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1969-03-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa
- t Disuster.: -_,, .. -~ -~" ' - :Pf!Ople:-·-... . -. . -. -... ,,_ SA~, MARCH 21, ~f6~· * * • I * ' . . - I :;.: :;.: ).( -_).{, Secret 'Viet Talk,s Laird Confirms 'Alternative' Policies ·' . ' . . , \ WASHINGTO/f (APl -S<cretary of only· through formal diplomatic channel! ljave been winniDC(lflia JU:l".FUlblilh( Def""" MOlv!n R. Laird ba8 confinned f~ID P'!l"...:.&: ~'uJ'tll.~; .-~~!!.!~~ lilt -a(~·lit--Id m-w.no1><i1a1 ._ '• '· W "ilil!'~ µ.11; T endlheV!etpan)warandsalilllaBtalks ,, ~were )ll'bHsJMd reporta ,C'' wJJl.~tie:llr. ~ -"' faB the adDilnliilitlon ba8 an "•Hmii· Uiii -Ilia! pmate lllb ~ ~ .• ,, win!",... to, ••• ~d Laird,. \Ive" to current policies. . ing U1 llt "Vielitlmle, Uti upttlt'" . uihal we are lqNifa1 Usaf 1't1 Will bl'aiJc: 1'..a1rd's disclosures came as a surprise But Henry Cabot Locfte, chief U.S. ne-ceuful in tbt tllb ·~· liut it ftwt when the subject of Vietnam WU raised gotiator in Paris, said be did not tnow not 111cceuful, at we J!ll1 for auccell, briefly Friday during a Senate disanna-about them. I can Ullll'e ·JOCI that we will-have U ~. ment subcommittee hearing on mls:sile The mention of an aUernatift for pres.-temi119' &11 fat a& the .war la canoei'r>- defense. ent Policy came up in thii .uchiDCe be-ea other than the ~ conduct al'tbit To a question from Democrat J. W. tween Fulbright and Laird: . war/' · Fulbrlgbt 9f Arkansas, Laird •aid the . "Isn't it possible, Mr. Secretary, to He would not, 4'1Pite)•ulbrllht'• 111'1· ~dministration is seeking peace "not realize t.bat we are not now and never ing, sPell oat the alternative.· Nixon Plans Statement Toda y on Student Riots " By RICHARD P" NALL 01 ,,.. o.11r 'n'' , .. H President Nixon's busy weekend on the South Orange Coast was to begin today w:ilh a slatement on campus disord~rs. a nostalgic visit to a historic mission and maybe even some house hunting. Thete were reports he is considering building a library to house his official papers somewhere In the 0 range County area. . . The President anived Friday evening and spent the night 1 na millim dollar , San Clemente aeaside'mansion. $boitly after bis arrival White llooae aidet called a press conference to an- nouoce the Olief Exec:Ui!ve today will issue his policy statement on student disruptions. The President and Mrs. Nixon planned to drJve aeVe.n niiles to the San Juan Capistrano Mission and then have Jundt at'EI Adobe Mexicali restaurant which was one ol their favorites during court.- Ing days" Talk ol tho P?esident building a library to houso hls preside!IUal and vlc°"prai· denUal papen clr"!lated llDOlll Whlt•i HOUll JrtsS. It was said residents of Nixon's ria.Uve Whlttier are attempting to persuade him te> choose a library site thert. Alloclatell ol the President reportedly said be has made no final decision. His recent pre- decessors have established IUCb. 'a ll· brary. Memorabilia collected durin& Nixon's vice preaidenUal travels are in tempor· ary storage under the care·ol the Nation- al Archivist. Presidential Press Secretary' Ronald Ziegler dilcounted repcrta Nixon would pun:hue !be eHoom Bavarian style Pyne CasUe Jn Lquna Beach u a aum- met Whit. House. ~ The proaldent141 par\J, rwiiiJngperbapo one.ball hour behinll acbodule, ·anived Jn San Cleniente -a presidential bellcopt.r at 6:20 ·p.m. Friday, ·0,1111 from Santa Barbara throqb patchy flreY skies and dt1lzle. · Two belloopters • canyilqf S e c r e t Semce ageola llncled prior to the Preliclentlal craft. The landing alte WU the U.S. Col,i Guard'• llllall station at the IOUtberly city· llmltl ol San Clrmtnfe, -'the ~ Counl,y line (Bee NIXON, hlo l l. CaStle Prirohase .. Report Scotched By Press Aide · P?esldenUal Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler aald ·Fri~ there hu been no cooveruUoo with the White HOUie on tbe purchue or UH by President Nbon ol Tbomal A" Merrick'• 114-room ·Pyne Castle ID Laguna BeadL In a atatement isSued within an hour of the President's arrival in San Clemente late Friday afteriioon, Ziegler said any talk on the subject had· been generated In !be· Ari Colony. ·However, Ziegler 'alided· lhal the Preli· dent· "la ~ for a place to· Illy and hu upnssed an lnttrell In buying a SoutblrD CaUfcld&la home." Tllo. pnlidllntlal pnu .aide allo laid the Pnaldlol haa no in.aant plaM lo pW'chue Ille Uooel a,.... home . on tlle· old IL IL r..u.e --the Chie(Ezecut!Ye and. hip party are spen- ding the weeklDIL .Relatives of the 1,1o ··~ ... Cottm, ,milllonf,ire -confidant of Prmdent' . .Franklin · Delano: Rocoevel~ already. bave lndlcaled they , are . not lntmlted la.aelllnc thezambll1>& Spanllb viDL ~ • ZiitJlor did not i'uie Ou~·bowever, tho poalbJllly thot the l'?toldent mlshl make IOine·klnd o! .. _.. ... for ouar1<rl Olj Ille atate, portionl GI wllldt have IMien lllbdlrided lnlo an aachlllve rNMenttaJ-·-•CJprmSbota" -..... -,..._ .. ,..,. ..... ,_. - ------- ----" .. ........_~_':"-.-• -,0;::°"'.':",,.• i...-:: r-'~----==---- •• _....:i --... ~ ~~ ' * '" . . •' ' I :Ni"xon • . (;:( ' . .. ew , ' -· ... ' . ' . ' . ' " • .lia"k . Holtre :. : _.a._ --,.......----=. ---~ _; ~T P)Ul1:Jtlilf... _ ------..---.. ---... __ ...,..._.. __ C...::::PB!S,IDJNT: ~·!!~· M INQO_l!l'l'.-.a.~ N~~~"-- =~~:9"C'ly SIUta!l:ll Mo<o:Catlful Allovt Quolllon1 -· • . Ni'$oo Has .. Vmcheduletl -~·--" ..• >. ·-·~I·••-,.!....,.• "· -Wall e .iri-Santa ·Barbcira ' lb' M'l1!lill R. VINSEL ~ .... •:Dllf .... "9tl' . . hi• 1peedY' ~ ~ llOUtb,:ar- riving al $;20 p.m. In San Clemente ror a two-day vlait. ···a.c P4ysi~ians Concern Reported . WASlllNGTON , .(AP) -Mmy i1o1 ... , ~g ,IQr ... lf!ll -:: ltlnllr ................ 'De: IHl .. iuff<red sell ·----. " . OU! """"'"".,.' -• tfte heni failure one· weft ~qo; Uf 0 be ~ well have Je11 reaerve atJ'9lltli than prevloualy." Tbe physicians • acknowledged Frklai they were more concerned lhan ever about the chronic heart condition ol the · '11-year-old general who is . rtcoverlng from ln!.,llnal llUrserY, . In answer to q11e5tlans they said it'1 conceivable, El.senho"wer could have fur.. ther major coronary' heart attacks like the seven he ·hu .suffered 1lnce 1955, the most· recent lut Auguat. . Despite thh concern, a medical bull& tin lat.• Friday from Wallet R<ed Gen., arl Hospllal said "the general'• conm. tion today is favorable .•• he ii rest,.. tng comJortably and his spirits are good." . 1 ~ord ol the congestive heart failure ept. sode came in respome to questions as a res.ult of off-the-cuff remarks by Mn. Eisenhower lrid a little-noticed Wedne. day medical bulleUrt from the hopsital. 'Mrs. Eisenhower commented at a fuh- lon show that her husband bas "good days · and bad" and that Jut Saturday wu a particularly bad one. It was so bad, sM , said, tbat "l didn't take my clothes oU • for 30 hours" while keeping watcli neat the general'fl1edside at the hospllat · I :nie medical bulletin, llsued alter Preal- dent Nixon had vjslted ELsenhower for llO mlnaW!, laia the former president Jiu ~'l':.":!r':'l;:=:1::= .t 1trucU01L But it alJo laid -••conttnues.to be weak.and: hll cardlovu- culir status remains.a matter d. concern to' hill. ph,yalclan.s." LOng · Beach Now . . Won't · Request New Jet Lines Slepp!nc out of his jet into a eek!, California apring -day,; Pre&ldei;it Nixon greeted-N•VJ Seabees home from Viel· nam by only ID 111ln1JWJ Friday, then Lhnou•lnes r.oomed Into the 1pi:a-,.llrig SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -ConcetDed H. H, Cotton .Estala soulh of the Orange about tho,nolae of jet planes, Loni Beach Canyon Whips Elements • tOOl.''a!l....,_Uled· wade ln'oUy Santa • u Barbara•IUl"f: ' Coast Cfn', hardt1 • living' bylltandert has Withdrawn fla 1JUpport f(lf applic .. I wailing &i the rain a, glimpse ol !lie chief executive. 1 ' lions ,betOre I.be. state Public: Ut.Qiqts • • -Storm Discuier Doesn~t-Faze .Silvefado •• 117 JACK BROBACK pie and the elemenla .,.._ .. !>due .. Of .. Dllf' ,..., ..... them.. - To Ille casual vllllor JI hu llW11 S.,. Bill Loveoey: "All Ille..;.! - signt of a dLsasler areL ~ are yonlta are npollrlnj and -lldl"I. washed qui roada and brld(a, ·downed We kmw II hapP9llf Gair '"'I' • -"" trees, homea """'"'1Cied by mud and I dool upoct to be -!be mn rocb. ' Ume." Bot when you lall: to the people of LeTeoc)' ii a le«er carlor In ~ Sllverado Canyon you reaillO the term tlnglon Beach but he and his wtft, Nell'. "dbuler" does not apply In them. Sure like the mounlalao ., ...0 1heJ' have It wu had when the January and commuted dallJ lor ,._ February floods turned their usuaUy "Jt wu bid aJrlPI," -to Levaq, tranquil Santiago er.el< Into a nglng "but we p out .UV.. I helped cut dutructlve river. Sure, It has been a away the trees lot a landq place kit of work digging out and repairing. for the Marine helicopters and then they But today the people ct Si~erado are... Oew U&out the aecond day." smiliog because they are mountain peo. , Bill and Peggy ba .. linlabed digging • • fl the mud out of their twHl«y houle and are --~ oo Ille pot1o; -Up lllO llieet,'. Clirll .Mahr II lrylnc to decide -lo do · -repolrlng Itta -wllldl ii·~ on the -oltlle-. ''MUii ,ii two feet deep In' tbert and there ii •. lot of. wort to ... -·. 1111 Moir. "II la a quaUon ol money. A contractor Ls going to cJvt UI an ..um.to and their we 'frlll try lot' a loan.!' - MOit of tho lnud which Invaded the Mohr home came down Sllverldo Canyon Rood . "Tbe bridge up there damned up the ·(Ste 81LVERADO, r.,.11 \ . CllUed .Ii, newsmen In three Marine r-i......:..o.::l;r the Preildeni "flew ......, .. ,_ ............ ~··· ' ' to loapect crude oil poHuUon, after which ' . REA.ii xv Jf<EEK, --~..r... .i .... ..).~. I FA¥lLY WEEKLY . " •'six .;.;,,la to . Traf.!lnf Your Doc" toid''by .. upert afle< S5 years u a doc ~teacbet, Ire. revealed 1n today's .1ssue ol Famlcy Week:y. the Otnl'ratlon Gap, a ·new televlslon pme show that attempt.a the Impossible __, communication betwetn younpten and oldatera -11 the TV \WP:K ...... llory. ' CrowdJ waited at ev&y point on the · Commission for three alrllnes to aer.ve tighilY acheduleil pesidenUalJ~i'?:• In·. ill city. eluding a knot' Of · demonstlaW1 ~who The Long Beach Caty Council reversed chanted against oil polluUon at Ledbett'ec lbelf and filed a withdrawal motion Ffi.. Beacn in Santa Barbara. day with the PUC which DOW b conaid- "Get out o&. , , pt out.oil • , ." th'y <ring appllcaUons by Pacific Southwest l' cried Jn the dlltaiice,' and ,dark.cult«! Altllnes, •Air Callfomla and Paclflc Air Secret Servioemen OJncM<i -; 19. a ml\ll Ti'an;pott, lo start, Long Beacl\ lllibll. -aa a c~· bom ~,not far · W!ftero Alrllnea alrudy -•Jes l'fO away. , " dalcy :JUpla. ' Monh lhan,. IAIO,'P.'fl!'"I '!aitA!t •I I.on( Buch, atled a1W bearlrif 1efi. ihe U.S. Navai11!.ine'Rallll•r Pt: MIJIU, monybyPaulVeneilaam,·apllyilclstaj>. I as Air .r~ One,' bearing the~ pe&r1ng on1behaiflll manthiiolle groop. tlal seal. tel down at 2:$5 p.m., about On a map he dbplaytd, 1 red ana I ooO.haU )lour behind.acbedule. Tbe "" two.tone blue and white'"""'"" r09resenting 1 high noiat ratlhroe..nl -, -.. · ICl>oole and half ol Long Beach State m rolled 'to a lt<!I> momenLs late< aad College. Venekl""'' t .. uned lhll, "' Ille men ol Sea bee Batlall"' Three "'¥PI>ed ba 1 o1 1 ed to attentfonr u the&. ~nl~·iq.Cblef 1 s exper ence cmcert gro1.1p ~ ~ • • 1 • • , Uop could be expected ~om an. area 1Ub- (See ARRIVAL, Pace IJ. Jeded to that level of nolte. ." '' . •• ·- , AS SECRETARY OF STATE WATCHES, PRESIDENT ADDRESSES SEABEES. BACK FROM WAR . Ai Pt. Mu9u, Nixon Promlst1 Effort• to Ko op Tholr Soni.From ComNI Duty Abroid · · From r.,e J . Fro .. .P.,e l NIXON VISITS COAST. • • ARRIVAt ... 0 ',. M f a!ld · Camp Pendlelon. ll. wu ralnlng ateadlly by tile .l!me NJio!i and his ..Ue &topped out of tlleir bellCopter. FOtir black limousines whisked the en- tOurage the few blocks from the Coast Guard station to the Hamilton lL Cotton estate which will be Nixon's "White House · We.st" during his weekend st.ay in Pr•l\P County. . About two dozen San Clemente rUidenl!, mostly c~dreo, and a llke number of JftU ,phol<>gr~ in the rain at thfi eiitrance estate awaltinl Nlzon'• urlvaL ·M ' tile llmoOllnes aped thnJuih the eritrance, the 'President waved at the crowd through an open window. One four~year~ld youngster, who sa.ld he'd -)Taited for half an hour in the rain, wd a l>it dllappointed. "I sbGildii't blVe come," he dtdlred. Another among the dlsapptilnted was a l\li!i!aff. enlii\ef ljlRn and boxing champion who was apparenUy the brunt CJf a cruel joke by his buddies. The.r. to)d him ;r • he loo.~ )UI trophi'! '~ stooci by tile Cotton -.state gale, tlie President would stop and pose with him !or photo... Aft.et· the prealdenUal autos whizzed by, !be boxing champ waa a forlorn figure, slill,lllDclioc in the rain, conru...i and alone. f,if•I. news. action U. Orange Couoty'a p(eOl~lll!dat . l!eek<nd -.me al 7 ·p.m. ~~~·~l'= ~dquartera al" lbe San Clemalte hm. . . . ... Ziegler aiui>unced tile upco!lling sta~ stepped out onto tile ramp wUb a m9l. Qll \J:S. campus diioi-ders. EJ:4 customarJ wave. pand!d up!,.. lions of tile poll<y stale-Greeted ·by top brass orncen from ment will abo come fnm HeaHh, Educa4 tion and Welfare Secretary }tobert H. the. missile range and adjacent "U'SAF F"mch later Monday. Floch "deve.lopM Base, Oxnard, the Presl~ent and fir~t a study of the problem which is the lady stood at a hastily-rigged microphone basis on ·which NiJ:on will state his for a brief speech.. p:>Sition. Tiie World War ll Navy veteran - Ziegler was asked if Finch, in his whose weekend achedule' includes talks study, hid talked to studeolll a:;. well on the Vietnam war -had Secrttary u leading U.S. educators. . . of State wtlllam P. Rogers beside bbn ~·1 don't know but I think so," the u be addreued the Stabee unit. press aldi! ropllecl. · · s-·""'• with light infonnali~ tile Ziegler .... IL!ked u tile President ......... .,. ' planned meetlnp 1n San Clemente wHh • Preskkbt ~nded the _men, ,JOme Secritazy of State Wllllam P. Rogers of wllom nre jUSI back ll'QID a lhlnl as well as Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, m:-monlh twr m ~ war lone, and Nixon's uWtant for nallonal security &aid he bas a ~ regard for allairl. Both are U. !be pruldealill party Seabees. at San Clemente. · ''11>e Secretary of State and I were Ziegler sa1d such sessions are unlikely. both in the Navy dutfng: World War Asked why they were along on the; ll,"' Nixon explained u a brisk wind Orange Counl1. trlp, Ziegler rtplled, blew ln oU lhe nearby Pacific Ocean". "Well,~ ~ent.Uk~1 taconfer wllh ''We ·tried the Anny; W! tried the them while he s m flight. 11-larlnes we tried the Air Force " he Also on tap f~ Nixon's weekend are aaid, .. .:.._ but we found that a'.mong t?Onfertnee1 with U.S. Amha••'Kke' to all 1ervlcea, the Navy Seabees have Vietnam EDnorth Btmku · and Geo. the but food." Andr<w J. (loodputer, mlrinc deputy Turning toward a topical hint or his commancler ol U.S. Iona · Sund ·-~ ~· ~ .. ~~· u.... us 'llley will arrive al El Tan> l\larlne ay ~ w~ ~-w -~er, . • Qrpa Air S1a11oa !nm Vietnam. Am~dor lo VI~ --a , Gen. Zl&Jer bu made an dlort IO plaJ Andr<w:Goodputer. ooilpln1 a.puty or CS... u.JmParwa ct NilGa.'• Vietnam all U.S;; forcea then, NIJ:on menUoned war !aDl--ud Goodputer. peace. IGl!m•bla-. Pal,, .. -·lrd 8!ZI: UTl'LEM!:m'· lodv !Gr a """"' "' .flillo atllrillea ud.Jmcb at San Juan~ -..... ,:;: ·' ~ . 'l . .. Pap~rwork Goof Closes Newport Beating.Case .... We"·are boplnt: to ·find ·a~'Wllt to a juai,· and -ablt -~ By ~ ~ -· a oelile~ ~ w)ll. ulure a pe.actful .~ •. ~ m·.wipd) your IODI will not gO IWlf to war," ho nld. ' Shaking hancl.a 'flth. IJl'mben of. tile Seabee lf?Ollp, Ille· Presld'J!I. quickly boarded a bellcopter foc Santa Blrbva, u newsmen daahed down the Wd:dled concrete airon to their own cbOppetl. A quickly abortecl jakeoll 10 tllO, cmr By JOHN V ALTERZA Of .. Odr P'l1lll It.ff Newport Beach hamburger 1tand operator Nebon Ferguaon today IW1 car· riet visible bruisee: on bis face from a beaUn1 be llllfered at the hand! of three young men last January. Fei-guson. 25, wa! found that January evening sprawled on the pavement tn front ol hla. stand. He told police lie bad been beaten and kic ked by the .. .;.;a.. . Several days later, one suspect in the ca.se, Dan William Brockmann, 21, .... arresle!I by poll« and ocheduled for trial. ".. . . But the trial never came off. Brnclananft wu·. rr.ea and cleartd or all clw-"" In Ille· cue: The reuon Jl'ven by authorltiet w11 that a clerk had typed the )mlllg name on a supena -a legal document which would have called Ferguson to cour( &S prime witness: for the prosecution I • ... ........ OAIL Y PILOT .....,.. .................... . Ytc• ..... ' .. ,._.,.. ,.., c--' CAUfCllNIA OAANQJ ~T ,UlltSN(Ne CCIM,.Alf'f lc~trt N. W,,.. ""'ton;t 11'1d M lllfllt J,,. L .~.., Vice p,_ldllllf Ml 0-tl Mlftt"' Tk 0 M1t• Kstvil ·-n ....... A.. Mwp~ · ......... 1 .. 1d1i.- '•11I Nlot11 AllMrtlt .... 0--c.11 ~: uii w .. 1 trt llfltl ,.._, 1ssc1t: m1 ""-''fl"'"....,..,,.,. 1,...,... IHefil: m ,...._ • ..,......,. ~ ......... "" '""' ch!ef could mate an exterior adjUltment U. the cue. set the flll Sea Sl1lllo1f tlrfJ>roW copter The biwre foulup U. paperwork waa carry!n1 :Orange cadnly rep&ien back confinned by Diltrtct Attomty'a Office down ~ the runway. · proaecutor Tom Privette. Tho delay allowed .time for .a portly Ferguson wu lo have been called radjo newsman to nm pufllng down as a proaecuUon wltnf.11, and a supena the strip and hop aboard, but the craft was to !lave been served him al his lrom MirU.e Heavy Helicopter Squadron Newport id<lreu. 302 WU tile last to Santa BlrhFL The document, however, named a Dar· Utile. could be 1ee:n either of the rell · Dobson as.hen. a 400,000 1allon1 of crude oil whicb spewed manbal mlv "Darrell d1sastrwlly up froni the. Ocean fioor, D®so!I" at the Ftt <!tJite;·be al piiia beliCoptezSlo]owedllie Ventura !ell wllll lbe aupena 111 hand. County cout1lne. '1l've never beard of a Damll SHOOTING KELP Dobson." Ferguson said. "'I've never beard ot 1 Darrell Dobson, A pair of pbotograpben with the NI.Jon either," PriveUe aald. press contlngtnt from Waabington bullly . "Neither have J,'• sald the Newport snapped ahota of dark, reddllh-brown ,detective in the caae. blobs rolllnl on the swells below, u the Sea Stalllon roared north. So, when tile judge callee! !or tile "victim Dobson" u the pr01ecuUon's Orange County newsmen peered down first anc1 only wi1ne .. , Doblon obYioual,y. : al 111! reddish kdp , becll on Jhe port didn't come forward. -: • • c aid• cl. !ht thopper ,afld lald nothing, J·-'-Donald Dung •• , on! because n was impossible to htar over -a" an uau 1 one t.be roar apywayi r~se ·-to dl~u the C¥8, . ·"the ~ldent and :. top al~ts had 11 'The ~bl~. Prtvitte Mid :tater, ~already.stepped lrOm the faltfr, turbojet ls ~at m nusdemeanor . cases such ·helicopter as the third Marine Corps as µus .the law forbid! relil~, so we chopper alighted among stately palms .cant brmg the defen,~ant back into court just north oft.be Santa Barbara pier. · on t{te same char1e. . . Th' • ·-• I' I I tlla 1 Spea~ brlerly to various d.lgrularles ~.· ~ ev uen a. outset 0 on · hark1 'lo greet him, tlle PresJdent the trial, . r~sulttd tn hurried calls and his party theh took a stroll along "° Ule real victim. . . the beach, stoppina to chat '{ritb workmen But Ferguson wu out ol lO'WD, Wlaware rakin& oil f(Om the sand.. ~t the cue wu being tried. . Uttle could be heard of wbat the . 'tl!; sent out calls to try 0 to find· chi~f ei:ecuU~ said ~ such en- }11m, the prosecutor slid, but be vlronmenlal contamination due to the couldn't be reached, so the defense in· brttz:e the surf and ~P of radio sisted ~e case be dlsml~." and teievtsion newsmen IUr1"oWKl1ng him The Judge agreed. with mJcro hones. "Somewhere, the clerk who typed out P the supenu must have put Utt wrong TALKS TO MEN name down. It's a rare ml.a&ake, ~ut ''Where art you from!" be a.aled one with the ca~ load we have in cqurt Negro blacb' worker, u men of the these da)rs it can happen ln tbe rush," audlovlaual media stwnbled W 1urged the DA'• aide said. around, apololhlng to ll)elr secret ¥eanwhlle, FerlUJOI!, lllil nursinl Seryjce !l>eP!J.enfl and b14!nini inabWty some ol bit bndle5, .Is a vcy UDblJIP)' to move on the otben. man. \. "Loot out, Sir," 11!)~ Warned u "-_.. Nixon stood with bl! beck to the sea Capistrano Soldier Killed in Vietnam Ftnt IL Jeflrq L. Wbynauaht of San JQa!ICaplstrano Is am°"' lllJ.S. wv!ce. men n:pbrted kllled In Vietnam on a Defense Department list roleue!I today. and a ..... or loam ourl'Jf u:i.;etUn1 both an El Toro MCAi ca and tlla man al !be lop ol. bil chain or command. Nixon Chuckled awklfa.rd.11 arid bopped Inland a few .feet.. htad!ne ht.ck to make a few more remarU, btfore boan1Jn1 his P"'ldenUal helicopter !or' the 46- mlnulo soutllerly filllll lleUcopten carrying tbe newsmen returned to Point MUfU, where tile .WaalllnCton Prell Corpa boanfecl a TWA jet to follow Air Force One, which had alre•dy flown to El Toro MCAS !or ' NIXON (CENTER!, AIDES ON SANTA BARBARA BEACH STROLL" · Offshore Oil Halt H1r11ld1 Visit to Contemlnlited Coast . . • • . . .. -. -.::-::~· 1: : • ' . -.. Trautwein Ple°" Appeal i .. , . ..,.r ... • . \ • ' • , . . . . . . . . . . . . Den~d on Rape Charges By TOM BARI.EV Of Ille Dlltr '"" ll•ff It took Superior Court Judg'e William Speirs lus than JO seconds late Friday to reject Charles John Trautweln's argu. ment that he did not know what he was doing when he pleaded guJtty to attempted rape ~ar1es. Diami!:Slng attorney Sam Hurwitz's argument as "the most unconvincing and inc:redlble story that I've ever heard," Judge Speirs threw out Trautwein's motions for his abandonment of a plea of guilty, his freedom on bail and the striking qf an Atascadero State Hospital.report !tom tile record.. Tbe·-flushed: and obviously sliocked Trautwein listened with lowered head while Judge Speirs described him as a "menace who m~.~ot at tbb.: ,f.Wie be released ~.CllllodY.• g~ SJ>ilr• onlere<f Traulwolii'IO ao lo Jodge 11ob<rt G:r:a,., · · · onday fo_r *°"" t • ·~ CO GE!(' •-• · u .iiidge GiMiitic'CePia tile llncllngs of Atacadero 1tata" H~t.11, Trautwein could be commttted U>et&:for life or, al bes!; an Indefinite perliicl.'-· Whal begaA a .w..i ago as a·clay·li>ng hearing into mutwe1n·s · blcl ·w. ;vaiate his guilty ·plea · endeil·": Friday· With Superior Co\lri ·~e ~· decisi~n.' Most ol tlla 11111 cla7'• .tesUmOOy was devoted to lhoc:iaue··w1 lrwlormed t6e bearing froijt' a proceedinr devoted to $he long, : Clipical di3C\1ssion Of p!)'1;1>1alrlstl I& ~an· argumeowluddnl court battle that lmmecllately attracted public interest -the alleged' attempt to buy of! !be. beauty.qlleeil"Wlfo claJms that Tralitweln trled to i'a"pe lier. 1oP'ml·. TOW ::... '. ~-~ ... Saridra Sc<itt ~a.fOnftei 'MIN"'Ne rt B<icl\,_ told d.p'uty dlili!c:l'.o\llffeiiey~t a 0 Mr. Co.r'' 1'.'n&de several~ elfort.!" to buy her out of the Case culminating in an offer of $10,000 and a "two-year overseu trip." · Miu Scott wu not actually assaulted. Trautwein, 31, .of 20292 Craimer Lane, Huntington Beach, pleaded guilty to charges of assault with intent to commit rape ~last Nov. 20. He wu sent to Atascadero State H~pital and returned lo Orange County 90 days later with .a report that described him u a mentally di.sorderec! so offender who ii "a danger to the bealth and safety of others." Deputy District Attorney W. J . Moseley disclosed Frlday. that that Atascadero report may well have been influenced by the action of a Los Angelee County Superlar Court judge who sentenced Trautwein on identical charges in 1958, M°"eley uld Judge Allen Mill.,., alarmed at Trautweln's alleged attact attempt upon Miu Scott on lhe day he was released from Los Angeles pro- baUon, wrote to Atucadero 'and demand- ed that Trautwein be confined ·under mulmum security psychiatric care for the rest of hi! We or, at least, an Indefinite term. AlTOllNEY FIRED Trautwein came back to court, fired .altorney Marshall Schulman and hired trlaJ lawyer Sam Hurvill. His counsel than asked that Trautwein's p}ea of 'BRIGADOON' MATINEE CUT A S.turd1y maUnee perform1nce of Laguna Beach High School"• production "Brl11doon" has been cance.Ued bec:ause of illness or one l•ad player. The canceUaUon was made in order that the male lead John Chamberlin could conserve bt:I YDice fer the evening performance of the mualcal. . 'Ole owning perfonnanco tonight wlil be unallecte!I by tile mne ... guilty be erased, that the stocky delen· dant be freed on bail and. that be be allowed lo file a new plea with a view to a jury trial. Also named as having had telephone conversations with Miss Scott were Har· ry and Pauline Fredericks of Newport Beach, identified by the prosecution as being neighbors of the shapely, blonde beauty queen. The couple was present with the Paul Trautweins, and the young~r «rraUlWein ~· his wife, Helen, when tbe angry Schulman called at Paul Trautwein's plush Newport home last Nov. 19. TAPES PLA·"i'ED ' Conversations that evening ·were ap- parently responsible for T r au t w e i n pJeading guilty the next day. Both SchlJ,lman and private investig3tor John Oatley told · lhe !frautweins and the Fred~ricb: about-the tape r~g that bad ·l!e<m play«i· lo< tlleir be!lff!I lhal day by the district attorney's office: Trautweln's'irtument Friday was that he was "hopelessly mentally confused" when he ent'!fed that plea of guilty and he indkates that he was far from satisfied with Schulman's handling or the case. Hurwltz: elicited from Schulman In court Friday the admission that the trial lawyer had made little or no at· tempt to obtain previous medical and psychiatric reports compiled o n Trautwein in the three months that he was reta..lnf!d by the defendant. A source close lo the Trautwein family told the DAILY Pllm Friday that the hearing and the court aCUon prior to this week's testimony bas cost the fa,mily "at least $50,000," much of the expense going in medical and legal fees. It is estimated that the hearing alone has cost the taxpayers at least $5,000 in court and personnel costs. The district attorney's of£1ce places their estimate al an even higher figun. Trautwein is being held In Orange County Jail. H1s bail of. $250.000 was cancelled· last November with his com· mitment to Atascadero. - Li1nitatlons .. JN~ic\r;lP~ -~ calilorn!J --f'.em"'1.' ~ •llllOl'ft-riilndM lf'OllPd 11,000 grab rooca work- ers, Is tryln1 to llntlt sex education in the public icboob. I Opening a statewide convention today, the riation's oldest GOP volunteer oreu- baUon set aside tbe afternoon for 1 Rrninar Oil SU edueatloo. ~ A.u<mblyman Jobn Stull, (ft-Leucadia), I the modeartor, told a reporter he fav. oted local control over the course1. And Dr. Tlrse del Junce, preaident of. lbe CHA, uld or compulsory cour..,:'"I do not believe tbla to be proper)' The polltical groµp thus moved Into an area of growing Crbntroversy in schools oI California. Sa education has been under fire ·in Or"ange, San N.:ateo, Sacramento, San Francllco, El Dorado, Contra Costa ancl other counties. The ultra<omervaUve John Birch &>. ciety bas been aD!011J tile op-n\1- Thougb ooly a ll!lall minority cl Calf. lornlans · reglsterecl Jtepubllcant be!°"' to tile CRA, !be group bas demonsti:ated its influence. Lallt year 1 it provided money ml wcirt· ers for the succeuful campaign to de. feat Republican Sin. Thomas H. Kuchel in the GOP Senate primary. The CRA's choice, 1.lax Rafferty, state superintendent or eoblic instruction, lost later to Democrat Alan Cranston, in the general election. Del Junce said that there are no~ rules for sex education in the school. "There are no ground rull:s when It should be taught or who stM:iuld 4eaeb it" he said '"It is a ;ery touchy subjeCt.'' , Stull said lhal il local ecbool bomlJ win enough commanity support, th e courses should be offered to atudent.s. , From Page l SILVERADO. •• now and'· the street became ano~ river. It wu pretty wild," muses ·Mohr.·· "A lot of the people htre may bavt trouble "rebuilding because their lots are too small," Mohr explains. "'Ibe county might not Wue them a pe.rmit, they want people. to build father back froJ» the creek.'1 In the Pali Cale, Sharon Byrne JD'QUdly displays her pictures taken from window$ or her home during the belgbt of the , flood. "Yes, we haf a lot o1 damage, but we are :staying and ao are most of the people," :she says firmly ... It would take a crowbar to get these~. le · out of the c~~~· ~-J_'f..:-1, , ': , 1.irs. Byrne revetJed an i?OnFI . Wben sho finally Joi out of lbe ' area .ihe . went to ber parent.I' ~ on River~ in Santa Ana. ~ The saIDe Santiago Creek Wal ... '. through tile channel nelt to her' · · . ' Jiotise." A policeman on duiy. at tho. • ricadeS, when ;.&Ile ·eip\inie4' :Wb> · wu, ei'Cialined"; ''Whal Ue ·~~ doQil ~? I ~~ lhlhk:you wiiuld ·l!W had 'J!9ili!l'ol lbe llood'.'!'a~·" 111. Sil_.to, ~n ,. .. 111.t hard .. ""1 of all ~ mountain """'· Fl.,, ~rscj!o were ~'when a Jbud:lllde 1nundaMd the fltt""".Stltt'on ..being used u a ·rtfulP!ll headquarters; lSO homes were damaged, JO were deS~ed and 15 ltlffered major damage.·. · County officials estimated the cost of the damage at $1.15 million. But that's only money. There was little real damage done to the spirit of the people of this mountain refuge from traffic and smog. "(}net; a canyonite, alway! a canonite,., says Bill Levescy. "I wouldn't live anywhere else." . "Amen," says Sharon Byrne, "YOU 1 can 't get us out of here." DAILY PILOT "9fl ,_ -· ' ' ' • WJuonaual>~ ortstoaDy listed u mlulng, was cfwlaed to "'killed tn hostile. ac-. Uon" 1'beil h~ body WU lound. Ht WU tile son or Mt. and Mn. llarrb L. Why- nau1ht. • 30al Calle Olue<:a, Sin Juan Capistrano. tile SWl<[ay Ojahl borne, _ _ _ ----------- SILVERADO'S SHARON BYRNE DISPLAYS FLOOD PHOTOS Once A Canyonlte, Alw.iy1 A C·inyonlte 4 t • , I I .. -. . ' ekend . '· ' ' ' " . : ... . . -~ • I EDrTION ' *Ol. ~2. NO. 70, 4 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES ' ' . " ' • .- • Nixon Atr1ves on Coa st J ' . ' President ·tO . T ell ·Student?R ibts S t:ftml-~ B7 RI~ p,,NAIJ. Of f111° Dlff l'lllt Si.ff . l>resiilent Nixon's buay ·w~~ on ~ ~.Qrange ,Coast was to begin tOday With-a. atatemeuf'on ·camPJlS-diSorders, -~·~c visit to a blsiorl.e ·mtssioft lnd 'maybe eveu some house 'hlll}ting. · Tbere .were . reports he ' is conslderini bailding a1 library to house his official pr.pen someWhere in the Orange COunty area. 1 • -The President arrive(,t Friday evening and 11pent the niglit in a mUllon dollar ~an ~m.ente seaayse mansion .. . ~rtl1t after his arrival White. House * -ti * Pyne Castle • . ( ' Aides 'called a ']ll'ei'S' canfertnc!·tcr~-lt wu-llid residmts•of Nil<n'J'n'.ativt nounc:e the Chl<f 1 ~live IOll&I' wilt Whltt!er 1re aUtmptinc to !"'auado blJn ~· hla policy ·~tement oo l!Odlot 10 clioooe a UJirary 11ie,lhtn!. Alloclates disruptions.-~ -_,,.. -·of tho ~1"AlcM1e-1W Tbe_.Pruident and >&n· NW.. ~· n>lde no flnai-decisJ<!o. 'ilb;reeenl pr~ to drive · "'1ft mile. to the "Sin iiian .. ~ ba:ve established ~-a li· Capistrino Miaion and 1htn ·ba,. lllncb -.l>rary. .~ at El Adobe Mexican 'restaurant 1'1lJch Memorabilia collected •in& Nixon's ~as ~ of their favorites t11rfuc COW'~ ~ presidential travels are m. tempor- mg days. ' ary storage WKler the care .>! the Nation· Talk of the President building a library al Mchivist. to ~se his pr~dentlal and vice-"p~i· .Presidential Press Secretary Ronald denUal papers circulated ..among . White. .Ziegler~ discounted reports .• Ni.Jon woqld House press. . purchase . the Sf.room ' BaYarian style *** 't.-tr-tr Nixon Has Unscheduled p;.e· Cuue1n i.a,Una.Bfa<h u & ;_ mer White' ll<loJe. . The lftild<lrtW party, l'llDDinC perhaps one-ball· llour-behlnd -~wd - in San 'Cleintnle ·~,a 0jft!ddenllal helicopter at 5::111 p:m.• 1\-Nay, 'lljotng from Santa Barbara throup polchy ff'Y skies and.drizzle. . Two helicopters ~ ··S e•c re t Service agents ·~·prior.. t<!. the Presidential cra!L Tlie londlni Site was the U.S. ~cciast • Guard'i ·smaII italioh at . the . eouthqly .cit7 .. limits , .of. San Cleme~te, near '.the: ~e· CountT line (S.O·N!XON, Pip.1) ' ; Ike Suffers . . ' ' From Another ' Heart A itcick ,.White House' w r d .. S B h T. 8 L-d 1wa e .m anta ar ara ale cotcrre . Presidential Press Secretary. Ronald Ziegler aaid Friday there has been no COD\""8Uon with the While House. on (be purchase or use by President Nixon of Thomas A. Merrick's 64-room Pyne CmUe in Laguna Beach. :m a statement issued within an hour of the President's arrival in San Clemente late Fiidiy afternoon; ~egler utd any talk on the subject had been · generated in the Art Colony. However; Ziegler added that the P,..,i- dent .. is lootin( ftl' a p]Jc:e to stay aixl bu eiptewd an interest in buying at Sobtbtrn California home.'' l)y ARTHUR II. VINSEL H. H. Coltrin Estate iouth of the Orange l ot r11t DlltJ Pltft>t,.ff Coast City, hardly giving bystanders WASHINGTON (~) ..:... ArmY. doc· · Stepping out\, of his jet into a cold, waiting• in the rain · a glimpse· of the tors, reveallna:' for .the first tifne that California spring day, President Nixon chief executive. gree•....i Navy ·Sea~-home from Vie' Cr ds . ed . forrper President Dwight D. Ei!enhow· ocu ~ ~ ow wait at every point on the nam by onJy 90 minutes Friday, then tightly scheduled pesidential itinerary, in-er suffered serious temporary conges- took an unscheduled wade in oily Safi.ta eluding · a knot of demonstrators who tive heart failure one week ago, . .say Barbara surf. chanted against oil pollution at Ledbetter "he may well have Jess reserve strength Chased by newsmen in three Marine Beacn in Santa Barbara. th · i " Corps helicopters, the Presiden t· flew an previous y, t~ inspect crude oil pollution, after Which cr;~ti;u~~ ~!. o~il d"ai-k:U~S The physicians acknowledged Friday ht'. speedy chopper h.eaded south, ar· Secret Servicemen flinched -. to 1 man they were more concerned than ever riving at 5:20. ~.m. m San Clemente ~ -as a cherry bomb popped not far about the chronic heart condition of the for a two-day visit. •.. .. 78-year~Jd general who is recovering Limo · ed · t he away. from inte.stinal surgery. usmes zoom Jn o t sprawling More than l,000 ,....l"GIVI• waited at Accused Doctor ,..... ~~ In answer to questions they aaid it't the U.S. Naval MiBsile Range, PL Mugu. oooceivable, Eisenhower could have fur· ~ Air Force One, bearing the presider> u..r majo< ~ heart attacb liie tial seal, &et d°'!D at 1:55 p.m., about q,e aeven be bis suff~-since 1965, the one·half boor behind schedule. ~ ,:ei:onl lall ,,,_,M PRESIDENT PONDERS AN .INQUIR:'f BY NEWSMEN Caught Onca . By Surf, Ho Is Moro Ciroful AIM.ut a-Hons Laird Confirms Secrei . Tbe presidenUal preu aide also said the President has no present plans to purclwe the Llooel Ogden home on U. old. IL IL Cotton estate where the Clllif. EJ:-.!!l'e •ncl h!a-JNlfll .are ' illiii. ti. ... ftall-:'°~ ~::iii~ .·ar~~~~j: lmp~stel'-Gives Lritoient Piens Tloe bi&~ blue 111!1 'ljblte ~ . . -. ----. ' ·7 ""..iliil•~-1 --la~ ..... 11.~ .. mm of Seabee'-ft1!ee '""""•· "'' 11oop1111 ~-lbl '• to-.it1on;u -~ tloa t=.i:.;.'"'iMe .. .'he II-rat· ~ ••. B .... ~Ttilks \ .\ .. . ~ ... 1Ji11rOste<i in Riling lbe rllllbling Spaulih •llli ' . Zieg!~ did ·not riile oot, however, the pouibWty that the ~dent ll)lgbl n;iate ~ kind. of. arrang~menta for-quatters Oll'•lbe esta~ porll'll' of ·whlcb have been ..Ubdivided futo in ucluaJve rest-al ire• knolon IS ~Shores. nae ' ~ estate, well known . to ~ti~.~~ers and race ·hOrse lireiders, Ii IOciated al the em.me llOUthwestem tip of ' Nixon's native Orange County. It ts ~uded, b im· meillately .adjacent to a U.S. Coast Guard ~ Station and the Camp Pendleton ~ BUe and would offer con- lidftt'abJy fewer security ~lems than Pyne Cutle, whkh is not far from dmmtown Laguna Beach. · 1.iegler made it clear in his statement lhJt. if the Pre!ident OOys a home ln rSouthern California, he will buy it himlelf and bas no intention of letting Mbera buy, iease, or rent a home for bim. -. Ziegltr Added that Mr. Nixon probably ~ not make any purchase of a Cl.\ffornla home until he sells hi!: New Ytit apartment. ,, ' Accused impasler heart 1peclolist Rob- ert E. Brown !rnpassively repeated the words "not guilty" 17 times in Santa Ana Superior Court Fridaf, one ncltalion for each of 17 charges of practicing mtdi· cine without i. license. He was ordered to stand trial May 5 by Superior Judge Robert Giirdner. No pretrial conference will be sched· uled. Chief Deputy District Attorney James Enright said h1s office will insist Brown stand to answer all 17 charges handed down earlier this month in a Grand Jury indictment. Often at a pietrial conference original charges are dropped in favor of lesser charges to which the defendant promises a guilty plea. So Enright in effect was announcing 0 no deals" in this cue. Brown, 33, was Indicted on tha felony charges after be assertedly work°'ed five weeks at the Fullerton Internal Medicine Cllnic posing a Dr. Glenn L. Baker, a heart specialist. He allegedly treated more than 100 patients, four of whom died. sleppad out oDta lb& l'lllbjl wllll• a lot -· "llil"'hll, oPb1U ,.,. customary nve. aoocf.~· · ~ Greeted by top br ..ilkers from , ll'.ord of lhe ~ hnrt !allure epj.' the missile range and adjacent . USAF ""'1• came IA -to qutlliO!ll .. a B8!e, Oxristd, the Presideht an3 flr•t result of oll-lh&<Ulf' rem:arlaO by Mi's. lady stood at a hastily-rigged microphone Ellenboim ond a lltl!Hioticed Wedne>- lor a. brief •ptech. d•Y mldlcal bulletin fnlm·the hopsital; 1be World War II Navy veteran -Mn.·Ei.senhower corpmented at a fuh.. whose wfftend '1ebedule includes talP Ion show that her hWlband bu "jOOd.days on the Vletnam War -bad Secretary and ·bad" aod,~t·lut $1.turdayrwu a of Slate Wllllam P. Rogers beside him partlcularly bad one. It was ao bad, she as he addr....ci the Seabee unit. said, that ''I d!dn 't take my clolhea Ou Speaking with light informality, the for 30 houri" while teeping watch near President commended the men, aome the gel)f:ral's bed!kle at the hospital. of whom were just back from a third The medi~ bulletin, issued after PresJ. six-month tour in the war zone, and dent Nixon had visited Eisenhower for 20 said he has a particular regard for minutes, ,Wd the f<J'tller president bas Seabees:. recovered 1rom the linmediate affefcta: qf "The Secretary of State and I were F!b. 23 surgerJ for a gastrointestinal ob-- both in the Navy during World War struction. But It · also said Eisenhower JI," Nixon explained as a brillk wind "continues to tie weak and bi! cardlovas- blew in off the nearby Pacific Ocean. cular status remains a matter of concern "We tried the Army, we tried the to his physicians." Marines, we tried the Air Force," he Mrs. Eisenhower has been staying at said, "-but we found that among the hospital vlrtually all the time since all services, the Navy Seabees have last May 14 when her husband was hos· the best food." pitallzed to convalesce from a major Turning toward a topical hint of his heart attack suffered two weelc.s earlier (See ARJUVAl., Page J) _in_Ca_lil_o_rru_·a. ________ _ --w~ IAPl--Ni:l'*i!Oi · •r•~ ri,poalbl;. w. s«rlc.y, ll : Delense Melvin It. Lalril' 1iU -. nollae '!'!iJ we are ..Gt -aad - Ibo ~'of 'llrivllo ,lltlllll-ti> l!lft --'lhla wan• hlbNJil encl the Vieiiiam wsr anil Aid Uti! !alb utect. ''ll ·lhlra~l!lon <001inues fail the adminJatraUon hu an "alterna· and acalates ·thiJ war ·m VJetnam, tt Uve" to current poUcles. will soon be Mr. Nixon's war." .. Laird's disclosures came as a surprise when the subject of Vietnam Wu rlJted briefly Friday during a Senate dl!arm• ment subcommittee hearing on ml:i11ile defeme. To a question from Democrat J. W. Fulbright of Arkansas, Laird llld the adminfstl1Uon ii seeking peace "not only through formal diplomatic ·chlMelJ . formally in Paris, but privately as well" He did not elaborate. :rqere, '!ere j)\lblilhed reports ea,liu thi• w~k that privale talU may be. ao- inc on in Vientiane, the .Capita.I Of Laos. · But' Henry Cabot Lodce; chief U.S. ne- gotiltor in Paris, said be did not tno·.v about them. The mention of.an alternative for pres- ent policy came up in this e1change be. tween Fulbright and Laird: READ T V WEEK, FAMILY WEEKLY ' I : Senators, Laird r• At Standoff· fu ABM Hearing ' WASHINGTON (AP) 7 Sectttary of Defense Me!Yin R. Liinl has · emeried from Senate grllling wilh the' linaie .,, a . COQI, dogg~ performer. and , an W>- shake·n COJlvictioo lie can win tht ~ • HOuae case for a reviled m.islile "detmi. ,Ystem. . . But the quest.ion of ·wbo-.:. '!! anyone; came cut ahead in ·tbe· adminlstrlttani first Capliol Hill pr ... ntailon .of MF· ' menta for a Safeguard .anUballlstlc mif. sile ABM: system;renfalrt! tO 6e seett.' • Laird woand.upt!iree days of testimony t "Six secrets to 'I'raining Your Doa:'' Friday• with: a 5~ nationally t'ele-, told by an expert afte"r 25 years · as vised appearance· ~Ore the · Sellate di,. ! a dog teacher, are revealed in 'today•5 armament tubcommmittee, a focal point i.ssue of Family Weekly. ofjSenate.ABM oppo:sJUon. : Tbe Generation Gip, I new.. And u ~-·~~criticism (!~9 1' television game ahow that attempts the ' fast and 1~• ~panted .by cheers lmpoasible -communication belween · lof the seilalon andJ.•'llilfr. for Laird young!lerl and oldllen -II lhe TV · lrtm;lheL.~gdy,llj!dent-audlence•t!>•t WEEK cover story. · , crowa.ed ww the cavernous Sen1te:caucus . room. ' . • •· ~~-~~~--~~~~ ' Canyon lle-.u:iJds .. ' 1 I. f . . Silverndo . Residents U ndlµinied . -' . " ' I ' I ' •' ' ' • . , . . .. . AS SICRITARY 01'-ITATI WATCHIS, 'RISIDINT ADDRISSES SEAIE!S BACK FROM WAR Al Pt. M"9V, Nixon'"""'"' llftrt1 to Ko op Tholr Soni l'rom Combot Duty Abra•' Frffl Pqe J '.NIXON VISITS COAST. •• ud ColllP Pondltton. II WU rllnlnl lllldllt by lbe lime NIJoa ud 1111 Wiie ltoppod out of lbolr bolloopler. roar block -wbl4ed lbe ... loorap lbe low bloob from tho Coul Guard -tn Ibo llallllltal It .(1otlon ..W. wlllcb will bt NIJoa'o '19blto U-0 · WOii" clurllll '1111 --1111 IA ~ Coun17. . Aboul two -5111 Clemenll _.., mOIUJ cb1ldren, ud • Uh number of .,... pbotocrlphm llood In Ibo rain al Ibo 111trance tn Ibo Collon ..W. awaltbo& Nbon'i orrlvol. ,,. Ibo -oped lhroUlh the entrance, tho Pruld'l't Wlvtd at Ibo crowd tllroulh~--Ono faul'. tor, who uld he'd wlll for ~ 11oar· 1a lbe rain, -·. bit dlupp>!nted. "'I lhouldn't hava cotitt.'1 he dtclared. Anolbor &ll10lll Ibo dlappolnted: .... a military enltlted mon ond boxing clwnpton who wu app&rantly Ibo brunt ol a cruol joke by hlJi buddl.._ They tnld hlnl U be look hll tn>phloa and •toad by the Cotton •.tall pte, lhe President would stop and pose with him for !lhotos- After the presidential autos whizzed by, lhe bcDlnii champ wu a forlorn figure, still lllndlni In the rllln, conluHd and alone. First news action in Orange County's presidenUal weettnd came at 7 p.m. w.i..n ~Ulllprill oecr<tai}o llonald Zlel}er 'called a cOllferenct at preu headquarters at the San Clemente Inn. Zlellar aMOUllOld Ibo upcomlnf ltat.. ment on u.s. camj)\11 dllotdera. Ex· paneled uplanallom of the policy ltat .. ment wW allo come from Health, Educa· Uon and Wolfert Secretory Rcblrl H. Finch later Mond17. Floch developed a •1Ud1 of the problam. whloh .II the bUl1 oti wblch Nbon wUl lllte bl.! pocllloll. . ZlecJer wu uked U Floch, In bis lludy, had talked tn ltudenll u well u loadlnf U.S. educaton. •11 don't know but I think IO," the prm ald1 replied. Zlectu ,,.. utod u the Pnlldent ~ moe!lno In 5111 Clemente with lary of Slllo WUU1m P. Ro1ers u well u Dr. Henry A. Klaolnfer, Nbon'• uolltant for 11&Uonal ecurlty affaln. Both ... Ill Ibo pruld111Ulll porty at 5111 Clemente. Zle1tor uld IUch ""'"" are unlikely. Aoked why lhly wm lll0111 on the Orange County trip, Ziegler replied, "WeU. the Pruldeat Ukel to confer with them while be '1 In fil&ht." Alao on tap for Nixon'• weekend are conferencu with U.S. Ambulador ta Vietnam Ellsworth Bunker and Gen. Andrew J. Goodputer, retiring deputy commander of U.S. forces . They wlU arrive at El Toro Marine Co<J11 Air SlaUon from Vietnam. Zigler has made an eUort to play down the importance of Nixon's Vietnam war talb with Bunker and Goodpaster. Nbcon &Del 1111 wlfo, Pa~ are echeduled today for a round of fluta adlvities and lunch at San Juan Caplst~an,o.. Paperwork Goof · Closes Newport Beating Case By JOHN VALTJ!RZA OI 9lle D•llJ Pll!Jt 11111 Newport Beacb lwnburl" stend operator Ntl!<lft. Ferguson today still car- ~i~::1he b:,~:,ed on ith~e18bC:nJ;c>~ three youn1 men tut January. Ferguson, 25. waa found that January evtnln1 1prawled on the pawment in front of hll aland. He told police he had been beoten and kicked by the IUapedl. Several daya later, one auapect in the case, Din William BrockmaM, 21 , WU arruted by police and scheduled far trlaL But the trial never ume off. BrockmlDO WU freed and cleertd of all chlrgOI In lhe cue. 11tt reuon &lvM by authorltlu w11 th1t a dert had typed tht Wf'Ol'll name as a 111pen1 -a lt11t document which would have called Fersuaon to court aa pim.1 w:itneu for the proeecuUon f • DAILY PILOT ................................ ------· CAUfOINIA Oll:AMGI COA$f l"\ltLllHING COM~"\iN'I' . Jl•krt N, We14 """""' .., Mn.,,., Je1k I. C1rl.y "~ ,.,.,..,,. •Ill 0-11 ,,... ...... t~ .... lt•9Ylf .... T•111111 A. M111t,hlft• ~··,,,, Nit•" ~=--I -Ctitt .... I .. Wllf h\t l1W '""""" ~: It'll ,.., ............... ,.. L..,..-...im"""'.t.""""' ~IMcfl;Mlll~ l ' In the cue. The blwrt foulup in p1perwork w111 confirmed by D11trlct Attorney'• Ofnce prosecutor Tom Privette. Yerguson was to have been called as a proseeuUon witness, and a 1upena wu to bave been urv.ed him 1t his Newport address. The document, however, named 1 Dar- rell Dobson 11 vlcUm. and when a marshal arrived to arve 1'D1rrell Dobson" at the Ferauson realdence, he Jen with the supena •Ull In hand. "I've never heud ol a Darrell Dobson," Ferguson said. ''I've nevtr heard of a Darrell DobJOn, either," Privette said. "Neither have l," said ti1f: Newport delecUve in the caae. So, when tho judge called le< lhe "victim Dobaon," as the prosecution's firlt &Dd only witness, Dobson obviOUll)' didn't come forward . Judp Donald Dun1an had only one recourse ·-to dismiu the cue. 11The pniblem," Privette said ];iter, "ii that in mlsdtmeanor cases such as thit the law forb ids refiling, so we can't bring the defendant back into court on the same charge." The goof, evident at the oulaet of the "trial," resulted in hurried calls to the teal victim . But Fercuron was out of town, unaware tha t the caae wu being tried. "We sent out calls to try to find him," the prosecutor said, "but he couldn't be reached, 10 the defense in· llated th• cue bt dlamlued." The judge .... ed. "Somewhere, the clerk who typed out the supena1 muat havt put the wrong name down. Jt'• a rare mlalllke, but with the CIM load we have In court these dlfl It can h1ppen In the ruah,'' Lhe DA '1 aide 1ald. M'eanw'r'Ple, P'@rguaan, still nursing 60Me of his bruises. is a very unMooy me. ~ ·1 Capistrano Soldier Killed in Vielnan1 Finl Ll Jeur., L. Wb111&111bt of San Juan C.plltrano II &ll10lll II U.S. 1ervtce- m@n reported tilled in Vlelnam on a Defense Department Ust rele1sod today. ll'll1na= ert11n111y luted u m1u1n1. "~ In "killed In hoo!lle ao- tlon" when hll body wa1 found. He wu lhe IOll of Mr. and Mra. Harrll L. Whyo nauaht, 30822 Calle Olueca, San Juan C11pi1trano. I \ f'ro111 Pag~ J • ARRIVAL ..• • Sunday t11ks wilh Ellsworth Bunker, U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam, imd Gen. Andrew Goodpaster, outgoing deputy or all U.S. force.s there, Nixon mentioned peace. SEEK SETTLEMENT "We are hoping to find a way to a jwt and honorable setilemenL By that, 1 mean a settlement that will usure a peaceful future, one ln which your sons will not go away to war.'' he 1ajd. · Shaking hands with members of the Seabee ifOUp, the Pn:aident quickly boardf!d a helicopter for Santa Barbaril, a11 newsmen dashed down the puddled concrete apron t.o their own choppers. A quickly aborted takeoff so the crew chief could make an exte.rlor adjustment 1et the big Sea Stallion tw!n·rotor copter carrying Orange County reporters back down on ibe runway. 'I11e delay allowed time for a portly radio newsman to run puffing down the strip and hop aboard, but the craft from Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 302 w11 the lut to Seta Barbara. LltUe could be seen e.lther of the 400,000 galloos of crude oil which 1pewed diwtrow:ly up from the ocean floor. as pRss helicopten followed the Ventura County coutline. j.'. SHOOl'lNG ULP A pair of photogr&Jlben with Iha Nixon preu contingent from W llhlnston bually' snipped lihots of dark, reddish-brown bloba ro1Uns on lht awella below, as Ille Sea Slllllion roved north. Oranp County newsmen ~ down II lho reddllh kelp bedo cin lhe port ~de of lho chopper 111d Aid nothlnf, because it wu impoaible to b1ar over the roar anyway, The President and top aJdea hid already stepped frorn the faster, turbojet helicopter as the third M1rine Corps chopper alighted among stately palms just north of the Santa Barbara pJer. Speaking briefly to various dignitaries on hand to greet him, the Preaident and hls party then took a stroll aJong the beach, stopping to chat with workmen rai:lng oU from the sand. LitUe could be heard of what the chief executive &al:d conctrning such en- vironmental contamtnaUon, due lo the breez.e, the surf and lhron1s of radio and televilion newamen 1urroundln& him v.·Jth microphones. TALKS TO MEN "Where are you from ?" he asked one Negro beach worker, as men of the audiovisual media stumbled and surged around, apologizing to th eir Secret Service shepherds and ,blaming Inability to move on. the others. · "Look out, Sir," someone wamed as Nixon stood with ·hi• back to the sea and a wave of foam surged up, \vetting both an El Toro MCAS captain and the man at the top of his chain of command. Nixon chuckled 1wi:wardly and hopped inland a few feet, }leading back to make a few more remirks, befort boarding his presidential hellC'Opler for the 4~ minute southerb' flight. Helicopttrt car.rytf,g the nev.•smen returned to Polnt. Mugu, where the Waahlnrton PreSI .Corps boorded a TWA jei. to follow AJr ·Force One, which had already flown to El Toro MCAS for tho ~Und"J !J11b~ hOmo. Liquor Effect On Sirhan Told . ~ J.!IGELES (AP) -After drlll~i(IJ "' ounca of 11n In a Jill ct!! test, 5Jthan Bishara Sirhan becamt "like a wlld beut" and be11n ta1k1na u U Sen. Robert r. "KennedJ were rtill aUve, a J>l)'Chlatr11t llJ'I. "He never al.id be kllltt Kennedy," Dr. Eric Man:u1 tots! the jucy Frld17 lr)o· Ins S~han for Kennedy'•. mlll'dtr. "He topt tatltlnl u though Konnedr were &Jive. K4 llfd "that butard Isn't worlh lhe bullel' Wllh Ill my praddln1 he never 11ld he killed KtMtdy." Thero h11 been taUmonr lhal Slrh111 had threo Tom Collini bef<n olloollnl the New York anator iD the Ambusador Hotel last June 5. Slrltan says he doesn't remember the ahootlng but doet recall buying HVtrll drinls. • , NIXON (CENTER), AID!'S ON SANTA BARBARA BEACH STROLL Offshore Oil Halt Heralds Vl1it to Contaminated Co11t 1Trautwein Ple'l' Appeal Denied on Rape Charges By TOM BARLEY Of Ille ~llr '"'' ll•lf It took Superior Court Judgi William Speirs less than 10 seconds late P'rld•Y to reject Charles John Trautwein's argu - ment that he did not know what he wa1 doing when he pleaded 1uilty to attempted ripe charges. Dismissing attorney Sam Hurwitz's argument as "the most unconvincing and incredible story that l 've ever heard," Jud1e Speirs threw out Trautwein'• motion.1 tor his abandonment of a plea of guilty, his freedom on ball and the atriking of an Atascadero State llospitel report from the record, The flushed and obviously shocked Trautwein listened with lowered head Y.'hlle Judge Speln described him as a-1'menace who mull not at thls time bt releuedftnMtuNdy." Judge Speirs ordered Trautwein to 10 to Judie Robert G~ piurt Oii --day for sen· lencilii. . ~ """' f ~. ~ COUU>GET'f6£ . U Jud1• Gardner occtpla the !iJfdln1s of Alalcldero "Stall H~lol. Tr1utwetn could be committed thtr• for we· Of1 at best, an Indefinite period. What began a wee:k &co u a day-long hearing Into Trautwein'• bid to vacate his IUl!ty plea ended Friday with Superlor Court Jpdi;e Spelra' deci.!ion. J\1ost of the tut d1y'1 teatimony w1s devoted to the issue that tr1115formed the hearing from a proceeding devoted to the Iona. clinicJI discur.~ion of p:1ychialr~t11 to an argument stu!.lc'ed court battle that immediately &tlrci:tc~l public interest -the alleged allcn1pl l:'.1 buy off the beauty Queen Y•ho cla ini~ that Trautwe.in tried to rape her. 'OFFER' TOLD .Sandra Scott, a former Miss Ne\rport Beach, told deputy district attornr~·s that a "J\fr. Cox" made sc\'eral efforls to buy her out or the case culmin~Ung in an oner or $10,000 and a "t~·o.year overseas trip." ?ifiss Scott was not actually assaulted. Traul\.li'ein, :11. of 20292 Cra.imer Lane, Huntington Beach, pleaded guilty to charges of assault with intent to commil rape last Nov\ 20. He was sent to l\tasc•dero Stlte HO!pitat and returned to orange County 90 day• later with a report that described him as a mentally disorder«. sex otr@nder who is "a dan1er to the health and s1fety of others.'' Deputy Dlstrlct Attorney W. J . Moseley disclosed Friday that that Atlscadero report may well have been inOuenced by the actJon ol a Lo3 An1eles County Supuior Court judge who sentenced Trautwein on ld~Uca.I charge.a in 1951. Moaeley aaid Judie Allen Miller, alanned at Trautwein'' alleged •tlack attempt upon Mill Scott on the day he wu relealed from Lo& An1olel pro.- bat.Ion, wrote to Atucadero and dempct.. ed lhat Trautwoln be confined Wider mulmum aecurlty paychl1trlc care for the rut " h1a life or, at least, an lndllllnlte term. ATl'OllNE\' rnw>· TrauhnJn came back to court, fired •Uomey Mllnhall Schulmon Ind b1red trlol lawyer Sun Hurw!IJ. His counsel lhM uked thlt Trautwein'• plea of 'BRIGADOON' hfATINEE CUT A Slluht17 matinee performance of Lquna Beech llJch Schoal'• praductloa "Brigadoon" hu been cancelled becaueo of illneao of one lead player. The canctllaUon WU made tn order that the male lead Jol>ll Chamberlin cook! connrv1 his voice for lhe eveotna performance of the muolcal. • guilty be erued, that the 1tocky de.fen· danl be freed on bail and that he be allowed to file a new plea with 1 vlew t.o a jury trial. Also named 11 having had telephOfle conversaUons with Mils Scott were Har. ry and Pauline Fredericks of NeWeort Beach, Identified by the proaecuUan as being neighbors of the shapely, blonde beauty queen. The couple wa1 present with the Paul Trautwein•, and ·the younger Trautwein and h!s wife, Helen, when the angry Schulman called at Paul Trautwein's plush Newport home 1.ast Nov. 19. TAPES PLAYED Conversations thal evening v.·ere ap- parently responsible for Traut we I n plearJing guilty tl?t: nc!-:L day. Boll)~ Schulman anrJ prh a\c 1111 C·.ligator Jotu\· I Oatley told the Trau~\.li·etns and thf ' Fredericks about the tape recordi ng tlutt had been played for their benefit tha' day hy the .district attorney 's officei Trautwein 's argum.ent Friday v.·a~ that h.e· Wis ''hopele..,ly men1'Jly confused'' when he ent"!l'ed that plcia oI guilty and he indlcaleli that he was tar · from satisfied. with Schulman's handlin& of the case. Hurwitz elicited. from Schulman ht court Friday the admilslon !bat the trlal lawyer had made little or no at· tempt lo obtain previous medical and ~ychlatric report! compiled o n Trautwein In the three: months that he y,·as retained by the defendant. A source close to the Trautwein family told the DAILY PILOT Friday that the l1eari11g anrJ the CtJurt acUon prlor to lids Y:eck ·s testimony has coat the family •·at !cost s:-io.OCO," much of the ~pense &"il1g in medical and le&!Jl fees. It is estimated that the ht!arin1 alone has 1..'flst the t11>:payers at least $5,000 in court ;ind pcrlOnnel co,,ts. The district altorney ·s office places their esUmate at an even highe r figure. Trautwein is being held In Oranae County Jail. His bail of $250,000 was cancelled last November with his com- n11!1nent to Atascad ero. 'att s .. ,, .. Llliiitations .. ~ ") . . ... ' ' ~'DIEGO (AJ>.). -,,, .. CalilbJ'nl1 Rtp{lbtlcan Aa.semb1y. a conaervatlon· minded group of 13,000 gra1,.roota '"71'k .. ers, is trying to limit ser ech.1caUon In the public schooll. Opealng a statewide conv~tion today, the naUon'1 oldut GPP.volunteer or1an· muoo. set 8s.ide the afternoon for • &emin.ar on sex education. Assemblyman John Stull, {R-Leucadia ), the modeartor, told a reporter he fa)· ored local control over the courses. And Dr. Tine del Junce, president cf the CRA, said of compulsory courses : "I do not believe thia to be proper." The poUUcaJ lf'CIUP thus moYed intn an area of Jr'O'l'lng controversy in schools of California. Sex educaUon hi.s been undu fire in Or1111e. S111 ?lateo, Sacramento, San Francisco, El Dorado, Contra. Costa and other counties. The ultra.eon.serv1Uve John Birch S~ ciety h'as been among the opponent& . Though only a small mlnorlty cf Call· fornians registered Republicans belong to the CRA, the aroup his demon1trated Jts influence. Last year, It provided money and wort· crs for the successful campaign to de- feat Republican Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel in the GOP &!nate primary. The CRA's choice, Mu Rafferty, state superintendent of public im:tructioo, bt later to Det\)oc:r&t Alan Cranston, Jn the general election: · Del Junce Said that there are no arowid rulu for aex educ1 tlon in the IChool. ' "There are no ground rule1 when 'Jt 1ihould be taught or who should teaCh it," he said. ' "It is 1 very touchy subject." Stull said that if local school board1 ·win enough community support, the couraes should be offered to lludtnts. f'ro111 Puue 1 SILVERADO. • • now and the street became anoth• riYer, It was pretty wild," muses Mohr. "A Jot of the people he~ may haft trouble rebuildlnl becauu their lots IN · too amaJJ." Mohr explains. "The county mi1ht not islue them a pennJt, ~1 want people to build father back from. the creek." , Jn the Pali Cafe, Sharon Byrne prouif!Y displays her pictures taken from wlndot.'1 or her home during the height of tM flood. "Yes, l\'e had a lot of dam1ge, but "'e a~ staying and IO are most of the people;'' ahe says flrmly .. "lt would tak'~ Ill Pl--il• out of Ille caiifdli:>' r""''f Mra. Byrne revealed an Ironic f · . When sJle finally got Qlt of the area lht went to her parent&'. • on River t.ne iq Seta Ana. . ~ The ...,., 5111U.,. Creek -r~ tlu'o\llh the chaj1001 nm tn her ~ houla. A pollceinljll on duty al-tltl l!lr- rtcldes, wllen Ibo ezplalned ·who Ille w"u, a:clatmecl, "What ~· J(Kt ·~ hen! I would tblnl< you. would Jilliot had enouah of tilt floodwateri.'-' • ., Stlveraao. CanyOn was the hardest ldt Df all tbe ·mountain anas. Flve ~ w~ ltUled y,·hen a mudslide lnUndafil the tire slaUqh being uaed a1 a retuft'.e headquarters, 190 homea were dam1pd, 10 were.destroyed and 15 suffered major damage. ""I County officials estimated the cost or ' the damage at $1.15 mllllon. But that's only money. There was litUe real damage done to the 111irlt of the people of this mountain relU&t from traffic and smog. , "Once a canyonUe, always 1 canonlte," 1 says Bill Levescy. "J wouldn't live anywhere else." "Amen," aays S!\aron Byrne, "'You can't get us out of here ." 1 OAILY •1LOT ltlff ....... The evonln1 performance tonilhl will be unaffected by the Ulno11. SILVEllADO'S SHARON BYRNE DISPLAYS l'LOOD PHOTOS One• A C1nyonftt, Alwey1 A C•nyonlte l I \ ' ' 'l'he'lhree cents a 'day good co.n- .dtict 'allowance pajd girls of \he Navy Is ''anachronistic, .. R .. r. Ad- mlral M. C. Morgan Gile1 told the ·House Of Commons in London. 11That is not much lo give a girl for 1aying 'Yes, sir' all day and 'No, Sir' all night." he explained. • Easter is, still two weeks away, but vacationing colltgt studtnts l. hove alrtady btgU1' thtir ma.!S t: arrivals at Fort Lauderdale, na. , Police say at. lewt 6,000 colle· gians havt been 0 11 tht btacltt1 , ., daily during the past wttk. To copt witlL the iuflu.x, police have set up a sptcial 1ub1tatio1i - complete with a cUrk's office authorized to accept payinent of \ fines -i'n. tile beach area. J .i. ................... ;:a~~t ""'f:' • County Clerk R. 8. J•mes of San Diego told the 200 women in his department they have until April 1 to lower hemlines to the vicinity of their knees. "Serious business can· no't be conducted in miniskirts," James said. , • Army S. Sgt. Eddie Dougl1s ar· rived home in Johnson City, Tenn. and handed• his mother an ace of 1:1pades, signifying hjs safe return from Vieti;Jam. Douglas, 1 27i ~ar· lier this year conceived the idea of mailing his mother, Mrs. J.B. Douglas, one card from a deck each day instead of a Jetter be- cause he said he had little· time to \Yrite. In late J anuary h~ sent his mother a joker and told her "I had to quit counting the days , .• I couldn't keep up with them." He a'dded that when she received the f.fe of spades, he would be with it. ' • '' · 'Vith spring· in !ht air ond a grr:1 ftqwer in hii hair. this pooch's glu'n look seeins to reflect the chang e ia 111eathtr here in .tunny California. ProbltnL is that this mutt is i'n Frank· f url. Gtrn1a11y -maybe tli.ey'rc hav· ing doggy 111eatller tliere too. • The San Francisco board of Per~ mit Appeals has turned down an application by Fred M1ffei, ~·ho \vants to build a house on his Tele- graph Hill lot. l!is property iQ 60 feet .Jong but only a.feet wide. • Rit1 · Ar1110, a ')choolteacher in Palenno. Sicily, gol lucky Monday after she mislaid a bag containing jewelry' money and documents while loading Jugeage into her car. She ha~ put the bag on another car, belonging to an oUiciaI in Palermo's· Lost and Found Depart. ment Alamitos-Aide Takes New Post 9 • . JM Alamttos City Manager Jatne1 ~lll _ hu resJJlll<d hit 111.000 • yw to accept a almilar poclllan In Pico Rl\ltfa ..... ' ' lofayor Dal< Kroesen said Smith was "aJ excellent manager. We hate to klile 'him but wi4h him well oo bis ne.w job.'' " Smith will t•ke over his new po11Uon ln Pico Rlvua. a tlty cl a ,000 about April IS. Iii!: came to Los Alamitos from ~tl5dale, Aris. ln 11163, l\'hert he h<td been 3S!lat:Aht clty m111ager. Krouen s11id an e.rttnslve se.ardl would be mtide to find a good man lo f!U lhe. Post Smith was a central <flpe sevtral months ago tn the firing of the police chief of LoJ Alamltol. He stood hls ~nd throua:h a lon& aeries of hearings. • DISNEY. IMAGtNEER GRACEY WoRkS ON •HJIUNTED 'lliANSION -Lit• Summer Opinint Scheduled to r Dlsneytand 'Attraction Disney Haunted Mansion To Open by Late Summer By the. end of summer, Disneyland in Anaheim will have. its own happy haunting ground. Ordinary mortals are bus.lly building a haunted mansion to lure ghosts, goblins and all sorts of things that go ·bump in the night. The humans are aided Jn their haunt hW'lt by the Disney- developed ··audi~animatronics" system, \Vhictl may encourage reiident spooks to be a bit more lively. The ghost family, when It Is finally ltleet tlie People ensconced ·In lhe ghastly. mansion, will ioclude apiri~, ba.JlS,heu, zombies and "cadaverous creatures of every descr ip- tion," proclaim!' Disneyland . The Haunted ManBiOn 'Will be In New Orleans. .Sqtiare., and will f~ature dt'moni.zed doors. dastic rooms, a &tone-- cold ballro<irri wher'e weird music will be played t>.y phantom musicians for midn'ight revela, anlf a Ghost Ho.:it to lead visit.ors arOund. · . ~ring-~h-:beO ~ lhe.~ddies ! s. ........ ""'h 22, 1'169 DAILY PILOT. f You-th-Police · Buff er? fl:~'f>l;i•n Suggested at Youth, L~~ Talk ' -~-.· ... -117 'TllOMAI FOlmJNl!l-: • .. .. OrellJ .......... , Yaoth• ~ police, ,' , Oll,Jbl :DOlnt liliJI -ilCboot , atulfe•ts, Jnlll!le p01lce ollte<n and community lellden'lnim N\lQlOrt Beodl, Coola M ... and;W,U..dlelil:hie!m to acret· Whal to't1o·-u1 bOcamo•lllo subject ol an'Ol'anc...CO.. Lt'l'lt<' !II Women , V-°""1;"""'-~ tft 0 Youlb 'v-' tlae·Law"· -~ 1i w liV'!M, ..... 1:'1 adv~ tndudcd ~a. '"top on campu>'' progrlJI!. otudents or teachers ndln1 wtlh police .., pairol, JChool study about the · role of police, aDd an om· budaman ltudent3 or parenta could ;o to. Three ll1ab schoo,1 studenls partlclpaled In panel lalks. Their ehll!:f cmTiplaint was telecl.lve enforceintnt by police. 1 Acliilll can jaY\li'.alk but if yOu have long hair you can't get away with it," saJd Donna Long.of McNally Continuation rogh School. Costa Mesa. "Polite take the atUtude kids are bad to be&in wilh." 'BASIC DISTRUST' "Police harass hippies, but tourists aren't hassled "for congregating on Ute sidewalk. in front of the Pottery S~ack," said Eric Stodder of Laguna Beach Hl&h School, - "Police flagrantly violate the law with Illegal search and seizure. Look how many cases are dismissed. Then police complain that ywn& people Jack respect for the law," Stodder said . Ken 'While of Corona del Mar High School said · he talked to a numbe} of students on hlt campus and found, most think police overdo their power rather than act as protectors. "The 1ttitude ol adult society toward yooth la very punitive ," said t.1rs. Elizabeth UUy of the Newport-Mesa school board. "Bask distrust -we've a:ot it." Pi1rs. Helen Keeley of the Lagima Beach Coordinating Council said, "I think we bave'n't eveo begun to see . the number of transient youlh who wll swarm in on us seeking the.tr ldenUty. POLICE IN MIDDLE "Who is going to help them7 Who \\'ill be a substitute parent for them?" she asked. She was expanding on the theme of • ~ • J .• ---... '(' . .. . . . ' . ,Jl "'..List :of1 Do~~.,~· . . . -· Youths wbO'wlah to av.Gld be1nJ ba.ullil f LllJ.. eW'few for ]uvent~ (ytJUDi'aters 'by J/Ouc.-~ take .,, leti -1 from un<ltr Ille age ci 11). Coata ~ llod the , Ora.nae. Coast . Le,..,:.. ot Wodleo ... l'!~wport ~Uo~ & Juv~Ue t6 lie out .~-·-w1t11 -paren\J oo guardian Md Hewjort VotLeers. 1 _ 1 maltes exception for 1uveD.iles employed ague adles coollcted police n during curfew houri: Newport Beach, Costa Men and Laguna In Newport one inu.stn't loJter on the Beaeh to ~cam 1.!i!Jat law& jnuth most outer half (nearest the 1treet) or • often rwt-afoul of. side.walk except to •alt for a bull. Nor They . found. out, for e.s:ample, that in Newport may one molest, anD07 or ~. vehicles parked on the street..: hinder pauing pedestrians. of coela Mes• must have turt.alos parted tn Laguna it is illegal to Ue or lmeel so • full view of the interior Is provided. . upon the street or sidewalk. One .WO Also in Coata t.tesa It Ls illl!:gal to. must not sit on the sidewalk along Coat s1eep in a car at a11y lime., daylight Highway or in the business ~ hours included. Jn Newport Beach one ·except to watch a parade.. ' , mar sleep In a car or on lhe beach _Aho, by special urgency act;ion of during the. day, but not be!W.een 9 p.iµ. the Laguna Beach City Council no ana and 9 a.m. In Laguna one shouldn't stlall' stand on any sidewalk '° as to sleep in a car or on the beactl during obstruct free pedestrian traUit, nor shall the hours of dark. anyone stand still in a crosswalk All three cities nave a 10 p.m. to (protected from oncoming lraUic «not). """' ............................................................... .. Dr. John Gerlelti. director of USC's Pelinquency C-Ontrol Institute.. He noted Uuit when he gol in trouble as a boy in a small midwestern t.o~'n someone wouJd .tell his parents. Now, he said, with youths dri ving a hundred miles from h·ome there is no one lo turn them in io but police. John Kirk, a former police ofijcer no1v with tbe California Youth Aulhority, said : "The poor old policeman is put in tne middle. He is the stabilizer ol the community. He echoes middle class values. And I don't think middle claS! values are quite. as popular today. "Young people Vlon't be pushed along any more. They say, 'Hey, wait a minute. Let me do what I want.' " "For God's sale let's have sympathy for the policeman," said Newport Beach City Councilman Robert Shelton. "Almost every.thing .he does is rei>reuive. Fire1nen and Iifeguaros, who make lhe same money, can make no mistakes; they're heroes every time." TAXPAYERS D0!\11NATE White contended that b aelective en- forcement. "Who is doing. the thievina;?" uked Costa Mesa Palict Sgt. Sam Cordeiro. "It isn't elderly ladles taking aterto tapes out of cars. It is kids doing ii to olher kids. That i.s the nam1 of the game." "Police have to play the per«:nf.ages."' agreed Klrk. Shelton, Mrs. Keeley and Kirk all IPOkt of an ombudsman students could llle their problems wilh. the law to. One ~·oman in the audience aald lhe. th1nU there also should be someone; not coo- nected with polict, pare.nb can 10 to If, for instance, they know their child i.s using narcoUca:. Capistrano Told Of Soaring Bill For Police Force -she's Law All Dolled Up Shelton acknowledged that the interests of youth aren't always well represented oo city councils. "The t a x p a y i n g homeowner is the dominent political in· flue nee." he said. Dr. GerletU suggested a result of this Is that city cooncils' often accept police recommendations for 10 new policemen when perhaps what Ls really needed is a couple of parks, a recreation omter and a bowling #alley where youth can let off steam. The Sao Juan Capistrano City COuncll has been told lhe cost of !ti cont:rad with the county sheriH for police pro- tection will soar from '28,tm to just under $100,000 this year. City Adminlstral<lr Emesl TllomjlOO!l advised the toUnCll tO renew the con- tract for .the cOmini;.flical year, d~• the hlkt. Bot ht -adtVRd tbtnrtO "Mri- ously consider'' the establlshlnent fJl i n1unicipal force later. -' "humanity · Yt law1 Afuclt of that humdnity' A iftjecttd. into our Ltgol pr~~e~s . by . d.ceµly "dicat.td people whO talk ,to tho.tt who face tilt law in ~in¢(·baCk .. ,.Qom$,· •.. " ,,. · : Si,. Hl'.n-tle¥ Shawcross. Q.C. Bv TO.\f BARLEY Of "'9 DlllY l"lllt llllf BilCk ·room girl Nancy NelsOn talks to at' least !lye or those who face the law durin& her busy week. as an Orange County Proba~on Offlc:er. And it is, at ·, least two of her recent guests :have testified, an occashm ·when humanity has been a prime ingrtdlent of 1~ ptrsonal qualities she has, albeit unwittingly, irijected into the atmosphere of their conference. A tall ·u-~rviceman petrified al the thOugtit of the drug charaes he must face talked of his meeting with the tall; trim Ne\vport Beacl} girl u a "con·. fronµtion 'fith.common sense all. dolled up in 'an attractive female form." Miss Nel!Qii's -counsefilng and her subsequent presence at' his court aJ)pearanCe were. he f~lt. direc~y i'esporislble for a ~ tence .ilhat allowed me to be a man." His pfaise of the populaT, Iowa-born girl got a fervent "Amen" from a defen- dant who' faced more serious rharges. He drew a jail . term but it wasn't, he told .this writer, "anything near what it could have been had it · not been for tbat nice girl in the probation office. J 4idii.'t try' any snow job on .her," he said, "and 1 don't think. it would have v .. orked if I had. "But ·abe did give me the picture in a way 1 hadn't seen it before. Let 's face it, she. helped me -and how many ·people. in this law game today really want to do that?" Nancy Nelson gets her turn after a look at what two Superior Court judges think of her presence in the courtroom and the. reports that she places before th<m. 8-0th bave criminal court experience. And both agree with the summation of one of those jurists: "What our courts and correction agencies nmt today Is a personnel roster filled wilh Nancy Nelsons." NjU)Cy, In turn and unaware or those commentl, is Wlstlnting in her pr'aise of ~e County Superior Court's hand!· ing • qf adult erbninal offenders. And Khe ratu the grtat majority ol the judges ~ has faced here in her 19-ye.ar c!i u .. dedicated men who have r · · Ws CQUrt to a very hl&b standing in ' llate.." · She looU back on tier decade in the ProliaUon -Dtpartmwlt u "It y ..... fn which. Wt have moved from what wu, very ol1eO. , crushhw cueload that r<ducod -.., to the staitUJ ol clerki to an enligb~, fuclnalbtg era in "bk:h we e.an devote much more of GUr ezter;iel to the people wbo come to us." Tbit doesn't mean frequait tea breaU and tei.surtly converaatlonl for Nancy' a.nd htr 11 ooHe.a,_ ln the departmenl'• adult oftttlden prt-Mntenclnc dJ:vllion. A dediciled chi<! probation ol!lc<r by Ult nar'ne ol Mqartl Grier provtd" an i tfedl.ve bartltr tO that type of tlllnktna, If II exlJted, There 's still not time enou1h to do the ltind of i!epth Job she'd really like to do with tbl offeDdu1 who ari au ianect 8AC~ROOM GIRL N1ncy Nelson lo her, ~he 'argue!'. But. she concedes, with a flashing Nelsoriian srliiie, .. maybe I'm the aoit of probaUon officer who 'll never have enough time to do just what I personally want to do." She feels,· and the sincerity gets through, that the people who come to her back room are at a "tremendously importaut phase" of lheir in\'olvement with the law. "They are," ·she explains, "at an emo- tional peak and they are, very often, extremely S'Useeptlble to any suggenlons and approach that we here might have to offer. Any probation officer will le.II you, rrom Miss Grier . on down, that the. pUght of that defendant and your utilization of a tremendous opportw'lity in which you ean provide. help, suddenly becomes the most immediate concern in your life." Given receptive courts -and Mi11 Nelso11 says \\'e have tbem in Orana:e County -"a lol is being' done to wure that P>ose offenders don't come this way ag11in." The tall, attractive Univ en I· ty ol Iowa · graduate. -she holds a master's degree in crimlnolOgy from that Mlthfestem campus -pay• frequent trtbute to the local court's wiWngness to try new programs, an ent.huslasm that Is fervently •hared by Oller Prob .. tion Officer Grier. "A lot of nonHn5e is talked about Orange. County,-'' she sa.id. "We:re regar~ at bclng so c:oolel'VaUve. and afraid ol p<ogr.., b\lt it'1 hard to juaU!y I.hat kJnd ct lhJnkin& whtn you look at prt11ram.t of the type lbat I'm h•volved in.·• Nancy is one of a number of probation offitera who ignore the clock and bttome involved Jn volunteer programs designed to supplement their daJly actlvJtle1 at lhe 'MancheJter Avenue Prob 11 ti on Building. They .. Into hom<I to ICUvely aid . ., ' with food buying, budaeling and housekeeping In dedicated, unheralded campaign 1lmed at tht adult offenders and the impact maae upon society by lhelr involvement in crirot .. She has high praise for the work of those wPo counsel juveniles -she worked in such a capacity for six ytars -but she is qulck to tell · you that adult offenders could do wilh 1 little of lhe publicity given today to the under· age offender. Mrs. Keeley suggested "a cop on cam· pus" students could go to for counsel and help. Newport Beach juvenile officer Sgt. - Richard Hamilton said he thinks suctl a program could be beneficial if the community gets behind it. Thompson said that there was 'nat eiiougti" lfine av'aJlibte:-cor, .ril lX'din'l)' -ctlangHver to a clty police (Qree priOr to the start of the new fi!cal year this summer. "That's part oi the reason for the volunteer program," sbe said. "I'm not criticizing the juvenile programs or what'a written about lhem -I'm just wishing out loud that our adult offenders could do with lhe same publicity." But Detective Alex Jimenez of Laguna Beach said he thought lhe one pollceman on campus would become lhe students' friend but it wouldn't help relations wittl police on the beat. "If it i.s going to work It will have to be proven on the street al.so," said student White. PLAY PERCENTAGES He recommended negotiations with the county for law enforcement service. The city had been warned that such service might rost four t.imes as muth now because of a new system of compuUn1 charges. The method bases costs on the territory being patrolled, rather than the population count prevfo.t, used. Back room girl Nancy Nelson would like. lo give the adult offender a front office view of the world lhat could and, she feels should, be his. "That," says Mias Grier, 11ia ex.actly wha l N~ is doing:" He tokl a story of riding with a friend in "a funny-looking car with the grill painted to look like lips. We nashed the peace sign (tw~fingered V) to an officer and he pulled us over and checked the car registration," be said. Thompson said he had na idea whit lhe hike would cost citizens in tu:es. Th.it determination woukl be.· made la budget sessions to be . held· witbln the ne1.t two months by U>e rity council and staff, be said. I me. The a th er •tores have good ,·aJue1 too. You don't pick a 1uit to keep you warm. Y 011 don't pick a 1tore 1imply because it ha1 good price!!. You don't buy a suit to keep warm Ya;u buy a •uil to Jmpro'1t: your appearance. You picl the etore thal knows how to sell you a 111ir that does improve your appear- m ce. I'm 1 ooe-1tore independent. [ don't Jet tolfttbody in an.· oiher city do my bayiq; fro'm the mannf1cturer1. I do it. Now is a1 pn<l 1 time as any to Each of n• f'lrrie• reliable And then I have to.live with look over the nr.w crop of n1lion1J br1od1. Perhapl! mine tpring .uit1. .nn't •fl beavil,· ad,,ert.ised I t what I buy. Every day I have to B b , n_ · look at every suit that [ myeelf ut.w ~re. J>efore you pick .omr. To 'llf'. 1h1t"• unimport· bought. the 1a1t., pick the 11tore. anl. I ,efecterf 1he.n1 10 gi1·e my J\ly salesmen aren't required He.re are ten fa i r J Y I~ cu1tomer1 the mt'\~I for their to .pu1l1 wh1l tomebody aent one: m ~ewport.Beach: Atkin· monef, 1hem. [ know ll-bal m1" cu1· •on It Bi~"·ell, The Bi;o•~w•r· ff. ·Fl"ftm•n •ui11. ~11() In ra.UeMl reach for! and l0 know Roffu,m• • B~Jlo c k •, De .. 9165. Oevnatbire •Uil1, II 15. wh•t they like. mnnrl e, Harri• A ~rank, i~f·~1·.Rat.aer tail .. 1100 I• !125. An1l then, I clean out my leii A: Bluett. Silverwoodi.10eao1ptf' tuitf. S80I«'1100. r.-ntire1tor.kattheendofe1'e.ry :~.::fl"•. All well and faVM· !'port ,.oat• frf'm 11. fl'(t• ~aton. l relo~.d 'd , man, Ill 0. R11ner f.por1 to1t1! Like this pa•I January, mery 0 , Y 11 . 1 D l etea~ your $50 lo S65 ( aud 1on1• 2·pt'. •nil and 1por1 eoat lelt over •ttent.ion that I plieed Bid•·ell "duos''). S I 1 n I e ,. B I 1 t kt r 1-rom fall wr.nl out on tale. neaf the froutf • sport eoall. SSO to0 l60. 'Whal you pt from me i1 m!' Pu.rely .".!f :hllheuh\ wa.. Good nlu.,, Good pricoo, peroonal latoretl in """· ADd r~·ft•..., e j,11' / ~,rv; Tbat'ofine, but hardly an o•er-the i...1 af the ••• -.. i clothing 1 ~ ore 1 "'"e • whelming l'NIOR to buy lroDl atylet. •po ...... Anyw•y.t alf ten of u1 ue reputllle 1t0ttf , I know. The .. la men for the nrio111 appanl linn tell me to, In fac~ they t.U me mine. i1 the bett ef tbP. tiun~h. However, thot 1nlgh' he he· CllUH they w1n1 to ... J! me tomethlq. \ Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido, al Newport Blvd., Newport Beach nen to Rtchanl'1 ~farket, and Tbe Udo Theater. Free parkins in rur. Phooe 6734510. Cop17ipt I 969, Jack Bidwell. ,, • l -. ' . . . RUNS HEAD START Pastor Betsworth ._Qlt~.A -~N~G,~E COAST ·CHURCH DIRECTORY. -. ·-' .. . .... LooKtNG roR MEAN1Ns··a litt:EvANcE1 FAIRVIEW BAPTIST Cl(OiC'.R '· i~. ,, ~-1 f1lrvlow Rd, Al fair Dr., Cost• - 9 A.M.-Church School 10 A.M.-Wonhlp DI 111t1 Sewllltllf hp" llWt ShNly GtHps ,,..... _. ... c~1., 141-461t HAUOR TRINITY .IAPTIST .CHURCH . 1111 ~ It .............. c... ....... ----~:1 ...... -·.·. Sunday Sdlool i,u a.~ · Mdtning 'Wohbip 11 ,00 a.nu 11 8aptbt TralDing UnJon 6 p.m. Evening service 7 p.m; 1 Wedlletday Bible Study & ·Prayer ........... 7,00 p.m. . FIRST SOOfHERN 'B'APTIST CHURCH 61f HAMILTON, COSTA MUA R~, ·1,11 Sch111tlt1k1pf • S1Mey S•heal ••••• 'i; ;f'fl Trei11i111 U11i011 ••••••••• 610q I Manlllf Wirtlllll •••• l zOO .;. fff11l11t Wonhlp •;•••••• 7:00 ,. ~ .,. .W-4. fffftl119 Stf"llCI •••• 7:04 ""'-MM111 ·-·:.. ...._.,I.twp A....._ --~ J ~li~rr'l BA-ntt'l'::.cHUiCH ' • · · 1211 I. L P.AUUDD ltD., ,. SANTA ANA Hll•tfll I IUNDAT ICHOOL ............. , ••••••••• , ••••••• .' •• ,ti• A.M. l MCHllNIHe WOAIHI, ................................... ll A.M. •VINIH• WO.IHI, .................................... 7 ,.M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IUNCHU OP TH{ MOTHll CHUICH THI •IUT CHUICH OP CHllST, IC11N'flll IN IOSTON, MAISACHUSIMS "MATIER" Subject of te.son -March 23 Coste Meu -First Church of Christ, Scientist 2111) ..... Y~ Dr., C•lf• Mn• ' " " S1Mlrr kliMl-9:15 A.M. c ...... Sen~11 ..... hfff .. 1 .. -. 2150 MeH Y-4• Dr. Huntin9ton Beech-first ~hurch of Christ, Scientist Ill Ollft • ·• \ :. • C .. rcil &-S"'-Y .Jch~t:H & 11 :ff a..11 .. 1 .. -a11 Olin L19un1 BNch -First Church of Christ, Scientist · ,,,~or. .·' ·· ' a.Nii .. ~ ...... f:lt' lt:tt • ............. 214 ....... An., , Newport Ba~th....:. flnt Church of Chrlat, Sciontlat " JJOJ Ylti Li4t c ...... ,.,...., kltffl-9:11I:11:00 ........... ,,, •.• Liff Newport Bt1ch·Second Church of (hrlat, Scientist 2100 PMlflc vt.w Dr., C.,... !Ml MW C•1rc• & hil4my Sc...._11 A.M. a.HI .. IH--1163 I. C:.-Hwy. All are cordially Invited to attend the church services and enjoy the priVileg .. _ of the Reading Rooms THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Welcomes You. ST. JAMii. JI" "9 1Ue. .....,_ IMdi S....,. s.m.:.-7111, 9:tt, Iliff T.....,.10111-......, l :H p,.., HelJl1rb ... , ...... ...,._. hctw, n. In. ht.. P. AIUty lh "-·• 1'fl In. Dftilll er._, Phlno: 67~10 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at Marguerite, Corona del :f..1ar Sunday" 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9,30 · Ho1y Days as announced hctttr, n. In • .Miu! 1...,. Dhh-~ ... l44-0C6l ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M; ' , Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days as announced 1:1 Ylat, Tiie 1 ... J•lu! W. DelMlf._ _ ....... 141oll26 1:1 EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH •111 St. al = LIM .-.lwt MSt et 1<tn hlmb ...... '91&~ .,. ·"· ,_ c.. tellrr...-••Mr Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2501 CUH Dr. LI 8-093 .............. li.le,Peshtf I ~ .......... J.l...rlecbr --· ~, ·--............. '·"'· .... .,. ...., ...... Yi•l••• .... W ...... ltrYkll .... lh .. Hi• Nursery eare evailabJe at all services WELCOME ·Lutheran Churd. of the Master 2900 Paclfic View Dr. CORONA DEL MAR · DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER ' !'tu.no OR 3-5022 · • 11:45 A.M.-Fellilty Wetthlll t :41 A.M-S1u1d1y Ch1rch Sehe'ol 11 :00 A'.M.-Fetf!Ye W•nhlll N....., rmw.4 CHllST LUTHlllAN CHURCH Miuouri Synod 760 Vlcttirl• St.i C•t• Mft• Loth•r v. Torn..-, Putw 541 5404 Wfl"llll' hnlQll.I l:U & 11 A.M. ' 11111111, Sdiell1 t1Jl·A.M. . . . A*'lf •UN anlr t :JI A.M. CHllmAN IUMENTAIY SCHOOL . 14MIH PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH . Sunday Serli°" . M••.• ~M4e Ori.,. &. .l1k1r Street, Coit•. M'''· Ce/;f. I AlfDlh c. ANDIQIOlt, , ..... ,. #¥Miine wo;r"l.1111 ,r:oo. t ::io .. 11:00 •• $vMlftl 5d'oodl: 1:0o: t:il i. 11 :;· I :• A.M. Meir CMWll I f <le A.Mo 1'1mVJ S"'*11 a Cllwcll ,. •• Mo ...... -k ... 1 7119 P..M. ... .._.. 111• A.M. MMll .. W9"11i. y-QI; ··= ,.__,. C./"I ,f'IYNM ''i'1~ •f'P~ac'9 ~th.,111 $dl1ol·~ Mi~. ~•r .. 6ftGn. ,,1~;,.1. Offl1e thene1 149.0511 Se~.~ Phen1:..'4t.Ol6Z Flnt AU.mblv of God Churc:h 1 w. ''""' 1, v;, . . . 1 1 1 146 E. 22nd St,. Cosio Mo11 S41-3761 UNITARIAN M. C.·.Cronlc, P•slor 1 UNIVERSALIST PROCLAIM BAHA'IS . ••Y Hicke1e11, Mi11bt1r-* Yo11tlt i CHURCH i: Ba.ha' u' llah SCHIDUU OP SllYICIS ,,I, 12&9 Victerl1 st .. Calf• M ... I . CMht CctN PNiYltW AT ALL SllYICn '·' 646-4652 Su11111n I "Thi Premi11d One" S.-.-Cllwdl '.Schei .•••••••••••••••••••••••• 9:311 •.•• f 10:311 14.M.. 141·1111 .,. 149·2005 ......., W...Wp ••· ••••••• 10:11 •.a. & 7:H p.ia. ji~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~ Chvrch Oelr -Sh1ril P111l1111, Dir1cter I!; ' ' ......,. .. , .... -".....,"""""" ACod'IWlc . Ir 1~~~M~1,~o~~.:.,~~~·:~·~~~··~~~:-~·~·~·~ .. ~;~··~·F~l~:~:~·~~··n~:~c~H~.:..~:~l:~·:~IA~N~l,I llAPTtn CHUICH CHURCH 111~ $15""""""""'""'"""',__;ss;oo;;;;....,,,...;;s;;;;;;;;;...,.&;il of._..•-Victoria & PlacenUa Ave. 11 CHURCH OF CHRIST ;":7;.: 1 · Costa Mesa 11 STATI UCIHSU fgSCHOO'--WllU.-. ....... . r II 0 .... om ,._, ........ THE ·uNIJED , M,EIHODIST . CHURCH . ' HARBOR RffORM nMPlf -y--..,•,;,.. .._, 217 W. WILSON ST• CDSTA MESA ..... '*" ...... t D•••'• He4fel I 11TW11N ~1101 ..i PAJ1v1iw s-4.., S.W.I ••••••• a.~.. I-..... y..... MlflllfW SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUOY ••••••••.••••••• 9:41 AM I a Metwl~Wenl!IJ •• 11:11 AM W9"11 ··········· ••••·"" SUNDA.Y MOii.NiH& WOUHIP I COMMUNION •• 10:<41 AM 1 " I ' eMt kt1194 .••• ".. ••• t :• •·"'-SUN DAT • .,., '"'"' •••• •a1 ,.. ..,..111 w....-........ 1r1• .... . EVENING wo11.s1-11P ......••••••••••••• t :oo r.M. I .,~11l11t W•ntllp ....... 1;H PM ~ .,.._ ················ '•·"'" W\f?NESDAY EVENING llJ.LE STUDY , •• , ••• , , • , •• ~ 7:JO PM • mHtint et • """""' ........... ., •• 5'"1ca "NUrSery· ···care·.·proVided,..... · · Nu•sur.e••• no'flDn 1 st. J~ Epi1cofH1 church 147-Q44 · 141,...771 • -14Wl•l . o .... O. Mrrfl•l4 1. •· H•rtt ·, 3209 Via Lkfo, Newport Beech r:'~~~E~:~1~~~~~~~~~i~=~":~:-~;~:~;:~~~·-~..,.:~":":""'== SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL I Phone: 541-5711 Day or Night I 11A1•1 ••N L•1Now ro• 1Nf'011MAT10N1 CALL ..,.,... . . FIRST CHRISTIAN 1 · c~·~,~~o':iTn~l~~y' '! I G D T I G ·s I ·cHuRdr 1 .... " .. ~~~:!... 1 .,~,~~~~~CH ./; coRoNADELMAR : LA D 1 N , : , M1in & Acl1m1 Strub ' !Ith•,.;~,~:;,,., ,,"h , : ' . ; ~ c,.l/,\)RClt o.,. i ASSEMBLY OF GOD •· Huntington Beech is.n10r cnJa ·•11\llil,.J 1 ~ .. Q 15th & Monrovia, Newport Beach 'Mtir11io1·wM1111,.·.~.:)0 11:41 I ~al4S'1.,M.'su:ii.·,~s~~, · I .r • ~ 'S '466620';:. '546-'7.661 ~~~It sc:,::~:·:::::::~: PM •1 .~;o_,o.;..M. D1l'oti;na1 ~nic• Ii ,·· 'lltiit.$ .• '•,j~o.u· I 1: 'r ... '"' ' • ~.t ' TJlll!lb ''"j;4"i ~.T.....:Sliifai Scllffl ... MM:...., Mllllcll DlnclW •-· i,.;w·-'I 7 oo "M Of';ICE : 300 W, Cold "Wlolwi1Y. N.1. .snor1111 '"""' •• : r 10110 A.M-L H. JtALYOltON ~s ~ _.,,..,_, '·"'· I l"ftlM• t4s1t1 , _..,. AllHIMr. f h4 ,..,...,..,. C.N ~ " •• KFl'ktl The Powtt of lhe Holy Spirit + r ,, ~ + T • • Offlc:e:J».-.. l*lo-t•1~... Dl~A.,UYl~OU9 _: ~Sthool ,AM ""' j ... ' ....... ~~~~~~;§~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~:~ Mot-· w ti -t JO AM ~'$-'!, ' ' 7:H P.M.-""T\e :r.::..Jlf • ........... • ~ n1111, '", Ip ' 1n: , _ 1 • • " ; ...... •--vw11 'If 5'1Vit" 7 P,.,1 . ..,., , . ~ I TllO.l.W., t lbl• s111111 ~-.... Mew. 7:JO P.M--C ...... PNyw MMtl"f""'C• '41·J71t GO AHEAD! ""h""' ™ ~~ ... -~ , __ ,,,, '·"~ ._ '°"'" ....., ..., .... .....,. . I Nu~ durint Hl"kti "' w-. 7:11 P.M ........ ~ s.,....-, SLEEP IN SUNDAY MORNING! Atw11vov1h,.,.,.m I ....,...,.,....,......,....,., ,._ ..,._, ... Zill .................. • • Cm. of Orl"31' and :l3rd. St. COMMIJlllTY Prey Ir M11ti111, 1 1t1;1rd•y f ;JO A.M . l1ll1••[J•l•11tl ..J...~OMMUNl!Y ·· MllJtDDIST CHURCH 111 At••• . •11.o•so 1:)15 lnform•I Worahip 9:30 Trild ltio111I W•rihi, I S•ntl•y SchoDI C1.t• M11• FIRST UNITID MITHODIST CHURCH lfth St a Hirt.or 11~t1. Werahlp A Church Sclt11I 9:10 I 11 AM 141°7717 Ce1ta 'M111 .Nerti! · MUA YllDE MmlDDIST CHUI CH. M•f• Y1nl1 I like!' St. 14f017Jt Wonhlp I Chin:• Sch19' 9:00 I IO:JO AM . . )'t111fi119t.111 k11,._H1rt• COMMUNITY , MITHODISl CHUICH 6662 Heil Av-1 .• ,142-4461 War1hip I: Ch1rch Sch ... 'I lOiJO AM l"fn-E11t l luff UNIVIRSl!Y METHODIST CHUlCH Wo"hip·.-; •• l :JO AM " I JJ.l?ll M'•1tin9 t1mpor1rily1h1 St. Mir~ Pr11byleri1• c;hurch E1.tliluff Dr. I J1mb1r11 Rd. Let~1'"-. lf1ch LAGUNA lllACH MITHODIST CHUICH 11632 We1l1r Dr i111 So.~Lem .. · Wor1hi, 9110 • If AM Church School 9;JO AM <tf9.JOll H1111tl119let1 l.>ach Hew,ort kte~ FIRST UNITED CllRIST C:Hu•~u MilffODIST CHUIClt ·1y tHl siJ:" 2721 17tll St .• , •• IJ ... JIJ7 1400 W ... lltCN II••· • • Sen-!ce1 -91JO A 11 1.111. 6n.)101 i CALVARY CHAPEL Cool&Mao ' --• ... • ... IL L-'""' M,,;. CONGREGATIONAL i HARBO" ASSEMBLY OF GOD .... ,....,. tfn 2114' •H• . 11 Wer1hi, I Church SchHI .:' ,,. . -. I °'""' s, ... , -,1,JO .... . 9 • "'" A.M. ' 740 Vf, Wit-. Cotti MffO ~====~=~==~~~~~~~ Y. L HllTWICI[, Fw• CAIL •INTIY Ir , NEWPORT ltARIOR LUTHEllAN CHURCH· • • 11:==:;!#.'t::::===<=· :::!i:I e I . -.. --.... -· •· vi.ii..°""'' " 611 HELIOTROPE • "' 141-4704 ........ ., .... 1: .SUNDAY SIRYICIS I "" _. flllf ~ .-.. '"" ''"' T .. cMrit."' "'-'""' ...,.. RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .-.. c'""' c..,.. 111 • ,.....__, •••"'••' ow. ...,. ,.... 1 w.,...,_11111 A.II. ! OI _.. Wllll...,,.,..... • __..,.... 420 10111 St., Huntln9te11 l•1eh C•ad fl'b1el 11:11 ,A,tf, I• 642-6713 ~9512 Plia111 116-2120 Of". 1"111 ... e. """""" Mlllllltf' OP NIWPOIT llACK-10.._..I ........ 11; .. •IW ff.,_ D11 r_, ..... , ... , ... Sr .. c.-. .... Church School -9:45 A.M. Woraf!!p -10:45 A.M.m· _.__ Phono: 675-3915 lllnistar: Dr. D. IV. McElroJ Adult & Ye1tli S1rvlc•1-Miii 1111fW1 lltllt. D.C.I . I l:OO A.~. 67'"'4000 llNftT ~ATI. MINISTIR .. S-!'fl!-Day :-A~entlst Churches ·----271 ~•MM SfNet • ~ t. Jilt• Sh1wtt11~•. ''"" '"" ..._ .... C-.. Ph1111 : 141-6196 , • JJ712 C...·Y.-,.....,., ....._. Schei , ,, , 9:1t .i.t:1 A. E. ••wten, P1116r I 9141 A.M. -· s-ky Sc...,_ c, .... .., ....... 11:10 A.M. ~..,.... sr. M~ef c.I.,.,.," S1rm111 by Pilfer 1:00 P.M. -Y .... Srlke 7:M P.M. -"Th s....,.,. .... file It! ... " S...1 ~ ,_..,. COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ,,...... _ ~ -,......., -c• c.r. FIRST CHRISnAN CHURCH ....... W....W, • , II .. AM Hiet11: 4t2.J9J6 tMI ,......, A.., (T...., • M ...... l, JOUNrAIN •ALUT ....,_ .......... Well, 7tJt.PM = =::;,·::· ,:i.: :: lJNIFIEO SflVICI • S111Jlltl1y Scheel 9:JO-W0lSHIP .. l01~01 I 1,f"'"'""""'""'""'""''"" ... ""'""'""'"""""",,,;,'""'a;iSE...,~I Wen1:1, a Yeuth',&r•ur•. 6:JO '·"'· Jj 1 Nilrttry ,,....Jlflttl 1t 111 11"IM1 ~~~S~T~. ~ ... ~A~TTH~~rw~~L~U~TH~E~RA~N~C~H~-U~R~C~H~~~]l a T~.!t,~~.~~~~~w~~N 11::===·== ..... ;·;··;"=-==~=::-=.,=ty= ... =·=-==·-====~111 cMl'"'" !•"'" UNITED SPIRITUALIST · CHURCH ..,.,.M,llllf •• th• • • 617 W• ....,,,_ C... ..._ 14i6 S.1" .W.. S..... AH UNIVERSITY PAik SCHOOL All .I-._ .. , ..... """''"',. Ill• IH .. .,..~ -·lllltl! I WORSHIP .i.ND E.S.P. I , I U IAllAfH IYININ• SllVICIS Plli>AY et 1:11 P.M. " a11111'1l"f ef_M1tthewt 11 n;v1rtlly ,,,. S1111lrr lweleft -7:11 p,1111, ...... WOllHW. .1 ..... A.W. ~ _., _ ..... ..... ....... 962·0412 14J·62JO b•. H. Nl1r1111t11t, Pa1tof t lf.IJl l ••.JUI ftfl'llll• 11i.rt11 O...r -01!tt 5119kt J11°1oa We ltll1w In Et.!'fl1I life ,,.4 Ptov1 /ti I I r PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church Presbyterian 21112 w ...... , ........... , "' ........... . .... ""-o. ,....... ....... ...... S.llpr W9'lillp>-91Jf.;AM Cliwdi kliMI: 11:41 A.M. 0..... Ill W St. ,.._ ~l-4t41 Churc:lf"it the Covenant ............ c... ...... -~. '0.11114' I. M•JIMea, 1 ... n1tt P1lfM ....., ~ .... I a.a ~ 9:tl •••• 14MIM St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ..... _____ , CMAIUI HlllllT DtlllN .. iU, PASTOI •• ..... ,a.dl ...... t l,t;Jl&11.AM ' w .. n41 · St. Mcutr Presbyterian Church c.,.., J1 :i ..... & ........ .,,,,., c.... ..... ........... 11n, ..... , • ....., • a.rd! sn •• , , • AM 144·1)41 Community Presbyterian Churc:h 411 hml """" (.t 2H St.),·~ ..... . DALLAS TUINIR, P.lSTOl · Wrilp I Chrc• Sc .. .r-91JO AM Wfflll,,_11 AN 494·71SS I• ' PULPIT AND P.EW • • • Pisior Eugene Schramm "ill prea~ '"Judge. Me, O God" at regular Sunday services, 8 and 10:45 a.m., at Redeemer Latllera1 Chlll'cll, 16351 Springdale St., Huntington Beach. Swxlay school and adult Bible classes meet at 9:30 a.m. New members will be welcomed into the congregation at this Sunday's 10 :45 a.m. service. Lenten services will be held Wednesday evening, 7 : 3 O o'clock. ·• Biota College's The King's Players will present "Revolt at the Portals" Sunday at the Unlvenfty Bapt11t Churcll, 2252 Palisades Road, Santa Ana. 'l1le performance will begin et 7 p.m. Holding.services at the Sen- ior Citizens' Center, 15th and Irvine, Newport Be a ch, Newport Unity Churcll will meet al IO a.m. for ·Sunday worship. The Rev. Loren Dale ]'.'lick.Inger will present a sermon lesson e n t i t J e d "Beyond the Barrier." Community "singspiralion" will be held Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. also at the Senior Citizen's Center. ' Pre-Easter messages will continue this week at Flnt BapU1t Church of HunUngton Buch with the Rev. Willis J. ~ s~king on "The Paradox of the 'Cross." He will •Preach at the 9':30 ~.'m. servl~ ''· Peek's ~~ "iaol Bolsa Ave., Westminsttt and the 11 a.m. service at Hun- tington Beach Chapel, 6th and Orange. Youth groups will meet at 6 p.m. at the downtown chapel. Evening service will be held at 7 p.m. and will feature guest speaker Dr. l.D.E. Thomas of lVales speaking on "Land o f Revivals. Services will be held at a, 9:30 and 11 a.m. at St George'• Episcopal Church in El Toro. Conununion will be celebrated at the 8 a.m. service. lVed n es day com- munion will be offered at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. "Matter" is the subject of this "°·eek's Bible lesson· sermon for all Christian Scien- ce churches in the area. Selectiilg "Christ -The GIRLS • • • AGES 4 • 12 WIN Many Valuable PRIZES IN HARBOR CENTER'S 2nd ANNUAL .. JWEEN ·AGE PRINWS COHtfST CROWNING SAT., MARCH 2' -I :GO p.m. NAMl · 1 •••• 1 •••••••••••••• ADOlllU •... , ........... , , AQ.I •• , , , , ••• , •.• , , , . , ••• sermon, Put.or James G. Blain ,.;n c~ al I:• ud ll Lm. w\nhtrl houri at Newpon Blrblt £at• er a 1 eura. 2501 cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Communion will be Cllfered lollowina Ibo 11 o'clocl"l<l'Viot. Sunday tcboOI will beilz> al t :I& p.m.·w-1 • ....., fr.in l :tl IO 7:30 p.m. Lenten vesper oervl~ will be held. Oilld care 11 Jlll>vlded-ror pre· tcllool cblldren. .~ Otflefal Visit The Rt. Rev. Robert. C. Rusack, D.D., bishop of .the Los Angeles Dio- cese will officiate at a· confirmation ser v i c e Sunday,. 11 a. m., at Church of St. Wilfrid of York, H tint i Q gt o I} Beach. He will also par- ticipate in the 9:30 a.m. family service. "Peter'• Repentanc;t versus Judas' Remorse" is the sermon toPic elected by <:lass young people will be Putor swi1ey .,P,. Allen for •----ed at ~ kl t a the 11 a.m. service at Foun--UUllW a ...... a as. a.m. tafn" Va I I 0 y Preib)'Uriaa Sunday, and communicant and Church, 9420 Talhert Ave, Lar-adult new mem~s wili be ry Tannehill 'will be ihe guest received by the congregalion vocalist f« thls service. at the 9:30 and \I a.m. The 7 &'cloc;'k e y &< n i n C aervi~es. . service will feature J talk: .,. ' on "The Sixth Sh<rtest Book The' Teen ·Choir of • the of the Bible" and hymn Osborne N e i g h b o r h o o d singing. "Young People for Church, Pacoima will present Ouist" will meet at 6 p.m. 8 concert at Warner Avenue ChUrch School, 9:45 a.m., Ba ptist . Church, · Warner will include a special visual ,t\venue at Gothard Street, lesson. Huntiilglon Be.a.ch, Sunday Celebrating its -foµrtll an- niversary, J,hmtingto11-Valley ~pUIC Church, 9779 Slater Ave., Fountain VaJley, will hold services at 11 a.m. and a dinner at noon. Otl)er events include Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. and Youth Hour, S p.m. and evening worship, 6 p.m. The Rev. James Herington will preach at the 11 a.in. and 6 p.m. hours. "The Fatal Ch<Wce" is t!":e sermon topic of the Rev. Vin- cent Gottuso Jr., as he speaks to the Churcll of t b e Cr o 11 roads congregation meeting at 11 a.m. in the Chapel at 3500 Pacific View :nr1ve, Corona'del Mar. Al· the l!unilpitoa ]leacb Church ot· Rellglolis 'Science, 1420 Tenth St., the question "\Vhat ls Healing?'' will be examined by the Rev. Ernest Pate at the 11 a.m. service this Sunday. A mu s ic3 l meditation period begins al 10 :4~ Com mun i on will be celebrated at 7:30 a.m. at St. Jolla's Eptecopal Churtb, 20~ Orange Att., Costa Mesa, this Sunday. At the 9:30 a.m. fami· ly service the preacher will be Bisbop·P'. C. Benson Bellis of the Long Beach Con· vOcatiOn. Sunday school for all ages and' nursery care are also provided at 9;30 a.m. Tuesday evehing at 6:30 o'clock a Lenten potluck with Fr. Ken Whitney from the Diocesan Commission o n Alcoholism will !peak witr discussion following. Dr. Charles H. Dierenfield will preach Part IV of his Lent.en series entitled "Words Men Live By." "I' Believe . •. He Was Crucllied !" will be delivered at 8~ 9:30 and 11 a.m. services for St. Andrew's Pres by ti r I an Chur~h, 600' St .. And~;ws Road , Newport Beach. COminunicant evening, 7 o'clock. David B. Wood, assistant pastor, will bring a message for the 11 a.m. worship service entitled, "The lo.Ian God Is Looking For." Nursery cart! provided for all services. The final Lenten pot luck dinner and program for Christ Church by the Sea, 1420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, ~·ill be held Wednesday. Din- n~ will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by a program at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Harry Adams, pastor of a .Burbank Methodist church, ,will ~k on "What Shall l.[)o With Jesus." Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland will speak at the Huntington Beach Free Churcll, 1912 Florida St., this Sutiday at· 11 a.m. and '1 p.m. He is president of BIO!a Schools and Colleges, Inc. COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE e luslne1a Forms e lnvit1tion1 e l"httrs • House Or91ns • Lttterhuds • Bu1ines1 C1rd1 • Menus e Tickets PILOT PRINTING 642-4J21 2211 w.,1 Bol boa 8oulavtrd, Newport !leach PHOHI ···················.I ~~========~· 11'111 °"' •"' r11""" • G""'' ~h.Olo ., OlllKlt •J'lll Mlid•lll'll •~ 111rtior c.i1er 2101 H4UOll II.YD. COSTA MUA There's Only One 1 The DAILY PILOT -I - 4-d•ll Cont•• Family Lile Conference at Capistrano Valley Baptist Church will be headed by Dr. John W. Drajceford of S o u t h· western Baptist Theolo- gicaJ Sem1nary.. Fort \Vorth, Texas. The con- ference which will deal with the home, sex edu- cation and the family. is scheduled from April 6 through April 9. hours. 11M'. inembersbip class meets at 10:45 a.m. The Rev. Lawrence T. Young will be preaching at both the 9 and 10:30 hour al Community ft.lethodls\ Churcta~ 6662 Heil Ave., Hun· Lingtoo:' Beach. The title of his sermon -is "For This One Purpose." Communion will be offered at both bouts in celebration of Passion Sunday. Church-school claMeS for aU ages and nursery care is also available at both hours. The Methodist Y o u t h Fellowship for young people from the 7th through the 12th grades meets each Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in the church social hall. "Handling Fears'' will be the topic of a sermon by Mrs. Lorena Cole Sunday, 10:30 'Potential' '.l'alk "What Is Your Poten- tial?" will be discuss~ by lecturer Jane 0. Robbins, C.S., who ·will s p e a k .at HuDtingtoii: Beach Higil School Aud· iforiUm, Monday, 8 p.m. Miss Robbins' talk will be sponsored by . First Church of Christ Scien- tist of Huntington Beach. a.m. at the Santiago UnltariaJ!: Univen:aUst Fellowship, 2025 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. Church school r u n s con- cWTently wUh the Sunday service. Wonnal discussion and ccffee. hour follows. Those attending S u n d a y school at ' the Costa Meia Foursquare Church ~s week will receive a free ha.nburger and French fries in the Race for Spice contest now un· derway. The drive will con- tinue through April 13. Sunday school hour begins at 9:45 a.rn. Thursday night, 7:30 o'clock. Is Chess night for men at the church, located at 1734 Orange Ave. The public is invited and beginners are we\co1ne. according to the Rev. Wesley W. Murrin, pastor. Reform-Presbyterian Merger Plan Rejected NEW YORK (AP) -Rank-the plan. and·flle representatives of the Two Other c'I.iss meetings Reformed Oiurch in America out of a total · of 43 -in 1INCOME. 'I TAX . GOT YOU ' D.OWN? IOTH s Gci 10 a neorby H & II ILOCK flDllAl efflct for a r•al pkk•-UPPt'· AND Ca111pe19nt tox pr•pcnen wlll STATI co111pl• .. your,.,.,,,. pronpffy ond oc:turot•ly, You'll t1111I• flM at th• low cost, too. L!1l3 I No,-Organl%fid Vla~l.n ~ ·-Religion Deft 1 ~in K~ China • . ' td, I . momhlt' if_, la mac1e• I• !iOO! · o1· ill"llfcWn of Mao: gs~•~' !1'0m Illa 0 quotaUons ' ~~ ~~ at noon anct, Jn • die ~~. hymns are 21ung berore hla picture. ' " But des it~ !he oublilitution of a pseud~rtllg'\00,-htner La Oany says Indications cc!ntlnue to filter out "1. ·Cblni that many people. )'O\Ulg'llid old, cling to their 'faitli in God and privalely"wi!nm.!P it. T1ley "may be a small minority.~. ~ QyS, but in ~ case "the fire. has not: been extjnguished llliiler the cold hes " . •• " . ~jTREES of th~ W®O fart ' O• fsl"--4,..._ • .... ...;;,:,:.._ ...... _ s .. ·~·*"' ar.r.t ' YOUR OWN BUSINESS·· ; -·-! t ,_ . -. . I . ··-··· I :--'' '."1J ... ···---·· ... of th• Full GosD91 Grace FellowshlD Tulu, Okl•~oini Marc~ 19 lhr~ 3D Mond1y thru Sat .. ~:30, PM '.. ;. Sundays • 11 AM & 7 PM GRACE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY _ ,! Costa Mt•• Grange Hall Victoria &. Thurm '$fat, l ' ; ' .'"J BUNNY Of YOUR VERY, ow". • GET . YOUR ~EN.TRI BLANKS NOW ~T. YOUR FAYD.RlTE ~HARBOR CENTER STORE··." .. :." ' . Prize• will bt awerded Sat., April 5, at 1 ~ a.m. : .. ! .. --ALSO -- ''BLOSSOMS of SPRING'.' ·:·::~. . ' FASHION SHOW ,. ., . '1WEEN-AGE ·PRINCESS''. ' Still time to ontor. Girls 4-12. Many" ul~ablo pr!Jtt -Wlrdrobo, Savl.!1JI ~nd, _.r1owtt'1~ et~ Al~. en~nta ~iv1 •n •w•N. , .--.. ..., .. Entries Av.itable lit All Slo<es -• -· • ' Amtt1c•'• Large1t Tait S.,...lce w!~ Owr )000 OfflcN COSTA MEST, 1175 Horbar llhd;, MJ•H40 . . CORON,\ d.i MAR, 24J5 E. s-· Hwr •• '75-0HJ W"• Day1 t •·•··' p.•.: Set" SH. t _-.:,• 1_,. ••• NO A,,OINTME~T NECISSART J, HARBoR CBITER -2300 HARBOR BLVD. -COSTA MESA -1 *cc•-» M ~~~c~~>,it-,ff.• i ----------- ---~....,~-~__,-...,..-----------.---·-···-··~-·-·~~--------------. . l I • i -• • • • Up to Our Necks In Cans, Trash Lawn Clippings, Old Mattresses, Beer Cans, Dead Cats Create a Mountain for America to Either Bury or Burn ORANGE COUNTY'S COYOTE CANYON DUMP: I V. POUNDS A PERSON A DAY By RICHARD L WORSNOP Edi~ Reports Ari affluent IOciety, it is said, ts by nlture aa effluent aociety. It follows that lbe Unlted States -as the richest coun!r7 In lbe world -has by far lbe most waste to be handled. A Jarse and rapidly pl"i proportion of bou.e'bold waste coll!ISta of packaging mater ta Is. In former times, most be•erage containers were returnable glua: bottles which were reused many time&. Today, in contrast, m!>!t beverage containers -whether made of glass, metal, or plastic -are non-returnable. Of the 30 billion beverage containers produced in 1966, only eight of every hundred were ~turnable. WASTE USUALLY Is disposed of by 1ncine.raUon or burial. 'lbere la nothing intrinsically wrong with either method. The trouble is that refuse usually is burned Improperly or buried in the wrong place. Theoretically, bjgh temperature in· cinerators Mould be able to reduce ~ total volume of municipal wastes by 75 to 90 perctnt. But very few of the incinerators currently operating in the United Statea meet minimum air·pollu· lion-control standards. Sanitary landfill sites often are chosen without regard to whether underground water 1upplles mlght be contaminated by seepage. In the country as a wh ole, munlclpaliUes and citizens pay $3 billion a year for waste disposal. The ez· penditure of local funds for solid waste Is e1ceeded oniy by expenditures tor 1chool! and roads. ADDITIONAL !\10NEY and better facilities for handling Wa:!te are needed, but they may be difficult to obtain. Royce Hanson, president ' of t h e Washington Center for ftletropolitan Studies, points out that, "Unfortunately for solid waste, its management costs mo~ than a 1treet-crossing light or another policeman, but not as much aa a power plant or a major dam.'' Besidea, "There is. • • s o m e th i n g ridiculous about a society spending more to rid itself of wastes than to feed its poor." Waste dJspmial "thus falls prey to ridicule." Much of today's waste has some salvage value. However, the Cotit of processing, say, automobile carcasses to obtain steel usually is greater lhan that of using fttshly mined iron ore. This being the case, Dr. Atbelstan Spilhaus, who served as chairman of a waste-management committee of. the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, has4suggested that junked lutos be piled into landscaped hills that could be mined when some future shortage of high-grade iron ore made scrap more valuable. IT S0~1ETIM&S turns out that material once regarded as waste turns out to possess great value. Cotton wastes provide a striking example. Before in· vention of the cottGn gin, the seed~ from hand·separated cotton bolls were left on or near the farm where the cotton was grown to rot and return to the soil. But the large quantities of seed that accumulated at the gins could not be disposed of so easily. In the long run, four dif!erent uses were found for the seeds. SoUd wa.Ste from the nation's urban areas aggregates around one billion pounds a day or 185 miWon lolls a year. ThiJ CONUtuta around IKKI million cubic yards of refu1e. If i1 were all pthertd in one place, lt would form a cube meuuring one-hall mile on each tide; or a belt llx feet high and three feet wide stretching for 20,000 miles. In addition, solid waste from the m.lnfng and proce11sinc of minerals amounts to approll.mately one billion ton! a year. F&rmJ produce a billion tons <lf manure a year and, in com- bination with food processing indwtriea, 200 million tons of crop residue. A part of the .1otaLs in both cases is usable u fertllizer. Orange County: A Bright Spot in the Trash Bin The short cotton lint -cotton linters -left on the seeds was used in pro- ductlon of m!okeless powder and celluloid, and to impart greater tearing i;trength to certain grades of paper. Cottonseed hulls were included in cattle feed as roughage; the meat was preMed lo yield a valuable oil; and the remaining cake ·was: found to be rich in protein lhat could be added to fertilizers or cattle feed. THE URBAN WASTE inventory in- clodes 30 mlllioo lolll of poper, 4 mlJlioo tons ot' plastial, 28 bllllon metal cans, and 2S blWon &lua botUea and J::. a year. Dlscarded wute ol all for the country u a W"hole -prbap, paper, grass, cHpplnga. old IUtol, - cats aod clop, demollUon materiala. and · the like -averages out to between 1ix and eight poundl per person per day. The tJ.S. Public Health Service e1pects that per capita waste productJon will double in weight within the next JO years. Bucher Orange County has one of the most advanced systems of refu.se disposal in the United States -one free of scandal and one that will meet the demands of a soaring population for years to come. So says A. S. Koch, County Road Commissioner and director ol the coun· tywi.de system. Orange CounUans produce more debris per capita than the national average. By the time all of the lumber, con- struction ma~rial, grass clipplng1. old m&ttressea and broken furniture is added up, an average of 81,2 pounds a day has been hauled to and buried in one of the county dumps: for each of the 1.4 million persons who Jive in Orange County. a Hero? History Will T~ll By ANDY PARK Fflff knowled&eable people today .are IUf'Prised that an Amerlcan would sign 1udt a confeulon. The. days of "name, rant. aod aerial number" are over in an :qe wbea mental and phyalca1 torture are practiced u a deadly science or ,..,. No one wbo attended tbe Naval inquiry Bild heard lbe orphaned Boys Town graduate (Bucher) describe hill ex- petjencts can say for aure that he would not1 have signed the confession also. With a gun to biJ head, Bucher twice refued to sign before the hammer click· ed ,each Ume on an empty chamber. He bad given hil life -but the Koreans wouldn't take it. However, when they threatened to execute bis crew, ane by one, Bucher believed· them. He 1iped the conlession. I.MS than a year la tu, the United 15t.atu Government announced to the workl that It, too , was signing a false confeaJon at Panmunjom. T b e tnd-lreecfom for Ille aow-justlfled lbe ... .-the false doeumtlll. Today, Americans are asking : Why "u P.utblO pven only fire axes 11nd aJedge 'hammen to destroy gecret equip- ment? Why wu communications so poor! Why didn't help come, when it was '° desperately needed? THE NAVY'S COURT of Inquiry has liven us few answers to thue questions, ...... iiUiiiiii- Saturday, March 22, 1969 'Ille Comment Page of the Dally Pilot 1eek1 to Inform and stimulate readers by pztsenUng a variety of corq.. menta.ry on ~pies of inter-- est and 11gnWcance from lnformed observers a n d spokeamen. Rel>ert N. WMcl Publisher \ .. 1 Taktn from a tpeecfl.-01~ ';Tlte Dilemma of tht Putblo" by Andy Park, .Orangt County bureau chief and newa rtporter for KFWB and Westtnghou.se Broodcwting, b t fore Town Hal& of Los Angeles. Park cov- ered the Pueblo hearings and the inqui1'tl into tht actions of the Pu.elr !o's skipper, Commander Lloyd Mark "Ptte" Buchu. though Jt has posed Q/.her, far-reaching questions of its own. Many facts remain shrouded in secrecy. The Court has heard testimooy which indicates that the President of the United States may have made the dtelsion not to send aid to the Pueblo when she wu under fire. And, it appears that agencies other than the ·u.s. Navy may have been involved in Pueblo's mWion. ln all probability, tbe answer• to these and other utremely delicate questions wlll 11ot be forthcomlng from the Na vy 's inquiry. Nor should we e~t the Navy to bro1dc11t its internal problems. The answers wHI come In the weeks or month! ahead, when oilier investigati,ons -inquiries not burdened wilh protocol or military courtesy -are convened. FOR THE PRF.SENT, we can only speculate N to how history will deal with Lloyd Mark Bucher. Whether we regard him as a Nalhan Hale or a Benedict Arnold -a hero or a coward -depends upon how we view the age tn which we live. Only time wlll tell whether be will be remembemt as a man no acted to uve the lives or bis crew members or to e:ndangtr the nve5 of others in the future. The Cold War in which we live breeds 1 strange morality for us all. Some steadfastly hold to the bellef: "My coun· try, rlahi or wrong." \\'hlle others - a whofe new generation -say : ·•w_y country, Yet. But let 's make our counlry right!" The new generaUon In its idetU1m a..~k8 : "SuppQM thfy gave • war and nobody came'' And to this the patriot! respond : "But who i1 not &otni to come firsl -we or they?'' I The national average is six to eighl pounda per person per day. This material is collected by both private and public ageocies, then hauled to one of the five county-operated dumps xattered from Olinda to San Juan Capistrano. In areas where no dump site is nearby, county-owned and operated transfer stations are operated to collect rtfuse and haul it in county trucks to one of the dumps. NONE OF THE populated areas of Oranae County is more distant than seven miles from either a dump or a transfer station. In most urban areas of the United States, tra~h. garbage and refuse col· lection is split among municipal systems, county systems and a variety of private systems. In many c a s e t . each may operate its own dump and often the contracts for refuse collection and hauJ.. ing ha ve involved scandal! of major proportion. "Th.is ju.st can 'l happen in Orange County," said a spokesman in Koch's office. "The county does most or the major hauling and operates all of the dump sites. The private operators are extremely competitive and no one is forced to pay to have his trash picked up except by contract from a city." TltE COUNTY'S. (our dump sites at which any materl~ can be deposited are located In Olinda, at Santiago Lake on the Irvine Ranch, near UCI on the Irvine Ranch and near the intersection of Ortega Highway and the San Diego 1------Our Man i n San Fruncl1co ------, The Candy Biz ·' By HERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -For your "Only ln America" file: Last January, the big Peter Paul Candy Co. ot Salinas, California stopped making Walnettos (born in 1926) because the demand had just plain petered-and-pauled out. Then came those hilarious "Laugh.In" TV scenes during which the Dirty Old Man (Arte Johnson) mumbles tG Ruth Buzzi : "You want a Walnet· to?" Now EVERYBODY wants a Walnetto. Result : They are back on the assembly line at the Peter Paul Candy Co. (Funny, they don't LOOK chewish). CAENFETl'J: Ex.Cop and hippy Richard Bergess, more celebrated hereabouts 8s "Sgt. Sunshine," ree'd his $5300 pension check from the Police Dept. -and immediately gave iU of it to a Mission Dist. rock group called the Free Comervatory of Music "because I like to bear people make beautiful sounds." He adds: "And now that I'm Oat broke, I nttd a job. How do I go about becoming a columnist?" I might have told him for about $5300. MELVIN BEW Is suing Sirhan Sirhan ror a million dollars on behalf of Irwin Stroll of L.A., one of the bystanders shot. by a wild bullet on that awful night in the Ambassador Hotel. 1'Slnce he has pleaded guilty," observes Bellicose, "we've already won the case. except for ·collecting the money, llul that's only a tecbnJcallty." NE\VSMAN lo policeman: "There w1s no riot here until the pollce arrived'' -at which the audience bursts into applause. Th.is peculiar scene Is enacted nighUy at tht New Royal when the aforementioned line of dialogue is spoken in ''Maytrllng'' -a movie aet in the VieMa of lbe 18'0$.· COMMUNICATIONS GAP' John L. Murg8tro)'d, leaving soon for !\1anlla, phoned the Philippine Consulale to ask what documenl.'i he'd netd. ClrJ : "A vln. which requires 1 pauport, your tickets and a photograph." John : "Is a choltra shot necessary?" Girl: ''l'o, a black·and·white photo will do.'' LANGUAGF. IN ACTION : Big nop In fancy Smithtown, Long Island, over a year-old book by S.F.'s Paul Jacobs, tilled "Prelude tG Riot" -a serious study of urban revo!L A girl student at Great Hollow Junior High borrowed the book from the school library and took it home, where her father, John Murphy, immediately found the one dirty word in it, a 12·letter one. In a rage, he went before the school board to insist the book be withdrawn from the library (it was) and he couched his demand for decency in memorable, language. "I want crap like this taken off the shelf," he said. "It doesn't belong in the hands of a 12-year-old girl." SPEAKING OF W!IlCH: T h e literary critic of the Town School paper -that's the excellent private school in San Francisco's Pacilio Heights -gives a rave review to Eldridge Cleaver's "Soul on Ice." "A masterpiece," he writes. •·• The thoughts on sex are both inleresting and vulgar. Obscenities ~o appear in the text. To tell the truth, I do not think tM!t anyone under 12 yean of age lhould read the book." Okay, Mr. Murphy? Now you know the cur· rent cut-off age. In San Francisco, at any rate. SUCCEM STORY, 11( 1orts: Two years ago, four chesty young ladies -Robin Sherwood, Marcelle Laux, Rosita Aguliar and Deborah Briar -were earning $13 a night as topless waitresses in North Beach. Then they formed !he Ladybirds, the world's first topless band, starting at Ofl- Broadway and moving over to Tipsy's -even though not one of the four could play an instrument (they syncbtonb.ed their motions to taped music. Now they have learned to play. alter a fa&h:on, and last week made further history as the first topless act to appear in lofe.xico City. The Ladyblrdl are now headllned at the bl( Terrua C.slno -at l4000 a week. Does this make you feel good all over? fr&M: Walter Fehr, owner ol a Sacramento outdoor advertlsing com- pany, tas fined reecntly for poisoning treu shlch blocked the view of his billboards. Angle : Mr. Fehr has also been named by Gov. Reagan to an advisory group chlr&ed with preserving and enhancing the beauty of lhe State Clpltal area. End or Hem. ' Freeway. A fifth site near the Edison pnwer plant in Hunti ngton Beach is used for depositing inert ma tr.rial only. Transfer stations are located in Anaheim, Stanton and Huntington Beach. Capacity of all of the Orange County dumps ls "quite large," Koch 's office said. For e1ample, the leased dump near UCI encompasses 400 acres and has a capacity of S2 millloo yards. La.st year, one million yards of refuse was deposited there. ' Cost Gf the county-wide system is absorbed in the general tax rate set by the Board of Supervisors. Last iyear it is estimated the system accounted for appro1imately six cents per $100 of assessed valuation. A FREQUENTLY expressed proposal is to use solid urban waste as a soil nutrient. Chicago already helps to defray the high cost of di$posing or the semi· solid, rwtrient-rich "sludge" residue from its sewq:e treatment plants by drying it aod shipping it to Florida for use on citrus groves. Now the Sanitary District of Greater Chica.go is considering a method for disinfecting sewage sludge with nuclear radiation. Tbe treated sludge would M piped to Dpen counlry and dumped on ground whlch might later be used for farming. This method of fertilization would be more cumbersome and expensive than present methods, but the dimension of the urban waste problem may leave no alternativt. A Boring Issue In the Atlantic By JACK O. TURUNEN A close friend is, amoog othu things, a very talented seuess, and the other night, during one of her trances, she had a ghastly vi!ion of the tuture. It went something like this. Good evening and welcome to this broadcast of Vislanews. TOOay another leap forward is made in man's long battle to subdue the elements of his terrei;triB:l abode. The Amalaamaled Sea tliining C.Orporatlon has begun dri lling the sea fioor in the bottom of the tlfarianna Trench, located in the Atlantic Ocean. By means of our new hovering, remote. control Vistacamuas, we are able to home in oo thia unprecedented event. Here is our knight-errant on the spot. on the ball Vlstaman Brinkle Hunt, atop the floaUng drill unit. talking: to the coordination·producer-d1rec:tor of t b e operation. BRINKLE: So you say Mr. Cashin that this technical·sclentlflc achievement will open masses or avenues to 1 more productive use of the unexploited mtneral \\'astelands oC the ocean noor? Ca shin: That's right Brink. We're going to make a pile. Tbls thin; ia 1onna go, and go bl&! Brinkle: Say, }tlr. Cashin, isn't that your chief technftal advisor conUni up fast? Cashin : Ye1. What ls it, Theodore? Theodon : Mr. Cashin, sir, our chief geologislical advi!or has bttn recording some strange echo aounda emanaUng from lhe ocean noor. He thinks we should suspend drillln& GperaUoRJ until we know more. Cashin: Ctttalnly not. I didn't bring all lhls equipment out here jusl to Jose monty wllh .ruperaUtloua dela,s. Keep drilling! Brinkle : l1t1'l ll I.rue, Mr. Cashin, that the govemmtJ'lt has Ju.std to your corpcr11.Uon the drllllrir rights In this area ? I w11 not aware that the 1ovem· ment owned lht AUanUc Ocean. / The writer, a Huntington Beac1' resident, ls an insurance broker who dabbles Jn writing. Cashin: That's their problem, Brink. BRINKLE: I hate to say It, l\fr. Cashin, but here comes your technical advisor again , this time looking pretty worried. Theodort: Gosh, J\.fr. Cashin, sir, the most awfullest thin& has happened. The drilllJ went through the ocean floor, and this big hole suddenly appeared, and the water is draining into it real fast! -Just a minute folks. I believe we're having a bit of leclurlcal difflcu1ty. Yes. •. Oh No! Ladies and gentlemen, an event o[ the utmost tragedy. It appeart that oor star lcnigbt-erranl Vb:taman has just disappeared along with the entire oil drilling crews and equipment into the depts of the Atlant ic. -Just a minute folks, an up-up-to-the- microsecond news upspot. Emergency jet helicopters have flown to the disaster arta and are dropping mud packs into what appears to be a gigantic whirlpool. Air Force fighter jets are spraying tht water with chemicals in a frantic attempt to slow down the r1pidly dlsappurtng .... JUST A 1tflNtrrE folks, another up-to- tht-mlUOSteond newt up1pot. Ladle:1 and genlle:me:n, an event or the utmost tragedy: It appean that the Atlantic Ocean hu run dry .•. Yes, that's C09o firmed? the Atlantic has drained Into an· immense bole and took ~·Ith it the water from lht oceans and seaii of the world. Stay tuned folks. for our ne1t e1citing ne~'S report. Meanwhile. 1111 those tubs and sinks aod boUlts with water, folk!. II looks like we're In for one hect of 11 drougtrt! Slun.,., Mmh 22, 1'69 11,\11. y PILOT 7j Pisces Tim~ Ending; ·Horoscope Geared Now to Aires SUNDAY .,. 11-111illw. Doni i>O"-,YIAGO (A111. II -&ope. II): 'W'bu<> 1Pl)O(nlmenll are con-SAGITrARIU8 (Nov. :D-10 by the wayside. D1y le• ttln lllnt 1,... CAPRICORN Ir TODAY IS YOCJa MARCH 23 mtt pride lo-•• mountain Wbe to get out o! tiouae •nd cemcd. Patience todly proves Dec. 21): Avotd excess sp<>ed. turee upr..,lon of valid fe<I-......,., Mernl>er « oppollte BIRTRDAY~.,. Tllll,,!l_:i out ol. oothin&· 11'Unk. to chanae routloe. Disturbing ~t a I 1 e t. Be thoroUgh. One who urges qulck actlon is ingt. Give o( yourself. Not sex pays fine compliment. n1ndc; you wtIUaa to 6: By SYDNEY O&IARR LEO (July JS.Aus. 12): You element will fade U you don't Don t deleg•te dutla. mlslnlonned. Key ls dlpJo. ne<essary lo guard seem.. PIBCES (Feb. It-Mardi 20): a clw>ct klr pr!nclplet, become lne1trlcal>!y Jnvolved encourage it. Message be-SCORPIO (Oct. ZS.Nov. 21): macy, mady pace. Family Be frank. Honuty will be '°" Outline -pletion of plan. :•Y. be~ noidenct 1"l'be wile man coo(rob his unless guard ii up. Muna oomes crystal clear before What starta as routine could harmony can be rtstored. warded. project, Alm toward future -Y , .. .utrology poln,. doa't play ...,. wUh emo-.... ls flnlshed build lo · ucitinf m_.ro. Know this _ alrive lo ac:com-AQUARIVS (Jan. 20-Feb. e<xnpensatlon. Don't be satia-" "" .., --"' -" the w1y." Uonl. ·u&=.'rt not aeriouJ. -J • Be rea..tu for .......... e, variety. p"·" It • II): Emotkms are intensified. ned with au-""ielal indica-,...., •1111 ....._ .,... ,..,, ~ ........... uau t--• Ornolrr'tlto!llM."'llicMHIMtfrwMM il.l.D (March JJ.April lt): smile. 1 • rt• 1t1 e LDlRA (Sept, 2S-Qct, Dl: Creative forcet are ICCtlrted. Tab apecla1 care in deallnJ tlonl. You BCOre major victory .,.. ww-... ._. .,,.. ... .-• Cb--• Comm 1 member al opposite la is a.ck directionl, iDsCrucUons. Acct:pt cblDenct. One you CAPRJa>RN,(Dec. It.Ju. with children. Don't make if vision is ahead, not back· =vi.,.~::": =·C:: tiO: ::::0on tubJ1:t C:,_..P_1a_1_1nc_klr..,...•U.. ______ E_1em_en_t_o1_<G01 _____ .,_1s11 __ •_dcft __ ~-'-'pr-· oca_tet_. ____ 1_1)_: _Some __ «_YQUr __ lnh_tb_ltlons ___ Pl_''-"_1aes_you_can_'_t_fu11U_1_. _00-__ w_a_nl_. ________ •_•'-"-"-""'---•""--"·.o•-· -'"'-'-· dwii• and c:onluJton. SpJrtl. ual counsel to d a y provfll beoeltctal Keep •r• mind. U n l q u e propou deserves coosjderation. ' . TAURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): Elcinent for entertalnini u- IOCiate1, co-workers. Get ~ JIOlher wilh !hose who llhare interests. Y.ou are due for special •Mi11nnenl Be SUtt ·YOU have co-operation of key people. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): C)'cle moves µp ; )'OU .let !he tiiOaks. Lady Luck takes .. lii:inc to you. A~ on per- sonality, pobllc --· Control impulse to volo.nteer in unfamiliar area. CANCER (June 11.July 12): Sharp retort frorn ODt cloeie to you . should not be taken ser- iously. Some ~ y~ today DEA'l'B NOTICES COREY f'rancn Cllf9'J'. 113 12111 St., Hunll"91'111'1 -..ell. SUfvlvld lw llwgl\llff, Dorotflv No- 111111. S.rvkft •nll lnnr..-t will i. Mlcl ln (111lllM, So. O•koll. Smllt!1 Mortu- l rY. tww1rdln1 llir.tlO<"I. GIBSON l.U•I Git.on. 1102 Hun11 ... 11on Ave., Hunt· 1111ton llffOI. SurvlvN IW ll•ltfhltr, Vt r- nt NortQl'I: son, H1rolll GLbloll 1f'ld tour 1r1nddollOr111. S.rvk"' 1 P'M, MolrldaY, ~ ttlt dlrec!lolt ot Smll11$ MortUM"\f. HANSEN t.e1t1r HenMn. Uf\S Vtnb l lV'll., l.M A1191I~ SUrvlVell 1w 1J1i.r•IPI-!-. R- P'll ... r. Sitrvk:n Ind lnllt!IMf!t In E•"'I· 11,., Se. DU.al•. Smlthl MOr11,11rY, lar"· W1rdl111 dlr1C1or1. HUBER cnttarll c. 1'lublr. "" 11, 111 m T14f!n Avt ., H-1 BMdl. lurvlVllll bl' C11Ulh-ttr, .MrL Mlrll'f!I lrvln, Cpr"ll brOTher, HIY Hubel'/ 1l1!w, Vl!"M a111tWln; two t rlf!lkllOdrtn .-.! ,,.. 1'1'1t1~11nckhllcl. Gr1vesldt 1ervlt", MonlMY, 10::111 AM. P1~\llc Vl"" M9fnorl1I P1rk, wl!h llw. Lorin Fllckl!llN:r o1llcl1lln1. OlrKIM lw l!tll &ro1ttw1y Mortu1rv. llOll Broltlw1y, Co•tl Mei. TERAMO Juli• Ter1mo • .5111 Hun!IM!on Avt., ~. 1. Huntington ••Kti. SUrvl....i "1 llul- 1>.,111, 01nlt; ION, l'ttlll• Ind P'l lQUll. s.rvg 1nd lnttrnwnl, ~ 1111...i, Ntw Yori<. :Y,,llltS Nlot'lut rv, Dlr«tltrs. WHEELER J1..,.. E. Wllttlfl". U0 E. ll'ltl SI., CNll ~ SUrvl.-.d tJli' wl"', Olll'ltl twct -· JlrMW ind John; HU'llftltr, MIM J1mlt Wllwllf"I _,,., •UI wr..111'. ~-. hlWlllY, 4:Jll ~,Y., .... &l'ltolltMy 0.. ""4. wlllt ltrv. Rlch11l1 D"""-effk:I.,.,._ DlrKtell 1W l!etl Brwdwrf Mlr1ulr11, 110 Broldw.V, C.111 Mal. XAVIER F<r1,._ x1vt.r. el 8e!!yllt C.-nt. S.I k1clt. Mrvl'n "lldlnt. lmtn. Mort~ '"· BALTll MORTUARIES Corona dtl Mar.OR ~HSI Co1lllMela MIHCU BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 11t Bl'OlldWIJ, Colta Mesa u W4ll D)LDAY BllO'l1IEllS 11m111t,... v.ne, M-.ry 17t11Betd1Bml- Hulle .... Betdl I0-1Tll • > PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK CemetaJ e M°"""' Chapel 3SOI Padfle Vlt• Drtve Newpon B<acll, Ctlllonla IU-l'lll PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNER.U. DOME 7801 Bolaa Ave. Westminster m.1115 SHEFFER MORTUARY Llguna Beach 4H-1SS5 San Clemute 49UIM SMITH'! Pt10RTUARY '27 Mala St. Uutiaito-Bueti LEMIU WESTCLIFF MORTUARY U'7 E. 17tk St., COlta Mt11 - LEGAL NOTICE ' MICHANIC.t.L _,.y Duck Wiod him 10 1 39 • 1llllwatc~ fli111 wid61e. • Rabbits "fruit 'n Nut" IGGS by BRACH'$ tmne center •itli fnlit '• auts. ,... 47c dlocolate t0Ytrin1 .,;"' 1111¥ ClftdJ IMantioft. I 1r. Sire Marshmallow EGGS Jelly Bini EGGS ' 1ucn ·-0poqoe s ~1ll1 at p1sltl ~hades willl colorful ""'"" 43c 1 i..111 MARSllMALlOW 'PEEPS' Solt and terxler -Clloosi from boxes: 27C er ytllow, pillk If white. .. •• , 11 EMPTY Easter Basket ;, . 'Plush' ANIMALS • ' Ador1klt, calorfvl 2 98 rrttte 91imals tn • sorted paidboM. "· • MULTIPLI VITAMIN I pl•s llON . ~=.1.98 "Ch ...... ~" ~ llOlnPU I ;:!t~ i::.1.98 ,_ 'Zestabs' ! r:: l:.2.49 'Myadec' lfRlE w/I OO's Ill. 1.11 ld t:~,~,., .. 6.49 . "Effenlent'' 1111111£ CWllSfl TlllJlS "Demure" Fltllttfllt: . sn1•c111 r..-tu::. ffew slim mlp ••• an DNI: ~ llldtrim. ~4788 "Perfection" -·::.~j~~ D'IJllll mt.· ·1:29 i=--i "f.D.S." flltllllll( •llllMT SP'llf I.II gee .Ju.Sire ''flelr 111-lill" Floral Light Far I T•• If hll1J "-........ 1.69 c.::: 1 .. 49 IL ' [ ....... flnf ~ ~ !"''''"' ... -"' "'t lmtd 1 .. 1111. I ' llWAllUfACTftlD ·Spart Pl1gs 11.-111o-... 99c "CNofiH"'" ~-.. ~ .. -:r"' tC • unur Booster cable A """'~ for all cot will 119 aulcmltic tramnnssloll wtltll yow battetJ fatls. • "Cascade" FOR AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS =---lllR ,i;,, 59c Sitt · ,,,'.::'..-:-Road Flares .-.:.;~~11~~,·:~:;!''3·1 DO ists kJlow lhat JOlj II'! o Siphon Hose O omob l• I • FORMULA 11409'' HOUSEHOLD WANER J1st Sl'lf & WIP1 AnJ Dirt! ''Snowy'' BLIAOI For A•tomotlcW .... Safi fir ""' fllric ...... llt . 6 It """"'" ....,. mt pl#!lp. Tranters 'qoidt: If 111 gee types wilt! em. "STP" OIL Tmntoo =·sac 4'1L llll. 69( "Secrer' Bromo- Sel1%er S1por btl.P1n,irnt DEODORANT "PllDUil" Metur Oil I ll. Slzt -~; 69( , . 12 Cup Percolator 3111"Selectro"11£R's SHAYEI ~ IEMlllCTIIN Adj11!1 to foMr S~IYit( •1i&ht1, pop.up frimmet • 21 ·88 .... llf-IY .-'hot-" -RIS-E - SHAVE CREAM ·2-Slice Toaster r .. , '""'· ... -· 77 PMU• -Self...._.t::,! S~i'lt, Cornes IA re~ Diiiy. C .... ~=.=::;, .. I'· 16 88 ._ _____ ._ ... _,_1"...;..;._...; llT·1111 • "Udy Sallleatll" .-m ... 1ta11s ,..i... _"1" __ .,.., 1 _, l Ma.ptlliN. CGm!llltt witfl 5 88 '""""""'-#11$1 .... llU • "Kindness 20" ~='.:r.u ., CLllllL ... Alw1yS1udy for trMI ... ., walO' ..... latioo.nn.staticll~ ... 21 88 !rollol for bnt -" ~I ""' tf hlir. !11121. .... 24.U • . . "la-Go-ligbtly" SHAVll . "Mr. Bubble" lriti lallli• ••• 8ltbles lids .......... 1011em1..,.. 33c ._. '"I· Softens 1kin. 12 II. Sin STAJIUT -UDllF Hair Brushes a...""'""""' =.:. · ;:t',::: 311 DO """ ..,,., "· -; 1. a,~ ... Wllll i,.;n.io 1a1t1 13 88 ldJnUOlo for"''" ...... r..,,. r------------:m u.i' Wiclfdld. · 1ui11 • DUI lllSfalllatic Ml 2 llGYIE CAllEU F• -S.,.. 8" -••• l/l.1""'20· 95 ''""""ltlld. Ill _.,_ -pidl 1111' dtylilfit fXPDSlll'I settin(s. • · "Super 8" Koda!:olor film Cllll -ru ... Clo<e of Cll2li -89C !>O It of fiOI 2 1 g JZ up., 0:120, CX W/lllflmm. 127 « CX620. ••• •rt tH • Nurser Kit Vaporizer- llrlUnD HumidHier ~ .,_ #1'5 laa.UI 3.29 ·a.-~~-"'*'&" ••. --= ......... ....., :~!'.'' ........ 6. 88 ___ ...... •tar. I ., • • Fr.it IP wit~ "7-UP" DRUG STORES. -~t U.,~ IOPJl,.-7!1!!'A~ NIWPORT 8!14CH 1 .. fllVINI IN WUTCl.IPP ,Pt.azA HUNTINGTON BUCH IPltlNOOM.I & IDINH• HUNnMGTON llACH AltAMIANDIADOKHUUT •• ' . ... . ~ ., I ·• --.. , '\'1 • ~ •• ' ' ,.,._ , .. ... ;r ,, ~. '\ -· " . .,, ·~ .,. .,.. .. ·-'""t ·'r; !~ ' ~ ·~ .. ' , .. I ,._ I ,, "l ' , I • • l • • ' • • ' ' ' • • f r • • I I I 1 I ' -,.,.,---,-------------- • I Do\ILV PllOT Real Estate Qu1llions •nd Comment .By R11ltor Rondon McC1rdle Interest Is too hlgh! Eight percent (8%) Is 11o mvch to pay! So says a question aod answer pub)ished by Stewart Tille Company to help explain the net cost of interest "Eight percent is ridiculous! Io order to get a mortgage to buy a new home in .our area, we would have to pay eight percent interest a year -a aum that seems staggering to us . Still, doesn't it come out to less when you consider that interest is deductible from Federal income taxes? We 're in the 25 percent tax brac- ket at the moment.'' r • NoSlng~P~ 11ouse Trends Vary More than ever, the bou1iJ11 market .11 ~.Hke the wtather. There la no &Ingle natlonal ttpid, bt!t a "°""""'te ol many local ·palterm ahd croea curftnta:. The naUon'1 housln1 shortage is unevenly diltril:l.Jted. On a naUanal average, it'a the worst in 20 yeara. But aome cities are on the verge of a housing 5Ul'Plus. The country'• biggest boopi Ls in 5e(Ond; homes. And the ·-per-<apita building rate ia 1n markets wbeR tbe v1;eancy rate may be lower than in World War ll. · These are flnd.inp ol. .Adv.111- . -ce M~ap Corporaiioo'a 'current U. 's. Housing Markets, 91eml-annua1 survey thal compares :IO ma- jor marketa and eipt rqlOOJ. ~Ji to meet an average 1*'!d«nand. ltrucuoo (ovtr U,000 at year- ftld). -In Seattle, after tWo tremendous boonl. years, for- rent signs are beginning to sprout on su burban apartments and some rent! are 'being lowered -the only excepUons reported to a na· tional trend of rising rents. Yet, Rose observes, the sloWdown in 1969 should be a mOderate one, since finan• cing is readily available for new apartments in good loca• lions, and, in proportion to po~atJon, far more new proj- etcs are planned than in bone- tight San Fraocisco or New York. Yes, it dots Com• out to quite • 1.t lets in view "' the Federal Income tax· •ngJa. In yeur tax l:lr1cktt, •n annual Interest rate of eight pe'icent '.l!orka Mft 'te six ..-rcent in net Interest •fter ty ts, Htr•'• • taba. !- show you ''true" lnt1r11t cost1r.9fter t1x.es In y~r and ,t · ~ ~. ~ J _ 1ther lncom•llX br1ck1ts: THE 11,'RcljLONA -.. IN MISSION VIEJO'S. GRANADA HOMES TRACT Hue are aome anomalies of the 19(51 housing acene, as r<porud by the Advagce Mortgage iurvey: ~ At the other ·ftld of the ~a\e, tbt'Overall vacancy rate. hr New York ""t San Fran- ci.9co may be even, lower than in World War Il, Advance Mortgage president Irving 1lose r~ports. (About 0.7 per- cent in New York, 1.3 percent in San. Francisco.) Yet, in proportlpri -to population, they issued fewer perm.Its in I!i68 than any other major market -four total permits, two apartment 'permlts, per 1,w:i -one-tenth the Miami rate. And even f<wer n e w apartmenls seem to be plan· ; Orange County, Callfomla and Denver appear on the vuie of the be1t housing ~la tHJr history (weather hi Oruae County permitting). Activity jumped to record levels la the fourth quarter. Both area1 promtfe to have a better supply of 'mortgage money than other parts of the country. Income Net Interest Affer ·Taxes P•rt of New Horft'os Magailr:t•'s 'MoSf Outttandinl Master Planned Community• ~ , The nation's ~gest apartment market and its· se- cond. largest total market was Mlami·Fort Lauderdale (32,000 apartment pemtits, 4 I , O O O total). Th -nloa to JIOllUI•· lion, ·this is the biggest apart- ment bocm ever recorded - 20 new unlla for each 1,000 residents. About half the apartments are being built for Tu Bracket ,,.;. 25'!. 32•1. 39"!. at 7'/. 5.67 5.25 6.76 4.27 at r;. 6.41 6.00 5.44 6.11 at f'/, 7.29 6.75 6.12 5.49 I have beard you and other Realtors speak of open housing for all ••. equal opportunities ... the laws .•• rulings ..• professionalism . _ . your personal ethics ••• You ask for comments. Consider these. It is remarkable that in our time of drastic change. all changes have become more difficult. Our world seems to be getting less and less suitable for people who must undergo change. Neve r before has the passage from boyhood to man- hood been so painful and so beset with expl9filons. The pas&age from backwardness to modernity which in the nineteenth century seemed a natural process is now atraining a large part of the world to the breaking point. The hoped-for changes from poverty to affluency, from subjugation to equality, and from work to leisure do not enhance social stability but threaten social d.isso- luUon. One begins to wonder whether change is at all pos- sible ; whether grown-up people can really change, And here the story of Moses and the Exodus teaches us ·a sobering lesson. Moses wanted to turn a tribe of en- slaved Hebrews into free men. You would think that all he had to do was gather the slaves and tell them that they are free. But Moses knew better. He knew that the transformation of slaves into free men was more difficult and painful than the trarufor. matlon of free men into slaves. He knew that the change from slavery to freedom requires many other drastic changes. First a change in environment, a migration from one country to another. Hence the Exodus. More vital was the endowment of the ex-slaves with a new identity and a sense of rebirth. Moses staged the drama of rebirth in the Sinai peninsula. No playwright and no impressario has ever staged such a grandiose drama. The setting had a live volcano, and the cast included the mighty Jehovah him- self. N!oses discovered that no migration, no drama, and no nuracles couJd turn slaves into free men. It cannot be done. So he led the slaves back into the desert, and waited 40 year:s until the slave generation !fied, and a new generation, desert born and bred, was ready to enter the promued lend. fOtTOJl'S NOTE: Jt11!111lt R. Mce1r1n1 It 111 lnvHlmellt 1111tnt. 1~1kltnl el "'-Rut E111ton. 1 collHt ltdurtr, 1 dlrec:tor tf t'-Ctl~ll "-c!tllon ti R"I E1t11t Tucl!tri, t utllor or "Rt•I Ell•I• In Ctllfram!1." knd w..rr 'IUHlllN'1 =. ~b Ill Rtnll1ll R. MC:Cenllt, c/e "'-01lly Piiot, Boll 1560, Coit1 New Lake Forest Club Opens With Big Splash Viejo 'Ouisianding~ Magazine Cites S. Coast Community Pfjssion Viejo, the 11,~ acre new town in southeastern Orange County, has been nam· ed the "most outstanding muter planned community In ; Southern California" by New Homes Magazine of California. The award was prese.Dted to M i a a 1 o n Viejo q,mpany President Philip J . Reilly and other company offlcials by New Homes Editor' Bill Des- mond. In presenting the award Desmond 11 tat e d, "Mission Viejo is the Cinderella of the homebuilding industry. 'Three years ago, in the depth of a nationwide hou;tng slump, :W.:ission Viejo was started. Three years later over 3,000 homes have been sold and over 8,000 people live in this deligbtful new town. It truly is the most outstaodlnJ master .planned community in Southern ,CaWornla. "A drive through Mission Vie Jo's tree-lined entry, paat the charming, shopping plaza lhe. heavily lan'dscaped schools, the g r e e n b e 1 t e d Farm will move to !\fission the second home market. parkways, the hundreds of Viejo." -There's an ooly .slightly f~:as81'h '1ryard!, and_~~~ng ththe ln accepting the award , ~lu~~"!'I ra~(lO,IOOin •uoi go course -..,...,,.,, -e Reilly proudly noted that it .1.Ull;: _. reason for the succes cit "this Wu the third time the com-permits) was IO perctnl new town. Howe.Ver, if took pany has been honored in the higher than the recent more than beauty to win this last four months. 0 th e r average, 25 percent higher award. It '90k pr~Ui:al homes awards rec e i v e d were than the 1963 Dallas boom, that are .values so superior Soothern California Edison wl\icb was followed by a two- that on 31 dllerent OCCll!ions, Company's unique trophy for year bust. Yet, on sheer families camped overnight to "Excellence in Community momentum, it promises to go buy them." Th · "It took ,ood p)anning and Planning and Engineering" even bigger in 1969. e rate and Profe!Sional Builder of starts has been accelerating meticulous mplementation of Magazine's a~ard for "Ei-each quarter. that planning. Mission Viejo cell ence in N:arkeUng." already has 2,500 homes oc-MIAMI BOO~t cupied, a complete~ range or Reilly observed that Mission educittooal facilities from pre-Viejo is proceeding ahead of -In proportion to popula-' schedule ;. 1·1s ~year plan tion, Miami is buikling more ·scliool throiJgli juhior college, .. , _. one church and two more to develop into "a pleasant than three times as much - almost ready for construction, community or 80,000 people and Dallas and Seattle nearly a $400,000 recreation center, -the kind of place where three times as much -as one of the most challenging you can still walk down to 1968's number one market, golf ct\Jrses in Southern the Friday night football Chicago. Yet i( was Chicago's Call!ornia, the ~ea u ti f u I game, just as folks do now.'' biggest housing year ever, Mission Viejo Inn; One shop-Alr~dy the ~lion's 18!f~l way larger than recent de.- ping plaza and •'•ecood about one-site homebuilder, Mission mand. Total permits (58,000) to be started. Pi:irtng.,1909 a · Vter.>: Company currently ~ . Wer&. ·nearly_ a thir<i hight; large.medical:HP,lal Ceo~ ad 700 homes unclef. construction, thitn the number the market a movie theat~~~lll ~earn. aod1 plaM ~ ,«IJ a total of bas been absorbing in rec-mt pleted, and 014¥~ .. s· 1,IOO tb1s' ~ with prices years. The number of homes ·"" · • ranging from :up<1er '2(),000 to aod apartments now Wider · -• over $60,000. construction . are a 1 m o s t Building in Newport Hits Monthly Record An $8.8 million, 715 unit the seCond development of the apartmenl project in NeWport South Bay Club. H · bts h J d boost F bru The new project ls for eig e pe e ary couples with<iut children. construction totals in Newport The first complex, now Beach to an all·time high for under construction•across the a single month , it was an· street is for u n m a r r i e d nounced today: persom. Total valuation for February AQlong other permits U.,ued was Std,4-49,050, according to were single family residences on Llnda Isle, Balboa Island, Oli ver Grant, director o( the Corona del }dar1 we 1 t city building department Newport and~ Back Bay. "This was a record month," A $200,000 permit for an ned. . -In Los Angeles, where current vacancies may also be as low as in World \Var II, the housing situation is <ln the mend. Los Angeles should succeed Chicago as the number one housing market -In Washlngton, the la~t two years' production hAs been at least a third below average demand. Some 60,000 planned apartments have r!'!- mained on the draw ing boards all that time. Whether they move into production in 1969 will depend , in large part, on builders' feelings about re-- cent unrest in the Dimict of Columbia, and Federal workers' confide nce a b o u t their futures under the new Administration. · in 1969, weather permitting. I;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; The 1961 permits (34 ,000) were a th1'd less than BUSINESS AND estimated demand, but the PROFESSIONAL rate of activlty jumped to , almost equal the demand in GU JD E the fourth quarter and should __ __ __ __ __ __ __ keep increasing in 1969. Tigbt -~-~ credit, which held down tract • MATTRESSES • house and apartment pro-MATTRESSES duction, has finally eased here, and should stay easier than the national trend all year long. VACANCY RATE BOATS · ROMES · TRAILERS lrreplu Sh•l'el Cotta Meu M.attreu 0.. 1150 Newport Blvd. Uberty 8· 1303 -At year-end, Houston•sl'-----------• overall vacancy rate was • UPHOLSTERY • estimated at 4.1 percent, Ir----------., roogb.ly ~ven times the New York rate, four times the San Francisco rate. Yet, in pre> portion to population, it has more than three times as many , apartments under con- Mesa Upholstery Uberty 8°4781 JJ51 NIWPOIT ILYD. The $350,000 Beach and Ten· ni1 Club at Lake Forest, Deane Brothers development tn the Santa Ana Freeway . at El Toro Road, opens formally this weekend with a two-day ceJebration ex- pecled to attract thousands he said. "And judging from industrial bUilding on Newport the plana nQ1.¥ being checked, Peninsula was granted as well lhe balance of t.he fiscal year as a boating clubhouse on County'1 largest residential wiU be extremely busy." West Coast Highway . and a lake, the new club has .a huge The Oakwood Garden Apart-recreation building in the Bren dawnstairs lounge, overlooking ment comple:s: at 16th and tract. an Olympic size pool, a Irvine, which received the . '.'We haven't had a heavy .smaller lounge .and 'gamd largest of building -'pef'mits '·month like this since August room upstairs for adults , ac-issued during. the month, is of 1968,'" Grant commented. tivity and play rooms, kitCbin 1-----"------------------1 and offices. Interior decor Led by Toni Hewitt. 17-year old member of the U.S. Olym- pic team and holder of the national tJUe for the women '.!i 2:00-me\tt butterfly, lhe event will feature an array of athletic .m::l ftltutainme.nt talerit. Built on the 5hort of Orange Parley Set By Realtors An educ.Uonel 'and sales conference for local reallors and salesmen will b e sponsored April 9 at the Dl>neyland Hotel by the Hun· tington Beach-Fountain Valley Boan! ol Realtors and the California ~al Estate "-1111oo (CREA) 1'8 confertnet carries the theme ••New Horiionl in Real Estate S&JesmansNp" and "111 future Dr. Herbert True ol Sallbllmd, Ind. A new boot publbhed by al.EA, conlalnlnl: research, e1111 hlltorit1 ard tedmlqut1 • llltlnt real .. ,.te wlll be '11trlbuted to everyone at· U:ndlnl the conference. .t.n es:minatlon will be fYen at the end of the JiDettln1 and t™>ae re.tel\•lng a Plllinl Pe will re.telve ont mi.It al credit toward the Graduate Raallon lnotllute eduClllooal ou1Jflc1ta. . I feature11 extensive use of wood and stone, dramatic use of glass and , of course, large fireplaces. Total floor area is in excess or tl,000 square feet. Ezterlor facilities, in ad- dition to the big pool, Include championship tennis courts, a uniquely enclosed area on tht lakefront for supervised swim- ming, .sandy beaches, volleyball court, boat dock.s and large lounging areas. Complttion ol the new club Is a algniDcant titep In UW: development ol Lake Forul, Warren Toman, marketing director, said last wetk. as Deaaa home buyers automatklillJ btcomt mmn- ben. "Sales have bMn lncreulng al ·a rapid rite for the put several months," Tom an declared, "but our new club is bound to make the pace even more rapid." Deana Brothen have bw\ deveJopiq Late FCft!t u a planned community 10< the put year with eventual populatlon tJl)tded to rtacll OYtt 7 ,SOO. In lddillon to Its lake, and lakeside home~ It olfer1 sites in a natW'al forest, 11nten homt1 In a variety ol models and one and two story hornet In the Village area. Plans call for two shop- ping centers, one or which will be adjacent to the new club, a lakeside restaurant, 11table1, JChoola and olhtr facllltle:1. Home prices sLlrt at '29,950 . q[youcan c.Aflord theCJJest ... !hon ---In OOVER S!«)liES, NEWPORT IEACH. Hero tho Cl'liot o1 .. gance of Baycrest'a "'forwer v1•w- home1, th• preaUg• of NewPon'• lornoua WM! Bluff, olld prMll<I _,. .. combln• to meko Ihle THE f>l-10 ilYe. You may purc:h-on -'o!W eldetlng Baycroat homo, or )'Oil may • choose e "forever vtew"' lot end Ivan Wella & Soni, Inc. will design and build o drMm home just for )'Oil. If )'Oil can affOrdthe beat ••• .ee Beycreet . _. cuatom homes. _ · ; ' $74,lllSO. to $150,000 laytrt.at B1r-w.r.•--.~-"'" Modet. lit 1430 Qlos. 0rM.. tr ; irt -· -(n4)-1!EO. as-..,, 1010)i.. . How to save time shopping new home developments: ,.---------------------~ t , --.. CempuW Input"""' I ni1to11 ... _.t1:........,c.i"""'-...~ OFFICEUSEONLYOOOO 1 I """"'.._ ....... o.,l.N! P.O .... Ml.LatMtMl,CllllotmlttollU I ~ ....,.11111111 UM"-Cilf"''-"lro~tyo.;,.. ~· -• Just m1.:1;J I ---·"'-' o 1 1 U1 ......," .. 111-·· a us this : °" ... Jiilc.ft "-"--1 ...... ,...~,.,. : fo111t. I -Gedo r.....,.,........, -.. -....,_Aft""*""~-I ·-----------------------~ FREEOFFER: Th~-ttr Corm can ludycu toNWI~ Med.Ilion Eledric Homos inn.,. hou1ina dcvd~t1 in Cmm.1 •nd Southern Californ~. All thccom~trrnttdsto bow is wh•t lcind of home you want, and it will mttch you up. Thousat\da ofhomea are listtd by •iit, price and area. At Ediloti Yn:a.D itourSHF' prosnm. SHE mod. lo< Selca· Hom ... Elrctronbllf. And SHE can ao to work for you n,ht now. Just fUI In the Hou~huntm Computct Input Form. In 1 few daya you11 receive• CX>mP'."ter printout of 1vaU.bJe new MeidallkJn Homa Alao, uk your local R,.ho• to show you hb Klttdon of McdalUon Homes. Our computer (and your mailman) "·Ul save you from traffic jami, endlrM driving and loo wttlr.enda. And this computtr service Won't coet you 1 cent. that Nit yout requtremtnta. C.Omplimcntt of &liaon. Southern C.llf0tn/1 fdl1on J5CS. I I \ • . - -~ 1 .I ' • • ... . ~ . . ... • .. • • • . . . : : . .. (iala Openinq of the Lake Forest Beach an4. Tennis Club, Sat. & Sun., march 22, 23 ' ' .. • Bring the family and join the Party! It's going to be a great two days. Clowns and tricks for the young ones. Pony rides. Great enter- tainment. Outstanding exhibitions. Sports of all kinds. Orange County Beauty Pageant winners modeling the latest in fashions. On · the spot radio broadcast. Refreshments. Naturally, all free. . · · · · · ·And you'll be able to see and enjoy the finest community club around-tennis courts-huge pool-b.eautiful lou1;1ges-' all set on the · shore of a sparkling blue lake. If you havep't been to Lake Forest yet, this is the time to cnme. You'll )lave a great·tiine! IN THE POOL • Exhibition by Miss Toni Hewitt, member of the U.S. Olympic Team and National Champion,·200 meter b\ltterfly. (Sat. 3;30) . Water Polo Santiago High School, Bin Zemer Announcing (Sat. 4:00) Santiago High School vs. Cerritos Junior Col- lege (Sun.12:00) . Corona Del Mar High School (Sun. 12:00) . Cerritos Athletic Club, Ken Lindgren Announc- ing (Sunl 1:00) . w' ater Ballet \ : , • Girls frotn the · nationally known Blue Buoy Swim Club (Sun. 2:15) Scubit Demonsµ-ation & Underwater ~unt Neal's Si>omng Goods (Sun. 3:30) SwimMeet ' , Championship Swimmers from Deane Clubs at Diamond Point & Pacific Sands (Sat; 12:00) ON THE 1ENNIS COURTS ~bition · · Singles & D~ubles-University of California, Irvine, Tennis T.eam (Sun. 3:00) · Exhibition · ' 1 : · Junior Singles and Doubles Champions (Sun. 12:00) Tournament Outstanding Amateurs-Deane Tennis Clubs, Diamond Point, Pacific Sands, Mission Viejo (Sat.12-5; Finals-Sun;l-3) IN. THE CLUBHOUSE Fashion Show • Miss Lisa Crowley, Miss Orange County & mem- bers of her court, moderated by Sally Gregory (Sun. 3:15) 't"he eoun\Tll 't" oU>tl EaoyToRuch Gymnastics Exhibitions . Oran&'.e Coast_ College (Sat. & .Sun .. i:3.0.) ·Table Tennis Exhibitions . El Toro M;irine. ,Air Station fSat. .&; Su·n~ 12130} Music & Entertainment Outstanding groups from "J{nott's Festival of Sounds"-"New. celebration" (Sat. 1:00); John Heredia Trio (Sat. 3:00); "What the Heck, Four Plus One" (Sa,t. 4:00); "Happy Jazz ):land" (Sun. 1:00); "Califi>rriia Sun" (Sun. 2:40); "Seven Card Stud" (Sun. 4:00). · ' . . (Sat. & Sun. 12-5') _/ ,......, Exhibition & Demonstrations of AJJts & Crafts ,..---· . -~~ ON THE BEACH .... · ---·Exhibition of Championship Flycasting :jL. r I ! .... •the C\tq U)i.\h\n Re&Cn 01 · (Demon strations every half hour) Volleyball Teams from Long Beach City College (Sat. 3:00) · . Santa Ana Junior College vs. Long ~each City College (Sun. 3:00) ON THE LAKE Boating Exhibitions & Informal' Racing (Sat. & Sun~ All Day) ' ESPECIALLY FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Corny the Clown . . . Magic, Puppet Shows, Carousel, Balloon Tricks (Sat. & Sun. All Day) . . . '• ~ Free Ponj Rides . (Sat. & S~. All Day) Refreshments. · · '"'' ~""'. .. ,. Santa.Ana or San Diego FreeW!Q'Sto El Toro ~-thllnfollqwtbeaigns. The Beach and Tennis Club is 'h.milanorth of.tbl'tnam illlll&boo dn Rldfe Rou!J. ! • •· ···· ·· · t ~ • • • , . . ' I • . . • ' .- JO DAllY PlLOT S1~, Mlltll 22, 1%9 • NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE • WW, CLOSE I • • ' AMERICAN STOCK EXcHANGE New York Stocks Continued from Page 10 ..... .. .. , .. "' Ulkl Miii! U. U• (11,_ Kl... IA• • • WEEK'S ..... (llh.J ~ llw .. , ... . ..... ·-· AND YEAR'S 1.-..1 Mii• Uw LMt C't .... ... DAILY PILOT J J HIGH, LOW, CLOSE .... Cltb.I "1911 UW Mutual Funds Bid and I • \ Ill DAILY PILOT -· ..... 22. 1969 C~ltur~l '-Arts Week R·eadied in,Westminster • ~ Mimic. drama, arts and ; cralts .... w be on !llU. '!i_i~lay :t in WflltmiMter next week at . • ' '~ -' L u:iL11z !.UL-\:':n~ : ""IHI .sULiler' WAS ~us· "THI llO;;llHOOD" wffll k.,. • .,..., c.tllw. s ...... ,, ...... • I 1HEYaME10 ' ROB USW&AS ELKE GARY SOMMER LOCKWOOD LEEJ. JACK COBB PAlANCE ;: • '.STARTS WEDNESDAY " 4ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS "DAZZLING" .ROMEO <B'JULIEf •" , • •-..C"t • AT •U.1• .... tUNrtNGT01!9 •llll.CH • •47~· NOW thru TUESDAY WAl:J'filsNEy _ SWlssFAMILY 19!!!!!1 . ~-······· -~~ '°~NM1Lts · · . ~ ·_ -. ....: • DOROTHY McGUIRE ·~ • ""_:" ;_;~ ~-. . ALSO .. • .,..,...,~-"~ .. --.......... lllWllfl •AID€• ClllO'l'I • SAii IMQO ,.,,.. ENDS TUESDAY l!I ---..-....-.... . GREGORY· EVA MARE . PEa< -.sAINT ... -........ ,_ol ' lHESl'Al.Kl<iG MOON · Best Actress Nom in.e ·Pot-~U '.c----~ STAln WEDNESDAY -' + -1' ... the city laWJCbes lb firit 1n· nuatl:ulturaT Arts Week. A ta!ge Va'riety oi exhibit~ "~'*"'""" ~-P.,..l'd COLOR .. HOUSI OF ·cAIDS" IEllilt.lh T1y1ot COLOilt -U.NDP'lrll" Garv~ COLOR "MODl_L SHOr Vannnw ilt!ldgr1w "GIOlGY Gill"' ... :;~: •It *"4llt lldlonl Grl!)Ol'y P9Clc COLOR "G-UNS OF NAYAlONI:'' Hei>ty FOIKl1 COLOR "IAnLI Of THE IULG-E" . --··-........ "M" RllMI Mlllll"I Alldilft«l I tP1rent1I disl:rlllOn K¥1lldl Gll\9 LDllot>riglda COLOR "IUONA SERA MRS. CAMP'IRL" "~· M<O-coco. I' "NEVADA SMITH" ....... •"•• .......... . ........ e f you '" oety ONE I mnle this year , •• 11111 has to b• ONE of. tltem! and erile~innlenl bas bee1' planned lfOm Monday, Mar~h 14 through Sunday, March 30, according to Gene Tardy, president of the Westminster Community Theater a n d chainoan of the week's ac- tivitlei. Two ex\ra performances of-l(Llgh~ Up the Sky," the tbe&ter group's current at- traction, will be oflered, along with concerts · by various bands aod choral groups, dramatic present4tlons, art exhibits a n d photography displays. Other highlight! of the Cul- tural Arts Week program in- clude : MONDAY - 7 p.m., Golden West College Chorale, com- munity services building of the Westminster Civic Center. ~~ ~~-. ~·-·--Also- George Peppard Inger Stevens Orson Wells "THE HOUSE OF CARDS" Eve Show Starts 7 p.m. Co11f. Seit. fro111 !i S1111. tr.111 2 . Giil LOl.LOBRIGIDA SHEUEY YMTERS ·PHIL SILVERS· PETEI LAWFORD ,;TB.LY SU..,Al.AS ;'BUONA SERA; MRS. WIPllW:'. iff'®Hr"'.JAlf!lWllllJj . ....,""'.PHIUPPE LEROY:..:.\or~. =-·"-lllmllllll•HLmllO.UI-. :;i.,::=i. TttHllCOl.Dll" Undid Arhltl 1111-.:=!"~~ 0 ~. HATIONM.. GE~t. ~AllOM FiiiIDlmt.!!!! s. 01tp'r-...,.11t lriil:f• Mt-~n. ALL 'SEATS 50c 2 SH.OWS! SAT., MARCH 22 12:30 & 2:30 P.M. l SHOW SUNDAY, MARCH 23 12:30 P.M . TUESDAY -8:30. p.m., Westminster · Community Theater d r a m a workshop, theater building, Westminster Center mall. WEDNESDAY -7 p.m., Warner School choir and lland concert, Civic Center ; 7:31.1 p.m., Westminster High School modern dance concert., Civic Center ; 8 p.m .• Westminster High School band concert, higb school auditoriuin. THURSDAY -7 p.m., Stage 18 exp lorer scouts . "Rwnplestiltskin," 17th ~reel School auditorium; 7 p.m., Stacy and Johnson schools, choir and band concert, civic center; 7 p.m., Westminster Community Theater, Fountain Valley High School, Westminster High School, one.. N£WP OiltT IEACM • OR.3-8350 2 BIG ONES ' ~--,---. MGM- A llfr,7flll l!TIWI lll!LC~ -Also- JAMES GARNER • act plays, theater building, We8!n)lnlter' Ctntei: mall; a p.m., La Quinta High SOlloo~ band concert, Civic Center. FRIDAY -1 p.m., Stacy Scl!Oo~ choir and orche$1ra . conctrl, I Civic Q!~er; 7:30' p.rq., Japanese dance concert. Civic Center com mun i ty a.i:rvlces r~; a p.m., Com- munity Harrnone-ttes, Civic · Cenlu: 8 p.m.. "Light Up the Sky," Westminster c.om. munity Theater, Westmlnstet Center mall. SATURD~Y -3:30 p.m .. chlldren's dance reci~111. 17th S t re e t School auditorium: 3:30 p.m., Gill Elementary School choir concert, Civic Center; 4:30 p.m., Stage 18, American Folklore Dancing, Civic Center; 5 p.m., La Quin- ta High School orchestra con- cert, Civic Center; 8 p.m., "l.Jght Up the S ky,'' Westminster Com muni ty Theater, Westminster Center mall. SUNDAY~ -1 .P.m., com- bined church choirs concert, Civic Center. SA Players • Set Tryon~ Open readings for "Ask Any Girl," the next produ_ction of the Sclnta Ana Community Players, will be held Sunday and Monday. Frank Rugell is directing the fast·moving comedy of a young woman from Iowa who leaves for New York to find a husband -and discove rs that every girl she meets has the same idea. The tryouts will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 p.m. Monday at the theater. 1020 ·W. 8th St., Santa Ana. A cast o[ U women and five men ts required. NATlONAt. (>[Nl!llAL COlt"°"'ATION Fiiii.![11.!!! S.. Dileo fr~ .. lritl:I • 5*1711 HILD OYll 2MI Wilk OP'EN 6:45 CLIFF ROBERTSON I CLAI R~.BLOOM NOTE SHOW TIME Dirty Doien Orie• •f 7:15 Grand Prix Once •t 9:45 1 ''CHARLY'' IN COLOR ·-'"'"'"-1 111~•1: KIRK.DOUGLAS _ .. ... ~ -· THE·BROTHERHOOD ·A ·•l<l6Gloi,>1 -..1..:~ l!iJo CHILDREN'S THEATRE GoUILD l"r-tt "HALF PAST LATE IN WONDERLAND,. i•I. /IMr. 2J • 2': IO::Jt AMI I&.) PM. 5Uft, M•r. 21 • 30: ( & 1 "M CO!iTA M!SA HIG-H SCHOOL THEATRE 11c ..... , 1 .. .,, o.c.c.1 TICK ETS:» c"'h 11 iltichlnls Mirll;tl, iltloo! M1nlw1rt, & ••• Oflict 1~: ..._ut11 t1:i-tou1 ,,,..111 PAN PACIFIC BEVERLY AT FAIRFAX WEEKDAYS 'SATURDAYS' SUNDAYS 2·1030 12-10:30 12-9 P.M. AJulls $1 .7 S -Cltilclr•11 SI ••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• * COAST HWY. AT MACARTHUR BLVD. • NEWPORT BEACH * 644·0760 POSITIVELY ENDS TUESDAY ~ ........ ..,_ Fwrn la>iREUJ -· ·RoMEO .rJUUET J'\n tlrdiMRJ':I' IOO.'l' !!!(!!'.'···· e ST ARTS WEDNESDAY e FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ! Some men are starved for love ... Paxton Quigley's problem was completely the opposite! OAIL Y PILOT S .. ff ,.,..,. Well' Matched Set Jos"eph Charles and Pat Moran put on a romantic display for Jim Hitchman'• benefit in this scene from "Affairs of State," the Lido Isle Players' new come- dy which open.S Tuesday for five days. Ann Landers Halting Tears Causes Fears DEAR ANN LANDERS: My son.in-law reads your column every day and even though h~says you are nuts haJf the time, he yells hi§ head oll if he can't find the part of the paper you are in. So please, Ann, print this. My daughter is a wonderful mother. They have three normal kids who get into the usual mis· chief, but they are good children. My son·in·law is so hard on the 3-year· Qfd boy it breaks my heart. If the child fall s and cries, his father slaps him. He says tears are a sign of weakness and th e way to make a he-man out of a boy is to teach him how to "take it." Please tell him it is normal tor a 3-yeat-old to cry. Maybe he will believe it if he sees it in print. -BUFFALO. DEAR BUFFALO: Your son-i n-law isn 't the only readf'r who thinQ. J'.m nuts haU the .BALBOA 673-4048 .,,.. ':41 7M I. a.1111e •.. ...... ,.,., ...... NOW THIU TUISDAT time. (I'm nuts, of course, when I don't happen to agree •·IUI them.) I hope he will discuss this situation with a doctor before the boy is damaged permanently. A l~hild wbo is afraid to cry can develop crippling: emotional problems. Tears are a .healthy outlet not only for children but for adults. The experts say one reason that more mtn tban women have ulcers is because men are ashamed te cry. DEAR ANN LANDERS o A very nice senior boy invited me to a fancy party. lt was formal and l bougbt a nP.\v dress for the occasion. I hap- ~J *HEY GANG!* llG-PAL SHOW TODAY 1 :00 1 •r. Cenoo111 & C~ln f,.. GrU h91 I More! 1'111 TW. G-re.t Mo•le! TONITI AT 6:00 & t:SO L1il a.1nr EaSTWOOO ."COOGa n s BLU NCOf.DR 'UNIVIRIALPM:TU AND AT l:OG ONLY ~ "SECRET !CEREMONY" -•11ct1 ,.,,. i VllMGl. llCl\al ~fMIJU lllltC.U 1.#JD -color -··-~'... ~I.IE.LO,._ pen to. know that the evening cost Ted qllite a Jot ol money because his sister who is my age (also 16) told me. We both had a super time and I thanked him when we said good night. The next morning at school his sister told me I'd better telephone Ted and« write him a letter of appreciation. 1 said I had never heard of such a thing. She replied, "My mother always noUces whicll girls have the best manners. and she has a lot of influence over Ted." I like Ted and J want him to like me. But I don't think I need to telephone or ~Yrila to hi1n and say thanks agai11.; Do you? -MISS STYM::ED DEAR !\USS: Yog said thanks at the door and UJal was enough. When yo11 see Ted again mention Gnce more that you bad a wonderful time, but a note or phone call would be overdoing it.• DEAR ANN LANDERSo I hope you '11 run this in the press for all the dumb girls who think U1ey have to give in in order to hang on to their boyfriends. I went through a heartbreaking experience two ye ars ago and I'm just getting over it. I know now I drove ·Bob away because I let him do things he was ashamed of. The old saying is true ·-"They'll sleep with )•011 if they can and marry you if they can't." After he got wh at he wanted he dropped me. The young man J am going \\1ith now is super. Like most guys he tried to sell me' on "proving my Jove." When I proveo, instead, that I waj too sinart to fall for tha t line he thanked me for l1aying standards that •were high enough for both of us. l'\·e never been happier in my life. -PHILADELPHIA FILLY, DEAR FILLY: Cheers for you. Your letter proves tbal a one-time loser can wind up an all·tlme winner. STEREO SENSATIONI The colorfal sound of Orange County Music . RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .... From Fashion Island. Newport Beach • ..... -• •• • ..... ~~~~ ............... ---~~~~ ...... ~ ............... .,p~i~ ~~·."-"'r.-"'C.'""""""'''~"'·'"·~.., .. ,,,~ ....................................................................................................................... ~ ................ ~ ........ "!" .................. . ' ' , f :. • • " • 'Jtfud in Your E11e' Ed LitUe's idea of a toast rubs Jennifer Murray the wrong way jn this scene fro!ll "Light Up . !he Sky," on stage toolgbt at the Westminster' Com· munity Theater. 'The Moss Hart comedy his been held over an extra weekend, closing next Friday and Saturday. _ljqbkn West .Col~ge Stages Original Play ' ' '• . ....---"lHE·LION IN WINTGR"--...._ Nominated for .. BEST ACTOR + BEST ACTRESS ... Peter O'T oole Katharine HepbUm BEST DIRECTION + !!llif~lliPLAY Anthony Harvey James Goldman BEST~uga:S(:ORE John'·Birry .. =~ESr--:r.:.....-:: KAIL OBDBRS NOW .....,..... ,_ I acMnlUU Oii .... ! 1 nca fJ l'Mll1 Al.L 1Ul1 lllOO'ftD .......... .,,,..,...,............... -.... Mlillllll 11' ........... ,,....., ..... .... ·~----'-..--UDi\t'IMJpllD'\:::""' ..... pa ... ...,_ .:r--...... ,........... ,,_ .... .... ••• _ .. __ _. • ...__ •. o .. o r-.,.... ...................... .... I "*"' ... Oii Ml"' .......... .._.. ..... . m.u.• ... -· ...... °""' ........ + BEST COSTUME DESIGN Margaret ._F~rse II'. •' ... L!Jr111.s Cf NlURY 21 ... ' '' . iiiiiiii.iii•i•iii: ar ._ """"rr. • 11.L. ..,,_ f1CIU lllllJICtll.,... IOI O ... CI o"" IAILV -11 NOON.' r.11. ··--------- • I r. • • htwdq, MirQ 22, 1'6t • DAll.V I'll.OT JI :IM'''Mallm ' ' ·- • ......... . ·-·-~·~--~--------------------·-·-·--------------- Saturdq, Marth 22, 1969 ' • l JI DAJJ.V PILOT -~ig4ty IJr~iµ,s ~ry to Hang on~for 9ne iyiore l . LOUISVILLE <AP) -Mlgl>ty UCLA. nearinl the end ol the Lew Alcindot er~ t(otl ~-•n un~nted t.bif"# coOJeClltfve NCAA basketball cham· pionship today, faclng ~haps its g~ea.1· est cballenge yet in swift, opporturustlc Purdue. "I( we have 22 turnovers, W1!'1·· not going to beat Purdue," UCLA coach John Wooden warned. an obvious referen- ce to tbe Bruins' ragged play in an as.al nipping of inspired Drake in Thurs- day night's semifinal. Purdue. ranked sixth in . the nation and now 23 ... for the season, bumbled North Carolina 92.Qi to win its way into tht title game, scheduled St I: 1:> p.m. PST, today. Drake, 25-5~ and the fourth-ranked Tar Heels, 27-4, play for third pla~e at . 11 a.m. Both games will be teteviJied hve on Channel 4. To ~at UCLA, Purdue coach George K.lng said, the-Boilermakers must "play as Drak~ played -only one or two •11!Dln!J better. Yoo~e git to shoot !~st ind sbooL welt The: perimeter shooting will decide it because the big guys takes away everything else." Talking abouL the 7-J'n: Alcindor. a On TV TodalJ 1 :15, Channel 4 three-time All-American aod possibly the ·most outstanding ' collegiate player in history, who has led UCLA to two na- tional titles and to within one gan1e of another. Akindor popped in 25 points and pulled down 18 rebounds against Drake .• "He's just awe-inspiring," King said. "It wasn 't one or Lew's best games." Wooden said. "But it was a good game. He domin8tes the game, dictates the style ol P.ll»'· It was a very good aame, even if Yt' wasn'' his btst. J'lf take lt." -·' , PUrdue, a tast:bt4!aklngf )uard-piess,,{rig t.eam, cotuUers with AAinetJcan Rk:k Motlnt and bis 1 backtWrl . i:bate Bill Keller, an" outstindln1 /i3it ·,Of 'g\Jards who combined for 56 potnt.8"against·Nuf$ Cm>lioa. Mount had 36, Keller ?.O. l "They put a lot of pressatt oh. you," \Vooden said. "WiJh 'those two playing tbe backcourt, they' look like.. four or five. Mount . is as fine an off-balance shoot.er ,aa 1 'vt s.eeq., • _ . ,, . , "J 1\.aVe the same philosophy fS Deah Smith. 'North Carol.l.na coach an.a you · saw what bappeneci to him. I'm poaltively alarmed. A hapd ln the face ·doesn't seein to bother Mouot. '''My old college c02'!h. Ward LamWt, ooe or thf! ,greatest, ~ .evrr ,li'<(ed, had the theOry t~ a great ,shooter is going to get his ~Ii',. sO )ou·mtght ~ weU lct .hiJh have tflem . MaY.l;le h~'ll . ' TURNING OVER DUTIES -Dale Wonacolt (lelt) has turned over his Orange Coast College baseball coaching duties to Barry Wallace -a former OCC player. Wonacott will handle Red_coal reins until the end of the season. And he'll continue to serve as an assistant football coach. : Sports in Brief ·: Pinky Higgins Dies Wallace Takes OC_C Baseball; W onacott Quits , • • ' • A1ter Prison Release • DALLAS -Michael "Pinky'' Higgins, • 59 former Boston Red Sox manager. : di~ of .a heart .attack at St. Paul's : Hospital Friday, two days after being ; paroled from pr~on on a negligenl • homicide charge. : A hospital spokes,man said ~iggin;':: : who piloted the Red Sox from f9:>.1 : to 1959, died shortly · aner he ·was acl· · mitltd to the emergency roorµ at the : hospital with a heart ailmen!· . · Higgins was rtleased from prison al · St. Francisville, La. Wednesday ;tfler • gerving two months on a -four-year sentence JACKSONVILLE, Fla. A r t1 o Id Palmer and Lee Trevlllo ran in dramatic birdies on tile ftllal bole Friday and joined 1 stJ..mn logjim for the. lead ta UM. $111,oot Greater Jacksonville Open Golf Tournament with six-un der-par 131. Sboulder-to-tbouldtr wilb the l¥t'O popg1ar headliners coing into the fiial 3' hole• are tbe first round pacesetter. Lionel Hebert; 41-year-old Gardner Dickinson. sUll amated at bis position: Bobby Cole, lbe %6-year-old prodigy from Sea~ Africa. and Ken Still. the Tacoma, Wash .. pr& with tbe photographi<' mind. WATERVILLE VALLEY . N.11 . roared for the Cu<:b team and whistled and jeered tbe Russians. Tbe game left Russia, world champion for ihe last sii: years, sharing top place with Cztchoslovakia and Su·eden. ~ v v INDIANAPOLIS -The president or the Indianapolis Capitols of the Con- tinental Football League said Friday hl' has agreed to pay $400.000 to 0. .J . Simpson for one seaso n of his ball car· rying skill. But he set a deadline of April 1 for Simpson's answer . saying he thought this would keep the Capitols front becoming a tool in Simpson's negotiations 1\'ith the American Football League Buf· fa lo Bills', who drafted him. .. .. .. Sam l\1<'DoweU and Jack llaruillon or Cleveland <'Ombined lo pitch • four-bit shutout against California in exhibition baseball play. ~1cDowell worked the firsl fh·e innings. ~lvlng up three hits. Hamillon worked the last rour IMings yielding one hit. ....... Jo""'ORT LAUDERDALE. Fla. -Los Angeles snapped the six-gante \\'inn\n,g streak of the New York Yankee~ Friday tSee BRIEFS. Page 151 By GLENN WlUTE 01 I~• Dlll'f l'llOI Sl•tl Barry \Vallace. 25-year·old assistant base ball coach at Orange Coast College, \\'ill take nvcr dulies as varsit)' boss nrxt season. !he DAILY PILOT learned exclusively loday. He \\'ill replace Dale \Vonacoll at the rnd of thr current can1paign. The latter . is in his first year as Pirate horsehide chief. replacing V.'endell Pickens \\'hen 1hr latter retired lo wind up a 20-year roreer in 1968. \Vonacott will ren1ain at the Costa l\'lesa insit ution to coach the Redcoat fann teain and to serve as assistant football coach. \\lallace 'vas a Pickens protege follow- ing hls preP career at Newport Harbor High School. He also starred at Cal Stale (Long Beach) before stepping into the coaching end or the sport . He served at ~1arina High School a ~ an assistant baseball and rootball tutor . Then he n1oved on lo OCC last Sep- tember. \Vonacott decide1l lo give up the post because he felt that football and baseball ll'erc both year-round type jobs. \\'hal with scouting. recruiting. etc. And he felt he could not find enough titnc to properly handle the two sports. set nervous being wide open. "I've always believed it. But l'lD scar~ to death to do ·tt wtth Mount." He said be. W(IUW have $.fooW 'Kenny Helt: B\llrdlllfl Mmmt, a f.looM j\lllklr. "And he'll have help.from lob of oltitn,'' Wooden laid. UOL:A fbeAt Pui'dUe·M-M in.each team'• SetiOl1:Gpener~ but Wooden. saJd the Boiler.makers, have · improved greatly since then. . "They,'re ctpable of playing a-tr~ep. ~s &am~." he sai~. . 1';il'~Y: ·~~ 001aq m,uc1l .pre14.ure;..11'eY have surpr1aingly tenacioUs defeW. Ind rebound erll;eme)y well. , They're Quick ' " Jumpers. 1 , ~ • M•ury John ol Drake s;iid. "il Purdue can ,hil. th.e outside jUmpers 1tb'8y-hive a gOQd ch4nce of wJ.nnini againstV<;:LA.'~ Nilrth Carolina's Smifb , w.:Sn1t 19 con- Cictent. . , " • . "Purdue. has tht l>esl offensive 1ttick: a.a•Inst ,1,JCLA,". he sai4. ' ' ' ·• : Eagle.s .Try To Win :Qn·~ ' ' :For Coiisy N_EIV .YORK (Af) -. 1l wpl probably 11ever rival Notre Dame's "win one for the Gipper,'' but ''win the last one for Bob Cousy" is getting pretty good J>lay around the Boston College basketball :earn this week. Nineteen now, but there's one big one to go," says playmaking guard Billy Evans. who typifies the extra incentive given the Eagles before they met 1,'emple On TV Today, 11 a.111., Ch•nnel 2 :n today's nationally-televised final of the National Invitation Tournament. "Twenty to 30 percent of our success , in the stretch has been the OOys wanting to win a little more, being a little more motivated, and it shows in the little intangibles,'' said Cousy, who is retiring from coaching after six suc- cessful years at BC. He was a hero at Holy Cross and ,vith the Boston Celtics before coaching. For Cousy, whose coaching has been almost as magical as his ball handling when he played, the BC players would do almost anything. "He represents everything I want lo be as a man and a player." says Evans. The Eagles' respect and admiration and· desire to please for Cousy has shown eve r since he announced he wa s leaving early in the season when the team was bogged down at 5-3. They went on to finish the season \vith 16 str<µght victories, and three mdre in the NIT have made it 19, l!lf longest in college basketball. NO".' 19, a 73-61 victory over Army In the semifinals Thursday night, was diffi<:ult but No. 20 pro1nises to be still tougher because Temple has something to prove, too. The Owls, who gained the final Thurs- day night by tripping Tenness,ee GJ-58 for their third straight upset, still are trying to show their last loss to St. Joseph's in a Middle Atlantic Conference playoff was all a mistake. BOILERMAKER WHIZ -Rick Mount will be thro\ving his many talents at the UCLA Bruins this afternoon in hopes of dethroning the two-time defending national champions in the finals of the NCAA tournament at Louisville. The. game, a rematch of the season open~ er, will be televised at 1:15 p.m. on Channel 4. UCI Fattens Swim Lead, Bue Swimmers Lose; GWC Wins 2 Meets Martin Wins 200 Free SPRINGFIELD, f\1ass. -UCI's swim- n1ing tean1 was poised to shoot lhr works today, hoping to wrap up the university's fir st NCAA championship. Thanks to a one·l\\10 finish in the 200-yard freestyle event. UCI fattened its lead here at the NCAA college division swimming championships. Going into today's final round of com- petition, UC bad 151 points. Kenyon College of Ohio is second with 122. UC Davis is third at 98 and host Spr· ingfield College has 82. "It's no cinch \\·e'll win at this point but it's looking pretty good," commented an excited UC! coach Al Irwin after \\1atching his nine-man contingenl roll up more points Friday. Sophomore whiz 1'1ike ~1artin, the former Corona del Mar High star. led a one-tv:o Irvine finish in the 200 free . Me clocked a 1 : 45 flat and right behind him was fellow Anteater Rich Eason, in I :46 flat. That was one of two Anteater vict.ories Friday. The other was performed by the 800-yard freestyle relay foursome o! Eason, Steve Farmer. Duane Olson and Martin. They negotiated ihe distance in 7:13.2, after qualifying first in 7:21.7 ucr picked up points right from the day's first event Friday. 'Dale Hahn qualified seventh in the 200 butterfly and placed eighth in the final in 2:04 flat -1,2 seconds better than his previous lifetime best. Bob Dake, a SS.I qualifier in the 100 backstroke, stroked home seventh in the final in 57.S. Bob Dowe1l. in the 400 in,dividual n1edley, was third in both his qualifying heat and the final. His qualitying lime was 4:32.7 but the timers had a mixup in the final and he was given no time. Martin, who set a ue.w NCAA record in winrling tht 500 free Thursday, has a shot at becoming the high i»int man for the 82-school meet. He figutts to win the 1,650-yard free in today's windup. Orange Coast College·s swim team got out'ltanding performances from Paul Hughes, Doug Schaumberg and Bill Luther, h11t still dropped an Eastern Conference dual meet Friday afternoon in the Pirate pool to Fullerton Junior College. 59-36. Golden \Vest. meanwhile rolled to a pair of easy home conference victories , downing Rio Hondo, 65-2G. and Cypress, 71-26. Hughes won two events, the 200 bul- terfly in 2:09-flat and the 200 individual medley in 2:07.9 and finished third in ·the 500-yard freestyle . Schaumberg, despite a case or th!! • Ou, won the SO tree in 23-flat. Luther was second in the same race and was the runnerup in a swift 100 free. Dumeng Giovaooli of S\\·itzerlaod won the men's giant slalom Friday at the North American Alpine Championships, Jut aeries ol the 1969 World Cup races. Karl SChranz of Austria, who has . clinched the World Cup, finished second. BWy Kidd. the U.S. ace from Stowe. Crack Drivers Vie Today at Sebring Vt., was third in the morning run but • slipped to Uth on hi s steond run and "·~up sixth over-all. STOCKHOLM -CUcbo$IO\'&kla'1 it•t ltockey &eam. teyff M a re,·er pitch . •l*t lutla .W Friday Dl&bt In a world ciwaplou}.fp thriller filled with pollUcal t¥'tl'Ceftl. fl WU at flr1l time die tWG national teuts had clutled al1tet tH Russian tavaaJoa of Cucbosl0Ytlil l11t Aupst. A ertwd ti t,• wived CUdl n,g~. . , ' I SEBRING, Fla . (AP) -Crack drivrrs of the Ferrari, Lola.Chevrolet and l'orsche teams launched a mass aS&ault on Sebring's course record Friday ai; the cars completed warmups for today's 12-hour endurance race. Ferrari. stornting back lnto world championship competition after a year·~ absence, 110Unded a warning note when Mario Andretti and Chris An1on rocketed Around the S.2·mile course 11 116.868 miles an hour._..,.' • Jt was tht.(laStesl 11111 in \l\'O n11r~ or qualirying and morr than fivr 1niles an hour belier than any lap ever run in con1 petition here. Tht Lola·Che\'rolet. whlch \VOn the 2~ Hours of Daytona. first race in the 1969 series for the \Vorld Sporlli Car ~tanufacturing Cha mpionship, was se· cond swiftest at 116.34 m.p.h. ll was dri\'en by Mark Donohue and J{onnie Buckn un1. Then came two of the ne\\' factory Porsches from Germ any. Ont, piloted hy Grrh.11rd ,\lilltt and L'do Schul.ii wa.c clocked at 11~.05 m.p.h. The other, driven by Jo Siffert and Brian Redman, rut 114.98. Four of the Porsche h1ctorj prototypes and all four Lola·Chevrolet.s bettered the course record. The Ford GT40s from England, which won the 1968 championship In a stln1ng duel with Porsche, were NMll'lg last in Thursday practice but apparenlly decided to ease on Friday ind posted no record times. The race, starting at 11 a.m. EST, shaped up as a furious duel among the four top makes. Rico Steincman, Porsche racing team 1nanager, figurl'd the Andretti·Amon Fer- rari would be the car to beat. "I think they put all th eir eggs in that one basket,'' he said. But Ferrari had trouble both dl,}'S with a rapidly v.·earlng gear shllt linkage and Amon said the whole syste1n would be replaced durins the night tn the car. • A second Ferrari is driven by Pedro Tiodriguez Jnd Chuck Parsons . I -------.. -·· ' .• . " . '.-. ...... . . . ~· -·.~ .. ""';''1'7.'7';";""":"':';'""'·..,.....,-~.~.~.~.~.~ . .,,...~.:-~"""""""""',....~""""",..,....,_~,.. ...... .,, ...... .,,.,~ ........................................ --............. "" ... """""'·'!"••.,1111 ., .s~ JW.gs • • Scpre Big . ,,. 6:~ 'la ..... ~r:'.L/, •, I I tJ!'l4'1~ !,".' /.UJ., '. ! 't-, ' I + r; . , "' ' . ,. , c...oa .r.r M~ S.11oci ~ highly 1••""'¥".oobim FrldO]I attamooo,' ; witj) a rem..._.ble*29 non-I..,... taclll( J ol lbe powertui Knlahts ~ lilihlllht l Orange ·eo..t area prep "'tnunlng at \ lhe,,•kla,.t'l*JIOOL, ,~.,..,rt. . ;16fP!jtt Hari!PI', lnoiurtrh!le, wu busy ~ ~a( )Jail EatonCJt,,ljll( Santo , , M!"llca l!liti 1Clloo1i in a ~ ll'illl meel.· poeUn1 '12 COllnteo to .. Eltaucts 's . 49 and Santa MooicA'a-M. Jn anothet trlaQll{ar, FWutain Valley played tbe' rude ihoet: 14omping Bolsa ! Grande, SS.a, and Artesia A. '' ' ' Paal Farr 1!'1. tho ~a 'Klnp in their 1slunrung win over FoOtblll wJ.lh victories I 'in tho' IO liee· (23.3) llid 1ht' 100 fiy , (57 ,8)' o\ong wlth adding.a :IU SO-yard i buttUfly 'in his · loan of lbe wihnlng : medle)', rtliy victory: _, , (, Broee Blick· added-a 51.9 in the 100 ' free' to ·pace Corooa del Mar. ~ . . ~. l: E"9Jes0 NB·S.-Jti ' • v1r.irr . "~ ...,..,. ''U...::'-r:t ', (It) ... ''"'" • .. r E:::'nc~'Znt:'M~ic;. rl~~~ "''w t. -f :,, 'fu.;.1\HT. Tlm.~Jru.<™> 2.. ~I~ (E} '-t.i~~·;;;. ~ln'lc:'1Jl 't(~H), '· S.llndlg {f) t HO lrdl'Mlltf AMll'llT -1. Mtlllll1 (IM) 2. l ,wn~1rH1;3, Hlff1r1n fEJ:T'lftll; 2:11.11 OJ~")'-I, °'trkln INHl. + ... • ... ·'\ .3.1~.,irf<~ii,T)mt::W~1T ~~HJ 2_< ~ INHJ I )l.~"*f~'tNHi'. ./w..~""';ri~ INH) ,, euti.r~ CE) I ·1i0~'71«·-"C . DIGrlt5' IEf 2. ttifferan (l~lj p -(Sto\}l''Tlme: 1:m.o. r, 1',· ,·,~~,~~ 'fr,.k!~:·'~:~, 1~.· ::n ,~:: 1 • ·.,.,-w~ei~"'~ V.°'i•"'• Monlet '· NtwPOrt -~· -. ~;~ WALTZING TO TJ-llRD-Gofden West's Myron Pines cru.ises into third1base in the last of the fourth inn· irig atte~ an aUelJlllled Qnnge Coast pickoff play M r:~...... 1 ·~ • 4 ""'ltr backfired and the throw l'{Ollt (ntO centet'fieJ\11 Wait- ing for throw is Dave SobOJewlkl. RusUers··w_on the rain·sbortened game, 3-2; , ~ • i-· .. "!" Hlr"°"' £sllnc141, Tb'n1 : 3::12.0. I ' -'"" j• Htw,.,i ~ (n) ••"nc!I OtJ •lltll i:S.,,11 (--··.'""""'(I) ' ' ' ' ~t!W: r~~{ .-l, Elft!IKI• ). ~twltOrt '.! 1~.:r.:-11l.t f~·. (f) 2: N~rn.-(~HI l .c.ffl, a. ~~~iii 'r~:S~"" 111 2. Luvrnn c • · l 100 lftdhl 11-J.\tdl"f -1. DeullClt (NHI t. restview ,1 ... ~ IN"J , '!<I" 111. """ ,,. " ' , • J. 1f:c¥,F~ {.,!; ""':l!\:~~HI 1. M(:F1r1•nd !El ' -~ J. iti'l~HJ/1'1t7'~f.1,' fii 2. Luvm11 fNHI I 1s.1Gr~"l'fLT~r,:,\fO~ (£)_ '· lll:ffd INH) S11nsel Ga·m· e' s ~ "' 'l::.:~~J. I \< K."ri.}~H).. """" '" ~ . .. l 3 1r.J~m., ~l~ 1 ~uurits,,lNHJ 2,1~1· 1E1 ~·If ·-:ii· , .. * • . J ... .'.~."~ kl11 'l.1~~·~·1. lff1rK1&.: • • ' '·:.~ed the ehlife Sunset ' .I K""• 4:(11,.f,. ~ .. ' _h / ~,.~-· C,.;, ·" · • • ·:· ~ • ~ • ~-:, :)'. ,tt. YBrsity baseball IChedule w1U1 j ..t'"ri'-"~ •. r · .· C441 ,..,. 11Bt1 actlori re8uming on M0nday and Wed· E111nd~Silntto · . : 1 :n.~. . T e Westrrunster-Hun~gton Beach J ~:, ,m~.~.~-' 1 ~, ' N...'.ort H1rbor 1. neidhay. . . 1 3.'llj~~ifCi\.-~l; 1.o~HJ 2:(•oto•nMlll IN.HJ clash at the latter's diamond went three a. a.. iii :I' ' . . . tHHI '· '-"'' Monie• innings with the hosts leading 3-0 before ~ 100 • 1 •fdu:ii w~; 1 •• ~·1ev (NH> l . it was called off and will be replayed • , ,, FIY _, • ' 11 IUO 2. 111rterm1n IE Monday afternoon .iaflnstori~• ""'~ f'"~· Ttme. 1.111.J. II s. knit Tl •: ... . Th bal o1' I 1 · 11:~ '· ~ ~ 'fHHI 2. s.n11 Monie• e ance eague tests resume ~ .. ~ "':I .. !: -;.SI'.·~.:. Wednesday with Santa ADJ at Western, l ' .:;,Usf~Sea Kings Newport Harbor ,1 ~fl9la" Ana Valley ' /.,,,.. .... --!:-I.::~~,:;;•.-: _ and Anaheim ~lJdiiifria. r .. •'f/,<;'"'•~: .... ·, · ,., ~ ...... -,. Newport W --Valley were •tied, 1·1, :,,.1 ' : .~ .. ·~ us H':"I '""""· .. before. c21;nfng lo a halt after three -Fr,~:t:t';.:;·r.,·'i~~~a~J. ""'' t•rtd!Klrn. ;frames. 1.1· '" -J~· "~'"·'" (Fl 2· Sc~wer · CtestView League baseball also took 7. ! .Kruml""Olf "'i> lmt. 1.J:J.•. "• · f,... :-1:. •rr 1c1 2. 11..:11; cct 3. it on the chin Friday with Mission Vle1'0 1 ~rd (~lldTIMl!,,:.E.J· ~·1:T.rw~~ ,~1•11. ~'c:..btci!· "Tfuit1Ff,'O'}~~ IF~ .~postponing its showdown at Foothill l~I ~1v1"" -.H•MOn CF> 2. 11~ 1,.1 l . H11Un11 WJ.Wl Monday and Laguna Be a ch ~~ l'IY -1. Fwr IC 12. Lolll IC) ), 0!1. I • reacbeduling its encowiter with Villa ICl0oT1re..,:.57~· I._ l l1ck (() 2. Slofler CCI J, -~P.~--' uitt(l;Wednesday. c ur111 cci. TlrM: J1.•. '1 .-. ·c·1.:..l.~ te d · d' El Mod :f_ 100 11c1r; -1· s. F11rnl11 fFI 2. 1ra1111vrn , • aA 1 _.,-n1~p an 1nva mg ena .f~! ~:I:~:~ il : lr.:i:: 1:~1: . · ,. 'tried ,.to get, in their scheduled test, .co Fr-. -• c. Furn111 !Fl 2 .Krymllho!1 but the rain stopped it after four and (C l J. BouthtY !Cl. Tlmt: J:Jt.O. 100 8re111 -l.Hlllmtn !CJ 2. Horn !Cl a hall inninllS and a 0.0 tally. :t. Summ•r1ll IF/, Tim•: I :ot.~. Co h T ' 5· • S Cl 't ' '°° Frtt fie'' -1. cor-Ml Mar 1c~r111, ac ony isca s an emen e rune llrtdburn, 11ontt, 111cll). Tim•: 3::zt.o. had managed three singles through the ,1,_ .. IMt~';:1 041 '""''" first four Innings , one each by Ken 200 Medt•v Rll•v -i. c«-dtl Mv conv1r, Wright, Sal Lombardi and R ob i n Millich .Winburn, Loll1). Timi: 1:57.0. Re1chan. 200 FrM -1. Sllntllelfll'I (() 2, H11th11 IC) s. 5~0 thl~~ffT!m~: f.·L5,..lth (Fl 2. 1,151.., ICI The gsme will be replayed in its 1.1~fll'l;:;ri~1cl: ~'T'ntil~'·icJ 2. Kemmiriv cci entirety Wednesday. And, it forces the :t. No 1t11ni. Tlm•: 1:10.0. Trltons into three league gsmes ne:tt HIO Frt1 -1. HU'lhta fCl 2. Sm!lll (F) k f' st V'll p k Tu -· th 1~ 1nc11v1c:1u11 Medlev -i. 011 ... 1r <Cl '· Millich wee , 1r 1 a ar on eouay, en ~cf\:11w1ec~1·, ~1IJJ~.:r1~, 1:os.J. El. Modena and Orange on Friday. 3. Grt111 J{l)'T"!1· 1:01.o. 100 II '- 1. Ollvtr IC) 2. l fh!tY {C) "ml. No third. 11m1: 1:11.1. l"rtt -1. Sltneh•ltm (Cl 1. \ltert\Yer l 8rNll -1. M!!llch CC) 2. Weber (f) S. Ptullno !Fl, Tlmt11:12.o. -IOO Frn Jt:t!a\' -1; Co,.,, dtl Mtr. (lr!sley, SIO!fltlltltm, H11t.l'lel, le1!1). Tlnu: l:G.1. ,_ Cwtn• lltl Mar (44) f.UI '""thlll 100 M9dleY R1t11 -I. FH!hllJ. Tim!: 1:51,T. 200 1'".fl! -~ Otto lCl 2. MCNtmtt (Cl 2. Bl111ton: (,-), TtnM' 1~0l.t. • · ' 90 Frw -1. ilXYro (I') 2. S•!l•burv !Cl :t. D1vl•• 1c~ Tlm1: U.5. 100 I/Id V ~ 11 Medi.-, -1. llslllln IF) 1, HOIY0•1 IC t Stc:or (I'). Timi: 1:1».~. SO l'l't' ~ 1. J1m-(Cl 2. JaMlltn (F l J,. Hullnn IF), Tlmt: 'lt.!. ~00 l'l'M -l, OHO (C} l. IJln'°"' IF) l. Sodtro fl'). Tl~: .U.I. $1 BKk -I. Rt!mer1 (Cl 1, P1lm1r (Cl 2. llltthln IF), Tlmt: JL5. al) l rta1t -J, Se(Or (F) 2 .Ot vlts CC I :t. Hol"l'Nkt !Cl. Tlmt: 3.1. 200 ,, .. lttltY -I, coront Cltl ~ IHOIYOlkt, M~H1mN, J~non. Oltol. Time: 1:47.!. Fl'·Boua·Artelia Vtrtl" feullttlll r,t11n (hl (4') • ., .. .,.,Ml l'.nlt • Villrr Oil !Ml Art.I• ZO MHley lttl9T -I. lob• Gr•ndt t .... rt11i1 .!. -ol:i:ivnf•ln V1U.itj Timi : 1 :SJ.(. 2eo Frn -' Wlltlltr IF\/) 2. Slit l'VI I. LIPOV•C (IG\. lm1 : 2:01.4. · SO Frft - . F•11lkMr (IGI 2. 01vl• (f\I) S. 01yton flG). Tll!'e: 2:'-'· d Ind ¥klllll M..,llY -1. H1rvl'( (Al 2:. trlOlh IFV) :a. 11.Jq If\/). Tim: ):IJ.l. O!v11'11 - 1, _1,-llMn INGI 2. z1mm1rm111 ll'V) 1 ,'~kll•F~G!: "r."1~i~ IA! 2, fllct IFVI :a. GOfdlfl .!A), Tll'M1: 1 :OS.a. TOO ,,,... -I, Wurattr (FV) 2.01yton (IGI 3. L-fC (!IQ). nm1: ,w.o. ~·~ -1. $011 (FVJ :l. Mc(1ll (IG) •liL ,,c.,. v~ 1\r;tt,1~·'t•Gl :l. ~<Ad.-ns (F't'l I . ur-"1· Tlm.: 4:2!.t . I lrM>~ -1. N1rv~y IA) 2. F111lltMr llG) J. Barron (Al. Tlm.: 1:01.J. .io Frn 11.rllY -1. Fou!lteln Vl!llY t. 8.CY Clt1ncf.l .t. Artalt. TllT!'I: 3:'6,6. Baseball Standings IUNllT Ll!AGUI w Nswl'!lrl H•rbor An1helm S1nll AM W111trn W11t1T1ln1ltr Hunll'111M 8Hdl M1rln1 SA V1lln fllrl!ll'f'I lctrn "II t•m• r1lnld ouf. ' • ' • • • • • lll't'IHI Ll!AGUI w • ' ' • • • fllr1!11J'1 ktrts '"°"'""''" 't'•lle~ t. LHr1 O Corone ttt Mir A. Coll• Mtu O Esttnel•./f\Hno!11 HttJorlllll. ClllllTVllW lt:AGUI Ml111on Vll!I• El MDdtn• l'tethlll VUlt l"tr1t LllllM ltK~ ... <_ Tustin °'"'"'' w l ' • • • • • •AllDIM 01110\11 LlAtUI L • • • • ' ' ' 1 L • ' ' • ' ' L • • • • ' ' ' I W L T lolu G,.nclt Gll"Cltn O"'" IA Quint• "'""'-AllrnlJOa I t t ' . . I C t l'telf~ .. ....... . . ' II I ' J . , . ,,,....., ~ i.1 QvlfM I. M11ll•to J. "llllWAY Ll ... OUI w L ·-· I • l'"11lltr1'tn I • ........ 11 I • SUn!W Hint ' • '""'' ''"' • I L• H1br1 • I '"' • I ...... • I ,,.,., ldrts All·-"'~lln, OlANOI LIAOUI w L Lii Arnf9.tl. I • ... ,_ ' • It o.r .. ' • K1hllle • I ·-• ' 't'11ft'otle • ' -. • • . ....,., _ All11mtt"9~ln. ' .. " .. ,, .. • ,. •• .. " ' ' "' •• I • ' ! •• Off the Slopes . ' Spring Skiing :Ai;rives .. ,. I On Corn Sno>W~S,lirface I • • I Ski surface conditions are turning to that granular stuff called "corn," mean- ing "spring skiing" is here. Going right aJoag with the calendar, balmy weather his artived as winter dies. As weather becomes warmer during the day and winter's p0wder be&lns to soften, night! are still cold. The softened Esther Billings ************** snow hardens In the cold and the coagulated flakes form crunchy Jumps. Skiers call the crunchy lumps com. It is a different sur{ace from powder, and one which some·skiers prefer enoUgh to wait for all teJ,S<>n. Part cf the appeal, however, LI the warmer weather which accompanies it. The sudden storms which winter brings are less likely, meaning less chance of lift shut-downs. One can also peil orr extra layers of clothi.nj and' sun tin whlle skllng. it' was not quite ·warm enough for a lot of clothes pealing last weekend, but the ,sun was bright enough to bring a tan ~Y' Sunday afternoon to faces which wert white Saturday morninc.: In many cases the I.an progressed too far to a painfllt burn. RenedJon from the 111ow intensifies the sun's ef· feels, so remember to add a sun screen to your ski necessiUes at this ume of the year. All local ski areas are operating thi! weekend with condlt101111 rated good to excellent. 1 Snow Summit at Big Bear Lake has schedllted a final torcblitbt slalom Satur· day evening since the previous one was run in obliterating fog. The spectacular event ls set for 7 p.m., with ntght akiing following. > Day temperatures at June , Mountain last weekend were In the 40'• and H'a. Owner~perator Bud Hayward rated con· dltlons as the best combination of snow and weather all season. Hayward is looking for lilt operators. kitchen help and-0r ticket punchers. He plans to extend the seagon al the resort to the opening of fishing IUIOn the beginning of M&JI due to the depth of the snow pack. Information is available by calling (714) 541-4407. At Mammoth Mountain and village the annual Carnival bu been ruchtduled to begin Saturday, ADrll 12. Heavy, 'IDOWJ ., forced cance1-tlon oi"lbt previous tbte. , The "Winteil Carnlvll" II rioW the "Spring Carnival," with the flrlll big event on openln( day Gtlnclelwald ~ Club's 11th Amlull' Hanatl and Grote! costume patlde and obttacle rice. Thero wm be prim for the following: BHt 'eo.tume-Boy, Bt11 Costume-Olrlf Btll llam<l Colttnne, Bell Grete Costume, and Btll Club Partldpatlon . This year the ractn mutt be: Ottr 21 yap of qe duo to the foci that they will be rtqulrod to take a awls ol a "mlxture ot rart btrb& and spicta" before colna down the coune. ·Mommolb tlld June wlll be open Euter Wtel: u Ullltl, but Jolnlna: them will be our Jocal stt areu, -.u o( which plan dally operatloo during the holiday .. .~·\: .:,• .... . ' week. This 'Ill Rood news for Southern Callfornta skiers, )Vho haVe the week free .. ~· taft 1 tAe, adyan~~ of the less,<rOWcledi'tiM:'l,.k condlUoOs. AloPg wlQi. ·ouler' ski are.;. Badger Pass , In,.,"r'.°"D>!te Natlonaj \Park has had'.-1/i!~!"IJ',ed snow "dOj>lbl., Siding is ftpiorted .i~ent •tl.t._; on about 21) ~ o1·;.;m. bf Our ~ ... South Teiilr, ~Won '1ast ~·s ·annual N.l<Saillh Sid Races, ' .'Uill'Co .... 'Irv~ the North c ' · 1'ittfthe :fs in·tJle-ttivitational evibl",....COriiiSting or til(ee" separate slaloms, two on Saturday and one on Sunday. The rebel victory brings the standings to seven North wins against si:t for the South. Pia Ri va Mcl saacs. former Jtalian Olympic skier, and Mark Draugel of Phoenix sparked the South Team to its. decisive. victory by a margjn of 59.9 seconds. Total team time for the South was 1242 seconds to the North's 1301.9 Mrs. Mclsaacs took first 1n each o( the three slalom events, with Draugel fir!t in two and third in the last. Draugel lost by .7 seconds to winner Andy Scball, nortb1 arld by .1 to Greg Dorland, north. in second. Georgine Bihlmann of the South, who won the Women Class II Far West Veterans Divisional Championship the previous Sunday at Dodge Ridge, was second hJghest woman, taking second place ln the first and second slaloms and fourth in the third. Rain Shortens Rustler Meet; Shields--6-8 Ih Don Shields, Golden West College's steadily improving hlgh jumper, cleared 6-8\.% in windy, cold weather at Walnl1t Friday afternoon • Rain washed away the meet after GWC and Mt. San Antonio had completed zeven events. The Mounties were leading · at tbe time, 32-23, but the Rustlers hadn't yet fired away at their best events. Another pre-rain Rustler victor was Jim Seymour, who clocked 14.! in win. nlng the 120-yard high hurdles. Shield• took three tries at &.ll'A and came cloee, on One attempt. ''That's two weeks in a row now he 's had good Jumps 1t S.11," GWC coach Tom Noon commented . "We hive a meet with the UCLA frosh at UCLA in two weeks and they have two ' frtsluJ]an jumpers who are in tl)e Ml and I' 10 class so Don might have to jwnp seven feet to win up there." Mike McMahon of Golden Wffl tied Gene Sokoli of ML SAC in tho 44() with both mdlt.4 with I0.1. The Rustlers' quarter mJle relay team .won with a U.t Umt. Ric.in Sh~tetat Pl.ay ,~ Rus~teks Top 6~~s, ·3_ ' On Ric:bardson's Single By JOEL SCllWARI '" .... OlllY ,, ......... The lipt two times be c~ .to the plate Ron Rlchanhon hardly fllled the picture or • _ fOO llltter. \ Twice Orange Cout'a Gary Dun· kelberger had forced the ovtrtager Goldeq West slugger to pop bannless infield rues. But when Richardton came to the Sea Kings, Barons · Blank plate for the lh1rd time Friday al!ernoon on the Rustler diamond everythtitg was on the line. The score was knotted 2-2, the rain \\'as coming down in sJ\ettS and the game was about to be called by the umpires. · With two out in the sixth, Myron Pines had preceded Richardson to the plate and lined a single to left field. Dunkleberger pitched out twice, an· licipating &-.steal. On the third pitch, a curve qver the p1at.e, , Pines headed for second and beat t~ l.hrow tO reach scoring position. ' Richardson cl o u I e d.Dunkelberger's text delivery into left field to score Pines-and give °"Iden West a S.2 vic- tory. ' Ir • Ri aJs Dick Hutchison retired Orange C.Oast. vme v l•· ""'" in the soggy top ball of the (·= and then the umpires halted ..r,._~, ·me:. After a 20-minute pause and Corona del Mar and Fountain Valley ill01 of Jmproved weather, the game high schools were victorious •Friday ·~as Called, giving Golden West ill sixth afternoon in Irvine League baseball ae-~.,.---~·.,,--------- lion with the Sea Kings dealing ho.st ·~ 1.UT111tH CONl'aJ11Hc1 ~:i~y M:f:nk~g 4-0 pr~°:iousa:;1 ::: ~~;u!'ft AA*~ r : ;: :: ~·· 2--0, on the winner's raln-soated ~ W•t ; : ::.;: _,~ diamond. .C'lllff•v" , , ,,. ! The Estancia~Magnolia Ult w a s ':-r:, ~ ~ :: :~ ~tponed until Monday when the two * 111rn1rdtno ,' ,' ·,.."' • rv-or1nn Col31 ' teams will collide in an afternoon clash. cv .. r.u 1 • :1.0 .f\'I Corona del Mar got to Costa Mesa ,, ... ,,., Sctr• In the second inning when tlie Sea Kings Go1111n wttt i. o •• ,,.. '°''' 1 exploded for all four runs. (onlY ••me Pl•YICl-offltnl r1lntd oul.l After two were out, Chris Thompson ,.._...,., 01"" drew a walk, advanced to second on c11ru1 11 Fulltrht~ 1 Bill Ward's single and then both runners T__,.• 01rn. d Bill M t • i. Ch1'1ty 1f C1tn..1 ' score on ayer s on~agger. cv .. n1u •f or•nsi• c..11 Steve Palmer (via an error) and Dean Fut11r1on 11 Rio Hondo W. alked to fill t•-••• d Kim Gold•n Wiit II Rl'llralOt 1ese w Ln::: sa~ an Mt. u.c ,, sin t11rn•rt1lno Wilbrecbt knocked in two more with s.n1o11 ~ a single. ------------- Rex Snyder was the winning pltcber, win in nine Eastern Conference starts . striking out three while allowing three Orange Coast. which is in the midst Mesa aafetles. of one of those long dry spells which Fountain Valley'1 Ken Davia struck · drive coaches up the dugout walh is out 10 ln going the route for the victory. now U in conference play. The Barons clinched the win with two Golden West nev~ trailed after. Mike runs in the fifth on run·producing singles Sheline blasted a !thlrd inning homer by Les Heil and John Carroll. over lhe left fie'li fence to break a Clttl ,,.,.,. t•I Clnn• ... MU Ht '~ acoteless Ue.' .• ;',I' t • Tow""'' w.211 ••3 r, 110~ ,,1m.,.,,., "'1 '1 110~ • "r~~:irpa~· ~L.lt. ·u,. in the fourth Edw1rt1i. , 1 o a o WI•••· •• l o o 1 on "uu:: aw S\""'•11!·.Single by Roger ~~U 111 f : ~ : ':'.11=';. ': -J t ·~ : Palmer and • lWorl .!QU~ler's sacrifice ltrton, p 1 e O O D. 5nyOlr, c 1 O 1 O fly' ~ . \·<i-~·.,. • l'lt1cllr, Jb 2 o 11 • ;u1ll, rf 1 • 1 , o ' • · l • ~ • ~:i:~";l11 l : ~ g w~.'1:'·111 ~ l T ·:~·· .. ~~enf'!~',~!·-~ad 2·1 in the l'111mm1r, u l •, '• g M•vt•. 211 J l 1 2 , !""'wu1•0 uR: ~J.'.'OD Pines' double, ~"'"''· 1' 1 o o o an~ on ·a,P,iCM-·.itempt and Tom 'tor:1,' lt • l o Tot111 fl • ' ' CQritell'1 sacriflcti:'Qr.~but the Buct lied 1c1 ... •1 '""'111• It -•• in , " • . •-• thi "I!!}!'. Jenkins singled, Coron1 Ml Mir 0«1 00 -.f • I '~:.~nd' * .... ' boJDe Oii Mike C01t1 Mffl ooo oo-o t a ~Tziliiii:Ji.. ·'~1!.1 · , ... 1111111 't'1lll1 (tl LMr1 Ill • Wv-~ ~t· i; V ''"' t~ 1b r 11 l't>I •• r ll rM1 "''1 _.,.·~!('I•· : 1" .-.W.. w..t 111 3011 wo1vtr1en.rtso1• .••r~·~.·.t. ••t11r• C•rron, cl Roblft1, ~b "rie.i1 .. lb c11rktoii, rt 01fflt, II Bowl1, lb WlfklnllOll, c H1U, 15 D1vll, • .Ttfll1 l 1 o o si.n11y, 11 t 1 t • M~ •·.. t I • t P#llOfl, 211 s I o o lo 1 o MlrV.111,d ~ o 1 ·~~~· f ,!,;Men, i11 · 3 • o o l 0 1 0 SfOllll, lb l O t O ·-lf8ir,.:4f , 'l. ,, •l" ,,Jlin, rf l 2 2 o l 0 t o Wik, c 3 o I t .;.l'tpU ')llJ 7 I ti". !J:llll'dtoll. li. S I I 1 , o c a L11191>ery, 211 l a o o '-~ l 'f\ 4111h, " t o t 1 1 I I o P1111r1111, 3b ' 1 o t 'Wflliflllr,".rt 2 0 I 1 I Mlt'ki. cf 2 e o o 7121 F11ln1,lt JOOO Renfro.cf 2000 o.Gftr,H 'O OD 0 0 0 0 Vinet, If 2 I I O 5obo!IW'lkl, 311 l 0 0 I Sl'lelll'lt 2 l 1 1 21 ' ~ I T"lll 2t t I I Dllnll!H-rtr, p 2 0 I 0 Hllh:ll1ion, p I O O o k-_, l!M lfttl T1fllt 11 1 4 1 Ttllft ft ,a 4 ! "'" Founllln V1ll•Y coooooe -o 2 1 00002011-l 4 I BRIEFS .. (ConUnued from Pa1e 14) ' night by blanking ·them 9.0 behind the combined · four-hit Pitching ·of ~n Drysdale, Art Darwin and Jlm Brewer .. Wes Parker's two-run homer off Mike Keklch in the second inning "nd a aolo homer by Darwin. olf Frtcf Talbot in the sixth highliliJoted the Dodgers' 12-hit attack. The Los An&eles Laken, celebrating ''EIKfa Baylor Night" at The Fbrum, Jed from the 1tart and routed the AtJanla Hnwks Friday atpt, ttf.ltS. Wiit Chamberlain plded the attack, plu~ldng off %! reboundl, 1cor1D1 II points aod coming up wltb 1b: uallts. Baylor, honored by the Laker mauc~ ment and fans before the game b.acl %1 points, high for tbe Laken. lt1uta'1 Lou Hudton wu llJgll for the 11,me witb %.!. lAls Ange1es made 47 perctnt of it.s ·-· Atlanta stalwarts Walt Ruurd and BUI Bddles were ejected from dae game within a mln11le of each otlltr Jo tlle second hall. Hauard wu .l!!jected for protesttn1 an ofOclal't call and Bridges was booltJd for protnUar thaL Jeny West scored 17 pobstl for the U. ken. Area Calendar _,, a1 ... ll -SNtlltlltek 1t $111 OlllO Miii (2:»1 Otlf -w .. 1rnln11tr " 1t1!\Cllo "t1mnos, El Modt"I •I Liii/iii IHch UIOlfl 11 ,), OCC II ll~ Hondo 11!30), All UC lolltt'\lmtnl 11 UC 01~lt '11 • Sar. "'" lnftlnt Or•n11 C11ll NI Gollhn WHI .. I NEW COACH Dev• Brown 111-!. t 111-1. l . " Brown Named I Baron COach lll' ROGER CARlSoN Of .... DtllY ~-'"" Dave Brown has been named ·bead ba.sketball coach al Fountain Valley High School, succeeding John Kuser, the DAi'· LY PlLOl' teamed exclusively today. Kasser relinquished duties to enter private business. · ' Blown coached !he highly .Uccastit junior vlJ'Slty !or the · pall two years, winning the Irvine League champlonahlp in 11111 tlld flnlJhlng third this past campaign. In 'II the Barons were 21-4 lncludin( 14-4 In league action. They ""'" IH in 11169. Brown came lo Fountain Valley arter coaching wellflt dlvblon ba.sketblll 1t BtllfloWer and Plooou hiih f1Cho911, lie began his ba.sketblll career 11 !Udoodo Beach High School 'llhere ho was an all-Bay Leque pertonnu. •• a senior, averaging U points per lamt. After two Ylll'I at El Camino COUeg1 ho transferred to Ctl State (Long -) where h< lettered twice. · BroW11, who'll be 17 In eartY· April, Is man1ed and bu one daughter. ,, ' -----·-- l l_ JI DAILY PILOT UPllGHT SWING IN HEAW aclUGH S.tur&y, Mm 22, 1969 J OPEN DAIL}' JO.JO; SVN., JO i. COSTA MESA ONLY ' ~·m:Nil"' SPECIAL i»11cEs Fo1. sDnlY, MARcli · n;lr -A.1~ ro: 1''r.M. WHILE -ouANr1r1·Es · \ ; . ' -, I T) ) .~ ~ I • • "' I ""' ' ' j;===' =====:::::;:::;::=ii::::::===·~'=::;-1 Your Club thoiJ Id . lih jic~lt, on th• bocksw;rw (No. 1 and c1o-• sc..,.j .i..ply lo th• l>oll on the do-;rw (No. 2). · Mak• thfs uptight sWing easy by r•lfnh•ril'lg ta. k-.p most cf yaur;,w a i.gbt .on your left_,foot throughout yaur.swing, SOper stock drag racing cars will ..be the prime aUraction todi)rt al Or""i' Cowi'7 Area ·Prep Gymnastics International Raceway. The Na~ Hot Rod AisoclaU00'1 '$17,000 pui'se \vu1 draw the country's swiftest super stockers to the modem county fClrag· Center. · Roni wilJ ._send a talented ;irrq of dri~ers.!Q 9<fl1l with ·hopes of adding ibe (op moiteJ at Orange County to r!Cent earnings won al La! Vegas wii\.i1n.1er 10, M1v111r l'f\'a. Jcrd111 and Riverside. ' "''· The Ford team will ' consist R ... -l, ~· (WJ !. llnlclf" fMI i; o•Nern 1w1. T1m1 -•.2. o( Tom Stafford, Fullerton; Tllll'blint -l, Tie ti.,_.,, Mtl .... n '--p .., __ _ IWI t1111 KnlllW.-IM)' -11.' Sl\OWIMll ikh l"C:"" llit,_ •' ftUAllU:I; t' Ed 1J1. lio1rm -1 .. 1. .. T•""' Hayward R d LcilW Hol'H -1 1.· Mcl'•wl (Wl r?>1 • ; an Y 1. ....,.. tJl a. l 1-1M1. "°"'" Pflyne. Atlanta, and Richard -H~ 1J. -'· v""w11c1 1w1 2. Wood, Hawthorne. ,,..1') ci1 1 ...,..,_, cw1. kW• Chrysler's task force will -F1~ <l"•tttttt -• 1. McF111 1w1 include Bill B a g s h aw , io,~a;; ... <AtU s. ,~n1caa1• rwi\t loglewood; Bob.Lambeck, ~~...., -'· ~ iwt Honywood· Joe Fisher '· :Sf!ii~·~··ftiil !, 0 111 fJI. '"°'"" M . ' d Wil ·c . ' -·'QC!· ,. • onrov1a, an ey ossey, P 81n -t Ive,._, (WI n... < ' '· 1,1 tMJ l . Mu-CWJ., ·cumona:. P•'"" -11.. Amencan Motors entrants ' Sunday Only 27'"x48'" CARPET P,IECES Reg • .2.84 ',,,. ', ~'\ .,,._·.'I . • ' -.. 1 ~96-.' •' • ' I • " •, ' . . ia<a1 (or.,... ~...,-,.. the house. Buy 1everal and -Charge It! ; • ~ ~ ·' . . ' ~ ~· •' ' . 11.r .. 1 -1. J~ !Wl 1. Movunu ii ....., n.. K 1w1 i. ~tt ..,L~11u1 ,'"" 1r wF .,.. "1've ,em pl on ·1~~;,~·~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ta ""'1-.,:~t Analiltrft ,(read!:a, and Shirley Shahan. ,_ """ ..... -J.:_\.J,¥,,.,..11e !Al "Avrolel's ho-• r-~-wllh '· 1(11:(.rar tAJ I. 8111Wflet-(A), Tlm11: ~UC ,..... ~~ ~-~~lr111 .-1• Pletrqt tAJ ~-5o1111 Paul AllhOUS..,: Monrovia; Ji~ ·· fA! :t J. W•llW 1cl'. 1"0lnt1: u .t. Baker, Santa Ana, and Bill l -llone -1, '$01r.e IA) 2. M h G de G J. '<illdtl' 1c1 ~' c1"'tie11 <AJ. urp y, ar n rove. Polntl, n,1. f. Qualifying for the super Har'llDnfal tllr -, l. J. Wilder •-Ak be · t • · IC) '· 50llM tAl '· Al'ldl•llO'I !A). SW\; ers gins a r.p.m. Po~~: ·!~!rci.., _ 1• J. wilder !Cl A top.flight field of A-gas 2. P"""-(A) J. AnOerson CA), Points: $Upercbarged entries Will be 11:ieie Nne _ 1. Mdt•to11 IAJ ,_ lhe companion feature, with P. Mel,..... ·cci i. Ho11111... cc>. 15 of lhe cars on hand Polnlt.: 1:a.r. . · f'1Nrii1 ti.ra -1. J. Wilder 1c1 Eight souUlland drivers are ioin~Q.C.f4 .1J., ~ tAJ. ticketed for appear~: Skip CA~":'~JiAr.'':=ts<:C~J. So1111 Hess, Temple City; Bones .....r. 1UY11 flWIJ ""-•• Balough, Inglewood ; J o h n 11:--1, · JfflDblorl IN! '· Stn1111 Lombardo, Downey; Terry IN ) '· ,..,. .... 00. Tlmt: '·'· R H rd E . L0111 -.. -1. P11t•"°" IMI ose, aywii ; r n 1 e i .r""m•,IHI i. Stii.men IMI. Polnta: Nicholson, Los Ange 1 es; T.,... -1. ~"' IMl t. Junior Thompson, Norwalk ; ~,~....,.,. CHI :a. Rei IHI. l"olnb: Ron Bizio, Bellflower; Manuel Hlifl N• -1. IE•1lm1n (NI 2. Herrera Montebello and Ltll tMI J. Corru CMI. Polnfl: ,... .... ~--'---B 11n' 10.1. , \.lary 1.n:.1.~u;uu. e ower. Floilr u -1. ~Oii (Ml '· Biz" th lost A 1111 4HI J . ...,_.,. !N). f'tllnti: ii.1. 10 won e -gas skM 11orM -1. e.o. 1N1 2. 1te1 supercharged race at OCIR. INJ J. 'tor,._ IMI. Pollll'I: lt.J. P1r~lltl bera -I •• P111.1nl !Ml lee! fMI lftd 1111 (HJ. f'olntl: 11,,. IUfltl '-1. Smllll .tN! 1. Corr11 IMI 3, Lffl fM)._.,..: 12.1. Prep Tenni~ ..... """ ""'' ... "''· ' It--,<t Sil!ltll •'(.Hl t. Se.ell ISi l. ~ (N!. Tl""': '··'· Versify L-llOi"W -1. lMltdln ISJ 2. Nt WHrl (UI 1111 SA Yslltf T~ !I) J. Mellltt IN). Paints: 1"-ltt '3.,. ()git IN) won H, H, U , M . Tuf!'bll111 -1. l. ... den IS) 2. H1r1 IN) won '-2; 6-0. H...,,,..,., (N) 3. SW. (SI. f'alnts: P1rlno ~Nl WDn W. H , H. IS.•. ~ at'lld< (N) _, l-0, U. HIA..tllr -I. a..mt111 t. Worthen '*'''" (SI J.1Wll11111 ISJ. f'tl'lftftl lt.S. C1111nlnell1 fnlnd Cll1rta 00 w:c'll 'l'rW U -I, l.9nf0t11 ISi 1. '4, .... lttl IHI 3. Stnelf ISi. Points: 11.J. P1Je1 1...i Ou'91n fNI won t-0, Silt flo(M -1 •. Tie w-~ ltd! .. 1. INI flMI llaz CN)o ~ lncfl ISi. --'----------1! Polntl; ,n,. • f'1rl\leol bin _,• l. flt1 INl 1. 8etcfl ISi S. ~ .. ISi. f'olnl1· 1~-1. ;. . Rl"fl -1. Smlffl !NI 2. 8e1cfl ISi J, Tit betwnn 81111« IHI t•ICI SI. C"1r IHI. Points: 1'-1. We Cover Boating Best in West ,.... ..kw. wl ,... .............. 11 .. 1tJt . ·, CALL JOHN BAKER, (714) 675-4440 ·, ~ -I wlll .,_. -I w\11 fl•flM -Aa,,1.-. · ,. . 'tf ...... TWiii V• MPH ,.,_rtltll CflA ............. " ••.... lztl,tlt '" ~ T•lfi' 1M M .. 11 ''°''Y ........ 41iA ••••••--""'"•··· 111 .... ... ,.,, ~ • "'"" 'l .... " ....... LMllll .................... ,,., ... ............. TWiii! .,;.,,.; ..... ' l'ifn • ......,. ................... .. ... ClilMll .,.. ~ M'91 41UH 6 f'll:ce ,. ............... ,. •• ,:. •.• t n:. '# ~ nrt. M~ Sl1 5-S-Y-llw .•...•....• ,.,,,., I ltJtt 'Ill ..... T'W • Ml"M PA 111 C-lllClll .................... ~ ••• S tt.JJI :• ................. 411,M ttt C~ ...... ~-·~···•·•:·•I,_..,.. ., ...... ,... ht 11f Ml'll :ttr Stitw~ ................. ,. I Sf.a. · .... -~ ...... -· '"'"' ~ .. •™- ~ -Sl•w hll-, t.1111 .. 0 .. -.. lllM 11tir1!1 ......,,. ,Ufft: .. 1111 .... '* fflll. .................... _,..,..,, ~ .,.. ........ -,,..._" ._l ...................... c. ... ,.-""......,," ..... ..,.,,....._. -............... Ill ....... ""'" ........ "" • .......... -........... """"' • ,., ......... At,... .. ~. •.C,. ... ft ""' .. """" fir ...................... """"' ..,. .. wr a ... ' .... Aft" .. ,.,,......., I ,..... ftf .W ..._., ff - • .... tf:fllll ..... ltll I ..... ,..,.,.,. ,..,....· s.t ·-Al .... •• .., .... , ............. _..., ................. ....... .......... £ ........ iNrptn. Twt .... Al ... .,..... .. ...... _____ u:w ................. c-. .......... .... .. ..., • -,,. ..w ....... Alneat"''.._. •• ..,. Alo ......,..,-.._.,.N Mlrlllt I Me Mft .................. Atf:'" ................ ,., ..... , .. It .............. 111111111 ·- ......... _.., -.... ~ ""' •ldlllr' ,.,.. """ ,...,., ...... ' ... ., • t'f ....., ... '""' "" ..... ,.,... ..., -.. w .,.a.J-......... ., .. " .., ........ WfR -....,... • _...., ......... ...,.., ......... ,.~ ......... ..._ ........ .. .. Ht ""'-* .,.,., ,._ .... It I ,.,h "''' 'tit tirJ>llftf r1t1tt , .... 119,'f\ .... Al. ,...,. .,,..,,,..., "Jin. T .. ,.,.. wlltl lllllltrl I'll ,....iit" ..... A4,. ...,,.. "lf'I •• ............ 11111 etwll ,,.. ~k ti ,...,. .. _..,. ...... k .. ., "' ....... ~-.... tl!'llltH 111111"'9 .... «illMto • W• ., Cntf JOHN I Alll. hi 171, c.,...., 4.t M•, C•llf, ·I Your Choice Of Pa tterns 45 PC. t,1ELAMINE DINNERWARE SET Our R eg. J 3.84 Sunday Only 8.88 Set includes: 8 dinner plates, 8 bread and but. ter plates. 8 cups, 8 saucers, 8 cere81 bbwls, 1 vegetable bowl, :.1 platter, sugar, cover, creamer • . Ll11111t11 Olllnlltln -"-_.. .. ...i.n PORTA 'PfRSoNAl FILf 'HOlDS 800 PWs Suietitit oiil1r ONr JCq, 'J;H 1.47 SIUUI .. Otdw Handy file.come. With~ fold<ra, -·-han-dle and bakEd enamel tm1sh. Just A7 "Chann.· IL" ___ ..., ................. ! s_._.li °"1' .. SPORTS SHIRTS ~BOYS ,ARf DACROtr COTTON ' " , Our 'fie;. J,ff ., ' . • · Clt•rt.• }I . ' , · 1.44 . . .. ' " • Comes With Harnly E ectric Outlet 3 TIER UTILITY TABLE ' IN AVOCADO ' . . Our Reg. 3.79 su.iday on'iw 2.87 30" high, sturdy steel utility table with bandy 3-way electrical socket, 3 shelves aDd roomy 15x20" table top. Rolls easily on casters. Attractive avocado green or white finish. JdeaJ for both kitchen or utility room. Just Charge It. Sunda11 Onl11 81/2x11 1/2 ROOM SIZE RUG ..eg. J3,88 10.88 ·Nylon pile with foam rub- ber tiacking. Assorted colors . ALBBITO vo-s· ' SHAMPOO Ill 1'5--0L BOTnE • • Dlsee tbtt Priee 96c s ..... °"'" 15-oz. &be Alberto VO· 5 ahl.nwoo for rerular Mir . Rich ·--.. """ hakt do what YOU want It to. ....... ---------~~----~----------------------- .·">* i(.4 l~;l "· 60% PoJyes ter, 40% Nylon ; • .WAS>i~AND-WEAtr WHITE UNIFO~M.51 Our Reg. 5.87 io >f. r('Ji. 6 .31 "fl.Oil· Suntlay Onl11 . . ,• ; -!, ~I • Sheath styles. A-Jines, shirtwaist:(,.s~(·,· for nurses, beauticians, waitresses~~s ~; HI'.! -241'.t·. Charge It. . ' .-t BEACON HEATING PAD Our' Reg. 2 .99 Su11day Only 1.8~ ' ' Quality Beacon heating heats, lOOo/o wet proof "Charge It" . pad With 3 fiir.S construction. Ju$ ' I I I FIBERGLASS GOL l STARTER SET ' ·. R eg. 34.97 ~un. Onl11 " \ 24.88 BOYS"COTlOI ' CREW SOW HAVE · RIBED ToPS Our Reg. 3 for 18e 3for66c SNIMla!f Onl" Boys' popular cotton er"' socks have libbed toP1 -.-.1th eLaatlc throughout. .Black. white, colorL 6'ifi ·10 . ' • \. ,. "I ( ., PRICE WAR :~DIStQUNT $800 1 TMU WllKIMD OflLY ROADRUNNER HEADQUARTERS 'FOR ORANGE ' C!¥fNTY • VOLUME S!WNG MEANS OWMI SAYIH(;S ~ $23 MO. 511. '66 Belvedere , .. $1017 $36 *,:i.'6 ' Alllamdle, .......... Plttlw. IU!l.M). 1'111 • DH MO' ' • -15 Mrlh dttallll "*' ' ' -FULL PllCE • ' · ~ '&5 Pont Graad Prix $1 on $36 * $36 ¥..a. r'H11, OIMtlc. p~ . • a. br11tn.. ~ti..~Go.u1,_ nlLL PRICE DN. MO .. '·i ;~J!~·~,==ll1l? $!~ * !!~ '87CHEY. Clmaro $1277 $43*$43 2'n v"".1. ~l:t....., .._' c.-.. , ---MO """' ••-· FULL PIKE ~. • ' . ... 1.82. , •• ;. ........... ...,.. ....... frlPI 1TL ' ·al~TQYOTA (~ °""" w--. Jl:adl1; ......... IVf llf. . . : .~ . -···· .. $477.. ~!; •.. ~$617 . : ..... $1~ * $1+ ,21 *· $23 · DN. M?f . DH. MD. 66 v.w. • -.cl. rad!• & tie1t11r. 11t.:UC·tl'tl ~ s~n Full , .. 1~ , ,Price4· ' ... $29 * $29 •. DH. MO. . ' '85 v.w. 4 .... fd, rlldlo, ~Wiii', '·It.GU 111. $]17 ' $2' * $26 DH. MD. '83 PL YIOUTR PUr'I 2 dr. H.T lt.1dlll, M1Nr, 11/11 .. IKlflW 111111'. 1£\'C_.I '86 v.w. ·:-$977· ~.::.·: $29 * $29 . DH. ·MO. '. '63 v.w. 4 sPff(I, r1dlo, hul1r, budr.'1 , .. ts. !G IO *"I $577 'ULL Pl I Cf $19 * $1, DN • MO: .. '83 DODGE . Oart Q.T. 2 door 1!1rctto.. Avli. 1.'419. .... Ill' FJT Ml., $477 Fu.II . '"" . $16 * $16 DH. MO: ' ' ' • . . 4 ..,, fvllw .MPt. wllfl 11J"fflll 'c~,..,. llPlllFY artnl illctl.llille P'ull ~. Air· tW., A'*""91k Ilk. S«iel NoJ, ((41GK:l.a6 ~~, Ql'iROirl S6J7 $23 * $23 Ir~ "aw.t11e ""'llbu sDN. v.1, AT -11.H ON MO l W pl Str:.1tlCIZ l21. . fUll PlJCl . • . : . '64 y;ain1 . ~11 .· $3~ ~ $33 .. ~m I *· /'llff!ll(llAulamlfk, rMle. ftMlw,. J>. . ,.,,... • Q • ..... ~ ~-llnkll. ,. ....... FKt. Air. . ~ M (OLG Ull F\11. PllCE : , . " M fUlt .,,._ •11111111 '1. nc:a.... j • ~ ~"-~ "'!'·fll·~ ........ ~ ...-ii! f. ' • ' " .. . t : I • • I I ' I• DAll.Y PILOT .. ._,,Mlrca:U.1969 , . Hello, there, boY11 ud prb, ud ... 1come to our !Int 1pri111 column in Unc)e Len's COfner. 51r1ng, ., you know, also muns a place where you get water, and we've got quite a bit ao far thls sprin1. But cheer up, the rain can't la.st too much longer~ it? alOOSING A winner in our gpringtlme art contest Wa.J quite a tut today, aOO Uncle Len woukl like to commend Unie top runner&-Up. They are Douglas Blad:, I, of Costa Mesa; Linda Crouch, ~· C-oela MeS&, ud T.,_ COmild, 710, Huntington Beacll• • ' (I v 'lb~··· ruJ trett,!n .... !or J'OU tllil weekerii!, . ~ and girls. The Chiklrtn'S ..,,...... Guild d Newport,.,...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--i Harbor Is preaeotlng • play called "Half Put Late in Wonderland" at Colta Mesa * PRJZE WINNER * High School. 1be play goes This week's contest winner is Michael Daymon, 10, i · oo today aad ~· one! alao 1645 Palau Place, Costa Mesa ::/' ~e:e:~ ~ have a ,',. ' , ~ )' J/.ny cblld under 12 can.enter Uncle Len's Art Contest Here's all you !-liWe run in tbe art contest, do: ) Draw picture on (rl.ece or plain, white pilper 51h inches wide and :· becouoe Ille 1Ubject will be 4 inches deep. Use black ink and mai:e lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace :: (no fooling) April Fool's Day, picture. It mu¢, be lour own work. (3) Put your name, age and address ' which b juat around tbe c0<· on back of drawing. Mail it to U~ele Len's Art Contest, Box !560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mua: Winnef Will receive Kennedy half dollar. i. I ner. SAILING THE KITE At the beach 'Ibe kite sails too But the whale can't see For be is under water And the kite Is lqb above;. I bold lhe string Ami never Jet go, The kite goes everywhttt, Lookjpg down On my blowirig hair. -1.,,,..., C*ll. .. NfwMtt ..... SPRING Spring II I !Wiily thing, -""""t with no -~ Flies in tbe air Sometimes we care, !Ukelheti<es HONORABLE menUon win· ners la this week's art contest are: Kevin Bond, 9, Costa mesa; Lynne Thomas, 8, Irvine; Crail 'lbomu, 5, Irvine; Joe.h Peasley, 9, Seal Beach; Tim Peteilen, 9, Costa Mesa ; LyM Brotemarkle, 7, Newport Beacb; Leah Veverka, 1., Tustin, ahd Diane Jones, 7, Newport Bead>· But not lhe beeo. • _,...,.., .. •-'-" c..t•"""' -----Ca,4,'6 . Corne,----- ::..-----5P-R-IN_G _____ ., RIDDLES . AND JOKES ' i .. Spring is beautiful, spring ls gay, Spring is the time children play; \Vben spring comes the leaves change color, But spring never makes things duller; Sometimes in spring people say '1Good morning, have a nice day"; People, dogs, cats and. mice Love apri.ng lite Orientals love rJce; The sky in spring is alway! bright blue And everything smells (re sh and new, So when the it:faaon iS spring don't despair Go out and smell the fre!h air. A It......,. ..., ..... r -1't Gllll LllMetelll, 11, 111 Vln-¥1 ..... C..h MH11 ..,. ... wlllll .... Mino ill Ille .,.IT n4I ....... _,..,. Mell YWI' -., ,,...., M UMll .......... INI. Cftl1 Mui, CIUI, Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 14 Color YHt•daf's P'un:lt SolYed: llt.M.C.or '5 Begin to dtc1Y, •s ' west Point lu11htr studesit '' Religious ...... bodr 11 Card 51 lmptdes: 14 Dwell 2 words 15 Russian 60Ar11y htro omcer 16 Volunlffr: 63 lluslcal Abbr. PllSlgt: 17 Conledmtr Colloq . Stltts "Rpgulus• prnident consltll•· 11 Vtlmns ti on ]/22/69 20 North •1 Prlnctn A•trlcalt In Gt •. l 0 Lint flt11ly 36 llechanic 1I Cl(litll 111ylhology ll Loulsl1n• bird 22 San hit ,, _ -tht holt: Island 37 Old playing 23 Tiit ORt *1cf 2 wurds 12-Gables card tht Oth!f 69 TiMtllblt l J Martha 31 Uakt very :ZS Part of 1bbrtvl1tlo11 Flnlty '"'!.' flown 70 Brief look s htr0lnt 40 Ra ar 21 Bttr •adt 71 Contt 19 "Llttlt Wl!Chtr'S at one togtth• lomtn" concm; bftwln; ch111cte1 Colloq . 29.Trte OOIN 21 OWtlll'l,t 41 Bulrush 30 Spread unit: A r. <44 lnslnctrt 47 Crowns * ' PRIZE Dear Cli>:ol : A man called the doctor because he swallowed too many asplrll\!. Wh.at did the doctor tell him to do! • WINNER 11., puo ·Su!UJOW • ., .. U! •w IU!J!dlit 0°"' •>ll'l !JtMIUV -'""'""" S.h'Y, n, m w. 1111111., --lldattC~ro!: Why did the chicken cross the road, then walk back across and roll in the mud? •JessoJ:> •1qnop Aµ1p • ••M 9'f ••n•ag :JeMsuy -Mic,..,._ lcelt, 11, C11!1 MIM Dear Carol: I( an egg came floating down the Mississippi River, where would it come from? t,U•'t • wo.1::1 :.1eM.1uy -Tllet<t ... l111try, 11, C.1!1 M9H s...,... ........... A.Wr. c/e Or...,. C.-Ny n.r, lu 1 liO, C.n ...... Ceflf. An<l'I' s1nd1 1 »volume 1tt of lh• W...W lwll •11erc..,....l1 "' Din Wlllelm. 1111 12. of Plt!Jbu.,h, P.-.mr1v11111, tor hl1 •1111llol'I: he knew did not exist. When he N!turntd to normalcy, Hof· mann realized that hill fan- tastic hallucinations had beeo caused by the drug. PEANUTS PERt<INS JUDGE PARKER MOON MUWNS TUMBLEWEEDS THIS MONTH;TllE covmq BLACK FEATHER GOES 'Ill OUR TRIBAL HISTORIAN! ll4AT BUSY 6ACK- WOOOS BUFF OF BYGONE BOON?, . BOO-BOOS ANO BUFRlONERIES!- ANN.VTIC ANTEl.OP£, I llM'E '100 INPIAN OF THE MONTH! Mun AND JEPF ""'"' 1 Rogue 32 V1sstl 2 Near East 34 Bird fabric thtlltf l Golfer's 23 E1tlblishtd 24 Noted 48 Breakfast McGill Utm efOftSIOI 50 Atlstocralic 2• Amy 51 las wning What doe1 LSD consist of? Many of the world's drugs are special planl products, and sometimes t b c difference between a useful drug and a poison is merely 1 matter of dosage. LSD happens to be hundreds and e v e n thousands of times more po- tent than some other drugs. The tiniest speck or dose may be disastrous. Since that time, qualified researchers have investigated I the effects of LSD o n thousands of palients. They agree that th e mysterious hallucinogen drug does indeed send the mind orf into a world of its O\Yn. It may be a world of wondrous sights and sounds: l~~~~~~~']::::: ~ and sensations or a nigbtmart J realm of fantulic fear, panic and gha11Uy borrqrs. 1n any case, the patient has no con- trol over these hallucinaUom -and, in some cases, he may be unable to ttturn to 31 llarlnt fish cone em: "4Z Prl•t 2 words Minister 4 Illa: Piaf TNd•,. S SUbJtct to •r one cuptllalion •l v.., bad 'Wfddln9 ., ••tfigf dtclralion ri"'' '"" • .C& ftClent 7 Alllad by dllPOeC tlodrtd ftlnts IComttUYI .Ct lnlh• 9Y"'"j •an'• word r:::~· 50 IOJ's.-OlllCI l • offenst : 51 Fool Abbr. ~J Part of ZJ ~t1fl1n the body •ll.fasctst 55 Poor lt•d• stud111t 30 F•ed 57 Sloplng WQ Eo&Hsb 59 TIWl.,d ~ er '1 Rher In n 111111.,, SeoU•• D ft·I · '2 Chftllal •&n•u: suflht Abbr. U Off Rtri't :SS Lttltr 65 N•bet the rea1 world. Resurcllera rusped that LSD imitates one of the chemicals that the brain uses to transler sianaJs between nerve endings. It Cannot con- vey the sane ind senaible signals or the real worlci.., but it can fuoJ the brain lnlo thinking its balluclnations anri real. Both miJxl and body PfiY a ten-Ible penalty for this kind or chemical . trickery. The nervous systtrn may become ptnnane'11ly conMecl • n d GORDO ' ly Charles M. Scliub --·--·.,.. ly John MOes ly Harold Le Daux l.Of<D f' WMAT'S THIS WAS ""WAYS SUCH s.w.A.H. oN AGoNHoMAN! : 'TM'B,ICKOF1H' ENVECOP5 MEAN? By Tom K. Ryan TEU.ME,ANALVTIC, Ol! PALWHEN f,:_....,;;;-:,,.,.;;_~--:::::::::-1 YOU RECOOD THE HISTORY OF OUR B\DYEDTRIBE,WHO ... WHO WIU. VOU NAt/IE 1'S THE GREATl'Sf CHIEFCf.°'ENI ALL? -- V"" FIRSr, GIVE METHE FEATHER By Al Smith B8 LSD is short for lysergic acid diethylemide and the first acid.head wu the fellow who accidentally discovutd it . He was a Swiss chemist named Albert Hofmann and b i s fateful diacovery occurred in lMl. For generaUons people had used ugot, a fungu1 that growg on rye plants, to relieve mi&raine headaches and stop bleeding from gushing wounds, Witches of olden days al so added ergot fungus along with frogs and spiders and other assorted items to their bair- ralsing brews, Hofmann was e 1pe rimentl nr with a chemical compound of era:ot called lyaerllc ocld. H• added trices of other molecules and oomehow • lltUo ol bis latdUI brew WN abtorbed by his symm. MoYbe be licked a finger, moYbe It entered throucb lhe p<ftS of his Jtia. disorganized, onc1 the p•lient MISS PEACH m.ay oubltltuto hla world d r.:;;;;;-;;;.:=:;~-~-'7~~:---.--r----------'"""-,,.---..::.!C...::=-.; halludn1tionl for the ruJ Jtf:'A:::.O~ AAM, C~LATIONS,HtA(lCIA} 4 ' In any cue, AJbtrt was to0n a very sick rt.St!archer, Jle hid a diuy ape.II and felt too confv.Jtd to ao on with hts tats. So be went home and got lnlO bed. But thlnas aot worse. ltli body ltU into • sort of drunken stupor but hls. mind stayed wide awake. He uw nightmares ol lan- wllc abapol one! colon that • • I world. Often he trlta to CCNTSiSTf M~i.:=p ON WWn"&ASIS P IP'\'IOUWNIT!° J)frsuade others that hls FIRST ~ILi!. •.. befuddled mind bu the ooJu. tlons to all human Ills, Saddest of all, dAmage may bt done to bis unborn children. Mankind has been using tht dniis and poisons ol the plant world for 1 c e s . The hallucinogens are not new. But LSO b the most poten~ perhaps because U w 11 formul1ted with tht kno1'-how ot modern cbemlltrJ• ·--~- WHO WON IT! :t WALKEP AWAV W !TM IT .•• • ·····------~----------------.-------------~~.,. 16th & Tustin -Cost• Mes• ADULTS Most hbmes are built with only children in mind. We have five homes designed for the comforts and fun of adults. Beautiful to look a~ •. room fot hobbies, private office, separate dining rm, guest room with bath, 3 car ga- rag~. walking distance to churches, WestcliU shopping, and restaurants. 1% with 2W. down -7¥2'1. with 10-/. On. no 2nd1 -no points .:.... 29 yrs on bal•nce Priced from $30,950 to $33,950 Exclusive At/"' p. a. palmer incorporated 3377 VIA LIDO Tr•cl Ph: 540.Slll From L.A. C•ll MA s.I034 Family And Business!!! UNDER ONE ROOF! This hom,. ha.! everything you could hope for. 4 Bedroon1s, or con\.-ert·4th bedroom into den or dining room. Two ful l baths, laundry area inside, built-im. P!Us huge pooJ with lots of decKing, The young Ql'Cs can swim while Dad runs the store. 1.oning per- .m il& almollt: any kind of bus. J.nesa on property. Hurry!!!! Just listed!! Won't last!! Full price $25,500. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2043 Westcliff Dr. 646--rnt ,•' Open Eves. BAYSHi>RES BEAUTY Come see this large 4 BR 3 bath separate dining room, patio & boat yard, Only $55,000 2622 Vista Drive, NB Ope n Sunday 1-5 Pres. Nixon if you don't like the castle in L.19una , you m i ght 5ee these ''Mansions" in Mesa Verde. Colonia l T~ early American de- sign perfect for sum· mer white ho~. 5 Bed- room, pooJ, pool house & close to the golf L°Olll"Se. Only S58.500, New Listing Jmmaculat,, 4 Bedroom, 2 story, huge fa n1ily & living roon1 -both with Jireplacc. lmprc!tSlve ~ntry. lush landscaping & many extras $45,50(), Split Level })l'pcricJlC!e life in Utt• suburbs! 5 Bedroom, beautiful grounds, built in bar and spacious cor- ner lot. PriCt'd $47,!riO. . DON'T BE MISLED By FANCY ADVERTISING CLAIMS!! DeLANCY REAL ESTA TE has participated in t ho sa:e of $2,559,820 worth of properties •inco January I, 1969. This means you get results when you list you Hom• or Apartments with us. We offer personalized service along with modern advertising. If you are interested in SELLING your Homo, ce ll us for ·• pr1>- fassional appraisal of its value. We need more properties to se:I! The re's onl y one catch! When you list with us you 1d better start packin9 ! We now offer the followinlJ excellent properties for your inspection: 223 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar ... $119,000 One of the three finest Homes in the heart ol Corona del l\1ar -only steps to the Main Beach or Little Corona. Large tree shaded lol wih Badminton Courl 4 Bdrms, 41h baths plus Captains Cabin fan1ily room c:omplete with Pool Table & Bar. 336 Cherry Tree Lane, NB ....... $54,950 ~1ore Home for the money than can be found anywhere! 5 Bdrms -4 Baths -Family Rm plus huge Game Rm. A MUST SEE for the large family! 2716 Windover, Corona del Mar ... $69:950 OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12·5 Hard to find Broadmoor tri.Jevel 4 Bdrm - Family Room Home with decorator line wall· paper & drapes. Sparkling new and clean! •527 Tremont, Corona del Mar , . , $13,500 All encompassing Ocean View plus a beauti- ful swimming pool \\•ith this custom built 3 Bdrm & den Be a u t y in excl usi ve Cameo Shores. For Income Buys: -433 Morning Canyon, Corona del Mir $49,500 61 1 lo.ark1pur ~:; BR. 2 bath + 1 BR .. $42,500 You own the land! •60xl 15 feet -R-2 View 306 Iris~ · lot, 3 Bdrm + hu ge family Rm. 2 BR Home + 3 BR. 3 BA Unit .... $65,000 CALL 673-3770 AND ONE OF OUR COURTEOUS, PROFESSIONAL SALES STAFF WILL BE HAPPY TO SHOW you THESE FINE HOMES 2828 E. Coast Hi9hway Corona del Mar 673-3770 Satll'day, Marcl'I 22. 1969 ' DML~ PILOT HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 Gene r1I 1000 Gtntr1I 1000 Baycrest Areo ';~u".'.t~m~;~ .."w~;;-,: * OPEN HOUSES * 11'1ade t:ree1 and beautllul shrubl. A thick shake roof 2215 lrvlM Ave . 1707 AnHguo W•y BaycNlt adds eiepnce and charm (cor. of Heither) to this spacious home will) Open Sit/Sun 1-S huge-back yaJ'd in • park· 4 Bdrm split-level honle like atmosphere!!! ~' with delightful pool & Open S•l/Sun 1.S Attractive 5 Bdrm 4 bath home with lovely pool. Choice dirtrict. Don 'l mis! this me. ~roomK, Queen iu~I t' p . I hed baths, and t~nitic all rlet.'-pa 10. r1 c e . Sas tric built-in kitci\tn . .stt to-$5000 for qwck sale. day! S43.00'.l. Su bmit your Immediate occupancy. iunaUl.'t home on cur a:uaran-Sl 9 El Mod tee snle plan. . .•n• 2006 Holid•y Rood Baycra t WE SELL A HOME Newport Heights EVERY 31 MINUTES Open S•t/Sun 11 -4 Open S•l/Sun 1.5 Unusual 4 Bdrm home in excellent JoCalioo. Owner moving East. W lk & L Neat home. Good lot & a er ee 1 O·C a ti On. Ideal for 2043 ·Westclftf Dr. couple. '"'m1 °""" E"• jERRY FREUD • CHARLES ARNOLD Unbelievable But True East.side Costa Mesa horn' witr add@d 600 llQ. ft, pan· REALTORS 388 E. 17th Street, C.M. 646. 7755 eled fam, nn. with rock l!J!!!!!!! fireplace, expanded rnute1· bath with custom fixture5,l 'G~•::n::•;:ra=I=============~ added room oU garqe al· [I ready plumbed for bath. plUg l large bedrooms and 2 baUis on a 135 ft, deep lot. Au It needs is paint but al $23,500 you'd · better horry. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 64M4M Take Over 51/4 GI Loan Only $136 Per Month \\itbout qualifying 1or this BIG 3 BEDROOM. 2 Bath home. CARPETS & DRAP· ES! Roomy kitchen and diB- lng with load1 of cupboards & BUILT INS on quiet street of TOWERING S H ADE TREES like back home. Gracious back yard living with full grown Jo' R U 1 T TREES. $136 prr n1onth pa,Yl! all. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: Comeo Shores Oceanfront OPEN HOUSE -SUN l·S 4549 BRIGHTON RD. View of channel & boats. 2 BR's, Den w/Frplc. &. wet bar. Formal Din. RM. Lrge. inner patio. Room for pool & addl· tions. 3 car garage ............... $159,000 Cathryn Tennille Colifornia UvinlJ & View Th is magnificent 4 bedroo~ "U" shaped home brings the outdoor & wdoor beauty together. Formal dining R~-3 bath, pool w/Jaccuzi. 3 car garage asking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. $86,500 Mary Lou Marion Lido Isle Family Home ... Gene ral 1000 General 1000 G•nerel 1000 Gener1I 2790 Harbor Blvd. al Adama 1000 545-9'191 55' frontage in great location near tennis courts. beaches, boats & club. 5 Bdrm 'f!/ extra Lrg. Liv. RM & lovely south patio. Absentee owner needs to sell. Offer PEl=ll=lON ' ,J ... --..~ ... 1'197 Orange, Costa Mesa ~ 642-1771 Anytime * Don't Be Fooled!! By bi&' names that take your ' Usttng and just sil on it. \VE take only liltings on homes we believe we can ""· OUR GUARANTEE TO YOU IF WE cAN'T SELL IT · GIVE IT BACK TO THE INDIANS!? ! ! With this ad we'll sell your home for 49'~. "MR. REAL ESTATE " Harry A. Boc.llJs ,.,...,, ---OPEN SUN 1 • 5 302 7th St., H.B. Home With Oil Income Lovely 2 br "ti th fam. nn., din. rm, 2 bath, 1600 sq. lt. 2 blk& to ocean. AJJ oil righta ineluded. Take time to stop buy. ----'1 ;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;:II tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij~ 1---------\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Open Eves. cLAs 1000 . . • . I• Four Bedrooms-'~ii~::r;.; ~TH EUREKA! INTERESTING $19,500 3 BR & POOl .................................• $79,500 thls home is located in Yes we've found it for you. O,PEN1 HOUSES ~fove into this large family norUH;ast Costa Me~. near A Costa P,iesa 3 BR 2 bath. SAT/SUN 1 . 5 P.i'IJ. home today!! Clase to shop. shoppmg. schools with ea.sy HARD\VOOD FLOOR oor· :f:' ping, 11c¥<>1s and chutchefi. access lo fteew&)'ll. With ho Sharp' Sharp' NJ::\VPORT HEIGHT / Thisone•,f·on't Jasl!!!!! $15.1 llt'w carpeting, c o v e re d ner ml'!. · · 4 BR, 4 BA. &: F · ~-per monpt Includes tax's patio, double pnage it's a $21,990 lightful Bay View. $$(IO dn. and lnsuta~!!! ONLY $700 "must see" priced at $22,000 P.S. (}.vne:r will sell lo veter. * 700 KINGS ROAb * DOWN Total ca.sh requil'f'd! ! name your teims. FHA VA ans with $fiOO down !--clos-WE SELL A HOME or assun1e high 6% GI loan. ing costs. BAYCREST : EVERY 31 MINUTES ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 64M494 Newport •I Vic!ori 1 646-1911 ' BR & F"""'· Country Walker & Lee French 11tyle. $4200 rin. *1931 TRADEWINDS* 20C \VestcJH.r Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. This beaul.ilully landsca~ home on corner lot !eatures • double fireplace, outdoor BBQ. solar heated pool, t:K- lra larie bedrooms. Hurry this ork' v.:on 't. last. $30,750 WE'VE SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST ISLAND CHARM Hawalian plantings & Tiki hut, tarre patio for outdoor ente.J;l.ainill&'. 3 lxlnns 2 baths, separate dining room. Best section of \\lestclill tor only $47,950. Roy J, Ward Co. (Baycrest OUict I lS<t! Santiago Dr. 646-1550 WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 21 x 30 Rumpus Room with a Giant fil'eplact & Bar that seat& 8 • A 4 bedroom + family room, 2500 sq. feet all totaled. A 75' x 200' Jot, A 20' x <10' work shop for $29,950. You Can! 546-2313 646-11n TiiE REAL ESI'ATERS 4 BR HOME 2 baths, family room, double garage. R-4 ZOflf' 17th Street Shopping area. Can build 2 or more unlta. $24,950. Leon Vibert, Realtor 548-(688 anytime Mrs. Harvey Westcliff OPEN HOUSE SUN 1 • S • 1227 aerkshire 3 BR ., F'am Rm + Pool.+ sep fe nced play yard. Beaut. Decorated & in immac. coo. ditien ..................... _ ...... $48, 750 Joe Clarkson Westcliff-$42,500 Quality home with 3 Bedrooms and conver- tible den. 2 baths. Freshly painted and dec- orated. Lovely covered patio. Quick pos- session. Mary Lou Marion 2 Waterfront Homn Dover Shores. Custom designed . One Span- ish architecture. One traditional. Each has pier & float. Great family homes. Mrs. Rau lston View! Leose with Option Lovely upgraded 2 BR condo with powder RM, wet bar and many other extras for fine living. Best bluffs view. Immed. occu. pancy. . .................... $325/mo. \Va1ter Haase COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 2200 E. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH Kl 9.J3S1 BARN STYLE COLLEGE PARK OPEN HOUSES 1 • 5 COLLEGE PARK BARN STYLE 3 + family + pool -20's -2256 t"ordham 3 BEDROOMS $22,500 Gorgeous new built in kitchen. 1954 Monrovia Split rail fenc_e .& used brick galore lead you into this unu~ual\y charming home. J:Juge .li~1ng room with ~ed ~rick fireplace. Large family or dining room with sliding glass doors. Big kitchen with eating area & built-ins. Ex· tra large master bedroom . 2 baths. Safety fenced pool with low maintenance yard. Pticed in $20's. O\vner bougbl another -so hurry! '" OVERLOOK ING SANDY BEAC H Fantastic value. OWNER WILL FINANCE AT 7% FOR 30 YEARS. NO .LOAN FEE:s! Fixer -needs work but can be a decorators delighL Ideal for artist or 2nd home. Only $39,950. Call to se. -64:>-0303 BAYCREST -CUSTOM TRADE FOR ANYTHING Executive home. Double doo.. entry. FORMAL DINING room. SUNKEN living room with view or spanish patio. Huge famlly room. Giant liytng room. Wild master bedroom \\'ith powder room & ROMAN BATII. Owner wiU trade for HOME. STOCKS. PLANE. BOAT'! Hurry Call 645-0303 4 BIG BEDRMS. + FAMILY RM. Prime Mesa Del Mar area. Formal entry. Large living room with fireplace. Big kitchen with built.ins & dishwasher. Great family room with slldln~ glass doors, 4 family bedrooms. Jm· 1nacuJate condition. Only $32,900 . With fant as· tic terms. Dill 645-0303 UNIVERSITY PARK BEST BUY -514% LOAN Ivy covered iron gates lead you inlo a moat unusual entry. Great kitchen with self cleaning ovens. B~aklast nook & &eparate laundry. Large 28' living _roo~ with massive beams & view or green belt & bike trails. C.Ozy den with fireplace & beams. Wet bar. PaneUed guest room with fireplace & air conditioning. Take over 5~ % loan . Priced below market at only $31 ,950. Call 645-0303 EAST BLUFF SECLUSION ll ~~orma l terrazzo entry. Huge living room with used brick fireplace. fant1&o tic !ELAND KITCHEN with built-Ins & custom cabinets. Grea\ family room with sliding gl.., doors leading to covered paUo. Big master with loads of closets & private bath. Secluded pool·slu yard. Priced in mid 30's. Malte offer. Hurry. Call 645-0303 Tele hone 645-0303 28 OFFICES • CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST 2299 HARBOR BOULEVARD Tele hone 645-0303 ' -------------------------- I I I I I , I , .. ' . ·r Jt lolllY I'll.OT" ' • ~. MM!l 22, Wt i ••' t ' i" , w u flOllSALJ HOUSis f OR WOE HOUSES POil SALi , .tfc1u••.s POil SALi,.' 1:HOU~i·~·~S~PO~ll~,SA~L~l~HOU~~S~IS~FO~lt~SA~IL~l~~~~~·~'-;;.;:;;;;;~'·~°"'~;-~·~'--;~1oot~o.~;";'~·';;;;;~·~··~ .. ~ '' ~~·i~ll~·~·~~~·~-~l8~11~"~'""~~~~~-~~0:1~Cle~•~'"'~,.~1~~~~1~0-~DO~Gon~..,~ol~~~~~l~O-:llO -1000...... • 1• ~ . ... . • -r-• ·"I( I • ~ v ·FINER HOMES . !'SB RS&L BSlAl'CWS ' MES~ VERDE J IT'S . DOVIR IHORIS llAYPRONT -BeauWul ' 5 Bedroom home with pier & floot, large hoyalde temice, bandaome uterlor formal dlnlnf rm, sunny breakfast room witb Vl~w. Large master bedroom with walt·ln closet ...•••.• r ..•. , .· ••..•.•••.... (o $142,500 Shown by ppt oDly ... ,/ • '.If... • . •• I' BEACON llAY -3 Bedioom home in th!• desirable community. Private Desch, com· munlly pier, noat, tennil court. Apartment may be added. immaculate cond)tlon .. A!kinl .. "" .. '" ' ................ ' .$59,500 OPEN SUN 1-5. 26 Yawl Road, Beacon Bay . . DOVER SHORES -Panoramic View Home· situated on ¥.a acre, 5 bedrooms, large living ' rm, richly panelled family room with brick firepllce, View from all rooms1 Pristlne con· dilion ........................ $1«,500 Call for Appointment. · IAYCREST -Spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bath ·hQrne, extra large family room, 3 fireplaces, ' , , glus enclosed patio overlooking 1 wen land· scaped garden. A1any custom feature$.. Qwn· er \vill finance. at 7% interest. Only $46,500 HARBOR ISLAND -The only available home on beautiful wooded Harbor Jsland. ' ' 3 Bedrooms, study, large living ~. pi!\" & alip. Priced under cost for immediate sale. : Appl ooly ............ : ·:·.·. ,, ... ,175,000 llAYCREST ~ Beautiful I year old home, 4 Bedrooms, 21-h ~baths plus 'powder. ~m. Master Bath has terrazzo Roman tub. Family room with wet bar. 2 fireplaces, 2 self-clean~ • lng ovens, formal dinjng room. breakfast .,. room, 3 car garage. Luxurious wool carpet· ing thruout. Asking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $85,000 '1 Owner wU consiCler lease/option OPEN SAT & SUN 1320 Santiago Dr, ' ; 1 IRVINE TERRACE -Magnificent View or • • jetty Harbor and Catalina Island .• 2 Bed· I roo.;. & den, 31> baths, fonnal djning nn ! . . OPEN SUN i: 5· ... ' i535 o~iphin ~:;;.;~ ' iohn macnab~~, REAL TY COMP.ANY , , 901 Dover Dr., 'Suite 120 ' 1 • ' 642-1235 1000 Gener•I Opon Sund•y 12 • 5 106 Lind• l1le Drive 1000 A Rare Find on . W!'!r.frO..J!t,_ .. •' Just completed, lavish, 3~ BeClri>Oin, 3' Bath, single story home, 52' Jot Large spacious rooms, FinnUb sau'na, walk in closets, fully carpeted., landscaped & coinpltfe with uni· fl oat concrete slip. Priced at only $100,000. LINDA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO. BILL GRUNDY 675-3210 . GeMral 1000 Gen•r•I ' 1000 · SPANISH VILLA Re~cenl o! early C&li- fornia hacienda, this pic- turesque 2 story home has a beautiful swimming pool. brick bar-b-q, 4 large bed- .rooms, format dining rm. and a charmin&" livins rm. with tireplact acented by lmpo ...... Philippine mahoe· aey wood work, all on ~-o 'lar&e R-2 lots. See this one today. ORANGE COUNTY'S l.ARGIST ·m E. 17th St. '4"4494 RfiHef From l11es COUNT THE-ROOMS Entr'Y hall, formal dlDll:w room. kitchen, brealdut room, fonnll llvin& room with fireplace, 11:parate TV 1oom, eervlce porch, 4 BR 2 bath Executive hbme. 'Bia: eor 1oca&n. Walk to &bop- ~"" ·-·· Prlcod~ at $32.9116. _,., Westdlff ArM .Wallc to Wutdllf -' ,_,, ~ 4 BR 2\1 : bl. k UY rfti + dinu. arta. I Ai bdat·"' ldtcbt•, hdwd -· 1Jleplaet. Dbl ~· • :Amloaa SU.!!CMJ. • Rl1r • ...-or 642.-0185 I * LACHINMYER l ...... 1ced lE Sll•- 'EXCEL. COM>llMION rucr. SCU'i1I> E¥tL ~ ... , CfMll---- OPEN HOUSES· SAT.&SUN. 1·5 Bayshores 2731 BAYSHORE DR. -Pflfect fanWy ~. 5 bdntl!. 5 baths, lge, liv. rm, pl111 dln. area plus lge. sec. ond llv. room w/ fireplace -HAS EVERYTHING - $79,500. Westdiff , 1200 SOMERSET LANE - A MUSI' SEE! Beautiful 3 bdrm. 2 bath surroundina: bi1 Anthony POOL -Jwit right for young executive - $62,(!)ll. Newport Heights 401 HOLMWOOD DR. -Excellent location amot1C fine homn. 3 bdnns. tit·in'• -GOOD VALUE at Sl9,500. I Bayshores IMMEDI ATE OCCUPANCY -Enjoy ~ private btach tn thla private-eommunl~ - 3 .bdrma, 2 ...... refria, • Mlbtr ,tnclJ$35,900. "C". THOMAS REALTOR :ru w. """" -~ Ne--Ev.;- YOU o-..·e it to )'()Until to 1n. Vf'&tlpte our 4 ditftftnt trad~tn pr@Ml1. f'El(platn to callerl 1. Dil'Kl Trade 2. Warranty Trade- 3. 4~ Loan ·--- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST :m E. 17th St. 141 1"4 Oceanfronf-$57,SOO CharmltW 3 Bedroom re1l- denct in Newport on wide Nndy bl!a~0011n1 rtnt. al hJ1tory. • CHESHIRE Rul l1t1te 675·2'03 546-JJlJ • : • ' ... M6-7174 * l'OOL' ,. . ...., 'Plllflcui.r ,...... • * FORMAL DINING ROOM A, Jovely hyo. ,!lofy in uctwiv~ section or' *' ,AMIL y llOOM THE lll'Oh Verde with haurious new cpl!. Eltra· * POUR llDllOOMS • • ' • I' ,,. ... • wit ;Here ii that hard to f I n d Mell SOL large hi&h •celllnJr living room lb fcMPI· . Verde Cambridge home. Prime l<>-D dininr 100m.·· All ·o1oct. kitchen with dllh· • ·eal!on. ·M.a n 1 utru. Fyll prjce •· ... t .. ~ ' w•her II It~ rure, Pain!IY (OC)m fllCti , 05,960 •• :· ' part • like Juke. bafk i:irifJ40,1!00: • . · 4 le.ill'l,'2 h\ili --SZJ,950., Can be purcl!ased with,t l 800 4"'• ~one of the be.st f9mllv bomea at this low vrlce of $23,9M. New Elec. ·~nge, utra cabinets and covered P:"li<l .., .Rioal pride of ow0,rship at a price aAd Immediate DfCUpancy. , · · On ~vely Udo. ~si. D"ligbtfully decorated 3 bedroom tin an e'x- ''l.OYEL y CAMBRIDGE" ~y American atyle 3 BR In Col· lege Park, cul-dHaO location within easy walkinf diltanee 'to all schools . from kindergarten to OCC. Assume ~~ % loan & total pa.vmenta under • '• ·n oo mo. •'28.950. • lr' .large. 40' \ot. All eleciric built. ins in COATS & WALWE lllElLJftllr bnght cheery kitchen ~ Sunny south patio • ' IWI lllU ~ unwuf lly lo"J priced al $49,500. Terms 1491 IAKIR STREET are easy. , . "46-4141 ' .. . ', ~ Coll419e :Parl!-Cinderella ,Horne " ' I ~ COSTA MESA, CALIF. -------------- . . S-etlllntMoolm Lovely fiat \op rock root modern bu all the con- venience.. 2 blhl -tara:e sized · living room with fireplace -w/w cpta. &. drapes • MW)y painted in- terior -lorced ait heatiD& -lowly shaded patio. On- ly $24 ,950 EZ rerms. 546-5440 • THAT COUNTS!:· DlotloctlYiD ... . ' 3 bedroom·. Large·fa111ily r.oom with fireplatl' 2 baths. H•rd to find hard.w•rld. noors'. 41A%. GI Joan. $13(:00 total lii~Ndtlig everything o,n.ra1 1000 General • r • tooo , , J .. -1 v .. loth I .:..;,~~~-'-~,;.;.;~11 • or. 10% doW111,.,'!.'l~ncing,.'Yli\i W)J! see! The quality oL hls,~i~ Pil!J hi>lJl~ Ii obviow. 646;'117·1~ Open S•adaY -546-2313 1-·· -. ---·---, I rrHE ~EAL I ESTATERS I . --·---·-· ·---' 1 Costi:i Meso-foOI y.:.,, 0'iii ik~rci'l'i:; The ~ that iake. priority in a busy wnUy. libt are euily attainable with a pool, 4 Bdmt1, den, and 3 ba1hl, in. this Coeta Mesa ..... -1311.9"". O~l. PROPERTl&S WEST 1028. Bay1kle Drive Newport Beach . 675-4130 OUR 4 DIFFERENT TRAlJE 111-PROOIUMS. ORANGE COUNTY'S . ~ 1.AROEST,. · 293 E. 17th St. 646-4194 Prime Commercial i;e;..,., ... '1boo ,• ' 1000 2 NEA R WSSTCLIFF 1--------_oe_ .. _•1_1_____ $26,400. 4 BEDRM 241'.JOSQ. ft: PRESTIGE NE\V 2 BR. 11 ; balh home in Prestige hOme. 2 baths. Built. 'ENGLAND 2 s~. ,.~~e 1.lission Viejo .. W/w cplinir, In kitchen, new relrigerator. living nn. Form.. uming 1 1 ~-,..... doubl• ''"'' . Corner 19th " Pomona, C.!\1. next to 18 story bldg, Five stores ful ly Jea.sl!d at ;toos/ mo. Potential unlimited. $110,00> F /P • 29 % doWn &. owner 'vill carry 1st TD. Genco Rily Co. 642-~2'2 o. ~ 4 1lR. bit-ins, 1rp ce. andM:aped. ue .. , ... ..,,. ... rrn. =P~_:,""~ .. rm;A,,,.... • .: Patio, completely tenced. alley accese 1Ql" boat or trail-3 ba. n.cuUu:u """""' w f, •••!"""' " , '"" ~ Ow t I "·I · C.:u ~··de,· s'a c .Joe. with ~ '"v SOCK IT TO 'EM! .....,.,....... IHI · w '"" P ....... ~. 830-2514 · ARBEL L. 2955 Herbor finance. M&-msfbr appt. =========II Gen•rat 1ood General · ·Ope• ~oases THIS . : WE EKE Nb . .., ....... *""" ,..,,..,..., ... INllMI. .,.. .. '-· ......... Alf ... ~ ...... W.w ... fflcrfltM .. ......, ..... "' •••*hi .... .... I• .....,.. DAJLT PILOT y.'ANT ADS. PetrNt: ............ ~·-.... .,.,-' .......... ,. lilt •• """'-""' M tWI cet.-..a. '1Wsy. (I . Boijroom & F1mily) SI» El Modena· (Newport Height!) NB 646-7755 IS~t. &f. Su~ 11..\) . --. \.. . • c 1 fl';i.,;~Z BedroomJ: .' · , ' * 230li£iltbluff Road, NB ' 644-0o31:" ~-. (Sal .& ,S~ II -5) . . 88 1 w: WU.on, Costa Mesa 546-8842 (Sat & Sun) 24662 Caverna, Circle, Mission Viejo 830-2524 · (Anytime) (2 Bedroom & Den) 1535 Dolphin Ten'. (Irvine Terr) CdM (714)'642-823!! (Sun 1-5) 4549 Brifil)ton Rd ., (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-2000 ' · (Sun 1·5) 4521 Tremont, (Cameo Shores) CdM . 675-6000 (Sot & Sun 1-6) (,:i Bedroom) 1014 Santlago·,Dr. (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1601 Bonnie Doone, Qrvi~e Terr.) CdM 642-64'!2 Eves:. 673-3468 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 26 Yawl ROad, .(Beacon Bay)' NB (714) 64U235 (Sat & Sun 1 • 5) 104 Via Havre; Lido Is)~ 673-8830 "· ' ' (Sun 1-5) 1307 Marion Way, NB· (Sun 1·51 *457 El. l\lodena (NewP<?rt Heights) NB , . . , -· (Sat 1·5) 19941 Chesapeake (o£f AdamsF HB 540.5140 -6424155 .. :' (Sun I ·5) 220 Vil IJdo Notd ,(Lido ISie) NB 675-6000 (Sun 1·5) **106 M11da Isle Dr., (Linda Isle) NB 675-3210 ISun 12-5) (3 Bed room & Ftmily or Den) 1125 Essex Lane, NeWp.rt Beach 642-i~eB · · ' · (Sat & Sun 12·5) 2ll43 Calvert .Ave .. (Mesa· Verde) CM 546-30Jll , . ·(Open Daily) 1518 Antigua Way, Dover Shores, NB (714) 64U235 (Open Sun) 210 w.: Stevens, Santa Ana ' 540-1720 1147 Gleneael•, CM '. ' ' 540;1720 (Sunl-5) (Sun 1-5) ' 122Js.8::'hin. (Weit'c!lll) NB (Sun l-5) 8431 Danbury Circle (ljuntington Hills) HB 847~1 ·(Sun I -5) 19332 Waterburv. HB 962-1471 ..,-546·8103 (Sun 12-6) 729 Cameo HIJhlands Dr. (Cameo Hinds) CdM-676-300 Eve.: 673-0554 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 107 Via Dijon, (Lido Isle) NB 675-3000 Evea: 873-6I82 · (Sun 1-1) 3301 Admiralty Dr., (Jlunllngton Harbor) HB (714) 772·9MO . (Sat & Sun 12-5:30) *I90i Klnts Road, NB . , (Sat & Sun 1·5) *2527 .. Andover Pl., (College Park) CM · (Sat &-Sun 1-6) *8913 Cardinal Ave ., (Fountain Valley) HB -962 .. 915 IDally) 151a Cumberland Drive . HB • -- 646-7711 (Sat & Sun) 2033 Paloma, Cl! 64&-7711 (Sal & Sun) 1000 General -(4 Bedroom) 1320 Santiago Dr. (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun ) 101 Linda Isle Dr. (Linda Isle) NB (714) 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 16602 Rhone Lane, Huntington Beach 842-8219 (Sat & Sun) 468 Serra Dr., (Corona Highlands) CdM 675-3000 Eves : 846-5227 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 600 Gary St., (Newport Heights) NB (Sun 1·5) (4 Bedroom & F1mily or Den) 1948 Sanderling, (Mesa Verde) CM 545-3773 (Sat & Sun 11-5) 16831 Harkness Circle, Huntington · Har- , bol!I' ~144 (Open Sun 1 'tu Du,sk) 2065 ·Flamineo Dr., (Mesa Verde) .CM 54().4905 ' (tifl'tbrUStin 1-6) 416 Hazel Drive, Corona ~I Mar (1lat & Sun alts) * 1620 Dorothy Lane, ( Haroor Highlands) NB 642-5:11JO !.Sat & Sun 1-5) 2278 Cornell, Costa Mesa · 646-2309 (Open Daily) * 1691 Palau, (Mesa Verde) CM 546-4141 (Sun 1-5 ) · 1354.E. Oceanfront, Balboa Peninsul~ ··. 645-2000 Eves: 548-6966 (Dally 1-5) 2716 \Vindover, Corona de! Mar 673-3770 (Sat & §un 12 5) * 1842 Santiago Dr. (Dover Shores) N'B 646-1550 (Daily 10-5) * 1749 Skylark, (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5l 9111 Blackbird Ave., (Fountain Valley) HB 842-6691 (Sun 1·5) 2341 Irvine (Back Bay), Newport Beoch 540.1720 (Daily 1-5) 2921 .Sellin• Sun Dr .. (Harb0< View Hills) CdM -675-1642 (Sun 1-5) *429 Isabella Terrace, Corona del 1t1ar 646-3255 fSat & Sun 1·5) 1415 Santiago (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 9082 Re•atta, HB (Sun 1·6) 642·1771 !Sat & Sun 1·5l 18835 Tabor Dr .. (Turtle Rock Broadmoorl lrvine-833-2948 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2006 Holiday Rd., (Baycrest) NB 646·7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2622 Vista Drive (BayshCJlfesl NB 642·177 1 (Sun 1·5) *2215 Irvine Ave .. (cor. Heather) NB . 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 32~ Cabrillo, Costa Mesa 548-0586 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1907 Leeward Lane (Baycrest) NB 540-1720 (Sun 1-5) 419 Fullerton, NB ·646-7711 (Sat & Sun) IS Bedroom) 903 Chesb\ut Pl., (Eastbluff) NB 645-2000 Eves: 54Mi66 (Sat & Sun 1..S) 2836 Alta Vista (Eastbluff) NB 644-1192 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 6412 Bellinger (off F.<linger) fIB 540-5 140 -842-1455 (Sun I·5) (5 Bedroom & Family or Don) 1067 SAJvador, Mesa del Mar 646-3255 • (Sat & Sun 1-5) * 1707 Antigua Way (Baycrest) NB .646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) I DUPWES FOR SALE I ** 107 F.<11ewaler SL, Newport Beach 879-2200 (Sun 1 ·5) (2 Bodroomj 3707 Seashore, Balboa 875-6000 (Sun 1·5) !CONDOMINIUM FOR SALEI (3-2 Bedrooms) 436 Emersen (orr Tustin Ave.) CM 842-«55, 540.5140 (Sun 1·5l ..... * • W•lwfrNf ............................ 2522 23rd St., (comer 'l'llsUn/23rd) N1I , -HU'\· , :• . •ISat·& Sun Hi)' ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:: 1000 $15,500 NOC11HilrborHlth Gorgeous 2 story family home in Newport Beach. ·Has thl:' · comfort k stimulation of de1ign that Nill please all members oI the tamily. Modem in all respect& with 3 lg size bedrooms -loads of closets-6ep. dinin& room with 81.iding glau doors open to out.side. Patio &: lowly yard. All electric klt.-muter BR with own bath -A must see at 138.000. s1s.5!40 l'llootltffvlly Dnlgntd 'nll& U1IUSUll 3 BR -large family room home in Co8ta ?4esa. ill so '11aml -frletldly ,& ~ormal. A l ara:e traf.fic free living room with quality v.·/W cpts &: drapei I: tirepl.i.ce : \Vlfe "'111 love this brl&ht kitchen w i t h blt-ins-l*;f bathli -stall !ho~. NMY ex tt'a leaturef· Only $30,950 Call for sh6WiJw. S46-5«0 ·. ,. Nome Yow TtnM FHA·YA·Coovlfttl- Vacant 17!M sq ft home. 2 story, 4 bdnn f : family room,complete l y~ !>8.inted interior, r I ch . nykm w/w carpets . and !rapes, _ terra~ kitchen with built-in· e I e ctr i c eye-level range -&: double even disbwaaher. Hll&e master bdrm with own 15.ath with white pullman top .&: oval basin. Kimstock Mamles1 shov..'tr, extra l a r g e wardrobe clOM!t1. Buy on no down VA tenn1 er 10'% down. Prict $30, 750 -irreat value. 546-5440 IOUGHT -M"'t StR Charming 3 BDR • , Family Room home in P.1eaa Del P.lAr. Ideal loca· tion near all schools and St. John's Pariah. Has W/\V cpL 1 yr. old - Bu'Ut-in oven and range .;. D/W too. 2 be.ttu - service porch - sprinklen. PRICED ON· LY S26 .950 10.% do\\~ 546-.5«0 Welghi"'l Yai.n7 Looking for )'Our mo.oe:)':1 . 1'-orth? See. this cute. quality 3 BR home in Halecrest v..·ilh tamily room, hardwood floors., 2h bal.hs, 2 shov..·ers. Has lovely built-in kitchen - a dishwasher, 1 pa c I ous llv l ng ream with fireplace. Eye catchlna:. exterior, shalt!: root. Jene-_ ed yard. Neu all schools Ir: 1hoppin&". A 1 lt In C' ~.950 -Owner Will aell VA-no doWJ). mA - minimum down or ~nwntionaJ-tenru:. can for particulars. ~ Assume 5 V.t •/o L .. At Ho Co1h ~ayment h43 per month includes principle, in- terest. taxe1 A: insurance. 4 BR home on large cor- ner lot. Easy a~ to rear yard Jar boat or trailer. 1%. bath, stall t1ho\\'er,. nice k I t <: h e n 1 dism\'asher, "t'l I 1 p e s a I ;9 w/w ·carpets throughout e.'Ccept 1 BR. LOOK AT LOW PRICE • ONLY $21,500. - Tax Shetter The.M; line 2 BR Triplexes will ro fut -Ideal Newport Heights location -never a vacancy-here -in best rent.al area • Beam ceiling -low rent -could be Increased. $35,000 each. 546-5440 ~R-1.'hy ~ ·1g toslaY's lQp value -Choice College Park ~1si~~ beau & dra.p J) - 10% down. 5'Mh5440 This 3 BR + family room home lit Mesa Verde ~ frlda;y'1 beat btiy.Z'unc. tlonal floor plan bu 1 %. baths, all electric built-in oven &: rafli', n i c e service potth, spacious livillg room, w/w ~ts & drapes. Jenced rnr yard. Good location._ near shopping center. 0 n I y $25.950 -VA or fllA te:nns. 541)..5441) 11, ecl '""'!•I Eastridge Elt&te, 2 1tory Contemporary, 3 BDR., Den A. ·Fam. Rm. '& POOL! 2% bath.! -D,lll'- ble pullmans. Encloaed front patio co u r ty ~rd Dbl. dooi' "ternuo entry, open ceilings, stone frpl.• extra large family room: ·' •r ' celUlic tile k i t c \ t."fl .I \\'/raised ash cabintU, all e l ectriC b ui l t-lna. . Tremenck>us entertainlnlr. Rear -yd, heafeaJ JXd. ' Mr-""'· ""~ ' prde-n Llahti!!f~Cedtn ' sell at only $37,~. SF.E FOR SURE!! 5f6..644lt Shnlltd $1000 Attraclh·"t 3' BR ni1Uc home with Zl' rumpu1 room. In a fine location near all schools .. Loil' of clever "''all p ape r s throughout home. 1 %. baths, I~ new quality w/w cpU l cu1torn drapes, aparklin& kitchen- aas built-in even 6. ~. hardweod . flo.or a throughout. lt'1•a beauty. Now $24,650. "Bu,y' OIJ. VAr FHA term1 -HURRY!' ·-'""' ;:\ i'I .. 1 Separote .Wif:~ ' ,,, 'l •-1 . ~·,··· " ' ."'I -:· ' Ideal Io r comfOrta~ fa.mil)" living -alaO 4' dJd 1 size bedrooJ% ri e 1lt fJ customized btt.:tn kitchen, 2 bath!l, hi&:h qUl!lty beautiful w/w ca:rpetil1g, fireplace, fenced ' r II! a r yard 'vith patio. Floe loca lion -Price only $29,500. EZ terms. - We're ra • Tlll'f · over this 1tu~-I: Ya· , ' . .cant 3 Btt .; f.amily room .home in Newport ~~h. \Veil pl~ in Baycrei;t H..,. Wntcllff enter location. 2 baths, 1pack>us Newport 26' living room l"ith fireplace~ w7w cptS & Beautiful 3 BR home wifh · drapes, all e I e c tr l c hardv.'Ood floors. \Valk to built.in kitdttn w I t h schools &: ahoppln&. 2 dlsm.·a.shtor. Lei.di! e t bath!, spacious I I V i n r charm in this quality room, ~place, Fenced home. Low prioe of rear yard w 11 b IDvely $42,950 -· S4500 down. coVtrt'd patio. Lo'lll'ellt Move in today. Sf6.i44U p_rlced home In Harbor Highlands -only $28,500. Call fcif showift&. S46-6440 ' Newpott Sllorn · French Normandie 2-story only "* yn. ''youna''. 2300 aq. ft. or 'l\:lality. I.up living room with' marble flftplace· a: be~ 15 ft. 111:parate d1rllnc robm. D e I u x ~ kitchen, ""'1da all built his .. bddll un. ( 1pe.cloul bdrml. 3 bathJ. scad• of cloleta. W/W carpe:tina, d"pe'" Owner 51¥1 sell NOW -$411,9"...0 -Xlnt. terms! ~ EH·MAC·U-LIT l;erritlc .l!lll sq ft, 4 BR home --lovely Jam.Uy room lhat owner hu reduced $1000 for quick We. Lo\,.~ maintenance yard, .many extra feat\ll"t1, 'all copper plum- hina. Caloric nna:e I. own units,. quality hard•'OOd floon, T V antenna in attic, built-In blender, 2 baths, lovely uwaded w/w carpelll, Excell~nt atta. Price no• only $30.500. ~6-5441) DROP . BY AFTER CHURCH · · 2llO BALLOW LANE, MESA DEL M,t.R OPEN HOUSE PROM 12 oJO TO 6:80 Inspect this lovely· 3 bedroom· plus family room, has Z baths, stall shower, one year old quality, wall to wll)I carpet, Buill-1!> kitchen, dishwasher. Good •Ile bedrooms. Has boat stora11e in rear Yard· Close to all schools. Price ....................... " ................. 26, 950 PAUL· WH~TE ·CARNAHAN llea lc11 Ce. • 1093 IAicER STREET, COSTA MESA • HOUSJSFORS,\LE HOUSIS 'OR SAi.i 1~SIS·l'ORSALE HOUSESfORSAL~ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSU fOR SALi Gono,.I , 1000 Gonorol • 1000 Genor•I 10000...o,.I 1000 Gonor•I 10000.nonl 1000 . -·-· ----·· S.._, M"'h 22, 1%'1 OAllY tllOT JJ HOUSIS fOR SAL b.iR"S"'A..,...-"'HOU""S"'ES Fl5RSAi:rl ' -r------· -·---Genor•I -1000 Newport IMch 111111Nowpott -120e B/B ~ BLB :-'O\&. '•· _,. .. •• K£EP1N' MONEY! • • • New roeord1 •r• bolnt osl•blisliod in I • , MIN I """EP~ WHY PA\'., RENT , VETERANS ! ! ! FREE, FREE,.J']tf:~ Ltt us check your ellglbUlly, You !'!Y be ell1!, ble 1o·buy again under tho Gl Bill ol Riehl•, evon lboUgli you have µsod your Gt '!DC<I· Find out, where you atandf?T No cost~ no obU11t1on. C.U us today. ~ P.l.T. Y:,:.,f-!•';;:f ~'!,.~ Drive by 321 Affso, Newport Heli)hts btclmillome-.-Ca.;petin1 1 00 ""°""""'' • iu-1 w.. -· Outstandl119 Value 1, .Owner $34,0 Pool 11.ze back )' ... Z' d w/_,.. '°""' Klldlom i. Lovely corner 3 bedrQOJD home, large lanai, l1f' built.Ina t n e 111 d I n 1 2 baths, dininc room, llvina room with at- -........ Auume my tracUve fireplace, lush carpeUag through- Q Roal Eit1t1 s•los· beeouso tho knowlodgo- oblo buye1 knows , : • ·' , • ,.; . \.'i " • , , all year. This I Bea· room 2~ bath splil level home ID the Blu& oUers a car load of extra1 in- cluding your own mint plants -$39,950. Comer of Vista Del Oro and Avinida Campana. OPEN SAT -SUN 12:115 -5:05 Coffee & Donutsl ·WHEN YOU CAN . ONLY $18,500, 3 bedroom, l~ bathl, f>tillt,: in electric range & oven, dlshwubtr, forced air heat, wall to wall carpel$, 2 ear go,rage, large · lot, quie~ cul-do-sac slrMt. OwMr moving & wanta quick sale. Finandnl fl all set. All we need ts $1650 down. "' G.t U>aA. Full price out, drapes. S.auUlul trees and planUngs. 121.450. P!Pw 912-1'19 Call owner for appointment to see. · NOTRING LIKI ITI ft>ert -In 1"'111': Col-,... ...... Hid pool, OOx2'I 541 -1444, 646-1711 rec blq, plua ! bdrm, 2 bas. ___ ,.-·-~== !. That build!"¥ CO.Sil (ootb labor an•ma,terlals) ' are rapidly mcreasln ... ,; 6 -. 2. Tb at. interests ar~ not likely to decline in the foreseeablt,fll!ur~. DI~ Irwin INDUSTRIAL BUILDING den A -t rm, IArp ll5X MoNI Vo"'" 1110 Nowport BHch lSD comer. Leavlnc !or ~ 12111 ....:Youn lo< 129.~. . -------- I 3, !hat you can deduct mortgage mterest from income taxes. If you are in the 25% braclcet, present int~rest costs you ap~x. 5.8%, or 1! you are m the 39% bracket, it costs you about 4-~%. 12,000 sq, ft modern industrial bldg. in good Cosla Mesa location. $108,000 aslting price, 5 spaces on short term leases at 71h cents per sq. ft. Gross income $11,100. Ph. S6-5UiO REPUBUC Home. I mos OPEN i{l)Ule lo.$ Sat a SUD OPfll n-AY f·S old, 2 '"'"" • SR. 3 BA. PARK SETIING 1 • Here are a few of our "Better Buys" for your consideration: ~IRVINE VILLAGE -3 Bclnns. 2 Baths, E!ec. Bit-ins. Fireplace. Single Story ......... f.?6,950 ~ UNIVERSiTY PARK -4 Bdrms. 2~ Baths. Upgraded lhruout. Very Sharp ......... $36,950 • ~ CAMEO HIGHLANDS -3 Bclnns. & Dining Rm. Freshly redecorated. View of Canyon & Mountains ........................... · .. $38, 750 MOM& POP Retire to Palm Springs & operate this 7 unit motel while you enjoy the pool and cli1nate. Sett J>r exchange $59.000 equity for Ne!ft•port area pr9~rty. $92,500 total price. • R E. A L T y EASILY AFFORD EASTS!DE COSTA MESA -'20,950. Well located 3 bedroom home with bar<lwood noors. Wall< to Westclilf Shopping Center. $joy the fine neighborhood, scboofl, park & ptuground. Large, 10\!Ced, rear yard w,ith fruit trees.'Pavediitlley ·easy access for.· boat & trailer, Terms available -act now! · ONE OF THESE · ' .,JUftlt tam rm. ret:neat nn. 3 Car BA.CK BAY prace. $41.900. 8): owner. Beautifut family bf)me, 440 Allw, Npt. Hto. 5'0--4905 Anthony pool, fire pt~ J Bedrooms 2 baths ASSUME Low FHA, J BR, un.iqi..e court 'yard entry. Lie 1<M "'~'h alley access. Pan. den a: fam. $26,500. 5 B.R, 3 BA. 2 frplcs. tam DAVI Ds,()N Ruhy Owner will take 2nd . rm. By Owner. Prine onl1, ~ Eve"' $a-85S4 stG-47:0 pis. $44,950 4241E •. 21 st. S BEDRM -PRI STIOE ----·-· IRVINE TERRACE NEWPORT BEACH Coll°"' P•rk 1115 Spaciowo 2 BR. 2 BA born<. Exclwive aru. J bt.lbl, f~ 3 BR, i • Ba, tam rm, f-1, All hltrui, elec llll' door. ,. u.. Abundant 1tDraie; trplc. ll1 niom, buUt-lns, ~ ntW w/w crpts, drpa, patio. Lr i c o v e re d p at i o • er. Pool 1urrounded by declr:· Aaum& 5% % FHA -take Flourishing rose r a r de n mi. Below replacemept. 2nd. $24,900. b W ll e r • framed by larie . lhade T"2-Rl1'lBOELL -ss H bot 54()...5566 trtt•. $32,000 by owW. ,.. ,., tr t BR rtdec. 311' llv rm. w/w ~ OT'~ I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill cpta/drpl, frplc, dbl pr, ~CORONA DEL MAR -2 Bdrm, + Bachelpr. 2025 w. lalbaa llvd., Newport Beach Unit: Room for another complete 2.Bdrm. Unll R0nt•I• -'7J.3643 -~1., -'75-IGC!O ONLY.$21,500. ASSUME 514% VA loan" own this spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. C~ra- mic $il• kitchen, Pisbmaster & dlshwalbe<. Praped & co'lnpletely carpeted, Corner lo~ fenced rear yard ... access from eltl)er street., Let us arrange the payments for you. Sulin.it $1500 down • Hurry! . . DUPLEX """· 125,900 Netr ~eh • Shopplng 2278 ~n 646-23l9 Alt Lovely Udt Slads HUgo liv. nn, trpfu;_ 3 bdrm, 2 ba, blt-tns, w/w cpta., dbl pr. Sate Co-op pool parks, walk 1 blk to beacb.. $26,(0) by owner. 642-4927 , ' ' ' ' """'""·"' 'V!jue • $34,t50 EXCELLENT' IUYS , " • -· .~;_ Yfllll•m..,, Nowport B~h _1200 CORONA DEL MAR. ~LY $22,500. Bulldon . Reol""' front of lot & have !Un riinode!iriJ; 1 bildtoOm , ~-· . , Ev<~.~1164 Drastic Price . """ "" ""'"""" "" """ .$35,750 ~IRVINE TERRACE -4 Bdrms, +Huge Den-"."G" ... ""r"•l====l=OOO=G=.= .. =r."'1====,"000=1 · Din mg Room. Room for Pool. ..... · ... '45,500 l~i:iii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil -------- ~LIDO ISLE -Sparkling 3 Bedroom Plus con-~ vertible Dep. Shows like New ........... $64,500 NOTE: Some of these homes will be open Sun-LLEGE day: Come in and let us show them. plus others REALTY OPEN THIS WEEKEND fixer-upper at ·rear. Own 'your lanf ~n1 ,; Reduction modern duplexes. Bicycle to ,Big ~~ '. C:oot•, Moio ~1 00 OWNER MUST SELL! Tax Deduction Beach & State Park. Walk to stori'i w if'e J.;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;\2500 ~. ft. of Jivin& sp&CP. $.3000 ye:ar income, (o.ver your chil~ren safely play ~ block away at · J y f 'I 4 Bd1m, J bath, ram room. 60% deductible} Duplicx 1 Community Youth Center. Assume existing relf OUr iml f '""' exira pariting for BU< 0coan • Bay .no....,.. that may be more specifically yours,1 Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 2407 E. Coast Hi9hway Corona del Mar 675·3000 Generel 1000 Gener•I 1000 Parents Retreat The silence is golden in this 24x19 ft. master suite. 3 additional bedrooms plus 3 baths. LarR"e sunken living; room with dramatic mirrored fireplace wall. Boat port and double detached garage. '29,750 with a low interest F.H.A. loan to be assumed. Extra Special Lovely bright and cheerful kitchen with sat- in wood finished cabinets. 3 queen sized bed· rooms plus 1 'h b·aths. A wall of glass over· looking your own covered g a r d e n patio. Latge park-like corner lot. Best of all only $21,750, • •• FOR A WISE BUY Colesworthy & Co. 642-7777 OPEN EVES ·-~--• -•• -• -• -• I Gononl 10000.noro! 1000 CUSTOM HOME SALES MANAGER A licensed real estate broker with a success· ful record of past accomplishments, to sell large, expensive, custom designed & Custom b\lilt homes en cur lots in San Juan Capistra· nc; then to build a sales team for ether proj· eels in Orange & San Diego Counties. Am· bilious aggressive person -on the way up. Commissions only -annual earnings of $30,000 & up. Send r•sum• to P. 0 . Box 33& San Juan Capistrano. 92675. YOUR AD REACHES 61,972 HOMES EACH WEEK ···-- financing! trailer, boat or camper. cle1, room to build· $31.500 .. to a home with a l\vimmlng Lovely comer lot. Room tor Owner/ Agt 642-l21'l pool for a hot summer. Nice pool. Walk to schools or I.,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~ 3 BR home with fireplace :r;hoppln&:. NOW 0 N L Y NOW AV AIL.ABLE and new carpe~. Located $44,500 -Best value in AT ONLY $34,500 3152 Country Club Drive Op,n S•t/Sun ·Others Sund•y Only MESA VERDE !SALESMEN NEEDED! on the East.side, quiet s~t. Cliffhaven Large Bluffs C.Orxlom.. ? 2970 J•v• RNd 3152 Country Club Dr, 646•0555 Euy fmancinc, ta.kc over bdnn1 2~ bath, split.._. VET "''"S tr th' 51'% toan. $26,500 601 St.James Pl entry, F..,.. cre•nb•lt El\J'\l" -Y is Immediate possession. between 2 swim poob. on for size! Huge Col~ .220 I. SnHt"""' St. ~ Open Sat & Sun 1..S Owner must adl NOW. nial home _ 4 bdrms, Beautiful 4 + fam rm, A."f'._1.-•r by Appt, Mr, ... ....,, ,.._,..,, _. rr.;.3133 family rm: formal ' din din rm with pool-sized IL 17,. St. S••l'flot Ct..J 7'r;-~ Davis Realty rm + multi-purpose yard. Across from Mesa 220£.l7tk ._ COSTA MUA Near NB Past Ofc. ~2414 642-7000 F:~~~ 3~ :!. room may truly sur· VerdeGolfCourse .. Lush you'll like our friendly · s.·e' rv''rce· ....... _==""""""I co d!o""e?' Carpet" prise you. Just. tell .us carpeting! HE(P 1·1 d drap¢es, fireplace, private what YOU thmk tl'f Ev•nlngs Mi-1050 or 545-172! Owner ,..., to move. Will Complete free om m .. i.r•llU!le. Vi•w of bllh. worth! However, it's *FREEDOM HOMES*'-::=============== sell hls1beautiful home FHA 2836 Alta Vista. For ap. listed at $41,500. I. VA no dOwn. 3 BR 2 bath. from Home Cares polntm•nl 644-ll9' 2123 President Place liG~-·~·~-•-~r-~~l--;;;;mil~OOOi;iii;G~ono~r~•lii;;;;iiiiiiii~lOOO~ cood carpclin&:, elee;e. B•ycrett B.arpln * DEL CERRO * bull"-· block f • Id .. family hom • DD .. u..., cncc v-3 BR plus convertible e.... e; ~ Pierpont Drive Assume 6% GI loan or ered patio. Only $21,500. 1 u _.1000 1o: den, plus tam. rm. plll'! 0 t ta din 1 d t d CALL RAY GAULT "'"ll51 am y rm • ..., , Ba '"" .___ ~--Us n g Y.thecdin~ra e $18,600 @ $157/mo. in-(open eveti) Htt:ita.r;"' Ra! 1957 Vista Caud•I 3 · 711 JUOLn. vwucc large ho~e wi rm, clud. tax & ins. 4 bdrm Pc & ~ A Estate The Bluffs. ~iJ!~~~ .. enly. wet bar etc. 3 car gar· l lf l OPEN HOUSE age + extras too num-on corner, room for e e arre ea U Condomlnlum-$20,950 . s·UN 1 $ 3 BR. Wa~rtroot No. 62 erous to mention. See it! boat, trailer etc. ii BcautHully kept resldenlial SATB&OYD • Balboa Coves. SI O, a O a. l area .. 3 lar&"e bedrooms, 2 Prefer trade tor acreage S•l11pe:ople Needed p1•e:Jen 6 1>ati\s' • Immaculate ~-REALTY' or will consider other. SU.. 1500 ADAMS .at H~RBOR, C.M., 546--SllO Uon. Now vacanL OOl:.. 3629 E. Coast Hlway, CdM -'-.C.,,"-,=~~.,-.,.~ (Ne•r Clnem• Theatre} ATTRACTIVE 4 bdrm 2 bath home, 540-llil (open eves) 1 1 1 r1W~t~ f l . .~4Y .vJEW Fe lot 15' · ' large panelled family room with 1~· .. 1 x l!li' ><Y-f>hm: --f. be tif Ml . Owner 5'8-'1211r 5Cl-Q)'T ireplace, au · ully landscaped • .,., OPIN ,HOUSE 10000...•r•I 1000 with 16x32' pool Sundoy M•rch 23 Newport H•llllto . 1211 1620 Dorothy L•n• S•t/Sun 1-5 $27,500. 5 BR ON THE BAY AT GeMr•I *Newport Beach-$37,500* Our Exclusive ' Attractive Home, 4 S.drooms & den 3 baths, fireplace patio, sunny kitchen • has had beautifnl1 care. · Cheshire Real Estate 675-2503 •nytlmo Gener•I 1000 Gener•I 1000 Low Down P•yment 4 bedroOms, 1 %. ti!@ bath. Room !or boat &; trailer. Assume biz $18,300, 5". % loan. Full price $21,500. SHOREC:UFF Beautiful 4 Bmroom• Home in fuhlonable Shorttliff DELIGHTFUL Large 3 bdrm 2 bath Lazre tam rm, hdwd 11r1 2 BEAUTIFUL home, extra large lot with sunny Ba, excel cond., fine res. A NEWPORT e SAVE~-· 3 BR, 2 · BA:' NeW 'crpts, drp ••. bltns, 1400 tq, ft. Dctch dbl pr W/ 1itlec opener; alley access. By .....,, Prine ooyL ~ warm patio. Lido Isle-By appoint-thop area. 1 block from Kil-A choice Duplex on R1 aone. ment. lybrooke Grade School Prine Bayfront-beach. Wonderful CHOICE PENINSULA BAYFRONT -Year rou~ lease. Pier &: slip. 5 bd.rms, 31h baths + maid 's quart- ers. Contact Bill Bents. SUMMER SEASON. Lovely Bay. front rental in prime area. Excel· lent beach and pier. 4 bdrms. 3 bathll. $5000. OFFICE O,Elj Sat. & Sun. PETE BARRETI REALTY 1605 Wntcllff Dr., N.B, 642-5200 1 only. Ull Stonefield. 1wrlmer .f"rentat rental Owner. * su.:noo 107 Edgew•ter St., NB BY OWNER OPEN 1·5 ~· 3 Br. lee Fam. rm, dbl. ..Green l4ansion Realty Balboa Covtf. · trplc. beautiful Jandscaped Fullerton ~2200 121$ Shake root. Arca of fine BAYFRONT with bOat slip hOmet, Nr. Harbor Hi I: OPEN J.IOUSE -Lrg comer large 4 BR, 2 BA. $51,0l'JG We1tclill 1h0pping $30,950. lot; 1plt lvl, 1 blk frorn $2000 dn. 529-8100, 3'1B-<891 64U253 Back Bay •. 2 Dbl car le -1hp area: fncd yrd Wostcllff 1230 W/ rm !or boat or trlr. SPARKLES I: lhlne laaide ONLY ~:ll,500, 10% dn. New 2 BR home, 2 car praae, bltn lrltchen, tile bath, fero- lfd I: carpeted. Open House Sat.sun. 881 W. Wilson, CM. Bldr. 548-8642 3 Bt, 3 Ba. l5x23 upstni 8 _ . Jam nn "can be converted I: out. Llvina rm & dinina to make 2 Br's." Wood fin nn; »ervice porch, elac I 25 " 23rd St NB bltns. Clean aptll Is drpa le frp c. ·• ' •'--· t this • BR 2 Ba Cmr Of Tustin & 2Jrd, uu" OU • BY OWNER 3 bdr, 11,S ha, 646-9l4J home. Prof. lndacpd le h\ll'.e yard Xlnt cond. $1500 maint. w/ cbildffil's play dn T.O. 'c.r. 6%% F .P. BAYSIDE Vl.Llqe in Back e~·, ~, _ _!leavy --$19,900 Eves If wkenda Bay, N.B. 1 BR. 2 BA. ~ ~ :~~ 1000 MJ..1211 · patio, carport. crpted, drpd, ch ' -..bomi:'. -Owner turn. Priv beach, pool Ii: $42 9!IO. M2-159B .--'l!RNIE-.. --· 341 Evening Canyon Rd. Gener•I 1000 Gener•I OPEN HOUSE SUN 1·51,......, ..... ,...,... .... ..,.. CLEVELAND -!tar 143 Broodw•y 645-0111 Evff, 642-1452 646-457' SH this custom home with BiCJ Lot UNITS'" $20,toO clubhouse. Boat allp avall. l-:0='==:--:-====- 2 BR boU1e plus 1 BR n!&r Lcue rental. $93 per mo. U I It p k 1••7 M.ar 22 .. 23rd 1 • S ho\We, lot tlt'X 165, Ea.st.aide'. sacrUlce! $9150 cash. n ver,s 'f ar ' .. t 60t Bonnie Doane By...,.,.,....,,., · A'"'"· ....... "''" ·-· .., ADULT ~Hon CONDO, S 300'& Coast Hlwy,.~.B. .... ==== 0.ne~r~•''---::::;::::1:000::::0.::n:•:":':::::::::::l:OOO:::°"::""::r•:t::::---1-~-'-00 many d"trabl• '"'"'" With A Big View such u: Fireplac:t in ma. adjoins Emerald Bay in area b:r BR. lari'e private 1un-ot $100,000 homes. Owner deck, cbeerlul b~akfut nn ma.Y suboroina~ or trade and acceu to pnvate com· down in Newport Beach munlty beach. atta. $62,500 * Call; Jack Scrogcy • • • Owner Irvine Terrace Br .. 2 Bo. ap<a, "'°' .iec BR '"'-11·.a.. I"'-· Ownor. 549-359< .-4 • 1ne am> 3 BR. 2 bath, pool and View. ~,_,. __ .._ _,_ Modi•--·· ~--, tm-1..ow iell!e a n d excellent ~ ...... _..,. ..., ..... ._.., .,,.....-111 terms. Price cut to $Cl,too. M3 Govmtt, C.M. maculate condition, .epar- . TOWNHOUSES ' PO.ft;_ 'f.rollt-0011- Sho-UCI (111 within 3 minutes) •lBftl:den .. end unit ••••..•.•• $23.IOO *2 BR(1yrold}. ' S@\\.dllA-~t.~s· Solve a Slmpl< S=mbi..I Won! Pw:zlt for p Clluck!c [LAYTUT ' I I' I I llYSKOC I I I' I' I I IR'ITAlO I I I I' I .1 l ~u.rt1s I A """"I ""I""-"'"1---..l'~:hi. ~~· L' .:..":.: 1....1. • ...1. • ...&.--'-'·'--'-,".wl.-)'>11-'c,llloo l~AYM(T I blaar,and got to bo •full i;. ;-r_;,._.,.,__,__,.--.i. -II .So .wftatt .n..., ._'_._l_..l_l.__._1 .... 1_. -·-,.....• G.11os r· l~G-Y_l_l_U_l __ __,I l·tJ ~: ::1·::r::1 ::1 ::1·: ~~~"Z~tS . e :E~~ .. r r r r r r I' 1· r r 1 ·~.;· I I I I I • I I IG I l SCltAM-Lirs ANSWU IN DIMl-A:llNE Res: 144-2250 Will Finance CURT DOru R fl * .......m * '" •1n1n• ~· , baths, ,.. :111 ea or I "° .,,.r1oo .... ,srw .,. •. ' ' Mita v .. ;i. 11 0 SEMP).E REAL Ocean Blvd, Cd.M; Reduced 1130 W. Coast Hiabw&l' ~~TE / ~ to $75.000. $20,000 down on :""":::::::"==E::::VES:::::::"::::::m.1168= OPEN FOR INSPJOCTiof:J 2515 E. Hwy, CdM this ru1tlc chinner with :1)(3 Calvert Ave., CM 67>2101 spectacular view. SQUEAKY·Cftll 3 A FamlJ H. L Costa Mell ...... N.wty ........ """• • oat1 Oner/tnr. 2701 """"' 01tvo lid. Oranp Ole. 63'1'~. 546--3081 nes 2 Units • $23,000 ao. ~ Beach 1-0anne1 Livt ln ont I-Rent one prem, J.oc ••••••••• '$25,'aCO * 2 BR prem, toe • 1teP11 to pool •••• , , J26,900 * 3BR21tory ·-2~ lit: ·······t···· Slfi,950 Try~~,ctown a11 n-.ouL .tandllw """'· o..n.n must aeD. ''' DOUG JOY, ... lty 133-0504- " ... .. • - I I I j I .J L t _ DA!l Y l'l\.OT FOlt_?j:E He;> ES FOR SALi~-HOUSl S l'OR SALi• ~I NjAJ.5 t RENTALS "1'1.' ltENTALS 17-0J H..,.. U"fwftlohotl _AJ!!t. Pvr"1*W • Ap!I. U"lu"'-· "1355 l•ll•of lof1nd • !SSS ~~ ...... 1705 ~9un!.. .. .,h --·jmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii..i-iiiliiiiiiiiiii ' ;;;;;;,;,,;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\,..;:,..;.;;..._.;;;;;;;;;;;;; c .. 11 "'°"' s100 c .. 11 MtM 4100 c..t1 Moll 5100 Estate Sale Submit bids by March 31st. 2 .. tery 4 a.Groom older home on "Little l1leftCIH 107 Jldt, •• , .... lsl1ntf For further ln!ormatlon call: Mrw. 1 11 .. (213) 216-9151 or: Mr1.Torr1nce 673-6900 (Do not disturb tenant) IOY PENTHOUSE ~ eiwtooM with ....... = LRG. 1 Br., c1 .... LOVELY ' Br. ""'· .,, ... IT'S llG FOR T h' dlteriminltq JeftCe4 )'I.I'd, dilld t: pet q u t e t . B ea u t. f 11 r n , ti'UOd Cnr, pr, Adults. no ~. " hav. • i...,uz. OK. $132 m>Dtb.. ~7211 \Vlhr / dr)•er, l&r· Mann P8tl. Middle ueo prd. 2214 TM 1Nllder ll nearitC Roya.lo Plnthoule In So. _ adu!ta.. Pl¢ia Aw. ~ aft complolloa on thll flbulouo i.a-Dooon.tod by 1 ........ rt ...... HOO mo.o wan .... C.M. 5 pro. Lq\1l'la BcllCb borne. ~ H. Blllfrs, 2 bdrm. t ba, ----. ----BEA.,;;;;;UTIFULL,;,.,==-;;Y""'..:ro::;:RN_ ,.:..:B.;;R;;_IUllurn. ___ ~---bl-t-.Jn talled archllecturw, ~ priced at S?S.000. Property ·-... in NEW ORLEANS~ clfar. Owntr will con11der I/I !mmu, cleanf 2Br, pool stow, e&l'PtU. dr a pe1 , reaturH otenstve WMI of ao~ ht trust ..:ttd. Call: TOWNHOUSE = ~.U.: ~td, W~ C '';I', '>''f'OOlbt Iron lh\ltttrt. lltON Jell. lhW')', Jones Realty, Spilt Level 3 bd .. ba.tha ?ie5-M60 GRILL GA1'£S OPEN TO Inc. 2001 W. Balbol. BlYCL, ma, " e Nustu Palms e .c.;:..:_.c.;... ____ _ FR 0 NT OOURTYARD. f13.rll0. l.Vu. 6'13-0l34. Dol*le r. r a re, carpets. l " 2 Bit. . Pool 2 BEDROOM. 2 bl.thl. wall COMPLETELY' ENa..osED dra~ J'trtplace, • I e c. 177 E. 22nd St. &0-3Ki to nil cuptta. drq>es le \V /MASONRY W>.l.U. AND 4 BR 2 BA. near new, •unken bu.llt·lnl. ADULTS ONLY '' 2 BDRM turn!Jlbtd USS. 596 blt·lnl,. laundry r Clo rn • PROFESSIONAL LAN 0. llvlna' room, octan view. '" ''''" ••. "'' s:JM/month. J oann Street CM Ca 11 Adults only. U40. H)..4622 SCA?INC. Top of World. Xlnl fill. Mra, Fay 549-.3437 aftl:r 6 P .),f. ~ • ----. Approx 22(11 !!Q. FT. ol Under l31S M. <9'1-IGU Bay & Beach LARGE Bach.,.,...,,, loun. $155 ..... d<lw« 2 bdnn, Huntington INch 1400 llv. area,0 Jeaturts C BDRM. $35,000 DUPLEX. 2 and 1 RHtty, Inc. dry, prd pntleman. itIS. l~ ba, G.E. KIL 2 car ---·™ Coron• del Mir 1250 --------CHARMING ·HouR: y,1/ ren- tal on dbl lot . S. of Hwy, $58,500, Owner. 6'73-4169 COZY, older l . BR home \l'l1h .... SE.11l62 lido ,,,. 1351 Open Sun 1·5 --& FAM. RM. n,()01\ .PLAN, BR, view, ju.&t ttmodeled, 901 DoV!'l' Dr., NB Suite 221 ~A., .,,.,.,. c•.t .,." pr. Adults, no peta. 2«1 ,. .. ,...u V't.fr,fA»N, evta _.......,w . .. •• •A-SERVICED BY .l Q.n'ir pvt, wild kilchel1$! 494-9745 se.200'.I Ew1. 5U-S96S E. 16th Place,~ -.... 1,,.,. try 1 Y, l BDRM turn. pool I. NC 1..::.:::::..:=:::.:=='--ROOMS.,,__.,_ en o . RENTALS artL $1'5 Ii. $153. incl util. NEAT 2 BR. tulJ bl., prv er with noor of glued tile, H F patio, drps, crpts. Qrlld " of»ENs TO GRACIOUS ouHI urnl1Md BLUFFS L!ASES 1959 & 1961 M11ple Ave. rtttUe pet ok. tl20. incl FOllLU. LIV JU.t &-: AT· • t I Shi ftAft• 1-level 3 BR. 2 ba •. nm.Imo NICE 2 BR apt. 16U Santa all ill 673-7993 TACHED D1NiNG RM .• 33 "•" • 1 to r• .-uOll spllt.levtl, ' BR, 2 Ba .. $.100 A.na Ave. $140. can 6t6-420T I~=-"=·:...::.:..:=~-- FT, LONG. YOUNG Working Girl w Stu-2-&tory, 2 BR, den, l~ bl. $300 or ~72 NEW 2 BR. 1 BA, crpls, Unill\le kitchen · fam. rm. dent to share 2 &inn. CdM ~~· draJ>Q. dbl Pl'. ·NEW--1-..,-.---.,----.-All ..... paallllobltnl,.,. U: .. dlh1,':'!· arrangement, :o 1''T. LONG, Apt. $70 Mo. "4-4049 Aft. _..... etc. elee. Qmet. Gar. Adults mep ' "' •-· """ FEATURES numerout hd"''d 6 PJ\.t Eaatbluff R•alty Sl.50. 22'l'.I Elden. ~1251 I ~A::•::all::..:Ao:P:;ril::.::L~"'"'=.=25:.7:.__ cabinets BILT·IN RANGE. \VANTED Girl 21 yn or over 644-1133 1 BR Duplt'x. cptl/drp.a, SE LF.CLEANING DBL. tosharcnlce4bdnnbeacb•\"'!!!o"'""'""'""'""'""'",,... Newport leach 4200 ,Eastside. All uill. pd. o VEN S, DISHWSHR., apt. 833-123' ext 397. ot WALK to ocean, 4 BR, 2 $115/mo on ltase, P~rron GARB. DISP., BREAKFAST li73-8Zl4 weekends or eves. BA, 6 yr ol4, A-frame~. Rlty, 642-lm BAR. One wall ot lam. rm. w/(rplc, crpta thruOut. Blck SINGLE Youni Adulfl Lu.'t· LGE. Unfum. bach. bit-in has STONE FIREPLACE ROOl\tMATE Rrvice, ~e to Comm C ub houlle w/pool ury garden apts with coun-range, cpts, drps, S45--M21 THE WATER ,_ -Rf NTALS Apt<. UnlurnlthM Hu"'l'!!lort Baich 5400Hvntln1Jfon Baich 5400 2 Bedroom -2 Bath SPlrtllh SIJfe l uxury Fuml1hld and Unlumllhetl Adult living-Nur llalchts Shae C.rpet• Seti Cleanln1 Onn• Private Entrances Private Fun Decks Hu11 Pool 1'1rty Pavilion With Kitchen Large Bar·B·Que Area 104 Via Havre Spaokiwi 3 BR, ranch ~tylt: home on htg corner Jot. Ope1"!5 to ot'I! of toveliest pa- Uo/prdens on Lido. Out· standing Value. $79,500. LIDO REALTY, INC. :UOO Via Lido 673-8830 LusciOUA new honey col- or w/w carpeting, new wall paper, your pel'80IJo al 40' BOAT SI.IP off the patio. 3 luge bdrmr, 3 baths, over ·2600 11q n, modern al1 elecuic kitch en with bronze kitchen clll1J!ting', fonnal dinlnr nxim \\ith exquisite crys- tal chaodelier. Huie fam- ily nn &:-living rm with v.·et bar l beautiful view of the bay, Fu 11 price $88,500. WITH WOOD HEWN MAN· or .1~male._ Efficient lr. A lennil court, S300 mo. try club atmosphere &nd A C t TLE, 5 SI'OOL WET BAR qualified, 835-2100 Eves ii: wkns 675-758t, days complete privacy. SOUTI:I 2885 l\fendoza Apt. ' ,J\. ' 19122 lrookhunt St., Ju1t North of Adams \\'/SINK. LIQUOR CABI· ROOM mate needed im· 646-0093 BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine 2 BR apt, downstaln, ~an. Huntincton Btach-(714) 962-2911 NET It MIRRORED \VAIL. mediately. Hep pe r I 0 D.1.,~.=R~roo=~L~H=o~M=E~,~-~k al 16th. Newport Beach. Crptl, d1'Jll, bllilll. Inquire ·11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~ 'thil C'Ultom quality home (malt pref.) 6'13--1067 from beach. No' patklng .,,=:itn=i4)=64>-0550===== I ~A Coriandei. 54&-5268 has luxurloul W/W carpet. --problem. Broker 546--0.U "" 2 BDRM, drp:::, new crpts, REAL ESTATI !nc thnJ.out In )'OW''"""" Costa Men 2100 AoklDrDon l1lbo1 4300 JW!pal1o l..,.....c,lldml Huntlng!Gn Baich 5400 CHARM! Cheerful aIXl Immaculate 3 BR. 3~ ba.. 2 Frplc:s. Din/ nn plu1 fain rm. Lovely St/St i.1tory home -$59,500. Walker Rlty. Open House Siit/Sun Noon 'Iii 5:)1 of oolw. 25 IT. WIDE GAR-, o.k. Sl,30. SCS-7540 General AGES WITH A1TACHED 1 BR Mobile Home, adult Luxury . 3 BR ~, all CLEAN BachtJor Apts. 2 BDRM ?iolua Verde, nz. DIRECTIONS: Pacllic Coast llwy to Admiralty, tum N. acrou. the bridge to SSOl in ll.B, <1'n.4) 712.9430 Mortgage Servicing ASBOC. LAUNDRY RM. You would -pool, ms +. Thro amonlOO. View bay. pooL All utll Incl f/S up EXCLUSIVE In.om• Property 6000 -' • borne ot thla ,;,. Sept. '°' w. Wlbon N~ Golt G<ntt.1325. 640-llll 3IS E. Balboa Blw. Adults,•""~"'::""'· ON-THE-BEACH Mrs. Naah 675-261'6 All Shup a.. Rtady Bayfront -Beach I:. slip for 4o' boat. 3 Bd, 2 ha, sunny p&tio, excellent Balboa Coves. $62,000 • clear • 1ubO'it. R. C. GREER, Realty 335& Via Lido 673-9300 .. . Shake Roof Beauty 1241 OARSY OPEN HOUSE SAT a.. SUN Large cukle.aa.c lot. room for BY Owner 2 bl', 1 ba. tplc, boat or trailer, 3 bdrm&, 2% bltns, plyrm &: ba. Be!t baths, clean &: sharp. Priced Lldo buy $4-1,SOO. cn4l right at CI appraisal of .,,.-:=..:::::_~===~-1 $24,600 -no down to Veta. 45' LOT $47,500 Piiul Jone:1 Reiilty "'· $75CO down,.3 BR, 1~ Ba, 847·1266 Eves. 847-8919 bltin&, expandable 6'ffi.2643 LOOKING for a cood buy -Hunttnpton h1ch ! ..00 on a home. Try this! 3 Bdrs. All electric kit. with built-ins. Ref. carpeted throughout ~ COl{e('ed J>.'.1-llo, garage is paneled and sh.aide( with a food pantry off kitchen. Asswne our 6% VA loon, monthly pymfll. Amlme 5% % GI Loan A quality to sell many thou-58. 5@-6362 :I BLOCKS to Ocean 2 BR, BALBOA 673-996 und1 higher, than lht 1tve- 2200 Furn, ytarb' $210 mo. Bltr. l BR. Furn. Apt Avail East-$90. 1 Br unf, upetain. Avail 2 & 3 Bedroom Aptt. away price of Newpert le1ch 675-il.30 er \\o'eek only. 41.L Mature only. 12 2 Luxury living to please th!! $37 950 c.iJ 61""'535 Mornolia SI. 494-<695 mmt di-tin<· ,,,. 1 N•wp<>~_H. 1l•_ht_1 3210 2 BR Duplex, blt.ira, single available 1t FULL PRICE FREE -• 1 BR. '''· ~:;;·;:o1'd. Adu1i.. •"· '"''"' ,an1. Adu!"'"" the Hunli'ngl•n Looking for middleage or ly No ...... .,,,. <>=~9 ,, $3795 D P mt Property Miin•1em•nt retired coupl•, long tl!nn 9'25 E, Balboa fi'll-9749 · r-'-4• ~ ft. y • Available to all Owners tenants for nice 3 BR. l BR, newly dee, <irl>s, W/W O\VNER WILL CARRY for a limited time Huntington B•ach 4400 i:pts, bit-ins, adults. $145. A 1st T.D, FOR THE $~. lnq. 1513 CHU Dr. ~A" "~"", eves 546-6716 BALANCE 1 • Com~ete Bookkeeping v....-~ Ml~N REALTY 2 . Volwn• purcha!tn< di&-Co,.,.. tlel Mar 3250 2 Bdrm. 2 Bath counts. _ . Carpt1. Drapes, bullt-ln'I. Nawport IM~h 5200 985 So-Cout Hwy., lAguna 3 • Fully ._ _ _.A.. ., "-•t locatio" 1 block to 5 -·~ ~1 ""'"'~ ~ BR home, extra wide lot, oc ... Phone (nt) .,.,......,,, ' .. Yr round or summer lrplc, formal din/rm, dbl Pt.I shopping, theaters, etc. APPIJCATIONS now ao-... w t1o ,..-, ........., furnilbed or un.turnilhed cepted, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, iar, pa , .. ._;, area. ....... I pt -•···' Call NOW to beat Scen1e Propertlff 675-6126 from $130. Call o w 'rt e r uxury a • e ..... ~ garage, the Summer rush 2 BR d 1 . red /W 642-2835 for information. I a nt a • t I c Ocf:an/Hsrbor PROPERTIES WEST . up ex, ec w QUIET & BEAUTIFUL view in non-congested area. crptll, drap, range, ttl , fpl, 1 or 2 adultJ, no pets, pool. Ur28 Bayside Dr. 675-4130 gar., patio. Adults, no pets, Adults only: 2 Br., utll. paid. Ltase r e q u t r ed. S265 OCEAN FRONT Apt. 1 Lse. $210. 673-4989 Pool, 847-2125 monthly. Call 64fr.35SO 17676 Cameron, Hunt. Bch, ·-1...uie Bdrm. (2 Beds) $125 H • 3400 _ _ _ _ _ 2301 E11tbluff Ro1d incl. ut!L until June J.4. untangton Beach Garden Grove 4610 OPEN Sat/Sun 11·5 The Worst Looking 613-80" FREE RENTAL BOOK """" .. w' BR' ... u,;,, --DROP IN & BROWSE room, dlninr arta, kitchen, Lido Isle 2351 SINGLE Yowig Adults Lu:<.· double 1arage, swimming ..--...-_ 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Nice car· ury garden apts with coun-pool, draperies, carpeting & EXECUTIVE HOME pet! & Drapes, Double Gar-try club atmru1phere ar>d built·lns. $260/mo, lease. Place in Town Pacific [0 7ll Ocun Ave., H.B. (714) 536-1487 SHINY new apts. 3 block& from beach, cpts/drpa, blt- lns, patio • llund!!ck. 2 BRI $150, l BR $~. Aat. ~2579 L1gun1 Beach 5705 100 CLIFF DRIVE LUXURY FURN/UNfURN Yearly Lease. l & 2 Bdrma. steps to Sbo~ & Shops Oceanvicw from every Apt. from $150 mo up. leue e 28 UNITS Just Jitted. Attractive,, ••ell maintained bid&:. 1urround· lng H&F pool, Spacious l bdrm. (700 sq, 11.l ~ 2 bdrm. units, 35 closed garaaes., blt· in applianCft', 5 yrs. old ' located in a prime Anallelm area. Priced at 6.8:< schedul- ed gross income of $«,000 &. there is 1till plenty of mom for ~nt increar.es. SPRING REAi, TY CO. Investments 540-9517 e 14 UN)TS Costa M~aa. ~ Sfngte buDdln& allowing 12%% spendable after all expemie• including 5% vscancy, 5% reaerve and manageibent, Actual va. cancy factor is 0, $136,500 voith 15% down. SPR1NG REALTY 00., INC. INVES'I'ME?ITS MG-9517 2 TRl·PLEXll on this 2 atoi'y beauty. The $134. P.l .T, Full price only immaculatt' 4 BR I.: den 1.c1_21.c·450~·=·~962-~~""'~==- bome features: sunken liv-UP to 80% CO?.IM. Ina: room, comer tireplace. + BONUS cpts/d:rpa, ovenlttd 2 car R. E. Salestnen or \Vome~ garage. p,ro~u\onal Jand· openings now. Expe:r. or scapfui: &' muctt,• m u c h new lkenaee, Tramlng pro. more. Call now for tnforma.-JTnm, Coqtidentlal Call Mr. \Ve llCl'Bped the bott.or •• of the with otflce/1tudlo, 3 BR, 3 aaF~t ':_V~te,r tpallud. fl,!~~~· complete privacy. 501.Tl'H 644-0037 barrtl to come up with this BA, Gardener incL Lease, u• ..,.,. as p s a .....,...,.._.._ BAY CLUB APTS. 13100 N-EWPO--R-T_l_al_and __ 1"_1_uxe one. The houi;e bar 1?111 tu.,~.,_,,S650. unfurn $550, Walker & Lee G~•m( .. TI4)A~ar de n upper Duplex! Br. 2 Ba. been nea;lected, need• pa1.11t. ...-0 1"" J ,::--=·======== Crpts, drps, frplc.. elec .... :1449 B00EA~UTIFUL;;:;:;;;;;;:C:::'.:°"~"'-:""-"t,_2J 1 block from ~an in Sun-- BR l BA. spacioua rooms set Beach. 10 yrs new, all A fittplace, prage. Lease. 2 bdrm. Only $42,000 e&ch. Uruum 1350 mo, turn l'OO HARBOUR Rl TY in& badly, redecorating fn. 763'.! Edinger bltn&, refrig. Pier/ slip. side-and out. um ot junk S.n Clemente 2710 842.4455 or 54.0-Sl-tO Laguna ... ch 4705 Adults, no pets. $325, lease. mo. 494-6453 ,847-8595 .. tion.. &ry ' . ~ ~ uo~ ~ house. -' BR, 2 llv rm, naHc Open Eves.. $225 MONTH yr. Charminl 4142-3425 But. il ~ re a fixer u~ modern, 2 bll3 from beach 4 BR. 2 ba, 2 1 t y , 2 bdrm No. Side, adult&. GOLD Ml!dalllon 2 BR, 2 REAL ESTATE * NEW FOUR-PLEX * 9012 R.IGA.TTA Ffr1f Pioneer bui: • you ve 1ot a stea1 . in ,~'OOded caeyon. d s "'hr I b I t n •, reb'lg, Newell Anoe. 4!M-6594 BA, cpts, drpg, b\tns, !!net General Near Beach, Hunttnston Beach. $65,900. M'la T ~ . h 497-1875 or 497-1517 Cl'}lls/drp1. 1st Ii: last mo ATI'RACTJVE, Oean 1 er, 1ar. 4230 Hilaria Way. fl.85 You'll get KITCJIE. \\1t + $75 dama&e d~. 673-2478 near Beach A town. D!ar be. {213) 981-7039 lona: tile countei~, snack bar, Summer R•ntals 2910 aft 6 'vkdys. new. $145 tease. 494-2887 2 BR l bath De:luxe Con-~lsh"'·ashu, blt·i~ range li: ----~-1s'.::P:.:A_:R_K:,;L.::IN'-G".-.. -M-y-, _w_al_k-to dominium $250/mo unfum oven. garbage d!!posal etc. IDYLL\VILD • 1 Br, n e \Y btach &: shopping· 3 BR· RENTALS $27ti/mo furri. 494-5081 BREAKFAST NO,OK and furn. house w/ vie"'" Near bltns secluded ~Uo, poo°i _::A:i:pl:::l::•..;U:::;nf:.;U:.;r.;:n::;ls::;h::od::__ FAMILY Rl\'f \Vlth . h.ard village. Summer rent;tl ~2j0 & m'ainlenance· many ex· WESTCLIFF, 2 BR, 111.= BA, tile tloors for euy living, mo-Yearly $175 n1o, 714 : trar $1-85 :r.to 83!.'1954 Gener1I 5000 adult! only, no pets, $190 ~ -PE 1:::11:=1 0 N rJ ...... ,~. Open Sat~un l -S 842·4421 s3S;7so SPACIOUS R•ntafs Wanted 5990 EMPLOYED lady wishes 1 BR unfurn Apt, beach area to $UO. Carport or garage net:. 642--0086 •alt/ 5 p.m. (2) WORKING Girls need accom. June thru -Sept. Businats Property 6050 Professional • * 642-1n1 Anytime * 4 BR 1 ~ bath home jurt painted. $22,000 GI or FJIA Definitely a must to see! CALIF.ORNIA RL TY. (7141 U7·1005 LrvtNG RM 1\11\y carpeted 6T:i-1076 eveio. · · , mo. 548-6515 with fireplace and formal 3 BDRJ\.I, blt-lM', wall to VENDOME Rei Pref. C.M. or NB attL • Medical Building Good Bye-Good Buy! dining area. :P.IASI'ER BED-··-• 1 ~L> y,•all c:rpts, drps, 2 baths, Newport Hgta. 5210 2 BDRJ\1, pool, frplc Ir: elec bar-b-q, no chlld or pets. Utll pd. $170 Mo. 54~7325 ti'Th-2112 330C sq ft,. Suitea Oii SHARP 3 BR, 3 Ba, blt..inl, dish· wa.aber, lam rm, trplc, COV· ered patio, $26.500. no down CI or $3750 down and &l!i· aume~ ROOM with wan or mirrora, Hou1e1 Unfurnished tncd yard. $21.5. 962--0748 dre1ain1 rm and huge mas-o;,;;,,1 3000 * 4 BR. 2 BA, crpfl, drps, IMMACULATE APTS! IMMED. OCCUPANCY ADULT lr: FAMILY SECTIONS AVAILABLE YOUNG \Vorking Girl or Stu-choice CQrner in deltrabt. dl!nt to share 2 Bdrm. CdM area. Immediate occupancy Apt. $70 ?tio. 644-4049 Alt. $94,000 • excellent tmns Lut \Veekend for 4 BDRM w/ everythin1 at $26,900 full price, 6% loan. COr lease). 16602 Rhone ~. He. ter bath. TWO O:ID..DREN'S patio, Lease $235. rms plUI extra bath, and all 644-2271 6 PM Will exchange. THE FOX OOMPANY rooms tuily carpeted. Home FREE tt.ntal aervi« New-TO\VNHOUSE 1 B Bltm hall unobstructed and ~ port Harbor • Co5ta Me1a R/O, Wahr/dryer, r.Pool. i_ 1\ll1)Ull.ble VIEW, Value in atta. tennis, wtr pd $110. fi73--1TI5 Close to Shopping, Park FAMILY or 4 needs 2 or 2863 E. Coast Hwy, CdM E11t Bluff 5242 3 Br unfurn hie (Pttf. 21· 673-9-195 er 642-6969 POOL 3 BR, 2 ba homt': . need11 lovin& cl.11! and pa.Int, $3350 cuh to loans. FUll price $23,950. . * "2-8219 • eJtCl!SS of $33,500 -TRY 128,000 in u is condition for the steal ot your lite! • SpaclOUI 3 er, 2 Ba • 2 Bedroom. .., Swim Pool, PuVa:reen • Frpl, IM!v/lndry tac'ls 1&4S An1hefm Ave. Vic Nr. Ha rbor Shp'rl ~~~~~~~!!~ • NEW DELUXE e ~nter. ~12 3 Br. 2~ ba. apt. for leue ~.~l~A7N""'°D°'L°'O~R~D~S~. Incl. spac. mstr. 1ulte, din FREE RENTAL SERVICE WOODWARD Real Estate 8843 Adams, HuntiTlj:ton Sch. 962-3343 BROW MARKET Ideal location, m.in\lte! l beach, 3 Bedroom, dinlna- room. buill·ln raJ1ie, oven A: diabwuher. 2 Car ga.ra.ge, lara:e f.eneed yard, Jots o[ extrul Cheaper than rtnL FIRST PIONEER "The One lo Call 1''lrst" 842-4421 * BEAT THIS * $5150 Down A.'\!wne 5% % Joun $203/Mo TOTAL LARGE 3 & DEN. HAFFOAL REAL TY 8740 \Varner, FV 84:1-44:05 Executive Home A home of diltineUon. 2 story 4 BR, bl!autlful flreplact, extru galore. Park area. Pri~ S40.500. ' R. D. SLATES, Rltr. 847-3519 Eves. 536-7140 2 LG. lot! R-5. Nr 5 pts. unlt!1-medica.I, fl9,900 ea. tenli.a.-Kirchmeyr Box. 648 Kula Maul Hawaii 494-1133 LOS PADRES REALTY 621 So. Coast H\\'Y Lquna Btach • 'l!!mtt •IAL •ftAT• •n-••--ut~W•'1t1 '494·1177 L1guna le1ch 3705 ORANGE COUNTY'S Panar•mlc Viaw LARGEST NE\V 3 BR • 11on1e, 2 ha, COSTA MESA 642.2824 293 E. 17th St, "'-4494 "''/\Y carpets, bit-ins, 1tove $225. 4 BDfilf, 2 ba, lrpl, dips!. 6'.a-3434. 830-2825 RENT wtw, bU-trui. Oilldren OK. NEW 2 BR HOME l Room1 llurntture Bkr ,,...,,. ' ... ,,., w/w ,.,...,, blt·hl $20 • $25. $30 mo. $135. 2 BDR1.t t r i p I e ~ , rtove.675-3434 83()..282S FULL OPTION TO BUY ran.re, w/w, drp!i, patiO. · (Ref~ratora Availabl!!)' rm. 1'. dbl. garq-e, auto. Broker 534-6982 door opener a vall, Pool &: ;;-.,,,;;;;.::;:.:....:~=:...,,~ rec, area. Nr. Catholic 2 • 3 BR: house, Costa Mesa Oiurcb & school I: Corona area. 1-7 yr oJd. Reu rates. d!!I Mar High, 598-2522 <Richard) e ONLY $280 e 2-4 l\fOS ~. April 15, Lido 837-871 ~ Way, N.B. Isle. ffiemodeling L ido Carana dal Mer 5250 home) 673-1395 or 521-3416 Bia. 534-6980 2 BR, view, nmodelltd, No depolit o.a.c. $100. ONE bdrm duplu, plU1b cpfa., bltlns. Unl. H .F.R.C. .,- w/w, available now, good 1195• rum. $250. 4M-9743 Furniture Rent•l1 ~ Rooms for R•nt 5995 WELL furn rm, dHk, kitch privl, sep nbig, gar. Male. Quiet home. 646-0439 ""'· Bia. """"'° NI I 3707 SI! W. 19th C.M. 54'~4'! ~ -· -'-------"'---I L1gun1 gue 1568 w. Lncln, Anhm 774-2800 ~·~~~~~1 --'C..---::.=.--:,-.--lifONARO:I BAY AREA $135. l BDRflf, 1% ba, patio, ON TEN ACRES ADULT C01.DruNtrY "'''"'" blt·inl. Chtldren " l &: 2 BR. Furn &: Unfum Guest Homes 599J Costa Men 3100 _, s1 •s Pl w I 3 BR. den, 2 BA home, pet OK. Bkr. SM-6980 Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. GUEsr HOME Men or ,, • us I er blt·lns. frplc, healed pool Tennis -Contnt'I Bkllt put-women. Meah served !aml- Huntin9ton IRVINE COVE. In th1s prl. 3 bdrm hom: on large lndi· $250 mo. 10 to 5, 496-1243 CMtl Me11 5100 ting a:reen. ly atyle. ~9992 Busln•11 Rental ~ HUNTINGTON BEA.Of GOLO KEY SUl'l'!S Ex•cutlv. & S.f•• Offices * Air-eond &: utlls * Carpels Ir: drps * Reception ltm * Cleaning Ii: malnt. Telephone Answerltll A Secretarial Service and Town a.. Cou.,,.., Shopping Center 18582 Beach mvd. (at Ellis! Huntington Bch 962-6607 STORES ALSO 174n Beach mvd. n1wy 39 corner Slater ln lltn. Bch.) Harbour 1405 vate ai:ea wJth It&. beautiM vldual lot. Qull!t it.reel. K!di RENTALS ORI.WU 900 &>a Lane, CdM .... 2611 .==:;:::::::;;:::::==== beacb 11 • c:harm•-home o ()facAr1hur nr. c:oeat Hwyl Ml••, Rant1l1 SALE-BY OWNER 'th ti!~ _,, ri -~ •• t K. Stow Ii: relri(. $8 more, Aplt. Furni-1..-.1 ':::=-::..=::::::: __ ,..:::.:.:. w1 ~ 5 .... e a. wa .... u 642-Zl2l anytime 640-9666 -1 • Cost• Men Adcln11 TRANSFERRED paneled family rm wA\'tt 0.M I 4000 1 "TS 900 Sea Lane No. 88 Garage for rent for a profitable operation. BELOW'tAARK ET 2 Story .C BDRM, 3 BA Colo-bar, dininc rm, outata.ndil'l& l'OUR BEDROOMS 2 balhl.1.:.:;;.;;..';.1:._ ___ _c..;c_; IW • 2 BR 2 BA, pool 20x24. Costa fl.fesa 89 x '1 tt with a 2-street nlal. 3 car C'J'. Near ac:hooll, kitchen, 3 ample bedrms, 3 1unken llvtnc room. all SllO , ONE Bdrm nloe:ly crpts. d1'fl3. fil"'tpl, patio. ==="';,':lnl;,;:ty;. ='""'=;1'6;;;.==. \ expoaure, plus park~. $50Q.1 3 BR 1% bath $150 per month includl!;la: taxl!s wUh $190 down. Medallion bame wil.h blt·tn electric rarwe It oven, prbqe. d.lspou.I, pl FA hut, cpWdps, dble KUl&'e w/boat door. Fenced, land- llC&P!d stirinlr:lers. ahop'1 It transportation. baths. larre utillty rm, cov-bullt-inl, "quiet residential furnilhed. Availabl& now. 1-::"""b'=l'::.,.=il1BS.:==i•::7J.5224=':::0:.11n--Property 6000 mo. Low down; avail. J une l.Slh. ered patlo S82 500 1trfft. Lease S22.S/month. ...,. __ . ..,_ .,.A -3 BR STUDIO ...... , ... 168.11 Harlme.u Orelie. • ' . CALL AL BLACK 541)-1151 '-IUllC trt. ~. ~""' lalboa 5300 BOYD mm« EMERALD BAY • L . r... Hui .... a..i Esta" 1140, 2 BDRM ......... w/w. POOC Sel or Trade 55' \YATER front w/4/J' view home altuated on I 2 BEDROOMS. comer Maple Avallabll! now. Oilld OK. GRACIOUS Adult Uviflc. <lock. 3 -..... fun lolo,Sbodrmbo""'ol ....... w11 .. .,_ '"'°""' Pat1o, Bkr.534-80 ADllLTSONLY e><.an•Bayvl<w.Spadoul Outstandt'ng ·-'" b $80. TRAILER born< furn!sb. 2 BR. 2 BA., ...U. tn m1, llv nn, 2 ba. Divorce ly 4000 IQ'. ft., deltahU\11 Garage, Av..._..a le Apr. 1. 1 •• ,.,, ts • salr $74.000. 3392 Gilbert OCf'an views, paneled entry Adults $140. 548-2394 alter etl In lowly park, Newport 17•1 Tuttln Avenue c osets ...... aut ... w carpe • I t 'lf09m_: ll1M Drlw, 847-3724 hall, aitrtng area in masttr 6PNI. Area. 646-4910 off 17th Stt'Mt :~~~=~ts~~=-:l: nves ment Vllr~ I y " 1uile, 3 hll.th1, 3 ctr 1arage, 2 BR, pr, patio, c:rpts, drps, 4100 Coste Mesa 641""41 "'"·king. 6'J3.:l003 I p rt Fciunta n alJ•y 141:1 covered pa,Uo w I BBQ. stove. T"tfrir, Tropical at:t·1.C:o°':.::'1:..:M:.:•;:;sa:;_ __ _:.= l iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit l;~~~==~~"=:= rope $22 508 LUXURIOUS 3 BR, 2 BA. SIOO.OOO. ting. F" ldulto, l blk. to $25 Wk U HuntlnlJfon Ba1<h 5400 y ' Jo'am rm, frpte, "''001 cptr. Turner As1ociiite1 &hop.s. $160. M4-4780 • P ff ARBOR Larre atratefle comer, 01 Hld pool, lrplc, w/ BBQ. 682 No. Cout Blvd. I BR with fire .. 2 •Studio I: Bach apta. OlF.Z ORO APARTMENTS 125'x200' C+ 15' alley), with Assume 5¥•% Loan tned arta tor childrtn. Walk Laguna Beach (TI4) 494-1177 pi.at. $1251~ ce,351 ~ • Jncl Utill 1: Phone serv. 8234 At!Anta 2 rood oU\ce buildlnp: on $3SOOC•1hDown to &hp't:, schh. Conv to\'!'~!!!!!!!!!'"'""'""'""'"""J1&th Stl'Ht. Open Sa1/SWl e MaldStr\lice·1Vavd. GREENS Newt-2Bedrooms-PQ ~ maJor &tlfft.Neuththeart Tote I pymntt $152/ mo. frw)li. nu. a p p r a i 1 a 1 PRIVATE atepe; to beach. lO.S or <1lS) SSS-212l • New Cate a Bar electric only of the ta.buJOUI O. C. CMc ! BR.a, l"-baths, buill-ln!I, $30.500. Qwnr. 90-4915 ftb;ty decorated. dupla, 2 M•A I ' u···-···~ I .... _ 237' Newport Blvd. 5tM155 BACHELOR . UNl'URN. 536-3927 or !3S-2T2T c.enter I: boomlnc ttnanda.J i:upets. !Uape•, -l\alnL I-'----------e.drooau •adt. "'°pla<es, w~ •=-~"' HOIJDAY PLA%A from $100 Pool-Wubt...,,,.... dbtrld. Gr .. t tnfD< now Dlne111on:t1 Ille. Tustin 1640 all rww kitchen In one unit bo\IM, po. Mo. Cman. wUe, DELUXE, ~ l .adnn. ALSO AVAILABLE Prlvate GaJ'Qtl A: ~ for high riaie lnnheOr Realty EYE & ., .. ·L Not1h ""'· $10,000 1 amalI cltlld, Wnlly only,) .......... SIJ5 Pltlt utll. 1 • s • s BDRM. FOR RENT ·-bulldlrtc. "' """ "" MT.mt Eve1. 96S-ll71 IV' """' ffiAlllOH m1LHr No pet.I. 64&-m3 Heated pool. Ample pdk1Qa lltall!d PooU. OUld c.n 1 BR. T~ with wuh-assured apptedadon. Prlot A Rare Find I I: 3,!;.~i. 2 J~c= .. cair~i N~No ~ Cente!', AdJ. 10 SMpp1lw -er. drytr, re(rlprator, 11). $250~rT TERMS OR PRESTIGE 1!:~ :rethi~.''~v: ~~; REAL ESTATE Apr11 11L $190. 64&-8115 VIII• Pomon• Aptt 2100 P~::: ~t H~ ~~~n~::i ~ve~~::~ RIC:XA'if~~~E:TTE ca.rpctinc and drapei, lkrrt 611 South <:out J:lwy. LARGE 2 bdnn. $140. W1h-:r Cotta Meca '1 ne"·e1t I mott bo1· .It Adam~. Cotta l\fna.. tngton Beadt. 962"846 cn-t> MT..&4GJ TWO STORY$ patio "i th rt.replace, 4 bed-Lquna Beach 49M164 pd .. crpta, fenced yant, pr. luxurioul apts now rentlrlc, 11!!1!!111!!111!!54&-03111!!111!!10111!!111!!!!!!!!! DELUXE 3 bdrm, fam rm. I ~==;;.,,;..;.c..;,,c~- 4 BJ\., lovely cpll drps, ~ Mm&. 2 baths. modem eltc-SUPERB Atc:hltected Gem., 2199 Maple SL 643-1658 Furn ' untutn. Adults only. [I 1tudlo Wfranat. no pelt. GLENDALE Apt. Bldf. "'"n teteom Ulruout. EHcttlc Jdl. lMc kitchen, Almost every Oll 4 lewll. Dn.matie 16' 3 ROOMS, new pa in I : no pets. lifiO Pomon1 A,'t.. su;. ~fo. CJo9t to Douatu k>cattd near Brand " dlen. SHOWS LIKE A MOO. room U.)'5 )'OU an! Uw JN. e11iliJ1i, 2 Br. 2 Ba. Bil carpell. Utll lnc:I $110 mo. Just 10UUI of lfth St. N E WLY D!COR.A. TED Plant. Call sn-1235 G:t<not.Q. SIJc )'tart old. Ano EL..VAor FHA~rml. STANT OWNE R. Only deck. Coutllne view . 54()...2M6or56-6294 PRJVATE slttplnr rm. 2 8r,"-'/CarpOrt-flCU nual Cf'OIS 1ncomt $13.200. BRASHEAR RIAL TY $30,300. $39,950. Owner. 494-9821 OLDER 2 bdrm. cleAn, w/bath. JUJt pa.lnted, S60. Di.tip,. "-'Aler pd,· nr ICbla DUil 6"2..5678 tor RESUl.TS Price $102.MO Ptte Bamlt Mf.as.31 &vea. $36.2123 H1rry A. 809gs praac, 1at'1'e yard. m. Pff mo: See ,.,..., 2131 2194 "D" Plawi!la AVL they are 1oDldlW -DAD.I Rtl'ltJ ~ OL\JtGE ;ram-want 1d now. 1tealtY SIS21&3T Dial 6G56TI ft#' BESULTS Phone e\'tt ~I05116 Eldt-n A.,., • 6>6-4120 • Pil.DT d • ... I MMm. WAAGE,_, nnt ad now. ·..:::.:.;..;..;...;.;.;..__~-- REALTY 3629 E. Coast Hiway, OIM '7S.S930 FREE DESK SPACE • vicinity of Baktt and Bristol (C.M.) in ,.!urn for taking m'ssagea and aC& ceptina: delivtties. Notary -Income Tax • lns. etc. can nm l!oblnoon t>Mo.l 54S"478 500 Sq tt Gang. ~ bid( tor re:nt on East 17th St CM DI pwr 11.lttady jl)o 1taUtd ready tor plumber, electrician or aim t 1 a r buslneu 546-SOll • OOMMEROAL Bltfa. 31111 IQ. ft. Good loca.Uoa on New. port Blvd. in C.~f. ~lT EvN. For Leiise &u"" . Gym • l\lllliWil'f! llealth Stuclio at 2626 N•w· port Blvd. C.M, Jlb. Bia. m'6>4 1~ F'T shop, warehoua, alley truck entrance ~ W/uUL~.~ f .• r j~·~-~*~-*~-~*~-"'i*!"il!'! .. IP*I IUSINISS an<I . 1( FINANCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ond NOTICES _.:;..;;..... __ s111V1c1 01111~11Y l1111v1c1~ 01111cT011Y SERVICE o.1111c •o~• .. -~w'"'""' :..'u;;;•;;;•c.; .. ;;..;;"====~r Applltne9 Rep.in GardNllnt 66IO Paperh1n9ln9 Helo Wantetl, ~ 7?00 But. Op-nltift ~300 Found (FNO Ads) 6400 POODLE-TERRIER t y p e ma.le doe White w/apriool spots found ln vie. al Bola and Goldtn Wttt iD wm- mlmtu . Call 89'J.901S Porto 6510 -ANTHONY'S -~olntl"t 6UO Aco:lUNTING VALUABLE FRANOUSE Award.In&: riaht. of dlltrlbu- tion to the nrw and amazt,. "Speoed-Vfndor." Vend~ routes e1tablllhrd. WASJIER ii 0ryu ~pair, Garden S.rvlc.ei PAlli'TING Lnt le Ext , Xlnt-cuan.ntffd1trv lcc 646-1941 1.oY."ell-con~ J:rit"ea, Reu rates. MT..IJJI BUDGET LANDSCAPING F'uil)' Ins. S.Uatacdoo par. Prune •.. Plant ••. Prepare t"foee esl Cl1I Jlm WMlal. .. _rsflll"t 6SSO Moothly .,,..,,_ 111>-lllll -~-:8':'.•".'.'8~"'1':::::1::,~El:'.t--Exp. llorticulturist -,.,=..,.=.,. .. -..,=,..,...., °"4;,--...,.-- Smol1 ........ ...,Uat of $1'91to "'95 ....,m.d. A aood tllllJlcia1 •xpi•IM plan avallable to thole • ,.,. .... Bl.ACK Booton euu ma1e. Whlle maddnat on face. Stattr Bros. Atttt 4 pm. ~ -.-...1 ••-·•· 1-1 •• .1-..11 TAKATA ex:perlenc:e. Call Frtdl ~e ,,..:. .. , _. ,,,......._, JAPANESE ~URSERY • •-_.. * -Wod< ..... """· Vk inl'1 -Ke"•..., il BiWp St .• s.A.. 54G-O'l2t Complete prdenl.J:w PAINTING ~ 11 yn Phom 138--5612 tervict". Headqqartm b:ir tta J:larbor'ana. Lie a bond- Whedllya Wont? Whoddya Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Speclol Rate S l ints -5 tim .. -5 bucks llUlll -N) lllUIT IN('LUCIE Part-time prollt1 ot $400 to $500 .. llV • monlb pl.Ible. Fulllime effort can exettd $l~Nn0lllh, J-Wna1 ,.., ri.w ti. It..._ a-.wtiet .,.., wnl 1n "'*-a-'f'OUlt ...,_ Mfllw 9ddrlat. +-1 INll f11 •11¥111111fts. If you drive a car and be- lieve the Vendln& lndUJtry ta beN to at.ay, write a lee· Ible lie:ttu 1ivinl a sood $-fo!OTHOfG l'Oll &ALI!' -TltAOEI OH~ YI PHONE 642.$671 To Place Your Treder'• ParedlM. Ad .-.. --. Only .o1id and lnd.wtrloua Have Vac. Auto Salq I Re- pair Bldg. Harbor mvd. C. hf. Equity $5.1,500. Want Res. Income. }loll,ywood -* 675-6591 • 10 Acre-Orange Grove Of'ar Laguna Beach, \\' A.Vf: Apt! or Ranch. Bkr 494-1330 1958 cabin Cruiser, 215 ho $1200 val; 1964 Comet, 4 spd S500 val. Trade (or later moclel car, truck, camper 1~ or ? 642-5582 Want late model Sportsman Van. Jlave as part trade '60 Impala & '60 Chrysler Sta Wagon w/air. 54&-1890 642-ro.15 '?1.75 Ac. NoSD Co, San Marcos Adj Fwy, R/R, U1il Trd for 30M sq ft Lsd ind. units. Onr ?it n;. Binghan1 PO 693 Balboa 6i3-8417 TKAOE: 17' Trailer, sell· contained Travel Trailer. FOR.: Boal le ?.1otor. * 548-8000 * ca~ mobile home on the watt!ir, boat slip avail. Trade for 2 bdrm condomin. ium, ·Jl.B., C.M., Tustin area. i75-:;195 3 BR l" ba. Monticello Condo, <PIS/drpo. bit-Ins, 2 pools. $3800 equity, Trade for 3 or 4 BR home. TI>I. car or ! Owr,/Agt. 546-5SllO l T Ft. fiber glass outboard and big v.'heel tilt trailtt. \\'ill trade ror landacapU.. "worken" wlll be com1d- ered! (Lilt your phone num. w .) WRITE' Speed.Vendor, Dept B- "1262 Natural Br'id&'e Road St. Lou.la. Miuowi 63121 CANDY SUPPLY ROUTE PHONE G'W-4687 <No Sdling Involved> II.AVE Units & Trailer Prk, ExceUent income for few Tucson Ariz, 5 ac. All rent-hours \\'ttkly work CD!IYI Ol'I ed. rrn/35 ~1ore sp. $72,500. evenlnp), Reflllin& II; rot. T1ade $30.IXXI eq, for ! in lectllll money from co1n op. S. Cal OR 3-3045. erated dispensers in COo!!lta P.fesa &: sUITOunding area. 'Ve est route, (HandJes name brand candy & snacks). $1450 Ca!h requir- ed, For persorll interview in Costa Mesa area, s e n d namt>, address & phone num. her to J\.1ultl-State Inc., 9075 E. Imperial Hv.y, Downey, 17 Ft: outboard for 1tatlon wagon or auto al equal val- ue. Phone 6444687 2 ~f.1 tilt-up bldgs on Pia· ccntia, C.M. Trade eqty S95,500. for property, plus ? ? Price SlS0,000. 548-1542 Calif. 90242 SPECTACULAR Ho me -~==~==~- t.tammoth L ak es with CANDY SUPPLY enough Unit& to ~te ROUTE financial concern. Trade for (Part or Full Time) S55,000 equity Orange Co. Excellent Income for f~v or ? Salisbury Rhy, 673-6900 hrs. weekly v.·ork {dllya ---~~,;.-,.-'~~-I or eves.), Refilli ng and HA VE: Double bed, spring. collecting money from maltresi & frame or Herm-Co In Ope ra ltd Dispen· f! portable lype\vrite, both sers in Costa ?.1eaa and in good cond. WANT: Stereo surroundlng are a. No unil u equal value. 548-1923 selling. (Hand.lea name brand candy It snacks. l * * * * * * $1650 total cash required. For m o re Information l!~'!!!l!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!.'!!l![!!'!!!!!!'!!J~'!IJ!!!!!!!!!!!. I &nd details, send name, REAL ESTATE .REALESTATE address and phone num· G I ber to: ener• Genaral ----I "ROUTE DEPARTl\fENT" L h 6100 P. O. Box 3846 Office Rontol 6070 LAGU~A BEACH Air Conditioned O Anabelm, Ca.llfomh\ 92803 TOP LOCATION "LITTLE BUSINESS" . •Operate from YoUr home l'EKINGNESE -Vicinity Fall-4 Newport, C.M. IDENTIFY. 50-lS82 PEKINGESE, older ~. very ml care<! !Dr. 1'0r Info call 56-2980 YOUNG mother will bab)'llt v.~k.41.ya in own home on Balboa Pen. Call Sand,J Pana:bum. 673-1238 BABYSITTING In my home, $20 per wk. Near PomOl'll. Sehl, CM. 548-9M2 YOUNG mile Terrier, BlJc. Abt. S mos. old. Near l.iarina Hi .893-681! BABYSl'ITING, your ho me BROWN Wallet, Estancia by the! v.·eek. You fum J-Ua:b Sch. Owner Identify lransp. C.t.1. area. 642.1407 "Kl="31=63==:7'""~-,-· I BABYS11TING My home, E-OCC Stude.nt'1 no I e boo k • lide C.M. Prefer weekly. ~uhon! Dr., NB. 675-3345 * 548-~7 * BABYSIT One or lwo L_oot-'------640-! cbf1dtt.n to a.re 1, nty borne LOST green &: y ellow parakeet In Vic. · 2 0 0 Poinsettia, Cd.M. Anl'twra to Ptte or Mcmma'a PrettJ Boy, He v.1ll repeat hll ad· dress. Reward. 541~ 633-4516 VIC filO C&mpua Dr. N.B. Black portfolio ~tairul lr- rtpl&ceable m a t e r i a l . Reward Phone c o I• 1 e c I before 8:30 am I aft 5:30 pm or wkend1. (213), m.5862 "'HITE Husky pup light Ian back, (blk. tip on tail j \~ · tall. 3 mo. old v.•andered arell 32nd St. NB. P.1on. Feb. 17th. Dragging la' of chttin, ans,,.ers to Leather. Please: Call OR 3--9310 $100 RE.'\VARD · 2 Fluffy Persian kittens/ 1-crenm, !..grey. No questions asked. !91--9102 LOST black & tan 4 months old male beagle. Hamilton & Bushard Vic. Ca 11 968-5210 before 12 noon. SM Grey female Poodle, Vic of Beach &:: McFadden. Reward. ~4/893--6818 MALE Shaggy Sheepdog • blond & black vie. 15th & P.1onrovia. 548-1834 SHAGGY brown female poo- dle \vith red collar, vie. Meredith Garderui:. 962-7659 full or part tin~. 54S-6.127 OllLD Cil' lnt&ntl' Care, Nr. Pac. <l>a•t It Newport. Reu. Open I AM ~ BABYSl'ITrNO my home, Prefer under 4. C.M. area. 6'2-S.1411 \VILL Bablslt in my home, week da.y1. * 548-5298 * Boat Malnhn•nce 6555 MARINE MECHANIC Day A Night Servle.e, BAL. BOAT RENTALS 700 Edgewater Balboa, Calif. Robt. Schweitzer 67'3-4070 Brick, M1sonry, •tc. 6560 BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brick, block, c o n Clti e t ' , crpntry, no job tool•mall. Llc Conlr. 962-6945 Bu1ineu Service 6562 TYPING at home. Accurate, acceptable o[f met printing etc. By hr not im.ge. 831-3889 Carpentering 6590 CARPENTRY MINOR R.EPAlRS. No -Job Too Small. Cabinet in 1ar- ages It o t her cabinets. _P_.,_o_•_n_al_s ____ 6_40_5 ~ 545-8115. U no amwer leave t commercial acres. hub ol e Full or part-time Huntington Beach, Zoned e Hi&b earnlnas FREE msg at 64G-2.112. tr. 0. """'""" ON FORES'.L' A VENUE Duk spaces available In newest olfiet buiklln&: at prid:le location tn downtown l.quna Beach. Air condJ. tioned. carpetl!d, bEautituJ paneled partitioning. T w o entrances: F!untqe on Form ATe., rtar leads to Mwiclpal pu1dnz ktta. $50 11«' montb for QKle. Deak and chain aYalla.ble for $5. Busine&s hour• anawering aeMce availi.ble for $10. All utillt1et paid except C-4, 1 mile from San Diego e No experience ntce&aal)' Frwy on Beach Blvd. Prio-•Free training pqram BOATING l.tASTER. carpenter, $4 per K to sell. e Earn while Jeanting ho Re-....t..ii-Re ..... 1-HARBOUR RL TY e $3500 Investment buys ~ ~ __.. •. 847-8595 complete lnv~tory cou RSE $1,(XX) OOWN on small leveJ e For ~onnation REPAIRS, ALTE.1tATIONS Oceanview lot La a: u n a • Call: 54G-674D eves. BY CABIN ETS, Any size job. Beach. Balance $ .'4 • 9 5 0 • TE R R I FI C opportunity. Coast Guard AuxUlaty 2S yrs. 6Xpel'. 548-61ll PfU'able $50 mo. including small coin operated car 1tarts Thurs. 7:30 PM· Cement, Concrtte 6600 -·· DAILY PILOr 222 FOREST AVENUE LAGUNA BEACH ........ interest. owner. · C 71-4 \ wuh. OwDtt must quit, .March 21 497-1210 make offer. Located at 19th Corona del Mar Hi&h School CEMENT Work, no job too VIEW .. 210" °' Ocean & &: Newport, C..M. 968--175.l 2101 East Blatt,_Jl.rive small, reuonablt. Free city llghts. $29,500 including aft 5 PM. ''R~ENT=~FREE==,-s~-~-.-pt estim. H. Stufllclt. 548-8615 plans, 9,CXX> sq, ft. pad. 2417 LIQUOR Llctnae Oranp with conva.lt11eent 'mall 21, * CONCRETE 'WOl'k. Bond- Harbor View Dr. CdM. County It quality ftxturn In exctianee 10 r com-ed & l.Jcenled, Concrete 646--2071 for complete rntaurant. panlonship &: lite duties, aawini • VIEW of ocean. comer Newell Asloc. 49'-ei94 part time. Student'6k. Mu!t Phllllps Cement. 54!-6380 bluff, possible 6 st Y · BEAUTY Shop Newport be sober and depeodable. Custom L•ndscaping * .Modem Offices medical or apll. Will build small, busy. Top loca~ 541-5871 BESr IN CONCRE."fE Single ' or suites, Air cond-to suit. 536-J5S5 '= leue. mso. 646-408! LICENSED" • 646-U:M • itioning, parking, secretarial BUTI..DERS, in v es Io r s e.ve1. Spiritual Rtadill&:t, ~vice e CUSTOM PATIOS e service, central locaUon, 60X300' possible 7 Wlits, w·~H~O~LESALE==-~D~~-lri~.hu~tor on all matters, 108~. El col'ICI"ete u.winl' &: removal C. Robert Natlrel;s Realtor cholcro arta. Real buy needs funds: tor 1ar&er in-Camino Real. San· Oementt. Sl&te Uc. e 842-1010 • 230 E. 17th Strttt $19.500 Bkr 642-5851 ventory. 'VW pay hi&:h in-492·9136. 10 AM-10 PM I::======== Costa Men &42-1485 RA Lot, Costa Mesa. Zoned terest rates. 546-7015. SPECIAL $2 READING NEWPORT 'CMC CENTER 35 unitii. _ CUTE SPOI', Pina, chlciren, LON ELY unencumbered Offlce1 suitable for Com-Owner/Broker. 548--6 161 fb:h, frozen bananu. &Z widow wishes to fonn a me.rcial, J.redical, Dental. LOT • Rolling Hills Road, to operate. Tmns. '7r>-1175 wtdow'a club. Interested Alrocond •• crpts, elevator Va.lley Center S&:XI down. FOR SALE SAW SHOP part.if! write Daily Pilot FROltt $70 Fortin Co. Rltr. 642-5(0) GROSSING over $10,0CD Box P-318. Ml-50.12 OR 6i~24M 6J&.1530 an 5 pm 8-47-7174 Attr•ctive Expert PROFESSIONAL Bldg. 500 Acre•ge 6200 YOUNG WOMAN to 2G<ro sQ ft New bldg. I ;;;;;:~~~~;;;:~;;;;;I ~-~!!!Y_!lo!!_!L~•~•!!n!.._~63~20 dancer will teach you all '";"""' " """' """'-I' NORTH OF iat•n ...... ean >.ro,u Lllrge parking art"a. Pete · PRIVATE party wW loan 213: 591-4538 1-10 PM Barml Ft.olly 350 E. l1lh ESCONDIDO 11'00 up on R.E. "IU;ty o• St., CM 642--4353 buy TDs. Call my agt'nt YOU Must be scene to be OFFICES Approx. « Acies, rolling Anytime Ph. 54J..8311 ' sel@Cted. We need people bills; beautiful setting; can ====-=====I of all ages int. in expogUre L-. phUJted in ~~ados or Real Estate Lo•ns 6340 tor bit parts in commerc., Single or sulle, parking, ~n tral, cor loc Orange Aw. 100-f.00 1q ft. 548·6713. OFFij:E 1842 A Newport Blvd. Ideal for insurar1Ce. incorz:te tax or emplo~nt agency. 543--058& SHARE ollit'e w/ Inco.mc Tax co. mnWy rent, 1806 Blvd, CAI. 642-7301 e 1 1 - """ Nwpl 17th .l ORANGE, <.;,M. Top loe&Uollf ground floor; only $60. 1n 1 Orange. 548-5541 300 Sq. Ft. Office Colla 1'-!esa. 646-%130 hold for apprec.1ation, Anx· movies &: TV 826--3460 ious seller is a.sldng $59,400. HOME LOANS COuPLES. stnglea; lonely! 10% Down with interest only MONEY AVAILABLE New in area! Join the sv.in&: on balance. For more in.fur. Call fllr detaila on today'• to tun &: pleuure matlon, please call K. W. rates fOt' lllt A 2nd TDt. e 6.JS.9291 • Small with Serving Oran&• Count)' l:or * Selective Singles * Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 20 yeara. Companiorui:hlp, Slnculty 1818 w. Chapman Ave. Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. Introductions Confidenti&l Orange, Calif. 336 E. 17th St. (2.>55) 642-9676 S-10 PM Ml-2671. Eves-v.•knds 538-59n sc ... 2111 :;u.om ------·-Eves. 67J.~ 642-1151 REDUCE Safe, aimple. tut LANO A PLENTY with GoBese ttblell only OWNERS! NEl:D CASH! 98c. Cr a w f o rd ' 1 RX 5 acre• •••• $1500--UXI dn. Our ce~tery caz...Fuod Pharmacy, Costa J.ies& 10 acrts •••• $19$-$400 dn. Hu 50 to $250,0JJ Rf'ady 10 ,.,... •... $2450-$500 dn. to Buy Le........,cl<, MJg. WIG & MAKE-UP, 20 actft •••• Slm-$200 dn. Hldgs. for lnve1t. Return Cluses $85 80 ecres ••.• $'1951'.>-41000 dn. S to ~ Yr. LeaR Ok. CBelle Coametks 541·94&1 lnduatrlal_!rop. 6080 50 acres .••• $2800-Flnd H LYTLE REALTY ALOOHOLlCS Anoeymoua FOR Leue, building 38x75', "A1 lit tleu$2Smo.'' 583W.UthCM ~9(93 Phone 50-1217 or write to M-1, large iot, KU!table ror Harry A. Boggi P.O. Box 122:J Coria Meaa. engine, machine, or body Realty 962-6637 ... _rlt TD• •••5 N C ty -....... o -1--------• render shop. Del orte oun Announcements 6410 Rerigl~5 Nt"at fabulous Klamath Rlvtt 1!1% YIELD! 642-4610 in heart of the Redwood Na-$)),000 2nd TD w/ dlacounl ATTENTION INDUSfRIAL Bid&:, new. tlonal Park. Call Gle n brings 19%! 10" 3 yn.$2(1(1 !X .. NAVYMEN 100% o c cu p I t' d, &ood 'I1Mlmp90n <TI4l 532..a Ofl-mo pymt all due ll/30m.. (lean out the old sea·btl tenfl.nl.ll. N.B. 10% net a.nge, Calif. or write Harold 494-39&4 and help out a good· caUR. retum. 32.000 II() (1. Phil Del Ponlt , Box 35. Klamath, I---------Give your old uniloniu <Ott. $ulllv1.n. 548476'1 Calif. 95548 Money Wanted 6350 ker1 It Enlisted) to the Sea· Contractors 6620 Additions * Remodelirtf Fred H. Genvlck. Lie. 673-604.1 * 549-ll70 6625 PROFESSIONAL Rug A Upho]ltery a eaning. Top quality, auaranteed results. Allen's Maintenance 646-4063 or eves 642-3526 CARPET &:: F\lrn, cleaning: for 1 day service &: quality v.'Ork, call Sterlin& for brighbtemi! 642-85:IO Carpet le Uphol Cleanin& JI It'• done right. •. , It'a "DUNN-WEU."! Frff Eallmates ••• 548-8544 Carpet laying & Repair 6626 C.'.RPETS (nylons, wools, polyeater1,) Vinyls and T\l. e•. Late11 styles and colors. Commercia.I and RelildenU&l. Expert in1tallatlon. BLAN!ONSIIlP FLOORS 6'2-1403 540-7262 Electrlc•I 6640 E LE cnt/CIAN Llce....i, bonded. Sml\JI jobs Malnt. &: repair. 548-5nl Gardening 6610 Scouts, Need bluet. whites, Industrial Rentel 6090 Resort Property 6205 MONEY want~.:. Ex· ae•-bQa. etc, 642-5769 ----.~R RENT ~.-'!·--th prerienced, a I' re II I Ive . 1 ,N~ar='"11e="~---'-,o-,,.-.~t.-,-.--CUI &: ,;-,i_ Lawn fOR Jeaae Laguna Niguel, v r wu ""''""" ho •·~ kl "' -• -· ,.__ Mo u n t a I n Conddminlum nnt. ,.,.. ..'Or na: am-debta, oilier than my Own. Maintenance. l.lctNed oU San Dleao Fwy at \..nlwu _ ~·-bl .. -.• -·" tor uni~ ..... " '· ,_, & "'-Po 1t o i ..-u.N ~ ... _._., nt.,.. William L. Allaupi u of ~alt f V ...::)', new commeteiM .....,.. "" beer taft!'ft ln Beach arell. Mucb 20th, '69. lnduatrlal unita. Drlta E1ec-Rt1»¥ Bol M 9'4, Oall.11 --"'"-"=-"-'-----LAWN SERVICE Irie DI.YI -131-HOO. EV<I Mount. I o.-t 6210 Pilot. --" '"'"'198. =-~~~---C4melery Loh 6411 , =~u~sa.~_on.r __ ,_P_M~ e NEW M. 1Bide .. 10.lll> ! /I.. Nr. Hemet lndeawu ~ ~O,t Good r.:1-=-'-'-'-'--'-----YARD Clean11p. "lYft aq ' Mat Airport , Mr cond 3.o:»' tl. Wtr. pme SSl500. yn: • TWO ctmtltT)t lota • I auvict, new I•" n I. cf Cl. SDI mo.. I r O I I. $55 On. 133-mO 1-10 AJil. "-5'8-U4I eva Hutior Reat. Prime k>c. ll)r'ln1de:n. rototill. &l6-llMI , 644-"'4 qt ANNOUNCEMENTS = .uu. SM:riflco. eJAPANES& GARDENER NOW LEAStNG • New M·l encl NOTlCl!S t.talntcnance I OeuuP I Jndustrial 1350 .lq\lllrt leet. It !. Wanted 6240 ___ FOUR et.metery iotJ at Call 548-'.j5'i2 11 .. /mo. •-nt 64"1'" -•--d (f-A~) ,,.,._ Herbor Rest Memorial 'Perk -~ ..,... .,. ~ HARBOR 81\'d property or rwun ·--gqvv in mue Spruce teetion. Calt AL'S Garder.Jrw Str•lce Loh 6100 • '-.&... ~ room for 11 I, -'Ii.. 33.1 E. 2~1 SI .. Col!ta Jitua. Owntt 49+-5072 E\..i, ! bldg tor Rtan tin activity. BLACK-C~ m I n I e t u re LT s...wT5 l.Jiwn malntcnlncf!. prden- 63f>..1252 kmalc Poodle pup. Wt'D int 6 c:lean upe.. ~ DIAL dittci 642-5671. Ch&rlt! groomtd, Narmw black col· DlAL dlr.ct Ml-film. Clw'r\ EXPER GARDENER YoUf act. then alt back and tar. Vie Sant&. Ana Ave. )'OCD' eel, tbm tH bli<'k and Mid.qc> J apal191fl Reliable:. ll&ten to the plloM rtrwt ~lh block. ~loo.3 llaten to lhe .....,_ riD11 Mnn • Sat l32-07C6 all YoW' nunlel")' needs. td. Rell f1Jru. 142--mg ALLEN BROS llOMJ!XlWNERS, -,.., GARDENERS STUDENTS home look nan dewn 't working thtlr Wl.Y thru. col-893-4438 Free eat on t.x t. 1 .... Ex,,..,.,._, ""-·I""======= REAS! 646-0ll Platt.ring, Rtp.iir 6110 DEPENDABl..E: Prof. yard care Low·n.te monthly• PAT'S Plaaterinc. AU a v at I able • 5 4 S -1931 t,ype.t. f'tte e!tlmall!. Cl.II am/ev~ ~ I====== JAPANESE Ga.rde~r. com-Plumbing 6190 plete yard serv>ee, fr'ee --"------ estima.lts. 5&1332 PLUMBING REPAIR Cl.F.AN-UP Spec:WiJU Mow-No job too small Ing, -· odd -Jlaht • 64>-.l!l8 • moving, Reul 548-695.5 PLUMBnoJG 24 hr llUV. • JAPANESE GARDENING won: i\W', Uc, lnl, rtmod. Sclvice Oeanup, l•ndK&p-rtpU, rooter·aerv. 5.ll-1561 ing. 531-7034. alt 7 p.m. -- -- JOHNSON'S Garde.Din&: serv. Remodel, R1p.1lr, 6MO Finest equip~ npert yard ARE YOU THINKlNG of care! Reas! 90-2035. another room! Family rm! --Bedroom? Den nn? General S.rvicw 6612 Bathroom! Activity nnt COLDENWEST Self-&rvlce PaUo nn'!' Library rm.? Laundry/Cleaners, 129 Pf'rba,pa ;full men ROOMT A.gall!', Bal Jale. Open Sun-Planl. Eltimatea. AdvJc.. days 9am to 6pm. Wffkd&)'I Gratua. Sam to 9pm, Saturdt.ys lam Lauterbach a: Auoc. to 6pm. SlC E. 16th SL CM '46-1797 -cc'------:--.---11t·1 elmolt sprina: ... know J.11penen G•rdener that tbia ia the t1me11 Exper, compl yard aervke! Free estimate 5'8-7958 ROOM A DD IT I 0 N A-.~-=~~· --~· -remodelln&:. A t t r a ct I v e JAPANESE Gardener, exp, pricu. Free ntimates. Call relia ble. Maintenm«. R@aa 546-0840 mo. rates. 892-3219 =:;=:;;;;;;;;;;=:=:::;. 6950 HAULJNG. Cleanup garazes, Roofing odd jobs etc. Free est. Jim --~-----se.6325. anytime A Roofer not " u.leaman. Leaks stopped, all type WILL 00 HAtn..ING, PAINT. roofing. New or rer a.lr work ~ODD JOBS, ETC. guar. 536-8444 Haull"t 0730 S.win9 6960 WO?a.tAN needs sewlni v."Ork. SAVE MONEY -before you Llte: alterations & mendings take it to the dump, Call hems & clotbl!s made'. 642--5666 eves. S4&-:Z405 CLEAN Lots/garages etc., tfte n1mov, dun1p skip backhoe, fill grade. 962·8745 • Dressmaking·AlteraUona Custom Design~ * 646-6446 * Housecleaning 6735 Alteritions--642·5145 ---------Neat. accul'a!I!, 20 yrs, exp. CARPETS. Windov.·1. fin, etc. Res:iden. or Corne'!. Trff S.rvic• 6910 Xlnt v.'Ork Reas! Rel& ESTATE M1lnt Tree Serv 54.S--4l l l Removal 6 trimmings, fr'M WIU.IAP.t'S CLNG. SERV. est. 642-6300, 842-2993 Carpets-tum-compl hse. e JIUNTINGTON BEAOl And Apt clng. 64U.l64 TREE SERVICE Income Tax 6740 Expert. Reas! MG-01'79 ==~'""---~ RE.SPONSIBLE preparation Ttl•vition, R•pair 6915 Ir filinr: of all income tax returm by "Certified Public RAINBOW TV C.o, No Sel'- Accountant. Available to vice Clarie! Ex~ work, serve the needs of Corpora-color. blk & wht or stereos. lions, small bwineu e.n-546--3720 anytime! terprises and individuals. Your com pie If! eatisfaction 1.U_.p._h_•_l_ot_•_l"'f,__ ___ 6_990_ is guaranteed. CORPORATE * LOOK * IMPROVEMENT 15 )'I'll. aervlna Orange. Co. COUNSELORS BIG SAVINGS • 642-.,37 • CUSTOM II. K. CI a r I".: Acctg Serv. UPHOLSTERY Income tax, personal or AND DRAPES busincs.~. your home or .ofc. Our other services lneludo: 20 yrs. exp. kic firm. * CArpet Jnatallatkln 642-6183 or 645-0742 eves * Carpet I Rug Cleanint e The Tax Advi1or1 Your sat!IIaction is Year round ore. 328 No. our mo1t important aue.t Nwpt Blvd. N.s. 11eu1 Reva's Upholstery Call 66-0400 ftJr appt. 305 Palm, Balboa Penn. MACK HARRIS Tax Serv. 673-27'94 968-4191 : ::-·· ~7 ~\191t, CZYKOSKt ·s cu.tom C. ppointm ,.,Sl).:.»11 Uphol1ttty, E •1 r opt a n •INCOME TAXe. Craftamanablp.lCWICJlo Done in your home Financing. 6t2-1454. 1831 SS And up. ~2li00 Newport Blvd., C.M. INCOME Taxes Pftpared your home, long ronn corn-JOIS & IMltt.OYMENT bincd, ns. 494-3422 Job Wented, Ledy 7020 Waller H. Fahrenholz P.A. Income Tax Service 642-6204 or 545-1398 eve CONVALESCENT A I d e , companion or hskpr .. avail. lonii: or 1hort term • Ironing 6755 HOMEMAKERS. 547-ai81 =='-----= ITI JABSCO ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Opportunity fo1· w as::· pulve youn& account· ant in a small division ot a Jarce. intema.tiorial corporation. Muat havt at Jeut two years e.xperl- ence In aenen.I aecouul· Inc. Prefer deitft, EQU,t.L OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <Male or Femalel 1~ O&le Way, Costa r.1esa Pbone: 17ltl 5'5-11251 CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Jolzl ..,., ....... .,.winr protndon-Matual Fund sales No operience neceuaJ)'- Wt train • full or part time Mutual Fund AcMoon, In~. Np! B.181D W"'cllttMUl22 S.A. ~ N. Broadway 511...,, USED CAR LOT ATTENDANT Must have eiperience. Excel· lent company benefits and workin& conditiona. Apply in pel'90n to Bob Ropiski. NABERS CADlllAC 2&00HarWmv<1. Cotta Mna ?.IANAGEMENT TRAINEE WE DON'T WANT YOU unless you can train for t1x months factory apoMOred program, and be able to live JllltlOR AC<OUNTAMJ ll!Jh School dlploml h101ne coll• prefen'ed), v.·lth knowledae of ac- C"ountlrl& or related UN& Experience in payroll &nd time keepifle proced!,UW and methods. ApplY In Pf!r"!IM or caU 1n41 546-IOJO 33'33 H•rbor Blvd. Co1t1 MeH, Calif. Mi11ile Systems Div. ATLANTIC RESEARCH ('ORPORATION A Div. of 'J'hc SUsquehanna ~· Equal opport.unity employer ITT JABSCO I MECHANIC>,L DRAFTSMAN I • ' . Atarine, chemical and h'·' ~::etria~ ~=iol= drafting and dimenl!lion. ing cutma:s essentiaJ. Shop experience desired.!. ·1 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ' EMPLOYER 1 , ,. (Male or Female) 14.Sa Dale Way, Costa M1!'9' Phone: (n4) S4S-8251 on $512. per month durins.. --------- the lrainin& period. Aho YoU mll!l be able to atart work immediately, Call traln1n& director !or pel'!Onal inter- view. CALL MON: 543.9219 STABLE Boy, Steady part time job. Catt for 20 hones. Nffd night & morning cle&.n up daily. Must be 17 or over. Only clean cut hard v.'Orkers nef!d apply. Giw H~rences. WRITE Box 612. WANTED man for mornln&: ntWWpaper delivery, muat haw dependable transporta. tion. Area Seal Beach/HU& tin&ton Beach: P h o n e 598-1403. 0/B MECHANIC, ex· perlenced. Pennanent job. Move to beautiful Lake Ar- rowhead! Call Collect 714: 337-2501 1, JANITOR EXPERIENCED Excellent Employ" Benefits APPLY Personnel Office Thircl Floor The Broadwiy NEWPORT BEACH 47 Courts of FHhlon FASHION ISLAND Newport Be•ch ~ Equal Opportunlt;y ,. Employer. • INVENTORY CONTROL "CLERK. e ASSEMBLER • CARPENTERS •PAINTERS , • • ' • r I ' I .. I L \ \ • .. . ' ·.r -' • ·- WITH .. . . . Don~t iust . SIT there! Grab hold · of ·'the BIG ·action · today! Dial Direct: '. 642-5678 , . Just say: "CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540·1220, toll free) .. . . .•-. .. - • .. .. . , .. • IT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS .. PE-NNY Pl,NCHER WANT ADS .,, -. NEW-LOW-RA -TE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 IN THESE CLASSIFICATIONS! Furniture 8000 Pianos & Organs 8130 Office Furniture 8010 Radio 8200 Office Equipment 8011 Television 8205 Store Equipment 8012 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 Cafe, Restaurant 8014 Tape Recorders 8220 Bar Equipment 8015 Household Goods 8o2o Cameras la Equipment 8300 Appliances 8100 Hobby Supplies 8400 Antiques 8110 Sporting Goods 8500 Sewing Machints 8120 Binoculars, Scopes 8550 Musical Instruments 8125 Miscellaneous 8600 e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $50 e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGl:S e NO ABBREVIATIONS e Let PILOT . PENNY PINCHER. Want Ads Work for YOU! , . I l i ! ' • • --··;-..;;.. -~. . . :: Sall>&y, Matth 22, 1'169 OAllY PILOT JOIS ~LOYMINT JOBS lo EMPLOYMENT JOBS lo EMPLOYMIN1 JOIS lo !MPLOYM!HT JOI$ I IMPLOYMINT J OIS & IMPLOYMINT -· Hel,I lntM, Mon 7200 Help W•nled, Mon 7200 ~~-. Mfrin.a del Rty, «XI+ slips. '""t .. e.perie"""' and haft pod oo.ntactl t.mcq: bat ownera and yacht cluhl, Mu.at be cap&ble ct main. .&enance and adminiltratlon. Good '"""'" u.lacy. Send 1-esume with name, addreu. phone A ttterences. Box # .?if~ DaiJ.y Pilot. bs * REXAIR. NO\V HIRJNG SALESMEN We haYe appointments, v.--e have the product, we ha""e the opportunity and we have I.be top oonuntsslons. CALL MR. LEE FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW S4o.230l * * DlSPt..AY SA.LES START WORK IMMEDIATELY $4t0. PER MONTH Some electrical or mteha~ kal ~ belptu; but not heC8W)". Complete company tnJninc. Rapid ad. vancement into management trainin& to the right man. * UP TO $640. PER MONTH CALL PERSqNNEL DEPT: 540-2034 *DAY BUSBOY * * * * LEAD NIG~ * BUSBOYS * COOK ' , OVER. AGE 18 Experienced only, .f'ull lin1e Apply in pel'SOn art. 3 p.m. FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANTS 3801 E, Cout Hwy. Corona deJ Mar (No phone calla) *FRY COOK Full time for Snack Shop. Over .n. Liberal benetita, HUNTINGTON SEA CLIFF Country Club 3000 Palm Ave., H.B. Maintenance Man Six Days a Week REUBEN E. lif 151 E. Coast Highw1y Newport Beach e INSTRULTORS ~ Full or/and part time. Neat ap- pearance. Mll.!it be able to m~t and deal with the publlc, good figure. Apply in person, Holiday Hea1tb Spa, 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. PART & FULL Tll'IIB CAR WASH HELP & EXP'D. POLISH •nd DETAIL MEN Top pay. 2 Joc. Full 1vork wk. METRO CAR WASJf 2950 Harbor Blvd., C.M. SENIOR BUYER musl be able to negotiate sub-contracts with other firms. Prestige company. Tremendou11 benefits. $1,100 per month. (Fee paid) Beach area. Mercha n ts Personnel. 642-2770 f!Rency. HAND POL I SHER Recent experienee in small builders hardware. KIWKSET 516 E. Santa Ana SI'. Anaheim An Equal Oppty Employer DAILY PIIm WANT ADS! *DAY . DISHWASHER *NIGHT DISHWASHER APPLY IN PERSON REUBEN E. LEE 1S1 E. Caa1t Highway Newport Be•ch * CARPENTERS * ELECTRICIANS * CABINET SEITERS \Vith mobile home; experi- ence, Excelle;nt be:nefits. APPLY IN PERSON EXPLORER MOTORHOME CORP. 4000 Cempu1 Drive Newport Beach R.E. Salesman Wanted Young, Energetic Real Es- tate salesman to work in mode111, aggressive office. Experience not neces.sary, Broker training avail.ah!~ Liberal Commission.! • Pro- fit Sharing Plan.· r.1. ll1. L.aBORDE, Realtor 220 E. 17th St. 646-0555 SENIOR BUYER must be able to negotiate sub-contracts with other !inn!. Prestige company. Tremendous benefits, n ,100 per month. (FeP paid) Beach area. ?of ercha n t s Personnel. 645-2770 ageJ?CY· ASTROTEK CORP. Openings; Lathe mill 3.0 . Top pay. A·l machinist only. 1267 Logan Av, C.M. MAN Friday, Bkkpg. drive truck & etc. can 646-3500, 540-3.IOO CHARGE fr! Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help W•nted, Men 7200 SHEET METAL MECHANIC Needed immediately. High school plus 3 lo 4 years experience in Jayout, lofting, fabri· cation, and assembly of sheet meta] parts and assemblies in boat building or related field. Must have basic knowledge of mini· mum bend radii an d bend allowances aDrt of material specifications used in sheet metal work. Can layout, p~n. form work fr om templates. Adept in the use of power shears, power brakes, foot presses, sque asers, and all other machinery an d equipment used in sheet metal work. Call or apply to Pete Helfrich 3333 H1rbor Blvd., Cost• Mesa (714) 546-8030, Ext. 153 tD. Atlantic Research IC!' Corporation A Div. et The su-.uehanM c.r,. An equal opportunity emi;iloyer lt1 IF • Help W1ntM, -7200 Holp W•nlM, -7200 W-n • H•lp W•nted 7400 Holp w.- Women 7400 l'llanes An Opea B:OO a.111. -5:30 p.111. , ......... 1w Manuf•ct· urlng Compeny has ''"" modl•I• oponl"t• for . Preeislon Apply At: 1300 E. Norm•ndy Pl. So1nt• An• n };I.lock north at ?tfcFadden, \6 block Welt ot Gn.nl.l PART TIME ITT JABSCO . *BUYER* P1eue •end ruume includ- ing aallr)' reqvb'f'ments or call personnel clf;partment fir appoinbnenl · A>; EQUAL OPPORruNITY 001.0YER UNJGARD-,-..=.-' •, . 9 ~Noon s.t..d1y Closed Sundey •-•;..,.0 ,.,, KEYPUNCH . · ~IA,1-DIRECT 642-5678 ~t 1:""° · · • \V~INSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540.'l 2%0 ':!"",J.:Z-~c;::: OPERATftK "\\~;H~~ ... "' ~!210 LllUMINch 494-""6 vlslonot/b--· """ •. I • H R I •• D ... 4JUl•)li.1tUn t f"1 ~o n ·, ~ , OUft-lgu a 1on1-eaa11n.t1 Beach on 1Zdlnatr at BelcJi' '. ,?1 I. 1 . • , • 1'1-~ Blvd.,' J~. off the San m: 1;\a.nlmum of O!Of ye•r lftAOllSt ~if".rtllln iftout-J ef'tl\I*, .,..,, ailft ••llY an• nport '"""t4llat1ly e'"" ego Fwf, :I'be• poiltlons , 'tmfu1trl1l ex,.-~c1, , •r ml~l~tt.ne,. TH• DAILY 'ILOT c..umea ll1lllllty for trNre enly 11 will req~.a ehort tralnin&: '!' • t111 1.i.nt of tultllahlr19 tll• MIWrtlNmtltt Mrreatly ent tlrnt. ~ ~~~ ~&t..~v!:::rk non-DIA.OLINE J'Oft COPY AND Kl l;~•1lt10,,M.thed1yblfor11MfllUotttt",tWl'tf'9f ~ ... _!M'• .... .rw••~ ~ W111t.t nd ldltlOft 1nd Mondl'y ........ when cloelng time 11 l :SO ,.M. P'rfdq. CUKllll', ~ore u,., move. , TransportaUon .,.lll be pro-COtllNS .. YOU MUIT HAVI KILL NUMllRI Whtft kllllna •n 1d .... ..,.. of 11uttli ,.. .... vlded. be IUN to m1k1 a ncor11 tf UM kilt nurnhr given you lty your 1d taktt • 'll1rlflcatlon ., ,..,ur Mii. RADl.0. co l~ry 1ffort 11 made ti klll er ~ a M"J 1d tt11t haa ltltn trdal'ld, •ut W9 ea. Immediate OP'fnlng1 In . not au1rantet to de IO uftllt tftt 111 'hu •PPMl'ld In the fMptr. ' the following 1rN • \ . • ,. ' ~f ., ;q1rc1.-~·LI NI Adt .,. -:t"ft, ..... In 1dvai'IOI lty 11"1111 er •• •ftJ'.,..., e•r.,,...., • • Ja~ROld , , ~ ph1n1 ef'dtrs. '1.- 1'1inlmum qe 2i +. Desir. abl.e for )'OWl& mother with school aged chlldren, Four hours dai])o, five days a STATISTICAL I Newfl"!f lelldt . fjlo,DAIL'Y.l PilOT ~ .......... I•.,,...,,., ....... _ •• -•• , -·DA TA • • ' ' ttl.1'7-.i. .an4 ..--~ kr1tw· •nd rt:fUl1t1one wlthollt prltr Mtfoe. Experielletd or ~ In ~ oppo~ eb'-plo)otr Mall AddN.1 1•x 1171,'N.;.p.rt l1ach, Callf. fire, and/or ca.s'*16' statis-1t.. • fk,_ IJ .. - tical codlq. ~ com-·' . '•~ l CLAlll.,llD COUN;Tl"I aN louted u tollOWlt Wtt!~. ,,lop . Fri., 9 f!) 1 Pl\f, --------- .Wlll•, tnln , .,, 1"'""'"'" FIREMAN sales promotion system thru _ , 1 pull!r ln.]Nt dataifn our op. i · !,r. ~ • oralio"'""''" ~· 1;•ure ;\;; EXPERIE~ED • ,, QeJly PiJot Classified """"" ""'•""· Fll"'< ...... $667 to $809 .mo. ience, good hand writing, no : , typing. $L75 hr to ilia.rt. ad-AGE: 21..30 HEIGHT: 5'8" vance within 45 days. Poli-.minbnum WEIGHT: ln po"' tlons in Huntin&:ton Beach. portion to height. PHYSI- APPLY: Ruth Onnsby, Sher- aton Beach Inn, 2112 Ocean Ave., Huntington Beach, 9 AM-ll AM, ltlonday·Marcb 24th. CAL REQUIREMENTS: High school graduate, valid Calil. operators license, U.S. citizen. File application at City IWI, 8'lOO Westminster Ave., Westminster, Calif.; before April 11, 1969, 5 p.m. wo<k ini\;I"" ·. \.,.., 'j'.~! • ESCROW ~, • , , CLASSIFIED INDEX , · SECRETARY : , • ., ~· , PpUCY SERVICE l ~ , 1 • , ·:i ' :l . ,1. , .•> 'UNITED CALIFQ&NI~ HOUSES ,OW SAll ==:i~:::::p = =~~~:~ 11,.,.,.u = '.. BANK '-t'· ....... u; ... i , ... Wltl'bt,,. . ..,. l'BNCINI .... Prefer at'Ieaat one year ct '" ' J .,J. · 1 e!!" MIQ 11 .. .,=__..,, PAalC fl# l'LOGIU ..., .. . ul 'pl ' ~... I DIL1MAI 11• •••' ......... ,. ••••••• .... -~· 'cuUalty ~r m ti e ~141 E co.Ji;tt·~ ~ W·~· ' '"' IA1T 0 lll>I, OQ .. v.,,.ITURI ll'tTOltlN• '!""" Urie tatinc ~Jenee. Plea,. • ..._,. -' UJll• ...... 111• c:Otloth\ D•L Ma 4tM a Bll'INnNINe .... · 1 Coron• u•t!Mar ' ltl-Wl!Ol:l .•~~· '* -· sa.nt_ p~ penonal ty e•, • " , ltQ~T NlllNTS 1'll ............. _ Qlf OAaOININO sentlal, Ex~ll~t opportun. t 67J. \; -, IA~ toYIJ 'rSll LIQO 11'La. = :::~NA~ ~~.~~:::s = i"" lor advancement ' 1\ : ' ... • .,, '°"' IMOlll Int IMLIO.t. ltl.AND 4lSI OU.SS - (NO PHONE CALL PLEASE) (714) 89345ll Ext. 200 ~ ·~· 1 ~· •'--U "YClt!lfT tm MV,.,.IMOTOM au-..... ORll'M T'MUMI OW oppo~~ em,,_,,,--..J U.nffCHl:tl ,, ti:11 .... • ,,,.. .. ., .. -,;-• r DOYta JHO&U 1221 l'OU9'TAIN YAUtY + ... 1. OUN SHOil *Busboys * Cook Apply 1n person COCO'S REUBEN'S 1555 W. Adams Caste Mesa EQUIPMENT MECHANIC CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH The Rigger No\\' taki"I' applications in Fashion Island for • Waitresses • EXPERIENCED ONLY ~FULL TIME , APPLY IN PERSON ~16 Fastrlo11 hland-~ Ne,vport Beach 1 HUNTINGT9N ' VALLEY · CONVALESCENT HOSP. SECRETAR~. ~ Experienced person 4 ai to manage btfice of_~ businf:as in Newpqrt Be1e~ General Secretarial It Book. POLICY TYPING Experienced or traintt, mul· tiple line policy typist. 60+ accurately on the electric. The ideal position for mme. one who likes to type. _ •' • . WUTCUl'I' ,,_ SUL llA<ll 4UI MULTM Cl.VII t1a """G""E=R~MA'"'"·~N..-=IJ-A~=D~Y'-=" UlttoJt Nltf4U~01 ,,. ~::o~uJ:.Nn :: ::~~~~~1AN1N• = -• OlflV11tSITY ...... • 110 MllDl.lf10lova .. It lllTllllOI Dll<OUT"'e '"' \Ve are 100~ ,tw:a rn:&tt,mi.., =· ., . '::: WllT~ttt•t•• ... u INCOM• TAX ... _ lady who ~can . •ll'M 1&ri!' SAITI~.. 110 MIW .. Y cm .. " lllOJI, ~ ......... "·pe . G e r.m'.1n ··nUen~. '1avtn·T•••Ac1 1u• ~~~ ... •••.,,........ ,..,. 11.0N1Ne ,,. "S .. ,;_ ___::___i:_'L....tl __ 'Y· eottOftA D•L MAii 1111 _,,,., ...,,. 4'M INSUL.ATllf• ....... Shoull nave ~~to-Ul"aOA t'•NINIUL.A 1• ~Ill • I ..... INIVIU.NCI -n-a-' a •'•••••t-' 9BACON IAT 1M COMTH. , ml INYllT .. ATIN .. n.tldf¥e ,,. ..,_ l:U ~ I L.AaU114 "4ctf .,_ -'AMfTOlllAl ,,,. wtt~ ·~ ""'~ '.FUI.I IAT ISL.ANOS att \.AIVU. 'ttllA.llL 4't1 J•'#ILIT ••rAI~ I"" .... .J.u:JZ'.~ ""'n U.. ~·· LIOO !Ill lift IAM <L ... Jnl 4111 LAHOKAt'tM• ... • ~~ ..._., ~·· r or IAllOA ISL.ANO l!JI; DANA t'OQllT '741 LOCICSMfTlf -~r Sclup{tt at ·• S =~=f:::~g: ~:~v• ~= n1l'LIX. .. .,.. MASON•Y. 111n • KEY ·PUNCH · CLQBE.Tr .. 'W{ Bureau. t<CUNTAIN 'llAU..Y 1411 co1tDOMIN1UM •• MOV•N• a 1TOUa• "" . : • ·. ·~ :~~.~-=~:<1t ;: RENTALS :~:=~~=:; ~=--.. ;; Career openmg for operato;, , Sharp Carffr Gals 01.1toaN o•ove 14n Apts. Unfvmf1htd =~~~oJo•Al"MY = with a t leut one year ex-1 ·~.;.-h, 0 k ~-··t G-' LCM• llACM 1Hf •INIRAL .• -t'L.AIT•lllN .. t'•lcllo .... ., ... . Al ha & Nt:'u.: -.,,..,........ er '"""'a, &I LAKl!WQOD 1111 COSTA MIL\ ,.. peri~nce on P. ' • Friifayrt, Recpts, Bkkprs, OllANOI COUNTY u• M•U Y•RDI '"' ~~~~~.... = menc IBl\f eqwp mt. pa, RNS'·A LVN Both fee & t OUT (), COUNTY ,.., NH/PORT ···~" ftlt t'OOL Sl!RVICI ..... shill ' _+ .. , s. ee OUT OP ITAT• IHt N•Wl"ORT MllONTI •n• l'OWI!• ......... ..,. • ~ jobll. Top co'll! Call STANTON Hit MIWPOllT SNORll •ttt PUMt' SIMYICI .... Doris 548--7796 WISTMINITlll 111' WllTC'LIPP l!M 1.00,INO "" Excellent free !Jene.fits. Per- manent, atead,y work. Our policy i:. promotion from within. Ycur future Is de;ter- mined ent,trely by )'OU. New moo,rn office, ~ndly, ple85aJlt abnospbere. ' MIDWAY CITY 1111 VNIYIASITT t'ARIC fnJ flAOIO, llttlllnt Ilk. .,.. ARGUS AGENCIES SANTA ANA lltt II.CK BAT '241 ••MODlllNI a .... ,,,. .... 1869 C Ne""""rt BJ·..> C ?,f U.NTA ANA MOTL 14M IAIT ILVP, -.... llMOOILlll.. IUTCMIMI .. .,-~'--.,.~~'-"'~.C.:~•;_::u":.,c'.:..:;_' O•ANOI ,,,, COllONA DIL MAii hit ~ lllllrMm ... 1 -Upholstecy Seamstresa TUS'ftN 16'1 IA.LIDA Ult s&WllM - 1 , . llOllTM TUSTIN IM IAY llU.1101 llSI llWINe MACNINI •lt'Alat *' '"'DtaperyvSeamstres.s ANAMllM 1UI LIDO, !Ill , l&Sl Sl"T1C TMU. ,.._. ........ Experienced. App. ln pen. ULVll.AQO CNIYOM • 1• Mll:flt.INOTOlf Bii.CM ... TAILOIUHO .. ,. Johansen & OuisteNen L.AIUNA HILU 1791 l'OUtnAlft'""LLIY 1411 TlllMl'TI CowntOL ..,, t.:aaVNA llACM ' 17'f ll!LIM llUND ... Tn.11. C:.-lc .. '898 W. l6tl) St. H.B. U.aVfllA NIOVIL 1"' HAL .• wlf llM TIU, U...-I_. ..,. ,C.01.'Dtl' of 161J\. & Monrovia. = ~~::"c"..~IT&ANO ~: ~::.=~~MTY ;;: :::V=:~:...... "" = For Details and Agp't. 4 BABYSITTER needed every CAPtSTttANO 1uctt 1111 01.1to1tt o•ove .. 11 ""1tOLlftllY .,,. Call C.OUect , ~-er every other ctay tor 'f.!:t •• ":~"T ~= =~~T~rJ: ;H •,=~~& EMPLOYMINT-PERSONNEL I'. \\'ttk or 2. '(2 children). OCIANllO• ux IAHTA ANA .... ~ ( 213) 384• 1213 833--2935 (lrvil'f) ~~:.~~~= <OUHTY ~: ;~Nr.TfM AllA MllOMTS NM JW~IDt Melt - • • • ·• WOMAN 1D .Clre for 3 ~g~~l:iJ: MO'lllO ~= ~O~NAAL BIA<N = 1 m~N...... : UNIGAiWiK::w; children ageJI 10, 8 A 1. o.,.ut'LITX•'•',..!0•,0uL1•,,, '•"'•• LAIUllA NIOVl!l 1m NII.ft ,.. ,..~•;:.. Live-in or Oil!. L lg h t ,,. "'.. • Shi CLIMINTI! mt .. ''" INSURANC ~'OROUP housekeep;og. 835--2742 au. RENTALS II.ft JUAN CAt'llTJtANO Jns 10. Miii '* DANA t'OINT P4' A:=._; W-1* ,1,..:,, ." 1 PM .Houses Furnished REAL ESTATE, M ~~.1~AWf•"-· -,..."" • •.~··'• R I E s I OINlll:AL ... #'!.-I ··-., e1 stat• a es llENTALI TO INAltl "" .... ner• AllNCIU............ "" . u· Men & Women COSTA MllA "" Tllt'LIX, .ic. "" =· a HllTllUCTIOfil Hll PBX Op" , 10· R "'''A c•L MA• ,I .. <ONOOMINIUM .,,. , AUTtofl -'" • Expandi"I' a&"aln. Ollice # MBSA ¥1AOl tllf lllNTALI WANT•O '"' NIA tcA.l 1"' wnt ahJo act u ~pUonlst, 4 openings available for CCLLIOI t'AllK t111 llOOMS 111011 11111r "" MEft.C ... ANDISE FOi main lobby. 't · J licensed men " wo~en. In-::::g:~ :::~" :,: ~~~Lt, ~~",~r1,11 cou11r1 ~ 1S'.ALE AND TRADI SALARY: $516. TO $618. keeping experience required. • • st.ant income & training. Mr NIWl'OflT SNOllll HM OUllT HOMll '"' ,ui!;Mmlit• - IBM ..... · f;s. T ~~.,"",r· s pr 1 n & Real~. ~i~".o:::... :; :1:;M:·~~;~.TY :: :=:;:.;~~~ .. ':~~ . ' ·5·: Permanent. Experience in Salary open Send resum; to servicing am minor repair-l,Bax;;;;;;537;::.:;·~B:;;"1~boa;;·~=..:..,,, ing automotive rqu!pment ~'EED OFFICE GIRL5£" required. A p p I y: Public gen. bkkP(. Prefer • _d .• Worka Dept. 505 Forest Ave. on acctg, mad!., SAIL BOAT mach. &: typewriter.'sPd. '91:1• '1't\l""'I Wl!STCLU'I" . tu1 BUllNBll t'IOPIRTY ... IT'Ottl IOUll'MINT ti f TY "IS. . p-CA~Y~JN=G~.,,.-~R=-.-,-.-.~ .• ~; ,-. UNIVl'llllTY rAtlC 2ur , •• ,Liii t'AllKS ... CMl'f01 .. ITAU•MT • l"I llft'llMI 11111 BUSINISS •lNTAL 1111 IA& IQY11'Mllf'T -Evenings tshlft· Exptrien~ T~er w/some Note DepL JA<K IMY-. · n• OP111c1 llNT~L •1• Mousno&.D OOODI -.. . liank' •.A.ST BlUPt' no' IMOVITlllAL H:Ol"llTT .... OAIAn. Lll• -desired. ~P; prev. . mg e~. lll:VINI TlllftACI nu <OMMIRCIAL '* •lilW1'TV•• AUCTIOM -desll"ed. Secunly Pacific CORONA Dll MA• ,,,. INOUITRIAL llNTAL "" A""LU.til<U "• ..., SALESMAN vacaUon, free hos p, ptan, Young, aare:sslve. Fibera:lu good \\'ages. 3 girl oilice. CLERK TYPIST IBM National Bank, La g u n a IALICA n• LOTS .,. .utf.Ull sn• IAT 1,.,...NDI Ult llANCHll i1M SIWIM MACHINQ e!M Niguel Branch. 495-4501 LIDO !Ill 2UI CITRUI e110V1i 1111 MlllK-,l IMITIUMIHT st• sail boats _.-in Ne'>l'J)Ol'I. Apply in person Young &i Write ~·M ·a Dally Pilot Lane Tire Co., llK". 188 E. •-1 c 1 1ALaOo\ 1sµMD '"' "<•IA•• n11 t'1AM01 a oae.t.111 n• -, ... uwau y ounN ors MUNTINOTON llACll ,... Ul(I IUINCMll "" llAOIO ... Lile PBX • recepticn relief OOSMETICS. Xlnt . eamingg, POUNTAIN ¥ALLIY t4ll llSOtfT t'RO,llftTf ,,. TILIYlllOW - 17th, sulte-1-C, C.l\f. d U 'id ""' n h ,.... SUL· ••ACM t ut OllANOI <o. l"llM'lfRT't' '"' 1'1-1'1 a ITl•te •" u ell l u • ex. rs, no canvass.. • .... LOHO BIACN "" OUT °' "ATI PlftOI". '* TAI'• ltlCOllOBfll - $195. OlftANOI COUNTY tHI MOUNTAIN a OUllT 1111 CAMlllAI a 1ov1rM1NT -SMT1'0ANA ' ~II IUIOl)'ISICN LAND tt'll HOBIY Sllt't'llll IM SALESWOMEN APPLY Account1nt1 Credit Managers Admlnf1tr.tive TrnMI lmmediate openings in our CALL BOB,.548-7796 So. Coast Plua shop for JR. MARSKALL MEDICAL ASS'T '' w11tM11111t111 ti1n ll!Al.l'lf'!'Ar• 111¥1<• fill SPOllTJNe IOODt - "" k lli rl I MIDWAY CITY tnf I .I. b:CMANOI •• lllfOC:VLAIS, ICOt'll -c 0 ct!, expe ence n UNTA ANA MllOMTI 2':111 •••• WAHTID '* MIKILLANIOVI - ARGUS ·AG ENC I ES fashion-minded, mat~ sal- e I.... eswomen. salary + romm. COMMUNICATIONS 3519 W. WARNER Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 (714) 540-2820 EKG, X-ray, injection & lite coAITAL "" BUSINESS and MISC. WAJJnO .... lab Pll "'7 ~·1 UOUNA all.CM UN MACHINlaT, .... "" . . ..... ""' ~OVNA NIOlllL "" t':INANCIAL lUM••• ml 1869 Newport B vu., C.J\I. Good future. See MiM Dor· e PAINTER -Experienced ottur at O!RIS', So. Coast inside & outside, some 1"1.aza. c.M. GENERAL OFFICE Girl ~ SAit cLIMaNT• • 1111 1'1t11f11'1 Ot'POllTVNITlll "" 1Toa1.01 .m , l.uf -'VAN c.A,llT1tAMO tnl ltlSl"'hl WANTIO tM5 IUILDINe MATlllAlf llNt Telephone answering 4 CAl'ISTllANO Ill.CM llH INY•STMINT °"""""'"'" •HI IWAt'S ... \va11pape,rlng. Perm. posl· l.,iiii;;i;;;i;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lion, not on COMlructlon. ..1. See Betty Bruce at 673-6340/67U662 An EqUal Opportunity ~mployer •· .. order laklfli. Over 21. P h: oANA l"olNT n• INVl'ITM•NT WANTaD tlll PETS and LIVESTOCK 540-9373 llYBJtltOI <OVNTT IHI MOMl'Y TO 1011111 tJt11 VACATION lll NTALS ,,_ f'lll:IOMAL LOAMI 11'1 Pl:TS, OIHllAL - NURSES FOR PRIVATE CONOOMIHIUM 2Ut ,.waLMY LOAMI -CATS !?! . OUPLlfXll l'UaN. 'lttJ <OL\..ATllA&. LOAMI au 0001 - DlITY All types, all stuffs, D~NTALS ',••Al ISTATI LOAMI ,,. ~~.~·.~~-:: SUPERlNTENDENT {o~· hosp. & h 0 me. Must ~ {"; -. • • I . MOJtro...o••· TMI .,.... ,,.,. for Apts & HouaeJI, N.8 . area. Give e:i:perience " starting &a.lary; reply Daily Pilot Box M-316 Agency for Car"ffl' Girls tlO \'¥·. Coast Hwy., N. B. By appoint. 646-3939 have ret·s Call 642--9955 ·H~I vnfurnllhed' MOfillY WANT•o '* CALIFORNIA LIV.ING EXPERIENCED . GINllitAt *' ANNOUNCEMENTS NUllSIRlll '"' DENTAL Assistant, chair co1TA MllA 11• and NOTICES IWIMMtN• t'OOU "" HOUSEKEEPER ~d · N Be b MfSA OBL MAI 11• t'ATIOI ltll •• e, in ewport BC .... A v1an ~ I}# .ftQUND,_(P'" .... ., " ... AWflllN" ..,. fDAY SHIITl area. X·Ra.Y l!'XP'C\ dtsfred. COLI.IOI"~ -LOIT '.l _l '4t1 Y..c&TM>MI .. ARQIJTECTURAL DRAn'S. MAN JR, & Senior for es- tablished Ne;wport Beach office. 642-5544 -::.;ERV. STA. A1T.: Nef'd fl time man. Apply In penon Mesa Union Service 2281 Newport Blvd, CM. • PARK LIDO To apply, Fh.: OR ~µ66 . :::::~ l.n. = :::=•MIHTI ~·· !; TRANSPORTATION DOMESTIC HELP .... ,.~0 alescent ~~.','•;1a1M•,. DRAPERY WORK ~l\f., 111wto11~0111s mt :.::::=.u ~ :U :~~O:TsYAC:NTS :;: All kinds! Housekeepeni:, '" ....... L.U Immed openlrtgs for dRperY ~~-:: .. :.... = M,1D OllT\IAIY • ' MIJ t'OWIJt CIUlllll ,.. 9r0rk all p"---s 54G-6464 '#lSTC&.lffl' mt fi.INIRAL 01a•<T0•1 M\4 lf'l lD-SICI IOATI ...... Cooks, Mald!l & c.ompanlons, • ll<lM: • • ' l'LO•llTS .. ,, SOAT T'JIAILlll References """· Fee & Fee Telephone Reception Beach Drapery Service. UNIVl!RlfTY •AIUc :,: CAiio ot' THI.NICI ,.., '°'' MAIHT1NAlfCI Ml ·~" flllt'INI • f UI ldMQI.... ...., IOAT L.AVM<Nlff ,_. Paid Job•. Call J\fiss Abby, Work. <:all 10 AM to S~ING machine oper1tor ~: :t~ • :: '"MITAY &..oTs "'" IAAllNI aou1t'. tt11 348-1796 1 P ;M, J40..2034 for sample• It prodlictlon, ft:viNa .,1a11Aai ' *24' t1MsmtY Ot:VPTS t4H =:,~ :~:t'"m~• :, ARGUS AGE NCI ES· exper. Margie Webb, XlS4 COtCNA Oil MAit mt ~~~':;~~':!.Kl :;: '°"" lllMtAU -. :1869 C Newport Blvd •• C.M. WOMEN To help assi1t me S. Coa3t Hwy, Laguna Bch -r.l';k':n , 5 ::f:~:: 1Uv1C• ::: :ft~~.~:::~· = J •SUPERVISION J: in my buAineM. New !inn SALES lady, age :II to -t5, IALIOA llL»lo Jlff T&AYIL .,. MAT MO'llN• ,.. SALES WORK • . opening in this 1.r'f'a, For lull time children'• store Nl'Wt'OIT Win' m J All TRANll'OttT•TIOlf .... toA~ITo,,•,:::. Full time. Mlllf. ha1;e neat Interview ,call 6 4 6-S5 3 6 So. Coast 1 P lua. l\pp)); 650. ;4K::;:;:;;:: =~~. = ~=1.':::::.•tATJOI' :;: :~'1: ... ~T appearance, able to deal between to am & .. pm D St. Tustin. --•ot1 N1' .. IN '11.i.LLI Y 1411 •••MAlf a TllTOl:IM ... PLYINI LllMft~ with people. Apply in per-C:Ol\t8 •. Housekeeper/Baby-BOOKKEEPER. pennanent. :.~'"o.'fAi:ov. :: :<~:~~~N~ DIRECTOR!. e~~.F:· son. . sitter Full charce. MoB-Wed. part time, $75 mo. Equal LON• BIA.CM -ANIWlllfll• llJl¥1<• -ILICTlllC CAii , .. Holiday Health Sp• "rl, 8 10 2 PM. Call aft 2 PM cpportuni"-' emplmier YN· Ot"MOI <OUlfTT ?!!! APt'L1•111r1 111l'AllS. """ ~14 MINI s11t11 ..... ---~ s-'.1 ~., ' U.NTA ANA .. ,. At't'IAlllNI tm MOTb&CYClll ~ 2300 •rarbor Blvd., C.M. 968-3220 CA, 494-9431 for appt. WllTMINITI• 1111 ASl'NALT, Olhl WI MOTOltlCOOT&lll ~M TWO MIOWA'l CITY lllf AUTO llt'Alttl -AUTO lllVICll 6 t' chlld!"f'n, 31 mos and TELEPHONE ¥swertni 114BYSJ't'.I'ER wan!ft!. CdM IAflfTA AN,f. MlllHTJ ... ""'°' -!""t' ""--9tc. .... AUTO TOOLI a • ...,, 10 mos nef!d cart', ll hr Service ExP'd ~ 2991 are1. 1:30 to 5--i rM 1.(an CO~l:''-... ..'"' IAIYllTT•N• ... TUILI .. Tl.AYI&. won diys, 5 'days/wk. ·older Gra°' Lane;. c.~f .. st0.'.2002 ' 1.thN ri-1. Yout·~e_or mlii t::UI~ :.':3:1 .,., ::"JicMA,J.",:.~ =: ;:~~u. .,.._., .., bn• child needs companion. YMCA NEEDS TYPIST 673-1350 II.If CLIMl .. TI 1111 1u11N111111vtc11 aa Jllt'S '10\ U.:> .. ~ eves. CAf'llT•ANO mt IUILDlllS '"' CAMP'IRI 6"2-9990 WAITRESS, Part time CAt'llTll•llO IUCM mt CAT•llN ml CAMt'll llftTA&.~1!...,,_:;::; SAMPLE Operator. better DJoYS OVER 21 CAU. DANA'"°'"" ,,.. <AtlMSTMAM!le "" OUftt •U.011•,,,; ••• ~ •• BABysmER Vic Be•• St -CONDOMINIUM mt CAll,INTllllllO "" tMPOfl TIO I.UT-~ '"m'"" woar. Good pay. • -· 54>-9163 ou•uxu •• ,.,._ im "MHT. --,..., "~"!i-Nlcc environment, ln Sehl, C.M. Call alt 6 pm. Wanted· OIAIR SIDE RENTALS CHILD CAlll. uc..11 tl1t AMTIQUll.CU • ·-· n. h Ca1J AJ'lh 548-7520 Ol' wkndl. . h CONT'llACTOlS _,. UCI CAllS, ._una ....,ac • ur DENTAL ASSISTANT Apts. Fuml1 eel CNtt'I T CUANINe M ' AUTO tva ~ .II Brenn, 4Sf.802'7 WOMEN to pol.JJh1A mulc Ph. 5'S-.s59) llfllll.Al ._ CAllt'IT L.AYlld a • .,.,. .... A..,,,..·WA DESPERATELY-nefd PBX. fibe~ ~ ·-':;t:':: ·MAID ~r 30, ~ :'3 ~i~•:, :: ==~::. . = :g ~!fr Z1WQE clerk b'Jjet. Jr. s e c . • D. . .. AiiaJ '\(' )art • Umt 6 dQt I_ Md; ....... , •UC• -• ....,,. .... •••W. .. UllO CAU ~'t le Jr. Booktnetpier. Gree~. Slnta ~ · $1.t5 hr. f94.sm .. · '· + ~-. 4 • ' ICM iMlf Ple&R apply Md'Chants SALESt.AoY:1 M\&.st hi'tl o~AL ~ . .... .. .K ......... l .... mo....... .... oi 1xiu ... d._ "'"' ~,. over-~ -H·AVE YOU LOO ED tr.albtu"" ORTHODONTIC asWtant o\ c.'OlltB. Sal• A mmfit. Gd ~ tur'l'UY· ~ taM! and ~ y owr 21, expertenced prd""' ~ ~·s. m-so ·, GJiii_! tor Avant GAnSc tums. HT red 1'01 necflSal'Y· Will tn.tn .J>BX AM.'~ Woman ov. ~ad X-rays. S48--1719 H ~-UOR ""'"' lmtUJe<nt girl. LI 25.n ... h ... Eiq>'d:,..,.d. c;r. ..... x~7 • T E HIDDEN · DOL 3-3131 Call 5.1&-.!ISi · MANICURIST •• · N.....,._ ' , Y JIAG Beach. !\fR. R6"'S Mtft'a • • GIRL-to cart for 2 boys all schl, my hDmct 2:Ga:30, mll!lt have own CAr. Vic E. J!tth &: Rayn1ond . 615-1381 days, 640-8.146 eves DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! J LIVE in mature ''*"C).man fer gcnl houM!\\'Orlc • meals. Pr! room. 646--2516, ~210 GENERAL office wurk, P11rt time for Architect's office Newport Beach-~Mm 1:~::S!:~:,01t: ,~· IN YOUR HOME L .Tlf"l"JW adul!JI. Llve·ln, 5 &Ly. ~ ; taboin11ub..,., at llA 1110 GoocJ Te(s. 673-7811 I fO't ~ (01' Dtal 642$8 tor RESULTS 1 . I , Jf DAILY PU.OT •COMMERCIAL• TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 3029 Harbor Colt.a Mesa. CaliL .... ,.,, Equal opportunicy employer ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeeper Re1ponsible, top level po1ition for sh1rp, tak ... ch1rge glrl. Mu1t have excellent skills Incl. 1horth1ncl; h1ndl1 Ute bkkpg; blllin9. u·nc1.r 30. Cell Barbara. (714) 642-3910. BE THE ARST 1.fcDONALOS is h i r i n g COUNTER Women to work Monday thru Friday 11 am- 2 pm. Uniforms tuntl.lhed. tree meals. APPLY JN PERSON McDONALD'S 16866 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach BE THE FIRST McOONALDS is h Ir l n I COUNTER. Women to '1.-orlc Monday thru Friday 11 am· 2 pm. Uniforms Jurnished. free meals. APPLY JN PERSON I ! McDONALD'S 1-Jluntington Beach ! !: . -=~6561-:cEd-""'~'-' -- Work N11r Home e .\ccounUng/Bkkpg .I I I I e Secretarial •Reception e Typists Superior A91ncy Established 1946 l.S:i"'7 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa Call first 6(2..7141 e Medical Sf'cretary e Experience in convalescent home or Blue Cr o11. 1 Knowledge of 1t1edlcatt and Medical billings, also book· keeping, trial balances etc. 1 Top wager. Prefer e1lder pel'SCln O!' handicapped. Box M-508, Daily Pilot 2 WOMEN. cook &: cook'a 1 helper. Small private l'Chool. Houn 9:30 AM thru !. 2:30 PM Mon thru Fri. Call Mt Welch 847~2655 10 AM I~ thru 2 PM Week days onl,y. · PART Time See, (Mondays) Private club Write Bo" 1117, Newport Beach, 92663 WANTED Motel maid, 5 day week. Experience n o t neceuaiy. 54G-85n LIVE in Housek.loeper, full , · time; motherless home, NB '! area. 2 teenagel"I. Own rm/TV. 675-67S5 before 9 am or alt 7 pm. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 * * J. C. Penney Co. • Fashion ls.land J' Newport lkach Has openin& for * COOK * With aome experience and wllUng to learn our limited menu. Competitive wages. outstanding benelil! incllJd. ing profit sharing. Apply In person 10 A.M. to 5 P .~f. lttonday lhru Friday J. C. PENNEY CO. 24 Fathion l1li1nd Ao equal opportunity employer * * ; 1MA~T~UR~E~rou""'p~1.""'1o""'ma""'nas""• : apts in the Costa Mesa ! area. 32 units, Chlldren ac- : ceptablto. 635-4481 1 OLDER Couple to rn.anage ' adult units, Huntington ach No pets. nu cblldren. 87 : !!flow·s ltfE ! TIME FOR i qu1c:l61H i THllOUilj,, 4, I DAILY ~iM'• I L:i=~~ PART TIME. DAYS. FOR SPRING PROMOTION Apply Pf!nonncl Olbj 3nt Door, 2 to 4 p.m. Monday lhnl Frid'1 The Broadway 47 Court• of Faahlon FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach An Equal Opportunity Employer SUPERVISOR \VlLL TRAIN Apply: Ruth Onruiby, Shera- ton Beach Inn, 21120 Ocean Ave., Hunt. Bch. 9;30 am· 11:00 am Monday, M&rc'h 24. (No Phone calls PJeue) BWEPRINT SHOP ftqUir'h blueline trimmer cperator. 540-9373 Apencies, Men • Women 7550 newport . pe,,onnei . ~agency Professional Service for the emPloyer •nd the 1ppllcant 833 Dover Dr •• N.8. 642-3870 549-274! Schools-Instruction 7600 L I FET I ME Gi ft, typewriting. Ch 11 d re n, grandchildren, or yourself! Ind iv idually tutored Chilcoat 10 lei=.so{a typing AChool. 173 Del Mar, CM, 548-28.19 WANT To speak French like a native! Then oome to rny French Conversa.Uon Classes 64~260 * PIANO LESSONS * for beginners, in my home. Call 830-0791 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 8000 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 Roam Group FROf.1 MODEL HOMES Includes: Quilted 110fa & chair -2 end table.a I; caf. f~ table -2 lamps -dreu- er -mlm>r -headboard - qull{t'd box sprin& A matt· reas -5 pc. dining room; b\ble & 4. hi-back chain. C0~1PARE AT $"149.95 EXQUISITE SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN RETURNED FROM r.tODEL HOMES A line sel~tion of complete housetuls. Brand names, ldng5izc bedrooms, beauWul 7 pc. dining rooms. chinas, h11tches, custon1 quality so- fa& & love .seats, double door refrigerators, wuhen, dl'Y· en1, color TV's fall guaran- t eedJ \\'ill sacrifice. Sell all or part. Terms on iood c.red. It. AOK WAREHOUSE 7722 Carden Grove Blvd., 1 Blck \\rest of Beach Blvd., oU Garden Grove Frwy. Open 10 to 9 Sun 10 • 8 SPANISH Returned from Atodel Jlomes on sale at less than v.·hole!!ale! Group Includes beautiful 9 6 ' • qu.illed sofa & love seat, 3 Spanish oak decorator tables, swag ot table lampa, wall placque, king, queen. or full size bedroom suite complete incl box gprings, mallress. linens &: boudoir lamps. Spanish oak 6 pc dining set priced elsewhere at approx. $1195.00 AU. FOR ONLY $399. $20 down, $4.99 pel' .... eek I out of rta!e credit OK. W i l I !!Cparate for quick sale.. 20th Century FumitUtt, 9 i 12· Garden Grove B Iv d . , Garden Grove Daily .10-9, Sat 10.S. Sun 12-5 C.ome tn or call (714) ~240 20 PC. MODERN 3 ROOM GROUP Includes; Floral aoia & chair • ·watr.1.1t tables • lamps • complete bedroom with quill ed mattress • 5 pc. dinette, etc. All for ... ' I " RCA Colonial g t e r e o , AM/FM, liki!! new, $175 (cost $800). Walnut, con- temPornry dining room set, 3 leaves, paddlng, 6 chairs, buf!ct. $225. 837-4361 I MERC~NDIS,!.,1';.011 MEllCHANDISE l'Clll MERCHANDISI POil Mllc.HANDISE FOii SAL! AND 1 ""D! SALi AND TRADI -SALE AND l'ilADI SALE" AND TRAD! Ga roge S.!e , I02:l Pl•-4 Orttno lllO Mhcojllan.ow l600Mlscoll._.,. l600 M~Y "='~' JncL •• x •. New ,,_ • 'lJ)•, ~. -~ llJ,fl WURLrl'ZElt A ~••heURY ~ Seart'"~l: ~ . ~ m o., e r , " b •·d ~ AU tl;ylea " finl&hea, all sanCltt S1mDtOQ 2iO VOM Amedto.n made. 88 note, del 10 ~ cb1na •t aU ' .,; W·btslc:b fl huMld. Priea ttart. x1nt mnd. 4H ~La. lDa" at$499r ~ ·o.ta Mna. l4S-M39 Warlltur Ol'CJClns 5 PC Bednn 1Wte, Ut. Ste--e NEW e dona! couch, $30. KelllllOt'e Man,)-othtr mWL MaQY · tn,•.ritory Acllullment Puli.IC SATil'IDAY 11111 II MAICH U -6:l0 P.M. , ":'4,'.. .. ·~ I 1 ' .... ' ' , ; ~ ' . ..; -\ .. ~\\' i ~ ~ • ' '. ~ . '1 • .. . wuhtr, $40. Dlnlne table 1tylh II finlsbu Prlcn -o,.. 4e1y l s....., t .. t .., y.w ....,_.. - wtohalro $30. Mbc ,,..,,, 11art" EVERYTHING MUST IE SOLD I 8131 Mlehaoll ih'. Apt B, $595 NEW * NEAR NEW * ANTI"'UES lfuntlngton BeacJI. EVZRYTHING IN MUSIC ,, Appllan<ff 1100 Beach Music Center Misc. compl•t• 1et1 of e Chin1: e Clocko • Mlrro ... • Palntl"S.s e Lampa & o:ther 'Goodies e Color TV's • Stereot • •Combos ll•lt Modol1) .. Dining Room Seta e Game Seta e Dinettes e Chinas e Server• We Finance With Good Crfflt Maater Chi1rge & BankAmerlcard AOK Commission Gallery 7722 GARDEN GROVE Bl VD. l Block West of Beach Blvd., off G.G. Frwy. 1·10 CU FT refrigerator, 1\-1 PIANO TUNING & Repair Cond $40 No calls after Expert, reasonable? • 8600 I Mi1cell•n•ous 8600 MERCHANDISl.f."Qll SALE AND TMDI' FREE TO YC.U loIDCED Collle-ftmak I mos., some shots, pvn cbldrn, 646-T.lll )/22 SEALPOINT Slame• , t. female, 3 yrs. old • -2 W!lL Trailer metal needs !Orne work. 361 C.M. 642-1298 3 SMAIL. mixed ~ needs good horn Capistrano Bch 4$.2584 2 YR. old male mix: coc &:. dachshund, bl•ck. ~2769 aft. 5. 81..ACK Baby Bunny'• 3 mo. old. Need lovill&: people, M5-Z103 31~ FREE wuher & dryer ~ 1 haul away. ~ .i!JIJ WHITE Oufty kitten. ~ eve1. 3/2' LARGE Cheat Type Freettr. Works. 833--0767 3/24 36" GAS range 'vith ovea, old but .clean. 494-3520 !/22 PETS ond LIVESTOCK .' 1120 BLUE &: Seal Point Kittena. 8 v.·eek, house broken. ~ each, 968-1871 Dogs 1825 AKC Recistl!!red I>Kh.shund Min. Very Loving, Needs Good home. $35. 449 Seaward Rd. Corona del ~I~. ~2022 aft. S:JO PM SIGN up now for novice j: open dog obedience classes. hl artincrest Kennels 546--0989 3 pm' ~ Albert Aamess 675-6:967 M1scell1neous G1:r1ge Sile 8022 16' REFRIG frost tree bot-SACRIFICE grand piano, j,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;,;;; -tom free~r, C011t '$31'5. walnut. In perfect conditiCln. un.. K Sh Save My Marr1age Sacrifice SZl5. 673-3031 675-4290 nnat not oppe GARAGE SALE Handicraft & Art BASENJI African barkll?ftl 10" INDUSTRIAL duty dogs, oderless, short hair. Radial double arm saw, AKC champion line, h!nns deluxe front co n tr Cl I i;; available. 642-4350 DLX llotpoirt P 0 '1Tolovlalon 8205 Metal desk file cabinet $2. Dilhwuher 1 yr old, I-yr ---------NEW CONCEPT V.W. tire!! $1. Chevy hub contract $90. 548-4757 eve OOLOR TV's _ GE Ii II.CA OPENING March 28th • f $1 Id Id .._ :a.-O-n Daily Euler Weck caps OJ or , o , o ..... r....::r e DLX Hotpoint 18 cu' -Trade in'!! & ~possessions .,.. •-t ~ 50 s·1 Art work done by area resl-hottles """" o ... ~. • 1 ver :retrig, freezer below, like -Choose fro1n 9 models, · bu •-t $1 50 I ..,, dents. U you are interested 1ce· c .. ., , , P ne co.... new, aac! 613-4735 fully guarante-00 -priced JI ~-,. n in selling your crafts on owers """• an 1que spoo KENMORE Auto. ··-••·r. right for quick s a l 1!! , 'old 11 50 t of aru·r· .... "" consignment • write "What n er ' ' era e IC. late model, xlnt cond. $35. Ounlaps, l8l5 New P 0 r 1 • I<not Sho"""," 2622 Newport ial Dowers 5c to 15c, crab 84.1'-8ll5 Costa Mesa ..-- cooker $3, crab cooker $5, f 'E~M~E=R~S~O~N~-c~.-m~b. Blvd., N.B. 9'16605. °"',:" lawn mower & catcher $5. * KENMORE WASHER * 1'-riday 2-5, Sat & un u-a Tiki 75c, antique auto gla&Se:S Runs excellent $45. Stereo/Color A M I F &f • set of 12, $1. pottery & cer-* 642-0937 * New. ~1ed. Cab. Lt. \Val.nut BIRDS of Paradise * * * amics 5c to $1, infanseat &: $400. 673-4595 Healthy blooming w e 11 new pad SOc, darling wooden Antlqu" 8110 RCA 2Q" Portable cokn' TV established 2 plants to a soldier baby lamp with -1969 model w/rem. control 5 gal. container. Only a !Iha.de fl, croquet set Sl, but-VAST Stock Amer &: Eur & stand $550. 962-5031 few left at this price of terfiy cove.r wrought iron turn Ac docks. Larr y NEW 23'' Packard-Bell Color e1nly SS.DO for 2 plants. Call lawn chairs $3.50, 2 pelican Morgan Antiques. 2 4 2 8 TV. Scandia m 0 de I . alter 6 P.M. or all day coolers 50c &: 75c. kiddle car Newport Blvd .. C.M. Sacrifice tor $450. 549-4168 Saturday and Sunday. 1212 50c, ar1illcial fiower cage ANTIQUE funch Mantle __ So. Ross St .. Santa Ana. 'vith parrott $2:, picture fram. clock w/ statue on top. H i.Fi & Stereo 8210 * AUCTION * es, au sizes, lOc to 50c, blue i75. * 892-8842 ------ & yellow Area rug $5, metal 6• 9• ORIENTAL Rug ~ig STEREO 1969 Solid state If Y_ou 'w"'llndysell oi;~_uy · f nd d ti x · vi · deluxe console stereo 4 give 1 • .. " patio rooh i.ng a _ecoh.,'" Iv! cost $Zill. Bullocks 1967 $50 spd chan-r Left on '1ay Auctions Friday 7:30 p.m. wroug 1· tron upr1g IJ firm 875-4427 .. -• w· d • A t• B new. SlO or best offer from • , away. Pay ott remaining bal-1n y s uc ion arn nice people, styrofoam bev-N'fTIQUE & Decorators ance at $16.00 or temul. Behind Tony'11 Bldg. Mall ~rage ca1Tie'r 25c, dish drain· items, a complete houseful. Credlt Dept. 535-1289 20751A Newport. CM 64&.s686 w/many attachments. C.Ost ADORABLE Tiny Toy $418, l i k e n e w S2i5. Poodles, apricot & cream. Completely reconditioned $50 & up. 893-3306 Sing erport .sewing /S.~K~<Y~Ec.;;T:,,.c,~,~,~1~,-,-~~~AK~C machine, $50. 2 Schwinn bikes w/ childs seat, 24 Champ. &ired. Rare, calm, & 26", $35 & $25. 536-0269 fluffy; show quality pet., 549-2547. GARAGE SALE Sun Only 10 • S Olds 396 V-8 with tripod carb, books, recon:is & misc house- hold. 19072 \\Toodward Lane, tluntington Beach. 968-4393 AM-FM Stereo Radio $45. Ladies Orange Le at h e r Jacket ( W i l·s on) $45. 642-31S4 LEAVING state, must sell Orchids IL assorted plants. 35c -$10. 216-A 16th Pl, CM. Misc. Wanted 8610 WE PAY MORE CASH AKC black Labrador Retriever pups, bred to hunt. 494-5153 da, 495-f582 aft6 POODLES. 2 mos, l male, apricot, $50, 1 femall!!, Phantom, $75. Small toyg, AKC. 842-6254 BRmANY SPANI~Reg. 6 wks old. Xlnt hunting dogs. 675-3570 or 649-2764 OOBERMAN·X Pups S week!. Fine temperament, lst shots. $30. 540-5289 , SILKY TERRIER PUPS. Male, female, AKC. B~ Park 821-6966 e.r 15c, shoes, shoes, ahoes No din. &45-71'98. MAGNAVOX Stereo com· REDECORATING • Small lrulies6-7'h2Sc-.">Oc, TV stand Mualcal Inst. 8115 pobeftts; 30 watt AM-FM couch & matching .c::hr & For any near new or used 75c, summer hats l5c-50c, stereo receiver, 2 spkrs w/ coUee tbl Pr studio couches furniture, appliances, color- "Sebastian Alexander'' R-s Dobe, 9 mo old: bealth;y gentle, all shots. 61>1507 WHITE Female toy poodle, AKC Reg, IO mos old. casco kitchen step stool $1, G • H Id rt enclorures, Garrard tum bolster pillows. Hanging ed TV's, stereos, pianos, Cir· tnens 11exy size 40 smoking ui tar • qui era table. $m. ~906 lamp Bassinet w/ skirt, gans, stoves, refrigerators, GERMAN Shepherd 10 wka, jacket $3, 2 pair new beige • NEW and USED • SON'l:'.; 560 D, auto reverse, mat '&: cw1aiN to match. bedroom sets, dining room blk & silver, Housebroken. draperies $3, Valles. bottles, Fl!!ndtt • Vox • Stalxlel $250. Concertone 8 o 3 _A , P~t cage 548-2070 setJI, office furniture.. 1 piece $25. 962-0987 glaues. encyclopedias, dbl e GIBSON e MARTIN 1~• A k I • ·-V , or housel\ll. Day, niaht or A~F-G~JIAN~~H~O~UN~O~P~UP~PIES~" f Bty Rest matt $50 display e WILSON e YAMAHA -... s or .....,., an, ATTENTION ..... care $15. 23~ Palme~ st, CM Drum Headquarters 646-8897 TREASURE Sunday. ~~ts~U::~t !~orslho~= 642-4980 · e NEW and USED e Soorting Gooda 1500 HUNTERS 636-3620 ~~-i.---~-2U IT. SWL\t pool & filter, LUDWIG, R'?GERS, ASTRO ~ . Gardiner eleclronic transis-AKC Beag female %1 mo. 64&<339 $399 No down-Pmts only $16 mo. $277 l)asl'ball mitts, 2 wing Large selecbon wllh new 4 270-Model 771, Winchester tor metal detector, mod~ $ WE BUY $ ~~ots, spayed. i 15, chairs, maple step tables, ~· sets and cymbe.J.s ~tart-b.arret. Remington Jxilt ac-200 .. ~ range 4 ft, \V1ll 8. folding table, elec fan, 1ng at $99.50 .. Pedals. hl-hatll t1~n. Lyman 4X scope, Red sacnl1ce for $75. Call 646-$ FURNITURE $ AKC DOBERMAN pup .. 9 rain bird, elec lawn trim· and se~ fepa~. All 1mall Fu.~ld mount, plus strap, 1987 after S p.m. APPLIANCES wks. Rancho Dobe's ch!!.mp WfU('S WAREHOUSE Nodowo.Pml•,ooly$10 mo. 600 W. 4th St, Santa Ana WELJ('S WAREHOUSE Rl er. trump e I & parts. acceuoncs & cymbals Barely med. $US. !!Olid. -KNITTED FABRICS Color TV'•-Pi•rio'-Sftrto'1 stock Show qual. 962-I436 Open Daily ~9 Sat. 9-6 SUn 11-8 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Large 9 drawer drtuer, mir- ror, 2 bedside 11tanda, king size headboard, frame, quilt. ~ mattreu. sheets, blank· etJI, etc. Choice of Spanish or Modern Style All For $249 No down • Pmts, only $9 mo. WELK'S WAREHOUSE fiOO W. 4.th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat. 9 • 6 Sun. 11 • I * $29.44 * For 3 Pi~ Braldt'd e OVAL RUG SET e Nylon blend, reve:ralblr, 'Brown, coppertone, green. Slzc11: 8 x IO, 2 x 3, 2 x 6 AL'S UNUSUAL FURNITURE 17881 Beach Blvd. Jfuntlngton Beach 342-4464 20 Pc. Maple 3 ROOM GROUP Iocludcl: Llvinz room aet • tablea • lamps • bedroom aet • quilted matttts1 • m• pie dtnlnz room. AU tor ••• $449 No down • Pntll, onJy $18 mo. ww·s WAREHOUSE 600 w. 4.th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9.6 Sun.11 .6 DESPERATE! HouseM of beaut. Medill.: hide-a-bed, pool table, 8' fiOta &. love scat, coffee tbl. & 2 end commodes, oce. chain, Ciak tbl. & 6 chairs, 3 Br. sets tncl. 1 king size: 2 <,.Tedenzas, lamps, Patio Furniture. chair & ottoman. All very nice. 8i~l208 Furniture returned trom dis-P.lay studios, model homes, decorator.1 cancellation. Spanish & Jl.1editerranean etc RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd., CM every night tll 9 Wed., Snt. & Sun 'til 6 2 PC SEC.. 9' each $500. 1 lounge chr S95. 1 bdnn group. chests & desk, $50. 644--0793 miscellaneous items. Sat 10 in stock. 846-9207 I Pi•c• or Houit full AKC Rl!!g. Poodles. Toy•1 &: to 5 2(1261 Bayview Santa EVERYTHlNG IN MUSIC l:iRAND new multi-colored CASH IN lO MINUTES Mini'r. $50 Up. :.-J Stud Ser. A ... : 549-3528 • Beach Music Center TAPERrLEx s L. Lo M ,...FoR sALE . • 541 _453 1 • 547-3851 ., 547-9591 GARAGE SALE: New & water aid. Ni!!Vtr used. $65. Rl!!mnants, sampler &: ?ttill FREE Bamboo clump or near new c Jot bing, F11.ctocy Sales & Service 645-2918 • ends Sat. Only 8 a.~ to 2 \VANTED: Boat trailer canes, 30' tall. You dig or furniture, dishe!! & miM:. Daily l2 noon 'tiJ 9, Sat 9-5 \VANTED: x-O>untry •Jll!!C. p.m. 929 Baker, Costa Mesa. to pull 14 ft. Aluminwn boat. cul. 54.s-4305 Wed. 19th-Sat 22nd, 9 am li4-0-l Beach Blvd., (Hwy 39) Gki louring e q u Ip men t . Silver Fox Jacket Must be reasonable. -,.-ro=R""°'Sal~.-.-,~ ... ~ .. ~.~ • S pm. 1 lA ml. So, San Dles:o Fwy. 64&-4801/673-2916 545-2083 ?-.tin. Red Malt Dachshund 2257-B Pomona Ave., Cll.1. liu11tington Beach 847-8536 ,.1 1 U 150 \VANTED: Older Travel !16"3843 ft 5 -- M' ll 8600 Cost $350 • ,. us se , ...-a . p.m. 1960 RENAULT. 1,i" cordless NE\\' Fender Mustang 11ce 1neou1 00.dG evenings trailer; any condition, just M 1 N 1AT 0 RE ma 1 e drill, car radiot>, 4. TVs, Guitar & case. $150. or best , as long as it rolls. 673-59™ Off•.•. !16" •779 DESPERATE. Hou.sefull of QUAL. Kng Site bed wl Dachsbund at stud. 962-3843 orange couch & misc. items. •·• ....-. beaut medltt.: hidNL-bed, quilted mattress, c 0 m P . FREEZER ~eded in 3 to alt. 5 p.m. 924 Evergreen Pl. CM GIBSON J·50 pool table, g· sofa & love Never used $98; worth $250, 4 '1'eeks. (preferably Frigi· 2'°"rw=1N"°"'8'd'""'-"'"a-m-,-.~M'"a~pl• S48--036S l(I AM to lO PM with llan:isheU case, sea!, coUee tbl. I: 2 end 847--0406 daire) 83~2935 (Irvine) I Dble bed frame, wooden through Sat. 22. $320 ne1Y, $200 or oUer. rommodes. ~c. chairs, oak FIREWOOlJ y,;:-5 a I e, playpen. 649-2030 3/22 8 RUGS. lmp. PeT llian Eric,675-5160afler6P~t tbl. & 6 chaxrs; 3 Br. sets wa1' E I p•u • FREE TO YOU ""'"",.,..--·~~-~""· Design $22. to $49. Sailboat "B" FLAT Coml!!t wtth incl 1 king size· 2 nut, u ca Y ·,..,5,; 1 FREE to good home: Small •• ~ $69 ' " •1· ,· 1 'p tlo Apricot, $47.50 cord, ...,. .,., FR -male, mixed breed puppy, ~-.am . -.r:. " imeo case. $40. ere e.nz.as, ~mps, a crd Summer prices July EE rnale '->C:0--9 Shrp. 3 Id 892-8558 25 Machine $89. S n a k e s, G73-26J'1 Furniture, chair & ottoman. &. A t $38 50 crd. Del 6~i yrs., hlk & tan. Ncec~ mo. 0 • 31 liznrds, Slot-Car Set. Sal All very nice. 870-1208 t ~~ 'rree · (l) 688-0846 Jotl'i or run·g rm, loves I WA.i'CH Y~B Ouly. 2221 Holly Lane, NB \Vurlitzcr Bung. Piano Going out of BU&iness "-5 ac · . . riding, plays ball. Very good 'TIS OPENlNG SOON SI'EREO, appliances, adding be~:~~;f:~~:lor ART SUPPLIES -Fraincs 3 PC corner sectional,. tv.·m watch dog. 531·II90 bt'fl' OOBERMANS machine, picnic tab I e, & easels. bed conipl., desk, m11TOr, 8:30 p.m, only 3/22 Sell or trade. 546-5889 cameras, ,.aJet, m 0 de I CELLO for sale, full size, 536 \V. l9tb St. cr.i. collee ~ end tables, 4 chrs FEMALE Boston Terrier 1 ~=~~----- horses, niisc. 2002 Baja, The Lyon & Healy. Xlnt tone. * 642-S590 * & odds n ends. Aft 5 Sat, also 6 nio. <lid part Bos!on NE\'' Plyv.'OOd a c r a p s. Bf··•· ("·h·-• CdM Ht) $250. 592-5134 all day Sun. 546-7940 646-2377 3/25 <U.L3, "'-"" 1"u · • 2 J.1aple end tables, lamps, Terrier to good home. 727 NB GUITAR.12 string a.couslic coucb&chair 3Modern -GIBSONJ-50 \Vlllian1s Avenue , llun-H FANT As TI c GARAGE Sounds good, must sac! $25. ta. bl••· >'·pie' oval table with Hardshell Cast'. Ungton Bt'ach. 536-6142 3/24 __ onoa ______ ..;1..:1..;..;::JO BLUE Na11gahydt' lounge., Call 962-8741 ·ui ,..,00 u perfect cond. $35• Chair $al. SALE! Furn i I u re. ap-&. chain coppertone Frigid-$320 new. ""' or 0 er "SNOCKER" pups (cocker QUARTER l!ORSES: 646-35.11 pllances, tools, • \'Io r t t n g aire ·, misc. 546-0653 Eric, 675-5l60 after 6 proof. & Schnauzer) 8 v.·k black I-White 111.ce w/ wht eocb goods, much more, Sat lG-4. Pi1nos & Org1n1 8130 SOFAS, hidw.-beds, lovt' CURTJS..MATIIES_C om b o , male, to good home , $150. I-Buckskin marking FABULOUS Rounrt bt'd A 2141 Bayport Way NB scats. matching chain, older blk/\\lht TV, radlO AM-FM. children preferred. 497-I088 $150. Appalooga Stallion, ~~. ~~~~· d~· prii:. EX C J T I NG Bugains I I flRf SALE I I atyle chain. Antique furn record player (stereo), $135. 3/24 reg: very good stock $65(1. etc. h1edt. triple chst mlrror Clothes like new & nt'W (velvet). Mi11e Items. 3281 VM tape recorder $40, FREE Puppies: s ma 11, 897-1350 It 2 6tnnds, $150. ~llll I" Sb.ca 5 thru 12. Fri. Colorado Lane, C.M. C<luch & chair, good cond. Boston Terrier , Bull =P"JNTO=~c=ELD'""rn=G~.~,-,...,--.-ld, &. C'-t 10 A~f,.g 30 PM 106 Our gorgeous n cw store . $6.1. 540-7361 MOVING. EIC"•ant antlque ""' · :.. · bunied' The pianos I: or-CARPETS. Vinyls, Tiles, lat. 1 mo!her. 642-5133 aft 5 quarter hor!le breed Ing Via Lido Soud, 675-3723 · t 1 d col c KIRBY Vacuum c eanl!!.r; p.ni. 3112 v.>ell brokt.n, gentle. Da,yg 1'-'hite 9 drit.wrr triplt! chest gans suUcred no .,oater dam· es s~.es&aRn ., orsti:' ~~ new 1969 rmxlel, dinette set. S4(}..426l, eves r.:An 1877 & i ntatchlng b c d side TABLES. Beds, dt'sk~. many age. but they are ainoi«oy, merct... es1 en "" .....,. Sa ·u , "BARNEY"' 2 yr old lovable ~ credenzas like l'lf!w $275, ~lneSuthi~21ll! mPou~t gt). ~ ... t dirty, dusl:.y Ii scratchy. We pert installation. ~IO\~ty ~~~46.4 en ct. 1nalc child's dog nttds a BEAUTIFUL re a: Is t er i!! d quarter horse, yearling filly by AAA si~. $800. 714: ems g7J-4S22 ~ n, · monn, " moved I.hem aU back to e1ur 642-1403 540.1'262 P · good honic. Phone 642-2i24 LIKE New Bcige-naug bed D. old location I: markl!!<I every. AITENTION Ladies, mu.!11 CUST exhaust header1, lit 3/22 divan s 1 2 5 , Ovt'!r-stulfed LIOO ISLE, T<.ltal household thing at f'IRE SALE PRIC sell membenhip to lea.dine '55-'57 Chev V-8, sell or PLANTS, You Dig Sat. or royal blur & avocado gm & t'lolhing. Great bargains. ES! So. U you dig that "Old Jtc.ducing S.lon. Will sell tnl.dc for good bucket seats. Sun. OleRride-r, Btlc/Brush, 600 W. 4th St, SftnUI Ana chair &. lrg m11tch'C ot-121 Quito. 673-76tt Time Stno~y F 1 av or", b<"low cost. 645-1355 ~lJ'1 Phlox. Succule.nb 1621 Anita Open D&lly 9 • 9 toman $175. 548-6551 GUNS, Antiques, old furn. co~e & get ',em, and at UPHOLSTERING _ $79.~. 2 LADI ES 80litaite diamond, Ln. HB TRANSPORTATION Boata I Y ochta 9000 SaL 9. 6 SUn. u. 6 QUA!. K s · ~ / Tools, misc. t'QU ip. &if A: prices you wont btlleve. pc (European erattamen) 1.4 car11U almoat new white FEMA==,..1 E""""c=-~,.,-~8-~ MAGIC Vue xlnt Coppcrtone quilted m°:HT'f'~~~ r. 0 m;. Sun. 1572 tndu1 C.1'.f. \VARO'S BALD\VIN STIJDIO Fr8 est., del. pickup, 215 gold mo1.1ntlng. Sac. $000. yn n~. AK~ ~=:i ~ $75. \Vht \Vettiewood $'1S. Never uS<'d $98; worth $250. GAR. Sn.Ii:, 1111 must gu, 605 1801 Newport, C.M. 64U484 Main, HB "Berny .. 536-64t'IS Phone 673-8811 fumily with older chUdrtn. Stove $45. Olnttte & 6 chrs. 847.j)jOO ~Ofh, SI., H.B. 536-1616 Sat HAM!\.tOND. Stelnw11¥ v 1• MY Collection of gla.uwant. FURN, drapes, I~ skattos, fi46..'440 l/"M $3$. Jlpt. WNher $45, Retnrs OJMPL. bou5e full of r:ic· all day or call be.fore. mahA • now Ii uMCI plamt l.o\lel)' rt.pllcu of antkJues;: elec mower, addm1 roach. LOVING nlixed 2~ yr. oog u:i. lo SU. Kelvinator '65. pl!!tlSivl!! dea:irtttor furn, ~llS Ol.O f&shion obsoltlte kffn of 11.11 mafta. Best bu)>I In carnival pltchen & a!AlllilH· Bargaln5. No dln. 8J3..292B v.-anta: nu hm w/ chldm :OX fr I' n~alM!':!i ~~k ~ than 2 yn Qld. Moving must thlnp. '28 Buick, · aids, So. Qllit. right tiet.. 839-5749 5 PC ORU~t set fr.i, Prw. to Jove. Mr. 842-1829 btwn sacrifiC't'. 673-..10.11 surfbrd, 2417 Valencia, S.A. SCHMIDT MUSIC 00.. WEDDING l(l\\'ll 1ize 5, love !l<'at $80, l pe ll1l!!Ctl 10-2 3/22 x 60 $l5. BR sinks $'1. Tbl LOVELY wWtt. wrouRhl iron GARAGF: SaJe: A 1 mo it t 1001 N. Main, ori1inally $250. Sacrlflce $85, Dc~k S.M. 673-4256 2. 9 Wttk old female puppl-. $5. 3 chrs, $6. Ln, R1n, ... _... •~-tt'< "''" .,.,.., --•1 I ~ ~ '" brtak.fasl to.ble & et. S75. eve"'lhi'"' , ....... lnnblel Sat <)fll•lA nu"' _,, ..._..._, '""" even nt'I· EXERC\'CLE. l '•···--~·· "'""'' ii Poodlt', SmArl & eofA & ch. 2 End I: cottee • ~ ·"' ...... ,.. ,1 table It lampa stOO. Drcw.r 646--1371 & Sun, 9-5 16TS Tustin, Of, \\!ANTt:D: Pianos tr Organs. • t"fRE & Burglar Alarm Ct'll~n! rondllion! SJ50. vu lnv1,bl('. 968-2831 3/21 & lll~boy $.10. It misc. SACRJYICt:, 1 hlcGuirc rtrd ~1AKF: o.ffrr Qr "e · 11 Cuh pa.Id Systems installed u Jaw u 6':!1-lS~7. CdM--r.c.; Rl'l:lwood ~. 4'xs··\~u ifltms. 1550 A svperior St.. dlain. custom upho!i;trrcd. btu"ia.in1 All muE-t It(!, Great * ~ * $99. Call 642-3490 1Fsailbo1t Trtlitr"" ~movt', Joc11.tNt 241J E. est C.M. 64$.$111 lib new $75. each. 673-4822 buyri. 61 311 Narcln11s, CrlM. f.IAHOGANY ~plnet Ph1no. AMF 7x3~· Paol Table & J:;, Good condition. 644-l!Xll llv.'Y, CdM. M8-59M 3/22 3 Pc sectional $20 ptor trcllon BEAUTIPUL black \""TOllJthf NE\\' d"luxc range> .t. O\~, Xlnt oond. Private parcy. •oo.'11· 2 monihs old. $250. 9' JOEY C.boll Custom l,mt.i:; 10~1 ~hnny cfoit, or m.ke offtr. floor mod~l lmn dint!!" !11!!1 w/6 chn. rltts&!'r. chc!lt "' drttlKt'rS, * 64&-0508 • * 54U8l3 * SurihMrd, good condiUOn. Poodlt' "-Co<-ker? NH'ds , -.'OCla J.12. ~ $30. 546--TifT drt1k. 9 to S. !IU-1428 White tltpbanla! DimH•llno DAILY PU.m WANT ADS! $60. 54s.,4.~26 loving !~me. 673-S43.i 3Jl4 ._:.....;.;:;;;...;;;;...;.._'""'--'-'-~~~~~-· " -11' BAY llOAT Like new ......... , try $1495 COL 29 .... ., .. ~9950 lnboal"t:I •••••••••••• l.oAded! e PACinC YAO IT SALESe 3446 fVI" Oporto, iNeitt'POrt 2" flour Phone •• i?J.1570 Coming CUSTOM DLX K 41 CUSffirit bulll 10' Pram, 1tlali11 OU!!l!dt:, nn.tv.ral finish inside. $13.i. 54~7617 ; OAl\.Y P1\.0T FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICU Here's How YH C• Use O• Famous Dime • A • Lhtes ......... ----oct-.. -.. - 4 ...,,.ioot efflCOI. TO SERVE YOU OUR FAMQUS r • NIWPOtT 11.t.CH lll 1 --11"- e COSTA MIU --·-··-UI Wnt 1oy e HUN11N610H HACH _ lff 111f11J - e U.•UNA lllACH ··---· m ...... A•-DIME -A-L INES .... _..... .. _"- • ---Mprlc..iWlfltl0-- $11. C....11 ........... ,. ... DJtAP!'.S· $5. lo $10, Slldo Pr'Oiector $25. Screen $10. Bookcue $9. Camp table p. Tape d&ck $ 2 5 . Decorator fret $6. Vases $2 each. Archer)· bow $25. Delk ~ ch11 Ir $25. 'rYJlewriter $2$. a kitchen chain: $2'J. Lamps $5 each. Plant. mature $4 et1ch. Portable radk> $9. P.1et&l cha1n $3 each. Picture1 $3 each. M6-1300. ~ Knox 'f'lace B. Costa ,,,, .. TANK vacuum Kenmore SlO. Uprtpt vacuum $7. Bathroom sink on pedestal is. 21" 1V no. 17" TV $'1. Modem couch $10, Dtttstr and mirror $.10. Lawn spreader $3. Floor polishttr $5. Slim Line TV, needs v.·ork $5. 1513 Oran .... CM. &f2-6666 ·-.~. STUDIO bed and cover, good condition. $15. Q u l I t e d bedsp~ad queen size SS- Tapestry-rua $5. 16 lb. bowt. Ina ball $4. AM/FM table radio $5. Little girl's size T clothes JSc • Sl. Automatic "·8.lher $25. 548--3740, not \\'. Oceanfront, Nc"l>Ort "'"" WESTINGHOUSE refrlaera- tor httr, iood condition S25. Call after 3 Prtt. 642-7001 ?iIOVJNG • End tables a.nd coUee table S3 each. Elee- trlc Singer sewing machine J'OOd condition $20. mue Chip stamp books $1.75 each. F1oral Q u 11 t e d bedspread $5. Innerspring And mattreS11 $15 each. 642-7596 LARGE cofhe rr!nder $25. Cun rack $8. Gun cab SlO. snot run $5. Pistol m. Rifle $2.1. Holltera Sl each. Old cotton scales $8. Smoothing Iron $2. Garden sprayer and tools $1 lo $3. Filth finder $25. Cedar chest $20. Old chai~ $5 to $20. Boat fi(... tings $5. Box 30 Lb. Dry Chem S15. Wood Saw S2: Saturday and Sunday, 1572 Indus, CM, OU Santa Ana Ave. bthind C.OUntry Club 1 IT. ME.i'AL cabinet fi.50. 2 Early American bar stools $7.50. Stools $7.50 each. Vinyl 1wlvel rocker $7.50. Stereo-Phono needs v.-'Ol't $7.50. MG-MU RENAULT wheel and tire S3. VW and Porsche parts $5 to $25. Expanded n1etal separation tor Ford Econoline $25. 2 chrome Astro-map fit Ford or Plymouth S15 each. Electric mo!or $10. Porsche front braU1 $25 ea.ch and front suspension $25. Saturday on- ly. 879 Towne SL 6(2....4826 I. No commorci1I r.rms or priv•+• business m•y UM thes• columns. 2. EACH ITEM for sale must be priced - no prico over $25. 3. DIME • A • L I N E ids ,,. 1cc1pt1d and pubfished •• • unique 1ervic1 to our patrons ind the DAILY PILOT rosorvts tho right to r.mit their publication to one d1y each wHk. DIME-A-LINE ode aro drictly cosh with copy. Readtn are urred to r~ port promptl7 to the OAlLY PilDI' ClaasUled Department an,y vtolatlon1 Of UIU• Olme--·A.·Une rep- 'aUon1: ITEP..1S from att't and home !..ADI.ES ~ .. l'·h bl'·· h •-d Ibo ...... .., -w:lt ~,. nlCERATOR $25. Alt-SATURDAY and !lmday NEW PartDJ tins !25lc• 19 LARGE stufkd anlmlll S2 BLACK L!athn' Sq u are DOORS S!J • $10. Door cklleft .;:~toolap $1~ l;~ca': ~ buket $25. Zenltb portable FM< 8 radio, m cabinet $25. 1.0-5 apartment alio GE $15. tt" tront whttl wtth to ~ Oi.IJd'a Ice lkltel Quilted Back,. Ol< $20; 2 $12. U,bt &turn $).. TV ctairs 112 each. Mexican radio $2. ~ tmio 1t1takers no. 1 refrlaer.tor ln aood wo:'!<hta Ure $20. 19" Rolid& wbetl $1 O\Ud.'1 table and chain Black Le1lhtr &r Stool• S2S. Camp cot• $8. Steam lnunei $1.SO to $5. Slatutt MAJIOOANY Dlnlng table extenaVJ.n spea.ktt in cabinet coodlUon ~ 3 pk!ce belp with Utt $%). ?tlatchle111 $3. O.rble and Ke n $5. each 4 Maple Style b'orl1 $2. llt-Fl $25. Guitar 14 to $l0. Baakets 50c to $25. 6 Upbolstered chairs $15. 1960 Ra.mbltt radio 110. curtahul 36" lenrth o~ 6:iOc.-c trancmiuklin $25. DU· en&emble with wardn:>bt l(ltcben Ch&tra $5; Rattan $15. ?ttetel typlJla: ·table .$3. SJ W h $10. each. 3 Exte1111lon Home uJon hair dryer $10. and olive trim $2. a pair Jm!nt motorcycle au tanks and epciria ca $'10. cart S Piece SecUonal $20; 200' 12 Gaup aheU. $1 box. ToYI i.· n: t irnn hangtqa; leave1 $5. Exctllent t'On-Tank vacuum $5. Radio TV 2 pair 24" lenalb $1.SO palr 'l5c each. M•tchliu motor a1'd aquarlum11 !IOc: to JZ. tleavy t>uty TV Wire $5; $3 • $5. FN!t jars '15c cloaen. ~t iron tob~~ ~ dition 339 • Wake Forest ~~~ KOpe $25~ Gold valtm'el lO match $1 each. parU 1948-56 $1 to $26. Clotblng, jewelry, books, 2~ Gallon Tn.lltt Roof ng Santana Dr. CdM 7e-B James St, CM • Road. 56-1259 na..._...,. couch -· 2 Llaht brown Dynel switch \Vheela, forb, Ure! frame pl~s. 50c to s i . Palnt $4; 25 Okt Hunt.lna: BOX 16 penny ""°' flO :;e.1914 FRONT Lawn Wheel-barrow, matchina chain no each. $3. Blue and ptt:n Spanl&h $1. to $25. 5u-o269 Skateboard $1.!i. Tabll! SJ. and GWl Mqu.Ws S'l; pouNis $7. W1re dos: cap 4' ROUNDTAIL v---~·-r planttt box with house Mirror 36x2S flO. Steel •t)'le stJtche:l')' $2. 4 aacks HOME F\lrnb:bl f Ale H&Jllin« 1iaht s• .. !50. Sid rack Good In-alnk..erator Ollposal tlll atatlon W.-$8. Scott n.u=1_,-ownber $6.SO. 5 iallon &l.ua folding table legs SlO. Larp steer n>anure $1 each. lS" Danish od ':!wn orcoudl VQ. CU.tom Tern:ni\lml $5; Clean Fill Dirt le ll)l'eader $5 New electric $20. 49f...3613 jugs 75o each. 2484 Santa fold.able: card table $15. x 30" white marblt: table 115 2 m -chairl 121), 3107 Barb&du Pl., C.M. Sbovtlful 4 Goodrich Hard wire Ramu· U.250 fed ps. MOVING. Bargains_ la.tbl!I' Ana Avt., Costa Mesa Door and Door molding 2c top as. Man'a \I~ seat 1u'. i:~ 9 x h cupt MINI Bike tra.mt Bl& ~ar Rubber Ta•" rums 12x300 91)2...7334 -·"·'-vibrator ........ _._ .....: per foot. 893-9576, lM!2 $3. Goll clubs $1 each. -m·-·t ~--~ .,-• bl •--bl -~-e.-flO· 1 Baa: of 100 sq. Feet :=..:.:::.:...~-----I • ......... "'-15 UJ&.LI" ....... UPRIGHT D--1 Cir llB ... ·-· ~""' ;JU ....... .....,, er.-..-..... --i. Foll' ~~ ....... ,. __ ·-·I•· BOOKCASE ~ Medi~ 4 bar stoola l20-Old ..... ,,.... vacuum Duke . Paper Titfan)' type shade tood conditloa 110. 893--4&39 to 2 S bo • .. 1--.. °"" "'6 ., ..... mahopny drum table 115. with attadunent& $31. Clean POODLES. male AK C Sl. AntlqUe Inkwell school • n ' rxp!>\\'tt ~ne tlon s,1-Bathl'OClm Wall ranean creen •Ice, $21. 7-plece rattan set $8. 76 each. gas 1"al1tC $20. 646-""329 registered small, rnlniature, desk $10. Cap type hair NEW Plywood lera.1*. ~· $25. Jtm rtah\ f 0 r H nc S~ $2· S St\'lnn-tom LaJ'tf! 4 drawe.r Birch Brass tea cart with glau MUN'I'"l 4 track stereo tape 2 Apricot. 2 ApricoUBlack, d1i-•cr S3. Set 7 glas.ws $2. teak. nlahopny also IOlid yootJ,ptu'I lFlnt Bllce>. B~s ~ euh. 642-6666 dresser child knobl S15. tra $10 ~ta ptaytr us. 66-1353 442 1 Black 962.-l.582 211n Breton i,.~. Hun-lutrtber 1~ !_if· $2. '64 W. 544-000 . t.oronado AMJrN ' ti.hie ~·tabl~:e·n:~ P.lagnolia, C.P.t, tington Beach Blvd. to 18th St .. Obata Mt1a WE are. movin.a: to a con-KEN:P.fORE Automa t_lc radio. works snat $15. bench $25. Commode to 1 SINGER sewing ~hine Atlanta eut to Miramar, 6*-2377 dorntnJIU]\ . .hd y;e can't lake Wuber Excellent CondltiOn Larie )'tllow ltather""toy match $1 0. Corner MAPLE Sett". $25. Cedar $25. Tu:i~ box spring and right lo Sable left lo Bneton, LEADED Cius windows $4 llDmt of our p r I 1 e d $25; General Electric Dryer box . '5-White dttsser I ~h.-v. chest $25. Porcelain tub $2. n1a.ttreas $20. Snare drum left to 21171. 536-6389 each. mack marble pull.m&n JJO!&esslon!. Boy's pmei llO Volt Sttup ln Very Good drawn" $12.· 1110 Carlton m ......... ~any step table SS. Sink and tub l'Omblnii.tlon S25. Stand $5. Tape l"f'{'Ol'der 50c t fl Tra tc Cond!Oon $25; Pair of Pl SA 540-31TI Blondt coffee table $7.50. $3. 20322 Riverside Dr., San-$25. Belly board $20. I-II COLOR TV \l'Orks good $25. top S.f.. 24" Bar stools with 0 · ctor car .... Fender Skirts tor '61 Ford :..:c·:.,• :::.=..=,c....~~-" I End table $2. 2 bunk beds ta Ana Hgts. 1'~i combination $25. 20121 24" console T\' $20-2lx50 upholttered back arms and Toy box 13. 2 rollaway beds N $5• Pa.Ir All Kinds ORIGINAL Oil pa.lnttnr of with mattresses $25 each.. Binoculars S20. Tape seat 4 for "$25. Small ac-J7.50 each. Buket ball hoop of';, • ...:.. ... ;...__,, Part• Spa.nlsh Mlaslon 24x30 ~· •~1208 BIG Collection of Mens and Imperial Cove Laoe, HB cord! t .___ ....... 1 and backboard $5. Lawn ....... r .,. .... :r~ •"t..J793 ~~ ncorder CWebcor) 120. GE a.n crt• J-u• _. "" mo~r $10. Electric blanket $2. to 110; 2 speed motors ,;~::...='--=~=-~-! DINETTE set $25. Turquoise Adult magul.nes bnc:k dates 8' CONTEMPORARY couch. portable record player like perfect condition $25.. Anti· $5. SUltf $2. Carden too1t for Kenmo"! washers $8. 2 • 30 GALLON water Naugahyde couch and chair of Jay-B1rd Sun-Dial 25c beige f\l.'eed ;25. Rattan end new $10. Ill-Fl amplifier que mlmlr with wide bevtl 50c to $3. &ar--B-Que table Each 847-8115 heaters Sl5 and $20-Sodt. $25, Fireplace sctffn $5. to $1. Call ~ tables $7 each. Oil and $15. Munti stereo pack 4 14" x 50" $5. Portable hatr· and chairs $20. Yellow cha.tr SALEM maple craclre?' box bed fW. Old tank $5. Lamp $3 and $2. CoUee 3 SPEED Bike slrl's $20. acrylic pa.lntlnp $2.50 to speakers like new $20. Ex· dryer ulltd very lltUe $3.SO. $5. Bar itoolJ $3 t~ UM end table $1S. 642--0'J&2 Complete bookcue dou~ table $2. End table $2. Sun-StinaraY $18.50, ~207 $25. !162-8201 tension phone blue 18' cord Electric mixer $5. Blue Doratt La.nt, Costa Mesa. COCKAPOO "lhn' bed $15. Two wheel trailf'il' day only ll>-4. 595 W. Wilson ONE IA!ft, very cute putt COFFEE table 12x36 glass $10. Volt wet sult, ntw $20. flowered poppy trail d\ahes Street behind p PllPI. mo $25. Re d wood pa~ St., Costa Mesa Slam~ kitten female 7 top and lhell $10. Electric Single hose Scuba rerulator 4 place settln(s Z pieces ant r Y Cockapoo, father Re(istered furn"ture t $15 ~UIM fioor nn\l!lher 18. Round Ntr .,.,.,,_ Stereo turntable [new SJ. P. C. Malnull $25. Sall Market at Baker • n d Poodle $10 each. 842--6t30 1 R · , HOTPOINT Automatic weeks, weaned and ...--... """ Bo f d '·'-Fairview WOODEN barrel $4. Wa• housebroken $15. c a 11 mar dinette table $8. Wool need!&) $15. F1ourucent .,..g -· xes 0 UMieJ. COCKAPOO puppies $ 1 0 10ftentt $20-Tank t1r Amie \\'asher good condition S20. 494-7473 rug alld pad 7x8 $10. TV light bubble 4' (workina:l flatware and Junk 3c to $1. CUP Dlspla.y cupboard 3x4, each. 842-6430 SZl 50• ol 1" F1o: $21j Coffet> table 4' \valnut I .sro=~VE~~~~---stands S2 • $5. Electric $5. New % HP motor $25. 546-&.l46 3:1241 B ll y view nearly new, $%1. M&-Q88 CAP~ ~o Wlck•r "a rd -· .. .i..; .. ,.. 12. ~-• -.· S\';e<lish 1'1odern $5. 646-5669 Perre ct S25. Ave San'-•-· ff..t. ~u '"" ...., ...... ,. "",... -Refriget'lltor ~rtect $2S. All alann clocks $1-$4. Dish 5-16-3720 ·• .. ........ ..... BARGAIN, very larp 0.Car table $25. 2 chain $12-50 Electric motor $5. Mdf 4 BICYCLE frames and v.·eek till l P.M. M8-4029 master sink faucets $22. 45 CONVALESCENT Toilet or PLYWOOD New ,,."x4'xS' flab well marked S!I. 7" each. 6T.J-3649 cart 125. 897-7350 ~ ;!g H;~ 4.~leed~ Slameae cat n monthl!i old RPl\1 record player $3 • shoY;er chair $20. F1oor AB exterior coats $15 a Black Shark $3. 60-M91 TWO 16" Sldev.·alk bikes $10 TY p E WRITER ' ~ ho _.. $6. Bathroom scales Sl • model heat lamp $20. Blue sheet will tell for $8 a STEWART Wa rner ad-each. 1 • 24" balloon tire portable $18. Blonde -"•Lit rses, needs pa.int S2.SO. spayo:u $15. 645-2M9 S3-Sunbeam hair dryer SS. club cha.Ir $3. 545--2529 Wet. S Gallon aquarium jua:table preuure electric drye su.-iij~ After 1 p .M. Sat 548-4305 NE\V Bla.c:k patent shoes 4B 12" RCA TV $:ZS. GE TV BICYCLES " " $20-ln and top S$. Tricycle $2. Air fuel pump, new $40. Sell $5. Fire engine $2-50. Trike S5. JI air r $2. ; DUNCAN P m• · po~·bl•• $10. 16" ·•tot-la ...., "' • -,., a a or ~ Old ~~~·~""'2779 Avalon Sbttt. IX>C HOUl6 "c e•"h. wa• .... • ..,.,e dining table , .:::l20::·:.:"""""=='-----...... "'' '"" 1 di 24 .. to 26 .. (3) peed ... m Pre ..,. S20-Stewart Warner 8000 ~ .., -...... one leaf $22. Bathlnette 14_ 1· TV $20. Shower door 25" cu ng . s oak-Whiskey ban'tls $15 RPM Tach. (Blue face) $15. skis JS, Tool boxe. $.1 u4. Vanity bench $4. White rats PORTABLE Hair d:rytr used $6. Fireplace screen 38x28 and Stingray Unicycle $5. each. Servel refrl&:uator 1956 Mere. radio SS. Mz..8897 8ED fra.lne $5. Double chest Books 5c aiid lOc. Gl...e. Sc. 847-9821 vtry little $3.51), Electric $5. 3910~~ Chllnnel Pl. NB. 1L2•50"'' wTraaol "yc1S5. Pedl 2ol 5r0ar with ftttzer SS. 2 beautiful n·• .. -'GHOUSE TV dn.wen $20. 2 padded bar and dishes Sc and lGrc. mixer $5. Blue nowcred 673-1600 · · c e · • '-l.1ng back chaln need ..,..,..,, .. , atools $10 each. Deak $25. AqUarium complete wltl YOUTHS Euter clothes like poppy trail dlahn 4 place 10 SPEED blk• S20. ~.,,. ~-54G--2841 re c 0 v e r I n 1 $5 each. food cond\Uon $25. 644--0MS Chair $$10. Jtehig'ttator $25. flsh SlO. SM--4393 Sat. only I new Bullocks c:oordina.ted ttl -· ~· G bl D •-se ngs .w pieces $3. P. SWAP Meet ltema several Showcue flS. Antique chair CLO'TiflN 8-lC 50c to $25. Coffee ta e, an .. h modern BIRDCAGE 9 x 16 X 241• doublt breasted jacket size c .. Mainsail $25. SaU bas ROUND Oak table SIO. V.W. boxes $10. MS.-2529 $2. Round antiqut trunk Some from modelliia. Shoes $10. 2 end tables, Danish with acceS!Orlts SlO. 18 and slacks 28 waist ~1 $25. Boxes of d 11 he 1 , bWI rack $7.50. 962-9720 SHELVES While wooden fa~ $10. Round wood patio table 7.9 50c to $5. Purses 50c modern $10 ea.ch. Apt. size 962-1777. t price $25. Like new Botany fiah\·are and junk 3c to $1. CORNET, very old, silver tory built 24"xS4" lde'li for so. Black rabbit a.nd cage to St. Glov•s 50c to $1. kitchen table and 2 chairs , jacket size 14-16 and slacks 546-9946. 202-tl Bayview with rose gold bell very display, rolls on casters s25• SJ. Drop ltat kitchen table Pine ta.bit and 4 chain $20. $20. Double box 1pring1 $15. 4 CHAIN link fence $25 roq. 2S v.•a.lst $15. Slacks Leri Ave: .. Santa Ana Hgts. good condition S25. Case 1nd 54a-2529 ~. 2 Fireplace scrttns $1 Danish modem couch ex-Double matllTss S15. 2460 Post for ume $1.~ eacl. StaPrest S2· Shirts 14-16 25c OLD Spinet desk SIS. Sm.all mouthpl@Ce-$10. Wood flute LADIES ,,.. Sch w 1.... each. VaniUard fire alsrm cellent condition S2:l. 5 Oranae Ave., 548--8014 30 11•0~101~>:.aqular!S ~._'..25·~~ to $1. Sv•eaters, jackets, al 1 1 vc~ ~ I"'· Trum-t ...., ".. '"""•t .,~,. ···"' ••II for -. molchln"' hooked ....... s (1) ga " '-"'· , ......... , 'f~ •·th '· 11 •" w nu txteru; on table, 6 "" ~""" "-" ,~ c 1 . 1 "--lly "" _, ..... tw ... ·-PHD..IPPINE Mahogan y 10 •allo•• 18 • ••·-o> .,.. ro.....,. . to .... Man's ch.iirs i20. Round niaple good playing corxlition $15. ass l c, pro esiuuua Picture frames 50c to S3. 6x9, (1) 12xl~ (3) 3x4 $%; room divider 5'x5'6" deep • ... ,.......,, ff. Suits size 38 $10. Fireplace formlca table S18. TablH Trun1pet-Buescher -very recl.stored $25120. 1 GHl.PI: htdJ.~ New 1'1arlne mah o I an Y each. 4 Matchln; Braided wtll for llvt plants $25. Tl8U.Bos ~ eabclkh. Bars·~-~ screen Si. 833-28"19 S3. $15. Small oil sea.5C'apes toad horn $25. Case and ipper · r 1 "" pl;"'-"OOd S sheets %,x4x8 $9 ~nllle rua:• (1) 9 x 12 (3) · Y 1 e '"""' >t8 Cl!EVROL~ -·Jor $20. th . 110 C t Schwinn Stin&ray bike $25. -'--· 1-· VI ~-CM 2°x3' ~• •a•h. D'·'-1, l4xlS' Ov';l "\\'OCll hand S: a.nd $5. 897-7350 ~ r..• ,...., framed $10. Large framed n10u p1e-ce . orne , ""'lll5 a"'"""'· uuv c:to ... , . . .,_ '"" ... "" hnlded. rug varlegated. col· 3 S,.......d Chevrolet tra.ns. I CoM, ••-tor mod•I, l!X• ......... ., ... .,,.~. llillU\\'8.l't' 5c to $5. A.. SURFBOARD 9' 6" Gord~ ,.... wa.terco oI'I 1old, green $20. ..~ ~ on $25 546-5412 $25. Car radios $5. 6 volt Otlnese Jade pin $25. Real cellent conditioto, sold new BRAND New boy'e Stinrra.y OIEST Of drawers white plianct1 n to $5. Pkture1 · "Middleweight" orange ti b:i.ttery $5. 1l volt battery Citrine Topaz beads $20. for $185, 25 case $25. $25. 54&-lTlS tomUca top $25. Sld boots and frame• $5c to $5.. lJnens REEL type power mower. in good condition need cull $5.. 2586 Santa Ana Ave., Ivory statue 12S. Ameth)'st Mouthpiece and acceuories NEW Lady Sunbeam shaver Molotor me 9-&% $25. 1'¥.1l 5c to $3-6C6 Victorla, Costa :~roi;e~~· e_ co:; fut $25. 310 15th Apt. HO.I Co1ta :r.tesa cross $15. Sterling sou~nir no. Trombone like new $4.50. Towel pole $1. bolsters foam veen cover Meu.. 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM. workl $5 ~ ... ~;,., =l _H_.B_. ______ _.,, DA y Bed S7.SO 'IV u;. s~W: spoom $3. Real jewelry $1 Conn. S25. Case S: 2 5 · Bathroom scale $1. Cat 5• km& l' hiah $7.50 each. Also Gold ptu&h carpetq: and ~·a 10c to $t. 2979 SKI ~ta lize 5, ucdk!¥ movie projoet(lr $25. Box ··$25. 548-1129 Mouthpiece and ac.ceuorles: 1<:n.lchln,a: po11t, new $2. Salad bowl tarp fruit with extra ple«1 81Aix8"' Mllbto St., C.M. 549-0583 condluon $5. 6T3-89il ~ full ladies lboes 6'~7 $9; BOOKCASE $'1. Maple twin S25. Thls horn sells for over 54(}-2841 haped_ H wa1· ?.! nk $25 . . 6 For all Ladder Jack Jo hold two hundred do 11 a r 1. 8Pod ··-•' 112"". !__:, ... ?._ VISE. "· Girt Shoe ikatn SATURDAY and Sunda.y only RUGS. IM p ORTE p bod romplete $25. Drum d COINS: L i ncoln aet wuuu ... ~ .. "-'"'"• .,., ...i.. .. 1 d · Pet'llan design $22. Sllaktl Plank between 2 ladde-..: Oarinet delu.xe mo e I ha d 1~ u El ~ ,•-· 1 "· Girl's lamp 11. 1-3. Ori ... _. esig!I never . ~ '"'.,.,. mahog•n" table ":::. E-' ., 1~• 1968 n ~ "' ,""" n opera o:u <rT· e" ... ~ '-""' .,.. __ b-.. -v•l•-t ..., ..... and lizardl "".50 to 546--8693 -v ...., '111 Selmer, excellent coodition oru.· -.ri-uu• ,.,,..,, •• -nA 19 1' High 844-1656 .. v•" •u..-.. ·~ .-.... .,. table! $1. BreaJdast set $2(). $25. Case $Zi. 1.foulhpiece Austria $5. 545--2529 couee ., ...... er • =.::c,:....~~~,,.---wtth tapestry cape 14 Slot car set $15. Sa BICYCLE Boy's 20·• Schwinn Velvet chair $12. White and a c c e 11 orlt1 s25. GAS Stove $25. Fonnlca ~:ti&c:rvtd~g~sk ~ LADIES clothlnl 1Ukf: dne.w, origin&l ty $75, sell' $25'. ,,.,iv. 2221 Holly LI.DC, ~ $20. Girl's 20" SS. Girl's cabinet SB. Dishes lOc. Trumpet. older Conni rare cabinet and top 44 H and 2 Klee print. 2 x 3 P&r1<1n siieWhlS-10. ~dP'd" "13 111 Nehru s h irts (good) as~ .1iHLE $23. 4 chalre ~ 24" $15. Phone 56--010!!. 295 Radio·rccord player $12. tuning slide $20. Case and 38 w $20. ™•· wa1her $15. and wife 11 for both-Sa.tut-$3. te .,."'",a. m' "•" · beach coverupg $5. New an-e:-.ch. Will aell separa Princeton Drive, Cost a Crutches S7. Clothing lOc. mouthpiece SlO. Wood nute Drapery rods 6' to lS' $2 d 1933 Pnlk dacron S · ue acron tlque style earrlnes $2.50. ;~1n.7:170 Mesa Books 3 for 25c. Pictures and case needs work ' to SJ. Ttres 6.95x14 $4. 7. TS ay only. Wallace Apt. $2. Wool llackl and skirts Tie• from London $2.50. 1-,-.n---,u"T-.,,-u~,-,-to-b_la_$1-I. I 19" T.V. portable $ 2 5 . 25c. Lamps $l. Barbells $12. German, a steal at $15. x lf $5. S.55 , x 14 and 1• C.M. 642---l932 75c. 904 \V. l9th St. C.M . Plaid 1leevele11 dress from Larie new tent $10. Ur MS-652S Rollav.·a.y bed $17. Dolls and. Very good "F" hole guitar, 6.75 x 15 J2 each. Young 1-MAGNIN clolhfs $1 to $20. TIR~ 1iu 6:15 x 13 Flts London size 9, SlO. dishes $6. Used brick: _If REFLEX-Recurve bow $20. extra.&. 528 Redlands, N.B. new strings $20. Trombone, man's 2 pant suit 40 long Baby Tenda 110. 6'l3-M25 Opel Uted aood miluae left Sleevele11 crop top blue knit ea.ch. Old lnlnk $25. 'IJ Anmvs and gear $25. 12' FRENCH languare records Selmt.r, excelelnt condition $25. 540--8376 or 6'13--69U (3) $2 each. 6f,6-9797 $10. Striped Renaissance tabltt $1. Books Uk: nc Doughboy pool \\>ith tilter $20. Small tables $5. Ex-$25. Case $25. ?i-toulbpiece SCRAM LETS MOTORCYCLE cover and BLACK AnlUJ t.rt>ecue kln1 cotton drtls, slie 14, $10. Car Vacuum $2. Bar $25. Lawn mov.·ers $2 to cellent carpet $25. 2009 and a c c e s so r i e s $25. • CUTy cue $10. c r a 1 h atu $15. Knitter Junior $10. Anny coall $3. Dtteea and $12.50. llanctnl lhi:ht flx $7.50. Electric can opener Kings Road, 1-3 P1ot Sunday, Trumpet. Getzen, very helmet p. Matchlna: linen 2083 Thurln st, MH.769 lounaewear XI to 30 1itt $4. Odd decaratiVe t $5. small band saw $25. ELECTRIC cart $25. u. good. $25. 1 £"' T 'b" d ANSWERS 1ultcun $4 each. Manual RABBITS, Dutch pa1r $6. ?:. to1 '5;,. ~_:~ 50c ~1.;.,,,. m7 NIArd~n Hairdryer$7.50. Footlocker gauae shotgun S25 . mouthpiece ~,,. u a addinl machine $2S. Black Silver Martin buck $3. -' 0 ~ ........ _ ...... m1;;;Cd;;:M""''O;"',;:...;--.=::--.,,,--::O $7.50. Food blender SlO. Surfboard 9', 125. Surfboard mouthpiece, ma.de by Tautly_ Stocky_ Tailor_ fox sweater $10. Adfw;table 546--9965 1900 dreu $12.50. Steamtt STEREO e peak er _ Chairs $ to no. Tape rac:kJI $5. ~fovie projector 1'1artin $5. 536-8541 Suckle _ Steamy _ Grubby bed frame S5. 359 E. ~ .-.. and antlque trunkl $10 to BookcasH is to $15. Adj recorders $15. Portacrib $7. $10. Chest of dra'-1.·ers $10. 30" GAS Ra.nge $15; will _YOU'RE sruCK C.M. M2--JlM 35115MM1Pmjttlorboth Pl~~. '°"'Po_! $15. Green, Yf~-Tiffan)' Encydoped1a. aood FUJI ·o 115 Bo -" All ,. ~ d · t · d C·'I 64 ..... .,.. or -... "• ihape Un Mi:--.• lamp dlt'·• ~. Child'• oet n en . x ,....,ng11 n &........, c on 1 1 on. eliver ..., 5--~ A corporal mounding oft to BA.."ITAM ChlclCI kle&l for 1 " ... •«< •-•-17 ~ ... 50 "''" ...., -•• $5. Tables 2 -no. Dog 67>.2259, Jerry "' • new ...., . .,._........ ,,......,., _, e ....... ,. year Dictionary $11.. Atlu houst $5. Antique block USED SU\•ertone Steel String his buddy In the barncks: Euler Sl.50. A1ao baby BATH Tub Lavatory, Toilet old and current books 25c Great Books of the Wea I 115 C , ELECI'RIC DRYER F-Hole Gultar $10: New "And suppose you work Jilce ducla: $1.50. Hudlorne Ban· w"lh W•tu·Tank S25. for to $1.15. Oblona ma.ntl!! mlr--World Y••• ~-ka ~. pant . a r pent er s EXCEI.LENT. 673-5631 Small Claasitsl Guitar ns; blazes, and aot to be a full tam RoosttTB $5 and Drake ,, A $9 Shel 'IC Pot ... auu ..., planes S5 -$15. Tools 50c: 540 ~""2 general! So what 1 'I1H!re Mallard• $5. 26U s. E. MJea All 2520 Westminster ve. ror · ves ...,. -each. 0ranp Coast Co~ lo $5. Electric motors $1 GOOD clean nfrlgerator $20. 1.,:=~c::=------~ YOU'RE STUCK." Drive, Baby Bay attll Cr-.t pourre scent 7Se to $1.SO. text booka ft to $8. U to 54, Barber sheen $6. Sunday afltr 10 a..m. 2009 CRAFI'Sl\IAN :r.to"·er S18; GAS itove $lO; 5'8-8211 Firestarters In aitt buket! text booka $3 to $11. Kitchen utensils lOc to $1. Kings R<lad, ~8-2394 Platform RocMr New CUTE Rabbits adults, grey DUCKS. Baby Mallards rJt 75c. Note paper, lnvltatloM clubs Sl each Golf~ Saturday 10 10 4. 21<tl Upholstry $17; Tricycle $5; female, black m&le $1.15 White Pekin $1.M to $2.50 PANIC Salt: Moving, have 25c to $2.50. Chfj&tmu and bee SlO ea~h. ,55 Bayport Way, oH Francisco "'ASHING ma.chine $2S. Fourposttr single Bed with es.ch. 646-4095 each. Full arown Drakes too much stu1t, Everylhlnc cardl $2.!'JO box. Value1 to 4-door body sell in ~ between Irvine and Tustin li-tetal bed frame $2. lron Spring $20; Hobbyhorse $10; HEADBOARD And nleht $5. Hens $3. Bantam chicks Maternity Clothe• near new. $1.50. Gitt wrap and Ile $1 to $Z>. Ford Dathe LARGE d"" al.r lamp cost twin bed with springs Sl. 642--3570 stand $IO. Divan $20. Chair $1.SO. BeautlfUl roosters and flK IA. the Price. BeauWul 25c .to $1. Yarn halrtiea 75c. 3-2 manltoot, new full $7. sell sit. 642-3163 2 Red.,,,'OOd benches $2 each. 2 700.15 6 PLY Tire~ and SlS. 2 Step end tabltl with drake M&llard1 $5. 2612 S. IAdles Oothes, Dreue•, FtM American Co~ttate cam, Uften:, aprtn11 Boys' 24" bike $10. Dreiser Polit Rims 425. each 12) drawer $5. Girl'• bicycle E. Mesa Drive, Baby Bay BJouMs, Sweaters, Pants, Texas Cookbooks $1.50. Bak· mlscellaneou1 parts al BOY'S Stingray bicycle, ex-$10. \VOl'.l<kn table and 4 2 Speaker Plywood Cabiners 26.. $l5. Boy'• btcycle 26.. an!& Tops 10 to 14 50c to $5; tni power and c..ntpbeU under PJ, Tires and cellent condition $ 16 • cha.in $5. Refrlprator $15. $'.l. each 3 TV u is SS. SlO. Al~t new open arm BABY'S feed and play table La.dies Shot• &1,S·9 50c to IOUP Pop w r a P ·a r o u n d $l to sa each. u ._, 646-3440. 1930 Church St. Divan SS. 1/3 horsepow~r chair $l5. Armless rocktr $15. Stroller p . Car-bed 13, $2: Punts 50c Lamp1, End apron1 $1 Antique pictures ~"'"""~-.,,.,,._,,=,,!I motor S3. Double sink $2. each 1 650-U Tl.re New $10; $15. Pole lamp SS-Electric All exctllent co n d t t to n • Tabin, Cottae TablH $2. Sl to $5. Music box $3.50. BOY·s Stlnaray $13. S. 5' RABBIT Hutch with rabbit $~. ~731 Automatic Yluhtr SS; Child n:u ... """ .,..,. .,...,, ol Bat•-~o N ·-' M vie Edlto· -.Uctt $1 Step table $1. Electro-lux Gu re.trlgtra.tor 115. 7~ KENMORE au 10 ma 11 c 6 V t ...... 1 ., .. • ew. $1.50. Musical ..... ~ candle 0 ,...,., 4j RPM Record player $2. 1" Bed Frame New $2.1 -.... uri"• -·ch 3 pl---96J..3'l76 to $10: F\sh Tankl $3. each Oak chair $5. Ootbt1 ncM Ouija Board '&. Toy ·~ vacuum SlO. Ten1, like ~w. Rocking Chair SI: Ap. Cow-Machlnd Kodal $25; holden $5. Poinaettas 25c. !iOc. 8081 Yarktcwll LIGHT green secUonal S25 $25. Barrtl type barbecue proxlmatly 24 Shteta cf lludson, C.M. 549-{!808 or wuher, exor.llent condition, Portable Radios $2. to S": Burlap antelJ 'f5c. 300 962-7898 each. Club chair $25. Like on wheel-' ,.,'1th heat gauge \Vh ite Plaslk Imitation !)40-0017 sz;. 962-4302 L.P. Records Stereo liOC ~St., Newport Shar!!s 1-,-U:;;Go..,:9x;cU~l~lO-. ~Lou-...,~.~doar-'•i I new. 548-8644 $5. ~ Rock Paneling $1; ~ 21" 1V $25; 17" portable WOMEN'S 1in 5 Ski boots each Gtpaw Puulell lOc 23%" $10 Trench doors 241 1,:-:.;;;;~~::;::;;=~~~~~~~~~~~~I ___ ... TV "'IC worlting ~. ""·-••·bl•" ~~--• ••Ch e•-·•-!I ~ 10 12·, KINGSIZE matt.reu $25. • REFRIGERATOR S25. Table R.ABBl.TS, Just we .... in., -•"""' •'"' ~.i ... ..,. v~•"-..,....., """ Bouprinp $2S-Frame $10. $10. Drapery track 24 $5. Tw1n box lprinp $15. Bunnies $1. 2 Young Proven 646-1525 palntlna $10. Sb.e 'I and 10 Odd Dllhll lOc E a c b Good condltkm 2 drtuen mounted. 6'l5-S660 PATRONS Delk $25. End tahle $4. Doe1, Buck $2.SO eacb PORTABLE Hot po In Mod-dmle• and 1ktrts fl Ml--2487 $10 and p , Dressing table BAR Stools SL woocS.j;blillli Lounie chair frame $3. 6'5--2445 di1hwuhe.r $25. 2 Boy's blue to $5. Eltttrlc Spit bubtcue P11REBRED Silky Male Doe and mtrror $10. Sin&fe bed 29" 320'1» Alvarado PL 0 ARE URGED Uphols1tted chair $15. SINGING Canaries &ii Colon suit& INlce for Easter) $12 $5. Sat and Sun 9-U. 108 to farnlly with no Ollldren '15.. Good condition small S---C3S4 M2-TT79 p e di Ire e d Ro I l e r • each. Boy's 26" bicycle S1G. ,Antlbe1, Udo I&le Onb' $10; 54$-69'11 sturdy trike S2.50. 2 work SI'OVE $25 re~ LARGE slle ladles eult•, Watblm:, Brtedlt1£ Hens $5. S49---0954 PATIO chaln $21. ChalM 21 INCH Ghia ~ JJO: bencha: $10 to $15. BB Gun Wllllhing 'madune Sil TO REPORT ANY DIME· A· LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FIND IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE DAILY PILOT !WARNING! Advortl""9 not conlormi119 to our Oirno- A-Lin• ro9u11tions m1y b1 In violotion of both City ind St1to Board of Equ11l11tion dftues, ct1prls, St • $5. to S15: STh--24'5 DOUBLE Own eleo:trlc $20. StudJo couch $25. 8«I Rall "1 Mete.I Dnlc $2. I' Rattan coucb with 536-'7698 , t..onr blonde wig, brown wle MAYTAG Washer A Dryer slo\·e. p>d condition iz. Bolsters and spreads $!!. Pl: VacmuB Qeaner $25; foam culhlonl and 2 4 f!S, 6&-1519 Contbinatloa nttds a. tittle Electric drytt, aood con-Antique•, bran t4ble lamp $2)· 2 Door Rcfr\rtrator bolrten $25. 3'x3' RM wood 2 AMA 1btll approve t dltlon $20. Car cooler 12V, $22.50. Bat chair $2 5. tteM ... erator A .............. ntsize aand box and coVer $10. helmet&, 1 man"t, 1 TYPEWRITER, rebuilt end \\1lrk $15; Contour Chair Wal t s•-1 ... bt .... _ ...,,. ..... ........... WO an'i; S2S both &J&..'Tl'IM. LounG'.e with Vibrator $2;';; exceJlmt condition $20. 229 nu .. ..,. Cnau-, -$20' Fl.re txd.-Ollber 5 Mesh play pen and pad m • ;=::.; nn-'tl' ulled. Like new. $25. Cleaner &111\0!'it New St 4: E. Wllaon, C.M. MS-7242 stand lamp pipkin ahJde Gailon $10; Bed Tray Ad-112.50. Comblnatipn baby EXERCISE slant board ~g..1165 \\'estinghouse v a c u um ANTIQUE Clock German 300 S20. Brass ~ 1atl!P Jwitable S2l Twln Ma.ttrns sw\na a.nd. car seat $6, Blue heavy duty '8.50· N-, DRESSES, aood size 10-12 3 Hangll\I' Lamps 1;tlll in d~ brua and Ila•• $2:2 $15: old pa1ntlt 1 $25: & Sox Sprin,s: ~· Auto baby Jar set $1.50. Electric rollawaybedalumtn.a'l S2 to $4. 646-9Tl4 ,Carloni S9. tach 2 Patr C11.rrylng call! ma.hofa~ ~l8 ltack top ot )'OUJ' W S3: mar: ahtnet $3. 8-a.Q motor frame $9.50. Metal bookaoa &Mhl itovie Editor and of Cul.side D t co r a tor and pluUc covered 112. MOVING Must stll: Larse Dor Buket $3; Prop for and spJt Sl.21. 60-0931 S'· Dia Ben alarm doj:i: vlf!1~1tr $8. R.ecel .. ~ as gift Handlf'I $22. a Pair 96l--6007 Movie projl!dor $25. ltfO\>ie chut of dra-wtn S22. 13) Boat Motor $10; Qutchff GIRL'S S apttd. bk:yck $12. $.3. tmninc board and ~ Vollralb 1talnleu attcl fM- 21 ,. RCA TV with Swivel or slide dayllte viewer $11. 54" btdl $2S, each. l dlnttte $6; Snow Sid Pole $6; 4 &27 Jnolnt Aw., Newport $2.50. 2 paUo chaJn·Sl ~ due dish and t tlndue forks Movie ICrffn $1C. Plano .et 16x4S table le.al, 4 Ft. Round M1nw $.10; Slim Beach StaJnltaa 1teel ~ with tl!alr: wood handla $IL Stand Antique Olh.'I! Good bench $1..2. me35 matchlrc tha!n $16. 1 eofa Mastfl' DtluM Cyc1e Ex· Mans1e Inw:lte $25. tionrfle $3. Cake cuttn' $1.50. J 54W1'0 Co"'11tlon $25. 6'4-0242 RED 9'12 wl ... $25. Clll be... S PK. f'<\ttt $U); .. T"""' St. clWr a:>d CAddy $10. Bley pot benk 12· A!umlnmtl TWIN aUe CllXIP1 Bed with "' nc. _.. ~'I ~ de boy's )8" Sean ni pttchtt I a,la.-9 $1. 2: i:::Wi!n=~ ~ canopy Frame Sofl Green ~ :::s. ~ = 2 TWIN beds with tnma cuitar..f'olk. $2). '1'" TV ~~= c:Ulnel Sll-1111 $25; Twin BedKpf'ttd. .. 1th Place ns each. 2 Puakecib: $S 1?_1 .. f!~.,(~&~._~~· Ne. cabinet lo r •pa Ir _ ..... : ... ,.. -= Matchlnc Canopy IOt't Blut pair. No c:eae. 296 E. 23rd "' ""'" "" ,_.., ___, -JlO: IA_,. V&C\Nm $8 ~wa· 21 ORIGINAL oU pa.1ntlnp and Grey Flowered. $15; SIAMESE Klttena f weeka. st C.ll .Auklm&Uc .MQ'tal wubtt ' ""'1~ ' ""' $7.$0. Sbowlr artaM $5 to $25. Llndlcapn. '42-1534 Rtd Potnt inales. Tortolar: ' '25. Mme amen $10. A~~ 12 Q ~ protector $2. Frv:lt Jldcri' aeuc.pei, 1 t 111 • I I f e 1 , 1..:.=..:.:;.:______ Point ff'mlltl SlO each. WEDOrNG dnta, Iba 12, M&-Gl5 1ecu11 •I Nat Io a a 1 $0c. ~ ut8mDe 25c abetnct11 sumall1tlc, h:UI ANTIQUE Ice cream c:Mln , _cPl_•;.."''-'-call""..:':::aytl:..;;;m;;.•:..-== lllft new ns. Or1c1nal coat Geocn-pbk:s SU. W o r 1d tac:b.. m-c1W · to Ux48 .Anytime allier n now, gold orion ttatl prime 1• cmr' $50. ~16 ew1. MAPLE ml tabla $11 cacb. altJbe "-Ori: Ula 9" 25 BUNK'bedl wtt11i 1i'lifUltiiet A." 531.:m3 po.lt1ted, tt.ady lo p(llnt any SUNDAY All d•Y ChlntN Atlu I 1"'1 ,.._"ttkends Twin mttal bed frame $2. for SS. MUMlt Ca 1 c 0 sz;. 1)1:11e-lani a,. 1'7-JMI ruT u ia runs $25. Sf:J..7tll color $1-2 each. SaturdQ on-£OW 3 piece ll!dlonaJ $15 GAS Lop S25. Mqhgpr\y Mtsa Vmk un. •t5TD ~ 'j(lcrwtWlo ~. ~ •se ~ mmmatki : BURRO .,. ty 1933 Wallact: Apt. 1. tech. Sectklll C h In• • e desk. 1 drawen $2!. Two ...... land• "'""I. ~-...,., ---·-~ _..... *'lll 'If I ...... a:wUe. ~ Collta Mea 642-2932 arana:e hi-black chair 11m1 limed oak 1:nd tablet $10 STOJUCLlHE Oib an d '"""-.. .,... _.. .... ,..,.,._. ..,.. ....- PETERSON dclwre 1trolltr prtnt u couch Jz. 2 Iron tult. Paint ~ $25. Kartmt m.ttna, llM ntw, "O" GAUGE Uontl on 4d Ford bod:»' ~ door 1-rd tl:)f with C'allO>'P, baskft and hit· CRIB 1u . Pl~n $ 5. bar 11toola 12 f'ach. Round Qaria1n atrttcbers $5,._{2) $20, Paddtd ltanlkp car board with pulle)'I $23. HO 1 .llO=·..:-:.::...::.;:;...,---~ I dlhlktt Mlt, u<»Ornt ~ Bathhw-ttt Sf. Rl1thcha.lr Sl. marble ccftte tlb~. 111 E. 1Uvu bll bumlrw JiamPI S25 .cat $S. Baby 1wlna: $3. 'l"ra.ln $25. Hidcabed $25. GE Portl.1>11 TV $21. Stlifl: l'-:~~~=============•'I dltton, aakina: SIO. 116-987'1 Good condlOon. &43-111'5 19th St., C.M:. ftMal9 each. 5f5..1111 511)..TW fU..1629 '5::::..· -=='----...;. codosl ' ' ' .. , I • I ' , I r •'.N DAll.YPUl' _ ~.-~l~ . t ftlJlSllillTlTION l'illllNll'flNiif . . l'WtlflOllTXTJOH..:..... TWSPOllT ATION TRANSPORTATION : b I Yochtt tOOI ... I 5l11>M11rh .. 90lf T....,, T..,J ft.! .... ,.~"""" ,_ .... ,~-~ 'Jtll ~'.!!!5!'!.!!'.!~lfl!l!!,;A..i.a~!!!__JHOO~ 101111 locl -ffOO ,NIWPOllTONLY ·l I nin .~~ ., ~~~ AUSllt IE&tri lliBClllD .ma TOYOTA-VOLKSWAGEN 12111•1 ... .,.....,,~ .... ·-~,.."'•w-• -.. ---·'17Aui11o:Kulor '69.,.YOT'' l tOflh ' ...... ,..., -·bl. $15.· AMII .-14-~ 1~-,_ 111 a...., .... -~ ...... av • as e goo ~-~ ., .. ~ "~~ r·• fik<d und., w .. -Lie. '&a VW's , ,,. °"' ,,_ ,.... ........ v•-• . • -~ 1« · FR·n.u $1770 n..... _--::;;,. ..,;;;;,--;;; 23 ·-lldl. 1Dr; ~ • ' -WI ~t .;·;; elftcc. ~ -01116 Crftl Or., 11cJo11. _ JaAlle "IW l'tf; · · I $2115 .................... ilq,500 c.w. .. U4f~!961 • ' Vi '~-'. ""'• Gt' I ·-!: 23' C<l 21 .............. I'!"-.; * t" Ull1U pit, ill• ,_ radio, '"""" ... , S..VlcOI "21 n5 . ' lf'ii~·Sj.i.~;~~ o,.,,,,. c-...i ~-• . , 7 ,' . ' . IMPORTS 1:::::::=:~==r== in top wpe1 '\fpd~ no.m> eomp1et. ~ Scrvkf.I · • . , ) , . toro1A-•0Lvo MG,, fi' Cc Trk:ab, •bro!utdy 1n by: !:xper:lencitd, W8h $99 J?N. plua TAL_~c ~Harbor, C.M., -6.JG.93031----'-' ·----- baut c:ond! Gniat vocatlon Quality "'"""-~ CONNELL '00-A.H .. rbU '""" · '67 MGI G+ I "llVNboard boat • i2'T,000 e ff•ul outl, J&ll 't..~r , • Rarlio, .heater, xlnt cond. Finished ln 8tll. Racing 37' Fut O'ul steel' Yaw!, • 2t Hr. Emerprlct servioe CHRROL,ET . $875: 642"'606 r.~c:n ... Ith· bla'Ck intor. hu beeG to Hawaii. Built in * ~~ * · · · Loaded Ith xtt I ld Holland. Great for Mexico 847 Ba.yakle Drlw, NN'peirt 2828 JJw·!Jpt· ·• ··C.?¥1. DATSUN ~tn. ~Mr~.~ ~v. 2 •• D .. A. ·v"1'0" .L. ·•· ., .. R.AS11E•.R0110 615-2460 or 67>~1 540.1200 erdrtvt. Ahautel.f m Int I ''7 PATSUN WAGON "°"""°"' ~ Ct.U: Chuck Avery Bolt .. Ya.~t 196: CHEVROLXT Fle:ttlide Rtiillo, Heater, all tlie.Xt.ras. f MM Viii. Oporto. Newport Charter. 903t % ion ptclpl,p truck. s·; blod. couldn't look or ·run bf:Uer. 1 5n.5252 * 494-391& Ewa. automatic Qnsmi£Don,. vs PWT5SO CAI:. 24 for CHARTER ~:1 'radk>_ l;watt'ft ·hlr . $25 day. ·nso wk. ru~: J99P.' Dealer, 18835 . JREE •SU.152&.• -~~vtL HWl~·~ IOATING .... Slot-... ' ~ 1963 FORD RANCHER0.:.00. • Maroon"'Witp ~ IJittrior. BOAT·S'l,'OUGE , F'!'tbry alr condlllootni. MU RSE L Sail« J)Ot.'el" up to 3:1' Fm> radio, htattr, t speed.~ ,,.,. ed yen:!. N!WJ!Ort Baytronr. Dealer. 13135 Bueti mw., BY MonDJtY rata include. • • Hu~ pea.ch. 540-0«2 Uu.se of hoist Cout Guard AuxUtary 1:.-unchUW~ '&Q QlEVY ··~W:r, ~i.:r, •tart& Thurs. 7:30 PM ca:Jl' Anthon)')!, dDtl·~ dump. 18' 111tt.1 March 27 113S-221l betl; .~, new.. enalne · & Conma dtl Mar Hlah School tr a· n • nf I a s Io n. ~ · $2500 2101 Eut Bluff Drive Alrcnft tJOd 1 ,,,54:..M.,,,;109,~·.a<~"-=:..··-'~- BOG.ARDUS YACHTS '5' FOJU> p.,,.1, .diamond 31• DsJ CUtter '64 •••• $9995 1964 ~A ~· 285 HPr ·.butf6ri,~ interior, re~Ut 20' Fiberzlu·Ktfcb •• $1500 Retract. rear •. dual mark ~ enr .• 25,000· ~Un. ~fl.19t 28' Chril ConJtie '59 •••• S65(X) twelve 300 ~ .00 cban-&ee to believe. Best oiler. Z' Owens '6.1 R/T •••• $3900 net A.OF, Otl)er .IFR eqpmt. rr5-59BO . 23' Owens '57 ....... ~ ·1rJM 950 ~Ha .. Alrcraff •h•~ Dl5 FORD Pickup needs 2745-"/. Cout Hwy, 541-2092 hanooJ"d. Xlnt ·cond. C<!q-....., ~. ...-k -b-tact, Paula Bailey, 6U-9!'al . vvo.q • "' • ' 17 FT. Perfonni:r. Ialander a third <if What I ba~ Dehtit• 'mqdel (all fiber-1,,,0=' ,,...._==,....,,,...~~ in It ' $125:00. 2473 · ~ cWa> 'OUtboard. Oistoot Ul67 ~A ·J.50 .. Na~ Dr.,·C.M. LI S.1862 anap down cover. Bil' wheel ~00· ~c:n~'.. Xlnt. ·p .-."""'-,la '46 FORD p\cirup·, ~ayy.duQ' tilt _trailer. $700 or best oil· .., t speod. -Bailey, 642-9900 or.sti-322G ...,.,. · ~""';."':,.~'':C HIGH TIMi PILOTS ·~TR 3. sd """'"t,l: Fb11rld1e. Fully equlp. New &we expenses. Full 1FR 'iJ ,ORD PICKUP: paint. so hn on ovmaul. BttchcraltBonanu.54941126 MAKE -OFFERI M• otter, 642-!ICU alt 6 p.m, BOSTON Wbaler 13', 40 hp mtr' Celtt), 1 yr old. Fully equip, lra whl tilt trlr. 213159S-1879 WANTED: Boat trailer to pull 14 ft. Aluminum boat Mut be reuonable. 54>-2083 I «I IT. NAVY BOAT : ... th_ J &46-1278 AM'. 5 P .M. : 1957 lt' Gluapar. Nt'eds llOmf work. $125 or ott.er. ' Mr. Wright 615-llJM I s.111 ... i. 9010 ~~ILBPATS ' Sa~ff "" ..... $249 12 ~~;;. ~ ''-'''' $440 15 ,..~:'c'..:foo'A~• 1115 ?£1.f Npt Blvd, NB 675-2400 AT ltS"xS'I" Sloop, 'I ~l'llu. Cabln aleeps 2. Dacron sails.· cu a h lo n a, !. head, trailer. Irwin Fried, : (213) 685--7870 t NEWPORT 30 Sailboat. 1 yr ! old-like new; compt equip I• for raci.nc &: cruisl.nc, 1 sails, many e;{tns. By 1; owner, call OR l--0~1 11 TRADE Newport Beac h ~ Triplex. take sallboat down. :: min 30'. 213-375-4844 eve .. -Slip Mo•rf!!t 90H ADI Dock lbr -. 1 1(~-' ·-lml• Mobile- $1l'5 m .. llARIOUR . m J1rtuµort 31111µ0115 L•,,. Saioctlon 8AllK J'INANCINC fmmedl•t• O.liv•ry Sl99 Tot.al ~ Pym!. SEE us TODAYI I 36 at'$+t.78 o.a.c. L • + 1 final pe,yment tor ttth! flDi6 AVAILABLlI ONLY AT: INl'ORTS T & M _ TA-VOLVO . PAotor$ TRIUt:PH-Carden Gmve BIYd. al Beach ---------1 (1) 892-5551 or 5.14-2284 '67 Triumph G+6 oPEN svNoAY Ruby red with black interior, -;-66-FAST BA'ci(- wlre whee:Js. radial tires. A!\1/Jott1 rRdio, ,·ery clea.a etc. Perfect Pt e\/ery detail. Lic.-~tll479 J1rluµort 31111µons $1495 m HARBOUR 8 VOLKSWAGBf, INC. r TRANSPOltTAtlON An~-Cluola 9615 -~ I '36 Ford srfllt, 2 retr doors complete wtOI al&A. 1 hood ''~""" bta~ 1 boll "°"'""' w~ rear eM. "1 '40 Fon.I hood delUXf! & 1 &rlJle de· '"'"· Sf:t °' bac1o ... ,. '"' • "" DRIVE THE V,\Y. Bui. ,Phone 5J6.84il • IUI ll.B. AU for Bill. • M!NI • BRUlE Au;tn WantM WE PAY •• CASH 9700 : •• JUST ARRIVED • ANOTHER BIG SHIPMCNT OF • • tor ~ can•~ just • call us for f\'ee es.tirpt.le. a 1969 GROTH CHEVROlfT • • • OPE LS • • • • • • .. • Ask for Salts t.tana&er lml Beach Blvd. Hunttngton Beach Kl 9-3331 • WITH AUTOMATIC • TRANSMISSION • • • • • • • • • • • • OUR OPEL PRICES • START AT • • • • ,..---,.·· '·~·· . I .J¥NSPOllTAT)!)l.I, . TRANSPOAT.ATIOtf ; TllAiw:otTA~ • TIANIPOIT~TION TIANS llTA'10N . ( ~ Autot 96oot_,ted ~ t60111mi>Oiw """° -1,,jriMol Auleo~l.,11wfeof Allliii.:::_f606i . . ' ·. · Hpw does Fiat do it · .... ~. ,!llml, ~ :.;·: .. fo~ theprice? · . 1: i ' • • .. Fiat 850 "!......... ~pider ,. '• IMMEDiATE DELIVERY! . , .. • • Fiat 124Spider '67 FIAT 4 DOOR • • . . • $1095 4 speed, vinyl interior, bucket seats, white side wal: tires. See today. {WIB 280). ·EARLY DEMO • • ALL MODELS: ROADSTERS e _SEbANs· e .PICKUP TRUCl,<S e ST ATIOK WAGONS e 1'8835 BEACH BLVD~ - HUNTINGTON BEACH 842 • 7781 or ; 540 ~ 0442 I ~ ' ,• ',: ' • '66 CHEVY Fleretsl.de " ton pickup. 6, stick, R&ll: $1399 th11 weekftkl ooly. 2 yr. 24,- fXll mi, warranty. (U29328) roJ.4 Harbor -C.M. 642-9336 '65 CHEVY IMPALA H..,,top, V~ tact alr, db-, klcal car. F.cellent cobdltlon. $51' Cash deb of take forelcn car in trade. WiD fh'lc pn>t porty. L8 TXJ 484, ..um 01' 545-0634 • ! • '57 OIEVY 2 DR HT. OU'Ome rims, dnn! $3)0 ·or make ofler. 546-IOTO or ~ '58 CHEVROLET Sedan In excellent cond. SI, 0 0 0 oricinal miltL Make ofter. 60-Wf '55 cm:yy --. shape, but needl enaine '-"·MAKE OFFER .. 642-2326 ' ' 'SJ CHEVY Impala 2 DR. Good coodUloo 6"-1798 at 548.a629 1965 OIEV Impala waa .• 398. lt/H, tun pwr, tac air. ""' ...,. .. $!Sii. MU!l6 '11 DIPALA .... wp., IUD .... alr ...... Xll<T -. --1951 OIEV. wqoo, auto. ,,,. ... VI, .... -· $IOO or belt offrer. 90-3111 '11 <m:VY, ---·im. Call ·Mint. at MM5ll. . altft' pm call 541)..'rllf· '60 IMPALA w/~ $385 may trade: tor van « T 546-.lMlO to-a>O' ''3 QIEVY lmp<la SS 2 door. MW brakes A ttru, ....c """'· $12511. ·w-. 19 YOUll AD .DC a..u.5I· nmt ...... ~-_ .... ._ __ ,; -.. . ,. ·•· ' I <' ' .: .... . , ~ . (, ... ' ... .. . ... ··~:cu2~ . ' . l ·IHI THUNDUlllD · ; · · • '1·01•· 1'uD powerf fact. air • .aea,iurat black. · . » TES M71 .• I ... : ' • + _...,,v••e.u:g.c.r-.. ,~ · , ~ 1.' ~ t "'\ ,I # \\.';rill r ,.. • . .. IMMED.-JI · · DELIVERY! -... . . . .. . . . . ' . . .. . .... ; __ .,....;. -- I ' : ' ii . .,., '! . '· . t . . ~t •" .. ' , .. ., ' 1· j I I • -.... ...-a 4 a C4SO OU tz+o:c U*"'"""'bQJOS0%?9*JL&i&sW U04VIW&Qs4-o 40 00 t •. DAll.Y.PILOT s..-,, II~ U. 1%9 -~~;......,.:.,.,. "'-="'N"' ... =c:.~:.==="'9t00==Ne"'"'"w~C:.-,.---:'°'.:::,"'.9::800=New:--:::C.:-,.--.,...-"'.911::1::::-. -TllANSPORTA TION . • N-C-....,. UMd C•ra 9900 ./ TRAN~:Y.A:YION · UMd C•r1 9900 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION •• ... .. c -u .. a. .,. am .. iC lu ..: .. . -t ... 0 .... 0 .: : ~ . ~ Q .!: = ._ "i % •• u .!: u . " " 8 : .• !Oqi ~t • " • 0 l ~ • • . - -U'I ,., ::c ... i Ill r:.: z .:i: -" ~ :::> Ill 0 CIO u> ; ~ z l : : ~ --Jt .i : I • •. .a = s ! q ,.c ' u 'i < .. "' • --. • • • • c ~ -' I .... .. " <'" ~~ •z "'< . "' :1 l: :loz o,.,, ""'0 .. ·u ... .. z .. z-,, i:I,. ,.,~z zz o( o( "' "' .... .... .... .... _. _. Used Cart 9900 UMd Cora 9900 COllym! DODGE ~-~~~--'-~~ COUGAR '68 COUGAR Ltme with black padded top. Loadod and alr coodltionlng. '2800. 1". Stotts lf2.M81, -.. 962-71156 '67 Cortina '6' FORD Cntry Sq. wagon, GT Coupe auto tratW, r I h, ps, pb, Red \\•Ith black buckets. air cood. $900 aft 6 PM, Economy plus. Lie. TSP 247, '67 O'.>UGAR, air:CQnd. R&H virzyl top; k> Ml. Full pwr. $2750. m-8811; 6f6.5131 e\•e DODGE all c1ay s.t a s.m. M>-4692 $1395 FORD '6'1 Countl')' Squire, G M 54>--0763 JO ..... A""""'· Lots of .,a,... L·,.,: I extras! Pampered! $2.750. "°"" UUIO , , '63 Ford XL '57 CTY Sed. P/S. P/B. IHf'ORTS '63 DAR1' GT COZJvert. auto, MOTORS Gelaxie Hardtop R/H. Dependable work car. TOYOTA-YOLYO ri ~ $650. Call Wh.ite exterior, plush tur-406 E. 211!. ~113 * 96U9'J3 * '61 Falcon Wagon. Radio, q(\lse bucket seats, laetdrlr. * XL.NT Cond •65 cntey 1966 Harbor. C.l/T., &J&.93~ '68 DART GTS, 4 speed, posi. he.attr. 3 speed. This week-air, $50 Cash dels, will tine Sedan Wag. Air. po"·er, '62 FORD Station WagOO . tape. N•·-r ... ~. ""' only 2 _ "000 m·1 prvt party, Pymnts ;29.96. <4.5 000 ml ..... i:n 56-S:l'/'O Country Sedan, auto trans. ... """ • .... 80 ' • LB ATB 798, Call Ken 49f... · ' • ............ P/&, P/b; new tires. rebll -~=*,,·,,548-"'721~00~··~~ :::1•4tranH·~~,S299 C •I 9713 or 5'G-0634. '60 FORD, COUNTRY sedan eng. $425. 548-1531 '58 OODGE 2 Dr. hdtp. "'v u.auu ·' · station wa.go11. Good ahape! MH, reblt':" en&'· $250. -642-~ '61 GAU.XIE G1. Cond. ,;l>l0~-==·~646-0;:;197::,.~~'7. 1961 FORD 1''&.irlane v.a. ___ 548-_2981 ____ 1 ·63 FALCON V-8, Hardtop, Exlnt. Tl.res $400. 546-0283 '62 FORD Galaxie 500. Full' auto; air; II.COO actulJ auto trans, pa, out!tandinl ,,,A~"~· •~P•~•-,...,..,~-~ P\\T. ii Air, Perfect Cond. mileage. Moving ~ Must cond. 84U7f0. 962-6168 White elephants! Dime-a-line Thru--0ut 54S-46Cl Att.. 4 PM seU! (213\ WE 1-4393 ~ White ~ephant.s! Dime-a-line Naw Cars 9100 New Cars 9800 Now C1rs 9800NewC•rs 9800Ntw Cari 9IOO DEMO CLEARANCE! t . " 1 35 '69,s TO CHOOSE FROM! ALL SO FRESH, SO NEW, YOUR NEIGH· BORS WILL THINK YOU HAVE A BRAND NEW CAR ••• OYER JNYOICE! 1969 THUNDERBIRD EXAMPLE 2-DOOR LANDAU DISCOUNT ON ALL NEW 1968 ENGLISH SHELBY FORDS GT's DELUXE 4·DOOR'1 DELUXE 2·DOOR'1 GT 4·DOOR's GT 2·DOOR's Stotlot1 Wogons -4 SpeH1, Automatlc1 Sftft OYIR ACTUAL ·77 fACTOIY INYOICI While l11Ye1t.,Jn lath! -' GT· 500's GT. 350'1 . FAST IACKS CONYERTllLES 4 Speeds, Automatics $99 OYIR ACTUAL FACTORY INYOICI W~lle h1Ye1ferlei Leth! No ule1 expense charges • No preparation charge1 e No delivery ch1rges. You pay ONLY · $99 over adu1I fadory invoice! Compare win· dow stickers with our sale prices to convert theM trulnmusual discounts into actual dol11rs- 1nd-c1nt1 iiVinaal Black J ade with Black Landau top and broug- ham interior. 429-4.BBL engine, cruisomatic, Air Conditioning, pow e r - steering -disc brakes - windows -seat, tilt steer- ing wheel, AM-FM radio, retractable head lights, tinted glass, head rests. deluxe seat belts, H-70 Poliglass wide oval tires, etc, etc. Serial Number 9J84N100083 \ SHELQY FOR ,'69 IS HERE! Theodora RobiM Ford, ,Orange County"s ONLY Shelby American Dealer, iproudly presents the uncommon GT fol" '6?:1 GT-350, GT· 500 NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ' RENT A VACATION CAMPER OR MOTOR HOME REASONABLE RATES RESERVE NOW! 1963 PONTIAC HARDTOP C•t•1i:1•, fYll · power, •uto. RH. IGEMOll l 1111• look Pric.• 1770. 20 '4 clown er lr•Je. $395 FULL $21 Pw 24 PltlCf Mo 11th '64 FORD STATION BUS Eco:1oli111, All 1•sh, •ir concl., •ulo,.,1lic, IHK\152 ). 20'Y. down or lr•d•. $1395 ~~:~. $49 ~:.~: '64 T·BIRD HARDTOP f11ll pow•r. •ir c.011dition. tOMK 0741. 20'):. Dowll or Tr•d•. Blu• look p•ic.• $1 755. $995 FULL $37 r.. )0 PltlCI Mo11tll1 '64 FALCON STATION WAGON Aotom•+ic, r1clio, h11+1r. IOOTllll 20% down or tr•d1. $595 ~~~~. $25 :: . .:: TAX REFUND DUE7 WHY WAIT7 BUY NOW-PAY LATER E11y Financing Available COMPLETE LEASE AND DAILY RENTAL DEPARTMENT ALL POPULAR MAKES '62 FORD WAGON V-1 Country S1d•n. f ully •quipp1d (FWS· 269 ) Tt• I lie.. down or tr1J1, $195 ~~:~. $12 ~.:.! '64 MERCURY WAGON 9 p•u, Fully •q11ipp1d, •i• cond. Colony P1r~ pow1r 11•h, wlndow1, 1lc. IJZY7l I ) Blu• 800!. pric• $1560. 20% clown or lr1J•. $895 FULL $33 ,., )0 PllCI: Mollfllt '65 FORD SEDAN "6" 6 c.yl., •11!0., R&H. !565]V12l062L 11111 Book ptic• $1015. 20'4 down or lr1d1. $795 ~~:~. $28 ~ . .!: 19SO FORD V.·TON PICKUP V.1, 4 1p•1d, IM224951 T1•. I Lie.. clown •r tr•d•, $199 ~~:~. $14 ~.~ '65 MUSTANG H.T. COUPE Fully •q11ipp1d. fWSX Jt51. 20% Dow11 or Tr1d1. $895 :~:. $31 ~-=:.:. USID CAI ULI PltlCl l fPFICTIYI 41 HOURI UNLESS PllYIOUSLY SOLi AU PATMINTS ''"UllD ON APPROYID CllDJT -~S'f eon OPEN SUNDAYS ....... N ......... -~ ... 5404211 $5101 63 FULL PRICE EVERY DEMONSTRATOR AND EXECUTIVE CAR IN STOCK HAS BEEN DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE T-BIRDS-GALAXIE SOO's -LTD's-MUSTANGS- FAIRLANES-STATION WAGONS-CONVERT· IBLES-CORTINA'S. TRUCK • CAMPER SUPER -CENTER PICKUPS TO HEAVY DUTY TRUCK SPECIAL F·IOO PICKUP .Fl1r•1<cl •• Ill" W.I ., ) 1pcl. 1yncro. trans 1055 F·1prin91, 955 R-1pri:19,, 1tc, $2099 ORDER TODAY! • CAMPER SPECIAL! BRAND NEW 1969! F-250 PICKUP ••• SCOTSMAN CAMPER IOTH FOR $3495 (l1t9. No. •211111"Jll Scoh111•n c.•mp1r i1 .c:o:11pl1t1ly furt1i1h•d -;Ith ic.• be•, 110 .... , etc. Sl••P" 6. F-250 pickwp 1111 JOO •119., •mp I oil 9•u9ii.i., ltSO ID. r••r 1pri119 1 151 1.oo.1•.• •·pl1 hli•lc1t tir•t, cll•, "••l•r .,.;, Cf1fro1+•r, 1tc.. M111y to c.hoo1• fro111 •I thi1 prlc•I s ..... 011 Eldor•io, P0tin<ri11d1, Golclli:10 Scehrn•~. Over JO "'''-..!.floor pl•n1 u11 clhpl1y •nd re•dy for im111•cll•ts cl•li ... •ry. I •·"'· le t p.111, Men.FrJ • Sot I '·'"· to 6 p.m. $u:1 I 0 •·'"· to l p.111. TS & SERVICE HOURS PARTS ONLY 1 •. p.rn. Mofi e 1 •.111. to 6 ,.1'1. Tu•t·frl t •.flt. lo l '"""' Sot ( ' . ·l ., -----..------------~..,.. • • ! • \ 1 -CADILLA-c for NINETEE·N SIX1PY~NINE .............. ···~ -, •1 " • • 16.Cf. 'FR.QA{ THE . . _. , ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR DELIVERY TODAY! ------OVER 80 . QUALITY 4UTOMOB11ES TO S!LECT FROM---.. ., __ ...,.... 1967 ~ . COUPE DE VILLE f· · -rt: ~~!!!!!!!!s--. Stunntna Olympic Bronze with brown padded-root aJIJd ! · :cs: o uddle.> leather intericr. Fully eQuipped with poww afeer..l-J " - ing, power ·brakes, power seats, power wlndowa and of course, 1actory air conditlon!ni, stereo AM-F¥ l"ldio., $4~2· _ , , ' I . Wt-t.eldcopk 'steering wheel, eower vent wind~ twfl. '"• t l light sent;liial. U:>vely automobile. (UJH843) · · ,• ' '--~~~·~~--'·~~~"'--~~-....:.·~·~ ..... ~~~~~~~~~-"--.,,;.-~~~~.-,..,,\ . ' " ,. ' ,968 EL DORADO Beautiful fuenilst rosewood brown wilh browh padded top and saddJe leather interior. Povo'er 1teering, power disc brakes, power ~·JndoY"~• pow-1~ seat. Vogy.e tyres, stereo AM·FM rad· • lo,J~r wincbv defogger, power door locks plus much. much more. Must see. (XSR 304J SALE PRICED 1963 THUNDERBIRD Lovely qort,J ex,t.erlOr with white . landau top and matching coral vinyl Interior. Fu 11 y equipped with power steering, power brakes, l!OWet' windows. pow-er seat, radio and heater, automatic, tralimluion plus white side wall lflres. A very. weU kept car. (10Z570J ' . •' " .SA~E ,$999 PRICE ' . ' 1967 CADILLAC This lovely Sedan DeVUle has all popular power assi$ts in<;Judlna: power 1tftring, power brakes power windowa. power seat and Cad- illac's famous factory air conditioning. This beautiful automobile has been wry carefully driven and shows only the fintst of care by its previous owner. (4445) SALE $4222 PRICE ' ' 1964 CADILLAC 8oupe, ~vn+e. •Sil•~ b!ue exterior· ·with - matching cloth ~ leather interior. Has pow• er steering. · power ~es. power windows, power seat, white side wall tires. Must sell now. CSRP 359) ~ALE $1333 PRICE . 1965 ltivlERA . .• . Thia one ta hard ·to believe, only 36,000 mile one owner beauty finished in Royal midnight blue exterior with black CUilom Interior. Fully equipped with power...;.ateerinL -power brakes, _power se&ts, power wtndoWSl ti.etory air conditioning, power antenna, -tilt steering wheel, radio and beater; safety sent:i,Dal. SALE PRICED ""· 1966 CADILLAC ledan ne'.vtu11 ih•t ii abso!utely gorgeous. Finllhed in Soaniah Silver with matchine cloth and leather interior; fully power &<> cented with poWtr steering-brake1-wndow1· seat.s-door lockl, AM-FM radio, auto. ttUile .control. ~!um . white side waU •tirts and factory &.ll' conditloning. {RGN297) LARGEST SELECTION , ',OF LATE 'MODEL," l'AEVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS IN ' ' ORANGE COUNTY SALE $311 •1 PRICE • 29 COUPE DE VILLES • 1966 THUNDERBIRD • 23 SEDAN DE VIUES • The sporty 2 door hardtop' fs fully equipped with power steertnr. J>O'Nfl' brake1, power • 5 CONVERTIBL. E·s • windows, pow" seat and Ford's famo"' fao· • tory air conditioning. A belrrtlrill satin silver e 7 EL DORADOS e exterior with black vinylt iat:ertor. l\lust be ~') and driven to full,y ·~~r-te? <RTU-• 19 OTHER MAK~S • ' . SALE $ 2222 PRICE . THESE CADIUACS .RE_ ALL 1967 OLDSMOBILE SPECIALLY PRICED The CUatom Delta 4 Door hardtop finished in , · "10.W , .·. a metallic blue exterior wtth black vinyl roof 'l .... b!Ue ln .. rloc.1'ully equ!pJ><d with power FOR THIS SAL6 ONLY sttering, power br&.kes power windows, a!IU'Q ., , seat, factory air conditioning plus many otttff1 ,, & luxu'y featu'"· Show• metlouloua """ ,,,.,. SEe US TODAY! previous owner. (TYY 744) · •Iii • ,1.96B CORVETTE H.T. Lovely' dark Forest Grmi eZterior with black bueket seats. Sporta ~ulP{led with 41' vs~ en(ine, 4 speed tra.nsmiulon, power s~rinK .. power windows, AM-FM ·tadlo., heater; pc)sl· traction ot course and W,ide O'(al red line tires . You'll want to te1t drlV6 thJi beauty. (VRT· ~ 230) SALE $4333 PRICi 1965 CADILLAC nae p0pular sedan DeVllle model finiahed ln lovely ,bur11:undv with black vln,yl top and black 1".ther interlor. Hu power 1teerlni. power brakes, power wtndow1, Wt steering. wheel, AM-FM radio and factory alt condi· tionin&'· This la a beautiful automobile that la priced for a quick ule. <N~l4} ·.SALE $2555 PRICE 1966 PQ.NTIAC GTO _ :· A very oportY-hardtop that Is flnUh"' In allver with b[ack '" VibYI bucket Mat .in-terJor. Fully loaded·including Bil V8 erwtne; ; trl-power 4 speed tn.namlssfon. power 1fffl'o "' ing, power .brake& radio and heater. Factcry air conditloninr. You won't want to mill th& • one. lSAA494) ·. SALE $1999 PRICI i 1965 RAMBLER ' Claaslc 4 door fully equipped with VS engine'. • •utomatle trarunnilalon. power ateering, radi6 : and heater, white side wau tires. l.Avely deep ' --. water tu~uolse with matching cloth interior. , This locally owned beauty has only 28,IXX) f miles. (OZH 7'26) .. SAU_• $1333 PRICI 1965 THUNDERBIRD • I Sblmmerlna satin 1llver with matcbing vlnj1 bucket aeat interior. Fully eQulpped wl~:h er steering, power brakes, power - power seats, factory air condltioning · whl~ aide wall ~i (PDP 490) SALE $1333 PRICI ; . 1967 '.EL DORADO Finilhed in Phantom green with C1'ff'-clotb aild leJther Interior. Fully eq_ulpped1'ftbpow. er •tHrlnr~ power disc braJi:es, poWltr aeat. power wlnGOWS. tilt and telncoplc 1teertn1 wheel, wonderbar radio .factDcyilif:r condltion-- Jnr plus many more cadlllaC~ctt1 onal features.. (VXH 168) SALi $4999 PRICE 19.67 RIVIERA Gran Sport. ~ly mldnia:bt O'ffD exterior with black all +biyl lhteriaJ. Hu power 1tttr--iJW, power brakes, ~ tilt •teer. fnl,.wheel, sperdal-hl11:lr-iltyle Gran Sport wheel• and of-c8une facto17*· ~condJtto Thia automobl.le><lhows tbe ot care • !ta previOUI owner. MUS\·.... ) •" ~.(.--' . -~ '" . •SALE PRICltt·· · SALE $29,,. PRICE i' LE : -SALE F ---------..,.-.---,---,-SALES .DERARTMENT OPEN------·--.--__,.,.,._ -- ~·. ' . SALE PRICES• EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1969 , . , ,. ,. 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM VISIT OUR COMPLETE MQhlDA Y t~u .FRIDAY -9:00 AM .~o .4:0Q.iJ!.M SATt;/ . ,AY and SU~_D'AY ,.. ; 4 ~" ' ~ <\fl ' -. • • ·# .. ' ., ~ Your FactJlry Autfiorlzed Cadillac Dealer Serving ,The Orange .~oast ·Harbor Area VOGUE TYRE ' ' ' SALES a. SERVICE CINTU • NABERS WE ALSO STOCK ALL-oa1ca1NAL \\__ FACTORY 1!9UIPMENT TIUS. $39'~h . IHCLUDIH& MOUNTIN•·IALANCIN• & IXCIU TAX • 2600 Harbor Blvd~,~ .. C·osta,;Mesa·~·( . , 540~9100 .~ • 'I \ ' ,> 1, FREE PICKUP AM> DWYERY 9900 I-"------+ MERCURY MERCURY OLDSMOBILE OLD,SMOllLE VMJANT *,..BIJ,,.ii•a:, ~ .. :': ,;z FORD MOTdlt ed. '68 ... '64 MERCURY '63 OLDS lllrunrnv '65 PONT,IAC GTO · · l239f·.il,c · "· ;..:T-Blnl '13 VALLY!!' statJoo.... . $1177 or oiler 54$--5.1$ eeutive resale earl. HUGE 2 door hardtop., Montclalr 4-door 88 Sedan, VI, automa· ' IJUUll 1 Sky blue ext. whlte top, V ' '67 Pentl1c Ff~'tbfrd _,o.;;ConCllt" ~.'-_ .. t .. w,. iu · · 1.::=.::...=:..c;'---· I SAVINGS on a wide choice Maurader, VB, automatic ti~ trans., power steering, SALES It SERVICE t dlr, pwr ateerins, buckri 2 di. u ..... to "400"ietie 4 • . , --~~ o'iJ•r•• u,. ;d MERCURY of near new '68 Llncoln. 1eatJ. Excellent cond. ~~ • ""'1.. p. 1' $475:: ·' ~': '* # '40-DlSS eniine., 1!:..':::.:c:ulate. . . """'" ak condltlon!nr. pow. "°"" brakes, radio and OlDSMOBllf "' by little 'ole lady In op<ed, ,.,.iio, h<at", w!d~ '. · """""lllnoo __ ...._ _____ , Mercury, Qmgan, F 0 r er 1teerine power brafts heater, 2-tone Jniat sreen Oemente, $50 Cuh dela or-ovall, power ateerinc I: etc .• ~7 O+ASSIC T~.,all pwr g:f'.'~ • · ' '65 MERCURY, 2 dr" PX• details call Mr. Brochu.. radio and h~ater. Uc. IOXlri with whlte top . A clean one take forelp car Can f1nc ~autl.fUI oriatnal condition. 2 topa:; l<envt, 1-ibr'tOOJa.1 _.,... . ..,.v_.,.-'-~-'l""'"·,..._,~l!-I cellml ''coriditioil. 3 0 4 0 ~ Dlr. $1095 owner car. Lie. 1TJ256 2850 Harbor Blvd. prvt prt;y LB mic 2tB c.Jl· \9,EEKEND SPECIAL $350 $2150. 516--4170 aft I jm. "' White EllllJl8llt;t ...,~ ~ °"" -.. 1uro OIARGE m JOH~!!:ON JOHNS~N & SON ~ ~ ~ -.:• :: :""w~ ~i.:E"¥·L: lmportod Autft ~ HOO 9400 lmport..r A-96'lO 1911 Haroo. Blvd. &0-1000 L!ncotn-M""""' , PLYMOUTH Sur!tt, mechanics de!1ghu .• z1m111ormon Dots'"' ,~··· ~.!ii!P~,~iiiii~iii::~:.iiiiiiii~i;ij 1911 Harbor Blvd. &0-1000 -Need• wo;.J<. Act. 100,000 . 28'5 -Blvd C.M. ""' CHICK wr.nrllll II( ' '"''~'" HPORTS . "'YOLYO 6"-9303 - 1966 HAllOR, c :M. • • •I I ••I• I•• I •aillli•••••••• MUSTANG '64 OLDS 1967 PLYMOUTH ml'•· '69 lkenle. lll3 tum. 54<J.Mlo " m , RNnr , · BELVIDERE II 545-1372 • , OFFERS THESE '68 MU!rrANG, 289, air, dhc, ~~· •M Holl~ !!hardtop Model -4 door "4tlo•,... 191111 PONTIAC Temou• f "••FIREBIRto ., •• !" ~ ""c11r' pb, OUTSTANDING SPICIALS ~ auto. &'Old w/vinyl top. '1500 ......... ...,, Ya, au.toma c trans. on. Equipment _ power alffr. , cyL R/H. Auto tms, p/a, ...... , --... • Ii Mlleo, $2300. &0-1161 dayo, air <Ondltlorunr, p 0 'I'. r .... ,.1om4tio lranomllalon. alr..,.nd, Xlnt cond. $1395. ·~or 5.14-2'84 BUGS & ' GHIAS ' ? -""'· •lemng. po'l"r -... ra-.. _, !nto~or ........ .... $.3410 "'. -$J99 ~s1a· 99' ' s =~~====-· dio aM heatwo Ai'tic: white ., .. v • .... ~..., tut.MILE• 1 ' ~ '67, & eyl MUSTANG Hdtp llllth maroon interior. lJc, window, Wbiteakltwall ttrQ. '65 BONNEVILLE 2 dr J-rd 2J 1 "-• .. " _ .__ Now glau ..... ~ .-., RAS260 MILEAGE -26,51111 lop. Deluu oqulp. $14litJ. 'IO 4 OR Rebel not - $1695. Priv party S4S-811S • $1'95 '~ UCENSE • UJB 300 67U156. 503 Carn at lo 11,: $30. ·e.i' Am~dOr Sta • e Por!KhH : e BU ... & C• '65 Mu.tang v~. 0,. SO & SON OONOmoN • -Deot Cd>!. .,.., "" air a<>Od 1495. •Ir --''"' auto, air, $1395. J ntl N P/UCE.-llm. '64 PONTIAC .......... 61HIM • • ' • ., .... 11y••k•4 1vrr .... ''4"' ............. . 6'IS-S25ll Llncob>Mir<ury See at !lie l'.lAILY PILO'I', 330 Eilb'a hup ;;;.i' . I .• , -, .... -... ...i. •.41.., 'UIDlt19' .:======= 19C1 Harbor Blvd. .0..neQ West 81¥ Street. CM. ot CID wqon. 1 • '63 RAMBLER S •'t l'O n c,.. Al:i1•lllte!y llN 111.,,. ~ ---ft'-..1--'1~-~~txl~:lll.~=,_..,;;., !::'.--· illrf, $Ull!O •• W-R/11, auh> "-IWYW2tll fmt. ~ OLDSMOBILE '62 OLDS &lptt 88 Holldoy: V8, aQ!o. matic trana., power slttr1o fnr, power brakest !actort &It, t.'<ctptlonally etcan. Uc. FRRJS7, $595 . JOHNSON & SON Urtolo>M""""' 1911 u.-Blvd, &0-'Jlli) : GM ~ --· .... ---......._ ..__ , .. !W' .... , •• il11 '911 RO,u>KiiiiNiii 1'5',! -fifer. ll6Um ·-~ .......,.. , , .-nr ' • MOj!'•llhoi&ror~3.9l BONNEVILLE .2 Dr. t'"" ~"" lfXZllll ~'.,...'•r . MOTORS Poif-.~. il'ant "' HT. Nl ..,., .-. T llRD ' -t•I ...., ..j ~.. •·~ ·-~ v•-·1 1op xint ...._. .,.°" • • .,..., +r•11t11:l••t•11 o .. '" YW ........ 11 80 Olds. 4 Dr. MH, auto, ~..,1)1 ~.Call 54$--•'fMiqyAft.er ""' ' ......_ .,._,. ·ch ... • f,eml ISIA.721) ·-615-6232 aft 5 ,.._ '"''"• ..,.,g ........ , .. PS, PB. P-windowl, P·leata. ~... '65 T~in.D. 1'\JU JIOWft' and I ~w Jt I ) .. :,,. $149 tlll& weekend only, 2 >T· 5 PM '65 Bontlfllllk, perfect oolML ~·air cand. '1«1G. S115 • ...... t1 I $'4ff 1h•P'1 tOSL 7> °Z 24,0)) mt. warrant)'. QGXfU 'A vALtANT/B •Oct war. new Urn le brake•. Prt'Y. under bltJe booit. Dealer. Sp.•f•1t11H1 tt•11111'1hll•11, •u _; ..,, flit~" ~4 Harbor CM. Nnt" va.lvti • riqra, ,.,_,.1 partj. * 673-'1311 2026 Harbor Blvd.,;' 'tdttl feCterr .tr ceJHfltl011l11ft •w 642"9336 _,... ~. ~un FM •Ml.. 01111•. rt•"' .... 1h1r,. C.ltt • Y• $395. 613-86!7 ' D61GTO1llvtr .l blaCk HM reflit.rff, Ht.6912 l1w. tl'FXt4tl '65 OLDS, "~ ., ""'' Yellow 'IO PLYMOU'111 Thty, ' "'• Interior, 3 .....,, Ml. wm ~:!' .!!':::S traa.. :.:;::..::=::.:,H:::,..:ICK,;::.:::IVEISOll,::.:::~::.c.:.:.:::..,.::7-. __ _, w/ blk int. Mu,s~ tell • air. pl-. e7b1 aood ocm4 6'13-35n ,,,_ .. -..... 5 p M - boot -· 1 """'· -1231, Can -' -~ .. ~·· ' • att ~ lioY..,,Adlo-dNollledat 19115 ' 1Qli!U), Full power, -• VOLKJWAGEN Mf- TR! QUJCX!:R YOU CALL, Som.eme wOJ be ~ tor al:r-eond. Extra CI• ant m lt70 Httht 11'1'11 .. Ce1te M•M 17J· I lt0 Whfle El•p!laobt ,.. DIE QUICXER YOll <fllll ..--um. ~- -----~~-~---· ------ l • • [. t '. - ' ' · OAIL.Y I'll.OT .. ' '66 FORD CTY. SDN. STA. WON. YI, ..... hfll... lt&K. --~1111. . s91a = s33= s331.1:\. . ___ , f+-TAX•UC. "Ill. ma. '67 CHIYltOLIT 11.tcAftlll I .... "·. -v..a. ~ ....... Nil..,_ 5988,.E"' s33a · S-JJ!i'· '67 FORD CUSTOM IOO 2-Dll. SDN. . W_., "'•••lie .,.._,__ .ir ............ ~(VIM llll: :-.; 51188 ·= 540 = 540 m::-.. +lA.11.l.Ut. "Id. nm. . ::'.,'',11 IM'M. •Ua>f><lll-~ . I '!1•1"'.'L~-...__.-::.~·~f7?i'.""<""-4'11"''-.... · "s•.7.a~:1-:i:::· 'J6A:= s·&:o.::.:" · I · 1wa.ud · V"''!if. •V ,,_ ' -' {_ , ., r ~ • ,,.. ' ,, • .. '61 ·CHIW •. IMPALA cunoM COUN .. .. • f .. • • . ' • " ., Sou the rn Cal if orni a's Charg er Headquart ers 'IUlfD RIW " ...,_, .......... ~ .. 0-..._ lit S.11111'11 CIMllnll. (.... ... I r I @t"l -=D 196'9·. DOD@M ''WESTERrt S,POR-TS SPECIAU" " NEW~ HADTOP COUPE · · l • ,• . ) . . . -,.69 'CHARGER ~~,:., -:::.,,:. ":-::' .=::: : ~i:,:: =. Fvfly tqUlpped Inch.di no vinyl roof, ~ ffm, .full )t'hetl1 d[11;1. ;"""--"""' '""" .. "' • 1111nMr--. •,.,.,,, _, tllflt •H.P . .,.. mirror, sports·strg. whMl. carpets, dlx. whttf toYers~ttc.".(Mtr. ~9!121593 • ~·P· •••-:Mr ... •*,., MDNr" "-· xf"lml!~ 4nd •Ll23A9£129592). · . . ., . · . -$~6·8· ,a· $69$69 s2.2··' ·as· ~ ,. . TOT,\l DOWN TOT.\l MTHLY. mAL DOW. PTMT. •. TOTAL MTHLt: PYMT. ... t .. ' PTMT. rYMT. TOTAL PlJCl . +'>u ~· ''ii.D&MKY TO Al PRICI .,.,._<''<· , , ~ ._,. , ". IMMEDIATE 0£UYERl "l'l'IMl!!l IMludl t• • .._. t. ,._. cMtfllll • •·-• ~ · ·'-,. . ' 'lmmts 'reN',,, t Mn • ng @'JR F ' m r amid stti'' ORANOI COUNTY'S LAllGUT nl~ CAMllQ' & .YAN H~DQUARTDS iiAND NEW 169 coAoNEf sHfldR Wlddl _ 0 '•'OR •••• "j•·--r M lactory oqutppod, hlollr, doln>1ttt, 11<: .,, :~ c;'. • w.. '69 DliDOE ...... '69 DODDE HM , -HIW -"WW89El23047. ,;=~~ . . ··· .... -~'1 ~ ••1;· '! . :!_8 :!.~ $2588 PYMT. ;rMT. • . i "· 1 · ·, · ., · .• TWlfSMlN YAN ~ TON PICKUP =.:..-:." v• ~ ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ • Fully Factory lqulpptlf lndudltilt · =a-,.,......,_;::;.~,._~~:.'~ hHttr, etc. Motor #1161876320. ¥14.. ..,._.,, 1>91Mry. s Tj;TAL s2aaarnri-2088: 1il. ,~ . • TA.ii: I L1(. ' .... $18 ff:lt $88 ~?i~~-$63 ff~~~ $63 ~!~\!· ._... IMI. TM. & "~ ...,_ ••lllllll..W ........ Cl'ldll. TOTA&. PllCI .+il:r. IMMIDLlll ·llUYIP' ,. ........................... ~ .......... ,~.... ...·· l' , <t' '!J\~ ~-· • 41 Lj \,• ,' . . 1'.'iS.~ !MPALll ' I, 'f·!•!.~, .,._, .'"°,1l~.::_ ... ~·r· . .:..:..J..L :' -'66 DOIGI· 'DAiii 2:.Jlll • , ................. ;~i' ..... _.._ ... npe:.:.m. i1 99 ;;: ~26-......... = 526ii-.· ---165 OLDS DBTA II H.T. . ' V ... .,,._ ..._,"""' ~. "·'·· 'P,I . •l'f!W. AIJt CDHD. IJtl'tt "'1. 5988 '°'" s33-. ---:+=~UL _' = s33=-nMJ. •..-CHEY. IMPAl.A HARDTOP V.f.' ................... ---· 1-.. ..... 1M "": ......... 5988 ·:: 533 = s33~r~i . ;"}~.'.""~~ '· mtt. . PYML 'ti THUNDDlllD 2 DR• ".T. ... Y4, ..._tr-..,.._ .... , P.&., f'X.-: C'lll".nJI. s101a~:~ ... 536 a 536 m" ..... """ •• 165 FORD CNTRY. SQUIRE STA. WGN. . y-1. ~ ,..__ ..... ._...,, .. _---. -..!· 1TH 2ft). 51088 ::~ '$36 = 536 .:i:..'l. +. W & lit. '1'MT. •TMJ. '67 MUSTANG H.T. ; . -~ V.C. .. vi.. tr ........... ......,, ....., ........ UMlltl fdl;• tUll• nsJ. 51288 =. · 543 ..... s43 ~'l. ~w.'" =z.. _,,., . -~'· . -. . ~.,:... _;~· "i7 MAUIU 2 DL H.T. _.. ·-v ... ;.,.., ...:.. • ...._ "·'·· ..,... .......... -· ~u •1. tW-288 :::: · s43 = 543· ·=::. . +Tu&~• , Pff«.' ··" • --• • L ' ' ' . . . ·~ ....,., ... JMtw .... u.11111111111. · 5688 ,.E:"" s23; 523~· '66 ·DODGI DART G.T. H"""'-(-wltfl auto. tr1111., rldlo. Plfll!W', .,...., .....,. ww ........ .._. rflJ UOl . · s.733 :r: 526= 526::-.: .. :+ 1.,. & uc. . nMr. nan. . . ~ -· - '64·T·llRD 2·Dll. H.T. P'Nf. D COMD .. Mt . ......,._,_ .. & llMtW, lllU -·!Sill'."""-.f't'1ml)fJ91 5788 :'.: 526 =526 :.r.:1 _ _ + t'-1 a uc. nlll. n11n. '61 PONTIAC CATALINA HARDTOP • ... '""'•Ir, ..... _ .. .....,.,. ""9. ................ "'1l ,.,, saa· 8 :r.: 529 = 529 :. +TAX & UC. nMf. P'flllf. '65 D~Dp~ CORONO 440 ..... M.T. l'td, * V .. , -· dW., llilo. rr.M~ R.l.H, ..... fllG"' .,,,), sgaa :'K";' 529 :::::s29 +.t.t.JlllC. ""'· TOI~ Mllllf. """· . '65 CHEY. IMPALA S.S. . '•ct. 1Tr. V.I, AMtFM rN!9 llllftt', ,,w. (l!QW "7), · · NKI IOWI MTILf, s93g· .... , 533"'" 533"'" -· , i+:W"a.uc. mif, mo. '65 CHRYSLlll MIW YORKER .., .. , """ ,,___ ..... ,.,., P'.S.. P'.9~ lliudi;ff ....._ !ltM t•l. n.ta · OOWll •TIILT, $988 ,.... 533'"" 533""' ;+TAX & UI;, "Ml. . l'Tlllt, ·~· 1.66 .CMIV. IMPALA STA. WGN. " · '66 PLYMOurtl FURY IU H. T. 'P'•H. M9. ......... ...._.--., ...._ ,_.,;,....,,_ !ltQ.UI, -. s11et~:~l£ s41=, I s4a~~ ' '61 CHIV. IMPALA 2 DR. H.T. .... .......,. .... _ -...... ,.,.. rn'M lfl). s171a.~"' 560 51 560 =· '61 DODGI. CllAllO.-: · . . .,.., 111r-.. ••.....,RM!'. r.1 •. •fltw: mr'• . s221a ,.,,., "/7 '"'"'s77 ·= ,..:~u,. $ . ·=·1 ~~· Y.._ ·tll!o. 11'11111 .. P'.S~ I.AM WN. 1TAT "91. '67 DODGI DARI ........ 4 .... Ml'Gnllllt'1Nrw... ,..., .......... !(T\N•tftl· . 511-88 = •40:= 54.0"''i: · ~Waut. n11t. = 167 CHIV. IMPALA 2 DR. H.T. .,.._ ...... .,_,. fldwY llr.,-1'-lllt, -· Nit 1211 • 5 1488 ~:~1~ s50 ;ms50 'NTAt ..... """ . . ' AU PAYMENTS ON USED CAl\l IHcyUl!f, T}IJ. l acfllR AHO fl!WICI (ljAAGtl Qll 3' f,\ONTN ·ON APPROVED IA_NK CREDIT _., ' .. "daiit--·.· ·~ ~ 0 tdU.tyAI IN M -lllU ··:;' 100% -'""'''" -Tlil• ........ """" thlt Hl.Wr Dodge...,_. ... thl car 100%,lilfdt'Mte...._ M dtfKb ftr 100 dlfl tr 4,000 mllH which rm c... flnt tfttr purchase. Thil inch:MI•• all •MChl!*a' plrfl, el~ ~~t,mtnt. ~n.ry, •PffM•ttr, n• .. ,, Mater "' alt ·an: his .. ~ ...... '" ,.,.. ""' ,., ,,.. ,. ,.. • VOlKSWAGEN ;eENnR ~ . . . '61 VOWWAGIH . . -.. l~ ·, ""' I ' , ........... r.....-~aoit• ..,, . 5488 ~?. ... s11a: . ,16E· 61 VOWWAGlll • .... (lllP'" ain. ~ --..... 5688· ~: . 523 ·:'I s23 a . · ~TAX .I.UC. " • '6' VOLISWAGIH . . " ~ •-41.,....,.. hA• • .tTllW 11'1l . ' . '5788 =.L S26=ls26=· + tAX a UC. PTtllf. "1ll. . ·. . . 67 VDUCIWAGIN 4 -· ..... a. ......... {\I.IC,.,, sass ·= ·529 =5J9 .;. . ;t-ttllur. mlL ' ' ' .- -:=:,,t . • • 'N VW YUIANT WAGON Pllfh' fildm'y -',,_.• 1"90 7•1. s11aa :r: s40 "'"540 =. _ _ ~;fTAX &llC. '= .... USED JRUC.1($. - ' 'ff IOlD Ii TDN ~ 1 DO ' ~ .i ..... fl ...... _, ___ .. ''1"1~1-' • • s91s ::: s33:· s33af • .;+ lAl a Lie. ~ PTlll', ~ -- 'MIOlll FALCl!N !CONOUHI I ·t i.tilll .,__ 11•19. ,_,..., ,_ ........... Mf'M, '$1088 · =: 536= :( '+W&ut. nm. 5365:· . H DOllGI t.lDO l'ICll• . • hd "..,,., ......... tiod. .. """ .... ,,.,.,,,_ SJ18S ··,.,.M s4o= s40N•k + ~lllf. ~ "'°"· =~· ·+ .--~~ -==-- I --- .. ' $ • ' ' ~~~1f!:11y -we~R11 · . . . ·' . , DAILY PILOT -• ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA MARCH 22 , 1969 ~ FA~HION EXCLUSIVE Feminine Pants For# a Night on The Town .. ROSEMARY'S BABY"? The Bizarre -Dreams of Pregnant Women PET ETIQUE'ITE You Can Teach · =Your Dog -Better Manners COOKBOOK Luncheon Recipes with The Zest of Spring · ANTHONY QUINN The Str~nge Fears That =-Make Him a Great Actor . . :. Ask Them YourseH FORSEN.CEORCES.Ne(;OYERN ' o/So•U.~ Dltl 10• .eri...Jy espeet to .U. dae PraMfe...W "° ........• , dae 1963 eoaeoe...U...P D. y011 a.... ...... 1o ,... U. l9721~U60Nl Dreupea, Paw u..,,., NJ. e Given the uncertainty of convention politica, I f ch that I had a chance at the Democratic nomination in O.icaco Jut August. My interest in national politics continue., but only future event• will de- termine whether or not I will be an active caodida\e in 1972. FOR ]0.4.N CIUJYFOIW •• " .,...., .... , .. Me. -~ carpee. °" dae ~r• u. ,..,. .,,.,.,~,., ..... MH dipper• •I cl&. tloor /or 1°"' ,...,.,__,,, •. Le111u ff. Kilik, lke""'1, F. Ya. e It iii true that I have wb.ite carpeta, but I don't provide alippen. FOR BIU ltVSSEU o/ tlte Bo•tora Celtic. ..4. • pl.yer~cla, yoa •re la.~•,,....,,,..,_ F Ito 'oe• dae .. ,..,,,.,_, fro• d•e be Rell •laile ro•'re pl.,,..1--lt. L.., Vdec, N. )'. e I do the subbing. I do it better on the Boor, since that is the only position from which I hue studied buketball. I call to our beach when I want a man. I have a much better fee) for the situation when I'm actually playint(. FOR J..4C1'1E CLE..4SON .4& dae be~ of ,..,. Mo., .,.., *'"°"UH u. ,..r cofee eapP-'l'M- rue ~Wea, NorttrieA, c. .... e Champagne-to Jooeen up the speak- ing ju.icee. 'OR CH.4RLES DIS..4LYO oullior o/ ,.F.cu People ITt•r" Flay .ere ,ea~ Ml re- •llllf-J o/ ]eelde IC.ea- ae4y O....W ..,.rle1eP --D. II.., Feoo, 'l'esa e Many people ba.e idealized images or pictun:e of other peopl~ forgetting that the other penon is a human being with fedinp, wants. fears. and desires much like oun. When Jadcie decided to marry Aristotle Onaaais, maoy people felt that their image of Jackie had bunL FOR £EON SHlllKIN, pruitlatt. Sirrt011 end Scluucer rua peree,.,.,e •I • -.iauer.,,, u rfHMI IN/ore ,.., ... , """ e«Jepl ., r•~ "1--llr .. C. L. Jlor· ,.,....., """""'°""' OIMo • When a m.anu.eript from a novice writer ia receind. it ia refened to an editor for enluation. In the cue ol a novel OY a large nonfiction work, if the editon agree that a book might ha•e wide public acceptance, the manu.tcript is then referred to the editorial board, which makes the final deciaion. All manu- "' accipb received are read thoroughly ex- cept in ~ where the sobmiu.ion ia poorly prepared and difficult to read or when the content ia beyond the point or comprehension for the editor. 'OR S..4Ut' FIELD o/ "Tie Fl,U.1 Nan., I ,...,, dMl1 yoa reeeady ..er• ...,.,w. I/ .o, lo •laoaP-IC•rea BMdt· ....,.r, 11• .. ~LI, Olalo • I eloped to Lu Vegu la.shSeptember 16 with my higb..dtool sweetheart, Steve Craig, a writer. This is the lint marriage for each of us. FOIC EPltEll ZlllB..4LIS1', Jr. of .. Tiu F .BJ." I ~"" ,.a tOOA • Puritle Heare ,,.,,..,., ~~-ForW Fer II. Fere,... ae11erely wo••fle411- Kl••erly Her1r•11e, Color•llo SprU..•, Colo. • I wu wounded in the leh thigh by a shell Crapnent while leading an infantry platoon in the Hurtgen Forest during an attack on Germany's Siegfried Llne. FOR BELEN L.4FltENSON. ~, o/ .. lAtilu Are Still 1-uy IAKn" Tlt.e Ulle o/ Y'*' 6iooi U.. '4al&ea yoa dill W4eH ..,.., ,.. -"' JO ~ •10 lA • ,,...... erUde, "wdlu .4re to..y Loffn." Do,.., reeUy /eel clala lo IN lrae1-F. D •• Qlliaey, 11 .... • No. When I wrote the original piece, I meant it H a humoroua article. After it wu publiabed, however, the Cuban gov. ernment .ent an ofticial protest to oar State Department, the Cuban military police oon&.catfld every copy of the ma1- uine in Cuba. and I wu widely and bit· terly attacked in newapaper editorials throughout Lalin America. ,,_ .. _._,_ ___ • c ''-f Y __ ........... ..._ ..... ~ -,_ diie ..... ...-,... .. ...._. ........... ~ -• ..... eMI., • 4-k n.-Y--, r..u, Y_..,.. Ml lcw' S' a A-.. New Y ...... N.Y. IMU. Y• eawt __...... C ca..., ._ ts ..... ,.W I• _. w -'- WHAT JtE WOR.LD! ffM Reluvenation. After detailing how celebrities-Including Gloria Swanton, Pope Pius XII, Charlie Chap· lln, MouriQt Chevalier, Salvador Dali, and SometWt Maugham-paid $3,500 and mare to look « feel younger, author Potridc M. McGrody, Jr., tells In "The Youth Doctors" how you and I con do it-free. "The first thing Is to wont to be more youthful-and to believe you can. Attitude alone can wot\ miracle1. Frequentty, the only functional alf)8ch of 10-called reju· venation reglmen1 are do-it-yourself high-protein, &ow-carbohydrate, a nd low-fat diets, regular exerase, 1teody physical and intellectual work, ond ovoic(;ng toxins wch as tobatco.'' • · An Ey9 Man Hywel Bennett (1tor of the psychological thriller, "Twisted Nerve") is a rather taciturn young Welshman of few oplnion1. Bu1 he ex- pressed his ideal date as "lix-foot-lix with a 32-inch bust''-then admitted that WOI '1"'' for a giggle. Thete is Hywel Senneff no one feature thot typffles a girl I like-except pemaps 1M eyes. Noth- ing to do with the cofor M size M make-up. A girl can be quite plain, and Y9f if there'1 something marvelous, un- dentand'"9 or interesting that I see in her eyes, she isn't plaln." Ah, now there's hope for us all. Night and Dery Betty Jac,e Miller, housewife and mother of five from Bethel Parit, Pa., executed this "paint· ing" with a 19-cent ball-point I*'· She got technical odvke froM a IOlling friend ond the rigging Is outhentic. loll-pen orl Says Mn. Miller, ''This was tedious de· tall worit. Originally, I did this as a doyUght iatne, but did not like the effed. Sa I bought another ball point and simply changed cloy to night." Kind Wonl for Pollution Not all pollutants mole• the air unfit to breathe. The refreshing fragrance of the pine tree comes from a hydoc:orbon named terpene, a pollutant. th reac- tion with sunlight is why Virginia's beautiful Blue Ridge Mountaim look blue. Salt and dust ore pollutants needed for rainfall, and ozone, an· other pollutant, helps Rltet out '9thal solar radiation. VafuoW. l>egrM In 1958, aecorcf. ing to the Office of Education, the CIV• 8f'Oge lifetime earnings of the ""'-· icon man with five « more yeon of college was ~.905. The latin1 census now pegs it at $586,905-<lnd dimb- ing lteodily. Need more Incentive to stay In school? Love Later On Iris Adrian, veteran of 250 chorocter parts and currently in Disney's ''The l.o"9 Bug," has some lnter9Stlng commen1s about her present marriage lo Fido Murphy, a ICOUt for the Chica9o Bean. "It's a good marriage. At this age, (both are in their mid-50s) you are not storing ot each other all the time. Eorfier, it's the love bit, at the same time when all the important things are aowd'"9 you-yow career, setting up a home. Love is better later." When?" After 30!' Adrian ..Family~ •••• ,. ....... Jlarc4 U, 1111 ............ ,....,,,.,,. ...... C. WIM a..-c-_,..., W. Nall WION .t.,,.dtf• DVet1tM ._.. .. -IO ....... .U.0.rtW.. ._.. ~ L .... .,,....._M.,.,,.bl .......... ~Ra1•1me a....w•CJMd JAaC IYAN .Mn••..,_ MMllll N. 'IBIQUI At't ,,..,,._ .... ,...,,. ... ...... ....... ~ ............ .. .......................... mill ...,.ou, • h .... o.... ~Ofl*:Ml' "Jt .._, ._ • ..._._Y._. - © ,,.., ..,...., ~.,.-=.. ,......___.. Family~/ Ma1·ch U, 1969 Six Secrets to Training Your Dog MACKINNON IS a gay, friendly, year-old Ger- man shepherd dog who be- longs to a neighbor of mine. Only a few weeks ago his mis- tress was on the point of giv- iQg him away. She had developed a real atf ection for Mac, but be was imposaible to live with. His chief characteristic, an unquenchably ebuUient friend- liness, was combined with such huge size that when he jumped up to li ck your face (which she couldn't train him not to do) his paws ftopped over your shoulders. Nor could she stop his rompinr around the living room, knocking over small children, sweeping ash trays otr the coffee table with his tail. and chewing up sofa cuahions to get at bis tennis ball. When she put him on a leash, he immediately took off with such speed and strength that dog and mistress resembled a boat with a water sider ip tow. Just as Mac's owner was regret. fully about to wuh her hands of him, she heard of Edward Fouaer and his Specialized Dog Training, Inc .. in Ossining, N.Y. Give him two weeks, said Fouaer, and he could civilize Mac. I went along two weeks later when Mac's mistresa drove to Fouser'a place to pick up her dog, and if I had~'t been there to see the trans- formation .l wouldn't have believed it. Af~r giving the owner a few in- structions, Fouser handed her a leash with Mac on the other end-and she was on her own. "Heel," she told the dotr as she began to walk forward. Mac moved forward sedately. walking at exactly her speed, his nose keeping even with her left hip. When she stopped, he stopped, and when she said "Sit," he sat. "Stay." she said, dropping the leash and waJking ahead. He stayed. Had Mac's spirit been broken! Not at all. He was as gay and friendly u ever, but basically he wu a trans· formed dog. He had learned what was expected of him, and henceforth It wu just a matter of drumming it In until it became second nature. One need not be an NJ>ert dog trainer to set such reaulta. says Fouaer. Given maybe a month. any dog owner should be able to work the same kind of transformation. ff ere is his advice on how to do it, hued on 25 years of expeTience, during which he baa trained about 3,000 dogs -for 22 yeara as trainer for the two main guide-dog schools, the Seeing Eye and Guiding Eyea for .the blind. And for the past three years he has been a private dog tutor. 1. It's all a maner of communJ. cation. The single moat important trait that distinguishes the dog from other animals is that every dog, even those that are seemingly moat dis- obedient and defiant, t00ftt.! to pl~a.ae hi& maater. In fact, the happiest dogs are those that have learned a skill they know is useful to their masters -sheep dogs, guide dop. even a household dog who knows he's acting the way his owner wanta him to. Thus training ls essentially not a question of diacipline but of commu- nication-of letting the animal know what you want him to do. 1 Get to know your dog. One of the buic mistakes moat dog own- en m8.ke is to assume that all dogs are eaaentially the same and shou Id be taurht the aame {w~. Actually, no two doga are ali~ any'Jnore than any two people are alij<e. ·1 f you ob· serve the actions of in~idual doga m a gToup a.a tney play and ftght among themaelvea, you'll see all the varied personality trait8 that you'd observe in a group of children in un- supervised play : the leader, the fol- lower. the bully, tbe coward, the dumb one, the sly one, and the frjend- ly one. In fact. dog personalities and abil- ities vary so widely that the charac- terizations you bear of dog breeda- tbat German shepherds are auspici- ou~ of people, poodles are smart, retrievers friendly, mutts smarter than pedigTees, etc.-are virtually useless as a guide to the traits of the individual dog. Every personaJity type can be found in every breed. Here are some familiar types : Tl&e ''Self ·Rigl&t"Dog. This is a term used by guide-dog trainers to describe what they regard as the ideal animal. He's self'-AASured, out- going, friendly with people and other dogs, but with a strong sense of his own rigbta, his own dignity, his own inte11igence. He'll gTeet guesta with a wag of the tail, but he has too much dignity to jump on them. He's not a biter nor a fighter with other dogs, unless it's to protect himself or his family. He's neither shy nor aggTessively friendly. Says Fouaer, "He's the easi- est kind of dog to train because the training involves no correction of his personality traits. If he were a child, he'd be called 'well-adjusted.'" Tlt.e Put. This is what Mac was before his training-a dog with too strong a sense of self-right. The main trait of' a dog like this is th.at he's constantly pushing himself to the fore. Witll guest.A. he's always demanding attention by jumping on them, nuzzling them, giving them his ball to throw. ''What this dog needs," says Fou- ser, "is special firmness, even stern- ness. in his training. He's basically a good dog, but he Juu to be taken down a couple of pets or he'll quickly be r unning the whole family." The Fea.r Biter. While some dog3 are inherently vicious, most dogs that bite are insecure and do so out of fear. fear biters will never aggres- sively attack you, as will a vicious dog; they'll retreat. circle around be· hind, and snap at you . If the feal'\ is hereditary and can- not be cured by training, says Fouser. then, u with the vicious dog, he ahould be put out of the way. If it's acquired fear, taught to the dog by cruel handling, it probably can be cured. By extra-gentle handling, first teach him that he has nothing to fear from you. bis muter; then gTadually expose him to the world around him. "Hard'' and ''Soft" Dogs. Some dogs don't take notice of even the hardest whack, while others are so physically sensitive that they squeal at the touch of a grooming comb. Thus a mere jerk on the leat1b can be painful to what trainers call tt "bodily soft" dog but not noticed by a "hard" one. 3. Gettf"9 the menage across. While the whole aim in training is to teach the animal to react solely to voice commands Ol' band signals that involve no bodily contact. the main teaching method is through body contact. Unfortunately, many owners regard this a.a synonymous with cruelty, Largely because the .. ........ chief tool for transmitting body~on tact commands has an unpleasant- sounding name : the choke collar. Actually, the choke collar is sim- ply a chain collar looped through it- self so that when you pull on the leash the collar squeezes the dog's neck just enough to communicate a physical signal. Your first training step should be to find the animal's "sensitivity threshold" so th.at you'll know how hard to pulJ on the leash to get the message acr088 painlessly. This is done simply by starting with : Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks-and here's how. as explained by a noted trainer By JAMES NATHAN MilllR :l very light tug, then vadually jerk- ing harder and harder until the dog shows a sign of reaction. "One of the commonest cause8 of training failure with bodily tough dogs,'' said Fouser. "is that some .. . "Stay." people simply can't bring themaelv~ to apply the kind of physical contact the dog will understand. They'll shout at the dog, lose their temper, make him thoroughly miserable in every way-and all the while the poor ani- mal will have no idea of what's ex- pected of him." Once you've established just the proper pull to give the leash, you can "talk" to the dog through his choke collar. Only five commands are needed, and there's a specific choke- collar language for communicating each one, to be used with vocal com- mands in a quiet, firm tone of voice. This is essential: never shout. • "Heel. .. The dog is to walk on your left side without puJling, and there's no need to enforce a formal show-dog heel. When he stepll ahead of you, say "Heel," firmly while si- multaneously jerking back on the leash; then release him. It's a jerk ... release. jerk ... release sequence. • ''Sit." Pull the leash straight up with the right hand while pre.88ing down on the dog's hindquarters with your left. "Heel" and ''Sit'' are the two easiest commands to teach, often simultaneously. - • "Down." Grasp the leash just under the dog's neck with your left hand and P\!lh straight down on it. holding the other end in your right hand. The voice command should be in a deacending inflection. If necessary, use your right band to pull the dog's front legs forward to weaken his 1mpport. • "Stay." Put the dog at .. Sit." Face him; push gently against his chest or nose as he tries to move forward, simultaneously telling him to "Stay." (Draw it out intO a sooth- ing, lulling ''Sta-+a11.") Then move slowly away from him. Keep repeat- ing the action, and gradually in- crease the distance you walk away from him. • "Come." Put the dog on a "Stay." holding the end of the leash and walking in front of him. Then. in an inviting. e."<cited tone, say "Come," and draw the leaoh toward you . Pat his head and praise him when he comes. The commonest er- ror among amateurs is to tl"y to teach "come" off the leash, when one has no control of the dog. 4. Make the leuoM enjoyable. "Dogs have extremely short atten- tion spans." says Fouser. "The younger the pup, the quicker he'll get bored and inattentive. 1 never train any dog intensively for more than 20 minute&-10 minutes is the limit with young puppies-and I "Dowft." rarely give a dog more th.an one ses- sion a day.'' It's an iron~lad rule with Fouser that as soon as he finds himself get- ting impatient with a dog, he stops the lesson: "I quickly give the dog a command that I know he'll obey, praise him for it, and then can it quits. It's important. that the lesson end on this note of praise." Fouser says you can st.art inten- sive training as early as six months -as long as you don't expect the puppy to be aa quick to learn or M precise in hia perlormance u an oJd- er dog. At the other end of the are scale, he says you detinitely ea" teach an old dol' new tricks-! or example, the ftve baaic commandg, But it's renerally impouible to break old dogs of lonl'-time, deeply tnrrained. habits like' barking, aleepiQI' on couches, or chaai~ can: "You may ret them to stop it in your presence, but they'll be doing it ~ain as soon aa your back ia tumed." S. le eot1slatent. While Fouaer keepe the intenaive tl"aininr periods short and sweet, he re1arda them u just the background for the c.ontinu- ing but more casual tl"aining that goea on all day Ions. Throughout the day. in all bis contacts with his dogs, be ta.kea advantage ol every oppor- tunity that arises, bir and little, to remind the dog of hia lessons. "Whenever I see a dog about to sit down, I tell him 'Sit,' and then praise him for doing it. With a dog that I know likes to ride in a c.ar, I never just open the car door and let him jump in; I 6rat go to the cu, open the door--and then when he aees me, and I know he's going t., rush at the car, I call 'Come.' " In all of thia oft-leaab traini~. Fouser iJI constantly working toith., never against, the grain of the doir's normal reactions. "When a dog is oft the leash." he aays, "never give him a command you know he won't obey because you have no way of enf orc- ing it, and you'll only teach him that you don't really mean what you say. For iMtance. if an untrained dog is runninr happily around a field, it'a worse than uulesa to tell him 'Come.' The thing to do is turn and start walking away; then very often be'Jl run after you-and th4t'1 the time to turn around, calJ, 'Come,' and then praise him for obeying.'' In tact, without this kind of fol- low-up the intensive lesaona are largely wuted. For whenever you relax and let a doir ignore the rules he has been taught, you're simply ~ wildering the animal. In fact, if your dog does somethln1 in your presence that violates hla training rules and you're not in a position to correct him, by far the best thing is to pre- tend you didn't see ft. For doa1 are constantly obtervinr their maaten., trying to ftgure out what they want. 6. Teach relped, ROt love. Says Fouaer. "Many people spend a larae portion of their time actually court- ing their dog-teedintr him at the table, or rewarding him with a cookie for every little thing be does, or let- Unr him curl up on a couch. Jn tact, a lot bouaeholda have completely Adapted themselves to the desire. of the dog, rather than 1>M:• 11nao." A doa bu to be trained to respect. not to love. hia master. He automaU- "Conte.'' cally loves him simply because he i• his master. M I watched Fouaer dealinr with the half-dozen dop in his care, there was no queation of the respect they held for him. It wu not a matter of fear-their tails were wal'fing, and tbey yipped happily when he approach9ff. But it was un- mistakable that they knew that u was in charge. Hi• manner toward th~m waa the key to it; it. wu friendly but commanding, warm but not effusive. It told them, I like you, but I expect fbedience. The reward he bestowed tOr proper performance was just a aentle pat on the head and a quiet, "Good dog." There were no bribes. And that attitude is the key to the whole business of training a doa : being in command of the altuation. Once the trainer establishes the fact that he is the leader, halt the battle ia won. Thereafter, the dog will hap- pily fall into the role of follower. Then;f,' just a matter of knowin1 the co unication techniques that wUI acroea to him what, •• a loyal fohower, he's expected to do. + I lhow-Otl Her interest in hand ereamA la a rather 1M1dden thing-· - She thlalu that ahe'• about to get ~er 6nt engagement liq! -Hol Claaduiklc QUIPS AND QUOTES The cub repofi;er proudly turned in his first major assignment. Ner- vously he awaited the opinion from the city desk: "Well," the crusty editor said dryly, "not bad for a beginning, but there are some fuzzy para- graph& here. I want you to rewrite this so any fool can understand the story." "Oh, yes, sir," the flustered youth said eagerly. "What part didn't you understand?" -Al Roberta Remember the "4111 when, if 11ou caked if it toaa 4 bo11 Of' 4 girl, 11ou were looking cit 4 b4by? -Herm Albright There cire d411s when t~ onl11 thing that com.ea off on 1chedttl6 i8 the button on 11our coll4r. -BiU Copeland A workman was perched on top of a ladder cleaning the clock on the city-hall tower when a little old lady called up to him : "What are you doing up there, young man 7 Is SOD\ething wrong with the clock?" "No, ma'am.'' he yelled down. "I'm just nearsighted." -Dorothea Kent Discretion i8 not doing what you want to do until ftl0bod11'1 looking. -Frcinklin P. Jonu When told that a wealthy ac- quaintance had doi;iated a million dollars to a local civic project, an old Texas oilman snorted: "Humph! Sounds about like him I He'll do anything. to get a little cheap publicity." -D. 0. Fl11nn ea ... ro1ec1eaart.•se I dJd 10mething great With leftoven today- Milled them all together Aad thHw them away! -M.,.iel Mer&Nl "FirearmB Registralion No. 146-384-!01. Licenae to own same, No. 648-S9W. This is a stick-up." ) Aorshelm brtnga together the two moat Important Ideas In shoe fashion: today's broader toe and the masculine gleam of metal links on the deep richness of premium calf. Now .•. look at your shoes. Shown left to right In black ... Sutton 21117, $2•.95; Sutton 21118, $25.95; Sutton 2111.6, $24.95. Available also In all the new tighter, brighter browns. Moet regular styles $19.95 to $29.95 /Most Imperial styles $37.95. THll f'Lo11•Hll1M •Holl coMP'ANY • cH1cAoo eoeoe • .. AK•"• o• ""' aHou •o" "'N ANo woM&N •• ••••••ow 0, ,., ... ":" ,.,00 ......... -· -._._..._......... .... _ .. _ ---. Pontia~ firebinl a• .. 8'1mething -$6,000 sports cir ca.1i't. · More than $3,000 in change. ,,,. . . And Firebird does it without shortchanging you on the things you buy a sports car c):>r. Compact- ness, maneuverability, efficiency, quickness ... it's all there. You get a never-say-die Overhead Cam Six that runs on regular. You get a fully synchronized 3-speed (order it floor-mounted and you also get a Hurst shifter). You get a driving-glove- grained instrument panel. You get wider, softer bucket seats. And it all comes in a compact, beautifully styled, Wide-Tracking package. All of which proves you don't have to spend $6,000 on a sport to be one. So be one. Break Away in a 1969 Firebird. Pick up your car and your change at your nearest Pontiac dealer's. r s The Priceless Asset Of A Beautiful Complexion Today every woman I.a heireu to a beautiful complexion. This pricelrsa auet bu almost be- come her birthright. due to the tremendous advances of cos· meti(' lcience and in particular the di11CC>very of a tropical moist oil which has a remarkable effect on lhe surface texture of the skin and helps to ~•ablisb lonj[·lerm perfe('tion for the romplexion. Under ordinary circum- fltan~. mOflt skins fall ptty to rlimatic conditioM. In America th<' averaite woman finds that her complexion is certainly no exception to the rule. becoming adver5ely affected by unfavor· ahle weather har.ard11 and the inl'xorable paM4lg<' of time. Skin ('(')1 production, which occurs 80 l'pontaneously in childhood. i-1owt' down considerably during the advancement towards matu· rity and the('omplexion benefits tremmdou!lly from the lltimula· ting. supplementary values pro- vided by this tropical beauty fluid that t'ncoura,;ea the re· lention of radiant hHlth and buutv. The 11lrin whkh until rttenlly 11ttmed predisposed to bec.-ome devitalized. slarkened and aj[ed ran now suddenly enjoy the continuation of the conditions which aid it in thriving and blo11l'Omin1t in fulle11t glory. Your complexion benefi111 al- mMt immediately from this oon- alant and perfectly balanced supply of elementl'. which bring surerlativt' beauty to the skin. The fluid denl'ity of this moist oil exertM a natural i11otonic pres11ure sufficient to enable it to balance with the skin'• own fluid s. Jn addition it is a unique .. peeled" oil without the ~Jing elerMnta common to ordinary oila. The importance of thi11 as- pect is graphically mu-trated whftl a r08e quickly withen and dies if ita elem is coated with ordinary on before it is placed ----~- in waler. bol with this isotonic oil lhe <'Omplexion is provided with rich benefits quickly and easily and soon takes e>n a IMely, velvety texture. . The flower-like bloom of your lovely complexion depend!! on a plentiful supply of moisture for the plasma colloidA, lhe ttkin's waler carriers which, when dry, cause rive r·bedl'I of eroded cells lo show on the far e in the form of wrinkle8. The moist oil helps nature lo i;timulate and replen· ish the pluma colloids from wi1hin. and bas a hygre>NlOpic ahilih· to attract moi-1t ure to the 11li:in from the air. prom<>ting an e1qui11ite. dewy bloom-on the com plt-x ion. Jn tropical countries this unique beauly Auid i11 known at1 oil of Ulan and in Britain and othf'r part!' of the world u oil of lllay. In Amf'rin it is avail- Phlt" from druQil'ls H oil of Olay. Smnorh ii over your fa~ and n«k t"ach night and u111e it air. )'OU would a powder ha-e by dav. It ill tht' trulv rf'markahle icolution to complnion proh- lem11 ttnd the wonderful means whereby f"verv woman ran in· heril a flawlf'u ly beautiful complexion. Beauty Skln -C.are Con1mhanlJI Rtt0m~nd To ltup your complexion youthful an.d /lat1·f,.S1 smoolli on a µm of oil of Olay bt',.eath yo1U malrt'•up. Tlii1 will nuure a perfect matt ~nisla bt'1idr1 nouri&liin« and bani1liin6 1e1rinlcle dryruu. • • • To maintain a bt'autifMl smooth ruck, maua8e ni~litly klilla oil of Olay (or Olay tital· ~ ni&hl crram) anJ as ya. slttp the ricl• oil1 will carry on tlae task of bNuJi/yin« IM slrin ti~u~. r1aen applyin1 tlte moist Oloy oil to you face before malrin14l.p, collfi11ue tlte appli,. c11tion to your JJttlc. -P-ASHIONS ~~\~~'Q ~ ~ ~\\ \\\~\~~\\ By ROSALYN ABREVAYA WHEN MOTHER kiaaea the children good night and joina Dad for a night on the town, don't be too surprised if she turna out in pants! The new evening pants, many of whisper weight, are delightfully feminine and appeal- ing. They can be bad in all widths, whether plain or cuffed, sleek or pleated. Freshest are pants under dreaaes, the all-in-one jum~uit panta--with contrutinl' bodice--<>r, for the daring, a midriff-baring vest top over pants. About thfl only limit one can put on the cur- rent panta fuhion is that they're fteoer leg- hugging. rrom fitted hipe they drop in alight A's or ftow so fully one mistakes them for akirta. To wit,. the colorful ex.am plea on our cover, pbotoaT&Phed at the Tin Liuie restau- rant in New York: blazing yellow pleated pants and makhing body shirt, in Celaneee acetate crepe by Lynn Stuart for Mister Panta; red v-neck tunic and pants in Arnet and nylon knitted crepe from Addenda. The beat part of this new way to dreu for e'ftning ia that, since many pants are available u outfits, all you need do is add a few chains, aaab your waist brightly, slip into a chunky heel-and you're off into the ni.ht. + Leo Nardwui duigMd tlau '1Hk eltocolate-broltlfl l&ocxUd dru• ooer JNIAU, tnM~ i• 101lih. ft'• of ArMI triautate-a"4-ftrl<m bitted creJN. ....... Wea.-tltue t,o 4'1r ttigltt .,,ot: 11 Midrif~nng embroid.ered vut aftd J>ClftU of F<Yr- tret polrutn-dotcb~ hit eomu ff'OM S'J'(WU Sopltutittltu; tlu blulHl1"HolUt.e dirttoai•t j•fflpa1'it of Cd.a.Mae ac•tate crepe u b11 Edi~ Gladal.mte for !Heb1. I FaMilW WHlr1-, Jlarelt U, 1111 • • 1 • .. Ai it ., • • Iii k: IA .. fii • .. (• p .. n ii ,, ' II r. b. tl I I " ----------------------------------------------------- -- a crazy, azyway to re uce! I call it the world's largest clothes pin. The doctor who invented it calh it the Effortless Exerciser. Either way it does wooden to beautify your 6gu.re-h.s llhUtly troJueu wllisl loss of up lo .3 *hes ... hip loss of 111> lo 5 *hes, ;,, jllsl lwo efiorlless ""-"es 11 "411 '"'" wilbo"' " ""'' Here's how: Now For The Second Minute Of Exer~IH, For The Waist DoWJL Now s)m~ .Up 10W feet tJwout11 the Ellorta Ellcrcllet's ..,...,._ Reprat 111e .._ -y Mlf-circ:le--tM lhb ti-wllh 10\ll' feet. Noll« Read Tbeae Medical Test Results For Yoaraelf. v •• ma ats wwb' ~ ent, llftem people ..Sitt tJlil E«on-lea Eaac:lacr for Oft!Y two mlnutea a day, •tatned waist and hip lei. U-ol: A'fa'ql k9 o( -Ill 11-(no diet) : 1 ~ lncbes, Maxim-1ou ol wailc tdu (ao d.ktl: 3 bldlet. A•en.,e tom ol fllp ala (no okt): t~ ladles. Mmm-t lo91 Ill llfpa&a (9106t): S lltdMs. Tab ouc 7ow _.,.. taiie rltN now, and l)ICtiwe how ¥Ofl could loot wttll that tad of -•t klea-IDd without a diet! This II Jm- pre111Ye! A tllrllll •111 tlwH h ulll -•· Now One Wonderful Improvement Automatically Leads To Another. Try It At Our Risk. ._ doft't tab my won! fOf It. Tlw c>My way to Pf'O\le Ille n1-ol thh E9on.ie. EllCfdls la to uy It ,_.,, at our JW:, for a fllll motO. u )'Oil mrnt't tlWf1led wttat me ,...... • 111e atc1 a1 tMt ttme ... wtt1t Ille laaecllble '-'o•-• te ,_ fllur9 dlM you -la the ndnor, ud dim )'OW f~ -plh Ut )'OU ..,,.., thn jmt l'ftW8 i&. y_, '"" ~ ,nc. "",. ,./wtt/H ~- SAVO Yll .-S If nllm MIT WEii! ,,,... die EaonJilla ~ ~ ii ,_ .. llaponalll aa .... leclo9.For• ..... : It ,,,,....,., '-'-trk .....n..1. Tk)' an -eoua; bat oorrec:t eec:hJ• ii ........., _.... or JOU .... ......., MMeck--. ll ,,.....,,, ,.,,,.,,. ~. Yow ......... ahooca "8111 --111P .._ ,._ ., ere ......_ ..,,..,. It ............ riKtrlcwl ..,....,.,. ~ peoplil tDd dint lidllllJmpl n•I Jt ......,., r!.lll'll••oo•~dlfltn•uu -4 04ltn hllty ..,.,,,,,_,.,. WJio-. ..,. ........ ,_? 'Illa Eaoftlell ~ ....,..,.. all ta.. barron wkJl .. ·~ dell)' two mlmne routt.. m. le aa ltcotlCI ww. • ..... -,._ Ml*k*--' ,,,., ,,... ~ tlw ,,,,,, .... ,__, ~ ~ ~ .,_ • ., ~1 .....-11 T11 k todq, adrdJ Ill om rilli: I fli,.clllp Dfels °""""' ., Jllll ........ r------MAIL NO·RISK COUPON TODAY·-----, INFORMATIOfe, INCORPOMTED Dlpt. fW-11 119 Flftfl Awnue, Nlw Yortl, N. Y. lOOOJ Ye! I WUl 10 t17 ,_ 2FFORTLBSS EXUC'ISl!ll ~ at 1our ri1k I .. er ..... mtJ the IPICial low price alllowa ii.low. I -*'· M&lld thee I ~ -daa Emrdeer ff# t»ty da1t. H llCJt ~ U TTBL Y DELIGHTED. I ..., ,._. It for hall re"-' al lilt pur- e'--price. 0 a.ell a.re for WOMAN'S EhtMa EasdMr, mtr $9.91 0Clledt111n for NAM'S~~. 011!1SI1.91 [']CKECJt HERB AND SAVB TWO DOLLAUI Oct_. Etloft. Jiiiie ~ .. ...,.. _. w-·· _,...._ S2t-" ..--for a.tr $19.NI 0 0.-lr .._ II ,_ WW. )'OW ~ INl C.O.D. E.lldoM a.tr SI toN-wGI ..,_.. llOW. ~ po1t-. _.._, plue C.O.D. PGllaer llM ........ dlartinit. S... _,~ .....-tN. N- INFORMATION, INCORPORATED • 119 Flftla A•en•e. New York. N. Y. toooa l-------02~°'!:'..!!:~~~-------' U ~~~~~~~----~--..;;o..;;.-...~----------------------------... If your hemorrhoids need something more elective than PSIZo • ••• maybe it's surgery. Paz.o not only shrinks hem- orrhoids in most cases. but actually starts relieving throbbing pain on contact- and for houn. IJl fact, this soothing relief begins within seconds after you finish applying Pazo. In momenta, Pazo~s anes- thetic formula starts to ease the pain, quiets the itching and irritation. And, Pazo lubricates the .emitive area thoroughly-in most cues, provides continu- ing relief for boun. 1ry Pazo, in suppository or ointment form. If your hemorrhoilh need 10metlting more elective tltOll Pu.o .•. mayH Vs surgery. ·--- •4 -........------- FAMILY WlllCLY COOKBOOK • When !'091 pink rhubarb and bu.a· dlM of leader grMn aaparagu1 ap- pear ID t.lae lll&t'ket, we know epring I. la.ere. A weleome-oto-epringtlme luadieoa ••r lnclade the lobeter ealad, uparagm, hot rolh, and a rltaharb cleeeert. Grapefruit and Rock Lobster Salad Bowl f (3 os. eeeh) frozen Soath .African rock lobster taila, eooked, drained. and meat l'Ulo•ed fro• ahella u 4lireeted OD pk1. 3 &T&JefruJt, pared and eect.loned 2 c:•,. elieed celery 1 can (5 oa.) water cheatnat.e, dralaed and alieecl % c:np chopped drained pimiento 1. Reserve one lobster tail shell to garnish the salad bowr (see photo). 2. Slice lobster meat and put into a bowl with grapefruit sections, celery• -water chestnuts, and pi- miento. Shake salad dressing and pour the desired amount over all. Oover and chill until ready to serve. 3. Line a ealad bowl with curly en- dive or other salad greens. Spoon the lobster mixture over all and tou lightly. Garnish top ~ith · i::e- served lobster tail shell. 6 to 8 16f'Ving1 Rhubarb Frett.e in Pastry Tart Shells Tiu rlud>arb freeze u deliciotu when Uled to top fruit aa.lada. 1 lb. tender pink rhubarb, cat in 1-in. piece. (about' cups) % tela•Hsar % teupoon ,ro9nd cinnamon 1 teupoon gr .. ted lemon peel 2 teupoona lemon Julee 3 or ' drops red food eoloring 1 pt. nailla ic:e cream. aUghtly 11etftenecl 8 Putry Tart Shella (aee Putry recipe) or indi•idaal aerift111e ahella 1. Toss rhubarb with sugar, cin- namon, and lemon peel in a shallow 1-qt. baking dish having a cover. Drizzle with lemon juice. 2. Cover and cook in a 850°F. oven 20 to 26 min. Cool and chill. 3. Using an electric blender as manufacturer directs. chop chilled'- rhubarb with syrup. Drop in food colorinl' to tint as desired. II MELANIE DE PROFr Food Editor Thu zest11 grapefruit a,nd rock lobater aa.l.a<.t aOO'Und.s in flavor and eye-appeal. 4. Adding gradually, blend with the softened ice cream. Turn into re- frigerator trays, cover, and freeze. 5. ·Before serving, place in refrig- erator to soften slightly. Spoon into tart shells and serve immediately. 8 servings Pastry Prepare pie crust mix (enough for the equivalent of one 9-in. pie shell) as directed on pkg. for quantity and method of adding liquid. Gather dough into a ball and place on a lightly floured surface. For Pa8tr11 Tart Shells: Roll dough into a 18-in.' circle. Cut out eight 4%-in. rounds. Invert eight small tart pans or custard cups and shape pastry rounds over them, pinching into pleats so pastry will fit close- ly. Thoroughly prick pastry with a fork and place pans on a baking sheet. Bake until golden brown as directed on pkg. for pie shell. Care- fully remove tart shells and cool completely on wire rack. For Putry Toyping: Roll out 1 in. larger than over-all size of baking dish. Cut slits near center of pastry to allow steam to escape. Baked Rhubarb with Pastry Increue the first six illl'J'edients of Rh.1'barb Fruze by one-half the .. given amount. Mix them in a 1 ¥2- qt. shallow baking dish and moisten rim with cold water. Carelu.lly place Pastry Topping (see pastry recipe) over rhubarb and trim edge allow- ing 1h in. to hang over. Fold edge under and press gently to seal. Flute edge. Sprinkle entire surface with a mixture of 2 tablespoons sugar and % teaspoon ground cin- namon. Bake at 450°F. 10 min. Turn temperature control to 826°F. and bake 15 min. Serve . warm with whipped dessert topping. Asparagus with Lemony Bran Flake Topping Fresh asparagus spears, cooked and thoroughly drained ~ cup butter or margarine 1 Yz tablespoons lemon juice ~ cap ehopped walnuts 1 eap bran flakes 1. Heat the butter or margarine in a skillet, stirring until browned. Mix in the lemon juice and walnuts. Add the bran flakes and toss just until flakes are coated. 2. Put asparagus onto a serving platter or individual plates ; sprin- kle generously with Accent. Spoon topping over spears . Note: Leftover chilled asparagus may be used for finger undwiches (spread bread lightly with mayon- naise or salad dressing). 'J,[. :Yz- :m ce e) .,._ ~e LI. ce :18 n- ~n ad th g n d. s. ~t g l- .n IS :s l- LEVEL WIND CASTING REEL ,USH IUTION CASTING ANTI llEVHSE NO IACKLASH cum LURES SILICTIO FIOM WOtlLDS MOST flOPULAI IUYl All TIMI FAVOllTIS : NI AY TO CATCH flSHI I SUECTtD FOR YOU IY EXPERTS. Th ice fish-getting LO YOU QET ouaHIC SHOWN. Super "88" Spincast Reel • Comet · I tackle used by experts contains naf ular brands. X3C Bait.Cas ~Argosy Difect Drive Tro~lina Reel• 5 ft. 2 pc. f!ber I • 1 Glass~m Rod • 4 ft Fiber Glass Batt Cast Rod • 3th ft. Fiber I Each item carefully chost~ef}thlng need tor all Glau Tr od • 6 ft 2 section Bamboo Pole and 25 ft Bank line • types of fishing. Deadly lures that are all Javorites. A 66 pr: l>eadly l~res •. 5 pc. Furnished Line • 2 Floating Boxes with f veteran angler or an occasional fisherman can proud of relllftlf) e trays• Fish Knife and Sheath• 28 pc. Pooolng lurei<it •Dip I . . . . . . ,.._ Nit, Stringer, Split Shot, Clincher Slffl(ers, Snap Swivels, Assorted Hooks, ttus prec1sion-bu1lt kit You can go fishma at once ....... .,...al Snelled Hooks, Pllstlc floats, 3-way Swivels, 36" Leaders, and complete You will not find 1 blrpin lille this lftYWhere. Instructions. 411 pieces in all. 95 DELUXE NllESK DISCOUNT SALES CHICAGO, IWNOIS 60606 DIPT. f t •114 I OIDH TOOAYI If you'r• not 1001. pMclMd we'll refund ycwr full purchoM pric.t prOMptly. YOU KEEP 2 FltEE TACKLE IOXES l!GA.RDLESSI PJ.ase """--' J 1 pa. 3 Complefe Fithin9 Set• AOOllS'------------- I I I I I ClfY TAT' J!P __ ... I 0 I eftCloM $12.9J plet S1.C)C) for pottote & ........ I 0 ~ C.O.D. I wll ,,_., C.OJ> ........ & ........ . T• c...M! ....... h+ 1 ., ..... ~...., I NIRESK DISCOUNT SALES'".:::*.._°' CHICAGO 60606 L-----------------.J l, Ends women's U &LN once-a-mon ... n odor roblem DIM~.._. .. ..... , ........ Women ~ a .-cia1 oclor prob- lem cauwl by~ w:reticml and by penphation. F~ ,w can "-•troy theM embarrauiq odon now with e11117-to-me QuaT Deodotant for WOIMA. (1) Qu•n help1 keep your wAol. body odor-bee. So aafe it can be med without irritatinc ... eftD in the most intimabt ..... (2) Quar Wpe inwml odor Oil )'OW' doth. -DO 01di.nary deo-dorant can-11Dde'r brae. panty- hoee, cirdl•-even on unitary napkim. Woda risbt wher. _. barnminr odor Unpn IOllC.t. 'I\oy Quar toc1a7. I~• the l!peCial deodrlnmtforyouandyourcloth., too. QuUT Deodorant. "problem" • • persp1raaon solved .... ,., tll11sans •It• 1ttrsf lre 1t1nilJ -An aoti~npirant that really worka! S olvea underarm problema for many who bad deepaired of effective help. Mitchum Antl-Penplrant bepe underanna abtolutely dry for thouaa.nda of grateful u.en, with complete gentleneu to nonnal 1kin and clothing. Thia unmual formula from a truat-worihy 56-year-old laboratory ia 1uaranteed to aatiafy or dealer will refund ~urchaee price. So pt the pomtive pro-tection ol Mltebum A.nti-Pu-......._..,Liquid or cream. $3.00, 90-day 1M1pply. Available at your favorite d.Nc or toiletry count.er. -- ENTERTAINMENT ANTHONY QUINN: TOt&W a"'1 wife Jola.ftda witA thrir cAi"1f'r1t Danieu, 4, LOf'e-rtZo, t , afld FroJU:uco, 6. I s IT POSSIBLE for a man to win two Academy A wards for best. supporting actor, be in show busi- ness for 30 years, attain the rank of superstar-and still be so in- secure as to have an almost child- like need for constant praise and reassurance? In the case of Anthony Quinn, the an- Bwer is yes. !'The most important thing in life for me is to be judged by my peen. What the public thinks is important, but when the people in the industry aay I'm rood. then I'm happy," Tony says. Take the caae of Tony's role aa the Pope in "The Shoea of the Fisherman." It waa unnerving for him to play the part for two reasons. "The Church was watA:hinr us all the time, and it got me on edre. The day we were to Bhoot the scene where I waa voted Pope, I woke up with a nuge sty on my left eye. Even the make-up man couldn't hide it. A priest working on the ftlm said I had 'Saint's Diaeue.' I had to quit the film for two weeluJ, and for the first time in my career, I was scared.'' lut the more important reason for Tony's edginess was his need for personal praiae--&nd he waan't getting it from pro- ducer George Englund. Tony confessed to his agent that Englund wasn't giving him enough credit. "That's what rm paying him for," Englund shot back. "It he does better, I'll let him know." Obviously En- glund did let Tony know-because the per- formance almost earned him the Aca- demy Award nomination for best actor. To work with Tony is not easy. Pro- ducers, directors, and crew often have to put up with more than the usual amount of fears and egcrdoubta typical of many big stars. A couple of years aro. for in- stance, a tv producer ftew to Rome to get an exclusive interview with Tony. Tony agl'eed until the producer happened to mention that he'd just 5een "The Guns of Navarone" and thourbt it wu great. II ·Insecure Superstar By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER. Since be made no mention of Tony's per- f onnance, Tony cancelled the interview. Later, the producer's wife said be was magnificent in it and that he stole it from Gnrory Peck. The interview took place. Thot he neecls praise baa been evident to most movie people since Tony broke into f\lma with "The Plainsman" in 1987. While he rot no special recornition for it, the late Cecil B. DeMille tried . to get him an Oacar in a new category caUed best new actor. Failing thi8, Tony settled for mar- ryinr DeMille'a daughter Katherine, the mother of his Ant four children. The marriage wu rocky from the start, partly because Tony u an actor doesn't seem to feel bound by accepted customary moral behavior (he waa living with his second wife, Jolanda Addolori, who bu given him three more aona, before divorc- ing Katherine in 1966), but mostly because be is a proud man and deeply resented the iminuations that he married the boas' daughter to get ahead. "I resented it then, and I guesa it had something to do with forming my attitude,'' Tony says. Asked about his obetinate, even brutal, attitude on the set, Tony explaina it as a matter of need-the need to know that he is doing well, even when directors won't tell him-which is often. ")(any directors are too soft," Tony says. "They let the stars bully them." That's probably why he is directing his next ftlm himself, "The Secret of Santa Vittoria," which also could bring Oscars rus way. When not ~ Tony is the direct opposite of the fear-tormented star-be is the ideal father, tender and devoted to his second wife (she is often on location with him). The Quinns live a quiet life ("We haven't been to a night club in ye.an") in Albano, Italy, a amall town outside Rome. "I love it there,'' Tony says. "I didn't give up my American citizenship, tbourh. I still pay taxes. If anytbinr, I've become more American. but I wouldn't live anywhere but in lta1y. I'm quite happy." What more does Tony Quinn want out of life? "An Academy Award as best actor . I have no other penonal ambitions," Tony says candidly. "After all, what is success? Pre11 clippings 1 Money 1 No, it's accept. ance of your work. I want to make ftlms with a message even if they communicate with only one human being.'' Maybe so, but that one penon had better tell Tony bow great he was in the ftlm. • \ ,.,·11 1111tl I \<,ll I I 111, · l ,1(, I 11! .lttr .h fl,,11 .rt rlr, ,, I 111, ,f11r, '· ~ "40UllX-a-.cra ~ aAKCUA~C-ESCOHDtl>O-PUala da Co~ GLOCDALE-U. W. Ro«llftllOft l~TMC..,....._ l.Al<lWOOO-lullodl'• LOS AHOEi.U-J. W. Robin_.. OMCLM~H. C. ~ "AU> AL TO-I. M..W. SAN F'MNCISC0-1. M-.Nn SAH MATl:O-llNrcl's SAN JOSl:-MKY'• V.iley fair COIORA.DO DENV£tt-Mav D & r ~~foa . ~DA CORAL GAllU:.S-M. JOMf FORT LAUD£RDAL£-Bfttts FOAT MYCRS-Gokl C.ril ... K£Y llSCAYH£-l "£1e .. nt. NAl'LO-Jennlf\C'• W£ST PALM' 8£ACH-Anthon1'1 KOMM SA\IAHNAH-L.vy'a ol S.VaMall rDAHO IOISE·80ft W.C:lle IUJMCMS BLOOflllHGTON-llaai'a CHICAGO-Ma~ fletd C•rMn. Pirie. Scott CflM.A.~ f'£1t0-Shlnnkll'• QUINCY-Ca..-,, Pirie, Scoft £. ST. LOUIS-famous-8arr Co. INDMHA ~ MUNC1£-Coflecieflne Shops NIWA CEDAR RAPIDS-~• DES MOIHES-YounMr Bros. LOUnlAMA HEW ORUAHS-0-... ,.., Ca.. ltd. MASSACHUKTTS 80STOH-JOIQn Menh R.H.5'Hma LOW£ll-A. G. "ollard llllOAUN fllNT-Smlth-8rldcm•n Co. ....... UOTA MINHEAPOLl$-Tlle Oeyton Co. .. ....... "" JACKSON-HWN of 0...rton PICAYUNE-Picayune Oro• Mluoutft ST. LOUIS-F•-S.rT KANSAS CITY-M.q'a NUltAUA LINCOUC-Mlf .. r Paine OMAHA-Thoma• Kilpatrielc NEVADA RENO-G,.y·Reida NlW HMll"SHI• MAHCHESTER-~rd'a of Lynn NlWJUKY ELIZA8£TH-lt. J. GoefM Co. CHERRY Hlll-5'.rawbrldp & Clothier NlWYOMC BUf'fAlO-Adem. Mek!Nm & Andel'W«I HEW YORK CITY-But& Co. ROCMEST£R-McCunfy & Co. ROME-laf\a.Ur.w POUGHKEEJ'SIE-Ludle1 f'llltt & Co. UTICA-Boston stotW NOlrTH C'>ll!Ot tMA OUNH-Buttn & Cemill OHIO CL£VEl.ANO-H.,.....'• £l YRIA-Hishe • .,...,.. l"ORTI.AHD-Meier I. rrank PINNSYl.YANIA NORRISTOWH-McDlvitt'• UNIOHTOWN-Metzlef'• IOU1'M DMOJA RAf'ID CITY-l.etlr One TIMllDU HASHVILLE-<:aln-Sk>en TIXAI El PASO-l"ooular Dry Good5 FORT WORTif-W. C. Striptlnc Co. HOUSTON-JOIM'a DM.LAS--Slfleer HltTt• . UTAH SALT LAKE: CITY-Z.C.M.1. SlllOfl YOllONT sunoUC-lelt•rd & SnMtti ..... ,...,,.. SEATTU-rf'Meridl I. Neftoft SP'Ot<AHE:-The era-it WDTYl-IA 8Wl7tn.D-Thorrlticlrl'a MICClll•I MADttOtt-YCllt'a ..... .......... D.C.-,,.., .. "· w If Mt wtl' a·., «W floWft JAQUET, lllC., 3 w..t 57'ti 91.. N. Y. 10019 Can you trace the days of your life on the lines of your faool What do you see when~~ in the mirror? f ' All your old worries? Qr the clear, smooth face of a woman who~ prepared for the day when nature no longer takes care of her akin? It happens you know. After years of facing life, the hot summer sun and the cold winter winda, nature just gives up. And you've got~ start taking care of your st1n younelt. . We'vedevelopedatotallynewnightcl'mtefor J justthatpurpoee. lt'aJaquet'sSileiltBeauty, the · · .1 very first dual action night crane, bringing together a delightful combination of 9Cience's ne'WCSt moisturizing ingredients. In the fUst pbue of ~alelit Beauty's unique dual action, multi«eroll ( acieoce'a rich nevfwonder oils) are rushed to your akin to liven its own natural rmewing action. . In the leCOlld pbue, natural lipids ( tbO . remarkable new "moist~ ..,..ini°' oils) go to ~ , , wort to prewot Jbeeva~tion of )19Urown akin moisture! . Silent Beauty ii ah~ formula. A ,., transparent, extra liahtweiabt •mhef. A cOol. ael- lite eomistency that C8l'CllCI on, De'f'el' pgµ., . and works its maaic while you sleep. In as little u ton days, you sboulcl notice a llDOOther, firmer, more beautiful skin •.. the 1 aquetlook Of IUlt•ined youth•. ;.;::,..,...i.f .. mR~~·~l oz. 110.00; 2 e& ~17.50. Atftlle~~.rnc., 3 Welt 571b~ ,.. NewYott.'(~ 001 '~-'"'~~~.,-.; .. --------------~-----------------" , i Can't sleep? • .. ,• ~1\~ .. ,,. .~ ·'i-...... ~·, ~~,~~ , ~ • -• ~ . , . ,· ~Q!.the reniafkable sleeping capsule from Sominex • Relieves simple nervous tension to bring sound, restful sleep. • Contains no barbiturates, no narcotics. ~ Not habit forming. •No "morning after" drugged feeling. • Hundreds of sleep inducing granules in every Sominex capsule. • No prescription needed. ONE CAPSULE EQUALS A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. ·JUNIOR Let's Draw a Monkey By Ann Da.vidow n Here's a kind of ~ cashew shape C1 -- That turns into a little ape. ~ HI, Math Fansl XI+ I = 12 See if you can change t his Roman- numeral problem so the answer is 10 instead of 12. (See An1wer Boz) Minus One From a six-letter word for what sev- eral numbers add up to, take away the first letter and get what you do when you .paste a picture on a piece of card- board. (See Amwer.Box) 14 Fami/11 W••kl11, Marc1' 13, 1969 REASURE · CHEST Plus One To a three-letter word tor what you do with two slats of wood on a snowy slope, add a last letter and get a short funny play you might be in at school. (S ee Answer Box) Riddle Me 1111s Vlhen does a horse eat beat? (See Amwer Box) Hlde·a-Name Hidden in this sentence is a word for the solemn promise that the President of the United States makes to the Amer- ican people at his inauguration: The cocoa that W88 served at the class party was too sweet for most tastes. (See Amwer Box) Answer Box: ·or = XI + I : jSUV.!f 'fl•W '!H "t{lOOW SJ\{ UJ lJq_ 11 lOU s,aJaql U3l{}d !8!'fJ. aw afPPJH 'l{l110 : aWVN·V·O)P!H "lUOOW-lUOOWV :auo snu1w 'lPfS·PtS :auo 8Rfd Junior Sheriff By Hans Kreis Hidden in this picture are a rabbit, a deer, a boy and a horse. Can you find them? Where to get il wide selection of Grilsshop~rs, illl under sn.oo: ARIZONA Yu me Femily Dept. Store J. M. McDoneld Co. CALIFORNIA Baker$r1eld Ellison's E:.eleston's BelbOe lslend Wet Seel Boron Dyson's Burbenk Al's Bootery Morey's Shoes Camerillo Earl Joseph Cenoea Perk Stevens Bootery Compton Kerr's Shoes Corone Henson's Corona del Mu Hansen's fashion Footweer Costa Mesa J. W. Reinert's Downey Kerr's Shoes Thrifty Shoes Escondido O'Agosta Shoes Greneda Hills Rancho Hills Huntington Beach Wet Seal Kernville Westerner Shop La Canada Ivers Dept. Store Lamont County Fair Clothing Lompoc Linnell's Shoes Los Angeles Henshey's Dept. Srore Ivers Dept. Store Lees Shoes Marina del Rey Sandpiper Sportswear Montebello Young's Shoes Morro Bay Moore's North Hollywood Rathburn's Dept. Store Northrld~e Northridge Bootery Ontario Bootery 011nard Linett's Shoes Paramount Bootery Paso Robles Bob's Shoes Paso Robles Mercantile Redlands Bootery Riverside Harris Company Henson's San Bernardino Harris Company San Juan C11p1Strano Second Boot Sen Marino Eber1e Shoes Sant• Monica Henshey's Dept. Stora Sepulveda Norwood Jr. Bootery Sherman Oaks Morrie's Shoes Solvane Jensen's Solvane Shoes Sylmar Youne's Bootery Taft Bob &Vic Thousand Oaks Chalk Telk Bootery The Bootery Ventura Peremount Bootery West11ke Westlekl Bootery Whittier ~rl Ooual11 Shoes Wooc:tlend Hills Woodl1nd Hiiis Bootery Yucel~ Denny's C11uals NEVADA Lu vee•s Veeas Viii•&• Shoe Store Aprocldda NI ROYA "In today'sfdtions, there's no longer one fool(. fnsleld ~s the freedom to wear JustabcNt..,.,.._ You see, today, a woman~ eo ... her individuality. "Now, I lhfnk Ciranhoppers are the kJnd , of shoes the woman of today would appreciate. _ ''Theyre youna, mcdttftj ind easy to wea,._ "And because ol the types of styles and colors, they pwtth almost anything ... and also aiYe a woman the chance to have more than one pair of shoe5 for each outfit. "Especially since they're 50 rusonabty priced. "I think they ~ke a lot of sense." I I I I I t An Amazing Valu e~ Re gular Pric e $6 . 00 ! .,, . lail on1r r,... F•ilJ '""' P!Qw .tio. .. to ,_ Wlttls fw *lhttJ, n11 .-, -~ ., ~ ~'" Tiit lwlas Md C4'J ..,. cll«*H fw rtll· alllll\J 11J f'•llJ Wft'lllJ, tee. If ,..,"' _, _. .. ai.t !Mil .-. )llK Wt'IU: SMrb Ottwl-. F'MlllJ Wtttl!l, 641 l..tJll ...... A-• ...._ Yortr, IU. 10022. How Yo11May Never Take a Laxative Again! Ho.pital-Teeted Reaula.,.. Helpa Relief eo.ne Naturally New Ywll, N.Y. (S~lal) R~rch has discovered a won- der-working sub8tance 1hat helps correct conslipt1tion without laxa- tives! Doctors say most constipation _ «curs when wa.ste loses moitture in the colon. To give ~lid, lua- tives often force ac tion-cause gripina. crampina: can become habit-formina. This hospi111t-1nted )ub!lt11n« worh in a completely different way. Jt helps natural moisture In the colon work more effectively. Thus by working on the problem. not oo you, ii helps correct con· stipatioo u no hu.ativc can. This diacovery is now available under the name R EGUTOL•. It is not habit·fonning. No warning on the label-no prescription needed. Try REOUTOt.-you may never take a Ju.alive apin ! Worries a•cl Problems A lttUe P.&DIUI& IDl1Dk*I oa your dentUftS dcl9 all tllu: (1 > a.tsie bold r.-ieet.b more ftnD1J 1D place; (2) Boldl them more oomtonabq: (3 ) Lft.9 JOU btW Up to~ barcllr wttbou' cltacomfon. PA8TSJITJ!I Powder IHlll:anne {DOD·Mlkl). Woo"' eour. No SUJDJQJ. ll009>'. PM*1 tMk. D&niur. \bat ll' uw _,lal tlD health. a. :rour dnu.& ~. Oft PA81 D Iii at all dnls ooun..,._ GmlNGUP NIGHTS :i~ MANY Common Kidney or Bladder l1Tlla- l111ns moke many m en and wum~n f«I t ense and nervous rmm rrt"quent hurnlnJC or ltl•hlnl( urination nlRhl nnd day. ~n<tt\rlly, You moy lo.e slc<'p anct have H eadar'he. Blll'koc•h<' and !eel older . tired, depressed. In su\'11 cases. CYSTEX uauall~· brlnru rctu~lnJC l'Omfort by curbing JrrllJll· In.-i.:erma In ocld urine and quk kly l'USt ni.: oln.Gct C\'STF:X ot dru • 11111. BACKACHE Aching Muscles You Iona to ••se those pelna. even tempcwarllr, untlt the caUM ts cl .. ted up. F« pallla~lr temoor~. pelnr.Cleftry a PUis. Femous fot over 60 )'99ra O.Wltt'a Pll lsconuln en enafcflk: to reduce peln e nd e very mild diuretic to help eliminate retelMd ftukts thus flushlnc out ln'ttetlna IMUn cauainc bladder wut-. O.Wltt'a Plies often aUCCMd wMr'9 ~ fal.l If '*" penlata e!Weys ... your doctor. Insist on DeWitt'S Pills PHOTO CIEDfTS C-.n Halotllft. 'aee 21 AIC1 CIS. l'oge 10: Jehft I. "-ilhoft few OW.. MEDICAL MYSTERY: .. I r("tHE YOUNG woman lay tossing .l fitfully in her sleep. It was the sixth month of her pregnancy, and she was being troubled by a recurring dream about the birth of her first child. In the dream-drama, she saw her hus- band approach her h ospital bed after the delivery and ask to see the face of his child. As she raised the light blanket from the in- fant's face, she saw her husband's features contort in horror. Puzzled and shocked by his reaction, she looked down at the chiJd to see that the baby had the face of a leer- ing, votesque demon. She had given birth to a hideous monster! Are IUch dreams of pregnant women merely the result of an impressionable young woman reading stories such aa "The SmaU A88838in" or movies s uch ae "Ro&e- mary's Baby" with Mia Farrow (shown in photo above) ! ..We have found a large percentage of pregnant women who dream about giving birth to deformed babies and monatera." says Dr. Stanley Krippner, director of the William C. Menninger Dream Laboratory 16 Fafrtilv W••klv, Ma .. oll tJ, JHM Bizarre With stories such as "Rosemary's ·Baby" focusing attention on the strange phenomena affecting thousands of mothers-to-be, science now is asking-why? By BRAD STEIGER. Author of ''Yobs fr-leyOltd" efld ''TI. Mind Tr-'en'' at Maimonipes Medical Center in Brook- lyn, N.Y./' and they had these dreams long before 'R08emary's Baby' became a best- selling novel and a popular motion picture! "These dreams express a natural fear that something will go wrong with the un- born child," Doctor Krippner continues. "So many mothers have these dreams that we do not conside.r them to be pathologica l, in moet cases." In reaearch currently being conducted at the dream lab by Diane R. Schneider (with the co-sponsorship of Di·. William P omcranre, director of the Maimonides Hospital obstetrics department), dream re- searchers are discovering that pregnancy, the wish for pregnancy, and the fear of pregnancy actually infi tt6>iu dream content to a high degree. For example. Dr. R. L. Van de Castle, research cons ultant to the project, com- pared the dreams of pregnant women with those of female college student8. Be found that pregnant women dream often of archi- tecture (hoepital buildings, primarily), family members, doctors, and individuals who were not identified as to sex. Dreams of anxiety concerning the un- (). born child were found to be very common, and expectant mothers often described their babies aa being born deformed or possessed of unusual or grotesque physical attributes. The pregnant women dreamed of social situations in which they inter- acted primarily with women. The college girls, on the other hand. dre3.Dled more often of aggressive, friendly, and sexual interactions with men. Occasionally, it seems, a woman may have a dream which accurately glimpses the future in regard to her pregnancy and her delivery. Doctor Van de Caatle found one woman who told of having bad recur- ring nightmares for many years, ever since the time she had come upon illustra- tions of an abnormal fetus in her fiance's medical textbook. "The dreams were always identical." the woman said. "I was in a hoapital, in hard labor. My sister was always in the dream, and she, too, was about to give birth to a child. The dream always ended the same way. My sister would give birth to a happy, normal child, and I, after long, ex- cruciating labor, would feel sudden relief. The pain would be gone, but then would suddenly come the startling awareness that there was something terribly wrong with the child." The woman experienced the dream for nearly six years before she married her present husband and became pregnant for the fi~t time. "Then I knew instinctively and absolutely that the pregnancy would repeat itself identically with the dream," she said. "And it did, even to my sister actually being pregnant at the same time that I was." The woman's sister gave birth within two weeks of the s ubject's delivery. Her sister's baby was a healthy, nonnal girl. The subject gave birth to a deformed still- born child. ''When I became pregnant again a year ll\ter, my doctor warned me to expect a psychologically difficult pregnancy because of my previou11 experience," the woman re- ported. "But I aS&ured him that now that the dream had Jived itself out in reality, there would be no more worry on my part. The dream never recurred, and I gave birth to a normal child." In a study of the dreams of 44 normal young women during their first pregnancy, one resea rch group concluded that there could be no doubt that the impact of the pregnancy experience was reftected in the dream experience. Nearly half of all tbe subject.a' reported dreams were about the baby, and almost half of these dream.a were concerned with misfortune, harm, or environmental threat to the baby or to the mother. "While the incidence of aggresaive act.a in these dreams is no greater than the norms." the study obBervea, "the incidence of misfortunes, harm, and environmental threats is high!' In 12 percent of the test groups' dreams babies are crippled, de- formed. or threatened. The study further indic~ted that the group of new mothers who adapt poorest to childbirth are those who are character- ized by depreuion, hostility, and sado- masochistic fantasies, those dreams in which the dreamer takes delight in inftict- ing pain or in being tormented. Based on 25 years of experience with the nocturnal fears and drealll8 of pregnaot women, Dr. David B. Cheek, former presi- dent of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, ba8 formulated a set of criteria for separating the good-risk from the bad- risk, or vulnerable, obst.etrical patient. According to Doctor Cheek, good-risk patients are happily married and look for- ward to the delivery of their child. Their previous pregnancies, if any, have been uncomplicated. The poor-risk obstetrical patienta in- clude those women with any one of the fol- lowing "serious primary factors": death or divorce of parent.a before patient was age ftve; serious illness or death of mother at birth; serious illness of patient during childhood; gynecological operation prior to pregnancy; infertility for more than four years; previous abortion, stillbirth, ab- normal or premature baby; or serious complication in earlier pregnancy. To these patients, hypnotherapy may be the answer. Since pregnancy, the wish for pregnan- cy, or fear of pregnancy influences dream content to such a great degree, it is vital that there be more exhaustive research directed into exploring this phenomenon. If you are pregnant and wish to participate in studies npw being conducted, send re- ports of your dreams, especially recurring ones, to Diane R. Schneider, Menninger Dream Laboratory, Maimonides Medical Center, 4802 10th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219. And don't be alarmed by those biurre dreams while awaiting your baby-mil- lions of mothers have experienced them wtth out ill etrect what.oever. The only question i&-10hvt + fi'a.mi/11 WHld1, Mam u, 1111 11 •wl llllllnl lllhma re1111 lbli'll In .andsl New aeroeol mill starts working almost tmtantly to help stop choking asthma attack, releue ~ir trapped In lunp. helps you breathe freely apin. And it's so euy to use. At the fine ai40 of an asthma attack, just place the Bronbid tap in your mouth. squeeze mouthpiece and bottle together, and inhale deeply. Bronkaid Mist's superfine particles of medicated mist speed directly to your lungs.. In most in1tances, wheezing swiftly subsides; m~plulfed air pauaacs open. and air trapped in your luop as released. In less than a minute, you are breathing freely and easily aaain. d Poclcet~Siu. Only A Penny A Dou! Yoo can ure of accurate dosage without measuring -because BRONKAI~ MISToomes with a metered tip. At your local pharmacy. D~ Pharmacal Co., Inc:., N.Y., N.Y. 10016. •UON DOU.Al APPUANCE lfPAll RElD '"'' ,... ..... .,. Trela•' .. , Val lift-tpC* for 1pplia111Ct rtpall' ,.,_rty ..• Fl )'CNI' ·• .Mre. ITI W11l 1nle )'OU ac home• 'f'O"' 1i-. 6am ~ you 1can1 •.• ptllnical. lam-by-doofte mc1hod si>n rou amm, ~ fwl Ooft'I quic YClllf p-)Db •.• haw 2 lllL'Oftlft ••• ,....-10 full time '!:'~~~,..._-!NW-ol yollf OWll ... I , be >'°"'own bo.\. 5 ... ~,.... ....... ..................... ........................... ......... .., .... o.dri> cal tre1lltl• atieetet" , •• wttti ttt ... lrltt,.. •in tlllnl,.. -.... -....... . . I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : IDllTIW TUJlllC llmntl Ootfl'"" : 1 81• L ...__Awe.. La-...... c.t. _, e 1 llwll -Ille f /ltCT ...al. SMw -how I c-. lum ..... : . ''ff,: _,, lfl (llCtrtcal ~ ....... lleld • i~.;: ... _ -~ c>-' : r·: ...,_ ___________ _ .,. City __ _ ·;.:: SC. ________ .. Now,. .. • plaatlc cream lnvenUon Revolutionizes Denture Wearing The blr difference between natural teeth •nd denlure9 U. In performaru:•. N•tural teeth are held aoHdJy in place by livint connective U.... Witt-It connective tiaaue, ewa the ID09t a · s>emive deaturel may elip and rock. {'.ums oft.a pt raw and eore. C.OU· at.nt rubbinJ. may cauae •rioua bone chimap. Beans can be •ow. piinful. You apeek 1-. d•rly. You dare not lauah for fear ol cWntu,. d~. N""' clMmut• /to.v• d.u11loped °" °'"' tijkiol COflll«f.W11 '"•'""'°"" -Ftxo- D&JCT. It COllDleC:ta dmt.ur. with IQID9 and -.th aurfMWL It la ~y ~ roe both ..,,,,..,.. and bff,... FtllOlllUIT'• elalltic ID9mbralW ab- -ti. the lhod: ol bitil\I and dwwini -helps protect 11um1 from brui1in1 and irritation. You eat faater-bite harder, 11tithout pain-enjoy your food more. Eat ha.rd-to-C"hew fooda- at.ka. frvit.-prevmt "denture maJ. nutrition." a Pf'Oblem ol older ~e. FtXOO&HT help11 you tipMk ..... r. futer, more clearly. When dentures 11ip you hold them in place with toft«Ut and .cheek mU9Clf• that ache. Flxoot1111T helJ19 p1WY9tt lltnin. The epecial pencil-point dl.penaef lpMil FIXOOllHT with precU.ion -DO ocmnr oover. Oft.I a.at. 'round·the· dodi. It eYea ,..ta bot d.rinka. Den· ...,. that fit .... -tial to h.lth. s.. ~ dentiat ,..warty. Gel. ... dal Ft:IOD&JllT at all drus counters. ( •• t t .. . . I I i l I I I I t I I• • Mel Tillis Stonew1ll J1ekson Roy Drusky "Little" Jimmie Dickens Lefty Frizzell June C1rter Cul Butler Floyd Tiiiman Cl1ude Kina Billy Wilker Flitt & Scruars George Morai n By The Time I Get To Phoenix Release Mt There Goes My Everythln1 Lonely Street A Loser's C1thedr1I Skip A Rope Little Did Wlnedrinker 0.1-V..O.R.C.E H.onky Tonk Man Nirht Life Diesel On My Tail Billy The Kid SPECIAL 6-RECORD SET FoR $1495 r--~-°:u~EF~.t~~,~~~ ::~ ~1~E~11.~: T~J:ii __ 1 NOT AVAILABLE IN STORES ANYWHERE ONLY WIN $5000.00 COlUMllA MUSICAL THAMMllS 04M/ZS27 I IMAOIN~ being able to enjoy a complete Coun--can you appreciate how much pleasure you Nlttllhll to IMIJ, llOlllln1.d; '"" ....... ....,_ 47IOI I try Concert whenever you want to! Think of and your family will get for years to come. And :;."*.:. :1.1:": :!'.:.., ~=t =..~":fa:~ 8:..~~~'Pa-:,;: I the pleasure of listening to 60 all-time great so, to make it easy for you to decide, we'll be 1111 lllfol1111M11 • • *-' u.-." l ~&bat Jt 1 w DOt oomplftelr I American songs, performed by 31 of your favor-happy to mail you the complete 6-record col-lllMt of PHlf., 11 1 llOSt· au.a.ct for &n.J r.aoo wbaYoenr, I m&J re-~nl-11•11 He ••tl'Y Pit tum \be• wttblD 10 daJa -abd owe Geo-f ite Country Stars! Now you can thrill to them all lcction for 10 days FREE enjoyment. ,et'IDll.WIMtt'OfM OOOCllll 1 •-•· ~ -1 4-... -•-~ • prt• wlll .,. ... ~ ffOlll u-., n && --"MP I\. u a mine I -Johnny Cash singing Folsom Prison Blues . . . Only after you've beard Great Country Stars -'Ntlltrtal la ,..._d,... tor ODJ/ ts• . plua~ and ba1Mlllna - Tammy Wyncttc doing D-I-Y-0-R-C-E · .. David -Great Country Favorites -enjoyed the sweet 111• ~nlllil "' D. L. ~-=.., ln CODftlaleDt moDihlJ ~ Houston swearing he's Almost PerslllJded ... Ray and mournful ballads ... the tender love songs llilr ~· • --f Price telling the story of Danny Boy ... and doz--need you decide whether you wish to make :11":::' ~~ I ens of others! They're all in one great six-record this great collection a permanent part of your IWffpatobe .,.. to reel· l'::;,;Pri;.t,"'~~--·······•,;.iu'.""~-.;;"' coUection: Columbia Musical Treasuries' oew-Country record library. Ir you wish, you may re-= :,~1:;;'r. :=: .......... ...... .......................... ............. 1 1 ~!~::;~:a~~i~n~r;;u~~~;,,t~e}~~o~t~s.°rtat i':r~11~b~~g~~~o:~ ~~~ubrc;::;i:a; k;~~t, ~~ .._, , .. ~.. Oly ................................ s.................... I Not until you listen to the entire collection -enjoy for years to come, for just $14.95 (plus r.J::I'~ 11 I and bear Johnny Cash and June Carter doing postage and handling) -all payable in three ~=-....._ a, ............... t....._............................. I Jackson ... Ray Price bemoaning that be was convenient monthly installments. Act today! 11111 ..__. ': O,. ln'IA ._J;.: Mnl., ..... Ille... I Bom to Lou ... Flatt & Scruggs playing the (Remember -whether or not you wish to audi-~~ ..,.. ==e-.::.e~ :.."'".:'..a:': famous Foggy Mountain Breakdown ... and tion this set, you arc still eligible for our lit .. ...Ii-. t.=..':l ""'tot ft! ,...., II Marty Robbins lamenting the Struts of Laredo $5,000.00 cash prize sweepstakes.) ...,... __.-.,. ,._,... 0 • t • wot wllll " ..._· 11la c:..t17 9lt 11 ~~"1 ... ~ .. ~~... !61,00I)":, C.. ~~ .... ~:,.-.. ,.. I COLUMBIA~ MUSICAL TREASURIES, Terre Haute, Indiana 47808 ._...:'-=--~..!".::"!::_ --~----==------____ _, O I,., CB8 DI~ Martetlnr Ser•lcea P'lfOJBCTOR etlla.rou •w illutra.timt or J>rifltitag toitA tM Ma.llfl4iector! Ecuw t-0 "100 rASBtONS-lf• _,, to 4ecorote bt4taiftd CGbB tor JHJ.rtiu, ete.. toitA t1'it book, "Ca.U atld Food. Dec- oratiraq ldeu," to tdl WC* Mw JJt~~-ftep. JGMmed fwJl of color pictteru, it'• 160J)Q.gu.l1. WtltotlEttter- pmu, Dept. FWE89, 886 W. 116th St., C1'ioaoo, IU. 606.U. f oeu, it proj~ '" ftlll color vp to-' feet tOilk. Ma4e of black ploatic, it ~ru 11 ~ 8 ~ _.". A really ore(l.t value! 18.96 'Pf'<l. Barclaw, Dept. FW-18, 11<>-30 Jar maica Ave., Ja"'4ica, N. Y. 11431. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE fAJ(E DIAllOND DINNER RING is about 60I a carat size. Center about 1¥.! carat sise, and the other 4 atones make rhodium plated ring total about 3 carats. There's no fear of theft! Adjustable to tit. $1.94 ppd. Terry EUiott, Dept. FW~. P.O. Box 1918, Grand Central Station. New York, N. Y. 10017. BLOOIUNG GOOD IDEA! for a lovely M garden, you get 10 blooming size healthy Dahlia roots for $1. Order 80 for $2.60, ineludes 12 imported Hol- . land Anemone Tubers free. Dahlias in giant and baJl type in red, yellow, lavender, et.c., u available. Add 40f for postage. Guaranteed to bloom this eeuon or replacement free. Michigan Bulb Company, Dept. DP-11-69, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49602. PLAY 11IE llARllONICA in 6 minutes or your money back. Harmonica bu aolid brass plates and tuned bronze reed&, with nickJe-plated covers. Complete with in- structioll8, plus 200 songs (words and music), plus 60 extra for 2 and 8 part harmonizing. $8.98 ppd. Ed Sale, Studio FW-6, Avon by tbe Sea. N. J. 07717. ---·- GUIDE to antiques and curios tells cur- rent price to buy or sell. Fact.a, prices on lOOO's of itema, jewelry, china, etc. 224-paae edition, $2: 362.page deluxe with color eection. 7~ list of Currier A Ives prints, $5. Ppd. Quality Values, Dept. FW-B, New Rochelle, N. Y. 10804. P. I I Sll9p_. .._. .,. 1llOf' .... ,.,. ... If,, lu •• ...__...,__...,_.,..._,_.,,,.._rem......_ F111ftUW W_,., JlaroA SI, 1HI 1t ... Family Weekly's Shopping Guide Quick •.. What's The date? lhlY a Handy Waldlband CIMndaf and you1t knG'# the dllee enyttme, ~ ........ Blir f0t your frieftda and ~ 900 .. .oreet for gtfta. Fite all man'• •lildlbMde. &ay lo attac:tl and ~-NO MES$Y STICK- ONS. ChamcM9• c:dor INlldlaa Ill watchband c°'°"· J•welry type finilf\. Set °' 12 Mata! Ca6endlwa In Gift 8clll CM be aaMed q MOnltl. PIHte apecify. Order afllpped prOfftptly 1ria fl,_. c1... mall. fidt ... Of 12-S1M~ Doan S..-ltl.00. HANDY CA• ENDAR CO. ..................... , .... Cllf, "-'"" ............................... ._ ........................... . a.. ..... ..... ~ CMW• CO~ 0.-. N ·2 ................ a.. . ._ .,.,, I I .. _____ .. _, ____ _... -----...... ----.-. ........ -..... ,..._, ________ _ ........................ , __ ............. , ......... --..................... .--........ ___ _ ... .._ .... .....,. -"_.. .......... --.. -_..,. .. ._. --·----..... _,_._.._.._ .... __ ----.--..... -.......... _ ... __ -. . .,. -,_ -.. ---""· " -..., ·-.... ..... .,._., .. _____ .~_._..._. :::....~~..:.:.:-==-~ ~ = :!:"..:'. _ .. ____ ..... _____ _ -... __ ...... -............ " __ .... _ __ .,_. __ .... ________ ....,, r - --MONEY BACK GUARANTEE-- ---, I GUAIANTEE Fl•M-TONI. DmR·14• I r'.o.-aaes.c-M111.,c:.111.11,.. I ....... ,_,.,.. ~ .......... ,. .. tON( ........ .., ............. '" .... ................. ~' .............................. ·1 ........ JH -,.....,. I ........ M .. ,...,._ ,,, .., ........... I , .... tlllll9c\., ...., • .,-..,. (fllO C.O D •• He----------~· I , .... w .... iflHtiretM ..... ""1ietti .......... 11 ... , •. " •iflli• ... k .; ... ,.-., .... , ....... , -····· w a&ii :::, ""•=""'oo~...... I -~-"'-.. ----------! Ci" S.------'-'" ::J -------------I ......... ~_-;;:-;;;...----..---.----.--;;;;;;:-_..;;::~p;;;:.-..;;;;;;;:;_,;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;....;;;;;;...;:;;;;...;;;:~- I .. ; ..... ••4 ~ ...... , ....... , """"'" ,._. .... leit • , .. ,..., ..... .,M d ..i-. ....... ____________ _ i-=:!.==Zi! =.JI • 11ur bllls Clltdl ... ALIVE'• UNHURT ~, Olktal HA"AflAJIT 1ra11 ~ ~a41.q -''""'· ,...,it..-· cau .• 1 .... nu.-... . .. t..1 ••-flt an ••......_ v .. 1 i.. ... -.. ""'"' ...i ... ,,_ .... u... _.,. lt'l4I rtawl. ~ u ,_ 111•••1 ,,_.. r... w "' w1ia -• w11 .,_., -. Mo ,.... • °"1 ... L ~11 ....... lo. ~ fW t•·.,.,O ,,...,, .. avldot. "'* ti.t. HAVAHAltT, llJ .. Wmt Streat ..... , ....... Y9'tl 1911 ....... -4euldeMdllorial .... M*w---------------·~·~-- Book·Authorsl :.::. ~·:.=-=s .... er:.~ .. ~...-nu, .:•.: c:AanlNNalo-.'" .. ,. .......... '"" •11 WE CAN HELP YOU I .. .,. .l!S!S. • loen COi=""· -pool 0'9dit" ftO P"*lfnl ~k ....... ..-.ca,11•1asao. ) .... ,.._ .................. ... .......... ~ ..... .... * UNl~~r~~IHTY ta ....... 111 11,LU .. Prapa111M1...,~tw _ ............... High mt ~~~~' er .tra ~ ,. ~ .... ..-...... ca. atHI *"111 .._......., • ,_ ........ s.d for.., flE£ Llwlt .,,.t c:oltr cabltc " f----·-IN 1P01111Mfta. --•. ,.._, .. ....... .........,, ..... .., -.......,__.., ,...,U..lflld tot ,., ..-111 llltild. " ....., .......... to JOU, •'t fret. Hfcll • Wide ca. be HlldMMtoo. IDID fOlt Al& CATALOG ------------118111 ...... = 1-n I .............. , I :.':S:.":na~ =•~rt I I TAU. .. llG -· I •· I I ::. IP'-....... , I ,....._ _______ _ L'!!!~ __ _!!!o __ 2!..,_J ~I .. '!I faund out ti-lat Mutual of Omaha PAY UMORE ••• MORE OFTEN!" Big as your cash henefiu are with "Three- way" protection, the rcaJly important ad- vantage to you is the fact that it can pay you and every member of your family at home, in the doctor's office, in the hospi- tal •.. anywhere in the U.S ... anywhere in the world. IDder..d, you can collect benefits under each of its major provisions both IN and OUT of the hospital. And even if you, the breadwinner, should be laid up, your 1ftunily can continue to have a regular monthly income. Thousands of readers of this newspaper have found that 'Three-way" protection is better protection: Mutual of Omaha policyowners can vouch for the fact that you get the fastest possible payment of benefits ... usually within 24 to 48 hours after your form is received. They have reason to know that Mutual of Omaha bas an outstanding benefits payments rec- ord. Proof of trus appears in the latest figures available that show Mutual of Omaha paid more in benefits-30.03 % wore of its came premium-irtCQme on individual and family tealth insurance than the combined average of the:Dcxt 24 companies in this field. There are no waiting ~riods for bread- winner aod hospital-surgical-medical ben- efits; you are covered immediately for sickocas contracted and injuries received after the date of your policy. For doctor call benefits, waiting periods arilimited to from 30 to 90 days after the date of .JOU! policy. Tht few txception.s to your coverage in- clude: Joss caused by war or military ser- vice, childbirth, pregnancy. Jn addition, hospital-surgical-medical and doctor call benefits are not payable for workmen's compensation or employer's liability cases; services provided or paid for by the U.S. Government; mental care; den- tal services; aids to sight and hearing; allergy tests or cosmetic surgery. You'll have the best coverage you can get from the largest company in its field- lof utual of Omaha, which is currently pay- ing its policyowners an average of more than $1,000,000.00 every working day/ ---------. "I've been in the hospital a couple of times, lately, and I'm so sold on the way Mutual of Omaha protects young- sters like me that I checked to see what it can do for all you Fathers a.nd Mothers with growing famil.ies. Believe me, I've seen countless families seriously hurt-not just by medical bills, but by everyday bills when the bread- winner's laid up. You've got a real need, and I'd say Mutual of Omaha's "Three-way' protection can do more for you. See for yourself." New "Three-way" protection covers you both IN and OUT of the hospital. PAYS UP TO PLUS UP TO PLUS UP TO s500.oo FOR DOCTOR CALLS s10,ooo.oo FOR HOSPITAL-SURGICAL- MEDICAL EXPENSES s1,ooo.oo A MONTH FOR REGULAR LIVING EXPENSES Doctor Calls-Pays up to $500.00 on Hospital-Surgical-Medical -Pays up Living Expense-Pays from $100.00 a sche~uled basis f~r doctor calls at the to $I 0,000.00 for each and every in-to $1,000.00 a month (depending on • • ••• • • • • • A fAMl\Y WfEl(lY OROUCARO es when the office, m the hospital, or at home. Jn-ured member of your family. Provides the olan vou on~lifv 'r1o help take " ... ~ .-> 1r~ en. ~ ~ l\ it c 1-r. d J I ly I ·W'ri die ed and can't '1,~z ... ·z~ --·------------rzz~ policy.these DETACH ANO SEND THIS POST FREE AIR MAIL CARO TODAYI £fordisabiJi- ... ...,, ...,, ...,, ...,, ...,, 11111/T .... .,,, .,,, .,,, .,,, NEW r-------------------------------· ~f:~o~rd~~~ Mutual of Omaha policy covers you both IN and ouT of the hospital ••• PAYS ~6 5500.00 FOR DOCTOR CALLS PLUS ~6 510,000.00 FOR HOSPITAL-SURGICAL-MEDICAL BILLS PLUS ~6 s1,000.00 a Month CASH FOR FAMILY LIVING EXPENSES 65 or over ? • Get facts about new "Extra Security" plan that supplements Medicare ..• pays $150.00 a week t~x·free ~ash direct to you when you re hosp1tal- lzed. You may be eligible for extra cash payments that DOUBLE and TRIPLE-up to $450.00 a week-as your needs grow and your Medicare payments decrease. I YOURS FREE! I Mutual of Omaha Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Dept. 1231 Facts about NEW Threelllway PROTECTION that offers you MORE FOR YOUR MONEY O Please rush free focls about new "Three·woy Proteclion" plona ovoiloble in my slate. O Aho send free information about fine, modern low-coat life insurance plans ovoiloble to my family from United of Omoho. O I om over 65. Please send me free facts about new "Eittra Security" hospital income plans ovoil· oble In my atate. NAMB_ ADDRESS_ STIUlET AND NO. OR RPt> CITY __ _ STATB ___ ... :..:;.• __ ZlP coos __ _ lP UNt>l!I. lB, KAVll PAU.NT SION HUB --·-----··---·--........ •vvw-. "Ihree-waf' protection plana avail· able in my atatc. 0 Also send FJlEB iaCormation about fine, modent low-«>et life in· sunnc:c progruna available to my family from United of Omaha. mentor age 11· pany, w-cost nee in ditioo. life lnsur•nce Affil~te: United of Om•h• 0 I am over 65. Pleaae aend me FREE bets abouc '"Extna Securit1" hoepi&al mec.e plans available in .., ...... LIJt~tf to Bob Co1t.ridlM, Sat#rdAys and S11ndays, on NBC's "Manito,.'' • Stt "Mutual o/ OIM#te'1 Wild KJ111Jom"-Jbmlly .lltow In color 011 NBC-TV, Sundays. : Prllrn·ITlftll P 'I n .\JCl1Cl\A l.1Ull l1Ar . A.BC-Frid~ys-8 :30 PM . Hosted by Dennis Wholey COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY LAGUNA BEACH IRVINE WEEK OF MARCH 22 • MARCH 28 DICK WILSON'S WILSON FORD SALES 182SS IEAC;H ILYD., HUNTIN•TON IEACH , ... S2588 IPOATI llOOP :M-::,. PM T• & LlmMe Oft....,,..,. cf'9111" ........ ~ . .......,.. ......... .... "" $2288 MUSTANG MAaOTOfi 9" DOWN IJ9,tl-MMA ""Tu & L"*-Oft._,, ...... c:nlltt .......... IM!lllfactwen •tenMN ... ,,_, S.va $54 on I HOOD ICOCW TANITa tPI • 111 wsw Ttams· lrancl New 1969 F-250 $2388 WITH TMI PUICHAll OP . · AMY IL DOIADO CAMPll llAllDNIW 1'61!11 $;2088 PluaTu& Lie-. CORTINA* GT. 2 oooa Sff DOWN ...... , .... Oft .....,. • ballll credit ... ""' ..... -.... factery IAN• NIW '"' s2aa · llAMD NIW '"' FAIRLANI* FALCON* $2088 2 DOOll SEDAN S" .OWN SM.41H .... Plua T .. & LlceNe Oft eppr. 11enk cf'9llllt Inc.._ ell INf!Vfectwwl dlfldent ..,...,.,_., Save $52 on Falcon Pop-Option Sal• e TUTONI PAINT e COt.Oa KEYED WHEELS e TAPI STatPS ' WHIEL COVEltl e HIGHT MOuLDINGI CAaPETI llA~~.:IW THUNDERBIRD*. $3988 HAaDTOP S" DOWN S1H.M H Me. Plua T• & Lie.we Oft eppr, benk credit A2f C.l.D. "I, Cf\llM.0-Mellc, .._ ,...,1ng. power disc: brlk•, power -m•tton ,.,.._, evtome11c pertit1111 tw•• ......... •lectrlc c:octt. AM r«dlo, fllght benctl IHb •iltl enn rats & front hwd rwtr•l"ts, all vlflyl trim & ""4-lfll, fully cerpeted, courtesy lllJtlts, 1iov. boll, tr\#lk, ltrtl- tloft, mep & tum tleMll. ,_,. C011trot mirror, body fully .,_u,._, & _.. coated, low Pf'Ofllo tires. NIW 1Ht $2788* Fllll Prb + TH & Lie. COBRA $ttDOWN tu.ts Me. Oft ...... be..a credit • TOTAL_.,_ DOWN PAYMlln ON ANY NEW CAR •' OI NEW TRUCK ON APPIOVID caan AT Ford 50,000 MILE WARRANTY· FROM FORD JUST Z MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH SALU DIPr. ' ...... 10 , ••• 7 Days SllYICI OPIN THS. tlwll M., I a.a to S P·•· Mu., I•·•· to t P·•· 592-5511 • 6:20 II 6:30 11 a fJ m EE 1:GO 11 D Hu1 0 m m EE 7:15&; 7:30 8 sor I 8:00 IJ Wi' I 8:15 (i] 8:2.5 E ., .. I 9:001 Ed E Ja I 9:25 fl cy 9:301 Bi I Jc I 10:00 . c L s WI 0 l J. ! 10:30 . • c I DAYTIME PROGRAMS '.1 0 P N I N c; MONDAY thru FRIDAY Mlch1tl Landon, Vincent Prtct , Stu Giiiiam and Mtrtdith MacRat. GJ ,.,. .... , ..... Chit (C) 6:2011 llwt Us lllis D11/N1WS (C) m hWI HIN 6:30 8 S.nrilt Stlleltlr (C) 11:00 JI ft ~~ ~ .. ~(C) D Eduutton EJcchanp (C) IJ I! ~7:....i (C) fJ TN<hr ln.S.rvke (C) • Graham Karr. ?-.J089(J)Tlll Ult .. "'Pt (Q auoo mn.. ........ m AOst Gene Rt,ytium. Lauren Baeeft and Vklal Sauoon 1uest. 11 llrt T-* (C) With Ylrafnla Gtaham. D lm (I) GB Dttil1 ,... CC> jlj'1 linp hosts. m Edatat1Na1 r.mr.. m saitrttt ..... <t> EE Tec•-.1 C.ntt' ID...,., ..._ (C) 2:4511..._ (C) ltd Mtytr1. 7:00 II OdyutJ (C) 11:15 fJ ...,,. (C) Dou1 Dudley. 2:55 ! u @ m "8C ..... (C) Floyd 0 9 00 m Tiit Todey Shew (C) 11:25119 Cl) CIS News (C) Douatn lbtf. Hu&h Downs hosts. Edwards. S:OO 111119 UllkMtttr 5'ew (C) fJ El•dA Wltll Gloria (C) l1:30 B ~Cl) SWdl tor TtlllnW (C) D P.D.Q. (C} Otnnla J1mts holb. m Mr. Wisllbo11t (C) 9 00 m (Je c-(C) Biii It H-.., l'ltrtf m flfil tltt Cat (C) Cullen hosts. fJ (ft) (I) aJ hMrlt Ho1Pb1 (C) EE Co•MClltJ Report fJ 11le AllnlwrulJ ,... (C) Al e Mtwtt: Ste Daytime Movlts. 7:15 EB Stock Ma.tit Hamel hosts. Tom Frandsen hosts. 7:30 1J CIS Ntwa (C) Joseph Senti. !1~tMpo (C) Bob Doman, Roy El· m ftlill tllt C.t (C); l.tofau, (C) 0 TIM Momt111 Show (C) Ed Nel· II) Wtfkl Adwttltlan, (C} Mon.. flcin. only. son host&. Wed .. Fri.; Tmtf Wlttl Dae M41 @ (]) Matift•: Don Rodewald. I Rtli&it.a Futuna (C) a.ttlna, (C) Tues., Thurs. 9 (j) otalilt1 fw Denn Mewlt Tiit Flintstones (C) Cumby (C) 11:55 ! '00 m NIC Ntwl (C) Ed· m MatiftM: Don Wllaon. 1:00 IJ Qt Ci) Captain Kan1aroo (C) w n ewm1n. 3:30 1J Lucty Pair (C) Geoff Edw1rdt With Bob Keesh1n. hosts. I Abbott & Costello (C) D MAYOR SAM YORTY Mi&flty Moust (C) * "LOS ANGELES PER· Rodltt Robin Heod (C) 12:00 ~it~e(C~.~=~ Dunne ind SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL 8:15 @ Cil Video Dlaat (C) II u @ m Hldcltn factS <C!., REPORT TO THE PEOPLE 1:25 0 Co111111u11itJ Bullllln 801rd (C) :r: Cai~~); t.okltl1 Wltll • 0 Mike Dtuata (C); YlftJ r.ntJ. •:301 Clrtoons (C) I mm ~tel cil, (C) Mon. only. • ....,.,, Cartoons (C) Heft (C) It DMra c..t (C) C111bJ (C) Office of tile Pmicltftt fJ ~ f'5"\ ft\ 0... Uf T U.. (C) (]) Wtbsttr Webfoot (C) Cl) Linklltttr $11ow (C) u.v I.JU w t t m MJ fntfltt Mlrtil11 9:00 IJ The Lucy Show (C) 12:30 I ~gj As tat Wor1d Tum (C) m Hobt lilly (C) 0 QJ 00 m Sa1p Judptllt (C) • 0 6 ID Days of Our l.MI Ed McMahon hosts. 8 Ma nal.d Carey stars. 4:00 R Mr. Ed; Mowte: See Dlytlmt IJ Lent It te leaver Still~ (C) Movies. Frioay only. Movie: See Daytime MOYin . @ aJ F•11nr Yt1 SMllld 1J Oait ud Hanitt Jackie Joseph Is hostess. Ask (C) loyd Thaxton hosts. Glenn fJ t11) Cf) Cl) DIR ...... (C) I Dick Tmy Cartoons (C) Ford. Zsa Zsa Gabor, Stu Gilliam, m 111t fl~ (C) @ (]) Jadl la Linne (C) Martha Raye and Jim Backus suest. 1 Rodly 111d His frltnds (C) I Movlt: See Daytime Movies. 4:Z5 R Yorty Polltlell, (C) Mon .. Wed .. Ci) ~cly Crltflth (C); An11 lllt• Diall111 for Dollars (C) Thurs. tf, Fn. Ttdlnkal Ctn• 4:301J .,..nr. See Daytime Movltt. 9:25 0 ~ 00 m NBC News (C) Nan-12:55 fJ @ m m Clllldrtn'I Deeter D "'41ttr a.btrts (C) cy Dickerson. (C) Tueifay~ursday. Lendon H. fJ""" (C) Bill Bonds. 9:301J 9 Ci) Bevorty HUlbilllts Smith, M.D. m Ctorp Pma• NIWI (C) O@OOmConetntntlon (C) l:OOllQl'(J)Lowt Is a Many 5'1e11· ll)Bezo'l Ill Tep Sllow (C) Bob Clayton hosts. dorl4 Tlilir j_C) (i7) CJ) &) Mite Doqllt (C) 0 Movie: Set Daytime Movies. I 0 @ m 11le Dtmlr1 (C) 9 Cl) suur'• '1rl4 PartJ Johnny Gnint host.s. Debit CUiis m TOWft Ta• (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. @ (]) aJ Dream Hene (C) 5:00 ~ .,..IC N .... rvlc:e (C) Dtanis dtt Men1ct Mike Darow hosts. ~ rvo Educational fNlllrts (C) EE Co•MdltJ and stodl Repert 11 KTlA News (C) (])Hayden's Happoni111 (C) l:301QtCl)1'tCuidJna Uclrt (C) fJlllt Croowy Sllow (C) 10:00 IJ AAdy Criffltll • ~ 00 m Anltil• Wtficl (C) ! ~ J:-.,•;.:::. 5'ew (C) a 9 m m ,.,..a11t1 <C> Host rltlltf .... 1est ~ \.!!} Larry BIYden welcomes 8111 Cullen, @ (]) Q) Let'a Male a Dt.. ta Cl) 11lt Lucy Sllow Selma Diamond, and Betsy Palmer Monty Hill hosts. m ltiflt .. n who discuss the Inner penonalltlts rut Stlow (C) 5:30 fJ @ Cl) AIC NWI (C) Frank of James Mason, lmo1ene Coca, 2:008 u tJj Stem StorM (C) Reynolds. Larry Blyden, Dionne Warwlcl(. end • • n.-lot Doft't s., (C) fJ lllt Rat Prtrtl (C) Jack Carter. 1:1:.1 "· hi Nol m Trvdt or Cott..-11te1 (C) Tom Kennedy host&. ""'t een an m Tht .... .,....,. (C) Jim ~ 00 S11nny TIMtay (C) and James Darren ruest. hosts. 10:30 I Qt Ci) Dick V111 .,,.. Stlow · u oo m ttotlrwood s.uru ( ) Peter Marshall hosts. Guests are Nanette Fabray, Jade Cnsldy, o a.... n.t lob; CoMmr Around m m cm1, ..... , ...... (C) tllt Wortd, (C) Wed. ~ Ci) lllts D1J 1969 (C) D@ (])al NtwfJwtd la .. (C) -Cl)..__ (C) Bob Eubanks hosts. l6YJ ...... _,t II) Movlt: See Daytime Movies. 5:55 IJ Yorty Polltkal (C) SATURDAY MARCH 22 f VIN I N"C 1:00. 11le •Ir ..... (C) (60) D U (J) Im H..U.,-lrlll.S., (t) (30} " ,,. °" °"' (C) (30) AoJ ACUff, Dtl Wood, Norma J•n and Dtl RHY*S suest. fJ .... City (C) (30) Sam Riddle hoat&. m 111e 1!Wlden <C> <so> 6:30 II DIC ..__._ (C) (30) D .._,, IMClt (C) <60> Jimmy Newman aut$h. fJ PONTIAC PRESENTS * World Cup Skiing US vs. world's best at Waterville Valley I ~~·tt><I\ A~~!~ Prix of Skllna. -this telecast 11 1 combination of live ind hlptd r#t· eract of Sll Championships from W1tervlllt Valley, New Hampthlre. m I U.. LllCY (30) fE Pl.,tn1 ti.I luttar (30) (R) m Htrt eo ....... St.Ira (C) 7:001J 9 Cl) CIS Ewnlnf ..._ (C) (30) Ropr Mudd. D DIC 5-wJ (C) (30) Bob Wrifht D Dtta Valllf DtJI (C) (30) "How To e .. t I Badman." Two varmints of tht Old West who atNI Wells Flrro rold In order to mint sliver ire told by a Wtlls farp aaent to make restitution Of' ao dlr.ctly to Jell. m Eullr Wta tM Kl111 F•llJ (C) (60) Three aapects of Easttr-ttlt beauty of sprln1. the rewrence ol a church Mrvloe, and tht Easter Parad•--ut muticalty pr.-nttd. m .... ,. ., .. Wtftd ct> <30> m Rtdlatd w..-Spedtl <2 hr> lffiET presents a pro1ram of mllllc by Wainer, with the COOl*ltfon of the San Francitco ()ptre Com· pany and the Los Analfts Mulk: Center. II) ExlW!ttre 7:JO 119 CJ) Jltlit ,...,. (C) (60) Tiny Tim. Slappy White and Wally Cox 1utst. D0@ 8'Ml•12 <C> <30> "Boyl Tht Thinrs You DO ~ the Jobi" A youn1 and bMutfful oll heiress pursues Officer Mallgy for 1 date after he Issues her • traffic citation end her persistence cauaa problems. Anna Capri, Gary Crosby, Claude Johnton and Wiiiiam Boyett ate fHturtd. 1J Mewtt: "RNd tlD Mon»cco" (com· ldy) '42--81n1 Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour. D ll7J (I) ,m 11le D1lin1 c... (C) (30) Pegy CUn1tr and Cliff Arquette 1utst. D MlllN $ Morie: "Pllont Call rre. a Slran,... (drama) '5Z-.. Bette Devis, Shelley Winters. (Continued) 'It u\Jlu~iC Jane Morgan, title star of the Broadway musical "Mame," is among the show business head- liners who sing hit show tunes during the Kraft Music Hall colorcast of "Broadway's Best ... 1969," at 9 PM Wednesday on NBC. Henry Fonda is host of the full-hour program that also sta rs Richard Kiley of the film "Pendulum" (and who starred in the title role of the Broadway production of "Man of La Mancha"), Joel Grey, title player in "George M," Marian Mercer of "Promises Promises," Lynn Kellogg, formerly in "Hair," and Herschel Bernardi, title character in "Zorba." Co-pro- ducers of Music Hall are Gary Smith and Dwight Hemion. $An.IF 0 @1 a:oo~ ot tc c m M a p • <• Cl e. tt " 11 y @ 8:30 • • Ill c .. c. n .. ti I • s I ~ 11:00 I T • h t a t l I lo ( i \ v ( . t ~ ' ~ s I • ' t f ( ' , E 9:30. ' J ' \ ' t • ' I 4 f t SA1'JRDAY (COntlnued) Bind tnd Zony ind Clllre auut. ID Wet111 of Wt..., (C) (30) 1J ..... (C) (30) LlrTJ Burrell. fl) LM Cllldlllos Q) T1ll S1Mt•• ft•lly (C) (30) a:oo o ta Ci) m 5tt s.att (C> <3o> a> Lot c.cituos ''ThtNof.'So~rtat £.ape." Pert I 10:00 R 9 Cl) MUt!il (C) (60) Mtn· of two parts. KAOS kidnaps many nix btcOmes involved In murder top CONTROL •1ents. lndudin1 The tnd political lntri1ue when he Chief, but skips Max~ sliaht that 11rees to help wealthy newspaper moves him to try to be kldnaped. publisher Jason Walker find out lfle Max lnflltretes the pri90ner·of·war r~sons for the stran&e behavior of ca_mp Where KAOS Is holdlna ttie his beautiful dau&hter Diana. Silly pnsonMS. Kellerman auests. u ~ mm TM ,.....,_. Qi.. e no o.1tnc1tn <60> (C) (fO)Bob Eubanks hosts. D M4wle: "Hff11 of Lon'" (dr1ma) m lasatball (C) (2 hr) Chuck '~IO Tognwl, Barbara Steele. Benedict calls the hoop action as m News (C) (30) the ~OS An1eles Stars meet lt!e Q) £IMlt Tubbs (C) (30) Miami Floridians at LO$ All1eles. 1:1:\ NET ""'-.a Polltlcal ll'OICI c w rDyMUM (2 hr) "A Pa• v.i caat { ) (30) sage to India.'' Dame Sybll Thom· Yorty for Mayor, dike, Viralnla McKenna and Cyril fl) Noelle de Eltrltlo Cusack. (R) 1:30 0 QI Cl) Mr Tllree Sons (C) (30) @E Box de Melico D t1J (}) ml Tiit 511ott 111d Mrs. 10:30 0 T.H.E. Cit (C) (30) Muir (C)(30) 'The Music Makers" m · Captain Greu tries to roman~ {60)Maunee Woodruff Prtdlcta (C) Mrs. Muir with poeby, but he can't catch her In the proper Q) Kitty WtJls (C) (30) mood. HlrTJ Nilsson guests as a aJ Hollywood and tile Sta11 "mod" musician who complicates the situation when he takes refuge 11:00 0 0 &) NIWS (C) at Gull Cottaae. D Wor1d Tomomw (C) 0 @ Cl) m Tht l.awrtnce Welk Q) Reverend Fred Jordan (C) ShoW (C}(60) ID Buct Owtna (Cf (30) 1l:l5 0 I 11'1$1£ Clterina Valent. from Heid · I (C) (60) A spar11· m Alflriu Ada•• ling hour-lon1 special starrln1 the 9:00 fl 9 Cl) Hoc•'• Heroes (C) (30) lntemati.onally known singer-dancer. The Heroes ire led to believe that Set a1a1nst the backaround of col· 1 vital enemy ammunition dump orful and. hls!oric:al Heidelber&, the has been stripped of in radar pro-pro1ram is h1ahh1hted by the per· tection, ind they quietly schedule formance with Miss Valente of the a raid by Allied bombers---unaware late choreo1rapher Nick Castle. that they have fallen into a Gestapo D Saturdaf Mowit: "T1lt StOfJ 11 trap. Pace One'' (drama) '60---Rlta Hay· 0 @ Ci) 8' NBC s.tun1aJ Mow· worth, Allthony Franciosa, Gia le: "Tht Mllfita" (drama) '61 _ Youna. Miidred Dunnock, Huah Clart Gable, Marilyn Monroe Mont· Griffith. Pulitzer Prize playwrlaht gomery Clift, Thelma . Ritter, Ell Cllfford Odets wrote and directed Wallach, Jame.s Barton Estelle Win· this suspenseful drama about 1 wood, Kevin McCarthy. A Nevada murdered pollceman's wife and a cowboy Is contented ropina wild lonely widower who find themselves "misfit" mustanp Into captivity un-s~spected of murder, with a deter· tll he meets a humane and com· mined prose_cutor presentlna a passionate woman who considers his seemln&Jy Indisputable case 11alnlt woril cruel and mercenary. John them. Huston dlrecte<! Arthur Miller's 11:30 Om News (C) screenplay. Music Is provided by Alex North in this United Artists ~ MowltR: "T1lt AcalMd'" (mysltfY) release. 'lA -obert Cummlnas. lorttta ID 8111 Ancltnon (C) (30) Young. til) Critique (C) (60) Host Stanley m lnsl&frt (C) Kauffmann views clips from the &l Public Service/A111erie1n Weal film "Greetings," a new satirlcal (e) movie termed "an overground sex-@El Tutn1 fantlllar protest film.'' Producer Char1es • • • ,. . , Hirsch and director Brian de Palma 11.50 fJ Movie. Ddllnl9f" (dram1) 45 discuss the woril with Kauffmann -lawrence nemey, Anne Jeffrla and critics Maraot Hentoff and 12:00 0 m Ttnllfrt S11ow (C) Marvin Kltman. m n Snset Strip tli) Nodt• TIPltfas 9:30119 (I) PettlcNt Jllftdlon (C) 12:15 0 fabulous 52 Movie: ''JM '*- (JO) The Shady Rest family of Dr. ~ Ace of ~tdy" (documentary) Janet Crala Is shocked when she 58-fllm ch~ of Laurel & Hardy, announces she is leaving Hooter· Ben TurTJin, Will Roaers. ville to work with a famed neurolo· ID Movie: "One Million, B.C." (dra· alst, and by fair means and foul, ma) '40-Vlctor Mature. they 1ttempt to alter her decision. l:OO g Mowit: "I Killed 5eronl•" 1J Soutllem hptJst Cruucla (C) (western) '50-James Elllt0n. (30) ·Paul Ha. rvey, Billy Graham. m All·N!Ort Sbow: 'They Won't 0 @ CJ) aJ Hollywood Pal1ct Beileve Me " 'The Grell Din (~ (60) Ptlyllla Diller and Don Patch," and 0•The Pretender." Rickles co-host. TerTJ·Thomas, The Kina Family, The Baja Marimba 1:30 D Ntn (C) Caterina Valente Swings. Dances. And sings everything from The Beatles' "Yesterday" to Jobim s "One Note Samba" in a stunning and j oyful tour of romantic old Heidelberg. It's lilting. It's lively. It's the United States television premiere of Caterina's first full-hour color Special. Tonight at 11:15 CBS s2 SUNDA Y MARCH 23 ', • (I ; I •, I ', I , All stations reserve the rtaht to chanp proeram· mlnc without advance no- tice. 1:15 l:JO 1:50 7:00 1'tC11r•11•1n ........ ._.. ..... Us 11111 ..., ,..... (C) T• _.,.,,, <C) S-., F11nlet (C) 7:JO "..,. (C) ...... TIMrude Qolr (C) ....., SIMJti• (C) THE DAILY PILOT, lV WE£J<, MARCH" 22. '96' I n.~ (C) . ij(]) ,...,.. Hr•11/Cl11rlm· Rtv. Mitton G1l1mlton or ,.,. Yott l:m C:... nw.. (C) "1C> City Bolrd of Education end Nlttltn MY ,..,... S.-(C) Dt. (I)......_, (C) Per1mutter of th1 Amtricln Jewish nry Ku1.rtn11. Community PrabJo 10:55 ~ Cl} aJ NIA llMllWI (C) Committee. ttfl1n Churdl, Bevtrty HIUs, l\lt$b. ttlmort Bulr.b va. Boston C.ltlca. IYelcie ef CalvllJ (C) llf DilclMfJ (C) ll:ml Fae. tile ....... (C) Mclelwer 11tA1 tilt Ce1e1te1 m Uaa (C) l1lil la .. lie (C) 2:00 Qt Cl) CIS CllldrM'a Fla ..... Ir.-(C) H••lllllJlft' llWt (C) (C) "Ttsbdlrepa." Prln-wfn· · ~ Kill•• (C) MM: .,..... ef Struon" nlna lbll1n motion plctu,.. about T• .S Jerry (C) rem•) '49--EdWlrd G. RolMnson, a 19th-ctntury father who tiles to apedll llaiclllel Richard Conte, Suaan Hayward. tleep hl1 IOfl from 1ttendlna school. · ,._ T.-..t * 11• la.tell i. lie ..._ (C) Folco Lulll pl1ys Ttttadlrapa, Fred· ,..JO c:.w.utlla Wltll a hfdlUo Ci) Flnt la,tilt a.di er1co is Gosto and Gl1liol1 Cin· (C) The pursuit of mMnfftl Is • e..,... (C) uettJ portr1ys the teacher. (R) dlacuaaed by Dr. Echmd steil· 11:30 9 (I) Ntft. Hecltf (C) The _.. Up (C) 8111 Leyden hoata. brook. on Bruin' meet the New Yort ,..._ c.terwa (C) I Alriallbut USA (C) R1npr1 In 1n Ent Division NI· leOer Ddr (C) Mowle: ... ,. ....... (d11ma) tio111I Hockey Leaaue pme. teleelst CJ) YWeo Diaat (C) -Biii Wllll11n1, J1ne Nip. live from M1dlson Squ1re G1rden. tr Can Maoda11ltt1tt C1) = ...., (C) R Ir-Lew (C) "Garden • The bt Pit.ref (C) ckif (C) Ideas." Four distinct demonsttltion Merv 5rtffi•9 At!..... (C) prdens 1re star attractions 1t ttM Z:JO @ Ci) f!3 C II I I • el Nerte Alt>oretum, where newly Introduced Today 1J T090mW ( A discus- ~.:..,~(C) 10:00 7:45 ~Q ...... (C) • Tllll Is tilt Uft (C) plants "' dlspl1y1d In home 1ar-slon of Communist China by i panel C*1J ind tlM ..... (C) den settlnp. of spedillst.s, lncludlna Eclwin YMD 11Mf ,_,la (C) 0 MM: "'Stra•&W F,.. "'-& O'Rebch1uer. A. Doak Barnett, Allen l."00 e te.p ...... MY Fiii (C) (HI (])EE a.llwllllt (C) iH&" (adventure) -011!11, Chin S. Whltin1. Lucian Pyt, Rlchlrd L iiliwie: "Dedie Cltf' (watem) Sina Lon,_ Walker. Roderick M1cFarquhar and Cll,....,. (C) II of Te•nw (C) a...au '3!i---Erm~ Flynn, Olivl1 de Havll· m SMdq Mltin• NBC News Hon1 Kon1 tolTeSPOndlftt Welles H1npn. Edwin Newman Is 1nc:horman. land . ...,_, ~ (C) ........ (C) Orll RMeftl (C) l\fTfRNOON Allen Rewtnt HMr (C) IM AlllMf (C) Rll*t (C) ~ fa~ fer Tedq (C) ~~°':n ":~1 (C) 12:00 D Dlalepa In Art (C) "Leonard , Wllp tD Advt_.. (C) Edmoncbon -Printmaker and l;JO Leek "' -Un (C) 10-.30 Profile .-. Painter." . m;!a.L:::i.: (C) "Cr1· I 'ene Aattly t11J Cil m n.. ..._ <C> Mewit: '"Elalpe .. lie ....... s s ind Challen1e: Equltabll Jus· ftttelllpnt Pinnt • tk:e." Paul Chwirny and Dr. Her· Ci) ~bl• Featur1: 'T~ Rob· (1d¥entur1) '4S-Phlllp Dom. Hal· mut Dantlne. blrt G. Locke of Wayne SUt• Uni· ~rt. lf1rnson Clarke St~ry and v~ pest. N1&ht Train to Inverness. I ..,. lilt ... (C) CJ) F•I ~ ........ (C) R (}) m ...... and ---12:30 I~:.~~,=: (C) m Flitll for TNIJ (C) 0 ANGELS hope HALO Emt• lllfl (C) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *ISGOODOMENFOR2ND "I got a 5 3,500 tip from my Minister!" r ~~. "We had so many monthly Installments to pay on our car, color TV, appli- ances , and other bills that I got behind in the payments on our home, and was afraid we'd lose it. "Then my wife went to the hospital, and more expenses piled up. I was so worried I couldn't sleep, but thank goodness I told my troubles to our Church Minister. HOMEOWNERS - BORROW $500 to $10,000 OR MORE -BY PHONE! Payments .. low as $6.61 monthly•! No jMlyments for 6 monthst UNION'S PAYMENTS ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN ANY OTHER COMPANY IN CALIFORNIA. Only $6.61 per month• on each $500 borrowed includes both principal and interest - repays your loan in full! cash In 24 hours, on request. with good title . . whether your home Is paid for or not. "He advised me to call Union Your understanding loan coun· Home Loans-and right on the selor can approve your loan phone they arranged a $3,500 on the phone, and arrange for loan that paid off all our bills you to make no payments for and saved our home -with 6 months, So call Union DAY cash left over!" OR NIGHT and get out of debt! u L"" K "'-rd G 'LOln rNhH'n In 10 1110. Shorter & "''• "'' ••,... en rove IOllltr ttrm loans IYtllable. In GARDEN GROVE call Mr. Miles ........ 539·2122 In LOS ANGELES call Mr. Ralston ........ DU 5·4141 COMPTON • . . . . c ell Mr. Stefford . 939-7732 QA"DeN QROVE .. c ell Mr. Miles ... S39·2122 LONQ BEACH . . . c ell Mr. Donohue . "'315--44'94 LOS ANQEL•• ... c ell Mr. Ralston . DU S-4141 T°"RANC• . • . . cell Mr. Whelen . • 1542·3154S ~ ... call M,. Pablo •. 707-1424 WHITTIER • • . • • c all Mr. Shelly • . eee-1 1 es YNJg~c~ ~M!.~ .. l!~~ ,.... MEETING WITH GIANTS! IJ An11ll w ..... (C) m 1V Wrilp et tlle West (C) 1:00 Im Meet .... Press (C) A11t11 Baseball (C) Dick Enber1 and Don Wells call the action be· tween the Angels and the San Ft1n· clsco Giants. a @ (I) m Directioa• (C) "The Wfsdom of Maimonides." A short drama excursion into the worts of the Jewish philosopher. The pro1ram examine$ the work or Moses Ben Maimon. called Maimonides. -who brouaht together In a sin1te har- mony the knowledge of his wor1d and time ind the essential tuch· i_ys of hi$ faith. 6 S,Orb Sllclw (C) "PGA Golden Anniversary Championship." Pro· 1ram marts the 50th year of this major 1olf tournament. ·=tfil'll (C) 1:30 II On C.mp111 (C) "lnsl1ht and Foresi&hl" Pro1r1m covers a unique master plan for Mount St. Mary's future. Trustees, rerents. adminl,tration, faculty and student aroup~ssisttd by a computer- """ the collt1e of the future. 0 @ Cil ED DilCOMJ <C> "Dis· «Wery Returns to Hawaii-little War on the Bil Island." Vlr1lnia Gibson and Bill Owen yjslt the Miy1t1 f1mily, who, like many other coffM·1rowin1 families on the Kona coast, •re w11ln1 a 'mall war to continue with the crop and make a better profit out of their time 1nd wort. e Wifll•• F. 1.a:tey .. <C> ''!i1ck Anti-Semitism." Guests are fJ MMt: (C) "T'hl Trw Stary el Jest1 ,,.., .. (western) '57-Robert W1aner. Jeffrey Hunter. 0 Millien $ Movie: (C) ~ Wiiida,. (adventure) '51-.John Payne, Rhonda Fleming. @ 00 feeture (C) ''The Sun Goes North." 3:00 I o.mr ll•its Clvllcade of Boob (C) (}) Dtrltll V1Uq 0.,. (C) @ NBC Experiment In T tlftl- S ~) Wrtltli111 (C) 3:15 0 ~ .. Wntp-up (C) 3:30 lltlldtr /Outsider (C) Taitt of tllt 5oldtn Wnt Hae '""· Will Trlftf (3) PISIPOft tD Trwvel (C) : UD Review (R) CI> Future · I nllclrt (C) 4:00aY'~ (C) @ (]) m n.. A.n. Spocu.- .. .,. (C) Betsy von Fumenber1 hunts 1rou1e in Portupl; Vin Hef· lin fishes for blue mar11n off the B1hamas; Jimmy Dean hunts moose In Alaska. I Mu Fro111 UNCl.£ (C) ~ Werle! Wt Un In (C) Ci) F1tt .. N.ticMI (C) La Comacion de Elplnu 4:30 IJ ....... .,. (C) D m NIC ~ltent in TMi- sion (C) "Pusport to Praaue." A bi· lln1u11 (Enalish·Czech) love sto11 filmed on location In f>rape, Czechoslovakia. A ncatloninr Amer· lean woman (Hildy Brooa) and e Czech (Fero Velecky) fall In love despite the f1ct that neither can iak the other's l1n1ua1e. (R) Ntws(C) (i) I Df11• et MeMlt (C) lliitero&lfl' Net~ (R) (J) Ma ,..... (C) rib Es II Vlde n. Killy StJfe (C) 5:00 I N... (C) Cltte Roberts. Mowlt: (C) "Mlt Ptlct &Jorf" ( rama·comedy) '52-Jimes CICMY, Corinne Calvet. I C:O.try c.......i (C) n. Liq ""' Hotnest:tld (C) s:l4 IN Bri• Phi tie don shl( fort ma1 NB I 6:0C 6:34 7:0I 5:30 <HJ (]) s.v.. Atta 1\tm (C) ''lute Of the Wilderness." Sospel of Cllrllt (6) Mitt the Pre11 (C) : Miit's NtWt (R) • Tonas Run for Your Utt (C} m(j) Amlflur Hour (C) 00 g:, fmt McSte (C) Parldt (C) Dick Sinclair and his gang prepare to welcome ~ing. O Dippy IM 811111 ltlncaroo (C) "The last Chance." An ag1ng actor becOlllU fealoua of Skippy when the director of a film on location in Waratah Park decides to use her as a co-star. m Mdtalt'a NIYJ WUll111 Ttll The CitJ Makers (C) (R) IN BONANZA STORY -ktb Brickell .~est stan u Emily Mc· Phall, a J1Ued ,.,ife who accuses Ut· tie Joe Camnfabl (Mkhael Lan- don) of atte.mptlng to rob a bank shipment when she fails in ber ef. fort to ttkJndle tbetr former ro-mance., In tbe "Emily" epbode of NBC's Bonanza, Sunday at 9 PM. EVENING 6:00 IJ ~CI> The 21st Century ~C) o @ oo m s.E. eouea• Bowt (C) (30) I Gldftt (C) (30) Pay Carda (C) (30) The Invaders (C) (60) International Playhouse Blad Pmpedlve (30) (R) Man From UNCLE (C) 6:30 1J Ralph Story (C) (30) B @ 00 m Wild Klncdom (C) (30) "Lion Country," o~ the broad African plains, cameras follow a mother lion as she teaches her two cobs to hunt. U Four Winds to Adventure (C) (30) 11 Spy (C) (60) Hazel (C) (30) Marquee 22 The Frtnch Cbtf (30) (j) SlippJ (C) 7:00 Q!) (j) Lassie (C) (30) 0 QI (1) m Hua fhtn (C) (30) ID Tiie St! Stlow (C) (30) ''The Tarribli=lemparad Khaleef." fl) 11le Wertd ,...,..,_ (C) Huck and Tom attempt to rescue 9:001161 Cl) s.otliltfl Brttlln (C) Becky, who has been kldnaped and (la) Donovan joins Pater, Paul and taken to a harem. (R) Mary, Mort Sahl end Jennifer War· U RICHFIELD PRESENTS ran in a apeclal concert show. * LOS ANGELES KINGS 'm'"~ Ired ':::Uaccu<!>a l:! VS. OAKLAND SEALS Joe of attempting to rob a bank 0 llnp Hoclq (C) <il/z hr) Jigs shipment to finance t trip With her McDonald calls the action between to South America. Beth Brickell and L.A. and the Oakland Seals. Ron Hayes 1uast. fJ (ij) Ci) &) ltnd of the Giants fJ @ Cf) ft) QC Sunct.J Mowl« (C) {60) "Rescue." Stave and Dan, (e) "Mklq One" (drame) '65 - captives of Inspector Kobk:k, offer Warren Beatty, Hurd Hatfield, Alex· to descend a caved-In well shaft andrle Stewart. Smalltime nightclub in which two giant children are comedian's plans for his future are trapped. threatened by 1anisters. from his ' Truth or Cclnsequencea (C) (30) past. Puaport to Trnt l (C) (30) m I sBclAB Fr111kit Avalon's East· asual Cruise to Peru.'' Hal Saw· er Holiday ( (60) Frankie Avalon yer ta~es vieweri to Caribbean Is· hosts an all-star son1. dance and land ports, across the Panama knockabout comedy with guests Jan Canal and explores South American Daley, Joey Forman, Jose Greco, ports and cities In Ecuador and Joanie Sommers, Laurindo Almeida, Peru. and The James Hibbard Dancers. I Speculation (60) (R) Q) Tu Facts bJ Pllone (C) (60) Al1rri11 Adams Tax authorities answer questions 7:30 Qj Cf) Gentle Ban (C) (30) about tax laws, re1ulatlons and Rory Caihoun guests as an Ever· procedures called in by viewers. 1lades duck hunter whose tactics EE hter Qunn disrupt the wildlife and' the Wed· @!) Do111inp Henlez loes. 9:30 I Otte Step Beyond (30) 0 Qj 00 g:, Walt Disney (C) • Ntw1 (C) (30) lany Burrall. (60) "Ride a Northbound Horse." Sunday loot/Manion foni11 Conclusion. Orphaned Cav Rand 1 DIYld Suuldnd (C) (2 hr) (Mi~~el S~ea) seas a chance of lO:OO IJ 9 Ci) Million: Impossible (C) retrieving his beautiful horse ,from (60) The IMF find themselves only a crooked peddler (Carroll 0 Con· a second away from eternity when no~) when the c~lprit .attemp~ to they intercept a nitroglycerine e•· swindle cattle dnvers in a ngged pert who plans to blow up the horse race. Ben Johnson and Dub government house of a small coun· Taylor. ~re featured. " try, thus provoking war with its f) M1lhon $ ~ovle: <l;) Circus of neighbor nation. fear" (horror) 66-<:hnstopher lea, D @ @ m My friend Tony (C) Leo Genn. (60) "Wedding Cake Blues." A m Merv Griffin ~C) (90) wealthy socialite retains Woodruff ~ The ChallMC1n1 Ste (C),, (3~) and Novello when her flance is 'Work • Horse of the Waves. Bill threatened. Rose Marie pests. Burrud s . ca""!ras document t~e 0 m News (C) (30) race ag~ins~ time to , ~ve a ship 8 Movie: (C) "Wild River'' (dra· floundenng 1n the Pac1f1c Ocean. ma) '60 _ Mont&omary Clift Lea EE Feature: '.'Wanna Trade?" Remick, Jo Van Fleet. ' @!) Los Cauchllos I Labor Report (C) (30) 8:00 Cllatro EYaa Para un .Mam 1J TONITE'S BEST BET! 10:30 SUcctaa StOf'J'{C) (3'0) * THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW :i-1c1 '1:~~~2 <~» c3o) "Cou· ~ ®' (j) ~ Sullivan (C) (60) gar Hunt." Retired lumberman Jack Dionne Warwick, Sly and The Fam-Roberts and Glen Dldly Jr. brina ily Stone, and George Bums guest. In a live cougar, after a thrillln1 fJ FORD MOTOR COMPANY hunt. * presents THE FBI ll:OOI 0 fJ m Nen (C) fJ @ (I) &> The FBI (C) (60) Cathedral of Tonionow (C) "Th Cob· L" t " I act E kl (I) @ 00 Qi (j) News (C) e er 1s . nsp or rs na ll:lS ~t: (C) ''Th• Second 8reat- takes a~vantage of ..8 ~ar,1,a feud eat Sex" (western) '56 _ Jeanne by. offenn& old-line family chief· Crain, George Nader. tain Inky Cob~r .a deal-a chance to l1:30 IJ Movie: (C) ''ht Secret Ufe of be safe In_ Jail in exch~nge for evi· Walter MittJ'' (fantasy) '47-Danny dence against the syndicate. Kaya Virginia Mayo Q) Wanderlust (C) (30) "Caribbean • · Jewels." Bill Burrud visits the 0 AVOID SUNDAY LET· Caribbean. . * DOWN-WATCH ..• I ~t fitc)' ~;•IJ,ll'he Built-in LOHMAN AND BARKLEY Blackout." PBL reports on the de· I Loh1111 Ii Bartley (C) ficieneies of the electric power Movie: "State Dtpart11ent Flit system In the United States and · . 649" (d~ai:na> '49-Willlam lun· probes public and private power l dn, Vir11nia Bruce. resources around the country. (i) lntialrt (C) .. @!) Canouael Mexicano 11:55 • r.iture/Wor1d of Yodl (C) 8:30 0 12) 00 g:, Tbt Mothers-in-Law 12:00 World To111ormr (C) (C) (30) "Take Hers, He's Mina." 12:30 Prince of P11ce (C) Walter Joi Lansing guests as a glamorous Brennan guests. secretary hired by Herb and Ro1er I Naked CltJ to do some work for them at home, 1:00 • NIWI (C) causing Eve and Kaya to become Cine.. Sunday: "Appointment jealous. With Crime." MONDAY MARCH 2A For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 "My Pal fin" (drama) '52 - Richard Widmark, Joanne Dru. 9:30 IJ "Tltt Flltf1 In" (romance) '42 -Dorothy Lamour, Wllllam Holden. 6 (C) "Slrf In Ult Red YtlVet Swlna'' (drama) '55--Joan Colllns, l!!1 Milland. 12:30 W "ftt~tr Wu a Fullbacl" (com· edy) '49 -Fred MacMurray. '1lle Depmecl" (mystery) '56 -Anne Heywood, Robert Arden. 2:00 &J ''Tht IMie of Ma,...al BNn· nan" (western) '57-Jim Davis, Ar· lffn Whelan. 3:00 D "About Mrs. Leslie" (drama) '54-shir1ey Booth, Robert Ryan. •:30 II (C) "A Ballet Is Waitina'' (west· ern) '54 -Jean Simmons, Stephen McNally. FVENING • 1:00 fJ Tiie Iii News (C) (60) Jerry Dunl!!!1. 0 @E H•ntltJ·Brfn~ (C) (30) 11 MINNESOTA FATS GETS * CUE FROM STEVE ALLEN presentation live from tht Euclid 0 OSCAR WINNER WALTER Htiahts Community Center In East * MATTHAU WITH JESSEL Los Anaeles, with tht L1a1ue of D Stwt Alita Sllow (C) (90) Pat United Citltens to Help Addicts 0 8•'1" Jeael's Hett C.• .._ illrrineton. Janet Lawson and Min· amonr the participants Stars (C} (60) Walter Mltthau Is nesota Fats fuest. I (I) fa•U, Mair (C) roasted by Joseph Cotten, Ctlar11t 0 SiJ O'Clod Movlt: (C) "Dttk C..l'a Woricl (C) Callas, Dick Gautier, Paul Gilbert. Stt" (comedy) '51-SpellClf' Tracy, Trutll or Coa1tquenca (C) Jessie Whi1t, Susan Strasbera. Jan ~th1a~ fcf(6o)· Gil Youn(. 7:30 IJ Q) Ci) fiunll90lt (C) (60) ~~l~r. Peter Mulhall and Maureen M ,., Cards (C) (30) Art James Frank Reudon, an old friend of D (J1) m m Tiit Olltwb (C) hosts Marlhal Diiion, ls relentless In hla {60) "A ""'ffme of Darimm." Escap- 1 hbw.n (C) (30) tphuersudltea~ osevf ~~s mlnednlawnhowifceauasendd ina a storm. url end Jemal David m Merv Griffin (C) . UI nl • take refufe in an Indian tribe's Mat's New? (30) 'The Brave their unborn th.lld, vow1na personal burial cave. Ear1 scoffs at Jem1l's Boys." Part I. Flrst of a three-part venpa~ aaamst them, one by wamina that the penalty for such story about two brave boys on en °~· ui:rtil }II have paid .. tor the a trespass is death, but Jtmal's African safari. cnme '" uodus 21-22. Steve fears are soon confirmed when they 0) Mujtres Sin AMor ~a::J~e:!~. or JH11n5* (C) (30) !~~ :far1~:1~a~~':,~ by en arrow m KPlM News (C) •1Nound the Moon In B(hty Blinks." IE ' y L' c 6:30 I KNIC NtwMrvlct (C) (60) Jeannie blinks Tony and another Run or eur ift ( ) (60) 1 Lovt Lucy (JO) astronaut back to earth from $pact NET Journal (60) "Diary of a Yoyafe to llle Bottom of the and Tony tries to convince the man ~euh~~~tcla~':1~~~~n :="~':; Sea ~) H(60~ 1 1 kl (C) that Jeannie Is a space illusion. the students for a Democratic So· @ @ un rtJ· r n rtJ D SportJ Special (C) (60) The ciety and the president of the Uni· EEJ Reach .~ut (30) 'The Rudy Jor· Heavyweiaht Championship Title versity of Connecticut are explored d~n Story. A for~~, boxer tells of Elimination Bout. Jerry Quarry and in films and Interviews of ten days his current activities as • hi&h Buster Mathis battle in the ring. of confrontation on the campus. school counselor. D (J1) (I) &) The Avenam (C) ~ (I) M f u-r (C) ~Ci) €fJ @!':) &J Ntw1 (C) (60) "Thlnaumajia." The vicar of €fJ La If:;. ::!Jn."-..; 7:00 IJ CBS Eveninr Ntw1 (C) (30) . an old Enalilh church, the site of 9;30 IJ ruiity Affair (C) (30) Cissy hes Walter Cronkite. a~ a.rch~loai.cal ,dla. enlists Steed's trouble with romance when she 0 What's MJ Line? (C) (30) Soupy ard in 1nvest1gatina t~e mysterious dates a teenage singing idol, played Sales, Hal Holbrook, and Joanna death . 0~ one of the dt!iers. by guest Eddie Hodaes. He foraets Barnes are guest panelists. ~ Million ~ M,ovle: Romeo and about her when he goes on tour. m Password (C) (30) Juliet" (classic) 54-laurence Har· fJ News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. @@Monday Movie (C) "Wings vey, Susan Shentall. &I) Rtvilta Muslc:al of Fire." Lloyd Nolan, Ralph Bella· I Trutll or Consequence• (C) (30) 10:00 IJ a C!l Carol Burnett (C) (60) my, Suzanne Pleshette, James Far· EPtr~·aMrtouonM1n(60da)m'1ento • Larry Hovis and Barrie Chase guest. entino star. .... B m News (C) (60) fil) Linea Abitrta (60) "Narcotics In 8:00 0 @!':) Rowan l Martin l.aufti·ln (iZJ (3) &) The Bir Valley (C) the Mexican-American Community." (C) (60) Tony Curtis joins the gang (60) •'file Battle of Mineral A special panel-audience discussion in readina letters from viewers. Sprinas." Victoria and Jarrod start -------------------------m Hual (C) (30) a staaecoach service to save a fil) The Future of ttte Unlvtrsity (C) dylna town. THE QUEENS OF TH E KINGS-The famous sinRing King Sisters. (/. to r.) Yvonne, Alyce. Luise and Marilyn , plus the entire King Family present more of their songs and amusing "homey'' vignettes. on ABC's The King Family, Wednesdays at 8:30 PM. (60) Discussion of student unrest I Yorty Politfcal (C) (30) and other major problems of the Public Se~ic.t (C) (30) universities. (Rescheduled) : The Great War (30) "Disaster." €fJ Comlcos y Canciones The Russians 10 under and the &:30 IJ ~ (j) Here's Lucy (C) (30) Allied . position deteriorates into Lucy tries to enlist Carol Burnett's despa.'r. aid in raising money to build a €D Dich~ Robida gymnasium for Kim and Craig's 10:30 6 Mow1t: (C) ''Two Rode Toe.U.. school. (R) ef" (western) '61-James Stewart, O Golden Yoya11 (C) (30) "Land Richard Widmark, Shirley Jones. of the Incas." &J News (~) (30) .. 0 (fi') CI) &J Peyton Pfau (C) fl) lnnova~ .. (30) Detecting (30) Fred tries to keep ca 01 ut Water Pollution. Or. ~lchard Bren· . r. yn ° neman and auests discuss water of school, Jeff atte.mpt_s to nght th~ pollution detection with a space harm done by hrs lie; Dr. Rossi . . tells Marsha they will be married age device-the oraanu; anal,YM~"'7 immediately; Dr. Rossi intervenes d.eveloped by the Roclletdyne 0rV1· In an argument between Lew and s1on of North American Rockwell. Fred €fJ Gente Sin Historia m Merv Griffin (C) (90) ll:OOI 0 O Olm m News (C) Alfred Hltthcocl ~ Beat the Odds (C) (30) Johnny uars Club (C) Gilbert hosts. Movie: "Tht Lion Has Wines" €D TV Mulkal Ouart (adventure) '40 -Mer1e Oberon, 9:00 I) Mayberry RFD (C) (30) Sam Ralph Richardson. and the Mayberry church commit· @ Cil @ @ ~ Ci) Nen (C) tee set out to buy an old steeple 11:30 IJ Movie: "Acrou tM Bridp" bell from the hard . baraalnln1 (suspense) 'SS-Rod Steiaer. churchmen of Siler City. 0 @ 00 @!':) Tonifht Show (C) 0 @ 00 @!':) NBC MondaJ Movit: 0 Movie: "Mrs. Wiers of tile Cab- (C) "Then Came BroMOn" (edven· bap Patch" (comedy) '34-Pauline ture) '69 -Michael Parks, Bonnie lord, Zasu Pi1ts. • Bedella, Akim Tamlroff, Gary Mer· 0 @ C3l al Joey Bishop (C) rill, Sheree North, Martin Sheen. m Donald O'Connor Show (C) This is the pilot for a new NBC 12:15 0 Movie: "Warriors Five" (ad· series to be presented next fall. Jim venture) '62 -Jack Palance. Bronson is summoned by Police 12:30 &) Action Theatre: "Tales of Ad· Inspector Otis to plead with his venture." friend not to commit suicide. When 1:00 O Spnkln1 FrMIJ (C) Bayard he fails. Bronson quits his job and Ruskin auests. ~ts ou!. on a motorcycle to "find B Community Bulletin Board (C) himself. Ntn (C) 10-.55 AM 0~ 11:30 IJQ! ers in 1:001tAn1• 4:oolS~ hunts g• the Bah s:oo 8The 7:00 Klnet 8:30 0 Brulr the NCA 6:00 0Klng1 Philadelf 8 :300 Boxir 1:00 IJ Angel 2:00 , ti3 Ci the Third nament 72. 6,92 mo~. 2:30 IJ (j vs. rtl 3:30 11 Sport hawks ir !!t~ 4:30 0 Santa ~ear·OI• 5:00 u (J1) (3 Florida L . 9:00 Cl 9 (i) filmed tor on NBC 1 9:000@@ Lancaster in 1948. \ Anatole L 9:000UZJ @ on the VE ' tltioner. I James Br ing in the Ayres. Tor of this ne- and Davie 9:00RQt (I) Gardner, nessee W frocked rr in his life on the av location ir 9:000@ @ Lord, Don western re and Al Ra Nateford • 11:,5 1J "The I Murray H2 Don Whit• drama of agent's ~ V /PORT! H/()H//()Hf! SUNDAY. MARCH 23 AM D ~ (!) NBA Basketball (C) Bullets vs. Celtics at Boston. fJ QI PIHL Hockey (C) Boston Bruins vs. New York Rang- e~ In ast Division NHL game at Madison Square Garden. I Ana•lt BaselNll (C) Angels vs. Giants at Palm Springs. ~ Show (C) the PGA Golden Anniversary Championship. Q1) (j) The American Sportsman (C) Betsy von Furstenberg hunts arouse in Portugal; Van Heflin fishes for blue marlin off the Bahamas; Jimmy Dean hunts moose in Alaska. II The Kiiiy Style (C) Klnp Hockey (C) L.A. Kings at Oakland Seals. TUESDAY, MARCH 25 O Bnilns In Action (C) Coach John Wooden hosts as finals of the NCAA Basketball tournament from Louisville, Ky. are shown. THURSDAY. MARCH Z1 O Klnp Hockey (C) L.A. Kings vs. Philadelphla Flyers at Philadelphia. O Boitlna (C) SATURDAY, MARCH 29 8 Ancets BaselNll (C) California~ Angels vs. Seattle Pilots. ta (i) National Alr11nes Golf 1 oumament (C) Coverage of the Third .. rounds of the inaugural playing of the $200,000 tour· nament from the Country Club of Miami's west course, a par 72, 6,927-yard layout. Top pros compete for the $40,000 top moi. fJ (f) CBS Golf Classic (C) Al Gelberger and Dave Stockton vs. rt Wall and Charles Coody. I.I Sports Special: UCLA Bruins compete with the Kansas Jay- hawks in a spring sports meet. 0 (ii) (3) Pro Bowlers' Tour (C) Lex Barker hosts the $45,000 New Orleans PBA Open from New Orleans. B S.nta Anita Race (C) The $100,000 Santa Anita Derby for ~ear-olds and up, run at 1 ~ mile. U @ (3) ABC's Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) The 18th Annual Florida l5erby for three-year-olds. '1J "'ories ol tbe Week J MONDAY, MARCH 24 !J @ (i) ''Then Came Bronson." This two·hour drama was timed ror television as a pilot for a new series to be presented n NBC next season. TUESDAY, MARCH 25 !J fij CI) ''Sony. Wron1 Number." Barbara Stanwyck and Burt .ancaster star in the suspense drama released by Paramount l 1948. Wendell Corey and Ed Begley co-star in the Hal Wallis· natole Litvak production. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 :J @ (I) ''Marcus Welby, M.D." Another pilot. this one focuses n the very human, very real experiences of a general prac· 1ioner. Robert Young portrays Marcus Welby, and young ames Brolin stars as his assistant. Steve Kiley. Also appear· lg in the two·hour film are Anne Baxter, Susan Strasberg, Lew yres, Tom Bosley, Peter Deuel and Richard Loo. The producers f this new series (to air regularly in the fall) are David Victor nd David O'Connell. THURSDAY, MARCH Z1 !1 9 (j) "The Nlcht of the lauana." Richard Burton, Ava .ardner, Sue Lyon and Deborah Kerr head the cast of Ten· essee Williams' powerful drama. The story deals with a de· 'OCked minister and the· three women who play a vital part 1 his life. John Huston directed the 1964 MGM film, based n the award·winning Broadway play. The film was done on ication in Mexico. SATURDAY, MARCH 29 J Ii)@ "Ride to Hangman's Tree." James Farentino, Jack ord, Don Galloway and Melodie Johnson star in the action estern release by Universal in 1967. Howard Christie produced nd Al Rafk1n directed from a screenplay by Luci Ward, Jack ateford and William Bowers. I "The FBI Story." James Stewart, Vera Miles, Nick Adams, furray Hamilton star in the film based on Pulitzer Prize-winning on Whitehead's book. The story blends the adventure and rama of events in FBI records with a warm account of an ~ent's personal life. ~ CLOSE -UP ... ' . •" A GAME TO BRIDGE 'THE GAP' Combine a bit of nostalgia reminiscent of days gone by with the latest happenings in the pop subculture, and you get ABC's The Generation Gap, a new game show airing on Fridays (8:30..9 PM). The show is basically a ba Ille (non-violent) between the young (those in their teens) and the not-so-young (thos.c over thirty). Dennis Wholey gJibly referees the three-man teams representing each group, as they display their knowledge of their opponents' generation. The youngsters have been asked to identify (on film) .. The Bruz1lian Bombshell." Carmen Miranda. or the voice (via record· ings) of Eddie Cantor. A young man found that stabbing at a can of beans with the point of a manual can-opener did not unlock the mystery of how that simple gadget worked. On the other hand, a young lady quickly mastered the filling operation of an "old- fashioned" fountain pen. To test the teen-agers' knowledge of their parents' era, the pro- gram has been visited by such personages of yesteryear as Bill Kenny, the falsetto voice of "The Ink Spots''-who popularized "If I Didn't Care," and Sid Stone, the pitch-man on Milton Berle's old Texaco Star Theater series. Also on hand. to test Mom and Dad's sharpness. have been such sounds of today as "The Turtles," "The Ohio Ex press·· and "The 1910 Fruit Gum Company'"-all musical groups. Each group is a'lked questions about the fads. heroes, fashions and slang of the opposing group, and the result has ~en to deline- ate the generation gap. One pretty youngster said that "going on the wagon" meant taking a trolley car ride and that radio"s Johnny Ro- ventini called for "more pork sausages" instead of Phillip Mor- ris. The "older generation" has been stumped almost as often. How is a mother to know the difference between (Ravi) Shan- kar and his Sitar? On the other hand, they have frequently indicated they, too, know "where it"s at." Actress Maureen O 'Sullivan. who competed against her youngest daughter. Tisa Farrow ( 17). breezily identified "The 1910 Fruit Gum Com - pany,'' and a N ew Jersey housew1le knew that the missing word in the Tommy James and the Shondells hit song. "Yum- my, yummy. yummy I've got in my Tummy," was love. A father recalled that "elephant bells" are pants and that the villains in the Beatles' film. "'The Yellow Submarine." were the Blue Meanies. Caught in ¥-gap is Dennis Wholey. the show's personable host. "At 30 I feel ~fortable between the two teams,'' he says, sporting Edwardian suits, a cheerful Irish grin and a mod haircut. (To do Generation Gap, Wholey :ihuttles between New York and C incinnati, Ohio, where he hosts a t::l lk show.·· J 2 Noon" on station WK RC-TV) . "From the vantage point of my three decades, I can understand both points of view. The older generatior1 ~elieves things are coming apart al the scams. The younger people are convinced that things are bogged down. And they're both right," he adds. "Older people are having difficulty coping with the bombardment of information generated by the highly complex and technically oriented society we have become. They"re also trying to understand why-their chil- dren are growing their hair long, wearing "kooky" clothes, and 1alking in an unintelligible jargon. "I mean. who would know that an 'axe' is a guitar, or that a 'scrambler' is a motorcycle?" Wholey has high hopes that Generation Gap will do its bit to close that very gap. "We hope this show is watched by both parents and their children."' he points out, "and when the hal f hour is over we hope the quizzing continues" .. MORE BOYS & GIRLS NEEDED FOR NEW TV COMMERCIALS This i1 the letest word from the malor agents end producers in Hollywood. T elavision comme"ialt ere big bu"ineu. It is • bu&ineu thot employs • lorqe number of chilclren and peys them large ul· aries. But where did these kids com• fro1t1, and how did they get there? Well, would you believe they're founcl in such for out place& u Fullerton, Santa Ano, or the outer reqiona of long a .. ch or Pomona ? Some of thue young· 1ten may I've right ne.+ door! But who finds theu talented boys and qirls to fill the production n .. d, 7 The studios end agenh don't have time. so u • re1ult, there is • lerg• demand, encl to fill this demand, • Public Rola· tions Compony celled TAKE I PRODUCTIONS, INC. hu turned lh energies end resourcu to fill. ing this nud. TAKE I "°DUC· TIONS maltn profenional contach in Hollywood for newcomert. SlNDY ENNEN Local school girl's earn~ngs reach $10,000 in TV ccm- men::ials a few months after b e i n g signed by Take I ft'oductions. IF YOU ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF l AND 19, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER- CIALS AND T.V. Cell 547-6251 Now Take 1 Productiona, Inc. ORANGE CO. OFFICE: ,...10 TUESDAY MARCH 25 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 fJ (C) "ntree Sailors and 1 Girt" (musical) '53-Jane Powell, Gordon MacRae. 9:30 II "H1nrmen Alto Oil'' (western) '43-Brian Donlevy, Walter Brennan. O "TopPf!r Returns" (comedy) '41 -Roland Young, Joan Blondell. 12:30 0) "Mr. ind Mrs. Sml1tl" (comedy) '41 -Carole Lombard, Gene Ray- mond. 2:00 ID "Ghost Town" (western) '56- Kent Taylor, John Smith. 3:00 O "Hi ppy Thieves" (comedy) '62 -Rex Harrison, Rita Hayworth. 4:30 fJ (C) "Slim Carter" (drama) '58 -Jock Mahoney, Barbara Hale. EVENING 6:00 fJ T1lt Bi& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m HunUey·Brinkley (C) (30) 9 Steve Allen Sllow (C) (90) Bud- dy Ebsen, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Kim Weston and Gore Vidal guest. fJ Six O'Clock Movie: ''Executive Suite" (drama) '54-Wllliam Holden, June Allyson. 11 Spy (C) (60) P1y C1nis (C) (30) B1tm1n (C) (30) (]) Mm Griffin (C) Whit's New? (30) "The Brave Boys:• Part II. Two boys discover the wonders and customs of Africa on a safari in Kenya and Tanzania. El) Mujeres Sin Amor a> KPlM News (C) 6:301 KNBC Newservlce (C) (60) I Love Lucy (30) Voy11e to the Bottom of the SH (C) (60) ~ 00 Huntley-Brinkley (C) Eill Reldlne With Your Child (30) "Making Use of Your Library." Ma· rlon Marshall and guests discuss i1ow parents can help train their children ln the proper use of the neighborhood library, 9 (j) 0) m a> News (C) 7:00 fJ CBS Eveninf News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I What's My line? (C) (30) P11sw0td (C) (30) Ci) Ameriu! (C) The French Chef (30) Julia Child_prepares Napoleons. I (JJ ~ Good lillJI (C) lsl1nds In the Sun (C) Truth or Consequences (C) 7:30 6 ~ (i) lancer (C) (60) Smooth· talkine Clay Criswell convinces the citizens of Green River that they should give up their arms when he becomes temporary sheriff, but JO!lnny Lancer suspects that there THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, MARCH 22, 1969 TUB VISITOR-A tub's a tub and Earl J. Wqaeclom (Michael Unk} bas fun In C0tty Baker's after nm- nlna awa,y from home In tbe Julia colorcu t of "A Baby's a Nice NuJ. saMe" ()D NBC, Tuesday at 8:30 PM. eerald and Duke Ellinaton are fea· tured. (R) ID Run for Your life (C) (60) Eill I sflc1A I Ecumenic.I Now! (2 hr) An up-to·date look at the Ecu- menical mOYement and how its ef- fects have filtered down to the llfe of the Christian layman. A Christian family of two faiths and theologians are featured. El) Chucho Anll1net 9:30 fJ 9 00 Doris D1y (C) (30) When Dorothy Benson gets a hurried call from the stork and her husband goes into shock, Doris volunteers to4 babysjt with the Benson's four children. (Rescheduled from March 11 and March 18) fJ @ 00 Q} NYPD (C) (30) "No Day.Trippers Need Apply." A man answers an ad in the East Village Barb, attends a party given by a secret "cull" and is blackmailed. Corso goes undercover to find the blackmailers and the compromising photos. O News (C) (25) Ted Meyers. is a sinister purpose behind his ap-el Hoy parent attempt to foster good will 9:55 O Yorty Politiul (C) in the town. Guy Stockwell guests. 10:00 ft ~ 00 CBS News $peci1I (C) 0 m Jerry lewis (C) (60) Buddy (60) "Moby Dick." A contemporary Greco and Michele Lee guest. treatment of the Herman Melville 8 l.ost in Spice (C) (60) novel. CBS News shipped out to @ 00 Q) Mod Squid (C) (60) sea in a 90.foot fishing schooner. ''Keep the Faith. Baby." Sam· the Seattle which sails the Gulf my Davis Jr. guests as a militant nf Alaska i~ search of halibut. The young Pri~st .who . is suspended fo voyage of the Seattle is described his part1c1pat1on 1n a reform cru· in passages taken from the classic sade, then finds his life threatened novel "Moby Dick." Author Herman by a man whose confession of Melville's words are spoken by actor murder he had heard before hi George C. Scott. suspension. Robert Duvall, William I ~ews (C) (60) Schall~rt and Ron ~ay~1s also guest. 1 3 . Th1fs life (C) (60) 0 Miiiion $ Movie: The L11ther • IA Premiere Cover11e Salnf' (drama) '56 -John Derek, (C) (30) "Sweet Charity.'' Coverage Paul Douglas, Cesar Romero, Jody of happenings at the world pre· Lawrence. miere of the motion picture. and 0) Trutll or Consequences (C) (30) interviews with Shirley Maclaine 6) Perry M1son (60) and Ricardo Montalban in Boston. l-C1ncion de 11 Rall (30) ID The N.. Sound (C) (30) El Cu1rto M1ndamlento m Dich1 Rob1d1 8:00 Hutl (C) (30) 10:30 fJ Movie: "Who Killed Teddy Be1r" Wort~ Press (C) (60) (drama) '65 -Juliet Prowse, Sal Premier Orfeon Go-Go Mineo Jan Murray &:30 ~ (i) Red Skelton (C) (60) ID H~mestud/N~s (C) Arthu~ Godfrey and The Young e> Qente Sin Hlstori1 Amencans guest. ~ O@oo m Juli• (C) (30) "A 11:001D0 0) Cl.:I m News (C) Baby's a Nice Nuisance." Julia Alfred Hitchcock Baker is surprised by a visitor when lilrs Club (C) Earl J. Waggedorn runs away from Movie:, "Murder .. in Rtftf1t" home. Julia sings an Indonesian (~ystery) ~5 -Wilham Hartnell, folksong as a lullaby to Corey. Dinah Sheridan. B Bruins in Action (C) (30) @ @ @ 00 ~ .00 News (C) (fi) 00 (i) It likes 1 Thief (C) fI1) Bl~ck Per~ct1ve: Mayor Sam (60) "Rock·Bye, Bye, Baby.'' Ed· Yorty 1s questioned by local black mond O'Brien guests as Rock Mc-newsmen. Cauley, a boozy old· time safecracker 11:30 fJ Movie: "Subw1y in the SQ" hired by Alexander Mundy to help (adventure) '56-Van Johnson, Hil· steal information from Manny Gray. degarde Neff. son, a crime syndicate boss. Harold D ~ 00 m Tonight Show (C) J. Stone plays Grayson. 9 Movie: "Fig11tlng Min of the I Merv Griffin (C) (90) Pl1lns" (western) '49 -Randolph But the Odds (C) (30) Scott. 9:00 12) (6) NBC Tuud1y Movie: 0 @@ a> Joey Bishop (C) "Sony, WrOng Number'' (suspense) m Donald O'Connor Show (C) '48-Sarbara Stanwyck, Burt Lan· 12:15 O Movie: "Seven Angry Men" c&ster, Wendell Corey, Ed Begley, (drama) '55 -Raymond Massey, Ann Richards. A bedridden Invalid. Debra Paget, Jeffrey Hunter. alone in her home, accidentally 12:30 Q) Action Theatre: "Shadow of a overhears a murder plotted on the Woman " telephone anil gradual.ly. realizes l •00 I o · News (C) that she is to be the v1ct1m. • Community Bulletln Board (C) 9 ELLA FITZGERALD and From ttie Inside Out (C) * DUKE ELLINGTON present 1:15 fJ Movie: "Kill the Umpire'' (com· GREAT HOUR OF MUSIC! edy) 'SO-William Ben~lx. 0 ShoWCHt 5 (C) (60) Ella Fitz· 1 :30 m 77 SunMt Strip 59 •· 2 J• r. fe n IS :n II d ~ Jr :h lo 1n re a d. 1e II ;) ry le to !r, 1lf 1e :d ic 1n :>r )) :• ie e· Id le ... al •" II. m :k ,.. I· .. th ... y, a WEDNESDAY MARCH 26 for morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO D "TM Fe•lnine Toad!" (comedY) '42-Rosalind Russell, Don Ameclle. 9:30 D "H•U Ult Conqutrin& Hero" (comedy) '41 -Ella Raines, Eddie Bl'1cken. fJ "feurt1111 Hours" (drama) '51 -faul Douglas, Grace Kelly. 12:30 m "llltD tlll Blue" (comedy) '51 -Michael Wilding. "Devil on Wllffls" (adventure) '47 -Darryl Hickman. 2:00 Ii) "Ntwtr Look Bad!" (mystery) '52-Steve McQueen. 3:00 fJ (C) "An Affair To Re1tt11br' (romance) '57-Cary Grant. Deborah Kerr. 4:30 IJ (C) "from tile Etrtll to tile Moon" (scl·fi) '58-Joseph Cotten, Geor1e Sanders. fVENING 6:00 II The 81& Nen (C) (60) Jeoy Dunphy. R m Huntley-Brinkley (C) (30) Stlvt Allen Show (C) (90) G.ale Storm, Millon Berle, The SeYtn Souls guest. 0 Sil O'Cloa Movie: (C) "Pillars cir ttlt Sky'' (adventure) '65 -Jeff Chandle<, Dorothy Malone, Lee Mar- vin. II Spy (C) Pq Cards (C) (30) Batlllan (C) (30) (]) MIR 6iriffln (C) W11afs New? (30) "The Brave Boys." Part 111. Two boys visit a Masai village in East Africa, and take care of a baby animal in an animal orphana1e. @I) Mujlrn Sin Amor al ll'l.M News (C) 6:30-KNBC N..-vlce (C) (55) I l.Alvt Lucy (30) Voraae to tt1t Bott.111 of tt1t s.. ~) (60) Q) Cl) HunUIJ·Brinklty (C} fil) Let's T1lk About T11ns (30) "The Buying Teens." Marion Mar· shall offers a profile of teen-spend· ina patterns in visits to commercial outlets. 9 CiJ m m m NIWI <c> 7:00 II CBS Evtnin1 Ntwa (C) (30) Walter Cronkite . I W111t'1 MJ lint? (C) (30) Puaword (C) (30) (i) You Allltd for It fiie Perce,tM Pa,..,t (30) "So· cial Growth." Mrs. Sylvia Boren and parent-education teether Betty Smith discuss JOcl1I growth in children. I (I) Bmf'IJ Hlllblllleis (C) Wendlr1ust (C) Trdl Of CoftMClutnc:s (C) 7:ZS Cl MAYOR SAM YORTY * 11LOS ANGELES PER- SPECTIVE" A SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PEOPLE D YOftJ '81itiCll (C) 7:30 11 I lflc!M I Willia• Hoadtn'• Mo nntures in the Jade S.. (C) (60) The motion picture stir makes his television debut u host·narratOf' of "Adventures in Unconquered Wor1ds," filmed in the Republic of Kenya and produced by Wolper Produc· tlons. The program focuses on the harsh environment surrounding Ken· ya's Lake Rudolph, the primitive tribes that hive survived there de· spite inCfedible hardships, and Ken· ya's efforts to protect tile last re- maining wildlife in the area. Holden himself Is a 10-year resident of Kenya and is an active champion of game_!'eservation. D @ ltJ m TIM Vb1inl1n (C) (90) "The Girl in the Shadows." Oscar nominee Jack Albertson and Brenda Scott guest in drama in· valving a plot to swindle Elizabeth's inh8fitance. When show businea troopers Doc Watson and his step- daughter, mindreader Claire Ger- son, play Medicine Bow, it ls dis- covered that Claire may be C11y Granger's niece, daughter of 1 brother killed year$ before in a mining accident. II Tiie Westemtn (30) fJ @ffi alH•n Co1111 th Brides (C) (60) "Loggemeads." Itin- erant lawyers Barnabus Smith and Victor Webster do a brisk business in lawsuits and wills. dlsrupt1n1 Seattle friendships and the Bolt brothers partnership. Hal England guMts as Bamabus and Alan Op· penheimer as Victor. G Million $ Mowlt: "Appoilltaltnt W-rtll D1n1er" (drama) '51 -Alan Ladd, Jack Webb, Phyllis Calvert. Jan Sterling . m Truth or Consequences (C) (30) Ii) Peny Muon (60) m Candon di la Ran (30) ~ CI) Best of Hollywood (C) "April in Paris." ii) E Cuarto Mandamlento 1:00 D Win Wltll Ult st111 (C) (30) Ketty lester and George Jessel 1uest m Hazel (C) (30) fID Tht City Makers (C) (30) Pro· gram host sociologist Or. Kenneth B. Clark reviews urban problems and solutions with Dr. Robert Coles, Harvard Medical School psychla· trist and author of "Children in the Crisis." Coles is known for his studies on ghetto life. @II Mittcolu Mutlcaf 1:30 IJ T1'I Cood 6i11J1 (C) (30) When Cliudla's rather arranges to have one of her former beaus invite her to an elegant party, Bert and Rufus pose as aervants so they can keep an aye on her. (Rescheduled) D i IJic1~1 Miss LA C.11nty P•a· unt (C) ( ) "On the Other Side of the Rainbow" is the theme ror the official contest. Fooner Miu America, Kay Van Dyke, is hostess, and Jack Asher handles the musical chores. Winner of the till• will trav· el to Santa Cruz in June to vie fOf the Miss Callfomi1 crown. 0 @ (})a> TIM Kina fa•U, (C) (30) The five tunes nominated for the Best Song Oscar ire featured. Alvino Rey and The King Sisters otter 'The Windmills of Your Mind." The Kina Kids sing "Chitty Chitty Ban& Ban1." Marilyn Kina solos on "star!" end her husband, Kent Lar· ~en, sings "For Love of Ivy." Alyce King and son Lex contribute ''funny Girt." m Mtrf Crltfln (C) (90) m 1eat a.. Odds <C> c3o> fil) Boole INt (C) (30) Alistair Cooke discusses his new book, "Talk About America." @l)Sonrilu 9:00 IJ Blftrty HUlbltliu (C) (30) Guest Pat Boone plays himself and sings a country song when he visits The Beverty H II lb Illies. SINGINp FOR RlS SUPPER- P•t llc>c>M'• ftltdldoa of hJI latest reconlbls. "Nner Goa' Back to N•Ytoe... OD dte epllocle of Tiie Benny RllbOHea (Wedoetday, ' PM) CBS, .. ""'ardH wldl OM of Cra.an7'1 fUDOWJ blllbW, dWlet -<Olla.rd pttlll aad f•tb.Kk. The back-bome aroma of tbe potfol of Ylttla bdDa tdrnd by Grua.y (lreM Rrall) hms Booee (u lllm- eelt) lalo dae Clam~tf llldtlloo. Re wlu Gn11.ay'1 IDYICadoe to IUpptt not only by hlil voca~ but U.O by ldll.. her he bun I 11111t0ed an,.lttna u aoocl .ince he left Nub-YUie. and James Brolln Is previewed b• fore It debuts as a weekly one- hour series. Youna plays the role of Marcus Welby, a dedicated famlly physician, and J1mes Brolin Is cast 11 his brash youn1 assistant. Steve Kiley. The principal roles in the preview film are played by Anne Buter, Susan Strasberi, Lew Ayres, Tom Bosley, Peter Deuel and Rich· ard Loo. The drama focuses on the very human. very real experiences of a 1eneral prKtitloner. I Run tor Yow Ufe (C) (60) ({) Oral Roberts (C) Your Doll1r'1 Woritt (C) (60) • How To Seve on Your Income Tax." Three tax experts Join host Dick McCutchen for a program designed to assist taxpayers with their an· nual headache as the April 15 deadline approaches. CE Sylvia y Enrique 9:30 1J Qj Ci) Grt1t1 Au-.s (C) (30) Mr. Haney tries to convince Oliver Douglas he should invest five hun· dred dollan in a machine th1t make.s milk. G News (C) (25) Ted MayeB. 9:55 fJ Yorty Political (C) 10:00 II Qj Ci) H1w1ll fivl-0 (C) (60) Steve McGarrett end his Hawaii Five-0 State police unit are called Into action when an attempt Is made on the life of Honolulu rack· et boss, Tokura (guest Ricardo Montalban) ~ a secret society. (R) Cl @@ m Tiie Outsider (C) (60) "A Lot or Muscle." A veteran police officer Is eccused of accept· Ina a bribe and David Ross Is caught in the mlddle, first as wit· ness for the prosecution and later for the defense. I m Ntn (C) (60) Manllll Dillon (30) Public Sena (C) (30) 6iuttn Taa (30) Didla Robida 10:30 fJ Movie: (C) "Th• l ravadol'' (western) '58-Greaory Peck, Joan Collins, Stephen Boyd. Ii) News (C) (30) fm DOUT M1111t1• Open Ho111t (30) "Of Time and the Artist." HOit Russell Connor explorn tht impor- tance of time in the Cfeallon or • painting. He tours the gallerln of Boston's Museum of Fine Arts. IE 6itnta Sin Hldttia u:oo I UH~11m ,. ... <c> llan Club (C) Movie: UC.Men" (mystery) '49 -Dean Jagger. @Ci)~ @Qt Cl) Ntw1 (C) 11:30 II Mowit: (C) "Hell on Frllce Bay" (mystery) '5s-Al1n Ladd, Edward G. Robin10n. I CiJ Ci) m TOtllaM Sltow (C) Movie: "l>iadlln. USA" (dram1) -Humphrey Boiart, Kim Hunter. o m Kratt Miitie "'" cc> <60> D @ m m JotJ Billlop <C> ''Broadway's Best • • • 1969." m Donall O'tonnot Show (C) Actor Henry Fonda hosts. Broadway 12:15 O Mowit: .. Hands of a S1ranl'C" stars Jane Morgan ("Mame"), Joel (hOrror) '62-Paul Lukather Jemu Grey (George M"), Marian Mercer Tapleton. ' ("Promises. Promises"), Herschel Bernardi ("Zerbe"), Lynn Kellog 12:30 Ii) Action TllMtw. "Duel Allbl." (formerty of uHalr''), John Cunnln1· 1:001 o Ntn (C) ham (also of "Zorba"), end Rich· Ciftt•11111tJ Blllletln INnl (C) ard Kiiey (former stir of "Man of frM tM lntJdt Oat (C) Le Mancha") sin& hit ahow tunes. D ~CJHD "Marcu1 Welby, 11.D. ""1tw (C) (2 hr) The new ABC 1trles starrln1 Robert Youn1 1:15 IJ Movie: 1'Wo1Wtn'1 Prtlotl" (mys. ttrY) 'S~ld• Lupino, Jen Sterllnc. 1 :30 m n S1r11Mt S1rtp ,.,. 11 THURSDAY MARCH Z1 For morning and afternoon llstlnp. please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:GO fJ (C) "'So n il la ftlris" (com· tdY) '55-Cene Nelson. Gloria De Haven. l :JO D "Hazard" (drama) '48 -Mac· cJOnald Carey, Paulette Goddard. G "Sb111eJ incl UvhlptoM'' (ad· venture) '39 -Spencer Tracy, Wal· ter Brennan, Richard Greene. 12:10 m "'Uf1 11H1 o.tll of hdtlpll v.r.tioo" (drama) '62-fllm cllpa In a documentary form. "'alb tt. nnl" (mystery) '46-Tom Neal. 2!00 m "Dtvlrt Carp" (dr1m1) '48-.iOli n Ca lverl l:OO D "SN Wife" (drama) '57-Rich· ard BurtDn. Joan Collins. 4:JO. (C) '"fll'DI fieds I Seft" (Id· venture '39 -Johnny Weissmuller, M1ureen O'Sullivan. r V f ~J I N G ':00 IJ 'Ille lfc Nn1 (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. D m HuntleJ-lrl•~ (C) (30) IJ RICHFIELD PRESENTS * LOS ANGELES KINGS VS. PHIL. Fl YERS D llnp HoeMy (C) (2~ hr) Jius McDonald and fd Fitkln call the action as the Los Anreles Kinp meet the Philadelphia Ayen. 0 Sb O'Clocl Mewtr. (C) "'Ille Sf"ns of bdMll ClcW' Part I (dra· ma) '61-An&ie DlcklnlOn, Pet Anch. Rorer Moore. 11 5"J (C) (60) ,.., Cards (C) (30) a.tman (C) (30) (I) MlfY llrlfft11 (C) Wbt's NIW (30) "Bear Hunt." A youna Russian boy travels with 1 professional huntlnr party to rid the countryside of a maraudin& bear. el Mlljera Sin All« mKPLM NIWI (C) 6:30 I ""BC NIWMf'Wlce iC) (60) I Love Luq (30) Yoyep tD tM Bono. of Ult Sea~) (60) 9 6 H11..U.,.lrin~ (C) fJ!) trt fof Your ....., (30) "Books and Gemei fM Teens and Adults." Mulon Mar'lhall recom- mends books for the home library. She plays some rames fM the en· tire hlmily. a CiJ elm m ,. ... <C> 7:00 II CIS Eftftla1 Nn1 (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. I Wlaat's MJ UM? (C) (30) ft..-d (C) (30) 00 Hieb incl Wiid (C) llll•Jinl tM llultar (30) "Notes on the Third Strina.." Frederick Noad introduces rhythm and count· In&. and Illustrates practice pieces for students. The Sins of Rachel Cade Angie Dickinson Peter Finch Roger Moore In Color on The Six O'Clock Movie. Thursday, Part I. Friday, Part II.~ I (f) Mdtale'1 Navy Bernie l<opell and Sharon Vauahn tru. ~ (C) guest. Tnitft or ContequttlCU (C) I Mm llrttfin (C) (90) 7:30 R a (jJ The Queen •net I (C) Beat ttle Oddi (C) (30) (30) First Officer Nelson takes com· Muslca 'I Estre41.u (C) mand of the Amsterdam Queen as 9:00 69' (jJ CBS Tllunday Mwlr. part of the final check before re-"'Tiie N lctrt of Ute lrv•na" (drama) ceivlna the official rank of captain. '64-Richard Burton. Ava Gardnef, What he doesn't know is that he is Deborah Kerr, Sue Lyon. James on a collision course with a new Ward, G~n Hall. sprinklint system beln1 tested by fJ <m CV ED Tiit Dutt Jones Y• Duffy. John Dehner cuestt. tlity lfour (C) (60) Janet Leiah and 0 ta 00 m Daniel Boone (C) Paul Revere and The Raiders are (60) "The Alll8S." A thlel becomes Dean Jones' 1uests. Regula~ Ron Dan's reluctant aide on a d.anrerous Prince. Dennis Al len, Gerri Granier. lifesavinf mission. Dan and hb Scoey Mltchlll and Jack De Leon friends. CUiiy and Muon Pruitt. are featured. make their way toward Frenchman's I Run for Your lift (C) (60) Corie. where they hope to prevent El M111tdo Esta Loco a British detachment from deliver-9:30 QJ 00 m Dtapet (C) (30) in& (IJns to the Indians. Dick Foran, "Juvenil&-OR-32." Friday and Gan- Jim McMullan, James Wainwright, non launch a statewide search f01 Ronne Troup and Ben Archibek are two dogs, one that has bitten a featured. child who ls alleraic to anti-rabies 0 @ 00 al The Flyln1 Nun (C) serum. (30) "The Convent Gets the Busi· 0 NIWI (C} (30) Ted Meyers. ness." The nuns inherit a dry foods Ql) What's Allead for hblic Tel• store. but have no time to run it vision? (30) John W. Macy Jr., ,. Sister Bertrllle ioes to Carlos for cently elected president of the board help and he suuests his cousin, of directors of the Corporation for Luis, for the job. Alejandro Rey Publlc Broadcutina. talks about the plays Carlos and Luis. federally chartered, non-profit or· G Million $ Mom: (C) "Tiit Wacki-aanizatlon for public television . at Slllp In Ute Asra(' (comedy) 10:00 8 @ (1) m Dean Martin (C) '61-Jack Lemmon. Ricky Nelson. {ro) Dean's iuest.s are Don Cheny, I Trutll Of Cons.qu.ncn (C} (30) Shecky Greene.. Shirley Jones and fterry Mason (60) Paul Lynde. Candon de la RID (30) I m News (C) (60} El C111t1D Maftda111tnte $mptnse Theatre (C) (60) 1;001J 9 (j) Jonathan Winttrs (C) • Marshal Dillon (30) (60) Steve Allen, Louis Nye, Shirley Tiit Now Sound (C} (30) BISS!!. and The Kina Cousins guest. 1 m Kiiiy Style (C) q (11) @ a> That Gir1 (C) (30) : f11e1tre leat (30) Hal Marien· :"!Sue Me Sue Me What Can You thal looks at some scenes from the Do Me?': Lou Marie slips in Don's Santa Monica Playhouse production office and Don is accused of col· of "O. F. Visi1oths!" Co-authors lusio~h by his hos$, who Paul Stein and Charfes Watts ruest. states that Don is in collusion with i Dktla Robad1 Ann's father to collect money from • Pusport to Trtvtl (C) the magazine, and by Lou Marie 10:30 • Movie: (C) ''Tiit lost WOfld" who claims Oon is in collusion with (sci·fi) '60-Michael Rennie, Jill the magazine. Don quits his job St. John, David Hedison. when his loyalty is questioned. m Homestead (C} (30) m Haztl (C) (30) @(I) S,Otli&llt W1tll Shelley Bet· Ql) NET Playho1&1e (90) "Cathy, 1111n (C) , Come Home." Jeremy Sandfonfs EI\) Elptmntnt on 114tlt StrMt (30) dramatized documentary about a An Office of Economic Opportunity youna British family caught in a film details the work of (hetto resi· streak ot bad luck in their desperate dents on New Yor1c's 114th Street struule for decent housln& in an to change their livin& conditlons. overcrowded society. Cast: tathy, The chanae from old to new and lb Carol White (star of "Poor Cow"); effect on the family is hilhlllhted. Rer. Ray Brooks; Johnny, Emmet • Cent. Sin Hlstiorla Hennessy; Eileen, Adrienne Frame; Twill&M Zont end Grandad, Wally Patch. A BBC 10:55 News (C) production. 11:00 · 0 elm CD News (C) @!) Feliciano! (C) Anrtd Hltd1cod: 1;30 B ta @ m lronlidt (C) (60) Uan Club (C) •'fhelormentor." Gary Collins and Movie: "ll·Men" (mystery) '35 Mary Ann Mobley, husband and -James Ca1ney, Lloyd Brtd1u. wife in real life, ruest as a husband l im(i)Naws (C) Ind wife .mo are extortion taraets. 11:10 I News (C) The threats of the extortionist are 11:30 • 6 m Tonlitit Show (C) brouatit to a climax when the man Movie: .. Men k•J lu1l11111• hits Atkins (Collins) In the becJt with (comedy) '52-Cary Grant. • chemical pellet fired from the fJ @ Cf) m ..., • ., (C) stands of the baseball stadium u m Donall O'Conner ~ (C) the stir pitcher is at the height of 11:40 II Movie: CC) "Cutrrillas In l'tak the 11me. lad' (drama) '64-Geof'ft Mont· 0 loxlnf (C) (60) Tom Harmon &omery. and Mickey Davies are rin(Side. 12:15 0 Mowlt: "to DtsrMa 111 till D @(])(:!)llW~ (C) (30) Silldto'' (drama) '66 -Anne Hey· '°Samantha Twitches fM UNICEF." wood. Sam is trieked by fellow UNICH 12:l0 (D Adltll TllNttt: "The 'Enchanted committH members Into lryln1 to V1lley " persuade businessm1n HulleU not I :00 I D Newa (C) to renere on his pied&•. and she fffi•tmlty 11111tt1n lalrd (C) ruorts to witchcraft Herb Voland, frot1t tllt l ftlidt Oil (C) " t: •) r, ii ... d .. n '· ill I) .. tr • • t- 'd >r ie ,. => '/. td n- 1e '" rs rt. r ill II'· 0) ty Ii· ~t IS. ts d. 35 C) ... .. ,,. Id AL'S APPLIANCE Sales & Service Washers-Dryers-Refrigerators Dishwasher.: Service Specialists! 1 stt Orange, C•ta M ... 642-4575 Home Appliance Service & Repair. Also Heating & Air Conditioning. 24 hour service. LEE HUFF 5a5a E1!41nter, Hunt1ngton 8Mch M2-72l7 or 147-5611 FOSTER'S APPLIANCE REPAUl ~II makes. all models. Work guaranteed! See Rusty 17115 lrookhurst Fountain Valley Hl-1234 546-260I THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOU CALL 642-5678, ext. 325 YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR RE,MODELe REDECORATE alks pool decks. floors. patios Any.size job, work guaranteed Reasonable! Servin~ Harbor Area 642..,14 CONCRETE SPECIAL TIES Replace asphalt with concrete -driveways, patios, sidewalks Custom work, Laguna, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo areas. 4~704 All types concrete work for the home. Patios, driveways, pool decks, sawing, etc. Licensed • Bonded Exoert work. Reasonable. PHILLIPS CEMENT 541 •M<l Concrete Specialist-all tpyes. Pool decks and custom. Work guaranteed 30 years experience c•ll JOHN 541-1224 Students working their way thru college. Experienced, Llcen.c;ed, REAS! '46-'2U Gardening, lawn re novation. Complete garden maintenance! Reasonable! JOE CORRAL ltJ02 Salmon Lane Huntlntton 8Nch H2-4764 DICK'S GARDENING Reliable yard care. home an~ commercial. Also cleanup. 1"4 Arnol'1 Av• .. Co.ta M ... 642-cMTJ Cleanup Specialist-mowing, edging odd jobs and ligh t movln~. Reasonable. call DICK 541-6955 2014 Federal Ave., C•t• M ... House Cleaning Quality Work Call Us! aROOKS CLIANINO SllV. 1111 Clay St., Newpert IMch 642-2112 anytime CRYSTAL JANITORIAL & WINDOW CLEANING Complete Janitorial service. Business, residential and construction cleanup . Free estimate. Ma-1737 DISCOUNT CLEANING SERVICE Carpet, upholstery speclallsta. Work guaranteed Fast Service! call 5H-14S6 MESA CLEANING llRVICI Complete cleaning, carpets, floors. etc. Residentlal- Commerclal. Speclal rates for apt. cleaning. 8 years In area. Many references. Call Dick 545-4111 Painters Plumb£rs Remodeling-Repair TV Repair VET'S IONDED PAINTING Free estimates, licensed. insured. Small jobs welcome. 642-0427 Interior · Exter ior Any size job. Excellent work. References. Free estimates. call JIM & COMPANY 642-4669 646-2749 IN!.,U!fpR PAINTING Ap~u~s by job or room Low off season rates. Quality work! 192""41 anytime Painting, papering. 16 years In Harbor area. Licensed and Bonded. References furnished. HAROLD C. WATSON m7Avalon St., C•hl M ... '42-225' CAL'! PLUMllNG Plumbing Repail' No job too small 642412' DEAN PLUM81NG SERVICE 24 hours. All problems. Wor)< guaranteed. License<i • Insured 4713 w. Floytl Clrcle, Santa An• 531-7566 anytlm• IUD HALDERMAN PLUM81NG 24 hour service, Beach area. Licensed bonded. Expert work. 20 years in OranSte County, Discount prices! 675-3124 a .... ~ I :iii Plumblnt ... ~.,...,...., ... tM Plumtlers, Inc. 271 auckn.11 Costa M ... 541-7502 WOODY CONSTRUCTION Company of Fountain Valley Licensed contractor. Build. remodel, repair. Brick, block, co1Wrete carpentry. No job too small. H2-6M5 A-1 CARPENTRY Any size job. Expert work. Reliable! GORDON CHURCHES 147-6745 Repairs-Alterations-Cabinets Any size job 25 years experience . Work guaranteed. c.all 101 HEISEY 541-67U Remodeling· Additions Fine work. Lie. and Ins. LOS PADRIS CONSTR. CO. (Licensed Contractors> '27 f'. C:.out Hlthway Laf una ... ch 4'7·1"5 or 494-4151 ev .... AL'S APPLIANCE T.V. Sales .l Service Expert reasonable repair In your home! 1Sn Orante, Co.ta M ... 642-6575 MILLS TILIVlllON Laguna Beach to San Clemente Complete service and reoair. Warranty station for RCA. South COPsl Area 34tH Coaat Hwy., Dana Pol~t 4f6-1744 4n-1610 ROY 8ULLA'I ITIVINS T.V. Quality work for 16 years. Home or shop service. All makes-Color or B& W 1f5J fffw110rt 11"'4., COlta M ... 54144M 8AYVllW T.V. Complete Color and Black & White service 20056 Santa Ana Ave. Sant• Ana ~U / FRIDAY MARCH 28 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 U "ltatfe Did If' (comedy) '51- Ann Blyth, Mark Stevens. 9:30 n "lncttldlary l londt" (mystery) '45-aetty Hutton, Bany Fitzaerald. fJ (C) "A.,rll love•• (musical) '57 -fat Boone. Shirley Jones. 12:30 m "love From a Stran111" (dra· ma) '47 -Sylvia Sidney, John Ho· dlak. "H•rtldl•I" (mystery) '47- Edward Morris. 2:00 G> "Bom To Sllffd" (adventure) '47-Johnny Sands, Don Castle. 3:00 fJ "You Came Alon&" (drama) '45 -Robert Cumminas. Lizabeth Scott. 4:00 II "Tiit Prl4e of tile YenkttS" (drama) '42-Gary Cooper, Teresa Wriaht. fVfNING 6:00 fJ TM 111 Newa (C) (60) Jer Dunphy. D m HunUty·Brlnkltr (C} (30) 1J Stlvt Alltn Sllow (C) (90) Jayne Meadows, Bernie Kukoff, Rosey Grier, Professor Irwin Corey, Terry Gibbs and Ed Aniak cuest. 0 Sia O'taodl Mowlt: (C) "The Sina of Radltl Cadr' Part II (dra· ma) '61-Anale Dickinson. Peter Finch, Roaer Moore. ) 11 SpJ (C) (60) Pq Carda (C) (30) Bataan (C) (30) 1 Mer1 Grlffln (C) : ~It's NtW? (30) ''The Cave." A lllm from Switzerland on the search for two lost boys in a cave filled with stalactites and stalag· mites. I Mujern Sin Am« IU'LM Ntw1 CC) 6:30 NIC NIWMf'Vice (C) (60) I love Lucy (30) VOJa&t to tM 8o1tD11 of tM SH ~) (60) HunU•r·Brinkley (C) ~ C rcua! (30) "Cats and Dogs." NET looks at the ditticulty in train· Ing animal acts for first-rate Ameri- can circuses. ~ (() fl) m a> News (C) 7:00 fJ CBS Evtnln& News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. ! Whirs Mr Lint? (C) (30) Password (C) (30) (6) Cinema Showcase (C) ''The Ben Tnale Story." Clu Gulaaer and Katherine Crawford star. fE Wondtfful World of Clllldren (30) "Helping Your Child Develop Throuah Creativity." Emma Jiminez reviews the ways a child's curiosity can· be channeled Into creative ways of playing games. ~ Ci) Maybeny RFD (C) m Amtrlcan West (C) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • NEW EXCLUSIVE • • • • • • • • • • • RACK.EM-MATI~ Fits all boll return tables-Automatically racks bolls faster-Saves wear & tear on bed cloth. Only $22.50. 1NmUATto1t SllGKT\f Kttm You won't believe It tll you ... ltl UUNIWtaC ltWAID TAILll ,.o. 23 STYLIS TO CHOOSE FROM , • • • • • Slate • Pool : Tables e ,. .. , Tebl• Teflol• fop •• • ...,_r• • with OUUXf SLATE f AllU ••If fl ff lollollofle•I $ff If HOWi LlfeflMe • Cv•r.,.1...i. , 100% ftNANCll~~.,!~!~~ FroM 5289 : hp14 0,...1Dayt-11:00tt7:00 Sun4ay112:00 to 6:00 CALL NOW 532-1992 • • • • • • THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. MARCH 22, 1969 a> Tr.U. or C.MilCIMHc:es (C) D Hallmark Hall of Fame 7:301J Qi Cl) The Wiid, Wiid West (C) * GIVE US BARABBAS! (60) Jo Van Fleet auests as a 0 @ 00 m HaJl .. rt Hall tf spinsterish tycoon whose bOard of fl•• (C} (cont'd.) "Give Us Barab- directors appears to be the taraet bas." of a calculated assassination plot. IJ THREE DOG NIGHT howl JoDnie SOmmers auests as her see· retary, who encounters secret serv-* as HIP HYPNOTIST Ice aaent Jamu West when he haunts HUGH HEFNER! comes to investi1ate the deatha. MORT SAHL listens, D m Hi(ll c11.,.,.,.1 (C) (60) • I ''The Lion Sleeps." Don Sebastian MORGANA KING sengs. Montoya, wounded by an assassin's 1J Playboy Alter Darll (C) (60) Pat bullet, plays on the sympathy of Collins, John Hartford, ~ Vidal, his family and friends in a scheme Moraanna Kina. Mort Sahl, and The to gain control of the Cannon Three Dog Nlaht auest. Ranch. Brenda Benet 1uests as the 0 (11J (I) a> Ltfa Make I 0..1 be'utiful but headstron1 ne11hbor (C) (30) Monty Hall hosts. Don Sebastian 2sks Manolito to I Ru11 for Your l ift (C) (60) marry. Estt lares Madtro I lost in Space (C) (60) 9:30 @ 00 a> The Guns of Wiii @00 tl) Tiiis la To• Jones Sonnttt (C) (30) "The Trap." Will ( ) (60) Barbara Eden, Jerry lee and Jeff are sentenced to work on Lewis, Rich Little. Salena Jones and a chain 1ana dlgin1 a railroad Chet Atkins 1uest. tunnel. (IQ fJ Million $ Movie: "Naked Edee" I News (C) (30.) Ted Meyeri. (drama) '61-Gary Cooper, Deborah • Festival en Madrid Kerr, Diane Cilento. 10:00 · ~ 00 m Stir Tnt (C) (60) I Trutll Of' C.nseque11ces (C) (30) "Turnabout Intruder." A transfer Perrr Muon (60) f bodies imprisons Captain Kirk Candon dt la Rau (30) in a beautiful female body while EJ Cu1rto Mand1mltnto she takes over the Enterprise as the Captain. Sandra Smith auests. 1:00 m Hull (C) (30) m I SJlciAC I C.111plft Ult Candi- dates (2 hr) Candidates for Mayor of Los An1eles present their plat· forms and are questioned by the audience. Leo McElroy and Connie Friend co-host. fl) Lucedta (C) 1:3011 9 Ci) Cioftltr 1'Jt. (C) (30) Lelah French, "Goldie" on the Smothers Brothers show, guest as a member of a wandering herd of flower children who add their own touches to Gomer's camouflaging of a mobile command post D Hallmark Halt of Fame I m Nns (C) (60) fJ Cl) m Judd for the OtftMI ( ) (60) "Ends of Justice." Judd defends a Nerro In a 25-yur-old murder conviction cue and simul- taneously tries to preYent a riot threatened by the man's militant • son. Bernie Hamilton and Geora Stanford guest. I YOf1y Political (C) (30) Public Sefvk:e (C) (30) RlD Review (60) "A Conversa· lion With Bill Lear." Dr. Hibbs welcomes one of American Indus· try' s true individualists. Lear dis- cusses his new project-<levelopin& a modern steam-powered auto-* He was haunted by the mobile . shadow of the cross. g) Dkfl1 Robida GIVE US BARABBAS! l,!>:30 fJ Mme: (C) ':OOC-In. love'' (comedy) '62-Michael Cra1e. Vir-D Q) 00 m Ha.llwiark Hill ~! ginla Maskell . fa• (C) (90) "Give Us Barabbas. I Ntfis (C) (30) Henry Danker's widely admired East· • &ente Sin Historia er drama has another encore tele· 11:00 Du &I) mm NIWI (C} cast with James Daly, Kim Hunter Alfm H~ and Dennis Kina. The stOfY is abOut Liars Club (C} the thief and mu.rderer who was Movlt: (C) ''The Dolly Sktws" frt!i!d by the shoutina mob of Jeru· (musical) '4S-aetty Grable, John salem during the Passover when Payne Ctirist was crucified. (i1) ci) @ m 9 Ci) News (C) IJ Across th• Seven Seal (C) (30) 11:30 I) Movie: 1'a of Trass" (drama) 0 @ (I) a> Gentntlon Gap (C) '47-Spenur Tracy Katharine Hep· (30) Dennis Wholey hosts. burn. ' I Mtrl Griffin (C) (90) I Q) 00 m Tonlaflt Show (C) Bta.t ttlt Oclda (C) (30) Movie: (C) "The SliDfy of Dr • Noches Tapatiu UMfl" (drama) '«-Gary Cooper. 9:00 II ~ Ci) CBS Frldly Movie: (C) Laraine Day. "Tiit Cltifl•nren'' (adventure) -I@ 00 m Joey Blallop (C} Darren McGavin, Juliet Miiis, Anne Donald O'C.nn« Show (C) Baxter, Sean Garrison, Nico Minar· 11:35 (i) Friday Sllow: "Santiaao." dos, Richard Conte, Farley Granaer, 12:15 • MOvlt: "Stakeout on Dopt Sil Mineo, Susan Clerk. Set aaainst Sttttr (drama) '53--Abby Dalton, the dangerous and colorful bade· Jonathon Haze. ground of Grand Prix raclna, the 12:30 G> Action Tlltatre: "Code of Si· movie reveals the strurales of top-len~." rankln1 drivers fiahtin& for a world 1:00 D fJ Nftl (C) championship. Cody Scanlon is anx-IJ Mwit: (C) "Alt111a of tllt S.lltlt ious to gain his first wor1d title, Seu'' (romance) '41 -Jon Hall, 10methin& only one other American Dorothy Lamour . hH achieved. Paco Orteao is ea1er m Fro.1 tM Inside Out (C) to chalk up his third win. An acci-1:151) Movie: •'flamt of Calcutll" dent takes Cody out of the runnlna (adventure) '53 -Denise Darcel, and paves the w1y for Jim McC1be Patric Knowles. to become a leadina contender. 1:30 m n S-nset strip 169 ,, It I, :e .. II II n II r k a s l I • t SATURDAY MARCH 29 M O RNING 7:00 Mr. Wisllbont (C) 7:20 &iv• Us This Day/ N.., (C) 7:30 Sunrise S..ester (C) Campus Profile M1kin1 the Most of Maturity 7:45 Sacred Heart (C) 1:00 I~ &~o Gophers (C) 6 m Super 6 (C) (!) Cl5')er (C) Abbott & Costello (C) Tales of Wells FlflO Slturd11 Theatre: "Tomb of Tor· lure" and "Wicked City." 1:30 I) ~ (j) Bup Bunny I Road Run· IMtf Hour (C) l @OOmTop eat (C) Campus Diaest @ CV m Gulliver (C) Movie: (C) "Mutiny'' (adven· lure) '52-Angela Lansbury. I ~:~~ KMEX (C) 9:00 taJ (6) m Flintstones (C) Movie: "Timber Fury" (western) '50-David Bruce. I @CV Q) Spld• Man (C) Jack LI Li nne (C) Safebrush Theatre (studio Ralelfll 9:30 I~ Wacky Rae.es (C~ 6 m B1n1n1 Spliti (C) 0 1 t:f) Fantastic Voyap (C) m AM Theatre:' "Voyage to a Pre- historic Planet" and "Spy Smasher Returns." I Guitarras 10:00 ~ (j) The Arcllit Show (C) @ rn m Journey to the Ctn· ter of the Earth '(C) fJ Movie: (C) '°'unfi1ht at Red Sands" (western) '65-Richard Har· rison. I Pattern for living Las Estrellas J Usted 10:30 ~ (j) Batman/Superman (C) ~ 00 m Underdog (C) II Movie: (C) "In Love and War" (drama) '58-Robert Wagner, Dana Wynter. I @ (]) t:f) fantastic four (C) The Bible Answers Cinel1ndi1 11:00 ~ (6) m Storybook Squuta (C) Peter Marshall hosts. 0 @ @ t:f) George of the Jun· ete (C) I Award The1tre: "Trocadero." 11:30 §~The Herculolds (C) 6 m Untamed World '(C) 3 t:f) American Bandstand (C) O Movie: (C) "from Hell to Teirn" (western) '58-0on Murray. AFTfRNOON 12:00 II Qj Ci) Shamn! (C) O Movie: (C) "The Veneunce of Kall" (adventure) '65-Senta Berger. I Gran Teabo Srturday Show: "Rogue River.'' 12:30 ~ (i) JonnJ Quest (C) 0 ANGELS AND PILOTS * TAKE to the SKIES FOR FIRST MEETING! B An1e11 Warm-up (C) @ CV m Happenina (C} m Evans-Novad Report (C) II) Blue Ribbon Theatre: "Tht Burning Cross." 1:00,Ci)(j) Mob1 Did (C) Anpb laMblll (C) Movie: "Duel at ApKM w.ils" (western) '56-Ben Cooper, -An11a Maria Albeflhettl, ' D Mowie: ''Sood Sim" (comedy) '43.--Gary Cooper. Ann Sheridan. m Movie: "Cuad1lcan1I Diary'' (dra· ma) '43-William Bendix, Uoyd Nolan. fm Didl1 Robida &) Armed f«ces Hlgtlllpm (C) 1:30 I em (j) The lone Ranpr (C) · Merv Griffin (C) 2:00 The New Society (C) Students from 8 Rancho and West high schools debate "Should We Keep Capital Punishment?" Paul Udell moderates. B Qj 00 m National Airlines Golf Toumaiwent (C) O Movie: "Bom Reeklea" (ro- mance) ·s~ -Mamie Van Doren. Coronet Theatre: "Police Dog." 2:30 Qj Ci) CBS Golf Cluaic (C) • • Battle Cry 3:00 • feature (C) "New York Night." Chiller • Muj•es Sin Amor • Quest for Adventure (C) 3:15 Anpla Wr1p·UP (C) 3:30 Sel'Hunt Sports Special (C) UCL\ meets the Kansas Jayhawks in a sprinr sports meel Dan O'Neil calls the action. O Ci7) Ci) G) Pro Bowlers' Tour (Cj Lex Barker hosts the $45,000 New Orleans PBA Open from New Orleans. m Color T1leatrt (C) "Beast of Hollow Mountain." @m Bia Picture 4:00 IJ Movie: (C) "J'ht Navy vs. tlae Nlgtlt Monsters" (sci·fl) '6S-Mamte Van Doran, Anthony Eisley. 4:30 I Hip and Wild (C) Waeon Tr1in (C) Holiday (C) B SANTA ANITA RACE OF * THE WEEK-$100,000 SANTA ANITA DERBY 0 Santa Anita Rae. (C) The Santa Anita Derby is for three·year·olds and up. I Outer limits Su the USA (C) 5:00 feature @ Ci) ti!) ABC's Wide World of Sports (C) m Homestead (C) Eii) Innovations: "Detectine Water Pollution." @!) Futbol-$occtr @m Bronco 5:30 II Ralph Story (C) (R) 0 IT'S ACADEMIC-EXCIT-* ING, FAST-PACED HIGH SCHOOL QUIZ SHOW. HOST: JERRY FOGEL B It's Academic (C) II Celebrity Billiards (C) Wilt Chamberlain guests. I All·AIMrkan Colltp Show (C) Man From UNa.E (C) Mdtale'a Navy Rainbow Quest: Calypso beat Is featured as the Hi·Landers Steel Band plays the music of Trinidad for Pete Seeger. 1n1roauc1na The Haalhkll .. BOODll·Blkl" .... The 111-saason Trall Ind snow Bike 5219 THE BIGGEST rower from tti. en91n• 11 tren1ferred by c:hein to this 18 • t .50 tubeleu floatation•fype tire. l\e reault It hl9h atabillty and nmarkable tractio11 under el1noat any surface c:on· cUtlon. The combfn1tion of the GT· It's 5 HP en· 9ine, 2-spud trant• minion a nd 91\nt reu tire give it remarkable t r1ctio11, even up 1+.ep hills ud paths. ldHI for huntert, fishermen, or just pl1in fun. ~WHEEL IN TRAIL BIKES GIVES SURE POSITIVE ALL-SURFACE TRACTION Snap on the optlonel akl ecc:tnory end the bike i1 rea4'y to run over 111rf and wet und, u well u s11ow. No need to put the GT· I I 1way j for the winter , • . just mo11nt i the optlon1I Ski Ac:c:enory. · 4iftap1 on in sec:onda without Ut· , .1 i119 tools. UH it f or wl11ter hu11t. in9, fishln9. towi119 skien i nd tobo99aners. FREE 'Send fOt' Our Huge C.t•log It'• Frff to Yo• for ti.. Alldttt· HEATHKIT® .... ~ .. '_ ::' ,;._ ·.-11 I l , 1" : I I To rHch HHthliit Elec:tronlc Center take Harbor llvd. to lart Ave. oHt on lall • few ahor't blec~1 to JJO East lall or teh S.11ta An1 FtHw1y to Harbor llvd., Hatbor llvd. to lall, I few ah.t bloclia and you're here SALIS & rARTS HUTHKIT 776·9420 no IAST IAU.. ANAHEIM SllYIC• 776-'4.U hpl5 ''BEST BUY'' 5 Piece Stereo ~ystem -Save $69 5'! FISHER -AR-4X's -GARRARD EMPIRE • FISHER 160-T lotest t H t ell solW..Wate 40 watt FM·SteNo l .u ...... Famret Ml· cr.&l1uttry •• Fief• lffKt "-s'sters. SteNO IMCOll H hnrt'caUy n rftcllas .. FM er ,... •. T•-·O·Metk twMltf 101acts year f..irlta fN st..... at ttla ,... af a bllttt1•. hte:llHlas cW alMI walnt paH'1. W. .. ,.-etely for Sttt.95 •Empire IS S t • r • o urtrid9• S•riH 808 m•~H your record1 come •live! • Garrard Mk II New 1969 model of thi• f•mo111 .utom•tic turnt•ble with deluu w•lnut •nd ebony bH• . e AR-4X S~EAICElt FEATUlt· INO Alt'• "AMOUS ACOUSTIC SUS~ENSION DESIGN ALL 5 PIECES for ONLY 531946 ! SONY OF THE WEEK! 250-A e 4 TRACK STEREO I MONO RECORD i PLAYBACK. VU MHERS. AUTOMATIC SHUT-OFF. DIGIT Al TAPE COUNTER 511950 255 CLEARANCE ITEMS l SPEED, 4 T R A C K STEREO RECORD AND PLAYBACK. SOUND ON SOUND. NON-MAGNE- TIZING HEADS. COM- PLETE WITH WALNUT BASE. s159so FISHER • AR • SONY • ~IRACORD • HARMAN-KARDON PllHll AM/FM Stere. $2CJ900 111 IMP W.ttl lecelYer •..•••••.•••.•••.•••••.••• HAIMAN·UIDON Sl l MO Cltatlo• Ill Stereo l oc. • . . • • • • • . . • . . • . . • • • • • . • . . . 7-=' .'!~2J!12 .u. ........................ s11s00 :!~~~!!,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4500 = ... ~.:;!>• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $.49'5 YllUNCi Staree s lllOO .. c • ..., •• ,.,. Doell · .. . •• •• • • • • • • •• .. • ... •• • .. 147-- -·· atlantic n1usic 445 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa factory direct prices! OPEN NITES & SUNDAYS sundays 12-5 sat urdays 9-6 da ily 12-9 p.m . clos ed wedne sd ays