
(Rebigeraton Avail•ble)
No deposit o.a.c.
Furniture R1nt1t1
517 \V. 19th, C.M. 543-3W.
1568 w. Lncln. Anhm 774-2800
$140; 2 BR, garage, w/w,
close to sbopping. Family
~ltmii\lan ~Aiiii'TllEllTS
19822 Brookhurst
(just No. or Adama}
ijuntington Beach
(114) 962.2981
LIVE like a King or Queen,
mintues trom beach, 2
bdrm, 1% ba, new l y
furnished, bit-ins, call after
5, 84.7--0140
Adults only; 2 Br., util. paid.
Pool. 847·2125
17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bch,
BLOCK TO Beach, furn, 1
BR pool, free utilities. $125
up 33&-3777 536-7282
ApfL Unfurnished
Ge.n1r1I 5000
Close to Shopping, Park
e Spaeiows 3 Br'•, 2 Ba
• 2 Bedroom..
"9 Swim Pool, PuVgreen
• Frpl, Indiv /lndry fac 'la
1845 Anaheim Ave.
O'.)ST A MESA 642-2824
Cotti MMI 5100
2 :r~~d &d~~eze~ ~.::~s~~RACI i~il :~·~:~:!1::
o.k. $130. 548-7540 COi.ONA OIL MAiit IUf SANTA AHA HllCHfTI 8AL80A ,8NINSULA UM TUSTIN
2 BDRf.I Mesa Verde, $125. llACOH IAY '* COAST.ti.
Adults no ..... ts Immac u .Y 1sUHos 1m ~.·~.•! •'•'•~~.·, ' r-•. ' LIDO ISLI IHI ..,. " .. " * $'16-8866 * 8ALIOA ISLAND 1Uf SAN CL8MINTI ~-HUNTINGTON ll!ACH , ... DANA "OINT
5200 HUNTINGTON N .. .a:aou• u•t TRl,LJ:X. •It. Newport Beech JIOUNTAIN YALLIY 1411 CONDOMINIUM
"" '"' "" ... ...
"" "" "" '"' "" ... -
cepted 2 bedroom 2 bath, GARDEN 1111ov1 1~u Apta:. Unfumlsh1d • ' LONG llACH 15M GINl•AL 1M1
luxury apl, enclosed garage, I.AK.WOOD ISSt COSTA MESA "'" 1 a n t a s tie Ocean/Harbor o•AJtol COUNTY 1611 MIU. Yl•Dlf a:111 · in OUT 0" COUNTY Hts N•WJ>ORT llN:ff l!M view noZH:Ongested area. OUT 0,. STAT• ldt NEW,OltT HlllGHTS 1211 l or 2 adults, no pets. pool. STANTOll Ull NIEW,OltT SHO•IS m•
Le i d •'lCs WESTMINSTll. ,,II WllTCLIJI,. Sn• ase requ re • .,..u MIDWAY ClTT u1i UNIVlltSITT ...... It nu monthly. call 646-3580 SANTA ANA 10t IACI( 8AY su•
NEWPORT Ysland Delu.'<e u •• ~T.• •• ANA HOTS, ',•,•,, IEAST ILUl'lfl SIO .. co•ONA OIL M.A• SUI
upper Duplex 3 Br. 2 ~a. t~~;: TUSTIN ::: ::~·~°lANOS :: Crpts, drps. rrp\c., elec .f.HAHllM UIG LIDO ISLI! WI
hltns, refrii;:. Pi('I'/ ~Hp. 51lV5RADO CANTON lUJ HUNTINGTON •••cN Mtt
Arlults. no pets. $:{:!1, lease. t::~~! ~~L~:H ~~= l'OUNTAIN VALLIY S41f
00-3425 L•GUNA NIGUEL 1111 ::~~0:1l'ci:"0 :~J --IAN CLIMINTE Int LONG 81AClf SJ•
3 BR ~Duplex neur Beach, l.IM JUAll Cl.,llTllANO 17" OU.NOi COUNTY ,... new!~ painted &. cleaned. C.VISTRANO ••ACH HU OAlllDl!N o•ov• • .,.
Vacant. $250/mo. Mu !1 I ?~."!-.. !,'•"" ',',"• WISTMINSTI!• tfU .,.. ~ MIOWAT Ctn' N1• allow to be shown for sale. llANSID• Int S,1,NTA ANA NM
Agt. 54&-4141 ~~.:~~= COUHT'I' .... :: ~;;tN ANA Ml!IOKTS =
TOWNHOUSE 3 Br. 2% ba. N000~!!t~:,.~! MOVID ',!!', COASTAL a:1M •-drp -.1 .,,........ uvoo. ,.. '" LAOUNA aeAC" J7lf W/W cp..... S, ........ ~ ........ OUl"\.IXIE$ .. o. SA.LI "71 u.eUNA Nt•UEI.. sm
patio, ~lee. b]trui. 2 Car UlRTMIMTS lflOR ..... '"' ,...,. CLIMINTI ll'll
gar, pool $275. 642-1219 . RENTALS SAN'""" CA,ISTIAND sm DANA l'OOfT 1741
2 BR 2 bath Deluxe Col)o Houm Furnished REAL ESTATE, . . I""" -~ Ol!Nl!RAL ,... dom1n1um MN/mo u1uurn ••NTAU TO •tu.•• ,.., G1n1r1I
$275/mo tum. 494-5081 COSTA MESA 11M TRl,LIX. ttc. ""
=========:JMaU DIL MAa tiff CONDOMINIUM "51
E1st Bluff 5242 ~:L't1::•::111e ;::: :::~~L:0:":1-r:: :::: ::;:"'-.:;.;.:.;_c_ ___ ;;.;..;,;. IHIWNftT a1ACM t2M •OOM a IOARO ftH • NEW DELUXE • N8Wl'OllT HOTS. ttl• MOTl!:U, TlllAll.U COUltT1 ,..., Nl'IYPOllT S"ORIS 1221 OUIST HOMIJ $991 3 Br. 2% ba. apt. for lease •AYSHOlllES 1111 MISC. •ENTALI mt Ind spac rrutr. 1uite din DOYER IHO•I• m1 INCOMI ,..0 .... ,., .... • ·, ' Wl!STCLI,,. '"' IUSIN•ss ... o .. ••n ..,. nn. &: db. garage, auto. UNIV!!RSnY ....... Hl1 T ... ,LIR ,.ARl<S 6tJI door opener avail. Pool & lltVINI mt au11N1ss •IHTAL ""
rec. area. Nr. Catholic ·.~~T· s','.!,, ",,,•, OJl,ICI: RENTAL .. ,. -v INDUSTRIAL ,..O,lltl'Y Hit Church & school a: Corona IRVINI! T•••ACI tHS COMMl!ltCIAL 4'U FIRSr PIONEER 4. Yr round or summer
842-«21 rental Call NOW lo beat
welcome. Broker. 534-6980 WALK to ocean, 4 BR. 2
BA, 6 yr nld, A-frame borne, $95; Large 1 BR. lower,
wltrplc, crpts thruout. Bick yard. Child we I come, .
de! fl.tar High COICONA--OIL MAii t25f INOUSTRIAL llNTAL ..,, ' IALIOA UM LOTS •IW • ONLY $280 • •AY ta:LANCIJ 1HI RANtHIS •Ut
PRICE REDUCED the Summ" """ 837.STI A1.Ugos Way N.B. LIOO llLI . nn CITRUS o•ov.-s ,,,,
5%l!'o loan avail. w/some PROPERTIES WEST
cash, J BR 1%. ha, 18xl3' 1028 Bayside Dr. 675..4130
sep. lam rm, frplc, rov. pa·
tio. Owner transferred-VA
or FHA tenns.
847-8531 Eves. 968-lli8
BY Owner 3 BR, l bath,
wool carpeting, cus tom
drp8, frplc, cove~d patio,
Jndscpg, near B e a c h ,
$29,950. 962-1995
to Comm Oub house w/pool l=B=rok="=·=-====:"0:-lr: tennis court, $300 mo.
Eves & ,.,,kns 675-7584, days Cost• Men 4100 3 BR STUDIO
I ;=======""'''== lALIOA llLAAD 2l$1 ACllllAOI OM NUHTINGTON 811.li(tl t•ff u.ICE llSINO•I tJtt
Corona dal Mar 5250 l'OUNTA1N VAUIY u11 •1110111T ,1110,.a•n '"'
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilSIAL alACN t4!1t ORANGI CO. ,.O,l!llTY 12'1
55' WATER front w/40'
dock. 3 bdrm, den, fam
r m. liv rm. 2 ba. Divorce
5&1e $74,(X(I. 3392 Gilbert
Drive, 8'17-3724
S% o/o FHA LOAN Gorgeous
5 BR 3 baths, all nylon
carpeting. Save money on
interest. Coastline 536-3777
2 LG. lots R-5. Nr 5 pts.
units-medical. S19,900 ea.
terms.· Kirchmeyr BoX 648
Kull. Maui Hawaii
Laguna a .. ch 1705
FOR T h • discriminating
buyer, 've have. a Laguna
RoyaJe Pentbou~ in Bo.
LagUna. Decorated by J .
H. Biggers, 2 bdrm, 2 ba,
priced at $15,CXKI. Proptrty
clear. Owner will consider
CP.rrying 1st trUSI ,!eed. Cail:
Jett Briery, Jones Realty,
Inc. 2001 W, Balboa. Blvd.,
67J.QIO, Eves. 673-(E34.
lncomt Units
H•ndym•n Special•
OCEAN FRONT Apt. l 646-0593
Large Bdrm. C2 Beds) $125 ==~======
incl. util. until June 14. N rt H • hts 3210
673-8088 ewpo 119
CHARMING 2 bedroom &.
Corona del Mar 2250 den, 2 balh home. w/w
carpets, drapes. Ea.st.side
PLUSH HIDE-A-WAY Costa Mesa.Close to shop.
REAR; \Valk to everything, ping & park. Nice I y
ocean sid<' of Hwy. Person. landscaped yBJ'd. covered
alily plu~. wilh avocado patio, ver y quiet
shag cpts. avocado bH·ins, neighborhood. $195 pr. mo.
bean1 ceillngs. breakfast Available for Immediate OC·
bar, 23" col. TV, patio &: cupancy, Write Box 612 e/o
small garden. 2 BR. All new-Daily Pilot
ly deco1-ated. Yearly lease !=:=:~;=======
$195. 673-5513 Eves. Bick Bay ---'-----3240
San Clemente 2710 2 BDJL.'1 duplex, fenced yn:l
---------1 liv rm crptd & drpd. $130.
4 BR, 2 Iiv rm, rustic 1 ;:"'~';°"'=:;h•;;rd;,;°'~· 8;;38-~108:=2:. modem, 2 bl ks trom beach 1:
in wooded canyon. Coron• d11 Mir 32.50
'197-1875 or 497-1517
kcl"\I rALS
Houses UnfurnishH
Gen1r1I 3000
Excellent 3 BEDROOM, ?
bath, fully carpeted and
draped. Electric built In
kitchen, F 11 m 11 y Room.
A Charming CdM Home
2 BR. 2 baths. garage, Frplc,
brick Door I liv Rm, &: pan.
elled. Avail Immediately
$225/mo years l~BM.
:lf5'29 E. Coast Hiway, c.d~
Fenced yard. Ulilitie1 furo-1'"""""""""'""'""""'""'""" I ishcd, $225 per month. 2 BR. duplex: redec. W JW
WE SELL A HOME cpls, drps, range, ttf., fpl,
EVERY 31 MINUTES gar., pAtio. Adults, no pets,
W lk & L i.,e, $210. 6~ a er ee 2 BR horn•, e<h'a wid• lo!,
2i90 1-larbor Blvd. at Adams frplc, fonna.l din/nn, dbl 545-9491 gar, patio, lndry jU'Cll, $275.
Scenic Properties 675-51'28 Open Eve~.
Loe. on Oc:tan.sklc ol HW)'. H ti "'-•-h 3400
• ,_ IRVINE Tl:"DD "CE • 2 BR un n .... n gosaC 150 yd• from Beach.' ...,.. "'-"·'""'
Apt. unit., net:ds pa.int A. & d~n. Fanl:Ullc View, FREE RENTAL BOOK
god general cleanup, PO-brautiful ci.Jncbrior: -$7"JJ Drop In and Brow11
TENTIAL l NC 0 ME EX· ()f!r n10· Hert"'• one !hat probably
LON• al.t.CH Hiit OUT o .. JTATI! ... o... •m ORANGI! COUNTY Hot MOUNTAIN & Olll!RT •11t
$25 Wk U -. -SUITA ANA Ult SUIOIVl$10N LAND 'tl!
• Studio & Bach apts. ~ MIDWAY CITY 1,U •• E. EXCHANGE .,,.
• Incl Utill & Phone .serv. ADULTS ONLY SANTA AN.& HEIGHTS U311 Ill . .-. WANTl!O 11411
• n-taid Service • TV avail. ~!tT:i lllACH ~~= BUSINESS ind
•New Ca.le & Bar 1741 Tustin Avenu• ON TEN A~ LAGUNA N1Gul!L n-11 FINANCIAL
2376 Newpotl Blvd, 548-9155 off 17th Street I & '1 BR. Fum I: Unfum ::: J~!:1'~T,.~sT•ANO :~: :~::=i!: e..":N°T".T;'Nnrrs !,':
HOLIDAY PLAZA Costa Maia 642-4641 Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. CAPtSTlllANO 11Ac" tnt INV!STMENT 01111•rflnlltit1 1110
T ' C l t'l Bkfst t DANA "0tNT » .. INVE STMI NT WANTID llll DELUXE, 1pacious l -Bdnn. enni.~ • on n • pu. •1ve:11s101 COUNTY IHI MONEY TO 1.0,H •ltt ling green. VACATION lllENTAl.S Ml ,E•IONAL LOANS "1U Furn. apt. fl35 Plus util. NEWLY DECORATED 900 & Lan O:L.\l 644-26U CONOOMINIUM :.se JEWILlllY LOANS '3SO
Heated pool. Ample parking :! Br. \V/Carport-$105 a c. OU,LEXIS """"· .,. COLLATERAL LOANS ,,.,
No children • No pet> Oisp .. waler pd, • n• '"hl! (?.1ocArthur nr. Coast Hwyl RENTALS REAL ESTATI! LOANS tHO ' ... MORTG.t.OiS, Tru'1 0.... t.'Q
1965 Pomona. CM 2194 "C" Placentia Ave. Houses Unfurnished MONEY WANTllD im
V'll p A t e 63M120 e Balboo 5300 ••""" -ANNOUNCEMENTS I a omona p s ----------COSTA MllA J1M c Costa Mesa's newest & niost 2 BR f el · bl · -. . MliSA DEL MAR Jill and NOTI ES un urn, r rig, l·in GRAClOUS Adult L1v1ng. Ml!SA ve:•ol Jiii l'OUND U'l'ff _.... 4411 luxurious apt' now renting. ,,, .. , c•--1• d " a p • • Lo-.. ,, Furn & unlur~. AdultJ only-~ • ,,,~ • • • Ocean & Bay view. Spacious COLLtGI! "'"•" 11u ,.ei'ioNALs ;;., redecorated, no pets, $130 2 BR. 2 BA .. walk In :::ro:~·=:~~.H ~': ANNOUNCl'i.MINT1 6-llt
no pets, 1760 Pomona Ave., mo. 568 \Vilson, CM. closets, beautiful carpetl & NIWl'O•T SHO•I• '"' •••T"S Hll
just south of 18th St. Ms...-0760 draperies. Pool. Boat alips ~~~".o:::aE• =: :~::,·~~~uAaY ::::
DAILY PD.DI' WA!-fT ADS! THE QtnCKER YOU CAIL. Jor tenanls. Subterranean WISTCLll'" :l2M fUNl~L 01•1CT011tt i.1u ~~B~RIN=~G~R~ESUL==TS=! =:J.~TI~lE;;,~Q;ln;CKER~;:;,::Y~()U=~SEl~l~,:_:P~ll~k~;~ng~.~67~3..1003~====''~:.,';'N~··ITY "AJllC ~: ~~::• o: THANICI ~~~ .. 8ACIC IA'I' U4f IN Ml!MORl.f.M 641, G•n•~·· 4000 Gen•ral 4000Gener1I 4000 e .. ,T IL"'" Sitt CIMETEJIT LOTS ••lt ~""-:.:.: _____ .:.;;;.:;._~:.:.;c:.:.; _____ ;;.:=.:.:.:.:.:.:: _____ ;:.:;:11•v1NI! TIJlllACr ll4S c•Mll!TE•Y C•Y"ff .. It ~:~:: OIL MAit :: ~~~~~:~·::RICI ~~
I 0 l!CtOf'tO!IQ• iel1ari cf tfi• lour K'l'ambled WOl'di be·
low to form four simple wordJ.
I I' I' I
IAY Ill.ANDI wt AUCTIONS '4lf LIOO ISLI tUI AVl,\Ttofrt ISlllVICI .. n
IALIOA ·1su.No uu TllAV.L ••• Ml!Wl'O•T WllT nn Allt T•ANl"°"T•.TIOM ..... ~UNTINGtON aaACH MM AUTO T•ANl,OllTATIOlll 4441 HUHTINISTOfll HARIOH• llflf LllOAL HOTICI$ 6tM 'OUHTAIN VAL~el' Mlt o•IUMN & TUTO••N, ...
LON• llAClf Hot AHSWl81NO $lltVICI "" Olt .. MOe COUNTY u• """Ll .. H<'I .... Al•$. ... ,,. t lll SANTA ANA JOI Al',•AISINct f.111 WllTM)NITllll .UI! Al,KALT, Ollf Ull MIOWAY CITT Ult AUTO •l,AIRI t51t SANTA ANA HllOMn 3'M AUTO, Stilt ..... ,.,. etlo. t.!M CO.t.sTAL '1'M 8Al'l'llTTIN0 t$lt U.OUNA 8IAC.tt t7lf IOAT MAINTINIMCI •» UOUNA NIOUll 2'11 a•ICtl, MASONRT, '°''-.,_.. IAH CLl"MllllT9. V l t IUSI NISS Sl•VICIES dU CA,llT•AHO mll IUILOl!•S Mn CAP'ISTR.UIO llACN -"• CATIJllNO WS DANA "01NT ttff CAllNITMAltlHO f.I• CONDOMIN IUM JU• CAJl,lflfTll!IUN& f.ltt DU,LIXIS UNJIUIM. Jif1S CIMllfT, C'°""* .... RENT AL$ CHILO CA•I!. UC... 6'1f
F I h-~ CONTU.CTOltS "" Apta. urn s ""' CM'"' cL11.AN1NG "u GINl•AL 4'11 CAlll,l!T LAYIMI a llllPAt• .. u. COSTA MHA Olf O•A,11111111!1 6'JI lt!ISA VllOI ttlf DllMOLITIOH MU
••w,o•T au.cw '* o•An•Ns 1-111.VK• .u,
llllenttcAL liQUl,MINT RINTAU JllNCINe .......
l'U•NACI 11,AIRS, •le. fUlllN(TUlltl! lltllSTORIN•
----"" &ll,INISHlff8 "" • ...._OllONIJ .... Ol!N8RAL $IRVtCI$ o64l2 GU.OlflfO. DllCMf• ....
OU.SI ''" OR1!8M THUMI •1M OUM IMOP •11t tll!ALTH CLU8$ '"' HAULING '"' HOUSICLIAHtN• ,,. INTll!ltlOa DllCOIATIN• •111'
I NCOMI TAX '7M IRON, ~ 11&. 67 .. IJIONINO 61"
INIUU.Tlflf8 "" INSUUNCI •nt INVll.STIGATING. Detwll.. ,,.
JANITO•IAL "" llWl!L•Y 111!,All, Ill'-... U.NDICA,INO •Ill LOCKSMITtl •nt MAIONll.Y, l•ICK ••Jt MOVINO & STO•A•tr .... ,.AINTIH•, ,_........,;.. 6tH
PAINT'INe. '...... ... PATIOS 4lff ,HOTO&aA,MY "11 f'U.STl•I .... Pltcll. bMlr-"" PLUMllM8 Utt PIT GltOOMIN• itM ,.OOL s1•v1ce: tt1•
POWll 1W1111"1NG '"' ,UM, $llllVICI 6Ptt
ltOO,tNO '"' IADIO. a"91n. Sk, ,.,. RIMODILINO & Jll,AIR fMI •EMODILINO. KITCNIH$ IM Id...-..,..,... tm SIW\NG fttt
SaWINO MACHIN• •• ,._Itel '"' Sl!,TIC T .. ltKS. ,._,, lie. 'Hf TA.ll-OllllN• ,,,.
fl:JIMtTt <OWTIOL 6'11 f1Lllt c.Nlllk ''H TIL~ U~ 6 Ml1'1111 '"' n:11 1a•vtea •• TaL•VlllOHo ........ Ills. •tlS U,HOUTUY '9ff WILDIN8 mJ
Joa w.t.lfTID. -JOI WANTIO. ......
JOe WMlnO. --MIN a Wl)MIM 7'lt DOMllTtC Ml!LI" 1ftl AOINtlllS. AM9 JIM
H•L" WANTIO. ... 1"' A•l!NClll. W-net
HIL" WAwno. ·-, ... J081-o#11111 & w-11 ISM AGlltCIU. IMfl • W-7JM SCNOOU a IHST•UCTION , ... JOI ... 1,AJIATtOH nM
l'\llNITU•I .... o,,tet! ,u••rrv111• .,. Of',ICI llQUW'filltNT 8'11 STO•• IOUll'Ml/rlT 1112 CAl'I. ltUTAUa.t.HT 1114 IAlll IQUl,MINT ltlf HOUllNOt.O eoooa: lt21 OAU.G• $ALI Mn JIU•NITUR• AUCTION 1121 -'""LIA#CIS 11M .tMTIQUlf 111• SIWIN8 MACM*11 1110
~USICA.I. HllTltUMIMT 1115 l'tMilOI, a O•IMS 1110 UOIO ' lltO TILIVISIOM aw Wt.Pl a m••o au TA,• •IC080111 auo CAMl!U.I a I GUll'Ma"T not H018Y SUP,Lll"S MIO ll'ORTINO GOOOS Ifft llNOCUU.lltS, SCOPal '5H M1SCl!LL.ANliOUI llM MISC. WAflfTEO .. ,. MACNINl!•Y• II'-11H 1.UMlllR 11'!1e STO•l.Gf: ll7S IUILOtNG MATlllllALS 11H sw-. .. s .,.,.
NUlllJllES "11
-'"' --aOAt TIA1L1•s •on IOIT MAINTINANCI 9IU IOAT LAUNClftN• "'4 M.tJllNE IOU!... ,.,.
IOAT SL/,., Moo•••• "u IO.tT ll"RVICU -IOAT Jll!NTAL$ ftM IOAT CMAlllTIER M1W lfllSNINQ IOATS tMI IOAT Mfw.INI MU aOAT ITO•AOI ttilt •O•H WANTW• Ml Alkt•4'T fl• l'LYINll Ll!UONI f11t MOllLI "OMIES .,.. MOTOI: llOMU ma llCYCIAS. "9 ILf"tTIUC UIS nit MINI 811Cll tl1' MOTOl.CTCL8S nM MOTORSCOOT•ftl ,_ AUTO SlllVICl!'S a "-'•Tl N AUTO TOOU a •CIUll", '4ll TRAILi•, Tit.A.Vat. Mts TRAILllllS. Uffllty fti:i TltUCICt nM ,..... tilt
Cl.M,trlS "" CAMf'I• •lltTALI fSft OUM• .u .. tu HU IM,ORTaO MITOI MM
WO•T CA•I 'flt ANTIQUIS. CU.Sltc:t .. U JIACI (Altl. •ODJ tut AUTO tVl'N11 tdS AUTOS WAJllTIO ti'M N8W CAI$ ...,
AUTO LaASttt• tnl U&•o CAat ...
CEEDING $10,000ANNUAJ... BEAOON BAY -2 BR &: wnn't lu:l !oni:'.. Re11l :1harp
J~Y. Price SG9,950. den. er 3 BR. Communlt)' 3 Bedroom. Huntln2ton vu.
Y'-SION REALTY <tM-0'73l ~!ch, pier, lt!tn1• <."OVt -tap. 2 Baths, Flttplacr.
985 So. Cout, Laguoa ~o:"M~ Realty Co Doub~ Garqe, $185 mo. ~.ooo 0.~ -. 2 and 1 fiO.U3S • n:nt tor abort ptJi od. Tern·
-ur~ /,....,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.,.1 por;u·y t:ranlftr, BR, vlt<W. juat remode:ltd, ~~~:Id=~~'::'! i::,. • :;;;,,2 !';:.' i=r. Walker & Lee
many b.trpiN foU ftnd In Chlldn!n I: pet OK. Blcr. 7682 F..dinl'f'r
8 f'RINT NUMSERED I' !ETTERS I' r I' I' ·I' I' Is r I
_o ... ~7i .... r.t.._• ..... 1 ..... 1 ..... l"""'N• ITI I .I I I
Cl.uaifled Ada. Clede them :-~==,....,~==-= 8.uA455 or 54()..5140 llOW! Dial 642-Eib"ll for RUUL TS Open Evu . SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8200
• • • • ... -~ .
,, d ,,.~,., ~ ""' ~ ..
·""'!;: )j "·' '. ·~ '· ,!
,.., ! "°4""""' ·~ .,. ' _.' '
If mountain climbing is your thing, we can't help you much. But if your real
"hangup" is looking for a broad view of the news that includes a good, hard
look al what's happening at home, the DAILY PILOT has the line you should grab.
We give you a broader view of the world than you can get even 12 ,000 feet above
Chamonix in the Alps. Mont Blanc. over there in the background, is the highest
peak in Europe, which reminds us ...
Our local coverage is hard lo fop. When ii comes lo piling up information about
local schools, sports, social events. entertainment or crime and calamity, we're
king of the mountain. We ' re your hometown n~wspaper.
We make keeping up with the world, the nation, lhe slate. the county, your town
and your school a lol easier than climbing a mountain. Just grab our line. No more
hangup. The DAILY PILOT will lake you where you can see the view from the top.
.. '
* *
"" ... ·-........ ~. '" ~ .. ·-. ... -. ................... _ . -...... ..
'* * * Misc. Rent•I• 5999 Offlco lentil 60TO Lois 6100 BuL Opportvnltl• 6300 A1UlN BROS * DAY IUSllOY '
1--------1-------·IVIEW • 210' of OcHn A "LITT.J..E BUSINESS"
TRIPLE Gatago, $45, or fxCIUSiYe cl\y llahl~ $29,500 lndudini: e <Ji>cra!e frOm -homo
GARDENERS STUD~ VINYL wall cov•rln1 war~ their ~ thru -. apeclalil"t. K1t, h a t b 1 •
ltp. Eql<rlonc<d, -Mltmu & la..,.. !'at tale. 1(000, P> Mo. Nr. p!am, 9,000 llq, ft . pad. 2ClT • 1\ill or pan.um.
On.nit County A I r p o r t , Harbor Vtew Dr· OiM. • Jtfa:h earntrws REAS! 84IM203 MT-1659 -leisure World Area .... :mi • No ........ .,.,, ........,, ........ __ TAKAT~ 1-=:.=======
JAPANESE HURSERY' ' Platterlng, Repair 6880
lnC<lllMI Property 6000 Seal Beach I :A;;•;:re;:ogo;;;;;,;;:;;;;;;;;;6;;200;; 1 • Eam whllo !<"'°"" I • • $3500 Investment btQ't
NORTH OF • ~~~J:...,
546<112<. O>mplete -""" SttVice Headquartwl !or INT. Pluttr, ext. atucco. dry
.U ~ nunery needl n.ll tapin&:, acoustic Afr:« =;,,,:;,,.,.,""'=="'-"·-ttxturPd ceillnp. 545-&003 JAPANESE Gardt':ncr, com-e PATS Plastering, All Sell or Trade
U1tra moden1. dcluxe office
suite. l(Q) sq. ft., waJnut
panellinr. iJust off San DJ.. * trwy, at Los Alamitos)
al 13820 Ba,y Blvd.
ESCONDIDO .. Call, .....,., .,,.~ pl~te yard RrVlc:e, frff types. Fl'Ce eatimate. Call
Large stratrgic corne1',
12S'x200' f+ 15' alley), v.•Jth
2 good otficc buildings on
· r &lrttt. Near tl:ie hear! -"'o·:, '1·h-e !abulous 0 . C. Civic
Center & booming tinn.ncia1
district. Great traUic now
I.: exposure for hi&h rise
office building, or hold for
usUttd appreciation. Price
(TI4) 547-6469
All 2 Bedl'ooma with Bu(Jt.lna
Also 488 sq. ft. avail, in mod-
em omce bldg. at tlDS E.
Broad~. Lang Beach.
Contact Dohn Trempala
-tl.4 ~ 837-2970
Air Conditioned
Approx. 44 Ac:nis, rolling
hilla; beautllul &etting; can
Lo! planted In AwcadOB or
hold lor appreclatlon. Anx·
ious seller is askinc $59,400.
10% Down with interest only
on balance. For mo~ Wor.
matlon, plnse-c:all K, W.
Small with
Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc.
1818 w. Oiapman Ave.
Orange. Calif.
541·262~ Eves.v.•lcn<h 538..sm.
Desk spaces available 1n Del Norte County
newest office build1ng at NPar fabulous Klamath River
prime }oealioll tn downtown in heart ot the Redwood N..,
Laguna Beach. Air a:oli-t1onaJ. Parlt. Call GI e 11
tioned, carpe,ted, beautiful Thompson ~tt4) 532--2538 Qr..
paneled partitionilli. Two ange, call!. or v.Ti~ Harold
entranc:n: Frontap on Del Ponte, &,,: 35, Klamath,
FOl'ftt A'fe .• rta.r if,adl ID Calif. 95548 MW>clpal porldng lots. S>0 ========= per month tor apace-. Desk
and chairs a...Uable for $5. RHOrt Property 6105
GROSSING O\'er Sl0,000
6JG.l530 aft 6 pm 841·'1814
Re•I Est1te Loans 63.40
Call !or detaill on totlQ'1
ralei fer hi A 2rid TDL
-Oranp """"~ for ,. ,..,,
Sattler 1.f~ Co. Inc.
3M E. l 7lh St.
54:tn n :i4>0611
Eves. 173-7865 642-1157
Whadctya Want? Whadctya Got? eatimatrs. 540-1332 54M825
SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR JAPANESE Gard•o••I======== NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Omiploto s .. vtco. Ex· Plumblng .. .,_ __ _:6;:;19;.:0
SpKI 1 R t perte~. Reliable. 60-4389 - -s LlnH -5 tifY!Ole~ s buckl • JAPANESE GARDENING PLUMBING REPAlR
•Ulil"" -AD MUST IMClUOS Service Oeanup, ~ • No job too unall
1-Wl'Mll .,..., "'" .. ...... """""''' .... "' "' """' in;:. 53:1-11l34 aft 1 P:-m-• 642.-3128 • )...YOU• MIOfll aM/llf "*-' ..... 1lllQ fl 14wr1'111n9. ......,OTHING FOil ML• -tuoe:s 0ttLv1 JOHNSON'S Gardenlna" SUV. Remodel R•,.lr 6940 PHONE 642-5671 FlnHt equip, ._t ya:<! " '
To Place Your Trader's P1r1dlM M care! Reas! 90-2035. ARE YOU n ·IJNKINC of
. CLEAN-UP Speclallll! Mow· another room? FamUy rm!
llAVE: New Spanish Ou-ing edging odd job lilht BedTOOm'!' Den rm!
plex: 419 31th St, NB. mo~in& ~' ~ Bathroom? Activity rm?
$14,000 eq, + cash FOR • • PaUO rm! Library • nn7
3-S well ~oc. R-2 Jots in Q. M Cut le: Edi"~~ Perhaps just more R00~1?
RfUBfN E. I.ff
151 £, CoHI Hlghwoy
Newport Bl•ch
Ranch almond11 Ir: walnuts
Pa!O Rob!u 80 acre1, exc
tu: shelter. Want Io ea I
prope<'\y. Equl!y 166.000.
Pyramid Exchangers. Mortp.-, T .O.'t 6345 646-2629 1----===---17 F't. outboard tor staUon
Olty. 673-6433, 675-fil61 ~~2.uo aft 1 Plans. Estimates. Advice. \Vllh mobile home expert.
San Fernando VaDey 3 Br, LAWN SERVICE G~t::s.~ _ _,_A_.. ... '•---. e~. Ex.cellent benefita.
$30,000 lat TD, $300 mo, fb..
cludinc 8%, 3 yn. Levt.1
hilltop, magnificent Ocean
View. Large caail down,
strong buyer. 18 % diacuunt
returna 14% interest.
wago°n Ol' auto of equal val-
ue. Phone .6'4-4687
2 f.1.1 tilt.up bldgs on Pla-
eentia, C.M. Trade eqty
$95,500, Jar prOperty, plus
? ? Price $150,f.WXI,
2 ha pool home $9000 eq; ~ ..uuag• • ~ now lsed $275. For Orange Mow-ed&'t-vaoium 114 E. 16th st. CM &16-1797 APPLY IN PERSON
County house or }Ol. LI ~ after 6 PM U's almost spring &. we know
53&8740 YARD cl•. Du p. Tree that this ia {be time!!
3 BR 1%. ba, 1\lonticello selVlce, D!'W ,lawns , ROOM ADDITION Ir: EXPLORER
4 Patios • 4 Garages
Only $63,000. Income $700 pr
Mo. \Vill sell or exchange
for small house, C.OSta Mega,
Huntington Beac:h area.
WALKER & LEE Mr. Levine
Income & Investment Dept.
Bllifneu bouri anawertna: FOR RENT Furn Mammoth
service availt.ble lor SlO. M o u n t a i n' Condominium
All utllitiea paid ocevt alttps 8. 675-4130 $5500 1st TD on magni1ieent tel~e. Oceanview ievel lot I n Have Vac:. Auto Sales& R~
pair ~. Harbor Blvd.
C. M. F.quity $5.1,500, Want
Rea. Income, Holl;ywood
Condo, cpts/drps, blt·ins, 2 sprlnk]en, rototill. 646--M48 remodelin&". A t tr a c t I v e
pools, $3800 equity. Trade Genertl S.rviclil 6682 prices. Free estimates. Call tor~ or 4 BR home, TDa, ·.-1 ;;M~"--0846~. ;::====== c:ar or ! Owr,/ Agt. 5'16-5580 GOLDENWEST Sell~ 1•
17 Fl, fiber glass outboard Laun d r y/Oeanen, 129 Roofing 6950
and big wheel tilt trailer. Agate, Bal Isle. Open Sun-A Roofer not a aaJ.esman.
Will trade tor l.andseapiJl&". days 9am to 6pm,' weekdays Leaks stopped, an type
DAil..Y PILOT Mount. & Desert 6210 Laguna Beach. Sold at
m FOREST AvmuE ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;: $7,!l"JD, payable at $55 mo. UG~A BEArn • lncl8%d 5 A. Nr. Hemet. Hideaway ue 3 yrs. 494-1137 * 675-6591 * PHONE Barn to 9pm, Saturdays Sam roofin&. New« ttr&ir \\-Ork EQUIPMENT
MECHANIC 54~!1451
496-9t66 3,000' el. Wtr, game $5500. 19% YIELD! * Modem Offices sss on. 633-mD s.10 .u.i. '''"ooo '"" TD wt dh<ount
6444681 to &pm. ~~" ..... ·.,--~-~~~1-~-------·-· -What do you have to trade! Jap.neH Gardener 1.;::=:=~===== .
Near Beac:h, Huntington
Beach. $65,900. 847-3957
Single or sultes. Air c:ond-agt brings 19%! 10% 3 ~700
ltioning, parking, secretarial BUSINESS •nd mo pymt 4~ ll/JO/n.
10 Acre-Orange Grove near
Laguna. Beach. WANT:
Apt! or Raneb. Bkr 494-1330
Ust 1t here -in Orange Exper, compl ;yard service! S.wln9 6960
County's largest read trad· Free etHma.te. 518-~. . CITY OF
Businns Property 6050
Medical Building
330C sq ft, 4 Suites on
choice corner in desirable
area. Immediate occupancy
$94,<XXI -excellent terms
Will exchange.
2863 E, Coast Hwy, CdM
673-9495 or 642-6969
service. central locaHon. FINANCIAL C. Robert Nattress Realtor I -"-'-="'-"'-'----
2.30 E. 17th Street Bus. Opportuniti• 6300
Costa Mesa 642-1485
Offices suitable tor Com· mercial, Medical, Dental NATIONAL ORGANIZA~lON
Air«>nd., c:rpts, elevator Hn.s Unu,,ual Opportumty
FROM $70
541-5032 OR 61:>-2464
Single or suite, parking, cen-
tral, c:or loc O~ Ave.
lOO.SOO sq ft. 548-6Tl3.
OFFICE lla A Newport
Blvd. lde-·tor insura~.
Income lax or employment
agency, S@-0588
You too can get into your
own business. Bnjoy profits:
Business Rental 6060 SHARE office wt 1;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; 11 n c o m e Tax co.
HUNTINGTON BEAOI mnthly renl. 1806
Blvd, CM. 642-1301
No competition (nothing like
i' anywheN). Amuingly
low investment Protected
te1Titory. No fixed overhead.
Year around profits. Proven
success. Company will train-
U you can invest $3,0JO and
can spatt only 10 hours per
wf<!k in ·Jess than 2 years
you W Secure an annual
net profit of $13,000 to $27,·
000. Get in on the ground
lloor of this new exciting
business. Write including
telephone number1 Presi-
dent, C.Olar Co-ordinates
Corp., 235 Fifth Avenue.
New York, New York, 10016
Executive & Sales
* Air-concl. ~ utils * Carpets & drp& · * Reception Rm * Oeaning le mainf.. Telephone All5werirlc &:
Secretarial. ,Servtcf' •vail
Town a Country
Shopping Center
18582 Beach Blvd.
(at Ellis) Huntington Bc:h
Cost• Mes• Address
for a profitable operation.
89 x 41 ft with a 2!street
exposure, plus parking, $500/
""'· BOYD
17th & ORANGE, C.M. Top
Iocallon, ground fioor: only
$60. 1716 Orange. 548-5541
Industrial Prop. 6080
100% occupied, good
tenant.&. N.B. 10% net
return. 32,00J sq ft. Phil
Sullivan. 548-6761 -lndustrlol Ront1I 6090
FOR lease Laguna Niguel,
ott San Diego Fwy at Crown
Valley, new oommerchll &
lndwrtrial units. Delta Elec-
tric:. Daya -831-1400. Eves
2000 SQ. ft. M-1 space with
front office; drive in rear
door. 1308 Logan St. C.M.
$195 mo. &fG-0681
fndustriaJ 1350 square feet.
$l55/mo. Agent 642.1485
(Part or Full Time)
Excellent Income for Few
Hrs. Weekly work (Days or
Eves.) refillln& and collect-
ing Money from Coin Oper-
ated Dispensers tn Orange County a n d surrounding
area. No selling. (Handles
Name Brand Candy and
Snacks) $1650 total cash re-
quired. For more inform&·
tion and detaill, send Name,
Address, and P hone Number
P.O. Bo:< 3846
Anaheim, California 92803
COUPLE wanted. An ex-
citing part time busine:Sli
opportunity. Come see &
Loh 6100 hear Wed. or Thur. 8 p.m. I""""'""'""'""'""'!!!!'"'!!!!' I,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; I 20212, l.1agnolia St. 1% FREE DESK SPACE blocks So. o( Adams, RB.
3629 E. Coast Hiway, CdM
vicinity ot Baker a n d Commercial Lot 962-2828
Bristol (C.P..f.) in return for 84x140 with good potential on LT;;:E:,R;:R~I"'°F"t"C;-:o:::ppo=rtun1=="°'1y,
taking messages and ac-\\'est 1!:tth St., Costa Mesa. small coin operated c:ar
cepting deliveries. Owner anxious. v.-a.sh. Owner must quit.
Notary • Income Tax -Ins. Arnold & Freud make 0 uer. Located at 19th
etc. 'H)O E 17th SI c M & Newport. C.M. 968-1153 "-11 Bill Robinson (Eves.) ....., · ·• · • .....,, Ren It ors 64& TlS5 aft 5 PM.
546-4478 e BEAtITY SALON e
$3500 2nd T.D. Good Joe In
Costa Mesa, 6 yrs at 8% * pref. 548-4448 eves * *
1ng post-and make a deal JAPANESE Gardener ....... • Dressmaklng-~teratiOna • ~... Custom Oe11gn1
* * * reliable. Malntenance. Reas * 646-6446 * mo. rale1. 892-3219
'HAULING Cleanup garages Alterationt-442·5845
ANNOUNCEMENTS SERVICE DIRECTORY odd jobs ~tc. Free eat. J~ Neat, accu.rate, 20 yrs. exp.
Money W1ntod 6350 end NOTICES 548-5325 nytime
1.IONEY Wanted. Ex-Business Service 6562 ' a TrM Service 69IO
SALARY• ;sI6. TO "18.
Permanent. Experience tn
servicing and minor repair.
Ing automotive equipment
requlmf, App I ;y: Public
Works Dept. ~ Forest A~.
perienced, a g gr e 1 s I v e , Pef'IOnlll 6405 H•ullng 0730 hones!, hard \\"Orkin& am-1-_:_:_: _____ TYPING, IBM Exec:. $3 Hr. Estate M1lntenance PART&: FULL TIME
bltiou.s \\-Oman for unique LONE Ly UN!ncwnlll!red Re$Umes, reports, phone Gener•I . Hauling Trff Service CAR WASH HELP
beer tavern· in Beach area, widow -.·ishes to form .a dictation. Pickup It de!. & CIHnup Tree mmovaJ & trimtninga &.
Reply Box M 664, Daily widow's c:lub. Interested 544-8874 $10 per load. Free gara.ae Free estimates. EXP'O. POLISH encl
Pilot. parties write Daily Pilot cleanup !or usable items. 642-6300 ~842-2993 D&TAILI MEN
ANNOUNCEMENTS Box P-318. C1blnetm•king 6580 ,~Oill~T~o~m~.~531~-3~75~7=--'=-::-11~~~~~~~~!:: Top pay, 2 Joc. Full work wk.
and NOTICES Attr1dive Expert • APANE.SE 1-IAULING, Topping, ·Treea, T I I • R I 6985 METltO CA:R WASH YOUNG WOMAN J GARDENER Hedges, Profes.!ISonal, Free e ev tion, epa r 2950 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
Found CFrM Ads) 6400 dancer will tMch you all Maln~5'8-"z~eanup Est. Big John 642-40ll RAINBOW TV-O:ikr, blk Ir: P.UNCH PRESS OPR.
latest step&. Call Ardell , CLEAN Lota/prage1 etc., wht/ stereo rtP,aif. No KIWKSET
EXCEPTIONALLY Gen l I e 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM AL S Gardenin&: Se rv Ice tree remov, dump skip charge If we don' l 516
Tan/Wte Female Puppy, LICENSED Lawn m&inW1antt, garden-backhoe, till grade. 96U74S -epalr/50S~ lets on repain! E.=imAna St.
v.'ell fed, no collar. 19th ing Ir. .clean ups. 646-3629 _ MO-J270 An Equal Oppty Employtt
&: Monrovia. 548-8015 Spiritual Readings, advlee . -EXPER GARDENER Hou•-leenlng 6-s1.;;~==-===:;==
00 ... matten,l~S.EI -" ,. 6•990 MANAGER 01 Ho BLACK/Grey Pood1e pup, Mid..qe Japanese Rdlable. Upholste..v me Camino R<al, Sa.n n . ;; .... ......i,. • .... .,.n~ _ ... _.. "'-•c;J==""-'----~·I Reflales, Hunw~ ... -Beadl. Narrow black collar vie. Mon-Sat a.J.f-UIW o...tU\..r"'-'•~. w1.11uOWI, LU11,1• ...,.,..., ..
Santa Ana Ave., 25th block. 492-9136, lD AM-10 PM l=========I etc:. Realden. or Come'!. * LOOK * Old estabUshed office. Call
64&.l05:'i SPECIAL $2 READING Cer-nterlng' 6590 Xlnt ~·ork: Reas! Rela. Mr. Jories 847-1266 evea.
LADY v.·ants ride W..C.M. r-54&-4111 15 yrs. serving Orange Co. 675-5839. All inquiries held
TAME black & white rabbit. to Faabion Island. WlWAM'S CLNG, SERV. BIG SAVINGS in' strictest of contidenoe.
Vic. 20th & Orange, CM. 646-6306 aft I pm. CARPENTRY ~mpl hse. CUSTOM '*
&15-0239 MINOR REPAIRS. No Job And Apt .cln&· 114Ul&I UPHOLSTERY WAITERS
BOSTON Terrier -Female. Announcementt 6410 Tao SmaD..Cablnet In 18.l'-AND DRAPES
Vic Yorklown £: Delawatt. &&!I A o t be r cabinets. Income Tax 6740 Our other aervioea 1nclude:
flB. Call ide11tity 962-6ll8 ATIENTION 545-1175, H no aNWtt leave * Carpet Inatana.tioo
SMAIL blldc female Poodle, EX·NAVYMEN msa: at 6t6-2372. H. o. RESPONSIBLE prepantion * Carpet&. Rue Cta.ninC
Vic 19th A: Pomona. Qean out the old sea-bat Andersoo ~ filln( of all tnc:ome tax Your aataifadioa.1a
661519. and help out a good cau.e. return& by Certitied Public our most important uaet
FOUND black Poodle vie. :: ~~~=~ ~ MASI'ER carpenter, $4 per =:i~~v:f~! Reva's Upholstery
19th & Pomona, Costa Scouts. Need blties, whites, hour. Remodellng -Repa.lrs. tlona. small business en-3(5 Palm, Balboa,. Penn.
Mesa. 646--2679 sea-begs, fie. 6'24769 1 =-==,.,•,..'-""""""'.,..,==== terprise1 and indlvlduall. 673-2794 968-4797
LOVABLE Siamese Female REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Your complete satisfaction CZYKOSKl'S Cu3tom
Cat. Mesa Verde Area. Cemet•ry Loh 6411 CABINETS, Any size Job. ii auaranteed. Upholstery. E •1 rope an
546-(923 25 yra. exper. SCU1l3 OORPORATE Cr at t·s man ab I p.11Xl%
BLACK Coin purae w/Indian FOR SALE: 4 adjoining: IMPROVEMENT Financ1ng. 6U--1'54. l3ll
head ""Mies attached •. cemetery lots, Harbor Rest. Cement, Concret. 6600 COUNSELORS NewPQrt Blvd., C.M.
.,.. • Have decided to die and • 642-9937 •
lmp>edlaie ........... -enoe necenacy. ExpandUw
atatt tor enlarpd hotel oper.
atlon, Cont&ct J. Ravln in ........
ll07 Jamboree Rd.
Newport Beach
ring inside. 673-7312 be burled e Is e w be re. CEMENT Work, no job too RED Male Irish Setter. 545-5784 amall, reuonable. Free H. K. CI ar ~ Acctg Serv. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT -"H"•"N"D.-.P"O"L"'l-.S~H~E~R.--
?.1arch 8 CG Area estim. H. Stufllck. 548-8615 lncome tax, personal or "" · 63tr..2498 FOUR oemete.ry lots at buslness. your home or ofc. Job W1nted, .L1dy ~O Recent experl•nce in small u-~ R M---'A' "'-~k * CONCRETE work. Bond-loc ,. blllld .. A~"l.-
L I 6401 ...,,....... est t:iJUJ•·uu ..-.... I __ A.. 20 yra. exJ>, ltJD, PRACTICAL N • ., era •iaru¥¥a.i...,., OS .. in Blue Spruce section. Ca.ll ed & L Ct'•~· Concrete 64Ul83 or 645-0742 eves urse, ~ hr. KIWKSET
lJ 8-_5 sawing home or hospital.· Loc:al 516 ~ Santa ••• St
LOST green &: ye 11 ow ...,, PhUllps Cement. ~"380 • Th• Tax Advisors ref.11. 6'5-0514 ""· "'.. ·
parakeet in Vic:. 2 o o SERVICE DIRECTORY Year round ofc. tl8 No. 1-===::======; Anahehn
Poiilsettia, CdM. Ans"'~n C:~~NL~~~~ll Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reaa! DomHtlc Help 7035 An F,qual Qppty Employer
to Pete or ?.1onuna's Pretty Appli•nc• Repairs • ... • Call 645-0400 for appt. LOT BOY
Boy, He will repeat hi.I ad-P1rtl 6510, ------1234~---MAO< llARRfS T•• ·--·. Ceol'if Allen Byland Agency
d nA • · ...... .:x~ • E 1 p New Bulclc Dealer. Excellent ress. n.cwa.rd. 547-3431, • CONCRETE work, all 9th yr 3117 Roosevelt mp oytt a.ys Ftt worltine condltiom. Beach
633--4516 WASHER A: Dryer Re,pair. ~'~.~~da &. cwtom. C.M. Ap .. polntrots, 540-mi_ l~B E. 16th. SA 547-0395 ...... •-Ja~ B-wo, -•-SlOO REWARD • 2 FJuUy Xlnt-guaranteed s er v c: e ......u ....,..~ """"" ,.... ~" .rVUIC Persian kitte<U/ !--am, Reu rate1. 847-8115 e INOOME TAXe Chinese llve-.ins. Oleerful Buic:k, 234 E. 17th. St., O>ata -..... e BEST IN CONCRETE Permanent. ..,. ........... __ ,. M uo -1-grey. No questions asked. Done in )'OUt home ....... ~'"'',........, 1!18, .....,., '"""" 897-9102 81bvaJftjrv1 6550 Walka, pool dec:b, Ooors, $5 And up. 6J9..2600 Far Eaat Agency 64U1'03
For Lease $1,000 00\VN on small level N. end Laguna Beach, air BLACK &: while long haired
Sauna • Gym • f.1asss.ge Ocean view lot Lag u n a cond, 6 1tations eiitablished. dog, one black eye &. ee.r,
Health Studio at 2626 New· Beach. Balance $ 4 , 9 5 0 , linest equip, ample parking. 7 mos. Wearing blac:k c:ol·
port Blvd. C.?.f, Ph. Bier. payable $50 mo. including $6500. Owner. 494-9'372 • lar. Vtc: Magnolia Ir.
67J.2b54 Interest. Owner. ( 714 I Eves, 494-6619. Bushard. Reward. 548-1144
,. ··• 1-~P~a~tl~°'~·~P~ho~ne~642~-85~14'.._l ij;iCOMi~r,;;:;s-v;;o;;;:o;; BABYSITTER e CUSTOM PATIOS e INCOME Taxes prepared Help W•nted Men 7200
Fcnc:ed yard. ?.teals included. concrete sawing & removal your home, long form com-•
Full Time
Apply in penon Week days only. Vicinity State Lie. e 142-1010 bined, $15. 4~ GARDENER FOREMAN,
Halladay & Blshi>p St., S.A. Walter H. Fahrenhob: P.A. Laguna Beac:h Unified
Phone 836-S6n Child Cire 6610 lricome Tax Service School Dl.1:trlct. Must have THE RIGGER
COA-tMERClAL Bldg. 3600 497-1210 LIQUOR Llc:ense Orange or 968-3191 COSfA P.IESA PRE SOU..
ages 2-6, open 6:6-5!45 pm,
lic'd, plnd program . .. ...,.,
642.QM or 545-1398 eve 3 yrs gardening or nlJl'lery 16 Fuhlon Island
MOM \\'.lahe!I girl 3 It 6 INCOME Tax Serv., NotaQ" e1ep. Salary $488-$595. 8 Newport Beac:b sq. ft. Good Joc:ation on New. FANTASTIC Ocea.nview lot County l quality lixtum REWARD! Apricot/white
port Blvd . in C.!\I . $6500. Small. but level, for complete restaurant. !emale poodle. Vic 17th &: yn, 11 time da;ys, my home, Public Reu. Evn 549-134D hrsfday, paid vac, holidays SERV. STA, SALESMEN.
548-5817 Eves. $1,<XXJ down. balance al $75 1..:N..:•:.:•c:·•ll::..::""°'=.::·..:•::..,_.,..;...=.:..:.._ Tustin Sat 3(15. Ansv.>trs
Ba lboa Island per mo. 497-1210 BEAUTY Shop. Newport, t .:> r.1 is s e y. or an 1 e YOUNG mother will babysit
"'·eek.days in own home on
Balboa Pen. Call Sandy
Pangburn. 673-1238
Bet. Brookhurst le: Adams, """1 ~nllh SA. 9,_ ' & sick leave. Apply Mr. F\Jll time, ?.1u~t be neat
Jf.B. 962--0543 '""" • ' -o. Ray Law90n. 2003 Laguna l n a p p e • r a n c e A
I I 6755 Canyon Rd, Laguna Bhc. hwdwritina: See ~· TRIPLEX lot 18th l 11mall, busy. Top location rhinestone collar. ~
~;·~~;zt. Wallac:e, CM. $9,850, bm.11· & lease. $3250. 64&-4088 LOST blac:k It tan 4 monthll
Mr. Fisher, BoX 21, Big i;;';;v~"=· ===--0=:77' old male beagle. llamUton Shop on E. 17th St. Co!ilA Pine, Cal 93513 W Ho LESALE Distributor &: Bushard Vic. Ca 11
Contracton 4620 ron ng 494--0llO 2590 Ne\\·'Pc»rt Blvd., eo.t&
Additions * Remodeling IRONING It Repairing. Pick M 0 L D E R ; ex p e r • , _M._',, .. ,.---,,.....~---
Fred H Gerwick Uc up&: delivery. permanent molder tor alum. Carpenter Foreman
Mesa. suitable lor service R-4 Lot. Costa !\fen. Zoned needs lunds for larger tn-1 ,,:"""".,.:..,~"-'-""~'-"~12~"°"~"~·-
busineas. 54&5040 35 units. ventory. Will pay high In-SM Grey female Poodle, Vlc
cn:n.o care, an;y age my 66.7ll-<04~~1=·,,,,;*~=~· 54~ .. ~21~· ~71l~l~::":;:::'.*:54<>-00'1;:':~'=*=;;;;o;.I & magnesium A!l'O-$pace Needed by ""'°m ~ .... _ h 0 m e . $ 2 5 we e k:. .:: foundry. Lido Ca.stings Inc. for dlveraltled Orut&e-C:::::.
Teacher/mother. 64a.-Ol56 C•rpef CINnin; 6625 Landscaping 6810 &G-333.1 ly work. F°o1' appt. call 491_
0~11er/Broker. 548-6761 terest rates. 546-7015. of Beach a: Mc:Fadden.
Office Rent•I Reward 893--69741893-6818 1:::c:.:.:;:::..:.:::=o...--'-· I 3 ADJ. lots; room for 11 CUTE SPOT, Pizza. chicken, ·
CHllJ> Care, vie: f'au1arino "'-~----''---LANDSCAPERS NOW Interviewing ex· 1665 between 5 A: 7 p.m.
School, CM. Day or nla:ht. PROFESSlONAL Rua Ir perienced drapery, c pt only.
549-1928 Vphola~ aeantna:. Top ATTENTION salesmen. Permanent "'"';:;----,~-'-----300 Sq. Ft. Office units. l33 E. 21st SL. Costa fish, frozen bananas. E-Z LOST • Inky, large blk It
Costa Mesa. 646-21ll Mesa. Owner 494-50n Ew. to operate. Te1T11J. 67S-1875 wbt cat. Tag from Indiana. LICENSED day care. Pref QU&llty, ,uarantffd resulta. t need la.ndlcaplna. and "".ut employment. For appL call Plant Expansion
'"" ,, ... ......
'""' l2 .... oo;d ",,
""" :o-.. .. w ... .. ... .._ .. w ... .... .... 6,Toudl
; k',,.V!• ,.. .. w ..... ' '1Yw 67Willl n-,. ......... .. .._
"-' ,, ....... .. ,. ,,_ '""" ,.w ..
ll II ..... n • 11To. '"" n...,._ "-""""' nT-
,,~ .. ,_ ,._
"!:!::. ..,_ ,,_ ..,, . .. _ , ...
"""'' .,_ 77To
""' .. -71Y-
... ,_
l:t:::..o ,,,_ ,._ ..... 51YOlll .,_
"'-,,,,. ~~ &l}doa ...
"'""' ......... ,, .... S5W-8)~. ,. ..... "°""" .. .._
"°' .,,_ ., ........
~~ ,._ .. _ ... ,,_ ...... ..,
.>!'""' @l•, ....
Good ..,_ f)~
... ~
11,11-1 ......
VW! F.V. Reward! 962-6419 wkly 2"' yrs. Hot lunchn, Allen'• Mainttna.nce trade a 17 tt outboard with 4!M--4657 Laruna Beach Experienced carpenters and
balanced activities. 546-1539 646-4063 or evea 64!-3528 big wheel trailer tor )'OUT REAL ESTATE Shouldn't mill worken. A-.J .. ===-,..=--,.~-1 aervlce1. Let.a ,et tocetber · ~ Wiu. Babya.lt eveninp or CARPET A FUm. cleanlna:: belon. your bu.sy season. you be aelling the hottHt LUHRS BOAT Q),
YOU Mlllt oo 11cene to be night11. Vic Hoaa: Memorial lor 1 day service A quality Phone &tf..t68? area JluntinatOn Beac:hT 849 W. 18th St., C.M.
sclec:ted. We need people Hospital. 645-1585 aft 3 pm. work, call Sterlin&' tor Vllle,ae Real Elltatt-962-44n EXP. Service gt• t l 0 n
ot all ages Int. in expo~ure BABYSlTTING in my home, brlghtne11! Mz.asa'I Poor Min's Friend SUPERINTENDENT SAiesman. New modern
for bit parts In commerc., $:10 per wk. Near Pomona Carpet le Uphol Cleaning CU~?t1 ~~~ING for Apt.11 It Housea. N.B. area. ~Wt+les. Overtime alttr 40
movies & TV 826-3460 Sehl. CM. 548-9532 If lt'1 done Tl&.ht. . • • Give experience le &tarting • comm. Fu 11 time
l t'1 "OUNN·wt:l.J.."1 aalary; ~ply Daily Pilot permanent.· 990 E. Cout
OOUPLES. 11.ngles: londyT BABYSrn'ING My borne, E-F'ree Estimates . , . 548-8544 Matonry, Brick 6830 Box M-316. Hwy., N.B.
New in area! Join the P'1na aide C.M. Pftfer weekly. .,_;;;.,;;i:;;;:.===--=-~. to tun .t: pleasure • * 54g.1557 * PRICE & QUALITY 018 MECH AN lC, ex· SEC1JRJTY GUARD. Rtikf e ~'IS-9291 e C1rpol loylnt & CUSTOM LANDSCAPING ptrlenctd. -nl ~•. Man. "11 lfi!ltl. 411111'. wt<. ---"-===--=---IWIU. Bahlsit in my homir, R I 6616 -DON'T let another lonely weff: ep-r e M&-1234 e Move lo beautiful Lake M-~k:end go by! Succeed tn •day1~ * c ·.RPETS (fl)'lons. -~ rowhet.dl Call Colltct n4: BALBOA BAY CLUB
d&Una: wlthOUt really tryirw. polyulen,) Vlnyla and TU-P•ptrh1ngln9 337-2501. 1221 W, O:>ut Hwy., N.S •
Utguna Bc:b 04-4479 Iott ei. Latest .iytes and colon. P1lntln9 6850 SF.RVTCE Sia. Alf. Exp'd, 543-7Jll Ext. l8S * Selecttve Single• * _..;Mo:.::;l::;n::;le:.;n~:'::."::co;:..._..;6;;;5;;.:55 C.ommerclal and Reiddentlal. PAINTING int Acou L fi I.Imo day shift. Union FULL ~l&hwuhel' A CompanioMhip, Sincerity Expert tmtallatlon ext-· ' Station. S&nta Ana Ii kitchen aaat. A.tk t.or li&n>kl
Jn!J'Oduc:tiona Confidential MARINE MECHANIC BLANKINSHIP 11..ooRS celling. Uc. Ins. ll yn exp. Paliaaclell Rd. C.?.1. "" Tm·>" '495 t. 17tb St.,
m.s5l &U-9676 5-10 PM °'¥ It Night Strv\ct:. $42.l.W 540-726.1 }"f't(l tst. SC8-&Z5 SAit.MARER. 'Exp. dnlred. iC.:i;Mii'===.-=-..,.
REDUCE Sale, Wnpl• •fut BAL. IDAT Rl;NTALS I ========:J:PA!NTING, PaP<rl .. 16'" NOR111 SAILS 913 Eloc-EXPERIENCED MID.
wtth Go8ele tabletl or1b' 705 rqewate.r Electrical 6640 bl Harbor area. Lie 1 bond-tne, Seal Beadl (213) work In fUmiturf stcn
9Sc. Cr a "1 or d • 1 RX BaJboa. Otllf, ed. Rell tum. 60-2356 S96-4461 on trudc. tun time. a.tr
Pharmacy, Cm!& Mesa Robt. Sc:bwtitm" 673"-tOTtl EL E CTR.IClAN Liotmed., INT. A EXT. Palntlnc. AU MAN iteedy part time job 21. ~ fa.,ASSAGE by SUs'le. or C'hril bonded. ~m Ma1nt. "'-..on ratn. Frtt est, Uc'd lor ~llable &dult. Xlnt. L.A. ____ flOA_T ____ ,
tar complete rt.taxation. Irick, M.tenry, etc. a ref*lr. A Ina. Call Cbarile. ~ Tlrnt'f rotJ1e open. $230 mo CARPENTER
11434 Beech mw., na 1 _______ ....;.6.;;,560;.:.1 G•rden.lng 6680 rNTm ar Ext. PAINTING, +. 96M6l3 ExPe ~
847...SJU eun.o, Remodel. RtpaJr U.UifED. SER.VICE. Local A~fBUl..ANCE ORlVER 1612 Placentia C.M: •
ALCOHOUCS Anonymoua f'rtck. b&oclc, e o n e re t e , D.."P. GARDNER. n!f. FREE f'Jll. 54162'7 Exptrlcnctd-Mu!t be luJ\y BLUEPRINT SHOP fWllNt
Phons so.m1 or write to Cf1>11h'y. no Job 100 small. Mld.qe Japaneae. Rdlable. nm Q1JJO<ER YOU CALL, Llc:'d, Top pay tor ri&ht blutlU. trimmer CliPf:t'lfOr,
P.O. Booe .tm Costa Meu.. Lie Cotrtr. IJ62..6!H5 &Jon. to So.t. 832-0705 ruE QUICXER ?Ot1 SELL man. Contact Dob.1374ln ~-==-·"'----
\\'e have poaitions available .,,
with injection mold ot>tr-
with abWty to do setups on ·
Tomos or Bn:iwn .l Sharpes.
Oper.ings on tint and sec-
ond .ruJts.
with a minimum of one
year'!I cadmium Phttina ex-
with experience in the use
of height pt1ge1, tool mak en ~ and compara-
with at leut 2 )'ear's l'flo
cent experience 1n the main..
tens.nee and repair of auto-
mated machinery.
with a aound Jc:nowledae of
electronic theory. Industrial
experience helpful but not
It you po.ueas the nece.ssary
qUali!icatlofll and are inter-
e1ted in joining an out.ltafld..
ing electronic compooenta
manufacturing orphlu.tlon
that provides excellent work-
ing conditions and '1 o o d
bt:nefita, apply in penion ftJr
immediate consideration to:
500 Superior Avenue
Nev.-port Beach, Ca.lit
Equal opoprtunity
employer - M & F
around the corner
E•st•r Togs &
We have temporary u·
slgnments available for
secretaries falao legal)
typists, NCR and hand
We'll tell you about our
Ftte Cook Book offer too!
Anaheim 1784 \V. Llncoln
1 Santa Ana Ph. 540-0325 lea.ta. Meta 2700 Harbor
I An Equa1 Opportunity
Ex .. llent EmployH
Thlnl l'loor
1lle Broadway
41 c-ts of Fo1hloft
Newport Booch
want a
super saleeman · who
still isn't
Despite plenty o! brains, energy and amb!·
lion, the man rm looking for hpn'I hlt the
right combination yel.
I'm ready lo offer him an executive sales
opportunity in the c:ombined field of life in·
sUJance/mutual funds/investment counael·
ing. To individuals and to businesses. Rep-
resenting a $$-billion company. With a traln-
ing salary up to $1000 a month plus oppor-
tunities for additional income. And pro.peels
high in the five-figure bracket.
U this sounds like YoU, call Messrs. Hays
or Nalle,542-5623, or write Box M-~03, Dally
PUoL fd l!ke to hear from you
Help Wanted. Men 72IJO Help-Want..i, Men 7200
Mature man with sales ser-
vice experience. Mutt knoW
machine tools & abru.ives
&:: bt: able to know machine
tool inventory. Customer It
Wesmen. contacts requires
pleasant per&onality.
DivWon of Ex-Cello Corp.
An Equal Opportunity
Employe. Formerly Cadillac Gage
M 409 DAD..Y Pllm.
$667 to $809 mo.
AGE: 71-30 HEIGHT: 5'8"
minimwn WEIGHT: in pol'-
portl.on to height. PHYSI-
High school graduate, valid
Calif. operatnni license, U.S.
citizen. File application at
City Hall, 8200 Westminster
Ave., Westminster. Calif.;
before April 11, 1969, 5 p.m.
tn4l 893-4511 Ext. 205
Join today. futelt Jl'OWinl
prott:aioo-Mutual Fund sala
No experience necessary-
We train • tun or put time
Mutu1f Fund Advisors,
Npt B. 1603 Weatclifl 642-$422
S.A. 1212 N. B""4wly
Must have experience. Excel·
lent company benefits and
working conditions. Apply in
peraon to Bob Rogalski.
Sales Carffr
Startin!I aalaly pl"" "°"" mission. Flnt ~ar ellJ1l.
!,,.. o1 $U,OOO.plu. -ible
2 year trainlnC Pl'Olf9JD. by
cent\ll'Y old qational corn·
pany. Buiineu Ol I alt: I
background helplul. No trav.
el Management opportu-
An equal opportwllty
employer M/F
Immediate Op!nings. Ex-
panding 1t&H for e~
tarred hottl Call ar aee
MUni Kini.
1107 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach
·Maintenance Man
Six D1ys a WHk
151 E. Coo st Hlghwoy
Newport Be1ch * PLA't~R * EXPERIENCED ON PJtE0..
3767 Birth St.
Newport Beach ' 546-n.90
WANTED: Young man to
learn electrical nthnatlng
with a pottnt!U salary at
$800 a. mo. Must be: willing
to work 60 hours a week
at minimum wages while
training. Write Daily Pilot
Box P-317.
Apply in person
. Tohansen & Christensen
898 W. 16th St., N.B.
Corner of Monrovia & 16th
must be over 18 It expe~
enced. e COOK • Full time-, expert.
enced. no phone calls. AllP·
in person,
5930 Pacific Coast Hwy., N.B.
2600 Harbor Blvd, MATURE man needed by
Co.!ta Meaa furniture-design store tor c--o=L~L~Eo.G=-c:E...;.:.•::t:.u_d_e_n_t_, I delivery, installation &
pennanent position, part related duties: Experience
time dlllini school, full time preferred. Salary open. Call
summer, at Chevron Station 492-4131, San Clemente for
on Beach in Laguna. NO app't Tues Uttu Sat.
lj!llP~• m tong hair. Mw;t SAIL BOAT
be 18, salary & commission ..., SALESMAN
\1dth raises. 4*'9003 ~=,:,::::,:c:;.,.;:.:=c....-Young, aggretslve. Flbt:rglu e INSI'RU<.."l'ORS -Full WI boats -in Newport.
or/and part time. Neat a.p-Write Box M 4CI Daily Pilot.
pea.ranee. Must be able to mite! and deal w:lth the GA R 0 EN & MA IN· bli -..... TENANCE 90me exp'd.. in
pu c, """"' figure. Apply automatic !prlnkleni. Call in P'r.on. Holid•v Heoltb -53&-8n4 or apply 8176 Atlan-Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd,, al c.M. ta, HB I 3 pm Wed, Thurs,
WANTED : Retired
genUeman or college slu· SERVICE station attendant,
dent for outside sales. F1ex-\\wk grave yard 11 pm
ible houn. Contacl TAB -8 am. Must have exp.
PRINTING I< V ARITYP-Apply at L~vron Station:
ING. 1664 Babcock, CM. Harbor Blvd at San Diego
642-0027 Fl'\vy'
HUSKY, ;n1eru,.nt man. TOOL & DIE MAKER
Warehouse & varied, in-KrWKSET
teresting work, year-round. 516 £. Santa Ana St.
Good benellta, happy crew. Anaheim
No exp. nee. Phone: An Equal -Oppty Employer
494-4515 For appointment.
NEED 2 men· to work full
time Service Station. Must
be exp1d and over 25. NO
phone calla. Ric:htltld Sta-
tion, 19th • Newport, Costa
Mesa,. CalH.
WANTED man tot mom1ng
ne"'-'IJ)IP"& delivery. mu1t
have dtpeM11.blf' tf\nl!Porta
lion. Area Sf!•I &ach/Hun
tlngton &ach. P h n n ~
Concrtt• f:oreman,
WorkifW., needed by eu11om
b u 11 d e r for dfvtnifitd
11nvuEHTS, pert llm" 11 ORlllo °"'""' W01l!. For
• """· Kentucky tried a.ppt. call 497-1665 betwn
CIJldooa, 883 s. Cool! 11"1, 5 • 1 p.m. on!)'
JOBS I IMPLO'YMINT JOIS 1 IMPl.'OYMiJft ~Vb:> o ~~Lurn.i..•'111 .HJtl!> it l;Mt'LVtM£Nl
Jobs -· w-7500.lobo Men, Wom. 7s0o School•ln1truCtl0n 7600School•l~~tnlctlool 1• . -~~~~-
ASSEMBLERS , s.cr.~ tor -. ~.
Mill! ho ~ .. oil
(T,emperoryl Pll-Jo(ottko......i. wm
be '"°°""hie for ftlt .. ap-
r!•tmonto,. -• ~ ....... Will handle ..........
re1PQ!Jdenoo qo own lnttia-
We bt.ve a few open!Dp _
Jor UJ)tdanced mecfwl1..
cal·-.,.mblen who aie
WnJllu with hand ond
power tool uaembly
work, W lite drill preu
opera tionl. Duration ot
employment will be thl'ee-
six montha. Hours 1:30
•71 W. 17th St.
Cost• Mew
An ~ual Opportunit>
Cr.dlt Man19er1
Admlnl1tr1tlv• TrnMI
CALL BOB, 548-1796
1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M.
Cldlll1c Control1
Divbion ot , Ex-Oello Corp.
1166 Whl.,ler Ave.
646-2491 •
An equal opportunity
Tiie Rigger
Now tAklnc applloatlonl
in f'uhlon ldat!d for
e WaHresses •
#16 -1'laocl NeWport Beach
Ideal Orange Cqunty location. There are ten
l~p level operators for top_ performers, famf ..
har with muJl!.Jayer P C lioards with mtcr<>-
logic component.s. Prefer minblium of four·
years experience.
Able to do a complete MOS laYout from logic
diagrams In a newly organized MOS·· IC aclr
lvlty. Salary commensurate with experience
al1d aqility. Plenty or opportunity for growth
and advancement. ·
Send r .. ume to Bill Chamberlin or
Daogb Harres; (714) tm-0600 Ext. 2654:
lnsurance Investigators are badly needed
due to the tremindou~ increase in claims re..
suiting, frotn auto accidents, fires, flood.I,
riots, storms and industrial accidents ll!at
occur daily. IJlsurance Adjusters SchoQ!s of
1901 N.W.1 Street, Miami, F1a., can train you
to earn top money in this fast movin.g, e1cJt-
tng, .action-packed field, lull time or part
lime. Work at your priisent job and study at
home, then att.end resident training for two
weeks at MIAMI BEACH, F1orida, or LAS
VEGAS, Nevada. Excelleni employment as..
sistance. For details filt out coupon and mail
today. No ObllgaUon !
I Approved for Veterans Under New GJ. Bill! I
INSURANCE ADJUSTERS Name..... __.Age .. -
SCJ!~'fm Addnu... ........................... --
P.O. Box 722 City ...... _ ...... _ ... State ... , .. --
Tustln, callf. 92GaJ Zip,_,,_,, ..... J'hone ............... ~-
Accredlted Member National Home Study Council
Help W1nlod
Women 7400
Jobs-Mon, wom. 7500
Agencies, Women 7300
All ~pplicants reviewed on merit with no bias FH P1ld
NIGHt SHIFT AT toward Race, Color, Creed or Sex. :-Exec Secty · •• ·•·•• to S600
PB>S. lll'S
Poyroll Clerk $365
10-key calculator, good fig•
ure aptitude, exp in payroll
helpful, not nee.
WHkend Typist
Work 8:30 to 5:15 in Jovd,y
local office. Le.am PBX.
$2.50 hour. Employer ~· tee. (Muat have exc. appear-
ance) Al8o fee jobs.
Oill.dren':ll Hospital Secty/Recpt, neg •••• $500 ~~~e~ttn~ranr; 1-=w================ =~~bi;'(;;itt;·~::
benefits omen 7400 Help W1nted Jr. Secty {split) •••••• $400
· Kl 7<IOOI Help Wonted Women 7400 Ro<p~ nog .......... to $400
Personnel Agency
H.lp Wint.cl, w-7400
3141 E. Coost Hwy
Corona d•I Mir
F.qual opportunity employer
SChool -home co-ordinattna:
l:x:perrenced l'tl"IOn needed ln1ur1nce·Group
to manage otlke o.f small TIRED OF A LONG
business in Newport Beach. CO~?
General Secret.aria.I &. Book-Umga.rd .Insur!(l'ICe Grnup Is
keeplnc eXperience nquired. now hiring tor our new dl-
Salary open Send resume to vision office opening approx.
Box 537 Balboa. 4115/'69 in H u n 11 n gt o n
' Beach, on F.dinger at Beaeh
NEED OFFICE GmL Jor Blvd., just ott the San Di-
gen, bkkpg, Prt!fer ~'d., ego F\vy. The~ poaltions
on acctg. mach., adding will require a short tralninl'
mach. & typewriter. Pd. perlod of approximately one
vacation, free hosp. plan, month in our Lo!I Angeles
good wages. 3 girl ottlce. ottice, before the move.
Apply ln penon Young & Transportation ·will be pro-
Lane Tire Co., Inc. 188 E. vidt:d
17th, suite 1-C, C.M. '
Immediate opeflin&.t: m our
So, Cout Plaza abop for JR.
fashion-minded, mature NJ.
f!llWOmen. Salary + comm.
Good future. See Miu ()or.
otby at CHRIS', So, Cout
lmmodla .. Oponlngs In
the following 1r•••
work. Ten to thirty hrs a Sh Experienced or trainee 1n
week. School, Church, or ~H •rp Cel'Hr G•ll fl.rt, .and/or caaualty statis-
work helpful. Excellent earn. SectyFrldl, Clerk Typllta,. Gal tieal codlnt. Prepare com-
ings it accepted. Call Jim , ay.. Recpts, Bkkpn, puter in-put data in our op.
Burgard 9 A.M: to 1. P.M. ~· &:: LVNa. Both1~ A lee erations writ Detail ·figure 835-4M4. paid jobs. Top co s! Call work involved Doril, 548-Tl96 •
WOMEN 10 help ..mt me ARGUS AGENCIES in m.y business. New flnn
-in thil .,. .. For 1818 C Newpori Blvd .. C.M. POLICY
::;':,;:!~,:;_•!',,~ *GIRL FRIDAY* SERVICE
Attractive, sharp gal, f.ie Prder a.t Jeut one :year of
. PART TIME' 20-30, looklllg !or an oppor. fire cuually or multiple
Need 2 ladies !or special twrlty to move up !ul Type line' · work. 12 Hours weeldy. $60 5()..6() no SH. Lite blr......, rating expenence. Plea,. • .... _..... aant phone personality e11o
per wk. can Mrl. Nelson exper. required. Salary ~ aential Exceilent oppo,....
at 642-8560 between 2 and 4 $400, Pb; 64U.382. ity 1.or' advancement.
1or penona1 interview. WANTED DESPERATELY:
TWO chlldttn, 31 mot and Mature, reliable babysitter
10 mos need care, 11 hr (unwed mother acceptable)
days, 5 days/wk. Older Llve in/out in lovtly home
-..... W/pool. Hn. ''"' to ll PM. TYPING
child n~ companion. Own tranap. N.r Douglu, Experienced or trainee, mul· --~~-..,~'-'·-----• H.B. Good pay. ca 11 : tiple line policy typist. w+ Reil E1tet• S1lff 84&-2405 bet. 10 lim-4 pm accurately on the electric.
Men & Women Telephone r«eptlen The ideal pogition for some.
E:zpanding qain. Office # work. Apply bttw•rt one who likes to type.
4 openings available for 1 p.m. & 5 p.m., 1626
licensed men &:: women. In-E M ood S . 1yw ; ~!ltl stant income &: tralnlng. Mt AM KEY PUNCH
Gardner. Sp r In 1 Realty, • 540-4824 1 -Upbolatery Seanatreu Career opening tor operators
1 -Drapery Seamatress with at leut one year ex·
BABYSinER wanted, CdM Experienced. App. in pers. perlence on Alpha &. Neu.
area. 1:30 to 5 PM Mon Johansen A: Christensen meric IBM equip'mt. Day
thru Fri. Your home or mine 898 w. 16th St. H.B. shift.
673-1350 Corner of 16th ,\ Monrovia.
MEDICAL ASS'T OPERATORS WANTED. Excellent tree benefits, Per.
Back office, experience In Experi . ' manent, steady work. Our
EKG, X-ray, injection &: lite enced. s~le needle, policy Is promotion from
lab. PH. 347.2547 ~rli;~ and blind stitch. within. Your Juture i.t deter-
uction Pl., N.8. mined entirely by you. New
SALESWOMAN \\"Ork part (rear bide) 646-03<»! modem offi~. friendly,
time in store. Some evening GOOD Typist, pn. office du-pleasant atmoaphe~.
~. H~~ory Farms. 1002 tie1: some dicta phone;
penn., full time. Small mfc.
GENERAL OFFICE Girl • co. office. Hayward Filler
Telephone aiuwering & Co. 1673 Plattntia, CM
order taking. over 21 . Ph: SHffiT Presser wanted =~='='~'~=~=~= Expel'. prderred er will NURSES FOR PRIVATE train H ntttssary. Lido
Dtn'Y All types, all ahHts, Oeanen, 1'776 Newport Blv. for imp, & home. Muat Costa Mesa. 5'8-4014
have ref's. Call 642-9955 BABYSIT1"£R needed every
sn.mENTs, part time. U day or every other day tor
It over. Kentucky Fried it week or 2. (2 children).
Chicken. 693 S. Coast Hwy, 833-2935 (Irvine)
~Logu=~na_e._a_,_•~---GOOD opportunity for live-In
DENTAL Al!listant, chair housekeeper. 2 Adults: San-
1lde, in Newport Beach ta Ana area. Salary.
For Details and App't.
Call Collect
(2131 3B4-1213
~.to $545.
area. X-Ra.y exper. desired. 541'6118
To apply, Ph: OR 3--1168 WOMAN to care for 3 Xlnl opportuntty for sht.!P
BABYSTITER wanted for~ children ages 10, 8. A: '1. !:.Wlls~h!i~· zr:
daya wk. Flexible bmJts, Live-in ~ out. Lt I' h t ment oppt,y.
own tl'llNI. ~2867 houae.keePU'll· 839-2742 an.
REt.,IABLE ba~ltter in my
home for 2 children, '1 & FULL BENEFITS
1---------Jr Sec/Dlct (split) • , tc> $400 P.T. Genl Ofc ••.• to S2.25hr
Position involves
detail work, main-
tenance of files and
some lite typing •
19700 J1mborH Ro1d
Newport Baich
All applicants reviewed on
merit with no bias toward
Race, c.olor, Creed or Sex.
Appllcont poys fee
Secretary , •••••.••.•• to $563
Seeretaey • • • • • • . • • • • .. • $500
Bookkeeper •••••••••• to $500
Keypunch •••••••••••• to $500
Secretary •.•••••••••• S475up
NCR Operator •••••• to $450
Girl Fri/lna ••••.•.. to $425
Acctg Clerk •••• , •••••.• $400
General Office •••••. to $400
Receptionist • • • •• •• • . • $350
Trainees .••• , ••••••• to $350
410 W. Coast Highway
Nevi'port Beach 646-3939
Immediate openings. Ex ..
pandlng staff for en-
larged ~el Call bl' see -·-· THE
1107 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach
Responsible, top level
position for sh1rp, t1ke-
char9e glrl. Must have
•xcelttnt skills l!"cl.
shorthand; handle lltel--------
bkkpg; billing. Under
30. Coll Borboro. (714)
(Day shift)
Industrial Clay Products
18765 Fiber Glass Rd.
Huntington Beach, CaliL
Seely /Reep!
For prestige company with
3029 Harbor
Costa Mesa, CalJt
Equal opporttJnity employer
Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500
* J. C. PeMey Co.
Fashion Island
Newport Beach
Has opening Jor·
b<autilul olfioo• ovodooking * COOK *
the bay, Sh. 100, typing 6.'i \"' h -~ -• up must be well groomed ,,it some e ... ~.ence auu
& ~ery personable. To $500. willing to learn. ~ur limited
Applicant pays ft€. menu. Competiti~ wages.
MISS EXEC AGENCY ?utstandlng benefits lnclOO.
410 W. Coast Highway
Newport Beach 646-3939
1'.1:cDONALDS is h Iring
COUNTER Women to work
Monday thru Friday U am-
2 pm. Uniforms turnlabed,
free meals.
16866 Beach Blvd.,
Huntington Beaeh
Work N••r Home
• .\ccounting/Bkkpg
• Secretarial
• Typists
Suptrior Agency
Established l!M6
1857 Harbor Bl, Cost11 Mesa cau finit oo-nt1
mg profit aha.ring.
Apply in pel"!IOn
10 A.M. to 5 P.t.t.
1'.1onda,y thru Friday
24 F11hion Island
An eqUal opportunity
Apply Penonnel Offitt,
3rd ftoor, 2 to 4 p.m.
Monday tlml Frid113
The Bro1dw1y
g m : -2.5,30 pm, 5 PM & Night Shift
days 'Nit. Q.ll MrL Bell ""-" Mr S I -"'" ~10 OB floo
47 Courts of Faihion
Newport Be1ch 30 '-Alli Y ve1, .. r ..,...,..,, on r and lCU-CCU.
II.ft 5: pm. 646-7325 or 962-2m Mon. 1thru Fri. Excellent &Ill.try tr benefits.
a..v1y c ...... 1o,. °""'· St. Joseph's CX>SMETrC.S. Xlnt eanililp. .. fl". hrs, 110 canvau. 675-1~P"A"YIN=c~.-... ~R~,-,-,-,-.-,-.-, Hospital An Equal ()pportunl\y
Public Rel11tlon1 $400
Type 50, sharp & ouf&O~
a.ble tb meet public.
Worehou .. $514
Military cqmplete, some exp
helpJul, oppty to advance.
Silk Screener to $3 hr.
Exp in Indus silk screening.
Order Desk $600
Knowledge ('f ir.JU indll! mo-
tors &:: parts catalogue,
Account1nt to $750
Pref deg, genI acetg, 2 yn
exp as Sr acct
Auditor to $12M
Fee paid, BS deg in Busin
Admin or Aecfi", 1 yr audit-
ing exp.
Per1onnel Atency
445 E. 17th St.
Costa Mesa 646-0Sll
UOC. E. 17th
Santa Ana 547.9721
No Experience .
Must have cleaL caJHomia
drlvh'.Jg ~rd. Apply
186 E. 16th St.
Costa Mesa
Cutter, Expert.need
Immediate Opening
Beach Dre.p!ry Service
Costa Mesa 540-64M
Beach now hlring ~nen.I '
hotel and restaurant person.
nel. Call for appointment.
Top ha1rttyllat, apace
available, Jollowing it
here. Call 675-tlOO ask
for Marilyn. Nwpt Beach.
EXP, Landscape aa.lesmen
or tra.inee. Salary+ comm;
qualtlied leads. 1'' r l n 1 e
benefits. Call 546--0846
OLDER Couple to manage '
30 adult Wllb:, Huntington
Beach No pets, no children.
HAIR ~UST with follow.
ing. Will deal. Busy II.Ion.
blueline trimmer operator.
Agenclff, Man a .
Wom•n 7550
* FEMALE * Decorator .......... $400+
Recept {lee reimbl •••• S400
Exec Sec'y (tee paid) •• $600 Bookkeeper (neg fee) , , $500
* MALE * Prd. Trn. Control Pr •• 1434
SIS Order Desk • , ••• , • • $600
Labor .............. S:l.80 ht
Mgm't 1'rne ........ to S600
Merchants Peisonn•I
2043 WestcllU Drive
Lobby Offlee
Comer 17th & Irvine
Newport Beach
645-2770 -545-5685
School1-ln1trudlon 7600
The Newport
School of 8u1inn.
• Electric typewriters
• Dictating equipment
• Modem ottice procedUftS
• Brush up Gren Shorthand
• Personal l>tve:lopment
{Ask about our special oUer
'!"hieh incll>des tree typing
5195. Teller W/10me Note Dept. in Orange. Kl 7®1
LIVE-In H°""k"P''· fllll """ ..... banJdni """ -0-0-MESTIC HELP 1-... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i dutlts. 2 Jlchl. nged children. de1il'ttd. Security Paclftc Reil Est1te S.les WANT To tpt"Ak Frtnch Jikt
a natl\'\"! 'rhton come to
my P'rtnch Co-n\lfl'Ation
CIUSts 642-6260
J>\ll. rm. No Engti.11h '*· NR.Oon.af Bank, t. ,,, g u 0 a All kinds! 1-loU5ekMpers. Men It Women
fi48..44t7 Nlgnd Bntnch. •9S-C50l Cooks, Maids I: Companion.. Elcp&hd1ng a.pin. OWoe #
PLEASE HELP MOTHER IN~CJ'JON l\tOLOlNG Relen!ncell req. ht ~ F~ 4 opcnlnp available fOt Paid Jobs. 0..U Mi• Abby, licensed men A ~n. I?>
•ith lite hllql'1 6 bab)"lit· OPERATORS OR :>48·7796 J11tant Income A: _1 .. 1 ..... BW M•Rt.HANDISE FOR
SALE AND TRADE ting, about !J> hn. per wk. TRAINEF.s ARGUS AGENCIES .. -... ... N. bch in CdM. 6T$.-40.51 Openings on 4 to m.ldnlRht · Ganow..;y. r Pr t n a: Realty
hi pl l 186.q c Newpod Blvd., C.M. 540-4824 ' Purnltura IOOO HOUSEKEEPER I b&by'1t• 1 ft. Ap Y n pt~n. 850 , ____ .;.;;.. ___ ;:::
ter needed. S llChool ... W. 18th St C.M. e SUPERVISION It CAIL 10 THE OOLORSJ 1 LOV
t.... ~ WORK • L1-t1ck and -sluldow ELY whlte wrou.ghl tron
chUQten. Uvt ln or out. Rd. N £ E D pa rt • t I m t Nt time. Muat ha\'t neat ccr'orwt Rath "'~ . ...i-In ~ .. 1•71ut table 1 et, S15.
615-1289 howtekeeper & child rare ..., ... """'" ""' .1
Ltauna. Beach DISHWASHER owr 11.
!iERV. 5rA. SALESMEN. Some exp. In machine
Yeuns men. *""' It wt v.'Ubiftf:. F\1U or pan time.
tlldl. Mui lie neat In 1,p ;m.'580::;=.-.,.--,----
pqrancie A handwrttine. rut.L lhne-in food to ~
IN ClJ*, 2990 Newport De.IL See Te1T)' or J"laroJd,
KENNEL H.@lp ..,"ltl~: P.art Wanted: otAlR SlOE 1ppearantt. able to de&I rainbow hues -I~ makeup :-:=· ~-.,.==~-
BABYSmE:Ft Wanted : Mon, \\>'ed, Fl'!. tl::io..5:00. wilh people. Apply ln per-that shim~! AVON . o1 2 UPJfOLSTERE'I) bel.r•
Wttk dQI T:30 am.-3:30 ~=d Bl.)'. L ai u n a . .tan. COO.nil'. $hn11 a.M i;f'll . Wing Chlll1'1. Exte11tl'll CODo
pm. My home, 1t e f 1 'I===~~=~-Holld1y Ht1lth Spa tr. )'OUr tree limt. Phont ditltm. $.15 ta. "'"4lSG
lft.1'048 aft 5. DAILY PILOT WANT ADSl 2300 ihu·bor Blvd., C.lC. sto-1041 5'6-5.\U White Elephant•! Bl..S. C.M. 4!15 E. lltb Street. C.M.
time, morninp onJy 8 to OP:N'TAL ASSISTANT
11. Write Dall> Pilot M-333. J'h. -
Whtta depbanls! DlmM4.tne U'blte Elephants'! ____ ..._ __
n •
1 -,
J • L
• ; • . • n
' 0
T . .'
w..._,, Mardi 4 •M•
°""-f PILOT 1S7 n~~~:!i!g;_i--SA,lfiANHDDTTil15r-fiiW CHAHDISI l'OR MlllCHAHDISI P<lll, MllCHANDlil FOii MEllCHAHDISI FOii
l'tlnlllvN IOOOPumlhlre. 1000 I Purnlturo IOOOPumlhlre 1000 W-llo-=> NGO-I--Solllooots mo U.,. t111 -------tolO Mollllo ti-
l 'x10' =::... 2'.x3' g·-, __ , 2944
C:.tmUB...,._lo.lltt...,...l ... llt"'1 .. -'
1 .... --.11811:.-..-i·t ..... ! .......................... ___ ... .,..__
Houra: Mond1y.f rld1y I 0.9
Set. 9-6 Sun. 11-4
' LIL'S , /Jnusua/l lurnilure
8-hl Mtnuftctu,..,.•
'69 Show-... Stmpltl .,, __ ,.,..... __
8' Wood carved arm tll•an, Jg. man's chair
or love .. al 5 Pc Octagon dark oak din set
w /black or avocado !rtmed chairs; 8 ~ BR
sel 9-d.r Ml'. & Mn. drelaer, I& mirror, 2
CODJIDodta, decorative headboard In Spanl&b '
oak desl11> with matcbln& box springs, mat. tr ... a. framo.
ll•mo· 5old lntllvldutlly $"°" A--Bolo,. you buy -US! VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PlllCE $529.95
... -....... $+.66 "" -Use Our Store Clwire Pwi or Bank F!D.n:J. No Fancy Fl<>nt -IIUT Quality Values de
KITE No. 301 w/aood oall. •12139 ••43 •MxSI '67 UONCQ
I · elll ... 1 1 1 "'"' ...... ...,. ...., ,. e 12x45 e 20d5 e 24ri5 • lllldlo,
ftY ory --,. ••• dolly. CtD -Sat or •12152 e 20JS1 •24J6'1 1 "" , --_ • Pu.Lie WDNISDAT Nm Sun"' ""11 NllYC. Alu e 12x55 e lllx55 e 2Uf0 -~ nd.lo. Hu _;. ao1r '
.. ••CH If 1~ • M n..r. e Ux60 e 24143 e Uaed -to the blllllt .-
---r . • SNOW8111D # m. All -10' Wid.. .,._
.~~ 1
,\J -·~,I I •• • , • f
·1 --· ~ I f I l '"'\IJ 1"'' • I ,;, ~l1 _\f • >. • '• I
Optn 9 to 9 Also Suncloy
t.r Inspection & conven-.Ce * NEW -NEAR NEW * Couches. -love-
seats • naugahyde couches & chairs • sec-
tionals e coffee & end tables • swag i.ntps
& tamps • 3 Mahog twin Bednn sets (xtnt
cond) & several others • Beautiful ma.s1lve
cust built new King size betlrm sets e 9 pc
mahog din rm set • Mattress sets, all sizes;
area rugs, pictures, china, glaasware.
dacn>u oall. 111111 r1lltd. .... YOU abo-,,. aey I ~ to all a...,., =o. of the above llted mobll• C.mpen 9521 ,
54Um f73.JIBO· bomear U ao, wh,y not stop -· 1
In where you can SEE aM. All 'ff -11 I TRADE Newport Bea c h INSPD:T all of THESE
Tri>fu. ta1to aallboat -.. SIZES "'4 MORE. Now Htre I
m1n 30'. 213-3'1MN4 ews. ueenevolent Ben'' & Save extra 1 Oft OW' Tnx:»
NEWPORT Ftnn, US No. uSmilin' Sam'' w I l l Camper Prteea. --•• -• ah b s.&.11 Ft. Modob, O.Wlo .. w., UlUR:r, cowr, nn --. ow you ow your. dot~ M'odela, SeU-O>ntalned Ul'llC.. •
.....,. coodl ltOll. ma& Iara buy more at: All Catnr>or Acc:ouortta m 1•
~· • "The Sign of the , Stock,
Power CrulMrs 9020 Friendly Tlg:er'' C.mper CIH r1nce
~~ .. ';r!.:: Tiger Mobile 1""1!i~ = 1
H S * Big DlllCGUnlt * Orne 5 Yean ~On
......... Otdlt Mtrlnt Eq_u"'l"p':__:.903=5 ' .
CMC 6-11 R•cen tly 123Q BEACH BLVD. rlUPfl Bmrllf
Overtiauled. ..ti eome ....,. 111111..., * ANTIQUES * Grand piano. beautiful work .. 0omp1o1e • Tnna. Garden &rove
I Color Tt''o-B & w's=stereoms I
carved legs, & many, many more it.elm! Sac. $1,!Dt. E\19: ~:151! TEL. 537·9251 SJ>ttial winter rater;. Maki
)'OU!' re.vrvaUom tod.QI Bott Strvi..t 9037 "% Ml. No. ot G.G. Fwy."
1-..:R;;.e;;.;fi;.1,,g"'er::a;;.;lo;;:;r:.:s,_, .::S.::IO:.;v.::e:;,•·-W=a=•h:;err=,"D=ry"ers::.:._. \;;iiii;ii;ii;ii~iiiii.iiiii~ at~e:r ~
Wt F lno-. Wlii. GGod t ...rlt Kit-Now Moon.11fftwood ""!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!I M Ch & B kAm I o · New and Used Hlor lrgt tn tr cud range M 0 BILE ......,,.bana,
1125 Sportlnt Gootlo 1500 AOK C i i G II Bol" Ae'" "El Dorado,"
Mutletl lntt.
omm ss on · a ery "' •lnaJ• ., -··· AU
• 17111 l ,fA(M llYD .. HUNllHGfON lfA(M....:.142·44M •••••••••••••••••
with Hardshell cue,
$320 new, $200 or otter.
Eric, ~5160 after 6 Pl\!
"B" FLAT Olrnf:t with
SURFBOARD Manufacturu
movin&, must sell all boards
in stDct. Used boards, all
~ $55. maximum, SU W.
11th St., Costa Mesa
7722 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. Coast fccllltioo, prlvato cove. Udo
1 Block West of Beach Blvd., oH G.G. Frwy. Park. Reuonable, Cub or tenns. 675-61:1. or &t&-2388 '69 vw
Furniture case, $40.
DESPERATE! Hou&dul of •--l _ _., Wurlitzer Bung. Piano
IOOO Fumlture 8000
._u M~tt.; hlde--.-bed,
pool table, 8' 90ta a: low beautitUI tone, $300. or
seat, coffee tbl.. & 2 end I =="'='=t=•=""=· -==·=· =
Mof•rcyclet '300
.... """"· .,...,.,., fine trallu: .., <:Ot1dition, ; .. 1 hlS I new crew T & M MOTORS turnJtwT, Penlan r u e,. as lone u tt rolls. 613.59(M
gla.uware, china, lrdian FREEZER needed in 3 to whi h H Garden Grove mva. at Beach
~------··-----·--·-----Marine l600 Misc. W11nted 1610
Mlactll•,,_ 8600 1-----------------1 I;;;;;;;=~;;;;;,
5 Deluxe Snndtal1
Total down $."112.
36 mo. @ $74"5 ! + f1na1 pymt tor title. Dlr. 1
(1) ~ or 53'-22N
ANISH Returned from
Model Homes on &ale at
Jeu than wholesale! Group
includes beauWul 9 6 ' •
quilted IOfa a: J,ove seat.
3 -oalc domratnr tables, swag or table lamps,
wall placque, king, queen,
or full size bedroom wite
complete incl box springs,
mattress, linens &:: boudoir 14mps, Spanish oak 6 pc
commode!, occ. chairs, oak
tbt. &: 6 cha.in, 3 Br. St'll
incl. 1 king she; 2
credenzas, lamps, Patio
Furnihlre, clWr It ottoman.
All wry nice. ~1208
Pltno. & OrgtM 1130
• New Pianos •
All stylet &: ftnlshes, all
American made, 88 oote, del
w-bencb .t: tw>ed. Price ltart.
lJ!I at $499.
baskets, colieclor'I items. 4 weeks, (pn!fttsb))' Frigi-c 0 en: (1) 892-$551 or Slf.2284
Settlement of eatate. Open daitt) 833-2935 (!niine) OPEN SUNDAY * PAM-TOPS, &IL 1te e 1 t
10:00 1n ,,,. ™""' ~ s.~ Compltr• Marine HARLEY Davmon FIJI ,., ""'"'· s.t .. • .. n..r.. $1'9 l
7:30 P.M.
tor Republic Van A: Storage:
Unopened cartons. dlshpakl,
wardrobes, beautiful bed·
room sets. divans. chairs,
coUee tables. lamps, vac-
uum clunen, stwing ma-
chines, milTors, pictutts,
chests, desks, stereos, c:n
RCA color TV's. Fine, black
spinet piano Acrosonic by
Baldwin. Refrigerators, stov.
es, washers. dryers&: MUCH
urda,y, 316n Cout HW)'. Mechinery, tic. 1700 Se I b 1-· of ~---Finn. up. Buy .factory direct. 1010 (
South La & u n a (""'°"to rY Cts Y ·~ u •-· -· So. -· S.A, • Broiler Restaurant) "FORKLl'FTS": Ford trac-e Exptrlenced Muat Re lo aplftciate. ; 56-1611 * FOR Sale-Cam-abeU l EKO Guitar with case $65. tor with 9 fl mut. pntU e High Quality I-==-~-=----for 8' wide bed Pleb";. $1SO.
Knight kit auto analyr.tt $45. tires $1250. 4,fXk> lb Clark, MARINE '6? R1venide Sportlter, _548-511=-'~~~~~-• I Office Furnlturw 1010 M&111 golf club5, bag, cart pneu tires, yard lift RuN: PERSONNEL 50 s:i :a a:~ °*ney Fibttgtau insula~ a• · dlnlng set priced elsewhere 6 FT. Executive desk It
at approx. $1US.OO ALL matching table, upholstered
FOR ONLY $399. $X1 do1vn, swivel chair ;no. 673-4120, $4.99 per oi.eek I out of 673-6873
Wurliner Organs
e NEW e
&: size 8% shoes $50. Phone good · $1495. 1.000 Jb, auto
546-Sl97. electric, $450. ~2691, eve1 '68 HONDA 125 Ser. cantper shell fnr Ale. t 897-2C3 High Quality Work r u:n ~ . * 646-3375 * •
state credit OK. W 111 ======== = ~t!e~9 ~ Office Equipment 8011
Garden Grove B l vd., T YPEWRI'l'ER-Elec
Garden Grove Daily 10-S. Royal. Off. Moel. w/wide
!at ~. Sun ll-5 Come carr ~-2312 Newport, NB.
Many other makes. Many
styles &: finiahea. Prices
start at
Beach Music Center
2 Maple end tables. lamps. At Re11J1tlc Prices ~u54J1:S-
couch & chair, J Mod~n PETS ind LIVESTOCK
tabl:e1. ~faple oval table e HAUL OUTS, Triller, Trivel
&: chairs, coppertone Frl&:ld-Cats 1120 SAIL &. POWER 9425
10~~" Ft. Starllne cab over
very clean ·-· C1mper Rent1l1 =~a!~"'~•=mJsc_.~"6-~0lilil_,._, BLUE & S.a! Pohrt Kt.-e 24 HR EMERGENCY ~~.,!' ~ ~~:iu~~ T ~t~:-corn~ 8 \\-eeks, howle broken. $20. SERVICE. • • • .675-2460 4 burner stove, O\e Ir brtr. COACH • TRAILER ---
2075'Ai Newport Blvd. Never used $98, \\"Orth $%ill. each. 968-l.8T7. 147 lllyslde Drive Dbl sink, ~ WH, elec RENTALS
Factory Sales &: Service Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'ls. I -"M>-m!::..:=------Newport Beech ttfrlg -ice boX Comb. Nr It"s none too early to make J
Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 Oista Mesa • 64&-8686 NEED 90moone to take over ~!!!f!='-------'1::125= 675-2460 or 675-2641 new tires -epare T I: W. reservaUolUI for Spring J-lol. I
tn or call cn4) SJ(Hi24Q 675-1393
17 Pc. KillCJ Size "G= .. =.=s= ... ===802=2
174{)( Beach Blvrl .. (Hwy 39) OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 p y m t 1 , H e a J t h S p a AKC black L a b r 1 d 0 r A real blcy at $888.88.. klay11? ! GARAGE SALE: New &: l" ml So Sano· ,....,~. 1960 Intu Tri.valall \VEEK·END OR WEEKLY ~ 9 d d . 7• • , 1egt1 ... z. Membenhlp 1 Yr. Lefl RetrieVl'r pups, bred to Alrcrtft 9100 · • e rawer resser, rrur. near new c Io I hi n g, lluntington Beach 847-1536 10" INDUSTRIAL duty 546-6185 hunt 494-SW da 495-4.582 well experienced, $300. 546-al91 1
ror, 2 bede.ide stands, king htrnihft, di.she& &: misc. Radial double arm saw, · ' * 5'>-5684 * ----j ·~--he_ .. ._ _ _. .,... -.£.: w·• 1~• o. PIANO & ORGAN EXERCYCLE, I ,~. ~. _art 6 ~...,. ,_.,__, 210 _, HP ' "'°"'=,;:::~:::.::._, __ DiLC ............... ..,, -Mitt 'i ""· .. ......,..t 22nd. 9 am deluxe front co n tr o I s v--~ LA ""'" '"'r~~A · ....., · 1 j5• HOUSE Trailtt wtth elcc Dune Buggies 9525 ~ nmttress, ~.~I ·lpm. BARGAIN HUNTERS! v.·/many atlachmenll, Cost cellcnt condition! ;150. Call LABRAOOR Retriever, Retract. gear, dual mark brakes. $550. Xlnt cond. ---j
ets, etc. . t2S7-B Pomona Aw., CM. Orange C.Ounty's largest SUS, Ii k e new ;275. ~lM.7, CdM fen1alc, 20 nm., good twelve 360 channel, 00 chan-ats.l6U 1968 DUNE Buw, dtt'Ome ,
Choice of Spanish 1960 RENAULT. %." con:llel.! stock of new&: used Completely ~nditioned WEDDING gov.n sii.e s, lllsposition. UO. 673-1829 aft net ADF, Other IFR eqpmt. ======== l:>ti.mpen, hl.ititts, ~ J
. or Modern style drill. Car radios, 4 TVs, Pianos a: Orpns singer p 0 rt . sewing originally S2JO. Sacritice •-'~•-m_. ---~· ___ 950 Hn. Aircraft always Trucb 9500 n1:!lal blakfJ body. Top 1lde • Al for $249 orange couch l mile. items. Spinet Pianos from ·• $388 machinie, $50. 2 Schwinn $65. &U-2487 call evenU.S. NEED lodging w/ yrd fGr ha.rJ&ered.. Xlnt cond. eon-1.;..;=;;;;..,_ ___ .:.::;~I curtains ready for the road .. S
No......_, Pmts . oruy S9 mo. 924. Evergreen Pl. Of Baldwin Organ • •• •· · ·• $388 bikes w/ child& seat. 24 KAHiu. Wtddin& dttu, 112 Springer Spaniel. Vi.s.iting tact, Paula Balley, 642-9900 Will trade !or pick.Up or ' wiii)s WARfHOUSE . = :l ~ to 10 PM au~c:= ·~-.:a $74S o~~,.:!~= of ~SS~. ;t:~"" bead ~;~~Food &: exp. pj. ; =A 100. Nav-Q>m, 1i2•A;;n"Pick~~ _;;_·;.., .. ..,"'_,=~C"wcc-go\= .. .,-.,-m~"-"'_L ,: ~
i · , FOR Sale, livinr rm 8:ieW~i~~~··;.,·a;~~·: beaut. meditt.; hide-a·bed, 3 SURFBOARDS: 8. 10", POODLES: AKC, Female 300. One owner. Xlnt cond. ' MYER'S JOW'D •
600 \V. 4th st., Santa Ana t u rn it u r e, refrigen.tor, samples greatly f"C(!uc(!d! pool table. 8' sofa & love 9'6", s.;o each. 10• 5". $65. for sale or leu:e, puppies $6100. Contact; Pa u I a $2195 I
Open D&U,y t .. 9 wuhing machine, clothes Low bank terms seat, collee lb!. &: 2 l'nd All xlnt cond. 5-15-16U . for Mic. Very reb>nable. Balley. 643-9900or548-8D> lmmedl11te Oellvtryl : 1'
Sat 9 • 6 SUn. 11 • 6 dryer, etc. 545-0618 or 3012 No down payment commodes, occ. chairs, oak e FIRE &: Burglar Alano W-639! HIGH TIME PILOTS S.1·19. 100% ti.nanclng. Dir. , I ·~·20 Pc. Maple Coolidge, Apt 27, C.?t!. Gould Music Compainy tbl. & 6 chairs: 3 Bt. eeta Systemi; Installed as low as OOBERMAN, Male, Red Shat-e expenses. Full IFR $99 DN p1 T {l) 892-5551or534-2284 l 'Jl00M "'1'01jf' CLOTHING • Ladies, size 2045 N. l\faln, Santa AM Incl. 1 king We: 2 $99. Call 6-12-3490 AKC, all shots, 5%. moa. Beechcraft Bonanu.. 549--0126 ' us &:L. oac OPEN SUNDAYS t
U'·-, • U ~' Child.19lS. Xlnt cond! So. of Free~·ay 547-0681 credenzas, lamps, Patio $65 540-43!9 CONNELL · iudes: Uvl · k':X~=.: --n J.:tc. Apt 8 C.!\I. Furniture, chair & ottoman. ONE 75 cup West Bend auto. -'---------'Mobil H 9200 e V\V DUNE BUGGY. ready
bles .. ~un -!!'. ...st 1 ~. Open Mon & Fri e\'ts 'til 9 All wry nice. 870-1208 ma.tic collee pol. Good 001). Sl\'YE Terrier•. AKC ____!_ orne~ --~ CHEVROLET to go, larae rims and tir~ii ...
. ,.1 • -·n•-.. ...ess .. -· • liiO;;;;;;olSW>d'-liayi;;ll;;;;;;to;;;;;;5;;;;;;iiO dltion. ;10. Call 536-84ll HB. Champ. sired. Rare, calm, '-B H L--tuned exhaw;t, $600. 495-4833 • .. ..... => ~ .. ~ moo; GAR Sale Bm.DS ot Paradise *** fluffy; show quality -ts. llY ar_.-......., bo '
ple dinUig ..;'JJ. fDr •. ~:. lOlb. St., ·H~ ~1:S' : Healthy blooming \\' e 11 FREE TO YOU 519-2547. ~ Moblle Home S11les MUG Har r C.M. lmportlcl .Avtos .9600 r
f.7 ! ! FIRE SAlf ! I established 2 plants to a 16'-20'·22'·24' J: 34 wlde1 S46-l200 1 all day or call before. 5 gal. conta.iner. Only a ----------1 OOBERMAN·X Pups 8 Casa Loina. Roll·Away ·Car. 1935 FO . AUSTIN HEALEY 1
No down.• _.u. only $18 roo. ======== OUr iorzeoua n c w •tore few left al thil price or A U ST RA LI A N S i I k >' v.wks. Fine temperament. lbbee • Homette • FaMtloo RD Pickup needl f w~~ WA7.?· ~II~ 1100 burned! The pianol ' or-only $5.00 for J.plinUJ. Call Purebred, 3 yrs. For Adult bl shots. $30. ~ ?iitanor -Klt -Bay Harbor. :~i~~' ::i ~ ~: '67 Austin He11ley .:
. . . . ,..·, e SPECIAL PUROIASE e gans IJUffered no water dam· alter 6 P.M. or all day home. Hou9etrained 675-t850 AFG~ HOUND PUPPIES Sahara. Celebrity . Sheraton In It $12>.00. 2473 Fairwe.Y 300 Roadster. Racing green. '
. 4th St, Refrl&erators, automatic age, ti.it they are smokey, Saturday aHd Sunday. 1212 mornings 3/19 BIS aired. gd show pro-Mt.nor. Dr., C.M. LI 8-l865 pric@d under bl.ue book. Llc. I
Open Daily wuben &: otht>r major ap. dirty, dusty &: acratchy. We So. Roa·Sl, Santa Ana. PLANTS, You Dig Sal or r;pecl1:, exot colors 962-9989 Parltl !~llaHble lnboan areu ,54 !~RD P·-I ,; .. ...,..__, VHW 16$. . ~Sal 9. 6 SUn. 11 . 6 pl1ances from model iQnes mowd them all back to our ATTENTION sun. Oleander, Btle/Brush, FEritALE Bauet Ho and ~y 11r r ·v ...... ' .............. $2795 _ ,' •--ti · old I tio k~ Pb! ... Mobil H Sh button sunk interior. rebulH Colonial st ere 0 , at uwlas c diacounlB! No oca n l mar ~every· TREASURE ox. Succwenls ;527 Anita AKC, l year old, shots, very • ome ow 292 25 (QI ii M t ti L 'j
·AM/FM, like new, $17S Down. WF•OSTER~S· See: at: thing at nRE SALE PRIC. HUNTERS Ln. JtB affectionate. $75. 540-2911 1 b'-k1!_2:_.Bake1 n' rboSL mvd see e,~·beJJ~ve. ~::· ~u:. ..... 11~ 1 • 1
( ... t lllOO). Walnut, coil-ES! So, il you di& that "Old c---·--·---MIA •--'-FREE· 2 Pe~ call 9 AKC DOBERMAN 9 2 ..... J:.<UI 0 a r ""'' UUl(I I~~ Brookh"-Fin Valley ~--Sm '· F I " ... .,.. ... r ~u.,•w.o ~ · ' pupa. ' n.t. · ST'a-5980 di In t ,....., ..... ., •uu.,. o~ey av o r , mod 1 1 cs ha on Dal\er -=~~~~~-temporary n groom se , tor metal detector, e mos. od. A reg.. ve wks Rancho Dobe's champ .:-: IMPORTS ' ~;~s. paddina:, 6 chain, (So. of \Varner) 968-1234 ·come & get 'em. and at 200. Max rangt 4 fl, WW shots. 635-'1925 3121 stock-. Sho\11 qua]. 9&2-l4J6 Calta Mesa (714) 540-9470 64' FORD pick-up like new •
t, $225. 837""4361 GE Refrigerator, bottom prices you won't believe. IO Mcrlfice far $75. Call 646-CHILDREN 'S c~ •-t w1·th AKC TOY Poodl I LOVELY Cabana & !railer culit~-1 upbuholstery, chl"Ome TOTOTA·YOLYO ! -~-~-='~~===,.,-freeur. Frost free in food WARD'S BALDWIN S1'UD .r•"' -e pupp t'I. · L'd p -'· 2 "-·• w lee.,. & mpers, dual ex· 1966 JI rbo • 646.: '40 PC. MODERN 1801 N ............ C 1\1 642-8484 19.S7 after 8 p.m. rocking seat l 2 swings. \Vhile males very small in a o a.... u=roorn, h t 962-5998 . a r. C.M. 9303 ;
.& section. New compre9!!10t e .. .....,.. · · KNITTED FABRICS 56-1237 3/20 ,75 545-040 ' · 1 bath, patio, view & private .='~"'~·=-=~~-~ '59 AUSTIN·H!!aly. l\lovltt& l 3 ROOM GROUP unit. 1 yr guarantee on seaL · beach. 6TJ-3429 '60 FORD F-100, 6 cyl PU tol'ccs sale. Good conct. , j
ed unit. lmmac, white. :?~ ~te~ayp~ f"REE li-1ale Busctt Hound, AKC Reg. Poodles, Toy'a k v.·/ small camper. Cd ;295. 962-7066 before ll::JO , .. J Include:11: l'loral sola & chair
.. walr.at tables ~ lampe ·
comp]ete bedroom with quill
ed mattreL'I .. 5 ·pc. dinette,
etc. All for , , ,
Dun\apg, 1815 Newport, .,FOR SALE hskbrkn, to family \Y/fncd f'.Unl'1. S50 up. ":' J Stud Ser. Mobile Homes 9200 tlrt's, runs good! $.195. Alt.I After 6:30 PJ\I. .. ,
Colla Mesa. of all makts. Best buys in Remnants, samples & llfill yard. 968-4514 3/20 5'17-3851 or 547-9591 ---... --· 545-5245 ,65 AUSf N • t
KENMORE AtrI'OMATIC So. CaW. right here. ends SaL Only 8 a.m. lo 2 2. 9 \\'t't'k old female pupPies. WATCH FOR ·0=2=-'=ECO=N~O~LINE=~Fml~-P~ICJ<.--I I tlealcy, 3DOO~ll( ~·,
'VASHER ~N~= CX>., p.m. 929 Baker, C.OSta ~1eu. ~vabl~ood;2s31 Smart 31~ 'TIS OPENING SOON Earthquake up, new tires. ~ ;;;:,~~~.Xii]~~·: ,.
late model, excellent cond. Santa Ana TIFFANY Sterlin&, 6 place· $400 494-1890 ---,=-=-,~---I ·,:
$40. • 847-8115 --.-RIV--A-TE_P_AR_TY__ settings, 11 pieces per set· c,ERJIIAN Shelpdherd,Slh•malt •. H_ ... _ ... _. __ _cU30 • A r"1l'1 '65 OiEVY Van, R/H, needs '00 A.H .. rblt efli.. I
ADMIRAL Side by liide u~. plWi a-.,.,.., pieces, mos 0 . 0 5 . -In p • , • .,,. body \\'Ork. $&50. ft -·" "-I I t -· \Vantl to OOy piano •'6 ....... ~·.r &l4--0758 3120 Q UART ER HORSES: ....... 110. •..:n er, x n co..... I
Refri&· 25 cu ft with iC'I! for Cub. 21J-8Tl-1035 simple des ii n . "G" ,:::..:::=--~--= 1-\Vhlte face w/ wht llOCkl * 64!'>--1335 *' $8~. 642.fiGOO
No P'll .. Pmt., onl y ;20 mo.
BK'S W ARfHOUSE maker. Model home display. WANTED: Pianos 1 ()rpm. monogram, $Z'5, area 213 SEALPOINT Siame1e CMt. SL50. 1-Bucka.ldn marldng HA YE NO FEAR '66 CHEV, VAN, xlnt. eond. 1
Save $JXI. Don't mW this! Cuh pAk1 --==""'=------female, 3 yn:, o Id. $150. Appaloosa Stalllon, Hit breaka at the San CALL 548-4919, after 3 PM DATSUN 61)0 w .• th St, Santa Am
Open Daib' 9 .. 9
SaLt.6 Sun.11.6
-... 1815 N •w ••". . • .,.,,.,.. • Silver fox Jacket 1,,:,....-:.:.c:;=-----'3:.::'" ,..., _,. aoocr ,..,. lll>O. """""' 1au11 "'• th•Ji~===::;::::::;::::::;::::=:_1 --...::::::.:.:::::.:. __ I
Costa Mesa MAHOGANY Spinet Piano. BLACK Baby Bunny's 3 mo. c897:.:....-73SO=~-~---~~ :t!i~~~~~li'J:;:";:JPlo:._ _____ 9~5:;1:;0 '64 011t1un Plckup ,_,
SEILING complete house-&tAGl\olC JCbeY 1 .!", 36.~~· Xlnt cond. Private pUty. Cbst $.150 _ Must all $50 ~~-..!.,t:ed loving peop31I~ 7 YR. old Getdiac -will But just tn cue It's the '58 JEEP ltllltary ~: 4 Spd, dlr, radio, ml paint !.:.,
hold .,._,_.,;......., Estate Kie. ye w. n:. "" · • uir * "" -* ..... ........, --M1-...,.... .. ~...., ln\wl. You wUl _. a kldc other w•v around. we practically new ll~s. $50 -": , ............ ,... -·' t $JOO ...... -.....,......... --,. • .,........ a~• -..r totally reblt., wlll eonsklt'r Cu Inqui~ after g PM. 184fi Pl&-ma ...... a e · vi.,......_. pt•~ .. i-2 KIITENS -1 male -1 out of blm. ~U&O suneat you purchase h deb, or tw smaD CM 1200 BASEB.\LL "" .... • femal ealJto 7 wk1 ~;;.:;:;:7-;;;:~==dl one of our many model trade. Eves. 673-34M forelrn car In trade, L.B. l
centla, Apt. T, · · Antiqu• 11 lOR ~ad-lo"--------machine, r.wruat. u • e 64l-4~l ' l-ai ~~R!L. 5 FOR ~~!!!' Mobile Home 1 (slzel Need a ~r VEZ 521, Ca.11 Kl!n, 4%9773 20 PC. ''MADRID'' ·.;:.:;;._i:.;;;... __ __; c TS anywhere, xlnt. little league .,..., "' ...., .,._.u range from lOll: 55 to F\nd it with •.,..ad! or 545-0634 .-1 v:.; ~~~:erL'ar~y S RAM-LE thruhfscbool.$15.64&-3769
8~~.Y~~ ~1; TRANSPORTATION := 'r:,th,fr.m>~ 3 Room Group 2 2 FIREWOOD ror ••I•. ceuse rrom now lhru:~~li'~"';-~rtgod~~A~utg11~~-~~l=mpo~;rt~td~~A:i;-~;;;;~MOll~~ FROM MODEL HOMES 1t1orpn Antiqoes, 4 1 ANSWERS Walnut, Eu ca I yp tu 11, DOG HoUll! for Medium Siz.. lolltt & YHhts 9000 AprH we will ,ive a,,.
!J)d"""': Quilted oofa • cN-""""=-=m_vd_ . .c· ~C.M~. ~-, A>ricot. uuo """· $2511 · "1 Dog. !162-<311 3fll) Lile raft, a I o n g
di:air -2 end table•&: cot-ANTIQUE &: D«orator's Poetic -l'ated -Bula -crd. SUmmer prk:n July LAWSON Davenport. Needs 11' BAY IOAT with carpets, drape1, Drnr!Ja~ le"! table-2 lampa-dresa. II.ems, a complete houseful Pantr)' _TEN STATES &: Augllll., $38.SO crd. DeL lllpoovtr. M6-640J 3/20 Lib new.········· try $1.f95 fixtur es, appliances, e e '
., _ mlm>r-"'"""°""' -;.N;•;d:ln:·;,.,.=:=7798:=· === ,_ a po11oe bullotln: • •t&<k'd U... m ~ COL 29 · · · · · · · · $'9SO delivery & set u "'"ll&ed box: 1pr1n&: A: matt• MJ•• Wtn~• / 1610 Inboard ••••••••· ··• Loadtd! ~ _ 5 pc. dlnlna ~ Musical Inst. 11 25 "He started out in lilf' " GIBSON J.SO --=-~ -··-e PACIFIC YAOfT SALESe with the purchase or tab1o • 4 hl·bocl< chain. ---an unwanted child. N..,, ho'a with Hardsholl cue, WE PAY MORE S'46 VI& Oporto, N""'°" any model on our lot ILMOU MOTOU
COMP$3f9 $749.9$ ~l~H.:4Jt:Drt:n •anted in TEN SJ"ATES." ~ ~:00 .r: ;«;M. CASH C:!~°""'ru':M·~»~o a 11 d:J': !!'=~=~led t QOO RACH a YD. WllTMINml ltWJ2I
Fender • vox • Standel T _._r.._1s1_on ____ nos CAR.PETS. Vln)'LI. TiJea. la\. 11 FI'. Ptrtormer ..... ~_...-before March 3J, 1969
No tSawn-Pmta only $18 mo. e ... .._,,,..,N e MARTIN .._,.....,..-4'V: ~
Wl:lll'S w1111C11111lfl: -OOLOR TV'• -GE a RCA ,.. -anti -Com-°"""" modOI (al tt1-St Hurry lo Tl,.rl II PA MlllWA •WILSON •YAKAHA ... 'J'rdll'l·i1:rtsl•I •~• merda1 Ir Rtsidtnu.L Ex.. 'l"ar ato' neer netr or u.r Jllu) outboard. O..tcm 2 0
Drum HtttltfUOrlon -a..-..... I -pet! ----· ,..,,,,.,... color> .... -....... Blc .....r T.ol le-to ......... r.n. 600 w. 4ib SL, SUiia Ana •NEW aid USED • tu11y suanntMd -priced M2-1tm 5t&-1'Mi2 td TV'1, sterms, JllaDot, or.. lll' traIM., rlOd or bl!lt oft. &ft" or "Smllln' Sam" ... k ~ .... 11.111 ...
Op1o DailJ M LUOWIO, ROGERS, ASTRO rfa:ht kr qWdc: 1 a I e , tJPHQl3J'ERING _ $79.50. 2 pne.. stovea, rdrlpraton. a . Pbona 6K-41187 after 7 pm -.rid kt tt ablke, n.t.-IM11k •W"•l ef crMit.
Sal M SUD 11<1 L&rce ~ with new 4 Dul\lt,P1, 1815 Ne "port , pc. (European cnfttmtnl bedroom .eta, dlnfnJ room FOR. SI.le .. 14, ftberalu :]: ::f roll ' • · fOU'll
• u AL IT Y kill bed pc. aetl and cymbals •tart· Q)li;ta Mesa n. at, dd. pk:kup, m lldl, omoe f\u'nlt\n. 1 piece bollt. 3SHP Evlrnde Motor e.
w/Qdtld rMttrnl. comp. ms at SSt.50. Ptdals. bl-ball 1-=========-Maln, rm ''Bml;y'' 53l)..HJ5 Of houMtul. ..DQ, n1&ht OI with electric • tar r. r . T' Mob"I
--.. .u1h $250. """ .... "'-All omall Hf.f l & s-1210 RANCE $10. """""'""" -· Complo .. with......... .... 1ger I e 1,;-;;.;;:::,..,,,.,-.-,:=-:::; I ~~cceumin • eymball STEREO 1969 Solk1 -.,;-w1ero. Top nttaer $25.. 138-3821 "" tcp Ar tilt-up trail«.
GOLD r IOf& a lOYe meet. EVERmnNCi IN MUSIC dtlUM c:anne stam. 4 MW R.drfcft't.tor 1 1 5 • 9lt-t7280 H
-c•n•tr•••••• .,.. ..._. i..n..,"" "°'"'ho"', ...... -S WE IUY S ~......!'.:: ~~~-s. .·-oc omeS --"""-.Inch MISk Center •111Y.Pt>ottroma1n1nri.r. PRIVATE s.te, ,. Cooctt. • .,~--·-
•· 6G4n& ara or m.oo 0t terms. modern dintttc, klttr ltetf $ FURNITURE $ s-tnt. 50 hn °" ovtrbaQJ,
CX>UCH. Standard tiz:t, xlnl J'Jlctory Salet ' Some. Credit o.pt. 5$-7299 A •t. all 6 m... dd. APPLIANCES · M•kt otta. &e.a att 6
cond· $65. ConM>1e 21" T.V. o.u,. 12 noon 'lll 9, 51.t N esuslESi uw•-i..ie • 64Ml04 att & p.m. ·~ H~ 11·~ ·---· Bl·~ (!I Ml ..... c.1 ... TV'-'laft•'r-S+.r••'• ' Packard Bdl.110. """'"'"' ·""' ~ "'"'" ,,,, _ towd. 1ht DAILY Pll.Ot wz.i, JUSI WISH kc u1iv-1 fl•(• •r H.111,, full BOSJ"ON Whaler U , t> tip
( "'mL No. of 0..G. Jl\vyl &••• Groye ).WIOGAN'Y dlnlQI ...... 11' rnl. So.. San Dltso Ftf1, Oalllfted ttcdon ..... ttttn.. to tumflh )'WI' tmm• CASH IN JO MINUTIS m1t (flee), 1 )'1' old. 'Nlty ~:.a,:.~~.CM-~:~l~a.::ANT84= =,tlracAdlon.l.6>11 d~·~~=l=lnto-• 54 1 .. 4531 • ;w:._~ Whl Ult b1t., ...... PH .. "O"'NE_&.n .... ·,.9251--I
la Yw~ YIClfln•
POR TWO N• ,_rr...... tt.u ... ,.,
15100 INdi llri.
I ~ •' ,I
I I .. -{
'! •
p CAii. V 1'11.0T ; ..... ea,.~
9600 lmportod Aul°' 9600
l""'°"od Autoo 9600 :t =====-""-'.;; Autos W•ntod
9700 Auto i..ui, , ~10 Uud c ... 991111 ,f/JMIR BUil ~
•lHl l iJIC l COCM(ll
I ALL MAKES '67 DATSUN PICKUP '66 OPEL li T. •spit,&, cad.Ao It. beat. ''4 Triumph
Cl. Excellenr condition, all Station ~ xlnt cand, f TI,\ 4 A Roadster. SpotJe:tS
• orlglnal. Owned by little 'ole spd. dlr. radio, heater. SM Wide A: wt. Uc. FVG' m. last Of The
'68 VW's
122 s. dlr, 4 •pd, bucket
1e&t1. Exoellent running con-
dition. All original. $50 cash
deUvers. wW take .trade.
Pymnts. $33.86 mo. L.B.
HZF 414. Call 494-9773
I COl\fPETETIVE PRlCFJI. 1967 ruvIERA. llll powu,
Cort Fox Auto leasing 11 \\11,)' IW!al, AJ.f/1'~M stm:o,
' ~· BRAND • man in Laguna. $50 Cub ~:'n:.~~C.: drl~ $159!
• dels ot take lorelan car ln "' .
for u.ted can I trucks just
caU ua for tree ~fe.
ZM \\I. Coast HJ&6way electro C1'Uile, air cond 6
Nt!Wporl 8eN:b. 64U.uo tftter. $2995. 54&-M74 :• NEW BUICK Skylark '61. ps, Pb.
Used Cars 9900 orl& owner. Xlnt cond. $895.
---673-.2030 alter 6 PM, 1Jl..OTC2
trnde, Will fine prvt prty. fine prvt p.·ty. lB SWG t16 ... l 0 : • • LB PTB 904, Call Ken. 494-Aak for ken , $9773 l:tlft, lt.IJil BANK FINANCING
, I 1969 • 9T13 ., !l4>004 IS68 OPEL L.S. Sport """"'" . SU93 Total Dow$4n Pymt.
: 1 • '69 DAT~SU~N~· -l\AU!io, l"<at<" • oprod, alt lttPORTS 6 at 4.78
"8 BUICK 8 Bir sedan, 96 hp, overhead corklinonlnc. Bia· .~; TOYOTA.YOL'fO + 1 final pa.ymenl for title
Antiques, Cla111cs 9615
1 '36 Ford grille, 2 rear doors
complete with glll!I, 1 hood
aUghUy beat. I ·bell housing
with rear eM. 1 '40 Ford
hood de!UKe le-1 grille de-.
luxe. Set of back seats for
V.W. Bul. Phone 536-8W
11.B. Aak for Bill.·
1 Aak for Saka Man6im'
. 18211 Bel<h•Blvd.·
lluntqton ·Beach
KI o.33ll
hdtp. AiN.'OlXi .. ' fUll p\\T,
xlnt cond. ~. 1544-1852 •• • 8 • cam ena., dlt, 4. 1pa, 're.dio, $1595. Oel!Jer. 1883S ~ 1966 J{arbol', C.~. 648-:9303 !'AVAILABLE ONLY AT:
$2444 heater, WSW· Utts. loadtdl Blvd., Hunt. BeacJt, ~ TRIUMPH • Spltti.re ', 61' T & M WE PAY CASH
• 2800 miles, under !aetory BRAND New Opel StaliOJi aln101t new coOO. Wire
a warranty. Bal U17S. Talce Wagon. 102 hp. Must sell whit, luig rack, w6od atra C'edit problom' Ser .. for CADILLAC
$75 cash dela or older car. s2000. 675-129'1 whl. 10.ro:i mi. s 11 so. Motors
IMMIDIATI DIUYllY • LB. YNW087, Call alter 10. 83s..-0742 after 15 PM.
•. .• 49<-9T13. PORSCHE '60 TR3, xlnt body lbape, Canlon-Grovr Blvd. at"'"''
Instant delivery, lolV J2l'ices, ---------1
easy tenrui. We decide on '67 CAD Coupe de VU!&, ~
your credit. CaD or came !n ded top lthr, AM/fl.f
today. stereo, xlnt condition. S4100 ' ' :•
: DllYI IT HOMI TODAY • ' . ;~:
!. $2444: : .
' . : .
i $199oowN • :. .
• Plus tax A license on ap-•
: proved credit for this•
: •New Buick S1>ecla.l. No.
: 433279Z600349. • •• • Bit.AND NEW
English Ford
Complete sales _ service
100 P.IPH, 32 mi. per gal.
FUlJ five pass. sports
CORTINA * Deluxe 2 Door *
'69 OPlL : I •
Immediate Delivery
Over SJ' 2 dool'!I, 4 doors,
GTs, station wagons in
stock. Fully automatic or
4 speed,
• TOP TRADE FOR :• • YOUR PRESENT CAR $1777 :. f J• Ord tr Youn Tod~yl : THEODORE
: Robins Ford POOLE'S FINE
• '67 CHEVROUT •1--------
: • C•pric1 Cpl . F1ctory 1ir,•
• l•ufo., PS. IUXC 0721 a
.I $2295 • ··-------· : I '66 PONTIAC •
' I St1rclii1 I .. door, Fie. 1ir,•
I 1uto1111tic, power •f11rin1J .•
Sales, Service, Parts
Immediate Delivery,
All Models
31tnports l. fVTP 1471 • 1 I $1795 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. • 642-9405 540-1764
llL-------• Authorized f..fG Dealer
• '6J OLDS • '52 MG TD
I Cutl1u, 111to .. p.t. IWFH.I lmmaculate, gleaming green
, 1 1111 • beauty! 4 Spd, dlr, radio,
i $895 new lonneat: cover. $50 Cash
• • delivers. Take payments o!
$38.6.3. QYH 457. Call Ken.
• '62 MERCURY • 494-9773 or 545--0634
· • Monl•r•y. F•c. •ir, •I.Ito.,•
• p.1. IGEX lfOI •
I $695
I • ••••••••••• ' i• JAGUAR • ·• . ! • HEADQUARTERS • •• • : Complete Sales .. Se,...•
; 9jce and Parts D•part· ~ •ment for JAGUARS. •
i: ,::: ~;u:c~tt.l, : NOW'S THE
f ~·••••••: TIME FOR : : ~!!.~:s: QUICK CASH
• •
642-5678 ·r1 lJ ,,, co'"''''
'61 PORSCHE iood Urea. Set' to a,p. (l) 89Z-5551 or !13+2284
predate. !)4S...&l63 OPEN SUNDAY Autas Wanted 9700 CO,NNELL 5*4l92
1194-1214 o!U~. 6 7 5-2 2 8 0
Very clean, must aet to ap-
preciate. VOLKSWAGEN W'll B '82S Harl>or Btod. AUTO SALES VOLVO I uy °"" M ... 516-1'00 21<5 """"'· Co..la """ HOW'S THE ---
'62 vw BUG with ...mo + VOLVO y..., v-.. • P<ncbo Auto LHslnt 9110 YOUR CAI!. PAID TIME FOR
• "·· With this A P9> top dollan. P.u! for'--------"""'· -""'· 142 A 2 Dr. $2893 er oot. Cd RaJi>la '~ • LEASING' • FOR OR NOTI ad$'95,~Aii1J:O'°· Now164onDlspl•yl 673·1190 rs YOUR AD IN CLASS:. QUICK CASH ,,, .. VOLKSWAGEN INC. ~ ..... Li...:. IMPORTS WANTm ::=::,::::.':.'::.";. ~: '~~ .. :,,.<; THROUGH A
l87ll Beach Blvd. 84Z-4'35 Ulla. UUl(I , 0ranp O:lundes '67 Corvalr Monz cpe $52 mo. lor quick, ettldent results.
BILL MAXEY TOYOTA CAR LEASING they an 1ookinz -DAILY CAMPE!tS OYOTA-VOLVO 18881 Buch Btod.. SOO w. cout n;,hway PILOT """'1fied &e-5611 WANT AD
54f-OJOJ -673°1190
1f70 HAllOI ILVD.
5 Delu:xe·SUndial.J 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-93038. -:B=o=ach.===""-=Sl==l=~::=o.!.N=o=w=-po=rt==Be=ao=h==645-=-21-'.,82 ,c642=:;:-5671;;:;;=====::..::======== Te>tal down $382,. --
36 mo. @ $74.35 liiiiiiiNijojjjwjiCji•i:jrs~iiiiiiiiiiiii98~00~N~•~w~C~·~,.iiiiiiiiiiiiiilii9~800i;i;iN~e~w~C~a~rsiiiiiiiiiiiii~98~00~N~o~wi;;;iiC~arsii;;;iiiiiiiii~9~800~N~•~w~C~1~rsi;;;;iiiiiiiiiii9~IOO~ 1966 PORSCHE 912 -~
5 to Choose From I
All in Top Shapell
Starting at $3995
534-2284 or 11 l 192-5551
1968 PORSCHE 912
5 Speed, red with black in-
terior, AM/FM radio, Sem-
pret radials. Dealer.
(1) 89'2·5551 or 534-2284
15300 Beach Blvd .. Wstmnstr
Phonr m3322
+ final pymt for title. Dlr.
{lJ 892-5551 or 534-2284
'60 VW BUG. ·Economy &pee.
iL &: runs good. With this
ad only $495. Lie. FXW-486
18nl. Beach Blvd, 842-44.15
'63 VW CAMPER with •~
tng 1+ many extras. $1695.
Uc.' # UKR.1119
l87U Beach Blvrl. 842-4435
'65 VW SUNROOF. This one
has many extraa + is in
excellent cond. Weekend
Only, FWI Prico $1295.
J.!!68 VlV 1600, with map.
air, FM, auto. ia200.
'65 VW Bll!. Good Cond.
?-.fake Otfer. Call between
4 • 7 PM. 675-5327
'57 vw. $275
218 c.edar-A. Newport Shores . * 548-5690 *
'&I VW Sedan Good Mech
Cond. $850. l281h 34th St.,
NB. 67~7594
1962 V\V. Good condition. * $550. * Call aJt 6 pm. 673-1900
1939 VW Convert. $475.
Radio, clean, good mech,
cond. 67l-7059
1967 V\V 1500 Deluxe Bug.
Exceptional, all a e c e s s •
$1650. 673-3524
'63 VW Sedan,
'68 TOYOTA. 2 door, 4 VERY CLEAN. $695.
Speed, seat bells, bucket 2003 Hidden Valley, Lag. Bch·
seals, tinted 1tass. &n-7562 DALLY P1LOI 01\IE-A-
'67 TOYOTA, 4 door aedan. LINE$. You em OM than
std sh.ilt,$1295. call a1ter '"° )!st pmnles a day. Db.I
6. ~8-8777 &fl-5671
Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600
r:.:. 1.171' CHICK IVEISOll, INC.
.... s399 .. s1999
e Por1r;he1
'61 Peru.ti.. Ce.,. S11H
Spec;•lly "''c•d tYPT •OOI
'11 ,..,_ .. 1600 S2JH
Cp•, Ab•olir+•ly lllr• n•w.
'62 ,.,..... s.,.,. sin•
R111tt•r body. IFXZ 115 1
'66 ,_.. 912 S41'f
) 1,.H tr•n1mi11!111 ll to
choo1• fre111I IS1A 721 1
'61 Penc. .. 911 SMtf
s,.rto111•Hc t11n1minio,,,
f1ctory •Ir c•l'HllH•nl,,9,
FM R•d1e. D•m•. N••9t
b1•" t•tltt•red. N•. •tl2
• 8u1es l C•mper1
'1-4 'fW 1 ........ S14tt
Swn roof. R1di1. 1)(0 tltl
'615 VW 1111 , ••••• S16ff
f '••••n9•r INXQ f72 I
.,, vw ''' ...... s1m
Enfji"• •"••h•l1d i11'911r
1hop IOSL 0•71
'67 YW c...,_ .. S24tf
Split 1••+. •l•ctrir. t•frl9.
•r•klt, r•di•, •viii cl••ll
tl1rou9houl. I UJO 162)
CHICK IVBISON, INC. m VOLKSWAGEN 549-0303 a7/1 lf70 H•rlt•r l lvd., Colli M111 •11·1 ltO
, -----
$99 OVER
Stat1ot1 Watont
4 Speeds,
GT. 500'1
GT· 350'1
4 Speed~
Wl1Ue l1 .. 11ter&.s Losh! Whlle lnfttories Lllstsl
No ••'-• expenu charges e No pr•p•r•tion
ch•rges • No delivery ch•rges. You p•y ONLY
$99 over •ctu•I factory Invoice! Compare win·
dow stickers with our ••I• prices to convert
theM truly unusu•I discount• into actual dollar•
and-cents savings!
Black Jade with Black
Landau top and broug~
ham interior. 42M.BBL
engine, cruisomatic, Air
Conditioning, p ow er ..
steering .. disc brakes •
windows -seat, tilt steer-
ing wheel, AM-FM radio,
retractable head lights,
tinted glass, head rests,
deluxe seat belts, H-70
Poliglass wide oval tires,
etc, etc. Serial Number
Theodor• Robins Ford, Orange County's ONLY
Shelby Amerlc•n Dealer, proudly presents the
uncommon GT for '691 GT · 350, GT .. 500
C•t•lin•, f11ll pow•r, •11!0. R.H. IGEt.4013)
Bl11• Book Pric• $770. 20 ':". down or tr•d•.
$395 FULL $21 '" '4 PllCE Mo11tlta
Econolin1. All 11•h, •Ir cond., •ulom•tic,
IHKV521. 20'1. down or lr1d1, $1395 ~~~~. $49 ~: .. ..:
F11U pow•r, •ir condition. IOMIC 074 1. 20'4
Down or Tr•d•. 11111 Boolr pric• $1 155. $995 ~~~. $37 ::: .. ~
A11torn1lic, t•dio, '-••l•r. I OOT I 11 ) JO '4
dow11 or frad• . $595 ~~. $25 .:: . .!!
E1sy Financing Av1llable
'62 FORD WAGON v.a Co11nt.y S1d•n. Fully •q11ipp1d fFWS ·
269) T•1: I l ie. down Ot lt•d1. $195 ~~~. $12 :::.:~
f p111. fully •quipp•d, •ir cond. Colony P•r~
pow•r 111h, window1, 1!c, IJZY731) 1111•
Boolr pric• $1560. 20')', down or fr•d•.
$895 FULL $33 rff JO PllC! Mo11th1
165 FORD SEDAN "6"
6 cyl., •iolo., R&H. l565JVl21062l. Blv•
Boo• pric• $1015. 20 "4 down or lr•d•.
$795 FULL $28 rff JO PllCI Moittlta
V.1, 4 1p11d, fMJ2 49 15l T•r. I Lie. down or
lr•d1. $199 ~~\~.
Fully •q11ipp1d, IWSX 1951. 20'4 Down er
$89 5 :.i:. $ 31 ~-=.~:.
,,,_,.. Nerthni
14MJl1 OPEN SUNDAYS "'"'~ Onlflf't CNttty C•ll
$5101 63
Fl1••1id1. 11 5" W.I .. l 1pd. 1yncre. tr1n1
IOSS F·1prin91, 955 R·1prin91, •le.
f..250 PICKUP ...
FOR $3495
lt11t. ff•. FJ5111109Jll
Scohm•n c•mp1r i1 compl1l•ly furnilh•d
with ice holf, 1to••, •le, Sl•1p1 '· F-250
pickvp h•1 100 •n9., •mp l oil 9•119•1
1950 lb. r11r 1prin91 151 1.00•16.5 l·pl;
tvb•l•u 1ir•1, dlr. h11l•r and cl•froil•t,
•tc, M•nry lo choo11 from •I lhi1 ptic•l
5,.,, 011 Eldor1do, Fo1,1rwind1. Goldlin•
Scot11n•11. Q_y1r JO ••ri1d floor pl•n• on
di1pl•y •nd re•dy fo1 lrnm.di•t• d•fl••ry.
I •.111. te t p.111. Jr.fon·Frl 8 S•I I •.m. to' p.111. PARTS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY
I •.111, t• I P.."'· S.t Su11 IO •·"'· t. • p.!WI. 1 a.Ill.+. f p.111. MM e 11,111. t• 6 ''"'· T•11-'11
. . .
' ' •
196," ', '
COUPE 'DE Vtl(i -
Stunnlng Olympic Bronze ~·ith brown ptd~~ and
saddle .leather interior. Fully equipped witb . . r. :Ing, power brakes, power seats, power wt ct course, factory alr conditioning, ster@o AM-PM Jrli!o,
tilt-telescopic steering wheel, f!OWer vent windowa, -twf.
light sentinaL Lovely automobile~ (UJ~
Beautiful firemist rosewood bro\\'IJ with brown padded top and aaddle leather in&rior. PoWer
1teering, poWer disc brake11, power windows,
power seat1 Vogue tyre1, aterro AM-FM rad·
io, rev Wlndow defogger, powno door locks
plus much, much more. Mwit see, (XSR 304)
Lovely coral exterior with white landau top
and matching CQral vinyl interior. Fu 1 l y
~uipped \vith pov.'er slttring, power brakes,
power windov.•s, power 1eat, radio and heater,
automatic transmlulon plw white 1lde wall
ltires. A very well kept c.ar. 110'1.570) '
This lovtiy Sedan DeVW. hu all popular ·
powtt .W.u includln1 powU , ... !'In£ powu,
brakes _JIOW'er windows, power aeat and Cld•
1llae'1 f&mous factory air conditlontni. Thi,
beautitul automobile has hffn very cUefully
driven ·111d shov.·s on1y the (meat of care by its pr~ owner. (44.45)
' " . . 1,964 CADILLAC
Coupe 'be' Vllle. Silver blue eJ:terior with
matchln& cloth and leathet interior. Has pow-
er stetring, pov.·u brake~1• power windo~
paWer ;teat, white side wau tiJU. Mwt 1tll now. (IRP 359)
~ $1333 PRICE
Sedan DeVtlle that ls abso!utely aorpow:.
Finished in Spanish Silva w,ltb, matching cloth and leather interior, fU\lYJ po9'1er ac--
cented with power steering.bfake1-wndoWf.
seats-door Jocks, AM-FM radio, auto. cruise
control, premium white 11ide wall Urn and
factory air conditioning, {RGN297)
1966 THUNDERllilD
Tbe sporty 2 door hardtop is full)' equipped
wttb power steering, power brakff, power windowt. powt!r seat and Fo:d'1 famoua: tac. tory air conditl~ln&'-A beautiful utln 1llver
eJ:ltrlor with b.wtck vinyl interior. Must be
seen and driven to fully appttdllt! (R1'U·
339) ,'
SALi $2222 PRICI
The CU.tom Delta 4 Door hardtop flntahed 1n a metalUc blue exterior with blat&: vinyl root
and blue interior. Fully equipped with power
1teerlna, power brakes, powu windOws., utro
1eat, f~tory air conditioning plus ll1UlY otht't'
Jwrury featutts. Shows meticulous care by prevtom owner. (TYY 7ol4.)
~LE $2999 PRICE
• •
• ,.
•• • . :,
• ,•
• •
Lowly dark Fortt.t Grffn oterlor with black
bucket seat.I. Sporta equipped with m V8
enatne, 4 1oeed tra111mlu!on. power 1tffrlrur, _.,. w!ndow., AM·FM 'adlo, heam, pail.
traction ot course and wide ov&I red line tire1.
~u;n want to teat drive thls beauty. (VRT·
SALE $4333 PRICE ,
The P<>e sedan DeVUJe model flnillhed in lovely undY with black vtnyl top and
black lea er fntertor. Hu power 1tet.rin1, pow~r brakes, power window1, Wt stterifll wheel, AM·tM radio and factory aJr condl·
tioninr. Tll1s is a beaut.itul automobile that h
priced for. a quick ule. (NQX514.)
SW $2555 PRICI
" 1966 PONnAC GTO
A very 1portY hardtop t.bat 11 tlJUsbed In
silver with bC.ck all vlnYl bucket .meat in4 •
terlor. Fulf loaded lncludiili Bl&' VB enal.nt,
tri-power 1~ transmluiOn, power 1tttr•
in&;, power brakts, radio and heatt!r. Factory
air condltlonin&. You won't want to miss this
one. CSAA.(94)
SALi $1999 PllCE
Hariltop Deluxe, Emenld .,... extmor With
SNe1l ol:oth tntertpr. run paMr lncludlnr
poWer steertnc, ~ brakes, power win-
dows, Wt 1teerlns Whet~ factory air condl·
tlontna. Low rnlleqe and absolutely 1or1e· oua ~bout (SVXl.20)
' '
Clu1lc 4 door fully equipped with V8 enaint,
automatic transmission, power stttrlna, radio and heater, white side wall tltts. Loveb' defp
water turquoise wlttt matching cloth in\trtar.
This locally owned beauty has only 28,000
miles. COZH 726)
SALi '$1333 PllCI
Shlmmerln1 satin 1Uver with mat.chtu YlnJl
bucket meat interior. J'ull)t equipped wl~th
er •leering, power brake1, poWtr
JIO"o'et 1eats, factory air condltlonin.S white side wall tlrel. (PDP 490) 1 •
SALi $1333 PRICI
1'1"1iihtd 1n'-ha!i!onf•~m11i dotb
and leatfiet"E!tenor. ~-equlppeawfthpow.
er 1tter1n1. Power W brakes, ~ .. t.
power window., tilt and telescopic l&Hi1nC
whHI, wo'*rbar radio factory air colditton-
lng plus mato' more C.dlll•c opUonal·flaturta.
tVXH 188) , "
SALE $4999 Pllef
· ·1967"RN!IRN
Gran Sport Lovelr midnight srten ext.trlor with black all viny interior. Hu power ateer-
ln&. power brakes, power windows, Wt et.eer-in• whMI,' apadal hlih at,yle Gnm lport
wheela and ot course factory aJr conditioritJ!:c,
Thia automobile lbows the finest ot care b)' lb prevlow owner. Must He. (TSD498)
----------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN----------
• • f'I 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY
Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Ser'llng The Orange COGst Hattich-NH •
2600 -Harhor Blvd., Costa Mesa
DODGI FORD PONftAC CADILLAC CHMOLIT -_,;:;;.,;;:_;o;;;:,__~11~-------1-~~--~~~ ''5 CHEVY IMP••• 'S3 DODGE 9 pua su w---------1'57 CTY Sed. P/S. P/B, ·-
'66 CAD Qmv, l299•i. Like '8' CHEVY Impala, 4 dr ~-'M CORVAIR Spyder, 4 op!, ··-''7 Cerlln1 R/H, Dependable wori< ou, IM7 PLYMOUTH
N6;_w;.,,.. Lo r.tlln. Loaded. PH1ard8 Pto18P. Vnew~' ~~omaxltlcnt' -=~. 'i!en'::f c::ur:: .,"",bl"°ck ~.:~Xlnted, _!_~ 1 !!!'. ~ :/,;24 p/b, auto. _,, GT Coupe 406 E. 21st. M8-6173 Bl L VE 0 ERE 11
l.r-\IVDo> ' ' LU-.:-l\ -· $51· Cub dela or take to~i"n ..,.. """"" ••w lted wlth blaek bucJcetl, -Model • t door 1taUon wq.
'63 CADILLAC Coupe, Fa~ cond, White & mtroon, intnd Will ~ -•511DODGE2 De, hdtp, Economyplus,iJc.TSP247. -MERCURY Ol>.Equlpment.power_....,,
toty alr. EJllel!eb.t cold. ,t1095. See at »'l W.,~ car e, fine prvt 11 O'.>RVAIR Station Wt&Gn RAH. nblt ens. '250, $12'5 ' · ,-. llltomadc 'tnMrtMG(
S12SO. &C-0435 C. BMP._r-lot. ll ~~ TlU ... ~ $1!0. Oood -· , ":;=:o·=--==:::·:::== , LiaJU. FORD MOl'OR CO, '68 ex-v!"'1 Interior, 11""'' lftt
. W , Ill. * MIGCT * -' '• ecuttw resale can. HUGE window, white' lddtwa1l Utt:L . .C"MARO 1965 CREVY·9 .,... ,.,.... CHRYSLER FALCON sAVINGS on • ""'' choice MILEAGE. l9,S
Law md-, auto, Lua. 'CORVETn! ol near new '68 ~ lJCENSE • UJB 309
'6J CAMARO rack $1225. 673-6782. MQ be WlFE'S Ctr. l.awner, Ntw '63 FALCON V-3, Hardtop, Mltqzry, Coupn. For OlNDrMON • ElcctUent
2 ~. ltd~. V-8, """" spl seftl at 25(1 E, lTth Bl.CM. brt.ltei, new ahocka. 1914 ,,. CORVETTE auto ~ Pl·~~ TOYOTA-YOLYO det&lla call :r.-tr. Brochu. PRICE • $1115. ul" .., ·~ ....a;;;; 1-1_.. ' cond. O'W"'Q7«>. _ ... a 5tO-a6JO Dlr. See at the DAILY PILOT, 330
''5 POHTlf'C! OTO
Stey bltle "''~'!!-'° .,,, v~.
dlr, p.r ·~· bucket "all, Ex~ -. °""' -...,_ 'oll lttdy Ill ... Oemente. S50 CUb dtll or .... tonlsn car, can lino
pm pr'tJ. LB· NJ\C 20l1 CaD
Ken 4N-9'n3 or ~
dlr, Sic)' blue eXter., blk. on '63 uu:.¥ Y II. S"""" Shilt. Cbryller Newport. F ·A , Black beauty! Mwt 11te to 1991 Harbo CM ~9303 W t 81;1 S C.M. call
blk, lnttt. Car bu hid xlnt Must sell! Needl en 11 n e P/1. 2 Dr. HT, May be appMCiatt!, Local car. $5(1 '63 Ford ~con., ii r. ' · '63 MERCURY Monterey, 2 Hl ~t, or '
care, $75 Cub dell. or wW work. S350 or ,heat Offtr. 1et:n at Lido Shorn Hotel, CUh dell, dlf, or will take 6 ;'.i.too, ' PORD COUNTRY door hardtop. Private party. txt · IAMIUI
'I! . PONTIAC i!OilllfttilO; 4
door, all pwr A air ocmd.,
blue. l6SO, -lllor 5:
talto f°"'sn """in tnde. 96l-ISZ · 617 Lldo Pal'k 0.,, NB-lo,.lsn car In nde, Call ' SEDAN $490.Goodahape,.,,...,. 1966 PLYl!IOUTH e... --------1
Wlll fin. priv, pt)', Call Ktn 1985 CliEVY Impala ·4 dr l51J..lllOO. $UDO Kt!n after 10. LB QOB 223. FORD lta WI(, dlr, V.fl, pwr ateer--ncuda. Fut back. VI, 4 NEW 't8 Rambler, 1'111. ll1e.
Lii, TPP.993 49<9713, 311, PIS. """'°""· $1450 'ii CHRYSLER ~ or ~. lnJ, Exc.llent colldltlo~ l50 MUSTANG •peed, "'11o, hea..,,, Shup. compact, $20f,3,
I -cub. OWner Ml--28.19 Sedan, iaa rlll\D RANOIERo 500. Cub dels or take .mall for---------1 Leu than 11.000 milft. e CHMLLE . ·-CHEV 1m= W one-lullr .>:?.-Dell· air, wdlrw, COU"'-"'R ..,,, car. Fine prvt pn,. 139 '67, & cyl MU!ll'ANG Hdtp Balance ot 5 )'. or 50,llOO • • ~ paa q ., v-.. .... • _. wn, W" Maroan WUb blade lnterkr, 1'anf.h. LB UEV 484. CaD New eiaas. Urea A shocb. null warranty WW .U ' IN .... I ·,~-.-.~-.-.:=~ :if:~: ~~~~~ -~-l<R--7-,-.-G-t'OUP-, ... -:-~-T·I ~:La=. ~· ;~.,: :'7'3' e· Prlvputy~6S .:::~ ~ .... ~. ~---
lndl ~-· port -. llOOC Good -u c0oo11-.. - -.111m1.-. -, 0111a11 H1n1top OLDSMOllLE Ille'• 11wu,,, ar ,_, in 641.-, ·
IO-l.327 ttt-li:SJ. cv.&C.anoaft5 1911:1 atftYSLER Crown = ~.L.!l~w1~' i4 idfi? OUty 9q. ·,...;n, !'1i!:.:i:'°:.:=d~ 'llMISIJY PMI. Air-Grabber. Want no ii6 J\AMiLift: ltation
CHEVR, OUT tllGtl CHEV, Good -• lm,..uJ. lllOO. or belt oj, ' N -auto --• • • -~ •· -•lty ••t ·-~ o v •, w • -~--•-• ... !er-· -~ ::.":"'-· :;; ~, •.:;;• ·••, •b Cub d<la, wtD nne ··-~ -._ I eyl, auto, -"-•. ~. -~·· -~ '"" -· 0. M:!lf w--~·--·--~ ~~ -u• ,., ,,.. ---~ Call ~ 79'3 Alt.
'68 CAPRICE, • cir hard j;oo~ ~.--~ Dirt. -T, -Pvt ""''" can be tOrndmw!. all 411 kt. --prvt Pl.V. P>mnla 12ue, • S.\LIS a SlltVICI sPM--~u: ::; ::.'.
1011. whlt., 325 hp. Tul'bo, 'SI OIEV 2 dr, au ... Gd pty, $1195, -aiAJi '!!I ~ 111. ~·:~Call Kan ~ Ol.DSMOlllf 'Cl VALIANT/t ttld\ W11. llG-UIS
lllt cotld. "-~· • '61 COUGAI .. beat -!IGOd _, N Ya! '~-Otlal I===-===-=--.... all -· • -· 40,llOO ... "'-..... COMIT Call -di • ' rofUl M010R (X), •• EX--u.~ -~ ... -...... -IUW!J"I Sta -12IOO, Pvt pty tl4M!Otl point Call ~ Ill 1:30 Im» wltlt blodt padded .. , i:t;IJ1lVE ...aie ca, 1 , -----'*--! V.y ooad aNld $110. lllOI '* OIE\i. 2 dr, V-1, -PM, ' .., Comet. air, nblt... Loodod and at. aNlditlolltlll. till FORD, COUNT!tY -HtiGE SAVINO,, all • -c..ta "'"' lt>dbltd a., r .v. -
OOlldlllon. Malto ottor. '>7 QIEVY New tlra• Xint<Olld,13815, l2!00. !', Stolta 8'Ullil. ,.,.,.. _,Good -l -of....,..., 'tll !Jn. -Ulld Cut ICNlll PON11AC * 646-23911 * V/Tntll, noa.n up lleat 174 Damll St., CM . ..._,.. Evaa sa.'lll!t s:lOO. * 14M$7 "'1J>a. )llftlll'y, -.. OLDI, CC. 4 apd, Ylllow'I--------T·llRD
1158 CHEVY 2 dr hard OHtt OVft" $75; alt. 3 pm. '17 Xft.1, tW.1 pcnrrer, .... 'G J'ORD CJa1aJde l500. N 1'or detai1t call Mr. Brochu, ., blk lnt. MIMt .n . '16 PONTIAC Satarl Wq., 1--------
top, 143 Sonol'a, Colla Mesa. 7911 JoAnn CM. CORVAll 21,llXI ntllea. Xlnt "'nd. PwT, ~ Air, Pu!ect Oond, -Dir, ...., offer, 1 ...,,,., 51&.wT c "'"tile riml, bucloela. 'SI CLASSIC~ oil,..
IMeaa dtl Ide' Tract), '8' 01EVEIJ.E S-Sport, 12595. ...... 5 pm. 6'W3U ThN•C«t -Alt. 4 PM ro!ID 'IT C..U..,. il\llft Ill C. wldt ovaJ, $210, llf'1'11 2 ..... l«onvt. ~.
•eo CHEVY, Tri.,,._; 4 op!, Wht •I tilt int. Btklt. :I!\) '13 -com'. A•"'· rl!t. 'IT CXJUo.ut. alMond. l!ili • 1'GiJli ili 111 dl9J. JO ..,, -· Lota .1 •& OLlii Clitlua Ooov, Xlnt ECONOMY .. Te'""'<: I ,11111. -· .._,_
Poal-nctlon. 1375. cu I• •Ill· A*'r l7IO bltt otL l!,lllO Mt, onr vintl IOI>: lo Mi, Full pwr. tll:Dt •• t n 1 w11J M -P&mpendl 12.1l!O. cond. llJlS, Call Min"' eyl./atancl,/S cir, "911 'till NIH • .,..i ~,_
1C-41J3 -OWllll', ISllO B*>U smo. 171'8111; ""6131 ... too!IW fir I. Dial --8'M5ll all T ~'ll25 147-4113 Alt. 9 PM !'11.,..;.. ___ * __ c__-'---"'
-. '
. -. . . ...
.w~nesn,, Mlrca. lt,-1_,
' --'
BUT AT ·.ROY CARVER'S YOU ' c'Atflut THls: ONE '·FOR ' .
• c LOTS LES~ 1! .I' . /: ·r:" ."(.."., ' _,,. I•
. .
GRAND PRIX: OUR ULTIMATE • , • ,. . ~ . ~ ' . .
He're'1 the •utorilobil.-thet the others are still dre•m·
in9 abOut. And ·t~ey will "be fo'r • long time. Only '
'.Pontiac C:.ln build :Grer;i,d Prix. With Standards like
1400-c'ubl.c rn.cn· V.,8, hid4en ·ra4io ! eritf!n)1a,-Carp~~
. tfii•" Elm lu~I ~rain paoeli.ng end the .. newest, and
, most luxuri,ous ~driver's compartment ever." See for
, yo.,rstlf why: ''' '6r:a1;1d .Pfix is the ultimate Break
Away· car. ···Th~n-, why . not Break Away. '
' . ..-. ' ' .
···.' . ·:.
'64 'PONTIAC '·.
Cataline Wa9on. V8, hydr.a·
matic, P.S., radio, 'h.eater, wjiite
walls, factory air, IT244A)
4 dr. H.T. Hydrematic, P.S.,
radio, he•ter, WSW, factory
air. IS8W296)
PULL 'PlllCI , ,
'67 LE MANS · . s1977" ..
Sport coup~ VI, Ji'ydr1FM1tic,
P.S., radio, he-.t.er, wh'ite wells. FUU PllCI ITUP.1161 ,.
___ ...... _____ ...__
~!d'" March 19, 1969' PILOT.AOVllTIJC~ ..
•. ' ! . . • . -BRAND ·NEW ''69.-FIREllRD
·~tuflf\11 C~rou11I r•~ · •uf~mo~ile. •CiuiP.P•~ ·with 1p1 cl•( p1inf. •·10• I 4
· r•d lln• tir11, cl.I~•• wh•tl c:ovtr1, dt'lu!i• .... ring wh11IJ wht•I •p•nin1 .
mouldln91, C11dom m•l•Ctrirn pl•t,1.· 223.J7tL6014t.Z
" .
7,30 A.M. to 6,oo P.M
'65 Volkswagen -· Rldio, haater, 4 speed." ' INPMOIO_I _
Mali~u 2 D" H.T. V8, auto.,
P.S., radio, heiter, WSW, buc-
~et seats. I SVY 9481 ..
.'65 CH.EV10LET
M • I i b•J S.S. Va, .automatic,
power st~rin9, raCiio , heat•r,
wiw, 35,475 miles. INQX79ll
OPEN .l :QO A.M; to
9:30 P.M, .EVERY DAY
f~U..Hlfl . . . ~ ,,.. ~ .
'. .. .
' .
'68 P.O.NJ.fAC,GTO -:: $327'·· :·~~; 2 Qr.-:-Vl·ilyelr•metic·, -p.,s-,. rad·
io, ~fftef, WSW, factory •ir. IWIC ·01111 • i 9 FULL .111cr ~
'6.4· 8ADILlAC . . . .
'$1671 "/~, -F~-~t~tcf Spt~ia_I~ : Vfi' ~Ii~°""
met1. , . ower-rl••flf'91 ud10, . ~ .. ,. .. ~.t. w_S'('_ .. f -•~•·•-o r~_ iir~: . ' 1 JUU..•HJCI • ; 1 . . . . . ,I P-.»6 l . , . . . . "
'69 Grand · Prix:
Ekp~e'sso brown. Turbo-hydramatic, · aif ·
conditioning, pow.,,. steering, pushbuf;-.
ton radio, WSW tires, 400 C.l.O. eng, •
In •, deluxe b.lts, streto bucket front
seats, hidden windshield radio antenne,
plus more. ·!76579~2~2 I 98
.,-, "·'' '.J · •.•• !
~':.:ND PRIX for $.I 29Mo. .
1969 $91°' LE MANS COUPE for Mo.
'. •.· ..•
'68 CHEVROLET s291;1
El Camino. VI, automatic, P.S.,
radio, heater, white wall tires.
I 11264C I
FastbJck. V8, 4 speed, radio,
h.eaJ.ifr, red li ne tires. ISLTlt.91 _
Nissan P'atrol. 6 cylinder, 4
whe•I drive,· w.rn hubs, hard-
!Op: (UOK9UI
va, Ji:J dr•m•tic:, 1p_ower Ing,. ,r•dio and Ji~ater,
1slde; w•ll t iras. IT2,fJ:A)
·~COUGAR ; .
~~ ·s2377 .
PULL PRICI , . ' . ~
C·;: . . .
• ) • ' • ?