HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-03-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa. " \ ' • • • JX-Oll ·ar • IC . ' • FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 21, '1969 YOL. 0.. HO. M, 4 llCTIONI, G ,A.II Victims Listed Irvine Copter Cra·sh -J(ills 3 ···l big iroo~ier helicopter crashed lnto an orange grove near Irvin& We<ineg. day, killing three Marines aboard, after a 1ickenJng series of aerial gyraUons some witnesses believed to be daring 1tuntJ. Th< CllS3A Sea Stallion swooped and wobbled through the sky over the Irvine Ranch -turning completely upside down twice -. before mnashinc to earth aa 11!" pllol ~ _........ , --the ·'ridla)I. 11dgned lo Marine llOlvy Helicopltr Tralnln& Squadron 301, of the Mlrlnt Corps Air Facility at slnta Ana, u: -CapL Rlclwd T. Carboll, 15, the pilot, survived by his wife Cynthia, of 1881 Mitchell Ave., Santa Ana. S/Sgt. Wllllam H. Slone, 23, the QJ-pllot, survived by his wife Dianne, whose Santa Ana addresa was not listed. -Pfc. James L. Haney, lt, crewman, aurvived by bis parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Willard L. Haney, of Wichita, Kan. The accident dccWTed at 2:45 p.m. while the twin-rotor chopper was on a rouUne training flight and the wi:eckage uploded into flames and burned for 30 minute.s before being controlled. Site of the crash was near the ln- terseclion o( two dirt roads 600 yards north of Irvine Boulevard, betwee.11 Myford and cntver roads, east of Tustin. Irvine Ranch employe Carl Flinner, 42 saw the final death dive from about o~e-quarter mile away as he worked in an equipment yard. carpenter working on a nearby housing tract. "I thought the pilot was 1ure giving hla men a bad ti.me." "~ he went upside down again at treetop leveJ, I reall&ed be was golng to crash," Willdnlon added. an DAILY ,U,OT stiff ltM19 "He made two or three puses ovet" the area and at first I thought It was golng to come down in the yard,'' Flinner t.old newsmen. "It wobbled back and forth, zooming very low a couple of times but he managed to get lt back up again. C'.!11' time I saw it turn C<>mpletely upside down but he got it back in the air,'• Flinner said. • PILE OF RUBBLE IN ORANGE GROVE AL L THAT REMAINED AFTER HE LI COPTE R CRASH Thrff Mar:lne1 Die As ~rippled Craft Plummets to Earth on Irvine Ranch Two Southm1 Caillomla F.dison Co. crewmen working in the area also saw the fatal crash and rushed to the scene wilh fire extingu!>ben, bul Ibey might as well have bad pails of water. "It waa hopeless," said R 01 Sutherland, 21, ol 12131 Faye St., Garden Grove. · 01.ildren playing tn a yard at Tu!tln h1emorlal School said they watched the big helicopter doing Dlp.fiops and lbought the pilot was stunt-nytnc. .. Jt was going upskfe down and turning on lta side then it went down nose rm 111d 1 ~w a puff of smoke," ~d Dawn Morton, 11, of 12Sa Browmne Ave., TusUn. bl ,, ''l didn't reallxe he wu Jn trou e, llid Bob Wilkinson. S3. of Pomona, a Sp ring Leaking Over W e~kend · Sprlnr '!lay 111ve lll!'WIJ but {'"!JI esrly lndle1Uon1, It ... 1111 to\.ve 1pn111g a leak. ,_-• Ugh! lbowm·dOWl<d·tbe'Orqe Oout this morning, and weather forecasters conc<ded thll the damp coodillon pro-· bll>ly woold bold lhrougb much of the ..Wend. Today'• ll&hl rain Is upected to lade &e ahowen S&tW'day, with up to half u Inch of ptedpltatlon by torugbt along tbe eoaal. Gusty wlnda were ~rpected lo mate tblnp even more. uncomfortable. The new wet spell was blamed on • Pacific weather rront that had been upected to bypus Southern ~allfornia. Clear 1kle1 were forecut for midday Sundll, { Underco ve r HS 1 Student Triggers Narco Roundup -An undercovtr officer enrolled as a student in the FuDertoa Union High School Dillric\ early todly ·triggered I widespread roonclllp. of clrul peddlen wblcb netted 30 IUIP'Cll, includhig U juvenll ... raigned todly in North Orange Counly M/inlclpal Court. They· inclnde: From .Fullerton: llocky A. Coo~, II; Dooald R. Eldridge, 19; Charlu E. Estu, 22; Kennis D. Harding, ll; Leon~ .;D., U,, .. .11; Randy M. Somerville, 11; 1Qchard L. Ward, 19i ' Allon Evw, 14 and St.pben Frye. 27. From Anaheim: James E. Crutchfield, (See NARCO RAID, P1ge I) Pickets Ready For Nixon Visit ]Jy RICHARD. P. NALL Of ... Dlllr '""' Stiff Antl·war groups are organh.lng a picket protest to grett Pruldent Nixon ln San Clemente·Satuniay. .Picket,, and marchtr1 are scheduled ~ a.wmble at noon Saturday in front of the San Clemente Im •here Nixon 1ecuri\y men and aide1 'fill be ttaying. ; ·Robert 0.' Bland of LagQna ' Beach said the protestors will gather in front of the Inn at the Catallna Avenue turn-off (See PICKETS, Page I) Arresll ...,.. -1lnu1q· th!• morning, wttb , .pollce tetkll'll 10 · mere peraona SU!pected ol aeilln& narcotics and dangerou1 drup. Th< roundup capped mnn thin thrle·1DC111thl ol undercover work .bY a younc ~ wbo remained unldootified. Po!JCe uid much ol the Illicit drug W&J 'wti· monr "1tlid<nll '. In · the ; 1'lllli!rlon I/Dion !Ilg~, Schci!>I Iitltric~ lnwsiltalon ,!edloed to "'1 11 W~i~, : ol ~elrbt high ll'l>oc!ll .in Iii• Fllllerton dUilf<I· the l1Blkr<j>Vlf qeot bad beta •. Make Pot Legal? erii'61/0d. . . . . • • • 11lf distr!Ct'!*J ~ ~· M-a.bra· · Od Buena P1rk, u weU a bl Fulluton. Police sa!d the undercover lnvuligatlon wu carried out with the cooperation ol ocbool olflclab. • The """"1Up lnvolvlnr more thin IO olficera from FuDtrton, Anaheim, Buena Part, LI Hatira and the C<lllllly Sherllrs Office began at 2 a.m. In add.iUon to the SO arrested, three other person1 aought as a rHUlt of the in vestigation are alrea!\)' in •. cmlo!,:ly el~here, police 1ald. Adults mested, most ol wllom foe• a variet)I ol char111, wu• te bl at• Thal'~ one ol the lnlrilUlnr f..,. tors of Ille in the ·United Stata In . ' thts year o1 rnincJ.!><>ullni rreak· • outs -.plorod {od'oy • * AltOn' Bl1k ..... in the final lnltallment of hll JOrpart HDrup 1M9" eerftl, Read 1bout It today on Page 4. You my be voting on it ·"toznor.. row.• a es • ' .I Hickel Bars .Qil .. Leases Off Coast WASlilNGTON (AP) -s.crttary ol the Interior Walter J. Hickel barred today oll leasing on aome 55,000 acrea off the coast of Santa Barbara, Calif., where a well · blew out aod oil polluted the beaches. Hickel also Issued more stringent petroleum operatlni regulations for !be Nixon Wings Way to Coast, Due To night • By ARTIWR R. VINSEl. or t1te DllB' '"'' Stiff Winging westward from 1 u n n 'I Washington to the gray, spring aklu ol Calllornla, President Nixon today opened what has abruplly changed front a junket for run to ooe of fonnJdable lattlgn and doml!l!tlc tmpcll'tance. The chief executive wu due to arrive aboard Air Force One at Pl Mugu Naval Alt Station near Oxnard about J :• p.m .• lmmedlately touring Santa Barban Oounty belchel by bellcopter. Wblta House prea usiltant Tim Elbourne llllid late Tliunday in San Clemente that NW>o will view oil-ravag· ed beacbeJ from the · air, cboolln& I spot to set down for a cber look. Contrary to tniUal news releues, tbe President will ny directly from his Santa Barbani belch lnapection to the opraw~ Ing H. ff. Cotlon . est.ate, bis tw<><lliy headquarters in San Clemente. Just when he will arrive on the Orange Coast; where he will bold compi'ehtnslve talkl with top lldel on the Vletna111 a!tuallon, 11111 open question !Qdey. "Actually, Jt11 dltOcult to say,tt Elbourne commented when questioned abOOt the President'• eitlmated time of arrival, tenbtlvely estimated by 10m.e lo he •bout twlllght. . Th< time will problbly binge on 1111 own personal preference, the extent or bll oil pollution inspection and the ~ of hellcopeu IW!gned for the 1p- proxlm1tlly 1111!-mlle trip. ' Gue:uea among newsmen are that the )lellcopter will either ael down on the is<:>lated beach below the mate, or op 111 abandoned hone racing t11ck pro; vlding an ucellent !anding pad. President Nixon and his will Pal left Andrew• AFB, Maryland, at 1:30 a.m. 100ay on a t-hoor-and-20 mmuw fllrht lo Independence, &lo., lo vlllt former President Harry Truman, 14, a onetlmt ·h1rah critic. , . . Truman 1nd ihe former vlct presldtnl .to DW!gltl' D. Eloenhower, whci followed Truman Into ofll<t, burled the pollUCll baf<hel lbout five )'WI a ... federal offshore area alorl.1 the tnUre California cout. He aaid that drilling and production In the Santa Barbara channel would remain shut down indefinitely unW the Interior Department Is satlslled thlt ltl. resumption would be safe. Hickel said Jt mJght be necessary to 8bandon entlrely a Union Oil Co. drllllnc platform, where the well mishap lut Jan. 28 apread .an oil slick over aom1 800 square miles of' ocean u well a the area beaches. Hickel revelled his plan, prompted by Ille Santa Barbarl pollution, tn I 1tatement followina: a doled mectiq with the HOUie Interior CommJU... It came juat ·~ad of a 1ebeduled weekend vl!it by Presid~t Nixon to the polluted area. Nlmi planlled a hetlcopter ln8pection ol the San~ Barbara beach area during bis wffkelld vlsll ~ Calllornla. . "The program wt are dev~plna In ruponae to the Santi Barbara tragedy will aerve u a model for our future actions aloi;ig the naUoo's . en tl re couUine," Hickel said. He aa1d no declaion has yet been made on cancelin1 the Uni.on lease or any others. Resumption of petroleum operotlolll wlll be allowed on Sant.a Barbara tracts already twed u ~ 11 the geoloslcll informatJcn needed to Ullll'e aatety 11 available, Hickel llld. He c1ecltned lo estimate when that might be. Callfomla llnady bu I ltate'pro- clalined oil 1111Ctuary. eilendlng lo the (See OIL LEAllEll, Pip I) "•tllft' Tht winter ra.lris are over -now we get the . apr!nr r,tno, Dke to- nlfhl IJld Saluntay, along wltll gusty wincla and abtylah temper• lures before clear 1kles pnvall Sunday. INSm E TOb AY There prol>ablu ..., !!tit. 7'tminilcfnV klhtn two Ont·ttfnf: biiter poUdcol 1nemle1, R:fch. ard'Nizoo, and Harrv Tn<man ""I IOdoy l1o I~°'' Mo. Pea• 1. . .,.. ,. -.. ·-' -n ... ...... .. ·-.. --' -1t . ........ ""' . .• ...,... ...... ,... fl!MM9 1+11 "" '* ,. -.. ... ~ 11 -. ' ' __ ,, -. " -.. ,.,.....,.. ,. --.. --' ·-.... ......... , .. ,, ..... , .. ,, ..... ~ ... ,. ,......__ .. -.. -. --.. ·-- • 1 • I a o~LY mqr s Frldq, M11th 21, lM '.J Civic Leader Asks Unity Fo1· Cities 'A slronl plea for inter.city unity wa1 delivered to Costa M"a CHAliT Thur.. d,y by John Macnab, Newport Beoch civic leader and chainnan ol, Newport Tomorrow. .. The goals and objectives of <lUr two clUes should be .and ultiamtely will be absolutely common,'' Macnab declared. After Macnab explained · to CHART l1\0l1lb<n the workllw of Newport To- morrow'• 'study of gcfaJa and ol>jectlv'9 for Newport Beach, the discussion turn- ed largely t? the question of Orange County Airport and the divergent J)Oll· li°'lJ the cllleJ of Costa Mesa and New· port BuCh have taken on the .. propoe;al for mt,Jor air aervice from Oranae Coun· ty to t~ Pacific .Northwest. SEES WILDERNESS Macnab, put presldenl of the Newport Harbor c:;:hamber of Commerce. said the opposition to the new routes by the New· port Harbor Chamber was "not baaed on the idea of trting to set the clock back nor decreasing the volume of traf· fie at Orange County Airport." "But," he said, "if increasing use of long range jets OU( of Orange County Airport is not 'stopped, we will have a wildnernea in . Newport Beach and in parts of Costa Mesa," Macnab, also 1 past president of the Newport Harbor..co.,t.1 Mesa Board of Realtors, declired that the airport is not the key to attracting industry to this arta that people sometimes think it ls. "Industry is attracted here by the fine living· available for employes and com- pany officials," Macnab said. "And if noise and pollution from the airport de. stroy desirable living conditions, industry \11ill be driven away." ''We can fill up all of our available lnduatrlal space in this area in the next few years without e:rpa.111lon of the air- port," Macnab said. NEEDS AIR ROUTES Jack Hammett, president of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce, aaid th1t the Costa Mesa Chamber does not. favor expansion of Orange County Airport but does feel that Orange County should hive the air routes to the Pacific Northwest. "What we nally want is relocation of the Orange County Airport to El Toro," Hammett said. "Strong efforts to interest the Orange County congressmen in the airport prob4 Jem are being made," Hammett said. "If Newport and Costa Mesa can get to- gether on this, I thlnk we can win the battle," Hammett saJd. Asked if he favored unification of the two cities, Ma.cnsb emphasized I.hat -he was speaking as a private citizen <1n this point a11d declared, "I feel very strongly that our two cities should be one -tt ls almost crlmlnal that we aren't one city." Macnab said he felt lhere could be great .savings to the over·burdened lax· payer ln unification of police and fire protection and other municipal :services. Chief's Son Wins Delay of Hearing Steven Murray, 21-yearo()ld son of San Clemente Police Chief Clifford Murray, today won a two--l}'eek delay (If his Superior Court arraignment on varying drug charges. Judge Robert Gardner ended the brief appearance of the youth by ordering hlm to return to court April 4. Murray is free on bail. Chief Murray's only son was arrested Jast Feb. 2 by state and county narcotlcs officen in the driveway of the family home at 225 La Esparanza, San Clemente. Agents aald they found 1 t pounds or marijuana valued at about $500 and a small amount af heroin. Murray 11 charged with possession of heroin, poaseulon of heroin with intent to sell, pogaesslon of marijuana, pcssesslon of marijuana with intent to aell and tranaporUng marijuana. I • DAILY PILOT ....,.. ..... " ............ . --_,.., --CAUPOINIA OJI.AMO. (Q,\lf l"UILl$MIHG CQMrAHY l•lteri N. WeM P'rttMllfll .,... l"ullll!Mr J••• I. Curley ~IUI l"t•""" lltlf 0-. .. Mt,. .. , n*"''' Ke.,.11 .. ,.., Th•ll'ltl A.. Mur,t.1111 .......... l.IW P111I NIH•11 .. .....,, ...... ·--Cll .. ~: n W..I aw'""' ,......,. llM<ll: nu *"' .. -... ....,.,_..,.. L ........ ktdl: ttl ,_II A- HlllllN ... 9MOI; .. tttl ....... Nixon, Truman ~eet in Harmony INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (UPO ~ Preoldtnt NltGn and l!arry . S 'll'uman, ooce the bl~ of p0lltlcal enemies, met warmly today on the front porth ol the former president'• house ''not because we're Republlc~ns or Demorcats but because we're Americans." Truman, carrying a cane but standing erect, greeted Nixon with a firm bandlbake and a amile. , had turned out lo ,.. him. "We're 10 minutes theld of achedute 10 we decided 10 1top," the President said. The youngster• sw11D1ed around him in the br\ght spring 1un. One youngster rushed up to Mra. Nbo!l and when she put her arm around h1rn he whispered, "I'm glad he's (Nixon) President." GUARD MANS GATE TO SECLUDED CDTION ESTATE AT SOUTHERN TIP. OF ORA'No'E°c~'ll~v For otd•n Family, A Hlgh·Powered Hou11 Guest; For Cyprus Shor11, A Not So Quie t Weekend A dowd ot about -400 was waltlug the President's arrival when Nixon's limousine pulled up in front of Truman's white, twcrstory house on Delaware siro.t ~~ o:_~u-~;&d-:=J: Nllw:t1", j•Js the fW1tafy Juat!" and 11ABM.4Nol" Nb:on, aceompanied by blt wUe, emeraed from the car end· walked qulc!W to the front porch where tho Trumana. lrtie "l,lltillji. Mre. Nll<on em- brlced. Mn. Truman and Nlsoo ehook bando With both, greeUDJ the former pruldent flrel with a amlle. At the Van Hom High School, •bout three miles from the Truman house Nixon climbed atop his car and through a loudspeaker reminded several hundred students that the NATO. alijance next month wtll celebrate Ill llllh ann!v';ll'Y• "Tble v~ll ehortly bllore formor l!reii- dent Trwnan's 15th blrthday ~·that where the strength Of America i,.-.con· cerned .•• we're not Republicans •nd Democrats but we're Amrrlcw .. , • ' Explodes Myths LA Police Chief Reddin Nixon, twice baited his motorcade along the lJ.mlle tr i p from Kansas City's Municipal Airport. He stopped once at the Manchester Elementary School and greeted several hundred youngsters whG ''That's what thiJ visit 11 Ill abou ,. Truman, who will be •~M~. t, was president when NATO came into btfnt. Nl1on Will spend molt of the weekend in Southern California and will have some major conferencn on Vietnam, but the first part of the trip wu a Sentimental journey here to see the man with whom he formerly feuded. Speaks to GW C Students * * * * * * By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Ol 1t11 0111)' l"llof Sl1!1 Los Angeles Police Chief Thomas Red4 din Thursday made an effort to explode some myths about society and his police force in a telephone interview with Hun· tlngton Beach's Golden West College students. Reddin talked from his office via telephone to students gathered in the Goldep West Forwn. He covered topics ranging from· cainpus di.Sorders to police training, police-community relations, riot control and campus infiltration by dlsrup- Uve elements. H1a response to questions by seven student panelists received overwhelmlng support by thole pre1ent, many of whom s-1d they thought he came across as "open," ••candid," ''sensitive," and "sensible" about present campus and racial problems. Among the questions put to Reddin: Cou.1d the presence of police on campus preelpltate disturbances? Definitely, Reddin sakl. This is part of the dilemma police face today - how to cope with a· situation wlthout being an irritant, how to handle It without bringing about a needless confrontation. Reddin said his men stayed out of one situation in the recent Los Angeles achool disorders because they felt the presence of unUonned policemen would create more problems. A few men in street clothes worked in the school'"to CQIJect evidence of lawbreaking for future prosecution. What •re the duties of policemen In riot sltuattona? Reddin explained that the campus is not a sanctuary where a persons thinks he can say, "Ha, ha, you can't touch me." The ground is owned by the people and police do have jurisdiction. Police will not come on campus for minor incidents, but they will come when the situation is beyond the control of administrators, whether they are invited or not -to protect lives and property. Have black policemen bun a sue- cesaful deterrent for the increasing tcn1lon1 in black ghettos? "There is not sufflcient evidence on this. We do not believe in assigning a black policeman to a CQmmunity because he is black. Thi!: is segregation in reverse. The quemion is where will the poli~man, black, while or brown, be most effective?" What new training bas btt11 Instituted by police and what new weapona do ·you baYe to cope with riots? There have been many rumors about weapons, the police chief said. "No, we do not have machine guns. No, we do not have tanks. No, we do not believe in any kind of overkill, if you want to ~e that phrase." More important than weapons Is training in police.com· munity relaUoos. This we are doing in a 20-week program. Part of the Driver Education Teache1· Guilty Of Drunk Driving Wade Watts, head football coach and a driver education instructor at Newport Harbor HIJ!h School, pleaded guilty loday on a drunken driving charge in Lavnn1 B"ch. •- Watta,, 50, was ordered to return to Laguna Municipal Court April l tor sentencing. The grid coach, who makes his home In Laguna at 1970 Temple Jlills Drive, was atrr:sttd by a patrolman today at l :to a.m. In the 100 block <1n North Coast Highway. Watts was given both field sobriety and bre1tbolizer tests before being jailed overnlghL He has been wJth the Newport.. Mesa Unlfled School District since 19GS. From Page 1 ' . NARCO RAID •• 22; John N. McManigal, 19 ind Def)nls R. Whitman, 21. From Buena Park : Ra,y A. Krouae, lt, and David A. Nuber1. Ill. From santa Ana: Eugene S. JJandlu, 21 aod one transient, R?bert Allen, 18. ' training is to spend several days with the residenta in an area as an ordinary citizen. What about outside agitators in campus riots'! Campus Disorders Talk There is evidence that known Com· munists, and individuals from the Pr<>- gressive Labor Party, Socialist Workers Party, and SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) were aCUve in the Los Angeles schoola diS(lrderr. Set During Nixon Visit Reddin did not think that this con.. Btltuted a "massive conspiracy" but aaJd that these groups take advantage of disorder for their purpoees. Fron& Page J OIL LEASES. • • President Nixon is scheduled to make a policy statement this weekend from his temporary "White House 'Vest" in San Clemente on federal posture in dealing with campus disorders. Health, Education and Welfare Sec· retary Robert H. Finch has completed his recommendations on how the govern· ment should deal with disturbances at high 1chools ani: universities. Finch, however, referred the question back t'<I Nixon today for an Administra· tion policy statement. Initially, Nixon had intended to issue three-mile limit off Santa Barbara, from the statement but late this week an· which all oll operations are banned. nounced it wou1d be put out by Finch. But the federal government has been Today, the Health, Education and Welfare Department pfd the announce· leasing tracts oUt.side that Umlt for oil ment Would come from the White House, and gas operatiorui, except for a buffer · DAILY l"ILOT stiff,...,., probably Saturday or Sunday, from San zone along the state aanctu1ry. SIGNING UP FOR NIXON j Clemente, where Nixon will spend the Hlckel formally deelared that buffer Inn'• Bob · M•jor at Work · • yreekend. 1.00e, 21,000 acres, an eCological preserve, The HEW statement said, "Definite a~d added that another 34,000 acru recommendations on campus demonatr•· still unleased south of thla preserve will tioos were tent to the President by be made an addlUonal buffer zone with Off'c'a} t UCLA SeCretary Finch. 'I11ese are under ad· no drilling or producUon permitted. I I a visement. A 1tatemmt by the Preoldent In a new• conferenCe after his meeting Coll will be issued in the immlnent future." with the tommlttet !Uckel declined .. ege Advisor The Admlnlllratlon proposal is expect· estimate the costs which might fall upon ed to announce that federal funds will be either the oil companies or the federal Saddleback College has hired James ell'( oU for any itudents participating in government as a result of the new W. Hobson, vice chancellor of ad· unlawful demonstrations on campuses. orders and regulations. ministration at UCLA, as education con-Sometime during the night, plans for He said Finch would hold a neWI con- f erence Monday to answer questlOfl! about his recommendations if the White House aMouncement is made before then. Fro1n Page 1 PICKETS ..• of the San Diego Freeway at noon Satur· day. From there, he said , pickets will marcli to the gates of the Cyprus Shores "restricted community'' along about an eight block sidewalk. Bland said sponsoring groups included the Orange County Peace and Human Rights Council, the Unitarian Study~Ac­ tion Group and the Laguna Beach Peace and Freedom Society. "While President Nixon meets with his generals and ambassadors behind the walls of a segregated community, men die in Vietnam in a racist war,11 the group asserted In a prepared press release. Bland said leaflets would be passed <1ut during the demonstration aimed at catching the President's eye. NOT HEAVY BURDEN sultant for con:ttrucUon of fint bulldingt the announcement were changed, the But he said the tighter regulations on the permanent campus. HEW's infonnaUon director, George L. U S A d would not place a heavy burden upon Hob<on will he poid 1150 por day, B'iir!d1:.~d •::::;,~:·10 work this morn· • '. to i Peru Ship the companies. not to exceed fS,000, to consult with 1 ..... f 11 ......,... the JI t SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Coast As for the Possible federal lou of the college staff in drawing up educa~ (o16be u~:;;d~ a ne: ~!:!:1e~n Guard reported today it was rushing lease money or other costs, Hlckel saJd Uonal specifications for a r c hi t e c t I He reported he asked Finch about It to the aid of the Peruvian freighter he preferred to consider it as striking Ramberg and Lowrey. and was told it wu nrit yet ready. About Yavari, which was taking water about a balance between the potential income Target date for completion of the first • half hour later, Finch called Brand 950 miles southwest of San Francisco. from oll and the potential damage from permanent buildings is spring of 1971. into hls office and aald the statement The 4~·foot vessel, bound for San it. Ne1t fall the campus wlll be opened would be referred back to the White Francisco from an unknown port, sent Should the union <1il leue be canceled, using leased interim buildings, ball to House. a distress signal at 1:20 a.m., reporting he saJd, the government would of course be moved from this year's temporary "I wasn't around during the flnal flap 11 feet of water i.n No. 1 hold and have to refund the $81 million bonus campus and half to be acquired new. last night," Brand said. 7 feet in No. 2 hold. money paid by the firm. other expenses r~;;;;;;;;;~-----~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-~o~~~~ave to he negoUated or eettled MARCH SPECIALS • za \ Purpose of Crane ::Drexel~ Skeft'I .Coflclion Off Aliso Cleared A crane of[ South Laguna's Alslo Beach was eyed suspiciously by olt conscious coastal residents today but county authorities .said it ls there in connection with a future pier. A County Harbor Deparbnent engineer described the orange barge a n d paraphernalia a1 • "geologists crane" placed ()ff.shore to take core drl.llings of the ocean floor. Reason for the -drlrungs 11 to mike engineering decisions about the size, shtape and location of the sport:s fl.shlng pier that is to serve the little park at Aliso Beach which the county acquired and Is dtveloplng. Construction oo the pier Is expected to begin in the fall with C"Ompletion the following spring. Meanwhlle residents of Laguna Be9cll and South Laguna were keeping an eye on the device. Mo11gage Interest Rates Take . Rise WASHINGTON (AP) Home mortgage interest rates incrtued sha~ ly In February, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board reported today. The average ecmtraet interest rate for all lending lnsUtutJon1 providing new home mongages rose from ?.IS percent to 7.26 percent. On e 1 J st Ing liomes, the rate climbed frorrun 7.18 percent to 7.28 percent. At mutual savings banks and savings and loan assoclatlOM, the Mme mo"4 gaJ;e industry's mainstays, the rate climbed Crom 7.08 perctnt to 7.23 percent and from 7.ll percmt to 7.25 per~t. re- ljltCtively, ' BEST VALUE ON THE MARKE! TODAY ! $419. SHELBY FEATURES: • All F•brlc1 Scotch Gardod e Arm Covora lnclud•d e H nd TIM Springs • Large Selection of Fabrle1 e 5 Dffferent S,Yle1 e Ou•llty Construction & ~aterlela Covered In Any of Drexel'• 200 Fabric S.lec:tions. NEWPORT BEACH 1727 WHtcllff Dr., 642-2050 Of'IH NIDAY 'TIL t INTERIORS Prof ... lonal Interior Dotlgnon - Av•llabl....illD-NSID LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Co11t Hwy. Of'IN NIDAY 'TIL. f ,._ f.n ,,_ M• fll °'911 C..,, 14 .. 1Z6J ' I', 4944551 DAILY Pll.M-............. PILE OF RUBBLE IN ORANGE GROVE ALL THAT REMAINED AFTER"HELJCOPTER CRASH ThrH Marint1 Ole As Crippled Craft Plummets to Earth on Irvine Ranch Strict Roles Issued Hickel Bars Oil Leasing Off Santa Barbara WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary ol the Interior Walte r J. Hickel barred today oil leasing on some 55,000 acres off the coast of Santa Barbara, Calif., where a wt.U blew out and oil polluted ll!o beadie!. Hickel alto Issued more Stringent pelrol<U!J! operating regulati= for the federal\.offshore area aloe the entire Caliform\. coast. He sa!d that drilling and production In the Santa Barbara channel would remain shut down indefinitely un UI the Interior ,Department Is satisfied that its resumption would be safe. Hickel ·said It might be necessary to abandon entirely a Union OU Co. drilling platlonn, where the well mishap last Jan. 28 1pread an oil slick over some 800 square miles of ocean as well as Westminster's Cultme Week Begins March 24 Art , music, drama and lilerature will be spotlighted March 24-30 during the City of Weslminster 's annual Cultural .Arb Week. ,. "Light Up the Sky," a play presented by the Westminster Community Theater, will be the featured event of the celebra- tion. The comeay will be staged at 8:30 p.m. March 29 and 30 in the group's auditorium in the Westminster Shopping Center mall, corner \Vestminstcr Avenue and Goldenwest Street. The l\\'O final days of the week will focus special attention to t h e We.st.minster Civic Center where art shows, a choir concert, folklore dancing, variety acts and an orchestra program will be presented. Beginning at 10 a.m. March 30, the Westminster Art Association V.'ill have artists in the center's mall for an "artists in action" project. A aimbined choir of six community churehes will entertain in the mall on the same day. Other events will be scheduled earlier tn the week al five different locations in the city. the area beaches. JUckel revealed his plan, prompted by the Santa Barbara poHutkm, in a statement following a closed meetinc )Vith the House Interior Committee. It came just ahead of a scheduled weekend visil ~Y· Prai<lfnl,.lllJon lo the polluted atta. Nil:oh planned a helicopter . inspection of the Santa Barbara beach .,,. duriq Ilia .nekend vi.it lo California. ''The program we are diveloplng In response to the Santa Barbara tragedy will serve as a model for our future actions along the nation's • n ti r e coastline," Hlct!I aaid. He said no decllilon has yet been made on canceling the Union lease or any others. Resumption of petroleum operations will be allowed on Santa Barbara tracls already leased as soon as the geological information needed to assure salety is available, Hickel said. He declined to estimate when ~at mJght be. California already has a it.ate-pro- claimed oil sanctuary, extending to the three.mile limit off Santa Barbara, from which all oil operations art banned. But the federal govemment has been leasing tracts outside that limit for oil and gas operaUons, e1cept for a buffer zone along tbe state sanctuary. JUckel fonnally declared that buffer :zone, 21,000 acres, an ecological preserve, and added that another 34,000 acres still unleased aouUt of lhls preserve will be made an additional buffer zone with (See OU, LEASES, Pop I) Spring Leaking Over Weekend Spring may have sprung, but from early iodicaUons, it seems to have sprung a leak. Light showers doused tht Orange Coast tl)is morning, and weather forecasters conceded that the damp condition pro- bably would hold lhrough much of the weekend. Today's light rain is e1pect.ed to fade to showers Saturday, with up to hall an inch of precipitation by tonight along the coast. Gusty winds were upe.lcted to make things even more uncomfoftab~ --3 Marines Die In Copter Crash Near Irvine A big troop.<:arrler beJicopter crashed Into an orange grove near Irvine Wednes- day, kllling three Marines aboard, after a 11ickening series of aerial gyraUons sorp:e wll.nes!es believed to be daring Btunt.s. The CHllA Sea .Stollion owooped and wubbled thr<rugh lhe sky over Ibo Irvin• Ranch -turnln& comp1ei.1y·upoi.i. down twice -bol.ore lll!Qhlnl1. lo ••"" u the pilot f«lall!"fof ~ "'f.':!· ,- -Authorities Ii.sled Ibo victims, wigned lo Marine . s.a"ft' Bel~ TBIDJN Squadron ~·of Ow -~,Alt Faclllty at Santa Ana, as : -Cop!. 11k:Un1 T. Cor!Ho, IS, 0Ute pllo~ ourvlved by hit wUe C)onthlo, of 1811 MitcbelJ Ave., Santa Ana. S/Sgt. WUD... B. Sloae II, Ille co-pllol, ourvlv<d by hJJ -;fie Dianne, whose Santa Ana address was not lilted:. -Pfc. James L Duey, 11, mwinan. survived by his parenta:, Mrs. and Mrs. Willard L. Hariey, of Wichita, Kan. • The accident occurred at 2:U p.m. while the twin-rotor chopper wu on a rouUne tralnhlg fl.Jght and the wreckage exploded Into fl>mes and burned for 30 minutes before being controlled. Site of the crash wai near the Jn. te'rsectlon of two dlrt roads 600 yardl north of Irvine Boulevard, betweeG Myford and Culver road$, east of Tnstln. Irvine Ranch employe Carl 'Jinner, 42, aaw the final death dive from about on~uarter mile away as he worked in an equipment yard. "He made two or three passe·1 over the area and at first I thought lt wu going to come down in the yard," Flinner told newsmen. "It wobbled back and· forth, zooming very low a couple of timts but he managed to gel it back up again. One time ·I saw it tum completely upside down but he got it back in the air,'' Fllnner said. Two Southern California Edison Co. crewmen working in the aru a1IO aaw the fatal crash and rushed t.o the actne with tirt extingu~hrrs, but lh<y mlghl (Set COPTER, P"f' I) Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -·The stock market closed on a lOW'tt' note today. Trad1ng was moderate nur the fmllh. (See quotartom. Paces 1~15). The Dow Jooea indu.strlal average at 1:30 p.m. WU off S.11 points at 117:52. Loi.ea eicttdtd gains by ahoul 100 i!sues. • ' TMay's l'lnal JEN CENTS, 30 Nabbed -in Raid Vndercover Work Triggers Roundup An undercover olfictr enrolled as a lludent In lho Fu1Jerlon Union High School Dlltrlcl euly today lrlggtred · • wldtJpttad roundup of drug Jieddltr• which netted :JO auspects, Including H Juvenilu. .vrem were conttnutnr this momtnr. wflh police seeking 10 more pulODI 11U.1pected of selllnr narcotic. and dangerOUJ' drup. The roundup capped more than three months of undercover work by a young officer who remained unidentlfled. Pollce aid much ol the ttllclt dru& traffic wu amonJ atudents in the Fullerton Union Hi&h School District. Investigator• declintd to a1y at which Important Trip al Ibo elgbt blgh 11<hool1 In the Fulltrlon cliJtrlct Ibo uaden:over opnt hod been eorolled ·· The diltrtct bu achools tn•La Habra and Buena Park, as well as in Fullerton. Police aaid the undercover investigation wu 'carried out with the cooperation of ochoot officials. Tbe mmdup Involving . more thon !O officers from Fullerton, Anahe.lm, Buena Park, La Habra and the county Sheriff'• Offlce began at 2 a.m. In addlUon to the 30 arrested, three other person1 aough( as a result of the invesUgation ue already in custody elsewhere, police tald. Adults arrested, moat of whom [ace Nixon Winging Toward Coast By ARTlltlll 11. VINBEI. ot .... ., ......... \Vlncilll mhrud lrom • u n n y Washlnglon lo lhe tJl'IY, oprln( ltles al Collfornla, Pmldent Nixon lodoy opened whol hu obruplly cbuced from • junl<el for t\m · lo om! ol forinldoblo lorolP""" -~ The c:lliel -· WU due lo arrive oboeid Air i'Ore. One ot Pt. llUIU ~~"-;.~·~··= s:.rw,;-, bOdiei b7 hellcolite"r· """" --..tlllJll Tim .. El-.. aid .JaCi, '~y In ' San Clemfnlo 1M1 "'88 ""' fi.w ~ od -trom . ut, '*· c1-lni • ""°'1o RI down lcr • c-·JooL Col\lrary lo bdtW nelll .rileutt, the President will 0,. directly m hla Santio Blfbora bucb JnapecUon Ill the opraw~ Ing H. H." Cott.. -le, Ilia lwo-doy headquarters In San Clemente. Juat when he wlll llTive on the <>range Coast, where he will hold comprehensive talks with lop oldel on the Vlelnam sltuotlon, 1" u open question lodoy. "Actually, It's dlfficuJt to ay," Elbourne commentad wben quertloned about the Pnsld<nt's esllmated Um• al arrl\oa~ tenlattvely estlmoted by tome lo be •bout twillght. ' .The till)< will prol!ably bing> on hla own penon•I preference, the atent ol hla oil p<illutloo lnspec:ttoa ml tJle type of hellcopter uslgned for !be ap- pmlm1tely 1\10-mlle trip. · Guessa among newsnien are that the hellcopter will either set down on the hol.ated beach below the tstate, or on an abandoned horse racing track pro- v1din1 an excellent lan4fnl pad. Prealdeni Nixon and Ilia wUe Pol Jell Andrew• AFB, Maryland. at 1:30 1.m. today on a two-hour-and-20 minute flight to lndepe~ence, Mo., to visit former Prtsldent Harry Trumm, M, a onetime hanh cr!Uc. Truman and the former viee president lo Dwight D. Eisenhower, who followed Trumoa into office, burled Ibo poUUcal hatchet about five yeare: ago. The .... lher WU bnp4 rprina and IWlllY u the Nb:ODI and a bandtul al tor> aldto -~ F:orce One In Maryland, but C.lilomla ~ ma1 be dr!zill' 1or hi• .mva1. Presldeot Nixon'• Soatbland vlltl originMecl u • recreollonll juatet lo the home .,... the chief executive and NI wife kive, but other overtones - otcnlfi<alll ooes -have lollow(d. Ellsworth .Bunter. U.S. Amb.,oodor lo Vlelnom, and Gen. Aadrtw J. Good- DAJl;V PILOT iWf ,_ SIGNING UP FOR ~JXON Inn'• Boll Mol•r •I ·Work pasier, retlrlng deputy CQl1111lander of U.S. forces, arrive from that nal.lon Sunday for poUcy lalks. Sitting with lbem at the doowlon will be 5eaolary al State William P, Rogers, as well as Or. Henry A. KiJA.. Inger, Nixon's pmk!entlal asslslaol Jar national IOCUl"ity ollaln. While Houae Press Secr<lMl' Ronald 7.iecler hu ottempied lo play down Ibo lmporWice al Ibo Vietnam laltr, bul the c.'ooference will be Ibo lint between Nlxmi. and 'the ambassador. A ..,.,...,., oclton bl Ibo" bofpd""°"" Plril peace· talks and a review of the rlalng tide of mllllary aotMty ue (Set NIXON, POI• I) a variety of charges, were to be .,.. ralgned today In North 0r"I• County Murudpal Court. They Include: From Fulltrlon: Rocky A. Courlaln, 11; Dooald R. Eldridge, ti; Chari'" E. Estes, 22; Kennia D. Hardlnf, 11; Leonard D. Law, 11; Randy M. Somerville. 19; RJchard L. Ward. 11; Allon Evana, 31 and St.pben Frye, 17. From Anahelm : Jamei E. Crutchfield, 22; John N. McManlgal, 19 and Deanla R. Whitman, 21. From Buena Park: Ray A. JµaaM, 19, and David A. Nuberg, 11, From Santa Ana: Eugene S. Handlu, 21 and one tran5lent, Robert Allen, 1l. Picketing .. Planned for- Nixon Visit By mCllARD P. NALL Of '" Dlllr ........... Anti-war groups are organlzlnl I )Jeket protest to greel Pmldent N-In Son Clemente Saturday. Picteta and marchers art ac.Wuted to asaemb1e at noon Saturday In. front of the San Clemente Inn •here Nl1oa IOCUl"lty men and aides will be staying. Robert O. Bland of Laguno B .. ch lald the proteotors will plher '11 front al the Inn ol lbe' Citallno Avenuo tum.all at the San Dleao Ftttway •I 1100C1 Bo!ur· Uy •. Fnlm Ihm, be lald, )ll<bla will Nrcll lo U. gates al tho ~ l!boou "mtrlcled coimmmltJ" alone abold • eight bloct aldewalt. · ·Bland lald opooaorlhf ....,,. 1llc1uded lllo Orange County Puce and llmun Jllghlo COUncll, the Unltorlan Stuc(y-Ao- tion Group ind Ibo !.oiWIA Bdcb Puce and Freedom Society. "While President ·Nixon meell wlth hit generalt and amhusadon behind the wallS of a ttgregated community, men die in Vietnam in a racilt ~ the group ustrted In • prtpared release. Bland said lealltll would be pwed out during the demonstration aimed at cat.cl1lng the President'• eye. Small Lots Topic At Valley Meet A special meeting lo · dllc:USI pn- ceedihgli on a proposed planned develop- ment with small loll will be bold by !be Foontaln Valley City Coundl lonlghl at a o'cloci:. Jn answer to a letter crltlclzfn& plan· ning commiselon approval t:l the Lmrin Tract, councilmen will bear appeals on the approval from resldenta of the area. The Larwill Tract was approved on a 7,200 square foot per lot bllis to be bulK between Talbert and Ellia Avenues and Newland and Magnolia StreeU. Some ntlgbborlng midtllla object lo tile lad that . about 15 porctDl al Ibo Larwin Tr•cl homes wlU be bulll Oii only 1,000 oquare foot loll. Under Ille clty'a pllMed ffv<1-<nt l)'sltm Ibo Incl ......... In u. ..... of a developed part lo acbltve T,ltJO equare feet per Joi. Oraa•e Programs ouUining the entire week are available from the Westminster Civic Center, 8%00 Westminster Ave., the Otamber of Commerce Office and public libraries. The new wet spell was blamed on a Pacific weather front that had been expected to bypass Southern California. Clear skies: were forecut for midday Sunday. M .. ke Pot "tegal? Reddin 'Explodes Myths'· . . - The winter ralha art over -now we ge& the sprbJ& rahu11 like to. ntghl and Satunloy, otons wltlo guaty winds .oad lixlyllh leJl!per ... tures before clelt UJa prevail Sunday • • I ;Maybe . the tiqle hu. CJll!I• lo bring marijuana oot of the "tpeak4 taalts" aniJ <ad the p<OhiblUoa of "pot.'" That's one of Ibo lntrlgulnc I~ tors of life in the Unlttd Stf~ Jn this year of rnlnd·bo(flJllJ rn.J<. outs expklrtd lodoy by Alton Blakeslee in the final Installment of his to.part ''Drugs 1969" aertes. Read about It today on Page 4. You may be votin& oo it "tomor•\ row." Police Ckief. Come& Off Candid in G.WC ·Discussion JI,. RlJDLNIEJ)'DD-!ilf '°',.. DlllY""" ..... 'Loi Allgela.Police,Cbld 'l'homu Red- din nund•y made an effort to uplode ...,. myllla •boul IOClety and his piollce for<e In • teltpbone Interview with. Hun- • U....., Btach'a Goldtn Weal Co!JO&e otudenll. · Reddin taUitd from hJJ a/lice via telephone lo lluclenta gathered In , tho Golden West Forum. He covttt<i toe;c. ranging lrom campus dlsorden 19 ~ lralnlng, pollce<Otnntunlty ... 1at1ons, 1101, control and campus in!UttaUon by dlarup- Uve t.lementl. • ~ His response lo questiooJ by oiv<n ltudent ffnellstJ rtOtlved ovttW~ndi\g ""~ b7 .-pruen~ many •o/ whom • . , . • INSmE TOD-'Y' ThrTfl probol>I¥ ..., little rtm"1Jlcfn17 whfn UDO ou-thM bittfr polilkcl ..... 1c,, Rici>- . ord /liz!>n • .md ~Hont ~' 1-!Oda¥ .la 1,..,.,_inacc, ·JI• ~i.7. t .~ lt ~ ......... t• =:= v.J -· .. -.. .,... ,...._ ' =" . ,... ' ._.. , ... ,,...L ... ,. '"' ~ 11 ............ 11 """'...,.., n -... . __ ., -. -M ....... , .... ,. --.. Of ... (..-, • ........... ""' ---1t-1• .... ,..,, .... M': ..... l+ll T....,.._ •. --.. ·-. --.. Wiiks ... 1NI • 2 DAILY PILOT H f rldq, M .... 21, 1'169 POPL Files Case Against • Tax Boost Ballot arguments against a proposed $1.U per flOO assessed valuation ta:r hike ln the Ocean View' School District haye been filed by the Huntington Beacb Property OWners ProtttUve League. The district which covers a wide belt across tht! center and northern sections cf tt"e cuy, has called a tax increase election for May 6 to ask the voten to raise the basic rate from the pr~t II.SO to 12.75. Presently the district has a total gf!fleral purpose rate of $2.0012 ·and a t-ood redemption and interest rate of .:.o?l for a total rate of $2.50SS. The argument against the tax increase .,..s signed by Joseph S. Fenn and J•ck H. Ellsworth. both officers of the POPL. They argue that during the past ij .. e years the enrollment hu incrused •1 pucent and assessed valuation 216 percenL "The property tax allotment for each !-tudent bas increased over 61 percent in lhis same period," Ferm a r g u e d. .. This comparisor1 proves that the ~ :1e~ty ~ ipcrease bas surpassed the ~·f1ationary spiral." Ferm polnL5 out that if the voters f.ve majority approval to the tu hike, the O\\'ner or a home valued at $20,000 will pay about $63 more in property taxes and the owner or a home vatued- at $35,<MXI will have to pay an addiUonal $125. "This is too much. How much more can. the property owner bear?" asked Ferm. He argued that the district has claimed that only 49 cents or . the proj~Js~~ lncreast Will be used for mamw.i.iw15 the prtSent program., Ferm maintains that i! 49 cents ts all that Ii, needed to malntain the preunt program, then the district should ask for no more than that amount. District -officials, however1 &f'l\le that the full $1.25 is needed to lnsUrt that the children In the Ocean View District will get an educauon· equivalent to other elementary school districts. From Page I ' REDDIN •.. cetslul deterrent for the tncrenlnt teaslons ill black &hetto1? "There U not su1Iident evidence on this. We do not believe in Uligni.n& a black policeman to a commumty because he is black. Thia Is Hgl'tl&Uon in reverse. The questkrt is wbete will the policeman. black, white or brown, be most··effecUve?" Wbt new traimal lw bee• llllUhlted lly police and wllat aew weapom do )'OU laave to cope wJ~ rtoll? There hive been many rwnors about weapons. the police chief said. "No, we do not have machine guns. No, we do not have tanks. No, we do not belitve in any kind of ovt:rkill, if you want to use that phrast. '' More important than WNpoll.' Is lrainlna: in police-com- munity relaUoos. Th.ls wt are doing In a 20-week program. Part of the training is to spend several days with the res.idents in an area as an ordinary citizen. \\'hat about outside agltaton la campus riots? There is evidence that known Com- munists, and indivldllals from the Pro- gressive Labor Party, Socialist Workers Party, and SOO (Studtnts for a Democratic Society) were active in the Loa Angeles schools dlsordfJ's. Reddin did not think that this con- stituted a "massive corupiracy" but said IA.at these groups take advantage of disorder for their purposes. Slick Will Dissipate NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -Thi U.S. Coast Guard said the oll slick formed by a leaky oil well off the Lcuisiana coul would di!sipate today. llAtlV 1'1 1111 OlANOI COAi! l"Utl llKING <OM.,AN1' lttMP1 H Wtt4 """ftwll •llFI "*'i... J •c• It. Cvrley Viet •rllFIWtnt -0-ral Mt,.9" lli•111•1 k••til ·-n.111•• A. M11t11hl•• MaMt'-9 1.n. Al~.,. w. ••* wun,,,. ._,,, A-'tlt Mllllllllfltf! IMcfl Mnw (llJ ••ltw ,........_l1:1•DMw lit ltll Str••t w.m .. ,u.i,. ... r.o. 1 .. no, t2 .. 1 --.....,..,_,.:mt w..1 ..... ......,. , C•ll INM: D WMI It\' S""I ua-~ m,_.,.__, r Witness Denies A prose<UUOO wibJep loJ!•Y ~eel that Charles John Trautwein wu ..-.ired tole • rulltY plu oo 811tmpled npe dmPI b7 lllQ"tlool !hat hil mllllonojro l•tber, PIUI Trautwein, WOllld be b"'lllbt before the Grand Jury on poulble l!rlbOry -.... -· dl11rict alt«!Je7 ojllcen have .u...,i. ' Miii ScoU'1 principal contact ln con- nection wltb llUempla to bribe ber bu oo1y been tdtntified u a "Mr. -em." Both !Ilda Ill the pruent tie.rlq h8ve dlacuued U-telepliooe eoovonaliool at Jeactb lritb Paul Trautwe!n. Oaile7 todly said tbal Mr. •od Mn. Fredericks ~ 111ggested to Sandra Scott tbat "sbe 5bou1d not be IO p;wdUve" in her ldentillcatlon of Trautwein u the man wbo aUempted to rape her lut June. DAILY PR.OT st.ft P-... GUARD MANS GATE TO SECLUP!lD COTTON ESTATE AT SOUTHERN, TIP 01' Of!ANGE COUNTY For Ogdan F•mily, A)ilgh-Powtr..:I Houst Guttt; For Cypru1 $hort1, A Not So QuJ1t WHktnd Prlvlle ln¥aUaaior John 01Uey told Depmy Diltrlcl Attorney Ed Freeman that no IUCb suu:e.stion had been made at any Ume during discu1«1.on of tape recordlnp in which Sandra Scott, the beauty queen who bu' named Trautweln as her usailant, wu offered $10,000 and an' ••overseu job for two yeara." Mias Scott wu not actually asaaulted Quot.Ing the ta p e recordill(, O.lley Aid the Frederlcn proPORd to Mias Scott that tht cue "could be ..uJed as a peeping Tom cue" rather tbart pursue it 1n Ua present form of rape. Campus Disorders Talk Set During Nixon Visit President Nixon is scheduled to make a policy statement this weekend front his temporary "\l/hhe House West" in San Clemente on !ederal posture in dealing "with campus disorders. Health, Education and Welfare Sec- retar_y Robert H. Finch has completed his recommendations on how the govern- ment shouJd deal with disturbances at hJgh schools all\.'. unlvtrs!Ues. Finch, however, referred the question back t'o Nixon today lor an Administra- tion pOlley statement. IniUally, Nixon had 'intended to isaue the statement but late this week an- nounced it would be put out by Finch. Today, the Health. Education and * * * Nixon to Visit One of Favorite Caf es in Capo Prealdent Nixon and the Finl Lady will eat lunch Saturda,y at what he callt "one of my favorite Muican restaurants" when be vialta 8an JUID Capistrano. El Adobe de Capl!trano, will host the presidential party at noon, accordlng to manager Frink Vantrier. The restaurant, at 31891 El Camino CaplJtrano, bu Joni bee.n a presidential favorite., said Vantrier, recalling that Nixon I.ut ate there during his campaign for the presidency, when he came to California for hlJ mother's funersl. The cruet executive has many favorite Mexican-style foods, Ventrier said, but the menu hasn't yet betn decided. At a reception last nl1ht, the President said he wu lookln1 forward to his weekend trip -"We just want to fttl the place again ," he explained. He told reporters that this would be hl1 first trip back to California aince his inauguration. Last Jan. 2, as Presldent-tled, Nixon visited Orange County and was feted at a welcome home ctlebrlUon h e· 1 d at the Anaheim ConvenUon Cetlter. Driver Education Teacher Guilty Of Dn1nk Driving Wade Watts, head football coach and a driver education iMtructor at Newport Hlrbor High School, plead«! ruilly today on a drunken driving charge in Laguna Beach. Watts, 50, was ordered to return to Laguna Municipal Court April 1 for 1entencing. The: grid coach, who make• bis home in Laauna at 1170 Temple HIJJs Drive, was arrested by a patrolman today at 1: 40 a.m. In the 100 block on North Coast llJghway. Watts was (ivtn both field sobriety and breatholl!tr tats before being jalltd overnight. He has been with the Newport. ~1"a Unified School District since 1985. Chief's Son Wins Delay of Hearing Steven ?i,furray, 21-year-old son of San Clemente Polk:e Chief Clifford Murray, today won a two-~Mk dtlay of hls Superior Court arraignment <11 vll}'lnJ dniJ chlrg<L Judge Robtrt Gardner ended the brief ·-·nee or the yooth by otderln& him to N!lum to court April I. Murray 11 free on boll. Chltf MWTay'• only 1011 was arrested Jut Ftb. 2 by atate and county narwtics oftlctn in the driveway ol the famlly home 1t· m La EspwMU, San Clmente. Agenll 111d thty ~ound II pounds of marijuana v1lued at about $$00 and a 1mtll amount of heroin. Mw-r11 11 char1ec1 with pouetslon or heroin, posseasion of htroJn with Intent to sell. possession of mar1Juana~ pos_,e.u.ion of marijuana wflh Intent to aeU and tr11Uporting marijuana. t. Welfare Department said the announce- ment would come from the White fiouse, probably Saturday or Stinday, from San Clemente, where Nixon v.·ill spend the weekend. . The HEW statement said, "Definite recommendations on campus demonstra- tions were unt la the President by Secretary Finch. These are under ad· vlsemen\. A statement by the President will be issued In the imminent future.'' The Administration proposal is expect-dl to announce that federal funds will be cift: off for any students participating Jn unlawful demoruitratioos on campuses. Sametime during the nigh~ pllns for the announcement were changtd, the HEW's information director, George L. Brand. told newsmen. Brand said he came to work this morn- ing fully expecting the policy statement to be announced at a news conference. He reported he asked Finch about It and was told It was not yet ready. About a half hour later, Finch called Brand into hia oUlce and said the statement would be referred back to the White House. "l wun't around during the final flap last night," Brand said. He Aid Finch would hold a news con- f erence Monday to answer questiont about hl1 recommendatlom ii the White House GllOUDCement is made before then. Frana Page I COPTER ••. as well have had pallt of w1ter. "It was hopeless ," said Roy Sutherland, 24, ol 12131 Faye St., Garden Grove. Oilldren playing In a yard at Tustin · 1.femorial School said they watched the big helicopter doing flip-flops and thought the pilot was stunt·flying. "It was going upside down and turning on its side, then it went down nose . first and I aaw a puff of smoke,'' said Dawn Morton, 11, of 12882 Browning Ave., Tustin. "I didn't realize he was In trouble," said Bob Wilkinson, 33, of Pomona, a carpenter working on a nearby housing tract. "I thought the pilot was sure giving hiJ men a bad time." "When he went upside down agaln at treetop level, I reallied he was going lo crash," Wilkinson added. Flames from the raging inferno created when the Sea Stallion slammed to earth blackened eucalyptus trees 40 feet above ground level and the victims were trapped inside. Another witness wu Mrs. Dixie Foy, a nurse, of 2365 Norse Ave., Costa Me11a, who turned as her hu1band drove aking the Santa Ana Frteway and saw the . helicopter Outler, dip and then dive. "You're not going to believe this, but a helicopter jll!t crashed into the trees," she told her husband , who drove to the scene and found tht fragments bolling with orange fire and black smoke. Marine Corps Inv estigators Im- mediately· formed an aecklent In- vestigation team to determine what sort of mtchanlcal ftllure caused t b e helicopter to 10 down. The Sea Stallion normally carries a crew of four and can alrUft 35 troops fully equipped for combat, or Jar1e amounts of cargo and ii a veteran ,·;orkborse in the Vietnam war Purpose of Crane Off Aliso Cleared A crane off South Laguna., Ablo Beach was eyed 1u1plclous:ly by oU CODSCioos coa.W residents today but counly autborliles said tt ls there tn conntct.ion wltb • Mure pier. A COUnty Hubor lleplrtm<m <D(lneer detcribtd the orange bl.rte a n d paraphernalia 11 a "geologiltl crane" pllced orr..iiore to tote core clrllllac• ol lht: ocean floor. RtMon for the drilllnp b to make e.nglne«tng decisions 11bout the ab:~. ahtape and location of the sports fish ing pier that ls to 1erve the little park at AUIO Belch which the CO\IJ'lty acquired 1 and 11 developl1111. Construction on the pter Is f:l'.pec\ed to begin In the fill -.·Ith complttton 1ht following sprlfl&. Meanwhile rtsldtntl or Lagu111· Bead! and South Llpllll v.·ere keeping an eye on the device. • f'ra• Pllfle I NIXON ••• doubtleas on tbe agenda • Not all wllJ center on war and peace at home and abroad during the busy '\\'tekend, however, as the Nlxons visit Mlssion San Juan Capistrano Saturday and lunch at a Mexican cafe. The President'• press secretary con- firmed today that the visit includes real estate shopping for a summer White •louse, but just where is another big question mark, it appears. Informed sources expect that Mrs. Nix· on may be the one who decides where, "-'hat and how, -rent, leue or buy -but doubt wu cast over the possibility it may be Laguna Beach's If.room Pyne Castle. "I think Pat may just 11ip away Salur· day afternoon to take a look and .see II that drafty old dungeon could be swept out and alr-candltioned," said one newsman. White House aides denied it. Other sources conflicted sharply, with one real estate woman saying the Nixons have agretd to pay $1.5 million for the old Cotton estate, but Mr•. Lionel E. Ogden, their bo5t, denied it. Hotel Mei motel rates 1kyrocketed In San Clemente aJ the President and his entouraa:e prepared to lllTive, with pre5S headquarte:ra at the San Clemente Inn. From Page I OIL LEASES. •• no drilling or producUon pennlll<d. In a news conl'erence after his meeting "'Ith the committee Hickel declined to estimate the coN which mlght fall upon either the oil compani ea or the federal government as a result of the new orders and regulations. NOT J1tA VY BURDEN But he said the tighter regulations would not pla~ a heavy burden upon the CQmpanies. M for the possible federal IOIS of lease money or other costs, Hickel said he preferred to consider it u striking a balance between the potential income from oil and the potential damage from it. Should the union oil lease be canceled, he 1aid, the government would of course have to refund the $11 milHon bonus money paid by the firm. Other expenses would have to be negotiated or settled Ill the alleged altack. . Oatley; hired by Trautwel.n'a former attorney Manhall Schulman. 1t o l d Freeman he accompanied the lawyer to Paul Trautwein's Newport Beach borne last Nov. 19 -the night before Trautwein, 31, flied a plea of guilty to charges of assault with intent to commit rape. BEARD TAPES Oatley said he and SchuJman told Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trautwein, the defendant arid his wife, Helen, of heartng tapes ol the bribe offers that day in the diatcict attorney's office. Named today as having participated in taped COll- versaUont with Miss Scott were Harry and Pauline Fredericks, earlier described as being neighbor• of. Miss ScotL Trautwein, 20292 Craimer Lane, plead· ed guilty last Nov. 20 and was sent to Atascadero State Hospital !or possible certilicaUon as a mentally disordered &ex offender. He returned with a repart that branded him as being a danger to the public: and he immediately fired Schulman, hired a new lawyer and peUUoned the court for cancellation of his guilty plea and a reversion to his previous plea or innocent. That hearing Ls today in its seventh a nd last day. It is expeeted that Judge William Speirs will ru}e at a later date on \Vhether Trautwein can revtrse hiii plea, cancel the At.ascadero report and re.instate bail. VICTIMS BRIBED It baa been testified that Trautwein assaulted IO women in Loe Angeles CowJ. ty during a seven-year period and that JOrne of those victims were bribed by uddentified peraoos. At least two of the women attacked by Trautwein drop- oed charges qainst him after tucli set- Girls Car Wash To Buy Uniforms Dozens of energeUc young girls will be on hand this Saturday to wash cars at the Mobil 6tatkm, corner Brookhurst Stred and Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach. The girls, members rl the Fountain Valley High School "Baronettea" drill teem, will be there from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to do the scrubbing. Price per car laundering will be ii. Funds collected through the venture will be used to buy uniforma, and to finance special performances, a banquet and rentals of special props and cos· turnes. WITNESS POSITIVE Test.lmooy indical<d tbal MlJI l!clljt had been poslUve ln her lden!lllcollcln ol Trautwein on • -occ11ton. s~ had identified him again on a aecoril occasion apparently but had taken , little lollger Ill doing llO. Oatley sald MW Scott called him in the appartnt belief that be WU tJle middle man who would pay her $10,000 and arrange for her "overseas trip." The invesUgator testified be tokf Miill Scott that she m~ be mistaken and that the be!t tNng he coukl do wu take the Jl!&U.ef ff, Tue district attorney's Oailey fiilt been reprimanded by the district attorney'& office fer taking "a C006iderable time" to bring the rep:wt of his conversation with Mi£S Scott to their aUention. Official Fears Lack of Control On Developments Councilman Edward Just ot Fountain Valley found himself in a puplexing s.ituation Tuelday night when he inquired about the council's cba.nce8 ol blocking planned development tracts. "H a developer meets all the terms of the planned developme~ crdfnance we don't really have any basis for turnm1 him down, do we?" he uked Cit7 At- t«ney Edward Martin. "1bat's correct," replied Martin. "Then our only chance f« turn1na: down a planned development Ml if they don't meet the ordinance requirements,'' $8.id Just. "That's right," &aid the City Attorney. Just later expressed deep coocem over the council's inability to make dec:Wons on tracts, and called for revision of city ordinance 83 to allow the council to approve or disapprove tracts rather than leave the matter etXirely ln the hands oE the Planning Commission. He also requested that plannln& actions should be freely brought up durJn& coun- cil meetings. Pmently the ooly real lnfl-.e the C0011Cil hM on !rads ia l<X1lnc. Zone designations Ile in the hands of the council, but mce an area 11 r.cmed, the developments fitting Ill bl ..., come: bf:lore the planners. I In court. MARCH SPECIAL :lJrexel~ S/iel/,'I . Collection BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET TODAY ! $419. SHELBY l'EATURES: e All F•bric1 Scotch G•rdod • Arm Co"" Included e Hond TIM Springs e Larp s.loc!IOft of F1brlc1 • S Dlfforent Style1 • Quality Comtrvction 1. Materlola CoYered in Any of Drexel'• 200 fabric S.lectiona. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOR: HENltEDOH-DREXEL-HlltlTAGI '° DAYS NO INTEllEST-LONGER TEllMS AVAILABLE OH Arr1tOVED ClllDIT 7NJN11 " NEWl'ORT IEACH 1727 w .. tcllfl Dr., '42.2050 diM MIDAY '711. t • , IN1DIOU Profnslonal Inter'-' Detl1ntrs A••ll1bi..-.AIP-NSID ' LAGUNA IEAGH 341 North C:..st Hwy. -1 orat ,.,,,, TS\ t , I . .. Horoscope • ----DAILY -J:J ·Sag.itt~·rii1s:~ ·l?·i :~.p:lay Respect SAT.UROAY ~ARCH .22 By SYDNEY OAIARR ARIES (Mlrch•21-Apr11 II), By evening, you could be celebrating with v i s i t i n g relatives. Earlier, get house In •order. Collect and file signlllcant data. Key I s harmony among loved ones. TAURUS (April :JO.May 20)' People who talk about money today may be a strangers to It . Know this and don't be taken In. Key ls to be roman- tic ~t being foolish. Your Betrothal News Told ~works htU>dl. overtime;. Tnui GEMINI (May IJ-Juno 20)' \\'lilt ·until evenlnf before trying to get approval for ne,vi project. Work quietly behind the sCtnes: Be reserved , coh- servatlve in · making chtlrrls: CANCER fJurie 21.Juli 22): You art prodded to complete a projeq: be ·tair, bUt don't take on more than you can handle. Accent on desires rather than necessities. Strive for balance. Develop product ~1th universal appeal. LEO {July 23-Aug. 22): Social activities step • u p iooi&ht. Yoor sense of ~alty is ~· You .are Jionlzed. Opposite sex p a y s com· Qlilhen(s and you · are happy. VIRCO (Aug. Jl.Sept. 22)' Accede to request tonight for cooperation in community pro- ject. You are impreSslve. ~t will believe wltat you sa,y. . UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1' Accent tonight is on travel. Also, there is emphasis on me asagt!S, Cilrrespondence, ,special calls. Know this - keep communication I i n e s clear. One at a distance could gel in tooch. SCORPIO {Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Routine undergoeJ s u d d e n change, H a v e alternative methods a.t hand. Day to build. UUUu creaUve forces. Don't depend on others. Be a self. starter. Accent on publicity and recognition. SAGITl'ARJUS (Nov. 12· Dec. 21): Questions fl'Om mate, bat to obtain answers. Display tespect, considtraUon. 'I'tlen others r~pond I n favorable manner. ' CAPR-lCOl\N (Dec. 22.Jan, 191 : Get basic tasks flnlshtd, especially chores related to home, falnlly . A domesUa Issue is.spoUighted. lt1ake ~ eessron. Then you a v o i d senseless dispute.· AQUARIUS (Jan. 19-Fo"' 181: Be realistic about prices, oUeQi, temptatlom . Avoid self· deception. Stubborn individual may not give up easily. Your assets are the objective. Bl poised. Gllard yourseU in the clinches. PISCES !Feb. 19-~laroh 20): Don't let up where protecting your interests is concerned. Someone wants to catch you off guard. Actua lly, important people are .impresseq. Yoy're a winner d carelessness Js avoided. partner may require researeh.1•• ---------- Leave no loose ends. Do your Talk Offered WRINKLES REMOVm IN 3 MINUTES GOLF PAR-TEE -Setting the stage for the annual ert l\1arvin, Colvin Whitington and Harry Lo\VC. An ?Ylember-guest Tou rnament of El Niguel \Vomen's artistic theme \\'ill be follo"'ed for the evenl next Golf As soc iation are (left to right) the ?\'Imes. Rob· Tuesday. ~~~'--~~~~- Tou rnament Told Shotgun Sounds . Start Women's Golr Association of El Nigue l Country C J u b , Laguna Niguel '''ill start its annual MemDer-gucst Tourna- ment \vith a shotgu n at 9 a.m. next Tuesday. An Artists Par-tee will be Club Staging Final Project The last ways and n1eans project for this club year "'iii be offered b~ the Costa Mesa \\'omen's Club T ue s da y. J\1arch 25, at 12:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. the theme of the tournatnent, said 1.1rs. Raymond Bailey. chairman , explaining that decorations ""·iii consist of palettes, bru shes, fra1nes and paintings. The tourna ment committee ,,·ill be attired in smocks and berets in keeping "'ith the artistic Iheme, she added. More than 40 teams \\'ill c o m p e t e , ,,·ith guests representing Southland clubs incl uding Annandale, Deau,·ille, Ir\ :ne Coasl, Glen· dora, El Toro. Santa Ana, Lal.;e Uls Moros, Fallbrook and others. TOPS Mermaids lnfonnation r e g a r d i n g membershlp in TOPS Merging Mel\llaids may be received by telephoning Mrs. Leon To1vnsend at 6 42 -18 04. Y.rs. George 0 i ck 5 . chairman of Ranc ho ·Viejo \\'oman 's Club's youth com- mittee, has revealed plans for a Career Da.v at Mission ·Viejo High School \Vednesday, April 3-0. ~1 c1nbers or varied pro- fessions will be secured by ~1rs. Dicks' committee co meet \1dth student& during \\'edncsclay afternoon. Refrcshn1ents v.•ill be ser\'ed to speakers in the faculty cafeteria 1vherP students v.·ill be given the opportun ity to question then1 on tKeir lields of interest. · Assisting ~lrs. Dicks are !he hlmes. Theodore Cooper, John Cosmos. Daniel Carr, Norman Fohrman. Edward • Cassaro. Donald l\'orlh and Thomas Conroy. ~1rs. Dicks also has been serving as chairman of the: hig h school's youth employ- ment ~ervice bureau. The women are pla nning a dessert luncheon to v.'hich the public is invited. J\frs. Eugene \\ring is chairman with assistance from the Mmes. Gordon Koster, Phillip Hay. Will iam Bandaruk and F. Lee \\'adS\'l'Orth. J\ieetings take place at 7 p.m. ---------- Tickets wil l be sold al the door every Thursday in \Vooclland School , Costa Mesa. Write fo Uncle Len SAT. LAST DAY! REDUC Girls dresses for the Easter parade! SIZES 7-14 All our •7 dres ... SIZES 4-6X All out '6 dN1N1 I • NOW 5.99 NOW 4.99 All our •a.,,...... NOW 6.99 'hli.r Y04lllll kid, will be .. pNtfitod tirl ;,, h Eostw i-och ;,. "'"'1ftiM "'tkln •reltt. i:n--~. _,1y ~tty'-s. -.1 Hurryinwhilt,•todit lost! Al! out '7 dre1 ... NOW 5.99 COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH • NEWPORT BEACH (H11 rbor Sho ppi"g Cenle-r) !Hurd inl)lon Ctnler) !f:aihio " hland) Oo the spring thing! J1luck a Ire.sh QualiCl'tlf t ~hoe shape-like a ladder 1llrtg with pretty strapplness. The t.oc is a full circle and the heel a straighter Ehape. It's 7.99 in ringtail lizanl-grain or black or white manmade patent. IL's jusL one way QualiCi-aft keeps you up with the news. See the refined brogues, &a11dals for beach or city, spiffy spectators. Get the pitk olQualiCral~syoung 5 99 7.99 shoe crop for mosUy , to • ~ASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH SOUTH COA ST PLAZA COSTA MESA .. Jf OAJL~ l'ILDI H LEGAL NO'l'lCE Another Year of G1·owth Due OVER THE COUNTER ·A· -' Ftl~, Mmll 21, t•t H DAILY PU.OT }J + Friday's Closing ' Prices-'' Complete New York Stook Exchange List ;_·.('; •• .. ' . .. -.-:--- J t DAILY PILOT • Vallely's 29 Puts ·Bruins • lll Fi.nals, 85-82 l'Tom wi.. S.n>kes LOUISV!Ll..E -Jolin Vallely, former Corona del Mar High and Orange Coast College star, poured 29 points through tbt nets to join mate Lew Alcindor in pacing the shaky UCLA Bruins to a fina1.s berth in ~ NCM cham- pionships here. Coach John \l.'ooden·s tv.•o-timc defen-- ding national champions "'·ill meet Rick Mount and the Purdue Boilennak~rs Saturday for the title after they nudged spunky Drake, 85!1%, in the second half of Thursday even.ing·s t11:in bill. In the nrst game Purdue blasted O\'tt· rated North Carolina. 92-&. to set up a replay of the season opener \\'hich UCLA took from the Big Ten champion Boilennakers, 94-82. at Pauley Pa\•ilion. ' Alclndor conlributtd 25 to the Bruin cause and was largely the' differeoc• in the, game $ce the shorter Bulldogs rould~ not stop him inside withoUt foUting. VaUtlY, Eastern Conference player of tbe year at OC:C and protege ol fOrmer COrona de.I Pi-far coacb Bob Leslie, hit from au over tht f100l' and added 11 for 14 free throw tries. And be ktst another buclriet on a three- seco.nd violation. The Boilermakers were devastating in their semifinal encounter at they ovm11helmed N o r t h Carolina. And it was lh~ir guards, P..fomrt and Bill Keller, \li'bo did most of the damage. Mount connected on 14 of 21 shots. t.tost of them from 20 feet or m9f'e, to score 3S points and Keller added 20 in addition to playing a fine floor game. die"-. } qui<~. espe<lally In th~ ;,:rt, that caused the Bruins trouble Thursday night. Purdue may be even quicker, and their guards certainJy shoot better. •11 feel like I just baa a reprieve,'' Wooden said roUowing the Bruins' eI- ciling triumph. "Either Drake played very well or we did not, because we had more turnovers (22) tonight than we had all year. ·I think a quick learn bothers us. \Ve'IJ have to play a lot .'.better than we did tonight against Purdue.'' l Purdue showed the most! team could pot together a field goal and on the Door, however. The i\mnaken • free throw. pl i6....... AtcCarler and Lynn Shackelford traded com etely destroyed ate r" were baskets and UCL.A's lead was cut to suppo6ed to have trouble · ·ng by nine, at 13-74, with time rwminl ~t. using a run-and-&boot style to perfection. But still, the fantastic BuiJdoes stayed Vallely broke a 59-SS-lie wfth a driving alive. \\'ise put in a sbot from the layup and the dead-game Bulldogs had corner, ~lcCarter hit two mort baskets had their last look-in. and the lead \\'as down to three, IS-«!. Leading 69-66, UCLA reeled off a string The Bulldogs then gained possession of nine consecutive points -seven or wilh 13 seconds to play. them by Vallely -established a ~ Dolph Pulliam brok.e through on a ma rgin and beld on from tflete although fast break. and the margin wu one Drl ke polled to within one poJnt with ., point \\'ith less than IO secopds left. 10 seconds left. • UCLA put the ball in play and Drake. ranked No. II natiohally, was Shackelford, fouied at the buuer, calmly dead-game aU tbe way. 11ie Bulldogs dropped in two free throws while his refused to wilt when UCLA 1p1rted to teammates tiled off the co~. . it.s J%-poin1 lead with about folir minutes The Bruins opened up with ~very tn· to go, and came charging back~ dication they were going to make ~ ?.lt'Carter hit two quick baskets and rout of it. before Pulliam broke through on a fast break with the game 21:: minut~ old. Vallely and Curtis Ro\ve added four more points for the Bruins bef~~ Drake called for time \\'ilh 15:'3 remaimng, Drake. obviously nervous and ~ibly intimidated by the IO\\'ering Alcrnd~r, hit only one of its first 10 shots while UCLA connected on fh'e or six. Dr•k• UCL" • • ' • • T Pvl!ir.m • .. " si..ck 1e1oro ' '' ' W1lli9ITIJ, • • •• • 110 ... • •·• .. Wbo ' ,. " A1clndor • t-16 " McCartH " •• " Holrt ' .. ' Orap.,. ' ,., " V.iloly • 11·14 ,. ..... • •·• • WlC~• • •• • W~o&m11kor • ... • ,_ • .. • z.1i.r • .. " Pal!,r!on • ,., ' Gw• • •• • Sc;~oflelcl • •·• ' TOliilo • 1-.1• " Tat•I• • ..... ~ Or~k• ~ d -V U<L< " •-U - Vallely was magnifirent. He potted 19 points in the last half before fGuling out with less than two minutes to play It w·a s UCLA's inability to hao- Drake could have won ii ii had shot. the way it did most of the season. The Bulldogs from Des ~toines, I6wa, made only eight ball control errors, but shot only 38.6 percent from the fiekl -far below its seasor. norm or 47.1. UCLA, on the other hand, made 56 percent o( its shots. \\llllie. Wiite added another bet e UCLA. They ran off seven consecutive points l'O\I~ °"' UCLA, V1~y. H~l11. Att-..IKI -ll.4S. ON THE DECK -Lelv Alcindor of UCLA eyes the basketball after being knocked down trying for a reboWld in NCAA semi-final round game in Louisville Thu rsday night. Big Lew grabbed 21 other re.· bOund.!i and scored 25 points, second harro\ving 85-82 \Vin over Drake. Pw·due Coach Sports Clipped Short to John Vallcly's 29, in Bruins' Martin Erases Mark Anteaters Leading NCAA Swimfest SPRlNGFlELD, Mass. -UCl's Sll'im· ming team was in the driver's scat today at the NCAA's college di vision swimming championships. After Thursday's first day of com- petition in the three-day meet drawing 82 schools from throughout the country, UCI had 66 points in the books to second place UC Davis' 50 points. Kenyon College of Ohio \\'SS lhird with 48 points and host Springfield College \Vas fourth with 47. UCI 's great sophomore freestyler, P.1ike P.1artin1 gave Irvine a boost Thursday by stroking his way to victory in the 500-yard frees\yie event in 4:41.3 -the fastest time recorded in the nation tpis yt:ar by any s"·immer. Hadl Wa11ts New Co11tract Or New Team SAN DIEGO IAP) -John Had!, ~·ho paced thr pros in touchdo.,...11 passe5 last year, plans to become the first e~;perlenced quarterback on the open market. Hadl. 29, afler sir seasons with lhe San Diego Chargers of the American Football League. \\'iii be a free agent April I unless he settles his contract dispute u•ith the Chargers. "I'm playing out my option," Hadl said Thursday. "~egotiations are deJdlocked. It has rE'ached a point that u~!ess something changes there's no Cil.'.!nCc. The time broke ?.1artin's l\CAA recor1.- of 4: 43 flat he set last year a.s a freshman. UCI also .scured heavily in the 200-yard individual medley \\'here Rich Eason finished second in 2:02.1 and Bob Dowell ninth.. Eason exceeded his best time ever for the event by four full seconds. Duane Olson picked up a 12th place in the consolalion heat of the 500 free and Steve Farmer fmished se\•enth in the 50 free final \\'ith a 22 flat clocking. lrvine"s 400 medley relay team of Bob Dake (backstroke), Dale Hahn (but- terfly), Sle\·e Farmer (freestyle) and Jim Cooper !breaststroke) qualified 12th but improl'ed to seventh in the final \\'ith a 3:« Clat time, breaking the l '.CJ record. Hahn \\·as timed in a scorching 53 flat on his fly leg, six seconds faster than he 'd ever covered the distance. before. Bob \\'ilhite placed fourth in the one- meter diving competition and comes back Saturd ay for his specialty -lhe three- meter board. "\re really . came through \\'ith some outstanding perf~rmanres loday," lr\\·in sa id by phone from Springfield. "Our kids are really excited now - \\·e think \\'e can win the \\"hole thing this time." L'Cl bas placed second and third In ii;; t;ro previous attempts at an NCAA S\\'im crown . The Anteaters were shooting the ~·orks for more points today with Hahn primed for a big effort in the 200 fly and Eason and Olson in the 200 free. C:>0per, a freshman, figures to score points in the 100 breast. Dake goes in the 100 back. In\'in \\'ill send Eason. Martin. Farmer and Olson after victor• in the 800 free relay. · .. Lauds Bench~ ·Mount h1 Wi11 Fresno Rookie Takes Lead JACKSONVILLE. Fla. -Jerry Heard. 21. six · feet tall and ISO pounds, quit Fresno St ate College last fall in his junior year and de('ided to take out a f t e r Nicklaus. Cas~r & Co. on the $6 million pro tour . NFL o\\·ners indicated they y.·ere not inte rested in the proposal alter the Anahein1 team sent An<ly ~less11rsmith, Hoyt \\'ilhelm and Pedro Borbon to the mound lo pass out only six hits. "It's almost certain ... pretty \\'ell sc .. ied." he said. thal Hadl i,ron't wear a C~arger uniform next season. Had] preportedly seeks a three-year contract in the $60.000 to $76,000 rang e. plus a $250,000 loan for investment purposes. Te111ple Meets Eagles iI] NIT NE\V YORK (tPIJ -The def en 1 e rested its case in the semifinals or the national in,·itation toumament Thur~­ day night. .. LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP\ -Coach George King. who plays tht'm one al a timt'. credited a strong bench Thursday night. for Purdue·s impressh·e 92-65 ,·ic- tory O\'er North Carolina in tht' semifinals or the NCAA Ba'Skctball Championships. King also singled out All·American Jtick ti.fount for special praise. saying, .. He made some fant astic si·ots. ·• Purdue, in the fina l for the fir~t time In its history. played much better ball than King anticipated. "We expected North Carolina to gi\'e us a rougher battle,'' he said. ""'e always try to run. and North Carolina made the mistake of running \\'ith us." King said he has not sttn anyonf! this season who can slop ~fount and th.al Mount has had only one poor Jt:ame -agaJnst Marquette in the NCAA Mideast ~giooal Final last Saturday. He said Afounrs perfonnanct th.at day could ha\·e been excused because the lighting was not too good. HO'll'ever. Mount's final shot "·on that game. North Carolina coach Dean Smit h said, "We \\'ert embarrassed by an excellen t ball team." Smith said that 1rith 10 minule~ left Sn the game he lhought ~'orth C<1rolina ttill might be able to pull oo l the victory. "\\'e . have rome back from bieerr deficits in the past.'' he explained. · - Smith said Purdue's fast-break "made a shambles out of our defen~." He also said Purdue was "the most fantastir king-range shooting club I'l'e e\·er seen." . He said North Carolina is not ar- customed to !angling \\'ith teams that Goo& from sa far out. addin~ the Boilermake.rs arr the best repr~en­ tativa the Bi2 Ten has sent to tht NCAA stmifinals in many years. '"'" ' It Glllll"l'I ,,_ ~~ ... tit' n ..1411MM 1 '1.•11\Mt • J(tl1H o V•~•-~ I W•'..,''oNI ) &~!<"!: t T«v'"~ l L-'"'<"' • Q., ·~· 0 "'""" •> fo1•11 . . ' ' .. . ' ... . ' 1-J l .. .., JI ' t.J JO • l.J t J l·l 1 J 10 ' I 0.1 J . .. . . .. . • t i • .JI IWt f2 )~Jl-fJ :itu -n Heard popped up among the leaders of I lightly bunched pack Slier the fir~t' round of the $t00,000 Greatrr J acksonville Open tourn ament Thursday. He fired a 68, four under par, \\·hic h placed him in a tie "'·ith six others, ju£1 ooe stroke back or pace-setting J ay Hebert. the 41-}'ear·old \'eteran from Lafayette. La .. ltading at 67. Jerry is one stroke ahead of Jack Nickla us ., t\\'O in front of Arnold Palmer. lhree better than Bill Casper and four in front of Player -nol bad for a rookie, Kings Whip Delroit INGLEWOOD -The Detroit Red l\"ings magnificent front line set the records. but lhe Los Angeles Kings \\'On the game. That "'as the story of Thursday's Na- tional Hockey League clash .al the Forum \\'here tht Kings won 4-%, chasing Detroit goalie Terry Sa\\'chuk on the \\'ay, The Detroit line of Gordie Ho\\·c. Fr::ink ~iahovlich and Alt:I Delr~chio pushed through h\'O goals to raise its ~ason total to l07 and break the 24-year- old record of 103 set by il.1ontrtal's ~tauriee Ricb3rd, Toe Blake and Elmf'r Lach. Ho\\'e scored the 730th goal of his 23-\'ear caretr at 17:24 of the fi rst period. and W.:ahovlic:h rebounded in his "6th of the season in the second period A1ulre"'s le Coaeh LONG BEAOl -Ott Andre\\·s, 21, formtr Lona Beach State football star. v;ill coach the offensive backfield al his alma mater nett stason. athletic director Fred L. ~filler said Thursday, Andrews. now athletic director at Franklin Jurtior High in Long Beach. was a Junior college standout when he played al Long Beach Cit)· College. He "'°aS named to the Littlt All Coast team \\'hilt at Long Beach Slate. Nf'L i\'ol R1111 iH9 PAL~i SPRJNGS -Amuican Football League 01\ ner.s presented a plan for realignment ln the professional merger \\·ith the National Football League. but The O\\'ne.rs met in their first joint ses· sicn on the qurstion and talked in the night. If the question could nol be re· &oh·ed today the issue \\'iU not come up again until thrir spring meeting, tenta· th·ely scheduled for early May in Ne1v ):'ork. rhe AFL idea called for two lragues \\"Ith tv.·o subdi,·i1'ions 1\ilhin each onl'. The subdivisions "·ould ha1'e a 7-6 align· men!. But ~FL O\\·ners like the presen t ar- rangemenl -10 AFL teams and 16 Nf'L learns in separate leagues. .411gel• D11111p l11dia11., P AUi SPRINGS -The California Angels lake on the Cle\·eland Indians in a Cactus League preseason game Saturday still bearing the signs of a 4-1 \ictory. • -~ • ' • ! • ' The Jndians fell to the ;\ngels Thursday I MIKE CONTRERAS On Fi rst Te•m Pors~lies Set ~lark SEBRING; Fla. -Two brand new Porsche prototypes. performing fla\\'less- ly. set the fast lap time 'Thursday as formal practire opened for Saturday's Srbring 12 Hours of Endurance . One or ~he 3-liter cars, handled by Gerhard ili\ler of Gennany, turned the 5.2 mile Sebring course in 2:42.77 or 11:'.1.009 miles an hour . II "·as an unofficial rourse record. Cl1iso.-. Losr Mo'"'ll SARASOTA, Fla. -O\\·ner Arthur C. .·\llyn of the Chicago \\1hite Sox has infon.1ed his players the club expects to Jose $433,000 lhis season. -- Eugene Klein. the Chargers' principal O\l'ner. has said he's through talking \\'ith Hadl. Sid Gill man. the Charger general manager and coach, is siding y,·ith management, of course. "All that Separates us is $250,000,'' Gillman has said, "and I can assure you n·e. are not going lo get into the banking business." .. :\ lot of teams need a quarterback," Had! said, "and I'm right in the prime of my career." The Hadl case might \\'ind up in the lap or Peter Rozelle, pro football con1- missioner. Had! knO\\'S Rozelle made !he New Orleans Sain ts pay a stiff price -t\\'O No. I draft choices -for picking up pass-catcher Dave Parks from San Fran- cisco last year. Hadl led all pro quarterbacks with 27 touchdown passes last year but he also was intercepted 32 times, hig h for both leagues. The \'erdict "·ent against it. Army and Tennessee, ranked 1·2 in the nation in team defense. \\'ere both beaten in '!he semifinals. Boston CoUege chalked up its 19th straight victory by do1\-ning Army. 73-61. while Temple turn- ed back Tennessee, 63.;,a. Te1nplr. \l'hich \\'On the first NIT in 1!138 and hasn't been in the finals since, v.·ill nD\'I meet Boston College. trying to win for coach Bob Cousy's farev.·ell, in Saturda}' altemoon·s finals. The Army- Tennessee defensive match \\'ill be the con.;;olation game. Temple threw a press at Tennessee midway in the second half and ran up 10 straight point,, as the Vols, who pridt themselves on their good ball- handling, were forced into numerous mistakes. Miller on All-CIF Oiler Duo Garners Honors !\like Contreras and Roy 1'Iiller of Huntington Beach 1-ligh School have been included on the Al·CIF basketball team, the D1\IL '{ PILOT learned toda y. Contreras repeated his 1968 honor of being placed on the first team while 1'Iiller. described by some as the best 6-2 center in the CIF. is on the second unit. Contreras v.'as Ute player of the year for Orange County, the Sunset League and the Orange Coast area and teamed 'vith ~liller to guide the Oilers to a 26-3 ree<1 rd . Huntington bo"·ed to Sunnv flill s in the quarter final s of the ph1yoffs. 64-58. The latter placed Brad 1'lcNamara on the first team and Don Paul on the second squad. ClF champion Compton had t\rO players on the first sUing, including Louis Nelson and CIF player of the yiar Larry Hollyfield. Others to make the first team \\'ere Keith \\iilkes of Ventura (a junior): Vince Carson. l\1uir : Bud Fabian, Notre Dame; ~like Harris aiid Bill Ingram of itorningside. WWWU U# &U ROY MILLER Seconcf T ••m Pick ( • ----------------------------~~ I ... F . { 011n1ain Valley · EDITION DAft.YPILOJ .......... . 'iilLE OF RUBBLE IN ORANGE GROVE ALL THAT REMAINED AFTER HELICOPTER .CRASH ·, Thl'ff Marines Die As Crippled Cr1ft Plummets to E1rth on Irvine R1nch Strlet Roles Issued Hickel Bars Oil Leasing . Off Santa Barbara WASHINGTON (AP) -Secrelal'y o1 the llJl«ior Walter J. Hickel barred today oil Jtasing on some 5.5,<MXI acres off the CDa5I of Santa Barbara, Calif., where-a wtl.l blew out and oil polluted the beaches. llicll.d · o1to mued ·lllOtt strin!"'t llOln>leiiio --,...,_. , .. tbe federal ollabcre area aJooi tbe "'1ire Calllcrnla couL He said thal drilling and production In the Santa Barblra channel would I · remain ab.It down indefutitely until the Interior Department is satisfied that it5 resumption would be safe. Hickel said It might be necessary to abandon entirely a Union Oil Co. drilling plaUonn, where tbe well mishap la!t Jan. 28 spread an oil slick over some 800 square miles or ocean u well as ' Westminster's Culture Week Begins March 24 Art, music, drama ind literature will be spotlighted March %4-30 during the Cibt of Westminster's annual Cultural Arts Week. "Light Up the Sky ," a play presented by the Westminster Community Theater, will be the featured event of the celebra· lion. The corned')' will be staged at 1:30 p.m. March 29 and 30 in the group's auditorium in lhe Westminster Shopping Center mall, corner Westminster Avenue and Goldenwest Street. '"" two final days or the v.•eek will focus speciaJ attention to t h e Westminster Civic Center wttere art ~s, a choir concert, £olklore dancing, ctJ and an orchestra program r<Sented. g at 10 a.m. March 30, the W~ ter· Art Association wiR have artists in the center's mall for an "artists iu ~action" project. ,\ combined choir or siI community churches will enterWn in the man on the same day. other evtnU will be scbeduJed earlier tn the week at five diffemrt locations In tbe city. theareabeaclies. Hickel revealed Ju. plan, pnxnpted by the Santa Barbara pollution, in a statement followiog a cbed mettlne with the HOUM! Interior Committee. It came just ahead of a achedoltd Weeftqd visit by Pr-· N)Joo to tbe ~ -.._,_...... ., ~ •l,1:ilc.f7 tliit >s.ru Barbin WXIJ. area Gq IU ... sh .. visit to CalllomlL "The -.... denloi>i!J( Ill ...._ .. the Santa Bvbara ...,...,. "'ill serv~ as 1 model for our fuhae actions along the naUoo'a ea·ttrt coastline,'' Hickel said. He said no decision bu ytt been made on canceling the Un.Ion lease or any others. Resumption of petroleum operaUons \\'ill be allowed on Sanla Barbara tracta already leased u sooo u the geological information needed to assure safety ii available, ffickel .said. He decl1ned to estimate when that might be. California already lw a ... ~ claimed oll sanctuary, utendin1 to the three-mile limit off Santa Barbara, from which all oil operations art banned. But the federal government has betn leasing tracts outside that limit for oil and gas opera.Uom, except for a buffer zooe along the state aanetuary. Hickel formally declared that buffer zooe, 21,000 acres, an ecological preserve, and added that another 34,000 acres still unleased IOUth of this preserve will be made au additional buffer zone with (See OU. IJUSES, Pip I) Spring Leaking Over Weekend Spring may have 1prun1. but from early indications, it seema to have sprunc a leak. Ligbt showen dou>ed the Onnp Coast this morning, and weather forecasters cooceckd that the damp condltloo pro- bably ...Wd bold Woulh much ol the -Today's llibt rain It expecled to fade .. -.... Satunfay, wilb up .. ball an inch ol preclpitaUon by too!Pt along tbe ...... GUlty winds ...,.. expecled to mate tbinp eYen more ancomfortable. 3 Marines Die In Copter Crash Near Irvine A t,ig tr~er helicopter craabtd tnto an orange grove near Irvine Wedne&o day, ldlJJng three Marines aboard, after a slekening series or aerial gyrations some wilnessea believed to be daring stunts. '!he Cll5SA Sea StalliGo swooped ll!d w9bbJed. tbrou&h· the DJ. over the-lrvine Rapcb-tmnlng -~ Ql>lk!e.down twice -before anwbbJc to ear1h as tbe pil9t lqjlt lat ~ > ! .... ' --' -"" .A-t-... usAJilliM, ........ lo -llMJJ ............. '1'r.afldDI Squadnill 1111. .. U.»Marlne Coria Air Fadlllj' at SanlrMl, ai: ' --Oojit. .,_. T. C.-, IS, the pilot, ..m...i by his wife Cynthia, ol Jiit Mllcbell Ave., Santa Ana. S/Bct-William B. -. ZI. !he co-pilot, llll"Vived by his wife Dianne, whose Santa Ana addresl was not listed. -Pfc. James L Huey, 11, crewman, survived by hil parents, Mrs. and Mrs. WWanl L. Haney, ol W'tcbita, Kan. The accident occurr-ed at 1:45 p.m. while the twin-rotor chopper wu on a nMltine· training fligbl ll!d the wrockage aploded Into flames ll!d burned fOT 30 minutes before being controlled. Site ol the aash was-near tbe Jn. tenec:tlon ol two dirt roads IOO yards north ol Irvine Boul<vlnf, belw ... M.ifonl ll!d Culver roada, east ol Tustin. lTvine Ranch employ• Carl Flinner, C, saw the final death dive from about one-quarter mile away as be worked in an equipment yard. "He made two er three passes over the area and at first I thought It wu going to cane dow1I in tbe yard," Flinner told newsmen. "It wobbled back ll!d forth, toomin( very low a couple of times but be managed to get it back up again. One time I saw it turn completely ui-ide down but he cot it back 1n the air, .. FJiMer uJd. Two Southern California Edlaon Co. crewmen working in the aru aJJo aaw the fatal crub and rmbed to the actne with °"' utinguW>en, bat they mf&bl (See COPTBll, Pap I) Si.ere · .111 ... keu NEW YORK CAP) -.The stock martet closed cm a lower note today. Tradln1 WU moderale !IUT tbe finish. (let ~~J4-ll). . Tbe Dow JOnes lndostrial averqe at 1:31 p.m. Wll off 2..11 polotl at 117.U. Loaes uceeded •-bf about Jot - N.Y. S .. b 3·0 ·Nabhed ~in Raid : .... . . Undercover Work Triggers Roundup Aa undercover Clfflcer arolled u a ltudent In the Jl'ullerloa Union Hl&h 8c:hool Distrld earlJ' today ITigered a wid...,..t roun<h!p ol drug. peddlerl wblcb. netted 30 auspecls, lncludln( lt juvenlla ATTeata were coatlnulJJI this ..,....,, with polk:e ~ JO men penons IUlpected ol aellin( narcollcs ll!d dangeTOUI dnlgs. ne rowidup capped more than three months ol undercom" work by a young olllw wbo ~ unidentified. ' ~ Pollce said much ol the llllcII druf traffic WU -SJudenls In Ibo Fullerton Union Hl&h Scbool Districl. lnveitliaton declined to AY. at ·Wblcb Import.tat Tdp . ol tbe ~ hlcb ICbools In tbe l'uilertla dlstrict the undercover a,t.nt bad beta emolled. ,,., dlstrlel bu -In La Habro Ind Buena Park, as well u in FuDerton. PQllce said the WJdercover·lnvuttgatloo wu carried out with the coopualJm ol aCbool olfltjals. .1be n>Ulldup invol•ing mo,. tlJaD • offictra frotn Fullerton, Anahebn, Buen.a Park, La Habra and tbe coonly Sberifl'1 Office began at J 1.m. ln ,addltlon"to the» arrested, thrtt other -IGUgh( u a ...Wt ol the lnvesllgatlon .,.. already In custody <ilewbere, police said. Adulta anuted, moot ol wbom hlct Nixon Winging Toward Coast By ARTllUll IL VJNRl. ., ... _ .......... WJnglng _,,,, from 1unn.y Washingtal to the JT>Y, l]iring aides ol Califcrnla, Pmldent Ni1oa today opened what bu abruptly d!anged from a · juDl:et for fan to ..,. ol formidable forelcn and dmnestlc Importance. . The chlof eseeutlve .... due .. um. al)oald Air Jr-One at PL Mllp Naval Air Station "'°' ~. -1'•-. .., .. II...,. -*·~ ,;......!..•~,, :Wl'l-'Xi\••J -wbii: e.u.. ' . laiilu1· "'!lm Elbourae laid r ,,,..,_ _it San ~1114 um Nbit. .W ... -..,_yq. ed --tilt oit, -.. a opol "' oet down I« a ·-loot. c.ntruy lo lnltlal ............... the President will Dy dlreetly fiom his Santa Barbara beach iupec:Uon to the IJ"Wl- ing IL 'I·· CotlGn eotale, hi> IW<><lay beadquarten In San Clemellte. Just -· be will mlve on the Orlnp Cout, wber< be will l!old compre\lenalva !alb with top ald<s on tbe Vietnam lituatloo, Is .. open qoestloG today. "Actually, It's dtfflcult to say,• Elbourne commented wben questioned about the President.'a estimated time ol mlval, tentatively estimated by ..,.. to be about twillgbl The time will p-obably bJn&e .. hi> own penonaI pr<ferenc:e, tbe eatent' of bli oil pollution lnlpedloo and the type ol bellcopter Uligned for the ap. proxlma!ely JOO.mile trip. Guesses among newunen are that tht helicoptu will elther oet down C11 Iha !Jolated beach below the estate, or on an abandoned bone raclna track ~ vldlng an acellenl Jandinc pad. President N-ll!d hia wife Pal left Andrtwa AFB, Maryland. at 1:30 a.m. today on a two-bour....i.ao minute flllht to Independence, Mo., to vilit former President Harty Truman, II, a -bani! critic. Tnnnan ll!d the -vlct prelldent to llWflbl D. Elaeol!mr<r, who followed Truman ... olllce, boried tbe polltlal hatchet about ave Jeu'I •ro. The weather wu bdCbf, aJlliria and IUMJ U the Nilom and a badful ol top --Air J'or<e One in Maryland, but California watlMr may be drlDly I« 1!11 arrival P'teddent Nllon't Soatblanlf v11it ort,wted aa a recrutlCllaf jmll:et lo tbe bome .,.. the chlcl aecutt<e ll!d his wtfe lavt, but other ovtrt.onet - slgnll!canl ones -have followed. EIInorth Bunker, U.S. Ao-ba_.,. lo Vietnam, ll!d Gel. Andrew J. Goocl- D.lflY·PiurT .._.. ..... SIGNING UP FOR NIXON Inn's Bob Mojor ot Work pamr, reUrinc deputy commander ol U.S. forces, arrive from that naUon 5unday for policy talkl. 8IWng with them , at tbe dlac!lllioG will be Secmary ol Slate William P, Rogen, u well as Dr. HOlllY A. KJu. inger; Nb:oo'• Jftllident1al asslltant fer nallonal oecurlly. affairs. White HOlllt Press SecrelaTJ Ralald 7Jecler bai atlempled to play don tbe Importance of the Vietnam lalb, bat tbe cooference will be the flnl between Nilon and the ambaa:ador. A cauno ol actloo In the bo(gocl<iown Parll prace talU ll!d a review ol tbe ri5JnC tide of mlllllry adlYllJ are (See NIXON, Pap II a .. r1e11 ol cbarf... ...... lo bt II' raigned today in North Oraqe Cowlly llunldpal Court. 'Ibey lnclude: From Fullftton: Rocky A. Coartalll. JI; Dooald R. EJdrldie, 11; Cbarlea E. Eatea, 22; Kennis D. Han11nc. JI; 1-anl D. Law, JI; Randy H. s..nervllle, Jt; Rlcbard L. Ward, II; Aitoo Evans. u ll!d Stephen Frye. rr. Fmn Anaheim: James E. Qulchflold. 22; Jolin N. McManigal, Jt ll!d O.UW. R. Whitman, JJ. Fmn Buena Park: liq A. x-. lt. and David A. Nuber(. lt. · From Santa Ana: Euaeno I. Handler, 2J ll!d .... trf!Wenl, Robert Alla. 1L Picketing Planned for Nixon Visit By RICBAJID P. NAIL Of .. ...,,.,.. .... Antf.war poupo are qanislq a Jll<ktl protest to ITOet Presldeol Nino it Ian Clemente Satunlay • Picket.I and marcben are ache! 111 to uaemble at noon Sa1uritay In fnlot of the San Clemente Inn wber< NtJDn aecurlty mm ll!d sides will be staying. Rober\ 0. Bland ol ~ lleach said tbe proteston will ·-In !root ol the ll!n at the Catalina A-tunHll ol tbe San Dtqo Imewa1 at llOCll --day. . I'"'!" u,a..111 said,~ --- .... ptes 't( llio ~ - "ratrided (WMMP!llJ" ....... l!llbl.lllod: ...... a!L ' th.~;" e:o:.;·~'!"'=:tC RlPta c.uncil, tbe Unitarian ~ Ucm Gnuv ll!d the f:.alima lleacll ~ and.Freedom Society. "Wblle Pmident Nbcoo meets with Illa pnerals ll!d ambusadcn belllnd tbe nils of a aqrogated communlly, men die in Vietnam in a rllcllt war,'' the group -In a prepand -releaae. Bland said Ieafiels would be puaed out durina: the demonatratioQ aimed at calcliing the Presldeol'• eye. Small Lots Topic At Valley Meet . A apecial meeting lo dlacmo Jl'O' coedlnga ... a .......... planned deftlop- menl with amaD lata wlD be beld .by the Foontaln Valley C11J Coundl tGa1'hl at 8 o'clock. In answer to a letl<r critlcisln& pi... ning commlsolon approval ol the Lanrln Tract, cooncllm<n wlD beor appM!a m the approval fnll1I resldenta ol tbe area. 1be Larwtn Tract was approved oa a 7 )llO sq1111e fool per lot -.. be bollt between Talblrt and Ellil Avenues ll!d Newland and Mqnolta Stn<U. Some nelPI>orlnl -. abject .. the fact that about :JS -ol ·lbt Lanrln Tract homes wlD bo bulH .. only l ,llOO square fool lata. Uuder Iha clly'1 plmM dlftlopaient ll}'llaa tbe lrocl a--la Ibo ... ol a developed port lo -, .. square feet per lot. 0r..,. Programs outlining the entirt wttk ari available from the Wt!tmlnster Civic Center I am Westminster Aft., the O\lmber ol Commerce OffiCI! ll!d public litnrl<s. 1be ..,. wet opell was blamed on a Pacific weather front that hid been expected "' ~ Soulbora canlornla. Clear •Ides wa. -I« mlddaJ Sunda;y. Make Pot ~~gal~ Reddin 'Explodes M~hs' I Maybe tbe tlme bu come to bring matijuana out ol tl!t "sput• wi<s" ll!d end the pn>blbilloa ol "'pot. .. That's one ol ,the lntriculnl ,.,.. tors ol lift ln the UOlied Slates In this Y'V of mind J>oalioc'fnat- outs explorocl today by Alta! Blakeslee In the final Installment ot his IO.part ".Drup 1•10 series. Read about tt today on Pase 4. y.., may be •Olin& 111 tt ·~omor­ row." I Police Chief Comes Off Candid i11. GWC Ducussion ' -.. =-': --. C"..:.... ~ -.. --. ..... ,, ..... ,..... ,.,. --.. -.. "-....... " -. .. --· -.. -. --" =-~·=., ......... .,..... ........... IMI ._.. ''°'n ................ ~ : -. --~. , I l • • • ---------------------------------------------------.,·-·--•.---•-•-.a-•'·~-~---~~ .. ,, t-• ,....,.,-, --· H flldv, POPLFiles • Witness Denies Case Aga~nst · .! -~ . . Tax Boost Billot arguments against a proposed SI.JS .~~ flOO assessed valuation tax hike in the Ocean View School District have been fUed by the Hunilniton Beach Property Owners ProtecUve League. The district which covers a wide belt across the center and northern sections of the city, hu called a tax increase election for May S to ask the voters to raiM: the basic rate from the pretent $1.50 lo 12.?5. Presently the district has a .total general purpose rate of $2.0012 and a bond i'tdemptlon and interest rate of .6071 for a total rate of $2.5083. The argument against, the tu lncrtue "·as 'signed by Joseph S. Ferm and Jack H. Ellsworth, both officm of the POPL. 'l1ley arpe that during the pu t five years the enrollment hla lncreued 90 percent and assessed valuation 2.11 percent "'Ibe property tax 11totment f.or each student has increued over 86 percent In this same period," Ferm a r g u e d. "This compplson proves that the pro- perly tax ·increase has surpused the inflatiOlllO' spiral." Ferm polnta out that If the voters give majority approval to the tax hike, the owner of a home valued at $20,000 will pay about $63 rpore in property ta~s and the owner of a home valued at $35,000 will have to pay an additional $125. "This is too much. How much more can the property owner bear?'' asked Ferm. He argued that the district has claimed that only f9 cent.!I of the projected ~J: increase will be used for maintaining ' lhe presenti program. Ferm m'1z!f.cl.ins that if 49 cents 1s all that is needed to maintain the present program, -tbe'n the district should ask for no mote than that amount. District offlclala, however, argue that the full $1.25 is needed to inaure that tie children in the Ocean Vie'!' ~ct fill get an educaUon equivalent to othtr oletti<nlar)' school dialrlcts. From Pqe I REDDIN •.• '"!11ful deterrent for die lncreulq ienatona la b\ack peuos? "There i! ~ sufflciert evidence on this. We do not believe ln 1191gnlng a black policeman to a community because be is black. Thia la eetrt1ation tn reverse. The qu6t.loo is wber6 'wi\l the policeman, black, white er btOwDt be most effective?" Whit new tralnlDf• his been lmtltated by police and what new we&JM,IDI dt you llave to cope with riots? There: have been many rumors about weapons. the police chief said. "No, ~·e do not have machine guns. No, we do not have tanks. No, we do not believe in any kind of ov«kill, if you want to use that phrase:." More important than weapOM is training in police-com·· munity relations. This we are doing In a 20-week program. Part of the training is to spend several days with the residents in an area as an ordinary citizen. What about outalde 1gitaton iD campus riots? There is evidence that known Com- munists, and individuals from the Pro- gressive Labor Party, Socialist Workers Party, and SD5 (Students for a Democratic Society) were active in the Los Angeles schools disorders. Reddin did not think that lhls con- stituted a ''massive con11plracy" but aatd that these groups take advantage of disorder for thelr purposes. Slick Will Dissipate NEW ORLEANS (UPI) -The U.S. Coast Guard said the oil slick formed by a leaky oll well off the Louisiana coast would tl.laslpate today. 111\ll V l'lltll ouwoa COoU1 ,UILISHINO <OMl'Alff l•Mrt N w,,4 n.."""' W 'u'U"* J1tlt R. C••'•r Vlu P'rMldMI •M 0.11 INlll"" T•e11t1• 1Ct1•U -'nem1t A. M11'•l11• MMM~ Mlilt AllNrt w. ••••• wun, ... •••' 4-1... Hllllllfttillll ltMtt ...... Clly '""' ,._,...,.., •• t.a,... Jff I,. Str.1t Main., 1.411,..,., r.o. 1 .. no. tt641 --"-' -...ctl! ttll """' ...... ..,,, ........ ' . CM" MtM: 1311 Wt1l •• ., srrwt ~ '-"' = f....., ... _ ---~- . . :'Plea'· -Pres8ur~· I A s>r-•Uon wltn... today denied that Cbarl~ Jolln Traulw!ln wu prtUUred Jnto • ·auJlly plea .. atlem~!ed to~ char111· by &Uillll!Olll lhal hJs 'mllllollalro falhel', Paul Trautwtln, "'!IJ)d be brouabl beforw' th' Grand JUr/ on poalble brtberl'>char ... lltmooU, cllNlct attarn<y olfker! hue alleged. . Mia Scott' I priDclpel <anlld ln COii· nectlon with atlempll lo bribe her Jiu oQly -~ed u • "Mr. c..." BOth -In the pr.,..t blerlntl bave clllaluecl theoe telephone convenatklos at JoOctb with Paul Trautwein. Oetlty todaf uid that Mr. and Mrr. GUARD MANS GATE TO SECLUDED COTTON ESTATE AT SOUTHERN TIP Ol'"O~G'l"co'll"N'iY For otd•n Ftmlly, A Hlgh-Powortd Hou11 Gu11t; Fer Cyprus ShorOf, A Not So Quiet Wt.tktnd · Private 1n .. 111pf0r ' Jolin OatJey !old Deputy Dlibict ,\!IGhley Ed Freeman that no l1ICh rouuuilon bad betn made at any time during dllCUllion oC tape recording• In which .s..dra Scot~ the beauty queen who bu named Trautwein u -her aaallant, Wat offered $10,000 and an "overaeu job for-two yean." Mils Scott WU noi actually unulled Fredericb had oupested lo Sandra 8colt that 0 ab0 ahou1d not be so p:lliUve" In her tdtnlJfk:alJon of Trautfl!D as the man who aUempted lo rape her Jut June • Quoting the ta p e recording,. OaUey uid the Fredericks Jl"'l'O'Od lo Miss Scott Lb.at the cue 0 could be aetUed u a peeping Tom cue'' rather than puraue lt In II! present form of npe, Campus Disorders Talk Set During, Nixon Visit President Nixon ls scheduled to make a p<ilicy statement this weekend from his temporary "White House West" in San Clemente 011 federal posture in dealing with campus disorders. Health, Education and Welfare Sec- retary Robert H. Finch has completed his recommendations on how the govern- ment should deal with disturbance!: at high schools an!.'. universities. Finch, however, referred the question back to Nixon today for an Adminiltra- tion policy statement. Initially, 'Nixon bad Intended to issue the statem~~t but late th.la week an- noonced u·would be put out by Finch. Today, lhe Health, Education and * * * Nixon to Visit One of Favorite Cai es in Capo . ' Pretldent Nixon and the Flr1t Lady will eat lunch Saturday at what he . calls uone of my favorite Mexican restaurants" when be visits San Juan Caplstrano. El Adobe de Capistrano will host the presidential party at nOon, according to manager Frank Vantrler. The rertaurant, at 31891 El Camino Capistrano, has long been a presidential favorite, said Vantrler, recalling that Nixon last ate there during hla campaJgn for the presidency, when he came to California for his mother's funeral. The chief e1ecuUve bu many favorite Mexlc~style foods, Ventrler said, but the menu hasn't yet been decided. At a recepUon last night, the PreaJdent said he wu looking forward to his weekend trip -"We just want to feel the place again," he e:rplalned. He told reporters that thls would be his flrst trip back to CaWonUa alnce his inauguration. Last Jan. 2, u President-elect, Nixon visited Orange County and was feted at a welcome home celebratlqa h e J d at the Anaheim Convention Center. Driver Education Teacher Guilty Of Drunk Driving Wade Watts , head football coach and a driver education instructor at Newport Ha,rbor High School, pleaded guilty today on a drunken driving chara:e in Laguna Beach. Wattl, 50, wu ordered to return to Laguna Municipal Court April I for sentencing. 'nle grid coach, who makes his home In Laguna at 1970 Temple Hilla Drive, was arreated by a patrolman today at 1: 40 a,m. in the 100 block on Nortb C-Out Highway. Watta was given both field sobriety and breathollzer teltl before being jailed overnight. He has been with the Newport· 1'Iesa Unified School District since 1965. Chief's Son Wins Delay of Hearing Steven Murri)', 11-ytar-old 10n of S.n Clemente Police Chief Clifford Murray, today won a tw<>-week delay of hl~ Supulor Court arraignment on. \'aryln& drug chargts. Juda• Rob<rl Gardner •ruled the brief appearance"' of tht youth by orderinJ h1m to return to court April '-Mun•Y. Is fret on ball. Chief Murray'• only IOl"I WU &n'tlted lad. Feb. 2 by statt and county nmotlca offJctn fn tht driveway d the family home at 225 La Egparwa, San Clemente. Asen!! 11ld they found II pounds ol marijuana valued at about POQ and • small amount of herotn. Murray Is chara:ed wlth poueu lon of htroln, po11easlon of heroin with intent to sen, pos.oesslon or marijuana, pouetSlon of marijuan a with intent to sell and tranJportlng marijuana. 1 Wellare Department said the anrnrunce- rnent would come from the White House, probably Saturday or Sunday, from San Clemente, where NI.Ion will spend tho weekend. The HEW statement said, "Definite recommendations on campus demonstra- tions were eent io the President by Secretary Flnch. These are under ad- visement. A rtatement by the President l'.'ill be issued in the imminent future.'' The Administration proposal is etpect· ed to arumunce that federal funds will be cut off for any student.!I parUcipating in unlawtul demonstrations on campuses. Sometime during the night, plans for the aMouncement were changed, the HEW's infonnation di.rector, George L. Brand, told newsmen. Brand aafd he came to work this morn- ing fully expecting the policy statement to be announced at a new! ainference. He rePorted he asked Finch about it apd wu told it wu not yet ready. About a half hour later, Finch called Brand Jnto his office and uid the statement would be re(erred back to the White House. "l wasn't around during the final flap last night," Brand said. He aald Finch would hold a news con. ference Monday to answer questions about hla recommel'ldaliom If the White House announctment is made before then. From Pqe 1 COPTER ••. as well have had palls of water. "It was hopeless," said Roy Sutherland, 24, of 12131 Faye St., Garden .Grove. Chlldrtn playing in a yard at Tustin Memorial School as.id they watched the blg helicopter doing flip-flops and thought the pilot was stunt·fiying. "It was 1oina: upside down and turning on its side, then it went down nose first and I .saw a puff of smoke,'' said Dawn Morton, 11, of 12882 Browning Ave., Tu~tln. "I didn't realize he was In trouble," said Bob Wllkinson, 33, of Pomona, a carpenter working on a nearby housing tract. "! thought the pllot was sure giving his men a bad Ume." "When he went upside down again at treetop level, I realized he was going to crash," Wilkinson added. Flame's from the raging inferno created when the Sta Stallion slammed to earth blackened eucalyptus trees 40 · feet above ground level and the victims were trapped tnsJde. Another witness was Mrs. Dixie Foy, a nurse, of 2363 Norse Ave., Costa Mesa, who turned as her huaband drove along the Santa Ana Freeway and saw the helicopter flutter, d1p and then dive. "You're not going to believe this, but a helicopter just crashed Into the trees," she told her huaband, who drove to the 1cene and found the fragments bolling with orange fire and black smoke. Marine Corps inveatig1tor1 im· mediately fonned an accident in- vesti1atlon team to detennine what sort of mechanical failure caused t h e helicopter to go down. The Sea Stallion nonnally carries a crew of four and can.;&lrlift 35 troops fully equipped for combat, or large amounts of cargo and is a veteran \"lorkhorse in the Vietnam war. Purpose , of Crane Off Aliso Oea1·ed A mne off South Lag\ma's Alalo Beach was e:ytd suspiciously by oil conscious coast.al residents loday but county authorltits tald lt is there 1n connecUon wttb 1 Mure pier. A County Harbor Department enctneer descrJbed the orange barre a n d paraphernalia. a1 a "geologilts crane" pl•cect o1r .. 1>ore lo tat• c<re drllllnp d the ocean floor. Rt-for the drilllngs la lo make en&1-1ng decision• about the alie, slttapt and locaUon of the sporll li!hlng pter that ls to &er\•e the little park a( Aliso Beach which I.he county acquired and ta devtloplng. ConnrucUori on the pier is txpecttd tn begin In Ille fall with completlon tht following tprlng. Meuwhile m!dentl of La guna Beach and South Laguna were keeping an eye on the device. • From P .. e 1 NIXON •.• doubtleu on the agenda. Not alt tvlll center on war and peace at home and abroad during the blJay weekend, however, u . the NIJ:ona viait 1.11.saion San Juan Capistrano Saturday and lunch at a Malcan care. The Prealdent'a pres• aecretary con. finned today that the visit Includes rtal estate shopping for a summer White House, but ju1t where la another big question mark, it appears. Informed sources expect that Mrs. Nix· on may be the one who decides where, what and how, -rent, lease or buy -but doubt wu Cl!t over the poasibility it may be Laguna Beach's 64-room Pyne Castle. "I think Pat may just slip away Satur- day afternoon to take a look and aee if that drafty old dungeon could be swept out and air-condlUoned," aaid one newsman. White House aides denied it. other sources conflicted sharply, with one real estate woman saying the Nl1ons have agreed to pay $1.5 mlllion for the old Cotton eState, but Mrs. Lionel E. Ogden, their host, denied lt. Hotel aod motel rates skyrocketed in San Clemente as the President and hi11 entourage prepared to arrive, with press headquarters at the San Clemente Inn. From Pqe 1 OIL LE~SES. • • in the alleged attack.. ~ , OaUey, hired by Trautwein'• former .. ttorney Marshall Schulman, • t o I d Fr<eman he accompanied the lawyer to Paul Trautw$.'a Newport Beach home Jut Nov. It -Ille night before Trautwein, II, filed a pita cl guilty to charges of assault wltb inttnt to commit rape. HEARD TAPES Oatley 11aid he and Schulman told Mr. and Mr1. Paul Trautwein, the, defendant and his ' wile. Helen, cil beoring tapes of the bribe offer• that day 1n tbe di!trlct attorney's office~ Named today as having parUclpated in taped con· versations with Miss Scott were Harry and Pauline Fredericks, earller described as being neighbors ol. Mis! Scott. Trautwein, 20292 Cralmer Lane, plead- ed guilty last Nov. 20 and was sent to Atas'cadero State Hospital for possible certification as a mentally disordered sex offender. , He returned with a report that branded him as being a danger to the public and he immediately flred Schulman, hired a ne'v lawyer and petlUoned the court for cancellation of his guilty plea and a reversion to his previous plea of innocent. That hearing is today in its 1eve.ntb and last day. It is expected that Judge William Speirs will rule at a later date on whether Trautwein can revuse his plea, cancel the Atascadero report and reinstate bait VICl"IMS BRIBED It has been testified that Trautwein assaulted 10 women in Loe Angeles Coon· ty during a se~year period and that some of those victims were bribed by llllid<nllfied P<f"""'· At lessl two of the women attacked by Trautwein drop- ved cllargea against him allet sud! ... ~ J\Tl'NEM P<l8ITlVE Teotlmooy indicated thet M;a Scott had been posiUve ln her identlllcati<11 of Trautwein on a . flnt occufon. stit had idenUIJed him a1aln m a s<oond occaalon apparently but bad taken a Utile long« ln doing ao. OaUey aaid Miss Scot! called him 1)1 the apparent beUOf that he wu llfe mlddle man who woold pey her 110,000 and arrange for her "oveneas trip." The lnvestlgat« te!tllled be told Mla Scott that she must be miltaken and that the best UUng he could do \VH take the matter to the district attontey'1 Oatley has been reprimanded by the district attorney's offlce for taking "a considerable time" to bring the report of his conversaUon with MJ6s ScoU to their attention. Official Fears Lack of Control On Developments Councilman Edward Just of Fountain Vallty found himself in a perpluing situatJon Tuesday night when he inquired about the council's chances of blockinJ plarmed development tracts. "If a developer meets· all the terms ol Ille pilnned development ardlnonce we don't really have any basil f<l" turnlng him down, do we?" be asked Cit>: At- torney Edward Martin. _,1 no drllllng or producUon permitted. ''That's correct," replied Martin. In a news conference after bls meeting G Ca W h "Then our only chance f« turning witb the committee Hickel declined lo ir Is r as down a planned development Is II they estimate the cost! wblch might fall upon don't meet the ordinance requirementa," either the oil companies or the federal said Ju.st. government as a result of the new To Buy u nif onns "That's right," .said the City A"-. orders and regulations. ..,.,. .... J NOT HEAVY BURDEN Just laltr exJl'essed deep conctm over But he said the tighter ngulation.s Dozens of energetic young girls will the council's in.ablllty to make decisions would not place a heavy burden upon be on hand thie Saturday to walh Cara on traru, and called for revision or the companies. at the Mobll 8lation, corner Brookhurst city ordinance 83 to allow the council A• for the possible federal loss of Street and Warner Avenue, Huntington to approve or disapprove tracta rather lease n,oney or other coets, Hickel said Beach. than leave the matter entirely tn the he prefeITtd to consider it as striking The girls, members cl the Fountain hands of. the Planning Commislion. a balance between the potenUal Jncome Valley High School "Barooettes" drill He also requested that plannin& ac1SoM from oil and the potenUal damage from team, will be there from 10 a.rn. to should be freely brought up during COWi· it. 4 p.m. to do the scrubbing. cil meetings. Should the union oil lease be canceled, Price per car laundering v"111 be it. Presently the only real influence the he said, the government would of course Funds collected through the venture council has on traeta :is zoninj. Zone have to refund the '61 million bonus will be used to buy unifornu:, and to designatJons lie in the harm cl. the money paid by the firm. other expenses finance special performances, a banquet council, but once an area .II zoned, would have to be negotiated or aettled and rentals of special props and cos-the development.a fitting in tt.t JOOe in court. tumes. come belore the planner1. 1.--::-;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~M~A~RC~H~S~P~EC~IA~L~~~;;;;:- :Jjrexel~ SJwf/,ff Collection BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET TODAY! $419. SHILIY ~EATURIS: • All F1b.Jc1 Scotch Gordad • Arm Cewn Included • Hond Toed Sprint• • Larp S.ltctlon of Fabrics • S Dlfforont Styles • Quollly Construction & M.terltls Covered In Any of Druel'1 200 fabric SelettternL IXCLUSfVI DEALIRS FOR: HINltEDON-DRIXEL-HlltlTAGE 90 DAYS NO INTIREST-LONGER TERMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVID CREDIT 7Nlt1111 " NIWP'ORT BEACH 1727 w .. ttllff Dr. 64~050 ora ,...., ,.tL ' IN1IRIORS ''°'"''""'' lnttrler Doolgnoro Avolttbt.-AJD-NSID LAGUNA llACH 345 North C..st Hwy. °"" .. , •• ' 'nL t ..... T• ......... fll .... C-...., 14 .. 1JU ( I t I ' ' I " • s I • . t " s r 1 • j ' t ' • I • 1 ' ) I Laguna Bea eh • -·EDITIOlil * ~01:. •2, NO. 69, ~ SECTIONS, 42 PAGES ., .... . ' U.S. Bans Oil Leases Off Coast WASHINGTON (AP) -Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel barred today oil leasing on some 55,000 acres off the coist ol Santa Barbara, Calif., where a well blew out and oil polluted the beaches. Hickel a1ao issued more stringent petroleum operating regulaUoes for the federal offshore area along the entire Cllllomla cout. · ' He llld that drllllni and produdkin tri the Santa Barbara channel would remain llliul down Indefinitely unW lhe Interior Department iJ uti!fied that its reamnpUon· would be nfe. lllckel Aid tt miaht be necessary to abandon entirely a Union OU Co. drilling plalfonn, where the well mishap last Jan. 28 spread an oil 1Uck over some IOO aquare miles of ocean as well as the area beaches. Hickel revealed his plan, prompted by the Santa Barbara pollution, in a statement following a closed meeting wtth the Hoose Interior Committee. It came just ahtad of a scheduled weekend vi.sit · by President NlJon to the polluted area. Nis:on planned a helicopter lnipection of the Saota Barbara-beach area durine his wttkend yjJll to calllornla. · '."Ibo ~'Ill we If• deve19Piq I• respoo11 to u. Sal!ta Barbara !ragtdy will serve .u a model for our future .acUons along the ~em's entire eoastllDI.," HJctel Aki. He llld ·no declakln lw yet beea made on canceling the Union lease or: any otHtrs. Resumption of petroleum operations will be allowed on Santa Barbara tracts already leased as soon as the geological lnformaUon needed to as.sure safety i.5 .available. Hickel said. He declined to utimate wben that might be. Callfomia already ba.!J a stale·proa claimed oil sanctuary, extending to the three-mile limit off Santa Barbara, from which all oil operations are baMed. · But the federal government bas betn teuln& tract.a oul!ide that limit for oU and gu operatiooa:, except for a buffer """' aloog lhe otate sanctuary. Hickel formally declared that buffer zone, it;OOO acres, an ecological preserve, arxl added that another 34,000 acru llill unle~ 80Uth of this preserve will be made an additional buUer zone wilb AO drilling or production permitted. In a news conference after hiJ meeting with lhe comnUttee Hickel declined to esUmate the costs which might fall upon either the oil companies or the federal government as a result of the new orders and regulaUons. . But be said the Ughter regulalions would not place a heavy burden upon tbe companies. AJ for the possible federal loss of lt.,aJe money or other costs, Hickel said be preferred to consider it as striking 1 bi.lance between the potential income from oil and lhe potential damage from ' jj. .should the: union oil lease be canceled, he aaJd the government would of course have ka rtfund the: Ml million bonus ""°'Y paid by the !Inn. Olher _.., wouid have to be neaoUated or aett1ed in court. * * * Oil Not Purpose Of Big Crane Off Aliso Beach .. 'I'll VOTE DEMOCRATIC' C11tle · Tenant Ostr•nd•r 'I LOVE THE VIEW' (1stle T onant Thompson 'HE HAS HIS WHITE HOUSE' C11tle Ttnant Wilbourne 'A Man's Castle His Home' By JACK a!APPl!LL Of ... '-"' ........... "He hu hlJ White House - I'd like to keep mine." Thus aummed up lhe feelJnt ol one of the so far 1'Sile:nt Majority" -the 10 Pine CUUe aparlment tenants, wbo may bave to move H the President tak" a castle in Laguna Beach. OlarUe Wilbourne. who occupin crie of the two guest homes on the utate, 1aid be would not especially like to move. not even for the President cl lhe United Stale!. The feeling -to be typical or the :pyne Castle apartment tenant.I, all of whom said they loved their unique abodes. Reports indicate Presld.ent Nilon may be interested in buying the cuUe, '1'10 H11lcre&t Drive, for a aummu White· House. COMPLETE ABSENCE '"111e lhlng I dpeclally like aboot It is the complete absence of the 20th century," Willbourne said. · "There are no motors, none of those !OUDds. Temporarily you)'e away from · Ille 20th c,ntury," ho added. Wllbomne, who ml.xes ·college ttaching 11/1(1 military ~\'!"·"" Soulh Eut' Am, plays polo, and=• bll. llid "" likoo"tbl ..... ,.,_ ; did Until ~ ... ' .. Mn. Gon\00 11111, who liv" ln lbe upper !lor7 ol jho_ main palj GI lhe castle illif abt ·llHI Ibo el-4..,. ol bet roomL • "I told Mn. Mmlck that I'd Just 1tay," the white-haired lady aald. She said ·lhe'd hid a bl1 home before moving to the castle apartnieot. While keeping up the whole howe tol to be too m~h for h~r. she aaid, lhe jwt couldn't stand JitUe apartments. Her rooms at Pyne Castle have high ceilings, and are very spacious. "It just doesn't seem like a small place,'' abe aaid. LOVES VIEW Mrs. H~en Thompsoo, a castle resident ii.nee 1983, aa.ld she apeci.a.Jly Jovu the view of the Laguna Beach coutline, 11/1(1 · the pu<e and quiet caatle living af£ords her .. "You're up " n1oe and high. Though there are people around you, you're kind of above them," the spripUy grandmother 1aid. The cutle location is good she Pid (See CASTLE, Pap l) Driver Education Teaoher Guilty Of Dn1nk Driving Wade Watt11 bead football coach and a driver education Jnstructor at Newport Harbor m,11 School, piuded guUty today on a drunken driving charge in Laguna Beach. Watts, 50, was ordered to return to haguna Municipal Court AprU· I foe senteocfng. The grid coach, who makes bis borne in Laguna at 1970 Temple Hllll Drive, wu arrested by a patrolman today at 11.fO a.m. in the 100 block m North Coast lligbway. Watts was givm both field Wfiety and brutl>On..r tesll before belnl jailed overnlghL He bu been with the Newport· Meaa Unllled School Dlalrlct alnce 1115. , 0 rHEY'RE· STAYING CLOSE TO CASTLE THIS WIEKIND L•1una'1 Lella and Thom•• Merrick Irvln~Orange Grove Marine Copter Crashes Killing All 3 Aboard A bis tnioi><mler beUcopter crashed Into an orange grove near Irvine Wecines. day, killini three Marines aboard, alter a 1lckenlng series of aerl.al gyrations some witnesses believed to be daring 1tunls. 1be CHS3A Sea Stallion swooped and wobbled through the sky over the Irvine Ranch -turning completely upside down twlct -before aIDuhing to earth at the pilot fought for control. Authorities listed the victims, assigned to Marlne Heavy Helicopter Training Squadron 301 , of Ule Marine Corps Ah: Facillli at Santa Ana, as: · -Capt. Richard T. Carl1-0a, !5, the pilot, survived by his wile Cynthia, ot 1881 Mitchell Ave., Santa Ana. , S/Bit. Wlftlam R. Sleoe, A, t!Je co-pllot. IUl'Vlved bt· hil·wife Dianne--,. . """" Santa Aol -.... not ll!ted. -Pfc. James L. llue1, lt, crewman. aurvtved by hla pareqll, Mn. and Mn. Willard L. Haney, ol Wichita, Kan. Tbe ac<ldent occurred at 2:45 p.m. · Stodi Merkeu NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe stock market closed on a lower note today. Trading wu moderate near the finish. (See quotalloiis, Pages If.II). while. the twin-rotor chopper was on a rouUne training flight and the wreckage exploded into flames and burned for 30 minute.s before bein& controlled. Site -0! the crash was near the in- tersection of two dlrt roads IOO yard1 110rth of Irvine Boulevard, between Myf-0rd and Culver roads, east of TUIUn. Irvine Ranch employe Carl Flinner 1 42, saw the final death dive from about one.quarter mile away as he worked in an equipment yard. "He made two or three PURI.._ over the area and at first I thought it was going to come down in the yard," Flinner told newsmen. "ft wobbled back and lorlh, zooming very . lqw . a couple ot times but he mlnagtd to get Ii baCk up qaln. Orie time 1. 1aw ·It tum completely· upside down but he 1ot it back in the alr," Flinner sald. Two Soulhem California F.dllon Co. crewmen working in the area also saw the rat.al crash and hlshed to the icene wllh fir• erltngulsbers, but lhey might (See COPJ"Ell, P111 ll Chief's Son Wins Delay of Hearing A crane of! Sooth Laguna'• Alslo Beach .:... eyed Mpldously by oil COlllCIOUI .-al m!deoll today but county autborlU" llld It ti there In coanectloo wjlJI I fu!uro pier. Spring Leaking .., . "' . . . . . . Over Weekend Make Pot Legal? Steven Muiray, 21-year-<ild son of San Clemente POI.Ice Chief Cillford Murray, today won a two-week df!lay cl hll Superior Court arraignment on varying drug charges. A. County lllrbor Department engineer delcribed the orange barge a n d ...... ~. .. parapbtrnllla IS a "Ito"'&""-cr,.ne \lllced of!-thor< to lake cou drllllop el the ocean !loot. ittason for the dr\Uinga ls to mate 8"1&1netrinc decisions about the &ize, *8pe and locallon of the sports fJShing pitJ' th1t II to W"\le the little park Ii Allio Beach which Ille county acquired Qd II developing. QJostructlon on the pier iJ expected lo . bqln In lhe fall wt!h compleUon tbe following 1prlng. Meanwhile resident.I o( La,.... Bel<b and Soulh Laguna were kttplng an t)'t on the de.vlct • ..__ f • I I ' Spring may bave sprung, but . from early indications, it 1«m1 to"blve sprung alw. . • Ugbt .OOWtra douJed the Orang• c. .. 1 this mornln.&. and weather fQreC.UterJ COl1C<ded that lhe dlllij) condition pro- bably -· llolil °1llrolilh: 1111id ..,. tho --· .. Today'a light rain II expected to fide to showen Saturday, wllll ur, lo half an Inch ol pnclpltaUon by too ght along the coast. Guaty wind's were expected to make thing• even mort uncomfatt.able. The new wet spell wa11 blamed . on a Paclt\c weather front that had been upa(ted to bypaaa Southern ca!Uorala. Clear sties wert forecut for mldda.y Sunday. " " Maybe the Jl!ne hu come to brinJ marijuana out of the '"•fJOU· eulea'' and end the prohiblUon of . •·pot ... Thal'• one ol the Intriguing lac. ton o1 Ufe in the Unlted States In lhla , ... of niJnd-tJoullllg freak- oull upland 1'>day · by Alton ~kW.. ID the .11pa1 lnolalhnent ol. hil 10.part "Dnip 1181" aerlts. Read about It today on Pap 4. Y!iu ..., Ill votinl on 11"•1om111-. row.~ T Judge Robert Gardner ended tho brief appearance of lhe youth by onlttbil him to ..tum to court April 4. l\lurTly 11 free on ball. Chief Murray'1 only llOrl WU llT'elted rut Feb. 2 by llal<'alid couilly narootlCI o1ncen In the drlvow11 ol the !amUy home at m LI Elparansa: Sin· Clemente. • Agenll said lheY lound IL pounds ol. marlfllana · valuecf at · iboul !600 and a amall amount of heroin. MUl'TaJ Is cha11ed wllh -Ion of heroin, J>Oll...i,on .ol heioin wllll Intent to loll, posstlllon el martjua111, i:-ion of marijuana wllh lnt.nt ~ and · lfana~ marlJ\llllL . . N.Y. Steeb . .. :rEN cum South Coast ! :Weekend ' Visit Busy By ARTHUR R. VJNm, Of .... D911Y , ....... Winging westward from 1 u n n J Washington to the sray, .qrinf WM of Calilocnla, Presldeot Niloo todlJ opeoed what has abruptly chaJlled froro a Junket !11< fun to one of locmldabll lordgn and doo)eotic Importance. The chief n:ecutive wu due to anive aboard Air For« Ono at Pt. Mnsu Na"al Air Statton DW' Oxnard about 2:20 p.m., immediately tourtq SUia Barbara County beaches by helicopter. White H°""' Jll"'"' us11tan1 Tim ElbournO aid late ThurJJday 1n' San Clemente that Nilon will view oU-ra,.,. ed beacbel from the air I Chooi1Da I llpot to· tel dowo for I ci-leak. Contrary to illiilal new1 ttlea"'9 h President wlU fly dlrec:Uy lmn hla Santa Barbara beach Wpection to the 11rawJ.. Ing R. H. Cottoo estate, b1a 1wo<1a1 beadquarten in Sao Clemente. . Just wben be will mive m the Orange Coat. wbera be wW bold com~ve lalU ..ith top aldea an lhe Vittum -·ii an open quatlon today. "~, it'&. dlfilcult to ...,,,, Ellieurna -1rlJao, ~ 'About Ille Prftid«ot't -teil Umt I( arrival,~ atlmatelf "' ..... te be •boot twlligltL 1ba 'time will prolllbq 1illJll '" bis owa -•I prefer...,, Ille -GI Illa oil polluUoo lmpectlQn and Ibo \ype el lleJJcopter l.SIJgned for Ibo IJ> (See NIXON, PIP l) Anti-war Groups Pl.an to-Picket Nixon Saturday ~Li-war groups are -Orfanhini a pid:et protest lo greet President Niloo In Ian Clemente Saturday. Pickets and marcllm are acheduled to anemble at noon Saturday in troq_i of the San Clemente Inn where NiJ:oa 1ea1rity men and aides will be rtaytng.. Robert O. Bland of Laguna B .. ch laid the proteston will gather in front ol. the Inn at the Catalina A venue turn-off of the San Die&o Freeway at nooa, Satur· day. From th~re, he said, pictell will march to the gale! or the C)'wus Slioru "restricted community" alon& about an eight block sidewall:. Bland aald l]lOll'Oring groups Included the Orange County Peace and Human. Rights C.uncU, lhe Unitarian Study·Ac- llon Group and the Laguna Beach Peace and Freedom Society. "While Prelident Niten ptetls with his generals and ambas~on behind the walls of a segregated community, men die in Vietnam in a ncJst war," lhe group ..,.rlld in a prepared (lttJI re1 ..... Bland uld leallets woul<f be paned out during the d'°""'tr1Uon aimed at catching the Pruidtnt'1,eye. Weatloer The winter raina are ovtr -now we get Ule 1pring rains, like to- night and Saturday, along wllh gusty wlndl and slxtybb tempera· lif"' · before clear 11det pnvall SUnday. INSIDE TODA1'· · · ThtTt J)tob®ll/ WCI H~UI rtminitcing toMta tioo ont·tim• bitter · political memft1. Riclt- di-d NI:°"' cmd HaTrJI Tr11"""' !Mt todav In ltldtpttld.,.,c. Mo, Peg• 1. • f • j J DAlll PILOT L Ni 'nle stak.. may be ptnn1., or 11>- ternaUooal poliUC!, but a plcturuque, elr<ular pol<er p,arlor ovtrlookJn& the J'ldllc °"""' --~ for PrwlJmt M-'I 'ftlit te• tht an.,. Coost. KMwn '' the Card Room, the 20-by·ZB-foot atructure on the Henry Hamilton Cott.on estate has been clqnfd up and furnished with new drapes, prior to 1be PA System Approved For Easter Laguna Beach councilmen worried a bit about the noise but approved an Easter Sunrise Service "'ith public ad· dress system for St. Paul's Lutheran Chur'ch. , The eervice is to begin at 1:30 ar 7 a.m. Easter morn on church propert1 on Morningside Drive. Councilman Roy Holm said his major concern was Ule way the city in the past had jealously guarded the silence to which residentlaJ areas are (ntitled. Councilman Richard Goldberg sug~ gesttd, with a twinkle, that the noise might stir neighbors of the church sit. to attend services. Included in the" wu Councilman Charlton Boyd . Colm- cilmtn agreed the church could hol~ its worship service but urged that 1' le reasonably muted. The council also authorized a atrett dance On tore.st Avenue April 1 for twtagers. It was requested by the South Orange County Youth Council ind is to include security pm:auUODI and cleanup. In other business, the council: · -Routinely denled and referred to the fnsurance carrier a $4,06.1 claim of Ronald K. ind Elita beth V. Annstrong for flood damage to their property at 1223 Starlit Road. -Did the same wilh a flood cJaim from Jon S. Brand, 681 St. AM'S Drive, for $638. -Renewed the lease or ,..Joseph c. Burns for a barber ahop at 185 S, Coast JUghway at a rent not to exceed '200 monthly until Sept. 30, 1973. -Approved the application of Laguna Beach Wons Club to Cilfldud. a rwnmli• ule for men on March 28 and 29. -Fondled five white carnations that wt.re anonymou&ly donated to Ult council for auihori.zi.Dg a full·Wne recreation. director. -Approved an agreement with Wind Ambu1ance Service to provide an Jn-city ambulance for emer,.-y callJ. -Authorized execut.IOn of an agtee- ment with 1. C. Abel to design a public restroom at the foot of Anita Street. -Rejected a Jone bid to construct the Crescent Bay public restroom and lifeguard station because at '18,233 it was $5,000 beYQnd budget and also agreed 10 negotiate the job with Beach Con- struct'ion Co. or other local contractors. -Declined to recommend lo the Civil Aeronautics Board new routes from Orange County airport to PorUand and Seattle. -Held first reading of an ordinance adding 2.46 acru to the city in Laguna Canyon Annei:aUon No. 3 after no written protests were filed. -Authorized the city manager to sign &tale or federal claims from the flood disuter. Senators Expect Probe Into Military Prisons WASHINGTON (AP) -Two senators said tOOay they expect Congress to in· vestigate conditions in military prisons. Sen. Alan Cranston, (l).Calif.), and Sen. Charles E. Goodell, (R-N.Y.), said the probe would resull from the severity of sentences given demonstrators who staged a s.il-down at the Presidio Stockade in San Fanclsco, and the con dltions subsequently found to exist there. 11/1,11\' 1'111)1 l•Nrt N. Wt•4 ~-..... , .... hMlthff J•c• l . C•rl1y Vitt ~'"-1111 0t"'1'tl Mt"""' The111a1 11 .. ,11 .... n.,,..,, A. M1t1tphl11• -..ui. •••• l lt.htr4 '· Nill '•wl Nl11•11 l-.. .a ,,._11111'11 Clt't lflllr Olrto;1" ,_ __ 12t ,., ......... . M1llb11 A44r1H1 ,,O. It• •••, •1611 --'<t•I• Miu! nt Wftl .. , lll'Ml ,......., •••di : Jt11 ""'"' ••lbtl .... It'/,,. Munlll'lll ..... Khl IOf Ith ltr ... on ' . . -Jll'IOllim~I ari!Yat . ~J~ ~lopld. ~ .. Ill ;.Ii'' ;-:." ~ world Wti: D -... NO'J Mllf,I. '* &M~A-....,lsy·w plQlar l""lldfll 111< -~ lollll. QuMlloos ttlll •JIM! tOclai-~i<J' tn any caH -1bout where Nl1c.1 Will meet to confer with top aldts on the tJ Card DAit. Y Pit.OT Stiff l'tlflit House, owners continued to dooy tj>om &oday. "We would never tell it," uld Mn. LlOool. E. Oidoil. ........ ol. lllo lalo' ..uu .................. 'Wll•"'-.. live out bet dl)'I at tbe 17.acre Haaklt estate. , , "No one has evtn eaked tO buy it,'' eddt<I her sister, Miss ~ COiton, oddlni a quillfY!n& Comment that 1L F,.... Pagel NIXON ... pnrumately 100-mllo trip. · Guesses amon1 newsmen are that the 'helicopter will eilher aet down on. the 1.solated beaeh below the estafe, or on an abandoned -bone racing tlack pro- viding an excellent landing pad. Pr<Sld<nl Nllon and hll wile Pat lell &xlrew1 AFB, Maryland, at 1:30 1.m. today on a two-hour.,&nd..20 mlnute fll&bt to l'ndepend<ne<, Mo., to visit former President Harry Truman, M, a onetime harsh crlilc. Truman and the former vice president to Dwight D. Elsenhower, who followt<I Tnunao lnl4 oUlce, burled lhe political hatchet about five yetll'J ago. '!be wealher was bright, 1prlna and sunny as the Nixons and a handlul of top aides boarded Alt Force One in Maryland, but Call!ornla wea\her may be drlnly fot b1a arrival. tbe Firs! Family lndeod waolod tt ~· migbt be """" COll!lderotlon. A SU Clemllllo yG<jll>, Fred DJ"' 11, cJ to4 Vil ~ .aald bowoVer that he suu•ted the Cotton Estate u a presldenCal retrea( and summer Whlti),House rnani ·mMths ,ago .. DJvef wu a Jjixoti cam~n worker durinr the presidential race last November. PILE OF RljBILE IN ORANGE GROVE ALL THAT REMAINED AFTER HELICOPTER CRASH ThrH Marines Die Al Crippled Craft Plummets to E11rth on Irvine R1nch President Nli.on's Southland viJit ortetnated as a recreational junket to the home area the chief executive and ht! wife Jove, but other overtones - 5igni!lcant ones -hive followed. Elllwortb BWlker, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam, and Gen. Andrew J. Good- pasta-, ,.llrlng deputy eammander ol U.S. forces, arrive from that naUon Sunday for policy talks. Undercover HS Student Triggers Narco Roundup An undercover officer enrolled as 1 student in the Fullerton Union High School District early today triggered 1 widMprOad roundup of drug peddlers which netted 30 1uspecb, inclod!n1 14 juveniles. Arrests were continuing this morning, with police seeking 10 more per1ons suspoct<d of Klllng '!"eotlcs and riangerOUJ drugs. The r<iundup capped more than three months of undercover work by 1 younf officer wb~ remained unidentified. Police said much of the illicit drua: Mission Viejo Fights El Toro Airport Plans Mission Viejo's residents are up In the air over talk of expanding tht Marine Corps AJr Station at El Toro to a civilian commercial jet airport. A band of 85 howlewives, representin1 two women's clubs and an independent "Neighborhood Committee of Concerned Citi2:e:ns" plan to go door to door wit~ an anU-airport. petitioo in the 8,000.rw· dent community. Addrused to the Oranae County &:upervisors, the petitions reject a pro- posed location of the regional airport at nearby El Toro, San Joaquin Hills, Prado Dam c:r the Santa Ana Air Station. They suggest, in91.ead, that the supervisors seriously CON1ider a n olf-• airport. Bill Sims, ch&innan of the Mission Viejo Homeowners AssociatJon's airport committee, said the resideril cann?t count on the Marines to keep the big commtrcial jet.a out cl. El Toro. "Political presaure could very welt nwove them from the base -leaving it wide open for the big 7<11 and 7471," he sakl. "The Pereira Repcrt bu already stated they W'O!Jld thtn have to re-alltn the runv.·ays to parallel the San Diego Freeway. That would put the big com· mercial jell right over 15 existing oehools. "Planes would be CQmlfli in 24 hours a day, seven days 1 week. It's incrt!d· ible," he said. Repre&entatives from the Mission Viejo Women's Club of Deane Homes, Rancho Viejo Women's Club and the "Concerned Citizens" group will be seekina: the ~ In lhe anU..trport petition. Drtene voluntetr! art led by Florence · Smith. Alicia Coop<!-heads lhe Rancho committee. HHdJe Bt&ndt ind Shlron Ddgado u-e In charp cJ lhe CIUuns group. traffic was among .students in the Fullerton Union High. School Distrlcl Investigators declined to say 1t which of the eight high schools in the Fullerton di.strict the undercovt.r agent bad been enrolled . The district hu schools in La Habra and Buena Park, as well u in Fullerton. Police &aid the undercover Investigation was cinied out with the cooperation of achool officials. The roundup involving more than 60 officers from Fulletton, Anaheim. Buena Park, La Habra.and the county Sheriff's Office began at 2 a.m. In addiUon to the 30 arrested, three other persons sough( as a result of the .investigation are already in custody elsewhere, police said. Adults arrested, most of whom face a variety of charges, were to be ar· raigned today in North Orange County Municipal CourL They include: From Fullerton: Rocky A. Courlain, 18; Donald R. Eldridge, 19; Charles E. Estes, 22; Kennis D. Harding, 18; Leonard D. Law, 18; Randy ?-.l. Somerville, 19; Richard L. Ward, 19; Alton Evans, 34 and Stephen Frye, 11. From Anaheim: James E. Crutchfield, 22; John N. McManigal, 19 and Dennis R. Whitman , 21. From Buena Park: Ray A. Krouse, 19, and David A. Nuberg. 19. From Santa Ana: Eugene S. Handler, Zl and one transient, Robert Allen, 18. Sandra Winieski 'Magnanimous' Spelling Winner Laguna's Sandra Winieski not only acted magnanimous Thursday night, ahe could spell it. 'I'be Thurston Intermediate School 1tu· d~ was the new county spelling champ aft.r l!p<!Ung down 39 other olghlh graden: from other Orange County in- tennedlate schools. The spelling bee was held al Ladera Vista Junior Hlgh School In Fullerton. Jeff Lewls from Ladera Vista was run- nerup. ll wu the sixth annual county level spelling bee. Sandra, daughter ol Mr. and ?-.1rs. John A. \Vinieski, 327 Glenneyre St., had won the Thurston school contest a week ago. Runnerup was Tom Houts. Both have also completed high school level algebra and are now .studying gfOrlletry at the high school level. The Thunday night win entitles Sandra to a Mot at the ltate level 1pelling bee to be hekl in Sacramento on April 25th. Playhouse Opens in June DeapKe dellya duo lo rain, the new Lquna Moul'"" Playhouft oholild be r1n1Wd b7 lhe flnlt of June, aald G<ol- frey RJktr, newly el«:ted preaklent of lhe Playon. JUktr Wd that between now and June, an lddlOonal seo,ooo must be r1IMd to fully furnish and equip lhe now pltybouse, Joe.led odjoeonl to the F..Uval ol Arla groond1. C.Otttbut<n cJ 11,000 or more, will have their oamet oo indlvktual 1eata In lhe auditor1um of lhe main stage. "W• ha~ 1pproxtmately t&O 1e•~ lefl without names,.. Treasurer Bill Stlytr uld. "If h>H ol them wore plt<11«1. I here would be enough money to completely furnish and equip tho Whole plant." The lmpotlng building. designed by Newport Btach'11 William Pert.lra It AMociates is named after t.1ra. Lewl1 Moulton. the largest aingle contributor to lhe bulldlna fund. . • From Page l COPTER •.. u well have had pails or water. "It was hopeless," said Roy Sutherland, 24, of 12131 Faye St., Garden Grove. Children playing in a yard at Tustin Memorial School sajd they watched the big bellcopter doing flip-rlops and thought the pilot was stunt-flying. "It was going upalde down and turning on its side, then it went down nose first and I saw a pull of smoke,'' said Dawn Morton, 11, of 12882 Browning Ave., Tustin. "I dldn't realize he was in trouble," said &b Wilkinson, 33, of Pomona, a carpenter working on a nearby bouainc tract. "[ thought the pUot wu sure giving his men a lwi time."1 "When,. he went . upa:lde down' agatn at treetop level, I realized he was going to crash," Willr:in.son added. Flames from the •raging inferno created when the Sea Stallion slammed to earth blackened eucalyptus trees 40 feet above ground level and the victims were trapped inside. Another wilness was Mn:. Dixie Foy, a nurse, of~ Norse Ave., Costa Mesa, who turned u her husband drove along tbe Santa Ana Freeway and saw the helicopter flutter, dip and then dive. "You're not going to believe this, but a helicopter just crashed into the trees," she told her husband, who drove to the scene and found the fragments boiling with orange fire and black smoke. Marine Corps Invest lg at ors im· mediately formed an accident in- vestigation team to determine what sort of mechanical fallure caused t b e helicopter to go down. Sitting with them at the discusaion will be Secretary of State William P. Rogers, a! Well a.s Dr. Henry A. Ki11S· inger, Nixon'a presidential assistant for national security affairs. White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler has attempted to play down the importance ol. the Vietnam tllki, but the conference·will be the first between Nixon and the ambusador. A course ol action In the bogged.down PariJ peace tal.U and a review of the rising tJde of m.Wta.ry ldlvtty are doubtless on the agenda. Not all will center on war and peace at home and abroad during the busy weekend, however, 1s the Ni:J:ons visit Mi.saion San Juan Capistrano Saturday and lunch It I Mexican caf,1. , The Prtlldent'a press lecretary con- firmed today that the visit includes reaJ.6 eitate shopping for a summer· White Howe, but jwl where is another big quesUon mark, It appears. Informed sources expect that Mrs. Nix• on may be the one who decidea: where, \'.•hat and how, -rent, lease or buy -but doubt was cast over the possibility it may be Lagllna Beach's 64-room Pyne Castle. "I think Pat may just slip away Satur- day afternoon to take a look and see if that drafty old dungeon could be swept out and air-condlUoned," said one newsman. White House aides denied lt. Other sources conflicted sharply, with one real estate woman saying the Nixons have agreed to pay fl.5 million for the old Colton estate, but Mrs. Lionel E. Ogden, thelr host, denied it. Hotel and motel rates skyrocketed in San Clemente as the President and his entourage prepared to arrive, with prt!! headquarters at the San Clemente Inn. DAILY PILOT 1'-" ,... SIGNING UP FOR NIXON Inn's Bob M1ior at Work From Page 1 CASTLE •.. because she is close to town, where she does \'olunteer work at the Red Cross office, and it isn't too far from Corona de! ~1ar where her family lives. Mrs. Kathryn Ostrander who lives In one of the sections that bu the huge: castle kitchen was having 1 good time watching a11 the photograpber1, newspapermen and TV cameramen run. ning abrul the place. "Well, it's a fun place to entertain In," Mrs. Ostrander said. ''l'Ve put a lot into it , and I'd hate W have to leave." she said. "Next time, I'll vote Democratic." A desperate measure indeed. But then, to these tenants, their home IS a c.astle. Clay Shaw Denies New Garrison Charge NEW ORLEANS (UPI) ·-Clay ~ Shaw, wllo March 1 ended a two-year fight to clear himself d. conspiracy charges, haa begun IMtha' court blttle to fight perjury aeeu.atioDI by Di!I. Atty. Jim Garrison. Shaw, 55, entered a Jtlea of lmocent Thursday to Garrison's latest charge, that he lied under oath at his conspiracy trial last month. MARCH SPECIAL ::Drexel~ "S4e/t'I Coffeclion BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET TODAY ! 'Q'. $419. SHELIY ,IATURES: e All Fabric. S<etch GarMd e Arm Cow,. lncktdtd e Hand Tlool Sprint• • L•rsi• Selection of F•bric1 • 5 OtH.rent Style• • QuaJlty Conttrudion & M.teriala c..v....i In Any of Druoh 200 Falwlc S.lodlont. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS FOii: HENRIDON-DR!XEL-HERITAGE to DAYS NO INTEREST-LONG!lt TE!IMS AVAIL.All.I ON APPROVED Clt!DIT 'Zr/.., " INTElllORS NIWPOltT llACH p...r..,io..11 I-LAGUNA IEACH , 17'21 ===A~':;.,~2-2050 Avona:::"l~~~SID 345 Norlh ~ =· ~n, 494-4"1 ..._Tell,._ .._, .t 0..,. C...., .... 11U I .. ' I r , ' N,ft,.Y Ptl..OT .... ,__ GUARD MANS GATE TO-SECLUDED COTTON ESTATE AT SOUTHERN TIP OF ORANGE COUNTY For Ogden F•mlly, A High-Powered Hou .. Guest; For Cyprus Shores, A Not So Qul.t WHkend . . Trumari Greets Old Foe; Nixon:'W e're Americans' INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (UPI) -had turned out to see him. P resident Nixon and 1-larry S Truman, <1nce the bitterest of political enemies, met \varmly today on the front porctt or the former president's house "not because we're Republicans or Demorcats but because we're Americans." Truman, carrying a cane but. standing • erect, greeted Nixon with a firm handshake and a smile. A crowd or about 400 was wa iting the President's arrival "'hen Nixon 's limousine pulled up in front of Truman's ~·hite, twc>story house on Delaware Street. A handful of anti-war demonstrators carried signs gaying "Who is President Nixon?", "Is the Military Just?" and "ABM-No!" Nixon, accompanied by his wife, emerged from the car and walked quickly to the front porch where the Trumans were waiting. Mrs. Nixon em- braced Mrs. Truman and Nixon shook hands with both, greeting the former president first with a smile. Nixon twice halted his motorcade along the 12-mile trip from Kansas City's t-.'1unicipal Airport. 11e stopped onef: at the Manch~ster Elementary School and greeted several hundred youngste rs \\"ho ''We're JO minutes ahead of schedule so v.·e decided to atop," the President said. The youngsters swarmed around him in the bright spring aun. One youngster rushed up to Mrs. Nixon and when she put her arm around him, he whispered, "I'm glad he 's (Nixon) President." At the Van Horn High Schoo!, about three miles from the Truman house, Nixon climbed atop his car and through a loudspeaker reminded several hundred students that the NATO alliance next month will celebrate iLs 20th annJversary. "This visit shortly before former Presi- dent Truman's 85tb birthday shows that \•;here the strength of America is con- cerned .• , we're not Republicans and Democrats but we're Americans. "That's what thia visit is all about.•• Truman, who will be 85 May 8, was president when NATO came into btlng. Nixon will spend most of the weekend in Southern California and will have some major conferences on Vietnam, but the first part of the trip was a sentimental journey here to see the man with w~om he formerly feuded. SC 'Fountain of Youth' At Leisure World Dry By JACK CHAPPELL Of tht 01llY f"lltl St1f1 A "fountain or youth'' University of Southern · California research program in Leisure World may dry up unless some private funding can be found to replace the now dw indling reaeral grant for the project. Ess~ntially a scientifically con trolled exercise program , the project under the auspices of the USC Geront'ology Center is designed to investigate t he effects of exercise on tht aging. About 140 Laguna Hills Leisure World residents are taking part in the project. A by-product is that the people involved have benefited greatly from the exercise, project director Dr. Herbert A. deV~es said. lie cites better digestion, relaxation, lower nervou s tension and v.•eighl loss as partial improvements. NEED DONATIONS But those '·by-products" may cease unless the university can sustain dona- tions of about $30,000 per y2a r to keep the mobile laboratory at Leisure \Vorld and pay the three assistants and Dr. de Vries . A club to support the project has been fanned al Leisu re \Vorld. Headed by or. Willian1 F. Kinsey. 88, the club hopes to include 200 people who would donate $150 a year to the university to keep the project goi ng. Or. de Vries said that, while a great deal of knowledge of the short-tenn effects or exercise has been gathered durin g the project. the long-term poten- tial should not be overlooked. Jn the two yeara since coming to Uisure world, the deVries group has found that e1ercise has led to "im· portant improvemenl!I auch as a reduc- tion in J>lood pressure, loss of weight, decreased proportiOn of body fat, better functioning of heart, lungs, and blood vessels. measureably better ability to relax, beUer muscle tone, more strength, and improved physical working capacity (vigor)," deVries said. OPPOSITE DIRECTION "All these are in the opposite direction of what we usually consider the agin g effects. We are inclined to think that some part of the physiological changes that we know occur ~'ith aging may not be caused by aging per se, but rather by di suse that accompanies ag· 1ng." There is no "best" e1ercise for all individuals, deVries said. He said what is needed is a program of exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day. three times a week. Swimming and jogging were the most efficient, he said. However, the doctOr warned that such a program should not be started without the advice of a physician. "Exercise is much like a potent drug. In the correct dosage, Jt provides many benefits. Ho~· ever. In the incorrect dosage, or for the wrong person at the wrong time. the effects ct1uld be harmful," he said. Dr. deVries' Leisure World group In-- eludes men from P to 81 years old. The average age Is 72. He s41d that no harmful results have been observed in the study. Nixon to Deliver Policy Statement On Campus Riots President Nixon Is scheduled to mah a policy statement this weekend from his temporary "White House West" in San Clemente on federal posture in dealing with campus disorden. Health. Education and Welfare Sec- retary Robert H. Finch has completed his recommendations on how the govern- ment should deal with disturbances at high schools an..: universities. Finch, however, referred the question back t'o Nixon today for an Adminlstra- tion policy statement. IniUally, Ni1on bad Intended to issue the statement but late this week ao- nounced it would be put out by Finch. Today, the Health, Education and Welfare Department said the announce- ment would come from the White House, probably Saturday or Sunday, from San Clemente, where Nixon will spend the weekend. The HEW statement said, "Definite recommendations on campus demonstra- tlons were gent t'o the President by Secretary Finch. These are under ad- visement. A statement by the President will be issued in the imminent future." The Administration proposal is apect- ed tO announce that federal funds will be cut oU for a.ny students participating I.a unlawful demomtrations on campuses. Sometime during the night, plans for the anoouncem~t were changed, the HEW'& infonnatiOn director, George L. Brand, told newsmen. Brand said he came to work this morn- ing fulJy expecting the policy statement IO be announced at a news conference. He reported he ·asked Finch about It and was told it was not yet ready. About a half hour later, Finch called Brand into his office and said the statement would be referred back to the Whitt House. ''I w1.1n't around during lhe final flap last night," Brand said. He said Finch would bold a news con- ference Monday to answer questions aboot bis recommendations if the White House announcement ill made before then. * * * Nixon to Visit One of Favorite Cai es in Capo President Nixon and the First Lady will eat lunch Saturda y at what he calls "one of my favorite Mexican r estaurants" when he visits San Juan Capistrano. El Adobe de Capistrano wilt host the president ial party at noon, according to manager Frank Vantrier. The restaurant, at 31891 El Camlnc> Capistrano, has long been a presidential favorite, said Vsntrler, recalling that Nixon last ate there during his campaign for the presidency, when he came to California for his molber11 funeral. The chief ezecutive has many favorite 1.1exlcan-style foods, Ventrier said, but the menu hasn't yet been decided. At a reception last night, the Prelldrnt said he was looking forward to his weekend trip -"We just want to feel the place again," he ei:plaintd. ELDERLY GROUP STRETCHES OUT KINKS IN LEISURE WORLD EXERCISI! PROGRAM USC ·Research on Phy1iology of Exerclte at Cro11roed1 -Funds Needed (L) DAll.Y PIUT I Calteeh Cheeking Quakes PASADENA (UPI) -lftn than IO nna!I eartbquaket rocked !he Gull ol Calilomla Tbunday nlCbt· A team ol acientlsts wu dispatched from tho Callfomla IMtllult ol Tedmoloir here to lnvtsUgate poqible undersea vole&:nic acUvlly. A spokesman for the telamologlcal laboratory at Calledt uld early today the temblon were Jtll1 conUaulng Uve houri alter they began In the northern port ol the gull oil San Felipe, Baja Calilomla. • Earthquake swarms art lone aeries of luge and small 1hocb with no one out.standln& lremor. Swarms are common ln volcanic reatom and they oft.en occur before and durlnl volCllllc ..,,pUont. There actually wue two seriea ol swarms recorded ThundQ. The first lasted for several houri "shortly after mldolght. The DlOlt aevere temblor had I' a m1gnllude ol U .., !he IUchtor ...... It war COM)dered llDflkely the quam would ailed any land arua. Tbe IOCOod 1ttlet bqan at 7: It p& Tbunday .and cootlnued Into today. rour shocks ol mqnllud< 1.U were - at calledt. Dr. James Brune, UIOClate profeMI' of phyaics and bead ol caltech'a ..- of seismological staUoni, left 'nnlrldlf night for the town ol Ag>JU Call•lee, ' When his fancy turns to thoughts of love, be there in ice ... cream pastels. Sweet-as- cream costumes have soft 'n flirty curves. c Sherbet shadings in rayon with a linen look by Smart Modes; 5 to 13 u ms· EASTER JS SUND .. 1<' APRIL f • II apart Center 11 Fnhim Island • 644-2200 • Mon., Thais., Fri. 10:00 till 9:30 Oilier dlys llt1ll &II 930 If ! ~-------------------------~-------~--~ ---- CC..IM "' .. Oaltr Pll9t lttfn . I • Should 'Po-t~ Be Legalized? 17 ALTON llLA'«lllR Allocl•W l'ml -wrti. Some controvtnies over marijuana are growing wanner. Should ''pot" be ltgalized? Or, at least, ebould eevere penahies for poMeSSing it be reduced! Propooenta of legallzinf II ore ap- parenlly arowlnll In nwnber. 20 Airer.rt Bit Reds Strike 65 B~ses, Towns SAIGON (UPI) -The Communlala' wlnleMprlns olfenoift bWecl wilh new lal.lnllty ~ ml Rad -- 16 lowDI aDil -fn -Vldnam. ---oaJcl lbe of. feoilve bid • --ol hltllng s.1-lhll......,, ,,., OommunlJla bmlecl three ....,.ct -al-buelCR>lbeap- ......,.,.. lo lbe cl!f bul ..... -bock. Ill lbe' Mlcbebn rubber planlatlon • mu.. -of Salpn -unlla ol C0mm1Ulin allack plans throucli CIP- lured docwneoll. Commanden oo the b a ti I o-1 le I a norlhwell of Sateoo nld their operaUo• AUu Wedce. Cl0llllleroff"11lv., aimed at bJo<,l:lnt 'll. \tlack oo Salcon, bad itlled, 70 pm1IJU In lbe pal four ctoyi. Bui, lbe perrlJlu launched . -counlerlhruJ!a, killing 10 Gil and woun· ding II In .... David Brotiui, 12, of BrookvUle, Pa .. received a release form fro.m NBC this week asking for pemus· sion to use a joke he sent to "Laugh-In.'' David, a sixth grader, signed the release but included. a request in the return letter. It said, .. If you use my joke on your show, ,vill you please use it on the last half because my dad watches an- other program during the first half.'' Tiiey arguo it Is less dangttOUJ than alcohol, which kills tbou!ands o I Americans each year. No one bel'Omes physically addict.cl to pot, Ibey add, and it doesn't kill anyone unJeu he accidentally harms himself under its influence. Marijuana, they .-rt, is safer than smoking regular clcaNltes. • ·Wlft nporlocf nlrealfnc, bal lbe lbrul lo Sllgoo fncreuod froai ntber areu. Armadu of American BU bomber> 1Plallered at leul 830 loris of bombs Into· Norlh Vlelnamese ooldien reported to have Oed the allies' AUu Wedge drive for their War Zone C hideouts 55 miles northwest of the capital. 0 An automobile !lunked the state motor vehicle inspecUon at Morri• town, N.J. when lhe brakos !ailed and the car 'with a woman at the ,,.heel ran over the inspector. He was not seriously injured. • Fred Murph11 1ake.r hi.r .triplet granddaughters for a apringtim.e walk 1iear their Milwaukee home -iince mother wasn't quite up to joining the excursion. She'.r in the hospital e:- pecting child No. 4 (or 4, 5 and 61). The tripltt's father con.stnK:tecl tM special stroller hinueLf. • Juvtnil• Court Judge James H. Lincoln of Detroit dropped a few words into the generation ga-e._ ~h~ he accepted. the Detroit ~ Club 1969 "Man and Boy award. ' "According to adults, kids ha v I!! been going to hell for 2,000 years now,'' the jud~e said. "But they haven't made 1t yet.'' • Twent11 environmental iculp- tures, in the form of I/JO-pound ca&t concrete stunes, were dis· covered mis.ring lo.It week at the University of Oklohoma at Nor· man. Fin all 11, two volunteer workert at a Norman da11 nurs- ery admitted they were the cul· prits. Th<y •aid they had thought the stones were debris from the university art foundry, and they had takrn them to the nursery for the children to play on. Art hut~tor J o h n Lewandowski, who created tht! sculptures, had no comment. • Mini-skirts may cause mold in ~<>me of Britain's shops a business- man in Havant, England claims. •ewe didn't have this problem be- fore these peculiar garments came in," said Lt. Col. Georg• Cemp- boll. "These girls feel the cold and shut all the windows. There is less ventilation and more humidity. 'Ibis may cause mold." HAVE RIGlfr . . Propooents hold !hat p«ple should have a right to enjoy a mild druC that b~ them a sense d well-being, that offers a way to reiu, to. flnt.uize, to have 90clal and Jntellectaal com- munion with olher -le. They argue that if pot were made legal, mi.ny drinken woold give up alcobol In favor of marijuana. Oppooenls coww lhal alcOOol Is so badly abused Ulat five to six million AmeriCMS are -lghl alooholicl, and that marijuana has the aame potentlal to produce an equal er greater number ol people who would have problems from ~Because we have rum-heads, there is no nuon to have pot-heads," is one araumeat. Opponenls qQesllon Iha! many alcobollCI would give up booze, and that lllr mflJioo "morijualllcl" might come aJoac atop ell tbe lllceholicl. The clgaret te IZDOll:er, they add, can go about bis·-.,.,._ wblle be smow, but lbe ~ --· POl'BNTIALLY DANGEROUS On more of a middle ground, others argue that the rMl question Is not whether morljuana II polenllally cfanCeroW:, beca09e all drugl, even aspirin, are. '11ley oppose legalization beca.Ulll they say not eoough ii known yet about the long-term effects ' from regular """ d pot. And lllll anolbet view Is lhal pro- bl!iilion d morlJWl11a may be pushing 1111111)' yoonplers lo 1l>< tt, jusl IS Prohibition of alcdlol pu>hed many peer pie toward drinking. Arguments over reducing I e g a I penahtes for pcmession of marijuana involve such points M whether severe laws really discourage use d pot - some authorities say yes, others no - and whether such laws lead to contempt not only of drug Jaws but law in general. PARENTS WORRIED Many parents are worried, or COO· vinced that marijuana is a stepping stone to injecting or "mainlining" heroin. "The distance from the dare to try •pot' to 'mainlining' is very short," says J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But other authorities disagree strongly. College student.,, scoff at the statement. Few of them apparently use heroin. They do not themselves l5ee or know of a progression from mild marijuana to opiates. On the other hand, heroin and other opiates are in fact common In ghetto areas, and there i!I evidence that some heroin addicts bad first been exposed to marijuana. The charge that marijuana leads to use of addicting drugs needs to be critically examined, says the Task Force en Narcotics and Drug Abuse of the Presldent's Commission on Law Enforce· ment and Administration in a 1967 report. LAW CHANGES PROP05ED "There is evidence that 1 majority of heroin users who come to the attention of poblic authoritlies have, in fact, had some prior experience with marijuana," the Task Force says. "But Utis does not mean that ()ne leads to the other in the sense that marijuana ba.s an intrinsic quality that creates a heroin liability. There are too many marijuana users who do not graduate to heroin, and too many heroin addicts with no known prior use of marijuana, to support such a theory. Moreover, there is no scientific basis for such a theory. "The most reasonable hypothesls is that some people who are predisposed to marijuana are aloo predisposed to heroin use. It may also be the case that through the use of marijuana, :t person forms the personal associations that lat.a' expose him ro heroin." On the question of any association between marijuana and crime, "the dif· ferences of. opinion are absolute and the claims beyond r~cillatlon, 11 the Task Force says. ·rt holds that neither side in this debate can prove their case. LIKELY GUESS One likely guess, it adds, is that "given the accepted tendency of marijuana to release inhibitions, the effect of the drug will depend on the individual and the circumstances. It might, but certainly will not necessarily or inevitably, lead to aggressive behavior or crimes. The response will depend more ()TI the in· dividual than the drug," since there is no evidence that marijuana changes a person's basic personality structure. Much sUffer penalties governing even simple possession of various mind-in· fluencing drugs were imposed by Congress last Fall. It became a misde- meanor -subject to fines and jail tenns -to possess LSD, ()r lo possess barbiturates and amphetamines unless you could prove that they had been prescribed for you. State laws al.so have been becoming tougher. The next five to 10 years may wen see a hundred fold increase 1n the number of drugs capable of affecting the mind, top authorities predict. Some will become new boons to treat mental and emotional ailments. And some likely will be used illegally, or abused. RESEARCH STEPPED UP Meanwhile, scientific research is being stepped up to answer vital questions .about the mind drugs, and ro fill in serious gaps in knowledge about them: Exactly bow many high school or col· lege students -or adults -are using or abusing drugs, and what kinds? Why do people use ()r not use various drugs'? What rea11y are the psycholoigcal, social, physical or genetic effects from oc- casional or long-term use of variosu drugs'? The NaUonaJ Institute of Mental Health ts granting funds in increasing amounts to qualified researchers, seeking answers to just such kinds ()f questions. One research target is to learn what are the long-term effects of marijuana when used regularly, as against oc- casional or loog-tenn use of various ()f varying potency that are available lo most users in this country. Better answers to some questions can be oblained now because the truly active ingredient in the marijuana plant, tetrahydrocannablnal or THC, bu been synthesized and purified. The real, ef .. fective dose that an animal or person gets can be controlled in such ex· periments. Research ls deepening into ()ther types ()f mind·lnfluencing drugs · ONE EXPERIMENT For example, in one recent experiment wiU1 LSD, Dr. Milton H. Joffe ()f the Bureau cf Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs found that monkeys who take LSD for five or six days suffer an impairment in their learning ability. The monkeys became less efficient in making fine discriminations about col· ors, shapes, patterns, and brightness. Such effects lasted for five or siJ: months. In human terms, Dr. :Joffe sayll, um could mean that taking a couple cf LSD trips might af!ect a student for an entire semesler. , Medical researchers also are testing drugs that promise to help heroin addicts break their hamt. Two tucb drugs are methadone, and cyclazocine. Questions and issues about n:iost. of the mind-influencing drugs burn m fires of emotions and opinions. Scientific research pr9mi~es to bring forth more badly-needed facts to help the public deal more effectively in the future with a plethora of drugs. The 'A' on Tom's sweater was won originally fn football. GRIM NEW FACT Now It might well stand for a grim new fact in his life. Like hundreds of thousands of other young men and women, Andy h~ been experimenting with one of the mmd-ben• ding drugs. He is fast becoming an Addict. Where does he go from here'? Whal influence will !his have on hi! career and his life? What can his parents do about it? What can anybody do to safeguard teen.agers against the abuse of drugs and narcotics? For a most helpful discussion of such problems, see the series by Associated Press science writer Alt.on Blakeslee. starting in this paper on Monday. You will not want to miss a tingle instalment. Blizzard Whitens Midwest You may also wish to order .lhroui[h this newspaper an expanded version call· ed "What You Should Know About D~gs and Narcotics." Loaded with lnformallon, It costs $1 and wlll be sent to you in a plain envelope. County Doctor Agrees Sirhan Mentally ID ' 200 Persons Evacuated in Columbtis Flooding Callfarnla ~ tllf CllHhl 1 .... 1 tfld II-.. ~ °' $OV1'hm'I C.ltfomlol todeY •• °"""' """~ ""'"' 1'9COR!td. n.e •111 mn11*f9ble t lOUCl'lflolSI with 1 ... '9!uftdet'lltiirrm 111 ""'1llltT11 tl'Wff. Tiie -i.Ylf UMt «lwll ID " ....... L• ........i .. 1110 vkllllf'I' tiM n it! eonaldilnoMt cloudlnft1 tnlf fOOllor" ~ ...... ""'" wlltl flte 11"1'1 Ml If .0, Thi ~ low fltl!ltfll ..... JO. 'The O.ni;11 .ii Niii wlll Otc:tffM to '6 "'" ""' $PlnMI'. 'Ti. U.S. Wnltoeor lllf'l9U'1 l'lve-0.1' f cnnll'I c;1111ed for ftcl'll1Ltlt .,..,,..,. ,,.. S.Nnft., b11t tltCtlt>H n lriY -klll """'""1"' 1bGVI mldwwtr. r......, .. "'"" -euei:'ltd lo ,....,.... nfff ....... n. Lot A--Alrwt ~ ,U fl( 111 ltldl .ii Noll! b'f ' AM. ~.... OIMI° ' A.M. telah tnc1ufMI kMt e.mtrw ..., St*-"tld .14 Mid I tf'tQ 11 lerW ~. ~-·-,,..,~~ .,..,.,_ 111111 ....... '""" U te II n9fl " ""'--n. lliltl ""'""""" .. ... ,,, .......... f · ~ .... "'"" . '""" "" .. c ... ca1 Low t1Mt _. itlfl tleftl ti. --' ~ ,,.. ...,. Wll'ldf IMl1Mrl\'. IS to IS kflt1"' TOO.'l"t 1111111, .. • M. Ytt.....,.. ~r1fllm t f 11• t f frWI! I Mitt fl ., .. I lrM fl Jl ll\o ""' .....,..,.,. ,_ -., to n. Tiit .... NfMtrtlvrt ...... ..... n-..n'-"""•Mlft • ,... -· ...... n. ....... """' ,.._,..,, .. Jilt* ...... ............ 1111 "" """" .. tlltltt m--• .... -It -...,,,., dlW'I' 111 "" ....,.. Sun, Moote, TWea ..... tu"-"f "'-"i, Guity wl .... w t. a 1n1111 _,. NtOl'Olld. Tiie Mt11 ~·''"" -,. "' .,. "'"' ... ~ lln '"' • "' ... ._, .... 1in.. ............ 111\lfldt\' ~ IOI'-! ~ fOISrl' lflt~l ~ kW! ,US, S.PM Mor!IQ *40, ,..,..,. 6J.11, NI. ~ ""111 •. P111!1111\o n- ... "IWftldrf """· l"•lm ~!"'~ .... 11. ......... 114 1111 Dlffo '141, ....,. ..,..,. j241. U. AHOl"US A.MD V1CINITV-V""*' _.. WffJI .~,.. ......,..,. .... .....,.~~ ,_,ir-, .... ....... .. Hltfi SillltW)' A. f'IIDAY $ICO!'ld 1ew •..••. • ·• A;'° ,,m. 1.S ~ 111111 ,., •. lt ;O '·"'· '·' MTUIU>AY Finl low ••. , ..... ,. S:SO 1,m, OA Fl"' llltll ............. lt :er 1.m. Jo l«Ofld JllW •••• , ...... •:JO'·"'· f.O $tc.tlll llltllt •• ..1111t •• f!I. t.• IV"OIY 111"1 low .............. •:Jt 1.m .. .. flrll lllilill .,-.......... 1:4.1 ,.m. J.J ...., ""' ....... 1 •••••• •:-l .fll. tA kClllflf fllfll .,, ...•.•• ,ll;SJ 11.lfl. LI v.s. StnR.,...rv • '°"' _.. .. ~-~ ICfOl& ..... OrMt Lt-• tow.1'4 ffM ~ti ..... f'OCl9y, lea'flnt \IP .. 10 '"°"' "' '"" ,_ 1t111 .,,,.., Mkfwtlf. Tll9 o:imbllWllen .. """"· ..., - end .,,.... .... ..,. Wlndl '""' .. "- foot drin. fltl~ ttnl'ldMI "''"'""' cioMd Ktlooil l'ftCI ~ IWd' ]I\ Nf. ~Jltt, Mh'll'lftOll, lowt ~ W!l<llflo ''"' TN fWIW ...e<lell1tlon lldded !'Cl tlltl "',..' o1 -• fkl<ldl110, but !T"llor fflu>'ld1tloll• ........ ftOtlPOl'led ~ ' f:Old •1110 W!'lld\ tt.lltd 111 tflt>f IP•f"' 1'htW. l ul mud! ot "'' •I'd Ctfllr•I N.W1tll:1 Iii•• lllf ~ IGO¥fl lld lloodlM, w!9'! :kit --""'IC\MI*' lrOITI Co. lumO\ll '*""· •nd • """'"°""Miki bol' .,.., m~11.,. 111d .,...umld df6-d 11"1' lie llll l11lo 1 llOO!f.twollefl dr1I~ t" d1tc:ll llMr WKO. kwf.t o?t>tr t.lel)rtll<• ''"''""' _.. 11 fl' ~r II-.. lklod Jf1 ... bl/I 1w-1ttt1 Mhll -lout llOoll .... wo.iltl ..,...,...,., flllt 11tt111 1111111 t.ttr t11 "" -· ·-~ .... _ Atlarrll 1!1ktrsft.ld 111,l!ltl'dt •Oi• ·-C111ctto Ch1c:l11,,.11 Clf¥9'flnd ........ ..,,,_ ...... l'.Vrtllt Fort WOl'lto ·-Hl!ltll•' H-ll;llr .., .... K•-• City Lts Vt111 LOo Al'IMlt1 Mi.mi e..t11 M!IWlo\lbt ~l,,,...Pollt N1w o, ... ,,. N-YM'tl: Not!ll l't.th 0.kl•l'ICI ....... "•" ll:otiln PlllledflMla Pllor11IJ Pttttttu,..,. Portla!ld RIPld Clf\' 'M O SKr1m1>Mo St. t.Pi;!i SllTn" $•11 L•ltt City $tn 0"'9o S1n F••NlKO ~·~!• l 1rbe'• ~ ... 111. ,.,.. .. --· ""'"""" Mltll L ... Prtc. " n 31 ,, 7S 42 LOS ANGELF.'I (UPI) -WJtneases n 4• f« the dtfeme In the trial cf Sirhan 3' 14 B Slrhln have testified the i>year.old ~ ~ Mab immigrant Is mentally incapable ~ !: .m « pmnedltating and carl'1,1nl out a 10 3• .1J murder. " " Wha1 galled Iha ~ Thuraday !l !i! :~; WIS that the witnesl corrobcratlnl that ~ !! testimony WM not IUJ'lllllOl)ld by the U ... .lJ defense, but WU I coort..appai.nted :l ~ p<ycblslrill beint plld by the <Ollllly n fll ot Los Angeles . !! ~ Dr. Erle H. Mfl'CUI told tbe eourt JG &~ Sirhan is unable to "maturely, and DlMl1"' : ;; .11 lngfully" deliberate any murder, and ;: ;~ ·°' specifically the usaasinaUon of Sen. ,,. A .1s Robert F. Kennedy. :! !: Deputy Dillt. Atty. David Fltts then ~ 1t tried to reduce to limple language :! : ::: Marcus' teatlmony Sirban ls ;: : .12 6Chlzophrtnlc. I _,. ~-"' s. "Let'& 1Uppose a man s uuu\:r 11tw >;Ml• ~~ ~; perhaps trom the dlectl of a long trial,·• s5 u .» said Fitts. i~ i: "He goes home and the kids are noisy :; ~ and he blows up. Js th•l a symptom " 1s .J' of scblzophreniat'' ~ ~ AJ ''No, t \\'0111d say that ls a middle ,, '' etas.~ ncuroilc pbencimenOn,'' Marcus ~ ~ replJed. One of lbe Olimmunlst lhelllnp fn- nicted heavy losaes at Chu l,lli Wh(re 20 warplanes wOtlh mo"' than 1111 nillllon were damaged ot -yed. American commanders said a ,veekend attack on Stigon had a 50-50 chance of eomlng off, bul Ibey· nld the big counter-offenalve lhrouJ)i the Michelin rubber plantation had itUed nearly 500 North Vietnamese and may have disrupted lbe atlack plan.o. The North Vietnamese 7th Division, oelleved called In lo apearbead the atlack on Saigon, toot the bnmt of the allied counter~!fensive and was reported retreating under heavy aerial born~ bardment by &21. Intelligence IOUl'CtS aaid they learned CQminunist' rockets 11lammed into both mllltary camps and . South Vietnamese towns, they said, inflicting ()Ver-all light losses. The cosWest salvo -one of the CO> tllest of the 27-day-old offensive -sllun· med into the U.S Air Force Base at Chu Lai, headquarters for a major detachment of American fighter·bombers on the ce.ntral coast. It left 20 warplanes smashed or unable to fly . The guerrillas accompanied their Shell· lngs with three counterattack! on the ground a~ainst allied troops In the Ailas Wedge drive or troopers supporting them, U.S headquarters said. Laird Declares Russia · Going for 'First Strike' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird declartd today that RlWla's deployment of monster offensiw-missiles munt they were going for a "first ltrike"-the capability to begin nuclear war with a nuclear attack agaimt the United States. Laird did not elaborate, although ln testimony at a Senate hearing today and Thursday he referred repeatedly to Russia's rapid buildup of SS9 rnJssiles with warheads carrying a 20 to 25 megaton punch. "Our own warbea~s. , .are only a fraction a.s large," he aaid. Sen. Stuart Symington (IJ.Mo.), uked Laird why lhe Unlled Slates c:booe smaller warheads. Symington said Laird had given the impressi()n that previous Democratlc administrations had allowed Russia to gain a nuclear advantage. r-Laird said that wu not what be meant. He said he agreed with the U.S. decision to concentrate on sm1ller warheads. He then said: "We were going for a second strike capability. With their large metatonnage. they were going for a first strike and there is no question about that." In nuclear parlance, a 1'first strike .. would be an inltlal attack -aimed at crippling another nation. A "second strike" would be: the retaliatory firing of missiles by the nation attacked. Laird did not say how many SS9 mlasiles Russia has. Bui be based his case for deployment of the Safeguard missile defense system on its alleged ability to protect U.S. cffensive missiles against Russian missiles. The Safeguard system as outlined by President Nixon, Laird and other ad- ministration officials was attacked by senatorial foes of the plan as "a defense in search of a mission" that would lessen rather than increase U.S. security. Sen. Albert Gore (0.Tenn.), chainnan of a Senate Foreign Relations sub- committee conducting hearings ()n the ABM, led :sharp questioning of Laird. Laird today repeated his contention that the Sateguard plan would protect U.S. missile sites so the United States could retaliate for any Soviet attack with ABM~protected U.S. missiles. The defense secretary read from a formal statem~nt: "\\"e cannot stop a massive Soviet atlat:k on our cities • , ." "Nor en our missile sites,'' Gore in· terrupted. "It's easier to protect a fe1v missiles than people," Laird replied. Gore said it was a •·matter of degree." then added: "I can't see for the life of me how you or anyone else could conclude that if the United States ever faces nuclear war with the Soviet Union they would send over just a few missiles -sort of a powder·puff attack." Hayakawa Balks at Terms Of SF State Settlement SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The BlaCK Students Union has called quits on a strike which disrupted the San Francisco State College campus for 41/z months, but the college's acting presiden~. Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, said today that several bittU issues remain unsettled. Hayakawa declared that two firebrand Negro instructors, Dr. Nathan Hare and George Murray, are through teaching at the college. He held out a tentaUve hope of amnesty for strike agitators if they behave until April 11. Jn a lengthy statement, Hayaka'A'a told a news conference that "student absten- tion from cluaes 111 not afld never· has been a strike 1n any proper sense of the tenn." The atudent boycott, with repeated out· bursts of. violence, arsMt vandalism and bombings, brought 700 &rre.!Jts. Regard- less of college disciplinary acUons, those arrested will face criminal court ttials. Hayakawa, who opened the closed col- lege Dec. 2 called for new financing to acUvate a black studies department de- manded by Iha Blacl: Students Union. Hayakawa made no mention of a setUe- ment with lludenll. Two leoden of the Black Students Union .--Tbunday lhll such 1 selllemenl had -tucbed. The dispute bqan Nov. I when Iba Sheared Police To Fight Ruling • SACRAMENTO (UPI) -'lllrte. -. """onnlll California HJilnraY Patn>Jmen have -ed to ao lo court, u noceaary, lo abollah a rule wl1lch fomd them to trim lhelr handlebar muotac:bet aod llldeburnl. The abearl"ll -plKt In • sacram•1> lo barber ollop 'lllunday aft« lbe potrolma! ....,. g1,.. a choice of either loolns their mulla<bel aod lldeburns ... Jollnt lhelr jobl. The olllcen said they flnl would ap- peol lo the Slate P..-1 Boord ind, U pltln8 00 --· they WOllJd lake their -to court. scnooJ"s BJacK Students Union issued 10 "non-negotiable" dtmands and stopped attending classes. The l'hird \Vorld Liberation Front joined the boycott a few days later and issued fi ve demands Student leaders said the settlement Included a provision for amnesty and, while some di ssidents would be suspend- ed, none would be expel!J. Attorney Frank Brann, a member of a citizens' mediating team, said the setilement would "provide a model for colleges around the country." UC Regents Face Vote on Faculty Hiring Conh·ol LOS ANGELES (API -Unlvendly of California regents prepared today to vote oo a far-reaching plan to exert more control over hiring key faculty membtrs. Gov. Reagan arranged to at- teod lbe 1\111 board meellng todoy. The regent&' Educational Polley Com· mllta voted 1-2 Thurad1y to ask for ....., lludy ol propooala by lleltJll Edwin w. Pauley of Lo& Angelea lo revoke the campus chancellora' thrte-ye&N11d authority to hire asaodate profeuora and proreaaon and relurn that - lo the boon!. Pauley told newsmen that abuses by chancellon In makfnl appolnlmenlo are "too nuriierous to menuon." But Regent Edward W. Carter of Los Angeles tater cauUontd, "We want to be prelty aure thal pollUcal and phllo9opblcal considerations of the can- didates are not a basis for denytna apPointment. '' Regarding student problems, UC Pfesi .. dent Charle11 J, Hltch told newsmen: "We don't fetl we need any more help from the legislature." But he sllld UC want.a thrte ntw 1awt aimed mainly at noHludent agltaton: anli·lrespaSI provisions "lo keep troqblcmakeri otf th1 cauwui." - • RaMn 'Honored' Eight Indicted For Chicago Riot CHICAGO (UPI) -Eltht perlOlll, illcludJni th< bluest pame1 in the an t l utabllshmt.nt movement. 4re the lint per10111 indicted under the antirklt provisions ol the 19!8 Civil lll(bls Act as ·a result of the disturbances at the Democratic natiooal convention. Eight Chicago policemen and a television network direc-- tor for the National Broad casting Co. also were named in the indictments of 17 persons returned Thursday by a federal grand jury that hinted more indictments \Vithin 60 days. Four of the policem en already were unde r suspensior as the result of a police department investigation. The other four were suspended to- day. The Federal Bureau o. Investigation was banded Wlll1' rants to serve on the defen dants but armounced no im mediate arrests. David Dell inger. Rennar "Rennie" Davis, Tom Hayden, Abbott "Abbie" Hoffman, Jer ry Rubin. Lee Weiner. John Froines and Bobby Seale, either leaders of protest Aid Promise Means Little On Anguilla ANGUILLA (AP) -The British government is prepar- ing to pour aid on the tiny Caribbean island of Anguilla, but the islanders show no signs of liking the carrot any better than the stick they're now getting. About 1,000 Anguillans - one sixth of the island popula- tion -paraded past the schoolhouse headquarters of the British command Thurs- day, led by Acting President Ronald Webster on a motorbike and waving the flag of Anguillan independence, orange dolphins over an aqua sea. The British troops seemed fascinated by the gaily dress- ed protesters, who sang their freedom song to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and carried such placards as "Brutish British Go Home" and "Take Your Troops to Rhodesia." But the Bri t ish com- missioner ror the island, Anthony . Lee, told Webster that the government in London recognized •either him nor his declaration of independence. "The British govenunent view," Lee told newsmen after a confrontation with Webster, ''is that this i.s an illegal .situa- tion going nowhere fast." Webster in tum said the Angulllans would not recognize Lee's authority. The Angulllan leader said he proposed an lmrnediate referendum permitting the people to decide whether they want (I) independence, (2) association with Britain a.s a state of their own, or (3) a return to the St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla federation, from which the Island seceded two years ago Truman's RR Car Sold LOS ANGELES (UPI) The private railroad car from which former President H~ S. Truman "gave em bell ' during his 1948 rwlectlon campaign wu auctioned off to a Missouri banker Thursday for $77 ,000. The 82-foot.Jong car, corp.· plete with crystal, dishes and silver. was built in 1940 and refurbi shed in 1959 at a cost ()f $125,000. It has a n observation parlor, four bed· rooms and four baths. The car was bought by Robert F. Koste, representing Alex Barket, president and board chairman of Clvil Plaza National Bank in Kansas City, Mo. JET .,,~ , '° ,. ..,,,. . . ·.· .. ·.· .. ·.NOISE By JOAI'/ People st.lit can us to ask, metcial operations." ''ar.e the 'Ban the Jet' bumper Somewhere something hil :stickers still available?" The gone awry. 'Ibe airport coo- answer is "yts," just drop by Unue~ to eipand. More fllgbti . . . use them, give them to are being added • • • and a your friends .•. band together htaring in Washington, D.C. Jn a real crusade to !lop tht next week will decide whether dangerous expansion of Orange or not a half dozen airplanes County elrport. will be added lo the alroady * * * crowded facility. If you are new to the fight * * * • . , or new to the area and Our battle is to keep the are wondering "what's the airport from expandinc • airport fuss all about." Let's and to get going on a new take a quick look back to 1961. site as recommended by the That was the year the Board expansive report of last year. of Supervisor• made the final * * * stand on the que.stion, "What We won't quote all of the kind of ~ will we have at mail we rectlved since the big Newport Beach?" airline crash In Sooth America. The answer wu clw and The plane crashed at tlte-oO ooncise -and fulfilled the Into a group of homu ntu wl!hes of moot of the people the alrporl Yes, U wu a D().t, In Newport Beach and Coota Yes, ii could happtn at Newport Mesa. We thlnt the an1wer still Beach! !olioWI the wishes of motl ol • • * the harbor are• people. Let the FAA kl10\f how you The Supervisors said upon feel about IL Write: 1wardlnf of an •111ineerin( con-Fedtrai AvlaUon Aaency tract, th< B'Oard objecUvu are Reg1onai Headquarters as follows : "To develop the P.O. Box 90007, Alrport Station Orana:e County Airport as a lAa Angeles, CaWornla 90009 feeder · type airport to .i.e-Stop by, write or <:all us at commodate eiecutlve t y pt 4M East 17th St. in Colla Mesa aircraft •nd light planes. Not -upatairti. Phone~ We'rt 111-an airport to serve large 1open dally at lO:CM>. Sei-)'OU type llrcrolt or beavy com· 'l\Jaday. 'Couldn't Help; Dad Had to Die' DAILY PU.OT $ Talks With Banke r I • L Nixon See ks Pullout View s t By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER on U.S. troop re<iucllon of his m th< pl'llCW oC endl111 J IV ASHINGTON (AP) secretvr of defenee, Melvin or cJe.escaiaUng the war In ; R. Laird., who made a war-Vietnam as a Jona one. ~ President Nixon ls expected zone inspecUoo tast week. Ntvtrlheless, some fUrthu j to eeek from Ellsworth B\jllk<r Laird' aald pobllcly that be development ol Nixon'• Vie~ •, In consultations startin,g this t I 1 poll le · •~•· weekend in S out her n saw no ~ or e a r· 1 nam <: • seems JJ.Ullv Calllorni b , wilhclrawlll. llOOll. t a the am aa.sador 1 -.. ---·111u ill ., • views on how soon South Vitt.-•110 ""'""' ona " .,ve At present, Niuo is in the Nlsoo the clwlce to meet bis position of bavtn, uld that i nam may be poliUcally and Salaon amballlcior flCt-lo-II enemy attacila 00 the clU.. ; mllUarily •lrong enough to face ,.., the !Int Ume. of Soulb vi.tnam conttnued permtt· ~ withdrawal of some U.S. Ir 1!lmbt reportodly alao bu aome "appropriate resJ>Ol!IO" troops. been anxlool lo mob a viii! would be IMde but that "any The question is one ol home ''"' ~Ume. acUon· takm ...u1c1 be Juditd , . ,...,.al major issuOI belllvtd AdmlnlllraUon ~iclala ~· primarUJ !or Ila pouible of· <:ertaln to come up afttr N)xon ~ f the Pll'il taIU and bis chief foreign policy that oo ~ on polley eel CIC peace .. advisers meet Bunker and chan1es are due lo come out Tile oHOlll!ve bu been going Gen. Andrew J. Goodpaster of these talks. They also pie-, on for four nets. 1 at San Clemente SundayP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;, morning. ONL y (25 DAYS UNTIL!) m~~~~ ~e~~ih2 ~~: HAVE YOUR INCOME TAX nam, is on his way lo lake C.OM PUTERIZED over as NATO commander in Europe.• Nixon's advisers in 14 HOUa INTllYllW· SllYICl-YOUI HOMl-0"1 OPPICI the lliks that will continue · CALL: "675-5994 on the flight back: t o Wublngton Sunday afternoon CHARIHS IASID ON TOUR NODS and into next week wm be I Secretary of Slate William P. at as financial consultants ~e;;s.:;:,d f.'~::.i. aslls-3355 VIA LIDO , SUITE 304 • NEWPORT BEACH NIJ:on already has the views •• 1912 HARBOR BLVD. lat 19th! COSTA MESI\ . , .. The less-than-fou r-grand price is manufacturer's sugges~ retail. It includes a lot: 350 horses. All· synchro transmission. Strato-bucket seats. Hidden radio antenna., Vinyl-covered con- role. Nylon-pile carpeting. Soft·rim steer· ing wheel. Recesoed door handles. Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. 118' Wide-Track stance, utterlr distinc· live front end. So if you al ways thought the Grand Prix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now is how to epend the $2,134 left over. Have a ba!ron Pontiac.' See the Grand Prix at your PCllltiac Dealer dmln1theGreatBieakMilJ5*~1 'Mloufact"'" ~ nlall Ill"*-Fodcal acilo tu and tuGuted doll" ..,. cor -don c1m1e. Delllnatloo -ttato lod loat -and Ol)liooal .. wi-ot lddillooaL' ~ ..::.:."IG: .• '. l J . ! ' I . j I ! ! I • . ._,,._~·----·--·-- • I DAILY PILOT. EDITORIAL PAGE J Commi·ssion Is Needed Laguna Beach lw a good star\ on a largtr, mort diverse recreation program in the coming fiscal year. ConUnulng pressun has bffn appUed by rtsldenll of the community for new depth in recreation and by an ad hoc comm!Uee. City coundlmtn rtspooded. Last month they set the slage for a program that will include a full-time trained recreation director. In its report to the city, the committee of five men touched briefly and generally on the !Cope and direc- tions that mlght be tall.en: "The need fur an expanded recreation program is readily identifiable, i.e., teen activities, senior citizen programs, off-campus continuing educational opportu- nities, cultural programs and a myriad of other possi· bilities.'' The full-bld'Wn progrl.ln seemingly wW have wjde- ranging boUndaries, from the teen programs to those that interest senior citizens, from sports to education and culture. The city would do well at this point to consider creation of a commission to help guide the new p~ gram. Such a group could include persons of different ages, interests and backgrounds willing to give their talent to a good cause without monetary compensation • • A Dangerous· Entrance For neari) a year officials or Laguna Beach Unifjed School District have lobbied for a traffic signal at the Coast Highwa} entrance -the only entrance -to El Morro Elementar} School The topography of the intersection is such, school officials feel, that school buses cannot safely gain ac· cess to the Laguna.bound traffic lanes on the ocean sid• of the highway. Traffic whips along the highway and school buses, First Step to Health ls to Admit Illness B> ElJ.SWORTh L P.tln.lstet Ntighborbooo Congttgational Church Lagun• Beach One oi lhe classic prayers ends with these words, "And there is no health In us!" 'n>ere art not many people in this day and age who would want to admit that. They are not utterly lost! The psalmist reminds us_, "Behold, I was shapen in wicktdness, and in sin hath my mother conttived me." Surely not as bad a.! that. . .and \\'hat about the father? To be sure people make mi.stakes and fall short and miss the mark, but lhty •re not .bepele11Jy bad! Former generations stressed the doc- trine of "total depravity." If men were lotalJy bad how would they know the dlfference? They would be ao bad that they wouldn't be aware of the fact that they were bad. You remember the Hebrew prophet who stood up and said there was not one righleOU! man left in Israel! Ht must have forgotten about himsell! He was risking his popularity, · was challenging the morality of his na· lion. THE FACT THAT a f!w people, at least, were listening to him indicates that the.re was some "health" left in the<ll\ation, some awareness of spiritual sensilivily! The most encouraging sign is that lf • man is aware that he ts not altogether bad there is some hope for him! The first 1>tep toward health is to admit that one is ill. Such a person apparently wants to be well. so. therefore , he is not totally lost! This Is probably what the early church meant when it talked about "total depravity." Namely. that sin creeps in everywhere and infiltrates every part of the personality and leaves Jts mark. Those of you who are native IOl'll and daughter• remember the orange groves. ltfany of these have disappeared. BEDOUIN TRIBE.5 from the mid-,,tst Dear Gloomy Gm: l think congratulations are In ord· er for a certain Laguna hostelry. Last week none of Jtl occupants leaped ou t of a window or was arrested on !Uspicion of burglary. -Over JO fll~ tutu,.. tttllfc:h ,. .. ,,,.. •'"'-1111 llK.U.tilr Ill-.. tflt _1,111'. 111\11 \'lllr '9t ........ •1.mr e1,11, Dilly PU ... and the Atlantic states have brought their tents and pitched them in unUorm manner to form housing tracts! But you will also recall, native sons and daughters, that we used to have cold weather and we would have t~ light 1mudge pots in the orange groves. I am told that housewives in the vicinity of these groves dilcovertd that the oil smoke was able to infiltrate even tht most tightly closed doors and wil>dow1 and evuythir!B within, curtains, draperies, rugs and furniture became covered with an ()iJy smudge. SIN° JS LIKE THAT! The innocent get involved too! Total depravity dots not mean that a man never does anything good; It meam that, even when he does, his good ia stained, spoiled, twisted. A fellow clergyman was calling on a charming and gracious woman of some wealth and social background. Tht con· versatlon turned to various difficulties that one has with servants. She said, "They have everything these days, high wages, short working houn, days off, and yet lhty are more unsatis· factory than ever." The clergyman very diplomatically laid, "Yes, they seem to have everything they want, except, of course, the lhlni they want the most, which is not to be a servant." SHE RDPONDED, "Of course, I never thouiht ol that, for J wouldn't take the job for a thousand a week." Here aht was upoaed to this but bad not yet comprehended the elementary truth• of their feellnp, thtlr atUtudes. Love calls for 1ympalheUc imagination that leaps acrou barrltn, but aln keeps us from makinc that leap. . , .to we er.d up toodemnlng a n d mi1un· dentandill(. And thm lsn"I much h•alth in us! Calif ornin vs. Oklalwma Afle1 watching TV the other night and listeninJ to the radio, l\"e have come to the conclusion that maybe CallfonUJ isn't the Promised Land and Oklahoma. even with It! occasional fog, ts a pretty good pta~ to iiv,. after all. On the lube we watched raJing torrents cut through bridges and rtsldential ueas ~iith terrific danuige to homes and prop- erty. And it has only betn a few v.·etka since quite a few California homes built on the hllllkle, slid on a 1ta of mud to th< valley below. Shorts Aroond Washington, Political Sc.ienct. meam tel.Uni the people bow to spend tbdr own money. • • • Crandpa u9ed to 1ay lift iii like a wbML What's up today ls dO\\'D tomor· row. If be \\'ere around today he probably •·ou.Jd be pl•Yina the martet. • • • S..... ol our educaton lll• lo Wt about th< e1ceptlOIW dlUd. ll ii ooq lhdr pollt. 01111< far llltle m.....,. • ,. ' Gyeat Editorial .. AND OF COURSE, the.re has been lots or newa the tut couple of wttll:s about 1eaky oU wells 1pewinJ the btachea and 1horeUnea with 1ooey, sticky, dirty residue. And tMn on other occasions we have read about the terrible brush flrtt wbich dtv11tated thou.sand• , of acres, lncludfnc uperwlve bomes whlt:h bad t1C11ped prtvious mud 1lldts and Ooods. Also, tre have read or smoc and fo1 that have calllfd 100-car pile ups on the free.w1y1. We won't even discuss earthquakes, hippies and student riots. TO CAP n ALL th< olhu mornln( we htard a radio rtport that Southern CalUoml1 residents art now btlng warn- ed t.o beware of hlppopollmi and crocodiles frHd from iooe: by the recent noodJ. How 1bo1Jt that. A little Oklahoma dust floatlna around in the air rlaht now wouldn't 1ttm bad at all. E:ald, Okla., Ne•• like any heavy vehicles, do not accelerate rapldly. School officiaJs requested a traffic signal for the three- way intersection last At>ril in a Jetter to the Orange County Safety Commission. A traffic study was conducted and the cornmlasion concluded that traHic coodiUons -volume, speed and accident history -did not warrant a signal. The commission beUef was that such a signal mlgbt c:au.se more accidents of the rear-end type. School officials and concemea parents see the mat .. ter in a somewhat dillerent light. They're counting youngsters being bused across the lntersecUon, not just vehicles. Other safety measures besides a signal have been discussed but nothing concrete hall been worked out. Jt should be -and immediately. The safety of our young- sters is of overriding importance. Top priority should be given this situation. Let's not wait for an accident to dramatize the need. Welcome, President Nixon! Welcome to the county of your birth, }.Ir. Nixon. And welcome to our South Coast. Perhaps word has filtered through your press aides of the persistent and lively interest in your tastes in real estate. Will our South Coast become th e site of a future summer White House and perhaps a future permanent Nixon home? \Ve hope so. \\'e hope that the Jure of the ocean, beaches and rolling hills will prevail. \Ve hope that the tug of the homeland is strong. And we hope you can rest and refresh yourself v.·hile here and just enjoy your country. We enjoy hav· ing you. (LI Says YmithSl&ooti11g No Stignia 011 Police 'A Kid Can Kill You Just To the Editor: In one day the news tells about a teen kid arrested with • cross-bow !Old· ed with a stick of dynamite, and another teen burglar shot to death by police in Costa 11-fesa. Now we can exRf(:t to hear new cries of "police brutality" by the kooky ones with liver ailments who want to do away with the police altogether so they can practice their guerrilla warfare in comfort -robbing, looting, mugging, raping and all the other ''ings" they «.:an't do with the police hanging around . NOW LET ft.IE point out that a kid can kill you just •s dead as any coroner can pronounce you. The cross- bow bit is a good potential example, and this kid who was shot ruMing •way from• professional type burglary, anned or unarmed, deserved no more protection than an adult doing the same thing. It ls unfortunate that he was so young, but evidently he couldn't wait a ftw years. He had to do It now. And what happened Is no stigma upon the police. May they continue their good work. S. G. UNDINE .Standing ldl11 JJ11 To the Editor: In your editorial of March 10, you seemed extremely sensitive to a state- ment (by U. C. President Hitch and State Co1lege Chan~llor Dumke) that "the news media have overplayed In- cidents of (campus) violenct." No doubt lt!essrs. Hitch and Dumke meant only the "television news media." But you were quite correct "in taking offense at the implication th a t newspapers overplay the rebellion which is taking place at many colleges and universlUes throughout the country. To the contrary: newspapers DDderplay these stories to the point of abandoning their responsibility to report the nev.·s in depth after thorough investigation and mature reflection . NEWSPAPERS continually speak ol "civil disobedlence" to describe crtmina1 actions. Newspapers refer to "ltudent strikers" with full knowledge lhat the corrtct term ls "studtnt revoluUonarles" {They doo't hesitate to refer to tltemstlve1 u "revoluUonaries"; why should you hl!S.lta\e?). Newspapers use the organfuUonal name "Students for a Democratic Society" \\'ltb never-so-much as • "• called" in front of It, despite tbt certain knowledge that the last thing which that organization wishes· to promote is democracy. The same thing applies to the lnte.re!;t of the "T1Urd World Liberation Front" in liberty. NEWSPAPERS continually refer to the: hard core violent student as being "militant" which is probably technically correct but is ctrtai.nly not as de.sttlptive as "lawlesa" would be. Cerb.lnly the term "activist" has an indifferent eon notation. TM ''mlUtant.s" quote Chairman Mao, idoll:z.t Che Guevera, and ahout "Ho, Ho, Ho Cbi t.flnh" •nd no lnfertnce. is evorr drawn from th1t -much leu doe.s anyoot aay the forbid- den word out loud. YOUR OWN newspaper r e c e n t I y printed an item uying that the UCI Student Senate had voted to Rnd $500 ol student funds ;is ball money for the "strikers" 1t San Francisco State College but the article did not indlcak whether you had made any Investigation lo determine ~·helher th1t was a permlsslble application ol dudenl body funds. (l t may be. but your readers would no doubt be interested 1n tnowina one w1y or the other). Your edltorll1 goes on, ••And JO the ~ " -i!~ ~·1 Letters from readtrs art welcomt. Normallfl toriters 1hould convey their ~ssage in 300 words or less. The right to eundense letters to fit space or eliminate libet il reserved. Alt letters must include signature and mailing address, but nomti moy be withheld on requ,tt if sufficient rta· son i.s apparent. public is treated once more to the con· fuslon ol a thermometer being blamed for · the weather, the mirror for what it rtflects •.• " YOU ?.!UST HA VE some ne\v kind of mirror at the DAILY PILOT. In my house a mJrror does not reflect 1 revolutionary as a striker, nor is the forcible occupation of a public building reflected as an act o! "civil disobedience." The constant use of euphemisms by the printed media is DOt only destructlve of the English language, it hides the dangers which are prtlent in the current crlses and Impedes the massive and tffect.ive public reaction which is nece:ssary to ha.It the revolution in its early stages. It ls more of a sin in the printed media than the broadc1st media. Jn a television newscast the mildness of the words is belled by the picture the words accompany. · FURTHER, the class of persons \\'ho would take action (if they were not lulled into inaction by the information they rective ) rely mon upon the reflec· live IJld in-depth coverage of printed matter than upon the superficial television coverage. Perhaps you fear a llb!I suit . lf so, may I present an analogy which is somewhat more a~ than your metaphor concerninr the DWTOr: the news med.la have devoted1 1 considerable amount of space to an increasing number of in· cldents in which Americans, fearing for their own safety, have stood idly by and watched others be robbed or raped. Att you standing Idly by while America is being robbed and raped? CHRISTOPHER HALL Entrap....,.., To the Editor: As a newcomer to Orange County and • taxpayer, I would lJke to offer a few comments on the activities or the PolJce Department of Newport Beacb and Orange County in general. Years 1go, I heard of the avidness and harassment to the motorist in this county -sometimes justified and ~--By George --- Otar George : My husblnd "I!"• he belongs lo t club which has cultural discussions e\·ery Wednuday night. But every Wednetd1y nJght he come• in singing and loaded to the eyebrows. Does lhlJ l'IOUnd llke cultural dlseussion to you? SUSPICIOUS Dear Susplclous: Don't be IO suspicious. Ob\'iously, they're now studying lhc fall of Rom•. (Send )'Our old problema to Geor1e now and make room for rprtna cltaning and braDd.aew problem11!) I sometimes not. l ei:perlenced an incident of the latter a few years ago, while driving on Balboa Island. There is an alley which Is two way and then goes into • one way before you are aware of the change. Yes! There is a sign but being new to lhe rules and regulations, I natul't\Jly followed tv.·o other car1 ahead of me into a trap (i llegal) in the next block when lo! and behold, the three motorcy· cle officers each made an arrest of us three motorists. THE YOUNG officer arresting me apologized and said he was forced to issue a ticket because of the other t\vo officers present and advised me to lake my case to the courts. I lived &o miles away at this time and rather than sufier the inconvenience, I paid the fine of $18.50 plus $2 for driving school. Ifs expensive to be lined in Newport Beach as the 1ame offense would have cost $13.50 in Los Angeles County (a warning would have been sufficient here and the arresting officer could have been cooperative in the infonnation that so- meone had decided to change this into a one way alley.) AS A RESPONSIBLE, ca ref u I , courteous driver, I ha_ve always trusted and believed that the duty of a police officer and a public servant, was to protect, not to harass the motorist. He should be conscientious enough to warn the motorist in suc h inadvertent cases and the tickets should be issued to those flagrant violators who put other lives in jeopardy. A!. a careful, courteous woman driver, I was shocked recently while driving on Balboa Boulevard to have a wild·eyed yoOng man, with his hippy girl friend beside him, scream obscenitles at me, for no good reason. I'd like to have seen a police officer around at that moment, but wouldn't you know that !here wasn't one in sight! NAME WITHHELD Potnt.o 'Inventors' To the Edltor: Apropos Nancy ltfclntyre's t.farch 12 column re St. Patrlck's Day, please te.U Nancy that the Irish did not "invent" lhe potato. They did not even find ()r grow It first. The pre-Columbian Indians of Peru Introduced the potato to the Spanish conquerors who brought tt baek to S)>ain, and thence it made its way to Ireland. Nancy should visit the current Peru· ''ian art exhibit at the L. A. Coonty Mustum of Art and get educated. VIVIAN H. HALL Pay t• . P.nrk~ To the Editor : I deflnltt'.ly feet that it ls wrong for county employes to have to pay to park while at work. William J. Staul(er pointed out in the article in the OAU.Y PILOT that private downtown bu5iness firms don't ha vt fret employ~ park.in£, but does that j113tJfy nobody having lt? It sttms to me that private bus.l.nesSt! should do what they want, that'• wby they're prJ,1ate businesses. These people are employed to run the county. includina parking meter work. They should be excused from payl.n,g whlle at v.·ork. They still wUI conlrtbute lo the: meter money like all citizens, but just qot while they're on lhe job. THE PllOPER. RUNNING of our coun· ly rellu on whttlltr thM'f: ~ good county employe-emp~r rtlaUons. This could cause "irreparable d1magt," u said by John Sawyer, 1entr1l m1na1er of Orange County Ji:mployes Aqoclatlon. He al!• .. Id, and I qne, thlt ii would as Dead'· be the same as a pay cut, which isn't right because they don't make very much to begin with. Space seems to be a problem, but county employes shouldn't suffer because the land for the courthouse is loo &mall due to Jack of foresight In planning. I truly do feel that something should be done to help the members of the Santa Ana Civic Center Commission see it in the proper light. HOWARD P. MUTZ Bala1iee of Nature To the Editor : Jn every country, since peaple first came out of caves and gathered together in communities for their own protection and \1:ellare, there has been ooe precept of society that has always been honored, \\'ith some exceptions, and that ii the sanctity of the family and the home. It has been honored for the simple reason that man, like the other animals, has been primarily concerned with the protection and \\·ell being of hia mate and his offspring. The other animais, from the day of the cave man to the present, have respected Utis natural instinct. Only lf man interferes with them do the animals cease to respect and live by this instinct. JN THlS, THE 20th century of material progress and development and spiritual retrogression, the sanctity of the family and the home has been questioned, and even degraded, to the point of absurdity. The authority of the husband u the head of the home Is regarded in some houses with disrespect. A home becomes but a house when the head of it eeases to function 1s sueh. The po5ition of lhe wife, u the heart of the ho~. is ridiculed. The necessity of the children to respect the authority of their parents until such time as they leave to establish their own homes is frequently regarded with contempt. All this results in the destr,.ic-- lion of the family unit as a v.·hole. The weakening of the spiritual, moral and Social structure of the family and the home effect.I the same injury to a community or a nation that it does to just one home. A home that becomes but a house is a dwelling that a real man does not want to live in. A NATION IS made up of a number of h<>mes, ranging from a few million : to hundreds of millions. When the · spiritual, moral and social foundation of the uatl on is \\·eakened by the disin- tegration of the majority of the home.1 of which It is composed, lhen the-ehaol A.nd disruption that erists In one such home becomes the standard by whicb an entire natic>n is evaluated. , BOB WANGLER' --W- Friday, March 21 . 1969 Tht tditortal. page Of the DaQ• Pilot •ttk.J to inform and ftim. Nlatt readcrr bit' presenting this n.twspape-r's optnfmu and com- mt"nto11 on topics ot hiltrtst ond tignfficanct. by providing 0 forum tor tht t'.t'prt.t.,ion of our rcader1· opinion&, and by pr~senting tht dtvcrsc vftw- pof"t! of fn/ormed ob.Jtr&:lfft and IJ)Oktnntn on topiu of tht da,. Rober\ N. Weed, Publisher , I • ~. un s tv\o wnt Up Duri r:i9 Fie.sta Time ' AnoU!er deUghUul evening 11 predicted for members and guests of the Orange County Guild for John Tracy Clinic Saturday, April 12,' in the Newporter Inn. · U the past Is any indication of ~uccess, the traditional party will be a memorable one and will build excitement for the forthcom- ing ~ual Peacock Hill National Horse Show, ·the guild's majof fund- raismg event. The 350 g u • s ts anticipated will find a Mexicfn fiesta in full swing when they enter the Newporter Inn, and will be greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swanner, honorary chairmen for the· horse show. · In the receiving line as well will be Mrs Edwin C. Lovret/guild president, with her husband, and Mrs. John J. Vogelzang and Mrs. Walter J. Willis Jr., co-chairmen of the show, and their husbands. Special guests at the black-tie optional party will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shanahan of Hancock Park, who each year make their ranch facilities available for the show. A green and gold color scheme has beim selected for the party. decorations by Mrs . Fred Ebrsam, chairman, ana the invitatioru,•cl her design, carry the now-familiar caballero Oll bol:seback All' th• cover. r . The Fiesta Felicidad will begin with cocktails at, 7 p.m. on the terrace and dinner will follow at 8:80 p.m. Completing the party ~ill b~ dancing to the mu!J:lc of Bernie Be"rnard and -his orchestra, begiq· rung at 9 p.m. An extra feature will be ~tertltinment. by Lou Norris, singer. Those assisting with fiesta p1ans are the Mmes. Leonard Miller, decorations; l,.uther Roseland. Jr., invitations; Robert Erbacker, t.e.ble re1ervations, and Summer Manp, publicity. The clinic which will receive t,be proceeds from the annual h'Otse show was founded by Mrs. Spencer Tracy and 13 other mothers of deaf children in 1943. It has served more than 27.000 families without charge sinee then, and the guild has presented it with $47,000 in the past five years. ~ Committee chairmen for the May 31 and June 1 horse show have been announced by Mrs. Vogelzang and Mrs. Willis. Giving of their time will be the Mmes. John Stanley and Rich· ard Marvin, program book ; Jack Friedman, tickets ; E. H. Riley, trophies; Douglas Moran, advertising; Lovret, class sponsors ; Con. stantine Callas, patrons ; ~ohn Closson, Golden'.Horses~oe patrons. Also, Carl Robbie, concessions; Herschel Hoopengarner, exhibitor's party; Jack Smith, souvenirs: Wilbur Hawley, grounds; Don Kienke, ring crew; Keitb Lauer, rentals; Roseland, prizes; Robert Todd, secretary; Robert Kelly, treasurer and MaM, publicity. Gentlemeb ass_isting will be Miller, personnel programming, and Hawley, parldng. . · I PROP ER AnlRE -Since the April 12 gathering of the Orange County Guild for J ohn Tracy 'will be botlt a fiesta and a party, oither Spanish or north-of-th .. border · COiium es will be appro- priate. Helping. Mrs.,'Charles R. CUrrey odjust her m.antllla aro Mrs. Stephen J. Fryer (l~I) 311<\ Mrs. John J. Vogelzang. Tho gala will anticipate the annual· Peacock Hill National Horse Show May 31 and June I. J EA N cox, 494:'9466 ' • "r!Uy, MM'dl 11, IHI' L PIM 11 . ~ .. I ~· -t ir \ . ' . . Carrousel· /391/ Group Has Whirl of a in Store B~,nefit South Coast Plaza, typically quiet and quite empty on Sunday even- ings, will respond with music and laughter When ltancbo Viejo Woman'• Club has its first' Carrousel Ball April 'J:I. • Money collected during the semilormal dinner dance will go not into tti'9: plata's coffers; but to 'South Coast Community Hospital, the reason for the gala venture. · Festivities will commence at 7 p.m. with .a social hour, followed by a butfet dinner at 8. · When not eating or socializing on the first floor of the plaza, party goers will dance to mll!ic of their choice furnished by two gl"Oljps playing rimultaneously. '._ The Fiourescent Mist will 'play m u s 1 c with a rock beat for rOOre energeti~ merrymakers, 'Wblle those who prefer music with a big biind tempo will dance to melodies of the Ronnie Brown Orchestra. Committee woiheri fonnulating plans for .the social event are being1 led by Mrs. John Marosz, bell coordinator. They Include the · Mmes. Robert Marlin, Barrett Brown and David Rukstalis, who are in charge of arrangement!. Others are the Mmes. Norman Fobnnan, budget and finance; Mich-- ael Craig, publicity; Guy Johnson and James Dornan, dinner and beverage · arrangements; Mrs. James Hook, reservations, and Donald North, door prizes. . Mrs. Alan McMIJllan Is overall pbilanthopy chairman for the club which la led by Mrs. Theod0re Cooper. Bell lnV!tation• currently are available. Anyone Interested in atten-clinc thO'event may call Mrs. Hook, 837-7923 or write ~er at 25761 Cervante. IJlllle, MlMllon Viejo. INVITATION i:o DANCE -Invitations to Rancho Viejo Wmnan's Club's Carrousel Ball are admired by (left to right) Mrs. James Hook, reservations . chairman; Mrs., Jollll ,Marooz,.ball coordinator, and Werner Escher, ~ relattons.cba!rman tor South · Coast Plaza WberO'the benefit will take place. The hoopltal is just one con<:em of the relatively new club formed hut year under the leadonblp of Mrs. Cooper. The group Include• mem- bers from Mlt1!'"1 Viejo, Leguna Hills and El Toro areas and Is aHIHated with Orange District, Ca!Uornla Federation of Women's Clubs. When Mom Keeps Her "Mouth Shu·t; Daugh.ter Does ' T qo DEAR ANN LANDERS : J could have kiued you when I re.&d your antwer to "Stymttd Mother." You told .her to eel off Isabelle's back and I hope she tistenl. l used to be a fat and unhappy 15-year~ old and 1111 molher naued me just lbe way Stymied Mother Is naging labelle. The m<l'e my m«her harped the more I Ile. She IOUDded like • b..ten phonolll'•ph record and I haled It. I wed to sneak food Into my room lo spite her. One day 1T\V mother went lo IChool at the req-ol the guidance COIJJlldor. I don' koow what they talked about, bm from that day on my mother ne•er m-m7 .... lglll --llz montbl I loll 15 poundl. ANN LANDERS ~ # - I not only look like a dlff~nt penon but 1 feel like, one. I have confidence, "1-Y grades are better and boys treat me like a girl Instead of another guy. I hope every mother who bugs her daughter about being l.ot readl !hi! and learnt nnethlng. -..U.X DEAR M: I ~'t Improve on yov lupap to 111 1tmpl1 nepa& yoor wtll-Oolal words. I ltope eVf:l'J taothtr Wff bigs loer daqllter a"""t btlll1 lat "ads thlJ ud leat111 ~•C· DEAR ANN 1'ANI)ERS : I'm s 11).year- old gal who ts tJuBiered euily. Wben I'm Ill at eue (which II olltn) my hands get ice cold ind clammy as the dickens. This usually bapPenJ when I meet new people. I try to avok1 shaking hand!, which givea lhe lmpressJon l'rn 1'hlrlendly. Help me, please. -DRIPPY MlTl'S . . DEA!l DJUPPY: !lava yOI tried U uUpenplrulT Dis II NOT Ille ,._ as • deodorut. U .. utlpenpln.1t dottn't work, Well' .,..._t. tr .,. ... 1m .... ~ ....... Glonl wtl sift ,.. -· -:r-_.,. ... dlmlnl1~ die clunniMIL DEAR ANN LANDERS: 'lbanb for advising that woman wtto 1 l 1 n t d hene.lf "Stuc.t 1t Home" tq lam how to drive. I'm aorry Y°" "dido'! add. "Dul don't let a relaUve 'tuch you." Hert'• my story : After serving u a WAC in World Wtr II, I _,,,,,. to Loa All(eles. I w11 acared out o( · m,. witl by the trsllk:, .. 1ustd to , l'ide in . • ctr with friend• and took • 1"411 • «' .. walked ~Vel')'1rbere. • 1 realized thls wu crazy, ao 'I forced myself to enro11 in a driven' achool. My brothers were fur!OUJ. "'WhY spend . mooey in school!" Ibey ICftllDOd, when THEY could teach me. Sure tbq 1 muld. They could teub me to' ti.llpte, run through yellow llibts and 1et mad 11 every driver who Pissed me. I kept on at the schoot. My teacher didn't 1wtar at me. He didn't tear out tu1 hair and make me fetl like a hopt]eu idiot. I learned the pll'll ol an autcmoblle ind the rulea ol the road. I made my ntlJl.al:u on a duakonttalled car. Today I am a compeU!nt -and proud of my1elf. At this moment, however, J wllh I'd paid u much ou.ntloo to nl1 l1Plnl !Dltructrr u my drivtnc trwtructor, bul I)'~ Is nol • matter ol me and death -and drivtnc ls:-HELENS. · , · DEA!l BELEN: Yoor . l1plq i.1 THAT ... , -,.ftubi.ra .... -... Too many couples co from matrimonJ to acrbuooy. Don't let ' your man'iap flop before It gttl llar!ed. Said lot Ann L&ndn' boo•det, "Marriage -Whit I!' Expect." Send )'IQ'. request to Ann Landen in care ol lhll newaplper mcJoo. Ing 50 cents in l'Oin and a lone. stamped, aeH-acfdrmed enftiopt. Ann Linden wlll be glad .. help ,.. with )'OW' ~lem1. Send thtm to her in care ol the lll,ILY PILOT, el\CICJlllll a adl•ddrwed. itomped mvolopt. • ,. ' ,•, I Newport Rites ' •• Michael . C~I~:~:; · -*'-" -. • ~ I Cfa ims Br'i.de · ' l . .. . ',' .• ·· . .,i;;:::..~ ... · ... _~.:-talloa.··'" M.lld •• wV:,~. -, ......,. ,_ Nancy Scborlo, the bride's ' ........ COiia . )(-...to lliltet! llil-..aldi,_. lll..: -~Hr. and Mrs. Debbie '! Bt'anah.rll:7<1 ·' . :: :"' ~ ~ Colt. . Rivenldt. : ClOPfln. fJf! t. ·~ 1.,.,,,W Donna Jay"' brldecrooo>J NJa s a• d r,a •~• ~~...._.._. McK .. hln;cf Woodlancl um. • ~---the bi'Jde•• Couilo. am 'iii: !:n:.i,. u.e 11ev. ~·11• Margo cn;,QJd or Colla MeA., $nllb dllrlng -ring Gowns of pale .iua cbJllm , , Uall In· the Harbor Luth and .oet beadpl-• ,,_ , .Clnn<b.·Newpm Jjeach. '>olected for the .attel!danll. Tbe bride, ~ltt of'ibll They.,,. ~jed wpile • bHkeb Ralph Scbqrleo et Colla M~' of Y1""1" and w b 11 e wae ,mn •lo marriage ,by her airysanthm~. , filtber. 8be lllocted a 1a111e Mid'ltathl !lea, COUJ!n d , . gO.n wltli nllfles. adorulng the the bride. wa<1 lf""Cr. lirl.ln . • neckline, long s1..... and a Jone flock · or UgM< -.,. train. Her 1!npftip veJlillf cr.pe wltb ·a rullled iiectJliii, WU caqht to a bow beadP1-Tiie benedlct, llilo ot the , • and lhe held a White b!bie Dean£ola·cir -Lompoc, utld and -his -· [)a" Cole of Sant• l!arbara te -u ~-bal man. Usbeu W!l'e Roy W• Smith cf Corona del Mar, Gary Cole ·<1 Santa Borbilra; the bridegroom's wlde. aPd Tim Schorle, brother ot the· bride. First Nighters Await 'Premiere' Over Cocktails Microphone Techniques Practiced Candle lighters were Joel Rea o! Honolulu and Jenny MR. ANP t.jRS; MICHAEL BRENT COLE Bransford of Riverside, the · Cost• M••• Newlyweds A c:oclctall and cllnner party will preface opening nlehl of the Lido Isle Players' production of "Af- lidn of Stale" for Flrlt Nlghlen who will gather et I p.m. nm! 'l'Uelda7, aboard the Reuben E. Lee. Af!erward they wDl attend the play which will con- Weddings, T1oths · Pilot's Deadlines '~;help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement alorlea, forma are avail- able In all of the DAILY PILOT olflcea. l"urther qwtlou will be wwerecl bJ Social Notes Ila!! niemben at 842-4321 or 494-9488. , · To avoid m,appo1ntmeot, proopective brl.dea are.remmde<l IO h•V. their wedillng lllOrlea with black and white glolsy photo' graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart,.. ment prior to or within one week alter the wedding. For engagement announcements it la suggested that the dory, llan •ccompanied by a black and white glossy plet-ure, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding dale ara m weeks or 1- apsrt, only the weddlng photi> will be 10< eepled. Jackie Onassis Now · Drops Kennedy Name By BEIDI THOMAS lake back part of ber malden WASHINGTON (llPI) name. tinue to run tblough March 29. Awaiting the arrival of gllests ara Jlli:,. and Mrs. l)ichard Mailander (left), cbalr!nen· of the event with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart SWidler who aerve on the reservations com- mittee. newlyweds' cousins. --'--------------- Te:clutlques in uaing a Following t!-e I8te afternoon Jll,lcrophone will be ceremony, the ~11 demonstrated d a r 1 n I a Clubholl!e wu the reception WtxUhop l!pOll.oored by Lu setting for 2IO g U U t I • Olu Toutmlllreaa Club of As!ist1ng .. .,. MID Diane l!uoUngton Btoch durilig their Bobb of !Uveniclt at the guest Writer Third Celebrity In Town Hall Series South Coas r Juniors E~S:.l:3 ~~;:;:~~ · , • .1 Loa J:qlJdtng. Mn. George McKeehan, aunt Novelist Emily Khnbroogh a radio commentator, edit<r• Present, Ca nd 1"d ates ..!'!1 ~:::,. .... ~and"! ~~· ~ ~"-"" ear~~ga:: will .. thestei:.tog• the" SouloudthspeCo~~ :..i.:r· llCI' ... -and 1 ... ..,... ·-=• Mi•s S"--··" ·---" · fer each member an op. of Santa Ana. ---~ M •-"·-• t ~·~ _.., •~ CaNlld •-•·-"'-• '-'-• '"-~· M ch f1 ~ly lo ---' ·~r Olll.W:lf, IU4l\;ll 24 a are plenty of -pie -are ·-... -•OWi-p.m. .. ~ .... ,. ar • ,.,._ -.-·tl!CI uaL'I( s-•aJ m-• were Mr. and ~ V•"-.,,__ __ s b I ~-_,_....__ 1 ·'the Y"'-' &..... 11 am. to present the third amusing some ot the time -~ -,-, e oo Tbeev-1 .. ·~wtth -......... ~ or~ r Mrs. Everett Rea, 1-~--!nth T H ll Board IDd the u_.. ..... _ ~ --..Moo. -..11.... a:a.w-e e own a and who are so pro---relrahm~ I " by Ill .......... or a......... grandpanmts of the bride Series. fesslonallzed about It that they Beach Blgh 5cbool Bo.rd will fntrodacUon Of the cancfitlM IC1ll Joya Sexton w 111 from Seal Beach; Mr. and The veteran speaker is tbe become anything but. The be ,......,,,...., d•'"'•• a CIJ>. and a _..._ and • ......: --table •-~ -• "-. Mrs. • ~--ford of third lit br ht to ...,.¥"'__,. ... ...,. .. _.. .. ,,., ..... _ !"_,., ...,.,_ -ou• n.. D!cullJ persona y oug person, however, who is gpon- dldltel-Nlgbt, eo;holted by period. Marie Fouts W 111 be Riverside, and Cecil Cole of Laguna Beach for the series taneously a n d eUorUessly tbe South Cout Ju D lo r Junion wUJ attend the Lot ~ Grammarian San Luis Obispo, t b e sponsored by Laguna Beach amusing all the time is a Woman'• Club and the clty'1 Cerritos ~District March con-. will be Mn. Rollo Wot and bridt:-?Om's graMparenis. AniJtance League. While in rara av.is, of which I know Junkr. ~ ol Commerce fereni:e meet!il:g tildnl 1>lace. timekeeper, Mra. Ra 1 Ph The former Miss Scborle II town, she WW be the guest only one -Emily Kim· In the _hip llchooL at I pom. ~ ldan:h JI. AJll't~~ •;:~~tor a graduate of Coela Meaa ot Mr. and Mn. Andrew brough." Pr~. the · candldalef Hooting' the meelil)g wlU be w • e. High Scl1ool and Lawlm Morthland. --=-----~- will, be members ·or the ,Hun-the Norwalk • aild Ga-Area women who would lib School of Dental Alllllants, Her best ..Uera llarted with tlngton . Beach !ague ot Junior clubs, . to attend are hlvtted to call Santa Ana. -beoedJct la •0ur Hearts Wm Young and Women Voten during the 'The state cOmmunity lm-Mrs. Clarence Hendricboo, 111 alumnus ol Newport Gay," written In coDatxraUon .-ng taklog place at 7,30 provement chairman .. 111 197-8023, for reservations and Harbor High Sebool. Both at· wlth Coroelia 00.. Skinner. Who Can Read Just One 'Peanuts'! Festivities Marking Year ~ a fl1m, c1litrlc:t nporil information. tended Orange Coast College. Miss Kimbrough lw been will be due and members will!.-==========;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===--~ bring gilts lor -llilters. The club alao will -'2IO lo Illa Aubelm BrUoii of Teen Challenge, a An lnternatiollll potluck din-rehabilitation ...ter for youth ner, folk m\llde, rod:·~ 4'n-with narcotics pi• bl 1 mi • cing will bighUgbt the N.. FundJ repreoeDI , 1 O COO d I Yeir'a (Olllvif plalined tonight , from a recent f.-abow. by the Orange County Baba'la Yoong peoplo In the cealfr in the Newporl Beach EbeU are available to --lo any t1ubhouse. groups or crpnlllilam u- Memben of the Balia1 plaining the wort.dqna II the Communltt of Newport Beach cent.r. Addltional lnlormalloo will boot the evenl and Tom may be obtaJned bJ ~ AttlnaoJJ, community BillMinor,direct<r,orGelqe chairman. ls ta charge af Wakeling, chairman of the preperaUoos. boord. ~ Tiie -of ·~ ~ohn I", Jteonedy bu dtWPecl the Sbe aald 111>11 did llDI bOw bowMn.Onus1awu11gn1ng Women Listen Annual Lunch · ber 1ettm "because J ,bvtn1 -Keoned,y af1er """"" ztqo. Sbe -' oaM Jac:queUne -(lnu;ls .. her lull mme. ·-The former Flm Lady'• ~.Nancy Tuck~, aplalned thal K 11 ilormll, - a widow nmarrJea, to Florist Invited lmtruct1oa In maklog -fioral ......,....11 ... almple -wUI be pva· lo memben al the -aodGonleoSeetlooof Illa J'(ewporl -Ebell. Club oo Wedneaday, ldan:h :Ill. Mn. IJud1ey Cole, maoavr ot Ilia fioral . departmeot ot 11G1111W'1 Nunery lo Colla ,,..., will a<ldftss the D001l plberlng hi the Newport --ot Mn. Leta! Jludd, The 11orist, who 1upervtses the wort ot lour designers, II noted for ber exhibits tll...,eu·1h •• t 8 oat be r n CaliforDIL Sbe combines ber .wlplllf camr wltb caring !« her bmite and two -.»L liq N le I It I , .....-. will -\be J:tt7 .r ..... llllll1" them," To Candid'ates CoetaMeuGollandCooin-. H......,, ll1JI Tuc!kermu ' try Club wlll be tbe aettlng aald many of the letten com-Mission Viejo Repul)Ucan for the aimual 1uncheoa , of ing' to ber aft'lCe are now ,ad-· Women Federated wlll bear the Au:s:iliary to 'Ro 11 dre3sed to Mn. Artstotlt several candidates for the Me m or i a I H o'1 pl i al, ~ill. Tucbmwt lied . AprD 15 lcbool boerd election Presbyterian. ''Mrs. 0.U.ill' -~ear: wbs they meet In Matming<. The group wlU pther at ollne, 11, and Joho, I. also Laguna Hilla at. 11 :30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Wecloeada1. Ml!<b would lake on the Onessla next Tuesday. : 26. Daine 1mtead ot Ke!l!ledy." Mn. Robert Price, president ilckets, at $2.11 which in. Shi aJao deoJed ,.porta that o( the group, aald all membera eludes tax and Up, 11111 be the w. Prea!denl'• t w 0 and gueats are Ul'fed to at-obtained by calllq Mn. Ila~ cldldreu-"l be tramlerrlof_-:;:te=od.=========·tbew==R.=Kenney==a=t=m=·'llll.=:;-11 1rom New Yon 1o 1Cboola1 in Switzerland. She I I I d CanJllne '"1uJd -• clei11ll8acred Heart Sem- inary and John would -to alteod't!ie co!lei1ate aCbool where be. enrolled last fall. Whet type of mall ts Mn. Onauis Jltllln8 tbl!ll daJI? "Same old ·Wng," wu the · ftl>ly. Miss Tuckerman aald Mn. Onaasll geta IDlllY requea11 for appeoranceo and other engagements. Receotly &be baa devoted be1 time to being hon<rary chairman of the Robert F. Kenoedy C..ter lor children In New York. A fund. raising event for the centers wlll take place the ... n1ng ot March ti at the dly center. AIU<! If Mn. --bppy la her marrlqe lo the Gr'IOlt lhlpping lyeoon, Mia Tuckerman replied, "Very." April 19 YES MAM We do have the large.st stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP 11 __ ., __ J 416IOUTHMAIN ORANG I Joseph 's Ring Shop 1423 So. Coast Hiway l.quna Beach, Ph. 494·5060 I THI FINDT emus STOC:I( AYAUILI, 2 YIAI GLUTllJ AND INSPICTID TlllS. •UAIANtDD ro •aow. Valencia Orange T ........... .,.... ............... •Y•'-dl.lt ....... ,._.Mm't_. "" "" ,ictl' ... '""' ...... ..... . ltdl. Mil!llfwl ~ .,_., _., ...., ........... Ml..,,_.•lllllfel......_TIMlllMI ...... ... ,,.. .. 1.-C, .... .-t. BALLED Reg. 7.00 3" Other Citrus 499 ·--·-::::.: .. Qtl't• I 'TOI' (j)UAUTY! HIGH GERMINAnoN DICHONDRA SEED REG. $3.49 ROSE BUSH .. SPECIALS! ASSORTED COLORS 5 GALLON SIZE Values to $199 $4.95 ·NOW ONLY TREE $799 ROSES -------- FREE! 3 lbs. Systemic Rose Food and Insecticide •••. (Mitt•• ....... , ... ,._., WITH MINIMUM PURCHASE 0, 5 ROSIS •' FREEi FREE! FREE! l'or new home owners. we hi" p,.,_!onal landsupo and aprlnkle< "''""' plan 1trvlea. All< about Ill ORANGE COAST NURSERY Inc. 380.W. WILSON e COSTA MESA e 646-3996 ..... _________ ----. . • • • I I • , • -, l , - I I I I yqi.:_ 62, NO. 69, . r Runway Work Boosting Air Cal Fil hts Bid?. By JEROME F. COILINS . Of .... CMUr ........... ·Air callfcrnla plans t.o cit.e a reoenUy approvod P».000 runway r<pavlng pro. ject u an araurntnt f<r Pacific Ncrthivesl fllaht ....ke out cl Orange C91Jnty Aitport, it wu learned toclay. ne dlJc:Jolure lllled eyebrows -N ewpcri Beacb alrpnrt exponlion foes. 'Jl>ey ml tt coolllcted with usurances · liven by county sup«Vilors when they •PPf'OVed the nmway repaving two weeks * * * OCAirport Can Handle Air Buses Or'ange County Airport has the ca- pacity to handle 350-passenger air busa .,... being designed, the Federal Avia- tion Administratlm sald toclay. . JoSeph A. OrT, asibtaJrt FAA ma nwiog«, seld the county facility'• $,100- foot Jong mabt runway is sufficlent to provide lllt-off room for · the giant thr,.. ensine je<S. Orr revealed the infonnatlon in a J<ittr lo Newport Beach Mayor Doreen Maraboll. It was lo mponse to a letter of inquiry from Mrs. Maraball. BOTH DESIGNING Both Lockheed and DouJ}as are. design- ing the jumbo jets. Lockheed'• is the L-1011; Douglas', the DC-10. Said FAA olflcW Orr lo M•)'OI' ·~~ i.·~ .... ,.. -A ttr:! lnformatlon pOillnle, the maiNf ..... conladed. 1beir -ln!Ol'llllltlon Indicates that both the k!OI! and QC-10 eould _ .. from tbe,,~,t~foot """"; al tlranl• CilimlJ Altjlorla' Oil m~ts -.1,000 m11eo, poa11>1y with minimum nomcdops In paylnod Wide~ high tempetature Cotldltlaoa. .. WEIGH SA,111 POUNDS The olr bulel will each ,..1gb about 350 000 pounds. Orr noted that plans are noW under way to place a five-inch over- lay on Orange County Airport's runway. He indicated that the work will build up the runway sufficiently to carry: the multi-geered big jets. "It is the intention to prepart a design for runway ·strenflh ol. 95,000 poun.ds gross aircraft weight dual gear config- uratlon. Su<:b desigm are based on ~ aubgrade and base condilims, a110 on a frequent repetition "' the design load. "Obviously then, under ideal soil con- ditions or tO< occastnnany infrequent loadinp, the cape.cit) will be ~ter :• Dan Emory, chief Har!>M A.re.a c1t~n spokesman for County Airport upans1on foes said he expects to hear manufac-turei-s ol the air buses to claim now that "they !\IV< quiettt engines ond all that." "'ntis is true, in terms of power to noise ratios," he said. "But experu an- t.id pate that the actual noise will be 80 prrcent greater than what we now ge~" Youth Suffers J,lurn Injuries A l~year-old Corona de1 Mar youth suffered burns Thursday night when a l1gN.ed mat.ch set off gasoline fumes ""1le he WU siphoning fuel from & ctr at hil home. f'lremen reported that Dnllg A111son, 432 Begooja Ave., w• burned on his fade , anns and foot when ~ 1asollne ienlted. A mJnor fire which followed. the flareup was extlnJUished by mlclentl before tinmen arri•ed. ~ was in satisfactory coodilioa loday In Hoag Memorill Hoopital. Spring Leaking Q.ver W ~ekend Sprln1 Tl'lay have tpnmg, but from earty'lndlcaUons, It ReJD1 to have spnm1 a loalt. Uihl sbowm doused the Orange C<>ut this rooming, and weather forecastel'1 cnnctded that the damp condlHoo pro-· bably """ld bold ll!roogh mifb of tile wed:end. T6day's light rain is eipect.ed to fade to showers Saturday, with up to hal( an Inch of ptoclplt>llon by tonight alonK the coast Gusty winds were expected. &o make thlnp even more um."Otnrortablt. '1be · new wet tptll "'' bluned on a Fa't.lflc weather front thal had betn e{pccted to bypua Southern ~Wornla. Clw skies wtre fortcast for midday SUndOJ• I ' . . .,,. S\JplrV!aorl aald at the·tlmo that the airpctr\•a mulmum lood' eipocl~ would nmaln at •,ooo paunc!a. Bui Air Cal, in lldvanee tat1mnnJ pi .... ed r.r • CITil -Board bearin& ri-lay In WOllllqtoo. D.C., iayl the pi'Oj>Oied flvo.lncb aapbalt owrlfy WWlcl. ... ble the airline lo ma jdllnm witll a 100.0QO.pouad -er and flltl nl&hl laod. 1l>e Air Cal aUldavll, alped bf. Carl .,,_ ~. Jll'eolcl<nt of the line, In- -that~"'_ .... lo provide more weight capacity lot added fUel could mite ' tile Se>ltle- -..i nm -al -HIM tt;llGOjlound l!mlt ........ -to. HOntlJi<w 9-«.puta the islue: u.Ur Clltfomla~fliel tbt Boe1og m· with 111"-. ne ~ nmway llmli. tile mulmugl Jnods 10 16,000 pounclo :which . """1d cauae a weight penallf. fer Joq-fllC!lla • ''Thlo matter Wiii be allevlataf <arty this Jiii' I howevtf I becauae the Board of'Snpenllon baa appr<Wed a five-Inch ,,....Y -laJ whlcll will ho completed in April, llllt. 1'Tb1a overlay wW 1perml( the .use of the dellgnod lloelnr 737-100 ..... takeoff wel&ht d 100,400 pounds, anila maxtmum •JandbC night"' 111,000 poundo." nie length <ll the main nmway (5,700 feel), B<n.>:Oter adds, "la not •· tin! factor." Newport City Allorney·Tulty Seymonr, who will be in WaShington for UM CAB bearing on the popooed fllcl>ts, WIS surprised and angerod by the Air cal assertions. . . "The county board, p1rtlcuJar11 Supervi90I' Wllliam Phllltps, and County .. A\'ialion Direc\<>f' R<lbert 'Bmnaba!I, . emphasized that . thJa overlof.• wouldn't cllilnp the wef&ht. Um.it, .. ht Rid. "Now. AJr Cal says i..;a..,. cl tt, they can land heavier aircraft with e z i r a _., .. "'l'bere appear to be cata1n ca& trad1cUons between what Air C.1 tails the CAB and whit _.mo and Bresnahan tell the public." , Dan Emory, diolrmon ol the l,!00- citizen Noise AbMemtnt Committee,. WU (Se< AIR C.U. P ... 11. Nixon Heading for Clemente President's Coast Trip of Foreign, Domestic Importance Jly AllTlllJR R. VINSEL Of ... .,..,,........ ' W'mgloi weshrud frtllll I U n n y Wasbingt<ln lo the l"'Yo aprini akiea of C,lllomia, l'l<sldent Nl>nn toclay opened what bu abruptly chanced from a junket for fun to one ol. fonnkl.tble foreign aod domeotic hn-. 1be chief eucutlve wu due lo Al'Tivt aboard Air Force One It Pt. Maiu Naval Air Station near Oxnard about z,zo p.m .. lmmedlalelY. toorlJ!I Santa Copter Crash ' ~t Irvine Kills 3 Marines ' JI.! ' 4-big lrooparrler heliOCll'W"C'asbed lnlo ................. lntM w- day, ldl1ln& three MarlnM.aboud, after a llctenlJig Hriea ol a...W ayraU11111 -. wiloeuts belllnd .lo be darlJ!I 1tilnts. .The CHl!A Sea Stallloll 1._.i and •bbbltd through the aky over the Irvine Ranch -turning completeJy upside down twice -be.fore 11nuhln1 to f:arth as the pilot fooght for cootrol. AulhorlU11 listed the vlctlnu, a.signed to Marine Heavy Hellcopttt Tralnlnr Sqµadrnn 3111, of the 'Marine COrps Air Facility at Sant.a Ana, u : -Capt. Rldlanl T. Carlaot, 15, the pilo~ survind by hi.I wlfe Cynthia, of 1881 Mitchell Ave., Santa Ana. Slfict. 1f1UJaaa H. SI-U, ~ co-pilot, survived by his wile Dianne, whose. Santa Ana address w11 not listed. -Pfc. Jame1 L. Baaey, JI, crewman, survived by bis par<nl>, Mrs. and Mrs. Wiiiard L. Haney, of Wichita. Kan. ,'".1< accldent occurred at 3,45 p.m. wrwe tbe twin-rotor chopper wu on a S>Utlne tralning flight and the wreckage exploded into flames and burned for 30 minutes before belna; controlled. Site of the crash wu near the In. tersectlon of two dirt. ro.tds SOO yards north of Irvine Boulevard, between Myford and Culver roadJ:, east of Tustin. Irvine Ranch employe Carl Flinner. 42, aaw the final death dive from about one-quarter mlle away u ht worked in an equipment yard. "He made two er three passes over the art• and at ' fl.rat I thought it WIS going to come down in the yard," Flinner t.old newsmen. · "R 'Wobbled back and forth, aonmlng Vffl"/ Jow a couple of times but he managed to get It back up •&aln. One time I saw it tum oompleteJt upside down but he cot it back ill the air.'' Flinner aid. . Two Southern California FAlson C.o. crewmen workbic in t.lae area al.lo AW the fatal crub Ind rmbed to the 1cene with Or< mtngubbm, but they ~t (See COPTD, P ... I) '· -C<>wlly bUCbeaby'belicopter. ' Whitt House prea asslslant Tim Elhoume aald late T!runday in San Clemente that Nixon will view oil-ravag· eel beOches from the air, c-.( a opot lo Mt.down for a.clooer look. Contrary to inltial ~ws reltaaes, tbe . ""'1dent w1ll fly dlrecUy,lrom his Santa Barbara beach 1nspection· to the sprawt.. Ing H. H. Cotton esla\e, hi.I tw<><l•l beaclquarter• in San ctemente. ' JU!l when he will arrive on the Orange Coast, where he will hold comprehensive talks with top aides on the Vietnam lituaUon, la an open quesUon tod2y. 0 Actually, il'1 difficu1t to say," Elbourne commented wht;n questioned about the President's estimated Urne of arrival, tentatively estimated by some to be about twilight. The time will pr'obably hinge on hi• owo personal preference, the extent ol his oil t><>lluUon Inspection and the· type <ll bellcopter assjgned for the ap. proximately 100.mlle trip. Gues.ses among new~ are that the helicopter will either set down on the Isolated bU.ch below the estate, or on an abandoned horse racing lrack pro- viding an excellent landing pad. President Nixon and his wife Pat left Andrews AFB, Maryland, at f :30 1.m • today on a two-bour..and·ZO mlnute flight to lndependance, Mo., lo visit former Pnsident limy Truman, II, • - banlt critic. Truman and the former vice pruldent lo Dwtgbt I), -· --Truman 1n1a o111oe, -the poi-I hatchet about Uvt f11t1 ago. " The weather WU bright. llJlinlY and. sunny u the Nlxons and a handlUt of top alclea hoerded AJr Fon:o One (Sol NIXON, P ... 1). Hickel Bars Oil Leasing Off Coast WASIUNGTDN (AP) -Seen1arJ of " lht lnltdlr Waller J. !Dckel barTed 1 ,. J • • ,· • , DAILT PILOT .......... J PILE OF RUBBLE. IN. ORANGE GROVE 0 ALL THAT ' REMAINED AFTER HELICOPri!R. CRASH Three· Marines Dl9. As Crlppltd Craft Plummets to Earth on Irvin• Rench . . - Pickets Ready For Nixon Visit A:ntJ·wat group. ·are !>rg~$ing a pl~ket protest to. greet Presldent Nixon in San Clemente Saturday: Pickets and marcher• are scheduled to auernbie at ·noon Saturday in front ol the San Clemente Inn wbert Nixon aecurity men ond aide1 wlll be ataylng. Romt O. Blond of Laguna Beach aid the prolalors . will gather in front of. the Inn at tbe Catalina Avenue tum-off of the San Diego J"retway at noon Satur- day. From there, he aald, pickets will march lo the galel of the C)'Jlrll' Shona "restricted commanity" along about an eight bloclc ildewalk. Bland seld spom«ini groups lnclud•d the Orange County Peace and Human Rigbts Council, the Unitarian Study-Ac· tlon· Group and the Laguna Beach Peace (See Pl,im:rs. Pap Z) Undercover HS Student . I Triggers Narco Roundup An undercover officer enrolled as a · 1tudent in the Fullerton Union High School District early today triggered a widespread roundup of drug peddlers which nel1ed 311 1111pects, Including 11 juvenUes. Arrests were continuing thls morning, with pallet seeking 10 more persons 8Ulpecled of aelling narcoUca and dangerous drugs. The roundup capped more than three months of undercover "Work by a young oUicer who remained unldenUfled . and Buena Park, as well as in Fullerton. Police said the undercover lnve!Ugation was carried out with the coopuaUon of school \lfflclals. The roundup involving more than «t . officers from Fullerton, Anaheim, Buena Park, La H1bra ID<i tbe COWlly SbuiU'I Office began at 2 1·.m. Jn add.Ilion to the 30 arrested, three other perlOlll IOllihC u 1 result ol the lnvestigaUon are already 1n custodY. elsewhere, police aaid. Adults arrested, most of wbomJace a variety of charges, were to be ar .. ralgned today Jn North orange County Municipal Court. They include : .. lodcf ~ leaa!ng nn anma 55,000 ..,,... off ~ coaat of Santa Barbara, Calif .. when!· a well blew out and oU polluted the beaches. Hickel also f.uued more 1tringent petroleum operating regul1tlons for the federal offshore area along the entire Callionllacoa.st. r He seld that drilling and proclU!Uon In the Santa Barbara channel wdbld remain shut down indefinitely until the Interior Department ls satbfied· that lt.s resumptlon would be Ille. Hickel said it might be necessary to abandon entirely a Unlon OU Co. drilling plat!onn, where the well mishap Wt Jan. 28 spread an oil slick over some 800 square miles of ocean as well as the area beaches. Hickel revealed his plan, prompted by the Santa Barbara poll1i1Uon, in a statement following a closed metlinl .with the House Interior Committee. It came just ahead of a 1theduled w'eekend visit by President Nixon to the polluted area. Nl.J:on planned a helicopter inspeeUon of the · Sanla Barbara beach area during bis weekend visit to C,.lifomia. "The program we are developlnf In response to the Santa Barbara tragedy will serve as a model for our future a~ons along the naUon'1 e n t l re coasWne,'' Hickel Wd. He· 1ald no decision has yet betn made on cancelin& the Union ltue ·or any othen. ·&esumpUon of petroleum operaUons will be allowed on Santa Barbara tracts alrtady leased as llOCll II the pologtcal informaUon needed to assure safety ls available. Hk:kel &I.id. He decllned to estiniate when that might be. or .. ge we.a.er ~ake Pot Legal? Police said much of the illicit drug trarfic was among 1tudents in the Fullerton Unlon High School District. Investigators declined to aay at which of the eight high schools in the Fullerton dlstr!Ct the undercover agent bad beeB· enrolled. The district has schools In La Habra From Fullerton : Rocky A. Courtaln, JS; Donald R. Eldridge, 19; Charles E. Estes, 22;, Kennis D. Hardlng. 18; Leonard D. Law, 11; Randy M, Somerville, 19; Richard L. Ward, 19; Alton Evans, 34 and Stephen Frye, 27 • The winter rains are ovtr -now we get the JPl'inl rains, like to- nlgbt . and Sawrday, along wltll gaily winds and alxtyish temper•. lures before clear 11du prevail' Sunday. ' .. Maybe the tlmt has come lo ltr!ng marijuana out <ll the "•peak- euleo" and end the prohlbllinn cl "ROI." That'• ... ·of tl!e lntrign!ng fac- lort cl Ille In lhe United Stat<s In ::'lliii:J'"!: IJ( mfi)d·hoUHnc !real<- • ciuli; up"Jor<d ~ loday by Alton BlakHlee in tbe· '!IDol lnsi.11-' cl his IO.part •nrup 1919" aerl& .._ ' I Read about ., ledaY on Page 4. ' . You moy be ~ <¥1 k "Ion»<· row." : :-1 / • • • Beach Cleanup Called by Rain Saturday's pia~ voluntary ' stud,tnt . c\einup 0< NewPort's d f b r J a: Li.d en tlea~hfrool h8J bee'n1 poStponea 1 week,' oi:tloo! and Oty olllcleb ot1110WICed 1oday. A.n expectaUon of rainy weather ~ tinulng thrOUgh . Sawrd•y '!Otte(! Ille pol!llponement. ""· •'"'-cleanup will take plac~ next Salur· day) March 30. The plact:s .. aM tlmu wl' 'r...aln the aame; ... wilt plau1 , !pr I Jm !~" Jor !)le UiO ,wdtqia. ' tnee"' to" kn' out....... • • ' ~ T . From Anaheim : James E. Crutchfleld, 2Z; John N. McManJgol, 19 and · Dennis R. Whitman, 21. From Buena Park: Ray A. Krouse, lt, and Da•id A. Nuber1, 11. FrOIJl S4ta Ana :. Eugene S. Handler, 21 and one transient, .Robert Allen, 18 •. Nc>I YORK, (AP) -The aloe~ market closed on a lower note locloy. Tridlng was moderate neer the flnbh. , (See quo!atlons, Pages tl-15). The Dow Jones lndu1trlal averatt at t;:Iq p.m. ,.._.,.off 2.,1 Ji>cilnts at 911.$1. LOf"I efceedtd . ialnf •by. a~ 100 1UUea. ...... I ... • ~ .. . . INSmE TOD.\Y TMrt probabrv woa Httre reminilcing wMn two onc·tfme bitter poUdcot tnt:mit1, Rich,. ard Nizon, an4 Harrv Trtnt'kJ71 met todar in Independence, Jlo, Poat 1. 1 ' r --------------------------- 2 DAJlV "1.0T NrMor,MriU..J A prosecution witne58 today denied that Charles John Trautwein was premirtd Into a guilty plea oa atl<mpted rape cbar1es by suaestions that hls millionairt father , Paul Trautwein, would be brought before the Grand Jury on possible bribery charges. Private Investigator John Oatley told Deputy District Attorney Ed Freeman that no such suggestion had been•made at any time during dlacussion ol tape recordi.Rgl in which Sandra Scott, the beauty queen who has name<t Trautwein as her assailant, was offered $10,000 and an "oversea.a job for two years." Miu Scott wu not actually assaulted in the alleged attack. HEARi! TAPES Oatley, hired by Trautwein's former attorney Marshall Schul.man, to I d Jo~reeman he accompanied the lawyer to Paul Trautwein's Newport Beach home last Nov. 19 -the "night before Trautwein, !1 , fJled a plea of guilty to charge1 of assault with intent to commit rape. Oatley said he and Schulman told Mr. :.ind !\.1rs. Paul Trautwein, the defendant and his wife, Helen, of hearing tapes of the bribe oilers that day in the district attoritey's office. Named today FUNERAL SERVICES SET Herbert M. Holker Former Ballioa Bank Manager Holker Dies Herbert M. Holker, reLired vice presl· dent of the Bank of America's Balboa Branch for 20 years, died We<lnesday 11t Hoag Memorial Hospital after a pro- longed illness. He was 70. Services wl\1 be held at 11 a.m. Satur· day al Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel. Active in the community before his retirement six years ago, he had been n member of the Masonic Valley Forge Lodge, sa:r. Los Angeles and a charter member of Newport Harbor Elks Lodge, 1767. He was named "Boss of the Year" in 1956. Survivors Include his wife, Emma L'. nf the home, 1835 \Vallace St., Costa Mesa; a son, Dale of Laguna Hills; o«1. daughter, Mrs. Virginia Marushak or Huntington Beach; a brother, Ray, and a sister. Mrs. Dorette Ainley, both of . Van Nuys, and three grandchildren. Private burial services will be htld at Inglewood Memorial Park. , OAllY PILOT OIUHGI CO.t.lr 'UILllHINIJ COM,AHY' ••Mrt N. W•M '""lfllf'll ..,_ P\llll!Jht!' J1c~ R. Cvr11y Vl(t l rttkltrll IPHll GIM•ll Mt~"' The1111' IC•1w:I .. ,"" Tho1t111 A. MYrphl111 Mtl'IMll'll E•Jt.r J1r11111 F. C1lll"t ,,.,1 Nl111" N,...llOl'I IMdl • l\d.,..rtltl,_ (lh' l41'9r Olrte'-" ---1Jlf W11t l11b11 l1wt1.-1r4 M•lli11t A4'tf111 r.o ..... 1111, •2••• --Cos!• ~: Dt W•I l1V StrMI L_. '-I'll m ,..,..., .... _ ~a..dl : .. ........ • as h1vln1 parUclpatocl In tiped ..... veraatlons with Ml!• Scott Wfrt 'Harry and Paullne Fredericks, earUer ducrlbed a beln1 nelihbors of Mb1 ScotL TrautWeln, IOm Cralmer Lane, pl<ad- ed guilty Jut Nov. 20 and wu .aent to Atascadero State Hospital for po.saible Ci!rUfication as a mei:ttall)' dlaordered ~ex offender. · He returned wiUt a report lbat branded him u being a danger to the publla and he lmmodlalely fired Schulman, hired a new lawytr and petUJoned th• court for canCtllaUon ol. hla ..J?llty plea and a reversion to hla~piiVioua plea of iMocent. 1 That lttarlng b today In Ila ltVtnth and 111!1 day •• It 11, expected .that Judge ~Uam Speirs will rule at a tater date t.IQ whether Trautwein can reverMI hla plea. cancel the Atucadero report and rein.st.ate bail VICTIMS BRlllED It bu been testified that Trautwein usaulted 10 women ln Los Angeles Couft. ty during a seven-year perlod and that some of those victhm were bribed by unidentified persoos. At least two or the women at.tacked by Trautwein drop- ped charges against him after such set· tlements, district attorney olfictrs have alleaed. Miss Scott's principal cont.ad in con· ~on with attempts to bribe her has only bffn id.entitled 11 a "Mr. Cox.'1 Both sides in · the pre1ent hearing have di&cussed t.hese telephone convenationa at length with Paul Trautwein. OaU.y today &aid tbat Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks had IUig<lted to 5andra Scott that ",abe •houJd not be IO posiUve•- in her id~ntificaUon of Trautwein as ~ man wbo attempted to rape her lC!S( June. Quoting the I a Pe nconling, Oatley 11aid the Fredericks proposed to Miss &Ott that the case "could be 6ettled as a peeping Tom cue" rather than pursue It in itl pre1ent form of rape. .WITNESS POSITIVE TallinonY lndlcatocl tbat Mill Scott had been J)OliUve in her idenlillcaUon of Trautwein oa a flrrt oc:cuion. She had ·Jdentilled him agahi on a ·.......i occasion appartntly but bad taken a nttle longer In doing oo. , · . Oatley uid Mill Scott called him In the apparent bolJef tut •be WU the middle man who would pey her •101000 .and arrange for her "overaeu trip." Tilt invt1111ator tellilied he told Mill Scott that lbe mull be miltatm and tbat the bell lhlnf be could do was Woo the matter to the diltrict attorney's Oatley bu been reprimanded by the dillrlct attorney's offlc:e for tulp& "a conalderable time" to brlnc the report of his converaaUoo with Mill Scott to their atlllllloa. Driver Education Teacher Guilty Of Drunk Driving Wade Watll, head football coacb and a driver education Instructor at Newport. Harbor High School, pleaded guilty today on a drunken driving charge in Laguna Beach. Walts, 50, was ordered to return to Laguna MunicipaJ Court April l for sentencing. The grid coach, who make~ his home Jn Laguna at 1970 Temple Hills Drive, was arrested by a patrolman today at 1 :40 a.m. in the 100 block on North Coast Highway. Watts was. given both field sobriety and brealhohzer tests before being jailed overnight He haa been wilh the Newport.. M"a UnUied School Dlatrlcl alnco 11165. • Divorce Sought By June Allyson · Actress June Allyson moved Thurtday lo end her troubled second marriage to Nrwport Beach barber GleM Muwel1. The 1''idow of actor.producer Diet Powell charaed her second huaband with "cruel and inhuman ti'eatmeht" in a romplaint much like the petition ahe filed in the same court on May 2$, 1967 -a suit that was followed almost immediately by the couple's recon· ciliation. Mlsa Allyaoa, 46, al Lido Ill<, f i r1 l married Maxwell on Oct. 12, 19'1. A year liter ahl remarrled Maxwtll io a 1umptUOU1 Lu Vegu ceremony. Mlu Allyson'• divorce 111111( of M1y, 1917 wu not purwed when the couple apparenUy resolved their dltftrencu. But Thunday'1 TlllnJ II abnOlt word for word a r<pul al the peUUon that the sultry-voiced star rtcorded two yun ago. Nuclear Test l\lade w ASHlNGTON (AP) -The A l o m I c Enero COmmiuton announced It con· ducted today Its 11.Jth a n n o u n c e d wupons-related, underaround nuclear test. at ill Nevada te.at site The AEC 1tld the blul WIS the equivalent or ltsl than 100,000 tons of TNT. A low.yield ~I WU conducted nnind>y at the AEC 1 Nevada site. ( OAIL y'rtLOT .. llflit Irr '--Ptl'lll . . '.Asks UniiJi ~ • • F~1~ Cities ., A strong plea for lnter<lty unity was delivered to Costa Mesa CHART ~ <14Y by JQh9 ~. Newport s.'1. dv~ leader and dlainnen of Newport T~.. . .: -4 !1 . "The goals and objectives of otir tWo cities should be and ultiamteJy will 'be ab~ulely CQ11lill9n," .Ma>1'8l> docJ&red. After Macnab exp!alned lo CHART m'emben the working.• of Newpoti ':{o- morrow's study of goals and objectives foi-~eWport Beach, the d~i!ll' 1um- ed ll'l!elY ·to the qu"tion of Orang• County Airport and the dlver1,nt poll• tions the cities of Costa Meta and New- port Beach have taken on the propoul for major air service from Orange COUn· ty to the Pacific Northwest. 5EES WILDERNESS Boys Will Be Boys Macnab, paat president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, said the opposition to the new routes by the New· port Harbor Cbamber was ''not "butd on the idea o( trying to aet the clock back nor decreasing the volume or traf· fie at Orange County Airport.." Willard Courtney, newly electe(l president of Harbor Area Boys Club Board of Directors, squeezes into new shirt he received along with new responsibilities. Advising Courtney on soma tailoring that may be required ere other newly elected officers for 1969.70. From left are Frank Hughes, first vice president; Don Huddleston, treasurer; Mike Manahan, aecond vice president, and Erwin deMocskonyi, secretary. Club is currently observing National Boys Club Week. ,;But." be said, "if inc:reasing use nf long range jets oui of Orange County Airport is not stopped, we will have a witdnerness in Newport Beach and in parts of Costa Mesa." From Page 1 NIXON ... In Maryland, but California weather may be drizzly fer hil arrival. PrWdent Nixon'• Southland visit originated as a recreational junket to ~ home area the chief executive and -·hi! wife Jove, but other overtonea - zignlllcant o~ -have followed. Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. Ambasaadot to Vietnam, and Gen. Andrew J. Good· paster, reUrlng deputy commander of U.S. forces, arrlve from that nation Sunday for policy talks. · Sitting with them at the discusslon will be Secretary of State Wllliam P, Regen:, as well as Dr. H~ A. K.lJ8. .inger, Niloo'a presidential aMiat.ant for naUoaal security affairs. While H-Press secretary Rmiald Zlegle< baa attempted to pity down the importance fl. the Vietnam talka, but the conference will be the first between Nixon and the ambaasador. A c:oone al action In the hogpd-down Paris Pface talks and a review ol the rialni Ude of military aotlvlty are doubtless on tbe aaenda. Not all' wUI center on war and peace at home and abroed during the buay weekend, however, u the NI:zont vilit Mlulon San Juan Cap!Jtrano Saturday and lunch at a Mexican Clfe. The Pre.sident'1 prea1 secretary con· Tinned todai' 'that the v!Jlt lncludu real estate 1hopping for a aummer White House, but juat where ii another bis que.Uon mark, It appears. Informed aources eipect that Mrs. Nix~ on may be the one who decldea where, what and how, -rent., lease er buy -but doubt wu cut over the poaaiblllty It may be Laguna Beach'• 61-rooqi Pyna Callie. "I think Pat may JUJI aUp away Satur- day alt.ernoon to take a look and see If that drafty old dU!lleon could be 1wept out and air-condlilooed," 1aid one newsman. White House aides denied It. Other sources conflicted 1harply, with one real estate woman saying the Nilon.s have agreed to pay $1 .5 million for the old Cotton estate, but Mrs. Lionel E. Ogden, their host, denied it. Hotel and motel rates skyrocketed tn. San Clemente as the President and his entourage prepared to arrive, with presa headquarters at the San Clemente Inn. From Page I PICKETS ••• and Fraedom Society. "While Prtsldent Nixon meeta with his 1eneral1 and arnbu1adon behJnd the walla of a aegrepted commwUty, men die in Vietnam in a racist war," the group uaerted in a prepared preas rel we. Bland said leafiels would be paned out during the demon1tratlon aimed at cat.ch1n& the President's eye. City to Replace Trees Toppled By Newpo11 Rain More than 100 trets toppltd ever by recent storms in Newport Beach will be replaced by the city. The c:cat will be about $3,000. City M1na1er Harvey L. Hurlburt said 40 d tbt destroyed partway tree1 were located on Alla Vista Drive in Eaatbluff. Others were scattered t.tiroughout the town! "H.lltorically, the city has replaced trees that have bten lo.st in this fashion at no COit to the property owner," ho explained. The repla«ment work "'111 take place promptly in order for the new 1}1a1lon size trtts "to have the benefit of a full spring and summer growln1 ttaaon," he said. City councilmen f\fonday night will be: asked to approve the use of available aurplus fund& for the projec:L The action is etpected to be routine. ' 8-acre Park for Newport iWill Open in Summer Be!ore llWTlmfl', Newport Beach will have a nelt eighl-aae plrt -devtloped and ready for use. Public Worn Dirootor JOOt!Jh T. Devlin today recommended a f18,U2 contract award to C(!D.Vect the Buffalo Hills Park site in Upper Harbor View Hills into • completed park. It will include a network of sidewalks through llwn arus, picnic areas, a children 's playground, rHtrooms, two drinking fountainl, four b • I e b I 11 diamonds, a complete irri;at!on system, I parking lot and 711 tr.el. · The part Ille lies aouth al Ford llood, midway between Newport Hllll Drive West and Newport llilla Drive E114 In lht .UJlpe!'·-.Vitw Hllll aub- divllion above OJrane del Mar. ctty councilmen Monday night are ex· pecWd to -llavlln'• ........ .. , -Fntn Pqe 1 AIR CAL •.• mendation to award the contract to Indualrlal Turf I~. of Covina, lowest of e1g11t 'bidders for-th• job. The high bid waa $94,474. Compll!t1on date, said Devlin, is Jwie r. Cost of the new park, land for which was given to the city by lhe Irvine Co., is to _be met through the city's Bu.ikling Excise Tax fund. Excise fees are charged all builders on a square footage basil. 'lbe money ts used only for new parks, JJ.braries and fire stations required by ntw residential and com· mercial dev_eloj)ment.s. Planners Approve Northhluffs Jobs . . The first two applications seeking ap. proval of subdivisiw . and townhouses for part of the' Newport ar'ea'1 Iarga-t planned community development won tip. proval from the planning commission Thursday night. The commission approved tentative equally unhappy. plans for 92 dwellfnga in the proposed • 11What we're cooctrned about it that Northbluffs development O\'.erlooklng u~ repnl!.., ot -the county boon! per Bay. .Ultimately the proposed i.Wn:led, the airline intenlU ere looking development would have 576 homes. at t:be repaving p-oJect 11 Juat another The corpmisslon also concurred with opportunity. ah sudbdiv1ision request for 151 lots by "I feel IUJM!ll'V)aors wer.e ln earnest t e eve oper, George M. Holitein and when they laid the weight lbnft would Sons of Costa Mesa. Macnab. also a past president ol tht Newport Harbor..Cosla Mesa Board of Reallors, declared that the airport is not the key to attracting Industry to thi..'1 ar""a that people sometirp.es think it is. "lnd115try is attracted here by the fine Jiving available for eniployes and com· pany officials," Macnab said. "And it noise and pollution from the airport de- st~y desirable living conditions, industrJ, will be driven away." "We can fill up all of our available tnduslrial apace in this area Jn the nert few years without expansion of the air· port," Macnab said. NEED5 AIR ROUTES Jack Hammett. president of the COl!lla ~fesa ·chamber of Commerce, said that the Costa Mesa Chamber does not favor expansion of Orange County Airport but does feel that Orange County should have the air routes to the Pacific Northwest.". "What v;·e really want is relocation ot the Orange County Airport to El Tore," Hammett said. "Strong efforts to interest lhe Orange County congressmen in the airport prob- lem are being made," Hammett !laid. "U Newport and Costa Mesa can ~et to- gether on this, I think we can wm the battle," Hammet\ said. Asked if he favored unification cf the two cilies:, Macnab emphasiud that he was speaking as a private citizen (In thiJ point and decJ;u-ed, "I feel very strongly that our two cities shoUld be one -it is atm°'t criminal that we aren't one city." Macnab said he felt there could bt great savings to the over4>urdened tu. payer in unification of police and fire protection and other municipal 1ervica. Fro.m Pqe I COPTER ••• mnaln at 95,000 pounds. But if the Several more planning commission ac- fedwal government were t:o declare tons on specific poruona of the plans as wdl have had paill of water. tomorrow that the airport nmway could ~i: 1:t:ve11n1opa1menpatckwaillgecomcom•eu1pubefp ""'for Su·:~ter1a"'nd8,12•, hoof~!1•3"1 ·F"1ye8Satid., G~~~ take a heavier load, there 1-'1 much · 1•11 'I u. an;1 ..... *-' City Council consideration. .Grove. the county could do about it." The proposed development 11 planned Children playing Jn a yard at Tustin Emory suggested the Air Cal testimol1y for land westerly of Eastbluff Drive Memorial School said they watched tht b, at the Very least, "embarrlssing to .and northeast of Vl!ta del Oro, near big helicopter doing fi1p-flopa and"""'"" I thecoon~:·." ...... .,.., .. ..,., ... :·""'.·;·;~~~-~:~~·""".~~~~~ .... ·· ................. !f'l!I .. • .... -...- ,. ·~ ,.,. -u.e pilot was 1tunt.nying. MARCH SPECIAL S~ef/,'I .Ccflclion ,,.-/ (__ J BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET TODAY! 'a. $419. SHELBY l'IATUltES: e Alf Fabric~ Scol<h G ..... e Arm C-1 Incl ...... e HaM TW Sprlne• • L•'I' S.loctl.., of Fabrics • 5 Dlfforont Styln • Quolity Conatnicffon & Malwlali Coyond In Alty e.f Druol'• ;100 folwlc Solocti..t. IXCLUSIVI DEALERS l'Olb HINRIDON-DREXIL-H!RTTAOI fO DAYS NO INTERIST-LONOIR TIRMS AVAILABLE ON APPROVED ClllDIT ?ed. NIWl'ORT llACH 1727 WHtcllff Dr. '41·2050 OllM PlltAY 'TIL t INTDIOIS PNl ... lenal 1-ler De111Mrs Affllab~D-NSID LAGUNA IEACH :MS North Cooot Hwy, OPIM Att1 f "T1L t ..... , ............ 0....,. c_, 140.110 I' ' • r I ' I t ' I ' I I , • I ' ' " • ,_ .f • t ·- • ,, r 11 •. ,, " I • I. • • • • n y • • • ,. • '· ' I , • t • h • KaW11 'B0110red' Eight Indicte'd For Chicago ~ot CHICAGO (UPI) -ll\iht -... includlng the blc1e1t names 1·n the a n tlestabllalunent movomen~ are. the first perton1 lndlcted under the anlJrlol provlJiOllJ ol the 1961 Ovll llllhis Act u a usuJt of"tbe ~ances at the Democratic national convention. Eight Chica&o policemen and a television network dinM> tor for the National Broad casting Co. also were named In the indiclments of 17 persons ret1.,1med Thursday by a federal grand jury that hinted more i nd lcttb e n t s within 60 days. Four of the poli c em e n already were unde r suspensior as the result or a police department investigation. The other four were suspended to- day. The Federal Bureau o. Investigation was handed waJ'lo rants to serve on the defen dants but announced no im mediate arrests . . David Dellinger, Rennar ''Renni e" Davis, Tom Hayden, Abbott ''Abbie" Hoffman, Jer ry Rubin. Lee \Veiner. John Froines and Bobby Seale. either leaders of protest Aid Promise Means Little On Anguilla ANGUILLA (AP) -The British government ls prepar- ing to pour aid on the tiny Caribbean island (If Anguilla, but the islanders show no signs of liking the carrot any better than the slick they're now getting. About 1,000 Anguillans - one sixth of the island popula- tion -paraded past the schoolhouse headquarters of the British command Thurs- day, led by Acting President Ronald Webster o n a motorbike and waving the flag of Anguillan independence • orange dolphins over an aqua .sea. · 'The British troops seemed fascinated by the gaily dress:. ed protesters, '•:ho sang their freedom song to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and carried such placards as "Brutish British Go Home" and ''Take Your Troops to Rhodesia.'' Truman's RR Car Sold But the British com- missioner for the island, Anthony Lee, told Webster that the government In London recognized neither him nor his LOS ANGELES (UPI) - declaration of independence. The-.erivate railroad car from HThe British government which "former Pre1ident Harrv S. Truman "gave em hell r' view," Lee told newsmen after a conrrontaUon with Webster, during hit 1941 ruleclion ••is that thil Is an illegal situa· campaign was auctioned off tion going nowhere fast." to a Missouri banker TbW"lday W bs . .d the for $77 ,000. e ter m turn l&l The 82-foot-long car, com- Anguillans would not recop plete with crystal, di.shes and Lee's authority. The Anguillan silver, was built In 1940 and leader said he proposed an refurbished in 1959 at a COit immediate r e f e r e n du m of $125,000. Jt has' a n permitting the people to observation parlor, four bed- decide whether they want (1 ) rooms and four bathl. independence, (2) association Tbt car wu bought by wilh ·Britain as a stale of Robert F. Koste, representing their own, or (3) a return Alex Barket, president and to the St. KJtts-Nevis-Angullla board chairman of Civil Plaza federation, from which the ' National Bank in Kansas CJty, Wand seceded two years ago Mo. • JET ,,.h . ;7 NOISE . '. People still can us to eek, mercial operations." "are tht 'Ban the Jet' bumper Somewhere anethlng baa ltlcken !Oil available?" The gone awry. 'lbe airport. con- answer is "yes," just drop by tlnues to expand. More filgbtl • . . use them, give them to are being added . • • m:I I your friends . -. band together hearing in Washlngtoo, D.C. in a real crusade to stop the next week will df'cide whet.her dqerous expansion of Orange or not a hall dozen airplantt county airport. will be added to the alreody • • * crowded facility. H you are new to tbe fight * * * • . • or new to the area and Our battle i! to keep the are wondering "whit's the airport from upandinc •• - airport fuss all about." Ld.'t and to get &Gina Oft I DeW lalie a qui<k look back to 1961. site as reoommeodod by llle That was the year the Board expansive report of. last year. of Supervisors made the final * * * 9land on the question, 11Wbal We won't quote all of the kind of airport will we have at mail we r«tJ:v«I linoe the bia Newport Beach?" airline crash In South America. Tbe llllWtt wu clear and 'lbe plane crashed at tab-off aincise -and fulfilled llle into a group ol homo& _, wi>hes ol moot ol the people the a~ v .. , It.,.., 1 DCt. In Newport B"ch and Cost. Yes, It could happen at Nnport MElll.. We think lhe alllWtt 1Ull Beach! !olton the •lliles of moat ol * * * Ille blrbor arto people. Ltt the FAA know how )'OU 'n1e Supervbon said upon 1 .. 1 about ll Write: 1wardlna r:A an engtnetrina con-Federal Aviation AatncY lrad, the Boerd objec:Uves .aro Regional Retldquariefa es follows: "To develop the P.O. Box 90007, Airport Stllion Oranae County Afr?ort u t Los Angeles, Calllomia 90009 feeder type airport to .ic-Stop by, write or call us at commodate ei ecutive type '86 East 17th St. In Colla Mua aircraft and light planes. Not • up&talrs. Phone &4M40t. We're u an airport to serve large open dally at 10:00. See you type aircraft or heevy com-Tuesday. i 'Couldn't ' Help; Dad Had to Die' F"41r, Mlldl 21. 196'1 DAILY PLOT IS Talks \Vitia Bwnker • • Nixon Seeks Pullout Views OU U.S. trooy· reduction of his secretary of defense, Melvin R. Laird. wi, made a war. ione lllopectl9n bill week. Laird' said publlcly lhal lie saw DO prospect fot e a r I y wilbdnwals. The COOl\lltatlona wm 1ive 'Nixon the chance to me« bit Salp ambusador face-to- faoe for the llnt Ume. luro /h• proceu of endln1 or de-escalattng tbe war in Vietnam u a loog one. Neverlhele», 1<1111e further development of Nlxoa'J Vitt- nam policies setms Ubly soon. At pruent. Niloo is in the ~lion of ba•Ioi nld that if enemy atlacb GO the dtlea ol South Vietnam continu<d 10tne "appropriate response•• • -· ttpo!tedly also Im beOo ~ to make a vblt bom0for10metlme . A~tion offldals say that no decltlons on policy chanau . ue due to came out of these talb. 1'ey also pie- . ...Wd bo made but that l!1l'J acUon taken 1'00WI be· judged -- prlnwily !Oii Ila possible ef· feel on the ParlJ peace tallls. Tile otteml•• bu been IOing on for four wttks. Sl11Sl1.Y . 1912 HARIOR BLVD. lat 19th) COSTA MESA: The Grand looks Uke~~six granct.)· Costs like $ , . . I. The 1-than·four.grand price is manufacturer'11uggested retail. It includes a lot: 350 hones. All, synchro txanamission. Strato.bucket seats. Hidden radio antenna.,Vinyl-covered con- sole. Nylon-pile carpeting. Soft-rim st<er- ing wheel. Recelled door hancile1. Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. 118' Wide-Track stance, utterly distinc- tive front end. So if you always thought the Grand Ptix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now is how to spend, the $2,13' left bver. Have a ball .on Pontiac: See the Grand Prix at your Pamiac Dealer durl•1 the Great ~A.way• ...__.,.., zae1t111-l"lcalll<l-Ftcilnt-ua ... _. .. lor""' '"'-chotp. Dootlmtloo--Old locol -tllll ..u-t """""'"'oddi-· ~ ..:::.-a:: \ • --.---~~-:--=:--.-:c;---;-------------,-------------------.. ---------• • I DAIL y PU..OT EDITORIAL PAG,J: I Another Barrier Down t<ewport Beach and Costa Mesa youngsters -and their boolc-rtadlng parent. -are· getting a real break with the lowering of another barrier betweeP the two cltles. ln just a tew weeks, library users throughout the Harbor Area can forget about city \>Oundaries. They will be able to take out books from libraries in both Newpurt and Costa Mesa. lt will no longer matter where the borrowers live, just so that it's somewhere . In the Harbor Area. A major Inconvenience, particularlY for thousands of students, Will thus be overcome. , It's all the result of Newport officials agreeing \to cily membership l~ the Santiago. Library System. The system is a federal-and ltatt-sponsored co-- opere~ve that includes· Huntlng\on Beoch, Orange Coun· ty, Placentia and Yorba Linda public library systems . Costa Mesa i.t enwmpassed by the Orange County librery system. Members ol th• Santiago Sy,tem not only share library books, but other facilities and services as well. Jolin HopwOocl, chairman of the Newport Library Board of Trustees, which recommended the move, ci\ed these other benefits· all of which apply to Costa Mesa as well. -Possible eligibility for up lo $429,000 in federal grants to help pay for a new central library at New· port Center. -Avoidance of duplication oft important, expensive, 1pecialized materials. . -Pooling of electronic. data processing systems and otbe-r advanced library pl'()Cedures. Obviously, there is much to gain and little to lose from membership in the system: Newport will continue to select its own books and keep all the library ma .. terials it purchases. The desirability of some forth of reciprocal library arrangement between Newport and Costa Mesa also was mentioned some months ago by the two munici .. palities' lnter..:ity Liaison Committee, comprising mem- bers o! both city council•. The big concm\ then -and now -was the inability o! all youngstero ln Newport,. Mesa Unified District schools to borrow books from the same public libraries. The Santiago Library System provides the practical way to solve the problem. In taking advantage of lt, Newport Beach city offldals bave served the public well -in both communities. Missing . Opportunities Last week Worth lCeene, president of the Orange Coast Junior College District board, cast the deciding vote against holdin~ another bond election. He said there 1Sii't enough time left before July l (when decisions must be made for budgeting ne:1t year) to organize an effective bond election campaign. He did not say there isn't enough time left because the board has spent the last six months discussing the matter. At the same meeting last w~ek, Trustee Robert Humphreys suggellted alternate board meetings be held on the Gol~en West campus. He was voted down by the other four board members. The board majority decided to stay put at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa rather than venture occa .. sionally to Huntington Beach. District administrators said they found it more convenient to meet in the board room nex1 to their offices. And it was doubted many persons would come to board meetings at Golden \Vest. But many of those who stay home might appreciate board recognition that it serves both a Newport Harbor Area and a West County. In some ways Golden West College still seems a stepchild; there is a need to build community identity. The junior college district board is missing oppor· tunities to do what it needs to do most -mend fences with the voters. N First Step to Health Is to Says YoutlaShooting No Stigma on Police I. Admit Illness By ELLSWORTH L. RICHARDSON, l\1ini1Wr Nelgbborbood Coarrecational Cbll!'clt Laguna Beach · One of the classic prayers ends with these words, "And there is no health In us!" There are not many people ·in this day and age who would want to admit that. They are not utterly lost! The psalmist reminds us, "Behold, I was shapen ln wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me." Surely not as bad as that .•. and what about the father? To be sure people make mistakes and fall short and miss the mark, but Ibey are not llopele11Jy bad! Former generations strtssed the doc· trine of "total depravity." If men wtre totally bad how would they know the difference? They would be so bad that t hey wouldn't be aware of the fact that they were bad. You remember the Hebrew prophet ,who stood up and said there was not one righteous man left in Israel! He must have forgotten about himself! He was risking his popularity, was challenging the morality cl his na· ti on. THE FACT THAT a few people, at least, were listening to him indicates that there was some "health" left in t l1e nation, some ;r.~1areness ol spiritual sensitivity! The most encouraging sign is tha( if a man i! aware that he is not altogether bad there is some hope for him! The first step toward llealth is to admit that one ii ill. Such a person apparently wants to be wtll. 1110, therefore, he is not totally l01t ! This i.!i probably what the early church meant when it talked about "total depravity." Namely, that sin creeps ln everywhere and infiltrates every part of the personality and Jeavea ttl mark. Those of you who are naUve IMS and daughters remember the orange lf'0\'11. Miny of. these have disappeared. BEDOUIN TlUBF.S from the mid-west Dear Gloomy Gus: Who ls the clty cf Costa ltfesa kidding? They aren't concerned in helping to eventually get rid of the jets at Orange County Airport. Their only concern is with the al- mighty dollar and who can make the biggest name for themselves. -E. A. F. l'tlll hltiil... "1i.t'b "I'•"' Yl<IWI, not 11~1ril1 '~-•• the ntwtP••ll'. SIM Yl~r Mf -~• tt Gl-Y Ous. Ctoltr Pllef, and the Atlantic states have brought their tents and pitched them in uniform manner to form housing tracts! But you will also recall, native sons and daughters, that we used to have cold weather and we would have to light 1mudge pots in the orange groves. · I am told that housewives in the \'icinity of these groves discovered that the oil amoke was able to infiltrate even the most tightly closed doors and windows and evtrythlng within, curtains, draperies, rugs and furniture became covered with an oily smudge. SIN IS LIKE THAT! The iMocent get involved too! Total depravity does not mean that a man never does anyt hing good; it means that, even when he does, his good iB stained, spoiled. twisted. A fellow clergyman was calling on 1 charming and gracious woman of some wealth and social background. The con· veraatlon turned to various difficulties that one has with servant.s. She said. "They have everything these days, high wages, short working hours, days off, and yet they are more unsatis~ factory than ever." The clergyman very diplomatically said, "Yes, they seem to have everything they want, except, of course, the thing they want the most, which is not to be a servant." SHE RESPONDED, "Of course, [ never thought ol that, for I wouldn't take the job for a thousand a week." Here she was erposed to this but had not yet comprehended the elementary truths of their feelings, thelt attltudes. Love calls for aympatheUc imagination that leaps across barriers, but sin keeps us from maJdng thai leap. • • .so we end up condtmnfng a n d misun. dmtandlnl. And there isn't much health in u.s! California vs. Oklahoma Alter watching TV the other nia;ht and listening to the radio, we have come to the conclusion that maybe California isn't the Promised Land and Oklaborfta, even wtth it,, occasional fog, is a pretty good place to live after oil. On the tube we watched raging torrent.a cut through bridges and resldential artU with terrific damage io homes and pro~ erty. And It bu only been a few weeks since quite a few Callfomla homes built on the blllaide.. al.id an a eea ot mud to the vaUeJ below. Sho11s Around Wubington. Political Science means lellina the people how OJ spend tbelr own money. • • • Grandpa used to say life ill like a whffl. Wbal1s up today Is down tomor· iow. tr he wm around today ht probably would be playing the market. • • •• SOme of air educators lilce to talk aboul Ole OIClplional child. II ts only lhelr polite ume f1tr little moron. ( r Guest Editorial • I I AND OF COURSE, there has been Jou of news the last couple of wttkfi about leaky oil wells spewing the beaches and 1hortflnts with gooey, sticky, dir ty residue. And then on other occasions we have read about the terrible brush ftrea wbicb devastated thou1and1 of acres, lnclucllne expenalve homes which bad e:tcaped previous mud slides and floods. Also, we have read ct smog and fog that have caused t(IG.ca.r pile ups on the freeways. We WOJ'l't even. discuss earthquakes, hfpplr.s and student riots. TO CAP IT AlJ.. the other morning we heard a radio report that Southern California residents are now being t'i'am· ed to beware or hippopotami and crocodiles freed from zoos by the rectnl floods. How about that. A little Oklahoma dust floating around in the air right now wouldn't seem bad at all. Eald, ot11., News 'A Kid Can Kill You Just To the Editor : In one day the news tells about a teen kid arrested wlth a cross-bow load· ed with a stick of dynamite, and another teen burglar shot to death by police in Costa Mesa. Now \Ve can expect to hear new crieJ of ''police brutality" by the kooky ones with liver ailmc;.nts who want to do a way with the police altogether so they can practice their guerrilla warfare in <:omfort -robbing, looting, mugging, raping and all the other "ings" they can't do with the police hanging around. NOW LET ~IE point out that a kid can kill you just as dead as any coroner can pronounce you. The cross· bow bit i.!i a good potential example, and this kid who was shot running away from a professional type burclary, armed or unanned, deserved no more protection than an adult doing the same thing. It is unfortunate that he was so young, but evidently he couldn't waJ( a few years. He had to do it now. And what happened is no stigma upon tl1e police. May they continue their good work. S. G. UNDINE .Sl.ondl11g Jdl11 1111 To the Editor: In your editorial of March 10, you seemed extremely sensitive to a state- ment (by U. C. President Hitch and State College Chancellor Dumke) that "the news media have overplayed in- cident.s of (campus) violence." No doubt Messrs. Hitch and Dumke meant only the "Wlevision news medJa." But you were quite correct in taking offense at the implication th a t newspapers overplay the rebellion which is taking place at many colleges and universities throughout the country. To the contrary : newspapers underplay these stories to the point of abandoning their responsibility to report the news in depth after thorough investigation and mature reflection. NEWSPAPERS continually apeu of "civil disobedience" to describe criminal actions. Newspapers refer to "student atrikers" with full knowledge that · the correct term is "student n:volutlonarlea" ('J1'ey don't hesitate to refer to them1elve1 as "revolutionaries"; why should you hesitate?). Newspapers use the organltational name "Students for a Democratic Society" with never-~much as a "'°" called'' in front of it, despite the certain knowledge that the last thing which that organization wishes to promote is democracy. The same thina: applies to the interest of the "Third World Liberation :Front" in liberty. NEWSPAPERS cootinuaUy refer to the hard core violent student a! being ''mllltant" which ls probably technically correct but is certainly not as descriptive as "lawless" would be. Certainly lhe term "activist'' has an indifferent con· notation. The "militants" quote Chairman htao, ktollu Che Guevera, and shout "Ho. Ho, Ho Chi Minh" and no lnference Is ever drawn from that -much ltsa does anyone say the forbld- def'I word out loud YOUR OWN newspaper r e c e n t I y erinted an lte.m saying that the UCI :student Senate had voted to send $500 of studtnl fund!i as bail money for the "strlkers" at San Franclsto State College but the article did not indicate whether you had made any investiRation to Jetermine whether that was a permissible applitation of 1tudent body funds. (It may be, but your rtaders would no doubt be lntl.'rested in knowing one way or the oUter), Your edltorl1J aoes: on, "And so the i Lttters from rtadtrs are welcome. Nonnall11 writer1 ihould convey their message in 300 word.t or less. Tht right to condenst lttters to fit spac• or eliminate libel is rtservtd. All letters must include signatur1 and mailing address, but names may b• witlihtld on requ1st if iu/jicient rta-son is apparent. public is treated once more to the con. fusion of a thermometer being blamed for the 11r·eather, the mirror for what it reflects ... " YOU MUST HA VE some new k.ind of mirror at the DAILY PILOT. Jn my house a mirror does not reflect a revolutionary as a striker. nor ii the forcible occupation of a public building reflected as an act or "civil disobedience:'. The constant use of euphemisms oy the printed media is not only des tructive of the English language, it hides the dangers which ar~ present in the current crises and impedes the massive and effective public reaction which is necessary to halt the revolution in its early stages. It is more of a sin in the printed media than the broadcast media. Jn a television newscast the mildness of the words is belied by the picture the words accompany. FURTHER, the class of persons who would take action (if they were not lulled into inaction by the information they receive) rely mote upon the reflec· live and in-depth coverage of printed matter than upon the superfi cia l television coverage. Perhaps you fear a libel suit. If so, may I pre!tnt an analogy which is somewhat more apt than your metaphor concerning the mirror: the news media have devoted a considerable amount of apace to an increasing number of in- cidents in which Americans, fearing for their own safety, have stood idly by and watched others be robbed or raped. Are you standing Idly by while America is being robbed and raped ? CHRISTOPHER HALL Cloritlcotlo11 To the Editor ~ DAILY PILOT coverage of the request of the College Teachers Guild, Local 1911 of American Federation of Teacher1 for recognition from the Orange Coasl Junior College District Board of Trustees requires the follo~'ing clarification: t) It is the Guild's view that unequal application of the regulations ''caused Orange Coast and Golden West campus faculty ,a1.1ociatlons to Jose recognition," not , as your report implies, the Guild's ,...---B11 George --~ Dear George: My hut1band says ht belongs to a club which bas cultural di1tussions every Wed~sday nigh\. But evtry Wednesday night he comes In singing and loaded to the eyebro...,•11. Does this sound like cultural discussion to you? SUSPICIOUS Dear Suspicious: Don 't be so susplclous. Obviously, they're now studying the fall of Rome. (Send your old problems lo George now and mike room for wprina cltaning and brand-new probtem11) reques<. Neither the Guild nor the faculty associations met board regula- tions for CPA certification of members in good standing, yet the organization to which administrators belong (faculty association) was granted recognition lvhi!e the organization which is limited in membership to teachers (the Guild) was not given recognitio n. ls it any wonder when such conditions exist that: a) A teachers' union exists and b) rnem· be.rs are reluctant to publicize tl1eir names~ Z) NOT ALL organizations will go unrecognized by the board until new regul ations are drawn; the faculty senate is not a dues.paying crganizatlon and, consequently, will maintain its recogni· tion. 3) The Guild's position before the board was reasonable. It offered to submit a notarized statement of the number of members in good standing this year, and requested that the membership number requirement be applied in future years only when a negotiating council is in effect. Thank you for allowing me to clarify this matter. JAY ZIMMERMANN President OCJC District CTG AFT Local 1911 Potato 'Jn.ve11tors' To the Editor: Apropos Nancy Mcintyre's March 1~ column re St. Patrick's Day, please tell Nancy that the Irish did not "invent" the potato. They did not even find or grow it first. The ure.Columbian Indians of Peru introdut"ed the potato to the Spanish conquerors who brought it back 1o Spain, and thence it made its way to-Ireland. Nancy should visit the current Peru· vian art exhibit at the L. A. County Museum of Art and get educated. VIVIAN H. HALL Entrapment To the Editor: As a newcomer to Orange County and a taxpayer, I would like to offer a few comments on the activities of the Police Department of Newport Beach and Orange County In general. Years ago, I heard of the avidness and harassment to the motorist in this county -somet!Jnes justified and sometimes not. I ~xperienced an incident of the latter ,a few years ago, while driving on Balboa Island. There is an alley which Is two way and then goes into a one way before you are aware or the change. Yes! There is a sign but beinll new to the rules and regulations, I naturally followed two other cars ahead cf me into a trap (illegal) in the next block when lo! and behold, the three motorcy· cle officers each made an arrest of us three 11otorists. THE YOUNG officer amruna me apologized and said he was forctd to Issue a ticket be<:ause of tbe other two officers present and ldvised me to take m,y ca.o;e to the courta. I )lved ·60 miles away at this Ume and rather than suffer the inconvenience, I paid the '11\e of $18.'50 plus $2 for driving school. lt's expensive to be fined in Newport Beach as the aame offeflMI would have CO$t $13.50 in Los Angtlts County (a warning \li'(luld have been suUicitnt , here and the arresting officer could have been cooperative In the information that so- meone had decided to cha• thls into a one way alley.) AS A RESPONSIBLE , c a r e f u I , courteous driver. I have alway• trusted and believed that the duty oC a police offfctt and t. public servant, was lo prottct, not to harass the motorist He should be cwclenUous •no'llh lo .•. as Dead', warn the motorist In such inadvertent cases and the tickets should be i:ssued to those flagrant \•iolators who put other lives in jeopardy. As a careful, courteous woman driver, I \Vas shocked recently while driving on Balboa Boulevard to have a wild-eyed young man, with his hippy girl friend beside him, scre am obscenities at me, for no good reason. I'd like to have seen a police officer around at that moment, but wouldn't you know that there '''asn't one in sight! NAME WITllllELD B11lot1ce of Natnre To the Editor: Jn every country, since people first came out of caves and gathered together in communities for their own protection and welfare, there has been ooe precept of society that has always been honored , with some exceptions, and that ii the sarlttity of the family and the home. tt has been honcred for the simple reason that man, like the other animals, has been primarily concerned with the protectioo and well being of his mate and his offspring. The other animals, from the day of the cave man to the present, have respected this natural instinct. Only if man interferes with them do the animals cease to respect and live by this instinct. · IN TIUS, THE 20th century or material progress and development and spiritual retrogression, the sanctity of the family and the home has been questioned, end even degraded, to the point of absurdity; Th~ authority of the husband u the head of the home Js regarded in some houses with disrespect. A home becomes but a house when the head or it ceases to function as such. The position of the wife, u the heart of the home, is ridiculed. Tht necessity of the children to respect the authority of their parents until such time as they leave to establish their own homes is frequently regarded with coot.empt. All this results in the destruc- tion of the femily unit as a whole. The weakening of the spiritual, moral and sociaJ structure of the family and th~ home effects the same injury tO a rommunity or a nation that it does to just one home. A home that becomea but a house is a d\li·elling lhat a real man OOts not want to live in. A NATION IS made up of a number of homes. ranging from a few mUllon to hundreds. of millions. When the spiritual. moral and social foundaUoo of the nation is weakened by the disir .. tegration of the majority of the homer of which it Is composed, then Ult chaoc and disruption that exists in one such home becomes the standard by which an entire nation Is evaluated. BOB WANGLER -~-- Frid a y, March 21, 19611 Th1 t ditorial p;1.11•. o/ the Dallr Pilot &ttkJ to inform and 111m. ulott rtadtr1 blf prtstnting thia newspaper's opinions and com. mtntary on topics of tntere1c and rignllicance. by' providino 4 forum lor th• ezpreSrion of our readers· opin ions. and bt1 pres1ntfng tht: dtvtrst tritio- points of Informed ob1er11CT1 end 1pokesmen on topics of th• da11. Robert N. Weed, Publisher t I r • • ; j e .t ,t ) ;t ' n ,, I, " le '· ,. :e >f ,, il Is •I '1 ly ~ r. ,. ,, :n lS " " " :h ir lh " • I • .. -. • I U y' ,.,. 'J. ' , . ./ -, .p 'I'.)uring · Fiest~ Time . ~ Another d.elighUul evening Is predl~ted for members and cuost1 ~f the Orann County Guild for John Tr~cy Clinic Saturday, April ~. m the Newporter Inn. , . U the past is any indication of success, the traditional partt will be a· memorable one and will build excitement for the forthcomo ln~ !"'ftUal Peacock Hill National Horse Show, the guild's major fund- ra1smg event. . The 350 g u e s ts anticipated will find a Mexican fiesta in lull swing when they enter the Newporterr Inn, and will be greeted by Mr. and Mrs . Charles Swanner, honorary chairmen for the horse show. · , In the receiving line as well will be Mrs Edwin C. Lovret, guild pr~sident, with her husband, and Mrs. John J , VOgelzang and 'Mrs. WBlter J . Willis Jr., co-chairmen of the show, and their husbands. Special guests at. the black-tie optional party will b.e Mr. and Mrs. Donal4 Shanahan of Hancock Park, who each year make their ranch facilities available for the show. A green and gold color scheme has been selected for the party decorations. by. Mrs. F~ Ehrsam, chairman, and the invitations, of ~er design,-catry the JtOw·familiar caballero on horseback on the cover. ('.. ' · The Fiesta Felicid~d ,wlll begin will! ci>cktails at 7 p.m. on the terrace and dinner will follow at 8:30 p.m. Completing the party will be dancing to the muai~ of Bernie Bernard and his orchestra, begin. ,~g at 9 p.m. An extra feature will 'be entertainment by Lou Norris, stnger. · . · Those assisting wi1Jl fiesta plans are the Mme~. l.,e!Jnard Miller •. decorattons; Luther Roseland ·Jr., invitationsj Robert Erbacker, table reservations; and summer Mann, publicity. The _clinic which will receive the proceeds from the annual hOrse show was foUJ'1ded by Mrs. Speilcer Tracy and 13 other mothers of deaf children in 1943. It has served more than 27,000 families without charge sipce then, and the guild has presented it with $47,000 in the past five years. Committee cliainnen for the May 31 and June 1 horse sbo\11 have been announced by Mrs. Vogelzang and Mrs. Willis. Givibg of their time will be the Mmes. John Stanley and Richo ard Marvin, program book ; Jack Friedman, tickets; E. H. Riley, trophies; .oouglis Moran, advertising ; Lovret, class sponsors; Con- s~ntine C_allas, pation.$_;,_John_ Closs?"·. Golden Horseshoe patrons. Also, Carl Robbie, concessions; Herschel · Hoopengarner, exhibitor's party; Jack· Smith; souvenirs; Wilbur Hawley, grounds; Don Kienke,· ,ring crew; Keith Lauer, rentals; Roseland, prizes; Robert, Todd, secretary;· Robert Kelly, treasurer and Mann, publicity. Gentlem~n a:ssistiilg will be Miller, personnel programming, and Hawley, parking. · . · · , ' ' . P.ROPER ATTIRE -Since the April 12 gathering of the Orange . County Guild for John Tracy wfil, be both a fiesta and a party, either Spanish or north..o!-the-border~ cOiltumes will be appro- priate. Helping Mr:s. Charles R. CUrrey .adjust her mantilla are Mrs. Stepllep J. Fryer (!ell) and Mn. John ,J. Vogelzang. The gala will antkipate the alll)ual Peacock Hill National HorseShow '' May 31 and ;June 1. l J ""l!EA ll«iiiRSOI( E6itor ,.,.,, ~ 11. 1HJ .. '"' 11 • , . ;: ... ' Money 5-t~r-e~t-c-h-s To Many Charities How would you like to have $1600 to S_.{>!nd any way you wanted? The Junior Ebel! Club of Newport Beac~ Clid and with many worthy cawes in mind, has.eannarked the funds for a nwnber of charitable en .. deavors. . ' · ' Disbursement of the monies was the ~ponsibility of the finance committee, beaded by Mrs. St.anley Chapman J.J. and including the Mmes. Harlow Richardson, Paul.Hadley, Allen Goody,•Warren Fix, Gus Cbabre, Eugene Kovach, Edward .. Whitehouse Jr., Jay Moseley and Henry Stotsen~ berg. I ' Youth organizations, schools, scholarship flmds , libraries and health and conservation projects all will receive help from the Junior club this year. ·1 The Youth Employment Service will receive $125 to assist in year- round operation, and the Community Youth Center will b~ given $100 to pay for a piano which already has been delivered. \ For the I I r s' t' time the club will assist tlie Mardan School for the Educetionally HariClicapl\ed, giving $50 for play equipment, and the Crea- tive Day Care Ceriter, a preschool f<>r Chlldren of women trying to get off weliare roles, will receive $57 for two rugs. . In the field of safety, the club will purchaseia Resuscianne for $235 to be used countywide in the training of police, fire , medical self-help and other groups. , · At the suggestion of the lnterilatipnal Mfaj)'s chairman, the club will continue to support its adopted Korean orphan :at the cost of $120 pe; year, and CARE will be given i10.,,-· ·, 1 Through its conservation committee, the club has already donated . m to a Girl Scout project of planting wjjd flower 'eeds •lO!Ig Jamboree Road. ' • The Junior Blind )\'ill receive a campershlp for $75 in the area of health, and the club already has purchased ·a can:ouiel 1lide projector for $65 for the March of Dimes. Finally, the Orange Cotinty Medical Centet's' Burn Cente• will be given $125 for a Wright Resperimeter. • ,, ' BIG SPENDERS -Spending $1600.can be a lot of fun, an\l Newport-Junior Ebell Club members Mrs. Henry Stotsenberg, treasurer (left) ·and Mrs.' Eu- gene Kovach. are enjoying disb1,1rsing the club's ~ 1 'fund for philanthropic endeavors. Numerous agen· cies and groups,1eileived .a·1>oost.from· the club, In- cluding youth: iroups, h'braries; medical' facilities and schools. Still other ei:penClitures will be $100 for the Marijlers and Corona de! ••• '· ,. Mar libraries for picture banging equipment to facllilj;le the numerous art shows taking, pl"!'P tq~ghout the year In each libnlty, and presentation of scbolanhips in music, art and drama. . Seniors In Corona de! Mar and Newport Harbor ;high schools will r&-, ceive grants totaling '750 to study in the three fine arts·lields. , ,When Mom Keeps Her Mouth Shut, Daughter Does T e>o· .DEAR ANN LANDERS: I coold l>l•e klillied you when J read your 11-nswer to •0 StJmJecf Mother." You told her to ~ luhelle'1 back and I hope she I uJed to be a fat and unhappy IS.y..,. old and my mother nagged me just °" way Stymied Mother Is nagging UJbelle. The mote my mother harped lbe more J ate. She IOU!lded Ute a bloken phonograph .record and 1 hated It,:' J .uJed to sneak food Into my room to~l8p1te her. !lne day my mother went to 1Chool al the request of the guidance counselor. I 4on't !mow whit they taJked about. but. from that day on iny mother never montioned 01¥ welahl. Within 11iz monilia I losl 35 pounda. ANN LANDERS l not only look like a diltertnt person but J (eel li ke one. I have confidtnct, my grades are better and boy1 treat me like a a:irl Instead of. another guy. I hope evtrt mother ' who bugs her daughler about being lat noads lhil and learns something. -38-2$-38 DEAR H: I cu't Improve on yoar lanp•p ao I'd 1lmplJ mpet Jtof' Welk:lloctJI wordl. I •ope tVUJ ~o&Ht wbo bop lier awpter ·-Mm& Ill read11hlJ and le1nt1 someWn1. DEAR ANN !.'ANDERS: I'm 1 JO.year· old gal who ii flu.stored wily. When I'm ill at eue (whlcli ii olttn) my hands get lee cold and dmmy u the dickens. 'lbil 111111!17 happens when 1 meet new people. t 1r7.to avoid shaldng bands, which glvea: Ole impresalon I'm unfriendly. llelp•me, pleue. -DRIPPY MITl'S DEAit DIUPPY: ea .. ,_ tried u anUpenplrant? Tall ll NOT U.. 11me u 1 deodorut, u a.. utlptuplrut d0t:1n't wl(k. wear wW.. ila' it a71 .. wrlot.kqli rJovet. 0-. Wiii "" ,... confklnct, _,,_ bJlely .... dlmlnh• th tl1mmhleu. I realized this was crazy, lo I <forced myself to enroll in a drlvera' school My brotbera were furloua. "Whf lpend 1 mooey In school?'' dlty -.:ICE~ when THEY coold toadl ma. 1"fl:·lh<) coold. They could teach me to taliple, . DEAR A1iN LANDERS: Thanb foe run through yellow Ughls end get' nisd 1dvlslnc that woman who 1 i c n e d at every driver who paued me. - herself ·~stuck at Home" to learn how t kept on at the achool. My teacher to drlv,. I'm IOITY you didn't add, didn 't swear at me. He didn 't tear out "But don 't let a relative · teach you." his hair and make me fee] like a hope.ten Hert'I my atory: Idiot. I teamed the partl of an automobile After lltl'Vinl u 1 WAC In World and the rules of the road. I madci War II, I returMd .to Loi Anaelu. my miltakes on a dual-controlled car. I wu IClred aUt 1 Cf my wit.I by the Today I am a competent driver and tralflc, reCuaed to. ride In a ear wilh· proud of myse.U. At lhis moment. frlendl Ind tool a 'boiJ . or wllltid • however, I Wish I'd pold IS much e..,,..bm. ·-to my tjpb>g Instructor u my driving tnllructor, bul·typb>1 ii ne6 a met~ of lile and death -1nd drivln& b. ....:+MEL.EN s. , • DBAll BELEN: Yolir l;piq la't THAT bad, ._. TUlb for a .... letter~ • l Too many COlfllles go from matrimOttr to acrb;riqny: T>on't let, y~ marrtace flop t'""' ft gets started. ,Send lor Afll'!. nd ers' boolrlet, ''Mu;rlage -.Wh;: to E pect." Send your request to Ann Lanrf~rs in r:-rp ,., tt>i, "l':w~naper enclos- ifll( so cent.ct i" C'OI" .11nri a l'"~e. rti11r.red. 8f!1(-"111,1...,., .......... ,.~ ....... .. Ann Lnniterii 1•:ll' t> • ~·,; 11 h , .. y ·11- wJth \'()!~ , · ill care ('If ,,... ' • ~-\ a sell-addrcst.W. 1. ~ • , "-_ .._ I ., ' II •• f...,, lln 21, lM ·Newport ,ffites Mi:chaek Col~ ,Glaims B?rde . • ' ., .. •• "t ... Maid · • honor WU )lllo N""'ll' Scho,-1<.. the bridO't allller. Brldamaldl 'f'I)' ~· De!blile Bra1n'1ford ~ti Rlvehlde, <OUlio of I -e brid-;. Mlll!-S-f pdra. McKoehan II( Woodlllill !111Is. the brlde?1· ~•and ll'lu Margo Cll"'lld ·of Ci>!ti Meoa. ~ ai pa~aqua cbHroo and net helctpieees were selected for the attendant& Thet carried White buketl of 'yellow and·· wblte , chryaanthfmlUDI. Miss Kathi Rea, cousin of the bride, was llower:glrl l!f a lqng frock o( Hght aqua crepe with a ruffled neckline. Ti1' beoedi<t, aon of the Dean Coles ot Lomi>oe, ubd hls brother, Dan Cole of. Sanb! 1'artiara to -u 1111 bat man. Ushm were Roy w. Smith ot Corona del _ Mal:, Cary Cole of Santa Barban, the bridegroom's tmcle, an4 Tim Schorle, brother of the bride. First Nighters Await 'Premiere' Over Cocktails Microphone Techniques Practiced Candle UghtttJ were Joel · Rea · of Honolulu and Jenny "MR. AffD,MRS. MICHAEL BRENT COLE Bransf!)J'd of Rivenlde, the ______ c_••_••_M_•_••_N_tw_;lyw'--ed-• ____ _ A c:octtai1 and dinner party will preface opening nilbt of the Udo l1le l>J.ayer1' production of "Af- fair. ol State" for Fir1t Nighters who wlll gather al & p.m. DUI Tuucloy aboud the Reuben E. Lee. Afterward they will attend the play which will con- Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To help fill requirements OD both Wed• dJni and enpgeinent lllorlH, forms are avail· able ln all of the DAILY PILOT offlcel. Farther queotlom will be annered by Soda! \'iotes stall .1!1""1be!l .al Mz.4_321 or 494-946&. To avoid -·d!uppolntment, PlOIPtCll•• bridea 1re reminded to h••• lhelr wtddlnc ltorlea with black and white gl"'"Y photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week alter the weddlng. For engagement announcements It t. aucg .. ted that the story, alJo accompanied by a black and white gluuy p I ct u re, be submitted -Jy. U the belrotllal llDllOUD- ment and weddlng date IH ll% ...W or !ell apart, only the weddlnf photo will be .,,. cepted. .. /ackie Onassis Now Drops Kennedy Name -beck part " her maldeo name. tlnue to run through March 29. Awaiting the arrival of .~ala ""-.Mr. and Mn. Richard Mailander (left). chalnnen of the event with Mr. and Mn. stuart Swidler who serve on the reservaUom com- mittee. South Coast Juniors Present Candidates newlywedJ' cousim, Tecbniquea: in U1ing a Following l":e late afternoon. microphone will be ceremon y , the ~11 demonltrated d a r 1 n I a Cl ubhot11e wu the reception worDllop ipOlllOl'ed by Lu IO!Ung for 150 1 u e a t 1 • Olu r-.. Clu~ ol Aw.ting were Mia Diane Writer Third Celebrity In Town Hall Series l!uullurloo Beoch dmfn& their Bobb ot IUveroldt el the gum mee11n& taldnr place al !:IO boo> and Mra. Hobert Bennett, p.m. Wedneeday, llmh Ill, Mrs. u,r.., Jones, Mn. Bob la t!>e lfemuy Sa\'lql and Thomu, oil of Colla M ... : Loa bafld!"I. Mrs. Gecqe McKeehan, aunt Novelist Emily Kimbrough a radio commeotat.or, editor, llCn. Calvin Olcolt will of the bride rr.m Woodland will mp to the loudlpeaker author, amen writer and leo--• ..,6 Hills turer. · .-~ -worbhop and ot-• and Mrs. Carl Ilagan on the llage ot South c ... t . Miss Skinner aaid, ''ll>er9 fer eaeh member an ....... of Santa Ana. Thea~-Monday M·-• .. at ho -r i.o;i; , 1Uu1 ~, are plenty of people w 1re Ce:Mldatel for tbl 1'oantaln p.m. 11nnday, Mll'Ch 27. p:Rmlty to eiperience. using 5-..: .. r .,.,,, ... were Mr. and 11 1 t th th! d ••-•--v·.n----B h I ~ _._,__ 1 ~ &'" a.m. o presen e r amusing aome ol ul'lll uw.--z ~'1 c oo Thee-'-·~~"' -__ .,........ '1f either Mr s. Everett Rea, I t l the T H u • .........,. "iu "ws ..,. ,.1..... ec ure n own a and who are . so pro-Bolrd and the Hdngtoa nfrwhmeata, I wea __ bJ _an cpn~ ar 1 rea._.., grandparents of the bride Series. fesslonalized about lt that the1 Beach Bl&h School Boin! will mtroductloa d. the CIDdk1ltel. lttlll Joya Sezton w 111 from Seal Beach; Mr. and The veteran speaker is the become anythi ng buL The be iDtroduced durinl a Can-ant-a qoeetion and l.!llW'et present table topics~ Mn. Mrs. A. Bransford of third personality brought to person, however, who is spon- dld&tel' Mp.t, co-bolted by period. Marie Foufl w 111 be Riverside, and Cecil Cole of Laguna Beach for the series taneously a n d effortlelllf the South Cout J u n t 0 r Juniors will attend the Los ioatrnlltrea:. Grammartan San Luis Olmpo, t be lpoMOred by Laguna Beach amusing all the time is a Woman'1 Club and the city'1 . c.m-U.OI D¥trJct Martjl con-will be Mrs. Rollo Weal and bride:-oom'a gran::lparents. Aaslstance League. While in rara avis, of which I know Juulor Cbember of Commerce fonnct m..itng ~ place timekeeper, Mra. R'• IP h The former Mia Schorle t. town. she will be the guest ooly one -Emily Kim· In Ibo lqluchooL at I p.nh Monday; lfarth-It Almiron. Actlug u evaluator a graduate of Colla Mesa ot Mr. and Mn. Andrew brough." ~ the can41dates Hooting the O>aet1nJ will .be will be Mn. Clattnct Double. High School and Lawton Morthland. --=------- will be member& ot Ibo Hun-the Norwalk and Gani-Mu women who would like School of Dental Alolltaull, Her beat aelltn otarted wlth Who Can nead Just tiqtou Beoch IAague of Junior club<. lo· atle!ld are Invited to call Santa Ana. -benedlcl t. "Our Hearl& w ... YOWll and t\ WCIOlen Voten during the 'Ibe atate c:ommunity ~ Mrs. Clarence Htndricbon, an alumnus of Ne" port Gay," written tn collaboration m<et!q 1U1D1 pla<e al 7:!0 lll'OVemenl -will 897-«123, for reservau .... and Harbor High School Both II· wlthComellaOtlJSlrinnu. One 'Peanuts'! Festivities Marking Year An luteruatioual potluck din- ner, loll: inualc, roclc and <!au' dug will blgbllght the New Year'a lesttval planned looithl by Ibo Oranp Couuly llaha'is in the Nnpilrt Beoch Ebel! Clubbouse. Members of the Baha'i Community of Newport Beich will boot the event eud Tom Attta1on, community chalrmau, t. In cbarg1 of JlftPll'llllom. lftll"llalllm,dlalrld"""'111.;;;lal_ .... __ ~_tlon.;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:teud;;;;;:eil•'•Onuge;;;;;:i;;;;;Cout;;;;;:_Co_ll_ ... ~--·;;;;;~lfiai;;;;;.Klm;;;;;;brough;;;;;;;.;;;;hu;;;;;_beei_._;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ will be due and members wlllll bring gilta !tr -llllterl. The club ""'° will -$l!O-to the Anaheim Brmc11 of Teen Chall••&•, a rehabilitation -!tr ~ with narcotlca: p r • b l 1 m 1 • Funds reiresent p r o c • t 4 1 ln>m • ftC<lll 1-...... Young people ti the - are available to' •to an,. groo:pi or orpafutkm: a- plainlng the --111111 e<nt.r, Addlllonal - may be obtaJued Irr calllnc BUI Mlncr, dlrect:ar, • Gecqe Wakeling, cbaJrman of the board. WASlll!IG'l'Oll (llPl) Sbe aaJd a110 did not - The widow of -John w t• t F, Kemedy b.u dropped the bow Mn. °"""'.wu 111n1uc omen 1s en Annual Lunch ...,. Keoned1 after """" her lellen ''boca-I haftll't rtaie.Sbe..W-JllCIJ1iellue --ot tb•111 ·" To Candidates Bouvier Onustl 11 her tan · Hanver, Mm Tucter:mu · 1111110. aaJd many ol the leUen ..... Costa Mesa Goll and C<Jun. try Club wlll be the ..W.. '!'be former l'lnl Lady's . tu1 lo her ollloe are now ad- Tudmnln -to l\ln, Artatotle ~· :.~ " -··· Onassis. np~ _...., Mia Tuclimmon replied, -I widow remarrl-. lo "Mn, Ouusla' children, Car· Florist 'b1me, II, and John, I, alao -1d -... the Onuala name lllltead of Keuned;y ." Siio oJao -~Iha! the We Pred:lent'• t w 0 Million Viejo Republican !cir the aunuaI ~ .a Wcmen Fedr.rated will bear th!: Auxl.llary to Ho a g several candldatel for the M e m o r i a 1 H o 1 p 1 t a l, April IS llChool boerd electlou Presbyterian. when they meet tn Manntnp. The group wlll 1ather at Laguna llllla at 11:!0 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Mareh peil Toosday. •• Mn. Robert Price, pruldent Ticnts, II 11.'ll wblch ii> ol the group, aald an member& eludes tax and Up, 11111 be and gu..ta are urted to ·~ . obtained by caJllq Mra. Me~ lend. thew R. Kenney al llJ.7111. Invited Imtructloa tn matlag arllltlc fioral anqemmta and elmpl& -wUl be glvlll to memhen ' ol the -would he lranslerTIIJi """' 11 ... Yort to -r. r===============:;ll -and Gardee -of the Newport Beach Ebel! Club oo Wodoeoday, Man:h Ill. Mra. lludley Cale, ......., ot the floral .-ol llolllNr'a Nunery In Colla 11-. will ·-Ille .... pthel'lng In the Newport -home ol Mrs. Laon Rudd. '!'be florist, who aupervt.eo the wort ot lour ckslgnen, t. notod for her emtblll tb..rou1boutSoatbern Calllorota. 11111 mnhlnes ber dalplu( career with carin( tar be:r home and t w o -..... 1111 Nhlun, .,.., .. 1riD Wist the lq 1 ' la Swlllorlud. She a I I d Caroline would remaJa • dent· al Sacnd Heart Sem- inary and John -1d --to alteud Ibo colle«late ocbool ~he enroDed fut fall. Whal type ot mall II Mn. Ononla pljlnl -~ 0 Same old thine," WU &be "Ply. Mia Tu<:tlnllllll aaJd Mn. Onuala ... 1111111 requests for appeerlDOOI and other engagem-. Rec<utlJ abe bu clevcted hto limo to belq honorary cbalrman ot the Robert F. Kenoed)' Ceoter !tr chlldreu lu New York. A fund. raising event f« the cetera wlll lalro p-the ~ ot March II at the dty cont... Aabd II Mra. OlmaJa -happy lu her -.. to Ille Gnek .... tycnoa, Illa Tockerman replied, "Very." YES MAM We, do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S CARPET SHOP .. __ ., __ , 05 SOUTH MAIN ORAHOI A pril 19 Joseph's Ring Shop 1423 So. Co.is! Hlwiy lagun1 Beach, Ph. 494-5060 THI FlNDT emus STOCll AYAllAIU, 2 YIAl 6RAmll AND INSPICllD TUIS. 6UAIANTDD TO 6llOW. Valencia Orange ,,.. .... .,,.,,.. .................... t11e v.a.ei.. " ......,. " n-" ._, _. ,.. c.111 -,,.... .,.. , ..... ~ ... __ ,_.....,.., __ ............... _....,.......,.. ... fNlf " llflcf Mii ...... BALLED 399 Reg. t.oo other Cltlis 499 ·--·-•"-""••··"· . , ',..._ TOP (j)UAUTYI HIGH GERMINATION DICHONDRA SEED REG. $3.49 $199 lb. ROSE BUSH SPECIALS! ASSORTED COLORS 5 'GALLON SIZE I V~ll!ies to $199 $4.95 NOW 'ONLY TREE $799 ROSES --------- FREE! 3 lbs. Systemic Rose Food and Insecticide •.•• , ........................ . WITH MINIMUM PURCHASE OF 5 ROSES FREE! FREE! FREE! , ... MW home owners, wt hiiYt proleaalonal landacepe •nd aprlnkl.,. &y1l11n plan aervlce. Ask about Ill ' ORANGE COAST NURSERY Inc. 380 W. WILSON ·• COSTA MESA e 646-3996 ' • > • • • .. , • .. ' • • ,. I -,_ "' .. Costa Mesa . ~DITION r· DAILY rlL.OT ll•ff 'lltlli PILE OF RUBBLE IN ORANGE GROVE ALL THAT REMAINED AFTER HELICOPTER CRASH ThrH Marines Die As Crippled Craft Plumm9fs to Earth on Irvin• Ranch ·Irvine Orange Grove -. · · Hickel Bars Oil I.eases Off Coast; Toughens Rules • Marine Copter Crashes Killing All 3 Aboard A big troop-carrier helicopter crehed Into an orange grove near Irvine Wednes- day, killing three Marines aboard, after a sickening seriell of aerial gyrations some witnesses believ.ed to be daring stunta. Tllo Clll!A Seo Si,lllon swooped ~ wobbl~ th(o(lgh the I~ over, the lrV!ne Ranch -t\lrning com!l~ide down twice -before am · to: earth 'as the pilol fouglil for .cootro · Au\borliles listed tlie victims, assigned, lo Minne Heavy Helicopter Training Squadron 301, of ~ M.arine Corps Air Facility at Santa Ana, as: -Capt. Richard T. Carlson, is, the pi.lot, survived by his wile Cynthia, of 1881 Mitchell Ave., Santa Ana. S/Sst. William H. Slooe1 Z3, the co-pilot. !W'Vived by· his wife Dianne, whose santa Ana address was not listed. -Pfc. James L. Haney, lt, crewman, survived by his parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Willard L. llaney, of Wichita, Kan. 'f.he accident occurred at 2:45 p.m. while the twin-rotor chopper was on a routine' training flight and the wrec}cage ChiePs Son Wins Delay of He~ring Steven Murray, 21-ye&Mlld llOll of San Clemente Police Chief Clifford Murray. today won a two-!leek delay of ~is Superior Court arrrugnment on varymg drug charges. Judge Robert Gardner ended the brief appearance · of the youth by ordering him to return to court April '· Murray is free on bail. Chief Murray's only son was arrested , ta.st Feb. 2 by state and county nar~ics officers in the driveway of the family . home al 225 La Esparanza, San~ Clemente. , • Agenll aaid they found 11 pounds of marijuana valued at about $500 and a ·small amount of het.otn. Murray is chaiged wllh posse~oa of • heroin, possession of heroiq.,,with intent to sell. J>OUeSSion of marljUlfta, ~ion of marijuana with intent to .aell and transportina: marijuana. «;:age Ma:i;athoJJ ' Set · at Estancia . ' ' ' ' " .Jor 10 cents one can watch as much balketball 0as he Can stand this weekend • Elt;ancla High School junior and .senior ~· tniate 'ill i ' 50'llollr 'baskelball UlllflthoA. . . •• ' ' . 1f,eoreUcally, for a thin dime one could v-iew the chasings up and down Ibo <:OUrt from 2 p.m. today unlil 4 p.m. Sunday. No one -will, of cour!'ie, ~·eyen the players, whO Will grateful\1 qell ... another. But it Is hoped enough spectators wil l vilft the Estancia gym. t3S3 Placentia AVt.1 Closta 11tesa. SOQJetime day or 11\1ht to make a Udy bundle for the t'.ltanci11 Boosters Club. Stock Markei. NEW YORK (AP ) -"The slock martel cloeed on \ lower note today. Tndlng was modetl,1• near the finish. (Ste quotuloal, ....,. 11-15), ....__.-... ; , exploded Into flames and burned fol 30 minutes before being controlled. ' Site of the crash was nUr the in~ tersection of two dlrt roads 600 yards north of lrviqe Boulevard. betwetm jllyfor4 "II\ CJijv"·l"l<lJ, eaal <t Tustin. lrvjne~·~ Cl!'l~·· 42, aaw the final deatJi awe tram about op.&oquarter ·mile aw•y as be "°1'ked i.a an .equipment yard. '1;ie made tWo or thrff waes over the area and at first I thought it was going to come dcM'n in the yard," Flinner told newsmen. '"It wobbled back and fortb, sooming very low a couple of ttmes but . he managed to get it back up again. One time I saw it tum completely upside! down but he got it back. in the air;• Flinner said. Two Southern Californi& Edison. Co. crewmen working in the area also saw llie fatal crash and rushed to the scene with fire extinguishers, bu't they might as well have had pails of water. :"It wi.s hopeless," maid Roy Sutherland, 24, of 12131 Faye St., Garden Grove. · ·Children playing in a yard at Tustin Memorial ScbOOl. aaid they watched the I/II helicopter doing fllp.flopo and !bought the pilot was stunt-flying. •11t was going upside down and turning on itl side, , then it went down nose first and I .saw a pull of smoke,'' said Dawn ~rton, · U, of 128U , Browning Ave., Tustin. - "I didn't reali7.e he was in trouble,'* sai.d Bob Wilkinson, 33, of Pomona, a carpentef workl!i on a neatby housing tract. "I thought the pilot was sure giving~his men a bad time." . " Beach, Cleanup C~lled by Rain Sa~!c >P.!>nned volunlarf atudent cl~).P.lkWport's deb r Is .. 1 ad en beadiliOiitiliaa .been poolponed a w~k, •t:'!Pd'clly .officials announced today. "Afti~la.Uon .Gf rainy weather ,con- ~fnul~ throu&b Salurday lortod the pOl!lpooemenl. The cleanup will take place nut Satur· day, March 30. The placea and llmes will •remain ·the same; ao will plails [Qt' a free luncheon. f<r the 150 students e~ted lo lum ouL WASlllNGTON (AP) -Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel barred today oil leasing M aome 55,ooO acres off the coast of Santa Barbara, Calif •• where a well blew out and oil polluted the beaches. Hi~kel also tssuea more stringent petroleum operaling "gulaliolls for the federal oUsbore area along the entire ~and' coaal. llti~ !ltJ) :llPllil>f and producliop 1.:.u.; ·-..,..... ~' ~ ~ '~~,~~lely unlli. the Interior ......,..,,..,. II liliallecl thal Ila ~:·;' '•• band'orl " , ' ~-:wlliit a,;,. w.u .:..~u.. ' . Jin, 21 oin..i J'&n i!ict.":'..:: . IOO squire .miles · ol O«JD all weU as . the area lieacbei Hickel 'revealed his ·plan, prompted by the Santa Bal1>ara pollution, in a statement followtna a closed meeting with the House Interior Committee. It Came just &bead ·of a 5cbedu1ed weeke~d visit by Presk!ent Nlmn .to the polluted area. Nixon planned · a hellcOpter · Inspection of · the Santa Barbara b\?ach area during his )'eekend 1 visit to California. "The progr~ll) "e are. _devel9plng in · '""°"" lo the SanCa Barbara liqedy will serve . as a model for ollt' . fUture · aCtlotUI along tbe ' natiob's in tire• coastllnt,'' Hickel •aid. He said no · declsion has yet been made on cancellng the Unloo leue or any otben. Spring Leaking Over Weekend Spring may have sprung, but from · early indications, It 9ffDlJ to have aprung a leak. Light showers do~d the Orange Coast this morntng, and weather forecuter1 conceded thal tho dalnp condlllDn Fl'" bably would hold <br"'ah much <t' the weekend. ·" · ' ' Today's light rain 1' eapecled lo-fade to showers Salurday, with up to half an Inch ol preclpllallon by lonlghl aloq the coast. GW winds were expected to make thlnga even more unComfortable. The new wet spe)i was blamed\ on a Pacific westhef frbql that bad lieen ezpecled lo bypaaa So~lhem Cllllomla. Clear stie.s were forecast for mldiia7 Sljlldar. 1, • ., Today's Fi.I N.Y. Si9eks_ FRIDA.Y, MARCH 2 r, '1969 • TEN CENTS 30 Nabbed in Raid • Undercover Work Triggers Roundup An undercover officer enrolled u a 11udenl ,In the Fullerton Union High School Dlstrlcl early today triggered a widespread roundup ol drug peddlers whjch netled 30 ""11ecU, including 14 juvenllea. -r· --. - Arrests were conilnUlng this morning, with police seeking 10 more persons aus~ted , of selling . narcotics and dlngerous di'up. The roundup capped more than three mpntha of undercover wori: by a young officer who remained unidentified. Pollce said much of the illicit drug traffic was among students in the Fullerton Union High School District. InvesUgator1 declined to sa~ at which of tho elght hJ&h ochools In Ille Jl'ullerlon dlstrlct the undercover agenl bad been enrolled. Tbe cllatrlct hu schools In La Habra and Buena Park, as well U ·in"Fullerton. Police said the undercover tnvestigatlon was carried <>ut with the cooperation of school officials. The roundup Involving more than 60 officers from Fullerton, Anaheim, Buena Park, La Habra and the county Sherill'• Office began at 2 a.m. In addition to the 30 arrested, three other persons sough' as a result of the investigation are alteady in custody elsewhere, police said. Adults arrested, most ed. whom face a variety or charges, were to be ar- raigned today in Norlb Orange County Municipal CourL ·They include:. .-, From )i'ullerlon: R<>cky A. Courlafn, 18; Donald R. Eldridge, 19; Charles E. ~stea:, 22:; KeMis ·o. Hardine, 11; Uonard D. Law, 11; Randy M. Somerville, 19; Richard L. Ward. 19; Alton Evans, 34 and Stephen Frye, rt. From Anaheim: James E. Crutchfield, 22; John N. McManigal, II and Dellllis R. WhJtman, 21. From Buena Park: Ray A. grouse. 19, and David A. Nuberg, 19. From"Santa Ana: Eugene S. Handler, 21 and one transient, Robert Allen, 1L President _Flying Runway Work Aidin Air Cal To -San Clemente Fligh! Bid? By ARTHUR JI, VINSEL Of tM Dlllf' ,.., lllft Wingin& westward from 1 u n n y Wa&hington to the gray, spring skies of California, President Nixon today opened whal ba1 abruptly changed from a Jllllkel for 'fun ·1o ooe of formidable foreign and domeollc importance. 'lbe chief e-iecuUve wu due to arrive aboard Air Force One at PL Mugu Nav._t Air Station near Omard about 2:30 p.m., inimodlAlely louring Santa Barbara County beaches by bellcopter, Wblle . Houae ~ usl&lanl Tim El!>9!J!no oai4 late ,Thuraclay IA h.. ~--i11!1lii1 Nm.I will .. au;;.;(; ' ed beaclia troni the alr, ~' a ..... ' . . ~ " .. ' iiiliD 'lo~· ~la ...:::i1~·!ti.~. ;.ililjo, .. .Jllll·W!llo·l!o,wi(ir(hll •. ~ . t Coa.i, Wliert}1t .. wl9~ • ~ wllhclopl-·.. llJt, al1ulloo;il~~~ ... '!Actually, '1t11 1cBmCutt ~ .. 111/' Elboume ,...1u•'4od w~ .,._ about Ibo ~· eolliiiated ,llnie of &,rivi), !Wati.W ~ liT JJOino lo be ·-\lri]Jgl>L '. •• Tile limi '1llll' probal>lf jiiop. ... hil own~ ~;Ibo -of hil oil PiiniiuoD ~ and'lhe l)'p9 ol be~, ·•• Jor lbe .,. • ........ It!' 1118.mlJ.1 '""': rv......-.1 . ' • ••tt Gueoaeo amoni Mtilll>lil.aze 'ihai the helicopter will ellher ael down on Ibo · ilOlated beach· bieSow • the estate, or on aa .-i.ne raclnc track ~ vldlnc an -landin& pad. Pmldenl NU. .and hil wile Pat left Andren 'AFB1 Maryland, at 1:30 am. today oa a ~ minule flighl to Independence, Mo .• to l'lalt former Prt3Jdent' Harry 'l'rumln,, 14, a oneUme harsh critic. Truman and the former vice president MILY PILOT SfMf ...... SIGNING .UP l'OR NIXON lnn'a Boll Malor ot Work PicketS · lteady For Nixon Visit lo DwlsJ!l.D .. Eilenbower, who followed Truman lnlo office, bur100 the political ' Anti-war group! Ire oiganhirig a pick'et · hatl:.ber about five yean ago. , .Tile wealber was br!gh~ lflrlngy and sunny u the NixODI and a handful ol lop aldet boarded Air Force One In Mliyland, bul Colilqmla ,...Iller may be drluly for hil"mlWJI. Prealdenl Nhon'1 Southland visit originated as a recreallonal jllllkel le lhe home area tho chiel eaecuUve and his wile· love, lftlt other· overlonel - aignlllcanl ones ~ have followed, . Ellsworth · Bunker. U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam, and Gen. Aodrew J. G<JOil. paster, ,.ltrlng deputy commsnder of ' (llee NIXON, Pap SJ . ' · prqtest to greet PresJdent Nil'on in San Clemente Saturday. Pickell and 'marchers are scheduled to assemble at noon Saturday in front of tl!e San -Clemente Inn ·Wbere Nl&on security 1nen and aides will be staying. Robert O. m.nd o1 · Liguna. Beach said the protestorsi MU ·gather iJt.. front of. the Inn at the Catalina Avenue turn-off ot the Saft Diego 'Fttewly at nooo Satlir .. day. J From ther1; be aaid, pickets will march lo the galel of !lie ' Cyprus Shores ''restricted comfrn1nlty" along about an ' (Bee ·PICJIE1S, Pap SJ , LA . Police Chief Reddin By JEROME F. COLLIN¥ Of ... Dlcllf' '"" ,, ... Air Calilornia plans to cite a ncent1y approved !200,000 runway repavtnc lll'O- jed u an argument for Paelllc Norlhwesl llighl aervice oul ol oraqe County Airport, it WU learned today, The dlaclosure lilted •!'brows amooa: Newport Beach airport eaponalon foes. They oald II coofllcled with aaauranceo given by county 111pervi8ors when they approved the runway repaving two weeks ago, Superviaors aald al the lime thal the alrport1a maximum load capacity wou)d ~atll>,l!'O pound&. Bui Air Ca~ In advanco leltimony prepared for a Civil Aeronaoflca Boml heor!al _ ~ ln Wubingloo, D.C." Aj'I,< ,Ibo """"""" five-inCh aQilall ~mil ..... ble the alrllne 1o""' je1Ullel'1J wilb a 100,JW.pound JIUHDier .... fuel Wllibl load: Tile AJr Cal illldavi~ aJgned b)' CUI A. -· preoldenl of Ibo line, ... dkates lhal dllpiacement ol __. lo p,ovide· mare 'trelgbl <apacltf tor added lue1 coold make the SesWe- Portland run mieconomical -ii lbe 95,000i>OUnd.limll were adhered to, Here la bow Benscoter pula the 1-: ".\Ir CalllornJa lllea the BoelMI m With 11$ ... la. Tile pmenl l'llllWay limJll the mulm11111 loeda lo 95,000 pounds which ,_14. ·cauae a weight penally for long.<flalance lllgbla. "Thia mailer will be alleviated early thb: .)'Ur, however, beeauJe tbe 'Bolrd ol Supervlaora bas approved a ov .. lnch runway overi,y which will be.<OmRlOted · ln April, 1189. . "'lllil .overlay wlll permit· tho .,; et the dealgned Boein( 737-1011' grou talitoll walgbl of 100,400 pounds, and a mulmum laading weight of 95,000 pounds." · Tile length of the-main runway. (S,llJO feel), -addl, "ii not a lliDlllna factor.0 Newport City Al'torney Tully Seymour. who will be in Waahlngton for the CAB hearin1 on , the propo6ed fUghts, . wu surpr1'ed and · angered by the· AJr Cal •ssertlom. "Tile county board, p art f cu la r 11 Supervlaor Wtlliam Phllllpo, and eourtty A vJalioo lliredor Rober1 Bmnallan emphasized that this overfa3' woukfni change the weight lbnlt/' be ta.Id. "Now Air <:al Hys because ol It, Ibo' can land heavier aircraft with e z tr a (See AIR CAL, Pap SI Oruge }feather The winter raios art ovu -now we get \he spring rainl, 11l:e to- n!&l11 .and SalUrday, aloq wilh giisty windS arid miylsb lempera: tures ~ore clear stdea prevail sJnd"l'. . ' INSIDE TODAY ... There prob®lv WM liUlr reminiacfng when noo one·tfme ' bltl<r ~litleal ......... 1!1<:11- , crd Ni±On, imJ HcrT!i. Tnlman 'tkt todcu ill lnd•l"'Ulmct; No: Page 1. ., : .. .- I l ) • IWU l'llOT ( F""1, Ml/di 21, l'M OOAirport CanH~dle Ah· Buses O.-ani:e County Airport ti.s the c>- pacity lo handle •puu:naer air buaes "°" being designed, the Federa1 Avia- tion Adminillralion said ~· J<*pb A. Orr, uai>tant FAA .,..,. manaaer. said tbe county t•cillty's 5.~ root Jong main runway ls s:ifficient to provide lilt-otr room for the giant thr~ engine jns. OtT revealed the information in a letter to Newport Btacb Mayor Doreen Atarshall. ~ It l\'U in respon.se to a letter of inquiry from Mn. Marshall . Both Lockheed ~d Douglas are de!ign- 1 ng the jumbo jell!. Lockheed'• i! the 1,-1011 ; Dougw'. the 00:10. Said FAA official Orr to M~ot M1rahall : Boys .Will Be Boys " • ' •• • •• Witness Denies .. , "'" :'rlea' Pressure ·- A proaecutloo witik.. l<>Uy dtnled that Chari.. Jollo TraUtweln wu ~ Iutci • 1'11111 plea "" a-pied rape -·· ·llJ auu..u..a that his m!DlonalHfalber, PIUl Tnutw,i.n, would ba Inqllt w ... the Grand J11<1 •• P*lbll llrlllrry, eJwtu. Private lnvelUc•~ Jalm Oltkf told DepulJ Diltrlct Atl«lley Ed ,,_,... that oo lllCb auu..U"' bid.Ileen made at 11111 ·llm• during ~on o1 Jape reconllnp ID which Saadr• Scott.. Iha -beauty queen who bu named Trautweln aa ber auallant, wu olferod 110,000 a.nd IA "n"ertUI job f« two yean." lollu Scotl WU not actually unulted In tile aJletied .-. llEAJID TAPl3 • "In ordu to provide yoo with the best lnlormatlm -">le. the maoulactums "1!n: oootacted. 1beir latest information Indicates that both the L-1011 and DC-10 could operate lroln the ulltJng a,'100-loot runw1y at Orange COunty Airports on flights undir 1.000 miles, possibly with minimum restrictions in payload under high temperature conditions." Willard Courtney, newly electod president of Harbor Area Boys Club Board of Directors, squeezes into new shirt he received. along with new responsibilities. Advising Courtney on some tailoring that may be required are other newly elected officers for 111119-70. From left are Frank Hughe•, first vice president; Don Huddleston, treasurer; Mike Manahan, a:econd vice president, and Erwin deMocskonyi, secretary. Club is currently observing National Boys Club Week. 01U01, hired by Trantwaln'a forD1e!' atlom<y ManbaJl Schulman. to I d Frffman he accompa.nled the lawyer to Paul Trautwein'• Newport Buch bom• lut Nov. 11 .,. the night before Trautwein, SI, flied 1 plea ol guilty to char1e1 of aasault with intent to commit rape. The air buses will ucb weiet\ about 3'0,000 pound" Orr noted tti.t plaDI are now under way to place a five-inch over- lay on Orange County Airport's runway. He indicated that the work will build up the runway sufficiently to carry the mutti·1u.red bi& jets. * * * From Pflfle l AIR CAL ... passengers. ''There appear lo be certain con- tradjcUons betwetn what Air Cal tells the CAB and what supervi.9ors and Bresnahan tell the public." O.n Emory, cbairman al the 2,300- ciUien Noiae Abatement Committee, was equally unhappy. "What we're concerned about ls that regm!l,.. ol -t the county board Intended, the airline -art looking at the repaving Jll'Oied u just another opportunity. "I feel supervison were ln earnest when Ibey said the wtlgjlt limit would mn&in at 95,000 pounds. But if the federal covemmtnt were to declare tomorrow that the airport runway could take a heavier load, there isn't much the county could do about tt." Emory "'"'91ed the Air Col tatlmOl!J I!, at the ftr1 1M!t, "embarruaillc lo the county." Newport-Mesa Trustees Okay School Pool Work The filtering syat.m for Newport Harbor High School's two swimming pools will be replaced at an esUmated cost of $ 21,000, Newport-Mesa school trustees have relu<:tanlly decided. The overhaul it necesary bteawi• one of tbrff filters hu callapsed and resul· tant increaaed water velocity running through the ether two threatens to col· lapse them 1Iao. Pool consultant Barney GoklmaM told trustees a new filter system can be in.stalltd by June 15 with only a two or three-day shutdown of the pools. School board members were reluctant to make the repairs right away because of the effect it will have on their already· strained budget and because of. 1 hope the city of Newport Beach could be persuadtd to chip in part of the cost since it UltS the pool! for recreation programs. But they were lold they had no choice. 11 another fUter went oat, which ls Imminent. Goldmann aald, the pool! would have to be C!ra.intd and a hI1h water table could cause them to pop out of the ground . Youth Suffers Bm·n Injuries A 18-year-old Ccr'ona del Mar youth suffertd burns Thursday night when a light.td match aet cil 1uoline fumes while he wu .sipboni.ng fuel from • car at hi! home. Firemen reported that Doug AllilOn, 432 Begonia Ave., was burned on his: race, anm and foot wben the gasoline ignited. A minor fire which followed the flareup was el'\Jnguilhed by resldenla before - limnen arrived. Alll80D was in satisfactory CODd.iUon today Ja'Hoag Men:Krial Hospital. Bach to the Horseless Carriage II isn't in the play, but Alan Blum's vintage Rolls night at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse. From left Royce makes quite a hit with cast members of are Lois Wilson, Pat Harp, Cindy Van Atta Ron "'The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker," opening t°'" Filian, Andy Vircsik and Blum. ' ~--'----=~~~--'-----=~~~~~~~~~~ r 1\1\1 1\ l'lltJI OUM& COAIT ~iaLllHINO C0M"ANY l•Mrt H. W••' ""'*"t -' f'Wl!M' J1c\: l . C1rl1y Vleil' ..... lflfrt •lld ~91 ....... n.i..11 IC11Yil ·-n •••• A. M1r,liiR• -·-, •• , Nl- .uw.r1lellle 0...,.. ---JJO W•tt 1., Strnl M1m1tt A1ihh1 P.O .... 1160, !Jll6 --Ntwplrt e-it· m1 ""' ..... .......,.,, L ....... '-"!: m ~I A-....... .._: M Jtll I- FroM Page l NIXON ... U.S. forces, arrive from that naUon Sunday for policy talks. SitUng with them at the discussi on will be Secrtla:ry ol Stale Vlllliam P. Rogers. as ffll as Dr. Henry A. Kiss· inger. Ni.zoo's presidential asWt.aot for naUonal security affairs. l\'hite Hou.!e Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler has attempted to play ®"'n the importance of the Vietnam talks, but the conference will be the first between Nixon and the ambassador. A course ol. action in the bogged-down Paris peace tal.U and a review of the: rising tide of mUttary ICUvity ar'! doublless on the agenda. Not all will ttnter on war and peace al home and abroad during the b\Jsy weU:end, howevtt, as the Nlxons visit Mission. San Ju111 Capistrano Saturday and lunch at a Mulcan cafe. Tbe Pruident 's press secretary con· rirmed today that the visit includes real tjtate shopping for a summer White House, but jwt where ls another bl1 quesUon mark, It appears. Informed aourcu eitpect that ~trs. Nlit· on may be the one v.·ho decides where. what and how, -rent . leaae or buy -but doubt "·as ca st ovtr the pos&iblllty It may be W1W1a Beach's H--room Pyne Castle. "1 lhillk Pat mt)' just allp away Satur· day afttrnoon to take a look and see lf tliat dr&1t1 old dungeon could be • • ' swept out and alr-condilioned, •• said one newsman. "'hi te House aides denied it. Other sources conflicted sharply, with one real estate wom111 sayiJl.i the Niltons have agreed to pay $1.$ mll Uon for U\e old Cotton estate, but Mrs. Lionel E. Ogden, their host, denied it. Hotel and motel rates skyrockel~ In San Clemente 11 &he President and his entourage. prepued to m ive. with press headquarlers at the San Clemente Inn. f'roM P9fJfl l PICKETS ... eight block •idewllk. Bland aaid 1pon90ring group.a included the Orange County Peace and Human RlihLs Council, the Unitaria n Study-Ac- lion Group and the Laguna Bead! Peace and Freedom Society. ''\\rhile President Nixon meets with his generals an<J ambu.sadon behind l1\e walls of a &egregated community, men die in Vietnam In 1 racist war," the group asserted in a prtpart:d preu release. Bland said leanets woukf bf pused out during the demonstration &lmed 1t catchtn1 the Prtlldtnt'a eye. Prom Pflfle 1 REDDIN ... one situation in the recent Los Angeles school disorders because they felt the presence of unifonned policemen would create more problems. A few men in street clothes worked in the school to collect evidence of lawbreaking for future prosecuUon. What are the dutits of policemen Ln riot aituaUou? Reddin explained that the campus Is not a sanctuary where 1 peraom thlnka he can .say, "Ha. ha, you can't toucn me." The ground is owned by the people and pcilice do have jurisdiction. Police will not come on campus for minor incidents, but they will come when the situation is beyond the control of administrators, whether they are invited or not -lo protect Uves and property. Have black poUcemen been a ne- ceufUI deterrent for the lncreuini &eaaton1 la black ghettos? ''There i! not sufficient evidence on this. We do not believe in usi&ninc a black policeman to • communhY. becaUJe be is black. ThiJ 11 tegregation in reverse. The quettlon is where will the policeman, black, whlte or brown. be most effective ?" WUS new tralnl•1 Ut bea btdltlitft lty POiiet and ftat MW weapnl llo yoa btvt to cope wltll riot.:? ~ have been many rumen about weapons, the police chief said. "No, we do not have m&ehine guns. No, we do not have tanks. No, we do not believe in any kind of ovd'kill, if you want to we that phrase." More Important than weapons is training in police.com- munity ;relatlom. This we are doing in a. ~week program. Part of the training is to speod several days with the res.identa in an area as an ordin.ary: citizen. What about outside agitators la campus riots? The.re is evidence that known Com· munlsts, and individuals from the Pro- gres&ve Labor Party, Socialist Workers Party, and SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) were active in the i... Angel .. school.! -.... Oatley Uid he and Schulman told Mr. a.od Mra. Paul Trautwein, the defendant and his wife. Helen, ol hwing tepes of the bribe oflen that d1y In the district attorney's office. Namtd today as having participated In. taped con- versation.s with Miss Scott were Harr1 and Pauline Fredericb:, earller ducribed aa beinl neiibbors of Miu Scott. Trautwein, 20292 Craimer Lane, plead- ed guilty last Nov. 20 and was sent to Atascadero St.ate Hospital for possible certiUcaUon as a menta.111 disordered ieI oUender. He returned with a report that branded bim a.s beina: 1 danger to the public and be Unmediateir fired Schulman, hired a new lawyer and petitioned the court for cancell ation of his guilty plea ~nd a reversion. to his previous plea of innocent. That hearinl l.s today ln its 1eventb and last day. It is eitpecttd that Judge William Speirs will rule at a later date on whether Trautwein e111 reverse his plea, cancel the Atascadero report and reinstate bail. VJCl'IMS BRIBED . It bu been testified that Trautwt.1n a.saaulted 10 women in Loi Angela Coun- ty during a ,. ..... year ~ -,nd that some of .tbotl vicU!na were bffbed by · WlldenWied pentl!S. At 1tut two of the women aU..Cked by Trautwein drop- ped charges against him a/let' 111<h oel• tlementa, diltrict attcrney olfieus have alleged . Miss Scott'a principal contact ln con- nection with attempts lo bribe her ha.• only been identified u 1 "Mr. Cox." Both sides .in·· the pruent bearing have diacussed these telephone conversatioru: at length with Paul Trautwein. Oatley today said that Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks had suggested to Sandra Scott that "abe ahoukl DOt be ao pC>litive" in her ktentlficatioo of Trautwein as the man who attempted to rape her. la.st June. Quotinc the t a p e re<on!ing, oaUey uld the Fredericks proposed to MW ScoU th.It the cue ••cou1c1 be sttUed aa a peepln1 Tom case" rather UwJ pursue Jt in itl present form of rape. Testimooy indiuted tliat Mi!I Scott had been positive in her idenUficaUon MARCH SPECIAL FUNERAL SERVICES SET Herbert M. Holktr Former Balboa Bank Manager HoJJCer Dies ' Herbert ltft Holker. retired vtee prt.sl· dent af the Bank of Amer ica's Balboa Branch for 20 yea rs, ~died Wednesday at1Hoag Memorial Hospital lft.et a f1tOo IOllgtd illne1s. He was 70. Services will be held at 11 a.m. Satur-- day at Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel. Active in the community before his: retirement 1i1 years ago, he had been a member of the Muooic Valley Foree Lodge, 587, Los AnJeles and a charter member of Newport Harbor Elks Lodge, 1717. He was named "Boss of the Year'' In 1950. Survivors include his wife, Emma L. of the home:, 1835 Walla.ce St., Costa ireaa; .a son. Dale of Laguna Hills: a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Marushai of Huntington Beach; a brother, Ray, and a sister, Mrs. Dorette Ainley, both of .Van Nuys, and three grandchildren. Private burial services will be held at Inglewood Memorial Park. ::brexJ~ SJu/f,'I . C,/fection BEST VALUE ON THE MARKET TODAY! $419. SHILllY ~EATURES: • All Fabtla ,....... GI ... e Ann eo..n lnclofdod • Hond Tlool ',, Sprinf1 • La..,. Selection of Fal>rlcr • s D-Sty!M • Ouallty' Cenottilction " Malwl1b c.......i in No'( of o.-1'1 200 Pallric Sallcti...._ EXCLUSIVE Dl!Al.lllS l'Olt: Hlll ltlDON -DltlXIL -HIRIT AGE 90 DAYS NO INTEREST-LONGllt TlllMS AVAILAILI ON APPROVED CltlDIT ! NEWPORT BEACH ,1af1uslsn1I l..,llr LAGUNA liACH 1n1 w .. 1enff Dr., 642-2050 Dlal.,.,. 345 North to.11 Hwy. 4N.4U1 -.. ,. .. 'TIL t A .. 11 .. lo Al-ID -Olto•r 'T1L t I I ..... ,. f'llw ........... c_, Mt-1161 • • • d • • • Q • d • s • • 1 0 ' , l Eight lndi~ted For Chicago Riot CHICAGO (UPI) -Elibt p<l'SMI, lncladloJ lhe blatsl names In the In t l tatablllhment movement. are the fint peraoos indicted under the '"tlrlol provlalooa of !he 1111 Civil lllPll Act u a result of the d1lturb&noes at the Democratic naUonal convention. Elght Chica&o polict.men and a television network cll.J'ec.. for the National Broacj.. · g Co. alJo were named in the indictments of. 17 noos returned Thuraday ·by I grand jUJ1 that hintedm dictmeais within 60 days. Four of the p ollcemen already were under suapenalon as the result o! a police department inve.Ugailon. 1be other four were mspended to- day. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was handed "flt· rants to serve on the defen. dants but announced no Im- mediate arrests. David Dellinger, ReMard. "Rennie" Davi!, Tom Hayden. Abbott "Abbie " Hoffman, Jer- ry Rubin, Lte Weiner, John Froines and Bobby Seale, eillter le~ders of protest Aid Promise Means Little On Anguilla ANGUILLA (AP) -The British government ls prepar- ing to pour aid on the tiny Caribbean Island 0£ Anguilla, but the Islanders show no signs of liking the carrot any better than the stick they're now getUng. About 1,000 Anguitlans - one sixth of the island popula· tlon -paraded put the schoolhouse headquarters of the Britlah command Thurs- day, led by AcUng ~l~nt Ronald Webster o n a motorbike and waving the flag of Angulllan Independence, orange dolphins over an aqua .... The British troops seemed fascina~ by th• gaily clrtss- ed protesters, v;bo sang their freedom song to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and carried such placards as "Brutish British Go Home" and "Take Your Troops to Rhodel!lia." But the British com- missioner for the island, Anthony Lee, told Webster that tht 1overnment in London recognized neither him nor his declaration of indepeodence. "The British government view," Lee told newsmen after a confrontation with Webster, "ls that this is an illegal situa- tion going nowhere fast." Webster in tum said the Anguillans would not recognize Lee's authority. The Anguillan leader said be proposed an Immediate referendum permitting the people t o decide whether they want (1) independence, {2) association with Britain as a state of their own. or (3) a rtb.lm to the St. Kitts-Nevb-Angullla federation, from which the bland seceded two >'._eara ago. Truman's RR Car Sold LOS ANGELF.5 (lJPJj - The private railroad car from which former Pre.sldent Harry S. Truman "gave em hell" during his lMI re-election campaign waa auctioned orr to a WJssouri banter Tbunday for m,ooo . The !;·foot.Jong car, com- plete wilh crysta1, dis.hes and silver, was built in 1940 and refw-blshed in 1959 at a cost of $125.000. It has a n observation parlor, four bed- rooms and four baths. The car was bought by Robert F. Koste, representing Ale:r Barket, president and board chairman of Civil Plaza National Bank in Kansas City, Mo. People sUl1 ca!l u.s to ask, mercial operatJoos." "are the 'Ban the Jd' bumper Somewhere &emething bu ltickers still available!" The gone awry. 'lbe airport COD-answ,.. iJ "yes," just drop by tinues to upand. Men Olpts . . . use them. give them_ 'to au being added . . • and a )'OUr friends ... bar<! together beoriJ11 in Wlllhingtoo, D.C. in a real crusade to stop the nest week will decide wbldm dangerou! expansion 0: Orance er not a half doRn airpllnel County airport. will be added lo tht already * • • crowded facility. U you are new to the fiaht * * * • • • er new to the area and Our battle i.! to keep the art wonderillg "what's the airport from expanding • airport fUll all about.'' Let's and to get going on a new take a quick loot beck to 11&1. site: as recommt'Dded by the 1bll w11 the yell' the Board expansive •ixrt ol last year. of SUpervisors made tbe final * * * stand on the question, "What We woo't qll(l(t all of the kind ot airport will we have at mail we received since lbe bil; Newport Belcb?" airline era.sh in South Amtrlca . The answu wu clear and 1be plane era.shed at tate-off conciJe -and fulfUJed the into a group d bomta DUI' wi.9bes of most o( tbe people the airport. Yes, ll wu a DCI. in Newport Beach and Cootl Y<S. it could bappt0 at Newport l\fua. We tblni the alW1m' aUU Beach! follon the wilhel of •Olt ol * • • the harbor °"" peopk. Let the FAA tmw n you 1'ht Supuvilon Yid upoo fee.I lboot it. Write : awardinc of an engineerins con-Federal ATiation ACfDt!t lrM:I. the BoArd objectiftS art R<glonal Heodquarters 11 follows: "To develop the P.O. 8o% 90007, Airport Station Oran&• COunty AtTport as a Loo An8<kr, Calll«nla - feed<!' type airport to •o-Stop by, write ar call 111 Ill conunodate c1:ect.1tlve I y p e a East 17th St. In CoN Mea aircr1ft 1nd light planes. Not • upetairs. f'bont. MM404. We're ~an airport to serve large open daily at 10;00. See you type"'-~l or heavy com· Tue.\day. DAii. y f'ILfT • • 'Couldn't Help; Dad Had to Die' Nixon Seeks Pullout Views The The Im-than-four-grand price is manulacturer'a auggested retail. It includa a Jot: 350 horses. All- 1ynchro transmission. Strato-bucket seals. Hidden radio antenna.,Vinyl-rovered con- ) I I on U.S. troop redllctlon of bis tun the _.. ol eadlnc secrellry of defense, Melvin or de-escalatiq: the war ia R. Laird, who made a war-Vietoam u a '°'II one. llOllO lmspect1on lut weet. Neverthelaa, 101Dt lurthu Lain! aald publicly that be dev<lopmeut of llbon'1 VI& 11w no prospect for e ar I y nam polJdet seeltlll llbll withdrawals. aooo. : Tbe C011111ltallcm will glvo At pment;llbon II In the I, Nlloo the cbance to meel his position of baffnf uld tbat saJpi amba"f~ face-U>-u ..... Y attacb .., the dU.. face for ibe fint . of South VSetnam eootl"'Jld. Bunter reporCedly allo has aome "appropriate response" been anslous to m a visit . would be made but that aQ1 home for ...... time. -tu.a nuld be Judied Admlclatration ollidall say primarily for ill poaslble <I· that m doclllona '"' policy feet oo the Paris peace talka. dwiiea •• due to c<m< out Tbo olfeml .. baa been IOiJlg of lboae tallol. Tboy abo pie-on for four nets. SlllSllY •. - 1912 HARBOR BLVD. lat 19th! COSTA MESA sole. Nylon-pile carpeting. Soft-rim steer- ing wheel. Recesaed door handles. Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. !18' Wide-Track stance, utterly distinc· tive front -end. • So ii you always thought the Grand Prix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now is how to apend the $2,13' left over. Have a ball on Pontiac: . • .. ' c -, DAILY PD.OT. EDITORIAL PAGE 1 · • Another Barrier · Down Newport Beach and Costa Mesa )'O!llll•ten -and their book-reading parents -are getlln1 a real break with the lowering ot another bariier between the two cities. In just a few weeks , library usen throuJ}lout the lf1rbor Area can forget about dty boundanes. They will be able to take out bcioki fr0m· libraries In both Newport and C08ta Mesa. It will no longer .matter whefe the l>orrowers li'9e, just so that 'it's· somewhere in the Harbor Area. , 1 i · A major inconvenience, particularly for thousands of students, will thus be overcome. It's all the resp.It of Newport official s agreeing to city membership in the SanUago Library Sy•t•m. The system is a federal· and state.spon sored co- operative that includes Huntington Beach, Orange COW1· ty, P!,acenUa and Yorba Linda public library systems. Co•ta Mesa is encompassed by the Orange County library system. Members of the Santiago System not only shore library books1 but other facilities and services as well. John Hopwood, chAirman of the Newport Library Board of Trustees, which recommel).ded the move, cited these other benefits all of which apply to Co•ta Mesa as well. -Possible eligibility for up to $429.000 in federal grants to help pay for a new central library at New· port Center. -Avoidance of duplication of important1 expensive, •pecialized materials. -Pooling of electronic data processing systems and other advanced library procedures. Obviously, there is much to gain and little to lose from membership in the system: Newport will continue to select its own books and keep all the library ma· terials it purchases. The desirability of some form of retjprocal Jibrary arrangement between Newport and Colt.a Mesa also was mentioned some months ago by the two munici· palltie1' lnttr-city Liaison Commiltte, comprising mem- ben of both clly counclll. The blg concern then -and now -was the inability of all youn(llers in Newport· Mesa Unltled DJslrlct schools lo borrow books from the same public llbrarl.s. · The Santiago Library System provides the pracUcali way to solve the problem. In ta.king advantage of it,1 Newport Beach city oflicials have served the pubUc l well -ln both conununities. Missing Opportunities La st week Worth Keene president of the Orange Coast Junior College Districl board, cast the deciding vote against holding another bond election. He said there isn't enough time left before July 1 \when decisions must be made for budgeting next year) to organize an effective bond election campaign. He did not say there isn't enough time left becawe the board ba1 spent the last -1ix months discussing the matter. At the same meeting last week, Trustee Robert Humphreys suggested alternate board meetings be held on the Golden Wtst campus. He was voted down by the other four board members. The board majority decided to stay put at Orange Coast College in CoSta Mesa rather than venture occa- sionally to Huntington Beach. District administrators: said they found it more convenient to meet in the board room next to their offices. And it was doubted many persons would come to board meetings at Golden West. But many of those who stay home' might appreciate board recognition that it serves both a Ne wport Harbor Area and a West County. In some ways Golden West College still seems a stepchild ; there is a need to build community identity. The junior college district board is missing oppor~ tunities to do what it needs to do most -mend fences with the voters. tC) • First Step to Health Is to Admit Illness Says ¥outl1Shooti119 No Stig111a 011 Police One o( the clas!lc prayers ends with these words. "And there is no health il'I us!" Thtte are not many peoplt in th is day and age who wOllld want to admit that. They are not utterly Jost! The psalmist reminds us, "Be.hold, l was shapen in wickednt!ss, and in sin hath my mother conceived me." Surely not as bad 111 that. •. and what •bout the father? To be sure people make mistakes and fall short and miss the mark, but they are •ot bopeltssly bad! Former generations strtssed the doc- trine ol "total depravity." lf men were totally bad how would they know the difference! They would be so bad that they wouldn't be aware of the fact that they were bad. You remember the Hebrew prophet who stood up and 1ald there was not one righteous man left in lsrael! He must have forgotten about himself! Ht wu risking his popularity, was chall~ging the morality of his na· tion. THE FACI' THAT a few people, at least, were listening to him indicates that there wa! some "health" left in the nation, some awarentSll of spiritual sensitivity! The most encouraging sign is that if a man is aware that he is not altogether bad there is some hope for him ! The first step toward health is to admit that one is ill. Such a person apparently wants to be well. ~o. therefore, he is not totally lost I TIUs is probably ~·hat the early church meant when it talked 1hl>ut "total depravity." Namely. that sin cr-eeps in every111hert and infiltrates every par1 of the personality and leaves JU mark. Those of you who are native aons and daughters remember the oran1e groves Many of these have disappeared. BEDOlJJ.N TRIBES from tbt mid·west Dear Gloomy Gw: Who ls the city o! Costa Mesa kidding? Tbey aren't concerned in helpln1 to eventually get rid of the jets at Orange County Airport. Their only concern is wilh the al· mighty dollar and who can make the biggest name for themselves. -E. A. F. fllll ...,,,..,. rwtlKh ""'""' 'lllwt,. "•1 --.aritr fh-., !Ill 11-W. Stll4 'I-"" ... .,. 19 8ltMIY ... D9ll:r Piltf. and the Atlantic states have brought their tents and pitched them in uniform manner to form housing tracl3! But you will also recall, natlvi;: sons and daughters, that we used to have cold weather and we wou ld have to light 1mudge pots in the orange groves. I am told that housewives in--the vicinity of these grove11 discovered that the oil sinoke. was able to infiltrate even the most tightly closed door• and windows 'and everything within, curtain's, draperies, rugs and furniture became covered with an oily 1111udge. SIN JS LJD: THAT! The innocent get involved too ! Tota.I depravity does not mean that a man never does anything good ; It mt.ans that, even when he does, bia good Js stained, spoiled, twisted, A fellow clergyman wu callin1 on a charmin1 and gracious woman ol iOmt wealth and social background. The con- versation. turned to various dif!icu1 tles that one has with servants. She said, "They have everything these days, high wain, short working hours, days oU, and yet they are more unaatis- £actory than ever.11 The clergyman very diplomaticaUy said, "Yes, they seem to have everything they want , except, of courae, the thin& they want the mosl, which is not to be a servant." SHE RESPONDED, ''Of course, I never thou&ht ol that1 for 1 'l\'ouldn't take the job 1or a thousand a week." Here she was exposed to this but had not yet comprehended the e-lementary truths or their fetlingl, their attitudes. Love calls for sympathetic lmaglnatlon that leaps aC'ro!I barriers, but sin keeps u.s from making that leap. • • .so we end up condemning a n d mlsun. derstandlq. ADd tbtre isn't much health in us! California vs. Okla1wma Afl tr watching TV the other night and listening to the radio, we have come to the conclusion that maybe Calirornia tsn 'l the Promised Land and Oklahoma, evtn with its occal'lional fog, Js a pretty good olace to ll\'e artcr oll. On the tube we wat~hed raging torrents cul lhrough bridges and residential areas with terrific damaa:e to homes and Pf'OP"' erty. And Jt has only been a few •-eeks alnce quite Jl few California homes built 0n Lbe hlllslde, slid an 1 sea of mud to the valley below. Shorts AroUnd Wuhlngton, Political ScieOC"e means telling the people how to spend &heir own money. • • • Grandpa used lo say llft. ii llkt a wheel. What'• up today is down tomor· 1t1t11. If ht were around today he probably •·ould be play1n1 the m:1rkct.. • • • Some d our educator• like to talk about tbe ...,.plklnal c:hlld. lt iJ only tbeJr poUtt nam1 /« lllllt moron. " I I t :, ,,._ 1 .. t'f"' Guest Editorial • ' I AND OF COVRSl. there has been lot.s of news the last couple or wttkJ11 about leaky oil wells spewiJii tbe beacht5 and shorelines wltb gooey, st.Icky. dirty residue. And then on otbtr oceaslons we have read about the terrible brush fi.res which devastated thousand.'! of aaes, lncludin1 o:pensive homes v.·hlch had escaped J>"vlous mud 11Udts and floods. Abo, we ha'-e ~•d of smoa and folJ that hare c.aused 100<M pile upa on the freew•y&. We won 't ~''tn discuss urthquakes, hippies and 1tudtnt riot!!'. TO CAP IT AU. the other morning we htard 1 ractio report that Southern California residents are now beinr ft'lrn· ed to beware of hlppopotamJ and crOC'OdUes frttd from zooa by the rectnt floodt. }low about that. A little Oklahoma dutt noatlnf a.round In the air riJht now wouldn • tttm bad at all. £aid, Otta., Ntwl • 'A Kid Can Kill You Just To the Editor: Jn one day the news tells about a teen kid arrested with a CTOS!·bow load· ed with a stick of dynamite, and another teen burglar shot to dtath by police in Costa Mesa. Now we can expect to hear new tries of "police brutality" by the kooky ones with Jiver ailments who want to do av.'ay wllh the police altogether ao they can practice their guerrilla warfare in comfort - robbing, looting, mugging, raping and all the other "ings" lhey can't do with the Police hanJing around. NOW LET ME poinl out that a kid can kill you just as dead as any aironer can pronounce you. The cross. bo\v bit is a good potential eumple, and this kid who was shot running away from a professional type burglaty, armed or unarmed, deserved no rnort protection than an adult doing the same thing. It is unfortunate that he was so young , but evidently be couldn't wait a few years. He had to do it now. And what happened is no stigma upon the police. May they continue their good work. S. G. UND!NE Sehoob and Drugs To the F.ditor : I was lured to a High School PT A meeting this evening on the pretot they were going to "Evaluate the Drug Situa- tion at School." 1:3'J -9:15 .•. A film on the dangers of marijuana. t :l5 - 10 • • , question and answer period -a panel of knowledgeable g~tlemen. The "film" was actually informative, but it was all buried under the "humorous overtones" and an "overdose of the cutes." lt does seem that v.'ith the type of movies shown in theatres today the kids and parents would be able to cope with a film that would ha ve ex.drug addicts relating their own ugly, sordid etperiencts, thus leaving an impression of reality instead of a giggle . I WAS LEFT with the impression the "amateun" 1'ho go across the border, buy .a can of l\'eed, come home to Costa Mesa, clean and roll their own, stand outside or inside the ICbool to aell their "joints" foe a dime, we~ not a dangerous elemtnL nit "amateur" who gets caught (If under 11) can be used. as an informer (If willing to In. form), possibly released in a day or two, is then apparently fret to buy another "can" and set up shop again. THE P.lAIN source is what l'm to fear. That does seem like we are so busy searching for the ant hill the rest of the ants are cleaning out the bread box. It would setm if lhere ~·ere no !!mall retail merchants the wholesalers would have to tither raise their prices (above the averagt student's inco1ne) or deal directly with the public. Th e oolicc don't really want to "bust'' your .----By George --- Otar George: P.fy husband says be belongs kl 1 club which tw cultural discussions every Wtdnesday night. But t\'ety Wednesday night ht: comes ln singing and loaded to tbt eyebro~·s. Dots lhU sound like cullural discussion to you? SUSPICIOUS Dear Suspicious: Don't be i;o suspicious. Obv\ou1ly. lhty're now studying: the fall of liome. !Se nd your old problems to Ctorge now and make room for spring cleanin& and brand-new problems!) ~. -.,.·~-.... ,._,,~··-"f"'·"'~····"". ·····-, r ' Mai~~ .. ~ '(,,. _,;:.1 Letters from readers are wtlcome. Normally writer1 should conve~ their message in 300 word.! or less. The right to condense letters to fit space or eliminate libel ii reserved. All l.t tters mm t include signature and mailing address. but names may be withheld on requ1st if rufficient rea· son is apparent child if he-she Is caught, just get In· fonnation. THE STUDENTS today are more in· formed about the hazards of drugs than the average adult because they are living with it or have friends who are - so why not bust the student who gets caught with marijuana on his-her person, or who comes to class "high" or who gets caught "•haring the wealth" at a party. l was raised to respect the laws and fear the consequences if I broke the la~'. THE STUDENTS today can just stand there with dilated • pupils and plead, ''trauma ," "the bomb's goMa get us all anyway/' or "I'm only trying to find myself." Why not lock them up and give them time to "find themselves"? If they don't have anything to do but search their "souls" with clear minds (instead of undulating lights), they will find out \!.•ho and where they are. TllE STATE can't afford this. Since most of these young people come fron1 the "middle-class" establishment, let the pare nts foot the bill. It is well known there are studen13 who "float" into class yet the teachers are apparenUy not aware of them. Since our children spend almost as much time in !Chool as they do at home1 Jt is the school principal-teachers' responslbUity to guard our children dur· ing these houn. U parents refuse to cooperate ("you're here to teach the kld to read and write, not check on his morals"), then it is the principal's· teachers' responsi bility to go to the police. BY TllE SA\tE token. if the principal· teachel'1 Ignore or choose not to see v.·hat is going on, then it is up to the parents to go to the police and request an investigation. Suggestion: The parents who have children age.'I 5 lhrough 17 swamp the child's school principaJ and PTA presi dent with cards requesting informal\on a.s ,to what they are actually doing to keep ~marijuana out of th e schoolroom, off sthool grounds and out or childre.n·s hands. • 1\t.·o six~ent postcards with the follow· Ing request-"1 would like some ir.- formation as to v.'hat you are doing to kttp marijuana off the school grounds''-wlll lake five minutes or your t\mt and possibly btlp you "Evaluate the Drug S!tu•tlon" In your tov.11 of Costa P.fesa. B. A. MAY Clarlflenllo11 To lhe Editor : DAILY PILOT aiverage of tht request of the College Teachers Guild, Local 1911 of American fo'ederatlon of Teac:htrsi for recognition from the Or11nge Coast Junior College District Board of Trustees requlm the foltowJng clttlficatlon: ll lt 11 the CuUd'1 view that unequal appllcaUon ol the regulation1 "caused I Orange Coast and Golden \Vest· campus fa culty associations to lose recognition,'' not, as your report implies. the Guild'! request. Neither the Guild nor the £acuity associations met board regula· lions for CPA certification of members in good standing, yet the organization to which administrators belong (faculty association) was granted recognition \Vhile the organization which is limited in membership to teachers (the Guild) was not given ret'1>gnition. Js it any wonder wben such conditions exist that : a) A teachers' union exists and b) mem· bers are reluctant to publicize their names~ %) NOT ALL organizations ~·ill go unrecognized by the board until new regulations are drawn; the faculty senate is not a dues-paying organization and, consequently, will maintain its reco gni· lion. 3) The Guild's position before the board waJ11 reasonable. ll offered to submit a notarized statement of the number of members in good standing this year, and requested that the membership number requirement be applied in future years only when a negotiating council is in effect. Thank you for allOl\'ing me to clarify this matter. JAY ZIMMERMANN President OCJC District CTG AFT Local 191 l Uelic-opter Cost To the Editor : I hope that the City Council or Costa 1.tesa exhibits good financial judgment by negating the proposal to purchase t1,1.·o helicopters for the police depart· ment. A recent newspaper article quoted the chie f of police as saying that a total outlay of $225,000 would be required the first year for planes, heliport, training, etc. Also. that the proposal \vas in lieu of adding two patrol cars and ten men. If. according to figures quoted, one helicopter can cover seven times as much area as one car, then by adding two helicopters v.·e should be able to reduce lhe patrol cars by 1% to 14. This is quite a contrast to "in lieu of adding two cars and 10 men." ANOTJIER FIGURE quoted was that one helicopter could cover 30 !quare miles effectively. This makes it seem that two helicopters ror 15 square miles art superfluous and too costly to consider for the area and problems involved. l wonder if this "dream" would seem as practical and essential if it were to be supported by other than the money of taxpayers. A total of $225,000 oC taJ" monies is loo much, by far, to spend in satisfying someone's whim. If policing the cit} were unde r contra« to tlie chief of police. I doubt If i' would be considered expedient to allocate a portion or the contrect money for helicopters. W. A. YOUNG E11lrap111ent 70 the Editor : As a newcomer to Orange County and a taxpaytr, 1 would like to offer Quotes Irma 8. Fnlir.r, Santi Ana , on crltlclam of Nixon for nol flnlna Ne1ro In Cablnel -"To pick men for high sove.rnment office simply because they are fron1 the minority groups 111 as flagrantly discriminatory as to rtfuse them on the grounds that tbey are rrom those same minorities." as Dead', a few romment.s on the activities ol the Police Department of Newport Beach and Orange County in general. Years ago, l heard or the aviclun and harassment to the motorist in this county :.._ sometimes justified and some times not. l experienced an incident of the latter a few years ago, while driving on Balboa Island. There is an alley which is two way and then goes into a one way before you are aware of the change. Yes! There is a sign but being new to the rules and regulations. I naturally followed two other can ahead of me into a trap (illegal) in the next block when lo ! and behold, the three motorcy· cle officers each made an arrest of us three motorists. THE YOUNG officer arresting me apologized and said he was forced to issue a ~cket because of the other two orficers p esenV and advised me to take niy case t trle courts. I lived 60 miles away at this time and rather than suffer the inconvenience, I paid the fine of $18.50 plus $2 for driving school. lt'a expensive to be fined in Newport Eeach as the same offense would have cost $13.50 in Los Angeles County Ca. war . would have been sufficient ht and the arresting officer could ha been cooperative in the information at ~ meone had decided to change · Into a one way alley.) AS A RF.SPONSmLE, c a r e I u I ~ courteous driver, I have always trusted and believed that the duty of 1 police officer and a public servant, wu \o protect, not to harass the motorist. He should be conscientious enough \o "'am the motorist in such inadvertent cases and the tickets should be issued to those flagrant violators who put other lives in jeopardy. As a careful, courteous "'om an driver, J \1•ds shocked recently while driving on Balboa Boulevard to have a wild-eyed young man, witlt his hippy girl friend beside him. scream obscenilie! at me, for no good reason. I'd like to have seen a police officer around at that moment, but wouldn't you know that there wasn 't one in 1ight! NAME WlTHllELD Polato 'Inventors' To the Editor : Apropos Nancy ~fctntyre's MU'Ch 11 column re SL Patrick'• Day, please tell Nancy that the Irish did nol "invent" lhe potato. They did not even fiQd or grow it first. The pre-Columbian lndlana of Peru introduced the polato to the Spanith conquerors who brought it back to Spain, and thence it made its way to Ireland. Nancy should visit the current Peru· vian art exhibit at the L. A. County t.iuseum of Art and get educated. VIVIAN IL HALL ----Friday, March 21, 1969 The editoria' JX'OC Of CM Dlrilw Pilot 1et k1 Co inform and 1thn- u1a'l:e rtoder1 bt< pre.tenting lhil nir1D.tpoJ)f1'1 optniona and COftto nuntary on topics ot intertd ond l'ignifieanct. b11 providing o forum tor tht e%prts.rion of ou.1 1eader1 opfnion.t, and btt pt'e.senting the diverse \rle:_. points of informed obst'1lfrt and spokctmn °" topiCJ of t"'-d4y. Rober! N. Weed, Publisher ELDERLY GROUP STRETCHES OUT KINKS IN LEISURE WORLD EXERCISE PROGRAM USC R•1earch on Phy1lol09y of Exercise at Cros1roed1 -Funds Nffded ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- BY WILLIAM REED Reeds ••• In the Wind Huntington Beach has such pro-- blems sometimes. Take, for in· stance, the problem of wh~re the civic center is to go. l( it goes across Main Street from Hun· tington Beach High School,. as d esired by a majority of the city council, 1t will cost $360,000-plu!I for land and there are some serious traffic problems. Political ones too. If it goes down on the waterfront as suggested by a minority of the council there is a chance the tax· payers' could save the immediate wvestment in a lot. The taxpayers could save some hall million dollars. I'm told, but at the same time I'n1 asked how much more it \11ould cost in lost tax base and increased construction cost. Actually, the best suggesti~n 'vhich has been made during this ~-..-long political hassle is for the ' nter to be built atop the hill w re now stands D 'v y e r Jnte ediate School. The school distric wants to unload the s~hool and the ity needs a big rambling building. * Almost ev yone is oppose o oil wells off e coastline ese days what with t y wells in the Santa Barbara Channel. but an interesting thought comes from the ''News and Views" of the state Department of Parks and Recrea- tion. In the March issue it points out that at the nearly 1,000-gallons-per· minute rate of the runaway Santa Barbara well. it \\1ould have taken between four and five years for it to match the supertanker Torrey Canyon's contribution to the cause of oil pollution. \Vhen the tanker broke up off the coast of England and Wales two years ago it dumped some 35 million gallons of crude oil into the sea and onto the coastline. * About the only person \vho really kno\vs \vhat he is talking about is Councilman Ted Bartlett. Mon· day night he observed during the heat of the debate over the con· dltions at the dog pound that his puppy Lena, who is a mere 19- years-old, 'jgets better treatment a~ home than I do." Jeffye Coen, youngest son of Ai and Felicia Coen, entertained about 30 relatives ~larch 8 as he celebrated his first birthday. Keep- ing a 'vary eye on the proceedings was his older brother Josh, who, as the whole world probably knows, was born on the day his father was '1ected to the city coun• cil in Huntington Beach three yeart ago. Mrs. Coen sent along a few pie• tores for illustration of the celebra· tion including the huge cake the boys split No wonder the kids are to chubby and cute. A real politi· cal family here. * My old friend Charlie Stone has a fe'v harsh things to say about people ~·ho go do\vn to the sea in ships without spare motors or radios. Seems the former council candidate got himself stranded in the salt chuck between Huntington Beach and Cetalina last weekend for a couple of days. The motor broke, leaving Charlie end his companions d r i f ti n g without means of propulsion. lie had"no way ol calling lor help with- out a radio. Eventually the Coast Guard came to the rescue after he had rigged some sails and was bct?in- nin g to J(ain some headway, but lie's pretty unhappy about foolish people who spend all that money for a big boat and them skimp on emergency equlpmenL SC 'Fountain of Youth' At Leisure World Dry By JACK CHAPPELL Of tM D11tr P'lllt st1tt A "fountain of youth" Universily ()f Southern California research prop-am in Leisure World may dry up unless some private funding can be found to replace the now dwindling federal grant for the project. Es!enlially a scientiflcally controlled exercise program. the project under the auspices of the USC Gerontology Center is de!igned to investigate t h e effects <lf exercise on tht: aging. About 140 L WV Sets Panel On Low Income Housing Issue Low income housing will be discussed by a six-member panel and the general membership of the Huntington Beach League or Women Voters beginning at 9: 15 a.m. Tuesday at Community Meth- odist Church, 6662 Heil Ave. Panelists are Dr. J. Walter Cobb, member of the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission; ?i.1rs. Alice Atedina, Huntington Beach Com· munity Center coordinator; John Kul- stad, president of the Orange County entral Labor Council; .Y•l. G. Colbern, vi president of U. S. Homes, Inc.; Ken Reynolds, planning director for the city; and Ollin C. "Jack" Cleveland, djrector of building and safety for the city. Topics to be discll!Sed during the pub- lic meeting include kinds of low income housing available in the community, the attitude of the city government tov.'ard housing for low income families , the possibility cf this type of housing in this area, the effect! of city regulation! and on the poosibilily of low income housing here with today's labor cost. A League of Women Voters study group has been conducting a survey or housing needs and supply for citizens of low and moderate income for the past year and the panel program is a part or the research. The session I! ope.n to the public and will open with an informal coffee 1e.s- sion, according to Mrs. John Turk, mod· erator for the panel discussion. Beach Population Nearing 110,000 The population of Huntington Beach, officially pegged at t~,000 at the 11pecial census in October, 1968, may be nearer to 110,000 today and lo find out fot' sure the city council 1'.1onday ordered a population estimate by the state made in April. Cost of the special estimate of popula- tion is $550, but city officials said that if the population I! near I t0,000 the extra money from state~llected taxes returned to the city could be many times the cost of the population estimate. The estimate by the 1tate Department of Finance is not a nose count as con· ducted by the federal «Mustakeni, but based on water billings and electrical hookups, accordlng to Clly Administrator Doyle r-.iiller Bond Election Study Ordered Trusteu of the Jfunt.ioS!..on Beach Union Hlgh School District hi.Ye directed the administration to contact a public oplniM poll flnn for the feulbllity ol calling a future bond election. The firm ii expected lo provide the dlstrict with information 11 to whtn the election should be held , for what amount and to auggest stepe leadlng to succe!Sful passage. A tentative bond election xbedule was present~ to the trustee1 la:it week, indicating that If an election Is planned for late September, board ocUon shoult.I be taken by June 24.. For an elf:Ction scheduled for later -September 30 or October 7 -·the tru1ttta would need to decide by July I or July I. Laguna Hills Leisure World residents &re -taking part in the project. A by-product is that the people Involved have benefited greatly from the exercise, project director Dr. Herbert A. deVries said. He cites better digestion, relaxation, lower nervous tension and v.·eight loss as partial improvements, NEED DONATIONS But those "by-products" may cease unless lhe uni\'ersity can sustain dona. lions of about $.10,000 per year to keep the mobile laboratory at Lelsure World and pay the three assistants and Dr. de Vries. A club to support the project has been for n1ed at Leisure \Vorld. Headed by Dr. William F. Kinsey, 88, the club hopes to include 200 people who would donate $150 a year to the university to keep the project going. Dr. deVries said that, v.•hile a great deal or knowledge of the short-term effects of exercise has been gathered during the project, the long-term poten· tial should not be overlooked. In the two years since coming to Leisure world, the deVries group has found th a i exercise has led to "im· portant improvements such 11 a reduc- tion in blood pressure, loss of weight, decreased proportion of body fat, better functioning of heart, lungs, and blood vessels, measureably better ability to relax, better muscle tone, more strength, and improved physical working capacity (vigor)," deVries said. OPPOSITE DIRECTION "All these are in the opposite direction of what we usually consider the aging effects. We are inclined to think that some part of the physiological changes that we know occur with aging may not be caused by aging per se, but rather by disuse that accompanies ag- ing." There is no "best" exercise for 111 tndividuals, deVries said. He said wha t is needed is a program of exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day, three times a week. Swimming and jogglng were the most efficient, he said. llowever, the doctor warned that such a program should not be started without the advice o! a physician. ''Exercise is much like a potent drug. Jn the correct dosage, it provides many benefits. However, in the incorrect dosage, or for the wrong person at the wrong time. the effects could be harmful," he said. Dr. deVries' Leisure World group In· eludes men from 52 to 88 years old. The average age is 72. He said that no harmful results have been obserVed in the study. Newly-created Desig1t Board Having Trouble The newly created Huntington Beach Design Revle'w Board ls in trouble and could suffer the same fate as its predecessor, the Architectural Review Board. The problem began over a plan to build a s~uf£1eboard court at the Recrea- , Lloi. Center. "As soon as the Unal plans are ·~ proved by the Design Revi_ew Board we'll be ready to go ," director of Recrta- Uon and Parks Norman Worthy told the counclJ 11-fonday. . Councilman Jack Green lnqulred wh}' the board was: rtviewing what looked to him to be a routine Improvement 1t the Recreation Center. City Administrator Doyle P.filler replied that according to the city ordinance the board W3S required to approve all munidpal construction. "Tltis is becoming 50 ridiculous," Green said, "th.at we'll have to tlll It 1gain if things don't tmprove." Green was successful in urging the administration tc do !IOmeUtlng to ex~ pM!tt the shufHeboard course and to take a look at the ordinance.' The Archlttctural Review Board died on a motion by Grttn more than a year 1110 when developer11 complained .: too much ;A!<! Ill><· ($) DAILY 1'11.DT 1 Calte~h Che~king Quakes PASADENA (UPI) -More than 40 small earthquakes rocked tht Gulf of CaWomJa Tbutlday nJehL A team of sc.leo.Ust.s was dlspalcbed from tho California 1nsutute of Technology here to lnvesUgate pouib)I under1;ea volcanic activity: · A spokeamaa ·for the sel.amologjcal laboratory at Clltech said early today the temblora: were ltUI continuing five houra after they be1an ln th• northern part ol the guU olf San Felipe, Boja Ca!UoroJ1. EarthquUe 1warms are loni series of luge and small lhocb with no one out.standltlg tremor. Swurm are: common ' in volcan.le reaiool and tbey·dten occur before and autms volcanic eruptions. There actually were twO aeries I of swarma recorded .ThW'lday •. The fli"st lasted for several bouts 1borUy afttt midnight. The most ·•~ temblor had a magnitude of S.S on the Richter 1e1le. It WU COJISldered unllkely Ibo quaka would ailed any land uua. The second 1ttit1 began at 7: 10 p,m. Thursday and conUnued Into todly. J'our shockl ol magnitude I.IS were re<Onled at Caltech. - Dr. Jamt.1 Brune, -111e """-ol physics and hud ol Caltech'• network of eei.smologl<al llaU0111, loll 'l'burldll nlgbl· for lhe town ol Aauu CalJent& I When his fancy turns to thoughts of love, be there in ice ... cream pastels. Sweet·as- cream costumes have soft 'n flirty curves. Sherbet shadings in rayon with a linen look by Smart Modes; 5 to 13 u ZA8'11':B J! ISIJNDAY Al'!llLI •~t Caller .+ el Fmm -• '4f-22111 • llllL, '1lla., FIL lo:tV ITI 9:30 Oller dlJs 1tQ! 111 S:3ll 1, ,, 4 DAii.¥ Ill.OT Should 'Pot~ Be Legalized? fC-llNI ...... D9b , ... '"'" David Brosius, 12, of Brookville, Pa. received a release form from NBC this week asking for pennls- sion to use a joke he sent to ''Laugh·In." David, a sixth grader, signed the release but included_ a request in the return letter. It said, ''lf you use my joke on your show, \Vill you please use it on the last half because my dad watches an· other program during the tµ-st half." e An automobile flunked the stale motor vehicle m·spection at Morri ... town, N.J. when the brakes failed and the car with a woman at the \vheel ran over the inspector. He was not seriously injured. • Fred Murphlf takt1 his triplet granddaughter1 for a springtime walk near their MihDaukee home-.inte mother wo.m't quite up to joining the excursion. She's in the holpital cz. pecting child No. 4 (or 4, S and tJ!). The triplet's fat.Mr conttructtd the ~pedal stroller himself. • Juvenile Court Judge J•m•1 H. Lincoln of Detroit dropped a few words into the generation gap when be accepted the Detroit Rola'): Club 1969 "Man and Boy award. ' "According to adults, kids b • v • been going to bell for 2,000 years now,'' the jud~e said. 11But they baven't made it yet.'' • Twenty environmental 1culp- tu.re1. in the form of 100-pound cast concrete stones, were dis· covered missing la.ft week at tht University of Oklahoma. at Nor· man. F i n a l I y, two volunteer worktrt at a Norman dalJ nurs· ery admitted thelJ were the cul· priti. They said they had thoiight the stones were debris from the universitll art foundry, and they had taken them to the nursery for the children to plav on. ATt imtructor John Lewandowski, who created the sculpturet, had no comment. • Mini-skirts may cau.se mold in some oi Britain's shops a business- man in Havant, England claims. "We didn't have this problem be- fore thetie peculiar garments came in " said Lt. Col. George C•mP. ~II. "These girls feel the cold and shut all the windows. There is Jess ventilation and more humidity. 'This may cause mold." 87 ALTON llLAUllLl!Z Maadalei PnM lldean Wrl .... Some controverala over m1rljuana are crowtna wanner. Should -'pot" be leplbed.T Or, at leut, llhould aevere penalllet fer polsessilll! it be reduced? PropcxienU of leplhlng It are ap- pattntly l""'lna In oomber. They argue tl Is less dangerous than alcd>ol, which kllll lboullands o I Americans each year. No one becomes physically acldlctod to pot, they add, and tt doesn't kill anyone tmless be accidentally harms him..U under Ila lnflu<nce, Marijuana, they a-i, Is safer -smok!ni regullc dprett<s. HAVE RIGHI' Proponenla bold that people should have a right to enjoy a mild drua that brinp them a BeDH d. well-btlng, that offers a way to relu, to fantasize, to have ooclal and lnWleetual com- munion with other people. 'Ibey argue that II pot were made l'fal, many drinkers woold st .. up alcohol In favor of marijuana. Opponeolll COlllU< that aloollol Is so badly abu!ed that five to Ille mUllon AmericaM: ~ outright alcoboDcl, and "But this does not mean that one that marijuana bu the ume potenUal leads to the other tn the •e'"' that to produce an equal er puter munber marijuana bu an intrimic quality that of people who would haw problems from createf a heroin liability. There are pot. . too many marijuana users who do not "Because we have rum-heads, there is graduate to heroin, and too many heroin no re8500 to have pot..heads," ls one addicts with no known prior use of argument. Opponents question that many marijuana, to support such a theory. alcobolics would give op bocm. and that Moreover there is no scientific basis m millioo "marijuaaica" might come for 6Uch ~ lheory. akq atop all the alcoboUca. The cigar~ ''The most reasonable hypothesi.11 is te smoker, they add, can go about that 1 ho ed. ed his DIUll buslnea while be smokes, but 50Dle peop e w are P:" ispos the marijuana smol:er cannot to marijuana are also predisposed to · heroin u.se. It may also be the case POl'ENTIALLY DANGEROUS that through the UM of marijuana, 3 On mare of 1 middle ground, others person forms the personal associations argue that the real que&tioo ii not that later espose him to heroin." 'Whether muijUIDI ii pot e n t i a J I y On the question of any association dangerous, beclUle all drug!!, even between marijuana and crime, "the dil· aspirtn. we. 'Ibey oppose Jepllzation ferences of opinion are absolute and becaule they say not enough ts known the claims beyond r!CODclliatioo," the yet about the lcq-term effect,, from Task Force sayz. It bokh that neither regulit' UR cl pot. side In this debate can prove their case. And still -view Is that pro--of marijuana may be pushing LIKELV GUESS -many youngaters to use It, just as One likely gue3s, it adds, is that "gjven the accepted tendency of marijuana to Prohibition cl alcOOol pushed many peG-release inhibiUons, the effect of the drug pie toward drinking. ill d Ind! · Arguments over reducing l e.g a 1 w epend on the v1dual and the circumstances. It might, but certainly penalties for possession ol marijuana will not necusarily or inevitably, lead ~ve such poinU ae: whether severe to aggre.ulve behavior or crimes. The laws rally discourage me ci pot -response will depend more on the in· some authorities say yes, others DO -dlvldual than the drug," since there and whether IOCl:I laws lead to contempt l!: no evidence that marijuana changes not only of drug laws but law !n general a person's basic personality structure. PARENTS WORRIED Much sUHer penaltle.s governing even Many parents are won1ed, or con-Bimple possession or various mind-in· vinced that marijuana 9 a stepping fluencing drugs were imposed by stone to injecting or "mainlining" heroin. Congress last Fall. It became a m:isde· "The distance from the dare to try meanor -11ubject tG fines and jail •pot• to 'mahillning' 1s very short, .. says terms -tG possess LSD, or to possess of ~-1 barbiturates and amphetamines unless J. Edgar Hoover, director WJ"C Feder& you could prove that they had been Bureau of Investigation. I I h But other authoritiq1llsagree strongly, pre.!lcribed. for you. State aws a so ave been becoming tougher. College students scUf at the statemenl The nerl five to 10 years may wen Few cl them appartntly UJe heroin. see a hundred fold increase in the They do not themselves Bee or kMw number of drugs capable of aUecting of a progiesslon from mild marijuana the mind, top authorities predict. Some to opiates. will become new. boons to treat menlal On the other band, heroin and other and emotional ailments. And some likely optates are ln fact common 1n ghetto will be used illegally, or abused. areas, and there is evidence that aome horoin addicts had lint bee!! espooed RESEARCH STEPPED UP to marijuana. Meanwhile, scientific research is being The charge that marijuana leadl to stepped up to answer vital questions use Gf addictinc drugs needs to bl about the mind drugs, and to fill in critically eumined, says tbt Tuk Poree serious gapa in knowledge about them: on Narcodcs and Drug Abule of the Exactly how many high school or col- President's CmunWkll on Law Enfort&-lege students -or adults -are using ment and AdministraUon in a 1967 report. or abusing drugs, and what kinds? Why do people use or not use various drugs? LAW CHANGES PROPOSED What really are the psycholoigcal. social, "There is evidence that a majority physical or genetic effects from oc· ol heroin users who come to the attention casional or long-term use of varlosu ol public aut:hGrities have, in fact, had drugs? some pri« experience with ma(ijuana," The National Institute of Mental Health the Task Force says. ls granting funds in increasing amounts Blizzard Whitens Midwest 200 Persons Evacuated in Columbus Flooding C•lllornlc ~ tllt _,,, ''"' ..... "" ...,,. .. ~ C..llf ...... , • ., ., ClldW Mn_..,.,...... -~. n... -"'"'ldtnMt doudlnft• wt"" I few "l•tr'ldentom-In -""' 1""1' Tl'lll t-'""4 u-..,... to ........ L• A/ttll'lft 1na vldfll1y llMI r1l11 eot11 ldMtbi. clOudlMM arid ~ fem ~1\1,.. w!lfl "'' lllltl W at ... "" ..-eO!etitd l(llW ~ -•• Tht c1M11c» ot ,.,,. wot Olc1'M .. ,. '° .. ,. °"" s.tv,..... 'Ttat U.S. W.."'-"' l urtw'I Ft¥.-0t'I' fl.,.atf alllol for IMC,..lllW ........ ..,_ klWUv 11119 al'lllfMf' "'""' ...,.... l"llM'ft"" llbWf m~. T-• """ -apKfM le •fttffl: _, -< n. &.. .......... Alr_, """'"' ,11 fll -" lndl gf n tft trr I A.M. """"· °"""' • ,..M. ""•" """'" Se"'9 llMWn .... W'"fltlf .u. Mid • fr-•' l oft9 &Mell. ~ _. ll\Oltl'I (loudY wtlll ...,_. .,., "*l'ldt lrom 1J 111 7' ,,,..,. .. """'· "" hi.ti ""'"'"'Iv•• -· • •"' "-.,,.,.,, _,SI. ·~ ........ ""'"ti"-lft 1lll _. ......... kw lhul'llHf_,._ ........ ---,......, .. fllfll ._. _.,_ ............ "'"' .,,.... --" -_,,, dM't ... 1111 ....,.. .. ~ ....... co.,,,_. "" "' ,. ....... -. ........ Tl'!e ... ............. ~ 1'"' ""u--"" MIOll • .... ..... ie.tr ••• ......,. ~ ltlliM n.u..... ...... fllnt(.flt -dl!MN ..,.., lftC"°*f; i,..,.. .. .ct! tu!· ,...... Mollie;. ...... '" ......... ..... Mt. Wlltoft ...... l"tfltl'lffll ,,. a. ""'*"'* n~, '"•Ifft s.r1.,., ~ JI. .... ...,..... n..... '9n D'"° 61~1, ....... ,..,..~. LCf MOIL&I ANO VICINIT't- \''"91111 , ...... "'"' -"-" ""'""'' .,.. a.IWWf. °""' wt,.. " llrna, ..... ..... & ""' loll1WOn Q. Low ~ 11'111 nlft 1lerll tt. (Olll ~~ "" .... WM* _,..,,., IJ .. II tMI\. TcM't't Miii, IO fll .._ Y•lvl:lfY"• ....,..11tv•• r •"I• C 1rwm1ti...,.,Mi.1Wfll AI"" 111'111 ._._ --... " a. 1111 •ttr *"""''-... " .. ...... s-. M-, ri.1u .. .... , ~ ... • • ., 4:)t I.Ill. 1.J llaN """ 10;0 """" J.1 IATUte&Y fl'lftt """' , ... ,., •.. I ;•'·""· I.I l"lnl llltfl ............. lt;tl '·""· S.t ~ W •••..•...• 4:» '·"'· I.I l«....:I flltft •• ..llllt ...... ,.4 IUJfOA'f 'Jn! i.w .... , '"' •..• •:••·,,.,._. ,.Intl 111111 .............. 110•.m· t.I ....... ._. .............. •1M 11.1111.1.• .... 1111111 ............ 111 .. '""' ... IJ.S. S•111-rw A IM """"'"' nti.m -1<n111 h Glwl L•k• tow.111 lllt Norllltl1t '*rt( todllYo ... vine 119 19 le I~ l;I • ,,_ _, 11'19 u_, M"'-t. n.. ICOllllll.-!liw! " '*llY· ... -_,. ~. 91111'1' _..,.,. .,i1H W "- ,_ •ll'b Mllc:tl SlnndMI .,_..,...n. dllMll ........ ~ ............ IW• ............... i-t •IW W!Keft. ••• ""' -""<i-.it.tloll eOlkd ,., "" "'"°"' fll _.. llooOW, IM -i.r llllmfelliorll _,. -'-'"' ., • reld -""'!di ,,.ltd •" .. rn ,.,,!tit ltltW. I~ ll'IUdl d ... d •"' ~"M N""llt• w•, II" _, low'-1111 fleodlllt, wl!fl M ,.._ tVK119ltoll ll"Oll" C• 111....,,1 ""°'· •r.d • -~n.r-olol bow -· "''"'"' .,.,.. ''"""""' ''""" •~ "' 111(1 Into 1 no.:.Nwvtlt" dr•t~ ... flldl _, Wtco, .....,... o!M, Ntb•flk• ''~·­_, •I ti ,...., ""' l1eed 111 ... l!lrt l~!ltt IMld ...,,_ lleell"" WDUlol ..,.. fllf btltll ul!IH l1twf' Ill 111t - r•~·ru Hltll i.-"'9c. ·-" " ,_.." " " All1trll• " Q ... ..-" " ......... .. " '"" D " OM .. " • "''-~ • •• "''" ...... n • , ....... • " "' .,.,_ p .. .,......,_ .. n ... ...... .. " "' ·-" .. floi1 w .. • u ·~ .. .. .. "' -" " -· " • ....... n • k•nHI Clh' " " La• V'"t .. .. lea """"" • .. M'9ml IM<JI n .. MllWll\1':ff .. " "' Ml-.llOll1 ,, " ... ,...., ()-liJollll ,. .. Htw Yorti • • "' Nor111 ,. .. u.-" " o.llltl'ld M " ...... " n ·-...... .. .. ... ..,,r...,.,i. .. Q . .. ·-· .. • ·-... ,. " ·" ........ .. .. lfl111<1 ("' • " ·-" Q a..c.1,,..f'ltO .. u .v It. Loula " n s.11 ... 1 .. " r..11 L~t City " n Sall Dino .. .. 5111 Frall(lf«I » .. ... 1t111t1 ..... .. • •• ..... " •I ....... a " --· M II ..... J10h • .. to qualified researchers, seeking answers to just such kinds of questions. One research target is to learn what &re the long-tenn effects of marijuana when used regularly, as against oc· casional Gr long·tenn use of various of varying potency that are available to most users in this country. Better answers to some questions can be obtained now because the truly active ingredient in the marijuana plant, tetrahydrocannabinal or THC, has been synthesized and purified. The real, el· fective dose that a~ animal or person gets can be controlled In such ex· periments. Research is deepening into other types of mind-influencing drugs ONE EXPERIMENT For example, in one recent experiment with I.SD, Dr. Milton H. Joile of the Bureau of Narcotics and DangerGus Drugs found that monkeys wM take LSD for five or slx days suffer an impairment in their learning ability. The monkeys became Jess efficient in making fine discriminations about col- ors, shapes, patterns, and brightness. Such effects lasted fGr rive or six months. In human terms, Dr. Jolie says, this could mean that tatlnc a couple of LSD trips might affect a student for an entire semester. Medical nsearcherw alao ara testing drugs that promise to help heroin addlcU break their habit. Two such drugs are methadGne, and cyclazocine. Questions and issues about most. of the mind-influencing drugs burn in fires of emotiGns and opinion.s. Scientific research promises to bring forth more badly-needed facts to help the public deal more effectively in the future with a plethora of drugs. The 'A' on Tom's sweater was won originally 1n football. GRIM NEW F ACf Now It might well stand for a grim new fact 1n bis life. Like hundreds of thousands of 9ther yowig men and women, Andy h~s been experimenting with one of the mind-hen· ding drugs. He is fast becruning an Addict. Where does he gG from here? . What influence will this have on his career and his life? What can his parents do about It? What can anybody do to safeguard teen-agera against the abtlSe of drugs and narcoUcs? For a most helpful discussion of such problems. see the series by Associated Press science writer Alton Blakeslee, starting in this paper on Monday. You \\-ill not want to miss a single instalment. YGu may also wish to Grder throu1h this newspaper an upanded version csll· ed "What You Should Know About Drugs and Narcotics." Loaded wttb information, It costs '1 and will be sent to you in a plain envelope. County Doctor Agrees Sirhan Mentally Ill LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Witnesses for the de!e.nse tn the trial of Sirhan B. Slrhan have t.esilfied the 25-year-old Arab immigrant Is meintally incapable of premeditating and carrying out a murder • Whal galled the prooecutJon Thursd1y w11 that the witness ccnoboraU118 that tootimony WM not llUllUllOO<d by the defense, but WU a court ... :ppolnted psychiatrist being paid by the county of Lo< Ange!el!. Dr. Eric H. MM'CUS told the court Slrban is unable to "matw-ely and mean- ln&ful!y"' deliber•" aoy munler, ind specifically the UMSSinaUon of Sen. Robert F. Knmedy. " DepJty Dist. A~y. David Fitts then trt«I to reduce to aimple language 1'1arcus' t e 1 t Imo n y Slrlwl b 1ebltopilmlic. "Let's auppoM a man 11 tmder 15tttss, pemapo from the effects ol • 100& trial,• said Fltls. "He goes borne and the kid.I are noisy and he blows up. Jt that a symptom o( ~hiiophrenla?'' "No, I would 11y that Is a mlddle cl11M neurotic ~?'·" Marcus "Plied. ' · .to Alreralt Bit Reds Strike 65 '. Uases~ Towns- \ SAIGON (UPI) -Tiie CGamlunlat.' wlnl<Nprtoc of!alve blued with ,,.,, lnlwlty todaJ .... Rod ....... lbelled II lolms pl boles In South VleWm. Senior -offldaJa Aid the ol-feoalve bad a IMO clwlco d bitting SaJaoa lhll -n.. Coman-burled three l10llllCI ....Wt. at American boles oo tlie ap-inadiel to ·the c11y wt were thrown back. In the ~ rubber planlallon 45 mllea northftll of Saigon ...,. unit. were reported r<treatlng, but the threat to SaJgon IDcreued from other arw. One of. the ()vnm1mi~ lhelling In- flicted heavy loaes al Chu Lai where 20 warplanel worth more than '20 mllllon w... damaged at cledlroyed. American commanders said a weekend attack on Sajgon had a ~ chance of coming off, but they said the big counter-offeruive through the Michelin rubber ptantaUon had killed nearly 500 North Vietnamese and may have disrupted the attack plans. The North Vietnamese 7th Division, oelleved called bl to spearhead the attack on Saigon, took the brunt of the allied counter~ffen.s!ve and was reporu.d retreating under heavy aerial bom· bardment by B52s. Intelligence eources Aid they learned of Communllt •ltaclt plan1 throup cap- tured document.. Comawxlera oa the b a ll I ell e Id northweot of Sa1gon Aid their operau .. AUu Wedp counteroflenalve, aimed at blocktq .. oltac1t .. Salgon, had killed 70 gumlllu to the past lour days. Bui the guerrlllss launched three counterthrusb:, tilling 10 Gls and woun-dil18 21 to one. Armadas of American .b52 bombers splattered at least 830 tons of bombs Into North Vietnamese soldiers reported to have fled tbe allies' AtJu Wedge drive for their War Zone c hideouts 55 miles northwest of the capital. · Qmmunlst rockets slammed into bGtfi military camps and SGuth Vietnamese towns, they said, inflicting over-all light !=es. The costliest salvo -one or the cos. tllest of the 27-da y-old Gffensive -slam- med into the U.S Air Force Base at Chu Lai, headquarters for a major detachment of American fighter-bombers on the central coast. lt left 20 warplanes smashed or unable to fly. The guerrillas accompanied their shell· lngs with three counterattacks on the ground against allied troops in the AUas: Wedge drive or trooper! supporting them , U.S headquarters said. Laird Declares Russia Going for 'First Strike' WASHINGTON (UPI) -Delense Secretary Melvin R. Laird decla.rtd today that Ruula's deployment of monster offensivt missiles meant they l•:ere. going for a "first strike"-the capability to begin nuclear war with a nuclear attack against the United States. Laird did not elaborate, although in testimony at a Senate hearing today and Thursday he referred reJ)'atedly to Russia's rapid buildup of SS9 missiles with warheads carrying a 20 to 25 megaton punch. "Our own warheads. • .are only a fraction as large," he said. Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.), asked Laird why the United States chose smaller warheads. Symington said Laird had given the impression that previous DemocraUc administrations had allowed RUS8la to gain a nuclear advantage. Laird aa1d that was oot what he meant. He said be agreed with the U.S. decision to concentrate on smaller warhead!. He then said: "We were going for a second strike e!apabillty. With their large metatonnage, they Wert going for a first strike and there is no question about that." In nuclear parlance, a "fuft strike" would be an initial attack -aimed at crippling another nation. A "second strike" would be the retaliatory firing of missiles by tbe nation attacked. Laird did not say how many SS9 mlsslles Russ ia has. But he based hJs case for deployment of the Safeguard missile defense system on its alleged ability to protect US. offensive missiles against Russian missiles. The Safeguard system as outlined by President Nixon, Laird and other ad- ministration officials was attacked by senatorial foes of the plan as "a defense In search of a mission" that would lessen rather than increase U.S. security. Sen. Albert Gore (D-Tenn.), chainnan of a Senate Foreign Relations sub- committee conducting hearings on the ABM, Jed sharp questioning of Laird. Laird tGday repeated his cGntention that the Safeguard plan v:ould protect U.S. missile sites so the United States could retaliate for any Soviet attack with ABM-protected U.S. missiles. The defense secretary read from a formal statement: "We cannot atop a massive Soviet attack on our cities ••• " "Nor on Gur missile sites," Core in· lerrupted. "It's easier to protect a few missiles than people," La ird replied. Gore said it was a •·matter of degree," then added : '·J can't see for the life of me how you or anyone else could conclude that if the United States ever fa ces nuclear war with the So\·iet Union they would send Gver just a few missiles -sort of a powder-puff attack." Hayakawa Balks at Terms Of SF State Settlen1e11t SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ~ The Black Students Union has called quits on a strike which disrupted the San Francisco State College campus for 4Yi months, but the college's acting president. Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, said tGday that several bitter issues remain unsettled. llayakawa declared that two firebrand NegrG instructors, Or. Nathan Hare and George Murra y, are through teaching at the college. tte held out a tentative hope of amnesty for strike agitators if they behave until April 11. In a lengthy statement, Hayakawa told a new1 conference that "student ablte&- tioo from classes is not and never has been a ltrlke in any proper sense of the term." The 1tudent boycott. with repeated out· bursts ol viG!enct, arson, vandalism and bombings, brought 700 arre.!lts. Regard- less of college disciplinary actions, those am.st.ed will face criminal court trials. Hayakawa, who opened the closed col- lege Dec. J called fer new financing to activate a black lbJdia department de- manded by the Black Stvdenta Union. fl~akawa made no mention of a settle- ment with students. Two leaderl of the Black Students Union announced Thursday that such a setUement had been reached. The dispute began Nov. & when the Sheared Police To Fight Ruli1ig SACRAM£N'I'O (UPI) -Three non- conformist C a 111 o r n I a FUghw11 Palrolmen have \Wed to go to court, U """""1J', to aboUah a rule which forced them to trim their handlebar m,,...d!et and llldebumL The shearllll took pi... In a Sacramen-to barber lhop _, an.r the p1lrolmen were giVftl a cholct al either lootng their musll<hfs and llldeburm or kl<t111 their jobs. The olllctn uld they lint ,...Id ap- peal to tho Sta .. P"""""'I Boord and, lf g<tllng no l&llsladloi, they would take their ..,.. to comt. scnool's BtacK Students t.Jnion issued JO "noo-negotiable" d~mands and stopped attending classes. The Third World Liberation Front joined the boycott 1 few days later and issued five demands Student leaders said lhc settlement Included a provision · for amnesty and, while some dissidents would be suspend· ed, none \\·ould be erpelled. Attorney Frank Brann, a member of a citizens' mediating team, said the settlement would ''prGvide a model for colleges around the country." UC Regents Face Vote on Faculty Hiring Conb·ol LOS ANGELES (AP) -University ol Caillornla regents prepared today to vote on a far·reachlng plan to exert more control over hiring key faculty members. Gov. Reagan arranged to at. tend the full board meeting today. The regents' F.ducatlGoal Policy Com- mittee voted 1-2 Thursday to ask for more study of proposals by Regent Edwin \V. Pauley of Los Angeles to revoke the campus chancellors' lhrtt-year-old authority to ~ t.SIOCiate profwora and profes.wrs and return that powtr to the board. Pauley told newsmen that abuses by chancellors ln making appointments are "too numerous lo mention." But Regent Edward W. Carter of Los Angtles later cautioned, "W~ want to be pretty JUre that poUUcal and phiJo!IOpbical consideraUons or the can- clidates are not a basis for dtnylng appo.intment." Regarding student problems, UC Presi- dent Charles J, Hitch told newsmen: "We don't feel we nttd any more help from I.he legislature.'' But he said UC wants thrte new laws aimed mainly al non-student 18llator1: anli-tttspass provbl<>ns "to keep troublemaker• o(f lht ~" Rubin 'Honored' Eight Indicted For Chicago Riot CIUCAGO (UPI) -Eight perSOll.5, Including the blggfst names in the a n t I establishment movement, are ,.the fir3t persons indicted under the antiriOt provisions · of the 1968 Civil Rights Ad as a result of the disturbances at the Democratic national convention. Eight Chicago policemen and a television network direc- tor for the National Broad casting Co. also were named in the indictments of 17 persons returned Thursday by a federal grand jury that hinted more in dictm ents y.•ithin 60 days. Four of the po l icemen already were under suspensior as the result of a police department investigation. The other four were suspended tQ. day. The Federal Bureau o. Investigation was handed waP rants to serve on the defen dants but announced no im mediate arrests. o.ivid Dellinger. Rennar '·Rennie" Davis, Tom Hayden. Abbott "Abbie" Hoffman, Jer ry Rubin, Lee 'Veiner. John Froines and Bobby Seale, either leadeJ's o[ protest Aid Promise Means Little On Anguilla ANGUILLA (AP) -The British government is prepar- ing to pour aid on the tiny Caribbean island of Anguilla, but the islanders show no signs of liking the carrot any better than the stick they're now getting. About 1,000 Angu!llans - one sixth of the island popula- tion -paraded past the schoolhouse headquarters of the British command Thurs- day, led by Acting President Ronald Webster on a motorbike and waving the flag of Anguillan independence, orange dolphins over an aqua sea . The British troops seemed fascinated by the gaily dress- ed protesters, who sang their freedom song to the Battle Hymn of the Republic and carried such placards as "Brutish British Go Home" and "Take Your Troops to Rhodesia." But the British com- missioner for the island, Anthony Lee, told \Vebster that the government in London recognized neither him nor his declaration of independence. "The British government view," Lee told newsmen after a confrontation with Webster, "is that this is an illegal situa- tion going nowhere fast." Webster in turn said the Anguillans would not recognize Lee's authority. The Anguillan leader said he proposed an immediate r.e fer e nd um permitting the people to decide whether they want (1) independence, (2) association with Britain as a state or their own, or (3) a return to the SI. Kitts-Nevis·Anguilla federation. from which the isla nd seceded two years ago Truman's RR Car Sold LOS ANGELES (UPI) The private railroad car from which fo rmer President HalT)' S. Truman "gave em hell" during his 1948 re-election campaign was auctioned off to a Missouri banker Thursday for $Tl ,000. The 82-foot-long car. com- plete with crystal, dishes and silver, was built in 1940 and refurbished in 1959 at a cost of $125,000. It has an observation parlor, four bed- rooms and four baths. The car was bought by Robert F. Koste, representing Alex Barket, president and board chairman or Civil Plaza National Bank in Kansas City, Mo. 1'eop1e still call us to ask, mercia1 operat.i<>M." "are the 'Ban the Jet' bumper Somewhere something ha.s stickers still available~" The gone awry. 'Ibe airport con- answer is ;'yes," just drop by tinue! to expand. More flights • , • use them, give them to are being added • • • and a your friends ••. band together hearing in Washington, D.C. tn a real crusade to stop the ne1t week will decide whether dangerous expansion of Orange or not a 1 hall dozen airplanet County airport. -will be added to the already * * * crowded facility. lf you are new to 1he fight * * * •.. or new to the area and Our baUle is to keep the are wondering "what's the airport from expand.inc: airport fuss all about." Let's a.nd to get going on a new take a qWclt look back to 1961. Site as recammended by the That was the year the Board expensive report of last year. of Supervisors made Ute finaJ * * * stand on the question, "Whal We won't quote all of the kind of airport will we have at mail we received alnoe the big Newport Bt.acb?" airline crash in South America. The answer was ' clear and The plane crashed at take-off concise -and fulfilled the into a group d OOmu near wishes of most (If the people the airport. Yes, it was a DCt. In Newport Beach and Costa Yes, it could happen al Newport 'Mesa. We think the answer still Beach! . follows the wishes of most of * • • the harbor are-.:i people. Let the FAA know how you The Supervi!IOrS said upon feel about It. Write: awarding of an engineering con-Federal AvJaUon Agency tract. lbe Board objective., are Regional Headquarters as foUows : "To develop the P.O. 8ox9000'7, Airport Station Orange County Airport as a Los Angeles, CaWomla 90009 feeder type airport to ac-Stop by, write or call w: at commodate executive type 48& Eatl 17th St. in Colt.a Atesa aircraft and light planes. Not • UJ)«talrs. Phooe 642-4404. We're u an airport to &erve large opto dally at 10:00. See you typo aiwalt or heavy com-Tutsday. The less·than·lour·grand price is manufacturer's suggested retail. It includes a lot: 350 hol'lleS. All- synchro transmission. Strato-bucket !eats. Hidden radio antenna. Vinyl-covered con- ·, F~doJ. MM<h 21, 1969 DAILY Pll.01 !; Talks With BunJi;er,... Nixon Seeks Pullout ·Views on U.S. troop reduction of hb secrtlary of defense, Melvin R. Laird, who made a war~ ztJr)8 lilspectton last week. Laird oald publicly that he saw no proepect for early witlidrawals. The consultations will give Nixon the chance to meet bis Saigon ambassador face-to-- face for the tint time. Bunker reportedly also bas been 'anxious to make a visit home for eome time. AdmlnlstraUon officials say that . no ~Jom on policy chang~ are due to come out of these talks. They also pie- lure the process of endlna or dwscalaUng the war in Vietnam•-~ a tong one. Nevttthe.~ some further development of Nlxon'a VJe~ nam policies seems likely llOOll. At present, Nixon Is In the poaltion of having oald that if ehemy attacks on tbe ciUes of South Vietnam continued some "appropriate response•• wouid be made but that "'7. action taken would be judge<l primarily for !a possible ef· feet on the Paris peace talks. The offensive bas been goillg on for four weeks. SlllSOllY 1912 HARBOR BLVD. lat 19th) COSTA. MESA sole. Nylon-pile carpeting. Soft-rim steer- ing wheel. .Recessed door handles. Plus what makes the Grand Prix so grand-longest hood in the industry. 118' Wide-Track stance, utterly distinc- tive front end. So If you always thought the Grand Prix was a $6,000 car, your only problem now i1 how to spend the $2, 13' left over. · Have a ball on Pontiac: See the Grand Prix at your POntiac Dealer during die Great BreakAWily ~ 'Manufacturw'• ~ n:tlD prb: iadodioc fedcnJ; aOet LU ud NUcatcd d'*1u new car prtPUat.ioa tharp. Datiaatioo dw'la· ltlt& ucl kal tu. ud optional equlpment additkmalo1 ' ) l ·- I DAILY PD..OT EDITORIAL PAGE I .0 • Congre·ss for Progress . Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce leaders present the second aMUal Congress for Community Progress at Golden West College on Saturday as • part of the chamber's continuing effort to stimulate com~ munity analysis and activity. The city's top leaders will meet at the college to discuss civic, economic, cultural and educational oppor- tunities locally. In addition Dr. Ivan Hinderaker, chan· cel1or of the University of California, Riverside, will discuss "What Makes a Viable Conununlty." Primll!Y pbrl>ose of the Community Congress is to bring ~~ther the community leaders so they may meet e :b_ other. Once acquainted, they can look at some of 1 the problems of the community with the feel· ing tha~·otbers are interested and able to work toward solving the problems. Chamber Manager Dale E. Dunn and Chamber President C. E. 0 Bill" Woods have done an excellent job in organization of this second congress. The list of speakers and panelists is impressive. It includes per- .sons who have an intimate knowledge of what the prob- lems are and others who can recognize opportunity in problems. Three hundred have been invited to attend the function. It begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends in mid-after· noon with a summary of the information presented during the panel discussions. • The first Community Congress held last ye.ar result- ed in many of the community's leedert realizing for the first time that the problems so often discussed as nearly impossible barriers to progreas actually were of •mall consequence in the long run. Since that one-day session, there bas been consider- ably more interest in becoming involved in the corn ... munity. The list of persons who have been interviewed for appointment to various volunteer positions within the City government, for example, read1 like the Ust·of those who attended the last Community Congress. Interest in development of parks has never been First Step to Health ls to Admit Illness " ----· -~ By EU.S?.'ORTH L. RICHARDSON, rtfinl!Ur ?<ielgbborMod Coagregatloul Cliurcll Lapaa Btacll. One ol the classic prayers ends with these words, "And there ls no health in us!" 'Ibere are not many people in this day and age whG would want to admit that. They Me not utterly lost! The psalmist reminds us, "Behold, t was sbapen in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me." Surely not as bad as that. .. and what about the father! To be sure people make mistakes and fall short and miss the mark, but they are not hoptle11ly bad! Former generations stressed the doc- trine ol "total depravity." If men were lotally bad how would they know the difference? They \\'OUld be so bad that they \\'ouldn't be aware of the fact that they were bad, You remember the Hebrew prophet who .stood up and said there wa.s not one righteous man left in Israel! He must have forgotten about himself! He was risking his popularity, was challenging the morality of hia na· lion. THE FACT THAT a few people, at least, were listening to him indicates that the.re was some "health" left in the nation, some awareness of spiritual sensitivity! The most encouraging sign is that if a man is aware that he is not altogether bad there is some hope for him! The first step toward health is to admit that one is ill. Such a person apparenUy wants to be well. '°• therefore, he is not totally lost! This is probably 'what the early church meant whtn it talked about "total depravity." Namely, that &in creeps in everywhere and infiltrates every part of the personality and leaves it& mark. Those of you who are naUve sons and daughters remember the orange groves. lt!any of these have disappeared. BEDQUIN TRIBES from the mid-west Dear Gloomy Gus: 11>.e on-a1ain. off-again Bolsa Islind nuclear dualUng and pow· er plant Jdea apparenUy wlll re- main in a state ol contw.lon until the Metropolitan Water District begins hauling rocks and dumping them in the sea off Huntington Beach. Until then it's "happy rumors." -J. F. t1'lll fat!'frl Nflectl ,..._ ........ ... -ily ttl-. ., ... ·--· .... YM' "1' .,_.. • •1-... Olllr Plltt. and the AU&.nµc states have brought their tents and pitched thtm. in uniform manner to form hou.sin1 tracts! But you will also recall, native sons and daughters, that we UHd to have cold weather and we would have to light smudge pots in the orange groves. I am told that housewivea in lhe vicinity of these irove1 dlscovertd that the oil smoke wu able to Infiltrate even the most UghUy closed doon .and Windows and everything within, cur;ains, draperies, nJil and furnltW'e became covered with an oily smudJe. SIN U LIIE THAT! The iMoetnt get involved too! Total depravity does not mean that a man never does anythln1 good; it means that. even when ho does, his good. ls stained, spoiled, twisted. A fellow clergyman was calllna: on a charming and gracious woman of some wealth and social bac ground. 1be con· versation turned to arlous difficulties that one has ants. She Wd, " ey ve everything thtse days, hlgh w e ahori workln1 boors, days off, and ye , they are more unaaUs· factory than ev . " The cleroman very diplomatically d, "Yes, they seem to have everything they want, except, ot course, the thing they want the most, which ii not to be a servant." SHE RF.SPONDED, "O( course, I nevt!' thought ol th1t, for t wouldn't take tht job for a thousand a week." Here abe wu e1post4 to this but had not yet comprtiiended the elementary truth! ol their feellnp, their atUtudu. Love calls: for aympatheUc tmapiauon that leaps acroa barriers, but sin keeps us from maklnc that leap. . . .so we end up c:oodtmninc a n d mlsun· dentandlnl. And there isn't much h•alth in us! California vs. Oklahoma ' After walchln1 TV the othtr night and llstf:ning to the radio, we have come to the conclusion that maybe California isn't the Promised Land and OkJahom1, even with (ts otcaslonal fog, iJ 1 pretty good plillce to live After all. • On the tube we watched raging tomn\3 cut through bridges and re.sidenlial areas with tmlfic dam..., to homes and prop- erty. And It bu only been a few weeks lince qujte a few California bomn built on the hllllktt, llid cm a .., ti mud to the valley below. Shorts Around Wuhingt.on, Political SciUICfl mUDJ telling the people how to rptnd lbelr -monty. • • • Grandpa ustd to 1ay life Is Uke a wheel WNit'a up today ls down tomor- row. U be were around tod1y he probably wvuld be playln& the marhl • • • Somt ol our educators llke to talk 1beot Iha aap(ioNI child. It ii oal1 their polite ...., for liUlt moron. ~--,..,.~.,..,~~~..,...,, . ..,.,.,. ( ''tueai FAito~l 1 - AA'D OF COURSE, there bu been lot.1 of news the last couple ol WHks about leaky oU weU.. 1pewJna the beachu and ahortllnu with aooey, sticky, dlrty ruldut. And thtn on other octaslonl Wt have read lbout the turiblt brush r1tt.1 which dtvutated thool&ndl ol aa-.., lncludinl trpemlve boma whldl hid .,..poet prtvlous mud slldu and floods. Also, we have read ol 1moa: and fof that ha\'e c1uled tOlk:ar pUe UP' oa &ht fteewl)'s. We won't even dl9t'UJS earthquakes, hlpples and stude.nt riots. TO CAP rr ALL the other momint we beard a radio n!port that Southern California residents are now btlne warn- ed to bewart of hippopotamJ and crocod:Ues frttd from %008 by the recent nood1. How about that. A little Oklahoma dust no1lin1 around In Lhe a.1r right now wouldn't lffm bad at all. Eald, OkJa., Ntw1 iruter, investigation of opportw>lties for the minority 1roups including jobs and boulin1 IJ Ullder way and curing ot UJ,e ills of the old downtown section bas !>tr come an Important actlvtty of the community. Perhaps the most lmpo~t suit of the ast co .. gross for Community Prosre11 s that le from all parts of the ctty met and IJ.rte~ er to the problems facing the community. This year's verlion opens on a note of success be-- cause of the willin111ess of Individual• to give up a day of personal pursult.o in favor of doin( aomethlng for their community. Out of the Darkness Fountain Valley City Councllmen have called a •pedal meeting for tonight to discuss the pennlts gran~ ed for construction of a tract with lots less than the city's minimum of 7,200 square feet • . The meetipg is a demonatratlon that the council IS open about conduct!nJ the public'• business. It also may help answer criticism that the personal involve- ment of all city employes and councilmen may not have been sufficienUy known to the public. The subject ts the controveralal Larwin Tract plan- ned for Ellis Avenue at Newland Sir~. It has been approved as a planned development, with some lots as low as 5,000 square feet. · If. ~ere is any real criUc~m involved of city offi .. cials 1t 1s not of the honesty of the planners or council· men, bu( rather of allowing the tract and themselves to become involved in a cloud of confusion, charges and counter charges and suspicion. because three of the councilmen and the city attorney are involved in the real estate business. The council want& this matter brought out of the darkness of confusion and into the light of public scrutiny. At a p.m. this will be done. ($) -YES, Fountain Valley Cou~lmen Ca11 Be Objective' Mayor Answers Questio,ns Raised The follototng lttter, while con.rid· 1rabl11 Longer than our normal limit, U printed i1i full becauie Ma11or Robert D. Schwerdtftptr is one of the Fountain Valle11 real estate mtn di· rectly concemtd with the DA ILY PILOT'1 tditorial comment of March 14. The editorial raised the question whethtr dtv ordinances which de· tennine lot sites and other sptdfica· tion.s can bt proptrl11 objective when they art drawn up bv a man with rtal rstate intrre1ts (dt11 ottoNltJI) ond pa.ssed b11 11 courteil controlled in numbtrs bt1 nal 111tate brokers. Tht editorial concluded: "No OM questiom tht individual integrity of th.t mtn involv•d. But their per1onal interest& 10hich coift.- side to a large ahare of city business -place t1ttm in a prtcariom posi· tion. They art open for conflict of in· tere.st charger, whethtr OT' not th1 charges are true." -Editor To the F.dltor: Your edltorlal of March 14, "A Preea.riouR Position," raises aeveral points whldl should be clartfled. First, I would like to comment on your main question ". . . Can city ordinances which dettrmlne lot mu and other speclflcatlona be properly ob- jective when they are drawn up by a man with real estate i.Jlterests, and passed by a council controlled In numbe.rs by real estate brokers?" 'The attswer as it relates to Fountain Valley ia a resounding YES! TO D.LUSTRATE this point, I rubmit the following e1am.ples of ttfUJatory legislation lnl.tiated and pautd in the last five years by the "real estate in- terests," as councilmen and former plan- nin& commiuioners. 1. Undereround utlllUes jn .ti aub- dlv1sions. 2. "Suburban" type or "ranch style'' service Bta.Uons, with lmbcapi.Jlg and sign control. S. Strict 1lgn control on commtttlal development.I. 4. Increased landacapin& of commm:ial and Industrial devcl:)J)ment (from S per· cent to 10 percent of arta). . 5. Jncreued m1nimum noor aru.s In all rl!Sldential developmenta. I. CONCRETE driveways, ahake Of' tile roof1, ornamental ltrftt 11ahts and SiJM, masonry block Walla and land.9caJ>- ing, plua double park fees on any reduced lot lboilubmlttals. 7. Development Review Board Oft all construction ln Fountain Vllley to control archltecture. . I. A ceneral undereround utlllUes ordinance for the enUre city which sets up districts to be "undtrsrow>cfed." t. Contlnuow: updatln1 of the "uniform buUdin1 code" which re&Wale.s con· atructlon standards. 10. lncrtutd standards on pr!\•ate streets. alleys and parkl.na lots. 11. Amendment No. 5 to the '-fast.er Plan which imposed planning standards on the former a AC "A,nculture Preserve" whldl wu btln( developed at random. AS YOU MAY rteall, we met with rre•t opposition on several or these ordinances from Soul.hem CalUomia Edi.Jon Com pan)', the Huntif\llon Beach Board of Realtors, se\·ual major oil companies, several llgn companlu, and man)' local land devtloptrt and their qtnts. You made refere.nce to the Larwln Tract, and the surrounding confusion afler spproval. This tract "'as procel.Hid undtr toning l1ws which wm ln effect bdott 1 mo\·tcl to the clly. The only "confusion" t am a'llo'are of wu in Ult manner ln Letttra from rta<Ur1 art tDticOTM. Normallt1 tDrlttrs 1hould eonv111 their mtJsape in 300 words 01 ltl!. The right to condtme letters to fit tpaet 01 eliminat4 libel iJ T"t.sen:ied. All letters must includt rig-nature and mailing addrt.S.!, but naTM! mcu be tDithh•ld on f'equ1rt if tufficient rec. son ta apparent. which our plannin1 commission pro- cessed the l.entatlve t r a c t map after rezonlnt. AS TO THE MERITS of the tract itself, it t.s an R·l PD 7200, with 5 lots per acre, with an elementary school slt.e, 12-acre public park, private club house and swimming pool, and open green belt areas leading to the park (fully developed on the £dlaon property by the developer). l am quite proud of this project, and am proud of the fact that J was irutrumtntal in providing for a $200,000 savings to the city in tht development of this park. Admirably you pointed out that I dis- qualified myself from voting and declared my interest in the tract; however, you add tht statement, "But their influence couldn't help but be felt." TID8 POINT I must take e.xceptlon to. Neither the planning commission nor the City Council wu aware of the fact that I wu the stllln& broker until they had voted on the raonlng. One more point to clear up before closing. There 11 only ont ttal est.ate broker on tht Fountain Valley City Coun- cil -myself. There are two members who have real flt.ate aalesmen'a licenses. One ls a full-time high school teacher in the Lona Beach district who sells resale homes part time for a Huntington Buch firm, and the othtr is in the fanning produce buslneu on a full-time basis and does IOme part time selling for a ftnn in Newport Beach. THANK YOU very much for com- menUni that "no one questlonB the in~ dlvklual i.Jlterrlty of the men involved." Up until the time you printed your editorial I would have agreed with you, now l am ·not so sure. Your editorial does n1'e some very legitimate points, However, It also ralst1 llOme doubt.. ln the mlnd1 of the people of Fountain Valley about men who work hard at publlc 1ervlce, and who were all endorstd by the DAILY PILOT. I would consider it a personal favor lf you would print thit letter on your edltorl1l ))lge. ROBERT D. SCHWERDTFEGER Mayor City of FountaJn Valley Salenna11, Not BroJcer To the Edltoc: In rtf""""' to yoor ectll«W Utltd, ''A Precarloui Posltiml,'' whkti appeared Mardi 14: To oet tho lido lltr>i&ht, let me state that one d the couneilmn you allude to u a broter ii not a broker bot a Wesman, which is quite different. To my knowledgt this coun.. cilrnan ha.s not actively engaged ln any real estate tranaactiona for 1t1me Ume. Your editorial abo lndlcate1 that I, too, am a broka'. The fact is that ~--·· o...,.. .. ---· CONFIDENTIAL TO A VIS: W•I~ you know what they ,.y. If you don't suc<ff'j the first tim<. my license was received In December, 1967 and I am still a sa~esman, not • broker. I am employed, fulf time, as a teacher in the Long Beaeh district, and in crder to supplement my teacher's salary and to prepare myseH foc the future I am cunenUy attempting to sell houses that are resales. Never have I entered into ijle business of the: sale of land. The only broker on the c<>uncil i! the mayor, and he can speak ror himself. I FIND rr dillkult to und<r&tand the lack of rese.arcb on the laws established by the state and the city of Fountain Valley. Our land ordin.ance number llfil inditates four or five houses to the acre. Our PD ordinance allows a devia- tion from 7 ,200 square feet a lot. It appears that many Individuals hold this number to be sacred. On the basis of past experlence U we held to the 7,200 square feet per lot the citizens would soon learn to their sorrow that the. quality ol houses eould and would deteriorate considerably. Is it not understood that only under something like a PD can the city make demands sw::h as ornamental street lights, trees, landscaping, block walls, and many other out-of-the-Ordinary demands? Under a straight R-1 the stat(! laws restrict ~ city in what Jt can demand trom a developer. I WONDER WHY there was no op- posiUon to speak ol Mien Green Valley was authorized, or the PBS corporation development, or Villa Monterey, or La Linda, and when the public bodies recently gave their OK to a development with a nUnimwn of 4,800 square feet. Why is it that the Larwin development is suddenly suspect, and some coun- cilmen, by inference, art adjudged to possibly have special interest,,? If the argume.nt is the use or the Edison easement, then once again ( request that tht laws be checked. If the Edison easemert were deleted, the Jaw would still &llow the Larwin develop- ment.. We are fortunate In that tht easement will be deW:loped at a cost of approximately $200,000 and the cost to the city Is nothing. • 1rr~Uve of the Individuals involved in the Larwin development, even if it Included the editor ol this newspaper, I would still v«e for it bee.a~ of its benefit to the city ancLits citizen!. THE ?tlAYOR AND city attorney, as you indicated, did have a vfllt.ed interest and atmalned from taking any action. To my knowledge this ln!ormatloo wait not known to UB until the councu meetlng and the actu.a.J V()(e had been taken. Their pubUc di.sclolure , and abstention WU legal and honorabl .. Your tdltorial infers th1t all in- dividual.s should be excluded from public Rn1ct if they earn ~ir Uvellhood in real estate. What is to stop us from passing 11 llw excluding all owners of property 1f they own more th.an one lot7 Why shouldn't we also eicludl! architects, buildtng cootractors, private ..,,ui..n, lllOlleY lendtrt, ad lnflnJtum! lt 11 poqible that they couJd have a conruct of inttrest. 111E PROCF3SES ol ortltrly, lawful governmtnt under our l}'llem tends to preclude deviota or unlawful action. This puticular deve.lopment, like 111 others, had to contend with the respectJve cJty departmenu befort It rtacbed the Plan- nJng Commission and the City Council. l can assure you th1l the Larwln de,·elop.. ment wu .scn1UNz«I very c1refully prtor to ILi passagt. It Is Interesting to aott that ~ wa.s no disctmiblt oppoilt!on uMll llt.r the public dlJclolun of the Involvement of the mayor. It might be interesting to peruu the voting record of the council and statements made by certain cooncilmen over the past year or so. You might find this to be a political f9Qtball. IN ALL THE years that I have b~n Involved in city government I have at- tempted to do what was of benefit to the city and iU citizens. I shall continue to operate oa that premise. I would suggest that in the futurt', rather than c.asting aspersions, that you search for the truth and if there it wrongdoing take the appropriate legal steps to rect.ify the sltuation. This to me is the honorable way. I would appreciate it if this material C"OU!d be included on your editorial page as a full rebuttal to your editorial. DONALD V. FREGEAU Vice 1t!ayor City of Fountain Valley Clarlflratlo11 To the Editor: DAILY PILOT coverage of the request of the College Teachers Guild, Local 1911 of American Federation of Teachers, for rt<:1lgnition from the Orange Coast Junior College Di.strict Board of Trustees requires the following clarification: 1) It is the Guild's view that unequal application of the regulations "caused Orange Coast and Golden West campus faculty associations to Jose recognilion, '' aot, as your report implies, the Guild's request. Neither the Guild nor the faculty associations mel board regula; tlons for CPA certification of members in good standing, yet the organization to which adminislrators belong (facully association) was granted recognitiori while the organiz.ation which is limited in membership to teachers (the Guild) was not given recognition. Is it any wonder when such conditiorui exist that: a) A teachers' union exists and b) mem: be.rs are reluctant to publicize their names? 2) NOT AU. organization! will go unreeognized by the board until neW" regulation! are drawn ; the faculty senatei is not a dues-paying organization and, consequently, will maintain its recogni· tion. 3} 11ie Guild 's position before the board was reasonable. Jt o!fered to submii a nota.rized statement of the number of members in good standing this year, and requested that the membership number requirement be applied in future years onJy when a negotiating council is in effect. Thank you for allowing me to clarify this matter. JAY ZIMMERMANN President OCJC District CTG AFT Local 1111 --~-- Friday, Mareli 21, 1969 Tht tdUorial po:g• ot tht Daflrt PUot ittlu to inform and 1tim. ulate rtadert by prestntina thb n110spapt:r'r opfniom and am. mtrttarv on topict o/ i1Ut1'1'd and tign,ffcancr, by provfdinQ • forum for thr exprea.rlon of ovr ua~rs· opinions, and bv pre.st11.dr.a the dtv1ru~ oftu1- poi11U of informed obteTCtrr end apokctmn on toptc1 of lhl de~. Rob<rt N. IVeed, Publlsher Fr1day, Mareb 21, lM DAILY flLOT ' 7. CHECKING · •UP~. Dick, Harry Unlikely to Reminisce ' Wlio · Is ·the Best PuhJ.ie. Speaker? .. By L M. 801'D " Gabor Wall a wonderful IF YOU'ltE IUGin'·HAND-ho~i:eeper?" A. Not me. S~e ______ .:._;.__ __ w d. it. Actually what ·she said , ED, try signing your nan1e · was, "I'm a .vu a d0e r f-u I • backwards from rlgllt to. left housekeeper. Eff:Q' Ume I get with your left hand. Or with a difor~. t keep the house." your right, ~ you're ~efl-h,and· WHAT ~ THE ONE' most " ed. Use thin paper -so you 1-:1: thin th 't II can read It from ~ back !b.gu.i.uC~~ g ~ a ows : when you ,hold it up to the. some c1ti:re!18 to live ~ a light. That's mirror writing. ripe old a~e. No new ques~1on1 It's not so hard. Left.-handers ~~ A C~cago doctor ~la1ms, are usually better at it. than Ne_1ther diet nor .berechty_, ex· ' right·handers, I'm tokL That erctse or rest, ~ice or virtue famous left"..hander Leonardo can ~ as unporta~t to da Vinci, for instance. He kept loog~v1ty as the desire t~ II ., not books · · survive. Before all else, u a , n1S e In nurror is the will to live that is ecript. paramount." Quite possibly IT'S REPORTED to be fair· so. Take the. case of old J ames ly common practice now M. Peebles. In 1884 at age among the medicoes tel advise 62, he wrote a book called, overweight patients to cut "How t<l Live a Century." their coffee intake to three And wanting mqre t h a n CUP6 a day , • • ANOTHER anything else to prove be knew THEORY as to the why of what he was talking about, the Mona Lisa's enigmatic he survived another 38 years smile is attributed by some t<l die in 1922 at the age to the possibility she had no of exactly 100_,_ . teeth •.. OUR LOVE AND \VAR hlAN says no bride should forget Helen Rowland's wise advice to young married Jadies: "Never trust a hus- band too far, nor a bachelor too near." .•. IF MR. JAJ\IES GERGORY isn't the most competent character actor to turn up on television since Everett Dirksen, who is? . •. A LOS ANGELES BARBER \Vith a prosperous clientele says that professional man most apt to dye his hair gray is the obstetrician. RAPID REPLY: Yes, Mrs. H., at last report there were about 400 lady veterinarians nationwide. Your questioni and com- mentt are welcomed and will be used wherever pas· sible in "Checking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of the DAILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92663 53 Story LA Building Set LOS ANGELES (AP) Two firms have won approval to b u i I d the city's tallest building in the downtown Bunker Hill urban renewal project. Good Old Cuban Cigar Going So9n WASHINGTON (UPI) - Unless the Un.ited States and Fidel Castro's Cuba make up fairly soon, this country may run out of Cuban cigar tobacco In 1970. Cigars made from Cuban tobacco, or blends containing Cuban leaf, have traditionally been highly prized by many cigar smokers. Agriculture department of. ficiats say U.S. stocks of Cuban tobacco have dropped to 1,997,000 pounds as of the first of this year, down about 1.2 million pounds in a year's time. That indicates U.S. cigar manufacturers used the Cuban leaf at an average rate of slightly more than 101.000 pounds a month during 1968. If that consumption rate continues, the stockpiles will run dry in about 20 months . Supplies of the Cuban tobac- co were cut off from American manufacturers when th e United States broke trade relations with the Castro regime and imposed an em· bargo ln February, 1962. When the embargo went into effect, U.S. manufacturers and dealers bad about 49.5 million pounds of Cuban tobac· co in stock. These supplies, held under bond, have been gradually used up throua:h the past seven years. , WASHING TON (AP) -Wlll Riehm M. Nixon apologize for on~ having called bis bolt a traitor, a lemon picker. a litUe man, and one ot tbe i-'ftt pruideols 1be United states ever bad? Will Harry S. Truman, 14, "start a fight" or "punch '°" meone" when Nlxoo. comes to call? Or, u ls more likely, will the nally pollticaJ halcl>et 1et a quiet, decent burial when the pest and present presidents get together today in Independence, Mo.? The pres i dency hag sometimes bad a way of blur· ring old quarrels as in· cwnbellt.s reach out to their predecessors -the only b'Wnan beings who ca n knowledge.ably commiserate over the burdens of ~ offlce. Nixon, who will drop il'1 on Truman on the way to a West Coast weekend, ls leading wtlh a hefty peace offering: tht piano Truman used to rela1 with in the 'Vbite House. He once called Truman a "plano- playlng letttr-writtr." It will go to the Truman Library. And Truman? "He has the greatest respect for the jOO of president,'' his former military alde, retired Maj. Gen. Harry H. Vaughan, aaid Thusday. ''He would be courteou< and respedful lo anyone who ··occupied that of· flee." But Vaughan was quick to concede that '"thel'f: has never been a w.ry warm rapport there. The President (Truman) was mad as the devil after Mr. Nlxon made a very unfortunate statement about '20 year1 of trta90n' in the 1952 campaign.II The 1952 campaign was often savage. Ni.100, thtn a 39-year4d California senator, was running far vice president and making the really lough political speeches lhunned by the leader ol tbe Republican Ucket, Dwight D. Elaeohower. Communism was the big 1.$mJe. And in Teurkana, Tex., one October night, Ni1on, who had a reputation as a Red· hunter, said this: ' ' T h e Truman-Acheson- dianapolla, Truman was •'the urnplp lemon-plcier of all time." And Truman, Nilon told a crowd ln J.oplln, M o . , "probably will 10 clowu In history u one of lhe poorest . pmldenls tbe Ualted Slates e\ltt· bad." He abo·aceuaecl ~ Trumon admini1t.t1Uon -"ffie rucals in Wuhlnston'' -of cor- ruption and coddllnc Com- munllls, blomlng tt for tbt -d " Comrnunlorn In \)OStwar Arntrlca. He called the praident spineless, a dirty fiCf>ter, and a liar. "Harry Trunuln b rapidly taming the rtputation ot not being oble lo Jell the truth," Nixon aald. Two years after Truman was out of oUtct, Nixon. lhtn vice pttsldent, resumed the attack in the 19M t"Ofto gressiooal camp;µgn.s, c~ tending tbat tbe Ei.senhowe.r admini.stratlon bad cleaned out thou.sands ()f Communists and other security risks ac- cumulated during Dt~ocraUe years. Truman was furious. 1n N<lvember 1955. the L o s Angeles Times said Truman rtplled as follows when 11ked by a reporter wbal he tbougbl about Nilon as a PoSSible 1860 presidential candidate: "l don't like the son of a b-and I don't ca.re who knows it I don't even want to ~uss that son ol a b-. Don't even mention his name to me." Truman lattt denied havrng used profanity. 1 ,., 1 You're invited to the-J He wa1 takl.ng one ol h:is ~omlng walks ln Ne.w Yort Clty a few months later. Chat. Ung with reporters, he said: "l wouldn'l meet NllOl1 again. It would juat ltttt a ligbl. "Thal'• the awfulest lhlnc a m.an can be called -a lrallor. When l set started on that, 1 don't want to 1wtu", I want to punch aomllooe. It'• hard lo lske -being called a traitor after 30 yeara ti. service to your country.'' ... Japanese Spring Festival of Arts Monday, March 24. 1:30 p.m. Flower arranging. Mme. Kazuko Sbimbashi Tuesday, March 25, 1:30 p. m, Bonsai trees~ Mr. Y oshio Naka Wednesday, March 26, 1:30 p.m . Classical and kabuki dancing~ Mme. Rokuka Hanayagi Thursday, March 27, 1:30 p.m. Sumi-E brush painting~ Mr. Shoun lgarasbi • • Ktmoro-dad hostesses will inform and guide you. Oriental artifacts, cos- tumed dolls, floral arrangements, bonsai tretS and paintings will be dis- played throughout our offices. Tea and refreshments will be served. These events are coordinated by Mme. Rokuka Hanayagi. Co-sponsored by Costa Mesa Art. League and Huntington Savings & Loan Association. (Main Office: Huntington Park)' Where are all the fe'stivities taking place? HUNTINGTON SAVINGS Costa Mesa Branch, 3310 Bristol Street (across from South Coast Plaza) • HOW OLD were you, yoong lady. when you took your first taxicab ride? When did you first go shopping alone? How about your first date, do you remember your age then? . .\net how old were you the first time you ever went to a party thrown by a friend? At the age o( 19, England's Queen Elizabeth II, now reigning discreetly, had done none of these things. By age 20, however, she was out checking the action, although not wilh much abandon. Tbe SJ-story skyscraper will go up acrou the .Veet from Central Library, moving the hub of the downtown financial district westward. The Pacific Coast Stock Exchange will be a principal tenant. The United States produces most of the cigar wnipper tobacco .used by American manufacturers, but an in- creasing Percentage of cigar filler tobaccos h.a.s been com• lng from foreign countries in recent years. Stevenson Democrats bave forfeited their rights to the tupport of millioos of good, rank-and·file members ol the Democratic Party. They are trallors lo the bigb princlplell------ CUSTOMER SERVICE , .Q t•\VUO is considered t h e greatest public speaker of our day?'' A. who else but Abba Eban of Israel? Incidentally, understand even when he readt in silence, he moves his lips. Abe Lincoln did that. So did Robert Frost. It's said almost all the poets and orators do it, that they just can't grasp the significance unless they can hear the noise of it in their heads • Q. DID YOU SAY Zsa Zsa LA Population. At 7.1 Million LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los Angeles County gained 67,1611 people in 1968, bringing the population to 7,154,BU as of Jan. 1, the CountY Regional Planning Commission reports. The population has r i s e n 1,112.145 since 1960, the la.!it official census. Major suppliers of cigar ruler imports include the Dominican Republic, Mexico. Honduras, Colombia, Brazil and the Philippines. Jn addition to imports <lf tobacco for use by U.S. cigar makers, the United States last year imported an estimated 40 million fore i gn·m ade cigars. These represented only one hall of one percent of American consumption and cannot, under the terms of the 1962 embargo, include any tobacco of Cuban origin. in wh1ch many ()f the natlon'a Democrats believe. Re a I Democrats are outraged by the Tr um a n-Ache110 n· Stevenson g8.Jlg's toleration and defense ot Communism in high places." Deali Acbeoon, of coot,., was Truman's stcrttlry of state; Adlai StevtnlOD the Democratic candidate to auc- cttd Truman. "Wt need a big man Al , pres'ident," NIJ:on satd In Sheridan, Wyo .• ''becaU!e wa have had a little man for the last seven years." In -choosing the men around hbn, Nixo n said in In DAILY PILOT CARRIERS HONOR ROLL I Tilt DAILY PILOT b proud of its corps of young salesmen who deliver the newspaper to your door. The11 young men are t he cream of the communit11. Each month, the best of them wilt be 1eltcted for lilting on th4 Honor RoU. Each carrier listed hert has <lbtained at least four new cmtom4!rs during the pa.it month, had no more than one customer complaint for the month and must have paid his biU for the newspapers he bought "wholtsolt" on time. An asterisk(*) in front of his name means that carrier was nominated bt1 hi.s o:didt super- visor to be the , DAILY PILOT Carrier of Tht Month. •Tim Fu111•1• f2 Monlht) 6!1n Alcl in91r Grt9 fllt91r1ld M111ry f11r11111 l lll Tho11111 Ao-trt Cerl1on I 2 Mo11lh1 ) Mile Pottt Jo11 Fi1ld1 K1nt •om11 12 Mo nt~1l Jtrry Smith fl Month1l Tolfl Wi1!1on Richer4 Smith Jim O'M1lf•v Je,,y Kl1tt D1 l1 Hrnt•"• Vinct nl 01wl111 Gilb1r+ lrtiwn 1111 Fry Ounc•n Str11111 Tony Al1.end1r St1v1 W1 llinffo11 ~ic\ Wh11l1r 12 Month1 ' Ml~• '•11l1tn 01v:cl Ahh1i41 l r1il 01,1111 12 Mo11lhtl .Arnold An911lcl 12 Month1) lerry Fin1I S~ip Fr111r C11rfi1 Entifll R111dy Alb1rt1on Ml\1 Holch•ltt 12 Month1I Oen11l1 Htlll'l•t f Carrier of The Month *Tim Fumess, 13. of Costa Mesa Tlm h•1 been • DAILY PILOT c•rrier for 26 months. Anc4 ev•n with his paper route •nd his hobby of keeping tropicel fi1h1-h ... he1-found t.lme . .to-pl.y-on..hi1--- 1chool'1 football enc4 baseball t•ems. He al10 is en elt•r boy et St. Joechim'• Church . For sellln9 new subscriptions to •he DAILY PILOT, Tim hes wo11 numtr• ou1 prl1e1 end trips Tn the p••f. His adult 1upervi1or s•ys, "Tim Is very polite •nd courteous end i1 very well ll•ect by ell of hi1 cu1tomer1." Dtftftll Win,h11t.r 11 Mo11t1i1f Mlkt ~olll1m111tr_ ll114y Q11tlttrtl De•• S<1hwt It M•nfht1 Rlch114 Menkr 12 Me11 thtl" W1yn1 He1111r •1,..,111 J1~n111t K!rt lltc.i Sceft H1lli1rbr11h Jon St1wett 12 Menthsl Ch•rll1 M1t41w1 • 1961Woft 0...,. r.odwtl Our car the movie star. lnct9dible as it sounds, Y"'J a'9 lool:ing ot the romantic lead of a big new Hollywood picturo • Please.no~ The pictUN ii Walt Diiney Studio's "The Lo... ~g.." And our VW appears (in all its real. life 1plend9r) 01 Herbie, t~e main character. Why would a big film studio wont to make a movie otor out of the bug? Why not? . On.. signtd up. tht bug won't uddenly stat! making Crf11.Y demands. (A gallon of gos for every 27 miles Of so is on.) No studio could oskfo< a lea te<r.peratner>- tol stor. (It'll war'. ony time, onyw"-and iii any weather.) Or one with ~bad habits. ~t doesn't even drink water.) Or one that ages so gracefully. And of course, there isn't a performer around that's better known to the public. Who ela makes three million personol oppeoronces on the rood every doy 7 SH our car in Walt isney Studio's "The Love Bug!' I NIWl'ORT llACH ChlJ Iverson, Inc:. 2116 Newport lift. 1714) 67Uf00 APISTAANO 1te1, Inc. 32152 Volle Rd. (7141 499-2241 HUNTINGTON BEACH H•rbour Volksw•91n 11711 a.och Boul1Y1rd (714) 142"1435 '· • . . •• • 8 DAILY PILOT .,,3 BSU -Members Sen tented LOS ANGELES (AP) - Three members of the Black Student Union al Cal State Los Angeles have been stn- , tenctid to 30 days in jail (or their part in the ransacking of the college's admissions of- fice last July. Winfred Tennision, 21, David Jones, 23, and Henry Parks, 22, Y.'ert also ordered ·Thurs· day to rt.pay the college tor $680 in damage. Superior Court Judge Ray· mond Choate said t h e ransacking was the "act of a spoiled, petulant group of children who didn't get their ·"·ay." Prosecuting attorneys said the incident occurred after the college 'administration re!uSf!d Friday, March 21, 1969 1M1 m.AHOt WOU, ... ~M~c ~-. • 11 !j •· ,, I• l to meet several demands, in--~----------~----------­C'luding more black faculty --- Faces Police Dearittg -O'Brien Acquitted leoded IN! O'Brleo had find In aeU defense at Baskett liWWli at. him with a atlck. ~ ... --. --- GRAND OPENING z for· 1 Sandwlcll $ale Today and Tomor-Only. March 21 and 22 AT THE SANDAL 16821 PACIFIC COAST HWY., SI.INSET IEACH Dancing * No Cov•r ,. laplwlc,._ lty THE SANDWICH GALLERY . ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The JO-week trial of white policeman Michael O'Brien ended with hi! acquittal on a voluntary man.slaughter charge in the shooting death of George Baskett. a Negro truck driver. tlon as he heard the verdict Thursday. With an escort ol police officers, he qWckly left the courtroom with h1s ann al'OWld a weeping red-haired girl friend. He refused com- ment. 1be all-whlte Superior Court jury of seven men and five women returned its verdict after 23 hours ot deliberalioo extending over four days. He aaJd O'Brien was kk:ked and ~ned by angry Negroes before his eocouDter with Bukl!U. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proeecutioo wit n e 11 e s/1 t..tilled that llalkett picked up Ille IU<t ooly alter O'Brien had Warned that M WU going Defeme Attorney J. W. E h r I i c k predicted O'Brien suspended since the &booting, would be retuf)led to duty. But O'Brien faces a Police Commission hearing, as yet unscheduled, on charges of ''unofficerlike conduct." O'Brien, 28, showed no emo- 01ie Killed, 2 Wounded O'Brien was charged with shooting Baskett, 28, in a cUspute that flared with a group o! Negroes after a pass- ing car scraped a boat O'Brien and another off-duty white of. ficer were returning to a garage near the Hall of J ust.ice. "This verdict is a definite vindication of the entire police department1" said EhrUck, a veteran trial lawyer. "The en.- tire police department was put on trial here," be said. lo "1oot. 'Ibey said Baskett "" trying to knock O'Brien's service revolver from the of- ficer's band when he was shot. Prosecutor WaU« Giubbini said O'Brien could havf' Sub- dued Baskett without :shooting him. In the third day of delibera· tion, jurors reported themselves deadlocked at 10.1. I See by Today's Want Ads e Love, Makes the world re round, •• especially In this case - a round b@d with tabu1ou1 qUilted headboard ••• $200. You'll receive FREE: bedlpread, pads. decorative pillows, and other assorted pxties. AJ.. '° for sale, a Mediterran- ean 1tyle triple chest, mlr. ror,.and 2 stands, for nso. and a stepped up Afro-1 American Studies Program. ln municipal c o u r t , meanwhile, the leader of the BSU at San Fernando Valley State College was sentenced to nine days in jail for con- tempt cl court. Fire, .8 Arrests Mar Calm at City Schools In Drug Raid LANCASTER (UPI) -A suspected narcotics dealer was killed and two sheriff's deputies wounded in a shootout in a motel room Thursday night. In. the trial, Ehrlick eon- Superiw Court Judge Joseph Karesh ordered them to keep working for a verdict. They finally agreed on acquittal about 24 hours later. AWOL TeenCaptured e Ban'el of Fun: And ramn •.. a 1poruman's Wihches. ter rifle, 270, Model '721. Wincheater ban-el, Rem- ington bolt action, Lyman 4X scope, Red Field mount, and strap. Barely used, $135. e Coita Meta Chann.: For WIUTI'IER (UPI) -Two M h A OL rent. -•mall unturnlahed urp Y, W from Camp 2 bedroom houR, $90. Archie Chatman, 21, made obsctne gestures at police of- ficers as they testified at the trials of other BSU members earlier this week, police said. Three ml!mbers of the cam- pus group we.re convicted \Vednesday and a fourth "-'IS acquitted on a charge of failure to disperse at a cam- pus rally Jan. 9. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Two incidents marred an othenvise quiet day Thursday at city schools still t~ from a boycott called la.st week by black militants. Eight youths were arrested for loitering outside Carver Junior High. Only four were students. Mothers patrolled the campus and were credited Legis1.ature in Action I Y TM Aueclet.• p,_ T"""'Cllr, INlrclt a Slife otftclels r$ON !'ht w !r.1111• cert of bo~!nt' montY 11 11'1r .. '9n'"9 '" stop '#Ork on C.llfoml1'1 1!1lewtdt Wl'9<' Prelt('I, t-~Jiii from buy- !,. ,,_ IJ'ld INltt CGnltrudfGll " loc1I ld'lool~. TN• ASSEMI L Y 11111 '"'''" Dnl11 -lnc:re1wt .,....ltlft "" - i!>Slofl fw 1111, 1111 l r.d 111-to I m!.-f!I UO 1fld Di'llel'" r~rlcted di ,._ l~r'Ol.ll dNtS/ All lit, Wtk~leld, llt- Swtll Gff•· Cr1M -lltem~v~ explr1tlor! d,ate "~ se15llll1 fOI' the e"""~ci•1 t'lklnt o# e .. bs; All ,.,,, 111ottr. llt·Eu,..1<1. M1..i. -f:xtef\ds Pf'OY!llOll dt- (ltrl"' )'tllow.blll«I "'""'-nD~ro­ •tttl!<ll llll"lll until 19711 AS 319, Mut· phv, lt-S.nt1 Crui. Traffj(' -l"ermlfl -int!Mnt o1 tr1Hlc 11e1;,;,_ llffic•"' In 11Wnlclp1f court dldrkts te fll bill, 1rr11tt1 or rtaiml'nlll'MI d1Stnlsal1 ~ u•-elfiid '''" .... loul tnfflc vlolatl_, .... 111. l'entert, 0-Morrt~IJo. . ...,.,..,_ ........ N1f'C9tkl -lltq11llli PretldeM 1nd Ca.-.o,_ ~ Mii> dle<:t: ti-Of .,.,. cotla, m1rflu1n. ...i dlMe«!Ut drt111s 111!0 Cllifw"rll91 ,ft,Jlt 13, V~ey, lt- lrtwleT. ArtM&t!IQ -h<we1h Oe1>irtment el Edt!Qtt.. te $N(ly 1r«edur~ ,,,... ~lnln1 1wr-d1it¥ 1tttndtt1« ...m;d'I W'flnt "1111 11'1~ July 1, IHll ,ft,Clt (t, Cr1nd1ll, lt-S..n Jose. Or1~1111 -Urwes i.ci .. 11 11fflcf1!1 to 1lH1 1 mor111orlum on ""1 1r111,.. fft tellldule en 11Ubllc ltrid HNll~ 1 flJH cCl'01"Mtlon11 !lffrl1111 on ~ subled1 SJlt 4, Wt'f, lt-Exl!fl'r. C"""""'4.,1I A~fTltllft lntrH\lcl4 Ce!\1"""'911 -R...,lff$ ffle St1 .. C"'"5tltvtlan -rtlly 1lowll t!>e 11nN of Pl'tll>. 1 Hl'Nl'!!d ~l Nllwmbef' 11 t!11 "Jiii ,ft,CA 21. Priolo. lt-Ptclflc PtllNOff: ,ft,CA 'lt, l(nol(, D-A'lc,., m0fld1 ,ft,CA 30. GOl'ul~. D-L1 M1- r1"91 AO. 31. ladtlam. A'·N-IM'f !le.ich • • ..,.,. -E"ll"'IMtH ex-officio mf!l'nbt<1 et IN Unl....,,,,ltv Of Ctllfor· ni1 llt-91 1rid reduces ~rms ol ~ ~ fr'll'!I 16 YMfl to I ye.in; ACA :!l. Dulllol'-0-NtJll. Tix• -Pennlhl t1x1>9yer te brlftt Klloll ti review Ot!olf"ml11tll<111 of 51tle !IOI"' Of 1!11u.l11tt\on OI' eTMf IHetf. ~ botrd n11rdl1111 !tit e<IUlllHll<>n .,, ~ 11wument1: ACA ll. 8rowft, 0-Slll PrtnclK':I. Sllb lflll"tncM ••rt -Jlh'l9" bit! l>f'OVll10llS to 1rovkk-r&lee91 °" ,.,._,,, 1'1Cf19n11· •11C9 fflr Plf'SOl'll ch11'1H ""'"" 1n of!'-. l"Unl!.hebl• by ••I~ terms or <f•tti wllfl cwt1ln exceft!lon11 Aa lOIJ. Wtxm.n. 0-Los A"""!". U...,lll'lll'Y -ChtnteS ,,.,.,... llf "1!1te o:DI'-'" ti "1tete 1111lwr1ll'Y''1 Aa H113. 81rM1J, ll:·Sll'I Dletlo. Jl-W -l"rohlb\f'I ~Nl'TmlP'lt fl/I Motor Vetilc:llS trorn 1l'-111t1 l,...pee. filtll « Nie of ctll'ifll llf 1P111ClffM ............. rKOnb wlff'IOOI ftlt n1 .... fl/I w.,. bl/ytl": Al 1~1. C.mr>blll, II· Ht<:~ Helehtl. L ..... -l"rolllbltl u.<Kltd tct!Y. Ille-I ,_.f'll'!M olf ... te ""'''! tluftHS Ind ~-by II-.. lndutlry olflo cc!1/t1 Al 'I077, 8rltl1, Jl-F1111erten. T.,_ -Prohlb!t1 ~-« ,....Ill o. t i'" !Mt hl'IC bllll cut ti ltlftrt dee-'°!"'"'"'' A& 1'7i. F«e:i O-St1 Frt,.. otc0. . t,_,lfY -Mlkft It t m!~""· for • ,.,.._ te trwi:hollntly lcltntll'I' tilrnMll ti 91lrl ll'lll"I' lo • ewrwcilontl 1n,tlf\lllon1 Al 1075. """"""4. JI-G,...._ Slllft -Clll1 -It! elKf!WI l'I! Wbrlltt ,._, for bond ""' "" hNlltl scler>ce fKllltit1 et the Unl~t•· .. 11v Of Cllllornl11 Al ion, MoM111n, "· TfK't'. Dll\lctltns -tncre1$M persoritl r,,. ~ ltlf 1ho~trd d.cfuctl-fOI' ~ tired 1«11 •lfw.tv """'b'" 1rtm1 n,ooo to I-I.SOii lor 1 Miid 01 l'IO\mllold or "'trTlld COUPie Ind trorn $1,000 to n.ooo IC<" others; AB 106(,, GonMlves, D-L1 Ml,...,t. ,...._,,. -lnc:rt11w1 h--11· P<'CIPll'tV Tax exemption ''""' 050 to Sl,500 fl/I 11wued vallle tor ellfllbl• dwelllflPI "I 106!, Goru.al'IH. Dls11i.t--l!ntbllsl\es Call!orni1 0... ttn~e Office •• 1 -r•t~ 11111 lll'!"'l:Y whldt ttie vov•rnor•s ofll~J Al faiol, P""'1'H'lo. D·St(ra.,,en~. Ll.,..tldl -'"'"~' t 11• <>" cer. ltln Ctttle 1rid 1~ tor 11dr dll' 1nl1n9ls 1r1 In h 1ho~ to r&11!tct •-1"1' tax; All 1061, VeYHv. aalt -Mlkll Pl'OVil!-for rel~lll flf I dll'f~nt Who hts •-l<!d lrom 1 convlcTlon "'°' 11unhhdl~ by dttllt lricllXl!r11 .-r .. se MJblect to ao.111- lml>Oled condllkNJ All 1107, lrown. HNlll1 -P~mlts pl\lfmlelsts flrlo- 111'11 Pre•C•lotlon1 under llw! Ct!llornl1 Medk1I Ass1,.i1nce Pr011r1m to Provklit 111btt1tute drut with ume 1ctlve Jn· wrtldl&nts 1$ llw! Ptescrlptlol\; Al )IM, ·-· Sit.rift -l11tt1Hoses "'!nlmum Siio 1rlH for lffdlef'1 wlffl 1 tlldl<ll~r'1 dtOtff l rr>m U.000 to 16,ICIO trill to Sl,500 t>tvond t btche!Ol"11 Al JON. Sltrof'f, D-levtrly Hllll. Jl•llUllM -P•dl!b!l1 censff\1Ctl1111 or e•POSl'lllion d efectrlc _,-1111ner•llnt1 • f1cllltl11; 1111ln1 co.I, oll w nat11r1l - In "'• Soult! Cont Air IMln of Lo.1 An~: AB UH, St:htbfln.om, JI· Covina. Hau1r111 -Permit• county or t!1v to aec11re ltwlf c:om"'1a1_,.. fl/I housl"9 1vltlorlly II II finds llMI 1xlrt- lr19 t ufhotll"f ht• ftllled ti fvncl!on tor fnOflt "Mii 1W1 YHl1/ Al 1104. Dl.lllllfl. 511ccM1'9!! -Dlr-ete l!'llnner of lll1lrlbl!tl119 ecmmvnltv i nd ettier -rty d I dad ~ rhll _,Id ottlerwlq rl~l'T to the tllfel Al l1Da. Dunl1p. Dl1cll'll11t -Gives w-1 dlltrld -nine bollrd 111tti01'!1Y te wt 111d Hlloru Nin f!lf bllffl IKMlml'lllfOI and d!Kl1ll"' d m-!s 11nder llS iur!sdlcT1on1 AB 1100, Dllnlap. c.,.._ -Mtktt 1t e m!Mt!Mlnor f!lf ..,y ...son Ill commit ..-1~ lo cr>mmlt 1n ect thtt 1nltmt'a w11'1 teecnl119 .., ollMlr _..tton. cin 1 1!1tt otlleff or unlwnltv Cll'nllllfl ,ft,8 1097, Mllhord. "·Plldmllnl, llUfttlhl -~,,... l\>JJ.ttnw 1191• c:-ollete students to t1k1t 1 minimum Ill 12 tlmflltr units unlttt co!lllt """!Mn' """''-...... ,.... .. , ..... Jl)90, R. J<flnlOI', It-Chico, •-IUl1""' ln,,..unif "'"" -._......,II S&ert1~1"1' ol HGU11"4 1111! llrbtn ~lClll_, to \mp""'-f !fie "N1llllntl f'locd I,,. 1ur.nce Ad ol 1"611 .. 11 ..,,1y 11 ..,.. 11ble1 AJR ~. len.,.,kh, 0.F1't9ftll, TH• t•NATa 11111 111,,..uc.I ... -'--• '""" rMJ..-t tllt to '°' Sil •75. Colllttrw, R·lflCllo. •-1•ll::1llMI -llt"ulret llOV.rllOf 10 tubmll l'90l'llllll11t!on 1i.111 to Liiii. HOVo'l'r COmmlf.ron XI dtn bit!-ht 1ullmlhl """' !fl Ille '"lllollurtl •• '1U, W1v. llt·l!lllfwr. ....,_llllu -C.._IQ Sl•te Aero- nwt!CJ Cr>mmlalol'll Sil "'' H•tmtr, R·Glendtle. 11t1c1,,. -lteciulrtt 11 wetlll of r•<- r ... In S..11 011!911 Covlllv blt91nnlne rn 1m1 Mi·ils. $Chr10t, JI-Sin 01 .. 0. Tnll1 -Would t llow e1rt1ln recr• tlon 1!'111• _, 119 0..11 ... fld fir l'nO!Of• I.red Vlhlele$• Al "'4. l-rllfllt "-Oltl. ROCKOUT! iln0>1)011 MARK DAVIDSON SWINGING GROUP THIS SA TORO A Y MARCH 22 D-'NCI FIOM t :OO 'TILL 2:00 A Special Public Appearance al the NEWPORT BEACH TENNIS CLUB . HOI IASTILUff DUVF !off"""' ...... ) JM1 .. ......, f.tf J.--..J. ~ ... c .... Hit'· -.y ..... J ......... r..N ................. ... W...'9 ... a.. \ wilh maintaining calm. William Lee Merrick, 31, of Davis, Calif., was pronounced dead at the scene, his body punctured by seven bullets from the service revolvers of deputies William Maggiora and George Hayes. Marines Jure d an AWOL Pendleton since January was Family only, with no pets. service man from hi sllrg~i~··~·~·~an~ct~u~a~ry~~b:y~c:h:ur:ch~~~=;:::!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~; A fire of apparent in- cendiary origin at Jefferson High School destroyed two rooms and damaged an attic of a bungalow. Damage was estimated at $15,000. sanctuary in a Unitarian members March 12. Another Carver student was suspended when authorities found him placing a can of lighter fluid and a small jar of gasoline in bis locker. State Sues Dial Finance On Fraud LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Dial Finance Co. was sued for more than $50,000 Thurs- day by State Atty. Gen. Hayes was in sericu.s con- dition early today at Antelope Valley Hospital with a chest wound. Maggiora was reported in good e<Jnditlon at the same hospital. The deputies said they ar- ranged lo meet Merriclc at a room in the Antelope Valley Inn about 8:40 p.m. in the hope or making a narcotics buy from him and then ar· resting him. Opening the door of Mer- rick's room, they saw him sitting on a bed with a .22 caliber rine in his hands. The officers said Merrick opened fire on them, and they fired back. church Thursday, and I.urned him over to the shore patrol. Lance Cpl. Craig Murpl1y, 18, also a Marine, was forced into a car and driven away, after he accepted an invitaUon from two other Marines to leave the church and i31k. Police identified his ab-ductors u Sgt. Winster Mlnton and Lance Cpl. Ronald E. Rawl.!, both of C a m p Pendleton. Officers sald that when 11.urpby left the Unitarian Society of Whittier Church he was attacked by Minton and Rawls and forced jnto a car. Police stopped the auto for driv~g the wrong way on 1 one way street, but did not issue a citation. Thomas c. Lynch as part oflJ'j~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwwiij a statewide effort to cracll:! down on fraudulent collection practices. Dial FiMnce. w h i c h operates 37 offices in Southern California, was the 11th loan company sued by the state in recent months. Lynch also sought an injunction against alleged false representations by the company. The suit charged that Dial sent letters to d e b t o r s threatening to attach their ' wages when it could not legally do so. The company also wu accused or sending similar Jetters to employers of debtors. ~StampMansay~: Help Stamp Out Boredom! Reactivate your old Stamp Col- lection (and let us help you.] :?47-F Broadway• Laguna Beach • J714J 49W544 Open Noon to .S:JO • Closed Wednesdays A Sundays Edmund Fairchild • Walt Mcmch, CWO USAfC Rct. WANT INTEREST ON YOUR BA.Nit CHECKING ACCOUNT! ' YOU CAN'T GET IT BUT WITH PACD1C'S .SWJTCll 'N SAVE ACCOUNT Yau e11 da llmaat 11 wtll by btping 1 lat leu llDlllJ in Jiii' a11lhg KCWlmf 1latIROl'linyaarl'lcific5" Pmllook Jlm111l _. swftdllag ..-y i.ck ud fal1h • Dftln • .yaa lirl. .. , ..... ever7 dollar earn• everr dl!l lt II In 7our Pacific Accouat- even lor l•lt one da7. &" ••llllr ........ Aa:eilll _,. .... Uily .. 1/4" ... tltilllll 11 llrw1'1r ••u -111 ....... lit nflL Sniep ii ytlT ICCllilt lit •nrllr'I end 1111 fT1a th1 1st al lllY a1Iltll .. H llceitd llytfl1 llJ6. ' • full 4•ply nylon cord • tubeless •whitewall General JET $ • -... ..,, _..__ •6.50•11 -LOW PRICE!. • For ltlltlt. OtDSMOlllE, llOltet. PLYMOUTH. CKRYSLEI ,., surer. .. OlDSMOlllE, Dant. PONTIAC, UIYSUI p!Us $1.5' Fed. -rec.'=' &il&l..$.aM •Ptusstale tfllll•leal9' use GENERAL'S CONVENIENT Alll'o-cHAIIGE PL.AM --SPRING MONEY SAVERS • ROTATE TIRES FOR MAXlllUll lllLEAGE Tire rotation ...,,.. evenu.ad .... and lonoermileage. Experts aafaty-dttct for ctltl., bnlilel. fmbedded btlQn abfoet>. JATO SUPl!R·10I GOLF BAUS • Dura Ion tO'l'tl' fOr long, cut..,._ Ii,. • Energlnd "PB"' ct nler ghita Ql'HI dl1tanct • unr•-hlgfHlnl1orl wfndlng lOftelPltce'l\'w LJmlt 1 DtL DON SWllUND COAST GENERAL TIRE Ill W. 19tlll. C•1te M ... 140-1710 -•••·lltJJ iliRAKE REUNING CAN SAVE UVES - ~-·~ HELP PROTECT YOU E11:pert lnltal11tlon of~ ...... .-.-.. ~ lhoc:k abeorbtf'I glvl$ 31or Sl33 1 doz. for SS.25 f YoU a new-ctr rtde, posiU• W' GOn&loL AVERY GENERAL TIRE SERVKf '10'5 GBIERAL TIRE SERVICE 16941 IMI• ""'· 1111 1. 4tti. s.m An ..,.. ..... -147·1111t 14J.aJ14 , ' " I I I ' • ftldlr, Mll<ll ll, 116'1 D41LY PILOT 9 n ' · Stiners Get 15-Life Marines Draw Tustin Posbnaster Named ' WA81UNGTON -Postma-ilies under the depanment's ter General Wbilon M. Blount new merit 1yitem. Will Be Behind Bars at Least 10 Years Prison Terms Cillesple, a carttr postal announced today the asslp-manaau, wW 11rVe unW a men! o1 BrUn J. GW..ple to permanent pootnwtor Is hHd the 1\Jatln pool office un-,.lected, expected la be a Br TOM DARI.EV Of ... Dl11Y ,lltt Sl1ft SANTA ANA -Whatever the outcome of their LOs Angtles Superior Court trial un murder charges, Nearo na- tlooall.5ta Larry and George Stiner will be in 1t1te prison for at lealt t.be nql 10 year,. So ruled Ora111e County Superior Court Judge Byron . K. ti.1d1illan Thursday in a brief aenttncing of t h e outwudly calm and impauh•e brothers -both members of US, the black militant • organizaUoa. • Judge McMillao actually sentenced George, 22, and Larry, 21, to 15 yean to llla In state prison with the at>- pendage that they wauld become eligible for parole after 10 years. But, the ruling added, parole will not Le di.scussed until that decade has uplred The SUnen left for Los Angeles County J a i l im- mediately after senteoclng • They will be aceused in Los Ange les of the murder of two members ol. the Black Panther organiution dw-ing a fracas oo the UCLA c&mpus la11t Jan. 17. Any further appearance of :4.naheim Hotels Halt Building of New One ANAHEIM -Competing establillhed hotels fn Anaheim )lave obtained a temporary in- junction prohibiting the city from ·entering an agreement with Royal Inns Inc., for con- struction of a _l,000-room. $15 million hotel on convention property. Superior Court Judge Claude Owens allowed the injunction sought by the Orange County Innkeepers A5sn., Disneyland 1-lotel, }Jollday Inn, Wai.i.ili Motor lnn and the Telephone Taxpayers C.Ommittee of Anaheim. The plaintiffs assert that the proposed hotel would be unfair competition. Defendants are the five members of the city DEATH NOTICES HOLKER 1' Htrbtr1 M. Holkfl". IW W1lltct, Cos!t : ,Mna. D11t ol dMlll, Mlrdl )9. Sur· Yl~ed by wlfl, tll'llNIJ IOI!, Dile, L .. 9UM Hlllu dliulthi.r. Vll"llni. Mllrv- ,~ok. Huntlf!llOll et.d\1 bfo!Mr. Ito., Hojk.,., Vin NV'!'ll 1l1!1r, Dorr.ii. Ainley, \11n Nw11 1nd 1'11rM t t•nd- dllldrtn. Mr. Horktr w11 Vlu Prn- 1<1 ... 1 t nd M1naver ol 11\t 811boe SIM ., A.m1rlc1 Por 20 1-t•r:a1 dl1r11r rntm- bo<r t fld lltetlme rntll'lbtt cf N..-rt H1rtlor Elkl Lod91 #11'71 Membtr Ill' Vlllrr fllrH LodM 15111, F a. A.Mr "'mid 1.,.. o1 !ht Yttt, N~rt I t.ell, 1'5'. S4rvloH, Sllllrd1y, 11 f<M. l tll lrotdwtY Clltlf!, 110 lrot<I• ~v. Corti N.111. wllll ltn. Lorin Flkl!!11111r alllcl1111111. Prhl11t m1unk; HfVkft, Inglewood Meonorlel Ptrl<. Dltt<ttd tty ltll l rotdW1v Morlutrv. WHEELER Jt""' L . ..,,,.,..ltt .... Ii. lrtb S) .. COii."° Melt. 05trvlcn lffldll'll ti Btll eroHwav, 110 1r-w1y, Cot!• MtM. JACKSON s,. ·c. JICClson. "" If, "' U61 liieo. ... ,,.~ Cost• Mill. Survived by Wlkrr. ~ttlt ; J <11u011!tr11 I llrcitlltn r 10 .,..lldcllllclr-n and I trNl"llrtrid· Cl'lllclrtn. .strvlc" i nd l11i.rm.n1 11 Llttlt lt.odr., Ark1nw1. ~11 ll•C16- WIY Mort ... rv. torw1rdl119 dlrt(.!Cn. ENGLE M11 11>1111. 200 ~ l lV<I., Cc1t1 ~11. Ot1-o1 dN!I!, i\M,rcll 20. kfY• ltn _..i!fl8. leU B~Y MorlUt•Y• (Diii~. HUBER Cltfford Hublr. 1H Tuslln ""'·· New. ~ Bffdl. Dtt. ol Oltlll, Merdl 111. Strvleft """Ing ... H trotdwtiv M01r- tv1ry, 11D lrotOW..,, Cos!• ,,.,.1 ... WILLIAMS Mtrv Jd!Jlson wn111mt. 1" I . 1t!ll St., (Dllt MIM. Dlill Ill' dllillh, Mertl'I 1,. lurvl'ftoll bY 1C11, LIM (. Wlltlam1, Lido 111!!1 tllr" tnillddlllcl/'9'1 Ind ,_ 1re.t-1r1nddllldre11. ,.v111r1I t1rvkts. SftllrdeY, 2 PM. llltJ 0.1"1, 1741 su-11r. Coll• Mtw. w1111 11w. WtlltU L.' P1'11;tr ottklt!I.,.. lnltr· ~ ""'""' HtrtlOr It.tit -Ill l'trk. B1th Mc<lut rv, Dll"lcion. EATON Miu C~rlt 11. l!thl'I. IU "a,lar SI., L"llM lffd'I. lurvlWOI by' 1l1~r. Mary, OI -home. l"rlvt tl MrYk• w\11 bit ~ MM<llv, 11 AM. P1clflc View (hutl. EnlomOmtn!, Mtuld...,m u1 !tit Ptclflc. Olrl'ded II., P1<ilk: View Mar"!lllN. . CLEAVn,AND , Mt49UM a. Cl•tv•ltnd. 1710 Scl1no l Wt., LMY"I Sf'tdl. Att l'J; d1I• Ill' ~tti. Mlrcl'I ti. 'Gr1Wtlde ,.....,1cu. fodlV• Frld1y, H AM, ti Ftlrl>tvtll M-fll l Ptrk. Dlrtded by Shelltr Lit\/"' IMdl MortlHN. BALTZ MORTUARIE8 Conn del Mar OR 1-HSt Cella M•A Ml 1-UU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broatlwar, Ct1ta Ate .. LI W4SI DILDAY BROTllEllS B-llO• Volley Moriury 11111 Beadl B!Yd. Baatla,... Beadl W-7711 PACIFIC VIEW JllEMOlilAL PAR!t Camatery e Mortar)' Cllpel -Plellfe view Drtv• ~ .... rl B<adl, Colllonlr -PEEft FAMILY COLONIAL Jl11NEllAL HOME '1111 llolla An. w..-m.ISll lllEFFER MORTUARY 411-IW 4n.tt• SMITB'I MORTUARY m Ma!JI St. BiiDU•Cln lloadl LEMQI IVESTCLIF1' MORTUARY CZ7 g 171l 51., Ce1!JI Mesa ....... Health Fair Slated at SA College SANTA ANA -A "Health Fair" that make11 medicine come alive will be held the weekend of April 19 and 20 at Santa Ana College. Exhibits will include televis- ed open heart surge ry, Transparent Woman !rom Ez- po '67, Marine batUefield hospital in action, Mr • Disasttr ( a humanoid dummy that dies a thousand. death!), space medicine, a planetarium show. and a SCUBA show. Arrangements have "been made for demonstrations of 65 different c a re e r op- portunities in medicine and allied health fields. The "Health Fair'' I s sponsored by the Woman's Auxiliary of Orange County Medical Association to ac- quaint students and t h e general public with t b e various health fields . what is your ootemial? When you think deeply about It from 1 reliaious mndpoin~ you bt&ih to wonder -can 1n)'On• rul~ '"'"""man's potential, or put anyUmltson 111 Cln you mta· sure God's Jove for His ert1tlon? No. But M can learn to ~I It mold and fill ovr Jlvas. Hear tNt publ~ lectu,., "What Is Your l'ot1ntiall" by JANE 0. ROBBINS, C.S., mtm· btrof The Chtistiln Sclenca llGord of Lectureship in Boston, Masi. ...,, -.mi N. ... ,.M. MIMI,.._ I_., Hllll 1c111t1 ""'""'*" u• M1l11 st .. H9'11illtfM ltldl "~"' If .. .,,. QWdl " Oll"lllf. kllft!IJt, Hlllll"'""' llOldl til a "'gular pootmasler qual-period of four la sb< mtlntbs. recaptured in Denver. -;::~=~===~=~========~ Both men were contlcted r= of carrying out two armed robberies in Garden Grove and ooe in Orqe. We 1r1 pl1111d to announce that FAMIS T. TALLMAN h11 join1d our f,,.m et the Coste M111 Offlc1 CALIFORNIA THRIFT & LOAN ~uw./2'45 . ;·-::~-"' WARNING! : . ------. . ~ Don't go to Mansfield's during March unle88 you have strong aales resistance. Their Anniversary Values are too tempting and their selection of Spanish f urni~e too exciting. • • .. ' m R n S PI B LD ·s FULLERTON.225 No.Harbofllvd.,dawntown•Pllone(714)871·5720 HUNTINGTON BEACH, 18582 Buch Blvd.• Phone (714) 962·4477 RfVERSIOE, 4343 Market (near 14th on Morket) •Phone (714) 682·7950 ~~~~~~~~~.:-.~~~~~~..:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:, : OPEN SUNDAY 12:00 TO S PM TERMS! CERTAINLY! sTORE HOURS: MON. l FRI. 9 AM TQ 9PM /WEEK DAYS lo SAT. 9 AMT05'30 PM '• • • • -.. ••• Je PAJLY IJLOf I • For The Record Jun e Ill January fo r ~ Cou nt y's Be rries? Bir tits NOA9 "~=--lr,.,, ..... Mft?&n!A!l"\a~ .. Ac~~ NJ. r 11111 Nn. tttl'l:IW tt. lent· 21.U -ICtnakM l._, -Hunt.,.,_ •t1~ M':':" tNt Mrt Aonlltl IJl.ltn. 2.lh' C•n~en Dr .. Cotti MtM, ,.. ........ .., Mr. Ind Mrt. 8rllfl A.. .. '""" lJI~ 5.1 .• Ge1l1 Meu. boY Mr. •nd Mr11. a1fft.a•rk9!'. 1174 llllm•rk W1y, COl11 • N'f' I Nv fnd M,.. 111111111 H1rr MWlo 1im Ktitwl Or .• HIJflt ktrl nllltfl, Ml'lfloy -Mrl ll~D. l'r.I, ,., W. :iot11 SI., Co.ti , t 1rl l'IW'llll"I' Mr. Ind Mf'I, Pll!lt!• M•llDll, 21 .. M!ntr $1., COlll MIN, boy... ,,,_ Ml • ..., M,... DoNld Del'n • ,.. Mlr1mtr. H\llllln!!IOn 11..cflK.,.. ... ''" Mr. lfld Mrl. ThorM• SaUl/tll Hunllnokln a..<11. 1lrl #-I Mr .,Id Mn. O.nW S. tulle,.,., 12'2 L1n0o s1 .• N-r1 1t«11 ... ,111 Mr 1nd Mrs. Ill-Id 1#\ O~. 1;,, v.,_ ,;1 .• 1rv1 .... Ct 11 .... ,,_ Mr. •nd Mrt. G"" tClll'lbtfiY, •£ 1+.nc1..-. Twn ... bcr¥ , , .,. ~ Mr 1nd M"-. ~ ,_ ... • 171 w Wiison 5.1. Coll• ,,_ 111~1'11114 Mn. lllld\erd LltWflln. ft.II (IDvldlle, Wntmlnll9r tlrl - • ANAllEfM Next 'Winter temperaturts. cheap, movable way to coatro1 Tubes filled with water bold recording temperature nu~ unexpected side benellt, 13lde "11.Y•ll• M. Cf'Vf'I\ "'w1110H £. er-Cucumbers v e I e t a b 1 e n.A c1lma I 1· air fl and o.r.. o, ,.,.. -.. H•rokl 1t. .... Oran.re County housewives • 1.1M111 te over a crop. Jle down the sides of Ole &lr-11up. ua ions, ow power from raising the temperature ::.:"9 .. ~~,.,,Vllv. ~ Mfflc may find large, I u s c l o u s transplant.a and beddin1 planll can speed plant growth and ported house. Sandba1s lilDChor input Other Universily ex-over plant!: It has protected ,,:: AIMnllkll "' ~,.. Alleft s t r a w b e r r l e 1 in the undmighert ~~9!_5Pl9:Sft~~w reach tbe marktl early, while the plastic at each end. The perts check on disease and the strawberries from birds. ~ supermarkets as early as ....,. "'"'" pr1ce1 are high. He CID grow supporting air stream comes inse<:t problems that might 11 lland aid 1 h d o.vw A11t1111 "lntlfl "" " C-lt Jairuary, if University of Holland ii c 0 n du ct In I 1 hJ&h-value crop tn winter, from two fans, which operate arise In such an artificial ~ O s n ° r w 8 r • A!•".::t: ll•llk'"' w wi111ur California experiments here studies ol. the unusual 1tru£.. then switch to Htld growing independently. A thennostat vlronment. ~gratlns birds ravaged many Dlcd·~,~~'t-1~.~li••• are Suects8ful. ture at 1~ I). Hf,rbor Blvd. in aprlng -just by rolling turns on the larger fib when How much does it c0&t to Southland strawberry fields in C.rotrn •r-Fi.mine "' s~~ Qranae County Farm 'nle 2CJO..loot plasUc house, 15 thedeflatedbOUHaslde. air temperatW'il goes above keeplhestructureinflated?,1 J•n•uary and February. Al1hur '"""i.. • d and n w• cano1 v. ll'tott .... 1..t lllov c. Frott Advl.!ior A; H. "Al" Holland feet wi e ve feet tall, "The g:rower .can buy the 75 degrees Fahrenheit. A "About 16 cents a day,'' "The birds apparently look 01•-l• Lhl1"'1'°" "' a«iton hopes a new, air--supported arches over four' beds Of Se-I t weighted rubber ball on a vent said l:lolland, "or around SS s.!:""111~~111'~ "' •1ri..r1 J•,.. ""'""'"nhouse will make 'the quoia strawberries. Grower p asUc or about $50 and set acts as a valve to regulate a month.'~ 8 'delay en route' because llllffJo a·~~ up lhfl tent In ooe day. The of the heavy rains," he sald. c's'.!'tlfl D•wrt $mitt! .... ll:*"t w. earlier strawberries possible. Hiroabl·Fujblhi&e provided the rans are ordinary types used a1r pressure ind keep the The house is made or four-''They'd dlve on the plants. Fr•-i,.,.,..,.. C111tr "" 11-D1vld And he thinks the house may land arid the. plastic. for air cooling. A f e w house from collapsing, sboold mil polyethylene in the form pick out seeds from the ber· can., work 1'ust as well ror ot.Qer "In eUect,". exp ta l n e d ..... dhag1 pl"• •· in th the fans turn off momentarily. f b 1"11r1c11 lllutlt Mtr1uu vs O.C•r e:nr~ _.. • .... waw:r 6 O a ag 200 feet long. ries and take off before the -""-~~' crops by speeding P I a n t Holl;ind, "the air-supported tubea along the edges, and Holland arid researchers T h e a i r s u p p 0 r I e d could la!< d f · Tilfatd O.•ntf' vs v11n1t 11. D-th lbro h h · h h · the h . growers e e ens1ve Loi• M. Slladdbr ... 11111• J. Slltddl)I r-gro-~w~::1~~u~·"E~~·~1==~·:'~~-~~!·~··~·~·~~~gro=w=er-:::·-:--::'~··~ln~busi!'ine~ss~.~ .. ~E:;;~~~lr~o~m~~u~c~~RiE"v~e=n=1d:•-::=·~r~·-~sr;,•enh;i;~--;;;.has:;;-;;,p~ro~v;id~ed~;an;;;;;ac;:tio:' ~n~.';;;;;;c:;;;;;:-.:..--Car.J s. Yod "" llobrrt c. YOI! Stwltl I . Wetn'-9 ,. 1t1!tl9t1nt It e JJJ (. 17fti St., C... Mw •••• , C--, C.W. • 17tM M~ St. If T~YIH-fe C:..., F.Y. e lll22 lrNklMsnt St •• w ... ......,_W•f'brMI: Cntn, •.•• J::!e~ Olon!ie "' lll:ld\tl'tl ,._ e 10142 ...... .t.w. • .llldl• t••1rf11 Ill, Skeppi.1 c ..... , 6 .6 . e .._. & ....... ltw4.-14 ........ .._. Sliep•l•I CaeMr, H.1. e 1117 W........_ .t ..... West, W""91111tw Diow • fWl c...,.... ................ 01 I Ceuty .......... JJNtt.t..flh4.--H..,.'""91dttitef.C.M. • ,,,,, v.u.,va...c ... w.t.w .-----........ . lt•nn Drtl"Ofllv StotttllMr w. J-e 1460W.l ................. St ......... ,,c.tw,S.... • l11J1_ .... ....._., .. .._ H.L ---,,.. ... Wllllttn "'""'Nuw --·~ Slllrln' A11n Hitt vs DOl'llltl II, Hill ~~ ... ----· EdNt 1'11•1 "n 9ollW lll'I' f'ulkl Cltrt H•rt VI l..llMI Hart s.,.,.,,. J1111 rt_. VI TllTY lM ·-· ~ l!:mU S'(lvest# W•IU'l'll "' ~ J11-W•ICIW ....... Mr. 1~Mt\, OoNlkt E. i.i:lty, Jll W. WI 51 .. Colla~~-l•• Mr. I M'1. Jernet ..... r !lo 1t--.ilc. COlll Mt\I, bo'I' "" Mr t!OCI Mn Wlnl"'!CI D<>d-. F.,..,..ttl, COlll M111, boY Mr. 1nd Mr11. Y1-1llt. :1111 l1 $1111. Coll• ,..,..,r.:'rt"'• •••• 1'19' Mr and M .... " · 'I I L)N l ...... Kuni 111ton lucft, t r Mr 1nd Mr1 T~ \'4. Mertv, :m CrMhleW Dr., NIWl'brl Ifft/I, Mtrcll t Ml ind Mr1 C•rl Sll'ltrlbfrt, '24 sO sumv•n. hni1 An1. boV 1_ Mr .• Ind Mtl. Ar111ur Witten. .,. Drd\1rd, S.1111 Mt. 1lrl ... __ Mr •nd Mr1. Ltrl"I' w1 ... , ,,..,£ i(llflWCrlll, Hunti,,.ion lle1ch. ""'"' Mr ind Mn J•dc II S.nrtl. HuntlMfon j,_,.,; M1111!1111ton 1e•d'I ""'·lrl Ind Mrl. M1rrv Holllf', 111 Ylf'lllnlt Pl~ COlll MtN, boy Merell 4 Mr ind Mn Don W. Orr. 316 Mr V111:J•Y.t-: N""'..efi1r.~"t.' •gJ.,..,, lier! Hlll'llti:i Dr .• N~ e .. dl, 9irl _ .. , Mr Ind Mrs H-G. ""°"' tfl( M.rk>osa AV. .. Fount.in Y11l1y, 1ltl Mr fllll Mf'I. Leull Dtvkt SlKO. ,C.,, Olllnc'I' NII. '· Drtntt, •lrl Mr. 1nd Mf'I. Wltlllom L. S""'I~. 701 Alblf't Pl .• CllSll l>Wt!• • .!,!rl ..,, Mr ind Mr•. CIM1t.:r _., ,.,, " s·. Mo111w11 DI" .• Safitt Ant. 11r1 _. .. M• . ....:! Mri. P•lrld< Gorman, 2UI llr&Mltr Wt'f• KIWPOtl 81Kfl, boll Mr. 1nd Ml'5. C1rl D. Hodt ... tlS W, 11111 SI., Co.II IMtt, boy Mr. •nd Mfl. 1+.Mr-M<Dtnlt1, 2590 S•nll An.1 Avt .. Cmt1 Mtu, bO'I 1111111n1 l"I .. Colli MtN. boy Mr. and M,... E1rt SIMMfNln, lilt-A Plintillt AW., Colt1 Mtll. ttoy Mr. •nd Mf'I. Dtnltl M1~1, l'O'.I Sa1blrd, Hunll1111!on llt•d>, 9lrt Mr. Ind Mrt. £1JW1rd lt•lll[t, 376 e. 20!h. $1., C01!1 MeN. 11r1 MllrllC 1 Mr. 1nd Mrs. A01181d 1111/dt, '15CI La~ur, wmm1n111r. 1lrl Mr. and Mf'I. Charin l'•IHI'• 4to6 Nt11lunt AV9., N-1 8HCll. ~ • Mr. •nd Mrs. Dont!4 Llm1cll1r, HOO , Ptlerson. Colla Mn.I. boY Mr. •nd Mrs. ltoti.I' W, D•Y, 11111 Alhtmbr1 tt., Hunl1neton Btadl. t lrl Mr. and M,... J t"'" aetMn, i.m Corlender Dr,. (Olla MtM. boY Mr. Ind Mrl, Franll w. Clllmllllll, 7'1 llrudwrr; Cotll Men. boY • Mr. Ind Mf'I. !'fink W. Cllt ..... 1111, ltl lrW<!w1y, COii• MK.I, boY • Mr. and Mrs. F Thom11 Gonnltr, 10211 lm-l•l Cove Lane. H\fflll"'ton 8N(!I. t lr1 Mr. tnd Mrs. Jotlol "111oon, ~ E. 1111. St,, NtWP11r1 U.ch, 9lr1 Mr. 1nd M,... Din A, C11tttt. 7nl.C lltrlon SI., Huntlntlo!I l11cll, boY ........ M•. Ind Mrl. H. s.vrr.atir &etk. nn VIit• HlllN•· '*-rf a11cll, ... Mr. •nd Mrs. D1rnl1 Sm!lh. 30l Heriford, Hunll""lon llncl'I, bol" Mr, tnd Mt1. J1rr1I A""tlront. 1"'2 Glouces~r, Huntl111ton lie.ell, girt Mr. 1nd M,... J1ck A. Fromm, 31751 Coron1llen Dr., Seulh l11un1. 1lrl M1r(h t Mr. •nd Mr1. JfflrtY Sltlh, 22C"> • lt!h SI., NeWl>Orf l eech. ,1r1 Mr, t l\d Mn. 5.!tnlt'I' L, Stl11t011, tlS So. G1rn1ev $1,, S1nl1 A111, olrl Mr. 11\d Mrs. Arthur W. D1vn1rd. 616 w. lllh $! .• Co1r1 MH•, bav Mr. 11\d Mt1. Wl11T1m M, M1r1h1ll. "311 Ne. N-tl l lvcl., Ntw1M>rt 11e1ch, 1lrl Mr. 111d Mr1. Phlll" L H119h11, ZU -lhl St., Cnll Mesa, bev ~·ell le M•. 1nd Mrl. llttll•nn tCoolm1n, t3tl L1rksour, Wes!m!1111er, boy Mr. •nd Mn. JtrMS Orll1, 1115 Dini lld., NtWPOtl 8t1ch, 1lrl Mr, end Mrt. ci.v""' lvon, t 751 Port Aw•1 Clr(lt. Hu1111.,.1on llt1c1I. ~· Mr, and Mr1. H1rold Wlds. 2JI Cott ..... I.. Cosll MHI. bo'I' Mr, •nd M,... tCtnnelti G•1dntr, 722 So. lln1ectw1v. "Mlltlm, bav Mr. Ind Mr11. L1Wrtmtl W. Wendt. 110 $11. M111r.ol11, Arl•"4P\m, bey Mr. Ind M.,, Arr.olO E. llel1u:o, 7l1 • C Avtado SI., Colli Mt11. .... Min~ H M•. Ind Mrs. L•rrv M. lll119h1m. 2QJ4 Fltmln111 Dr., Coflt Mn•, 1lrl ,.,.,,, 1'111 Mrs. Alcll•rd L. lltmli!ll, IOl4" Wor!lly, W11tm1n11tr. bov Mr. •nd Mrs. J1mt1 D. H•M\l'V, ljft Pylt W•Y• Mldw1v City, bo'I' Mr. 11\d M". Rober! llOWIH. 6" C1r111tlon. Coron• dtl Mt•. bo~ Mr. •ncl M.,. L. Gr"' Tompkl111, tt6J Founl•ln WI~ E .• CM!I Mu •. "" Mlrt-17 Mr, Ind Mn. A•rt C. St,...,tr, SU Jetnn API. a , Cod• MMI. ... Mr. tlld Mn. llobtrl D. Tonso. 7Jtll l'orl•llno Dr., Mlukln Vltlo, bcl'I' Mr. Ind Mn. Ptlrldl "· Mlll1, llM O..rlHlo!I, Coll• Mt». •lrl Mr. 1noll Mrt. Llclnel Alv1r.1, 10061 M.,rlfnlc Or., HIJftll,,.11111 ll"c~. t lrl Mr. Ind M .... dt11ni1 "· $ml!h. 75112 l •l llolN1 SI .. L"uM H!lli., elrt M••c-II Mr. 1nd Mr11. Jerome Dlolll:lt, 2751 Desoto, Cod• M.11, bll'I' Mr. and Mrs. tC1llll Nllttfi, 2m Wiie LIM, Cftll MHI, tlrl Mr ...... Mr11. JI ..... o.utotm. l• c.-,11, HuntlMkln flud'I. 1lrl Mr. Inf Ml't. Ltwrenu McAd•m1, 1m l'utltrton An.. Coit• MH•. .... Mlrdl u Mr. •nd Mn. Edw11'1:1 lll11n•tY, 7111 .. 1.-111 No. A. Cltlft Mf-11, tlrl Mr. •nd Mt1. •. J. EllllCWI. 1f04 H•ftn l"t .. NtwPOrf IHch, boy Mr. 1nt1 MrJ. G1rlltlll 8<!¥1, lj.j12 C.1-l.ft.o HINlllnt~ llHcll. llv'f Div orce s IHT•lllOCUTott'r DIClll:•lt () ... Wltclltll VI ~ A, W~ D•""' L. a~o1 w Dtl'ld C. ......... ll:obert L. St..... vt Mllll,.. U.llM ·~ ... OOL1r,.. M. lut'M vs TllClilM1 M, "~ Gllctv1 A. troaU w. Gordon Sf9Clll1 ~r=. 'i:i= llldlar• VI Clwtlff 81~-I"! IOW!ft "' ll•IDti I", ~­MIJ,T:t.... N11Mn vs CO.Ol"fl Nm• Cot\11!1 ll" Rounld11 Tll J-.epll Douoln lloonlrln """\'"" M. Q11101..,. vs wrn11m Glorlo• Qu ,,..,. R-ry Fox VI Cl'l1rl9~ L. Foll M1rll'(," la Vtcrue "' Cheri .. Dulnt lll~rt 91\~ McN1ll YI Setty llH Ai\Ql t l( Jo.'11 tr•i•I McCorml~ VI Johll Otrml .. McCormlct Ct'111 S. F1ttows vs 0.. l l Vlf'I Ft Ito.ft CtrollM Ellrlbtftl Smlttl " Jam• Ar11!11r Smllto Chervl J. HloolllS Vii l'Mrn_, Wlneo Hl911IM 'lllvlM t"-aYll 111r1oll• VI T.,,., lft ll1r111q• Ml""ln L. Crodl:1r Vii Dori• G, Crodltr l"lt1Y W. MUN'IY " Jtll)ttti .. M. Mutr•Y Carol Jffn WHW!' VI WllllMft S. w .. vtr CllrllltM L•wlhke vs Gordon Lawihkt 0 ...... L. H1rrl1 vs AOlllld to; H..rril Lindi Aline Groff W Sr.nln" H. Groff l'.,rklt 'A.:._ vs ci.Yld II~ 'm'°J!n Gll!Mn vs ~ lrvl!IO Jiii l . O..UMl!tuer vs J-.tllt! l+.lbtrt o-~r Ftll"I' t.oolse Dtvldton "' C1rnill 0.11,.. Ckovldson S111:1nne E. Wiii~ 111 Edwltl II. hlk .a.rr~· $'-W VI Arnold JOlfOh ll1rbllr1 M. Cronan vs John E. Cronan Anltt l'rtndl All'-Ill H...,,. Duka AllllCll Otte F. Ul'l'(lldt "' Ai.nt Ill:, ll.,..lclt Ourw1llf 0.111 P'1"'"°'1 "' Hile"' E. l"tlte=: Itu1 Mevn 1 vt Loulst: ,..,..,ndl• 1..-M. I y w. A-Id 0. Srodslrf llon1ld JI~ Ct.v1lancl VI S.r•h Ann CltVel•nd ~~ndr1 C Ct1rt VI L•M t . C .. rk Dltna • H.nci.r.on 'n C•rney l . Htnder'°" Mlro1r1t E. H•lnes w lll:11n1lt1 lei.Ill L::!""tee Nimmo Yt P•UI ,.hltlb• Nimmo JUDGMINTS Ai~ll l~n VI Ktltitrlne A"ll 111v•n (IMU nl llodnev---Wr,o1nd vs Sus1n Oebor'•h WtYtrld (11111Ulmt1>tl llM•Jd W. lllr"'I! Vt 0.rltnt J. 1arnell (111nulrnet11J Mlurlct Allin End9rle w Grta •vr,:I• (lnnulrntmt) M•rl =rlr.Mll ~•n vs Glor" W• kif 111o Jr, 1r111ulm111t) Suu11 M. lllotl VI W lll•m D. Robley (•nnulmtnl) II.Mt LV!>fl Ne•I vs llobert l""l1 Ne•I (lnnulmtnl) F i re Calls C.tl Mett 1:~ 1.m. Monday, mlnor •lr11cturt tlr1, 1170 liker SI. New"" •nr11 . 1lic0:,J'·r:;"c,.J11Hdl Y, m_.lc.el alil, ~ 3:~ p.m., medlct l 1fd, t16 w. Oct.tn-- """' ~l~~fr P.m. T"'"d1y, rtBCU., 215 ''" P.m .• 1lructur1 fire, t70 T1n1n1 Pl1ct 6:lD 11.m., hlse 1l1rm, lMJ l'omont "VI. 1:07 11.m .. rl!cue. :I01J Cll1•t• St. 10:06 1,m, WeclntXay, ~u., 201S Cl!trle St. 1:06 P.m .. "'scue, 2015 Ch1ri. St. l :OI P.m., l1iq 11trm, Gr1<:e l•ne Ind lltk"1' S!rHI 11:1.l 1.m. ThurM11y, c.er fire, :llO I!. 11th St. 7:11 1.m., rt«lle. ~ E. 1'11'1 SI. l'llll'lltllt Vt llty •:~ 1.m. Mondly, fl"' ln11M!1"11on, 11'55 P11m 10:50 '·'"·• sltv<lure flre, 171:N Elm HunHftltM •Mell t:JI 1.m. Mondi~. <•r fire, 19* ll~u,..t 11 :«r 1.m., pybllc 1ul1t, Ulf1 Al· ·-· 12::!0 p.m •• mutu•I •ill• l"Kl!lc Golf. fl•h l•rtn1 5:1' 1.m., tr1t11 fl•e, 17~1 le1'der 1:01 11.m., tr1tll nre, lSHI Ctc1rl Clrcll 10:00 11.m., IMCllGll 11d, 510 l"h SI. "~ 1.m. Tu.odty, oullllc 1111st, inn et Clrclt 7: '·"'·• m~lc1I •Id, '1ll'I Y1rrnouth 1:1 •.tn, Wed,...dtY, mecllcel •Id, Qin Sou"'•hor~ S:SJ 1.m. TUHday, w•ter ~k. Inti ind W1lnvt t :lt 1.m. ~neldlv. VII Ifft, W1r• n.er 1n4 l y11n 1l:lt 1.m., ll'IM!ul 11d, 1'57'1 c-r ,.~ i :u P.m .. lr•M'I l!re, 1>111 i nd lllh on Oll~e 6:51 o.m., medic.ti •Id. IN.» Fou1111111 UM 7:to p.m., cir tire. U12 Hell Aw. n ::n p.m., JMdlal 11d, JOE HuntlfW. ten Ave. Afll, I Hew-i 1•cll 1:11 1.m. Wfdl\l'td1v. l'l«!rktl lllorl • l!OO W. Btlbcl lllvd. lf:llf 1.m .. .-ctrQI motw tiiw, .t.111 W•VTR llOld 1:3' P.m .• mldlcll 1ld. Ul E. l"•clfk (NII H1911Wt'f SNI 1tldl 11·2' •. ..,. M<ino:lt y, sln.dunt fire, Jll l•lfl SI. 10:1\' 1.m. T1111c11v, 11rvctvr1 !Ire, 1no Mlrlln 1 :ei 1.m. r.,.scr1y, mldic.tl 11c1. Intl "" I :01 11.m. Tu.$dly, m.Olcal IW. l"Mk'I -~~ 3:t3 11.m .. 1r1n llN!, 041 15'11 St. !:St p,m, !'Mdk•I 11d • .Hill,._ SdiMI :$6 11.m., 1r1lfl fire.-; _11MI H~ranl 11 :Sol fl.m., maorctl tld, ·7 J' I Wt1tmll'llff 6:•3 1.m. Wednn.dty, mMk1I 11t1, UJ07 OKcll!! Wtsl!nlMl'll' 10:.!7 1.m, Mot*Y, mldlal 1ld, 1s:no Sw1now 12:U p,m., 1lrvclurt f!rt, P'Kltk ~ fllfl 11rm1 Ji)l p,m,. moedlUI •If, 1.01 llffdl l lW. 11 :M ''""' Wefflftd1y, flt1 111 ..... 1..._ t1911, S.vell llfl.,.. Flt!I Ind TKkll <• •:11 P.l'!I., llrt 1nvettlt.lllon, Mel'.._ dlfl and Edlf'lffr •:JO P.'11,. me4k•I 11d, 15'11Cl Swalllw UM 10:» p.m .. DUlll!c 111111, l:Mon Monro. YOUR OWN BUSINESS brl'lina Potential Unlimited We offer financial assistance l ah• 91ntl1 04ltrltu Chinc:hllt11 In y•11r htme. Sm•ll l""9tt• ,...nf. C•mp1te tr1in!nt pr19r•m. We11't i11t.rf1r1 wlftt !"•••nl KCMpttlon. srND THIS .t.D FOi •••• llOCHUll- Unlvenal Chinchila ll'ffd•rs l 120 I• A" lhftt, .....,.._ C.nt. c.lt 17141 17 .. IOIJ • C.-.0: (114112'·11•1 • Reg. 73' Borbro Vitamin C A....Wc.Ad• '" Mrl· ~1 ... 350 •tl.4f 1Jt .... httletflOl .•• 74' ..... , ...... Mtl.llf TN ST.44 91' lorlwo Yltmnln 1-1 TMIAMIH CHLOllH 21 lllf· ''0'• 49:. ,0 T(. 100'• 981 Borbro Vita11ln 1-12 'l"Berln Vltalllln A 11 .... u"'5AC ...... .,. 7 · '" $2.191orbo9 Mahi·Vitllllill1 ::.:.... '1" ~ .. ,. 69'Household • • ... Rubber i11• Gloves msr QUAUIY tiff VJ 34' Fiultless .... 9" Jee Caps 50' llue Jay Foet lli9ds ~~25' 1111. ~···-38-11' Curd ~: ..... -·-331 :i-•IP"" _ .. _ 24' 41• WHc~ lluel . . • · . Yll1H-ll MTY ••• &11 11 11 nlfflJ " .. , .... ar ~.'N-..... u.-·-· -........... 19· --w..-. • • • to fill 39' fall Plat .... Alea••• 19' ---34-..,, ......... .. -·"' --34f llflllltlrll -.. RUii ...... , YllClllon hide "·'' ftftC V11MI 77 .. .... 2r $1.H v.i. .. 1 z.lico .... ' IMI 1,e.WQiw. ..., .......... .. ,_ .... •5t1 ...... $J.6f SOfoot 39-eJ. Value! Deluxe 3" Spring & Summer Plastic T umblen Shift Dresses :~ 6 i 93c :::~ $284 • 16 OL TMllltn ·• 6 0.. Tumbl.n • 9 OL 0.. the lecM • 12 Oz. Tunibl.n l "f 6 .cl Sav. $fA1 Good looWi,r; .klue ai.tchint: hlmb- k:J in. ' popalu ai11t1. N"' u too . JllOf1'0W ;. •• wide RDf' ol to«dio IAled mlon. T1b an. of )'DUI' M:t'I'• .ma llftds. ••t iii ti. bu,p.ia. •N""91: •!JI• and colors ... -t liM!I and looU -,JJ but in. D'llt .. fl' 09ll f&Sbioa bit p1- ndt ol lhilu! f'iw: /rlcb-ifll ll)'la-fn.t VPJJC<I &rd print 'll'ith r.Jf\c trim.I Bn,ht ~ .m,,m .,.1.1 Mtaduia col~ pWd! Dotto! taii sbift I t.er., mlll.m:I lltrip1: llfk! 19" Decwator Bird Cap Plaatirs Hand Painted by California Artists! $6" ltaD4 or Jww. A• ado. Gold. Bl.di DI' .O r1n1e fmisld •et1I.~ 90t i1Kh1d1d.. s39ts Framed Original .... · Oil Paintings $1.49 v.1. Mod• Watch Bands Ch11011 f rom hop· LL,. 11c•, li11rd trti~ or UV1J. "wit loo•" p1t1nh s1711 Sw• or .Daisy An•1•••ll <>ob .. ,. .. , -... wiS ftow. • 4lilill ii .-ft!~ IJacW ... THE Bl66EST STARS, THE BIGGEST HITS llOTHER SERSATIOUL Sfil AT THRIITT •3" ..... C.i.rtul C.r•dc l•ks Im Baml, Car. T_. f2ff .. 0wet °" Porat Pis • i--lillf. Tftdl dirif1! • 1 241 S.ft 1'hlt• Light lalbs " • ,.,_..., ""• ui. 17' balbs 1t1 bia TiiriCi, ••·· · .. ... ...... 38' 49' Windex :.':: ......... . ..... '--'-, ... 891 Pledge ......... W.x .......... . .............. M,__ .......... O.... 89' Janitor in a Drum •1." Top Quality Cantrecefl Panty Hose 58' 79' '1.89 Value! 12" Stereo Albums ·?ti ~5et$119 . ...._ ... • Al Md• • 11111'• .... r~---Pidwidr: m:·· Ofdt, .,.,lfllllr .St.89 volun for juc i 1.19 IC ThriflJ'! AU lbt a citmrcnl of tod.o1'1 top talmt • •• tbop url1 for bat Klictioa. Reg. 113u Men's Calendar $ 19 Sport Watdles I G •1r1"t1td t ~~ri:~ s991 ......... ~ • •• Qwlry • ...... s.-i ....... • ..... ""9W i... ,,.., Col"'91 Candy Fllltll Easter Basket and Novelties '\11 YOU• CHotCI 39' to $3'' l lba-.t. Menili_ ..... JeDy .._. T11r et 1111•Mt1 . Jelly llnl 111• ~~ - ll<Ond hlncl, • 1!1ptel. til!lf; bn- " cl. trnponl ltnp. LIQUOR SPECIALS Duncan silicloir Scotch .... .... '3" OM ol tht .vrld"1 1~ btll 111tia 1 _..,_ f&Allli l lllS.. :«!~~]. •Vl11l-•lmtt•"" • Clth~ • y-c-. = 1, CANDY SPECIAL ...._...._1 Fon lgl .... 4, ~, ........ -·-----( ~;-:;: 2ac. ~~~ 34' ... 7 TraJ el I lgl I '3'' Scrlpto X;-¥;~11 ....,lH. • , Fashl111 Trio Hair lrush hi ill J r. .. • • --------------------------------------------I. Another dellghUul evening Is predicted for members and guests of the Orange County Guild for John Tracy Clinic Saturday April 12, in the Newporter Inn.. ' . If the past Is any indication of success, the traditional party will be a memorable one and will build excitement for the forthcom .. in~ annual Peacock Hill National Horse Sbow, the' guild's major fund· rmsing event. The 350 g u e st s anticipated wm· find ~ Mexican fiesta in full swing when they enter the Newporter Inn, and will be greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swanner, honorary chainnen for the horse show. 1n the receiving line as well ·wm be Mrs Edwin C. Lovret, guild president, with her husband, and Mrs. John J,. Vogelzang and Mrs, 'Walter J. Willis Jr., co-chairmen of the show, and their husbands. 1J Special guests at the black-tie optional party wm be Mr. anif Mrs. Donald Shanahan of Hancock Park, who each year make their •ranch facilities available for the show. A green and gold color scheme has been selected for the party 1 decorations by Mrs. Fred Ehrsam, chairman, and the invitations, of her design, carry the now·familiar caballero on horseback on the · cov.er. ./ · 1 The Fiesta Felicidad will begin with cocktails at 7 p.m. on the terrace.and dinner will follow at'8:30 p.m. Ccimpleting the party will b~ da·ncing to the muSic of pernie Bernard and his orchestra, begin--• rung at 9 p.m. An extra feature will be entertainment by Lou Norris, ainger. ~ Those assisting with fiesta plans are the Mmes. ·Leonard Miller; decorations;. Luther Roseland Jr., invitatlonsj Rob.e_rt Erbacker, table reservations, and Summer M8DJ1t publicity. . The clinic which will receive the proceeds from the annual horse show was founded by Mrs. Spencer Tracy and 13 other mothers of deaf children in 1943. It has served more· than 27,000 families without charge since then, and the guild' has presented it wi.lh $47,000 in the Pas'.t five years. Committee chairmen for the May 31 and June 1 horse show have been announced by Mrs. Vogelzang and Mrs. Willis. Giving of their time will be the Mmes. John Stanley and Rich· ard' Marvin, program book ; Jack Friedman, tickets; E. H. Riley, trophies; Douglas Moran, advertising; Lovret, class sponsors; Con- stantine Callas, patrons; John Closson, Golden Horseshoe patrons. Also, Carl Robbie, concessions; Herschel Hoopengamer, exhibitor's party;. Jack Smith, souvenirs; \Vilbur Hawley, grounds: Don Kienke, ting crew; Keith Lauer, rentals; Roseland, prizes; Rob'ert Todd, secretary; Robert Kelly, treasurer and Mann, publicity. GenUemen assisting will be Miller, personnel programming, and Hawley, parking . Fiesta Time PROPER ATTIRE -Since the April 12 gat!>ering of the Orange County Guild fur John Tracy will be both ~ fiesta and a party, either Spanish or north-of-the-border . c<Mitumes will be apprtr priate. Hel~ng Mrs. Charles R. Currey adiust her mantilla are Mrs. Stephen J. Fryer (left) and Mrs. John J. Vogelzang. Th• gala will anticipate the annual Peacock Hill Nati011al Horse Sbow May 31 and June I. JO.DEAN ~TINGS, 64~'4321 PJWw, Mlrclil "',,. • , .. 11 !.,. CHIC CH ICKS -An Easter theme wm prevail when members of Delta Omicron Chapter, Phi Beta Psi, sponsor a fund-raising des-- sert and fashion show at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, in the Fish- . . ' . erman, Huntington Beach. Arranging the pastel feather chicks which will center tables for the the benef!t are (left to right) Mrs. Donald Brlst61; Mrs. Leonard0Smlth and Mrs. William J. Laurie. ! I Styles Reflect . Easter Scene Perky Ea&ter chicks in pastel shades will nesUe In brlgllt spring bouquets and center tables fur a dessert and fashion show being sponsored by member• ot Delta Omicron Chapter, Phi Beta Psi, Huntington Beach. The event will take place at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, in the Fisherman, 317 Ocean Blvd., adjacent -to the Huntington Beach Pier. Theme of the show will be the Chic Chick, and com• mentating will be Mrs. Dean Welin, a member of th• group. Spring fashions for the whole family >yill be model• ed by members, their hllsbands · and children. Tickets for the event will he $2, and all proceeds will benefit various state und national projects which include the Cancer Detection Clinic in Los Angeles and cancer research. Mrs. Jim Dunn ts serving as general chalrman for the show, and assisting her will be the Mmes. Donald Bristol, decorations; William J. Laurie and Leonard Smith, programs; Bill Roberts, tickets; Louis Garcia, table favor}; Wayne Quellette and Jerry Smith, hospi· tality; Dave Zurborg, publicity; Dale Swenson1 model coordinator, and Dunn, prizes. , The chapter, which meets the first Tuesday of each month in members' homes, celebrated its fourth anni· versary during · a meeting in Mrs. Leonard Smith'• Huntington Beach home. -Officers of the group include the Mmes. James Kleats, presidenti Laurie, vice president: Tony Austin, recording secretary; Garcia, corresponding secretary; Welin, parliamentarian; Dunn, treasurer; Roberts,·con- ductress: Bristol, new chapter captain, and Leonard Smith, installer. When Mom Keeps Her Mouth . Shut, Daughter Does · Too DEAR ANN "LANDERS; 1 coold ~ave klased you when I . read your answer to "Stymied Mother." You told her to get off Lsabelle's .back and I hope she lllterui. I used to be a fat and unhappy 18-yur- old and my mother nagged me just the way Stymied Mother is nagging Isabelle. The more my mother harped the more I ate. She IOWKled llke a broken phonograph record and l hated It. I used to sneak food into my room lo .spite her. One day my mother went to school at the request of the guidance counselor. I don't know what Uiey talked about, but from . that day on my mother never mentioned my welgtil Witbin m mooths I !Oil 35 pounds. ANN LANDERS l. not only look like a dlHerent person lllt 1 feel like . one. I have confldenct, my grades are better and boys treat qie like • girl inJtead o! anoth<r guy. I hope every mother who bugs her daughter ·about being fat mda this ahd learns aomelhing, -3Ws-3& DEAR Sf: I t111't bnprove' ea your ltnpap so ·111 allllply nep1t yHr weU-cllottD wonla. I '9pe tvtl}' mother wbo bop ~er daqllta alloal lle!JJ Ill reads this and learns 1ometbhl1. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a 20-year· old gal who is flusttted easily. When I'm ill at ease (whJcb ls orten) my band! get ice cold and clammy as the dickens. 'I'h1I usually happens when J med new people. I try kl avoid shaking hand.I, which gives the impression I'm unfriendly. Help m~, please. -DRIPPY MITl'S DEAi\ DRIPPY1 II.an Y" tried u .. ___________________________ ----"--·--- antiperspirant? This Is NOT the same a1 a deodoranL U the andperapirant dotfll't wert, wear wbJte silk or nylon w.rlt'-lengtb 1love.a. Gfovq will give yea confidence, reduce yoar 1oxlety and diminish· the clammlne11. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thanks for advising that woman who s I g n e d herself "Stuck at Home" to learn how to drive: l'ril sorry you didn't add, "But don't let a relative teach you." Here's my story: After serving as a WAC In World War Ut J returned to Los Angeles. 1 was tcared out of my wits by the trafric, refused lo ride in a car with friends : _and took a bus or" walked everywgeu. I realized this W11 crazy, so 1 forced myself to enroll in 1 drivers' school. My brothers were furloua. 0 Why apend_ money in school?'' Ibey xreamed. when THEY could teacb me. SIJre Ibey could. They could teach me to tailgate, run through yelloW llgbts and · aef.; mad at every driver who passed me. Dll' driving instructor, but i1P(lll lt not a matter or llfe and death -and drlvin& ls. -HELEN s. DEAll BELEN1 Y-1J111c .. 'I -rBAT liM,' ltoeey. 'l\aila ltr 1 pol letter. Too many couples go from matrimony to acrimony. Don't let yoar mm1qe flop before it gtts atarttcl. Send lw Ann Landers~ bOoklet, 41Marrlace -What to Expecl" Send your . nqooll to Alm Landers ln care of this newsplpel' tnei. Ing 50 ctntJ ln coin and a lon1, lllmped, self-addressed enveJ*· • • I llept on at the llChool. My teadMt didn 't swear at me. He didn't tear di.it his halr and make tne feel likt a liopeless idiot. I learned the parts of an automobile and the rules of the road. I made my mistakes on a dUal-conttolled ctr; Today I am a competent driver and Ann Landen will be glad lo hllp 'J<IO proud of myself. At this moment, with your problems. Send them to her however, I wish I'd paid u much ln care of tht DAIL'! Pllm'. enclollaC attenilon lo my typinll ~1-.Jl ..u .. ddrwed, stamped, eonlc>pt. ' rrtar, -21,lM ·----------------- Newport Rites Michae~ Cole Claims B:ria~~ Boneymoooln( on Catallna 1'taod befO<e matins their ~ ta Colt& Meu. wtn llO""lfwed Mr. llllCI Mrs, )"·' : -•Cole. '!be former Donna Joyce Schorle llllCI her betJolhed, both fJ'Clm Costa Meu, were IDlrrled by the Rev, Cbarleo Smlth durlni double ring nup. tiail In the -Lutheran Owrch, Newp«t Beach. '!be bride, daughter ol the Ralph Scborles of Costa Mesa. •11 l!ven In marrlqe bJ her father. She -..i a faille gown wlth ruflles adorning the nectllne, long sleeves and train. lltr fiogertlp veJUns wan:a,,.i.t ta a bow headpiece and sbe bold a white Bible llllCI ....... • . '\ Maid • J-. WU ~ Nancy Schorfe, the bride\, silter.'llride!malda ...... ll!N Debbie Jlra111ford ol R!yUitc{e, -"> of t b t bridegroom; MIU sand r a McKetllan.ol Woodlalllf Jlllla, , · the bride's ~in. and Mia Margo Clissold of Costa M..._ Go11<1S ·or pale aqua chllf111 and _net 'be'adpleees Wft'e selected for the attendallta. They carried white bllketa or yellow llllCI w h I i e chryuntbemums. MW Kathi Rea, C<!U1io ot the bride, wu flower ctr! In • Iona frock of ligbt aqua crepe with a ruffled neckline. The-benedict, "" ol the Dean .Cola ol Lompoc, aated his brother, Dan Cole of Sant~ :a>rbara ta stand II bis boot man. Ushers were Roy W. Spilth of Corona del Mar, Gary Cole d Santa Barbara, the bridegroom's uncle, and Tim Schorle, brother of the bride. First Nighters Await 'Premiere' Over Cocktails Microphone Techniques Practiced Candle tighten were Joel Rea of Honolulu and Jenny MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL BRENT COLE Bransford of ruverside, the ----~'-Co_s_1a_M_.,_•_N_o_w_ly,_w_od_1 ____ _ A cocktail and dinner party will preface opening night of the Lido Isle Players' production of "AI· fain of State" for Flrsl Nighters who will gather at 6 p.m. nm Tueaday aboard the Reuben E. Lee. Afterward they will attend the play which will con- Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines · , To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- able In Ill ol the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questiona wW be answered by Social Notes stall memben at 642-4321 or 494-9463. To avoid dlsappoliltmen~ prospective brides are reminded to have their weddlng stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it U anggested that the story, oho ~ccompanied by a black and white glossy p I ct u re, be submitted early. H the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are Iii>: weeks or lesl apart, only the wedding photo Will be ao- cepted. Jackie Onassis Now Drops Kennedy Name By 1D!LEN THOMAS WASlllNGTON (UPI) '1'111 -ol Praldent John r. KennedY bu dropped Ibo ..... K"1llia; 'after ....,.,.. riqe. She ni>w ,_Jacqueline -OriuslJ .. her lull -. '!be former Flm Lady's lel:fttary, Nancy Tuckerman, oxplalned that ~ ii Jlll<lll&I, when • wiliow remania, to take back part of her maiden name. She oald she did DOI tmw how Mrs. OnassiJ WU signing her letten "becauae I haw:a't 1eeD many ~ tbem .'1 However, Miss Tuckerman "'1d many ol the leltAn com-inl to her office are now ad- dressed to Mn. AriltoUe Onassis. Mila Tuckerman repHed, "Mrl, ()nusiJI children, Car• ollne, II, And John, a, also would take oa lhe Onwlli name Instead of Kennedy." tinue to run through March 29. Awaiting the arrival of. guests are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mailander (left), chafnnen of the event with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Swid.Jer who serve on the reservations com- mittee. newlyweds' cowiins. Teclmlques in uslng a Following t'-~ late afttmoon microphone will be ceremony, the E'--11 demonstrated d a r I n g a Clubhouse was the reception worbbop IPQDIOn!d by Lu setting f<r 250 g u e 11 t 1 . Olu Toutmiatrea Club of Assisting Wert Miss Diane Writer Third Celebrity South Coast Juniors Present Candidates In Town Hall Series Hwitington Beach during their Bobb of Riverside at the gum meeting taking place at 7:30 btioJ. and Mn. Robert BtnneU, p.m. Weclneaday, Mareh 28, Mn. Loren Jones, Mn. Bob In tho Mercury Savings llllCI Thomaa, aD of Colla Mesa ; • ---buil .. n.... ••-,.._ Nov·"~ Emily Kimbrougb a radio commentator, editor, ~ ....... =•· ~rge McKeehan, aunt ~· Kn. Calvin Olcott will of the bride from Woodland will step to the loudspeaker author' screen writer and lec- JftHlll the worbbop IDd of-Hills, and Mrs. Carl Hagan on the stage <:l South Coast lur~[;5 Skinner aaid, "There fer each member an """-of Santa Ana. Theater Monday 'larch 24 at f I ho • Candidates for tbt Fountain Valley ElemenClly Schoo I Boord llllCI the HimtfJigtm Beach lll&b Scbool -will be IDCroduced during a Can- dldat<O' Nlgh~ CC>liorted hy the South Coat J u n I o r Woman'• CJub and the clty'1 Jun.I« Chamber o! c.ommerce In the high school Presenting the candidates will be members of the Hun- tington Beach League of Women Voters during the meeting taking place at 7,311 festivities Marking Year An lnternatlnnaf Potluck din- ner, folk music, rock and dan- cing will hlghllght the New Year's festival planned tonight by the Orange County Baha'il in the Newport Beach Ebell Clubhouse. Members or the Baha'i Community of Newport Beach will lwst the event and Tom Atkinson, community chairman, is ln charge of preparaUoos. Women Listen To Candidates Mission Viejo Republican Women Federated wlI1 bear several candidates for the April 15 achoo! board electioo when they meet in Mannl.ngs, Laguna Hills .at 11 :30 a.m. next Tuesday. · Mn. Robert Price, president of the group, said all members and pests are urged to at- tend. -r , i~ are plenty o peop e w are p.m. 'l'htlnday, March fl, portunity lo ezpe:rience ming SpeclaJ guer were Mr. and 11 a.m. 'to present the third amusing some oC the Umt The ew:ning will begtn with ~~ . for tither Mrs . E v e re t t R e a , lecture in the Town Hall and who are so prGo ~ts, followed by an ·~ or • reading. grand~nll: or the bride Serles. fessionalized about it that they Introduction cl. the candidates, Mill Joya Sextoa "111 from Seil Beach ; Mr. and The veteran speaker is the become anything but. The and a qllfStion and answer prumt table toplca and Mn. Mrs. A. Bransford o t third personality brought to person, however, who Ls spon- period. Marie Fouls w 111 be Riverside, and Cecil Cole of Laguna Beach for the series • taneously a n d effortle!Sl.J JunJor1 wUJ attend tht Los 1bMtmlltress. Grammarian San Luis Obispo, t h e sponsored by Laguna Beach amusing all the Ume ls a Cerritos District March con-will be Mn. Rollo West and ~ride.-xim'1 gran:!parents. Assistance League. While in rara avls, of which I know ference meeting taking place timekeeper, Mrs. Ra IP h The fonner Miss Scborle Is town, she will be the guest only one -Emily Kim- at a p.m. Monday, March 24. Almgren. Acting u evaluator a graduate of Costa Mesa ol Mr. and Mrs. Andrew brough." HOf!ltlng the meeting wiD be will be Mra. Clarence Double. High School and Lawton llorthland. ---"------- tbe ~onralk and Gardena Area women who would lite School of Dental Assistanil, "OurHer8bee~~~ellw'!!.. startedYoungwanithd Who Can Read Just Junior clubs. to attend are invited to call Santa Ana. .... benedlct is .u 14 ~~ The state community Im-Mrs. Clarence Htndrickson, an alwnnus of Newport Gay," written 1n coUaboraUon provemenl cbalrman will 1197-«!13, for , ....... u ... and Harbor High School. Both at· withCorneliaOUsSkinner. One 'Peanuts'! presentafllm.dl!tJ1ctreports'l,;;infmorms;;;;;mtion;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•tend;;;;;medm0ran;;;;;~g-•-Coasl;;;;;mComllm~~·-·---Miss-·;;;;;Kimm.;;;;;brmoo~gb;;;;;hm~;;;;;bee•n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; will be dut llllCI members wlllll bring gilts for secret llilterr. The clu~ alJo will donale l2SO to the Anaheim Bmlch of Teen Challenge, a r.habllltatlon center fC< youth with narcotica p r o b I t m 1 • Fundis repr'ir.tnt p r o e e e d 1 from a receat fuhloa abow. Young people In Ibo c:eot.r are avallah!O ta lpO&k to uy • groopo or orpnilatlom U· plaining the wort done at the center. Additionol lnl0<matlon may be obtained bJ calling Bill Minor, director, or G«qe Wakeling-, chairman of tbe board. Annual lunch Costa Mesa Golf llllCI C.U.. try Club will ' be the settlna for the aDDUll luncbeoo of the Amiliary to Ho a g Memorial ' Ho1pltal, Preshytertan. The group will gather at 11 :30 a .m. Wednesday, Marth 211. Tickets, at $2.'75 which In- cludes tax and • tip, may be obtained by calling Mn. Ma~ thew R. Kenney at ll'IJ.-. BARGAINS for SPRING Sale Lasts One Week! • o• VALUABLE COUPON •o. 0 0 . ,. . 0 0 • • i BEDDING PLANTS i~=----- • ''f:ET0~~ET~-: ROSE BUSH : : ~~~:!s I SPECIALS! 0 • MARIGOLDS • • •STOCK 0 I WITH THIS COUPON • ASSORTED COLORS ~'GALLON SIZE Florist Invited She also denied repcrta that the late President'• t w 0 children would be transferring from New York ta echooll1r===============:::;:ll 2•o•o•o•o•o•o•o•o ! Vaiues to $199 $4.95 NOW ONLY tmtrucUon In m a k In g artistic noral arnncementa and limple conag.. will be given ta memb<n ol Ibo Home and Garden Seclloo ol tbe Newport Buch Ebell Club on Wednesday, March :II. Mrs. Dudley c-. lllllllll" of the noral department of Hollister'• Nunery in Colt.a Meta, will llCldma the noon 1atberlng la the Newport Buch homo ol Mn. i..oo lludd. '!be nori.t, who supervise• Che wort of four de!lgnen. 11 llOl<d f0< her exhibits t~rou1houtSoatbern CallfomlL She combines her desfplnc carter with caring for her home and t "o cblldrm. Mn. Ray NJelaen, cbalrman, will assist the -· in Switzerland. She I a 1 d Caroline ww1d remain a ato- dent at Sacred Heart Sem-inary And John would cooUnue to attend the collegiate 8Chool where be enrolled last fall. What type ol mail II Mrs. Onallsls geUinl tbeao da;JIT "Same old thing," wu .tbe reply. Mila Tuckerman aald Mn. Onusll geta ID8Jl1 r<qUesll for appearances and other engagements. 8-rtly sbe h8' devoted h'1 time to being honorary chairman of Ute Robert F. Kennedy Ctnter for children In New York. A ~ raising event for the ctaters will take place the evening oC Marcll 31 at the dty center. .. "Asked u Mn. Onusil .... happy In ber -.. ta the Greet slllPPinl tyeoon, Mw Tuctennan replied, "Very." YES MAM . We do have the largest stock of SHAG CARPET at the lowest prices! DON'S-CARPET SHOP 12-.. ....... ,..... .... , C16•IOUTH MAIN ORANG!! • March 2 1 April 19 Joseph's Ring Shop 1423 So. Coa1t Hiway Laguna Beach. Ph. 494-5060 CITRUS TREES THI FINIST emus STOCK AYAIU.11.1, 2 YIAI GllAmD AND INSPICllD TUIS-GUAllANTUD TO GIOW. Valencia Orange ,.. ... _.,....,.._..._ .. "" v ....... tt --.. ,... • ..., -,.. Ull -.,..,. t..-fllllll .. rtdl. ........ ,... ..... .,.,. .., lllnaJltWt ___ , .. ~Tllll~ ... """ .. ,. ......... BALLED Reg. 7.00 other Citrus 4" ....... Or-.. ...... •1.-•••t1• •r- TOP 9UAUTYI HIGH GERMINATION DICHONDRA SEED REG. $3.49 TREE ROSES $799 -------- FREE! 3 lbs. Systemic . ' Rose Food and lns"eeticide ••• rNatfeNtty Aft .. tltff lfwl) WITH MINIMUM PURCHASE OF S ROSES I . FREE! FREE! FREE! For '"I'* home ownen. •• Mve pro,..lonal l•ndKape •nd sprinkler ayatem plan Mnice. Aak about ltl ORANGE COAST NURSERY Inc • 380 W. WILSON e COST A MESA e 646-3996 -~---------~~~------------------------------- --·------------------~~~~~~-~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~""'""""' ............................................................. ""...,."""""""""""'" .... """""'"'""""'""""'"""'ll!l! .. '11!!1!11!1!111!!!11!111!1111111111 .. llllllll Frldly, Mlr'Cft 21, 196'.' D41l Y PILOT J :J Horoscope • Sagittarius: Display Respect SATUolDi.IY MARCH 22 By S\'DNEY OMARR ARIES (March JI-Aprill J9): By evening, yoo could be celebrating with v i s i t i n g relatives. Earlier, get house in order. Collect and file signiricant data. Key i s harmony umong loved ones. TAUHUS (April 26-"May 20): People 11·ho talk -about money today n1a y be a !trangers to It. Know this and doD't be taken In. Key is to be ronian- tic \\'ithout being foolish. Your ESP ~·orks overtin1e. Tru6t h\lncb. GEMINI (lo1ay 21.June 20): 'Vail until evening before trying to get approval for new project. \Vork quielly behind the scenes. Be reserved, con- ~rvative in 1naklng claims. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You are prodd~d to complete a ·project. Be flir, but don't take on more th an you can handle. Ac~nt on desires rather than necessities. Strive f ' b:thince. Develo11 product ~·ilh univtrsal appe<1!. LEO (July 23-Aug. ?2): Socia l activities step up tonight. Your sense of royalty Is tnhanced. You Dre lionized. Opposite set p a y s com- pliments and you are happy. VffiGO (Aug. 2:1-Sept. 21), Accede to request tonight for cooperallon in community pr~ ject. You are hnpressivc. MOst wjll believe 11•bat you say. LIBRA (Sept. 2.1-0ct. 22 l: Accent tonight is on trdvel. Also, there is emphasis on messages, corre11pondenct, special calb. Know this - keep communication I i n e s clear. One at a distance could get in touch. SCORPIO (Oct, 2.l-Nov. 21 ): Routine undergoes s u d d e n change. H a v e alternative methods at hand. Day to build. Utilize ere.alive forces. Don't depend on others. Be a se11- starter. Accent Oil publicity and rtcognition. SAGrM'ARIUS j Nov. 22- Dcc . 11): Questions frotn mat e, best to obtai n a n s w e r 1 • Display respect, con!lderalion. Then othtN rc~pond I n favorable manner. CAl)RICOltN !Dec. 22-Jan. 191: Get basic tasks finished, especially chores ..relat.et.1 lo horn~. fa1nily. J~ domestic issue is spotlighlcd . ~lake coflo- cession. Then you av old senseless dlsput('. AQUARIUS tJan. W-Feb, 18 ): Be realislic about pricel!I, oUcrs. temptations. Avoid self· deceplion. Stubborn individual n1ay not give up easily. Your assets arc the objective. Be poised. Guard yourself in the clinches. PISCES \Feb. 19-!'tlarch 20): Don't .let up wh~re protecting )'OUr 1nteresls 1s coocerned. Sorneone \\'ants to catch you pff guard. Actually. important people are impressed. You 're a \\'inner _ ir carelessncsl!I is. avoided. partner may require research.·.---------- Leave no loose ends. Do your Talk Offered WR~NKLES REMOVED • tN 3 M!NUTES GOLF PAR.TEE -Setting· the stage for the annual Member-guest Tournament of El Niguel \Vo1nen 's · Golf Association are (left to right) the l\1n1es. Rob- ert Marvin. Colvin \Vhitingto1\ and Harry Lowe. 1\n a rtistic theme wil l be follo\l'ed for th e event nex t Tuesday. ~~~~~~~~~~- Tournament Told Shotgun Sounds Start Women's Golf Association or El Niguel Country C I u b , Laguna Niguel \•:ill start its annual l\1ember-guest Tourna- ment with a shotgun at 9 a.m. next Tuesday. An Artists Par-tee will be Club Staging Final Project The last ~·ays and mean ~ project for this club year \Vill be offered by the Costa i\1esa Wome n's Club Tuesda y, Afarch 25. at 12:30 p.m. in the clubhouse. The ~·omen are planning 111 dessert luncheon to \Yhich the public is invited. Mrs. Eugene \\'ing is chairman w i t h assistance from the Mmes. ~I Gordon Koster, Phillip Ha~·. the theme of the tournarnent, said Mrs. Rayn1ond Bailey, chairman, explaining t h a t decoratioll.!I will consist of palettes, brushes, frames and paintings. The tournament commiltee ~·ii\ be attired in smocks and berets in keeping t,1•ith the artistic theme, she added . '.\-lore than 40 teams \Viii com pete, \rith guestl!I representing Southland clubs including Annandale, Deauville, ln:ne Coast. Glen- dora, El Toro. Santa Ana. Lake Los Moros, Fallbrook and othe~ TOPS Mermaids Information r eg arding memberslip in TOPS Merging 1Iennaids may be received by te!eJiioning T\1rs. Leon Townsendl at 642 -1 804. W.rs. George Di c ks . chainnan of Rancho Viejo \\'01nan's Club's youth com- n1ittcc. has rc \·enled plans for a Career Day at i\lission Viejo High School \\ledncsday, April 30. ~lcinbcrs or varied pro- fessions will be secured by ~·!rs. Dic ks' conimittee to rneet with stu dents during \Vednesday afterno:in. Refresluntn!s \\'ill be served to speakers in the facu ltv cafeteria 11•herr students will be gh·en the opportunity lo question them on thei r fields of interest. Assisting h1rs. Dicks are the fl.Imes. Theod ore Cooper, John Cosmos, Daniel Carr, Norman F'ohrman. Ed'>'•ard Cassaro. Donald Korth and Thomas Conroy. Mrs. Diclts also has been serving as chairman of the: high school's youth employ- ment ser1•ice bu reau. Wi lliam Bandaruk and F. Lee Wadsworth. Meetings .take place at 7 p.m. -----------1 Tickets will be l!lold 1t the door . every 1b.Jrsday in Woodland School. O:>sta Mesa. Wrile lo Uncle Len ----------· ------------- \ I I I • ' SAT. LAST DAYI REDUC Girls dresses for the Easter parade! SIDS 7-14 All our•7 .. IMI SIZES 4-6X All OUr" '6 dNIMt I • NOW 5.99 NOW 4.99 Alf OUr" •a dNll .. All our •7 clrw ... NOW 6.99 Your ~ ...,. ....... "" ..,..,,.., girl ...... fllllw porode .,. .....,. cottefl .,..i.t, liMil neo .. bWl, -ttr ...... ..,.... .. ,,,_.,Hurry io!wtollettodil i.tl . COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH IH•rbor Shopp in9 Ccrilc:rl !Hu11 lil\Cjfon Cenltrl NOW 5.99 NEWPORT BEACH IFaihion lila nd l Uo the spring thing! }Jiuck a fresh QualiCrW't shoe ghape-like a ladder sling with pretty strappiness. The toe is a full circle and the heel a otraighter shape. It's 7.99 in ringtail lizard.grain or black or white manrnade patent. It's just one way QualiCl'a[t keeps you up wiLh Lhe news. See the refined brogues, sandals for beach or city, spilly spectators. Get the pick o!QualiCralt'syoung 5 99 7.99 shoe rrop for mostly • to , FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTINGTON BEACH SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA • ...... ' j ---------;14 DAILY PILOT LllGALNcmcE rAAJ, Mm 21, 1m -------------~·-------' . ' ... , .. . . . ., -.. •• , 4 • • •• r~ f • Thursday's Oosing Prices-Complete ~·-w..a.a..., ______ ...;... __ _ .... M1f1 · TluUlr. -20, 1169 New List .. ' .. .. • ... . . . . • • " .. • , ""i'"""'";:;;;;;ll'1,..~. -~ -··--· .. • 1• DAJLV •nor ---Frldq , MltC~ 21, 1969 ----- Vallely's 29 From Wire Sen'k:es ·LOUISVIl.LE -John Vallely, former corona de! t.br lllgh and Oran1e Coast Colleie star, poured 29 points through the nets kl join mate Lfw Alcindor in pacing the shaky UCLA Bruins to a finals btrth in the NCAA cham- pionships here. Coach John Wooden 's two-thnc. defen. ding national champions vdll meet Rick ~fount and the Purdue Boile.rmakerii Saturday for the title after they nudged spuni.y Drake, ~. in the ,second hall of Tla.irsday evening's twin bill. In lbe first game Purdue blasted over· rated North Carolina, 92-65, to set up a replay of the se4son opener which UCLA tool from the Big Ten champion Boilermakers, 94-82, at Pauley Pavilion. Vallely "1'8S magnificent. He potted 19 points in the last half before fouling ou t 'With Jes,, than two minutes lo play. Alclndor contributed 25 to the Bruin cause and \\'as lara:tly lhe dUferenct ln the 1ame &ince the 1hor:ttr Bulldo&s could not stop him inside without fooling. Vallely, Eastern Conference playec qf the y,ear at OCC and protege of former Corona del Mar coach Bob Lesne. hit from all over the Coor and added 11 for 14 free throw tries. And he lost another bucket Oh a three second violation. The Bollumakers were dev~tatlng in their semifinal encounter as they overwhelmed N o r t h Carolina. And it was their guardi, Mount and Bill Keller, who did most of the damage. Mount connected on 14 of 28 shots. lo!fost of them from 20 feet or more, to score 36 points and Keller added 20 in addition to playing a fine floor game. It was ~. ,. ON THE DECK -Le\v Alcindor of UCLA eyes the ba sketball after being knocked down trying for a rebound in NCAA semi-fipal round game in LouisviJle Thursday night. Big Lew grabbed 21 other re- Bruins • lll die Dri ke',s quickness, espeeially in the backCourt, U1at cnWie& the Bruins lrQUb~ Tbursd:iy night. Pm-due may be even quicker, and their guards certainly shoot belt~. "I feel like I just had a reprieve.'' Wooden said followinj the Bruins' ex- citing triumph. "Either Drake played very well or we did not, because "'e had more turnovers (2.1) tonight than we bud all year. I think a quiok. tev.m -bothers us. \Ve'll have to play a iot ~tter than we did tonight against Purdue." Drake could have won il it had shot the way it did most of the season. The Bulldog.a from Des l\1oines, Iowa, made only eight ball control errors, but shot only 38.S p e r c e n t from the field -far belo\v its seasor. norm o(. -47.1. UCLA, on the other hand, made 56 percent of its shats. bounds and score harro\ving 85-82 25 points, second over Drake. Purdue showed th:i Jll()lt of any team on lhe noor, ho"•ever. The Boilermakers c:omplele.ly destroyed a team they were &upposed to have trouble bandllng by usin11 run-and-shoot style to perfecUon. Vallely broke 1 M-5&-tie with a drivlng layup and the dead·game Bulldogs had had their last look-In. Leading 6&-«i, UCLA reeled off 'a string of nine conse.cutive points -seven or them by Vallely -established a 7a-.G6 margin and held on from the~ although Drake pulled to "'itltin one point with 10 seconds le{t. Drake, ranked No. 11 natklnally. was dead·game all the way, 1'he Bulldogs refused to v;ilt when UCLA spurted to it.s 12-point lead with abouC four minutes to go, and came charging back. l\fcCarter hit two quick baskets and Willie Wise added another before UCL.A • ~ ' to John VaJlely's 29, in Bruins' Finals, could put togeU'ler 1 fJeld aoal and a free thro'ol'. McCarter and Lynn Shaci.tlford traded basket8 and UCLA '1 lead wu cut to nine., at IJ..74, with thne runnln& out. But stUJ, the fantullc Bulldop stayed alive. Wise put in a shot from the corner, tttcCarter hit two more baskets and the lead wa..s doVl'lt to three, IS-80. The Bulldogs then gained possession with ll seconds to play. Dolph Pulliam broke lhrouih on a fast break and the margin wu one polnt ~·Ith less than lD 5e000dJI left. UCLA put the ball in play and Shackelford, foull'd at the buuer, calmly dropped In two free throws while his teammates filed off tbe court. The Bruins opened up with every in- dication they were going to make a root of it. They ran off seven consecutive points 85-82 before Pulliam broke through on a fut break wllh the game 2 ~i minutes old. Vallely and Curtis Rowe added four more points far the Bruln.s befo_re Drake called for time with 1S:43 remaining. Drake, obviously nervou~ and possibly intinlidated by the towerrng Alclndor, hit only one ol its flrst 10 shots v.·hile UCLA coMected on live of si1. . ""' ..... • • T • • T l'YIJllll' • .., " !111dl;lttto/"111 ' •·• • wuu:.m1 • .. • Ro.,.., • .. " w ... • •• " Alclnaor • ... " McC1rtff " .. " Hflfr ' ••• ' ,,,._ • M " v1111ty • 11·14 " °"m • . , • WkU • .. • W1r.-m1ka • ,_, • ·-' .. • Ziller • u " l'1n1non • M , Gwin • ., • Seflofl1:d • ,.. , Toti I• • 11·2' " Tollll " ..... " D<'•k• " •3-11 UC>.A ., .. -" Foul.cl lul -UCL.A. Vllltly, H'!lt. Alffnelanc1 -11,.US. Martin Erases Mark Anteaters Leading NCAA Swimfest SPRlNGFIELD, Mass. -\JCl's swim· ming team was in the driver's seat today at the NCAA's college division swimming championships. After Thursday's first day of com- petition in the three-day meet drawing 82 schools fr om throughout th~ country, UC! had 66 points in the books to second place UC Davis' 50 points. Kenyon College of Ohio ·was third with 48 polnts and host Springfield College was fourth with 47. UCl's great sophomore free styler, t.Uke l\1artln, gave Irvine a boost Thursday by strok ing his \\'BY to victory ln the 500-yard freestyle event in 4:41.3 -the fastest time recorded in the nation this year by any SVl'immer. Hadl Wants New Co11tract Or Ne,v Tea111 SAN DIEGO (AP) -John Had!, who paced the pros Jn touchdo\\'ll passe-s last year, plans to become the first experienced quarterback on the open market. Hadl , 29, after six seasons witn tne San Diego Chargers of t.he American r·ootball League, will be a fr ee agent April I unless he settles his contract dispute \ll·Jth the Cha rgers. The tilne broke ~fartin's NCAA recor.: of 4:43 flat he set last year u a freshman. UCI also scored hea\'ily in the 200-yard Individual medley where Rich Eason finished second in 2:02.1 and Bob Dowell ninth. Eason exceeded his best time ever for the event by four full seconds. Duane Olson picked up a 12th place in the consolation heat of the 500 free and Steve Farmer finished seventh in the 50 free final with a 2i flat clocking, Irvine 's 400 medley relay team of Bob Dake (backstroke ), Dale Hahn (but· te:rfly ), Steve Fanner (free:.1yle) and Jim Cooper (breaststroke) qualified 12tlt but imprO\'ed to seventh in the final v.·ith a 3:44 flat time, breaking the UCI re cord. Hahn \\'as timed in a 1;corching S3 flat on his fly leg. six seconds fa ster than he 'd ever covered the distance before. Bob \Vilhlte placed fourth in the one. meter diving competition and comes back Saturday for his specialty -the three.- meter board. "We really came through with some outstanding performances today," Irwin liaid by phone from Springfield. "Our kids are really excited now - ,.,.e think we can win the \vhole th.in&: this time." UC I has placed second and th ird In its two previous attempts at an NC AA swim crown. The Anteaters V.'ere shooting the works for more points today with Hahn prin'led for a big effort in the 200 fly and Eason and Olson in the 200 free. Cooper, a freshman, figures to score points in th e 100 breast. Dake goes in the 100 back. Irwin will send Eason, l\lartin, Farmer and Olson after victory in the 800 free relay. Pm·due Coach Sports Clip ed Short "I'm playing out my option," 11adl said Th ursdar. "Negotiations are deadlocked. It has reached a point that unless something changes there's no chance. Te1nple Meets Eagles in NIT · Lauds Bench~ Mount i11 WU.1 LOUlS\llLLE, Ky . rAPl -Coach George King. who plays them one at a lime, credited a strong bench Thursday night for Purdue's hnpressive 92-65 vic- tory over North Carolina in the semifinals of the NCAA Basketball Championships. Kmg also singled out All-American Rick fl.fount for special praise, saying, "He made some fantastic shots.·· Purdue. in the final for the first lhne In jts history, pla~·ed much better ball than King anticipated. j,<We expected North Carolina to give us a rougher battle," he said . "We always try to run , and North Carolina made the mistake ol running with us." King said he has not see n anyone this season who can stop P..1ount and that fl.fount hfls had only one poor j!"ame -against Marquette In the NCAA Mideast Regional Final last Saturda y. He said Mount's performance that day could ha,•e been excused because the 1ighUng was not too good. However, Mount's rinal shot won that game. North Carolina coach Dean Smith said. ••we were embarrassed by an excellent ball team." Smith said that "'ilh 10 minutes left In the game he thought North Carolina isHll might be ab~ to pull out the victory. "\Ve ha ve come back from bigger deficits in the past." he ex-plained. Smith said Purdue's fast·break "made a sh.ambles out of our defense." He also said Purdue was "the most fantastic Jona:-ran,e shooting club rve ever seen.'' fie said North Carolina is not Al' C'ustomed to tangling \vith teams th:it 6hoot from ao far oul. adding the BoUmnaken are the best represen- taUves t.be BiR Ten has sent to the NCAA semillna.ls in many years. "'...-C•,.1111• ··-• • • • • • •11110,,, l -'"' " 01•!11"' " .. • ""' • .. " Fa1•btr ' ,_, • (191~ ' .... " -·-' ,_, ' ..... • .. , -· " ••• • GTlltll« , ., • 1C.i1 •• • " • Dtl9ny • .. • I(•~'""~ • H , ...,_ • ., • W•"'°".,,,.' , • •• ' ·-' .. I ,,._ ' .. • .... • .. • T•rlor ' .. ' CMf•~ ' •• I L.onlf.tilow • .. • lllTvttlit • •• • ·--• •• ' \""' • .. • .... ' .. • 11111 2$ U·11 .. Telflt ,, .. " " Nw'll c.11..i"'-' " • .. ·-n .. " Feultd eut -H ..... Tfll1I fOui. -HWlll tarollrv •• l"~"IVll • Fresno Rooki Takes Lead ;'Tt's a\n1ost certain ... pretty well sc~tled," he said, that Hadl v.·on't l'•ear a Charger uniform next season. Had) preportedly seeks a three-year contract in the $60,000 to $70,000 ran ge, plus a $250,000 loa.11 for i11\'estm ent purposes. JACKSONVILLE . Fla . -Jerry Heard, 21, six feet tall and 180 pounds. quit Fresno State College last fall in his junior year and decided to take out a { t e r Nicklaus, Casper & Co. on the $6 million pro tour. Heard popped up among the leaders of a tightly bunched pack after lhe first round of the $100,000 Greater Jacksonville Open tourn ament Thursday. He fired a 68, four under par, which plnced him in a tie \Vit h six others, just one st roke back of p<!Ce·setting .lay Hebert, the 41-yea r-old veteran from LafayeUe, La., leading at 67. Jerry is ooe stroke ahead of Jack Nicklaus, two in front of Arnold Palmer, three better than Bill Casper and four in front ol Player -not bad for a rookie. Kings Whip Detroit. INGLE\VOOD -The Detroit Red Wings magnificen t front line set the records, but the Los Angeles Kings \\'on the game. That was the story of Thursday's Na- tional Hockey League clash at the Forwn where the Kings won 4-2. chaslng DetroU goalie Terry Sal\•chuk on the way. The Detroit line of Gordie Hoy,·e, Frank lo!1ahovlich and Alex Delvecehio pushed through two goals to raise it.s season lo"1 to 107 and break the 24-year· old r~ ol 105 set by Montreal's Plfaurlct Richard, Toe Blake and Elmer Lach. Howe scored the 730th goa l of his :?3·year carett at 17 :24 of the first period, and W.ahovlicb rebounded in his 46th of the season in the second period, Andrews te Coull LONG BEACH -Dee Andrews, 2&, fonner Long Beach State football star, will coach the offensive backfield •t hls alma mater nest season, athle tic director Fred L. Po-filler said Thursday. Andrews, now athletic director at Franklin Junior High in Long Beach, was a junior college a~n<lout whe.n ht played at Long Beach City Colle.ge.. He was named to the Llttle All Coast te.am while at Loni Beach State. /\'FL Not Bu11ln9 PAL.M SPRINGS -Amtrlcan Football Lca';Ut OVl·ners presented a plan for re•llgnment in the professional merger '>'"ith the N1tlonal Football 1Aaiue1 but NFL 01vners indica te they \\'ere not interested in the pro 1. The owners met in th ·r first joint ses- sion on the question ;:i ta lked in the night. If the question uld not be re- liOl\"t."<l today the issue 11 not come up again until their spring ecting, tenta- tively scheduled for ear l\1ay in Ne\v York. rhe AFL idea called r two leagues "';th two subdivisions w hin each one. The subdivisions would h e a 7-6 align- 111ent. But NFL O\l'ners like l e presen t ar· rangemenl -to AFL ams and 16 NFL teams in separate le 11ues. A11gels Dump 11diu1~ PAU1 SPRINGS -e California Angels take on the Clev and Indians in a Cactus League pr eason game Saturday still bearing th signs of a 4-1 victory. • I _The Indians fell to the An Is Thursday MIKE CONTRE AS On Flr•t T•• after the Anaheim team sen t Andy ~lessersmith, Hoyt \Vilhelm and Pedro Borbon to tht> mound to pass out only six hits. Porsche• Set /llark SEBRING, Fla. -Two brand new Porsche prototypes, per!orming flawless- ly_# set the fast lap time 'Thursday as formal practice opened for Saturday's Sebring 12 Hours of Endurance. One or the 3-liter cars, handled by Gerhard Mitter of Germany, turned the 5.2 mile Sebring course in 2:'42.77 or 115.009 miles an hour. It was an unofficial course record. Cltlsox Lose /IJ011ey SARASOTA, Fla . -0Ytner Arthur C. Allyn of the Chicago White SoY has inforr.1ed his players the club expects to lose $438,000 (his season. Eugene Klein, the Charger1'' princi pal owner, has said he's through talk ing with Had\. Sid Gillman, the Charger general manager and coach, is siding Vl'ith management, of course .. "All that separates us is $250,000," Gillman has said, "and I can .assure you v.·e are not golng to get into the banking busine33." "A lot of teams need a quarterback," Ha d! said, "and I'm right in the prime oi my career." The liadl case migh t wind up in the lap of Peter Rozelle, pro football com· missioner. Hadl kn ows Rozelle made the New Orleans Saints pay a stiff price -two No. 1 draft choices -for picking up pass-catc her Dave Parks from San Fran- cisco I art year. Had\ led all pro quarterbacks with 27 touchdov.·n passes last year but ht also was intercepted 32 tim es, hi1h for both leagues. NE\V YORK (UP I) -The def en 1 e rested its case in the semifinal! of the nationa l in vitation tourname nt Thurs- day night. The verdict "·ent .against it. Army and Tennessee, ranked 1-2 in the nation in team defense, were both beaten in the semifinals. Boston College chalked up its 19th straight victory ~ downing Army, 73-&1, while Temple turn- ed back Tennessee, 83-58. · Temple, which won the first NIT In 1938 and hasn't been in the finals since, will now meet Boston College, tryinr to v.·in for coach Bob Cousy's farev.·ell, in Saturday af ternoon's finals. The Army. Tennessee defensive match will be the consolation game. Temple threw a press at Tennessee midway Jn the second half and rJJt up 10 straight poinl, as the Vols, who pr ide themselves OJI their good ball- handling. were forced into numerous mistakes. Miller 011 All-CIF Oiler Duo Garners Honors lvlike Contreras and Roy Miller of Huntington Beach High School have been included. on the Al-CIF basketball learn. the DAILY PILOT learned today. Contreras repeated his 1968 honor of being placed on the fir:;t team while J\ililler, described by some as the best 8-2 center in thf CIF, is on the second unit. I Contreras u•as the player o( the year for Orange County, the Sunset League and the Orange Coast area and teamed 'vith Miller to guide the Oilers to a 26-3 record. fluntington bowed to Sunny Hill s in the quarter finals of the pl,,yoff>, IH-58. The latter placed Brad McNa1nara on the first tean1 and Don PUul on the second squad . ClF champion Compton had two players on the first string, including Louis Nelson and CIF player o! the year Larry Hollyfield. Others to make the first team "'ere Kellh \VUkcs of Ventura (a junior}: Vince Carson. l\1uir: Bud Fabian, Notre Damej A<IUte llarris and Bill Jngran1 of ~torningside. llOY MILLER s.e.-Ttam Pick ' - ... ld. '"' "'' >ly or, Jle T • ,. " ' " • • ' , " , ' rd '" .u ,. " " in .r JI· ld th al ,. a ix ld .. :k .. " in 1g In A .. ,. '· y • r 1 1 ' , Lacy Trip le Winne r· ~ar, Vike Spike:ts ·:·Score Loop Wins Nowpon Harbor and Muina High SChooll notched Sunset L<egu< track and field victotita Thura:d1y afternoon. ·The Tars-trimmed Western, 77-41, whUe Marina '."'II be~~ inter-city rival Hunu.irt«i Bead!, ~. Woslminstor loot lo Santa Ana Valley, 111>-1111!.. 'Darrel Blood was a double sprint win- .., for N•wport, takiq the too In 10.4 and the 220 in 23.3. Another Tar double winner was John Styli. who won the 120-yard h11h hurdles in 18.2 and came back for a win in lhe 180 lows with • 21.J. Marina had a triple victory In Dave Lacy. He ck>cked 10.0 and 23.0 In the .>printa and added a bfue ribbon in the "loq: jump with a leap meuuring lt-71h. • .. Bob Lemmon took the 180 lows ln 21.j /Bob Childs the high jwnp at 6-2 dd Bob Wheeler the pole vault with a 12-1 effort, Westmlnstu's Don Diston loped to a mile victory in 4:34.9 to account for one of just two wlns for the !Jons. Wayne Akiyama wu Westminster's on- ly other winner. He captured the 880 In 2:01.0. WeltmilUlter's weight men, G re g McCanta and John McLaughlin, went twD-three in the shot. Rick Pierce, Newport's miler, captured hil event fGt the Sailon in 4:38.3. Balketballer Lee Haven won lhe high jump at Iii: feet. ·• Newport's Bets won their meet, M-31, but the Cees absorbed a 43"'40 beating. Huntin~on Beach's Bee team beat Marina, 67-28, but the Marina Cees prevailed by &S-11. Wutmlnster loot bolb of its lightweight meet!, 48-47 and 58-28. Tar1•Pioneer1 Ntw"" 1lfr'l:t1 ""''"' loo -I. •~ !PO i. cor ... u111 iNJ l. Flnll"I' tW). Timi : 10.4. _ m -1., a1ooc1 1NI 2. cor ... uu e 1N1 l. P'lnlff IW\. 1lm1: n.~. . ·..O -• Hun (W) 2. ROGlrt ('0 3, l t ll•'f (W). Time: ~1.S. $ -l. Huu (W) 2. J1tto IN) 3. Ad1m1 (N). Tim•: 2:02.0. Mlle -I. Pl..,c1 !N) 2. 0111.,.r !NI l. • l"f"Tdmore (WI. Time: ~:Jl.l. 2·M11e -1. l t nlll"I' (N) 2. KrHlul1 CW) 1 Fl11c:Mr (Nl. T1m1: 10:01.0. >l,O HH -l. 1YH tN) I. T11rner lWI lo WI d (NJ. Tl~: 1'-2. llO LH -1. j1YH tNI 1. """' IN! J. HtnlOll IWl. Time: 1.2. • "4 Rel.Ir -1. N1WJ>Ort fRHHr, Corntllu" "°"t ltt11tr1l. Tlmt: ll.O. . M 11 lttl.l"f -I. Wffllfft, Time: l:U.~ . HJ -I. Ht°"n (N) 2. llutler \NI J. Bell (W I Hl'l9'11: U . LI -1. Ad1m1 (NJ 2. IJtbtl (WI J. Blood • CN1: 0!1!111<1: »JV.. l"\I -1. Cockro11 IW) 2. Wiid IN) 3. l!~ller (N) Htllhl; 11)..0. : 5;r. -1. FN (W} 2. Aldrich lNI J. Cirri/lo (W ). Dltlln<t: !2·3. ' . '" N-.rt ,,.I Ull W"llll'ft 100 -l. S'1lullt tN 2. Soltr (N) 3. $tel1 CNJ. Tlmt: 111.s. ' -"21 -1. Strw(lt IN) 2. Arm1rid IN) :S. S11l1 fN l. Tlm1 ; 2l.t. MO -l. OW.... (NJ 2. Sl1bltr (NI l. Smllll f.N ). Tlmt: l :ll.l. " ·)320 -I. Fletchtr (NJ 2. RtlwlUI IW) 3. ltobl"'°" (N ). Tlmt: 3:24.0. 120 HH -1. L-J (W) 2. Merh (WI :l. 01hl (HI. Time: 11.0. 120 LH -I. L-l IWJ t. 01hl lN) l. · ~rl$ {W). Tlmf: 14.,. $10 Rtl•"f -1. Newp(J(f (Armand, Sffl1, !oler, :Schullr). Timi: 1 ::16.J. HJ -1. Riiey (N) 2. D1~1 (H) ~. ?.tr\1111 (WI. Htlot: .S.7-LJ -1. Soler (NI 2. S.111 Oil 1. LOPtJ CW!. D!1!1n«: 1e.t•,i,. ,.V -1. Schontr (W) 2. Wllll>O IW) J. Mort (NI HtlOhl: IW. sP -I. Altwll!Gll IN) 2. Ftr!l1r !WI 3. Dike (N). Ol1lenct: •1~" Ntw"rt (4fl CUI W11f9!'ftl 100 -1. Aml11 (N) l. Ad1maon IW) :S. Enoll1h (WJ. Tlmt; 11.0. '!O -1. tt.IHll !NI 1. Ami" IN) 3. Ad1maon IW . Tlmt: 11.1. 660 -1. e-ft!NU (W) 2. E1111lllll (W) :I,. H~!i.;'1!_ (~.). K:~ 1{J/i:S..L Alw1nt !Nl 3. llomn IW). Tlmt: 1:21.J. no LH -I. ~Htt (NI I. G,...n IWI :a. M191'111nn IWI Time: U .•. "'9 Rt le"f -l. N....,,.,., (Am!11, lllcl1nl, Gtnlolf, • Hoir111t1 .. Time: •·'-If' -\. P1rent1:111 CW) 2. Tudlltl' IN) 3. l it btlW"" Clint IH), Nl'l"MN tN), lrec1 (NJ 114 McM!ftn (NJ. Htl_.,t: 4-10. t.J -1 Ad1mto11 {W) 2. Gfi!llDll (NI J. Matellt.,.J !WJ. Ol1l1ncr: le.10111. PV -! . M1Qt11!1MI (W) 2. DtWllt IW) J. No lh!rd. HtltM: 10-4. SP -1. Murrletl• CW) 2. Tuektr fNl 3 . ltbl/1 (N). Olll•rtee: •l·2Yi. Llons•Falcona ' v ... 11y Slftl1 Alll Vt..,. f'l\111 111\'t) Wnt111l~1t1r 1110 -I. £mtN ISAV) 1. O.neen (SAVI l 9tlft !SA.VI. Timi: lfl.O. t20 -I. lelh ISAVJ 1 l ltl leunllll'I (W) :a. SllVtnM>n (Wl. Tlmt: U.4. to10 -l . LM CSAVJ J. .Ull'tme fWI 3. Tl!lnt IWI. Tllll•: U.4. MO -1 .U1y1m\ IWJ j lol.o1"wlck {IA.VI 2. Cll•m~rl11n IWI. lmt: 2: l.1. Mlle -I. 0!1ton (W) 2. Nldlell IWI J. Munar ISAV). Tifl'ot: '::U.f. 2·Mlltl. -1. LIUll!ti" (SAV} 2, MIUi.t' IWI "°1:lr~H T~'i. 1q,;l:J; f5AVI 2. Ktelclt r !SAVI 2. Amft \WI. Tlmt : U.O. · 1110 lH -J. Fltldl (LAV1 2. KKklw (SAVI J. Amt1 (W). Ttmt: Tf.J. 4«l ll1l1y -I. Sl"lt ollY Vel!r;-. Time: .0.4. . Mlle Rt llY -I , S.ftll Anl Vt llftl. Timt: f l"t;jo._ l. lit! bt!Wlfft Wt llt {U.V) llMI HI""°" (WI ). llot!Wlck !SAVI, Helfhl: U . .' U -1. Fields !SAVI 1. Httllt ISAVJ l. 7 AREA SCHOOLS :JN TUSTIN RELAYS Seven Orange Coast area nigh schooJ :track and field aggregations will invade '1\asUn High School Saturday morning at 11 to compete in lhe TuJtin Relays. Sunset League squads Marina and Hun- tington Bea~ !rill be joined by <;:orona de! l\tar, Coiti Meu and Eslancl• tn .the Jrytne Uague and Mis11km Viejo "and Sin Clemente tn the Q-e11tvlew .League circuit. Top.tbrtats are Santa Ana, Santa Ana Valley and El Mode.n1. - tit bt!WNn fl'llllllfl CS.AV) tl'lll S11v1rnllft IWI. Ol•lerte11 22-1. PV -l. Otrcll llAV) 2. MtM .. na (WI ,, ·1~CSfVl~11tl.~11!u.v1 t. Mcc~n .. IWI t. McUlllllUfl CW), OltlMCt: *~· '" S."l A ... Vtllwq) 1411 W"IMl""I., 100 -• Htull SAVI J. N .. hl (SAVI. ), ColllftN (6AV). Tllfll: 0.1. :nt -I. HouM ( ""t 2, Mlddodl.1 CWI l. ""'-11.AVl. Tllfle: 21.1, ... -'· Y011n9 !WI 2. HOr (W) L w n ... {$AVI. Tl .... : l::Hl.J. \ 1J:2t • I. kY19. 'W, 2. Ver1t {W) l. Ct1wn111 (W). Time: 3:21.1.. 1M HH -1 .W1ldm11 (WI l. JollMOn (SAVI 3. H1rrl1 IW). T..-it, 17.l. ·~ \" -'r Wtldm•n (WJ 2. Oi!lttdo IWI 3. Ht.rr I (W). T mt: 1'.I. NO Rll91' -~ flflll AIY Vt lltY. TllM: 1 :M.I . .. ::.J. (w11.Ht'r:i~c:.. (SAVI 1. lttecl (SAVI ,, LJ -f. MAldocic1 (WI J, Niii!, (SAVI 1. ~tl1on ISAVJ. Ol1t1nu: lt ·lll. PV -1. lwl"tOn CSAVJ 2. lleecl ISVAI J. Wt!latt (SAV), Htltl'll: 11.f. s~ -1. MtN111tMlc.i (W) t. Jollnton (SAVI 3. Tl!Ornpto11 (W.) Dhlel)C'I; "°"'· ,. 1 S1nte All9 V-'l'IY )NI (JI) Wn t"'lfllfw 100 -I. G1~.. IAV ! 2. AlN'lfO. (5AVI 3. H1Mtn (W). tlmt: It .. 1IO -I. ¥""°11 ISAVJ 2. ltt<llftl (SAVI 1 ti:"'.! C'fl· k~1f lf.ri.t.vl t. ~ CWI 2. l l•lnllll ISAV1. T~I : /:ll.t. U20 -I. Adlnlll SAVI l. Gum)lo1 (SAVI J,.1~1'T'H(~.1~m~~.l.llAV} l. Ktnll'f (WI S. G,..,,1m (SAVI Time: 14.). uo Rll•Y -111..,11 A.,. v1111-,. Time: 111.1. HJ -1. ykff (SAV) 1. Wnrmlrui.r lW) J. M(()aftltl {WJ. Helrht: 4-11/. w~1{,..,-; c~1. Y,t~~" lff.~' 2. sar.11111 . cwJ a. • PV -1. SwHfley tW) 1. $19111lll' IWI ). llOfl ISAVJ. HtltM: M . SP -I. Syktt (SAVI 2. Wllktr(l\ln (WI' ). 81nlc1 l$AVJ. Ollltn<9o.: Ml-10\11. Ollers-l'll<es v1 .. 11Y Milin IUI US) H111lllt9'0A 100 -1. L1cv CM) 2, J. Vtntlmltlle fM) ). /JJ~ ('tl· l~: j~,, 1. T, Vlf'lllmt1ll1 !Ml I. Kli.no (Ml. Time: 21.1. • ...a -!. H091n CHI 1, Gl uth<! (M) J. llorltnlt IMJ. Time: 31.0. MO -1. McQUOll CHI 2. Hirt {Ml 3. lock1 IMI. Tlmt·J ?:m.•. Miit -• lltbl n !Ml t. Mu/11111 CHI 3. Htnl11111 (Hl,,:y1m1: 4:4.1. 2·,...11 -1. Ollnllv1n \HI 2. Loclcm1n !Mt 3. Hetiderl"'1 (M). Time : 10: •.e. !20-HH I 1. S!tbbl~• (H) 2. Pn1le'f {Ml 3·1~'1Ll~).__!lmi;_~~mon (M) 2. Wl\Hltr !Ml 3. M1rll"'1 {H). Tlmt: 21.!. ..-RtltY -1. Merlry (KU1no. J. .-.d T, Vet1tlmlllllt L1cvl. Time: 4J.!. Milt Rtl.Y -1. M1rlN IGtuthn, Of"t'llllnt, 'lkl!"ttnd, J. v ... tlmllll•/· Tl""': 1:40.4. HJ -I. Clllldl (M 2. Mlr!lflfI IH) 1 Fll'!Hf" IMtJ ~IT~LtJ IMI 2.RlchfTKlfld CM! 3. MtrliMI (Hl. Ol1!1Mt: 1•.l\'J PV -l. wr. .. l... (Ml t. O'H1re IM) l. l"tllke tHI. Kel9hl: 13..,j. $P' -1. (lt'ffltnl !H) 2. Drehll nl! (M} l. A"fttl (Ml. Ol1ttnce: 31-lOYt. • '" M9rlftl C:lll "1) Nunllnllllfl lOD -1. UplOn 00 2. Gu1t1hon IMI J, Dorrt!l CH\. Tlmt: 10.7. tXI -. Loc~h1r! fMl 2.Gu1!1hon (Ml l. H•ltfl (H). Tlmt~ 2•.4. 6'66 -1. 81!tnieft (H) 2.Y1bukl IM) l. Ht"fn" (M\. Ttmt: 1:1'.S. 1m -. McG" IH) 1. Brklu"llr (Ml 3. York (Ml. T mt: 3:2tA. 120 HH -I. Win (H) 2.Hel\drlck.!on IHI 3. HUVl"f (Hl. llf'M~ IS.I. 120 LH -1. Wlte (HJ 2. Averyt !Ml 1 Htrn1r.d1J (Ml. Tlmt : 1•.o . no Re11r -i. Hun11n11°". Tlmt: 1::17.l. HJ -. McGIVfle"f (H) 2. Holt (HI J. 01vi1 IHJ. HtlOhl~ H . LJ -1.Wlte IH) 2. ll1tdllf (HI l ,Holl (HI. 0 11rance m v.. PV -'· Ellll<lrl !Ml 2. KtllY {HJ l. Mt Glvne'f (Hl. Heioht: /"· SP -I. 1rd• HI 2. Moxley (H) l .Fu .... 1 (H ). 01111nce: d...I. ,. ' ~ Mlrl"' IU) UIJ Hu"11ftl !O!I 100 -1 M1ttb"f (M) 2 Pickford IM) J. T11lor. !Ml. Tirri•: lO.f' llO -1. l"ldltor CMl 2. Mt llt'f !Ml J, T~~ _!Mll.: ~zi,:.: /~~· 2. l!rtw•r !Ml 3. HoNm11' CMJ. Tlfl"ll: 1:.JO.f. 1220 -I. Jl:Rerm1d\tr IMl 2.0ownlnt IMI ,_. B..ii,t-IH\·· T ltTM: J::Jt.5. .Uo LH - . OIJono IM) 2. Colli... IHI 1 Haffm1n (Ml. Tlmt: If·'· "Cl R1!1r -1. Mtr"' (Htlm!,,lllk.. l(oblrllll, l"lcklbrd\ M.lllb\I). Time: Q .I. HJ -• Worlll"f (H) 2. COUlll'" fMl J. Rtdcrm~1r tM(. J~l~~t~~{il:'; (HJ 2. Hlr1!1 !Ml ). Htlmlnllll 1~1.;. 0~1'(':T~'t1or IMI 1. Y1m1shll'll IM) s. Andt llfl \HI. HtloM: 10.0.. · 1 ~ -• atrleM (H) 2 ,Pu rl tMl J, Tlmm1rm111 ("l. Dltll'l"ICI: .... 10~. Football, Hoop Slates Li sted For Gauch9 s Saddleback College has releaSed its t96g..7o football and basketball schedules. Coach George Hartman's Gaucho foot- ball team will make Its bow in the Desert Conference next season and its first league assignment will be an Oct. 11 date at College of the De:iert in Palm Desert. The Gauchos have five home games against Grossmont. Chaffey, Vjctor Valley, Barstow and Imperial Valley. Coach Roy Slevens' basketball team al so junks its independent role in favor of the Desert loop_ Hls team ha s a string of seven consecutive home games from Jan. 23 to Feb. 14. The Gaucho cagers are ticketed for tournament appearance.! at Chabot and College of the Desert . lfff "Nlhll kllMwlt Stol. 20 -11 $ou!~-•ltrn Slpl. 27 -Gll0S5.MONT Ocl. 4 -CHAFFE V Ocr. II -I I (0111111• of 0.Hrl Oct. 11 -VICTOR VAt.LeY Oct. lJ -bYt Wov. 1 -el Mlrt COJll "'711. I -IAllSTOW Nov. 1$ -IMPERIAL VALLEV N""· n -11 Mt. S111 J•dnro 1Ht-7't ••~n k-1• Nov. '8 -It Sin Olf9g MfN Nov. 7t -llt GrOltmOl'll Ot'C. l -UC SAN Oll!"GO l'llOSH OK. 1 -GAOSSMONT Dec. t -11 Golcltn W"I OK. 11 -MOORl"AlllC Die. ll·lt-20 -11 C1'1tlOI t~rhlm.• OK. 21·2t-l0 -11 C.lltpt ol DtMrt J1t1. ~ 1t S...11 Af11 ., .... ' -,, Co!i.M ol Otlttf Jtrl. 10 -11 lm-ltl V.lltly J ..... " -II ,,,._ Jtl\. 11 -II Vidor Vtlltl J..., 2J -SANTA C~'"A j'"· 2t -ORANG~ AST ~. ll -MIDJ< 5 A F•, 4--COLL G OI' Ol!Sl!llf F •. 7 -IMl"I! tAt. VALLEY F•. l) -BARS t:IW F~. I• -\llCTOll VA LlfV ""· 20 -11 S1nt1 Cltrlll F~b. ?1 -ti Ml' k~ Jt< flh> r., 2' -el M r1 Cotll Ttutntmtnl Tturntrntnl Retired Coach Honored \Vendell Pickens (center), retired Orange Coast College baseball coach, checks out a plaque which li sts all his great moments during 20 years of coaching. Form.er players \Vayne Contrey (leftJ and Ken Moats look on at a special get together Thursday night. · Sea Kings Lose Baron, Eagle Spikers Record Irvine Victories Fountain Valley High 'School's track team raced to an impressive 00-28 Irvine League track victory over visiting Magnolia and Estancia nipped its cross.. town rival and host Costa Mesa, 67-59 Thursday afternoon. ln the only other Irvine dual meet of lhe day Loara swamped Corona del Mar, 92 ~-35'h, on the Sea Kings' oval. George Barnett and Rieb \\'ood were the big guns for Estancia. Barnell won the high jump (6-2), long jump (26-10) and shared first place in the 100 in 10.2. \Vood took the hurdles in 15.1 and 19.9. Phil Maas sparked Fountain Valley \Vith 10.2 and 23.2 sprint victories. Fl'-ltlaguoli11 V1r1ity , ... 11111• Vt lltlY l"l (DJ Mtlnolil 100 -.1, P. Mias 'VJ 2. Moore (FVJ ). W Ul1m1 (NI). Time: 10.l. no -I. P. ,,.. ... ~ (FVI 1. Hulm• ll'VI J, Moort IFV/· Time: 23.2. 44C -• Goelb' (FV) 2. D. Mus IFV ) l. 11~ CM), Time: 51.3. 110 -1. H1rdl" (FVI 2. Rt"fmOfld tFV) l. l!l~ll~M).:._Tlre:ct'r~i~ino !FVJ J. F•mk !FVI 3. McGlnnl1 CM). T!mt : ~:.O.J. J·MUe -l. Willltms (FVl "l. Miiier {FVI I. Flynn CFV). Tlmt: 10:21.1. 120 HH -l. MICl'lt!on (FV) 2. Roehl !l'VI ). &ni1111 .. lML Time: 1'.l. llO LH -1. Ntwtlttd IFV) t. Ruv1rd (Ml 3. Mldlelon (FV ). Tlmt: 21.0. 4<10 Rtll"f -1. fount1in VtlltY. Tlmt : ~.J Mlle Rf\t"f -1. Faunr~ln V1ll1y. Tlmr: J:1\.o. HJ -1. Jontl (Ml l. Mar!!Z (FV) l. 1;e t1rntt (FV) •lld Slltllno !FV). Htl..,I: ~10. l J -1. L1r1on I.Yo) 2. Moort IFVI 1. Auv1rd !M). Ol1!1t1U: 19·5"'. PV -1. SlbltY CMJ 7. Ptrk.ln1<111 IFVI 3. ktlo IP'V\· HtltlM: 17.0. $P -• ll"CldOn (FVl 2. St!btl IMI 3.Jlfl'H (M). Dl1t1na: 41-•. '" P'tunl1l11 VllllY JUI !»I Mlfllllll 11111 -I. Crtne !F ) 1. Anderton tFV) l. W1mplfr (FV). Tlmr: lD.7. nc -1. Senc~ez !M) 2. Cr1ne (FVI 3. Ande•1111 (FVI. l lmt:,_?4.S. > 6<oO -l. ntllh (FV) 1. Otlr!(k (Ml 3. Ml1c~t! IFVI. Timi : l:ll.9. 1320 -1 .Crtmff (M) 2. lltndfr (FV) l. H•nlt"f (FVf. Timi : 3:2'),1. 120 HH -l. M<I011lt IMI 2.HQ!fm1t1 IFV) '·1Teor.t~··~F~~-~~:la17"fM1 J. Go!o (FV) J, H1rntn0t1 CFVl. Tlmf: U.4. UD Rtlt"f -\. Faunl1ln Vtllt'f. Timi: 1:31.J. HJ -1. Plait lFVl 2. Elllt CFVl l . Haflm.tn IFV). Helllhl .S.t. LJ -1. Emffy CFV) 2. M099ie ~M) 1. S-lved1 CF;-'J· ~llt~~;,510.. {Ml 2. Levanclow1kl IMI l . Duoutlle IM). H'l!ll'll; 10.0. I SP -1. ~Hiiier (FVJ 2 .Col11det11 (M I. iolll1 {FV). Oi1ttflC9: "1·214. '" Foun1tl11 Vthl\' ('0 fUl Mt1noll1 100 -I. Ml~Ullkl {Fill 1. M1r!J (FV) l . Gumtn CM). Tlmt: 10.f, 1to -1. M1'1r l'=V) 2, M1hullltl (FVI I. C~ l~Vli.T1'S'1~i1~'·'il'V) 2. Ptrn: (FV) ). kl'ld IFVl. Tlmt: 1:3'.3. 1320 -1. Lttd• fFV) ?. O'Brien !FVI ). ADa'Yll IM). Tlmt: l::Jt.}. ' I 120 LH -I. Goomtn (M) J. 0 , GOlo C V 3. Cl1rk !l'V). Time: 1!.0. ..-o Rt11n - 1 Foun11lft Vt ll1v. Tlmt : ... 1 ... HJ -1. SiilltrdlCk (M) 2. P1uo (~V) 1 H~ln ~F~~· =:;. 'i1.&:1 2. H•lt (FVI 3. Acli;er IFVJ. Dltl111<1: \,.4. l"V -l. l!uli.tdlck (M) I. <.1rMt CFV) l. Smltrt IP'V), Htlght; 10-4. SI" -1. Ftrr1ro CFV/ I, Mut nl ... Cl'VI ). Joh-(FV). P l1llfln: ~ , Cd ltl-Saxons VertllY lN•I 1n1111 IM\'JI (.trl•'I• • t!M1r 100 -I. Elklnt (LI l . Olcwl !ll (ll l . Kron • (C~)._!lm~; 1:·1~1"1 (L) 1. KrOI" ICfrM J 1 H\!t11rom fCdMI Tlmt: U.t . .iot - J, Mii 9f" CU J. l"rll'lll !L) l. Frwd1rlc:lt'I. fl!. 'flmt: Y e, MO -1.Ro .. (CdM) I, Mfndtl Ill J, Smit!\ (LJ. Time: 2:05.0. N~~~. c(dM\". Tr~~·ri ... rlL) 2, Noon1n Il l ). ~·Miit! -t. Ot1 "•lmM (LI 1. W1111 CL) '· Bqrd !CdM). lime: t::)J,Q, 120 HH -J. O.iP CL) 2. Dlll'lllP (CdMt l . Frtd1rlclc1 Ill. Timi: 15.~. JIO LH -I. Oeko (LI 2. Dunl111 ICllMI '·· 111 bftwHn Glo,lfle (lj IUld AJl'lcr1rt (CdMJ. Tome: 21.1. 1 ...a Re lt Y -l. Lotti. Tll'l'll! 44.J. Mllt R1l1y -I. lotrt. Timi: 1~.6. HJ -1. H1y CCCIMI 2. L1.ui !CdMI J. Oeh• !Ll. Htlllhl: J.10. LJ -lb HtmltV \LI 2. O'Ntlll ICdMJ l. !lu!ltt It.}.' llltnc1: :» Ill. PV -1. '""-CL) 2. aled-...la Ill ). Golcltft fl). Htltltl: 11'"'- SI" -1. Huff Ill 2. Tt"fltr (LI 3. llu1Hll (L). Ol1t1nt1: a .2111. Ol!CUI -1. John!ll" CCdM) 2. Runtll (L) 3. Hull (L). 0 1111nc1: u1.11. '" Cor1111 lttl Mir (61) Ill) L01r1 100 -I. Mu!ftr ((dM) 2. To!ll (CCIM) l. Col1ln1 (Ll. Time; 1D J. 120 -1. Mu"•' ((dM) 2. lc1rt ICOM) l. Colhnl (L). Tlmt: 2•.~. 660 -1 Hiii'" CCOM) 1. Andtraon !CdMI '·1~"'"'_!.•nl~1 16~ T'rt~V"2~· Mll4<I !CdMJ l. Gll\lrONnl\11 tl \• TllT'f: /,:!1.S. ue HN -• ktlro lllllOll CL) 2. ll•~ler Ill l.1~1!_'HIC!.Ml\.T~~~J.~i.J 2. H...,...t/'11 CCdM) 3. Sevier (CdM). Tlm1: 1/·'· llO Rell"f -l. OrOfl,I ""' Mir (Mull• TINim11. l(elltm, THI!). Timi : l:ll.l. HJ -'· H1rtmle !CGM) 2. HllltlM (LI l. Scn•elen.011 Clj. Htltht: ~1~. LJ -\. 1mr IL) 1. F•rr1r ((dMJ l. Havw1rd ((dMI. Dll!lftCI : 11'.4. PV -1. Wolle \CdMI 2. Romnt"f (CclM) 3. Ltmons fll. Htl•hl: 10-4. SP -I. Sw~nacfl ll)._,2• Slf\11-(CdMl J. Slg>l~~(C":_M)I o~i ..... ri=: !L/. 2. Slmki" ICGM) l. Jump (CdMI. D111anc1: 112· o. '" CeAl'I *I Mir \Ill Utl L1>1r1 llXI - 1. Mlllt CCdM 2.K-lntld IL) J. Fl1!1tr1Y (CdMl .. Tlmt•J IJ.lJ TIO -I. 1111 CdM J. K.ipjl l,,M<I (l) J. Flltwlrl"f ((clM). Time: J(l.0. .. -I. Wllaon (LI 1. CemMllU CCdMI l. S~~ (':2_ .. I. Clift; (Cd;, 2. Ml~lt CCdMJ J. Glfnf\Ol'I CCllM\· Tlmt: l : '-110 Lli -. Ourck L) 2. 11 ... n (CdMI S. Klflnf v ~CGM). Tlme: \!.•. «O Rel•Y -1. CorOfll dtt MM (Mltt1. FlllltrlY, Klnnf"f, Rounf. Time: 4 .f. HJ -1. Kini ((GM) ?. OvlrtOft IL) 3. !le bl!Wffll J trlSlfl ICdM) .,,,, McCork•I (CdM ). HeleM: !·•· LJ -ll P'l.lllerty CCCIM) 1. Kint (CCIM) J. K&?Plnskl { l. OltltKI: 11-1!. PV -I. Wo li. ICdMl t. Alplt"f Ill 3. Hene IL). Heleht: ..... SP -1. Rk ta {CdM) 1. Ovttrson CL) 1 $haup !LJ. o r1tanct: "2-41. Engle1°1tl e10 Vanll't llflM .. Ull fltf Ctlll M ... 1~ -1. 11, B1rntlt (f l lfld Ottmtf (CMI .>. Gordan Uil. Tl-: 10.1. 22't -\ GordOfl ~El 2.KtnnldY ICM) J. Pi:;~r 1'.'1•!1~Ck,.·l· Ot!Ofl tfl 2. lrodrlct (C:J· .!_l"j~: o&!n {(CMl 1. H1un {111 :I.. Yerkt'f ""I· Time: 1:01.1. Ml t -I. W~!!t !I!) I.Noori.fl (CM) 1. Macl~n 1c1. Tim•: •:Cl.a. 1-Mli,, -. Wrt!11 CEI 2. Ol1w1nt1 (CMI ). "'l£' ~ft"1·-1"1.: ·xm.· (fl 2. Ltf.Vff (CM) i.,~vl~~c~ Tl:"';....~· (El '· t.effvtr ICMI a. sw111 (&J, T/m•: lt .t . • ~olO Ael•-, -. Elllfl<ll. Tlmt ' "5.0. Mlle Re ltf -1. (O'll• Mt11. t1rn1: l :J.1.7. HJ -I. letMll (El J. llklllf'I IE)). M1rclllorl1rtl ICM1. Htf9hll4-2. LJ -1. JllrMtt IEJ '· SWiii IEJ ' .Au11111 fCMt. Ol11tll0f: 20-10.. " -*'"!! IEI l. · Efllltn fCMI L ~o lllW . I: I • $ii' -•1 •or f ,I 2. Lewry ICM' L lt~lllr IOM:.D!llllflCll Ol•tin ........ l . lltlll'r M1 r. Luulllt (l!I L lt•Vl'!lllftd <•>. Dl1t•11et1 I .,J, h 1111e1• 1~1'1~1 te111 ,,,__ ~ -i. SbWlfl I : ' "Nwmu IE) :I. Grav« t TlrT\tl I'"' _. ., Htwmt: fl) 2. •&k-lfl fl!I 3, Gtll'Vtt" II/, •lmt: il<ll . ' ·Monarchs Fall To St. Paul By One Point SANT A FE SPRINGS -Host St. Paul High Sthool edged Mater Del. 5~58. in an Angelus League dual track and field meet Thursday afternoon. The meet wasn ·1 quite as close BJ the final score indicates because St. Paul had sewn up the victory before the final race, the mile relay, which was won by Mater Oei. Top perfonner for the Monarchs wa11 Paul Muldoon who won the 440 and the 880 in 1:59.5 V1rtlty St. l" .. I (Sf) fNl Mam Otl 11111 -I, Mol'91n (SI") t. Dllfln IMO) ). K'.tll (SP). Tlf'rll: 10.). no -1. Mor ... ft llP) 2, JKllKWI IMO) l. Dunn (MOJ. Tlmt: 22.1. 4&0 -1. MulOoon CMOJ 1. M1iklKh ($Pl ). 01Ckl0ft IMD J. Tlmt: 51.l. 8.!0 -. MuklOQn (MOI 2. J_.,nln!t fMO) J. Nol~n CSP\· (School rKOrd>. Time: 1:ff1. Miit -. C• ... ler ISP) 1. Oowl I'll CMDI l. lior11mt"ftr !MO). Timi; 1:.U.I. l·Mli.. -1. McKeon !MOI J. LqnJe CMO) '·1~re~~:n ~P)i. Tl!f~n~~:'·'is,.) 2. OllC tSP) i. Tr1cf1' !SP). Time : 15.f . 1IO LH -\· Htllon CMOI 2.THn1m1 UPI l . Lant !MO). lm1: 20.t. ...a Rt11y -I, Mlltr Otl (JKl<IOfl. L-. H~lloft, Ounn). Time: ..S.J. Miit Ael1y -I. Mtltr Otl. Time: J:a,~ HJ -I. Morion CMOI 2. StYbo"' IMOJ J. Pol1nai (MO). Htloltl: U. LJ -I. MQr;an ($Pl I . Smllll (SP) L l- !MOJ. 01111nce: JJ.c. r.V -!. MtYtr1 CSP I. P1~ln1 IS,.) no th rd. litl(lhl: 12.0. SP -1. Htricock (SP) J. TIOwtll 151"1 l. Mc01nlel {PS). Olll•nct: "'°"" •• SI. l"JWI (NI fr) Mtltr Del 100 -i. Frilot IMO 2. McKIOfl tMOI J. J1c111on (MOJ. Tlme: 0.6. 210 -1. Frllctf IMO) 2. MctCIOtl CMO) l. V•n Afl"" ~SPJ. Tlmt: 21.0. 660 -•• T1r~11 (Sf') 2. t.nlM (S,., ), 0'M•lltY IMDI. Tlmt : 1: .J. l:ni:t -It tretMll ISP) 1. IYtUn (MOI l. Nf1'I'o' ($Pk~""'i_ l:~,.. (SP'I t. ,;tlflll CSPI J.l~mC:t0!.:.. Tr.·~~~ IMD) ,.Jmllll CSl"I 3. N1lvl~ !SI"). Tlrnt: u,•. MO RU•Y -I. SI. 1"111 . LJ -1. JtdllOll (MOJ t. Sl'rtltll ($,.) 1 Mel( CMOJ. Dlll1nct: 1e.2. :,p -l. 1"~11 !S"l 2 .S<hullJ IMOI 1.. Nl<IHU (5P). Dltltrtett~l-J. Mtltr Dll 1411 CMI It, "•~I 100 -!, lrtldl ft IMO) J. M.lrtlndtle (MOI 3. KIUdlK...; t,.JPl. T!mt: \0.7. lfc -J· J~,1dff. (Mil J. Mtrtlndtll IMOJ ;:ir:~r(~3~~~:~\+o!~, 2. H1m1lroii-IMO) flt -!,(HIU:I (M~J 1. OllVIMll IS,./ 1 M ~l"I. rime: Jl.1. I L~ -I. H1rr~n IMD1 L Gofnft ('Pl '· ilr.1~,'~l: = rt.t Tim.; •••• ~ -• IOftflldl!te jSl"J 2. Mtlll....,. (MOt J. lllM (IP). Dftllll(f: 1 ..t\'I. -l. ltlllflff (51") 2. Hu"' {5"1 l. G,...n (5'). Ol1l1Mt: Jt,J, 20 Estancia Ca gers Shoot For Marathon Twenty Estancia High School juniors and senior1 began a marathon basketball game this afternoon in the Eagles' gym. If all goes accordinJ to their plans, the game will flnlah at 4 p.m. Sunday -50 hours or continuous basketball. Laguna Rolls With Punch if::-. K•l111" I J. Gt .... (() J. Filmore (E Tlme1 ~·» .. -Le~ IEI 2. Oandll'lttr ((.Ml 'l.17Ji ~nl._ ~~~ihv.-{f l t. M,,..n !II L t.~20'-t~'E Tlme;.r.:1~ CEJ I. Lll~I• Ill 1. f4"""9fl. fll. T i 1• l. uo "'"! -.1,.,.~'"'''· Tlfl'lf: ,,,,.... ··--· HJ -• lfll"ll" IEI l; Or-IEI ~. _,..fl (El. Hllllltl J.t. \J -1. Hn1T1111 II) J. lktwlft (El 3. °"""" IEPV O_!!t~~~J,-1 (E) t. Ht.rtr (El 3. Pl111t1 j(M). M•-1' 1U. Spokesman for the junlor-senlor game. senlar Tom Swift, says the t.eams wUI be attempting to break the Estancia school record of 46 hours, 30 minutes set two year.! ago. Admlulon to the game ls 10 cents. Two five man teams will play each other for 30 minutes, with the aldeUoed 10 players catnapptng ln 111etplng baga. If the two team.a achieve their 51)..hour 1oal, Swift says he'll claim a world recor<I . The de::Jslon Wednesday by Orange Cow#'• high school relea1utn1 com· mlttee that Laguna Beach High wW nmJ1a.1n the Crestview League waan't ~ctfy greet.cl with oobl at tho JApna acllCCJI. Principal Robert Reevn roOed euily with tho punch. .. "IAgnna Bt9Ch High Schotll ha1 a unique growth pall.em," he eJplalned. "JU&bt now we 're the sm•llert public lllah acbool in lhe county with 969 atudmts. And we're likely to re11U1ln llJol .. ., r.r ..... tlmt. ··At the present, It would have been ad vantageous for us to move into the Orange Lugue ind awltch lugue:.s with Katella. But you must realize that the Orange Ltague achooti are growing rapidly and we would e:vtntually find OW'selves In lhe same situation wt find ourselves now." guria is subslantJally outmanned In Crestview League. Oranae Lt1gue ls art tmtlltr but grmring rapidly. "We 're not too upset about Jt beceuse ~tre will be more re-leagulns in about t\~ yeara. There wlll be anoUter TusUn school and a new San Clemente high school by theti. "San Clemente will have around 2,300 students next year and of courU: ,,.1.lssion Viejo la growing evuy day. "Financially, It's best for ut to remain tn the Crcstvlew with Acllools like Mi~ion Viejo and San Clemente becau!jt we have ieslablished rivaJrie_, with those ~hools. "What all this bolls dov.'n to Is th;it we'll just have to tighten up our belts and work harder in interscholutlc sparls.'" ,- SP -1. Crook ((Ml 2 ...... ...,. fl! t. Molrlt IEd 0!11t11e11 °''· !~'II' -I. (.rook !CMI J.1"11rc111 CCM) l. H1rrlll (CM). Dll1tf'IC9: ft·I. ,. ·•~111c1• uo 10> c"" -.. 100 -I, ~·"'• 11"1 2. 1'1•• l•l I "°""""' 1~':i· .!!"'i'. ld)u""'l111av (l!l t. io1r11;w CEI 1 Tlfl~Ct\. TlfM: 111 .. ~·o -1, 11'1~ ~l,l t. Ottll"""l'*h' (El '"ff~ t f"l. ,. ~fi1• 1. Dtivtidlofl Cl!I >. l"tt ICM). "l'lrflf~ -+ 111 • 1 ~ (., - . Vl91 (CMI 1. 8tkt )r !CM) ). .:r1:11:~ '?.('.;.,!·~ 'flm•; .,, •. HJ -I,. 'r'CIU~ ICM~i '· H~ntm-klr• 1CMI ). 81kt r \CNI), Hi! 11 H U , ~li.tl" I I t. Y II ICM) J. ti;flltrm1rt 1c·.-1. 01111 : 11o . '" -1, l'k•r tCMI l. He-,11 Ill J. TtNlll C\!p "!_ltl\','.._.1ft:tlbtrW ICM) 2. Vlei! ICM! I. Of'llU (E). V1tltnct1 .tl-1 "Sklp Williams told mt one team played for 49 hours, but I don't beUevo it,'' Swlft commented. Exhibition Baseba U DAllVPll.Of 7. Cre stview Area ·Teams Walloped Aii thrte 0r1111e Coast .,.. hlah IChoolJ in tho <:ratvlew ~ ...,. worked over tn cir~ track and field action Thursday attemiloo) despite belnc the hoat te1m1. Laguna Beach wu defe1ted by Focthlll, 11..U, Or1111e ripped M!111on Viejo, lll·lS, .and Villa Park wu a 74-43 winner oftr S.n Clemente • Brian Bagley was 1 double wlnntr for Laguna Beach with a 23.7 1n the 220 and a 52.a in the 440. K tdgltt•·LB Vlr•~ ,. .. 111111 (tlj ( ) l.owM _;«>Tl 1. JldrlOll IFJ . Mlllll (L) l .... ..,,.,. • .. j. m.: 10.1. CLrT;...'l i":iw (l) 2. JKlllOll !Fl ), Cltllm t P'1! iiit+.~· d.1~ Ill 2.MNltr ('l 1. AIMnfte1t tt<'rT~·1 't'~'J.ldl. tll t. ltlllY f'I &.·~Ullllln 'FM>••,, -. 1 .. H!IM (Fl I. Vlfliflll IP') l. lt*"t . m1. 4.G. . 2.lo'Jle -1. ,..n.,,.... '"IFI I, ~ (l'I l. Cw~ l'"I. Tlmr. MJ1"' t!fDTm'e:J,j: Gall ( t. Sni!ll't (pl) J. Mldtff llO LH -I. Giii l'"I 2. MIO.II' CFI 2. Kr1u10 (Fl. Time; 2117. -... --~ ~."':~: .... -_ 'r."t::i~._ 11~: f:~1. •HJ -1. ltolhroclt {1') M MCoflO or tlllrd, ?If"'~ S.2 • ' ;;i., -,;, ~IU•r !Fl 1 Mceanal• Cl'I ~. u m~ . •l•l'ICt: ~ oir:J.tt l\l.'~· 11 ~~~ (I') f . Molw1y IL) l. '' " 0-1' • . If C'"I t. 1<9'1'UI' IP'I J. Llf'lflrtn •), I ll'ICt. • • 0 _,I ..._ I. Akl'ltll'I 2. MoNt~ Ill '· J-(l . Ol1!111to1: I o.t. • P'llfllLll (1'l cr1 Lll'llllll •1~ ... :-,,'1· ,o~_, ,, 2. 0.. Lw-IF) .H....,. . lmt.11.t. Gl~Y {i: )1'1mt°='lr.i~ (l'l t. Hldli (I') ~. "',-t · Oo-n (Fl f, 01kt Cl) J. KtMQ II'). lmt: l :U.4. 1l20 -j· WlllOfl (P') 2. CuM1n1" 11'1 J. f l1n111n IF . Time: J::IO.S. UO HH -/· "•rltlnt (I') f. Sltmen Ill 3. W~•lty (Fl. T mt: 1•.1. 1?0 LH -1. l"1rl!!n1 IP'I 2. SMf!ltn Ill l Ltnd"! Cll. T!mt: UO. MO Rtley -1. Faom11l. Tilflt: 1 :~1.7. HJ -1. "lll'lllfll (,.) I nd "-1 (L) 110 third. 11elghr: u8iii U -I. tr9!110 '!'{ 2. Mii.... CPI .1. ltl'ldrtlh \ll 11 t rw;t• 17-. PV -• .,,...,. il\ l. lnffklrt ('"I M tlll/'11. tftl9ht: M.. 5P -1. Glllblo ILJ 2. McKIMOll Cl") 1 Laclvl'llr (Fl. Ol1l111t1: •l.f OIKlll -1. l.\erlflt H (l'I 2. Lectwrt1r (l'I 2. Woodflll l"I. 0 111-: 9$.J. ,,..... cu~ .. 1•1 LlftM 100 • I. Etbtrt (P'l 1. lifl'I' (P') ). Hitt! ('")· T!mt: n.o. llO -Grll' (I') 1. IP.rt L Hltlt (P'J. Tltnt; 10.0. WO -l. Moort Ill 2, l1lhlno (P') ), Mw'IMon (L). Tlmt: 1:3'.0. U'lO -1. L.mbort (LI 2, v ... (P') I. Vlfllll (F1l2ioTl\'._'t :J:._J1.Qj.i Plltklllffr Cl') 1. Mlllf lf l ). '""".,.~ !LI. mt : 14.1. 4.1(1 lllllY·-I. Oolf\llj. Ttmt: '41.2. HJ -I. l"lltld1r1r tl'l J. H .. 111 II') ). S__., CL). Hlltlll: U. ~ -1. MU11 l'l 2. H .. !h (P'I J. Ntrlllcufl CL 01111nc1 : 11·5. V -I. SWMnl'I' Ill t. Gilt (fl S.. Emt null ''I• Htl..,t: M . ~ l. 1 ... n,,. (I') 1. T•'l'I« (Fl 1 Ctwill_.,, (LI. Ollllf'Kt: l7-J. ' Dlaf>lo1-0ronge Yt nllY Otlfltl 11111 (lS) Mltlllir 'tltft; 100 t. S~l>dhCH 101 2. 'HllHtml (0 ) •. GllVMtr (0).Jlm•: 11.S. no -I. 1lvn1r t I t. Our1ft1 (01 flO third. Timi 2~.5. . l«t -I. $Chide {0) I, WlndKI (0) & 0.vr I co~ T~•:1.54dnti (0) 2. Gerdntt. tOI & ltlo• (O~u!lm~: 2i,°'·t.mmon1 (OJ ._ T ... tr. COi J. SlmccM IOI. lmt: 4:$.1.1, 2-Mlt. -1. l"tr11 CMV) 1 lllSIO IOI J. ..kfr !Ol. Time: lt:M.I. 120 HH -1. Oiln<1n (OJ J. a r.wn 10) l. c;j~ IO~H T~: 1'.7•1;.orttr (01 1, Wlllltlftt, (0) 3. Wt111rd IOI. Time : ll.•. UO Rlll'f -I. M\Ulofl Vltlo {0.,, AfWMlf, M~Oontld, e ... 1ervr11r . Tim•: a.o. · Miii Rtll"f -1. Or1np. Tlmt• J:M.7. HJ -11 Giiier (OJ 2. Sulll!fft !0) J. MICO.....lf 1":_~l. H•19!''6.itvf..r (0) 2, Sul,hlfl f0) ). Ytu111 10). Ol1t1nc1: 1M. PV -L f1lrf1J (0) 2. Alwoo' CMVI l. Brouwer \0). Htleht: l!•· Sf' - . 01t•rom ( I 2. Wlklll (0) J. Whl1ff 10) 0 1111nc1: "11·1. Ol1cu1 -1. 0111rom (01 ?. Cr1ksh1k IOI 3. B«ktr (MV). 0!1l1n<"~l2·1\.io. OrlnM lftl IUj Mlnlell VIiie 100 -1. Morn1111n 10 3, NOf'WOOll CMV) I. W~wi_<~: 1J::i.!l·0/MVI 2. lYOl'I 101 J, Mef1'1- IO"° Tl~: l~J. v1ne-r. CfVI 2. GMtl IOI 3. llJ¥.\lodt-l"1~l~:C8111 "i. AltllM <OI 1 I,_ 191t m:: ~::Ml~ 011111111\lft IMVI L SelHne, (Of J. l"owtllr.I 10) Tlmt: lt .J, \.. 1z: LH -t-W1110n (OJ 2. Domlfltlle& •VI l . '8111~tl~I:... 1':"'6,l~4.. TIJM• 1:at ~J -• M1xw11r 1or2. a.1d111 tOf a. ,,.....11_ 1MvJ. HI ht: U . J .. V' ~ -1, W1t1on (OJ l. MernMft 10 I. lltUlrlr .. 10$11 O~t~~~o·:.)d CO) 2. l.111\1 tOI I. Mlfllldl•~ 106b~1:1~~· t;r.:to1 2. Orl'f (MV) 1 H.mtltn (0). Ollltnct: I . c .. Mltllle ~ 14'1 t•I Or'llltl ·~ -1· Cor...,, lMVl 2. Wl'I""""' IOI 2. KJ;!'*_co: T~I (MVJ 2. ""'llM'I' (0) s. Krv•I'*-IOI: Tklii :"if;s' ~ IMYI '60 -1. C~ MVI I. .....,,_ 1 Artll 10), Tlrnf : : ' COi • 1.JJ) -1T lltlll"l"f (MVJ 2. tell II .,. G•,,; l~V!:_ 1~"Jt1~~MVI 2. lltltr 101 ). •111 .. 1lf7W (0). Timi: U.•. 4olQ Ro11t'f -I, Ml1don Yll !t (ll111rey, (lftC\k. Holmt1, C&rdtrr). 11me: •1.SI ' ,. IOI ' HJ -I. McGrt w (MV • n1r11tt . Ol•HllOW 1011.'"l•lfl'll: +1'.!, 2 C ~ IMYJ LJ -l . vii•-• lul • o,.rfl'"I' ~. WhllntY (0). Ol1llnc.1: 17-7\11. MYI • 1, •• , S,. -1. Drtw (0) 2. (11dw1ll f .. '"' (01. Of1l1rtet: 4-11\\. SC•Sport aftl ·---------·--·----·--·--------------\ Ja IWLV l'ILOT rrldar, um 21, 1969 'tady' Sails on Hoss Power Ei ve Little Yachts Dan Blocker's Cr uiser Enters Eriseiutda Race · :Set Sail for ] apa'!_ ,.,.. ~~·boat. named will have a poleulial ol nearb' 1,000 borupowtr .•• U>alr dllpOsal SlturdoJ la Ibo llnl annual LoogB each-Ens en ad a International otfshore powerboa& rAOl'!I -but a cruiser named Ladt In Ce- ment will have to get by wtUt I aingle "Hos.s power. Lady in Cement is a fO..foot Campbell cruiser eotered In the race by colorful Dan Blocker, "Hou" ol. the NBC television wles Bonania. It 's named loc Blocker's new movie. The two TbUDderballs -a seml-lunlry cruiser and a sleet race boat mating its maiden competitive ap. pearance-have betn entered b1 former utkml offshore powerboat racina champion Peter Rothlchild ol Newport Stach. n.. tao-mile race -first of the year for American Power Boat Association na· Uoilal points -will start off Long Beach's Belmont Shore Pier at 9 a.m. Saturday with many of tht sport's leading drivers expected to compete. Blocker, a former Su1 Ross State Univers,ity football star before his Hollywood carter began, guJded hi! cn.iiser to si%th place overall and a class victory last August in the fourth annual Long Beach Hennessy Cop oHsbore race. It is actually powered by a pair of 427-cubic inch Aero Marine Enginea. Blocker and bll crew at- tracted more lntert.st aod drew mora commtnl than any other entry -Including the wbmtr, t>oa Aronow. Maybe lt was Block.tr'• raclng togs tbat did il He wore a regula· tion helmet and life Jacket over bib overalls fashioned by Nieman-Marcus of Dallas. And he topped the tnsemble with a red neckerchief. No sblrt -jult the neckerchief. RothBchild, the first West Cout driver to win a naUonal championship four years ago, will be at lbe wheel of ·a new 21·foot race boat which he designed and had built by Aqua Craft. The low profile, modilied deep V bull will be powered by I llJIP Cl cubic IJd overhead cam rupucharged Ford engine prtpared by lam- ed mechanic and racer, Chuck Oa!gil of Loni B<ach. Rothscltild will llllign his 21·foot cruis.er. cl"'-8 whl.ner in Jast Febru.arY'• first annual Lon1 Beach-Catalina Island Cruise, to another driver. The 4,500-pound boat has been modlfied since the Catalina run, and Rothscliild reporta that the dual 427-cubic-Jnch MerCruiser·powered craft has hit speeds of above 50 miles per hour iD recent tuneups. Eastern talent entered in theEnsenadar~elncludeBill Wi!hnick of New York, Diet Gentb, Miami, and Willie ltfeyen ol Nassau, Babama.s. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -than the ll<!g!an'1 ,_,.au Some.where in the Pacific five transml~r that wouldn't even liWe yadlts -all less than reach acroes San Franclsco J$ feet in length -are racing ::.· Some have r~ refleo. .. ch othir toward a Japanae The Coast Guard has been port IOUth of Tokyo. checlting with incomlng 1hlpo They left the Golden Gate and planes and '° far there Saturday on the first 6,000-bas been no word. Except for mile T'raru:Pacific Solo Race light wind and rain Sunday, T • } } d and little will be beard from the weather baa been perfect. rI· s an them until they Fav0<ed to win the $5.000 r e a c h Honolulu, says the first prize is Frenchman Eric R D sponsoring Slocum Society. Tabarly in hlJ well-equipped ace amp The boats -skipper<d by alumnlnum sloop Pen DWck an AmeriCan, a Belgian, two V, which spurted into the Sead A wet ride was II\ prospect Frenchmen and a German -aa U!e five boats emerged f have ooly the esselKial pro-fr om San Francisco Bay or the sallort in Los Ange.I.es visions and no radio Other Saturday. Yacht Club's Wbllllty Serles, ~;;:;:~;;:::;~~:::::~~=~5~, as they took oU at 5 p.m. Jf today on the 152-!nile Tri· bland Race. I How About Measuring Rule? . Tbe race Is known for lls blustery weather. It leaves Santa Barbara, Calallna and San Clemente islands to port. Cruising Club Reports Progress on Race Standard Shoving off Saturday on the Eagle Rock Race, t,he third up to administer the rule ln-in the Little Whitney Serles, tematiooally, and provision will be the Midget Ocean Rac-By ALMON LOCKABEY Of 9" D111Y l"U.t II.., What's become of the highly touted International Measure- , ment Rule whicb was sup- posed to have been a com- bination of the best features oC the Cruising Club of America and the Royal Ocean Racing Club of Great Britain~ The quesUon has been asked so persistenUy by blue-water ocean racing yachtsmen and the yachting press that CCA Commodore Clayton Ewing has decided to issue a formal statement oo the status of the proposecl merger. Ewing's statement follows : ''The board of governors of the CCA is unanimous in the belief that an internationally accepted rnea6W"ellletlt rule would be of greet benefit to the sport of offshore racing. "Although the rule is not yet in final form, the 1n4 temati.mal Technical eom. m!U.., representing the U.S., Brita.in and 10 other countries under the chairmanship of Olin Stephens has made great ~s in bringing together the best features of the CCA and RORC rules. "Scantlin.gs, previously a heavily weighted factor In the "RoRC rule -• n d ob- jectionable to American "Action by the CCA to adopt designers aod yachtmlen -the new rulel will not be taken will appear in the new rule unUI the rule is finalized and only as a deterr e n t to put ~gh a c~~l test to dangerously light construction • determine how Jt will affect -if at all. the rating of a wide variety of American yachts. Such a test will take yachts of dlf. fering design, construction and size, calculate their ratings under the new role, and then compare those with their CCA rating! and known performance. "The subject is still under study, but the Technical. com- mittee is agreed tJlJl'( any new scantling factor will not affect the rating of. a soundly coo- structed ocean r a c e r , regardless of the materials used. "11le s e c on d unresolved matter of consequence -and !till under study -is inclining and the value to give to it. "Sail area measurements will adhere closely to th0-$e of the CCA rule. Girth measurements will be similar to those used in the RORC rule, although substantially modified to discourage pin- ched in ends. j'Girth measurements are new to American yachtsmen and may seem complicated. However, the difficulty of tak- ing them is exaggerated and they have the great ed· vantage of enabling hull measurements to be taken with the boat out of the water in the off.season - a need be taken only once unless hull changes are made. "Any inequities or potential loopholes will be thoroughly explored. Neither will action be taken until the CCA is assured that machinery is set 66 Series Start Set First of Balboa Yacht Club's 66 Serie! will be sailed Satur4 day when the Ocean Racing and Midget Ocean Racing Fleets answer starting signals in the Drilling Islands race. The course takes the wind- jammers from a starting line. oU Balboa Pier around both Emmy and Esther islanM befort returning to fmish at lbe starting point. ing Fleet for yachts 30 feet made for continuing study and and undtr, modification to keep the role 'Thi! year's Whitney Serles PAN in step with new developments will conclude with the San PA C I f I C in design and construction. Clemente Island race schedul- "ll'inally, adopUon will not ed to start at LCi.1 Angeles BEVERLY AT FAIRFAX be coml.dered until a program Harbor April 25. MEXOAYS JStlUIMYSJ SUNDAYS forgradualandorderlytransi-r========i[~llii.,;,";'""';;:,.;.:;":;:·1,:;•..10:;.;.'~'·;:,9~PJl.:;,,.;A;;;';;;""';;;,;';;,'·;;,75;,;-;;,;a.n.;;;;;;;;,";.';;t,,1' tioo Crom the CCA rule to an international ru1e has been set. Such a program is now under consideration and will be ready should the CCA governors be· satisfied on all LOCAt No othor now1p•p•r tellt ye• ll'lor•, ,..,,,., d.y, about wh•t'1 ''''"J on h1 tho IJ•••fw Ortn')• Co1.t thin tho DAILY PILOT. other points. In concluding the statement, 1ilimm Ewing stressed his concern AUTO LEASING for the Cruising CI u b ' s responsibility to the 4,500 or more yachtsmen now holding CCA measurement certificates. He stated that the Board of Govemon must have time for careful scru tiny of the new rule and the results of thorough testing. Also, It must be assured that provWon is made for orderly com· petition during any transiUon period. Ewing expressed his con- fidence that the C C A ' s governors .would take favorable action on the new rule in the near futUtt, but le.It it wovld be premature to set a de~ite date. All Makes , .... .., .. , 6 CYLINDER FORD MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP $17.17,., -·" 1,1 •• tu) CORT FOX LEASING 224 D. W. C0<11t Hwy. Newport Be•ch, Calrf. 642-MIO • . the b~ ori~al r· light Scotch now5~ fifth USHER'S 61,045 Known Addicts • 1n 1968 But What Are You Going To Do About The Growing Number of 'Unknown' Addicts'! Buy This Boo~ ... Get 'In The Know' r••••••••••••••···-~ The menace of drugs and narcolics has become so widespread that no community, no family can say "ii doesn 't allecl us." Knowledge is lhe only weapon ilny adull can use lo fight Ille lreakoul world that beckons lo all young people. Here is lhe book lel lhaf offers parents (and olher adulls) that know- ledge. Wriflen by nationally noled science writer Allon Blakeslee of The Auocialed Press, it's a "must" for your bootshelf. Clip lhe coupon. Send a doll11. Save a life ••• yours or your son's or daughter's. every parent owes ii lo himself lo know If least as much about drugs as today's teen-agers .do. ' ... I To: D"'I looklot I I I ,, o .... 5 T ... ock, N. J. 07H 6 I I I I I Send me ...... copies o! "What You Should Kltt>w About Drugs I I and Narcotics" at •t each. Enclosed is , .......... (Make checks I I payable to Associated Press). I I I I NAME ........ ·-··············································-····-···-······················-············ I : ADDRHS ... _...... ........•..........•.... ..CITY .. ·-:··-·····-··· .. ···-········· : I STATf._ ............... _. __ ....•• -·-···-···········-·-···--·--21'·············-·--·-I ~-------····-·-·---~ I r • • ' i • A Complete Guitle l • • • Where go ••• DAILY PILOT Phtlft ty aldl•rd KfffllW "I AM THE CAT THAT COMES AND GOES" SAYS THE CHESHIRE CAT AS SHE TAKES A PEAK AT TWEEDLE DEE, TWEEDLE OUM Mesa's 'Half Past Late' . Will Delight Young Set Say, kids, what time is It? ?.'ell, at the Costa Mesa High School lyceum this weekend and next, it's "Hal! Pasl Late in \Vonderland." Tha t's the title of the latest production oHercd to Orange Coast youngsters by the Child ren's Theater Guild ·of Nev.·port Harbor -an hour-long comedy based on Lev.•is Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass." T\110 members of the guild, Joan Stain· forth and Faye Wih1on, have adapted these sto ries into a stage script. 1'-1r.s. Stainforth is directing the production. while l'v1rs. Wilson has written or iginal music. In the play, as In Carroll's stories, the characters are always late for their ap- poinlments. In this version, however, they are constantly reminded o( that fact by a white rabbit (Abbie f\1atthews) who rushes across the stage with a huge watch. Playing lhe central role of Alice, a be- mused visitor to the strange realm , i! Sue Carr. OU1er characters will be Peg Reday as the queen, Ginny Paul as the Wf:EKENDER INSIDE FEATURES ~ ' }laving lrouble deciding what to ., Clo this weekend? Let the Guide to Fun, Page 23, come to the rescue. · All the special e\>ents are listed ~ lhere for rt!aders' convenience. 1' Travel In th e Galleries Corona del l'lfar Play Intermi11lon U \·e Theater OCC Concert Out 'N' About Guide to Fan Dlsneyland Guide to Movte1 Qul'!enle Comics TV Vie"'' Televttlon Loa Page ZI Page :t Page ZO 1 Page %t \ Page %1 \ Pace zt · Pages l l·Z2 Page ZS ' Page U Page %4 t rage U Page 1$ Page u Page U Cheshire cat and :P..targe Spelletich as the Mad Hatter. t.fary :P..1acy and Betty ?.1cKeever will be seea as Tweedle Dum and TweedJe Dee. A familiar combination, Mn. Macy , and Mrs. ~lcKeever also play the char- acters of Raggedy Ann and Andy for oth- er functions. Also in the cas t are 20 children rang- ing in age from 4 to 14, many from the gu ild's children's theater workshop. Backstage personnel include :P..fillie Quinn as musical arranger and director, Ginny Paul . choreographer, and Janet Jordan, stage manager. A total of JO perfonnance.s o! "Halt Past Late" will be presented-Saturdays, 1'1arch 22 and 29, at 10:30 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m., and Sundays, March 23 and 30, at l and 3 p.m. Ticket.!i, at 50 cents each. are available at the box office or at Richard's Udo 1>1arket and Rion's Hardware. Reserva· lions may be made by calling the Qill. dren's 'Theater Guild at 846-6885. Richard Burton Just Bit Sca1·ed In 'Eagles Dare' Richard Burton admits being terrified by the hair-raising action sequences in MGM 's epiMCale production of the Alistair Madan best-tellinc adventurt, "Where Eagles Dare." · He st.an u the fearlw British llft\t who leads a team tnto wartime Germany to fescue an American general held captive in the almoet impenetrable gestapo headquarters in the "Castle or the Eagle." Says Burton, "When I got the script 1 read it straJght through and Jlktd the dialogue. I didn 't read the direction. U 1 had, I woukl hive run a milt." Starring Richard Burt<ln C 11 n t Eastwood and W.:111 Ure, "Where Eagles Oare". was proch.1ctd by Jerry Gershwin and Elliott Kl.!itner. Brian 0. Hutton dl.-.cled from a ocrlpt by Alb ialr Maclean. WHITE RABBIT, MAD HAnER SAY ALICE'S ALWAYS LATE Antonio New Super-spy Multi-talented Lou Antonio, the New York actor who recently directed several segment.I of the "Gentle Ben" television series in Florkla, has been signed by producers Bob Booker and Geoge Foster for the role of 1 11Uper count.en:py In Wimer Brm.-Seven Atta' put-on comedy, •. "The Pbynx." Antonk>, who co-starred on the 8Crtf!n with Paul Newman in "Cool Hand Luke," wrote the screenplay for "Mission Batangts," which wu filmed Jn &he P:.11tpplne1, wllh DeMi! Weaver and Vera Miles starring. ..... -~ 21, 1969 ER ' What . to tlo • •• I DAILY PMT Jf Weekend Highlight~ LOVE BUG PARADE -More lhan 1,200 gaily decorated bug-Uk< cara will compete for Pflzes in "Love Bug Day" ~t Disneyland, Sun., Mar. 23. Eighty semi·finalist! will, parade through the pai'k at 2 p.m. in a contut to select the "Most LOvable Bug" with the prize a new 1969 Volltswagen, Dean Jones and Buddy Hackett, stars of the Walt Dimey film "Love Bug" will be part ol lhe iud1ln1 panel of experts. Winnln1 enlrl,. wm be on display in the afternoon in the Small World area. Disneyland 11 located at 1313 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. OLD Tum FILMS ...., An evening with Busby Berkeley and Newport Beach's Ruby Keeler will show some or the famous pictures, In which Miss Keeler appeared and Berkeley did the choreography, at OCC audi- torium, 2701 Falrview Road, Sun. Mar. 2S at a p.m. Berkeley and Mlsl Keeler will be in attendance at the event mGH SCHOOL MUSICAU -One can attend a good high school play a night over this weekend -one in Laguna Beach and the other in Colla Mesa. Laguna Beach High School i9: presenting "Brigadoon" in the school auditorium at 1:30 p.m. and Estancia' High School ls producln& •1Anyt.b.i.ng Goes" at 8:30 p.m. in the Forum of their school. Both musi· cals are scheduled Mar, 21·22. Set Guide to Fun, Pa1e Z3 HOLLYWOOD BACK STAGE After 20-Year Exile- Ingrid's Back in Town By VERNON SCOT!' HOILYWOOD (UPI) ·-Twenty years ago Ingrid Bergman made her last movie in Hollywood befor' astound.ins the world with her romance with Ro-- berlo Rossellini. In what now appears to have been a Victorian era, the Swedish beauty ran off with the dashing Italian director and was branded a scarlet woman. These days her action seems almost commonplace. Il an actor or actress tires of a spouse, It's off to Mexico or other nearby di- vorce mills, ahed the mate and remany. Others simply live together u did Miss Bergman and Rossellini and let the world go bang. Miss Bergman IUl'ely didn't fancy herself a tren<Hetter. And sbe suffered the slings or outragtd society, a child born out of wedlock and fl· nally a painful divorce. J Today Miu Berg· man is making her >I J. first film in Hollywood in two decades, "Cac· 1 tus Flower," with " Walter Matthau at t . : Columbia. 11.:0ai She is tall, slender and majestic in appearance. But for all that she is a warm, introv·erted woman who is self· conscious among !trangers. She works at being friendly and at ease. 11Jt'1 peculiar working in Hollywood. again," she sai d during a lunch break. "'Ibe !ludlos stay the aame but the ALICE DREAMS A DRIAM buildings and restaurants are dilferenJ,. Lo! Angeles ill beginnin( at last to ~ like a city." Since the actreu made HJoan of m• here many of her contemporaries have either retired or paue:I away, ~ 1 "On the aets I'm areettd by IOnt of 1 men I used to work with when I first came to Southern California," the laid.' For whatever reason, mOlt people consider Jngrid Bergman a product .,, Hollywood. She is not, having Uvtd here only 10 years. She lived in Italy ei1ht\ years and for the past 10 yell'I out.aide Paris. • "I have homes In Sweden, France, and Italy," she uplained. "France ilr my headquarters. My borne in Sweden is for summers. And the flat in Italy ia1 for my children who are in 1ebool1 there." ' Now married to Swedish entrtprennr. Lari Schmidt, the two-time Olcar ~ ner ("Gaslight" and "Anut.asta'l)' travels EW'Ope making: movies wh!I"-' ever she finds a good script. 0 It is a wonderfully warm feellnJ, to arrive in Sweden or Italf or the, United States and hear people 1ay, 'Wel- come home,' " Miss Bergman aid. "It's not quite the same in France. They treat me as badly there u anr·· one else.;' She laughed at the tbou&ht ot the ill-tempered Parisians 1h1 hu encountered through the years. "My future plans call for me to em- tinue acting for u long u pou.ible. I would like to be working lhe dlJ I die." Mahalia Jackson Singing Sunday In Coast Benefit Mahalia Jackson, whose deeply.felt and richly-voiced g01pel singing hu created. virtually a dlstlnct art form, will be heard Sunday, Ji.tarch 23, at f p.m., in a , beneftt concert for the Community Bai>- tlst Church in Long Beach Arena.. Miss Jackson's great voice bu hem called one Of the moet moving human lb-- struments ever heard in soni by com- . petent crltlos. 11Jt's not a voice -it's a vast, .,._ c!tftnpassing. emoUonal upertmce,'' one criUc declared alter u:posure to IJ'tlt ~ ol the diurch u Mahalia sblp Famous for two decides, since abe firlt made milllOlll feel ber pawcr on bar freshman appearance on -the F.d SWU.. van ahow in 1950, Miss Jackson Uva the. Cbrhlianlly she · 1lnp -molt ol her shows are benefits for a cause she d~ good, like lhe Mardi ZS "•lnl·ln" at Long Beach Arena !0< the Community Baptist <lnlrch. Le•dinR choral grGUpO from the SOUdl. land will back Miss Jacillon Mardi SI, -making It a lnlc ...,., .. In tho Jac:lt· ·IOl1 manner -"like wbk:h thcrti ala't nothln'.'' · :.J Tlcl<eb are available at ~cbl •1<11- del and the Anna llOZ olflca. -------------------...,..-----:----:---"":'."""-:-. ..,..., ---,-----------..... . . . ' r I I I g DAll.Y Pnor _, 1fAhn High ·1 ~. !'CW1ot' .j • • Do ,_ ._ ., • .= --two..., -'twwhnwp ..... •' .. m..1a ol Paris for oil comes to Corona de! Mar ffigb School Marclt :ZS.la. Students in the high school's ' drama department w i 11 pre,,ent the "The Mldwoman of Challlol" starting with a preview staging March 25, followed by regu]u showings Marth 21, 17 and :IL All the perfonnances will start at a p.m. Mrs. Jo Black, drama In- structor, will be tbe di.rector. assisted by student dinctors Kevin Doremus · and Lynn Odneal. Tbe cut includes Deanna PeytOn. Le s I i e Grtenwold, Chris Bumon, Mary Osborn. Paul Doremua, Greg Hetrick. Kevin Doremus, Bob Ridgway, Chris Copper and Debby Bell. Debby Fields Is handling props; Becky Buttennore is in charge of coitumes; Pat Irwin and Mark Brewer will manige muaic and sound ef· feets: Sue Brotherton will be ln charge , of hairdos, and Mary Osborn will h e ad makeup. Live Theater ''Remartable P.fr. Pennypacker" A comedy about a man who is heading two familles will be on stage at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, west gate oC Orange County Fairgrounds on Fri. and Sat. night.s at 8:30, A-far. 21·29. Reservati~- 5303. "Bartfoot la the Park'" A comedy about newlywed life in a walk-up apartment , will be on stage at the Hunt· · i ington Beach Playhouse, 2110 · Main St. Huntington Beach, : Fri. and Sat. Mar. 21 -Arri! 11. Reservations -847-163 . ·· ''Dtadl el a Sale1man" ·1. Miller's classic story of :: tragic Willy Loman is on stage :~ Thurs. through Sun. at 8:30 :; p.m. closing Mar. 23, at South :: Coast R<portory Theater, 1127 ·;: Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. ~: Reservations -Ml-1363. :: '1Jglit Up the Sky" . A comedy about theatrical ,: life and a play, is on stage ~: Fri. and Sat. nights al 8:30 ;:. p.m. through Mar. 22, at the : Westminster Community : 'Mleater, Wea:bninster Ave. at ~Golden West St. in Wt!'!ltmin- a:ter, Reservations -897.~. ''Affairs of State" A comedy concerning a politica.1 marriage of. con- ven.ieoee will bt on stage al the Lido Isle PlayhouS<, 701 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, Mar. ZS..29 at 8:30 p.m. Reservalioos -675 -2216 "La Twi1ta" A new comedy will open at South Coast Repertory, 1827 Newport Blvd., Cc¥ta Mesa, on Mat. la to run through A?'il 13, 'I11U11 -S u n • Performance& at 8:30 p.m. Reservat2ons -646 -1313. "South Paclnc" The Rodgers and Hammer- steln rollicking musical come- dy about the South Seas, the , ....Navy and World War II, will • ~ 6e on stage at Triton Center, ·; San Clemente High School. ! April 1-S.. at I p.m. Re!erva· : : lions -l-49!·5761. .. .. .. :! D. Tihmar .. To Direct : . 'Roar' .. .. .. . The Ont all·Nt:IP'O version '.or Anthony Newley 's • • Broadway and London muaical :t' bit, "'l'be Roar of the Greast- : • paint, The Smell ol the ; , Crowd,'' will open April 2 at : )lie Ebc\llY Showcue Tbutre, : I Loo Anaela, flnt o1 a new ; t l!UblcrlpUoD series of thrte · 1 top ltqe att:actlom. l I The highly acc1almed com- ; edy<lrama, with acore by ! , Nowley ...i i...11e 11r1euna, ![will be -by Daricl :· Tlhmar, loof-ttm. rtlidelil '.j dlrectar at Melodyland ; '.l'hmre. : i' .,. broad parody Oii the ~. JjtPJ'*hmem, t.bat aepnent ' l ol -!tty that malttt the ru1u tt and wltb which the "have : • nota" ti.. the world are forever ,; IocUd la -'al comba~ "The '.f Root ol the Grusepaint," i udatns aome of composer '.t Hew]tJ's loTelitst melodies, lnckktlaa 11Wbo Cao I Tum To!" and "A Wooderlul Illy tlke Today." DEANNA PEYTON TRIES A LITTLE MADNESS Krt1 Hough Watches in Cdm High Play Runthrough TRAVEL -· Folks Buy Crazy Clothing Abroad • A clo1etful of no. shows: The Greek fisher- man's cap I bought in Mykonos didn't look so glamorous when I got it home. The Jederho$en - the leather shorts from Germany -well, they still look good, but l didn't have the nerve. to w~.r them. I got a rakish, woven planter's hat 1n Tah1t1 , Looks like "Some Enchanted Evening" -but I never found the right evening to put it on . The biggest bust of all is a complete. fish:r· man'.s outfit from Nazare, Portugal. Plaid shirt and pants. A poison-green stocking cap. I looked in the mirror and thought, "Man, you must be out of your ever-loving . mind! Why did I buy THAT?" (What I mean, be wary o! buying native cos· tumes abroad. They just don't import.) * ''What about buying a car in Europt and ,hip-. ., h ,,. ping 1 ome . • • . ~ I've bought two. First one was a French Simca on a guaranteed. buy-and-sell-back plan. 1 bqught it, sold it back, and the difference was just about what a rerit car would have cost me. *" The second was a British Mini. Price in the U.S. about $1300. Cost me $1000 in England. Ship- ping, Customs, clean-up and such extras" getting it home cost just about the $300. * Now maybe if you get something in the $5000 to $10,000 class, the price spread between overseas and U.S. prices might give you an edge. What you do get is a car in Europe without paying rental. That's your real plus. * You can spend a long computer evening figur· lng whether to rent, buy-and-ship, lease, etc. (Most of. this depends on .how long you will be abroad.) Get the big brochure from Europe by Car.' 630 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Also from Kinney Rent-a-Car 10 Rockerfeller Plaza, same city. Both • free . * ''We have a chance to join a charter club - the cheape1t fare to Europe we'vt ever heard. Do you think they are good?" I heard one complaint from people who p~id a big initiation fee to join and then found all flights were sold out. But the rule is these clubs must not be fonned for travel -that's a nice incidental. So it you join and can't get on, you have no comeback that I can see. ~ * Can you find out in advance? No you can't Since the club can't be formed for travel, they can't tell you or offer you travel until you have joined. Anyway, you found out .. apout thi s club from somebody -they can't advet1tise travel. How did the people who told you come out! * ''You mention-' e houMboat on tht Th•- mes ••. •• You can get a renlal schedule and booklet by sending a 5Ckent Jntematlonal Poslal Order (for the 'ainnail) to R. H. Messum, Ltd. Bray-on-Tha· mes, Berks. England. The cruiser I had last year cost $125 a week. You don't have to be a sailor. Just drive it like a car and keep it down to eight miles an hour. * Another pleasant and dlliercnt British vaca· \Ion Jias you staying In country homes and castles. The owner i• your host. The brochure looks good to me. Fr .. from Oakleaf Enterprises, Ltd .• 15 Pall Mall London, S.W. I. . * ''It wlll bt our firat trip to Europe (maybe our ONLY OM). Now should b4i take a tour or go on our own? W1 want to '" everything!'' Take the tour. I could tell you these "two days in Paris, transfer to Rome, morning at !eisure" is a wearing tltlng. Bui you're going to do it anyw ay. So let tbe tour people take care of transfers, ti p• and language. OCC Spring Concert Set Sunda)· The unusual "Poem for Flute and Orchestra" and "Concerto for Oboe" will be- featured in the spring conctrt of Orange Coast College Com- munity Symphony Orchestra Sunday, at 4 p.m. in the auditxrium. The orchestra, under the direction of Joseph Pearlman, is in its fifth season of com- munity concerl!i. The program will feature some highly popular musical selections. It will open with "Night oo Bald Mountain" by Moussorgsky. Delius' "Air and Dance" for string «chestra will follow. Thomas Henderson of. C.OSta Mesa, f.irst oboe, will be r eatured soloist in "Concerto For Oboe and Orchestra'' by Mozarl. Following a b r i e r in· termission, Mrs. Laurie \Vhit- comb of Costa Mesa will be featured soloist in "Poem,". The concert will close with "Capricclo Espagnol" by Rimiiki·Korsakov. Henderson has studied with Clinton Sawin of Newport Beach; Cecil Tozier <lf Santa Ana and William Crills of Van Nuys. He has been a member of the POtll()na C o 11 e g e Symphony, the Ch a pm an College Symphony, the San Gabriel Valley Symphony and the Whittier Symphony, as well as the Wee;t End Opera Assn. and the Laguna Buch Lyric Opera Assn. A prac- ticing attorney, Henderson has an LLB degree from UCLA. Mrs. Whltcomb, flute in· structor at UCI, has studied with the lderemblum JwUor Symphony, the Idyllwild School of Music and Arts, the Music Academy of. the West and Tanglewood, Mus., the summer home of the Boston Symphony. She is a graduate of UC Santa Barbara a~ WU a teactier in the Newpor{-Mesa Unifled District f« seven years. 'Cream' Farewell On Film F I rs t c o n cert..on-Fllm 'featuring "The Cream" group in its farewell performance at London's Royal Albert Hall is being presented Sat. even- ing, Mar. 22, at 8:30 p.m., in Anaheim Co nvention Center. Thls full ''C ream'' performaDCf: on Nov. H , 1968, was captured oo color film, wtthoul interruption and by true-fidelity audio equi pment. It totally records the last con- cert by aJroup rttlrlng at the height ill popularity. This Is the lint concert at· traction to utilize a rUmcd perfortnance, according to Steve \Vo\f of Con c ert Associates. promoUng t h e event. Live supporting act11; The lllinoiS Speed Press 1 n d smoke Stsc.k Lightnln'l will open tht' t"·o-and-one-hal hour program. 1.NTE.RJ!1ss)@ --• Th~y Play fof. .. .-Kids ~ By TOM TITUS Over eight years and a dozen productions, tbe Children's Theater Guild of Newport Harbor has followed. an eminenUy successful formula which has entrenched it quite firmly in the minds of its youthful audiences. "We believe in simple songa, lots of action and an emphasis on the right values for children," explains Mrs. Peg Reday, president of the guild. "We also like our shows to have some meaning." This weekend members of that creative and imaginative organization will put their formula into practice once again with the staging of their latest production, "Half Paat La~ in Wonderland,'' al the Costa Mesa High School lyceum theater. It's an,_adaptaUon of the Lewis Carroll stories 0 Alice in Wonderland" and ~'Through the Looking Glass," with most of the charabters intact in the CTG version, written by director Joan Stainforth. "Half Past Late" is what the guild members refer to as a "litlle playhouse" production, as opposed to the splashy, larg .. scale musicals presented each fall ln the Orange Coast College auditorium. The sm8Uer shows give the company an opportunity for experimentation in children's theater. Unlike children's theater programs at the. Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse and the Huntington Beach Playhouse, where youngsters themselves are wholly involved in the production, the CTG produces children's plays with adult casts, u s u a 11 y augmented by children of the group members. The concept was originated in 1961 as the brainchild of two Harbor Area women ol theatrical background, Eleanor Petersen and Nathalie Michaud, who felt a need to interest children to theater under supervised conditions, according to Mrs. Reday. The first production, 0 The Miracle of Derrick, Texas, 11 was staged in the OCC auditorium and the guild was on its way. The second, "The Pale Pink Dragon," is still remembered as one . of the company's most successful el!orts. Following in sequence were "The Pied Piper," 11A Midsummer Night's Dream." "The Emperor's New Clothes," "The Sulky Sea Serpent," "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Sir Slob and the Princess," "May- flower Dairy," .,The Curse of the Golden Sunburst" and "Simple Simon." IN THE GALLERIES ' The guild al10 t.ourt4 llllnVlaltd 1kits called "Or. Squash" and "The ll111lct1n1 of Bremen'' to schools for exceptional children, libraries, hospJtals and olher institutions. "A year after the guild was born," Mrs. Reday recaJJs, •<we formed a workshop of creative dram•. headed by Nancy Eb1en (wife of Beverly Hillbillies •ttar Buddy Ebsen) which has grown into a highly successful. program for children from kindergarten through high school." In this workshop, she points out, the children produce their situations, create their own dialogue and use little or no scenery or costumes. This year, the guild hired for the first time a professional 'director for the workshop. Most of the productions presented by the Children's Theater Guild are originals written by members ~such as '4Mayflower Diary," created by Mrt. t>etersen, and ucurse of the Golden Sun· buri;t, u by Mrs. Reday -or adaptations of storybook tales, such as the upcoming "Half Past Late in Wonderland." "We have a fairly small membership," Mrs. Red.ay ·explains, but we're all very active. Our members want something beyond just being in a women's club. We make all our own costumes and sets, for instance; we have a number of creatively skilled people in the group." With· enthusiastic community support, a pro- fessional workshop and a financially healthy con- dition, the Children's Theater Guild bas reached a plateau of sorts in its development. but there's still more to be done, Mrs. Reday declares. 1 "What we need now is our own building, a theater with about 350 seats in which to put on our productions. Usually we can't play more than one weekend at the college and two in the smaller auditoriums, and we could do more performances if we had the facilities." Presently the guild operates out of a small building on Newport Boulevard, but this is hardly large· enough for membership meetings. Rehearsals for the larger shows are generally out of the question there. Like many other theater groups in the area, the Children's Theater Guild is looking and planning ahead to the day it can operate out of its own facilities. And with the acceptance shown by the community thus far, that day may be in the not too distant future. Mesa Featuring U.SAF 'Art SOUTH COAST PLAZA -On eihibit In the Carobsel Court from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., through Mar. 22, paintings from the United States Air Force Art Collection. Many of these usually hang in the White HOUJe, the Pentagon, Air Foree Academy, Colorado Springs, and the Air Force Muse.um at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. UCI GAU.ERV -Fine Arts Building, 7601 Irvine Ave.· Irvine. Hours: 1 to 5 p.m. Tues. through Sun., closed Mon. Currently on exhibit, major works of New York artists, Jim Dine, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein , Morris Louis, Ken- neth Nolan, Claes Oldenburg, Roberl Rauschenberg, Jim Rosenquist, Frank Stella and Andy Warhol. COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY - A retrospective sho\Y of paintings by the late Emil Kosa Jr., selected by the artist friends, is on exhibit at the Coffee Garden Gallery under the sponsorship of the Newport Harbor Service Lea· gue, 26?.5 E. Coast Highway, Corona del ~1ar. The gallery is open Mon.-Fri. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sat. from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. No admission charge. L.B. ART ASSOClATION--307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. On exhibit in the Main Gallery noon to 5 p.m. daily and 1 to 5 p.m. Sun., retrospective show of husband-wife artists David Schnabel and Jane Ayre!. No admission charge for Vegas Wins 'Gamble' On Sh1ger SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL FISH Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. members and one gueiil. Others 50 cents. CHALLIS GAU.ERIES -1390 So. Coast Highway, La- guna Beach. Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Currently on e%hibit paintings of outdoor scene! and figures by Wamf!r Baird. No admission charae. CONTEMPORARY ARTS GALLERY -· 499. No. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Currently on exhibit, works by Pick Gelger titled "Affects oC Dimension No. 1,'' color on glass. SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -17122 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach.·On exhibit during regular business hours, oil paintings by Marian Ries. MlITUAL SAVINGS EXJUBIT-2867 E. Coast Highway, Corona de! Mar. Currently on exhibit, paintings by Jacque.. line Stilgenbaui' of people, land and seascapes, and flowers. f\IARINER1S LIBRARY ,-2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach . On exhibit in the Jr. Ebell Exhibit during regular library hours, oil paintings by Michael Dwadeebe, Kay Gray, Peggy Mauz and Helen McClain. NEWPORT NATIONAL BANK -}MIO Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Currently on exhibit durlng ragular busineaa hours, collages and serigraphs of Carolyn Stallwitz. ~ *Newport Harbor Cruise*. Daily Crui•e-2 p.m. S1turd1y & Sund•y Eaith Hour -12 to 4 r1111., N•mtff tO Ml11•'9 CndM Ar.11114 ttte Werlll'• ff11flt Y•cht Harkr. "•"' J Loutl•11• Las Vegas is a town nokted f~· .. ':~.1;s~~:. COSTA ~~61 fun Zone Bolt Co.--l11boa-673-0240 ror big gamble:!! and big sta ellll~1~n~4~, ·~1w~"'~"~·~,,~~~-~~"~'~•K~,~~=~==::::::=~=~======; but two years ago, the Dunes (belllnd 'h• '°'' 0tneei '41.UU Hotel HseU made one of the biggest longshot rolls of the dice in the history of the Strip. tt took an untried singer named Jim Haun, re-named him Rouvaun, and on llterally a moment's notice, made him the slat of the most expeniive produclion impresario Frederic Apcar ever put tocether. Rouvaun , who will be special guest star with Jack Benny ·- at Melod)'land th!> weekend, ~JS been assistant manaaer of a Los Angeles plywood company a month before h1s Dunes debut. Studying musi~ on the side and performing wherever poulble, he had been seen with the Beverly Hills Opera Company by Dunes representatives who were impressed by his voice and stage prMence. That was one month before. Six hours be.£ore the optntng Rou,•aun saw l.he show's orchestral arranaemcnts for the first time. Plua, a1 emcee, he had lo learn dialogue, cues and wbere to make on-s tage COl!ltume changes. Birt it worktd. The audltnce cheered , the er\Ucs raved and the gamble pak1 mr. The man "'ho had been slnginc pro- feulonall)' for 15 years 'o\'IS an "overnight success." Santa Ana Strawberries ••. $2·00 A Box! Who •v•r h•1rd of tuch • thin9, but ih1t'1 right! Thi 11m• 1trawbarrie1 thet we are f•afuring thi1 we•~ at 3 boxes for $1.00 ate bein9 told in Switierland 11t $2.00 e box. Out grower reports the Swiss •r• peyin9 $22.00 a case for th• 1eme berries w• in C11ifornia will •njol at 3 for $1.00 ... ind, you should 1•• -the f1bulou1 berries picked for us at 1.m. everydey! So •.. -CLIP THESE COUPONS AND SAVE - ·····~························; • •• :~~·:.. • 0L'1"n' • 10u'"c0·1 • c""" -..... '" • : STRAWBERRIES • : ucum ers: • 3 $100 : 2 H..u39' 8 si ... • • k-• U1111'-''••n • UJ111lt-,ltftlli a Ullllt-6 • Wltfl Ttil1 c .. ,... • Wltti Thh c •• ,.11 • Wlttl nh c •• ,.. • ··~-··························· COUPONS EXPIU MAICH 2' Th••• fin• r11t1ur1nt• will n•t ;'cut th• quality," that's why they clam.tncl th e finest! Th 1t'1 why they featur• NEWPORT P•ODUCI e:..cluslvely. P1troni1e th1ml T•co Tio, S.nto Ane. Lti Mlrac&.; L&I F-4 S"'lct Chah1 ef Cafettrlol hi ColH1t1 lMlo, ltrteo. •IMI Atielltk RtMGtch, CMlt'S. Cost. Mesa and now in Newport leech; Tllo lerk1llliro'1. 673-8715 HOW ABOUT YOU CALUNli US? NEWPORT PRODUCE Onn .. C•vnty't ra.1t111t Gr-ewlnt P',...vce Or,..11l11fl911 261' Newpott "''· .. t•e h•lftwlo OAILY PILOT l WEEKENDER OUT 'N' ABOtJT By NORM STANLEY ORANG E COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT CLUB AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Spring Fling "lf winter comes, can spring be far behind?' So said Percy Bysshe Shelley in his famQus "Ode lo the West Wind." And so did the poet express the one hope to which rain-drenched Californians could cling in the early months of 1969. With the official arrival of spring yesterday, this weekend should witness a mass stirring of out 'n' abouters from lheir sodden abodes. LOOKING BRIGHTER Not, in all 'probability, that a few showers - April or otherwise -\von 't come this year yet. By comparison everything should come up lilacs and daffodils in the weeks ahead. Now that the record winter of our discontent has all but made the Santa Ana River a permanent re- ality, springtime summons us to the high road vf dining and tippling pleasures. Another poet, one Omar Khayyam, voiced the ' perfect ~vitation for this time and place. "Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring Your winter garment of repentance fling." Don Jose Ever have occasion to wonder why the traffic seems a bit heavier in the 9000 block of East Adams Ave., at ~1agnolia , in Huntington Beach? Ii you've been to the Don Jose h1exican Restaurant at 9093, to be exact, the ansv,rer is already known. Those who have yet to discover this extra- ordinarily popular spot need only the first visit to become out-and-out aficionados like a host of others. Many fine points are at \Vork here to ac- count for the rare phenomenon of an empty booth or table. In the fir st place, it's one of those unusual ••• Reservations: 494~574 rHelawers • e LUNtHEON e DINNER • SUNDAY IRUNC,. • llSTAUlANT AND • LAlE SUP PER DINING • COCKTAIL LOUNGf • South Coast's newest, most elegant oceanfront dining, atop Towers 'Wing of Surf •nd Sand Hotel 1555 South Coast Hwy. L19un1 Be1ch, C11iforni1 'Whed: Exciting '{J"ings ~d: Happening! 1'1refemei .. Th.re~• Co•,,.,.,-ln the Sefilk Ltnuttc Dinittg in the bnuti!lllM.tffw.R°""' L•Diali .MID 6-nqiut f•cililift GRANO HOTEL 7 fREEOMl.N WAT A i,AHEIM", C.w.r. 772-7777 establishments that strikes just the right balance to be ideal for families, young dater s, old marrieds or any union of people you want to bring together. JUST RIGHT DECOR The surroundings are attractive-with just the right dash of authentic Mexican decor; iron grill· work, paintings, dark wood paneling, heavy beam· ed ceiling -the service is friendly, efficient1and courteous, and prices bring any item on the rr\enu well within the range of everybody. Activists who want a little fun and festivity fol- lowing dinner have only to adjourn from the dining room to the Cantina, a delightful and colorful lounge that always features the best in entertainment. ENTERTAINMENT, TOO Cuint attraction ; .. the Canlina, back. in fact, for a r urn\eturn-re 1 engagement, is the Hay- den Ca ey Trio. Toge~her \\'ith Charles l\.1urchi- son and Josephine Courreges, formerly one of the famed Decastro Sisters, Causey sound s off with optimum listening mu sic TWELVE COMBOS Don Jose features 12 special combination plates, all served with rice, beans and tostaditas. and pegged in the very reasonable price range of 95 cents to $1.45. Enchiladas, at tQese rates, are cheese and onion , \vith beef 10 cents extra, Offerings in clude one enchilada, 95 cents; ta- male, $1.05; burrito (chile con carne) $1.10; chile relleno, $1.15; two tacos, $1 .20; enchilada and taco, $1.30; chile verde. $1.30; tvvo enchiladas, $1.40; chile relleno and enchilada, $1.45. The $1. 75 Mexican dinner oilers a choice of t"·o, and the gourmet dinner at $1.90 a choice ol three, between enchil ada, taco, tamale, chile verde and chile relleno . Both are served with soup or sala~. rice or .beans and beverage. STEAKS Single most expensive item on the menu is carne asada Don Jose, a broiled spencer steak at The only thing: that"s ordinary about MR. S'IEAK is the prices. They're low! But the steaks? Greatest you'll ever have. PcrfecLly aged USDA CHOICE com·fcd beef. r--...--, Family dining at its best. IN THE 2267 Fairview Costa Mesa 642 -0732 UDO LOUNGE MIKE JORDAN DUO 5:00. 10:]0 p.m. -Mond•y thru Fr iday 8:00 p.m. -I :00 a.m. -Sund•y LOU NORRIS & THE JERRY ROSS TRIO 8:30 p.m. -I :00 a.m. -Monday thru Friday 8 :30 p.m .. I :30 •.m. -Saturday $2.95, served with guacamole, rice, bean.s 1 salad, tortillas and choice of coffee, tea or milk. Al so available from the broiler is a ground si_r.. Join steak for $1. 75, served with french fries, beans or rice, soup or salad, tortillas with butter and coUee. A \l.•ide variety ot a la carte plates, all served "'ith rice or beans, are available from 60 cents for a beef taco to $1.05 for a chicken tostada with gua- camole. Huevos rancheros, ith rice and beans, is offered at. $1.20. · A large order of guacamole diP .. ~osts $1.50 and aJ1alf order goes for $1. By the bo\vl, chile con carne and chil.e verde are 75 cents. On the special children's menu at Don Jose, served with a portion of rice and beans, and drink, a beef or cheese enchilada is 90 cents. OPEN FOR LUNCH The restaurant also is open daily for lunch. And should there be any question, yes, both of those standard. Mexican libations are plentiful here -carta blanca or Marguerita, that is. Dick Church's Even when a family size stands at the modest fikure of four -much less starts climbing higher- it isn't always easy for mom and dad to take the brood out for a wholesome and tasty meal without courting fiscal min. It's all systems go, ho,vever, for those who've discovered either of Dick Church's Restaurant in Costa Mesa and Santa Ana. The large number of family groups on hand any time you drop into one o! these places is sufficient proof. But understand parents don't have a corner on "Where It's Happening!" l lll MARTINI COCKTAIL LOUNGE --130 I. 17rti COSTA MISA Bill M1rtinl Presents Direct from L•a V1911 JUBAL'S CHILDREN For Your Dancing and Uslening Ple1sure ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY l.Hcll ,,.,. 11 :Jll ...... Dally axu,t SalMllay 2607 W. c-t Highway - DI-freM 4:St p.111. NltlltlJ Newport -'46-0201 DON JOSE' -,n1.n,,,......- llayden Causey Trio HAYDEN CAUSEY. CHARLES MURCHISON JOSEPHINE COURREGES ENCHILADA & TACO ......... $1.30 CHILI RELLENO·ENCHILADA .. $1 .45 ~ w1ni m , M•fll. lotl•dlfol -ulN e COCKTAILS e 9093 E. Ad1m1 (•I Mognoll1) Hunt. S.och 962.7911 this market. Very much in evidence also are the young daters and marrieds, not to mention those who look !Ute they're there simply because they en· joy good and reasonable dining out. FRIENDLY SPOTS Efficent and courteous service is another haU- mark of Dick Church's Restaurants. The waitresses have a friendly air that exudes good cheer, a ready smile at all times. 4 , Fol" homestyle dinners, all served with choice of homemade soup or cold crisp sa18d, hot rolls or rye krisp and choice of potato, you can't go any higher than $1.90 for the spencer steak. And, believe it or not, even this item frequently turns up on weekend specials for as little as $1 .75. Other regular selections in the homestyle cate- gory include breaded veal cutlet, $1.55; country fried chicken, $1.85; hamburger steak. $1.60; baby beef 1iver, $1.60. From the bo'sun':i locker there's halibut steak, $1.75; fish and chips, $1.05; deep fried butterfly shrimp, $1.65. Also, five delicious omelettes are available from 85c to $1 .15. Five hamburgers "extraordinary'' range In price from 85c to $1.25. Another even dozen sand-·: . wlches run from deviled egg for 55c to the bust· .• nessman's steak sandwich for Sl.70. ~ Church's additionally offer select side order.11 desserts and beverages, all at equally modest prices.' The same goes for a \vide variety of breakfast specials. To join the growing nun1ber or regulm al· ready tuned in to Dick's Church's, proceed to 2698 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, or 1320 Edinger Ave., Santa Ana. Contlnu41d on P•t• 22 Dining With an Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AHO GOURMET ENTREES * FROM $2.95 * Entertainment and Dancing Nightly AT THE PIANO BOB PERGRIM 8:30 to I :301.m. BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI IJ6.Jlll 117 OCl.AN AVI. HUNTIN•TON llACH OVEklOOl(ING THE 'ACIFIC OCEAN AT THE PIEk You Will Enjoy Luncheon or Dinner OVERLOOKING THE VENETIAN WATERWA'I OF NEWPORT HARBOR ' ~Tuff s~IRr'. RESTAURANT 2UI W. CoaJt Hi6hway N..,_, _h (7141 '4&-S°'7 DON'T READ THIS UNLESS YOU'RE FED UP WITH BLARING SOUNDS & WANT MATURE MOOD MUSIC D1ncln9 To THE ODO COUPLE TINY & BRUCE PLUS UN ROSE SONGlftllS IXTIAOIDINAll' ·-----Prime Riff Petite Fllet or SteoJc & Lo..,,lter J:omfJo Complete Dinner Mon. thru Sit. $3.95 18582 leach at Ellis Huntington h1ch (Town l Country) -JOSEF'S- D1x11LAND BAND IVDY fllDAT AfTUNOON ,.OM I :00 P.M. DrOl) ln Soon •• , We think 701.fll like t.,. "'New l.oGk" e LUNCHEON e DINNER e LATE SUPPER e SUNDAY BRUNCH e 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN ' I' I !2 DAILY PltOT frid•:t, March 21, l9fi.9 Entarf•inment Ni9htly Tue1dey through S•turdey THE FA BULOU S GEORGE and LARRY DUO • BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 • SERVING LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOLLINGSWORTH, Co..Ownor1 1'712 IORAHAM STREET HUNTINGTON IEACH For Re1ervations Call 846-1186 or 844_1-416 DER BERLINER. DELICATESSEN In Oran9• County , .. THE ONLY AUTHENTIC EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN Wa Feature ..• EUROPEAN COLD CUTS -,\full Linc of Imported Gforman Foods - --eo•o•O--- THIS MONTH'S FEATURE: Germany's Great Favorite Bratwurst & Sauerkraut ---,,-;--;:-:--:-.'"' ,.,., --,--,,.,-------::~-------------. . . -• :-T7 -----,., WEEKENDER OUT 'N ABOUT Continued from Pa91 21 Fat Jack's Its a namburger palace, the Taj Mahal of t~e field. It's a place where the art of hamburger 1s carried into the realm of a MJchelanelo or Leo- nardo. Fat Jack's in South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, does more things with ground beef than mere mor. tals can conceive. From 'round the world come 30 variations that offer every possible combination - and a few beyond all likelihood. ground beef served on an entire loaf of shepherd bread. Actually, four to six people couJd make a meal of it -and do. Nearly all of Fat Jack's other burgers, more suited to average adult proportions, have a basic beginning of one-third pound of char-broiled meat. Most are served on an onion roll with French fries and prices run from $1 .10 to $2. GROUND FARE To take just a few, there's the France, scare- bleu burger, bacon 'n cheese, with bleu cheese dressing, •t.60 ; Israel, deliburger, cream cheese 'n horseradish, with Kosher pickle, $1.fO ; Mexico, burger frijoles, re--fried beans, with hot Ortega chili sauce, $1.20; Indi a. maharajah burger, exotic curry sauce, $1 .30. ffio: Downtown, the aristocrat, stuft cheese 'n ortipn, with mushroom sauce on a hall-pound patty, $1.90; Japan, ab-so burger, teriyak.i sauce on a marinated patty, $1.20; Italy, apastafuzujaburger, '!'here's a suggestion of the full story just look· Italian peppers, scallion and garlic dress<ng , $1.50; ing a t the price range; hamburgers tabbed all the Hawaii, alohaburger, dressing ot 1;>ine8pple tid·bits. nwnber of sourdough sandwiches, served with potato salad, from 75 cents to i1.55. Among .lh••• are cream chee1e 'n bacon, ham 'n cheese, turkey and roast beef. BREAKFAST, TOO Those who he8.d to South Coast plaza early in lhe morning can also hit Fat Jack's for brealcfatt, which is served from 9 to 11 a.m. Beyond an un- beatable deal of 5 cents for coffee and do-nut holes, this is probably one of the few places around where it's .possible to get a breakfast goodie lllr.e chop suey 'n eggs. The restaurant, located on the Plaza's lower level next to Sears, is open every day except Sun- day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. It is operated by Jack Dwyer in association 'vlth Tom Fears. \\'SY from 25 cent.s to $5. Aside from what !!you. get $1.30. for these amounts, 28 no less intriguing o er1ngs OTHER CHOICES FAMILIAR NAMES come in between. The menu isn't liinited exclusively to hamburg-If those names sound familiar only think back Well . 27 to be more accurate since the Santa ers if anyone wants to go another route. Entree a few years and recall both emblazoned. across the Anita or "the also ran," specifies that no inquiry selections, served with salad or cote slaw and newspaper sports pages. Yes, they're the same foot. be rr{ade concerning content and is listed at no French fries, include fish 'n chips $1.30 ; Reuben ball players who made pigskin history just a& charge. . . sandwich, $1.50 ; fried shrimp, $1.70; steak sand-they're rewriting the country's hamburger hand· The 25 cent commodit) is the Scotland, or m1n1-,vich teriyaki, $2.20. book now. burger, a small serving for little ki~dies only. '.J'he Dwyer and Fears are also associated in the $5 number is something else and obviously reqwres 6o operation 01' Chef V Restaurant, a complete depar ... kinship to an elephant if one's to eat it alone. ture from Fat Jack's with its five unique seU- TWO POUNDS service counters. This all-time super burger is the Mars. or But has any one individual managed to con- ---•oeoe•<>-- astronaut's lunch, and consists of two pounds of Jn addition to a chef's salad at $1.55, there's a Continued on P•ge 23 )i~~=====::::;:;~~~~;;;;;;;;~;,,;;;;;;;;;--Tliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiil-;miijii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;imiij ·~~-~. tlntDmTUICI' m:ICI •~•ti SANDWICHES Table Service or To.Go -o•o•oe0--- 185B2 IEACH BOULEVARD In th• new Town and Country Center HUNTINGTON IEACH 968-'llDD . ! ~ OPEN DAILY FROM 11 :JO A.M. ENJOY YOUR PRIME Rll e LOBSTER e STEAK lo Authentic 16th Century Enqllsh Decor LUNCHEON • DINNER COCKTAILS FOUNTAIN VALLEY '.,~··· r ' ' Newport leach, Co1ta Mescr oncl 1tow Huntlnqton leoch area1- Newport leach and Costa Mesa Cati 646-7136, 17th & Tustin For the new Huntlnqton Beach, Coll 847-1214, leach & Heit PRESENTS In 'fhe Driftwood Lounge In The Vel vel Knight Room VICKY LANO & BOB FLETCHER Tueid1;ys thru Sundays THE HERE AND NOW SILER BROS. Discotheque Dancing Also Dancing to Wedneiday thru Sunday The KEN CERVI TRIO 9:00 p.m. -1 :Jo •.m. DANCE CONTEST EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT BANQUET FACILITIES 1045 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach 675-0200 Closed Mond•y LUNCHEON DINNER COCKTAILS DISCOVER NEW DINING PLEASURE! ~· ':. WHY NOT CHANGE YO UR LUNCH HABIT? 1·1 Ls-,,-.-,-d-;,-,-,,-w-;t_h_o-,-,-/-,m-o-,-,· P Vari~ Daily Special $1.45 Coldest Martini In Town ! Oin e in fr iendly, snug 1urroundinq1 .-uni. quely redecoreted in the colorful, '.n form11 I atmosphere of sidt-street Sen Fr11ne1sco . Swingin' Piano Bar Eileen Wright, Wed. thru S•I. 3344 E. Coast ,pinaeh seled 11 nd fra1h b11~ed ~­ breed. Moderata price1 • • . , of cour1t . · Mond•yt-ltillin Sp1ghott1 .. s1 .sa 1~ ART GALLERY - ORIGIN Al 01!.S -...:c.s.- ly lt•din9 ~0•11 t tll1h, di1pl1y1d for yowr t njoy· '"'"t o• p1tr,l1t••· Del Mar 673-7722 ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE FEATURING HENRY HANNA TUIS. THIU SAT. PIANO.VOCAL STYLIST Vina Harmer Trio flaonday thru Saturd•Y Dick Powell Trio I PICKWICK~ ~2~~!>.'!! ...... ltl 17Cll ,...o..,.---.. ~ •. YOU'LL ENJOY OUR MIDDAY FAER SUNDAY 12 P.M. TO 4 P.M. Fine Di11i11g Sine!! 1965 3801 U5r CoAsT HIGHWAY Cost.ONA Df.L MAt. CwFolNIA PHONE: (714) 675-1374 ftMEU lt£&TAUltANT Contlnentel Cul1ine Cockt•ilt smmio "j-iijjijjjjiiijjiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili .. (11 Lvncheon and Dinnn ' Man<la~ through Saturday. FAMILY STEAK HOUSIS HUNTINIOTON IEACH I COSTA MISA HILLGREN SQUARE TOWN .. COUNTRY •EHIND TEXACO STATION 11"t IMtll 11v•. H2·Hll •n.un a. 1n11 • l•Rt• ""' SPECIAL SIZZLER BROCHETTE Skewered beef, onions, pineapple, $, 49 grffn pepper, mushrooms, served on rice pil•f, with roll & butter. TOP SIRLOIN STEAK ...... $1.39 NEW YORK STEAK ....... $1 .59 fnd1td•1 'ltktlll or Frt nch fri•lll P1t1to11, !tell I l 11tt1r. CHJLDltlN'S POITION V, PllCI IU .... 12 y_..1 MAKI MONDAY NIGHT YOUI PAMILY Nl•HT slo' TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Only ,. lncl11d11 leked er French Frieil Potete11, Roll I l1ttt.r. CHILDRIN'S roafioN V2 PllCI I u .... 12 ,..,. ~--luncheon Specials•---, 11 :00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ROAST BE!F or HAM SANDWICH 79( lach1411M9 '-• fr*, ....... , .... · · · · · • • • · • • SwM4" s. .. ,.. l•ll 0 Closed Sunda~1 OPfl' for Private Partie1 Onlt1 We are located nerl to the May Co. in South Coast Pla2a. 1111 I. ....... c........ 1414141 • 57 I S. MAIN, OllANOll ll-' tt • 542-5"5 (a-4Soodoy) SERVING ONLY THE VERY FINEST MEXICAN and AMERICAN CUISINE--------, En joy the w1rmth end informel eleq1 nc• while dining emid open fit1pl•e•1 a nd strolling troub1t!our1 FOO DINNER-COCKTAILS POPULAR PRICIS I Formerly Chef'• Inn I Under the peNonal direetien of Alej1ndro IAlexl Maytor1n• !F1r1111rly l• Y1•r1 with P1rino'1I AL£J)lltDRO~ DINING 4:00 P.M. to MIDNIGHT COCK'T AILS 'TIL 2 A.M. AMPLE PARKING 3201 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DIL MAR .. d Ray Oliphant of l1qune Beech I Pr••;il111t of W0Mtt1 Sh•• ·······•11ht FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 675-0470 - Flldq, -21, 1969 DAILY PILDT %:J -i:--------.... ...xovR GVIDE TO FVN OUl . 'N' ABOUT Conllnutd from Pa .. 22 La Posada Lunch Newport Theatre O(fe·rs Cla~ic Flicks , > /\JIY lime a hankering ror good Mexican food strikes at midday, one of the area's best beU to satisfy the need is La Posada ~le.xi.can Fam.Uy Res-- taurant, 2200 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Ana Utere'h be Ute added plus of satiating the appetite for th e incredibly low price of 95 cents-a fig ure most unlikely to be matched anywhere. For that iow low sum the diner Is offered a .choice of one: cheese enchilclda, taco, tamale, rel- leno or bean tos14da, which is served with re-fried beans and Spanish rice, and choice of beverage, coffee , tea or soft drink. To take advantage of this inexpensive deal , just order the lunch special, served from 11 ::.l a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and from 12 noon on Saturday and Sunday. An emphasis on family trade also makes La Posada a prime place to treat the full household !or dinner. Th.is won't set the breadwinner back too many pesos either. Fourteen special combinations start at a low of 00 cents and climb no higher Utan $1 .45. A la carte selections run from 40 cents to $1 .10, while three speci{ll dinners are available for $1. 75, $1 .95 and $2.10. If there's an eccentric in the brood. that doe sn't want to travel the taco route, order up the ham- burge r and chips, 75 cents, served with thousand island dressing, lettuce, tomato and soft drink, Out 'n' Abouter solicits comments, criticism and praise about Orange Coast restaurants and night clubs. If you have something you would like to say, write OUt 'n' Abouter, Weekender. Box 1875, Newport Beach, California, 92663 Real Cantonese Food e1t he,.. or t•k• home. ST AG CHINESE WINO 111 21st pl., N•wport B•1ch ORiole 3-9560 O,e11 y.., lre1Mil D•llJ 1J.1J -frf. •Mil s.t. 'ti J •·"'· VILLA ROMA Sptcialllint lo ITALIAN DINNllS Sf'•C1AL.-1'AIC• OllT ONL YI SPAGHETTI DINNE~S Wltfl Ol.lr deUci. ,,.,.,, tlUQ 11\lt ! IT!llll bllll, llrllc: !Hit Ind fol 11 oft wlltl ovr I"'""" "'..,.." c:r.ttte.. No on:lf!' teo am1n or 11r ... COrrllS In 111-11111 conr11111r, 111 ~illwl lo Wlll'I. Lobster Tails S<:ampi NY Steak Pizzailoa 14 Varieties Pizza 35 Varieties Pasta Prawns Scampi Cioppino 12 Varieties Veal Scaloppine 6 Varieties Chicken $1.45 13 Varieties Sea Food '445 No. N•wport Blvd., Newport l•tch Opoo 4 p.m. 12 p.m. Ml 6-4929 CLOSED TUESDAY Proudly Presents EllTfRTAINMBIT Jn The Lounge Featuring "The Jim Diffie Duo" Sensational Guitar Sounds Serving & Vocal Arrangements Mon. thru Sat. 1:30 p.m. -1:30 a.m. Breakl1Sf * Lunch * Dinner c.-. ....... Steak & lobster 4.95 2!00 HARBOR BLVD, COSTA MESA Harbor Shopping Center -540-ISJS MAJIC!. 11 • It ' CLASSIC FILMS -Open End Tbealre, 2815 VW1 W•y, Newport Beach, Is pruenUng aome clua.lc inotJoo plcturu with "Busybodies" and "The Mu.sic 8ox" with Laurel and Hardy, "The Genera.I," with Buster Keaton on Mar. 2l..J3; "Horse!eathers" starring the Man: Brother• and "The Bank Dick," with W. C. Fiekls, Mar. 211 • 30. nckets are f2.SO; studenta, $1.50. Perfonnanct at 8:30 Fri. and Sat. and 2 p.)b. Sun. Phone 675-1120. MARCH 11 ·12 &TANCIA HIGll PLAY -Estancia High School 1tudents will: prestnt Cole Porter's muaical comedy, "Anythtna Goes," in the school's Forum on Mar. 21-22 at 1:30 p.m. Tickets, Sl.50, may be obtained at the door. Estancia Hlch School Is located at 2323 PlacenUa, Cost.I Mesa. LAGUNA IDGI\ Pl.A Y -The Laguna Beach High SCbool students will present Lerner and J,.oewe's "Jlrigadoon" on ~1ar. 21-22 at 1:30 p.m. in the scbooJ auditorium. Ti<::tets S2.00, may be obtained at lhe door. Laguna Beach Hlch School is located at 625 Part Ave. Laguna" Beach. MARCH 11.U JACK BENNY -Jack: Benny Is appearing at Melodyland, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, ?i-1ar. 21-z.1. AJ his special guest star he will present singer Rouvaun. Performanct1 are scheduled for Fri. at 11 :30 p.m.; Sat at 7 and 10 p.m., and Sun. at 5 and 11:30 p.m. Tickets, $.1.50 to $6.50 at the box office and Ucket agenc;ies. MARCH 11 • APRIL zt Fil.ft.I EVENT -'l'he Newport Harbor Art Museum is stag- ing an exhibition titled "The Movie Show -Seven Stagea of Hollywood from Silents to Clnemascope,'' in the Museum at 400 Main St., Balboa, through April 20. The history of the cinema will be shown by film clips, sound track:a, photos, costumes, props, technica1 equipment and personal mem- orabilia. The exhibit is open Wed. through Sun. from 1 to S p.m. and 1'fon. ~9 p.m. No charge for adm.Wion. MARCH ll • APRIL It PADUA H114S PLAY -The Padua Hills Theatre ts pre- 5enUng a tw~act play, "Fiesta in El Cuti!," with autben- tJc music and dances !tom Durango, Mexico, through April 19 at 2:~ and 11:30'p.m. on Wed. and Sal Adjoining the 300 seat air.conditioned theater is the Padua dining room where the players entertain during lunch and dinner. Muican and American food iJ served dally, except Mon. Padua H1Ds iJ ~ated on Padua Ave., three: miles north of Foothill Blvd. in Claremont. Phone 1.Q&lCllS. MARCH !z KNOTT'S BERRY FARM -There will be an amateur •nd professional photographers contest during "Daguerreotype Day" at the farm Sat., Mar. 22. Special aet5 and models will be available from 10 a.m. to f p.m. Cooteltlnt.s may re- glstr.r at 9:30 at the information centar and pick up a map, schedule and rules. Trophies and gifts will be awarded to winners on April 26. Knott's is located on Beach Blvd. in Buena Park, just north of the Santa Ana Freeway. MARCH 2% YO UTll SHOW -A motion picture of the last performance of "The Cream," in Royal A1bert Hall in London, will be shown in color at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena, Anaheim, on Mar. 22 at 8 p.m. Appearing live with the M minute movie will be the Illinois Speed Pnss and Smoke Stack Lightnin'. Ticket!, available at the box office, aoo W. Katella Ave., Anaheim, are p , $3 and $4. MARCHU -U FESTIVAL OF SOUNDS -Five groups will compete for prizes, and a chance to return for semi-finala of FestJval of Sounds competiUon , this weekend, Mar. 22 Ind 23, Per~ formances are !!Cheduled for Sal and Sun. at 2:30, 4:00 and ~:30 p.m. Knott's is located in Buena Part on Beach Blvd .• just south ol the Santa Ana Freeway. MARCH tt -APRIL ! HORSE RACES -Thoroughbred horse racing at Santa Ani· ta Park, 285 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia. First Post time Tues. through Sat., 12:30 p.m. Phone 1·(213) ff7·2171. Sat., Mar. 22, $60,000 San Lu.is Rey Handicap. Relax and enjoy the oisht 111d sound of the aea in the Jonlit1t setting in Laguna Beach- • petfect setting for • memorable dining. VKTOR Hu'° Im Cliff Od1t •t Cout Hishw•J 1.q1zu BMCh-tH-1477 Op-. Oa.d)' LuoheoD -Dinn•-COcktailJ Gene Raymond 'Julia' Guest Gene Raymond is the first actor set as guest at.ar in 20th Century-Fox TelevUlon'1 "Julla," starring Diahann Carroll. ~aymond will appear soon as Dr. Barney Proctor in "The Doctor's Dilemma" episode penned by four-way hyphenate Hal Kanter, the creator • producer • wrlter-di- reetor of the series. "Julia," a I 1 o frequently stars Lolyd Nolan with Marc Copage, Lurene Tut t J e , Mlchae1 Link and Betty Beaird as regulars, airing Tuesdays on Channel 4. HAVING A DEVIL OFA nME on yovr Dtft"t ltt .......... """ ..... ,......... ..... ,... Ill!!!!!!!!!'!!"'!!!!!!!!!'!!"'!!!!!!!!!'!!~-==~===-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • het tlnMt. T• ,._ .._ wMr9 ......... H&I 111.0CiC, """"''· llOCIC wlll .....,... JOlll' ...... .., chtdc It : ®.€//_ . .J~ d/D._J ~--Caribe Room • • 'f?//UJVLUITfr~P ~ PRESENTS : • • • • ENTERTAINMENT-3 SHOWS NIGHTLY-DANCING • -.cl·---... .,. v ................. .,. MARCii D-3' ClllLDRENl!i THEATER -The Ol!ldren's Thealer Guild of,Newport Harbor ii praenttnc "Half Put Late in Won- derland ," an adaptaUon of Lewis Carroll'• tamoua 1torle1, In the Lyceum Thea.tu at Costa Meu High School, Satur- day1, Mar. 21 and 29 1t 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., and Sundays, Mar. 2S and 30 at 1 and 3 p.m. Tickets., $0 centl, by donation, avallahle at the box office. Costa Mtsa Hlgh School la lo- cated at 2650 Fairview Road. InformaUon, phone l4f.6885 or 673-202& from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MARCH U CO~tMUNJTY ORCllESTJlA -'Ihere will be a performance of the Community Orchestra, undtr the baton ol Joseph Pearlman, on Mar. 23, at 4 p.m., in 'Orange Coast College auditorium, 2101 Fairview \ Road, Costa Mesa. Soloista, Thomas Henderson, oboe; Laurie Whitcomb, nute. Admia- s.lon i1 $1 and lickeu are available at the door. LOVE BUGS -Disneyland Is havin1 a Love Bui parade at 2 p.m. oo Sun., March 23. Eighty mni·finalilts from over 1,200 entries will be in the parade to select the "Most Lov· able Bug." 'Ibe top priu is a 1919 new Volkswagen. Buddy Hackett and Dtan Jones, stars of the Disney film ''The Love Bug" will htlp tbe pantl of judges make their decision. Dl.sntyland it located at 1313 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. Plione 1-533 .. UG. FILM EVENT -An evening wii.h Busby Berkeley and Newport Beach realdent Ruby Keeler will ht shown in the Science Auditorium at Orange Coast College, 2701 Fairview Road, Coata Mesa, on March 23 at II p.m. It Is a highlight of the Movie Show uhibit currently at the Newport Harbor Art Museum in Balboa. Miss Keeler and Berkeley will be present 1t the showing of the fllms. Tickets $l for non-members; $2.50 for 1'fuseum members and $2 for !!ltudents. Phone 175-3886. MAHAUA JACKSON -The Ministers Conference ol Los Angeles is holding a benefit concert in Mahalia 's honor oil Mar. 23 at -4 p.m. in I.he Long Beach Arena Mahalia will perform with other gue.sts and profits wlll be used to further the church work of aiding the poor. the sick and aged in the area ol Compton. Tickets on sale at Arena box office. MARCH U HORSE SHOW -A CutUng Horse Show of more than 50 horsemen competing for prize!! and ribbons will start at 9 a.m. at the Rancho California Plaza. It's on Hi1hw1y 395, one mile north oC Ttmecula between IUvenide and San Dle10. MARCH U.11 WESTMINSTER ARTS WEEK -The city oC Westminster will stage its first annual Cultural Arts Week, Mar. 24-30 with varied programs involving all segments or the com- munity. The focal point will be the new Civic Center with many events being staged in s1z: other locatlona. Art dis- plays, band concerts, combined church choir program, folk danc ing, an adult pliy and a children's play. The Civic Center is Jocated at 8200 Westminster Ave., West.minster. For information phone 893-451 I. MARCO 15-31 Jl~tl\IY DURANTE -Jimmy Durante will appear for a weU's engagement at Melodyland Theatre, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim, beginning Mar . 25. With hlm will be his old sidekick, Eddie Jackson, the UUle Pearce Si&ters and hls special guest, Kay Starr. Performances: Tues. through Fri. at 11:30 p.m.; Sat., 7 and 10 p.m., and Sun. 5 and 8:30 p.m. Japanese Festival Events Set Authentic J.11panese dances, artifacts, bon.llai, art and dolls in native coa:tumes will all be a part of the Japanese Art Festival 1t Huntington Savings and Loan, 3310 Bristol St., Colla Mesa, Mar. 24 to April It. 11le event I 1 sponsored by the Costa Mesa Ari Guild. Demomtr1Uo111 or Japanese Art and bonsai Clllture are scheduled for Mon.. Mar. 2S and 'Iburs. Mar. 27 from 1 lo I p.m. Mada.me Hanayagl will ap- pear In a ucltal of Kabuki and classical dances on Wed., Mar. 21, at II p.m. She has appeared In rtcital In many countries of the world and will be accompanied by Madame Kalauchlyo Klneya who will play 11aUve lnstnune11ts. llOTN RDS.AL AND "'" THI MOTION PICTURI CODI AND llA TIN& PlOGllAM Th• Motl•1t Pldure Ced1 •n' R•tin 9 A'mi11ltfT•tl•11 •ppll11 th1 followln t r1tl11t1 fo f!lmt di1hib11t•ol In the U.S.A. Pit· tu r11 r1!1d ~. M or R 11u1lify for th1 Cede S1•I. 49 Picf11r11 r1teJ X de not r•c•I"'• • Seel. The r1ti11t• ,,.,,., to piclur11 r1le•11ill eft1r N..,.•11'1· lt1r I, I t61, Plcture1 r1l1111.I lt1fer• th1t 111.tfe ,,. lll11c1lb· ed 11 ,re•le111ly ( ~ e11lll/•r SMA). 1il-S11tt•1telll for •INIUL 111cl i111c•1. 1J-Sutt•ll1d for MA.TUii 111di111c11 CP1r111t1I J i1. crelien 1dwl11d). [8)-lllRICTID -P1r1011i 1111d1r 16 net 1Jfl'!iH1d, u11l1u 11com,111i1d by r 1r111f er .tdult tU.t rd• 1111. ~---" ...... ,, 119' •""""· Thl1 191 r•· 1trlctle11 11'11'( 111 hlthi r i11 ceri.tln ere11. Chick tke1ff• er ,,,,.,rtf1l119, Tlckell, 13.-.:;o are available at lhe box ornce or lkkel a1endu. MARCH U TRAVEL FILM -The Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club ft preaenUn.c "The Australian Adventure" narrated by Ken- neth Richter, Mar. 28, at II p.m. Jn the Orange Coast College auditorium, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Ticketa, Sl.M ror adults and 75 cents for studenta, al the door. Phono 1111-11113. MARCHn CIUWREN'S THEATER -Golden W.,t College, 15714 Gold· en West Ave., Huntington Beach, ts staging a play for chUdren on Mar. 29, at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p,m. The original !antuy by Charles Mitchell, wl!h wor<ls and music by Harold Keeney will be held in the Actor 's Playbox, Room 1<111 of lhe CommunJcat1ons Building, on campw. No admi. slon charge. MARCH n • APRIL I SPRING FLING -Dlsntyland opens its Eaater vacaUon schedule with a Spring Fling on Mar. 29, rrom I:~ p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Pop groups lnclude, ClaMlc IV, Joe South, Sh11110, Walts 103rd SL Rhythm Band, Willie Mitchell, The P.A.K., and the GeneraUoo Gap. More than 500 pri.w lncludln.g a new car will be awarded. Advance Spring Fling Ucketl which include the party and all paU attractions and enter-- talnment ,are. $6; on night event they will be f1.50. Available at Dlsrfeyland and Bank of America Branches with Bank:· amerieard. The park will be open every day from Mar. 2' · through Etu:ter at 8 a.m. and at 9 a.m. on Easter Sunday. MARCH 3& \ YOUTH ART SllOW -An art shO\V of children 's work from 67 elementary schools in the Tustin, San Joaquin, Laguna Beach and Newport-Mesa Unified School Districts will be on display at the Irvine Ranch lnformatiol'I Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m ., Mar. 30. During Easter Week all the art wllJ be displ,a.yed at J. C. Penney store at Fashion IsJand, Newport Bea&. The Irvine Information Center is located just off the Sant.a Ana Freev.•ay at Myford. Road. APR.IL l • & BILL COSBY -Bill Cosby will open April t !or an engage- ment to run through April 6 at Melodyland Theatre, 10 Freedman Way, Anaheim. Featured with Cosby will be singer Rhetta Hughes. Per£orman~ are Tues.·Frl. -8:30 p.m.; Sat. 7 and 10 p.m., and Sun. 5 and 8:30 p.m. Phone t-ns..1220. ON STAGE.! • • • SUNDAY, MARCH 23. =. 4 PM The Cosio Me$a Symphony Association PRESENTS THE The Orange Coast ·Community Symphony Orchestra Joseph Pearlman ••• Conductor Thomas Henderson ••• Oboe L•urie Whitcomb ••• Flute ''Night on Bald Mountain", Moussorgsky Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra , Mozart "Poem11 for Flute and Orche stra, Gri ffe s 1'C1priccio Espa9nol''1 Rimsky-Ko rsakow O.C.C. Auditorium Adminion $1.00 • Monday thru S.tutd1y • • • • • 1«[3~[3Co . STEREO SENSATION! • CAROLYN STEIN • Sensational • • Australian Songstreu • • CONTINENTAL CUISINE • :1 • • • • -·a U.,... T• --0-MJOO °"'"" COSTA MllA, 1175 HtrMt Blvd., '424940 CORONA 4ol MAii. 2435 E. Coott Hwy., 67UM1 Waft 1.,. t •·a.~t ,.-.: s.t .• s. .. t ..... 1,.-. •. 2111Z DCIAN Avt. !C-t Hwy.!-HUNTIN&TON llACH-IJ.6-l4ll •1~~~~N~O~A!;Pl'O~INT~Ml~NT!!_!N~i~C~l~S5~A~·i!Y~~~j ···································= ' Tiie colorful sound of Orange Collnty Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM ..._ From Fashion Island, Newport Beach I ··~· ~. ·-1 j I I • I i ' I • I • -t ~. . • • ·I I • • • ' I • i • • . • • • . • • • • • , ... -.-: ;"".-. " .. """'·.---,-~~-~ .. ----• • . ' -----------.....--------. .. ~ . ·~ ---' . ' ------.............. ----. .... •• • '<II .............. .. -· . . . . . .. -· -. .. . . . . . I l ' ' • Frldil1, Marett 21. 1969 MICKEY AND FRIENDS READY FOR 'FLING' Disneyla11d Hosts 'Tm·n-011' Groups ACROSS 43 Electrical unit l Ditto 44 Greedy 5 Plant part 4Q Young 9 Inhuman animal person 47 Sport 14 Members of 48 Woes AFL , CFL 52 Lacerate and NF l 55 Camel's 15 European relative VIP · 57 Angle 16 Bring betwttn together leaf and 17 Cost-of-Jiving stem Item 58 Accept as 18 "--, Brule!": true 2 words 60 Freezes 19 Title 61 Singer 9 Boy'i; 20 Preposition &2 Religious nickname 21 Set in the sculpture 10 Tooth gfound 63 In good covrring 23 Dinner order 11 English courst 64 Literary river 24 Utility forms 12 Ancient connecti on &5 Broadcast Greek 21> •••• out 66 Pu11s a booer structure ZS American 67 Hebrew leUer 13 Make a author temporary 29 4CJth, for DOWN abode 3/21/69 3'1 Kind of ornament 40 Part of Canada 42 General Post Office: Abbr. 43Kind of coal •5 Ghost 46 Atlantic. .nd l'OVR GVIDE TO '/tlOVIES Elvi1s in Kids Show - (Editor's Note: Th t & tnovie 91ddt is prepared by the jiln1s committee of flarbor l'o·u1icil Pl'<1. /\1rs. Robert Sorensen is ·presi· dent 01td /\1 rs. Hart sigeeney is committee chairman. Jt is intended as a reference i11 dcter1r1i11i11n suitable jil111s for certain age groups a11d will appear weekly. Your views dre solicited. Mail them to Mo. vie Guide, r.are of the DAILY PILOT.) * • * ADULTS Bnona Sera, Mrs. Campbell (~1): \Vhen a U.S. Air Force squadron returns too a n Italian town for a reunion they occupied 20 years before. an enterprising matron tries to cope with three veterans each of whom believes he is the father of-her daughter. Gina Lollobrigida, Janet Margolin., Peter Lawford. ..... ~·-lotl!M ~ under Zellire.lli's fresh casting and direction. L eon a r d \Vh!Ung and Olivea Hussey. The Night They Raided /\tinsky's (M): In 1925, a naive Amish girl (Brett Eklund) runs away to New York and dreaming of a glamorous dan- cing career, ends up at Minsky 's Burlesque, where she inadvertanUy invents the strlp tease in her first ap- pearance. Jason Robard also stan. The Stalking Atoon (G): On his last mission an army scout (Gregory Peck) rescues a white woman captive (Eva Marie Saint ) and her half- breed son from a band of Apaches and tho? vengeance of her brutal chieftain hus- band. li==============~==============:11~~.I'!."~~ LAST ) ~ERF'S -Thvn,, Ftl,, $11. "SCR'.~ finest production" --l.A. Re111111r "A Magnificent MOU'llting·• -o. P. S•Diepf_)' .. lriltel• 546-1111 ALL SEATS 50c Plu fltummuidld For Adulltl G!!Orge Pf~r<I COLOR "HOUSl OF CARDS" Eli l•"-11> T•ylor COLOR "SANDPIPER" 2 SHOWS! SAT., MARCH 22 12:30 & 2:30 P.M. 1 SHOW SUNDAY, MARCH 23 12:30 P.M. "DEATH Of A SAWMAN" • "f' ~ajDY··· t '""'9ie ... u'1 l :JO 11.m.-THlllD STEii THEATRE -COSTA MESA -'*-13.U CHILDREN'S THEAfRE-"TtlE EMl'Elll:Oll I THE NIGHT INGALE" A DELIGHTFUL ORIENTAL MIME-MATIN EE SUNDAY· I PM. ONLY one 2Z Worn out 33 Fabric 1 Shoot 25 NOU!l Pacific -48 N ake dirty J;-,;:-""-_,,_,,,,_,,_=-,;:-""-==-,,_,,._,,,,,,,,_,,_,,_"""',,_.,,_,,_,.,,,.,,.,,.,,.,,."'ii 1/E ANDREWS! 3& Expressed 2 Field or suflil( qrief activity 27 Irrational 37 Two words 3 Blanc and 29 Fork part of wedding Tremblant 30 Ananias ceremony: 4 L~a l 31 Best 2 words preclusion 32 Large 38 Almost round 5 Pli.ln quanti ty 39 Palm feature 6 Champion-33 --Island 110 Ftminlne ship 34 Actor name 7 Feminine Novello 41 Ntgalivt name 35 Child's prefix 8 Catskills nursemaid 41 Pleastd and 36 StirfinH expressions l1urent1ans fabric 49 Chemical compound 50 Fam ily members jl Long cuts ~2 Buglt call 53 Do a rewrltt job 5• Ametic.an: Abbr. 56 One who sinks his tee shot. 59 U11ble ..-i=-rr.-==, tlie-rnesa Theatre of Fine New Appc1ntm.~nts NEWPORT AND HARBOR IN COSTA MESA lELEPHONE 548·1552 FOR INFORMATION 2 ACADEMY NOMINATIONS Best Actress Best Su,pporting Actor A Story of Three Strangers A Father, A !\-lother and a Son Brim's with Laughter and Tears "D11ply moving film!" Jack Albertson · artin Sheen r ~,e:. . .. Also George Peppard, Inger Stevens, Orson WellS "THE HOUSE OF CARDS" l•• Show Stt•h 7 ~·'"· Ce11t. S1i. rrefl'I 5 Su11. from t h>·~1u lm!f CM111t • 111111 11111m mm1 mn aH MUii 11111( 11111 wmoo amrr n1111111ru PLEASE NOTE Dirty Doff• .t 7:11 01ily Gra11d Pfbr ot 9:45 011ly Co11th1uo11• Show S11nday from Z P.M. 1------------ e f you see only ONE I moyie this year ..• this has to be ONE of them! f'.WIOO!jl N'.lUfifS l'fl(SUllS , .. TW!NICtlDll' A FWJilOUl(t f'CIUfl{ @ A MflVIN FRANK flL M ~-Jo// "Buona .Sera, Mrs.lJw11pvm, .. ~='""'-­ tilANoo ZEffiREUJ _, ROMEO .rJUUEl Noordlnory lrn-e "'"r~· .... ..._,. ot N»JltJ, (Qfl'Alilfll,, -,t .. l\01 POSITIVELY ENDS TUES. NATIONAL GEHllW. f'tCTUM.S ,.._.. GREGORY • EVA MARIE PECK SAINT ... p ...... ~-"' nlE STALKING MOON JEOHCOl.Oll•; PAtUiVISIOH' ® GREGORY · EVA MARIE PECK SAINT 'THE STALK1NG MOON' [!lo ''ONCIOl.Oll . --G :r:J:s1 ELKE GARY SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK -COBB PALANcE ~~ • SATUIDAT PTA MATlfr4(E -lt1JO P.M. ""THI RELUCTANT ASTRONAUT' -All S..m lik --.,. ---·. -------- -..- ; ; I (' .°, >' llAOCll21 t,oo·ie, n. Ito -(C) (IOI !J~-.--(C) (lO) II:,; --CCI C10l I ' ~l-'11, J11119 Hwee. Nn er.. J:U ..,, '"' Jadl Ham. tM. &:w D L.A. lV PREMIERE! * THE SIX O'CLOCK MOVIE PATRICK McGOOHAN in "WALK IN THE SHADOW" .... -(C) ..,,,...,...,,._ICI --(C) ~:'::... .. .._ ;;;r_ (C) B~~(C) ~= ........ (C) TlltltfWAf ... SltdQ n.tr. "Tiit C11 .. B Ill O'CllQ: Mtrie: "Walk lll nil" and "Hydt Put Conlll.'" 1il .....,. (dr1m1) '16--htrlc~ l :M 89())11111 lu1111/IMI ... llcGoollt11, Mlch1t1 Cltlt lane! .. MM ('C) ""'"· 1~-IIJ&lT .. C.I (C) ! I S,, (C) (60) ... DieM ...,.,.. ltYlllll (C} (cont'll ~(I) m ,...., (q rom 4;U PM) Dod1ers vs. Yan· MIN: .....,._ p.nr- ktts. l'tntun) ·~Richan! [fan, • I lttllat1 (C) (30) mond 8u!f M11r1 N•? (JO) '1ht UN-EIClllll Old (Q PERKINS CJ)lkl' irltfia (CJ I"""' '""'"'""'' '""°'·" A "'' •I tho '''° ID 1IJ II!"'-(C) · ICftool tt11t tudl1s cllildrtn from iiiwli: ""-1 Aldridl't Llttlt 67 co11ntri11 in nu111tr<1us l1n1u11ts.. Secret" (comedy) '41-J!mmy l,Jdoil, . 1 .. .,. Siii ~ • Chalitt Smith. • ""' -cCl IHl rn m -.. (C) l l:JO QflC ......... (C) (60) Jld; Lt u...· (C) -, .,.,... .... htt9ll ti tlll SI_,.. n..h '. ' s.,~) (60) £.lbldlt bi.IP . ID ·--CCl ''" !~ ••"'1 ""' CCI • m Cliff (30) f1rit ii I IUieS Oft m lllNlll Spllts ('C) I ... tht ltft or Bi1 Top ~rfOlmtra. al f111t11llt ,,,.,. ~ : Tht fil'Jl P">lf'llll, "Mud Show," ( l · • • Inlets the hldary of t11e circus lrom m AU TIIMh IC) '1ht Ult Mu. -- · !Imm m-cci .,,._ .. ly John Mllfl '~""' ,..,,h :n. 19!>9 QUIENll DAILY i'tl.ll' J5 , By PhR, lnmfandl . 'H EAllJ'l\oll @-'YIM! "'· ; ... ~',. . " TELEVISION VIEWS • • • 1126 to ib~l 101111. • ~eh1rs" •rid "Retum tA ttlt Alt The Yea1·s Of Selznick : ::•r.:S~V:tt. "'" (C) (30) 10:00J.' 111 t 11 '*'T11t Arc111• a.. (C) 11~::!~~ l~~~--==:!..:....J · • ~Wllllf• MJ lint? (C) (30) 1~m1111••1 I• ''' --.....,..... L-~"------....l [ __ :.:::=~~~~u · ·· ril Ci11191 SMwclM (C) "The nllr !f111 ltrtll (C) . -''"'"" ....,_ .. '""'" '"" 9..'°a'"" ""~....,. c-.i JUDGE PARKER !'----------------"' By BOB THOMAS • ' Tl"llll • C.....1111teet (C) {j)trJ~ (C) WHafMAN Niii! ' nMI~ OJ MAIN N//P FIFTH! HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The public' a fascinaUon with Hollywood's Golden Era continues undiminish- ed, and hence NBC is offering tonight a special called "Hollywood : The Selznick Years." :~·-1·"'~-i..1~1.1""""'!0, .. ti· t:::g.z~:: =-::.~~=':... .:::.;;~rokl~~ux • !·JO !!,! 9·~· WIN ... (C) , .H '11111 .. ~:. (_,) I ,,,. U:) 1't f}rit Allfri. ft I o Ill -flWI; ·•: !' a .. (C) I ' ..., of '" llDl(l)ll 1•-'"' CCl • • •. first llMft wtlo 11Y1d Gfl our CIDll· · ftt 1Mi .....,. • 4• tlntnt la tol4 by Hu1h Dow111. T111 Clllll_.• • • PfOIJ•m bf111111 In Sibwit, whut 11:• 9 (I) NfT ...... (Q TM • ., tllt flnt Atnt1lu111 orifll'llltd •~1' GtfM ti tM 12"4 • I I The l!lubject is David Oliver Selznick, famed for producing the greatest success of film history, "Gone With the Wind," as well the lengthiest memos., His life and times 1902-1965 will be di1- cussed on the special by such former employel!I as Ingrid Bergman, K~tharine Hepburn, Rock Hudson_, Janet Gaynor, Alfred Hitchcock, Joan Fontaine and Gregory Peck. . • • : : I LMI: i. s,.c. (C) (55) · annlJll Nltloul llW!trllonat Tcuntt-~ m Qt nit 11 t .. J1ntt mtnt. ltDm M1diton Squ1r1 G1rdtn, • •• (il)M1m1 Ce• Elliot, Missie! Ntw Yvk Tht D1v1 C1t1k Fiw, G.011:1 C.rll~ Cl tiJ CJ) ID MW llalblll• (C) • • ~est A 6oublt-hu.dtr, todt(I brudtafll ~ •• 111111111 S MMe: "MN ill Wtr" l11tur1s ltlt coMOlatlo!I 1n~ ti!• ( tmt} '57-Robtl1: llyln Aldo final ~•mts from F111dom Hal~ Riy. ' Loultll'lllt. KtntutkJ. : C.lldtll • Ill llaD (30) . D Cuttl .......... n .. n: "TIMI M111 I uo Htnl (C) (JO) 1rrlM." ' MOON MUWN$ . I""' ·-(!O} i ~ m •••• ...... : ..,_ Qood (IOI "" Clo ... UllCI !I a2I CJ) II ~lilt .,,- . lrothlrt alld Tomm, -Mllllfl'I )9111 i -4•: (C) !'Ct W ( .... I~:::=;;:::=::::;::::;=====- ' Pitt ~orn ~•don. n) ,124ft4.1p~ 1:151 '"" l'9lltlal (C) ' ,,,. 1w-,.,.. <'I "m . ~8'"--"., '-• ( ( ) All A&ttit !or lll1 ~1i• 12:00. 1n1 Tlltn tifl." U:.tO ........ -...... (C) I""" ..... (Cl tTO) P1ul H11v91, Biiiy G11h1111. t1'1i (J) OJ Ka,,.111111 (C) ! D GENERATION GAP-JOIN Iii,._ -~Cl >< * THE BATTLE & FUN ,.,;.i::.--.,,,.., D tffHIJm-... (C) ''°'llB CIJ..., lkt (C) t1il)"Titiinls Wlloley 1101b. Allpii ....... (C) Diel: t. ti lrlfftl (C) (90) btrt •nd Doll W1ll1 call !lit pmt lilt flllt o..i (C) (30) b1twttn !!It C.llloml1 Ail.11!1 11141 JlocMt y.,_1a4i tht itn Fr•ncisco Gilnts. t:• Ql(l)CIS frl4tJ M1vi1· IJ Merit: "'Ht Attlc:t" (11fvtntwt) TI" (dr1m1) '5l-Wllli1n 'Si-John A111, Audrey T1tt1r. Holden, Otto P11mln1e1. 0 Mtrici: "TM Gf'M!l·f}'ld lltndt" 8 PllJbtJ Aft• Dlit: (C) (ill) 0on1 (dt1m1) '57-lluun 011¥er. ITICi:tes, Sllq GrHnt, M1lvlnl m MIWll: "Cl1111t11M" (tdv'ln- Bttli, Tiit Chttkm1tes Lid.. 1111 ture) '64-Slewtlt G11n1tf'. Oot1111 Cosby, Doi.ii McClure, Bob Futltr, Gny. Tl11 Col11~, Kelty G1rrttt f'lesl 1-...... I !HI m ltt'• .... • Dul AnMd Ftre11 Hiifl11111u 1C) (TO) cinty H1H ha.!ts. l:lO 9 Ci) Tiit l.tllt bfllW (C) R111 hr Ytw LH1 (C) (60) · M., ~rttfln (C) Sp1tuf1tion (60) ''Tht Warren 2;00 IHi ([) ltllll1n/Slflltr111111 (C) Coult." Dr. Keith Beiwick ind 1uesl Mtvit: (C) "'Co11111ellt Tenlttry"' u1min1 the SUpremt Court frnm (wtltern) '50 -M1ur1111 O'H1ra, le1al, hl510fic.ll ind conlempor1ryl M1odon1ld C.rey. ~ipectivu. m Cerlltlt Dem: ''Utvil't Htr· I!) tsltltr11 Mtdn bo1." 9;10 D @CD m Tiit C•n• " w-111 2:JO D hftM ClJ Sonnttt lt) (30) '1h1 Man Who 1:«18 9 (I) CIS W Clmic (C) Killed J1111ts Sonnttl." 01n Slku 111d Bob Ga1lb1 rnMt I fhn (C) (]{)) Ted Mtye1s. Bob~Nlcholl 1nd R1y Floyd. Fntiv•I tn Ml4rid I (I) m ..,,.... J4111rtl 10:00 R 9 (j) It'! I IJl<l•l I HtllJ• tier M1rlllt!I hosts. WOOd':Till Sllz11lck YNll (C) (60) ClllH• titnlJ Fond• n1rr1tn th1 prosrtm · M11i.-Jill AINI' an ttt1 lil1 cit Onid 0. Sellnick. 3:15 Antal• ~.(C) D111 O'H1il. picineer 1110¥ltm1ke1 responsiblt I« 3:30 B !iJ (!) m Ulltt11M W.W (C) th1 ureef1 ol many cit Hollywood'• Phl1 Cirey. biant st1n arid 1 m1jor fader in O Spwtl !pteMI (C) "ReaioNI th1 evolutlan ct tod1y'1 filmmtk· Sportt Cir Finals." inc ltchniqu1s. o @rn mrre lowJ111' l•IJI' ! m NIWI (C) (60) (C) L1i B1rker hcsls t!1e $45.CiCH) (ll) (J) E£) llllfd 1111' the Dt Portsmciulh PBA 011tn from Parts· • (C) (60) ''Yislt11ion." When mouth, Vircinit. an unf1l1 divorca lttll1"141nl lt1ds m c.ter TllM1n IC> "Qui11t1nno11. to 1 blttl1 0\'11' dllld tudDdr Fronlitr Scout." riitita ind ulti1111ttry to murder, l:U II"-(C) Jlldd attlCb 1111 whoit boQ of • .. ~ -qutstion1bl1 divo1ct pn'"°'-•.OO ,..... llltlkt• MIJIWI (Cini' ......... '41--Abbott ' CGmllt. 0 A T.V. "HAPPENING" ""' .C '"" CCI : * "WOMEN FOR YORTY" W11111 Tral11 (Cl I Ttrty hllticll il30) ~rdl'J M.tfn" (C) "My Gtl htlltc ltrM (30) ' S14. ... -( ,ca. , 111ffic l:onttol " 9 1111111 Mii .. CC) Tiit SUI , ill) ..._ .W, LOllll .., Htl'll;c., tt a 11flt.tnl- IO:IO 0 MM: "Kill Her . c..Aft" t·lltlt. (dr1m1) ·59 _ Sttvtn Hin, tD °"" llllllll .. . ,-(C) (lOI '"' ·: """ "' """"' II A T.V. "HAPP£NtNG" 11.00 U.f,!!,-(C) *"WOMEN FOR YORTY" lion "" (C) 'Toll -(C) M.wlr. (C') "TM hrlt r:.-"" 1111 0..._ 1 •• (C) tmystlfYI '53-Clludt 1t1l11J. tUJ Cll 11 _., .... WtrN 1u11m~~I CCI l'C:(C) . 11:11 ~ m Ttolc't Silw (C) ,,...,..._ (I) . :~q...-........... , ....... · (tdvt!i 41--Frld MltMurrQ, l :JO B..,,. ..., (C) (I) I "'-":. ::-i:i 8 IT'S ACADEMic-b.1t1n1, "'" mr.w.,_ .,., .. _. * IHt·plCICf Htsh School lt:SO Mirit: ~ MW' (•tllM) ;uiz show Tonlcht· . ..:.Vldot M1turt, Allltt DltMra. ht ' ' 1"21 D -;,. .....,. ,.,,.,1 ntc st«, EJtllt Rock, ·~tm cummlns, John Otll. and Cufvtr City comj)t1t. · Mou•." ~ ..._. (C) ·1 .... llLI: WEEDS MUTI AND JEFF CRINKJNG STUNT!! YQUR C!l!OW't!U'IQU KNOW THAT. DON'T YOU? GORDO HI! 0 C6R'T1.INLY! IN F1'CT ll'')t)U 1'A.lNK 'TOO MIJCll YOU GiT SMAl.l.ER AND SMALLER·· LIKE A MOUSEi By Ferd Johnson ly Gus Arriola 1z"'m""" -"'" '"' l"'-tCl i"'oa-(C) ....... - -!Cl n-~-,,_ ..,.. ._ ,_ -!Cl MISS PEACH By· u-1 1m.10 'SJ....ffllllM cnr, ......,. ..., .... GI,_ '"' -"" CQ ._ " ~PUn;;..r .. , ICI Cl) f!n~L~~~T;A~lmlUT!;;R'S~~;;;i~~")"--;~N~u.usE~;e-°\---:;:J;"-:::::=========~==, CLIP THIS AD AND SAVI T.V. s7.so OH TOUI NOT SllYtcl CAU (~tr ~ M•• JI, twl SAW A SllYICI ZINITH 'or ~ It lltl .. tlt $tn'kt; 642-9742 oc:K5N'T UKE 1415 N'W 006--~ Otkti ... "" / MllLE IE Jl.W\PS Oil '1114< flJRNITl)llE... .. ~ ·==- HENRY FONDA, who never appeared in 1 Selz:bick picture, narrates. · Y.iewers will see glimpses of the notable Selz· nick movies : "Rebecca," "Intermezzo," which m. traduced Ingrid Bergman to American audiences; "David Copperfield," W. C. Fields' only strai•ht role; "Little Women," the Hepburn version; 't'A Star Is Born," not the Judy Garland musical; ''Spellbound," 11Duel in the Sun" and, of course, ·"Gone With the Wind." Also appearing on the show ls Joseph Cotten, who occupied the unusual position of being clo.se friend as well as contract player with Selznick. Re- cently he discussed his !onner boss: \ "HOW WOULD I capsulize David? It might be easier il I hadn't known him so well. How does any-, one analyze the motivations of love? It's impossible, Why do you love your wile? Why are you fond of a close friendr Because you appreciate their virtue• and tolerate their faults? Why? "As for David, I _had great respect for his taste, his sense of honor, his r esponsibility and his energy. And his achievements. Most of David's pictures were considered above par -or a lot above par." During his nine years under contract to Selz.. nick, Cotten made on1y four movies for the pro- ducer: all 'his other films during that period were Joanouts. Selznick earned big profits from such deals, as he did with hiring out Peck, Bergman, Dorothy McGuire (who never made a Selznick pic- ture;) Fontaine, etc. ''BUT f NEVER resented the loanout.s," said Cotten. "Sure, he was earning money for my serv- ices, but a lot of it went back into the pot -to improve the facilities at the studio. "And there were times when I came out ahead. Like when I sat for eight or nine months in New York while David was figuring out a new script for 'Portrait of Jenny.' All that time I was being paid my salary and expenses.'' 'The actor said he and Selznick became even better friends after their contract was over. It was at the producer's house that Cotten married his present wile, Patricia Medina. SELZNICK SUFFERED a decline In hls latter year1, and some observers felt that he had ei:pend· ed bis creative energies on "Gone With the Wind." He seemed to be attempting to recapture the grand- eur of that singular achievement. "Maybe that was so," Cotten conceded. uaut that's true of so many creative people. Somerset Maugham. was always trying to improve upon his first book, and Ernest Hemlnr;ay was haunted by 'A Farewell to Arms.' And suspect that Orl!IOD (Welles) has never gotten over bis initial 1uccess, 'Citizen Kane'." Denni• the Menace • Mu. .• ,1\1. Al'M1' ll/Jflll A ll!U llt .• : I .. ' IC IWlY PllOT rrldaJ, Mardi 21, 1969 LEGAL NOTICS LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOl'ICll • ...... -,..,_ -......... IUtt•l9 Cll'nfl.Uft OP •USIMlll Cl•TilllCATI O" IUllltnl -"'N:nftow lllCTITtolll lilAMI rKTITIOUI HAMI 1'lt ,: .. I lllt = """ -'T"9 llMmllMd .... ctttlff' flt II n. ............ ... «r1tfr lie It .... r ...... ISR k'ltt.I. aoAwctN • _... et m fW• ... ,d!Rit • .~ •I NII ~· a... ..... c........ ..... .... ftcl. ~ u.-9Md!. Cloltw!lle. """" c:trcte. .......... v ...... "~ .,.., ..,....-""" -.t UOOf'"'I HOMI! !tie tktl,.... """ -fll C'llAl"TIMEH ttw nctttlWt flf'ln -fll COMf'UTE"• f'U•Nflffl~ llM tlltt •Ill firm It •All IMI Mltl flr111 .. __...,. ti SVlnMl/SOf'TWMI DWIWMIH1' _,.....(fl ... ,.,......,..,_ ....... 1he lollowfN ,.,_ ....... -In tM 1t1.t .... rlml II ~ ol -1111 M _, ""-fll ,..._ 1v1t N 1\ew Ill mldllla II " .,.._.: • "41Mrirw --. ..._. -Ill .,_ M ........ MlctlMI Md.Mii, SM flllr .. U.llM flll W MMe flf ~..w.nc. i. • t.llOWI: ftOILYNI!. M. UIXI"" mt AIW h9dl, C.llf, l. l'wl ~ .. U*I'• Clrttt. :::.~:---C•llfillrNa.' 0.t.I F"'""'Y !1, .,., ,..,..,,..,,,. V.itw, C.lf, M. "°9~~fl', llfll l'l'Vlll, STATI' cw~:r-IA.-0.IM ~~~:..-.-..,. .,.,.. il.ww.,,. :i&. lM OllANOI! COU1'4TY: STAJI Of' CALll'IORN~ )II •OSLYHI M. UOO,IJ" Oii MMdl S. IHf, ~ l!lt. 1 OllANGI COUNTY: ) N. iltOH:lllT UD(Wf' Nottiry "Ullllt Ill eM fW . wll Slllt, Oii Matdl l. tNt. ..... .,..., • .... 1J1 ~ er-c-tn -llY _,... M~I Me\.Nll 11111 HeflN P!Jlllk: Ill lf!d t.,r Nld $!lie, Oii ....,_., f1 ttilf' ....... -P. H. Nd-~ .. -t. M """"""" V-rM II. f'IUI A~ • .....,,. ,._ •. -w ..... •11·· .. --. . ..,,_. --JUbKribld ~ .. -.. lit ... --· !f"l:'! _.,_.ltlt __., llOSLYNt: M. 19 fM Wlalllll lolltr\lmlOlf.,. ~-· n11M fl, •~ to ttit w\ltiln ln. \IDOl'P' ""' H. 11:09lltT UDOI', tMw!1 td tll.-, ~ ltll MtM,. 1tn.mMt Mii Klwl•i.dtfcl N pta,1l«I .. -.. ._ .. ...,_ ~ "'"'" (Otflclll ... II 1111 -· \ •"I llllMcrlllllll ti tt11 "1!fllll lllllNMftt Gl.tctn It. V111t (Otlkl•I S.11 •"' IDOll•I••• ..., elCIMlf 1111 Noi.rv ,..,..le • c.ftfwT!lat hfrkll A. c_.-.wl'IL "'*'"' •Ol'llU NOlltY fl'vMlc ~ tetll """"" ... ~ .. 0r-S11tr. .. (.ilfln\ll Nett"' P~loQl!fwM M'I C-lslM b!N'" l'rllldNI otlla Ill "'~· Offlw ... """'' 2. ''Pl 0r.,,.. (funt¥" ~ Cieollllt'I PllM!tMf °'1llllt c..lt r:i11~ P iiot, MY c-•uloll t:•lra MY C-1..-1-.1,_ ~ >, T4. II, W. lHJ ..... kllt. 10.. IV! ~I t. lt11 P\lbhlhM Or1M41 CMtt rt.n, t'llot. .. ~ er.-~ D1llf' Plklt, LEGAL NOTICE Mardi 7, 14, 11, .. 11'1 4lUf t Men in Semce I -Atr11.a1 Lela11d R. ~·USN, son of Mrs. Shirley A. llutherford ol 319 Del I.tar, Colt.a 'Mesa, ts 15U\'4 1ng abolrd the anti-submarine warfare carrier USS Yorktown. 'ol )ht orglll!DU111'1 111111 10- maal awards prosram. in --ol the Amerlcu Wiy ol Lile. C.pt. 0.lanJ Is an a811'1anl prof-ol a~space atvdle1 at Loyola Unlvusit7 • SeamaJ "Rct. Tllom11 C. Koubeck, USCG, son of N.r • and Mrs. David S. Koubect of 2159 Kanohe Lant, Hun- lingtoo Be8di; ii attending basic training at the Coast Guard · Training Center, AlamedL So This is 1 ~Holl9wood' P"""*Y • .,.. Mira 1, 14. ri.1 __ _;==::,::::::::.._ __ 1---.-i;;;M-;;;;m;;;;;;--Swn111 Appre.11. Patrick ,_ 3J'Mlfl' • -• LEGAL NOTICE Alma A Peter C ..._.., C. McMlllln, USCG, 10D of. all PJlftD. • CIRTtl'tc.an o• 1ut1Na11 M B b ' " E o11~• Vall USN 10 ol Mr and f'ICTITtoul NAMI NOTICI TO Clll!OITOlll .... ar ara u-.C wan -• • n • n.. urldtn.ltMd 110e. c-ttlt'f ~ 1s Ne. A.IJl11 San Bruno, New"".+ Beach, Mrs. Peter Vail of 30I S. mndudlN 1 Ml-9t _, W•I Ttlfl IUPl!lltolt COUllT 0, TNI t""-• B Ff Bal I '••• NOTICI Of' MAlllNAL'I SAL• SlrMt. c.m Mese. C1llfon'ILI ....... STAT• OI" CALll'OllNIA 1'011. graduated fr<Jm basic training ay ont, boa s ....... e.-.1 Ctildlt c.r-.tlolt. • Clllfwlllt ll'i. fldltlow firm -"" ou.•1co ,THI cou•n °" OltAJit•• I th r •• I G d Tr •-•-'"'aduated from A v i a t i on C__,,!1111, l>lllnllfll vs J9¥ TtlClr, Incl 1t19t .... firm h CIWT'l_..i flf Ill t1W Miiiet" of 11111 E1l1lt " llAL,H 8 C VU«S Uar luung e• 111c1v1cu111r •11111 • TllACll!"R"" '91"'"'9--. wr-.,.,,.. 111 1.MlNKl!,DKHMd. and Supply Center Alameda Machinist's Mate Jet Engine LEGAL NOTICE Happy faces tell the story. These are some of the 80 DAILY PILOT carrier~ who were treated to a tour of Universal Studios at Universal City as reward for selling new subscriptions 'and giving their customers good service. Carrier!\ (left to right) are Gary Smith, Wayne Carr, John Caldwell, Mike McDowell (with mouthful of candy) and Domonic Munoz. •Ll!CTllONICI OlfMldl11t 1+o. .u full 111111 1111ce cf mklwlct 11 •• '°'"'*'' Notice 11 ~ 1lv111 to crw11or1 ~ ' ' Course at the Naval Air Mt IY vim.. ti •I\ 1lftCVtlol\ 19--Frueh Mlrlrnom, 2M L"""ll sirnl, 111~111111 cl•im. 11111\d tM ... ,. dt-c:INnl --'" .. Mlrdl J, 1tH...,""' Mun1<11111 N8-t l1Kll. C.llfomt.. 1e 1111 salt! c111ms 111 1111 Dftl(• ot Maj H.,ey s Mana USAF Technical Training Center, cwrt, " ~ ....,...._ Judkl•• 0111rtct. 011M """""' "' ""· 1tie c1ier1 lllf tt1t ._IC court er ' · ' T' M hi! T ctnt Bay Drive, L 1 g u n a Huntington Beach, a pro-c-.., ., u. A1111111t. s11,. "' "''""" MllrlrnM 1e ,,_, ttwn< "' tM Ullden1t111c1 son of Mr. and Mrs. H. • emp , enn. B ach h tr . ed . . "·t .11 c.'""""" .,_ • h•dt,,,..,t 111ttnc1 Stm " c..Jlfeml1, Or•-eeunw: ,, ,,,. o1t1ce of unu..i c1t1loflll• llnll. M ol 22l~A Stat St e , w o was am as grammuig 1pec1awi , WI re- "' ,..., f!I o.n.nt c...c11t c-•'IDll. 0n ""'"""' :». ""· blfor9 1111. '°' 1ou1r1 .. .,,. &1., "' 1111 CllY fl ann e ·• a 1·et aircraft mechanic aittl main at Sheppard AFB as • c.lfllnli. _.....,,., -•• llldl~ • Note,., Pvbtle "' ,,... fw .. 141 st1i., LOI A1111111n, 111 "" Cou11tv of Lin Costa Mesa, is attending the Airman Appren. Bruce ~f. cndltW •M ... fnlt J•r T,,_, ,.., --•llf' ....,r.11 F••11Cll Mirr..-Aneelll. w111e11 1111er offlc• 11 1111 1111e11 ATmed Forces Staff College, Nash, USN, son of Mr. and has been assigned to the Air .an Wtructor. CIY!dWll'I ..... db9 TU.CEii l!LEC-iu-.. ,. no. lo b9 file --...._ llf bullllHI ol "" undt!rtlgr>ed In •II For Sy le c 0 m m a d TRONICS -.. llJdtrN11t dlb!W, •'-""' llll'M '' 1ue.crlbed 111 ""' within ,,.. PNll•ni 11trt11n1.,. to 111d nt1i.. S11eh Norfolk, Va. W.rs. Merrill C. Nash of 14471 ce s ms n ' • 1111 Mlll\C9 e1 sm.u .et11111Y •w ""-' 91\111 ~ledtld Ill uta.1Md ,,.1m1 w1111 tM '*'9UI,., ¥OUdwl ,.,.,., The Del•-•• Sehool ,_ under Chateau L 1 n e, Huntington Edwards AFB. Seaman David R. LaFaye, .,. uN ludllmtnl flfl "" <Mle "' fM JM .. me. bl lllM or "'"'""'*' " .twl'lllcl wnh!n ~ u • .,.. Paci!' r •• UMl>C9" u111 ... 9CVl\Orl. 1 ....... 1rv1e11 cOFFICIAL sEALI 1111111' ,._"" •fttr 1t11 flm publ1u11on the dlrect supervision of the Beach, completed the Aviation The alrm.an ls a graduate USN, of 21~ 1c \.Aid.St =c:. ... •1~,,.=~·~n ;:! .'= ~~J·,.~'t'::'Zfi""'°""" e1o':l:.,"°,Z:~11 s. lt.1t. Joint Chiefs of. Staff and Structur.al Mechanic Hydrau-of Newport Harbor High Highway, Huntington Beach, basic training at Laokland AFB, Tex. and has been assigned to Chanute AFB, 111., for training as a paracbule rigger. The ainnan Is a graduale of Huntington Beach High• School and attended Orange Coast College before entering • • • • 111 lflf c:-"' "' or11"1t1, St•'-ei '''nc1"1 OH•~ 1n N1t1q ~.Id Minke, prepares students for nM.itions lie Course at the Naval Air School. is servi.tlg aboard the USS C.llt'""I•. deler'fblid It follllwl: Ori,,.. C-IY R1ll'lt B. Mlnk1 Jr., 11111 r-~ hni J Tr · · Ce le ff th I f · ~"""' nO' .,.. ..,..,M, ... ,,y Mr eomm1111o11 Expires u111tff c111111rnr. ••nit in joint and combined com· Tee ca auung n r, Airman James R. Er· Rowan o e coa:i o ~. the service. tw .i Lot 2111--Hew1111rt Htlthta Tract ~ ai, 1tn 11~ Jc11o11 Rotltf"hon m .. ~.1. Memphi!, Tenn. rtta.r1t ,.. of Mrs J R Southern California. ~: M• IOI* 4 P-a. flf Ml.alll,.._ ,ubtl1htod °'1lltll (out O.llY ,11111, Aul. Via Pre1Jdlnl llUIU. ' • • ' S. B odJ ' ,,,..,,.., ·'"°"' _,,. ~ '" m FMlnlt,,. 21 1nc1 Mira 7, iL 11, Ex.i;utoni o1 ""' Errecarte of 31471 Lamat.ama,. His ship is participating in Airman Robert r e,. '· ~~~i.:..":!4,~h ,,..., Cillfornl• 1"' J7Ut ::,ol' .. Id dlctdtl!t. Capt James u. Delany, son Three Orange Coast men San Juan Capistrano, was "Operation Be b av lo r Pat· son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert . • NOTICE IS HEll.EIV GIVEN tll•I LEGAL N011CE GAILl!ll. MtOH ol. Mt. and Mrs. John Delany have e.raduated from a U.S. trained a1 a communicatioiis tern." J. Brodie of 388l Rose st .. .,. l't1c11r, ~· 11, '"'· .i 2:00 e'cloek cu111C a •l!'110LUND ol c Air Force Technical School, ·an t H · d Seal Beach, bas ""aduatetJ P.M. •t '""" « Court HllUll. so A""_,......._. 1741 Tustin Ave., osta spec1 s • e lS a gra uate ~ w"" '"" St .. clt'I "' c.om Mii.. •.nn1 144lJ NMIN• st,.., M-•, •--been named a wi·n· Sheppard AFB, Tu. ol San Clemente High Sehool "-u Kenneth Suda, "'n from Chanute AFB, Ill., as ~ " 0r.,,.., Shh °' C.11tomll, (111.TlflKATI!' Of' IUStN•s• "'" lfim. C11H. ....... 11.iU llQCUI "" 1 •'" "" .i ll'llMI< •udlon kl ""' F1cT1T1ou1 NAM• PubUlll«I °''"'' cot11 011.., P11o1. ner in the 1968 Freedoms They art Airman Dennis H. Staff Sgt. PblDp J. Rusch, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Suda a jet engine mechanic. ~11'-~ "::'~~i:: 1~w""': ";l. ~=-=-::..~,,... 11o.,<>;~"' .. ;."to!'~ Mlrdl 7• ,.., 21• 21. UH 'lM' Foundation at Valley Forge Janlsst, son of Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J, ;of 8292 Grant Drive, Hun-The airman has been asslp- tt111 111111111ttr1tt1 o1 Mid lllllllm.,,. $btor AY1., C01t1 M-. c1111<im11. 11nd<lr th• .JLEGAL NOTICE letter writing contest, a part Harvey Janlsse of 147 Crea. Rusch of 6191 ...Audrey Drive, tington Beach, comp I et e d ed to Nort<Jn AFB. tit tht •bove deKrlbld pr_,,,., IN' fldlillllll firm 111m1 of KING CAllNETl----=::::::::::.,:,:.:,:,:,:::., ___ 1------'-------'-----'-----------:--=========================================;;' .. mudl thtrtOI' 11 """ bt Mcellll,., MANUFACTURING •11111 lflfil uld flrm '9 ..thfr 11111 UIClltlon. wtflr Kavtd lt C9mPOHd of !M fllllowl,. .,.f'IOlll, ... lqit • W•'-9 lrttwral 91\d C01tt. ~ llllMI Ir! II.Ill 111111 Plkn ot l'IOTIC• GI' TaUSTEli'I SALi 0.Nlll .t Cost• ,Mtu, C1tlfon'lll, Mlrdl rn~.,. •• followl• On April I, lt6t, .t 11 :00 A.AA.. II. !Ht. 1111 H rlM 1517 Y, W llEllAILE TITLE COMPANY, •• duly l"1'911Cll L GI-Santi Ar! C~Hfor II • IPMI' AYI., IPPDlnled Tr111lff "'ndtr lrld pursu1n! Mlr""'I wnrrim 'fl Girken' ,.., Mllbl'9 SI '° OMCI of Trust 'xecUlecl by A. B. MU11lcl.,.I Court Coll• MIM. Cllltor"I~ " MOORE 9"" FRANCES T. MOORE. Or.,.. Cetlln"' )l1t'W D1ted Febn'.r1,., 11 1fft hinblrld 1rld wlf1t, ff lolnf t1n1nh. Jvdld91 D•tr1d 1111 Hirt.tr ' 11 Jo en 111\dlYlcl«I ~If ln~rnt. Ir L H. Dn.. Wtlll1m F. GIMcllt 1nl WEITPOll.T INSURANCE, INC •• .,, ..,._.. St.11 flf C4otlfomJ1, Orlflll Cou""'' le 1n Ulldlvlded ~II' l"~rnt Trufloni, CUTlD AND CUTLI• On FW....N 11, !Hf, ti.ra;1 m•, In f1vor of LINCOLN SAVIHGS ANO f'ltllttlfP'I A...,_, I Nol•ry PUbPc In lrld •for ult! Stitt LOAN ASSOCIATION, I COtPOral!on, 11 0.. W111111"1 IWt .. S~lte fll l>trlMlllY l11H1red I UI Kttrkf' 1nd 1-11c11r1n recorc!H J11111 10, .,......,,. ........ Gr..., A..... WUJl1m •. G1'111n krlOWll to me le ""· Ill look 7t5'. P111 105. °' Offlclll ""' A.,.ln. C.lllwllll M11 bl tl'le ""'°"' wl'lcM l\llN1 •re IU!IKl"lb-R.,;anls I" IM off\a flf tto. CamlY "'*"'*" an,,.. CoeSI Dtlf'f 'llat, eel "' the wllhll\ '"•l'nlmlnt 1ne 11~ .,, °''"'' C!Mln..,, <.elffw11!1, Mlrdl It. 71, 21. lNt .m.4-t ld!Mw1tdffcl tl'ler ~ lilt same. WILL SELi.. AT PU!ILIC AUCTION TO (OFFICIAL SEAi..) HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (119y1blt LEGAL NOTICE MatY llttl't Morto" 11 Timi flf sai. In lllwtul moner ol Nol•rtt Publlc..C1!11tr11l1 1111 United $1111$) 11 I~• $OUlh m1!11 Prlnc11111 Office In ..,.,._ 1o 1111 CounlY Court Hol/11 NOTIC• 011 P•Ol"O~ll!O I "' N K <lrlflll Coull"' JI\ tM CllY of 111111 AN, Sllle fJf Ml!R•IR. Ol.IANllATION Of' HOLD-Mr Comml1..._ ex.Ira C111foml1, 111 r1th1, 11111 1nC lntertsl IN• COM'° AMY SKAlllHOLOIU A•rll f, 1t11 CO!tVwtd lo Ind now i>el4 tl'f' It IHlder MlnlN• Pub"lhecl Ori"" COIJ! ll•llw Pl~ ... 1c1 Dlecl °' Trull Ill 1111 11rOl'l!rtY NOTICE ll HEltEIY GIVEN 11111: l'irbn!IN 21 •rid Mllrdl 7, 14, 21, 1lfllllfid 111 1he C"""tr llf Or1111t, Stele 1. Anllatlorl hll blt11 rn1d1 to ltil lHf l75-H of C1lllornl1, "11crlbl!I 11: c-tr•llet" of !flt Currlllt'I'. W1thlflllort, Liit• 4 .ne 5 of TrlCf No. 4-Q, Cl. C., for ftl• o:-.t hi • _,.,,, LEGAL NOTICE 11 ptr 11'1111 recorOtd' I" Book n . llf New""1 Nlllol\lt 81M:, N-1 P111 14 _, Ml.c1llll.-1 M11>1 111 9Mcll. C.dflN'1lli , lllC ~ l•llk. IUPllllOll COURT Of' THI! 1111 oft!~ ot Ille CoulllY II:_,,., N. A. I o,., ... 1z.rntl. N_,., B11cll, STATE 01' CALll"ORNIA POil of ••lei CDUlllY. EXCEPT ~ 111ttr1Y C1llfol'l1l1. '"' c IO IHI ot sale Liii 5. TM wnftrlY 11 11 COl'll...,•1-Ntl th1t •II otncn OUNTY OI' OllANGI lint ot said ••tlerlY 10 fftl btllno NI. A ... WI ol flll ~ l\lmecl bll\ks wlll COll!f"IHI OROl!lt TO SHOW CAUll!" p3r1llel wlltl •11d IO IHI WHltrlv fo be ..... twd. P'OR CHANQI OI" NAM• mlntll'ed •• rl1ht lfllMI from lilt Thll l!IT1Cll ls llUb!lll'lld' IPl.ITllllnl hi A •• 11 c i t ft II of DONALD lli!t<IY 11111 {lfllf 111 Prllklllttlkon) SldkM ll(C) d !tie Fllcler1I OtPotll LICHTENSTEIN for dlllllt d Mml of uld Liii S. lllWI•"" Ad. WHEREA5, ""' .... ne111 .. ol Doft.1c1 Sllcl sale Wiii be mecl4P, bvl w!lholll l. l"unuant t& u11 ol Ill rl$lllCltV9 Lldtlelll!ll" !or dt•flll ol 111.,.. 1111 CXWtl\lnl or warr•11ly, txpr111 tr lm11Uelll, dlr'ldor., COllCUl',.nt ,,,...1"'' Ill 1111 ~ dulr niec1 W!lh 1111 cltr1t of !hi r1111rdl1111 11111, llOIHulon, or ..,.. 1l11rei'lolftn °' Nl'Wl"Off N•lkNlll 811\lr, court •ncl II ....... hit I Id I cumt>r1nc:11, lo ft1¥ the ebl111t\on1 •lltl '"-" .. ..._ N. A., (Of'll1nrr1,.J, 1>lkti1on 11111 said lllflllce'::" ~r 1 •: l9<\ll'td bY uld Ditti ot Trusl, '"1, Wiii "" lllld It 1111 Mllfl OfflCll of hi ""I I W/'8ft 111d ·-ol 1111 Tnnln N...,_, N1tloMI llflk. Wnkllff fl ""' "1 l\llM dleno«I '° 1111 Pf-" •11111 of lhl tnosll .... 11tld b1 salcl ...... °" H--" ...... Cllltoml n1rr11 d Donl141 ~ O'H1r1, ... ""'• __.., .......,, 1' NOW THEREFORE, 11 II hll'9b¥ Otecl of Tru1t. ., Twtdly, "-'11 I, 1Hf, 1t 7:00 ordlrtd ...,. dll'KNtl 11111 •II """"' Thi 8tllltlci1,., oncllr p ld Died of e'dcodt, l".M., flw tht --" con-lnft1'91tecl In the said mittir "' chl"9I Tnnt, b.-rHton of • bruch or llcf1ult aldtrll\I WMI "°"tn1 Wllltl• 1n All'Mmtnl Ill' 111me ll>Ptlr blfol'9 lllt lbove ,.ntitted In lhl otille1tlon1 ncurtd !Mreb"f, lo Ml'" 11111 Pl•n "' Reere111l11tlon COllrl In 0$1rlm111I I ltlvtol on tllfttllflflrtP IJIKlllecl llld dtllYerld lo •nil NWnff ef !he .. Id blnkl JI\ COi\' Ille i1111 "'"' ot ""rll Ifft .; !tit lfll 1111dtnl1necl I Wrllttn Decl•r1tlon llldr.t •llfl lM formllkll! of • -hour ol t·:JO o'clodl: i...M ~ •lld ol Dri1u" 11\d Dt<ri111<1 klr !Ii., Incl blnll: lloldll\ll _...,. llllcler 1111 .,... llllrtP lo .how a"" If ,,,;; IM hi written Nolin of Dlf1ult Ind of tlectlol'I ... lllol\I of the Inn flf fl'll U"tltd Stl'lll wh"f 1111 ll>Plkltlon for cfllnt1 ~ !'NI~; lo Clllll 1111 11~r1!1111d lo Mil said 911111 bl r1!1fltd Ind iconflrmec:t, 1ubled lllovkl not bl iir•"tecl. · ,.._.,., lo sall1tv 11kl obll91TI0111 hn lo 11111 •-•I .r IM eom.tn>lllr IT IS FURTHER ORDERED th.t 1 bMn recorded tlld mor1 lhln fflres If 11111 C\lrt'll\CY, W1.tiln11ort, o. C .. eopr of lhl1 .. ,.,,., bt 11Ubllthtd "-monlhl h1v1 tl111Hd 1l!IC9 rtconl•llon • • ,,, fw .... """""' ol Wllltlll ""°"' e1ch -k for ' IUCCHI! .... Wtcics prior D11t: Merell l. Ifft •llY ..._ ml"""' ll\Cldt!ll1I to t11e lo !tie dlli. •bo><I Mt for tht llllrlllf llELIAILE TITLE COMPANY •r""9td Mll'lll' lrld f'llll. A ICOllY Ill' Mid •11Pllut1on 111 IM Oriflle C 1 •• said Tn11lte " ..... lfllr-'d "'l'Mll'Wl\I ..... PIM, 01111< Piiot, • n ........ Nf' ol ,,,:!1 Lisa W1tt.r1 •JtKUlollf bf" • -1«111< flf 1111 dlrectorl clr1;111tlloll Pr1nlecl ,,.. llllbllshed 1 lhe Alll1t1nt 5ecr1llry ef Hdl flf tl'le fwl blnb II Oii flit City flf C111t1 MH COii ty ol 0 11 (J4l·T II thl ,_., .... blM.1 •lltl m1r bl Sllll d Cilllol'nli .. n r•,.., P11btllltld NIWPClrt H1rbot NtW'I Pre11 l"'IPIChd dwlN 111.111,.._1 hourt. DATED· Mtrdl ·, UH comblnecJ •llh D1!flo Piiot, Ntwioori DATED: Mlf'dl ,, 1H,. ' 111'f'ITIOrld T'*"1>11t1 lucll, C.llf .. Mlrd'I 7, 14, 21, INt #J1 ff NEWPORT l'IATIONAL IANIC Jlllklt p,.1fdl119 ~ 1'9dl. C111'1onilt flONALO W. PIKI! LEGAL N011CE NEWPORT IAl'll(, N. A.. 01 5"111 •1v.n, Ortve ~~:.di C1llftl !• ~iLffh< MUii, Cill"'"'11 ADVlllTlll'Ml!NT 1'011 llDI ,ubllllltd Or C t {;' 1 llU) Ill J.»11 • Ull) CR l·f'd Nolkil It her1tw •lllffl lhll 1111 llOllnl JM d't l 1 '"" -l lh' l"llof, Altllfl!l'f fv Ptllllll\lr ot Tr111len of !hi SHI lt•ch !IU-1 1 ,'"' • " 21, 21 Incl A1ru '· P~bll1hecl Or1noe C011l r:i111y Piiot, Olitrld o1 orinte Collntv, htr11n1ttff -·---7;;;;;i;-;;;::=;;;;:-c-::.::...:"':::""::::.~"~1~·~"~·~"'::..'~"'=----~-~ rtltrNd lo " th• "OWMt'"• wltl rlQIYI LEGA£ NOTICE 1111 to but 11G'! ll~r lllln 2::111 e'cloc~ LEGAL NOTICE P.M .. ol till 111 Hy of A11rll, \Ht, M•lecl t>lcl1 flN" 1111 1w1rlf of contr1ct l ll'I! AND ACCIOl!NT AND HEALTH for lhl ~lructloll o1 RELOCATABLE IYNOPSll 01' TKI ANNUAL ITATllMINT Cl..AS$ROOMS 11th• MAllY E, ZOETER 01'" SCHOOL, i.c:1telll •I 12TH STREET ANO AMllll<AN LIPI AND ACCIDINT INSUllANCI COMPANY 01' ST. LOUIS COAST HIGHWAY, SEAL IEACH, Full CIN'"PO!"•ll N•m1 ORAHGE COUNTY, CALIFOll.N1A. -Ll!!fell ... llv1nl, It, a...11. M!UMfl tn• Svdl bkl1 w111 bl reahlecl 111 the +tClme Dlflc• office ol 1111 Ovmer, 11 llY l!tlvd. Yllr ...... o.c.mblf' fl, lHI •Ml lol11 Avt!'ll!I. S..11 a ... cti. C•llfor11I~. Tt1fll Aclmltlell Aa..ia 1 1,1u .tn.?t •NI will bl ~ •lid JttJblkh< '"" Tttll n1b11111n 11auc1 1t 1"-11ic .... 1T1tt<1 Time •nll o1,ll4.tJ1.4 PllCt. IP9dlj IUTPllll tuncts s -a-Eld! bid fl'IUll confMm •rid bt C.pttel ,.Id ... 500,000.00 ~IYI lo lfll1 lnvll1lloll, 1111 .11.,., ~"'Ill*: lll'"Plul 2H.1fS.'1 7tt,171.'1 =~~f~::.-~rid ..:;:M~\l'llrc (I~ -1111 Y91r 1.117,619 '2 ODcUmtnb. COl>lti (If ffM Conlr•c1 DlltluU-tt fW 1111 'r'llr 1161 W" Oocllrntflll Int now Oii 1111 •11<1 °"'" W1 ".,....,. <•rttf'f fMI 1t11 •l>oYt 119!1'11 1r1 111 1c1111nl1nc1 wllfl !tit Af\ll~l · st111-lo P<Jb!lc l"'Pldlo11 111 th• 11111 ottlce1 rrwnl fOr 1111 Yff• .,....,. Dtetmbl!' JI, 1Ha. medt f(I ffll ln111r1nc1 Commlulontr of the OWMr •rid ol Pow.II, Mor"9r"'91, •' llM llei. of C.ll!Ornll, P\IOUlnl i. II•. Rlclllf111 & COfh11!1, Archllecn,. loulecl C. L HEllZOG FREO I!. MAGINITY et ,_ Wnt l!loahlh Sll'ftl, LOI Angeltil, tllmll If l",_lcltnt Mimi of S«Aft('f C•lltornl1 t'll0\4, •rid IMW be obt1lllld 11/ f;. L H..... /1/ l"r«I I!. Ml91nlty II !hi lltkr •llctP t.r cl-!1111111 l25.0ll llO,..luN .r l'rtlllltnt Slgnituri or S..::retir~ fol'" Pell If!. Thl1 cltPOlll will bt ''* rll\lrldtd ti 1111 Ml IN' Mii olt C011tr1cl '"ubll....., 0..... (NJ! Dtllr 1"11ot, Mlrd't 11. ''· :l'O, 21, tt, INt JOt'4t Docu.....,h ftllvtrtcl 1r1 r1turMI! 111 ----:-::::7:-::'.:::::::=--'-'-'-'C:..:::...:.:c:,.:.::::_:::.:_ __ _::::: toOcl Qlflcllllol\ Within ffvl dlYI lfltr LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE '~:: ':,"1':;.u be m-. out ..., , ITATW OP' CALll"Oll.MIA HOTICI TO CONTll.ACTOllS llALIO 'JlOl"(.lALS wllt be rKll....:1 b'f lllt Office (If ArthllKtvrtP llnd (ontirllc"· ,.,_ a.-"Ill. 107 lwlh 1roec1 ... .,, LOI "'191111, c.111or111t, unm t:OO p.111 .. w.,.,__,, M~ 1'. lfrff 11 wltlcll tlmt llltl' will tit fll,ltt11c1r ..,... •nC rtotd II\ II-1111 91 Miii ....,,_ for: IMl"llO\ll.MENTS TO WARD$ Dl!PARTMliNT Of' MENTAL HYGIENE l'AIRVIEW STATI! HOSPITAL COSTA MISA. ORAM GE COUNTY, ULIP'OllHIA {W.O. AEGS t21 C) flt IC'Cllf'lllnel will! lllt 111111\1 1nC 1111Clllc1llonl llllrtrlol", ll!CI llUdt Hcllnlll ttt.reto .......... i.Uld prior " Md -"" "''•· Tiii bldclff'1 •INllllll\ " dlf'tdld le I .,......ltlO!i I!! 1111 ,.,......, .., ..... kit !flt ,..,., cwmi. Nllllve • wi.rn1r1t ~ .. qo.o01111ont lhrt11191t blll lilp)etterla. "' ,.,......1. !fl .. ,,_lee! C'lfl'$rlla lrttwlor •llWl'111oM to ~ IDp/111 _.,. IM#lldl ..... OJIWWKI• 11\CIUIMI ..-11 --, ctrP111tn". concr1t1 WW-. ltlti 11111 Pll•"'• peirll ..... Clf"lfllk: tlioJ, IMdllo!ICll 11\d 11Ktrlu1 _._ •llklltt nwy -!lie ..,.... •f'ld ~llellll 11 1111 tr•1 lulld1r1' Ellclll"" Oflll- -. ..... ""' Oll1cl Ill Al"C!ll!KtvN .... COnllrUCtkwl. 1120 N Strnt, Slcr1lTllnte, 11111 "" ...,... •....n.r. u. """*· •""'" -.etlln ,..._ 111111 11111:111C1tlonl, P~I torrna, 11111 lilklen' l6rld *"" t'I ....... tint llMTI lrl W!'llillt (P.O. NII 101', lla'•"*'lo• Clllf. tsllUJ, 1r ... ~ ,,_ .. Offlnl " Ardltt.clvrll .... Ctnl!T'uc:llDI\ '" "'"''""'"'°' f'll,. a .-c:lflClllllns l'lllY bl .ottlnlf wl"*'I chi"' 11111 •rt NI tr. bl ttturMd ""' .., wll .. -.,..,.., vnlllt It 11 _.. ., • '"'fl'N' '-"" fvrnltl'lld br ~ OftlCll ef Ardllt9duno anC C-trwtlllfl, .... 11 111Me Iii -ccenlal\C9 wl"' lhl "In. •tnlcftlllt. tlo llOlllr", EKh ........,_ """'' M lrc...I W •lie ....... I'"-! ""*" ,.....,_, TM o.wtrNoot "' co-.t &trvka ,_..,.. "' rtQht ,. rti.ct 111r ., •N llilllt W M Mlw lllJ ""°""'llty Iii! llfl'f toloil ~ •• -.. .. ......,.lnld """' on 1 1""'11 wrn ...... •INl!tAL ,RSVAILIN• HOURt.T WA•I llATIS COUNTY 0.-011.A"•I TM °""'"-' ol Glntr1I krvtct. 1111 •1Ctf'191Md t!11 ....._..,, lll'•~Ulnt rill ., ,., •lrl1tht """'· • ...,,....., S.rvrHvs. luoidlyt. •!IC llollAYtt l!!dllclll\f MW ,.~ ,.,. htltllt .,.. •"•"'· """'-. ,..lift, •I'll 1!mlllr DUI" te lilt • tMullhcl lllrnttw fw tht ~ In which 1111 _. Is ti M dlrll. """"°" lhlll lilt lhosl llllflnld '" 11.dt 611 h coli.cttve lllrfll'""-....,... _. ~ te ... ltbw cll1111'Utlwt(ll ~ °" 1111 ,,.lkt. form lo bl ob11!11tof •I IM office of Powtll, MIM'trJclff, ltldt1rd1 & c.,.M111, :IOI w-.1 El1hlfl Strqt, Lui Ant1ln. C1tltornll fODU. llch bid 111111 bl •CCOMPllllld by I (lrrlflld OI' <.11hler'1 check, Plflblie kl lilt Owntr. or H lllllCti>rY !lid IOlld II\ llWll" ,,, ..... °"""". l i<Klllecl by Ille bicld9r •I f'rll\CIJol1 ln4 I 11tltlldorr lllrl"' COll'llllnf II l!/Te,.,, II\ In lmcKl~I no! ltii 111111 flvt ....-Cl!lt o1 1111 bid, Tiii dllck or blcl bone 11\111 bl ,1v111 II I •lllrlnlff 11\fl flll bklder WUI tlll'CU!t 1111 <Ml•ad 11 It be 11 .. ~- fo l'llm 111 alllfomltlY Wfll'I tti1 ConlrK'I Dctct11nt11!1 •"4 win ,.,,,..lei<-"'' 111re11< boo'ld er bond• •• 1oP1Cllilcl lhlrl'll\ wtltiln fl"" cllfl Ille< 1K1l1flC11!00! of JM 1Wlt'11 flf lhl con!rld fo flll blddtr. Tiii Ow111r ,...,....... lilt 11rlvt'"-ol f'91Kf!fll l"Y Ind 10 bl .. or I'll Wllvt ""' lrrttullf1Tltt or l"frormelllie. Ill M'I 11111 or "' fhe blcllllfll . f'UrlUllll II ,..,. Ubor Codi of 11\t Slit. of Clllfonli.. 1111 Mid OWllt• "" 11ctr11lnecl 1111 tl!'Nlf"ll 11rtrv•lllll9 rill ol .... clllm -for •Kh Cl'lll or rv111 of ~ ~ to lll9Cllll "" a:witrKf wfllctl w1tl bt •w•1'111d flll IU(c:tMfU( bldidtf'I Ind tlMM -Ill-- IN "'" ... COl\ttllltMI !fl Mlcl -dfl<t· tlolll ldo9tecl W flll Dw!'Nlr. CU.lllfllCATIOMli A'PlllNTICllt Ml'f bl ............. 1" Clllll'6rfl'llf'f w1111 ktkirl 1m .s r1 1111 C.llforllt• L1110t Ceclt. •1•011111 Sime ....,. .ui. • cr1t1 • trflldl rlf'lllW " lrtc:Wier!t11. WILOlbt I.MM .... Kiit • CY"ll'I fo wltld't ... 1o11M ... 11\Cllltnt•l tfl'fCATtCNI Slr11fM • • Tl"" °'""""' htm1•r 11.11 11.°' ,. .. 11 • .fllS 1U11 IUU rn 11.M .... "n ,,.., ·-JU> .....,. POftlMIMr ,,_ ......, or ., ....-ltbor 11.17 A~ .......................... •.o.t 11.J1 , .. ..,_ ... , .............. 1 n '·'" ,, .................... .,l.tll lJ ... .............. J.IOS 10.IPS ,,.....,..... I •••••..••• 1.0U IJ.JU '"'"--.......... ""' ........... tJJ 1).0Sf LI-.. ,,,,.,., •• ., •• , ... , •••••... •1115 '·" L.a.,,.. ........ ,.,,,,,, ......... , ... 6H 11.06 °"9nW 9f Uflf'Wf'M( 14'1""*'1 I 16 '~ '°16"1W .................... , ... ,., t lll t .011 ..... ,.,,,. .......................... t lJJ 11.11 ,.,.,,,.. 6 lfNll'I llntw ......... I M lt.OM ll .. lw °""'"" ................... I.ii t IH ll ................................... u , • ,, .,.... M*I wortlet .................. 11 10 !O Tit. ktttr ........................ C.ld ''°' EIM9 T..-Ortver . UMw ll.tN ..... 1.tJ I0.10 11.tts llM .... 11.4'5 1i.JTJ .... 1.1u 11.06 II,# '"' u,n lt.Ofll 11.1• 11.7' 11.n ""' , ..• 'bl. ......... ""·"'· ........... • ,,~ l.l'l:S M,Al"T1111111' Ofl •INl!aAL Sl•VICIS °"''" Ofl AllOU1'1CTVlll ANO COMST11UCTtoM l'ltlD MUMMIL. A.I.A.. ITAT8 MICll"ICT ,._,.... or-. aett 0.1~ "'""· Mll'th 1, t4 21, lfff • ' IM Holldl.,.. wn lit ..,..... to be N"" Ii• Yllr'I D1y, Mlmor'lll 01y, 11\dtfl•ldlo+CI l...S 01'/', LIW OW, VtfVlft'I Dir, ' .,,, Tlwllt11""'"' .,., 111111 Cllrlltma., " .., Mn' of !hi •bove llolkltn l1N .,. '·*·~ SUncl1r, ... Mollllltrr fonowtnf '11111 bl • .... ...,.,., • ltt•• holtdaf. I.• ti lhtll lit m1llclllorY -1111 Con· 11.31 ll'IClot to ........ I a:wtlrlCf II IWl.oecl nn •nlll -111 .wcontndlN't Ullder him, II.fl flt .. ., nM ltu IM11 uld lffttrtl """" """'91""' '''" "' 1111' dlen> W1'9H 11,7( h ltl -ic--loYwd Ill !lie DIC\lllol> "·" of "" (IDll!f.td, IJ,fl No ~ lnl'I' w1lhclr,,.. hll blcl fol" 11M$ 1 "'1Clf cf ~.,.. (di d•n •lltr !flt ''" "' .., -'"' ol' llldtl. ti.Al INN ti TrvstMI SMI ltMfl Sc.-4 D .. rrld s.11 llffdl, c.11,.,,.,,11 Ir Mll'l! N. D,..Hltr l"llblltllld Dr111M Cot1t Cl•fl'I ,.,rot, °'"" Ml~ lL fl, !Nt 4Wt SAVE EVEll MORE DURING DODIE BULLS· EYE BUYSI DOD&E SUPER BEE (383 eu; In. v.a, 4-Speed Manual Hurst Shifter, AU Standard) I as· THiii LAST YUR'S COROllET PERFORMllCE HARDTOP __ ...... __ --... t9R COltoflET Ill'· ....,,......¥ .. ,_ ·--.... Check the Dodge Bulls-Eye Buy of the week now at your Dodge Dealer. He's been authorized to offer special bargain prices on !=ars and tnlcks including many White Hat Specials. If you want action on price, trades, terms ••• you'll get It along with the best deal Of the year during Dodge Bulls-Eye Buys. BEACH CITY DODGE 16555 BEACH BLVD. (ffwJ. 39) HUNTINGTON BEACH-U7·9631 ---o.~ HARBOR DODGE 2111 HARBOR II.YD • COSTA MW-~o-tUI • . • .. i •. • l } a : . . • ! . • • . •• •• ;· • . • 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD ' <Hiway 39) I HUNTINGTON BEACH I OPEN 9 A.M. 'TIL 10 P.M. -7 DAYS I ORANGE CO's. FASTEST GROWING FORD DEALER MUSTANG ROUN D UP $31.0n.$31.Mo. 30mo. I 6 7 ~:.~~~~~2!.~""' $42. On. $42. Mo 36 mo. '68 ~.~5!~,~~. '""' Nft "' • .,...nty IYll. Uc. No. WIE MCI. $62. Pn. $62. Mo. 36 mo. Mustang HARDTOP.· $99 Down $71 .30 36 Mo. SUPER SPECIALS I 63 ~~!!~ ... ~~t~f . $29. On. $29. Mo. 24 mo. I 64 ~:~::1~~~!~S!~, ... $29. Dn. $29. Mo. 24 mo. '63 ~.~!~~-'!P~!, '" -RIOio. hell, JZL OM. . $29. Dn. $29. M~. 24 mo. f 66 ~~~,!~~,! .. !!~T~~ ~dft, $32. Dn. $32. Mo. 30 mo. '64 !·~1.R~8"'" ' W••Oow. "'" hall, OWB 211. $3S On. $3S Mo. for 30 mo. I 65 ~~~~lli~~"h~!:~~ ~"· $36. Dn. $36. Mo. 30 mo. $44. On. $44. Mo. 30 mo. TRUCK DEPT. SPE CIALS . . Financing Available I 65 ~.::~ .. ~.!~ 1!.:.T ;_, $3S. Dn. $3S. Mo. 30 mo. ADVT. PRICES GOOD TO 10 P.M. SUNDAY, MARCH 23r~. GOOD CREDIT DOWN PAYMENT A PROBLEM? Use one of our many finance plans. Our budget counselors will help you ar· range payments so that you might well afford the car or truck of your choice $99 Down $70. 95 • 36 Mo. aRANo NEw FALCON s2os s $99 Dow• 1 69 $64.45 -36 Mo. 9 l1Kl~1~r J.~~~ l"I.,'; TU • Lie-• On -· lllonk cndll 1!1nHr~ -..1-1 Fretll •Ir ,..,.,. .,., ~ Ndr..w dom• .1nd courtw'f 111htt. e.lor' k...-M floor n .. 1, ......, Hitt ....i Yl•on, Wlftdallleld .. ttier. ltftCI l ""8d wl,.r. · BRAND NEW 1969 THUNDEBIRD BRAND NIW 1969 TORINO G. T • Spo~o loof $99 Down $80.~5 36 Mo. 301 v~ -l!N. Ar...,. stvi. '*"'"''· l'IWflft e.tf9d wlft ..,,, 11,.... Hon.fllnctlor>tl hood -· S111 G.T. ll..idlln1 1u-1Jon, Fl'ftll •Ir hH flf .. .,,.,., H c:k"4.IP ~-.rid COl.ll'finY 1191111. All vinyl trim, "v!on c•l'l'ftl, N dd9d dttfl i nd v!aon, wlndtflltkl w111htf 1rlll 2 1111Hd wlll9f'. s .. the all new Torino TALLADEGA Sportsroof 335 hp 428 C.l .D. Cobra Jet Engine, .4 bbl ca rbura to r. Cast Al uminum Rocker covers. Engine oil cooler. Extra cooling peckage. 55 Imp. Alt ernator. 80 imp. battery. Cruise· o-matic transmission, power sttering. Power Disc Brakes. >M Ra.dio. Competition sus- pension. Ultra Heavy Duty swings & shoc ks, Aero-dynamic design grlllt, Hood, fender & froot bumper, 'Racing Black' hood. Wide oval belted wsw tires. Argent styled stee l wheels. BRAND NIW 1961Vs CORTINA GT 2.00.r BRAND NIW 1969 RANCHERO PICKUP $99 Down $64.45 36 Mo. $99 Down $70.9S 36 Mo. TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS $188 I 60 ~/~~~'~" ~.~!~~'"" ;; ... Financing Available Financing Available '61 FALCON Auloml!I(:, radio. hel t .... PTU VI. Financing Available '61 CHEY. Nomad Wgn. V ... I UI01111tlc, P. Slffri119 OIT fll Financing Anilable I 64 ;~E.!:. '!.,,., ""' ""'~ om Financing Available LIKE NEW SPECIALS I 6 7 ~~~,~~~ .F,~~~~'"' "'" $15 8 8 $53. On. $~3. Mo. 36 mo. ~~~--~~~~~~~~ '67 ~w~.E!;111!~~~ .. , .. ,. $16 8 8 ,...!Wr, Wllli.....1111, IYN f)I, $SS Dn. $SS Mo. for 36 Mos. '67 ~~ !~~~!~ f,,~ .. ·~ New c.llr Wl rTat!IY IYIU. HO Jl7. $SS. Dn. $SS. Mo. 36 mo. I 6 7 ~~~.~~.~~!~'!.~d!:. t~lfc 'f/li~· ht1 •· IC!, 1 r CO!ld. $S9 On. $S9. Mo. 36 mo. '67 FORD Wagon COlllJI,., Stdlon, V , •IJfO. POW.Ir 1tffr-lng, •Ir o;QOQ',, r.ci1o, llH!er, vlnvt rnm, VRI 360. $6S On. $6S Mo. for 36 Mos. BRAND NIW 1969 COBRA IMPORT SPECIALS Full Price I 64 i~~~.!!~!~~~"· $2S. On. $2S. Mo. 24 mo. I 66 ~~~~~!·~: .. !'!'"~ $28. Dn. $28. Mo. 24 mo. ADVT. PRICES GOOD TO 10 P.M. SUNDAY; MARCH 23'd. Use one of our many ways to finance your new or used ur or truck including 81n.k of Amerlc1, Unli.d C1llf. lank. or Ford Motor Credit Corp. With your Approved Credit. MAKE JOUR CHOICE AND SAVE AT WILSON FORD TODAY H UNTINGTON BEACH ~IWAY 39l 18255 .BEACH BOULEVA.BD 842-6611 SALES DEPT. T~~Jft:~~P~. 5 92-5 511· .. rrtt11, -~. 1969 • < HOUSIS FOR SALE HOUSU FDR SALi HOUSES POii SALE HOUSES FDR SALi l10UllS l'OR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSES FOR SALi HDUS&S P'OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE !one~ UST~~ Gon~•OME 1000 G~ ... ~ •• ,~~.j~~;;~ ti6,Cisoo~1000"'\.G~:·~.,.~,~~· iiiiiiiiiiiii1;000;0on~o~"~' iiiiiiiiiiiiii1~qoo~I SAL'ES MANAG.R DON'T B'E MIS ED :~=--~;, PETE BARRETT A llcenaed real est>te broker with a success-· heat, """""" "'" "'w.U presents ful Ilsh 'R to 11 carpet.. ~ car 1uaa:e, record of past accomp men..o, te Juse lot. ~ on a quiet C large, expensive, custom des.lgned & custom cul de Ow ATTRA TIVE 4 bdrm 2 balh home, ;1i1:~~~J~~~11~Ji:t:.~!~~~J:far!!~~: By FANCY ADVERTISING CLAIMS!! ;t.l::~~~ ~!i1~!i::.~::1~~~~ ~:~sc= bilious ageress.ive person -on the way up. Detd a $1.650 tx>WN. 1620 Dorothy Line Sit/Sun 1·5 Commissions only -annual earnings of DelANCY REA~ ESTA TE hos "P•rticlpato<I in tho 11:0 cif * * * * DELIGHTFUL Larse 3 bdrm 2 bath 130,00~~u:~mo to P.O. Box 331 $2,559,820 worth of properties sinco January I, 1969. SOUTH SAIJA ANA home, <Jira larg~ lot wttb sunny Th. t It h • t H A rt nt warm patio. Lido 131e-By appolnt-S1n Juan C1p iitr1no. 92675. 1s means ycu 9e resu s w en you 11s you om• Of' pa me s \Vil.I. SELL nu. . locat~ ment. with us. We offer personali1ed service •long with modem 1dv•rtiiin9. on1,y two bk>ckl from Har- General 1000 General 1000 "°' Blvd, Fo.,,. bodroo111J ll CHOICE PENINSULA BAYFRONT If you are interested In SELLING ygur Home, can us for I pro--and a den) N.·o bath home -Year round lease. Pier &:: alip. 5 OPEN SUN I· 5 302 Ith $1., H.B. Real Estate Sales fessional appraisal of its value. We n11d mare prop1rti11 to 11!11 Th1r1's :~~t-in~f;;:~ ~A :1~ bd~ 3'1l baths + maid'• quart- only one catch! When you list with us you'd btfftr stlrt packing! area. ·Ne w caft>tts. com· ers. C~tact Bill Bents. Home With Oii income J,.ow:Jy 2 br with tam. mi., din. rm, 2 be.th, 1600 sq, ft. 2 blkl to ocean. All oil rlghtl tnclud!d. Take time to stop bu,y. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'3 E. 17th St. MM4M ALSO· RENTALS Active Sales ~ Good Summer \Vinter Rental OUice, Per· IOJUll'I may engage in Sale1 exclusivE'IY or Rent.a.I, or both. Est/24 yrs, 22 yrt same loca tlon. Francia Horvath, Rltr. M1D \V. Balboa Blvd., NB cn-t> 675-1912 THE QUICKER YOU CAU.. TIIE QUICKER YOU SEU. General 1000 Gener1I 1000 Open Houses . THIS WEEKEND K.., thlt hlMy llltKter with JMI thlt _..k .. Md •• you tt Mudo-h1Jfttlfl• All th• letltltu ll1tlld Mlew •r• 11..crlMll h11 1rt1ter Htaill h' ffyertl1ln1 •IHwh.,. In hll1J'• DAILY PILot WANT ADI. ll'ttreM sh.winy .,.n houSff fer HI• or te rent •re vrtMI t• 1st such lnf.,.m ... tlen In thl• celumn Nch ,.rld•y, (2 Bodroomf * 2301 Eastbluff Road, NB 644-0037 (Sat & Sun 11 • 5) (2 Bodroom & Den) 1535 Dolphin Terr. (Irvine Terr} CdM (7141 642-8235 (Sun l.·5} 41149 Brighton Rd ., (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bodroom) 1014 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB 1142-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1601 Bonnie Doone, (Irvine Terr.) CdM 642-6472 Eves: 673-3468 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 211 Yawl Road, (Beacon Bay) NB (714) 64z.8235 . (Sat & Sun l • 5) 104 Via Havre. Lido lsle 673-8830 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bodroom & Family or Den) 11.25 Essex Lane, Newport Beach . 642-1598 (S at & Sun 12-5) 2043 Calvert Ave., (Mesa Verde) CM ~3081 (Open Daily) 1518 Antigua Way, Dover Shores, NB (714) 1142-8235 (Open .sun) 210 \V. Stevens, Santa Ana 540-1720 1147 Gleneagle, CM 540-1720 1227 Berkshire, (IVestcliU) NB (Sunl-5) (Sun 1-5) 675-2000 (Sun 1-5) 8431 Danbury Circle (Huntington Hills) HB 647-8531 (Sun 1 • 5) (4 Bodroom) 1320 Sant iago Dr. (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun} (4 Bedroom & Fomlly or Den) 1948 Sa nderling, (Mesa Verde) CM 545-3773 (Sat & Sun 11-5) 16831 Harkness Circle, Huntington Har- bour 64&-0144 (Open Sun 1 'til Dusk) 2065 Flamingo Dr., (Mesa Verdel CM 540-4905 (Fri thru Sun 1-6) 416 Hazel Drive, Corona del Mar (Sat & SUn alts) * 1620 Dorothy Lane, (Harbor Highlands) NB 642-5200 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2278 Cornell, Costa Mesa 846-2309 (Ooen Daily) * 1691 Pnlau, (Mesa Verde) CM M&-4141 (Sun 1-5) 1354 E. Oceanfront. Balboa Peninsula 645-2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Daily 1-5) 2'Tlft Windover, Corona del f\~ar 67:1-.'i770 (Sat & Sun 12-5) * 1847. ~•ntiago Dr. (Dover Shores) NB 64&-1550 rDaily 10-5) * 174~ ~•vlnrk, (Baycres!\ Nil M&-!l'l.55 !Sat & Sun 1-51 9111 BT•ckh \rd Ave., (Fountain Valle v) HB 842-6691 !Sun 1-51 (Back Bey), NeWJ>Ori Be•r~ (Daily 1-5) (5 Bedroom) ll08 Chestn11t Pl .. IEastbluf!\ NB 645-2000 Eves: Mt!-6966 (SR I & Sun 1-5) 28.'l6 Alta Vista (Eastblum NB 644-1192 !Sal & Sun 1·5) . We now offer the following . excellent propertl" for your inspection: 223 Poln11ttl•, Corona def Mar ... $119,000 One of the three fine!t Homes in the heart of Corona del Mar -only steps to the Main Beach or Little Co rona. Large tree shaded lot wih Badminton Court. 4 Bdrms, 41h baths plus Captains Cabin family roo m complete with Pool Table & Bar. 2716 Windover, Corona dtl Mir ... $69,950 OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12-5 Hard to l!nd llro~drnogr tfj,Ievel 4 Bdrm - Family Room Home with decorator line wall· paper & drapes. Sparkling ne w and clean! 4527 Tremont, Coron1 del Mar ... $13,500 All encompa.sslng Ocean View plus a beauti- ful swimming pool wlth thls cu.atom built 3 Bdrm &: den B e a u t y in exclusive Cameo Shores. 336 Cherry Tree l1n1, NB .... $54,950 J.1ore Home for the n1oney than can be found anywhere! 5 Bdrms -4 Baths -Family Rm plus huge Game Rm. A MUST SEE for the large family! For Income Buy1: 433 Morning C1nyon, Coron• dtl Mar $49,SOO You own the land! 60xll5 feet -R-2 View lot, 3 Bdrm + huge family Rm. 611 Lork1pur • 3 BR, 2 bath + 1 BR , . $42,500 306 lrla· 2 BR Home + 3 BR, 3 BA Unit .... $65,000 CALL 673-3770 AND ONE OF· OUR COURTIOUS, PROFE$SIONAL SALES STAFF WILL BE HAPPY TO SHOW YOU TMUI ANE HOMES 2828 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar 673-3770 OEJANCY REAL ESTATE ---------~=-=--=-=~--=-=~··~r' =z ··---- 1000 H_ea_rt_O_f_ll_a_y-crest B /B I/I BAY AVENUE DUPLEX! BALBOA! General 1000 Luxurious Mansion $36,000 Inviting circular drive on a large corner lot lead1 to this bl!aut!lully de1igned a n d co111tructl!d l v a n Wells home, Thrtt queenslzcd bed· room1 Including luxurious separate master suite. For. ma! dining room, family room and convenient sewing or family h o b b y room. Transferred owner askin& $59.000. "For A \\'ise 8ll.}'' Colesworlhy & Co. s.i2:rm OPEN EVES. EUREKA! Yes we 've found lt for yau. A Costa l\1esa 3 BR 2 bath, HARDWOOD FLOOR COI'· ner homf'. Sharp! Sharp! $21,990 P.S. Ch\·nt'r \\'ill sell to ''elt1r. ans with $600 down + do• ill&' com. Newport at Vic!ori1 646-1111 1 llR DUPLEX Oean older units with dou- ble detacM<I 1are.a:e on 50x 140' Joi. Aasume existlnl: $13,400 • 6% JOl.n • no loan fee. Only $18,750 ~ PERRON "J • .,,. • ..,..~,·· * '42-1711 Anytimo * SI' LASH rorn, !•mlly room, p o o I home tor $41,500. C.O.~I. JIJgh SchOOJ, Marlnm Elr- menta.ry, Open houte Sat· Sun., J~. or by appointment. 17'51 Stcylark. A BARGAIN Built by Kephart. 2 bedroom-2 bath lower unit, 1 bedroom - 1 bath upper unit. Try lOo/o down ...•................ '39,500 Eve. phone 548-6966 NEWPORT SHORES 3 large bedrooms, dining room, spacious living room w /stone fireplace. Manr extras including additional 600 sq. ft. Might ex· change equity for larger home in Orange County plus sqme cash .......... $32,500. . Eve. phone 546-6966 ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX! Near Ocean at 48th Street. Spacious living roo m, 3 bedrooms or 2 and den, 2 baths in · each uni t. Built·ins. Reduced to .. $49,500. Eve. phone 642-3287 VACANT LOTS! R·l lot--\'ie\V of Bay! Balboa! Price includes plans for 2 or 3 bedroom home .. $25,000. Eve. phone 546-6966 25x95 Jot close to City Hall. Terms , . 124,000 Eve. phone 546-6U66 Waterfront -Fee Simple Lot -30X80 Newport Shores ................ $27,500 Eve. phone 546-6968 OPEN DAILY 1-5 P.M. 1354 E. OCEANFRONT, BALBOA PENN. New 4 bedroom and den home, many ex· tr:u electric built·ins, lush carpeting, wet bar,' two fireplaces, one .in master bedroom ............................... $98,500. Eve. phone 548-6966 OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN, 1°5 901 Chestnut Pl1ce, E11tblufft • 5 bedroom ho me on large lol '-Iany extras, vacant and available for immediate occu· pancy. Absentee Owner .......... $43,500. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 221 , Newport Be1ch 645-2000 541-6,66 ----------- 5 Bedrooms, 3 baths, Dream home built Jor-a discriminat· ing txtC\l_tjve and his de- s er vi n 1 family , De- llghtfUl "decor. Large living room, huge family room. Landscaped with an eye towards beauty and easy maintenance. Located on quil!t, cul-de.a.c street. Jr you can aUord a $36,0CXI Dream Home, you'd better ;ee ~ today. GI NO DOWN! ! ! ! submit your smaller home on our a:uar· antee w~ plan. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 \Ve1tcliU Dr. 64~ TIU Opl!n Eva WE'VE SAYED THE BEST roll WT Movtna: to new offi<:f' !OOn, from Ivan Wells model home on S&ntlago. Availa ble now. 4 bdnn 3 bath, family room & pool. Landscaping, car- pets. drapes, refr!geralot" in- cluded. Open daily • 1842 Santiago Dri\•e. Roy J. W•rd Co. IBaycn1t Offlcel 1842 Sa.ntla.eo Dr. 646-1550 INDOOR POOL 3 Bedroom on large comer lot. N ~ w I y decorated throuihout Completely en- closed n.imming pool. $29,9SO try 10% Down OPE N EVES, 'TIL g 5'6-2313 646-nn .. \ ,CJ THE REl\L \~ LSTATLHS ' ----- -General 1000 Gener1I 1000 :::::::::.:_ ___ ~_::: J ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, J YOU owe it to YoW"Sl!lf to i~ Excluslue wsU&:ate our 4 dlHertnt • YA NO DOWll tradl!·ln procrams. {Explain Harbor View Hiiis · "' '"""> JUST LlSTED one or the few 3 BR. dlnlnc room A 1. Direct Trade Lu&lc resales, Beautiful dr@o enclOSl!d patio with fire-l . Wa:nnty Tradt ei and nylon &ha& carpettna: place. Ba•utitul OrHn-3. 49' Loan thrOughout. ~llm:ired rloll!t ta1 stvllrw with out-'-Speed Salt d '°"' ln multr and front •tandlns land9C!IJl\ng. bedroom. Sliding gla.!11 doon Room for boat or trailer from muter bedroom and in back yard. Total family room to patio m:ikl!• payments u n d c r $200 thlt home ''l'Y lighl and month. $2',IEO. airy. 3 Bedroo~. dinirc • ~TS an:t, ftmily room. p I u 1 & b""'aJdast roon,. (4as or 220 in l11u.ndry , Beautiful land· WALLACI scaplng v;l1h sprinkler• froot R!ALTO&S nnd re&r. Prlctd under mar. -546-4141- ke!. Call for apopintn1ent to (Open EYMl"11) ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'J E. 17th St. -. ---------ON THE llEACH (5 Bedroom & Family or Don) lllrl ~1 .,ador, Mesa del Mar 646-1255 (Sat & Sun /\T $17.500. 2 bedroom Mme .... EzcJUllve Otina Covt home · )'tU' m>Wld living • bnt I !arbor are•, 2 BR. 2 ea. pr1ced t11 sell ffl.lt at . $69,$00 *'"' on bll ck 11f n:.2 101. E11~tsld1•. J S "th R It 2 BR. l~ bath hOmc ln Jean Smith, Realtor l:Gh ml ea Or ?ili!!sion Vi'!jo. \Vfw cpting, 400 Ea.st J7th, Co&ta ~!cu 400 £. J7th St. bit·\"-, trplee, IMdtc•ped. G46.J25.5 6'&..1235 P•Uo, completel,y tenced. DAILY PD.DJ' WANT ADS! Dally PikJl waun Mall c u 1. d e -• • (! loc. wtfh B'lING Rtstn.TS! OlARGE your w11nt ad now. lM>aulltul view. U>-m4 -..o.....;..;;_.;_ ______ -'-~--- By appt only CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3QJ6E,C .. 1tHwy,CtlM 67S.1'41 ------- plete~ drol'«f. °"l'«>"<lition-SUMMER SEASON. Lovely Bay· lnR unit in mister bedroom. I ' HEATED ~I) FILTERED front rental in prime area. Exce • POOL. covered 'patio, ert-lent beach and pier. 4 bdrms. 3 closed court yard and di!· baths. $5000. tach@d double garage. Only ~ down which ia ll!u than the price of the pool WILL SELL FAS! ACT NO\V!! ·t 'l'bll 3 Br .•• famU.Y room home in Mesa Vl!lde I.I toda,y'1 best buy. Func- tional floor plan bu 1 %. bath!, au electric bullt·in oven & r ange, niCI! servlOI! p o r c h, spacious livinr room, w/w carpeb: 4 drapes, f e n c e d> rear yard. Good location l near shop~lng center. ONLY $15,950 VA or FHA *mus. l'\ll ,\\11111 ~I \JI \ Ill\\ OFFICE OPEN Sit. & Sun. PETE BARRETI REAL TY 16115 Woatd\11 Dr., N.1. 642-5200 - . ="----------~--""' -= ... 16th &. Tustin -Costa Mesa ADULTS Most homes are built with onl1 children In mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look at, room for hobbies, private office, separate dining rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga .. rage, walking distance to churches, WestcliU shopping, and restaurants. 1'1. with 20-I. down -7Y2Y. with 10"!. Dn. no 2nd1 -no points -29 yr1 on Nl1nce Priced from $30,9!i0 to $31,950 Exclusive Agent p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO 546-54411 Troct Ph : 540-5113 From L.A. Call MA H034 It t ~ I I ' t t 1003 Baker, c.ro.r. Unbelievable But True Eastside C.O.ta Meu. homl! will'. added 600 IQ, IL pan- eled fam, nn. with rock fireplace, expand@d muttt bath with cw;tom fixllll'l!s, add@d room ott garage al· ready plumbed for bath. pl~ 3 large bedroocm and 2 baths on a 135 ft. deep lot. All it nttds is paint but •t $2.1,500 You'd better hWTY. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. MM4M 4 .,BEDROOMS:- $19,500 ?oifove into this llU'(e famicy home today, Cloll! to 1bop. ping, schools and cburche1. Just put on the: marke t, this one won't la.st! Sl.53 per month includes taxes and insurance, 0 N L Y $100 DO\VN Total cash required! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 W1!1tclltf Dr. 646-mt Open Ewt. HORSES I HORS Ell Santa Ana Heights. 60 x 200 with 2 bedroom home + 2 car i a.raa:e. Complelel)> fenced, Great terms, $23,500 OPEN EVES. 'TIL t Sf&.2313 646-n n \ v · 1'1·U: Rf.AL ·"' f.STATERS ISIJllD CHARM l(awailan plantinp &: Tiki but, larp paUo for ouldcxir entertainlnl'. 3 bdrnu 2 baths, •l>41'tt dlnlnc room. Be1t sectton of We1tcllU fur onty $47,950. Roy J, W•rd Co. ( lhycrttl: Oftle. J lM2 SanUtao Or. 64&-1550 WOULD YOU BELIEVE A n x 30 RumpuA Room w\th a Giant fireplace A Bar that 1e•tc I • A 4 bedroom + family room, 2500 sq, fttl all totaled, A 75' x 'Jiii lot. A 20' x 40' work aOOp for $29,950. You Can! 5t6-2313 646-7171 nrE REJ\L FSrATERS 4 BR HOME 2 baths, family room, double gnrar e. R..4 zone 17th Strffl Shopping area. Ctn build 2 or more units. $24.950. L-Vlbort, Roalto. M3-<&8 anytime Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Comeo Shores Oceanfront OPEN HOUSE -SUN 1-5 4549 BRIGHTON RD. View of channel & boats. 2 BR's. w/Frplc. & wet bar. Formal Din. RM. Lrge. inner patio. Room for pool & addl· tions. 3 car garage ............... $159,000 Cathryn Tennille California Living & View This magnificent 4 bedroom "U" shaped nome brings the outdoor & indoor beauty together. Formal dining RM 3 bath pool w/J acc uzi. 3 car garage asking ........................ ' ........ $86,500 Mary Lou i1arion Lido Isle Family Home 55' frontage in great location ne:ar tennl~~ courts, beaches, boats & club. 5 Bdrm w/ extra Lrg. Liv. RM & lovely south patio, Absentee owner needs to sell Ofier . ....... ' ........................ $79,500 Mrs. Harvey Westcllff OPEN HOUSE SUN 1 • 5 1227 Borkahlro 3 BR + Fam Rm + Pool + sep fenced plari yard. Beaut. Decorated & in immac. con- dition ................ , ........... $48,7SO Joe Clarkson · We1tcliff-$42,500 Qaality home with 3 Bedrooms and conve~ tible den . 2.baths. Freshly painted and deo- orat~d. Lovely covered patio. Quick po~ session. 1.1 ary Lou Marion . 2 Waterfront Hom" Dover Shores. Custom designed. One Span. i1h architecture. One traditional. Each has pier & Coat. Great family homes. Mrs. Raulston View! Lease with Option Lovely upgraded 2 BR condo with powder RM . wet bar and many other extras for fine Jiving. Best bluffs view. Immed. occuR pancy. . ....................... $325/mo. \Valter Haase COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Kl 9-3351 " ' . . .. ·i :• " ' ' ; ' ' ' . ' ' : I : : . : .. ' . ' · I . ' : j · l : ~ · l :-.- :: . -- __.,,. --·-·-------·-------·--...---.--.--·-·~-.-..,--~~------... ---------"""'" ____________ .,.."" ___ ,.....,_.,. .... ,.._""'""" ..... """"""'"'""" \ \ . \ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALii HOUSES FOR SALi HOUsrs ROil SALi H F""1, ""'' 2l, 1909 DAILY '!LOT J9 Generol 1 00QG;,;;~1 -·-io00l--------• r ~-IJ 'Oil ~~-LI_ HOUllS FOil SALi HOUS_!! '01l.1AL'1E..-":HOU="'s"'1"s'-F"O"R"SA=L-=1.--;H~OU=s"1"i;:;F;;;OR;;.:SA;;;,L:.,I~ 1.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;.i;;;;1 Genorel 1000 Genenl 1000 ~ Me•• 1100 Newport ...... l:llt -.ir..a l1l1nrl IWlalboi l1la-;;;j 13S5 I' MAGNIFICENT :-5%0/o LOAN It' •I ~.,,,;....., ....., 1400 ~INER HOMES OOVER SHORES BAYFRONT -Beautilu• 5 Bedroom home with pier & float, large bayaide terrace, handsome exterior formal dining rm, sunny breakfast room wtib View. Large master bedroom with walk·in closet . . . ' .......... ' . . . . •142 500 '''""''" .. Shown by appt only --- BEACON BAY -3 Bedroom home m this de sU:able _ community. Private~beach, com .. mun1ty pier, fl?at, tennis cou . Apartment ma~ be added, unmaculate con ition. Askmg ..... -....................... $59 500 OPEN SUN 1·5. 26 Yawl Road, ~earon B~y ~VER SHORES -Panoramic View Home s1tuat~ on 112 acre, 5 bedrooms, large living r.1n, nchly panelled family room with brick ~i;~place, View from all room s. Pristine con- 1t1on ........................ $144,500 Call for Appointment. ---BAYCREST -Spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bath hon1e, extra large family room, 3 fireplaces, glass enclosed patio overlooking a \vell land· scaped garden. htanv custom Ceatares. Own· er '"ill finance at 7"0 interest. Only $46.500 PENTHOUSE .(j>~..,.,xa,-. E faf $ I CORNEil LOT sHoucuFF .. ,._ -.. ~ ciw. N•. • '-''°"""""" '""""',,_ ""r s e--a e • BR 1!! """"' ... bull•ln BtauW\11 4 JJedrooa\I Hrm\e ~noral~ v~ a.y a ~ kttcbe~wi;:~~~ d. ~ "'kl:-n. ~ ~ 1n fuhlollllhlo ShoftcJJlf d , .. 11°· "'"" •·•"rv tiuu~ra ...-. llW"• ,.,.., • 611 Submit bids by Moreb J 1 It. '"' ....... 11n1p1aoe. ""' . • a 1• l17li mooth tncl,udea tans. .04'/JdlrfJ/.J bedrooma, carpet&, dnpa. 341 'Event Cinyon Rd. llarble t1o6rs. dee» carpet-'Eicelltnt rtaidenttal arta ., 2 .. tory 4 a.cf'"'" okfer home fenced, lanchcaped. S2CSO OPEN HOUSE SUN 1.5 dlnlnc. ~':;_<o' Uv"" rm,,.._ CALI IWO-lllil (•,.., , .. ,j rfl'-on "1.lttlo laland" <lo•~ -Wilk lo """""" 6 Assume 5%% GI Loan rm. _,n, Ira a&ltoni ldL F-ii 107 Jade, ,.,._. ltlaml lhoppina: . 3 BR. 3 BA w/ (Old faucets ~AG(~ ./ A appointmmta. AvaJJ Leue u .,.~ 7 For further information call: If H.tD_.. l\lt, .,.,1 , b> "'"°'""""''I~-:::;:~~:::;::;::-;:::-: Mn. Ill• <213) 216-9151 '\mrM!n'I ' ~orS27-llD . I· UNITS -$2f:too-#"")tt:tl er: Mn.TWt"ant• 67Uto0 L-Down Payme:X 2 BR h!J™"I"' 1 BR ,.., $.;,,;/, (Do not disturb tenll\t) 41 bedroon11, 1'4 tile bath. hou.8t, lot 60 K 165, Eaatside. Room lot boat A:-·trailer. By owne• !W&-122-t. Aisume big $18,300, s~,; By owner, .e BR, 2 BA, fo.m \~· run price Ul,500. nn Medtd!ion home. Fully erpb:i .. drpd, all bit-in:;. Bta.utif'Wly l&nd&:ai)ed, xlnt loc. $32,900. Call s.s.-0714 HOME -R-2 lot. Excel Re•ltor W1·sblde. 3 BR 2~ ha, room for 4 or 5 units. 549-1623 143 Broadway ~lll l="=""=·==;=====­ Eve1. 64l-MSJ -n -. v.,.JO 1110 ~ Mar 22 -23rd 1 .. 5 1601 Bonn:.. Doone o•EN .;(JR INSPECl'loN · l1i ~ c.Jvert Ave., Cfll -WISTCL"P VILLA Enjoy the Oce4a Vtew t.rOOi. the balcony -on thla di»tincuisbed Weatcliff home, One ol aewra.I Untta built on asiprox ~~ acres Ui Newport's ~t area. Pro11trtY. &utl'OU11d- ed by luscious ~ .... iocludlna pin. and i>Um trff1 u welt as a •whnmln& pool and rec-reation area• $36,500. (116-CI I . SQUEAKY Clean 3 " Fa.mily rYIM Terrace room. Newly pa.Intrd in1dde PllOPERTl&i WE.ST ----~~----------------C!"'-4el Mer 1250 Huntl ...... -h l4GO J .;;-:;;;;-;;;;;;..::;,-;;;;;;;;;= I N.w It The Heur Protect YoUr Income. Du- plexe:.i, a.ad small Homes, plus Rental Unita Avail. $45,000 to $65,(0) Or1n9t Ceast Property 3.t? t.lil'l'Uerile fi73..8:7.0 IY (Or IUVltho .... h on Bir Corona beach, :?11:oey 2 BR, Owner will fi~. Rf'd~ $10,000. Qr•ntt Coatt ~Properly 332 t.farguertle 6~ STOI' Searchlne ally further, thl.5 beauty must have ~n a model, 3 Queen 11ize bed- rooms, 1%, Nths; built in bar, antiqued cabinets, cov. ered patlo in rear yard, completely fenced, $21,000 FUlJ.. PRICE. GI No ~y do\\'11. WI SELL A HOME EVERY ii MINUTES Walker ·& Lee Shike Roof INuty Larre cW4Ha.c lot, room 1or boat or trailer, 3 bdnnt, 2\fi ...... dffn " ...... PJ1<od riaht at Gt appralMI tr ~4.600 • no down to Veta. I Paul Jen.a Rtatty \ 1-f1.J..266 Eves,_ U7..ant LOOKING for a rood buy on a home. Try tbill! 3 Bdrs. AJ1 electric kit. -1th built-lns. Ref. ca rpeted throurhoUt loa> .cownd patJo, garap ls paneled ud aha.Ide! ~1th a 1ood pantry cltt kitchen. Auume our '" VA Joan, monthli pymts. $134. P.t.T. Full prl.ce only $?1,450. 963;;7689 HARBOR ISLAND -The only avai)lble home on beautiful 'vooded Harbor Island. 3 . Bedr~oms, study, large living rm, pier & !'hp. Priced under cost for immed iate sale. Appl. ooly . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . $175,000 l BR, 2 bath, pooJ and View. I: out! Owner/brier. :m11 (114) 11Wlst on thi.!; 2 story beauly, ·nie immaculatl' 4 BR & den Low lease a D d e.xcellent Orange Olive Rd, 1021 Ba,sid• Oriv• BY OWNER: 1 ~~ lob1, zoned R-2. Small house in l"t'ar. WJ,000. 31S H e·110 trope. \\'rite B. Deane, 55.1 \V. llUd- dJefield Rd., Apt E-309, Alountain View, Clll. or call (4E) 961-7621 '7682 Ed.infer At!-4455 or S00140 Upe"n Dally" 'tu18:30 ~ LC. Iota R-5. Nr S pts. unit&-medlc&I. $19,900 ea. terms.· Kl.rchmeyr Box MS Kula Maui Hawall hon10...feature1:1: ~unken Jiv· tennl!. Price cut 10 $41,900. Ora.nre Nnrport Bnd& Calif 9"66".l CURT DOSH' Re~ltor o1o. "'"'""· 5">-3081 .,,., I"" . . . • ·""I Ing room, corner fireplace, • _..-"'41 cpts/drps, oversized 2 car $ -·SHARP' garage, profelll!io11al Jund· 1730 \\' Coast Hi"h\\'ll.Y 27,500 • 5 IR OPEN I-louse 10-5,Sat & Sun scaping & much, m u c h 642-&172 . EVES. 673-34~ Laf'ie film nn, hd\\'d ors 2 PARK SETTING 3 BR, 3 Ba, blt·ins, cl:iBb. y,•aaber, tarn nn, frplc, cov. ered patto, $2fi,500·. no down Gr or $3150 down and as- sume loan. Huntl"lton Harltour 1~ BAYCREST -Beautiful 1 year old h()me, 4 Bedrooms, 2V:.1 baths plus powder room. Master Bath has terrazzo Roman tub. Family room with 'vet bar. 2 fireplaces, 2 self-clean· ing ovens, forn1al dining room, breakfast roon1, 3 car garage. Luxurious wool carpet more. Call now for lnfom1a. "l::::::::i=~~=;'::::==;:I Ba, excel cond,1 fine res. & BACK BAY tion. • shop area, 1 block trom h i!. ~autiIUl fantily hon1e, OCEANVIE'IV • Oveniz.ed lot. 1Jx30, child safe pool. lo\.\• leuehold . .f Br, 2 Ba, !iep tool hse. Exten.sive patio &: deck'g. Fin-Del Piso tile, vinyl &: 100% nylon crpt'it. 01\net. '75-3"...54 SALE-BY OWNIR I TRANSFERRED :; ing thruout. Asking .............. $85,000 Owner wil consider 'lease/option OPEN ,SAT & SUN 1320 Santiago Dr. IRVINE TERRACE -?1-1agnificent View of jetty. Harbor and Catalina Island. 2 Bed- roon1s & den, 3\6 baths, formal dining rm . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. $82 ,500 OPEN SUN I -5 1535 Dolphin Ten'ace iohn macnab REALTY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-1235 • $35,750 This one's a chllt'illl'.!1'~ 4 bd1·ms (or 3 &. a den), large family rOOln \.\·ith bean1ed ceilings, panel· led ijving room open.~ oti!o lush atrium. De· luxe appointments, rop area, easy tenn11. SJ5.9ii0 General 1000 Gener.al 1000 B/B ·'AT INCOME . .. TAX Tl~E ,,,_ Do )'OU gel the ura:e lo buy 7 an t~OOr.f.E properly that ._ "111 p1"0vide !IOfrle T a x : SHELTER when tax ti1ne rolls around again? Here :-r are s<>me excellent buys for L1 your consideration. , Y' CORONA DEL MAR , ~ • 2 Bdrm. Plus Guest or • bachelor unit with room for 3 BEDP.M. 2 BATH Sl<\1.00 per 1no. th~ ho1nf' i~ located In ... .....,. .. ··~ ol: ·~1 - northeast Costa M·c-_'3, n<':.r 12 New Unlts shopping, schools ~ith e~i,,;y Jocutl-'<I on East:>idc C./1.1 , \\'1 access 10 frec\\·ays. With wl carpers, dl'8pes, bit-in 1}('1v c:1r pl'linl,'.. c ove.~ e rl kitchens, rull)-· Jndscpd, a.II ~Uo, dou.~lr ~arage 1t s a uniu. have sliding glass 1nust :ree pru •. 't'd at '2'.l,000 Uoo!'I to pvt patios. Groi;s name your terms. FltA VA monthly $1861.50. Ptired to or assume high 6V.: GI loan. sell. FalTOW Rlty. 646-4494 ALSO YOU OWE IT TI) YOUR-As'c Bkr about 16 Ne1v Units SELF TO INVESTIGATE just getting into consll'UC· OUK 4 DIFFERENT tion. With 200% depreciation TRADE IN PROGRAAIS. facto1· -exc location. CHIL T ROBINETT REAL TOR 645-0128 N. E. Costa Mesa lybrooi...-e Grade School. Pi-inc Anthony pool, fire pit, only. 1311 StoDelield. uniqUe court yard entry, 3 Jn.... \bdm 13, baU Owner. * £4-3760 S BR, 3 BA, 2 frplcs, fain ~ .. c I' ts, "'-is, nn By Owner Prine only hu1'dwood floors, large kite~ 4 BR, 2. Ba, 4. comer lot. ph $44 9:i(I ~· E t1 St en & seivice porch a1<e.a. new pamt, S~f'i{1 lllt. Avail. · ' · · Double garage, Big yard Nr. Balearic School, 20' with 1had~ & fruit h'eeS. wrap around P.V. firplc. S22,9.30. A\•ail Aug. By-Owner • 540--0353 Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. l-;;""'===---~~­BY O\\'NER, exceptionally attractive 2 liltory, 4 BR. TWO 2 BR HOUSES :? BA. E.xtra lallje lot. Patio & lrtt:i. Privacy. R-~ rone, 2 !!Its l!Xlxlli', can S37.:i00 * MS-3773 b~ild_2or 3 more units. Price BY OWNER. Custom .f BR s.:o. 750. . on Mesa Verde iOlf course Le~ Vibert, ~taltor Assume 6% % Joan. $&3,500: 548-ffi88 anytime OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun 1-5 Experienced RE Salesman EXCEL. COt.IMISSION Rltr. 642.973{1 Eves. 548-0720 3036 J ava Rd. 5'0-4095 BY OWNER: 4 BR, 1S...: BA., family, trplc. Choice loca· tion. \Valk to achls. Owner trans. Assume 5~ % FHA. $26,930* 540-1710 Tax Decluctian $3.SOO year incomt", CO v e r 60% deductible) Duplex 1 Blk Ocean &: S.Y ..no vacan- cies, room to bulla • $31.500. Owner/Agt &t?-1272 BOAT & TRAILER Plenty or space 4 bedroon1 3 bath, Ten1flc view of Back Eay. E.xclui!i\·e. 6464414 .D1lt• llnl £n•t• --NOW AVAILABLE- AT ONLY $34,500 l.ar2e Bluti:1 Cond0m, ~ bdrm. ~~ bath, split-Jeff! CORNER lot, 2-atory, t BR. entry. Faces c re ec n be 1 t 5 BEDRM,-''POOL''-2~Y. BA, den, dln rm, med bet\\·een . 2. swim pools, pool, play yd, nr Cntry O\\ner must sell NO,V. e KENNEDY MESA VERDE I I Club, n1::ny extra.~. Avail 64-1-I~. v.·eekdays 675--38;:;3 E.'\('l'UliVl' hon1e. 21 ~ b:tth!!. July S4S,:l00. (}\\·nr ~...ci-~19 - ' • I ,. · ~·!;\£::,J Fnrn!ly arc~I umta cui1nr; roo.11. F't-ec l:El'UELIC H·-, .. ---:. SALE/Lse. VU, t BR., d;n 2% Ba. dln'r . See 12-5 Sat/SUI! 416 Hazel Dr. Cd?ol or call (213) 7ti-3273. cruy lo briers. CHARMING House w/ ttn· !al on dbl Jot. S. of H""'l'· ~.500. Owner. 873-4169 COZY, older 2 BR home With pool ""''""' POOL 3 BR, 2 ba home • tieed! lovinr care and paint, $3350 l."8Sh to Joans. Full price $23,9.iO. WOODWARD Rn! &tat. MC Adams, Huntineton Bch. "2-33l3 $22 511 . ' - As1ume 51;, ~. GI Lean $3501 CHh Down Tole! pymnta $151/me, 3 BR!, l ~ batbs, built:w, carpelll, dra,pes, new paint. 111~ Penlnsul1 1300 Dlness f!)tees sale. Brashear RHlty lye ly• _ IUY I ~1 Ev ... 96S-1111 Doll Home on pen· ~ula 2 BEDROOM point: three bedrooms, one $148 per month total includ· and a haU bathll, fireplace, in& taxes, $1700 down, Bal· Ice dble 1araae. Near chin-a.1Ced power, KU FA heal ne:l and public beach. A "-waterhea.ter, elect. built· Je\\•el. Reduced to $35.:!>0. b. r&ni'e &: oven, carba&e BURR WHITE, Rltr, di-. wf w $ I .,,,.. ~~1 Nl"1vport Bl\'d .. N.B. dbl, c:arase with boat door, fot·m pool. Tropical Jand. o .. 1. • ~ 1u11~ tl<·s~nf'd 5 BR, 3 bath lilac· scaping All el~bic kitcb-old, 2 lllory, 4 BR, 3 BA, Cu home. Carpet 11 1 ., MO-'rno !am rm! tetreat rm .. 3 Car dr01.peries, firepla~ private 4 ·-·--~lJlllilM,fi_~mQj TARBELL 295j Harbor =5 ifl,900. By owner. ma:.iter suite.' V~w of hills. Lido ltla 1351 ~ T'!!1mlt" 67$.4630 ·E¥es '42-225! fenced le: landscaped. 28:'.6 Alta Vista. Fo·r AP. BUILDERS! ASSW.lE Low flfA, 3 an·, pointment 64.f.'..1192 0 5 PRESTIGE Plck up this Eastside R·2 lot Pan. den I: fam. $26,500. Baycrett lar1aan-pen 1111 l • S. with sniall cute holl3e on ~11~e.;,,.. v.ill lak~ 2nd· Ideal tam.ily home: 4 BR. l04 Via. Hayre TWO STORY$ rear, $1,500 &m·n. _~"""",~"""o.,-""'--=-~~ 1 .It den, plus farn. rm. plus Spaciow: 3 BR, ranch &tyle J EAN SMITH RL rR · 3 BR · home on h1I' comer 101. t BR, lovely cpt8/drps. in-• lit , 1~ BA. Con1plet~y 3 Ba. 51,~% 19an. O.vner 0 tcrcom thruout. Electric kit-646-3255 crpt'd & dlll'd. li"enced trarui. $(2,9;io. Prine. onJy. tlpe/na to one ot' Jov~llesl pa. cheo. SHOWS LfKE'A MO·o. rd By O""'ER !"""• · "'<t · o gardens .>n Lido. Out· REAL Eslate Salesmen ya · "'~ '5f5..3008 o.u ll"Vl11e.'1'1 ... l23l standllla: Value. $79,500. EL. VA or FHA terms. w'"lod. Newport Roalty & c j,--;.--k lllS THE BLUFFS LIOO REALTY, INC. BRASHEAR REAL fY Investment Co.. 1 s i 2 ° ege a~ For sale by owner, .f moo 3400 Via Lldo 673.gg30 147-8531 Eves. 5.§tl.23 2 Story -t BDRP.f, 3 BA Colo. • nial. 3 ear sa.r. Near scboo.b:, ahop'r .1; transportation. ~ld~ta::11a::. 1Sth. ' MG-01« 55' 1 WATER front w/40' dock. 3 bdrm, den, tam nn, llv nn, 2 ba. Divorce W e $74,000. 3392 Gilbert Drive, M7....!724 L .. une a..ch 1705 -- • T.U!!!P. ffivtNE COVE • ln this prt.. va~ area with Jta beautuul beach is & Charmine home with tilc!d plerla. walnut paneled family rm w/\\•et bar, dlnln1 rm, outBtandln: kitchen. 3 ample bedmil, 3 hil.thg, latte utility nn, «N· ered patio . $82,300. Ei\IERALD BAY. Larre. view home altuated on .2 lots, 5 bedrm home of near- ly 4000, *I. tt., delil:htM ocean v1ew1, paneled entry hall, aittinc area in muter 1uite, 3 baths, 3 car caraae. covered patio w-I BBQ • $100,000. i. anothel' 2 or 3 bdnn unit. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST NC~'POrt Blvd. CM 3 BR,}"' Ba, ram Mn, 1-1. old 3 BR, 2 BA trl-level iiii:Zi:i:===;::=11~~~:~~~=0::: VETERANS ·• -• •-· s < 548-0588 new w/w crpts, drp.s, patio. COuuoffi1<1.lU?!· teps to pool. LEASE OP:I'ION. CUte An- Turner Aa1.eleN1 682 No, Coast Blvd. Laruna Beach cn.e1 -t!K-1177 . $35,750 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 Ti'Y !his on for ~izc. Big OCEANFRONT ~ -~~ .. w/o" Assume S'4 ~ F1IA _ Wee Leasehold plO year . .Mking CHARM I, thony poof Home. Pain+; .... family Coloniid home In u:::...... .-•~n 150 ""lu' -~ lion 3 BR + fam, rm. 2nd. ~.900. 0 w n er , ...,.., · _...... ....._.. in Pl'OIT'eli!. Immediate oo-' Y' CORONA DEL MAR • • Duplex. 2 BdtmA each unit. Prime Commercial Mesa Vel'de, may go VA ~=~~~-----1 Oieerful and immaculate 3 ··• tcrm1. Needs ll<lffit' work, $64,500. 833.2087 Ov.•ner. 540-5566 3 BR \llaterlront No. 62 BR, 3~ ba, 2 Frplcs. Din/ cupancy, $1Wmonuuy with PENTHOUSE Shows beautifully. Good rental or home + Income. Well located. $43,500. but what a buy you'll make 4 BR redee. 26' llv nn, w/w Balboa Covee. S 6 O • 0 0 0 • nn plus tam J'l'l'I. Lovely option to buy @ $;2,500, FOR Tb e di.acrlminatlnz hef.e! See it today •. near Cott• Ma• 1100 cpll!/tirp3, frplc, dbl: gar, Prefer trade !Dr acreage St/St Z.story home $59,500. ~ 54'5·5110 buyer, we have a Laaunl Corner 191.h & Pomona, C.Ji.t next to 18 story bldg. Five stores fully )eased at $1006/ mo. PoJential unlimited. SllD,00) F IP • 29% down '1.. owner v.•ill carry ht TD. ' ?i-'fesa Verde C.Ountry Club. J ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J toed. $25",950 or will comider other. 54&-Walker Rlty. fMM~theebtl Royale Penthoul!e ln lo. T t Y F ., :ma Comell 646-231» Ait. 7771 Mrs. Nub 675-21..'76 OllEGE REALTY Laguna. Decorated b)' J. Y' EASTSIDE , COSTA MESA ~Twin Triplexe:: 3-2-2 bf<!-~ rooms. 1-t \i·l~{i baths each ; : unit. Comple!(. kitchen Bit· Salespeople Needeo rea our am1 y 3 BEDROOM, cU•\om; 211 =~::::~~=~: J . ..:..;;;"";·-::·:: ...... :·:Cll: I H. Blsge ... 2 bdrm, ' ba, Ntwpert Beach 120I bath. Pool, extras. 5'ni% priced at $15,IXKJ. Property 10 a home \\ith a swinuninl ·-·----loan, transfernble. $49,500. l•yfront Trlpl•x FOURl'LEXES clear. Owner will conat6er Genco Rily Co. 642-442'2 4 BIG BEORoOMSf $23,950 I I lluge living room, Dream !••••••••- kitchen "-ith built·ins. New. DUE TO ly pau:itect. Luxurious heavy CIRCUMSTANCES carpettng. Coachmarui lan- !i w .• :: ~:.:: ~1 Realty, Inc. tern lights up the park-like Beyond our control -~h "'"' rd 540-1720 may a~sumt' present 1ug 'O~~!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I +'A R.BELL 2955 H bo loan at 6%. No points! Old· '"' 2407 E. Coast Hwy., Cdi\I '75-3000 ·~ ---~-~--"--r , er duplex, few doors from .. IF you're thinking of selling. : chances are v.·e have an out-DIVORCE bc~h. Good rental al'ea. • of-state buyer for your Desperate-Must Sell Askrng SJG.!YJO ·Loon $29,IXIO, ~ home. CaJI today for free. Submit on iJn pymnt Assume } apprai!ULI. 5%. % loan. Lovely 4 BR llDDRI" ~ ORANGE COUl!ITY'S _., LARGEST :;293 E. 17th St. MM494 ·' --~,... ........................ .. FABULOUS : l Actistically designed 5 bdrm :£ :!81nth =i;:i:t ~~e.~a~~ ~ room. DellghUul pool. · i Arnold & Freud homf'. HAFFDAL RJ:.:ALTY 8740 Warner, FV 842""4(6 Westcliff Area REALTY 2025 \V. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 675-6000 'Valk 10 \VestcliU Shops & H rtb k' Mariners School. 4 BR 21,S H rea lllCJ ha, Jg liv rm + dining area. For the owners to leave llilit: AU built-in kltchen hdwd l~y Mesa Verde Paceset- Ors, fireplace. Dbl laraie. ter home. But Its a re&! Anxious $34,500. break for you. Adult occup- Rllr. 646-31128 or 642-0185 led. 3 BR e 2 bath e fam-* LACHENMYER ily room • .,,... -• ""' had exceptiona! c-a re • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,_I $32,900 .. lmmedilltl'! occu- $26, 900 pancy ., 388 E, 17th St .. C.lo-1. ....;'Realto~ 646-Tl?li lmmaculale 3 BR. "A" ' •• 'i""""''!"""'""'""''"""""""'' I frame, beach home, 7 yn: -- 'i v ' THE REAL \"" ESTATERS . :' $10 S "°""'· '"" 10 °"""'· pri-• 00 vate re:creatlon ttnle:r. .? f Caywood Rlty. 541-12'0 ------- ; _"00 "" °""' w...,.. N.B_. For Lease -' . : Jn Laguna &!ach. unob- ! 1tructcd oceao vl!!w lot. • • DAVIDSON Realty like to Entertain? 4 Bdrm z bltth Poot Uome ; ~ ~IOO Evl's. ~,.16-3851 Call lo M-e th~ $225/mo. on leue :! NEAR WE-STCLIFF '7S.S200 DAVIOSON RHlty ', $26,•--< BEDRM BR. '1"' 3 Ba, -·dlnlnC/ -Evn '4MM4 ._. tamUy nn. 2 lrplca + play -' : : Preatlge hOme. 2 bl.Ha. Built.· nn. Encl~ poo1 1tparate S BEDRM • PRESTIGE : ; Ut kitchen. new rehipnitor. P1'J.' yud. SS2.SOO. NEWPORT BEACH •: O.tached double ganige · Walker RHlty Exduttve area, 3 baths, tamo : • allt.y acce.&! for boa! or rnn.1 .,.,.,...._,.....,_,.....,,.1 ily room, bulll-in1, dilhwuf\.. : ;. er. 540-1720 NOTHING LIK&m-tr. Pool surrounded by deck· : i TARBELL 2915 Harber nne.1 boom in pr1!1ty COi-V.. ~ rtplaecmen1. • • lege Park Hid pool 2()i(20 ~1'720 . •• .• DUPLEX Near ik:Ach A Shopplna Excellent V11ltH' • $34.950 George Wlllffmton • Reill tor ~: (ji3-(l50 Ew-8. 67'3-l!i64 :;~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!11 !7 OfARO~ )d&I' nne 111d now. ; : • tJ4a I -· lor 'ltEsuL 'l'!I rec bk.la. Pius 3 bdnn; 2 baa. TARBELL 2955 Harbor den tc bdtfst rm. t.atae 85a )too SQ. ft. PRESTIGE NEW ]31) romer. Leaving for Ell-ENGl..AN'D 2 1tot)'. Hu~ rope. Yourt t('r $29,7SO, Uvina nn. Formal dinl,. Ph. 56M50 rm. Sep. fnm rm. 4 BR, 1.0NED C.2 for bus. Good 3 be.. Reduced $4000 to Ea1111ld<' 2 BR home, ntf'dt S-41.~. Own~. w/ help nxl<'~. Only '18.950 • SBl(I fln:\nct. 646-n>S for appt. dn handl!$, KloplJ'd RHI SOCK rr TO 'DJl E1tltt 1'-11 2·t222 n-JARC'lE )'Oln' wan\ ad now. pool for a hot summer. Nice Princtpala only. ~ Enjoy your summer vacation Cf'rryinc ls! tru!lt .:eed. Call: , BR hmn• wtth ,,,..p1a.. Complete freedom ra w. 1ow .. """t unit .., 61'!1% LOAN J•« e"'"· Jo,,., Realty, and new carpeting. Located Ntwpert Htight1 1210 South Bay. 2 Units leased NO ·VACANCIES Inc. 2001' w, Ba1boa Blvd., on the Eastside, quiet street. from Home (•reS --:---$115,IXXI. Exctllent terms $39,fSO (enly J left) 673-6210, Eves. 673--083t. Eal!y financing, take over • • SA VE INTEREST • R, C. GREER, Realty FIRST PIONEER 5!4. % Joan. $26,500 3 BR, 2 BA. New crpts, 335.S Via Lido 673-9.100 1(2..4(..'11 PRIVATE 1tepa to btad), 3 BR plus oonvertible drps, bltns, 1400 sq, ft. 1---::::-:~=:::----nicely decorated. dU»Jex. 2 A.E> 71~~ famlly nn _ $51,COO Detch dbl car w/ elee B'l Owner 2 br, 1 ba, tplc, JPACJOUS Bedroom1 et.ch,. flreplac8, 1957 Vitt• Caudal opener; alley acce~s. By bltns, ptyrm le: ba. Best alt new kitchen in one Qldt. The llufft: o~·ner. Prine onyl. 642--6767 Lido buy W.,500. (n4) 4 BR l% bath home ,·usf North end. S70,IXXI OPEN HOUSE '" ' 67;.;;Q2' po\ot•d. m.ooo GI or FHA rnA~IOH fflllH SAT & SUN 1.s Bel'-C•vH 1215 --45'-LOT $47;5GO-°'""'"\y • m~" lo'"' IC ' HELP-t'I BOYD __ ....;.;:;_;. ST""l dowo, 3 BR, 11< Ba, CALIFORNIA RLTY. Near NB Posl Ofe. 646-2414 Owner ready to move, Wlll REALTY BAYFRONT with boat 111ip hltim, expandable 615-26C3 (714) 197-1005 REAL ESTATE 5'!11 bis beautilul home TilA 3629 E. CO.st Hiway, Cd?.! latte 4 BR., 2 BA, $56,000 BY owner 3 BR, 2~ 618 South Cout Hwy, VA no down. 3 BR 2 bath, 675•5930 S2000 dn. 52&-8100, 378--0891 Huntlnet•n leac~~ ••ool carpetlni. c us t om Laauna Beach OM1M good carpeting, electrlcr'Z==::ISZm:=z 4 •-..1--drps, frplc, covered patio, SUPERB Archltec:ted ,Gem, built-Ins, block fence & cov-11 rnTF ~W'-"='c'-l"lffc_ ___ ....:;12::30:.: -..uvvm Home lndscpr, near Ueach, on t Je.veIB. Dramatic lB' ered patio. Only $37,SOJ. 4 IR• The lluffs SPARKLES A lhlnes inlide. SparldiJv Glen Mar 2 bath, $29,950. 962-7!m ceiling, 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bit ~o~ ~~1 G~~~~~~ Afed~lftntanod1:"'1. Im· ~~t.~rv':' ;:re~.~ ~fv~cern~~ra:' !i:: 5~~R~ ~~ :~ ;;;,~. ci!:~~ • "· Estatt' ~ di :e co 3 ~U:par-bltns Clean crpts le: ..i-$24.,950. ca.rpetin(. Save 'Woney on $35,000 DUPLEX. 2 and 1 T ~-c-r ~D--a'C n n.r nn, · pa-... _ .. out ,.,_ 3 BR ...... ~ R. D. SLATES, Rltr. ~---op -a ity uplex lio overlooking green aiu.. ... ... ,. I.Wit " ~ interest. U1Utline 53&-3777 BR; view, just rtrnodelid, NEW ON MARKET. 2 BR., SEMPLE REAL home . Prof. lnd&cpd A: M7~-35=519===Ev="=·="'o:·=736!='c.:,,._;1366;.=====;;..::_P~vt;;,~wild;;';;:ld;:td>o=:;;::"'=l='9<-S7;;,;:;;";1 hdwd nni, frplca:, FA heat, ESTATE maint. "''' dilldr\!n•s play _ bit-in kitch .. r·--hl'N"n ...... Ii: pet ·atta. He•"" Generel 2000 GM\er1I 2000General 2000 ~-..-v 2aij E. Coast ltwy, CdM ;~u •1 .;;.;.;;;;;;o: ____ _=::.:;:_:::;::::::_ ___ _:::::::;:::;:::_:::._ ___ _;==:=.. units., lg fncd yard, Quiet G7S.2l0l lhakM'OOt completes this liltreet. -S28,500. Th.is won't I""~""""'""""'""'""'""' channinc home. By Owner lt.st.. Call now BAYSIDE VU'·-e In Back $42,9i50. 60-J.S9I "I TRADE" -. Bob Olson, Rltr. 546-5i)80 8"1l." N.B . .! BR-__.2 ~· UnlverelN ""' 12'7 pn 10, c.:i11xi." crptcu, ... .,..., ____ • ._ '----- BY O\\.'NER turn. Pt'iv beach, pool A OU 3 "'" Lge Fam. nn. dbl. clobhoo". Bon\ •\Ip avail. TOWNH · SIS frplc. beautiful Jand11eaped Lea~ renl:i.I. $93 Pt"r mo. Pools-Trlfl.._...o9tf- Sh$kc roof, Atta of tine Sacr1ficc! ~750 Ca 1 h . S~UCI · homerr. Nr. Harboi--Hi &: Adults, no ~u. Saleij office, (all within 3 mlnutu} \Ve&l<'llff 11h0pping $30,950. 300 E. CoaiJt Hhvy, N.8 . * l BR j; den 642--0253 I ... ..., ....................... I end unit .... , ..... $'23,900 -COLLEGE PARK-2 Units • $23,000 • 2 BR (I yr oldl AREA Cl<Nitr lo Beach "auinnel prem. loc ......... SZ.900 4 BR, 1~ Ba, 'lJ. ft ll\'ing LI\.°'" in one 1.:. Rent one " 2 BR pre.m toe • nn, blt-lns, w/w crpts, drps. ~ stePI to pool ••••• • $26,900 fenced, Walk to all schools ,,. lit J BR 2 ltory ~ ,,,,,,."" m)!oo"m eo"llUllL 211 "" ............ 12<-IOO neti, &t&-2309 Agt. I If A L J 'Y Try 10" down on lheM cut.. ONLY s:J),500, 10',t, di'\. New Near NB Poat Ole. IUG-2':14 11.andlJw buya, 0wnmi mutt 2 BR home, 2 car pra~. aell. bltn kitchen. tile bath, tenc-a ..... 1..1 .. vw ,_1 DOUG JOY, Realty ~-aae. .. " c, 133 ·s~ f'd l ea.rpeled. Open 'Houi!e 2 BA, blt·lns. pool, clilb ..., - Sa!&n. 881 W. Wlhon. CM. bse priv. A3k1nr $1'1,000 Bl<Ir. 5-48-8642 673-12S4 or 6'13-5008 ADULT Section CONDO, S OUTSTANDING V1ew In the Bt., 2 Ba. Opta, drpl, elec Wulf3 3 Br. 3 Ba, by OWJJU', p.r door. <Nner. 54&-3594 MDI dn. tft..Onl House for 1alf * BAY VIEW Fe lot 13' 843 Governor, C.Af. x 195' w/ plant. $M,900. lit 5484079 • Owner 5'8-1'Mt, 54S-420'7 Eaotbluff."----1:.:2.:.;42 OONDO. 3 BR 3 bath, 2 pa· tiol A ttlTacie. CU. dee. Own. er. $.U,9!JO. "'-1087 *VIEW HOME* Lulk 4 ft, 2'ifr BA, faml],y nn.OWNER. "'"'331 Dl•l '4USJI for RE.)"ULTS tlloy .,. --DAIL'! PllDI' d "!'tl&dl ~ Solv•~Slmple Scrambled 'Pl'onl.Pualc for c Ch11dtlc l ~l~AI I _. I I I r · l,'Y1!''1!' I' I I _ _ _ _ _ . Good plaMlng, carefully execvtecf, is efte" midaktn IAQUllT las---. J-~1 • i--r-1 -rl,r::-1;........l ~r.-l e c-1e1e "" dlVdde ..- -_ i.y folC .. " tho -... w• -,..dowlopfrM...,No.3 ....... • r:iw.liVQ~.ES r r r r r r r r 1 ~~~~ ..... l!FO•I I I I I I I I I ' SCIAM·LETS ANSWER IN CWSIFICAnoN 9500 •• ) 'I 30 D.llLV PILOT Frid•Y, Morell 21. 19't il6iisll JioR·"'""-.. R=NT"'A"L"'S,..--"---'T':'. .. = .. TALS RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS Ho-Un,.,,,,lthod _Afls. F!!m~ -·'I A£li: Uofvmlihoil _ , -· U""""ltheir Aph; Uftfurnllhod REAL ESTATI 11EAL ,ESTATE REAL ESTATE • GOMrol ~ ,.1 Ganor1I -Go..,•I., ----r --... ----------Offleo Rantll "· to70 Offleo Rtnt1I '4>70 lndustrl1I Pr.,. CMla MMI 3100 Ceol• MoN , 4100 Cillo -. • 5100 :~""'lnglon INch 540o'Huot111"9n INdl SAGO ·mg OLD CRAY MARE t .:;. ---------•I ·'------~~I "She Alril """ Sha Ul<ld I BR with ll!o-. -•"5 UA. U j I I LAGUNA IEACH * Mode .. Offlc -..,,,--.,...---I • ~r .and eelther 11 data ~e. SL23/rno.. 358 £. -.,_. ,,..... P ORlfAIS '1 co rs temp/mod boitrlf. ~:-~·1 ~m 1¥./,$UJI • SbDt & 8lclli apt1. 1 o:~~ .. ~J!. ~..: ~ 1;;· ~:."'i.'; w!Vkw ol o-n. 3 DIC or -• Ind·Uttll 4 P-..,., 'APJS, 1Wlktn Uv/rtn, muah-e SMALL Uui\JnJilbtd 2 l!drm •MUI &e:rvle.t • :S:V avail. """ -1>1o m' ,......._ .......,, oicrtllrial •n&ll><. maclolnC, -.. - Dl'W9I& c:ii11b ~ a• aervice, cen.~ '°91,Uara. A lender shop.. 'tlJ ·; prime -tioo ii! .........; C. Robert Nattieie Rnltor "'"1e• , atone Frp&c, $31.950 A house, $90. 'Mo. <mah. wltt, • New Cate 6 Bar r.EAL STEAL! M I , 1 Io n , l ""'4li chJW. lamlly qaly.) 1318 NfwJ>orl Jlhd. tl'8om,; ' '--. ,AJr ....u. 2:IO E. 1'/th-. ~o JUiy, 9lli S. Cooll Uwy. No """· 6'MIU llOUOAY PLAZA 3 BR STUDIO ~31 3 BDRM, ' ba, d•o. &need DELUXE, -l·Bdnn. POOL ynrd, privat)', Panoramic' Furn. apt -$Us Pl1.11 u~ll. tilltod,. ~ -Otsta .._ 612-1«1 INDU~ llJ(tlr. """"· ~ Jiil((~ T'w. N~;wl'Oiit·.cMC Cri<1'ER !00% o' c •• p h d, ~ atluee.: f'roitap • <ro OU1cin 11.rl(able for (;om.; ww.nta. N.8. ilOllM net Fartat A•t·, nllf ltadt to m~ Mldle\I. DJntal. rehim. 32,000 .q ft. PhU INCOMr-UNITS . \ ocean vtew. il90. Jc>ue:. n4: Heated pool AmPlit P&ridnl: Oufst~, be•t rental area, 75!>-92.33 No chUdrta -No Ptts ADULTS ONLY M'""""1 1IOitdsac Iota. ~ AIMOnd., """· """• Sulllwn. ~ occupJed year around, )'Jeld• 3 BDR.!tt, 2 ba.> w/w CU'Pl'tl. :i9ir5 ~. 0.t 1741 Tustin Avenue ~ce~:fi·:·:.~ ntar St. Joacblm'1, /.vaU , VIila Pomona; Aptt off llth Strfft per -tll tor -Dtt1t FROM l'10 ud chain ·-tor 15, 541-&12 OR ITT5-lndUslrlal l!ontll 6090 I \\ill a.t.• in finhinl .... , Aprll lst. l!a\:'41-111S ~i!"'' ~flt 4 moot C t u.. \: 2 •u1 ,. -i~ ·-,_ ..... -~ ••• ~· -LOS PAORES RnltY ~ pr, J>a crp~ -~ 4 uni l•aulll •• o .. : 1 G27 So. Coaat Hwy dt4Sl1 aitove, r:efti&· ~ "'"' I ut;n. ~-.... ...,. ~ · " t>h,. For odolll.. 1 .& to ~ts.:1160 -'.Ave., NEWlY DIC T D 2 Bedroom_; 2 Bath ' I --~ OFflCES awv!ee avallUJ1t, for $10. Single or suite park:l.nc ~~tflitiM ~ ~t traJ, cor Joc1 Orarlge 'Ave. nAiLT PILOT 100:500 "! ft, 543-61'13. I' e NEW M • ~ Bldi., 10,000 sq ' near Airjlort. Air cond ofcs. $900 mo. g r o • • • --R!NTALS 1ahoP<. n:o mo. 5,ff.4780 lUll ~ o,t,14\ASl... 2 Br. wl~t<li HOVMS fumhhN $135 .. 2 BR. oJe to ' sbOp'C PRIVATE sltepifw r p. • bisp .• w~r pd •• ur 2:22 FORDT AVDlUE OFFICE 1842 A Newport LAGUNA BEA.al Blvd. Ideal for insurance, NO\V LEASING • New M-1 Industrial 1350 sqlll.ft f~L $155/mo. Apllt 6G1"5 ,..,.. I tooome tax or employmtnt pr. Crptt. ' \V/bath.. just ' Painted, $60. mt "D" Placentia Ave. 2000 ""392 •IB pm. per mo. See Mgr. 2131 • 636-4120 • LARGi\ 2 bdrm SlfO. Wattt' Elden Ave, LOVELY 2 Br. Orpa, crpts, 17tll I> ORANGE, C.M. Top' ogency. ,.,_ Jocation. s;owxt f.16or; only SHARE office wt e s t • PLACE yoia '!'&fl\ M fter'9 tiiey 1n 1ook1ns -DAlL'f l'ILOI' daNltiod 14:'5111 142-567t • 195: 1 BR. nictly furn. Garage. Fenced ya rd. -.~ Rentals to Shire 2005 YOUNG \Vorkinc Girl or Stu-. dent to sharll! iJ Bdrm. CdM Apt. $'/ti Mo. M4-tlM9 JJt. 6 PM \VANTED Girt-21 )Tl or ovu to share Not 4 bdnn beach apt. 833--1234 ext 39T. or 673-8224 1\'Hkends or eves. GIRL wanted to I.hare 2 st. Apt on beach. A van now. Calf eves & ""'knd. ~1428 ROOMMATE service. male or female. Efliclent & qualified. 835-2100 ROOM mate needed Un· mediately. Hep p er a on (male pret) 673-1067 Cost• Mita 2100 1 BR Mobile Home, adult perk, pool, $1'5 + . Thro Sept. 11'.M. W. Wilton No. I "·~. 2200 FREE Properfy'Mena91ment Avall~fiie to all °""°'rs for a llm1ted time. 1 1 ~ ~omplete. Bookkeeping 2 ~ V olurne purchasina' dia- counts. 1 3 • Fully bonded 4 • Yr roUnd or summer rental Call NOW to beat the Summer ru1h I PROPERTIES WIST. 1028 Bayside Dr. 67M130 OCEAN FRONT Apt. 1 Large Bdnn. (2 Beds) $125 incl. util. until Jun& 14. ",..,,,. pd., crptl, fenced yard, jar. $125. LRG. 1 Br., clean, wood flrt. gar. Adults, no nw Maple st. ~7'51 · q ll t et. Be au t. l u rh. pet1. Mid~ agea1pret 2384 Wahr I dryer, pr. Mature Placentia Ave. 646-31SO att Sell CIHnlnc C1YeRa $11. 1716 Or.a.DP. M3-5M1 Income Tax co. Reu. 300 Sq. Fi, Olflce mntbly ,.nt. 1!06 Nwpt C.OSta Mita. Mt)..%130 mvd. CM. 642-7301 3 ROO?lfS, new ·paint; caJl>e~· uw incl sno mo. ~~or~ 3200 adultt. ---.~'..;•;.,,m.;.· _____ _ 19»,.D W~: C.M. -2 BR unturn, l'ttrig, blt·in BE.AUTIFUU.Y FURN stove, carpets, drapes, Immac, clean! 2 Br. pool redecorated, no pet!, $130 Adults, no pell UOO. 2272 mo. 568 \Villon, CM , Maplt. 540-SSM, 6U-4SOT .~54.::5---0~700:,:.,,.=~--- e ~assau Palrdl • 2 BEDROOM. 2. batha, wa11 Private £nti'1itca '!Ult Pi>ol Party Pavilion With Kitchin Larle Bar-II-Que Atta . Need • Cutimmnaltl l>Uhin~'T JU!1_~hH for some- l'lDd'tt wtth a w8't adl ' 1 t? '""ws your home ='""';.,.,..;;,;;;.:;.;;;""',:;;,;=, . . .• tilld sreat buya in b> Dial 642-5678-f9r RESULTS day'1 Clustfttd Ads. --- U'1 Beacn IM:Ml:le lbne. zns. &lest .selection eqrf Set the ' DAILY PILOT "1.w.! -NOW! l A-2-ila.· .. l'ool b wall ' carpets, drapes &: ;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;l1~:11~E~.~-~~Sl~:._:_;.642-3645~~· bit-ins, laundry room. 19122 lrookhurst St., Ju1t North of Ad1m1 I/I . 1 BDRM ..... pool " ,.. Adu!~ ollly. n411. 541H622 Huntfn&ton a .. ch-(714) 962·2981 Newport INch Doily Pilot Classified CLASSIFIED INDEX TOWNHOUSE area. $145 &: '153. lncl utu. after 6 P.M, sro..&61.G !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOUSIS FOR SALE MIWHlltt "''G"'' n1i 1L1CTa1CAL · 1959 4 1961 Milple Ave. $1&5. Li:e deluxe 2 bdrm., o•N•IAL , .. N1w .. 011'f IHftll•• .., ..... 11u1PMINT a1HTAU Split Level 3 bdnu, ;: bath! l " ba, G.E. Kl' 2 car' -COITA ,....... 11'1 WIST'CLIPll lltNCIH• •1 II. NICE 2 BR a"t 1613 Santa ?11 .. h UflllVlllllT'I ""'" •.01 ''°°" ... .... .... .... Do\I•; e ... r •I•, carpe t'. ' gar. Adultll', no peta. :WO Huntington Be1c . 5400 MllA OIL MAii u• IACK ..... ., 14' FU•HACI •• , ... , ... ''"' dra.pec, Fireplace, e 11 c. Ana Ave. U40. C8.ll 646-43)T E. 16th Pla~. ~ !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ----------l~:~::·:Alll( ~i:: IAIT ILUiril' 4H2 PUllHITUlll llllTClllNt "" built.ins, ADULTS ONLY • , 1 .;,°'::;,543-&\:::,.:;1::2_,..-,.,_.,--,,, "".cc;_~.,,:,,"":C::,.:.::::.__ NIWftO'tT IU.C" IUI COllOHA OIL MAii 4JSt 6 llEl'INISMIHI M 1; · NEW 2 BR.. 1 BA, crphl lr1c:ome Property 6000 Nlw,01, HlllNTS nie IAL.o.t.' "* e.uo1N1H• MM , .••..• ,, ,, •.••• S265/month. NEW 1 Bl-, lovely flU"l\. All d U bl Incl d h ' EXCLUSIVE U.LIOA covis 1111 •AY 11u.11101 4* oJNJllAL 111vrc11 ..-...,• ~fn. Fay elec. Quiet. Gar. Adult.I tpll, a tns s wr, NIW,OltT SMQlll IHt LIDO llLI all GltAOlllO, DllCIN• lay o I-ch $150. mJ Elden. MS-1251 aep patio, sep pr. $155. ON• THE·IEACH 10 SHARP UNl1S uvca1s1' · · 1m =~~~:.:!':~:Ac" : :~~"' THUM• := • -LARC Avail April 1. 642--6251 AD with built Ins •• Furnish. ~~~~O::Jau 1m l'OUNTAlll YAU.ST .. 11 GUN '"°" •11t Ra1lty, Inc. E Bach. carport, lausW> I ·,,:..::B;:R=.::l::c"=,Ba::..:.c:,..:...::·;::;....-_ 2' 3 Bedroom Apts. ed.1 ... 2 bedl'OO"""• n .... -, WS"Cl.I,, . • ;: llAL aUCN ...,. MIALTII CLUll ,,,. 901 Dov.' ~ .• NB Sul·-·n dry, pref eentelman. $ • • 7~ ' • ve, .......... I,, ... _, II·"-to please the ... ..... •••awu -LON• •Lt.CM 4MI MAltlLIMI ,,,. .. Jo """" .... """·-. Jo=~ 642-2550. aves ~6 Cll!ts. $145 mo, elec .& wtr ;;t" d~~........ 'NW lf.4% sptndable income ~ :-IV'lltt.;.!,'",tt:." • = OlANO• COUNTY ... NOUllf;L!UMllte ans ~~<JW ,,,,y _ _........... pd. 893-4481 avaDab'-•• ...... 7.1 ........... Wljl ex ........ _ for 1avNla • Bii OAll:O•M ••ov• .. ,. IM'1!11.0I 09COIATINI ,,., l:m 4200 BLUFFS LIASIS 1-le\'el l BR, 2 ba. ·sr.!5/-mo SINGLE Young· Adultl Lwc- apllt.level, 3 :QJt.·;."2 Ba •• '300 ury sarden aptl with coun. 2-atory, 21JR. dfC. 1ini ~ $300 try club atmosphere and Crpts, ctn.pet, dtit car, complete privacy. soum poolt,. etc. BA y · CLUB API'S. In>lhe E•ttbluff. Ra11ty at 16th. Newport Besch. &M-1133 <n4J . ~ . u: a •v-.,.....,,..., U.CI( UY . 'lMI WlnMtNSTllt "411 INCOM• TAX ff LG~. Untum. b8.ch. t\tt-fn TL H f' gl harbor area, TD'11 etc. Tax UITILU.Ffl IUI MIOW.IY CITV "'" 1aOtc. ~••t. lk. '"' ran1e. cptll, df'PS, 54s.M21 '"' un ID "n sheltered $12,5'0 ,ross .. EZ lllVINI TlltUCI •1141 ::~: ::: Mlllll'fl :: :::~l:~.... - 2885 Jl,fendoza: Apt. A, C.M. terms • $&9,000. ~IHJowtr, ;:~:: ~:~.:t~ = TUSTIN ... INSUltANC! :: llACON •A'f' 11• COAST"i. 11'1 INVISTIGATllle. Otttctivt 67• SPUT-Level 3 Br. 2~ ba, [0 I.IT llLAfllDI tall LAGUNA llACH .,.. lANIT'OlllAL '"' cpts, drpt, bhrul. No pets. Pacific . ;~~:~tit.AND .~ ,:;; ~:uc"i."1:~ ... ~~t. ::: ti::~:: .. 1::'Alll. lte. = 288.j Mendoza, CM 54;;...5421 MIJNTINeTOM llACM -OANA l'Ollf1' ""' LOCKSMnH ..,. 2 BR do · cl 71l MUMTIJIGTOM .MIJl•OUll 1· .. Tal,LIX. lie. .... MASONllY, .. tel( tnl apt, wnstain, ean. Ocean Ave., H.B l'OUMTAIN VALUY CONDOMINIUM OM MOVING • nou•• ..... Crptl, drpa, bttw. Inqulte <n4) 536-1417 2 JRl.PlfXES s11<L 1aAC11 1..,. R"NTALS 11A1HT1No. l'8"l'Mll•ta1 •• 1552-A Coriande1. 51>-5268 1 ............... _ .... __ ~UHllT •KACH 14.!J 'I: l'AINTIM.. .... ... FOR R-ENT GA1101tt 1aov1 1m Apt1. Unfurnished ,",'•',o00• .,.,., "',.,,• WALK to ocean, ~ BR, 2 lalbH 4300 2pvtBi>paR!;~ ._d!!"..:.:, ~~~ 1 BR. To"-'l1howe with w--L . :::::::O":" :: ~::T~·~~SA fi: ,wT1•1N• r11c11. •""' ... BA; 6 yr old, A-frame home, ---..... -·---......... "'"' ai:u.. 1 block from ocean in .sun. o•ANll COUNTV l4ll MESA VIRDI 1111 llLUMllNO ''" w/frple, crpts thruout. Bick CLEAN ·Bachelor Apts. o.k. $130. ~7ii40 er·dd.t;'t:r, rel'.J1rerator, in-ut Beach. 10 YJS new, all :~; :: ~~~::" t"'1 .. NIWJ'OltT llUM IHI :~ •,-.wJ:• = to COmm Oub boillt \\'/pool All .utiJ.Jpcl ·'~ µ11 -cu es carpetl and drapes, 2 bdrm. Only $42,000 each. STANTOlf 1 11 ::::g:~ ~:J::~· ::: POW•• IWllPINO fftl k team. court. $.100 mo. 3l5 E. Balbi>& mvd. Newport · leich 5200 9M2 Cont:Wntal Dtive, Hunt. HARBOUR .RL TY wa1TM1N1.,.• 11u wtsTCLIFI' a• ::;1N•:•vK:1 !: , Eves a: wlw 615-1514. days sALBoA 673-9945 i.ngton Beaeh. 96U84G • 847-!595 ::r:~:i" ~: ~:~~·:l!,'" 'Aatc :m uo10. ••'"' •re. '"' '"" •~3 mpLJCAT!ONS DELUXE l bdrm •--=='°"'=-,-~~--llANTA ANA NITS. ua 1•-ILU•• --lllMODILINO 6 Al,AI• .,. _..,,,.,.,. 1 BR. Furn. Apt. Avail East-nr noiv ac-tud' 1 ...... u rm. GlocLENDALE Apt. Blrl .... 'A'ell oaAMOI .. ,. cOlONA 111L MA• iiK 111.!~.!'..,""-'· tcrRMlflll '"'..,. 3 BR """L HOME, 1 block er w"k only. cepted, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, s JO w/p.rage, no Pl'ts: tn.. ,.,_-y:.. nJST•N ,... -· ~ nc1 $245 M ...., ___ t Do G' 8..::' •. -nearSlx ~NN & ... --•• ,,. •AL.tOA "" s1W1Me ., .. from beach. No -·... Call er~z luxury apt, e osed garage, . o. \,,lUK 0 uglaa .e ......... s. yea.rs old. An· •••• ·,·,M·-· ... IAY· IS\,.ANOS -... , llWINO MACHINI lll!l'AIQ tttt '. n t.' t I c Qce••'H••bor Plant. Call 531-7226 LIDO ISt.I s••TI< T>•KS •-II O"'' problem Brok~r 546--41.U . ....., ... nual gros& income St.3,200. SILYl.IUOO CMYCIM "" ..... • __ .,., • .... . -Winter -view in non-congested area. p l 82 500 p U.IUMA MILLS 11• =x~~~~!i!°:A~~:~· $411 TAILOll:IN9 ''" Ask 1ot Don 1 BR. $95. Util Pa.Id. Adultll'. 1 or 2 adult•, no pets, pool. la9una Beach 5705 R~~ .... '!A . .' A'>s• et.e Ban'ett LAOVMA a1Ac1t '"' 11J.•OA 191.AND ssu i~L\t'~ .. ~~ = , -926 E B·'boa 6~9149 • -I d ....,Jo "''""Y ~ LAGUNA NIGUIL 1111 IEAL ll!ACM to• •IL" Lio·•··-6 u~-O•>I NtwpOrt Height• 3210 · .... l.l-.,.,ase requ re • .,,..,.. -~===~=~-lsA111 CLIMllllTlt 1n1 LON• llACN "" c.. '""""' --'" monthly. Call 646-3580 100 CLIFF DRIVE * NEW FOUR-PLEX * su. JUAN u.,1"11ANO 11u 01t.&NGI! COUNTY 5'" ',',',,',',,','•'•' .. , •••• _ ''" •,,.. --..-.... ~ .... H I B h .. ~ N .. b H 1o1...... CA,IST•ANO IUCM 17H ' -· - Looking !or mlddl•age or unt ngton oac --2301 E•slbluff Road LUXURY '"~"/UN.,.......... ear ac , uri. ... ,..on 0Aao1M 011:ov1 sci1 u,HoLSTlaY .,,. v~• < v~• n-b ~< -841 ~l OANA l'OINT 1711 WISTMIMSTlll 1412 WILDIH$ •ttJ , ~ --·-..... -.... OP·N 5 l /S II • y ,_Le ==~= .. =·=-=·::~::·:::~=~=.itAll:Ll .. C> ,, .. MIOWAY CITT •• ,, E "'~ '-V"'l""'"• ""' ' 2 ·Bdrm. 2" lith ' • I un ~ Mr..,-ue, 1 A: 2 BdnnL OCIANttoa ,,,. ....,.,,, ANA U21 JOBS & EMPLOYM NT tenanta fol' nlce 3 BR. Carpt& Drapes, built-ins. Brand new 2 BR 2 ba, llvinl' ateps to Shon A SbQP1 IUsiMa 'reporty 6050 L~:.:~~= COUNTY ;: ,.""'"''"AKA MlltNTS ,...•• ,'" .... • .. , ... ,,.,"' --.. ?!!! $200.· ~· 1513 OW Dr. "-•t locatio•. I block to s room, dlnin1 ..,,.., kitchen. Ocea.nview from ev-""'t. I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; H TO ·-DI: " fro ,,.J "V OVllS •I MOVI• t• COAITAL IHI .IOI W.IMTID, Coro .. :..·~Cfol u~, -·o Pi! sf1oppln1. theaters, etc. double garare. swimming m $150 mo up. le&11e CONDOMINIUM ,,,. LAGUNA IDCM !7tl MIN .. WOM"IM . mt ·-.... ... 1urni. ' •.•• _,_._. pool dra nes tm & •2449 Professio•·• ou,L1x11 110• ••L• 1•n ueuNA N1Gu•L ,,. OOM•sTIC "'"' , .. -----. --heel or WU\U.luallnl • pe • carpe ' 11111 Al'AllTMINTI l'O• IALI 1'~ ...,. CLIMINTI 5'1t AGINClll. ~ "" Co_ro_na_cle_l_Ma_r __ 2_2_5_0 2 BR. dupkx; redec. \V/\V from $130. C.U owner buiJt.inlJ. $260/mo. lea1e. BEAUTIFUL ocean front 2 RENTALS "'"JUAN cA•1snANG 11u Nn.P WAHT•o. M.. 1211 cpts, •--, ran ... ref., fpl, 642-2835 for information, 6#-0037 BR 2 BA, spacious roo..... , H F • 1.-~ 1 DANA "01N'f a• AllNCllS. •-'* PLUSH HIDE-A-WAY REAR; Walk to eve.rythin«, ocean aide ol H'A'Y. Ptnon. 1 allty plus, with avocado ' shag cpts, avocado blt·iNI, beam ceillnrs. brtakfut bar, 2l" ool, 'IV, patio i , small pn:len. 2 BR. All new- ly decanted, Yearly Jease 11'5. 113-5513 Evu. ~~ .. _ Med1'cal Bu1ld'1na . OUMI umitrmu \ REAL ESTATE Mli... WANTID, ·-NI pr., patio. Adulhl, no P:f:tll, QUI ET & BEAUTIPUL NEWPORT Island Deluxe & fireplace, garage. Leue. • Ol!Nlll.IL • G I ' JOls-M"' a w-1Nt LM. $210 •. 61S-4981 AdultJ o·'y·, 2 Br., utll. paid.· upper Duplex 3 Br. 2 Ba. Unturn ·$350 mo, furn $400 11eNTAU TO SMAlll -tnert AOINCll!I, Mllll a we.ti• ,. .. •• ,0 , <• 3JOC ,,. ~ "-·"· COSTA MllA t111 TlllllLIX, ,.rt, I... SCHOOLS A INSTlllJCTIOfl JMI 2 BR home, extra wide lot, Pool. M7·2125 Crpts, dt'pll. frplc.. elec mo. 'WT"Vl53 sq u, ,. ,,u,ucS on Mt!SA DIL MAit t1 .. CONOOMINIUM "" JO• J'lll'AltATIOM , ... bl•·s -trl1 Pltr/ t11'p RIAL ESTATE choice comer in detirable MISA vsao• t1M lt•HTAU WAM'fl• me THIATlllCAL ""' -•·, lomW din/nn, dbl 17676. Cam•ron, H""l Bch. "'' • ... · · ·~ ~· A" 1 " .,~ l area.. Immediate ocCuna""Y COLLlll ,....... t111 AOOMI FOi llNT 5'U MERCHANDISE FOR car. patio, lndry area, sns. BLOCK TO "·•"h. !urn, 1 •• i.:,u .. t~~~ no pe • ........ , ease. 1'1.tnoral ..--Nlw,o•T 1u.c:N 2211 llOOM a aDA•o· .,,. oo: ~ ~ "'!' $94,000 -excellent tenns NIWl'O•T Mon. n11 MOnU, TllAIU. ceu11n sm SALE AND TRADE Sctruc Proper:ties 67Xi726 BR pool, free utilities. $12.5 R I \V ilt exchange. NIWt'OllT IHOttll 2n1 eunr HOMll "" l"U•Nnuaa • -up~ ---72!2 3 BR Duplex near Beach, ent• s W1ntN 5'90 TIIE FOX COMPANY IAYIMOl:Q ntt M1SC. lllNTALI "" Ol"irlCI FUllMrnl•• .,. H ti to ... th 3400 _.,r nt!\V]y painted " cleaned. 00\ll• SMOllt 1221 INCOMI l'llOflllTV "" Ol'l'ICI IOUl,MIN'f "11 un "' n ' -EMPLOYED lady wishes 1 2863 E, Cou:t Hwy, Cdf.f Wl'ITCLll'.. ml IUStHISS ,.O .. laTT ,. ITOlll IOUll'MINT ... , RREE RENTAL BOOK Go1rden Grove 4610 Vacant. S250/mo. M \I II 1 BR unlu 67J.9495 or &12-6969 UNIVlll:llYY llAtt• nn n:.1L111 l'AllS '°'' cAire. a1STAU1t,.MT ••• r allow to be shown for sale. rn Apt, beach area lllVINI ml •UlllllSI ••HTAL ,... IAR IOVIPMINT 1111 D 1 nd B Agt. 546-4l41 to $110. carport or prap I ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.l•ACK tAY »• o,111c1 llHTAL wt wouSIHOt.D .0001 1t2t rop ". ,.... nee ~alt/ s BUILDERS i nve1tor1 I.I.IT ILUPil' nq INOUSTltlAL 'lt01"llTY "" OARA•I SAU em 2 BDRM bowie, clO!W! to stores beach, U45 monthly. Rent til end of June. ' 613-4923 He-·, o-••·t pro•·bly SINGLE \'oung Ad">" Lux · p.m. ."X'lNI' ' 'L•-••v1M1 T11tuc1 nu COMMllllCIAL. ,.., ••••-••• •'-"" -... .!.'"'" u.. U& • 2 BR 2 bath Deluxe Con. (2) WORKIN . w JVU J>Ollllwc 7 units, COAOMA OIL MA• "" INovnalAL llJn'AL ''" A"l'Lt:.'.NCll ..... .,. won't last lonr. RHl llbarP ury garden apts with coun· dominium S250/mo unturn .G Gll'la need choice area. Real buy tALIOA ,,.. LOTt •1• u.t11u1s llM , 3 Bedroom, Hunttn:taa VO• try club atmosphere and $275/mo furn. 494-5081 accom. June thru • Sept. $19 500 Bkr 642-5151 IAY ISU.lll)t rut llANCMll '1H SEWINI MACMINll IUI i .... e. 2 Bathl, l'irepla(.'lt. complete privacy. SOUTl-1 1=STCLIFF, ' BR. !"' BA, ,R,~f.21"""12 . C.1.f, or NB area. • LIOO Ill.I tU1 CITllVI ••OVll •ns MUSICAL INITllUMIMT 11U ...... l ,..,. 7JI -IALIOA ISUllD . tz,. AC•••o• OM il'IAMOS a OllGANI lllt ~b~ ='9p.= T!:; ~1;,m;1,;0!w~s~r=· adults only, no pets, $190 ~Y:;;O;,UN:;;;;G:,w~~klng-~. --1B;;";;;'l;;;";;;-;;;;;";;;;;'";;;';;;';;;';;;;;;6060;;;;;;;; ~g~~~~~·:A~:" _ !!: ~:.~L:~i:,o,~~n :: ;:~~~1s'°" :: po---··•er. Cro"" (TI4) 636-3)30 mo. 548-&15 de or Gtrl (!r Stu-1, 11AL ••AcH 1ue oaAJ111 co. Pll:Oil'•IT'I' ,,., .. ~,.1 a 1,1a1o nit ·-J ..... -nt to share 2 Bdrm. CdM HUNTINGTON B LONG llACN !Ml OUT °' ITATI ... o... ,, .. TA ... ••COltCllltl mt W lk & L 5210 Apt. S70 Mo. 644-404!1 Aft. EAOI Oll:ANGI COUNTY 111t MOUlf1',AIN & OlllllT ttl• CAMlaAI a IOUl,MIHT UM a er ee L a. h · ~705 Newport Hits. WtTA ANA t11• 1u101mioN u.Mo ,,,, Ho••• 1u1111L111 ... . 1gun1 _ •_<____ Ei PM GOLD KEY SUITES 1N1:sTM1N1T11 ,.,, au.L 11TAT• 111vtc1 ,,,, , .. oaT•N• oooot .. Lido lslo 2351 1 EXECUTIVE HoMl!- '"ith ottice/1tudlo, 3 BR, 3 I BA. Gardner incl. Lease, furn $650., untum $550. ' 613-8180 f-•n Clamonh 2710 ,4 BR.. 2 llv nn. l'Wltk 7682 Edinger $22;) MONTH yr. Charminl J!U-4455 or 5-'o..5140 2· bdrm No. Side, adults. Open Eves. Newell Assoc. 494-6594 2 BDRit, pool, frplc &:: clec • LANDLORDS • MIDWAY Crt'f' t11• •·•· IXCMAN•I ''H 11Hocu1.1ia1. sco,IS '"' Executive & Sales tANTA AMA "'''"" U» 1t. •· W.tNTIO n11 M1SCILU.N1ou1 .... ~Ji!;1: ~~ :r~~~nJ:ts. FREE, RENTAL SERVl~E Offices ~:tTNAAL ••ACM = BUSINESS tnd :_sg .. ,::~.·~I&. = . . Brolw 534-6982 LA•VNA ......... L .,,., FINANCIAL LUMllll .,,. I mod.'!rn, 2 blks from beach in "WOOded caoyon. r 497-18Th or 497.1517 i\1:Nl~L.' H-Unfumlsh9d -Gonoral 4 BR, 2 ba, ,2· sty, ATI'RACTIVE, Clean·l Br, d !I w h r / b I t n 1, refrlg, near Beach 6 town, near ct11ts/drps. lst i: last n1o new. $145 lease. 494-2882 + m damaae dep, 673·2471 llENTALS aft 6 wkdys. • Apts. Unfurnl1hecl SPARKLING, 1\llUW, walk to · beach &. shopping: 3 BR; 1o. ·~"•"ii'llRI iiiiiii5000 .. bltns, ucluded patio, pool II ~ m•intooance; m""" ••. VEN DOME tru. $185 tto. 838-7954 2 3 BR ho Cos · nd le tilt tAN CLIMllfll ml l\ISINlll OPNlltTVllrT111 '* STOJIAe• Im East Bluff 5242 • · U»e, ta Mesa * Air-co u uH JUAN CUllTltANo 21is 1US1N111 WA"1'•o .-1v1Lo1Mo w.n1u...u ., .. area. 1-7 yr old. Heu rate1. * Carpets &. &pc CA .. llTllAMO ••ACM 1711 IHVllTMINT °""""""* '111 S\llA,S '"' • NEW DELUXE • ""2522. (Richard) *Reception Rm DANA POINT "* INV5"MINT WANTIC> U11 PETS and LIVESTOCK JllVlltllOI CtVMT't U• MONIY TO LOM tJtl 3 Br. 2~ ba. apt. for Jeue 2-4 P..IOS ber. April 15, Lido * CleanlzW • ma.int. VACATION lllMTALI "" , •• IOMAL .LOAMI •• 11ns. O!NllW. - Incl " . din Telephone AMW . &:: Cc»4C>OM\NIUM ffH JIWELllY t.OANS mt CATS .,, spac. ms . swte, Isle. (Remodelinl Lid 0 enng OUllLIXll .. u.... IJ7I COLLA.Tiil.A\. LOAMI mJ OOGS ... nn. I: dbl. rarare, auto. homel &73-1395or 521-3416 Se~tarial Service avail RENTALS aaAL •tTAtl LOANS .,.. Hoa11s • doot' opener •vail. Pool 6: Town & Country M01t.,.,.11, '""' ~ •UJ L1v1noar • ree. ~a. Nr. Catholic Room1 for Rent 5995 Shopping Center Hou ... Unfvmlthtd MON•• WAl(Ta:o u.. CALI FORNI A LIVING Ch .. _. hool QINlllAL -ANNOUNCEMENTS NU••····· "" de! 1,f::X. tfs~. I. Corona WEU.. furn rm, delk, kitcb 1858:1 Beach Blvd. ~~·:: ;:.~uMAI ~= and NOTICES :i':'"'8 HOU ::: • ONLY -• privl se ~-M-' (It _,,,_, Hun"-·· Bch MIJA VlllCNI SIM l'OUMC> "'"Aft) .... A.WMINOS '"' -. p re .. ,., IU'· .... e. ~ u........ COLLIQ PAllt 1111 LC>IT M VM:ATIONS .. 837.en Ai.ii.gos Way, N.B. Quiet home. 646--0439 9'2-4607 H1w,.01tT au.cM ,.. ,.alONAU "411 TRANSPORTATION MIWJ'OlT won. )'tit AJINOUNCaMINn M1• IRVINE TERRACE - 2 BR I: den, Fantastle View, beautiful condiUor: -$750 per mo. BEACON BAY -2 BR 1: * 4 BR, 2 BA. crph, drpg, patio. Lease $235. 644-2277 IMMACULATE APTS! IMMED. OCCUPANCY 5991 ADULT ~ FAMILY Corona dtl Mllf 5250 G•KI H- TO\\-'NHOUSE 1 Br. Bltns, SECTIONS AVAILABLE l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil GUEST HOf.!E ~ ?t!en or STORES ALSO HEWflOltT SMOltll Jm llllTMI Mii IOATI • TACKT1 .... "'Z:Z:::Z:::Z:::Z::l:Zl:Z::::l=::l'AYSHOltlS l22I l"\INlllAU '411 SAIUCtATI "" ........ ii DOVll SHOlll JW' ,AID OllTVAll., M11 .. owa• Cll:Ultltl ..,, C u. Add WIS.TCLIFI' nit "UN•AAL OllllCTOQ ,.,, 1'110-Sl(t 10.i.TI ... I de:n. or 3 BR. Community beach, p1,r. tennis cout - • $450 ptr mo. I John Mcnab Realty Co. G<z-8235 FREE rent.al port Harbor ...... service Ne'I'.'• Costa J.1esa 5100 R/O. \Vshrldryer. Pool le: Close to Shopping, Park _ -women. Meali W"Ved tami. tennis, "1'r f>d $110. 173-lns • Spa.dous 3 Bt'a, 2 Ba ._~"' ly style. 54.3-9992 ----• 2 Bedroom.. ..... l11un1 h1ch 3705 "t SY.1.m Pool, PuVtreen •n• Misc. Rentils 59" 2 BR. view, remodelled, • Frpl, lndiv/lndry fac'ls pliu:h cptg.. bltins. unt. 1145 AMheim Ave. ON TEN ACRES WANTED $195, furn. $250. 494-8748 CX>STA MESA &t2-28M l • 2 BR. Fum A Unfum Garage for boat 1ton.,.e, NB Frplct I priv. patloli/Pools. or CM area. fn.&t34 Tennia • Contnt'l Bkflf.. put. G ting sreen. arare tor rent !.JON ARCH BAY AREA 900 SN Lane OlM "'-X1l 2>x:J.I. Costa ?olesa ADULT COMMUNITY (!iL'lcArtbur ~. Coa!t Hwyl vicinity. 548-4156 ORANGE COUNTY'S 3 BR. den,' BA hOme. HARBOR I P •- I LARGEST bit-ins, trplc, heated pool 900 Sea I.apt No. 88 neome roperty --m E. 17th St._,. 12'0 mo. JO to~ 496-00 GREENS 2'BR 2.BA, Pool Sell or Trade--'· . RENTALS ctJ>ts, dziia, tlttpl, p11.tio. $195; 4 BR, 2 Ila.. aovely S b lease $13!5 'fi73.5Df; o d • : "7'';,.. .i~ -=: 1.09...:;::_"'~"'."'/"'.":.;.':.;."i"'sh"'":::...4000_ s•~R •5100N. ..:bo. · 5300 utstan 1ng S1;30: 2 BR duJJ,ex, w/w, b!Un&. Quiet '"'•· Fam -.Bkr.~ $1.IO; 1 BR duplex. w/w, ~an &. fresh. A\'ailabl" now. ma. ~980 UNT ALSO AVAILABLE GRACIOUS Adult uv-.,. Investment 1 .. 2 6 S BDRM. Ocean I: Bay viaw, Spaclous 3 ...... ·Pvmlture Heated Poo1'. Child Care ' BR. 2 BA., walk hi Propert' y $2,. Mo...._ Otnter, AdJ, to Shopplni -d01tl$, beautllul ..,.,.,. " • mn No pell allowed draperlel. Pool. Boat tllpe l.argfJ AVattclc corner, FULL OPTION TO BUY 1100 Pe.ttl'IOl'I Wt,y, at J[ar-for tenants. Subtenuean 12fl'x200' <+ 15' aDeyl ""Ith (Jtt!rlatraton AvaU.bl.eJ bor I. A~70Costa Mei;a. parltlna:. 67J..3'.l03 :i good otfice bulldlnia on $135; 2 en. 11~ Ba 11tudio. No dtJ)OSll o.a.c. ......--mljor strttt. Near tht htart l?l.Uo, w/w. drps. Cl1ildren H.F.lt.C. Hunfintten IHc:h 5400 ot ~ fatml(m o: c. Qvk OK. Broktr. 5:14-8980 Furniture ttent1l1 2 BOR.M Mesa Verde. S~ Cr.nter &-boomillf linanciAI .. 128•, 2 BR dUplex , l'U'· 517 \V. 19th, CM. 548-34J!l Adulta, no pets. lmmac. CHEZ ORO APA'RTf.tENTS dl.llllict. Grtat traffic J'low • Lnc1n • -•-17 2800 ,._ .....,. 8234 Atla.nta stow, refrtnmtor, Wfv.;, 1568 w. • IUUUU ... * ~ * N 12 n-•---· p &; txpQIU~ for hl1h Ne E'W. • .u\."WVWUll • IY ~ ttlecord J)ll.id. BJq. SU-6980 $140; 2 BR. Pftlt, "w/w, $90. 1 Br vnt. UPltAinl. Ava.ll eltctric Ml¥ oLfioe buUdlna, or hold for -· dole to ahopp1fta. Fam.Uy flt Mature only. l 2 2 5S6-3927 or S!&-2'127 usured appreciation. Prle1 Ctefa Mela I I 00 welcom.•. Broker. S3t-8QJ Mainotl& SL 49M695 Pool-Wuhe:n.Dryt:n $250.000. SUBl\flT TERMS OR FOUR BEDROOMS 2 batN $915: LUge 1 BR. 5ower. 2 BR Duplex, bit-Ins, ainalt: Pri~te Garaa:e1 EXCH.ANGES 11nten llvUC roorn, ali )'anl. Cd.Id welcome. '°"' ttnoedyard. AdulUI on.s =H"'t"'N"'Y,_ne-w-a"'pts.....:.;,.3;,bloe~:kl RICK ALDERETTE buUt-lns. I q11iet mldcntial Brolrft. 534-e!80 ly. No .-u. S4l.W539 ltum be1ch. cptS/drp11, bit. (714).547.fe lb'ft!i. Leuc J22S/inonUt. S80. 'l'RAILEk bclme turnl~ 2 DR, De\\1¥ dee. drpg, w/w in.I, patio • awldft'k. 2 BR.a!--.....:.==:...:.:::.... __ ~ AL BL.AOC d>-U!it ~1 tn loft.Ii park. Ne•-port cpti:, blt·in&, adults. 314.5. $1.&0. 3 BR $1)1). Aat. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! -·,a.I. AreL fl1-4110 ' ~·..;;...=:..· ";.;""=s-• .. n .. is;;.. __ ·....;"'°";;;,;25'9 ______ ,_ __ OIA;;;;;:;;RG.;:·;;E..:m:.;__ ' ottl ...-s• rou UNIVllSITY ,Alli *"' l'LOltlfT'I ' MlS IOAT '1111AILlllll ... for a profitable operation. IAVINI -CA•D 01' TMANU ton• •o"T MAIMTIN ..... CI e IACI IA'f 1f1M r• MIMCMIAM '41f IOAT LAVNCMINI )4 89 X 41 ft witb 8 2-tb'fft INT ILU,I' uq CIMITl•Y LOTI Mlf MIJl:llll ICIUI•. e.-qios~ plus~ $500! lltVINI TlltllACI -CIMl'TlllY Cll'f'f'tl '41t •OAY Sll,, MOOllM• mo 1 COllOlllA 011. MAI nM CltlMATOltlll kl '"' t'°'o••T .... ·.·.~..... .., ... , ' IAl.tOA I* MIMOl1AL ,,.. •UI IOYD ~~ ':.'t.M" = :~fl~:: SlltVICI = =~ftt'111~"::...TJ: = REALTY IAl.ttA llLAHD 1111 TRAVIL '4U IOAT MOVtMe .... MIW.-OIT win Im AIA TltANIH•T•TION .... '°"' ITOllAll .... 3629 E. Cout Hiway, CdM lUNTIHITOtil t•Ant Ml AUTO TaMll~TATtOil 644 ID.ITS WANTID ... 6JS.5f30 MUMTINITtMt HAltMM~ JIM; LIOAL MO'flnl t41t AIRCtlAflT fllt ~~ ... ~~ .. ·~ ... '!""' "'''MTAIN VALUY 1n• OlltMAN a TUfOllMe ... l'lYIHI LllSONI ltR. = llAL llACM Mt SERVICE DIRECTORY MO•ILl NOMtl - FREE OF.SK SPACE ~ OAltOIN OIOVS 1411 ACCOUNTING \ "" :.~~~.~II m: vicinity of Baker and LONO auc• -ANSWlltlllO Slltvtel dU ILICTlllC CAltt ,.. Brtatol (C.tf.) ia return for :::::'.::'"" :. A'""'.uu·E ••11A•• .. "'"' "11 MUii 1101 • WllTMIMITft •tt Af'Ptl.llllM '5ll MOT'OllC'l'C\.11 fM ~ ""u'~ and ao-MIOWAY (1'1'T •If ::,",;A~~p::.. "" MOTOltSCOOR•• "" cepting de VfiK::ll· SAltTA AMA MlltMTS .. AUTO, s... ..... , .. lk. &S* AUTO tl!IVICIS & ,,,.,. ... Nolal7 • Income Tax • Im. coA.tTAl m1 u•YtlTTIN• -"" ~:ti~A~~•u•. :U .tc LAOUHA llACM SM toAT MAUITINMCI ' •••• •aAoL•R• ·--· , UOUNA Miil.iil -lltc:lt, MASONRY, ttc. Ulf """"' Call Bill Robinson (Eves.) '""' CLIMS"TI Int IUlllfltl Slll'ltCh ""' r:m· :: 546-4478 CA,llTUMO Jm IUILO... 411t CAM•IR -CAl'llTllUIO IUf.M me CATl•I• ~-I . Balboa lsla11d oAu 'o'"' " u11M1MA1uM• 6Mi ~Q::'.'t..~'::Au ... COM00¥tlUWl -CAll•I~--.... IMl>OATAC> Mfi'OS -$150 w w ~ OVf'LUU .... ,.. .,,, (IMIMT. c....... .... ,...., CAii "11 I Rltr. tC.s6ss lENT ALS CMILO CAita. ........ = AHTIOUlt. CWtla :: 00-CIAL. ADfl. FurnlthH :_~"'° u ~~"°' ,. MMER Bide. 3$(11 Hlfl'uL -C:.U.'IT U.YIMO 6 •l,AI• .-H AUTOI WAJn'.. ,,. IQ', ft. Good Jocation on 'Nt•• cona USA • our1a111 ... "" u,111 ,. I port Blvd. in C.M, :::,~-:-UCM = ===-=•IMC'I = = ='" "" I 548-S817 Eves. .. • : For Leete Sauna -Gyn.1 • ?t~ Health Studio at 2ClS Ntw· Port BIY<I. C.M, Pl!. Bkr. .,.._ Offleo llontal '°70 ---"'-' PROF'ESSIONAL 814 500 to 2600> 1111 ft NN blda. d~ to )'OUf needl. Large p&rkinC Al'ff.. Pttt Binett Rtlllb' 3SO E. 17th St .. CMS4M353 HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS ·1N YOUR HOME LATELY? • . ----·---·-------...-•·-~-~ .. -"+ e ;os • os-u e 04 ze i 00 0'""""4c; L'l!I"'"'~ .... ,,....,,...,..,. _______ ,,,,,...,,... ......... ...,. ................. --""'--""'---............. ~ I~*~ ...... *--.--... --• ..-.:-•*lllANNOUNClfollNTS • * .... NOTICES , I ANNOUNCIMINTS •nol NOT~CES Pr1fiJ1 Mltdl 21, lM SI.VICI Dl•ECTO•Y Sl•VICI Dl•ICTO•Y JOIS & IMl'LOYMl:N 1 JO~S 6 llMl'LOTM&N I DAILY 'ILOT ~{ ; JOn & IMPLOYM8'" 1 j Founol """ A., 6400 Announcomanll 6410 Garden!"' 6110 Halp W•nt.4. Mon 7200 H•lp W•ntod, Man 7200 Htl, w-. -7211 l ... __ Wh•ddy• W•nt? Whoddy• Got? SPECIAL \C LASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BOllN SWAPPERS Spocl•I Roto 5 Lin" -5 timft -5 bucks ltULES -AO MU" INCi.VOE 1-WNI 'l'OIJ ,,. .... ~ lftot, a.-W!l•I YOU _./II In "1• ~T OIJlt ·~ '"°'°" •OClll'ftL ..... II/le• of 14'Yerruilnl. NO'? ~---•••· ~ -~ ANTHONY'S BLACK....Grey m Sn I at u re • .._.....,_._ ---...- female Poodlit p\J\i: \Vell debts, othel thin bl)' Own; Gllrden Service croomect. NUTDw black co&· = ...... ~ .... Alllup, u ot ~1MI lar, Vic Santa. Ana AYt. -«=;~:;"•;,;w'===== BUDCET l..ANDOCAPTh.'G :Jth block. -.1~ - -P?vne ••• Plant •.. Pttparo c-tory Lots 6411 Monthly lllaln""""" BLACK Bo-Bull male. -'--'"""-'"-'--"---E><p. lloMlcul"""' White marldnp on face. 11\'0 cemetery Iota at TAKATA Stater Brat., After 4 pa1. llarbor Real. Prime Joe. JAPANESE l'l'URSERY SB-4.937 Ltavtnr aru. Saoitice. 545-0724. Complete prdenlnr TAP.IE black·& white rabbit. 60-3527 tel'Vloe. Headquarte.n b Vic. -6 Oranse, CM. SEllVIC& OlllECTOlll all )ooW' 0.....,., .,...._ 645-0239 I •" ~.. BROS Appliance ltep1 ra ............. , P~'K1NGNE$ Dof. Vlclnl"' . P•rll 6510 GARDENERS S'fUDEN'rS Fair I.: 'Newport, C.M. V.'Ol'kin&: !Mir V.'l)' tltru col- IDENTIFY:. ~1682 WASliER " Dryu ~pair. lea:e. Expe:rlencet., llcent;ed. ~PEKJN::C::,:C,:,G~E~.s=E-, -.~Id-,-,~ .. ~,, I Xlnt-cuarantffd service REAS! 646-Cl3 p.., Man'1 flriend QJSI'Ot.f LANDSCAPING * '46-1234 * Masonry, Irick 6130 PlllCE & QUALITY CUSl'OM LANDSCAPlNG ·-· P•porh•nglng P•lntlnt 6150 PAlNTINC Tnt & Ext. Low.Kt contracted prjce1. Joo'ully Ins. Satisfaction suar. l!"ree e.!lt. Call Jl.m Weeki, 673-U66 ' ITT JABSCO * IUYEll * ORDER DESK MAM ?ifature man with Wes .er. \~e ex119rlence. Must know f."achine tool8 A abraslve1 ~ be able to know machine tool lnvcntory. Cuatomtt A \Ve need »0meone as back. aal•1mcn rontacta ttqUlrcs Up man tor our PUn:hulne pleasant peraonallty. .... ,, We .... oomall pumr! CADlll •c manufact\lrcr, a dlvWon ol LIA a tarze iriternatlonal corpor- atlon, Plll'Chulna In our op-CONTROLS eration la • key function, i.a. volvifli a relativel,y lar,P portion o1 our salts dollar, DlvWon ol Ex-Cello Corp. 1166 WHITTIER AVE. *DAY BUSBOY *LEAD N IGHT COOK *DAY DISHWASHER *NIGHT DISHWASHER APPLY IN PERIOlf REUBBl l lff ' I I • • I ' ' • I I • ' • • ' J-NOTHlNG FOii 5ALl" -tttAOE.S Offl '(I PHONE 642·S671 very v.·1!11 cared for. For -"'="="'="=~="='=_,=115=== DEPENDABLE: Prof. yard info call ~2980 -care Low.rate m o n t b l y YOUNG male Terrier, BUc. _ .. _b,.ys_l_tt_lnt..=. ___ 6S_S_O av a i I ab I e . 5 4 5-1931 VINYL v.•all coverln1 specl&ltst. Kit, b & t h 11 • ?-.1ater1al 4 labo.t. Est. 847-1659 Please send reoume indud- lll& l>&lary requiremenll or call penonnel departmenl tor appointment. COSTA MESA 646-2491 151 E. c .. s1 Hlghw•r - Newport ... ch -l --------1 To Place Your Trider'• P1r1diM Ad Abt. 6 mos. old. Neu BABYSJ'ITER &m./eves. 1.larina. HI .seJ...QIUI Fenced yard. Meab lnduded. J APANESE Gard&r_u, oom-I (ave· Vnc. Auto Sales &: Re- paU· Bld1;. Harbor Blvd. C. 1.1. Equity $53.500. \\'ant Res, lncorne. tlollyv.·ood •6~* 10 ACre-Orange Grovl! near Laguna Beach. \VANT: Ap~ 01· Ranch. Bkr 4.'H-13JO l{f.18 ,Cabin Cl'l.lill&!,-21:; hn $1200 ~al : 1964 Conlet, 4 spd SfiOO val. Trade for laler model car, truck, ca1nper or ? 642-5582 \Vant late model Spor!Jln1an Villl. Have as part lrade '60 Impala & '60 Chrysler Sta \Vagon w/air. 546-1890 642-6045 :!t.75 Ac. NoSD Co, &ln Marcos Adj F\\')', R/R, Ulil 1'rd for 30~{ !IQ ft Lsd ind. units. Onr l\lrs. Bingham PO 693 Balboa 673.s.117 TRADE: 17' Trailer, sci£. oontained Travel Trailer. FOR: Boat & l\1otor. * 518-8000 .• 3 BR 11..1. ba, P.1ontictllo BROWN Wallet. Eatancla Week d~ cnly. Vicinity plete yard &UV!.oe, free Condo, cptll/drps, blt·ins, 2 }liih Sci1' Owner Identity Halladay A Bishop St., S.A.. estimates. st!)...J.m pools, $38® equity. Trade RI 9-3163 Phone 136-56'12 EXP. GARDNER for 3 or 4 BR home, TOs. OCC_:;;;.S;;tudec:::;:;..t"•--,-t ...,-b-~k-IYOUNG .rnolhtr will babysit Mid-qe JapVit»e. Reliable. i.:aror ! Owr./Agt. 546-5580 ' • ano e 00 ' Mon. to Sat. 832-0TOa ---------I Seuhore Dr., NB. m-3M5 \\-eek.days in own home oo 17 Fl. fiber gla!!s outboard RED Male Irish Setter. Balboa Pen. Call Sandy a.EAN-UP Specialist! Mow- a11d big ·wheel tilt trailer. Match I GG Area. 636-2493 Pana:bum. 673--1238 ina, edrlni', odd jobs, ll&ht \\'ill trade for landscMping. CHILD Care, vie Paularlno movina:. Reul 5'8-6955 PHONE lost 6401 School, CM. Day or ni&'bl JAPANESE 3 ardener 64W87 -1 _:54.:;9-;..!.,!28=---"-'-----Cumplete Se r v Ice. Ex· ---------I.OST lf'tttt I.: Ye 11 o w BABYSrrTING in my home, p.."t'ienced. Reliable. 642-4389 llAVE Units I: Trailer Prk, parakttt In Vie. 2 0 0 20 Po $-per \\'k. Near mona e JAPANESE GARDENING Tucson Ali.z. 5 ac, All re.nt. Po'-·-ttia, Cd'L • ., ... ,_ u"""' " .nu .. ... Sehl, 01. 548-9533 St!rv:ice <;leanup, Landscan. ed, Jm/35 -iore sp. $72,500. to Pete' or :f.fomma'1 J>n!tty r Tt-ade $30,000 eq, tor ! in Boy. He. \\'ill repeat his ad· BABYSITTING, your home in&'. S..11-7034 alt 7 p.m. S. Cal. OR 3-3045, dress. Re\\.'ard, 547..JC!, by the ,,·eek. You tum JOHNSON'S G&rden1q: Serv. 17 Ft, outboard for itaUon c"1=3-45:...:::"::llc__, ____ ~ transp. c.r.t. area. sn..1407 Finest equip, upert yard \\.'agon or auto or equal val-VIC 4500 Campus Dr, N.B. BABYSITTING My home, E-care! Reul 9£2..2035. ue. Phone 644-4637 Black portfolio contalns ii'-aide C.r.f. Prefer \\'eekly. Cut" Edae Lawn 2 r.1.1 tilt-up blda:s on Pia· replaetable mater i a I · 1---*:....:5'3-:.::.155="':_,*-~ ?.talntenance. LlcellHd tt"ntia, C.f.t. Trade eqcy Reward Phone co 11 e ct CHILD or Infants' Care, Nr. 548-48(1/645-2310 aft 4 $9j,50(l. for property, plU! befon! S:30 am &: aJt 5:30 Pac. Coa!t &: Newport. LAWN SF.RVICE ! ! Price Sl50,00J, pm or \\'kends. C213J Reas. Open 6 M.1 6T:r5429 1.low-edj:e-vacuum :>18-1542 ~ j BABYSITTING my honle. U 8-5646 after 6 Pf.f SPECTACULAR Home \VJ-IITE Hus~ pup lig.ht t;i:~ Prefer under 4, C.1\1. area. 'y-ARD=-c=1-,-,-.-,-.-.-""°'- !\lammoth L a k e s ivith back, blk. lip on tail 1 ~ 64'.!-~ service, ne1v I a "' n 1 , enough Units to eliminate tall. J mo, old wandered WILL Bablsit in my home, sprinklers, rototill. ~cg financial concern. Trade ror area 32nd St. NB. ~.ton. ~·eek da.y1. e JAPANESE GARDENER ;55,00:J equity orange Co. Feb. lTth. Draggina: 11 of '* 548-5298 * iWntenance .r: Cleanup or ? Salisbury Rlty. 6~ chajn, ansv.·ers to Leather. ========= Call 54S-2S72 Paper hanitni::. 45 years !!xperience, Call Fred! * """'903 • PAINTING ext-int. Acoust ttillil&:. Lie. Im:. 17 )TS exp. Frff ~· 5'8-.5325 PAlNTING, Paperina: 16 yrs in Harbor area. Lie A bond- ed. Rel& turn. 642-2356 HOMEO\VNERS. does your home look nin d o w n ! 893-4438 Free est on ext. INTER or Ext. PAIN'I'lNG, ThI?-.1ED. SERVICE. Local ret FREE eat. 548-1671 Plesterlng, Repair 6880 INT. Plaster, ext. stucco, dry \Vall taplnJ', aOOUlltic &/or textured ceUings. 54~3 e PAT'S Plastering. All type11. Free . e11timate. eau 540-<825 ~l_n"'1 ____ 6_190_ PLUMBING REPAlR No job too sn1all • ""3128 • ).N EQUAL OPPORnmlTY EMPLOYER. l.W Dale W.,y, Costa ?ilelll. Caillomia 9'2626 flREMAN $667 to $IOf mo. AG E: !!I-30 HElGIIT: S'S" minimum \VEIGHT: in por- portion to helrht. PHYSI- CAL REQUIRE:f.1ENTS: High school rraduate, valid Call!. operaton license, U.S. cltiun. File appllcatlon a t City J-lloll, 8200 \Ve11tminster Ave., \Vestmlnster, caill.; befo~ April 11, 1969, 5 p.m. fTI4l 893-4511 Ext.~ *Busboys *Cook An Equal Opportwl!oy Employer Fonnerty Cadillac Gai:;e 'JAHITOR EXPERIENCED E xcellent Employ" Benefits APPLY Personnel Office Third Floor The Broadway NE\VPORT BEACH 47 Courts of Fash ion FASHION ISLAND Newport IM•ch An Equal Opportunity Employer e INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK e ASSEMBLER • CARPENTERS e PAINTERS * CARPENTERS * ELECTRICIANS * CABINET SITTE!tS \Vith mobile home experi- ence. Excellent benefits. • APPLY IN PERSON EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. 4000 C1mpu1 Drlv• Newport l••ch DESIGNER Eleclro-Mechanic1l Exp'd desifner w/ co~ level education lr. mech.anl-• cal ena:lneerin&'. Recent lay· out l: design V.'Ork on draft. in&: board requiMi. Farnillar '"/ military apecl!icatlona. Radar exp preferred but nol eSlll!ntial. Please: Call OR l-9310 Bo•t * * * * * * LOST Bull I --~ f al • 6555 AL'S Gardening Ser v Ice : -CO On:u em e _ _,M;;::•::•n::l•=n:::•:::n::;<:::•;__=::: Lawn maintenance, prdel}o l~!/!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 cat,' 5 mos. Stitches on . "'" .,,,_ PLUr.mING 24 hr serv. \Vork guar, lie, lru, remod, repair, rooter &e"rv. 531-T;;iGG Apply in peraon Company benefits, ~ in- surance, profit &haring, etc, RADIATRONICS Div cl \\'.bl_ttalttr Corp. 18842 Teller Ave. ~ MARINE MECHANIC ""'~ cloan ""· ~, [ REAL ESTATE DU)INCS5 and tilOl'.18.ch. Vic Balboa Isl. Remodel, Repair, 6940 COCO'S REUBEN'S NeoA'PQr1 Beach. 1.13-2100 67° '186 O•• & Ni.ht Servi-. EXPER GARDENER Gtner•I FINANCIAL RE;" Pekingese \\'/ \\'hi BAL:--BOAT RENTALS Mid-age Japanese Reliable. ARE YOU TIIJNKING of >-----·-------------1 1 h · • 7o.3 E.d•ewaler 1.Ion -Sat 832--0705 another room? Family rm'! I d I · I R t I •()90 B 0 .. ,300 ch!'lf, \V t paw. Vic .. 1on-n us r1a •n I " UI. pportun1t1 .. -: tic:!llo Homes CM. ReY.'al'd! Balboa, Calif. Bed r oom? Oen rm? Jensen ?.farlne Corp. 135 Fisher, c.~r. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC lr oR lease Laguna Niguel, 1-----i.1:1-1935 Robt. Schweitzer 673-4070 General StrvlCM 6612 Bathroom? Activity rm? oU San Di'"""' Jo\vu at Crown ''LITTLE BU;;S:;l;;N;;E:;S:;S:;,.;Jl_li'.00~,!:RE~W~AR=o---.~,,~ ... -". --------Patio rm'! Library nn? 1555 W. Ad•ms LOQl(JNG FOR YACHT Costa Mes• srcrPPER GOOD JOB FOR ---------t RIGHT .1.1AN. MUSI' BE --" e o ..... ,. Brick M•son-etc. -Perhaps just more R00~1? Valley, new commercial & perate from your home Persian kittens/ 1-crearrt, • • ,, GOLD~"'~~ Soif-"'--"-CAPABLE, MATURE , RELIABLE & SOBER . SUGGEST SEND BACKGROUND. REStrr.IB CITY OF LAGUNA B•ACH 6560 ""''"~~ """~v,..... Plans. Estimates. Advice. industrial units. Della Elec· • Full or part-time 1-iJ"tY. No questiolt!!I L"!ked. Lau n d r y/Oeaners, U9 Gratus. Irie. Days -131-1400. Eves • High earnings 89l-9102 BUILD, Remodel, Repair ~ate, Bal Isle. Open Sun-Lauterbach & Assoc. CAREER OPPORTUNITY! -499-4198. : ~~ ~~!~~P:;,:r>" 1,.:!AN~'.:S:cw_all~ot-,-0 -.-t-.~,-.... -Brick, block, concrete, days Sam to 6pm, v.·ukdays 314 E. 16th St cr.1 ~1797 • Earn ........... & seyeral credit cards t. crpntry, no job too small. lam to 9pm, Saturdays 8am It's almOllt spring 1;: \\"e know iLots 6100 0TOP LOCATION Join tod-.ys rut.est crowinl & REFERENCF.S TO BOX profeasion-t.tutual Fund aales1 _M_409-~D~A=l~LY=P,-'1"-LO'?O--.~- SALARY: $516, TO $611. Permanent. Experience ln servicing and minor relWr· lng automotive equipment required, App I y: Public \Vor~ Dept. 505 Fo~sl Ave. f comn1ercial acl'es, hub of ! J1untington Beach. Zoned C4, 1 mile irom San Diego }'r\1'Y on Beach Blvd. Pric- e<'. to sell. ' HARBOUR RL TY ' 847-8595 $1.000 00\VN on &mall le\'el Oceanvie\\' lol L a g u n a 1 Beach. Balance $ 4 , 9 5 O , payable $50 mo including interest. Owner. ( 7 1 4 \ 497-1210 V'JE\V • 210' of Ocean t 1 city lights. $29,500 includin~ 'plans, 9,000 aq. ft. pad. 2417 I Harbor View Dr. Cdlif. I 1).10-2021 l"/.NT~rc Oceanvie\v lot $6500. S1nall, bul level, l $1,000 do1~·n, balance al $75 per mo. 497-1210 R-4 Lot. Costa 1.Iesa. Zoned 3:i units. O"Tier/Broker. 548-6i61 LOT . Rolling 11Uls Road, Vall"Y Center $800 do1vn. }o'ortin Co. Rltr. 642-5000 3 ADJ, lo!s; room for ll units. 333 E. 2lsl St .. Costa ?ifesa. OWlll!r 49"-5072 E\•e. ~crea,_ 6200 ' NORTH Of I I ESCONDIDO iApprox. 44 Ac.e~. rolllna hills: bl!autlful setting: can Vo: planted in Avocados or I hold for appreciation. Art.'t· ious seller is asking $59,400. 10% Dov.•n with intel'l!st onl)' i dn balance, For more infor- mation. please call K. W. I Small "·ith Eekhoff & A-soc., Int. 1818 \V. Oiapnlll.n Ave. I . Orange, Callf. 'S41:f621. Eve8--v.·knd:. 538-5971 1°011 Norte County Near fabulous 1''lamath River Jn h!!art of the Red\\'ood Na. t1ooal Par!<. Call G 1 e n itbo1npson 17141 532.2533 Or· i._ng!:, Calli. or \vrlte Harold 'Del Po11te. Bax 35, Klamath, :('altf. 95548 while learning drh·er's tic, vie. Lag Bch Lie Contr. 962-6945 to 6pnl. that this is the time!! • $3500 Investment b~·· or S. '-'•· Reward 499-1208 -·-J G d n~: :.1~ C:":~e * DRIVERS * complete inventory B • •-. 656.. apanese ar ener ROOi\1 ADD IT ION l.: • For infnnnation LOST black & tan 4 month! usinesl -~~~~ Exper, comp! yard service! 1-emodeling. A 1 tractive Mutu•I Fund Adv;sors, No Experience • Call: 546-6740 eves. olt male beagle. Hamilton TYl'ING, 18~1 Exec. $3 Hr. Free estimate, 5.f.8.79.j8. prices. Free estim.alt:s. Call TERR IF I c opportWllty ~· Bushard Vic. Ca 11 Resumes, reports, phone JAPANESE Gardener, exp, &4&--0846 Inc. Necessary! small coin operated c~ 91ti-52l.O be.Jore 12 noon. dictation. Pick-up & del. reliable. ?o.laintenar.ce. Relil.S ========= 9.'ash. Ch\Tier must quit, S:f.! Grey female Poodle, Vic I ,CS<+.m~:,:,-,•:_~-~---~·~"'~·~"=''~"-=m._3219___ Roofint 6950 n1ake otter. Loca~· at 19th d. Beach I: McFadden. TYPING at home. Accutalt:, HAULING. Cleanup &:araa:es. A Rooter not • salesman. f.: Nt!wport, C.id. 968-lTal Reward. 893-6974/89~11 acceptable oU set prlnUna: odd jobs etc. fue est Jim L.f!aks iilOpped, all type aft 5 PJ.1. ?i-1ALE Sh&ltiY Sheepdoi • etc. By hr not page. 837-3&89 ,~=~~-.,.,ano7.y"t!m='~== roofing. New or rerair work LIQUOR Ll~nse · Orange •lond Ir. black vie. 15th &; WILL DO HAULING, PAlNT.11'°'="'=·=536-M44======== Npt B. 1603 WestcUf! £4!!.-6422 itust have cleai. California S.A. 1212 N. Broadw-.y driving record. Apply 547-3lll YELLOW CAB CO. USED CAR LOT ATTENDANT 186 E. 16th Sl Coat& 1.fesa *PLATER* Maintenance Man Six D•y1 • WHk REUBEN E. LEE County &: quality fixtures ironrovia. 5'8-1&34 C•rpent1rln9 6590 ING , ODD JOBS, ETC. -- for c."On1plete restaurant. SHAGGY brown female poo-642-3398 EXPERIENCED ON PREC 151 E . c •••• Hl9hwey taus METALS FOR CIR-Newport Beach Newell Assoc. 494-6594 Ole with red collar, vie. flEAUTY Shop, Newport, 1\leredlth Gardens. 96:Z...7659 CARPENTRY ftfJNOR REPAIRS. No Job Too Small. Cabinet in gar- •&'ea: l.: o the r cabineta. 545-8175, U no answer leave msa: at 846-2372. IL O. Anderson H1ulin9 8730 1.Just have experience. Excel· ClJIT"' BOARDS. EXCEL. lent compariy benefits and LENT OPPORTUNITY. e INSTRlJL"l'ORS -Full \VO:f.fAN needs sewine v.'Ork, workina: condition!!!, Apply In CHEMFLEX or/and part time. Neat ap. Lite alteration!!! & mendings, person to Bob Rogalski. 3767 Birch St, pearance. Must be able to 6960 srnall, busy. Top location -· hem11 & clothes made. m~t a.nd deal with the t lease. $32.50. 646-408I Per1on1l1 6405 1:..;;.=.:;;_--'-= SAVE MONEY -o.ro,.. you 84&-2<115 NABERS CADIUAC Nowport Beaoh 54~7190 'pubUe, &OOd """"'· Apply eves. \V H 0 LESALE Distribut<tr needs funds for larger in- "entory. \\lill pay hi&:h fn. tl'!rest rates. 546-7015. CUTE SPOT, Pizza, chicilen, fish, frozen bananas. £.Z to operate. Term.!!. 6&1S7:; FOR SALE SA\V SHOP GROSSING over $10,too 6J6..1530 aft 6 pm 847-1874 Mon•y to loen 6320 FREE BOATING COURSE BY c.oast GtJaii Auxiliary starts Thurs. 7:30 Plt[ 1.larcb 27 Corona de! 1.1ar Hirh School 2101 Eut BluU Drive; P.IASTER carpenter, $4 per hour. Remodelln&' • Repairs. 642-6409 or 536-3900 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS CABINETS. Any aiz.e job. 25 vn. exper, 548-6113 take lt to tllC! dump. Call • Drel!amaking-Alteratioil!!I \VANTED: Youni man to ln per'IOn, Hollday Health 642-5666 eve11. Custom Design~ 2600 Harbor Blvd. learn electrical eatimatin&: Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd,, HAULING, Topplnr •• Trtts, * 64&0446 * Costa Mesa \vlth a potential salary ol ~C;;:.M,::·=~~=~=~-I Heda:es, Profesalon&J, Free * BUSBOYS * $800 a mo. Must be willlnr PART li FULL Ttf.fE >:st. B .. John 64'-"'30 AltoraHon""-"12-5145 to ••rl< 60 houn • "'"k CAR WASH HELP Neal, accurate, 20 yrs, exp. a~ mlnlmum wares while CLEAN Lotllf1araa:e1 etc., -OVER AGE 18 trainl11g. \Vrtte Daily Pilot &. tree remov, dump skip T ~-'"'-'--S'-•"rv--'-lc;.;• ___ 6_9_1_0., Experienced only, Full Utne Box P-317. EXP'D. POLISH end backhoe, fill arade. 962-8745 ESTATE 1'.faint ~ Serv Apply in person aft. 3 p.m. P"R"'o"FE~SSl:c,cO~N~A-L-s.i.~-,-C.~-DETAIL MEN • -Removal It trimmings, tree FIVE CROWNS reer . Searchinl'_Jor man to Top pay. 2 loc. Full work wk, Housecle1nln1 '735 RESTAURANTS learn our buai.nesl! and hand. 1.IETRO CAR WASH e~. &lz..&300, 842-2'J'J3 3801 E, Coast Hwy. le sales executive position, 2950 Harbor Blvd., C.M. _ CARPETS, \Vind0\\'11, firs, e JIUh"TIKGTON BEACH Corona de! 1t1ar Tralnlng income pnwided. SENIOR BUYER Cement, Conc,..te 6600 CEt.IENT \Vork. no job too ~t ~!ten. Re°!,! ~c~: Ex TREP'rt ER~!~~ (No phone calls) College, sales or businl!11s must be able to nerotla.te RENT FREE S.___ small, reasonable, Free • · * fRY COOK «p. lifarried. 542-56:!3. Ext. sub-contracts with other PRIVA'fE party wil loan : ,..,'" apt. 548-fJU 11500• up on R.E. -"ly 0• wi. th convalescent man 21, estlm. H. Stunick. 548-8615 T I 1 Ion R • 691.c 321. firms. Prelti~ company. '"'fL" • WlLLIAM'S CLNG. SERV, • IV f , 1pa1r .. Full ttme for Snack Shop. . Tremendoua benefits.. $1,100 buy TDs Cali my aient ir. exchanJe for com· * CONCllETE work. Bond-Carpets-fum.compl hse. Over 21. Liberal beneflbi. SERVICE station attendant, per month. {Fee paid) Anyth,:,e Ph. 54S4311 panionship & lite .duties, ed le Licensed. Concrete And Apt cln&:. MUI6' RAINBOW TV Co, No Ser-HUNTINGTON \\'Ork grave yard U pm Bu.ch area. 1.l e t chan t 1 part time. Student OK. Must sawlnc -=========· I vlce Charre! Expert v.·ork, -I am. Must have exp. Real Estate lo1n1 6340 be sober and ~pendable. Phillip!! Cement. 548-6380 .. 6740 color, blk &: wht or stereos. SEACLIFF Apply at Chevron Station: Pel'90nnel. 642.-7170 agency. --------541-ssn Custom L•ndscaplng Income Tax MSJ720 anytime! Harbor Blvd at San Diego HAND POLISHER HOME LOANS LICENSED BEST IN CONCRETE RESPONSIBLE prepar~Uon -Country C lub li:''<;ney~. ==="""== Recen: experience ill amaD MONEY AVAIJ.ABLE Spiritual Readlnp, advice • 646-1234 • & filing of all tr;come tax Uphol1t•!Y.,__ ___ 6_99_0 3000 P1lm Ave., H.I, REAL ESTATE. Shouldn't builderK hardwal'I!.. Call for detail& i>n toda.y'1 on all marten, 108 S, El •CUSTOM PATIOS • returnll by Certified Public * LOOK * STABLE Boy. Steady part you be-aelllna: the hottest KIWKSET rates for 1st ~ 2nd TDs. C&nlno Real, San Clemente. concrete aawina & removal Accountant. Available 10 time job. Care tor 20 honel. area HunUneton Beach? 516 E. Santa Ana St. Serving Orange County for 492-9136. 10 AM-10 P:f.t State Lie. • 842.-lOlO serve the needs of Corpora· lS yn. aervinJ' Orange Co. Nttd night A: mornlne clean VWage Real Estiltt' 962-4471 Anaheim . 2(l years SPECIAL $2 READING tion!, 1mall business en-BIG SAVINGS up daily. Atuat be 17 or EXPERIENCED Man. to An Equal Oppty Emplo)'f!r Sattler Mortgai:e Co. Inc. LONELY unencumbered • CONCRETE wnrk, all tttprlsu and indMdual&. CUSTOM over. Only clean cut hard work ln furniture •tore .r: LOT BOY 336 E 17\h St types. Pool decks & custom. Your complete 1&tisfaction UPHOLSTERY &4?-2l7l • 560011 widow wl&hes lo fonn a Call 548-!324 ~'Orkera need apply. Give on truck, fUll time. Over New Buick Dealer. Excellenl wido,v 's club. Interested ========='I ia l\W'&flleed. AND DRAPES -"~';';,:":;;..,.:;;'·:,.WRITE:;,.:;;::;.,:;Bo;:x:..612=;·,l;;:':;:l."6U-=.:,:;:""°;"'°'=----.,..,~ I worlrl .. ~ condltlonl. Beach Eves. ~7865 641-ll57 .... ..ti,, .. -to Dally Pilot CORPORATE ..... _ Incl •-~ -~ _... w•• Centracton 6'20 :U.IPROVDIENT VW' other. aervku uw::: DESPERATELY need DrSHWASHER over 18. area. See Jack Brown. Poole 0'1.1'1ERS! NEED CASH! Box P-318. COUNSELORS .,; Carpet Installation oullllde 1aIe 1 men,. ad-Some exp. bt machine Btrlck. 234 E. l7lh. St., Cotta Our cemetet)' Can!---Fund -~A~,,~,-ct~l~~E~-rt~ Additions * Remodelin& * Carpet I; Ru< O!!anifl& mlniatraUve tralnH• ac-wuhl...,, Full or part lime. ?i1esa, ••• 1165. Haii 50 to $250,000 Ready • ve xpe A.. • •A • 642-9931 • -. .,. .....,. YOUNG WO:f.fAN Fftd H. Guwt....., .......-. Your u.bifectlon is countants, draftsmen, stock ~ PUNCH PRESS OPR. to Buy L.f!ased-Back, Mfg. dancer wW teach you all 673-600. • ~%170 H. K. Cl ar ~ Accte Serv. our moet Important asset clerkl, and machlniata. Ap. ruu.=.;:,;:.=tlm:,...o-.,ln~"'too1-,."7to-oo Bldgs. for invellt. Return lall!st ate-. CaU Ardell Income tax. penonal or R , U h I t pl r-.1en:halita Personnel KIWKSET 5 to 20 Yr. Least'! Ok. 213. 591~;.-1_10 PM Carpot (Inning 6625 buaineu, your home or ofc. •Ya I p 0 S ery sJ.mo ... l\MI Deli. See Teny or HarokL 516 E. Santa Ana St LYTLE REALTY =~;,· ~c;-;:::.:..:::...:-=..._ 20 yrs. exp, 1oc linn. 300 Palm, &,lbol. Penn. :::t 4!5 E. 17th Stftet, C.M. Anaheim 583 W. 19th 01 548--9493 YOU Musi be .eerie to be PROFESSIONAL Rui ' 6tU113 or 64.>07U eves 673-27!M 968-C797 SER VICE ~TAT l 0 N SERVICE Sta. Att. Ex}l'd, An Equal Opp()' Employer itelected. We need peoplo Upholatery OeanUi&. Top •Th•TaxAdvlsori CZYKOSKI'S CUstom ~IAN. 25 Yeans or 11 time day; shift. Union Pl t E • Mort91911, T.0 .'1 6345 ot all area Int. in exposure qwillty, ruarailteed rewlts. 328 N Upbolltery. E ,1 r 0 Pe an oldu. Full time, 11wtna: station. ~ta Ana 11; an xpen11on tor bit parts In conunen:., Allen's Maintenance Year round ofc. I\ Cr a ft 1 m • n 1 h i p, lOO% shllt. See Oyde, 2 5 t 0 Paliaadel Rd. C.M. ExPerie~ carptt1t1rs and 14% REl'URN movie1 &; TV~ 646-4063 or eves 642-3.S26 Nwpt Blvd, N.B. Reul Flnancln&:. 6C-It14. l8Jl Newport Blvd., Colla ?o.fesa SAILMAKER. Exp. desired, n1Ul workers. APJrbr ~·~ .. )1;~~·3 $300 moJ..'.e: COUPLES. 1ingles; lonely? CARPET " FUrn. cieanlnt; .... CKCallH= fo~=P~. Newport Blvd., C.M. DRAFTSMAN, experienced NORTii SAILS 9U Elec-LUHRS BOAT CX>. .u u~ • • yrs. Ocean New In area! Join the a:win1 tor J day aerv\ce k quallt;y _,. l'°oas"'°'~&'-"EM""l',:.L.:O;;,;,Y~M~E~N~T~ I in mobile home park de1dp, trlc, Seal Beach (213) 849 W. 11th SI., C.M. hilltop, magnificent to fun I: pleuure work, ca.II Stttllnl fm 9th yr., 3111 Roosevelt, Top waa:e for rlrht pertOnt 596-«61 EXP. ~Sttvtce St a t I 0 n fteJOrt Proptirty 6205 ~t~~i ~~, 1~;thdi!:i. -~~•,...6J5.9'9~~1__,•---brtghtneasl 64U52l C.M. Appolntmll, 5'0-2Sn Job Winttid, Lady 7020 ~hi~~ d::ce, N.B. 'M;"AN"°. =,;.,.-ady,---part-,-~t-lm,-o-,.Jo"'b Sa1e8mM. New rnoderri """R RENT run1 :f.tan1moth returns 14% interest. • Selective Slnal111 • Carpet & Upbol Cleanina •INCOME TA.Xe 1..:;::::.;::~=:,~~·~== for rellable adult. Xlnt. L.A. tacWdea. Overtime altn' 40 ~ 0 u n ta I n Condominium 494-1138 Companionship, Slnctrlly If It's done right..,. 15 • ..':"unep.ln your hoT!_.,,....... CONVALESCENTlon •-kprA I dail.~· TOOL •DIE MAKER Times route open. $230 mo hrs. + comm. F u 11 ltm. • . Inll'OducUon11 Confidential It'a: "DUNN-WELL"! JUJU ~.ww comJ>tn or •53 .. av KJWKSET +. 962-4633 pennanent. 990 E. Cout. ;•='":='=·=6=7>4=130==== ~ht TD on ~loficenl (:!S-55) 642-9676 >10 PM Free Estimates.,. 5'8-3544 lNCO?.tE Tuea p~pared lonr or short ternt. 516 E. Santa Ana St. _:,A:,.'tB;:;,.:=; .~ •• CE=-"'o"•=·~=-Hwy .• N.a. 6210 Oceanvlew •e\c.i t I nl "'"""CE=~,-,--~i.--'-~ _ ~·-home, I"'• tonn com: HOME?.IAKERS. 547•1 •~· .. ~•-..,._: .... ~~, ......... n...bev.c. 1u11"'y C F l;M;'°";;n:;:t;;·;;';;;D;;•;'";;rt;;;;;;;;;;::; Laguna Beach. ~d al REDU Sac, •lmv A rut ,¥.... "" ... "'"u" ...... ...,n1:ix.~mwii one,.... ONman, r,;950, payable at $50 mo. with GoBele table!' only C1rpet L1ylftl & .:b=lned=•.;,$15~. -~__,..,...,,..,-I DAILY H~'Ork wanlcd An Equal Oppt;y Employer l.Jc'd. Top pay tor rlaht Worklna., needed by CUiiom l'"'d·-3~4••1337 Sic. Crawford s RX ____ ...;ll:;•:ipa=lr..:66=26 WalterH.FalftllhobP.A. vie. HB. downtO'lo'n only WAREHOUSEMAN man.COnta.ctBob,837~ builder for cll'tftSUkod :; A. Nr. Jl c1net. HldU•·~ ,. "'° ,.~ -Service 5.'J8..6801 befot'f 6 pm Crance County ~.IXIO' d . Wlr. pme ~. 19% YIELD! Pharmacy, Cot.1a hfeaa C.'.JtPETS (nylons. wooh. looome Tu . . Experienct neceuary. Ktrm ruLL T'lme..diahwuber " work. P'Clr ~ On. 633-7710 S.10 A.M. $20,000 2nd TD w/ discount WIG & MAkE·UP potyestrn,) Vll\YJ, and TiJ. '4U20f. or 561391 eve Oemeetlc Help 7035 Rima Hardwatt, 2116 kitchen ust. A.sk for Harold :pp~ c:ell 491'·18&5 betwn •m ~ 19"' ION 3 ·--•-ea..... ••ll • -1 t ~·-and -•--lla.rbor Blvd, C.M. 546-7080 or Te.....,, 495 E. 17th Sl, ,.-,.,i;p.;;m";. ;;or>IY;;;--;;;:--;;;;;;:;;::.I ~·=·=======1 u •• np IY>• .,. 1·~-.,.... ~!·-~-~.-~yandR·--" .. -... ·-~. L1nd.IC•pl .. _ 6110 r-'-"--B"·~ ·--.. , w··~ • mo pyrnt all due 1Jn!i/1l. C&11' Coml<tla 541-9'81 ~~-·~ --·•· ~ , __ --~ SECURITY OFFICERS "C...,.M...,._~~~--~"-mu tor ...., ... R. E. W•ntod~;:_ _ _.;..62~ 494-3964 ALCOHOUCS Anoeymollll Expert inttallaUon. LANDSCAPERS 1ri:~~Gth ~ 5'1~ FUii nme. SI.75 per hr. Ap. BOAT ::s:,a;:nda~"2~ 63 Phone 5'2-1217 Ol' write to BLANlQNSH[p fl.OORS ATTENTION · • !Jly: 230 E.17th , C.0.ta Me•. · CARPEm'ER .• ___. ,_ Money W1nted SO P .O. Box 1211 eo.ta l'itesa.. "2-1403 541).r.G I need landsc;&Pi"lll:, and "'IQ Chinese live-ins. ~rflll 642-TW for appt. ~ncfd ~~ n,,S:,. ...,~: HARBOR Blvd propm.y ft bldi,: tor retail Ure actlvit)'. 6'0-12:;2 BUSINESS •nd FINANCIAL 9us. Opportunltlos 6300 . -e BEAUTY s/,1.11< e N. end Lagun11 Beach, air cond. 6 stallon1 l'!11lllhl11hed, flnelf'.cq11Jp. 1h1pk p1rklna. $6500."'. ~·ner.· ~ · l."vtl, 49U61'. ONE'• w • ...._ -• trade a 17 tt outboard 111th Permanent. E:xperiencf!d e (Mk 1682 PllcmUa C.M. 598-l403 ~rlenced,a;::::;1 .7_ AnnouncerMntt ·6410 Drifting Se_rv_lco ___ 663_7 bla whee.I tn.Iltt for your Far Eut }.aency &42-8703 e Olshw1sher/lu1boy FRY COOK, rdkt lhlft. O/B M~CHANIC , °'" honest. hard "'OtidQe: am-ATTENTION Des\an-Dtaftinl, elrctro a rvicn. Leta Etl loRIU'ler H.lp Wtnted, Men 7'200 S'URF &. "lRLOIN SWt p Ht. 11 ot· Ovtt Dtrie~. Ptrma!W:nt Job. bltlou~ woma.n tor unique EX·NAVYMEN mech, layout, cktailina. belon )'WI' ~ •uon. 5930 P&clnc Cout Jhr7., NB Cott.are Coffee Shot> Mow to.btautlflll Lab Az. bttr tav~rn in Bf'ach PH· Oean out the old 1t..,bla: PC layout. tape up, Irr Phont 644-4687 CANVAS MAN FRY COOK: Grave y ard 562 W. l9th St., Corta Mesa rowhl!ad! C.U CWMct Tl•: Reply Bo.<t Pll rM. Daily and: help out a pod cauer. tir mu.II. Ken Sr. 67>1191 lb .t'OUR AD ~ CLA.'ISI· Boat covers A topa. Must be shift. 2 11'1 exp. ntt. Ovrr , IENCED Hl-n tom· 337-2501 Pflot. Give your old unUorms rott. nED'!' Somemlt •1JI be f':)(l)tr, ot a.t an appttntfN, 11. $U:O wk to start. Apply ponent aa1ta: 1ralntt11 Salary, NOW I n I • r v I e win 1 _. ~ 2M T .o. Good loc In \ctn: lt·Enl.b:led) to the Sti· Eltetrlc.al 6640 IOOktna for It. Olal ~ 5 days, pod pa,y. CaD ln ptn:in, 562 W. 19th C.M. xtnt turur.. &46-M95 ptfienctd dnllU)', ~' t Co!!tt. ~lellt, 6 ')TS at 8~ Scoutl.. Netd b!ue1, "'hltes, EL E cnuOAN ~. tor quick, ettldcn( Nllllta. Geofle Thorou, 5'8-8T.u/tr FRY (X)()K ew', lhlft. RETJRED man over 50, aalumen. perm an e 11 t preJ, 548-4443 C"VCI-ll!'J·ba:i. etc. "2<5769 bondtd. &uaJl Jobi A1&1tlt. awtGE your wut ad now. e\-'H, 54N95l. Odlu: Rtit.lunnt. 21: :E. l'ftll pvklna lot attnd, no ctrt... mployment. l'Ol' appt. cab SOCK IT TO 'EMl Whlla Eleplwlts'!' A rep&lr. 6'l4203 White elepNntil DlmM·llne DAILY PllDl' WANT ADS! ~ •• CM. "6-3401 tna. Udo tale. Call~ Uf..4657 l.quna 8"dl \ - U DAILY PILOT ~ a ~~!!!!!!!! .tl>KS A liM.-LOYMtJNI Joli a IMl'l.OYMINT IOSS a IM,LOYMINT JOU I '™'LOYMM ME!tCHANOISI l'Olt ME RCHANOl11 POI MlllCHANOISI POlt MlRCHANOISI POR Hol, WonlM, Mon 7200 Help Wantlll. w ...... 7400 , ... Men, Wom. 1500.I• Mon, W-. 7500 SALi ANO TRAD! SALE AND TUOE SALE ANO TUDI SALE AND TUDI -Halp WantH PumJtu,. I0001umltu,. ' IOOO 0.r•SOle I022 Apt11lan-1100 w-7400 . . .. . ,,..,.,,,.,. M1nuf1ct· UNIGARD p c DESIGNERS \?" ~I •ARAGI SALE AJ)ldlRAL Side by ~ .. vrlnt com,.,,y hH Im-SECRETARY Jtd:ri&, 25 OU ft with Lee mediate oponlnrs fw ln1urance Group Spanish ,::';:,'\AM•I= mWr.Mod<lhomedlo'"'7. TlRED OF A LONG \ Saw sui. Don't mla Qdal Turret Lathe Oper. $440. to $545. OO~BfUTE! Ideal Orange County locaUon. There are ten Mecllte MOVING DUnlaPI 1J1S Newport, Un!gard lnlw'anae Group II top level operators for totJ:rformers, faffil. ITOllffn All -ol -· - Cotta Mtaa EXPERIENCED l;ufht Manufacturer'• cottee table. utique plpe,ttt :\'lnt. opportUnlf)' !ot sharp now hlrt~ for our new di-liar with mulll·layer P C rds, with mlc,.... i69 howroom Sampln book cue, beauty ntt do~ An119u• 1110 Precision )'ounc alrl. Elect. l;)rpewr11. villlor1 ortlce optnlnr •PP~· logic components. Prefer minimum of four -er. ahorthand. Ad\•&JIOe-4115/'69 In Hun tine ton years experience. Al Tenlfk S-.,.1 ........ W.H .,., hie btd, l twto tied , 'IVfOUlht VAST Stock Amer 1' Eur Machi"llt rnent opp()'. Beach, on li:dlnger at Beach 8 ' Wood carved arm dJvan, lg. man's chair Iron caodte holder, old mUk tum a: clocks. L a r r y \Vlth ablllt)' to COnldi't.ICI p~ Blvd., juat oU lht San DI-or love seat 5 Pc Octagon dark oak dln a~t e 1• babeb. artltlct.1 Morpn AnUques. 2 4 2 B ea:o Fwy. Thete po1it10lll /bl ck d tr R "· vw ""' <IJood "" totype palil to exacUria tol-PUBLIC AGENCY MOS DESIGNERS w a . or avoca o amed chairsi 8 Pc B, ipe.res) •*• .Ve 6'h 1c 1 Ntwport Blvd., C.M. eranct . wlll requlr. a short tmtnlna IC set. 9-dr Mr. & Mrs. dre.uer, lg mirror, 2 etc .. clothe•, Noe act oi ANTIQUE French ~f1U1tle ExcdJent company FULL Bl!Nl~ITS period of approxlmately one comm~e11 decorative headboard 1n Spanish rit\v dishes tor 4, N.by dolbo clock w/ statue on top. beoeftta pha oVtttlme. month bf O\lr Lot Ana:ele1 oak deSJgn with matching box springs, mat-,., Jo4. Jots ot •tuft, area $15. * 892-8842 ot.tl.et. betor1: tht mow. C&ll Mr. Sylvester, 540-2910 TransportaUon will t.. pro-Able to do a complete MOS layout Iron) logic tress & frame. rug, garbage dlsJ)Mal CrM-AN'I'IQU!: • Decorltor's Apply At : or 162-2ill Mon. thru Fri. vided. diagrams in a newly organized MOS -IC act-Items Sold lndlvldu1lly tor la a:oodl, 1e .. ·1rw ma· ltema, a eomplf'tt hoURluL 1JOO E. Normandy Pl. only. ivJty. Salary commensurate with experience Shop Around -Baloto you buy HO VSI chine, wicke< ,,.,. boud. No dln. Mf>..TTVS. S•nt1 An1 and ability. Plenty of opportunity for .arowtb VALUE $1095.95 -FULL PRICE $529.9S candle'"""'· "'"' •tc. (1 Block north of l\1cfa.dden, SECRETARY lmmtcfl•te Optninsi• fn and advancement. or terms Q low 11 $4.66 per week· MANY ~lL lncl.. I' X Mualcal hut. 1115 %i biock \Veit of Grant.) the fellowln1 1rtt1 Ute Our Store Charge Plan or Bllllk Jl'inan:t, 10• teot. i.nni. raw~ Hl·Fi -Guitar H1edqu1rhu·1 Sttretary tor aales ottiee. Send resume to Phil Chamberlin or call No Fancy Front -BUT Quality Yalu · de '"'""" """ "'"' Hand e NEW and USED e PART TIME Mu!t be 6'.pertence 1.n all Doug Harris; (714) 833-0600 Ext. 2654 ' mower, wheelb&Tow Fendet e Vax e Standel STAnSTICAL undeT' Slmpeon 260 VOM, phase .. of ollice control. \VUl ' . . .. • . lD piece china set, all in e GIBSON e MARTlH Afinimum ap 28 +. Desir-be responaible tor files, ap-DATA xlnt cond. 444 Ehnhunt La. e \VILSON e YAMAHA able tor young mother with pointmenta, records ~ re-. Colla Meaa. ~ Drum H11dqu1rttn llChool a.rl!<I childrm. Four ports. "'ill :\Md!e 110rne cor-Experienced or tralnee In COLLINS RADIO co. e NE\\' and USED e hours dally, five days a reapondence on O\\'n lnitia-fire, and/or ca&ualty stalls-5 PC ~ aulte, ~ Seo-LUDWIG, ROGERS, ASTRO ii·eek. Mon. Fri., 9 to 1 PAf, tlv<?. tlcal roding. Prepan com-. : . ' tiOnal oouch, $30. Kenmore Large selection with new -4 "'Ul """ tor inlf'resting Cldill1c Controls J.Uler in-pi.it &ta In our op-19100 JAMBOREE ROAD washer, $40. Dining table pc. sets and cymbal! 1tart· snles promotion 1Y1lf-m thru erations unit. DeWI tlglft w/chairtl u:i. ·-Mite items. Division of Ex-Ctllo Corp. NllWPORT BEACH JOBS a llMPLOY~NT 1131 Mlchael1 Dr. Apt B, ing al $99.50. Pedahl, hi-ht.la record keeping. Filing exper. 1866 Whittler Ava. work inWlved. ---and sels n!paired. All amall Furniture Huntington Beach. ience, &OOd hand writlni, no Cotta Mesi An equal opportunity employer -IOOO parts, acceuorle1 .I: cymball typln&. $1. 75 hr to a tart, ad· 646-2491 Jebt-M1n, Worn. 7500 GARAGE SALE: N_ew Ir: In 1tock. vance within 45 day1, Post. An rqual opportunity l'OUCY Cutter" Experl1nctd 20 l'c. Maple near new c lolh in1r , EVERYTHING IN MUSIC tions in HunUngton Beach. employer SERVICE furniture, dishes & m19c. Halp Wontad Joff-....IMn, Wom, 7500 Immedlale Opening 3 ROOM GROUP Wed. 19th-Sat 22nd. 9 am Beach Music Center APPLY: Ruth Onnsby, ShPr-The Rigger Prefer at lea.et one year ot Beaci} Drapery Ser\lioe -S pm. aton Beach Inn, 2112 Ocean fitt, casualty or multiple Women 7400 900 W. 17th Street Includes: Living room set . 2257-B Pomona Ave .. CM. Fllctory Sales & Servi~ Ave., Huntlna::ton Beach, 9 line rating experience. Pita-* * Col;ta Mesa. 54G-M64 tables • lamp1 • bedroom 1900 RENAULT. 1*" cordleu Dally 12 noon 'tU I. Sat f..5 Now takina applications aet -quilted mattress r ma. A!l.1-ll AM, Monday 1-farch in Fashion Wand for u.nt phone pertonallty e• EXPERIENCED J . C. Penney Co. SADDLEBACK Inn, Laguna ple ~ room. All for , •• drill, car radlo11;, 4 TV•, 17404 Beach ffivd., (Hwy 391 2'lh. sential, Excellent opportun.. Faahlon I1Wld Beach now hiring general 5449 ~ couch ' mlsc. items. l lh ml. So. San Diego Fwy. tty tor advancement . • Wattresses • •GOMMERCIAL• Newport Beach hotel and restaurant peno~ 924 Evergreen Pl. CM Hw1tington Beach ,.,...,. tNO Pl.JONE CAlJ.. Pl.EASE) nel. Call tor appointment No down • Prntl. only $11 mo. 543--0368 10 AM to 10 PM -Fender Mu1tan'i NEW TELLER Ha. openlns for •94-9436 WElJ('S WAREHOUSE through Sat 22. Guitar A cau. $150. or best CUSTODIAN WORK. Steady EXPERIENCED ONLY POLICY EXP. Land>ocape salesmen 8 RUGS, Imp. Persian otter. 962-4779 men capable of cleaning of-FULL TIME TYPING UNITED CALIFORNIA * COOK * or traintt. Salary + comm; liOO W. 4th St., Santa Ana Design $;22. to $49. Sailboat GIBSON J-50 fice buildl11& ' bank In their Experienced or trainee, mul· BANK With eome opertence and qualified leadl. F r i n 1 e Open Dai13 9 -9 8' Pram $6'9. Lge. Mlmeo v.1th Hardshell case, leifture hours. Write name, APPLY IN PERSON benefits. Call 546-0846 Machlne $19. S n a k e • , tiple line policy t;ypilt 60+ willing to learn our limited Sat.946 SWLll.6 $320 new, S200 or oUer. and phone number lo Box #16 Faahlon l&land Jlzardl, Slot-Car Set. Sat. M~ Daily Pilot. Newport Beach accurately on the electric. ,.,. Hllbo• menu, Competitive wa&f&, A•nci11, Mtn I DESPERATE! Houaetul of Duly. 2221 Holly Lane, NB Eric, 675-5160 after I PM The Ideal position for 10me-Costa Mesa. Calli. outstandlna: beneHtl lnclud. beaut. ?.failtt.: hide-a-bed, "B" Fl.AT Cornet with SAIL BOAT one who like• to type. $46-2033 ma prollt aha.ring. Women 7550 pool table, 8' sofa I< love STEREO, applia.nces, adding cue, $40. "'SALESMAN HUNTINGTON seat. coflee tbl. & 2 end machine, picnic tab I e, 673-263'1 Young, agrreulve. Flbetgla! VALLEY Equal opportunity employer Apply ln penon J/1 n~ort . comniodes, occ. chain, oak cameru, valet, m o d e I Wurlitter Bung. Piano sail boat.I: • in Newport. CONVALESCENT KEY l'UNCH 10 A.M, to 5 P.M. tbl. & 6 chairs, 3 Br. Hts horses, misc. 2002 Baja, The \Vrite Box M 408 Daily Pilot. HOSP. Monday thru Friday personnei incl 1 king size: 2 Bhllfs, (behind Cctli:i Hi.), beautiful tone, $300. or ---NEEDS Career ope:nfn&" for operators BE fHE FIRST credenza.a, lamps, Patio NB best offer. ~. Account•nts with at leut one year ex· agency CELLO for sale, full size, Credit Managers Full Time J. C. PENNEY CO. Fumiturfi, chair & ottoman. FANTASTIC GARAGE HOUSEKEEPER perience on Alpha ' Neu. McOONALDS is hirin1r All very nice. 87G-l.208 SALE! Furnitu r e, ap-Lyon & Healy. Xlnt tone. Adminl1tr•tive Trneas meric IBM equlp'mt. Day COUNTI}R Women to work Prof111ional S1rvice 20 PC. MODERN pllnnces, tool!. • po r t l n g $250. 592-5134 CALL BOB. MS-7796 8382 Newman Ave., H.B. shill. Monday thru Friday 11 am-24 FHhlon Island for the emplay1r goods. much more. Sat 10-4. ARGUS AGENCIES •42-5'51 2 pm. Uniforms tunti&hed, An equal opportunity and the applicant 3 ROOM GROU~ 2141 Bayport Way NB ~1&0rv1n1 1130 1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. Exce11ent 1fte benefits. Per-!ree mea!A. employer Ul Dover Dr., N.B. SECRETARY manenl, steady ~:ork. Our APPLY IN PERSON * * Includes: Floral sofa a: ~ EXCITING """"'"' • New Pianos • Help W1ntld policy ii promotion from 642-3170 549-2743 • walr.ot tables -lampa • Clothes like new a: new Womon 7400 within. Your future I• deter· McDONALD'S . complete bedroom with quill '" Siz.e1 5 thru 12. Fri. WURLITZER & BRADBURY E."'Cpl!rienced person needed 6561 Edincer Schools-lnstrudlon 7600 ed mattreu -5 pc, dlnetta, .l Sat. 10 AM-6: 30 P?of. 106 All styles • finishes. all to manage office of small mined entlttly by you. New SELL FAMOUS American made, 88 note, del modern o.Hlct', friendly, Huntiniton Bu.ch etc. AD for •. , Via Lido Sood, 675-3723 EXPERIENC~D bU&lness in Newport Beaeh. pleasant atmo1phere. KNAl'P SHOES LIFETIME Gift, $277 TABLES, Beds, deskll, many w-hench & twled. Prlce stai:t- General Stcfttarial I: Book· typewriting. Children, Ing at $499. kttping experience required. LEGAL SECTY grandchildren, or yourself! No down. Pmts, only $10 mo, fine things must go. Sat Wurlitzer OrcJans e ESCROW e Salary open Send re'ume lo * Your O\VD bu.sine.ss full Individually tutored WElJ('S WAREHOUSE &: Sun, 2019 Pomona, Apt : SECRETARY Box 537, Balboa.. For Details and App't. Calif exper, !or Trial Attny. or r.art-time Chilcoat 10 les!IOns typing D. e NEW e ' NEED OFFICE GIRL for Call Collect Top skllla $600 to $750 Fee * Liberal on the 1pol school. 173 Del Mar, CM, UOO ISLE, Total h&uaehold Many other makes. ?ofa.ny iUNITED CALIFORNIA gen. bkkpg. Prefer exp'd,, PERSONNEL Paid. Also Jee jobs, commll1io1ll 540-2859 riOO W. 4th St., Santa Ana &: clothlnr. Great barga.lna. style• • finilbes. Pri<:o> I BANK (213) 384-1213 MISS EXEC AGENCY * No depo1it or invtstmenl Open Dally 9 • 9 121 Quito. 673-7611 mrtat o" acctg. ma.ch., adding WANT To speak French like ma ch. • typewriter. Pd . 41D W. Coast Highway * Free bonua and a nativt! Then come to Sal9 -& Sun.11 -6 GUNS, .Antiques, old turn. $595 3141 E. Coast Hwy vacation, b'tt hosp. plan, UNIGARD Newport Beach 6'&-393ll lnaurance plan ""' French Convenation Furniture returned from dis-Tool.I, ml!c. equip, Sat I. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Coron• del Mir good wage1. 3 tiJ1 ofti~. * Free actual amples ClasaeA M2-Q60 play rtudki1, model horne1; Sun. 1572 Indus C.M. Beach Music Cenler INSURANCE GROUP . 671-9240 Apply in person Young It EXP.TELETYPE -It PIANO LESSONS *· decoraton cancellation. GAR. Sale, all must go. 605 LAne Tire Co., Inc. 188 E. CONTACT Spanish &: Mediterranean etc 17th, 1ulte l-C, C.M. I CLERK OPERATOR for beginners, in my RD FURNITURE lOth St., H.B. 536-1616 Sat Factory Sales I: Servlc:. Equal opportunity employer Stock brokeraae firm in La-\VALLY ERVIN home. Call 830-0791 a.ll day or call before. Daily 12 noon 'til 9, Sat 9-5 SALESWOMEN a:una a.rea needs atturate ME RCHANDISE FOR 11144 Newport Blvd., CM oLD fashion obsolete keen 17404 Beach Blvd., U·lwy 39) GERMAN LADY Immediate openings in our operator. Hours 6: 30 to 3. Knopp Shoes, Inc. SALE AND TRADE every night Iii 9 tl\lnirs. . ,. Buick, skis, l Y. mi. So. San Diego Fwy • So, Coast Plaza shop for JR. Position involves Company 0-1,,,,. benefits. \Ved., Sat. &. Sun 'IU 6 e\lrlbrd, 2417 Valencia, S.A. Huntington Beach 847-1536 \\Ve are looking for a mature fashion-minded, mature aal. detail work, maln· \Veli establlihed !inn. Mod-of ca:ifornia Furniture 1000 2 PC SEC .• 9' each $500. GAR.AGE Sale: Almost PIANO a ORGAN I 1a<1Y who can speak a.nd eswomen. salaty + comm. tenance of files and em new office. Salary open. 6401 E. FLOTILLA STREET 20 PC. "MADRID" l lounge chr $95. 1 bdrm evtrything lmag"inable! Sat BARGAIN HUNTERll j type German fluently. Immediate openlfll, .tend re· • Should have some otflct ex-Good future. See Mias Dor-some lite typing. EAST LOS ANGELES, group, cheall & delk, $50. I. Sun . 9-5 1675 Tustin, CM. Orange County's lariest othy at CHRIS', So. Coast sume tG Box MB55 Daily CAIJFORNIA 90022 3 Room Group 644--07'3 '; perience and a pleuant way Pilot. MAJIE offer or we' 11 stock ol new & used 1 .tth our customers, Full Plaza, C.1.f. COLLINS SUPERVISOR FROM MODEL HOMES GCLD 8' 90fa &: love teal. b&rsain! All must IQ. Great Pianos &: OJ'lran1 I time job, Call Mr. P:tahter or • l\ledic&l Secrt:Wy • Includes: Qulltai sofa It Quality construct ion buya. 613~~ Narcissus, CdM. Spinet Pianos !rom • • S~ ! ?lfl'5. Schmitt at TRANS See BettY Bruce 1t Experience in convalescent WILL TRAIN chair -2 end tables a: cof. rv;arfle:ic cushlona, xlnt cond. NEW deluxe range le oven, Baldwin Organ • . • . . • . • $388 ; GLOBE Tt:..veJ Bureau. mi66Gxec RADIO CO. home or Blue Cross. feo'! table -2 lampa -dttu-$550. 642-5TI6 dre1!ll!r, chellt of drawers, Oi.ickering Plano ...... $74S Knowledge ot Medicare and I 646-S(Xl; Medical billlnp; &lao book· fl.tinimum a1e 30. Growing er -mirror -headboard -2 SECTIONALS •• Each. desk. 9 to 5. 962-1428 Conn Caprice Orrnn I · MOTHERS orianW.tlon will train to o~ quilted box ~ &: matt· Light Green $75. Gold Club Save ................... $400 Agency for Caren Girls 19700 JamborH Road keeping, trial balance& etc. erate &: superviR interest-ftll -5 pc. dining room; Chair $30: like new. ~ Appli1nct1 1100 a.11 Wurlitzer & Conn fioor ischool -home ro-ordlnat1na: 410 W. Coast Hwy., N. B. Top wages. Prefer older 1 work. Ten to thirty hrs a Newport 8t1ch peraon or handlCll.pped. Box ing sales 1)11tem thru record table & 4 hi-back chain. BLUE Naugahyde lounge, sample1 sreatly reduced! By api:lnt. &f6.m.I kMpinr. Driving -""· COMPARE AT $749.95 Low bank tent\5 l -.·eek. School, Church, or 4-ll ?tl-508, Daily Pilot car allowance. Must be per-$399 perfect cond. $35. Chair $20. e SPECIAL PURCHASE e No down payment \work helpM. Excellent earn-PAYING and Receiving Equal oportwlity employer 2 WOME..~. rook le cook's aona.ble, attractive I. alert. 64f.-353! Refrigerators, automatic Gould Music Compilny q, if accepted. Call Jim Teller w/some Note Dept. helper. Small prlvatt Filing experience eaaentW.. No down-Pmta only $16 mo. RCA Coloru.J 1tereo, wasben: Ii: other major ap-»15 N, Main, Santa Ana j Burgard 9 A.M, to 1 P.M. exp, prev. banking exp. school. Houn 9: 30 AM thru RaplC: advan«'ment. WELK'S WAREHOUSE AM/FM, Ilk• ..,w. nis pllancea from model homes So. of Freeway 547.o681. : 835-4044. deaired. Security Pacific BE THE ARST 2:30 Pt.1 Alon thru Fri. Call (roll $800). \Valnut. co ... at fantastic discounlli! No Open !\ton & Fri eves 'tU 9 · Sharp C1rur Gali National Bank, La1una r..tr Welch 847-2655 10 AM Appl.Y: Ruth Onn1by, Shen.-temporary dining room set, Down. Wt service. See at: Sunday 12 lo 5 ISectys, Oerk Typi11s, Gal Niguel Branch. 495--4501 thru 2 PM Wttk days only. 600 W. 4th St .. Santa Ana 3 leaves, padding, 6 chairs, FOSTER'S :f.lcDONALDS " h Ir Ing ton Beach Inn, 21120 Ocean Open Daily 9-9 1TIJ5 Broolhurst, Ftn Valley Fri.days, Reep ts, Jlkkprs. NEED part-time COUNTER \Vomen to \Vork Ave., Hunt. Sch. 9:30 am· Sal '"' SUn ll-6 buffet, $2:ZS. 837-4361 (So. of We.mer) 963-1234 I ! FIRE SALE I I RN1 A LVNs. Both fee I fee housekeeper & child can 1-tonday thru Friday ll am· T 1lephon1 Reception U :OO am Monday, March 24. SPANISH Returned .from FABULOUS Round bed It. paid jobs. ToP co'&! Call r.ton, Wed. Fri, 8:30-5:00. 2 pm. Unirorms fuml.!ihed, Work. Call 10 AM to (No Phone Calls P1ea1el quilted hdbrd, S200. FREE GE Refrlgetator, bottom Doris, 548-7196 Emerald Bay, L 11. &" u n a . Model Hom.es on sale at gpread, pads, dee pilloww, tree:rier. Frost free In food our gorpou.s now ,,.,.., ARGUS AGE NCI ES 1ree meals. 1 P.M. 541).2034 less than wholesale! Group section. N,w compressor burned! The piano1 & or-494-0092 APPLY IN PERSON SALESPEOPLE include1 beautiful 96'. etc. Medi. trtple chst mirror unit, 1 yr 1""1'antee on seal-1869 C Newport Blvd., C.M. MATURE Saleslady, Exp. & 2 stands, $1SO. 6.f.~llll gana sulfered no water dam- 811uty Coun•tlor1 McDONALD'S Ladles' Apparel Shop Bl quilted sofa a: love seat. ed uniL tknmac, whlte. qe, but they art amokey, 1 -Upholatery Seamstress COSMETICS. Xlnt earnin1t. 16.SOO Beach Blvd., Full or PIT Call Collect s SpaniBh oak Micorator MOVING. Elegant antique Dunlap•, 1815 Newport, dirty, dusty &: 1cratchy, We 1 -Drapery Seamatreu flex. hn, no canvus, 65 l{untin1ton Beach E':es. aft. 7 PM. 492-3971 P ART TIME, DAYS, FOR tables, swag or table lamps, white 9 drawer triple cheat Costa Meaa. moved them all bl.ck to our , Experienctd. App. in pers. 5195. Work Ne1r Home PART Time Sec. (Mondays) SPRING PROMOTION wall plaarue, ldng, queen, &: 2 matching bedside CHE.51' FREEtER. S cu ft old location & marked every-l Jotwisen &: Chri.stenaen or lull 1Ue bedroom .WU! credenu.s like new $275. 398 W. 16th St. H.B. MEDICAL ASS'T • .\c<:ounlln&/Bkkps Prh•ate club Write Box 1117, complete incl OOx sprinp, 673-4822 $50. Gu or fectrlc dryer thing at FIRE SALE PRJC . Back oUice, experienee In • Secretarial Ne..,,l'Ort Beach, 92663 Apply Pel'IOnnel OU\ct', $55. Auto wa9her $58. All ES! So, U YoU dig that "Old ' Comer of 16th a: Monrovia. mattttss. llnens .I: boudoir {BABYSITTER needed evuy EKG, X-ni.y, Injection &: lite e Rtteptlon WANTED P.totel ma.kl, S day 3rd noor, 2 lo 4 p.m. lampa, Spanish oak 6 pc LIKE New Beige-naug btd iuara.ntttd. Coast Electric Time Smol-ey FI av or", tab. PH. 847-2547 •Typists lolonday thru f'rlday divan $ 1 2 5 . OveNtufied Service Dept. ~2486 come ' 1et 'em, and a l day or every othtr day for Superior A11ncy \\'ffk. Experience not dining ael priced elsewhere royal blue I. avoe&do gm prices you won't believe. r. \\ttk or 2. (2 children). SALESWO~fAN ~wk -Establllhed 1946 neceuary. 540-85n 'The Broadway •• approX. $1195.00 ALL chair .l tr& match'g ot· O'KEEFE dlxe 40" pa WARD'S BALDWIN Slt1DJO 333-2935 !Irvine) time in store. Some eveninJ 1857 Harbor Bl, ·Coa:ta Mna LIVE In Houaekeeper, full FOR ONLY $39!1. $~ down, toman $175.. 548-6SA7 n.nge, dble O'.'en, brlt, l!Ol. Newport. C.M. ~2-1434 GOOD opportunity tor live-in V.'Ork. Hickory Farms, 1062 Call tint 642-TI41 time: motherle• home, NB $4.~ per ·,,Mic / out of QUAL. Kng Sile. bed w/ minder, lr"i!e. &tau lhetl, housekeeper. 2 Adulll: San-Irvine, NB ..... ' teenagers. a.~ 47 Courts of F11hlen state """"' OK. W 111 quilted mattreu, co m p . cream .l chrcme. $85. HAMMOND • Steinway '""· ta Ana I.JU. Salary. GENERAL orncE Girl • DOMESTIC HELP nnrrv. ~ before 9 FASHION ISLAND .epa.rate tor qUick We. 20tb Never used $98; Y.'Ol'th $250. _.....,.,, maha • new I: used pl&no& stl-611! Ttlephone .,, .... ,.,,,. • All kinda! }lou.ekttptra, am or aft 7 pm. Newport B11ch Century Fumltutt, 977~ ,.,_ KENMORE AUTOMATIC of all makel. Best buys in ,.,. ' order taking. Over 21. Ph: Cooks, Ma.kh Ir. Companklnl, SEWING m11.chlne operator Garden · Gn:iw "Blvd ., WASHER So. Ca.llt. righl here. \VO MAN to c•r< '40-9373 ·Reference• Hq, Fee & Fee Garden Grow Daily 1().9, COMPL. hou&e f'Ull of ex· late model, excellent cond. SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., children qes 10, I a: 1. for sample& & production. An Equal Opportunity LI 1 ht NURSES FOR PRIVATE Ptld Job&. C:..11 Mia Abby, cxper. Margie Webb, 209' Employer Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 Come pensive decorator tum. Len $4D. * ·U7-811S 1907 N. Main, Ll~ln oc o"L in or call (TI4) 53l)..5240 titan 2 yn old. Moving muat Santa Ana bourc·kCt"plng. 839-2742 aft. Dtn"Y All types, all shittA, .... Tllltl S. Coast Hwy, Laguna Bch GAS atove • 30" Hardt.'ick, 3 ARGUS AGENCIES gacrlfiee. ril-3031 ' 7 Pt.I fo<' hosp. &: ho m e. MUii 1889 C Nnrport Blvd., C.M. SALF.S lady, ... :JO to IS. 17 Pc. Kln9 Sin LOVELY while wroua:ht ll,"On )'Ul'I old. Immaculate • WANTED: Pianos 1. Orpna. \VOMEN to help' aab:t mt have ref'1. Call 6(2...9955 full tirM, children'• 1tore R11I E1t1te Sales Bedroom brel.ldaat table 1 ti, $7'. looka like bta.nd n e w • Cub paid . DENTAL As1l1tant, chair a SUPERVISION I: So. Coot Pl.ua. Appl,y 650 Min & Women 646-1"3 * 6J6.3<:JO * In my bulineaa. New firm 646-1371 9Jl!nins in thia arca. For 11de:, I" N•wport Stach SALES WORK e D St. Tustin. Expandtn,: qaln. Office # Larp 9 drawer dresser, mlzl. COIN-OP. auto. w a• ht r . MAlfOGANY Spinet Phu». \ntervlew c a J 1 M&-5536 area. X-Ray exptr. de11red. Full time. Miut bavt neat BOOKKEEPER. pennanent, 4 OPlnlnp av&Uable for ror, 2 bedlkle at&nda, kin1 SACRl}'ICE, 2 McGuire tted Comp!. t"M:Onl.'t. Like ftew. Xlnt eond. Private party. bttwnn 10 am • 4 pm. To apply, Ph: OR 3-1166 appearance, able to detl part time, $75 mo. Equal licensed men Ir. women. r~ atie headboard, frame, quilt· chain, CUJtom uphol1te:red, $1.lS. Guan.ntttd. CESD ... 645-0008 • with people-. Apply in pt'l'-1ta.nl lncome 6 tn.lntns. Bill ec" mattreas, sheeta, blank· like new STS. each. 673--4822 ......... R.111 E1t1t1 S1ln DRAPERY WORK nooM opportunity emplO)'eJ'. YM· MUELLER &; Haines Spine! '°"· Gallow \Y• ; pr Inc Realty, ets, etc. BEAUTIFUL bltl.ck wrou&ht Min & Womtn r mm~ openingl for d!'l.Jlf'TY CA, 494-!M31 tot' appt. 1·10 CU FT refrigerator, A-1 Upright PhulO. 1175. Call v.'"Ofi(. all phun. ~ Holiday HHllh Spa ...... ,. Choice of Spanllh iron dinette 1et w/6 chrl, Cond. $40. No calla aftet ~1M4 aft 3 pm. _,.,,,,. ...... Ollioe # Beadl Drapery Sttvlot. 2300 llarbor Blvd., C.M. WOMEN to polish It muk or Atodem Style $80. S46-n47 3 pm 5'IM267 4 ope.W.S • ...naw. fr. nbtral•• molct1. Apply w. MATURE couple to m.ant.p All For $249 - llctnMd mtft " wamm. In-BABYSJTI'ER ..nttd, CdM T\YO chUdrtn, 31 mo. Ind D. SchOck Co .. 3S02 s. ..... to ... Cotta M•M Office Furniture I010 16' REFRIG, troll free, bot· Tol1vltlen 120S --6 "'""""· "' I.NL 1: 30 to 5 PM Mon 10 tnol nttd ('f.n, 11 hr GreenvUle. s.nta Ana. Bl"f'L 32 unlta. Children ac-No down • Pn\tl. onl)' S9 mo. tom fren!f', cost $375. ct.,.., ' dQS/wk. Oloo <X>LOR TV's -Ct I. RCA Gafdnn'. Sp r I 111 Reel_,,, lhru Fri. Y oar home or mtne child ,,...,, com~ion. SALESLADY: Man havo cept1ble. 6.15-4U1 WELK'S W ARfHOUSE • l'T. Ettcud"" ..... A SacrUke $225. 673-3tlJ1 • Trade tn•A le rtpouu1ionl -tiT.1-1350 --· exp. 1n better dreues. su.lb OlDER Couplt-to tMl\l.lf matching t&blt', uphol.Jtered DLX Hotpoirt Port .. CbooR from 9 model&, BASYSfriER '~1antld for S.5 WA.ITRE.SS. PU'l lime • coatl. Sal I: comm. Gd ~ adult unita, llunUnaton ltlO \\1• 4lh St .. Santa Aha awtvcl chair W.O. 61)..l]JO, Dtahwuher l -yr old, 1->T /Illy ......... Hd -prlced -wk. Fkxlbl• houri, D>YS OVER 21 CALL DESPERATELY need PBX, \\wk. cond.'1. 673-2990 Beach No pets. 111.1 chlldnln. Open DaUy 9 • 9 ~ oontnct $90. 513-4757 tW ritht for qukk 1 a I e • twn trul. M-2867 '4s.9863 clerk typb1, Jr. Sec ., PO.'< AM. Serv. woman ov. .. ,_..., ~t.9.6 ~n.11.6 -D\l\lapa, l!U N e.., JI or t , R.effp. It Jr. ~. 0111<0 Equipment 1011 e DLX Hotpoint 11 cu' ~aMt111. WANTED: Waltrtu, --MAID P/liml!. -in Plt'aM' ..,p1, M!!'rchantt 25. F1ex. bn. Exp'd. prd'd. BLUEPRINT SHOP requl"9 * $29.44 * -rdJir, ~ be!<>"·, llke ttrM. Apply Cout Cafe, zm ...... Hu.ntqton Sham Penolmel, 6'5-2TJO qtncy. Call 53&--8Ml bluellne trimmer open.IOI'. For 3 Plf!ce Br.aided T YPE\YRl'•ER-Elec new, Siie! ·673-4135 EMERSON Comb . !< ...... Blvd., CM. Motel 21002 Ocet.n Hwy. HD ORTltODONTIC aultta.nl UVE in mature womM tor 540-9313 a OVAL RUG srl' e R.oyaJ. Off. Mod. w/wide * KENMORE WASHER * Stereo/Color AM/FM , nnn'AL a*tant ow.r Z. BADYsnTER nHded I: llle over 21, e.Xperie:nced pre:ftt.. pnl ~ a: meala. HOW'S THE Nylon blend, reYe!'lible, ca.rr S50. 2312 Newport. NB. Run& l!:itctllent $4$. Nf'w. Med. Cab. Lt. WalnuL Ol'll sarwet'Y· )tUlt tab and houte ... Jllnl. My home, ITd not ~aaary. Wiii tn.ln Pr\ room. ~S.6, ~o Brown, coppertone, pttn, 61;.1393 * &C-0931 • $400. 173-<59!1 (JIRL for A..a.nt Garde llln\a. own tnJvPOrtaUon. ~ua quick lntelllaent girl. u (; ENERAL oHJce work, part TIME FOR Sizes: 8x10, 2x 3. 2 x 6 Ell!drlc Drytr, exc:ellent RCA :Ir Portable eolot TV rud X-nyt. ~m9 Wanled : CHAIR SIDE S-3137 time tor Archlte<.1'1 office QUICK CASH AL'S UNUSUAL HouMhold Goods I020 conditton. $40. 1969 model w/rem. a::intral Ontma .. X ~717 DDITAL ASS!STANT G iru.. lo care for 2 boys Newport Be•ch. M8-W2 THROUGH A FURNITURE FOR &lie, llv11'111'. 968·2Ui0 I: ll•nd tii(I. 962-5o:U Ph.-1i8Sl Beach Blvd. rm OOlll'T !P'I I 1ttl), ttt aft schl, m.r Mme 2: 45-5: 30. till> S1 !N Nt!:VJoJ' 4ETS ••• turn i I u re, relrign'alor, lS YOUR AD IN CUSS:· Nt:W 23" Pa.clwd·Bell CQior ftlcl Glib w II Mfb l &.tAm ovtr 30. i>t~•nent mua:c have own c.r. Vic Cl ... lfled '1 octtoo _ ... DAILY PILOT lluntlnaton Seacfl 112.-wa.shln& machlnt:, dothes nt:DT ........ "'11 boo TV. Sctlldia mod e l . Dolt1 1'11<11 -··d• port-llme,ldll'•/-k. E. l!llh • Ra ymond . rtr n ad to R1l uwnd WANT AD DAILY Pl!.Dr WANT ADS dtyt'r, ttc, 54~8 ot 3012 I-fOr It. Dial SG-611> Sacrifice lot WA), 5&-41• M2"'11 Sl.i'5 br. 49M52J. . •7>.1.3ll eta:,... M6-&46 em tht cloclt. d1ll IO«l'I. Dial~ Coolldi!'. Apt 27, C.M. tor qutck, .m.dtftr r'Mllta. DAILY PIU11' WANT ADS! . ' . I -·-·--·-_,,___ ... ~ ...... ·-·-· ........ ··-·---------~------.......... ·-···1-----.. ---·-~ ----' ' ---~ . .,. ----· ---· -~~~~~~ ·-~~-.. -."~"~··"·••N-•~··"···"-~~"-·~··-"..., ....................... ~ •• " ............ =·=•"'~"""' ... '~·-·~"""":oe..., ••• ~, •• _,r•••N<rF ... •~-........ c ........ ~~S~Sl!ll!!N~i·S~L&lll'?~l frfdll>, 111r<11 21, 19611 DAILY PILOT U TRANSPORTATIOHN""'i-~iiMN;Aii;i;5jijjlii'fi'HQJrlir'i11AHSiiiliiiPOiffii'llTi'lA'1T'il! )jf'=i IRCHANDISI FOR SALi AND TRADE Hl·fl & Stereo 1210 STEREO 1009 Sotid ata.te deluxt COflllOle sle¥'e0, A spd changer. !Aft on Ia.r away. Pa,y otf remaining b& ance of $76.00 or tenns. Credit Dept. 535-7289 Sporting Goods 1500 ----27G-?..lodel 721, '"lnchesttr bam!l, Remington bo!t· aq. tlon, 14'man -OC 600pe, }\ed Field mount, plt11 strap. Barely used. $135. BOlld. 8'6-9207 SURFBOARD Manutaclurer moving, mtal sell all boards in stock. Used boards, all sizes S55. maximum. 815 W. 18th St., Co6ta Mesa bRAND new multl~lored T APERFLF.X SL AL 0 fif v.·ater ski Never used $65. 64!>-29JB WANTED: x.Country spec. !ki touringequ i pme at. 64&-4801/67l-~16 Mi1cell1neous ATIENTION TREASURE HUNTERS 1600 Gardiner electronic transis- tor metal det~tor, mbdel 200, J\.ia."{ range 4 ft. \Vill aacrillce for $75. Call 646· 1987 aile1· 8 p.m. NITTED FABRKS MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOR I MERCHANDISI FOR SALE AND TRADI SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE Ml1?C1ll1noou1 1600 Mlsc•ll•n-1600 . FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ----·- Boats & Yochlt Inventory Adlut::nt PUBLIC .... ~:: .• ~~P.M. o,. • .,,,. S..,tt.'t .... EVERYTHll,IG MUST BE SOLD I NEW * NEAR-NEW * ANTIQUES Ml1c. complete Ht• of • China e Clock• e 'Mirrors e P1lntings e Lamps & other Goodies • •Color TV'• • Stereos e Combos (I.ate Model1) e Dining Room Sets e Game Sets e Dinette• • Chinas • e Servers e Finance With Good Credit Master Charge & BankAmericard AOK Commission Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. l Block Wes! of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. •~n.tE: male Gemwt Shep; 6~ yn., blk 4 tan. Nttdl loll of run'r rm, loVH rklln(r, pl!Q'S b&ll. Very &OOCi Witch dOi. Sll-ll90 btfl &::.! p.m. only 3122 FEMALE Boston Tenicr also 6 mo. old part Bolton Terrlet to good home. 12'1 Williams Aven ue, Hun tlngtou Beach. 53&610 3/24 "SNOCRER" pups (codcer & Schnai.µer) 8 wl{ black mllle, lo good home , children pretemd. 491-tCIS 3/24 FREE Puppies: sma ll, Bo.!iton Terr ie r, Bull mother, 64Ul.3l a.ft 5 p.m. 3122 ''BARNEY" 2 yr old lovable male child's dog needs a good home. Phone 642-2124 NEWPORT ONLY I I 12 Mete1 12' Sloop, a.ipa 9, Vtr)' fut, comlortablf! $?1,- 000 32' OUI Sloop, fut, niaged Owner must sell! Wpt!ct lo front ot: our office. l.&k!..'l& ......... ... • .. ..... $10,500 28' C.ol 28, bow & ctern put plt, Ute 11.nes. radio, a.skin& ...................... S9000 32' Grande Spt.fish, fast A in top shape! Under D>,000 4S' CC Tri-cal!', ts.bsoluteI¥ in beaut cond! G~at vr ~.,t!.on I: ll ve-a.board boat • $27 ,000 37' Fast Crw: steel Yawl, has been to Ha"':l.i.I. Bull! in llolland. Great for fitexico ••.......••.••..•• $!:;.ooo DAVID L. FRASER Call: Chuck Av1>cy 3424 Via Oporto, Newport 673-6252 .. 494-3916 Ewa. 3'' GRAND Banks DJ.,.I e l2xS9 •20 ,3 •2.~.l Crulttr, tully --Incl h ~· radar. m.&'IH to 7 pm. e t2x4S e 20x4S e 24xSS -e 12xs2 e 20xs1 •241S7 Spoo6--Skl lotlt 9030 e 12xSS e 20xss e 24160 -----e l2x60 e 24.x43 e Osed ™' w..icmt ooly, 10' Wides · The perfect fiberal&I CJUt. Are YOU 1hopping for any boud lor Salt A Sea, tbe of the above siled mobile cuan, wbtrtYCt )'OU want hornet! U ao, why not stop a l T tt to perform ln rouah ln where you can SEE and "'alel Ol apttd on flat INSPECT all of nl'.ESE water. Asklna $700. Sat only SlZES and ?ifORE. at $500. Mt-4681 &U...f980 ulienevolent Ben" & 15· m'YLECRA.FT w/trlr, 11Smilin1 Sam" w 1 I l ?.Jere 58 h.p. e~. $695. show you how your dol· Phone u g..a Jars buy more at: ========= '"The Slin ot the Marine Equip. 9035 Friendly Ticer'' G-M c-,-'-_, I .;._R e-c •• -ti y T"1ger Mob'1le Overhauled, needa 10me \Vork to C.Omplete A-Trana. H Sac. $1,000. Eves: 513-2519 omes Boat Sllp Moorln9 9036 S/22 12362 BEACH BLVD. PLANTS, You Dlg S.I. or FREE PIR!un":~"..':.. DoekH-~·'-°'. ..... Garden Grove Sun. Oleander, Btle/Brusb. ... '6..... &U'UUUl Phlox, Succulents 1627 Anita BOATJNG * 213/~1036 * TEL. 537·9251 Ln l!B e BALBOA p . ula _.... "% J\.tl. No. or G.G. f'\vy." . eruru ' ...... m at the S}pt or The FEAfALE Cocker Spaniel 4 cou RSE for 4D lo SS'. Call 53&-4953 F'rien<ily 'tiger yrs old. AKC Registered lo -Kil-New 1i-1oon•Fleetwood ta-inily with older children. Boat ServlcH 9037 New and Us~ 646-0440 3/24 BY ~ 10x55 PENTJIOUSE. A1um LOVING mixed 2'As yr. dog Coast Guard Awdliary ~ra~ge ~oa~ ~~"' awnlng, furnillhed. \Vants nu hm w/ chldm st.BJ'ls ThW"S. 7:30 PM ....,mp ete a ces $2850. 645-1519 ?i1arch 27 by: Experienced, High lo love her. 842-7829 blwn Corona del 1.lar High School Quality Marine Personnel. 8x32 DECK, Metal AWJlin& lG·Z 3122 2101 East BluU Di ive • llnul outs, aail &. power & Storage, Very Neat. 333 !llINIATURE Schnauzer, ex. e 24 llr. Emergency service l.:W:.:Bay:=:St:.:S=p,:1:9:C:M:.== cellcnt •.vlth chi ldren . 11' BAY BOAT * 675-2460 * 1~ 540-6337 3/22 Like new .•••...••• try $1495 847 Bayside Drive, Newport Motorcycln 2 9 k Id f ma1 . COL 29 ... : .... $9950 675-2460 or 675-2641 --------, \rec o e e puppies. Jn'---..1 Loaded• ========= 1968 HONDA, 1,000 rnile1, ~vab1~o00~2sn Smart 312~ eP:cW'1C'.fACi-IT'SALEs9 8oat·Y1cht ~~tt condition. $175. 3446 Via Oporto, Newport Chirters 903t or Friday A Sa.l\U'o t300 9500 lm!!!!rtod Autoo HOO 1962 O!EVROLET ,,,.""•i ___ D_A_TS_U_N_. __ 1 II 100 pie .... tnock. S' bed, '67 DATSUN WAGON automatic U'iJllnlUaion, VS ~. raWo, Mater, bla; Radio, Jt~ater, all the Xtr:u, nibber. $99!1. Dealer. 18S35 couldn't look or rao briltt. ~Blvd. llunt Beach. PW™1l $1595 '62 ECONOLINE Ford Pick· ~ HARBOUR m up, nrw tltta. ~ :"JEEP FC110 pl:;~ VOLKSWAGfN ... wheel drive, hubl, iood mnd. $800 t9'--0386 Authorized •65 Q{EVY Van, R/H, needi Sale& and Sertnu some body work. $850. 18'11 l Beach Blvd. 8G""'35 * ~1335 * ''4 D11t1un Pickup 4 Spd, dlr, radio, red paint Joopo 9510 -now .tlr<L l>O '67 . IRONCO Cuh "'1'-or take ..... foreign Cf!' in trade. L.B. Hardtop VE'7. 521, call Ken, ""'9173 6 eyl, 4 Wheel drltt, rta.r .;.o_r .;.----------· Rat, radio. Hu hffn only ''7 DATSUN PICKUP once to the hllla! ! Sl995. % T. 4 spd1 dlr, radio A beat. l79-608B er. ExctlJent COl)ditioa. all orlgfnaJ, Own~ b)' little 'ale Ca~rs 9520 man In Laguna. ISO CUI> A·.:c.11:.,-69-Mod--t-,ll--'I delB or take foreign car ln ., trade. Will fine prvt prty. Now Here LB PTB 904, pan Km, 494- Save extra S on our T;rutk· 9T13 or M>0634 ~pe~~:~m. Chuste '6t DATSUN ' Model.a, SeU-Coritained Unltl, Bil sedan. 96 bp, overbead Al: Camper Actes!IOries in cam ell& .• dlr, 4 spd, radio. Sloe.Ir. heater, W'llVI tires. loaded! C11m-r Cle11r11nc• 2800 miles, under W:tor:Y r-warranty. Bal $1775. Take of 1968 El Dorado, Four S15 cash de!s or older car. Wlndl, Scotsman and Gold· L.B. YNWi:.17. can after 10. line models at 4.94-9TI3 * Big Dftcount1 * I'°~'-"-·---=~-$ Years Financirig On DATSUN '66 Sta. W6, Xtr. ApProved Credit 4-SP. 86 HP. 38,000 Mi. ~ CAMPER RENTAIS w /Blk Int. $895. 646-&.lT '66 DatJun station wagon. VFOR SALE Remnants, samples & Mill ends Sat. Only 8 a.m. to 2 'p.m. 929 Baker, Costa l\.fesa. Tl1'f'ANY Sterling, 6 place- selUngs, ll piece! per liet· ting, plus acl.-essory pieces, sin1plc design, "G" ntonogram, $225, area 213 436-1962 Miscellaneous 1600 EASTER Bunnies, all colors, 24 llour Phone •• 673-1579 _:..;cc.;;:;.:: ___ '-'. -'--"-day. 7 \\'ks old to good homes. Comina CUSTOM DL.X K 41 CAL 24 fur CHARTER ,;;;;;;-..,.;;:;;,;;;;;-:;;-::-;== ISpecial winter rates, Make 540-7370 3/Tl -... 1968 SUZUKI 80 c.c. Hardly )'01.U' re1ervatlons today! r le: h. private party, Call 645-1405 SURFBOARD Fast F u n 7'10'' Shaped by Phi l Edv.•ards in Islands, Cost $200. Ne\\'. Sell $10 0. 644-0785 Silver Fox Jackel BOGARDUS YACHTS $25 d1y. $150 wk. broken.in, like new $265. Inc LG Red\\'ood Cross. 4'x8' you 31' Dsl Cutter '64 ••.• S9995 * 842-7528 * new approved helmet, BIRDS o! Paradise *** J()'' INDUSTRIAL duty l'Cnlove, located 2411 E. Cit 20' Fiberglas Ketch ,, $l500 6-12-7382 Healthy 'blooming we 11 Radial double arm saw, H1vy, Cdi\l. 548--5954 3i'l2 28' Chrlli Connie •59 ,,,, $6500 Aircraft 9100 1966 B.SA Llghtnlng, cUstom. t>st.ablished 2 plants to a deluxl' frnnt c 0 11 I r o I s LIT'l'LE lost shaggy dog, 25' (},.,ens '63 R/T . , • , $3900 ~~-------new paint, chromed, xlnt 5 gal. container. Only a \\'/many attachments, Cost Poodle & Cocker? Needs 23' Owens '57 ........ Sl~ 1964 CESSNA 210. 285 HP. oond. 1845 Anaheim Ave, fc1v left at this price of $418, 11 k e new S275. loving home. 613-8435 3124 Z145 W, Coast Hwy, MS.259'J Retract. gear, dual mark Apt 12-D, C.M. only $.').00 for 2 plants. Call Completely reconditioned twelve 360 cha.Mel, 90 chan. -;=~'-'"'-~--- s I I I MIXED Collie-female, 6 17 Fl'. Performer. Islanrter -I ADF, O"·-= -ml '67 Rlverakte Sportltu, alter 6 P.M. or all da:y ngerpor .sew ng '"" ui= ..... n~ .. r Saturday and Sunday. l2ll mac.tijne, SSO. 2 Schwinn n1os., some sbolJ:, loves Deluxe model (all tibe:-. 950 Jin. Alrc:raft always 50 11 cc 00 , II~.~:'.;., Only San bikes w/ c1:' seat 24 chldm. 646-7374 3122 glass) outboB.rd. Cultom ......... ered. Xlnt Cond. Con.o _ _,~=*~-~~=~~*~-So. Ross St.. ta Ana. • do Blg h--' ·-~ ,-& 26", $35 & . 536--0269 SEALPOJNT Siamese cal, snap wn C{lver. w <:ea tact, Pau1a Bailey, 642--99()0 '68 HONDA 125 Ser. * AUCTION * AVOCADO GE ref ri g., female, 3 yrs. o Id . tilt trailer. S700 or best oH· or 548-8220 S3SO. 2600 miles. ii b 546-8&58 ~tzt er, Phone644-4687 at'ter7pm Call "'""ID Cost $35:1 _ J\tust sell $50 I! you \Vlll se or uy naugahyde avocado sofa & " 1967 CESSNA 150. Nav.rom. ·=-==-=-'"-"'-'"'-==~ &l2-00S6 evenings give \Vindy a try reclining chair, twin bed, 2 YR. old male mix cocker 1964 29" OWENS, DC 300. One owner. Xlnt cond. '68 KAWASAKI 175 CC $700. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. king bed, corner group v.•ith & dachshund, black. Call Flybridge. Fully equip, New $6100. Cont.act; Paul a invested, Sac. for $415. QqUuAlllL•.d Km'",•,~:. ~tlm ..... ·~ Windy's Auction Barn table; 2 couches or beds. 646-Z169 a.ft. 5. 3/22 paint. SO hrs on overhaul, Bailey, &U-9900 or 54.8-8221 548--0291 aft.$, 2 0 "· & d ltfake otter, 642-9088 at't 6 NC"ver used $98; v.'OI"th $250. Behind Tony's Bldg. l\1at'l resscrs, wasra:r ryer, BLACK Baby Bunny's 3 mo. HIGH TIME PILOTS '68 BSA 250 New IUdden 8-17~106 2075~~ Newport, OJ 646-8686 pov.·er lawn mo\\·er, bar old. Need loving people. I ,op~.rn=·=~~~~~~ Share expenses. Full IFR Only Once. $500. Eves: 11tool11, poker table, directors 5-l:>-Z103 3tn BOSTON \Vha,ler 13'' 40 hp D~ .... ~-H eon----. i::•n ... ...., *MS-2519• FIRE\VOOO For 1a1 e · REDECORATING • Small chairs. And lrlisc items, mtr (elec), 1 yr old. Fully ~ .. ,""'.... ..,,_ .n'7"0.luo \'\'alnut, Eu ca I y pt us, couch & matching chr & 837..J938 aft U noon FREE \\'asher & dryer you equip, Irg whl tilt trlt, HODAK.A 90. Many Extras, Apricot. $47.50 cord, $25~ coUee th!. Pr studio couches haul away. 642-6364 3/24 213/598-l879 Mobile Homes 9200 S27S. KAWASAKI 15, like crd. Sun1mer prices July bolster pillo"·s. Hanging Af.J.FM Stereo Radlo s45. \\'llITE nutry kitten. 6~1 new, $200. 893-3783 & August, $3S.50 crd. Del. lamp. Bassinet \\'/ skirt, Ladies Orange Le at her eves. 3124 WANTED: Boat trailer Bay Harbor ,65 HARLEY, full den s & stack'd free. (lJ 6S8-0846 mat, & cutfll:ins to match. J acket { W i 1 son ) S45. lo pull 14 ft. Aluminum boat. Mobile Home Sales Call evenings THEODORE Robins Ford 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '42-0010 '69 vw CAMPERS S Deluxe Sund.la.la Total down $366. !6 mo, @ $75.60 o.a.e. + final pymt for title. Dir. (1) 892-5551 or SM-7.284 OPEN SUNDAY 10%' Traplcana '66 Cabover f1 U1h toilet, twin bech. On ~ T. Chev. V-1 Air Cond. Cra"·I thtou. Hvy Dty. All still like new $2395 takes it! 54>-5050 '66 DATSUN rdstr, hardtop r&b, xlnt cond. $1695. dlr. 892-5551 or 534--2284 ENGLISH FORD English Ford Complete sales • service 100 ?i!PH, 32 ml P1!t pl. Full five pass, spo.rtl 11lyling. CORTINA * Deluxe 2 Door * $1183 Immediate Delivery Over SO 2 doon:, 4 doors. GT1, station wagons Jn stock. Fully automatic ~ ....... Pilrrot """"'· 54g...207o (642-3184 LARGE Chest Type Freezer. Must be reasonable. 16._20 .. 22._24• & 34 wides * .,, ,591 * 3 PC corner sectional, twin ........,,-\Vorks. 833--0767 3/24 545-""83 O'U""I bed compl., desk, mirror, DESPERATE! Housefu\l of EAVING state. must sell ,.., Casa Loma· Roll-Away· Car. 1968 FORD F-250 w J th coffee & encl tables, 4 chr.! beaut. medltt.; hide.a-bed, Orchids &. assorted planti;. 36" GAS range \\1th oven, 40 FT. NAVY BOAT lbbee Hometto • Fashion 1967 SUZUKI 150 CC. l Camper, % ton pickup TOP TRADE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR & odds'n ends, Alt 5 Sat, pool table, 8' sofa & love • 35c • $10. 27&.A 16th Pl, old but clean. 494-3520 3/22 with engine f.lanor. Kit • Bay H&rbor • o~r. bExcellen;. ~ E q u Ip p e d with VS, all day sun. 54&-1940 seat, coffee tbl. &: 2 encl Cl\f. PETS and LIVESTOC~ 1 __ 64&-_1_21_s_AIT_._S_P_._,_r._ Sahara· Celebrity· Shuaton Never a used. S3 a. automatic, radio, heater, fac- THEODORE Robins Ford -GIBSON J.50--commodes, occ. chairs, oak CUST exhaust headers, iii 1957 14' Glasspa:r. Nttd.s Atano1'. '67 HODAKA, all the rood tory &it. I' bed. i 2695. tbl. & 6 chairs: 3 Br. set~ ·~·57 Chev v.s. sell or cCc:•.cls:_ _____ 8;;.8:.;2:..:0 some work. $125 Ol' oUer. Parks available in all areas rac.lna' equipment. $ 5 0 0. Dealer. 18835 Beach Blvd. \\ith Hardshell ca~. incl. l king size: 2 trade for good bucket seats. -Mr. \Vright 615-1886 Bay Harbor 546-8776 Hunt. Beach. 540-4442 ......,,. HARBOR BL-. 1320 -··· ·~or oUer BLUE & Seal Point Kittens. M b "I H Sh -·•u '"" .. · ""'"" credenzas, lamps. Patio 5't8-4134 0 I e ome OW 1963 HONDA 150 CC, Good '66 DODGE camP<r, ~ .. 4. COSTA •~• • E · 675-5160 after 6 Plil 1~=~-~~-,~-8 v."Cek, house broken. S20 CUSTO?il built 10' Pram, ·~ nc, · Furniture, chair & ottoman. LADIES ,.10.,_;_ d•'amorul ••ch. =•im 1425 Baker St. cond. $195 or best oiler. V-8, auto, new tires, fully 642-00lD C ETS V. l TU I t. · 8'1°1'108 ia...... ~ glass out&ide, natural fini&h 11 b'--k Eut of Harbor Blvd. ""1008 ' -·Ip. • • u. . 12100. o ========='I ARP • iny s, es, a All very nice. u-1.4 carats almost Dew while l~=========o inside. S135. 54:>-7617 73 wo.: 00 Bak•r - 84 ··.,-. 2 ,. 2 -.. c :i 1' est styles and color!!. Com-SO' E __ , 1 : & • ~ FERRARI id gd.1....,en oo s am. ""id n1ountina, Sac. $900. Dogs 882S 1966 JO' Di h -,--,,,==,,,--=----mercial & Residential. Ex· \\'heclbarrov." asst. po>,1,·er & Phone 67J-Si1i ng r'r' Olst.a f.fe1a ln4) 540-9470 Trailer, Tr1vel 9425 8• CABOVER Camper ••l--------- pert Installation. hand tools, 30" pullman top ==---~-~-· IAKC Registered Dachshund s75 or make 0 er. 10x50 COMPLETELY turn. !8'.·ROD A REEL butane stove, lee lxlx, u8ed FERRARI 642-1403 541).7262 formica table & 4 chair1, FURN. drapes, skis, skates, f..1in. Very Loving, Needs ?-.tr. \\'right 675-1886. Choice oomer loc, carport, VERY CLEAN • twice. 16:i0. M8-427t , tller ~ Im-· Ltd. ~ elcc mowe.r, adding mach. 1i; --vr AT'rENTION Ladies, n1ust n\ike & ampli1ier. 962-3178 Bargai11S. No dlrs. 83.1-292S Good home, $35. 449 lath bouN, Porqe. 2191 C ""·-stow, oftn A brir. 5 ~ . " q!ianty'i only autbor- se][ men1bership to leading 2 1 ·"·bl 1 Sca.1vard Rd. Corona de! S1llbo1t1 9010 Harbor Blvd. · Dbl"'",·~"'•• .. , .. WI!, -•·· * P'"-TODO .n "'•••1 ~ '"""-. l'>1ap e enu ..... es. amps, 5 PC DRU'! '" 175, Po-nv. 1 1----------_ ,_ -9 CM ...... etec ~ ft-A ac ~ ~ -.~ -llll~ Reducing Salon. \\'ill sell couch & chair, 3 llfodcrn I I" • .,,, 3 tJ Alar. 675-2022 a t. 5:30 PAI .i..n.AUEWINDS "'l' • • nfrls • ki bal c:a:U. Nr lbll1a. Salal ..... rtnl&ls. M Midi SERVIC2 • PARTS below cost. 645-1355 tables. Map!.? oval table ove sea """• pc sec LABRADOR Re t r i e v e r , &\tALL SAU. BOA'I'.S · PARAMOUNT I 2 x 5 5 Ex· new itil'll '-tflU't"T A w;-ap. BuJ llctory cttNct. 1010 J:IOl W, C.out Hwy. UPHOLSTERING · S79.50. 2 &: chairs, coppertone Frtgid· 1=185=·~°'='7k=l~20~·~613-4256~-~~ female, 20 mos., good ~~:'. ~a°:t~.~~.::::::,:: panda, lQxU cabana. a~ Al'Ml ~1t-.a lo. He.rbor. S.A. · ·~~~ewnort Beach pc. {European craftsmen) aire & misc. 546-0653 EXERCYCLE, l speed. Ex-dispo5ition. $10. 673-1829 aft LIFI SJ •-ings, sktrfuw,alr cond, :1980 Inter.~ 540-1'1&1 Free est., del, plck'Up, 215 SOFAS, hide-a-beds, lo\'e cellent condition! ;150. Ca.11 6 pm. To~PcAT'BQ~TS -storaze room, untunL Adult wen experieneid. $390. C1mper Rent•fs . 9522 Authoriud MG Deller f.'fa ln, HB "Berny" 536-6405 seats, matching chairs, older 6';5..1847• CdM BASENJI African batklell!I 2614 Npl Blvd, NB 675-2400 park, S7995. 531-2JI? * ~ * \VEDDJNG gown size S, style chain. Antique furn Crib &. mattress $15. dogs, oderless, short hair. SAILBOAT 17,6.,xG'S'' Sloop, NE\V 2 BR Sky 11 ne : 16' SHASTA, retrig, toilet, originally $250. Sacrifice (velvet). 1"'1isc Items. 3281 l\itchen v.·are lOc fo $3.00 AKC champion line, lenns crpts/drps, on a sp, rent 2 gas tank.", elec brakes, COACl-l • TRAILER RENTALS FIAT · 642. 2487 11 · C M * 675-6515 * avoilablo. "'" ''50 liberglas. Cabin slfieps 2· 1'18 I I ·: I D ·11woo<1 $65. -ca evenings, Colorado Lane, . . ....-Dacron sail.I, cu 1 h 10 n 1 , nc ull . n r1 E-Z lift hitch. Brake control II'• none loo early~ mab '68 FIAT 850 reservations for Sptina Hol. • FIRE & Burglar Alarm ?o.fY Collection of glassware. 10' Sallpoat Trailer SIGN up no v.·!or novice & head, trailer. Irwin Fried, Bch Club, lffi. 53&-Z131 ln~luded. S950. 847·18!16 Systems installed as low as Lovely replicas or antiques; S2S. Good condition. 644-1008._ open dog obedience classes. <213) 685-7870 LOVELY Cabana .l trailer SANTE FE, sips 4, twin Id•"' SPY DER $99. Call 642-:1490 carnival pitcheis & glasse1. ?o.f ar t I nc r e ·s t Kennels SNOWBIRD # sn. All wood, in Lido Park. 2 bedroom, beds, fl U5h toilet, sink, Al\lF 7x3~' TtNe A 839-5749 Misc. Wanted 8610 5'16--0989 # .. 11.. • ed 1 bath, patio, view&. private 1tove, nu tires. $650. 536-1131 WEEK-END OR WEEKLY A Gorreo111 Showroom 546-a29J "Type" car. lit.1st blut with ___ . --·-dacron u.il, ·~ ngg , be ch. 673-3429 acces. 2 old. SS. 21" T.V. $10. Tank Vacuum WE PAY MORE ADORABLE Tiny Toy f'W to ...0 -•wa,y, $250. a 12' Teardrop Campin& * MMll'J.~f1"\, $10. Vanity \\'/mirror SlO. •Poodles, apricot A cream:-~ 673-3690 9200 Trailer v.i th cabana. 952$ black interior, ndio, htat. Dune Bugglff 1 IO~ -·-• -•----=-c:..=c..c:__..;_;.o.:; er, e c. •"""' a ......... nwa. I• YoorAdin -~ Child'• phono SI.SO . ....,... QASH ISO~up. m.-, 11\ADE N-Beach "IM;,'.;:;bl~le;Homu~-;:;;;;;:;;;;;;jl 1215. 64&-1'1'1 Someooe wlll ,J,t ~ ¥, Fw ~·i~ .. !,.t.nl Ma. . , BKY;E Terrie ra, ~C ~ex, take aallboat down. t ID.LO Campr. Tri. All Alwn. l-i;iiliiDiiii'iial;;i64>"'11iiii.iiii;'i:;;" ...... ...: .... -,;-_,,;.....,iioj""'•,....,,, ·Champ. al!.d. am., colm,. mln :Jl'. 2l.1..n5-484< evu. E rth k SIP< 4 lllle ..... ~2;i8< U For .""" 1ioir ~ or uitd ::.~;how qualliy pet.. VICroRY 12 ·Sailboat a qua e Trucb . ''500 1968 DUNE Buggy, chrome 1'1ust be seen A: driven. bumpen, huatlrts, carpetl, metal blake body. Top aide curtainl ready for the road. Will trade for pick-up or J?rtt1pll1 I 31111p o11 '., NO ~TTJ~ · WHAT"· IT IS • • • YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD For Fast Servke & Export Assistance DIAL 642-5678 DIRECT furhlture:., ·~-corm-: . Good cond. S250. • A "I' 11---------1 ~ 'IV1.; ~ •. ~ Ol'-~c black Labrador * 542-8028 * ID prl p;DI. stows, ~tort. Jtetriever pupa, bml to c.1 20 Extra Sherp • I • MAND fllW 1Nt oell -' ..... marbl. Phone!~..-.... ""'-~ 3100 W. ec..t Hwy, ::.T"m.:~~1 ~ ~i ~ c1a, 495-4582 M"!I' "'trai mu.1 ,.11. HAYE NO FEAR 1/J Ton Pickup or houseful. "tS.¥. 111Cllt • 008~ ... ··-x Pupo 1 $3195. m."1l1t or S49.(llS5, U ll brub at the 81.n fttVCB'S TOW'D N•wport Beach I Ull ~ ilt-941".6 ~l!M Im-lot. Dollv.,YI l='-A,,,ulhoriud....,.:....,.:-M,;.G;;,.;;.De_a1_.,.;..,.1 , .,.. 100% fln&nclnt. D". '68 FIAT. Good cloall ....._ (1) 192.JSSl .,. SU.2214 Low on11.,... 0peo ., .C· i:.n.i~, Sabot N C302 lill:e new Andreu fault 1r1 "'-~ '2195 S•mday. , weekl. Fine temperamtnt, o. • ' re1t of u. ~try mat · .636 •Mo ·· ,., """"· "°· ~ ":-~· will •lnk-l•to... ...... . -.JU' "Sebastian Alexander" Red But Jwt Jn cue It'• the OPEN SUNDAYS fen. Weekdays ! to S p.m., $WE· BUY$ $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES Dobo, 9 mo old, beaJn... Sbonigoer-Safilna DiDah1 other way around. we "V $165 tun eat you purchase gentle, all •hots. QS..1507 .; 675'23J6 * one ~ our many model WllITE Female toy poodle, Mobile Home• (sizes AKC a.1, 10 ~old. · 1!166 TARTAN, Zl' lloop, ranae from 10x55 to 646-C39 Inbd. Aux. Slttps· 5. Fully 24x60 with Prices from equipped. f!S-2336 $3995 to $12,295) .... GERMAN Shepbmi 10 wkl, cause trom now thru $99 DN: plus TAI.., oac CONNELL CHEVROLET ~Harbor 546-1200 C1lrL .-.;;;;"i:i'=:'.:,:.;.~T-,.ol 1'1r. Brown. 541)..21U Ef.IPI 5'10rtster, Co t;v a I r·I -""="=--'"'-"='===~! powe.red, nylon top, Myen JAGUAR buckelo, wld• ..... Top.l------'---1 cond. WW , lrade; $1195. --'67 Ja9uar XKE e VW DUNE BUGGY. ,.,., 2 + 2 Co/or TV'•-Pi•no"t-Sf•,.•'• I Pi•c• or Ho111• Fvn CASH IN JO MINUTES • 541-4531 •.. \VANTEO: Boat trailet' blk a: allvtr, Houaebroken. CAL 20, excellent cond; April we will atve a . , . =·-:.~ha~"--Lile raft, along•\l~S~C~R-A~M~-L~E=T=S A.l'GffAN HOUND PUPPIES with carpetl, drapes, ms sired. sd •bow pro-NtwPORT Finn. us No. fixtures . appliances, to JO, luJe ~ and tirn, Auto. trans, AM/FM, chrome tuned exhaust. S600. 49>4833 wire wheels. Finlahed Ill Sil.. DUNE Bum, TAS CurWns, ver blue with pluah IH.ther New Eng. S1550 or Best intr, 21,<W actual ma.. Offer. STh-7729 MUlt lee A: drlve to beline. to pull 14 n. Aluminum boat Must be reasonable. 54>-2083 Bpeefa. esot colors !m-99&9 281, trailer, cove.r, new WI. delivery & set up ANSWERS Sur>erl> "°""' $1ll95. £13.!QS Ith lh ha f AKC DOBERMAN pups. 9 w e pure s~ o Exceptional co,.UUon., WANTED: Older Tr a ve I trailer: any condition, jual a1 long as It rolls. 673-5904 FREEZER needed in 3 to 4 •·eeks. (preferably Frigi- daire) 83.3-2935 <Irvine) Machinery, etc. 1700 "FORKLIFTS": Ford tnc- tor with 9 ft mast, pneu Um Sl250. 4,000 lb Clarlt, pneu tltta, yard lUt. Runs good • $1-t95. l.<00 lb. auto electrtc, $450. ~. eve1 891-2433 FREE TO YOU P.flXED Puppy, 8 months old. S:ncrn'ht, H s e b r le n . 642-1298 3/24 wits. Rancho Dobe's champ UDO l4 No. 1941 • trailer. any model on our lot 1toc:k. Shlw qual. ~1436 Xlnl cond. Racing e.xtru. FrM Skirting $ll00. 546-6082 • t ·• AKC TOY ~1. puppies. IL deal i.! consumma t'U White, m~veiy small. SABOT $250 before Mf.rch 31, 1969 175. 56-<1<0 * 675-2!71 * So Hurry to Tlg•r 111 AKC Reg. PoodleL Toy's A litin.l'a. S50 Up, : J Stud Ser. 547-3851 or 547-9591 W'Ar<JB FOR 'TIS OPENING SOON DOBERMAN$ Seu or trade. 546-5889 1130 QUARTER HORSES: I-White fAct w/ wht .ockl $150. 1-Bucksldn mark1na $150. Appaloosa Stallion. rTg:' ft!')' rood •tock '650. 891-'1350 Ta I k to "Benevolent NO W's THE Ben" or "Srnl!in' Sam" -e.nd let It shake, rat.- tie and roll , . • you'll be safe. TIME FOR r· M b"I QUICK CASH iger 0 I e THROUGH· A Homes DAILY PILOT G1rden Grove 12362 BEA.Qt BLVD. ('I' ml. No. of G.G. Fwy) PHONE 537-9251 Buckle -Chall' -Pin)(;y - Equate -PURE LUCK Good plannin1, carefully lntportod A-HOO ALFA ROMEO executed, LI otten mistaken '61 ALFA Romeo Sprint u PURE LUCK. Cou~. v~ fine cond. $995. J?L'lllP Lll I 3111tp ll!l~1 19113 FORD JIANO!ERO 500. Firm. m-.!331 3100 \V. C>ut Hwy, 1.lan>on with black 1ntmor. l,,:==::::;:::::;::=:::::::;:::::;::;I Newport Beach ;:J..%,:. 4 =~ AUSTIN HEALEY ~lhoN"' MG o::.!11< Deattt. 11835 Bu.di Blvd., '67 Austht He11ltiy 1967 JAGUAR XKE 2 JJIYI llunt. Beach. 5f0..-0442 •--• """' Rmdsler, ~ ~n. 2. AutomatJc, AM·.rm radio, '54 FORD Pand, diamond priced undtr blut""l>oolC Uc. &it condlUontna, wt re button IUnk lnttriOr, rebuilt VHW 165. wheels, Beautiful tanprtne m ...... :15,000 on!IH. ""'' $27'5 .......... wllh block -· ae to believe, Best o&r, Must ""' io believe. OnlY 6'JS..S980 I •-!. a,300 .milt•. nem. ~ 1935 FORD Pickup nHda Lrana Beach Blvd. Hant. s.acb. '°"1e body work. Sell ror ~42 a third of what I haw In It $125.00. 2473 FairwQ Dr .. C.M. U J..18&1 'tiG-3.8 Sed. Auto. PW!' S A TOTOT••OltO 8. Xlnt mnd. Prv. part)', UGS Harbor, C.M. ~ '44--0739 ..~ .. ,.ro=RD="p1"cl<UJ>='", • ... =.,.,""'d'"'u:Y" 1 '80 AJI., rblt •rw.. '64 Ja,oar X1tE 4 l"Pff<I• $250. R.acUo. hf•ttr, xlnt cond. Top cond!Uon i $2llO ca.& BEAUTIF'ULre1istered 2 MIL Trailer metal bmc quarter hone, yearling fJ\ly needs some ¥.1'rlt. 36t Oale by AAA 1iff. $800. 714: C.M. 00.-1298 3/24 628-7778 WANT AD 642-5671 '!16 TR :s., ad runntn1 cond srn. &U-661lt * ~ • ~IT'S~~-~~ ... ~-~-~~Bll'~I !:!"· · £19.IO!O w-=-•"°'us"1"m"""H"n1~,.-pc1~11 -.~iO""J'"•"G°'u°"AR"""~""'• "Sedta...--1 a<tt .. -.... : s.. dM 063 FORD PICKUP mtclwrlcat rood, 14110. Good cood. ll!IO SMALL. mbt~ ftmak! dos 7.;::;,;;;rR.;::.:ol.,d.,....,C"°•"ld":nr=--. -:.,::tt.10 nett d1 1ood home , tnt.vtl. You will get a klclc °l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!o' : C.,.Utrano Sch <IJ6.%>8( 312' out ol him. 84&-UGO DAILY PILOI' a,_ MAKE OFFIRI =~,:-;:-:,c:;..;===l--'14M:111-=":;:'-;tllor'6"1-:iPJ9.::-- -lf(!Wt * LI a.1132 * Dlal_.;;;;_!G1811"'-'=..;lor.;;.._amn;_;..;,;.n;..i..,_.;;\Vhl=la;.;EI=-=.;;...-...: • • \.. \ - Give humdrum driving the heave ho with a new Wide· Track Pontiac. ALL CAR PRICES INDICATED IN THIS AD ARE , OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE AND TAX. . NEW 1969 GTO "JUDGE" Carousel red •quipped with ,;; 'conditioni,;9, 4 speed, safe-T-diffefan- t ial, Pl, radio, t achometer !hood mountadl 1 consol•, rally 91uga1, pwr 1t11rin9 & di•c brakes, 400 ra.m 1i_r 4 b~I. an~,. r~!ly II t~p• wh11l1, h~od ram •ir inlet, blacked out CJr1ll1 , 1d1nt1f1c1t1on Judge decals & vtnyl striping. 242l79ZI 14248. !4o987ll.17. NEW 1969 LE MANS I . H1rdtop coupe Bt1utiful Libtrty blue t rltrior with blut interior. H11 automttic tr1;;/mi11ion, powtr 1tttrin9; pushbutton redio, tinted wind- 1hitld and white 1.ide well ti,..1. Drivt this ont home todey for this low, low price. 2l7l79R600446. STICKll· PllCI $JJl5.31 s2979 • NEW 1969 GRAND PRIX . Expr11so brown. Turbo-hydr1m1tic, air 'conditioning, pow1r st11rin9, pu1hbutton radio, WSW tires, 400 C.1.0. 1n9in11 deluxe baits, 1tr1to bu ck et fr9nt seats, hidden win'dshiald radio 1nt1nn1, plus more . 276579P242198. STIClll PllCE $501J,11 $4336 NEW 1969 FIREllRD Bttutiful C1rou1el rtd eutomobile, tquipptd with specitl r.•int. l-70xl4 rtd lint tirt1, deluxt whttl covtr1, dtluxt stttrin9 whtt , whttl open- ing mouldings , custom mttel trim P.l1t11. 2ZlJ79L&Ol492. STICDI PRICE $JOU.JI NEW 1969 CATALINA COUPE C.m10 Ivory with gold interior. Turbohydr1m1tic, powtr 1tttrin91 push button r1dio, dtcor group, dtlux• 1••t btlt1, tinttd windshield, white side well tim. 252l79Cl20619. STICICll PllCE $J9tz.J7 NEW 1969 CATALINA WAGON l .1tet1. Limtli9ht ?r••n wit.h !"ttchin9 gretn interior, fully tquipptd with turbohydr1m1t1c tr1n1m1111on, powtr 1tetrin91 power brtkt1 push- button rtdio, whitt side wall t irt1, tinted gl•11 tU around and of ~ours• FACTOR~ AIR ·CONDITIONING. 25246Cl21468 STICKEi PllCI $4'45. . s42a2 . ' ... •, ' .. THE EXCITING CATALINAS! C1t1lin1 for 19~9 1h1pts up •• • winner •gtin. Wtnt proof7 Sttr+ with their tl!-ntw t xltrior - t xciting long, low look. Check C1ttlin1'1 surefoot- ed Widt-Treck. Inside -foem ptddtd setts - 1imul1ted wood 9r1in ins trumtnt pentl -nylon• blend loop pilt c1rp1tin9. And thtr•'s a wid1 choice of Ponti1c options to adorn your C1t1lin1 enyw1y you clt1irt. S11 ind pric• Cetelin• this y11r -it'll be worth your while • • THI! MOST EXCITING CAR OF THE YEARI THE GREAT 1969 GRAND PRIX! ALL CARI READY TO GO ••• TODAY SO DRIVE HOME IN YOUR NEW PONTIAC TONIGHT e -·-. 15 HERE! SEE THE TOUGHEST GTO YO! NOW ON DISPLAY AT CARVERS. • I t I • • I I ! I I ' I , ' I , • ' ' .. :--· .. . '. : . . • • .. ·-. . ~ . -~· GUARANTEED · USED CARS . . THE FINEST NEW CARS ATTRACT THE FINEST TRADES ;~~:.~~~!a~~~·:::,~~1377 f~ry air. (T244A) :~ !~~!~!.. va~l 877 a"too P.S., R&H WIW, 22,174 mU... (TIX 171) . :~ .. ~~!:.~!'.'.~.:~1877 hlater, WSW, fact..., air. (SIW2") :!! .~~-~~!~ .... ~1977 P.5., racUo, hntar, white walla. (TP 116} :~~ !~:'!!~! ......... ~3277 radio, hNttr, WSW, fact.,.., air, (WIC067) '66CORVmE F11tllNlck. VI, 4 1peed, r1cU1, hntor rM llno tll'ff. (SLTU9) '65 Volkswgn Ri'dl•, hMttr, 4 1pMd. (NP.M HO) $1277 ;~.:.~:i~~~··~ $2577 (UOK H2) :~.!!~~~ .. ~ $2477 power atMrlnt rMlo, hHter, WIW, mag wh .. ls. (TRT ~) . ,, .._ __________ ...., ___ __. • • ~-~-_,. ·~·P. _ .... ~ .. -._. ·-· , . . • 0 ' I PUT AN END TO HUMDRUM DRIVING . . OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:!0 A.M. lo 6:00 P.M • • I SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:00 A.M. lo 9:!0 p .M. EVERY DAY ROY CARVER SELLS TWO FINE AUTOMOBILES I . . ,J I NOT MRY AMERICAN . CAR DEALER CAN SELL 4ND SERVICE THE RE~OWNED ROLLS.ROYCE AND BENTLEY AUTOMOBIBILES, ROY CARVER CAN AND DOES! Cj)UITE A FEW YEARS AGO ROY CARVER WAS SELECTED BY ROLLS-ROYCE TO REPRESENT THEM EXCLUSIVELY IN ORANGE COUNTY •••• AND SO WE PROUDLY STATE THAT WE SELL TWO FINE CARS: ROL'-S·ROYCE & PONTIAC LE MANSI I SPECIAL! WIDE-TRACK TEMPEST SPORT COUPE NEW 1969 TEMPEST · Sport Coupo, Ch1mp19n o with 9old interior, autom1tic, pushbutton rt dio, heed rests, 1e1t beft5, detor group, recessed windshield wiperi, delu xe wheel dies, deluxe steering wheel, etc. 233279Z600924 THE FlltllllD I LEASING • ROY CARVER PONTIAC WILL LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL AUT.QMOBIL-= UNDER THE MOST DE· SIRABLE TERMS. IT MAY BE THAT LEASING COULD BE OF SUBSTANTIAL FIN· ANCIAL ADVANTAGE TO YOU ••• COME IN AND TALK IT OVER -tODAY. • '• -.. : 2925 HARBOR BOULEVARD. COST A MESA --------__ . .___ - • I 1 ' - ·~,............ :io: •• ,. ... . . .. . . . ' . . . . ... Busy Day Today All ·1,000 of Us Had a • We created and delivered another fresh edition of The DAILY PILQ.T TEAMWORK produces each day'z all..new DAILY PILOT. Often special- ists like Thomas Fortune (!ell), whose beat is education, work with a staff photographer like Patrick O'Donnell to get the story both in words and pictures. The staff shot 70,000 pictures ~ year to Illustrate the varied story or Orange Coast life. Nobody knows how many local stories we wrote. Not even us. ·• . VOLUME is the word at the Copy Desk. DAILY Pilm' Copy Desk Chief Norman Anderson (right) aided by Tom Titus (background) and other copyreaders' every day sifts, checks and edits more wire reports from , worldwide' news services than the average weekly news magazine pub-. lishes. Editors scan enough telephotos to wallpaper a living room every 24 hours. Speed, born of experience, helps them keep it all fresh, too. '' , Wt" • 11,~ ' ~· -·~~' "*' ·"'I. > RAPID communicatio6 is the name of tl)e game. Supervisor Juanita Frey and her crew of "ad-Visors" handle 1,000 transactions a week by phone, resulting in publication of 5,000 classified ads -words which help people buy, sell, rent or I ease ..• even find lost dogs. Many (If the DAILY PILOT'S 150 phone lines are plugged In here, the classified advertising de- partment, home of "Want Ads" and Dime-A-Lines. PICTURES, too, get the benefit of skilled, efficient handling by master craftsmen who re-photograph them and then transfer the images to a sensitit.ed metal plates which are used to reproduce the photos as read- CREATIVlTY helps advertisers tell their stories and sell their goods in the affluent market served by the DAILY PILOT. (;(lrdon Crawford (center} of display advertising department discusses with layout artist Suzie Gunderson and DAILY PILOT Staff Artist Bob Noyes an ad which will be ready to appear in the newspaper only hours alter Noyes puts final touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiser, a local re- tail merchant. · 1 THE WORDS are ready. 1'-farjorie Jackson feeds them Into a $25,000 computer, a DAILY PILOT investment in speed and accuracy, which uses a logic system to hyphenate words as it reads characters at the rate of 1,000 a second and punches a new tape which will activate another machine for automatically setting type at high speed, The machines caa set type at the rate of 6,000 lines per hour. ers will see them in the newspaper. Here, Chuck Ryan takes a really / close look at a negative which will be u·sed to etch the image on the QUICK RANDS place lines of type, ads and cuts (the metal plates used to reproduce pictures) into page form9' as the day'! product begins lo take shape. Compositor Arden Malsbury is only one of a platoon of printers who "build" the news pages under pressure of deadlines, work· ing agaiilst the clock to bring readers the latest available information in each edition during the day. DELIVERY m the newsaper ls a speed event, too. Conveyor belts carry the pmpers through the mallroom where .they are automaUcally tied in buDdlel of 50 and toued to"waiting circula.Uoo district managers (like Blalne Roberts, shown here, rlgbt) wbp speed them via a 46-vehicle Deel to carrien for delivery. Malln>om lorenuln G<orge Araui (left) and ·IU crew can move 20,000 newB)llpera an hour. " MACIDNES' hasten the pr""'1sses of preparing plates ;.for prinllag the pages of the newspaper. Here,.. Charles: ilaubrk:k (fOregrqund) and F.d- ward Quinn operate a casting machine which ~Ids curv«r plates to fit onto high speed presses. Tbe DAILY PILO'J' keeps 1D atock more than 40 tons of type metal which is used, melted down and used again in the continuous job of printing 100,000 words a day. l\IODERN equipment helps the accounting department keep up with the ••tocfay" pace at the DAILY PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper is being sped to Its readers, Bonnie Olauvin begins feeding figures into 1 computronic bookkeeping machine lhat helps keep track or billings for ada and subscriptions. The machine, forerunner of a brace of computers aooo to be addQd, handles 5,000 accounts a month. • ' 1 metal plate. · FINISHED PRODUCf is checkecfby Elwood Andtr;pn~•Pfess crew chief, even as hJgh-speed presses continue to roar 11it '60,000 impressions: per hour completing the day's run (In pr~ uni~ which ~present an .investment of $3.5 million. Eleven-man press crew will feed• ~I these machines the eqUivalent of _a roll of paper one page wide' and 110,000 tniles long in printing the DAILY PILOT this year .... ,. ' ALMOSf before the Ink b dry, the product of our bu!)' day is tossed defUy on yoor Jawn or porch by one of oUr 700 newspaperboys who are important links in the chain ol people it takes lo bring you today's news and features today in the DAILY PILOO'. And as 'our young independent metthants, like John Melton here, make their deliveries, we're gearing up for another busy day -all 11000 or us . .. The 'Now' Newspaper for All The Communities ' Of The Growing Orange Coast ' . DAILY PILOT · ,. . ·~· ... ' ' ·" ·11 \' ' .,. •• j: ' ' f RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Impo rted Autoo 9600 Imported A.,.. MERCEDES BENZ '59 MERCEDU 190 SL. tt.rd top convert. Good oond. R/H. 968-4343 MG '67 MGB G+ Finished in Brit. RaciQC Green with black ln!er. Loaded with extras incld. wire wheels, AM/FM, & ov. erdrive, Absolutely m J n t condition. J1rl111Jort 31tnµorts 3100 W, C.oast Hwy. Newport Beach 642.94(6 540-1764 Aulhorized l\1G Dealer PORSCHE PORSCHE'S All models, all )'tan, all colon. Anything and1ewey. thing in 4 apd Pot¥Che1. l.ariest aeleetion in So. C&W'. ·Over 20 to choose from, J1rtup on 3ii111J nl15 !100 W, Oout Hwy. Newport )'leach ~ 54~1114 Authorized MG Dealer 1966 PORSCHE 912 5 to Choose' From l All In Top. Shapoll Storllng at $3995 534-2214 or (1) 892-5551 Dir. ·oPEN SUNDAY 912 TARGA, LATE '67 • 5 speed, American mags xlnt cond., must be seep by appt. $4600. \Vm. Burllnghain 54~100. Aft 6 p.m. 548-T153 '63 S, rebuilt eng., nu clutch, brakes. AMJFM, ch rm whls, tugg rack, cu.st cxhst. $2650 firm. 546-3420 or 542--0343 '66 POR. 9U, S spds. Yellow wt blk int. Prv prty. $3950. (213) 596-9TI6 '52 MG TD Immaculate, gleaming green b<auty! 4 Spd, dir, radlo, SUBARU new tonneati cover. $50 Cash •----- delivers. Take payments of 1969 SUBARU $18.63. QYH <57. Call Koo, from $1297; 66 MPG or 545-0634 Complete foreign car ~rvtce fRANSPORTATION '67 Toyota Coron• 4 Door, autom .. tic, radio, 'N TR Spltftrw, new paint, '65 VW BU~ heater. One 01vner car. Lie clutch Ir radials. 642--5007 Blue with matching 1nterlor, 1'JW 017. evt• & sat. radio, It extru. Guaranteed. $1495 i '°'===<<'=====-I IJc. R,.,..;9. • f4ll L~ ... v~K~~!E"S246 m HA~~uR IMPORTS down, 36 mo @ 15U9 + 0111rw GEN TOTOTA·YOLYO 1 fiA&1 P)'tlUll for title, dlr., V UU A IN(, 1966 bor c M ... 9303 o.a.c. Ntw car warranty. liar • · · -892-5551 or 534--2284 A uthomtd ·T1UUMPH '67 1'.rlumph G+6 Ruby red with black interior, wire wheel!, radial tires, etc. Peffect In ewry detail. '6C VW BUG Sales and Stroice Extra nice, perfect condlticm, 18711 Beach Blvd. 842""35 pr!C<d to '$\'09~'· RYK162 '65 V,W, BUG .m., A red one. Completely re-m HARBOUR m condition. Lk. PIJ032 . ~1~ VOlKSWAGBlr IMC: JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-Mercury Aiithoriied 1Ml Harbor Blvd. 642-7<M Sales and Service '67 GIA .. l8TI.l Beach Blvd, "24435 ~ nice, guaranteed, ra- 3100 W. Coast Hwy. '59 VW Pick.up, good tire1, dk>, A-extras, yellow with Jtl'llllJLlrt 31111µort s Newport Beach needs low & reverae. $72.5. black interior. No. P205 642-9400 540.1164 Call Atr. Posth U 8-25U $1795 Aull>orUed MG Deal" day" 61>-51'6 ......... m, I HARBOUR l•:IJ '64 Triumph '64 VW, r&h, custom paint, U TR 4, A Road.st er. Spotlesa rompl reconditioned, $1295. Last Of The '68 VW's BANK FINANONG $199 Total Down Pymt. 36 at $44.78 o.a.c. + I final payment tor tlUe AV~~LYAT: T&M Motors Authorized Saks and Service lBnl Beach Blvd. 842-4435 inside &. out. Lie. FVG 892. dlr VOLKSWAGEN INC $1595 . .,,.5551 or 5.14-2284 ' ' '64 VW, new •ngine, M"'I '62 YY..', Sunroof, chrm whls, Authorired sell, best oiler. 111111 Lint: 1 wide tires, exhaust, r&h. Sales and Service 962-1782 ""I. UUl,Q Sharp! $995. dlr. 892-~1 1sn1 Beach Blvd. 842-4435 '63 V\V, good condition, or 534-2284 body &: motor. $1000 IMPORTS '65 VW-Variant SlatiOn W•R· '69 VW phOne 646-2888 TOYOTA·YOLYO Very clean. New tires & CAMPERS '64 V\V, sun root, R/H, xlnl 1966 Harbor. C.M. 646-9303 brks. Radio, racks & chalna. 5 Delu.xe Sundials cond. Good tire!. Beige. '66 TR I u t.1 pH TR4A 1,.;,$1300,;;,:,,,c ...... ~,_,168,.,,_•"'.c'c.· ~~ Total down $366. $975. 67S-5131 Roadtter, Red with new '65 TR4A, BRC, wire, Mlc:b. 36.mo. @ $75.fiO o.a.c:. '56 VOLKS $190. Good shape black top, wire wheels. RfH. mwt sell, $1450. Cn4) + final pymt for title. Dlr. ex~pt needs en g I n e Must sell immediately. $500 642--9448 before 6. (1) 892-5551 or 534-2284 overhaul. 56-1693 under Blue Book. $1595. OPEN SUND y 845.-;;;Ba=k="=· =C=.M=·=="::l).5=91=5= I Dealei. 202ti Harbot Blvd. '64 VW-$875. ______ • __ 1968 VW 1600, with map. MG Kosta Kustom Kars Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, -Costa Mesa. 64~1112 Call 548-73_14 evening-'63 VW BUG air, FM, auto. l .2 2 D 0. SUNBEAM or Sunday, Custmn ml•doc, cl>rom• ~-;.:..;1;;;641;..,,---~-All Models J1ru1port 31t11port s TRIUMPH Spitfire • 6 7 ,;;;; ---·-----almost ne\\I cond. Wire '64 VW c:onvertlllie, new top, wheeil:, Radio . Lie. KC\V605 '68 VW 1 passenger bus. '66 SUnbtam _ Alpine Tiger whls, luge rack, \Vood strg paint, interior, 55,000 mi. $699 17,000 ml, Xlnt thruout. (Ford pwr) radials, stereo, whl, lO,OOO mi. $ l 7 5 0 • Sharp. 646-5278 HARBOUR S2650 Pri pty. 549-0156 $2400 · offer. 497-1844 SJ:µJ742 after 6 PM. '61 vw t~ ''!'J '66 VW Bus, 9 pass. Xlnt TOYOTA TOYOTA '60 TR3, xlnt body shape. Make offer mec:h. cond. Very clean. good m... s.. "' ap. * 54""541 * VOLKSWAGEN, IN(, 11650. Aft 6 PM 644-26>4 preciate. 545-5993 '66 V.W. Racing equipment lll6.2 VW. Good condition. & many extras! Ca 11 Authorized * $550. * · '59 TRIUMPH Tff 3 clean, best otter near S 4 S 0 • 548-8825 Sales and ·service Call att 6 pm. 673-1906 '66 vw $1295 The cleane1t "HUg" in Or- ange County. Radio, htater, etc. 21 ,000 local Newport mttoa. MU.I &ee & drive to -J1 rlt11JDtl Jl111po1 t ~; !fJ,o.o(!e BUICK ITHI 1u1c• {"')ii:"'''' COSTA MESA • • • • • OUR OPEL PRICES • START AT • • s1777: • CHICK IVERSOH, INC. . (I . : OFFERS THESE -• Order Yours Ted•y • OUTSTANDINq SPECIALS • BUGS & GHIAS • IRAND NlW • • • • • • • • '6' BUICK .... s399 .. s1s99 : $2444 43321tZ6GU4f e Por1ch11 ''1 Pendle Co1,. Slttt Specit lly Ptited IYPT 6001 '6t Pone• 1600 Slltt Cpe. Ab,olut•ly Ii•• n•w, IWYW 2151 ''2 ,_,_ hpw Sitt' Reutl•r body. IFXZ 1851 ''' ,_.. t12 S42tt 4 apted trt1uminion ( 2 to choot• fr om l ISIA 7211 ISNW 391 I ''I hncM f l 1 SHt' Spotfornt tlo: lrtns'"iulon, fto:lory t fr tondltlonin9, FM Rtdio. D•mo. Nev1r b1tn r•ghtered. No. 6tl2 • Buses & Cempers • • POOLE'S FINE USED CARS 'M YW 1111 •••••• S14H • Sun roof, Rtdio. CKDl t lt l ''5 VW 1111 , , ••• , SI 'ff t P••••nger (NQL'1721 ''5 VW 111 •••••• SI Hf En9ln• overh•led in •11r 1hop IOSL 0471 ''I VW 11111 Slltt E•h• 1ht1p. Color 1111 yol• low. IPFX94'11 • • • '65 OLDSMOllLI • •4 door H.T. F1cfory olr,. power 1lterin9 & brtk••• ••11!0, (MOY 1461 8 • $1595 • • • • '65 CHRYSLll • • Full powtr, f1doty ofr, • • INht 1541 • $1895 • • 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. &12-9405 54G-l764 . Authorized MG Dealer '58 :l\iGA, RIH. roll bar, wire ""·heels, new painL Xlot mecb cond. ;415. 675-222'1 HEADQUARTEP.S ELMORE '67 vw Sunroof, low ml. 18ID Beach Blvd. 842-4435 1967 VW 1500 Deluxe Bug, DL\L """"612-!67~ OWie $l500. Vocy ...., oond. BUS1>8' m•rl<etl>llCO In Exceplional, all a c"". CHICK IVERSOHr INC, your ad, tMn lit be.ck and 536-9810 eves/wkend11 IO'WD.. Tbl Oi\ILY Pnm I +,11;;:650;;:.,. ';.:'""'==''---~~ 673-2637 •------'•I • '65 BUICK • OPEL 15300 Beach Blvd., Watmnltr listen to U1oe phone rtJ:s:! SOCK rr 1'1 'EMI O•""W llll!Ction. S • •• JOIN the ~ iD t1w m VOLKSWAGEN 549..o303 R Pbooe 89<-3322 1,.;~~=~~==~=,;,;=====::. money time " .Uan. LOOll DAILY PilDl' 'WAl'IT ADS! lit.I 1970 H1rbor Blvd., Cost• Mt1it 471·1 190 0 • Elieff• cou,., Full pewtr,• Imported Autot 96001mported Autos 9600 now!!I 00-5671 •f•ctory •ir. • '66 OPEL BILL MAXEY 1-======l-======2!!!!! = • $1895 • [irn~ l\::u:'°"=:c:'"===='=900=:u:":d:C:•::r::•===99=00:...::u:":d:C::•::":::===9900=·=u:nc1=::::c~·:"''.:::==="°°=i"--------• Station w&g<1n, xlnt cond, 4 gpd, dlr, radio, heater. Sea blue exterior. All original Interior. $75 Calh dels. Will fine prvt p;ty, LB SWG 416 Ask for Ken 494-9773 !TIOIYIOITIA! II • '66 BUICK • 18881 BEACH BLVD. •w11dc1t 4 door. Factory• Hunt. 8Hch 147-8555 ELMORE MOTORS ••'" '"''·· pow" ""'''•·• 3 mi N. or Coast Hwy. on Bch a R&H. (SVX 0161 • 15300 HACH ILYll. WUTMINSTEI 194.JJU • $2595 • PORSCHE '68 PORSCHE 912, 5 1pd, tinted glua, AM/FM radio. r69 TOYOTA FROM $1770 radials, 8,00J mi, dlr, $4895. Lerg1 Selection · 892-5551 or 534-2284 tmm1di•te Delivery '68 Po"ch• 9ll T SEE US TODAY I I 5 spd trans, radials, tow fJ L ~'~O:"· dlr. 1192-5551 f4ll emi4 '63 SOO wilh '64·'65 SC. IHPQRTS Engine, chrome wheels, AM I F?-.f, leather seals, A OYOTA-VOLV.:0 steal at $2500. 646-8TI3 '61.TOYaI'A. 4 door sedan. '68 Porsche 9U L std shlft,$1295. Call after Sportomattc. radials. Tow ~·o-· :;.:548-B="m"'=.,_._..,-...,-- miles, dlr. $589[), 892-S551 '68 TOYOTA, 2 door, 4 or 534-2284 Speed, seat belb!, bucket DON'T give tt away, aet seats, tinted glass. 673-7562 qu:lc:k cash tor ft witb • DIAL direct ~. Charge Daily Pilot want Adi your ad, then lit b&ck and 842-5678 listen to the phone r\n:il 4 1/2% l1Rk fln1ncln9 tYllltbl1 In lltnk tpproYtl of ''"''· FREE-FREE las Veqas Vacation 3 DAYS & 2 NIOM)s FOR TWO No P11ro:kt11 Nec••••TY 15300 Beach Blvd. Westminster 894-3322 OPEN 7 DAYS Jmported Autos 9600 lmf>!rlod Autos 96001mp.vtod Autft The Jaguar XK.E 2 + 2 ls longer and roomier than our populu 2~place co upe. 'Even hu a rear sr:al {or the kids. An XKE sedan? Th•f 1 about the tlze o{ It. Jaguarl lartuis tnoters 900 So. Coast Highway Laguna Beach 494-7503 ~ BEFORE YOU BUY A USED CAR ! ,,5 MMo~s~,.. Auto. ~·1iti"."'' ..... 52295 '6.5 DATSUN I> TON ,,U. ............. M!llW ... "'"°" "·"· Y4. auto. tr-., _, ... Ra.If, P.S. IJ41'\ll, $1495 -·'-':t' cou ... J#ta. tnns.. H, '""""" *• J>,$. f • OM:). '1295 CONNELL c=~:~ET 2828 HARBOR BLVD.COSTA MESA ·-~----~· • '66 TEMPEST • •Custom cp•. 'uH, tulo.,• I P.S., f•o:foty •Ir concl ltio11-1 l ir19. ISTDl77 1 • • $1595 • ·-------1• • '66 T·BIRD • I Fud pow1r, ftcfory alr.• 1lSll<4tll • • $2695 • "-------· • . '6S CHEYnLI • • • S.S. Radio, heater, ~to., •PS, (RGU440) • • $1595 : • '66 PLYMOUTH • •4 door. A11to111tflc, r•il•,• l hotfor. ITEZ 182) 8 • $1395 • ·------:1 '62 CHEVROLET •Pick-up. Plurnbin& or • 1 clectrical special • (K63951l • • $1195 • 1------· • '66 PONTIAC • I St•re~i1f 4 door, Ftc, tfr,. I tufom1fic, pow•r 1f11tin9 •• IVTP 1471 • $1795 : $895 • • .--~---~· • '62 MERCURY • M1t11f1rey, Fao:. t ir, 111fa,.8 ., ... t6EXS901 •• : $695 • .•••••••. : : IAGUAR : • llADOUARTW • 1Compl•t• s.r •• ·.Serva. 1ice and Part•· Dee!..+;.• •m•nt for J~GUARS. • • S•• 1111 h cttlne • • ~t6t J•111•r TMey a ......... : • • : 23' E. 171h ST. • • • 548-7765• • • • • • OPENs • 7 DAYS • AND • E,YENINCiS · • J ' • 31 DAttY ·'1LOT f•ld11, M11<h 21, 1969 , TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Tll~NSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION -~ ~-~ ~-~.. ~-~.. ~-~.. ~-~ ~-~ ~-~.. ~ Now C•rs 9800 ------------------. -. ------.. --- '' '' ., • I I • " ' America's Favorite Person~!' Fun Car! . . Get A Dunton Deal! HARDTOP or FASTBACK BRAND NEW 1969 BRAND NEW 1969 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! . MUSTANG FALCON 2-Dr. • Whltewoll tires and whnl covtn optionaJ CUSTOM 2-Dr. Full sbe 121 Inch wllnl IMn•, carpets. "htat- . er ond fvll factory . .,..1, .... t ltich1de4. (White tires and wheal covers optioned.) FORD L~T.D. Whitewall tires .,..i· wheel covers optional w ... 1c ... n .. dw•1te..UTI,.. $238100 Optlo11al We ._,,. a 11 .. ,. wlecrlo• of M1•t•11t• wftll optlolKll 0"1lpme11t I• stec• for Im· 1111"1a.t. ffllfttY, Stlll A-~•'I No. I Down Per MHth ~2275°0 52649°0 11tlll119 spertr. car. G., yoar lpKlcll Dun· "'' Tu: a rid Uttrt• t.o ._, tN•w-48 Months Financing Available rH1oucoH c:ALIF. FuN01Nco oN Arraov10 c:uolf DRIVE DUNTON FORD USED CARS WITH CONFIDENCE I '64 THUNDERBIRD '65 MUSTANG '65 BUICK SKYLARK '65 PLYMOUTH VB, autometic trensmission, radio, heater, full power, factory a ir conditionin9. HGP 6~8. Con~ertible. V-8, automatic tran1mi11ion, radio, heater. FMU 923 "1 Door. V-8, automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering, fectory air con- ditioning, tilt steering wheel. HFW 9 11 VALIANT 2 DOOR. 6 cylinder, autom•tic:: tr•nsmi11ion, radio, heater, power steer- ing. ATS 808 $1295. $995 $1295 · $995 '65 MARLIN 2 DOOR HARDTOP. V-8, automatic trans- mission, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, bucket 1eets. Value of the week! NFH 878 '67 COUGAR HARDTOP '66 CHRYSLER. NEWPORT 2 DOOR HARDTOP. Automatic transmis- sion, radio, heater, power steerin9, power ~rakes, factory a ir conditionin9. Sharp! TBZ 527 '65 MUSTANG V-8, stic k shift, radio, heater, white waif tires, buck«!t seats. UEY 8 I I HARDTOP. 6 cylinder, •utomatic tran1· mission, radio, heater, white wall tires. NMY 383 $995 . : .. ·.~··· ' ·• . . ·t • :· 11· ·-•·v ·· '! jl11· \ ·: ·-• • . . l . ~ " . : .... :"' , . , ·n :: l-'. . . :: -;-.. ·~. -· : ,., .... ... ·~ " . : J. . .. '-· •"' ··. < • $1995 . :·, .... . . . -..... .. .'~j.' ~~:· .J·: . .. \ ,·" . -~ .. ~. ~~: ·;~{'.; .. .. '\."';" .. ~ .····•• $1895 $995 ' • ' I t ' • Antiques, Classics 9615 Autos Wanted 9700 Autos Wanted 9100 Autos Wanted 9700 u .. d Cora 9906 Used Cars 9900 UHd Cors 9900 Used C1r1 1934 FIAT 508 S Sports car. t of a kind1 1.st $600 takes. 673-5156, 503 CarnaUon CdM Autos Wanted 9700 Will Buy Your Volksw~ w Porsche ~ pay top dollars. Paid tor or not. Call Ral pb .-61-0L-D-.S-.63-P-o-,t-io-,,-,5-1 1 6 73• 1190 Chevy for sale. All good cond. 642-3754 DAILY PIUJT WANT ADS! LINES. Yau can. use them tor just pennie• a da1. Dial 642"'"78 WE BUY ANY USED CAR. TOP DOLLAR. G;M. MOTORS 2014 liarbor'Blvd. c.r.f. 64.2-93..16 9600 Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autns 9600 EARLY DEMO • E• ALL MODELS . ROADSTERS PICKUP e SEDANS e STATION WAGONS TRUCKS • • '41/2% FINANCING AVAILABLE 18835 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842 • 7781 or 540 • 0442 \VE PAY •.• CASH for used can & trucks just call us tor ftte l"Stimate, GROTH CHEVROlfl Ask for Sales :f.1anager 18'111 Beach Blvd. liwitington Beach TRANSPORTATION CAR SALE CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET '64 CHEVY Impala, 4 dr ---------------- Hard top, V-8, automatic, G M '61 Chevell Concours• PIS, P/B. new tires, xlnt 1 1 ESTATE WAGON. 16,000 Credit problem! See us for rond. \Vhite &. maroon. MOTORS original miles. 327 engine, inst 1 d r I . $1095. See at 330 \\i'. Bav, power steering, power brak- an e 1very, ow ?rices, C. M. Parking lot. 11 Af.1 'fi6 OIEVY Fleetside ~~ !on es, factory air, 1 owner, ab. easy terms. We decide on to 8 PM pidrup. 6, stick, P.&H. $1399 solutely like new. $2899 db·. your credit. Call or come in -==·=~----this \veekend onJY. 2 yr. 24,-tooay. '64 CHEVY 11 Station wagon. Chick Iverson ••• ·-"-a· "-t t A-OOJ mi. \varranty. lUZ9326) 19i0 Harbor Blvd. ~7" ,,,... JO, 11"8 er, au o., ir 2014 Harbor C.l\I. BLUE CHIP cond., lugg. rack. Like ne\V 642_9336 Co~la !llesa CHRYSLER • • " _________ ,, \VIFE'S Car. 1-owner. New " . . brakes, ne1v shocks. 1964 , Cttryslcr Newport. F • A . '• P/s. 2 Dr. HT. 1.lay be J seen at Lido Shores Hotel, " 617 Lido Park Dr., NB. ~ 67J...SSOO. suoo • COMET • l 10 S.3331. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR AUTO SALES inside & out. Must see to '60 ll\IPALA w/everything. · t n-a1 2026 '65 CHEVY IMPALA • 2145 Harbor, Costa ?.1esa apprcc1a ~-..,., er. $::85 may trade for van or •1 WE PAY CASH FOR Jfnrbor Blvd. Costa :f.lc-sa. Hardtop, V-8, fact air, dlr, ? 546-l890 642-0045 '61 CO!llET Deluxe station ~ 645-1872 local car. Ecellent condllion. "'ago1\. Radio, heater, ~ YOUR CAR, PAID $..'N' Cash dels or take foreign CHRYSLER automatic, luggage rack. ~ FOR OR NOT! \VHITE '58 Chev Impala P\\T car in trade. Will fine prvt $395. DeaJer. 2026 Harbor , S & B. punched 348 'v/3 ,,,, ,., "m Blvd. Costa Mesa. 645-1872 ~ deuces I:. tri-pwr set up. party. LB TXJ 'IO'I, 4;rt-3 --------CONNELL CHEVROLET Family expansion· forces o.-~ '61 CHRYSLER '61 Cornet, air, reblt eng. sale. 1st $325 takes. 54~2723 '63 CHEVY Impala SS 2 Sedan, full power. air, dlr, Xlnt cond. $395. • • k R' • doo' -w b-'·•s • t•-s one owner. $50 Delivers. \Vill 874 Darr..ell St., C.P.1. 548-2535 ; BUICK 28'l8 Harbor Blvd. '63 Buie 1v1era '63 CHEVY u. Stick Shi.It. · .... ,..,.. "'" • •1 t ti' N ... · excel. cond. Sl.250. 8-47-2657 fine, prvt, party, Take pay. BUSIEST mark-lace tr. Costa !11esa 546-1200 Ne\V color. Black jade, fact. '"us sc · eo:us en g 1 n e ments of $24. mo. LB QUR ..... ,, ---o-:c=--=-:=---1 equlpt. and nlce. Lie. TYZ. ,,·ork,, $350 or best oUer. IS YOUR AD IN ~SI· 463 Call Ken 494-9773 or ~ town. The DAILY PILOT WE BUY Z45. 962-152:1 FIED1 Someone will bt Oaasitied lectkln. Sa•t 1.~~==,--,~=-,,= looking for it. Dial '642-5618 0634 mot1ey, time A effort. Look $1295 '37 CHEVY 2 DR HT. for quick, efficient result1. CHARUE IT! now!!! JOHNSON & SON c<>"'m' ,;m., c1 .. ,, $200 jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillliiiiiiiiiiiiill ___ lliillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or make offer. 546-8070 or 1949'• to 1969's LONNY'S Llncoln ·Mercury 546-83!JO :..1()16 Harbor Blvd. 19-U llarboi· Blvd. 642-7o:.>o .~;s~C~H~E~v=Ro'"LET='°"'s.d~.,,--o-., Costa Mf'!& 1967 RlVIERA, all po\ver, exceUent cond. 3 6 , O O O G45-lS72 6 v.'ay seat. AM/F:f.1 stereo, original miles. :f.fake oUer. -===~==;--I electro cruise, air cond &. 642-5207 li\1PORTS \VANTED beater. $2995. MU474. I =~=~~--.,.-,"' Ol1IJl Count! '55 CHEV 2 dr, auto. Gd 1UPgf'$ BUY~ '63 BUICK Electra. 1 all pwr, cond. 40,000 act mile~. New BILL l\tA.'CEY TOYOTA air cond., l~dt'd Clean, paint Call 536-2103 aft 5: 30 18881 Beach Blvd. 1 ownC'r, S97a. Priv pty. pr.1. H. Beach. Pb. 847-3555 644-l7J2 lc.64,C-CI=<~E~V~E~L~LE=-oSu-P"'-. "spo=rt. ======== '65 BUICK Riviera, Custom, \Vht ,v/ blk int. Stick, 230 Auto le11ing 9810 loaded, 1-0,vner, fact air, cu in eng. Ask'g $7"";,0 . ---$2595. Call 673-4256 &14-093..1 *AUTO LEASING* ·57 CENTURY Bukk .,,,.,. •s;; CH>.'VY IV"°"' good dablc transportation car, shape, but needs engine I AIL MAKES clean. i:a:>o. S48-0291 aft 5. repair. P.1AKE 0 FF ER, I COMPETETIVE PRICES BUICK J?l<Yla~ '63, ps, p~, ~64~2-~2:\~>;==o--:-::::-= Cort Fox Auto Lening orig owner. x .nt cone!. $895. '66 clli'RICE, 4 dr hard 2'i4 \V. Coast, H.ia:hway 67J..2000 alter 6 PM. 833-0742 top, white, 325 hp. Turbo, Newport Beach 642-8440 '61 BUICK CONVERT, air, all po\\·er. xlnt cond. • LEASING • XI.NT SHA,;;'::.,,~'"· $2100. Pvt ply 642-S35!1 ,.,..,~ '63 CHEVY Impala 2 DR. '69 Camaro, air ..• • S89 mo. ========'I Good condition '64 Cad CdV, a;r .... $89 mo. CADILLAC 644-1198 ., 548-a629 '67 Corvair Mom CPt S5l mo. -196:) CHEV Impala Wag., SOUTH COAST '63 CADI~C Coupe. Fae· 396. R/ft, full P"T· tac &ir. CAR LEASING tory air. Excellent rond. Prv prty. $1500. 644--011& 300 \'/.Coe.st fli&hway $1250. 642--043.> '63 If\-IPALA sta. ,,·gn .. full Newport Beach 645-2182 AMARO P'vr air rond, XI.NT cond. UHd C•rs 9900 _<:_ _ ----17~"-·~'!15-S994=·----­=;.;;..=.;;_----'67 CAMARO 1%6 ct-tEV. \11~n. au10. G M 2 Dr. hdtp. V-8. Rally spt. healer V8, runs good, $300 ' • • fllr. Slcy blue exter., blk. on 0 1· be~t offer. 962-3178 MOTORS blk. inter. Car has had xlnt 19:,() OlEVY 2 dr hard 2014 Harbor Bhd. <:art. $75 Cash 1lels. or "'ill top, 843 Sonora, Costa l\fesa. Costa f\fesa t<.ke fort ign car in trade. li\lesa <lei P.1ar TritclL 642.9336 \\'Ill fin. priv. pty. Call Ken '61 CHEVY. good cond. $475. 'l'ran11JX1rtlltlon cal'8 from L.B. TPP993 4.94-9773. Call titlnter at &tl-9511. $49 to $1999 '67 Camai'tl SS 350 eJ!er 7 pm call &-10-717'6 TH.E HUB ol acttvll;y !Of (~pd, chrm wheel!!, ~ig tires. DALLY PlL01 Df\1E·A· Atrvlce bwlinitSM:I .•• I.ht '\iery •• clt>an. $219.J d Jr . UN~. Yoo can UM them Ouaitier:I Ads. Dial 642~ \ ~1 or ~-2284 tor Juft pM.nfet e day. Dial in offer your ~rTl<:ll! NOW \\"hire rlcphantsl Dime-a·line 6'2-5671 . ' : START MAKING MONEY NOW! CALL 642-5678 ASK FOR YOUR DAILY PILOT AQ-VISOR • ' AND YOU MAY CHARGE IT! I • • ./ ' • " • l ' • • ' ' • ' • ' ' • • • • • ' . . -. . -· .----. --... --. ---·-,. ---· , .. ----..-....-------................. -------·--------~-~---------------~----~-------. l'RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Frldlt, Marc~ 21, 1969 DAILY PILOT 30 TRANSPORTATION ,TRANSPORTATION -. Nnr Cort 9100Now C•rt 9IOONowC1r1 9100N ... cors 9IOONow Cort 9IOONow C1rt 9100 Now-Cort ····-~-9IOONow C1rt 9100 Now Co rs I BOB SPICKARD NEW CAR SERVICE MANAGER FROM THI TIME THAT A NIW CAR IS DE· LIYIRED TO .US AND WILL INTO ITS WAI· . IANTY AFTIR DELIVERY TO YOU, IOI SPICK· ARD AND HIS CREW OF NEW CAR SPECIAL· ISTS Gn TO KNO.W THAT CAR AS THOUGH IT WAS THEIR OWN! IT IS CHECKED, IN· SPECTID, ROAD AND SYSTEM TESTED AND, AfTll YOU TAKE DELIVERY, PAINSTAKING· l,.Y SERVICED. THATS WHAT YOU WANT, BN'T lt7 ' ' . •· I , . l HAVE YOU EVEl IOUGH1. A NEW CAR FROM A DEALER •.•• AND PAID A LOT OF HARD-EARNED MONEY FOR THIS NEW AUTO THAT YOU HAD WAITED A LONG TIME FOR ••• •••• AND THEN, WHEN YOU .. OUGHT THE CAR ·BACK FOR ' . SERVICE, WIRE 'TREATED WITH ' DISINTEREST AND LAC-IC OF CONCERN? ' . NOT AT JOHNSON & SON. • ONE REASON· IS JUST TO THE LEFT. HE 1·s OUR NEW CAR SERVICE MANAGER AND HIS JOB IS TO KNOW EACH NEW CAR DELIVERED Fii.OM OUR DEALERSHIP ••• AND TO KNOW THE OWNER • • WHEN YOU BRING YOUR NEW CAR BACK TO US FOR AmNTION THAT'S JUST EXACTLY WHAT YOU'LL GU! II MERCURY LINCOLN -Ieashed·I . OYER 50 · BRAND NIW COUGARS om so NIW ~DY·-'"'COUGARS (PLUS A NUMBER OF mcUTIYI CARS) AU NOW ON SALEI -'3121 ·· BRAND NEW READY-TO-GO '69 COUGAR Fully Factory Equipped, Plus Select Shih Automatic Tr1nsmission1 B.ucket Seats, Radio, H •• t er, Ba~k-up lights. E78xl4 White Wah Tires & Delu,xe Wheel Cov-. ers, etc. Sloe\ '#4380. Plus lie. & Tu. C~ugar ... ~ o ~©®IL~ ·©®~vo ~~~if&~ 0 ~&lffiR\ m 0 ~ ~ lffi© lill lffiW 0 ©®lill@&lffi '-' ------~'" _2_6_2_6_H_A __ R_B_O_R_a_o_u_LE_V_A_R_D_,_c_o_s_T_A_M_ES_A ____ ___,,~,-· ___,}~ , --~--~-----· Ut1d Cira 9900 UMd C1r1 1--------99oo New C1rs 9800 HOLIDAY RAMBLER USE THIS HANDY POSTAGE PAID CONTINENTAL COUGAR FORD IN COSTA MESA DAILY PILOT WANT AD ORDER BLANK AND REA.;H THE ORANGE COAST'S BIGGEST MARKET '61 IJNCOLN Cool, 4 cir. '68 COUGAR '64 FORD l owner, local. Beaut cond. . Quick sale, 646-7709 aft 6 Lune with bla~k padd~ ~op. Galax!e 500 conv., VS, auto- Pl\f ThW"S/Fri'; bet 2 PM Loaded a~d air condltlonmg. matic trans, power steering, Sat. µgoo. 1 • Stott.a 842-5581, radio and heater, Ebony PRESTIGE Model Co nv . Eves. 962·7ffi6 black with white top. Lie. Sed. 1964. Still lik• ... w. DODGE HBX!!;9. $795 Lvmg for Europe. Youn to' $1795 Ph. 545-5050 •JOOoGE Polara. 0 ,., JOHNSON & SON · --& perteci inside & out. Must Lincoln-Mercury CORVAIR sell this \\'eekend. Only $750. 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 ' Dealer. 2026 Harbor Blvd., G M Costa Mesa. 64>1872 • • AMX and JAVELIN HEADQUARTERS FOR ORANGE COUNTY Offers you 1 FREE mimber.shlp to Orange Counfy.s l1rge1t AMX..Javelin club with car purchaH. 1279969 BRAND NEW '69 AMX 5 SHORT WORDS MAKE ONE LINE-NO AD LESS THAN 3 UNES G.M. MOTORS '63 DART GT convert, auto, ' ey~ "50, Call MOTORS * 91i2-3923 * '63 Ford Fairlane. VS, auto., ~:...· ,:.., .. n, ,.,,, ........ $2999 >, PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0 SEND BILL 0 2 TIMES - $4.50 $5.1 0 P11b1lth for,,,,, ••••• d1y1, lieti1111l111 ,,,,, ,. ,, •••• ,,,, ••••••••••••••• Cl111lflc1tle11 , •• ••, ••••••••••• , ••• ••.,.,., •• , , ,, , , , , , , ••,. ,, •• , , • ' Ntl'llO , , , , , • •, • •• •• • • • • .._, • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • •• •• • • • • • • o •, • ••,, •• • Ad.lr1u , •••••• •••• •• •• •••• •• •• • ••• • • •• •••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ,, ••• City , , , , , ••• , ••,.,.,, • •• , , , , • , , • Ph on• ••• , , , • , , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , • TIMES ' TIMES 12 TIMES $6.80 $8.21 $9.76 $10.6S $15.90 $13.10 $20.10 $15.55 ~4.30 TO FllUll COST Put only en• w•r4 Jn ••ch •p•e• ebo••· lnelluf• your tddrt tl or phene n11mb1r. Tht colt of your •d h •t the •nd of the line on which th• l11t word of your t.I h writ- t111. Add $2.00 orlr1 W yoe dtlite 111• of DAILY PILOT lo• ''"'it• wltfri moiltd ,,. pll11. "3" '61 C-orvain. Your choice , . R&H, this week.rut only. 2 Sl99 this weekend only. 2 yr, 68 DART GTS, 4 speed, posi, yr, 24,000 mi. waITanty. 24,000 mi. warranty, tape. Never raced. YCNS.'lS 2014 Harbor C.M. * 5-18-2lOO * 2014 Harbor C.M. 642-9336 '58 'DODGE 2 Dr, hdtp. 642-9336 '62 CORVAIR R&H , reblt '"•· 1250• '65 FORO COUNTRY 54~2981 SEDAN 700 C.Oupe. 4 speed, radio and heater, runs pat, Lie. FALCON Sta waa, dlr, V.S, pwr 1teer--BEF088 Ing, Excellent condition. '50 ' $495 '62 FALCON CUh dell or take ..... for-eign car. Fine prvt prty, $39 JOHNSON & SON :kloor Deluxe Coupo, g eyJ. ·Mooth. LB UEV 484. Call Lincoln-Mercury lnder, automatic tra.nsml• Ken, 545--0634 or 494-!m3. 1941 Harbor Blvd. 642-7050 alon, radio and heater. -'63 Ford XL '62 CHEVROLET Corvair Brittany blue witl: matching G alaxfe H•rdtop Monza coupe. Automatic interior. Lie. OTRTI4. White exterior, plush fur. transmission. U75 full price. $495 qoi.se bucket 11eats, fact drlr. Dealer. 2026 Harb</' Blvd. JOHNSON & SON ;Ur, $.\(} Ca.h d•1', will fioc Costa Mesa. 64~1872 Ltncoln-Mercury prvt party. Pymnb $29.86. '63 CORVAIR, excep good 19'11 Harbor Blvd, 642-7000 LB ATB 798, Call Ke~ 49f.. cond, low mil, 4 spd, many 9773 or 545-0634 . xtras. Going to Europe, G M FORD MOTOR' ro. '68 EX· must sell. $170. 494-4347 • • EClITIVE resale c a r •, '64 CORVAIR Spyrler, 4 gpd, MOTORS HUGE SAVINGS on a Wido turbo charged, yello'w '61 Falcon Wagon. Radio, choice of near new 'GS LI~ w/blck int. Xlnt oond. $700, heater, 3 ~· Thi.• week-coins, Mel'C\ll'y, Cougars. 642-2989 end only. 2 )T, 1-1,cro mi. For details call Mr. Brochu, 1960 OORVAIR. MuR Sellr Wan'81lty. $299 540-5630 Dir. BRAND NEW '68 JAVELIN 11' ... , .. , ..... "'" $2386 079969 BRAND NEW '69 RAMBLER ... ""· ..... • $2043 121 H.P. Order ~doy, BRAND NEW '69 REBEL TH l'eoplo Car $2436 111521% ' BRAND NEW '69 AMBASSADOR Ak Co .. oto•l•t• . $3286 YI, Am. tn11t1. 5110U O USED CARS-SELECT YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT '66 DODGE ....... WqL $52 ... IJC No, TRD 676 ... Y·I, AMtti. tnutt., Pewer Stffr119 • lrolln. '66 FORD c. • ..,, ... ,~. ' ,.... $66 ,.. IJC. No, lPUJ7 •· Y•I, A11fl. Tn1111,, Powr Steerl11t '66 AMBASSADOR $52 ::. ttO Z df, HiT,. Y·I. Allto, Thllll .. l'wr. S...,hit •II '6 ... 7 '"op'e0·L··,:.::~~-~ $45 ... · UC. No. UOltU '"'· 4 lpff4 CH,.. Ylltyl r.of, ...no 01111 ......... ' '65 MERCURY M~-$49 = ,_.. ____ .,..._,_ ................ CllT Hiil-PASTI ON'YOUl INVILOPl , _________ r-Very reliable trans. car. ®14 Harbor C.M.10·62~F"'O~RD=-"Sta"'tto'"'n-,w""a-gon Belt cffer. 675-3585 642-9336 ,Country Sedan., auto trans. 4 •• H.T .. , ........ ,,__ r.s .. n . "" CH4. ue. NO. NHN016 '66 SUNBEAM "'"' $64 :: " " ' BUSINESS REPLY MAIL Flnt c:i ... ,.,!'lllt No II, Cosl1 M.ta, C.111-lo Oran91 Coast DAILY PILOT P.O. Box 15'° i" I Colhl M_, Calif. 9262.6 Cl>lllflod Dopt. ========1•63 FALCON V-8, Hardtop, P/s, P/b, new tirt:s, rebll auto trans, ps, outstandina eng. $425. 548-1531 COllVnTE cond. 842-6740, 962...filfill 1967 FORD Falrlane v.a. --,,-2-C_O_R_V_E_TT_E-· I '63 Ford Falcon. auto; air; 11,000 actual 6 eyl. $400. mileage. Moving. • Must Black beauty! Must aee to 54!>-0lilB Sell ! (213\ WE 1-4393 a1-1preclate. Local car. S50t-======== lii4F'Oiii5'0n;;SQ.-;;;;ro;;, Cash del!I, dlr, or will takel"' '64 FORD Cntry Sq. wagon, foreign car m trade. Call PORD _ auto tranl,. r & h, ps, pb, Ken after 10 LB QGB 22.1. alr l'Olld. $!KXI aft 6 PM, 49f-9T13 or ~. '60 FORD, COUNTRY ledab all ~ Sat .l Sun. 842-4692 •68 CORVETTE yellow 327 station wago11. Good ahape! FORD '67 Country Squite, engine, 4 spd: 13,mi' orig ~-* 646-5797 10 pass. Alr-cond. Lots of miles. $"500. 546-8776 '62 FORD GalAJde 500. F\ill extras! Pampered! fl. 7':1. ========I Pwr. " Air, ......... Con<!. 54>-016.l COUGAR Thn<oOllt 548-1661 Alt. • PM1"·s~1 ~==-=-Sed"'.-=P"'1s.,--,P=JB. -------·!GOING fnto Service. 1962 R/H. Dependable ... car. '61 COUGAR. atr.cond, R&lf Fon! Fllrt.ne, Good cond. 4tJ6 E. 2!JC 548-Q'll Yol. 4 ...... ~aazllM c• l..&cM A aut. LIC. N•. 111111 '67 FORD ....... ... $63 ... I , . LIC, Ne. YP.UOl1 -.. 2 .•• H'.t., Y•I, Aefo, '"""·• P.S., ~ 11,000 l&I. '65 CLASSIC ":1c. ""'" $44 :: 4 *· ..._, ,y.1, ..... "'""· P.S .. fact •• ;..... . MANY onf11 MAiis & MODlLS • P«Y!Mtltl lt.i4 .. S••o.oo l:cnfl .,. .,... ....,,, ,... T&L fer-J'-. 01 .,,....... ,boflll &miff. ,,.. RED CARPn SERYIC:I FOR YOUR CAR HOLIDAY · AMlllCAN MOTOll Sales & Service ONN 7 DAYI AND IVININM fOI TOUI CONYINllNCI t969 Harbor, Costa Mesa, U2-6023 · vinyl top; k> Ml. FU11 pwr. Must Sacr. $395. 549-4146 * XI.NT jJDnd '6S' OtrJ $2150. sn-8811; 646-5731 eve • BIG Wagon • ·es Cty Sedan Wag. Air, pomr, BUSlES'l mr.r11:etiilaee ir. Rd 44~000 mt. dented nar 45,000 ml. $1550. 545-mO • to1m. The DAILY PlL<n $1117 or otter 545-63.lS DAILY PILO'l OIME•A• ClRsaifled leCtlm. Sf•• PLACE your want ad wbett lJND. You ctn U9t thllm -.,, -I< eu.n. i.oo11 lhty .,. looldna -DAILY for just -I daf. lltol I <MIWllt PIWT dulllMd 642-mt ""5611 ---------------11 • ' .. \ .. Frid.a/, M1rth 21, 1969 _;,18 DAILY PD.OT , .cANSf'OttTAfiOH TIANSPORTATION TltANSPORTATIOH _..;cT:,:RA:..;N;.:;S:.:.PO=R.;;TA;,;To.:l:;.O:.:N_-'T.;;M;;;A:.:N;;;SPO=R:.;T;;;A;.:;Tl:.:O::.:N~..:.T;;.RA::.N:;;S:::PO=Rc.:..TA:;::.T;,;l:::O:::N_.:.,T;:;•A;:;N:;;S:::P.:::0::.R:;TA:.T:..:10:::;N~-T:;RA=N:.:S::.P:::O::.RT:;A::;T:;;IO::;N~_;:.=:.::-==='-:::::t.:. NowC." == ....... ==='---====--.....;':.::'°° -c." -9100 -'CADILLAC for NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE- MJJSTERJ'IECE Fl{OJvI THE MJJSTER.. CRJlFTSMEN ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM------ 1968 COUPE DE VILLE • $4222 Beautiful Silver Pine Ctt•en exlerior with black padded lO(J and green cloth and leather interior. Has power steer- ing, power brakes, power seat. power windO\VS, factory air condltlonlng. tilt and telescopic. steering v.•hecl, signal seeking wonder-bar radio. Has very low mileage. Beautiful \veil kept Cadillac. :P.1us t see this one. (XSP 6911 1968 EL DORADO Beautiful firemist rostY.'ood broY.'n with brov.·n padded top and saddle leather interior. PO\\'er steering, power disc brakes, power windoy,·s, power seat, Vogue tyres, stereo ilt-FM rad- io. rear window defogger, power door locks plus much, much more. Must see, 'lXSR 304) SALE PRICED 1963 THUNDERBIRD Lovely coral exterior with '~"hite landau lo_p and matchlng coral vinyl interior. Fu 11 y equipped with poy,.·er steering, power brakes, power windows, power sent, radio and heater, automatic transmission plus white side wall ltitts. A very well kept car. (10Z5701 SALE $999 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC 'ThLs lovely Sedan DcVUle has all popular power assists including pov.'er steering, po\11er brakes pov.·er \\;ndo'>VI. pov.1er seat and Cad- illac's famous fac1ol'y air conditioning. This beautiful automobile has bern vPry carerully driven and shows only the fine1t of care by its previous Ov.'11eJ", (4445) SALE $4222 PRICE 1964 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Silver blue exterior v.'ith matching cloth and leather Interior. 11a.s pow- er steering, power brakes, pov.·er windows, power seat, white side v.'1lll tires. ?.1ust sell now. <SRP 3.59) SALE $1333 PRICE 1965 RIVIERA This one is hai'd to believe, only 36,000 mile one owner beauty finished ln Royal midnight blue exterior with black custom interior. Fully equipped with power steering, power brakes, power seats, power windows, factory air conditioning, power antenna, tilt steerin& wheel, radio and heater, :safety aentlnal. SALE PRICED 1966 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille that is ab!IC?!;.itely gorgeous. Fini!hed in Spanish Silver wtth matching cloth and leather interior, fuHy power ac- cented \vith power stttring-brakes-v.·ndows- seats-door locks, AM-FM radio, ,u.to. cruise control premium white Hide wall tins and factory air conditioning. (RGN297J SALE $3111 PRICE 1966 THUNDERBIRD The sporty 2 door hardtop Is fully equipped with pov.'er steertng, power brakes, power \\"indo'>VS. pov.•er seat and Ford's famous fac- tory air conditioning. A beautiful satin silver exterior with black vlnyl interior. l\1ust be seen and drlvt'n to fully ap1ireclatc! IRTIJ· 339! SALE $2222 PRICE 1967 OLDSMOBILE The Custom Delta 4 Door hardtop finished In a meta!Jic blue exterior \\'ith black vinyl roof and blue interior. Fully equipped with pov.•er steering, power brakes, power windov.·s, astrp F.ea t, factory air condltlo~g plus many olher luxury fratures. ShOY.'S meticulous care by previous owner. (TYY 7441 SALE $2999 PRICE LARGEST SELECTION OF LATE MODEL, PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ORANGE COUNTY • 29 COUPE DE VILLES • • 23 SEDAN DE VILLES • • 5 CONVERTIBLES • • 7 EL r:lORADOS • • 19 OTHER MAKES • THESE CADILLACS AR£ ALL SPECIALLY PRICED NOW FOR THIS SALE ONLY SEE US TODAY! 1968 CORVmE H.T. Lovely dark Forest Green exterior with black bucket seats. Sports equipped with 427 V8 engine, 4 speed transmission, pov.·er steerillJ?, power windows, AM-F~I radio, healer, pos1~ traction of course and wide oval red line tires, You'll want to test drive thil. beauty. !VR.T- 2351 ·- SALE $4333 PRICE 1965 CADILLAC The popular sedan DeVUle model finished i11 lovely btll'gundy \Vith black vinyl top and black leather interior. Has PQ\\'t'r steering, l)O\Ver brakes, power wi ndows, lilt steering wheel, AM-Fl\'l radio and factory air L'Ondi- ltoning. This is a beautiful automobile that is priced for a quick sale. (NQX514) SALE $2555 PRICE 1966 PONTIAC GTO A very sporty hardtop that is finifihed in silver wtth black all vinyl bucket seat in- terior. Fully loaded including Big VS engine, tri-power 4 speed transmission, power steer- ing, power brakes, radio and heattt, Factory air condltionin2. You won't v.·ant to miss this one. CSAA494) SALE $1999 ~;ICE 1966 OLDS TORONADO lfardtop Deluxe. Emerald green exterior v.·ith green cloth lntel'ior. Full po"·er including power steering, power brakes, pov.·er win- dows, tilt steering v•hee-1, factory air condi- tionin&:. Low -mileage and absolutely gorgl'!- ous throughout. (SVX120J SALE PRICED 1965 RAMBLER Classic 4 door fully equipped with VS engil1e, automatic transmission, power 'leering, radio and heater, \vhite side wall tires. Lovely deep v.·ater ttu-quoise with matching cloth Interior. This locnlly ov.·ned beauty has only 28,000 1niles. t OZH 726) SALE $1333 PRICE 1965 THUNDERBIRD Shin1 rnf'ring !>atin silver wi th match.ing vinyl bucket ~eat interior. Fully equipped with pow- er s teering, PQ\\'er brakes, pov.•er \Vindov.·s. JXl\\'f'r seats, [actory air conditioning and whit,. side v.•all tires. (PDP 4901 SALE $1333 PRICE 1967 EL DORADO Finished Jn phantom green with green cloth and leather interior. Fully equipped with po\.v- er ateering, power ·disc brakes, power seat. pov.·er windows, tilt and telescopic steerin:i "'heel, wonderbar radio factory air condition-ing-~>lus many more C&dillac optional features. tVXH 168) SALE $4999 PRICE 1967 RIVIERA Gran Sport. Lovely midnight green exterior with black all vinyl interior. Has pcJ\\"er steer- ing, power brakes, power windows, tilt steer- ing wheel, special high style Gran Sport whet!ls and of cou~e factory air conditioning. This automobile shows the finest of eare by its previous owner, J\lust see. (TSD498) SALE PRICED ·-------SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN---------- SA LE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 19 69 8:30 AM to 9:00 eM MONDAY thru FRIDAY -9:00 AM to 6:00 PM SATURDAY and SUNDAY Your factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving The Orange Coast Harbor Area VISIT OUR COMPLETE VOGUE TYRE SALES & SERVICE CENTER • WE ALSO STOCK ALL ORIGINAL FACTORY ECj)UIPMENT TIRES. NABERS s3995 HCh INCLUDING MOU NTING0 IALANCIN6 & IXCISI f AX • FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 9900 Used Cars 9900 UMd Can 9900 l--FO-R-D--I MERCURY OLDSMOBILE Und C1,. Used C1r1 9900 u .. d Cars ========~. ==========::::::::: 9900 I Used Cars 9900 j Used Cars 990Q [ Used C1r1 -·------ '62 FORD 4-0001 M!dan, Galaxic 500, VS, automatic trans., pow- er steering, radio and hf'al- ~ er. In good condition. Lie. lOX917. $495 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln-~lercwy 1941 Harbo1 !;i\'d. &12-7050 -·67 Cortina GT Coupe Red with black buckets. Economy pluK. Lie. TSP 247. $1395 M L11Di6 IHPORTS TOTOTA-f OLfO l981i Hartlor, C.M. 64&-93CD MERCURY '64 MERCURY 2 door hardtop. Monttlair Mauradtt. VI. automatic inns., a1r c:omftionine. pow- er lteerlJW, poYtW bra.kt:&. radio and heater. Uc. lOXlJl $10fS JOHf'ISON & SON Uncoln·Mtl't'U!'1 19'1 !WW Bl>d. '42-~ na: QUICK!!R YOU CAIJ., nlE QUiaCER YOU SEU. OLDSMOBILE FORD MOTOR co .... .,. '63 OLDS UNIVERSITY SA LES & SERVICE OLDSMOBILE ec11tive resale cars. l1 U~E 4.door 88 Sedan vs automa· SAVINGS on a "'Ide choice. Ii" trans., po~er 'steering. ~~r~~~~. n~,~~'S.Lin~!"; po\Yer brllkt'S, radio and details call i\fr. Brochu. hea1e1, 2-tone mist green S4G-5630 Dir. with white top -A clean one =-====-~--~I owner car. Lie. ITJ256 :zs;io liarbor Blvd. '62 hfERCURY. immac, 4 $195 Costa t.1esa ''· "" """' .. "'"'"· rad~. JOHNSON & SON ..,_,.... u"" ea..""""' ps orig O\mer. S 5 0 0. 6T.l-S270 Lincoln-Mercury ========= 1941 !Tarbor Blvd, 642·7050 PLYMOUTH MUSTANG G.M. 1967 PLYMOUTH BELVED ERE II '68 l\IUSTANG, ?89, air, disc, MOTORS 11~!0, gold v.•/vmyl top. 7500 Gil Old~. 4 Di'. H .. tcH. auto, Model _,4 cloor i;!al ion 1Yaj!· i\11les, $2800, 642-1161 days, PS PB p . ~ p " on. Equipn1enl . po1\er s!('<.'I"· . . ·"'I'" "''· ·""a '· ! I ti I . 641--0392 "' "'" nh. au oma c ransn11s.~1on. f'\'n. $149 thli; weri<end only. 2 )'T. vinyl interior, pov.•tr rear '65 i\1ustang V-8, 21.(Q) mi. v.•arranty. QGX411 window, "•hit<' Ridev.-all tires. auto, air, $1395. 2014 Harbor C.r.1. l\llLEAGE . 26,589 67>5256 6'12-9336 Lrct:NSE . l!JB :'U,l '67, 6 cyl MUSfANG Jfdtp New glass, tirn: A ihocks.. $1695. Priv party 545-8165 OLDSMOBILE '62 OLDS CONDTTIO:-J . E.'l"celicnt . ' PHICE • $l!lia. Supe1 88 Hohday; V8, auto-&.'£!at the DAILY PILOT, 330 n1atle tl'Rns .. JJ0\1"l'r Rll't'I'· \Vesl Bay Sttfft, C.M. or call ing, pov.'t't brake~. faclory &t?-4371 ext 275, air, l'xceptionally clean, Lie. ~---4<---FRR.8:i7, 196b PLY i\f 0 UT H 8tlr- PLYMOUTH '69 ROADRUNNER 1 5 ' ' r-.lag's Shelby GT Tires, 3.91 Posl. Air-Grabber. 'Vant no equi!y just lakf' over pay111ts. Cal! 548-7963 Aft. 5 Pl\! PONTIAC '65 PONTIAC GTO 9.")-' blue C'Xt, white top, V-8. dlr, )l\l'L" stt'ering, bucket seats. Excel\t'nl cond. Own- ed by little 'ole lady in San Clenlt'lllt>. $50 Cash del.s or ta.kt-foreign c11r. Can fine rirv1 rirt.y. LB NRC 20!!, Call Ken -194-9773 or J.t"Hl634 '54 PONTIAC Sta "'ag. Su11er, n1echanics delighr. Nl'!e(ls \\'Ork. Acl. 100,00l n1i's. '!'19 liN'n!tt', SU3 firm. 545-8372 1961> PONTIAC Tempest. 6 cyl. R/11. Autu trns. p/s, 11ir-<'Onrl. Xlnl conJ. s1;i95, ;.:1,6.-3'110 ·~ OONN-E\1ru..E 2 dr hnrd '64 0 LDS $S9S ""'~'· Fa•<l bod<. VS. 4 ~ rad' h t SI 1011. Dclu.xe equip. $14:'JO. JOHNSON & SON s1-..~. '°• ca er. 'l(lrp. Cutlaa, lfoliday Mrdtop Lt>ss than 19,0CQ niiles. 67.h'"\1:16. :.OS Ca rn at Io 11, Coupe, VS. automatic trans. 1,111(.'(lln-i\Iercury Balance of 5 yr, or $0.000 Cdi\~'·-~~-~-~ alr condllionini. Power 1~11 I/arbor Blvd. 642·7000 null v.·1UTMty. WU! sell ·55 Bonneville, perfect cond. s~eerirw, (JO'l\W bra.kel, ra-•65 OLDS, '42.. 4 spd, Yellow bf.low T"t'tall or will trade n«'W tires & briikcs, Pri\'. dW> and he1tt:r. A~ic \\'h~le IA'/ blk Int. ~lu.~t 11tll • for pick-up. Phone 52fr.'.ll&1 party. *" 673-7311 PONTIAC $2399 '67 Pontiac Fireblrd :! dr. l!ardlop. "400"·scries. 4 ~Jll'ed, radio, heater, \Vide ovals. pov.'er steering & etc. Beat1tiru1 original condition. \VF.Eh"END SPECIAL Sl50 BELO\V f\ E L L Y BLUE BOOK # 22l377V159Ta3. See thL<1 S\Yingln rar nl Zimmerman Datsun 2845 Jlarbor B!\'tl., C.i\I. ~0-6410 '6,1 PONTI AC Bonnevillr, wagon. Extra ~h;it'P cond. I Urakl'~. .~tq::. $1050. 5.16-1591 ===~---1!16.-l BONf\EVILL E 2 Or. HT. full Pl\T, air-ronr1. \'inrl lop. Xlnt 1..'0rld. S1550. 67~'11:! a1t 5 RAMBLER 1960 RAl\lBLER S I a t i o n \\'agon. 6 cy\, auto, good tr:on;port111ion car. Musi !!ell 11511 or best olfer. J&-.152i '63 RA1'ffiLEB. S I a t Io n \\1agon. R/ll, eulo trans. make offer. 96~723 T-BIRD ~maroon tnte:nor. Uc. brst offer. 1 OV.'1'11', 518--9527 '6l VALIAN"T/6 5lick \\'ag. l!l6i GTO Sil\'f'f l black . s13'.s alt 4. New VRl\'f'I &: rings, Clt'an! Interior, J Sl)l'~. Riii. 100.'; T-BfRD. Ji'ull J)O\\'tr, JOHNSON & SON l>Uli'l JUS1 Wl~U for 9IJll~· s:I%. 67,'.;-~17 673-3571 Air-<"Oncl. t~xlra C I can ! thinJc to tuml11h yoor bome '60 Pl.Yi\fOllTJ-1-Fut'Y, 4(11.,, •fi1 t'IREB.1 r.°'.D7.-,~&7h.-l"-.-.7~1 ~'~"~"'~·~"'~;.~>J~74~'~"'~·~'·-~ t.lnroln-Mtrcury nnd gl"r'.iT huy:k tn to· sir. p/5, p/b, Kood cond, au Io lrAn~. S2:itl;i. dlr. DAILY PILOT WA.i'IT ADS tlMl Harbnr Blvd, Mi-7000 day'3 On.ssined Am. $239. Call 540--0146 ~'.!·:i.'QI cir 53 ~2'l84 BR.ING ~TS! T-BIRD T-BIRD • VALIANT '60 T-Bird, Good Condition $47~1. • '540-01~ '57 CLASflC T-Bird, all pwr 2 lt•ps: 1-convt. I-porthole. S2l50. 546--4170 ar1 6 pm. '6.5 T-BIRD. Full •J'IO'>l'er ancl '63 VALIANT Station wagon. facto.ry air con!'.!. $1495. sns Radio. ~ater, • u t 0 . under blu1• book. Dealer. 1 Completely ove r h a u I e d 2026 Harbor BIYd . C.Osta C"ng-inc. hnmaculate. $895, Mesa. 64j..Ifl72 1 Deller. 2026 Hubor Blvd. CLEAN S7' Sl ,2'l;J Co.~ta r-.tesa. 645-1872 fOf" Daily Pilot Want Ad., Will take lewr car in trade. Nceoct 11 Gart>emtancleT -BRING RESULTS! 64&-1278 Afl. 5 P.i\I . ! F'ind 11 with 1 Wll.DI ad! , ii,w,fS TAR GAZEK1<il.., · By CL\ Y L POLUN llA Alrn M .. .......,, ~ . ._,..,_,_._ M u MAR.21 'y°' ,_....,,,..di• .. ,._.. ..,,.. Sll'l.n -'~ .o.oJ 19 A((Orcling lo lit• St.n. od.7'. ~ 18-19-24-31 To develap meS&oge for Soturdoy, 1-.s. 7.1 37-52·79-86 reod words corresponding to n.Jn"Cers s.3.S-IZ-90 . of }'OU< Zodiac. birth sign. -' 61 Qa;., 02;..--1 .,.,,.. ,..,_ 6S In ..... 67~...t """""" """"' 700\ 71 Molr.1ng '"'" 73 """"" 7~ ltnf*t """' 16 You'll 77 IW;oo><• "°""" """' 80 Yw •ou•••us 11 l~ely .LlN :IO .,,. ... ., .... '"" .,, ......... 86Grol•t\lds .,,.,._ u lJt""" '9C.-'° A.flel" () 1111 Neutral ' . I I I -----·-~ ...--· ~ ---~----------·-------~-~------------;;r-----,_..~'.':"':""~~ FREE 5 DAY TRIAL EXCHANGE ON ANY OF THESE USED CARS PURCHASED THIS WEEKEND ONI Y '83 DODGE STATION WAGON ' P'IHl'l'lfl!', ltWlt. HM"1', 3rd s-t. Good COndlllon. llA 4S. •595 , p£1l MO· $295 IHtlUDll "1.1. tAX. uctHlt AHO 11il!JIST. '81 PLYMOUTH FURY Ill 4-000R HARDTOP ~~r=11!f:O~rA~Tr=..~.tVU •1895 '84 CHEVROLET IMPALA ' SUPll SPORT V4 rldlo. l'lfffotr, :r":'lc ••'*'lluloio, -Ra"· ..... l'(IW9r bralln, I -!lionlnl. O/N' ... I. •1195 ,,...,,..< ... , CASH OR TRADl ~1>11 Tu: .... ~ DELIVERS .Engine No. PE21F90116840 '8& CHEVROLET BEL AIR 9 PASSlNGll STATION WAGON V-*. lttdll. HMltr, trd .hit. l-i""1 14rr XTe ,,, •10,5 '80 STUDEBAKER " TON PICICUP v ... ' ..... _,.,., IMINnlml ........ Ma •595 ' '88 RAMBLER REBEL STATION WAGON VI, ltMl'ltr ~· AlllwNtlc Traf*"ll&IM -l"IJWitr llttrl,.. CL •1995· '88 FORD GALAXIE &00 2-000R HARDTOP V·•· radio. "'"'"'· Hk• con11111on. WXP: on •1195 • ollLY I'll.OT 4i OPEN DA!LY & SUNDAY til 10p;m. ,,,, 1.f o IN • rJ.WorsAu A~ENSE INTQ1s1. ::::r NEW A#a O"'R CAR IN Ui HUSE INVENTORY HAS BEEN ~JS.,~OUNTED To r1; YOU HUNDREIJS. '88 DODGE DART STATION WAGON VHr.!cr':"'t1r tt:.!lri1oiifnl "6.'1'*";.1or1. ,..., •1595 -I . '18 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2.000R HH)!TOP "'"""· healer, IVtanM!k ,...,.,...,, ,_,, .-tlf, _., brelm, 1'fllttwtfl n .... YCL rtlS. •2695 CHRYSLER ' PL¥MOVTH IMPERIAL • • ~! ... ;i! ~I •• • ·1~ -' l -i 'j " . ~ . ' '. ' ' . ' '' ' ' ' i ' . :. i . r • • • ' . . . ----~---~--~---·--~--~·---~ ... ' ·'4 '99 Over-lnvoic~! DEMO CLE-.AR'ANCEE ' on ALL NEW 1968 YI • ENGLISH SHELBY FORDS GT's 35 • 69's TO CHOOSI FROM • • • SO FRESH, SO NEW, YOUR NEIGHBORS )YILL THINK YOU HAYE A BRAND NEW CAR I • • 1969 THUNDERBIRD 2·DOOR LANDAU . DELUXE 4-DOOR's DELUXE 2-DOOR's GT 4·DPOR's GT 2-DbOR's STATION WAGONS GT· SOO's TRUCK • CAMPER SUPER CE.NT E·R f.100 Pickups to Heovy Duty Custom Rigs. $peciol Fleet and Lease ,.IXAMP-LE DISCOU,.Ta GT· 350's FAST BACKS CONVERTIBLES · Departments Brand New 1969 FIDO $ 63 4 SPEEDS, AUTOMATICS $99 OVERACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE WHILI INYINTOlllS WTsl 4 SPEEDS, AUTOMATICS $99 OVER ACTUAL FACtORY INVOICE WHILI INYINTORIU U.ffil Pickup ORDER TODAY $2099 SPECIAL! FULL PRICE Serial No. 9J84N109D8l ~o sales expense charges • No preparation charges • No de livery charges. You pay ONLY $99 over actu al factory invoice! Compare window stickers with our sale prices to convert these truly unusual discounts into actual dollars-and-cents savings! ltolsmtn umw- 11 complettly tur• nllri.t wllh le• • lfOYI, tic. S!ftf", '· F--250 plck110 h11 XIII lflg., 1rnp & oil u•1111es, It~ EQUIPMENT: ---s AY E1 SA YE ! S AV E! __ ., _, FINAL FACTORY SHIPMENTS HAVE ARRIVED. NO MORE WHEN PRESENT STOCKS ARE SOLDI F·Z50 pickup alltf • ..._...lb. rear ,prtnus (ti a.oo x H..!I • Bl•clc Jade with bleclc vinyl roof end Brougham interior. '429-488L V-8-engine, crui10- metic, air conditioning, pow- er stee[ing, disc brakes, win- dows, s e • t, tilt steering wheel, AM-FM radio, tinted glass, heed rests, d e I u x • seat belts, H-70 poliglass wide oval t ires, etc. EVERY DEMONSTRATOR AND EXECUTIVE CAR IN STAFF SERVICE HAS BEEN ACT TO DAY! cantpet, botll hr Pit tubeleu llres, $3495 '"~· ""'~ ... SHELBY FOR 1969 IS HERE ! N•. FZ51lll 0931 fl1tr o1t1r, t tc:. Min)" to Clloolt trom 11 Tlll1 Prlctl Theodore Robins Ford, Orange County's ONLY Shelby American Deoler, proudly presents the uncommon GT for '69! GT-350, GT-500 NOW READY FOR IM.MEDIATE DELIVERY. CAMPfR HEADOUARilRS Save on El Dorado, Four Wind .. , Gold lin9, Scotsman. Over 30 vari- ed floor plans on display and ready fot' Immediate delivery. MUST ANG SALE II to choo1• from. "6" I "I'' c:ylinders 4 1pood1, outomofi c, Somo with po w•t 1t••t· int ond oir conditionin9, 1965 thr11 1961 mod1l1, convorlibl11, co11p11 111nd 2 + 2 fad· b"!ck1, ' EXAMPLES 1965 MUSTANG HARDTOP Funy$'1u~5 .• ~1L'm.l $~•3. 1ao;,,1or 3~rec:1•. 1GY~ NICI MONTHS 1967 MUSTANG HARDTOP Y-1, aule. R•H. P .5., ftelOf)' •Ir cond. (UJ llW) ..... ... priCt $2&1 '°"' doWll DI' tr.cit. $1695 FUU. $47 PH 3' PllCI MONTHS '67 MUSTANG 2 plus 2 ltlilfle. flMIW, AlltO .. Air, PS. IUJCllO) 20% down or tr.re. $1995 ~~t~. $49 ..... ....... -------'68 MUSTANG YL •\ffOmatle. PS, warr1nty. Lo• mllet. llUWO»I 121f51~~. $59 :::~~. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA t dr. HT v .. Aut. II.I.Ii Pl Air Concl. PW • lff1'5 lPt>IUM) l lWI Boole prltt 11~ JO'lb dOWll ... trade. $995 ~~~. $37 :-..:.: 1967 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE Fully Equipped. R .. H, (UQUOU l lu1 8ook pfi(:I 11'511. 20"' dOwn or Ir.cit. $1395 ~~~~. $39 :::.~ \ 1964 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1"1mv equipped, tun p0~r. 1lr cond. (ULFnf) 111119 ilOOk prlct S!tS5 :IO'llo dOwn fll tr111t. $995 ~~:t. $39 ~: '64 CHEVROLET BEL AIR • Door. Vt . a11\ofTllllh:. poWel' t!H Tl"I. !PCT421 20'!. dOWll or tradt. $895 FULL $32 ..... ,J.! PllCI - 1965 FORD GALAXIE SOD Y ... Auto. R&H (Vl.ltMI l lut 800k prQ. ll:SU :lei"' down or tradt. $895 ~~·~. $32 Pw lD Mon till ·TAX REFUND DUE? WHY WAIT? BUY NOW ·-PAY LATER EASY ~NANCING AYAILAILI 1966 CHRYSLER 4-D- Ntwport Sed1n, fully lq\llppe<I, fulJ powtr. (SYV70tl 8 1ut lloot priu tltllO 20% clc:l'Nll or t•Mlt. $1495 FULL $54 P« JO PllCI M•ntltl 1963 PONTIAC HARDTOP C1t1t1111, tun pow1r, a11!0. ll&H. IGEMOUI ll!ut 8ook Prtc1 P70 »'JI. dO..,, or tr1C11. $395• FULL PllCI' '65 VOLKSWAGEN Otl\/Xt 2 Or. new cluld\, (REJ91J) 8 1ut Book prlct 112"1. ~ Clown or tr9dt . $895 ~~~~. $32 .... M•1tth1 '63 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX H.T. F11tly tqulpped, f'-il'"rlnt, (QYOOttl 2C% ilcwn or lt1cie. $795 ~~~~. $33 :.~! '68 FORD 4 DOOR VB C11$torn. 390 9119., 1uromallc, black wl"""I!• tcp. CIJSlZ 11•11) ll luo 80Clk prlct S11U. :io,_ Clown or lr8dt. $1395 ~~~~. $39 ~·:.~~ '67 TOYOTA CORONA $43 .... M•11tltt 1968 FORD V-8 • dr, •"">• oll'Wtf 111!1Jint. r1d1o & he1i.r. (Ent. l,ISlj.(0):1) 81111 llo<* "'°le. $23$11 '°"' dOVlln or Ir~. $1795 ~~~~. $49 ::: .. !: HAVI A CARIFREE TRIP I :You go wh•r• you went, stay where you wa nt without schedules ot reservetions wh•n you rent • Robins Delux• Pickup Camptr or Condor Motor Home. Call for raason- eblo "'".,.RESERVE EARLY ! (12)Wagon Salet12) 'b2 thr11 '67 Mod1l1. Falcont·C•untry Sed•nl• Country Squir11-Chry1l•r·f ord1. 12 to choott from. b cylinder l I cylindar. Somt with full pow1r end f1 cfory 1ir, EXAMPLES '64 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER WtgDn, ' pa». Factory •Ir, tuu powtr. (UCk4Jll 20"' <lo'Nll or 1r1dt. $1395 ~~t~. $49 =:' . .!: '64 FORD STATION BUS Eeoncllnt, All 1t11!, air cond., 11u1omalic. IHKV52) ~ down or tradt. $1395 ~~t~. $49 :: .. : '64 FALCON STATION WAGON A1110m11llc, redlo, 1111ttr. tOOTl911 211'11> down or lr&dt. $595 F~~.~. $25 ... " M•11ths ~----~---~~ '64 MERCURY WAGON ' p.tH. Full)" t(tulplltd, tlr cond. Colony Perl!; power s.ean; wlndoWJ, etc. (JZY73ll fllut BOOk pric• Sl.s60 20"'° Clown or 1r1<11. $895 FULL $33 P« JO PRICE M•nril1 '62 FORD WAGON V·I C011ntrv Seden, Fully eq~lpptod CFW52't ) TtJ t. Lie. lto'Nll or 1rao1. $195 ~~t~. $12 •• " Mo11th1 '63 CORVAIR VAN Grnnb!'lt!' "95". Lew mlluo-. $111<"1•1 Interior, 1lrrw- lllted pentlllng, auromatlc. (OKI.OD). 20% dOWl'I or tradt. $695 FULL $29 '" 24 PRICI M•11ths. '65 JEEP WAGONEER ~ wll. drl~t. 1!r cond. ~r 11etrlnv. LNded. fEVL· Ntl Blvt 8ook prlc. 52ClS 20% oown or trldt, $1695 ~~t~. $65 P•r JO M•lllM' DRASTIC-ALLY REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE T-BIRDS GALAXIES MUSTANGS 1967 FORD Y-8 • dr~ ~ It & H, N!IV equipped, (Ent. I 7JS1'1271 B!ut Boot 11590 20% ctown or lr10e. $1195 :~~~. $36 '"" MontU TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS Now 1ver1~ln1 1S cars ~•r week that c.•n be retel 911 et wholau e to the public. But the duJers on thna older cars. SAYE !! 1965 CHEVY MALIBU HARDTOP V·t. Ctlewltt , full ,_,, •Ir Cond., P$, I UIO, (PHY210I $~18295 ·:~Ii,~ down °$47 : .. :: 1950 FORD 'h-TON PICKUP 'l·t. • -d. (M%Ul'5J T.x & Lie. dllVllll or tr~. $199 ~~~~. $14 ... " M•ntlll 1966 CHEYROLn 1h·TON PICKUP L-bed plckUI>. h•t ler. ('31 llA) 81~ BOOk $131111 $1195"~~~~. $43 :::..:.: '63 CHEV. BEL AIR V8 Sec:11n. Auto~ ltl.H. IGHA761) Blue 8004t price sno. 20,. qown or lr&Clt. $595 :~~~. $25 ... " Montht. '64 CORVAIR MONZA ' spffd, l!<lulpped. /OJM7.lt) lllUt Book orke $12C. "'"' Oown or lrtdt. · $595 ~~.'i. $25 •• " Mot1tll1 '64 BUICK SKYLARK H.T. 2 Dr. VI, 1ut11., P$, R•H. (10Zfl.l4l Blue Book prlct 11300. 20% ltoWll or trl<le. $995 FULL Pl ICE $34 :-.. : '65 FORD SEDAN "6" I cyl., 111to., R&H. (SUlVUIOUI. Blue llook prke t101S. ~ CloW!l or "S $7 9 FULL PRICE $28 ,_,, Mon till SHOP EARLY! LTl)'s STA. WAGONS CONVERTIBLES 11 to c:hoo1• from. 2 door i nd -4 door modeh H1rdlop1 and l1nd1ut. All with air condilioning l full pow1r. Some with 1t1r10 tapt5 'Ol thru 't.7 Modtl1. '6S THUNDERBIRD Herd!Ojl. R.cl!o, ttHi.r, 111to., PS, PB, P·Wlndow1, P-101, 1lr cond. (NHUUJ) 81ut BOOk prlC"AI $211&. »'lb dO..,, or lr•de. Sl 595 ~~t~. $56 ... ,. Me11tt. 1964 T-BIRD HARDTOP Full POV11er, Alr Cone!. (0MKf7') 111111 Book $1755 20% down or trad-1. $995 ~~t~. . $37 :-..:.: 1967 T-BIRD LANDAU Ftctorr W•rl'.lrrtv. lilt wf'I"'· -~ WlftOQ .... , POWtr Htb, W/$/W, oower 1~rlno. PO'llltlr brHn, ~ trani.. nlno away whe11, POwtr ~ ¥lnyl niol. (YCKS121 20% down or frll6e. $2595 ~~~. $69 .:.J! '65 THUNDERBIRD Hardt1lp. Rldlo, l'IH ll/", •ulo .• Pl, PB, P·WlndoV115. P-1HI, t lr cond. (HPC19)) 8 1119 8Gok prlct 12210. 20% down or tr1Cle. $l695 ~~;i. $59 ..... Montb '65 CHRYSLER HARDTOP NewP<>tl 4 Dr. H.T. VI, 1uto., PS, air tond. LD3ded. (PIY907J 81ve 80Dk prlca 51115, 20'11. down or 1rad1. ~1395 ~~.'t. $48 '" ,. M•11thl 64 MERCURY COMET 404 • Or. "6'', wto., ll&H. tOSS«lll 11ue Book prlct UH". 20'!1o down or lrldt. $29 ... " M•ntltl '62 CHEVROLET PICKUP \'.t ton elWIPPld, Good condition. (G45911. 20'9 llowr or trld1, $29 '"" Monfhl LEASING YOUR NEXT CAR? Save on eny popul1r mike throu~h our Ford Authorized Leasing Sy,tem. O ur le111 experts will anayi. you r parti· culer need1 without obligation. Come in or ,c1ll t oday. ~ ¥5 """"1 llDNM MITllWSt ell AMT pt,\1.1• tT 2060 Harbor Costa Mesa ®642-0010 .... · 9FMMOr<J:,,rR,[A'•'"'L"rA•8AMTC:6PM PARTS&S ERVJCEHOURS PAR H ONL Y S,in<:1.1,. 'C ,1,.. io ti r •r 7 AM TC '1 PM MONDAY e I AM TO 6 PM TUESDAl ~t•,1 0A) SAM iO 6 PM '.:iATUk.OAT • ' , . .~• ~-" .. \, ... .. --